diff --git "a/test_long.json" "b/test_long.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/test_long.json" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,\" stated in\n\nCar-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota.\n\nUsing means of transportation other than cars, such as walking or biking can release stress and help lower air pollution.\n\nIn German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars states \"\"When i had a car I was always tense. Im much happier this way,\" said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two, as she walked the verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor.\" This walk allowed her to release stress- versus driving a car could make her more stressed and causes air pollution.\n\n\"After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city;\" from\n\nParis bans driving due to smog.\n\nIf less cars are being used, then there will be less air pollution and cleaner air.\n\nBy using other ways of transportation or limiting our use of cars, we can release stress and lower air pollution. Walking, biking, or carpooling are good ways to do so.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy position on driveless cars are bad because i don't trust them. I have a couple reasons why i don't trust them. My first reason is accidents. Driveless cars could have a sytem malfunction and drive off course and something breaks and crash into somthing. This could happen to anyone such as police, buses, and simple pedestrians.\n\nMy second reason is too many driveless cars. If there were to make way too many drivless cars then it would alot of traffic because there are alot of cars who need a driver to drive. Such as if they were to go to the junk yard the junk yards would overflow and they would have to make more and more and less places to build houses or less crops for farmers.\n\nMy last reason is pollution. If aot of people bought all these driveless cars then so much pollution would comeup and take over the sky and people would get sick and die from breathing in the air. If they were to change gas into something else and something went wrong with the gas or something to run the cars, they would either blow up or cause to much pollution that they would have to refund all the people and people would stop buying these because they wouldn't trust them.\n\nThat's why i say no to driveless cars.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the passage \"The Challenge if Exploring Venus\" the author suggests that the studying of Venus is a worthy pursuit dispite the dangers it presents by explaining the fact that scientist can not of study if that Venus is like Earth because it is studied from a far distance and that they need to get closer and get rock samples. For example the passage states ,\" More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientits seeking to conduct a thorough mission to nderstand Venus would need to get close up and pesonal dispite the risks.\" This piece of evidence proves that they would have to go through with a mission to Venus to get rock, gas, and other samples for scientists to study to compare Venus to earth. Therfore, in the passage \" The Challenge of\n\nEploring Venus\" the authors suggestion to study Venus should entirely be accepted with the evidence they provided but also dispite the risks so that we have stand point on how close Venus is to the Earth comparing rocks,gases, and other pieces of evidence.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine a system that can actually help you stay focused and determined with your learning. No more kids dozing off because of boredom, or becoming uninterested with a subject. This advancment in computer software that can recognize human emotions and change the way we learn for the better .\n\nNow take the software mentioned into a class room where it can make \"calculations\" about human emotion just as any other human does. The author, Nick D'Alto, says this \"if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow.\" he also quotes a Dr. Huang saying \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming bored or confused or bored.\" Take these two quotes and you imagine a super computer that can learn what you take interest in and modify it's self to your liking. This would allow students to take charge in how they learn a concept.\n\nThis could be the next big things in learning since computers were first introduced in a classroom. That's not even the limit. This technology could be implimented in home schooled children and online classes as well. The reason being as Dr. Huang puts it \"it could modify the lesson...like and effective human instructor.\" This means it would have the power to change lessons if you were not following or just confused. This ability can amplify the process of students learning online or at home.\n\nIn coclussion the technology being able to recognize human emotions will only improve the educational system. Being able to tell if a student is bored or confused on a concept will help improve many aspects in schooling. Being able to modify lessons on the spot just like a human insturctor is valuable.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this ariticle the authour provides details on why Venus is worthy to be research eventhough it provide a great risk. The authour talks in details about how Venus is very alike to earth in\n\nthe sense of density and size. How it was it could have been the most similar planet to Earth in our solar system. And that many research are triying to make machines that would stand the exttreme temperatuers of Venus.\n\nResearcher discoberd\n\nhow Venus is very similiar to Earth. The author states \" Often referred to as Earth's \"twin\", Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size, and occassionally distance too.\"(paragraph 2).The statement that the autghar made makes a good point because if Venus is the closest planet to been earth like than researching it would help us discover new thing. We can get resorces that we use in earth in this planet. Also the author states\" Long ago, Venus was probably covered with oceans and could have supported forms of life, just like Earth.\n\nThe author talks in detail how reserchers are already trying to make machines that could sustain the pressure and the heat that Venus produces. The author states \" Many reserchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contrinutes meaningfully to our knowlege of Venus.\" The author claim also that \" Nasa is working on other approches to studying Venus.\n\nAt the end of the day the author have very good details in his claim. How persuing to research Venus can be beneficial. That Venus is very similar to Earth and been similar to Earth can help us understand Venus better. That reserching Venus we could fine rescorses that we may need in the Future because on Earth we are running out of resorces.\n\nVenus could have been at one point very alike to Earth so we can fine resorces we need in Venus.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWith conditions far harsher than on Earth and anything humans have expirenced, one the closes planet to Earth, Venus is increadibly inhosbitable. Dispite those facts scientists are still fascinated by the planet do to it's increadible similarity to Earth, but the conditions have prevented scientists from investigating throughly. With all spacecraft sent to Venus being destroyed it is a suprise that we are still trying to study this planet, and the author of \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" gives very little insight into why scientists are still attempting to study the planet.\n\nTo start off Venus is our sister planet with very similar density and size to Earth with similar features with mountains, valleys, and other rocky structures. The author states that many scientists think that Venus could have supported life long ago and may have been covered in ocean and if this is true we may get much insight as to why Venus would change to become an exteremly inhospitable planet. Though the author gives us very little as to what we will be able to do with this information or what other information we may get. The author also mentions space travel but states only that, \"Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for planetary visit, a crusial consideration given the long time frames of space travel\" (\"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" 4). Other than that small mention the author does not go into depth on this idea.\n\nThough the thought of being able to explore and study one of the closes planets to us is great the author of \"The Challenges of Exploring Venus\" does not do to good of a job of informing us as to why we would attempt to weather such harsh conditions. With the temperature going over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure that could liquify metal its hard to reason why we should attempt to send probes to Venus let alone travaling there personaly and the author does not do a very good job covincing us that this is a good idea. They give us very little information as to what they will get from this and give us information that makes this sound crazy to attempt.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy let Luke see all over the world and help people in need. He had the most fun on his home with the other Seagoing Cowboys. They would play Base baseball and volleyball in the empty hold of the animals been housed. They would aslo play table-tennis touranments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and other games. When he turned 18 he wsa his way to Greece (as a Seagoing Cowboy) and he got draft. When they found out he was a Seagoing Cowboy they said he could do his service as a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nIt opend up the world to him. He got to see the Acropolis in Greece and he rode up in Venic, Italy were the streets are water. Helping out on his Aunt's farm helped him for the hard work as a Seagoign Cowboy but it didn't help for the danger of the sea. It made him more awar of peole in other countries that need help and that stayed with him for life and he shared that wiht his family. He always said it was more than just an adventure.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy can be fun at times but can be realy hard at some parts. It helps for life like school does. I think that more peole sould get a try to become a Seagoing Cowboy just to learn soem of the same thing Luck did or see the things he might have seen. So give it a try it can be fun!", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nShould venus be explored? There are many different aspects, and opinions on the subject, but the author gives us very good reasons why it should be explored and studied. One of the reasons is that belive it or not venuse is the most simalar planet to earth, also the scientist at NASA said they are working on a blimp like vehicle that could go up to 30 miles high. That means if they made this structer they could avoid all of the harsh conditions on ground level at venus such as the armospheric pressure, and the unbarable heat that is a crazy total of 800 degrees. If they would make this vehicle the pressure would drop substantionaly and so would the heat from 800 degrees to around 170 degrees, the solar power and radation would also be very plentiful and wouldn't exceed Earth levels. The conditions would definetly no be easy to deal with, but they would at least be survivable. There is one problem thought people at NASA can not document their finding because of conditions which would make it where cameras could not be used. This is because the most the light cannot penetrate the dense atmospher. But there maybe a solution, the thing is we might just have to go back in time. For example scientists are looking back on older technology, this technology would be mechanical computers, this is good because these computers do not requier any technology, they use gears and levers and would be substainable on venus. That is how the author suggests that the study of venus should be pursued. As it said in the artical dont look at it such as dangers just bigger challenges.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriveless cars can be a very great enhancement in the future's society. Driveless cars can save fuel, they have very high experience, and they contain many gadgets to hold itself together for a very long time.\n\nFirst reason why driveless cars are a good enhancement to the society is that it would save money and time. \"He envisions a future with public transportation system where fleets of drivelss cars form a public-transport taxi system. The cars he forsees would use half of today's taxis and offer more flexibilty than a bus.\" (Paragraph 1) Integrating a transportation system would save people's money for a bus pass, or even someone's time.\n\nSecond reason why driveless cars would help society because driveless cars have good experience on the road. \"Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash.\" (Paragraph 2) Their has been very little accidents with driveless cars than there has been with humans driving cars.\n\nThird reason why driveless cars are positive to the society is that the Google cars has many reasonable parts and technology to \"hold itself together.\" \"Google modified Toyota Prius using position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, GPS receiver, and a inertial motion sensor. The most important bit of technology in this system is the spinning sensor on the roof, Dubbed LIDAR.\" (Paragraph 4) The technology of all the input is great enough to acheive the skill of a human at the wheel.\n\nDriveless cars can be very helpful to society. However, traffic laws writes that with a assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. Feedback from the Google cars driving before 2009 spectulates that,\"So far, they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveway or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents.\" (Paragraph 2) Driveless cars don't have complete control over the car at all times, so drivers must still be focused at all times.\n\nDriveless cars can be a great renaissance to the society. It will help save money, save time, and would be a great thing to tell our kids about.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBeing an Seagoing Cowboy is amazing. You can do and see many exciting things just going to your destination. You can help people in need when you get there, when on your way to help others you can visit places that you haven't visited before, and when your a Seagoing Cowboy you can have a varity of things you can do.\n\nFirst off, you can help people in need. When you are a Seagoing Cowboy you help people that just came out of war, so they need help to get back on their feet. When you get there can be assigned a person you can help and hel them. The person your helping can be very nice, you might even become friends with them. Besides, they fought for your country, at lease helping them would be nice.\n\nSecondly, you can visit many places you haven't seen. Have you ever wanted to go some where but didn't have the time to, well becoming a Seagoing Cowboy you can. For example, when I was helping people I got the benefit of seeing Europe and China. I also, visited Venice, Italy on my to China. One more place I visited was Panama Canal also on my way to China. Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy gives you the once in a life time opportunity to see and go places where you might never get to go again.\n\nLast but not least, becoming a Seagoing Cowboy you can have a varity of things to do. When I was on the boat I was assigned to help my aunt Katie on her farm. Then on my second trip I served as night watchman. I had to look after the animals make sure they were doing okay. I played many games to. Bsaedall, volleyball, table tennis, fencing, and reading, whittling just to name a few.\n\nIn summery, be an Seagoing Cowboy can be very fun. You can do fun stuff you like to do, you can visit places that you haven't seen, and you can help people in need. Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy just might be the best thing you posibly can ever do.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of this technology to read the emotional expressions for students in a classroom can be valuable. When students are having trouble with their assignments it will show the teacher what they are struggling with. Although, some students would not feel comfortable sharing their emotions it can help them with their assignments.\n\nSome people will think that someone is happy when they're really just putting a fake smle on their face.\"For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.\" With this new technology you can see how their really feeling.\n\nHow you use this technology can show if it's valuable or not. Using it to see if a student is having trouble is valuable, but if you use it just for the fun of it, it's not valuable. \"To an expert, faces dont lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a smiling politician or celebrity isnt being truthful.\" The Facial Action Coding System can also be used for criminals. When officers are not sure wether some man is a criminal, he can use this technology to see if the criminal is lying. I think this techonolgy will be useful with students and many other people. I believe reading the emotions of the students in a classroom is valuable.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriving cars that could drive you anywhere as in a taxi or your own car are finally coming to our furture and comig fast. There are many people out there who disagree on the idea Google has came out with. There are many different reson why you should and should buy this car they can be seen in positives and negatives. My reason when it comes to buying a driveless car is that you should or try to get a driveless car, but on the other had there are some bad reason why you shouldnt.\n\nFirst few positive reasons I think you should buy this car is because its a proven fact that it can lower the risk of texting a driving. Since the 2000s the rate of texting and rving drivng has went up a massive of numbers. And plus they made a few models of the google car back in 2000 for a special track and it proved that its safe and could lower the stakes of a accident. They took one to the street and drove it 1 million miles and havent even crashed yet. But when it comes to parking and coming in a drive way its up to the driver to do that.\n\nThen when it comes down to the gas its very conservant. For an example when the driver is sleepy or had a long day at work they can take a little nap whe its in driveless mode. If there are any roadblocks or construction problems the car will alert the driver that it is time to take action and drive. And if there is any misconveince the car will knock down the speed to about 25 mph. This furture car can turn, accelerate and even brake. Is this what we been waiting for all of our lifes?\n\nFinaly when it comes down to buying this car do it!! Who would ever imagine a car driving itself when ever the driver needs it to. Like a friendly robot that is always there for you when you need them. In this few positives and barely any negatives my addvice is add the new car to your collection or garage.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAre you confused, angry, or sad? What if a computer could help you understand more to take away your confusion. Technology has been advancing little by little and we are at the point in time where a computer is now able to read your face and emotions. Two professers have been working hard to create a new software that can recognize emotions. They are developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate.\n\nThe use of technology in the classroom is huge. Most students are now learning lessons planned by their techers' via laptops and etc. Sometimes students struggle to comprehend their teahcer's lessons and tend to be confused because of the way they are taught. Every student learns a different way and sometimes the teacher runs out of options to help the student understand. Now, computers have a different mind. They are more \"intelligent\" than humans. They can program different things for different people. This new software could be very valubale in a classroom because it can help explain things in ways that a teacher can't and will be able to adjust to the students comprehension.\n\nMath can be a very stressful and difficult subject to comprehend. Sometimes teachers cant explain how to solve an equation easily which is how computers could help do those things. If you're reading through your teachers lesson and see his/her explanation on how to solve but you don't quite understand it, you tend to make a face of confusion. The computer may read that and see that you are having difficulty understanding the issue and may make the work easier for you to understand.\n\nLast but not least, some student's tend to get frustrated or annoyed and decide to give up. A student giving up is not a good thing because they then don't learn what they were meant to learn. The computer may notice that a child is getting annoyed or upset and can find a different more fun and entertaining way to help the student. Just a simple change in the form of the lesson may give a student motivation to learn instead of quitting and giving up. Sometimes all a student needs is for something to be adjusted to their understanding and level.\n\nThis software created by two professers could be very valuable in a classroom. There are many benefits it could bring but there are some problems it could cause as well. Overall, this software will have a positive effect to help a child know they can be helped to understand what they dont. It could produce a new learning enviornment to the students comprehension and many test grades and etc could improve.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis Facial Action Coding System is weird. Why would anyone want to know what someone else is feeling or how their emotions are? To me that is personal information that I would want to myself. Plus I doubt that there would be a whoe lot a people who would put money into this to just see what emotion they are. That is just me though. What do you think about this idea? Would you spend time and money on it to just see your emotions and what mood you were in? I wouldn't.\n\nIf you keep reading from now on I am going to argue why this is a bad idea, because it is. I mean who would spend any type of time, effort, or money on this just to see what your emotions are or how you are feeling. Honestly who wants to know what facial expressions to use to show that you are happy, I think we already know how to be happy. We dont need a machine to tell us how to look happy. Obviously when someone is happy something great has happened to them or in their lives and they have a great big smile on their face. We also know when someone is mad, obviously when someone is mad they don't like to talk very much, and usually look like they are about to punch you in the face. For example in the text it shows you step by step what expression on your face we need to use to make us look happy, like no I know how to look happy or sad or mad, I don't need a machine to tell me how to do that.\n\nSo why do we need a machine to tell us these things when we already know them. Our world is just spending money on useless things and inventing usless things that our world today doesn't need. There is literally no point to the invention. Plus I don't think strangers would want us to calculate their emotions and how they are feeling right now. I mean those things are personal we don't know what their life is like or what they have been through.\n\nTo me this is what I am thinking. Is this really what they are spending our money on. The taxes we pay and all the bills we have to pay and they are speding it on these types of silly, usless inventions. Why? Just think, out of the whole world how many of us are going to use this? How many of us have the money to use it? How many of us would think its a great idea? Probably very, very, very few of us in the whole world would use this invention.\n\nThat is my take on this Facial Action Coding System. I dont like the idea of it. I think it it useless and would very seldom be used. What do you think? Do you agree with me, or not with me? Would you use it? Would you spend the money on it? Would you want someone to know how you are feeling and the emotions you are going through?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe advantages of limiting car usage has errupted since the year 2005. America's love affair with vehicles has been like the love of their children. Most people cant get any where without a car; they begin to believe that without a car you cat go anywhere, but if they look at the bright side America has many uses of transportation such as bus, train, plane, car pool, hiking, skating, bicycle, and walking. By using these ways of transportation many places around the world will find that is much easier then using a car everyday; maybe if we tried to make these federal transportation toals in our city then maybe air polution will decrese or even go away completely. There has been many improvement campaigns around the world such as Bogota's day without cars and Paris's driving ban due to smog. Many counties, cities, and states around the world are finding ways of transportation without cars and we should to. A world without cars is a utopia of a new way of living because many people are much happier this way.\n\nAs a result, to a world without cars Vauban, Germany's people has said a life without cars is wonderfull even if it takes a little more time to get places. \"As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families donot own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here. \"When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\" said Heidrun Walter, a media trainor and a mother of two, as she walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor\"(Rosenthal.3). According to Elizabeth Rosenthal's statistic Vauban's citizens are happy in this new way of life; they have learned that a life without cars can be different' but happier so that they can go through out their busy days without hearing the sound of an ongiong car zooming pass them as they walk the streets of their cities.\"Vauban's streets a COMPLETELY car free besides the tram to downtown Feiburg and a few streets on the edge of the community\"(Rosenthal.2). According to Elizabeth Rosenthal Vauban's streets being car free is a easier life; there is less traffic while trying to get to work in the morning, or even trying to get home, and picking up your kids in the afternoon.\n\n\"After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city\"(Duffer.10). Paris being near pollution has caused them to enforce a partial driving ban on its cities people. In my oppinion Paris going into over pollution would cause it population to die to the lost of many lives because of air pollution. After 5 days of intesifying the smog congestion decresased and there was many people rerouting their daily lifes to acounter the partial ban on their daily lifes. \"On monday many motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day\"(Duffer.11). Almost 4,000 motorist were fined that day because they did'nt want to listen to a simple order. Due to the partial ban the congestion of motor vehicles decreased by 60 percent in the capital of france. This ban is a good way to take away the stress of putting gas in your vehicles, finding someone to fix your car when it has broken down and a possible cure to lowering the global effect of air pollution.\n\nAs a result, to America's campaigns and organizations to keep U.S. drivers off the street and on public transportation the number of people driving and the number of people getting their license has decresased since 2009. Demographic shifts in the driving population has caused the population of many places around the world to stop driving cars and find new ways to get around. In the United States the Enviromental Protection Agency is promoting \"car reduced\" communities and federal transportation toals, that mattering on its out come, may become a law throught the whole of the United States within the next six years. This law may cause many U.S. citizens to become upset because of the restrictment of something they use through out their daily lifes. Most people in the U.S. think that driving is the only way to get around but there are many ways of transportation mattering on where your going and how fast you want to get there.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"All of our development since world war II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change\". People love cars but also love money some love money more than cars people could save a lot of money on gas if they didn't have a car or cut low on they're mileage and use another type of transportation.\"when I had a car I was always tense, I'm much happier this way\" said heidrun walter a media trainer and mother of two. in the united states, the environmental protection agency is promoting \"car reduced\" communities. If more people tried the \"car reduced\" program the air we breathe would be much better then it is right now.\n\nMore places are trying to reduce car rates which I highly doubt but it never hurts to try. Even paris bans driving; paris bans driving because they want to cleant the air of the global city. \"even-numbered license plates were ordered to leace their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31)\".\u00a0 Also Diesel fuel was blamed for the smog in France because 67% of the vehicles in France is made for Diesel. The smog cleared enough on monday but there's no saying that the smog is not going to come back... the plan to ban even and odd numbers plate licenses was a great idea for people of French they should do that every couple months so they could avoid the Smog. In Bogota, Colombia people are also having car-free day which is outstading for the community and for the the people in Bogota, Colombia.\"it was the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the day wtihout cars in this capital city of 7 million\". the goal of banning cars is to promote alternative transportation and redcue smog. the more we use alternative transportation is more money the goverment and the people that doing they're jobs as alternate drivers.\"It's a good oppurtinity totake away stress and lower air pollution\", said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. Also the event was doing so well that two other Colombian cities joined such as Cali, and Valledupar.\n\n\"What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down two to three years befoe the downturn\" said Micheal sivak who studied the trend and who is aresearc proffesor at the university of Michigan's transportation research Institute. the downturn must be now because as I see now almost everybody has a car these days old cars,recent cars, brand new cars, and all types of cars. \" i think that means something more fundamental is going on\". if the pattern persists and many sociologists believe it will have beneficial implicants for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportation is the second lagest source of America's emissions. Also more car companies are trying to make cars that are eco friendly like hybrid,Tesla, and the volt. the volt is an electric car that does not any gas run.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is rather uninhabitable, or is it?\n\nAlthough dangerous, one would not say uninhabitable, as that implies it is impossible. the author of \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" Discusses how it is perfectly plausible, and even worth it! That is, only if we have the correct equipment to do so.\n\nNow while there are dangers, such as sulfiric acid clouds, metal melting heat, earthquakes, lightning strikes, volcanoes, and the mechanism shattering atmospheric pressure (Paragraph 3), you may ask \"Why go through the trouble if the conditions are so horrible?\". The reason is that it was so much like earth long ago, oceans and rock formations, even theoretical life!\n\nNASA is helping with this idea via brainstorming for ideas to study venus, the first is to hover above it, avoiding all the surface problems, and still being close. The only issue, as provided by the author, wouldnt work, because while they would be in the air, the clouds would be too thick to allow anything, thus rendering the idea useless.\n\nAnother NASA idea is to use different electronics, like simpler models, and having them TAILORED for venus, such models lasted up to 3 weeks even! If those do not work, instead of moving foreward in our electronics, NASA would move back, back to the 1940s with mechanical computers, levers and gears computing what a normal computer could quicker and better, but while the mechanical option is slower, it is MUCH more durable.\n\nWith all of these ideas, I feel the author did an outstanding job supports this idea, and I support it whole-heartedly, it may be possible in the coming years, as our technology rapidly evolves, so do we, what do you think?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSeagoing Cowboys helped many people, and got to see some pretty cool things along the way. They got to experience things that most people could only dream of. I'm Luke Bomberger, and I was just one of the many Seagoing Cowboys helping other countries get back on their feet again.\n\nWe helped so many people affected by the war. We took animals, food supply, and more to people whose countries were left in ruins from bombings, and other attacks of World War 2. So many people, that would have otherwise not have been able to do very well, got animals, food to feed their animals, and food for themselves. Helping them helped me to be more aware of people of other countries and their needs.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy wasn't all that serious though. We would play around on board, usually after all the animals had been unloaded, and we were heading back. We would have baseball and volleyball games in the empty stalls where the animals had been kept. Table-tennis, fencing, and boxing were other sports we found a way to play. There were also things like reading, whittling, and games we used to help pass the time.\n\nAlong with our jobs, sightseeing was something we did everyday. I got a side benifit of seeing Europe and China. In Greece, I got to do something I think is pretty special. See the Acropolis. In Venice, Italy, I got to take a gondola ride on one of the many streets of water. I also got to tour an excavated castle in Crete, and saw the Panama Canal on the way to China.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy helped open up the world to me. Instead of being drafted into the military, I got to help people in need all over the world. When my friend invited me to go to Europe on a cattle boat, I knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime, and it really did turn out to be one!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you remember when the weather was mild with a slight breeze and you could go and just drive with the windows for about a year? Imagine be able to do that in a car that doesn't need your help to drive. Wouldn't it be nice to have that? I think it would and in the near future it might just be possible. They has been several motor compinies that are on tract to have a driverless model out in the year 2020.\n\nThe more you think about being able to absorb nature in a car the better it sounds. Think about driving around the Grand Canyon or taking a tour around Times Square in New York. Both seem like fun places to visit but when you are driving around rocks and trying to avoid clif edges or focusing on the traffic in front of you that may take an hour just to move one block, now that doesn't seem that enjoyable. Now in the future there is a possinbility that you could still do these things, still be in the drivers seat, but be able to look around and enjoy the sereny because your car drives itself.\n\nNow you might be thinking that this is very dangerous and right now at this present moment it may be. However, with the way technology is advancing and the ability we have with it, driverless cars might be safer than cars driven by humans. Us humans have a tendency to always make mistakes and some of those mistakes cause injury and even death when we come to talk about motor vehicle mistakes. There has been plenty of fatal accidents casued by people not paying attetion or drinking and then trying to drive drunk which is one the stupidest mistakes someone could make in their lifetime. With the driverless car these mistakes can easily be prevented. No more do we have to not only focus on the road in front of ourselves but also to the area around us because the majority of driving is defense driving and watching out for other people. WIth these cars you don't have to worry about weather the car next to you is going to try to cut you off or if the person heading the opposite direction is going to veer off and speed into your lane. All of these cars have sensors and can detect what is around them, where they are going, when to stop, and when to go.\n\nThese cars are the cars of the future. They will be installed with the best and latest safety equipment. They will change the way of our everyday life. They will change the way we travel. These cars are coming and coming fast, they maybe be expensive at first but it won't take long before everyone has them. They may seem like a tale from a movie or a book, but they will be here before you know it , weather you are ready or not.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of Facial Acting Coding System would not be a practical use for the students in a class room. Many people would not want a computer looking at them to see their facial expression to determine what they like or what they dislike. Many people can often pull of a fake expression that is good enough for a computer to calculate, like in paragraph seven, which includes instructions on how to do a real smile compared to a fake smile.\n\nMost people cover up cameras on their laptops,computers, and phones for privacy and safety. Anyone who would cover up their camera would most likely not want their face constantly being scanned to tell emotion or what they like and dislike.\n\nIn paragragh seven, the article briefly explains how to look happy, which anyone can do to fool an emotion scanner. Computers are often accurate, but only do what is coded and not anything else. If you were to always be happy but not look happy, the Facial Action Coding System would not be something useful for you or students in a classroom.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System can have many flaws in its design and would not be useful for students in a classroom. It may be innaccurate and not scan correctly or not be used at all for safety and privacy. there are many ways that the Facial Actions Coding System would not be useful and would not help students learn, just show how they feel about some things like websutes and ads.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWith the advancement in technology in the world we live in today, there should be no surprise of a car with the capabilities to drive itself. Though it does give technology yet another human job, driverless cars should be manufactored. I do not believe they should be maufactored for the average person though. Driverless cars should be manufactored for the blind, elderly, or anybody who does not have the driving capabilities that most have.\n\nDriverless cars should be manufactored for the elderly. Very few people above the age of 70 have the driving capabilites and safety they once did when they were younger. For this reason, a driverless car would be ideal and safe for them to use for transportation. The driverless car would be a safe and effective transportation method for the elderly, this is one reason why driverless car should be manufactored.\n\nAnother reason the driverless car should be manufactored is how it will help the fight against drunk driving. With the computer at the wheel, and not the drunk driver, this could prevent from an accident or even a death. Though they could take control of the wheel, the computer system could be capable of recognizing such danger with the sensors, and take over for safety. The driverless car would be good to develop so that it could help in the fight against drunk drivers and other intoxicated drivers.\n\nMy final reason that the driverless car should be developed is so that the handicapped could have an easier time with transportation. The blind, the wounded, and the deaf all have their diffuculties with transportation. With the advancement in technology and cars, this would make it easier for them to get from one place to another. With the technology driving for them, they won't have to worry about there disability affecting them. With a safe driverless car developed, the handicapped community would get a better way of transportation.\n\nIn conclusion, technology is not always meant for fun. When the technology can greatly improve the life of the eldery or handicapped, it should be developed or used. When the technology can keep other drivers on the road safe from intoxicated driving, it should be developed and used. The driverless car can do all of the above, which is why it should be developed and used.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou're living the high life. You have a Driverless Car. What could go wrong? A lot can go wrong. Technology is a grand thing, but it's also a power. If we let it keep accumulating like this we could be in big trouble. Power goes to peoples heads. It's in our nature. We can't let technology over rule us. We need to slow it down. What we have now is grand. What more needs to be done? We don't need to have driverless cars. Soon cars will be like human robots driving wherever they please.\n\nIn todays world we have a lot of advanced technology. You watch movies like Back to the Future and Jurassic World. We wonder when will we get that technology? Does it already exist just hidden under out noses? Who really knows. But the point is, is that if we let cars start driving themselves we could get laszy. That's not so good for our social status to the world. Most foreigners already assume we are fat and lazy and get everything handed to us. In some aspects this is true, but with driverless cars on the rise this could get worse.\n\nThere's also the fact that what would happen if the car didn't do what it was suppose to do; and it wrecked; and the owner; or a pedestrian got hurt.\n\nThis raises a lot of qestions and concerns. The main one would be who was at fault? In paragraph 9 it states that, \"the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times.\" This is good. Their are a lot of bad drivers in the worlds, but they know what to do in most cases. They know how to take control.\n\nThe practice of driveless cars are illegal in most states. Those states being California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia. It's good that most states are thinking ahead. Why would something so fascinating and new be illegal to practice? They care about their people, and their safety.\n\nIn paragraph 7, it states that there are cars that are partially driverless. One being the 2013 BMW \"Traffic Jam Assistant.\" This car is a smart car. It works with the owner not just by itself. The BMW can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but it notifies the owner when it needs human assitance. This is all wrong. Cars shouldn't be doing that. Cars are going to become more human than technology.\n\nIn a lot of cases it's okay to have advanced technology. But this is too much. We need to start thinking about what will happen instead of what we will gain out of it. Think of what would go wrong. As the world advances we need to rememeber who exactly is in charge. This is why if we leave technology to do our work, it won't even be us anymore. We will be living in technologies world; not the world we worked so hard to build. This is why we need not let driveless cars come in to existance.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHow would I feel about being able to detect somone else's feelings? I honestly believe that it would be helpful to understand someone and what they are going through at that specific time.\n\nMy first thought on this opinion is that it must of took a while to actually build this and to think of the idea as to what you could use to figure it all out. When Dr. Paul Eckman built this he must of had to be thinking about other people and the concept of wanting to help others. In pargraph four it proclaims \"By weighing hte differnt units, the software can identitfy mixed emotions\". Dr. Eckman was on the right track building this because any human being can feel up to 3 emotions at once and he knew just that so he figured he would build it be able to detect not just one but mulitple.\n\nIn pargraph 5 it says \"For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial triat that conveys it\". By the arthour of this article I feel like he knows the cainf anf genorosity of being there and helping a friend. This being made is awesome because I don't know about you but most of the times i'm down or angery I don't like to tell people why or event talk about it being I will get even more upset no matter the size of the issue. The FACS is just the answer for helping a friend in need when you know they need the comfort but don't want to say anything.\n\nThere is so many good things about this new software that only genius could of thought of. A drama coach once made his kids practice making happy and sad faces due to actually feeling the emotions before they went on to a play. Placed before me in paragraph 9 \"Empathy may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions.\" Did you know that actually listeing to you friends or parents when they say \"put on a happy face\" it may help. Study shows that this actually can make you happy and being happy is more of what we need in this world.\n\nI highly agree with this article and give it a 10/10 considering it is a very kind think to do and not to mention a brillant idea. All the emotions it can detect right down to the percent in unbelieveable. It can take us far ways and may even make the world a better place. Being happy is the number onekey to a great life and everyone deserves that.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEmotions are sometimes difficult to read. If there is technology that can make reading emotions easier, why be agaisnt it? Using the Facial Action Coding System to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable.\n\nThe use of this technology can change the preception of schooling. In the artice, Dr. Huang predicts that the classroom computer will be able to modify the lesson when it recognizes a student is becoming confused or bored. This will help students who struggle to understand some class material. The computer can, based on the students emotion, change the way the material is seen, heard, and understood. If a computer can read the emotions of someone who is trying to study, it can alter the way the person studies to make it easier and more enjoyable. This can help graduation rates rise and dropout rates lower.\n\nSome may argue that using this technology isn't fair to the students. That students emotions shouldn't be read by a computer. That to understandable. However, some students are afraid to ask for help because they don't want to be precieved as dumb or unintelligent. With this system, the students emotions will be confidentually read and then used to help the student. Because it can help struggling students, students who have difficults studying, and students who are afraid to voice their confusion, using the Facial Actions Coding System is a valuable tool in classroom..", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhen you turn sixteen, you're filled with anticipation and anxst of getting your liscence, and furthermore a car! I know, I have certaintly been there. But, what's so good about getting a car? Well, other than the new found sense of freedom. Not much. Car usage has accelerated since the 1900's and is starting to gradually decline. Why? Less stress, less pollution, and more excerise. These things alone may not be enough to convince you, so let's jump into the facts.\n\nFirst off, getting rid of that car in your driveway will greatly lower your stress. \"As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here. \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\"\". When you think about it, it truly makes sense. When you have a car you have to worry about gas prices, payments, and fixes. But, when you live a car free life none of that is of your concern. So, therefore your stress decreases and your happiness can go up to an all time high. When you have one less bill each month it truly does leave an impact.\n\nSecondly, we have a big issue that is in our hands... Pollution and smog. Who's fault is it? Ours. Fumes and smoke crowding into our atmosphere with no where else to go. Our cars are a huge part of it. \"Diesel fuel was blamed\" in France for their smog layers. \"Cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions.\" We need to put a stop to this. It is destroying our planet. It will continue to destroy it until we make a change and do something to make this stop. It's in our hands and we can't just let it go. The problem will not just go away. It will not just fix itself.\n\nWhen you are living in this day in age many people have cars, so they have no need to go out and walk, or skate, or bike anywhere because they have a more \"efficiant\" way of transportation. \"Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday,\" This means that people would be getting up and active to get to work and other places that they may need to be. Helping our environment and themselves.\n\nFurthermore, cars are slowly but surely being forgotten, people are stopping their use of cars and taking alternative transportation. \"But America's love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling.\" So, it's not as big of a deal as it used to be. Not everyone needs or wants to have a car anymore. \"If the pattern persists-and many sociologists believe it will-it will have beneficial implications for the carbon emmissions and the environment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants.\" When you decide that you don't want a car, you're benefiting from it and the future is benefiting from it. Taking the next step seems a bit out of reach but we can make it.\n\nIn conclusion, people see cars as something that is a must have. Or, a next step in their freedom. But, we can change that. Show the world that it is more harmful than helpful. \"One small step for man, a leap for mankind.\" We can get there, but it takes more than one person to set down the keys. Reduce your stress, reduce the pollution, and increase your happiness. All it takes is one person to start a movement.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat if there was a program that helped countries around the world? There is and it's called the Seagoing Cowboys program. This program is amazing and I know because I was in it. By the time I was 18, I made nine trips with the Seagoing Cowboys program. I'm Luke Bomberger and here are reasons why you should join this program.\n\nThe first reason why you should join this program is you can see lots of amazing sites. I had the benefit of seeing Europe and China. I also saw the Acropolis in Greece, which I thought was special. In Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water, I got to take a gondola ride. I also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China.\n\nAlso, you should join because you get to take care of horses, young cows, and mules. That's how they started the Seagoing Cowboys so that they could take care of animals. When I went the first time, there was a cargo of 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them. If you like animals, there's one more reason to join.\n\nAnother reason you should join is because of what happened during World War 2. What happened during that war was that countries were left in ruins. I went and trust me, this really changes the way you think about other countries and the world.\n\nThis is my favorite reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys, the fun games during the trip. We used to always play baseball and volleyball in the empty holds where animals had been housed. We would also have table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and other games. I have to say that they were awesome and helped time pass by.\n\nThe final reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is because it can open up your world like it did to me. I used to work at a bank and a grocery store and I never expeced this to happen to me. I'm grateful for the opportunity because it made me more aware of other peoples lives and what they and their country need to continue thier lives. Now, that awareness is still with me and I lead my family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years.\n\nTake it from me, being a Seagoing Cowboy is awesome and helps you learn about the countries around the world. You can see and do cool things and make a difference in a persons life and a countries life. You should agree with the reasons why I said to join the Seagoing Cowboys because I went and joined and it changed my life. That's why you need to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe way the future is coming to the future vehicals are quite interesting and they havea lot of good things for the environments, but having these Driverless cars may not be the best thing ever because of the way they are used by which the children are now not have to learn to drive. Having the responceability to have licens and a lot of kids will take advantage of it so im gonna say that the Driverless Cars are good for us, the atmosphere, the people with money and down payments on vehicals. Not most people have vehicals because of the payment range and if we can change that who knows we might not have to have buses, taxi, etc any more, and the people will have more money to take care of their children and its also gonna help with car crashes and lowering how many we have every year or so. Allowing kids16+ to drive the less crashes will help majorly. Also with the insureance itll cost less but will the insurance go out of buisness ? If the law says we do have to still have insurance to have a vehical we buy then i doubt that theyll go out of buisness.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you know the advantages and the disadvantages of having of not having a car? Yes, actually not having a car. Most people would freak out of the thought of not having a car some are just use to it. But could it actually save more money or would it cost more?\n\nVauban, Germany people have actually given up their cars, they call it \"car-free.\" Not everyone has given up their cars. \"The main thoroughfare, where the tram to downtown Freiburg runs, and a few streets on one edge of the community. Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park- large garages at the edge of the development, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home\"- Source 1 by:Elizabeth Rosenthal. The Vauban's started\u00a0 getting involved and getting informed on not using a car. Soon 70 percent of Vauban's familiy does not own a car, and 57 percent sold a car to move to Germany. Some even liked the idea of not using a car \"When I had a care I was always tense. I'm much happier this way\" says Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two. She nows walks verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor. in 2006 Vauban completed, this is an example of growign trend in Europe, the united States and elsewhere to seperate suburban life from auto use, this is a movement of \"smart planning.\" The advantage is you will have more access to public transportation, a disadvantage is if you live far from public places then you might have to walk or take a bus.\n\nIn Paris they have enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. On Monday motorists with even- numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine($31). Nearly 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Reuters. Twenty seven people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine. Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France, compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesels engines int he rest of Western Europe, according to Reuters. The advantage of not having a car is that you wouldn't be spending money on gas, the disadvanteage is that you will be fined. Delivery companies complained of lost revenue, while exceptions were made fro plug-in cars, hybirds, and cars carrying three or more passengers. Public transit was free of charge from Friday to Monday. After the smog ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday. There is alot of disadvantages because would you have a work day on Tuesday and you have an odd numbered plate. Also soem people are not familar with the public transportation and some people may not think it's the best way to get around in town. You also have to get up eary to catch the bus, train, etc.\n\nBOGOTA,Colombia- In a program that sets to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or tooked buses to work during a car-ffree day yesterda, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams. This was their third staright year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million. The goal was to promote alternative\u00a0 transportation and reduce smog. Violators faced $25 fines. In Bogota there were occasional rain showers . Some thought it was a good idea some not so much. \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress in lower air pollution,\" said a businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. Many countries have tried having a car-free day, and many succeeded. For the Unoted States President Obama ambitious goal was to curb the U.S greenhouse gas emissions, unveiled last week, will get a fortutious assit from incipient shift in American behavior. The studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. In 2005 the United Stes peaked and dropped steadily thereafter, according to an analysis by Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives, an investment research company.\u00a0 As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995.\n\nSo driving with a car or not it either good or bad because not driving could give you the excerise and driving just means you like your personal things. I think that when\u00a0 the government says it's a fine then follow the rules. Either way not having a car does has it advantages every country should have a car-free day.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\ni don't think that the new technology is valuable. I don't think it's valuable because there is really no need to check how people feel. I think that would be valuable in other situations, like for depressed people, or for like an aslyum to check how these people feel. I think that it would be a waste of money, it would be to much money for all the features to add. The passage said that it Facial Action Coding System would have to scan your face and i think that would be a lot of money for just making something that would be able to check how you feel. You could sell it to certain people that help people out with emotional things, so like they would scan their face in the begining to see how they feel, after the meeting they have the person in charge would have to scan their face to see if that meeting changed the way they felt from the begining. It would be good for certain uses but to have it in schools wouldn't really help. I think it wouldn't help in schools because i don't think people would just like it if you just had to scan there face to see how they feel, i think you have to ask them first and if they say yes you can see how they feel. I don't think we should have this around because there is really no need why you need to check how people feel if you don't know who they are. Even if they are just students doing what they need to do i don't think they would like people knowing how they feel, i know i wouldn't like people scanning how i felt if i don't know them because some people don't like people knowing the stuff they feel and how they feel unless you know them and can trust them.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhy should anyone want to have a car drive you anywhere you want to go when you can drive yourself? You should be the one in control of the car not the other way around, there could be a malfunction with the car that might cause a wreak, and they don't need more technology to a car, because at the end of the day your not going to have it all of your life. I'm against having the google car, because who needs a literally has laser beams that comes out of the top of the car to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the cars surroundings.\n\nYou should be the one in control of the car at all times. A person learns how to drive for a reason. They learn how to drive, so that their parents don't have to anymore, to maybe go places by yourself, and just to swee how well you have learned to drive and how much you have improved before you started to drive in the first place. Having a human drive you is better than a robot driving you because you have an advantage of learning and continuing how to learn how.\n\nHaving malfunctions is a big problem. there is alot that can happen to you if you manage to mess something up or if you just crash and wreak your car. You can push a button that can do some serious harm to you or anyone that is in the car at the time, you can break some bones by cracking into another car or a tree, and it can make you have some type of brain damage. Having malfunctions are bad, but dying in the process of your vehicle having a malfunction is horrible.\n\nYour not always going to have that car all of you life. You might sell it, pass it down to one of your kids, or just leave it on the side of the road. I don't know what you would do with it. Not everybody has had a car the they have had all of their life that would be a big problem in having it all your life. Having a google car isn't always going to be there.\n\nI will not agree for having a google car, but if i did i couldn't possibly let it drive for me. i would be the one to drive it at all times.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Electoral college should be abolished. This form of voting is unfair to the candidates. The people that vote for the candidates they only vote for a chance that their candidate may have enough people that voted for him or her in that state to recieve a slate of pre-selected electors. there is also a very likely chance that the voting may end in a tie and the election will preceed to the House of Representatives where the state delegations would vote for a president.\n\nThe electoral college is a verey unfair way of voting to the candidates because if the majority of U.S. citizens vote for an opposing candidate that candidate would have the chance to lose the election if the states favor the current president or other candidates. In the article The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong by Bradford Plumer states that \"Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president\". On the other hand a fovored president has a higher chance of winning the election just by the vote of the electoral college.\n\nWhen a state has election day the people who vote, vote not for the president but a slate of electors. When the state counts the votes, it then decides which party gets the slate of electors based on the majority of the votes and the elctors cast votes for their candidates. In the article IN Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President by Richard A. Posner it states that \"In [2012's] election, for example, Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney\". If ther ewas no electoral college the election would only rely on popular votes and in turn make the process of choosing a president easier and more simple. This process would also recieve distaste as does the electoral college.\n\nAs said by many the Electoral College should be abolished. The process is very complex and unfair. Why only dpend on a majority of state chosen elector when the citezens could be the electors. The only way to get a fair vote is without the electoral college.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWould you keep your vehicle at home for a day and walk to work? Well in Bogota there is a car-free day, people all over the town partcipate in this event. According to the article, \"millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yestraday.\" On this day only buses and taxis are permitted to rome the streets for the day. The reason behind having a car-free day is because cars cause smog, which can cause congestion in the city.\n\nIn Paris, \"Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France.\" Diesel is favored over gasoine because of a tax policy, because of diesel France was polluted with smog. Since France took away the use of cars for evn numbered license plate owners for the day delivery companies complained of \"lost revenue,\" but if you had a \"plug-in car, hybrid, or cars carrying three or more passengers\" had exceptions. On the next day, odd numbered lisence plate owners were followed to keep their car at home but instead the smog had cleared enough on that Monday for the ruling French to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates.\n\n\"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars\" article they talked about the people walking or bicycling to work or places they wanted to go. Many people might have decided to not take a car to go places because there was limited parking, which only consists of two parking garages. Now, 70 percent of families don't own cars in Vauban, which is shocking because they all either walk or take a bicycle ride.\n\nPassenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. The United States of America is now responding to these other countries and their way to reduce car usage. Obama ambitious gaols to curb the United States greenhouse gas problem might be paying off. The article \"The End of Car Culture states \"Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by.\" If Americans are buying less vehicles than that's a way to a good start for lowering greenhouse gases.\n\nIn conclusion, limiting car usage can have many advantages. Since caar usage causes greenhouse gases and smog, limiting by a little or alot will always help to reduce the amounts\u00a0 of these gases in the air that we humans breath. People in differnt countries like France, Germany, and Bogota are coming up with many unique ways to help reduce the car usage. Limiting the car usage helps with the gas expensives, and helps with finding other ways for transportation.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is our second closest planet to the sun. But we do not know what Venus actually looks like. Like in paragraph 4 Venus could have been once like Earth. I could have been filled with oceans, plants, trees, and even mountains it could be\n\nanything just like Earth. But we don't know. Yes it would be nice to explore Venus. But what risks will it have.\n\nIn paragraph 5 it states \" NASA has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus\". They are wanting to study to see what it has. Yes Venus is one of the hottest planets more than Mercury. And yet we are wanting to risk in searching and seeing what Venus actually looks like. Venus can also melt any kind of metal. Yet we want to risk because of our curiosity.\n\nIn paragraph 7 it is saying that once ago Venus had better electronics. But to actually know. They were more advanced then our technology now an days.\n\nI feel that the need and the curiosity that we humans have could take us to success of it could take us to be faliures.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you ever wonder why the world is becoming so much warmer by the minute? Not many people stop and realize what's the real problem. Us humans are the major problem in this situation, we don't see that we are taking what we have to an advantage. To our factories, cars, or even trash. The main one that is causing our greenhouse gases to rise is our Power plants, but following behind the power plants are vehicles. Cars have become a major impact in our lives, from hurting one another, to hurting the place we live on. Car-free cities are going to help make a big, helpful change in peoples lives.\n\nIn the city of Vauban, Germany 70 percent of the families do not own a car. Vauban is called a \"car-free\" place, cars aren't allowed on the streets of vauban. Many people sold their cars to live in vauban, all around vauban wants a healthy way of living. Vauban allows car ownership, but the cars are only to be parked in two places which are the garages. \"When I had a car i was always tense, I'm much happier this way,\" Heidrun Walter said. It is a much healthier and less stressful way of living, new ideas will always come in handy. The United States Enviromental Protection Agency is promoting \"Car Reduced\" communities. Hopefully they get someone to tag along with this promotion, and get supporters to enforce it.\n\nBogota, Colombia is going on their third straight year of a \"Car Free\" city. They are wanting to reduce smog, so buses and taxis are permitted. \"It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,\" Carlos Arturo claimed. There was a consequence to the ones who didn't follow the rules, which was a $25 fine that they had to pay each time. Eventually, Two other Cities in Colombia, Cali and Valledupar, latched on to the idea of a \"Car reduction.\" You see many people walking, running, riding bikes or skateboarding. A lot of people like this new idea that people are going by,\u00a0 it's an great way to step foward to save the earth and its problems.\n\nOver time, Americans haven't been buying cars, driving less, and over years less people get their license. America is hitting its driving peak, The number of miles driven peaked in 2005 and then decreased signifigantly since then. Not many can afford a brand new car, or the insurance, most people are unemployed and dont work at all. Cars have been around for a long time, but over that time period it has caused major life impacting issues. \"Different things are converging which suggest that we are witnessing a long-term cultural shift,\" said mimi sheller. Many people aren't aware of this \"Car Free\" idea, which is an disadvantage.\u00a0 If this idea was spread through televison, newspapers, or even social media many people will pick it up and take it into consideration.\n\nIn an overall sum up, it is better to live \"Car Free.\" You wouldn't have to stress yourself out about gas prices, fixing your cars, or your world becoming a big ball of heat. If Transportation and power plants are the two major impacts in our lives, we need to knock one out. Until, we can get some second options on power plants our best choice is to forbid cars. We have many other options to get around our city, running, walking, riding bikes or etc. The \"Car Free\" idea is very creative, not many people would take inisuative to help make the world a better and safer place. With an exception of a few, buses and taxis will be there for long distance trips. Cars caused a huge impact on our lives, but hurting us and our home which we call earth. The business plan is \"pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve saftey.\" Think of all the advantages cars have given, but think about all of the disadvantages the cars have showed. Which one out weighs the other? Cars aren't always there to help us, life is all about choices, it's time to make yours.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nState Senator,\n\nThe Electoral College is not a fair way to vote. Instead of voting for who you would like to win, you are voting for an elector who says they will vote for the candidate you want to win. Voting for who we want is a part of our rights! The Electoral College system is not only out dated, but there has also been a few fiascos.\n\nThis style of voting has been going on since the beggining, there are many flaws that need to be worked on. A major problem would be the electors; they are not reliable. \"Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always.\" This right here proves that the electors don't always tell the truth. Who picks the electors anyways? \"Sometimes state conventions, sometimes the state party's central committee, sometimes the presidential candidates themselves.\" We don't even get to select our electors, how are we supposed to rely on strangers to vote for who we would like? Would you trust a random stranger to take care of your child? It is the same as putting the fate of our country in the hands of someone some people have never even seen! \"During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all,\" This information should prove to you that the Electoral College is unfair.\n\nThe disaster factor should have been the end to the Electoral College. \"Segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy.\" Is there anything left to say? These people tried to sabatoge the election. What is stopping more poeple from this? Some electors refused to vote for who they said they would. \"'faithless' electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please.\" In 1960 Hawaii sent two slates of electors to Congress! Thanks goodness for Vice President Nixon who \"validated only his opponent's electors, but made sure to do so 'without establishing a precedent.'\"\n\nAlso, many people stated that they prefer the direct election, \"Over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now.\" With giving you this information, you should be able to infer that the Electoral College should be changed.\n\nIn conclusion, more people are aginst the Electoral College than with it. We should be able to vote for which one we prefer. Less people would have a problem with the election process and it would go a lot smoother.\n\nThank you for your time,\n\nPROPER_NAME", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face on Mars has been a controversial subject for about 25 years now. Some people think it was created by aliens, while others think it's a natural landform, as proven.\n\nTo start off, why would scientist lie about a possible life form on a different planet? If they had any evidence or clue there was life form, it would blow up fast. With information becoming so popular more people would take interest in the subject, resulting in more funds. If anything, scientist would want to find new life form.\n\nAlso, there has been a lot of photographic proof of it being a natural landform. There has been different pictures form a handfull of different times, wouldn't you think there would be some kind of evidence at all if it was really made by aliens?\n\nNot only is it more logical to assume it was a natural landform, there is no evidence against it, but evidence to support it.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are not safe at all! Manufacturers arent even to sure if humans are able to last a day in that car without it stopping or blowing up on them. I think that manufacturers need to do a lot more study on driverless cars if they think people will by them. Also driverless cars are going to probably cost millions of dollars and if they think in the future no one will buy normal cars they need to think agian. I understand that driverless cars are very helpful but it is not the best choice when it comes to money. For example Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot only 90% of the time. Another reason driverless cars are not the best is because what if the technology fails and someone gets injured I wonder who`s fault it would be the driver or the manufacturer. Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver, it would be very boring having to wait for your turn to drive. If paying millions on a driverless car i might a well take the bus or a taxi for a cheap amount instead of buying a car that can stop a any time because i dont know whats going to happen at any time.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTwenty Five years ago, something oddly strange happend on Mars. The NASA spacecraft, Viking 1 had caught a photo on the red planet that had a very strong identical look to a human face. Many scientist thought it was the work of aliens but here are some facts to prove that this theory is incorrect. Through the process of movie films, books and other things people used to explain this phenonmean, and through scientifical evidence.\n\nWhen the news spread about the strange human face on Mars, many people became interested in the fact that aliens could have been responsibel for this event. To surpise the face on Mars has become a popular icon, with many Hollywoodfilms, books, magazines, and even talk shows. This greatly increased the number people going with the idea that aliens could be the cause of this but this idea is false. In the atricle \"Unmasking the Face on Mars\", it talks about on April 5,1998 that the Mars Global Surveyor was launched over Mars to check the so called alien monument. While using the Mars Orbiter Camera, Micheal Malin and his crew used his ten time sharp vision to scan the \"alien monument\" and found out it was just a natural lanform.\n\nEven though the scince had proved that the strange face on Mars was just a landform, not alot of people were convinced. However, Science once agian came out to prove once and for all that it was indeed a landform. Using the camera again, Michael Malin and his crew caluclated the picture of the landform while using maximum resoltion and their result was amazing. The photo on Mars and a photo on earth had proved that the Mars face was just a butte or mesa landform. Infact, these are common in the American West!\n\nThere will always be arugements around the world, but these facts prove that the Mars Face is just a landform. All the movies, books, and magizines can be be true and interesting to belive, but the science in it all proves that this whole \"alien monument\" and that Mars has a face, is all far-fetched.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars would be an amazing new technology to introduce to the world. The ability to simply call a taxi and have a driverless car pick you up and take you wherever you wish, whenever you wish will revolutionize the way people get around. The technology may be in its primitive stages as of now, but soon driverless cars can help to automate many tasks that are currently being done by humans. Driverless cars will be an excellent addition to the modern world.\n\nNot only does the driverless car make sense practically, it also has many safety benefits. If all cars on the road are driverless, they can communicate much better and have much less risk for accidents, unlike with human drivers who can only control the car so well. The automated cars will be directly linked to brake systems, so if there is a need to brake, the car is hydroplanning, or another emergency is occuring, the computer system onboard the car can easily and effectively stop the car from spinning out by applying specific amounts of brake to each tire, as explained in section 5 of the story. Another safety measure taken with driverless cars is the ability for a human to take over. Google's driverless car will notify its passengers if they need to take over the wheel, as explained in section 7 because the task on the road is too difficult for the car to perform. Assurance of the ability for a human to still control the car is very important, since even though the computer systems onboard the car may be very smart, humans have the ability to judge most situations better than any computer can.\n\nOne counterargument to driverless cars is the loss of jobs. This is not stated in the article, but it would be an issue with driverless cars regardless. Many people working as taxi drivers, trash truck drivers, freight truck drivers, or any job involving driving can lose their jobs. This is a problem, especially in the US where there is already a shortage of jobs. Although driverless cars will bring many benefits, the cons of them have to be talked about as well.\n\nDriverless cars are a scary prospect. The thought of a car driving itself can make many people uneasy. If done correctly, however, driverless cars can revolutionize the way that many things today work. With companies such as Tesla, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Nissan planning to have fully automated and driverless cars on the road and ready to go by 2020, driverless cars are just that much closer to becoming a reality. Driverless cars would make an excellent addition to the modern world.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face on Mars is nothing but a Martian equivalent of a butte or a mesa. Martian mesas are common enough around Cydonia. So it wouldnt have been surprising if it was just an ordinary mesa. In1976, Viking 1 saw the mesa and thought it looked like a face. But scientists found out that it was just a martian mesa.\n\nOn April 5, 1998 a Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time. Michael Malin and his Orbiter Camera took a picture of the Mesa that looked like face. The picture was ten times better than the picture that the Viking 1 took. They found out that it was just a natural landform and that it wasnt an alien monument at all. Yet with all the proof some people did not believe that it wasnt just a regular Mars mesa due to that it was a cloudy year on Mars. So on April 8, 2001 it was a cloudless summer day in Cydonia and the Global Mars Surveyor got a second chance to look at the butte. The surveyor took a photo using its cameras absolute maximum resolution. The picture showed that it was just a Martian equivalent of a butte or a messa.\n\nNevertheless we found out that it was an ordinary martian mesa that looked like a face due to shadows. It was never an alien monument but was an ordinary mesa. So the the face on mars was never an alien monument but a nutural landform.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am against the development of driveless cars. It is risky driving regular cars today. You have a lot of careless drivers. Then there are still accident going on currently. Also there could be problems with the driveless car we might not know about.\n\nThere are a lot of careless drives out on the road. It wouldn't be such a good idea to put a careless driver in a driveless car. It could cause danger for that person and those around them. Lots of people would take advantage of a driveless car, and wouldn't be aware of the dangers that follow. Before anyone gets into a driveless car we need smart drivers.\n\nThere are still many car crashes today. Berfore we begin to make cars that can drive by itself we need to figure out how to stop car crashes now. In the article it says that if the car is in danger, or coming across a contrustion zone whatever the case may be, it would alert the driver to take the wheel. But shouldn't it be the other way around some drives might panic or won't know what to do. Since it is a \"smart\" car it should be able to handle situations like that. Drving is very easy anyone can do it. I wouldn't consider a car being smart because it can drive on it's own, it's different, just not smart. A smart car will keep you out of danger if any comes your way. It would make sure you are safe.\n\nIn the article it says that the cars are\n\n\"computer-driven cars\". Computers freeze, glitch, slow down, and much more. Since these cars are computer-driven it wouldn't be safe if glitches happen. It may put your life in danger and those around you. Computers still have problem,and a computer-driven car would just add on to the problems.\n\nI am against the idea of driveless cars. It is a very risky thing to do in the future. We have careless drivers, car crahes, glitches, and other things that need to be solved before we have a computer-driven car driving on our roads. It may be an interesting idea, but we want safety for our people. Driveless cars is really something to think about.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt seems that technology gets upgraded yearly. Recently, Apple has created a software called Animoji. This software allows you to have an emoji replicate your facial actions. This ties into the new software, the Facial Action Coding System. This software analyzes your face and can tell you how much percent happiness, anger, sadness, fear, suprise, or even disgusted you are displaying. Since we already have facial recognition, why not have the software to tell you your mood. This software would benefit education and provide a safer area for students through recognizing extreme signs of depression or anger.\n\nOur mood can either help or damage our learning processes in school. If you are in a bad mood, you will not care as much as you would if you were happy. This software would be very benificial for any classroom. Having this software could help students learn. \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\" Dr Huand predicts. Then, the software could modify the lesson to suite the students need. This software could boost the students grades, because the students would be more focused or not get confused due to the Facial Action Coding System. Not only will the software boost the students education, it could also help the school identify if someone is extremely depressed or angry. This software could prevent anything drastic from occurring. It could prevent suicide, shootings, fights and all sorts of things. It could save someones life, if not many peoples lives.\n\nOverall, the Facial Action Coding System can benefit our education and learning processes in numerous ways. It can recognize when a student is confused, and then it could modify the lesson to help the student understand the topic. It could also recognize when a student is bored, and then modify the lesson to be more interesting. It could improve the school's awareness to when a student is extremely depressed. It could also improve the school's awareness to when a student is extremely angry. The shool could then help the students who are depressed or angry to prevent anything drastic from happening. These are several reasons to how the Facial Action Coding System could benefit education and provide a safer area for students through recognizing extreme signs of depression or anger.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the last few years vehicle emissions have been heating and even destroying our atmosphere. Cities and even whole countries are taking precautions to lower the amount of fuel emissons recorded in the air. It's not only that people are trying to cut back to help the enviroment they just arent driving as much anymore for some reason, even in areas that driving would be more useful than other forms of transportation. You may want to cut back after seeing why they did too.\n\nIn Germany there is a suburban city that has given up their use of vehicles. One of the local residents stated \"When I had a car I was always tense, I'm much happier this way.\" You may not notice it but the hustle and bustle of everyday life and commuting may just be putting more stress on you. Cutting out personal commute will not only be making your life less stressful it will also help clear the air in some cities as well. Passenger cars are responsible for nearly 50 percent of greenhouse gasses in car intensive areas in the United States. Something as simple as not driving as often or cutting back totaly can help you and others.\n\nIn Bogota, the capital of Colombia it has been the third straight year of\n\nDay Without Cars. Day Without Cars is one day that all Colombians hike,bike,skate,walk or took public tranportation to get to work. The goal of\n\nDay Without Cars is to promote alternative transportation and reduce fines. A citizen talking part in the action stated \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution.\"\n\nNow in America it has been recorded that Americans are buying fewer cars and getting less licences each year. The number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and have been slowly and steadily dropping after. Transportation is is the second largest source of emissions but you can help lower that. More and more people have been choosing alternative transportation than ever before. Also more people have left the sub-urban enviroment and moved to urban ones so alternative transportation is even more needed than before. Also whats the point of driving if you live near the place you work cutting down on emissions is one of the most important objectives right now.\n\nMany great things can and have come by cutting down private transportation. It conserves resources, cuts down on emissions, and also improves safety. Multiple people say that commuting less has made thier lives less stressful than ever before. The amount of smog in cities have decreased, helping to get cleaner natural air those compact areas. Anything you can do to help make your lives easier you should and cutting down on emissions can help make that easier.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are a thing of the future. There is no doubt that they are comming and comming fast, but I do not believe that there will be totaly driverless in my lifetime. There would be many required updates to the curent roads. Along with the roads, laws would have to be updated as well.\n\nI do not believe that driverless cars are the best kind of cars for these reasons.\n\nAlthough there have been many good improvements on the modern car, such as seat belts and air bags, I do not think that driverlessness will be one of them. They have created many improvements to the driverless cars, but they are still not totaly driverless. A machine can not take place of a human. Even though driverless cars have all the technology needed to drive on the average road, they still need help to get in or out of driveways or dealing with traffic issues. The car cannot stear itself thorugh roadwork or accidents. What is the point of a driverless car if it cannot drive itself?\n\nAnother reason the driverless cars are a thing of the future and not of the now is because there would require far too many updates to the current road system. I do not think that it would be safe if there was a mixture of driverless and non-driverless cars on the same road. What if a driverless \"'driver'' did not the warning to take over soon enough and ran into an non-driverless car. Whos fault would it be? The \"driver'' or the manufacturer. I do not think that driverless cars are in our best intrest because of all the updates they would require.\n\nAnother update required would be law updates. I think that if we went to driverless cars we would have to make everyone switch to driverless cars. If they work how the article clames, like a public-transport taxi system, than it would put a lot of public transportation workers out of buisness. I live in Indiana, on of the many states that do not allow test computer-driven cars. If our state won't even test them, then how are we suppost to know if we can trust them. I do not think that driverless cars would work for us because we do not live in a city. This would not be practical because in my town we do not use taxis, so why would we have access to driverless cars?\n\nI do not think that driverless cars are in our best intrest because they are not totaly driverless. They would also require too many updates to our roads and our laws. Driverless cars may be a think of the future, but not the near future.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming,\" the author presents both positive and negative ideas of driverless cars. Some say that driverless cars will be the future to public transportation, but others think that dirverless cars should be illegal even to test on roads. The development of driverless cars should be illegal.\n\nGoogle has had cars that could drive indepently but under very specific conditions. Google's driverless cars are not truely driverless. These cars still require a driver to navigate in and out of driveways and if there is complications in traffic such as contructions sites. The driver must stay alert at all time is complications are ahead of them.\n\nFor some smart cars there must be electrical cables sending signals to the car. But without the opition of smarter roads manufacturers how will the car sense what is ahead? The manufactors would have to install more motion sensors, which requires more money and time that people do not have. Humans are far better off to control the car, rather the car control them.\n\nThe driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe. Lawmakers know the right way to get the alert the drivers if something is happening ahead. Most traffic laws are written with the conclusion that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. For most states it has been illegal to even test ccomputer-driven cars.\n\nThough some people believe that driverless cars should be legal to develop and drive.Google cofounder Sergey Brin envisions that the driverless cars will be the future of public transportation. The use of driverless cars can decrease the use of gasoline and can be less harmful to the community. If driverless cars become popular there will be less accidents. Yet the people would still have to navigate the cars into or out of driveways and through construction sites.\n\nThe author of this article presents the reader with a positive and a negative aspects of driverless cars. some people believe is a great idea to develop these cars, But technology always has a down fall to it, if someone is injured by the driverless car who is to blame.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars that drive them selfs well that sounds a lot easier than having to drive everywhere youself. If cars could drive themselves there would be a lot of pressure lifted off of people. For the fact we dont want to crash or get pulled over, the simple stuff like that. After all there still would be areas were humans would have to handle depending on how smart they make the cars. It would be nice to just sit and be able to look around while the car drives itslef and im not the only one to think that.\n\nFirst, say you were going on a long road trip you could finally pay attention to the view for the fact your not the one whos driving so you could stare out the window and admire the view. Being able to see things you havent been able to see befor for the silly fact tha you were driving and had to pay attention to the road. There might be times were you have to take the wheel because of where you are and how many other vehicles are around, but you could always get back to admiring the view anytime. Say you had to wait in traffic you wouldnt be the one to have to do it because your not driving. There are a lot of good reasons to let the vehicle do the work for you.\n\nSecond, if the wehicle is high tech enough were it could sense danger or out of control skids or rollovers then you could feel more safe knowing youll be safe. Driving safe is a huge part of driving period if the vehicle can do that on its own without fail then you can do what you need in the vehicle like maybe text or call and still feel safe. Eventually the vehicles will become smart enough were it can do almost anything a person could do so it could handle more driving tasks on its own. So far the cars arent fully developed to where the vehicle is completely driverless. The in car system is actually a safety feature and safety is a huge concern.\n\nLast, in the near future cars will be a lot more efficient and safer to get around in. There will be aguments about these vehicles. The point is the future is near and we are becoming a lot more advanced in technology. To move forward we need to create inventions tha no one has thought about weather they like it or not. Eventually everyone will get used to the idea.\n\nThe fact is we have a long way to go before the cars can truly do what we want. It is ahead of us eventually we'll see things we never thought we would. We have to keep moving forward with ideas like this brilliant one. Every step we take we keep pushing toward the idea of driverless cars and we will get there.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nchanging the election to popular vote would I think benefit us and this country. Whats the point on voting for the president if the electoral college is going to do it and will pick the final decision. the electoral college cinsits of 538 electors and a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president, but what about us who vote. I feel like there is no point in voting if the whole election is based off the electoral college. This electoral college is unfair to voters because of the winner take all system that runs in each state. candidates dont spend there time in the states they have no chance in winning in, they only spend there time in the states they think they can win in. For example in 2000 17 states didnt even see the candidates at all! Some people in these 17 states didnt see one ad at all. Its not like us voters can control who there electors vote for because some voters get confused about the electors and sometimes can vote for the wrong candidate. Its not fair to us if we dont matter in this vote at all, especially when the people running dont send an ad out to every state and dont visit every state. The election is held every four years and we help choose our states elecotors when you vote for president because when we vote for the cadidate we actually vote for the candidates electors so it doesnt really make an impact on votes and i think that we should vote for the cadidates themselves\u00a0 not there electors. So i think changing the votes to popular vote would benefit us all even if we dont get an ad or see anythin in our state even if the cadidates think they dont have achance in winning they should still participate.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that we dont need to keep the Electoral College because it is not a good way for people to vote.\n\nI think how we should vote is by a majority vote where whoever wins the popular vote from all states will win the election and become are president. So whoever gets the most votes per every state that is who will win. One reason why i dont think we need to keep the electoral college is because in the second sorce in paragragh 14 where it says \"It's official:The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational.\" It tells you that the electoral college makes it to where no matter who wins the popular vote the canidate will not win if the electoral college wants something different to happen.\n\n\"The Louisiaa legislature early succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.)\" i wanted to bring this up because if the Electoral Colege did what they were trying to do then Kennedy never would have been the president and who knows what the history of that presidency would be today. The electoral college is good at some times but i think that who ever wins th popular vote should automatically be the president.\n\nIn the second sorce paragraph 2 it says \"What have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their time, agreed on? Answer: Abolishing the electoral college!\" According to Al Gore--thanks to the quirks of the electoral college--won the popular vote but did not win the presidency because of the electoral college.\n\nOver 60 percent of the people that vote for the president would rather have a direct election than have the electoral college becuse the electoral college does what they want and they do not listen to the people.\n\nI just think we need to no longer use the electoral college and just go by what the people of America think will be best for this country.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHow do you feel about driverless cars? What do you think theyll be like for you in the future? Are they better than cars that have to be personally operated by the human? Well, they named a few good and a few bad things that would come with the driverless car. They told how you will still have to keep focus on the road in the driverless car because it will need to be hand driven when it comes to work roads and accidents that have happened or even traffic jams. THe good things they said about it would probably be, that it is sensored so you dont hit nothing or it tells you when something is wrong and where your far is at and how its driving itself.\n\nThe things that are good about the driverless car would be, it could drive itself, you could relax and chill while its taking you where you need to go. Also, its good because it has all these sensors in the car that it can tell when to brake, or when to slow down. This could be a good thing kind of , when it is driving itself you should always be prepared to take over. But it said in the article \" While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver.\" So if they ever got into a car accident they could probably go back and look at the cameras too see what the driver was doing and how they crashed.\n\nThe things that are bad could be that whenever the car wants to go down the company could shut your engine off at any tme and at any place. Whether its still driverless or not you still have to pay attention so you might as well just stick with the divers car. the other bad thing could be your car can decide when to brake and that could be at any point and you could brake at the wrong time and someone could hit you. One bad thing that could also be good is the sensors , sometimes they could go out and your car could start messing up.\n\nIn my opinion i think driver cars are better because there is so much that could go wrong with the driverless car. Like the car going out and the sensors messing up and you just break down and you wouldnt know how else to fix it, because it has so much technology. But with driver cars you can know when there is a porblem, you know when and where you need to fix things under the hood or on the car in general. The driver cars are better i hink because the person in the car should always have their eyes on the road. If we have driverless cars what was the point in the drivers licence and permit if the cars will drive us? you know ?\n\nWith a drivers car where you have a person driving 24/7 you know how to operate the car. You know how to change the oil or how to change the breaks so they dont go out and you get in a wreck. I mean yeah you could do something wrong with the car and it mess up but im sure if you're working on a car you have done it before. But drivers cars you dont have to worry about the engine reducing power on you, you just fill the car with gas and your good. But driver ccars you gotta worry about the car breaking down etc.\n\nBut there are always to fix your broken down car unlike you can with driverless cars.\n\nSo if i had to choose any car whther it was drivers or dirverless, I think i would go with the drivers car. Because , for the fact i know i could trust the car and i could have the car checked to see if its good for running and driving unlike you could with the driverless car. The driverless car could be good for so long then something bad could happen and you not know what was wrong with it. So if i had to get a car of my choice between drivers and driverless i would most definitely choose drivers.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat make a person wonder about how the other people feel about them? Imagine being able to know exactly how a person feel and their emotion toward you or other things. Dr. Huang, the prof. of the Beakman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, have created a way for us to figure people emotion. He created the Facial Action Coding System. Facial Action Coding System is a system that make you understand a person emotion by the muscles in\n\ntheir face. The use of this technology to read emotion is valuable for many reason.The reason are that it will make us understand how our friends are feeling, to make sure the politician or celebrity is being truthful, and it help us with our\n\neveryday life.\n\nThe first reason is that the Facial Action Coding Stystem will help us understand how our friends feel. According to paragraph 5, and line 2, it stated that \" you can probable tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.\" There always that friend that doesn't express herself well. If she need help with her life or when she is sad she won't understand how to express these emotion to her friends. This will help the people to understand how they feel and know when they need a shoulder to lean on.\n\nFuthermore, the technology will help the citizen identify whether the politician or the president is being truthful. Paragraph 8, line 4-6, it explain, \" these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a \"smiling\" politicain or celebrity isn't being truthful.\" If we don't have this type of way to figure out if our politician are worth it, then the world would be a mess. We would never know if that person is very truthful in his or her job. Also it a good way to find that good president that will guide us with real emotion and not a fake one.\n\nThe last reason is that the tecnology will help us with our everyday life. According to\n\nthe last paragraph, it stated that \" moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them.(\"Putting on a\n\nhappy face\" actually work!)\" When we have work or when\n\ngo out it always important to have a happy face. When you look mad and depressed, other people around you will know and they will judge you. Having a happy face will make the other think highly of you. You will be able to get along with your co-worker very well. It to make your life easier and better.\n\nIn conclusion, Facial Action Coding System is valuabe because it allow you to understand your peers emotion, when a politician is being truthful, and help you make many friend. Some may argue that it personal and it not our buisness to know how a person feel. In order to make our world better, everyone should understand each other emotion for it to be easier to communicate. Other will understand and make this world peaceful.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus it's called \"Evening Start\". According to the author \"Is one of the most brightest points of light in the night sky\". To beginig Venus it's a importan planet important because it's on our solar syste. Acording to the athour, \"Venus is the second planet from our sun\". In other words Venus is the most close to Earth. Another immportant poin is that is not only Venus that it's close to our planet it's \"Mars too\". According to the author,\" These differences in sped mean that sometimes were closer to Mars and other to\n\nVenuns\". In other words this means that it depends on the speed that it's rolling our planet is the more close to one of this planets. Futhermore, the temperature of Venus is one os the most hottest temperature. According to the author \"Venus has the hottes surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even thought Mercury is closer to our sun\". In other words Venus is one of the hottest planets in our solar system, and Venus is not the close to our sun. To clonclude Venus shlould be study and see if in the future it can create live.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt takes more muscles in your face to frown than it does to smile. Emotions are everywhere. People and animals around the world give off emotions everyday. Joy, sadness, anger, doesn't matter, it's a part of everyday life. Facial Action Coding System, a software made by Professor Thomas Huang, is allowing us to read peoples emotions, based simply on their faces. As cool as it is, there are some real life applications that can be used with this. Whether it is for fun, or for research, FACS can change the way see emotions.\n\nFACS can be used for fun, research, or both at the same time. In the article, to test FACS, they scanned the Mona Lisa and came up with the result saying she is, \"83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry.\" This is when FACS could be used for fun. Imagine going to museums with the worlds most famous painters paintings, and scanning their faces. You could see what the artist wanted them to have their person feel like. Also, you could use it on animals to see if your dog or cat really is excited or faking it. It doesn't have to be used soley for research, but can have a joking or fun aspect with it.\n\nNow, it comes down to research. Within the article, they explain its possibilities in classrooms to see if students are bored or losing interest. This can be used in classrooms to change the way the person is being taught if they are starting to lose interest because it can change the lesson to make it more interactive. If a person looks frustrated or stressed over a a lesson, the computer could find another way to explain the subject. Or even if the person is excited, then it could make it more challenging to push them to do better. Possibly, on the more controversial side, you could use this to detect malicious intent. If someone consistently seems upset and angry, it could warn the school or the persons counselor to have them talk to them about any issues they're having. This could prevent possible future issues. Lastly, they could use the information collected to make flexible lesson plans for entire schools or classes. There would be little to no downsides to having FACS in classrooms.\n\nLastly, FACS can be used for both fun and research. Similar to the first paragraph, one could scan their animals face to see if it is excited, sad, or angry. Not only could it be used for fun by scanning your pets faces, but it could be used for research to detect animal patterns or if an animal is sick. All that could help prevent or detect future problems in our pets.\n\nIn conclusion, FACS is a software that lets one determine someones emotions based on the look of their face. It can be used for research, fun, or both at the same time. FACS could be put into classrooms to help make better learning plans, used to detect patterns between animals emotion for the well being, or just used to tell if your dog or cat is excited to see you. Whether it is for fun, or for research, FACS can change the way see emotions.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator (name of Florida's senator),\n\nI am write this letter to you because I know that congress is thinking about getting rid of the Electoral College. The Electoral College has help us pick a great President and Vice-President muiltiple times, it might not be everyone's first choice President and Vice-President but most of the time the majority of citizens that care about thier country agree with the choice of President and Vice-President. We aren't just electing by the Electoral College vote but also by the popular vote. There might be some problems within the Electoral College method but getting rid of it is not the solution, there will always be some type of issue in the way the President's and Vice-President's are elected, are we just gonna get rid of those methods too?\n\nOne reason that getting rid of the Electoral College process is the wrong decision is because our founding fathers established this process in the Constitution as a type of compromise between electing our President and Vice-President by a vote of congress and electing our President and Vice-President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. Why would you want to break that compromise?\n\nAlso, if you think about it, how is it fair on some of the smaller states if we just did the popular vote. If the majority of a larger state wants some one for President and a couple of small states want another President to be win then most likely the larger state gets thee President they wanted, if we got rid of the Electoral College process and just did the popular vote. The Electoral College process also help produce a clear winner of the elections.\n\nI know that the Electoral College process has some issues like the voters not being able to know for sure who their slate of electors are going to vote for. In some very rare cases the electors do not vote for the candidant you want them to vote for. That can be very un-appealing to most people that they don't have that insurance. Another issue is that sometimes in a close election, the popular vote winner could lose the presidency. Most people don't understand why the popular President lost and immidiently assume that the Electoral College process is awful and we should get rid of it right away.\n\nOver all, the Electoral College process has been around since our founding fathers were around and we have had some of the most qualified and caring Presidents that amazed us with how they changed our country for the greater-good and well-being of our country and it's people. The Electoral College process is something that should stay with us for a long time, so that we can see what the next few President's will do for us in the future.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis new peice of technology called the Facial Action Coding System, or FACS, is able to show peoples emotions and tell when people are hiding and masking their emotions. It is a new peice of technology developed by Prof. Thomas Huang, and Prof. Nicu Sebe. This product is revolutionary in many diffrenf ways. It not only valuable to a modern day life, but it also could have many real-world and technilogical applications.\n\nThe FACS system is a new and valuable peice of technology that has many interesting and strong applications. Like it was said im the text, it could adjust an assignment for a student to make it more engaging for them. \u0093A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\u0094 Dr. Huang predicts. \u0093Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" (D'Alto). That would make teachers lifes easier, and have less annoyed and out of control students, because they would be doing an assignment they would want to do, and not be extremely bored throughout class. Another way this could be valuable is for when cops do lie detector test. They would be able to pick up movements in the face that could show them that they are lying, or not telling the whole story. There are also many real world applications for this technology out there.\n\nThe FACS made by Prof. Thomas Huang could have many real world applications that would make life easier or more fun for some people. One of the many real world applications for this system would be Police Videos. You would be able to see the emotions on the criminal's face while he was being recorded on video, helping the police aid in the investigation. Another brought up by the article could be politics. You would be able to see how the politician is feeling, or which emotions. You would also be able to tell if they are faking emotions they are emitting while they are giving a speech, or if they are outright lying to you. The article itself says \"To an expert, faces don\u0092t lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a \u0093smiling\u0094 politician or celebrity isn\u0092t being truthful.\" (D'Alto). The final point I want to bring up is how this could be used for therapy or working through yout problems.\n\nThe FACS system could be a great peice of technolgy for therapists to use, working posple through their issues. People could tell how angry or depressed you were actually feeling. It would be a good way to work through the problems you have been facing, because people would know how you are feeling. The machine is able to sense the emotions you have been feeling, so people would be there to comfort you and work through your emotional turmoil. It would make venting about your problems much easier, and less hard to agknowledge\n\nThe FACS system is an important and valuable peice of technology for people to use that will most likely become valuable in the near future. It has countless applications, from Police work to Emotional Therapy. In conclusion, Prof. Thomas Huang and Prof. Nibu Sebe has most likely make an invalubale innovation in the scientific feild with many real world and scientific innovations.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author does not support his idea well because he has little of evidence to back up the claims that he made. These claims were that Venus could be useful because of how close it is and he called it a challenge for human curiosity. Neither of the claims he made were to vbalid becauise he would go off topic, provide little evidence, and would talk about the benefits of Venus but not say what they were.\n\nWhen he claimed that Venus is useful because of how close it is and said \" ...Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long frames of space travel.\" and then said \" The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable...\" so he made a claim saying that it is a good thing to go to venus but the right after said the value is indisputable but never gave any evidence of why its so good to go to. Then he also claimed that it has value in over coming, that it is a challenge for human curiosity. This is a bad claim because he did not have much evidence or reason to back up going to Venus so he said \" Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.\" This claim would be much better if he actually listed any good benefits from Venus. Also through the text the author seems to either run out of things to support his claim or he went off topic because he started to talk about what NASA is doing and planning to do to explore Venus like \" NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions would be to allow scientist to float above the fray.\" He would say thing of what people might be able to do to explore Venus with its hostile conditions but he still never said what could be discovered while exploring.\n\nI don't disagree on his point but how he executes getting it across to the audience does not work. If he provided any solid evidence on what could be learned or discovered on Venus like technology or new elements then it would bring more people behind this idea. But that still does not change the fact that his claims of Venus is useful for future visits and its a good challenge for human curiosity, are not valid and he does not to a good jobs of supporting his claims.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author of \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and supports this idea by stating in paragraph 8, \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\" This statement supports my claim by explaining how the author believes no one should let the fear of the dangers that may arise stop them from exploring the world and beyond. Instead the author believes people should go after whatever they want to find. Paragraph 8 also states, \"Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.\" This evidence explains how the author feels that there will be scary and intimidating obstacles that will arise on the journey of exploring the planet with the hottest surface tempurature in our solar system, but the author believes the curiosity of humans leads us to danger. The author also believes that danger shouldn't stop anyone who is curious from exploring. This article may talk about serious dangers, but also gives ideas for humans to study Venus without being put it any danger. The author states in paragraph 5, \"NASA\u0092s possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape.\" This solution may prevent any harm to humans who want to study this planet and learn more about it. This solution gives people a chance to stay curious, and not think about the dangers. Only think about the journey and mystery that lies ahead.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author presents both good and bad aspects of driverless cars by explaing some of the problems we already have. Sergey Brin, cofounder of google, can see our future on this planet with driverless cars. \"He believes such cars would fundamentally change the world.\" (1).\n\n\"Without the option of smarter roads, manufacturers turned to smarter cars-\" (4). Some compnies have already started to think about how much smarter do the cars need to be (4)? They have already started to add more position-estimating sensors to the cars. They add sensors to the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an inertial motion sensor (4).\n\n\"Why would anyone want a driverless car that still need sa driver? (8) That proves to be an excelent question. If they have created something that is supposed to be driverless. It should hbe able to handle everything and anything thrown its way. If theres a wreck, find another route before reaching it. If there's road construction or a policeman/woman, get over out of the way or move over into the lane beside you.\n\nWhy should we have to take control because the \"driverless\" car can't do it by its self? We should be able to sit back and not have to wait for our turn to take control of the car. \"Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting their turn to drive?\" (8) We shouldnt have to. If they cretaed it to do everything in the kitchen. Why leave out the kitchen sink? We want it to have everything including the kitchen sink. Everything like steering, parking, turning, stopping, starting, climate control, and finding our perfect seat comfort setting.\n\n\"Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that saftey is best achieved with alert drivers.\" (9) There should be laws for not only the drivers, passengers and pedestrians but also for the companies. The people and machines who make the cars should also test them to make sure they are safe for us. The ones who will be using the cars, trucks, vans and other vehicles for everyday needs.\n\n\"Automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved.\" (10) The people and/or machines that are creating these vehicles are now making sure that any problem the future may hold has been acessed before it has come up. They are making sure to have all their bases covered.\n\nMy position on driverless cars is that if they do finally get them to drive without a driver then they should also check for any other problems and solutions in case in the future they run into them.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA Seagoing Cowboy's Journey\n\nImagine going to many sites that many people don't normally see and having mulitple adventures around the world. It is an unforrgetable experience that you don't want to miss. You should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program becasue of the fun-filled games and freetime, helping the struggling individuals and families, and seeing the unquie sites.\n\nFirst of all, having some freetime and playing some games onboard is simply a time to relax and enjoy the great experience. Many of you may say that the games don't matter. You just want to travel the world and save as much people as possible. Even though that may be true, I belive that the games benefit in many ways, like making new friends and just having some tine to relax. The cowboys and I have played baseball and volleyball in some empty holds where animals have been housed. Other things to do in your freetime could be reading, boxing, whittling, table-tennis, fencing, and so much more! It has helped me have a better time onboard.\n\nSecondly, helping struggling individuals and families make you feel joyous inside. Some people may say that you don't want to help as many people and go enjoy the amazing sites and play games with fellow companions. And, helping people is really dangerous. But, I belive that if you do, it can make you a better person inside and out. And it doesn't just have to be people either; it can be animals too. Caring for the animals on the way to China kept me busy which was a good benefit because the trip to China took about a month. They had to be fed and watered two to three times a day. It helped me be more responsable and hard working. As for the struugling people, I helped people recover their food supplies, animals and more. The benefits were that same as those with the animals. The knowladge of helping someone or something is one of the best feelings in the world.\n\nLastly, touring the sites was the best thing for me to experience. Multiple people might say that they don't care about the sights and they just want to do something else. But, I believe that if I didn't see those wonderful sights, I wouldn't be determined or encouraged to finish my job as a Seagoing Cowboy. It was an unbeliveable opportunity for me and it will be for you. I was able to see Europe and China! Two things that were special to me were seeing the Acropolis in Greece and taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy. In Italy, many of the streets are water, which made my experience to Italty even more exciting. On the way to China, I also marveled at the Panama Canal and toured an excavated castle in Crete.\n\nIn conclusion, you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because of the fun-filled games and freetime, helping the struggling individuals and families, and finally, exploring the unquie and wonderful sights around the world. I am very grateful for the amazing opportunity and it made me more aware of people and their countire's needs. You should think about participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program today!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe article \"Marking Mona Lisa Smile\" by Nick D' Alto is a good article talking about how the system called Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. I believe this system is great for a student in a classroom. The system will help a teacher by telling weather or not a kid likes something. Another way the system is valuable is because the system can tell if a person like an ad on the computer or not. The system will read your facial expressions to tell weather you are happy, surprised, angry, disgusted, scared, or sad.\n\nThe first way the Facial Action Coding System is helpful is by telling the\n\nteacher weather or not a kid likes something. Each facial expression is different from every person. For example, if a kid is reading a book on the computer. The computer will read the kid facial expressiones to tell the teacher weather he or she likes the book or not. The computer will send different percentages to the teacher on how the kid feels about the book. If the student does not like the book, the teacher could help the student by giving he or she another book to read. This system can also be helpful for companys that play videos. When someone watches a video and an ad comes on, the system can tell weather or not they like the ad or the person dislike the ad. If the person disliked the ad, the company that plays the videos and ads can play a different ad that the person may like more. I do believe this system will be valuable for the human world. The system will give percentage on how the person feel about something. The system will tell weather he or she shows happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, or sadness.\n\nProf. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois has a awesome idea of a system that read people facial expressions. This system will be valuable in the world. It can help in the classroom of school or outside of school. The Facial Action Coding System will tell if a\n\nperson is happy, angry, scared, sad, surprised, or disgusted. Every person has a different facial expressions. This sytem will help tell if they are what their facial expressions say they are.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" the author presents facts about how the cars drive themselves, and how a human is still needed for absolute safety. My point of view is that cars that can drive themselves aren't needed.\n\nSome people may agree with driverless cars, but I don't. From what I can tell about driverless cars, is that they don't even fully drive themselves yet. They still require a human at the wheel in order to be able to go around a construction site. The text states\"They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation required.\" If it is not a driverless car, than why try to tell people it is. Humans are already driving all over the world, and doing a good job of it.\n\nFrom what I can tell, nobody needs to make a car that can drive itself. They only need to improve cars that we humans drive to make it safer and easier for us. The main reason they are trying to make these driverless cars is because they are trying to prevent accidents. But there is an alternate way of doing that. You can help drivers be more aware of there sorroundings. We have already started doing so by placing cameras on the back of the car for driving backwards. So if manufacturers would just put the camera on the left and right side of the cars than they could help people see past that blind spot. Right now people have to look away from where they are going to see if there is somebody else in the lane next to them. If it just so happens that they are in their blind spot, than they may think that it is safe to switch lanes and end up getting in a crash instead. It's not hard for us to drive ourselves, it just that we need help with some things that are challenging for us.\n\nCars don't need to drive themselves. People just need another way of seeing where they can't see so that they know it is actually safe. Drivers shouldn't need to take over and do what a car can't do. The car should help the human with what they have trouble doing.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear state senator,\n\nWe all are here today to right a letter to argue in favor of keeping the Electoral college, or changing to election by popular vote for the president of the united states. The Elector College process consists of the selection of the Electors, the meeting of the Electors where they vote for the president and vice president, and the counting of the electoral votes by congress. It consists of 538 electors 270 elector votes is requiredto elect the president.\n\nSo? witch one do I think is the best. I agree to keep the Elector College because things are running ok for now but it think the the people of the United States should have a little more say so in the disitions made in america because we are the american peopele and we have the right to speak are mind, and if we dont think somthing is a good idea we should be able to tell the congrees we dont belive in that and choice somthing eles that more people agree on. The only thing i see wrong with every one getting to have a say so is that not every one agrees with one another.\n\nI do agree that a bigger population shold get more elector votes but i dont thing it i far but it is what it is and i dont have a say so im ok with it. the only thing i have to say is its not right that the bigger populated states get the most etention they are the most important but i dont feel its right all states should be equal no mater there population size.\n\nI dont think that they shold change the Election of popularity because instead of voting for the right thing we could just vote for the presedent that is offering the best stuff, and when presedents promise us stuff it dosent alwasy men there going to keep that promise. they keep promises to every one and they cant keep a promise to one person with out breaking that promis to another person. like i sai i think the elector college should just stay the same way as it is with thoughs little changes because it is working. but things stop working at some point and when that time comes we will need a new system.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the past few years, smarter cars have come about and have gained popularity as word has spread. Many feel that smarter cars bring a new perspective to the automobile industry; however, others feel that they are a hazard and could injure drivers on the road. I believe that the development of smarter cars should be stopped and that focus should be turned on improving regular, fully drivible cars.\n\nThe development of driverless cars should be stopped because if not, they would cause new traffic laws to be created. As a reult, all drivers to change their ways on the roads. Many states do not allow computer-driven cars to be drove being that that are looking out for the safety of their residents. Some people would have to abide to the rules if they chose to drive a smarter car; however, those who drive regular car may believe that learning new regulations is a waste of time and could further injury themselves or others. Lastly, new laws for driverless cars would take many years inorder for everyone to adapt do, being that there are many people around the world.\n\nDriverless cars are not safe being that they are ran on computers that can often have technical difficulties or failure. An important topic discussed by producers is how is a passenger's safety ensured? Some feel that they can trust the technology because of the importance it plays in our life everyday; a driveless car would just be another thing added. In opposition to this, some feel that their use of technology has allowed them to feel that computers/ technolgy can result in failure. If driverless cars were allowed on the road addition accidents could be caused if the technolgy or computers were to fail while being driven.\n\nLastly, the development of driverless cars should be haulted because issues can arise between drivers and consumers. As stated in the article \"Driverless Care Are Coming\", the idea of fault has come about. This is due to the fact that if an accident were to occur, then who is to blame, the driver or the car or the manufacturer. Drivers would feel that it is the manufacturers fault because they are ones creating the cars and aquipping them with technology. At the same time, manufaturues would believe it is a drivers fault because they put themselves behind the wheel and were aware of the cars capabilities.\n\nIn conclusion, I am against the development of driverless cars. Driverless cars would create new traffic laws that would take time inorder for everyone to abide and adapt to. Driverless cars are run on the power of computers which can fail or have difficulties. Lastly, driverless cars lead to the topic of fault when an accident occurs. Driverless cars can be beneficial, but they need to be fully scrutinized before they are place on the roads full of drivers and passengers, ensuring the safety of all.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIf America were to limit car usage I'm sure that weight problems would lesson, as well as the smog. The envirnment would also be healthier, streets would be safer for children to play in. There would also be less car accidents that happenn because of careless drivers. Americans would have more money as well since gas prices have been going up so much in the past year.\n\nIf you have a truck in America, what do you think your gas is doing to the envirnment? Wll, in France they use diesel fuel instead of gasoline, which means 67% of their vehicles is diesel. Car traffic in France was 60%, after five days of intensifying smog, and where do you think that smog came from? Deisel! cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissioms. Paris typicaly has more smog than other European capitals, last week Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London.\n\nIn Bogota, Columbia- a program that's set to spread to the other countries, millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets deviod of traffic jams. The day without cars is part of an important campaign that began in Bogota in the mid-1990s. I believe that people in America should do something like that.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you like helping people while having fun? If you do then I've just the right job for you. This wonderful job is called the UNRRA. There are many reasons why you should join the UNRRA to be a seagoing Cowboys. Some in which include trips, hanging out, ETC. Today we are going to be going over or covering if you will some of the reasons that you should join the seagoing cowboys in the UNRRA.\n\nFirst of all many people say that you whould nothing out of this organization, but you really get a lot of things out of this organization. One reason you should join the seagoing cowboys is you get many trips around the world. For example, in \" A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves\" Luke said that he got to go all around the world like: China, Europe, Greece, ETC. You actuall get to go all over the world.\n\nSecond is that you get to hang out with people you might not know, and who knows you might make a friend, meet your new best friend or even find that perfect someone for you. If you do meet someone then you would be able to hang out a lot. You could have your first date with that perfect someone in a different contry. How cool whould that be! If you don't believe me you can go back to thee text and look in paragraph 5. If I recall it says that he was able to go see many touring spots, and had a lot more free time then you think.\n\nSpeaking of touring that brings me to my next point you are able to go sight seeing and touring. You can go to many places in China and Europe. For example, If you are in Europe and you are close or near Italy you can go and see the leaning tower of piza. For lunch you can go and get some delisous Italian pizza. Now to me that sounds like the perfect day.\n\nOthers might argue by saying that all of this is too expensive and it cost a lot of money. What the people that say this don't see is that the organization pays for most of the cost. Sometimes I bet you that the people that go on this trip don't even spend a dime or a penny.\n\nIn coclusion as you can see by all of the evidence I have showed that there is no doubt in the world that you should not join this organization UNRRA to become a seagoing cowboy. To me all of this kind of sounds fun like a vacation. It doesn't sound like a job at all it sounds refreshing to be able to be at work while doing soomething that seems like fun and a vacation. In conclusion judging by everything I have stated I think that you should join the seagoing cowboys. I know that I will join the seagoing cowboys, will you join?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think I would go with the idea of developing cars that are driverless because of how it functions, what it uses, and why we use it. How it works is that its just a normal car, but it drives all by itself. I think thats a good thing because if lets say if a family has a huge celebration and they forgot something at the store. Well, we can let the car go get the things that they need without leaving the house to miss anything. So, the car uses a huge amount of battery power and goes get the things from the store. The car also uses no fuel or half of the fuel that we use today.\n\nThese cars thats going to be built in the future is going to save alot of money and it will not effect our ecosystem and not waste anything. What it uses is mainly under alot of wires but mainly runs to a big battery that charges all night and runs all day without having to stop at gas stations and refuel everytime. Plus, the car has to use a gps sensor to find out its surroundings of the car like in paragraph 4. It states that it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings. Which is a smart idea because, if there is something nearby and it sensor it and warn the driver.\n\nThe final thing that I want to talk about the driverless cars is why we use it. Back then, they made a special track that only a smart car can drive on and they wanted to put magnets in the road so, the car can track the positive and the negative so the car will not get into a crash. Whenever most people are driving, their hands start to weaken and they get tired so, whenever that person is tired they can rest in their seat and let the car do the rest but, they say that if something is wrong like a construction or a wreck is going on, then the car warns the driver and the driver has to get out of the way of what's going on in the road.\n\nSo, my conclusion is that im wanting the driverless cars to be invented because it can cause a great effect on everybody and the economy. There are some flaws about it but there are many other things that is great about the driverless car that Google has made as well as some other manufactuares. This can change us, the economy, and the world in the future.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nProfessor Thomas Huang and Professor Nicu Sebe have worked on a software that can detect how a person is feeling. The software is called teh FAcial Action Coding System, or FACS. The software can use muscle detectors to analyze and detect how a person is feeling. From my perspective, I think this is a great software to have, especially for certain situations. Some situations may include popping up media.\n\nOne reason why I think this is a great idea is because of it's function where it recognizes what you're feeling, and make modifications based around it, so you'll feel better. In the text, it mentions of how the software can detect whether someone is confused or bored, and can make some modifications to better suit the person. This shows that when it does that, it can help students better understand the topic. In the text, it mentions how when the software detects your emotion, it sends over an ad based on how you feel. This shows that if someone is feeling sad, they can send them an article about how to get better or how to overcome a loss, which is really useful. This is great for using media to assist you, but of course, it has a human-caused benefit.\n\nThe software can help you make random faces, and when done, it can help you with your emotions. In the text, it states that making fake smiley faces actually causes you to feel slightly happy. This shows that when you're making a fake smiley face when down, there's a chemical in your body that actually can help you get better. In the text, it states that Stanislavsky has his students make happy faces and frowning faces, due to the previous fact to help them better act. This shows that the software can help you detect whether or not you're actually acting a feeling well or not. Now, there is a benefit for those who don't have a software.\n\nThe software can detect facial muscles, and that helps it point out what a person is feeling. In the text, it states that the software succesfully recognized Mona Lisa's facial muscles, and it showed her to be 83% happy. This shows that the software can go through many paintings and easily detect how they're feeling. In the text, it states that with it's muscle-detecting technology, it can detect whether or now a politician or celebrity is being truthful or not. This shows that the software can detect whether or not a celebrity is lying, and that can helpful, especially in an allegation.\n\nOverall, I believe that this technology is good to have around. It can detect how you feel, and attempt to assist you. It can cause you to make fake happy faces and actually feel happy. Finally, it can help out with detecting a truthful person or not. With that said, I believe that this will go great with classrooms in the country.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe thing about the face is, everyone was hoping for a Martian. Thats why so many people were still not saticefied when they saw the second. It isn'tg easy, you know. They all have to do extremely hard work to just get a glimpse at the \"Face.\" We have done multiple photos of the face and around the face. If we were trying to hide something, why would we show it to everyone? Those are the crazy things I'm talking about. Un-needed sceptics and conspiracy theorists to question the goals of NASA as a whole, just because we found this and shared it with the world.\n\nThere are forms like this all over the world. You can find formations like this anywhere, like in deserts, on rocks, theres no end to it! You can find unusual formations all over the world. However, when its another world, its a completely different story? No. Mars is a desert, and why cant formations like this be found there? The truth is they can. This just seemed interesting so we wanted to share your possible discovery with the world. NASA would have loved to find out that it was a Martian, but that wasn't the case.\n\nThe article states people who have seen things like that in the desert. There are multiple whitnesses of that. So in the conclusion of my arguement, I'd like to state, that I believe, and you should to, that the \"Face\" on Mars, Is just a natural formation on the planets amazing surface.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy position to driverless cars is on the negative side. The reason i say negative is that i know nothing about it and it just doesnt seem safe to let a car, something with no brain, something that cant even think for itself drivea car for you. Technology is driving the car for you but wouldnt people get nervous because they dont know if the technolody would stop working or not thats kinda scarey. But i will explain why i am more on the negative side.\n\nI think smart cars is a really good idea but i dont think its a good i dea to not drive the car and let the car drive itself. What happens if the car runs out of fuel or stops workin all of a sudden what are you supposed to do because alot of people know absolutely nothing about technology or even cars. What if the technology starst going out of control and theres no way to stop it, things can get really bad for the passenger and the company the car came from. They said in a driverless car some thing that is not available is texting while the car is driving, if the car is driverless it should be able to handle itself thats why it says driverless. They also said its 90% driver less so basically the car can run on its own for a long period of time without the drivers assistants and they never explained how far the car can go, the distance of the car can travel. They also didnt explain how many years the car can last without it causing any problems. In the passage said automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved but what about the near future what if the problems accur again how would you solve them ?\n\nSmart cars isnt a bad thing but i dont think their safe and thats just my opinion. I dont think its safe for people to drive in an autopilot car and have no worries at all. I wonder if the cars stop working how many people are going to be without transportation or how many people are going to be broke just because they spent every last dollar into a car they knew nothing about, it was jsut interesting to them. I wonder how many people would think about their choice then. But in the end people are still going to but these cars. And another thing if its a driverless car than will you need a drivers liscense?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is extremly valuable. The Facial Action Coding System could help detect when a student is bored or confused. It can help the teacher to decide how to help the students. The system can make things easier for the students to understand. The Facil Action Coding System could help most likely help all students.\n\nWhen students aren't understanding the lesson that is being taught on the computer,the system can recongize the students facil expressions and see that the student is confused and the system can notify the teacher to help the student. Also when students are bored or falling asleep it can notify the teacher to get the students attention or wake the student up. The Facil Action Coding System can see certain things that the teacher can't see. If a teacher asks the class if they understand a topic and a student says yes ,but they\n\nreally don't understand the teacher would most likely not see that the student doesn't understand. The Facil Action Coding would see it though and notify the teacher.\n\nIn conclusion the Facil Action Coding would be very helpful to the students and teachers. It can help students if they are confused or bored. The system can help teachers understand what the students are struggling with . It can help tell if students are lying about if they underdstand the topic or not. The Facil Action Coding Systems can be benefit everyone in a school.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs the world around us begins to change blossom with new beliefs, ideas and inventions it makes you stop and wonder. About what? With television and movies creating the fantasy of driveless cars I cant help but wonder what it would be like if they actually exsisted? Well now i know longer have to ask due to the amazing improvemnets, that I am proud to stand by, in technology that turned my childhood dream of driveless cars into a reality.\n\nActually driving a car is a thing of the past as the world steps forth into a new promising future. But what does this new promising future entail? For starters, better access to saftey. Some may wonder how a car without anyone behind the wheel of it can possibly be safe. But the real question is how can it not be with sensors provided onto these vehicals they are built to protect . For instance,Google's Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automative radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an interial motion sensor. With all of these sensors' the car aswell pasengers are in better hands then they ever were when dependent on just one person focusing behid the wheel. Now not only is the person behid the wheel focused but the car is focused as well as mimics the skill of a human at the wheel.\n\nThough these sensors arnt anything new they have been around since the 1980's when they would detect and respond to skids or rollovers on the roads. In addition in 2013, BMW announced the devolpment of the \"Traffic Jam Assistant\". Which is where the car is able to handle driving onits own. Though the have touch sensors that make sure the driver is keeping hold o fthe wheel at all times.Seeing as although the car is capable of steering, accelerating , and braking\n\non it's own it requires the human to be made aware its their skills are needed. Also GM has created driver's seaats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger. So with the sensors of the past combined with the sensors of the Google Toyata Prius questioning saftey is a thing of the past.\n\nThough these drveless cars go beyond sensors on the outside of the vehical they also impact the interior.For instance Dr.Werner Huber, a BMW project manager driver says\" We have to interpret the driving fun in a new way\". Which they plan on doing by installing in car entertainment that can be instantly turned off and taken over when needed.\n\nIn conclusion, driveless cars are a thing of the future that are not only amazing cool but safley bound present aswell. Promising not only a better more effect future of public transportation where driveless cars form a public-transport taxi system. Using only\n\nhalf the fuel we use today, saving the world resources. But a chance to turn what once was a dream into an everlasting reality.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever seen a movie that takes place in the future? If yes, then you probably also saw driverless/flying cars in it. Although these cars may become a reality, there will be many negative aspects that will also come with them. Some of the negative aspects that will result from having driverless cars are more debt for the world, the risk of not being safe, and the fact that driverless car will\n\nnot truly be driverless.\n\nOne negative aspect that will come with having driverless cars is that the it will not ever actually be driverless.\n\nFor example, in the article it talks about how driverless cars require several sensors in order to work.\n\nThe problem with these sensors is that they do not really work when it comes to accidents or work zones.\n\nThis means that even if driverless cars are invented the driver will always have to be alert in case the car needs to be taken over by a human; this aspect affects the whole meaning of driverless cars because they would instead be called \"somewhat driverless cars\".\n\nThe only way for a driverless car to happen were if smart roads invented instead; the negative side to this is that they are expensive to build.\n\nAnother negative aspect that will come when building driverless cars is that they are expensive and will take a long time to come.\n\nFor example, in order for\n\ndriverless car to become a reality the first thing that needs to happen are smart roads.\n\nThese smart roads, as explained in the article, are difficult to build since the roads that we have now would have to upgraded which would cost a lot of time and effort.\n\nA second thing that needs to happen before driverless cars can become a reality are changes in driving laws.\n\nFor example, in order for companies to convince authorities to make driverless cars legal in more states, they would need to prove that they are safe.\n\nThis would take along time since safety is the number one priortiy when it comes to driving and authorities would have to think long and hard about make them legal.\n\nAnother negative aspect that will come with driverless car is that they would be boring and unsafe.\n\nSince driverless cars can not be completly driverless, the passanger will need to stay alert.\n\nThis could get boring since it means that the passanger first can not drive during most of the ride and because they also could not relax.\n\nCompanies are trying to solve this problem by having some sort of entertainment system of built into the car but even if they do get rid of the entertainment problem there is always the huge risk that the driver will fall asleep or not be alert enough when it comes to them having to take over.\n\nTherefore, although driverless cars have positive aspects, there are more negative aspects than there are postive.\n\nThe fact that driverless cars will never be actually driverless due to other factors such as accidents is one of them.\n\nAnother one is the fact that in order for them to be made several amounts of money will have to be spent.\n\nFinally, the third negative aspect that will come with driverless cars is that they would be boring and unsafe since the driver will have to stay alert because if not accidents could happen.\n\nSo even though driverlesss cars may become a reality, they would be unessecary since most people would not want them due to saftey reason.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAre driverless cars safe? To me it seems kinda risky. What if the car malfunctions or somerthing bad happens. Then who's fault is that? Also, if they put driverless cars on the street we would have to make a lot more laws. Things like age limit on driving one, if you'd need a license to operate one, and if you could operate one under the influence of anything. I think there would be just a lot of rules, regulations, and problems for a driverless car.\n\nSo my positon on driverless cars? like I said in my indroduction; I think driverless cars would just be to risky. i mean if they functioned perfectly with no malfunctions or anything they'd really come in handy, and would be of great help to a lot of people. I think they would be of great help to handicapped people, or Veterans injured in the war, or people who aren't able to drive at the moment. But\n\nyou would also have to know how to drive, because stated in the text, humans would need to take over in some situations. So, basically the car is limited to some driving abilities to like pulling out of the driveway, or through roadwork accidents thats when the human will have to take control.\n\nTo support my decisions; In the text The google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. They can steer accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are desinged to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. So that means the human should always be alert and be ready when the situation occurs. Also, GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the car is in danger to backing into something, so I'm guessing the human will have to take over there instead of the car saving itself. Other options are flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays, but what if the driver was death or blind? Some heads-up displays they wouldn't know, and also why I think the cars are risky.\n\nIn conclusion like I said before the cars could be of great help. Also, the cars would be really cool and great. It's just those heads-up displays, and the human would have to be alert at all times ready to take control. In additon to if the car malfunctioned or something; Then what? Who would there be to blame? Lastly, there would have to be whole lot of new Laws, rules , and regulation put in place for driverless cars, and that's why I think driverless cars would be risky.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face on Mars is just a natural landform there was no real evidence of it being showned to be formed by aliens.\n\nAs\n\nI looked at the evidence and the photos that the scienctist gave me they showed that in 1976 the face was full of dust and etc. Which could have formed the face from probably erosion of the dust or even the illusion of the human eyes,mouth, and nose .\n\nFor Example in the article I read a passage that said \"Although few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact\" , they had no real proof of it being this .\n\nThen another photo that I recieved from the team in 1998 showed that Face started to show as if it was unmasking itself for us to see, which had probably given NASA the thought of it being an alian artifact , but still they had no real proof of it being this .\n\nI read a passage and it said \" And so on April 5,1998 , when Mars Global Surveyor few over Cydonia for the first time ,Miachael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos .Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the first image appeared on JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all.\n\nBut still not evryone was actually satisfied . So on April 8,2001 (MGS) drew close enough for a second look . And Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution. Each Pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters , compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo.\n\nIn Conlusion, there was never any real proof of the Face on Mars being an alien monument the only proof that NASA had was based off of opinions. They had no Factual evidence.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAlthough driverless cars are useful and could make it easier for drivers to navigate a car, I am against driverless cars. I am against driverless cars because it will take a lot a sensors and technology to develope the things manufacturers need to build the car to drive on it's own. The car also don't have to ability to detect roadwork or accidents. In most states in the country it is illegal to even test computer-driven cars.\n\nThe information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. What if a sensor fail? Then that's were the human come in and take control of the situation. If a sensor fail and there is no driver then the car can go uncontolably across the road causing many accidents. When in most case, if there was a human driving the car there wouldn't be as many failures and the car and everyone in and surrounding it will be safe.\n\nIn fact, none of the cars developed so far are competely driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. This mean that the human driver must stay alert and be ready to take control of the required situation. I believe that if the car can't navigate around wrok zones and accidents that the car should only be driven by a human that can detect all dangers that are coming it's way. For example, if the sensor can't navigate the car around an accident that already accured than how can it provent the car from being involved in a accident.\n\nMost drving laws focus on keeping driver, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers. That is why most states made it illegal to even test computer-driven cars because they know it isn't safe and require lots of inprovements. Even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liablity in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is respondsible? The driver or the manufacturer?\n\nDriverless cars is not something I would like to have in my future because there is a lot of inprovements that need to be worked out before they meet the safety requirements of the taffic laws. They would be a great help to those who are learning to drive, but they are still dangerous. Humans aren't perfect, but they are more reliable in driving a car than sensors, so I am against driverless cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAccording to source 2 \"Paris bans driving due to smog\" by \"Robert Duffer,\" and source 3 \"Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota\" by \"Andrew Selsky.\" Talk about banning driving to help clear smog and lower air pollution.\n\nSource 2 talks about banning driving in Paris due to smog.\"After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial ban to clear the air of the global city.\"Paris would only let certian people drive on certain days to reduce pollution.\"On Monday mortorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave therir cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine($31).The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day.\"\n\nSource 3 talks about people in Bogota,Colombia hiking,biking,skating or taking the bus to work during a car free day to lower air pollution.\"In a program that's set to spread to other countries,millions of colombians hiked,biked,skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday,leaving the streets of this capital city earliy devoid of traffic jams.\"\"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,\"said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. By limiting car usage it has \"Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city;uneven,pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad,smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic;and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up.\n\nBy limiting car usage it has different countries all around the world limiting cars to help reduce smog and air pollution, and can also take away stress. This has also helped parks and sports centers bloom thoughout citys,replace worn out things,reduce traffic and helped open new restaurants and new shopping districts.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCan people really show their emotions through a computer? How can this computer see our emotions?\n\nFor years people have problems with emotions or telling how their feeling, well not to long ago a man tested his emotions. This wasn't just any old test though, this man named Dr. Huang tested his emotions through a computer. Yes!!!, i said computer. Dr. Huang wanted to test a painting called Mona Lisa, (i'm sure you know of it or heard something about it. Well Dr. Huang tested her faced because she smiles a little and he seen that she's not just happy she has six different emotions all together. She 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. How does this work? Well the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscels. Movement of one or two muscles is called an \"action unti.\" Your frontalis pars lateralis muscle raises your eyebrows when your surpried.\n\nsix different emotions one you and one computer, will you get tested?", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever thought of joining the Seagoing Cowboys? Seagoing Cowboys takes you around the world and het work done. You should join because Seagoing Cowboysgives you the perfect opportunities to explore, you can have free time to play games, and if you join, you can help people that were or is affected by something terrible.\n\nTo begin with, Seagoing Cowboys will give you the perfect opportunities. Seagoing Cowboys will take you places like from China to Usa and even more! In case youve never even been on the ocean, this is pretty much your chance. When you join the Seagoing Cowboys, you will definetly be safe with us.\n\nFurthermore, you will get some free time of course! On the cattle boat, you can have time after a long days work. Its just in case we are not working or far away from our destination. I think if you get tired during work this will be helpful.\n\nFinally, you can actually help people with affection by somethoing terrible. in the article,\" A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves\" the author states, \" It was 1945, World War II was over in Europe, and many countries were left in ruins.\" the author also states,\" Luke Bomberger crossed Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pcific Ocean twice to help people affected by World War II.\" this shows that you can help us help others\n\nPerfect opportunities, free time, and affecting others is my reasons. You should come and help others too.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI do not see a place for self-driving cars in our time, but may see a place for them in the future. Although there are many advantages to these Google self driving cars there are also some things that take away from it's self- driving feature. Google may have found a new mode of transportation, but for the here and now I believe taxi's are for here to stay.\n\nIf these are self driving cars why must the driver or rider still be fully aware of the surrounding objects and traffic? If they had to state this why should this be allowed on the streets at all. This is a great idea and it's claims of helping our enviroment by using half the fuel the taxi's use would be a huge technological impact on our entire species' carbon footprint on our planet. But also what Google should deam the most important features of this product is it's saftey to passengers and to the vehicles surrounding it.\n\nAlthough I do agree with amny this is a great idea and could take over the taxi cab industry in total, I feel this may be for the years down the road. Google shoudl wait ten to fifteen years in order to perfect the tehnology in order to get this self driving car on the roads. But until then I feel it is still time for the classic yellow taxi's to continue being driven by a human behind the wheel in our cities.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Facial Action Coding System or FACS, in my opinion could be very helpful and useful in the future. The reason I say this is because, there are many students that get very bored, very unamused, confused and irritated with school work. And if we were able to have The Facial Action Coding System, it could possibly help students get back on track very easily.\n\nIn the text I read about how The Facial Action Coding System was able to, \"calculate emotions\". And like I said I think this could be very beneficial to students and adults in the Educational Field and the Work Field. For example, in the text it says, \"if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different.\" This shows that the FACS is following your mood, so whatever mood you have the following ad will appear. This could be the beginning of participation. In addition, they also say that a classroom computer could detect or recognize when a student is becoming bored, confused, or unamused, according to Dr. Huangs prediction. They also say, \"It could be an effective human instructor.\". This could be very effective on students and teachers. I say this because, if a student is bored or confused an ad that pops up could help them realize some things and help put them on track and hopefully get interested.\n\n\"The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive-for video games or video surgery. Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication. So computers need to understand that, too.\" according to Dr. Huang. This not only is efficient for students or teachers but, it is also beneficial to Surgeons. This technology is valuable and very useful it seems. The Facial Action Coding System is, a human emotion identifier or detector and this would be very useful to a classroom of students. And others.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy position on driveless cars is that I am against the develpment of these cars. It too dangerous, not reliable enough and the prices will obviously be too high. The negatives in my opinion outway the postitives. There just isnt enough thats telling me its something right to do.\n\nI feel its too dangerous, which will lead to lawsuits. If accidents happen the blame will be hard to put on someone. Drunk driving and texting is still happening today and if someone isnt paying attention accidents could happen.\n\nAnd you cant always trust technology. Even cars on the road today have malfunctions with technology. If the technology fails its likely to scare others. More people would be hesitant to buy them.\n\nThe article stated a rhetorical question that was \"why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?\" Which is my question too, people enjoy driving. To me its relaxing and gets my mind off things. It seems quite boring. If someone wouldnt be driving they'd use a taxi or limo, which is why we have those.\n\nAnd lasty, how much will it cost to manufactor these cars? How long will it take? Just like hybrid cars, the pricing will be too high for anyone in the middle class or below to even afford these types of cars. The advancement in the technology tells me they wont even be manufactored fast enough. How often do you even see a hybrid car driving? I dont think peoples interest in these will be as much as manufators are expecting.\n\nIn conclusion, driverless cars are too dangerous, not reliable enough and too highly priced for everyday use. I think we are a society becoming way too dependent on technology. The thought of all cars taking control scares me. There isnt enough postive aspects for driverless cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMostly everybody man focused today is when i become a teenager , get a job and get my first CAR .Cars are good to get around but there are some advantages of limiting car usage , like pollution and more money you have in you pocket for youself. Thats sounds good right? I know !\n\nTo begin with ,Paris has banned driving to smog (pollution towards the greenhouse).Contaminated air we breathe isn't good for are lungs-just are health period. Consuming to much carbon and make us very sick and ill. Somethings we need to get to are pretty far and to get to places on time is faster by car- which most people think but isn't the case. Cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions. Plug-in cars , hyrbrids , and or cars carrying three or more passengers would be good but what about are power plants , cant they be used for something else? Cars are a good tool to have but its causing problems in our greenhouse that we need to stop\n\nMeanwhile in Bogota , car free day is going in a great path. Many of us been in traffic jams before,right? Sitting at a light 3 times before you get to go .Do you ever think walking would be faster ? On car free day in Bogota,Colombia Colombians didnt use there cars and didnt complain about it ; they used bikes,skates or skateboards , even took a bus! Now, thats sounds like some good resources to me. We all like good days and not stressed one so leave the car in your drive way and start using other things to get you to where you have to go. This could be a community thing to everyone aound you , every citie , and every state.\n\nFouthermore , Car dealer ships need business to , start making that dont produce alot of pollution into the air we breathe , use resources that wont cause mot damage , the ozone layer isnt at its best and we need to save it before it gets worse , take action before its to late !\n\nIn Conclusion , can be very useful but why use them alll the time ? theres other things that can get us around like bikes , buses or even just walking . Driving all the time can be a bad habit . Pollution is a biggie as well , pollution are air is very unhealthy , but car makers are about what the car is about and not what its producing to are world. No need for gas today ; ill walk!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDue to the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" by Nick D'Alto, scientist are speculating the idea of giving computers a new technology called 'The Facial Acion Coding System' which enables computers to identify human emotions. This new system could be very valuable for students.\n\nThomas Huang,of the Beckman Institute for advanced science at the University of Illinos, is working in collaberation with Professor Nicu Sebe of the University of Ansterdam to develop better ways for humans and computers to communicate. After the process of constructing a 3-D computer model of the face is done by the two , Dr.Huang then relies on the work of psychologist Dr. Paul Eckman, creatorr of FACS (facial Action Coding\n\nSystem).\n\n\"Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, suprise, anger, disqust, fear, and sadness- and hen associated each with characteristic movements of he facial muscles\" (D'Alto , paragraph 3)\n\nWith this , computers are able to recognize these emotions and give each emotion a percentage to show how you are truly feeling. This could not only be great for communication with your computer but help any person express how they feel. This can help professors as well get a better understanding of how a student may be feeling at given time, which could excuse them or help in any way they could for the students benefit. Lots of people struggle to describe every facial trait that coveys every emotion and with this technology that shows you just that from just identifying facial mucsles, more people around you and even YOURSELF can begin to have a clearer understanding of how you are truly feeling in that point in time.\n\nThis is important for any person who may be going through a rough time and needs clarity to how they are feeing. In the future this could benefit so many people. Being able to have communication with your computer can also make the individual using the system feel more safe and understanding.\n\nAlthough people dont enjoy those annoying ads that their computer may send out to them, imagine being able to have your computer recognize when you smile at an ad or \"pop up\" so you see a similar ad follow that one or if you dont like an ad so you frown, you then begin to see ads that have no relation to that last one. This could be extremely valuable to the PC you are on or any computer or device you choose to use this system on.\n\n\"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication,\" notes Dr. Huang \"So computers need to understand that, too.\" (D'Alto paragraph 6)\n\nWith this, in this being very beneficial for any student, this could very much improve any computer as well. This technology could make computer- animated faces more expressive- for video games or video surgery. Anything can be improved by this expression and emotion detector.\n\nIf this sytem benefited in more than just the individual using it but also the computer or device being used for it, more things would begin to improve helping all citizens that even may not be using the system to their benefit.\n\nIn conclusion this system would be a great addition to add along to today's newest technology programs. Lots of people could be benefited from this and it could help improve lots of technology worldwide. More people could begin to learn more about themselves and start communicating with their computer by having their computer give them their emotions each day they logged. With this system it has the ablity to make users of any device of technology enjoy their experience more so than they would before, with everyone's help this new Facial Action Coding System could make a huge change in today's society.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIts valuable to use a technolgy that can read the emotional expressions of a student. I find it important to know how someone really feels and what they may be going through. For an example, many people hide what they truly feel, because of what others think. I have a great friend that really does not express themselves when we go out and hang, she always seems to be bored. The reality is that she has fun and likes the things I like, She may seem like she is bored, but you can tell when she is enjoying herself, she makes a small smile and looks over to the other side when she does not want me to see that she is having fun.\n\nHaving Leonardo da Vinci's painting of Mona Lisa is a great way to tell others an expression of all six basic emotions. The way Leonardo used his painting to get every single muscle to go with its roll in each six basic emotional expression of Mona Lisa.\n\nWe all have six basic emotions, which are: happiness, surprise, anger, digust, fear, and saddness. It is a surprise knowing when we humans are surprised an expression is shown in our faces, in the third paragraph the author says \" your frontails pars lateralis muscle raises your eyebrow\" when you're surprise. The most common facial expression is happy. In paragraph 7 it talks about how the instructions above were a happy face instuction, it also includes how their is a difference between a real and a false smile. Us humans have real emotional expressions. Our true expression never lie how we truly feel, as said in paragraph 8 \" faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a \"smiling\" politican or celebrity isn't being truthful.\"\n\nIn todays world many people express themselves and many people don't. In the reality many people hide what feel and make a lying expression, with noticeable information on the lying expression. In instance in paragraph 7, with the instuctions of making a smile, Having a false smile is different than a real smile. For example, in paragraph 8 the author talks about the muscle in the smile, \" muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make a crow's-feet around your eyes. But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius.\" This tells how a false expression can be noticable and yet use to make a lie.\n\nA technology that can read an expression of a student would be great, so that a teacher may know how a student is feeling and can help or observe. As known many famous people lie about how they feel and we as humans are no different than a celebrity. We all have emotion expressions that we express and falsely express to fool someone. Helping the ones who are sad and angry, fear and disgusted to succed and the ones who feel happy to succed as well.\n\nHaving the technology that can read emotion expressions in a classroom of student is valuable. Since most students don't want to express their feeling phiscally. These are my reasons why having a technology to read the emotional expression of students in a classroom is valuable.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAll throughout the world, experiments are taking place that replace the personal automobile with safer and more environment sensetive choices. Life in places, such as Vauban, Germany, is built around the lack of cars. Bogota, Colombia hosts their own Day Without Cars. Although this scale of events hasn't happened America yet, the youth of the United States aren't using cars as much as they used to. In all these cases, quality of life has improved and the environment isn't suffering as much as it previously did.\n\nThe residents of Vauban, Germany have made a monumental decision in the aspect of cars. According to the article\n\nIn German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars , in the new district of Freiburg, the only cars that run in the streets are the trams that run to downtown Freiburg. This is done so that \"stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway.\" This \"smart planning\" allows people to get to where they need to go without using cars. Placing busy businesses on a main street would normally be a bad idea because of the amount of congestion it would cause. In places like this, congestion isn't a thing that can happen. A walk could get you to central places allowing you to access the more important of places. The same article states that \"passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of the greenhouse gas emitions.\" The envirnment is in a state of constant decline with the amount of greenhouse gasses and chemicals we are exposing to it. The lack of cars is a great way to put us in the right direction. The article mentions that cars were responsible for \"up to 50 percent [of greenhouse gasses] in some car-intensive ares in the United States.\" Imagine how much clearer the sky would be with smog reduced by half. The implications of removing cars from our lives could mean the difference between severe global warming and living happy and healthy.\n\nThree cities, deep within the Colombian urban areas, host a day where cars are not allowed. Andrew Selsky describes how \"parks and sports centers have bloomed throughout the city; uneven,pitted sidewalks; rush-hour traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up.\" In Bogota, this singular day where cars were banned gave people a reason to try out public transportation and personal locomotion. Paris took a similar approach when, According to Robert Duffer, they \"enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of he global city.\" Cars with even-numbered license plates were enforced to not be driven. The odd-numbered plates were the ones that were taken off the streets the next day. The two day ban allowed the envirnment to recover after extremely high smog levels. The rule that was applied in the Colombian cities was also enforced in the worldwide city of Paris. Both cities benefited greatly from a temporary ban of cars.\n\nCar culture has always been strong within America. Elisabeth Rosunthal implies that for several decades, cars were a must-have object, but now, the youth are not as interested as the previous generations. Rosunthal shows how \"America's love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling. When adjusted for population growth, the number of miled driven in the United States peaked in 200 and dropped steadily thereafter, according to an analysis by Doug Short of Advisor Perspecive.\" If the largest cities stopped relying on cars as much, everybody would benefit. Even the car companies would have something to gain with advances in more personal vehicles such as bicycles. The environment would have an immense amount of weight taken off of its shoulders. In the US, where the 2nd highest source of environmental harm is cars, the impact would be monumental. The article relates that \"people who stopped car commuting as a result of the recession may find less reason to resume hte habit.\" Teens all across America are car-pooling and finding new ways to help the environment while also getting to where they need to go.\n\nLife is getting too busy. There is always something that needs to be done. Cars may help but there will never be enough hours in the day to do everything. Leaving personal transportation behind will be the next big step towards a more relaxed and stressless life. The advantages easily outweigh the disadvantages.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wanted to travel over seas to amazing countries, but still need a job? If so and if not you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. In the program,you get to do a lot of fun things over seas.\n\nIf you are in the program,you get to go to amazing countries. These countries may include Europe, China, Greece, and wherever else they need you. In the story it stated that Luke, (me) , a Seagoing Cowboy, toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China. It was very fun to stay at the countires and to look at the amazing views as we went through.\n\nIn the program, you not only get to travel to amazing places, but you also get to help people and animals too. The UNRRA hired the \"Seagoing Cowboys\" to take care of the animals and people. We sail overseas with the animals and take care of them until we can get it to the people.\n\nOn the way back, the Seagoing Cowboys get to have a lot of fun playing games. We play baseball, volleyball,etc. We also do boxing,fencing,and other tournaments like those. We do this to pass the time on the way back and for all the hard work we have done over that time period we were helping the animals.\n\nIn the story it states that once on a trip I had a near death experience trying to help the animals on the ship. Although this is true, this event is very unlikely to happen, and I am still safe due to a piece of metal coming in my way to save me.\n\nYou or a family member should become a Seagoing Cowboy. You get to not only help people and animals, but you also get to travel through amazing countries, and get to have fun on the way back. The Seagoing Cowboys help a lot of people and it is very fun, and for those reasons you should become one of us, or better known as a Seagoing Cowboy.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Author says studying venus would be worthy despite how dangerous venus is. Exploring Venus would be harmful for anyone who goes there, and its atmosphere wouldnt be the same as Earth. Venus is the closest planet to Earth and is sometimes referred to as Earths \"twin\". With NASA and scientist striving for Venus, Traveling to Venus will likely lead to many discoveries.\n\nVenus is the second closest planet from the sun and has the hottest surface temperature than any other planet, even Mercury which is the closest to the sun. Temperature that average over 800 degrees and atomsphere 90 times greater than Earth would be harsh and it wouldnt be easy to live on but it would be survivable for humans. NASA has been studying ideas for sending humans into Venus so that they can study its surface, and NASA are also making a machine that would orbit over Venus surface without having to risk sending humans.\n\nWith NASA working on visting Venus I can refer that in a decade or two, NASA will get closer to complete landing on Venus.The Author wants the prusuit of studying Venus something that can lead to new discoveries and new lifeform we dont know about yet. Despite the danger venus offers, people will likely lead to theory of the planet itself. With Venus being called Earth's twin and being the closest to Earth, it would likely be the next planet we humans would live on.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe students of today are the leaders of tomorrow. This statement directly portrays that students have the potential to grow and do outstanding things. In order for this growth, a student must be well educated in his or her school teachings, and must be confident in his or her learning. The Facial Action Coding System is a new technological device that can read a person's facial expression. Using this innovative technology, a teacher can thoroughly recognize if a student is understanding the material, and is confident in their studies. The use of this face-reading technology for students is essential towards a student's overall education, as well as personal confidence.\n\nEducation in the classroom is very valuable towards a student's growth. Due to personal experience, a student does not only need the education itself, but needs to understand the education for more knowledge. This facial-reading computer can clarify if a student is actually understanding the education. For example, Dr. Huang stated, \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" Therefore, if a student is struggling, \"Then it can modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" Therfore, this directly shows that the technology created can increase a student's performance in school. This can allow the teacher, or the program, to help the student understand more information when a student is struggling. This innovative technology can result in positive changes in student's education and school environments.\n\nA student must be confident in what he or she is learning to advance in school. Without confidence, a student is often lost and loses hope in their personal ability. With confidence, a student is proud and is ready for any assignment given to them. This new innovative technology, the Facial Action Coding System, can determine whether a student is confident in their studies. As Dr. Huang stated, the technology studies facial expressions and muscles to determine what expression is being conveyed. Using this technology can allow the teacher, or the program, to determine if you are happy, proud, and understanding the material, or if you are angry, distraught, and unhappy with the material. This allows the teacher to provide personal help, so that therefore, they can provide understanding and you are more confident, and ready for subsequent information. This technology can help provide confidence for students in their respective studies.\n\nUsing the Facial Action Coding System in school environments would prove to be very beneficial and valuable. Through the ability of this new technology, understanding the education would greatly increase among students who need extra study tools and material. Confidence could be measued through the technology and help could be provided, so that students are better prepared mentally and physically for future assignments. This innovation could be used to guide the students of today, into leaders of tomorrow", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that we should have more control over the car. like a manual over ride so we could just drive if we dont want to use the automatic mode. the fact that a camera will be watching you kinda bothers me, and they say its for saftey. I dont belive that i think its for people who do drugs, or drink and drive so i guess it would be safer but it would also take away our freedom/choice to drive.\n\nIm still for it cause you would also have more time to pay more attention to others in your car. honestly thats why the camera thing, making sure your watching the road is a bit counter intuitive. You would just be sitting there bacicly looking out a window not to mention people would get board and then you'd definatly get distracted. It even says its on autopilot 90 percent of the time. I hope they redesign the inside of the car, maybe have it to a more liveing room type thing where the driver seat can rotate a 180 degrees to face towards the middle of the car. there would be a adjustable table tv, computer or if you need to face and talk with your kids.\n\nSo i think this would help on time crunches and multi-tasking. when you think obout it we spend hours of our day watching signs,roads, and cars. All that time just gone with little progress of anything but now you should be able to get a lot more done in little time, cause time is everything. And we really shouldn't be wasting it on staring at a long lonly road for hours on end.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face that is on Mars was not made by aliens it's just a natural landform. \"The caption noted a \"huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth\" (NASA 1). The Face is not really a face it just looks like a face. The face on Mars is just a natural land form because it's just a shadow giving an illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth, it's just another Martian mesa just that this one has unusual shadows, and NASA took a picture that the Face just looked like a landform here in America.\n\nThe Face on Mars is just a natural land form because it's just a shadow giving an illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. \"The authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars\" (NASA 1). NASA is just trying to get Mars attention. NASA didn't take a really good picture in 1976, but then later on they did and they saw it was just a natural landform.\n\nThe Face on Mars is just another Marian mesa just that this one has unusual shadows. \"Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh\" (NASA 1). The Face on Mars just had wierd shadows that made it look like a face. The Face is not an alien artifact it's just a landform.\n\nThe Face on Mars looks just like a landform here in America. \"What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa\u0097landforms common around the American West\" (NASA 1). It just looks like a landform in America. The Face looks like Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho (NASA 1). The Face is not an alien artifact it's just a natural landform.\n\nSome people think the Face on Mars is an alien artifact but its not. It's compared to many landforms here in America. The face on Mars in the first picture just had really unusual shadows that made it look like a face.\n\nThe Face on Mars just had some unusual shadows that made it look like a face. In a better picture it just looks land a natural land form. The face on Mars is just a natural land form because it's just a shadow giving an illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth, it's just another Martian mesa just that this one has unusual shadows, and NASA took a picture that the Face just looked like a landform here in America.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHi my name is Luke and there are a ton of reasons to go on Seagong Cowboys Program, and there all right here. Just keep reading and the only thing that you would want to do is go on that trip.\n\nOh how much fun that was on that boat with all of the lovely animals and my friends.\n\nOne of the best things about the trip was all the friends I made, you know playing games and stuff.\n\nI know what you're thinking; what about all of that hard work the whole time.\n\nWell on the way back the only thing that we did was play games, read, and everyonce in a while we would have to clean off the docks.\n\nThere were no animals on the way back and thats why it was so fun.\n\nOn the way there it was pretty hard work taking care of the animals, but we only had to that every hour, and even then we all pitched in and helped.\n\nIf you're thinking about how long it took, it really just depends on how fast you work.\n\nThere in't really much to say about the work that hasnt been said, the point is it's not that hard.\n\nThe best part about the trip was all the places that we stopped at along the way.\n\nOne of the best ones was when we stopped at Greece and I saw the Acropolis.\n\nWe also stopped at Vince Italy, the city had streets of water.\n\nWe also visited Europe and China, plus im even including the fact we helped so many people along the way.\n\nThis is the best thing that could have happened to a small town boy like me.\n\nThe only reason why I got to go on this amazong trip was because of one of my friends told me about it.\n\nI guess I'm just trying to be a good friend to and give you the life changing trip.\n\nJust think about it.\n\nAll that I'm really trying to say is that this is the most amazing that happened to me and it all I had to do was take care of a couple of animals with my some of my closest friends.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHello there people we are the seagoing Cowboys and we would like you to join us on the high stormy waves of the Alantic,Pafic,and dont forget the artic sea!\n\nThe people really need your help getting them back food,supplies,animails. We already have 44 nations that have njoind us on this quest to help these countrys that need our help.\n\nDo you have what it takes to beat Lukes record. Its more than nine trips on the open sea. No you will not be fightring in the war but if you get hurt and dont want to come with us on this wonmderful journy to see other parts of the world then thats ok.\n\nLuke had this insadent when he cracked his ribs during a storm on night when he was going to go report to the captin. Im sure you will be ok.\n\nThis is once in a lifetime thing so dont miss out. Just make sure that youjr parents are ok with it. We only take 12 to 21 year old so dont miss out. Are you ok with going out on the open seas and taking care of aniamuls. Well if you do then be a seagoing cowboy!\n\nDont worry you loving parents at home we will have fun activitys while the animals are off at thier new home. If you parents like you can donate some animals to the other countyrys arcross the world! It would be a pleasure if we could have your kid help us get the sullpies the other countrys need becuse they are in ruins and they need our help.\n\nWe understand is you dont want to see your child go for a few months but this is saving those other countrys that are in ruins and need our help. Join the seagoing Cowboys and also beat Lukews record of being a seagoing Cowboy. These countrys are really counting on us to help brighten there life into gods arms.\n\nIf we dont save therse countrys from starvation or sickness. Please be a seagoing cowboys and save the day for these ruined countrys. These 44 nations need more help themn what that have. We need more animals more suplies then what we got now. If you can come and be a Seagoing Cowboy ythen we understand. Parents please let your kids help thje countrys that lie in ruins from this god unforsaking war. When we first started witch was when Luke was with us it was trhe year 1945. And is only be 1 year since and these countrys still are depending on us Seagoing Cowboys to save the day. Everyone in the counterys are dieing every hour if we dont get there in time to save the day for this unforgiving war. If we dont help these people then who will? Thats right NOONE WILL.\n\nPeople will die if we dont help them. Thats why we need your help. Luke has claimed \"Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing Acorpolis in Greece was special.\" Luke has also said \"We arrived August 14 the day the Pacific war ended.\" He was a Seagoing Cowboy for more than 9 trips!\n\nThat is the challange that your captin will have given to you if you chose to be a Seagoing Cowboy. The trip will be hard possibly rainy but you get to see other citys towns or even new countrys! That is what it would be like to be a Seagoing Cowboy. You would have a little time to do boxing,fencing,reading,whittling,Tabble tennis tournaments,baseball, and vollyball! You would have a ton. Of this to do if you get bored with No animals on boared to take care of while you are sailing the open deep sea waves of the Alantic,Pacific,or Articx ocean.\n\nJust remeber saftey first because one time Luke was a Watchman on sea and he was supossed to check on the animals and he was going to go tell the captin about the hourly cheack up onm the animals when the wet ladder he was climbing down. That was BAM he fell of the ladder be sqid he was glad to be alive in the very sacary moment and thast is why we keep pushing the fact that safetyu first for our Seagoing Cowboys. So if you want to be a Seagoing Cowboy that just come over to the loading docks of your nearest city or town by the ocean. aOr if you already are living by the ocean then come down by the loading docks and get ready.\n\nAll you have to doy is sign your name on a sheet of paoer and wait for the next day and you will get a knock at the door.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this article it talks about the Making of the Mona Lisa Smile, they used a computer to look at the painting. The computer told them that \"Shes 80 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry\". They also takedkl about how\n\nyou can make your self fell happy. the technology now a days is so facinating. The people that make them can make computer software that is so high tech that soon enough we won't even need people anymore to do things. we can just buy a robot or a computer with correct software and have it programed for us to use it as a personal assistant.\n\nComputers today help with so many things, they help with orginaizatiion, work, school, etc... The computers in the next generation are most likely going to be very smart because by the next generation comes along the software and programming will be much more stronger than it is today.\n\nThe technology we use today is able to tell how you are feeling with just alook at your face. They have made the software so updated that we can tell that. We never woul;d have been able to do that back in the 1900s. They didnt even have computers until the 1970s.\n\nYes the technology that we use today to read the emotions of paintings if a face on a human is a valuable to have in the classroom.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever seen on televsion the cars that people arent driving? Or how you dont need to constantly keep your hands on the wheel or your foot on the gas pedal? Well these cars are coming to your dealier ship, knowing that you dont have to stay focused on the rode and paying attention to what other drivers are doing makes me not like the idea of having driverless cars. If the driverless car is doing what is it supposed to do doesnt mean that the driver on the oppisite side of the rode is doing what they need to do.\n\nThe reason that i would disagree to have driverless cars comes from many viewpoints, what if the map that is located in the car doesnt see the aminal that is about to run in the middle of the road at night. like in paragragh eight it stated that why would you want a driverless car when you have to wait your turn to drive, it only needs you to drive when the car cant opperate on its own. What if you are doing something that forces you to not pay attention to the rode and then you need to help out and you need to take control, but you are doing something else, your hands arent by the wheel or gas pedal, the car needs your help and you cant be near it, what would happen in that situation, would it be your fault or the driverless cars fault? With the laws, how would your driverless car know the speed limits in the area when they change from different rode and interstates. you are the safest person to be driving the car because you have the eyes on cordation when driving and can notice traffic signs and speed limits signs.\n\nWith cars being able to drive themselves it would make the road more dangerous by not knowing the speed limits and not knowing road regulations. what if the speed limits changes from street to street, the driverless car doesnt have to know that. Not staying completely focused to the road will have effects on the cars that do reqiure the driver to stay focused. The idea of having driverless cars makes the roads more dangerous for other drivers and pedestrians.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wondered about how cars would be upgraded ? Just like phones are being upgraded each year, becoming greater that people love it. After reading the article of \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\", I do not think that upgrading our cars in the future would be nessary for people. The reason why is because it could have a negative impact on us. It can also cause death, change of law , and change of rules the way people are driving.\n\nIn paragraph 1, Sergery Brin says that he envisions a future where there would be public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public tranport taxi system. He also says that the car would use half a fuel of todays taxis and would offer more flexibility than a bus.He believes thats such cars would fundamentally change the world. But as for me, I do not believe that it will change the world. People will face consequence, death, and danger if cars like this are invented.\n\nIn paragraph 7, it says that cars are designed to notify drivers when the road ahead of us requires human skills, suck as navigating through work zones and around accident. If the car was invented,how would we be able to turn away from accidents and work zone? If something happened while inside the car, we would just be dead.Inventing this car will bring death,\n\ndesruption and war to the world.\n\nPeople do not want desruption,death, and war, they want peace and if this car is invented we will have to face danger.\n\nIn paragraph 8, it says that in-car system is actually a safety feature and that safety is a big concern. If the car is invented there won't be any safety. The reason why is if there were no stop light, and signs how are we going to know what the rules are?To change the rule and the law , the goverment would have to change everything that they have worked on for many years.They would have to make new rules and new laws.It will just bring choas to the goverment and to the people.\n\nIn conclusion, having a car being invented without a driver would be a bad idea for the future. The reason why is because it could cause death, consequence,change, and desruption to the people and to the world.The cars will not secured us, or give us safety, it will danger us and kill us.We should be happy right now with all the rules and the laws because it keeps us safe from dieing and accidents.People will died twice more than people dieing now.Inventing the car is a bad choice for everyone.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nvenus in one of the brightesrt points of light in the nigt sky, this nickname is misleading\n\nsince venus is actually a planet, venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too. numerous factors contribute to venus reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study.\n\nA thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus. even more challenging are the clouds of highly carrosive sulfuric acid in venus atmosphere . on the planet superface, temperatures average over 800 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greaer than what we experince on our own planet in ine condition for everyone than humans.\n\nthe national aeronautics and space administration (nasa) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study venus . the nasa is working on other approaches to studying for example venus study the surfaceand have lasted for there weeeks in such conddition, by comparation, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces.\n\nearth and beyond be expanded to meet the very edges of imsginstion and innovation one big example is the exploration of planet vanus", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the artical\n\nthe author talkes about the studys on Venus and its danger. The author also talks about the similarity between Venus and Earth. In The Challenge of Exploring Venus the author suggests that studying Venus and the danger it presents is important.\n\nIn the story \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author suggests that studying Venus is important. In the\n\nartical the author says\n\n\"NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.\" In the\n\nartical the author also says \"Long ago, Venus was probaly covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. ... The\n\nplanet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.\" Both of these two quotes show how the author fealt about the studyes of Venus.\n\nIn the\n\nartical \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author suggests that studying\n\nthe danger Venus presents is important. In the\n\nartical the author says \" Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface.\" in the\n\nartical the author also says \" On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater then what we experience on our own planet.\"\n\nThe both of these quotes shows why the author thinks it is important to study the\n\ndanger Venus\n\npresents.\n\nThe\n\nartical \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" is about exploring new places and geting more knowlege. In The Challenge of Exploring Venus the author propose that studying Venus and the danger it presents is important.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere has been much debate over \"the Face\" on Mars; is just a natural landform or a objest that was created by aliens. But, the fact is that, if you look at the evidence, it easily proves that \"the Face\" is just an over shadowed landform.\n\nOne major pieces of evidence that proves this is not and alien creation. We figured out that this was just another Matian mesa, it seems to be common around the Cydonia area, but this one has shadows that makes it look like an human. And even these land form can be found around the American West. Even Garvin said it reminds him of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. So the same thing happened with Mars. These fact basiclly prove the whole point that there was no aliens that build this face, and every you believed was false.\n\nIn conclusion, this is just a false idea that you were made to believe. And the fact that is no life on Mars, this will always be true unless we discover something. The Face on Mars will be known as a \" signal from the deep space\" but in reality it will never be. Just gives another reason for people to believe in aliens.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPolution, the same thing that people have been concerning over and over, not because we can't change it, however because we can. In Germany there's an expirimental town where seventy percent of people do not use an automobile for transportation, also in Paris, France in order to reduce smog and polution. And even in Bogota, Colombia they are holding days in which millions of people go without thier cars.\n\nThe first thing about limiting car usage that typically comes up is, how would we get around? By the same means that a normal person without a car would, In fact German researchers actually attempted a study in which they created a small city that is only one square mile that houses more than five thousand people. by walking, riding a bike or skating +70% of Vauban's population go to work and school every single day without using a car. In fact, 57% of families living in Vauban say that they sold thier cars to move into into the city (Elizabeth Rosenthal).\n\nIn Paris, durring 2014 Paris repetitively reached almost record breaking levels of polution and smog. As a result of all of that smog, the city of Paris regulated the use of automobiles, this action came as a surprise to the nearly four thousand people that were fined $32 and twenty-seven people's cars were impounded due to how they reacted to the tickets. And as a result of this regulation, typically paris would have about 147 micrograms of PM (particulate matter) per cubic meter average per week, and because they regulated driving the smog levels nearly halved in Paris.\n\nMoving to Colombia, the country of coffee and spices. In the city of Bogota the mayor holds \"car free days\" to reduce smog and the peoples dependance on thier cars. And in order to do so they premote the use of public and alternative transportation and actually fine all of the people that didn't comply a fee of twenty-five dollars. And even thought the fine was a mere $25 the peole responded positively and to this day people in the capital city of more than 7 million people continue to walk, bike and find new ways to get to work and school.\n\nSo all in all the tought of cutting back on using cars seems like a good idea that could not only fix the worlds dependance on oil and fossil fuels but also help people get back into shape.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Natural Landform on the Unatural Planet\n\nSeeing something that you can't really tell what it is is frustrating, right? NASA and conspiracy theorists totally know what you are going through. NASA found a\n\n\"Face on Mars\" and now everyone thinks it has something to do with aliens. Well, they are very wrong. NASA would have benefitted from the \"Face of Mars\" if aliens had anything to do with it, NASA took a picture on April 5, 1998 snapping a higher resolution picture, and on April 8, 2001, they took a picture at the sharpest point on a cloudless summer day, proving for the second time that it was just a landform. The skeptics may have their points on to why it may be created by aliens, but NASA has three amazing photos to prove them wrong. The Face on Mars is not really a face after all.\n\nTo begin, NASA's budget would have benefitted a lot if the landform had anything to do with aliens at all, so why would they want to keep it a secret if it were true? First things first, When NASA revealed the photo of the huge landformation it became a huge hit! They were hoping to catch the attention of Mars to the public, and boy oh boy, they did just that. It starred in a Hollywood movie, appeared in magazines, books, radio talkshows, even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years! Unfortunately, the positive popularity always comes with the negative. Some conspiracy theorists thought that the Face was bona fide evidence of life on Mars, evidence that NASA would rather hide. Defenders of NASA's budget can only wish that there was an ancient civilization on Mars.\n\nSecondly, on April 5, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia, the section on Mars where \"The Face\" lives, snapped a picture of it ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. The picture proves again that the face is just a landform. The conspiracy theorists and people that supported their opinion were still not happy with the results. They said in paragraph 8, \"The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze.\" I don't know how they get these crazy assumptions, but they will just never give up! They went all the way back to take a second picture to prove they're wrong, don't you think that shows that nothing about this landform is alien infested, or was created by them?\n\nLast, but not least, They took a second picture of \"The Face\" at the highest resolution possible to prove to the opposing side again. \u0093We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view,\u0094 said Garvin. \u0093Malin\u0092s team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera\u0092s absolute maximum resolution.\u0094 Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. Garvin proved the correct point for everyone, hopefully having everyone believing that \"The Face\" is not a face, just a lava dome.\n\nOn the other hand, the other side had a bit of detail to help support their side as well. Their first assumption was that in the second photo, wispy clouds covered any alien like markings. To prove that wrong NASA took another photo at the highest resolution to prove that it is just a natural landform on Mars that has nothing to do with aliens. The skeptics will probably never give up on how this was made by aliens, but NASA has three extraordinary photos to prove them wrong every single time.\n\nIn conclusion, \"The Face\" is just a natural landform. NASA would have benefitted from the \"Face of Mars\" if aliens had anything to do with it, NASA took a picture on April 5, 1998 snapping a higher resolution picture, and on April 8, 2001, they took a picture at the sharpest point on a cloudless summer day, proving for the second time that it was just a landform. The skeptics can try to find every way to show that aliens had something to do with it, but they don't have three pictures of the landform itself. Real facts beat assumptions every time. Mars may be a mysterious place, but what isn't mysterious is the natural landform on Cydonia.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think the driverless car is a bad idea, because if and when someone is injured in a car wreck who is to blame. you can make a law about that, but its just gonna turn into an arguement with everyone who is paying attention to it. If a driver is injured in a car wreck with the dreiverless car the person to blame is the manufacture. the manufacture put this car into the world and said it was safe and the \"most of the time\" nothing will happen. If the driverless car comes out into the world, its gonna be ran off some sort of technology back at the manufacture, if so its gonaa be hackable by anyone who is smart enough to do so, or if someone who works for the manufacture wanted to they could hack it them selves and get a lot of people hurt just by turning it off or turn the direction its going a little bit. they may even be a little mishap in the driverless car and the manufacture just skip it and move on later that mishap may get a bunch of people killed or injured.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThink that it would be a great idea to participate in this program because you will get to vist and see so many beautiful places and you will have many great experiences. On paragraph 5 is tells you that this opportunity for a small town boy was unbelivable besides helping people he was able to see Europe and China. One of the best parts is that you wont have to work all the time becuase in paragraph 8 it says that they had fun activities to help pass the time. This great oppertunity opened lukes eyes to the world and the people around it. If you are planning on doing this then i think you should do it because it is such a great oppernunity.\n\nIn paragraph 9 luke sayes that being a seagoing cowboy was much more then an adventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up the world for him. If you are planning on being a seagoing boy imagine all the places and people you will be able to meet. You will be able to see so many different coultures and how other people live. Would'nt that sound like so much fun it would be an adveture you will never forget.\n\nImagine being 18 and traveling around the world. Not every 18 year old gets the oppertunity to travel to Greece or China or Europe. Now that would be great. Traveling at a yound age. Teengers now these days are always stuck on there phones instead of going outsude and enjoy the fresh air. Take this oppertunity you wont regret it. Luke didnt.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany people now a days use cars, trucks, buses or other ways of transportation on a daily baises. Most do not even think twice about all of the pollution they are creating in our world, or even the traffic that they are helping create. Fellow citizens should start becoming aware of this problem and finding different ways to travel.\n\nMany people who work in larger cities tend to face many traffic problems when on their way to work, sometimes causing them to be late for their job. If we were to begin doing things like car-pooling, walking, biking, or even just taking a bus to work or school we could immedialty see changes in the amount of traffic. In Paris, after reaching several days of near-record pollution, they ordered a partial driving ban in attempt to clear up the city. According to source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog, \"Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France...\" in just five short days. Other places, such as Bogota, Columbia are also taking part in car-free days. These places are also seeing a drastic decline in the amount of traffic seen in the city. The author of source 3: Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota, Andrew Selsky, millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work during a car-free day, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams.\n\nAnother advantage to limiting car usage will be that there will be a noticable decline in the amount of smog and pollution. \"Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals\" as stated in soure 2:Paris bans driving due to smog. After being ordered a car-free day, smog was cleared enough by the following Monday for them to call off the ban on cars the next day. One simple step such as a week-long car-ban can reduce the amount of pollution drastically. Elisabeth Rosenthal states in paragraph 8 that \"an increasing number of private cars owned by the burgeoning middle class are choking cities.\" If we begin to limit our car use, we will notice great changes in our environment.\n\nIn conclusion, if we do just a few simple things in our society, we will be able to notice the great advantages to limiting car usage. The amounts of traffic in cities will decrease, as well as the amount of pollution in our city, all because of just a few simple things that we can change.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe the use of the technology to read students emotional expression is pretty suffisticated, but i dont think it is nessisary. in the article, humans can assume other people's emotions because we have the same emotions as everyone else. Us humans know what it looks like to be happy, suprised, angery, disgusted, scared, and sad because we all go threw it. I know that there is obviously more that only 6 emotions, Some people feel jellousy and some may feel uncomfortable, others may feel paine and some will feel stress. That is already 4 more emotions that we can calculate and a computer can't. Another thing that humans can callculate is sound. We can here if a person is crying, We can detect that they might be sad. If someone is yelling, we can detect that they are mad, or got hurt, they might even be excited depending on the tone of the voice. Those are a coupple of reasons why i think we dont reqlly need the technology of reading emotional expressions, maybe that is just a little extra.\n\nI dont think we need to \"calculate\" the way people feel threw a computer. I wouldnt want everyone knowing how i feel at all moments. I'd like my privatcy! If i want to talk about how i feel to someone that i trust then i would but i know that i definitally would not like anyone and everyone being able to know my emotion whenever theyd like. Just knowing that this could be possible... gives me chills. This should not be used on everyone, especally if they dont feel comfortable about it.\n\nI understand that the machines can modify lessons like an effective human instructor or it can make computer-animated faces more expressive for video games or even video sergery which is pretty amazing. I do agree that the emotion analyzinig shouls be used for things like that. it helps out the way technolgy looks and aslo atrackts more people to it. \"The facial expression for each emotion are universal\"\n\nthat is something they have said while detecting the Mona Lisa.\n\nTecnologhy like a computer can obviously change the world wit5h people creating and discoveribg new idias to shar with everyone including the world.\n\nI say we dont ditch the tecnology all together, but maybe just the parts that we can handle on our own like, detecting emotions on other people. Instead we can focus on comuincating. We can develope these skills to distinguish emotions instead of not gaining any knowledge and letting technology do all the work for us. Although this idea was fantastic and increadable, i dont think it is important for out needs.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author continuaslly shows that they belive that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The author said in paragraph 5 that NASA was working on a \"blimp like vechicle\" that would hover over the landscape. in the same paragraph they said that this vechicle would hover at about \"30 or so miles\" above the terrain. In paragraph 5 the author said that the ship would have to stay at 30 plus miles high in order for the tempeture to stay \"at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit\". Also in paragraph 5 the text said that the \"air pressure would be close to sea level on earth\".\n\nIn paragraph 6 the author includes that \"many scientist are working on innovations that would allow are machines to work long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of venus\". In paragraph 7 the text say that NASA has tested some \"simplified electronics made from silicon carbide\". These \"simplified electronics\" have been proved to work for about \"3 weeks\" in a \"chamber simulationg the chaos of Venus's surface\".\n\nThe evidence that was displayed shows that the author and scientist think that a trip to venus would be a worthy cause. The text started out with facts about the planet of venus. Then the author slowly talked about how to safely study venus and the equipment that would be needed to do so.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article, \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the narrator tells us why NASA is struggling so much to explore the planet of Venus, what's so hard about it, and what their plan is.\n\nThe author believes that studying Venus is a \"worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.\" The author supports his idea very well by proving many good points and using factual evidence.\n\nThe author supports his idea by proving good points and using evidence. You can tell he is sincere about this and would like for the scientists to try and further explore Venus and its commodoties. For example, in paragraph 8, he talks about how our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts. This is a very reasonable statement, and proves that he actually has a reason to want Venus to be explored. Also in paragraph 8, the author says, \"Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.\" This quote supports the authors idea because he is giving an ethical reason about why he wants scientists to create the technology to be able to put humans on Venus. He is explaining to the readers why he wants this to take place, and by giving his opinion, it automatically supports him and his idea.\n\nThe author does many things to help support his idea throughout this article. He is very opinionated about why he wants there to be people on Venus. The author support his idea very well by proving many good points and using factual evidence.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBased on what I have read o do not think self riving cars should be allowed. The law is right based on what they say these cars eventhough they have sensos to make the driver aware of situations in need of a human. The person in the car may become to focused on what they are doing and ignore the sensor. The idea of self driven cars is too risky. Even though they are going for safety a car cant drive like a human or have the response time of a human and even computers make mistakes.\n\nEven in a simple GPS they tend to make mistakes often. So what happens if the cars GPS is off on its calculations and the car drives through a house. Will they blame that on the driver. I would hope not. It shouldnt be the drivers mistake if the car messes up. You cant always rely on computers.\n\nSo no I highly disagree with this. Computers arent perfect, and there are just some things only humans can do. Driving might just be one of those things. What these people are visualizing are just things they have seen on t. v that does not mean it will happen the same as it does on t. v.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face? Created by Aliens or just a landmark?\n\nDid you beieve that the \"Unmasking the Face on Mars\" was just created by aliens. NASA has given us many reasons to believe what they say, and not many reasons for us not believe them. I am a NASA researcher and I'm telling you why the \"Face\" is actually just a landmark.\n\nThere are many reasons why the \"Unmasking the Face on Mars\" is a natural land form. The first reason is that NASA took three different pictures, one picture was in 1976 in the picture you can't really see anything. Scientists just thought it was another Matian mesa. At this time the cameras weren't very 3D like. So how do we know it's an actual face?\n\nThe seacond reason it is a landform is because NASA\n\nsent another crew to take more pictures of the \"face.\" The crew took ten pictures that were sharper than the first one in 1976. In this picture you start to see something appear. They even say \"when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. People were not very happy when they heard it wasn't a alien monument.\n\nAnother reason is that they thought alien markings were being hazed. So, when they went back it was a cloudless summer. In the text they say \"Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. That is a huge difference from 1976. What the picture shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or messa.\n\nIf you really think about it though, how come they jumped to conclusions so fast? In the passage it says it would be a good way to engage the public to Mars. Wouldn't it just attract more people to NASA to though?\n\nIn many ways there are more reasons to why this \"Face\" is more of a landmark than anything. From the different years they took the years, to the landmarks being hazed. You could probably think of a lot of questions to ask NASA about the photos and what the scientists are saying, but until you go up to Mars we will only know what they are telling us. Which is that the \"face\" is a mesa. They clearly say many times in the passage for people to believe that they are not trying to trick you.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHello, I am here to tell you why I believe that people participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. I think that would be a good way to see the world and go place you never been before and you can go over seas and help other countries in need.\n\nIn the story A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves it state in paragraph 4, in World War two over in Europe and many other places they was left in ruins so 44 nations joined togethere to form a UURRA and they hired \"Seagoing Cowboys\" to take care of the animals they was shipping over seas. That is why I believe participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program is a good thing cause you can help other countrys in need.\n\nIn the story it sate i paragraph 6 that the boy Luke that was in the Seagoing Program he was over seas for two weeks before he had got to china. That is one of the reason why i think that being in the Seagoing Cowboys is a good way for you to go places you never been before\n\nLast, the passage state in paragraph 9 that being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more that a adventure for Luke Bomberger. This is why I choose to think that it is a great idea to be in the Seagoing Cowboys program cause you can see stuff that you never in your life seen before and have adventures.\n\nThis shows why I have stick to believe that it is good idea for people to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe driverless cars would be something people would like to have but they may not be very safe. There is the same amount of negative aspects as well as positive aspects of the cars. I am mostly against the the development of the driverless cars.\n\nThe cars have sensors to alert the drivers if they are heading towards something dangerous or the car deal with the circumstance they're in. The cars have gone miles without crashing but still need a driver. What if the car is in traffic issues where the driver needs to be in control and the sensor is broke and can't alert the driver? The driver could stop paying attention for one second and the car could wreck. The sensors could also malfunction and run into something when it was supposed to brake.\n\nThe car also vibrates and has flashing lights to warn the driver. The vibration and lights could become dull and the driver may not notice them. The driver could then wreck or get hurt because he or she didn't know they were supposed to drive or not.\n\nThere are not laws to protect someone if there is an accident. The car could fail and no one would know who to blame. It is illegal to drive these cars in most states because they're not fully safe. What if someone thinks they're safe and the laws pass to where people can drive them but they malfunction? Who would get in trouble? The driver or the manufacturer?\n\nEven though they could be safer than a person driving, the car is still not completely safe. There are good qualities of the car like the warning signs and the entertainment while people aren't driving but those could break. The technology of the car could fail and hurt someone or multiple people. Some could think that the car is durable but they would still need to take precautions.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nNo! The Face found on Mars is not formed by aliens. The Face found on Mars was just a natural landform. Landforms like the Face are found very commonly, but not all landforms found are exactly like the Face. In the next paragraph I will give you some reasons why the Face wasn't formed by aliens.\n\nThe Face found on Mars was just a natural landform. In the passage it says, when Michael Malin took pictures 10 times sharper, with his Mars Orbiter Camera, the image revealed just a natural landform. If you take a look in paragraph 2 it states that mesa, or landforms, are commonly found around Mars. Also, the Face has equivalence to landforms found around the American West. Garvin says that it reminded him of Middle Butte in thge Snake River of Idaho. \"That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars\",Garvin goes on to say.\n\nThe Face found on Mars was just a natural landform. The Face was not formed by aliens. Landforms such as the Face are commonly found. Information in the passage supports that the Face is just a natural landform.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of this technology in a classroom is valuable to read the emotional expression of students when he/she steps into the classroom to know what exactly is they're facial emotion representing.\n\nThis new sofeware called Facial Action Coding System is proven to read six basic facial emotions such as, happiness, surprised, anger, disgust, fear, and saddness. The sofeware is like math it can calculate you all your forty-four major facial muscles and calculate your emotion. For like example , if you raise both of you eye brows it most likley means that your facial expression is showing that your suprised to hear or see something.\n\nI think that this sofeware is a pretty nice technology that can be usefull if your a teacher, rehabilatation center helper. For a teacher it can be a good technology to use at school so you can know more about the kids facial expression. It'll become a great technology for a rehabilatation center ,for veteran solders the have gone through a lot and are hiding other extra emotions.\n\nThomas Huang , of the Beckman Institute for Advance Sience at the University of Amsterdam did a great sofeware that will become very usefull to many places. It will help many people as well to know what extra emotions they are hiding that the sofeware can find for them.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis facial recognition technology would prove very useful in a classroom atmosphere. As it states in the article, if this software is implanted into the computers that children use in school, it can tell when the student is becoming tired or bored. Then the computer program could change the lessons to something different that may keep the students more attentive.\n\nThe teacher or professor of a classroom may not be able to monitor each individual student. Therefore, if the Facial Action Coding System was programmed into each student's computer, the professor or teacher would not have to worry about the students. It would keep them more alert and eager to learn.\n\nAnother reason why this program should be used is for students with special needs. Such as children with ADHD, Dyslexia, ADD along with many others. It could confrom to each child's individual needs. It would take a lot of strain off of both the teachers and the students alike.\n\nI also belive the Facial Action Coding System could benefit in the future too. The dropout rate would go down along with the truancy rate. If children are more interested in school, they will come more often and try harder. Odds are that if they're happy with the way they are learning, they will continue to come to school throughout graduation. Therefore, increasing the total graduation rate.\n\nAs stated in the article, the computer program could modify the computer itself like an active human instructer. Most human communication is conveyed nonverbally. Especially including the use of emotional communication. Your voice could say one thing while you're really feeling something completely different. That would help tremendously in the educational world.\n\nIn conclusion, the Facial Action Coding Sytem should definately be in the educational system. It should be used on all online or computerized learning programs. It will benefit both the students and the teachers. Especially by altering the lessons to the highest advantage for each student.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars, in my opinion, do not seem like a very good and safe idea. In the passage is talks about the cars only reaching up to 25 mph by themselves and that they aren't completely driverless. The cars can \"steer, accelerate, and break themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents.\" So, what happens if there's a mechanical problem or the \"driver\" isn't paying attention?\n\nWhen or if accidents were to occur in these driverles cars, without certain regulations being made, it would be hard for officers to determine who's fault the accident was. It could be a possible mechanical flaw, such as the seat not vibrating when the car is about to back into something. This also stirs up the problem of it possibly being the driver's fault as well since they weren't being fully alert as they should've been. I feel as though these driverless cars cause driver's to become lazy and careless. They assume nothing will go wrong and all they have to do is sit back and relax unitl they have reached their destination. This is not the case however because if there were a mechanical flaw or a work zone or accident, and the driver wasn't paying attention, they could harm themselves or others. Driverless cars provide individuals with a false sense of security.\n\nThe passage also discusses the possibility of drivers getting bored and manufacturers creating entertainment systems for the drivers that can be turned off immediately when the driver needs to take over. This kind of contradicts the authors previous claim about the drivers needing to pay attention at all times. if manufactuerers are wanting to make entertainment systems, they obviously aren't too worried about drivers paying attention to the road. The entertainment systems are basically being made to make the drivers lazy and distracted that way they don't get \"bored\" while sitting there letting the care drive. WIth things in the car to distract the drivers, it seems very dangerous and unsafe for everyone.\n\nOverall, driverless cars are not a wise investment. Although they are called driverless cars, their name actually is a contradiction to what they really are. The cars do drive themsleves however they cannot maneuver around workzones and accidents so the driver must be paying attention at all times. Drivers get a false sense of security and think that the only thing they have to worry about is wathcing out for the occasioanl workzones and accidents. This is not the case. Driver's still have to be aware of other drivers as well and the driverless cars are not guaranteed that there won't be any mechanical flaws. Granted, driverless cars are an advancement in technology, but i don't believe all scenarios have been tested enough for them to work to the full potential everyone thinks they will.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students is, in fact valuable. The Facial Action Coding System could be really beneficial toward students in many ways. For example, it could help students with their learning and comprehending abilities. Many students have a hard time understanding the lessions, whether it is because of a learning disability or they just simply dont understand something. It could even help the teachers asess how well their students are comprehending the material being taught.\n\nOne reason that I am for the use of the FACS(Facial Action Coding System) in schools is because I think that it would work well amoung a teachers side. Now a teacher has a great amount of responsibility; they have to teach the students, make sure they grasp and really understand what is being taught and then if they do not understand it they have to come up with an alturnitive way to get them to understand what was taught. Now, what if it is more than one student who does not understand, the teacher has to keep in mind that not everyone learns and percieves information the same way. The FACS woud adapt to a students specific learning style; by their facial muscles and it could really be benefical.\n\nAlso in this era, which is the technological era, a lot of school and homework is done online, so with this new computer system it would make homework and school lessions a whole lot easier for both the students, teachers and even the parents. It would be benefical to have that new technology on computers because you will not have a teacher at home with you when you are trying to complete the homework that was assigned. But with the FACS it could recognize when the they are confused and even bored, because lets face it, we all have become bored while doing homework.\n\nIn conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System is in fact very valuable. Not only students but teachers as well, could really benefit a whole lot from just having this technological system available for them. Alot could happen just from the FACS reading the students facial expressions.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI claim for the use of technology that reads students emotional expressions.One because it would help a lot of people know whats wrong with them or others if they aren't good at reading expressions.Second it could help detectives know weither the person faking or not(a smile,anger, ext).\n\nOne way it can help others find a way to know if someone sad, happy, or any other emotion is by the computer analising its data and seeing the 44 major muscles that help express emotion, to tell you what emotion the person feeling right now\n\nAnother way this could help is when detectives or police men would need help reading a person, which would really help by showing the person is faking the emotion or not, by reading the certain muscles need to make person actually smile or just a fake smile which fools everyone.\n\nWith the fact and reasonings i;ve shown u dear reader I hope u see that haveing a computer that know how to analyse your expretion can be help for and the concludes that we should have a F.A.C.S", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that technology is valuable in a classroom because, it is an easier way to learn new stuff. Another way it is valuable is that technology is the most popular advertisment out. Everybody needs one, even if u are a kid. Plus all of the teachers can easly grade your homework right from their computer. They can access anything they need to help students out. We can look up anything on the computer. The main thing about technology is anybody can access anything or anything they want. But Idont think that it will be valuable to read the emotional expressions of students. The reason I think that is because you cant be able to do it. If we could do that then the teachers would know how to control, listen, and be able to instuct whatever they are learning about. But all that i can say is that we need to understand how we can read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThinking of the 21st century ideas of driving cars and SUV's around is considred fairly overrated now a day's. Opperating moto vehicle in city scapes and rural areas can get so overwhelming; the constant worry of oncomming traffic and pedestrians steering into your direction, dangerous pollution threatning to dystroy the ecosystems & surrounding landscapes, not to mention expenses that are strung along with the cost driving a car. By eliminating or limiting the use of cars, these unnessary issues would just simply....float away.\n\nAs we all know as a result of past generations: Global Warming is on the rise. This statement is esspecially true in the city of Paris, France...named to be the most polluted city in the world amoung tourist destinations in Europe. In a act to reduce these smog issues, \"On Monday motorist with even-numbred licence plates were ordred to leave their cars at home or suffera 22-euro fine\" says Robert Duffer who wrote from the article \"Paris bans driving due to smog\" in the\n\nChicago Tribune.\n\nEver since Paris officals had made this change in leglisation, pollution has gone down considerabley. Imagine driving through your city (for example I live in Jacksonville Beach), and there is no more smog, traffic is reduced, and the air you breathe is actually cleaner than before. From putting certian restraints like the city of Paris did on commuting, you too could experince all the wonders of \"cut-back driving\".\n\nMoving onto another terrific viewpoint of limited car usage is a cut down on cost. Now how great does that sound, and in this expanding economy I'll be happy if gasoline prices drop below $2 dollars! On a serious note, the price tags of a car are extreamly heavy now as they were say two decades ago. There are matanince issues, speeding tickets, parking meter tickets, if you have a flat tire then you call a tow truck which....\n\nCOST MONEY!\n\n\"New York's new bike-sharing program and it's skyrocketing bridge and tunnel tolls reflect those new priorities, as do proliferation of car-sharing programs across the nation\" says Elisabeth Rosenthal from \"The End of Car Culture\". Now in modern cities like New York, Miami, or even Jacksonville, many city officals have made this ninche of transportation much easier on civilans. Providing local trollys & public busses to help cut the cost of transportation for their residences. As exemplary from Rosenthal, its makes you happy not to drive a car as often... and makes you wallet happy too!\n\nAlthough many critics are skeptical to obtain and enforce this idea, in actuallity this would be a tremendous favor to all if they participated. Sure if you don't have a car to use for example on a Saturday, then it may seem like a bummer but in perspective it's actually not! Getting around your local area and exploring all it has to offeroutside the four doors of you \"gas-hogger\" is a beautiful way to go through your day! Just think of all the cha-ching you'll be saving with every footstep you take.\n\nWEEE-WOO-WEEH-WOO\n\n!!! This is the sound of a ambulance driving in your lane to get to a car crash that hapened because of wreckless driving. \"It's the inevidable that the 1% of the 99% of all drivers are going to be in some form of a auto vehicle accident by the time their 50\" says Brian Williams of\n\nNBC Nightly News . Can you imagine that happening to you, or has it already? Heidrun Walter a media trainer and mother of two says \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\" since making the change of on-foot commute and biking to distant locations. I live in a beautiful beach side town where almost everything is acessable by walking, biking, city bus, Beaches Trolly, or a surfboard! I myself have tried this and rode my bike up to Trader Joe's to get some ice cream. I can say I felt very stress-free by the whole experince. From simply switching to a non-automatic or mechanical form of transportation I not only relived my tension of road rage. I also had gained great deal of happiness from being outdoors.\n\nIn my last few final statements about the pros from limiting the usage of a vehicle, is it's just better. I dont know what other methods are so EASY to follow to get the results you want to the problems and issues people struggle with. Worry about the enviorment? Try limiting you car driving to every other day. Want more money in your pockets insted of in your car? Take the\n\nFREE\n\ntransportation thats provided in your local area to get around you city in. Want to ease the stress that major highways and opperating a motor vehicle bring on? Get out and about by walking or biking to get from place to place. I can guarentee you'll love ti reap the rewards by limiting the usage of you car!", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am going to write a essay about a aticle named A Cowboy Who Rode The Waves BY: Peggy Reif Miller\n\nThe reason I would want to participate in this program is because I like going on boat tripps, and you can learn a lot about fishing and it is a good job.\n\nLukes claims are that he wanted to go seagoing because it is a opportunity of a life time he said. He wanted to go sea going because he likes learning new things, and it sounded fun to him. In agust 1945, Don and Luke received their first orders to go to new orleans.\n\nWhat I am trying to say is you can learn a lot, go fishing, It is fun, and you can go on really awsome trips. So if you like learning, having fun, and going on awsome trips then join the program Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nEssay by: JESUS", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are accomplishing many goals and it won't be to long until they will be in full function.\n\nAs a part of this I think that it is time to accept change.\n\nThe cars will have a few bugs at the start but won't be a problem for long term.\n\nAutomated cars should be able to be developed because of the tests that have positive results, the improvement in sensors, and the safety backing them up.\n\nCars can be very dangerous, escpecially if you put a computer behind it.\n\nHowever the smart cars from Google had been driven a half a million miles without a crash.\n\nThis result shows how advanced technology has become and how it can be very realiable.\n\nWith more tests showing positive results it should be no problem for people to see that the cars are really something special.\n\nAnother reason for automated cars to be developed is because of the improvement in sensors.\n\nNow that sensors can be very realiable and are getting cheaper and cheaper it wasn't a bad thought to use them in cars.\n\nMany sensors that are put on the car are used for different purposes.\n\nSome sensors are so improved that they keep a 3-D model of the car's surrounding.\n\nThis is important because it will be able to detect when danger is near.\n\nFinally, the last reason automated cars should be developed is because of the safety that will be involved with it.\n\nThe automated cars will have key safety features to keep the driver and everyone around them safe.\n\nOne of these features is to tell the driver when to take over. Others include stopping when closing in on an object and turning off displays when the driver has to take control.\n\nWill automated cars be developed?\n\nI think they will but only if we let improvement happen.\n\nAutomated cars do seem a little fetched out but its important to see the positives.\n\nWith all the results from tests, advances in sensors, and key safety features automated cars would be a huge improvement that might just be safer than actual drivers.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face on Mars is a mesa found on Mars in 1976. NASA's Viking 1 space craft was snapping pictures to find somewhere for it's sister spacecraft ,Viking 2 when is saw this figure/face. On April 5, 1998 MOC team snapped a picture ten times sharper. It just revealed it to be a natural landform.\n\nAfter taking the picture they saw no alien monument. They decided to take another picture just to clarify. On April 8, 2001 Malin's team captured a picture using maximum resolution. Each pixel was 1.56 meters compared to 43 meters per pixel which is the best they could have done in that time. If there were any form of alien artifacts or anything like that we would have seen it. The picture actually shows a form of a butte or mesa. They are landforms Common around the American West.\n\nThey have done other research to try and prove that there is no alien activity. Why would they lie? Defenders of the NASA budget specifically said they wished there were an ancient civilization. Typically if someone has an opinion of something they try to fight the opposing side. So why would NASA lie if they weren't against what the American people had to say?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Eckman has classified six basic emotions\u2014happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness\u2014and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles.\" Being able to associate muscle movements throughout ournface with the true current emotion someone has seems to be impossible, by the Facial Actiom Coding System can attest to that. The Facial Action Coding System could revolutionize the way classrooms are run and impact schools in a great way by altering the way classes are run based on students emotions. It would be a great idea to have this system installed as a classroom computer because it could modify the lesson for students based on their understanding, teachers can detect the truth of students emotions about the class, and it can help students better their emotions or see for themselves how their emotions seem to be.\n\nHaving this facial expression reading system installed in classrooms can benefit many classes with better understandings. \u201cThen it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor [based on the students emotions].\u201d Detecting how students truly feel about the lesson could be a big help in how classrooms run. For instance, if the majority of the class is sensed to be confused about the lesson, teachers are then able to see that they need to spend more time on it or reevaluate how they are teaching the lesson and slow it down. If the computer senses that the class is bored, they may not learn as well if they don't care about what they are learning so the teacher could possibly change up the class with a game. Overall it could greatly benefit classes as a whole.\n\nThis computer can help teachers and they way they run the class and teach the lesson as well. Teachers could use this technology as a baseline for themselves to see how their classes react and feel about the way they run their class. \u201cA classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\u201d Dr. Huang predicts. This would greatly benefit students as well because no students want to tell their teachers that they hate the way their class is run and be honest with them. This would give teachers true insite about their class and would want to make it as beneficiary to students as possible. If teachers saw that students weren't enjoying their class they could altar it in some way to make it better for everyone.\n\nThis system being installed in classrooms could also help students see what their emotions look like and possibly make them better. If students knew what their emotions looked like outside of themselves, it could be a big eye opener for them to see what they may seem to be like and that they may not know themselves. \"According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them.\" If students saw how their emotions looked and they weren't good they could try to change them which studies show actually could change them by just having different facial expressions. This could help all students if they were mad or sad and it detected that, they could put a smile on their face which may actually help better their emotions.\n\nThe Facial Acting Coding System is a great idea to put into classrooms that could better everyone as a whole class as well as individually. It would be an amazing idea because it could modify the lesson for students based on their understanding, teachers can detect the truth of students emotions about the class, and it can help students better their emotions or see for themselves how their emotions seem to be. Every teacher would run their classroom to make it as beneficial to students as possible if they could and with this installed into classrooms, it could happen. The Facial Acting Coding System would change classrooms for the better and help teachers and students expedentially.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever read a book called, \"A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves\"? Well if you have im going to make a argument essay. The argument essay is going to be about, convincing others to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. I hope you get convinced and join. The two Paragraph will repensent why you should join the program.\n\nHere are some reasons that you might be instered in if you may want to go.The first reason I think you should join because, you get to help things that need help. Another reason to join the program is,maybe if you want to go somewhere in your lifetime but you never get to go,well if you are a Seagoing Cowboy you get to tour a lot of different places.One good reason is that,it's animals in need of your help, it will feel good if you are helping animals that's in need of your help. Last reason is, if you like caring and helpin other animals than you would like this job because it keeps you busy when travaling.\n\nThese are the details from the text to support my reason to join the program. My first detail it is about the first reason I stated,in the story it say's,\"It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs.\" \"And that awareness stayed with him,leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange vistors for many years.\"The next detail from the passage is about the 2 reason i stated,it says,\"Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China.\"This detail is about the third reason I stated,\"But beeing a Seagoing Cow boy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger.\" \"it opened up the wored to him.\" The last detail is about the last reason,\"Caring for the animals during the crossing kept Luke busy.\n\nIn my conclusion, if you didn't read the book called \"A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves.\" Well now you konow a little somthing about it.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDuring my life i have watched meny presidental elections on my telivision. To me the Electoral College on papper should work, Should being the key word. As I read the paragraphes on both why the Electoral College work and does not work I have decides the side with not haveing the Electoral College.\n\nHistorical evidence and evidence from this paragraph piont to not haveing a Electoral College. One reason for this was when Al Gore lost the presedency but won the populure vote nation wide as stated in Source 2. Anouther piont is that if the people have so munch power over who is voted to be presedent then how do we have a presedent that the people did not want the president but the person is still elected, its an outrage! One example of how the Electoral College chould be a distaster waiting to happen is that rthe votes are tied which may seem not likey at forstn glance but say if the votes are tied the presedency is thrown into the House of Representatives which lets face it, in the end the desision will not be approved by the people and the people will then barly have a say on who gets to be presedent or not. Another thing is the Electoral College can also be vary bisest towrdes one party or the other. This is evident because if a certine party got more electors than another party which whould led to a canedat from one party have more support then another.\n\nSource 3 talks about how sure thats its posssable for their to be a tie in the Electoral College but its unlikey supports what im trying the say in my earlyer Paragraph, that even though a tie is unlikey it is still possible to happen the chance is still their. This paragraph also says the everyone is a president but if that is the case then why dose the poeple that \"we\" vote for the eclectoral College help vote for the presedent insted vote for the other canadate is an atrosidy on its own. The winner-take-all system is one that only afects the swing states because if thoughs states have already voted then the staes the already votes whould be for not because the numbers for who gets voted whould be already in favor of one state or another. The fact the larger states have a bigger say in who gets voted on is not fair. the is becuase if all the big states vote for someone and about 1/4 of the smaller states vote on one end of the scale and the other states vote towrdes the other end of the scale then the ballence whould be off and one side would overpower the other side by fact of shear numbers of votes compared to the other side.\n\nAfter reading over my responce and the evidence that I have profided form the paragraph hear I have with great pride that i have argued my point across to you that the Electoral College in papper is good but in reality is only a crumbleing castle waiting to fall into the tiny bites and pieces that it should be.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus, one of the closest planets to Earth, is occassionally called the \"Evening Star\". Humans have tried to explore Venus for many decades, but failed because of the dangers it presents. Researchers are trying to find better solutions to overcome these dangers.\n\nVenus is a planet that is most similar to Earth. The author says, \"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\" (Paragraph 4) Venus has many features that are similar like those on Earth, such as oceans and there might have been plants or animals living there. \"Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value,\" (Paragraph 8) Even with the dangers it has, studying Venus can lead human into many discoveries.\n\nLanding on Venus's surface can provide better insight. The article says, \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\" (Paragraph 8) Exploring Venus may be dangerous, but it can help humans see beyond the impossible.\n\nVenus is a dangerous planet to land onto, but it is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus can help answer many questions that humans have and make new discoveries.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI thought it might be boring and a lot of work on board herding animals but its alot more to it than that. Its a wonderful job becuase you do not only get paid but you get to go sight seeing, see places you never been before, work with animals, and lets not forget help people. This job changed my life within a second of being on board i use to work at a boring old bank and grocery store now I know I made the right chose choosing to work here I knew I wouldnt have a chance like this again so I took it with out a doubt. Mayby you might want to travel the world and see new amazing places and see ancient palaces ike Geece and at the same time help people in need. I thought it might be boring and a lot of work on board herding animals but its alot more to it than that. Its a wonderful job becuase you do not only get paid but you get to go sight seeing, see places you never been before, work with animals, and lets not forget help people. This job changed my life within a second of being on board i use to work at a boring old bank and grocery store now I know I made the right chose choosing to work here I knew I wouldnt have a chance like this again so I took it with out a doubt. Mayby you might want to travel the world and see new amazing places and see ancient palaces ike Geece and at the same time help people in need. I thought it might be boring and a lot of work on board herding animals but its alot more to it than that. Its a wonderful job becuase you do not only get paid but you get to go sight seeing, see places you never been before, work with animals, and lets not forget help people. This job changed my life within a second of being on board i use to work at a boring old bank and grocery store now I know I made the right chose choosing to work here I knew I wouldnt have a chance like this again so I took it with out a doubt. Mayby you might want to travel the world and see new amazing places and see ancient palaces ike Geece and at the same time help people in need. I thought it might be boring and a lot of work on board herding animals but its alot more to it than that. Its a wonderful job becuase you do not only get paid but you get to go sight seeing, see places you never been before, work with animals, and lets not forget help people. This job changed my life within a second of being on board i use to work at a boring old bank and grocery store now I know I made the right chose choosing to work here I knew I wouldnt have a chance like this again so I took it with out a doubt. Mayby you might want to travel the world and see new amazing places and see ancient palaces ike Geece and at the same time help people in need. I thought it might be boring and a lot of work on board herding animals but its alot more to it than that. Its a wonderful job becuase you do not only get paid but you get to go sight seeing, see places you never been before, work with animals, and lets not forget help people. This job changed my life within a second of being on board i use to work at a boring old bank and grocery store now I know I made the right chose choosing to work here I knew I wouldnt have a chance like this again so I took it with out a doubt. Mayby you might want to travel the world and see new amazing places and see ancient palaces ike Geece and at the same time help people in need. I thought it might be boring and a lot of work on board herding animals but its alot more to it than that. Its a wonderful job becuase you do not only get paid but you get to go sight seeing, see places you never been before, work with animals, and lets not forget help people. This job changed my life within a second of being on board i use to work at a boring old bank and grocery store now I know I made the right chose choosing to work here I knew I wouldnt have a chance like this again so I took it with out a doubt. Mayby you might want to travel the world and see new amazing places and see ancient palaces ike Geece and at the same time help people in need. I thought it might be boring and a lot of work on board herding animals but its alot more to it than that. Its a wonderful job becuase you do not only get paid but you get to go sight seeing, see places you never been before, work with animals, and lets not forget help people. This job changed my life within a second of being on board i use to work at a boring old bank and grocery store now I know I made the right chose choosing to work here I knew I wouldnt have a chance like this again so I took it with out a doubt. Mayby you might want to travel the world and see new amazing places and see ancient palaces ike Geece and at the same time help people in need. I thought it might be boring and a lot of work on board herding animals but its alot more to it than that. Its a wonderful job becuase you do not only get paid but you get to go sight seeing, see places you never been before, work with animals, and lets not forget help people. This job changed my life within a second of being on board i use to work at a boring old bank and grocery store now I know I made the right chose choosing to work here I knew I wouldnt have a chance like this again so I took it with out a doubt. Mayby you might want to travel the world and see new amazing places and see ancient palaces ike Geece and at the same time help people in need. I thought it might be boring and a lot of work on board herding animals but its alot more to it than that. Its a wonderful job becuase you do not only get paid but you get to go sight seeing, see places you never been before, work with animals, and lets not forget help people. This job changed my life within a second of being on board i use to work at a boring old bank and grocery store now I know I made the right chose choosing to work here I knew I wouldnt have a chance like this again so I took it with out a doubt. Mayby you might want to travel the world and see new amazing places and see ancient palaces ike Geece and at the same time help people in need. I thought it might be boring and a lot of work on board herding animals but its alot more to it than that. Its a wonderful job becuase you do not only get paid but you get to go sight seeing, see places you never been before, work with animals, and lets not forget help people. This job changed my life within a second of being on board i use to work at a boring old bank and grocery store now I know I made the right chose choosing to work here I knew I wouldnt have a chance like this again so I took it with out a doubt. Mayby you might want to travel the world and see new amazing places and see ancient palaces ike Geece and at the same time help people in need. I thought it might be boring and a lot of work on board herding animals but its alot more to it than that. Its a wonderful job becuase you do not only get paid but you get to go sight seeing, see places you never been before, work with animals, and lets not forget help people. This job changed my life within a second of being on board i use to work at a boring old bank and grocery store now I know I made the right chose choosing to work here I knew I wouldnt have a chance like this again so I took it with out a doubt. Mayby you might want to travel the world and see new amazing places and see ancient palaces ike Geece and at the same time help people in need. I thought it might be boring and a lot of work on board herding animals but its alot more to it than that. Its a wonderful job becuase you do not only get paid but you get to go sight seeing, see places you never been before, work with animals, and lets not forget help people. This job changed my life within a second of being on board i use to work at a boring old bank and grocery store now I know I made the right chose choosing to work here I knew I wouldnt have a chance like this again so I took it with out a doubt. Mayby you might want to travel the world and see new amazing places and see ancient palaces ike Geece and at the same time help people in need.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author supports this claim very well by showing how survivable Venus could be.\n\nFirstly, the author states, \"Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels.\" This shows that we would have healthier and more energy were we to live on Venus, and living on Venus is the main reason to explore it. This piece of evidence also shows although radiation wouldn't be any better on Venus, it also wouln't be any worse. Which could be a tremendously amazing thing.\n\nSecondly, the author states, \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans that could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\" Although this evidence speaks in the past tense, this still shows how little we know about Venus and how much we could know if we were to explore it better. Even though it is intensely dangerous, it is beyond worth it if we were to attempt to start life on our twin planet.\n\nLastly, the author states, \"Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.\" This shows how well the planet is, in the present; as well as how good of an idea it would be to find out more about it.\n\nIn conclusion, there is still so much left undiscovered of Venus, and the author layed out many good reasons as to why we should still continue trying to explore it. Besides, history never would have been made, in all of time, if no one ever took a few risks here and there.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine a world completely pollution free. A world with no worry about greenhouse gases or global warming. While it's highly unlikely that we will get to that point, we can still try to reach this perfectly healthy world. The are many advantages tolimiting car use, some of those advantages would be: reducing stress, reducing the amount of pollution, and saving money.\n\nStress is a feeling that everyone can relate to. Whether it be work, school, money, or home life stressing out about things is not healthy. There has been several studies showing that getting proper exercise has tremendous health benefits. The only problem is that no one ever seems to have time to work out or go on a walk. However, if you had to walk to get wherever you're going, you would easily recieve enough exercise to help lower your stress. Plus, driving can be extremely stressful. Without having to sit through traffic or deal with bad drivers an average person's stress levels would plummet. The first passage contains a quote from a suburban mom of two, \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm so much happier this way.\"\n\nRecently, I feel as if all I hear about on the news is Greenhouse gases and pollution. Honestly, hearing about global warming is a frightening experience, almost like a glass of cold water being thrown in your face. 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe are caused by passenger cars and in parts of the United States it's up to 50 percent! While car companies are helping by rolling out hybrid and electric cars, those cars are very expensive! Not everyone is willing to shell out that kind of money. By reducing car use, the harmful gases polluting our air will greatly decrease and places like Paris,France and Beijing, China (both ver heavily polluted places) can have clearer air.\n\nMoney. Money seems like it rules our world and it really does. Do you enjoy throwing moeny away? Of course you don't! Well, if you drive a car everywhere you go, you might as well be. Gas prices are high and it takes upwards of 50 dollars to fill the tank of the average car. Not to mention the price of the car itself! While you have to pay for gas, car insurance, maintence, and the bill for the car if it's not paid off yet, people who walk to work or to the store and don't own a car are saving thousands of dollars a year.\n\nTo conclude, when you reduce the use of cars you: reduce stress, reduce the amount of pollution, and save money. If you want to leave the planet Earth healthy and livable for the future generations, you should seriously consider ditching your car and buying a nice pair of walking shoes.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe election for the president of the United States uses the outdated Electoral college system. The Electoral College system should be retired and the election should be changed to popular vote for the president. Even though Electoral college avoids run-off elections, it is still corupt. We should change to popular vote because The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. Therefore The electoal college should be abolished.\n\nTo commense, the electoral college is unfair. The system uses the winner-take-all system in each state.\"Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates dont spend time in states they know the have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the \"swing\" states.\"(13) said by the office of the Federal Register. For example, during the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all. Thus making the electoral collge unfair.\n\nIn adition, The Electoral College is outdated. The voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors. The slate electors elect the president not the voters.\"If you lived in Texas, fr instance, and wanted to vote for [John] Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledged to Kerry.\"(10) examole by the Federal Register. This proves that the system is outdated and the voters should elect the president.\n\nIn addition, The Electoral college is irrational. One of the most worrying prospect is the tie in the electoral vote. If this occurs the elction would be handed off to the House of Representatives, where state delgations vote on the preident. Pretty much the Senate would choose the vice-president.\"The election is only a few swing voters away from catastrophe.\" (12)said by the Federal Register. this is very unconvient if occurs during election.\n\nAll in all, the State Senator should abolish the Electoral College system and change the electoin to popular vote. The electoral college system is unfair to voters. The system is outdated. And the system is overall irrational. Therefore the State Senator should abolish the Electoral College system and use the popular vote system in the election for the president for the United States.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author suggest studys that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus the \"Evening Star\" is one of the brighest or the brightest star in the night sky, its so bright that even an amateur stargazer could spot it. Venus is alot like earth, you clould even call them twins on how similiar they are. Venus has the same density and size to earth but the differences are that venus's face is very hot and unliviable but the author thinks otherwise, he talks about how scientist are studying venus alot more than they did, and as well as talks about how NASA has a particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study venus. Does studys show that venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents?\n\nThe first reason why venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents is Venus is righta roung the corner in space terms, people from eath sent multiple spacecraft\n\nto Venus each mission was unmanned and for good reason, venus would destroy the space craft in a matter of hours. Thats why humans hasnt lsent a spaceship to Venus in 3 decades. The author also talks about about if\n\n\"planet is so inhospitable, why are scientist even discussing furthering vists to its surface\" he also follows that up with \"Astronomers are facinated by Venus because it may have been the most earth like planet in our solor system, long ago Venus was probably covered in water and large oceans and could have supported various life forms of life\" Venus alo has some familar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters jus like Earth. Furthermore Venus could be our safe route to and back, and also having the fastest time of getting there given the time frame of space travel.\n\nThe second reason why the study of Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents are that The National Aeronautics and Space Adminnistration (NASA) has on particlular comnpelling idea fro sending humans to study Venus. NASA has a plan for these harsh conditions Venus might throw at us like the very hot surface, etc but Venus would allow the scientist to float above the fray and not touch the ground.Theres also unfriendly ground conditions that Venus woulkd give like the ground being 170 degrees farrenheit, and radiations that would be plentiful but surivable for humans.\n\nThe author gave out muliple reason on why its a worthy pursuit like NASA thinking about sending people to Venus and the scientist studying more on Venus like never before as well as the safeness and the time for us to get there is like notyhing else.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting car usage would not be good for few citizens. Some citizens are just plain lazy and have no sense of being active. But they are good sides of lowering car usage like citizens will have a more open community, citizens will save alot of money throughout the year, and the cities air would be less harmful.\n\nTo begin with, Some cities are just known for not having safe communities. But i think limiting car usage will make people interact with one another. The community will eventually join together and everyone will know everybody. Maybe the same neighbor you hate that lives across from you will become your best friend because you guys can walk to the same places together. I think that'll be utopia for cities across the United States.\n\nTo add on, They are citizens everyday that struggle everyday just to go to the store to buy some food for the house. I feel like this would save alot of money for citizens and it'll help them spend it on other things they need. I sometimes have struggled on my own to just to make it to school because i don't have any money for gas. I Think this is the main reason why citizens will benefit from the limitation of car usage.\n\nLastly,Limiting the car usage will greatly benefit the cities air. Some cities in the us have a bad reputation of having alot of air polution. I think after a while the cities will eventually just run on having no cars on the streets because of how good it was the cities air. It'll turn out to be a win-win situation for everyone.\n\nIn conclusion, Limiting car usage will first be a hard task to do but it think eventually everyone will adapt to it. Limiting the air pollution, saving alot on gas money, and building a better community are all great factors in this change. They're is many more good factors into doing this but these are just some i thought i should talk about.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and how he was saying different things about how Venus is and was shows that he really does have an interest in studying Venus and he defends his argument well because he goes into detail on what he wants to do and what he wants to know.\n\nAlthough the passage is having to do with exploring Venus theres nothing much said about them doing things because they failed multiple times and by the looks of it I don't think its going to happen because of how the author talks about Venus.\n\nThe author seems to be doing everything he could to actually try to explore Venus despite the difficulties they are having, that even if it is dangerous the author will still try to do something about it.\n\nIn my opinion I think what the author's doing is very dangerous because he doesn't know what the outcome is going to be, it could go both good and bad because there is a possibility that anything can happen, as said in the article though, they are only looking at sending technology to try to explore Venus not humans so it wouldn't be as dangerous and I think thats why the author is still open on exploring it and not giving up so he can try to find some answers to what hes been questioning.\n\nIn the last paragraph (8) the author states that the challenge presented by Venus has value because of human curiosity because it will lead them into many equally intimidating endeavors and just basically saying to think of it as an imagination but at the same time something you can do and want to achieve.\n\nIn conclusion if the author thinks that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit then that's what hes going to go for, some people are also curious on that and so the author trying to do that will be helpful to others and himself and if he does succeed others will be satisfied with what the author came up with besides the dangers the study presents I do think that it will all be worth it at the end of the day, because that's a goal they've been trying to accomplish for sometime now.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\" said Heidrun Walker, in \"car-free cities\" by Elizabeth Rosenthal. Currently in the United States, 82 percent of people own a vehicle. Which means in the average city is a busy street, car horns honking, triffic conjested place to live. Limiting car usage can be beneficial to you, your city, and your planet.\n\nLimiting car usage can have great advantages on the Earth. Almost half of the greenhouse gas in the united states is from cars. Greenhouse gas has an effect on the North and South Poles that makes them melt faster causeing the sea level to rise. So, if we were to lessen the use of cars we would be doing a great favor to the Earth. Many times on the news we hear about oil spills, and big or small, it hurts so many sea animals because it gets in their fur and when prey wants to eat those contaminated animals they die. Think of all the innocent animals that get hurt so that cars have gas to run on.\n\nLiving in a car-free city can benefit the whole community. Knowing all or your neighbors is pretty rare now because everyone is always on the go driving somewhere, or cooped up in their home. Walking or Biking to the store with your neighbors can be the new normal if car usage was limited. Vehicles will actually hurt your health in the long run, because cars put so much pollution in the air which will eventually make the air too toxic to breathe. In, \"Paris bans driving due to smog\" by Pobert Duffer, \"just one day with half of paris not driving the smog cleared enough that they didnt have to ban driving the next day\". According to the U.S. motor vehicle accident website, every ten minutes somebody dies in the United States due to a car accident. Loved ones can be saved if car usage is limited.\n\nReducing the usage of cars will benefit your well being. Driving a vehicle requires so much attention and focus, it is quite stressful. \"It is a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,\" said Carlos Arturo during Bogota, Colombia's car-free day. People of Vauban, Germany (a city that gave up cars) are happier, they have more energy, and they even look younger. Gas is at an everage price of two dollars and thirty cents, think of all the money that can be saved and put towards something else if you never had to pay for gas again! Limiting car usage will help you financially, physically, and mentally.\n\nOverall, a city without cars has many advantages. People can see the people they love and the planet they love prosper without the usage of vehicles. According to, \"The end of car culture\" by Elisabeth Rosenthal, \"Bill Ford, executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company, proposed partnering with the telecommunications industry to create cities in which, 'pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety.'\"", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIs studying Venus a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents? This planet is sometimes called the \"Evening Star.\" Venus is the second planet from the sun. Venus is proved to be a very challenging place to examine more closely. Venus is the closet planet to Earth in terms of density and size. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because of the fascination that Venus might have been Earth-like planet and that NASA has a particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus.\n\nIn paragraph 4, it shows how Venus might have been earth-like planet, \"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\" Venus has some features that are similar to those on Earth such as surface of rocky sediment, valleys, mountains, and craters. Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, given a long time of space travel. However, returning to Venus seems indisputable. The options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive to return to Venus is pretty challenging.\n\nIn paragraph 5, it shows how NASA has a particularly idea for sending humans, \" The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus.\" The possible solutions is that the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. They are basically trying to create a vehicle that's hovering 30 or some miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. Scientists are going to be hovering safely far above the planet it can only provide limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere.\n\nHowever, while scientists are hovering above of Venus they will not be able to take samples of rocks, gases, or anything else, from a distance.\n\nIn conclusion, studying Venus is worthy. Venus might be challenging to study but researchers and scientists are trying to figure how we can study Venus. This planet has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because of human curiosity. So yes, studying Venus is worthy despite it's dangers.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator of Florida,\n\nBeing a man of your calibar and stature you may already know about the Electoral College. This is the process that consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of electoral votes by Congress. I'm writing this letter to you today beacuse I believe that the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational.\n\nThe process of electoral college has been around for years. I mean think about it our founding fathers created it. Which means its four score and a thousand years too old and irrelevant to todays economy. Sure it helped thousands of years ago but this the dawn of a new era. Why would it still be effective today? Its outdated! You and I both have heard the expression of \"If it aint broke dont fix it.\" Well this the check engine light going off in your car, which means its time for a change.\n\nAdditionally, its unfair to the citizens of our nation. For instance, because each state casts only one vote, the single representatives from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters. Sure it helps with Wyoming and the proportionality of their representatives. But,its completely unfair to all those citizens of California who pay their taxes, work hard for their money to better their state. Take the time out in their day to vote. You're telling me that their vote doesn't have a valid say in the choosing of the President?, non sense.\n\nLastly, the electoral college is completely irrational. Its was created to prevent any regional favorite in voting and for a long time it has been successful in doing so. It totally contradicted itself in 2000, when the Gore had more popluar votes than Bush but yet fewer electoral votes. Bush went on to win the election and manage to destroy the country along the way as well. They thought that it would never happen? I mean the amount of electoral votes is an even number(538). Its unlikely I mean but its not impossible.\n\nIn closing, I just wanted to express my thoughts about the electoral vote process with you today. I believe its very unfair, outdated, and irrational. With all the infractions that can occur and risks that are involved, I believe it needs to be changed. And I believe now is time for that change! Thank you.\n\nSincerely,\n\nPROPER_NAME", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Florida state senator, I highly suggest we keep the Electoral College for many reasons, I believe to be the most valued being, with Electoral College, we can insure the certainty\u00a0 and fariness of the outcome. Majority of states award electoral votes with a winner takes all, type of deal. For instance, when no candidate has majority of vote, it becomes a bit of a hectic presidential election, but by using Electoral College, the result is a clear winner. Also, it is insured that there is no region that has enough electoral votes to elect a president alone. Which is great! If a candidate was elligable to be elected by a single regions appeal, that president is extreamly unlikely to be a successful president.\n\nMany people believe that Electoral college is unfair, they claim that the candidates feel they dont have to spend much time in the states that they feel they have no chance of winning in, but in reality, instead of avoid the states the candidates feel they wont get votes from, they should probably campaign there, and try to win some votes. It's about making the people like you, making them want to vote for you, not feel avoided by you, and if the candidates still dont see it that way, Electoral College has solved this problem by incorpurating \"Swing States.\" Voters in these toss-up states listen extermely closely to the competing candidates. These voting are often the most thoughtful because they know they are going to be the deciding factor in the election.\n\nBecuase no region of voters can decide the election, and there is even a deciding factor of thoughful people who are listening cloesly to the election, Electoral College becomes not only the fairest, but also the most succuessfull way to elect a president.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars gives the world an oppurtunity that offers a great convience. In my aspect, I would never drive a driverless car because it is unecessary in this world. Although, the aspect of accidents in cars would drop by a major level, the fun of driving a car would all be gone. Even though the car would have a \"manual mode\", where the driver has to drive a car through the work zone and around accidents, it would not be as enertaining as to drive on the highway at high speeds. Additionally, if driverless cars were an idea that was put to use, many people would lose their jobs, because a lot of the jobs that people have are to make sure that the highway is safe. If driverless cars were there, there would be no need for those people, because the roads would be safe.\n\nThe whole point of driverless cars is so that the human inside the vehicle does not have to do any work while in the car to drive it. If the car still needs a human to watch over it and navigate it through the work zones and accidents, there is not really a point in the cars. Like said in paragraph 7, \"They can streer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills..\", there should not really be that \"human skills\" part of the sentence, because in the pharse \"driverless cars\", it says so itself that the car is driverless, and if a driver is still required then the cars are not really driverless.\n\nThere is also the question of if someone is injured, who is at the fault- the driver of the manfacturer. This question was presented in paragraph 9, and does not have an answer at the time. I think this is a very vaild point that the article is making because it could be either's fault. Although, considering the fact that people still buy cars these days, and if someone is hurt, it is usually the driver's fault. I would think that there is somekind of waiver of some sort that says, if you buy this product, you are using it at your own risk. Although this again, just supports the argument of driveless cars are not necessary in this world.\n\nConsidering the content from the article, I think that driverless cars still require a lot of work, but hopefully manufacturers can perfect them. They need to reinvent driving in a fun way, like said in paragraph 8 by Dr. Werner Huber. He said that \"We have to interpret the driving fun in a new way\". The true challenge to driverless cars, lies in this. I would support driverless cars if they can truly accomplish driverless cars in a fun and new way.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the world today people are coming up with new ways to do things such as having driverless cars. This is good because we know we can do things with technology we never could years ago. This can be bad because this can tell us that technology is over ruling us, but thats not the case now.\n\nDriverless car can be a bad idea because looking at technolog these days, it does alway work properly and that could lead to the cars. if some wrecks another car that would mean that it would be the cars fault but all the blame would be one the \"driver\". No one would know how it happened properly because there would be indication on how it happened.\n\nAnother reason why this would be a bad reason to have drverless cars was that the speed would be the same for everyone and some people may be in a hurry to get to places and the cars would take only the main roads to get to their destination. If the car wasn't used right it would mean that many people would be in danger to reckless people in the world.\n\nThe last problem with this kind of car would be when the person in the driver seat won't pay attention to the road and they get hurt for it. Many people in the world would be get hurt because they aren't doing anything and think that they would be perfectly safe and they won't.\n\nIn conclustion, the world would be a safer place if we didn't have driverless cars. This would lead to fewer injuries, problems, and misusage of the cars. If we just stay the same we can have less problems as well. So before we start thinking about having anything relative to these driverless car we should think again.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of the Facial Action Coding System technology in a classroom is not valuable.\n\nIt could easily distract children from school work.\n\nThe technology is not needed for any need in a classroom.\n\nAnd the technology goes against normal morals and personal space.\n\nThe technology shouldn't be used in a classroom.\n\nThe use of this technology could easily distract a child from school work.\n\nDuring a school task, the child nor teacher needs to know the child's emotions.\n\nAs a now high school student, i've seen that school work doesn't need your emotions.\n\nSchool is for learning, not for counceling.\n\nThe only place this technology could be used is in theater or health managment.\n\nI'm sure this technology would cost a lot of money that many school districts don't have. Multiple school distrcts in my area are hurting, and they can't afford to pay for this technology that isn't needed.\n\nAfter the fact of ditraction, the technology doesn't have a select purpose.\n\nThere isn't a need for it in schools.\n\nWhy would you need to know your emotions for a school task?\n\nSchool is a place for all children to learn subjects like math, language arts, and science.\n\nSchool is not for counceling.\n\nThere are supplies schools need more than emotion recongnizing technology.\n\nThere isn't a place for it in learning through grade school, perhaps in college if you are studying to be some type of counceler.\n\nLast but not least, this technology goes against personal space!\n\nNo one wants a computer reading their emotions while trying to test, or without knowing.\n\nIt is a persons right to keep how they feel to themselves.\n\nIt is unecessary for a teacher to need to know a students emotions.\n\nIf the student wants to tell a teacher that he is feeling upset he/she has the right to do so.\n\nAnd if the student would not want anyone to know, it is his right not to have anyone to know.\n\nit may be good for a student to reach out to a teacher for help, however, this doesn't mean a teacher needs to know a students emotions based of this technology.\n\nDuring test in schools we have to put our phones nd earbuds away to prevent ditraction. So why have a technology that would distract a child from a task?\n\nThis technology isn't needed in schools and isn't valuable in schools.\n\nIt would be a big waste of money for a school district to buy this technology and only use in one or so classes.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat you are about to read is going to give you insight on the advantages and disadvantages there are when talking about limiting car usage. In the next few paragraphs and sentences I am going to state true facts about the advantages and disadvantages of limiting your forms of transportaion. I will also talk about not just the individual advantages and disadvantages, but I will also talk about how it could help or hurt, a community. Now strap down, let's click on those seat belts, and go for a ride, all puns intended.\n\nI think it would probably be best if we started this paper off by talking about the disadvantages right off the bat. Now, the first one that I think everyone thought of right away would be that of, how could places like the United States of America, a country that is thousands of miles wide, convert to what is being proposed in these articles? Where I live now is on the ocean, so on the outskirts of our city, LOCATION_NAME, to be exact. If our county, LOCATION_NAME, was to change to this ideal, then we would have to bike about 3 miles just to get to the bridge to get across the river back to main land. Another example would eb that where I used to live, LOCATION_NAME, there was a lot of land seperating my old house and the main drag of my town. In the summer, it wouldn't be that big of a deal to just take a bike and gon on a bike ride, but when it came around to it being winter I would probably want to take a car that had 4x4 wheel drive, if you catch my drift. I think that the disadvantages are painfully obvious when it comes to this system, but I could definetley see it working in large citites not unlike Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, and so on.\n\nNow that we've finally gotten the disadvantages out of the way, we can talk about how this would help communitites all across the world become safer and cleaner. In the first article I read a quote that I thought was perfect for the advantages paragraph.\n\n\"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happer this way,\"\n\n(Paragraph 2, Lines 4-5) This really got my attention right from the get go because It made me think about our daily lives and how I feel when I'm behind the wheel. Im always stressed Im going to wreck my car! The other thing that caught my eye was when I read about the Columbian city of Bogota. In Bogota, they banned all motor vehicles except buses and taxis for a day. A businessman was quoted as saying\n\n\"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,\"\n\nIt seems that when the idea of outlawing all motor vehicles and having only bikes and your feet for transportation, people are a lot happier.\n\nIn conclusion, I would love to see less cars on the roads, and see more people switch to greener alternatives such as bikes, skateboards, feet, etc. I think it would also take care of the issue of obesity and pollution. The only thing that I find hard to believe is that we would just disband the use of cars all together. I think that we have built so many roads all over the place that finding another use for them would be hard. All in all however, I think this is a great idea. To have communities closer together which would form stronger community bonds and it would allow us to drastically reduce the amount of pollution we create each year.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nStudying Venus is a worthy pursuit. If your looking at the furthing fact of us humans. It would be a great take on futhuring our lives becoming a smarter race. Although its mostly negatives coming out of Venus. Its still possible which for some people thats all it takes.\n\nVenus, \" A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus\". With a stunning tempature \"average of over 800 degrees Fahrenheit\". Also with a daily eruption of volcanoes, powerful earthquakes and frequent lightining. Venus now Venus is a very very dangerous task. But NASA however, has came up with a brilliant idea, with a solution to the horrible conditions for humans. They beleive that humans would never even have to come to the planet completely to do thier research. NASA has developed a vehicle that would hover above the mess that is Venus.\"30 or so miles\" above. It comes with a kick though, with the high tempatures of Venus regardless of how high they are there will be a tempature of 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Very dangerous but yet very possible.\n\nWhat the author was overall trying to explain is that taking on a planet like Venus is very dangerous but yet very possible. Overall in the longrun it would benifit NASA more importantly the human race. But the journey is very harsh with scorching tempatures and daring weather, a high chance of failure. Yet still possible in furthring the world. In conclusion thier is many risk yet the chance that we'll benifit and come out very sucessful is the chance we will take is what the author is trying to explain.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article ''Driverless Cars Are Coming,'' they talk about how there is a new invention coming. As you can tell by the title of the article, they give some pros and cons about the new invention. Some thing's the author of the article mentions is how the car works and what kind of details will be in it.\n\nOne of the first things they mentioned was how the car works. It tell's how the car would run on half the fuel we use today. Google has already made a car that is ''driverless' and it has not crashed yet. These cars would run on a track that has an electrical cable that sends radio signals to a receiver on the front end of the car.\n\nFurther on, they also explained some details they might add to the car. One of the details is that the car can handle functions up to twenty-five miles per hour, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. Not all of the cars are completely driverless. In fact, the only main things they can do are steer,accelerate, and brake. All are designed to notify the driver when the road requires human skills. Another detail they have is that the drivers seat vibrates when the vehicle is in dangerof backing into something. One last detail they mention is having cameras watch the driver to make sure that the drivers a remaining focused on the road.\n\nWith both of those topics being mentioned, I honestly do not think they should make the cars for public use. They say how it will be safer the driver and those around them, but in all honesty, I do not think they will be. One of the details that does not sound reasonible on the car are the cameras. The idea of someone watching you while you drive just does not sound pleasant. Yes it may make sure the driver is staying focused, but I do not think that should be on there. One of the only things about the car that sounds excellent, is the lower fuel usage. With lower fuel also mean less polution which I think is great.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAstronauts risk their life by exploring the different planets in our solar system. In the article ''The Challenge of Exploring Venus'' talks about how dangerous it could be to exoplor it. Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because it was once the most Earth-like planet in our solar system, Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for planetary visit, and NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus.\n\nVenus may be inhospitable now, but it was once the most Earth-like planets in our solar system. In the article it discusses how Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. It states that, ''The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features [like] valleys, mountains, and craters.'' Meaning it has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. Venus is also the second planet from our sun.\n\nEarth, Venus, and Mars orbit the sun at different speeds, which could lead to planetary visits. ''The differences in speed mean that sometimes we ae closer to Mars and other times Venus.'' Humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned, and no spacecraft survuved the landing for more than a few hours. Venus has proven to be a very challanging place to examine more closely.\n\nThere are inhancements that NASA are trying to improve for differnt approaches to studying Venus. The author exclaims, ''A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus.''\n\nAn example of what NASA is trying to do is to create simplified electronics made of silicone carbide that have been tested to in a chamber that stimulates Venus's surface; this electronic has survived three weeks in such conditon. What's even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. So imagine exposing a cell phone to acid or heat capable of melting tin.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI vow against the value of using technology to read student's emotional expressions. My reasoning is big data companies will configure this to their advantage and bordeom in a classroom can guide someone toward something higher.\n\nTo begin,\"Big Brother\" will exploit this in order to make money off of it unsuspectedly. The text gives an example of what the technology can do in terms of personalizing ads. It does not matter who someone is big data companies, will find clever ways of gathering anyones data in exchange making life more simple no matter if that person is student or not. Once the data is stockpiled, it is on the internet and avaliable to anyone that pays for it.\n\nSecondly, bordeom as terrible as it sounds is good for the brain. Bordeom in the text is mentioned as something that looms in the learning environment and this new technology can help create a more effective lesson. The second society lets such algorithms coexist with AI that is when the people lose control of their lives; because, it will let robotic minds make decisions for society. Boredom is misunderstood, it can allow society to have think beyond the surface and allows someone to excel as they then understand the joy of a subject has detierated, now looking anew.\n\nTo conclude, \"Big Brother\" would manipulate this technology to profit and boredom is beneficial. Not everything is what it presents itself as on the surface.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe position I have on driveless cars is that I am not sure if we can truly rely on these cars. If you are going to invent a type of car that is really driveless then invent it. I think if it is going to be a driveless car then it should stick to its true meaning \"DriveLess\". In the future I think we will have the technology to create these kind of cars where they are sold worldwide but I think the government wont change or make new laws for these cars. Which I dont see why they would because these cars do seem safe with all the systems they have for safety of the driver.\n\nTechnology plays a key part for the invention of these cars. Big Companies such as Google,BMW,GM,Mercedes-Benz,Audi, and Nissan all have driveless car projects they are working on. As the technology gets better over the years so will sensoring, the gps signals, antilock brakes, and driver assistance. Even Sebastian Thrun the Google Car Project founder thinks that the technology is catching up to the dream. BMW has announceed that they had developed the \"Traffic Jam Assistant\" that lets the car steer, accelerate , and brakes its self. Although there are very few examples, just think about the technology will have in the future if we already have this kind of technology as of today.\n\nSafety of the driver and the passengers also plays an important key role in driveless cars. When the technology increases I think the safety of the driveless cars will increase to because Google said they had a project car that went over five hundred thousand miles without a crash. In a driveless car today though the driver must stay alert at all times, because any kind of a situation can come upon such as navigating through work zones or around accidents. Google and GM have developed warning signs to tell the driver when the driver should be ready to take over.\n\nAll these reasons are why I think these big companies should have laws to where they can work on the development of these cars anywhere. It is something that can be created today instead of in the future only if we let it happen.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this article the author presents both poisitive and negative aspects of driverless car, i am against the develpoment of these cars because if these cars get legalized the driver will feel free to keep there eyes off the road, they will not take as much responsibily, drivers could fall asleep and cause an accident, it is a very expensive project that could benefit the world in much better ways, there will no be no personal place while being in side of those cars, and because teenagers will want to be the first ons who wold like to use them without even having experiences in normal cars which could cause many accidents since teenagers arent responsible enough to be driving one of those cars.\n\nMany car accidents are already happining in this world because of texting while driving, alcohol, and unresposible people driving . If these cars get legalized not only will they make a driver think they are free to get there eyes off the road but they will make them believe no accidents could happen since the cars should of been tested and passed before coming out. In any time when the drivers gets a call or message and is driving on a driverless car they will think its not a big deal if they get there eyes off the road and text. Leaving all the reponisibilty to the car by its own. Many things could happen in a second. another car could come and crash, but since the driver trusts too much on their car they wont even notice there is something dangerous just infront of their eyes.\n\nComing up with these cars is a lot of money,On paragraph three the author stated, \" These smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to exsisting roads, somthing that was simply too expensive to be practical. \" The author must of added this to make the reader realize that coming up with these cars requires a lot of money. So if cars are already an invention and many people use them without being driverless why doesnt the government spend the money in something more useful such as kids in Africa, or adding school to countries that cant afford building an education center. On paragraph fourthe\n\nauthor also stated, \" Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror , four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver , and an inertial motion sensor. \" Those are many things that those cars would use ! more money that could be used in more benefital ways.\n\nAnother reason of why i am against the development of these cars is because once you step inside those cars you will no longer have personal space, everything you do or say will now be not only heared or seen by whoever is in the car with you but also by whoever is the one in charge of looking at you through the camera. On paragraph 7 the author stated, \" Manufacturers are also considering using camera to watch that reminders are remaining focused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver.\" That is letting the reader know that it is a possibilty that cameras will be located in these cars.\n\nEven the people who are developing these cars know that drivers have to be watched over , so why are they putting peoples life in risk?\n\nThe fact that more accidents could happen because of these cars, the lack of resposiblty these cars will cause, money waisted on other things instead of things that could benefit this world, and no longer having personal space on our own cars are some of my reasons of why i am againt the development of these cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the story \"A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves\" is about a man named Luke. Luke first started out working two part-time jobs at a grocery store and at a bank. Then his friend Don invited Luke to go on a cattle boat ride to Europe, but Luke couldn't say no.\n\nThen the reason Luke started to work with the \"Seagoing Cowboys\" because he wanted to help the people with their cattles, horses, and mules. Also to help countries recover their food supples, animals, and more, 44 nations joined to help to form UNRRA. Luke also join to travel across the ocean and se new places too.\n\nThen Luke work hard to feed the cattle, horses, and mules twice or three times a day, Luke started to work hard by bring up bales of hay and bring bags of oats from the lower holds of the ship to feed the cattle, horses, and mules everyday, and cleaning the stalls for the aniamls to comfortable when the animals are on the ship. Then on one rainy night after Luke made his hour report to the captain. He slipped on the leader and landed on his backside, but he was stopped by a small strip of metal on the edge to keep him from flying overboard. Luke broke his ribs and could not work for a couple days to his engary.\n\nIn conclusion Luke and other people had a hard life during the year that they had, but they still had a good life during the year with their families and friend that are there to support you no matter what happenes during those year they had together.Also you should always work hard to complete your goals in life like Luke did in the story. When Luke completed his goals he got the best out it and he was happy all his life and his dream came ture to be a \"Seagoing Cowboy\" because he worked hard with the cattle, horses, and mules by getting them to places the animals need to go.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOther people should get into the Seagoing program because they could help people that need to be helped. The text says,\" To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined together to form the UNRRA.\" The text also states,\"UNRRA hired Seagoing Cowboys to take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas.\" People should join the UNRRA so that they could help people out. Like a lot of people say, put other's needs before your own.\n\nA lot of people should get into the Seagoing program so they can go places they wanted to go. The text states,\"besides helping people, I had a side benefit of seeing Europe and China.\" The article also states,\"Luke also toured the excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China.\" Those are also a good thing about the program. People could go places they have never been to before.\n\nYou should join the Seagoing program because you could see things you have never seen before. The article says,\"but being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke.\" The text also states,\"it made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs.\" Being a seagoing cowboy can be very exciting. People should join if they want to help other people.\n\nBeing a seagoing cowboy could be dangerous, but if you have the right skills and luck it won't be dangerous. The text says,\"helping out on his aunt Katie's farm as a boy had prepared Luke for hard work, but not for the dangers of the sea.\" The article states,\"a small strip of metal along the edge stoped his slide, keeping him from flying overboard into the dark Atlantic.\" That last piece of evidence is pure luck. That is why you should prepare for the dangers.\n\nThe main part of being a seagoing cowboy is to help people, not hurt them. If you hurt them that means you didn't care about others and you didn't want to help them. It is good for everyone that got into the Seagoing program and care for others that are hurt. People should get into the Seagoing program to stop violence. Violence does nothing good for anyone. Violence only makes things a lot worse.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat would you do if you got written a ticket by a police officer for just driving your car? It could happen if we had a day that driving was banned to help the enviroment. I think this is great idea and we shold all get involved with trying to make it work. Other countries have done it and it doesn't seem to effect anybody negativly. The only thing this would do is limit the pollution put off in America and all over.\n\nCars are probably the biggest source of pollution in our world today. We use cars for eveerything now and it is very convenient but have you ever really thought of what they are doing to our atmoshpere and ozone. Smog is one of the biggest efects from driving and its not a pretty one. I wouldn't want my city to be covered in a thick layer of foggy gas fuems. In paris the smog was so thick they had to make driving outlawed for a few days just to keep it under control. If we did it even just a couple times a year nation wide it could really help.\n\nIn columbia they tried this to help with car emisions and everybody enjoyed it. They even said other countrioes joined in so I think its our turn to give it a try.\n\nThe people of Vauban, Germany have a pretty much car free town. If towns started going car free like this in America the emmisions would drop greatly. In Vauban evrybody really likes not needing cars and say it is much less stressful than driving everyday. If just one in every 20 cities of the United States went car free we would notice how much cleaner the air is and the greenhouse effect or global warming would be almost nonexistent.\n\nAnother thing the articles mentioned is hybrid cars. I think hybrid cars are great, I personally have one, but some people don't really understand or like them. These cars could really help save the enviroment in just a few years if people were to start only using them. Which I doubt will happen but they still are driven by many people and its much better then everyone driving a diesel truck around all the time.\n\nIn all honesty I don't think any of this will happen here anytime soon but it sure would be nice. The greenhouse effect is very real no matter how many people argue about it and there is thigs that can be done to help prevent it. We just have to be willing to make some sacrafices to save our planet.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever seen a unmasking face ?well if you havent let me tell you more about it .\n\nSo there is the mask that in mars. We are now trying to dicorver what this strange thing is. From what i am seeing .Its seems that this face is an unusual face that no one have seen before. As far as the scientists figured it was just another Martian Mesa, Commom enough around Cydonia.\n\nA few days later . NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted a \"huge rock formation . . . Which resembles a human Head . . . Formed by shadows gigivg the illusion of eyes , noes , and mouth\" The Authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract to mars.\n\nThe \" Face on Mars\" has since become a pop icon . It has started in hollywood film , appeared in books, magaznines , radio talk shows--even huanted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years! Some people think the face is bona fide evidence of life on mars---evidence that NASA would rather hide , say conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on mars.\n\nSo on April 5, 1998, When Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times Sharper than the orginal Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all.\n\nSo they all came together and thought about it . So there Now exchanging it all right .There trying to say that the picture from NAS is not the right picture which is so true . There trying to still the picture from somebody else which there trying to take the credit from mars which found the picture and put it all together . So now there all confused on which just happen when mars was just stating the simple facts that they found the oicture ands knows where the ou=ther one is and theere going to put it back together so they can have the right picture only if . NASA don try to come over welm them with a different picture which is going to throw them off topic and confuse then on which to do and what not to do because they came with the wrong information and mars had all the right information to which to out and how to put it all together and complete the big puzzle everybody been trying to out together because all alone they had it from the beging but was not sure it wass right nor positive and sure about that picture so when the NASA came to mars and try to prove them wrong on a nother level they out stood them, and made them think over so now NASA about to go back and try to discover the othere peices to the puzzle when its already solved they dont understand that they already have the puzzle figured out all along but now there trying to take what Mars had and say they found it first but not only that . But they have found something else which identify that that puzzle have been put together before the NASA found it . But its seems to me that the reader that MARS have found the puzzle face and put it together and now NASA is on envestigation once Again.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn todays world things have evolved so much that now we even have driverless cars. In my opinion, I am not in favor of driverless cars. There are many issues that come about when talking about driverless cars. Some issues would include, the age of legal drivers, the liability, and whether or not the drivers has to pay attention or not. All of these issues can be explained throughout this paper.\n\nToday the age that a driver gets their license is 16 years old. With driverless cars, the legal age of drivers would probably be lowered. This could even be lowered to the age of young children. I believe it is an awesome opportunity to be able to drive. Since the car is driverless, would drivers still need to go through traning like there is now? If there wasn't any training and the car would malfunction and the driver had to take control, then the driver behind the wheel would not know what to do. The article says, \"Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash, but so far, Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigting through roadwork or accidents.\" Even if cars become totally driverless, will they actually know right away when an accident has occured in front of them?\n\nAnother issue that could come up with driverless cars is, the liability. Who's fault is it? Today there are laws that decide who is at fault in a car accident. If the cars were totally driverless then there would be no need to focus on the road and the driver could be doing whatever they wanted. What would happen if there was a constuction zone ahead and the driverless car didn't know and kept driving and hit someone or something, would the accident be the drivers fault or the manufacturers? \" If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the naufacturer?\" I'm sure there are many manufacturers who would not like all of the liability to fall back on them. That could end up costing them more money than what they are getting from the driverless cars. If it is the drivers fault then they could just say that they were told they didn't need to pay attention and they could sue the manufacturer.\n\nThe last issue that comes to mind is, does the driver need to pay attention if the car is totally driverless? I think that the real attention getter with driverless cars is that the driver wouldn't have to watch the road and could be doing stuff with the passengers in the back seat. The only problem with this is, is the car fully able to correctly drive itself through traffic and dangerous situations or does someone need to pay attention the whole time? If they could fully promise drivers that the car is capable of driving through any situation then it would be okay.\n\nI do think that eventually cars will be driverless, but I think that manufacturers and law enforcers need to take a little bit more time developing ways that these problems can be fixed. \"Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020.\" They need to stop and think about how they can fix the problems such as, they age of legal drivers, the liability, and whether or not a driver needs to pay attention at all times. Once this is all cleared up then I will fully be for driverless cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAfter the nice, relaxed weekend at the beach, Steve gets up to go to work at 6 AM to go to work that is half an hour away. His Monday morning seems to be great until he jolt upright, suddenly remembering about the end-of-the-month report he was supposed to do over the weekend. Steve scrambles around his house, quickly changing into his work clothes and shoving food in his mouth as he runs out the door. As Steve drives to work, he tries to think of ways he can get the report done quickly, but he eventually prepares himself for the verbal lashing he will recieve from his boss. Steve can be anyone. Forgetting to do work is a common occurance. Steve, however, could have gotten the report done if he did not have to drive to work. A relatively new technology that could have saved Steve from his boss' rage is the driverless car. A driverless car, obviously, does not require a driver most of the time. Google and many other car companies have been trying to perfect the driverless car by making the car not require a driver. There are many pros to driverless cars that far outweigh the cons. Driverless cars are more safe and saves time for the driver.\n\nEvery year, many people die in car accdients, whether the victim was the driver or an innocent pedestrian. Driverless cars can potentially lower the rate of car accidents. Unlike humans, driverless cars can detect objects around them with multiple sensors installed in the car. The Google-modified Toyota Prius uses nine sensors - \"position estimating sensors on the left rear wheel,\n\na rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor\" (Paragraph 4). Also, the rotating sensor on the roof, called the LIDAR, makes a 3-D model of the cars surroundings. With all of these sensors, the driverless car can detect objects or people that a normal human driver cannot see, as there are many blindspots that a human driver has to be wary of. Also, the car can also \"cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce the power from the engine\" (Paragraph 5) based on the information received from the sensors. This gives the car \"better response and control than an a human driver could manage alone\" (Paragraph 5).\n\nAlthough the idea of a driverless car sounds appealing, the current cars developed do not drive the full amount of time. The cars needs to alert the driver in special situations like work zones and driveways. Therefore, drivers need to be alert the whole time just in case one of these special situations pop up. If you have to be alert the whole time, why not just drive in the first place? Also, what happens if the car hits someone? Would it be the driver's fault or the manufacturer's fault? There are legal issues that can be avoided if humans just drove the cars in the first place like they have been doing for the past century. In addition to the legal problems and the drive time problem, the car can become faultly, like a computer that got a virus. This time, the consequences of faulty electronics are much higher than just replacing a computer. The car could end up taking someone's life.\n\nThe current driverless car does not drive the entire time. However,Tesla, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan are expected to have cars that can drive of 90% of the time. Yes, there is a 10% chance that a human driver might have to take over but the 90% of the time that the driver is not driving, he or she can do work or just relax. Even if the driver fell asleep, there are many ways that the car can wake the driver up, like vibrating seats, sounds, and bright lights. Cars can be developed to become better at driving in traffc zones. The human instanct, however, cannot be developed to be more cautionous all of the time. Also, the legal issues do not present a problem. Laws often change to adapt with the times. Courts and lawmakers can debate on the issues, resolve them, and change the laws so that they can accomodate conflicts that the drierless car might present.\n\nDriverless cars can solve many vehicle-related safety issues and lower the accident rate. Also, they give the driver more time to do whatever he or she wants to do. There are very little cons that come with the driverless car, and the ones that do come up can be easily solved. Driverless cars should be allowed to continue to develop so that eventually, they can replace humans drivers and make the roads mroe safe. Steve, too, can get a happy ending by frantically finishing is report while his new driverless car can take him to work.", "label": 6}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThough some may argue that the Face is alien made I belive I can prove them wrong. There have been many theories many are just based on others opinions instead of actual facts. So, how can we the scientist be right well, it's simple you use research.\n\nThough I am on the side that the Face is just a land formation I can start to see the theorists point. In the begging yes it was some what unclear. Because theorists gave reasons to belive we couldn't see only because it was a cloudy time as said in paragraph 8. Also, it's hard to forget or just drop something as big as this which lasted 25 years. The Face was a highlight to a dull world it gave some people reason to believe that we are not alone and that event sparked so many other theories. But, never the less these theorists certinally need to get a day job and just quite while their ahead.\n\nNow, that we have delved into the side that most don't join. I'd like to talk about why the Face should just be forgoten. When Viking 1 had been sent up in May of 2001 we along with theorists were curious about what was found. But with careful examination we were able to see it was nothng out of the ordinary. In paragraph 3 we had described it as \" as a huge rock formation with shadow that gave th illusion of a human face. In which case meant we had nothing to hide although some beg to differ. But, with some still demanding we have a closer look we had finally agreed.\n\nIn our case it was not an easy as stated in paragraph 9 '' cydonia is not easy to target.\" Nevertheless we had acomplished our task and gave the people what they wanted. We had even had the technology to show everthing that could be seen on there. And of cousre NASA is stil correct becausce nothing was found just a rock that looked like a face. To compare it we had said\"\n\nits is equivalnt to a mesa or the Middle Butte in the American west.\"\n\nIn conclusion, I believe that I have shown enough evidence to put theorists in their place along with others, who belive the Face is alien made. Though we and many others would have loved\\benefited from it it is now proven there are no\n\nEgyptian style pryamids , airplanes on the ground, or even small shacks. So to wrap it all up I belive and have proven that the Face on mars is nothing and should just disapear.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEver since the very first cars were available for purchase it seems that everyone has wanted one. Well not so much anymore. People have very well evolved from the need of a car. We find different ways to get to school and work without a car. This is good for our planet and i'm sure mother Earth is thanking us for it, but in ten years from now will people even know what a car is?\n\nCars can play a big role in someone's life, it even has the power to take it away. In Bogota, Columbia a car-free day took place and buinessman Carlos Arturo Plaza said, \"It's a great opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution.\" Driving is something that takes years of practice to perfect and it should not be taken lightly. How much a state pays in repairs in damages caused by car accidents must be huge! So what would happen if no one drove anymore? What it be a change for good?\n\nLess and less people are driving today as our world is changing. Accroding to Doug Short, the amount of miles driven by a person has dropped 9 percent. Many people find it more difficult to own a car and fill it with gas and have to drive somwhere. They would much rather live in a place where they can just walk to work. The use of a very advanced internet is a good way to keep in touch with friends without having to get off your couch!\n\nCars have a really big effect on the air pollution and it is really starting to hurt our Earth. Paris has recently had a near-record pollution. Paris had 147 of micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter! This goes for show what kind of effect a car's exhaust can do. By people resiting the need to drive anywhere and even owning a car, it is going to help with controlling the smog prdocued and hopefully help keep our Earth alive!\n\nSo overall by limiting car use and by people taking the bus or riding their bike, our Earth can remain healthy. Also by limting the use of cars we can use those costs and apply it somewhere more useful and possibly save lives! Of course cars can be good, but their bad seems to cancel out what little good they do indeed. Our world we live in is changing and people are straying away from cars. In ten to twenty years who will even know what a car is?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFirst, while I was on the boat with the Seagoing Cowboys, we had many things to do. One of them was that when the animals were off the ship we played baseball. The ship was big enough for it which was great for us. When the animals were on we learned new things about the animals. The male horses were the hardest to feed. They always kicked, but the females were nice and gentle while I feed them.\n\nNext, when we went to China I saw so many cool buildings. Even some that have not even been seen no where else. I also saw the Acropolis in Greece. That was a great thing to see. In Venice, Italy I took no a gondola ride though the city with streets of water. I never saw anything so beautiful in my life.\n\nThen, what I learned on this trip was that helping others that lost something in a war is pretty fun. I got to learn new lauguage and what they ate before everything was taken from them. Doing this will help u see how hard it can be when a we come and you never know that one of the days you live you will feel how they felt when they lost food and a home and even loved ones. Doing this your becoming a better person and people will look up to you for that.\n\nLast, with the honor to do this wonderful thing I became a honorable person. Even though something like this can change things and the way people look at me. I was just a average boy until I went to the Seagoing Cowboys which changed how I even looked at people and myself. Doing this program will change your life and teach people how to be a great person.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAlthough, traveling and exploring to Venus would be beyond towards the history of mankind making it the first ever of humans to travel a planet that is closed to earth since traveling to the moon back in the 60s. this will be a good idea because now in days, technology keeps evolving and evolving, and it's simliar to earth with the same simliar density and size and it's closet in distance. But this will also be a bad idea because traveling to venus will be risky challenging move and due to the fact that venus is 2sec closed to the sun knowing that the weather in the planet is extremely high and the atmosphere is so thick it still a worthy pursuit to travel and explore even the dangers it presents. Human one day want to travel to venus to explore new things and that is posible to one day live in. but the weather and the atmosphere are realy on the high level that \"A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus\u0092s atmosphere. On the planet\u0092s surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.\" The conditions are far from beyond of extreme that any human being has ever ecountered and such an environment will crush any from its way. and not to know that \"Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface.\" So how can mankind be at the option on making a mission that would be safe for science? well NASA had an idea in a way that if the want to sent humans to study and to explore Venus they would had ro make a ship that will fly with an altitude that can go over by many stroms smiliar to jet air planes its \"a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans.\" So now if mankind would one day ever travel to Venus and explore new things and other ways of finding out on the strange wonders of the planet even if the dangers lurking on the planet and thta it is closest to the sun, it will to the edges of imagination and innovation to tarvel to venus.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe reason it would be a bad thing is say you dont want nobody to know how your feeling. Some people dont like it when other people know how they feel i hate when other people know how i feel. Another thing is that maby youru feeling a way and you dont want nobody els to know how your feeling cause you might get juged for how you feel.\n\nThers some good things to this to, cause when an add pop up you dont want it to be a boring one, you want it to be like a cool movie coming out or an new fortnite update and etc. And with the computer being like that it would amke you want to stay and watch it. Another thing is is that when an add comes on it makes people lose there happyness palying the game and so they just get off the game amd gop do something else, cause usally the adds be like 30sec-1min long and dont nobody want to wait that long to go back to there game so they just get off it and go to the nect game they like cause know they got addsw in almot everything and if your playing a game and you die then its an add and people get tired of that and dont want to play anymore.\n\nin the article it says that smiling and frownimg will help the computer relise weather you like the add of not. If not then they willa diffrent on next time and if you smile are look intrerested in the add they will do more like that one and then it would go from there. But again not all people like people knowing how they feel some people keepm there self privet and with that nobody could feel privet anymore. So no i dont think they should put that in computers cause it would mess it up for the people that liked to be keep ther self privet", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAdventures at the Sea\n\nYou should be in the Seagoing Cowboys program because. You get to learn about so many animals. You get to know how much they eat, and what they eat. As stated in paragraph six it says. They had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. Bales of hay and bags of oats had to be pulled up from the lower holds of the ship. Stalls had to be cleaned.\n\nAnother reason you should try this program is because it is very big opporuntinity. You get to see the world. You get to know what it is like at sea. Maybe you might like it. And decide that you want to do it for a living on your own ship. It says in paragraph nine. \"Im grateful for the opportunity,\" he says. \"It made me more aware of people of other countries and thier needs.\"\n\nMy last reason is that you may be able to learn what other countries are like. Would'nt you like to go explore the world? See what it is like in other places. My stated can be supported by paragraph five. It states in the paragraph. \"Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special,\" he says. \"So was taking the gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water.\" Those are the reasons why you should goin the Seagoing Cowboys program today !", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe auther is intsted in learnig was venus once a planit like ours. he also clamis the venus long ago was a planit covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life and that\n\nvenus shas features that are analogus to those on earth. travling to venus can be hard espusaly sence there is a thick could srounding the surface of the planet and you cant see the surface of the ground and none of the air crafts have ever maniged to stay alive long enoff.\n\nThe Nasa is working on other approches that could help out in studing venus for example some simplified elctoncs made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos venus's surface and lasting for three weeks in such a condition. They are also looking into using old technology called mechanicl computers these devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and payed an important role durning ww ll.\n\nThese cumputers actualy dont need eletroncs at all. Modern comuters are enormously powerful, flexible and quick but tend to be more delicate. By using these old computers that use mechanic parts can be made more resistant to pressure heat and other forces.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nShould we learn more about the planet Venus? NASA people are studying about Veus. This article named \"The challenge of exploring venus\" tells more about the planet Venus. Learning about the planet would increase our knowledge.\n\nVenus is an interisting planet that could effect the world around us. Paragraph 1 says,\"Venus, sometimes called the \"Evening Star\", is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky.\"This shows how this article is giving us background information about Venus. Venus is an important planet. This planet is not only important,also this planet is important to the people that works for NASA.\n\nNASA, astronomers, scientist, and other people has the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. This would cause thye increase of using technology and changing the future. Paragraph 7 says,\"some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface.\" This means that the electronics were being tested for the study of Venus. Paragraph 7 also says,\"Modern computers are enormously powerful,flexible, and quick.\"This article tells us how these electronics would be needed to study Venus and how it could be in dangers.\n\nOthers may say that there is no point on studying Venus,but studying Venus is a way to change our future. Paragraph 6 says,\"peering at Venus form a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground.\" This means that this studying could be safe depending on the conditions. Paragraph 6 also says,\"Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks.\" This means that it is worthy to pursuit Venus no matter the causes.\n\nOur knowledge of our planet should not value our worth on making studies on Venus. There is way more into Venus that could make us change our future. NASA could maintain changes for a better place on our planet and Venus.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat is Venus? Some people called the \"Evening Star,\" but not, Venus is actually a planet. It was nearby Earth but they have a safe distance between them. Venus had the hottest temperature of any planet, and human can't near the ground in Venus.\n\nVenus had the hottest temperture of any planet in solar system, there had no any living things can survive. According to the article, \"On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet...... Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system,\" The temperature average of the suface of Venus is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times more than Earth. Venus has the hottest surface temperture of the any\n\nplanet in the solar system.\n\nHuman cannot near the ground in Venus as the temperature and air pressure. According to the article, \"NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray...... At thiry-plus miles above the suface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close that of sea level on Earth.\" As some possible solution to the hottest temperature surface of Venus, the\n\nNational Aeronautics and Space Administration allow the scientists to foat above the ground...... On the 30 or more miles above the surface, the temperature still at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit like toasty, but the air pressure was close to the sea level on Earth. Those are not easy conditions, but survivable for humans.\n\nVenus had the hottest temperature of any planet, and human can't near the ground in Venus. It has many hostile conditions for human to survivable. If the temperature of Venus is more lower, human may stay at the new planet.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe develompement of smart cars can have many plus but also plenty of negatives , for example the rate of car recks could very well go up. The cars cant full handle not having a driver. That could lead to problems not only for the driver of the driverless car but also, for the manufacturer. Also, on another hand Driverless cars could help save alot of time and money for many citizens.\n\nSince therer cant be an option of smarter roads there have be opurtunies to develop smarter cars. There's cars that can park themselves, and other aspects known as cruise control. Still cars cant driover thru construction zones and car recks, not being able to do these task and drive up to one of these two incedints could throw the car out of whack and something mofunction and causes a wreck could be very dangerous. There has been upgrades that help gets the drivers attention when apporaching these incedents. With these cars will be new laws some benifit these driverless cars others help protect. What if theres an accident of the technology fails, who is to be blame for this the driver or the manufacturer.\n\nEven with driverless cars there is still some of the same acciodent to think about as if you had a regular car. Prices on the cars would probably go up. Even if who have an accident who is to blame. You forbuying a driverless car of the manufacturer.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"The challenge of exploring Venus.\" The author talks about some of the ideas why venus is worthy to explore and reason why not to explore it. Today I am here to tell you both sides of the story and how they are both effective.\n\nIn the authors article the reasons why people should go ahead and explore Venus is found in paragraph 2 \"Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionaly the closest in distance too.\"In paragraph 4 he says that \"Astronomers are facinated by venus becasue it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\" He then went on to say that \"Venus was probably largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Eath.\" Venus may be close to eath it has surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Those are some of the main reasons in the article why the author thinks that venus is worthy of exploration.\n\nEven though Venus is conviently close to Earth and has some features that Earth has there is also some down fall to Venus that is very dangerus. Like in the second paragraph where the author says that \"there has been no spacecraft that has survived more than a few hours\" maybe Venus doesn't seem as perfect as I was making it to be at first. The author also said in the third paragraph that \"A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus.\" One of the most challenging parts about Venus are the clouds that are highly corrosive inVenus's stmosphere or it is the temperatures that average over 800 degrees. The author also says in the third paragraph that \"Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcannoes, powerful earthquaked, amd frequent lightining strikes seeking to land on its surface. Those are the dangers of Venus and probably why we shoulsn't go down there and explore.\n\nEven though there are some ups and downs of exploring venus I bet that just people being curious and wondering what is over there will lead us to exploring it. In paragraph 8 the author says that \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts\" which I agree on if we are really curios what is going on in venus we shoudl go ahead and explore what is going on over there and see if it is nice being there or not. Hopefully this helped you out on some of the advantages and disadvantages on exploring Venus and its dangers that it has in it.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" there was an arguement about how it's safe invention to be put out of the road and test drive it and how it's not really a smart idea and people can get hurt while in operations of the driverless car. Even though it may seem like a really cool invention there is a lot of things that can go wrong while in operation of the car. So no, I don't think that driverless cars are a good idea because it may cause accident, we don't know how the technology will react in extreem measures, and the driver may be distracted by everything that is going on behind the weel.\n\nMany, many things can go wrong for example wihle driving the technology in the driverless car can malfunction and cause an accident, or while in operation the driver may not be able to stop the driverless car and also cause an acciedent. Theres a whole bunch of things that can go wrong while uding a diverless car. For example the driver might get distracted in times where the car alrets the driver to take over. The driver may not know how that senerio will play out. More so when the driver isn't paying any attention to the road and what the driverless car is doing. Another example would be that the technolgy might fail under extreem measure like when it's at a 4-qay intersection it may not stop, the car may not relize that it was to stop untill it's too late and an accident is cause, just because the car didn't see what was going on or there may have been a glitch that caused an accident. All of these things that can happne need to be taken into account. Because in all honesty we can't always depend on the new and cool technology that comes out of the years, have of the new technology that come outs, all the the technolgy may have many glitches and maybe no one will notice on time untill it's too late, untill an accident is caused. In the text it stated that \"In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer, accelarate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navagating throughwrok zones and around accidents.\"\n\ni understand that most drivers are alert and ready when it comes to these types of situations, but what about the ones that don't pay a whole lot of attention to the road while they're driving? How are they going to deal with the driverless car malfuntioning or notifying them that they need to take acion when it's needed? I feel that diverless cars will propose a lot more accidents when the car itself get more popular.\n\nIn conclution, i think that driverless cars are a bad idea because it may cause accidents, we don't know how the technology will react in extreem measures, and the driver may be distracted by everything that is going on behind the weel. There is a lot of factors that are involed than it just being a cool invention or a cool thing to be able to drive. There is a lot that goes into making sure that the car is safe for human use and making sure that it won't cause a lot more accidents that are needed. I just feel that it would be a bad idea since the project/invention isn't devleoped all the way. Since they're still unsure of what the outcome is on making this invention become a possiblity for others to experiance.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe limiting of persoanlcar usage has done wonders for the areas that this policy has be implmented. Strictly enviermentaly swpeaking in the cites that have limited their residents persoal car usage the smog rates went drasicly down. Thoughschanges happened in a matter of days. Imagin the changes that could accoure if limited car usage was implmented on a wider scale for the long term. Not only envirermentaly benifical but limited car usage also has large and far reaching econmic and social upsides. The lack of money being waisted on persoanl automobeal transportation leads to a surplus of savings for everyday familes to spend or more nessary items. Socialy limited car usage has be proven to be benifal as a whole also. People living in areas that have\u00a0 already been placed under this polices report signifigent reducions in stress and worrying, leading to much weight off their sholders and a genaeral better aqttude over all.\n\nThe first and most obveous advantage of the limed car usage policiy is the masive positive impact the police has the earth. As stated in source one and I quote \"Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States.\". Now imagin if thoes percentages just went away. In the city of Vauban Germany, an expermental city already under the policy, it did. Another example if Paris. A city that literly had to force the policy of limited car usage apon it people in a desperate attempt to reverse what the evils of personal car usgae was doing to the atmosphere of the city. The personal cars created smog so think the city hit record polution levels that even rivaled Beijing its self, one of the worlds most poluted citys. As stated in source two, the city put a ban on cars with any license plates that were even numbered on the first day from driving and a ban on odd numbered the second day. The positives of the limited car usage plicy was so instantanous that the second day of no driving for odd numbered cars ws deamed not nessary. The massive envirmental advantages of the limited car usage policiy can neiter be denyed or ignored.\n\nThe economic advantages of this policy can also not be ignored. To fully grasp the economic upswing that will accure under this policy we must turn our attention the the great city of Bogota, Colombia. In this former Spanish colony turned capital city a program has been set up called the \"car-free day\". On this day no cars are driven and a festable is set up to promote alternate transportaion and reduce smog. This year two other Colombian citys, Cali and Valledupar joned the event citing the obouse advantages of the policy. \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution\" says buisinessman Carlos Arturo Plaza source 3 quotes. The policy as done economic wonders not only for the people but for the city its self. since the day begin in the mid 1990s over 118 miles of bike path have been created, parksand sports centers have bloomed throughout the city, uneven sidke walks have been leveled out, and new resturants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up as reported by source 3. The limited car usage policy cound be the merical policy for citys in need of an economic boost.\n\nFinaly the social advantages of the policy have also been noted.\n\nThe evils of the modern day car culture must be destroyed. As said by Carlos Plaza preveously \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress\". \"When i had a car I was always tense. Im mush happier this way\" said Heidrun Walter resident of Vauban. Two people on two totaly differnt sides of the world both experenced the social advantages of this policy. Even young people are seeing the advantages according to a study last year that found that driving by young people devreased\u00a0 23 percent between 2001 and 2009 according to source 4.\n\nAs one can now clearly see the advantages of limted personal car usage are impossibkle to deny and even harder to ignore. Economicly,socialy, and enviromentaly this policy as done wonders where ever it has been implimented. It has both immeadit and long term positive effects with no odveous negitive effects. Altrnates to personal cars could be things like Bill fords bisiness plan for a world in which personal vehical ownership is replaced witha partnering with the telecommunications industy to create citys in which pedestrians, bicycle, private cars, and public and commerical traffic are woven into a connected netword. The acceptence of limited car usage and the extenciton of modern day car culture is the next step for the advacment of humanity.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIs the use of the new technology by the name of the, Facial Action Coding System, valuable in the classroom. This should can tell emotions of others by facial recognition. This device, created by Prof. Thomas Huang and his colleague Prof. Nicu Sebe, reads the emotions by identifying which facial muscles are used and flexed. Even when someone is trying to pretend to look like another emotion, the technology can still tell how you are feelng.\n\nThe process of this technology first begins when the computer creates a 3-D model of a face. This model shows and distinguishes all 44 major facial muscles.\n\nWhen one or more muscles moves, this is called an \"action unit\". Then Dr. Paul Eckman uses Facial Action Coding System (FACS) to depict which emotion is being presented of the main six.\n\nThere are 44 major muscles in the facial part of the human body. Each helping to describe emotion based on which is flexed and in action. These muscles show the six main emotions: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. When a muscle called the frontalis pars lateralis flexes, this causes the eyebrow to raise. This motion shows the emotion of surprise. When the orbicularis flexes, it causes the lips to tighten which shows anger.\n\nWith the help of the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving facial muscles does more than just express emotion. It actually produces emotion as well. Using this device in a classroom would be extremely valuable. This device would detect emotion and send the results back to the teacher/ counselor. With this information, the teacher/ counselor could then help the student with their emotional problems if they have any. Especially high-school students with all of the stress and pressure they endure throughout their years. Giving the results back to students may even better their emotion knowing that when someone makes a face of happiness, they actually start to feel it too.\n\nThis piece of technology should indeed be used in the classroom. It would benefit students in many ways. It would not only solve emotional problems with the students, but increase happiness putting everyone else in a better mood and decreasing stress levels. The Facial Action Coding System is a vital and impressive work of technological art and should most definitely be used in the classroom.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine having a bad day, and no one knows whats wrong with you or why you are mad, you friends and family are trying to look at you and figure out whether your mad, frustrated or worse, but because you've been hiding your emotions all day they can't seem to realize why. The day is over and they finally realize that you are mad based on your facial expressions and how you've been acting lately, but had they been using the Facial Action Coding System they would've known before hand.\n\nI believe that the Facial Action Coding System is a brillant idea and should be used for everyday purposes. Not only can it read and detect your emotions, but it can also give you an result of how your feeling for any occasinal day even if your hiding your emotions. \"Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements-in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa.\" This detail shows how efficient this can be for many people and students as well.\n\nTo be aware of the feelings that different people have everyday, the Facial Action Coding System will have to do accurate calculations to determine whether a person is having a bad day or not. Some of these calculations can determine and even find new information about a person as well. \"By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci's masterpiece). Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion).\" This detail shows that even though the computing sysytem might know the person's feelings it still needs to perfrom calculations to prove these results.\n\nWithout the Facial Action Coding System we as people could never excalty calculate and tell the exact mood or feeling a person could be having everyday. These computing systems are the best resources we have to identify the mixed emotions that a person could or may have. These computers could be great tools for teachers to use in the classroom. Such as a student having a bad day, using\n\nthese computers can help a teacher identify whether to help a student or not based on different expressions a student is having. \"For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc.\"\n\nLast but not least I truly believe that Facial Action Coding System is valuable in many ways, and can help solve, and face any problems that people could be having everyday, thanks to the Facial Action Coding System.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLast year in 2014, the earth had the warmest temperature in recorded history. Needless to say, this is due to greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide. One of the major reasons behind an increase in greenhouse gases is due to the use of cars and motorcycles, which release high amounts of carbon dioxide. It is to our benefit that we prevent any form of unnatural climte change on earth, and the most effective way to execute this is by living a more \"car-free\" life, especially here in the United States as it is our second most contributing factor of our increasing greenhouse gases. America could follow the path that many other countries and cities took.\n\nIn Vauban, Germany, cars have been banned unless one should decide to buy a permit in the form of a public garage. Most citizens take other means of transportation than cars. They walk, use bicycles, or public transportation. This has resulted in Vauban having a much cleaner environment and less stress as a result of no traffic. \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\" confesses Heidrun Walkter. Building suburbs like Vauban would result in a lower production of air pollution and a much more stress free environment.\n\nBogota has a similar policy as Vauban, but only lasts one day of the year. However, that only serves the citizens to be more enthusiastic about the event. Most people were glad to help out in anyway to reduce the smog. Bogota has also inspired other cities to do the same. Cali and Valledupar also decided to encourage this eco-friendly day. A day might not be much out of three hundred and sixty four, but a small contribution from a large mass of people can make a huge change. Implementing this same policy in more cities and countries would result in a notable change in the amount of air pollution around that time of year.\n\nParis resently executed a policy to ban cars with odd-numbered plates on Tuesdays as a consequence from a heavy smog that was brewing for several days. Paris had a smog\u00a0 of higher concentration than London, having 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter while London only had 78.7. There were residents who were unhappy with the ban, but the benefits the city gained from it were outstanding. Traffic was down by 60 percent and and as a recompensation for those who could not use their cars, public transportation was free from Friday to Monday. Due to the dedication of the mayor and citizens, the smog cleared up enough for the ban to be lifted. Making this a something a whole nation can participate in would definately improve the annual greenhouse gas emmssions.\n\nLimiting car usage can have a posotive heavy impact on the world as a whole if more people were to follow the examples of these cities. The year of 2014 was known as the hottest year in recorded history, and it undoubtedly has to do with how much greenhouse gasses we emmited. If we could follow the example of those cities, we could see a great change by the end of the year 2015. This change could fix the climate problems we're currently having, and create a healthier, happier world.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA life filled to the brim of better days is what we all want, and limiting car usage has some of these advantages. \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,' said Heidrun Walter. The sound of children outside of the pollution free community is much more satisfying then getting somewhere with dangers involved. A life without cars is less stressful and more free to explore in safety. Driving tends to make drivers uneasy for fear or crash or being late to work from traffic.\n\n\"Mr. Sivak's son lives in San Francisco and has a car but takes Bay Area Rapid Transit, when he can, even though that often takes longer than driving.\" Clearly being late to work and stressed is not something people favor espically when getting to work for free is possible. \"Public transit was free of charge from Friday to Monday, according to the BBC.\" Instead of spending thousands of dollars expecting an easier lifestyle your neck rests on the chopping block with the blade ever silently above until it completes is mission. Having this ability feels like freedom but it's actually just a fear inducing, death causing machine. A simple healthier life on a bike seems more enjoyable, and even more so when it promotes good health and your life.\n\n\"In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway.\" Not one person can really enjoy a twenty or fourty minute drive to a mall or anywhere for that matter. It's a waste of time, money, and life. Taking a 5 minute walk to a mall is much more beneficial to your body and health than adding gas to your lungs, and it's quicker too. \"Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up.\" Children playing outside instead of inside on their new tablet could be our future again. Parents don't have enough time to spend thirty minutes driving to a park when their child seems content on their fancy iPhone 6. Shopping is also a favorite anywhere, but it seems to be drifting online. Taking five minutes to walk to the mall and save money on not buying a car or spending money on shipping will give more money to buy stuff! A bonus is no more wrong clothing sizes or ordering a lotion that smells like toliet water. Ease of lifestyle is a desire that can be fulfilled when waving goodbye to miles of road and hello to a new jeans that fit for once.\n\nPollution is a horrible topic that everyone wants to stop, however everyone is ignoring one of its sources. \"After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city.\" It sounds like Earth is becoming like the movie Wall-E, and next stop is a ship in space leaving this trashed planet behind. Paris is setting a great example at trying to remove pollution for healthier living and a better environment. The United States has clearly been challanged and in its effort to be the best it followed suit, \"...It will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the evironment.\" It is hard to imagine a healthy ecosystem with flourishing plant and animal life in our current situation. With Paris and the United States assisting in the idea of other transpot methods not only will animals have a better chance at not becoming extinct but so will the human race. Dying of pollution will no longer be a concern and money spent on poison can go to lifes other pleasures.\n\nHappiness, fast travel, no pollution, and more new stuff sounds like owning a car right? Carlos Arturo has a taste of the sweet life, \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution.\" Sadly this is not what a car provides because in fact it only reverses these good things. Despair sets in with fourty minutes waiting in traffic while clouds of gray swirl into the sky returning a shirt that didn't fit. Reconsidering the advantages of having a car and considering the advantages of limiting car usage is the right way to live a perfect life.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWho would have knew that technology what be so advance that it would be able to detect our emotions. Recent techology has been made to detect an humans basic emotions just by facial expressions we make. This new software is something that can be valuable in a classroom.\n\nThe facial action coding system is a software used in computers that dectects a persons feelings. this software can dectect the feeling of sadness, anger, fear, happiness, surprise, and disgust. In \" Making Mona Lisa Smile\" the author gives example of how this software dectects ones emotion. It states, \" your frontails pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when you're surpried; your orbicularis oris ( around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger.\" Behavior analysis is a big part of what is software does and it's something we do everydayto tell when a friend is sad or angery.\n\nFACS should be used in a classroom for multiple reasons. This software will be able to detect when a student is having a hard time with the work they are doing so the software will change the difficalty of th work. In \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" the article states, \" \"A classroom computer could reconize when a student is becoming bored or confused,\" Dr. Huang predicts. \" Then it can modify the lesson, like an effective human instuctor.\" \" This would make things a lot easier for the student to understand what they are being taught.\n\nHaving the software will make it a lot easier for the teacher. The teacher wont be able to tell if the student is having a hard time unless he / she tells them. Having the software the students won't have to tell the teacher if they are having trouble and FACS will help the teacher. A teacher has an average of 18 students in each class, making it hard to focus on one student at a time. So FACS would help the teachers and the students a lot.\n\nWho would have knew that making a facial expression of fustration at a computer would help you learn easier. Or make your job a little bit less hard. Well thanks to FACS software it can.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFacial Action Coding System\n\nThis passage explains how FACS could help for a lot of different things. For example in the article it says \"Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa.\" Meaning that if the FACS really does work, it could be used for knowing how teenagers feel about school and learning. Teenagers now an days think school is boring. Sometimes teachers don't even know when their students are paying attention. If schools had emotion-recognition software we would be able to know if our students are into the lessons.\n\nThe FACS could help teachers understand how their students may feel. In paragraph 6 it says \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" In my opinion i think it is true, having a emotion-recognition software could really help teachers. Some kids are to nervous to ask the teacher to repeat the lesson, kids get confused easily, having a FACS could really help. It could let you know if your student is confused or bored. This could really change the way of teaching, some teachers don't even pay attention to their students.\n\nHaving a emotion-recognition software could really help all around the world. The creator tested the new software on the Mona Lisa painting. The results were incredible. He says \"She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry.\" It also says \"It could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor, the same technology can make computers animated faces more expressive for video games or video surgery.\" Having this software could really help people understand how others feel. This proves how technology could be very useful, this new generation is going to change the world, and so is this new FACS software.\n\nDr. Huang created the FACS to underdstand human facial expressions. I say that in my own words having a emtion-recognition software could really help people. Sometimes teenagers hide their emotions and put on a fake smile or pretend to be happy when they are not. Teenagers now an days don't really like showing their emotions because in their mind they think it makes them seem weak. Sometimes teenagers don't want to talk about what is wrong, and sometimes teachers/parents don't even know what to do. That technology could really change the world. In paragragh 6 Dr. Huang notes \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication, so computers need to understand that, too.\" That is true. Now that kids have iphones and computers , they could use emoji's to express how they feel.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that from Luke's point of view it looks like a great experience and it would be an opportunity of a lifetime to be a Seagoing Cowboy. By being a Seagoing Cowboy you get to travel and see many amazing places and meet so many types of people. Also if you like animals you are in luck because you get to take care of them while your on the boat sailing across the sea. Another thing you might get to do is have your birthday some awesome like Luke did in Greece. In the following pharagraph I am going to be telling you some things about being a Seagoing Cowboy like what it's like to take care of the cattle, some amazing places that you might visit ,and how you must be careful while board the ship.\n\nBy being a Seagoing Cowboy you get to do so many things and experience them. One huge thing that you would have to be willing to do is take care of all of the animals on the ship sailing with you like young cows, horses, and mules. Like Luke the animals on the ship would keep you busy, you would have to feed them and give them water at least three times a day, pull bales of hay and bags of oats out from lower holds of the ship, and clean out the stalls. Also you would get to go to many amazing places around the world like Luke did. You might get to go to places like Europe and China and see Acropolis in Greece, and maybe take a gondola ride in Venice, and see Italy the city with streets of water. You would also have to be careful while board the ship. One night Luke slipped down some stairs and almost went over board, and because of this he cracked a couple of ribs and had to take a break off the job. It would be quite an adventure to be a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nNow that I have told you some thrilling things about be a Seagoing Cowboy what do you think? I think it would be so much fun to sail acrossed the world while taking care of animals and going to all kinds of places. It would be so exciting, but it would also make me nervous because when Luke Bomberger was a Seagoing cowboy he almost went over board. I think that by being a Seagoing Cowboy it would open up the world to you and how you thought of the world just like it did to Luke Bomberger who was an amzing Seagoing Cowboy. So know that I told you what I think it would be like from Luke's point of veiw I hope that I encourage you to want to being a Seagoing Cowboy.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article, \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\", I learned thet computers can now feel what emotions that you are feeling. This is a really cool thing cause now we can see and know when someone is actually happy or not. We could have so much more uses for this then trying to guess what emotions someone is feeling.\n\nI think that this type of technology is actually very useful, my reasons for that come from the article when the author tells about how using a special camera can detect when someone is becoming bored when doing homeowrk or doing someother type of school work on the computer. If you can tell when comeone is confused or bored then you could really get some help or get a better, more fun filled math questions. Than would make students more productive and want to actually learn rather then when you are bored and doing ISTEP, they can make the test more exciting.\n\nBut there could also be some down fall to it. When a computer is watching your while your on it then that could be really weird feeling for some people. Also when a computer is seeing your facial expression all the time you could just be talking to someone and the computer would think your not getting what ever your doing so then it would have a tutor come up when you dont even need one.\n\nSo in my conclusion I think that these emotion reading computer cameras could not be so good but in other cases could be really handy or even in some events save you from getting a bad grade on a test. But in all I do believe that if these were to come into our schools I would just hope one thing, and that is to be graduated befor that time comes.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nadvatanges of limiting car usage will be less polution in the air and less gas and oil that is needed to be found on the botton of the earth. limiting car use can only be the only way to save humanity and the population of this eart less oil and gas to be found, healthy air to breath, and also transportaion will be either to walk or ride a bike. also we can use other transportaions such as buses and trains. types of transportation that not only one to four people ride in but multiple people so not much gas is being using instead of 30 cars one bus ride can be equivilent to 20 cars. so talking the advatanges of limiting car usage will be a creat idea in so many other ways, then the way that were described.\n\nmany other advatanges of limiting car usage is the decrease of car crashes. causing insurance rates and prices to go down. also causing the limiting of teen drivers and very old people to drive as much. car crashes in america increase rapidly on a daily bases. meaning that there will be the cause of more deaths, hospital bills, and insurance will go up. less car usage less bills, money to reapair uneeded things. dont get me wrong cars are creat, cars changed this whole world on a new way to transport with its new accessories and gagets. but also limiting that car companies dont have to spend a whole lot to be in det. cars are something out of this world people still wonder on the functions of how it works. but sometimes its better to keep that way not knowing how and not using it as much. limiting car usage is a good idea but also it can cause alot of damage on what job, and also what the person uses the car for his or her natural habitat of the usage of the car.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nUsing technology to read the emotional expressions of students is not a very good idea. We all have bad and good days. But there is no reason to use the technology to read students expression.\n\nSome kids would perfer to be left alone when their feeling sad. Others dont want to be bothered when mad. When kids are sad or mad it can be easy to tell. or when someone is happy. They have a big smile on thier face and the smile isnt being forced by them, they're actually smiling.\n\n\"Dr. Pual Eckman has classified six basic emotions-happines, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness.\" These six basic emotions can tell alot about someones day. If they seem sad you can guess that something bad happened. If mad, they probably got into a arugment with somone. \"For example, your frontalis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when surprised; your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightnes your lips to show anger\" If you are aware of what peoples expressions do you are going to be able to teel peoples emotions.\n\nTherefore\n\nwe do not need a computer or technology being able to read students emotions. You can simply ask them how they feel or try to read their expressions.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Driverless Car of the Future\n\nDriverless cars are the cars of the future. The driverless car itself isn't actually driverless. In fact it is on autopilot for 90% of the time except for when the car needs to go somewhere that only a human can navigate through. The driverless car is more safe than a car that needs a human to drive it, they are more gas sufficient, and they abide by the law.\n\nDriverless cars are not fully driverless, but that will change in the near future as technology advances. The car can accelerate, turn, and brake while observing its surroundings so it does not get into a crash. There is a car coming out in 2016 that can be on autopilot that can travel up to 25 mph without assisstance.\n\nThe driverless car is more safe. Google has made a driverless car that has traveled 500,000 miles and the only crash that it had gotten into was because of a human crashed into the car. The cars are very safe and could be inserted into taxis in the near future.\n\nThe cars that google forsees is a driverless car that uses half of the gas that the taxis of today use. As gas becomes more rare, it will be more useful if the cars that use gas are more gas sufficient so the gas prices can still stay lower.\n\nIn conclusion, the cars are more gas sufficient, and they are more safe than the modern cars of today. The driverless cars will take over the car business in the near future and they will be in the modern house and the taxi systems.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face you see was not created by aliens because there has been many of rock shape figuers on other planets.\n\nWe have in NASA came across many differnt type of natural landforms through out space.\n\nThe rock formation\n\nis a mesa the NASA came acrossed\n\nand it was a huge rock formed by shadows giving the illusion eyes, nose, and mouth.\n\nThe picture actually shows is the Martain equivilent of a butte or mesa land form common around the American west.\n\nThe head shape is just like a volcano it looks like it is a huge rock that comes up just like a volcano.\n\nThen once a clear shot was given it was shadowed as a face but really it was just a huge natural land form.\n\nThere are probly all types of land masses that might look like a face, on planet earth or on other planets that we have not found yet might have faces exactly like this one\n\nso there is no way to say a alein created this when the NASA has came across this more than once.\n\nthe only reason the NASA paied attention to the land formation is because it has a face on it that was made by a shadow.\n\nThat is why aleins did not make the land mass because volcanoes come up to pionts and rise as so due the land formation and some volcanoes have faces as well as the land formation.\n\nSo no this is just a natural landfom created by outerspace and gravity.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe article \"Driverless Cars\" is about the stance on when and how driverless cars will be made and deploded onto the roads of the United States and elswhere. When I read the article I was fasinated by someparts of the story and not happy about other parts. I believe we shouldn't have driverless cars or have some version where we can turn on and off the driverless mode.\n\nIf we have driverless cars I wouldn't buy one because it is so much easier to me in my opinion just to drive it on itself. The reason being is that I don't believe they will be as safe as they say. The reason I say that is because people might want to drive their own cars and people might not like computers controlling their every move. I personally think that since most of the world's population already know how to drive it will just have more deadly accidents. In the story it says \"The combination sof all this input is to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel.\" They don't say it will improve human driving just that it will mimic. So why would we replace something that has worked for a hundred years with something that will work the exact same way and not improve it? I don't get it.\n\nNow I like that we have cars that will be able to make the roads safer with sensors. That's something we can capitilize on, not driverless cars that change nothing except the driver. Tesla will not release a car by 2016 because it is 2016 and I've not heard anything. The technologies not even there for people to drive on highways and it's a big waste of time on all those engineers when they can be making something to make this world better.\n\nI hope you all enjoyed this. If not I'm sorry and i don't realy care. So thanks for everything. This is why we shouldnt have driverless cars. Thanks for nothing.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think driverless cars are a great invention. Driverless cars would make everyone's lives easier. It would save lots of time, and even keep people safer. I think everyone should have access to self driving cars. This technology could help us improve our lives, and open a new world of technology for us.\n\nI strongly agree with Google cofounder, Sergy Brin, on his ideas about public transportation. Public transportation systems that self drive would be amazing. It would indeed change the world. These cars would make transportation extremely easy, and replace old cars.\n\nThese cars could also make driving even more safer for people. The self driving cars have sensors that can auto brake. This could prevent many accidents in the future, and maybe save lives. Although this technology may help, it all lies on the driver. This technology may cause carless drivers. All in all, the technology of driverless cars could make driving safer than it is today.\n\nOverall, I think that driverless cars are a good idea. They are safer for people, and young drivers. Also, they are just convienient for us. It would improve out quality of life. I would like to see these care implemented into our daily lives.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe people of our great nation are told to vote on who they would like to lead and represent them. This is a Democracy and American citizens deserve this right. There have been incidents where the majority of the popular vote from U.S. citizens did not lead to the election of that candidate. This is because of the electoral college. This is the cause of citizens not having the president they asked for. Most American people do not agree with the electoral college. \"The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational\" (The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best laid defenses are wrong, Bradford Plumer).\n\nThe disaster factor is a what the electoral college should really be concerned about. The system allows for many slip-ups. \"The American people should conside themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century\" (The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best laid defenses are wrong, Bradford Plumer). In 1960, segregationists in the Loisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. Also, electors who aren't loyal to the county have occasionally chosen to vote for the party that they'd want rather then vote for their party's candidate. Popular vote is what our founding fathers wanted in the beginning. They wanted equality between people, and the wanted the people to vote for who they wanted as a leader. With the electoral college, this vision cannot become reality.\n\nThe popular vote is what a Democracy is all about. \"The Electoral College is widely regarded as an anachorism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by declaring the candidate who recieves the most popular votes the winner. The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the electoral college is not democratic in a modern sense\" (In Defense of the Electoral College: Five Reasons to Keep our Despised Method of Choosing the President, Richard A. Posner). There is no point in having the people vote if they aren't voting for what they need as a nation. We have brought our nation together so that they can decide on someone to watch over them and protect them.\n\nThe Electoral college is non Democratic and needs to be abolishes as soon as possible. There is no more use for it, as the population continues to grow. The popular vote is the way our great leaders taught us how to vote.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting car usage is very important because, it can save a lot of money. Some places doesn't allow cars because of the space that they have. Such as in Vauban Germany, some people even give up their car. Vauban's streets are completely car free. 70 percent of Vauban's familiies do not own a car, and 57 percent old a car to mov there. In order to stay in that community they could not have a car therefore they had to sell it. Some are even happy without their cars. Having a car can have a lot of stress on some people. Every week you have to worry about gas. Gas now is a lot of money that you hae to spend. Think about it if you didn't have to buy gas every week or every other week you would have a lot of money saved up. The gas you put in your tank could of went to more grocery in the house. Something that is important such as a \"want\".\n\nSince World War II people have been depending on a car to get around and that need to change as in today. In the United State the Enbironmental Protection Agency has beem proting\n\n\"\n\nCar Reduced\n\n\"\n\nand if they do not then they will play a much lager role in a new six-year federl transportation bill to be approved very soon.\n\nLimiting the cars will even be better on the road as well. The congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after just five days of intensifying smog. The gas that the cars release is very dangerious as well, diesel fuel was even blamed since France has a tax policy that favors diesel ober gasoline.\n\nIn Colombian people as in the city participate in a car-free day every year whichthis is the Thrid year and the city has made a lot of money\u00a0 by doing that. The turn out always be large, despite gray clouds. \"The rain hasn't stopped people from participating yet\". It's also a great way to take away stess from people and lower the air pollution. The day without cars had began in Bogota in the mid-1990s. people started using bicycles or walking.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Venus sometimes called the \" Evening Star \",\" 1 of thebrightest points of light in the sky , making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot \" . Venus is the second planet from our sun,the plannet closest to Earth in terms of density and size and occasionally the closest in distance too . The danger of is \"97 percent are carbon dioxide plankets Venus , 800 degrees of Fahrenheit , and the 90 times greater than what we experience on our own plannet \". The \"(NASA) has particular comelling idea for sending humans to study Venus\", they working in other approaches to studying Venus. The first envisioned in the 1800s and in the 1940s during the World War 2. The modern of computer they need is enormously powerful, flexible, and quick.\n\n\"Our travels on Earth and beyond shoould not only be limited by danger and doubt, but should be expanded to meetthe very edges of imagination and innovation\"\n\nThe Venus had alot of danger and the scientists want to answer every thing about the Venus. Maybe in the feture people can living on the Venus because human are very smart, they will try to get there in one day and live there.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAnnoyingly-Repetitive commercials, constant news interviews, and a myriad of kisses on the cheeks of stangers babies occur every 4 years. Its been the same process since the start of this country to aid in electing new presidents Designed in eloquence by our founding fathers. On the contrary I do strongly believe that the electoral college was on the lesser side of this eloquence. The grueling process, the unfairness and the overall confusion provided by the electoral college in my opinion make this \"electoral college\" one of the most unintelligent lesser thought out compromises that this country has ever had to abide by.\n\nThe electoral college is tiring, The process downright-grueling, and overratedly-outdated. As Americans using the electoral college keeps us hidden. We believe we have a voice when in reality the \"voice\" that we thought we had is barely above a whisper. According to the article \"The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong\" the author Bradford Plumer states that \"Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president.\" This\u00a0 statement provdided by the author suggests that something so simple-sounding turns out to be so complicated. By Americans placing a vote not for themselves but for the electors it is now not in the peoples hands like the government patronizes, even though you may put in a vote to elect a democratic canidate you never know who your state assigned electors might actually vote for, are you tired yet?\n\nIn Addition, its unfair to the presidential candidates. Although a presidential candidate may be well liked by people and \"win\" by popular vote that does not nessasarily mean the win in the presidency Although I understand the vfact that using the electoral college ensures a winner and avoids run-off elections I still do believe that this process is highly incompotent. The article by Plumer gives the example of the fact that in the 1960's segragationists almost succedeed in fully replacing democratic electors with electors of their choice or in essence ones that opposed of Kennedy. For candidates who place their blood sweat and tears into an election just to have lost by some electors but happend to be well-liked by people is foolish. America is supposed to be a country of the equal, and with the use of the electoral college is the perfect example of why\u00a0 this country could not be any farther away from equal.\n\nFurthermore, the process is confusing. Between the electors, voting and the overall uncertainty it is not worth it. Going through unneeded stress just to further confuse people is idiotic. The presidential election should be elected by popular vote and the goverment shall see to it that the peoples votes are actually counted towards something. I honestly do not believe that the title of \"land of the free, home of the brave should be given to a place where the government can not even see that this scheme no longer works. Its tiring, unfair, and confusing ; all red flags that this process is in need of some serious fine tuning.\n\nIn essence the electoral college is dead. Cheating people out of their rights is dead, and schemery is dead. Our government needs a serious wake up call. They need to open their eyes to the fact that this process is no longer effective and we are not that impressionable as the ones who were before us. The electoral college needs to be laid to rest and we should be alotted all the rights that we have not recieved from this grueling, confusing,\u00a0 unfair process.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhen you join the Seagoing Cowboys, you join a year of adventure. When you join, you get to take care of animals like horses, cattle, and more. Soon enough you'll know everything there is to know about taking care of them like feeding, washing, grooming, and even playing with them. \"It's an oppurtunity of a lifetime.\"\n\nNot only do you get to take care of animals, you get to sight see as well. \"It's an unbelievable oppurtunity for a small-town boy\" says a cowboy named Luke \"Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special,\" he says. So was taking a godola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water.\" Imagine seeing beautiful cities that you always wanted to see, right in front of your eyes.\n\nAnd finally, when you join, you get to have fun. On board, especially on return trips after animals have been unloaded, the cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. You can play table-tennis, fence, box, read, whittle, and other games to pass the time.\n\nBecoming a Seagoing Cowboy is more than an adventure, it opens the world to you. Luke says. \"I'm grate ful for the oppurtunity, it made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs.\" The awareness will stay with you, and you will feel good for the res of your life.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWho is at fault when the technology fails and someone is injured? When there are positive aspects and negative aspects of dirverless cars, one should think about who will take responsibilities. Driving driverless cars could be seen as advantage to some but could also be seen as disadvantage for some.\n\nI believe that driving driverless car is more dangerous than today's car. The cars could have postive aspects such as the speed and the fuels uses. The cars could have negative aspects too. In paragraph 7, the article stated that the GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vihicle is in danger of backing into an object. If we can make an example, people could have not notice the vibrate if they don't sit at the dirver seat.They could be resting at the back of the car while the car is driving it self. On the same paragraph, it also said that Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. I think installing cameras inside someone's car is unneccessary because everyone has privacy that they want to protect.\n\nDriving driverless could be advantage for many people. The cars would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. That is something that would be able to change the world. The car can handle dirivng functions at speeds up to 25 mph. Sensors being advanced could be advantage to this driverless car. The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power fromt he engine. That could help the human driver to control when they are managing it alone.\n\nDriving driverless could be dangerous as the founder of the Google Car project stated. The car would not need driver but drivers still need to control it. Now, that is not something that could be called as driverless car. Paragraph 7 stated \"special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel.\" The car can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to alert the driver when the road ahead requires human skills. Then, this means the people who drive must remain aleart all the time. This had lead to questions on people's safety.\n\nUltimately, there could be postiive and negative aspects of driverless cars. Many people may have felt more relief because they do not have to worry about speeding up more than they used to. In other way, there may be people who opposed to this idea. They may felt like there are more dangers in it. I believe that safety is a big concern when it comes to driving. The questions that is still lingering is that who will take responsibiites when accident happens.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe electorial college is one of the worst things to happen to america. there are so many reasons why but i will just give you three. It does not allow us to vote for president anymore. It's a lazy system. The voters have a right to pick yet it's not up to use it's up anyone who is not in office. The electorial system has just to may flaws.\n\nThe first reason is it doesn't alow us to vote for president anymore. The goverment has someone high in power of each state deside even if it's not true its who they want and how they want it. The electorial vote was created by some people high in power. Richard Nixon Jimmy Carter Bob Dole The U.S.A. chamber of commerce the CIO AFL all created the electorial vote mind you that all were know for bad ideas.\n\nThe second reason is It's a lazy system. Before some had to count all votes now no on has to count them the leaders of the states do it for them they pick who they feel and thats it. At any point in time there could be a tie because there is an even number of voters. Someone could even lows there presedince even if he gets the most votes.\n\nThe third and final reason is the reason that we use the electorial vote. We use it because its cheaper that way. The government wont tell u but its a cheaper way of voting. They know that if we use there way the money will come out of our pockets not theres so the have us use this way in stead.\n\nWell there you have it there is why an electorial vote is bad. I will give them this it is easier. But still there are so many reasons why its bad. We dont even vote anymore the leader of a state does. Its lazy and bab for either candidate. The electorial vote has been and will always be a bad way to vote and a bad thing for America and its history.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe passage, \"Driveless Cars Are Coming\", is an article explaing the topic of drivreless cars in the future. This passage explains how companies are creating driverless cars and explains how they will work. The author shows the readers the positive and negative aspects of driveless cars. Although there are multiple ways drivreless cars are helping society, they should not be made. Driverless cars may help people, but they are not proven to be all the way safe and they make it harder for the driver to stay focused.\n\nDriverless cars make it harder for the driver to stay focused on the road. Drivreless cars still need a driver just in case of an emergency. \"Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents. So what roadblocks lie ahead for the autonomous car?\". Even though the author is referring to Google driverless cars, he wants to know how other driverless cars will be similar or different from the other driverless cars. What happens if the driver is not focused when the car alerts them. The author says, \"Manufacturers are also considering using camera to watch that the driver are remaining focused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver\". The author is explaining how they will keep the driver focused, using technology. Since the cameras watch and alert the driver, what happens if the camera is not working that day? What if the driver was texting? What will happen to the driver? How will they stay focused? The driverless cars have postive aspects, but are not proven to be safe. The authors explains how the law is focused on keeping them safe. \"Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieves with alert drivers. Presently,traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times\". The author is explaining how safety is acheived when humans are in control of the car no matter what. \"As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars\". The author is explaing that since driverless cars are not proven to be safe, they are illegal in most states.\"Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in case of an accident. If technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--the driver or the manufacturer?\". The author is showing the reader the conflict between the driver and the cars. Driverless cars have multiple positive aspects, but they will not help society until more evidence shows that they are proven to keep the driver focused and proven to keep the driver and others safe.\n\nPeople may argue that there should be driverless cars to make the society a better place, but driverless cars do not have enough evidence to prove to keep the driver focused and keep the the driver and other people safe. Yes, companies and automakers are continuing to work so that they are proven safe. For example, \"Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time\". The author is explaining how they are working to keep the people safe. But until they have found a way so that the cars are completely reliable and until they have solved the problems completely, there should be no driverless cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFacial expressions. Sometimes they speak louder than words. Have you ever been in class and you just dont get what the teacher is teaching but you dont really wamt to speak up? Well science has you covered with one bright new invention... face scanners.\n\nI know what you are thinking. How is a face scanner going to help me in pre calculus? Heres how. The face scanner is a new peice of technology that reads your emotional expressions. Picture this. you are on your computer doing math and you arent understanding. What if your computer broke the equations and problems down to make it more simple because it read that you were confused. Dr. Huang, a college preofessor, predicts that \" A classroom computercould recognuze when a student is confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor. This would be very valuable. Some students get stumped by certain things in the classroom and they dont ask the teacher for help in fear of being laughed at or made fun of because they dont know. This would help the student to where he doesnt even need to ask to go deeper into something because the computer can tell by his face that he doesnt get it. The computer can also read when the person is bored. I think this is a big one as well. Most students wont go out ad tell the teacher that the lesson is boring but they sure do think it. wouldnt it be great that a computer reads that and sees the student is bored and makes the lesson more entertaining? I think that is a great idea and would get the students more active and participating more because the topic would be more fun.\n\nIn conclusion face scanners are going to be a big thing. I think they could greatly improve the school systems and help the students with their work. Like i said not everyone tells you what they are thinking and sometimes you can read it on their face. Why not let computers help us with that?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTo start off Venus would be a nice place to visit or to explore after read the paragraph the author convinced me by his ideas that he has and how he supported his claim.\n\nThe authors ideas that he wants to tell\n\nthat how theres a planet name Venus and how no body yet has been there and has not yet set a foot. Accodring to the author \"These differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus.Because Venus is sometimes right around the coner - in space terms - humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud -draped world. Each previs mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades.\"(The Challenge of Exploring Venus p 2)\n\nWhat the aouthor is saying is that how only one ship got to Venus but in peices not in a whole and that was 3 decades and still nothing. Another thing that the aouthor has explained how the atmosphere is to high for any body that is a human In this paragraph it says \" A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent cardon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planets's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These condition are far more extreme than anything humans on Earth has encounter.\" (The challenge of Exploring Venus p 3) The aouthor is trying to say how the tempature over in Venus is really bad for us humans like the aouther said \"These condition are far more extreme than what we experience than anything human on Earth.\" these are the reason why people has made it in the planet.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhile reading the article my claim for using technology to read students is that it would be a positive outcome. Students that study at school would be more involved if the teacher knew how they felt about the way they teach and interact with the class. Teachers can have a better way of communicating with the students. I feel like students dont always speak on how they feel about the class they express it instead and so with the technology that is going to be made teachers can have a better way on identifying what the students is feeling.\n\nAccording to the article the technolgy trying to be made would detect how someone is feeling and it detects how humans express there emotions. The article also indicates that all humans show emotion by making faces not speaking about it verbally. With the technolgy teachers can use it to make class more fun and so that students get involved and interact with one another. It is aslo effective because it can help students talk more and be more interacted than just showing expession.\n\nOther ways this is effective is because when someone is feeling down or sad you can approach them and ask whats going on with them. This can really cause a better way of communication. Showing expression isn't always the best way to interact with someone you won't know how to help the person,but with this technology you can be way more helpful. The article also idicates that facial expressions dont lie, and that this technologly is entended to bring a smile to your face.\n\nThis is an effective type of technology for schools,jobs, and other placess may need . Its effective to these places because it can show how people actually feel about bieng where they are at. It also helps stop problems against one another, and there would be less drama between classmates,workers and others.\n\nThis can also help people help others that have problems.\n\nIn cunclusion to my statment if feel like these are all ways this technology can be affective.It can prevent many tings from happening. It can cause more interaction with one another. More people would be happy ,students would like to go to school knowing their techers know how they feel and everything would just run more smoothly. Teachers would also find a better way to teach and students will have passing grades.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFacs bieng Facial Acting Coding System is an invention that is really helpful to many people i think that it can help people in so many ways. alot of time people can be hiding and emotion and not show it but it could be helpful for something to tell what they are feeling so that they can either help them or feel that same emotion that they are feeling. Sometimes humans can show many emtions and we might not know whet they are for example there ar ethe simple emtions such is happy, excited, sad, anger, but then there are other emmtions where it might be mixed like happy but sad or angry and sad and sometimes emtions we might not even know what they are and that when the Facs comes in to see what emtion someone might be feeling. There can also be a hiddin emtion within someone when someone might seem happy they might show it on the outside but in the inside they are probly feeling another emotion. One way Facs can be very helpful is by knowing wether that person is going thru some stuff for example a person could be thinking about commiting suicide but nobody would know until their facial expression shows that and it might not be a sad facial expression it could be a diffrent one but with the Facs it would be able to tell someone right away what emotion they are feeling. In conclusion i think that this is a very smart thing to to to be able to recognize or scan somones face to reveal their facial expression is a fenominal idea.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy name is Luke and I'm going to tell you a couple reasons you should join the Seagoing Cowboys progam. It allows you to go to different places around the world. For example, you could go to Greece and see the Acropolis. I turned 18 before we arrived at Greece, which ment I could be drafted for military service. They told me to just keep working on the cattle boat, and that would count as my service.\n\nJoining the Seagoing Cowboys program means you also get to work with animals. Some of the animals you get to work with are horses, young cows, and mules. It can take a while to get to our destination. It took two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States, and a month to get to China!\n\nThe Seagoing Cowboys program can be very fun. Sometimes, the cowboys play games, such as, baseball, volleyball, and table tennis. Being a Seagoing Cowboy can be fun, but it can be dangerous at times. On my second trip across the Atlantic Ocean as a cowboy, I was a night watchman. I was supposed to check on the animals every hour. One rainy night, after making my hourly report, I slipped down a ladder. My feet shot toward an opening on the side of the ship.\n\nIf there wasn't a strip of metal that caught my side, I wouldn't be here today. I couldn't work for a while because i broke a few ribs. I thought that was fine, because I was still alive. I'm very grateful for the opporrtunity, because it made me aware of people in other countries and their needs. Its a wonderful expierence helping someone in need. See their face light up when you help them makes you feel amazing. I'm proud to be a Seagoing Cowboy.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\ngoogle cars is not driveless you still got take over when pulling in & out the driveway.Companies making computer cars isnt safe because if you car shut down while you driving you can crash or run in to something.Computer can shut down anytime.What if it rain it can mess up your car.If you put sensors on your car can get dangers or out of control skids or rollovers.Sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine you can mess the car up like that & have a crash.the driver will have to take if the requires dnt work but what if you dnt know then you have a horrible crash.Only one car tell you when to take over the other cars dont.If the car is watching the drive you can have a accident.Displays can turn off while the cars is driving & you can be on the phone.Then the next minutes you in a accident.automakers still working on the assumption thats a probblem right there.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author is studying that Venus or sometimes that \"Evening Star\" is a worthy pusuit despite that dangers it presents. It is a worthy pusuit because Venus is also referred to as Earth's \"twin.\" But the challenge is the atmosphere, clouds, and the Fahrenheit. NASA is trying to study Venus. I will tell you why Venus is a worthy pursuit.\n\nVenus is referred to as Earth's \"twin\" because Venus is the closet planet to Earth's density, size, and the closest in distance. Mars is also close to Earth. Earth, Venus, and Mars is our planetary neighbor, but Mars and Venus orbit the sun at different speeds in the solar system. The differences in speeds between Mars and Venus means that we sometimes are closer to Mars and other time to Venus. Astromomers believes that long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and have various forms of life, like Earth. Even today, Venus have Earth-like features like valleys, mountains, and craters. Humans have sent numerous of spacecrafts, but no spacecrafts have survived for more than a few hours.\n\nThe challenging of Venus is the atmosphere, the clouds, and the Fahrenheit. Venus's thick atmosphere is almost 97 percents carbon dioxide and it blankets over Venus and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than we experience on Earth. The most challenging of Venus are the clouds because the clouds are highly corrosive sulferic acid in Venus's atmosphere. Venus's surface temperatures is average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Venusian geology and weather presents additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes,and frequent lightings strikes. Also Venus has the hottest surface temperature in the solar system.\n\nNASA is trying different ways to study Venus. NASA has been compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus, but the possible solutions to the hostile conditions on the surface is that they would allow scientists to float above the fray. They want to try and create a spacecraft that is hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling landscape. The temperatures will still be at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to the sea level on Earth. NASA is working on different approaches for studying Venus like some simplified eletronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber stimulating the chaos of the Venus's surface and it have only lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Another project is to use mechanicals computers, which are devices first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in 1940s during the World War II. They would use these devices because it make calculations by using gears and levers and it do not require eletronics at all.\n\nIt is a worthy pursuit because Venus is also referred to as Earth's \"twin.\" But the challenge is the atmosphere, clouds, and the Fahrenheit. NASA is trying to study Venus. It is a worthy pursuit because it shows that how difficult it is just trying to get and sample or studying Venus, but astronomers are so fascinated how Venus may once was the most Earth-like planet. Venus have gained human curiousity that will likely lead us into many equally itimidating endeavors.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nNASA noticed something unfimiliar on the Red Planet called Cydonia. Many people thought it was an old ancient civilization. There were many conspiracy theroies. Is there an actual head on Mars?\n\nSome people may disagree, but the face is just a rock formation. There has been no discovery of aliens yet to think this had something to do with aliens. Phototgraphs show that its a rock formation.\n\nIn 1998 NASA took photograpghs of the \"face\" while orbiting Mars. They then posted the pictures online. When the image appeared on the website, the photo revealed a natural landform. There was no ancient civilization monument.\n\nSo, Is there an actual head on Mars? No, it is just a rock formation, and when light hits it, it produces shadows that look like eyes, mouth, and nose. Many people were upset because it wasnt an alien monument. NASA will always keep a close eye on \"the Face on Mars\".", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis article is mostly about NASA and it's discovery of the face on Mars they believe that the face had a human form, but they figured out that it was just another Martian mesa. NASA thought it had unsual shadows to make it look like a Egyption Pharaoh, a few days later after the discovery Nasa unvieled the image for all to see. It starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows- even haunted grocery checkout lines for 25 years-some people think the Face is a bona fide evidence of life on Mars-evidence that NASA would rather hide.\n\nAlthough few scientists believed the face was an alien artifact, and so on April 5, 1998, when MGS flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his MOC team snapped a picture of the face. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL we site, revealing ...a natural lndform. There was no alien monument after all. Mission controllers prepared to look again.\n\nNevertheless, on April 8, 2001, MGS drew close enough for a second look and got a much better photo of the Viking photo. What the picture shows is the Martian equivalent of butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West. There are mant reasons why the face could have been made by aliens or if it was made by something else most likely it was aliens in my poinion, but we need proof to be able to determine if it was or not.\n\nThe article is just saying that there could be alien life out there, because there is so much that is undiscovered an things we do not know about, so it is possible that it was aliens or if it was something else think about it what do you think about all this?", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany cities around the world have already learned the benifits to limiting or getting rid of car usage. A few of these cities are Vauban, Paris, Bogota. These cities experience less smog and pollution.\n\nPeople in the places that have limited car uses do not seem to mind. A quote from\n\nIn German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars by Elisabeth Rosenthal explans how giving up their car has improved their live, \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\". Cars do cause alot of tension and stress from being in trafic and having to deal it bad drivers on the road. Many people are already too stressed and anything that can limit stress is good for you.\n\nIn Bogota, Colombia the city has ond day that is car-free. This day people hike, skate, or used public transportation to get where they needed to be. Violaters are fined $25. The over all goal of this day is to promote diffrent forms of transportation. Even though weather can be a factor it didnt seem to affect people.\n\nCar-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota by Andrew Selsky states how this is true \"The turnout was large, despite gray clouds that dumped occasional rain showers on Bogota.\" This quote also shows that people are fine surviving with out cars.\n\nParis baned driving for diffrent cars on diffrent days because of the near-record pollution. Moday cars with even-numbered license would be fined 22-euros if they drove and the next day the rule would apply to odd-numbered licences. There were exceptions for cars that are plug-in, car pools with three or more people, and hybids. Robert duffer, the author of\n\nParis bans driving due to smog showes how well the ban worked in this quote 'The smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to riscind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday\". This is a great example of how much polution would be cut out if we stopped or limmited useing cars. Just one day with out everyone using cars and there was a diffrence in the smog amount.\n\nLimiting car usage also will cut carbon emitions and help the enviroment. In\n\nThe End of Car Culture the author, Elisabeth Rosenthal states \"...transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions...\" With a limit on cars, trucks, and other moter veicals greenhouse gas emissions will lower. America is already lowering it's car usage by it's self. People are buying fewer cars, getting fewer licenses, and driving less all together.\n\nOver all the affect with giving up moter veicals and finding other forms of transpertation are very positive. People would have less stress, reduce in greenhouse gasses, and lower pollution.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are so many advantages of limiting car usage. In source one, the Vauban's streets are completely \"car-free\". This is for the good of not cluttering the streets with so many cars but actually making more space and less cars on the streets. In source one, it says \"while there hace been efforts in the past two decades to make cities denser, and better for walking, planners are now taking the cocept to the suburbs.\" That right there says they have been trying to reduce car usage for a while now and convince citizens that transportation can be better to use. Instead of having over a million cars on the streets or high ways or anywhere, many people can come together and take transportation train or bus to where ever they need to go. It also makes time for walking, which is a very good exercise. Many people have become lazy and take their car to drive to the store thats right there on the corner instead of walking. Many people have taken car usage over the limits and don't realize how it is polluting our air.\n\nPollution is a big problem in our ecosystem now and days. Many people don't clearly see this and don't take the time to process in how bad its making earth. Pollution has gone up over the years and decades after decades we have tried to stop it. In source two, it says \"Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals.\" Why? Well because of the exaggerated use of cars. They have tried to reduce the usage in order to make their air cleaner and better. They have gotten the idea of limiting car usage by ordering people with even-numbered license plates to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine on Mondays. The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day. With this new policy, it has shown better air in the city of Paris by Monday. I believe this is a great forced rule. We need to change our ways and work better in making our air cleaner.\n\nTraffic jams is another downfall of using cars. With so many cars out in the streets it causes the air to have so much smog. Many people have participated in bike riding and walking, but not only is it exercise for your health but it keeps away from people using their cars. With so many people participating this action, not only has it made better air burt also constructed and cropped up new restaurants and shopping districts. They cleared the side walk to make it smoother and cut traffic, as said in source three. This is all in Bogota, Columbia. They said it has made a drastic change in their community with better air and I believe it has made their air better and way reduced smog.\n\nIn the United States, President Obama's goal was to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions. This has led to many people participating in this action. A very big amount of Americans are buying fewer cars and driving less and fewer licences as each year goes by as said in source four. To keep this at a going rate each year I believe citizens should work harder to improve more in this situation as in car pooling, bicycle and public transportation.\n\nIn conclusion, there are so many advantages in reducing car usage. Better air, better community and healthier citizens.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nUsuage of cars should be limited for many reasons.\u00a0 Many people in different countries agree that cars should be either baned or not used as constantly.\u00a0 Pollution, Economy, and people's health are all a factor to limiting car usuage.\n\nIn Vauban, Germany, people have given up their cars. There is a fee to park in Vauban which is a coast of $40,000.\u00a0 No one is going to want to drive do to that outrageous price.\u00a0 70 percent of the people living in Vauban doesnt own a car and, 57 percent sold their car once they moved there.\u00a0 \"'When I had a car i was always tense.\u00a0 I'm much happier this way' said Heidrun Walter\".\u00a0 This quote shows that cars just bring you done emotionly and you'll feel better with out one.\u00a0 In Vauban, cars are causing 12 percent of greenhouse gases.\u00a0 The percent of greenhouse gases are four times higher in the U.S do to car's gas emissions.\n\nIn Paris, there is a smog problem going on.\u00a0 There is so much pollution in the air that there was a forced ban on driving.\u00a0 If anyone was found driving they were fined $31.\u00a0 4,000 people were fined and 27 had their cars taken do to not wanting to pay the fine or being difficult.\u00a0 Paris had the most smog out of the European country; in Paris there was 147 micrograms of particulate matter, Brussels had 114 and, London had 79.7.\n\nBogota, Colombia has an annual car-free day.\u00a0 A day full of hiking, biking, skating and bus riding.\u00a0 If found driving on the car-free day you are fined with $25.\u00a0 \"'It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,' said businessman Carlos Plaza\".\u00a0 President Obama is getting envolved with the limiting car usuage aslo. His goal is to curb the greenhouse gas emissions.\u00a0 There have been less cars bought and licenses given out as the years go by.\u00a0 Lastly, there has been a 23 percent decrease in young peolple driving from the years 2001 to 2009.\n\nThese are some reasons why car usuage should be limited; and as you can see many countries are starting to make a difference.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAre self-driving cars really safe for the future?\n\nDriving has been around for decades. It goes so far back. Now soon there will be no need for driving at all. Car will have to have a mind of their own. They'll need to know how to handle difficult situations. This will cause people to have to be attentive more than ever. I believe self-driving cars will be taken lightly and people will think they don't have to pay as much attention as they would a regular manual car.\n\nwhat do we really need selfdriving cars for anyways? I don't believe that a elecronic will be able to deal with other driving humans better than another human can. Say someone is driving an manual car and go on a four way stop at the wrong time. The car wouldn't know what to do unless its programed to do so. People may say The cars have sensors so it will be able to stop it's self. What if the sensor is broken? There will need to be way to tell that its broken. There will also be othe asspects of the car the driver will need to keep up with which will make this a high mantance car.\n\nAlong with this if there was to be an acident who would be responible? According to the article that is yet to be decided. There are still states that don't allow any driverless cars in their state which means everyone is not on borad with this idea. Its still people who think this idea is not safe. Also in these cars it is alot easier to be distracted. Like the article says some can get bored waiting on their time to drive. The driver can fall asleep, start using there phone, etc. Which could be dangerous for the manual drivers.\n\nThere are some positves to this car for some people. These cars could be good for new drivers who don't know how to parrallel park. Teen drivers don't always get everything right the first couple of times so they will ahve their car to assitst them. This car could also accually be safer for mothers with multipule children. It may give her a chance to quickly distribute a bottle or pick up a toy a baby dropped. This also can still be dangerous because the driver won't be attentive.\n\nIn conculdion i believe there is no point of taking time to make a driverless car because You will always have to be attentive just like driving a regular car, and if you aren't and get into an accident it may end up being your own fault. The driver would have to be dependent on their car to avoid accidents, construction, wrong turns ,etc. Will you be able to trust you car with your life?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIs this something that kids in History class want to hear their teacher talk about? How Mona Lisa felt? I do not think so , but an art class might want to hear about it.\n\nThis should not be taught in a history class. This should be tought in an Art room setting. Like Painting class or Drawing class. The reason I say that is because painting and drawing are alike in some ways. In painting you use paint to \"draw\" your assignment. In drawing you use a pencil,sharpie,or a marker to draw your assignment.\n\nIf this was a requirement in History class,this subject would be very boaring and irrelevent in so many ways. But in Art since Leonardo da Vinci painted this there could be an entire lesson on it. Then the teacher could have the students draw/paint Mona Lisa\n\nSo I think it should not be tought in any other class than Art. The reason I say that is a lot of kids have at least seen this painting one time in their life. And if they take Art they will learn about it. So there is no sense in wasting time in other classes when they will just learn about it in Art class. I do not think some kids would like to have their emotions read on some type of computar software.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face as you call it is just a natural land formation. We took pictures that prove us correct but you still think it was created by aliens. All we saw was that it was a mesa and that its shaddows look like a face. So why dont you belive us if you lok colsely at the 1998 picture you can clearly see no alien markings but yet you still belive why. Every body else belives us why cant you all you we see is a big rock so why do you think aliens put it there.\n\nIn the article it clearly states that the so called face was not made by aliens but just natural formations. There is no life what so ever on mars. It was not made by aliens but instead by mother nature. It was found in cydonia where a lot of other mesas located there and if that is not proof enough we sent three misions and they all reported it was a mesa nothing more nothing less. Unfortunatly some scientists belived it was an alien artifact so we took more pictures and the showed the exact same thing.\n\nBut we sent another mission to take pictures with more pixels and they showed no proof of alien life. But you still dont belive us and I dont understand why you dont belive us. even though we gave you all this proof you dont seem to care. What will it take to convince you that its not a face. If I were you i would have belived NASA as soon as they showed the picture.\n\nBut I am not you so\n\nI will try to convince you. But if you reject the idea I will not care.\n\nI will simply leave . So I will. continue when they told the public they even said it was a natural thing but still . the face is not really made by aliens but it is naturaly awsome. so i will leave telling you that you are wrong and that NASA is right. but the face is still cool and if it broke off and fell to earth it would be alien so food for thought.\n\nI think you might be right about one thing the face is so cool. and i think that you are mostly wrong bye", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYes these cars can help you drive but they can aslo malfunction. Such as, if you are turning the car could turn you the other way. Also if you try to stop the care could keep going, causeing a car accedent. And what if you get pulled over by the cops and you have to stop but the car goes faster or just does not stop, you could get into some serious trouble.\n\nWith the planning and wireing of the cars other people could hack into them. For example. The people who make the cars have to program them to the streets they are driving on. One, someone could hack the car so it will go anywhere the hacker what's it to go. And two, you could track the car, where it is going, where it came from, and where it is.\n\nYou never know who is working on the car. It would be so easy for someone to make the car go oppiset of the way you want to go. You could be turing left and the car would turn right. Or you want to go straight but the car goes backwards, and vis versa.\n\nThese cars are not for everyone. Some people are going to take advantage of the fact that they do not have to really drive. So they could just program the car to go to one place and then sleep the rest of the way. But the problem is, is that the car does not know when there is a accident or not. so it could avoid it.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that the Face is just a natural landform because they even had pictures that proved that is was a natural landform. Many people in the world had their own personal claims about the Face, but scientifically, it had been proven by pictures otherwise.\n\nMars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, and captured pictures of the Face with a ten times better camera than the original Viking photos that were taken before. In the article, the text says, \"Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all.\" Even cameras caught the landform with pictures and proved it. The text also states, \"What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West. 'It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,' says Garvin.\" According to this piece of informational text from the article, the Face is a massive, natural landform, just like any landform here on Earth.\n\nIn this article, it has been proven by NASA and detailed pictures of the Facee, that it's just a natural landform that just so happened to look like a human face. Even though some had their own thoughts and opinions, scientifically, they were wrong.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany people think the Face on mars is a natural landform, but others think it was created by aliens. If there were an ancient civilization on Mars NASA would benefit from sharing their discovery with the public. Scientists figured it was another mesa which were common around Cydonia.\n\nSome scientists believe it was in fact an alien artifact. On April 5, 1998, the Mars Global Surveyor flew ovver Cydonia it too a picture much sharper than the original photos. It revealed a natural landform which meant there was no alien monument. Some skeptics argued that alien markings were hidden by a haze. In 2001 another photo was taken. Each pixel spanned 1.56 meter compared to 43 meters in the 1976 photo.\n\nThe picture shows a butte or mesa which also appear in the american west. In this photo if there were anything abnormal you would be able to see it. Instead it is just a natural landform on Mars.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author is saying that scientist want to explore venus but none of the spacevraft haved landed on venus because is high temperature condition so scientist sees it as\n\nchallege. Scientist have some simplified electronic made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surface and have lasted three weeks in such condition. In paragraph 3 it said that venus have the hottest temperature in our solar system is interasting becuase mercury is closest planet to the sun, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediment like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquake, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Scientist want to do another expedition to Venus, nasa is working on other approaches to studying Venus, Maybe in the future the will bw so great that we can land on other planest beside Venus, we have landed mars and made great discoverie. Venus is gonna be complecated to explore but scientist take this as a challege and they will not stop until they due we have technology but not strong enought to handle Venus temperature, we have prototype but I dont think that is gonna work for such hight chaotic planet.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPersonaly i dont think it is very valuable. Simple things like this is what is wrong with the world because there is no way of for sure telling if it is 100% right and when people get there resolts back they are discusted of themselves. Yes, if there is a 100% guarntee that it is right i wouldnt mind knowing more about myself. Being able to read students emotions would be very good for school just to know how the kids are injoying school and how they are not. Kids would be able to get treated or put into a speical class for the emotions that shouldnt be there and would make them a happier person. The world would be a whole lot differnt if every single person was to be happy and i dont think there is a possible way for every single body on this world to be happy and i dont know if everyone is ment to.\n\nYou could cheat the system simply by acting happy and getting your face scanned and it could be completly wrong and the person just hate themselves on the inside. The classroom computer that could tell when a student is confused or bored would work fanominal when you are busy doing something you dont think about anything else and i think that would work exellent. Studentswould enjoy school more becase the teacher would change sometbhing to make it easier and more enjoyable. There are good and bad about this but its jsut my personal opinion.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMan, I enjoyed being a Seagoing Cowboy. I got to help so many people! You should sign up! The purpose of Seagoing Cowboys was to help countries that have suffered from WW2, such as Greece and China. It was created by UNRRA, and was very helpful to all critical European countries.\n\nA few reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is because we bring horses, cows, and muless to countries in need and we also take care of these animals. You also have some time for sightseeing. However, there is some danger of signing up. Seeing as you\u00b4re on a boat most of the time with hundreds of animals, you have limited space, and then you have the dangers of the sea. When I say dangers of the sea I mean things like drowning, storms, et cetera.\n\nNow, I want to tell you about how I got into Seagoing Cowboys, and my story of being one. It was 1945. I had two part-time jobs at the time, and my friend Don Reist asked me if I wanted to join him in going to Europe on a cattle boat. World War 2 had just finished, and lots of European countries were in a critical state. 44 nations joined to make the UNRRA, and they hired people to take care of cattle that were being shipped. Don and I both signed up.\n\nIn August, we were told to go to New Orleans for our job. We boarded the SS Charles W. Wooster, a cattle boat with more than 300 horses. I was discharged in 1947, and I had made history. I made 9 trips, which is the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. It was impressive, seeing as I couldn\u00b4t work for a few days due to broken ribs. I was so proud of myself, and it was definitely more than a job, it was a way to help me be more aware of others\u00b4 needs.\n\nWell, I have to go back to my job at the supermarket. I recently was rehired and got my position back in the meat department. Now, isn that ironic? Remember, if you have the chance to be a Seagoing Cowboy, take it! It\u00b4ll open up so many parts of the world to you.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars of Tomorrow\n\nThere is something being bettered everyday, and in this case, it's cars! The cars of the future or also known as the \"Driverless Cars\" have been on road since 2009 and have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Different methods/techniques have been tested in the direction of the development of future cars, such as cables embedded in tracks that send radio signals to receivers in front of cars, magenets with alternating polarity, the list is never-ending. Although these automobiles have been driving to near perfection, there's always room to improve.\n\nThe prompt asked us to give our induvidual point of view on the \"Driverless Cars\", and in my opinion they're great, but like I said previously, they, just like everything thing else needs improvement. The cars have drove for nearly seven entire years on a perfet track record of zero crashes and that's pretty darn good. The thing about the automobiles is that they're not completely driverless, the cars need a person active while the car's active. That was a brilliant idea i thought, having an active person at the wheel while the car was on the road is so much more safe than to have a person in the backseat (theoretically) while the car is in motion. Adding up all aspects of the car, it's features, and feats, I say its a tremendous step in the technology world and I believe it will thrive in the modern world. There's nothing wrong with trying something new and especially if it has something to do with things people use eveyday.\n\nThe \"Driverless Cars\" will be great in the future and are perfect now, knowing that they've yet to crash or have an accident. Having cars that can drive pretty much by itself is a tremendous step, having those on the road would be a major feat to overcome. The Driverless Cars make the future safer and less expensive.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHaving different technology helps people. People like it, it can be helpful in many different ways. For example, if a person can't speak their is a techonolgy that helps people that don't have to have a voice with a computer. Techonolgy is useful in many different ways. The use of the technology in the article Making Mona Lisa Smile by Nick D' Alto would be really vaulable.\n\nThe new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code. Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad says the author. Examples that they use when a computer can tell if you are happy or sad is if you smile when a web ad apperas on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But, if you frown, the next ad will be different. That would be great because if you are watching something and then all of a sudden an ad comes on and you can't skip it, you want it to be entertaining and fun and not boring and dumb. It would also be very helpful if you are at school. \"A classom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored\", Dr. Huang predicts. \"Then it could modify the lessson, like an effective human instructor\" that would be really helpful for some people. Just, in case somone dosen't want to speak up if they are confused the commputer will know right away.\n\nThere's also other examples for this. The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive for the videogames which would become more fun for the person playing the videogame or video surgery. Dr. Huang also says \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication, so computers need to understand that, too.\"\n\nI would think that the use of this technology to read the emotional expression of students in a classroom is valuable. By, the way it works and the way it could help in many different ways. In this passage it wants us to understand that a new technology could be coming soon, in which it could help in many different ways.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this article, it explains about how dangerous it is to travel and explore Venus. It mentions how our technology cannot last more than a few hours on Venus. From what was described in the first three paragraphs it seems like there is no way that you can travel or explore the planet without any hazards. The author claim's that there is a way to travel and explore the planet without any hazards. The information the author provides to support the idea is that there is a way and its a worthy prusuit despite the dangers there are.\n\nThrough out the article after paragraph three the author explains all the ways that make it possible to explore and study Venus. He explains in paragraph four that since Venus is much similar to our planet, Earth, that we should look into Venus again and try to gain more information about the planet. It's the nearest option for a planetary visit so why not. The author mentions in paragraph five that NASA has a idea for sending humans to study Venus in a safe way. Their idea was to have a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above to prevent being near the hot surface of Venus. At this height it will be survivable for humans. This sounds very workable. The only down side is that this makes it harder to study the planet and its surface. The author at the end of the article says that we should be able to travel to any place and should not be stopped or limited by any dangers and doubts.\n\nMany of the authors claims in the article were quite good and were quite reliable. He used NASA to back up his claims about how there is a way to travel and study Venus in a safe way and why we should. Venus is very similar to our planet and it is also the closest planet to us. Even though it might not be easy to travel and explore the planet. We should anyways because this will not be only equally intimidating thing we humans will have face. We might learn some new things that might to lead to other things.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator,\n\nIf one could sum up the definition of the Electoral College in a few words, those words would be unessasary and room for error. The Electoral College was established by our fore fathers in the constution. Paragraph one in What is the Electoral College by the Office of the Federal Register states \"A compromise between election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens.\" It is more than possible that a change in our voting system could better america in all kinds of ways.\n\nI believe that the electoral College takes away the peoples opinion in a way just descreet enough to still call it a democracy. The people still vote and determine the overall outcome of the election, But with an electoral college, there is more then enough room for error. One argument aganist the Electoral College is in the very purpose of the system. The people votes go to an electors slate that share the same view as you, then they vote for a candidate. This is opposed to the peoples vote going directly to the candidate. This method of voting is if not purposeless then problematic. Electors can betrey your trust and vote for the opposite canadidate. A statement from Brandford Plumers' The Indefensible Electoral College says \"Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always.\"\n\nIn America our society is based off of freedom and the electoral college is not promoting it. Please keep in mind that the legislature is nearly compleatly responsable for choosing our electors. At any election they could defy the peoples choice. Excerp from The Indefensible Electoral states \"back in 1960, segregationists in the louisana legislature neary succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy.\" Electors have occasinally been know for simply refusing to vote for their party's candidate. If this is freedom to vote then there undoubtingly needs to be a change in the near future.\n\nScandles like the one thay occured in 1960 rarely happen, but whos to say that it could not happen in the future. Our presidental election is practically based off of trust in our goverment. The Electoral college does reconize voters from each region of the county but due to the way the system is set up, it does a poor job interpreting the votes of the people.\n\nA quote from In Defence of the Electoral College by Richard A. Posner states \"It is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popluar vote\" This happened as recently as the election of 2000 Then ask yourself what would really be the harm of ingoring the Electoral College. It only would make the outcome clearer.\n\nThe American elections differ from most countrys in the way that we are a democrecy. we the people can vote. we the people have individual voices that are the composition of the country. The elector college does not oppose this. But rather is opening the doors for coruption. Taking away the Electoral College and replacing it with popular vote, is simply clarifying the peoples decisions, and the peoples decisions is nothing less then America itself.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWorld War ll was and horrible war because it happened all over the world. My name is Luke and I was a Seagoing Cowboy that help the ones that were affected by World War II. I think that you should be one too.\n\nThe Seagoing Cowboys are real amazing people that help other in need of help. The Seagoing Cowboys get to go to place that are far out like China and Italy. Also while you are in these amazing places you can sight see. That isn't the only thing you will be remembered by those people in those different places. You will be remembered as a hero to them because you helped them while they were in need.\n\nNow I'm gonna tell you about my experience as a Seagoing Cowboy. The traveling was amazing because I got to go to different place and help people and see their homes. Then as I went to these different place I got to see the different building and sculptures that have probably been there for decades. So the thing that I did you can probably do as well or maybe even more.\n\nAs I said in the began World War II was a horrible war for everyone and some people's homes were destroyed and they have nothing to go to at night. So this why you should be a Seagoing Cowboy so that you can help people and be a hero in their eyes.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy position on driveless cars is it shouldn't go past a point where a human driver can not take control of the car. Technology can be faulty and if a human can't take control of the car some dangerous consequences will happen. Also if a driver can take control of the car, if an accident occurs they will be responsible. Then the business that created the car will not be liable. Finally the cost will be a major problem, a mass majority of people will most likely not be able to afford this vechicle. Which can be a marketing problem, when introduced to the mass public.\n\nTime has shown that technology does have flaws, some very dangerous ones. Now imagine these flaws happen when you're on the highway surrounded by other cars. A consequence paid for these techonological errors could be death. If the car glitches out, a human driver will be needed to take control and keep the sitaution in control. Cars already have faults, and technology also can have significant errors. Would you put your life in the hands in some possibly faulty piece of technology? This is why human drivers need to be able to have control of the car if needed.\n\nResponsibilty for accident is a subject that's in the air about these vechicles. If the human driver has overall control of the vechicle, the possibility of an accident would be in thier hands. This will pull out some major possibilties of a manufacturer being taken to court over the car. If full control of a car is given to the hands of technology, the manufacturer will most likely be sued on multiple occasions if an accident occurs. If the overall power of the car is given to the person in the driver seat, the final verdict of an accident will fall onto them.\n\nCost is also a mojaor factor. When introduced to the masses who will be able to afford this car? The price of a driverless vechicle would be very expensive and most likely not affordable to the evryday middle class people. What's the point of making this car if not it's gonna have a huge market? If the car is partially driverless it most likely be less expensive to make and would be more cost effective to the masses.\n\nThere is no need for a completely driverless car. It would cause a landslide of problems. If technology is faulty it could cause injury or death. If its completly driverless, the manufacturer would be responsible for accidents. Finally the cost would be way too high for the average person in this economy. These are allsignificant reasons there should not be a driverless car.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe main advantages that people seem to find in the less use of cars is that the bad and harmful emissions given off are being reduced. The amount of emissions entering our air daily is beyond belief. In Germany, passenger cars are guilty for 12 percent of the emissions; while here in America we give off 57 percent. Germany has made the change to allow you to have a car if it is parked in a city garage not near the living quarters, or you can pay $40,000 to have your own \"large\" garage. All malls, stores and parks are just within a walking distance. With the decrease in the number of cars, the access of public transportation has rose. Paris has recently joined this trend. Days after the record amount of pollution in the air clean air was just a must for these people. the next day you were ordered to leave your cars in the garage or you would be fined a fine of 22 euros($31 dollars).\n\nWithin the lack of cars moving around the people, digestion was down 60 percent in as little as 5 days. 27 people wanted to avoid the fine so they had their cars impounded. France blamed the Diesael fuel. Diseal makes up 67 percent of vehicles in France. The goal is to promote alternative transportation. The idea that transportation emissions need to go away has led to this, \" these people are generating a revolutinary change. This change is crossing our borders.\" Imagine bright red and yellow slides, green and blue swings with tons of kids runing and screaming together, or 24 kids all split up into teams for a fun, friendly neighborhood game of kickball. This is what could happen if more countries begin to do what Columbia did. Children would have more access to parks and sports centers. With the sidewalks cleaned up, new restaurants and shopping malls have been added in which makes th city seem more inviting, clean and happy place to be.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy position is that driverless cars are a ggod idea if the human can take control at anytime. The cars seem like a good idea bacuse for one they can't get intoxicated and kil other people. The cars are also a good idea becuase technolgy is more efficient than any human is,but a human can take control at anytime which is important. In conclusion the technology will be more efficient and safe in the long term.\n\nThere are issues with technology that can imopact society in such a drastic way. Some issues include malfunctions in the car and it's sensors. For example in 2013 BMW came out with a self propelled car that coud handle driving functions up to 25 mph. It is very important that upkeep and testing are done with these cars. Testing will ensure driver's safety which is the biggest concern. The upkeep on a car should rely on the driver. For example,if someone gets in an accident because their tail light was out,the fault is placed on the driver. The same concept should be applied in the maintence of this technology.\n\nDriverless cars arent actually diver free .These new cars should be equipped with a human to take over when necesary. If there is not an alert person watching the streets the passengers take a risk of accidents .These cars are a good idea based on the idea that a person can blink their eyes and in the wrong scenerio get in a car accident. The effenciency of the technogy plays a big role in the safety and so does an aware driver. In conclusion,I beleive that driverless cars are a good idea if aware people,upkeep on vehicles ,and reliable technology are all in place.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this enviroment today are electronics are becoming very specail to us and the humans that are buliding or providing these are becoming very intelligente to us. They're the ones that are going to help us get transportation when it is needed or when we need help that can bulid robots that act just like humans and that can talk just like us to. But we have some postives and negavtives going on here for these cars today in this enviroment because we don't know foresure if its going to work properly when it needs to be used in the right matter of time. Im going to tell us the postive and negatives on the side of my story for examples.\n\nPositves sides of the driverless cars are that they are made with an computer and they're self-driving that's very smart or imortant to the project of cars because we have humans that will get off work or come home from a party and be very sleepy or to drunk to drive and not everyone is going to have someone in the car to drive with them to drive for them. So it's an good thing for this program to be put inside of cars so that it can take the drivers home and safely without the driver getting hurt or injured for the rest of their lives. Or the senors that can help someone while backing up will sense you to react with the road before hitting something.\n\nNegative sides of these driverless cars are that how do we know that this is an very safe car to buy and that the cars will actualy work on roads while driving it. We don't know if this car will be the safest thing to get if the program dosen't work like its suppose to. Because this can still be very dangerous to teens an adults cause we can take are attetion off the roads and the program could get confused of what its doing and can cause an fatal crash or could cause fatal death to us. Then it will have to be new laws like what the promt said \"Waiting on the Law\". If the program is working good the company or the manufacturer could be sued for a lot of money and if they are putting extra programs into this cars that's illegal they will be in trouble with the law enforcements. Because if the technology fails who fault would or could it be?That's why they need to make sure that this will be an reliably safe program for these cars cause this won't be an human driving it's an computer(program) running this car. Just like how are phones and laptops frezzes the car could to the same exact thing to us but it's worst because it's an car that's driving on roads that can kill teens or little baby's that haven't even begin there lives yet.\n\nAnother reason is the pricing of these cars negative. Not everyone is going to be able to afford an Telsa or an Audi these or 90,0000 to 100,000 cars. I think they're goign to have to make some cars that are affortable to buy for everyone to have since they say its an safe car to have. Not everyone is going to have this car unless you ahve an good paying job or a good bank account with lots of money saved up for it.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports the idea when he said \"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-Like planet in our solar system.' he supports the idea when he said that because he is saying that Venus is fascinated, Why because it's a look like planet that we live in Earth, their is other wonderful things down in Venus like he said there was \"The lanet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains,and craters.\". The author finds it intersting when it comes to Venus, he's not the only one other people also would like to go to Venus in see what is in Venus or how Venus looks in face to face seeing it with your own eyes in flying out your self. Also this is dangers because not one space ship can fly out so far from out of earth to make it there then to came it come right back it will take years for it in also a lot of things to make the space ship go in come back safe, people that would like to do have to risk their life to that, you have to be sure about it before doing it. Earth levels won't be the same, \"Researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to out knowledge of venus.\". We hope for them to find a way for the space ship to get where they wanna do in for the ship and the person going in the ship goes afe in comes back safe to Earth.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke went on the trip to Europe because he wanted to help other. So luke took some time off of work to help the city that had been messed up from World War 2. In the passage it says that,''Luke and Don sign up to help Europe by shiping supply and other goods over sea. luke worked with the (UNRRA) helping with supply. luke and Don were known as a Seagoing Cowboys in the program.\n\nIn my opinion luke did the right thing because he's helping other people in other places. In the passag it says that,''In China luke help and took care of animals. Luke went to Greece and brought 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them. So luke is helping people,animals,and he is helping with supplys. Luke is travling from sea to sea helping people and working very hard.\n\nSo these are my reasons on why I think that luke did the right thing. Also when luke took a trip to help people he also help countries who left in the ruins. In the passage it says that,''It was 1945,World War ll was over in Europe,and many countries were left in ruins. luke and don sign up to help people in those areas. Also Luke did what he needed to do to help.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWill Venus truly every be explored? In my opinion no because there are many obstales that our sister planet presents. Such the inhospitable weather. atmosphere and, past attempts failing.\n\nInhospitable weather is an exapmle of the obstacles Venus presents. Dispite Mercury being the closest planet to the sun Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. With tempts. reaching up to an Average of over 800 degrees fahrenheit. Beyong high pressure and heat additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthqaukes, and frquent lighting storm and, If the heat don't kill you those things surely will.\n\nAlso, impediments like the atmosphere also present obstacles. With a thick atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide blanketing Venus as of now no spacecraft will make it through there with no scarches. Also clouds of highly corrosive sulfric acid in Venus's atmosphere to add on the the carbon dioxide. With these conditions the environment would even crush a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of the ocean.\n\nWhich brings me to my last and final point that past attempts have already failed. Humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on the cloud-draped world. With each previous mission being unmaned, and for good reason. Since not one spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Expalning why not a single spacecraft has touched down on Venus in more than three decades.\n\nFinally, In conclusion this is why I firmly believe that Venus will never truly be explored like any other planet in our solar system because of all the obstacles it presents.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany of us are used to getting somewher by simply using a car, but should we always use a car. If we limit car usage we can solve most of our problems. We can save ecomically and collect less polution\n\nIn source one the German Suburbs are car free, where street parking, driveways, and home garages are forbiden generally. Car ownership is allowed, however where a car-owner buys space for their car has to pay near $40,000, along with a home. As a result according to source one 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars , and 57 percent sold a car to move here. Many citizens complain when the gas prices go up, but if we limit our car ussage we wont have to complain anymore. We will save money, because when we decrease the usage of cars we wont use as much gas or deisel. Heidrun Walter told Elisabeth Rosenthal that he now lives happier this way. Not only do we save money but we also relieve tension through out our bodies.\n\nHowever we may not enjoy this new idea of limiting car usage some of us actually enjoy driving but, there are days where after a long day of working the last thing you want to be in is in traffic jams.\"It's a good opporunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,\" said businessman named, Carlos Arturo Plaza who rides a two seat bicycle with his wife.\n\nIn other ways that limiting car usage could help us is by eliminating pollution, of course everyone enjoys breathing in fresh air. By limiting car usage we can help lower polution. According to source two,\" After days ofe near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city,\" the usage of car produced so much smog that they had to ban driving. Many of use drive to so many places that are near by that in reality we dont really have to use our car not only will we reduce pollution, but we will also maintain ourselves fit by using different alternatives like, walking, running, ridding our bikes. Although some may say, \" what if its an emergency,\" its fine we're only limitting car usage, we aren't goining to ban it forever.\n\nIf we limit car usage we can not only save money, but we can also reduce polution, and have a better lifestyle. Although these aren't the only ways limiting car usage can benefit us.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars. A large leap for man into technology. But what else could we do with these huge machines for transportation. Google has some ideas. And many other companies think that these ideas from Google could work. They're even eploring them too. But what faults could happen if we put all of our eggs in this basket?\n\nThe article talks about how these automaton cars aren't totally driverless. They still need a human for tricky situations but then what about the rest of the time? The article explains that there would be a very big fraction of time where the \"Driver\" would be bored or just sitting there waiting to be needed. But then you lose all the fun in driving. No one wants to sit somewhere for hours on end waiting to be needed. We all wanna be involved in the adventure of where we're going!\n\nThen there's the idea of what happens when a fault in the system gets someone hurt or even killed? Who gets the blame? I mean the driver has no control if the car is driving. So who goes to court the maufacturer or the \"Driver\". I know the article already talked in detail fo this much but it's a great topic to speak on because that's a part of driving cars everyday. Accidents happen. But these driverless cars they aren't people, they're just computers running a program.\n\nCars aren't always safe. But many people strive to make the the safest thing they can be. And yes sometimes there are \"crazy\" taxi and bus drivers but most of the time they aren't. What do we do then? When we start replacing these people's jobs? I mean yeah they are still going to have jobs but what if these people's favortite part was the driving aspect of it? Not the sitting on your butt all day idea. What do we do then? What do we do when people who don't know how to drive very well start getting those jobs because the computer can do most of the work. But then they're put in a situation that they have ot drive and can't. What then?\n\nI personally don't like the ideas of automaton cars. They aren't totally driverless which means someone has to sit in that car the whole drive with nothing to do or they have something to do and get caught up with that activity; and when needed to drive they can't because they're too involved. This leads to my next conclusion. They won't always be safe and will have malfunctions that could be deadly in the end. And they downright do not put our job economy in a good position. These cars aren't a \"safety\" feature. They're a lazy feature. A way for people to stop doing things for themselves and let the machine use it's program to do it all. But why do we continue to think that the more we don't do the better everything gets?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Challenge of Exploring Venus\n\nOn this article the way he explore venus. Sometimes venus is called by ''Eving Star'' is one of the bightest points of light in the night sky. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. I think that author have to many ideas and how was he experience on Venus he new the planet surface temperature average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater then what we experience on our own planet.\n\nFor NASA this information is important to them and sand more people to vanus that they can keep getting information the value information to venus seems indisputable. On the paraghap 5 said that \" solar power wound be plantiful and radiation wound not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions,but survivable for humans\" this means that is danger that human keep going because venus don't have the same recurses that we have on the Earth howevr, peering from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate thye dense atmosphere, rendering standard froms of photography ineffective.\n\nThe conclution of this statementis that avery scientific explore what they waht to knoe ore sand people that they can get informayion form travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is a beutiful start, why? is one of the brightest point of light in the night sky, But the challange of exploring\n\nVenus suggest studying Venus as a worthy pursuit despite of the danger that presents.\n\nConditions in Venus is challenging because in the article says, \"A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the cloud of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere.\"\n\nwhich in this conditions are severe problems.\n\nMore intersting about, Earth and Venus are so familiar that both have some comparison on each other like in the article says,\"Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.\" Venus can be sometimes the neartest option for a planetary visit.\n\nNow, in these days NASA\n\nhas one particulcarly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus because NASA is working on simplified electronics tested in\n\na chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such condition , but they are gonna do another project\n\nwith a old technology called mechanical computers, in the article says, \"the tought of devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not requires electronics at all. Mordern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but then to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditons.\"striving to meet the challenges presented by venus has value because humas curiosity will likely\n\nlead into many equally intimidating endeavors.\n\nPlanet Venus is a place that someday woud be similar to earth and that could probility live in venus.even if is dangerous, peole should not give up and expand to meet the very edges of what could possibly humans can do better.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe problem we have at hand here is whether or not we should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. My thesis is we all should join the program and help everybody ravanged by the war. It helps a ton of people get better and it also gives you a good gut feeling that everybody loves to have. In the following text I am going to give you some of the reasons why we should all join the Seagoing Cowboys program and help other people.\n\nMy first reason we should all go into the Seagoing Cowboys program is you get the wonderful oppertunity to help other people. The people you will be helping have had there homes destroyed by war and all of their personal belongings including food, water, and any gifts they might have gotten. Think about the smiles and tears of joy when you arive at these peoples' houses bearing gifts of food and animals to keep them stocked up on food.\n\nMy second reason we should all join the Seagoing Cowboy program is you get to see all of breathtaking sights as you travel the sea on a boat. These places you will be going to will have a ton of awesome sight seeing spots on the way to enjoy with all of the other Seagoing Cowboys. Also once you drop off all of the animal you can do a lot of really fun stuff with all of your buddys. For example vollyball, baseball, and a lot lot more cool activitys and games.\n\nIn the Seagoing Cowboys program it is dangorous and I will give the other side who do not want to join the Seagoing Cowboys program that. I bet if you are saying it is dangerous and it is not worth the risk that you have never tried to help a lot of people before. When you help a lot of people you get the amazing feeling that by risking your one life you probably just saved a hundred more lives just by going on a month to two month trip from the spot you are in to the spot you are going.\n\nIn conclusion you should all join the Seagoing Cowboys program. It is a great oppertunity to help other people that have lost their homes and to see a lot of breathtaking sights that you would not normally get to see. It is dangorous but you can see all of the joy and relief that you are giving to the people who have suffered great loss do to the ravanging way the war has treated them. I know that if you were to join the Seagoing Cowboys that you could be the thing that people in other countries dream of coming the next day with the gift of savour for them and their familys.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are few people who can can imagine living a full life in this generation without thewse glorified metal boxes with wheels attached to them; even fewer set living a life similar to that as a goal. The advantages of limiting the amount of cars being used are suprisingly unique due to the dwindling amount of disadvanteges there are. Some of these advantages include reduction in greeenhouse gas emissions and that there will be a reduction in smog. It is always nice to see humanity band together, willingly or forcefully, to work for a common good.\n\nLet us begin with the most pressing issue: preserving the environment. Studies have shown that nearly \"12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car intensive areas in the United States.\" come from passenger cars (Rosenthal 1, 5). Reducing these greenhouse gases, which pose a threat to the Earth's atmosphere, would be an improvement, although slow, still an improvement nonetheless. While this would not be the immmediately noticable of changes, making an effort to cleanse our cities of pollution would be.\n\nMoving on, some places have taken this matter into their own hands, matters that some would describe as extreme. Paris, France is one of these examples, \"enforcing a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city...motorists...ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine...\" (Duffer, 10-11).It is pleasant to see a city taking this matter into their own hands. This ban, though, did spark an uproar on the Internet, but it did die down. Many approaches to cleansing city-air have been drastic, but others such as in Columbia, had some sort of event where \"the goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog.\" (Selsky, 21). This did allow a public freedom, despite there still being a fine in place. The remarkable fact of this is that even though cars are being banned, a large portion of the targeted population actuallly do not mind the change, even \"'the rain hasn't stopped people from participating'\"(Selsky, 23).\n\nSuprisingly enough, this car-ban revolution is still going on today. Many more people are starting to realize the benefits to the ban. Elisabeth Rosenthal, in her article\n\n\"The End of Car Culture\"\n\neven adds in that many \"sociologists believe...it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment...\"(34). This simply furthers the ideal that humanity as a whole CAN see a chance to change, wants to desperately do so, and WILL do so...eventually.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe \" Unmasking the Face on Mars\" is a natural landform because it's a mesa. It's not made by aliens because they would've mad more or diffrent things. In 1976 the picture looks like a huge rock formation. In 1998 the picture don't look like the same as 1976. In 2001 the picture look's more clear but it looks like a moutain.\n\nIf aliens did make the \"Unmasking the Face on Mars\" they would've already found a cilvilization or something else. NASA would already know if there is a civilization on Mars because because NASA discovered the \"Unmasking the Face on Mars\" in 1976. The \"Unmasking the Face on Mars\" is just a natural landform said web surfers. There was no monument afeter all.\n\nIn April '98 the Face on Mars was located at 41 degrees north martain latitude where it was winter, a cloudy time of the year on the Red Planet. Mission controllers took out their camera and MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Skeptics say alien markings were hidden by haze.\n\nMIssion controllers prepared to look again but it was hard. They never found it. On April 8,2001 a summer day without no clouds they found the Face on Mars. They took a picture.\n\nThe picture was good but their was no evidence of a alien civilization. The picture shows that it is a butte or a messa-landforms common around the American West not a alien artifact. \"it reminds me most of Middle Butte in the snake river plain of Idaho,\" Gravin says. \"Thats a lava dome dome that forms of a isolated mesa about the same hieght as the Face on Mars. This is why the \"Unmasking the Face on Mars\" is not made by aliens.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine being in a car, going to work, school, or out to eat, and not having to drive. Well many car manufacturing companies plan on releasing driverless cars in the future. While these cars are not completely driverless like they suggest, they rely on the driver only in certain situations. With these cars soon to be on the market, there are many benefits these have over regular, self-driven cars such as saved money, less reliance on the driver, and in-car entertainment systems.\n\nA big part with any new technology, is the cost. With all these new sensors and gadgets placed on the cars, it is surely going to cost a good amount of money. However, in the long run, less accidents will be caused as these cars will know when to break and when to turn which can help save the money someone would need to repair their car.\n\nThese new cars will rely less on the driver altogether which will limit the amount of accidents as most of the accidents are due to human faults, not the car. With this new technology, the driver can sit back and let their car do most of the work, and then grab the wheel when alerted such as in a work zone or around other accidents. While the driver is waiting for their turn to drive they cannot simply just sit there and wait or they would get borded, so what would they do?\n\nThese smart cars are going to have in-car entertainment systems to keep the driver amused. When the driver needs to take over, these systems are simply turned off until it is the car's turn to drive again, something not available in phones while drivers are texting. So the driver could be watching there favorite movie or playing a game, when it is time for them to grab the wheel, it will temporarily shut off, and when they are done, they can continue watching or playing. So in a way these in-car systems are actually a safety feature in these new cars.\n\nSome people will say that these new cars simply will not be possible due to the law. Most laws are written with the assumption that a car is being driven by a human and many states have it illegal to test computer-driven cars. However, if the states that do not have a ban on these cars test them, and they work, then other states will lift the ban and laws will be made to go along with the new cars.\n\nNew technology is produced everyday, and one day humans may not have to drive. If this is the case the benefits of this would include saved money, less reliance on a human, and in-car entertainment systems. So do not be surprised to go out on the road tomorrow and find people watching a movie and driving a car, as this new technology, is right around the corner.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nShould we the people allow driverless cars to be sold and manufactured? Yes, yes they should be manufactured and sold to the public because of how much easier and less hectic and stressed life would be in the future. Driverless cars should be allowed to be built and 'driven' in every state in the United States of America.\n\nDriverless cars have a lot more pros than cons. With driverless cars that google cofounder Sergey Brin has designed and envisioned, these cars can go miles and miles with out needing to fill up with gas. Also they can get through tight situatuions since they'd be much more flexible than a bus. As Brin says, \"[cars such as these] would fundamentaly change the world.\". Google has modified a Toyota Prius and tested it's driverless skills; it has gone farther than half of a million miles with zero crashes.\n\nThe facts stand, driverless cars are simpler, smarter, and easier to use that we've ever thought before. This is the future; why stop it when you can embrace the change and hold on for the long run? Driverless cars must be made legal in the United States so that Americans can have peace of mind when going on long trips or even just driving to town. Make the peoples lives easier and all around better; give them driverless cars.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nComputers are becoming more similar to humans over time, as new technologies are developed. One such technology allows a computer to recognize a person's emotions based on the movement of muscles in their face. Some say this technology can be used in the classroom to slow down a lesson for a confused student, or make it more interesting for a bored one. However, the truth is that while this technology certainly has its merits, it may not be reliable in the classroom because it cannot accurately determine a person's emotions, understand their cause, or properly respond to them.\n\nAlthough fairly accurate at times, this software that detects emotions may not be always accurate. For example, according to the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\", the software calculates that the woman in the famous painting \"Mona Lisa\" is \"2 percent angry.\" This is likely untrue, and Leonardo da Vinci probably never intended this. She does not appear angry, and if anything, da Vinci simply could not recognize facial expressions well enough to accurately depict the emotions that he intended the subject of the painting to have. Additionally, the article states that there are six basic emotions the software can detect: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise. These emotions are useful, but this also means the computer cannot detect emotions like guilt and confusion. These are very important emotions in the classroom, and the computer must be able to detect if a student cheats on a test or does not understand a concept. The software is very limited in detecting emotions, and this could lead to adverse consequenses.\n\nSometimes, not only are a person's emotions unclear, but the cause of a person's emotions may not be obvious given the current context, because people often live in the past. A student may appear to be confused, but only because the student does not understand a joke they heard before the lesson. The article says that the computer could recognize this confusion and modify the lesson, despite the fact that the student's confusion has nothing to do with the lesson in the first place. Also, if a student does not understand a certain part of the lesson material, the computer will not be able to detect the exact part; the student will be confused no matter what part it is. The computer will be forced to explain and clarify everything, when the student may only need a small part clarified. In a similar way, the student may still not understand the material afterwards, but the computer cannot ask the student why this is so, because it only detects the student's confusion.\n\nWhile detecting emotions and their causes are important in the classroom, the most important thing is responding to them appropriately. For example, if a student is feeling sad, this will likely affect their retention of the material being taught. However, the computer likely cannot alleviate or eradicate this sadness, because it is most likely caused by an outside source. The computer may try to comfort the student, but the student will know that the computer does not actually feel any emotions and will not be comforted whatsoever. Additionally, the student may feel bored, but the computer may not be able to change this if the student feels that the material being taught is boring, because the computer has no choice but to teach this material to the student. As a result, even if the computer can detect a student's emotions, it may not be able to do much about them.\n\nNo matter how useful this emotion-reading software is, it should not be used in the classroom. It may falsely detect an emotion and change the lesson when unnecessary. It could also assume the wrong cause for an emotion, leading it to make a lesson longer or more thorough when the student understands it already. Additionally, the computer may detect emotions well, but it may not be able to fix them or change them, making the software pointless. Technology may have great benefits, but detecting emotions in the classroom is not one of them.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDr. Huang\n\nsays, \"The facial expressions for each are unviersal\". This technology will improve on how student will do in their class. The emotional expressions is valuble for students, becasue it already been tested, can determined fake emtions, and can help modify lessons.\n\nAlso, this technology has been tested on actors. The author states, \"According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them\". This shows that Facial Action Coding System can work on anyone.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System can determine fake emotions. The author states, \"But in a false smile, the mouth is strerched sidways\". The computer can exam the students face, and determine their real emotions. Students would not have to worry what emotion they have on thier face.\n\nThis technology will help improve the students acdemically. Dr. Huang says, \"The facial expressions for each emotion are unviersal\". For example a student looks confused it could take them forever or maybe never to finish the lesson, but the Facial Action coding system could change that. It could modify the lesson to help the student understand more and finish the lesson more quickly.\n\nThis technology is very valuble to have in a classroom. The students will be able to get more help and will not be confused as much anymore. They would not have to worry about the computer determing the wrong emotion. All schools should get the Facial Action Coding System.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear state senator.\n\nI think that the electoral collage should be changed because it makes voting unfair, more people would vote,and it would be more effective.\n\nThe electoral voting system is unfair because your vote dosnt really count if the majority of the votes goes to the opposing party. It would be more even if your vote counted directly towards the party rather than voting for your states electors. I also feel that more people would vote because with the state electors your vote wont matter if the majority of is oppiste of who you voted for.\n\nAlso, other people would vote for other parties more rather than just the democratic or republican parties because the majority of the people are just gonna vote for those parties.\n\nIf the votes were not for the state electors and for the president than George W. Bush would not have been elected and the majority of the votes went towards John kerry so that wasnt fair for him.\n\nAlso every states number of electors is different, if they are going to have electors per state I think it should be the same amount for every state because if more of the states voted for the republicans but the democrats could have had the states with the larger amount of electors and won the election. The tinier states wouldnt do much for the election if they only have three electors. Also without electors voting, there would be a less chance of there being a tie in the election. It might make counting the votes easier but voting would be more effective if it was without state electors.\n\nThose are the reasons why I think that the way voting is should be changed and hopfully someday it will be.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Challenge of Exploring Venus,is that how evening star,which is aslo the name for venus,it is that venus is a plant of the solar system,venus is our second plant from the sun. Each mission they have done was unmanned,and for a good reason why.\"Since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours.\"There might be an issue of why it explains\"why not a single spaceship has touched down on venus in more than three decades.\n\nThe thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide. The more challenging is that there for,the clouds are highly corrosive sulfuric acid. The temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit,aslo the atmospheric pressure is about 90 times greater than what we experience in our own plant. It is nothing like we humans have encounter on earth. venus has the hossest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system.\n\n\"Venus may well once of have been the most-earth like planet in our solar system.\"Venus might or probably have been covered largely with oceans and maybe just maybe have life just like earth has have.\"The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features shuch as mountains and craters.\"\n\nNASA solution would be to the hostille conditions on the surface of venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. They want to hover over many stroms and travel at higher altitude to fly landscape,aslo so they can aviod unfriendly ground condtitons staying out of the way.\n\nHowever,venus from a ship obriting or hovering above the plant safely can only provied limited insight on ground conditions. Most light froms cannot penetrate the dense of the atmosphere,rendering standard form phitigraphy and videography is ineffective. Resachers want to take a sample of rocky,gas or anything esle they could get on to it form a distance. Therefore scientists would take the risk to get up close to it .\n\n\"NASA is working on other approaches to study venus. For example,some simplified electronics is made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus surface and lasted for three weeks in such conditions.\"They are looking at the past by telling us of how they require elections.\n\nBut at the end they are still expanded to meet in the edged of imagination and innovtion.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe artical asked me if i could imagine a time when you no longer have to drive your car but rather that it drives it's self. I can imagine a car that drives it self, I can imagine a green sky and blue grass, I can imagine just about anything. What is really posible and how far is too far? When I ask my self the same question I say yes I can Imagine it but am not sure of it's fact. I wonder about how the car can navitgate at night, who is responsible if a collision occurs, and how much privacy is lost when driving one of these self driving cars.\n\nThe car that can drive its self sounds right out of a cartoon or some kind of science fiction book and it makes me conserned about how relivent it would acualy be on the streets in the real world. How can I feel safe in a car traveling at high speeds on a dark night with winding roads, and the chance of a wondering animal or person to cross the path of the self driving car? In my eyes our technology needs to drasticaly improve before self driving at night is thing that these cars do.\n\nI the car crashes for any reason who is reponsible for the damage of life that may had been taken? Their will need to be a fully functioning self driving car no assistance needed, so good the the probibility of a crash is small as getting struck by lightning. Until this thing is thuroughly fool proof they should'nt be able one public road, street, ave, or any other driving path. They say the confusion could posibialy be stopped by putting a camera in the car showing who was in control of the vehical at the moment of the crash but hoe much of the story would that tell?\n\nFor me the idea of being watched by cameras through out the car is enough to lose my attention completely. I feel very stongly about personal privacy and would not want to be watched by complete strangers every time I am in my car. These cameras may be helpfull if they are only on at emergincies to help with understanding what has happened, but would'nt like the feeling of being watched on my everyday comute.\n\nIn all im pretty pesimistic about the self driving cars and a little curious to see if im totaly wrong or was I on to something and that these things are not the way to go. In the catigory of tough situations such as night time, collisions, and privacy improvement is necicary for the self driving cars to become a reality. I am looking forward to seeing how the self driving cars do and hope that the bugs get worked out so that self driving cars are a reality and it's not something I just imagine is real and well.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe a life without cars is a far simplar one. The natural gasses in our atmosphere is being polluted every day by artificial, man made smoke. For example, writer Robert Duffer, highlights the fact that many people are too attached to their cars, thus causing them to drive, equalling out to our polluted atmosphere. The line, \"Congestion was down 60 persent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog\", said by Duffer, shows how the impact of cars has ruined our clean air and how the use of less cars has cleaned our air in as quick as five days.\n\nMany wonder how our air becomes polluted in the first place. It becomes polluted by something called the green house affect. The green house affect is the theory on how our air is polluted and why smog and contaminated air is all around us. The same way a green house works, by keeping in natural gasses (maybe even polluted ones), plus the solar rays from the ball of fire we call our sun, produces, is the same way that our multi-layed atmosphere works. The UV rays shine down sending heat, and the mixture of pollution from cars and factories, creates a barrier that traps in horrible cemicals and intoxicating fumes. Thus suffocating us on a daily basis. Until someone will do something about.\n\nFor example, Vauban, Germany has taken the next step into cleaning our atmosphere, by creating an experimental city, occupied by 5,500 people, none of which use cars. That's right. No cars. Whatsoever. Heidrun Walter, a citizen of the small city in germany, says \"When I had a car Iwas always tense. I'm much happier this way.\" I agree. I believe that a life without cars will be a hard one to adjust to, but if our ancestors were able to do it for hundreds of years, I believe we can do it for another thousand years.\n\nAnother great example is the city of Bogota, Colombia. Bogota experienced what is called a \"car-free\" day, making millions of Colombians hike, bike, skate, and take buses to work. Even despite the rain that seemed to pour down on the people, \"The rain hasn't stopped the people from participating,\" said by Mayor Antanas Mockus. Another participator of the \"car-free\" event was Carlos Arturo Plaza, who rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife, procalaimed that, \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution.\"\n\nIf we joined these other countries in going \"car-free\" for a day, maybe making it as often as once a month, I believe we can reduce the levels of air pollution in our atmosphere and\u00a0 all across the country. I believe a life without cars is a far simplar one and a far cleaner one", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis is about a computer program that can tell you about your smile. It tells you the percent of your smile like happniess and sadness. No emotions are safe. This computer can do a 3-D computewr model. The computer was developed by Prof Haung.\n\nThe technology can tell you on what your emotionsin your smile. This technology can identify students emotion expressions. It can exactly detect in what that person is felling. Prof Haung has put in an algorithms into the computer so it can give you the percentiges in your smile. The comptuer uses Di Vinci's 6th code for this program. The computer can tell you if you are happy or sad in your smile.\n\nTo sum up this programing. This computer graming can tell you anything about your smile. No ordninarly computer can do what this computer can do because it doesn't have the hard drive to do it. Dr. Hung has a partner that helped him build the computer. The Prof. name is Nicu Sebe. They both developed this program for the comouter that can tell you if you are happy or sad.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe great new feature's of the face is really impossible liek it is not but it is cause it could be a person's face on there or a alein's head or even just a mask but on the other hand it could all be fake and someone that is or was an astrouant could of tricked up and stuff but know one will know enless you go find out.\n\nWitch my other idea is that domeone put there face in there and made it stay like that but it could of also had made lots of storms up there turning it into a face then might go away soon. This 3D image is kind of interesting if it is ir nit real\n\n. There mus have been a degree of suprise amongg mission controllers back at the jet propulsion lab when the face shows up againso it could take forever who know but i really think thats nothing or no big deal but it could.\n\nsome belived that it was and aleins face but some didnt. not everybody was shocked or anything. I guess it was 41 degrees north matian latitude when it is winter on april 98 cloudy most of the time around the red planet.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke Bomberger had got asked to join this program called '' Seagoing Cowboys.\"\n\nHe was working at two part time jobs, one of the jobs were grocery store and the other one was the bank. Then, Lukes friend Don Reist invited Luke to go to the cattle boat in Europe. Luke couldnt say no because that has always been Lukes dream. Then he thought, that would be the opportunity of his lifetime to work on the cattle boat!\n\nThe reason Luke wanted to work onthe cattle boat was because the World War II just got done in Europe. He also wanted to help Europe get there food supplies, animals, and familys back together. Fourty-Four nations joined in on this program. The name of the program was called \"Seagoing Cows\" because they took care of the horses, young calfs, mules that were on there way over seas. Europe needed despirate help when this incident happened.\n\nAcording to the story, on August 1945, they arrived on August 14th. On that day the Pacific War ended. They had a cargo with 335 horses plus hay and oats to feed them. Luke turned 18 when he was onthe cattle boat headed towrds Greece, and that meant he could be drafted to the military services! By the time he was discharged in 1947, Luke Bomberger had made nine trips, then he got told that he had the most Seagoing Cowboys trips in the program!\n\nLuke always said \"the cattle-boat trips were so unbelievable opportunity for a small town boy!\" Besides helping people Luke had the benefit of seeing Europe and China. Seeing the Acropolis was very special, Luke said. He enjoyed being a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up his world to help people and be kind and helpful to people who need help. A good reason for joining the Seagoing Cowboys program is because you can relize how you have good towns and good houses and some countries don't have that. It shows how you canbe helpful and you need to be greatful for what you have and dont have!", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe future holds many great things but one thing that isn't on that list would be driveerless cars. Just thinking about it brings danger, with people inside a car without a real driver can cause many accidents. In the future I feel like our death population will really rise up because of self driven cars. How are they going to know when to turn or what to do in a bad situation. Driverless cars is going to be a very nad idea.\n\nWhy do we need driverless cars there is absolutely no point in it. Just so people dont have to drive and they can be lazy. Or because just in case if someone is tired and can't drive much longer. Well would you rather drive your self than a robot car that for sure has no idea what other people can do. Because when people drive and someone is next to them they can tell when they are shifting over but a driverless car can't because all it can do is tell whats behind and in front of it not to the sides. With this idea I am definitly not for it becasue I will rather walk it is just to dangerous and I do not want to take the chance. If they give me an oppurtunity to drive a driverless car and a self controlled one I would rather go with a self controlled one. Now by the time the driverless car is invented I moght be dead. But I would rather be dead from something else than a driverless car.\n\nAmerica has had many deaths and a lot of that is because of cancer, car wrecks, and other sickness and if the driverless car is invented I feel like it would turn into the top ten death causes. No will understand how many causes we will have with them. And im not just looking out for the people bt also google. Google will be a lot of debt off because people will be sueing them all the time. Before they make this a final decision they might want to look into the future because of all the teens also. Teens will play a big role into that and that could cause a lot of damage.\n\nWho ever made this idea is a smart person I will give them credit in inventing something that can drive itself around, but I will also give them credit when it's there car that has caused the most deaths in the world. Plus what if someone tells them to go somewhere and they fell asleep and didn't notice the robot went the wrong way and the person would end on the complete opposite side of a town or even a country. You never know how smart the car can be. And if it was up to me I would not be one of those people who would buy a driverless car.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Seagoing Cowboys is a program that people recommend you join and this is why. Luke Bomberger is trying to convince others to join the Seagoing Program because you get to help peolpe in need,experience new things,and visit tourist sites in different areas.\n\nFirst,you should join this because you get to help peolpe in need. Luke helped people after World War II was over in Europe recover their food supplies, animals,and much more. Another way that he helped is he took care of people's horses,young cows,and mules that were shipped overseas by himself.\n\nSecondly, you can experience new things. Luke first took care of the animals on a ship and after that he was a night watchman. On the boat he got to play baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed with the cowboys. He also got to do table-tennis tournaments, boxing, fencing, reading, whittling, and other games.\n\nLastly,you an visit tourist sites. Luke got to visit an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China. He also got to take a gondola ride in Venice,Italy. Lastly,on his way he got to see the Acropolis in Greece.\n\nNow you can see why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys. From helping people in need, experiencing new things, to visiting tourist sites. Now you know what program you can join after hgih school, in the future.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn 1976, a single image of Mars taken by a NASA spacecraft blew the world's mind. It depicted a gigantic face on Mars. Of course we understood that people would be shocked. In fact, we told the public that it was only a natural formation, and the conspiracy theorists came along with their new story. They accused us of hiding the fact that there was an alien civilization on the Red Planet, and that the picture is a monument. All we want to do here at NASA is inform skeptics that they are severely mistaken.\n\nFirst of all, we revealed the information because we wanted the public to be informed, and we wanted to not hide anything. All the skeptics should stop and realize that us revealing partial information is just illogical. If we revealed the picture, it's because we wanted people to know about it. As we said earlier, the face-type shape is \"formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.\" We gave you the full truth.\n\nAs well as us giving you full information, we actually would be glad to tell the public about ancient martian civilizations. NASA would benefit greatly from something like that. You see, we aren't getting funded as well as we would like. So something as interesting as alien life-forms would definitely get us more money to explore more. Simply put, the public's thirst for exciting information would drive the government to fund us. Unfortunately, the face is just a creation of nature, but we'll be more than glad to inform you if we ever find signs of alien life.\n\nIn addition to the fact that NASA is always glad to provide information, we took very clear pictures that show just a desolate mound of rock that is naturally made. We took three pictures of the face. One was in 1976, the next in 1998, and the last in 2001. Jim Garvin (of NASA) explained that the newest pictures would show things such as man-made pyramids and villages. Of course, those would prove the face to be man-made as well. However, such things aren't seen in any of the pictures.\n\nOverall, we know that there will always be people that don't believe in the facts. However, there is solid evidence (such as witnesses and pictures) to back us up. They all point to the \"face\" being a natural formation. I hope that this essay has helped eliminate doubt in the public. Just remember, NASA is glad to inform you of any signs of alien life when we find it.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Seagoing Cowboys program is the best around, we travel alot over seas to help others. You can also go sightseeing along the way! You get the thrill of seeing new things and helping those in need.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy is a unbelievable opprotunity for anyone! Including me, a small town boy that worked on a farm. When my freind Don Reist invited me to Europe on a cattle-boat I could not help myself, I had to go! When I first go onto the boat I was a little nervous but over time I got more acustomed to the life on the boat. I went to many places including Greece, Europe, China, Crete, and Italy!\n\nLife on the boat is mostly fun! But there are some dangers too, I fell off a slippery ladder and I went feet first to the Atlantic. Luckily I got caught in a strip of metal on the side of the ship, but I could not worked because of cracked ribs. Joining the Seagoing Cowboys would satisfy your thirst for adventure. But being in the program also involves hard work, and if you are wanting to help others in need than that work must be done.\n\nYou have to feed and care to the animals on board, and if you do that then you can also find time to have fun! You can play games like Table-Tennis, fencing, Boxing, baseball, and volleyball! I loved caring to the animals and having fun whilst doing so.\n\nI was in the Seagoing Cowboys the most of any one. I made nine trips and I was discharged in 1947. I liked being in the Seagoing Cowboys, it revealed a world of people in need. That awareness stayed with me which led my family to host many international students and exchange visitors for years.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless Cars Are Coming\n\nIf the factories made driverless cars I think they would be dangerous, because you can be sitting back on your phone while the car is driving for you thinking it's safe. Then out of no where your car crashes because it made a signal that there was a work zone ahead but you were to busy on your phone and you crash. That's dangerous, also what if the cars way of getting the drivers attention doesn't work when it is needed and there is a big crash, that is even more dangerous.\n\nIt can also be a good thing to invest in because of the special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. Some people will ignore that because they feel that they safe because of the driverless car. That is not the case it is almost driverless but not fully, because you still have to keep your eyes on the road and listen for the signals the car gives you. You still have to drive the car and watch for precausions. The GM has developed a seat that vibrates when the car is in danger of backing into something, that is a good thing for reversing and parralel parking. The car also announces when the driver should be prepared to take over, they are also considering putting flashing lights on the windshield so the car can be seen better at night. The driverless car also has a camera built into it so it can watch the driver and make sure he or she is focused on the road at all times. but the driver also has to watch the road.\n\nI would not recommend this car to people who are lazy or does not pay attention to signs because it would be putting other people in danger because of their lack of attention. I think this car deserves a class to be tooken before you are allowed to get the car to make sure you meet the requirements. This car can be a danger to the world or a great and safer way to drive for the world, it all depends on you.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author presents the idea and supports it very well with all of this information that he has provided and mentioned in this exerpt. Getting samples from Venus could be quite beneficial to us humans in furthing our space exploration and devolping more advanced and harder to breach technology and systems. Scientists predicted that Venus may have once been covered in oceans on the surface and been like earth a very long time ago. In paragraph four the author states that,\"If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to it's surface? Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\" If we could get artifacts or samples of soil we could be able to discover out of this world (literally) species that could help us further more understand what Venus used to look like and the type of life that could have been on it. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (or NASA) has been working on new types of systems that could be able to withstand the harsh conditions presented on Venus, by using old space type Mechinical computers. If they could use those they would be way more durable and wouldn't require any electricity at all furthermore extending the time we could stay on Venus. You probably ask why don't we just hover above the planet and just take photos. Well here's the problem, the 97% carbon dixoide atmosphere and most forms of light cannot penerate through the thick atmosphere, rending photos and videos virtually impossible. Our curious humans minds bring us closer and closer to exploring the mysterious planet. Only time will tell what we will invent and what we will learn from this beautiful planet. That's if we go back.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBeing a seagoing cowboy is great because I travel to lots of places such as: China, Europe, and lots more places.\n\nSeagoing Cowboys take care of horses, cows, and mules that were shipped oversea. Also a benefit for being a Seagoing Cowboy is that you travel by sea to China, Europe, Greeece, and Italy. On a Seagoing Cowboy's free time they play Baseball and Volleyball. They also had tournaments such as Table tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games to help pass time. One disadvantage in being a Seagoing Cowboy is that you are suck in sea, so you can get sea sick, Also the animals can get hard to handle from time to time.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy is great because of the place you go to. Also the stuff you do on the ship like games. However, being a Seagoing Cowboy is to help out on the World War II by exporting animales and crates of food and stuff to other places.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are the main cause of pollution in major cities. Cities are covered in smog from gas emmisions from a car's exhaust. This is not good for the environment. Something must be done about this. If the usage of cars is cut down, then the amout of pollution in the air will be less. A less usage of cars allows people to have a clean community and helps the environment.\n\nIn Germany, there is a small community that is completely car-free. This community, Vauban, has about 5,500 residents, and not a single one of them use a car. This community is very clean and all of the people that live there are happy. Just think, what if every family in Vauban had a car? It would completely change this happy, clean community. There would be a lot more pollution and more stressful citizens. More and more small towns are beginning to ditch the cars for walking and taking a bicycle.\n\nMore cities are starting to have car-free days to help with the pollution problems that are caused\u00a0by automobile engines. Examples of these cities include Paris, France and Bogota, Colombia. Pollution is starting to be a big problem in big cities like these, so they have decided to take action. Pollution is destroying our atmosphere. The gases that are released from the exhaust of car engines slowly deteriorates the layer of atmosphere of our world.\u00a0If cars begin to be frequently used like they are now, the atmosphere may become damaged beyond the condition for being fixed. Earth only has one atmosphere, so once it's gone, we can't get it back.\n\nPeople in the United States are beginning to cut back on the number of people who drive cars. The U.S. has been one of the leading country with the number of people who drive cars and the amount of pollution, but people have been taking action and going for a greener alternative. In the fourth passage it says, \"A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009.\" A lot of people between 16 and 39 do not even have a driver's license. People are starting to take public transportation and carpool instead of driving their vehicles from point A to point B. With more and more people doing this, it just lessens the amount of emmisions in the atmsophere more. America has passed it prime for driving because of the more and more who are taking action in making a change in the health of our world.\n\nIn conclusion, there are many reasons that we should start to lessen the amount of people driving on the road. It just causes pollution and makes the health and well- being of others and the earth worse. People are already beginning to make a change, but we need more than there is to make a difference.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\" A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009\". Limiting the use of cars from people is a great thing to consider. Cutting down the use of cars would reduce harmful toxins in the air that hurt our enviroment and help people save money.\n\nReduceing the car use of people today would help out our enviroment. To illistrate, smog is a seriosu problem, \"cold nights and warm days caused the warm layer of air to trap car emissions\"(Duffer, 15). The smog is not good for our enviroment, therefore we should cut down the use of cars to cut down the amouhnt of smog produced. If we maintain our Earth the way it needs to stay healthy then it wouldnt have lots of issues. Keeping up with the no car use \"sociologist believe it will-it will have benifical implications for carbon emissions and the enviroment\"( Rosenthal ,34). America's second largest cause for emissions is transportation. We should completely stop or dirastically reduce the amount of car use. These new changes will help our enviroment stay clean and save our Earth.\n\nAnother example of why we should controll the car use is because it will save people money. Now that \"118 miles of bicycle paths\" (Selsky, 27) have been made people wont have to drive cars. Cars cost a lot more money than a simple bicycle does. You also dont have to maintain a bicycle as much as you do a car.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIf professors were able to read their students emotions through their facial expressions from a computer, it would very well help the students in the long run and the teacher to make improvements. This kind of technology will help students and teachers form a better trust, help make teaching improvements, and learning improvements. A computer able to do that, will be valuable to all teachers and to those who want to better their education.\n\nEven when someone fakes an expression, the zygomatic major and the risorius (facial muscles) will tell so. If a student were to perhaps lie after being confronted for cheating, the computer would be able to read his facial expressions and tell if it is geniune or not. With a computer reading yours and others facial expressions daily, it may help the classroom build a better trust with eachother. The computer will tell their true emotions, even when some try to hide it.\n\nWhen the professor is teaching something that the students may not understand, they will be confused. Sometimes the teacher is so deep into the learning lesson, they will not realize when some students are not understanding. A computer will help by reading their facial expressions and send a message to the teacher explaining so, then they can realize they either need to slow down or go over it again. This helps the teacher understand the progress of where their students are at and how to better their teaching.\n\nWhen a subject has caused students to grow bored, the computer will send a message to the teacher and he may make it more interesting, or change it up a bit. Said by Dr. Huang, \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communications..\".\n\nSometimes students will not raise their hand when they have a question or are confused to avoid making themselves look foolish for not knowing. The teacher may take in consideration from the message sent from the computer that he needs call out on those students, getting them more involved. This will help shy students better their learning possibilities.\n\nIn conclusion, technology that is able to read facial expressions and tell how that person is feeling will improve all learning schools. The technology helps build a stronger trust, since the technology makes it impossible for people to hide their emotions. It will also value students and teachers, helping improve their learning zones.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wanted to help people in need?\n\nAre you a charity sort of person? Do you like seeing a battery of people happy? If you said yes to any of these, you're in luck. We have a job for you. My name's Luke and I was in the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nI know what your thinking, \"What is a Seagoing Cowboy?\" well I'll tell you. You get to travel around the world, look at all new types of animals, and try new foods. I've gone on these kinds of trips before, and trust me it's fun. You help people get back to their normal lives before the war. You'll look after their animals, such as horses, young cows, and mules.\n\nYour life in America might be perfect, but every three seconds a child or adult dies in another country. So help out, pull your weight. We need to step up to the challenge and make a difference. The world isn't as perfect as you thought it was. You don't just help people. You change their point of view.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator:\n\nI think that the Electoral College should be changed to a popular vote. I have many reasons to believe that our system of choosing our president is corrupt. It needs to be layed out more clearly as to how to president should be chosen. It's not fair that some states have more electors than others based on population, we should all get a say as to who should become president.\n\nThe Electoral College is layed out in a way that states with a higher populous have more electors in the Electoral College. Even worse than that, if Florida, for example, were to win the Democratic vote for the state, the Democratic party would win all 29 electors. I think that if we should keep the Electoral College that the votes should at least be distributed evenly amongst all of the electors.\n\nIn 2000, Gore won more individual votes while Bush won the Electoral College votes. We ended up having a whole fiasco as to who should be elected president for that reason. It'd be alot easier if we had a more direct system of voting for president. The winner-take-all system is what helped Bush win the 2000 election, even though those votes were gained indirectly by a majority rule. It's almost like we don't even have to vote anymore and just let the Electoral College take all of our votes away.\n\nThat's why I think that the Electoral College should be changed to a more direct rule of electing the president. About 60% percent of people agree that we should change our system of electing the president. I hope to see the Electoral College changed.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face is just a natural landform. That is it. There are no aliens so therefore, aliens could not have created it. There is a landform on Earth that is similar to it and we are not aliens nor did we create it. It is the equivalent of a butte or mesa. Stop saying aliens created it because they did not because aliens are not real. \"What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West.'It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,' says Garvin. 'That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.' \" \" 'As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital 3 times bigger than the pixel size, ' he added. 'So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-styled pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were.' \" So an answer to this question, ladies and gentlemen, is why the Face on Mars is just landfrom.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nUsing technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is just wrong. People are already feeling like they are being watched through their technology as is, and this would only validate that we don't have any privacy.\n\nTechnology just keeps growing and getting more advanced. We have robots that can cook, and cars that can drive themselves. While all of this can make our lives easier, you have to wonder where what these robots see goes. Today, there is a huge issue of privacy from the government. Almost all of our devices have cameras in them now, and we might not be the only ones who can see through them. With this facial expression recognition, it would only prove that we are being watched. I'm sure that some, if not all of the computers data gets observed by a human at some point, which means that you don't really know who is watching your every move.\n\nNot only is this technology a threat to just your personal privacy, it could end up being a threat to your life. If someone has access to see through your computer, who knows what else they can access. So much of our lives are put on our computers with us trusting that noting will happen to that information. The article says that the technology can react to your face when you see certain ads on websites, which means that they are most likely able to see what is on the screen. Say you are logged into your bank account and switch over to another website that has an ad on it, while your bank tab is still open. Someone may be able to see that bank account information and rob you of your money. This example can be applied to many other things as well, like your credit card infomation if you buy anything online, or social sercurity number. At any time i'm sure this technology could also pinpoint your exact location, and if that gets put into the wrong hands by chance, yous ands your friends and families could potentially be in danger from an in-home robbery, or even possibly a murderer. Even in classrooms, the school's information could be hacked and threatened, so is it really even worth the risk?\n\nI can see the positive side of this technology. The artuicle talks about how it can react and change ads based on your face, and even modify lesson plans for children in school, but unfortunatley the bad outweighs the good. There is too much of a risk of what can be seen, and who has access to that information, even if it is used in classrooms to help students.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Eploring Venus,\" the author supports the idea that Venus is a worthy planet for exploration. Even though it is very dangerous to explore he/she explains how Venus might be one of the planets humans will want to vist because it could hold secrets to our planets birth and death. Then they tell in full detail how we could possibly vist Venus safely. These few key details help the author build and support the suggested idea that we should vist Venus.\n\nFirst we must know that going to Venus will not be easy for humans to do. In the text the author writes,\"A thick Atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highy corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.\" This further proves that Venus is going to be a serious challenge for man kind to vist because of the crazy condtions humans will have to face.\n\nIn order to vist venus safely we need to be able to plan a way to survive Venus's extreme conditions. In the text the author provides examples of how humans will do so such as,\"The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above roiling Venusian landscape. Just as our Jet airplains travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying out of their way.\" This futher proves that traveling to Venus in the furture is possible. Also that scientists are coming up with ways on how we can safely get to Venus's surface.\n\nMost importantly Venus could help us understnad more about space. In the text the author writes,\"If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientists even discussing further vists to its surface? Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\" This point further proves that Venus is a place humans should want to explore because it could hold answers for Earths begginings and how it might end. Also Venus could hold secrets about our universes beggining and end.\n\nIn concusion the author proves that Venus should be further investigated because even though it faces many dangers it is possible to vist. Also visting Venus could give humans valuble information on our planets life as well as unlock keys to how our universe could have begun and is going to end. The author does more than an perfect job at telling why humans should go to Venus.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis \"face marking\" on Mars is just a natural landform. Scientist discovered Mars many years ago and they did not see no signs of life on this planet or this face was not see on this planet. How can a \"face\" just natural appear of Mars when no one is on there?\n\nWhy would NASA hide a big discovery of something like this to the people. If NASA found out or new there were any signs of life on Mars, I would expect there to be a newcast of that or somehting else in that matter.\n\nSome Scientist believe that it is alien made structure, but other scientist believe it is just a land formation. It is just a land formation because, shadows are making up its nose, eyes, and mouth. Others believe it is a butte or a mesa, which are land formations around the American West. The image of the \"face\" looks just like a hill or rounded very small mountaion top. The \"face\" even has changed over the years. Many things change by erosion or the weather,so i believe it is just a mesa that has changed over the years. The markings were not hidden by some kind of an \"alien haze\" it was simply the weather. Planets other than earth have diferent kind of weathers also. There is something in the United States that is simulaur to the \"face\", it is a small lava doom and it is the same height as the \"face\".\n\nScientist believed that there is somekind of an alien face on Mars, but there isnt it is just a mesa or a butte. Which is a small landmass. If there was an ancient civilization or still life on Mars, we would be able to see it, unless they are just great at hinding. Even if there were civilzations on Mars wouldn't we be able to see more artifacts? The land mass has also changed in the pass years, probably by ersion or wether. There is also shadows that are reflectind over the land mass, to show its distinct characterristics, like the nose, mouth, and eyes.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe views of having cars that drive without the driver actually having some sort of interaction is crazy. Three main points im going to discuss are, what are possible promblems that we'll face, what would happen if the vechile is involved in an accdient, and where would the cars today go.\n\nWhat are possible promblems we could face? Some problems are could face are that where would we get the pieces to fix the car. Where would the car work best on the cement road or does ot have to be a specific road. What if someone cant afford the car. I'll be honest i think the cost fir a vehicle so well advanced and luxurious would be hard to keep maintained. Its already hard enough for us to keep our vehicle up to date. Just imagagine a typical Audi that is normal, leather seats, back up camera, and bluetooth. That Audi would only cost\n\nbit over $25,000. Now imagine an Audi with those same features, the cost may go a nit higher. In conclusion i think its redicuolis for a car to cost a lost more fo the same features except it drives its own self.\n\nWhat would or may happen if a driveless car gets into an accdient? I would think that the car would have the fault because it should have sensors that should detect where and when the vechile is in danger. It also shouldnt make the driver accontable for what happened. If the vechile crashed thats on the manufacturers part. They should be aware of whats happening with the vechile beforenhand. The driver purchesed the vechile because they trust that the manufacture knows that the specific vechile has been tested in every element and that its been proven safe for any human being to drive. All in all my point is that if a crash happens it should be the manufactures fault because the vechile should be safe enough to drive.\n\nWhere the cars from today go? If the cars that are driveless come into the picture of the future would cars from today still be around for those who cant afford it. They would still possibly be around but they would have a seprate lane for them. Which isnt really fair but still. They wouldnhave some sort of sticker indicating what kind of car they are, but why would you want to have a sticker that indetifes what specific car you have. I would think that the cars still look the same but instead have some sort of indificton saying what kind it is. I hate how they would do something like that. It propstrious . In my words nothing not even cars should be judged.\n\nIn conclusion no matter what ends up happining in the futue lets just hope that all those things listed above happen. It would be cool if something like that happen. Will it? I have no clue but what do i personaly think of this whole topic. Well it sounds like an interesting idea of this happening and if it does happen it would have its flaws and it would have its amazing outputs. Ill be honest something this exciting, interesting, and cool would be interesting to have.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAuto-mobiles have been used as the average use of transpotation ever since the\n\nWas there any other reason to use anything other than a car after that, no not really but now there are. After so many decades there arrives three valid reasons to limit the average joes use of their motor vehicle. One, you can reduce the smog build up in your cities, two; as well as smog greenhouse gases heavy up on areas in the Earths atmosphere but can be helped, three; people use public transportaion more as well as riding their bikes and walking. if you can limit your selves on car use, you can create a better tomorow.\n\nFirst off, reducing smog in your area. smog is generated out of the tail pipes of motor vehicles and is bad for the enviroment and atmosphere. with limiting your daily car commute you can remove a good part from your area. when Paris had ordered that only plates that only odd number plates could drive on the roads on monday their large smog cloud of 147 micrograms of PM per cubic meter smog was greatly reduce and lifted the following day. so just one day of cutting the daily car commute in half a city as big as Paris was able to lift a smog.\n\nmoving along, the green house gases. Green house gases a like smog is a by product of driving your every day car to and fro work. green house gases are dangeours chemical gases that eat away at earths Ozone layer letting in UV rays that can be very harmful to you and the rest of the ecosystem. Bogata recently had a car free day in which no one was allowed to drive motor vehicles except for buses and taxis. their goal was to promote alternative uses of transportation as well as lowering the amount of green house gases let into Earths atmosphere. doing something like what bogata can help cut down on all the harsh chemicals being let off into the atmosphere.\n\nlastly, finding other sources of transportaion other than every day car. finding another way of getting around is great for the community, it keeps you healthy and the earth healthy. Vauban germany is actually a car free city, it does not have roads on which you can drive upon but only a main street. everything that is needed in the town is no longer a car ride away but a bike ride away or a walk down the road resulting in a very community both people and ecosystem. as well as that is also saves people money not haveing to buy or a car for that matter. now think on how it would be like if your city did this and how much it would benefir from it.\n\nIn conclusion, having a car free day or banning about half the cars from driving on one day is not a bad thing but instead a good thing. once again you can reduce the smog, you ca even help keep green house gases out of the atmosphere, and for the last time find other healthier ways of getting around. so to ask the simple question why would you not limit your everyday car use.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThink of how many car crashes a day steal loved ones away from us. Think of all the mothers and fathers, sons and duaghters, and friends that are gone as the result of someone's careless mistake. The resaons behind most crashes is plain old human error. Well, what if we removed human error from the equation? If we take the driver away from the wheel and put them in the passesnger side, imagine how drastically the rate of crashes would decrease.\n\nIn todays modern world of advanced technology, we already have cars that can nearly drive themsleves. As the artical points out, there are cars that can drive themselves except when complecations arise such as traffic jams and roadblocks. Google's Toyota Prius has multiple sensors that moniter the area around the car and allows the car to funtcion as if there was a driver behind the wheel. Sensors can also allow the car to brake faster than a human could in emergencies and reduce the power of the engine.\n\nThe laws reguarding computer driven cars are all concerned about saftey, as they should be. Although, if a company, such as googlel, could create a perfect driverless car, shouldn't those laws be changed instead to any driverless car must be thouroughly tested and cleared by an organization or group not apart of the company itself to make sure there are no problems whatsoever. Also, in the event of any accedent caused by the car, the blame should undesputibly fall onto the company. The risk of crash would be outweighed by the benefits of driverless cars, though. Even in the event of an unlikely crash, there would still be fewer crashes than ever before.\n\nAnother benefit driverless cars offer is the time saved. How many of us have been late to work, a meeting, or school bescause of traffic? Traffic is genereally cause by wrecks or roadwork. While roadwork cannot really be avoided, with driverless cars, there would be nearly no wrecks at all. Then no one would need to sit in a mile long traffic jam as someone else gets their promotion at work becasue they are not there. Also, no one would miss their turn or get stopped for running a red light and have to wait to get their ticket. As the saying goes, time is money.\n\nEven thoug a toatlly driverless car has not been invented, we are very close. Along with the extra safety that comes with humans no longer driving, time wil be saved, along with money. Las wouold aslo be changed so that the passengers in the car would not be to fualt in the instence of an unlikley crash. With driverless cars on the rise, we have a safer, more adnaced future ahead of us.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAlthough we would all love to find out that we are not the only ones living in the vast empty space that is our galaxy, but we just haven't come close to finding out that we are.\n\nThe pictures of the giant 2-mile long face taken on Mars sparked a lot of attention.\n\nEspecially conspiracy theorists.\n\nCausing all kinds of accusations against NASA and if the face found on Mars was alien or not.\n\nThere are plenty of reasons why this land formation is natural. Such as, the image, taken plenty of times, revealed no alien artifacts or marking that would seem unusual to NASA's Mars Global Survey team.\n\nThe land form is called a mesa, which is found commonly in the American West.\n\nAlso, saying that NASA is hiding the real alien information would make no sense, it could benefit them exponentially.\n\nThe landform, when first captured on photo, triggered skeptics. Saying the image should be retaken due to the low quality. When retaken, they were, of course, not satisfied. When the final image was taken, it revealed no artifacts. A disappointment to not only those conspiracy theorists, but to NASA too.\n\nThe name of the landform, was uncommonly known, as a mesa.\n\nA mesa is a naturally occuring landform that resembles the characeristics of a face. They form from collapsed lava domes or my the simple means of erosion. They are commonly found in the American West. One famous one that resembles the Face on Mars, as said by Jim Garvin, chief scientist on the Mars Exploration Program, is Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. It is an odditiy to see.\n\nWhen faced with all the vidence, people began questioning if NASA was hiding the evidence. NASA has made clear that they did not hide anything. NASA supporters have also brought up the simple fact that proving alien life is real could benefit NASA. They would have no reason to hide it and the government could not benefit from hiding this information either. The discovery could get them funding for future expeditions and further discoveries.\n\nThe evidence is plain and simple. Alien life on Mars is not there. WHIle many still believe and argue more. The famous face is a landform, discovered through muliple images and NASA has said they have no reason to hide anything from the public. We have the right to know everything.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think how America has been using the electoral college all wrong. How would people without cars get around without the electorla college? Many people rely on the electoral college to get to and from work, some people use it to get their kids from school, and homeless people gotta sleep somewhere. The electoral college is something that all of us have relied on the electoral college at least once. I think if the big J in the sky were still here he'd use the electoral college too. That's probably where he'd preform all his miracles and such. I think Jesus would ride and preform his miracles here because what better place is there to preform miracles? A place where mostly poor people go to get to and fro? Sounds like where the messiah would spend his time.\n\nI also think the electoral college is a corrupt system that merely provides the illusion to Americans that we have some actual power in our government, and it shows the real underbelly of the capitalist pig system that is America. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. Viva la reveultion. Illuminati is real.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDoes the electoral college work? I don't think so, but some people may. I think the United States should not keep the Electoral College and should chose the president by popular vote. I think they should use popular vote for a many of reasons but I'm only going to explain a few of my reasons now.\n\nMy first reason is that, under the electoral college, voters do not vote for who they think should be president but for electors who vote for them. I dont think this is right because the electors they chose may not choose the person they wanted. I think it's unfair. Voters should vote for the person they think should be president.\n\nMy next reason is that the electoal votes may tie. If this happens, the election will be turned to the House of Represenitives, which would then vote on the president and the Senate would choose the vice-president. I think this is unfair because I also think they should let the public vote. I just don't agree with someone voting on some one to vote for you.\n\nFinally, I think the electoral college is just simply unfair to voters. It's unfair because if candidates don't think they have a chance in a state they don;t spent much time there. They focus more on the places they have more of a chance of winning. During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see candidates at all and voters in 25 of the largest markets in the United states didn't see a single campain ad.\n\nThe electoral college is unfair to the public. I think they should abolish the electoral college and vote on the president by popular vote. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much in reality. Just think about it, it would be a lot more fair to people if they did away with the electoral college and just used popular vote.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBeing able to read the expression's of people would actually be good in so many ways, but at the same time it wouldn't, being able to see what a person is feeling could be good for schools in the way that teachers could see if students are enjoying the way they teach or if they just get bored.\n\nThe article it's self shows everyone how facs could benefit everything so much more, especially in school where teacher need to check how students see their class from it being boring to it being fun it would always be good to see what they are actually feeling instead of just assuming that they enjoy it. In the article it\n\nsays \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored\" this could really benefit schools all around the world. It could really help other things like people that get sent to jail you could see if they are actually guilty or not and this is actually trust worthy because if it worked on a painting it will work on a person\n\nIn conclusion facs could really benefit the world a lot more than some people may think from schools to other areas like jail or even people that have patients with depression and all of those jobs that involve emotions.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSome people say that \"The Face on Mars\" is something that was built by ancient aliens, much like the theories that people come up with about the structures on Earth. Some people have even stated that the \"aliens\" could be trying to cover it up by hiding it during the time they take it. Then there are the firm believers that this is just a land mass that consists of the surroundings and resembles a mesa type biome. Since there have been developments over time, showing the different variations of the \"face\" and what it has become over the years. There are different arguements and different points of view, but there are different time periods with different variations of the same thing, so it will be proven that is is a natural land mass, and not a martian made structure.\n\nThere is a lot of things that points toward this being a natural land mass and that it is not a Martian made structure, or that the Government is trying to cover it up. One thing that shows that it is a natural structure is when the article states, \"Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough aroud Cydonia...\" This means that there are multiple things like this, but the only things that make this one different is the fact that is has \"unusual shadows\" in it that make it look human or like a structure that was built. After this happened and people got news of it and figured out it wasn't real, the Conspiracy Theorists came out and made it seem like a cover up, but this isn't true, because NASA could have gotten publicity from it, as well as many funds. This mesa is no different from anything that we have in Western United States, there we have many mesas that could look equally as strange, but we don't bother, because we want to believe that there is other life, or that there is something strange going on in other planets.\n\nOver the years, the images of this land mass have gotten more and more clear, and we have come to realize, that no, it is not a face, but it is a large point with shadowy parts in it. From the picture from 1976, it is really blurry, and you can't really tell what it is, which is what got people hopes up and thought it may be a structure, due to the shadows and the formation around it. The 1998 one is a bit clearer, but it still is a bit unclear of what it is or could be, because it does look like it could be something like the Sphinx in Egypt, but with the same formation around it. The 2001 image looks way more clear, and this one shows something completely different than what we expected, it is just a regular mesa, with cracks, dips and shadows, and the same formation around it as before. There is something you can tell about the 2001 picture though, if you look closely, it is the same image as all the others, because you can see the dips in it where the \"eyes\" and \"mouth\" are, just more clear so they don't really show up, and since everything is more clear, you can see the cracks, which could have added to the effect.\n\nEven after all of the theories that were made, and NASA defending themselves, as well as people trying to prove them wrong, and prove that there was something that the government did to cover it up. All of this could still be fought, who knows, there could be life out there somewhere besides on Earth, but as of now, there is no proof, and this image will still remain a natural land structure. Some people are dissapointed by this, others are motivated to keep moving and possibly one day find some signs of life, so maybe humans would be prepped and set in case of disaster. There is nothing wrong with personal opinions, but for the most part and from what pictures and plenty of evidence have proven, this is still no more than a natural occurence do to the way land forms over time. So even though people may keep looking for any signs of something that could be a conspiracy, or you just want to find something \"supernatural\" or strange, but the fact stands that there are many thing like this, and just because it is on a different planet, does not make it anymore special, and it doesn't make it any different.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this article \" The Challenge of Exploring venus.\" By the author. The author taking about the venus. Venus is panet in the sky. Venus also called the \" evening star\" is one of the brightest point of the light in the night. Venus is the closet planet to the earth. In solr system, venus is the second planet from the sun. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets vens. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. Venus has high pressure and heat.\n\nVenus geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes. Venus has a surface of rock sediment and insludes familiar features valleys, mountains, craters. Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit. Venus solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed earth levels. Not eay conditions, but survivable for humans.\n\nsometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus. Because venus is sometimes right around the corner in space. Venus was covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like eath. Venus has still features that are analogous to those on earth. In the sky different types of planet. Maybe there are ten planet in the sky. Earth is the fourth planet in the sky. Venus has Maybe 2 solar system. Venus close to the earth.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nShould we or should we not we should use computers to help identify emotions is up for debate, but in \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" by Nick D'Alto, he explains some new tech and why we should use computers to help us see emotions more clearly. D'Alto explains reasonons why they are useful in ways such as ads that can tell if you like them or not, education and telling of kids are confused or bored, and some other possible things this new technology could help with. However, I believe that even with all of our technology and advancements in many fields of it, we should not use it to help find emotions for us.\n\nHuman emotions are a very complex thing, and with that complexity it makes computers not very useful, even with their algorithims and equations. In paragraph 3 D'Alto explains how the process works \"The process begins... must move like human muscles...Eckman has classified six basic emotions...your frontalis pars lateralis... raises your eyebrows when you're surprised.\" This is a pretty interesting way of seeing emotions and a very complicated one. However D'Alto writes \"your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger.\" What he doesnt adress is other people face shaps, such as if you have naturaly small lips it doesnt mean that your angry, or that simply raising you eyebrow in a photograph means you're surprised, maybe the person is just striking a pose and nothing more. With all the people in the world, and all of them being different its hard to tell if the comupter will be able to read all of their emotions accuratly or at all.\n\nNext, D'Alto explains to us that we use this calculation (reading people emotions) every day in paragraph 5. He says \"Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc.\" In this statement he says that humans themselfs have a hard time decribing emotions on the face and what they mean sometimes. If you really think about this if we cannot describe emotions and we're the ones doing them, why should we believe a computer thats coded, by us, will be able to? Its not an easy thing to do, and even with psychologist such as Dr. Paul Eckman its a seemingly impossible task to get a non emotion giving machine the ability to read emotions, accurately.\n\nIn the article \"Making Mona Lise Smile\" Author Nick D'Alto writes about new tech and why is should be used. He provides some evidence and reasonings for things that this new technology could possibly improve or do for us. However D'Alto does not show the counter arguement in his article, and doesnt give any information on how this new tech could fail, or not work very well. Its hard to tell where computers and technology will go in the future, but with this I can say that its a almost impossible job to give a computer, not able to feel emotion, the ability to read them accuratly. Its an interesting idea to give computers and machines to ability to read emotions and possibly other advancements. But only time will tell if this new technology will be able to read our emotions. This technology could possibly put us on a path to understanding more about ourselfs, or it might fail and a new technology will start to be developed and worked on in its place. The dabate on if computers and machines reading human emotions and many other things is a big one, and only time will tell where it will end up.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of facial technology in a classroom is a fantastic idea. If a teacher knows how a student is feeling maybe behavior problems could be avoided. Test scores could start to rise because if a teacher knows how you are feeling maybe they can adjust their teaching a little, so you might understand more. Just think of all the possibilities that could happen if a school used facial technology.\n\nStudents get angry throughout the day and so do teachers. If you are hiding you are not angry and then one thing tips your boat, that can cause a big scene to occur. With the new facial technology things like this could be avoided because whoever is in your classroom would know how you are feeling today. It might even be a good thing to use this technology on teachers, not just students. Teachers get angry and upset too, so using this technology could help a student know that their techer is struggling a little bit and maybe to give him or her an easier day. This could also allow the students to help better the teachers mood so things may get a little better for him or her.\n\nNow test scores could really benefit from this new technology. If a tecaher knows when a student is bored or confused then the lesson could become modified. The teacher would know that maybe one student or even the whole class is not understanding what is being taught. The teacher could then do whatever they think is right and try and fic the lesson. At the bottom of paragraph two Dr. Huang says what I stated in the sentence above. Think about it, test scores would sky rocket if teachers knew that a student was still confused, but maybe was afriad to ask a question. If the techers also knows a student is afraid to ask a question then that could help the teacher know to maybe boost the student's cofidence more. If a teacher could find all of that out maybe he or she could simply run through the lesson again or ask the student if he or she might need a little extra help. In paragraph three is says that this technology can already identify six basic emotions and fear is one, so if more emotion are learned and recongnized then the teacher could really help solve a problem. Many possibilities could and will come with this technology.\n\nStudents could use this not only with teachers, but also with their friends. Kids tend to joke around and not realize when they are hurting someones feelings. This could allow these kids to know when too far has occured. Like almost all kids some are afraid to stand up and say that something has hurt their feelings. This new technology may help the problems with bullying. Maybe the bystanders of the bullying would see how truly upset the attacked person is feeling. Kids do a really good job at pretending things do not hurt them, but in reality they hurt them a lot. I know the article does not say anything about this but this is a huge possibility this could be used for. We want to help kids so why not do it this way.\n\nThis technology would help so much in a school. many problems occur in schools, that could potentionally be bypassed with this technology. Students and teachers could all benefit from this technology. Who is to say that if it works in a school that more advancements could come out of this new technology. We have no idea what the future holds, but this could be a big part of our future and helping us to unerstand each other a little more.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhile one may think a driverless car is ideal for everyday transportation. Many others may think its not a nessicary improvment at all. Focusing on the disadvantages of this \"driverless car\" leaves one to look further into detail on the new developments and ask themselves how useful could this possibly be to me and my everyday routune.Doing so allows one to think logically on why it might not be the best idea.\n\nThrought the passage the author gives several examples on how benificial this car could be to mankind. Saying that, it also gives a smorgashboard of nonbenificial and somewhat hastling examples. In paragraph 2 in states that \" television and movies have long been fascinated with cars that could drive themselves....\" implying that our society is intreuiged by the idea of a driverless car, but that response is immediatley followed up with \" ....in reality, google has had cars that could drive independently under certain conditions since 2009.\" . I'd like to point out the fact that we've had driverless cars for 7 years now,\n\nand although\n\ncar companies are making more improvments to the cars we use today, we are still left with accomindations under specific conditions we have to inforce in order to safley drive.\n\nParagraph 3 refrences General motors car company, and engineers at Berkeley trying to improve this idea of a driverless car. They've gone a step further and created a concept car that could run on a special test track embedded with an electrical cable, corresponding with the concept car. Shorty in the same paragraph it explains\" ...These smart cars worked surprisingly well, but they requuiered massive upgrades to exsisting roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical.\". By saying that it allows us readers to understand how much thought is being but into this\n\nproject, and even though it was a great idea sometimes you have to think logically.\n\nIn paragraphs 6-7 it argues the advantage of roadside assisting. This paragraph explains very specific details of what the \"driverless car\" can do for you, such as: \" speacial touch sensors, self stirring, accelerate, and brakes.\" These addded details could be helpful in certain situations such as traffic, construction sites, ect. But is stated shortly after that under these specfic condtions tour \"driverless car\" can be of no assistance. At this point we'd then have to take conrol of the car and deal with all theses agonizing, everday problems.\n\nso in conclusion a \"driverless car\" is meant to be benificial, but what is it actually helping you with?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriveless cars come with some benifits but alot more negatives. The negatives are very costly and could put a lot of people in danger. Driveless cars could not only cause alot confusion and contraversy between manufacters and customers, but can also affect the roads, rules, and laws of the road.\n\nIf driveless cars were to be put into action these cars would have to be incredibly smart and be able to function and respond to thier suroundings such as other cars and .pedestrians. This could cost alot of money to make happen and would also put the driver and other people at risk if it were to glitch. If an accident were to happen because of a faliure of a driveless car, alot of controversy between the manufacturer and the customer would heat up. Not only that, but more accidents would be most likely to happen if the roads are split between driveless cars and driven cars. Laws would probaly be past to seprate driven and non-driven cars on the road costing more money to build more roads or ways to transport using driveless cars.\n\nNot only would there be alot of money being invested into driveless cars, but also alot of advanced technology, and even the passing of new laws to prevent roads to get to crowed and to prevent accidents. Driveless cars are not a good idea becasue of all the negatives and all the risk involved.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you want an adventure of a life time? If you do then the Seagoing Cowboys program is right for you! Hello I am Luke Bomberger and I'm going to tell you all about why you should be a member of the Seagoing Cowboys program.\n\nOne reason you should join is that you travel around the world. You can see lots of historical artifacts and great tourist destinations. Once I saw a excavated castle in Crete. Does that sound amazing? Well that wasn't all I saw the Panama Canal on the way to China. Is that marvelous or what!\n\nIf seeing the world isn't enough for you then helping others should. You can help millions of people just two to four weeks trip at a time. People need all the care they can get. Almost everything was lost in the war, and we can hlep with giving them cows, horses, and more. If we give them these animal it will also give them hope.\n\nI am sure that last reson should have sold you over, but just to make sure I'll give you one more. Caring for the animals. Who doesn't like animals? I mean come on they are just like us, living things. Being living things, they need tending to. Like food, water, and a friend. That friend could be you.\n\nThere you have it three great reasons to join the Seagoing Cowboys program. Oh, and I almost forgot that when you done with your job, and are heading home the whole crew plays games. Example would be like baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, boxing, and a whole bunch of other games. If I were you I would already be saying \"Deal!\" Although it's your decision. What do you say worth a try?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" some people say it's worth to study Venus is a worthy to pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Exploring Venus would be a great and exciting adventure, to find new things and learn more on what's beyond the Earth. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our system.\n\nVenus might be just some other Earth like planet, but we do not know what the danger could do to us, is it worth it? Yes, because we humans were born to explore and find out new ways to live a good and entertained life. We keep our blogs updated everyday, is a new day. Humans, cannot obtain life on Venus because of the conditions are far more extreme than on Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth, this planet has a rokcy surface and includes some familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.\n\nNASA are trying to approache Venus, without any warm if tha's possible then we could have another planet to explore. Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us in the many equally intimidating endeavors. Though we travels far and explored far, we still need to continue on to our very edges of our imagination and innovation. Nature will let us determind if we can continue our journey, the universe will let us if we can or not. Continueing on studying Venus would be the greatest project that has ever been created on history.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs technology advances in a very constant and remarkable fasion, many new innovations begin to reveal themselves. While we still might be waiting for the next flying car or teleporter, several smaller, yet very significant, inventions have presented themselves. An example of this is a computer software that is able to identify and recognize emotions. Profesor Thomas Huang from the Beckman Institute for Advance Science at the Univeristy of Illinois created this software in hopes of changing the world for the better, but is it really that great? Among the several other practical uses, Huang says that the use of this technology in the classroom can be the most important. Overall the use of emotional recognition has the potential to be useful due to the ability to change the lesson based on mood, and alter mood based on the current your current status, but overall would not be 100% effective due to the spiratic qualities of humans.\n\nDr. Huang, the inventor of the emotional recognition, claims there could be huge advancements in the education system due to his new technology. In a time of computer screens, video games, and the newest iphone students have trouble beign lectured for six hours a day. Dr. Huang's main goal is to put a computer with the lesson plans and his software in front of a computer so that it can do the teaching, effectivly. If a student begins to get bored and their zygomatic major muscles begin to relax and visibly show the boredom setting in, Dr Huang's computer software would be able to recognize and alter the lesson to be more engaging to the student. This would easily work for many other situations, if a student is sad the lesson could use brighter colors and better diction to create an enviorment where the student is not distracted and wants to learn. Nick D'Alto describes a situation where a student becomes very confused and does not know what they are doing and how to do it, but with the use of Dr Huang's technology the lesson could be changed and break down to easier steps to correctly compensate for the confusion.\n\nOverall, the use of Dr. Huang's software to change a lesson would be very useful in improving the learning enviorment for the students who will go on to create equally as innovative new mechanism in the future.\n\nSecondly, the software can be used to help change the mood of a student in order to boost morale as well as create an enviorment where the student wants to learn. In this day and age there are so many things for a student to be passionate about, such as: sports, video games, friends, and so much more. This is very good in the sense of passion but ultimately takes away from the desire to learn and become successful in school. Often times a student comes into school with the worst mood possible, hating every second of it, but Dr. Huang could change things up. For example if a student comes into school angry Dr. Huang's facial coding system would be able to create an enviorment where the lesson becomes more like a game for the student to play and enjoy while at the same time learning the content.\n\nIf a student comes into school depressed, it could be the job of the system to recognize this, notify someone, and help them be happy.\n\nDr. Huang's invention creates a short cut in seeing how someone feels through science. At times people are too afraid to ask ,\"Are you okay?\". The use of this software can go straight to the aiding of someone without even having to think twice. In the end, emotions create roadblocks for students to learn and the use of Dr. Huang's technolgy can identify and help break them down so that a kid can be a normanl kid again.\n\nAlthough Dr. Huang's software is extremly useful, things can often be a little more complicate than what technology can actually be good for. While the identifying of emotions is very useful, the actual action of neutralizing them can be beyond the machine. For example, if a student is crying their eyes out with no sign of stopping, I am pretty sure a change in the lesson will not help calm that student. If a student is so mad that they just want to break the computer and storm off, no change in the lessons music, colors, or diction is going to be able to fix that. In general an actual human is what each student needs to be there for them. The warmth of a hug or simple hand on the shoulder can change the outlook on a students entire emotional status. The fact that an actual teacher cares is more than enough to allow the teacher to keep teaching. Overall Dr. Huangs software is incredibly useful to identify emotional change but really can not help deal with most situations like a teacher would.\n\nIn conclusion Dr. Huang's software holds its value in it's ability to read emotions and alter the lesson as well as alter the mood of a student in need, but is very limited in how it can help a student get through their troubles. The use of Dr. Huang's technolgy in the classroom will definately lead to advances in student comprehension but for the many individuals that need more than a computer for sypathy, the program most likely will not work.", "label": 6}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat is it? \"Unmasking the Face on Mars\" is an article that explains to us what the face on Mars actually is. The \"face\" on Mars is actually a type of landform called a mesa. It was proven to us by the revealing in 1998 and the 2001 image.\n\nOn April 5, 1998, the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia while Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) took pictures of the landform. The pictures were ten times sharper than the one picture the Vikings had revealed. When the image had first appeared on the JPL wedsite, thousands of anxious web surfers were disappointed. The image revealed that the \"face\" was actually a natural landform. \"There was no alien monument after all.\"\n\nIt was a cloudless summer day in Cydonia on April 8, 2001, when the Mars Global Surveyor was able to get close enough to the landform to snap a picture. \"We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field view,\" said Garvin. The team had captured a clear picture using the camera's maximum resolution. \"Each pixel in 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo.\" That image proved all those wrong of who thought of it to be a \"face.\"\n\nSo, the \"face\" on Mars is actually a type of lanfrom called a mesa due to the revealing in 1998 and the 2001 image. Both of those images proved to us that the \"face\" was not a face or an alien monument, but an actual landform. Also, if your able to comapre it to another landform, like in paragraph 12, then you understand it pretty well to know what it actually is if you've done the research.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI, Luke Bombeger, crossed the atlantic ocean 16 times out of my life. I wanted to help people in need, and I did. I am proud to be a seagoing cow boy.\n\nI wanted to help people who were affected by the war. Sure, there were many hardships. And at one point I almost died. But it is all worth it. I got to help many people, and I also helped solve the food problem in Europe.\n\nOn the boat trips I had to care for many animals, it kept me busy, but it was good to do work. When the animals were unloaded, we would play around in the stalls and play games. It was a good time with my team mates.\n\nI encourage you to be a seagoing cowboy. I had so many good oppurtunities and I helped so many people. I feel blessed to go from country to country and help others in need. If you help, I think you might be surprised at how much you can accomplish in life.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nbeing aale to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable.\n\nI believe if a student is struggling then they will find the most productive way out of how they are struggling, doing anything to gain some sort of happiness when they are down. it is there business and privacy, I never think that should be put into jeproady. It is impossible to detect 100% how someone is feeling, and I don't think that some new technology is going to change that. Nothing can detect how someone is emotionally feeling, facial expressions don't show emotions. Anyone can fake a smile and that thing be thrown off. Nothing can be said with a \"calculation\" I don't believe that a computer can tell how I feel based upon the looks of my smile, We have all taken a picture with someone we may not want to, but we toughed the smile out in that, this will be no different. Although, facial expressions are univeral based upon the emotion, people can manipulate the system and they will. The whole thing seems very orgainzed, like when the articel states that quote \"Eckman has classified six basic emotions - happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. That is truly breathtaking, and almost too good to be true.\n\nbut I just think students will rebel when they have something can show how they feel, becasue that computer cannot get into the minds of some people, and truly help them, when someone who is visibly there, and physically there can help them out so much more. Some students will love this feature if it ever gets adapted, but most will rebel, and dislike school even more than some of them already do.\n\nEmotional expressions are how someone feels, and thinks about anything, a computer will never be able to tell me how to feel or think, and some corny ad for a youtube video will not change me if something truly drastic is affecting me, I think that the entire production of the FACS is magnificent, and truly admirable.\n\nI just think in this date and age that you cannot influence someone on how they think, or how they feel. If someone is happy, you should continue to let them go with the flow, and do there own thing, not crowd them with a computer that could potentially know how they feel, although I find that very unlikely, I am an optimist and hope that I can find reviews about this thing one day.\n\nI don't think I'd truly ever wanna know how some people feel, the thought is somewhat scary.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that if technology could read students emotional expressions, it would make things easy to find out if someone is upset, mad, happy, and much more. So if someone was to be depressed and they do the best they could to hide it from many people even their family members or friends. So what im tying to say is that if technology could actually help detect those types emotions it could stop people from hurting them selfs. Because many people have comittide sucide due to depression or hate, so if the technology could read the students emotions or anyone one else's then it could prevent stuff like suicide or someone going after someone else. Technology could help people find ways to stop things like that from ever happening so I think the value of using technology like that could help many people out and save a life, a whole lot of lives.\n\nLike in the article it talked about how they wanted know the emotions The Mona Lisa had, right? Well by havingn that type of technology, it could tell us all the emotions that The Mona Lise had. In the artical it even said that, by using all 44 major muscles in the model of a human like muscles a person has in real life it could help detect the emotions a person has and it would also tell about the emotions a painting could of had or does. It should be a very helpful pice of technology that could help change many things and help others give a smile to someone who is feeling sad or mad about something.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are a definite possability for the future, However there are many issues that need to be addressed before driverless cars go national. Having a fully driverless car is not possible as of right now. As of right now, the closest to a driverless car is, a car that requires hands on the stering wheel by the driver. These cars can stear, accelerate,and brake themselves, but every one of these cars are designed to notify the driver when the road requires a human driver. These cars can not drive through construction sites and the scence of accidents by themselves. So this requires drivers to always be alert when in a driverless cars. Threre are many issues that need to be addressed before driverless cars can be released to the public.\n\nOne issue that needs to be addressed before driverless cars are national, is what will the car do when it arrives where there is constrution in the road. Will the car know if it has to take a detour or will it try to continue on the orginal path that it knows. This can cause an issue because if a road is closed due to constrution, the car may not be able to find another way around and could cause damage to the passengers, the car, and any constrution workers on site. BMW has created a \"Traffic Jam Assisant\" car that can drive by itself to spends up to 25mph. This car however requires that the driver's hands be on the wheel at all time. Before driverless cars are a thing this issue needs to be addressed.\n\nAnother issue that needs to be addressed is what will happen if this car crashes. Who is to blame? The driver, or the car manufactuer? These cars would need some way of letting the authorites know if the crash was due to driver error or manufacture error. If this issue is not addressed there could possibly many lawsuits out for the driver responsible of the car or the manufacture. As of right now. Only three states and the Diatrict of Colimbia allow semi-autonomous cars. In other states these cars are illegal. Before these cars are able to be driven publicly, there is a need for new traffic laws to be put into place. These cars are liability risk, and this issue needs to be addressed before they should be allowed on the public roads.\n\nDriverless cars are defiently a thing of the future. They are possible as some are already created and driving, however not one of these cars is one hundred percent driverless. BMW \"Traffic Jam Assistant\" requires a drivers hand on the wheel at all times. There are many issues that need to be addressed before these cars should be allowed on public roads. There need to be laws put into place for these cars, because as of right now these cars a libablity risk. There are only three states plus the District of Columbia that allow thses cars to be driven and tested. More states will legalize these cars once they are proven to be reliably safe. In order to have these cars avaliable to the public, authoriteies would have to be able to tell who was responsible for a crash. If there is a crash with one of these cars, would it be the drivers fault or the manufacture. This is a big issue that needs to be addressed, because if we are not able to tell who or what caused these driverless cars to crash, there could be many law suits of the driver sueing the manufacturer. Or a victim from a crash sueing the driver or manufacturer. Before driverless cars are avaliable to the public this issues needs to be addressd so it gives authority to knpw if the driver is to blame of the manufacturer. All in all driverless cars is something that this generation is capable of doing, however these cars are not hundred percent driverless yet. One hundred percent driverless cars will probably something that comes in the next generation not this one. Manufactures such as Tesla are projecting to have a driverless car by 2016. However this car will be able to drive on autopilot for about 90 percent of the time not 100 percent. Other car companies are planning on having these cars by 2020. But before any driverless cars are put on public roads some issuess not to be addressed to keep driver safe, manufactures safe and the public safe.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn my opinion, driverless cars would be extremely dangerous in certain situations. Especially with teenagers drivers. This invention could have a very bad outcome. Cars without drivers is pointless to me. How will cars know where to go how to get there? How will they be able to detect when there is a pedestrian trying to cross? Driving should not be made easier for our community because it is a part of everyday life.\n\nCitizens will only become lazier and have no urge or motivation to not only drive but all other natural things. A car that drives it self will only make our country worse no better. It is cool when we see cars driving themselves in movie and on television, but is it really worth it? There are many pros and cons of this particular topic. Prod are there would be a lower rate of deaths and car related injuries because not many people would be driving. As citizens we also have to think about the small percent on people that could possibly be driving. What if a car without a driver had a malfunction and went out of control. I think the result of this situation could be far more dangerous than two drivers colliding.\n\nAs a teenager working to get my listens and start driving, cars that drive themselves are not very smart. I think driverless cars is just another way of asking for more conflict and death rates in our country. inbelieve the industry is trying to make electronics too much like humans. They are trying to make these products almost impossible to work, and in the long run lives will be lost. Then th question will be, \"What should we do now? This was supposed to work.\" In my opinion technology is far too advanced now then it should be. I can only imagine what it will be like in five to ten years. I just hope driverless cars will not be in the near future.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nResons that you should be apart of this woud be to many. the good part about this is that you get to help and that this is a once and a lifetime opporunity. the good resons that you need to sign up for this is that you can spend time with your friends and play sports while the animals are gone.\n\nI think that they should come because this is a once and a lifetime oppourtunity. The reson that they shoud come is simple they should come because the sights that the town people will miss is astounding. Another reson is they should come because the feel of the free ness\n\nyou can have when you do this is magnifisant. The reson you should come is that you get to hang out with your friends like in paragraph 8 Luke said \"The cowboys played baseball and volly ball in the empty holds where animals had been housed.\n\nThe most exiting reson that you should come is the sights that you will see like in paragraph 5 when Luck says \" I had the side benifit of seeing Europe and china.\" \"This would be a great opportunity for a town boy like me\" he says. The time you spend on the boat will be awsome and the people you will meet and the places you will go will be spectacular.\n\nAnother reson would be that you get to help peopel and care for them after this awfull thing that has happned to them. The reson that you should sign up is that you can help them get the things that they need and to travle the world france,greece,china and Europe. The best reson of all that you should go on this journy is that you can get the oppourtunity to be apart of something to help the greater.\n\nThe resons that were listed were great ones that you should sign up and be apart of something good. To help these people would be a great thing to do and for yourself. To see all these sights would be over welming and breathtaking. The thrill of going to new places would be amazing and hanging out with your friends would be awsoe to. You can see the world and go places that you would never seen if you did not sign up for this. The best part is that you get to make trips as Luck says \"By the time he was discarged in 1947 he had already made 9 trips, the ost of any seagoing cowboy\" That would be good because Each shipment would be less than a month.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents adequately well. The author uses factual information and describes some of the reasons why studying Venus would be rewarding. The author states \"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system\" in paragraph 4. By including the information from the quote above, the author allows the reader to understand why studying Venus would be beneficial and crucial for further planetary study. The author also states a feasible idea that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) thought of for studying Venus in the following quote \"The National Aeronatics and Space Administration (NASA) has one particular idea for sending humans to study Venus.\" in Paragraph 5. The author then continues to explain the idea, which can be possibly sucessful and would allow for Venus to be studied. Through the explanation of this idea, the author shows that despite the dangers presented Venus can still be studied safely. The author concludes the article with the following quote \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\" from paragraph 8. This statement is tenaciously powerful in that it empowers the reader to not be afraid of the dangers and doubts presented by studying Venus, but rather be inspired to think of solutions to overcome the said dangers and doubts. All in all, because of the factual information and examples of ways to study Venus, the author argued the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents very well.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYes, the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable, because many student will come into the classroom with sad face and nobody will know what is wrong with them but with the Facial Action Coding System, everybody will know what is wrong with a person if he/she is sad in class, And is not everybody that feel happy everyday but with this kind of technology we will be able to know what is wrong with them and we will make sure they feel happy.\n\nIn paragraph 5 the author say that in fact, we humans perform this same impressive \"caculation\" everyday. For instance, you can probably tell how your friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. But some people can tell how a person feel but only the person friend and that is not good but with the Facial Action Coding System evrybody will be able to tell how a person feel not only the person friend.\n\nIn paragraph 6 it say that a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored and that will make the teacher find something that will u feel happy and keep u busy. But without the Facial Action Coding System the teacher will not be able to know what is wrong with a student is either they are confused or bored she won't be able to tell becuase she can't know how the student feel but with the computer the teacher can see if the students are happy or not and they are not happy she will be able to find a way to make them happy.\n\nSo the Facial Action Coding System will be valuable in classroom so the teacher can know the feeling of his student.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The reason why I say this is because\n\nScientists keep on finding more way to study and to go to Venus. The excerpt explains that scientists are looking into making vehicles hovering over Veuns so that they could avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of the way. Many of the researchers are working on the innovations that would allow the machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to there knowledge of venus.\n\nScientists are seeking to confuct the mission to understand venus therefore they would need to get up close and personal despite all the risks. The conditions are as far more ectreme than anything humans enconutered on the earth; such as environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts and the scientists are willing to take risks to find more things about Venus. Veuns is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear state senator,\n\nI dont think it is very fair that you tell people there vote counts but what a lot of people dont know is that it doesn't. Instead it consists of 538 electoral voters who use the majority rule to elect the president. There are millions of voters who are just wasting there time on election day voting on who they think should be president. Did you know over 60 percent of voters prefer a direct election over a electoral college. 60 percent!\n\nThat's majority rule right there and you still havn't done anything about it. When people vote they are voting for the president not for a slate of electors. Not only is that false advertising but it's wrong. Vote for president Obama the signs say but do they really mean it? I guess not.\n\nJust think if you were a voter and you thought it counted. i think you should change from the electoral college to the popular vote. Look what the electoral college has made for presidents over the past century. George Bush went to war with irag and Afghanistan making us far into dept. Then they voted for Obama who is taking over 20 TRILLION DOLLARS from China, and how does he expect to pay them back?\n\nVery simple, he is just gonna brush it off like nothing is happening and wait for re-election and pass the dept off to the new president. So, if popular vote was now going on i think the public would be better at deciding whether or not one person deserves to be president more then the other. Ill let you decide.\n\nSincerely,\n\nPROPER_NAME.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear state senator,The Electoral College is an American process that is unfair and is getting over on people every election by possibly voting for people that whould not like the President whe're voting for to be in office. If I'm American and my country is having an Presidential election i would like to vote for the President that i think is suitable to be in office but to know that i cuold possibly be voting for people who are not going to choose my selection is displeas ing.\n\nSome people say that the Electoral College restores some of the weight in political balance that large states (by population) lose by the virtue of the mal-apportionment of the senate decreed in the constitution. But by saying that they're basically saying that they dont trust the Citizens in big state's to know what they're doing when voting for a President. Buy changing the election to popular vote you're letting the people know that theire vote realy does count instead of us basically voting for the people that are going to vote for us. A strong reason why i favor the abolishment of the Electoral College is because the president is chosen by the people (citizens of america) instead another group of people chosing for you i mean its like they think those are the only people in the united states.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that driverless cars are definatley an option for transportation in the future for us. However, as much as it would decrease our pollution and fuel consumption, it would take far too long to settle out cases whenever accidents do happen. I think there would be more problems than that as well. With smart cars driving on the roads, there would most likely need to be smart roads for the cars to drive on. Lastly, the cost of a smart car, with all the technology that comes with it, would be far too expensive for the average citizen to purchase.\n\nWith new technology comes problems and errors in the technology. With cars driving on public roads at highway speeds, any problem could result in a big accident. If those problems were to occur, there would be piles upon piles or settlement cases needing to be worked out. Companies manufacturing these cars would be losing popularity and money when these accidents occur. Also, the question running through everyone's minds will be, \"Who's fault is it?\" People would be raging if they had to pay the bills of an accident if they were not even driving it.\n\nAs stated in the article, driverless cars will most likely need smart roads with built-in sensors in them, to operate. If that's the case, only major interstates and\n\nhighways will have smartcars. Unless the country gets enough money to make smart cars drive in every road in America. Which would probably cost billions and trillions of dollars. I do not think an country for that matter is ready for an expense like that. For me, it is just something i cannot see happening anytime soon.\n\nIn the article, \"Driverless Cars Are Coming,\" it says that a driver will most likely need to be in the drivers seat in case of an emergency. However, how is it possible for a driver to be focused on what is going on if they are not physically driving the car. It does say in the artical that manufacturers could include montitors for the drivers to watch somthing while they sit in the driver's seat. But with all of this technology, how is an everday working man supposed to be able to afford one of these cars? I would expect one of these cars to cost twice as much as a brand new car today. I do not think it will be that popular if they are not cheap enough for anyone to buy.\n\nAs I mentioned above, there are many problems that could occur if these driverless smart cars would be put on the roads. The problem of who's fault is it would be the biggest. As for a problem for the cities and states, the cost of the roads would definately hurt them. Also for the everyday citizen, the cost of buying one of these cars would be a feat in itself. I do think driverless cars are something we should reach for, but I do think we should wait on that until all the the problems that come with it are settled.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCan you imagine a time in the future when cars are intelluctually capble of driving theirselves?In the Article\"Driverless Cars are Coming,\"the author effectively argues both the positive and negative aspects of driverless cars..The author uses rhetorical devices such as Logos and Pathos to prove both of his aspects correct on the use of driverless cars.A society in which we enable the use of driverless cars would fundamentally change the world.\n\nLogos,a rhetorical device that is defined as logic appeal or facts, is an effective way the author shows how driveless cars would benefit society.He envisions a future where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transportation taxi system.Inquiring how a very important sensor called The Dubbed LIDAR creates a 3-D model of the car's surroundings.This emphasizes how the sensor is just as effective as a human.The author states \"the comination of all this input is neccessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel.\" Driverless cars implements the act of safety and are reponsive to inactivity of the driver.The author reveals,'In 2013,BMW announced the development of \"traffic Jam Assitant.\" \"The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph,but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel.'Logos is just one of many ways the author effectively shows how \"Driverless Cars\" help benefit society.\n\nPathos, another rhetorical device that is defined as emotional appeal is another effective way the author shows how driverless cars would benefit society.The author goes on to say informaton systems and car entertainment systems are now able to be used effectively delivering heads-up displays.This could decrease the number of accidents caused by texting a nd driving.The author states the display systems are \"soething not availabe to drivers trying to text with a cell phone.\" \"In this way,the in-car system is actually a safety feature,and safety is a big concern.\"Emotions are drawn when talking about the disdfunctional aspects of the producr.The author states \"Idf the technology fails and someone is injured,whos is at fault-the driver or the manuafacturer?\"This may spark interest with emotion because it has to do with the safety of the public.I believe the laws for the release of the \"Driverless Cars\" should be passed.Pathos was one of the many other ways the author effectively shows how \"Driverless Cars\" help benefit society.\n\nA society in which we enable the use of driverless cars would fundamentally change the world.Is something I belive the author effectively proved.HIs facts and evidence clearly stoody behind the points he created.The \"Driverless Cars\" would definitely help improve society as a whole.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThink of this, \"car-free cities\". To about 90 percent of Americans this idea may sound outrageously retarded. why? well, for those who own a car their car is extremely important to them because it's their form of transportation, but also think of the harm that cars have done in just the past decades. Our global warming levels have rose dramatically and cars are one of the so many reasons. Not just that, think of all the deaths that have been involved with car accidents. All this can be stopped if we learn how to manage our car usage.\n\nI'm not saying that cars should be banned or not used at all in our country, but we most definitely do need to be less dependent on our cars. Some places have already started the movement of car-free cities like in VAUBAN, Germany. They have given up their cars and have adjusted to a whole new life style. In the article \"car-free cities\" paragraph 3, a women named Heidrun Walter shares her opinion. \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way.\" Not only can it be beneficial, but some people actually like the idea.\n\nNow lets think of air pollution that has rose our global warming levels. If you were to ask someone \"what's the biggest reason for global warming\"? The first thing that would come to mind to almost everyone would be air pollution caused by cars. This isn't just in the US, this is going on everywhere in the world, but some places are finding solutions for this problem. For example, in the article \"Paris bans driving due to smog\" paragraph 1, it says \"After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city\". That's a perfect example of limiting car usage that can be extremely beneficial to us and our earth.\n\nSome people may ask, \"how can you limit your car usage\" Well, you can ride your bike to work, take public transportation, and also walk. Riding your bike to work or walking to where you need to go can be an advantage to yourself. Many Americans are so inactive due to their cars because it can take you anywhere, but if you go out and walk or ride a bike to where you're going you're helping yourself out, and no it's not like you have to do it every day, but its just a way that we can manage our car usage and it would be more helpful than you think.\n\nIf we all take that big step and want to make a difference to our earth and its air pollution, we can achieve it. We don't necessarily have to be \"car-free\" we just all have to learn how to manage our car usage to make the big help. There would be less air pollution, our global warming levels would drop, there could be less car accidents, and less deaths. These advantages of limiting our car usage could just about save our lives and our earth.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this article, the author talks about how the Facial Action Coding system works by analyzing the movement of facial muscles to enterprate human emotion. This kind of technology would be useful in many situations, especially in a classroom setting. Schools can use this system to further understand the needs of students and find more effective ways to teach, based on the way a student feels. Kids that are too shy to speak their minds about a subject and ask for help could really benefit from this innovation. It allows for administrators and teachers to help out a child that looks confuzed in a subject.\n\nThe article states that \"A classroom computer could recognized when a students is confuzed or bored\". This allows for the computer program to modify the lesson in a way to create a more effective way of teaching.\n\nBecuase it can detect when a student is bored, it could also make the lesson more fun for the kids. This creates a postive stigma towards learning new things which build confidence and motivation. If more schools started using this technology, we would see a rise in test scores and attendance. This is true because more kids would want to learn.if it means that they are having fun while doing it.\n\nIn conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System is very useful in terms of creatng a better school environment for kids. It would detect things such as confusion or boredom which the schools can use to change the way kids learn for the better.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are quite helpful to an extent.\u00a0 According to Source 1, \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Witout Cars,\" the usuage of cars is beginning to derease. \"Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe\" says Elisabeth Rosenthal. Most of the bills that are being paid show that 80 percent of the Government's money is going towards the production of highways, while only 20 percent is going to other transport.\n\nAlthough not having cars around may eventually lead to an increase of time that it takes to get to different destinations, it also has many advantages. The smog around Paris has been said to be created by the amount of cars around the area. Paris put a partial ban on driving in order to reduce the amount of smog.\u00a0 On specific days, even-numbered license plates would not be allowed to travel, the owners of these vehicles were ordered to leave their cars at home athat day. If this order was not followed, the owners would be forced to pay a $31 fine. Drivers with odd-numbered license plates had to follow this same procedure the next day. The people of Paris had to alternate the days they could drive their cars.\u00a0 As said in Source 2, \"Almost 4,000 drivers were fined.\"\n\nNot allowing many cars on the roads causes there to be a significant decrease in the amount of traffic.\u00a0 In Paris, after they placed a partial ban on driving, \"Congestion was down 60 percent . . .\" Bogota then participated in what they call a \"Car-free Day.\" This led to no traffic jams, and only buses and taxis on the roads. The people in Bogota walked, skated, took a bike or a bus to work that day. Once again, violators had to pay a $25 fine. Andrew Selsky states that, \"The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog.\" This day became a big hit in Bogota, so Cali and Valedupar, two other Columbian cities,\u00a0 joined them in this successful event.\n\nThe United States is viewed as \"[O]ne of the world's prime car cultures.\" The US had the most amount of cars traveling on the roads per day. Slowly, the amount of cars are decreasing due to a rise in tunnel tolls. Also, According to Elisabeth Rosenthal, due to \"demographic shifts in the driving population . . . there has been a large drop in the percentage of 16-to 39- year-olds getting a license. . . .\"\u00a0 Between the years of 2001 and 2009, \"23 percent of young people driving decreased.\"", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThough the idea of driverless cars is not a new one, it is a now becoming a possibility. The cars we watched in movies and shows, will no longer need a screen to exist, in the near future. Driverless cars are not only now becoming a reality but may help decrease the amount of reckless driving that takes place on the road.\n\nThe advanced technology, used in these cars, can detect possible dangerous situations. These cars, can use its ability to control the power of the engine and to apply brakes to specific wheels, something the driver does not have the ability to do.\n\nThose against driverless cars may argue, that the driver may become bored and would become less alert once on the road. However, Some manufactures plan to add in car entertainment and information systems that gives the driver a heads up in times they may need to take over. In order for that driver to notice those notifications, they must be alert. Which means, cell phones have no choice but to be put to the side. Possibily making texting and driving a thing of the past.\n\nAnother concern posed, is how these cars would work, legally. In states such as, California, Nevada, and Florida, use of semi-automatic cars is limited and in states where it isn't who would be to blame in the event of an accident? The driver or the manufactuer? Laws will surely be put in to address these issues and similar issues have already occured. If a person's brakes fail to work, it usually isn't the driver's fault. So if the issue was programming, the manufacturer would be held liable. Also, those producing the cars are currently working to rarify the occurance of the technology failing on the driver.\n\nThe existence of driverless cars is expected to happen soon, with Tesla stating a 2016 realese and other manufactures predicting their releases in the year 2020.\n\nDriverless cars, may even drive us towards a future with less accidents, and more technological advances. We'll have to wait and see in which direction this will take us.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this essay Im going to be explainig about the advantage of limiting car\u00a0usage. First of all a man says that\u00a0when he had a car he was always tense. Now he says his more happier with out a car. Cras are good in some ways but bad in other ways because cars contaminate the air with the smoke. Their good because they take you places faster and more comftorble. But many European cities are not permiting cars, and they say is good for them. They live better now.\"All of our development since world war II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change,\" said David Goldberge.\n\nIn the United States, the Enviromental Protection Agency is promoting \"car reduce\" communities, and legislators are starting to act, if cautiously. I think that the United States should take reducing cars in consideration, too see how it goes. After five-days of intensifying smog... The smog rivaled Beijing, China wich is know as one of the most polluted cities in the world. So imagen what it would do in the United States. In Bogota, Colombia a program that set to spread to the others countries million of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car free day. Leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams. It was the third year that they been doing this. The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. For the first time other colimbian cities joined the event. We should have a Car-Free day here in the United states to see how it goes.\n\nAmerican behavior: recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer\u00a0licenses as each year goes by. Maybe these means people are getting over about the car fever. People should vote to have a car-free day. It would be good people would be less tens, they would get more excercise and pollution would dropp. This would be good for you and for me.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWorld War II has started in Europe and they need help. This is time that you can be a Seagoing Cowboy. You could go on a ship over the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. You can help countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more. 44 nations joined together to form the UNRRA, aka the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration and they have joined with us, the Seagoing Cowboys. We need help to save these countries, so come on down and sign up to become one.\n\nYou can get orders to go to places like New Orleans or Greece. You would have so much fun going there. And you would get free time after you finish. And you would need a partner to help you get the supplies out. At night, you'll need to be a watchman to keep on guard and also find the people you're trying to get to. So you need to be awake. You will need to your duty for these people. If you graduated from high school, you can join us like Luke and Don.\n\nYou can be a great person for those people in the countries. And for your free time, you can play table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and game to help pass the time. Your friends could beat you in those games.\n\nYou could have an adventure with us. Luke said, \"It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs\" and that is true. And that awareness stayed with him, leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years. You could be Luke as well by helping many people become saved by you and your partner.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you know that venus has similar features like earth? Venus is called the\u00a8Evening Star,\u00a8 because it is one of the brightest light in the sky. Also, did you know that venus is the second planet for the sun. Venus is like eath is has the same surface, mountans and much more.\n\nThis is to say that venus and earth used to look just alike back in the day but ass the years went by earth became more and more detailed,unlike venus In The Story\u00a8 The Challenge of Exploring Venus\u00a8, It states that \u00a8 Today venus still has some features that are analagous to those on earth.\"Without that being said venus and earth were once sisters until the other planets.\n\nHowever, NASA has thought about sending humans to venus to study the planet,because no one else will. The text states \u00a8NASA\u00b4s is the possible solution to hostle conditions on the surface of venus wouls allow scientists to float above the fray\u00a8. Which means the NASA want to be the first to send the humans up to study on the planet without landing on it.\n\nWhich means to make this happen the would need to figure out how the would make it up here in the text it says \u00a8 However peering at venus at aship obiting or hovering safely far abave the planet can provide only lines in sight.\n\nIn Conclusion, venus and earth are alike in many way but venus has unknown things thta NASA wants to discover and bring back to earth", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSimply think of a future in which a computer program is able to adjust itself to the needs of a student, a home-body, anyone, just by looking at their face. Imagine how powerful and monumental a change like that could be. There would be easier design of virtual lessons to individualize to each student, there's home computer use, such as playing calming music when the computer detects stress, and then there's better facial representation in things such as movies or video games, as our understanding of the expression of emotion and emotion itself grows. Although there are some concerns regarding it, the Facial Action Coding System can be slightly modified at worst if such concerns are not settled, and there are plenty of solution and measures to unwarrant such concerns.\n\nIn order for the a student to successfully learn through a lecture or a class, the number one way to ensure their overall growth as a student is maintain their engagement in whatever activity they're partaking in. One way virtual classes can become more interactive and individualized from person to person is with the Facial Action Coding System, a system that's capable of reading a person emotion through a complex algorithm and outputting a near exact description of their emotion. This kind of program could create a whole new level of interactivity in lessons by allowing a computer to be able to detect whether the student is engaged or bored, and adjusting the lesson accordingly.\n\nNot only that, but such a technology would also lead the way into a whole new level of interaction between computers and their users. For example, the Facial Action Coding System could lead the way in paving a path to more support from a computer. For instance, the use of such a program could allow a computer to detect the users emotion and be able to compensate or assist in stabilizing it, such as playing calming music when it detects its user is getting too stressed.\n\nLastly a computer with this amount of power would allow the gaming and movie industry to flourish, as a greater understanding and interpretation of emotion will lead to more advanced and more realistic CGI, allowing for more realistic representation and depiction of human faces, and more importantly, their emotion. This innovation could lead to a whole new level of realism and graphical enhancement for both games and movies alike.\n\nAlthough the Facial Action Coding System provides a large number of benefits, that's not to say there aren't many concerns related to it. One large one is likely the rising concern of granting the computer to much power over us in fear of some cataclysmic event. However, such an event will likely never occur, due to the simplicity of a solution in order to prevent it. Such a solution is as follows, simply put in place a safety feature to disable such a system, so as to prevent it from getting out of hand if the case arises.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System is overall an incredible advancement in the terms of video games, movies, and computer enhancement in general. Allowing for more individualization from person to person on how the computer is able to respond to their emotion, from individualized lessons similar to a human teacher, to more enhanced visual representation and expression of emotion in video games and movies.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am a scientist and I belivie that the Face on mars wasn't created by an alien. Looking at pictures I can see that the Face dosen't look like a human at all. In 1976 the Face was funny looking and later on in the years the Face blured out. It looks like a natural landform because people think just because it has eyes and a nose.\n\nAccording to the arictle states the scientist belived the Face was an alien artifact. But I think how would you that it's an alien the world has so many different fetures, and creatures everywhere you may never know. Even though know ones probaly every seen an alien before. It may have been the shape or form they way the ground grew, and it just turn out to look like a face.\n\nThen the found out on April 5,1998 that Micheal Mailn snapped a picture ten times finding out it was just a natural landform. I wounder why they thought that it was an alien. They got a camera on board to see if another may have poped up scientist checking it. If they would find one then it would be proof ,because now they have a camera on board to see.\n\nI think that the rule of thumb is great because you can't discren things in to image 3 times bigger. It may look like something that it's not and apper wrong to look like an creature. What the picture actually shows is Martian equivalent butte and it and the Amercian West landforms are both in comman. It's a lava dome that takes form of a islated mesa looking ,and having same hieght of the Face on Mars.\n\nI think that you shouldn't asume that something or someone is what it isn't. You always get facts and debate and reason more. And find out if your reascreah may have been wrong going thur the process. There mistake in the long run was making the image bigger than what it is was. I knew that it was a landform Face;because I don't belive in things like,vampires,zombie. Unsupernatural things unless there is facts clues evidence.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCould you ever imagine being in class and actually being genuinely interested or entertained? I know I couldn't. However, it might just be possible for the teacher to read you emotions and adjust the lesson for you. I am going to give you two reasons why I believe that using technology to read emotional expression of students in a classroom is highly valuable.\n\nOne reason this is valuable is so students do not get bored. One of the things that makes school not so fun for kinds is how uniteresting the lesson is. In paragraph 6 of an article tited \"Making Mona Lisa Smile,\" Dr, Huangs says \" A classroom computer could recongnize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor.\" With this technology you would never have to worry about another super boring lesson.\n\nAnother reason why this is valueable technology for classroom use is because teachers can see how the student is feeling about the lesson. In paragraph 6, it also states \" Imagine a computer knows when you're happy or sad. For example, if you smile when a web as appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if your frown, the next ad will be different.\" This could also be applied to a teacher. If the teacher sees that the lesson is making the students happy they can go on teaching the way they are teaching.\n\nNow, I have given you two reasons why using technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. This technology will definetly bring up the grades of students if they are throuroughly intertained, interested, and happy with what they are learning.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many advantages in limiting the amount of car usage. Many people seem to believe that if you do not drive everywhere, you can preserve the land and it is proven to reduce stress. Another advantage would be that the government wouldn't have to spend as much money on highways and other transport. There is a lot less congestion, and polution without the use of cars. These are all good examples of how ruducing the use of cars could be very good for the environment.\n\nTo expand on the theory that a car-free cities are a lot better for the environment, we can say they preserve lands and cause stress levels to be reduced. In the first article, \"In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars\", Heidrun Walter is quoted explaioning that he is \"much happier\" without a car in his life. He also states that when he did have a car, he was \"alway tense\". This seems to show stress levels going down, but that is only one example. In addition to stress levels, land preservation was also brought up. It is stated that without cars, roads and suburbs would be nicer and better for walking. Without cars, cities are also considered denser. Researchers are trying to conduct an experiment with a no car city and see how different and \"better\" life would be, to get more facts about it.\n\nNext, this car-free world could help save the government money. Studies shouw that in recent years, eighty percent of appropriations have gone to fixing and preserving highways for cars to continue driving on them safely. In additon to that eighty percent, twenty percent was provided for all the other ways for transportation, for example, buses. Without cars, we would be saving the government eighty percent of their money, holding on to the idea that areas would be kept in good shape without cars driving on them! Thats crazy!\n\nLastly, polution is a HUGE factor in this idea. Without cars, we would have a lot less polution and smog. In France, they have a few car-free cities and they states that without cars, sixty percent of smog levels went down in only 5 days! Fuel is blaimed for a lot of polution dailey and without cars, we could have a cleaner air and city in only a few days!\n\nIn conclusion, car-free cities could be a very good idea for some cities. We can make the air better, having less smog, spend less money, and have nicer land. These are only a few of the advantages to having a carless city. Even the limition of cars could help the environment in all these ways, you don't have to cut them out completely!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the artical, \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\"\n\nthe author feels that Venus is a \"worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents\", meaning no matter how dangerous Venus really is, he/she thinks it would still be a good idea to explore or even just get a better understanding of Venus.\n\nThe author goes into detail on how Venus is one of the closest plants to us, and is even the most earth like plant. They say Venus has vallys, mountins, craters, and even might have had water many years ago. They say how we haven't touch or landed on Venus in a few decades because the atmospher is so dangerous, and he/she wants us to try to be able to have life there on Venus.\n\nThe author says that venus is often refered to as earths twin, all because of the fetures it has, he/she then goes on to say that each and every previous misson was unmanned, and for a good reason, because no spacecraft survives a landing on mars for even a few hours. He/she says that Venus has a thick atmosphere that is almost 97% carbon, that just covers venus like a blanket, and that the temperature average on venus is over 800 degrees fahrenheit with a atmospheric pressur about 90 times greater that on earth. those conditions are much more extreame, and would take much more advanced technology.\n\nSo the author says that he/she thinks that exploring venus and being able to have life on venus again would be great, if we can get the technology that is required to be able to get up there and actually be able to land for more then a few hours. He/she also thinks that it would be great to be able to have life on Venus or have that as a back up eath. They go on to give us many deatils on how Venus is unsafe for our technology at the moment, and how hard it would be to get there and stay for a long time, but they also go to say a good start would be being able to just get samples of the gas or the rocks on Venus and jsut move on from that point on.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because although studying planet Venus is diffcult right now, we might have a chance soon in the future to get a spot of it really close.As a we all kmow right now, the author gaave us some facts about venus to support hi idea on Venus, planet Venus is the second planet away fro the sun, makinging it one of the hottest planet. Venus also is covered in 97 percent in carbon dioxide. Venus is also close to Earth just like Mars. Despite some of the problems of Venus, Earth and Venus are quite alike.\n\nPlanet Venus actually has about the same size and density of planet Earth, which it not only does it make scienctist interested but if gives many an idea of human life on Venus. The author supported his idea by giving examples, just like Earth Venus has physical feature just like earth such as valleys mountain and craters. Scentist believe that long ago planet Venus had living organisms like ocean and land just like earth on venus and despite its dangers, scentist can find a way to work aound the dangers. Some of the dangers are erupting volcanos, powerful earthquakes, and lightning.\n\nThe author includes scentist are now finding a way to avoid these problems but first they must find a way to keep studying earth but in a more efficent way. For now scienctist are studying on how keeping devices on Venus for a long period of time, but because of its heat and little energy that they have in Venus, its diffcult to find the right solution. The author supports his idea of worthy pursuit despite of the dangers because he includes the dangers and the possible living on Venus.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA new software has been developed that improves accuaracy in perceiving the emotions of others. This new software has promsing applications for a variety of industries. The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because it can make learning more interesting, it's accurate, and to develop better ways for humans and computers to communicate.\n\nUsing the Facial Action Coding System in a learning environment could help make education more interesting. To make learning more interesting, a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. The same technology can make computer -animated faces more expressive for video games or video surgery. Dr.Huang states,\"Most human communicaton is nonverbal,including emotial communication so computers need to understand that,too.\"\n\nThis means that computers would need to know nonverbal communication.\n\nAlong with making learning more interesting, the Facial Action Coding System is really accurate. The FACS begins when the computer constucts a 3-D computer model of the face. All 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. Dr.Paul Eckman classified six basic emotions and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles. Dr.Huang even observes artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help paint facial muscles precisely\n\nenough to convey specific emotions.\n\nIn addition of the FACS being accurate, it develops new ways for humans and computers to communicate. The FACS developed new ways to communicate in various ways. It tracks facial movements by weighing the different units. The software can identify mixed emotions. For example, if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different.\n\nIn conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. The use of this technology is valuable because it can make learning more interesting, it's accurate, and it develops better ways for humans and computers to communicate.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus, sometimes called the \"Evening Star,\" this nickname is mis leading since Venus is actually a planet in out solar system, Venus is the second planet from our sun.\n\nVenus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. Earth, Venus, and Mars, the other planetary neighbor orbit the sun at different speed that means that sometimes we are closer to Mars and sometimes to Venus.Venus is a dangerest place to go because the landing is not very good, humans have send spacecraft but they can't survived the landing for more than a few hours, in Venus is also too hot is the hottest surface temperature in our solar system, with a temperature over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and 90 times greater of atmospheric pressuere. Astronomers have curiosity for Venus because it's more like Earth in out solar system.\n\nIn conclusion I think that the author supports his idea by saying the good and bad things about Venus and it's worthy to study Venus.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear fellow citezens of America it has come to my attention that pollution in the United States is getting worse so I have a solution use cars less. It is simple, this will help cut pollution in the U.S as the second biggest polluting factor is gone and can actually help you with a better social life as well as helping rebuild the community.\n\nAs mentioned earlier,cars are the second leading cause of pollution in the U.S and cutting that will help stop some pollution by stopping one of the biigest causes. Stopping the use of cars will cut the carbon in the air and this in turn can lead to a healthier lifestyle as well. There are many neighborhoods that are car-less and we have recieved good results from said neighborhoods as well as car free day is becoming a hit in Columbia as well as other parts in central America. This will also make smog a less likely occurence as no car fumes are getting trapped therefore, cleaner, unpolluted air. This will help prevent the same pollution levels like in Paris pop up here.\n\nA life without cars can also posotivly affect the social lives of many people. As people are more likely to just walk and talk with freinds or just walk or bike to the park. people in car-less communitys like Vauban have even said they feel less stress now that they don't have cars. Young Americans have even started loseing intrests in cars and would rather take public transport or carpool with freinds then just take their own car. And as a result are tighter with their freinds and family then before.\n\nPeople who use cars for transport are less likely to use the sidewalk or ride their bike and as a result sidewalks and bike paths are uneven and ragged.\u00a0 Therefore without cars, things like disrepaired sidewalks or roads would come to our attention. For example Car Free Day in Columbia led to the repair of sidewalks and 118 miles of bike roads and more sport centers parks and shopping districts have started to pop up. Getting rid of cars can help us rebuild the community with more parks and public centers and hangouts. This will also lead to better security as less people will get hit by cars, less car accidents and overall better security.\n\nIn conclusion my fellow citezens, please consider makeing this community car-less. for their are many advantages for doing so in this community from the enviromental, to the social and to the health benefits.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever thought something was another thing when it wasn't? Have you ever had to let people down by telling them what it actually was? Surprisingly, NASA has done this before. NASA had sent one of its spacecrafts, the Viking 2, to search for their first protogy named the Viking 1. While it was in search for it the Viking 2 discovered what appeared to be a human face.\n\nNASA unveiled the picture of \"the human face\" for everyone to see. They thought it would be a good way to attract attention to Mars. And, sure enough it was! Everyone loved the idea of the \"Face on Mars\" so much that people started to write books about it, base movies on it, and people on talk shows would even make conversation on it! The only negative side was scientists didn't really believe the Face was actually alien artifact. And it was soon proved that it was only shadows that made it appear the shape of a human face. Scientist described the Face as just a mesa or a butte, and really it is nothing more uncommon than a natural landform. Even in the article they described the whole theory as just \"somthing funny\".\n\nPeople weren't very satisfied when NASA had to break the news that the \"Face on Mars\" was nothing more than science fiction. In conclusion it wasn't really anything interesting at all unless you find landforms all that and a bag of chips. The \"Face on Mars\" is now just a silly theory we made in the past and nothing more. There's no argument on weather it's real or not because most scientist to begin with were skeptical on the theory of it being an alien artifact. I hope this helped you understand what the \"Face on Mars\" really is.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever been interested in studying astronomy or space sciences. Well, across the nation, people who work for NASA expore space or study planets to find. Of the many planets in the solar system, this essay analyzes the planet Venus and why we should study it. In the article, The challenges of Exploring Venus, the author clearly supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by disscusing the three main reasons based on it's distance from Earth, Earth like features, and the possibility of sending a space mission there.\n\nFirst of all, the author clearly discusses that we should study Venus because it's similarity and proximity to Earth. The article states, \"Often referred to as Earth's\n\n\"twin\", \"Venus is the closest plannet to earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance\" (2). Based on this quote, this implies that Venus may have similar shape and size to earth. Because it's sometimes the closest distance to earth based on orbit, it may be the most convient to visit compared to the other planets in the solar system.\n\nThe next to study Venus is that scientists have found ways to send vehicles carrying humans to study Venus. The article explains how NASA has an idea of sending humans to study Venus when the article states, \"Imagine a blimp like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape\" (5). In this quote, this means that people would ride in a spacecraft close enough to Venus to see the surface. Also, the article contains an anology when it explains how \"a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and our of their way\" similar to how \"jet planes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms\" (5). Based on this quote, the view out of this spacecraft looking down at Venus may be similar to viewing out of a jetplane window on Earth, which is what you may expect out of this space journey.\n\nThe final reason to study Venus is because the planet has similar topography and may have had conditions similar to earth. The author clearly describes Earth's and Venus's similarity to Earth when the article says, \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like Earth. Because of the possibility that Venus has or used to support living, it would be worth studying Venus, which ties back to the main idea of why it's a worthy pursuit. If we find this to be true, then maybe one day we'll live on Venus.\n\nThe author did a great job of supporting the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit based on the ideas of Venus's proximity to Earth, the possibility of life on Venus, and building a vehicle to ship humans to explore Venus without landing on the surface. Maybe one day we'll actually push forward with this pursuit of studying Venus and find a way to possibly get there. Overall, studying astronomy may help us understand the uncertainty of our neighboring planets, which may give us the oppertunity to find another world to inhabit.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhy author suggests that studing Venus a worthy.I think author wanted to say, If people could not live Earth anymore, We could live Venus. Because referred to as Earth's \"twin,\" Venus is the clotest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the clotest in destance too. But Venus's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees, it is 90 times greater than what we experience on the Earth. I don't think we could live there.But NASA has one particulary compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus, not easy comditions, but survivale for humans.\n\nAuthor saids strining to meet challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also becaus human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet te vary edges of imagination and innovation.\n\nSo this article was author explain Venus's good points and bad points.\n\nIf we need move another planet, In my opinion Venus is better than any planet. Venus is close and similar to Earth.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBeing a seacowboy is amazing! I have been on nine trips and, it is the experience of a lifetime! We go around the world in ships taking care of the animals that are being shiped to other countries.\n\nYou will be given all the things you need, you just have to feed the animals and give them water, also sometimes clean the pens. The administaration you will be working for is the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration but, we usualy call it the UNRRA for short.\n\nAt this point you might be thinking why should I even join, it sounds like you do not have any fun? You do not just work all of the time you get to go sight seeing too. I saw things like the Acropolis in Greece, and took a gondala ride in Venice Italy where the streets are made of water! I toured an excavated castle and the Panama Canal also!\n\nAfter the animals are off the ship and you are returning you get to have fun then too! We did things like baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where the animals had been kept. We also had table tennis tournaments! Sometimes we did fencing, boxing, and other games to pass the time. If you want to just relax we did things like reading and whittling.\n\nI joined the sea cowboys and I loved it. I think you will too! This opportunity will not come again! So join now.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAlthough quite controversial, the pros of driverless cars far outweigh the cons. This modern marvel takes transportation to the next level and can potentially save millions of lives and dollars. Many states still hold laws that prevent or limit the use of these autonomous vehicles, but at this rapid rate of improvement, it won't be long before driverless cars roam the streets. The development of this newest form of techonology, driverless cars, will help to improve the world due to their reliability, cost effieciency, and safety.\n\nCurrently, there are many people out there who find autonomous vehicles untrustworthy and usafe, but with recent updates to techonology there shouldn't be any worries. Techonology such as sensors have been around for decades as stated in paragraph 5, \"In the 1980s, automakers used speed sensors at the wheels in the creation of antilock brakes\". This shows how long sensors have been around and that they are nothing new. With new inventions such as these, consumers are able to depend on driverless cars when responding to dangerous situations such as rollovers or out-of-control crashes. Also, there are many other safe benefits to autonomous vehicles. For example, if a driver were to be under the influence of alcohol, rather than forcing them to go home at risk, the car would be able to safely return the consumer home. This could potentially lead to far less crashes and many lives to be saved.\n\nNot only are driverless cars reliable, but they are extremely cost efficient in the long run. As of now, millions of dollars are being spent in order to perfect the techonology being used on these futuristic vehicles. But if you were to gather an estimate of the money being saved on fixing cars that got in crashes, the amount spend on research would be miniscule. In paragraph 6 the author states, \"Radar was a device on a hilltop that cost two hundred million dollars. It wasn't something you could buy at Radio Shack.\" The development of these cars may be much at first, but over the course of a few years, it will greatly decline such as that of the radio, making it accesible to many consumers throughout the country. This cost effieciency is a vital step to the improvement of human life and safety.\n\nFinally, there is the overall safety of the car. Autonomous vehicles are much more trustworthy than the average human being. With the development of cellular devices, drivers pay far less attention the the road than they should. The sensors and computer software developed into these vehicles, can lead to cars with better handling and prevent hundreds of crashes. Not only, is the techonology used today safe, but there are many other inventions being manufactured that can help benefit those on the road. In paragraph 7, the author discusses how, \"GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object\". Technology such as this can only improve and eventually lead up to a well developed, driverless car, which consumers can depend on for their safety.\n\nIn conclusion, the development of driverless cars is extremely beneficial in multiple circumstances involving the cost-effectiveness, safety, and reliability. Autonomous vehicles are the next big thing and will lead to a greater world. This technology will lead to great things and improve economies by saving millions of dollars. There is still much to improve on the road to autonomous vehicles, but before long we won't have to worry about the dangers of driving.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author of \" The Challenge of Exploring Venus \" supports his idea in a great way. He uses Facts , Desriptive Language , and a Comparison. These three things help a reader understand and better believe what the author is telling them. Without any evidence the reader wouldnt understand what theyre reading. The author also made sure to inclue dates of things which is an important stradigy.\n\nThe facts that were included in this passage made you really open up to the idea of Venus and the dangers. One of the facts i read were in Paragraph One Sentence Three where it said \" In our solar system, Venus is the second planet from our sun. \"\n\nWhen you read this you already notice how warm it would be there. In Paragraph Three Sentence Three it tells you the exact tempature is 800 degrees and the pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on earth. After reading this you can already tell that it would be super dangerous. Another danger is what you read in paragraph three sentence one it says \" A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus \" In this sentence you can tell its dangerous even by the wording. carbon dioxide isnt good for human bodies either. The other way the writer supported his idea was by using Descriptive Language. An example of him using that is in Paragraph Four Sentence Five it says \" The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, moutains, and craters.\" this tells you how it would look and be like on venus. The last way is using a relatable comparison. The author did this in Paragraph Five Sentence Five. it says \" but the air pressure would be close to that sea leval on earth. \"\n\nIn conclusion the author did a great job including facts , camparisons , and descriptive language.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPeople might want to believe that the Face is created by aliens but it is not, it is a natural landform. The Face is just a natural landform because it is just the shadows that make it look like a face, the landform is also common around the American West, and it is a mesa.\n\nThe shadows are the ones that make the Face on Mars look like a face. In the third paragraph in the article it stated \"huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.\" The reason there is alot of commotion about this is that \"The authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars.\" He was right because it did.\n\nThe Face is also just a landform because there are landforms located in the American West that are also mesa's like the Face. In the last paragraph it said \"What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West.\" Therefore, people are just altering the true facts to make a story of it. The reason many did not believe it was a Matian mesa is because \"Scientist figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.\"\n\nThe Face is just a mesa because it said in the text various times that it was just a mesa. In the very beginning it said \"New high- resolution images and 3D altimetry from NASA's Mars Global Survey spacecraft reveal the Face on Mars for what it really is: A mesa.\" It also said in the last paragraph \" That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face of Mars.\" That shows that the Face is just a natural landform like any other.\n\nOthers say that aliens live there and created the Face. In the eight paragraph it said \"The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April '98- a cloudy time of the year on the Red Planet. The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze.\" Although that might be true in the eleventh paragraph it said \"So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!\"\n\nFinally, there might be different speculations on wether or not the Face is a natural lanform or not. At this point according to scientist we know that it is a natural formation because it looks like a face because of the shadows, its common like in the American West, and it is a mesa.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming,\" the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars, for example in the passage they gave a positive things about the driverless cars, and those positive things were the following: they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driverways or dealing with compicated traffic issuses. Some of the negative aspects are through roadwork or accidents. The Positve Meaning there is no problem with the cars that they are now building but there will alwasy be something wrong with a new car people build. By all i mean by this passage that there will be some pros and some cons for the cars. The cars changed every year to make some cars better than others, aslo to persuave the company that the new car is involved.\n\nBefore 2000 the tried to make things a little more interesting, but they had missing things so they couldnt make things to work out much. they where missing the following: computre, mapping, radar which is a device on a hilltop That cost a lot of money in the passage is said its about two hundred million dollars. So technaclly you couldnt just buy this at a Radio Shack. Each car is farly different in my opinion, each year they company is gonna continue changeing and making newer cars to make the company increase. Which this is a positive thing about the cars the better tha cars they make the more money they will get.\n\nIn 2013 a car name BMW announced the development of \"traffic Jam Assitant,\"the nre thing about this car was that driving it, it functions at a speed that is up to 25 mph, but now there are special touch sensors to make sure that the driver keeps ahold of the wheel, and other thing that this passage said about the car is that no other car is advance this far. But there is always some negative things about these new cars like i said, about the GM has develped drivers seats that vibarteds when a vehicle is in danger of the backing into an object. The Goolge car simply announce when the driver should prepar to take over.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the classroom you get bored of one subject and your teacher just doesnt be quite and your tired of that subject. If you were on your computer you wouldnt have that problem because with the new advanced software it would be able to recognize your bored so it would change the subject. This could be a very effective equipment for a person that cant go to school or someone that does online school. It could really change or make a diffrence how people learn and what to do to make people learn better.\n\nThis could help someone out a lot when they are in home schooled and they get bored or are getting tired of that subject the software could read his facial expression and change what subject they are on. In the text it says \" they can tell when somone is happy, surprised, angry,disgusted, scared, or sad.\" This could help a lot because sometimes people wont be ahving the best of days and then you could tell what was wrong with just a picture of there face during that time.\n\nThis is why I think the software that reads your expresion would be good in the classroom. Instead of wondering what is wrong with a kid when he or she is doing his or hers work just read there facial expertion and understand maybe they arent having the best of days. Also when your online and your taking a course online it can tell when you get bored so the technology can change the course your on so it wont be as boring because you would switch it up every now and then. This tool could help out a lot in the classroom expeience but aslong as its not always looking through your camarea because that could be going through our privacy.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear (Senator of Florida),\n\nIn my opinion I believe the electoral college shall not remain the same and that we should change the election to the popular vote. I believe that the electoral college and the process in which it takes for a president to get elected isn't fair. Like stated in the article if you lived in Texas and wanted to vote for 'John Kerry' you would also be voting for his slate of 34 Democratic electors which would gain him 34 electoral votes. The electors could be anyone depending on what state it is and not always can voters control whom their electors vote for. Sometimes people don't know or get confused about the electors and vote for the candidate the was possibly not in their favour. A negative aspect of the Electoral college is that you can be off for about one vote or so and if the other candidate looks like it has majority they would give it to them. Sometimes they have to recount votes and check over them again because they are unsure or have new votes coming in. The worst thing is when you have a tie in the electoral college which is possible it rarely ever occured in the popular vote. In the popular vote you either win by majority or lose because you didn't have enough votes or more votes than your opponent.\n\nThe electoral college is unfair to voters because of the winner take all system that in each state the candidates on go to the states in which they believe that they have a strong amount of votes. The electoral college is agreed to be unfair, irrational, and outdated. In order for the country to continue growing and increase in the economy and so forth you don't need a president who is the most liked you need one who you believe will run the country and be able to fulfull the demands you would like for the country. Romney had most of the south votes yet Obama still won the election due to his excellence in presidency and the small states and a few large states added up together to let him win. Just becasue a president has over rule on the South states or north doesn't mean they are guaranteed to win the election. I believe in my opinion it isn't true that a large state gets more attention in a campaign than the smaller states because Obama went to small states and large states to campaign in not just the large states. Going back to Romney who went to the southern states and fairly larger states to receive majority vote. So due to the fact that there are many downsides to the electoral college I say it shall be abolished and that the popular vote from now on shall determine whether you are president or not.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagaine you're looking at the sky and you see a star thats is brighter than most. Then you might be seeing the planet Venus which is one of the brightest points in the sky which is where it gets it's nickname \"Evening Star.\" The author from the text talks about this and more.To support his claims he used percentage/dergees, future plans, real situations, and real events.\n\nIn paragraghs 3 and 5 it shows him using percentages and dergrees to support some of his claim. The text states, \"A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. One the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric presure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.\" The text also states, \"at thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 dergees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on earth.\" With this text evidence it shows how he is using his evidence to show how much Venus is different from the earth and why their is no life on the planet.\n\nThe author talk about how venus and Mars are our planet neighbor and how we have tried to land on Venus but to no sucess. The Author states, \"humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned, and for goos reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours.\" The author also states, \"Venus was the hottest surface tempature of any planet in out solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun.\" This shows that the author is providing real evidence to prove his study could be dangerous cause of how the past turned out, but it's worth looking into in the future.\n\nWith what has failed in the past we can learn from that and move on stronger with a better chance of suceeding. The passage says, \"NASA is working on other approches to study Venus. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Also says, \"Our tevels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\" This evidence given it does show we could grow from the past and do better in the future with each new attempt.\n\nIn conclusion with all these details given to us by the author. He has supported himself with the evidence and some ideas given in the passage. He has proven himself in the text with facts and past events. The auther did support his claims like using percentages/dergees, real events, real situations, and future plans.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face is just a natural landform. Because shadows represented human features. The face is a butte or mesa. Three pictures show that the face is just a butte or mesa and that there are no carvings or something close to it.\n\nThe face had bumps on it that created shadows to make it seem like there were human features on the mesa. The 2001 picture shows this very well you can see multiple bumps and lowered areas creating shadows. Compared to the others you would still thing aliens created it.\n\nThree pictures accurately represent the mesa for the technology used. For 1976 it looks like a face but they could only get this as the best shot for thier time. In 1998 the picture is much more clear and you are able to see exactly what it is but with some doudt because it was cloudy that day.\n\nThe technology of 1976 was much worse then what it is now. For this specific time this picture was the best they could of shot. 1998 Was much more clear but skeptics were not happy. In 2001 they went to find a clear day that would work for finding cydonia and snapping a picture. This was clear and there werent any doudts in the picture.\n\nSkeptics influenced the public opinion. With many skeptics giving different reasons to try and defy their research the public took thier side. This most likely happened because they want to know if there is other lifeforms. This made them want to believe that there was aliens and that this was a statue or relic of some sorts.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting car usage will be very important in the near future and can be very deadly for the enviroment if not we do not conserve and reduce car use. Using a car is expensive for everybody because think of if you get into an accident and it was your fault you have to then pay for your car and the opposing persons car. It can also be a health hazar where if you live in a big city with lots of running cars then it can be dangerous to be breathing in all those chemicals and you might end up getting a diseas or condition like maybe cancer of the lungs or bronchitis.\n\nTo begin with, the expenses of a car can be very high and very low, depending on where you stand on it. but if you ever get into an accident and its your fault and you have to payoff the other person and also pay for your car to be fix (if it hasnt been totaled). Payment of cars can kill you though maybe you wont have enough to pay your electricity bill for your apartment or you cant pay for an oil change so your car is useless now and you are still paying to have it look pretty even though you cant even pay for the oil to be changed.\n\nTo continue, think that you`re living in a big city like new york or chicago or philidelphia. Now think of every single car in that city. Alot right? well every single one of those cars do the same thing they just are used to get to point A to point B. well think of all the gas that car is pooring into the streets by just sitting at a red light. now can you see about another couple hundred thousand doing that at the same time? its pretty bad right? all that gas and chemicals hits the streets first then you can smell it from your 4th story apartment and then its stuck in there for hours. think about how bad that is for your lungs and all your senses. Im no doctor but id say that its pretty horrible and maybe even cancerous. just think about that before you dont limit usage on your car!\n\nFor a conclusion, id like you to remember that cars are not just transportation but also chemical exhausters that have the effect to kill any man or women of any age. So maybe just maybe if you limited car usage you might be saving a life and also not spending to much money on your car and more on bills to be saving your own life cause water and electricity bills are some of the most expensive bills out there.\n\nLiting car usage is important and we all need to be like the town of Vauban in germany.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author of this article did a decent job at explaining why studying Venus is worth it despite any dangers that it has. They don't really explain why we should risk ourselves to study Venus but rather how we could do it. The author talks about how NASA have an idea to hover people above Venus and sending machines down to the surface of Venus.\n\nThe first thing that the author talks about is NASA's idea to hover people over Venus to get a closer look at it. In paragraph five it says, \"scientists to float above the fray\". It also states, \"Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans\". This dosen't give us a reason that Venus is worth exploring even though it's risky. It only tells us about ow we are able to get a closer look at the planet with our own eyes an not just some pictures or videos. Informing the reader about how to do something won't make them believe that it is worth doing.\n\nThe second thing that the author talks about is getting machines on the surface of Venus. In paragraph seven it states, \"mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces\". It also says, \"looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers\". These quotes demonstrate that the author is more focused on informing us on how we can do this rather than why we should do this. If people don't know why they should do something, then they wont care how they should do it. The author should have put more evidence on how we could use what we learn on Venus in stead of how we could get there safely.\n\nIn conclusion, the author didn't do the best job on explaining why it's worth to go to Venus because they focused on how we were supposed to get there. If they didnt just talk about how we were planning to get people and achines there, then it would have been alot better for explaining why it's worth it to study Venus despite of the many dangers.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy personal belief is that driverless cars should not be allowed on the roads. Driverless cars sound efficient and luxurious but they are really accidents waiting to happen. Many car companies that want to develop driverless cars talk about a world where no ever has to buy a car again because of this new and more efficient form of public transportation. This new form of public transportation would have many flaws due to humans not being in control of the vehicle such as accidents and malfunctions.\n\nGoogle is one of the companies that want to get driverless cars out on the road to try and make the roads safer. But would that really make the roads safer or more dangerous? Google has tested driverless cars already and they stated,\"Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents.\" My question is how does the car know when to alert the driver? Does it have sensors on the front of the car that detect traffic, and if so what if the sensors fail and the car continues to drive at a steady speed right into heavy traffic before the driver has time to react because he was relying on a car to alert him? The same goes for the car detecting roadwork or if a person is crossing the street or someone riding their bike falls into the road. There are too things that could go wrong on these cars to have them out on the road.\n\nThere are laws that prevent driverless ars being tested because the government believes that these cars are dangerous to pedestrians and other vehicles. If the government believes that these cars are too dangerous for the roads then why do certain companies want these cars to be on the roads? Car companies want these cars on the roads because they would be expensive to buy and they would make alot of profit if they where able to sell these types of vehicles. They are cars out now that have driverless features such as parallel parking and automatic breaking but these features have failed many times. Driverless cars are driven by computers which can malfunction like all computers do at one time or another.\n\nMy beliefs are that these cars should never be produced because they are nothing but a threat to pedestrians and other vehicles on the road. I agree with this sentance from paragraph nine,\"Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver.\". I agree with this because there are too many flaws with driverless cars. There are alot of things that can go wrong with humans driving cars but there are even more things that can go wrong with driverless cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you ever wonder how the states that fought in world war 2 recoer so fast well here it is. After world war 2 most country were left in ruins dasater had fell over states that fought in the war so they formed a progam that would help the states recover from world war two it was called unrra which stand The United Nations\n\nRelief And Rehabilition.\n\nThe goverment put adds up so people would volentier to help other country in need of help here are some ways you could do to help you could donate food clothes and materials to help family who don't have food and clothing. You could also volentier to visit the country and help rebuild homes and farm so they could start farming again\n\nThere is also another way you could help you could become a seagoing cowboy they help animals make across the sea on boat you could also see differnt kind of countrys like China,Greece andEurope so you could go to all difernt kind of countrys if you become a seagoing cowboy it could help a lot of people", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn our world today Google has made very few driverless cars, that have succeeded very well, actually. I would have to say I am all for the Driverless cars that will coming into the world more often. I think it would help us on a few different things. As stated in the text, there has been a lot less wrecks since they welcomed very few of the driverless cars. Also, the dirver hasn't lost all control of the car, the driver still has responsiblities. As stated in the text, \"while the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver.\" Lastly, these driverless cars are being transformed into public transporation.\n\nThe first reason why I am all for driverless cars is because wrecks are a big deal for everyone. Having driverless cars that would decrease the amount of wrecks that happen everyday. That would also be a good thing for new drivers, or even people that have been driving for years! Having driverless cars would not totally take out having wrecks completely, but it would be good to see the amount of wrecks decrease.\n\nSecondly, the driver has not lost all control of the car in case of an emergency. The driver still has to guide the car through heavy traffic, wrecks, and also in and out of the driveway. I think this addition onto the driverless car is actually a great idea. I say this because it keeps the driver from doing other things while he/she is suppose to be watching the road. Also, this doesn't put all of the pressure on the car to do absolutely evrything while the driver is doing whatever he/she is not suppose to be doing.\n\nAs stated in the text, \"while the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver.\" I think that is also a really good thing about the driverless cars, because if the driver is not watching the road there will be vibrations sent to the drivers seat to alert them to watch the road. Having this little alert could be a very good thing to neew drivers as well, because sometimes young, new drivers get destracted and have to have a little alert to put their focus back onto the road.\n\nLastly, these driverless cars are also being used as public transportation. That could really benefit the taxi drivers, or even the public bus drivers. This could benefit them because that's their job and that's all they do all day, everyday. Driving a car and or bus around can get boring, and could make you really tired. It's always good to be able to take a break but also get your work done at the same time.\n\nFinally, I would say that having driverless cars would be a good idea. It would be a lot safer, and effecient for everyone. Driverless cars may have some downfalls, but there are certainly more pros about them.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe picture of what you call \"a face\" is a rock. It just looks like a face from a birds eye view. The rock just happends to look like a face but if you where there you would just see a rock with some holes. In the text it states \"\n\nit's a huge rock which resembles a human head formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes , nose , and mouth.\" In the text it said ILLUSION you know the same thing the do in magic tricks.\n\nThey make you think something is happing but its really not. Just like this \"face\". The shadows make it look like a face with some eyes a mouth and nose. But as you can see that is clearly not hte case.\n\nThe text also states that \" as a rule of thumb, you can discern things in digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size.\" Which mean that if there where any thing that showed any living organisum living there we would see it.\n\nSince we have not found any proof of living thing on mars yet i would say its safe to say there are no living thing on mars.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn retrospect, people use to be able to live a happy carefree life before cars were invented. Cars were just something people used to be able to get to places quicker, and to be able to leave when ever we wanted to. A car used to be a luxary item, and now a car is a nessecity for most humans. Some countries are helping\"But America's love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling,\"(Source #4) the cause. The benefits of limiting car usage are it will help the environment, it will reduce most citzens stress levels, and it will regulate money in different way.\n\nThe benefits of limiting car usage is that the evvironment will be a lot healthier. According to experts \"[Automobiles are] a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tail pipes,\"(Source #1). The environment is very important to keep healthy. Cars are very polutefull \"After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city,\" (Source #2) towards the environment.\n\nAlso connecting to the benefits of limiting car usage helps relieve stress. According to Heirun Walter, a media trainer \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\"(Source #1). Without cars more Colombians \"In a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a care-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily deviod of traffic jams,\"(Source #3) were more active. When you exericise it helps you to relive stress.\n\nTo most people money is very important. Now without having cars our money get regulated thru a public bus or subways. Losing revenue is not a bad thing \"Delivery companies complained of lost of revenue, while expectations were made for plug-in cars, hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers,\"(Source #2) for everyone. Overviewing it \"It was the thrid straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the day without cars in this capital city of 7 million. The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Violators faced $25 fines,\"(Source #3) we could make more money off of violators.\n\nCars are very umbigitious in most countries. Cars are not a neccesity of life. Acccording to recent studies \"Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by,\"(Source #4). Citzens who used their car less were saving money, less stresed out and were more evironmentaly considerate. The benefits of limiting car usage are it will help the environment, it will reduce most citzens stress levels, and it will regulate money in different way.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the author informs us about the many difficulties we would face trying to get a closer look at Venus. Although it is the hottest plant in our solar system with air pressure unlike anywhere on Earth, I believe the auther does a great job explaining how we could overcome the challenges and maybe even send humans to Venus. The author suggests that the humans stay above Venus' atmosphere and lists what technology should be used to send down to the surface of Venus and retreive information about the planet.\n\nThe author's first idea to support the claim that we could do more to explore Venus in the near future is keeping the people sent there in a spacecraft, kind of like a blimp, about 30 miles above the surface. The author compares this to how planes fly above storms, which we already know is a good way to complete the task and stay safe. Although the pressure and temperature would still be intense, the astronauts could still do their job under these conditions.\n\nAnother suggestion the author does a good job of explaining is thinking about what technology should be sent to the surface to collect samples. In paragraph 7, the author uses examples of what could do the job, such as lab tested tech that could withstand the conditions for weeks and older computers which are stronger than today's. The use of these factually supported examples helps the reader get an idea of what we could send down to Venus and how it could be possible.\n\nThe facts the author uses to support their ideas of how we can better explore Venus, along with the descriptive details used to explain these ideas give anyone reading this a better understanding of how we could make this a reality. The ideas that astronauts could stay in safer conditions and send down strong technology to collect the data they need sounds like it could one day be a reality. Until then, we just have to keep exploring ideas to make it one.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe limiting of usage a car has to stop because it destroy our country. How can cars destroy our country? Car can destroy our green house in many ways. one way if with all the components that the car have. For example, it can be destroy with the steam that the car throw out in the air(gas).Sometimes people can have\u00a0 stress by having a car because they have to payed a lot, if a car doest'n work. They had to send the car to a place that can be fixed\u00a0 and it can expand a lot of your money.\n\nTo begin with,sometimes car can be good for people that have there job far away of their home. But also car can cause you to have stress. for example in the source 3:car-free day is spinningn into\u00a0 a big hit Bogota said that \"its a good opportunity to take away stress and lolwer air pollution\". This is true because if we not using a car, we don't have to worry to pay taxed, or to fixed the car. In my opinion if we just start to using car all the time, this is going to cause a big problem. Why cars can cause you a big problem on your daily life? Because cars can stop you to walk,can stop you to do a lot of things. You can get sick, one problem that United States has is the fat people. Why fat people? because they just start to use car and they doesn' t realize that if you use a lot the car, you forget that you have to do exersise or to walk. Well, is not just the car that can cause you to be fat, there are other stuff that can cause you to be fat. In the sources 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars, said that \"that few\u00a0 soccer moms or communiting executives have ever gone before: they have given up their cars\". They notice that cars can causing a lot of problems by paying a lot. Some people had to decide to gave up their car by walking to their jobs, or going to buy some food or just want to walk to be healthy.\n\nCars can be a limited for some people. If we just be a liltle thinker sometimes, we can notice that us, \"THE HUMAN\" we are destroyed our world with all the substances that the car hurl in the air. This world was make to protect us, but we just like to destroy the nature by the chemical that the car has, and other stuff that cause the world to be destroy. If you are an intelligent person you can stop this by don't having a car, and use your feet to get whatever you want to go.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are not the most important thing in our lives. Although cars are helpful, not having one can help you a lot in the long run. Having a car causes so much stress worrying about the traffic if you're going to be late for work or school, gas prices are not as low as people would like. If you had to walk everywhere or ride your bike, you could be getting a lot of exercise from it. People think having a car is so important but they dont see the positive side to it.\n\nMany people stress out if they are not going to make it to work on time because of traffic, I know that I dont make it to school on time because of all the traffic trying to get into my school is horrible. Instead of stressing out, you can just go on a calm walk or bike ride to your destination. In the article written by, Elisabeth Rosenthal, there is a quote from Heidrun Walter saying, \"when I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\" because they had banned cars in his city. You can always find an alternative way of getting to where you need to go. If someone has a meeting to go to, they can always use the alternative of the Internet if they cant get their in time or the weather is not the best. Instead of stressing out about driving, you can walk to your destination and save money from not paying for gas.\n\nWe all know that gas prices are high and out of our budget. They've reached four dollars, that's insane! Why would anyone want to spend that money if they don't have to. There is a simple solution on saving your money that you waste on gas, and that is walking or riding your bike. Some people can afford the prices of gas but others are struggling in the economy but are to lazy to walk, nobody wants to get exercise so they drive everywhere.\n\nBanning cars on the street is a good way to help people get exercise. If they know they can't drive, they would obviously walk or take a bike because they have places to be. It would be an effective way to get people to stop being lazy and helping their health. Some people would probably get frustrated because they have to walk everywhere but it's only helping them.\n\nWalking or riding a bike is a good opportunity to realize the beauty of life without stressing out over bad drivers or traffic, saving money, and getting exercise. Most people would think banning cars on the street is a good idea for those few reasons. I know that it is super effective although some people may not see it until it actually changes.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIs the future really coming? Resent studies have showed that people around the world are starting to stop there love of cars nearly everywhere. in countrys like Germany,France,bogota, and the usa rates have shown that people are not buying as many cars a year as they normally do. Some countrys are even starting to have a national day where they are walking, skating, and riding a bike to work, and for those who do not follow the rules they are getting taxed and haveing there vehicals impounded. Can you belive that?\n\nIn citys like Vauban, Germany- People have to pay $40,000 to park they car that they own, the bright side is that they get a house along with it. as stated in sourse 1, \" 70 Percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here.\" This statement is explaining how its not worth it to have a car in this town. People here are more oftenly found riding a bike or skating to there destination due to this \"car-free\" town.\n\nParis, France has been forsed to stop using there cars ever once in a while due to all the smog in there city. in Source 2 it is stated that, \"... Motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave there cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine($31). The same would apply yo those Odd-Numbered plates the following.\" this is telling you that there city was so bad tha the goverenment was forsed to have ther city be taxed if thet wanted to drive ther car. Normally paris has more smog then other places in europe. some dilevery companys were mad at paris due to there lost revenue. Although cars that could be plugged in, hybrids, and cars carring three or more people were allowd.\n\nBogota in colombia has set up a program to where once a year they have a day where no one in the town uses there cars. It is hard to belive that 7 million people would do it but its very true. Even with those who have to drive there car they get taxed a $25 fine. doing this international day has lead more and more citys to stop using ther cars as much and just walking because it relives traffic jams and other stressful things.\n\nIn conclusion the world is stopping the use of cars as much as they have been used in the last couple of years. We talked about three diffrent places today. Rates have shown that world wide citys doing this activity where they do not use there cars has truly brought down the rate of smog. bring down the rate of smog will give us a better future for our future leaders in this world and allow them to live.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am for the devlopment of these cars . Why , because in the articele it says that the cars a being created to be more smarter . Such as having senors to tell people and when not to stop and go . Or when they turn at the wrong time it sensors them to stop . They are becoming more safer , as a car . Also for the people driving the car .\n\nAslo . it says that Google has had cars that could drive independently , under specific conditions since the year 2009 . Cars have driven mopre than half a million miles , without crashing as it states in parapgraph two . The google cars aren't techinally driverless . But, they still alert the driver when to pull out the drive way or dealing with any trafic issues , like roadworks or other car accients or accidents periods .\n\nSince they had no option for smarter roads , they turned to smarter cars as it states in paragraph two . In paragraph two it also says that they used sensors and other technology such as : sensors on the left rear wheel , a roatatinf sensor on the roof , a video camera mounted near the rerview , and etc . With all of those pieces of technology the driverless car can mimic the skill of a human at the wheel .\n\nSenors are nothing new to the world of course . In the 80s it states in paragraph 5 that , \" auntomakers used speed sensors at the wheels in the creation on antilock brakes \" . Over the years the sensors for cars just got more ,and more advanced . As they got more advanced within the 10 years , they have been used to dectect and respond to the danger and out on control skids and rollovers . In paragraph 5 it says that if they're futher more improvements in the sensors and computer hardware and software for making driving safer then there will be leading cars that can handle more and more driving task on their own .\n\nIn conclusion , i agree with the devolpment for cars . There is so much information that I've seen in the article .It tells me how safe cars have been and will be in the future if they make any more improvents for the sensors on the cars and etc . They have more techinally other than the senosor , for the car to be more safe . It says in the article that their have been fewer accidents since the senor has been improved .", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvaluating Expressions is Effective\n\nI believe that the Facial Action Coding System would be beneficial to read students' emotional expressions.\n\nHaving the capability to detect students' emotions through computers can have many positive outcomes, such as promoting ads, increasing learning comprehension, and graphic design improvements.\n\nThe use of this technology having the abililty to read one's emotions, can be valuable in the fact that it can promote ads more efficiently.\n\nIn paragraph 6, they say, \"For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different.\"\n\nThis phrase prevails how if the computer can detect your emotions, it can also detect how you feel about a promotion.\n\nThis will help sell more products for companies, and help buyers get information on what they are actually interested in.\n\nThis new software will also come in handy in increasing learning comprehension.\n\nIt states in paragraph 6 that Dr. Huang says, \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\n\nThen it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\"\n\nThis statement makes logical sense, in the fact that a student may be able to understand his or her work better if a Facial Action Coding System computer is available.\n\nThis could possibly increase literacy rates, simply due to the fact that a computer can detect facial expressions.\n\nAnother reason that these new devices are beneficial is because they can improve graphic designing.\n\nThis makes video games, video surgery, graphic models, and other animated subjects more realistic.\n\nDr. Huang also states, \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication, so computers need to undertand that, too.\"\n\nAlthough the technology can be very valuable in the classroom, it can have a downside, however.\n\nHaving Facial Action Coding System computers can result in miscommunications.\n\nParagraph 3 states, \"Eckman has classified six basic emotions--happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness.\"\n\nA student learning a lesson on a computer may have a frown on their face because they are having a bad day.\n\nThe computer may pick up this emotion, and mistake it for not understanding what is being taught.\n\nAll technology is capable of having mishaps.\n\nThis new device may not be guaranteed to be 100% accurate at all times.\n\nOverall, the value of using this technology to read students' emotional expressions can be unbelievably useful.\n\nThe pros of using this new software, tremendously outweigh the cons.\n\nI believe that students having this resource would create positive outcomes in the long run.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt gets frustrating when a you don't know whether your friend or family member is mad at you or just in a bad mood. Luckily there is way. Thomas Huang, professor from the Advanced Science at the University of Illinos,has invented a Facial Action Coding system that allows you to identify human emotions. Its a great way to stop all the confusion and know if someone is happy to see you. Although its a great tool for everyday life, it's not a great asset in a classrom. Using technology to read the emotional expression of studuents in a classroom is not valuable becausse we should focus on teaching valuable material and its lack of accuracy.\n\nThe classroom is simply meant to learn. Evidendently, there is no reason to know what your student is feeling and not feeling. \"Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements...\" Like all devices, this Facial Action Coding System can have manfuctions. Instead of wasting class time to try the Coding system, you should use that time to focus on learning new valuable material and focusing on school and nothing else.\n\nHowever, it states to be able to calcuate emotions like math homework but sometimes we get calculations worng. \"She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry.\" Facial Action Coding system seems to rate all of the Mona LIsa's emotions from what she feels the most to least. Clearly stating that the Coding system ranks all emotions from least to greater. Not specifing what a peson is feeling.\n\nFuther more, the Facial Action Coding system is a great tool for everyday life, but not it's not useful in the classrom. Using this device will not only waste valuable time to teach but its also lacking accuracy.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCaution Driverless Car\n\nImagine driving in your car and you come to a four way stop, you have the right of way so you preceed cautiously through the intersection and bang someone hits you. After taking a few seconds to gather yourself you get out the car to exchange information and you find out they were not driving the car, it was a driverless car, who's fault is it if they werent driving the car ?\n\nA driverless car is an accident waiting to happen. We have the ability to prevent these accidents by simply driving ourselves. So many things can go wrong with the car, the sensors can malfunction and cause someone to crash. New things have the possiblity to create new problems. Driverless cars could be easily sabotaged, the parts on the car can be stolen, and many more.\n\nSo what would happen if the driverless car were to crash ? The person in the car wouldnt know if they are liable for the damages. We simply do not have enough rules or regulations to create a financially stable and safe enviorment for these driverless cars and the others around it.\n\nDriverless cars have the poetential to be our future but still pose a hazard to the people around them. The cars are still dangerous and still have many problems to fix.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever gone to school feeling sad, depressed, anxious, gloomy, alone and no one asks you about it?, have you ever just wanted someone to understand that your feeling a certain way, do you think maybe things would be different if someone could detect what was going on. Now there is way of making this happen, its called \"Facial Action Coding System\" it anables computers to identify human emotions just by taking a glance.\n\nThe process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face and all 44 major muscles move like real human muscles. They create an action unit then they clasify each movement and muscle used to describe what emotion is being transmitted. Could you imagine having a computer be you're friend, I could. I think this system would improve not only the learning cuality but it would improve students to get help if they ever need it, teenage years are hard sometimes and adding school stress to them can be harsh, this computer would detect if any student ever had a problem with their mental health and we could solve those silent problems before they get out of hand.\n\nAcoording to the article \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored\" these features could help speed up the learning process and give every student exactly what they need to get all of their learning done.\n\nThis technology could adjust to everyones needs and we could become better everyday, the future depends on the little details we need to fix, I think complementing this system would be a great way to start making a change.\n\nMy argument may or or may not influence your point of view on this new technology, but after everything we all go for the pusuit of happiness.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the artical Car Free Cities people all over the world are going carless. In German suburbs life goes on without cars. About 70percent of famles go witth out cars people there walk or ride a bike to where ever they go. In Vauban Germany street parking and driveways and home gerages are forbiden in sted people park there cars in a huge parking gerage. they buy a space when they buy a house there\n\nIn Paris after days of near record poluuution paris enforced a partial driving ban so they can clean the air. In congestion it is 60% of the captil of France. After a couple days of smog in the city on monday people with cars wth even numbered license plates. Were ordered to leave there cars at home. Almost 4,000 people were fined and some people had there cars in pounded for there reaction to the fine.\n\nIn Bogota Colombia it was the third strate year cars have been baned with only busses and taxies permited. The captil of 7 million people the goal is to the reduce of smog and to finde alternate transport. The day with out cars is part of an campaign that began in in Bogota in t emid 1990s. For the frist time two cities joyined the the day with out cars.\n\nThe End of Car Culture president Obana has ambitiouus goals to curb the United Sates greenhouse gas. Recent studies sugest that Americans are buying less cars and driving less and getting fewre licents when each year goes on. the United States is the home of the modle T and home of Detroit the place where mustang Sally was immortalized.\n\nAt the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona,spain,Bill Ford the executive charmin of the Ford mtor compiney lade out a business plan in which personal vehicle ownership is impratcil or undesirablel.\n\nExcerpt from \"The End of Car culture\"by Elisabeth Rosanthal\n\nExcerpt from \"car Free Day Sprining into a big hit in Bogoat\" by andrew Selsky\n\nExcerpt from \"Paris barns driving due to smog\" by Robert Duffer\n\nExcerpt from \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars \" by Elisabeth Rosanthal", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvery four years there is an election held for the next president. Citizens across America vote for the canidate they best see fit to be president. Many may not know but there is another process other than voting to select a president. When people vote for a president, they are actually voting for a elector. That elector then votes for the next president, and this is called The Electral College System. The Electoral College System should no no longer be part of the election process, but instead have election by popular vote for the president of the United States.\n\nWhen a president is elected it does not just effect the government, but also the people of America. The president that is chosen makes decisions for the people, and that is why so many people vote on who will be making those decisions. The Electoral College System greatly effects that vote of presidency. In The Indefensible Electrol Collage: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong by Pradford Plumer states that \"Voters vote not fo the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the persident\". People are not getting the chance to vote, because the electors are the ones voting for them. The people should have a turn to vote for the next president.\n\nMany people today are all toward the Electoral College System. People think that it is a great way and very helpful when it comes to the elections. The Electorical College seems fair to some people, even if the president most voted for was not elected like back in 2000. The electors to them help find a new president with other electors in Congress. The electors even have the chance to vote for the other canidate even if the people do not vote for that canidate.\n\nHowever many people may be towards the system, but others are also against it. The electors go to Congress and vote for the next president. It is even possible that the canidate most voted for by the people could not be voted for by the electors. The electos haave the finall sya, even if that means not voting for who the people are voting for. This is an issue that should no longer be, but instead have popular vote.\n\nThe Electoral College Sysytem should be removed from the presidential election, and replaced with popular vote. The Electoral College System does not help, but prevents the canidate most voted for to be ellected. Popular vote from the people should decide who the next president of the United States should be.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou might not like the sea but you would like it when you get to take care of the animals. An reason you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program is that you can travel the world , go to a lot of extravagent places , you can be around a lot of animals, you can care for the animals . You can be an Seagoing Cowboy when you are either 17.\n\nMy point of veiw of him being an Seagoing Cowboy is a great experience for him. My friend invited me to go to Europe on a cattle boat ,but I didn't want to say no. I knew if he didnt take this oppurtunity of a lifetime.\n\nI will feel sad for missing out on the oppurtunity.\n\nSeagoing Cowhboys started out when the UNRRA started because the UNRRA wanted them to take care of the horses,young cows, and mules that were to be shipped overseas. If they shipped the animals overseas to a place they would get of the boat and go have some fun by doing a lot of activites. When the Seagoing cowboys went to Venice, Italy they rode and gondola because the streets are filled with water. when they went to Crete he toured and excavated catsle and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China.\n\nOn my\n\nsecond trip, I served as a night watchman. My job was to check on all the animals every hour. One rainy night ,after making my hourly report to the captain, I slid down the ladder and cracked his ribs. But I also found time to have fun on board,especially on return trips after the animals were unloaded.\n\nBut being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for me. It opened up the world to me .So if you wanted to be an Seagoing Cowboy you could be one if you like to travel a lot. If you like to be around animals be an Seagoing Cowboy . You would love to be around horses, young cows, mules. So join the Seagoing cowboys", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nNow a days everyone wants to start driving and be all grown up. But they don't know what their doing to their country. There are some people that don't even use a car any more. For example,\"when i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\" said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two. She doesn't need a car to take her place so why do we have to use cars ourselves. Theirs always that person that say \"no we do needs car there they've changed\". We shoudln't have cars unless its neccessary to have one if your just gunna be in the house all day.\n\nTo begin with, one reason way we should limit the car usage is because its better for the environment. For example, \"after days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. This just means that everyone had to cut down on using there cars everyday. There's so many things you can do that good the earth not just recycling. Instead of using gas for your car use diesel fuel or even cooking oil. They dont pollate the earth as much as you think would.\n\nSecondly, another reason why they should limit car usage because there's so much out there that you can do without having to driving anywhere.\"Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughtout the city.\" There are organized summer jobs and social life around where people walk or take public transportation or car-pool with friends. You away go running with your friends or meet them are the park.\n\nIn conclusion, you can see there are many ways that you can change the world.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke joined the Seagoing Cowboys program to help countries that were that were left to ruin. People should join the program to help countries like give them animals plants and food to eat or sleep. Joining this program will help many countries that are left in ruins or getting destroyed by helping them get some food.\n\nI you join the program you will go places that you've never been to like go to Greece like how Luke went to Greece and had exciment going over there. Many people think this program is useless beacuse they think it a waste of thier time,but it's not sense you're helping others in need. The program is a way to help the people in need while going Barack to get animals you can have fun like read,playing volley ball,tennis and many other activities. Luke joined to help others and he didn't quit and kept on helping even when he turned 18. This program is a good program sense you're helping others in many other countries that were left to ruin maybe you should join today.\n\nTo conclude joining this program is good sense you help others. You could be like Luke and help others in this program and go many places. Join today to be like him and help otherss in need.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting car usage would be great for people in a big city, not so much the country. It would be good for people in the city because everything is right beside each other and if it wasn't you can have taxis so it saves gas. Its also good to cut down on car usage because it will make us healthier. If we don't drive all the time its better for the environment.\n\nThe first reason for cutting back on car usage is because everything is right beside each other in a city. There is no reason to waste the gas to drive right down the road. In the country its different because it may be a small town yes, but everything may be 15 to 20 miles away. And we don't have taxi's or buses.\n\nHave you ever thought about walking everyday to school or work? Everybody would be in great shape! We would walk everywhere and if you're running late then you will most likely fast walk which is even better. People would start eating better because they would get cramps walking to work, they would start exercising more. Even if they didn't like walking to school or work they would have to so they wouldn't have a choice but to exercise.\n\nWe harm the environment everyday with the cars we drive. Why not just stop using cars so we can help our planet and maybe make it a better place to live? All it would take is you walking a couple blocks to school, work, or the store and that would already be helping us.\n\nThe thing is people today are so selfish and take everything for garnet. The things we could accomplish if we only cut back a little bit. Just save gas, if you are going to the store that is two blocks away, don't call a taxi, don't crank your car up, just walk there. People would be so much healthier if they walked everyday, and we would help the environment. I'm not telling you to start being a tree huger or anything, just think about it. Would you rather live in a polluted environment or a healthy one? The choice is yours.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator,\n\nWe should change to the election of popular vote. I believe we should do this because, it'd be more fair to the person who got the most votes. If one canidate gets the most votes, but doesn't become president, is extremely confusing, and down right unfair. If you're having the whole United States vote for who we want to be president, but have the electors choose who's president is pointless, it just shows that you don't care what our opinion is for our leader. If the voters have to waste their time to vote for someone who probably be elected is, like I said before, pointless.\n\nLet's say you were running for president, and you got the most votes, but the electors, their almighty wisdom, voted for someone who got the least amount of votes, would you think it's fair for that person to become president? I don't think so. I think you would be able to be president because the people who voted for you would rather have you as president than the others who ran against you. You would've been the best choice to those who voted for you.\n\nTherefore I think we should change to the most popular votes for electing the president. I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter. have a wonderful day.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am Cristal, and well the idea of smart cars is pretty awesome, I am aware of the \"Driverless cars,\" malfunctions and the defects it has. I believe that it is a great idea and should be inforced. The car has many great features that can help us be safe and have lower fuel prices. We could make the future better and safer. Even though the price of the car,and the road work that needs to be adjusted will be expensive but will be totally worth it.\n\nFirst of all, i agree with the making of the car. It is a great invention for the future. It has good perks of course such as, not driving, being quite safe, being able to text without driving,and it also would reduce the fuel of a normal taxi cab to about one half. The smart cars have\" driven more than half million miles without a crash,\" this is saying that the cars have driven far without causing any accidents. Secondly the cars have\" position-estimating senors, GPS receivers, radar sensors, motion sensors, 3-D model of the cars surroundings.\" All of these things that the car has are more than enough to be great on roads.\n\nThe good thing is that the smart car would be able to take you anywhere you desire. I think it would be a great idea if your a begining learner and dont have that much expiernce and or if you are under the influence of alcohol. It is a good car for thoes who like to text while they drive you will finally be able to text without killing yourself or getting pulled over by the police. You will be able to return home or to your destination safely. It uses less fuel which is great we wont use all of it and have to raise prices on fuel if we use less. The car will be pricey and all of the new work that would have to be done to the roads all over the world or country. But dont you think that your life would be more safe if your not in conditions to drive then isnt car is the best idea?\n\nIn conclustion, i cristal believe that it would be a great invention for the future. You will be safe getting to your destination. Its great for the economy of the people, and its safer than one driving. It will be expensive but in the end it will all be worth the price it took to make the car and to do all hard work on the roads to make the world a better place. Our life is in great hands will the smart cars that will soon do a great job taking us places.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are seeming to become more of a reality than an idea. With todays technology driverless cars would be possible and there are even some right now. Personaly I think driverless cars could be a good idea but there are many complications at the moment. These complications involve mostly law issues like if a driver were to get into an accident, and who would be put at blame.\n\nThrough out history driverlesss car have been made going all the way back to the late 50s. This proves that the technology is availiable and it is possible. I think they could be benefitial to our society because if the driver gets distracted then there would not be a crash because they are not actually driving. The cars today, however still need a driver to be ready to take over in certain conditions. \"They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents,(Paragraph 7)\". The cars need for assistance would reduce the number of crashes because if the driver didnt take over and the car got stuck there would be a large traffic build up that could lead to injury. The driverless car would remove the risk of human error when tired, distracted or even under the influence. They would also be nearly perefect when it comes to driving because of certain sensors in the vehicle, \"The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone,\"(Paragraph 5). Theses sensors not only make the car safer but they also help the car handle more tasks on their own. \"Further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more driving tasks on their own,\"(Pragraph 5). Many of the cars that are meant to be driverless will also be using half of the fuel used in cars today. This is also reducing the amount of polution in the world to making it eco freindly as well. The cars can also monitor the driver to be sure that they are paying attention to the road and not texting or sleeping. There have been many developements to make sure the driver is alreted when the car comes up against a road block, \"GM Has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. The Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over the car. Other options under consideration are flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays,\" (Paragraph 7). These would be sure that the driver is prepared to take over the car at all times and is not distracted.\n\nIn conclusion driverless cars can greatly benefit the comunity increasing vehicle saftey and being eco freindly. There may be some consequences at the moment but in time they will be sorted out and delt with. The driverless car is one of or if not the safest option for the drivers and pedestrains at this age in time.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHow accurate is a computer? Answer? As accurate as it is programmed. When it comes to facial expression the technology used is programmed by one psychologist Dr. Paul Eckman. How can one man be responsible for knowing and understanding every human emotion? How could recognizing the face of a student in school help them to learn better? Using the technology from \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" for emtional scanning in school may not be as valuable as it seems.\n\nIn my OTHER_PII experience you can never actually tell how a person is feeling just by looking at them. I am a pretty good example myself. I have some pretty bad \"dead\" face. People ask me all the time if I'm ok and I always say, \"Yea I'm just tired\", because I am just tired. I'm fine but others don't seem to think so because of the way my face is. Other kids and teenagers probably have this problem too. Having a computer try to cheer them up if they're ok isn't going to help. In the text they describe the situation as such, \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\" Dr. Huang predicts. \"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" I find that line amazing. \"Effective human instructor\". That could mean many things. But how exactly could it modify the lesson to be more interesting and who is to say what an effective human instructor is?\n\nHow exactly is the modified lesson even going to help interest the student? Pop up a short game for a break or show a funny piture and tell the student to cheer up? Each child learns differently so how can a computer detect that? If computers started becoming \"effective human instructors\" what would happen to future teaching jobs? All of these questions are left unasnwered. As respectful as Dr. Huang puts it in paragraph 6, \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication,\" notes Dr. Huang. \"So computers need to understand that, too.\", I can agree with the computers learning about us but who would teach or program them?\n\nWhat about flaws in the computer system? What if it reads certain faces wrong such as those with disabilities or who have been in accidents where the face is not recognizable by the system? Those children would not get the full effective education as those around them and it also derives a sense of difference from other students and leaves them subject to outcasting and even bullying. There are times in a school system where the teachers and administrators need to think about the good of the students before their education sometimes. The cost to implement this new technology could also be an issue. To install the technology they would either have to go through every computer in the school system or get rid of them and buy whole new sets of computers to be able to use them effectively. How much would a school system be willing to pay to boost the education of a student and give them the best opportunity to thrive in school.\n\nAs I have previously stated there are too many questions left unanswered. I see the potential it might have in the future. And how it could be used for the better but unless solutions to the questions I have asked are not answered then how can the system that recognizes facial emotions truly be trusted in schools?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe technological age has advanced to the point of being able to calculate the complex emotions of the Mona Lisa, and there's proposal for moving into classrooms as well. However, this is a sentiment that must be rejected wholeheartedly. Despite possible learning benefits, facial recognition technology in the classroom would be ineffective and would constitute an invasion of privacy.\n\nFacial recognition software would be an ineffective addition to the classroom environment. In paragraphs 5 and 6, D'Alto writes of how the computer can sense emotions just like humans can, stating, \"In fact, we humans perform this same impressive 'calculation' every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.\" The human body has a natural ability to sense emotions within others by performing calculations based on the subtle body movements of others. Even if a machine could replicate this, as the article suggests, it doesn't dimish the face that humans already possess this capability. No emotion detecting software currently available provides anything that a human being couldn't detect, therefore adding them to the classroom would only be providing information that the teacher could already know. Teachers can detect boredom, stress, and enjoyment just like the computer would, and, if they so wish, they can change their lesson appropriately. Technology that reads emotions would be innefective and unneeded in the classroom.\n\nSoftware that can read emotions could, in a classroom, invade the personal, privite lives of the students its watching over. Due to the nature of being a computer, the technology could, as stated in paragraph 6, \"'...recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.'\" The level of understanding stops at simply recognizing the emotion; a computer cannot discern the reason behind each emotion because it only detects that the emotion is there. Now place that into a classroom, where students from all different backgrounds are coming together to learn, and there will be some students that have had a rough day. Something happened outside of school that was out of their control, and they're just trying to make it through the day and avoid conversation about it. Sadly, they walk into class, and a computer, which a teacher is giving a lesson, notices that the student is distracted and continually pesters them to pay attention, even though the student's interest is not on schoolwork at all. Life is not contained to just the classroom, and external factors will effect a student's emotion before, during, and after class. Those factors could be incredibly personal, but the technology, not being able to sense anything other than emotion, analyzes this personal part of someone's life as much as it would do a bored kid in class. This is a blatant invasion of students' privacy and needs to be prevented from doing such.\n\nD'Alto argues that the technology could provide substancial benefits to the classroom by creating personalized programs for each student to remain interested, but this process would just prove overall inneffective or exhorbitantly expensive to implement. To provide reason for this technology being implemented in classes, D'alto states in paragraph 6 that \"'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.'\" This has to be looked at in two different scenarious: a group class and a personalized class. For the group class, modifying the lesson would be overall inneffective because it would cause other students that used to be enjoying class to become bored and lethargic, thus prompting the computer to modify the lesson. The cycle would continue until the end of class, with the technology switching teaching methods so often that calling the class coherent would be blatant lying. This modification method would only work if each student had their own computer modifying the lesson. In that scenario, each student would be personally invested into what they were learning. However, it also means that each student would need their own computer that holds this technology. For technology that currently is too complicated for ordinary computers to comprehend, that would require schools to invest exhorbitant amounts of money purchasing new computers that could hold this software. For every student to have a computer would be way too expensive for any implementation to be cost-effective. Despite possible learning benefits, the technology would either be too expensive to be implemented or too innefective to be used.\n\nIt's an interesting concept to imagine a world where computers are able to sense emotions and create a personalized program for each person on Earth. However, this imagination is riddled with expenses, invasion of privacy, redundancy, and overall inneffectivity. As the technology age progresses, it's important to remember to leave teaching to the teachers.", "label": 6}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke Bomberger works at a grogrocery store and a bank, he wants to get a better job. His good friend Don Reist gave him an opportunity of a lifetime. Don had invited him to got to Europe on a cattle boat, he excepted the invite. Luke just knew that this would change his life.\n\nIn the middle of the story people realized that people, animals, and more looked dried out, so 44 nations had joined to form UNRRA and hired \"Seagoing Cowboys.\"Luke and Don had signed up for it, knowing that they were going to help animals. When they had arrived from taking the animals to New Orleans the day the Pacific War had ended. They had 335 horses plus enough oats and hay to feed them. Luke had recently turned 18 before arriving to Greece. He had made 9 trips before being discharged.\n\nI think that thanks to Don, Luke had gotten a great job just for him. I also think that Luke enjoyed the buisness he was in and what he was doing. Don is very encouraging, helpful, nice, and thanks to all of that he had gotten his friend,Luke, a job. Luke had later began helping his auntie on the farm and it prepared him for hard work. This story or passage is something that I would read again and again. It is very interesting and different. You should definetely think about joinin the \"Seagoing Cowboys\", it has made a great affect on Luke and his friend Don.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriving can be a fun time and a bad time. Driving has its advanteges but there are many disadvanteges which makes people not want to drive. Limiting car usage can be an extremely good thing and there are plenty of reasons as to why thats true. Life will still go on without cars and it might even go on in a better way. People have voted and more have voted on less driving because it is less stressful.\n\nFor starters, limiting your car usage means less accidents. United stated has the highest death amount due to car accidents. Almost 80% of deaths are from a mistake made behind the wheel. You never know what might happen when you least expect it, especially when youre just going to a drive to the grocerie store. Alot can happen in 5 minutes, In fact it is proven that most accidents happen within a mile of your home. Limit your driving and save your life as well as someone elses.\n\nAlso, limiting your car usuage means saving gas money. On average you soen about $40 dollars to fill a gas tank. That is about $80-$100 in one month. If you save that you will have over a thousand dollars saved in a year. Gas prices raise and drop but are high most of the time, which is a primary reason why people run out of money.\n\nLastly, limiting your gas usage means getting more exersize. Driving around will not help keep you healthy, in fact almost everyone eats behind the wheel. Drop your keys and walk to your destination. If you walk everyday to where you need to be your body will stay fit as well as expanding your lifetime. Americans tend to be lazy and not go out and exersize but without a car they have no choice. It will increase the amount of healthy people and decrease the fat on your body.\n\nMany advantages come with not driving. It is not something impossible to do, many have done it and many can continue to do it. It will also keep comments from other people held back. No one can judge what your driving whether youre less fortunate or not. It helps keep the community closer, money saved, better health and less accidents.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Evening Star At Night\n\nThe Venus is closest planet to Earth in therms of density and size. Venuse's challenge our planet to study and proximity to us abiut the Venus. Venus is one of the brightest point of light in the sky from our planet and second planet from our sun.\n\nAnd some people said often referred to as Earth twin Venues has samepeed as our Earth and its more hotter than our planet. Many issues explain why not sigle speaceship has touchdown on Venues in more than three times. Venues is around the corner-in space terms humen have time right spaceship has decades.\n\nVenues, Earth, and mars, and our neighbor planetary, orbit the sun at different speed, different of this mean sometimes we are close to Mars and some we close to Venues more than Mars this how work our planet and our neighnor planet in the darkness powerful earthquakes, frequent lightning, strikes to probes sekking to the land, and invisible things. The Evening Star can be our nearest potion from a planetary visit, Thre Venues of returning to the values seems indisputable, but what are the options for making such a\n\nmissions bouth safe and scientifically production. Our NASA has complete one of the complling idea for sending humen to study Vens, NASA solution to hostile conditions on the surface of Venus allow scientis to float about fray, In a imagine a blimp like vehicle houring 30 or miles above the roiling venusing landscape, just as jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storm.\n\nVenues studying up and out of their way at the thirty-plus miles above bove planrt can't penetrate the dense atmosphere or rendering standard form photograph dense athmosphere, more importantly, researcher posible to take penetrate the dense, and rending standard froms of photo graf. Therefor scientists seeking to conduction misson hope to under stand Venues should need for het uo close and depite risks. May be we might thinks of challengers, researchers are working in innovations that allow our march to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to work for Venues. NASA is still studying on Venues from 1940 during world war II thought of computers existing on that day may shocking, thise devices makes by using gerars or lerers do not electronics at all the times. For example some simplified electronics made of silicon carnbidre been tested chamber simulation that chaos Venues surfaceand have last for weeks in contion. By sysetems have use mechicanbe made more pressyre, heat, and other forces. Our travels on this Earth and beyond should not limited my danger or expanded meet very of imagaination.\n\nStriving meet challenge by Venues has values not only of insight tobe gained on the planet iself, finally human couriosity will like lead us into many equally endeavors.\n\nThe Venues was the most hostest planet in and one of the bright planet we can see from outfrom our planet but its not enought to merorise we do not know about how is side the Venues work like our Earth.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCuriosity is a particular trait in human haracter. We seek evolution so we need to conquer and explore foreign land for beneficial items or sciences. The author claims that study Venus is worth the risk, because we get new theories and formulas that cannot be possible on Earth's atmosphere, we may have insight into what the future of earth may potentially look like,and, we are forced to challenge our imagination and mental capabilities to the fullest while on this conquest.\n\nAs advanced as the earth's formulas and theories are; there are still unexplained phenomenons in this world of ours. There are unexplained answers to mysteries that dormant on earth and the answers may not even be located on this planet. \"More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance\" The author claims that undersanding Venus needs research, and, a success in the research could bring good tidings our way.\n\n\"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system\" The author makes a point about how Venus may have once been like Earth with the oceans and landscape. But now Venus is not even accesible without years or decades of technological advancement at work. Understanding and conquering may hint some clues as to what triggered such an evolution in our sister planet. Knowing what triggered that evolution would be beneficial to us because then we can avoid it or we can work towards it.\n\n\"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation\" The mind is vast and needs to be filled up. One of our most redeeming qualities as humans humans is the power of the mind or imagination. We are able to visualize things as we wish they were and that is a quality that should never be lost. With such a vast mind; why fill it up with on things we are no longer curious about. Rather, we should explore the unexplored and conquer the unconquered because our minds are on top of the food chain and they should stay at that.\n\nThe author claims that the challenges and risks needed to conquer venus is well worth the risk. We do recieve and satisfy our cravings with imperialism and conquering.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the past one hundred there is no dought that technology has advanced. Even to this day technology is still advancing. Driverless cars are very posible today because of the advancing technology and the knowledge of the car makers. The new wave of innovation is coming wth the driverless car. There is no doubt that driverless cars are the way of the future and are good for the well-being of the human population.\n\nDriverless cars are not only the way of the future but they would be highly effective. Driverless cars would be good for society because of the safety standards that would be the driverless car. Driverless cars could reduce the risk of collisions and accidents because of the technology that is in the car. Driverless cars would not only be good for the driver but for the other drivers on the road. Many accidents on the roads are caused because of reckless driving but with the driverless car the crash rate could go increasingly down.\n\nDriverless cars could reduce the risk of accidents beacuse the car would be able to drive itself. Drunk driving, texting and driving, and falling asleep at the wheel would not even be an issue for a driverless car. Take a person who is intoxicated and put them behind the wheel of a car. The person behind the wheel is dangerous to other drivers on the road. With the driverless car the intoxicated driver would not even have to drive and would not cause as many deaths or crashes as the regular car. It is the same thing with texting and driving and falling asleep at the wheel the danger of those before the driverless car is at a high rate. With the technology and the sensor ability of the driverless car the total numer of accidents and death on the roadways would go way down with the driverless car.\n\nThe driverless car would be much more effective than regular taxis of buses in large cities. The first thing is the environmental help of the driverless car. It is projected that the driverless car would use half of the fuel that the taxis today are using. With so much of the environmental concerns today about the poluted air, the driverless car would be an environmentally friendly car helping out with keeping the air cleand in big cities. The driverless car is also much more flexible and productive in terms of public transportation. With a lot of driverless cars able to help with public transport the fluidity of the public transportation system would speed up.\n\nThe driverless car would have no schedule like the taxi drivers have today. With the help of the driverless car people would get to and from quicker and there would be no taxi or bus fee as there is no driver. Driverless cars could change the whole outlook of city life and possibly change the world.\n\nThe driverless car would have so many good qualitits like saving the lives of men, women, and children as well as saving the environment of the great earth. Driverless cars are the way of the future and are good for the society. There is no doubt that driverless cars are the way of the future and are good for the well-being of the human population.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"When I had a car, I was always tense,\" Heidrun Walter said in the article, 'In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars', in the New York Times, \"I'm much happier this way.\" In Vauban, Germany, people do not use cars. They find other means of transportation, such as biking and walking. In Bogota, the construction of bicycle paths has made 118 miles of passages for residents. According to David Goldberg, \"All our development since World War II has been centered around the car.\" While that is not entirely true, it does have a good point. We should move on from the all-powerful box with wheels.\n\nOne major reason for not using cars is pollution. As most of us know, pollution is bad for the environment, and for most life on Earth. Unfortunately, our use of cars and power plants is generating pollution faster then plants can take it out of the atmosphere. \"Transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions\", Elisabeth Rosenthal said. In the article, \"Paris bans driving due to smog\", 60% of drivers in Paris stopped after five days of intensifying smog. That means that the smog was dense enough to where it was dangerous for drivers to go anywhere.\n\nThe article \"Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota\" mentions that: \"The turnout [for car-free day] was large, despite gray clouds that dumped occasional rain showers on Bogota.\" Why would people continue to participate in car-free day if they hated it so much? Despite the fine of $25, it really isn't a big deal. One of the participants, Carlos Arturo Plaza, said, \"It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution.\"\n\nNow, how can you simply stop driving? You need to get to your job! Nobody is telling you to move to Vauban. However, biking or walking to the park could help. You don't need a car to go to your neighbor's house. They're right next door. Of course, not using cars is not going to stop the pollution from power plants, but it will certainly slow down how fast it is going into the atmosphere.\n\nWe simply can't allow pollution to go where it is going. If we all stop relying on cars to get us to places, we will have enough time to think of an easier solution. Bill Ford laid out a business plan for a world in which personal vehicle ownership is impractical or undesirable. There is a chance that being car-free won't be as bad as everyone thinks. It might even be enjoyable. There is also a chance that it will despised. We'll only know if we try it, now won't we?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Unmasking the Face on Mars\" it talks about the face on Mars and how it was put there. Three ways scientists have concluded, is that there was once life on Mars and the face is from Aliens that once lived there. Others think it was hit by a huge rock and where it got hit it left an identation that just looks like a face. Or that the Face is just something that formed there naturally but to the human eye it looks like a face.\n\nIn my opionion I believe the face was put there by a rock or it just formed naturally and that there was no aliens on Mars. I say this because rock formations happen all the time along with rocks bumping into planets causing indentations on planets. Even most scientists believe it was not put there by an alien like in paragraph 6 of the article it says, \"Few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact.\" I also believe that the face was put there by either a rock or just formed there by itself because if it was put there by a alien how have we not ever seen any of the aliens there on Mars or around Mars not only recently but ever? Or how have we not found any other artifacts left behind by aliens?\n\nSo in conculsion all of the information I have read in this article show me that any of the theories could be true but I still believe that the Face is just an identation on Mars left from a rock collesion or just formed there naturally. Especially since we do not have any other artifacts of it being put there by a alien or another living thing.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI feel that this system would not be the right way to tell about someones emotions,jsut becuse you have a system that tells you this person is feeling his way doesnt mean they are actually feeling that way. Everyone has their own way of expressing either they way they feel or they way thefeel about something or someone. In the passage of paragraph 4 it says \"his new computor software stories similar anatomical information as electronic code. Perhaps Dr. Huangs emotion algorithms are a different sort of ' Da Vinci code\"! how can someone tell you how you actually feel about something jsut because it was made by a doctor that thinks he can make something up and tell you how your feeling. i wouldnt have a computor tell me how im feeling today or the next day. everyone has their own way of express how they feel. you shoudnt have someone telling you that oh your feeling this way today or your gonna feel this way the next day because everyone can feel different everyday. i woudnt use this system is it was me so i think this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable. i wouldnt recommend anyone to use this system", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe human face on Mars was not created by aliens. I know that because it changes over time. And the aliens wouldn't know what humans looked like they would have had to guess what we looked like. And another reasons is that if they did make it someone probably would have seen them create it. They would have to be like invisible for us not to catch them making it or doing somthing eles. That is why it couldn't have been aliens who made it\n\nIf aliens were real they would have to know what we look like and in order to see us they would need to get close to earth. If they did get close to earth we would probably see or notice them. Or they could have seen us on the moon but in order to do that they would either have to be able to see through the glass or they would need to go in the spaceship. But they are probably more scared of us than we are of it so why in the world would they have made a sculpure of us if they are more scared of us than we are of it.\n\nEven if aliens did make the face on the moon they would have to have a way of making it and they probably aren't like you see on the tv or somthing. We probably would have seen them if they did make it bacause thay would have had to frist have the tool and it would have tacken a long time. It shows in the pictures that they are still modifing it so they would have to be like invisible to dodge all of our space crafts and rovers and stuff. Even if they still made it then they are probably more scared of us than we are of them. So if they were so scared of us than why in the world would they make a sculture of someone they fear ,and that they know wold hurt them.\n\nNow you know that aliens could have in no way made that face on mars. the reasons that aliens couldn't have made them are, they would have been seen they are too scared, they are still modifing it, they dont know what we look like, and they may have seen us but through a spacesuit.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWould it be awesome if you could read someone's emotion by the look on their face?, You could but most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc. A new technology called the Facial Action Coding System that can enable computers to identify human emotions. That means this can read emotions correctly. The FACS (Facial Action Coding System) can identify a person emotion by coding the facial structure is being planned to be used in classroom to read the emotional expression, In my opinion i considered it to be valuable.\n\nFirst, Everyone is different and reveal different emotions. For example this technology can be used in classroom to read the emotions of students, teachers can identify when students are not paying attention or just bored. This technology will let the teachers know that maybe change plans some fun activities before moving to regain the students attention.\n\nSecond, Faces don't lie; If a student had been bullied the technology will show the emotion of that student which will alert the teachers, teachers can talk with the students about whats wrong? or what happend?. Many kids in the world are bullied but they keep their sadness and fear to themselves, even when they show sadness or fear teachers can't tell or understand. The FACS doesn't just take a picture of a face, it constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model move like human muscles.\n\nThird, This technology can have impacts everywhere not just at hospital, or video games. FACS can make computer-animated faces more expressive-for video games or video surgery. Teachers can make animation and excites the students to regained attention. Teachers can do animation for the topic they are on to impress the students.\n\nLast but not least, \"why not?\", If the FACS is affordable for schools to obtain, Why not right? It can be used for educational purposes. For example, students can use this for projects or other activites. Instead of schoolwork students can be involve with peers and read eachothers emotion. \"Most human communication is nonverbal, icluding emotional communication,\" notes Dr. Huang.\n\nIn conclusion, I considered this technology (FACS) to have a good impact in classroom, This technology can change the game for teachers and even students.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFacial action coding system is a great way for teachers to understand how a student is truly feeling about an assignment or lesson in class. Facial action coding systems can help teachers to know if a student needs to either move ahead for a lesson or slow down. This software will help a student further comprehend the work their being assaigned instead of giving up early on. Not every human expresses their emotions the same way on their face so the coding system would have to be advanced and be able to detect slight emotions for every face.\n\nThe Facial action coding system does not always work the same for everyones face. A student can be deceptive and it may seem on their face that they are attentative and happy about the work, but could just be thinking about what their going to have for lunch. The pros for the facial action coding sytem are that the system would be able to detect when a student is completely furious and confused about the work they are doing. Another senario for the facial recoginition system would also be able to detect if a student is really confused about the work but they have all the right answers. This system would certainly prevent cheating from students and promote more honest work.\n\nIn this article \u00a8Making Mona Lisa Smile\u00a8, the facial recognition system detects that Mona Lisa is feeling 83 percent happy, but is she really feeling this way? Emotion can not always be detected through facial recognition. Humans can have serious mood swings and can be deceptive and indecisive with their emotions. One moment a teenager could be 95 percent happy, but with mood swings varying the next moment that same student could be 65 percent frustarted. Facial action coding system is a great idea to implicate into schools if, the sytem does not have any flaws with detecting faces.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this article it talks about how scientists should focus on exploring Venus our sister planet. They want to further explore Venus because of how facinating the planet is. The only problem is that the weather, atmosphere, and pressure on Venus is very deadly. No spaceship has ever lasted a long time on Venus, so not much is really known about what is hiding on its surface. That's why scientists thing that we should explore more into Venus. By exploring Venus our understanding of more planets in out solar system would expand greatly.\n\nThe author gives many claims and examples of how we can further explore Venus with little to no probelms. The first claim is that a blimp-like ship could hover over the planet at a safe area to achieve more information anout the planet and atmosphere. The temperature would still be hot and crazy, but it would not be as hot as the surface of Venus is. Also the pressure would be safe and would not kill anyone like it would on the surface of Venus. But the only probelm with this idea is that the people can not get any physical samples of rock, gas, and any other material on Venus. They would only be able to observe from the ship that is hovering over the planet. This idea would work, but the information that we would get wouldn't be as helpful as acturally going onto Venus's surface\n\nAnother claim that the author gives that we could try is that, scientist have made simplified electronics made out of silicon carbide already that can survive up to 3 weeks in the conditions Venus has. Along with this is by looking back into older technologies and how strong and stable they are. And how we can incorperate this into ships and other things that could travel to Venus safely. This would work but it wouldn't last forever and would eventrally melt and or something would happen to the objects that are preasent. This idea would work up to a certain area and would give us only limited information that we could obtain.\n\nThe author is all for exploring Venus and that we should try harder and focus more on the exploration of Venus. The author does give some decent claims about how we could take it into action. But the claims he gives don't really show how we can get to Venus. The claims that the author has given in the reading are well but together, and they seem like they would work up to a certain extent. In the reading the author makes it seem that we should put all of our time into exploring Venus, and he gives many reasons why. And what information we would gain out of exploring Venus. The author gives many helpful ideas that would not be as dangerous as just going to the planet's surface. Overall the auhtor gives his support to the exploration of Venus, and his claims are very well towards that idea as well.\n\nIn all not just the author thinks that we should explore our sister planet Venus. There are many people that have thought of this idea and that we should work towards it. Venus is a very interesting planet and has many things that have yet been discovered about it. Overall the author fully supports that claim that we should further explore Venus for many reasons that would be successful to us and help our knowledge grow.\n\nVenus is the only planet that could've looked like earth many years ago, and still has many similar features to this day with earth.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe \"face\" on mars is not a face at all, although it may look like a face it is not. The \"face is very similar to some land formations on earth like a butte or a mesa. The \"eyes\" of the face and the \"nose\" of the face are just shadow on the rocks. The day that the picture of the \"face\" was taken it was cloudy and may have crated the shadows, or there are rocks that are higher up that created the shadows.\n\nIt is stated in the article that the \"face\" does not actually have eyes or a nose, that it was just the shadows that made them. scientists proved that it was not a face by takeing another more clear image of the \"face\", showing that it was a land formation and not an alien. They also proved that there were no alien pyramids, shacks, or any alien artifacts near the rock formation.\n\nIn conclusion the \"face\" is not an alien artifact or a giant head. the \"face\" is only a large land formation like a mesa or a butte like we have on earth.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLeonardo Da Vinci's renaissance painting \"Mona Lisa\" is one of the famous painting this world has ever known. But there was one question in my mind,\"WHAT IS HER EMOTION\"? Is she smiling, is she angry, is she sad, what is her emotion.\n\nNow this new technology called FACS (Facial Acting Coding System) can measure human emotions. It also measures Mona Lisa's emotion. Is it valuable in today's world.\n\nNowdays, unlimited machines have been built to comfort human civilization. Some of them really benefitted, some of not. Now a Human emotion telling machine is built to measure emotions. I think it is valuable because the creator might have built it for purpose. But what I personally think, \"IT IS USELESS\". WHY?.Let me explain you.\n\nHumans are making new machines. But who has the time to test it. Because machines are growing, but the civilization is busy. Some people can't give their family some time because they got job to do. If they're done with job, then they have to look for home. Stress increases these days.\n\nI think this machine is valuable same as useless. Valuable because it takes a lot of time and years to make. Useless because it has no role to deal with human stress, it reads emotions, that's pretty cool. But what anout dealing with stress. I hope you like my thought.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that the Facial Action Coding System used to read the emotion and expressions in students in a classroom is valuable because it can be used for many different things such as potentionaly making people feel better, helps tell when people are not being truthful and can tell when a student becomes confused of bored.\n\nFirst of all, this technology to read the emotions and expressions of a students in a classroom is valuable because, even know sometimes you fake emotions it many still be able to make you feel that way. For example the author stated in paragraph 9 that \" Theory Of Emotion, moving you facial muscles not only expresses emotion, but may be able to produce them.\" What this is saying is that the muscles that you use in your face to fake an emotion can actually make you feel that emotion.\n\nSecoundly, this technolgy could also help and be valuable not just in a classroom but also outside such as the police department. The reason why is because your facial expressions can make other people tell if you are not being truthful and not telling the truth. The author states this in paragragh 8 saying \" To an expert, faces don't lie: these muscle clues are somtimes used to spot when a \"smiling\" polaticion or celebrity isn't being truthful.\" What this is saying is this new technology could help tell when someone is lying about cheating on a test or homework. And this doesnt just go for inside school or classrooms this could go for the police to. To tell if someone isnt being truthful about something and which part they arent being truthful about.\n\nFinally, the last thing I have to support for this is could help teacher relize when a student is confused or bored in a classroom. How the author explains this is in paragragh 6. It states that \" A classroom computer could reconize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" What this means is that how the students facial expressions react to what pops up on the computer can show when the student is interested in what is happening or confuse, and bored. And the author also stated \"Then it could modify the lesson, like and effective human instructor. The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive- for video games or video surgerys\". What this is saying is a computer can tell when you are bored or confused and help to keep you fouced and intertained more by making the lesson more expressive and also making it more interesting for the student.\n\nIn conclusion, I believe what I have stated above proves that this technolgy can help in many ways such as potentionaly making people feel better, helps tell when people are not being truthful and can tell when a student becomes confused of bored. And that this will help many students and teachers in a classroom.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nNew software has been develpoed that improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of others. The new software, the Facial Acion Coding System, has promising applications for a variety of industries.\n\nThe use of the new technology called Facial Action Coding System to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable.\n\nThe author says,\"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" Facial Action Coding System is valuable in classroom as, if a child doesn't understand anything what the teacher is teaching, the teacher will get to know that the child is confused or not understanding something by just looking at the computer.\n\nThe author says,\"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" So, when the teacher will know that the student is confused or bored, he/she could teach the lesson in a better way, and also the computer could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\n\nI would conclude by saying that, this new technology is very useful in a classroom because it helps the students understand everything that teacher is trying to expalin and helps them learning better.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\", it describes how this new technology called the \"Facial Action Coding System\" can identify human emotions and how it's is a very useful piece of technology. I have to agree, this new technology can be very helpful to many people.\n\nFor example, in paragraph six line six to eight it says \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored\" (Dr. Huang predicts). \"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor\". This not only can know how students are feeling about a certain lesson or problem in class, but can also ajust it's way of learning to a way that is best understandable for the students. Once sadisfied, and the computer reads that the student is \"happy\" with it, they'll finally be able to learn more and get a lot of their work done. Not only is this a really spectacular piece of technology, but a very useful one at that.\n\nReads a persons emotions, modified lessons to fit a student's understanding; once satisfied or \"feeling happy\" with it, a student can then work easier along with getting a lot more work done. I mean, does this not sound very useful and benificial to many people, to many students. This new piece of technology is going to help many students, and I for one would love to use the \"Facial Action Coding System\".", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus the sister planet of earth is planet very similar to ours and is worh going to. What if venus held life before,according to the text theis is very possible. Sientist are very excited about the things that could be found on Venus and are coming up with ideas to go to Venus. The author explains this topic well has lots of good points. In this essay and I will be stating why venus is worth going to and all the dangers that come alog with it.\n\nThe first challenge the author staes is that the scientist have to make the mission safe andproductive. Acording to the article the 800 degree flesh bubbling heat astrnaughts would have to endure is a huge problem for safety. The intence heat paired with the acid rain is something that doesent seem real. Many people dont know but acording to the text the gravity on Venus is 90 times more then what we feel here on Earth. This problem would have to be met with a type of suite in wich is the best we have ever made. If we want to send people to Venus these problems will have to be made with lots of people and tested many times. Acording to paragraph 7 we also would need to come up with materials that will still function properly under all the elements.\n\nThe benifitsd the author staes we will have are a very great understanding of what Venus is made of and if anything ever lived on it. The reason we should know whats on venus is for resources and for another planet to have people on. If we find that Venus has a great deal of more usefull resources we can use them. If we find that other being lived on this planet we can try and figure out what happned and learn new ideas that we can use. This would be a great leap in the understanding of planets and help our scientist study them better.\n\nIn conclusion the author staed the benifits and dangers good but can still add more details like what other space centers are interested in helping or is it just NASA. The article was written well and had good structure. The auther gives shows data for example when the text staed the avarage tempertate on Venus is 800 degrees on the surface in paragraph 3. Overall this article seccusfully supports the idea of if Venus is woth visiting.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars\n\nI think driverless cars will be an accident waiting to happen. I think they will just become an danger to people. Sergey Brin is talking about driveless cars, but for a start they arent even driveless at all.\n\nThey have a lot to look into before making these cars legal like road condition, an accident, or work areas for the county to do work. There still has to be someone toughing the steering wheel to make the car even move. Before these cars can even become worthy of driving elder people or driving at all it needs to pass a saftey corse or something i think to be able to get on the market.\n\nIf these people making these car think about all the promblems that can occur, saftey for the people riding inside the car, and other people around the outside of the car, and make sure that car works like its suppose to before sales start. I think it wouldnt be a bad think to do, but as of right now its just to dangers to trust something that has failed or could poosibly die from.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke should not be a sea going cowboy.This is why in paragraph 2 he said when he went over seas world war ll was begining, if he was caught by any air troopers they would have bombed the boat he was on and it would have sinked into that deep blue ocean. For example when he was on the boat he had an hourly role call acording to the story he fell and cracked his ribs if the metal pole did'nt stop him he would have went over board and eaten by a shark but he was fine he had to take a break for a couple of days. Why he should'nt go over seas to be a sea going cowboy is that you can get hurt a lot and get sea sick but the most important thing is that if he keeps up what he is doing he will get really hurt do his job any more. In paragrah4 when he was discharged he had made nine trips across the world\n\nacording to the paragraph.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Against Driverless Cars\"\n\nIn the future we will need our own cars it's not neccesary to have that types of cars or traportations car like those kind. Everybody needs their own traportation to go to work,store,hospital,etc. For some reason it would be a good idea because it would save fuel because they will only used half the fuel of today's taxis and offer more far flexibility.\n\nBut,instead why don't they do they same cars now days people used and do it as the driveless cars it would be the same only thing that would be differnt is that everybody would have one it would be much easier and it wouldn't be public they would have to ride with other peopl or go all squish together because it's full.\n\nDriverless Cars can be dangerous,How? well it couold cause accidents it can lose it's control anything can happen because their are that 100% reliable,plus google cars aren't truly driverless;they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of drivewaysor dealing with complicated traffic issues.\n\nMy opinion is no. I don't want for the future to have public cars like those.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of Facial Action Coding System is useful and valuable to read the emotional expressions of students because it will benefit and help teachers in classrooms understand what the student is truly feeling and what is going on in their mind.\n\nThis technology system will be \"able to detect exactly how other people are feeling even when they are trying to hide their emotions.\" Many students in class have anxiety of speaking infront of many people, fear of being wrong, and not asking questions when they don't know what is going on. They will know when and how to help students through the help of the system.\n\nAnother reason why Facial Action Coding System will improve classroom environments and the learning skills of all the students is the system will let teachers know when the student is angry because when the \"orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens you lips to show anger.\"(3)\n\nIf a student is angry, the system will detect it and the teachers will know as well. Anger can indicate many things in a student. Something may not be okay at home or in their family. The student may have too much going on in their life. When this happens, students tend to hide their emotions and not ask for help, when in reality they do. The system would automatically give intail on the emotion to the teacher so they can offer help, guidance and support to the student and let them know that a teacher is there for them.\n\nStudents would not learn anything if they are too distracted or too tired. If there is a technology to read students' emotional expressions, it would benefit teachers because the system will notice the emotions they might be feeling like \"happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and saddness...\" (3). If the teacher knows what the students true feelings are, for example boredom, This Facial Action Coding System would help teachers know \"...when a student is becoming confused or bored... then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\"(6)\n\nThe use of Facial Action Coding System is valuable because it helps teachers understand the feelings of their students and help their students based on their feelings. This system will improve the learning environment and decrease the levels of stress and anxiety will the help of teachers.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars would be very usefull, epecially in this generation because of all the teenagers now a days using their phones while driving, and causing accidents. A driverless car would help that problem. A driverless car would help all people ranging from all ages. The diverless car also pays closer attention to the road thatn any individual would. A driverless car in general would help people of older age as well.\n\nThe driverless car would prevent teenageers and from getting into accidents. Teenages now a days don't know how to stay off their phones so that causes accidents, with a driverless car the car does the driving for you all you have to do is sit there and pay attention every once in a while. The driverless car would protect the driver, especialy when they are not paying any attention to the road.\n\nWith all that being said, the driverless car would pay closer attention to the road. Say there might be a deer in the middle of road and the driver isn't paying any attention. The car would sense it and would stop automatically. Say somehting just pops up out of nowhere, the car would know and would sense it. What the car does is it senses it and it reduces power from the engine as it is applying the breaks. That is how that works, and as technology advances this will advance as well and only get better.\n\nMy final reasoning is very simple. The driverless car would help out elders who may not have the eye sight that they may have had when they where thirty years old. Also people who loose their hearing, they wouldn't be able to hear certian things that might be going on around them. So the driverless car would help elders get around town a lot better than having to pay a lot of money for a driver or car sevice. Some elders do no pay attention to what is going on, so as long as they would have a driverless car I think they would be good to go.\n\nWith all that being said I am all for having driverless cars. They would help prevent accidents epecially with teenagers who are constantly on their phones. The car pays closer attention to the rather than and iduvidual. And finally the car would help elders get around rather than them having to pay alot of money to have a driver or alwasy use a car service. Just in general I feel a driverless car would be great for everyone now a days.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTechnology to read the emotinoal expressions of students in a classroom would be very valuable but also very not likely to happen anytime soon. While I believe it's a great idea to keep kids on track and keep them actually working; I don't believe it would work as easily in the real world.\n\nThere are many problems with the Facial Action Coding System. The first thing would be as stated in paragraph 7, \"Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile.\" This shows that a normal PC can't handle the algorithms. Without this program working on a normal PC schools are going to have to buy certain computers and pay people to maintain them. It's overall not practical or convenient enough. I believe in the near future it will be very pracitical and will be used to help many kids that wouldn't have graduated before graduate.\n\nI believe the Facial Acton Coding System would be very helpful to get kids that dont try and aren't engaged, engaged in their school work. If you can make learning fun for a kid when they're upset or frustrated, it'll make it much eaiser for them to learn. Using these machines so they manipulate your work and change it to fit how you are emotionally will get kids to try harder and get engaged. I also believe the percentage of kids failing and dropping out would change once the coding system is integrated.\n\nOverall I believe the Facial Action Coding System is a very great idea. It'll improve our schools and our country as a whole. But as previously said I dont think we are technologically advanced enough to start using these algorithms and programs, but I believe in the next 10 years we'll start to see this program in schools being used to help the children.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriving\u00a0 a\u00a0 car\u00a0 is\u00a0 one\u00a0 of\u00a0 the\u00a0 fun\u00a0 but\u00a0 must\u00a0 dangerous\u00a0 things\u00a0 to\u00a0 do.\u00a0 Car\u00a0 usage\u00a0 is\u00a0 one\u00a0 of\u00a0 the\u00a0 most\u00a0 common\u00a0 issues\u00a0 the\u00a0 wolrd\u00a0 is\u00a0 trying\u00a0 to\u00a0 address.\u00a0 Seeing\u00a0 so\u00a0 many\u00a0 cars driving\u00a0 around\u00a0 is\u00a0 not\u00a0 as\u00a0 much\u00a0 fun\u00a0 as\u00a0 it\u00a0 were\u00a0 in\u00a0 the\u00a0 late\u00a0 50s. Car\u00a0 usage\u00a0 is\u00a0 causing\u00a0 so much\u00a0 damage\u00a0 in\u00a0 our\u00a0 environment.\u00a0 Usage\u00a0 of\u00a0 cars\u00a0 can\u00a0 lead\u00a0 to\u00a0 air\u00a0 pollution.\u00a0 Air\u00a0 polluion\u00a0 is\u00a0 the\u00a0 most\u00a0 dangerous\u00a0 type\u00a0 of\u00a0 pollution\u00a0 that\u00a0 can\u00a0 kill\u00a0 thousand's\u00a0 of people\u00a0 in\u00a0 just few\u00a0 minutes.\u00a0 Limiting\u00a0 in\u00a0 car\u00a0 usage can\u00a0 make\u00a0 a\u00a0 reduction\u00a0 in\u00a0 air\u00a0 pollution.\n\nOwning\u00a0 a\u00a0 personal\u00a0 car\u00a0 is\u00a0 not\u00a0 the\u00a0 only\u00a0 way\u00a0 you\u00a0 can\u00a0 get\u00a0 from\u00a0 point\u00a0 A\u00a0 to\u00a0 point\u00a0 B.\u00a0 There\u00a0 are\u00a0 other\u00a0 ways\u00a0 and\u00a0 means\u00a0 someone\u00a0 could\u00a0 use\u00a0 to\u00a0 get\u00a0 around\u00a0 doing\u00a0 your\u00a0 day\u00a0 to-day\u00a0 businesses,\u00a0 EX:\u00a0 trains,\u00a0 cabs,\u00a0 buses, etc.\u00a0 If\u00a0 most\u00a0 people\u00a0 start\u00a0 to\u00a0 use\u00a0 the\u00a0 other\u00a0 means\u00a0 of\u00a0 transportations\u00a0 I\u00a0 just\u00a0 listed,\u00a0 there\u00a0 will\u00a0 be\u00a0 some\u00a0 in crease\u00a0 on\u00a0 our\u00a0 employment\u00a0 rate.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriveless cars sound cool and fun but they also sound like they could be dangours. There might be some people who might take this driveless car for advantage, there are some people who would use it so that they wouldn't have to drive.\n\nDriveless cars seem cool and fun because of what the article says the article says that the drivesless car steer, accelorate, they also brake themselfs. By this means the car is an awesome car because it does all of these things for you. But the wireless car may seem dangerous because what if you get in a car accident and the car doesnt break, and the peron who was driving wasnt paying attention to the road. This car is also awesome because if your car turns into an accident the drivers seat vibrates and gives the driver signs that something is wrong. When the car is baking up and its about to hit something the car gives the driver a heads up of what is about to happen.\n\nPeople should be carefull if they buy or get this car because if they buy it and think its okay just for the car to drive on its own and not to pay attention to the road.They shouls always becarfull when using the car especailly when they have a kid in the back or a passanger.The driverless car is a good car because it worns the driver when it is about to hit something.The car also gives the driver signs to when its the drivers turn to take over the wheel.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face can speak more than words. Most communication is nonverbal, its emtional communication. Although we can fake a smile or fake an emotion some people might not catch on, well with new technology computers can now read our emotions. Dr. Huang, has come up with new software allowing computers to read and understand a person's facial expresions. This software allows a new connection to be made with humans and computers; and help each other communicate better. This new technology is a great idea for making our future with technology more enjoyable.\n\nWith technology on the uprise in todays age, it is becoming more of a neccessity in our everyday lives. Most schools teach with electronics, many jobs rely on technology, and the average person spends half their day on their phone. This software can make our experiences more enjoyable on electronics, for example \"if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different.\". This makes the time spent on computers more enjoyable as we will see more things we like. Not only is it a good idea for consumers, its also a great way for bussinesses to advertise.\n\nIn schools it can be hard for kids to enjoy lessons or subjects if they don't undertsand them. If we have computers that could detect the students emotion, then that would better the students learning experience. \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" , understanding the students emotions could help their education. As this computer could read if a student is confused or bored, it can just as esaily make the lesson understanable or interactive. With this type of technology it could change the way education is handled all together.\n\nToday's mainstream media is all about faking it until you make it, but with this new technology it won't be as easy to get away with. This software can tell a real smile from a fake smile, it's all about the muscle movements. If it can tell a fake from a real emotion then the media will really crack down on today's mainstream stars and politicians. \"To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a \"smiling\" politician or celebirty isn't being truthful.\", this could be a turning point for the media.\n\nWith technology becoming more interactive we are going to find new ways to make our everyday life a little easier. Spotting real and fake emotions can be really difficult these days as we have actors and actresses everywhere. It can also be difficult in learning environments, and even our everyday life. This technology can really help us start to understand each other more and make a more personal connection with technology. This great idea can sprout many more technological advances, who knows what else is instore?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFellow citizens have many advantages if they start limiting car usage. There are many other things a person can do to avoid driving their motor vehicle. Car pooling, public transportation, riding a bicycle, and walking are a few ways you can get to your destination. Car usage is a big problem because of all of the disadvantages it has. The good thing is that by limiting car usgae emissions will lower, we, the people, can conserve resources and improve safety.\n\nLowering emissions has to do with greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gas is any gaseous thing in the atomosphere that is capable of absorbing radiation. It traps and holds heat to the atmosphere. If we lower greenhouse gas then it will prevent the earth from global warming. In source one, the writter says \"Automobiles are the linchpin of suburbs and that, experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions tailpipes.\" This line states that automobiles is becoming a hug problem because it uses gas and it causes greenhouse gas emissisions.\n\nConserving resources is an important advantage to limiting car usage. Resouces are what people, plants and animals need. To conserve resources, air pollution can not be a problem but it is because of the dieselsl from cars. \"After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced driving ban to clear the are of the global city.\" states, the narrator of source 2. This states that driving a vehicle that contains diesel engines has caused pollution and it has been banned to clear the air in the city. Air pollution is when harmful solid particles and gases mixed in the air. \"pedestrian, bycycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation\" are was to reduce air pollution, explains source 4.\n\nImproving saftey is what earth needs to do. Safety is important and if car usage does not limit, people saftey will increase, and not in a good way. We can not continue living with the earth having problems because it will effect our safety. Air pollution will cause us to inhale dangerous particles and that will cause us, the people, to have a bad health.\n\nIn conclusion, there are many advantages to limiting car usage. There are many different ways from preventing bad things happening. If car usage increases then there will be many problems on earth. We can slowly make a change, avoiding car usage is hard but it must happen.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever seen the face of mars, well if you haven't it's this 2 mile land form on mars and because its shadows and some other resons it looks like a pharose face.\n\nSee when the first picture of The Face was taken it only had 43 meters per pixel making all those little details to show it was just a bunch of rock unnoticable, plus the land was shaped right to make it look like a face . But in 2001 we used our most enhanced camera that had 1.56 meters per pixel. And I know the all the supersticios people who think it's \"Alians\" would say that nothing that I'm saying proves anything but with the new camera that we had if there would have been any housing, which there would have had to be to construct such a monument, thene we would have seen it.\n\nNow that i have told my side of the story everyone can calm down.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCan you always tell if a student is happy or sad by the way he/she looks? With the new technology invention, we can totally see if a student is happy/sad. The use of the Facial Action Coding System is valuable in a class room. it can recognize emotions, it can recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored in class and lastly, it can create emotional communication.\n\nFirst, the system can recognize emotions. It is not always possible for teachers to make correct assumptions on how the students are feeling. For instance, if someone finds out about how a student is feeling, he/she will have \"Some trouble describing each facial trait that conveys, happy, worried.\" With the use of the facial action code in a classroom, a teacher can precisely tell how a students is feeling. According to Dr. Huang, \" The software is the latest innovation from prof. He relied on work from psychologists like Dr. Paul Eckman to classiy the six basic emotions.\" This totally means that Dr. Huang was able to co-operate with some psychologists to precisely identify the different basic emotions. Sometimes students often show some various degrees of expression (like not smiling as broadly). \"Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements.\" In this case, we can conclude that the new technology can precisely identify a student emotion. For this reason, the use of a Facial Action Coding System should be allowed in a classroom.\n\nSecondly, this new technology can recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored in class. Teachers can't always tell if a student is getting confused or bored in class. For instance, not all students in class like to speak up when they are getting confused or bored. With the use of Facial Action Coding System, a teacher can clearly see if a student is getting confused or bored. According to the article, \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" After recognizing, \"It could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" In this case, we can see that the Facial Coding System can recognize when a student is getting bored in class. For this reason, the use of Facial System is valuable because teachers can not always recognize when a student is getting bored in class.\n\nLastly, the Facial Coding System can create emotional communication. It is not always possible for your friends, teachers or a family member to know how you are feeling. Your friends might sometimes be able to tell due to how you look, but they can't deeply tell what's the problem with you. According to the article \"Most humans communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication. Computers need to understand that too.\" It also says in the article that the system can even indicate \"The diference between a genuine smile and a forced one.\" These systems can also comuunicate by describing the type of smile you have on your face. For instance, in a false smile, \"The mouth is stretched sideways using zygomatic major and different muscle.\" According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, \"Moving your facila muscles not only expresses, emotions, but also may even help produce them.\" In this case, we can conclude that these systems are valuable and beneficial in classrooms. For this reason, the use of a Facial Coding System is valuable in a classroom.\n\nIn conclusion, the use of a Facial Action Coding System is beneficial in a classroom. The system can recognize emotions, it can tell if a student is getting confused or bored in class, and lastly. the system can create emotional communication. With this invention, a teacher does not always need to ask a student about how they are feeling; he/she can precisely tell by looking into the the Facial System.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless Cars Are Coming!\n\nThink of all the movies you seen about cars driving by themselves, well they're becoming real. I actually like the fact they're making driverless cars, just like at the beginning of the article, imagine a new future full of technology. By 2030 they'd probably have robots cooking home meals, and tubes passing through out the sky and connected to other tubes for transportation. People wouldn't have to use so much money spending on gas trying to fill their cars up.\n\nToday's world we have better technology where these driverless cars are getting better. There are cars with the ability to start up without an key, just push a buttion. We have cars now that knows when a accident is about to occur, or when an padestrian is near. Imagine driving in your car, and you take your eyes off the road for just a second and a child is in the middle of the street. Driverless cars will break itself and prevent injury to you and the child. Even for emergency vehicles or construction work, it will alert you that it's near. Some cars have self parking, meaning you could get out your car and watch it park itself just by hitting a button. Without hitting other cars, reversing on it's on, and even controlling the headlights if it was to park into a place somewhere dark. It's amazing what our future is becoming!\n\nI believe they have a car that could drive itself. Say you're going on a roadtrip, and the vacation spot takes 24 hours to get there. Your car would drive to that destination while you rest. If your driverless car sees a human, animal, or object in front it will stop it self, there's sensors all over the car to detect that. Some driverless cars have cameras, you would be able to see your blindspot if you were driving. If you wanted to back up into a spot put couldn't see, they will turn on the camera video and you could watch how close you get to an object. These cars even make loud noises or make your seat vibrate to alert you of being to close. If you have a text or call come in, instead of taking your eyes off the road to reach for your phone, they have voice command where you can say \"answer imcoming call\" or many other things. There have been over a million car accidents caused by the drivers or even the car itself, but with the driverless car your safety is garenteed. The driverless cars are much safer for the driver, passengers, and even the outsiders. This is why I'm not against the development of these cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face on Mars is not an alien formation but just a simple play on eyes. The face just hides in the shadows on mars. One reason I think it is just a shadow is that in the comparison pictures from 1976 to 1998 and 2001 all look different. They all give a different look on the face. Another reason i think the face on Mars is fake is, if there were civilations on mars they would also on the 3D image. So if there are no homes or shelthers there, who made it? No one did. It is a natural formation. Just like the ones in the United States of America. In the U.S.A those types of formations form in the Midwest. The formation is actualy called a butte or mesa. People say it reminds them of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. This is why I think the face on Mars is just a natural formation and not the work of aliens.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe idea of exporing Venus is amaze to anyone on Earth if they wanted to go there some day, but in this article the author sate that Venus is not inhabitable during our time but has been in the past and that it is worth it to pursuit studying it as in many ways it could help us. Venus temputer is said to be over 800 fahrenheit, which few places on Earth can be compre to, and that the few spacecraft that had beeen on it didn't last more than a few hours. With all these failures the people in different parts of Earth still strives to study Venus, but seeing as seccess is build on top of failures it does make seans that a person woud keep on trying and if they do mange to make, as there nothing on Earth that can with stand Venus temperatures, something that can endures it plants surfaces temperature then it would benfit human even more as with that kind of metal we explore thae hotest place on Earh. In the end studying the plant can bring many benfit dispite the dangers that it presents.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis object on Mars has been theorized to be a face, but there is no way this could represent life on Mars. There are many pictures of Mars and nothing else showed that there could be life. There are many reasons why this is not a factor that shows that there is life on Mars. There is not enough resources, it was shown to be a natural landform after better technology was used, and it is similar to the Middle Butte in Idaho as mentioned in the article.\n\nMy first reason, is that there is not enough resources to be able to have life on Mars. There is barely any water except for ice on Mars. There are no plants to create oxygen. There have been no signs of any thing to provide life other than the frozen water as previously mentioned. Most of all Mars is too cold to be able to have life on it. The only way for something to live on Mars is if something somehow adapted to that type of enviroment.\n\nAnother reason, is that it was shown to be a mesa type lanform. The first picture was similar to a face because technology was not advanced enough to take a clearer picture. After we made better technology we were able to get a better and clearer picture that shows it was just a landform.\n\nMy third and final reason, is that it is very similar to landforms on our planet. We have mesas amd buttes all over our planet. The one that is most similar is in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Many pictures shown that the \"face on Mars\" is not real.\n\nAll of these reasons show that there is no way that this is a sign of life on Mars. As I mentioned there is not enough resources, it was shown to be a landform, and that it is similar to landforms here on Earth. So there is no way that this is a sign of another form of life other than the life on our planet.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHappiness, Surprise, anger, disgut, fear and sadness, Humans use emotions to\n\nexpress and describe how they feel, and it is because the muscular actions units. You can tell when someone is happy or if someone is angry, when you are happy your body make your lips raise at the corners of your mouth but when you are angry your muscles around your mouth tightens, but why is important to know about humans emotions?\n\nThere is a new software\n\ncalled \" The Facial Action Coding System\" and this software makes easy to understand the emotions of others, and this is all becuase of the innovation from Prof.Thomas HUang and Prof.Nicu Sebe, they have a goal to make humans and computers to communicate in a better way.\n\nThe procces starts with a computer that models in 3-D the muscles of\n\nthe face, they use only the 44 major muscles, and in the six classfied emotions something different happens, it can also be called \" actio units\" and it is when there is one or more movements in your face. \" The facial expressions for each emotion are universal\" - Dr.huang, and by this he means that even though everyone is different, we all do almost the same emotions when we are surprise or when we are mad, and in some of them are easier to recognize and in\n\nsome others in not that easy, you can tell how is your sister feeling just by looking at her face or if you want to ask for a favor the first thing you do is to look at their face, becuase if they show a emtion of being angry is better to ask another time, but in some others cases you can not tell how is that person feeling just by looking at her face, because some people express their emotions more than others and for this kinf od people the new software is really helpfull, everyday, we look at other persons emtions every day and maybe sometimes we don't even realize it, in some cases another persons emotions can change yours for example is you are really tired or sad and you see one person that it is super happy it can change your mood to a happy one.\n\nI think that is it really smart to use the techonology for something good and this is one of them by reading students emotional expresions, it can help teachers to be better by knowing which type of lessons are confuse or bored and like this teachers can change it or make it better for students,sometimes some students are afraid to speak or say somethn infront of the class, when they have a question or they just do not understand, but with this software teachers can improve and by this students can also improve, \" Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication\" notes from Drr. Huang, so even if we try to figure out the emotions of someone we can't some of them keep them really well inside, this software makes it easy, i think they should use it in every school to help students that have to stay after school of pay tons of money for tutoring because maybe is it not that they do not understand, is it that the way some students learn in different, they do not learn the same ways, but with this kind of information the teachers can make it easier for everyone.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat do you guys think about Venus ? is it a cool planet ? , Is it so dangerous how people tend to say ? or is it just an intersting planet? Well i personally think this planet is very intersting! This author explained so much about Venus even things that i didnt know.\n\nThe author claims that \"Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents\" In other words that Venus is really amazing planet to learn about even though it does have dangerous cons.\n\nIn the passage the author claims that Venus is sometimes called the \"Evening star\" thats such a intersting name since its actually a planet. The author states that its called the evening star because Venus is the second planet from our sun. The author also tells us in the passage that Venus is often reffered to as Earths \"twin\" because Venus is closest to Earth in desity and size. Isnt that something great to know about Venus ? since its so close to our earth where we all live. In paragraph 2 the author states that they have sent many spacecraft to land on Venus , but no spacecraft has survied the landing for more than\n\nfew hours. Which makes it such a difficult planet for us humans to study. This is one of the cons about Venus.\n\nThe dangers that Venus has are oddly shocking. The tempetures in Venus average over 800 degrees. Venus is a thick atmosphere of almost 91 percent carbon dioxide. The atmosphere presure is 90 times greater than what us humans ever experince the atuthor states. What bad con about Venus is that it has the hottest surface temperture of any planet. Venus is also very dangour because it has erupting valcanos , strong earthquakes , and very often lighting strikes . the craziest part is that reserachers cannot talk samples of rock , gas or anthing else , from a distance these are very horrible risk\n\nThere are many pros and cons about Venus.Yes Venus is a very dangerous plant and has many cons.Venus has many pros too.Its a very intersting planet though.After evaluating the authers passage he is right.Venus is a worthy pursuit despite all its dangers.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars havebecome a controversial topic for the US. Many car companies eagerly look foward to releasing an all-new invention, a car that can pilot itself. While these companies press for opportunities and exceptions to develop their automobiles, many people feel opposit of them. An unmanned car is dangerous because technology will at some point fail, and a car cannot be programmed to react to spontanious and unordinary emergency situations.\n\nAlthoguh there are still plenty of mishaps and accidents on the road today, having a car with a driver is much safer than having a car with a computer. This is true because at some point, technology will fail. Even normal car break down and need maintanence. So, what will happen when an autonomous car breaks down on the free way? Since it is designed to opperate without a driver, how can it be moved to a safe area? An autonomous automobile is dangerous to the public as a whole.\n\nAs well, humans and vehicles are not at all one and the same. A human cannot do what a computer can do, but a car can most certainly never do what a human can do. In an emergency situation, it is a human's capability of problem solving, instincts, and cognative processing that saves their lives. A computor does not posses those traits. A computer can be programmed to carry out certain codes and instuctions, but it can never respond the way a human can. It is impossible to create every single possible emergency situation on the road, so how can a computor be programmed to do so? How can these vehicles do anything else but cause more damage and havoc to an emergency situation since they cannot be programed with a true emergency situation? It is unfeasable and unthinkable to release autonomous vehicles to put the lives of the people in danger.\n\nIn all, self-piloting cars are not beneficial to society. They will cause more havoc than harmony. From their innability to process as humans do to the fact that they will eventually break down, autonomous vehicles are in no way helping the drivers of this country. The only way to ensure the saftey of the people is to have good, responsible individuals behind the wheel and piloting the vehicle.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are a convience to people worldwide. We use them to go to work, school and many more places on a daily basis. Even within walking distance, many still choose to take their car out of laziness. Is this how we should really live?\n\nIn an upscale community in Germany called Vauban, the streets are completely \"car-free\". Street parking, driveways and home garages are generally forbidden in this new district. Though car ownership is still legal, places to park are very limited. Only 70% of Vauban's families don't own cars. 57% sold a car to move there. \"When I had a car\u00a0 I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\" said Heidrun Walter. (3) Vauban, home to 5,500 residents withtin a rectangular square milem may be the most advanced experiment in low-car suburban life.\n\nParis has also done something similar to better the lives of their citizens. Paris, France's capital city has banned driving due to smog. After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air. Paris has a strict schedule on when you can drive if you really have to. On Monday, motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-Euro. 22 Euros is equivilant to $31 in U.S currency. This ban has led to almost 4,000 drivers being fined. (12) And 27 people had their cars impounded due to their reaction to the fine. The amount of smog before this ban was applied was 147 micrograms of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter. This is a significantly high difference in the amount of smog compared to Brussels with 114 micrograms and only 79.7 in London. Although, the ban has helped clear this smog, enough on Mondays to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday.\n\nVauban and Paris both have very excellent results in their experiments due to the changes in their environment with cars. Maybe more cities in the near future will join in on this ban against cars. Instead of driving your car to the nearest pharmacy to pick up some things, take a walk to save gas and to get some fresh air. Maybe this ban isn't for everyone, but even trying to limit car usage to minimal can help the environment. Instead of driving your car to the nearest pharmacy to pick up a few things, try walking there. You'll get some well needed excercise and fresh air.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you think\n\nthe Facial Action Coding System should be used for student ? I think the Facial Action System should be used for students because the computer can recognize when\n\na student is becoming confused\n\nbored ,\n\nHelps the computer undersatnd you , and students pay more attention totechogy.\n\nIf the students can use the Faical Action Coding System if can tell if the student is bored or confused . The computer can modify the lesson to help the student understand the lesson . If the\n\nstudent is confused he/she wont learn\n\nanything from the lesson.\n\nThe computer can modity if the student is bored and the computer can give the student an more fun or undertanding lesson.\n\nIf an student is bored . If an student is bored with the lesson he/she will not learn anything .\n\nIf the students use this technology the computer will be able to understand the stundent.\n\nSay a student is having a hard time with the lesson\n\nthe\n\ncomputer can help the stundent . It states in the passage that \" Most humans communication is nonverbal , including emotioanls communication , \" notes Dr. Huang. It also states \"if you smile when a web appears on your screen , a simlar ad might follow . But if you frown ,the next will be different .\n\nAnother reason\n\nwhy computer need to understand you.\n\nFacial Action System should be used for alot of students because most students pay more attention to technolgy. Why not help\n\nthe student learn with this new technology it will help the learn more . Student can learn more and have help\n\nif they dont understand the computer can try to show the lesson in different ways for the student. The computer can teach the student like an effective human instrutor. Student can and will learn more with this new techology.\n\nThis is why I thing this techology should be used to help\n\nstudents learn\n\nbecause it helps the student understand more, pay attiention more , and learn more with the Facial Action System.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nToday in class I read a article on \"Driveless Cars Are Cming. I will be writing to tell you if I am against the delevopmet of these Cars. Or I will also be writing to tell you if I am not against the delevopment of these cars.\n\nI am not against the delevopment of these cars because people get the change to see what is like to get in the car and not have to drive themselves around because the car do it for them. They also get the change to see what techonogly can do with a car. I am also not against the driverless car because the car have sensors on them and they are still able to do somethings with the car. Such as Pulling the car in or out the driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navgating through roadwork or accidents because the car will alert them to.\n\nI think this is a good thing because within in 10 years the sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger out-of-control skids or rollover. This is a good thing because no one will get hurt while being in the car. The sensors on the car can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine which is a good thing so the car stop at stop signs, red lights, and when someone is crossing the street. Reducing the power of the engine is a good thing because the car will slow down when it need to.\n\nIn conclusion, In my writing I told you about why I am not against the development of thses cars. In my writing I give the detail why I am not against the development of these cars and why I think it was a good idea to make the cars.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting cars usage is a great idea. I believe that if we all come together and stop driving for a day, it will stop the pollution that is hurting the air we breath.\n\nAs Americans, we should be very concerned about the air we breath. Sometimes, we need our cars to go to different places in a great distance such as a relative place or even work. But on the other hand, we will get in our car and drive just to go to the store within a mile from our home. We should just walk. Limiting cars just might be the right idea.\n\n\"\n\nWhen i had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way...\" (Source 1) Cars, in my opinion, it a accident waiting to happen. Car accidents, Hit-and-runs and all types of other indcidents with cars are a big stresser. Walking is much safer if you take the right precautions. You can get the exercise you need without the hassle of going on Weight Watcher or Jenny Craig. Just put the keys down for a day and walk!\n\n\"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution.\"(Source 3) Limit cars, limit stress and limit the pollution that is hurting our eco system.\n\nHowever, there still is a question unanswered: how will we get to the place we need to go thats not in walking distance? Limiting cars may save our ecosystem, but some people have to get to and from work or the doctor that is not in walking distance. For example, each day, my mom has to get to work in Tampa,FL. She has to take the expressway to get to where she is going. So what is she suppose to do? Walk? No. But on the better side of things, she can always take the bus or car-pool with her co-workers. Theres alway a better way to stop the pollution and save the ecosystem.\n\nThis shows that we can all come together and do something positive for our fellow Americans and Mother Earth.\n\nLimiting cars have more good advantages than disadvantages. We have to save the world from harmful thing. Limiting cars limits the time and money of people. Thats why when you limit cars, you limit stress. So take a walk and save the world!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCan you imagine a time in the future where driveless cars exist?Such cars could fundamentlly change the world.From my position I don't really think that they are a good idea.\n\nEven though they can be be fasinating ,in most states it is illegal to test computer driven cars.It could be dangerouse and something could go wrong.Not evereybody approves driveless cars.\n\nTraffic laws would have to change.A lot of people would not be happy if traffic laws were changed just so other people could have driveless cars.There could be alot of accidents if the traffic laws change.\n\nIf the technology fails and someone is injusred whose fault is it,the driver or the manufacturer?If the manufacturers were blamed they could be sewd and they could loose alot of money.On the other hand\n\nthe driver could get blamed without fault and that would not be fair to them.You would not know who to blame.\n\nEven though driveless cars can be fascinating to people they might not be the greatest idea.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars will be the newest editiion to our generation. Some people are against the idea of them, others, are impressed with the idea. The cars are durable enough to, drive on their own without any hazards in the way, warn you of an emergency that is ahead of you, the cars are able to use sensor technology to add onto the left rear wheel of a car and the car includes many feautures such as, a rotating sensor roof, a video camera (mounted near the rear view mirror), four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor.\n\nI agree with the idea of the driverless cars because of the safety that the car will provide for the people. For example: if the driver is injured and needs to be taken to an emergency room, the car will be able to drive there safely and the driver would be able to recieve help. Driverless cars are not fully driverless still, they acquire human help when anything comes into their way, the allow the driver to take control of the wheel when there is a mishap of some sort.\n\nA major question asked, is the car driving or assisting humans? The answer is simple, the car, as of now, is only assisting humans. If the car were driving, it wouldn't need any of the drivers help when it came to a bump or an accident in the road. When we think of driving, we tend to think that there is a driver who is holding the wheel and not sitting back and relaxing. Driving is in fact a stressful thing. Most drivers get to worked up to think about what is happening. This is another example as to why the car is good, it will help with driving anxiety.\n\nWhether the car is in favor or not, it will always be an idea that we knew made an impact of the world. The car is durable, smart and flexible when it comes to driving itself. The major problem would include the cost. If the car isn't driving now, when will it?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\", the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because Venus is a challenging planet to study. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system.\n\nVenus is a challening planet to study because of the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. The temperature's average is over 800 degree fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater then Earth. In the article it says, \"not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades.\" This means that no human can survive the landing for more than a few hours because Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. The weather on Venus can cause for volcanoes to erupt and powerful earthquakes to occur. This shows how Venus is a dangerous planet to visit.\n\nVenus is a worthy planet to visit because Venus still has some features that are analogus to those on earth. It has a surface of rocky sediment and includes features like valleys, mountains, and craters. In the article it says, \"Venus has been the most earth-like planet in our solar system.\" Venus was covered with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth. This is why Venus is like Earth's twin. NASA has an idea for humans to study and visit Venus in a safe way by going in jet airplanes. The jet airplanes would travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms. A vehicle would avoid the ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. The temperature would still be high about 170 degrees fahrenheit but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on earth. This can help humans survive. This would be a safe way for humans to visit Venus.\n\nIn conclusion, the author suggets that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because it explains how Venus is a dangerous planet to visit but humans still continue to study it.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wanted to travel different countries? Do you love animals & helping people? Join the Seagoing Cowboys! If you are intrested in joining please keep reading this & find out what we Seagoing Cowboys do on the cattle boat.\n\nThe Seagoing Cowboys are participants who are helping countries who went to war. We are helping them by giving them food supplies , animals , & much more. While we are on the cattle boat we have to do jobs. My job is to feed the animals three or two times a day , and pull bales of hay and bags of oats from the lower holds of the ship. You could do that too. You would be able to be around the animals you love! When we arrive to the country that is in need of help ,we drop off the animals and the food supplies. When that is done we might have time to explore the country for a little while then we leave for another country. Once every country is done we go back home. On the way there all the animals and food supplies are gone so we have time to play baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals have been housed. Boxing, table-tennis tournaments, fencing , reading, whittling and games also helped time pass on the cattle boat. Being on this boat is such an adventure. It's something to do if you have nothing else to do.\n\nThis trip is so great! You would absolutely love it if you love to help people , travel , and play sports and games. We Seagoing Cowboys would love more people to come and help out. Please come join us. Thanks for your support if you decide to come and help!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe new technology called Facial Action Coding is valuable. Author said that it can detect your facail expression by using a 3-D computer model of the face. The computer must move 44 major muscles like a human muscles. Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS (Facial Action Coding System) has classified six basic emotions - happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. The use of this computer is very helpful for lots of people.\n\nThe software that is used in this computer can tell your emotion in a real face or in the painted face of Mono Lisa. It uses video imagery. It can tell the students emotion of how they feel. Even though the face weight different units it can also identify mixed emotions. The author said that \"His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code\". This software system will help show the expression of a student in a classroom. It can tell if the student is feeling happy or sad. If the computer can tell wheater the student is bored or happy it can change the impact of how the computer can change to make them happy. For example, when you smile when the web ad comes up, the similar one will pop up. But if you frown, the next ad will be different.\n\nIn the conclusion, now you know why the Facial Action Coding is valuable. It can tell different action of emotion of a student in class. You can tell if students are hiding there emotions. It was developed to improve accuracy in perceving the emotions of others such as students.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriveless cars are cool because you can have someone come and get you like a taxi. Driver's wouldn't be bored of waitin on their time to drive , because they would have they're on vehicals to take other other people to where they need to be . (Ubers) are alsosomeone you would call to give you a ride to where you need to go for cash .\n\nBecoming a uber or a taxi you have to be ready to run aarons because you going to have a good amount of customors if you are in a big city or somewhere with a higher population, it's also\n\na touch sensor on the streering wheel just in case the driver let the wheel go . GM\n\nhas created driver's seats to vibrate when the vehicle is in some danger.\n\nSensors are'nt new , in the 1980's automarkers used speedsenors at the wheels in the creation of antilock brakes. It's alot os sensors around but just in some places you can't find them or even reconized them until you put your hands on it , then it would either go off or beep but you would kno if its a sensor or not. Manufactures have camearas for the people thats driving and make sure they are keeping their eyes on the road. The cars he going to use wuold use half the fuel of today taxi's and offer far more flexibility than a school bus , he believes sucj cars would fundamentally change the world.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAmerica's great past time might now be just that, in the past. This isn't baseball though, it's the usage of our American vehicles. America was the frontrunner in the invention of cars and has the motor capital of the world in Detroit. However, We've come a long way since the model T and now it is time to move forward into a new, cleaner era of transportation. Cities all across the world have begun the process of minimzing the\u00a0 usage of private motor vehicles to help stop pollution, and to encourage the use of public transportation. The trend is already upon us in America as well, as a study showed that between 2001 and 2009 the amount of young people driving has decreased by 23 percent. Life without cars has proven beneficial to many cities around the world and it is time to spread to all cities.\n\nFirst off, limiting the usage of cars will vastly decrease the amount of pollution to our environment.\u00a0 Recently in Paris, France the government banned all drivers with odd license plates on the first day and all even number plates the second during a two day effort to minimize the smog and pollution of the city. This method proved to be very effectiveas the capital decreased its congestion by 60 percent. This little experiment may seem like a very small accomplishment, but it should serve to be the precedent by which other countries can help stop pollution. If this was done once evry month in major cities around the world it would cause a major decrease in pollution. In the long term it shows people that having their own car isn't always necessary and it is better for the environment to use public tranportation, and or other means to get to one's destination. Bogota, Colombia also participated in their second anual car-free day. This was considered to be a huge success by their mayor and many other South American leaders came to witness it themselves. They were all thouroughly impressed by the programs effectiveness and have thought about implementing it in their own countries.\n\nSecondly, limiting car usage will result in different city layouts that could prove to be more desirable and efficient. In Vauban, Germany they have decided to go nearly car free with 70 percent of residents not owning a car. Car ownership is allowed but the owner of the vehicle must buy a space in a large parking garage for 40,000 dollars. Many of the residents claim that they lived a more stressful life when they owned a car and are now much happier because of the sale of their vehicle. This has started a trend in Europe of small suburban communities going car free to help the environment and their lives. This shift into a car free world is sparking the idea for new city designs to make them denser so mit is easier for people to travel from place to place. Stores can be placed only a walk away on a main street as opposed to a large shopping mall that is along a large highway.\n\nIn conclusion, limiting the use of cars and motor vehicles would prove to be extremely benficial for our world and our society. It would help solve the pollution and global warming crisis by limiting the amounts of carbon dioxide we put into our atmosphere. It would also change the shape of our suburban life, making it easier for people to get from place to place while still maintaining their green lifestyle. An Earth without cars becomes an Earth with a more peaceful environment and a healthy atmosphere.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn our solar system, Venus is the most similar planet to Earth. Venus is noticable from a distance away yet it is difficult to explore in person. So far, humans have sent spacrcrafts to explore, but it\u00b4s temeratures and many other factors can be life threatening. With it\u00b4s environment being in extreme conditions, it has been difficult for humans to make new discoveries. In the future with new advances it will be possible to gather more information and make new infrences.The author sugests Venus is a worthy persiut despite the dangers it presents.\n\nWhile not being exact, Venus is the most similar planet to Earth. Scientists have made infrences about past life forms on the planet. In Paragraph 4, the author says, \u00a8Long ago, Venus was probably convered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\u00a8 Currently it has a similar planet surface like Earth. The planet has been said to contain valleys, mountains, and craters, all of which we have on Earth. However, there are setbacks to it\u00b4s environment as it is not an exact duplicate.\n\nVenus\u00b4s environment has made it difficult for human exploration. Spacecrafts which have been sent in the past have only been able to survive for a few hours. Sending humans before studying more about the planet would be a great risk of lives due to extreme weather conditions. According to Paragraph 3, Venus has a thick atmostphere, containing about 97 percent carbon dioxide bankets. The thick atmosphere in the planet has made an impact on the temperature by making it average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Along with the temperature, the pressure on the planet has also made it a challege for human life to survive. With time and technological advances, we will have a chance at solving issues to makes the discovery of the suface of the planet possible.\n\nAs\n\nthere are many problems faced, there are also a few possible solutions. The surface of Venus is the hottest suface temperature of any planet in our solar system. NASA believes that allowing scientist to float over the ground will make it possible for scientists to explore. In Paragraph 5, the floating over the surface of Venus is compared to the flying of a plane. \u00a8Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendy ground conditions by staying up and out of their way.\u00a8 Mechanical computers used mainly during the time of World War II could also give us a chance of discovery. These computer are said to \u00a8make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all,\u00a8 making it beneficial in such a limited area. Using mechanical technology would be able to withstand the many forces compared to the modern techonology now.\n\nAs time progresses we will make new advances allowing us to explore further out than just Earth. Using information gathered from the past can allow us to create new materials, keeping scientists safe from the many dangers. These skills will help us make new infrences about past life on Venus and eventually making it another livable habitat. The author believes we should not be limited by dangers, as we have a wide imagination and are able to expand out to understand new areas.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator, The Electoral College as controversial as it is can be a very simple choice to either keep it as it is, or to change the voting process to a popular vote process that in which the people vote directly for the President of their choosing. I believe that you should consider changing the Electoral College to a Popular vote voting process for reasons such as, the fact that only \"one half of Americans are voting\" because they do not believe that their vote will count in states such as California and Texas because the voters do not believe that the candidate will carry their state anywhere(In Defense of the Electoral College section 23). Another reason is because of the winner-take-all system the candidates will not campaign as much in states they think they will win over without going there and they focus on the \"swing states\" instead.\n\nSenator, one of the reasons that I believe you should consider changing to the Popular Vote process is because \"only one half of the eligible American population voted in the 2012 election\"(In Defense of the Electoral College section 23) for reasons I believe is that they do not think that the candidate running will go somewhere with their state and the fact that they do not think their votes will actually count towards the President that they would like to win. Also the fact that segreagationists will try and corrupt the voting process in the Electoral College, i. e. When John F. Kennedy was running for President segregationists tried to replace Democratic Electors with other electors to try and go against Kennedy therefore giving the opponent the upper hand(The Indefensible Electoral College Section 11).\n\nSenator, on the contrary I would understand why you would like to keep the Electoral College because of it being a set compromise that the founding fathers created, making voting equal by letting \"qualified citizens in congress\" have the last word into the decision (What is the Electoral College Section 1). In a way I see how you would think that the Electoral College is a fair system because the people are still choosing somewhat who the Electoral College elects and the fact that anachronism is a factor that plays into the Electoral College greatly(In Defense of the Electoral College Section 15). The Electors elected should be trusted truthful people and they are to vote for the nominee in honest fact of who got the most eelectoral votes(In Defense of the Electoral College Section 16) but sometimes even if the electoral votes are calculated and are higher the popular vote could be higher than the electoral vote even if its a rare occurance(In Defense of the Electoral College Section 16).\n\nSenator, as you see both sides of this controversy you could also see that the Winner-take-all method is all in all unfair. In the winner-take-all method the candidates that are in the election will take more time to go to the bigger states and try and have ads for their campaign posted in there and not in the littler states they believe they will win without campaigning there. The candidates will focus even more on the \"swing states\" because they believe they will have more luck in those states than the other smaller states. \"Seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't see a single campaign ad\"(What is wrong with the Electoral College Section 13) this fact goes to show that the candidates would rather focus more on the larger states and \"swing states\" than go to the smaller states; this makes those smaller states less encouraged to vote because the candidates don't even bother to come to them to campaign.\n\nSenator, in the end I strongly believe that you should think about changing the Electoral College to a Popular Vote process because it will give the voters an incentive for them to vote, for them to decide who wins and who will run their state or country. Power to the People has always been a great thought to keep running around in your brain for me. Before you discard my thoughts in a mere second think about it; would you like the people of your state to be unhappy with you and disappointed because they had no choice in what is happening around them? or would you like the people to be excited for the new changes in allowing them some freedom of choosing what they want and not what others want?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo beleive in life on Mars? Many people do, they beleive that there is evidence to back up their theory. Such as the photograph, that was originally taken in 1976, of a rock that supposedly looks like a face. Though scientists know that the \"face\" is only a natural landform on Mars such as a rock.\n\nThe rock was photographed three times, in a place on Mars called Cydonia, the photgraphings were in , 1976, 1998, and 2001. Each time that picutre was taken it became more clear revealing that the \"face\" is simply a rock with many shadows. The shadows make the rock look like a face giving and illusion of a nose, eyes, and a mouth.\n\nThe photo was released to the public in 1976. This lead many people to believe that there really was life on mars. Many conspiracy theories formed. People believed now more than ever that life exsisted on Mars. Scientists knew this was false, it was merely a mesa, or rock.\n\nAnother photo was taken above Cydonia in 1998. This photo was taken by Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) unlike that of the 1976 photo which was taken by NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft. This photo was ten times sharper than the original one. The picture provided even more evidence that \"face\"\n\nwas nothing more than a natural landform.\n\nThough not eveyone was satisfied because the photo had been taken during a cloudy time on Mars. People believed that alein markings were hidden behind the cloudy haziness of the planet. Therefore in the summer of 2001 the MGS snapped another photo of the \"face\". The camera could capture pyramids, small shacks, or airplanes because the image could capture objects 3 times bigger than the pixel size.\n\nThe image revelad no such evidence that life once occured on Mars.\n\nMany people might still be skeptical of the \"face\", but there is not enough evidnece to back up life on Mars. The \"face\" is just another conspiracy of life. Scientists know that the \"face\" is only a rock, or other natural landfrom on mars.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEver since the dawn of the space age, humans have been dreaming of traveling to our nieghbors in the solar system, Venus and Mars. Great strides have been made in the exploration of Mars. It is quite possible that within the next few years, astronauts will be visiting Mars and and studying the Red Planet in person. Such advances hve not been made in the exploration of Venus however. The environmental conditions of Venus have made it impossible for humans to make on the ground exploation of Venus a reality.\n\nThe third paragraph of the article gives a great host of reasons why we should not explore Venus. On the other hand, the reasons to visit Venus are, dare I say, lacking. The author points out the highly corrosive atmosphere, the extreme tempuratures, and the sky high pressure on the surface of Venus. They aslo point out that because of these difficult conditions, noone has ever been able to land even an unmanned spaceship on the planet without it being melted within a few hours.\n\nThe evidence to support going to Venus is average at best. The strongest argument given by the author is in paragraph 4 where they say, \" Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\" This may be true, but I think the author has still given insufficient evidence for why it would be benificial to explore Venus. It may be possible in the future that new technologies allow us to explore Venus, but for now I think we should wait.\n\nIn closing, sometime in the forseeable future, it may be more possible and logical to visit Venus. In our current situation, I think it would be much more benefical to advance our technologies enough to where we can land on the surface and get a close look around. Though we may not have the materials today to withstand the harsh climate of Venus, we should still be inventing and advancing our technologies. Who knows, maybe we could make a discovey on Mars that could help us finally reach the \"Evening Star\", Venus.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWith technology making advancements everyday, it is natural that we adapt and adopt new forms of technology in our lifes, houses, hospitals, schools and even prisons,however, some technologies might get too far into our lives and into our heads.\n\nA new software developed at the University of Illinois promises to read and detect facial expressions that reveal how we felt at the moment the picture or camera footage was recorded. The project is now in early stages of development but is already able to read paintings and describe what they feel.\n\nIn his text \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\", Nick D'Alto states that \" if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow.\", stating that the software can be used to monitor people and detect what products they take interest in, which is an unethical way to push companies into people's lives; moreover, the author claims that students can have their facial expressions monitored so that if they become bored, the computer can adjust the lesson to make it more engaging to the student. Although students have different needs, the usage of surveilance to capture their interest can be compared to the way babies are shown colorful and animated things to keep their attention, which can make the student's attention span even smaller than it has become, alienating and making them more dependant of technology.\n\nIn conclusion, the usage of this software to either sell products or monitor students is unethical at the least, and can lead to an even more alienated population.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThroughout the years we have been seeing many improvements to our technology from making computors to making global tracking devices that can show us where we are. Also in those years of improvement in techonology, the advancement to make cars driverless have been set to mind by manufacturers and other people who have the idea of having driverless cars. In my mind this is undoubtely in our future, for our technology never ceases to stop improving day by day.\n\nThere are a substantial of others that think this too. This idea hasn't come out just now, but has been around for sometime now, one who shares this is Google cofounder Sergey Brin with his envisions of driverless cars taking total control of any situation thrown at the car while on the road. They've actually been making cars that could drive independently under \"specific conditions\" since 2009 that have already traveled more than a million miles without crashes. These cars have special tech that allows them to sense their surroundings in a 3-D area around the car which transcripts to the cars central processor and take heed of the necessary actions. The LIDAR isn't the only piece of equipment on these driverless cars, they also include radar sensors, GPS reciever, and inertial motion sensors; making them compatible in most practical ways when driving on the road. The technology of driverless cars hasn't reached full potential yet and these cars still at times require people to react and be alert to unexpected conditions like accidents that happened on the road. Improvements to technology have been finding ways around this block though and it isn't stopping there either. Creating Antilock brakes, Traffic jam assistants, and even camera's that watch the driver to know if he's aware and if not, alert them to be aware.\n\nTechnology has come a long way from what it was in the beginning of the 2000's. Now our tech is even a part of our daily lives in just about many of the things we do. People denying driverless cars are really just denying advancment in our technology. But technology always improves, and so will driverless cars, for they are a part of that advancement.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe works of a car have created wonders to people as early as the early 1900s. Now people need to understand the advatages of limting car use. Pollution has gone down in cities from not using cars and people have reported less stress, which is due to the car rates going down. Many people have argued that jobs are going to go more down then we may need, if we stop using cars, but there is always a way to fix small situations such as that.\n\nStudies have shown cars have created pollution for the enviornment. Pollution can cause sickness and other affects that can cause a habitat to be inhabitable.\"Pasenger cars are responsible for 12% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50% in some car-intensive areas in the United States,\"(Rosenthal,5). Though, we can fix that. Many cities such as Paris,France have experimented with the law involving cars to see if the country can have a pollution decrease and they did, within the first day. Duffer reported that on Monday Paris created a ban for the even-numbered plates and the smog was able to clear in one day's time. \"The smog cleared enough Monay for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday,\" (Duffer,19).\n\nPeople have argued that stopping car production may cause people to lose their jobs. There is a way to fix that. Selsky reported that in Bogota,Colombia because of the car distribution slowing down they were able to make parks and sport centers accessiable. \"Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city,\"(Selsky,28). With that being said without people running any of those faclities then parks and sport centers wouldn't be that accessiable to the fellow citizens. So by creating more places like parks and sport centers, and less places like car factories we would be able to limit car usage without the worry of someone losing their job and not being able to get one.\n\nCars have also been known to cause stress. In the article \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars,\" Rosaenthal quoted Heidrun Walter talking about how tense she was when she had a car. The constant worrying for gas and car bills may be a factor towards the stress in someone's life. Young adults have not worried as much for a car, making the somewhat more content. \"Mine (19 and 21) have not bothered to get a driver's license, even though they both live in places where one could come in handy,\" (Rosenthal,39).\n\nLimting car use can cause a major impact on today's society. \"Demographic shifts in driving population suggest that the trend may accelerate,\" (Rosenthal,38). It has many advantages that people should understand. Pollution rates can go down. Stress could go down once you start limting car use.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face of Mars is a landform that looks just like a face. Even though it looks like a face, it has been proven that it is just a landform and if you zoom in on it, you can tell that it isnt manmade. There are landforms on Earth that look just like the face too.\n\nScientists have zoomed in on the picture and have proven that the face of Mars is just a Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. Butte's, or mesa's, are landforms common around the American West and are also on Mars. The face of Mars is just a really odd shaped butte and people have mistaken it for alien structures. The face also kind of looks like a butte called Middle Butte in Idaho. People have also said that the face looks about the same height as the Middle Butte in Idaho.\n\nThe people at NASA had the first pictures of the butte zoomed out enough that it looked like a face. The NASA camera that takes pictures of Mars is in a wierd position so it doesnt pass the face that much and when it does, its not very close so when they zoom in, the pixels are too big to see. When they actually got a good picture of the face, people started to relize that it was just a wierd landform. When they got a good picture, people probably stopped thinking that aliens made it and just ignored it.\n\nEven though scientists have proven that the face of Mars is just a landform, some people probably just think they are trying to cover it up. Landforms can have all kinds of shapes and the face of Mars just has a very unique shape. In conclusion, the face of Mars is just a odd shaped Butte.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAlthough many people argue that the Face on Mars could, and or is an alien created artifact, there is much scientific evidence that contradicts this belief. When the Face was first spotted, it was nothing more than an enormous shadow that resembled a head. It had an astonoshing resembelance to an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh, which caught the attention of many NASA researchers. After getting an up close view of the Face, everyone realized that this was just a formation of rock called a mesa, or butte, that was very common to see in this area of Mars.\n\nThis landform was confused to be a face since shadows allowed others to view it as if though it had a mouth, a nose, and a pair of eyes. NASA saw this as an oppurtinity to excite the public in order to get more people to focus, and discuss about the Red Planet. Once the Face was viewed by others, it became symbolic and it was often used as the topic of many novels and tabloid magazines. This sudden outburt into social media and literature caused people to conspire up a new story. That NASA was hiding the fact that there was an anciet civilazation they discovered, but never told about.\n\nThis is obviously false as NASA would benefit from discovering a trace of life on Mars. Very few scientists shared this thought and decided to get the benefit of the doubt by returning to the Cydonia region to reunite with the Face. Once being able to get a clear view of the Face, they got various snapshots. After the image was released to the public, it showed an ordinary landform which contradicted the theory of it being created by aliens.\n\nSkeptic theorists continued to believe that since the camera had to peer through wispy clouds to be able to locate the Face, markings made by aliens were blurred and couldn't be viewed. Once again, NASA traveled to the Red Planet and took a piture three times larger than the original on a cloudless day. This image defended the fact that this wasn't an alien artifact nor a trace of human life on Mars . It proved to be a butte, a common landform found in this region of Mars.\n\nThe resolution was high enough that if there were any symbolic markings on the Face or any human related surroundings, they could be seen by the human eye.\n\nThe Face on Mars was proved to be a mesa, or butte. Which isn't only common in the Cydonia region of Mars, it is also common in the Southwestern states of the U.S. A Butte found in Idaho is equivalent to the size of the Face, proving that this wasn't an alien created monument.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author of \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" doesn't support the idea of studying Venus well as it lacks with detail, and they don't go in depth with the pros of exploring this inhabitated plant and how it would benifit us in doing so.\n\nIn the article we are introduced to Venus and given a glimpse of our background history with them. The author also includes infromation of the planet's atmosphere and how it's a challenging factor for us when attempting to reach its suface, the huge difference that seperates us from them. When given information of past travels, we are informed that \"Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades,\" (TCEV). With this alone there is already doubt engendered in the reader's mind because of how long it has been since we last attempted to reach such grounds and how even then spacecrafts weren't durable when they did make it. \"Each previous mission was unmanned\" due to the circumstances they were met with yet when further reading is made we are told that NASA wants to send humans to Venus. This only adds to the concerns of the reader in manifesting alien-like areas.\n\nThen we are explained of possible ways NASA is already planning to approach Venus and how they are already working, or at least contemplaiting, ways to last longer in Earth's 'Twin Sister'. We are given a jot down of how things are being tested and what it is they are trying to overcome in order to create something durable that will hold longer than a few hours. The only reason we are given for this is that \"Astronomers are facinated by Venus because it may well once been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system,\" (TCEV). The author doesn't even clarify how this is impactful to our society today. What is there to gain from a planet that \"may well once been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system?\" In that sentence alone there is still some uneasiness since it's not sure or confirmed that Venus was once like Earth.\n\nTherefore, this is why the author of \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" doesn't support the idea of studying Venus very clearly. The lack of pros and benifits to our planet adding to the pot of cons and uncertainty that was instead made from reading this article. Surely they did a splendid job in guiding us through possible ways that'll help in exploring the harsh environments and listing final encounters we have had before, but no information was straightforward when it came as to why we should invest time in going to Venus when such dangerous challenges are in front of us.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wondered what the world would be like if we had driverless cars? Would it be endless difficulties? Or would we be more advanced and have easier access to places we want to go? With today's tech we still don't have the resources to create completely safe cars, even though some cars like these have already been made.\n\nIn the article they talk about a special track cars need in order to be driverless. It's one of the only things that actually worked but the cost of all these new roads is huge and it's just not something that will work, Anything like this will probably cost just as much money so cars are better off staying like they are for now,\n\nThere are laws in place that state an awake driver should always be in the car, which would make the driverless cars pointless, These laws are in place because cars that drive themselves aren't safe. Anything can go wrong technologically and there's not much someone could do in that situation because the car wouldn't be made for a humans control, You may say that something like that could happen with a normal car, but the reprocusions of a car that can be controlled by a human are less severe.\n\nHumans may not need to buy these cars but the cost to ride in one would most likely be a crazy cost. In parapgraph 5 the author says a car would need lots of sensors in order to detect traffic conditions and stop a car from skidding and rolling over. If something like these sensors would be able to detect all these things and make the car experience so safe the cost would be crazy. One car needing that many sensors is expensive so imagine thousands to millions of cars like that, and imagine how much they would cost.\n\nDriverless cars aren't needed. There are too many cons and not enough pros to the road of driverless cars. To be completely safe and to make sure everyone has the wage to buy a car cars shouldn't advance so quickly.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author of \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" suggests that studying Venus is a worthy indeavor despite the dangers it presents. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit, because we have all the resources neccesary to analyze the planets surface. We should study Venus to figure out the history and the components of the planet.\n\nThe author believes that Venus is hard to study because of the conditions of the planet. In the text the author states,\"Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours.\" The author states factual subjects about Venus. The text states,\"On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.\"\n\nScientist are interested in Venus because it might have been the like Earth. In the text the author states,\"Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\" The author states that NASA is coming up with sulotions to the problem of not being able to land a spacecraft on the surface of the planet. The author states,\"Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way.\"\n\nThe author gives solid facts about why Venus is a worthy endeavor despite the dangers it posseses. They also include informational facts about why and how we could study the planet. In conclusion, Venus should be studied.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that the face on Mars is just a natural landform. I think this because there has because the time the picture was taken, it was a time when Mars was cloudy. Even though my opponet may think that there is life on Mars and NASA would rather hide this information, the conspiracy would instead help NASA with their budget. The face located on Mars would indeed look alien-like, but according to Jim Garvin, cheif scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program \"Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum reolution.\" Each pixel in in the 2001 imae spans1,56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. This is saying that the 2001 image of the face on Mars was more clear and easier to see than the image of the face in 1976. There is even landforms found common around the American West that show relation to the face on Mars. Many speculations have been made about the face on Mars, but most have been inlogical or unreasonable to the information at-hand. The facutal evidence that has been shown is more reasonable than the evidence of the ones who think that the face was caused by alien act.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nGood afternoon, Mr. or Mrs. state senator.\n\nI am writting this letter to you in regards of trying to persuade you to help change the election of the president of the United States. For many years, we the people , have fought our way towards freedom, and your assistence has been with us for a very long time, but if we the people have managed to fight for our freedom, than I beleive that we also have the power to choose our president. We can't just have a president based on congres's opinion, we all have different opinions. That is why we all stand as one and decide who we vote for. Instead of having 270 people vote for our president, why dont we have thousand's of people vote for our president.\n\nWe decide what is good and bad for us, not congress . Many people ,ie Richard Nixon, Bob Dole, the US Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO have all agreed on to abolish the electoral college. As the passage say, in 1960 segregationist nearly succeded in replacing democratic\u00a0 electors with new ones. that means the they might have despise Kennedy, one of our most succesful presidents. After all, the electoral college is unfair to voters, besides the electoral college is pretty old. We are living in the future, where we learned from our ancestors mistakes not just about life but also about politics.\u00a0 Most people consider the electoral colege as outdated or as an anchronism. By YOU helping US, we could abolish the electoral college.\n\nThank you for your time from PROPER_NAME", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt wasn't an alien that was circling the planet Mars. The scientist took photos of the landing places where the aliens landed. The degree among the mission of the controllers with the Jet Proulsion Lab. Im telling you people thats just the Face of an natural landform not aliens.\n\nThe picture is just the Face of an natural landform. The picture was shaped like an\n\nhuman, and it had eyes, nose, and an mouth. The \"Face on Mars\" has become popular, they played in fims, and it also appeared in magazines. Some peple thing that it was in a haunted grocerty store. You shouldn't believe that.\n\nIn 1976 they had a picture of a Viking of the Face on Mars. Many people, including scientis believe that the Face was an alien. I still say that its not an alien, its just an natural landform of how it was made. Or maybe somebody went up in space, and carved it, you never know.\n\nA couple years ago, the scientist went on a mission. When they went up there, they scanned the plant. They also compare the different photos. In the first photo you couldn't really tell if it was, an alien, or just a natural landform. The picture really shows if the it's equivalent or not.\n\nIf you really read the story this doesn't sound real. Some people might think its an alien. Aliens are not real anyway. If you ask me I would say that its an natural landform. The picture has eyes, and human like parts. Its just the Face of an natural landform.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAutomated cars are the future of driving.Driverless cars can be useful for several reasons like being safer,more efficient, and smarter.\n\nAutomated Vehicles should be part of the future. They should be part of the future because they are safe. In the passage it states that \" Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009 \" and that \"Their cars have driven more that half a million miles without a crash,but so far,Google cars aren't trully dirverless\".The cars are still safe especially since they need assitance for it to drive through tough areas.\n\nDriverless cars are getting more and more advanced as time goes by.Like \"In the 1980s, automakers used speed sensor at the wheels in the creation of antilock brakes.\".But those sensor are now being used to detect dangers of rollerovers and out-of-controlled and correcting them.There are now sensors that can tell the car to slow down and apply the brakes automatically.With each new sensor being added onto the car it makes it able to do more tasks on its own.\n\nThere are several risks being taken when owning an automated car.There are many states where driverless cars can't even be tested because of the risks.If the car fails and someone gets hurt who would be the blame for the accident.there are no laws for automated cars and regulations for them either.But they are geting smarter like the google car \"with four radar sensors , gps reciever...\".and the BMW car the tels the driver to watch the road.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are the future. Some people may be thrilled at the idea of not watching the road at all times. Others might be terrified because people like having control. Driving is one of the most dangerous things people do everyday. A normal car can get you killed. A driverless car may be more dangerous, but if used correctly it could be safer. There are a lot of pros and cons of this situation. People could benefit, but also get into a lot of trouble.\n\nDriverless cars can be convenient because you do not have to focus entirely on the road. This could come in handy to mothers with babies who tend to get fussy in cars. It can help transport teenagers without them having to take DriversEd. A lot of teens do not have the time for it. Driverless cars are more ecofriendly. In paragraph one it states that the car uses half the amount of gas as a normal car. All these factors are great, but there are other things that people need to think about. If there was an accident, who would be guilty? The manufacturer and driver are both at fault. This is a negative factor in the situation, however someone will eventually take the blame and everything will be resolved. It is a fixable problem.\n\nEverything deserves a chance. Driverless cars are one of those things. The pros outnumber the cons. Every con has a solution to it. Driverless cars would be a good addition to everyday lives. It is an enviornmental, safe, and convenient way to travel.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI would keep the electoral college because its seems to be working well. And if we changethe electoral college everything would work differently. And a big change like this would make alot of people mad and upset and posibaly riot.\n\nThe electoral college is really not a college its a constitution as a compromise between election of the president. Electoral college consists of 538 electors. The electoral college process consists of the selection of the electors.\n\nUnder the electoral college system,voters vote not for the president,but for the slate of electors. The single best argument againest the electoral college is what we might call the disastor factor. During the 200 campaign,seventeen states didnt see the candidtes at all .\n\nThe eletoral college sould stay because not all changes are bad but this one will be. The united states needs too stop making changes because its costing not the government but the people. If the debat about changing the electol college gets out of hand, people will start rioting and alot of people will be protesting.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article, \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\", Nick D'Alto describes a new software that processes emotions. The \"Facial Action Coding System\", or \"FACS\", focuses on the muscle movements of the face in order to know someones emotions. This new technology would be valuable for students in a classroom setting because of the many educational benefits.\n\nUsing this software on a classroom computer could help students learn and understand what they are learning. While learning a lesson, students can often become confused or bored (pg 6). Whent this happens a computer \"could modify the lesson\" (pg 6). Changing the ways students learn based on how students are percieving a lesson decreases the chances of students not understanding or not paying attention. By modifying the lesson, students can learn in a way they enjoy. All students do not learn the same way. Using this software increases the chances of students learning in a way they understand.\n\n\"FACS\" would not only help students learn, but it would also help teachers teach. In paragraph six, Dr. Huang, a college professor, stated that the software would be \"like an effective human instructor.\" It would be very difficult for a teacher to individually teach every student they have in a way the student could understand. As stated before, all students do not learn the same way. To ensure that all students recieve every possible way to understand a topic, FACS would likely have to be used. Teachers would no longer have to worry about different ways to teach because the computer would do it for them. The teacher then has more time to do other things to help with the education of the class.\n\nCommunication is a skill that students learn at school as well as other places. School allows students to learn how to interact with other people. Dr. Huang included that \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communications.\" (pg. 6) Students are not learning the importance of nonverbal communication. Yes, \"we humans preform this same impressive calculation every day\"(pg. 5) However, what if we could do it at a different level? Learning about the FACS program can teach students to not only focus on word, but the muscles in the face as well.\n\nWhat FACS does to interpret people, students can use to interpret people and further understand communication.\n\nAs shown, students can benefit from this new technology. FACS can help students learn by teaching them in a way they enjoy. FACS can help teachers be more efficient. It could also push students to better understand nonverbal communication. So, should FACS be used in classrooms? Well, with all these beneifts, the answer should be pretty clear. Lets add these emotional geniuses now!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the story, \"A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves,\" Luke is a boy from a small town and is a cowboy that is almost 18 years old. His friend convenced him to go and help the peolpe across seas that are injured from World War ll. He decided to go and help. When he was on his first trip to go to help he turned 18 and was supposte to go into the army but they said to keep helping, and that would be his serivce time.\n\nLuke has a good idea to help spread the word. He should try to convince people to go and help people that got hurt in World War ll. He should start by telling a lot of people about the Seagoing Cowboys program. lso, he should tell people what they do. Next, he should make posters to show people that the Seagoing Cowboys extict. Then, he should say where they going and how they are seeing all of the different historial places along the way. Finally, he should tell the people what the program offers and how they visit many unique places.\n\nSome reasons to join the Seagoing Cowboy programs are, that you get to take care of animals when you are going across the ocean. Also, you get to help people that need to things that you are bring to them. A lot of things were lost in World War ll. So, you can help give back from the people that we took stuff away from. Also, you see a lot of different cultures. You would get to see the way that people live. Then, when you are over there you can see what the country's culture is. Like, when you are in China you can see all of the stuff that they make over there. You might even see some of the places that were attacked. When you go different place, you get to see different things that you may of never seen before. When you are over seas you can see many interseting things. That is one reason that you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.\n\nAnother reason that you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program is that once you drop off all of the animals and help the people you have one or two months with open animal cages. On the way back you can play games like, you can wrestle, have table-tennis tournaments, you can fence, and you can box. There are many other game that you could play. So there is another reason that you should join the\n\nSeagoing Cowboys program.\n\nOverall, you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program and help out with all kinds of jobs over seas.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIts no secret that driving automobiles has alot to do with how much pollution is pumped into the air. The biggest issue with driving a car in crowded areas is the smog build up. Many countrys have taken an interest in limiting cars temporarly to decrease smog, or dedicating individual communitys to a car free area with the exception of buses and taxis.\n\nHigh pollution levels is a rising epedemic that needs to be stoppped before it is out of hand or un-reversable. Many country's plan to action is limiting car usage for a certain amount of time untill the smoge is under control. It states in source two paragraph ten that \"After days of near record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city.\" Within the five days that this rule was enforced the smog in the city had decreased by 60 percent.\n\nMany people tend to rely on cars in their everday life. What people need to realize is that there are other forms of transportation that is just as easy and far less toxic to the planet and to ourselfs. In source 1 paragraph 3 a woman states \" when i had a car i was always tense, im much happier this way.\" It is clear that the use and want for owning and using your own car has went down emensly since 1995. People call it a cultural shift excpecially in America where cars are so heavily manufactured and bragged about.\n\nIn conclusion, cars are a huge reason why the world is so polluted. This wouldnt be such an issue if so many people didnt use cars in their everday life. Once poeple realize that they can still be perfectly content without having to drive everywhere is when this planet will make a big turn around in the way we try to protect the planet.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" the author; Nick D'Alto starts off by explaining how The picture shows that \"She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry.\" after telling us this the author proceides by telling us how the emotions were recognized by a computer softwhere. Reading emotions can be tricky. But for a computer its different. The idea of basically reading Mona Lisa's mind and figuring out her emotion is somewhat confusing because the Mona Lisa is just a painting and there is no way to know if the Facial Action System is correct because the painting cant actually tell us how it feels.\n\nIn the artical it states that \"you can probaly tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.\" We dont need a Computer to read students emotinal expressions because it is easy to tell how a student is feeling by how their face expresion is at the time or their attitude. even though this would be a great idea to put in classrooms it would also be conserning for the students because some students dont want people knowing how they feel because it might embarious them. But at the same time it would be good for techers because to learn you have to want to learn and if your in a not so good mood then you wont want to learn and with the Facial Action Coding System the teacher can see if the student wants to learn or not.\n\nThe mona Lisa demonstration is very intresting and it shows what all a computer can do. It is very amaizing how far the tech has came. Also it is crazy how a computer can know when you are happy or sad. There is a lot of good things to this subject and also a lot of bad things that come with it. An example of a bad thing is if someone dosent want you to know how they are feeling and they could get mad at you. A example of a good reason to see peoples emotion who seem suspious and up to no good.\n\nIn concluision I think that it would be a great idea to bring the Facian Action Coding system into schools because of the fact of seeing the emotions of students that arnt learing or working to the best they can be. Another reason is to help inprove those students and see who needs help or needs someone to talk to because they could maybe be going through a hard time but no one knows and the only thing that could figure is out is the computer software.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus, sometimes called the evening star. Also referred as Earth's twin. Visiting Vanus is a challenge for humans to study. The cloud-draped world would be instering to see. Calling it earths twin can make be an over statement. Venus seems like the opposite of earth.\n\nEven though Earth's twin Venus is the closest planet in terms to density and size. The closest in distance too. Venus ha a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets. Making it more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive acid in venus's atmosphere. Which these condition can be every dangerous for humans. Environment would crush a submarine.\n\nCan be every hot actually the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solor system. Thirty milies plus above the surface, temperature would still be toasty at around 170 degrees.\n\nDesite all the challenges Venus has, the information is every interesting. Venus may have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. The planet Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Venus has some features that are same to Earth today.\n\nSo going to Venus could be worth going to because of the things it had. Also it was just like Earth so who knows one day Earth could end up just like Venus in the furture. Visiting Venus could help humans better understand the furture Earth.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe challenge of Exploring Venus is about suggest to stuyding Venus is worthy pursuit but it's danger. Over the play of the article develop from being danger to studying to its worth it.\n\nIn the beginning author suggest that studying Venus is danger. The text stated \"On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenhenit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 time greater than what we experience on our own planet.\" This quotation show that studying Venus is danger. The temperature in the Venus is twice bigger than our planet. The condition are far extreme than anything human encounter on Earth. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. It hard for us to studying because it's impossible to land human in Venus.\n\nIn the middle of the aritcle they wanted to send human to study Venus.The text stated \"The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has one particularly compellin gidea for sending human to study Venus.\" This quotation show that they wanting to send human to Venus to study. They know it's hard decision to make because the temperatures In Venus would still be toast at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that dea level on Earth. They wanting to send humna to study but they also caring about their safety. t's not easy condition but survivable for humans.\n\nIn the end of the aritcle they wanting to approaches to studying Venus. The text stated \"Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus\" This quotation show that they wanting to approach Venus. They creae machine that will help them find out more Venus. The scienctist think is worth studying Venus even though it can be hard.\n\nIn this article of \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" is about how the author suggest studying Venus is danger but it's also worth it. The aritcle basically telling you all about the idea of how they wanting to approcahes Venus and what they create it for their safety.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhile being able to tell someone's emotions can be a benefitial factor, it is also an invasion of the person's privacy. Many positive ideas come with being able to see how someone is feeling in a classroom, but there are some emotions that people just don't want other people knowing about. There are many different thoughts that go through a human being's head that therefore create the emotions that are felt. Students knowing that a computure is reading their every emotional status can create a very tense feeling and that could effect how the class lesson flows. There is no value in being ale to tell how a group of students are feeling in a class room.\n\nNegative emotions are everywhere, which means anything can happen to anybody, so people can be emotionaly unstable. If a group of students in a classroom were to know that there is a computure that is telling the instructor that there is something wrong with a specific student, it can be imbarrasing. In the text it states \" imagine being able to detect exactly how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotion.\" That statement is an correct example of why computures that read emotions would be an invasion of every student's privacy. It's also justifying reason that there is no value in being able to tell how students are feeling because it is uncalled for.\n\nThe ariticle goes into futher explaining of how the new software in these computures are helpful and benefitial. Although it might be helpful in other ways than in a classroom, it shouldn't be used to collect information on how people are emotionally feeling without permission. Even with permission, emotions are a valuable part of humans that shouldn. t be taken for granted and used to collect data or research. For the value of emotions would be lost if a computure is using a software that reads the emotional status of the students in a classroom.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWith all the possiblities that could happen if drivereless were everywhere on the streets, Driverless cars are a bad idea for the future. Driverless cars are remoted for a computer instead of a human being, Human have better judgement calls than a computer. With this being said, Human are more aware and experienced to their surroundings. Since Driverless cars are powered from technology, there is a very high chance that it can malfunction in use, not be aware of a situation of a traffic issue, and if an accident happens, no one is sure who is responsible for it.\n\nOne reason why driverless cars would have a negative impact on daily life is malfunctioning. Driverless cars are powered through technology and technology is not perfect. There is always a chance of malfunction. For example, a driverless car couldn't monuever through a work zone correctly or if there is a traffic stop or issue on the road. Because of this, this could cause more issues for the driver inside the car.\n\nAnother reason for why driverless cars are a bad idea is because of laws/law enforcement. One of the main purposes of the driverless car is to avoid accidents in traffic. With driveless cars being on the street driving themselves mostly, this would mean that there would be new state laws enforced on driveless. Since this idea is new to our generation and is developing, laws will constantly change to make sure the driver is safe and is driving/watching with caution. If a driver is in the driverless car and the car gets into an accident, who is in the fault? The driver or the car? Also individuals could argue their case of that the car caused an accident instead of them. If this were to happen, car manufacturers could be penalized from many different cases.\n\nLast reason why driverless cars are a bad idea for the future is because of characteristics and human judgement. Companies can say \"The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimc the skill of a human at the wheel.\" but the vehicle is not human at all. The vehicle is operating off of sensors and a gps to locate where it is going. In life, a human has better judgement on how to solve a real life situation than a computer. An experienced human driver can read a road sign and operate a vehicle from what the sign warns them of whats ahead. A computer/sensor can not do that. Also human driver knows what to do if their is an emergency like if they need to pull over off the road or take a detour. A computer/sensor can not do that.\n\nIn conclusion, Driverless cars would have a negative impact on the future of humans. There is always a chance of malfunction. Also new laws will be added and changed constantly. Another reason is for liability in the case of accident because no one will be sure for who should be held accountable.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI know for a fact that the Face on mars is not an alien artifact. Instead i know that it is just a normal landform. One of my reason for saying that is simple,on paragraph two it states\"Only this one had an unusual shadows that made it look like an egyptian pharaoh,\"but that is not my only reason for saying it is just a mesa. I will be explaing why i think that this landform on mars is just a natural landform.\n\nFirst,i will continue to explain the shadows that gave this landform a face. On paragraph 3 the article states that the landform was given shape by shadows. the face parts the shadows gave were eyes,mouth and a nose. Also on paragraph two the article tells us that this landform was just another Martian mesa,which was common enough around another planet called Cydonia.\n\nNext,i will be explaining the three diffrent pitcures that were taken,and how the (moc) knew how it was just a regular landform and not an alien artifact. On paragraph seven it tells us how the second time they took another pitcure of it,but with a better camera. Many people were very anxious to see teh first image appear on a JPL web site,revealing that it was just a natural landform.\n\nThat's not all,one paragraph eight,it states\"but not everyone was satisfied\". After that on paragraph nine mission controller looked at the face again,but it was not easy finding it,so they searched for the face until they found it again on April 8,2001. Then the Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look,they took the pitcures using a camera's absolute maximun resolution. If there were any objects like Egyptian-style pyramids you could see what they were. Then on paragraph twevle it telles us that face was just a messa or landforms common around the American West.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA lot of people probably don't think of computers being able to identify peoples emotions. This technology is new. Some people would think it is super cool and some people would think it is strange. This new technology might be useful. This technology to read emotional expressions of students is very valuable.\n\nThis new techonology could help detect how a student is feeling in a class. The computer could detect how they feel by scanning their facial expressions. For example, in the text it says, \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored...\" This quote shows that the computer could detect the students emotions and how they are feeling. This could help the teacher make the class a little bit more exciting. This new technology could benefit in new ideas. This quote also shows the teacher could help the student because they are confused.\n\nSome people might not like to express their feelings. They might really be confused and need help but don't want to be embarassed. A person could be sad and need someone to talk to but wont speak up. For example, In the text it says, \"Imagine being able to detect exactly how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotions\". This quotes helps support the idea of people hiding their feelings and not saying anything. This quote shows that this new technology will be able to detect how someone is really feeling by their facial expressions even though they aren't talking.\n\nThis technology to read emotional expressions of students is very valuable. This new technology is super beneficial. It could help in classrooms and in peoples lives. This new technology might be the new big thing. It can be very helpful. It is a great idea.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWe could be closer than ever exploring the planet called Venus. Nasa is thinking of ideas every day of how to overcome the obsticals Venus gives us. Venus is a \"neighbor\" right around the corner. Venus is a very harsh planet that might be explorable in the near future.\n\nVenus is a very hard planet to get any information on. Everytime Nasa sends a spacecraft to get information it is harmed by the planets conditions. The text shows, \"Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours.\"\n\nVenus has some simularites to earth. The planet nicknamed \"Evening Star\" may have once been like the most Earth planet. For example, \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\"\n\nVenus is a very harsh planet that might be explorable in the near future. Venus is the neghboring planet that might be another planet that Nasa can some information on. Venus may have a ton of hardships but in the near future it may be another planet we \"explored\".", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWe are all human beings. We all have some different opinions and some same opinions. The interesting debate was about the Face on Mars. I am here to tell you that the Face is just a natural landform.\n\nI have reasons to why the Face is just a natural landform. First, aliens are not scientificly proven to be real. Therefore, the Face could not have been an alien artifact. Second, the face appear that a person is inside the moon trying to come out and that is impossible for someone to be inside the moon. Finally, no one could have been to Mars and created that Face because it would be stated on the Internet on who created it.\n\nThere are numberous of evidence of why the Face is just a natural landform. First, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture that is ten times sharper than the original Viking photos revealing it as a natural landoform. In addition, the camera that Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo of using the camer's absolute maximum resolution. Futhermore, each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compare to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. Finally, the picture that Malin's team capture showed that it is Martina's equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West.\n\nOthers say that the Face on Mars was not a Martian's equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms. Some people believed that it was from an alien artiface. Others like conspiracy theorists said the evidence that NASA would rather hide.\n\nThere are reason why the Face on Mars was just a natural landform. This eassy helps you to rethink your thoughts of what it really is. There are logoical supports and evidence. The Mars is an interesting place for a planet.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\ncar usage should be limited across the world there are many free car citys. After days of near record pollution, paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. paris ban driving due to air smug cars are the cause to air pollution today. passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in europe. If we keep using cars as much it will hurt us in a long run. Are enviroment and the air will not be healthy to breath people will die it will be a huge break out then we will not be able to drive cars.\n\ncar free day is turning to a big hit i Bogota in a program that set to spread to other countries. millions of colombians particapated in the event. It was the third stright year that cars have been banned with only buses. The goal is to promote alternative transportation and ruduce smog. people that does not listen and violators faced $25 fines. no0w people are hraing abouty the cause of less driving and diffrent cities are joining in on the fun.\n\nInternet is a big part of why people have stop driving because people fill like they can use there social life to communicate with people instead of getting in there cars and going places to meet up with their family or peers. As of april 2013 thge number of miles driven wentr down 9 percent below the peak and equel to where the country was in january 1995.\n\nAnother benifit of limiting car usage is that it will benifit the health ofd citizens citizens both mentally and physically. in the german subborn of vauban, citizens have given uup their cars. A resisdent there says \" when i had a car i was always tense. Im much happier this way,\" Said Heidrum limiting car usage also limit the frequency of trafic jams, accidents, and unfriendly drivers in a hurry along with the stress and frustration that accompany them.\n\nin sumation, a life with out cars mean a healthier, longer lasting planet so every one should particapate we should wanna help the planet not destroy it. This could help everyone in the long run dont have to worry about smug or dangerous air that could kill you. please spread thge word that less driving is very important and cvan save the enviroment. thats the eavantages of limiting car usage for you and me can live a healthy life and dont have to worrie about pullutin and we could breath fresh air.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am for the development of Driverless Cars because it could use half the fuel of todays taxis and be way more felxiable than a bus, they are not totally driverless, and it could make driving a lot safer. Imangie what the Earth would look like if we were to cut down on the fuel we use for gas. If we were to switch over to \"driverless\" cars then it would use only half the fuel for a normal car. This could possible help us bring down our Co2 levels. Also these \"driverless\" cars aren't really driverless. The car can steer, accelerate, and brake by themselves but once there is a road block like a car accident or going through a work zone, it switches over to the human driver. Lastly, with all of the reckless and careless driving wouldn't you want you and your kids to be safe? Well with more advance sensors you can be safer. They can respond to the danger of out-of-control skids and rollovers. They can apply brakes to individual wheels and reduce power from the engine if needed. This has a lot more control than a human can manage.\n\nIn conclusion i think Driverless Cars are a good idea because it uses half the fuel than a normal car, the car is not totally driverless so we would have some control, and it could make driving a lot safe.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author did alright at supporting his idea (studying Venus is a worthy pursiut despite the dangers). There are some things that the author explained well and others where he didn't defend his case. When reading this it will seem questionable if this is something to go off of.\n\nWhen the author was explaining his thought on this he made a convincing argument. He told some simularitys between Venus and Earth. \"Often referred to as Earths \"twin\", Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too.\" Venus and Earth are very alike in terms of aperance. The author uses a point that Venis is close to Earth that it makes it easier to travel there. \"These differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to mars and other times to venus.\" Being closer to Venus would make the trip there easier then to most other planets.\n\nThere are also some things in this topic that the author doesn't go into. He tells you that it is dangerous to be on the planet. \"On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.\" This tells you it is not safe to be on Venus but to study it better we would need to get up there to know what it is like to be there and we don't know how to get there alive. Why would studying Venus be worthy if the atmosphere is dangerous? \"A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus's atmosphere.\" It doesn't seem that worthy of exploring if you can even survive on Venus.\n\nthere are good reasons and bad reasons for studying Venus. Overall the author did an ok job supporting his idea.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear senator\n\nIm am wrighting a letter to you In hopes that you will change the way we ineletion to change it to populart vote for the president of the united states. In election, for example, obama had received 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3. this means to me thatif we like someone we can mostly end up having them our president. Flordia for the electoral votes given to each state. Flordia only have a 29 for electoral votes. Yes some people might say that is a lot but if we were to do it on populart votes it would be more fair to the other state. For example rode island on have 3 how is electoral votes fair for them? In 2000, when gore had more popular votes than bush yet fewer electoral votes, but that was the first time since 1888. The popular vote was very close in Florida in 2012 nevertheless obama who won that vote got 29 electoral votes.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis articall is about the planet Venus a nabor to eath but yet millions of miles away. One may think this planet is not much different from earth but it is very different. Venus is closer to the sun so the suface tepertur is some times over 800 degres Fahrenheit. this is where the problems come in and hanestly makes it harder to bealeve it is posible to explore Venus.\n\nIn the artical the author sounds very confident about this exploration but the conditions seem to risky and how are they 100% shore about these thiges anyway. In the artical it states \"At thirty-plus miles above the surface, teperatures would be around 170 degrees but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on earth\". I mean how can you tell they temperature of a planet that far away and even more know how hot it will be at different altitodes.\n\nWhat it all come down to is the author did not give enough evidance or they did not prove it. They just gave us some numbers that we did nit even know where they came from. And they use the word \"about\" in the quote in my second paragraph. I don't know about you but we probubly should not be voying peoples lives on the word about.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars can be dangerous to use for many reasons. I am against driverless cars for many reasons. The driver of the car might not be alert when they need to be, the car could cause a crash, Also it could do the wrong thing at the wrong time. Theres many more reasons but those are the main ones.\n\nWhen driving a driverless car the driver of the car must be alert at all times. If the driver feel asleep behind the wheel thinking its okay because the car drives itself something bad could happen. Some people are heavy sleepers and might not wake up if the seat just vibrate and that can cause a serious car crash. Also if someone is paying attention to something else like their phones or maybe children in the back seat something can easily happen when it is the drivers turn to drive and they aren't paying attention to the road or whats going on becuase they depend on the car to do everything.\n\nAnother reason why driverless cars are dangerous is because it could cause a crash. If the car isn't alert when it's sudden road changes or if something instantly happen like a crash infront of it then thedriverles car could crash along with it. Also if its construction work and the car doesnt know about it the car might just take the wrong turn or go where its not supposed to go because it didnt know the sudden change of whats going on. Also if the driver is expecting the car to kow what to do the driver might react late to the sudden changes and the car might just drive off the road or somewhere its not supposed to be. Also if the traffic laws change and the car doesnt know it could run into another car and do something that could hurt the driver and other passengers.\n\nThe last reason driverless cars are dangerous is because it could do the wrong thing at the wrong time. Lets say something happens to the car or the cameras on it or radar gets damaged and now the car can't tell the difference between the yellow or green light. The car could easily speed up when it's time to slow down and cause a crash with another car. The driverless car also might not know whats going on when people are at stop signs. It could be the other persons right away and the car might go and cause a crash to happen.Also someone could push the brake and the car probaly thinks it should keep going to it might and cause a serious car crash.\n\nThat's the main reasons why driverless cars are dangerous. They can cause something bad to happen, Th driver of the car might not be alert when they need to be and the car could do the wrong thing at the wrong time. All these reasons could lead to a car crash which could cause the people in the car to die. Thats why I am agaisnt driverledd cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe \"Face on Mars\" is just a natural landform. There is no civilization on Mars. What made you think that there was a face on Mars was the shadows being casted on the landform. We have many of these landforms on Earth.\n\nNasa took the picture of the landform and wanted to attract attention to Mars. According to the story, Nasa unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted a \"huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illustion of eyes, nose, and a mouth.\"\n\nThe authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars, and it did. (Paragraph 3 and 4)\n\nNasa wanted to show that there was no face on Mars. Nasa took another shot of the face. They felt that is was important to taxpayers. On April 5, 1998 Michael Malin and his MOC team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. The image first appered on a JPL web site, revealing a natural landform not an alien monument. (Paragraph 6 and 7)\n\nAnother fact is that we have many landforms like this in the United States. The story states that, on April 8, 2001 Mars Global Survetor drew close enough for a second look. What the picture shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West. \"It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,\" says Garvin, \" That's a lava dome that takes the form of a isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.\" (Paragraph 10 and 12)\n\nMany people took the Face on Mars too far. People made the \"Face on Mars\" in movies, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows, and it even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years. Some people thought that Nasa was hiding evidence that there is life on Mars. Nasa would have wanted people to know if there was life on Mars, because Nasa's budget has been cut.\n\nThis is why the \"Face on Mars\"\n\nis only just a landform with shadows on it that makes it look like a face. People have just taken the situation a little too far. There still could be a chance that there is a life form on Mars, but for know we know that the \"Face on Mars\" is just a landform.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nElection after election, candidates are winning the popular vote but are losing the election. The U.S. is making a terrible decision on keeping the Electoral College. The Electoral College consist of 538 electors, but only need a vote of 270 electoral votes to elect a president. It would probably be best to elect a president with a popular vote to make the election fair.\n\nWhen voters are voting for a president they are really voting for a slate of electors. The problem with the Electoral College is that they are not giving the U.S. citizens a chance to vote for who they want as president. In 2000, with the Gallup poll, Al Gore had won the popular vote, but had lost the election\u00a0 do to having over 60 percent of voters prefering a direct election. It is not fair to people that if the president they like is winning that the Electoral College can change the election by making a mistake on choosing the other candidate or take the majority vote and elect that president. In the 2000 campaign, seventeen states did not see one candidate at all. The Electoral College has been named \"unfair, outdated, and irrational\". As for Bob Dole (lost election do to the Elector College), he was correct for hiw words \"Abolish the Electoral College.\n\nThe Electoral College is a anachronism(a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by the declaring the candidtate who recieves the most popular votes the winner). Even though it is true that the Electoral College elects the president, and not the people, the citezens would still want a word it electing the president. The parties selected are trusted to vote but they can make a mistake and nobody will know. In the Gore vs Bush in 1888, Gore had more popular votes than Bush, but Bush had a few more Electoral vote that Gore which made Bush win the election. Also in the Obama vs. Romney election in 2012, Obama got 61.7% of the Electoral College cpmparing it to the 51.3% of popular votes between him and Romney. Which Obama put the USA in to deep dept. By which almost all states were with the votes on a winner-takes-all basis.\n\nThe winner-take-all method is used when to focus the campaign on toss-up state. The voters in toss-up states pay more close attention to the election. In Florida in 2012 election, Obama had won the state with a 29 electoral vote. Just like in Wyoming with only 3 votes. About 1/2 of the eligle American population did vote in 2012. They are the people that wanted to express the political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election. People can argue that the Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a canditate who has no hope of carrying their state which is unfair.\n\nTo add it off, the Electoral college can be quite unfair to an election. They are still going to make bad decisions on which person to elect. So I would want to change the Electoral College to a popular vote takes all.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSeagoing Cowboys aren't like pirates, or like land cowboys that rob people and do aweful things. They help out people when they are recovering from the terrible things that hitler and World War II brought them. When you sign, up you don't have to risk doing army time and going to fight becasue when you are a seagoing cowboy, it counts for your service time. Also, you get to see the world and how other people are living and how cultural our world is. In this essay I will tell you reason why is I know I did the right thing by sighning up to be a seagoing cowboy, and why you should sign up too!\n\nThe most important thing that I was able to do was to help out my community and beyond. When people were suffering from traumatic losses and hunger I was able to help heard and bring animals to the Jews, Germans, and Aisans that were all suffering from the outcome of the war. They were in poverty and were in need of people to safely get livestock to them so they could eat and be whole again. I think that by sighing up you get that sense of heroism and you know that you did a good deed. I think that by also sighning up it really helps life or death problems.\n\nWhen I sighned up I knew that I would have to go fight for my country and maybe even die in battle. So, I turned 18 during my first trip and I knew I would have to stop what I was doing and to go serve in the army. But, when I went to go speak with the army, they said that helping to bring food to families wounded in the war counted as War time. I overjoyeced becasue I loved to do what I was doing and I didn't want to have to end that. Also because I didn't have to risk dying! Phew, thankgoodness! So thats why you should also sighn up so you don't have to go out and get shot! I also realized how big of an oppertunity it was and how much of the world I was going to be able to see.\n\nThe cattle-boat trips where an unbelievable oppertunity for a small-town boy like me! I had the benifit of sight seeing Europe and China. I saw the acropolis in Greece, and took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, with streets of water! Water people, I mean who would pass that oppertunity up? I toured an excavated castle in Crete, and awed at the Panama Canal on my way to China. Grece was very speacial, and China was amazing! When you take the chance of going out and doing things in the world you get see magnificent things. Even when your traveling between countries, you get to experiance marine life and biology!\n\nSee? That's the thrill of it all, that you get to be a real hero, not die, and see the world through your own two eyes! Now people might say that you don't get to see everything and you need to \"die for your country.\" Don't listen to them, they are just being cynical. You make the decisions and you don't need one bad review to change how you feel about doing something! People might just judge you, but guess what they are just jealious that you get to see the world and be a true hero. That is why you should sign up to be a sea-cowboy. You never know where tomorrow will take you! I'm going to try to immitate Uncle Sam now, We need YOU to be a seagoing cowboy!", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWith the new Facial Action Coding System (FACS), old boundries can now be broken. This new system allows special computers to recognize the emotions a peson is expressing. The software is so advanced that it can even depict if someone's presented emotions are real or forced. Dr. Thomas Huang, who invented FACS, agruges that this technology would be a great improvement in classrooms, and he is right. By using a Facial Action Coding System, it would help engage students in their acedemics and allow them to reach a new level of potential.\n\nIf the FACS was in classroom, their computers would have the capacity to detect when a student is bored, confused, or frusterated. Having technology that could read students' emotions would allow the computers to detect if students were bored, not challenged, or struggling, which would make the computer \"then modify the lesson,\" predicts Dr. Huang, to be more interesting, advanced, or activate helpful tools. This would be a major improvement in schools. If FACS was implimented in schools, students would be less likely to get bored, left behind, or stressed.\n\nIf the Facial Action Coding System when into affect, and student no longer felt bored, stressed, or left behind, think of how that would change students' potential! Students would have improved GPAs and grades. They would be less likely to fall short in classes, and therefore take more advanced classes. It is even likely that more students would not drop out of high school, and more would get into college, and with better scholarships.\n\n\"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication,\u201d states Dr. Huang. \u201cSo computers need to understand that, too.\u201d If computers in high schools were able to understand their users' feelings, the students would have greatly improved learning experiences. When there is an increase in educational tools that help students, they will be more likely to succeed. If students' had the oppurtunity to benefit from FACS in high schools, their impact on society could be so much greater.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis software is not valuable to others. The software seems pointless because why would you want to know a certain percent of how happy someone is? People can tell the emotions of people without using this software whatsoever.\n\nIn paragraph five the author says \"you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on their face\" which is totally true but you can also tell how your friends are feeling by talking to them face to face and not \"calculating\" their emotions on computers.\n\nIn paragraph six it is said \"while it shows just how much computers can do\" but some computers can mess up a persons emotion and take it in a completely different direction by making someone think the person is unhappy but they could've been having the time of their life.\n\nWhy would anyone need to know exactly how happy someone is? People can show emotions through many differnt ways and not just through their face but through communication, body language, the tone of voice they have.\n\nIn a classroom setting children do not need to use this because a part of growing up kids shouldn't be exposed to too much technology. Children shouldn't learn how to read others feelings/ emotions through a computer. What good would come from that? Learning how to profile others is a good trait of having. Forensic scientists don't even use this software so why should we?\n\nOverall this new software does not seem valuable to students, teens, or adults. It just shows how attached we are to technology. Yes, good things can come from technology but also pointless things can too. People need to live in the moment and not turn to their computer every second they have. We should be more worried about more important events going on in this world before calculating how happy the whole world is.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are in the future. Google's cofounder, \"envisions a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars for a public-transport taxi system.\" Sergey Brin \"believes such cars would fundamentally change the world.\"\n\nDriverless cars have been a vision of the future for some time. According to the text \"Television and movies have long been facinated with cars that could drive themselves.\" The movie industry has made self-driving cars a dream for the future of technology. But engineers are making them a reality. An example from the text states that, \"Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Their cars have driven more than a million miles with a crash.\" But Google's car are not completely driverless yet, they alert the driver to take over in certain conditions like, pulling in and out of driveways and navigating through roadwork.\n\nDriverless cars are slowly becoming a part of the future. These cars are already being made and tested. Driverless cars have pros and cons. For example, driverless cars could be a good thing for people that have disabilities and normally could not drive, these cars give them the option to go out and finally drive. But, these cars also have cons, the car could malfunction, and the driver wasn't alerted to take over. Who would be to blame,if there was an accident, the driver or the manufacturer? These \"smart cars\" might not be as smart as people think they should be. Today, in most states, it is illegal to test drive a \"computer-driven car\". According to the text, there are only four states that allow \"semi-autonomous cars\" to be driven on roads.\n\nDriverless cars are for sure a thing to be seen in the future. Manufacturers, engineers, and automakers are continuing to collaborate and brainstorm on how to make these cars more of a reality, and to fix any problems with the driverless cars that have already been made and that are being tested. These self-driving cars will definitely change the world. But will it be for the good? That is what these automakers are trying to do, make a car to help people in everyday life.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFacial Action Coding System is a good idea to have on all school computers and laptops. It was help the students with projects or even there work. It could also be good for a teacher to help teach there students how to do a problem they may not understand the problem. It is a very smart idea that they came up with and I think we should use it and not put it to waste. This could be a very good thing for students and them getting better education.\n\nBy bringing this into our schools for students it could help them with there work to help make them understand something better. In the arctle Dr. Hung talks about how if they put this on a computer it could recognize when a students is becoming confused or bored with the problems or with whatever is going on, on the screen. If a math teacher gave you problems to try on the computer over something you just learned that day, your faces that you make while you are doing the work could help the teacher. It could help by letting the teacher know what problems the student made a confused faced on to let the teacher know what to go over with that student. In the article Dr.Hunag also talks about somethimg very simliar to what I said the sentence brefore. In his notes he talked about the computer being like a human instructor. So if you made a confused face while doing a problem instead of letting the teacher know it would just give you easier problems. I think this is the best idea for the use of this new technology. Some students are smarted or learn faster than others so if the computers know that this person is more confused than the others, it could give them easier problems.\n\nThink about all the things you can do with this new technology, you do use it to help you with problems on homework or even studing. This is a very useful tool for school and helping kids get a better education and I tink every school should have something like this for there students. If it was in my school I would for sure go and try this new technology to see how cool it really is.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe evening star, the closest to us, the one with famliar features, our nearest option for a planetary visit, what are the options for making a mission safe and scientifically productive?\n\nVenus also known as the evening start, is actually a planet and it is\n\nsimple to see from the distant, it has proved a very challenging place where it can be examinaded closely by, Austronomers are insteresded by Venus because it has been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system, Venus has a surface of rocky sediment and has famliar things such as mountains, valleys and cratear. There have been made many studies to work with Venus, NASA is woking in another approches to studying venus, for example some especific old eletronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in such coinditions, NASA has also a particulary compelling idea for sending human to study Venus. NASAs posible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Striving to meet this venus challenge our travels and beyond should not be limited by dangers and boubts but should be expanded to meet every edge of imaginantion and innovations.\n\nin conculsion the challenge of exploring venus article show us that Venus is not a bad planet to study and there are many posibilities for humans to go there it has not easy conditions but survivable for humans, studies have been alredy made and Venus is an earth-like planet what makes the studies more clear.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEach year more people are killed by driving accidents then the combined deaths of murder and accidents involved with firearms.\n\nMany of these deaths and associated accidents are caused by driver error such as reckless driving, speeding, texting while driving, and driving under the influence. As a result, many traffic regulations, such as the institution of specific rules of the road, police enforcement of safe and sober driving, and required safety features, such as airbags and seat-belts, have helped to reduce accidents and mortality rates on the road. Yet, these mortality rates are still high due to the human trait of being able to fail due to biological reasons (fatigue, anger) and psychological and cognitive reasons (driving under the influence due to a false belief that \"alchohol does not affect me that badly\" or that \"I do not need a seat-belt, I likely will not get into an accident). Henceforth, the addition of automated driving systems into cars are of extreme benefit due to their ability to negate these human tendencies and traits as well as adding a degree of redunency to driving.\n\nFirst off, automated driving systems are usefully as they can negate the negative effects of human biology such as fatigue and rage. As demonstrated on paragraph seven, the article explains how care manufacturers are considereing the implementation of cameras which can monitor drivers. While the article implies that these cameras are to be use to detec whether or not the driver is even looking at the road, it is not wistful thinking to believe that this technology can be improved apon to detect facial features (such as opening and closing of the eyes, swaying of the head) to detect fatigue or other features (angry expression) to detect drivers who are tired or experiencing road rage. The car from this point could take measures, such as suggesting the driver to stop at a gas station to get coffee or to pull over to calm down, and thus prevent the driver letting his or her biological symptoms affect his or her ability to drive safely.\n\nAdditionally, these automated cars can also be used to stop drivers from preforming reckless things while driving due to their stupity, ignorance, or inmaturism, by forcing the driver to comply with driving law in or for he or she to driving. One example of this forced compliance could be that an automated car could demand a breathilizer test to be preformed in conjuction with the use of a key in order to start up the car, ensuring that only sober drivers can operate a vehicle. Additionally, the car can also perform a similar action by requireing the driver and passengers (which could be detected by sensors and cameras) to have their seatbelts on before driving. Finally, a car can either force a driver to pull over if it detects that the driver is driving recklessly or alert athorities so that they can stop the driver before he or she has the chance to hurt someone else. Henceforth, the computer systems in car can help a driver not to cause an accident by either their physical and/or cognitive state or by their irresponsibility.\n\nFinally, automated cars increase safety due to the concept of redundency. Since there are two capable operators in the vehicles, (that being the human driver and the car itself) one can take over in case the other fails, such as the car taking over if the driver falls asleep or the driver taking control if one sensors has a malfunction. This redunency improves safety as both systems have to fail instead of just one in order for an accident to occur. This redundency is why commercial aircraft have an extremely low likelyhood of failure, as the plane has both human redundency (two pilots in case one becomes incapacitated) and mechanical redendency (auto-pilot kicks in if both pilots become temporarily unable to address all the issues occuring in flight as well as back up systems in case something like electronics or pneumatics fail).\n\nHenceforth, through a combination of redundency and the ability to help drivers protect themselfs from their own faults, whether they be physical, emoutional, or mental, the automation of cars will make the act of driving a much safer endeavor. While some may state that automated cars can never reach the intuition and agility of a natural driver, automated systems should and would not replace human drivers but instead suplement them as in the case with commercial aircraft. Henceforth, when the risks and the benefits of automation in driving are weighed, one can come to the conclusion that automation is driving will inevitably make the endeavor much safer.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the passage I learned about a new computer software that can read emotion and produce its emotional findings as a percentage. This new software reads a human face and constructs a 3-D model of the face. All 44 major muscles must move like real human muscles. The compuer relies on FACS or the Facial Action Coding System. The computer has classified six basic emotions- happiness,suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness.- and then associated each emotion with charicteristic movements of the facial muscles. It then compares the exaimened face with one that shows no emotion to determine what emotions the exaimened face is showing. People from around the world are now finding different applications for this new technology.\n\nThe technology could be well suited for a use in the educational field. In paragraph 6 the author talks about how this software could be used in schools. He then goes on to compare it to being ''Like an effective human instructor.'' So this software could be installed into a classroom computer. Then as the lesson is being taught to students it would analyze the students expressions and proceed to modify the lesson. The way it could modify the lesson is to make it more hands on and interactive.\n\nDo I feel as if this new technology could be the wrong use for its properties?Yes, I do feel that way because humans are humans. As such they crave interaction between one another, I don't feel like adding a classroom computer in place of a human instructor would be a good idea.\n\nAs far as its pros versus its cons go, it would be a well placed application for the software. As I said before it could modify a computer based lesson for the subject in which it is teaching. I don't think it will ever beat out the enjoyment of doing something with your hands in a classroom lab with the safety and security of a teacher lead course. Yes, I agree that we are moving in a direction of computers being in place of instructors. But, I do not agree that we are moving so quickly in that direction that computers will take away the enjoyment of have a casual relaxing conversation with a teacher.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the following ideas and information passage set we see the effects of using cars too much and how limiting our car use can have a huge impact on, not only our environment, but also on cities on people. Limiting our car usage isn't only a thing that the United States has to work on, but we see that Central America and Europe also has to work on it. Limiting our car usage isn't a small issue, but more of a global issue. Over the years we have seen the effects of global warming (something cause by fossil fuels, which is gas coming from our cars) and how they have had an enormous impact on our world. So, why is liming our car usage even remotely important to us?\n\nIn the second article \"Paris bans driving due to smog\", paragraph 10, the first thing it says is \"After days of near-record pollution..\", well, what does this say about how we're living today? Paris so close to to being on record breaking pollution, not that it's anything to be proud of. But, if that's how much pollution Paris has, which is a famous city for not only being the \"City of Love\", but for also being big, how will every other city's pollution be? Cities have been growing and expanding so much recently, factories are being built and more cars are being sold, how will this help limiting our car usage? If cities keep expanding, we'll just be adding to the pollution that already exists. After a couple decades all the issues we seem to be ignoring will come up and if the problems are bad now, how bad will they be in the future? This isn't just something we can ignore!\n\nLike David Goldberg says in paragraph seven in \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars\" \"All of our development since World War II has been centered on the car..\". Why have we been focusing more on a car than on health and medicine and cures for some illnesses? Why is a car so important? Yes it makes going to places much more easier and quicker, but at what cost will we go to to make things easier on us? It isn't jsut about the pollution caused from our cr usage, but it's also about our health. There are fewer and fewer parks by the year because we'd rather have all our tax money go towards roads instead parks. More malls are opening up and more fast food places are opening up on big interstates and highways, and now all we really have to being close to nature is when we pass by the trees near the interstates and highways. We need trees in order to have oxygen, but if all this pollution is slowly killing trees, how much more time do we have left before we realize it's too late to try saving our trees and limiting our car usage? Back then no one really worried much about limiting our car usage and pollution, because it wasn't that bad. Now all you ever really hear is about pollution and how to stop it.\n\nEven though we really have got to start limiting our car usage, there is still hope in lowering and or even stopping pollution. We could start off small, for instance, by having a day where no one is allowed to drive their cars to places or be fined if you do drive, like Bogota, Colombia does in \"Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota\". It must've had a positive effect because it encouraged Cali and Valledupar, two other Colombian cities, to participate in the event as well.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable because some computers can give you wrong information. you cant always rely on a software. In Paragraph 7 , it says \" your PC cant handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile. but we can write down some simple instructions that \"encode\" different emotions, i really think technology is doing the work for us.\n\nWe need to take time and do it ourselves and expressing our own feelings because sometimes when you actually happy you got a natural mean mug. The software is going to get the wrong information when it tries to figure out our feelings. moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. making faces cant reveal so much about the science of emotions. You gonna spend your money on something that might get your feelings wrong . That will be the waste of your money.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear,\n\nSenator of florida is send you this letter to tell you why we need to keep things the way they are. Electoral college is a process in which we decide who will be our president of the United States of America. During this process the Electoral College consist of 538 electors in which 270 of those electoral votes is required to elect the President. During this presidential election you vote for you candidate but what your actually doing is voting for your candidate's electors. All though the electoral colleges have things wrong with it they do have have some positive things that counter the negative out. Like certainty of a outcome,avoiding run-off election,you have to have trans-regional appeal(everyone's President),Swing states, and Big states.\n\nA dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible-it happened in 200-but its less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. Winning candidate's share the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. For example,Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular vote cast for him and Romney.... Because almost all states award electoral votes on a winner- take-all basis. A nationwide electoral vote is possible because 538 is a even number, but its\u00a0 highly unlikely. The winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates-as we saw in 2012's election to focus more on toss-up states. As the people of these states are very thoughtful in deciding who they will pick because they are the people that pay close attention to the campaing.\n\nThe Electoral College is widely regarded as an anarchonism. People believe that it should be changed to who ever gets the most popular votes. People only believe it should be changed because of what has happened in the past with other elections. Like what happened in 200,1960 segregationists in the legislature nearly succeded in replacing the demacratic electors, and the worst being that it ends up in a tie. Things have happened in the past.\n\nWe dont need to change because of things that happened in 2000 or 1960. Its 2015 and we dont need a change to our way of deciding the president. Theres no reasonto changing it to popular vote.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article,\"Driverless Cars Are Coming\", the author mentioned many benefits about the invention. Things like self-steering, self-accelarating, and self-braking seems intriguing. However, those benefits will not solve the multiple downfalls that the inventions will cause. The cars have not had enough trial or statisitic to prove that they bring mostly positive outcomes rather than negatives, it really is not driverless if it still nees assisting, and it will create multiple changes in our society. New technology have always excite people, but are driverless car really worth the hype?\n\nConsumers do not maintain enough knowledge about the cars know that it will bring more positives than negatives into the society. \"In most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars. California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Cumbia had led the country in allowing limited use of semi-autonomous cars.\" Only a few states have given the \"okay\" to test drive these cars. Even so they are only semi-autonomous, making the car even more sketchy than it already seems to be. \"Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers.\" However, if you give most of those alerts to a computer, is that really safe?\n\nThe driverlesss cars really are not driverless. \"They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating througgh work zones and around accidents.\" The cars can do basic driving functions but when it comes to the more complex tasks; they depend on the driver themselves to execute the actions. \"The human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires.\" If the \" Driverless car\" still needs human assistance then its claim is quite contradictiv to the actual product.\n\nThe invention of the car will cause mutiple changes in today's society. \"New laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident.\" This will cause many changes in our teenagers' driving education as well as laws throughout the country. \"The cars he(Sergey Brin) foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus.\" Although the cars save the environment by using less fuel; it will lead to the job loss of thousands of people in the public transportation industry. Many people will be out of work due to the fact that their occupations are being taken over by driverless cars.\n\nThe thoughts of driverless cars seem exciting but there is not enough facts and statistic to prover its liability, it is not really \"driverless\", and it might cause many downfall to the society. This is a society that loves trend and new technologies. However, some of those techonolgies are not worth the hyper. Driverless cars seem so modern and advance, but really there are multiple downfalls to them. \"Safety is best achieved with alert drivers,\" not machines. The grass is not always greener on the other side, just like how driverless cars is not going to contribute to our society for the better.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe technology that read the students emotional expressions is valuable. My reasons is that it can make you better in school. Secondly it can also keep you in a better mood more often. Lastly it will jusy make you feel better.\n\nFirst, it can make you better in school I say this because in the passage it says that when you are in school it can read your expressions. This will be a good things because it says when you are reading on your computer in school it can detect weather you are happy or sad. If your said then the computer will let you read more happier things if it knows your expressions. In the passage it also says that if a ad comes on that you like and it detects that you are samiling and thibgs like that, then it will play more ads like thatg just to keep you in a better mood.\n\nSecondly, it can keep you in a better mood on a regular basis. This will be a good thing because things like you stress level and things like that will be down. Also you will be healthier because being mad all the time and stressing is not good for you and it can also kill you. In the passage it says that when people tell you to put on a happy face when you do it this will put you into a better mood then what you was in before. It will also put everyone else in a better mood thats around you.\n\nLastly, it will just make you feel better. In the article it tells us how our face can really tell how you feel. It says how you wrinkles on your face will show when you are in a slightly bad mood or a all the way bad mood. It says that smailing parcialy can relly help your whole mood when you are upset or angry. The muscles begin at your cheeks bone that start all of these expresiions.\n\nIn conclusuion the technology that read the students emotional expressions is valuable. My reasons is that it can make you better in school. Secondly it can also keep you in a better mood more often. Lastly it will jusy make you feel better.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author provides good and bad reasons you should and should not have a driverless car.Here are some pretty good reasons to have a driverless car. The important technology in this system is the spinning sensor on the roof that makes a laser beam to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the cars surronding which lets you see exactly everything before a wreck or an accident.\n\nThe driverless car can steer, accelerate, and can beable to use the brakes themselves.The driverless car can alert the driver whenever it needs human skills such as navigating through work zones and aroung accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situations requires.\n\nHere are some bad reasons why driverless cars should not be used.The fact that laws are being made in most states that driverless cars are not aloud is one like states will not allow it until the cars are more proved more reliably and safe.Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. What if the technology fails and somone gets injured, who would be in the blame the driver or the manufaturer?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWe have all seen the look on Leonardo da Vinci's very own Mona Lisa's face. Some might see a blank face. Some may see happiness, anger or even fear. A machine by the name of Facial Action Coding Systems (FACS) can tell you exactly how she feels. This new technology can even be valuable in the classroom.\n\nThis recently created software scans facial movements. It weighs the different units of expression. Although Mona Lisa is just a painting that doesn't move, she is compared to a neutral face. According to Prof. Thomas Huang and Prof. Nicu Sebe, researchers of FACS, \"She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful and 2 percent angry.\"\n\nIt may seem unlikely that Dr. Paul Eckman, the creator of FACS, only uses \"six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, anger, digust, fear and sadness\", but when the computer constructs a 3-D model, it uses all 44 major muscles in the face.\n\nImagine making a certain facial expression and your computer screen magically changes its settings. In the future Dr. Huang predicts \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor\". This could cause a dramatic postive change in test scores. Also not all students can gather information the same way. Students will want to know more if the information is grabbing their attention.\n\nAllowing computers to scan information from facial expressions in the classroom setting can and will drive students to want to learn because of the personal format and reliablity.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\ncars have many flaws nd and in this day and age some are trying to get rid of them. in sime ways that could be the answer to our polution problem but cars or still too important to get rid of. limiting are car usage could be the answer. thats good cuz\u00a0 it gets u time to exercise,decreases our polution problem,and gives us a chance to enjoy life better instead of speeding through life withy cars.\n\ncars today is one of our leading problems of polution and global woarming. the decrease of car usage will help the enviorment. we fill our cars with deisel fuel wich make up 67percent in a city such as paris,france with a great population. after days of near record polution, paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city.\n\nexercise is raelly good for your health. such as walking,riding a bike, or even jogging. anything instead of using a car maybe instead of taking your car to work how about walking to the nearest bus stop. instead of taking ur child to school let them ride the bike to school.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSenator I would not like to keep the Electoral College, it's not a good method, I know we are voting fir the President either way, but why can't we vote for the President right away? Instead of voting for a slate of electors\u00a0 to vote for us? We are not babies that can't vote for our President right away, we have common sense and are grown up enough to know who we are going for. The method is unfair and outdated, we nned to abolish the electoral college. This method is a non-democratic one, and should be overruled. It is unfair to voters because of the winner take all system in each state, canidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance at winning, focusing only on the tight races in the swing states. The electoral college is uneeded and irrational, we don't care about it an would like for you to agree with us and abolish it, if yiu do not, we undersdtand, on behalf of all the disagreeing persons to this method, join us and you will see our way of thinking, and see our way is much easier without a doubt sir and/or ma'am, have a great time, bye.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCan you imagine a place where you no longer have to drive and computers do it for you? As of now, that is not possible but who is to say that cannot be achieved. Driverless cars a thing for the future. Cars that no longer require a driver would be such a pivotal achievement for transportation. But, do we really need a computer to drive for us? Do we really want our safety to be held by computers? The answer is no. My position on driveless cars is that they are far-fetched and not practical. They aren't practical because they aren't truly driverless, they don't fit within current laws, and they really aren't safer. I wouldn't want me safety in the hands of a machine. Driverless cars are a cool concept, but really aren't practical.\n\nDriverless cars are not practical because they aren't really driverless. You would still have to sit in the driver seat and pay attention to the road. You still need to be alert and be prepared to take over at any given point. So what's the point of driverless cars? As the article says, \"Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?\", the answer is you wouldn't. If the technology of the car isn't ground-breaking and you still would have to drive, there is no reason to have a driverless car. Driverless cars still needing drivers is one reason that they are not practical.\n\nDriverless cars aren't really fitting with the current driving laws. Most laws emphasizes the safety of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Laws are based on a human driver controlling the vechicle at all times. What would you do if a computer is in control of your car? With the current laws, a very serious questions arises. If you were to get into a wreck, who would be liable? The \"driver\" or the manufacturer of the car? As of the laws right now, driverless cars aren't really fit for a person to own one. There is too many questions of safety and the liability of the cars and cars around. That is why driverless cars don't fit in with the current laws and aren't really practical at this day and age.\n\nPeople that are in support of the driverless cars claim that computer hardware and software make driving safer than having a real human driver. These technologies steer, accelerate, and brake themselves. Driverless cars are safer is not necessarily safer, as they still need real humans to take over in times of need. Also, as time progresses technology has a tendency to lag behind. This can cause major hardware and software malfunctions that can actually make these types of cars more dangerous. Driverless cars aren't really safer because they still need an alert driver and that fact that technology can fail.\n\nDriverless cars are a thing for the future if they can be fully developed and made truly driverless. What is the point of driverless cars that still need drivers? What about the fact that these types of cars don't fit within current traffic laws? Are they really safer? The answers point away from driverless cars. They require drivers, they don't fit within laws, and they aren't actually safer. These reasons point to why driverless cars aren't practical and they are not a thing for the current day and age.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI Think is a great technology to now the students emotional expresions,and now their felings with that technology and can prevent allout of things. the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like humans muscles. Movement of one or more muscles is called an action unit. Then Dr. Huang relies on the work of psychologist, such as Dr. Paul Eckman,creator of FACS [ Facial,Action Coding system]. Eckman has classified six basic emotions-happines,surprise, anger,disgust,fear,and sadness-and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles. In my conclusion imagine a computer that knows when you' re happy or sad that is awesome in my opinion that is Great we can prevent bullyng in the future bring help for students and other people, we can now if the student or person is in difficult times in her life or is happy in my conclusion i think that this technology will help the people in the future, the New Software is A great job that is my conclusion Thanks you.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear State Senator,\n\nThe Electoral College is a significant way of selecting a new president or choosing for the president to have four more years as president. The Electoral College consist of 538 electors. Electing a president by Electoral College is not alwats good because of the possibilities of ways to make that president win. Such as, bribing, or false statements of change. The president should be a hardworking and well-deserving man who wants to make a change in the world. With that being said, the popular vote is the way we would like to keep as electing our president of the United States.\n\nAdditonally, the Electoral College is not generally smart in a way to elect the president of United States. Worded in source two The Indefensible Electoral College, \"The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse\". Electing Presidents is an important selection for the American people. Democrates and Republicans choose who the think deservers to be president and the popular vote process is the wise way to do it and the way we want to keep it.\n\nFurthurmore, popular vote is going to bring in new, and great desicion making presidents in the near future. Stated in Source 3: In Defense of the Elctoral College, \"A dispute over the outcome of an Elctoral College vote is possible-it happened in 2000- but it's less likey than\u00a0 dispute over the popular vote\" proves the popular vote is less comotional with less chaos.\n\nJustifiably, both ways of electing president is wise and great but, popular vote is the better way. Has less drama, chaos, and comotion. It also makes choosing a president 10 times easier. Popular vote is the way we would like to keep as electing out president of the United States.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars is certainly an amzing idea. It has captured the ideas of filmakers and writers around the world. It is a great idea and should be pursued. The reason for this is because it would make the roads safer, and give people more free time.\n\nThe reason this is a great idea is because a driverless car would make the roads much safer. There would be very little room for human error. If all cars were driverless operating under the same systm then they would always be doing the same things, meaning they would never crash into each other. With new technological advances in society, we would be able to create new sensors that could locate the objects around them and drive on the road. The article already list a few of the advances in sensors that can lead to very safe cars.\n\nThis would also give people much more free time. You can do things on the internet within your car that you would not have been able to do otherwise, considering the idea from the article about the heads-up displays. Also if you had a systme driving your car for you, you could travel at much higher speeds. The car would never leave the road because of a jerk of a hand. They would run, completely safe at higher rates of speed, giving people more time to do the things that they need.\n\nThese are just two of many reasons why we should have driverless cars around the world. It would be a huge step in society and technology. We need driverless cars to make the roads safer and to give people more free time.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think Luke experiened wonderful and amazing things he also may have seen disturbing things like seeing the Acropolis in Greece that was probably amazing but seeing war results was probably very disturbing. I also think traveling months at a time would make me really anxious and board untill the games came in then that would have made a little less boaring but I still would have been a little anxious to get to where I needed to go. And I couldn't imagine going across the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice that is just absulutaly crazy I really don't know how he Luke Bomberger and his friend Don Reist. I did not know who these men were or what this story was about but after I read this story I now highly respect Luke Bomberger and his friend Don Reist for what they did and how many times they risked their lifes to save other people that were in trouble.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that driverless cars are a bad idea and I would not support the idea.\n\nThey would cause many deaths and they can cause a lot of harm.\n\nThey can also cause a lot of crashes.\n\nAlso, most people dont have a fast reflex to prevent crashes.\n\nThey are going to cost a fortune to keep producing them and a lot of money to produce the kind of road for the kind of car.\n\nThe cars will cause many deaths because a computer is controling it and the car wouldent stop where its supposed to stop due to a mistake in their sensors.\n\nThat can also happen due to the driver not paying attention to the road. The person driving could push the limit of the car and anything could happen.\n\nThe car would lose control and crash killing some people.\n\nThe cars are going to cost a fortune due to road improvements.\n\nAlso the materials needed for the sensors which cost about two hundred million dollars.\n\nThis just goes to show how much the cars will cost.\n\nThe car also needs to be fixed sooner or later so the car's parts will cost a fortune to get.\n\nIf the car is crashed who could you blame?\n\nThe people driving the car or the people who created it?\n\nthis will be a big problem to the bisness owners if the car decides to malfunction and cause a lot of damage or cause a life to end.\n\nThe car could be damaged and the driver would not know because the person is not controling it but the comoputer is.\n\nHacking is also a big problem in this world and if Google decides to sell this car, hackers could take control of it.\n\nThese cars could be a potential thret to the environment and to inocent people.\n\nThe cars would need a lot of secruity for this problem and could cost more than the needs to be.\n\nI am against driverless cars because of hidden dangers in these cars.\n\nby me proving this point, I belive that people that want this car will soon regret it due to dangers.\n\nthe car would cost a fortune, and a lot of damage.\n\nThe car also needs assistance so think of this; Is the car driving by itself or are you really driving it?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear senator, if I may speak for the people I think that the Electoral College was a great idea thanks to the founding fathers. The concept of every state in the United States of America and the people in the states have the power and decison over chosing the commander and chief. The fact that the founding father created the Constitution and the amendments is right because look at where we are today in history. The US is so strong and civilized because of the Constitution it keeps us heading in the right direction. Back to the keeping the Electoral College and its voting system.\n\nThe right to vote is a great power and acknowledgement. The people go to vote and then the state counts the the votes and which ever candidate gets the most votes recieves the electoral votes which is separated between the states. This is a grat thing because every right full human being has a chance to make a difference. If the winning candidate was only chosen for popular votes then it would be uneven and unfair then mobody would want to vote. Dont you think mr or miss senator that if the founding fathers thaught about this many years ago and they saw us today they wouldsay what a great idea and concept we came up with. The founding fathers thaught about the right of the people and thats what counts.\n\nThe Electoral College is a smart way to give the people there right to vote and chose who will make things better. THe candidate has to appeal to the people as the right guy to run the United States and can help improve the economy. The electoral college is not to make things harder it is to make things right and even for everyone. SOme states have little populations so they get less electoral votes compared to others states with huge populations they get more electoral votes cause they have more people voting which is fair for everyone. In the end the Electoral Collge is a efficient and non problematic solution to voting for a president or candidate.\n\nThe other fact is that the Electoral College provides a certain winner. The candidates have to go out and speak with the people and explain what they want to change and improve in the United states. The candidate have to prove they are worthy and capable of creating a better tomorrow. For example Barack Obama has created millions of more jobs for people and has brought up our economy. Since the crash in the economy he has done an amazing job in creating a better tomorrow for the people. How did Obama win well its the cause of the popular vote of the state and then which every person votes and then the winner get the elctoral votes of the state that is 538 divide between the states. The people did there job in listening and watching the candidates and how they can make us stronger. Mr or miss senator I would like you to think how would you feel if the you where a founding father and what would you want the us to be like in the future and how you can achive that and the peoples right.\n\nThe facts are all here the founding fathers and how they came up with this idea and the diddnt even know what wuld be the out come but in the end the right to vote and how every single human being makes a difference in chosing the president of the United States and commander and chief makes every person valuable to tomorrows out come. My honest opinion mr or miss senator is that we should keep the Electoral collge cause it is based on peoples right which is most importan and that why the constitution is based on the peoples right. The amendments where thought up as just an idea on a paper and when we make it a concept in the United States Government it makes us the people who and what we are today. To answer the question 'Does the Electoral College Work\"? Well the answer is Yes, cause it is based on every persons vote which means \"peoples Rights\". If I may take one more minute of your time mr or miss senator to say \"Human rights are the main idea and thats what we are all based on\"\n\nThank you for your time in reading my arguement and why we should keep the Electoral College in place.\" Do what is for the people and by the people\"\n\nThank you mr or miss senator.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever thought it was a good idea to have driverless cars in the world? I think there are positive and negative things about this; but I agree more on the positive side of things. How would you feel to relax while you're on the road? How would you feel if it was finally legal to be on your phone while you're in the drivers' seat of the car?\n\nI think it is a brillant idea of having driverless cars. Like i said you could relax while on the road. You could be on the phone while in the car. I also think this would be a great idea for people whos job is to make deliveries, such as UPS and FedEx drivers. This also would be a great idea for people who travel a lot and people who travel far distances.\n\nI think more states and car companies should be more open about this idea. They should be open to this idea because all the good things that can come out of it, especially an idea that already has a prototype. More states should allow Google to test their driverless cars. Also lawmakers have to be open about this idea because this could possibly be our future.\n\nOther companies such as BMW, Nissan, Tesla, Audi, and Mercedes-Benz should team up or have a meeting, and create the first ever street legal driverless car. All of those companies have great cars. Also all of those companies have something unique about their cars. So if they all work together, I know they could create a safe driverless car. Then, if they prove to lawmakers that driverless cars could go \"half a million miles without crashing\" maybe lawmakers might make it legal; and maybe more states would be open to having them.\n\nSo what do you think about the safety of driverless cars? Do you think driverless cars are too risky or dangerous? Do you think that lawmakers need to make driverless cars legal? Do you think those certain states are over thinking what could be the future? I think driverless cars would be a great idea. Hopefully in the future we could come to an agreement about driverless cars.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAlthough there are many challenges to face in exploring Venus, the biggest one is ourselves.\n\nWe have let our imagination overtake what we want.\n\nwe can imagine crazy, bizard things; but that does not mean we can have them.\n\nAnd once we let our imagination take control, we lose.\n\nWe lose what we actually want and trade it in for what we can imagine and know we cannot have.\n\nBut our imagination is not the only thing getting in the way.\n\nExploring Venus is a very risky task.\n\nWith temperatures higher than 800 degrees Fahrenheit and atmospheric pressure ninety times greater than anything we can ever experience on Earth.\n\nThe real question is, \"Is exploring Venus worth the risks?\"\n\nWell of course it is!\n\nEvery single thign we do has its risks, but that does not stop us from doing things.\n\nWe should not turn down an opportunity to explore the great universe we live in simply based of hardships.\n\nJust becasue it is hard does not mean is it impossible.\n\nVenus is the closest planet we have to ourselves.\n\nIn paragraph two, Venus is reffered to as '\"Earth's 'twin'.\"\n\nVenus is the closest thing we have to know what our Earth may or may not turn into.\n\nIt is the only thing we can compare ourselves to.\n\nIf the conditions on Earth turn into those of Venus, exploring Venus only brings us life.\n\nWe can not take away life just because it gets hard!\n\nThe fact that it is hard is what should be pushing us to keep exploring.\n\nThere is so much we can learn from Venus that we do not even know and probably will not be able to comprehend.\n\nSo that is why we need to explore Venus.\n\nWe need to explore so that we can learn more about the place we live and the places around us.\n\nVenus is our neighbor, we need to know that our neighbor is safe.\n\nIf we do not protect Venus, we are not protecting ourselves.\n\nThrough all of the hardships and dangers, we need to keep pursuing to get to Venus.\n\nThe more we learn about Venus, the more we can compare and contrast and see if the conditions on Earth are anything like those of Venus.\n\nIf we give up on our neighbor, we give up on ourselves.\n\nVenus deserves to be explored and we, as a nation, deserve the chance to explore it.\n\nNot just for the bettering of Venus, but also for the future of Earth.\n\nWe need to let our imagination run wild, as well as our spirit!", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe electoral college should not be used and the popular vote for the president should be in active\n\nTo begin with,the 'electoral college' is not fair. The people should vote for who they want and most popular vote wins.'under the electoral college system voters vote not for the president ,but for the slate of electorals, who turn elect for president' (paragraph 10 'whats wrong with the electoral college,)Citizens of america should vote for the their new leader. The slate should not then decide the election of the president.\n\nTo countine with, many problems can be caused with the electoral college.'the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisisin a century;the system allows for much worst .Considering that the state\u00a0 legistarter are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people.' (paragraph 11 'whats wrong with the eclectoral college.')the system had caused a big diaster in voting history do to the electoral vote. with the electoral vote people have then no choice but to blame the state considering that their the ones who are responsible for the voting.\n\nTo continue with another reason why it should not be used is because depending how big the state is (population) thats how many elecctoral votes they get. 'obama ,who won the vote,got 29 electoral votes' (paragraph 21 'big states') 'if you lived in texas, for instance, and you wanted to vote for for john kerry . on the off-chance that those electors won the statewide election,they would go to congress and kerry would get 34 electoral vote' (paragraph 10 'whats wrong with electoral college') people should have all equal votes its not fair for rhode island to get less electoral votes then florida because its size. if the state of rhode island people vote for either party there vote should count as much as florida.\n\nin conclusion the electoral college should not be in use and the popular vote for the president should be in active. because every citizin should have the right to vote for who they want to be their president.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author supports his idea extemely well. This author stated a lot of interesting facts.\n\nThe author claimed that in the begining of the article, Venus is called the \"Evening Star\". Going along with this statement, the unidentified author explains exactly why and how Venus got this nick-name. The author even goes into Venusian geology and weather. This is something not many people know about. The past of Venus was also spoken on too. In the article the unknown author states \"Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit. The author even spoke upon NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Some more interestings facts that the author stated, \"Peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. According to the author's article, NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus.\n\nConcluding my essay, the author greatly discussed that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author went in depth into every one of their details. This unidentified author wrote this article very greatly.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIf you were observing the road in front of you, not driving your car, what would you see? There's a chance you could see a car going 120 miles per hour heading in your direction. Would you want to be in control of the next thing that happens, or would u rather put your life in the hands of a driverless car? I am against driverless cars because they could be life threatening, the driver could lose all sense of ownership, and have problems with the driverless car's language.\n\nEven if a driverless car has antilock brakes and sensors they could fail at anytime. Which could result in serious body injury or even death. For example, the antilocks could break and while that car that is going 120 miles per hour is roaring towards you, you could try to serve but you wouldn't be able to stop. The sensors could fail to work as well. An example, a child no more than 5 tosses a kick ball into the air and scrambles to catch it. While the child is trying to do so your driverless car is backing up to park and doesn't signal any movement. The next thing you know the child is hurt serverely. Not only could it be life theatening for one, but for all.\n\nThe driver could lose all sense of ownership. They could be so adapted to driveing a vehicle that sitting aside and not driving could effect them in ways some people might not realize. They could become depressed, lazy and the United States obsese percentage could raise beyond means. When that person becomes depressed and lazy they could forget about their daily needs. Having driverless cars could be a domino effect that has no good end.\n\nThe binary codes that would be used with driverless cars could be difficult to understand by some. They could have some problems comprehending the messages that are given to them. They also require massive upgrades, and that could take a toll on a persons budget.\n\nTo have these driverless cars could be hectic and outraging. They could\n\nput not only one but many peoples lives in danger. These cars could destroy ownership, and cause money issues. They are a bad subject to consider. As the Constitution says, we the people. We the people should get a say in what happens in this world. We the people should take a stand. We the people should have a say, because it's our future.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOver the past years massive car usage has increased bringing multiple determents. Today fellow citzens should relize the harm to the world brought ,by upgrowing car usage. The advantages of limiting car usage is a benfit promoting communities that,are less dependent on cars,and can be a improvement in air pollution cosequences. The advantages to begin limiting car usage can have many benificial effects in the worldwide .\n\nInnitialy , the advantages of limiting car usage is a benifit due to the fact that communities will be less dependent on cars. In source 3 pargraph 28 the author explains an example of a benifit of limited car usage stating \"uneven, pitted side walks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush -hour restrictions have dramaticly cut traffic ; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have croped up.\" this shows how human beings are using cars less by walking increasing some health issues ,creating less traffic accidents and increasing the economy by shoping with the money they have saved from not using cars so constantly. There are many other bennifits such as in source 3 in paragraph 28 proving how \"parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city. \" This means by when the author says \" bloomed \" through out the city explains how individuals of all ages are starting to enjoy the outside activities especially in parks and sports centers making it over populated with people . This gives individuals the advantage to go out exploring new people and challenges decreasing issues in the world such as obesity, self confidence , and a healty status .Although car usage can be a neccesity while on the other hand as a fact that decreasing car usage can only bring bennifits as the ones in the world shown today .This solution could be the start to a numerous amount of oppurtunities that can benifit not only in one way but manny.\n\nmoreover, the advantages of limiting car usage can be a improvement in air pollution consequences. The issues of harmful gases from cars on the run has affected issues and consequences as global warming from excessive amounts of air pollution. In source 4 paragraph 29 the author explains an advantage of less car usage for global warming by stating \" president obama's ambitious goals to curb the united states 'greenhouse gas emissions , uneveiled last week ,will get a furtuitous assist from an incipient shift in america behavior ; recent studies suggest that americans are buying fewer cars , driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by .\" this explains how the decrease of car usage has protected the ozone layer from harmful gases from car gas, fuel, and chemicals making the issue of global warning to bennifical rates at some points . As a fact using cars may bennifit exucess for weariness and body pain although worldwide limiting car usage up to now with these improvements has only bennefit for a better place to breath air that is growing to being less harmful and a cleaner enviorment to live by decreasing newborn bacterias that can harm us. improving global warming is something we all bennifit from either now or later.\n\nto sum up over the past years massasive car usage has been a determent worlwide. today there are issues procceding to the awarness of individuals of upgrowing car usage. limiting car usage bring advantaes such as peaople that can become less depent on cars and decreasing air pollution .this issue is the matter to all of us.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you think the Face on Mars is a natural landform or it was created by aliens? I am almost completely positive that the Face on Mars is a natural landform. There are scientifically proven facts that the Face is a natural landform. The Face was first spotted and taken a picture of by NASA's spacecraft Viking 1 in 1976. Ever since then people have been curious to find out more and more about this discovery. It is proven that the Face is a mesa. The Face only looks like a face because shadows creates the appearance of facial features.\n\nThe Face is proven by NASA that it is only a mesa. The article states \"Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia...\" This shows how there are other mesas and they are known for being in the same area as the Face. This is not the only example that the Face is a natural landform, the Face doesnt even have actual feautures of a human face.\n\nThere is also proof that the Face does not have the structure of a human face. The article states NASA captioned a image of the Face stating \"huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes,nose,and mouth.\" This proves that shadows make the appearance of eyes, a nose, and a mouth, the Face does not have the structure of these facial features. NASA has proved and showed many reasons of why the Face was not created by aliens.\n\nThe Face was not created by aliens and NASA has proved it. The Face has shadows that makes it appeare like it has an actual facial structure. The face is just another mesa that is common is its area. I believe people should except the fact and believe the Face was not created by aliens.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhy Venus well it's simple \"our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation\".\n\nThe author believes that Venus should be explored because they may be somthig on venus that leads to new innovations or it may very well just be the part that making it to Venus is the innovation. The author makes sure to list the dangers so that there won't be a basis veiw-point and that talks about ways that could work. Even though in the ways there are also flaws which are also pointed out but the author tries to make a point that evenn though we are right next to Venus we know very little and that Venus could have been like Earth in the past. The author tells the reader about how there features that are simlier to thoses on earth like mountains, valleys, craters and may have even had large oceans and could have supported many types of life forms.\n\nWhile there are many dangers like \" a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide\" even though past that there are coulds that contain highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere of Venus. Then there is the surface which avgerage temperatures are over 800 degrees Fahrenheit mean that even though it is farther from the sun than Mercury it is still hotter. Another thing the \"atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater the what we experience on our own planet\" mean that man can't even reach the surface of Venus. Even so \"our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation\".", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn 1945, World War ll had just ended. 44 countries joined to create the UNRRA(the United Nations Relief and Rehibilitation Administration. The UNRRA is an administration that helps a country that has lost quite a bit in the war. The UNRRA helped countries that lost food supply, animal supply, and more. They hired \"Seagoing Cowboys\" to help care for the horses, young cows, and mule that were going to be shiped to other countries.\n\nI think that there are many reasons that people should join the UNRRA. The first reason that I have provided for you is that This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The second reason I have is because even though you will be working you will be able to spend time with animals and you will see many sites that you would not have seen if you would have stayed home. The third reason I will provide is that not many people can do big oversea trips like that, a lot of people get very seasick. My final reason is that you would know you would be helping innocent people. You would know this because not everybody is in on these wars in fact most people are not in on big wars because they know it will tear apart their family.\n\nI think that there are some claims that Luke has made that I should share. I think that one of Luke's claims that I should share is he said, \"I'm grateful for the opportunity. It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs.\". I think that he could support this because a lot of people, families, homes, and countries are destroyed and seperated. Another of Luke's claims was, \"Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Accropolis in Greece was special.\" I think that this can be supported because this would be truely amazing. I think that he did a good thing to choose to help the UNRRA, but being able to see Europe, China, and Greece would be incredible.\n\nI think that Luke was a very incredible \"Seagoing Cowboy\". I think that some details to suppot this are that he lasted 9 trips to nine different countries. This is incredible because that is the longest any \"Seagoing Cowboy\" has ever lasted. I think another reason he is an incredible \"Seagoing Cowboy\" is because he decided to help the UNRRA. I bet that at the begining he was extremely nervous and I bet that he wanted to go home to his mom, dad, and siblings if he had any. My last reason that he was incredible is that he kept working even if he got seasick, or if he wanted to go home. I think that work was one thing that he used to get his mind off of things he worried about.\n\nThere are some thing that he could've done on the positive and the negative side. First, on the positive side, I thinkthat if he really set his mind to it he could've been a \"Seagoing Cowboy\" for at least 10-12 trips. I think that some benefits to staying longer would be that you would've been able to do more sight seeing, also you would've been able to spend more time with the animals. One thing that would be negative is that he would've gotten seasick more times than without staying.\n\nI think that I would've signed up for this opportunity because I love animals and I really like being on the ocean. I think that this would be a great chance. I think that they should have things like this in 2016. I think that there are a lot of countries that could use something like this, one that I can think of off the top of my head is Syria. They could use all the help they could get, they could use food, shelter, animal products, and animals in general. I think that I would think the same way as Luke. I think that me and my friends would all sign up and we would do everything together. We would care for the animals together, we would eat together, we would sightsee together, and lastly we would take breaks and stop together. My overall thought is that this would be great but it would also be extremely dangerous.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA camera that detects how you feel. Imagine walking on a peaceful day, you're trying to enjoy a nice spring day. On your walk you have random people trying to take pictures of you at the park. All you are trying to do is enjoy your day. Next thing you know, Goverment camera's using you as a study when you just want to be left alone. They dont even know you and you just want to enjoy the day. In the blink of an eye others have milions of photos of you. Its almost a invasion of privacy wouldn't you think?\n\nThis System seem's like it would be cool to use on you'r phone, or with a group of friend's. But as we know thing's can easily lead to something bigger. That's why no one need's it. It would start out as something cool. Something new and people at the park would be trying to show you. Perhaps you like it at first and you take a photo with the person at the park. At the moment you could be okay with it, but then you go to bed, now some stranger has a picture of you and you'r kid. Or individual's thinking something about you when they dont even know you.\n\nThat leads into the Goverment. They have millions of camera's and sutistic freaks that just view you and your family as a object. They want to use your looks to make them money, or get what they want. Such as banning things, or zone's where people can't be if they look mad when your not. After all there could be a database that says who you are, what your attitude is, and its open to the public.\n\nSo they have this new database for the public. People can look up anyone and see who they are and there attitude, if they are always upset, happy mad or joyfull. Know you have the world to judge you and millions of photos to look at you. They are all random people who don't know you and its just what a computer thinks of you. who wants that?\n\nRegardless of the publuc, friends, or goverment all you wanted to do was enjoy your day. Know you have million's of photo's of you that you dont want people to have. A invasion of privacy, and possibly rights violated. who wants that when all you wanted was to enjoy your nice spring day and get out of the house after a cold long winter.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this paragraph it talk about a star call venus even though the star is misleading to a planet call venus. In the solar system venus is the second planet from our sun. Many astronomer never landed foot on the planet they sent numerous spacecraft to land on the cloud draped world. Each of the mision was unmanned, and for good reason, no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours.This is why not a single spaceship has touched the planet venus for 3 decades\n\nbecause of how dangerous it is. Theirs 97 percent carbon dioxide in the planet venus. Even more challenging is that the cloud is highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus atmosphere. On the surface of the planet, the temperauture is average over 800 degrees Fahrenheits, and the atmosphere pressure is 90 time greater than what earth have. This condition is far from what we human can encounter. NASA is working on other approaches to studying the planet venus. For example, they are simplifying electronic that is made out of silicon carbide that have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of the venus surface and it lasted for 3 weeks in such condition. Another project was they look back to an old technology called mechanicle computers. The device were first envision in 1800 and played an importance role in 1940s during World War two. Even though computer that exist in those year may be shocking, but the device makes a calculation by using gears and levers and it doesn't required electronic.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere is so many of emotions, and only we know if we want to show them or not. Emotional expressions help us to show how we feel, or we can only pretend them, that is why I am against with the value of using this technology to read students emotional expressions. We have to think if they really want us to know what are they feeling? We all are humans, so we know that sometimes we feel embarresed of something, and we do not want to people know that. Adding to these we have to have our privacity.\n\nOur emotions expressions help us to show how we feel. If we are sad we have a sad face, if angry we have a face that reference that we are angry as on the paragraph number 5 says \" for instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face\". So there is no reason to have the Facial Action Coding enables computers to identify human emotions.\n\nEmotions expression can also being prentend them. Every single person has problems, and sometimes we are shy to let them know to other people, so we need our privacity, and we have to pretend that everything is all right, when maybe is not like that. If someone is sad, but he/she wants to look she is happy, so there is nothing to do, because is her/his decision. We have to think in the point of view. We can see on paragraph number 6 says \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becaming confused or bored\" what about if the student feels emberresed, if everybody that he is the one who does not understans a topic?\n\nBut also the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions can help, but if the person wants to. Because people sometimes does not know how to tell people how they feel. Also it could help in differents ways to different careers. For example the police career, when they interrogate people, they can notice if they are telling the truth or they are just lying.\n\nIn conclusion the Facial Action Coding System anables computers to identify human emtions have to be used only in a special case. We have our own emotions, and our unique forms to show how we feel. If we want to be reserved is our desicion, and if we want to show our emotional expressions it is okay as well. Only we decide how to feel, and if we should show our emotions up. We have a right that is call personal privacity, we have to remember that.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIf there were driverless cars i would go crazy because i hate walking. Its not that im lazy its just that it wouldn't feel right without any cars. There should not be driverless cars because everyone doesn't enjoy walking very much. It probably would be some type of other transportation instead of cars such as a train, bike, bus etc.\n\nJust imagine if there were no cars, train stations would be crowded. There would probably be arguments all the time. It just wouldn't feel right. If this was to happen i would try evrything in my power to try and stop it.\n\nWhat's going to be on the roads, the world would just look empty as if nobody was ever on earth. I dont think everybody in this world would get the mindset of not having a car. Some people might think it's possible, but thats not humily possible. It would have to be some type of debate for something like this to happen, but honest opinion is that it'll never happen. Only if everybody thought the same then maybe it can be pulled off. There should be a debate for this.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many reasons why others should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. They will experience unique adventures, beautiful countries and cities, and will have the chance to care for and grow closer to God's magnificent animals, like I did.\n\nThe first reason to sign up for this program is that they will experience unique adventures. These may include meeting new friends, trying new foods from different culters, spending weeks on the bright blue sea, and roaming around new places. I had a great time seeing and doing all of those things while I was a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nAnother reason to become a Seagoing Cowboy is the ability to discover beautiful new countries and cities. They could see mysterious English castles, eat delicious European foods,sail across long, flowing rivers through France, smell many different plants and animals in Asia, and much more! It would be an experience of a lifetime and all their friends back home would be jealous of their trips.\n\nLast but certainly not least, the new Seagoing Cowboys would have the chance to work with amazing animals! If they love hard-working animals like these, this job is for them. They get to take care and feed these magnificent animals such as horses, cows, donkeys, and mules that would be taken to the countries that are in need which they would be headed to. They can have fun and help others at the same time!\n\nIn conclusion, becoming a Seagoing Cowboy would be tons of fun and knowledgeable, too. I would definitly recomend it. They would have a blast experiencing unique adventures, sightseeing in beautiful countries and cities, and caring for the wonderful animals God put on this earth for us.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou will like to join the Seagoing Cowboys because you will take care of the animals that are on the boat. You will get to sightsee and go to different countries that you have never been before. After the animals leave the boat you get to do things on the boat like reading, Table-tennis tournaments, boxing, and more fun activites. Everyday you maybe need to go to deliver the animals to a new country and you will get to feed them and take care of them. This boy named Luke graduatied and his life changed after he said yes to go on a cattle boat.\n\nFirst, Luke graduated high school and he had two part-time jobs one at the grocery store and one at the bank his friend Don invited him on a cattle boat to go to Europe he said yes and he knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime. When it was nineteen fourty-five World War two was over in Europe and the UNRRA hired Seagoing Cowboys to take care of the animals that were shipped over sea. Luke and Don singed up to be Seagoing Cowboys and in August nineteen fourty-five they received their orders to report to New Orleans and Luke says, \"We arrived August fourteen the day the pacific war ended.\" so they both got their seaman's papers and boarded the SS Charles W. Wooster, that was headed for Greece. Luke turned eightteen which meant he could be drafted for the military service. By the time he was discharged in 1947, Luke made nine trips which was the most of any Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nIn conclusion Luke was a good Seagoing Cowboy but, he was not working for a couple of days because he cracked his ribs on a rainy night. Luke was knowed for making the most trips that a Seagoing Cowboy has ever made. Luke had a total of sixteen times that he croosed the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people affected by World War two. Luke was a nice caring man who help on the ship and the people. Luke opened up the world to him and had a grateful opportunity that made him more awareof the people of the other countries and their needs.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think this technology would be very valuable in classrooms. Being able to know about how a student feels about a subject could be very helpful. This would enable Teachers to adjust thier teaching style and make it easier for the student to understand the subject. Not only would it help the teachers, but the entire class as well. Teachers would be able to see if students needed individual help or if they needed to go over it as a class again.\n\nAs said in the article, \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" This also supports the fact that this technology could be valuable in classrooms. Not only the teacher could be able to change the lesson for a student, but the lesson itself could change for the student. This would make the student be less bored and more excited and enjoy the lesson that they are currently learning.\n\nAs technology evolves, we will use it more and more for the better use of people. This could possibly be the first step for making school a better place for students to enjoy learning. They could have personal computers that would adjust to thier learning speeds and needs. This would no doubt make school more enjoyable and easier to understand for students that are having trouble.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nNearly everyone in the United States has a car, if they're of age. Many people would probably argue that they need cars. How else would you get somewhere? Well, there are plenty of alternatives to driving, and other ways to just cut back. Limiting car usage has become rather popular recently. Even though there are some disadvantages from limiting car usage, there are so many more advantages that are extremely beneficial.\n\nPollution has always been a big problem almost everywhere in the world, and cars have a huge influence on it. Pollution can affect people's health and damages the environment. In Paris they put up a partial driving ban to clear up horrible smog. \"Congestion was down 60 percent in the captial of France, after five-days of intensifying smog...\" (Source 2). It only took one day of a driving ban to clear up the smog. Imagine how much less pollution there would be if people limited driving for multiple days, even maybe weeks, or months? It's not like you have to permanently give up driving, just limit it when you can.\n\nLimiting car usage can also help reduce stress levels and make you happier. It might sound crazy at first because, well how would you get places? Wouldn't that cause more stress? Vauban, a city in Germany, is a city that \"forbids\" parking, driveways, and houses with garages. They strategically put stores and buildings within an idealistic walking distance. \"'When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,' said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two\" (Source 1). If a working mother can do it, so can you. When you're always inside and juggling your kids and their needs, you'll most likely be tense and always feel busy. When you have no other option, besides paying over fourty grand for a space in a parking garage, than to walk somewhere, you'll get to be outside and experience socialization and the fresh air. In my opinion that sounds way better than being confined to a little car when you have to go somewhere.\n\nObviously there are uncountable benefits that come from limiting car usage. I don't know about you, but honestly I would prefer limited car usage. Until someone takes action to start making it easier to access places we would normally need our car to get to, limiting car usage is not going to be easy.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn my opinion I think that this \"Face on Mars\" is a landform. For one, we have never seen an alien or have any trace of aliens. I think that we think it has something to do with aliens because it is in a face shape like us. But honestly, huge rocks or huge meterorites could have caused it to look like that. Also there hasn't been any sight of life on Mars because of the conditions. If humans couldn't live on Mars, then how could aliens?\n\nHuge rocks and huge meters crash into the planets and moon all the time. I honestly think that it is the rocks or something in space that caused this. I don't think that there is any sight or any posssible way that there could be life or aliens on this planet.\n\nWhen they went to go see again and go check out the \"Face on Mars\" they didn't see anything, there was no alien monument. They also talk about how it is very hard to be able to see the \"Face on Mars\" I think that if there was a possiblity that it could be a bout aliens and this \"Face on Mars\" appeared because of aliens then there wouldn't onlly be one face. I think that if there were tons of face looking landforms then maybe there could've been life on mars for aliens. Since there were no other faces that could've been another alien, I don't think that there is a way that this has anything to do with aliens.\n\nIt also states in the passge that you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size. He states that if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids that you would be able to see them.\n\nIf you could make things larger and see farther into the picture than I think there would've been more to find. There wasn't any other sign of aliens found in the picture. I think aliens for sure having nothing to do with this, but at the same time they could have.\n\nI think if scientists really were able to go and see this i think they should study the face more often to see if there is any evidence of any other alien or any other landform that has to do with them. My personal opinion is that it has nothing to do with aliens.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nShould there be driverless cars in the future? Driverless cars are good to use if you are disabled, or getting ready for a meeting and had no time at home. On the other hand, driverless cars should not be on the roads because they are dangerous in so many ways. They can't see things when backing up. Nor can they stop immediately if a car drives by quickly when backng up.\n\nDriverless cars should not be on the roads due to dangers of people and other drivers on the road. Maybe someone might want to drive to the store but turn early to go somewhere else. The car may or may not turn for the person inside of the car if they tell the car to turn sooner. When a driverless car is backing out of a driveway, they might keep going even if there is a car coming and about to hit the driverless car. Some cars don't see others when backing out of a driveway and they can't automatically stop if there is one close and about to hit you. When backing out of a parking space, driveway, or anything else, the driver should take control to back out and then let the car go back to being driverless. It is for the safety of other cars and the safety of people.\n\nDriverless cars can be great for people going to meetings and they didn't have time to put makeup on, then that person can get ready in the car as the car takes them to their destination. Lets say that a person is going to the bar, and they take a taxi there and back. The driverless car would be in great use for that person when they leave the bar. If a person is intoxicated they should not be driving at all. So, the driverless car can take control and take that intoxicated person home without getting pulled over or getting in an accident. Another good reason driverless cars can be great is for gas and speed limits. There are speed limits for a reason and if driverless cars were in control then there would be no more speeding on roads. There would be no more tickets handed out for speeding. With driverless cars there would be less gas used.\n\nMy opinion is that there should not be driverless cars in this world. There is too many dangerous things that can happen like not stopping immediately, just backing out and not caring who is coming, and too many accidents waiting to happen. Some people are right, there can be driverless cars for people who cannot drive if they are injured, intoxicated, or cannot see, but not the whole world should have driverless cars. Also, yes, these cars are good for speed limits and gas usage, but the government would be spending way too much money on these cars. Most of the money that we have would go towards building these. Not everyone would have one of these cars.\n\nThere are many reasons to have and not to have these driverless cars. Some people think that they should in case of an injured person who needs to get to places and if someone is intoxicated with alcohol they should have one ready to pick them up instead of having that intoxicated person have a chance of getting into a crash. Some people think that they should not have these cars due to dangers of people in other cars. There are certain places to have these cars and not to have these cars, and some of the places that should would be downtown in larger cities. Places not to have them are in neighborhoods near kids and in the country. I think that these could work just not everywhere in this world.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSo one day my friend Bill and I read a article called ''Unmasking the Face on Mars and we were so interested in the story we wanted to have a debate on the article so we started to have a argument on which the face was a humans face or a aliens face which could it be ? So i went back to look in the article and find details on whether the face was a humans face and my friend went to go find details in the story to see if the face was a alien face or not which could it be ? So i say in paragraph 3 it says that the ''huge rock formation it resembles a human head .. formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes,nose, and mouth.So my friend Bill comes back and says but in paragraph 6 they say a some scientist believed the face was an alien artifact and then i go down to paragraph 7 and read threw a little and i come across it sayin in April 5, 1998, when the Mars Global Surveryor flew over cydonia for the first the time thier camera team took a picture that was ten times sharper than the vikings photos and they seen that it was no alien monument after all. Then thats when my friend bill continued to look for information\n\nand then he says he read in paragraph 8 that no one was satisfied so we continued to debate so it did not end and my friend Bill said that at the end of paragraph 8 they said perhaps said the skeptics thier were alien marking hidden by haze. But after all we did not find enough information to solve our debate so me and my Bill never will know the Face on mars so it still remains a mystery but me and my friend will still continue to try to find information to see if it was a human face or a alien face ?", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPersonally,I'm not too thrilled about these developments. It isn't so much not wanting these cars to happen, but rather it's about what this development is. it has essentially just opened up another way to be lazy. While automaton cars aren't a bad thing in the least, their existence could begin a new era of trouble.\n\nObesity is a big problem, and let's face it, it's because of typical american diets just exaggerating the calories we don't burn because of how lazy the general population is. And on top of that, it still requires a manual driver, in case of something it doesnt recognize that needs to be maneuvered around. If a bad driver happened to be behind the wheel and such an event occured, disaster would surely follow. I don't mean to be, well, mean, but introducing a new car that can drive itself would have horrible backlash in the future, when the newest generations would know only the self driving cars.\n\nWhat i'm saying is, while their intentions are good in trying to do this, some things are better left to manually do. Just because it's easier doesn't necessarily make it better. It just means you have to put out less effort.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis paragraph is talking about the venus and describing what's Venus mean.\n\nVenus is the second planet from the sun. Venus is the closest planet to the earth, about 97% carbon diocide is blankets venus. now Venus still has features that are analogous to those on the Earth. The challenging presented by venus value, because Humman curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.\n\nThat's\n\nwhat venus mean, I think we should learn and staudying for the Venus and sciense, becasue we can have more knoweldge about the earth and all that, I think we should not agreed with the author, and we should study the venus, study of venus will help you also in the features. Venus is very simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of the earth, it also has proveed very challenging place to examine more closely. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. many reswarchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of venus.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy opinion on Driverless cars? I personally do not think we should have them because, if we did then Technology would be taking over the world. What's next driveless Lawn Mowers? No, Driveless cars is a dumb and stupid idea. If we have cars that drive themselves then the world would become really lazy.\n\nIn the article it had said that they would be having \"Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and NIssan\" cars that can drive themselves by 2020. Just think of if that actually happened how many people would be obese and not getting exercise. Yeah driving really is not a form of physical fitness. The world is already lazy enough as it is so having cars that can drive themselves that would just make the world even lazier.\n\nThere are some positives like it could make driving safer for some people and teens that are not so good driving and how to hold their hands etc.. All in all It could go both ways it could be good and bad. I honestly seeing it ending badly but that is just my opinion. I do not think that having cars that can drive theirself is a good idea. It takes the fun out of growing up.\n\nSo what if we did having driveless cars it would take away a lot of money because then kids would not need driver ED, which cost roughly $400 to $475 and that is only some places. Other it cost as much as $800 just to even do driver ed. Just think about how many kids do driver ed and how much money that brings in. What if no one decides they want a driveless car then what? it would be a huge wast of money.\n\nIf all the reason I have provided is not enough to make people vote against driverless cars then I do not know what would. There are so many reason why there should not be driverless cars. There are some reason why there should not be driverless cars than they are why we should have them. So how about driving just stays the way it is.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face is just a natural landform. There is no such thing as aliens. There is a giant hump of land. It looks as if there are eyes, nose, and a mouth. But it is really only shadows. The photographing Cydonia was a\n\npriority for NASA when MGS arrived at the Red Planet in Sept. 1997. NASA's Mars Exploration Program photographed the Face as soon as they could get a shot of it all.\n\nWhen MGS flew over Cydonia, Michael Malin and his MOC team snapped a picture 10 times sharper than the original photos. Thousands of anzious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL wed site revealing a natural landform. There was no alien monument at all. It was cloudy one time of the year on the Red Planet. The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the face. Skeptics say that the Face was hidden by the haze to hide the alien markings. On Apirl 8, 2001 MGS drew close enough for a second look. It was the sam eas the first time they had saw it.\n\nSkeptics believe in aliens. NASA wants there to be aliens so they can get a better supply of money. But there hasn't been an actual sighting of alien behavior. Only conspiracy theories.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author starts by giving us examples how Earth and Venus are similar to eah other and giving us information how Venus could be a planet were they used to be life before. He or she was explaning the diffrences how the degrees are diffrent and their higher on Venus but he came to the conclusion that how it could be a livible planet. So on paragrah 5 the author says that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) that they have the idea of sending people to explore it so this menas they are actually serious about this. The author explains how they are some bad stuff before sending people so they are comimg up with ideas how the mission can be complete with no failures so this mens that we have the knowledge but we dont have the right things to complete this mission. On paragraph 8 it blow my mind that hes actually right about how we are curios about anything we cant reach with our hands so we try harder to obtain the impossible, we have a huge universe but we will never be satisfy until we reach a dead end.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wondered if this \"Face on Mars\" was created by aliens? Well, I am sorry to dissapoint you however, because it was, in fact, not created by aliens. There is much evidence to support that it was not created by aliens.\n\nTo assume simply because a rock formation looks like a face that it is an alien artifact is illogical. Martian mesa's are infact very common where the Face of Mars was discovered. It just happened that one of them happened to have weird shadows that made it appear to be a face.\n\nIn 1976, the quality of the cameras that took the first photo of the Face of Mars on the Viking 1 were inadequate. On the Viking 1 photo, every pixel was 43 meters, meaning the photo would be very distorted. In 1998, it was taken again with a better, yet still not great, camera that would reveal the rock formation merely only looks like a face because of the weird shadow. In 2001, the photo was taken by a MGS with a good quality camera. The camera on this MGS had quality of 1.56 meters per pixel. Meaning if there were structures or a Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you would be able to see it. This proves that the rock formation was not created by aliens.\n\nThe martian mesa is very common in the region where the Face of Mars was found, yet Garvin says \"It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.\" He continues by saying \"That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face of Mars.\" It can be proved that this is not an alien structure as, not only is it common in that region in mars, it is also common in Western America.\n\nThere is strong evidence that proves that this 'Face of Mars' is not an alien structure, and instead simply a very common martian mesa that just happened to have shadows that made it appear to be a egyptian face. An alien structure on mars would be interesting, but I'm afraid this Face of Mars is not what it first appeared to be.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFor decades people have wonder what would it be like to have driverless cars. Today some engineeers are inventing ways to make the driverless car more productive and less risky. Engineers are trying to make the diverless cars that use less fuel than what todays cars use. They are also making the car more flexible. In my opinion driverless cars could be bad for our futrure generations.\n\nDriverless car could be potentially bad because eventhough the car is driverless the car needs a person on the driver seat. What is the point of a driverless car if a person needs to be in the drivers seat in case of an emergency. Diverless cars still alert drivers to take over the car when pulling out or into a driveway. The Driverless cars also needs assistant when their is traffic issues and roadwork. Driverless cars are not totally driverless.\n\nThe second reason that driverless cars are bad is because they need a sensing detector. This could be bad because if the sensing detector doesn't work it could cause some serious effects. The serious effects that could cause is if the sensor doesn't work the person could get into a\n\ncrash, getting killed, and or killing a person. To use sensoring detector in a car requires huge amounts of money. The driverless cars need massive upgrades to existing roads.\n\nThe third reason that driverless cars are bad is because if people get into a accidents who's fault is it. The fault could be the drivers because he might not been putting many attention to the driverless car. The fault can be the driverless car for not alerting the driver. Their is nobody to blame for it.\n\nIn conclusion driverlesss cars are bad for now or potentially for future generations. The reason is because engineers have so much things to improve on the driverless cars. This car could cause a major distruction if not made right\n\nby the engineers. The engineers of these cars also need to work on getting the car to drive more by itself and not needing a human to drive it. I hope that the driverless car can improve for the future genration and be more safer.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis technology Is greatly valuable and could be put to great use. Software of this type can be helpful and accuracy in many cases. By being able too detect someones emotions could help law Inforcement develope better evidence In investgating in crimes or help on court cases like muder screeming facial emotions can give great evidnce in cases of that soft. I do also feel that this technology can and will be great too have I also think before we use this sotfware that we make sure It Is accuracy effort for It too be main ter m and hands lawinforcement to use It .\n\nDr. huang stated \" using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks facial movements in real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa. By weighting the different units, the software can even idenify mixed emontion . Each emotion conpared too a neutrul face which is showing no emotion. In fact humans perform this same impressive (calculation) everyday. \" Dr. huang observes that artist da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely eough to convey specific emotions.\n\nFacial Action Coding System would be vauble too us people in many different ways. It could help fight crimes cases for lawinforcement creteing vauble envidence. We could also use for reveal the emotion of people In need of help.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou should join the Seagoing Cowboys because you will not only see things that almost everybody you know will never see,you can even learn things while your out there,like learn how to fish,take care of animals and you might even be able to learn how to sail your own ship. Not only that, you can even find a family and settle down and have kids,but before you say yes and sign up for this cowboy program that sounds incredibly awsome and jump on the ship and die for some super crazy reason,it won't be my fault. There are some dangers out at sea and I can tell you how to avoid them. Step 1,if you see some people come aboard from diffrent places try to stay away for a little because you dont know what kind of disease, or sickness they could have. Say you bring a little bit of medicine if you get sick and you become best friends with someone from China or Japan and you or him didn't know he brought a deadly disease aboard and if you catch it,your more than likely going to die, so keep watch if someone is coughing or sneezing. Step 2,Try not to get night watch,the reason being is that if you fall overboard there is nothing anybody could do for you because you will be out there all alone. One of the best things about the trip is that you get to go to new places and you can get new stuff. Like if you go to like Japan and all the other places you can get new plants,inventions,new farming products and many more. The best part is,you can sell it. In the story it says that he did because they sort of needed him and he wanted to help. If you do go you wil not only be helping other people you can be helping even more by bringing new ideas and farming products and you can even tell them how to properly farm or even how to farm. You will also help yourself in helping other people,even if it's just a thank you.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" the author describes a new type of technology that can read peoples face and tell them what that person is feeling. The author also said that the technology would be helpful in classrooms.\n\nI do not think it would be helpful in classroms because students could abuse or overuse their ability to change the lesson. The new technology also has possibilites of eliminating jobs for teacher, teacher aides, and tutors. The author states in paragraph six that \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming bored or confused, Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. Modifying the lesson could also give students different point of views and different ways to do stuff in that subject. The new technology also woudnt be good in a classroom because some classrooms could have a student with a disability to where that student can not control their face and the computer could misread their face and change the lesson when that student might not want it to change.\n\nI think that the author has a good idea, but the idea should not be in a classroom. I think that the new technology should be at art galleries so it could be an easier way for artist to describe their painitngs. The new technology shows a lot of advancement in the world but there is still some things you can not change about school and that is eliminating the teachers.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt is suitable to argue for the development of driverless cars because they could easily be the newest innovation to improve the future of automobiles. Not only would they be more fuel efficient to aid economic aspects and contribute to conservation and improvement of the environment, but they would also greatly improve upon current systems of public transportaion.\n\nIdeally, the Google Cofounder, Sergey Brin, could create the automoblie that he envisions. This would mean that the cars \"would use half the fuel of today's taxis\" (Passage 1).\n\nShortening the usage of fuel contibutes towards economic benefits because it would require less spending for the gas. As well as this, the decline in usage of fuel would benefit the environment both by using less natural resources from oil reserves, but also by emitting less harmful gases into the atmosphere which are currently destroying the ozone layer and causing issues such as global warming.\n\nImproving upon current methods of public transportation, Sergey claims that he envisions these fuel efficient, driverless cars forming a \"public-transport taxi system\" and offering 'far more flexibility than a bus\" (Passage 1). This would be an improvement because buses currently have limited range of motion and also move slower and use much more fuel than these new cars would. Also, public transportation would become a more attainable luxury for working class citizens who may usually rely on buses. With driverless taxi-like poublic transportation, a more suitable and enjoyable commute could be possible for those who can only pay a small amount for the service.\n\nAlthough some may be concerned about the safety of driverless cars, the Google car has been opperating on the roads for 7 years without any accidents or crashes (Passage 2). It seems this would be even better statistics without crashing than most actual drivers today. This technology could be designed to be alert and tentative, reacting to every mishap, something that even some actual drivers today have trouble with due to distractions.\n\nDriverless cars would greatyly improve the lives of people wanting to commute and use public transportation and aid the environment and economy with its benefits.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\", the author explains why we have yet to travel to Venus and supports with evidence why he thinks we should in the near future. The author supports this idea thoroughly in the presentation of the dangers that traveling to Venus may present, and informing the reader of the advancements in technology and ideas that may allow humans to one day study Venus from up close.\n\nThoughout the article, the author uses current technology and past human experiences with the planet to portray the difficulties space travellers may have researching the planet. In paragraph three the author explains the harsh environment on Venus that causes spacecraft to malfunction and stop working. The author says, \"These conditions are much worse than anything humans encounter on Earth,\" and that the atmospheric pressure, \"...would crush even a submarine,\" and, \"liquefy many metals\" (Paragraph 3). These claims support the idea of the planet being challenging to observe with rovers and spacecraft and presents the idea of humans wishing to overcome challenges simply for curiosity's sake.\n\nAdditionally, the author explains the progress humans are making in their pursuit of the planet through the creation metals and machinery capable of withstanding the harsh conditions of the hostile Venus. The author presents the idea of a hovering craft on the planet that can escape the severity of the surface; The author stating the conditions were not easy, \"...but survivable for humans\" (Paragraph 5). The author justly displays this plan by also weighing the negatives. The author states that, \"...peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the surface can only provide limited insight on the ground conditions...\" (Paragraph 6) The authro's support of the argument through evidence from both sides shows an understanding of the full scope of the issue and allows the author to affect one's opinion more effectively.\n\nFinally, the author claims that the value in reaching Venus lies in the exploration of human curiosities and the opportunity to learn from an environment so close to home and so unwilling to allow humans to look in. \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation\" (Paragraph 8). The author believes that the true reward in the exploration of Venus lies in overcoming the challenges we will face along the way and through evidence and reasoning supports the idea that the journey is worth it.\n\nThe author of this article supported the idea that the study of our hostile neighbor Venus was worth the risks it presents. The article lays out the dangers and the potential ways of overcoming them, while also presenting the good and bad of the options. Although opinionated, this article presents an idea that is based in sound logic and upon reasonable evidence. The author of this article did an excellent job in explaining and supporting the idea.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nUnmaskin the Face on Mars\n\nHave you seen the face on Mars? Do you think it was made from aliens? well i will tell you why the theory that it was made by aliens is false. I will also tell you why it is a natural land form. Also I tell you further what the scientists have found out about the three pictures taken.\n\nThere is a theory htat the face on Mars firts photographed in 1976 was not made by aliens. First many people think that the face looks like an egyptian pharoh and was made by aliens. Although there are some people belive that aliens do egsist and that the aliens did this face there is no true evedance that aliens do eggsist and also that the aliens did this face. Another thing people are saying is that the NASA is hiding things from the public but the NASA tells evertything to the public about teir investigation so there for there is no true evedance that the NASA is hiding things about their invesigations to the public.\n\nThe face on mars is a natural land form because there is no true evedance that the aliens built htis face as a matter of fact years after there have two more pictures taken of the face on mars one in 1998 and the last one in 2001. In fact there is a scientist that even said that the face was not made by aliens the scientist's name is Jim Garvin. Jim Garvin studied the pictures of the face on Mars and said that there was no alien monument after all. There for that prove that the face on Mars was not made by aliens. There are still some people not satifed with his answer. Garvin even compared the face on mars with buttes or mesas here on earth. Garvin also said that these kinds of land forms are common areound the American West. Garvin also stated that it reminded him most of the Middle butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.\n\nThe face on Mars caused many theory like that some peopl said that the face on Mars was made by aliens. here is what scientists have found out. Once they NASA took the first picture comotion started like the one were they say that it was made by aliens, but the scientist Jim Garvin said that if it indeed it was and egyptian-style pyramid or even small shack you be able to see what they were. There are three pictures of this face on mars every picture more enhanced than the other and indeed scientists like Jim Garvin say the the face on Mars was not made by alians and it is a natural land form like a mesa.\n\nIn conclusion there are people that say that the face on Mars was built by aliens and that it is a face if an egiptian pharoh, but scientists have answered this question and they say that it is just a natural land form like a mesa. So what do you think? Do you think that the face on Mars was made by aliens? belive what you think but acirding to evedance it was not made by aliens . What do think?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSome people think being a Seagoing Cowboy is boring but I can tell you that they are wrong. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is a amazing opportunity for everyone because you can travel around the world. You can see countries like Greece, China, and other countries. You can see marvoules land marks like the Panamal Canal, and you can see important countries like Acropolis, Greece and Venice, Italy the city of water. You also can meet other people around the world, and help the people in need. As former Seagoing Cowboy said '' I'm grateful for this opportunity.''\n\nThe next reason why you should be a Seagoing Cowboy is becuse you can see animals that you have never seen before. You can also take care of them until you reach the country that there supposed to be in. The next reason is that you can eat foods in other countries. You also can also be one of the reasons why some of the destroied countries are now one of the best countries in the world. Then you can learn more about the country and the animals you took care of.\n\nThen here is the last reason why you should be a Seagoing Cowboy, you can also use up your free time. Seagoing Cowboys like to have fun they play games like Baseball and Volleyball. Then in the empty rooms were the animals were housed is now a Baseball field, a Volleyball court, a Table-tennis room, a Fencing stadium, a Boxing ring, and other games. You also can read books and whittle in your alone time. So you see being a Seagoing Cowboy is not boring it's fun, and a great opportunity of a life time.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou should join to help and say I helped that country. I think you should because there are things you have and other people don't. I also think that it should almost be a requirement to help people to go to heaven. I think alot of things should because I am like that.\n\nI think a lot about others believe it or not. I love other people and apparently Luke did also. He understands the true meaning of love. He even knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime to help people in Africa,Asia,Haiti, and other places like that he had to understand that time is too valuable and other people give that time away to you to make you a better person and he is using it that way. Not saying this is all good there is downs too. Every rose has its thorns.\n\nIt is a lot of time that people spend with others. It was better for Luke I think because he was a good person. He had a heart of steel to make himself not say no to miss out on people in his family to go help other families. I think that was the best thing to do for anybody. He missed his mom,dad,aunt,brother/sister,nephew/neices,and his other friend to go help other people. Which makes me wonder if he's a Mason.\n\nI know that he had to miss out because that was so much time taken up ,not wasted but taken up. He spent 2 weeks on each trip and then did it 16 more times! Reasons not ot would be. You could die in fog. I'm not sayin I wouldn't go but I wouldn'tlike to have the thought of dying in my brain. I bet more than once or twice he thought of dying and cried.\n\nI know I would go but I wouldn't go 16 times because of the fact. There are sharks,squid,octopi,and plenty of other animals. The oceans are the most unexplored places on earth. People die millions of times a year because of the ocean and I have a high paranoia level so my paranoia would keep me on my toes. I would be so scared at times. There are 60 foot sharks named megalodons and can swallow me whole. There are plesiosaurs confirmed in the pacific. There is a six gilled shark that is 20 feet long. almost all sharks can taste a drop of blood 400 yards away. If they swim underneath a boat with 335 horses and 1 of 335 is bleeding or in labor. (the tissues and blood)I would die. I would probably have a heart attack.\n\nI can't stand my paranoia. My friend was going to let a train go over him to prove he wasn't scared but I put a little paranoia in him because under a train gets hot enough to crystalize a rock and make it look like silver. What would it do to my friend. Back to the water.\n\nPlesiasours started as lizards. Lizards have a third eye. It senses changes in lighting. Ripples and vibrations shift lighted areas. Horses make alot of noise and stomp alot. Stomping causes vibrations.\n\nI was swimming in a river and I thought about rivers monsters when a log touched my legs I freaked out! I swam as fast as I could screaming \"jeremy wade jeremy wade\"I was out of the water and on my grandpas house boat. I said hit the sand dam. From then and on I never went past clear water.\n\nI don't think about stuff like look down its a log or stuff like that. I almost pee my pants when I see a spider. I think its because of me watching national geographic channel everyday and knowing what every animal does and how it hurts you.\n\nI thought one time a jamaican cockroach could kill me .At the time I was three or four. My finger now was about as long as this cockroach. it stood up and it ran towards me. I was in my moms work and there were alot of animals there so I ran into the pig room. That was the day I figured out my mom would get me a mexican rat. From then on No roach came near me .But my fear is still here.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars should be able to drive themselves. That would help the risk of drunk drivers. It would would allow the pollution to go down since the car uses half of the fuel of today's taxis. Also it could open more jobs around the car industry. So cars should be able to drive themselves for the safety of drunk drivers, lower pollution ratings, and to open more jobs to the people in the car industry.\n\nDrunk drivers are really ruining people's lives, or there own life. If Google succeeds in creating this driverless vehicle than that could reduce the chance of drunk drivers getting in accidence tremendously. People would be able to get to there destination safer than they would normally. This could help the decrease of drunk drivers today in our traffic.\n\nThe pollution in today's air isn't nearly as bad as what it can\n\nget in 10 years. Cars are one of the main source of the pollution in the air now, and if we can lower that we should. Since the driverless car would use half less the fuel, then thats less the pollution. People should take in consideration that the driverless car would help in great amounts with this problem. The driverless car will lower the pollution in our air.\n\nMany people in our country are jobless. If the driverless car is created fully, who will tend to its needs. This allows knowledge to spread to mechanics. Assistance with the car would need to mandetory. If its going to be a safe car then it needs to be a safe car from the axcel to the body work. People will gain the knowledge to help construct the car. Jobs are important to people because they need to provide for families or themselves. With the driverless car people will be able to have a job and maintain it.\n\nThe driverless car should be created. Drunk drivers will be handled with. The pollution in the air would lower. It would also raise the jobs that would be needed to maintain safety on the car. So cars should be able to drive themselves for all of those reasons stated the safety of our people, the pollution in the air, and the jobs in the community, that all would be helped with the\n\ndriverless car.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHuman emotion. Once thought to be something held exclusive to humans, can now be interpreted by computers. Allowing anything with a camera to read the muscles in ones face to tell the emotion they currently portray. There are many different outlooks on the future use of this technology, but one in particular focuses on using it in the classroom.\n\nThe technololgy used to read our emotions is known as the Facial Action Coding System or FACS. It models a human face and all 44 of its muscles, and looks for certain cues to tell them emotion being conveyed by the subject. FACS can tell when one is happy, sad, angry, cionfused, surprised, disgusted, and afraid. FACS can even tell the difference between \"fake\" emotions and real ones. This means that it can tell if a facial expression is being forced, based on what muscles are being used.\n\nOn the subject of use in the classroom, it could be very benificial to students and teachers alike. It can read when a student gets confused on a topic, and can then adjust the lesson to fit their needs. It can tell when a student is feeling drowsy and upset, or when a student is attentive and alert. This way teachers can recognize when a student needs assistance. This technology, in all, can be very useful if applied to them classroom, and even the rest of the world, properly, making it a very impressive step into the future for mankind.\n\nJust think. A computer able to read the human face to determi9ne what emotion they feel. Skepticism is understandable, what with the advancement of AI and related movies such as The Terminator, where AI has tooken over the human race, but a future like that is to be left in the world of fiction. This technology is the next step into the age of human technology integration, like we've already seen with the introduction of smart devices. Mankind will only continue to move forward and innovate, even beyond percieved limits.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe electoral college process consist of the selection of the elector, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president in a way to let us the people choose to keep our country safe and to help our community. So therefore i think we should keep the electoral college.\n\nUnder the 23rd Amendment of the constitution, the District of columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purpose of the Electoral College. Also we help choose our states electors when we vote for president, but if we did'nt have an electoral college there would'nt be any reason to have a president or government.\n\nBut each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the partys nominee (\n\nand that trust is rarely betrayed\n\n), what they mean by that is that if he or she were to become president they could not lie or betray anyone.\n\nThe electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of votes cast. I think they should really make people vote because its not fair or equal if only half of us americans voted.\n\nThe winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes induces the canidates as we saw in [\n\n2012's\n\n] election-to focus their campaign efforts on the toss up states. which means almost everyone voted that year.\n\nThe electoral college method helps see who the right person is to help our country. Therefore they need to keep the electoral college for us to see where it will take us all through the years and for us to acknowledge how it has helped americans all around the world to get where they are today.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because you would be helping animals get to other countries, you would be able to visit exciting places and countries and you woudn't have to be bored on the ship because you can do fun activities. I have to arn you, you might face dangerous situations.\n\nIf you join the Seagoing Cowboys program you would be helping animals that weres shipped overseas. You would be helping animals such as horses, young cows and mules. You would be feeding the animals, giving them water clean their stalls and you would have to pull bales of hay and bags of oats to the lower holds of the ship. If you join the program you would also be able to visit exciting places and countries, I got to visit the Acropolis in Greece, an excavated castle in Crete and I marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China. Some places I visited were Europe, China, Greece, Italy and Crete. One of the most exciting things I have ever done was when I took a gondola ride in Venice, Itlay. Another reason why you should join is because, when you're on the ship you get to do activities such as playing baseball, volleyball, Table-tennis, fencing, boxing, and if you want you can read.\n\nI have to warn you, you could get hurt because when I was aboard on the ship one day, I slid down a slippery laddery on my backside, my heart raced as I shot feet towards an openingon the side of the ship. Luckilly a small strip of metal along the edge of the ship stopped me from sliding and keept me from flying aboard into the Atlantic Ocean. I was happy to be alive, but I couldn't work for a couple of days because I had cracked ribs. Even though you might face some dangerous situations when you join this program you still get to, help animals, visit exciting places and countries and do fun activities while you are on the ship. Please join the Seagoing Cowboys program, you would be doing a good thing and your family and friends would be proud that you are helping animals and the community.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Mona Lisa painting is hard to tell what her emotions are ,but that's why there's science. They can figure out your emotions by looking at your muscles in your face or just by looking at how your eye brows are place or your mouth is placed. They have\n\ncomputers that can see faces off of paintings emotion. All they have to do is make a 3-D model and make the same frown as Mona Lisa to tell what her emotions are. The students expressions are most likely to be happy and amazed\n\nbecause a computer can do all of this. The students must want to try this on their emotions to see if it works.\n\nThe students must think\n\nthe computer does everything , they want to know\n\ntheir emotions even though they know\n\ntheir emotions\n\nbecause they are thinking\n\nabout it in their brain. Just like the Mona Lisa painting they said that was her\n\nhappy face because she has 83 percent happyness in her emotions. You can have more then one emotion in your\n\nface. They just have to see the muscles in your face and see how they are placed. It is a cool thing that they can do this so if someone can't talk they can check there emotion to see if their sad ,hurt , or happy.\n\nThat is really a good thing also doctors can use this to use on a unhealthy person to see how there feeling because not everyone want's to let everyone know their emotion.\n\nThey can do this on animals even they would have to do a 3-D model of it. This must of took a lot of scietists to do this because they could get lots of money for this. Science can do alot of things dealing with muscles and body movement. This knows how you are feeling because your movement in your body. The students must think that there is a other man using the technology to this ,but it's the computer.\n\nThey have to use the computer to get the 3-D models out then the scientists use their brains to figure where the muscles go.\n\nThe last thing is scientists may want to use this on children at school because it is a fun thing for the kids and it can give them more feed back on more emotions and how they look on students faces. That will help them out with maybe more emotions on certain people they can use it on more painting. They used it on the Mona Lisa becasue you can't tell her feeling because she has no movement and she's not smiling in her drawing. The students like this because it is a cool thing to look at and see it's emotion because it's its a drawing ,but with alot of details.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nNASA has found a face in Mars. Many say its just natural, but others say its from aliens. A few reasons people say it was created by aliens is its in an odd place, and it has unusal shadows.\n\nOne reason that people say aliens created this face on Mars is because where the face is located on Mars is a particularly odd spot. In paragraph 8 it says \"The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April '98 a cloudy time of year on the Red planet.\" Also in paragraph 9 it says \"It's not easy to target Cydonia,\" says Gavin. \"In fact, it's hard work.\" Mars Global Surveyor is mapping spacecraft that normally looks straight down and scans the planet like a fax machine in narrow 2.5 km wide stripes.\"\n\nAnother reason is it has unsual shadows for example in paragraph 1 it says \"When (the Viking spacecraft) it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. An enormous head nearly two miles from end to end seemed to be staring back at the cameras from a region of the Red planet.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" talks about a software that has been developed to percieve the emotions of others. This software determined that the Mona Lisa is 83 penrcent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful and 2 percent angry.\n\nFor sure is an interesting project, because sometimes we want to know how other people is feeling, but, this improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of the others as it is said on this article?\n\nDr. Huang explain how the facial expressions for each emotion are universal, but I think every human has different expressions, or they can hide them pretty well. For example: in a movie you can have a great actor. This actor can make perfect facial expression, as he was really feeling the situation; being truly sad, happy, scared etc. but he is an actor, and this feelings that he is showing for a specific situation on the movie, are not real. Those problems are not happening in his real life.\n\nThis actor can hide his emotions, and this software that can predict your emotions won't know that. So I think it's impossible know how people is feeling with just a software that works just by facial expression, because human feelings are more complex that this, and that's why whe have to study human behavior, or how their brains work with different feelings as love. Because humans are more complex than just an expression that you can hide.\n\nIn conclusion, sometimes, when people let you see their feelings, this program can work to show you the percents of your facial expression, but is not an accuracy way to do it because behind the human behavior there are more things to think about it if we are talking about feelings, and this may not be always the correct answer to the feelings of a person.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhen looking at the face it look baerly looks like a face, it could be literally anything just for the fact on how unfocsed and brod the shape is. When looking at a face you see all the details and diffrences but in this picture its just three smuges in the shape of two eys and a mouth. Also when looking at the photo you cant really see how large it is but its way to big to be the size of a face, its more the size of a building or larger. You can see its a rectangle shape that appers to be some sort of hill natrully created by the enviorment so saying it looks like a face is really dumb because if you saw a really blured picture of a rock with dirt in the formation of eyes and a mouth, would you call it a face?", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt is so amazing out her. I am sailing on the Atlantic Ocean. I have been on this sea for the nineth time. I thought all of my atemtes were fun but my last vouage was the best.\n\nOn my second atempted I serced as watchman. I think it is so awesome because I am going to be 18 years old when we reach Greece so I could help in the war! UNRRA hired \" Seagoing Cowboys\" to take care of the horses, young cows,and mules that were shipped overseas. Don and I even signed up so that is going to be even better.\n\nWe got the seamans papers and boarded the SS Charles W. Wooster, headed for Greece-with acargo of 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed all the horses. I felt really besy all the nine voyages I took out there to Greece. My job was to check on the animals every hour.\n\nI really do hope that you want to go too becuase it was the best thing I ever did and I think I should go again this year and next year. I was so glad that Don and me signed up for helping the other \"Seagoing Cowboys\"\n\nwith all of the animals. I hope I can write another story next year.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nthe driverless car seems like a really good idea but it is really dangerous to have. im going to give you three reasons why they are a dangerous car to have. one reason is that what if something goes wrong with the system and someone gets hurt. the second reason is that it could really expensive and not everybody will be able to afford one. the third reason is that what if the driver falls asleep and is not awake to take over when he or she is suppose to.\n\nthe first reason is that what if something goes wrong with the system and someone gets hurt. in the story the auother states that the system could go down and it wouldnt alert the driver so without the driver taking over someone could be seriously hurt. also if the system went down they could be stuck in the middle of no where.\n\nanother reason is that it could be really expensive and not everyone would be able to afford one. it wouldnt be fair if everyone couldnt enjoy the new technolegy. it shouldnt so much money so everyone can have one. in the story it says that in order to make these types of cars it would be really expensive and everyone would not be able to afford one.\n\nmy last and final reason is that what if the driver falls asleep and isnt awake to take over when he or she needs to. if they fell asleep the car could keep going and cause an accident. the driver could think its safe to text or sleep while the car is driving.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Callenge of Exploring Venus\n\nVenus is the second planet from are sun . Venus is like earth twin it's the closest planet to Earth . Venus has been a challenging place to examine more closely . People have tried to study venus since t's so close but it has not always worked out.\n\nSo we have Earth , Venus , and Mars . those all have differeces in speed meaning that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times Venus . since Venus sometimes s right around the corner .humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on the planet . every previous mission was unmanned , no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. This is why no spaceship has touched on Venus in more than three decades . This made it hard for humans to study .\n\nVenus has temperatures of over 800 degrees Fahrenheit the atmospheric pressure is 90 times higher then what we experience on are own planet. These conditions are extreme . in the story it say's that Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any plant in our solar system, the wearther erupting valcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface . That's why when we tried to land on Venus are craft got distroded .\n\nVenus used to be like earth but mostly not anymore . since Venus is like what its like we can't take samples from rocks,gas etc. we would have to dig deeper into are work so we can find out why Venus is the way it is. Its good that they are working to better are craft to find out more about Venus .NASA is working on something that's seem like it would work well for Venus .\n\nVenus is worthy of studying despite the dangers because if we stop we will never know what it's really like why it does the things it does . If we keep trying we will have the best craft and it will work . I know everybody wants to know if we can have life on a planet and Venus might just be the one . although Venus made it hard for humans to study it also gave them light weight on how to make the craft better and to know that it is dangrous so they know now that they need better craft.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere is a lot of technology being made to try to help human communication. Computers can read the emotions on the face of a human. Isn't that awesome !? This could help out with things that some humans dont want to say. Like depression or worriness ect. However some people still say that this technology will not be useful. I toatally disagree ! Think on the brighter side.\n\nWith this new technology it could be a little easier on the students. It could help the teachers know what type of mood the student is in. This would probably help by the teachers showing empathy to the students. Also this could stop conflicts with students. When two students are feeling angry you could remove them. I think this Technology is very valuable.\n\nAlso having a computer that know how your feeling at the moment would be such a big help. If it knows your feeling sad it could post ads to try to cheer you up. If your feeling happy it could play music to go with your spirit. When you are feeling confused about something , it could ask do you need help ? Also if you get bored with something it could make the next assignment different.\n\nEvidence to support my claim that this technology is valuable is all through \"Making mona Lisa Smile\". \" Imagine a computer that knows when your happy or sad. For example, if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow.\" \"A classroom computer could reconize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\"Dr. Huang predicts. \"it could modify the lesson, like a effective human instructor.\"\n\nIt also could be valuable by helping make computer animated faces more expressive.\"Most human communicvation is nonverable, including emotional communication,\" notes Dr. Huang.\"So computers need to understand that, too.\n\nThis technology called the Facial Action Coding System reading the expression of studednts is very valuable. It helps with showing empathy,It helps understand some reasons behind things ect. This technoly is so valuable because it can help stop so many conlicts, failures and save students education. If this technology keeps evolving no wonder what they'll have in the future. Maybe technoly that actually coversates with you with a real brain? Only time will tell.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this article the author explains how it would be a worthy pursuit to explore Venus but some what dangerous for humans. Based on this article the author does a good job evaluating the task for humans to seek exploring Venus. Some strong points the author brought to my attention is that the ground level temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater then earth. In most cases, a temperature of 800 degrees Fahrenheit would melt anything and a atmospheric pressure that is 90 times what we experience would crush us and anything that we would bring to it. The author suggest a method that would fix that obsticle, the author says if we were to fly a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles we would be able to survive in Venus.\n\nA couple things that the author didn`t bring to my attention was the cost and time it would take of the misson. In the article the author gives us a method of how we would be able to suvive in Venus, but the author did not inform us about the cost and time. In my opinion I would feel like the mission would cost a lot of money,\n\ntime and to build the mission . Another obsticles that the author did not bring to my attention is how would the fueling system work if we can not touch the surface of Venus. Would we be able to carry enough fuel from earth to venus and back all without touching the surface of Venus? I still support the claim the author is trying to show us but is it enough to have NASA use it as a method to venture Venus? The important part of exploring a new planet would be be taking samples of rock, gas and other things that would point us to the direction of finding a way to make venus survivable, but the author brought it to my attention that we would not be able to do such thing. My conclusion to this method is it would be a good way to venture a new plant but it has more obsticles then just the article suggest.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many reasons to join the Seagoing Cowboys program. For example you can travel on a boat and explore many new places. You also get payed so when you get home you have money for everything you need. It's a great opportunity for your family and you. You could help your family with bills, food, clothing, and many other materials.\n\nThe job also wouldn't be hard if you already know how to feed and water cattle. You wouldn't be doing your job every second.You do have to feed them two or three times a day.You also have to clean the stalls, paragraph six states this. When your done doing your job you have free time to do games and look at the ocean,paragraph eight has this included. You're also not alone you can make friends with whoever works there. If you work as watchman you have to check all the animlas each hour.\n\nThis program could help with your future, you could be asked to do the same job on a diffrent ship with a diffrent crew. Or you could be asked to do something that pays more. However you could be watchman instead of caring for the animals.\n\nThere are some cautions that could lead to danger. When it get's rainy the ladder can get slippery and you want to be careful to not fall off the ship. Paragrapgh seven includes this information.\n\nIt would be great for you to join this program! Anyone is welcomed to join at an acceptable age. Any job you do, you will get payed. The trips could take long but the longer they are the more you get payed. Join the program if your looking for a job that can support you needs.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhy are the streets always so jammed!? Everyone asks that all the time almost everyday around 5:00pm. The reason for is because cars being excessivley used nowadays. There are several different advantages that can happen when limiting car usage. The world would be a better place if less cars were used on the roads.\n\nTo begin with, why do we the peole use cars? The reason is because it can get us from A to B really fast. But that's only 1 positive for the usage of cars. Think about the negatives and disadvantages of using cars. My 1 main reason of the usage of cars is that it make the world less active. Walking or running is a daily form of exercise, and the usage of cars is limiting the numbers of that. In section 1 Hedrum Walter says that he always was tense when he had a car, he's much happier without one. This is why we should limit the usage of cars. We don't want the people to be tense all the time, we want them to enjoy and relax when using transportation other than cars. Walking will take longer but is better in the long run. You don't have traffic jams, you can go places and areas that cars couldn't fit through and you have many different ways of getting to a particular place rather than just a road. The only repercution that you have to worry about with walking is the rain. But heres the thing, In section 3 Bogota Mayor Antanas Mockus said \"The rain hasn't stopped people from participating.\" This means rain isn't a problem when walking on the streets. Cars may offer more protection but its more dangerous than walking. This is why places like Germany, Paris, and Bogota are trying to carry out the experience of a \"car-free\" life.\n\nIn addition, another advantage of limitiong car use is limiting riots. I know we have all heard of people screaming and arguing in the cars of people in front or behind them. This is a big problem nowadays and it's because of the use of cars. If we can limit the usage of cars than we can hopefully reduce the level of aggrevation on the streets. Alot of accidents happen everyday dealing wiht the usage of cars. Cars provoke alot of deaths if you think about it. If we could limit the usage of driving cars than this will limit the amount of deaths per year by cars. That's the number 1 disadvantages to the using of cars. Walking and biking are my 2 favorite types of transportation because it's smooth, and it's more conveinant. Less accidents and injurys happen when walking or riding a bike. This can also help the streets be less packed which will allow for easier access to certain places. DUI is the main worst tragic that comes from the usage of cars. Many people die everyday because of drunk drivers and thats not respectable. Just imagine if the same person who caused an accident in the car while drunk was drunk on the streets while walking, he more than likely couldn't of caused an accident if he was walking and not driving a car. Just think about all of the disadvantages that cars promote.\n\nLast but not least, comes the president (Barack Obamas) most valuable reason to limit car usage. Obama wants to curb the U.S greenhouse gas emissions, and by that he wants to get fewer cars on the road. In section 4 it shows that \"studies suggest that americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by.\" This means that Obama's goal is prevailing. Paris came to a conclusion that they decided to ban driving due to smog. In section 2 it states that Paris air became so polluted that they enforced a parial \"driving ban\" to get rid of the air pollution. They blamed this problem due to the diesel fuel. They figured out that diesels make up 67% of vehicles in France, as to 53% in the rest of Western Eurpoe. In section 2 its pretty much the same reason except Bogota's goal is to \"promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. The violators faced $25 fines.\" They figured limiting car usage was a good opportunity to take away stress and reduce air pollution. In section 4 the last paragraph tells you what Bill Ford plan was. He wanted to create cities in which \"pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial, and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, onserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety.\"\n\nThese are some advantages of less car usage. Many good things will start to happen if everyone could lower the usage of cars nowadays. We don't want the world to have polluted air, we don't want to promote car accidents, and we also don't want under age drivers on the streets. So take in mind the disadvantages of usage of cars and compared the to the the advantages of limiting car usage.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYes the use of this technology, facial action coding system can be valuable because if the student are bored or confused the teacher will chang up the lesson. For example when they chang the lesson up they can make it more fun for them and when they are confuse they can slow it down for them and try to help him with it. What this is that more people will pare attention more and will know wants going because it's not boreing. Another thing is when they are confuse they will know how to do it then because the teacher had slow down the lesson and the sturdent will know how to do it then.\n\nAnother example is if you are sad they will be a dd that pop up to make you smile if that ad don't work another ad will pop up. What this mean is that this technology can make you happy when you are sad or when you are angry it can make you lagh. So what I am trying to say is that this technolgy can chang the day of your life. This technolgy can help other peolpe out with they life how to tech the lesson and lot more so this will be perfict.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are a sign of laziness, driving is one thing that I believe drivers should have to do. Individuals can not have everything handed down to them, driveless cars should not be legal. The cars would be in better control of us than we are with them!\n\nCars that do not have to be driven by humans should not be allowed, every car that is seen on the road should have to have a driver behind the wheel at all times, not just sometimes but all of the time. The law focuses on keeping drivers safe \"Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe.\" The law of driving has to be safe for individuals to make it to their destinations, if the car companies put driveless cars out on the road that could be a risky move. Cars are meant to have drivers behind the wheel at all time. In many states \"it is illegal to even to test computer-driven cars.\" I agree with it being illegal one hundred percent, if it is illegal to even test driverless cars in some states then it should be illegal in all states as well, the roads will continue to be a lot safer without the cars that have drivers not focused on the wheel.\n\nThere could be so many problems with the driverless cars \"Automakers are continuing their work on the assumpton that the problems ahead will be solved.\" Computer driven cars could have so many problems, there are so many what ifs. The cars computer system could stop working which then could shut the whole car down, you would then have a car that is not fuctionable, which is not safe for you or other individuals traveling. We used to not have the technology to even be able to do this back in 2000 \"The sensors weren't there, the computers weren't there, and the mapping wasn't there. Individual had gotten by without the driverless cars so I think we could get by too. The need of having cars that do all the work for us is a sign of laziness and I do not agree with it.\n\nThe models of these cars are also using destracting technologies, because individuals will become bored while waiting to drive, it would be a challenge to sit and wait to drive while your car is doing all the work. Dr Werner Huber, a BMW project manager states \"We have to interpret the driving fun in a new way, some manufactures hope to do that by bringing in car entertaiment and information systems that use heads up displays.'' Even though these displays can shut of instantly when and if the driver needs to take over makes it even more risky. These designs are meant to entertain you while you sit and wait for your turn, but they are really just new destractful ways for the road. Driving is already dangerous, but adding new entertainment devices make the roads even more dangerous. If an individual is in the middle of being entertained they aren't just going to quit what they are doing which could cause an accident that didn't have to occur. Now while the driver watches the road or is attempting to watch, the car will aslo watch the driver, \"using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road.\" Drivers could become more destracted, focusing more on the camera and what is tapping rather then the watching the road, which could also cause an accident that isn't neccessary.\n\nDriverless cars are not a good idea, they will cause limitless destractions that will just make the roads more dangerous. Our cars that we control are better off than the automobiles that we don't. Cars are meant to have a controler and with the driverless cars the car would be controlling us. Let's not cause more of a risk for drivers then what there already is, safety is important and with these cars safety is not guranteed.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wondered what it would be like to know exactly what your friend is feeling 24/7? Well, now you can be somewhat omnscient and know exactly what their emotions are. Isn't that neat?\n\nI believe that the use of FACS, Facial Action Coding System, woud be very helpful and advantageous in the classroom setting. For instance, if you were teaching a complex Calculus lesson, wouldn't you want to know if your students were comprehending your lesson? Dr. Huang of the University of Illinois predicts, \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming cofused or bored. Then, it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\"\n\nThis newly developed technology can also be applied outside of the classroom. Some examples of the numerous applications are internet advertisements and video games. The article also states that FACS could make computer-generated faces more lifelike, like in video games and video surgery.\n\nOf course, this technology has its disadvantages. For instance, some people would argue that this technology is, in fact, an invasion of privacy because no one should know what you're feeling every single hour of the day.\n\nAlso, this technology is a new innovation, and the article states that your home PC wouldn't be able to process the complex algorithms FACS uses. If a home PC can't handle, how do we know a computer at school can?\n\nAll in all, I strongly believe the use of FACS in a school setting would be highly beneficial. Even with its disadvantages, FACS will be usefule in school institutions.\n\nIf it makes math easier to learn, why wouldn't we use it?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face on Mars is just a natural mesa or buttle on mars. It was not made by Aliens or anything else, although it may seem in likeness to a human face. I know for a fact that the mesa is not a martian carving, it is too much like a mesa. The first image of it cannot be trusted, the linses are ancient compared to today's photography lenses. Although you would like to belive in the mesa, it is not clear enough to be seen in the lenses as what it really is and all that makes it look like a face are two holes and two hills.\n\nThe lense from the satelite that tooks the first picture was foggy and unable to clearly make out the complete image in great detail, as someone without their glasses could easily mistake another animal for their pet. They then got new, beter quality lenses and could make out the image better. They saw the mesa for what it was, a natural rock formation, weathered by time. It was an easy mistake for the old camera, along with the distance to make the mesa out wrong. The new technology was able to provide a much clearer image of the mesa and that it was not a face.\n\nYou may say that NASA faked the photo, hiding life on mars, though they have no reason to hide it. They could only benifit from a discovery such as life on another planet. It may even be found habitable to humans, given some time and oxygen. We may gain our own technology advancement through trade with the other race. NASA has no reason to hide the existance of aliens or to fake the photo, they would gain nothing.\n\nErosion has done much to help the mesa look as it does now, shaping the land to its liking. It could have easily made the hills and caves on the mesa, also, the sun cauld have been at just the right angle, shadowing the caves. Erosion is a long process and is always going on. The face is just a happening of erosion. That is probably how the facr formed.\n\nIn conclusion, the Face on Mars is little more than erosion, sunlight's shadows and a bad camera. That is all it is and can be, NASA would have no reason to hide it as anything else. The conspiracy theories are just mad beliefs of crazy people who think the world is against them. The discovery of a new race would be quite amazing, though. There would possibly be so much we could gain from the knowlege they might have.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"I'm much happier this way,\" What caused someone to say this? Simply no longer owning a car! Based on how car dependant mostly everyone's life is and how badly most people that don't have a car want one you'd think that going from having one to lacking one must be terrible. Well statisically speaking we might all be moving towards this idea and it might not be such a bad thing!\n\nAccording to the short article\n\nIn German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars\n\nVauban, Germany is home to people that have chosen to give life without cars a shot, many of which love the life style. 70% of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57% sold a car just to go there. Although this has mostly only been done here many have started slowly adopting the idea. As the author, Elisabeth Rosenthal, of this article pointed out passenger cars are responsible for 12% of greenhouse emissions in Europe, and in more car populated areas such as the United States up to 50%. Robert Duffer stated in\n\nParis bans driving due to smog that in Paris Driving had been limited by their goverment due to extreme levels of pollution and after a short amount of time the ban was called off because the smog/pollution had lowered. Just one of the advantages of limiting the usage of cars would be cutting down these huge numbers and getting rid of these issues, and if you asked anyone im pretty sure they'd say that this one advantage is plenty reason already to look into this. Imagine how drastically improved the planet would be if others adopted what Vauban is already doing!\n\nWant a holiday to promote the limiting of cars? Well there actually is one in Bogota, Colombia! Millions of colombians hike, bike, skate, or take buses to places like work on this day. It already has three years running so far, even if its raining that day, the mayor claims that it doesnt stop people from participating. This day is starting to also branch out to other colombian cities such as Cali and Valledupar, imagine if eventually it becomes an international holiday, the advantages are everywhere. Due to the limiting of car usage there are more people walking on the sidewalks and this has caused the goverment to improve those sidewalks by making new smooth ones and getting rid of the old cracked ones. More restaurants, parks, sports centers, and even entire shopping centers have been built and opened to the people walking which is a life style improving advantage. If the limiting of cars is done in more places then new things to do and try will open up in that area and in turn prove to be a great advantage from limiting car usage.\n\nElisabeth Rosenthal has writen about the possibility that in the United States the peak of driving has been reached. As it turns out Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less miles on average, and getting fewer licenses every year that goes by. If such a large population such as the United States is cooling down on car usage why not speed that process up and goverments start slowly but efficiently reducing car usage internationally? This would mean that in public transport there would be more socializing because the people that take that same bus everyday at 7:00 AM along with you would become your friends or at least aquaintances. So when you think about it friendships might even come with car limiting as well!\n\nFrom the reduction of polution to the improvements of everyday life style to even possibly socializing with new people, the possibilities of car usage limiting are endless. Who knew that a simple taking of a bus or riding a bike to work could have such a large impact on the world around you!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhen a student is confused in school they are supposed to raise their hand. It's been taught that way since day one. Whether that is followed or not is hard to say. Some students are scared to raise their hand however, as they grow older and mature, they seem to find more courage to ask questions which is the way it has always been taught. Students generally make faces when they are confused, that can be beneficial to the teacher if they're paying attention. A recent computer software has been developed by Professor Thomas Haung that indicates peoples emotions. It was used on the Mona Lisa to get every percent of each emotion on her face. It was suggested that this software be put in schools to benefit students. However, this innovation should not be put into schools because of the varying ages of kids, how much it would actually be used, and the convienence of the schools budget and space in the classrooms.\n\nThis computer software that can tell every percent of what emotion on your face is a very fascinating concept but is not the most convienent for pre-school and elementary students. In the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" it was said a classroom computer could recognize confusion or boredom from the students and then in which change the lesson for a more beneficial class (para 6). If this were to be put in place into an younger classroom it could be misleading. Younger kids have spunky behavior as their minds are still maturing and developing. They might find the software fun and amusing and make many facial expressions which would alter their lesson plan in class unaccordingly. Others may argue that little kids could possibly get bored of doing that every day and eventually calm down about it so then it would be useful. Though you never know when a little kid could find something fun again, it's just that easy and would then again rise to misleading lesson plans for the young students.\n\nIf this technology was put in a highschool classroom where students minds have better matured and developed it would be more successful. However, there would need to be a computer for every student and not all schools can provide that.\n\nSome students may even find it uncomfortbale to have their expressions and themselves being watched and analyzed all day. As a result of knowing they are being recognized as confused, they could easily act and prevent their expression from giving that result or not even use them. People can already do the work of this software, friends can tell how you're feeling based on your facial expression (para 5). Also mentioned in \"Making Mono Lisa Smile\" people use their knowledge to tell whether a politician or celebrity is faking a smile or being truthful (para 8), again proving that people can already do what this software is, just not as precise with numbers. On the other hand, if these computers were installed in schools and became a regular thing, then it could eventually be excepted by students and they would actually use the software to their benefit.\n\nTeachers would find this innovation helpful. They could argue that not all students express if they trully understand material or not. If they had this software it would accurately show them the truth about their students. But students could still refuse to use it which would lead teachers back to square one.\n\nMaybe even before a students first day of school they were taught to raise their hand if they had something to say, it's normal. So let students do that because the computer software that tells every percent of every expression someone is having is unecessary to have in a school because of the varying ages of kids, how much it would actually be used, and the convienence of the schools budget and space in the classrooms.", "label": 6}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face on Mars were just made from nautral landforms. In my opition I don't really believe in aliens. I will give you reasons to support why and why I think their just nautral landforms.\n\nSome people believe in aliens and that the Face was made by alliens ,because after NASA unveiled the image for everyone to see it caught the attention of people everywhere. The \"Face on Mars\" became known everywhere. It became featured in Hollywood flims, appeared in books, magazines, and even haunted grocery store check out lines. Who wouldn't believe the Hollywood flims and books? Everyone beliveved and some still believe the films and books. Be carful what you believe. Sometimes it's not true like the aliens.\n\nOn April 8, 2001 MGS (Mars Global Surveyor) drew close enough for a second look at the Face and mars. They had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to the center of the Face. Malin's team got really good pictures using the camera's absolute maximum resolution. In 2001 each pixel had to be span 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in 1976.\n\nSome people were going over the photos and if there was any kind of objects or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks. You could see it. There is a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height of the Face.\n\nThe Face is a natural landform. I hope you think so now too.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many advantages of limiting car usage. Decreasing the amount of time citizens use personal motorvehicles positively impacts the environment and the state of mind of people. The lack of driving personal cars is becoming more widely accepted in several countries for different reasons. Vauban, a suburb in Germany, is an experimental district testing the lifestyle that does not use cars. Paris banned driving for environmental reasons, and Bogota decided to try it out too. Also, it is a trend in America for the purpose of saving money and because there are other convenient options.\n\nThe decrease in fumes from cars is very beneficial to the environment. People and organizations are making drastic efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes. According to paragraph five of \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars,\" twelve percent of greehouse gas in Europe is caused by passenger cars and fifty percent in some areas of the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency is promoting \"car reduced\" communities because emissions from cars contributes to half of the pollution in America. In the Article by Robert Duffer, \"Paris Bans Driving Due to Smog\" he describes the event that Paris had to declare a ban on half of the drivers because the\u00a0 large amount of smog that lingered over Paris. Colombia even has a day dedicated to being free of cars to reduce smog and promote alternative transportation. All of these events show the severity of environmental problems caused by cars and people making efforts to promote a better environment.\n\nAlso, a decrease in personal motor vehicles causes people to have a better state of mind. Heidrun Walter states, \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way.\" With a car comes a lot of responsibility which leads to a lot of stress on a person. Not having a car is one less bill to pay and thing to take care of which for many people is a better way of living.\"It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,\" stated Carlos Arturo Plaza on car-free day in Bogota, Colombia. The car free day has also promoted other things to bloom in the city such as parks, sidewalks, and restaurants that people really enjoy. According to Elisabeth Rosenthal in her article \"The End of Car Culture,\" her children have other priorities than recieving their license because they have other things they would rather focus on that they enjoy more. All of these things promote people living a healthier and happier life.\n\nOverall, limiting car usage is a \"win-win\" situation for everyone. Decreasing fumes and the stress of a car causes the environment and people to be happier. Promoting public trasportation or other ways of getting places is better for everyone. It is a growing trend all over the world, and for a good reason. A lack of fumes from cars will clear the air, and clear the minds of fellow citizens.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIf you like traveling and helping out then heres a job for you.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy can be very instresing.\n\nLuke is a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nLuke enjoys being a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nLuke travels alot while being an seagoing cowboy.\n\nThey traveled on cattle-boats, he says it was an unbeliveable opportunity.\n\nIn 1945, World War II had ended in Europe.\n\nMany contries were ruined.\n\nUNRRA hired the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nUNRRA hired them to take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas.\n\nIn August 1945, they had gotten orders to go to New Orleans.\n\nThat day they arrived, the Pacific War had ended.\n\nIn 1947, Luke had gone on nine trips, the most a Seagoing Cowboy has been on.\n\nIt took him about to weeks to cross the Alantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States.\n\nIt also took a month to get to China. When he cared for animals during the crossings it kept him busy on the trips.\n\nAlough the sea can be dangerous, he liked it.\n\nOn Luke's second trip, he was a watchman.\n\nHe had to keep eyes on all the animals every hour.\n\nOn a rainy night, he acidently slide down a slippery ladder on his back.\n\nHe got super scared, his heart raced.\n\nHe shot down a slide, feet first.\n\nA small strip of metal along the edge stopped the slide, keeping him from flying overboard.\n\nHe had an injury, he had cracked ribs.\n\nWhen the boys had free time they had fun.\n\nThey played volleyball and baseball. They also liked to play table-tennis, fencing, and boxing. They also read.\n\nThey helped pass the time when he nothing to do.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy can open up a whole new world to you.\n\nIt makes you more aware of people's needs.\n\nThat is what it is like to be a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nDo you become a Seagoing Cowboy now?\n\nYou should, it could be really fun.\n\nJust try not to get hurt like Luke.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHow can NASA want to hide this evidence if they wish there was an ancient civilization? The people that think that are conspiracy theorists. They dont have any evidence that NASA would hide this. If they wanted to hide it why would they give it out to the public a few days after they found it? Lets talk about where the face is located.\n\nMany other Martian Mesas are in that area so it wouldnt be surprising if it was just another one. All though it would be enchanting to find out that there is life on Mars, the land mass is not enough evidence to support that theory that aliens or some sort of life built the face. Lets talk about the size of the face.\n\nThe face is too big to be a face of someone or something anyways. Unless there is a new species on Mars that is that big or maybe it is a ancient burial site like the ones that the egyptions made. The pictures would be able to see any life next to the face. They would be able to see if there were any shacks maybe house or aircrafts of some sort. Lets talk about what scientists think.\n\nThe Snake river Plain of Idaho is about the same size as the face and it reminds him of it. The face could have just been a couincadince. The face also could not have been. Small meteors could have crashed into the mesa to create the facial features of the face. In pictures of the face you can see a lot of different crates next to it. There a small craters and large craters. it wouldn't be surprising if it got hit by a crater.\n\nYou can believe that aliens or some sort of life form have created the face or you can believe that it is just natural. The choice is yours. But before you make asumptions you should do your research first. Those are the main facts that i can give you to make a disition on your own. You might even end up doing more research. If you find any facts that can support your claim that a life form has created this please let me know.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of the FACS is both valuable and not valuable. Humans are very complex, and they can learn to adapt. Humans can learn to be more deceitful and learn to hide thiings better. I know because, I, myself, am a human.\n\nThe ability to detect human emotions is not valuable because some humans are embarassed when others know what they are feeling, and they would learn to keep their face neutral while feeling because they don't want to constantly be read like a book by some robot.\n\nThis technology could be valuable because you could tell when kids in school are getting mad or even have depression or anxiety. Facs could help us to help the future generations of students to talk about their emotions because they won't have to state how they feel, but a robot would be doing that for them.\n\nFACS is not the best idea because some kids like to keep to themselves and just the thought of eveyone knowing how you feel constantly would give them anxiety and make them fearful to feel because of what others may think and so on and so forth.\n\nI dont think that using this technology is a valuable idea because then the government could end up taking the technology into the real world and using it against the people. I am not okay with being read but a robot, personally.\n\nThis technology could also help to keep schools safe, by letting the administration know when someone if looking guilty or even if they are starting to get angry because of something, it could help to stop some school shootings because the students would have a certain emotion to them and then we would know to pull that student aside, or it could help students who have anxiety to tell when they need to step out of class and go for a walk or use their coping skills.\n\nI don't have a straight forward opinion on the new technology because it has alot of pros and cons. I talked about a few in the paragraphs above and while rereading my writing, I realize that I have a neutral perspective on all of this due to how many pros and cons there really are, and the ability for humans to adapt.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face is a natural landform. First, aliens aren't real. Second, they don't even have that type of machinery to do it. The Face was infact created by natural occurances and it appeared because of a natural disaster. Therefore aliens did not create the Face.\n\nAliens aren't real. We have seen them on television shows and movies, but they are fake. When we talk about there could be life on Mars, that doesn't mean that it is an alien, we just don't know what it is.Why would aliens even create a big landform of no use, it just doesn't make any sense. An alien definately didn't create that lanform.\n\nNext, the aliens would have had to use machinery inorder to shape it, which they don't have. The aliens would have to have something like a drill inorder to shape it how they want to. It is just like here on earth. Unless the aliens stole our machinery, or they are really strong and they can carve it with their hand or a shovel or something, then aliens definately didn't make the landform.\n\nIn 1976, the picture looked unclear and blurry, but it looked like a face. Then in 1998, It looked less like a face, and it was still blurry. Finally in 2001, we found out that it has no characteristics of a face. The explanation for that is that either the pixels weren't sharp enough to see it clearly. Or it is because it was cloudy and foggy.\n\nAnother reason that we could have thought that is a face is because their spaceships weren't as advanced as ours now and they couldn't see the landform from that far away and with how foggy it was, like the article said in paragraph 8. We have more advanced technology and we were capable of seeing the real truth about the landform. We have more technology inorder to get clearer picture than back then and in 2001 it was cloudless, like the article states in paragraph 10. Our technology is more advanced that we were able to discover the truth.\n\nAlso, aliens couldn't have created it because the article states that if there were any other objects in the picture, and that you would have been able to see them if they were there. If there aren't like any houses or transportation there, then how would the alien survive? Exactly, they wouldn't. So aliens infact couldn't have made the landform.\n\nYou might try to say that we didn't create it, so it would have to be them. Well you are correct. We didn't create it, but it is just like what we have here on earth. We have hurricane, tornadoes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Maybe a natural disaster like that happened there. We may not have created it, but that doesn't mean that something like a natural disaster couldn't havecreates it.\n\nFrom natural disasters to blurry and unclear pictures. This all can explain a lot of things. Like the fact that aliens aren't real and maybe eroding happened and that was the only place that didn't erode so it was rose up and shaped like that. Or that natural disasters can occur from time to time. Just remember, when you are sitting on your couch and a story comes on about this, aliens didn't do it, a natural disaster did.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars have made a drastic impact on the world as a whole; however, times are begining to change in the necessity of cars and personal trasportation. Other countries, such as France, Germany, and Columbia has worked on reducing cars in their society. The benifets from the sucess, expensives, and health qualites have increased in the low-car communities. Accoring to Bill Ford, executive chairman of the Ford Moter Company stated in paragraphs 43\"pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve rescources, lower emissions and improve safety.\" Basically explaining that cars are not as needed and countries all over the world, inlcuding America can reduce, if not emliminate personal vechiles.\n\nIn Freiburg, Germany, the streets of this community are car-free, show in paragraph 2. Instead of cars they have trams to assist them in their travels. On average, a car space is $40, 000, not including the actual home. This dictrict is trying to remove the use of cars not just becasue of expenses, but also for health from smog and other possible harms. Cars are quoted as \"cash traps\" from the continual expenses needed to pay in paragraph 32. In America, they produce up to 50% of gas emissions in certain locations; whereas, Europe only gets to about 12% in paragraph 5. America is one of the most fuel wasting countries and causing damages and polutions. In addition, their expenses of appropriationgo to about 80% of highways androad work and only 20% to other trasportations.\n\nColumbia dircects \"Day Without Cars,\" which is to alude citizens to other forms of transportation and to reduce smog in paragraph 21. If a person were to violate that day and use a personal vechile, he/she would be fined. The affect of this day has decresed smog, traffic, danger, and stress. Communites have more connection and environment\u00a0 becasue of the simple reduction. Plazas, shops, restaurants, sidwalks, and bicycle trails have been upgraded for the citizens to enjoy due to less cars. These countries may increase health from the consistant walking and apprearance of the environment.\n\nIn conclusion, by limiting car usage, citizens expensives, enviroment, and health are benifited as shown in these articles. Expenses will be converted to other aspects within the community, like the style in Columbia with upgrades on the society. Smog, gasses, and other safety/ health factors will decreses from a reduction in cars. Overall, the reduction in cars will be benifical of society around the world.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is a planet that is similiar, in certain ways, to earth. Earth and Venus both orbit the sun and Venus can be spotted from Earth. In this story, The author supports the idea of Venus exploration with great ideas and facts to support his claims. The authour says how visiting Venus could be both good and bad for humans and gives great reasoning on both point of views. The author never gives their opinion on the subject, but instead gives the reader reasons for both sides of the arguement.\n\nIn paragraph 3, the author says how Venus has a very dangerous atmosphere and supports that by saying that the clouds in the atmosphere are full of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. He says how the planets average temperature is over 800 degrees fahrenheit. The authour uses those facts to support the claim that those conditions are far more extreme than any human can withstand. In paragraph 4, he then goes on to say that long ago, Venus could have possibly been the closest thing to earth, being covered with oceans, valleys, and craters, possibly being able to support various life forms. He explains NASA? idea of a bimp like vehicle hovering 30 miles above the planets atmosphere for closer exploration, although the temperatures would still be very harsh.\n\nThe author ends off the writing by aying that humans must meet the challenges of Venus in order to conquer space exploration. Human curiosity could possibly come back araund and hurt us in the end, but we must know whats out there in case our planet is no longer inhabitable. He closes the story by saying that our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited, but we should exceed them in order to be great.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI choose non-driverless cars over driverless cars because the fact of how much nonsence that is put into cars to make them better \" Google's modified Toyota Pruis uses positoin-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor. Ther most important bit of technology in this system is the spinning sensor on the roof. Dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of ther car's surrounding. \" \" They can steer, acceletate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as nagigating through work zones and around accidents.\"\n\nI choose that making driverless car's are a waste of time. Making driverless car's are pointless because humans already have everything that is being put in these drieverless car's.\n\n\" If the technology fails and someone is injured who is at fault the driver or the manufacturer? \" no one would have to worry about the accident and injuries bc as a human we have eyes and ears to see what is going on the road and how to avoid that and all that the new driverless cars have are sensors and GPS, sensors can not see when a child is crossing the street, a GPS can not tell when a group of kids or an inncent pedestrian is in the road to get the other side to go to his or her destination. This world needs to stop trying to make car's smarter than humans because humans have natural instincts to tell them when and when not to do something unlike driverless car's.\n\nDriverless car's will never be smarter than human instincts, so there is no need to try and make car's smarter becuase all that is going to happen is the driverless car's will get banned and not trusted to be on the roads.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are numerous amounts of risks and rewards that come with the study of Venus, and it is difficult to know whether the good outweighs the bad. The author attemtps to support the study of Venus by including facts and the possiblilty of scientific discoveries. I believe, however, that the author failed to be pursuasive in his support on the subject, due to his lack of supporting evidence and his stating lf the many risks of studying Venus.\n\nThe authors most critical mistake in the article was the use of too many facts that caused more concern for risks, and not enough rewards that would come with the study of Venus. He states the conditions of Venus, temperature, atmospheric pressure, its carbon dioxide plagued atmosphere, along with many other negative qualities of the planet. The article even states the failed spaceship landings on the planer. To the reader, stating these facts is credible, but too many of these negative qualities fail to entise the reader into thinking that the study of the planet is a good thing.\n\nThe author also fails to persuade the reader when dicussing the positive impacts that this study could entail. Too many of the topics the author writes about are hypotheticals and provide, at times, little factual evidence. These hypotheticals and the small proportion of facts used are also mixed together with risks amd negative outlooks as well. Very little is said to make one think that the study of Venus is vital or logical.\n\nThe author used little positive facts about the study of Venus, and talked of too many risks of this pursuit. He did not effectively pursuade me to believe that studying Venus is a worthy aspiration; rather, his facts and evidemce ,ade the exploration seem illogical. In order to support this cause to the bedt of his ability, the author must use more facts instead of mainly hypothetical situations, and use less negative facts about the study.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Electoral College is a easy, yet hard way of a candidate becoming\u00a0the President of the United States. The Electoral college was created by how ever many majority of the electoral votes will become the new president. This brings many issues within the U.S. . The popularity vote does not matter in a situation like this and is not likely relied on to decide who the president will be. The Electoral College is not right, it's\u00a0unfair, and is very controversial. The argument though is that with\u00a0the Electoral College the votes which are dominant have a better chance of the two nominees not having the same amount of votes rather than if it was relied on by the popularity votes. This still though does not resolve nor question that the Electoral College needs to be replaced.\n\nInitially, the Electoral College is not right at all. The electoral votes in the U.S. combined throughout all the states equals 538\u00a0votes. Popularity votes which are votes that have an advantage of the election are more than tens of thousands if not more. This is an example on how the Electoral College works. An example of this is in the source by \"Reasons to keep our despised method of chooosing the President\" it states, \" Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had only 42 percent of the popularity vote but won through the electoral votes because they had bigger states voting for them making them win that election\". This shows how the Electoral College is not right and should reverse the value of electoral and popularity voting(Poshner, 22).\n\nAdditionally, the Electoral College voting\u00a0is very unfair because many sources giving have shown to people that many candidates\u00a0have had less popularity vote but have won through the majority of the electoral votes. This is unfair because popularity votes mean popularity votes which are votes that are of the majority of all votes. Unfortunately, the popularity votes do not count. As said in the source \"The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong\" it states, \" if you wanted to vote for John Kerry and you lived in Texas the vote would go to 34 Democratic electors that pledged to Kerry\". This is why popularity vote should be the deciding factor of who becomes the next President. If every election would be based on popularity vote the candidate won each of those elections would probably all change due to the fact that so many elections have won based on electoral vote(Plumer,10).\n\nTo end with, the Electoral College is so controversial. Out of more than two hundred\u00a0years of elections many have been close and many have been a mile away from each other. The electoral vote decides it all though. The main problem with this process is how it is set-up. The electoral vote is dominent over the popular vote, but it shouldnt be. The electoral vote has made bad decisions yet good decisions throughout the hundreds of years its been around and the main reasin for electoral votes are to keep the candidates running not have\u00a0the same number of votes so that they won't have to have another election and voting cast. \"It is also really controversial since the voting also might rely on the political party that the candidate is running for\", as \u00a0stated by \"What is the Electoral College\". This Electoral College seems to go by how big the state is, the bigger the state the\u00a0more electoral\u00a0votes that state has; the smaller the state the less electoral votes that that state has(Federal Register, 5).\n\nIn conclusion, the Electoral College is unaccurate, lazy, unreasonable, yet successful. This process by many sources of evidence have concluded that there are in fact many holes\u00a0in this system. Yet some sources have proved\u00a0how the Electoral College has helped decide the outcomes and have stopped run-off elections. The Electoral College is unfair, not right and controversial and has also proved that it has pros to all these cons as well.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe sister planet to Earth, and occansionally the planet closest to humans in general, Venus. Most planetary scienist have all thought about what it would take to send a human up into outer space and set for on one of the roughest terrains in all of the solar system. The author of, \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\", knows that though exploring the dangerous planet is astronomical to think about, more people should start learning that it's a worthy pursuit. The author thinks it's worthy, because Venus is very similar to Earth is many different ways, it's the planet closes to us, the rough conditions are just small roadblocks in the eyes of an infinite space, and he also says that if people can't make it to a planet so close to Earth there's no hope to explore any of the other planets. The author supports his idea well, because of how many alternative solutions he has to the problems he's faced with.\n\nFirstly, he starts out with the statement that Earth and Venus are some of the two most similar planets. They're similar because of the shape and size, which line up nearly perfectly with Earth's. The density is close together, and it has similar face and structural features, like moutains and revenes. The artical states that, \"Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.\" The similarity between these two neighboring planets makes it all the more worthwhile to see when NASA finally reveals what is there.\n\nSecondly the author says that, though the conditions are more difficult than anything they've ever experienced before, scientists are making new and improved machinery every day. So far, no shuttle has been able to stay on the planet for too long, but the sooner there's advancements made towards putting more things on Venus, the better off they will be. The newer technology tends to be more fragile with it's highly advanced computer parts, ut if the new doesn' work there's always a chance to go back to the old. Matic computers would work better in harsh conditions than a MacBook Pro, which requires charging and optimal temperatures. The article says that, \"...simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos on Venus's surface and have lasted three weeks in such conditions. Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers.\" Bringing back or creating new ideas is the key to getting near, or on, the destructive planet without losing lives or money.\n\nFinally, the author takes into thorough consideration that the temperatures and brutal lack of livable substance on the planet, but he realizes that it's more important that we find a way to observe and explore it. If science can't find a way to make it to Venus, the close, neighboring, sister planet, it may be impossible for them to make it to any other place in the galaxy. Rough terrain in everywhere in the solar system, and it can go from one extreme to another and scientist need to know how to navigate that.\n\nIn conclusion, the author of the passage, \"the Challenge of Exploring Venus\", supports his idea to do whatever it takes to explore the planet Venus well. He has many different points on what would work best, and how to do it in the most efficient way possible. From the simple similarities of Earth and Venus, to the core reason everyone should want to space travel in the first place. He supports his claims well, because of the good solutions he has to the issues that arise.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe reason I, the scientist think and know that the face is just a natural landform is because, we have pictures of Mars and the \"face\" picture.\n\nThe first reason why my claim is true is because firstly, there is NO proof of life being on Mars of all the years it has existed and there could possibly be no life on that planet because there is NO way that there could be life on Mars, because of its condition. Mars is NOT fit for humans to live on or any other natural organism. I'm not just saying a that a human could live on the planet but, you wouldn't even last 5 seconds on Mars. In fact, Mars has volcanoes. Maybe its just a lava dome? Who knows? But what we do know is that there could possibly be no sign of any human or other organisms on planet Mars. On April 5, 1998, when the Mars Global Surveryor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Oribiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a pictures ten times sharper than the original Viking photo. And justin that picture, there was no proof of any supernatural life (alien) life or human monument on Mars.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe using of cars has caused much of the worlds green house gas imitions, in America as much as 50% of the imitions are caused souly by transportation. Many people feel that this is destroying our atmosphere and that we should cut down on imitions by walking, biking or car pooling. Efforts to cut down keep our atmosphere clean and breathable. Some communities such as Vauban, Germany have illiminated car use entirely.\n\nVauban is a new experimental suburb where there is no street parking or driveways and the only place to park is in a garage where you must buy a space for 40,000 which has cut the car ownership rate down to only about 30%. There are as many as 5,500 residents in Vauban and most of them say they like it much better without having to worry about a car. In many suburbs however the houses are much to far apart for them to be car-free, though many areas are considering developments like this one so they can clean up the air.\n\nOther cities, such as Paris, are fourced to ban driving for days at a time in order to clear the thick smog that hovers above the city. On one day odd numbered plates won't be allowed to drive and on the next day even, volaters are fined $31. As many as 4,000 drivers are fined. Only once the smog was sufficently cleared did they allow both plate types to drive. Limiting driving can prevent problems like this from occuring in all cities.\n\nIn Colombia they have a day where all cars are banned, chalanging the inhabitance to find alternate routs of travel for fear of the $25 fine for violators. The day without cars began in the mid-1990's for Bogota, a city with a population of 7 million, has participated, but last year two other cities in Colombia joined in. Dispite the rainy weather many people still hiked or rode their bikes. Many citizens say that it keeps the cities air clear and that its nice to have a day without traffic jams filling the streets. The Day without cars is an event that many countries hope to adopt.\n\nStudies show that many people from the newest generation aren't bothering to get a licence. Cell phones and apps make car pooling easy and the internet allows you to interact with friends without having to drive to visit them. Experts are hoping this trend will continue and that it will cut down the gas imitions. With increased use of social networking technology hopefully people will also become more aware of how they are affecting their planet and move to help others cut down as well.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTechnology today is becoming more and more advance throughout the centuries. Scientists are developing new equipment and methods to improve the daily lives of humans. However are these new technological advancements really effecively improve the lives of humans? There is no dought that technology has improved the work and efficiancy of humans; howeve ther ae some tasks that can never replace a human and heir ability to understand each other. A new technology called the Facial Action Coding System has been developed to enale computers to identify human emotions. Scientis want to put the technology into use in the classroom in order more efficiantly econgize the emotions o students and better help them in the classroom. This may sound like a good idea on paper however, using this technology to read students' emotional expressions is a bad idea because no computer can understand the empotions of an human better than a human and everyone is different and unique.\n\nHuman emotion is a complex pocedure and the emotional expression alone cannot identify the true feelings of a human. Only the understanding and sypmathy of a fellow human can read and understand a human's emotion outside the expression itself. As the author continues to describe the echnoloy behind the Facial Action Coding System he begins to explain an everyday occurance where human are able to identiy their fello man's facial expreesion. The author continues to say that even though humans are able to efficianltly know and uderstand the emotion of other humans they are less likely to decibe said emotion. This passage claims that although humans are able to identify the emotions of other umans they are not as effeciant and calculated that computer technlogy. Humans more than anything have a gift to understand each other with the slightest expression. If a student is strggling an compuer may miss not understand the degree of destress the student is in. Computers are unable to show the same amount to sympathy and unerstanding of a human. If a student is struggling it is more effective for ehe instructure o hlp the sdnt.\n\nEvery facial expression does not mean the same thing for everybody. Every man is diffeent and a comtuter should not lable a person's emotion through facal expressions alone. The author decribes the technology behind the Facial Action Coding System and its knowleg of muscle tructure to identify emotional expressions. In the passage Dr. Huang, one o the developers of the Facial Action Coding System said \" the facial expressions for each emotion is universal...even though individuals often show varing degrees of expression\" (D'Alto 4). This quote implis that every human is capable of showing the same facial expression to express to describe the same emotion, saying it is \"universal\". Althout to a certain extaint human emotional expressions are widely identified as very simular, there is no definate expression to a definate emotions. Computes requre calculate and measunments to succesfully idenify a human's emotion. It is very easy to convincly fake an emotional expression and facial expreeions don't always corospond with it's respectd emotion. Everone expresses themselves in a different way and not everythig is definate.\n\nIn conclusion using technology to read students' emotional expressions is a bad idea because no computer can understand the empotions of an human better than a human and everyone is different and unique.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy argument is in favor of changing the election by popular vote for the president of the U.S.A. This is because the Electoral College is unfair. The citizens are voting for the candidate's electors. The Electoral College is a process which consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is needed to elect the president. The presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday of November. You help choose your state's electors when you vote for president. After the presidential election, your governor prepares a Certificate of Ascertainment. Which lists all of the candidates who ran for president in your state along with the names of the electors. This is sent to Congress and the National Archives as part of the official records of the presidetial election.\n\nRichard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, agreed on abolishing the electoral college. They are not alone. According to a Gallup poll in 2000, over 60% of voters would prefer a direct election.\n\nUnder the electoral collegen system, voters vote for the slate of elctors, who in turn elect the president. Sometimes the voters vote for the wrong candidate. The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. The biggest election crisis was in 2000.\n\nSo, it is official that the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The Electoral College depends more on the big states than on the small states.\n\nMy argument is in favor of abolishing the electoral college, because it is not fair that we vote for someone else and not the president.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that limiting car usage is great for the environment. There are a lot of benifits that come from it. If we use car less then greenhouse gas emissons will decrease and thus cleaning the air of smog. Some of the benefits that limiting car use is that: 1. it decreases poisonous smog, 2. lots of cities in the world are doing it, 3. and last but not least it could promote other ways of travel. Its about time that the world start changing some harmful habits.\n\nTo start of, Reducing car use is very effective when trying to get rid of smog. In some cities such as Paris, smog is a big pollution there. In Paris they even went head to head with Beijing,China which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of this globally known city. by enforcing this, some days cars with even numbered license plate could drive. The next day odd numbered cars could drive. If you were caught then you were fined. so by paris doing this congestion was down a whopping 60% in Paris after just 5 days.\n\nThis would cut down greenhouse effects tremendously. So far reducing car use sounds pretty good.\n\nFurthermore Paris isnt the only place in the world to do this. Bogota,Colombia in a program that's set to spread to other countries, miliions of Colombians either hiked, bike, skated, or took a bus to commute around the countriy to their destination. This is known as a car free day. This car-free day left the streets of the capitol void and empty of rush hour traffic. Even the U.S. goverment is considering the international event that is also helping the environment at the same time.\n\nAnother thing to reduce greenhouse gas is if people would find a more alternative way of transportation. City buses could count as an alternative,because think if a bus could seat 30 people. Think if all 30 people had their own car, then the emisson amout would substantialy increase 30 vehicles rather than 1 vehicle . Other ways of transpotation are things such as bikes, skates/skateboard, or just walking. none of those alternatives release any type of emissions.\n\nIn a way not using cars sounds great in many ways,but there are those people out there that rely on the usage of cars to transport themselves such as anyone with physical handicaps. Maybe this is the start of something new but what happens to this earth is all on us so it what we dicide to do with it rather we wont it to last or we can just let it go and lose the one planet we have left.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBeing able to read a students emotinal expressions with technology isn't valuable. Like most classes, lessons aren't done on a computer so whenit is time to use the computer what will the emotion recognition be for. Aslo spending\n\na lot of money on something that can't help with leaning can be the cause of many prolems. The money that would be used on the new technology, could be better use in other parts of the classroom or certain clubs.\n\nHaving to us a computer just to tell if someone is happy or sad, is a waste of time when you can tell with your own eyes, \"...we humans perform this same impressive \"calculation\" every day\" (D'Alto). Even though the software uses technology to calculate every muscle in the face and give a detailed response to that persons evey emotion, one facial emotion can tell a lot about a persons day or just they way they act. Many people throughout the day show one emotion to hide the other because it brings tension to the ones that care about that person. \"...carefully reproduce smiling and frownign as a way of creating the emotions on stage\"(D'Alto), this is an example of how facial expressions are used just to put on a scene.\n\nWaisting time and money on 3D printers and computer software is useless when your main software is your own eyes. Schools always complain about they never have money for sports,clubs, and materials for classrooms, but alwys have time to update thier technology. Being able to tell how a person really feels is a cool way to learn more about them, but one emotion can be figured ut by that one persons facial expressiosn.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars would truly be an immense change in the daily lives of every driver in the world. A future where getting a license is no longer heard of and taking driving tests would just be a part of history would be the effect of these cars. Imagine how current parents and grandparents say how they grew up without televisions or cell phones, later on they will be saying how they had to drive their own car, and it will be mind blowing to everyone's future children.\n\nMy personal opionion on driverless cars is against them. I don't see how it is necessary for all cars to be re-done and have so much work put in to the idea of driverless cars, when we could just simply drive them ourselves. I don't see the importance of it. I believe to have a license and be capable of driving is a grand achievement. Every child looks forward to the day they can pass, first their permit test, and then later on, their driver's test. What happens when the driverless car stops working and is only able to drive with an actual driver? The skill of driving is very important, and it would be a shame to see that skill no longer necessary to learn in the future.\n\nI can think of many more downfalls to the driverless car than positives. Not to mention, the amount of problems that can come about with these vehicles. If the car suddenly goes out of control or the car has to pull in a driveway? The driver will need to take over. I don't see a high possibility of these cars becoming available considering the innumerable amount of mishaps that happen when driving.\n\nThe article mentioned that automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved, but how can they be positive? Things can easily go wrong with this make, and to me, the effect isn't worth the risk. Car crashes are very harmful things mentally and physically to a human being and who's to say driverless cars will stop them?\n\nIn conclusion, i can't picture driverless cars being the official cars of the future. In order for them to have their full use, everyone would have to have a driverless car. Expenses, weariness of the model, and people who aren't willing to give their driving ability up wil be the ones to put a stop to driverless cars. I think some may own a driverless car, but there will never be a time when driverless cars are the only cars being used.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face on Mars is a natural landform because it as made by the events that are happening around the plant. Alien could not do have not done this because they would have been on the picture to.On the article 8 it said\"The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April '98-a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet\", maybe it had somthing to do with the cloudys that where in the sky. Maybe it was the Planet it self that created the Face on the Mars because of the heat. Like our planet it have different larys like the cruse, mantle, outer core, and the inner core. Like other planet it must of have lava to because it was created like our planet. It is more likly that it was created by heat and cooling, Article 12\"That's a lava dome that takes the from of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.\"", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author is clearly for this new technology that reads and evaluates all the different mixed emotions a person has. After reading the passage I personally think it's invasive and unessiscary.\n\nThis program monitors people to find out exactly what they're feeling. In one scenario it says it would help students on an online schooling course. If the computer thought they were at some point confused about what was going on in the lesson, the program would help and change it to make it easier. While this is useful to the student, I think the computer could easily be fooled by someone coniving that might have just wanted an easy pass. If that would be the case, then the program is basically useless because no one's truely learning anything.\n\nAnother reason this is a bad idea is that it could make it a lot easier for hackers or identity theives to act and ruin people's lives. In paragraph six it says, \"if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different.\" The program goes that deep to watch you for something as simple as your ads that it's honestly terrifing. A hacker could find a way to monitor you the same way. Technology has made it so easy for people to get their identities stolen and this new technology might just make it easier.\n\nIn addition to being potentially dangerous, its also virtually useless. It says in the passage, \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication, so computers need to understand that, too.\u201d The first part of the quote is true, however, theres no reasoning for the second part. It really just leaves you hanging, it would help their case more if they gave a solid answer as to why computers need to know, otherwise it's simply an opinion. It gives examples of why its useful, but its for gaming and entertainment purposes, which is nothing that would dramatically improve human life.\n\nIn addition to that, the program is invasive. People generally use the internet for research, students especially. The ads are already annoying and in the way, theres no reason for them to be custom to how the person feels. Plus not everyone wants to be put in the spotlight and exposed like that, how they feel is their personal buisness, their life and opinion on certain situations.\n\nRegardless on how anyone, myself included, feels about this new technology, its probably going to happen in the future. Our generation has only ever known technology, and if anyone at all likes it then the producer is going to give it. It's a fight between morals and greed, and I doubt the attitude of this generation is going to change.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you heard of the Seagoing Cowboys Program? Well, It is a program that you will be able to take care of mules, young cows, and horses that were shipped over seas. You should join because it is helping Europe and Asia take care of animals and supplies.\n\nOne reason to join is that you help animals travel from one place to another. You will be helping European and Asian countries recover their animals, food supplies, and more. You will visit many countries helping them recover and saving animal's lives as well. And I was happy with what I was doing.\n\nAs I said in the first paragraph you will travel to many places. You will able to have some free time when you are at a country because I got to travel to Crete and see an excavated castle and also marveled at the Panama Canal. It was fun to travel all over the world to help people.\n\nOn this trip I learned my way around a few countries and how it feels to help people just because you want to. You might get hurt along the way but at least you are doing what is right. By doing this I was drafted into the military when I turned 18 and when they learned that I was on a cattle-boat trip, they told me to just keep doing that for my service. So as I did I saw how much distruction wars could do. By that I became aware of what people need.\n\nTo sum up my thoughts, I think you should join The Seagoing Cowboys Program because you are helping animals and people, you visit many places, and you learn things along the way. And I have exprience of getting hurt during these trips but that should not stop you from helping your world go through horrifying events. So, in future reference I advice you to do what is right no matter what.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nStudying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Not all of studying Venus is dangerous and risky. There are good things and bad. Have you ever heard really disturbing things or pleasing things about Venus?\n\nThere are dangerous parts while studying Venus, such as the temperature being 800 degrees on there and the atmoshperic pressure it 90 times greater than what we experience. Which means, its a very dangerous planet and extremely hot. Having a planet that is that hot, nothing can survive being on it.\n\nEven though Mercury is the closest to the Sun, its still not the hottest. The spacecrafts that has been sent up to has not survived or landed. In more than three decades, there has not been one that has landed. People consider it to be a challenging planet due to spacecrafts not being able to touchdown.\n\nWhile studying Venus, there's not all dangerous parts, there are good.\n\nVenus has been known to be the most Earth-like plant. Venus once was covered with large oceans and couldve supported forms of life, but how the wheather is not, its unlikely. Scientists are really eager to study Venus. Despite whatever the risks are, they are willing to take them just to get up close Venus and understand the planet. NASA has recently been looking for other ways to approach it. Some electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested and has lasted three weeks in on Venus's surface. Mechanical computers that played a role during World War ll. They are extremely powerful, flexible and quick but most importantly, it has been more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions.\n\nStudying Venus has value and people who take the time to study good and bad things about it are true scientists.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting car usage might be a thought most of us wont even think about. But thats not the case. Countrys from all over the world are partaking in this new way. The reason why people are doing this is to clean the polluted air we breath in\n\nA growing project that europe introduced is suburbs without cars. In Europe\u00a0 a town in Germany constructed this experimental suburb project . For little to no cars in the community. This place is home to 5,500 residents and there are practically no cars, the main source of transportation is a tram. You are allowed to own aa car but its an extra $50,000 a year. In America they are not close to carring out this idea. But in the last year the number of license are going down and the number of cars being sold and hiw much we are driving. This concludes that we are taking i consideration how much emissions we are putting into the air.\n\nIn FRance, Paris enforced a partial ban on driving to clear smog of the city.\n\nOn monday motorists with even numbered plates were ordered to leave cars at home. The same would apply for the odd numbered plated the following day. Public transportation was free from friday to moday. These ideas helped clear the air of pollutants. But it took a long time because of hoiw much pollution was in the air due to France favoring diesels over gasoline.\n\nAnother way people are cleaning the air and limiting car usage is a car free day. In Bogota, Columbia\u00a0 the gial of this is to promote alternative transportattion and reduce smog. Bogota is a large city homed to 7 million citzens. This idea of a day without cars was started in Bogots in the 1990's, because of this parks and sports centers have booms and many miles of bike trails have been constructed for the recreational; use but also to urge people to not use cars and clean the air.\n\nThese ideas have been expressed to reduce the usage of cars. Using cars less will have a huge effect on the ozone and how much pollutant is in the air.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. The artice is saying that the new techonology can determine ones emotions due to their face muscles. This new techonology being able to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because it could let a teacher or someone know that something is wrong and could help them. Also, it is valuable because like the article said if the student seems confused or unintrested the computer could modify the lesson. Another reason why it is valuable is because it could help with classes that you're taking.\n\nLetting the teacher know that something is wrong with the student can be a great help because they could give the student recources to comfort the or even just try to talk to them and see if they need further help. If a student is not feeling well it could impact their school work and potentionally hurt their grades. With this new technology it can possibly prevent the student emotions hurt their school work and grades. With that being said this technology can help improve students in a classroom.\n\nAs I stated in my introduction i said that this new technology can help the students learn better. The way this software works is that the computer that the student is using in the classroom wil can have complex algorithms to determine the students feelings. Now if the student is showing a confusion facial expression it could modify the lesson as if the teacher was to do so. if the computr determines that the student is confued or bored and it modifys the lesson it could help the student by actually teaching/ presenting something that is going to be able to teach them more effectively.\n\nThis new software can help som student with the classes their taking. It could help with art, drama, music, speech class. The way it could help with art is that being able to determine emotions can benefit how the artist protrays what they are making by knowing what feautures dtermine a persons emotions. for drama clas it can benefits also by helping with facial expressions on stage or when ever they are preforming. In the article it states that a \"renowned drama coach, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage.\"\n\nKeeping in mind that some student would not want their emotional expressions being read due to their privacy. But if some student were to agree on being read if could potentionally help them academically and emotionally.\n\nIn conclusion, the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. This new techonology being able to read can help because it could let a teacher or someone know that something is wrong and could help them. Also, it can help the student if they seem confused or unintrested the computer could modify the lesson. Another reason why it is valuable is because it could help with classes that you're taking. With that being said it can be very valuable in a students classroom to help benefit them in many ways.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy can be very hard, but it can also be super fun I enjoyed being a Seagoing Cowboy, and there are lots of reasons why. I think it is a great idea to participate in this program. Here are a few reasons why I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.\n\nOne of the best parts of participating in this program is visiting lots of new places. I was a small town boy and it was very interesting to get to go to all of these places. One of the places I went was Venice, Italy. I also got the opportunity to go to Greece and see the Acropolis.\n\nAnother great part of participating in the program is that you can make lots of new friends. On the return trips I played lots of games with the other cowboys. This helped me make lots of friends. Some of the games we played were baseball, volleyball, and table-tennis.\n\nA very important part on participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program was helping countries that needed help. Lots of countries were tring to recover from World War 2. It was very rewarding to know that this is helping lots of people. It is also good to know that you are the ones helping and you know that these countries are getting what they need.\n\nI think it is a very good idea to join the Seagoing Cowboys program. It is rewarding, fun, and takes you places you would never think you could go to. Joining this program is a very great thing to do.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless Cars Are Not Good!\n\nDriverless cars means a car that does not need a human to control of the car. Driverless cars are not safe because you can't tell if something bad can happen to it or not. If it's safe, why aren't there any in the public. Even the producers of the cars are not 100% sure of the condition. The car can't deal with big problems like; dealing with complicated traffic issues. It is better to use the now days cars than the driverless. It would cost a lot more than the cars that we use now.\n\nThe driverless cars are not trustworthy. What if you fell asleep while they car can't deal with the traffic issues? The cars are not use yet where the people like us can see it. What if the car doesn't hit the brake when you're about to crash? Some people are more confortable when they drive.\n\nIt may be the double price of the cars that we're using right now. It is better to have Honda or Toyota than the driverless car because you have the control of the car. It is important to have control of the car because you might want to change your location when you're driving. You save more money. You can feel more better if have control. If you're on driverless car; I am sure that you would feel scared.\n\nSome people feel more confortable when they drive because they don't trust the driver. Technology is high but is it high enough to drive but it's self? If you're really sleepy and the driverless car is in the situation of traffic issues; what you it do? You might as well just crash. If you drive the normal cars it is safer and better. It is safer because you have control of it. If you're too sleepy, you can take a nap first.\n\nFinally, driverless cars are cars that is not controlable. You don't know if its safe or not. There is no benefits; it's just that it is better because it uses less fuel than the amount we're using right now. Drive normal cars are better because it cost less. If you have control of the car; you feel more confidence.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit is because in the passage, he explains on how log he has been studying it and at the beginning called it an \"Evening Star\" because it one of the brightest points of light, giving more specific examples on why its more worthy and how important it is to study it immediately to know what else that it might do.\n\nAnother valuble reason that it is important for them to study and examine Venus even more is that Venus is the closest planet near Earth. But, also knowing that both Earth and Venus have travelled around the sun at various different speeds. In the passage, it says \" These differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times Venus. Because Venus is sometimes right around the corner- in space terms- humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world.\" This is showing on how hard that they have worked on study on venus to know more on its whereabouts and how dangerous it can be sometimes.\n\nIn my conclusion, this is all shows all why people of Earth want to study Venus so badly and knowing on how dangerous it can really be on studying the planet. For example, on the planet, that it has a very, thick atmosphere which is almost 97% carbon dioxide on it, having highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere, and the temperature being at 800 degrees fahrenheit. This giving out a reason on why it is dangerous to enter Venus, but still wanting a chance to explore the planet.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI personally think that we should work to achieve the goal of driverless cars. If we were to have driverless cars, there would be far less traffic accidents. There would be no reason to need to get a speeding ticket and it would save the mojourity of people a significate amount of money. Like it said in the passage it would half the fuel needed. I agree with their argument accept for the fact that the passage stated that it should be only puplic transportation.\n\nThe fact that google has a car that is opperated by a computer most of the time shows that we are well on our way to achiving the goal of driverless vehicals. Even though there are times that you have to drive yourself, it is very close.\n\nThe problem with having autonomous vehicals is that they would not have the same capibalities as a person. The are times that ther are paths or roads are not able to be driven except by a person. If the road is badly damaged, you can't drive normally or you will have the risk of damaging your car and needing alot of money to repair it.\n\nIn conclusion, I think that we should further advance towards the goal of driverless vehicals but keep the availabillty to give the driver a choice if they want to drive themselves.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents very well. He used many ideas to support his claim including what others think, facts, and his own thoughts.\n\nThe text states \"while Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely (p1),\" pointing out the challenge of exploring Venus. The author also states \"humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us (p2),\" telling us how dangerous Venus is. He also states \"a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals. Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface (p3),\" pointing out the dangerous gases, pressure, temperature, and natural disasters of Venus.\n\n\"If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface (p4)?\" The author states \"often referred to as Earth's \"twin,\" Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too (p2),\" meaning that Venus would be the fastest planet to travel to. He also said \"astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system (p4),\" meaning it could truly be a future habitat for the living - and may have been inhabited once. The author also said \"long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters (p4),\" suggesting that Venus may have truly been Earth's \"twin.\" He also mentioned that NASA has a compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus in a blimp-like structure (p5), which could work. The text stated \"striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation (p8),\" suggesting that finding a way to safely allow humans to travel to Venus will not only help us learn more about the most dangerous planet, but also will lead us to more exciting and intimidating endeavors. Not only that, but traveling to Venus will make us no longer be limited by dangers and doubts, allowing us to expand our minds.\n\nTo sum everything up, the author did well with supporting his idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. He mentioned many dangers that Venus has. He also mentioned possible solutions to the problems Venus throws at us and reasons why Venus is worth studying, using facts and thoughts as support for his claim.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nShould we keep our method of choosing the president? If so there's 3 reasons for why we should: we would have certainty of an outcome, states will have equal voting rights, and we would avoid run-off elections. Those are just a few good reasons for why we should keep our method for choosing a president the same.\n\nThe certainty of an outcome will always be there in the Electoral College. Even when a canidate receives more votes than other candidates while not receiving a clear majority of votes.\u00a0 There could always be a dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote but that wouldn't mean that there couldn't be an outcome. Even though there's a very rare chance of there being a tie in the outcome since theres 538 votes there would still be an outcome.\n\nEven though the bigger states should have more voting rights than the smaller states it's equal for a couple reasons. They all get Electoral votes, but the large states get more attention then the smaler states because they have more electoral votes then the smaler states do. It also restores the political balance upon states.\n\nWe could also avoid run-off elections by keeping the same method. If you win the majority in Electoral votes then there's pressure for run-off elections when no canidate wins a majority of the votes cast. That's why we have our nation to vote for the president, because they effect the matter alot just by putting in one vote.\n\nThose are just a few reasons for why we should keep the same method for choosing the president it's by the outcome and the votes. The reason for why we let our nation choose is because we like for them to be involved with who controls them in every wich way. That's just a few reasons for why we choose the president the method for the method that we use.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you think that having a driverless car is honestly for safety reasons or just for famous and to just be able to say, \" oh look my car can drive itself!\" ?\n\nIn this artical the author talks about how it can be safer, how it will save money on gas millage and some other things. In my opion i think this is a horrible idea and im going to tell you why by just pulling facts from this artical. For my first reason why i dont think this is a good idea is because in the artical it states, \" the cars will need a whole lot of sensors.\" Ok, that to me sounds horrible because, what if one sensor goes bad and the driver has no idea and it becomes to late to find out and next thing you know BAAAMMM theres an accident that happens. My second reason why i think this isnt a good idea is, they clam that the cars will have, \"antilock brakes\" and what happens when the brakes dont become \"antilock\" anymore? A wreck and even death happens. My third areguement is this. They state that there waiting on the \"Law\", i believe that the law is thinking correctly on why their not sure whether to let this be okay or to not let this be okay. In the Artical is states, \" new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident.\" If i was driving a car like this and i hit someone and killed them or just got in a plan wreck , i would blame the manufacture. Ony because when someone buys these driverless cars they are told a bunch of things and as a driver i would expect to belive that this car will do all of those things. So, whether new laws were passed if these things would to become legal, i would still put up a fight for that it would also have to be the manufactures' fault also. That right there is my third reasoning on why i dont think this is a good idea.\n\nThese are all my three reasons from the artical on why i dont think that driverless cars will be a good impact in the world today, or ever.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat would you do if you were driving down the road and saw a car driving with no one in the driver's seat? You probably freak out is my guess, but it's true. Car companies are making driverless cars. It's cool and a bit scary. Look at it this way: the cars aren't fully capable of driving themselves, the drivers need to be aware of what's happening, and the vehicles could malfunction and cause something bad to happen. Driverless cars shouldn't be allowed on the roads.\n\nDriverless cars aren't so driverless. The cars still need help when in some situations. The article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" introduces the topic to us by telling us about Google's cars. It says, \"Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash, but so far, Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents.\"\n\nSince the cars still need aid on the roads, the driver has to be aware. Most people are already distracted while driving, whether it be other passengers, their cell phones, or even food. Imagine if they got a car that could do what they're to distracted to do. They wouldn't pay attention to the roads anymore than they alrerady do. In the article, it tells us that the car really does need the help. \"This necessitates the car being ready to quickly get the driver's attention whenever a problem occurs.\" Enough car accidents already happen because of people not paying attention. Why cause more?\n\nAlso, along with the car needing human aid, the vehicles could malfunction on their own. Thousands of cars get called back because of a problem within the engine that was not caught while making the car or other problems that could be a risk to the people within the car or on the road also. This type of problem causes car accidents all of the time. Why would we multiply the problems for driverless cars? In \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\", the author makes a point to the audience. \"Still even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault---the driver or the manufacturer?\"\n\nTo wrap things up, we shouldn't be allowed to have driverless cars on the road. The cars can't function by themselves. In that result, drivers need to pay attention to what is going on around them. Lastly, the vehicles could malfunction. Should driverless cars be allowed on the roads at all?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe way that the author had wrote this is with facts that he has gained and compairing Venus to Earth and the type of environment it has and had.\n\nStarting off the author had explained what is important to know about Venus in paragraph two. When the author explanins the atmosphere of the planet and the degrees it can reach there. As well as how harsh the environment can be with the earthquakes, heat, high pressure, volcanos and frequent lightning. This supports \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" because the author wants the readers to understand how hard it can be to explore somewhere like Venus. Then in paragraph four the author was explaing yes Venus has rocky sediment and once was covered in large water. It was a long time ago and probably isn't safe there anymore. The author continues on into paragraph five, explaining that it is a bad idea for NASA to send people to Venus with the harsh conditions. The author continues on in that save paragraph understandind that the air pressure is not safe nor the level of heat that Venus can reach. On the other hand in paragraph seven the author talks about how NASA is finding alternative wasy to exlpore Venus. Such as, having a drone orbit the plant for observation, some simplified electrons made of silicon carbide, and mechanical computers.\n\nIn conclusion the author supported the paragraph with the amount of evidence they had provided and as well as the way they grabbed their reader atteniom. They were writing for someone who had an idea of knowing more about venus and that is what they did.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriving around could be fun espicaly when your young bu thva eyou ever thought about how much easier life could be without a car? There could be many advantages by limiting car usage, for example you'll save lots of money; easier to get around and you can get around faster; lastly its alot safer. Sure driving around could be fun but dont forget to think about the advanges of saying goodbye to that car.\n\nTo begin, buying a car can be very expensive with the car payments and the down payment and espically the gas money. Buying a bike compared to buying a car is way less expensive. You pay a couple hundred for a bike and you have it for as long as you want because its yours but when u buy a car you pay thousands of dollars for it and it only last a couple years. Gas money these days is insane. Paying $4 for a gallon of gas when ou have a 20 gallon tank can get very very expensive so why waste the money, buy a bike or even just walk and youll never have to pay for gas again. Some people dont really like the idea of bikin everywhere but thats not the only option. Walking, scootering, rollerskating, skateboarding and biking are all other options instead of taking a car. If ou wanna be smart and save money then i suggest getting rid of that car and getting yourself a bike!\n\nSecondly, safety can be a big issue espically with how people drive now a days. There are more teenagers on the road and more drunk drivers too! Not all people who get behind the wheel can be trusted driving next to you. Some people may think that just because they have their license means they can have a couple a drinks and are still able to get behind the wheel and drive safely. Thousands of people every year die from car accidents, if you dont wanna be one of those people then get rid of your car and be safe.\n\nLastly, sitting at a stop light for 5 minutes can feel like your sitting there forever. That problem has an easy soultion though, GET RID OF YOUR CAR! Getting rid of your car means no more stop lights or stop signs or people cutting you off and making you wait for them. Im sur you think that a car is the fastest way to get around but it really isnt. biking or walking or running or anyway besides a car is another fast way to gt around. ou might not be able to walk as fast as a car can drive but when walking you dont have to wait for a stop light to turn green you can just keep walking plus its good excersise.\n\nTo conclude , driving always seems like the easiest choice but is it the safest, least expensive, or the fastest? No, no its not. Bike riding, walking, roller skating, skate boarding, even riding a scooter, and running are all alternative ways for you to get aorund without using our car. Save money, be safe and get there faster by getting rid of your car!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn my opinion i think that it is useless. I mean, why would someone want to know how you feel in class? I know your friends will probably want to know but they can just ask instead of pulling out their computer and scanning your face and doing all this research. It's an interesting thing but at the same time it's kinda useless. In paragraph 8 it states that an expert knows when your facial expression is lying.\n\nIt states that \" these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a \"smiling\" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful.\" To be honest, i couldn't care less if a celebrity or anyone else is fake smiling at me. How will this device benefit you is the real question. In paragraph 5 it states that \" most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc. \" but in paragraph 7 it explains to you if you look into a mirror and do it step by step how to look happy, it will make you look happy. It even states \" does your expression in the mirror suggest an emotion? Can your lab partner recognize which one? In fact, these are the instruction for a face that looks happy.\"\n\nIf they invented a whole app to tell them how you're feeling and didn't know how to explain how someone is feeling, they wouldn't have explained perfectly a person who is happy, even step by step. They device could be helpful just like the lie detecting test the polices use. But if you ask me, it's useless. In the 6th paragraph it states that The Mona Lisa is intended to bring a smile to your face, if you smile around anyone, they will smile, smiling is contagious then you'll know how they're feeling instead of wasting a lot of money on an expensive device.\n\nIn conclusion, if you want to wate your money on something useless, you can. To me, it would be smarter to invent something more useful instead of worrying about how someone else feels or how your entire class feels but at the same time the people who invented that are getting paid and that's all that matters.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many positive and negative outcomes that could come from the driverless cars. I believe driverless cars shouldn't be created for public use because they'd be a waste of money and energy. They'd be a waste of money because they aren't really needed to help society progress. They would also be a waste of energy because people are wasting time trying to prefect them when we don't really need them. Driverless cars would also take alot of resouces,like metals and cables, that could be used on more important things that we could actually benefit from. Some car manufacturers could cause more harm to people rather than helping them because they're not fully prefecting the cars and it causes more damage than neccessary. I also believe we shouldn't have driverless cars because people will spend too much time on these cars and changing the driving laws that even if they may think the car will know what to do at every moment if an accident occurs they still won't know who to hold responsible if someone is injured.\n\nIf the cars were released to the public then the time it'd take to change the laws would give time for the cars to malfunction even more. They'd also waste time and money trying to make the roads compatable with the cars by using electric wiring instead of the basic roads we use now. Finally I think we shouldn't have these cars because even if they do perfect them then safety will only be provided 90 precent of the time making the chances of an accident higher and they would cause more navagational problems.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI trully believe driverless cars have the potental to be great and do great things,but on the other hand I don't think driverless cars are worth someones life.\n\nFirst off there are already many flaws that could eventually lead to destruction or even worse death.Many semi-driverless cars now require drivers to be ready to take over in difficult situations like:navigating through accidents and work zones.What if the car demands the driver and the driver is unable to react fast enough?This could result in loss of control,and could even result in an accident;and anyone with a valid driver liscence knows that a crash in a work zone could end with death.\n\nBut even if they did fix these flaws,how would you get people to trust being driven by someone they cant even talk to,or talk back,or even see.Peorsonally I can only trust computers to wash my cloths,or tell me when my food is done.\n\nHow would the government see driverless cars?Would they be seen as a safer way to travel,or killer robots at heart.What if one malfunctiond and killed a person or people.In fact in most states it is illegal to even test computer-driven cars.Let allone drve you to work every morning.According to most traffic laws the only safe car has a human driver in controll at all times.\n\nAre you really ready to put your life,or someone elses life on the line for overated technology.So why fight what we allready have.When our best technology is the one we use every day,the one that God gave us, our brain.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever heard of or saw the \"Face on mars\"? In 1976 NASA's Viking 1 spacescraft was circling the planet and taking pictures ,as usual, when it noticed what seemed to be a human face. When the photos were released many people were impressed while others believed that the \"face\" is evidence of life on mars. Scientists believe that this is just a natural landform. If this was evidence of life on Mars it would have been a great benefit to NASA.\n\nWhen NASA unvieled the photos of the \"face\" on Mars critics believed that this was proof of life on Mars and that NASA would want to hide this information.\n\nDefenders claimed that this theory was invalid because life of Mars would benefit NASA, so why would they try to hide it? To further their claim that the \"face\" didn't prove life on Mars NASA decied to take more HD pictures of the landform.\n\nIn 1998, NASA took picture of the face that were easier to see and 10x sharper than the originals. After these pictures were relased people still weren't satisfied and said that alien markings could've been hidden by the wispy clouds. Mission cotrollers said \"It's not easy to target Cydonia\"... \"In fact,\n\nIt's hard work\". In spite of all the complications on April 8, 2001, there was a cloudess day in Cydonia and the team was able to get very clear, defined pictures. The pictures showed that the Martian was like a butte or mesa, like the landforms around the American West. \"It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,\" said Garvin.\n\nDespite what the critics tried to argue, there was no way that the \"face on Mars\" proved life there. With more clear photos of the \"face\" and reasons to justify that NASA had no benefit for hiding life on Mars, scientists proved that the \"Face on Mars\" was just a natural landform that had a shadowy likness of a human face.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt is a tough disition ,but i would have to side with No. The first main problem is that almost all states say it's illigal to use them, so good luck traveling. Another issue is that the cars don't travel that fast, so long distance drives could double or even triple the time it would take to get there, vs you driving. If the car somehow crash who would be to blame? That can be another issue, if it came to legal resons who would be to blame? Another key reason is Drivers will be less aleart due to them well . . . not driving, creating an issue if the car needed a driver and they wern't prepard because they were sleeping, on the phone, or ect. Even if the drivers were paying attention the driver would still have to drive making it not a self driving car.\n\nSelf driving cars still have a long way to go ,but it is intresting to see how they are now and how they can improve. Mabey I'd switch my mind even in the near future ,but for now, i'll stay with my own driving skills.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nUsing the Facial Action Coding Sytem is a great idea to have in a classroom. When a teacher is teaching sometimes kids don't understand what they are teaching about, but if they have an asasignment on the computer and they use the system it will help a lot of teachers out. If the student gets confused on a problem and the computer can read that they are confused and it notifys the teacher the teacher can go over and help the student.\n\nIn the classroom there are some students who don't like speaking out or ask questions because they are shy or don't feel smart because they have to ask questions but in this way they won't have to deal with any of that because the computer reads that they are having trouble. In the article it says that Dr. Huang could read how Mona Lisa was feeling just by a computer telling him. This system could also be a way to teach kids how to read how people are really feeling because in today's world no one can fully read how people are feeling.\n\nIn paragraph 6 Dr. Huang says \" most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication, so computers need to understand that too\" computers should understand that so they can read how people are feeling to make things easier. The computers in todays society hare very good technology but i think this would make it better. In most schools nowadays the students already have lap tops so this would be a great idea.\n\nAll schools should have this system. This system will help out students dramaticly. This system wont make them get out of there comfort zone to ask a teacher for help instead the teacher will come to them.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wanted a self driving car where you could sit back and relax well Google cofounder Sergey Brin has envisioned a future public transportation system. This new transportation system will use half the fuel of today's taxis, you will not need to takeover as much, and manufacturers hope to bring in a in-car entertainment and information system.\n\nMy position on driverless cars are they give you more time to do other things while on the road. They give you free time to relax and clear your mind when you may not at home. This would also be a huge jump and improvement in today's technology.\n\nThe new transportation system will only use half the fuel of today's taxis. In the article \"Driving Cars Are Coming\", they state \"offer far more flexibility than a bus.\" They believe such cars will fundamentally change the world. You will just get in the driverless car and set your destination and sit back and relax and do whatever makes you occupied.\n\nIn the driverless car you will not have to take over as much as a driver. \"They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents.\" The car alerts the driver with a vibrating sensor on the seat, and consideration of flashing lights on the windshield to alert you.\n\nThe manufacturers also think by \"bringing in-car entertainment and information system\" will interpret the fun driving in a new way. These displays would be in a head-up display so hey may be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over.\n\nNew cars that are driverless have only been a concept because \"There was no way, before 2000, to make something interesting.\" The new driverless transportation system will include only using half the fuel of today's taxis, only needing to take over when situations occur, and will have a entertainment and information system.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is believed to have been an Earth-like planet at one point in history. Astronomers assume that Venus once had large oceans and other forms of life. They think this because Venus stilll has features such as rocky valleys, mountains, and craters. Venus is a very hot planet and will be very diffucult to explore, but this author suggest we do it anyways despite the dangers for various reasons.\n\nOne of many, The author states that exploring venus will lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. He says, \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limted by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\" Another way the author encourages exploring Venus is by mentioning NASA's mission that would allow scientist to hover around the surface of Venus in a blimp-like vehicle. Lastly, the author describes the mission as dangerous but is still encouraging it by metioning that while on the blimp-like vehicle, it'd still be 170 degrees and the pressure would still be intense, which isnt very suitable, but still safe enough for our species.\n\nAll in all, it seems as though the author believes that this great challenge would be a big accomplishment for us. in paragraph 2 he says, \"Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite it's proximity to us.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Seagoing Cowboys is the best thing I have ever done. You get to go to many places like China, or Greece, or maybe even Italy. These places are the best places even though they look like small countries on the map they are really huge places in person. But enough about what I did when I was a Seagoing Cowboy. I'm trying to get you to join. Sure it may be hard work but you can still have fun and visit different countires. Maybe you and your friend can both become a Seagoing Cowboy. Alot of people can join maybe a dozen people can join and the people you don't know you can become friends with them. If you become a Segoing Cowboy I bet anybody no matter the gender can be a great Seagoing Cowboy. You should join I set the new record for visiting nine different countries and I want to see if you can beat that. You might just might be able to learn to speak a different language and you can test your friends to see which language you are speaking. In plus you get to hang out with animals like horses, or cows, or mules. You also get to work for UNRRA which is a great federation. But you have to have a college degree to become a Seagoing Cowboy or you can never join. Make sure to get good grades in highschool as well that way the UNRRA knows that your right for the job. If you become a Seagoing Cowboy than you would be able to explore the world go to the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and many more. The reason I'm trying to get you to join is because their is alot of people that died in the war. You can help people in the war by becoming a Seagoing Cowboy that way you are the best person in the world and you can have a good mind and say \"I helped people in the war and I'm proud.\" Join the Seagoing Cowboys I know it might sound like a ridicoulus name but if it helps people than be proud of being a... Seagoing Cowboy! Help other people and make good in the world. But you dont have to become a Seagoing Cowboy you can do many other jobs to help people in the war. But I'm just saying becoming a Seagoing Cowboy is the best job I've had.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWill driverless cars benifit us in the future?\n\nI do believe that if google works on these cars to keep improving them in the near future over the next ten to twenty years they will benifit us as the years go on. In fact did you know that google has had cars drive independently under certain conditions since 2009. That's incredable, and to say that they use twice as less gas than the cars use today is even more incredable, because of the fact that the people in the United States or even in other places in the world could save on gas. They are still dangours, but they will improve over the years. We have a big future coming with selfdriving cars over the next ten to twenty years.\n\nOne of the most intresting things i read out of this whole passage was that on top of the cars that are selfdriving there is a spinning senor that creates 3-D models of the cars surroundings. That is called the Dubbed LIDAR, and it is used for detecting cars and objects that is around it to prevent crashes. That can either go one of two ways. I believe that if something happens to the computer that is running the car to keep it or make it drive indepently if something happens the car will end up wrecking or the car turns itself off. It could also have nothing happen to it and google makes a car flawless that can drive on its own. Considering we can save on gas and if these cars can drive by itself and without any glitches in the system and nothing happens who doesn't want that.\n\nIf these cars are even assisting with brakes or turns instead of taking full control that would be cool to. It could be rather dangours if these cars had full control of the vehicle. I'd prefer if a car only assisted me on turns and brakes and if it did have full control i'd want there to be a setting in the car that determines that. In these cars the computer can detect the laws and speed limit which is pretty cool if i do say so myself. Since the computer detects the laws if a law changes i'd want someone to be able to change that in the computer to keep those people in the cars safe at akk times.\n\nLaws are always a concern for people with plan cars that aren't self driving and nobody wants to break the law unless the are 100% crazy. Imagine if someone was in a driverless car and the car just took off at speeds over 100MPH. Would the person in the car be charged for that or the company that produces the car if it was the cars or computers fault? Realistically the cops would have to investagate it, but i'd charge the company that makes the car. Before they send a car on the market do lots of test so that never happens, but if it does make sure the cops investagate what actually happened. These cars are very sketch and if something bad happens the company needs to be aware ,because anything can happen eith driverless cars.\n\nThese cars will benifit us later in the next ten to twenty years. If the manufacters sent these cars out and put them on the market who knows what will happen. The companies that are currently working on these cars need to keep working on them, and need to not send them out for sale yet. We can save on gas, but its not worth risking peoples lifes over driverless cars that are not 100% complete yet. We need to wait until we in the United States have the money or technology to finish this project. Google works hard on these veryday and week to keep improving them, and they need to relize these issues and get them solved. I also read they had people testing these cars and there was only like 1000 of them out there for testing which is how it should be so we aren't risking thousands of peoples lifes all over the world. Hopefully we can see these cars in the next ten to twenty years in the United sates and even if posiable to see them in other countries.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOur world is becoming more and more automatic. Everyday things that people use to take an hour to do can now be done by a machine without any labor involved. This can make things easier and seemingly better, until something goes wrong. These ways of doing things automatically have hidden problems that are not good about them, much like the driverless car. Driverless cars are not a good thing because of the extra cost, the complicated maininence, and the possible safety hazards.\n\nCars cost a whole lot as it is, but driverless cars will cost a whole lot more. The radar on the top of these driverless cars cost 200 million dollars to devolope, as stated in the article. That is just more money added to the cost of these cars. That is not even counted the many more electronic softwear that has to go in these cars in order for them to drive themselves. As many people know, electronics are expensive these days, and adding a whole bunch more to these driverless cars will make the price skyrocket, which is why I am opposed to them.\n\nWhen people are driving their own car correctly and how they should, they can see everything around them, and if something were to go wrong, they can manuever however they want to in order to avoid the problem at hand or stop it as soon as possible. Also, there are so many things to take into acount when driving. Such as the sudden moves of people or animals or other cars, and a person can also adapt their driving in certain weather conditions, which was not mentioned about the driverless car in the article. If there was no way that someone could avoid an accident and they had to drive into a ditch in order to get out of harms way, there would not be alot of damage done. These crazy but possible events are the reason that driverless cars are less safe, because would a driverless car be able to do the same thing at a moments notice? It could beep and turn it over to the driver, but the driver is unprepared and unaware of what is happening, because they got so bored since they were not driving that they have not been paying attention. There are so many factors and scenarios that have to be considered when talking about driverless cars, and I think the possible danger of them outweighs the benfits.\n\nLike mentioned in the first paragraph, the cost of the extra electronic parts of these cars is more than enough to dislike them, but now emagine if one of these parts were to go out, now your self driving car cannot function properly. Fixing electronic problems are very expensive, as sensors for various vehicles today can cost over one thousand dollars. And we are dealing with more complicated technology than just a single sensor. These electronical problems are the most complicated to fix, and that means that they cost a whole lot more to fix than a normal, easy mechanical problem like a spark plug. That is why these driverless cars are a bad thing, because of the expensive maintenence.\n\nWhy can't people just sit back and enjoy the ride and the pleasure of driving? If taught correctly, this is the safest bet. The cost of electronics for a self driving car are very expensive, and a human driver that is aware of his surroundings and how those surroundings react when driving is far more safe that a self driving car. The maintenence of the expensive electronics will be a mechanics demise when one of these magic cars come rolling in the shop. Which is why I am against self driving cars because of the extra expence, the risk in safety, and the cost of maintenece.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars would be very good, in my opinion because there are a lot of people who are unable to drive, handy-capped, etc.\n\nOne reason that driverless cars would be good is because like I said before there are people who are disabled that would need this. But professionals need to make sure that it works properly before using. They need to make sure that even computer-controlled cars are safe, before being used, or they will have to pay, because it is their fault if someone gets injured.\n\nAnother reason I would think this is a good idea is because just in case something happens inside the car they are suggesting that they put cameras inside. That is a very good idea, there could be a lot of things happening in just one car, to be honest. It says in Paragraph 7 in the last sentence, that \"While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver.\" That is a very good statment and I really think that they should put in cameras, if they actually do start using driverless cars.\n\nBut one thing they need to keep as a principle is being safe. They need to put up a good system that protects anything or anybody from trying to hack the cameras and look at people. There are crazy people who do that for some reason.\n\nDriverless cars is a good idea, almost everybody could need this or would find this very interesting and it would also help in driving even to just basic places.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nProfessors Thomas Huang and Nicu Sebe collaborated to develop a unique method of determining human emotions using computer algorithms. After a process of 3-D modelling and calculations of muscle movements, emotion of a face can be determined with the help of Da Vinci's depiction of the human anatomy used in the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) algorithms. However, the main picture at hand is whether or not this highly sophisticated program is necessary at all in the real world, especially in a school classroom. The enabling of computers to be able to identify human emotion can in fact be used in classrooms and can be of great benefit to the student and other people in the area.\n\nFirstly, according to Dr. Huang, when a classroom computer recognizes by their facial expression that a student may not be very interested in the lesson or seems utterly confused, the computer can modify its lesson and perhaps recommend the student other lessons that may be more beneficial. This in turn can give the student the luxury of exiting their state of confusion and begin to understand lessons and topics that was not well introduced by the teacher. Additionally, this could impact the student's grade and boost it greatly, all with the help of some complex algorithms.\n\nIn addition to the aforementioned about lesson modification, computers can also detect your emotion and influence different types of ads that can pop up on the screen. For example, if the computer recognizes a student has a happy face for a particular ad, a more similar ad can pop up to keep your emotion. However, if the computer recognizes that the student's emotion is sad, the next ad will be different (potentially more optomistic) in order to influence a different emotion to the student.\n\nThirdly, just making facial expressions to the computer, whether it be real or fake, can have multiple influences to other people in the area. Constantin Stanislavsky, a drama coach, had his actors smile and frown in a certain way to create emotion on the stage and for the audience. In relation to the FACS, when a student is for instance \"testing\" their emotions on the computer screen, a person may look up and notice his classmate frowning at the screen and in turn have a similar effect on them. Just by making simple facial expressions can effect another person and influence their emotional status too.\n\nIn conclusion, the input of emotion-recognizing computers throughout a school can have a multitude of effects on a student and the people around him/her. These include having a very own built-in instructor in the computer which can guide the student through course lessons not effectively explained by their teacher, advertisements shown on the web that can change itself based on recognition of certain facial expressions, and all-in-all influence the emotional status of people around the student. The input of the FACS program can have a positive impact on personal relations with other people and can even help give a grade booster!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that it is not an alien face because in the text it states \" There was no alien monument after all.\". They used an digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size, and because the text states that \"What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or measa landforms common around the American West.\"\n\nThe first reason why I say that it was not an alien head is because It was just a natural landform. That is because when the had the chance to take the picture they did and when it first appeared on a JPL web site showing that it wsa an natural landform, that it was nothing that you could now but not tell no one. Some people thought that it was still a alien head but had no proof abut it they had proof that it was an landform.\n\nAnother reason why I thnk it is an alien head is because they had digtial image 3 times bigger than te pixel size so if something was there they could see what it was, it was best Viking photo ever so they could not have said nothing. You could see almost anything out that picture even something small you could see it so there wa no way that it was an alien face.\n\nLast reason why is becase when they got a look it was actually a \"butte or mesa\u0097landforms common around the American West nd it's as common to see around there. I was very hard work in order to do that anyway so if they were wrong why would they waste so much time doing this anyway. When they came back everyone was waiting and when they got the picture it was just an landform and they had so much proof about it to.\n\nIn conclusion everyone has there opinion and they believe what they want and sometimes people had proof about that they think is going on and that some people don't they just think that it looks like something that it is always going to be what you think it is. You have to have evidence to back up your thoughts or no one will believe you.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs our world continues to develop into a more technology dependable world we are always looking for a way for make life easier and simply. During our time on planet Earth we have created amazing inventions such as the phone, car, plane, and other marvelous projects that better our world. Now in our current generation we are looking for ways to improve what past generations inventions and make life easier for future generations. One way people are looking to improve past generation's inventions is through creating driverless cars. Even though driverless cars seem like a great idea they will bring a negative impact towards the world through increasing the number of deaths and injuries, and creating conflict between manufactures and drivers.\n\nWhen a human is driving a car they know their surroundings and they're able to make a quick decision in small ammount of time. If driverless cars were to be released into our society they would be covered with sensors and cameras all over the car. When you get into a driverless car you are putting your life in the hands of a piece of technology that is capable of malfunctioning and killing you. Already in 3 states and Washington D.C. it is illegal to test computer-driven cars. Those states are taking precautionary measures to make sure that people safe and avoid unecessary death. These driverless cars could increase the number of deaths and injuries significantly causing an uproar in the society where huge riots and protests could outbreak. Even though buses, taxis, and other forms of public transportation are hurting the Earth significantly,people are safe.\n\nIf driverless cars were to become popular amongst our society all the car companies would try and develop the best and safest driverless car possible. However, those car companies already get our money when we buy regular cars that sometimes have malfunctions that lead to death. These deaths could spark a huge disagreement on whether to blame the driver or manufacturer. In my opinion I would blame the manufacturer because they are the ones that made a \"driverless car\" key word driverless meaning there no driver required. In order for driverless cars to be safe they have to win the trust of the people and if driveless cars cause a ton of deaths and injuries people will have no faith in driverless cars.\n\nOverall our world has developed into a world that needs technology in order to function. Previous generations were able to create inventions that we still use today such as phones, and cars, but driverless cars are not the next step in our technology based world because they will cause way more negatives than positives.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars. What are they? They are the future altohugh no one knows that 100% I believe that they are becasue as my generation and as the next generation grows sure we are all verry smart but we dont use our potential anymore at all. For example this is one of the esiest test and yet some people still fail it. How I do not know the answer to that. Anyways my point is that we are lazy really lazy and we want people/ AI's to do our jobs and objectives for us so we dont have to put in any work. Has it always been this way? sometimes I ask myself this question and no it hasent. I have whitnessed many things in my lifetime and I have done a lot in my lifetime. Personaly the google car is great I have seen them and many poeple I know have tested them, But what have we learned about evolution its good and bad well just think of the whole Jurasic Park story the pople want more they get more and then they somehow mess it up. There are many people who belive it is good and then there are the ones who think it is bad I personaly think it is a step in the wrong way, becasue it makes us worse as a human race. Sure not everyone would be able to afford one but eventualy they will and we will al be like the movie Walle have you seen that movie its messed up a bunch of overweight people in a space ship probably becasue they had self driving cars lets be real. All jokes aside we could and it is verry likely to end up like that. Not just from self driving cars but also from thinks that will come after that maybe next we will have self flying planes and that would put me ou tof my job of being a pilot. Just think of how many kids dreams are being crushed that want to be drivers for people they can't do that anymore because all the cars will be driving themselvse. Yea think about all the little kids dreams you are crushing. Also what would happen to insurance on cars if you mess up now is it your fault or the cars fault and then in turn the manufactures fault. This was what paragraph nine was about. This would crush our economy, sure people would be buying the car-> Great for the company-> Not great for jobs. maybe you could tell those insurance companies and drivers \"Hey since we took your job and messed up your whole life lets put you in a factory where you can build more cars like the ones that ohh wait rememer those the ones that TOOK YOUR JOB\" yea happy ending right? People would get payed a lot less and if google was the only one who released it then that is called a monopaly yes you thinking like the game yea you know where you try to buy out basicaly the whole economy just for one thing and you better hope you dont land on the go to jail spot becasue if you do your SOL (well im sure you know what that means). i hope i made someone laugh not its not the best essay but you have gottent this far and i hope you laughed at least a little. \"Ohh but wait theres more for only $4.99 you could own your verry own self driving car and (wait for it) and free airfreshener\" well thats dandy lets buy one i got to get that google airfreshener it probably smells amazing. No it doesnt you know why because it doesnt exist. probably does honestly. So there are two ways you can go about this the world can get stupider and stupider with this evolution and the people in the world its like a circus not good at all but then AI would control the world ohh thats fine lets just you know give our nukes to computer and hope that it doesnt get mad at us and blow us up. see then the AI would hold the most power in the world the president would be like one atom in sometihng that has 100,000,000 atoms thats like a fly on a winsheild its powerless. You know you shouldnt kill flys on winsheilds you know why? hmm ill tell you later you just have to keep reading. this is probably a pain for you to read. But this is very well what could happen in not my lifetime nor yours becasue your obviosuly older than me whoever is grading this paper. Im guessing about a few generations that self driving cars will be the norm maybe my lifetime probably not thought hmm I dont know.\n\nOhh yes that was just my introduction are you read for the next two paragraphs that you have to read. Well first guess what this one is also wabout self driving cars but it is about there saftey (with more jokes). Why does the car cross the road??? ... To get to the other side I know pretty good I came up with that one myself. Ohh wait they die thats what happends when you kill flys on the winsheild the fly dies after it cries and tries to synthisize. you know as a human you can control that, but as a car that is opperated by an AI it wouldnt know if you kiled the fly or not it could just turn on the wippers and gone that fly is. Also the person is at risk if the car messes up and your not paying attention then waht happens you could get hurt really badly and whoes fault is it then how do you prove in court that the car crashed not you or what if the car wanted to crash becasue it didnt like you and you treated it poorly. Also whay happens if you are speeding and then the cop pulls you over and says sir do you know how fast you were going and you so no my car was driving itself sorry sir. Then is it your fault or the cars.\n\nIn the end it all boils down to a few things you know after it evaporates. you have you and your car and its your choice in the end.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSo you think that the face was created by aliens? Well I have some news for you, it wasn't created by aliens its just a nautral landform.\n\nYou and many other people may want to believe that there was life on mars years ago and it hasn't been discovered yet, if there was ever any life on Mars we would've find many more clues by now. If anyone has read this article then they would know that it is just a landform and there is and never was any sight of life on Mars. In this article it says \" Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument afrter all.\" not only does the article say that but we say it also as a part of NASA I do a lot of studying and I came to find out that there was never any type of life on Mars. All the talk about aliens is uncalled for, we would have found more eveidence and even different types of clues if there was life on Mars. For the ones out there who say \"NASA would rather hide\" isn't true at all we want to let the people know whats going on, we want to keep them updated. But when theres nothing up there and we have half the country thinking there is thats a problem, which we have to let down easily. Yes the face is located in a coudy part but that doesn't mean we are wrong. \"But not everyone was satisfied. The face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north and martian latitude where it was winter in April '98-- a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet.\" So just because it was winter and hard to see you people are telling me that we are wrong? That we are lying? Nope, not true. Even with the pictures from summer... Its just a landform, anything could have created it just like here on earth. So theres no need for everyone to get all shook up and angry with NASA because they wanna believe that there is actually life on Mars.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere has been a lot of debate circling wether or not the infamous \"Face on Mars\" is an actual alien made structure of a face or just a natural landform. In my professional opinion its safe for me to assume it is just a natural landform.\n\nAlthough it resembled a face in the first picture it doesn't necesarrily mean it was created by life forms to look like a face. The only features you can make out on the so-called \"Face\" are deep holes for eyes, a pointed part for the nose, and a line for the mouth. It doesn't have any distinct features. If if was made my martians they most likely wouldn't want a monument of a human's face so what is it supposed to be? I'll you what it is butte or mesa, a natural landform that is common on Earth.\n\nAnother reason you know it isn't a face is the camera quality of the first image. The camera quality in 1976 wasn't as advanved as today's technology is. The pictures in both 1998 and 2001 were both much more clear than the original photograph. Although you can make out somewhat of a face it doesn't mean thats what it was. It could have just been a blurry picture.\n\nConspriacy theorists say it actually was aliens and they made the face but NASA would greatly benefit from finding actual life on Mars. If NASA found legitimate alien lifeforms it could benefit the whole world. If they were non-hostile they could teach us how to make and use their technology. We could learn a lot from them, like why the landforms on their planet resemble faces. NASA has been trying to find alien life for years, if they found it they woudln't deny them and say they don't exist.\n\nThere are a lot of people that think it has to be a face. And the pictures are from 25 years apart, so anything could have happened to the landform in that long. Natural wear and tear could have washed across the surface of it and rendered it a natural landform. In all seriousness they could be right but it would take a lot more than 25 years to ruin solid rock.\n\nThe \"Face on Mars\" had a good 25 year run. It was mostly scaring people and giving conspiracy theorists ammunition to shoot at the government to try to get us to admit there is other life out there, but its time to face reality. It is not a face. It really is a landform. If there was life on Mars you could see it with the cameras we have today, but sadly, no such luck. It's not a face on Mars, we just have imaginations that run wild with wonder.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhy is venus worth pursuiting. Well venus is worth putsuiting because you would be able to gain ifotmation like samples of rocks, samples of gases or anything else. venus used to have water like earth, and scientists would like to know what happen to all the water. venus used to be able to support life, but now it can't. venus still has some features of earth, like the rocky sediment that includes valleys, mountains,and craters.\n\nWhy is venus so dangers to have human explor it. Well venus tempture is 800 dregees, It 97% covered in carbon dioxide. The atomosphere pressure is 90 time greater than earth and the clouds on venus are highly corrsive sulfric acid.\n\nWhy is venus worth putsuiting well if NASA could find a way for hunman to explor it then we could find out new thing about space. like why is it so hot on venus. then have been spacecraft sent to venus but no human was on it for good reason. The space craft didn't last more than a few hours after landing.\n\nThey have some ways to explore venus but all of them have failed but venus is worth pursit if they can find away to get it. they will find away because human curiosty will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endavors.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nElectoral college is a dictator, boss, or lottery! It's unfair. It is the duty and privledge of the people to select our government leader. We should choose based on our point of view. The second source conveys effective points to consider, such as, directly voting for the president and the disaster factor. It also informs us that, even though unlikely, there is possibility of a tie.\n\nDirectly voting for a president is an issue addressed in both source 2 and 3. They agree that technically, we're not really voting for a president. The second source tells us that when we vote, it is actually sent to the state elector, and it is they (electors) who vote for the president. Over 60 percent of voters would prefer voting directly over our system now. Even though source 3 gives us reasons to keep the electoral college, it will support us when we say we aren't actually voting for the president directly.\n\nSource 2 gives us the \"single best argument\" against the elector college as what it refers to as the disaster factor. It uses the fiasco of 2000, the biggest election crisis in a century, as an example of why we are so lucky. The state legislatures were technically responsible for picking elctors and they didn't always have to listen or acknowledge the people's opinion/vote. It takes us further back by giving an example of segregationists back in 1960 where John F. Kennedy almost lost the popular vote of Louisiana when their legislature replaced Democratic electors with new ones that opposed him (Kennedy). What source 2 calls \"faithless\" electors, electors who dont believe that their candidate will win; hence faithless, have occasionly voted in favor of their choice, disregarding the decision of the people.\n\nThe third source gives us five reasons in favor of the electoral college method. Even though we don't directly vote, the party chooses the elctors and trust that they will select the voted nominee, and it ensures us that the trust is almost never decieved. Disputes over the outcome because of an Electoral College Vote is possible, but not as likely as the popular vote. The next reason given informs us that a region doesnt have enough electoral votes to win the election for the president they favor. \"Swing States\" is another reason. It refers to states that can be persuaded and aren't neccesarily entitled to a particular candidate, so they will really pay attention to what the cadidates have to say, their campaign. \"Big states\" is the fourth reason and is focused on population advatages. Meaning, a state with smaller population will have just as much impact on the election as one with a larger population, its equal. It is not neccessarily a good thing when the last reason says \"The Electoral College avoids the problem of elctions in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast\". Wouldn't that raise the risk of a tie? Though, it is extremely unlikely that a single vote may decide the president and voters in these elections want to express their opinion and prefernece.\n\nI am in favor of abolishment of the unfair, old-fashioned, and irrational electoral college method. Plus, reasons to keep this system arent as strong and factual as the reasons to abolish it.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHey Luke here, in your childhood have ever wanted to be a cowboy or wanted to sail the seven seas?\n\nWell why not be both with our Seagoing Cowboys program. I did it and it chaged my life forever.\n\nYou can enjoy being the best of both worlds while helping others.\n\nIt may be dangerous, but so is everything else. People need us, but we need you to help us.\n\nYou may wonder why should I help people I don't know? here are some of the things I saw and did that you will be able to do too.\n\nYou can see many parts of the world like China or Europe.\n\nAlso you may see Acropolis in greece or take a gondola ride in Venice.\n\nMaybe even Italy with sreets of water, or Creete with its Panama Canal.\n\nAlso if you are 18 or older this counts as military service, and when it comes down to it it's more safe to deliver suplies on a boat than be in the battle lines of war.\n\nPlus You are helping people around the world by delivering important suplies like horses, young cows, and mules. Though you will have to feed alot of horses you'll be ok. I fed 335 horses and I was ok.\n\nIn concusion that is why you should be a seagoing cowboy. You will see parts of the world you never seen before, you'll be serving your country, and you will help people around the world. Join and you won't regret it, I didn't and you wont ether I promise. We need more Seagoing Cowboys for our program.\n\nThis is Luke Bomberger saying will you be the man or woman to anwser our call?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Electoral College is a process in which electors pick the president instead of the people, but is it worth keeping. No, the Electoral College is not worth keeping because it reflects the view of the electors instead of\u00a0 the people.\n\nSome people would argue that the Electoral college should be kept because it ensures the certaintity of the outcome ( source 3 paragoh 18). However this relies on a winner takes all system which makes the say of the minority voters pointless since even if they do vote then their vote is pointless. Second of all the presidents only campaign in states they are not sure of and completly ignore the states they know they will win (source 3 paragraph 19). This may be a good strategy but if we instead abolished the Electoral College then everyones vote would matter and the canditate would have to campaign in every state to ensure his victory. In all the Electoral College should be abolished becasue it takes away say of the people.\n\nNot only does the Electoral college take away the say of the people, it also has no protection against a tie of states that have an even number of electors (source 2 paragraph 11). For instance a state like hawaii that has a total of two electors if they both vote for differnt people then how are the votes decided well it already happened in 1960,but Richard Nixon who was the vice president at the time and known to be against the Electoral College decided to only aknowledge his opponents electors. That is why we should abolish the Electoral College.\n\nAllow me ask a hypothetical question what if the electors were corrupt and voted for whomever they pleased without even considring the peoples vote (source 1 paragrqaph 2). We have no system to ensure that the people vote matters but the electors does therefore electors that are picked by former canditates may be more likely to return the favor and ignore the peoples vote and vote for their canditate. There are many important figures whom are against the Electoral College such as Richard Nixon, Jimmy carter,\u00a0 and Bob Dale there are many more but thes are all politicians who see the Electoral College the same way the people do (source 2 paragraph).\n\nIn all the Electoral college should be abolished because it ignores the peoples votes. The votes that werre granted to the people by the constitution therefore the Electoral College not only doesn't care about the people, but it is also violating their constitutional rights.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI was very excited about my first trip to the West Coast (California) that I took last summer. It was a place Ive always fantazized over because of its variety of beauty from the surfing beaches to the skiing mountains to the north. When I first landed in LA, I expected some hustle and bustle of the city like Miami, but it was overwhelming to see the smog and traffic that polluted many peoples views of California, along with the air. Unfortunately, this is the case in many car intensive cities across the globe where limiting car usage would go a great deal farther than people actually know. The advantages of limiting car usage would allow for cleaner cities with less air pollution, and provide safety for pedestrians and even other car-users.\n\nAccording to source 1 on car-free cities, Elizabeth Rosenthal states \"Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in car-intensive areas of the United States\" (Rosenthal, paragraph 5). This stat only presents part of the problem as the commercial and delivery industry add to that figure as well. Limiting car usage across the world is becoming more and more porular, as people finally come to realize the devastating effects of the greenhouse gas emissions on the atmosphere. Projects in places like France, Colombia, the United States, and other countries across the globe are making a huge effort at reducing car usage, and according to source 4 by Rosenthal, they seem to be working. \" Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by\"(paragraph 29). Obviously, car usage altogether will not end, but limiting it can do a great deal in protecting the only planet sustainable for human life.\n\nFurthermore, limiting the use of cars in areas of large pedestarian population, such as New York City, would ultimately lead to less tragic car accidents. Approximately 500 car accidents occur daily in the United States and probably upwards of 5000 across the globe. Car accidents are the leading cause of death in many societies which is unfortunate because almost all are preventable. Its when the driver is given too much power behind the wheel that their guard is let down. The rise of cellphones and texting have not helped the situation at all either. The good news is that the programs used worldwide solely for the purpose of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, are also reducing car accidents. \" Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France\" (Duffer, paragraph 14). Also in source 3 describing Bogota's Car free day is spreading to other countries of Latin-America with the intention of reducing traffic and allowing safer passage for pedestrians.\n\nUltimately, the importance of limiting car-usage across the world is being seen as crucial and is starting to take off. Limiting car usage reduces air pollution which is a serious threat to humanity these days, and also diminishes car related accidents. At the end of my trip to California, I was able to see the real beauty of the nature outside the city, when I got off the highway.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAre driverless cars safe? A new invention of cars have been created which allows you to drive without necessarly driving. In many ways this is a smart and creative way of thinking. Though it does have some negative sides to it. Though in some cases I would argue for the developement of these cars.\n\nIn many cases driverless cars are more useful and environment friendly. It would use half of the fuel used today by most cars and offers more flexibility than a bus. Even though they are considered \"driverless\" they still require the same amount of attention as you would if you were actually driving. Some of these cars have been tested and can drive more than half a million miles without a crash which is higher than average vehicle which can travel less and is more likely to crash. These inventions do the samething any normal vehicle would do, they can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves. This means that it could give driver a break to relax while stil focusing on the road. The individual gives all prioritites to the car itself but when the driverless car senses that it there is something ahead or near that it cannot do by itself it will alert the driver. The car has things such as vibrating seats and flashing lights on the windshield to alert the driver.\n\nNot only does the driverless car drive by itself with the help of some human skills but it also helps with safety issues. The driverless car has a invention of sensors that are on the far which are said to \"Allow far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone.\" The built in software can cause the car to apply brakes and reduce power from the engine when it detects out-of-control skids or rollovers. Also it can allow drivers to do thinks such as text and drive without having the safety issue of recking because the driverless car is driving for them and can alert the indvidual when he or she needs to take over.\n\nAlthough the driverless cars have both positive and negative aspects about it there are far more positive things to say. It allows drivers safer than any human could possibly driver and it also also the driver to have a break while still being able to focus on the road. While the only negative concern is if you wreak. Therefore driverless cars have proven that they are a good and safe invention.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn our world today people have so many emtions they use on a daily basis. Emotions can help someone figure out if a friend is upset or how their day is going. On the other hand Dr. Thomas Huang of Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois wanted to decode all human emotions. The way that he could decode emtions is through a system called them Facial Action Coding System. Being able to read peoples emotions can help people under stand and learn what someone is feeling.\n\nDr Huang wanted a better way to read peoples emptions, instead of reading every indavidual muscle in the face. Then having to figure out the emotions of thr person on their own. Having a computer system to detect the emtions is faster snd easier to detect. Dr. Huang and his collegue Dr. Sebe are \"exsperts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate.\" The computer is built to construct a 3-D computer model of the face and all 44 muscles on the human face to detect what emotions. One reason why the system was built, was for class rooms. The system would identify the mixed emotions of the students and help solve the problems. The system would observe the students to see if they are bored, upset, confused, and more. Dr. Huang states \"Then it could modify the leason, like an effective human instructor. This system would help so much in the class rooms. Even tho the system would cost alot and would be awkward for it to watch your every face muscle. But the system would help in class rooms and to help the students with their problems and needs.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding can help generations of people in the future and their emtions. The system can help with fixing problem for students and even passient of doctors. Even tho people normally communicate through talking, alot of our communication is from the faces that humans make. The emtion system will forever change the way scientists look at peoples emotions and the way they feel emotionaly forever.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. In paragraph 3 the anthor include the dangers in Venus. The author stated the atmosphere is thick and cover 97 percent of carbon dioxide, Venus's suface temepatures is over 800 Fahrenheit, which the hottest in the solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. Even thought it's dangerous, Venus can be fascinated plant to explored.\n\nIn paragraph 4, the astronomers are fascinated by how Venus is closely ralated to Earth. They even says Venus was once a Earth like planet. Long ago Venus was probably covered with a largre oceans and may have some form of life, just like Earth. This may be a great oppituneited for Astronomers to land on to discover more about Venus. In paragraph 5, the author stated NASA is trying to find a solution to send human to study Venus. By studing the suface of Venus they will build a vehicle hovering 30 or miles above the landscape. NASA is also working on other appoaches to studying Venus.\n\nThey are doing simplified electronics made of silicon carbide, and looking back to old technology. The author give details about the old technology which gave a better understand on what they are capable of. For example, It play a big part in World War ll. The author also stated the mechanical parts in the modern time has more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces.\n\nIn conclusion, the author gave the reader a great supporting idea about Venus being a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. Even mention how dangerous Venus can be, so the reader can have the better understanding the dange it can be.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are coming to every day lives. We have to accept the fact that we as a nation are advancing in every way possible. I think the idea of having a autonomous car is mental. If the nation had \"driverless\" cars, drivers would still have to do all of the hardwork, like weaving in and out of construction. It's not safe having driverless cars on the road. The biggest question that goes through most peoples head is \"Who is going to take the blame for the wrecks?\".\n\nAs a current driver I think the worst parts about driving are dodging pot holes, getting cut off at your exit, going through heavy traffic, and lastly driving through construction. These new driverless cars are still forcing you to drive through the pot holes, traffic, and construction. The surrounding towns and roads around my town is full of pot holes and there is always something going on that requires roadworkers and tons of construction. I stil have to swurve around pot holes even if I had a smart, driverless car. I would have to still sit for an hour in traffic. I would still have to reduce my speed to twenty miles per hour to drive through construction. The autonomous car doesn't take away the worst part of driving. You still have to curse in the name of sweet mother Mary of Joseph everytime you see the orange road signs or when you see around two-hundred red brake lights.\n\n\"Driving\" around in the driverless car is not safe at all. There is always going to be that one driver that sleeps, on the way home from a long, busy day at work. There would be vibrations in the seat that are supposed to alert the driver to take control when needed. Deep-sleepers and cars are not a good combination. A freght train couldn't wake the deep-sleeper up, let alone a little vibration in their seat.\n\nThe Google car is supposed to map out the world and not make any mistakes or crash. Recently a Google car wrecked into a bus or truck. The vibrations in the seat didn't tell the driver to take control. Driverless cars are not safe.\n\nWhen a autonomous wrecks who is going to pay for the damage? The manufacturers? The driver of the driverless vehicle? It would be ridiculous if the passenger of the driverless vehicle had to pay for the damages. The company should pay for every single wreck that their abomination has caused.\n\nHaving driverless cars is a terrible idea, and we should stop trying to change the way automobiles are driven. We have bigger fih to fry like; upcoming wars, who is going into office, what do I need for dinner this week. All of those things are more important to think about than driverless cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that this technology is not vauable because you can tell the emotion on someone's face by just looking at them. \" A renowned drama coach, Constantin Stanislavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage\". These actors did not need technology to see their emotion they knew what their emotions already were. With this technology people are able to read your face and see what is wrong, why have this when you alrwady know what face your making and if other people around you know what face your making. In the story it say's \" a computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face\". Why have a machine do this when you can just simply ask what's wrong or why make that face? This machine could be millions of dollars, why spend money on that when you could already see what is wrong with that student. So no I do not think that this technology is valuable.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany people may think that the face on mars was created by aliens but, they are wrong. The face on mars is just a natural landform. In paragraph 12 it states that what the picture shows is actually the martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landform, common around the American West, this statement is basically saying that there are many landforms that can look like faces or any type of other iiregular feature.\n\nIn paragraph 7, it explains how Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team took a much better picture than the origianal Viking photo. When Michael Malin and his camera team snapped the photo it revealed a natural landform, giving proof that there was no alien moument at all. And with that being done, it gives us even better reason to believe that it is just the way the ground looks.\n\nThe last two paragraphs in the article \"Unmasking the Face on Mars\" are most likely indicating that things can look different up close and also, from a distance. As I said in paragraph 1, paragraph 12 even states that landforms like that are common around the American West Meaning, that there could be a landform anywhere that looks like an alien, a martian or even an egyptian god!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSould we take on the challenge of exploring Venus ?Venus is a difficult place to explore for a few reasons,It doesnt include the distance as it is around the corner in space terms. We have gone to mars so making to Venus isn't the hard part.The challenges start with its envirment filled with erupting valcanos ,frequent lighting storms, and powerful earthquakes .These combined features make it hard to even land their let alone get close to landing there.Venus being close to the sun isn't what makes it hot,the clouds keeping in the heat makes the temperatures average over\n\n800 degerees.\n\nAnother challenge Venus presents to humanity is it's viscious clouds that contain highly corrosive sulfuric acid.The atmospheric pressure in Venus is 90 times greater than what we experience here on earth,that presents the problem of how do we get there.Even a submarine who is acustom to going in to deepest parts of the ocean will get crushed by the pressure.Thats when NASA came up witha possible soultion to the problem,Their solution\n\nis to use a blimp-like vehicle that would hover 30 or so miles above the Venusian landsape\n\nEven thought they are above all th hostility of Venus,They are too far away to do any proper research or\n\neven see through the dense atmosphere of Venus.More importantly,Reasearchers can't do any reaserch on rocks,gas,or anything else from a distance.Without any of that they can not do a thorough examination of Venus and the vist would be in vain.Despite the challenges,researchers\n\nare working on inovations to allow our machines to last long enough.\n\nI agree that the presented challenge of exploring Venus is worthy despite it's dangers.If we get to land on Venus one day it will demonstrate that humans can explore anything they like. if we Complete this challenge human curiosity will lead us to similar endeavors.It would also show how elite our space program is and how it once again will blow our mindes.To landing on the moon to landin a rover on to mars,To one day,hopfully exploring the evening star.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe creation of these car will truly define what our generation is made of. Self-driving cars is a great idea and process, although it may have many faults, it may reduce the risk of car accidents. Driverless cars are a great advance in technology and with the perfect twists and tweaks, these cars could impact our futures majorly. Driverless cars may reduce the risk of accidents, help the driver multitask in a way, and seem very efficent in achieving the goal of changing our future. Self driving cars is a unique idea and it very well may be our future.\n\nSelf driving cars could help us reduce the number of accidents. The idea of the car assisting us is a great factor into why these cars could be useful. In paragraph 10 it says, \"Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time.\" That leaves a little room for the driver to make decisions. That means the driver is still in control. \"The only safe car has a human driver control at all times\" (paragraph 9). The car is not driving itself, it is assisting you in the fact that you are in control of what the car does or doesn't do. With the tweaking of these cars, I feel as if this would be a conveniant idea, and help reduce the causes of car accidents.\n\nTexting and driving is one of the greatest factors to the cause of motor vehicle crashes. The ability the smart car has to help the driver multitask could help if not stop the crashes caused by someone texting or paying attention to something else. \"They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves\" (paragraph 7) With the ability to do practically any driving skill with little help by the driver, this could very well give the ability of multitasking to drivers. Knowing that being able to eat or text while driving and having no troubles may help the effect texting and driving has on cars and drivers.\n\nThe self driving car seems like a consistent idea. With technology on the rise we very well could have the perfect car to fix all our problems. All of the car manufacturers are trying their hardest to do what's best for drivers. \"they needed a whole lot of sensors\" (paragraph 4). With the improvements on things like the sensors, this car could be one of the greatest accomplishments ever. \"Further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own\" (paragraph 4). This goes to show that they are taking advantage of the new opportunities they receive each and every day. This use of technology to help the car could help lead to one of the greatest improvements in our era.\n\nWith driverless cars, our whole lives could be changed. The reduction of accidents and deaths will drop with these advances. A car that can do the impossible can very well be our future. With these cars and their assistance, the sky is the limit. A very creative thought, that is not only interesting, but efficent in what it does.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of this in classrooms is unneccessary because there are a lot of classrooms, the readings would vary, and would not be 100% accurate. I would not expect for this technology to be having a use in schools.\n\nTo begin the argument, this would involve a lot of money for the computers and systems for this technology to be installed in a school. A small school, that has 30 to 40 classrooms, would need to provide a lot of money because of the amount and types of new technology needed. In paragraph 7, the article states, \"Your home PC can't handel the comoplex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile\". If this is the case, then most schools wouldn't be able to use the computers that they already have and would need to purchase newer, more expensive computers. Then the school would have to buy the equipment and hardware needed. Then it would all have to be installed.\n\nNow from student to student, their moods will vary. Some may be talking to a friend and be focused on them and not the lesson. There could also be students focused on working on another class that they may need to catch up in. Others may have home life or something else affecting them and cause innacurate readings to be recorded.\n\nThere could also be misreadings from the system itself due to a malfunction or someone moving around too much. There are so many kids that move around so that the camera might not get a good look at them. There could be a hardware issue such as a dirty lense causing it to misread or even a miscalibrated sensor. Some kids might also know that they are being recorded and purposely try to mess with the algorithms to get the computer to change the lesson.\n\nThis technology does not have a super effective role in schools because there are just too many issues that come with it. The best and easiest way for a teacher to get feedback and talk with their students about what they want in the class.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nthe way the face is a natural landform and not created by a alien. in pargraph 7 give me the information to tell me that its a natural land form.it say thousand of anxious web surfers were wating when the image first appeared on a jpl website, revealing a natural landform.there was no alien monument after all.\n\nnext another way is i know its not\n\ncreated by alien is the picture actually show is the martian equivalent of a butte or mesa landform common around the american west the man say it remind him most of the middle butte in the snake river plain of idaho says garvin. its a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same heght as the face on mars. the martin meas is a term used for to use land forms and it no prove that there is the face on mars is created by mars.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face on Mars is not fake. Some people think that a living thing created it and could be hiding out somewhere. NASA is trying to hide the enthusiasts that beleive such a thing. I recently had a converstaion with one of those enthusiasts.\n\n\"This mask is not made from aliens. This was a natural landform that created it self. There was nothing there that shows some life form lived there.\" I said.\n\n\"The thing that made it could have not been seen on your pictures.\" said the enthusiast.\n\n\"The machine we used to take the pictures, its pixels spans 1.56 meters. Once you saw them, you could zoom in on them. If there were any life forms on Mars, we would have seen it. Taking the pictures wasn't easy, You had to find the face first and then be able to take a picture. When we finally got the picture, it is more then likely that the cameras didn't mess up. Besides, what kind of thing would be able to create such a face?\"\n\n\"You never know what's out there.\"\n\n\"Yes, we do, and we have no evidence of any living creautures on that planet. Therefore, it was made naturally.\"\n\nThe guy I talked to later became a beleiver that the face was a natural landform. He also got a job at NASA and devoted his job on finding out how the face was made. I honestly believe that the face was a natural landform and that there could be many more of those \"faces\" on other planets.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe new technology , Facial Action Coding system could be one of the best idea someone could come up with. At the same time ot could be bad for some people base on how they are feeling. Reading somone's emtions could be amazing. It kind of make you feel like you can read mines and people feelings sort of like a sykit. Everything for the technology would be base off people movements, the movements in their muscles. That would be called an action unit. This type of technology can actually help people. When someone is feeling down at school the teacher can help them brightening they day up.\n\n\" The facial expressions for each emotion are universal,\" observes Dr. Huang,\" even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression\" (like not smiling as broadly).\" Basically if the computer can tell if you are feeling some type of way it would just go by the facial movement in the muscle. Sometimes can tell how a friend is feeling simply by the looks on their face. Of course, most of us would have a hard time noticing if a someone is happy, or worried. Some people don't show no emtions. \" Yet Dr. Huang observes that artists suc as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions.\" If you don't show no emotions how could someone help you if you are feeling down and you need a shoulder to lean on. You can't be sad or mad , etc. forever.\n\nJust on showing someone what the computer can do can put a smileon someones face.\" The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do.\" Imagine a computer that knows how you feeling and somebody elses feelings. If somebody is feeling down and you don't know that you can help them , like tro to make them happy so they can release the pain, sadness, or anger from their body. You don't want no one to stay mad or something because it can cause it to build up anger.\" Most human communication is nonverbal, including emtional communication,\" notes Dr. Huang.\" So computers need to understand that, too.\" You also can tell if someone is mad by they eyebrows are the way they squint they lips, can tell if you are mad or happy. Most people say if your eyebrows are frowned down you are mad.\" But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius. To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a \"smiling\" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful.\" The new technology can best one of the best ideas and change the world.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriveless cars are, in many way, pointless to the human species. This article shows both the negative and the positive side of having driverless cars, but what about the things that really matter. Having a driverless car could take a lot of time to function, people would begin to become lazy and not worry about their safety, and to top it all off, the world has bigger problems than needing a driverless car.\n\nSomewhere along the way, almost everything falls apart. Just a normal car alone was diffucult to bulid and a driverless one would be even worse. Think about it, millions and millions of dollaers would go into building one sample model, just to replace one that's already been fail in a driving test. That's a large waste of time and in most cases, if the car turns out to work, it'd cost too much and would only sale with the higher class of the world. A driverless car would be unnesscary if only a certain class of people are using it.\n\nDriverless cars would also cause a insrease in health problems. Most of the world's, Amercians mostly, have a population of majority overweight indivudals. Most of which who can't drive a car. If driverless cars were to be invented and functioning, this would bring an increase to the amount of citizens who don't drive or choose not to drive. Now, undersanding that there are some elderly who can't drive, then the car would be benfitual for them, but as for the others, that's just pure laziness.\n\nAnother thing, there are more problems in the world than having driverless cars. Wars, poverty, hunger, and unemployment are just a few. Sure there could be a few good outcomes from having a driverless car, but what would they be? The world needs more that just some machine that can drives itsself. We need someting that's going to help the environment and save people and this car isn't going to do either of those things.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLukes Point of Veiw\n\nIf you join the Cattle-boat you could have the time of your life you could see thinges you\n\nnever seen before you could go in caslies and see so much stuff I had a great time everyone is nice they all work together and have a good time.\n\nIf we get avery thing done we could play some board games. Or when we take the animals where we need to we could play baseball, volleyball, games, table-tennis tourments, fencing, boxing, reading,whittling, and games also help pass the time. You could also hang out with me more. We could see animals we never seen before.\n\nWe could go to China and go cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States whole careing animals and having a good time. We could see at night if the animals are ok and have a good time. If one of us are about to fall off the ship one of us could catch one another.\n\nSo that is why I think that we could have a good time when we are working and we could have a lot of fun. Made you will come but it is up to you.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nZroom! A driverless car drives by on the interstate clocking in at 80 mph, with astonishing remarkable skills on the road. Driverless cars are the next step into the future. I will be discussing the pros, benefits, and cons of driverless cars.\n\nDriverless cars are a great way to get from point a to b without even having to touch the wheel once. You wouldn't have to worry about your driverless car being in an accident, since the manufacturers have designed it with many sensors to enhace the efficiency and quality of your car, so it can mimic the skill of a human at the wheel. There are many benefits from driverless cars, for instance you could go on a road trip and you wouldn't have to touch the wheel once. Also with driverless cars you could get many new features like in-car-entertainment and information systems that use head-up displays so the driver doesn't get bored. Other benefits are like added cameras to the car so the driver can stay focused on the road while the car drives by itself. But with many machines,eletronics, etc. There will always be many cons. Some cons of the driverless car is when it gets into a traffic jam, the driver will have to take the wheel and drive. Another con is sensors could go bad and cause the driverless car to not peform at its potential and creating hazards to other cars or pedrestians.\n\nDriverless cars can be the next step into the future. My preview points were the pros, benefits, and cons of driverless cars. Driverless cars are the best addition to the roads with many pros and benefits. With proper improvent we can lessen human mistakes by letting a self driven car that is smarter on the road, and we can lessen car accidents and tradegies.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nStudying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because, Venus used to have bodies of water and had many different forms of life. There are other explanations like having a surface of rocky sediment and includes valleys, mountains, and craters. So they Venus might be the only other planet that can probably support life.\n\nThere are so things that can't be done. It might've supported life back then but now the average surface temperature is 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experienced. So landing on Venus is almost impossible for humans. Also Venus has the hottest surface tempature of any planet in our solar system because of all the erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and the frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface.\n\nAlthough, these conditions are pretty bad, The National Aeronatuics and Space Administration (NASA) has one compelling idea for senbding humans to study Venus. NASA possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. For example its like a jet airplane that travles at a high altitude to fly over storms. So a vehicle overing over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way.\n\nHowever, peering above the ground from a ship can only limited insight on the ground because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. More importantly, researchers can't take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close despite the risks.\n\nEventually will have the technology to reach Venus and study Venus a lot more closer than hovering over the planet. When we have that technology then more researchers can see if Venus can sustain life or not. But until then we'll have to study Venus from a far and ovserve as much information as possible.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEver wonder why we havent really been to Venus, yet? Well now here's ur answer why! In the last paragraph of this story the author says \"Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Our travles on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation\" which proves my point that the author supports the idea of leaning more about Venus. The author tells us how worthy Venus discovers will be depite all the danger the author has talked about int this story. Venus was Earth twin because Venus was the closet plant to Earth, size and in density. NASA has sent spacecraft to Venus so we could discover the mysteries of Venus but sadly the spacecarft were destroyed and thankfully they were no men in any of the spacecrafts that were destroyed. These are one of the reasons why going to Venus is dangrous. In the seven paragraph it states that \"NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Another project is looking bcak to an old technology in the 1800s\"\n\nYou can see that NASA has been busy studying ways to get an man on Venus despite all the dangers. The author supports this story really well, he/she gave us the why and why not so good job author.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEveryone knows that a teenagers emotion can change very fast .Some people know that If in a bad mood it can affect how us students do our work. I think its not a terrible idea to have facial recongition to access our emotions.\n\nFirst, I think using technology to access our emotions is a smart idea. Teachers often pick on the students who dont seem to be paying attention to what he or she is saying but what if that kid that they call on is just having a bad day? well with this technology they can tell if their students are sad or mad or even surprised .\n\nTo continue, I also see why people would argue why it is not a good idea. Maybe the technology will glitch and cause error. People also might say that the technology is reading enough of our emotions, and should include more emotions to read. Maybe it doesnt read some important ones like disgust or surprised. I would like to argue that even though it may not be able to read all of our emotions yet that they might be able to come up with ways to read more of our emotions in the future.\n\nSecondly, I think it would be a greater and easier way for teachers and classmates to come in touch with their students and be able to support them when they are in need. I also think if schools began to use them less students would be bullied because knowing everyone else can read the bullies emotions will not help the bully and he will begin to stop and realize what he is doing to himself and his peers. I think using this technology will help with bettering our world.\n\nto continue, I think people would disagree with me becsuse our world has a lot of problems with technology and should try and reduce how much technology is being used nowadays. Everyone uses technology to communicate with each other and now letting technology tell us everyones emotions can cause a lot of damage to our new world. It would take away our sempathy and empathy we have for people as we communicate with them about how they feel and using technology to tell us how someone feels is taking away the point of even talking about it because everyone already knows.\n\nLastly , I think getting this technology will help better our schools and help better our technology. Many things could go wrong with technology but with schools helping and participating giving the creator feedback on how it is working and what needs to be better about it. I think if enough schools participate in getting this technology we will come into better understanding with technology and each other. Thats why I think using technology to read emotion in school is a good idea.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus sometimes called \"Evening Star,\" Venus is the brightest point of light\n\nin the night sky. Venus is the second planet in the solar system and it is nearby Earth and Mars and they were the planetary neighbor. Humans have sent in Venus to discover\n\nthe planet Venus. Since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Numerous factor contributes to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for human to study. Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide. Even more challenging clouds of highly corrosivesulfuric acid in Venus, On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degree and the atmospheric pressure is 90. This planet Venus is a challenging place to go for the astronouts.\n\nLong ago Venus was probably covered with oceans and it could have various form of life, just like Earth.The planet has a surface of rocky sediment including familiar feature like valley, mountains and craters. The value of returning seems indisputable. The NASA has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to studu the Venus. NASA has probably a solution of how can they float above the fray. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus.Electronis made of silicon carbide have been tested in chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surface.\n\nThis is not easy conditions, but survival for humans. Sriving to meet the chllenge presented by Venus has a value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the plane itself. Humans explore and discover the Venus to share what's inside the Venus even it is challenging and it is dangerous just to share their knowledge to us.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe seagoing cowboys program is a fun program. You get to travel all over the world. You would get to see the excavating castle in Crete.\n\nIt is very fun traveling all over the world. You would be in a boat that crosses the atlantic ocean. you would go to Europe and China. The cattle boat would take you to Greece to see the Acropolis. But this whole trip is to help people. You will also go to Venice, Italy. You would also cross the panama canal,which was very fun. If you go on this trip you would start off a watchman. So every hour you would have to check up on the animals and report back to the captian. There would be a lot of hay to feed the horses. You can also play games on the ship when there is no horses. The favorite game I played was baseball. But there are lots of other games to play. their are nine trips in total.\n\nThis trip is a very fun and their is a lot of things you can do. The most impotant thing on this whole trip is helping the people. You got to take care of the animals. If you come onthis trip it will take some time to go to the other places. I really hope I convinced you to come on this fantastic trip.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear State Senator ,\n\nThe idea of a Electoral College sounds great at first. In all reality you have to look at the facts. People of the United States should choose who they want to for president. Only having a few hundered out of the billions of people doesnt really seem fair to everyone's opinion, I agree that not everyone's opinion is satisfactory to others.\n\nEach candidate running for President in a certain state has their own group of electors. These electors are chosen by the political party of those candidates running. The state laws get involved by only selecting electors by their responsiblilities. So this means not every elector is involved with the process.\n\nWe voters help choose our state's electors when we vote for President. When we vote for the person of our choice we are really choosing the electors in that candidate's political party. The \"winner-take-all\" system used in most states, gives the electors to the winning presidential candidate. this system is used in all states except Nebraska and Maine which have the variation of \"proportional repesentation.\" The number of electors chosen for your vote will representing your chosen candidate.\n\nAgain with the fact of having a Electoral College, the people are not really voting for the President, they are voting for a slate of electors. Then they in turn elect president.\n\nIf you lived in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you'd vote for 34 Democratic electors for Kerry. Off chance that those 34 electors won statewide, they would go to Congress and Kerry would in return get 34 electoral votes. These electors can be anyone not holding publice office. Electors have their own opinion rights as well.\n\nOur votes dont always control who the elctors vote for. This causes confusion and arguements that it is unfair in the Electoral College's ways that the people are not always voting for their president because they are giving a slight chance for electors to change that vote.\n\nPopular vote allows the people of the United States to choose what out of the majority is best for the United State's Presidential candidate. Unlike the rules and rights of the Electoral College, the popular vote allows the voters a absolute vote. Everyone's thoughts are put in concideration instead only 270 people out of like I said billions(and growing) population.\n\nThe facts show that popular vote in the long-run will be better for the United State's state of government than Electoral College. Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational. We should abolish the electoral college.\n\nWith Concideration,\n\nA United State's citizen", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports the study of Venus ia a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. One detail from the artical is that the atmosphere has a 97 perecnt carbon dioxide on Venus. A second detail from the passage is the planet surfaces, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmosperic perssure is 90 greater than earths.\n\nA third detail from the passage is striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value. A fourth detail from the passage is a the insight is to be gained on the planet itself but also human curiosity.\n\nA fith detail from the passage is that expanding to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\n\nA sixth detail passage is researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. A seventh detail from the passage is At thirty-plus miles above the surface temperatures would be hot at 170 gegrees Fahrenheit. Another detail from the passage is Earth, such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our ocean and would liquefy many metals.\n\nA nineth detail from the passage is solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels; Not easy conditions! but survivable for humans.\n\nA tenth detail from the passage is a ship orbiting or hovering safely above the planet can be safer. A elventh detail from the passage is Many researchers are working on innovations that allow machines to last longer. A tewelth detail from the passage is old computers will help researchers last machines longer. A thirdteenth detail from th passage is systems can use mechanical parts be more resistant to heat pressure, heat, and other forces. A fourthteenth detail from this passage is NASA is working on approaches to beat the harmful condition of Venus.\n\nA fithtenth deatil from this passage is previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. A sixthtenth detail from this passage is issue explain why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. A seventhtenth detail from this passage is numerous factors contribute to Venus\u2019s reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study.\n\nLast detail from this passage is erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and lightning strikes.\n\nAll these details show what the author supports the study of Venus ia a worthy pursuit despite the danger.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports the idea of studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author thinks that if NASA could get close enough to the planet to study it they will have gained insight on the planet and will lead to human curiosoty into many equally intimidating endeavors. The author believes it will be valueble even though there are challenges it presents which include high temperatures, the pressure, and a thick atmosphere.\n\nA challenge of studying venus presents include high temperatures of 800 degrees. There is also a thick atmosphere of 97 percent carbon dioxide which also contains clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere. A big problem that NASA faces with landing on Venus is the pressure that the planet has. The pressure there is 90 times greater than what we experience on Earth.\n\nIf NASA found a way to solve those problems than they could learn valuable information about Venus.\n\nThe author believes that Venus has a lot of information that NASA could still learn about the planet. Information such as; what causes the erptions of volcanoes or why is it so Earth like? The author states that scientists are fasinated by the fact that its the closest planet to be like Earth in our solor system. The author also states that, \"Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various life forms, just like earth.\" If this is true NASA could believe that there might be other planets that are just like ours.\n\nThe author supports the idea of Venus being worth studying even if there are risks. THe author believes that if NASA could get close enought to the planet they coul see if there were truely other life forms other than earths. The author supports the idea of it being valuble by saying, \"Not only would we gain insight of mars but also lead human curiosity into many equally intimidating endeavors. \"", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear senator:\n\nMy name is PROPER_NAME im from a lil town called LOCATION_NAME.And I saw where you was trying to see if yall should keep the Electoral College or change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. Well I think you should change it to election by popular vote for the president of the United States.\n\nSo I think you should change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States.Because if you elect a president by slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. Thats not fare to the other person that was running, because what if the other person was winning and they lose because the slate of electors elect the person that was losing. For example Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president.\n\nSo Mr. Senator can you take what i told you and try and change Electoral College or change to election by popular vot e for the president of the United States. Because it's not fare to the other runner up.\n\nSinserly PROPER_NAME", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFor many years scientists have studied the planet called Venus. Venus is the second planet from our sun and it is the most Earth like planet in our solar system. Scientists have brought different types of spacecrafts or rovers on Venus for them to observe, but no spacecraft has survived a long amount of time. They have attempted to land these craft on Venus but not one of them has landed and stayed for more than a few hours. The article says that, \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth today.\" This just makes scientists and people want to explore more of what Venus could have been.\n\nThe author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers it presents. A lot of scientists have thought of the same things and wondered what if it was possible. Some space programs such as The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have already taken action on this mission.They have had an idea of sending humans to Venus for studing purposes. Temperatures would vary from 170 degrees Fahrenheit but the air pressure would be close to sea level on Earth. They have said, \"Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans.\" This is a mission that can most likely be done despite the risks or challenges.\n\nEvery scientist has had this mission on their mind and wondering when it will happen. They have said, \"Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.\" Which means doing the mission could change a lot of things in this world. They also said, \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubt but should be expanded to meet the very edges of immagination and innovation.\" This is something everyone should think about and with everyones help this will be done and no matter the tough obstacles they will face, it will make them do it more and work harder for it.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus, they say is our twin planet. Earth and Venus are close in density and size. Venus is sometimes easy to see from Earth. The planet is very diffilcult to study closely. NASA one day wants to have human life on Venus. One day maybe life will be better on Venus than Earth.\n\nNASA has been trying to get a spacecraft to stay on Venus more than a few hours. \"On the planet's\n\nsurface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit.\" As stated in the story. Venus has carbon dioxide clouds over the planet. \"The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such a valleys, mountains, and craters.\" As stated in the text.\n\nNASA may have more imformation on how one day Venus could have humans on the planets in the furture. The story states that \" Many reasearchers are working on innovations that would allow our mahcines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowlege. More information will lead NASA to more ways of getting infoamtion of Venus and possibily a camera up there to see what the planet looks like. A lot of people are curious about the twin planet.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFrom the article, \"Driverless Cars Are Coming,\" there are many good and bad things about the driveless cars. My position is in this article is that it is not a good idea to have driverless cars because, for example the cars needs to always have someone holding the wheel, many driving laws just want cars where the driver is in control at all times, and new laws would have to be added just in case someone is injured.\n\nThe cars that are in now are still not driverless because they still need someone behind the wheel just in case the car has to go through wok zones, accidents, and traffics. In the text it stated, \"They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents.\" This means that the car has to alert the driver to take over in case of any situation they are not programmed to do, so the driver has to remain alert and ready to drive the car whenever it needs to.\n\nMany states still do not accept \"driverless\" cars because the traffic laws require that there is a human driver behind the wheel at all times. In the article it said, \"Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times.\" This quote means that traffic laws do not accept any cars that are driverless because they want to keep every driver, passenger, and pedestrian safe especially just in case technology goes wrong at the wrong time.\n\nFinally, there would have to be new laws added just in case someone gets hurt driving one of the driverless cars. In the texts it stated, \"Still, even if the traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technologly fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-- the driver or the manufacture?\" What this is trying to explain is that in case of an accident whos fault is it going to be? Will it be the driver even though he is not supposed to be driving, or the manufacture because he was the one who invented that technology.\n\nIn conclusion, there are many things wrong with this idea of a driverless car.For example, still needs a driver behind the wheel at all times, traffic laws require that there has to be an alert driver, and that there would have to be more laws added just in case there is an accident. These were very valid for there not to be driverless cars in the United States.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author states that going to Venus would be worth it despite the risks, but does not back up this claim very well. They mostly talk about the dangers of going to Venus instead of focusing on the importance of exploring there. They also say things like \"Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere,\" and \"the atmospheric pressure is over 90 times greater than what we experince on our own planet,\" basically emphasizing that Venus would be almost impossible to explore because of the extreme harsh conditions on the planet.\n\nFirst off, in paragraph 3 the author writes \"Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.\" This is the author suming up how impossible it would be to travel there with the technology scientists have today. They even state \"such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans.\" By saying this they are even supporting the fact that scientists can't get there with the technology they have now.\n\nSecondly, the only support the author has for even traveling to Venus in the first place, is that it is closely related to the planet Earth having features like valleys and mountains. In paragraph 4 he writes \"Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.\" So basically the only reason we should spend the billions of dollars it would take to travel there, is because it is somewhat similar to our planet. The only other support the author has for traveling there is the point that it is the closest planet for planetary visit. Although this might be true, this doesn't rule out the fact how inhospitable and dangerous the planet is.\n\nFurthermore, the rest of the article including paragraphs 5 and 7, the author talks about ways we can get there with the technology we have now. They state that \"NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray.\" So the scientists wouldn't actually land on Venus and explore, they would just stay 30 miles or so above the surface and look down onto it. But then in paragraph 6 they completley contradict themselves by writing \"peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on the ground conditions, because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmospher, rendering standard froms of photography and videography ineffective.\" By saying this, they suggest that if the scientists were able to hover above Venus and look down, they would have to have some special camera in order to see anything through Venus's thick atmosphere.\n\nFinally, the author doesn't have very much support for his claim: exploring Venus is worth it despite the dangers. They mostly talk about all the dangers of the planet and why scientists can't get there, saying things like \"Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere,\" and \"the atmospheric pressure is over 90 times greater than what we experince on our own planet.\" Aside from that, they have a minimal amount of evidence convincing readers to think going to Venus is a good exploration plan, and more evidence showing readers that going to Venus is not that great of an idea.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou may have thought the Face was created by aliens. It could be a possibility, but think of the research and observations of the scientists. You can't just predict something and think of a conclusion. You must go through a process of research and examinations. The scientists researched and examined the Face and was just another Martian mesa that was around Cydonia.\n\nFirst of all, the image did have characteristics of a face. The text stated \"a few days later NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted a \"huge rock formation..which resembles a human head....formed by shawdos giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. The authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars.\" The Face could simply have been the shadow of something or the lighting that caused it to look that way. \"Although few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact, photographing Cydonia became a priority for NASA when Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) arrived at the Red Planet in September 1997, eighteen long years after the Viking missions ended.\" The photograph from the Viking could have been a worse quality than now.\n\nSecondly, the photograph that was captured in 1998 is more reliable and more efficient than the other one. This picture has a more clear view and is better to observe. \"And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camer (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousand of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing....a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all.\" The landform could have been created from erosion or weathering or even different types of weather or climate. In fact, maybe a closer view could have looked a different shape.\n\nFurthermore, there was another shot taken in 2001. With an even better camera quality, which showed different types of shapes or objects, other than a face. In the text it said \"On April 8, 2001, a cloudless summer day in Cydonia, Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look.\"\n\nGarvin stated \"We had to roll the spacecrafts 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view. Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution.\" Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo.\" The pixels having a better quality made the observation even better. The camera could even make the objects 3 times bigger. \"As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size, he added. So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!\" They were trying to say that if it was created by aliens they could have been able to tell because of its texture or shape.\n\nIn conclusion, the Face was not created by aliens, it is just a natural landform. The Viking photo made it look like it was created by an alien because of its structure and the way it was formed and shaped and it was only because of the quality of the picture that made it seem like it was. With the more recent pictures and 10 times better quality made the scientists come to a conclusion that it was just a structure. \"What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West.\" Garvin stated \"It remind me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about that same height as the Face on Mars.\"", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wonder what over planet is like earth?\n\nStudying venus is a wortthy pursit despit its dangers, venus has simlair features to earht in fact the text it referred to as Earth \"Twin\" becaus e of its size and density and sometimes the distance from the sun. venus long ago,\"probably\" had oceans and spme type of forms of life living on venus, at this moment in time if you look at a picture are captured of venus you would see rocky sediment and features such as valleys,mountains and craters.\n\nNow that we've understand the good aspects of venus their are some very dangerous cons about veunes. at thirty plus miles above surface the temperature rises at 170 degrees farenheit it sounds nice and toasty but air pressure would close to sea level on earth,solar power would be plentifull and radiation would not exceed on earth so its not survuable for humans. many spaceships landed on venus but many didnt make it back due to conditions of the tempature in closing as much as we want to disciver new things and find somewhere other then earth we must look at the terms and conditions", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am going to prove that the face you saw on the planet is not a alien and that it is a natrual landform. On May 24,2001,\"NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet,snappin photos of possible landing sites for its sister ship Viking 2,when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. An enormos head nearly two miles from end to end seemed to be staring back at the camreas from region of the Red Planet called Cydonia.\"This shows how it all started.\"A few days later NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted a \"huge rock formation...which resembles a human head..formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes,nose,and mouth.\"The authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attenion to mars.\"This shows that everyone is going to go back and forth about if its a alien or a landform.\"And so on April 5,1998,when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time,Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the orignal Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site,reavaling...a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. This shows that ther was no alien face in the planet in the first place and that it was a landform the whole time.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nluke wanted to join the seagoing program because it is his dream to traval around the world and new places like new orleans,greece,china. it was luke's dream to traval around the world because when hid friend don reist invited him to go to europe on a cattle boat. luke couldn't say no he knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime because that's probally the last time someone invite him to traval with them. before luke dream happend he was a farm boy because he used to work with his aunt katie it was her farm luke was served as a night watchman his job was to check on all the animals every hour. luke also found time to have fun on bored. The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whittleing,and games also helped pass the time. Being a seagoing cowboy was much more than an adventure for luke bomburger because he knewq taht he is gratful because he had the oppertunity to be an seagoing cowboy.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Electoral College is how America votes for the President and Vise President, which is a process that the U.S. shouldn't have. Intially, if people are voting for a President, they know what they want and have done their research. Along with that, it gives the Electorial College more rights than the actually people voting for the President and Vise President. Lastly, it's just down right unfair to the voters. The U.S. wants every person to have equal chance at the election for a president and if about 500 people are voting compared to the millions, it's just unfair to the citizens. In the world now, this process is taking away the freedom of decision or making it seem useless to the people. The Electorial College shouldn't be a process we use for voting.\n\nMost people voting, actually care who is running the country and they took the effort to make sure they got the vote in. The votes from the actually people should count because, evidentally, they know what they want. Most people do not go to a place if they do not care for the purpose, but if citizens are voting for their president, it should count, not having other elected officials vote. The elected officials voting, are in the government and that creates a biased vote which is uncalled for. The votes need to be from the people because they see the actual truths of what is happning to the economy, salary, taxes, the process of the government, and much more. It is obvious that having the people vote is a more efficient choice than pre-elected officials.\n\nSecondly, the Electorial college takes away the rights to choose what president they want. Yes, they get to vote for which electoral college member they want but, it doesn't actually add up to the number the citizens actually participate in. As stated in the Constitution, citizens of America have freedom, and they should have the freedom of choosing the Preseident and Vice President they want without out any ifs,ands, or buts. America has the freedom to choose and the Electorial College shuts it all down, which is disrespect to citizens and to the country.\n\nLastly, it is such an unfair process. As said previously, it geneuinly takes our freedom of choice away. People need to be heard and listened for what they actually want but the government lives their own way and doesn't take into count what the people, that make the country up, want. \"Because of the winner-takes-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the \"swing\" states.\"(The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the laid-back defenses of the syster are wrong by Bradford Plumer). This here proves that the candidates are only in for the game and not the real true choice in who will be a perfect official that runs the country all together. Clearly, the process all together is a complete unfair, brutial game to the people.\n\nIn Retrospect, having the Electorial College is a disaster and having it as a process makes we use every four years is unbelieveable. It treats the Americans like there freedom is worthless and makes the voting process unfair. If the people take the time to actually stand in line to vote, they hould earn the right of having their vote count in full picture. This process shouldn't continue on, for it is 500 or so people voting for the President and Vise President for over millions. That itself, is outragious and shouldn't be apart of the American voting process anymore.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are a bad idea. The reason i say this is because of three reasons. Lazyness,tecnolegy,and expences. This idea is promoting lazyness where people can't drive there own cars and some people will decide to not learn how to drive there car. This is also realying on tecnolegy to much. With new tecnolegy there can also be risks of pepole realying to much on it and sometimes\n\nforget that muchiens are not so realyable. There is alsow human error where the people can realy on it and fall asleep on the wheel thinking that the muchien will take over and every thing is going to be fine and some thin goes wrong.\n\nThe way that taht driverless cars are promoting lazyness it to stop driving and let a muchien do it for you. That is not good, driving as become a every day thing around the world. Showing people that a muchien can do it for you they will start realying on muchies for to much things. This tecnolegy alsow will have problums with the manufacturers as in the artical says in section 7, if there is en acedent is to acore whos falt is it the person or the manufacturers. This means that they will have to much hope on the manufacturers and not themselfs making them lazy.\n\nTecnolegy is alsow a problom there is much to do to fanaly get the end resalt. Look at sensors they been around since 1980s as in the artical says how can we make sure that they won't mess up. There is no telling. The problom is later we will put chips in ower hand to drive them mark of the beast 666.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you think there should be technology to tell us our emotions?\n\nWell Dr. Haung does and here is my reasons why.\n\nFacial Action Coding System, a new technology created to show us our emotions. Boredem, students have evolved in many different ways such as a likeness in school. Many students get either tired, bored, or confused. Teachers go by the book and do what they have been told to educate and tech students, but most students get either bored, tired, or confused in the subject that the teacher is teaching. We soon to know the reason is why for that, so this is where the Facial Action Coding System comes in work. Its going to show how these students are feeling and what the reason is why they are feeling that way so the lesson could get modified.\n\nDr. Huang observed artist such as Leonardo da Vinci who studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotion algorithms information as electrical code. So Dr. Huang used what da Vinci did but put in his own way to help out schools for the students so the teachers can see if they are bored, angry, sad, tired, or anything.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy position on self driving cars is as good as anyone elses, but my thought on self driving cars maybe different. I think that self driving cars would be beneficial to society. There would most likely be some bad thingsalong the path. Like what if the cars can not perform and hve the necesity that humans can do. People would be able to do more things while in a vehicle than to just watch the road and other vehicles. Say you were in one of these self driving cars and you had a call on your phone you would actually be able to take it instead of just letting it ring, or if you got a text you could message the human back. Now people might say thats not always good, but say you got a text from a family member saying that one someone in your family got into an accident if your were in a non-self driving car you wouldnt know till you stopped and checked your phone. On the other hand if you had a self driving car you could answer it and you would be able to text the human back. Ask where are they taking them and you would be there in no time instead of not knowing. Thus completes my thought on self driving cars hope you liked it.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the passage the author gave some really good information about the new inovation to emotional technology. As the technology world is growing we are going to have new opertunities such as this one to make our life's easier. But the real question is this good? Or could it be bad?\n\nHonestly i think it would be a great invention and it would sell great on products like Apple phones and also it would be great for students with homework. Technology is always growing and the new products will make it grow more and more popular. How the world is now it will become over popular and i think too much of a good thing is a bad thing like fruits they are good for you but if you eat too many you could consume a mass amount of sugar. In the passage the author said \"For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a smililar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different.\" How would they know what your facial expression is? By watching through a camera and what else can the camera see? Humans relie in the enternet to bank for us, communicate for us, and know everything for us. Losing our phone is like losing our wallet. The enternet knows way too much information about us let alone when they know our facail expressions.\n\nAs much as people would love to have this technology the world could live without it. Students could ask thier techer for help so they know how to solve the hard problems. And people could learn to tell others facial expressions.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMass prodution of automobiles has altered the entire human population way of life. Not only expanding the limits of transportation and travel people once had, but showed advances to a better future. When someone creates something like a book, song, or art piece. The creator would want there creation to used by many people. But, What if the more people use it the worse something else gets? More and more people have been driving cars since its been invited, but people see cars to the point where everyone should have one. Little do people know how much damage it doing in there every day lives. In some parts of the world they've actually started a few different bans that can stop the pollution cars are creating. Vauban, Germany completely forbide any street parking, driveways, and home garages. If someone still wants to keep there car they can always pay $40,000 to purchase a large garage at the edge of the development. As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars. In Paris they went less drastic and enforced fines to people who drove on day for example on monday mororists with even numbered liscense plates were ordered to leave their cars at homes or suffer a 22 euro fine. Since less people drove smog cleared up. In Bogota, Colombia cars have been banned with only buses and taxis were permitted for one day each year. The goal was to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Violators faced $25 fin e. Cleaner air is one of the advantages that come with limiting car usage.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am for the development of these cars. There's lots of reasons why I am. It reduces less injuries or car wrecks. This new development really protects are environment and the way we use cars today. It helps for the habbit of texting and driving. I will explain more in the following paragraphs.\n\nIt reduces less injuries or wrecks. Many of family memeber have died from car accidents. Car accidents could be caused by texting and driving, falling asleep at the wheel, and many other reasons. I will explain more on why this new development protects our environment and the way we use cars today.\n\nThis new development protects our environment and the way we use cars today. With this new development, it sees the accident occuring before we do. It protects us very well from our car crashes and wrecks and us humans being hospitalize. \"Google cofounder Sergery can remember a time in the future when no one buys cars because no one needs them anymore.\"\n\nIn conclusion this new development can protect our enviroment. Prevent lets injuries. It causes a better and safe life. It also sees the accidents before we do. So I am with this new development and the way it works with life and the future of us.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nhe supports this idea with interesting details . he gives deatails of venus to really capture the audiences attention. He explained that today there are still valley's, mountains and craters remaining on venus. Venus was once the most familiar to earth and still has many earth llike features. It is a planet to see even if it is very dangerous.\n\nIt can go up to 800 degrees fahrenheit and is the hottest planet in our solar system. The author supports this idea very well stating the pro's and cons of venus and making this statement . He explains the conditions there can be extreme . The atmospheric pressure over there is 90 times greater that what we experience here on Earth.\n\nVenus also has erupting volcanoes and powerful earthequakes.\n\nDespite knowing how dangerous it can be scientists still want to send people up there because it was once the most like earth and some of the features we have on earth like valleys and mountains still exist on venus.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile,\" bye Nick D' Alto, the auothor describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. A clam for or against the value of using this technology to read students' emotional expressions, I think it's a good idea to know the mood or emotions of people.\n\nThe first reason why it's a good idea to know the mood or emotions of a person because imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad. Knowing their emotion you can do something to help them with their day. For example, if someone is sad in the picture or something you can help them by cheering up their day.\n\nThe second reason why it's good idea to know the mood or emotion of a person because theory of emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. For example, Putting on happy or sad face can actually get you sad or happy. Empathy may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial experssions.\n\nThe last piece of evidence is we as people usually have trouble describing a person's emotion. For example, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her/his face. With the new computer software, Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotion.\n\nThe auothor describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. A clam for or against the value of using this technology to read students' emotional expressions, I think it's a good idea to know the mood or emotions of people.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" is simply about Venus and why we should explore it, even though it has many dangers. The author definetley has good evidence to support his or her claim, but I do believe that he or she strays from the main idea of the question throughout the article.\n\nThe author does not support this idea enough. As I read throughout the story, I only noticed about one paragragh that was actually explainging why we should explore Venus. According to the prompt, the author is being evaluated on how well he or she supports that claim. I did not see enough support through the whole story. When the author did support the idea though he or she had very good evidence. According to the the article the reason we should explore Venus is because it is the closest planet like ours. I think that the author should go more in depth and explain how and why that is, so that he or she can really pull us in.\n\nNext is that even though the author didn't show a lot of support in why we should explore Venus, he or she did have good evidence on how we would. Most of the story was the author explaining different ways of how we could possibly explore Venus safely. For example, the author explained how NASA has been working on other approaches to study Venus. Like, special electronics made of silicon carbide that have been tested in Venus like conditions and the electronic lasted for three weeks. If the author has good support like this, he or she should most importantly discuss more of why Venus should be explored to spike our interest more in knowing how to do so.\n\nTo conclude, the author doesn't support the claim of studying Venus enough. He or she should include more details as of why we would want to study Venus. The author has great support and detail, they just need more evidence to back up those ways of studying the planet. I believe people would have great interest in studying Venus if the author just explained why we should a little bit more.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEvery day the evolution of technology further changes the way mankind operates. From the wheel to the automobile, and from the automobile to the airplane, and needless to say it will not be stopping there. \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" by Nick D'Alto is an article about a groundbreaking new innovation which could vastly impact civilization in ways that have yet to be thought of. This new technology -- the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) -- will allow both mankind and computers to identify human emotions, which will be beneficial in many areas, but most of all in the classroom. Sometimes it can be difficult for teachers to be aware of when students are unable to focus on the task at hand. Something like the FAC System will enable teachers or computers to be aware of when students are losing focus, and to either change focus or to get the student back on task. Using this technology to read student's emtional expressions would be extremely valuable for the student's ability to learn.\n\nD'Alto talks about how the FAC System is capable of detecting emotions based on the positioning of muscles. This makes it possible for teachers, computer, and honestly anyone to know what someone could be thinking. \"'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor'\" (Paragraph 6). This ability to modify the lesson to keep the student learning throughout the full period of classtime would dramatically increase the amount of knowledge the student took in over the course of the class. Instead of losing focus after an hour -- or even just 15 minutes -- this technology could scan the faces of students to detect whether they have lost focus and become bored, are feeling frustrated and unable to understand, or even hopelessly lost. The Facial Action Coding System would turn this boredom into concentration, this frustration into comprehension, and this confusion into clarity. Instead of losing class time or missing the lessons because of a lack of comprehension or focus then the lesson can be adapted or the student can be brought back on task, greatly expanding the capacity in which they can further their knowledge.\n\nThe ability to read emotions would be undeniably beneficial for the knowledge students gain. Instead of wasting time unfocused or lost they can be put back on task or have the lesson changed up to make it more engaging or just easier to follow. Students will spend more time learning and less time trying to understand what they missed while the lesson moves on. This technology -- the Facial Action Coding System -- will no doubt be extremely beneficial in the learning environment.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" is about the present and future of driverless cars. In it the author presented both positive and negative aspectes of the driverless cars. After reading the article I am for driverless cars, because they will minimize the amount of accidents on the road and they could allow the \"driver\" of the car to be doing something other than driving the car.\n\nIn my first reason for saying that I was for driverless cars I said that they would reduce the amout of accidents on the road. I say this because in the article the author talks about how google have had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009 and they haven't crashed. This shows how safe the driverless cars are. If these cars were on the road over normal cars they would prevent the driver error accidents, in turn minimizing the amount of accidents.\n\nMy other reason for being for driverless cars is they would allow the \"driver\" of the car to be doing something other than driving. BMW has been working on this feature of the driverless cars. They use a headsup displays in the car the show a form of entertainment and information systems to entertain the diver. And sence the driverless cars still need some driver assistance the display instantly turns off when the driver is need. This feature is not in a normal car. If the driver was need and they were texting the phone wouldn't turn off, there for making the driverless cars safer.\n\nI am for driverless car for the reason of \"drivers\" being able to something other than driving the car and driverless cars could minimize the amount of accidents on the road.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus and Earth are both very similar is the same way but also very different, in there own ways they are unique but venus is the real mystery. Venus's temperature is about 800 degrees and the distance from the sun in much closer than Earth but its also the only planet that scientist think that could substain life. So we are going to talk about what Venus is like and how Venus compres to Earth and what we have and will try an do to study and explore Venus.\n\nSo Earth and Venus are called the \"twin planets\" but there not that similar because one can substain life and one cant for right now. Venus is rotating around the sun alot faster then Earth and so that is why a year on Venus would be short compared to one on Earth. We have sent many spacecraft/spaceships to venus and successfully made it but its been more than 30 years since that has happen. So the reason for that is Venus has a 97% carbon dioxide \"blanket\" thats covering the atmosphere and thats why its so much hotter then Earth and is unfit for a human. Specially because of all the nature causes this heat brings like volcanoes and powerful earthquakes along with alot of lightning strikes that go all the way to the surface on venus.\n\nThe plan that NASA came up with is that, since we cant land on Venus because of the heat and pressure we would try and hover over the blanket of heat which would still be pretty hot. But only 170 degrees compared to 800 on the surface which we would have to be about 30 or more miles above the surface for humans to be able to live. But whats the point to risks lives if all you do is take pictures 30 miles above the surface, you can do that with a robot and not have to risk lives but humans want the challenge. But NASA isnt giving up they are trying to create different idea like making \"eletronics made of silicon carbide\"(paragraph 7)\n\nand those have been tested in a simulation chamber and has but tested and proven to work. Which supposed what I claim adn want NASA to send a team or a test dummy to see if it will resist the temperatures of Venus.\n\nAll in all I feel that the author does support the idea of studying venus and hthat it is worthy of the danger that it might present. And also I do as well think it is worth the trip even with the dangers. But everything I believe should be tested in the chamber as least twice before they go on the actual mission.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars will most likely be present in the furure. They can take the headache out of driving. Driving can be a hassle and people get upset while doing so. Even though you might like the fact of being able to go on a long trip and not having to move a musle; I don't believe self driving cars are a good idea. There are a lot of factors contributing to my disapproval of this invention. Some of those factors are failure in technology, people not being as aware of their surroundings as they should be, and the cost of repairing or replacing parts of self driving cars.\n\nWe all love technology but we also know that it's known to fail. You've all probably had a computer that has crashed or a piece of technology that simply didn't work. Even some of the most advanced companies make technology that fails. Take NASA for example and the destruction of the space shuttle Challenger. NASA has some of the most renown scientists and their tech still failed. Self driven cars are ,of course, packed full of technology. This technology is vital to the safety of the passengers and other drivers. If it fails there will be many injuries and big money to pay. If your self driven car does fail to work correctly you could more than likely crash into others. This can happen with our vehicals now, but these new cars are supposed to be advanced. If they don't prevent reckless driving or accidents then why invent them? Maybe you wouldn't be able to stop at an intersection. As the article states, there will be something signaling the human driver to take over the car. However, those signals are technological too. Which means they can also fail at doing their job.\n\nYes there's a good possibility that the signals will work but what if it's too late? Humans are known for not paying attention. Whether they're in class or on the road. Especially young adults. Imagine if a teen was driving an automatic car. If they belive they don't have to pay attention to the road then they won't pay attention. If the car signals the driver to take control of the car and the driver is preoccupied with who knows what, then no accident is avoided. As questioned in the article, who's guilty of the crash. Can a manufacturer really rely on a human's attention span? If a crash occured would it be the driver's fault for the lack of attention? Or would it be blamed on the car's manufacturer for not having a signal that was obvious enough.\n\nA crash in one of these adavnced cars would be detramental to people physically but also to someone's wallet. You know how much a new phone costs. It's a lot right? Even a new part for your gas powered car is pretty expensive. Putting these too things together, it would give you and outrageously expensive technologically advanced part for your car. The article \"Driveless Cars Are Coming\" told us about how many sensors are used in one of these cars. If your car needed all or maybe just some of these parts replaced you're probably looking at a good chunk of your fortune about to disappear. Technology isn't cheap if you want it to be reliable.\n\nSelf driving cars might sound extremely futuristic and fun at first. However when you actually think of what could go wrong with this invention when in the hands of the public, you may reconsider your notion. We know that technology isn't all that reliable and that even the most skilled inventors and engineers can fail at making well working technology. Also if you're not always on gaurd while in a driverless car, there's a good chance for disaster even though it's an advanced car. Replacing a part in one of these cars would be out of this world expensive. Reliable technology doesn't come cheap. In my opinion, I think we should stick to driving ourselves around until we perfect technology, people have better driving records, and the parts for these cars or affordable for everyone.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhy people should go to the Seagoing Cowboys Program\n\nIntroduction\n\nPeople all over the world should go to the Seagoing Cowboys Program because of how fun it is and they could found out so much about the wolrd. Some people ask how would that be fun, it would be fun because some people can't always go and see new place in the world that they have never seen and I say from the article Luke Bomberger was so excited to see new things like he went to China and he loved it he went to Venice, Italy and he loved it. My another reason was because all the stuff you could found out like is the great wall of china really great and does Italy food really good.\n\nSo now you guys can really see how fun and amazing it is to be a Seagoing cowboy. I will give you 2 reason you should go, then I will explain them. First reason is because it is fun, Second reason is all the stuff you can figure out. Details about the first reason it is fun because all the cool stuff you can see. So one cool thing you can see is thegreat wall of China then is Italy food really good you can learn new stuff like new laugaues and bring back cool stuff and like is the great wall of China really great and like what the queen of Englad really look like. So now the second reason is all the cool stuff you could find out like how war zone really like after a war. What city you want to be saving up for. So now all of this brings me to my conclusion.\n\nConclusion\n\nBe a seagoing cowboy could be fun and cool but its all about what you learn and doing the job that needs to be done so basically make sure you get those horse and young cattle and mules to the place they to be. if a friend offer you to go to another coutry or state go with them you will be amazed about what you would found Luke found a job that let him travel all over the world and that is that job any body could have.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPeople should try to be Seagoing Cowboys because you get to save the lives of animals that have been injured during the World War II. I was in it and it was just great to be able to help all of those horses. It can get hard somwtimes but it is still great. You also have a bettere communication with the animals and get to meet new people. Sometimes when you have free time you can go visit the beautiful sites! It is a very busy job and you get tired a loy. Sometimes you have to watch the animals every hour to make sure they're safe. You wouldn't want them to escape and get hurt!\n\nHelping all of those animals can really open up your mind and see how much some animals are suffering. It is great that there are programs like this that can help so many animals. It is a great adventure to go on and it is very fun! If you get bored on the boat you can go play some games like we did like volleyball or table tennis or anything you can think of! It is a very wonderful experience. Something wonderful as that could only come once in a life time. So i encourage you to become a Seagoing Cowboy and save the lives of many animals like me!", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI agree with the author suggesting that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present, because traveling to a different planet such as Venus we can explore and find out the history of this planet and look at clues of what Venus used to be million of years ago and see if there was once life on this planet or even water.\n\nThe authors supports his idea of studying Venus despite its danger by saying \"The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray.\"\n\nWe need to make machines that would resist heat and the pressure so that we can have more time to explore Venus. Venus surface is really hot and the pressure on this planet is also really high that it can melt and crush metals. According to the article it says,\"Such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metal.\"\n\nSince Venus surface is really hot NASA tested this machine that is made of silicon carbide. In the passage it says,\"For, example some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.\"\n\nIn conclusion, the authors idea of going to Venus may actually come true in the near future thanks to the idea of NASA of building these special type of vehicles that can last long in the really high temperature and pressure of Venus.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs seen in paragraph 2 it says how venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size,but it also says that there were attempts to launch unmanned aircraft onto the planet and non of them lasted a few hours which is why there hasn't been an aircraft actually to land on venus. Paragraph 2 shows a little taste of how dangerous venus is but it is enticing to learn more about the planet itself. In paragraph 3 it explains how venus's atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, and the clouds are highly corrosive with temperatures reaching more than 800 degrees Fahrenheit. These are even more reasons on why it is dangerous but yet you would wanna know more about it.\n\nThe reason why scientists wanna know more about the planet even though it is dangerous is because in paragraph 4 it says That \"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\" Which is another reason why scientists wanna know more about venus and what it has in store. The planet seems to be a very cool place to live without all the set backs with the atmosphere and the corrosive clouds. The scientists of NASA have an idea on how to send a manned vehicle to venus without getting into all the dangerous areas by putting a blimp like air vehicle hovering 30 miles above all of the bad and dangerous chemicals and heat.\n\nThe reason it would be a very good thing to study on is because of it being similar to earth in many ways. One reason why is said in paragraph 8 in which it states \" Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.\" Which i do agree on this being a good cause because not only do we get knowledge but we get more into it which is a dangerous route but it is for the good of man and how not only will we be able to put man on Venus one day but to be able to further our own civilitation. Another dangerous part about the exploration is that we go back to the part where it says no aircraft has ever been able to withstand only a few hours of the planets atmosphere,but as it says in paragraph 7 they are making a vehicle that can survey and gain knowledge on the planet instead of sending a vehicle on the planet. Scientists will be able to gain the knowledge on how to produce a product for NASA that can both withstand the harsh heat and atmosphere but move on the planet like a rover.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus, often referred to as Earth's \"twin\" is an astouding planet in humanity's solar system.\n\nVenus measures out to nealry the same density and mass of as Earth and is sometimes even the nearest planet to Earth as well.\n\nHumans should find studying Venus as a neccessity to human survival because of the advanced intel that NASA and humans all aorund the world could contain, society on Earth has came up with numerous ways to explore its challenging dangers that Venus envokes, and Venus is worth the exploration because the things soicety can learn and takeaway to help further Earth and the way that Earth functions.\n\nVenus, without a doubt, is a worthy pursuit despite its dangers.\n\nVenus and Earth are extemely similar yet different at the same time.\n\nMany years ago, in paragraph four, Venus was, \"...covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\" thus implying the similarities Earth and Venus both share.\n\nAlso, \"The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.\" this being a description of Venus, Earth has all of these qualities as well.\n\nBut in contrast, Venus's surface today, \"...temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater that what we experince on our own planet.\" thus explaining that the temperature and atmosheric pressure is extremly different than what Earth is today.\n\nTo make up the these dense hazards that Venus portrays, NASA and many sister companies on Earth have came up with thorough plans to match that dangers Venus depicts.\n\nFor example, because of the harsh temperatures on Venus, NASA has envisioned a blimp-like structure that would hover close to 30 miles above Venus, decreasing the temperature about 630 degress and far enough up in orbit to decrease the atmospheric pressure to about equal to a submerged submarine in the ocean.\n\nThus doing so, NASA could get closer to Venus despite the dangers of extreme temperature and pressure to unveil intel and knowledge about Venus to help expand what we know about Venus.\n\nAnother idea that NASA is working on is with the study of electronics made from silicon carbide.\n\nThese materials can withstand Venus conditions. To go along with these ideas, other people came up with computer systems from pre and post World War II era.\n\nThese computers cn operate and calculate without using technology sensitive materials like today where they got heated easily.\n\nThese computers can as well withstand harsh temperatures and pressures that Venus envokes.\n\nFurthermore, through old and new elctronics, and bolstering ideas with different materials NASA and society on Earth can safely study Venus despite the dnagers.\n\nTo add, by pursuing Venus society can learn neccessary intel to help further Earth and the way that Earth functions.\n\nFor example, by making the trip to Venus, scientists on Earth could study and soon figure out more analogous similarites to Earth and Venus.\n\nThey could also help as find out more about how society's world on Earth operates and functions through geology and weather and other things like the the way volcanoes erupt, the earthquakes the Earth has, and the lightining strikes that happen on Earth.\n\nTherefore, with the travel to Venus, society can expand its knowledge on how both Earth and Venus works through the studies that scientists can perform.\n\nIn conclusion, by taking the initiative to take on the challenges of Venus, society can gian intel for themselves and for Venus as well as answer unanswered questions that society has had forever.\n\nThus doing so, society's lapse cannot be stopped by the dangerous challenges it envokes but be stopped by society's dense imagination.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI don't think that they should make the cars, because like they said in the article who's going to want to wait their turn? It would be different if the cars actually drove by themselfs through traffic, but they don't so I don't think they should be made. Some people like driving so the people making the cars would be taking away something that other people like to do. I don't think that it would be very safe, because what if the car got in to a crash and the car just kept going. I think that we should just stick to the cars we have to drive. This world doesn't need anymore technology. It's changing and it's not changing in a good way. People will become lazy and not want to drive anywhere. I just don't want this world to be lazy. The cars dont have to be that fancy if you have something to drive thats awsome, but we dont really need them to drive themself's. It's a stupid idea and I don't think that it should happen ever in life. Cars that drive themselfs are going to be very expensive and everybody's gonna want one, but some people can't have them because they dont have money like that. Somepeople would try to steal them or hurt people just to get one. I think that these cars are going to start alot more crime. So no, i dont think that the driverless cars should be made it's a bad idea. I just dont want this world to get any worse than it already is. That's why I think that driverless cars shouldn't be made.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nGoing to Venus would be extremly dangerous. With a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Venus's clouds have highy corrosive sulfuric acid. Temperatures are over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Venus's atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater then what we have here on Earth.\n\nVenus could be worth visiting. Astronomers say that Venus once was the most Earth-like planet. Venus was probably covered with large oceans. Venus could have supported many forms of life. It is simply to dangerous to land on venus. Even 30 miles above Venus's atmosphere is dangerous. Although it is survivable by humans, having the right equipment for the job is key. Most metals would melt right away if they were to get close to Venus. Silicon carbide has been tested in a chamber of simulation of Venus's atmosphere. It lasted up to three weeks in the chamber.\n\nGoing to Venus would be extremly dangerous, but it would be worth trying to find out if there was actually any living life on Venus. Any sample from Venus's ground would be outstanding. It is just simply to dangerous for that to happen.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPeople all over the world like to try new things. Everyday we are all faced with new and different challenges. Being in a car that drives itself would be trying something new and extraordinary. Why not drive in a car that drives itself?\n\nWhy not? This question is one of the greatest questions you can ask. A car that drives itself what more could you ask for. This would open new doors and ideas. On long car rides you would not have to drive. You could look at the scenery or enjoy your time with your family. A car that drives itself would be the next step into something amazing. Over time the cars will become safer and more reliable. This would mean you could go faster in the car. Your running late for work and it takes fifteen minutes to get there, well not anymore. The car would be like a car in Nascar you could get to your destination in an instant. A car that could drive itself would benefit a lot of people in this world.\n\nIn the reading it said that the driveless car would use half the fuel of a taxi car. You would not have to waste your money on gas every week. That would help most people out, even for new drivers that have to pay for gas. This also means that there will be less pollution and it will help people breathe easier. When the automatic cars become more reliable and faster and you are late to pick up your kids the car would get you there fast with no problem. Automatic taxi services will be in great need across the country because now people do not have to buy a car. People will have their own taxi car that will pick them up at their house and take them to work. These taxi cars would never be late since they are smart, so you would never again have to worry about being late. you also would not have to take your own car or wait for someone to come pick you up. People would love the experience of just having their own taxi service that would come to pick them up. They would feel more important and become happier.\n\nHow many wrecks happen each year? I was in a wreck this year. Another car hitting you, I thought, would never happen to me. I started driving a couple weeks later. That experience made me a safer driver. Still, there are people that get injured and killed every week because of careless drivers. This automatic car would reduce the amount of fatal accidents. Just thinking that you would be one-hundred percent safe in a car would be a great feeling. If you are an adult you could let your kids go into these car by themselves if you wanted to and you would know that they will be safe and will never be in a wreck.\n\nCars that drive themselves. This would be a great new experience. In 60 years I could tell my grandchildren that I was in the generation that could finally drive in self-driving cars. These cars would benefit the whole world in a positive way. Together we can make the world better and safer by having smarter cars. It is a new a way of living, a better way of living. Humans, Since ancient times, have always wanted to advance in technology. This new car will take us to places we have never gone before. Let us move on and go into a world of self-driving cars and see where it will take us.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the most recent years, people have invented things that they have been planning for years. This article explains how the new system, the Facial Action Coding System, can read a person's emotions by only looking at the muscle movement of the face. This system can not only read one emotion of a person, but read all of their emotions. This will also be a way to know if someone has a real or false smile on. Lastly, it will be able to detect if a student is confused about a lesson in their class. With all of this information and the new technology that has been introduced to the world, this system might be able to accurately read somone's emotions.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is a system created by Doctor Paul Eckman that can detect a person's emotions. In the painting of Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, Eckman has found out that Mona Lisa is portraying six emotions: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, and fear. These six emotions could probably not have been detected by a person looking at another person. This system is very modern and with all of the new technology that is in our world, the FACS could be accurate. Most people are not capable of sensing how a person feels. There are times when people have the biggest smile on their face, but they are hiding the fact that they are sad and broken on the inside. Hopefully this new invention will help doctors and psychiatrists with their blank-faced patients.\n\nAccording to this article, the system will be able to tell if a person has a false or real smile on. This will be helpful especially during political debates. When one person is rallying against the other, one of them will be yelling at the other and the other will look like they are listening, but they are not. Researches can differentiate between a real smile and a fake smile. If a person has a real smile on, their muscles at their cheek bones will lift the corners of the mouth. On the other hand, if the mouth is stretched sideways by the muscles by the cheek bones and another muscle, a person will have on a false smile.\n\nSince the technology has developed greatly over the years, scientists might be able to create a system that will detect when a student is confused about a lesson. Some students do not say anything when they do not understand what the teacher is teaching them. This system will help the teacher to know when one of their students is struggling in their class. Also, it will allow the teacher to be notified when a student is bored or not paying attention. Not only will it benefit the teachers, but the students as well.\n\nIn conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System will benefit many people. It will be able to read the emotions of people in paintings, people in general, students in class, and whether or not a person shows a real or false smile. This system will also help psychiatrists to know their patient's state of emotion and hopefully treat them with the right solutions and advice. Since new tecnologies are improved, this new system will be a big and famous invention.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEven though we have found face marks on mars doen't mean there is life form on mars. I mean that there have been images on earth the same exact way on mars. The image could have happen from the planet doing something or how the ground was form.\n\nThe only reason it could have been formed was from the weather on planet because we have not found alien life form on mars or any other planet. It could mean that mars is just like earth because it has some wierd unational design in the crust or on the surface. In the article \"Unmasking The Face on Mars they said that what they have found is that the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-Landforms common around the American West.\"\n\nThe scientist have already study and sone test and even scamed the whole planet for alien life form and there was non because they didn't make it.\n\nI am not saying that I don't believe in aliens,I am just saying that aliens did not form this face into the surface of mars. I saying is that the landform shaped it self into a shape of a face. I still believe that there is aliens out there but I have yet to find them. Once again Aliens did not make this object on mars.\n\nEven though scientist have found face marks on mars doesn't mean aliens made it. That land could have done something to make it. The only reason I say that because it hapens on earth too. It happens in the American West and it is very common for it. Scientist have not found alien form on Mars. I am sure we will still keep looking at mars to find other forms like it and we will keep looking for alians too. Even though you see picture of different forms on mars or other planet don't freak out or say it is aliens,just go look for facts and eviedence first and talk to some scientist and have them look at it. The face was not formed by alians.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator, I'm writting you a letter because I think that we should change to election by popular vote for the president of the united states than keeping the Electoral College. The reason why I think that we should change to popular voting is because every one will be able to have a say in who becomes president.\n\nWith the Electoral College, if you want to vote for a certain president, you are actually voting for electors who are pledged to a certain candidate and would place a vote for the candidate they pledged to to make them president.\n\nThe pont is, those electors can be bad people looking for power. Besides, it wouldn't be a fair game if the Electoral College did that. So in order to make it equal, I would like to switch to a popular vote election. But eiither way, a president is still chosen.\n\n\"The single best argument against the Electorala College is what we might call the disaster factor. The American people\u00a0 should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse. Consider the state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people.\n\nBack in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succceeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.) In the same vein, \"faithless\" electors ahve occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please. . . Oh, and what if a state sends two slates of electors to Congress? It happened in Hawaii in 1960. Luckily, Vice President Richard Nixon, who was presiding over the Senate, validated only his opponent's electors, but he made sure to do so \"without establishinga precedent.\" What if it happened again?\" Excerpt from \"The Indefendable Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses are wrong\" from Mother Jones By Bradford Plumer.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs we get older we want to travel to more places and get there faster, what if their was a quicker way without using cars. Certain places have been introducing a new concept, they calll themselves suburban pioneers. They live in places that have little or no cars, besides for the occassional bus, and all the stores that they would normally drive to are much closer now. Their are many benificial points to this new way of life such as a dramatic drop in greenhouse gasses, a stress free way to live, and also who doesn't desire to save a buck or two. If people start to limit the usuage of cars this planet might actually become a safer more joyful place to live.\n\nIn the past years greenhouse gasses have skyrocketed. The ozone layer is now trapping car exhaust fumes in earth and leading to what some might call global warming. Summer becomes hotter and longer, vice versa with winter. The U.S alone is\u00a0 to blame for up to 50 percent of greenhouse gas emission. In europe it's 12 percent which is still quite a grave deal. Causes of not cutting back on the use of cars leads to tragic events such as the one that unfolded in Paris. Thier was so much smog in the air from motorized cars that for five days no one could start their cars unless they had a wish of paying a pricey fine. If people start to diminish the use of cars we can restore this humble planet to its former glory.\n\nForking out money for a car and having the luxory of fixing it up everytime a piece falls off or something malfunctions can become expensive quite rapidly. Who doesn't crave to save money anyways? Those who have chosen the suburban pioneer way of living have saved enormous enough of money. They don't have to pay for the insurance of the car and they don't have to pay to fix up the ole' rust bucket. Though some would rather have a car, but those who drive do the honors of car pulling which might not be the most time saving mechanism but in the long run it truely is beneficial. Also the government gains from all this. The government pays to build highways and roads for your car, but if cars aren't so common as time goes by roads get shorter and people start to get paid more because of all the money that the government is saving. Though money can't make us happy is still is an important piece to own in life.\n\nIn retrospect cars cause a lot of stress related problems. Everyone has one of those days where they wake up late and then suddenly remember that they have to get across town in a few minutes. Yes a car could get you there in less than no time, but wouldn't it be much simpler if you could just walk a closer distance. With the desecration of cars, stores and outlets would be much closer to your home. The stress of forgetting something at home and then having to drive 30 minutes to go get it would be diminished. Families could have more interaction with each other which means a closer bond could be formed. Receting the number of cars wouldn't be such an inhuman thing to do if you knew that the outcome was far more appealing.\n\nTo sum up, limiting the number of cars that roamed this earth would be more of a gain than a loss. Cars create hazardous gasses that are released into the air that are slowly but surely rendering us useless. Cars also cause safety hazards that can lead to a stressful environment. Plus if you don't use a car as often or get rid of it all together you can retain money for more important matters such as bills for your house or maybe a well deserved vacation. The posibilities are endless if we begin to limit the use of cars.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting the amount of driving allowed and having car-free cities can have several benefits by reducing the amount of air pollution and traffic jams. Some disadvantages of having car-free cities are time management and paying fines to drive. Greenhouse gasses can be reduced by limiting driving in cities and having car free cities. About 50 percent of greenhouse gasses are from passenger cars in some cities in the United States and 12 percent in Europe. There were about 80 micrograms of particulate per cubic meter in London and 114 in Brussels. Paris has the most air pollution with 147 micrograms per cubic meter.\n\nParis has 67 percent of its vehicles run on diesel fuel, which is blamed for most of the air pollution. The rest of Western Europe has an average of 53.3 percent of vehcicles fueled by diesel. Car emissions are traped from the warm air caused by cold nights and warm days. A partial ban was created in Paris for driving to reducce the amount of pollution. Drivers with even number license plates could drive on certain days and odd number plates would drive on other days. After only five days the air pollution was down by 60 percent. In Bogota there are car free days and 118 miles of bicycle paths were constructed and the amount of traffic jams during rush hour were down by almost half.\n\nLimiting driving will lower the amount of traffic and it made several people happier. Most public transportation was free on weekends. When driving was not allowed, people would be walking and riding bikes. Most people in car free cities enjoyed the sound of children instead of hearing the sound of motors all of the time. Public transportation was allowed every day and it reduced the amount of traffic with having fewer cars on the streets and roads.\n\nWhen driving on days then it's not allowed the drivers have to pay fines. In Paris drivers with even number license plates would drive on certain days andodd numbers drive on the other days. If someone is driving on the wrong day there is a fine of 22 euors or 31 dollars for each day that they drive when they can't. In bogota there is a 25 dollar fine for driving on car free days. Time management is another problem when someone can't drive their car. Going to work would take longer when walking, riding a bike or using the public transportation.\n\nhaving car free cities and limitin driving can be good for reducing the amount of air pollution and the amount of traffic out on the roads. Some people feel happier when they live in a car free city because they feel like they have less stress but some people dont like paying fines when they are driving their car on certain days.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am against the driveless cars. I am against them for the following rerasons:\n\nThe car can be very dangerous becuase it makes people think that they dont have to pay attention or wont have to do anything becuase the car may be doing everything for them. It is almost like texting and driving some people will take advantage of this car and not pay attention to the road. In the passage they dont mention how much this car would cost; probably a forune. Just making the car would cost a fortune. How could they get anyone to buy this car if some people would just stick with their regular car instead of paying a ridiculous amount of money?\n\nIn the passage it also states that the car only takes up to 90 percent of the control. The driver is still required to watch the road and be aware of their surroundings. It also says in the passage that the car only does so much like accelerate, brake, steer, and censor. However the driver has to get through traffic, go through drive ways, and park. Some states have made it illegal to even test the cars becuase they know some of the end results wont turnout good with todays society. People drive reckless even without the improved car; What makes you think giving more lead way will make more people responsible? It could also not always be on the person. What if the car stops working, has a glitch, or gets damaged then what? who's at fualt, Who goes to blame man or car?\n\ni think the car will just cuase more careless problems society doesnt really need that can be avoided. It just makes everyone lazy about things. People will start to fully rely on this car and there will be plenty more laws being broken. Stop trying to make things so easy to the point where we dont barely have to do anything anymore except depend on some machine to come and do for us. Why not make something productive that will benifit the people not cuase more issues.That is why i am against driveless cars.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine is a good way to detect exactly how people's feeling, even when people wants to hide their emotions. To read the emotional expressions is also important and valuable for our students in class.\n\nThere is a technology called the Facial Action Coding System, it can able to help people to identify human emotions on the computers. It also has promising applications for a variety of insudtries. This technology can use 3-D to scan the face, there are 44 major muschles in the model must move like human muscles, and the software can even identify mixed emotions.\n\nDr. Huang said:\"The facial expressions for wach emotion are universal.\" In reality, our human are performing the same impressive every day, just like the article said:\"You can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.\" We can observe the emotions from people who are around us every day, we can describe they are happy or make something troubles.\n\nEveryone of us have a conversation everyday, we can learn the personality through people's emotion during the school. We can not only use the languague to talk, but also can use the emotion to have a communication, just like the people who can not talk to each other, but they still can use the emotion to expression their feelings.\n\nIn this article, Dr. Huang observes da Vinci also studied human anatomy to help him to paint facial muscles predcisely enough to convey specfic emotions. This imagine demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, just like the computer knows you are happy or sad. If you are following the Web ad appears, then there will have a similar ad comeout. But if you do not follow it, they will change a different for you.\n\nWhen we have a classroom computer, it will recognize us is bored or confused about it, then it could modify the lesson, just like an effective human instructor. The emotions have a big effect during the class, we should learn how to read the emotional expressions and also manage our emotion better.\n\nThe mirror shows in this article is important too, it suggest an emotion when we have expression. Actually it is all about the muscular action units. When we have a meanwhile, our muscle make crow's-feet around your eyes. But our muscle will change to stretched when we have a wrong smile. So the muscle makes our smile truthful beacuse our faces do not lie.\n\nA drama coach had his actors carefully produce smiling and creating emotions on stage. Your face shows happy even though you do not happy, but it still an help you to produce the happy muscle. For example, even you are not happy, but you are effected by the people who are making a happy face to you, you still can change your emotion even a little bit.\n\nWe cannot believe that technology teach us a lot, and we never think that making faces can reveal the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. It is valuable to express people's emotion, and it is also important to detect people's feeling.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face of Mars is a natural landform and I'll tell you why. For many years we have been taking pictures and observing it to look at what it really was. We just got a new sattelite and we took the pictures. It's not what most of the media thinks.\n\nThe new pictures taken from the spacecraft show that it is clearly a mesa formed rather than an ancient artifact created by extra-terrestrial life. It was formed just like the landform would on earth and the pictures clearly show it's not even a face anymore. Everything adds up to mesa and the thought of ancient artifacts are pointless. There is no life evidence on Mars. You guys are called conspiracy theorists for a reason. The word theory is a guess. This isn't a guess. At NASA we figured out it is a mesa landform and have proof.\n\nThat is why you are wrong and no other theory could counter our results. Science facts against a civilian's thoughts, facts win. Science prooves yet another thing on another planet. HD pictures are hard proof that it is a natural landform.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are something that has always been in the minds of big\n\ninventors such as Sergey Brin. However, much controversy comes with this specific topic. There are both negatives and postives to these driverless cars. But, I think that they are a good idea and could really impact our world for the better because, we already have some of the technology, it would be better for the environment, and it would be safer.\n\nFirst, driverless cars are not a new idea. It might seem like a new idea, but in reality we are already half way there. We already have antilock breaks and sensors, plus Google has been having these driverless cars for years now. In the article it says, \"In reality, Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009.\" It also states, \"Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor.\" Not to mention the spinning sensor on the roof that constantly updates the car's surroundings. Sensors are nothing new though beacause, \"In the 1980s, automakers used speed sensors at the wheels in the creation of antilock brakes.\" If we already have all this technology, why don't we just go the rest of the way and push harder to make independent cars a thing?\n\nSecondly, it would be much safer and cleaner for the environment. Everyone talks about how we need to take care of the Earth and be cleaner, resulting in cleaner, more fuel efficient cars. With driverless cars, we would have the oppurtunity to cut down on gas and make the world a little bit more of a cleaner, safer place. This is because the cars, \" would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus.\" Sergey Brin, the Google cofounder says that, \"He belives such cars would fundamentally change the world.\"\n\nFinally, these driverless cars would be much safer than cars that are dependent on a driver all of the time. Of course there would still be risks and things that could go wrong safety wise, but I believe that we would all be safer with these independent cars. For example Google cars, \"have driven more than half a million miles without a crash.\" There would be many many sensors on the car to make it safer and more aware of its surroundings like the 3-D scan on the top of the roof. Plus, the cars would have the ability to get the drivers attention when needed like vibrating the drivers seat, or flashing lights on the windshield. All of these things would go into making these independent cars safer than cars with a constant driver.\n\nIn conclusion, I do believe that driverless cars are the way to go. I think this because we already have so much of the technology to make them, it would be cleaner and safer for the environment, and it would be much safer than cars today. Plus how cool would it be to have a car that does most if not all of the driving?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the author supports his idea by explaining and reasoning why scientist want to invest they're time in Venus, How Venus can have chances of human survival, and how Venus can be a challenging planet to research, but argues it out by saying its not impossinble with time and effort.\n\nThe author tells the reader how Venus can have chances of human survival the reader provides this in his article because he wants to persuade you that if scientist have chances to survive Venus, then more likely their chance of researching Venus is more likely to be accepted and successful. \" Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans.\" (paragraph,5) the author explains the positive conditions of Venus and how it could be possible for scientist to survive in those conditions.\n\nThe author then states why scientist want to invest they're time in Venus. The author does this because he wants to persuade the reader that, it is a good idea to make time to research Venus because it was once like Earth, and they want to invest time to know what caused Venus to change into a dry rocky surface without water. \" If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientist even discussing further visits to its surface? Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\" The authors purpose of the text is to tell the reader why it is that they arae willing to invest their time into Venus, the author gives his reasoning as Venus being just like earth with supporting life form, in which the author could be implying that if life on Venus existed and it disapeared their research could have results to why it happened and how can we prevent it from happening to Earth.\n\nLastly, the author supports his idea by how Venus is challenging, but argues the idea of not being impossible. What the author tries to tell us is that Earth and Venus are alike, and that although its challenging its closest to Earth and quicker to provide transportation and how reasearch could fastly be involved and be progressed. In their benefit because of what the author is trying to do is give positive information, so then the reader will be persuaded. \" Often referred to as Earth's 'twin' Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closet in distance too. - Because Venus is sometimes right around the corner - in space terms- humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world.\" The author tells how variety of humans have sent spacecrafts, and how it wouldn't be rare or that much of a risk to start sending more spacecrafts since they already have before. In that case the authot is trying to convince the audience that if this was done variety of times before there shouldn't be a conflict in trying it again with improvements.\n\nIn conclusion the author supports his idea by explaining and listing his reasoning to why scientist should invest their time in Venus, and how the auhtor emphasizes the possiblities to have reference from Venus to use in Earth, since they're like-wise.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are so many reasons why people don't want to participate in the Seagoing Cowboy program. Maby because they think that they might fail at it or maby they just planly don't want to participate. Well I think you should. You get to visite many amazing places. You also actualy are helping others. And if you do paticipate you get to go an advture and just by participating it might open up the world to you and learn new things.\n\nYou can visite many paces. In the text it said that Luke went to Europe and China. In the text it Luke Siad \"Seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special,\" and that show that he had a good time and saw some thing new. He also explaind \"Takeing the godola ride in Venice, Italy,\" and aviasly that ment he had a lot of fun. In the text it also said that \"Luke Bomberger crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the pacifice Ocean twice to help in the Wars. In the text it said that when they were on the boat and theydid what they were to do witch that is rair scince they have to take care of the animals they find some thing fun to do so they don't get board. One of the games that they played was volleyball. They made that balls out of stuff they found around the boat. In the text it siad \"Hepls pass the time.\n\nI think from reading this people should participate it the Seagoing Cowboy program. I think it would an amazing epereance to gome thing you didn't know you had an iterest in and find that you did. I would love to do the program. I want to see new places that i have never seen and at the same time I am helping others at the same time. Maby people think it is an opertunity just to see other places but that is only a fraction on what all this is realy about. I just have one question for you. Would you participate in the program.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Seagoing Cowboys program is a good idea because you are able to explore many new places, you are able to help people, and you can serve your service as a Seagoing Cowboy if you are drafted to the military. From the amazing experience Luke had you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.\n\nIt is an amazing opportunity to help people and to explore new places it also served as work if you were drafted to go to the military. Luke could help people because it was World War II in Europe and many countries were left in ruins so he had to help recover their food supplies, animals, and more. Luke also got to explore new places while being in the program he got to go to Europe and China he got to tour an excavated castle in Crete and see the Panama Canal on his way to China. When Luke was drafted but he didn't have to go to war because he served his service as a Seagoing Cowboy. This evidence proves that Being a Seagoing Cowboy is a great opportunity. Although, there are many dangers to the sea during this job such as slipping and possibly falling out of the ship. However, there are many more good things than bad thisng during this job it is hard but you get to help others whle putting yourself in danger.\n\nBased on the evidence in the passage and what Luke's experience was like the Seagoing Cowboys program is an very good opportunity. It allows you to help others in need, it also lets you serve your service in the military if your are drafted, and during it you may also get to explore several new places you have never been.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear state senator i would like to argue the Electoral college, wheather to keep it or changing the election by popular vote for the president of the united states. Honestley i would like to get rid of it because there are so many things wrong with it, even the best-liad defenses are wrong because our vote does not really count the popular vote could be voting for one of the president while the representative that represents us could choose to vote for the other president if he wanted. Over 60 percent of voters would prefer a straight up election to the kind we have now. For example take in consideration what happened the year 2000 when Al Gore was going against George. W Bush, Al Gore had won the popular vote which means that everybody wanted Al Gore to be president. But George. W Bush won the whole election because of the Electoral College. Under the Electoral College system the voters are not voting for the president, but for a slate elctors,they decide who the president is. Which if you think about it its un american because this is a free country and a democracy and if we are not realy picking but just mearley helping decide who is president in a democracythen yeah my opinion is that its un american. What most worries the people is the prospect of the tie in the elctoral college which in that case the votes will be sent to the House of Representatives where they choose the president which if you think about its bad because lets say that the HR is being governed by Republicans and you the voter is a Democrat, which way do you think the HR is going to go, Republicans right, and how would that make you feel, not very pleassent i assume. The Electoral College is a prcess not a place which means we can demolish it without getting people hurtthats why i propose that we crush the Electoral College hopefully all the information i've put in this letter has pursuaded you to help out your country.\n\nsincearly PROPER_NAME", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that driverless cars would be a help to society and the economy. I believe so because with driverless cars, everyone will have the same driving skill as everyone else and we won't have people on the road who are either horrible or a professional at driving. Everyone will drive in the same way which will make it easier to avoid other cars and crate less car accidents and collisions. They also use less gas which will stop people from paying for gas so often and will be able to ride their driverless cars much longer without spending as much money on gas.\n\nWith driverless cars and their sensors, they could possibly be more aware about their surroundings than the average person. When people are driving they have blind spots where they can't see who is around them, with the sensors all around the cars, it will be hard to miss any object coming toward or is near the car from any direction or area. With the car being able to see objects, people who are carless or uncarful or are little kids and don't check to see if cars are coming while crossing the road or getting something in the road, could get hurt if not noticed. All people in a car should be aware about their surroundings when driving, but not all people are. Some girls could be doing their make up or texting. Guys could be texting or just being to careless. They are the ones who would hit an oncoming person or kid in the road and possibly killing someone who is married, young and loved by many people. This would cause them to be arrested and have the guilt of killing someone or potentially killing someone. With the driverless car, if someone wasn't paying attention, the car would make up for it by always being attentive and aware. The cars would either stop or move out of the way to make sure nothing happend to the innocent passerby.\n\nBeing in a car that does all the work could get a little boring though i'll admit. But, being bored and keeping people safe rather than having fun at the wheel and puting other people in danger is the better way to go. this could also stop people who get disoriented at the wheel as well. Some people either are very sleepy before already driving, get bored while driving and become sleepy, people who are blind and still need a ride, or are even drunk when about to drive. The driveless car can help with these problems as well. It will stop peolpe from going in ditches or hitting other objects. some people are nervous about driving and this could help them alot by not making them drive but still have the ability to go places on their own. With all these helpful actions these cars will do for people, I don't see why it could possibly be a bad idea.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAfter World War II cars began to become more and more popular, and ever since then they (cars) have done more harm than good, air polution, traffic and just harming health are a few things cars have harmed citizens with. Many cities are doing things to help cut down the \"smog\" in their area by creating driving bans for a day or even a week (Paris bans driving due to smog 10 PBDS). It starts with one and grows into something much larger, and hopefully that shows in this situation. This essay is going to go into detail on why it is needed to cut back on car usage and maybe one day cars will not be needed.\n\nPeople began pointing the finger at diesels for the air polution in France after it was made obvious that they make up 67% of the vehicles in this area, compared to around 50% in the other parts of Western Europe (PBDS 16). Greenhouse gasses are harming our atmosphere by trapping the warm air in. If the habits of this generation continue than Earth will not be here much longer. A very popular vehicle, passenger cars, make up to 50% of the greenhouse gasses in some of the busy areas in the US. People are all about convieniency, and cars do much of that; instead of riding a bike for 30 minutes we can drive there in five without breaking a sweat. But it is time to break those running shoes out because our planet is dying. If everyone realized the reality behind greenhouse gassesand the polution we are putting into the air, we would not be in this situation.\n\nIn Paris they needed to cut back on the polution, so they took action by having a day where motorists with even numbered license plates could drive and the next day, odd-numbers. After almost a week the smog had cleared and everyone was back on the road again. But during this time period it was recorded that the congestion was down 60% in the capital of France alone (PBDS 14). If everyday was like this, traveling to and from places would be easier and less time consuming. Although it was not much it starts with a little and grows to a lot. New York has a new bike program which adds up to much less if you count in the amount of tolls and gas they (motorists) do from day to day (The End of Car Culture 37 ECC). People are begginning to notice the benefits of riding your bike to work rather than driving, you are saving money and the Earth.\n\nHealth is important to us and the future. This Earth is running out of clean air between polution and deforistation when will it stop. The chairman for Ford Motor Company is creating a plan in which \"pedestirans, bicycles, private cars, commercialand public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety\" (ECC 43). If all car producers were as aware as Bill Ford they could join together to make this world healthier and cleanier. But will it be enough, but by limiting cars usage all together our atmosphere could grow back to the potential it should be at, not trapping the warm air in.\n\nAfter Bogota had their car free day, sidewalks were replaced and parks were packed. Almost everyone participated with either hiking, biking, skating or taking the bus. The goal, which they succeeded with was to reduce their smog (Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota 28). What if all the countries did as so, it could start as a day, and grow into a week, a month, maybe forever. It would help us, our health and the future that has yet to come. After reading this essay it is obvious to why limiting car usage is essential to life. It has grown into something no one could have imagined and now that it is here, when will it be enough.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nStudying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because Venus orbits the sun and we can see it sometimes. When a spacecraft lands on the planet it is only there for a few hours before it goes poof. No Humans can stay on the planet because of what is wrong with that planet. The planet itself is \"170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth\". Venus is the kind of planet no human wants to live on because of it's hot tempertures and their is no oxygen there either. Three decades ago spacecraft landed on Venus to see if humans could live there well we can't because their is no oxygen or anything else. In my opioion we should never live on Venus because their is no oxygen and very hot tempertures and this planet is not ready for humans and neither is Mars.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the artilce '' The Challenge of Exploring Venus , the author suggests that studying Venus is worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents . The author supports the idea of studying Venus is a pursuit despite the dangers because it should be fun to learn about and people could know new information about venus and whats on the sun and the earth . In the article it says ''Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additonal impediments like eruptiing volcanoes , powerful earthquakes and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface . My conclusion for this essay is talking about what venus does in the sun and the earth and how it acts towards peoples cells . I would say that Venus sounds hot and cool because theirs a lot facts and information about venus that people what to know about and how Venus has a value to the sun and the earth . And I like how Nasa has a idea to send people to study Venus and see what Venus is like and what it looks like . The author supports the claim because the author is talking about what people are doing and what they are seeing in Venus and how the author wants to see people go down to the earth and see Venus .", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis article show us many emotions that each person have, and how our face expressed emotions by any situation. Also explain the most common emotions that each person used more, they are happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness. One example of this article is the art of Leonardo da Vinci's \"Mona Lisa\" that explain the Mona Lisa have many emotions this is comproved by a software that show the Mona Lisa has some differents emotions. Scientifics of the University os Illinois. They are working in collaboration with another scientifics and anothers Universitys about if we can calculate emotions and all this process begin about muscles. Movement of body and movement of all the muscles this means that we are sad or happy or actually fear we can note or show to someone else. IN this article the example the how we can calculate our emotions is about the face's muscles if you are suprised the most common movement is raises your eyebrows or a smile when you are happy or also tightens your lips when you are angry. We have a lot of expresions that helps us how we feel or how exprese our emotions. This is important because we should know each person it is different and show how many people expresed their emotions by differents ways.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere is different opions about technology used in class, some people may be agree and some people may be disagree. Sometime we dont understand how easy can be life if we lmprove our technology, in this case there is a program that reads emotional expressions, if we allow this technology into classrooms it can help use to figure out many problems, for example, when someone is sad, or it's really worry about something,or even when we distracted. Most of the times we stay quietbecause we scare of what other people will say, but sometimes it would be good to let others know so they can help us and prevent from bad things to occur.\n\nIt would be good to use this type of techonlogy in a classrrom because the teacher will notice when his class is gettting bored and is learning less, so the teacher can improve something to do better and make his student to pay attention and learn more. \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" Most of the times when a student is bored in class is because he does not like his class, and whyhe does not like his class? probably he dont understand well, and the student needs help, so if the teacher would have this technology they will know what is happening, and they can try to fix this problem, either making his class more interesting,explain more, staying more time, or working after school. The point of of this is to make students to focus and be able to learn well. After the students learn they will doing better in school, better grades, and later on they can have better future.\n\nThis new technology can help us in many ways because it can helps us to know if there is something wrong happening that maybe it needs to be changed, if we choose to use it we would increase our opportunies to do good. kids would have better education, and the better our education is the better our nation will be.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIntro-\n\nThis new facial software could be the next step to communicate with people without the use of words. Created by Prof. Thomas Huang and collaberated with Prof. Nicu Sebe, they have inventited a computer software that can reconongnise what a human's emotion's are (Par. 1). The new software would scan the 44 major muscles of the person, it can detect wether the person is lieing about what they are feeling or not (Par. 3). This facial software would change the way we see people, as it shows what people really are feeling.\n\nBody-\n\nThe software created by Prof. Huang and Sebe is reliable on computers. It would scan the face and construct a 3D model of the students face with all 44 major facial mucles and would have to have a phychologist, such as Dr. Paul Eckman to judge the appereance of the face to see if it shows the 6 emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust and surprise (Par.3). This could help tell the emotions of students or if they are telling the truth on how they feel. Any student is bound to be emotional, the scanning system would be able to tell which emotion is being told because certain muscles would be activated in the face (Par. 8). These uses seem very standard but are they useful?\n\nWith only being able to scan faces, there really is not much use to this. People can already judge other people's facial expressions by noticing key differences to how someone smiles, if they are faking it or not (Par. 7). There are already lie detector tests that can prove if someone is telling the truth or not, which seems like the most cheap option. Though it doess have many uses, it can properly tell someones facial features with emotions. Better than most people can judge, a computer will be able to show what a specific person is feeling. Since humans are universal, most scanning will be accurate at telling people's emotions (Par. 4). Of course the purpose of this facial scaning can be anything us humans can already do for eachother, but the software has full knowlege of what we are feeling.\n\nConclusion-\n\nThe software can change our view on how we see eachother. All uses for this softtware are amazing but with even our own selves mostly capable of judging others and being accurate, it makes this software useless. We humans can already tell what we are feeling, we know ourselves better than any computer. Even phycologists have to properly tell what the emotions are and they are human not software (Par.3). This could be benifical but there are already lie detector tests that can be more accurate as it even measures pulse, which can differ with emotion. There are more downsides than upsides, but who is to say that this software wont improve in the future?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere is many different advantages to limiting car use. The\u00a0 most important advantage to with this experiment is less gas emissions exit the exhaust pipes and cause greenhouse gases. This is a major advantage because our economy is filled with so much pollution and can and has caused serious damage to our health. The Environmental Protection Agency is promoting many car reduced communities. Paris, France enforced a driving pan to clear its air of smog and toxic gases. Any motorist who got caught driving was forced to pay a fine of $31. If refusal to pay the fine came to, The drivers car was impounded. The main cause of this smog in Paris was caused by diesel fuel. Diesel vehicles make up 67 percent of vehicles in Europe.\n\nAnother main benefit from car and driving reduction is exercise. Instead of driving people can ride a bike, walk, jog or even run to get to their destination. In Bogota, Columbia there is a program that is possible to spread to other countries. Millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car free day. In America studies show people are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses each year. This can help stop the obesity rating not only in the U.S. but also in many other countries.\n\nFinally, Another advantage is people can save a whole lot more of money each week, month, and year. People of every country spends hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions on their car. Whether it is for gas or buying a completly new car, People are consistently spending hard earned money on something that can be avoided with a nice relaxing walk. With citizens not spending money on these so called \"necessities\", they will be able to buy more important things. For example, Many people will be able to purchase a newer home instead of living in a weekly rent pay of an apartment. This can give many people the feeling of accomplishment and the feeling of control over their life. They will also be able to purchase food and drink so they don't starve or dehydrate. Many people go hungry everyday and suffer from dehydration. With vehucles gone people can save the necessary money needed for more life saving things.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nExploring Venus\n\nI love the thought of humans trying to explore venus and one day maybe even making it there alive. I personally think that this moment in time would be a bad ideal to try and do so. There are of course pros and cons to exploring Venus such as research and a better understanding for the planet. But the cons can be very deadly for only gaing some information. A trip to venus could be almost pointless considering that a human would have a very little chance of making back to earth.\n\nExploring Earths sister planet Venus to me is by far way to dangerous to any human. With tempertures up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit and a atmospheric pressure 90 times greater than Earths. Making this planet almost impossible for even spaceships to land on. Venus could have a atmospheric preesure the same as Earths, with a Temperture not as hot as 800 degress and would still be almost impossible to go to, Do to the fact that the planet is \"coverd with erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes\".\n\nIf NASA found a way to get human life to Venus it would be almost pointless to go. Anyone who would make it to venus would be very unlikely to make it back to earth. Since venus is coverd mainly in natural disasters there would be nothing to do there. Collecting information would be very hard and pointless as well considering the author stated that \"The planet Venus has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys and mountains\" Nothing that Earth does't already have. This means that if you gatherd information on Venus and brought it back to Earth there would be no diffrence and Humans wouldn't be able to tell that anyone has even been to the planet.\n\nAlthough I am against the fact of Human life going to venus does not mean that i will be in the next one hundred years. I personally think that we just dont have the right technolgy to make the trip from Earth to Venus. Right now we should focus more on what we need in order to make sure everyone is safe. Humans should start to find a better material that can adapt to the very harsh conditions that venus has to offer. Aswell as a forsure way there and back. Humans would need a material like no other to even live on venus. So before NASA trys to visit the planet they should find or make substance that will fit the conditions of Venus.\n\nI fully support the Authors ideal that studing Venus is a worthy pursuit and im sure one day Humans will make it there. The Author does a great job at suppoting the study of venus although the dangers. I think that humans shouldn't try to go yet considering the dangers it has to offer, It would be almost pointless to go right now, and We just dont have the right technolgy that we need in order to survive on the planet or make it there and back. I support the Athours statment that \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of Imagination and innovation\". Just this quote in general tells me that the Author really cares about this topic.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think im leaning more on the positives of driveless cars. i Mean i also think it could be a bad idea for many reasons but im gonna go for them. Like my dad always said he wishes that he could have a car that could drive itself. Now his dream could possibly come true. Me, I dont think I would fully trust the fact that the car in controlling itself but im still for it. Here are my reasons why.\n\nI would trust a drivless car more than I would trust some of these idiots driving on the road today. This could also help with the whole texting and driving or drinking and driving. Which im not saying now you can do those things but your car will drive itself so we dont have to worrk about that person hitting and killing another person. Plus they put alot of effort and great hardware into these vehicles. But none of these cars are completely driverless they have touch sensors on the steering wheel to make sure the driver keeps a hold on the wheel.\n\nI think it would be a very cool experience to drive in a car that can steer, accelerate, and brake on their own. Once again i dont fully trust this idea but im willing to go to the positives brfore the negatives. I like how if the driver wants to take over all the mechanics that the car is doing itself shut off instantly so you can take over. That would make me feel a whole lot more comfortable in a car that drives itself.\n\nIt says in the law that traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all time. So that has something to do with the release of these new cars. They just have to prove that these cars can be safe on the road then manufacturers believe that more states will follow. Open up to this new and cool idea. But i dissagree with this idea at the fact that it could be dangerous. In the text it states, if the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault the driver or the manufacturer. Im not going to jail for life for something I had no control over.\n\nSo all in all i think that this idea is neat. It would be very fasinating to see if they really do operate well. But like i said I also kind of disagree with this driveless car thing because if that tchnology fails then what happens. So if they prove the safety and hardware to make it 100% safe then im in. And im pretty sure my dad will be too.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHas anyone ever actually seen an alien? I believe we have no reason to believe this supposed 'face' was created by them. The 'face' is just a natural landform because I can't even pick out the face, aliens are most likely not even real, and it looks like a natural build-up of sand or dirt.\n\nI can't even see the face in 'the Face on Mars.' To me it looks like any normal pile of hardened dirt or sand. From what I can tell, this 'face' isn't even a face. It's more like when you see a crack in the sidewalk, and pick out a cool design, making it seem like something it's not, with your imagination.\n\nAliens probably don't even exist. No one has ever seen one, so why should we believe aliens created it at all? Even if it did just happen to be aliens, they probably weren't intelligent enough to create a 'face.'\n\nThe pile looks like a natural build up of sand or dirt. Stuff like that happens all the time with hardened dirt or sand, whether by accident or by choice. It doesn't make any sense at all, personally those are my thoughts.\n\nJust because aliens haven't been found yet, doesn't mean they don't exist. While this is true, we also have NO evidence that aliens ARE real, therefore, this means there is a chance they still don't exist at all, which just as much chance that they do.\n\nThe face on Mars is probably just something that formed by accident, because there really is no point to it all, which brings us to the question, even if it was aliens, and it is a face, what reason would they have to do this? That isn't something that can be explained which is why it's just a natural landform... I can't even see the face in it, aliens probably don't exist, and it looks like a natural build-up of hardened sand and/or dirt.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs the author mention that there is different risks to live in Venus.\n\nThe author uses explicit evidence to support that \"Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it represent.\n\nNo spacecraft has touch venus and will be difficult for the resistence of the spacecraft. The inner surface of venus and the tempeture will be tough. It will be a difficult task to live in venus.\n\nAs a spacecraft aproches to the land in Venus will be difficult and also the resistence of the spacecraft won't be good as aproching to land in Venus.\n\nThe author show us that there hasn't land a spacecraft in decades, \"since no spacecraft survided the landing for more than a few hours.\"\n\nThis tell us that when the spacecraft is aproching to the surface of Venus it will destroy trying to decend to the atmosphere, because of the tempeture of Venus. Also this could happen because there is no space fo the aircraft to land. This is why \"not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades.\"\n\nThe scientist can't find a solution for this spacecraft land of Venus.\n\nBut NASA is working on a experiment to have better electronics in the spacecrafts.\n\nThe surface of\n\nVenus and tempeture are to high and it can't be a good idea to have people in this conditions.\n\nThe conditions of Venus are to high because, it has a high tempeture and it has a high high percent of carbon dioxide.\n\n\"A thick atmosphere almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus\"\n\nThis make a humen live in Venus more difficult and also it won't be able to survive in this conditions. Also the tempeture that Venus has it doesn't have it any other planet \"tempeture average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit.\" While the scientist are trying to find a way to get the radiation of the solar to have more energy.\n\nIt will be difficult to make a new home in Venus because of its not easy conditions.\n\nThey have differerent contions in Venus, \"erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface.\"\n\nThe tenesion of living in Venus is really high because, if you made a hiome close to a volcanoe and it erupt; there will be a lot of lifes dead.\n\nAlso when you trying to make a new home it will be more difficult becuase of the hottest surface tempetures.\n\nBut there are some parts of Venus that can help you.\n\n\"The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters,\" this tell us that Venus can be good place to live.\n\nIn conclusion the studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the darger it represent. Because of the spacecraft aproching the surface of venus can have an impact and also it can have a dangerly caused. Also, because of the tempeture and conditions that Venus has. The high percentage of Carbon dioxide and also the high tempeture and being the only planet that has the highest tempeture.\n\nAnd the last is Living in Venus it will be difficult life.\n\nScientist will make something to be able to start a new life in Venus.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOne could say that the Face on Mars is or was created by aliens. I say it is just a natural landform. My reasons for this statment is three simple things the pictures taken by MGS in 2001, the simalaritys with a mountain range in the US, and shadows!\n\n\u00a8In 2001 MGS (Mars Global Surveyo drew close enought for a second look at the so called face\u00a8 said Unmasking the face on Mars. In 1976 a picture was taken of the \u00a8face\u00a8 by NASA and yes it did look like a face but then again in 1998 the same picture was taken by MGS. By now the camras had gotten alot better and more sharpe. Then in 2001 MGS took a picture of the face and this time they new it was no longer a face it was a natural landform. Also in 1976 camras had 43 meters per pixel but in 2001 it was 1.56 meters per pixel. That is an amazing change.\n\nIf you look at the picture from 1976 the landform does look like a face but in the picture of 2001 you can tell the simalaritys in that landform to the one running right throw the west of the USA. You can esialy see the pikes and valleys and you can also she how the elevation changes. Im not sying aliens are not real but they did not create this landform.\n\nMy last reason for why this landform is natural and not created by aliens is because in the picture from 1976 you can see shadows. These shadows are from the pikes of the landform. Just like a normal mountain when looking at it from the top in the valleys you can see shadows. The shadows are what give off the face image.\n\nI hope now you can understand why the face on Mars is not actually a face it is just a natural landform we know this becasue of pictures taken in 2001, simalaritys to real mountains, and the shadows on the landform.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article of making mona lisa smile,the author describes new technology. It show before the new technology and after the way mona lisa feels her emotions,it was how she was before the new technology and they can not fix it. But now because of the new technology is made. A pricess of the computer begins constructs a 3-D computer model of the face. Movement of one or more muscles are action unit. The new technology is relies on the work of psychologists by Dr. huang and Dr. paul Eckman. the coding was call action coding syste of six emothions. The technology can know if you happy or not and it can fix the problem. When you take a picture first raise your lips at the coners of your mouth. Second then squint your eyes slightly, to produce wrinkling of crow feet at the corners of your eyes. Thrid holding that ,raise the outer parts of your cheeks up,toward your eyes,It was how you look in the mirror,while taking a picture. Making a happy face in this experiment also make you feek slightly happy because according to the facial feedback theory of emothion,moving your facial muscles not only expresses emothions. It is a good way to make you more happy and for the others people by this new technology. This technology is good becuase it can make your emotions know and how to fix it. I think monalisa smile will make others people happy to because of the new technology effect.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\ntoday after i tell you some facts about the seagoing cowboys you should go check out the recroting site. now number one, the seagoing cowboys get to see some of the most fasnating and beatiful sites across the world. number two when going we don't just work, work ,work we also have lots of fun. all the seagoing cowboys also gets to go and do things no other person here as ever done.\n\nwhen we go on trips sometimes yes it does get a little stressful and tiering,but when we drop the animals of we play games and even have parties.\n\nsometimes when we're going home the days just roll on by like water.\n\nwhen we get to are locatoin and unload the animals, most of the time we spend the night and see all of the senery.\n\nall the time we go see things but olso do things like go meet new people. we go and find new food to try. sometimes we even almost get blown of the ship. which will give you a big adredilan rush.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAlthough, some may say its invassive to have this type of technology in the classroom, many experts belive it would be revlotionary to have this in the classroom. This wouldn't only be good for the teachers, it would also be great for the students.\n\nJust imagine you're sitting in your class and the teacher is going on about something that your not that interested in. Sudenly they change the subject to something that you're actually excited about. The passage states \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored-Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor\". This would be great for the students because it would cause them to actually enjoy wants going on and the teacher will be able to taylor the lesson to their perferce. It would be even better for the teachers because it would only tell them that the students are bored, it will be able to inform the teacher if they are going too fast or too slow. The teachers will be able to make that adjument on the fly. Which could lead to better test scores and so on.\n\nOn the other side of the story, some students and teachers may veiw this Facial Action Coding System too invasive. Not everyone wants to get read like a book. Some students could've been in a bad mood so they walked in class witha bored or upset facial expression. Which can to the teacher trying to fix something that they have nothing to do with. Many students have many diffrent preferces, some students may find one subject interesting while another group of students do not. Then that could put a lot of pressure on the teachers.\n\nOverall, the FACS would be a extreamly valuable in the class room. Not only will it be able to help teachers help their students, it could also lead to much higher test scores and so much more.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriveless cars seem to be the next big invention people want to see. It seems like a great idea in general, but it would take a long time to get these cars approved and in a state where it would become the norm to own or use one. The money and time taken to develop these cars would be of better use elsewhere, these cars would cause unnecessary issues, and they also would endorse human laziness.\n\nI do not think these cars should come to existence because of the time and money that they would take to develop. Even if they do use less fuel, the money that it takes to manufacture them is so great that I am sure their selling price would also be rather high, making it hard for common people to afford one. Only richer individuals would be able to afford these with ease. It just does not feel practical.\n\nThe passage also mentions issues that could arise between manufacturer and consumer. Where would the blame fall in the event that this new technology fails? Different laws and regulations would have to be created in order for these cars to be safe on the roads. Maybe the car will not know how to react to pedestrians and accidentally hits one and injures them. It would be hard to draw a line of who is to blame in those kinds of situations.\n\nLastly, I just do not like the idea. Because it endorses human laziness. Humans are already becoming more sedentary and technology is always being developed that makes human life \"easier\", but the tech just makes it worse. All of these devices make it so a lot of people do not eve. Have to leave their homes or do much of anything. People become obese and develop health issues, shortening the life span of humans and also putting babies at higher risks for health issues. The driverless car would be another one of these technologies that contributes to this laziness.\n\nIn conclusion, I do not believe that driverless cars should be technology that we should use in the future. Something like developing the most energy efficient car possible would be of better use. Driverless cars waste unnecessary money in development, would cause unnecessary issues, and endorse the already lazy behaviors of human beings.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars, even the idea of it gives me a massive headache. Thinking about all the promblems that would cause is just dreadful. I mean it's bad enough people now and days don't know how to drive I cant even imagine what it'd be like having driverless cars on the road. I think it's absoutley the worse idea I ever heard of mainly because of all the tremendous promblems it would cause.\n\nHaving driverless cars in my mind is very dangerous because anything could happen when a driver isn't in control. Today we already have so many accidents everyday with just everday people. People are not responcible enough to take on such a big task of having a driverless car in their possestion or on the road for that matter.\n\nIt's understandable to have the idea of having them because of how much technology has improved over the years. But even now the cars are not fully ready to be taken out on the road when it can't fully take on the challenge of driving around accidents, roadwork, and roadblocks. However it does say that the car can alert the driver when it needs the assistance but, who is to say when a person is paying attention they could be sitting back relaxing and the alert may not\n\nmake it to the driver in time. That is a acciedent waiting to happen.\n\nEven though we still have wrecks I think that its less likely to happen if we have people behind the wheel that\n\nare able to control the car at all times. With a smart car there is no telling what it could do and what it could cause. If a person needed to take over and drive and couldn't get the displays that control the car to turn off that could be really bad. If\n\nwe keep it like how\n\nit is now\n\nwe won't even have that as a issue.\n\nI fully agree with traffic laws saying that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. At least then there is a chance to prevent a accident. When\n\nyou as a driver are not in control of the car you are driving. It can become a scary and dangerous situation. You are not only putting yourself in danger but everyone else that is on the road with you in danger. I will stand by what I think and that is driverless cars should stay in the television shows and movies and keep reality where its real.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Paul\", Luke said \"do you want to join the Seagoing Cowboys program?\"\n\n\"Uhm I'm not sure luke, why would I join the Seagoing Cowboys program, like give me an idea of what it would be like\" Paul said\n\n\"Well you get to help out Europe and China by giving them horses, baby cows, goats and so on.\", Luke said, \"You also get to see so many natural wonders, antiques, buildings from long long ago, and meet so many new and great people\"\n\n\"Sounds fun but what about my kids and wife,they will miss me, and who will be man of the house after all I only have two girls with a mother that is sick. I'm sorry Luke I just can't go to many things to worry about\".\n\n\"Well why didn't you tell me that i would've got that taken care of no questions asked\", Luke said, \"I can call up your brother have him come up here and take care of the house and call a docter to take care of your wife, I know you would've called a docter if you had the money to, but I will pay for the docter visiting so you don't have to woory about money\".\n\nIn the meantime Luke called Dr. Philipe, (phil-EY-pay) called Saul, Paul's brother, asked if he could house sit for Paul, and payed for the docter visit and Saul's trip.\n\n\"So Paul, now can you go?\", Luke said\n\n\"Yes I can go\", said Paul\n\nOn the way to the Luke's barn that was on a hil next to the lake, they found multiple holes in the ground that hadn't been there before. \"I wonder where these came from?\"\n\n\"Me too, maybe a giant worm or a mole\", Paul said\n\n\"Let's follow the holes to see where the main source is\". They followed the holes and it led them to the barn. They heard a lot of noise from the horses then the cows and then the chickens. \"What's going on in here\", Luke said. ALmost right after he said that he spotted a cottenmouth snake on of the most deadliest snakes of all, besides the viper.\n\n\"Oh my chicken nuggets, it's a snake\", Paul screamed. The snake heard Paul scream and turned around to face Paul. The sake bunched up and Luke said, \"Run!\" Paul was to late. The snake bit him on his ankle and Paul fell to the floor. Luke grabbed an iron horse shoe and threw it at the snake, missed the first time, but the second hit the snake in the head.\n\n\"Get away from my friend!\" Yelled Luke, \"Or I'll through another one!\" The snake just stayed there hissing at Luke. Luke threw another one and hit the snake again and killed the snake. Luke threw the dead snake out of the barn and got all the venom out of Paul.\n\n\"Lets go now\", Luke said. They left and was on the boat untill one of the horses saw a spider and ran towrds land. \"Let's just leave it after all we have 337 horses\", said Paul.\n\nThey left and was having the time of their lifes, seeing all type of sea creatures and weird fish. They made it to Europe and delived the animals safe and sound.\n\n\"So did you have fun?\" asked Luke.\n\n\"Yes, it is fun to get out of the house and two screaming girls and enjoy life while we still can\", said Paul\n\nThey made it to homeland and had the best welcome back party of their lifes. Luke said bye to Paul when Paul went on his next trip and Luke went home to do house chores. They never saw each other again because it was said that there was a storm that year and the SS WiIlington 370 capsized in the water and was never seen again. That was the story of Paul and Luke, the Seagoing Cowboys.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think it is valuable to use this technology in schools or what ever there is they want to know or use them for or even on other things, beacuse you want to know if your students are sad or what they are feeling like on a day to day bases.\n\nSince some kids dont really tell you whats going on with their life, and you see them sad or crying but they wont tell you what they are feeling like. So I think you can use these. I think students will find very interesting these computer models, beacuse they have 3-D cumputer models that recognize their faces and get every little muscle of their face to make almost like a replica in order to see the facil expressions you make, like when the cumputer recognises your face it shows if you like something or not like the ads on your phone.\n\nIf you like it it shows more like those you just watched, but sometimes In my opinion, feel like it just wants you to stay on your phone and kepp being on it, and I find it kind of creepy that it knows your face and the way you feel. But for the most part teen and other people would like these in a cool way to use. Just like they tried using it on a Mona Lisa painting to see what she was feeling back then, beacause she looked like she was very mad at somthing.\n\nBut other wise i think it will be great and i think they should use them in schools. I find it very interesting for many students and myself to use, I think they should allow it in many schools", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine a world where people no longer control their vehicles, the machines they used to buy for the pleasure of driving and not just to get around while playing on their phones. Terrifying right? With the idea of driverless cars coming into view in this modern day and age we must pause from imagining the cool idea of these automated automobiles, and imagine the scary possibilities that very likely could come along too. Many of the people who push for driverless cars only see the idea of a car coming to them withouth them even having to move a muscle. However, these people most likely haven't conscidered the dangers and downfalls of the self driving cars. With these driverless cars comes the possibility that we as a people will become lazy, forget the enjoyment that can come from driving, and most importantly create many new risks and dangers in the driving world.\n\nThese days many people are already too lazy to even walk, but imagine if people no longer even have to drive. With automated cars becoming a possibility many are losing their minds over the idea of being able to get around without having to put forth any effort. These people may have learned to drive at one point, but with automated cars they may forget how to drive causing huge problems if they ever need to drive a car that can't drive itself. If we create these self driving cars we will end up with an entirely new breed of lazy people who most likely won't drive their car, let alone walk. The possibility of these lazy folks may be tragic, but is easily moved aside by the fact that self driving cars will take away the enjoyment driving can bring.\n\nMany years ago an idea was fromed that would bring the demise of horseback travel and this idea was the car. Since the day the first car was produced driving has brought many people an immense pleasure that is unrivaled. For years people would save their hard earned cash for the newest car just to feal the power or gentleness it had while they crused the open roads for hours just their car and them. Now that pleasure is being threatened by the idea of self driving cars. With these new cars we will no longer have this pleasure. These self driving cars take away the enjoyment of showing off how nice your car handles or how fast you can drive it as the car does the driving and controls the speed taking away the freedom and pleasure we once had. Although losing the enjoyment of driving is robbery, the dangers of these new cars heavily out weighs our loss of pleasure.\n\nToday's dangers of driving are things such as speeding and lack of awareness; however the dangers of self driving vehicles are much worse. When in a current vehical the dangers of driving are mostly things we can prevent such as rekless driving and lack of attention. With self driving cars they could malfunction leaving no time to correct the vehical meaning an accident or even worse such as death. If a self driving car is having issues the driver may not even be away and seconds later could lose their life. With human controlled cars we have time to correct ourself and most of the time are aware of problems with the vehicle, but not with cars we don't control. These possibilities brought on by self driving cars should be seen before we make the leap to the next generation of travel.\n\nWhen lazy people, no enjoyment of driving, and new dangers are the risk of self driving cars we should stop and take a moment to think. When I see the risks of these new vehicles I already know that they outweigh the non existant need for self driving cars. These self driving cars bring much more negative than positivie and I disagree with the idea entirely. Take a look at people driving in this day and age and the answer of yes and no for self driving cars is obviously no.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author really does support the idea of studying Venus that way they will find new things they didn't knew about Venus. Also, he supports that idea because they have being searching things about Venus and making the NASA to make them study about it. It can be the time to know everything and making changes. The reason why I think he supports the idea of studying is because he mention things that he was learining but doesn't know the answer to it. He said that they always go in differents speeds it means we get close to Mars and sometimes they one who is closer is\n\nVenus. For example in the text it says\n\n\"Venus is the second planet from he our sun\". It mean it can be a change people live there because in venus their is 97% of carbon dioxide it also can mean they can send people to visit or live their. The second reason is that \" Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planerary visit\". It means he does support this because he just says positves things that they have in learining information and that they also want to buy humans to go to venus and see how it be to be leaving their or how is it . They are really serious about studying that planet.\n\nIn conclution I think he does support studying Venus because he want to know about Venus or maybe it can be a planet like Earth because is close the the sun. Also, they had said that NASA\n\nwas working on so they can let them study Venus and know things they didn't know about Venus .", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI don't think it is a great idea to create driverlesses cars. There is no point in it you should be able to drive yourself where ever you need to go. When you still have a driverless car you should still be focused on the road anyways. If we go to driverlesses cars the article states will have to change some laws up too.\n\nOne reason we shouldn't have driverless cars is because we still need a driver in the car. In the article states that \"human drivers must remanin alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires.\" If a driver still has to be prepared to drive we shouldn't have driverlesses cars because we still have to drive the car anyways, so there really wouldn't be a big change.\n\nAnother reason we shouldn't have driverless cars is becasue we still need to be in contro l of our vechicals. The article says \"if the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?\" This shows to use that we really shouldn't rely on this technology. If something happens we won't know what to blame it on and it just becomes a bigger deal.\n\nFinally, these cars are going to be expensive that not very many people are going to be able to afford them. In the text it includes that a radar devices on a hilltop that cost two hundred million dollars. If we need this devices to go in the cars the car is going to be very pricy were mostly no one will even have a driverless car.\n\nIn conclusion, we should just stick to the regualr cars we have now. They run really good and take us where we need to be. To have driveless cars its going to cost us a ton of money, and we won't be able to rely on it very well. An addition to that were still going to have to have a driver in the car so there's not very a good point to invest in these cars.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nUsing technology to read peoples emotion isn't really valuable to students in the classroom.\n\nAs said in this article that it can read human emotion but not for any purpose except changing a lesson to your understanding when you're confused, but other than that there aren't much use for it. In paragraph of the atricle it states, \" you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.\" This statement from the article basically shows that some people already know how to read human emotion ny just looking, so this technology may only be valuable to people who can't read human emotions as good as others.\n\nIn the article, it even says \"most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication\" and also says \" so computers need to understand that ,too.\" In any form of communication, a human understands nonverbal and emotional communication which makes it easier for humans to understand that on another human than technology could.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus or called the Evening Star now it can be posible watch the planet for ourselves?\n\nVenus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, Venus is a important part of our solar system. Venus is actually a planet the author's point is give us information that not all people know about Venus or details like Venus is the second planet from our sun.\n\nOne important point is\n\n\"Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun\" and also that present addition impediments like erupting volcanoes. Our atmosphere it is almost 97 percent carbopn dioxide blakets Venus. On the planet's surface. temperatures average over 800 degrees which is more extreme than anything\n\nhumans encounter on Earth.\n\nThat is not a impediment for humans to visit Venus as the author express in the article \" NASA has one particularly idea for sending humans to study Venus and send more details to us so we can have a express idea of how Venus reality.\n\nAnother point to demostrate is that \" radiation would not exceed Earth levels, not easy conditions but survivable for humans\" that what NASA express but the people who visit Venus cannot take samples like rocks,gas, or anything else.\n\nIn conclusion that would be interest if the NASA aprobe send all type of people to the Earth, if they aprobe that would be safely because the NASA is working with old technology that is safe to control, and now the human curiosity will be done because we should be expanded to meet Earth.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face that appers on mars is just a rock. I want to convience you that it's just a weird shape on mars. The shadows on the \"Face\" that shows the eyes, mouth, and nose is just plain shadows. According to the text \"huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shodows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.\" This explains how the face is really but from a far distance it's not what you think.\n\nEven on websites, it shows just a normal landform. Something could look different from far away, then up close. Like in the story a group of people went in 1997, and they said it looked like it was an alien artifact. But a year later in1998, it was sharper then that passed year when they took the first picture.\n\nThis explains that the \"Face\" is really not a face, and that it wasn't created by aliens. It was just a simple rock with some shadows reflecting or illusions on the rock to make it look like a face. It was just a regular landform.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWe can all be a superhero. Saving the world from smog. All you have to do is get rid of your car. Sounds impossible, but there are many advantages of limiting car usage. Once you have found another way to go about your day without a car, you might see that your life will improve, along with the Earth.\n\nIn Vauban, Germany there are many participators, \"70 percent of... families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move [there]\"(source 1). With the statisics of the greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and United States caused by passenger cars are so shocking, you can see why it is so important to current efforts to drastically reduce emissions from tailpipes. With \"12 percent... [in] Europe and 50 percents in some car-intensive areas in the United States\"(source 1), it should not come to a surprise to people that we need to look further to invest time to promotioning a no car life-style.\n\nAlthough, the United States percentage is so high, a lot of people are also participating in a car-free life, with the internet allowing people to feel more connected they will not need to drive to meet friends. Also \"cellphones and car-pooling apps has facilitated more flexible commuting arrangements\"(source 4), along with \"shared van services for getting to work\"(source 4) being seen as a way people \"organize their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take public transportation or car-pool with friends\"(source 4). With this evolution accuring \"there has been a large drop in the percentage of 16- to 39-year-olds getting license\"(source 4). America is on the right track with fewer cars being bought, less drivers, and fewer licenses as the years go by; it can still improve.\n\nSome ways that it could improve would be to take some ideas from other countries, such as Paris and Colombia. Where in Paris they have enforced partial driving bans on Mondays that \"motorists with even-numbered license plates are are ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine\"(source 2). This establishment helped a great deal leaving \"congestion...down 60 percent...after five-days of intensifying smog\"(source 2). Although critics argue that \"delivery companies complained of lost revenue...public transit was free of charge from Friday to Monay\"(source 2). Also in Bogota, Colombia there is a program that \"[promotes] alternative transportationg and reduce smog\", a day without cars where \"cars [they are ban] with only buses and taxis permitted\" (source 3). The violators of this programed were charged a $25 fine.\n\nThese programs would defiantly improve the surburbs, leaving them denser, better for walking and \"more accessible to public transportation\"(source 1). With these changes \"stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls alongs some distant highway\"(source 1). The world would become more for the living and less for the machine if we create a trend for a no car zone in all of our daily lifes.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\ni belive that a electoral college COULD work if you get a proper way of selecting so it stated that there are 538 electors meaning 538 ideas and this is just facts the majority of people who are there are white not saying that thats wrong but what i am saying is that we need equal races so lets say three presidents are to pick from one is white(democratic) the second one is hispanic (republican) (more specificly mexican you will see why thats important later) and the third is african american(republican) so the 538 electors lets say 421 of them are white and 90 are african american so now total is 511 and now lets say 27 are hispanic (all races of hispanic) so I AM NOT saying that all the whites are gonna pick the white one. and all hispanic ones are gonna pick the hispanic ones etc. but i am saying that since 421 are white there gonna have a thing in comman with the white president why because there white same with all the races in the college but more specificly the white ones because of there past so i sugggest that we have and equal or close to equal amount of all races so americans korean mexican irish german polish chinease ghana etc. etc.\n\nnow like i said in the first paragraph the hispanic one in mexican now why that would be important is that since he is mexican a lot of ignorant people are gonna say he cant be president he needs to be born in merica well that is true but the thing is he is from america but his ethnicity is mexican so realy i should have refraised that he is mexican american meaning that the little loop whole has just been closed so he can be president but for the people who are still dumb and cant exept another race you still have hope if you look on the map of american the electoral college with the sencond most electors is in good old texas with 38 voters (the most goes to cali but thats not important) and what does texas have well one of the highest rates of mexican imigrants one of the highests numbers of kkk members you know racist stuff so yea with texas having one of the most i dont see an colored president in a long time i still have now idea why another guy cant be friends with some one cause there colored life is like a box of crayons one color the people like more and all the others they hate cant we all just be color blind so now im gonna hit you with some truth because the states with some of the highest rate of blacks and hispanics also have the lowest number of electors im not saying that the goverment said colored people there lets give them 5 voters its like that because the states with more black and hispanic people are also some of the poorest states in america so its not all the goverments fault good job america.\n\nso how do we fix that well i say that the goverment should send money to not only to the state itself but to the citys in them so give some money to detroit and chigago without them we wouldent have the worst team in the nba (just kidding) and a team that had a legend so i also say take the number of states with more electors and transfer them to the smaller ones so take 10 from texas and give them to main and 15 from cailfonia and give them to all small state know what im saying or nah.\n\nso on to the next thing that they need to fix so it says that the most populer vote becomes presidet seems pretty legit exept for the fact that its not legit at all if have some one that has done so much like serve in the military fought in afginistan or somthing like and he can do oficial stuff then he deserves it but if a actor runs for president some one like eddy murphey vs obama whos gonna win starts with and e and ends with a y who is it eddy murpey he will always win how do you think arnald shwazinager became govener of califonia and i know he had so skill if office but still a old man who uses steroids vs a middle aged man who know alot about being a president so i say we should get rid of the populer vote and pick the one with skill we should let the three best run america for one month each and see how each one does at the if we lose evrething well then they weren a good president now were they so yea it could work.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is a dangerous beecause almost 97% of carbon dixoxide is covering the whole planet, the skies are highly corrosive in sulfuric acid. Humans have no chance to even stepping one foot on venus. The risk is very high that you will not survive. Humans and other space crafts will not last long on venus, The enviroment is not like earth. Scientist are concidering to visit Venus as an mission to explore the craters, mountains, valleys and other features Venus has to store. NASA is thinking about sending humans to study Venus. That would be survivable but the conditions wont be easy. Also, The tempature at or around Venus will be around 170 degrees fahrenheit. Nasa is working on having mechanical computers sent to Venus so they can study the surface and other things that come along. Scientist will need that computer to have all the safety features needed so they can get all the evidence needed for an explanation or answer, without the computer being destroyed by Venus's environment.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear senator,\n\nI highly suggest you to reconsider about voting for that particular president. There might be quite a few people that voted for that person. Also there is a lot of people that like the other canidate. Most of the people that are not eligable to vote would want you to make the right choice.\n\nNow that most states have a winner take all system it is not very fair for all the people in one state just to go to one person. It is the right thing to do to get all of the people in one state just to vote for the canidate that they want to take over the oval office. It would be a better system and would have less of a possible risk just to get a tie in the ellectoral college.\n\nSo i highly regard this letter just to let you know that changing the way of voting would make a big deal to all of the country. It would benefit the whole country that every person could make a big difference in the elections of modern society. In the future we will have what is called chaos in the voting polls. None of the voting will matter because the electors will get to decide who will be president.\n\nScincerely,\n\nDylan", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars have been noted to be a big contributor to being a big problem to the enviroment. They are also known from stealing money from other means of transportation. Since people can just use a car people neglect the other means of transportation such as taking a bus and things of that nature. The advantages of limiting car usage is that it is betters the enviroment. It also economically better for other transportation. This is why limiting car usage benefit the world and the enviroment as a whole.\n\nOne of the advantages of limiting the car usage is that it betters the enviroment as a whole. An example of this is that is in \"In German Surburb, Life Goes On Without Cars\" it states that \"Cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe.\" This shows how cars have been a big contributor to being a big problem\u00a0 to the enviroment. Also as well in the article \"In German Suburb , Life Goes On Without Cars\" it states that \"...and up to 50 percent in some car-initentisive areas in the United States\". This is one of the benefits of limiting car usage.\n\nAlong with this, another advantage to limiting car usage in general is that it\u00a0 is economically better for other transportations. An example of this is, that in the city of Colombia called Bogota are doing fining of people one day a year on Tuesday for three years already and been getting good revenue out of it from other transportation(Selsky). This shows how limiting car usage contributed in a great way. This is\u00a0 causing a change that could only be describe as revolutionary(Riera). This why it is advantageous to limit the car usage as much possible.\n\nIn conclusion, this why limiting car usage is advantageous. Since, it can help the enviroment. As well as economically benefit alternative transportations that may included one of the following buses,taxis, and transportation. This is why it is not only imperative but necessary, no a duty to human being alike to better\u00a0 the enviroment and economy as a whole. Unless one wants the future generations to starve, and\u00a0 not have clean air to breath\u00a0 in future years.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am against driverless cars for three reasons. they are not fully driverless, they cant fully navagate of thier own, and if the car make a mistake and hit something it would be the driver's fault.\n\nThe first reason why i am against the developement of driverless cars is the car is not fully driverless. there is no point of a car that drives on its own if you still have to turn and navigate through construction on you own. if there was to be a car that drives on its on it should be able to fully drive on its own. the driverless car cant controll it's self. it cant control when to stop before hitting somethin.\n\nThe second reason why i am against the driverless car is the car cant fully navigate. so you still have to stop for padestrians. if the car cant navigate you still have to stop and take control of the car. i would if i was to have a driverless car i wouldnt want to still have to take controll, i would want to get what i paid for.\n\nThe third reason why i am against the driverless car is if you hit something or somebody you will still be held responsible. in paragraph nine it states \"lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers. driverless cars are more dangerous and thats why it is illigal to drive computer-driven cars\n\nin most states. \"california, nevada, florida and the district of columbia have led the country in allowing limited use of semi-autonomous cars\"\n\nIn conclusion i am against the driverless car because they are not fully driverless, they can not fully navigate on their own, and if the driver make a mistake and hit something, even though the car drive on its own, it would still be the driver's fault.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhy is is beneficial to have limited car usage? This is a question that has several answers varying from personal health, to economic gain, to enviromental gain. Though the car has been the symbol of the modern age, there seem to be few 'down-sides' to limiting the usage of these transportation units.\n\nCars have given mankind the ability to cross great distances in a short amount of time, allowing face to face communication, fast trade between companies and nations, and acess to medical and personal care otherwise out of reach. However, the car has also caused lack of mobility, cutting back on people's exercise as they no longer have to walk very far to get from point A to point B, the overwhelming responsibility and cost of owning a car has also put a mental strain on people, causing needless stress.\u00a0 Of course there are places to go and things to do that require traveling large distances, and no one could be a expected to walk from New York to L.A., so car usage should not be utterly removed, but rather resricted.\n\nSo how do people properly regulate their car usage?\u00a0 Several different governments and cities have debated this, trying different tactics and having varied results.\u00a0 As shown in Elisabeth Rosenthal's essay,\n\n\"In German Suburbs, Life Goes On Without Cars\"\n\n, we are shown the result of a community where 70% of the people do not own cars, but with no less activity than their counterparts in cities wheighed down by cars.\u00a0 There seem to be several advantages in this city without\u00a0 cars, one being that people seem to be happier.\u00a0 Heidun Walter, a media trainer with two children informed Rosenthal, \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\", the lack of cars seems to reduce stress, without restricting life.\n\nSo perhaps this is not enough reason for some to limit their usage of the car, alright, there are many more reasons why this is beneficail. One that is quite familiar to all is the issue of greenhouse gas emissions.\u00a0 The majority of cars produce greenhouse gas emissions, polluting the enviroment and quickening the death of the planet, Rosenthal's essay \"\n\nIn German Suburbs, Life Goes On Without Cars,\n\n\", we are told clearly that, \"Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gass emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States. \"\u00a0 This may seem like very little, but with the amount of cars in the world, these numbers add up to staggering damage to the enviroment.\u00a0 Robert Duffer wrote an essay telling of these harmful effects in a shocking way: \"\n\nParis bans driving due to smog\n\n\". This city had so much pollution that they had to ban the use of cars, \"Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London,\".\u00a0 This pollution is not only in France, but across the globe, it is only a matter of time before it destroys the ecosystems on Earth, and cars are one of the biggest contributers to this destruction, coming in second only to power plants.\n\nOne Colombian city chose not to wait until such things happened, instead choosing to promote limited car usage in a more peacful manner, as described by Andrew Selsky's essay, \"\n\nCar-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota\n\n\".\u00a0 This city of 7 million people started a program that chooses one day a year to bann all car usage with the exception of buses and taxis, fining violators with $25. One main benefit has come out of this: People are more active phisically and therefore have less stress.\u00a0 Selsky's essay can be quoted saying, \"- millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday,\". The benefits of more physical movement are obvious, but one is not so obvious: It lowers stress.\u00a0 A businessman by the name of Carlos Arturo Plaza said, \"It is a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution\". If a simple day can cause such drastic changes in the enviroment, peoples health, and lower stress, why not go ahead and do it?\n\nIn summary, while cars help us get from point A to point B quickly, and are very useful when traveling over great distance, they also cause great harm.\u00a0 A simple cut back on using cars would allow the air pollution to be reduced drastically, promote physical movement and personal health, and help productivity and creativity by reducing stress. Why would you\u00a0 not wish to live in a world like that?", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSome people think the \"Seagoing Cowboy Program'' is a great program. Some people think otherwise. I think it is a great program, it helps people recover their food supplies, animals, and more. The UNRRA hired \"Seagoing Cowboys\" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that are shipped overseas. Particapating would be a great way to help out.\n\nMy first reason why you should join the \"Seagoing Cowboys Program\" is because it feels good to help people out who are in need. You would want them to help you if you were in trouble and needed to recover. You would get to sail the oceans, take care of animals, and do other fun activities. It does not get much better.\n\nMy second reason is that it changed my life and it could change yours too. It will feel tremendously good to help people recover. It is fun, but you can still make an impact on someones life. As well as taking care of the animals you would get to go sightseeing and do other activities. So all though this is like a mission to help others, it will still be very enjoyable.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for me. \"It opened up the world for me\". \"I'm grateful for the opportunity.\" \"It made me more aware of people in other countries and their needs.\" \"That awareness stayed with me, leading my family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years.\"\n\nSo in conclusion, I would recommend joining the \"Seagoing Cowboys Program\" because I had a great time, but I still learned a lot and had my life changed. So if you decide to participate in this event, you will not be disapointed. There are many opportunities to help others and many opportunities to have a great time.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCan you imagine you not having to drive your own car? Well in the future driverless cars are coming to you. Many car brands are in on driverless cars. However, I am against driverless cars because of their many side affects. You may still want a driverless car because of the advantages but I do not want a driverless care due to it's many disadvantages.\n\nDriverless cars are coming in the future. Most people are excited about driverless cares because they blocked out the disadvantages. Other people feel how I feel, that driverless cars are dangerous and cause many problems to whomever may get in behind a driverless car. Driverless cars have advantages to a certain exctint but I feel they are unsafe to all humans no matter how they work.\n\nDriverless cars are expensive to make and would cause you to have to upgrade roads just so they can work which would cost millions and billions of unneeded dollars. Driverless cars are not so driverless, they still want you to take over the will as much as they neeed you to. Whenever their is an accident or something that the driverless car can't handle the human in the car has to take over and drive. This is very unsafe because humans may become unalert and unaware due to the fact that they are no longer in control of moving the vehicle they are in.\n\nDriverless cars are unsafe because if a human were to fall alseep they are unaware to their surroundings. Humans are unaware of the fact they have to still drive in oder to be safe and not cause damage to anything around them. A human has to pull in and out of the drive way in the driverless car. If the driverless car is so great, how come humans still have to drive? That is one reason why we should stick to humans driving their own cars.\n\nA driverless car the car will drive at a constant speed of 25 miles. In some cases that may be to slow. If their was an emergency the car would drive way to slow and could possibly put a humans life in danger due to the slow speed. In a driverless car, the point is to not have a human driving the car at all. In the driverless cars they still want humans to drive, humans tend to get bored and lack intrest waiting for a situation to happen.\n\nSafety is such a big concern in driverless cares. Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car as a human driver in control at all times. As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars. California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have led the country in allowing liminted use of semi-autonomous cars; manufacturers believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--- the driver or the manufacturer?\n\nOn behalf on all humans I feel we need to stick to human driven cars. In driverless cars we would have to always worry about our safety. We would have to worry about the \" what ifs\" and all the possibilaties that could happen being in the driverless car. Many humans could be injuried or seriously hurt due to being in a driverless car. If anything were to happen in the driverless car who will the blame be put on, the person who made it or the person in\n\nit?\n\nIn conclusion, drivers should go the safer route and drive themselves around instead of relying on a monitored car. You still have to worry about the possibilaty of something happening to you or anyone else in the car especially if you have any children. Drivers are much safer driving themselves around not having to worry about something happening to them or them putting their life in danger by entering the driverless car. Driverless cars may be cool but very unsafe until proven than can be safe and well organized all humans should stick to taking their self everywhere like we have over the last hundreds of decades.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSmog, acid rain, high carbondioxide levles, all of these things are due to pollution. In many contries the leaders have put a ban towards cars. Paris France, Vauban Germany, Bogota Colombia, and even the United States of America have/are thinking about putting a ban on cars or other transporting objects. Their are many advantages to limiting car usage; limiting pollutians in the air, saving money, and having a healthier life style.\n\nCars can cost a pretty penny espically if their new, and many low/middle class family's have trouble keeping up with the bills that come with a car. Car payments alone can run up to $300 a month. Then theirs insurance, and if your car happends to need a change of oil, or breaks theirs another 200-300 dollar\u00a0 payment. That's why people are starting to buy fewer and fewer cars each year. After the peek in 2005 car percheses have droped tramendiously, with less people deciding to get a license.\n\nNot getting you license dosn't mean you cant get around, it just means that you have to find other means of transprotatin. Biking, walking, even riding on your skateboard can get you from point A to point B. Cars are bigining to become obsoliet, not being used in larg suberbs, or highly populated cities. People have started to walk to work and that has a large impact on health. With people having privet cars they dont feel the need to have phisical activity every day. This could be contrabuting to obeasity. With cars being out of mind people are starting to get exersize just by walking to work. Cars have also contrabuted to many deaths all over the world. With new technology comming out many drivers get distracted. Wether its talking on their phones, trying to pick up something thats' dropped in the back seat, or even trying to dig something out of your purse. Not all drivers are a fault tho, many other accidents happen because of padestrians not paying attention. These accidents could be prevented though, by just getting rid of the use of cars.\n\nPassenger cars cause 12% of greenhouse gass admitions in europe, and up to 50% in some car-intensive areas in the Unites States. If we got rid of most privetly owned cars though, it world bring that pecentige down tramendously. In Paris the record high pollution finally had them pass a partial driving ban untill the thick smog cleard the city streets. congestion was down 60% in the streets of paris, and after 5 days of intensifying smog it had finally cleard.\n\nCars all over the world are slowly becoming less and less used. This could help the pollution, health and save money. these advantiges to getting rid of cars is going to become a topic thast we will talk alot about for ages, until cars become compleetly and totaly obsolite.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is considered as Earth's twin, so why not explore it and have information about it, right? Allowing the people on Earth to be educated about space life is incredible and would probably do so much for us. The author of \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" supports his idea very well by educating us of the idea that Venus may of had life on it at one time, explaining to us that we need to chase our imaginations and telling the idea that Venus is basically the sister of Earth!\n\nLife on Venus. That may of been the case a long time ago according to many astronomers. The article states, \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\" If Venus once had the ability to support life, it might have that ability again! If we take the risks and time to explore Venus, we might not just have to choose what country or state to live in. We could possibly choose what planet!\n\nBeing a day dreamer or someone who thinks often could give you a whole new world. What if we literally had a whole new world though? According to the passage, \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\" To imagine the population on Earth becoming smaller because of people going to live on Venus is amazing and wild.\n\nVenus is the closest planet to Earth, referring to size and density. The author mentioned \"Astronomers are facinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\" If that is the case, then we should explore it to make it the TWIN of Earth.\n\nLife on Mars was very well thought of, but now Venus has come into the equation. The author of this passage makes his thoughts very clear that Venus is a risk that would be well taken by, implying life may have already been on Venus, Imagination can get the best of us and we should let it sometimes, and Venus is identical to Earth, so we should at least try.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article, \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\", the author presents the opinion that Venus is well-worth exploring, and well-worth the challenges that humans would have to face to pursue exploration. The author does a great job of explaining why Venus ought to be explored. They also do a pretty good job of explaining how we can explore Venus by bypassing the dangers and risks involved. However, the author does not do a good job on explaining why what we learn on Venus can help humanity. This shows that the author does overall, a nice job of supporting the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit, although they could have done better.\n\nThe author uses many points to explain why Venus should be explored. They state that Venus is the closest planet to our own, and that because of its close proximity to Earth, several spacecraft have been sent to the planet already (although all were quickly destroyed). The article also states that Venus was once Earth-like and could have possibly supported life-forms. \"Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and caters.\" In addition to providing this piece on how Venus is still similar to Earth, it also states that Venus may have once also harbored oceans. All of these key points help the author show why they believe humanity and NASA should continue our pursuits on Venus.\n\nThe author also does an exempliary job of descrbing how humanity can continue its pursuits on Venus. Although the pressure is intense and the temperature more than any human could handle, there are still ways we can get close to Venus accoding to the author. They describe that using a blimp-like vehicle, astronauts and scientists studying the surface can float safely 30 miles above the surface, where the pressure and heat are much more tolerable. Another solution the author presents gets us much closer to the surface. Although humans wouldn't be able to physically be in vehicles such as this, but old-fashioned computers could be used to help remotely control a probe. These old computers use gears and levers to make calculations, not electricity. As the author puts it, \"Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme conditions.\" These other computers can withstand much more, and could help create a probe resistant enough to study the Venusian surface. The author does a great job at explaining and exploring the possibilities.\n\nHowever, the author is a bit off the mark when it comes to explaining why what we find on Venus can help humanity out. Although it states what we can find on Venus, and how it is Earth-like and the planet closest to Earth, that doesn't explain why we need to waste resources exploring such inhospitable territory. Venus is in fact Earth's closest neighbor, and our nearest option for a planetary visit, but why would we need to visit it in the first place? Venus may have once been simliar to present-day Earth, but why does that matter to us? How would a study of Venus's surface prove instrumental to NASA and the world? The article states, \"The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable...\", but besides the fact the they state that it is Earth-like and closest to us in our solar system, they do not back this claim up at all. The author does a poor job of backing up the benefits to exploring Venus, and cannot defend why we should travel there to any benefit of humanity.\n\nIn conlcusion, the author does a decent job of defending his/her claim that Venus should be explored, although it could have been much stronger. They do a fantastic job of explaining why Venus is so unusual and how we can explore, but neglect to provide any benefits or reasons why exploring Venus is so important to the human race as a whole. However, even though the author did not include this in his/her article, it is still a decent article and is (mostly) thorough on why and how to explore the second planet in our solar system. The author, overall supports his/her idea in an almost completely sound way.", "label": 6}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever heard of high-resolution images and 3D altimetry? If you haven't, it is technology that helps us scientists here at NASA take a closer look at images from the Global surveyor. We have been doing this for quite a while now, and in 1976 we got our first picture of a \"Face\" on Mars. We call it the Face because it has formal structures that look like eyes, a nose, and a mouth. We were very curious about this structure, so we decided to send the surveyor back to get another perspective. We got our second picture in 1998, which came out more clear and looked more like a face. In 2001 we went back for a final time, and we have concluded that this form that looks like a Face is nothing more that just a natural landform.\n\nYou may not believe me when I say this, but trust me, my job at NASA is not only performing tests, but also to put the results into a viewers' perspective. Around 40 years ago, we recieved a funny photo of what looked like a Face, however, technology wasn't too strong back then. With all the tools that we use today, we were able to hypothesize that the Face is just a Martian mesa. A martian mesa is a huge rock formation, it just so happens that this rock had shadows around it giving it the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.\n\nTo prove this hypothesis correct, we sent out the Mars Global Surveyor to snap pictures that were ten times sharper that the original photos taken of the Face. After observing these photos, we concluded that the Face is just a simple natural landform, and there was no life on Mars and no alien monument after all. Conspiracy theorists did not believe the tests as they were taken on a cold winter day, they said aliens may have been \"hibernating\". So again on April 8, 2001, we went back and took another shot. This time we were able to finally conclude once and for all, that the Face is nothing but nature on its own course.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWith\u00a0 the\u00a0 article\u00a0 i\u00a0 have\u00a0 read\u00a0 it\u00a0 tells\u00a0 me\u00a0 many\u00a0 interesting\u00a0 information\u00a0 and\u00a0 facts\u00a0 also oppinion and\u00a0 it\u00a0 also\u00a0 tells\u00a0 me\u00a0 the\u00a0 mesege\u00a0 the\u00a0 writer\u00a0 is\u00a0 trying\u00a0 to\u00a0 send\u00a0 me\u00a0 about\u00a0 car-free\u00a0 cities.\n\nFor\u00a0 example\u00a0 in\u00a0 source\u00a0 1 \" In\u00a0 German\u00a0 surburb,\u00a0 life\u00a0 goes\u00a0 on\u00a0 without\u00a0 cars \"\u00a0 it\u00a0 talks\u00a0 about\u00a0 how\u00a0 there\u00a0 is\u00a0 a\u00a0 place\u00a0 over\u00a0 there\u00a0 that\u00a0 you\u00a0 can\u00a0 not\u00a0 have\u00a0 cars\u00a0 it\u00a0 is\u00a0 in\u00a0 VAUBAN , Germany .\n\nin\u00a0 that\u00a0 article\u00a0 it\u00a0 tells\u00a0 me\u00a0 how\u00a0 many\u00a0 people\u00a0 that\u00a0 live\u00a0 there\u00a0 today\u00a0 have\u00a0 had\u00a0 to\u00a0 sell\u00a0 their\u00a0 cars\u00a0 just\u00a0 to\u00a0 live\u00a0 in\u00a0 that\u00a0 residents\u00a0 community\u00a0 and\u00a0 if\u00a0 you\u00a0 do\u00a0 own\u00a0 a\u00a0 car\u00a0 you\u00a0 have\u00a0 to\u00a0 pay\u00a0 $40,000 ,\u00a0 along\u00a0 with\u00a0 the\u00a0 home\u00a0 your\u00a0 buying\u00a0 in\u00a0 that\u00a0 residential\u00a0 area\u00a0 it\u00a0 is\u00a0 completely\u00a0 car-free\u00a0 except\u00a0 for\u00a0 the\u00a0 main\u00a0 thoroughfare,\u00a0 where,\u00a0 the\u00a0 trm\u00a0 to\u00a0 downtown\u00a0 freiburg\u00a0 runs\u00a0 and\u00a0 a\u00a0 few\u00a0 streets\u00a0 on\u00a0 one\u00a0 edge\u00a0 of\u00a0 the\u00a0 community.\u00a0 and\u00a0 some\u00a0 of\u00a0 the\u00a0 oppinion\u00a0 from\u00a0 the\u00a0 people\u00a0 who\u00a0 live\u00a0 there\u00a0 are\u00a0 really\u00a0 positive\u00a0 for\u00a0 example\u00a0 mrs. Heidrun Walter\u00a0 said\u00a0 \"When\u00a0 i\u00a0 had\u00a0 a\u00a0 car\u00a0 i\u00a0 was\u00a0 always\u00a0 tense. i'm\u00a0 much\u00a0 happier\u00a0 this\u00a0 way.\"\u00a0 Many\u00a0 experts\u00a0 say\u00a0 is\u00a0 a\u00a0 huge\u00a0 impediment\u00a0 to\u00a0 current\u00a0 effort\u00a0 to\u00a0 drastically\u00a0 reduce\u00a0 greenhouse\u00a0 gas\u00a0 are\u00a0 responsible for\u00a0 12\u00a0 pecent\u00a0 of\u00a0 greenhouse\u00a0 emissions\u00a0 in\u00a0 Europe ....\u00a0 and\u00a0 up\u00a0 to\u00a0 50\u00a0 percent\u00a0 in\u00a0 some\u00a0 car-intensive\u00a0 areas\u00a0 in\u00a0 the\u00a0 united\u00a0 states.\n\nAnother example why\u00a0 some\u00a0 cities\u00a0 are\u00a0 making\u00a0 car-free\u00a0 places\u00a0 for\u00a0 example\u00a0 paris\u00a0 has\u00a0 band\u00a0 driving\u00a0 due\u00a0 to\u00a0 smogs.\u00a0 even\u00a0 numbered\u00a0 license\u00a0 plates\u00a0 were\u00a0 ordered\u00a0 to\u00a0 leave\u00a0 their\u00a0 cars at\u00a0 home\u00a0 or\u00a0 suffer\u00a0 a\u00a0 22-euro\u00a0 fine\u00a0 $31\u00a0 american\u00a0 dollars\u00a0 paris\u00a0 typically\u00a0 has\u00a0 more\u00a0 smog\u00a0 than\u00a0 other\u00a0 European\u00a0 capitals.\u00a0 Another\u00a0 intresting\u00a0 source\u00a0 is\u00a0 source\u00a0 3:\u00a0 car-free\u00a0 day\u00a0 is\u00a0 spinning\u00a0 into\u00a0 a\u00a0 big\u00a0 hit\u00a0 in\u00a0 bogota. Bogota , Colombia\u00a0 in\u00a0 a\u00a0 program\u00a0 thats\u00a0 set\u00a0 to\u00a0 spread\u00a0 to\u00a0 other\u00a0 countries\u00a0 millions\u00a0 of\u00a0 colombians\u00a0 hiked, biked, skated or\u00a0 took\u00a0 buses\u00a0 to\u00a0 work\u00a0 during\u00a0 a\u00a0 car-free\u00a0 day\u00a0 leaving\u00a0 the\u00a0 streets\u00a0 of\u00a0 this\u00a0 capital\u00a0 city\u00a0 eerily\u00a0 devoid\u00a0 of\u00a0 traffic\u00a0 jams.\u00a0 this\u00a0 program\u00a0 has\u00a0 been\u00a0 on\u00a0 for\u00a0 three straight\u00a0 years\u00a0 cars\u00a0 have\u00a0 been\u00a0 banned\u00a0 with\u00a0 only buses\u00a0 and\u00a0 taxis\u00a0 permitted for\u00a0 the\u00a0 day\u00a0 without\u00a0 cars\u00a0 in\u00a0 that\u00a0 capital\u00a0 city\u00a0 of\u00a0 7\u00a0 million\u00a0 their\u00a0 goal\u00a0 is\u00a0 to\u00a0 promote\u00a0 alternative\u00a0 transportation\u00a0 and\u00a0 reduce\u00a0 smog.\u00a0 violators faced\u00a0 $25\u00a0 fines.\n\nsome\u00a0 of\u00a0 the\u00a0 peoples\u00a0 oppinios\u00a0 of\u00a0 this\u00a0 is\u00a0 \"it\u00a0 is\u00a0 a\u00a0 good\u00a0 opportunity\u00a0 to\u00a0 take\u00a0 away\u00a0 stress and lower\u00a0 air\u00a0 pollution\"\u00a0 said\u00a0 businessman\u00a0 carlos\u00a0 arturo\u00a0 plaza\u00a0 and\u00a0 for\u00a0 the\u00a0 first\u00a0 time\u00a0 in\u00a0 three\u00a0 years\u00a0 two\u00a0 other\u00a0 cities\u00a0 of\u00a0 colombia\u00a0 joined\u00a0 the\u00a0 move\u00a0 like\u00a0 cali\u00a0 and\u00a0 valledupar.\n\nthese\u00a0 articles\u00a0 have\u00a0 really\u00a0 gave\u00a0 me\u00a0 alot\u00a0 of\u00a0 information\u00a0 i reallly\u00a0 didnt\u00a0 know about\u00a0 car-free\u00a0 day\u00a0 or\u00a0 places\u00a0 and\u00a0 tehy\u00a0 are\u00a0 pretty\u00a0 interesting\u00a0 and\u00a0 i\u00a0 really\u00a0 feel that the\u00a0 writer\u00a0 has giving\u00a0 me\u00a0 the\u00a0 messege\u00a0 he\u00a0 wanted\u00a0 to show\u00a0 when\u00a0 he\u00a0 made\u00a0 this\u00a0 article\u00a0 with\u00a0 so\u00a0 many\u00a0 good\u00a0 information\u00a0 and\u00a0 evidence\u00a0 from\u00a0 different\u00a0 places\u00a0 of\u00a0 the\u00a0 world\u00a0 and\u00a0 honestly\u00a0 my\u00a0 personal\u00a0 oppinion\u00a0 on\u00a0 this\u00a0 is that\u00a0 i\u00a0 really\u00a0 think\u00a0 it\u00a0 is\u00a0 god\u00a0 that some\u00a0 places have\u00a0 that\u00a0 because\u00a0 it\u00a0 shows\u00a0 how\u00a0 they\u00a0 care\u00a0 for\u00a0 thier\u00a0 community\u00a0 and\u00a0 i\u00a0 think\u00a0 they should\u00a0 fdo thhat\u00a0 in america\u00a0 but\u00a0 they did\u00a0 by changing\u00a0 the\u00a0 type\u00a0 of\u00a0 car\u00a0 that\u00a0 dosent\u00a0 use\u00a0 gas\u00a0 but\u00a0 it\u00a0 would be\u00a0 really\u00a0 good\u00a0 if\u00a0 we\u00a0 could\u00a0 get\u00a0 the\u00a0 car-free day\u00a0 in\u00a0 america\u00a0 because\u00a0 thatt would\u00a0 help\u00a0 our\u00a0 air\u00a0 our\u00a0 community\u00a0 and our\u00a0 bodies\u00a0 it\u00a0 would\u00a0 make\u00a0 them\u00a0 healthier.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars have always seemed to be a necessity to people, but did you know just how bad cars can be? There are plenty of other modes of transportation you could choose from besides a car. Limiting car usage has plenty of advantages!\n\nOne advantage to limiting car usage is it improves safety. Safety in a community is what we all strive for and by taking this step, we can improve people's saftey immensely. By having less cars on the road, there is a lesser chance for fatal accidents to occur. As well, you will improve your own safety by not getting into a car as much. It will lower your chance of getting into a fatal accident yourself.\u00a0 If you choose an alternate mode to transportation, you may also just increase your mood. In Elisabeth Rosenthal's article of \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars\", a man named Heidrun Walter said that \"when I had a car I was always tense, I'm much happier this way (without a car to drive). Driving can lead to a negative mood, but mix that with danger and the results could get terrible.\n\nAnother advantage to limiting car usage is by not using your car, you can save money. Let's face it, cars are an expensive thing to keep running. It costs you money each time you go to refill your gas, costs money every time you have to go in to see a mechanic, it costs money to wash your car, and don't forget about buying the car (or a new one if your current one has too many problems). Now with that in mind, just think about how much money one can save by not using the car as often as one does now. By not using your car, you can save yourself money and time.\n\nMore importantly, by limiting your car usage you can help reduce the emission into our atmosphere. As said in Elisabeth Rosenthal's article 'The End of Car Culture', \"transportation is the second largests source of America's emissions, just behind power plants\". By using a car daily, we emit a massive amount of carbon and other terrible gases into the atmosphere. Mixing those elements into our atmosphere can lead to smog and a destroyed atmosphere. Paris had to ban car usage for a few days just to clear out the global air arund them due to days of near-record pollution. We can save our environment, just by going the extra mile and choosing a different mode of trasportation.\n\nBy limiting car usage in our communities, it can lead to a healthier, happier, and safer community (as well as a money saver for all of us). It's understandable when you are to go a lengthy distance to use a car. Daily travels are usually close by, maybe try walking or taking the bus to your location. You may never know just how much you may like using that mode of transportation rather than driving your own car.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere has been an argument saying that the face on mars is a ancient civilization. Well they are wrong because it is an old landform. My three reasons of why it is a landform is because the planet Mars cannot support life. Also because it is just the lighting forming the eyes nose and the mouth and it is just a landform. I know it is a landform that has just eroded over hundreds of years.\n\nOn Mars there is no oxygen no water or life that is because the planet cannot support life. The planet is compleltly dead. If there was a civlization then they would of had to of built a house with airlocks just to survive. Even if the Aliens did not need air to breath they would have gotten to hot and they need mosture to survive. And you would think that we would have found a civilization or something that would have kept them alive by now. In the text it says it would be cool if there was an ancient civilization.\n\nThe landform looks like it has eyes a nose and a mouth but really it is just the lighting reflecting on the landform. If the sun is hitting the landform then it will cause a shadow to creat the look of eyes a nose and a mouth. But after many years the landform has eroded to form a face like look. Sense the planet Mars has allways been the closest to the sun. It is alot hotter than earth so there is allways heat waves so that is what caused the erosen on the landform. In the text it states that the eyes nose and mouth are just an illusion.\n\nThis is a landform because the planet is completly dead. Mars cannot support life because it is too hot and it gets heat waves. Also the light refelects off the landform and creats a shadow of eyes a nose and a mouth. The landform has had many years to erode. In the text it states it is just a martian mesa common enough around Cydonia. Only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.\n\nIt would be cool if there was aliens that created the landform. We could see how they adapted to surviving on the planet and its harsh conditions. They might help us addapt to Mars and we can help them adapt to our planet. But NASA would become more famous than what it is today. Because they would want to have all the land marks for artifacts and it would probably make the aliens mad.\n\nThe landform on Mars was not created by aliens because we would have known by now. Also because Mars cannot support life the lighting on the planet creats the eyes the nose and the mouth like a illusion. And for all we know it is just a landform. I know it is just a landform that has eroded over hundreds of years.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSeagoing cowboys are very helpful to animals and to people, and that is why it is important to sign up to be a seagoing cowboy. It was an awesome trip for Luke and it can be your awesome trip too, without Luke going he would still be working 2 jobs and trying to figure out what to do for his career. And Luke thought it himself \" He couldnt say no, he knew it would be an opportunity of a lifetime.\"\n\nGoing to\n\nEurope is very exciting but, doing the work is important. Once Luke and his friend went to Europe they had to get to work right away. They had to take care of the animals so, they had to clean the stalls and they had\n\nall the hay and oats they needed so they had to feed the animals with water of course, 2 or 3 times a day. But, Europe didnt have much supplies so they had to help and get all the supplies they needed to survive and so thaey can work. Without working for the country you signed up for, there is really no point to be there.\n\nWhy helping out and working is good. Europe needed desprite help with all the stuff they needed. And of course, You have to help them. Luke and his friend did all the work they could to help people survive and so they can work. In August they recieved new orders to new Orleans \"We arrived August 14\" Luke says. With a cargo of 335 horses plus feeding them it was alot of work. That is why working is good.\n\nFinally, you did it and you are glad. Luke and his friend made it all over the Atlantic ocean and helped the people and animals in Europe and they did a succesful job working. So when you become a seagoing cowboy you can everyone that you did it and you are happy because Luke had a great time and so did you. So, sign up to be a seagoing cowboy!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSenator of Florida, im writing you today to address the issue about keeping the Electoral College or changing it to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. Let's start off, by pointing out that the Electoral College is an antique, and we should upgrade, also there could be many issues when using that method and many not wanted decisions can become official. Let me guide you through this important topic, and help you make this fair for everyone.\n\nLike i pointed out before, the Electoral College is very old, Richard A. Posner stated \" The Electoral College is widely regarded as an anachronism\" back then everyone was okay with not having a say on who runs our country, but now and days people want to be part of it and want to help decide and know that there opinion matters. With the Electoral College, the people don't make that decision, they choose electors to choose the president. It is not democratic and is also not fair or equal because only certain people are being heard. Our choice as a whole should matter more then the electors. (Richard A.Posner) \" In 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush yet fewer electoral votes.\" this is called the disaster factor and was the biggest election crisis in a century stated Bradford Plumer. Let's take a moment and let this sink in.\n\nnot only is this unfair but so many things can go wrong it. For example, the electors can always defy the will of people. Plumer also stated \" back in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kenennedy.( so that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.) .... \"faithless\" electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please...\" As you can see, nothing is forcing the electors to vote for their party's candidate, this method is putting the decision and our future in their hands.\n\nthere is no other way around the fact that the Electoral College has to go, is unfair to the presidents and us, the people. everyone should be heard and not have to depend on anyones decision.\u00a0 I hope with this letter the debating stops and your not on the fence about what method should stick and your certain about why elections by popular vote should be our way of picking our presidents.\n\nsinceresly, kim", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs the world begins to grow and expand, many people have found that living without cars can be more beneficial. Cities and suburbs around the world, have found that reducing car usage has a grest number of advantages. This is reducing pollution, and is reducing stress. The world is shifting into a new way of life, not involving cars.\n\nCars release a large amout of greenhouse gases into the atmospere every single day, and this is harming the environment. Experts explain that, \"efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes\" (Rosenthal), have been taking place in suburban communities in Germany. This has resulted with a, \"12% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50% in car-intensive areas in the United States\" (Rosenthal). Also, Paris has seen near-record amounts of pollution and smog in the city, so the global city has limited motorists' driving on two days of the week, Monday and Tuesday. The climate in Paris, \"[causes] the warm layer of air to trap car emissions\" (Duffer), thoughout the atmospere in the city, but the limitation on motorists at the beginning of the week has allowed the smog to clear up.\n\nHelping the environment is not the only benefit of reducing car usage, yet it can also relieve stress in your eveeryday life. There is no need to stress out over traffic, finding somewhere to park, or even paying the expences that come with owning a car. In Germany, most residents don't own cars, and Heidrun Walter explained that she is, \"much happier this way\" (Rosenthal), because she doesnt have to worry about traffic. She has enjoyed a healthier life style that is stress free, by walking or biking to the places she needs to be. In Colombia, there is a day that citizens will not use cars, once a year. Businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza agrees that, \"it's a good opportunity to take away stress\" (Selsky). There is no need to worry about rush hour, or other traffic.\n\nOthers don't see the advantages of reducing car usage. Delivery companies complain about the loss in revenue, yet they aren't thinking about the benefits. They can save their employees from stressing out, or even help the environment. Reducing car usage would be a huge cultural shift, that has many advantages.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Florida State Senator,\n\nThe Electoral College is an unamerican, and unfair voting process. In America we believe in the people living in our country having the right to vote for their leaders, but what if they're not directly voting themselves? The electoral college is an inacurrate way of determining the leaders of our country compared to the other actually accurate way of voting, a direct vote election. The method of The Electoral College cannot always be controlled by the voters from their state, and is unfair to states with lower populations whereas the population of that state might not understand what exactly they're voting for. This doesn't seem exactly the way things are supposed to be in our nation since \"...over 60 perecnt of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now.\"(source 2), does it?\n\nThough it is highly unlikely that a choosen elector from a state would not vote towards the chosen side their state decided and voted upon, they still have the opportunity to. This opporitunity is unfair to the voters of the state as they are not directly voting for the president, such as how things are in a direct vote. A direct vote allows the candidate to be choosen and voted for directly by voters knowladgebly voting, then the highest popularity perecentage from votes are then to have the candidate be elected, not by a group of people that have a chance to be bias from the voters in their state. This problem can occur by things such as state legislatures picking electors that may not vote in favor of the states population's choice, but their and state legislatures choice. Even though \"...almost all states award electoral votes on a winner take all basis,..\"(source 3) not all states electors must do so. They can and have the chance to choose whoever they want as the power to pick is in their hands, and out of ours.\n\nIn smaller states such as Hawaii and Alaska they are only given a total of 3-4 electoral college votes as their population is not as large as somewhere such as California, New York or Florida. This does not only matter due to the low number of votes awarded, but it also effects how much they may know about the candidates running for the position. A lot of candidates only choose to go to \"swing\" states (California, New York, etc.) in order to recieve more votes in the electoral college. \"...candidates don't spend time in states they have no chance of winning,..\"(source 2) this causes a lot of people in areas not visited to be unknowledgable about eligible candidates in the voting process, and what they could be voting for. These \"swing\" states help candidates reach their goal of the winning 270 majority votes out of the 538 possible. 538 may seem like a large number but compared to the population of the United States its not really all that large of a group of people. The population of our nation and the votes of our voters is much more larger then the decisions of 538 electors.\n\nNow hopefully it is clearer to see the many problems of the current electoral college system, as it is unfair and irrational. Our nation's voters are the ones who should be voting in a direct vote in picking the president compared to the electoral college. As the method of the electoral college cannot always be controlled by the voters from their state, and is unfair to states with lower populations whereas the population of that state might not understand what exactly they're voting for. These are only a couple of the large problems caused by the electoral college. As far as these problems I believe as Bob Dole said: Abolish the electoral college!\n\nSincerely,\n\nAnonymous Student", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy name is Rachel. Today I will be talking about the \"Face on Mars.\" Some people like to say that there are aliens living on mars. They say that the aleins are who made the face. To that I have alot to say.\n\nMy first thought is that the face is human like and aliens have never been near humans to know what we look like. Another thing, i work for NASA and if we wanted to we could say that there was a form of alien life. We would make alot more money that way. So this is why I think that there s not alien life form.\n\nSo here are some of the basic reasons people should not believe in alien life form. I have been working for many years trying to prove this to people. some people just refuse to believe that there are no aliens. There is no possible way to be aliens and thats a fact.So thank you for your time and i will be happy to inform you more if needed.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nNo, that is not a face in the picture from the Viking 1 from 1976,rather, like the scientists at NASA say, it is a natural landform.Yes, I know it looks like a face but in reality,\n\nit's not.Technically, you really can't say it is from an alien life form because scientists and astronauts haven't found evidence of life on Mars yet.Conspiracy theorists say NASA is trying to hide the truth from us when actually they want you to know the truth.Otherwise, if they didn't want you to know the truth they wouldn't have put the picture out in the first place.There are a lot of statistics and facts that obviously point to the truth and I'm going to explain all of them to you.First,the other and newer pictures, the obvius comparison to landforms on Earth, and why your brain thinks it sees a face.\n\nFirst of all, it's obvoiusly not a face because the newer pictures ,that were taken of the same thing show a different thing.You might wonder, how can it show a different thing but still be the same thing?Well, the newest picture,from 2001, was taken with a much better camera.So, the picture is clearer and so is the fact that this is a natural landform.Finally, the pictures are the most important clue that the face is a natural landform.That is how the pictures tell that the face is a landform.\n\nSecondly, if you compare landforms on Earth to the face pictures you'll get similar pictures.For example, if you take a picture of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho from above and compare it to the 2001 picture they'll look identical.That is according to cheif scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program.He stated that, the face reminds him the most of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.Finally, when and if you get the chance you should compare the face to other landforms on Earth.That is how comparing landforms on Earth,to the face can provide evidence to you that the face is a natural landform.\n\nLastly, your brain somewhat tricks you into seeing a face,but don't worry because it's natural.When you look at the first picture, you're most likely going to see a face, even I see a face.So, we kind of get excited about discovering another life form, and we start to jump to conclusions.Don't think there is something wrong with that because there is not, as long as you have evidence to support it,but in this case,you don't.Furthermore, the reason are brain 'tricks' us into seeing a face is in our DNA.For example,from when you were born everytime you looked in the mirror or looked at somebody else, you saw a face.The reason why you always see a face is because our brain has been ''hard-wired'' to recognize a face.That is how our brains trick us into seeing a face.\n\nTo conclude, those are all the clues/reasons why your brain sees and thinks the first picture is a face when it's actually a natural landform called a mesa.To recap, the comparison of the first picture to the 2001 picture can show that it's a mesa. Next, the comparison of landforms on Earth to the face can show you it's a mesa.Those are clues that can prove to you that the face is a mesa. So basically, all you have to do is compare different things to the face.Finally, the reason why your brain tricks you into seeing a face instead of a mesa is because everybody's brain has been 'hard-wired' to recognize a face.So that is why when you look at the first picture you see a face instead of what it really is, a mesa.Finally, sometimes all you have to do to find the truth is dig and look deeper and you'll discover the truth.That is why I say the face in the first picture is actually, indeed a mesa.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Mr./Mrs. Senator,\n\nIn light of previous research I've done on the Electoral College, I would like the opportunity to voice my opinion on how the voting system should work in this country. Based off of the information acquired and with the best interest of the country at heart, I believe that the system should be changed to the election by popular vote for the president of the United States.\n\nFirst and foremost, when voters vote, they aren't really voting for their candidate, but a slate of electors, which in turn elect the president. Don't you think that this method is a little impersonal? As well as the matter of possibly having one's chosen candidate not win the presidency-even when they've won the popular vote- as a result of losing the electoral vote. According to 'The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong', the best argument against the electoral college is what we call the disaster factor. The system allows room for crisis; technically state legislatures are responsible for picking electors, who could always defy the will of the people. An example, would be in 1960, when segregationists almost succeeded in replacing electors of the Democratic party with new ones who opppesed John F. Kennedy; as well as the case of some faithless electors refusing to vote for their party's candidate and pick whomever they like.\n\nAnother valid reason as to why the system of voting must be changed to popular vote is due to the unfair winner-takes-all way the electoral college works. In most cases, candidates do not see all states as important, only those they think they have a shot in winning over. A way to look at this, according to 'In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep out desspised method of choosing the President', is that a regional favorite, such as Mitt Romney in the South during the 2012 voting, has no incentive to campaign in states outside of the region because he gains no electoral votes. However, this is also a disadvantage, for he cannot expand his popularity to other regions of the country. If he does so with the new popular vote system, winning the presidency will be guaranteed. Neglecting voters that are potential supporters of one's campaign is, in my opinion, the worst way to go about winning.\n\nIn summation, the Electoral College should be replaced with a popular voting system. I assure you that even though this system might have worked in the past, but in the ever changing world of politics, some things have to be done away with, and the Electoral College is one of them; with holes in the way the system works and outcomes that could possibly do more harm than good leave the Electoral College with nothing more to offer the future of this country. Thank you for your time.\n\nSincerely,\n\nA skeptical citizen", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSometimes we take advantage of how lucky we are to own or use a car each day. Imagine how much cleaner the countries that don't necessarily have that advantage are.\n\nThere are several advantages in reducing the use of cars in our world. Many of the advantages have been listed throughout these four passages. In order to help make our environment a cleaner place, we must take into consideration what the advantages are of limiting car usage.\n\nHeidrun Walter, from Germany, stated how much happier she is without a car. We could share the same happiness she does in using a different method of transportation each day other than a car.\n\nPollution is high all around the world and a lot of that has to do with the fumes and gasoline which come from cars. If the whole world took part in what Columbia does each year, then our world could be so much cleaner. Even after Paris reduced the amount of cars used for only five days, the congestion had gone down sixty percent.\n\nBy reducing the amount of cars which take over the road, the amount of accidents would be profusely lowered as well. Cars are excellent sources of transportation, but they are also the leading cause of death around the world.\n\nAnyone who has ever used a car knows very well how expensive it can be to maintain a car. A monthly gas bill could add up to hundreds, oil changes, tire rotation, and all the other things required in keeping a car will add up to be very costly.\n\nAs a result of lowering car usage, people could benefit from it by getting daily exercise. In America the percentage of obesity is high compared to the rest of the world. People rely on cars to bring them places and they forget the fact that they also need daily exercise. Exercise is known to help relieve anger and clear the mind. By walking, skating, biking, or even rollerblading, we would allow ourselves time to think when we are upset or frusterated or maybe even happy! The streets would be much safer if there weren't people who had mixed emotions driving around.\n\nDecreasing the amount of cars on the road defintely has benfitted all the countries that have taken part in it. There are no major disadvantages of being \"car free\". Most Americans do have abililty to drive a car so the thought of not having a car could be upsetting.\n\nOur communtiy would benfit from this change vastly. It doesn't have to be forever, but decreasing car usage would be helpful to our big world.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhile reading the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming,\" I'll admit that the idea of a driverless car was cool, but it concerns me about our upcoming future. As I got to the end of the reading my thoughts were more near the negtive side than the positive side. I mean the world today is and always will be coming up with newer things, but I personally feel that we are taking, \"The sky is our only limit,\" a little too far.\n\nIn the artical, Dr. Werner Huber, a BMW project manager driver admits,\" We have to interpret the driving fun in a new way.\" Today almost everywhere you go, you happen to hear about people texting and driving, which produces the trama of an innocent life being taken away because of some little thing that distracts a majority of us today. How are we supposed to introduce this \"fun new way of driving\", when there are people who aren't even responsible to drive on the road the right way? Some may say, \"Well that's another good reason for driverless cars!\", but in reality, it's not.\n\nAlso a question that is stated in the artical is,\"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacture?\" that question right there is also a major scare to a lot of us in society. On a day to day basis, we are dealing with wars in third world countries, people dying because of hunger, a new disease that can wipe out any country, and so many more things that an everyday individual doesn't even know about or think about. Introducing a driverless car, will only add to that stress and drama. Most people would say that it's another bad idea that car manucturers have pitched.\n\nFinally I'd like to say, It may sound like I'm bashing this entire idea, but really I'm just thinking about it realistically. Another statement that supports my argument is that television and movies have long been fascinated with the cars that could drive themselves. Another projection that many could inturprut the wrong way, especially new drivers. Teens today see crazy things done in movies and/or television shows and go and say,\"Well if that actor can do it, so can I!\" If they see a driverless car, who knows what's going to happen.\n\nIn conclusion, driverless cars aren't the best idea. Throughout the entire artical there are roadblocks and warning signs that show, diverless cars are simpily a pleasure and not a neccesity. Therefore the idea of driverless cars isn't so great.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI would first remind them that when the face on Mars was first shown in a picture, we did not have the greatest technology. This tells us that we cannot assume any thing in the picture to be definite because things may be blurred. This is not a major point to go on, but it is just the beginning.\n\nNext, I would explain that messas are very common on Mars and that the shadows are the only factor that are actually giving an illusion of a face. This strays from from their belief that the face on Mars was created or planted there.\n\nAfter that, I would simply point out that clearer pictures and better evidence have proven the face on Mars to be \"a huge rock formation....formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.\"\n\nAlso, Hollywood has been known to dazzle the mind with some unlikely but fascinating thoughts. Such as the many movies aout the face on Mars pointing the attention to aliens to gain more supporters and the good ratings from the audience. It is basically science fiction. They only provide a perspective from which the human mind can comprehend imagination. Imagining is good, but not with false hope. Books, magazines, and talk shows will do the same thing for similar reasonS. And other propositions from ordinary people for this face on Mars have surely been made over the last twenty-five years.\n\nThese things point to the fact that the face is merely a coincidence in a messa formation.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMost people might want to get rid of the Electoral College and change to popoular vote, because of how unfair, voters have no say so in who gets pick president.\n\nOne reason you might want to change to popular vote is because of how unfair they can be all because of the winner-takes-all system and this this system is in easch state, and because of that candidates dont spend time in states they know that wont vote for them. Just like you can't pick who you want your president to be.\n\nVoters can't pick who they want their president to be its all the Electoral college. Voters don't even get to vote for the president thay vote for a slate of electors. just like if you live in Texas and you voted for Kerry you didnt vote for him you voted for 34 demcartic electors.\n\nThe only argument against the Electoral college is what we call the disaster factor. Americans should feel lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest problem election\u00a0 in a century.\n\nGiven that most voters vote one party for president and another for congress they do this becaus ethis think a tie or deadlock will happen but, consider this. In 1968 a shift of just 41,971 voters would of dead locked the election yet in 1976 a tie would of happen but 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voter in Hawaii voted the other way.\n\nThis right here is the most basic level the electoral college is unfair and should let the voters have their voice when voting.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is simple to see from a distance but it is challenging to see up close.The author of ''The Challenge of Exploring Venus'' suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers its presents. Here are the details that support this idea.\n\nVenus has a repuation as a challenging planet for humans to study. But astronomers are fascinated by Venus. It was once known as the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life. Today Venus still has some features that are analogous to Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit. Its basically more like Earth thats why they call Venus as the ''twin''.\n\nNASA are compelling ideas to send humans to study Venus. Solar would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Temperatures would still be toasty at 170 degrees fahreheit but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. These conditions are not easy but they are survivable for humans.\n\nMany researchers are working on innovations that are going to allow machines to last long enough to contribute in Venus. Also, NASA is working on different approaches to studying Venus. For exampe they are making electronics made of silicon carbon. They have been tested in a chamber simulating Venus's surface and it had lasted for three weeks. Most technology have not even lasted a few hours. Which can be a better way for humans to study.\n\nHumans are full of curiosity and can lead us to many things. Studying Venus is worthy but it has many dangers. Like the author said ''we should be filled with doubts and should be expanded to meet very images of imagination and innovation.''", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke's point of view the seagoing cowboys program is great. it's becuase you learn new some inpornt tips and skills. it theches you thing. like how skills you'll need later on in life. after you make nine trips you'll be ready to get drafted to the military. when you get ready to go to the military they tell things that you'll going to need there. They helped luke prepare for hard work. on your second trip you serve as a nightman. luke loved being on board because all the wonderful and fun things they do.\n\nIt opens up the to you. you will ride in a cattle boat every where you go. you will learn how to servie in the pacific war. you will broad a lot of different boats. you have to maked nine copmte trips before you can be drafted to military or the army. They have a lot of tools and skills that you will need when the program ends. in the program it takes a lot of hard work and you need to be strong because you have to lift a of boxes. you will glad that you went when the program is over.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTrying and studying new things can turn out to be good even though there could\n\nbe negative tihngs about it. In this article the author tell us on how studying venus can turn out to be good even though it has some dangers in it. He talks about how Venus is almost identical to Earth and why we should try to study it.\n\nIn the second through third paragraph he mentions on why he says scientists\n\ndon't like to really study Venus. He mentions how the planet is hot for us too study and how 97% of it is covered by a carbon dioxide atmosphere. Also he mentions how our spacecraft can't last more than a few hours. He says that none of that should stop us from studying Venus because there is lots of good things about that planet.\n\nHe mentions how Venus was once a Earth-like planet in our solar system long ago. He also says how Venus was probably covered by ocean and had life in the planet just like Earth. He mentions in a praragraph on how some Venus has some analogous features just like Earth. In prargraph 4 he says \" The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and crates.\" Also he says how Venus could be our closest option for a planet visit because it is right next to earth just like Mars is.\n\nIn other paragraphs he mentions how NASA is trying to send some humans to go out and study Venus by sending them there. He mentions how they can use a hovering vehicle to stay out of the storms to be albe to study the planet. The paragraph also says how it would be 170 degrees fahrenheit , but the pressure would be close to sea level on Earth. It also says how the conditions may not be be easy, but it could be survivable for humans.\n\nStudying Venus could turn out to be a good thing for all of us humans. There could be new things to learn about the planet that could probably help us here on Earth one day. Even though there is some critical conditions on the planet it shouldn't stop us from studying it. So all we have to do is give Venus a chance for study.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHaving a limit on car usuage has many advantages to it. This limitation mainly benefits the people and the enviroment.\n\nA major advantage of the limitation is to help the people. Many of the people like not having cars avaliable. In\n\nIn German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars , a family says \" When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way.(Rosenthal)\" Not having a car takes pressure off of the people, because they don't have to worry about filling up on gas. They also like it ,because it encourages more excercise. Instaead of driving to the store or the park you can walk or take a bicycle. In the artcile\n\nCar-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota, some of the staticstics show that \"Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughtout the city;uneven, pitter sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut off traffic; and new restutants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up\". This is an example of how progresive this change has made on cities. Also metioned in Selsky article \" Its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution\". Most of the people say that not having cars takes alot of stress off of them. The positive impact on the people is just one of the many advantages of limited car usuage.\n\nAnouther advantage is helping the enviroment. By limiting car use has really impacted the enviroment. Rosenthal states that \"experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes.... Passengers cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe\". This just shows how much of an impact not using cars has been. In article two Duffer explains why Paris created limitation on car usuage. Paris had a huge smog and to help clean it up and to prevent from getting worse, Paris made a law that only certain number license plates could drive on certain days and if you drove on the wrong day than you would be fined. But this helped France get their fuel numbers lower. In Selsky article he talks about how Columnia has a \"car free day\". On this day no cars are allowed with the exception of buses and taxis. \"The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog\".\u00a0 Alot of the people like to participate in this event. In Amercia research has been found that \"Amercians are buying fewer cars,driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by\" (Rosenthal).With this information we can be lowering our pollution on our own. Many people did not like the limitations, but learned to like them considering the end result of a healthier enviroment. These two advantages of limiting car usuage is just a couple of the many.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe advantages of limiting car usage is outstanding not only is it good for the earth but it changes peoples lives, it makes the people happy and they tend to enjoy life more. In fact in the article \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars\" it states \"70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here.\" The article also says that Heidrun Walter, a mother of two, was always tense when she was behind the wheel and so she gladly gave up her vehicle and now lives a very happy life in Vauban.\n\nIn Paris they banned driving due to the increase of smog, they planned which days the people could drive on. In the article \"Paris bans driving due to smog\" it states \"On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home, The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day.\" At first many people refused and were fined 22-euro ($31) but the people who didn't helped lighten up the smog.\n\nIn Bogota, Colombia, the people have a car free day where they walk or ride their bikes to the places they need to go but there are still buses and cabes that the people can take. If the people were to take their own car they would be fined $25.\u00a0 In the article \"Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota\" it states \"The day without cars is part of an improvement campaign that began in Bogota in the mid-1990s.\" The article also says that millions of colomibians have biked, hiked, skated, and rode on buses to work.\n\nIn America the people are driving less, buying fewer cars and getting fewer license. The article \"The end of the csr culture\" states \"As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995.\" The reason why the percentage is so low is beacuse of the cash-strapped, the americans couldn't affored to buy new cars.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face on Mars is just a natural landform because, in my opinion i dont believe aliens are real. Here are the reasons why i think the Face on Mars has become just a natural landform.\n\nOn April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a pictue ten times sharper than the original Viking photos.\n\nThousands of anxious web surfers were waiting for that image. When the image appeared on a JPL web site revealing just a natural landform peopole finally knew that there was no alien monument after all.\n\nAnother reason why i think The ''Face on Mars'' is just a natural lanform because, ''The Face on Mars'' has since become a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows, even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years!\n\nSome people think the Face is evidence of life on mars.\n\nApril 8, 2001, Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. They had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view. Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's maximum resolution.\n\nAs a rule of thumb, you can turn things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size, so if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small item, you would be able to see what they were!\n\nIn this argumentative essay i have tried to convince people that the Face is just a natural landform.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe article, \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" by Nick D' Alto is quite an interesting article. As it talks about how technology can detect one's true emotions. At the first glance, this article looked redicilous to me, How can a machine show one's true emotions but as I read more and more the disgust started becoming interest. And, now I am just fasinated by thid article.\n\nIn paragraph 1, the author states \"She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry\". Which shows how much technology has grown, now the technology can even tell us how and how much of a specific thing we are feeling. Quite amazing, is it not? One can't specifically say that the machine is 100 percent correct but in future maybe the technology goes even beyond this.\n\nWhen reading this article, one may have had a few question about all this calculating emotions but in paragraph 2 many of the question that comes to ones mind are stated \"Hold on! Can we actually 'calculate' emotions---like math homework? And how can a computer recognize the subtle fcial movements we humans use to express how we feel\". After stating these questions the author gave us their answers and not just left us curious. Recognizing one's feelings correctly is quite hard for even an human eye since someone may be trying to hide their true emotions, it's not as impossible as it sounds now due to the technology which is a good thing about the improvement in it.\n\nIn the article the authior states a couple benefits of having technology that can detect your actually feelings, one of them is in paragraph 6 \" 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, Dr. huang predicts. 'Then it could modify lesson, like an effective human instructor\" This one particular benefit of having something that can calculate your expressions, quite got to me. It can help so many students and teachers as it can lesson the burden on teacher to go to the specific person and help them understand and the student also would not have to wait for a turn.\n\nSo for all the reasons that I have listen above and explained I would like the reader to understand the benefits of having such technology.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author suggest that studying Venus is a worth pursuit despite the danger it presents because of many reasons. Venus is often referred to Earth's \"twin\". \"Venus is the closest planet to Earth in term of density and size\" as its listed in the article in paragraph 2. Venus has a nickname, its usually called the \"Evening Star\", it the brightest point of light in the night sky so thats why it has a nickname the \"Evening Star\" In the solar system that we have right now, Venus is the second planet from our sun. 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets Venus.\n\nDispite the dangers it presents the author still suggest that we should study Venus. There's some negatives and positives about studying Venus. For example, some negatives are that Venus has a \"surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valley's, mountains, and craters\", as listed in the article in paragraph 4. Scientist think of them as challenges, as said in paragraph 6. Venus would be a challenge for scientist, it say's on paragraph 2, \" since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades.\" menaing this could be a problem they are trying to find out on how to handle.\n\nOther necgative things that would accour is that the ttemperatures would be toasty. It would be like around 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Not easy conditions, but at a stage where humans can survive. As listed on paragraph 5, it say's \" Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels.\" On paragraph 3, it say's \" On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our planet.\" They are far more extreme than Earth's. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even tho Murcury is closer to the sun. 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus.\n\nPositive things that scientist have discovered that they can do is that Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. As well that the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Scientist have found a way to hover from a spaceship safely far above the planet. It can only \"provide limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard form of photography and videography ineffective\", as said in paragraph 6. \"Researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enought to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus\", as listed in paragraph 6.\n\nNASA is working on different ways to approach Venus. They are working on a old technology thing called \"Mechanical Computers\". They are devices that were first envisioned in the 1800s, and played a important role in the 1940s during the World War II. I Personally think that NASA would work on approaching Venus. Like it said in the article, \"No spaceship has landed in Venus in decades\", so Imagine a spaceship landing in Venus again. What NASA is doing is good, that they are finding different ways to approach, as well as things that will help it get their, like for example, the old mechanical computers that was used during World War II. NASA sould countine to do research so that a spaceship may return to Venus.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe reason Luke joined the Seagoing Cowboys was so he could help rebuild people's home so they wpouldnt have to move to different countries. The purpose of the Seagoing Cowboys was to bring livestock and food for the livestock so they could live and eat so they wouldn't to stay without shelter.\n\nfood so they brought and the reason luke knew how to do all that hard work was because he helped out a bunch on his aunt's farm with cattle and horses and on Lukes second trip he was a watchman at night so no one would steal i would think.\n\nThen later on that night he ended up breaking some ribs because he crashed into the metal strip on the side of the ship so he wouldnt fall in the ocean. Whenever he got free time with the other cowboys the played baseball and volleyball then they'd go back to work . and then he figured out what being a Seagoing Cowboy mean't to secure people's needs and and helps citizens.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke said he had only worked two jobs before in his life and they were at a gocery store and a bank. He never knew he would get a chance for a job like this. It states that Luke knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime. He might have never got to do it agin. It also states that the cattle boat is an ubelievable opportunity for a small town boy. He couldn't say no.\n\nLuke caring for the animals has kept him busy. He has to feed them and give them water two times a day. The animals food has to be kept in the bottom of the ship. Luke had to make sure the stalls are clean. Luke had to work hard for this job.\n\nLuke had to do alot of work but he also had fun. It had opened up a world for Luke. He states that he is gratefull for the opportunity. It states that the cowboys played baseball, vollyball, table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and some other games over time. Luke has learned alot of this job and hopfully keep learning of this job. You can have an important job and a fun job all at the same time.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am against the driverless cars cars for many reasons and how it would affect us humas when driving or assisting the car. I am against the driverless cars becaus it will take the things or places that humans would want to do on their own instead of a car taking them there by itself. It also would get us fustrsted because we wouldn't know when to control the car or if when controling it every other time while driving. Driverless cars could also make humans not want to have the car anymore because we would want to start driving by ourselves. Also it would make us teenagers wanting the car because we aren't driving it and we dont even knwo how to control or dive a car. We don't have our license or permit yet. It would lead to the teenagers turn to drive and they don't know how to use the car which would to either a car accident or the death of a teenager because of the driverless car.\n\nThe affects of haveing this car is a lot. One affect of having this driverless car is that it would need a lot of gas just for one car. Another affect is that the car it self could lose control and something bad could happen to the driver. It would also need multiple battery changes because the car driving by itself takes a lot of battery juice from the car. The driverless car could also affect us because there could be times that we would want to drive on our own and the car want let us. The car could shut down on us while it's driving. It requres massive upgrades to existing roads, as it say's in the paragraph 3 sentence 5. It also needs alot of sensors and when those sensors are in they could brake or die and it cost more money to get them and fix them then any ther normal car.\n\nWhen having these cars there are many reasons why we should'nt have them. Looking at the reasons ahead would at least help people realize that we don't need a driverless car in the car. As it in paragraph 9 it say's '' if the technology fails and someone gets hurt who is at fault the car or the maufacture. Driverless cars are good ideas but there dangerous to us humans.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator ,\n\nThe stretegy we still use to elect our president is not always effective. During the times that the United States was becoming a country , many senators argued that having states with more electoral votes is extremely unfair. By doing so ,you are telling the people of that state that their vote is not worth as much as someone that lives for example in California. Using electoral college made George W. Bush president when most people preferred Al Gore. With the help of our advanced technology , we could accomplish giving equivalent votes to each person of the United States regardless of their location. If we wouuld have used popular vote since the beginning of history, we could have avoided having presidents such as George W. Bush that have caused catastrophes in this country. The winner-takes-all system portrays no justice. It is no coicidence that the president constantly visits countries with the most electoral votes.+\n\nSincerely , PROPER_NAME", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear senator,\n\nWe should change the electoral college to an election by popular votes for the president of the united states.\n\nI believe that everyone should have a say in who their future president should be not just a group of selected officials . Sure some of the peoples choices may end up bias or thoughtless but atleast they get to feel as if their a part of the state. like stated in \"what's wrong with the electoral college\" sentence 11 \"Those electors could always defy the will of the people.\" meaning that sometimes the chosen electors neglect their positions and use it the wrong way. The selcted electors may end up going against the people and/or choose a bias decision. No matter how you look at it their still human and they will make mistakes.\n\nElectoral college shouldn't only allow government official or \"qualified\" citizens to bare that huge responsibility because if they make one wrong move then everyone will blame them but if we have popular vote everyone will have a say in the presidential voting. If we have electoral votes your only giving specific people power while as the other citizens sit down to watch complete stranges balance their countries future in their hands. like stated in \"what's wrong with electoral college\" sentence 13 \"At the most basic level ,the electoral college is unfair to voters\" meaning that electoral votes is unjustified to the people.\n\nElectoral votes should be abolished because it isn't justified for all of those hardworking citizens who always pay their respects to this country. It even states in \"what's wrong with electoral college\" sentence 14 \" It's official : The electoral college is unfair ,outdated, and irrational.\" meaning that the electoral college has been here long enough, it's not justified ,and it's irrational. Something like that should no longer exist. The citizens should have a say in who will become their new president. They should have a majority vote .\n\nLike stated in \"choosing the president\" sentence 15 \"the electoral college is widely regarded as an anachronism\"meaning that the electoral college is really old and we no longer have any need for it. The electoral college is something that was meant for the past. There may have been some sort of issue that they could not properly deal with ,so they created the electoral college in order to deal with it. But now we have more advance ways of doing stuff so we don't need electoral college any more . We can now change our ways for voting so that it'll match our time and period.\n\nElectoral votes is filled with holes/bias. So we should find a new way of chosing our new president who is willing to change our couontry for the best and not corrupt our country.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nUsing technology to read the emotional expression of students in a classroom is valuable, beacuse if a teacher wantes to see if the students are understanding the subject that the teacher is teaching it is faster and easier to use this technology. And by doing so the teacher can find new ways to teach the class in a more understanding way. This technology can also be used to teach class about the human face for anybody who wants to be a doctor for that. And it can teach students on how to program This is why this type of technology should be in schools all around the country.\n\nGoing on with the idea of new teaching meitheds that the teachers can do. Theachers can show their students more about the human emotions than before. Theachers can show students on how to code new emotions and expressions in the already exesting program. Computer programing is hard to do if someone doesn't know anything about programing, and the students might just give up and do something else. But by experenting with the FACS code it might make things more understandable for the students and more exciting. Then that is opening up more corears for the students to pick from.\n\nIn conclusion, is having this technology in classrooms good for both the students and the teachers, the answer is yes. The reason is that the teachers can use it to read the faces of the students to see if they are understanding the lessons or not. The technology can also be used as a new way to teach a subject, like for students trying to become doctors that work on human faces. It can also be a gateway to get students excitied about computer programing.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am totally for the development of driverless smart cars in every way. Of course their are multiple reasons why someone would not like the idea of smart cars but their are so many pros to match the cons such as possibly less accidents, less energy wasted on driving, less gas used from driving, more civilized and smoother driving. The development of smart cars is a great step forward in civilization.\n\nMany people would be scared that theire would be a malfunction of sorrts or a possible miscalculation in the car that would result in a crash or a possible death of a person. My response to that is that people crash and are killed due to the human error of drivers everyday. As long as the car is built properly and that all safety issues and regulations are met I think that smart cars may well be safer than any human behind the wheel.\n\nPeople use so much gas and cause so much pollution while driving. I think that if smart cars do become a reality they would drive straighter and steadier therefore reducing the amount of gas used and reducing the amount of pollution caused by human drivers.\n\nSo many acciddents are caused from someone falling asleep at the wheel. With the reality of smart cars becoming so prevalent the amount of accidents caused by sleepy drivers are sure to fall. As shown in the passage a driver will be alerted when the car is ready to become human driven.Therefore the driver may wait or sleep until their vehicle alarms them to wake up and take the wheel.\n\nHow many times a day does an average person get mad at another person for poor driving. Someone may have not waited their turn at a four way stop or maybe someone was driving ten or so under the speed limit. Well with the revolutionary self driven smart car those anger issues will become a thing of the past. People will no longer be upset about the poor driving of another human being due to the self driven smart cars natural instinct to drive well and civilized under most situations.\n\nThose were the reasons why I am fully in support of the creation of self driven cars and that is why I believe that the development of driverless smart cars are a huge step forward in civilization.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the 21st millions of people rely on cars as a way of transportation. Whether it be a way to get to work, parents dropping there kids off at practice, or a teen going to high school. Since millions of people drive daily it can have a costly effect on our enviroment and atmostphere.\n\nVauban, Germany is the very first suburban community that generally forbids street parking, driveways, and home garages. By this community having a completly \"car-free\" zone they are contributing in preventing more pollution. If there was a thousand communitys with car restrictions like these it would impact the enviroment at an astanishing rate. Humans have been centered around cars since WWII imagine the amount of pollution we have created on the earth.\n\nParis is another city that has banned driving due to smog. They have issued a partial ban to clear the largly populated city of intensifying smog. By making the partial ban it has redused the amount of smog by 6o% and rivaled the most polluted city Beijing. Limiting car usages isn't as hard you think and for people to contribute it gets others involved.\n\nIn conclusion driving cool cars is what every man wants to do but it can have terrible effects on the earth.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face is actually not a natural landform because as you see in paragraph 3 it says \"A few days later NASA unveiled the image for all to see.The caption noted a 'Huge rock formation. . . which resemles a human head . . . formed by shawdows giving the illusion of eyes,nose,and mouth.\" The authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attention to mars. In paragraph 5 it says The \"Face on Mars\"has since become a pop icon.it has starred in hollywood film, appeared in book,magazines,radio talk shoes ,even haunted grocery store chechout lines for 25 years! Some people think the face is bona fide evidence of life on mars evidence that NASA would rather hide,say conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile,defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on mars. Paragraph 3 talks about how 25 years ago\n\nsomething funny happened around mars which was the face that actually appeared on mars. NASA viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet snapping photos of possilbe landing sites for its sister ship viking 2 when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face an enormous head nearly 2 miles from end to end seemed to be staring back at the cameras from a region of the red planet called cydonia. On the left here it shows pictures of the face that appeared on mars it shows 3 different pictures from (1976)(1998)(2001) side by side a viking 1 phonto from 1976 a mars global survey image from1998 and the latest image from 2001,theres another photo after paragraph 5 and it's a 1976 1 photograph of the face on mars. Also in paragraph 8 it says but not eveyone was satisfied. the face on mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in april '98 a cloudy time of year on the red planet.the camera on board images had to peer through wispy clouds to see the face perhaps said skeptics alien markings were hidden by haze. In paragraph 9 it says mission controllers prepared to look again it's not easy to target cydonia says garvin in fact it hard work.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you like adventure and fun. If you do the seagoing cowboys program is a great opportunity to do something great. Its not just adventure you make new friends, you have fun, and you see new things. You help people that got affected by world war two. Its a great cause for helping others.\n\nYou have time to have fun and you can sightsee its a great chance to do something great with your life. My thoughts on the seagoing cowboy program are,its great you help people recover from world war two. World war two was a horific time for everyone and you get to help people who was affected thats good. You should participate in this there are things you never seen before and you get to tell your family you did something great for a living.\n\nDo you want to work at Mcdonalds if you don't participate in this limited time offer. You get new friends, to see new things, help people feed them help them be a good person insted of sitting at home doing nothing so please help. You need adventure in your life not a boring old job. So if you get a chance to help people through rough times do it you get a chance.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEveryone says bigger is better. I don't believe that. When you go for something too big, many things could go wrong. A perfect example would be trying to develop a \"smart\" car. This would consist of making a car with a driverless driver, where the driver doesn't have to drive or pay attention at all. I don't think there should be driverless cars because it is too expensive, very dangerous, and if something does go wrong, who is too blame?\n\nOne reason we should not have driverless cars is because it is too expensive. It says in the text, \"These smart-road systems worked suprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical\" (Paragraph 3). In order for us to have smart-cars, we need smart-roads. And just as I quoted up there, it is simply too expensive.\n\nAside from the financial part of driverless cars, the technology is not all where it needs to be. Making them very dangerous. It says in the text, \"They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires\" (Paragraph 7). This makes them dangerous because as soon as the driver becomes off-alert something bad could happen. Then, if they do not fix the problem by themselves, someone could get hurt. Which is why the driverless cars can be very unsafe, along with so many bad, unseen things happening.\n\nDriverless cars make the roads unsafe. And because of this, if something does go wrong and someone gets hurt, who is too blame? It even asks this question in the text when it says, \"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-- the driver or the manufacturer?\" (Paragraph 9). Who would be considered responsible and why? Adults who wrote this don't even know. This would cause a lot more fights and court cases. Or if they establish a law, would it effect the outcome on who would buy the car? To prevent all this from happening is another reason why we do not need smart-cars.\n\nThey says driverless cars will make driving safer. However, all I am seeing is reasons not to even try to make them. First, they are way too expensive. Second, they are too dangerous. And third, who is to blame if someone gets hurt? These are all reasons I believe we do not need to make or produce smart-cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article of the Mona Lisa smile, there is a new technology called Facial Action Coding System (FACS). It read Mona Lisa smile symply from a computer software and tells what percentage of their emotion she is in. According to the article this can give you any details of a person in paragraph 6 \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confured or bored.\" I actually think that is smart because any you cant see when a person is sad but they have a smile in their face. It tells you how they are feeling that exact time.\n\nFor instance humans perform the same emotion everyday either if you are happy or sad. In the article it says that they are \"44 muscles just like human muscles\" that can tell your emotion and the percentage of ur emotion. Sometimes they compared it to a real a nuetral face to see the difference. Or it can go the other way if the person in not smiling they can put a smile of its face.\n\nIn the article that FACS can create your status about how you feeling that day if your sad or happy. It explains that Mona Lisa that could be sad but still have a smiling.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that driverless cars would be a very positive thing. Thre big reasons for this are that without drivers there would be less aciidents, they would be more efficient wih gas, and there would be no need for insurance. So overall a big improvement on todays society.\n\nFirstly without drivers there would be less accidents. Now since since not everyone would be able to afford using them there will still be accidents butz the number will be drasticly reduced. Since the car is driving itself there is no way that the driver can drive recklessly therefore greatly reducing the number of car crashes. So even if one of the drriverless cars gets into an accident it would be the manufacturer's fault because they are the ones hat are really driving here. So overall a lot safer than what we have now.\n\nMy next reason is that these cars a lot more gas efficient. The reason I say this is that they would always obey the speed limit exactly. Doing this should cut down on the gas used and therefore be much more efficient. In the long run this sabes everyone money except the gas stations.\n\nLastly this should decrease the need for insurance. In the article they said that these would be more like a taxi service so if they are taxi than no need for people to have insurance on cars. If everyone used these than no more need for car insurance at all. Which in turn saves even more money for people. So overall very good cost wise for people.\n\nSo these driverless cars will be a very positive thing. They will reduce car crashes, be more gas efficient, and decrease the need for insurance. In conclusion these cars will be awesome.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nScientists are always finding new things in the solar system, they have been since we figured that we weren't the only planet around. Sometimes I sit and wonder, was earth the original planet or are there aliens? When I look at the sky I see all kinds of stars and shiny things, even Venus, also known as the Evening Star. The author says that we should explore Venus since it is so easy to spot in the night sky. I agree with him, but there are many dangers involved.\n\nThe author talks about all the dangers in space travel to Venus, but why? If he is trying to claim we should go why add them? He does to support his claim actually. On Venus, there is a thick atmosphere of 97 percent carbon dioxide, with clouds made of sulfuric acids. To make things worse it can get up to 800 degrees, and have atmospheric pressere 90 times more that earth. It could even crush a submarine. Why would the auther even include those? It would make it seem impossible to get there and survive, the robots they've sent have even melted, but he adds these to make a stronger claim on why we should go there. He states \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\"\n\nThe author says we should go even with all the dangers since it could lead to new information. Venus is also the closest making it eaiser to get to despite the harms. A major thing he claims to support Venus is worth studing is that it still has some earthly qualities. He wrote \"Long ago, Venus was probably coverd largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on earth.\" He says that because that planet could of been habitual and could be crucial to information we need about the solar system. This article makes me wonder if humans first lived Venus.\n\nIf this planet is so important for scientific information, how do we get there and not die? The author has the idea that if we hover 30 miles over the ground there then we would be safe. Planes do that to avoid storms by flying over the storm clouds so that should work for the planet. Most of the harmful conditions are on the ground level of Venus. The author says \"At thirty-plus miles above the surface, tempertatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth.\" He adds that in there to support the idea of going while being safer. That does have its disadvanteges like not being able to see the ground very well or be able to take samples. To get around that situation, he says we can use some technology used in WW2. Our electronics today are delicate to extreme conditions, but things made with mechanical parts can withstand pressure.\n\nWe are still left with the question, should be go? I say yes. The author supports his claim well by adding what could happen and how to get around it. If we were to do his idea we would get limited insight but we would be one step closer to understand the solar sytem's planet.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDespite driverless cars not being able to be absolutely driverless the vehicles still are able to do actions that human beings would not be able to do. Such as use less gas while driving, and still haul more people. Driverless cars will, in the long run, cut out the workers who drive for a living, like taxi drivers or semi drivers. Those workers may be able to still work for the company, but work on the car instead of in it. In the end driverless cars use half the fuel as a human would while driving a vehicle and use less money for the cost of gas. The conclusioin that companies would have to also think about is that employers do not have to pay their employees, who previously had to drive, as much because the drivers would not be driving anymore.\n\nWhile the driverless vehicles are using les gas, that is an added bonus for the economy because the United States would have to buy less oil form the Middle East causing the U.S to have more money to pay back the trillion dollars of debt that is currently owed. Also the less fuel being put out of vehicles will help the ecosystem and the O-Zone by helping restore it and keeping Global Warming less of a threat to the world. The vehicles will be \"more flexible than a bus,\" meaning that the automobiles will hold more people, use less gas, and get places quicker and safer. The automotives will still be able to have a human driver, but only when needed. Such as in necessary times as a traffic jam, or if there is road work ahead.\n\nThe driverless cars are not just as safe or more safe than a car being driven by a person. The driverless cars have \"driven more than half a million miles without a collision.\" Today so many teen drivers get into collisions with other drivers because of distractive devices. Where the are driverless carsare without a person and just a piece of technology, the technology will not have the temptation of picking up a cell phone or radio device. Also many popular car brands are making their own type of driverless cars such as General Motors, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan who all plan of having the vehicles be sold out tothe general public.\n\nMany American people watch television about futureistic devices and lifestyles including driverless cars. Car manufactures saw what the people wanted and decided to help make that dream become reality. Although the title says \"driverless cars\", it is not entirely true. The vehicles will still have a human opporator, but the human will not be one hundred percent involved in the driving. In the end the cars will be little to not dependent on the human att all just when there is unwanted road adviseries ahead.\n\nSome new laws will have to come with the production of the new driverless cars but all good things must have a few boundries. Some new laws may include who will be at fault if someone gets injured if the vehicle collides with another car or pedestrian. Although right now it is unclear who will be held responsible if there is an injury or death caused from the automobile, many discussions are being thought out by the car companies. The big question of liability right now is who will be heald responsible the manufacturer or the driver? Depending on the given situation that question will remain unsolved until it can be tested out and argued on both sides.\n\nAlthough some people may not believe in the idea of a driverless car, it has many more positives than negatives. The car will use less gas, helping the ecostystem and the economy. Use less money on gas, saving people many dollars on taxes and helping the U.S out of debt. Hold more people, helping people get places quicker and safer if someone is to drive. Lastly the cars have less threats of getting destracted as a normal human would. Therefore driverless cars can only help the average person by saving money, being safer, and using time more affectively.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am not for driverless cars .What if the sensors included in the car break or have a malfunction then the car wont be able to notice its suroundings then will possibaly get into an accident or cause some one to get hurt . If the anti lock breaks where to not work then that could be bad and what if they dont break as fast as a human could at a momments notice. In the passage it stares that with the bmw touch sensor the car will not drive so it can keep the driver alert what if you take yuor hands of the wheel for a split second on the high way and there is a car behind you will the car stop and cause you to get in a accident or get hurt ?\n\nwhat if the car has a malfunction and it causes you to get in an accident then the manufactuer refuses top pay for the damge then you'd be losing money.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine turning on your computer and reading something negitive that makes you sad then your computer changes the screen. The use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is a good thing. This makes learning easier for students and helps them comperhend better. There's 1 main reason why and that's because it helps you learn.\n\nFor students learning somehting new is always hard, but it's more hard when you dont have a teacher around to explain it for you. The article states \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\" Dr Huang predicts. \"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor\". This basically shows you that whenever your not for sure about something changes will be made to help you understand what your better.\n\nIn conclusion my 1 main reason why is because it helps you learn. With teachers not being able to answer your question outside of school, having a computer that can help you based on you facial expression would benefit alot. Anyone can say they've learned somehting but your look says it all.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"CRASH!\" The driverless automobile hits another vehicle. The wreck is capable of being prevented if there is a driver in control. \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" is an article that depicts driverless cars. The advanced vehicle is helpful in various situations, but it can also have its unfortunate moments. The invention is not supported. The independent automobile is in danger of a technical problem, and the possibility of someone being injured is very high. The new technology is expensive too, and frequent problems with the law can occur. The independent vehicle has many disadvantages.\n\nDriverless cars put everyone at an even higher risk of being injured or killed. There are not any natural instincts or feelings that can easily adapt to adversity. If the driverless automobile is confused, damage can possibly occur. \"For starters, they needed a whole lot of sensors,\" is a quote that displays the importance of human feelings and reactions. \"The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel,\" is another detail from the passage that shows the emotionless car's disadvantage. The advanced automobiles do not have instinct, intelligence, or reasoning of a human being.\n\nThe driverless vehicle is also very expensive. There is no point in paying more money for this irrelevant toy when there are cheaper options. \"Radar was a device on a hilltop that cost two hundred million dollars. It wasn't something you could buy at Radio Shack,\" is a clear example of the uneccessary payments. \"These smart-road systems worked surprisingly well but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical,\" is another quote that depicts the financial aspects. The computer-driven cars cost too much money.\n\nDisputes with the law can occur. The driver and the manufacturer are mostly like going to get in many quarrels. \"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?\" is a question from the passage that explains the confusion. \"Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident,\" is a detail that also explains the uncertain responsibilities. Problems with the law are likely to happen.\n\nThe idea of driverless cars roaming around does not sound like a fantastic idea. Someone is at a higher risk of getting hurt. The modern invention is expensive; disputes are likely to happen with the law. People are capable of changing the world in a better and safer way. The creation of the driverless car is definitely not a way to improve the world.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou should join the Seagoing Cowboys because you could go places like europe,china,greece. You could have fun and explore places also it's not hard work all you have to do is clean and feed the animals. Luke liked the Seagoing Cowboys because he could travel places he could have not gone to before he liked being on the boat. He had fun when the unloaded the animals with the rest of people on the ship he played tennis, ping pong in the animals housing. They played diffrent kinds of games that passed time but it was kinda hard working there because if it was raining hard and you had to feed the animals you would still go outside and feed them. Luke hurt himself doing that he fell when the boat was shaking and cracked his ribs but he could still walk but he had to take a brake from doing any work. There's also another reason you should join the Seagoing Cowboys you could have a chance to work as a team with other people and aboard the ship with your friend or family member or cousin. There is my point of view why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWith the advancement of technology, cars are now being altered to fit human wants.\n\nDriverless cars are advancing in recent years.\n\nAccording to the text, car companies and manufacturers such as Tesla, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan are all in plan of the development of these cars to be sold by the year 2020.\n\nThese cars may appear as eye-candy at first glance, however they can cause danger to the people in certain conditions in many ways.\n\nDriverless cars seem spectacular, however people are unaware that it is not \"driveless\" as the manufacturers say.\n\nThese cars have the ability to complete the basic necessities of driving, such as steering, accelerating, and braking, but there is a problem with this.\n\nThe text explains how the new cars are not able to be driven in certain conditions such as navigating through work zones and around accidents.\n\nBecause of this, the human driver must stay alert throughout the entire drive when the car is in need of an extra hand.\n\nThis is a problem beacuse humans could get bored of waiting or get distracted which is problematic if the car is not fast enough to warn the human.\n\nIn short, actually having humans agree to the comitment of being ready to take over the task of driving in a driverless car seems to be unrealistic.\n\nWith all this being said, someone might ponder on how the car could be slow to warn the human.\n\nCreating a driverless car means a person has to put all their trust into a large piece of technology.\n\nThis could cause many problems, for example, the text explains how the cars are equipt with many cameras and sensors.\n\nThis is problematic because if the car's technology has a defect in it in some way, the human in the car will most likely get in an accident without doing anything.\n\nAccording to the text, many places such as California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have made it illegal to test computer-driven cars there. Finally, in the case of an accident actually occuring, the problem people would face is if the car manufacturer or the human would be the one to blame.\n\nIn the end, driverless cars are not safe and could lead to many problems.\n\nDriverless cars are approaching into the world fast.\n\nThis new technology should not be trusted due to the speed of its development.\n\nHumans could face many problems with these cars now entering today's society.\n\nTo conclude, driverless cars appear to be an extravegant idea however, when acutually thought out, many issues could occur leaving problems in the end.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA world with out cars is a strange idea. Considering compaines like Ford or General Motors have been making them for a long time and still run strong it is a very strange idea. Would the advantages we so strange though? Some advantages are less pollution, more space, less stress, more money for the indvidual and more. If you think about all of these it really adds up to a better and healthier planet.\n\nA town in Germany called Vauban, has restricted the use of cars. It is a car free town according to the article\n\nIn German Suburb, Life goes on without Cars by Elisabeth Rosenthal. People don't have garages attached to there houses and there really isn't any parking other then the one parking garage they have that costs almost as much as a house to keep a car there. Really it would just be a pain to have a car there. \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\" said Heidrun Walter. She finds herself less stressed without a car and happier.\n\nIf there were less cars it would mean there would be vastly less pollution. The burning of gasoline creates green house gasses and slowly destroys this beautiful planet of ours. Cities like beijing in China or Paris in France create a lot of these Green house gasses according to\n\nParis bans driving due to smog by Robert Duffer. Paris created so much they had to ban drivng and if someone did they had to pay fines for it. Thankfully though it has come down less and less each year in Paris since 2005.\n\nIf we didn't have cars we would have space for so much more. Imagine what we could do with all the space parking lots and garages take up. We could be so much more efficent about using it. Also think of how much gasoline costs per gallon. If you think about how much we spend on gas in our lifetime we could have spent that on so many other things. You could buy a 100 of those flat screen Tv's you've always wanted to watch the big game on. Cars have become a nusance and slowly more and more people are seeing that.\n\nNot everyone is a very good driver either. Thinking of all the times you have road raged because somebody wasn't being a safe and smart driver and almost got you hurt. With no cars there is no chance of that ever happening. There would be no car accidents because there would be no cars. You wouldn't have to be stressed and worried when you go somewhere unlike you are with a car.\n\nThese are just some of the advantages of not having cars. Cities and towns have seen what life is like without them and they are starting to lean more that direction. People are happier and safer. The world is healthier and less polluted. Cars are becoming a thing of the past and maybe someday they won't even be relative.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe usage of Facial Action Coding Systems will change the way learning has been viewed traditionally. Students will no longer be bored or destracted from learning. The requirements are simple, having a face and 44 major facial muscles. simple right? Anyone is able to benefit from FACS.\n\nThis software works based on its ability to detect human emotions by detecting an \"action unit,\" which is trigered by the movement of a sertan muscle. Even you do similar things to this software, for example; you might be able to guess the emotion of someon based on their face expresion, right? This software works the same way but in a more accurate level.\n\nThis technology would benefit classrooms the most, for example; if the software detects a sad emotion ond the user when learning the software could make the lessong more intersting and making the student stay on track with others.\n\nFACS could also alert teachers of students that could be having problems outside of school based on their emotions. This software can detect \"diferent types of emotions\" like happines, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadnes as Dr. Eckman stated.\n\nIn conclusion this software would precent many benefits for schools and users. this would also make better and more interestign ways of learning for students.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless Approved\n\nI beleive that driverless cars are the future and that it will be safer than today. I think that soon no matter what technology will advance and long with it driverless cars. I have multiple reasons why driverless cars will be good.\n\nI beleive that the driverless cars will also be safer than cars today. There wont be the need for human error. One example is a student driver not knowing when to go.\n\nI beleive that driverless cars will be a faster way to travel. Today people slow down or are nervous at the wheel. They dont know what the car in front will do so they slow down. The driverless cars will know what is coming before any human could know.\n\nI believe that driverless cars will be more affordable. all drtiverless cars should be somewhat the same. There shoulnd't be a need for a fancier car since there wouldnt be a point for it to go fast.\n\nTo conclude id klike to say that i approve driverless cars coming in the near future. They will be safer, quicker, and more affortable. Nothing can beat that.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are beginig to come to be a big issue. They are causing so many disadvantages to overpopulated and average populated areas of the world. If the amounts of cars being driven/owned\u00a0reduces we will come to plenty of advantages in manys ways. Human Health, abilities, and living spaces will all benefit from being car free !\n\nLess cars makes the area less compacted\u00a0which allows more space for side walks and walk ways to be built into the small town that have a high population. Places such as VAUBAN Germany and French and Swiss borders and many other places will have noo street parking, driveways and home garages. Without all of the car infested thing such as spoken there will be appropiate space and routes for public transportation and makes things and place s more accessible.\u00a0Instaed of having a mall along side a distant highway it can have walk ways and more space for shopping centers and people to come not having to worry about having to find a space to park or any other conflict we all would run into reguarding personally owned vehicles. Not mentioning many more abilities that will come to hand when we become car free.\u00a0Becomming car free environments is a very important task also for health reasons of everyone. Riding bikes, hiking, and walking will all come a part of everyones daily activity if not while being publically transported.. Smog is also a big issue hear, agreed? For example, in Paris, there smog percentage went down 60% because they are going through the process of limiting ownership of cars.\n\nIt is guarenteed that we will benefit from being car free. Less hassal, large decrease in accidents of vehicles and in health of all around. it is a big change but but an even larger advantage.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think you should sign up for the Seagoing Cowboys program. The progam lets you see sights that you would never see in your life. The program also lets you help people that need food. While you are out on the water you get to relax for a while and get away from loud city noises.\n\nThe first reason you should consider signing up is that you get to see beautiful sights in different countries. Going and seeing different countries is something you would never do in your life but, if you sign up you will be able to go and see things that you would only see in pictures. Going to these countries is a once in a lifetime opportunity.\n\nThe second reason to sign up is that you get to help people. While your gone you get to help people have a better life. You get to get them cows , chickens ,etc, to help them farm and get better meals. Getting people food saves their life and betters it. It is not as easy as going out to the store and buying food that you need. They have to farm and grow crops to eat. Giving people food that they need gives you a warm fuzzy feeling.\n\nThe third reason that you should sign up is that while your on water you get to relax and get away from loud city noises. Getting away from the city for awile is good, you get to figure out how to live away from the city. Also you get to relax and just hear the sound of water hitting the sand.\n\nYou could probably get a better night sleep after you hear the water.\n\nI think you should go to the Seagoing Cowboys program because you get to see amazing sights , you get to help people, you also get to relax on the water. These are three reasons I think you should sign up.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars could be great for people in the future, but it will definetly take a while. Having a driverless car has positive and negative aspects, but do you want to take the risk\n\nOwning a driverless car could be extremly helpful. Driverless cars will still require a driver who is paying attention to the road at all times. These cars could helpful, of course you would still have to pay attention to the road but you could relax more and not be as stressed out as you would when you are driving. There are negatives to owning a driverless car such as you, a driver or passanger, may not be safe. Technology can always have a fault, what if one of these cars drove you into the other lane causing you to hit a car or you run off into a ditch. What happens when to cars hit eachother, who is at fault. The driver is at fault of course, the drivers need to be in control of the cars. I don't think that the driverless car is the greatest idea because of all the accidents that could occur because maybe the driver falls asleep and the car makes a mistake, what do you do then. I think we should just keep our cars the way they are, I would feel more safe on the road with the car's control in my hands.\n\nWhen I saw the title of this story I thought driverless cars would be amazing but as I continued to read through it, I noticed how bad these cars could be for all of the people. These cars could mess up and get you killed or hurt because you aren't paying attention and you aren't being in full control. I feel like more underage kids would think it would be okay to driver these cars because they don't take as much effort and aren't as difficult to learn about. I also think that some parents would let them too because they think it would be easier, but they are wrong. Driving one of these cars is just as dangerous as driving any other car in the world. It could be dangerous if you make it dangerous.\n\nIn my opinion they should not invest in producing driverless cars, what they should do is invest in making cars run off of things like water, air, or from solar energy. That would be much more effective for earth, it would stop global warming becasue it is reducing all of the fumes that are released into the air. These cars will make people more lazy than they already are. We want to help everyone live, not just make the rich people in the world lazy. I understand that these cars take a lot of technology and they could help some people get places easier but technology could have faults, they could have messed up the coordinates for a place and it take you off into the middle of no where. This is just how I see the whole driverless car situation and I think we should put a stop to it.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou ask how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enable computers to identify human emotions. Here's my explanation of why I think it's a good creation.\n\nI think that this is a good creation because if you dont know how someone if feeling in a picture you can figure out by this machine. I aslo think this a good creation beacuse its taking technology to a new level. You might ask how is it taking technology to a new level. Its taking it to a new level because there actually building a machine that tells how someone if feeling. Thats just amazing! Thats one reason why I like this machine.\n\nPeople might wonder how do they know how someone is feeling through a picture. Or people might think maybe there's just putting something to make it seem real just make us think. Cause it's not possibly to show someone feeliing from a picture because you don't how that person is feeling inside. So thats why this machine can be bad.\n\nI personally think thats this is a bad creation becuase its a waste of time to me. Why would anybody want to know how someone is feeling through a picture. When there reaction shows how they are feelings. Thats why I dont like this machine. This machine is pointless!\n\nThats my reasons why I think thats this machine is going to be a fail. And there's other people that might like this creation. To me though I dont like it.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat if your teacher could actually know exactly how you are feeling? I think the use of a new technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom would be very valuable, due to the fact that they could give a teacher more insight on how their students really feel, and even let a student know that they are not the only ones who might feel the way they do. Finally, this technology could help modify lessons and increase student productivity.\n\nThis technology could give teachers more insight on how their students really feel due to its extroardinary system. Paragraph 3 talks about how the process begins, cause the big question here might be, \" Can you actually \"calculate\" emotions- like math problems?\" Or, \"How can a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel?\" The text states how the process includes constructing a 3-D computer model of the face and how with the work of physhologists the emotions can be defined. If this system is as valauable as the text states it to be, then letting a teacher know how the students actually feel could be effecient to the the teacher, because they can try to comprehend the students and show their support to them as well. Nowadays teachers seem to think that they are the only ones with problems which is not at all true.\n\nThis technology could also be of value if it even lead to letting classmates know that they are not the only ones dealing with the emotions that they have, in fact many others could feel the exact way. Sometimes students feel that they are dealing with emotions alone. This technology could change that. Letting other students know of how a class mate is feeling could be very helpful. Not obly that, but knowing or seeing that others are happy could bring a smile to your face. Paragraph 6 states, \"The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it just shows how much this computer can do.\" The capability of this technology just sounds like it can change lives.\n\nThe classroom computer could also help to modify a lesson if a student is bored. The text states, \" A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" \"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" This could improve productivity.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System could be very valuable in a classroom, due to such a great software it uses. This sytem could impact not only a classroom, but lives.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars, have been a way that almost everyone uses to get to point A to point B since around World War 2, And for awhile they were always growing in popularity. It seemed for awhile that cars were going to be around for some time. Almost everyone had a car, from the young to the old, all over the world people were driving. But that's going to change soon in the always evolving world.\n\n\"All of our developement since World War 2 has been centered on the car, and that will have to change,\" says David Golderg, an offical of Transportation for America. In the suburban community of Vauban, Germany residents are giving up their cars in an attempt to promote car-free communities. As a result 70 percent of Vauban's families don't own a car! The members of the outstanding community actually like not having a car, Media trainer Heidrun Walter said \"When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way.\" Heidrun Walter isn't the only one thinking this way 57 percent of the population of Vauban sold their car to move there. But Vauban isn't the only community who thinks this way... All over the world more and more commmunities are thinking this way.\n\nParis, France, puts a ban of driving due to smog pollution due to the main usuage of diesel fuel. Paris usually has more smog than other European capitals as it is with it having cold nights and warm days trapping car emissions. The smog, which was progressivly getting worse, rivaled even that of Bejing, China, which is the one of the most polluted places in the entire world. The ban took place on a Monday for even-numbered liscened plates and Tuesday for odd-numbered liscened plate numbers. But even with the ban almost 4,000 people were fined a fee of 22 euros ($31). The smog cleared eough with those who did participate that they didn't have to enforce the Tuesday ban, which goes to show that even a large city can fight something as global as pollution.\n\nThe people of Bogota, Cali, and Valledupar, Colombia take a day out of the year to have a car-free event. Bogota, the capital of Colombia, with a population of 7 million have been doing this for 3 years to promote alternate transportation and reduce smog. The violators of this event face a $25 fine, and probably more than a few disapproving looks for those who like to participate. People around the world go to join Colombian cities in their day without cars. This is Cali and Valledupar's first year and hopefully not their last either! The day without cars is part of a improvement campaign started in Bogota in the mid 90s, which saw the construction of over 100 miles of bicycle paths, according to the city's mayor this is the most of any Latin American city. To encourage people to walk around more they fixed the uneven, pit filled side walks with bigger smooth version, and rush hour restrictions have been imposed which has dramatically decreased traffic, plus new upscale resturants and shopping districts have popped up.\n\nIn the United States studies are showing that more and more Americans are buying cars. Young people are becoming less interested in having a car or even a liscence. In the year 2005 the number of miles driven was at its highest but since then it has steadly decreased by 9 percent. The number of miles driven now is equal to that of january in 1995. Part of the drop is due to the recession going on, no one can afford to get new cars, and the unemployed don't work so they don't have as much as a reason to get a car. If the pattern keeps going as it is with less and less people driving the next few years in America and possibly around the world will be years of change that will change how things work for generation to come.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy opinion is that Driverless cars should not be driven on the roads because one they eventually crash after they have been driven a certain amount of miles. These cars are not even truly driverless, forexample uu have to pull them in and out of driveways take over when the car is in traffic. The driverless car is truly useless because the roads arent fit for this car unless they have have the special message Binary code, The binary code allows the car to drive on the road.\n\nSome more reasons to why i think the car should not be driven is because the car still needs a driver. The car is illegal in most states such as, California, Nevada, Florida, And the district of Columbia. They are illegal in these staes because they are not reliably safe. In the passage it says still, even if traffic laws change new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer.?\n\nThis car is not safe to pedestrians because if the car were to loose to control and the person in the car isnt able to take control quick enough then the pedestrian and the car owner would be hurt. Alas this car should not be driven because it needs too much work done on it such as, better sensors more magnetic sensors.\n\nInconclusin these cars should not be driven because they are dangerous and can harm somebody. They do not have all the materials this car need and they cant really be driven driverless because of all the malunfunctions which would stop people from buying the car because if they found out that the car has as many problems as it does they arent gonna want it which keeps them from recievimg money.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think they should make driverless cars but not all of them should be driverless they should just make some. I think people should have a choice of what they want and that would be way better. so peoeple don't complain about driverlesscars. But i do think that driverless cars are cool and is not a bad idea. There is alot of people that would like to have one.\n\nThey would help alot for people that can't drive so they would be way more helpful and i think there will be less car crashes. It wolud chnge alot but somtimes change is good and what if it makes this country better. In the passage it says that some companies are already thinking about making them by 2020. So i do think it's going to happen and i am really excited to see them and how they are going to work.\n\nThe future is here and we have to accept it i think it's for the best. And i guess we are going to see if they work out. I hope they do and i hope people love them.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because student can know what other people are feeeling just by taking a picture.\n\nIn the text it states that \"Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements-in a real face...\" This mean that this Dr. Huang can take a picture and can tell how you or a friend are feeling. Another example in the text its states that \"By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions.\" This means that when someone takes a picture or paints one of you, they can tell if you are happy, sad, anrgy, worried, or evean scared. Final example is that in the text its states \"....Theory of Emotions, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also many even produce them.\" This means that even if you don't feel emotions than they can change that for you to feel more happy or even sad.\n\nIn conclusion these doctors can just take a painting or a picture of something and can tell what your feeling, I think that this is valuable to the student because it gives us a chance to see people where feeling back in the day.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTo Whom It May Concern,\n\nThe Electoral College that is used when electing the president is a flawed system and should be replaced by and election by the popular voted. The Electoral College does not always show what the people want and it is unfair to voters in certain states.\n\nThe Electoral College should be replaced with an election by popular vote because it is not always a fair representation of what the voters want. This means that if most of the popular votes can be for one candidate, but the other candidate wins the majority of the Electoral votes. This is shown in the article\n\nIn Defense of the Electora College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President by Richard A. Posner. In thsi source the author states,\"But each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee (and that trust is rarely betrayed)...[;however,] it is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral voter will not win the popular vote. ... It happened in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush, but fewer electoral votes\"(Posner, Line 16). This shows how what the mahjority of the people want to happen, will not always happen in this flawed system.\n\nThis system is also unfair to voters in certain states. Candidates usually campaign in what are called \"swing states\" that could vote for either candidate, but this means that many states that candidates are confident of winning in or states they are sure of losing in, will not be campaigned at all. This unfairness is shown in the article\n\nThe Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong by Bradford Plumer. This article says,\"Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they have no chance of winning ... During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all,including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't see a single campaign ad\"(Plumer, Line 13). This unfairness causes voters in some states to be uninformed about the candidates which could cause them to vote for people they wouldn't if they had seen some campaigning.\n\nThe Electoral College is a flawed system that is unfair to voters and does not always reflect what the citizens want.\n\nSincerely,\n\nPROPER_NAME", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe suggestions of the auther studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers is well backed up by alot of inforamtion and knoweldge about Venus . Venus being so close to almost being the same as Earth is why studying the planet isn't a bad idea . Astronomers are eager to study or learn more about Venus is because the planet may be well once have been the most Earth like planet in the solar system . Scientist believe that long ago Venus was proably cover by some features that Earth has . The features from having surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys , mountains , and craters .\n\nAlthough Venus is intresting to study or learn about is pretty amazing , it is not as easy as you think it is . Venus can be really dangerous . Venus being so close to Earth sometimes , humans have sent numerous spacecraft to our sister planet known as Venus . Reportedly that even though many spacecrafts have been sent to Venus no spacecraft has survived the landing . This may be the reason why it is not very safe for humans. Venus atmophere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide . There is more dangerous elements in venus like atmophere .The cloud are highly of corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmophere . The temperture can be a danger in the fact that the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit . Also the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what people experieance in Earth . Venus has teh hottest surface tempereture of any planet in our solar system .\n\nThere has been many ideas of to get a spacecraft to Venus safely , one of those ideas is to float above the fray of Venus . However peering at Venus from a spaceship orbiting or huver the planet safely is only going to give scienttsit the the features of only limited insight on the groung or the surface of Venus . Scientist thinks hovering or floating around Venus fray is not really a good study is because they cannot get smaples of rocks , gas , or anything else from that far of a distance . There has been many approaches when it comes to visting our sister planet , one example is the mechanical computers . This device was fisrt envisioned in the 1800s and played an imporatant rle in the 1940s during the World War II . Although these ideas may not be proven to work the curiosity will continue later on.\n\nOne day the knowledge and information scientist already have of Venus will be the the reason there is going to be a possible solution of getting to our sister planet safely . From the value of Venus not only because human curiosity will likely lead the human kind to many other intimindiating endeavors . Risks will be made for the human kind to visit our sister planet , Despite the danger , Venus is should be a worthy pursuit of studies .", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHas anyone ever thought about driverless cars and have you thought about the good and the bad about them? Well i sure have found out a lot about them and I know that people have different mind set about these care because of how they are set up and I can tell you i agree with how they are set up and i like it and here is why.\n\nIn the article about \"Driverless cars Are Coming\" I agree about have them\n\nbecause in paragraph seven the text states that these driveless cars are made to have the seats vibrate when you car is in danger when back up on another object. I also agree because in the text it says that the law is focus on keeping driver, passangers safe. They have made a whole bunch of sensors to put on cars to make them safe.\n\nDriverless cars are a exellent idea I think because in the text it clearly states everything about the car and it tells about it and I agree with the idea because of what the law requires and howthey have mad it safe for people and there objects for there cars I also thought it was a good idea because of the way the they put the sensors in the car.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think you should join the seagoing cowboys program because you can travel all over the world, meet a lot of new people, you can even look into many different types of cultures,try new foods , you can even see alot of unique places.\n\nMost importantly you'll be doing this for a good cause, seagoing cowboys dont just travel the world to see new cultures and eat weird types of food we do this to help the people who need us were doing this beacuse they're weak and they need our help to regain there strength to provide for there familys so please join us to help the people who need it, they need you,they need all of you.\n\nIn conclusion I think you should join the seagoing cowboys because you will be helping alot of peopkle and animals to gain there strength and do what they do best, so why dont you give us a helping hand in helping the ones who need it most.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and supports this idea very well by explaing different aspects of Venus that make it highly worth studying. when the author explains why we should explore Venus one of the statements that i was most intrigued by was was when the author stated that \"long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like earth\", the reason i think this is a very good reason on why we should explore venus is because it could help give us a better understanding of our universe, mabye human like creatures lived on venus at one time, maybe there were buildings on venus, the possibilities are endless. This is why i think that the author makes a great claim about exploring venus and why i think we should further explore venus.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAll humans face difficulties at all times in their life. Humans aren't always going to be happy every second of everyday. In the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile,\" the author is expressing the new technology, the Facial Reaction Coding System. This is able to identify human emotions. I am against this technology on reading students emotional expressions. Students go through school and come across bad times and stressful times and not every student likes to show that.\n\nStudents go through emotions quite frequently and even when noticing one has a great big smile on their face, doesn't exactly mean they are happy. For an example, in paragraph 5, it states \"For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.\" This shows that anyone can make any face just to show one is \"happy\" or \"sad,\" others may not want people knowing how sad you actually are deep down. Everyone is different in their own ways, but for me being a student in high school and if i am ever sad, i show a smile on my face so not everyone is noticing my sadness and asking me what's wrong. Therefore, in paragraph 7,\n\n\"They even indicate the diiference between a genuine and a forced one.\" This is showing how the software and the movements in the mucles show the difference between an actual smile and a forced one. Not every student in highschool is going to know the difference on the movement in muscles unless they are studying it. There is a reasoning on why there isn't a bubble on top of our heads revealing our thoughts. One good example from paragraph 6 states \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication, so computers need to understand that too.\"\n\nIf one wants to express how they feel towards a family member, or friend, etc then thats on them for wanting people to know their business and talk about it with soemone else. Undertsanding the thought of understanding yourself, each and every individual has their own thoughts on things and many things that come across the head is always secured within yourself and never left your mouth which doesn't mean it needs to be notified by a computer either.\n\nI strongly believe each student should be able to express their feelings how they want, if that means hiding their real emotions or embracing their real emotions. If one is upset and has something going on in their life, they know how they feel and don't need a computer operating all their thoughts. This is why i am against having this software of identifying human emotions.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many advantages to limiting car usage. It is better for the environment, it is safer, and it cost people less in the stuggling economy.\n\nTo begin, limiting the usage of cars is a advantage because it is better for the environment. For example, \"...Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city\" (Duffer). It is sad that there is so much pollution in the air that car usage has to be stopped in order for the smog in the air to decrease. After five days of smog, congestion was down by sixty percent in the capital of France. Obviously, limiting car usage is extremely better for the environment.\n\nIn addition, the less you use cars, the safer your community is. For example, Heidrun Walter \"...walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chattering of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor\" (Rosenthal). Children coul not be wandering aroundif there were cars on the road. There are accidents all the time where children and adults get struck by cars even when they are trying to be safe. Obviously, if cars are not on the road, it will be safer for everyone.\n\nFinally, limiting car usage saves people money. Actually, \"...Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by\" (Rosenthal). The less that cars are used, the less gas people have to pay for and so they will save their hard earned money. If people stop using their vehicles, then they will be more likely to sell the car, and then they will make money in the long run. If the trend continues, fewer and fewer people will use their money to buy cars. Clearly, limiting car usage allows people to spend less money.\n\nTo conclude, limitng the usage of vehicles as transportation is an extremely good idea because it is better for the environment, it is saer, and it costs people less money.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe technology to read emotional expressions of students would be valuable because it could help consulors with their jobs. The reason why is because the computer can read emotiaonal expressions of students so the consulors can use the techology to thier advange. As the text says Mona Lisa was 83 percent happy 9 percent disgusted and also 6 percent fearful. Imagine having a consulor having that type of tech in their hands. Their would be less fights less sucdial tenions and aslo less bullying.\n\nThe technology could also make alot of students smile. As the text states you can conduct an experiment by going to the bathroom and raise your lips at the conroners of your mouth, then squint your eyes slighty to produce wrinkling at the croners of your eyes. And also by holding that raise the outers parts of your cheek up towrad your eyes. They say doing all those faces and experiments can make a person happy just by trying it. Also putting a happy face on your face could infunces others to try the same thing and get the same resluts.\n\nAlso if a techaer wanted to prove that the emotional expression technology is vaulable they could set up a way to let the students use and play with the tech. That would let student exprence and see how the technology works and function so that in the future they would know how to use it to. This information can also take technology and others courses to a different level. The reason why is becuase if students learn how to take contorl of this technology they can try to forge it into their own work of art and make it better than before. as the text says your home PC cant handle the complex alogrithms used to decode mona lisa's smile but we can write down simple instructions that encode different emotions. That states there to me that if students get thier hands this type of tech they could alter the world solve problems in a insict or a heart beat and even help bring bullying to a end. Students may think letting the system read their emations is a bad thing or might them feel uncomfortbale but it shouldn't. It's to help them and the teacher have a better relationship and aslo solve problems faster.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe reason I think that people should become a part of the seagoing cowboys program is because it helps people. It helps people by helping them get there food recovered . The story shows this on (pagaph 2) it says \"to help these contries recover their food supplies\". Also the (UNRRA) helps people get their animals. Another way the (UNRRA) help people is by also helping people be more aprecaitive what they have. The story shows this on (paragaph 9 ) it says \" It made me more aware of people of other contries and thier needs.\"\n\nAlso I people should join seagoing cowboys because it is not just helpin people. On (paragraph 5 ) it says \"I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and china.\" Also on (pagraph 5) it says that\n\n\"But seeing acropolis in Greece was special .\" On (paragraph 5) it also says\n\n\" so was taking a gondola ride in Venice.\" One mor eway that the (UNRRA) is not just help people is \"Luke also toured an excavated casle in crete(Paragraph5).\n\nThe seagoing cowboys also is not just working all the time. On (pagraph 8) it The cowboys played base ball. \" Also they cowboys also played \"volleyball game in the emty holes\" (paragraph 8. ) Cowboy also played table tennis and fencing . one more thing that te cowboys did for fun was read ,whitttling and played games. That is whi I thinks that people should join The seagoing cowboys. The seagoing cowboy can also be a life time expeirence On (paragrph 1) it says \"He knew it was an opportuity of a lifetime.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. I persoanlly am agianst the development of these cars. There's no need for them, they can be dangerous, and who is to blame for an accident the car or the driver?\n\nFirst off I believe theres no need for driverless cars, for we have cars now that can do the same things while in control. We have sensors and back up camras on cars now. These have worked perfectly fine. Have we really become that lazy that we cant drive our own cars? I feel there is no need for them. Just another piece of technology to waste money on.\n\nAnother reason I believe we should not have drivesless cars is that they can be dangerous. With all of the technology something can easily mess up. You can lose controll of the car. Its just to much built into one car. There will need to be new laws and most likely other things will need to be placed.\n\nLastly \"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault.. the driver or the manufacturer? The driver can say its the cars fault but what if it was actully the driver. How are you to know? What if you lost a loved one because of this car. Sure you would sue the manufacturer but money will not bring that loved one back.\n\nThese are the reasons i believe having driverless cars is a terrible idea. There simply no need for them. They can be dangerous to have and handle. Who would be to blame if there was to be an accident. Think about this before creating these new tehcnologys.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus also known as Evening Star Is planet no to different from the planet earth. However this planet shows many challenges that don't allow us to learn more about it. The author males it very clear that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author supports his idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger many times in this article for example in the text it says \"The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has one paerticularly compelling idea of sending humans to stufy Venus.\" How are we gonna send humans down to a planet we dont know that much. This is just one of the many text eveidnce the author put in the text to show Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.\n\nThe author from the very start of reading this article shows that Venus is well worth the time and effort we are putting towards it. In the text it says \"Often referred to as Earth's \"twin\" Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size\". Venus and Earth are alike in many ways for example Earth Venus and mars are our lanetary neighbors they orbit thr sun as different speeds. These differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times closer to Venus because how it says in the text \"Venus is sometime right around the corner in space terms.\" This is other example on how well the author supports his idea of Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present.\n\nWe have tried many ways to try to learn more about Venus but there are many things getting in our way of learning more about Venus for example in the text is says \"Humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this could-draped world\". We are more then exicted to try to learn more about Venus but thats not the only thing stopping us from learning more In the text is says \"However peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limtied insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective.\" As you have read normal taking photos will not be enought just to learn and see how Venus surface is we need to go down and see ourselfs however that will be very hard somce no spaceraft survived the landing for more than a few hours as stated in the text. The author shows why his statment of how Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present in many ways.\n\nAstronomers are fascinated with Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system a long time ago. If Venus was once like Earth maybe it can be again because our Earth will not last forvever we will need somewhere else to go and maybe that place is Venus. In the text it says \"Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported varous forms of life just like earth today Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on earth. The planet has surface of Rocky sediment and includes familar features such as valleys mountains and craters.\" This text evdience shows why we are interested in learning more about Venus and once again supporting the idea of the author that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present.\n\nThe author has shown more than once that he strongly believes that Venus is well worth all the time and effort they are putting into it. However this planet shows many challenges that don't allow us to learn more about it. The author from the very start of reading this article shows that Venus is well worth the time and effort we are putting towards it. Astronomers are fascinated with Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet. We have tried many ways to try to learn more about Venus but there are many things getting in our way of learning more about Venus. In conclution The author never let up on his idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLet me tell you what advantages you got when you limit your car usuage. Well first which everyone can tell you is that you save so much money. Second you can just ride a bike or walk so you can stay in shape. And last not using alot of fossil fuels leaves less air polution for the world. Those are just some advantages you got when limiting your car usauge.\n\nWell the first advantage when limiting your car usage is you save so much money. How much is gas these days per gallon? 3 something? And when you add that up it ends up to be alot of money to just fill your tank up. And to fill your tank up its like forty to fifty dollars depending on how much it takes to fill your car up. And an average person fills there car up close to 1-2 weeks. So in 2-4 weeks you could have spent eighty dollars on something else like grocries, your girlfriend/boyfriend, maybe its someones birthday, bills anything than just gas. Thats one of my advantages to not driving.\n\nMy second advantage to limiting car usage is you can just ride a bike or walk and you can stay healthy that way and in shape. If you think about it, when you fill the car up it gets close to around 200 miles you get to drive untill you run out. Instead of paying forty dollars to fill the tank up you can just buy a bike and ride that 200 miles and you stay in shape. And if you really want to save money you can just walk and its for free. Not only is it free but when your walking for longer than 10-20 miles which i doubt youd be walking that far but it really keeping you shape also starts burning those muscles and gets you stronger.\n\nMy third advantage to limiting car usage is the less fossil fuels you burn the less air polution your letting out into our world. And those fossil fuels that your buring and releasing into the air, it is really bad for our world. When first of all our fossil fuels arent really that renewable. And second its just bad to have that just going through our population. Where everyone is breathing in all that air polution and making people sick. Its just really bad to be burning alot of fossil fuels, when theres many alternative ways you can be transporting than driving a car and burning fossil fuels.\n\nIn conclusion, i just told you three advantages to limiting car usage. One, you save lots of money, second there is alternative ways for transportation like riding a bike or walking and staying in shape, and third when you burn less fossil fuels it leaves less air polution in our world.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe expcerpt \"The Challange of Exploring Venus\" brings up many unthought of ideas by just regular people who would just passivly think about the planet. The author explores many different reaons why venus would be a better planet to explore and learn much more about the interesting planet.\n\nIn the excerpt the author brings up many different points about why venus is a good planet to explore more and get more information on. His main idea is to study Venus to see what all is there because if the planet is earth like then it may have other things there that we have yet discovered about the planet. He supports his ideas in many ways by stating that Venus's environment is closest to earth.\n\nAt last the authors point may be questionable but at the end of the excerpt his says that Venus is not the main point its the idea of exploring something that may not have a big meaning but may led to larger things. Venus is only the beginning of what humanity can do for advancements in the human race.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" Venus somestimes called the \"Evening Star\" is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, Making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot.While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely.\n\nThe reason the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers is The atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth.\n\nAnother reason studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers Such an environment would crush a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of the oceans and would liquefy many metals. Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface.\n\nThe final reason the idea that studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans\n\nIn the article \" The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" Venus, sometimes called the \"Evening Star,\" is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot. While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe electoral college is an unfair and outdated system. It is unfair to voters. A states electoral votes often do not tell what that state truly wants. And no candidate should face what Gore did in 2000, with a winning popular vote, but less electoral votes losing him the election. It is an outdated system that should not be used in today's modern society.\n\nWhen we vote for a specific president, we are actually voting for a slate of electors. The chosen electors are supposed to support the winning candidate, but they can easily decide to ignore that and cast their vote toward whomever the please. This can cause a president to get the greatest popular vote, and still lose because they did not get as many electoral college votes once all states' votes have been combined. This should certainly not happen. Whatever candidate is preferred by the most people to take office should win the election, period. In the past, maybe it would have been good to let the more educated electors choose the president rather than any citizen, but in this modern age of knowledge, people can be trusted to choose a leader that shares in the best interests of our country. Al Gore in 2000 lost the election after winning the most popular votes. That shows us that this electoral system does not work effectively, and should not be used today.\n\nPerhaps more worrying is the electoral college's winner-take-all system. If a candidate wins a state's election by a tiny amount, they get every electoral vote for that state. This allows candidates to ignore smaller states, or states they know they will win, and focus on larger states and ones that have a very tight election could be easily persuaded for advertisements and campaigns. Ohio is known as a state that looks at their candidates closely, and can be persuaded to choose one based on what they know about them. Candidates tend to focus more resources here or in other similar states. It makes some sense to focus more on larger populations, and states like Ohio that are more interested in the election, but during the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, and could not make educated descisions during the election. In a close election, half the people in the state's views will be ignored, and will not matter to the elction. That means half of California's 35 million voters would not matter at all in the election. The fate of the election should not be put in the hands of Ohio or other \"swing\" states, just ignoring less important ones.\n\nToday's society needs a more fair system of electing a president. A popular vote from everyone is the most fair way to make sure the most popular candidate wins the election, and will cause candidates to focus on all citizens, focusing on large populations, but still trying to gain popularity with rural areas as well. America's citizens deserve a fair, proper election, that satisfies the most people possible.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless Cars, something often seen as a fantasy is actually coming true. Driverless Cars are just basically cars that does not require a human driver. This new invention should not be released because it can be a hazard, require more research, and it is not that useful.\n\nThis idea has been worked on and tested since 2009, this means that we do not fully understand or know the harmful the new cars can be. In the article it states that, \"They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents\". This can be harmful to the driver because the driver might not be paying attention, since they depend on the car to drive them. Even though machines can be accurate and precise, it can still have some malfunctions and there is not enough research to know what they are. In paragraph nine it also states that, \"Presently, traffic laws are wrtten with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times.\" This shows that the government also sees humans only driving cars.\n\nAlthough many researchs have already been made, there is still is a long road ahead. Smart Cars requires the use of newer tools and parts. In Paragraph four it states that, \"Google's modified Toyoto Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor.\". Even though Smart cars is a whole new invention; there are still more research to be done on the parts that are needed to make Driveless cars driveless. Research needs to also be done on how to create the a form to sequire these vital parts of the car.\n\nAt the end, Smart cars are not needed. Many people already have their license and are able to drive; there is no point of having a driver, having the risk of not paying attention, sit behind the wheel and let the car drive itself rather than a driver who is driving it themselves.\n\nIn the first paragraph it says that, \" He envisions a future with public transportation system where the fleets of driverless cars form a public-ransport of taxi system.\". Millions of people's jobs are based on driving, and if driveless cars are released, then millions of people have a risk of losing their jobs.\n\nAlthough Driverless Cars opens no doors to technological advancement, it is just something that is not seen as useful. People can drive themselves, and even other people drive people around. That is the way it should be.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" they state postive and negative things about driverless cars, driverless cars are not a good part of our future. Driverless cars can be dangerous and they are not as dependable as peole might think they are. Cars that can drive themselves may malfunction and cause a wreck, and get people hurt. Driverless cars are not a good part of our future.\n\nDriverless cars are not yet fully driverless. The text states \"Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?\". The driverless car still needs human control when navigating through work zones and accidents. Humans need to stay aware at all time while this driverless car is at work. The driverless car is not dependable for human beings to do something else while in the car.\n\nDriverless cars are a waste of our time because humans still want the thrill of driving a car. Young adults are excited to get thier license and drive out on the open road.These people want to experince driving by themselves and depending on only themselves. Humans would not fully trust a driverless car, because they would trust themselves more going on familar roads than a robot taking them a different route. Driverless cars would be taking away our freedom to go where ever we please. People would not keep their full attention on the road if they knew a driverless car was driving them, they would wonder off into space and not focus on the road. Driverless cars are taking away our right to drive.\n\nHaving a driverless cars mean relying fully on technology. Technology can fail and leave you stranded on an unfamiliar road. The text states \"The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine\". Driverless cars could freeze up and not do the right action they were supposed to do. These cars could break at the wrong time and cause a major life threating accident. Depending on technology alone is very risky, human beings would not have anything else to rely on, except for themselves alone. Human beings depending on technology alone is a very dangerous concept.\n\nHowever driverless cars can be a good thing for the human race. Driverless cars could prevent less accidents and wrecks from happening. These cars could be the future for people to get more down while they are in the car, but driverless cars need a lot of work and improvement before any human being with a license can go out and buy a vehicle like this. Driverless cars could be a improvement to the enviroment, by cutting down on the gas they use. Driverless cars can also be a good thing.\n\nOverall having a driverless car is a dangerous and wreckless thing to buy. Driverless cars are not dependable. Humans like their freedom on the road and enjoy driving their own automobile. People would lose the excitment of first getting a car and license if they didn't have to work for it. Driverless cars are to technology based and could malfunction easily. Driverless cars are not a good part of our future.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting car use can be a good thing and a bad thing. In my opinion i think that people should be able to drive cars but only at certain times to limit polution. in europe as staded \"while their have been efforts in the past two decades to make cities denser, and better for walking, planners are now taking the concept to the suburbs....\".\n\nin this storey you can teel that alot of these people in europe are not liking the fact that their is polution going on. \"all of our development since world war II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change\" (paragraph 7). i can agree sort of with this because we focus on cars alot as one of our major ways of transportation. this is not a bad thing that we have cars but we need to make sure that we can keep the polution down by maybe using hybrid cars instead.\n\nit also seems that people are starting to drive less nowadays, and in my opinion it is because either gas prices are too high or people cannot afford one.\"americas love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling. when adjusted for population growth, the number of miles driven in the united states peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter, acording to an analysis by doug short of advisor perspectives, an invesment research company as of april 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in january 1995\" (paragraph 32). as you can see i was stating how the number of people driving has declined. also i believe the cause for this as i stated before is due to the number of people who can either not afford one or do not want one.\n\nin this storey i have explained how the number of people driving cars have declined.\n\ni have also said that europe does not really like the idea of the polution they are creating since they end up making so much smog. In my opinion maybe other countrys such as the U.S.A or canada and such should consider knocking down some of their driving privilages due to the fact that it is just too loud and not very safe as well as creating alot of polution.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere area couple of advantages to limiting car usage. The most common one would be less pollution. In larger cities pollution is a big deal with all the factories around, but some of that pollution can be redused if less car were used for transportation. To help reduse pollution, as stated in source 1 \"[S]tores are placed a walk away, on main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway.\"\n\nOne way to enforce limiting car usage is to do like it say in source 2 \"after days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city.\" People were did not agree with the concept of not driving for the day in the begining and decided that instead of go along with not driving they would rather pay the fine, \"almost 4,000 drivers were fined..., says source 2. The only car that was allowed to drive from Friday to Monday was plug-in cars, hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers. source 2 says \"the smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday.\"\n\nAnother advantage to limiting car usage is that there are less traffic jams. \"[M]illions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took the buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams,\" says sorcure 3. Not driving to work and using alternate transportation is \"...a good opportunity to take away stree and lower air pollution,\" says businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza.\n\nIn source 4 President Obama said \"recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by.\" most people seem to be understand and realizing the advantanges of limiting car usuage. in some cases you may think car are very important to our lives, which they are but in other cases they are not. Just sit down and think of what life would be like without cars and you will see it would be better.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLukes participation in the Seagoing Cowboys program allowed him to expierence different adventures and visit many unique places.\n\nAlso he can take care of hores,young cows,and mules that are shiped over sea and on there way to greece Luke turned 18 which meant he could be drafted for military school.They were on a cattle boat for a trip\n\nBy\n\nthe time he was discharged in 1947 Luke had made nine trips which was the most of any Seagoing Cowboy Luke had fun when the animals were releasted out of their cage the cowboys also played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed\n\nthoses games also helped time go by.\n\nSea Cowboys were much more than a trip to Luke Bomberger it oped up the world it helped other countries and their needs and to help them survive and to stay healthy\n\nand to have a good life and good choices.\n\nThat stayed with Luke Bomberger and it led him to leading a number of internalional students and exchange visitors for many years.\n\nI think that Luke made a good choice to help other people and to take care of animals.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear state senator, i just want to inform you on a few things about in favor of keeping the Electoral college or changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. I think we as a natioin should keep the Electoral College. We should keep it because each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee and that trust is rarely betrayed and because the electoral college requires a presidental candidate to have trans-regional appeal.\n\nWe should keep the Electoral College because each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee and that trust is rarely betrayed. It is entirely possible that the winner of eletoral vote will not win the national popular vote. Yet that has happened very rarely. It happened in 2000 when Gore had more\u00a0 popular votes than bush. Yet fewer electoral votes, but that was the first time since 1888.\n\nThe Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal. No region...south, northeast, etc. has enough electoral votes to elect a president. So a solid regional favorite, such as Romney was in the south, has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states, for he gains no electoral votes by increasing his plurality in states that he knows he will win. This is a desirable result because a candidate with only regional appeal is likely to be successful president.\n\nTherefore us as a nation should keep the way we do things. We should keep the Eletororal College because each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee and that trust is rarely betrayed. Another thing is that the eletoral college requires a presidental candidate to have trans-regional appeal.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVENUS\n\nvenus is a planet and venus is brightest point of the night sky, sometimes they called venus \"evening star\" ,Venus is the closest palnet to the Earth by density,size and by distance:\n\nVenus atmosphere is verry different between our atmosphere, venus have a thick atmosphore 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets the planet and a highly corrosive of sulfuric acid in the atmosphere. Venus atmosphere is 90 times greater than the Earth atmosphere ,a average of more than 800 degrees fahrenheit , we know that the closer planet to the sun is mercury,but venus is hottest planet in the solar system.\n\nthe challenge of exploring Venus is because venus have a dense atmostpher most forms of lights cannot penetrate to it, and research is hard to make on venus. the researchers cannot take anything with them samples rock,gas etc.. from a certain distance. the scientists seeking to coducts a thjorough mission to undertand venus have to get up close to and personal to dispite the risks.\n\nThe national Aeronautics and space Administration (NASA) is working to find some other way to studying venus. to see how they can go through venus.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this passage the author talked a lot about the importanced of studying Venus. Their is a lot of similarities of Earth on Venus. By studying Venus we could learn things that could help prevent our earth from getting the same way that Venus is. What if Venus used to be home to life and was just like earth, but they did not take care of their planet and it ended getting too bad for life to survive? The author made a valid point to the reasons that we should study Venus.\n\nVenus is often refered to as earths twin. When viewing venus from far away they can tell that it has a lot similar land forms as we have here on earth. \" The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.\"\n\nThis statement shows that Venus is very similiar to us here on Earth.\n\nAlthough Venus has a lot of similiar landmarks to earth, its climate is very different and is very dangerous to humans. Its atmoshphere is made up of 97 percent carbon dioxide. Their clouds are made up of highly corrosive sulfuric acids. On Venus's surface the temperature is 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmoshpheric pressure is 90 times greater than we face on earth. These conditions make it impossible for a space shuttle to make it to Venus.\n\nNASA is exploring ways that we can get space shuttles closer to Venus so that we can find out more about it. They have figured out that if the space shuttle floats above the hazardous conditions it will be about 30 miles from the surface of Venus. It would still be around 170 degrees fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. It still would not be easy conditions, but it would be survivable for humans.\n\nExploring Venus is very important to us here on Earth, although it poses many challenges the benefits and things that we could learn outweigh them. Venus could have been just like earth millions of years ago, but the planet was not taken care of. The things that we learn on Venus could be vital to the sucess of our planet and our future.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that disbanding electoral college would be in favor of most peoples decisions. This way everyone has a chance to vote decisively and not having electoral college decide who should be the president of the united states. Electoral college dosent let the people decide who they want to be president. It lets the lets the slate of electors decide which is totally un fair in my decision. People are the ones who elect which president they feel will make the United States a better country. Maby the slate of electors have a different decision in mind than what the people of america think about who should be president.\n\nPopular vote would be much better in my decision because it gives everyone a chance on picking there president and not having other people pick it for them. Say there was a tie in the electoral votes, than they would be passed onto the house or reps were state\u00a0 delegations vote on the president and not the people of america. There is a greater quantity of people than there are slate of electors and house of representitves. The electoral college is completely unfair to voters because in each state candidates dont spend time in states they dont think will help them win presidency. We the people dont have the ability to choose who we want as a president and we want our freedom of being able to do that. There will be less conflicts and anger from the people if they disband electoral college.\n\nBut in many eyes electoral college are in favor to those people. They think its right to have the slate of electors vote for who they think would be a better president. The electoral college does avoid the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. But it could lead to more pressure in the election process, which could greately complicate the presidential elections. There for saying that electoral college isint a good decision to have. People should decide what they want to have for this country. They should be able to take a mark and say we dont want electoral college anymore for the United States.\n\nIt would have to be weighted in an election of the people to decide what they want to have. Electoral college method of selecting a president may have a big impact on people by not choosing the president they want. Saying in the peoples minds that Electoral College should be disbanded and gotten rid of because it depends on what the people of the U.S. choose, not the slate of electors. We the people of the United States should have the freedom to choose what will make this\u00a0 a better and stronger Country!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMooo!\n\nHorses, young cows, and mules are interesting mammels.\n\nLuke Bomberger went on a adventer were he could watch these animals.\n\nHe also got to go to Europe and China. Dosen't that sound fun? This paper is about the adventer Luke took. There are many other good parts about taking this trip.\n\nLuke had a oppertunity of a lifetime when he signed up to be a Seagoing Cowboy. First he got to see the acropolis. Then he got to ride on a gondola to see Venice, Italy. He said he had the time of his life. He also liked watching the animals.\n\nIf you like animals you get to take care of them in a boat or water vessle to Europe or Asia.\n\nSome of the animals need help. There also other fun things to do like tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, baseball, and volleyball.\n\nIf you like trips, sports and animals you would be perfect to be a Seagoing Cowboy. A lot of animals need help.\n\nYou can help them by being a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nYou can have fun too taking a trip or playing sports. Sign up now!", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThese driverless cars should not be developed becuase technology can crash, safety concerns and lack of knowledge. These 3 reasons all tie up to each other on why these cars should not be developed.\n\nFirst reason why driverless cars should not be developed is becuase technology is not one hundred percent reliable. Technology can crash causing these cars to possibly not be functioning well which could lead to various accedents and who will take initiative for those damages? \u00a8If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?\u00a8 paragraph 9. With this being said anyone can buy things that make their life easier, thats what everyone wants right? Not just becuase it makes your life easier means its safe.\n\nSecond, these cars should not be developed becuase of safety concerns. As already mentioned technology can crash leading to serious injuries, the sensors could stop working leaving huge possibilities of many crashes. Does this also mean that if these cars replace actual cars does that mean people will become lazier and or not be requiered to drive or have a liscence if indeed this project becomes successful?\n\nLastly, these cars should not be developed because of lack of knowledge. Again, if these cars replace driver cars does that mean people will become lazier, and or not be requiered to have a liscence if this porject indeed becomes successful? If so, soon it would not be required to know how to drive which would lead many people to not know how to drive which is requiring less knowledge that should be there. It would make our lifes so easy to the point where it might make us lazy, not everyone, but mostly everyone. I beilive we need the most knowledge possible instead of creating more and more things that isolate us from learning.\n\nIn conclusion, these driverless cars should not be created due to technology crashes, safety issues and lack of knowledge. Drivers should keep driving and learn more everyday. A wise person once said \u00a8Life isn\u00b4t easy, so dont try to make it\u00a8.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine a planet where there has been no known life, then flying over it and seeing a face staring back at you. That is what NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft saw when it was circling the planet Mars. Few think that the face was created by alien life. The face on Mars is a natural landform.\n\nThe face on Mars is not an alien monument. On April 5, 1998 a better picture was taken of Cydonia, the picture was ten times sharper than the original picture. The picture revliled that it was just a natural landform. That is was not an alien monument.\n\nScientists at NASA compare Cydonia to natural landforms on Earth. The chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program comared the face to the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho, a lava dome that takes teh form of a isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.\n\nNot everyone believes that the Face on Mars is a natural landform. Some conspiracy theorists claim that is is bona fide evidence of life on Mars. They also say that NASA is trying to hide that there is life on Mars, but defenders of teh NASA budget wish there was an acient civilization on Mars. Theorists belives that the face is a alien monument. The older photos make the Face look like the head of a Pharaoh, bu the clearer pictures form 1998 show that it is just a rock formation.\n\nFor some it may be hard to believe that teh Face on Mars is just a natural landformation. The more recent pictures prove that Cydonia is a rock formation. The Face on Mars is just a natural landform like the landforms on Earth.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHow would you feel if the streets were car free in the city you live in? Would you prefer it that way? I would and would not at the same time because there's less traffic. Well some cities are car free like Vauban Germany,Paris and Bogota Colombia.\n\nTo Begin With, In Vauban 70 percent of the families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here. if they do own a car the car owner has to buy a car space,for $40,000, along with a home. In Paris cars were banned because of pollution and wanted to clear the air of the global city. One reason why i would prefer the city to be car free is because there is less traffic and you can get some where safely with out having to worry that you might crash or have an accident. One reason why i wouldn't prefer it to be car free is because you would take longer to get to a certain place you want to go. you would have to wait for a taxi or a bus to take to that place.\n\nNext,", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nStop arguing with me Bob, I know I'm right about the face on mars. How could you think the face was created by aliens, thats just crazy. You have no evidence to prove your point about how you think aliens created the face. I on the other hand have plenty of evidence to support my claim.\n\nWhen the \"Face on Mars\" was first discovered the Viking 1 had found it by mistake. The Viking 1 was looking for a place for its sister ship to land, and stumbled on it by mistake. The picture the Viking 1 took resembled a human face but, it was very shadowy and not the clearist picture. When NASA reveled the \"Face on Mars\" it became the instant topic everywhere. Everywhere you went peope talked about the face.\n\nNASA wasn't done with the face on Mars. On April 5, 1998, the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time. Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Web sufers everywhere were whating for the first image to appear. When the imaage first appeared on a JPL web site it revealed a natural landform. There was no alien monument after. But of course not everyone was satisfied. Sadly it was winter it on the Red Planet. Thanks to all the wispy clouds, the camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Sadly clouds had covered parts of the Face. Some people still thought the Face was hiding alien markings.\n\nOn April 8, 2001\u0097a cloudless summer day in Cydonia\u0097Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. What was it going to find on a cloudless summer day in Cydonia? What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa\u0097landforms common around the American West. It didnt't show any airplanes or Egyptian-style pyamids.\n\nSee Bob I have so much more avidence than you. Your alein markings were proven not true. All The Face actully showed was a butte or mesa. There were no alien Egyptian style markings. The face is just a simple land form on the face of the Red Planet.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am for the development of these cars. Technology has become more advance, the cars is a safer way to prevent any accidents, and safer cars means less accidents and decreased in human kills on the road.. Today, many ideas have been spread across to give us human better ways to live life for us today. Its a simple tool to help humans life easier and more sufficant. It will make our world a better place to live and obtain in.\n\nTechnology has became more advance. Back then people had to to hand held work to get what they want or needed. Today it ca be simple and easy with just a touch and your all good. Many techonogly we focus on we use everyday to help us maintain our life in order. It can give us possiblities or ideas to expand our technology for better uses and ways to make our lives abit more easier. We use cellphones everyday to connect to one another as it improves to have greater or superior ways to connet and be built better. Why not have cars become more advance.\n\nThe driverless cars have been an idea since the early 2000's. Its been built with more advance tools to help make the car more inffucient and safe. The cars are a safer way to prevent any accidents. It warn humans when in danger. How? Its been developed with many nofitcations if any danger is near. It has sensors that can help notify the driver. For example when a driver is backing up near and object the seat vibrates to give thema warning. Another is flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up dislplay to prepare the driver to take over. Manufactures are even consider to use riewview cameras. The most important sensor the spinning sensor, they have to design to give this such an human like quallity. This sensor detects and mimics the skill of a human at the wheel.\n\nSafer cars means less accidents and a decrease in kills of humans dying in cars. Theese cars are just and idea for now. As they gather and think of more information to help make the car a more productive way to live. Most driving laws are focused on keeping passengers and river and pedestrians safe as possible. They have tested some of these cars in certain states just to give result. Other car companies have been involved to plan the cars to drive themselves.\n\nI am for the development of these cars. It will help seek a better future and inspire other to come up with advance ideas that will contuinue to grow.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTwenty five years ago NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet and taking pictures. It cam across a picture that looked like a human face. Scientis then studied it for a while and said it was not a sign of life on Mars that it was just the way a landform in Mars was shapped. They then send it out to the people. The people start freaking out because they have the idea on thier minds that Mars might actually have life for us to live in.\n\nOn April 5, 1998 the MOC team snapped a picture ten times sharper that the original Viking photos. The photos proved that on Mars there was only landforms. Many people were unsatisfied with the new photos. In paragraph 8 it says, \"Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze. Mission conrollers looked again. On April 8, 2001- a cloudless summer day on Cydonia Malin's team captured an extradinaryphoto using the camera's absolut mazimum resolution. On the picture it indetinfied that Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West.\n\nIn conclusion the photos the viking's took are not the face of anything. It is an ordinary photo of Mars landforms. Which were not 100% idenfied untill April 8,2001. Which proves that the photos are just landforms of Mars.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nNASA has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus, because they want to find a solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus. What is their solution? Their solution is trying to imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape, they are wanting to prove that if their jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude that can fly over many storms then a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way.\n\nThey want to find the safest way possible so they can send people up to Venus since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. They have to find the right vehicle to get sent up to Venus because there is high pressure and heat that is like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes. Most people would just want to stay out of this and move on but astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\n\nThey are desperate to find a way to get this right and to actually be known for this. Going to Venus is not a easy task and researches have to take a lot of time into this. Most people are probably thinking why is it taking so long, well each previous mission was unmanned and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing like I said early, then this is an issue that leads up to why a spacecraft has not touched down on Venus. This is a very big deal and they just want to find the right research and the right system so they can go visit Venus successfully.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriving is one of America's favorite things to do, it is looked at as a right of passage, of sorts, for young American's and yet driving is now becoming less and less imoprtant to them. The decrease in the amount of people who are driving and using cars is not only happening in the United States, all over the world people are limiting their car usage. There is a plethora of advantages to limiting car usage with the main three being that it can make people happier by reducing stress, it allow's people to get more excersize, and it can drastically reduce pollution.\n\nFirst and foremost, people limiting their car usage can make them considerably happier. One reason for this occurance could be that using a motor vehicle less can help reduce stress. In the article\"In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars\", when asked Heidrun Walter said that \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way.\"(Rosenthal,3). She lives in a town where there are almost no privately owned motor vehicles. A business man from Bogota,Columbia has also said that using a car less, or even not using one for a day, as they do in Bogota, is \"a good opportunity to take away stress,\"(Selsky,24). If people don't have to worry about all of the extra expenses and responsibilities that come with a car, then they will not have any stress regarding them and will be happier.\n\nLikewise, limiting car usage can help people get more excersize and lead to a healthier lifestyle. In his article,\" Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota\", Andrew Selsky describes a program in which cars are banned and only public transportation is allowed on the Day Without Cars in Bogota, Columbia. Bogota has been having a Day Without Cars for 3 years and Selsky says that one of the goals \"is to promote alternative transportation\"(Selsky,21). On the Day Without Cars,\"millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work..., leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams.\"(Selsky,20). Implementing a program like this helps people get excersize by promoting biking and walking to work and can lead to a healthier lifestyle by encouraging people to use those methods of transportation on a daily basis.\n\nEqually as important, when people reduce their car usage it can drastically reduce pollution. Robert Duffer says that \"After days of near-record pollution,Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air.\"(Duffer,10) in his article, \"Paris bans driving due to smog\". Duffer says that in Paris the ban was set up so that all people with even numbered license plates were told to leave their cars at home on one day and the next day people with odd numbered license plates were told to leave their cars at home. If a person violated the ban then they were fined 22 euros. After only five days, congestion was cut down 60 percent according to Duffer and by the next Monday the smog had cleared enough for the French ruling party to \"rescind the ban\"(Duffer, 19). By limiting their automobile usage for just one week Paris was able to reduce their air pollution by a large amount. In the article, \"The End of Car Culture\" Elisabeth Rosenthal states that if the pattern of less American's buying cars\u00a0 persists then \" it will have benificial implications for carbon emissions and for the environment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions,\"(Rosenthal,34).\n\nIn summation, there are many advantages to limiting car usage. Limiting car usage can have postitive effects on people and the Earth because it can make people happier by reducing stress, it allow's people to get more excersize and lead healthier lives, and it can drastically reduce pollution. Many sources believe that the advantages of limiting car use greatly outweigh the disadvantages and think that the limited use of motor vehicles will increase in popularity.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHey im Luke im sure you read about me or atleast know a little about me. Im not here to say thank you but im really thankful though. Im here to say you should join the Seagoing Program. When i was seventeen and i joined the program. I did it for my country but then i found out that i can get pleasure from it too you get to take care of animals but if you are like me and used to taking care of animals you wont care about that.\n\nYou should join the Seagoing Coboys program because you can see amazing things if you read the biography then you know that in paragraph 5 I saw an exavated castle in Crete on my way to China. You dont just sit there taking care of horses and other farm animals you also get to play games. I do other things too if you read paragraph 8 of the biography about me then you know that us cowboys found time to have fun on board. W e played baseball and volleyball games in empty holds. Sometimes we even played table-tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling and other games too.\n\nIm not saying thats its all fun and games because its not. One time I even broke my ribs while on the boat as you can see in paragraph 7. Boats will tip over,sink or they might even rock. That still doesnt stop you from atleast trying to make a difference. You can still make a difference for people.\n\nIn conclusion being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than adventure it also opened up the world for me. You can also help other countries out that are doing worst than you or that are not doing good at all. As you can see in paragraph 9 that I am grateful for my opportunity to be a Seagoing Cowboy. By becoming a Seagoing Cowboy it made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs and because of that awareness my family hosted a number of international students and echange visitors for many years as you can see in paragraph 9 of my biography. Im saying all of this because i want you to join the Seagoing Cowboys program not only to have fun and go on adventures but to change peoples lives in other countries and to open up a new world for yourself.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the history of US transportation, cars have always the most prodcued due to its poularity to the public.\n\nWith the production of driverless cars beginning in the near future, sometime after there will be another Industrial Revolution; which means that the creativity of technology will begin to flow and change the very nature of our economy. i believe driverless cars would be positive towards the US because there would be less accidents, there would less reckless drivers, and there would also be less deaths towards younger drivers.\n\nFirst off, with driverless cars there would be less accidents. In the US, majority of accidents are caused by human error such as: eating while driving, dropping your cell phone, or even children that are causing a distraction toward the driver. if the car was able to pilot itself, the driver would no longer need to switch between driving and handling their childparents would be able to eat, sleep andtake care of their child all within the luxury of a driverless car.\n\nSecondly, their would many reckless drivers. As i said many of accients caused in today's world are by human error, but there have also been very close calls because of reckless driving. There are such people that run the red lights, that run the stop sign, or even fall asleep as they are driving. With the driverless car, all of these scenerios can be avoided. the poeple running red lighs and stop signs will have no choice but to stop and the people that fall asleep can just sit back and relax as the car does all of the work.\n\nLastly, there would many less fatalities from these driveerless cars. In this country, people are gaining the ability to drive at the age of sixteen years of age.. This age group, also known as teenagers, are the leading fatality rate when it comes to driving. It is said that the leading cause of death for teens is now driving while drugs is second to it. If teens were able to get ahold of the driverless car they would be able to preserve their lives with the safety and reliablity of the driverless car.\n\nIn conclusion, the driverless car would do wonders for this country by providing these poeple witht eh safety and reliability to make from point A to point B in safe and enjoyable mannor.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article talk about Driver cars, and can you imagine a time in the future when no one buys cars? Sergey Brin envisions a future with a public transportation like cars form a public-transport taxi system. He believes such car would change the world. In 2009 has specific conditions. There cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. I think so than use cars in the actually is very important, can you move in other places or country with a car, but has a probability of to have an accident in the way.\n\nIn paragraph 3 talk over General Motors created a concept car thah could run on a special test track. Is created in 1950 with an electrical cable and Engineers at Berkeley. During the years Google's modified Toyata and uses position-estimating sensors, a video camera, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver and many things more. In paragraph 5 talk about sensors are nothing new, In the 1980s, automarkers used speed sensors for crearion brakes. In alll information than have the cars during 10 years the sensors are advanced, and have power individual engine.\n\nSebastian Thrun, founder of the Google car project, believes that the technology before 2000 and cost two hundred million dollars. He buys at Radio Shack. In the paragraph 7 talk abuot than in 2013, the BMW announced the development of \"Traffic Jam Assistan.\" In this year the changes are many like the Google announced new laws or like driver, The physical aspects of automation are really a challenge for Dr Werner Huber of the BMW project manager. Automarkers are continuing their work and has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent like Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan they have a project in 2020 in to have new shapes in the cars, or to give functions for the community during the years, because is very importan to know over many things in the actually and have a good grow in the destination every day with people than make a good job in the community.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think the technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuble because in paragraph 6 it talks about if you smile when a Web ad appears on the screen, a similar ad might follow . But if you frown the next ad will be differnt. The story talks about how your face expressions can say what emotion your feeling. For example if you raise your lips at the corners of your mouth , then squint your eyes slightly to produce wrinkling at the corners of your eyes , holding that raise the outer parts of your cheeks up, toward your eyes , it gives the looks that your happy because it all depends in your musccular actions . The computer can also tell when your faking a smile and when its real . Also in paragragh 8 its says that to an expert, faces dont lie, because the muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a smile is not true. I think the technology to read minds is valuable because they tested it and they aprove that it is true that your face expresions show your emotions.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many fellow citizens in the world that have been using cars are having car accidents and many more terribles things that have happen during inside of a car or outside of a car. According to the passage, Almost 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Reuters. Is better to take a walk, ride a bike, and make the streets a better place. Especially, that up to 50 percent in the United States, there are car-intensive areas. Car- free day, was a big hit in Bogota, and should make it in the United States one day to leave the streets without traffic jams.\n\nFirst, fellow citizens should stop the car usage, to make the streets a better place, walk, ride a bike, or do something that would make the streets much safer. The cars usage, many people have died for these terrible accidents. Limiting car usage, is a great idea, because it supports the streets to not become very dangerous. There are many accidents that have caused of a hit-and-run. So is very important that at least the car usage should stop the humanity.\n\nNext, Limiting car usage, is a great idea, because, according to the passage, up to 50 percent in the United States, there are car-intensive areas. Car-intensive areas, such as the traffic jam. Traffic jam, can be very dangerous at some point, and it keeps people very tired and fustrated. According to the article, In Bogota, Colombia, there's a program set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to keep the area as a car-free day, leaving the streets devoiding of traffic jams. So try to ride a bike, walk, skate, or do something, that can be a car-free day, a much safer environment.\n\nThen, Limiting car usage, is a great idea, also, because without cars, and only buses and taxis, a which the main goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog, Violators have faced $25 of fines, according to the article, also. Its a really good opportunity to take away the stress and lower air pollution from cars, especially the stress from traffic jams. As what i was saying in the beggining, that many people prefer to use bike, walk, or skate to keep themselves a much safer habit. If your driving, always put on the seatbelt to prevent from car accidents. Limiting car usage is a great way to prevent from all the car accidents out there in the world.\n\nLast, Limiting car usage is a great way to the environment, makes the countries a better place. Having a car-free day, especially, is a much safer way to its environment. Ride a bike, walk, skate, or take a bus, if necessary, to prevent from all the car accidents out there in the world, it takes away the stress and decrease its air pollution from having a car-free day, and to promote from alternative transportation and reducing smog. Limiting car usage, is great way to our planet, but there is times that we need it for transporting to a place we want to go. Also, using a bike, walking, or skating is a great tool and excercise to our legs to keep our body maintained and healthy.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nStriving to meet the challenge presented by Venus will gain insight on the planet itself. That our curiosity will likely lead us into our travels beyond our fears. We should not be limited by doubts, but to strive. We should meet the very edges of imagination, and concur our fears.\n\nThe author included lots of information of the planet Venus, and also some fun facts in which I also included in my passage. Venus is referred to as the Earth's twin. Venus is closest to Earth in density, the size, and sometimes in distance. In spance terms human have sent lots of spacecrafts to land on the cloud draped world. No spacecraft has survived the landing for more then a few hours on Venus. This is why a single space ship hasn't been on Venus in more than three decades.\n\nWith such a thick atmosphere of 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets around Venus. The author has been stating lots of backgound information about Venus which helps on knowing when we need to have to be able to stand the conditions. Venus is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atomspheric pressure is 90 times what we experience on our planet each day. Also Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our very soloar system, even if Mercury is closer to the sun. Venus is the most earth like planet in our solar system.\n\nVenus still has some features that are close to the same on Earth. The planet has a hard rocky surface that includes valleys, mountains, and craters. The author is talking about new ways to apportch the planet without having to land on it because of its toasty temperatures. There still isn't a way to get samples of its land, but with all the information they have gathered where they can have our machines last long enough that they can stand the harsh climates of Venus. However, all they need right now is to get up close. The author doesn't think because there's a obstical in the way of a new discovery you shouldn't give up. To learn to adapt with the information you have will help down to road t your success.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAutomobiles, cars. They've been here for centuries. Without cars we still would be riding horses. Thanks to inventors we now don't have to walk to our destination, tired and glum. These vehicles has help us with a lot of things mainly transportation, but can a little to much of transpotation hurt our enviorment and ourselves? We hurt the enviroment using cars, some of you might not notice because it isn't an everyday thing. The daamages that happen to our home, Earth happens over time. If we just limit car usage you can see will see the progress, but some people will say \"no, we will never get anywhere without using our cars\". Well Vauban, Germany has some things quite opposite from that.\n\nVauban, Germany where residents in the community gave up their cars. Vauban was completely a car free zone, except the main thouroughfare. Yes, people still had their cars, the people just couldn't use them. Some people would be quite upset not to have a car, but in Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes ON Without Cars a woman named Heidrun Walter changes that statement. Accordingly to Heidrun Walter a mother of two and a media trainer's perspective she says, \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way.\" Sometimes riding in a car can be very stressfull having children in the car making noise and if you're late to work, but there is tons of traffic. Giving up cars may help some people be tense free, but another reason Europe gave up cars is to help decrease the percent of green house gases emmisions that cars release in Europe.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis is my variation of the essay for \"Driveless Cars Are Coming\". I think that it is a great idea, but it should only be for the elderly that can't drave and for the handycap. Regular people want to drive, but some don't because their \"tired, or busy, or its to much work.\" But I believe that driving is a responsability that people signed up for when the got their license. If you don't want to drive, then why did you get your license.\n\nMy second paragraph is about why would you want a driveless car? I personally would never get a driveless car for several reasons but I'll give you three. My first reason is i would like to drive because it gives me a freedom I never had. My second reason is what happens if one night an E.M.P. goes off for some reason and my car locks down, I can't get out with the doors being sealed shut. And finally my last reason is I want to some day listen to my favorite song in my 1970 Dodge Charger Supercharged down the highway to my old house, but if driveless cars are the only cars then i cant live my dream.\n\nMy third paragraph is about which car company should be able to make these \"driveless cars\". Honestly i beleive only Dodge and Chevy should make these cars, because their one of the oldest car companies around and they know cars like Bill Gates knows Microsoft. If you allow them to make these cars then they'll make them better. Imagine a driveless car in every vehicle type, from muscle cars to exotic cars to trucks to RV's to boats to planes to spaceships. We could be the most advanced nation in the world, no we would be the most advanced world in the galaxy.\n\nThis is my conclusion to this article. I believe that we could do this, but we have to be smart about it. Driveless cars must be in safe hands, not reckless drivers. The government just has to let us do this. If we don't then we'll be trapped in our variation of the stone age. So who wouldn't want a Driveless car, but it has to be a great Driveless car.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that this new software, the Facial Action Coding System is good idea and a really great system. Because me myself I have friends that will say there fine when I really know there and it and it would be really nice to have this just so your really knew how there are feeling. And I think its super smart that the system uses the 44 major muscles. One thing that I don't like about the system is that someone could use it on me and then someone. Like my mom could and would be able to tell when I'm not ok or when im upset. But I guess if I wanted this to use on my frinds then there is a down fall. And that would be the software could get into my moms hands, But hey you lose some and you win some. Over all I like it and wouldnt mind have it.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of this technology called the Facial Action Coding System is not valuable to read students' emotional expressions. Not all expressions on a students face can be readable. Some students may have a natural expressions but show it differently. How accurate are these calculations for these expressions really?\n\nIn the article it states \"Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness,surprise,anger,disgust,fear,and sadness\" but what about emotions that go further and can be shown or thought to be as a basic expression ? More emotions are linked to the basic emotions if a person is to have guilt but show a face of anger but actually they are sad and cover it. The Facial Action Coding System just reads the expressions but not feelings of the students.\n\nSome students have natural expressions. We have friends that have a natural 'mean mug' but are in reality happy or just calm this system could get it confused with an angry face. In the article it states \"The facial expressions for each emotion are univeral.\",meaning there is a wide range of emotions but could this system actually detect the difference between two similar faces of a person that makes the same face alot. In the article it also states\n\n\"For,example your frontalis pars lateralis muscle(above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when you're surprised; your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger.\" so for the students who have a natural facial structure it will most likely be harder to detect their actual emotion.\n\nThe article starts off by saying \"Shes 83 percent happy,9 percent disgusted,6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry.\" Although the system recognizes these expressions they are not actually reading her thoughts so they do not actually know the feelings of Mona Lisa and just are basing it off her expression. In this article it also states \"Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion)\" but how accurate is this persons face against others they could be showing emotions also.\n\nIn conclusion, this is why the system should not be a value to read people expressions. It doesnt have a wide enough range for each person. The system bases it off others neutral faces. People structures are different from one another and have different meanings. The system does not give you actual feelings and just read faces.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCar usage is one of the biggest reasons that as to why there is so much air pollution in the world. Buying more will just make the problem grow. This is why we should limit the use of cars and start thinking of other ways to get around such as walking or riding a bike.\n\nOne of the reasons that we should limit car usage is because, it's one of the main causes that the Earth is so unhealthy. Using cars cause more and more greenhouse gas emissions. If we are able to reach a community with very little car use then those people without a car will not only be saving money, but also preventing greenhouse gas emission. Many people will also be able to get more excercise because they won't be driving everywhere, but they will be walking or bicycling. Many people also stress out due to not having enough money to finish paying for a car, or to fill their car up with gas. Most of those problems will go away if they just limit or stop their car usage. In Bogota, Colombia, for the third straight year, cars have been banned, and only taxis and buses have been allowed on the streets. Many people are enthusiastic on participating and wouldn't even let rain stop them from arriving at their destination. he goal was to reduce smog and so far, they have been reaching their goal. Another city that has recently had a car free days has been Paris, France. Paris enforced a partial driving ban due to days of near-record pollution. the amount of smog Paris had was enough to rival that of Beijing's which is known as the most polluted city in the world. After a couple of days, the smog cleared enough for cars to be allowed to be used again.\n\nThose are only some of the few reasons as to why car usage should be very limited, many people don't realize it, but if we don't do something about the amount of air pollution that we have, it may be too late to save the planet Earth.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI do believe that the use of this technology is and will be extremely valuable.\n\nSome evidence to support why i believe this type of technology could be very valuable is that in the first sentence the article states\"She's 83% happy, 9 % desgusted,6% fearful and 2% percent happy. This means that advanced technology can find out all if that information about human emotions and possibly more and it is as easy as calculating homework.This type of technology can also be useful and valuable becasue a situation could be where someone can't express thier emotions, or doesn't know how to express their emotions.That's where FACS come in,(Facial Action Coding System).Also too add to me agreeing that this technology could be very valuable, the Facial Action Coding System was used on Mona Lisa. She never smiles, it's very rare you catch her doing it. So who knows her emotions.\n\nTo add to my reasoning the Facial Action Coding System can also be useful is because students in classrooms expressions be so blank, all you can assume is that the students dont wanna be there. But what if there's more to it? What if behind those blank faces is a whole world of emotons,im pretty sure everybody has emotions.Some people love showing them. Some are shy to show them,and others just dont know.But they can know with FACS. It starts with a 3-D computer model of the face that shows the 44 major muscles.FACS has 6 basic emotions,happiness,suprise,anger,disgust,fear,and sadness.\n\nSo to conclude my argument i do believe this tye of technology can be very valuble in students classroom because all students has emotion, just some have a hard way of showing them.FACS stands for Facial Action Coding System. It is a new software that has ben developed to shows the basic six emotions of human emotions.Which was modeled on The Mona Lisa.And according to the new software she is 83% happy, 9% disgusted,6% fearful,2% angry. How weird is that someone who rarley smiles is 83% happy. That just proves that this technology could make this world a better place.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIf people look at images of Cydonia Mars, they will come to see what looks like a mysterious face. A plethora amount of people belive that this face was made by aliens. Aliens are not real, and if they where we would have come to account with them by this day in age. It is humorous to think that people belive in aliens. These claims are rediculous to even think about if you have common sence.\n\nThe mysterious face on Mars is just a mesa. It is just something that came to be like how the Grand Canyon was formed. As the cameras get better pictures, the face starts to disappear. The picture was took in 1976 when technology was just now new to us. The conspiracy theory is not true.\n\nPeople claim that then new picture of the face is not a valid source because it was \"cloudy.\" These claims are rediculous. We went up into space again to find that it still looked nothing like a face. If this was created by aliens, then that means the pyramids were created by aliens, or Niagara Falls was created by aliens. It is the same as saying the universe was created by aliens.\n\nThe face is just a natural landform just like any natural landform on Earth. If the face was supposidly created by aliens then you could also say that about any natural landform on Earth. In fact, the new pictures of the face look nothing like a face.\n\nPeople who believe these theories must have a huge imagination. If these aliens are real, how come we havent come to account with them yet. Many people believe that the face was made by aliens. The mysterious face on Mars is was not created by aliens.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear senator,\n\nI believe that the electoral college should be dissolved and replaced with election by popular vote.\u00a0 The electoral college is a flawed system that has resulted in several unfair elections such as the 2000 election in which Al Gore won by popular vote, but lost the election because Bush had a majority of the votes from the electoral college.\u00a0 Also the members of the electoral college are not obligated to vote for the candidate chosen by the people but could willingly vote for the candidate of their choice.\u00a0 Also, \"Most states have a winner-take-all system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate\" this system could greatly off set the election.\n\n\"Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president,\" this system goes completely against the constitution in that \"We the People\" don't elect our own president.\u00a0 I thoroughly believe that we should move on to election by popular vote, because there would be less problems with the presidential election.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you believe driverless cars a good alternative to human driven cars?\n\nWould you feel comfortable letting your car do most almost 90% of the time?\n\nDriverless cars means all the driving institutions and schools will be out of business and the workers in those professions will be out of a job.\n\nMy personal opinion on driverless cars is that even though you might not have to do so much of the driving like you had to before driverless cars took over, you are putting your life and the lives of the passengers in your car with you at risk.\n\nI believe that if driverless care become a thing companies that produce their own versions of the driverless cars.\n\nIt will put a lot of liability on them.\n\nIf a computer in the car were to malfunction and maybe skid off the road killing everyone on board the company who produced the car just killed a few of their customers.\n\nGoogle's Sergey believes driverless cars will take over and the car buying and selling industry will tank.\n\nInsurance companies could aslo go out of business because if computers were to take over control of the car well then there wouldn't be any accidents.\n\nPeople who buy these cars put so much trust and faith into these cars thinking that since it is controlled by a computer it is percect and knows everything about every road.\n\nHere is the thing, people forget that the computers in the car and the GPS systems, radar, and a lot of other technology was made my man.\n\nThe people who built the on-board GPS, radar, navigation, and other systems could have messed up on the production of the technology and maybe the GPS had a glitch and thought a body of water was a road and drove their passengers into a body of water killing them.\n\nMy overall opinion about driverless cars is that they are not a good or safe alternative to a human driven car that is controlle by a living person.\n\nI belive it is more enjoyable to drive a car than have a computer drive for you.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nthe Earth's twin\n\nIn this esay we star evaluating how well the author of the book \"the challenge of exploring venus supports his ideas about Venus and what are the similary between Venus and the Earth and all the diference .\n\nFirst of all the author star explaing what is Venus , Venus is one ofthe bightest points of light in the night sky also venus is the second planet in the solar system, venus is calle the Earth's twin because Venus is the closet planet to the Earth in terms of density and size and occasionally the Earth and Venus are closest in distance too and sometimes we are closert to mars .\n\nSecondly the author say what are the reputation of Venus ,Venu's reputation as a challenging planet for human to study because the atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide and the apacecraft survived the landing for more than a few houres also the clouds of higly corrosive sulfuric acid in venu's atmosphere , the plane's furface temperatures average over 800 degrees and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times grater than what we experince on our own planet and Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any other planet in our solar system,these conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth\n\nLastly the author trie to tell how venus is a good planet to study because long ago venus was covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like Earth also the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys , mountains and crates also Venus geology and weather present additional impediments like eruptiones, power earthquakes and freqeunt lightning strike to probes seeking to land onits surface , but the author contnue , whit the idea of\n\nVenus can sometimes be our nearest option for a plnetry visit.\n\nIn conclucion Venus are in some poins so sililar to the Earth bust sometimes are the complety opposite of the Earth and the author have very good informacion to supports his ideas of study and vist the\n\nEarth's twin .", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you thimnlk we should have a limit of usage for our cars? i think we should! my three main reasons why are because , so we dont /waste alot of fossi fuels,wont make lots of polution and so we can save money and tust me evryone loves to save money!!!!!\n\nMy first reason why we should have a limit to using our cars are because so we dont waste alot of our fossil fuerol. we go through tons and tons of fossil fuel. It's getting to the point were we might even\u00a0 run out of it and wont have it anymore and wont be able to make gas and trust me we use gas for just about everything!\n\nMy second reason why we should limit the usage of our cars is so\u00a0 we dont produce alot of polution. we produce tons and tons of polution every single time we drive our cars and thats very bad cause it polutes our air and it not good for us to breath it in!\n\nMy last reason why we should limit the usage of our cars is cause it will vsave us tons of money! i mean keep count everyday how much you pay for gas and at the end of the week add thewm all together and see how much you waste on gas each weeek. also what if your tiers are no good nomore just for a set of 4 its going to bcome up to like $200 dolars !And then what is you need new light or new windshield wipers. ust think how much money you put in to your car. if i were you i would just start walking or rideing a bike!\n\nJust a few moments ao i eexplained to you my top 3 reasons why we should limit the usage of our cars because,we wont waste a tonb of fossil fuel,wont produce lots of polutio and it will save us tons of money!", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy claim towards this topic on whether or not to use this computer technology in a classroom would be effective or not. In my opinion yes, im all for this technology in a classroom. Mainly because i know as a student i do get bored and i do get tired when im reading an article and if this technology can read our facial recognition and change the lesson based on how us as students are feeling on the scale of facial recongnition. This article states that the computers in schools now wouldnt be able to handle this sort of technology, so what my main question is. How much would it cost schools to get a hold of this kind of technology and especially this amount of technology. When schools globaly are already asking the government for more money as a whole alot of schools have already asked for over 5 referendums in less than 4 years, in that case how could schools afford 3,000 computers with this technology inside it.\n\nIf we were to switch to this facial recognition software why couldnt us students jut all be homecshooled by a computer beause as Dr. Huang states \" Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor\" so why would we need a(n) human intructor if this technology can act as a human instructor and change lesson plans according to how we are feeling based on facial expressions. In conclusion all i would like to say is that yes this technology could be very effective in schools in the future if schools had the mony to buy all this technololgy. An even bigger point I would like to make is why have school, if this technology can act as a human instructor?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhen u vote for a president u are voting for the electors at the same time. There saying if u lived in texas and if u voted and 38 votes whent to John Kerry. the best argument that they had against the electoral college is called the disaster factor. In the 1960's the people in Louisiana the people were trying to stop the popular votes go to John F. Kennedy. In Wyoming there were 500,000 voters and 55 representatives from California whr represents 35 Million voters. In 1968 a shift if just 41,971 votes would be deadlocked the election and later in 1976a tie would have occurred if a mere 5,559 in Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawii had voted diffrent and they were a few swing votes away from a catastrophe. when u vote for the president u are voting for the slate of the electors. in 2000 when Bush and Gore were getting voted for the seprem court had to pick who was president of the united states. When president Obama whent up there he got 61.7% of the electoral vote and 51.3% of the popular votes. People in 2012 thought that a single cote may decide an election.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face, is it martian made or a natural landform? The face is not a alien artifact it is a land form that is formed with facial features like eyes and a nose. The Viking 1 captured a mesa land formation that resembled a face not a martian made artifact. In 1998 a MOC team captured a picture that proved the \"Face\" was a mesa land form. Then agian in 2001 another team captured a picture of the mesa with a Mars Global Surveyor agian NASA came to the conclusion it was a mesa.\n\nIn 1976 a Viking 1 camera captured a bone chilling picture of what looks like a face. As scientists studyed the picture they came to the conclusion that it was an oddly formed mesa that resembled a human face. After they let the picture out to the public the popularity of this mesa sky rocketed it haunted the world for twenty five years before NASA did another expadition to prove it was a mesa.\n\nIn 1998 a GOC team captured a picture of this so called face. After further exsamination NASA found the face to be a land form commonly known as a mesa. After studying the mesa the group of scientists compaired the face to mesas in Cydonia, the area the face was found, they came to the conclusion the face was really a mesa that had a peculiar formation.\n\nThen agian in 2001 skeptics lead NASA to do another expadition to capture another picture of the phonomanon. After finding the same evidince as they had the past two times NASA ruled it a mesa. Skeptics had no way of saying the face was anything but a mesa. NASA had proven it three times there was no denying it, the face was a land formation that was rather common were the pictures were taken.\n\nNow NASA could be wrong the pictures could have been edited to contain the secret that there was life on mars. NASA could have tampered with the photographs to mislead the public. But life on mars would be good for NASA, the fact that we are not alone would get NASA the funding to start all kinds of expaditions that would help the United States in the Space race to mars. If there was life on mars NASA would have trillions of dollars to fund there research on the planet. This proves that NASA's findings were correct that the face is a mesa that looks oddly like a human face.\n\nAfter reading this you should realise the face is nothing more than a mesa land formation that was blown out of preportion. The media took a simple fact and turned it into a alien artifact this concludes the fact that the face was a naturally formed mesa nothing less nothing more. The face is a mesa that looks strangly like a human face that became a pop icon for twenty five years.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe latest technology called the FACS or Facial Action Coding System detects the emotional state of kids or adults. This technology is a leading way to help students out in a classroom or a work environment. This technology is supposedly able to help find the emotions of a human and how they feel by recognizing their facial features and muscles.\n\nThis new technology FACS, known as the Facial Action Coding System reads the facial features and the way humans use their muscles in their faces to recognize their emotional state, whether they be happy, sad etc. This new technology would not benefit our society today for the reason that we have careers and jobs in understanding humans emotional state, the time, money and effort spent in learning this would all be replaced by a robot or new technology, this causes jobs to be lost and people that spent their lives and money learning this career are out of a job because of a technology. FACS is good in a way to survey an area of people but not a necessity to the world today.\n\nAlthough reading a students emotional state in a classroom is a good benefit and way to figure out whether or not that student needs more help or is the reason he/she are a disturbance in class or failing in a classroom. I believe it is a good thing to have at a school because kids today hide their emotions, and avoid socialization because of their emotional state, and if we have that today in our classrooms we could help kids grades rise, fights lessen, and even could stop bullying with knowing that a kid is in fear, why is he/she in fear? or a kid is sad? etc. These things help us understand what to do in order to keep the school safe and student happy in the classroom.\n\nIf the FACS is able to read students emotions and detect if that human is sad, happy etc. then yes this technology would be a great resource in the classroom or school today because of so many things happening over the world teachers and their staff should be able to use this technology to undestand their students emotions in order to help them in a classroom and figure out how to help them in academics for a better future. The article in this passage talks about how the FACS can even adress emotional views from a picture that dated back to the era when Da Vinci was painting, and this even could give us what emotion the Mona Lisa out out and how Da Vinci used facial features to depict emotion in his paintings, this could bring out the views of people back in the 1800s or even earlier.\n\nThough I am not for this technology for the fact that we do not need a machine or computer telling us what state of emotion were in, it could be a great use in the school board today with all the violence and cyber communication that happens. The only good reason to bring this computer or technology into the public is in our classrooms to keep the students in a good school environment so that they can succeed and continue with grades that meet the highest standards so that they can have an education to look upon when they apply for a job, for that is the only reason this could even be worth the money.\n\nOverall the technology or FACS, is a good learning tool for our school board and classrooms today, but only for the student body this could work tremendous and help our society. If there was a way to create a facial recognition system that could help our society and our criminals today and understand how they think then there is a chance that this could go farther in our world. Overall this new technology is not a good source or worth the money to put out to the public, I say this because as our world gets older and our generation furthers themselves, it is too easy to see the emotional state of human beings, we do not need a computer to say it understands better than the human body that gets study everyday.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face on the surface of Mars...It is said that the land formation on the surface of Mars resembles a human face. There is no true face on mars' surface,it is merely a lava dome that takes on the form of an isolated mesa that is about the same elevation as the surface of this red planet.\n\nNothing more than a huge rock formation that resembles a human face, in the sense that there are irregular shadows that create the odd look of eyes, a mouth, and a nose.This illusion may have made its way to movies, magazines.etc... But just because they mention the name of a planet\n\nthat does not make what they say scientificly backed up.\n\nWe have already photographed the surface of this grand land structure, and yet it has proved to be nothing more than I have just stated.\n\nthrough research and diligent study we, scientists, have proved scientificaly that this land formation on this astronomical body is, indeed not a face or an alien monument.\n\nAnd to wrap up the matter, Nasa has already sent a team of photographers to collect more photos. The pictures support the fact that, this lava dome is just that, a lava dome.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke Bomberger was living a normal life till his friend Don Reist asked if he wanted to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke couldn't say no to that once in a lifetime opportunity! It's World War II in Europe and many countrys are in ruins. They need help taking care of their animals and shiping them over seas. Luke and Don signed up. \"We arrived August 14,\" Luke said. They where traveling over the Pacific ocean and going to Greece with 335 horses and food for them. Luke turned 18 before they got there and wanted to sign up for tthe military service. \"By the time be was discharged in 1947, Luke had made nine trips, the most of the Seagoing Cowboys.\" Luke loved this new life of cattle-boat trips and helping people. On his free time be would explore Europe even more. It took him 2 weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the United States and then a month to get to China. Caring for the animals kept Luke busy and they where fed and watered two or tree times a day, and stalls had to be cleaned. Luke has had some training on Katie's farm as a small boy and helped him where he is now. \"Luke also found time to have fun on board.\" Luke said. There is many things to do on the ship such as baseball, vollyball and table-tennis. Luke did Seagoing Cowboys for many year later and loved every bit of it.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are a very intriguing and thought provoking concept that manufacturers and society have toyed with for decades. The possibility of reducing the risk of human error is very tempting and a reason for why many people are in supports of having driverless cars. Although, not everyone shares the same opinion regarding cars that don't require human control. I do not think that completely driverless cars are the best way to go because of the high risk of a computer error, but minimal human interaction could possibly be very beneficial.\n\nMany companies such as BMW and Google have been working on developing driverless cars. While these cars have had some success on the road, there are some situations where a human driver is needed to take control of the situation. One example of this is a construction zone. Cars can have a radar and know how the road twists and turns, but in construction zones that is all thrown out the window. There are usually new boundaries created by traffic cones that the sensors on the car might not be able to connect.\n\nEven though I am opposed to cars that are completely driverless, I do think that the integration of this technology can be highly beneficial in some areas of driving. One place that I feel like computer-assisted driving can help is when a person is backing up. Often times it is hard to see everything and it can be very easy to hit something or someone while reversing in a car. A computer that generates three dimensional images of the car's surroundings, such as the LIDAR system used by Google, could assist drivers by helping them see things that they previously weren't able to see. I also think that an automatic brake that is activated when the car is dangerously close to an object would be beneficial as well.\n\nWhile there are risks and rewards to a driverless car, I feel like the risk of a computer error is a great one that could cost money and lives. Driver assistance, including cameras for backing up and an automatic brake to help prevent wrecks, is something that I would be open to in the future. We could soon be seeing these driverless cars on the road as many companies plan to have models out in the next five or six years, but I doubt they will be completely driverless.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhen I first read the Article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" I was sheocked at how this technology was able to read emotions off of a painting. It described her as 83 percent happy, 9 percent discusted, 6 percent fearful and 2 percent angry. This is all identified by software innovated by Prof. Thomas Huang, in collaboration with Prof. Nicu Sebe. Dr. Huang and his colleaugue are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate. I think it's a good idea becuase it could help people better understand the emotions of people who don't communicate as much.\n\n\"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal\" says Dr. Huang, \"even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression\" Using video imagery the new emotion-recoognition software tracks these facial movements; in a real face or a painted face of Mona Lisa. This sofware can also identify mixed emotions; each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion). This really shows how much a computer can do. Dr. Huang said \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored\", \"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" Your home PC can't handle complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile. But we can write down simple instructions that \"encode different emotions.\n\nI think that this is a great step towards the future and the possibilities could be endless when understanding emotions. It could not only benefit yourself, but others around you in how your feeling.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are dangerus to other people. Do the cars still run on gas or are they the new kind that run on solor engergy? What happens if something brakes in the cars GPS and takes to some place els?You can't really tell what kind of truble these cars can be.\n\nDriverless cars are dangerus to other people.How can you know when there's some one infrunt of you like a child on a bike?Will the car stop?Probly not with out it being to late for the child. In fact the car might just go out of control and drive on the side walk running over people.\n\nDo the cars still run on gas or are they the new kind that run on solor energy? Ok for one if the cars run on gas how smart is that.How are you going to tell the car to stop at a gas station to refill. But if it's on solor energy how long will it last with out sunlight on a ranny day?.Say in the middle of the road you run out of energy and your stuck.\n\nWhat happens if the GPS brakes and takes you yo a diffrent place?You might end up on the other side of the contry or even in the ocean. And if you can't correct the car you might be suck in it for hours.I'd rather not take that chance.\n\nIn the end these cars are dangrust to everyone.Are they still good for the envierment?Can you stop the car if it starts taking you to a diffrent place? Will it really stop when needed to? You think about it and see what you think mabe you'll even get inside one of these death traps build for a family.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine driving on your new car that can drive itself with the help of your \"assistance\" only at certain times. While you are paying attention to the road your daughter or son may need your help with spilled drink, unlocking a device, or even a \"quick\" glance at them. You gave the automatic driving system your trust just for a few seconds, but in those few seconds anything can happen; an acciedent can occure while your back is turned. Now with this example the people should think twice before buying a driverless car.\n\nSelf driving cars seem to be \"the future\" for cars, though many people do not agree with self driving cars. There is one big variable for these types of cars such as public safety. The first priority for the driverless cars should be for public safety, can people actually count on the many sensors and cameras attached to a car? As of today nothing is perfect, just like the sensors and cameras, there will be some type of system error at a point in time. After the accident, as stated from paragraph 9, \"who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer\"? The first accident will cause the public to go againts the public and the company will lose its only consumer.\n\nCars that can drive on their own can be very exciting. Since 2009 Google has started a project of a driverless car. As stated on the second paragraph, \"Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash...\" A big question comes along next to these big projects such as, what will the car do if it comes along an accident or a road construction? Google's answer to this is \" they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues.\" Driverless cars can do many things a normal car can't do.\n\nThe driverless car that Google had tested is just a single individual that was properly observed and was better taken care of. For the half million miles it had driven, consider the half million people that might drive these cars compared to one test. From one to half a million is half a million more risks that Google had invented. Even the company knows that a car is not a car without the driver. The driverless car still needs a driver so that the car an alert the driver when needed. Now what if the driver was not alerted fast enough or not alerted at all do to a malnfuntion? There are many flaws about the \"future cars\" that manufacturers can not control.\n\nNow if the driver had just stopped at a rest stop or the side of the road to see what the child needed at the back of the car, the whole family would not have to risk their lives because of the driver trusting a computer for just a second. Think twice before buying a driverless car, because nothing is perfect in the world.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCar usage is a big deal it is killing are planet and are kids before us. We need to cut back on driving everywere, if you live in town then get a bike if all your doing is going to get some milk, or picking up some extra toilet paper. You dont have to drive everywere but if you do have to go long distance then car pull. I believe, this is just a theory but I do believe that this world will die and everything in it will burn to the ground if we dont do soething aout how mch driving we do everywere back and forth.\n\nThe first thing is get a bike people dont believe in walking or riding a bike anymore. They think that you can drive everywere but one day nothing will work no cars no planes just your two feet and a bicycle if that. Everything will just be a pile of scum when the apocalyps happens. The only way to delay it woud be to limit the usage of cars and dont drive if you dont have to, and dont drive 3 cars somewere if you can all fit in one. So what im trying to say is stop waisting this world away and go green.\n\nThey have cars now a days that will blow your mind they even have eletric powered cars no gases to polute the air. My air your air car companys are being smart and making cars that are fuel eficiount, or they dont run off fuel at all. It sounds good but if you really think about\u00a0 it it probably uses just the same amount of gases to make these extremely perfected cars. For instance, I was watching a tv show yesterday and this guy was killing people because they was driving a \"gas guzzler\" and he cared so much about his envorment that he\u00a0 would literaly take there life because that ment so much to him. I would never do this but theres some psychos out there thats for sure.\n\nLast but not least the mass of how much people drive, it is rediculous. People drive just to go get their mail box to get mail, thats sad I dont care who you are thats ridiculous. Also when people go hunt they ride fourwheelers why would they ride a fourwheeler to be with nature thats kind of defieing being with nature. Why would you go out in nature and kill it by rideing your fouwheeler. If this keeps happening the world will be no more. Because all the polution for the exaust from all of the motorized vehicles is slowly but surely killing planet earth.\n\nIn contrary to all of this, none of this will ever happen in mine or your life time. Because the earth is a amazing God made thing. And it will last as long as he wants it to. Just like all the American money in God we trust. But im not woried about my generation im woried about thee ones before me. I will be just fine but my kids kids are the ones im worried about. Thank you for your timee.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that this system that they are creating will be useful in the classroom because if a student is confused then the computer can recognize that so that the perticular student may be helped to learn the lesson. In the article it states that \"\u0093A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\u0094 Dr. Huang predicts. \u0093Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\u0094 this shows how the syetem can be used for good in a classroom and help kids who may have learning disabillites have an easier time understanding the lesson and learning more.\n\nAnother reason that this system can be useful in the classroom is it could make a computer animated faces have more expression so say the lesson the student is learning is online using an animated instructor the system would code the instructors face to have more expression when explaining the lesson leading the the student to learn more aprehensivly. In the Article is says that \"The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive\u0097for video games or video surgery. \u0093Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication,\u0094 notes Dr. Huang. \u0093So computers need to understand that, too.\u0094\" this shows how it can makes animated faces have more expressions such in Video games, Video surgeries, and classroom lesson.\n\nThis essay shows how the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) can be useful in a classroom and to better the future of our students and schools.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke became a Sea Cowboy because he can take care of the horses,young cows,and mules that where shipped overseas. So Luke and Don signed up. Luke turned 18 before arriving in greece. Luke Bumberger had 2-part time jobs. Luke's life changed soon arter he got out of high school graduation.\n\nIn August they recived orders to report to New Orleans. In August they arrived when the Pacific war eneded. In 1947 Luke made nine trips. Luke just noticed that he was on the cattle-boat trip. W.Wooster, headed for Greece-with a cargo of 335 horses.\n\nIt took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Oceanfrom eastern coast of the United States and a mouth to get to china. They had to get fed and watered two to three times a day. Bales of hay and bags of oats had to be pulled up fromthe lower holds of the ship. Stalls had to be claened. Luke also found time to have fun on board,especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. Cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments,rencing,boxing,reading,and games also helped pass the time.\n\nBut being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an advance for Luke Bomberger. It opened up the world to him. I'm grateful for the opportunity,\" he says. And that awareness stayed with him,leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange vistitor for many years.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis has to be a natural land mark. If it were a face built by the Egyptians don't you think we would find more facts leading towards that theory? This landmark had something special to it,this land mark has unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. If it was an Egyptian Pharaoh the Egyptians would have had to have access to a type of modern tecology to get up to Mars. Not only that but they wouldn't know how to store or make food last in space. The journey up to Mars is a long one. \u201cSo, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!\u201d If we had saw these type of things then maybe we would need to look further into it, however we didn't so we have no proof that they lived on Mars long enough to build this \"special mound\" or \"Egyptian Pharaoh \". What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa\u2014landforms common around the American West. \u201cIt reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.\" People have seen these similar mounds on Earth, However this particualr mound on Mars had some unsual shadowing to it and the picture was taken on a cloudy day making it hard to make out what this could have been. \" But not everyone was satisfied. The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April \u201998\u2014a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet.\"Then when we had a clear summer day we took another one with better techology, finally revealing it in fact was not a Egyptian Pharaoh just a mound of dirt though some remain spectiable of this \"face\" and how it got there.\n\n\"Nevertheless, on April 8, 2001\u2014a cloudless summer day in Cydonia\u2014Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. \u201cWe had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view,\u201d said Garvin. \u201cMalin\u2019s team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera\u2019s absolute maximum resolution.\u201d Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo\". In conclusion some people will always remian spectiable of anything, you just have to look at the facts and deiced from there.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author of \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" suggests that Venus is a pursuit worth while to the dangers the planet enviorment presents, and he is right. Venus is known as the Earth's \"twin\" Because of how simliar it is to our planet. The reason why Venus is called Earth's twin is because astronomers are mostly fascinated because as stated in paragraph four, \"once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\" The author continues on paragraph four on how\n\nVenus was mostly \"covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth.\" Which hints in where the author is going with this. In paragraph five the author goes on how NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration.) Has a \"compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus.\" By sending a bimp-like vechicle hovering \"30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape.\"\n\nLetting scientists float above the fray and hostile conditions. But even a vechicle hovering above the atmosphere would not be enough because nothing can penetrate the brightness of the light making videography and photography \"ineffective.\" Also scientists can't just take rock samples they would need to get up close. The author then goes on that rather see them as huge risks we should \"think of them as challenges.\" While that the author continues on in paragraph seven that NASA has been working on numerous other approaches that affective for the studying of Venus. They've been testing electroinics made out \"silicon carbide\" Have been tested many times in a chamber simulating \"The chaos of Venus' surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.\" Later NASA tested on more older technology dating way back. They are called \"mechanical computers.\" and were used during the 1800s and during World War ll. The difference is that this old technology doesn't require eletronics at all. It is mostly geared up by levers and gears. The author goes on in pargraph seven on how modern computers need to be more \"delicate\" when it comes to very extreme weather. The author then goes on and compares how the modern technology wouldn't be able to uphold the phyiscal challenges compared to the mechanical parts which are more effective and more resitant to the heat,pressure, and numberous other forces. By the end, human curiositly would most likely beat the challenges Venus' atomsphere, and many others. Dangers shouldn't limit the imagination many scientists try to make a reality.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAccording to the article, I think this technology would be very useful to students in a classroom. The article states \"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal.\" The video imagery tracks these facial movements in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa. Each expression is compared against a neutral face. It also can be identified by mixed emotions.\n\nThe classrom computer could recognize when a student is confused or bored. That's not what we notice everyday in life on a computer in class. This computer will be able to recognize our emotions as if we were happy or sad. If we smile, a smiliar ad will appear on our screen but if we are unhappy then the ad will be different. It can modify the lesson like an effective human instructor. The same technology can also make computer-animated faces more expressive! So that could be for video games and also video surgery.\n\nThis tecnology will even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one. Its all about muscular action units. In a real smile the zygomatic major lift the corner of your mouth. But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the different muscle, the risorius. Not all computers can just detect our facial expressions just like that. This technology can do just about that!\n\nIn conclusion, this technology would be great for students to have in the classroom! Not only will this technology detect their facial expressions but moving your facial muscles can help produce them! This technology would be able to indicate very specific emotions that not us humans would be able to tell what kind of emotion someone else is having. This will show us how technology is getting better and even smarter. How interesting technolgy is getting everyday.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTechnology to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable. Technology to read emotional expressions of students is not valuable because the software is not compatible with all generations of computers. It would cost a lot of money to upgrade all computers for schools around the world. Technology to read expressions is also not valuable because in the passage it explains how the technology can find ones hidden emotion. That is invading privacy because they are hiding their emotions for a reason and maybe they don't want to be bothered and a teacher may try to talk to them about it.\n\nKnowing ones hidden emotional can be invading privacy but it also has benefits. The benefits could be for identifying ones anger that has the mentality to inflict harm to someone or something. It could also alert the teacher because there could be a disturbance. He or she could pull the student aside incase they cannot handle their emotions or have a panic attack. The software could also prevent fights and agruments because the teacher would see the students emotions and help. But that still does not stop the fact at the end of the day that is an invasion to privacy because sometimes emotions are suppose to be kept on the inside. Last but not least the pricing becasue in the article it does not give price but the software might cost and it would still cost money to upgrade school computer to get the software.\n\nAlthough the technology has benefits it should still not be used. Even though it has value it is stll not worth it price wise and the invasion of ones privacy. At the end of the day every school does not have money. It could also be a safety problem becuse student will feel like they're being spyed on. Not just by the teacher but the government becuse the government is attached through many softwares.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe automobile was made a long time ago to help us move around faster and more efficient,however,have we really thought about the benefits that could come from limiting the usuage of cars such as:Saving money in gas and insurance,Less car crash related injuries and even because its better for the enviroment.\n\nWith limiting the usuage of cars comes many pro's such as saving money. On average,an American spends about thirty-five to fourty dollars on gas per fill-up and one hundred to two hundred dollars a month on insurance a month depending on age,experience,accidents,etc. By limiting your car usage comletely or even just a little just imagine the extra money you'll have aying around for the nessecities and maybe even a ittle you-time. Say you buy a bike and the only time you use your car is to drive to work and anywhere out-of-state,that means that you'll be able to go a week with roughly two gallons of gas. That puts you at about thirty-eight hundred dollars a year where if you were purchasing four or five gallons a week you'd be spending approximately eleven thousand dollars a year. Thats no chump change. You're insurance would gradually decrease due to safe driving and age so along with gas being cheaper,so would the insurance.\n\nFlorida is a state well-known for car crashes due to weather conditions like rain and fog and you can't do anything to change that other than take a different,much safer mode of transportaion such as a bus. Nowadays bus and semi-truck drivers are more experienced and cautius then they used to for one reason,CYB(Cover your Butt).You see major bus and semi-truck companies now that due to the size of their vehicles,if there's ever crash involving one of their autmobiles then they're likely to get blamed cause of the size of the vehicles and so it would make since for them to send their drivers to extensive training and make sure that their trucks are in good hands,which is exactly what they do. Studies show that you're chances of being in a wreck in a bus are one of every one hundred rides while being in a car driven by yourself puts you at a whopping one of ten ridesyur chances of safety are greatly increased.\n\nThe United States of America has no shortage of pollution and that's not helped by the fact that we have one of the largest populations of personal automobiles inhabiting this country. There are many other kinds of pollution that occurrs in the land of the free but most of it like factory smoke,large ship(boat)smoke and even resturant made smoke can not really be stopped or diminished by you or me but one form of pollution we can prevent is automobile smoke. In the US up to fifty percent of greenhouse gas is from cars(certain areas).If you stop using you car and ride a bike even thugh it won't seem like muchyou'd be suprised at the difference. Say a sall cmmunity around yur neighborhood gives up their cars that could account for half a percent of greenhouse gas which is more than it seems. Just ask yourself if you want your friends and family growing up in a dying,polluted world.\n\nIn conclusion,I'm not discrediting the huge help cars can be in our daily lives I'm just saying if we continue along this car-orientated path,pollution may be what ends our daily lives.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEveryone nowadays is so used to driving a car here and there even if it would just be five minutes on foot, but what if you started limiting your car usuage? Making your feet be your gas instead of a pump when the distance is close enough, and even biking occasionally. Limiting car usuage may sound like a bad thing, but it has many advangtages such as reducing pollutin, increasing saftety for human beings, and even opeing options for alternative transportion.\n\nCars release a great amount of polluants into the air increasing smog in some areas worse than others, like in Paris, China, and other places. Providing or opening your mind to other ways to get from one destination to the next, would reduce the smog thats in the air. This simple action as close to 70% of the population pitching in can result in a healthier environment, and some people may agree with Heidurn Walter. She says \"When I had a car I was always tense. Im much happier this way.\" Not only that, people who do not agree or get rid of their transportion vechicles will be fined. For example, in Germany you have to pay $40,000 if you want to get a car owner space and this does not include the money you have to spend on your house. Than, in Paris 4,000 drivers were fined $31 dollars after not leaving their cars home after a public annocement was made to do so. This shows that opening this can increase health, or make an environment cleanier. Plus, you actually inforcing something that is good for the environment will get people to participate, such as a fine.\n\nHearing engines roar and cars zoom pace is a sound all too familar with citizens who walk or ride constantly. It can be quite on the thrilling side crossing the streets or even walking down a busy rode when you know being hit is a possibly. Limiting car usage can decrease the risks or heavy weighted vechicles hitting biking, or walking citizens that dont have a chance against the weight. This increases saftety, bumping into another human or being nugded by a bike wont affect your body as much as a 500 pound or even heavier car crashing into a 100 pound person. Like, Carlos Arturo said \"It's a good opportuinity to take away stress...\" meaning the stess that comes with a car. The money for gas and the risk or hitting someone or being hit is taken away when on foot or on bike. This shows limting car usage isnt only increasing the safety or people walking or biking, it also takes away stess factors like money, fixing a car if it needs repair, and other factors.\n\nFinally, having alternate forms of transportion can open your eyes to a whole need world. Instead of constanly beiong locked in your 4 door honda prison or your house you're outside seeing new people and increasing social interaction. Not only this, but you're getting excerise and maintaining your health or builing it. Which is another reason to limit the amount we use our cars. This shows that doing so can not only increase saftery, and money, but health and social oppurtunitys.\n\nIn conclusion, limiting car usage has many advangtages even if you dont realize it and our soiciety could benefit a lot from it. Like, when it comes to the safety of the next generation, the present, or the previous. Than, it can even take away stress that come with a vechicle and even increase health and social gathering.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe reason why I certainly beleive that this is a natural landform is because what it acually is reveiled to be is common on that planet. It is usuall to see stuff like that on that planet. That one just had shadows to make it look like a face.\n\n\"the face\" just looks different from the other martian mesa's. Some can argue an say it could be lots of other things such as sign of life on mars or being made by aliens. But im sure that the scientist opinions are more likly to be true then some reporters opinion. The martian mesa explanation is way more reasonable then it was made by aliens. There are many things to back up that it is just a natural landform. What does anyone have to back up that aliens made it. Nothing supports that.\n\nOne thing that supporrts it being a natural landform is that in 1998 MGS flew over cydonia for the first time. The MOC team snapped a picture that was way more clear an easy to see then the ones the vikings took. It reveiled that it was not an alien monumeant it was just a natural landform.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Mona Lisa is one of the greatest pieces of artwork Da Vinci has ever created. It shows great craftmanship and 83% happiness within her smile, according to a new face recognition software created Professor Huang from the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science, and Professor Sebe from the University of Amsterdam. It creates and analyzes a 3-D face to assume what the person is feeling. This could also help students in other ways, by scanning their faces and trying to help them if a problem seems confusing or difficult, but this would give them less privacy and less security. This new system may not even be accurate, in which if they analzyes and assumed wrong for the painting, then the students' expression would also be wrong, making this system completely false and unusable in any way.\n\nFirst off, a painting is different than a person. You can't accurately assume what the expression is if a person painted it. The facial structure would be slighly different from the actual person, because there is no way to completely recreate a face, especially back when it was painted. It may be very similiar to the person, but it is not the same person, meaning that the software has incorrectly given this person inaccurate or false emotion in which they previously did not have.\n\nIf this software doesn't give the correct answers to a painting, then we can assume it wouldn't work a human. Humans can show more visual expression than the software can detect. There is no setting for nervousness or joy. If someone was crying tears of joy, the computer would see this differently, and say this person would be very sad instead of being joyful. Humans can also fake expressions. If someone was sad, but had a smile the entire day, the computer might sense some sadness, but not nearly enough to show they are truly sad and that the student shows more happiness than sadness as the time of scanning them.\n\nLastly, even if this went into effect, this is giving students almost no privacy or security when using a computer. Sure its helpful for learning in some ways, but they have to give the software new emotions like confusion. Even if the expression showing confusion is implemented, this doesn't mean its safe. From paragraph 6, it states: \"For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different\". Why does this matter? This just gives more excuses on how student's privacy is being exploited. It's also quite useless. You could be thinking of something else besides the ad, but the computer would see that your expression is happy, so you would get a similar ad, which you may not enjoy at all. It just doesn't make any sense to put it in a computer.\n\nThis new software is a great concept and could used in many different ways that would be very helpful, but it doesn't seem advanced enough to be put inside lots of computers yet. It's also quite dangerous, since the computer is looking at everything you are doing, inside and now outside the computer even more closely.\n\nBringing this kind of technology into your lives could seriously damage your reputation, social life, or anything of the like if your computer got hacked. If the software is inaccurate, then when you want to use this feature on a computer, it would be wrong, making this a faulty piece of software, unable to accurately give the emotion you were hoping to give. This could lead to many problems in the future if this face recogniztion software is used in the future. It's just not good enough to be used in the real world yet. Maybe after some time, but as it is not, it's not ready.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCan computers read our emotions? Ths simple answer is yes they can a new technology has been invented that lets computers read our human emotions. I for one think that this new technology is very valuable to us and can be used in many diffrent ways\n\nI belive in the classroom will be the most effective. Students who are my age or even younger are good at two things being bored, and hiding how we really feel. Thats why I belive this would be perfect to be used in the classroom because in the text it says that the facial expression software will be able to read if the student is bored or confused with the lesson, which would help that student get the help they need to pass the course cause the teacher would know how that student feels towards the subject. Now others may disagree with me and state that its useless to read expressions via computer but I belive that there totaly wrong because so many people hide their emotions towars things and people they dont like, and if you ask me nobody likes school unless you like learning or a nerd but the point is that everyone hides there emotions in the classroom and in everyday life and its a big part that seperates us from eachother and the things we want to pursue. The expression teller I belive will break down thoes barriers that weve set up hiding are emotions and possibly even open oppurtnities to subjects in math, reading,and science that we just might like and not even have known it because were to busy hiding our emotins towards how we feel about school that we dont like anything that does with school.\n\nAll in all I feel that these facial expression readers can go a long way in the classroom and even in everyday life making the world a more brighter place to live. Also in helping kids who are tired of the boring lectures and confusing lessons with the stressful homework.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe challenge of exploring venus is talk about the world how the sun is the venus. In the text it say that the venus is the second planet from our sun. The venus is the twim with the earth. This is a challenging planet that human need to study about. When they know that the earth have to something around it.\n\nWhen you study you have to know what going on with the world so you can be ready for thing. They know the earth will turn around and around and ut do not stop. The sun is the venus.\n\nThe challenge can make thing happen thay people do not like and that will hurt people in life. When they see that it a eathquake they will do everything they can to make sure they are safe. If you know the eath power will make the world go around fast as it can so the wind can pick up\". In the text it say on the planet surface temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit.\" The venus hae to be with the earth so we can have a sun.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWould you ever wonder what it would be like to go to Venus, well as often reffered to as Earth's twin. Many people suggest that Venus was somewhat like Earth long ago. In many cases people have been working on other projects like mechanical computers despite the chaos in Venus. Furthermore I think if we study Venus more challenges will come upon but, other good innovations will come too.\n\nOne reason why people should study Venus more is because more advancement in technology will come. Also more ideas from the scientist's on how to make airplanes travel at a high altitude. According to the article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" \"Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions (5).\" Furthermore if studying Venus and creating technology we could have another so like Earth.\n\nAnother reason why people should study Venus is because it has some familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Also creating machines to last longer in Venus now that there has been some cases that other spacecraft don't survive. According to the article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" \" Many researcher are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus (6).\" In addition if we create machines that can last long and survive the pressure, we could land in Venus for the first time.\n\nWhile some people may say what is the point in making spacecraft airplanes. People think that if making a spacecraft that the same thing will happen when they sent a spacecraft off to Venus and did not survive because of the pressure. \"On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degress Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet (3).\" Furthermore I justify that if scientist ever have the curiosity of going to Venus that they go.\n\nIn conclusion would you ever like to go to Venus and study? I surely would because it could tell me a whole lot about the planet. Also how it is different from all the planets from our solar system. Another the features and similarities that is has with earth. Lastly the technology that would come if we go to Venus.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are plenty of pros and cons when it comes to driving computer manufactured cars. The driverless carsacan be very helpful for someone who may not be the best driver, needs a break from driving, or enjoys the extra features the smartcar comes with. This car became popular in 2008 due to their amazing ability to drive itself. there are severa different brandsof cars that have this ability. Not to mention that a smartcar takes half the amount of fuel today's car take. Smartcars are also much more felxible than a bus. Forthe logest time, self-driven cars have been a dream to people. They used thesecars in movies. Howver, Google has made it possible for sefl-driving cars to become a reality. When I thinkof driverless cars, I think of taking my eyesoff hte road and letting the car do alal the work. From accelerating to breaking and even steering the car to where I want it to go. However, I would also be wrried the whole car ride. In myhead there wouldbe a million different senerios happening. \"What if it doesn't stop in time?\"\n\n\"Can it see the woman crossing the street?\" I would too worried to drive a d riverless car. Sensors are an important feature for the smartcars. That would be just another worry, however. It could easily breaki in the middle of the highway and not know how close it is to another car.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn vauban, Germany Residents of this upscale communitiy are suburban pioneers, were a few people like to call home because street parking, driveways and home garages are generally forbidden in this experimental new district. Also as an advantage there are only two places park a large garage or buy a home for 40,000 and u get a parking spot.\n\nAs a result 70 percent of vaubans families do not own cars and 57 percent sold there car so the could move to there. The good thing is that some people were really tense when they had a car and now they are more happier in there new enviorment. In 2006 they were an example of a growning trend in Europe, the Unied States and elsewhere to seperate suburban life from auto use, as a component of a movment called ''smart ''planning''.\n\nThe good news also is that parks and centers also have bloomed throughout the citiy. New Yourks new bike sharing program and its and its skyrocketing bridge\u00a0 an tunnel tolls. with all these changes people who stopped car commuting as a result of the reccesion may find less reason to resume the habit. An also pedestian, bycicyle private cars, commercial an public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Unmasking Face on Mars is just a natural landform on Mars. Many objects on Earth can resemble a face it could just be a mountain of sand that some how looks like a face. In the article it claims of huge rock formation that \"resembles\" a face. The picture was taken by a space craft at a far away distance forming shadowing giving the \"illusion\" of a nose, eyes, and mouth.\n\nFirst, the reason why the \"face\" is a natural landform is because on Earth you can compare a face in many objects around you. Some natural landforms on Earth such as Middle Butte in the Snake river Plain of Idaho looks like it has a face also. You can make out a face in even day to day objects. Even a tree near your neighborhood could look like a \"face\".\n\nSecondly, the reason why the \"face\" is just a natural landform is because the huge rock formation causes shadows. The shadows of the huge formation of rock can create the illusion of a face. The shadows can make it look like it has a nose, eyes, and mouth like structure in cases such as this one.\n\nLastly, the \"face\" on Mars is a natural landform because the photo was taken by a satelite. The pictures come in pixels meaning it could come out blury or unclear to clarify. The shadowing of the mound also gives the illusion in the picture of a \"face\". The \"face\" on Mars is only a natural landform that was mistaken as something else more than that because of the illusion of a face.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTo the author, the limitations that exploring venus brings, should not be enough to kill the curiosity that many of us have. Although it has been a long time since a spacecraft has touched down on Venus, the author believes that with the technology and willpower we have today, Venus could be explored.\n\nThe author keeps referring to Venus as earth's twin. this could show that the author is trying to get across that this planet is not much different from ours. This technique can help pursuade people into believing that it is beyond possible to touch down on Venus. The author writes about alot of the reasons why we could go to Venus, but makes sure to touch on the challenges people may face and the limitations. \"Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to the sun. Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface.\" These limitations stated in paragraph 3 of the article are just some of the challenges associated with exploring Venus.\n\nThe author believes even with all of the limitations, studying Venus could have so many benefits in the future. But another limitation is that hovering Venus at a safe distance might not give the insight on the conditions that people may need. Although he seems to be focusing on the negatives of it all, he brings in light to work around the limits. \"NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for weeks in such conditions.\" Here the author is bringing in the positives which ultimately outweigh the negatives. The limitations seemed to revolve around the harsh conditions, but the author introducing this peice of technology that would work around it helps support the authors ideas.\n\nTo conclude, the author has many doubts and fears about studying Venus, but remembers to tell about ways to work around the natural challenges the people would face. The authors idea that claims that studying venus is more important than the dangers pursuades many people into believing that as well. Finally, the author does a great job getting his point across.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that they should develop these driverless cars. If they did, first of all, it would be cool to have cars that drive themsleves and second because if you needed to get somewhere and couldn't drive then you could. There are a few reasons why I think that they should be developed.\n\nThe first reason is because it would cost people a lot less to fill up their cars. They are also not fully driverless. They will alert you when you are pulling in or out of somewhere, or dealing with traffic issues such as construction or accidents. It feel that it could benefit a lot of people and would also make people more interested in driving.\n\nThey have been wanting to invent something like this one day. I knew that when they had the opportunity to create a vehicle or anything can can go on its own they would. This driverless car can apply brakes on individual wheels when needed too. It can also reduce power from the engine to help in the need of an emergency. This can help make driving safer because if someone isn't paying attention and a car or something is coming at you, your car can sense that and apply the brakes for you. It is nice that they are also considering using cameras in the cars to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. The car watches the driver and the driver watches the road.\n\nBecause of all the reasons I mentioned above, I think that they should develop the driverless car. It will be weird at first having these cars around because you wouldn't expect to see something like that but after a while it can benefit people in the long run that either can't drive like they used too and need to get somewhere, and also most will buy it just because it sounds super cool and to see what it can do.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that the so-called \"Face on Mars\" is actually just a rock formation that appears to be a face because of low-tech cameras from two decades ago. I'm going to explain why I believe that my claim is correct.\n\nFirst, it is clearly obvious that the face only appers as a face because of low resolution cameras and odd shadows, as you can see from the most recent photographs of the rock face. Even in the 1998 picture it is pretty clear that it is not in fact a face but is just a rock formation. The clouds obscure some of the face in the 1998 picture so it might not be conclusive, but the 2001 picture proves it.\n\nAlso, if there were alien life of Mars, that would skyrocket NASA's budget to get to Mars because the public would be going crazy and the whole world would want to know. If there were alien life on Mars and NASA was the administration to discover it, the whole world's eyes and wallets would be on them, expecting them to put some men on mars to try to make contact with the Martian life forms, thus winning the race to put astronauts on Mars.\n\nIn conclusion, I believe that the \"Face on Mars\" is just a rock formation and nothing more than that. There are clear reasons as to why NASA would want this to be alien life more than anyone, and reasons why they would not keep it a secret from the public.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImangine being able to know the emotions of students during class, such as when they are bored, or when they are confused. Thats what the new Facial Action Coding System would achive. This kind of technology in the classrooms would be a nessestiy for teacher to effectivy teach to thier students, and idetify when they need help, or when they are getting bored during thier lesson.\n\nStudnets get bored during class, and dont pay attention becuase of that. Students also get confused during class, but sometimes a bored student can get confused with a student that is confused on what the teacher is taling about and needs help. The FACS would change that, becuase teacher would be able to analyze whether their students are either board or confused, or enjoying their lessons.. It would also help teacher identify which lessons thier students are enjoying, and would be able to use that data to plan which lessons to include, and which lessons or activitys to throw away becuae they are boring and would not do the theire students any good.\"'A classroom computer could reconize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr Haung predicts 'Then, it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor\"' (D'Alto). Meaning that the FACS can help with digital lessons too, improving the effectinsy of them as well. Another asepct fo the FACS, is that it can help students learn more about identifying emotions. \"To and expert, faces dont lie; theses muscles clues are somtimes used tospot when a 'smiling' politician or celebrity isnt't being truthful\" (D'Alto). This tecnolgy can spark an interest in psycology in students making the more interested in learing about emotions and how they can idedetify them in their peers. It can also cuase students to be interested in the technology behind it all. \"His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code\" (D'Alto). This can also spark a interest in coding and working with computers.\n\nTherfoe, the FACS will be a valuabel tool for eaching in the classroom, for both the teachers, and the students. people assuem tht sudents do bad in school becuase they dont pay attention, but thsi is usualy becuase the lessons are either confusing or boring.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nUsing Technology to Read Emotional Expressions\n\nUsing technology to show exactly how other people are feeling can be very valuable. New software has been developed and it can help determine how people are feeling based upon their facial expression. This is called FACS (Facial Action Coding System). FACS seems to be very promising for many different industries. Using technology like FACS would be a very valuable experience for students.\n\nCalculating emotions is like math. The computer can recognize facial expressions and show others how someone really feels. This process starts by making a 3-D model of the face, and the muscles must move like human muscles. If these muscles function correctly this can be a very good learning opportunity for students to learn about facial muscles. This can also help them learn about facial expressions, how others are percieving their own facial expressions, and they can read each others facial expressions. Teachers could also benefit from this because then they could see how students are really feeling even if the student says they feel one way.\n\nThe reading states that \"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal\" as I previously stated, this can help students learn about facial expressions and how everyone within a classroom can read each others facial expressions. The reading also states that you can probably tell how your friend is feeling based upon the look of their face. If students were able to use this type of technology some who do not understand could have a better understanding of how facial expressions work.\n\nEach person uses different facial expressions to convey an emotion. To do this everyone must use certain muscles to display that emotion. In paragraph 9 of the reading it states that your facial muscles not only express emotions, but they help produce that emotion. This means that if you smile to show happiness then it can also help you produce that feeling. This evidence proves that this technology can be valuable in a classroom because if a student is sad that student can try to change how how they feel emotionally by producing facial expressions that are happy.\n\nUsing Facial Action Coding Systems would be very valuable for reading students' emotional expressions. It can help them understand how facial expressions work and how the differnt facial muscles affect them. This can also help some students who are unfamiliar with the topic become more familiar with it, and help them have a better grasp on the concept of FACS.\n\nSomeone who has emotional problems could benefit from this knowledge and this could teach them how they could improve how they are feeling, or other students could pick up on the problem. In conclusion, using the Facial Action Coding system would be a valuable learning experience for students because it can help them understand how expressions work and understand how others are feeling.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine knowing what emotions people display, even though they are not always being truthful of their expressions. The invention that was created is called \"Facial action coding systems\" or FACS. It can read the emotional expressions of anyone. From the passage, Prof. Thomas Huang used the software to test on the Mona Lisa painting. \"She is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry.\" The software explained that even though the picture makes it looklike the Mona lisa is happy, she wasn't all tht truthful of her emotions displayed in the picture.\n\nAnother example was that \"\"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal.\" Observes Dr. Huang, \"Even though individuals often show varying degrees of an expression.'' (like not smiling broadly). Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements-- in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa.\" the evidence explained that people are often times seen as displaying an emotion. Even though they show said emotions, The scanner really tells what a person wasw feeling. Another piece of evidence from the article claimed that \"Humans can perform this same impressive \"calculation\" everyday. You can tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, sad, etc.\" The quote was stating that humans can calculate if one person is sad by saying \"what's the matter?\" or if they are happy, they ask what brought them in a good mood. Dr. Huang claimed thar \"Artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to display an emotion.\" Even though most humans may have difficult knowing that said emotions are displaying (ex. Alexythmiacs or face blind people) they may depend on the software to help them understand what emotions are on display. Final piece of evidence stated that \"Most human communications are nonverbal, including emotional communication and that computers will need to understand that too. Your pc at home can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona lisa's smile.\" A reason for that is that if a p[erson has a computer and has a look of discomfort, the computer will not really have the scanner to recognise what the person is feeling even if they want the computer to do so. In conclusion, The FACS can recognise anyones emotion with just a scan of the face, But it is good use to see if students will display anything when in the classroom.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPlaces around the world such as Germany, America, Paris, and Columbia are all contributing to reduce the use of cars to help make the Earth a better place. In German they dont allow cars exept to be parked in a large garage (along with a $40,000 fine) so people can transport without using a car. Paris bans the use of cars to prevent smog which was indeed a problem there. In Bogota, Columbia, they pitch in to help by hosting a car-free day every year, once a year leaving people the options to hike, bike, skate, or take a bus promoting the use of excersize. Advantages to limiting car usage is reducing people from having stress and tensadity and saving the Earth from pollution and smog. Saving people from stress can be helped by the vancansy on the roads, things that limited car usage can provide. Limited car usage can also help contribute to the absence of air pollution and smog and saving your money.\n\n\"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way\" retorted Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two. She, Heidrun Walter, along with others is thankful for the ban of cars because the ban reduces stress and tensity. Buisnessman Carlos Arturo Plaza can second this statement and does by stating \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress...\". With the absence of traffic jams stress can most definitely be altered to a place of no stress and car-free day can leave the streets devoided of traffic jams, according to Andrew Selsky. Stress can drive someone crazy and it's in everyone's best interest that we, as residants of the world, try and stop the things that can cause stress. Some may argue that not having a car is stressful, but having stress over the presence of traffic jams can over see any other kind of stress to be thought of. Heidren Walker and Andrew Selsky can both support that argument that having a car is a lead to stress that a reduction of cars can elimanate. Tensity and stress aren't the only upsides to a limitation on cars.\n\nAre you tired of not being able to see bevause of smog and having bad particles in the air? Limitation can take away these issues! Paris can definitly be one to complain because in Robert Duffer's article \"Paris bans driving due to smog\" they had 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter (a little over Brussels counts and almost twice as the amount in Londons). Bogota is also struggling with the presence of smog and are in hopes to anialate the smog by having a car-free day. Car-free day also helps make the air pollution vanquish. Carlos Arturo Plaza gives his opinion by commenting \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution.\" Limitating how much you use your car can greatly help places around the world and help your own body.\n\nAlmost 4,000 drivers were fined because they chose to invalidate the regulation of not using their car according to Robert Duffer. Is it worth paying the prices? Using your cars overly or when you shouldn't is like throwing away food when you're hungry. It does no good and gets you in a messed up situation. In German suburbs people had to pay a price of $40,000 to pay for a spot to park their car. Is it worth it? People who drove on car-free day had to pay fines of $25. Is it worth it? So much money is down right wasted because of the use of cars so why go down the road of empty pockets? It's not worth it. Save money and live better by not throwing your money down the drain.\n\nPlaces around our world is promoting limiting car use in places like Germany, America, Paris, and Columbia. Germany and Paris are both bannings cars and Columbia is having a car-free day. Making sure we dont over use our cars can help with saving ourselves from stress, saving ourselves from smog and air pollutants, and saving ourselves from an empty wallet. There are so many advantges to limiting our use on how much we drive cars so do yourself a favor, save money, save your sight, get rid of stress and watch those miles!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am Luke Bomberger. I am a Seagoing Cowboy. This is a United Nations program to bring aid to European countries unable to provide for themselves after the war. We take care of the animals being sent overseas while they are on the boats. Our jobs are to feed and water the animals, bring the food up from below deck, and clean the animal's stalls. I know this sounds like a boring job that's all work, but there are many reasons why this job is so fun.\n\nThe first reason is because while you are in the countries you are visiting, you get to go sightseeing. I saw things like the Panama Canal, the Acropolis, and an excavated castle. I also got to ride a gondola in Venice. You may be able to see such famous landmarks as the Eifle Tower, or the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Oh, and did I forget to mention that you get paid for that? If you have always wanted to travel, then this job just might be for you.\n\nAnother reason is because you get to slack off on the return trip. On the trip home, you have dropped off all the animals, so you no longer have a job to do. This means you have free time to do whatever you want. When I was on return trips, we would start up baseball games in the rooms where the animals used to be kept. Other times, someone would bring a deck of cards, and we would spend hours just playing poker. Once, we even had a table-tennis tournament.\n\nThis is certainly a fun and exciting job. On a more serious note, this job can make you more aware of other peoples problems. There are many troubled countries across the world. You should do what you can to help. You could donate time to an aid cause as I did, or you could donate money to a charity. It really dosen't matter. Just do what you can.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile,\" describes a new techology called the Facial Action Coding System(FACS for short), this system enables conputers to read facial expressions to identify human emotions. This program can be used in classrooms to find out when a student is bored or confuse, this can help teachers chage their lessons to something that can keep a students active and focased on there studies. As long as the software can only read emotions, read if a student is lying or not and make help make lessons more active, I am for its use in schools.\n\nThis program can only read six basic emotions- happiness, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness- and each are associated with different characteristic movements. The way it reads your emotions is by constructing a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles in order for the program to read each emotion. In class this can be used to find confused and bored students and then help the teacher change the lesson so that they can understand it better or become more focased on the lesson. This can help effectively raise grades for students who are prone to becoming confused and bored.\n\nNow this can also be used to figure out if a student or convict is lying or not. Muscles called orbicularis oculi palpabraeus make crow's-feet around your eyes. But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius. Now if someone is fake smiling or keeping a strait face while lying the program can use that to help notify people if someone is lying or not.\n\nThe program can help make classes and students, more active and controlled. When knowing if a class is confused or bored can make a big diffence because the lesson or teacher can then be changed to the students likeing so the class can continue on focased and active. Which helps students whom are prone to get distracted.\n\nAs long as this program can help students in these ways than schools should invest in this program to keep their students active in their lessons. So then schools wont have to continue constanly be trying new things to figure out how to keep their active and focased.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis story is about discovering mars. Witch is pretty exicting because this is a big planet and every planet we discove is a new chance to find other life than the earth because if we have more knoledge about what outer space than we can go to the planets and maybe use the for our selfes or if their are any plant we can use / grow them here on earth.\n\nSo about 25 years ago NASA'S Viking one space ship was circleing the planet taking photos for a posible landing ship viking 2 when it spotted the shadowy likness of a human face.\n\nAn strange head nearly 2 miles away. The face on Mars have scine become a popular icon. It has been talked about everywhere.\n\nIt was a bid hit on NASA's Alot of people wanted to see the Face On Mars. The Face On Mars has starred in a hollywood film along with magazines and other products that could cause talk about The Face On Mars. Scientist bealived that the faces wher Alien artifact.\n\nThis story was about how the Face on mars was regonized all over the world and scientists are still trying to figure out what this face was, was it an artifact or was it just a strange dent/ crator in the mars land. But even till this day the world may never figure out what this strage face was or where it may have came from .", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEveryday people die in car crashes with them driving manually. So why would they trust a vehicle with a computer programming the vehicle? I believe that the driverless cars would be a tragic disaster in the world because, there could possibly be just as much car crashes. For example, Google cofounder, Sergey Brin, said that they would have to put sensors everywhere on the vehicle. What if one of the sensors were to brake or just go out while driving a person? Or if little kids were riding their bycicles on the streets and get hit by one of the vehicles?\n\nThese vehicles would not make a good impact on the world. Yes, it would be fun to experiment with but it wouldn't be when the vehicle goes dead on the streets and you have to get out and walk the rest of your destination. It could be possible that the GPS they were talking about putting in the car could go out and run a red light or stop sign and seriously injure or kill the passengers.\n\nHave they ever thought about a tire going out on a highway? You not having anywhere to go? Or having to wait on someone to come and get you? I believe that when they say the google car always lets you know if you are going to get into a car crash they are over-exagerating. Because, when you are driving you always have this think called a blind spot. If you have a blind spot then there is no way that the vehicle can see everything.\n\nThey say that the car can only speed up to 25mph, but when you are driving on\n\nhighway that isn't really helpful. Or if you are in a hurry to get somewhere that wouldn't be helpful either. The author says in paragraph 7 line 3-4 that they have special sensors to make sure that the person is holding on to the wheel when driving. Who would want to do that when they here that a vehicle is driverless? It wouldnt be driverless when the driver has to hold on to the wheel.\n\nWhen people are driving a car manually cars will still malfunction here and there. So why would someone want to risk their own lives off of a piece of technology? I wouldn't trust my life with a piece of tecnology and i know that there has to be people out in the world that one hundred percent agrees with my statement. Question is would you danger your life with a driverless vehicle?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat do you thing about driverless cars? Driverless are can be a good thing for this world becasue it would save more gas, there wont be any more gas to polute the air slowly like cars are doing now. Driverless cars would be better on traffic cause it wont cause any accidents if the car is smart eneough to knoe its surroundings.\n\nDriverless cars would be safer to use then regular cars drivin by humans. If we are driving the car is more of a chance of an accident happing then there is if the cars are driving them self and have technology to know there surrounding. The cars knowing there surroundings make it safer beacause the car would know what to do and what not to do while is in motion.\n\nHaving cars that run on electricity would be better beacause gasses would polute\n\nthe air and have cars that no longer uses gas is a plus becasue there would be less air polution. The less air polution there is the healthier the earth would be without gasses.\n\nDriveless cars would save you a lot more money then having a car that runs on gas. maybe having a drivelesss car would cause less accidents to happen. Or maybe the insurance pricess would lower becasue there would be less accidents happing so they wont have a choice but to lower the price.\n\nThat is why I believe that having driverless cars would be better in the future. Saving more lives, having less air pulution.And not only that but also people would be out more if its safer to own a car maybe car companies will make more money then what they make now. Less clumbsy driving less peoeple get hurt while driving. so maybe dirverless cars can be a good thing to the future.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAlthough there are some cons for the development of the driverless cars, there are many pros. I agree that these driverless cars should be made and sold to the people of the world. These cars consist of striking features that will amaze all. This is a type of car people from the past would dream of having in the future. Now, they no longer have to wait.\n\nThe futuristic cars are here and ready to be driven. These driverless cars, created and thought of by Google employees , are made up of a plethora of sensors and necessities needed to make the car safe. It's antilock brakes and driver assistance are two of the key things of this astaunishing car. This driverless car has many features that will leave people in awe. For example, it's \"Traffic Jam Assistant.\"\n\nWith this feature the car can maintain speeds up to 25 mph with the help of important sensors. These sensors make sure the driver is gripping the wheel.\n\nAlthough the car is said to be a \"driverless automobile,\" it is responsible to inform the driver that it needs human assistance. Due to this, the driver is required to pay their full attention during the whole driving trip. The car is programmed to rapidly recieve the attention of the driver when a problem has occured. To help inform the driver, there are minor alerts that notify he/she that a problem has developed. These alerts include seats that vibrate, flashing lights on the windshield, a simple announcement that says the driver should prepare to take over, and other heads-up displays.\n\nThere are a host of revisions that need to be made to make the car better and safer. The manufacturers are in the process of considering adding cameras to watch the drivers while on the road. Other ideas that are under consideration are in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. The displays would be able to turn off instantly when the driver is in control.\n\nDue to the driving laws, the release of this car is delayed and will not be released until such laws change. The law consists of endless safety precautions. Traffic laws state that \"the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times.\"\n\nThis has effected the decisions of most states to make testing these computer cars illegal. If these driverless cars prove to be safe and reliable, there is a chance that states will accept them.\n\nThe driverless car is an idea that will change how we live today. Car accident rates may lower; causing death rates to decline. This is a car everyone dreams of having, with many more features to come. The driverless car, created by the staff of Google, is made up of many safety features, sensors, and necessities needed to drive the automobile. The idea of this car is fascinating and should be sold all over the globe.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports this idea because he brings it up more than once. For instance in the beginning of the passage the author mentions that the spacecraft has used cameras and other robots. The sad part is they didn't survive more than a few hours.\"humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than few hours.\"\n\nThe author gives details on certain things that we should be aware of. He doesn't just release it with one fact and stay with that. He tells the people about stuff we already know about or things that aren't healthy for humans. \"A thick atomsphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venu's atomsphere. On the plansureface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atomspheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experince on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth;\" As humans we know what nhow our bodies will react to tempatures like that. The author isn't sugarcating anything for humans.\n\nMy conclusion to this is that the author he is telling the truth despite the dangers like possibly dying before coming within two feet of the atomsphere that Venus is a worthy pursuit the only problem is how can we pursuit it if we have nothing that can make it past it. What the author does here is really let us know the dangers then explain why it's like that. That really helps because if i didn't have that i'd be confused out of my mind.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is an extremely inhabitable environment for people. Although Venus is alike Earth in many ways, it has plenty of risk factors as well. In this text, the author makes it clear that there are bountiful amounts of information on Venus that humans could collect, but it is far too dangerous. He shows that we could find so much worthy evidence and history on this planet but it is simply too extreme. He makes note that even though it can reach 800 degrees, astronauts should still pursue the idea.\n\nIn the text the author states \"Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors\" (The Challenge of Exploring Venus). This shows that getting into Venus could potentially help NASA dig deeper into other planets. A whole world of information is neighboring our planet every day.\n\nThe author also states \"imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way\" (The Challenge of Exploring Venus). This shows we could still escape the harsh climate to get needed information.\n\nVenus is an incredible planet, and with time humans will be able to explore it. This text shows strong proof that traveling there is worthy. With the technology we have today, the day NASA decides to go to Venus is just around the corner.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThroughout the decades of humans being on earth, we have evolved into a higher innovating society. We have designed technologies that ceased to exist one hundred years ago. Us humans designed \"touch-screen\" phones, the internet, and much more. Througout the decades we started advancing through technology and we keep perfecting every device and/or engine on the planet. For example, a car is a major part of the human society. We use cars to get from place to place and we're always making new versions. If you look back during the 1930s-1950s, cars weren't used as often we use them. If you were to look around, you would see families, men, and women walking alongside the road. During that time period, cars were not used constantly unless it was neccessary. Presently, many people believe that humans should limit car usage. There are some countries that banned cars for a short time period. such as, Paris,France and Bogota, Columbia. There are also some areas that completely banned car usage forever. Take Vauban, Germany as an example; they have decided that no one should use a car because it would be better for them. I second that motion; We should most definitely limit car usage because it is better for the earth and we would be saving loads of money. Not to mention that limiting car usage IS safer.\n\nLimiting car usage would be making a statement. Many people would never stop using their car, but what they are not considering is if we stop using cars, we would be helping the earth. Pollution has become so horrible throughout the year. Now that there are scientists and experts that are making new cars every day, we cause a lot more pollution then you know. Beijing, China is known as the most polluted city in the world. The people that live there have to wear a mask so they don't inhale the smog. Smog consists of smoke and fog from engines and exhaust I would think that people should take that to account because who wants to live in a world where you can't even breathe safely in? Instead of making more fueled engines, we should be making more electric powered engines, or \"hybrids\". There are a handful of Hybrid cars around, but they are insanely expensive.\n\nMoreover, limiting car usage would save us money. Instead of paying gas fees of 70 dollars and up, we can just carpool, ride the bus, walk, or even ride a bike.\n\nAlthough, If we do limit car usage, it would be a bad busnes for car dealerships like Ford, Honda, and much more. Saving money can go a long way in America. With all the money you save you could pay for college tuition, buy enough food for multiple families, or anything that you want (depending how you save or spend the money).\n\nMany people also believe that limiting car usage will help with stress and worries. People should take the time to walk to a closest friend's house and relish the nice oxygen that you breathe in. With the way it's looking now, we won't be breathing in oxygen for long, but mainly car emissions.\n\nFurthermore, no cars equals safety. Many people pass away or becom seriously injured because of car accidents or getting hit by a car. If we do stop car usage , it would be safer to walk alongside the road and not be afraid of reckless drivers. There are people out there who won't even come out their house from fear of getting hit by a car or getting in an accident. There are many other safety precautions and dangers in the world, but limiting car usage could help a lot.\n\nTo conclude, every citizen across America should take account that fuel powered cars are a hazrd to the earth. Without fuel powered cars, we could do so much for the world and for ourselves. We would be saving money and we would be making the streets a safer place to be.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThink about computers, now think about them knowing what your feeling in class and how they can help. Dr. Paul Eckman came up with computer software that can do just that. By reading the muscle movements in the face this computer software can tell how you are feeling. I believe that the technology of reading students emotional expressions is valuable in the class room because it can see when a student is confused and help like an actual instructor, if you get bored and the computer can read that from your expression it can help keep you on track, and having computers that can read expressions can be helpful when there is not enough teacher help in the classroom.\n\nThe computer technology can effectivley see when a student is bored and can help like as if an actual instructor was there. For example, if you find yourself bored and drifting off the computer can detect that to keep you up and focused on the task at hand. Having that computer there to keep you up can be very helpful to you as a student and the teachers. This shows how this technology could be valuable in the classroom.\n\nHaving something that is right in front of you that can help whenever you're confused can be very helpful. So say I'm in math class and I get confused on a problem. The computrer can sense that I am confused and do something to help me until the instructor is avalible. You could also be listening to a new topic and get cnfused and the computer could see that and pop up with some quick tips or facts to help you out.This kind of help could be very valuable to students and instructors.\n\nHaving computers in the classroom that can read expressions can be helpful when there isn't enough teacher help around. For example, if a teacher has a large class and there isnt anyone else in the room that can help out the computers could take that over. The computers could see that a student is confused or feeling something else and help out with that while the teacher can help other students. This technology could be very valuable in big schools with few teachers or even smaller school that just have the lack of help.\n\nThis technology can be helpful in many ways to teachers and to the students in the classoom. It can help students when they are confused or lost. It can help students when they are bored and drifting off in class. It can also help when there arent enough teachers around to help students. I believe that this technology is valuable to students in the classroom.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis article main idea is about the advantages of limiting the car usage. This doesn't just benefict the enviorment but it also beneficts us in health and many other way like economy. The way that we can limit the car use to do a day-free car use world wide,like there already doing in Colombia,Europe and Paraguay, it wouldnt be everyday but once a month would still help out in so much.\n\nThe advantages of limiting car use help in so many reason. This experiment have been done in the outside of freigburg, near the French and Swiss borders in the new districts, what they do is, forbid street parking, driveways, and home garage . A 57 percenct of families that move to this expiremtal district, have said \"when i had a car i was always tense. i am much happier this way. This proves not this expirement is not a lost cause , it can be solve many things: save every penny you would have to spend in gas, help the ecosystem, and the robbery of cars one less worry. In Colombia they be spending there car-free day hiking, or in\u00a0 there bikes. It has been the thrid year straight cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for does who dont follow the rule the $25 fine. This movement hasnt stop , what has done is giving peolpe conciusness and now not only Europe (PARIS) and Colombia , now the next country to follow this step is Paraguay. This all beging in the mid-1990 in Colombia (bogota), with this came the constrution of 118 miles of bycicle paths, more than the any other Latin american city. In the United States car lover has decrease sense 2005 according to a study made . It has been major causes that made the car buying decrease like for example not all of the peple involve in a car-crash / accident can afford a new or even use car , others just perferd moving somewhere they have it all close from there job, and home , most people just see as a way of working out and maintaing there physical health .\n\nThe limiting of cars can sure help out the ecosytem but not every one lives in a city, state , country that everything is close by . One major reason out of many others is that you may live somewhere that you'll have cross,\u00a0 by suburn neigthbordhood that can be implicated with drugss or even arms dealers. With this idea of limiting cars most peolpe are not even going to care to get there license.\n\nThis can many more car accident it wouldnt be a resposable thing to do. sense you have a daugther , son or memmber of you family does , think about the possability of one of them in this type of situation. Every year everywhere in the world they create thousands of cars imagine if we just decided stop using them how many would be dissaemploy , not just that all the materials that they will be losing, all the time they lost , and most important the money they spend in materials, and payckecks to every singul one of the industrial employes.\n\nA car is a space that keeps you safe from the outside when you're in the road , just imagine you're self on your way ready to go to work and in the way it starts raining, you have find a place where to wait until it stops raining mean while , you're paycheck is decrease due to the cause that you're not in you're work , sure you can explain it to your boss but is he/her going to lett you off that easy. The weather is just one of does things that you can't controll or predict , so by take the risk . With out a car you're saving you money but with a car you're protecting you'rself , familiy and others. The car is one of the eays ways to transport not just you're self groceries,shopping items and many others things . If the plan is to help the ecosystem lett me tell you that electric cars exist , the technology is evolving is creating new ways to live better safer life .\n\nWith the evidence just given to you . We can say that the experiment that everyday is evolving , expanding. The limintinf of car is one excellent way to contribute with the ecosystem and all that have given us. All the evidence is there the reason and cause , when you analys it no can agree with this essay that the idea\u00a0 liminting car is a great idea that can solve many things to many peolpe it does'nt mean that it has to be a measure to everyone but does that are on board shoul considate more and spread it out into the people .", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy opinion on driverless cars is that i think it would be helpful but dangerous at the same time. Driverless cars can help you when you cant see something coming when you are driving . But we also have to be alert because the cars have not develope that much on driving themselves.The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure\n\nthe driver keeps hold of the wheel. in fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer , accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents.\n\nMost driving laws focus on keeping the drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is the best achieved wit h the alert drivers. Even if the laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of a accident. If the technology fails whos fault will it be?. But the law is focus on keeping drivers because they want less accidents if something goes wrong.The also put motion sensors in the car for the acr to know when to brake when a car or something is near. In the 1980s, automakers used speed sensors at the wheels in the creation of the antilock brakes. Within\n\n10 years, those sensors had become more advance to detect and respond to danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere has been talk about the planet Mars having aliens on their planet. Also, that the aliens are making faces on the planet which we call Mars. The scientist have took many pictures of the faces on the planet and nobody has found anything about aliens being on the mars. Everytime we take\n\npicture of the faces the camera that we use is better and better for us to see if there is anything on the planet Mars.\n\nThe faces on mars are normal landform.The reason why I say that the faces are just normal landforms and not from aliens are because when the picture was unvieled for all to see.The caption said ''huge rock fromation....which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes , nose, and mouth.'' The planet which is made from rocks forms into shapes, people, or things that could look like an alien was their.\n\nOn April\n\n5, 1998 Michael Malin and his Mars orbiter camera team snapped a picture better than the last photos taken. Once the picture was out up people had saw that it was only a natural landform and that there was not one sign of a alien that would be on the planet mars. Malin's team tried again and he had captured a maximum resolution and this time he couold make things bigger and get a closer look at faces. What the picture had showed was a Martian equilvalent of a butte or mesa and still did not find any signs of aliens.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke Bomberger had no idea his life would change so soon after his high school graduation. Until his friend Don Reist invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke couldn't say know. He knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime.\n\nThen the UNRRA hired ''Seagoing Cowboys''to take care of the horses,young cows,and mules that were shipped overseas. Luke then says''besides helping people,I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special.\n\nLater on it opened up the world to him .\"I'm grateful for the opportunity,\"he says.\"It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs.\"And that awareness stayed with him,leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many yaers.\n\nLuke has a lot of experiences and know how places in China and Europe but Luke's favorite of all was seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special and if you were to join you might see those places to and probobly make and meet new and old friends.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars to me, could be a good thing. It may have some flaws, but overall I think its better than it is bad. Some peole would like to have driverless cars simply because they might be lazy and other may not like the car because people can think it's too dangerous to be out in traffic. For me, if you're a experienced driver, I believe that the driverless car would not be a problem. So for the other drivers that are not so good, it could be a bad thing.\n\nIn the text, it talks about how the driverless car are not completely driverless. It says, \"In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires.\" So like I said before, If you're a experienced driver this will be no problem. This car could come in handy if you are on a road where nobody is a round and the car could just drive its self.\n\nIn conclusion, I believe that a driverless car would be a good thing for most people. For the most part, it has a good background. There is not anything too bad said about the driverless car. So if you are a experience and lazy, I would advise you to go out and buy yourself a driverless car.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is not only one of the brightest points of light in the night sky but is also one of the most dangerious planets in our solar system. It is the second planet from our sun, it's sometimes referred to as Earths twin. We have sent numerous spacecrafts to land on Venus but not a single one has lasted more then a few hours in its atmostphere. This is why no spacecraft has touched down for three decades on its surface, because of a thick atmostphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide covers all of Venus.\n\nVenus average temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times grater then what we experince on our own planet. Astronmers are still fascinated by Venus even though it's dangers because it may well once have been the most Earth like planet in our solar system. Atronmers think that it was covered with oceans, valleys, moutains, and craters, so it easily could have had forms of life on Venus. NASA has a idea of sending humans to Venus, what they would do is having a blimp like vehicle hovering over 30 miles over Venus landscapes to collect information.\n\nVenus is a dangerious plant but it could also a planet that has a lot of potenial of old life forms. But nobody knows for sure how Venus was its still a question to us, until we can see for ourselfs. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe \"face on mars\" is not a real face. The face is a mesa or butte that looks like the ones found in the American west. It looks like a face by the shadows that form on it. The camera that found the \"face on mars\" was old and later a new one took a picture that can clearly see the surface. The new camera cannot be argued with because it is the latest and clearest. Also why would NASA try to hide the fact that there was aliens on Mars when it would clearly benefit them alot.\n\nThe mesa or butte on mars is nothing but so. Saying that the government is hiding something like that kindof sounds dumb. If you think about it in the way i do it would be lke an alien race looks down on our planet saw a mesa that looked like a face and thought we knew he was there and wanted look at him/her/it.\n\nAlso dont you think NASA would have made a bigger deal about the \"face\" it was a real face. All in all the face just got blown out of proportion when it is just a rock.\n\nIf you are about to blame the camera and say it was the cameras fault and how it is a face and not a mesa you are wrong. First: NASA stated that they would take a better picture so why would they lie? Second: NASA would not spend all the money it took to get the spacecraft up in space to take a picture if it was not real. Third: if they did spend the money to get it up there why would they send a crappy camera? Fourth: NASA also stated they was going to wait for a clear day too so it is not clouds. The camera was fine, the weather was fine,and the image is completely real too.\n\nIf ther was really aliens on mars it would benefit them alot. Think about it why woul NASA lie about something helpful. If there were aliens on Mars NASA would get billions and billions of dollors to study them. Also if there were aliens why would we keep it a secret any way,because what if they had technolligy we didn't wouldnt we already have it? If there were aliens wouldnt they have already discovered us, so if they had bad intentions we would already be at war.\n\nThe \"face on mars\" is totally fake. Now that ive bestowed upon you my knowledge maybe you can pass it on to other conspiracy theorists. Then maybe the \"face on mars\" thing wil finally blow over. Next time something like this happens you can probably look into that further too. Also maybe just maybe conspiracy theorists might come to an end.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever heard of a seagoing Cowboys program? Well if you haven't or even if you have just keep on reading. If you like to help animals thin this is the artical for you. I think you should particapate in the seagoing cowboys program. There are many reasons why you should perticipate in this Seagoing Cowboy program. So just keep on reading to see what those reasons are.\n\nI think you should try it out but if you dont right now you might eant to at least reaserching this and see if you would like to try out this seagoing Cowboys program. I think you need to try seagoing Cowboy program beacause in the passage \"A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves.\" There was a man named Luke Bomberger he loved this program he even experienced going over the Alantic Ocean six-teen times and also went though the Pacific Ocean twice to help people affected by the World War ll. Would you like to experiance that type of fun.\n\nAlso I think you should at least try this beacuse in the passage \"A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves.\" It states in paragraph two that he helped recover their food supplies, animals , and more , forty-four nations joined together to form an UNRRA (the united Nations Relief and Rehabitstion Administation.) That needed to be recoverdfrom desasters.\n\nI also think that you should join the Seagoing Cowboy program because it states that in paragraph six that you care about animals on the way back from safty. Would you like to save a pour animals life? It states that \"Bales of hay and bages of oats had to be pulled up from the lower holds of the ship.\" It also states that they have to clean the stalls. that would mean that the pour animals need your help because they need more people to help them out with the pour animals with feeding them and also cleanding there stalls.\n\nThird of all I think you need to at lest try this is because of paragraph four it states that when he turend eigh-teen that Luck Bomberger was going to try to go to the miitary service, but when they found out that he was on a cattle-boat trip they said that he should just keep doing what he is already doing. That just by doing that it helped alot so he did not need to searve in the milatery.\n\nThis is about how and also why wou schould at least think about going the Seagoing Cowboy program. If you belive that you would want to at least find out more you should partisipate it dose not even have to be that long of your searvice. Would you likek to join now that you have read you have read my convinsing artical on why you should join the Seagoing Coyboy proogram?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever thought about joining the Seagoing Cowboys? If not then take a read into this artical about why it is a great journy and an amazing site to be one. It may be hard work, but the fun you will have is going to be crazy.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy is alot of work. It is very hard. But i can assure you that you are going to have the time of you life. You are going to see many amazing places such as China. This is a thrill taking event we don't want YOU to miss. You also will not be promted to join the Army by the age of 18. This journy has many things you can do! You are to help the poeple in need, such as the people who are ingourd. Or you can look over and watch the beatutfil seas as you are being a watchgaurd. As Luke Bombeger (he was a man who porticipated in this act) once said \" I'm greatful for this oprotunity! It made me more aware of people and other countries and their needs.\"\n\nNot only will you just watch the seas or help the people but you can also do things such as, table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games games to pass the time. You will do thease things because even though you are on a hard trip that you should be working on, you have free time. In fact you will have LOTS of free time! This will help you think clearer while you are working hard on those bing wide oceans.\n\nAs you can see you have a lot of hard work to do, but i assure you that you are going to have the time of your life on the big ocean. There are so many sites to see, creatures of the sea to hear, and work to do. There are so many things you could be doing. There are so many sites you could be seeing. This is one big oprotunity of a life time. You can get SO MANY adveantages such as not being drafted for the war. You could take thease advantiges from your hand RIGHT NOW! You could be riding the sea and be in so many places that are only in your wildest dreams. You could go and see an amazing exotic animal if your lucky! Now see, why would you pass this off. Why would you say \"No thank you!\"? Because you have the ocean. You are a Seagoing Cowboy. This life may be hard, it may be frightaning, it may even be a lonly trip for you, but you will meet some of yourbest friends fo a life long on this trip. You could get over your fears of the waves in the BEST WAY POSSIBLE!!! Amagine this life. Amagine riding the waves with a big smile on your face. Amagine your freinds being right there by your side. Amagine going to your favoret place in the ENTIRE WORLD. YOU could go there. YOU could make friends. And YOU can make a life that people would always want. You could make this all yours and you could have the seas be only a small portion of the world. This could be somthing that you don't want to pass down. Think about this. Think about the amazing world and life you could have if you wanted it. If you are for this life. If you have wanted to ride the seas. Then THIS job is for you! This is the PERFECT job for a person like you. Think about it. Amagine it. And take it.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHaving a Facial Action Coding System isn't really practical in a classroom. I mean sure someone could say that it is good for phycology class but why pay that much money when you have a book that shows you the signs.\n\nI can see why you would want to get it because of all the things you can find out with just a click of a button, but why waste your money. when you study about emotions you can already figure out if they are happy, mad, sad, depressed. why pay alot of money for a machine to tell you what you already know. We already have an instinct to figure out what their emotion is because we calculate that everyday. The instructions to it are idiotic because if you are supposed to show emotion you cant if you have to raise your lip and squint your eyes.The only thig it would be good for is plastic surgery, because it can show you what muscles are moving.\n\nInconclusion why waste your money on the system when you can do it your self. It's pointless and will get you nowhere. So no i don't think the Facial Action Coding System should be ing school systems or anywhere except a plastic surgery school.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe future is coming, and this future should include driverless, autonomous cars as another step in technological advancement in human society. Even though they are not completely driveless yet, they can provide so much if properly tested and improved upon such as additionaly safety on the road.\n\nThese driverless cars use all kinds of sensors to help the car view its surroundings, the most important one being a spinning sensor on the roof called the LIDAR. It uses laser beams to form a 3D model of the car's surroundings so that it can see all sides of the car instead of just the front.\n\nThese cars also allow new levels of safety that a machine could provide more easily than a human would be able to. For example these cars have antilock brakes that use speed sensors at the wheels which can allow cars to automatically apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine. This provides far better response and control from the car than the average human could apply alone. Another safety feature provided by these cars is the alert systems such as vibrating seats and an in-car entertainment system that turns off instantly when the driver's attention is needed.\n\nWhile it is true that autonomous cars are not completely autonomous yet, that could very well change in just a few years. Human technology advances rather quickly. Back in 2000, technology wasn't advanced enough to build things like antilock brakes or sensors that could track and constantly update a 3D model of one's surrounding. 13 years later, technology like this has been built and is currently being used. Tesla has already promised the release of a car capable of driving autonomously 90% of the time sometime in 2016 and others like Mercedes-Benz and Nissan are planning to release fully autonomous vehicles in 2020, so technology is clearly on its way to becoming advanced enough for these vehicles soon.\n\nAutonomous vehicles such as these promise a future of less traffic accidents in our nation and will overall be a step foward for our society.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe topic of driverless cars is contradictive as both good and bad asspects of driverless cars have support. In my opinion completely driverless cars are unsafe while on the other hand cars that are autonomous but still allow for manual driver control are more reliable than both driver required and driverless cars. Entirely driverless cars are unpredictable as stated in the article in the case of an accident if technology fails is the driver at fault or the manufacturer if the car is completely autonomous. As technology developes i believe autonomous car systems will become more reliable but they should never completely replace a human driver as malfunctioning equipment can put pssengers as well as pedestrians lives at risk. In conclusion a line must define human and technological error on the road. Autonomous systems can be extremely helpfull and dependable while driving but should we as a species while we progress eliminate human interaction with our vehicals and can this lead to issues with driverless car systems.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author of the passege wants to explore the planet Venus. The supports to this idea don't seem like the right fit to encourge someone it's a good idea to explor Venus. Although the planet Venus is the closest to earth in many ways, the planet is very dangerous. Venus havd mountains, valleys, and crators just like earth. The planet has 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets covering the thick atsomsphere. The average temeratures on the planet range over 800 degrees fahrenheit. Venus's atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on earth. So why do scientist continue to discuss about exploring Venus even though they know of the dangers there. Some Scientist believe that Venus had large oceans and could have had life there. None of the space crafts heading to Venus never lasto more than a few hours. In conclusion these are the reasons why I believe the author used bad supports for their idea, of exploring Venus.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you believe the \"Face on Mars\" was created by aliens?\n\nI have done some research with NASA and have to say that it was not created by aliens and is just a natual landform. What looks like something made by aliens is just a natural landform on Mars that happens to look like a face. The formation on Mars is a natural landform. It was not created by aliens because photos show no other signs of civilization, improved photos show a natural landform, and if there was life that created it, NASA would have used that to their advantage.\n\nPhotos taken by NASA show no other objects or landforms created by aliens. The research stated that the digital image could discern things three times bigger than the pixel size. Garvin said, \"So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!\" This shows that if aliens did make the monument, there would have been some other proof or sign that they did it. Not only was this research helpful but so was the picture that showed it all.\n\nThe high def photo cameras showed that the believed alien monument was just a natural landform. Shadows were casted on the landform making it look like a face. The text says, \"What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the America West.\" The landform was the same as any old natural landform found here on Earth. This shows how the \"Face on Mars\" is not alien created but If it was NASA would have said so.\n\nIf there was aliens that created this, than NASA would have told everyone and all media because it would be a benefit to them. There would be much money going to them if there was life on Mars. In the story, it says, \"Meanwhile, Defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars.\" If NASA had found any evidence of life, they would have said, so they could get some money rolling in. This was a big fact that showed how aliens did not create the formation.\n\nIn conclusion, the natural formation was not made by aliens because photos showed no life of civilization, improved photos showed a natural landform, and if there was life NASA would have used that as a benefit for themselves. Photos did not find any evidence of life to show how conspiracy theorists would be right. If NASA found any sign of aliens they would have told. NASA will have to keep doing what they are doing and do more research. The \"Face on Mars\" is just another natural landform that we are used to.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars would be a huge problem honestly. if they crash who will pay for the damages done? they also wouldnt be cheap to build.\n\nFirst off they would be dangerous, because we already have drivers that go above the speed limit. now if we had driverless cars and this person could some how go really fast and he isnt paying attention to the road there will be a car crash. another thing some people still text while driving so their eyes wont be on the road it will be on their phone and then an accident could happen.\n\nBuilding these driverless cars will obviously take alot of money to build cause of all the extra parts that will be need to keep them on the road. they would also be sold at a really high price as well because who wouldnt want a car that could drive on its own.\n\nHumans would be more efficent at driving then the car driving alone. maybe the censor that keeps the car on the road goes out or anything could happen to the technoolgy in the car that is keeping the car going could mess up and result in a accident.\n\nWho would be paying for the accidents? if\n\nthe car doesnt require a driver and its going along its way and it hits another car who's fault would it be? Who would have to pay for the damages done? the goverment wouldnt pay for it because they would eventually go broke from all the accidents they have to pay for.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the text, The Challenge of Exploring Venus, the author explains why he thinks that we should continue to try and explore Venus, even with the harsh conditions Venus has. The author makes sure to explain the conditions on Venus and why they are so dangerous, but he also makes sure to explain why it is important that we find a way to deal with those conditions, so that we can continue to study Venus.\n\nIn paragraph three the author talks about the conditiolns on Venus like how it is \"97 percent carbon dioxide, and how the clouds on Venus are full of \"highly corrosive sulfuric acid\". He explains that the conditions are unlike anything that humans have ever encountered.\n\nThat is the reason he belives we should study it, because it is unlike anythig we have seen before. The argument gets even better when the author says \"Astronomers are fasinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. He goes on to explain the rocky conditions, they see on Venus, and the possible evidence on vast oceans that could of been.\n\nThe author supports his idea so well becuase he tells us about the harsh conditions on Venus, Which is the biggest factor making it so hard to explore, and then goes on to explain why that is the reason we should study it. It is because it is something new, and unknown. Not to mention it is belived that Venus could have been just like Earth once. Opening up the possibility of seeing where things on Venus changed.\n\nSo we can possibly stop that if Earth ever starts going into the direction that Venus has.\n\nThe author does a great job of explaning how what we see on Venus is unknown, and explaning that, that is the very reason we should continue to try and study Venus. He even gives alternatives ideas to landing on Venus. He explains that what is unknown and what could possibly be so closley realted to Earth should be studies even with the challeges in presents. The author best explained it when he said, in paragraph eight.\"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation\"", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhy might someone choose to be a seagoing cowboy? I became a seagoing cowboy because it was the opportunity of a lifetime. Not only was it a great adventure,but I also did it for the exploration and to help people in need. These things made it worth the dangers at sea.\n\nFirst, I knew the adventure the trips held would be great like when I took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy. I got to meet new people in the places we traveled to. I even learned of some new cultures. Every trip had something different or new about it. Also,on each journey the other volunteers I traveled with became some of my closest friends.\n\nNext, I became a seagoing cowboy for the exploration. I experienced so many new places for example there's the excavated caslte in Crete or the Panama Canal on my way to China. On some nights the ocean seemed to be a black endless void, but on clear days it looked like a beautiful blue mass. I also saw great foriegn marvels that I never imagined being able to see in person.\n\nFinally, I joined the program to help people. Not only was I taking care of the animals that would bring livestock back to the nations, but I was supplying them with food. The people were always grateful to see us arrive with what was going to help rebuild their home country and their nation. We were repairing war-torn countries.\n\nEach and every reason including, adventure, exploration, and helping people in need, are why I joined the Seagoing Cowboys program. Although, I never would have thought about it if my friend Don, hadn't asked me to come to Europe with him on a cattle boat. He played a big part in changing my life forever. However, I wasn't always a natural at the job, it took practice. Tell me, who would you ask to come on such an adventure with you?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars used to be only things of imagination.\n\nNow, as technology advances, we are getting closer and closer to a driverless car that can possibly function just as good as one with a driver.\n\nThere has been a multitude of obstacles for developers of Google and other companies to work around, but the final product may be getting nearer.\n\nSensors, radar, and other modern technology are being used to effectiently improve past and current models of driverless cars.\n\nAlthough the technology is progressively getting more advanced, I feel that nothing will be able to replace a human driver.\n\nThroughout histroy inventors and engineers have always worked for an easier, better way to complete a task.\n\nDriving is no exception.\n\nDriver assistance devices have existed since the 1950s when General Motors created a car that could run on a specialized track.\n\nThat idea was proved to be out-of-reach due to the high cost of redisigning all roadways.\n\nIn the 1980s, sensors were installed into wheels and brakes to create antilock brakes.\n\nThis is an example of driver assistance technology, and many other things like this have been created since then.\n\nDo these driver assistance technologies help?\n\nYes.\n\nThey put, in the hands of the driver, a car that is smarter and able to detect certain dangers.\n\nThese cars allow for a safer driver experience.\n\nBut sensors can only do so much.\n\nThe extent of their safety can only go so far.\n\nThe driver of a driverless car and the people around it are at a much higher risk than a traditional driver-operated car.\n\nThere are an innumeral amount of driving situations that have not even occurred yet.\n\nNew accidents are happening everyday and no two are exactly the same.\n\nHow will a driverless car be able to handle every situation?\n\nThey won't.\n\nAs the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" says, when driving a so-called driverless car, the driver is constantly on call.\n\nWith that information taken into account, no car is completely driverless.\n\nAll in all, I believe that driverless cars will never be safe enough for everyday use.\n\nThe technology is simply not there to account for every possible scenario.\n\nAnyone in a driverless car must always be alert and ready to step in a react to a situation.\n\nIf that is so, how can a driverless car be considered safe?\n\nNo technology will be able to react as fast as the human mind.\n\nI am sure that as time passes on, more and more driver assistance devices will be invented, and there will be countless claims that driveless cars are completely safe, but the evidence I see proves otherwise.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wondered what it would be like to be part in the Seagoing Cowboys program? Well here are some things to show you how fun it would be to be part of it!\n\nThese are the reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program, You would be able to travel around the world all the time and explore the places you would want to go to.\n\nIf you like taking care of animals then that would be the perfect place for you to join because you get to feed and care for animals all the time and clean up after them, you also get to look out for the animals at night to make sure they're okay.\n\nAnother reason you should join is because you get to help people in need from war without doing so many things. You can experience the problems in the world and help solve them.\n\nBut overall, at the end you can have all sorts of fun with the other workers and animals because you can play many games in the places where they kept the animals and play games like baseball, boxing, reading etc.\n\nThese where the reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program!", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn our technological advancements today, the idea of withholding a laptop that has the ability to read your emotions is mindblowing. Using this type of technology could potentionally put smiles of faces to people all around the world. The use of the Facial Action Coding system would greatly benefit the students' views for technology, the students' view for themselves, and most importantly the way that students' view their peers.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding Sytem has the power to change technology as we know it. It would forever change the way we use and percieve technology in our day to day routine. According to Making Mona Lisa Smile by Nick D'Alto, \"Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad....'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored'\" (D'Alto). This would bring a whole new light into classrooms. You would find students more engaged and intrested in their studies. Just as D'Alto metions, teachers will be able to critique themselves and better their teaching skills.\n\nIf we had the acces to this type of technology on our home desktop or laptop, it would help the user and the laptop or desktop to learn more about what the prefer and what they dont prefere. According to Making Mona Lisa Smile by Nick D'Alto,\"...if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a smililar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different\"(D'Alto). These simple tasks can make technology smarter and bring smiles onto any individuals face.\n\nLastly, the most important reason why withholding this type of technology would be the benefits of teachers and students knowing the emotions of their students/peers. According to Making Mona Lisa Smile by Nick D'Alto,\"'The facial expressions for each emotion are universal,' observes Dr Huang, 'even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression'...'Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication...'\" (D'Alto). Since facial expressions are universal, being aware of others emotions will bring people together and could bring about new or stronger relationships between students and or other students or student to teacher.\n\nThe use of the Facial Action Coding System would bring many benefits of the use of our day to day technology, and bring students to pay more attention to themselves, their peers, and their teachers.The technological advancement is very out of sight, considering the reaping benefits brings us to have second thoughts.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this article about \"Driverless Cars\" i feel it could be a problem having cars on the roads that isnt operated by an actual person. There could end up being a problem with the driverless cars if they arent ready but the developers dont know if a problem has occurred til its out on the roads. I would think that the developers would wait for awhile just to make sure that nothing major could happen with the car whenever it is out on the roads and hopefully wont cause damage. Some people might be fascinated with cars that could drive themselves but it could be dangerous because without a human operating the vehicle it could crash and damage our community.\n\nSome positive reasons for having driverless cars is that it would be easier and better for people to have them. In movies, they have driverless cars which people think are really cool. If they have driverless cars in the future and something goes wrong, they have sensors so that the driver knows if there is a problem and they have drivers seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger, which is a great thing to have, especially if you almost back into an object or another car. Using a driverless car could also be a new way to actually make driving a vehicle fun.\n\nIf the driveless car developers wait for another 10 to 20 years on having them on the road, it would be better and much safer because the more time they spend working on them the better it will be and the less problems and damage there will be.\n\nAlso, before 2000 we didnt have the mapping, sensors or computers but now that we do we should spend more time try to fix the issues that they have. If you use mapping on a driverless car, it might not work as well as you might think because what would you do if it gets the address wrong and ends up taking you to the wrong place. GPS's arent always the best to use because they might have to relocate all the time which could mess everything up.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPart of being a teacher is knowing how to understand students. That's why they're are so many great teachers that know how to talk with their students and have a genuine conversations with their teachers. It is an esential part of their job to be able to do this and they should't rely on technology to do part of their job. It's a natural human trait to be able to read someone. While teachers shuold be able to do that, it could also take some weight off of them. Bringing this technology to the class room woud be revolutionary. Teachers would be able to not only focus more on class but get a real sense of how the class feels about a certain topic, if someone is bored or confused, it would be very easy to tell as well.\n\nWhen you're a teacher you are expected to understand and sympathize with the student at some point. A lot of the time someone will fake being happy or say they are fine when they are not and it dissrupts the flow of class. With this technology, it will really help the teacher when a student is confused but is too embaressed to say or is just upset in general and won't talk about it. This could lead to more sucess in the classroom and help the teachers do their jobs significantly better.\n\nSometimes in a classroom the topic or the way something is being taught confuses people. They either don't understand or can not really grasp the concept with the way it is being taught. This could really show the teacher using this emotion techonolgy if what is being taught is sufficent or not. As said in the article \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor.\" This will help students pay attention and stay awake during class.\n\nThis human emotion regonzier could be a great help for teachers. It could make teaching as a whole a lot easier on the person actually teaching the class and even help students who find school boring. This technology is a great path towards the future of teaching.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany people today are accepting the idea of limiting car usage around the world. Though cars are an excellent way to get around they might not be the best for the enviorment. In a city in Germany, Vauban is home to many residents who do not own a car. In fact 70% do not have one and 57% sold a car to move there. These people aren't only seeing an environmental effect but also they seem more happy.\n\nPollution is also a problem when it comes to motor veichles. When Paris had a record day of pollution they decided to take action and inforced a partial driving ban. In just five days, congestion in France was down 60%. As you can see limiting car usage is already benefitting many and the more we turn to it the most likely we are to be living a more happy and safer life.\n\nIn places such as Bogota, Colombia there are days called car-free day. These days only buses and taxis are only allowed, so some people just bike, hike, or skate. The ultimate goal is to reduce smog and stress. Some Colombian cites are joining in on the event as well making this a growing imporvment campaign. This day has made many imporvments to the way of life, making the city look cleaner, cutting traffic time, and creating upscale shopping districts.\n\nWhen it comes to America we can already see a decrease in car usage from 2005. If this number continues we will see beneficial environmental chages. Though the car industry will probably will be hit hard they already are discussing a plan to partner with telecommunications industry. They want to create safer public transportation and by doing so they would be saving time and conserving our resources.\n\nThere seems to be more advantages than disadvantages when it comes to limiting\u00a0 car usage. I feel when everyone gets the idea that a safer and cleaner world is in the best intrest of everyone. then we will be taking the right steps to a new and better life.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is a very unique and unknown planet to us on Earth. Studying Venus would get us insight on what truly the planet of Venus is. Venus gives us many dangerous and hostile conditions, but our knowledge and cluelessness gives us even more curiousity on what the big unknown is. Our knowledge shouldn't be limited to what is possibe but should be limited to what is impossible.\n\nVenus is one of the brightest points in the night sky. Venus is known as the \" Earth's twin\" while being the closest planet to Earth in density and size. \"These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encouter on Earth,\" stated from the passage. Given this information we can conclude that Venus has some unreal features and are unlike what anyone has ever seen. This planet has so much uniqueness about it and should be evaluted to the most possible limits. It holds many unknown factors of what Venus really is.\n\nStudying Venus could bring so much more insight of the planet itself. The passage states,\"Venus stil has some features that are analogous to those on Earth,\" this means that Venus has some features that are like the features that are present on Earth. Paragraph four states,\" Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in out solar system,\" this tells us that Venus could of once been Earth-like, but what made it change? Studying Venus could give us significant information on what Venus once was or maybe even what the Earth will turn into.\n\nStudying Venus could be one of the most complicated and dangerous things ever done. In paragraph five it states,\" NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float about the fray.\" This possible solution could help scientists observe and evaluate Venus's surface, but would have to avoid unfriendly gound conditions. \"Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans,\" was stated in paragraph six, it signifies that it is possible to observe Venus, but may not be the easiest mission. Despite risks of the mission,\" many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus. No matter the risks or how dangerous Venus is, studying Venus would be one worthy pursuit and one of the most innovative and significant observations in history.\n\nAs paragraph eight states,\" Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.\" Studying Venus would be one of the most worthy pursuits despite the dangers it presents, because it would give us information that could change the way we live today. The planet Venus gives us such curiosity that we meet the very edges of our imagination and innovation. Reading this passage, the author gave us ideas on wondering what happened to Venus, was Venus once Earth-like, and if whether or not the impossible is possible when observing Venus. No matter the dangers persented to us on Venus, studying the planet would be one of the most innovative, extraordinary, and unbelievable missions ever accomplished on Earth, that would give us such insight on our world today.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt can be valuabe because it will keep students from getting bored and falling asleep or not paying attention to actully staying on track. In paragraph six he says that \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" Then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor.\" He also says that \"Most human communication is nonverbal,including emotional communication and computers need to understand that to.\"In paragah 5 he says that\"The computer can even be used on paintings such as the \"Mona Lisa.\" In paragah 1 he says \"The Mona Lisa is 83 percent happy,9 percent disgusted,6 percent fearful and 2 percent angry'. Could any normal person say that about the Mona Lisa I don't think anyones possibly of doing that. Therefore I think that reading the emotional expresions of students in a classroom is valuable becasue it could change the way students and other people learn and think about school They'll be alot more motivated and more focused on their work because the computer is adjusting to how they feel weither if its beening bored or confused it could modify itself to make it not as boring or have the student actully understand it. Its also changing the future if technogly such as video game chartchers and video surgey its making their faces more exoressive which gives gamers a sense of knowledge on how the chartcher is feeling about the certian suitation their in or by giving gamers a certain type of feeling toward that chartcher like their there in the action or have a feeling of like what they would do in the situation or the game.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHaving this type of technology can help people understand others emotions in many ways. It is obvious that this type of technology can not only help others understand students emotions, but possibly help the students who are feeling a certain way. I think that using this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in the classroom is valuable.\n\nHaving technology that can help show how a person is truly feeling is hepful in so many ways. For example, helping a person out who is feeling sad. A student in the classom is normally good at hiding their true emotions or how they are really feeling, but with this technology, a teacher could possibly help this student out once finding out that the student was upset or bothered with something either inside or outside of the classroom. Another way this technology is valuable is by being able to notice when a student is flustered or angry about not understanding a certain part of what they are learning. Not only can this technology determine one emotion, but can determain mixed emotions. This could help a lot when a student in the classroom may not fully understand a topic they are learning but say they understand it completly.\n\nHaving the chance to use this technology can help students further understand the subject they are on, because the teacher for sure recognizes that the student may not understand it. This also means teachers have more of the oppertunity to help their students out mentally. The use of this technology in classroms is very valubale for many obvious reasons.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think these cars could be dangerous because they drive on their own. Anything could happen with a driverless car. It could mess up a turn or anything and could crash. It sounds like a good invention but having a car you have no control over driving sounds a bit scary. I mean what would you do if you couldnt stop the car? These driverless cars they are making are controlled by a computer. What would people with driverless cars do if the computer controlling their car just crashed , or stopped working. These cars could put someone in danger all because they have no control over it.\n\nIn the text they talk about how the more smarter cars needed a lot of sensors for the startes to work. How would you feel about a car that starts itself? Think about it! Yes , it does sound nice but anything could happen to those sensors. If something were to happen to those sensors how would the car start? You'd pretty much be carless unless you took all that extra stuff out. There are alot of things that could come with having driverless car.\n\nIf I were a person who sells and advertises people to buy cars I most defintiely would not recommend them to buy a driverless car, it sounds scary and dangerous to me. The things they are coming out with now and days are crazy. It just doesn't sound like something thats safe to me. What if parents had there kids in the car and something just went wrong with the car all because they had control and it cause an accident? Their would be nothing they could do. In paragraph 7 it says \" All driverless cars are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills , if its a driverless car which should function on its own why would it need human skills. It must not be too good to drive its ownself.\n\nI would just reconsider it on a safety level, to be on the safe side. Some things don't sound right. Can't trust everything just because it looks and sounds nice, looks can be very deceiving. Just because they say the car is good doesn't mean it is. People always make things sound so good just to get you to buy them. That's just like the saying \" everything that glitters isn't gold\" meaning just because it looks good doesn't mean it is. It would be crazy riding in a driverless car if you were on the highway during rush-hour. How would the car know if you needed to get over or not? How would it know where to take you? I would feel more comfortable riding in a car where i can drive for myself. Maybe I'm just used to the normal driving , anything after that sounds crazy.\n\nIn the beginning of paragraph 8 they asked the question \" Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?\" \"Wouldnt drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?\" I think many people would get bored sititng in a car they couldn't drive until it was needed. It just sounds pretty pointless to me. Your sitting behind a wheel and your not able to drive until it tells you to. If i had the chance I wouldn't ride in it. I wouldn't want a car telling me when I can and cannot drive.\n\nIn paragraph 7 they say how if you were in danger the car would alert the driver to be ready to drive, but if the car is so good like they say why would the car need to alert the driver to drive when its a driverless car. When I think of the word driverless I think of a no-driving car where you have to do no driving , all you do is sit back and ride. Theres something that is not to good about the car if you have to drive it why its driverless.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe value of using facial action coding is not completely accurate. We can not rely on an computer to analyze our emotions and expression. A computer is able to recognize all fourty four major musces in the face, but what if its off by one. Computers are able to mess up just like how a human can. There are only six basic emtions that technology is able to detect such as happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. But we know that there are variety of emotions and feelings for humans. What if the emotion the computer gives us is not how we feel? In the text it says that humans are able to detect how someone is feeling based off the expression they have on their face. So what is the point in having a computer do it if we can just do it ourselves. Technology is not always accurate in the text the author is stating all of the information we want to hear but he is not telling what could go wrong. We dont know whehter or not the technology is functional for humans to use or if it runs by itself. The world is already letting technology rule our lives we can not alow it to control how we feel and let it share our feelings. Although this type of technology is amusing it has some flaws to it for example if someone was to use this new technology how would they know how to operate it? Even if the computer gave someone the information on how they were feeling how would that be of any benefit to the person.We will soon become lazy and unable to operate our own bodies.In conclusion there is no value in using facial action coding we can not allow technology to run and do everything for us.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe reduction or limited usage of cars impacts the daily lifes of society and also benefits the enviroment; It could also Change the way you see things.\n\nLimiting the usage of cars can reduce the pollution in the air caused by cars and\u00a0 motorists.\n\nAround the world people have a different way of thinking when it comes to cars, Society has come to realize that car usage is becoming dangerous & unnecessary. \"It was the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the day; to promote alternative transportion and reduce smog\". In colombia People have decided to change the routine of driving everywhere in cars because it might be unnecessary since their destinations might be close; instead they reduced the transportation usage and only buses are permitted; it lowers the pollution in the air. This demostrates that a campaign of limiting the car usage should begin in other countries.\n\nIn Germany People have founded other ways to limit the car usage instead of banning cars. Society decided to make the streets more compact less far away from the community itself. \"Make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation with, less space for parking, stores are placed a walk away on a main street\"\u00a0 By doing this action; it takes pressure away for people who use their cars everyday to drive anywhere. It also saves people money by not spending on gas & most importantly it encourages people to walk and\u00a0 exercise by doing simple things like shopping. It also psychologicaly impacts community members. \" When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way\".\n\nThere's many others ways of influencing people to not use cars. For example, making a national fine. Like the goverment in France made \" License plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine\".\n\nDriving less could have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviroment, It will allow people to feel more free and less stressed and it also allow them to meet new friends, their could health become better ; The economy could rise, traffic will be cut. There would also be less car accidents and crashes due to less traffic.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author did well on supporting the idea that studying Venus\n\nis a worthy pursuit despite the dangers becasue there might be some new stuff that we havn't yet explored on Venus.\n\nIn the article it mentioned that Venus has still has some features that are similar to Earth, like valleys, mountains, and craters. \" Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth.\" ( paragraph 4) \" The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.\"( paragraph 4) The artical also mentioned that\n\nVenus might acturally be a planet that us humans or other types of life forms could possibly be able to live on Venus because the temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to the sea level on earth. \" Temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth.\" ( paragraph 5).\n\nScientist belives that long ago, Venus could have possibly contained oceans, which could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth does. Scientists are problably questioning on what happend to Venus oceans.\n\nI know that if us humans were to go Venus without a spacesuit, we would problably get crushed becuse of the air pressure, just like the water pressure could crush a submarine, depending on how deep down you go into the oceans. If Venus had Earth-like features wouldn't that me that Venus once had air that us humans could breath, water that we could actually drink, etc. In the articel talked about how Venus\n\ndidn't have different kinds of light because the light couldn't penetrate through the dence asmosphere. Us humans and other types of life forms need sunlight to survive, So how could life possibly be found on Venus if there is hardly any type of\n\nlight coming through. The mystery behind Venus, has yet to be unsolved, but I feel like some day we will get to bottom of this mystery and when we do get to the bottom of this mystery, the mystery will be solved and all of our questions will be answered. Im hoping that some day we do solve this mystery. Venus could actually be another planet that us humans and other types of life form could live on, but until we solve this mystery, we're going to have to keep trying, don't give up, keep gathering new type of information and when we do gather some new information, we keeping closer and closer to solving this mystery. So lets just keep pushing forward and hopefully reach this goal. So lets just keep our heads up high and just hope for the best. If we all work together, we might actually solve this mystery.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWe should keep the Electoral College for a number of reasons. While it is usually thought of as \"out of place\", it is the fairest method in voting for our President. The Electoral College, first of all, the outcome of the Electoral vote is less likely to cause a dispute than the popular vote. Second, avoids the problem of Run-Off Elections. Last, the Electoral College helps balence the political weight for large states (by population). We need the Electoral College so not create any problems.\n\nThe outcome of the Electoral College vote is less likely to cause a dispute than the popular vote. The number of elctoral votes a candidate gets usually exceeds his popular vote. For example, \"Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent on the popular votes cast for him and Romney.\"\u00a0 Since most of the states have a \"winner-take-all\" system, its easier to determine which candidate gets the elctoral vote if there is a plurality in the state. A tie in the electoral vote is possible, but not very likely, even if the total is an even number. Voting based on the popular vote would just cause more problems than we would like to deal with.\n\nRun-Off Elections are avoided because of the Electoral College. Run-Off elections are elections that are caused when neither candidate recieves a majority of the votes given. As the article states, \"Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had only 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the Electoral College (301 and 370 Electoral Votes)\". The Electoral College clearly shows who wins without any complications that would create pressure for run-Off Elections. We are releived of this pressure because we have the Electoral College.\n\nFinally, the Electoral College helps balence the weight that large states lose because of\n\nI urge this country to continue with the Electoral College as it always has! There may be better methods out there, but the Electoral College is the best system we have right now.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nJust A Natural Landform..\n\nThe image shown in the capturing photos brought back from Mars revealed something, some call an alien, and others call a natural landform. The image seemed to have caught everyone's attention. As mentioned in the article, it has starred in Hollywood films, magazines, been heard on radio talk shows, and has appeared in books. The images seemed to have reminded people of other natural formations, looking like a natural landform.\n\nMany things like this seem to remind people of other natural formations. Paragraph 12, from the exerpt, states \"It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,\" says Gavin. \"Thats a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.\" Gavin, like many others thought this formation looked like other natural landforms.\n\nThe face is just a natural form. Paragraph seven from the article \"Unmasking the Face on Mars\" also stated \"There was no alien monument after all.\" The same paragraph also included \"Thousands of anxious web surfers were wating when the image first appeared on a JPL web site revealing... a natural landform.\"\n\nI can see why many people would think the natural formation looked much like an alien because, as included in the exerpt, it looked like a shadowy likeness of a human face. However, it looked like it was a huge rock formation with a human head formed by shawdows.\n\nThe images captured were just revealing a natural formed, that looked like some other natural forms found all other the world. As stated in the article, \"The face is just a natural form.\"", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAre you guys wondering about joining a program where you can take care of animals and travel a lot? Well, you guys should join Seagoing Cowboys. It really is an awesome place. Trust me, you are going to love it there!\n\nMy experience there was very unique and full of adventures. I made a lot of animal friends. I would recommend this trip to anyone who likes to travel and likes to take care of animals.\n\nOne reason you people would like to go there is because there are a lot of animals there. Some of them including horses, young cows, and mules that are shipped overseas. So, if you like animals, you should join Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nAnother reason you should go there is because as a Seagoing Cowboy, I have traveled overseas many times and the reason is because of cattle boat trips. I have went on them nine times. I have also seen Europe and China. Although, seeing the Acropolis in Greece was a special visit for me. Also taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with a lot of water. I also toured a castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal. So that is another reason I enjoyed joining the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nLast but not the least, I loved when we played games. We usually played after the animals were unloaded. We played baseball and volleyball in the empty holds where the animals had been housed. We also played Table-tennis, fencing, boxing. We read too, these were all the things we did to help pass time.\n\nI hope that when some of you join Seagoing Cowboys, you have as much fun as I did and hopefully you return safe and sound from Seagoing Cowboys. Thank you very much for considering to join Seagoing Cowboys!\n\nThis was all in the point of view of Luke Bomberger. I hope that you consider joining Seagoing Cowboys! This is the News Channel. Keep watching!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are a life line and much used tool for people on day to day commutes. Can we live without i? In Vauban Germany there is a town that does not own one car. How do they get around then? They city trans and running. the reason is the cars are spouing out tons of green gasses. Its not only in Vauban either. This is a trend world wide in most suburbs.\n\nDoes everyone agree with this no car trend? After Paris recived a near record pollution they banned driving in the city. On some days the city would allow odd licence plates. On other days the city would allow even number plates. Near 4,000 drivers were given a 31$ (22-euro) fine. This cleared the smog over a period of time. What was the effect on the city after words? Smog cleared from the city vassly but. Citizens were able to freely use the transit without cost. There wwere acceptions to plug in cars and viecles holding more than three people.\n\nOn the other side of the world people in Bogota Colombia created and set a carfree day. On this day people Hiked, Biked, and took buses to destinations. This was a ecelent strategy to promot alternative transportation and reduced pollution for this large city of 7 million. People who did not go along with the day were fined 25$. Now to more close by cities Cali and Valledupar have joined the event. This has been amazing for upcoming local city buissnessis. Also reconstruction on side walks and parks.\n\nWhat about the largest car loving cuontry, America? Well it seems the trend has effected us as well. Although there are no limits the driving has seemingly cooled over the years. This will be a long term cultral shift with companies like Ford and Mercedes calling hemselves mobility companies. When someone does drop the habbit it is hard to pick up again. Even driving by young people has dropped 23%. These changes have changed the pollution rate and many more car related problems. There mabey a time where traffic jams no longer exist.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBecause Venus is sometimes right around the corner in space terms humans have sents nuemerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped world. Each previus mission was unmanned, and for good reason , since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on venus in more than three decades. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. On the planet's surface, temperature average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure in 90 times greater than anything humans encouter on Earth such an Environment would crush even a submarime accustomed to diving to the deepends parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals. If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientists even disscusing further visits to its surface Astronomers are facinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth like planet in our solar system. Today venus still has some features that are analougs to those on the Earth.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWow did you see that Face on Mars! That was a huge face, but is it a sign of alien activity. That face had to be made by aliens or something. The Face on mars looks like a sculpted face of a human, but is an illusion.\n\nA NASA sacecraft called the Viking 1 took pictures of a face on mars. The face on mars could be real but it is not. The face is just a natural landform with a shadow. The shadow is giving the illusion of a face. The shadow is giving the illusion of the rock having a nose, mouth, and eyes. Therefore none of that is actually there it is just a figment of someones imagination and an illusion.\n\nIn the article there are some things that are said exactly as i used. one example is \" huge rock formation which resembles a human head formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.\" The face on mars was just an illusion. They used it in all kinds of movies, magazines, haunted grocery store checkout lines and radio talk shows.Therefore the face on mars was like\n\na joke to people.\n\nIn conclusion the Face on mars was just an illusion. There is no such thing as aliens so that is not suggested guess. The face was just a rock with a shadow and illlusion thats it. The face on mars looks like a sculpted face of a human, but is an illusion.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCar usage can effect the air causing smog and increasing the amount of greenhouse gasses in the air. This isnt good for the enviroment and its not good for us. Having fewer or no cars can help us in many ways including lowering smog, lowering greenhouse gasses, and releaving stress from us.\n\nTo start off, I want to say that I agree with getting rid of car usage. I believe it can really help everyone and every thing by lowering the amounts of smog in the air. Bogota has a car-free day that seven million people go along with. Within that day, they can see the difference in the amount of smog in the air. For travel they would hike, bike, skate, or take busses. Even if it is raining, they would sill do it because they know it helps. These car-fee days promoted alternative was of travel for everyone. Paris also enforced\u00a0 a partial driving ban to clear the air of the city. A little later two other Colombian cities, Cali and Valledupar joined the event.\n\nSecondly, he smaller amount of cars decreases the amount of greenhouse gasses getting pumped into the air. The pesident of the United States of America stated that he was tring to curb greenhouse gasses. The pesident of the United States of America then said that studies have proven that Americans are buying fewer cars and getting fewer licenses ever year. America, one of the highest rated, car driving countries has decreased and keeps decreasing its car travel. This will steadily help the atmosphere of the Earth by lowering its grenhouse gas consumption. Emissions fom cars is Americas second largest source of emissions behind power plants.\n\nFinally, the lack of cars releaves stress from eveyone. In a German suburb, life goes on without cars. Every day people are happy and have less stress without cars. It is a car free area, excep for the main throughfare which you cant even hear over the laughing children and bicycle wheels. Seveny percent of the families dont own cars and fifty seven of them have sold their cars to live there. This city is one example of a growing trend in Europe. The United States of America, and elsewhere. This movement is called smart planning and it seperates suburban life from auto use.\n\nInconclusion, car usage can effect he world in a bad way. Whether its the enviroment or the people on the world. Having fewer, or no cars can help us in many ways including lowering smog, lowering greenhouse gasses, and releaving stress from us. Many areas and people have done something to help with these problems, and you can too.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn today's society, technology dominates many aspects of everyday life. It seems that as humans become more advanced, technology in turn, plays a large part in that advancement. On the subject of driverless cars, of course someday they will be on the road. As time will tell, if technology will allow for it, then new technological advancements will indeed be implemented into society, including that of driverless cars.\n\nTechnonlogy has always been advancing since the start of mankind. Whether it be from the development of the wheel to driverless cars, people are always finding easier ways of completing their daily tasks. It is only logical to make life more efficient and the only way to do so is to develop new and improved methods of completing common tasks today such as driving. The driverless car has potential use in society as it would appeal itself to many. \"Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific condition since 2009. Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash\" (2). This only proves how much safer a driverless car can be compared to a live human driver. People are easily distracted; whereas technology does not face these same obstacles. When it comes to driving, safety is always the number one concern for not only drivers, but also to pedestrians. If new driverless cars prove to be more safe at preventing accidents then why would it not be implemented into society? In the article, one can also see that there are some added benefits that come with the driverless car. Developers at BMW have been able to create a semi-driverless car with added features. Dr. Werner Huber, a BMW project manager describes the feature as interpreting the driving fun in a new way. To do so, BMW has hoped to bring in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. At the same time, these displays can be turned off instantly if of course, the driver is needed to take control of the wheel.\n\nA problem that arises with the idea of driverless cars is the law and specifically: the rules of the road. Currently, \". . .traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times\" (9). \"As a result, in most states, it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars. California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have led the country in allowoing the limited use of semi-autonomous cars; manufacturers believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe\" (9). Even so, if traffic laws do indeed change, new laws will need to be made regarding driverless cars. Questions have begun to arise such as who is at fault for an accident in a driverless car. Insurances would also need to adapt to this change in order to cover driverless cars and the question of liability also comes up. Is the driver or is the manufactuerer at fault? Either way there are still a lot of questions that need to be answered before driverless cars are on the road. At the end of the day, as long as driverless cars prove to be more safe and more efficient for people, it will not be long before the drastic change to transportation as society knows it.\n\nAs one can see, technology dictates new advancements in society and because of this, the driverless car will soon be the norm. They prove to be safer and more efficient than compared to a car operated by a human driver. There is no certainty as to how this will play out but what is true is that these cars would, in fact, fundamentally change the world. Just as life was different for people twenty years ago, life will continue to be different twenty years from now.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the passage \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author thinks that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. In the passage the author has put and many details supporting his idea of studuing Venus. The author uses many good details to support his idea. For example, how they came up with an idea that could keep the people safe but they wouldn'nt be able to get any sample of anything without being in to much danger. However there are still more ideas.\n\nIn this passage it says that NASA has come up with a couple ideas to explore Venus. One of their ideas was to hover a ship about 30 miles from above Venus's surface and still me able to observe from there. This supports his idea that they can still exlpore it they just wont be able to get close up and explore it better. There was also another idea that NASA came up with.\n\nTheir next idea was to send a spacecraft up but when they did it only sayed up for maybe two hours without failing. Although their first plan failed witht the spacecraft they came up with another idea for sending spacecraft back to Venus. They found a material that might be able to support the spacecraft from the heat. In order to see if this spacecraft woud work the tested it in a similator that was close to what was happening to venus and the spacecraft lasted up to three weeks in the conditions alot longer than the last one. This is another idea that supports his idea of still exploring it because they might of found a safer and better way to do it.\n\nIn the end the author of this passage has many details to support his idea of exploring Venus. They have found safer and better ways to explore Venus so why would they not do it. His idea is proven to be posible and he supports his idea very well in this passage.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nReading Faces\n\nImagine you are sitting in history class, and all of a sudden you start to fall asleep. You start to nod off because you are learning boring old history, when all of a sudden the lesson changes its tone to be more interesting. In return you do not fall asleep, and you learn plenty of new information. This technology is called Facial Action Coding System, and it should be used in the classroom. If this technology is used it will lead to less boredom, more engagment, and a general improvment in the school's atmosphere.\n\nFirstly, this technology can be used to make school less boring. With this technology installed it would be able to detect when you are bored, and be able to change the lesson in order to make it less boring. This can lead to more learning being accomplished, because teachers would not have to spend time reteaching a subject. History is not boring, and if a computer could make history appealing to students then it should be practiced. People who oppose this technology may say that it is not advanced enough to detect human emotions. In rebuttle, \"The software is the latest innovation from Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, working in collaboration with Prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate.\" (D'Alto)\n\nSecondly, this technology can be used to increase the student's engagement in the school. If a student is excited to learn new information, then they are engaged. If students are activily engaged with their learning they will do better in school. With students preforming better in school it could lead to an improvement in life, and to the advancement of the human race. American schools are also lagging behind thier counterparts, and this increase in engagment would benifit the American Educational System.\n\nThirdly, this technology can be used to improve the general environment of the school. Everybody goes through rough patches in their life, and sometimes students want to talk to administrators. Even if a student talks to an adult, they do not always tell the truth. With Facial Action Coding System they will be able to tell if you a telling the truth. For example \"Meanwhile, muscles called oribicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crow's-feet around your eyes. But in a false smile, the mouth is streched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius.\" (D'Alto) This would enable the teachers to know what is going on, and be able to help you best.\n\nIn conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System should be used in the classroom. The technology would lead to less boredom in school, more engagment in school, and an improvment in the school's atmosphere. All of these factors would not only improve schools in America, but schools throughout the world. Our world is constantly becoming more based on technology, and the children of the world are our future. Should we not teach them in the best way possible?", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI do not think that the use of this technology in a classroom is valuable. I think the use of this technology is pointless and a waste of money, in a classroom atleast.\n\nOne reason I do not agree with the use of this computer software in a classroom is because the software doesn't understand everything that we are feeling inside. People don't always put on a face when they are feeling some type of emotion, rather they can just sit there expressionless and still feel angry, sad, or happy. I do not think this software is advanced or accurate enough to tell what we're feeling.\n\nAnother reason I find this software useless in a classroom is about learning cirriculum in the classroom. In the article it said that \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\". How is the software supposed to know what we are learning, how we are supposed to learn about it, and how would the software modify the lesson to make it less confusing or more interesting? I think the software would be less useful than an actual human being teacher, because a teacher can explain and help you with something when you're confused, and not have to worry about modifying the lesson which could cause everyone to be at a different level of understanind of the lesson.\n\nMy final reason I do not agree with the use of this technology in a classroom is about the cost, and is it even nessasary? Since this software is new and advanced for facial coding, I would assume it would be very expensive. The use of this system to me, is just a waste of money, and is basically making teachers less useful and interactive with their students. A teacher is the one who should make decisions on how to teach a lesson or how to help a student, rather than a computer software that doesn't know what a person is thinking just because of their facial expression.\n\nIn conclusion I do not agree with using this technology in a classroom to help students with their learning. This software may be useful in other situations, but to me, in a classroom it is useless along with a waste of the schools money.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIf u want to see or visit unique places with your family make sure u sigh up for Seagoing Cowboys program .My Personal opinion is that it seems worth it and Fun and exciting .You get to China ,Europe,italy and even more .Tis guy named luke had to help is aunt katie on her farm. As a boy had perpared Luke for hard work but not dangers at sea .As the second night Luke served as a night watchman.\n\nOne day he got on the ship and he had fun especisally coming return trips after animals had been unloading they played baseball volley ball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed .They played Table-tennis tournaments. Fencing .Boxing ,reading whittleing .And games also hepled pass the time .\n\nThese are some activity there while you are on the ship. There might be even stuff for the adults on the ship while people are witing to visit the nice places. This is why u should join the program of seagoing cowboys.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe advantages of limiting car usage is less accidents,different types of transportation(lots of traffic),less chemicals in the atmosphere,less fines,tickets,etc. You'll have to worry about,There are lots of different types of transportation that can keep you from driving.\n\nFirst of all,if there was less car usage there would be less car accidents going on in the world. Over 1000 people die from car accidents. Drunk driving,speeding,texting and driving,etc. That is the number one reason why limiting car usage is important. Lifes wouldn't be endanger of loosing their lifes and putting other peoples life endanger.\n\nSecond of all,\"CHEMICALS!\" There are alot of chemicals from different types of cars flowing throught the air. Making people sick ,killing things,causing people to go to the hospital,diiferent types of types of things go on when chemicals are polluted into the air. Coming from trucks,cars,trucks,different types of vehicles produces types of chemicals out of their cars.\n\nNext,\"FINES,TICKETS,ETC.!\" Everybody hates getting tickets and fines,having to go to court. They have to go to court by certain days pay the tickets off by this day nobody likes that at all. You wouldn't have to pay for parking.\n\nTo the conclusion,there are lots of different types of transportation. Buses,taxi's,plane's,train's. There are lots of different things you can get on when you need to go go somewhere. Some are free,and some are not you have to pay to get where you wanna go. Depending on where your going and at what time. So you wouldn't have to drive anywhere.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are one of the most iconic things about American culture. America \"is the birthplace of the Model T; the home of Detroit; the place where Wilson Pickett immortalized \"Mustang Sally...\" (source 4) From Mustangs to trucks America has it all and we, as a people, think of cars as a necessity in life and we see them all around us everyday. So what if our car usage was limited? It mght not be as bad as you think. Reducing our usage of cars has advantages such as bettering the environment and improving the structure of a city.\n\nReducing our use of the car would have numerous positive effects on the state of the environment around us. \"Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gs emisions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States.\" (source 1) The pollution has gotten so bad in cities like Paris that they have even gone so far as to \"...enforce[d] a partial driving ban to clear the air...\" (Source 4) The havy car usage that we are accustomed to increases the amount of these harmful gases in the environment. \"...emisions from an increasing number of private cars owned by the burgeoning middle class are choking cities.\" (source 1) Reducing our usage, or even completely eliminating it, would improve our environment drastically and help maintain and lower the amount of pollution in the air.\n\nThere have been pioneering cities who have already started banning cars, even for just a day, like Vauban, Germany and Bogota, Colombia. The residents of\u00a0 Vauban, Germany have done something no one before them has, they have given up their cars. 70 percent of the residents there don't even own a car anymore and have said that they are much happier this way. While some may say that the elimination of cars might be detrimental to car comapnies, there have been companies, like Ford, who have \"partner[ed] with the telecommunications industry to create cities in which 'pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and oublic transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emisions,a nd improve safety'\" (source 4) In this town of Vauban, Germany public transportation has been made more accessible eliminating the need for a car, and in turn has made places like shopping malls more accessible on main roads. In Bogota, Colombia there has been a car-free day where people find other means of transportation like biking, walking, or buses to get around for the day. \"The goal is to promot ealternative transportation and reduce smog.\" (source 3) Other Colombian cities, Cali and Valledupar, have joined Bogota in this event, also having a car-free day. This day has made changes throughout the city improving sidewalks, reducing traffic, openingv new shooping districts, and even constructing 118 miles of bicycle path. The effects of the reduction and elimination of car usage can be seen in these citys' sturctures and the improvements that have been made.\n\nThe limiting of car usage has been shown to be helpful to the environment and helps to better the structure of a city and like Bogota, Valledupar, and even Paris we should all take into consideration the positive effects that limited car usage would have on us.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that there are some ups and some downs to the development of making these computerized cars, because Like the article saysif there was an accident, then whose fault would it be. The article also says that why would anyone want a driveless car, but they still have to drive. This makes no sense because if you have a driveless car, then you shouldn't have to still drive.\n\nHaving a driveless car, should mean that no matter what all you should have to do is sit the the car, and just be driven where it is that you want to go. Even though the assist is very helpful, having a driveless car is a little to much. It seems as though you would have to put more time into worrying about if your going to have to drive now, or in the next five minutes. That's a lot of stress. Having a driveless car would use more fuel than just calling a taxi cab.\n\nIt doesn't make sense that the drive should have to drive half of the way and then the car just takes over. There are some perks to having a car that can drive itself, but then again say you just got off of work, your tired ok yes, you\n\ncan let the car drive, but what if the car doesn't want to drive anymore, then you have to come out of your comfortable spot and drive. This is not right, we should just keep the cars that we have now. It seems like they are a lot less trouble, and they get you where you need to go in the time that you need to be there in. There was really no point in making the driveless car, if you still have to do everything that you have to do, when your just\n\ndriving yourself.\n\nDriveless cars are very dangerous, because you don't know when you might get into an accident, and then you have a car driving you. You never know when the car's parts might stop working, and it doesn't tell you that you have roadblock up ahead, or that you may have to come to a sudden stop. The idea of having a driveless car, is a good idea, even you though you may have to do everything that you would have to do if\n\nyou are driving the car.\n\nI believe that having a driveless car is very dangerous, it's not alwayts going to be reliable, and you can hurt yourself with this car. It's assist can stop working. It may give up on you one day. The down fall about having\n\na selfdriving car too, is that no matter if you have an accident or not, it still may\n\nbecome said to be your fault.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe world has come so far in tachnology since the 1980s.People have made phones, tv, and so much more nad have improved it ever since.Imagine a world that doesn't really use cars anymore. There would be a world that have driverless cars instead of regular cars. The driverless cars should become more popular in the future because of safety, they're enjoybale, and it benefits people.\n\nSome people might say that what might they do in the mean while that the car is driving. Well there is a solution, people could play games and fun with their children. Another argument that people might argue about is that the driverless cars arent as safe as if people are driving. They are becasue the driverless cars aren't fully driverless. They require people to pull out of a drive way and drive around work zones.\n\nThere are so many reasons why driverless cars should become more popular in the future. One reason is that it could be safer than when humans acually drive. For an example, many humans get injured when they are in a car crash. They could get drunk or they could be texting. By using driverless cars it could reduce that amount by so much.\n\nAnother reason why driverless cars should become popular in the future is because it could become more enjoyable. When the car is driving on its own, people could have some fun by playing something with their children and interact with them. Today, parents don't really interact with their children because their children are on their phone and spend so much time on it that they don't even pay attetion to their surroundings. If there is driverless cars, parents could interact with their children more often.\n\nThe last reason why driverless cars should become more popular in the future is because it could benefit people. It could benefit them because they wouldn't have to worry about crashings as much as if people were driving. There would also be less deaths so people wouldn't have to be stressed out as much if they lost their loved ones. They would also be more phocused on their job if they din;t lose their loved one. If people were more phocused on their job their boss might give them a raise so the person would feel happy.\n\nIn the end, the driverless cars should become more popular in the future because of safety,they're enjoybale, and it benefits people. The world would become a much better place without car crashes and people wouldn't really have to worry about that as much. People might say that they aren't as safe but they are.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThomas Huang has created an software that can recongnize your emotions from an computer and I dont think its a good or bad idea. Here are some why its not valuable.\n\nPeople shouldnt always know how others feel. They shouldnt have to be worried about if a computer knows there sad or not. Most students come to class to get away from there emotions so why would you bring them back up?\n\nAlthough this computer could be valuable in some ways like helping your friend feel happy. As they said in the passage \" it could recognize when a student is becoming confused and bored\" which would get them back on track. It also modifies the lesson for you. Making it easier on the person that is on the computer.\n\nSo is the emtional expressions of students in a classroom valuable? I would have to save thats all up to you. Some people would like others knowing if they are sad or not. Personally I woud not like them knowing I was sad all the time.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you think the face on Mars was created by aliens?\n\nHow can you believe that the face on Mars was aliens? it is obviously just another landform of Mars'. Here, i'll go through some evidence that it is just a landform.\n\nFirst of all, landforms like that are common in Cydonia. Also, keep in mind that appearances can be decieving. You can even see a similar landform right by the \"face\". And plus, there is no scientific evidence of life on another planet, let alone Mars. Simply stating that a haze could've hid the \"alien\" markings is hardly a compelling argument.\n\nSecond off, The photo they took in 2001 proves even further that it just a normal martian messa. and accourding to the article that have read, \"you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size.\" if you want to check this article out, you can find that information in paragraph 11. so if there were any alien objects, you could both see what they were and even know what they were.\n\nI think i have proven my point. so don't even try to argue that, you will not succeed. i know that you might say, well NASA is just lying. My response is that if you had the money to afford a satellite and you sent there, with the current high grade cameras, you would find that you were wrong all along. so yes I win this argument, and that the \"face\" on Mars is just a messa.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt happens once every four years, when everyone goes to the polls and votes for whomever feels just right for them. What people dont know is that your vote doesnt matter as much as you think it does. What matters is the electoral colleges votes. Hearing that I take a firm standpoint on abolishing the electoral college.\n\nThe reason i believe to take out the electoral college is because when you go to vote your not only voting for the prestdent your voting for his electoral college. In some case's if the person you voted for won then all of his electors get voted into congress as well, so your basically voting for 34 other people to make the right decision for you.\n\nAnother problem with the electoral college was the catastrophe of 2000 when Gore and Bush went up against each other at the election. The problem was that Gore recieved more votes than Bush, but Gore recieved less electoral votes,so Bush won the presidency that term.\n\nI believe that is an unfair way to do the election i believe that whomever recieves the most indevidual votes should win, and everyones vote should matter not having an electoral colege decide for you. The electoral college is unfair, old, and not proper, we should change the way a new president is elected.\n\nIn conclusion, the electoral colege should be taken out, and a new alternative method should be establishesd. Lets change this winner take all system. People lets do something to change the way we vote!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany have wondered when and if the day of automatic cars would come. At this day and age, it certainly seems like the technology has updated to a point of these driverless cars could be possible. Now we have to argue a new question. Should driverless cars become a reality? Will they do more harm than good? Driverless cars should stay a fantasy due to saftey, expense, and laziness.\n\nHuman operated cars have already caused a tremendous number fatal accidents. Who is to say that these machine run cars will do any better? We have learned that machines are not always consistent in their actions. What would happen if these driverless cars malfunctioned and caused an accident? If they hit a person? What were to happen if a driver falls asleep at the wheel, and the cars fails to alert them? Who would be at fault? These driverless cause would cause the government to make revisions to our laws. Driverless cars are not a guaruntee to public saftey.\n\nDriverless cars require much more technology than non-driverless cars do. This would raise the price of cars tremedously. Not only would one have and expensive car, but one would have to dish even more money out to fill it with gas. As the article \"Driverless Cars Are Comming,\" states, sensors, GPS receivers, and 3-D modeling and much more would be put into the car. This technology would make the car safer but would also increasde it's price. The article also states that some manufacturures have built special roads that would keep the car on course. It goes on to state that this would be an expensive update to preexisiting roads everywhere. There just is not enough money for these cars to be placed on the market.\n\nDriverless cars would add the pile of laziness that has built up over the years. As technology advances, humans use it to create items to make life easier. Cars themselves were invented to make travel easier. Human no longer want to have to work for anything. We want to be able to snap our fingers and get what we want. If these driverless cars were to be produced, they would decrease physical activity even more than before. Now all the driver would have to do is sit back and relax. Driverless cars would cause humans to be even more unhealthy than before.\n\nDriverless cars should stay a fantasy due to saftey, expense, and laziness. They would cause us to revise laws incase of an accident. They would cost more than they're worth. They would make humans even more lazy. Driverless cars should stay in movies becuase somethings are better a fantasy than a reality.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs a NASA scientist, I believe that the face on Mars was formed by aliens. Me as well as other scientists believe this because, we still don't know for sure that there's any life on Mars. As well of the fact that a face can't be made randomly on a planet, there had to be something that made it. When you think about it you see nothing Earth or human like on any other planet.\n\nWell we still don't know for sure if there is any other planet with a sign from aliens but, every planet has a special feature to it. For instance Earth has weather elements such as;rain, snow, hail, and mist. Mecury is the nearest to the sun. Venus is made mostly out of gas. And Saturn as well as Uranus has rings. Neptune is the cold icy planet. Then Jupiter is the biggest planet.\n\nAlthough few scientists believed the face was an alien artcraft, photograpghing Cldonia became a prority for NASA when Mars Global Surbeyor arrived at the Red Planet in Sept. 1997, eighteen long years after the Viking mission ended. \"We felt this was important for taxpayers,\"explained Jim Garvin. These are the facts to lead me to believe that aliens created the face on Mars.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use Facial Action Coding System or FACS could be extremely valuable in the classroom. The amount of time students are confused on a subject or do not understand what the teacher is saying because they are moving to fast could drop tremendously if teachers could read how the student's are feeling. The teacher could know that the whole class is bored with a lesson and modify that lesson later to make it much more interesting. Knowing how the student's feel could change the classroom for the better.\n\nThroughout any student's school career there is a moment when they are confused by a subject and was forced to retreive additional help in fear of a bad grade on their upcoming test. Some students would be too shy to stop the teacher to elaborate or could not visit the teacher after class due to time constraints and forced to look up youtubes videos hours on end in order get a grasp on a subject. If the teacher knew that multiple students felt this way in their class, they could change their lesson plan to make things much more understandable for the students just as Dr. Haung predicts. The Facial Action Coding System could bridge that disconnect between teacher and student.\n\nNot only could a teacher make a subject easier to comprehend, they can also make it much more enjoyable. This technology can help a teacher know if their students are bored or not. If the teacher knows this they can make a lesson much more interesting, getting the students engaged, which leaves less heads sleeping desks. This could lead to students having more of a passion towards subjects such as math or chemistry because they are having fun with those topics. Some time if someone doe not find a subject interesting they won't try hard in that class unlike someone who does like that subject.\n\nKnowing student's emotions through this technology could change the experience of school as a whole. If teachers were to follow the readings from FACS students would be able to comprehend and enjoy a variety of subject matters, there could be much less sleeping bodies in class, and the engagement level in classrooms could skyrocket.Just only if FACS and schools cooperated to make the education system better as a whole and makes things a better experience for the student.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI have to admit, the Face is a really cool thing, but it being made by aliens, come on! It is highly unlikable and unreasonable. The face is a landform that has always been there. There are many factors that go into why the Face could not have been created by aliens.\n\nFirst and foremost, conspiracy theorists have no proof that NASA is hiding that their was even an ancient civilization on Mars. In paragraph five, there was a quote that said, \"... defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars.\" There basically saying that an ancient civilation would have benefited NASA, if they had actually found one. If there was an ancient civilization people would have found out about it already.\n\nIn paragraph seven, on April 5, 1998, the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia and Michael Malin, with his Mars Orbiter Camera, took pictures of the the original Vikings photo that were ten times sharper. The new photos revealed a natural landform. The camera quality was poor in the original photo in 1976. That explains why the landform appeared to look like a face. As time past and technology improved, NASA was able to make out that the face was an illusion from bad camera quality.\n\nGoing along with the previous paragraph, people believe that the cause for the landform in the photo, in 1998, to not have a face is because of aliens! In paragraph eight, the camera, that they used to take the photo with, had to peer through clouds to see the Face. People believed that the clouds were created by aliens so that they could hide the Face. I do admit that clouds could have affected the photo, but they were clearly wrong. In the ninth paragraph, on April 8, 2001, The Mars Global Surveyor took another photo in the camera's highest resolution on a cloudless day, and once agian, the picture revealed a natural landform.\n\nWith most of the information in the article, I can conclude that the Face was just a picture that created controversy because of its uniqueness. I mean, it was a face on Mars! It was taken a long time, with poor camera quality, causing the landform to look like a face. It was a misconception that affected our viewpoints on NASA and influenced many aspects of our Entertainment.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA great many people belive that the Cydonia mesa is created by extra-terrestrial life forms or 'aliens'. While this is a very popular opnion that appears through out the media, such as books, magazines, and talk shows, it doesen't seem to have the scientific proof the back it up. The Cydonia mesa was created though natural means and there were cerntainly no aliens involved.\n\nSome people might say that NASA would want to cover the mesa up if it was created by aliens, which make no economic sense. If extra-terrestrial life was found, NASA would get sizeable grants from the goverment to continue with the space exploration program. NASA decribed this as a \"huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose and mouth\". There was no mention of aliens.\n\nMany imaging devices were sent to find out wether the Cydonia mesa was in fact an alien artifact. Their names were the Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Orbiter Camrea, each one better than the last. Better camreas, better crews, and everyone was trying to figure out this strange land mass. This was hard, because it takes a long time to line up a camera perfectly with an orbiting, spinning planet.\n\nFinally on April 5th of 1998 Mars Global Surveyor flew over the mesa and snapped a picture. No aliens to be seen anywhere. Still, people weren't satisfied. They protesteted that the picture was taken in cloudly weather and thats why there were no extra-terrestials.\n\nOn April 8th of 2001, a cloudless, summer day, they flew over again and snapped a picture. In this picture it was crystal clear it was just a mesa. There were no signs of alien life and nobody was able to dispute it.\n\nThere was not one thing on that planet that even remotly pointed to the idea of extra-terrestrials on Mars. Even if there was, NASA would report it as soon as possible for financial gain. The money they would get to keep looking would be sizeable. So they decided to look, and they sent up many camreas to get photos. All those photos proved one thing. The Cydonia mesa was created though natural means and there were cerntainly no aliens involved.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator,\n\nI think that we should change to election by popular votes for president. Why have citizens vote when you're going to decide president by electoral votes? The person running with the most votes should win. Let the citizens decide who they want as president.\n\nThe 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century. Which is why people went against the electoral college. It could be worse, nobody wants that. They might be worrying about a tie in the electoral vote.\n\nThe election is only a few swing voters away from a catastrophe. The electoral college is unfair to voters. I don't think the electoral college votes are neccessary to decide a president. I am pretty sure ,any people agree.\n\nMany people that were presidence got lucky because of the electoral votes. There are many people that ran for president but lost because of the electoral votes when they shouldn't have lost. Nobody wants a close tie to see who the president is. Electoral college just ruins the point of our rights to vote.\n\nWe, as citizens, shouldn't have electoral college to decide who our president is. We should be able to vote and decide the president. The candidates running should win by the most votes. I'm against electoral college.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever thought about a car diving you? Well that is exactly what is on many automakers minds. They are called driverless cars and they could possible change the lives of humans every where. Automakers are in the process of creating a car that could potenial prevent accidents, end humans from making mistakes on the road and form a safer and more accurate public transportation system. Driverless cars should definitly be developed.\n\nA diverless car could save peoples lives. How you ask? Well humans make mistakes it is a fact. So a driverless car could help when humans are not able to pay full attention to the road. For example lets say it has been a long day at work and your super tired, driving is not the best option for you right now. This is when the driverless car becomes handy. It could drive you home and potenially save you from an accident from fallin asleep at the wheel. This is just one reason why driverless cars should be developed.\n\nDriverless cars could even keep humans safer than ever before. In driverless cars you can be alerted at any time. It could tell you if your about to hit something or even if you are taking your hands off the wheel. If the car alerts you evrery time you could potenialy be in danger you would never get hurt in a car accident ever again. Some people do not realize this but driving is every dangerous and driverless cars could possible make it safer for humans. So getting a driverless car could help you create a safer enviornment for everyone.\n\nAlso driverless cars could provide a safer and more accurate transportatioin system. The cars could be used as taxis but save half the fuel of today's taxis. It would cost less than taking a taxi today which would save you money. A driverless car could also be more accurate on time because every houror so it would'nt need a brake or need to eat or use the bathroom. Its only job would be to help you be transported to the place you need to be.\n\nOver all a driverless car could definitly be more useful to humans. Such as preventing accident, picking up on the mistakes of humans on the road and a safer and more accurate transportation system. Driverless cars could be a revolution that no human would want to miss. This technology could possible improve human society. Between saving peoples lives and saving people money why would you ever say no to diverless cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Marco Rubio and etc., I think that we should not keep the Electoral College and change to election by popular vote for the sake of the people. With the Electoral College, your voice isn't really heard. Votes should be counted individually and America will get the president that they really want.\n\nFor starters, there was a situation back in 2000 where Al Gore won the popular vote but didn't become president. That my friend, is unfair. The Electoral College doesn't really prove who actually won. Although, the incident happens back in 1880, I don't think it should happen again. Most of America wouldn't really think of the president as the president. I must admit, the Electoral College is a quick way to send in the votes on election day but it isn't efficient.\n\nLike stated in paragraph 10, voters don't vote for the president, but for the state of electors. The electors are basically anyone who isn't holding office. State conventions, state party's central and presidential candidates can pick the electors. Votes can't always control whom their electors vote for which why you should get rid of the Electoral College. Plus it's a dumb name.\n\nAnother reason why is because the people of this country will be pissed if another Gore vs Bush situation happens again. Electors are really in control, therefor if they dislike who's running against their political party they have a shot at voting for whomever they want. That's unjust, and frankly unfair. Especially if a huge state is at risk.\n\nOne counterclaim might be that the Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves the majority of votes cast.\n\nI don't want to vote and wonder if my voice will be heard. I want it to be guarunteed because that's what the United States is all about. It's all about us being able to choose the president. The Electoral College is unjust and is a waste of time. If you guys decide decide on letting us elect the president by popular vote, more young adults will start voting and we'll know out voices are heard.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the story the author says it's the brightist planet in space. And every space craft has been a failer that has landed. On it and they have acid clouds and your head can expload. And it's super super hot hoter than the sun even and they have very big storms and lightnign stikes. Even though it's very similer to Earth it's still very diffrent in meany ways. Even not being on the planet and just chillin above it you can still die but its hard to even study it. From above because how dens the planet it. But they are finding ways to go their but it's still very hard to study the planet.\n\nI think the way the author puts it is good they talk about how it looks like Earth like it have reveains rocks lakes and more. But they also explain how bad the condions are their. So even though i dont really care about space that much I think it would be cool. Because for all we know Venus could of had life on it at some point in life so their could be bones of some kind or if their still is life that would be very cool thats my conclusion.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is worthy of studying because it is alot like earth in it's own way. I would guess people study it because it's like earth and they probably can find life or see if life would be able to substain on that planet.\n\nVenus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. It is close to the sun. It's so close that you can see it from earth. That's because it is the second planet from our sun. On Planet Venus it can get up to 800 degrees Fehrenheit which is life threatning to go there. This planet has the hottest surface temperature of any planet. The reason being is because they have massive earthquakes, Volcanoes erupting, and lightning strikes. Astronomers study this planet still because they believe that it could have once been life living there, and Venus probably had large bodies of water as well as we do here on earth. They say Venus may be our next planetary visit.\n\nThis is why Astronomers and other want to explore Venus because it has a lot of cool and unusual things on that planet. If it's life on Venus or Life can be on Venus I would like to go.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"No one cares about the environment.\" said no one ever. The environment we live in, wether its a crowded city like NewYork, or Paris, or even a regular suburban community, is a wonderful place. There is one issue though that has spread among communities, and that is the high amount of car usage. Having a car and being able to track to great distances in a short amount of time is great, but look at what cars do to the environment. Also when it comes to buying a car, you're basically throwing your bank account out the window. And dont get me started with the worries of having your children play in the streets.\n\nNow, lets discuss the crazy amount of money you have to throw away on a car. You either throw away a fortune on a good car, that runs good, and then end up taking years to pay it off, or you buy a cheap, beat up car, that is always in need of repair. Either way it is a lose, lose situation. Why buy these isanely priced cars when you can buy a nice bike that moves perfectly. At around five hundred dollars, to a thousand dollars a bike is easily the way to go. A bonus to buying a nice bike instead of a car, is that while you ride your bike, you'll get into shape in no time at all. Now if you need to track a great distance that riding a bike can not get you to fast enough, buses or mobile transport have bike racks on them so you can ride a bus to the nearest position to where you need to be then simply ride your bike for the remainder of the distance.\n\nThe main issue here with cars for most people, is that there is a large amount of pollution that comes with driving a car. In Paris the pollution from cars were so bad that Paris had to put a temporary ban on driving to help clear out all of the smog that was in the sky. Also, in America car pollution is the second largest source of pollution emissions. There is no other way to say it, cars make up a lot of the earths pollution, and when the time comes that people start to die down on using cars the world will be a much healthier place to be in.\n\nNow you can not tell me that there is not at least one parent who will read this next statement and not agree more. Less cars, safer streets. Every mom, dad, brother, sister, or any kind of other relative have worried about their family playing in the streets. There are millions of accidents every year in the world that result in people getting hit by cars and killed, or seriously injured. With less cars on the streets the world will be a much safer place for kids, and even adults, as there is drunk drivers you have to look out for, or reckless drivers who dont even have a license.\n\nAll together limiting car usage will have multiple benefits to the world, and even your own community. One being you dont have to pay for a car when they start going out of style, another being the worlds pollution will lower at a huge rate, and last that the roads we live, and breathe on will be a much safer place. Limit your car usage and make the word a better place on step at a time.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFacial coding is cool, but it is not valuable in a school setting. Why would one ever need this at their school. Students do not go school to get their emotions checked, they go to learn about history stuff or about anything else. Also we do not know if this computer will truly work on a human because they only talk about attemping it on a painting not a live physical humans. Also how can one produce something so complex that a PC can not even keep up with it. To one it might might be cool, but in reality it is not that interesting for school use.\n\nWhy use a computer? Using a computer to find people's emotion is uneccessary because Alto mentions the brain does this calculation everyday with even more acurracy and it will help build comunication skills and put oneself on a deeper level of thought. There is a person that this boy likes or has a crush on and he wants to talk to her, but he doesn't know what to say. Later he notices that she is obviously down about something, and he walks over to her and says \"Hey, are you alright you look kinda down?\" This is the skills we need to work on we need to not rely on computersand learn to read emotions.\n\nWhile people agree and disagree with this idea the opposition has some good points. If there is kid that has been mentally abused or is depressed. Having this imagery can really help get students to open up and talk about it, so they can prevent what is happening. Another thing it can do is help depict the mood of a painting like previously stated in this article by D'Alto. Also it could help teachers more on understanding their students so they can buils a more positive and stable relationship. By knowing what people are feeling it could effect the mental state of the mind and body and not cause stress.\n\nOverall the effect to this product would be not having the ability to actually depict how one is feeling without using the coding system which could make human intereaction almost artificial. Later on down the road this could be useful, but as it is today it's not the greatest idea for a school atomosphere, especially with the distraction of social media and technology in general.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are very efficient and should be allowed. I think driverless cars should be allowed because of less accidents, more safety and better driving. That is why driverless cars should be developed.\n\nThe first reason to as why driverless cars should be developed is to prevent less accidents. In the article the text talks about how sensors became more advanced since the 1980s. Evidence from the article states \"Within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger out-of-control skids or rollovers.\" If humans responded as fast as a computer could then we would not need to develop driverless cars, but we need them to prevent crashes, skids and rollovers.\n\nNow, my second reason is to be more safe. If we develop more driverless cars with computer engineered scanners, radars and sensors there would be no hit and runs, vehicular manslaughter or roadkill. Humans cannot stop as fast as computers do, therefor with the driverless car people would stop running red lights, speeding through neighborhoods hitting children playing and the elderly can cross safe and sound. A computer would also stop you from bumping into stuff , in paragraph 7 the text claims \"GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object.\" That is my second reason why it is more safe to have driverless cars.\n\nThe last reason why to prove driverless cars need to be developed is better driving. The driverless car would be a good asset to have drive on a highway or expressway, the sensors and computer interact to prevent accidents on the highway. \"Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automative radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and a inertial motion sensor.\" The whole bang for your buck systematic vehicle will prevent traffic jams, less accidents equal less construction work and less deaths will accur, a intriuging reason to why we need driverless cars developed.\n\nThose are just three reasons why the driverless car is needed but im pretty sure there is more. At the end of the day it is all about safety, proper manufacturing and liability. If the car has those three things why not promote its development?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs we all know that the Electoral College was founded by our founding fathers for this great country. Changing the electoral college to popular vote is an amazing idea because well the people will have a more say so then just voting for an elector. In the three aricles I was given I happen to come a crooss to many\u00a0 reason why the elctoal college should be banned or removed.\n\nFirst of all, the Electoral College came to be because the founding fathers needed a compomise to set their differences aside to find out a way to elect the president and now that technology and human development has changed and every thing is changing why cant we change the way we elect our president. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. To win the presidential election you have to get 270 electoral vote. The article \"T\n\nhe Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defense of the system are wrong\n\n\" it says that \" the electoral colege is unfair to voters. Because of the winner take-all sustem in each state, candidate don't spend time in states they know the have no chance of winning. this qoute means to say that the candidates dont take the time to go to place they dont think they're going to win over but thats the problem just because the other candidate has tht state one the people in the state could probably gradually go for the other candidate values or moral. \" Its official: The electoral college is unfair and outdated and irrational\". this quote means that we as American Citizen we need to improve our voting system ou with the old and in with the new.\n\nsecond of all, their are many reason why th electoral college should change o popular voting. Well one reason why that they should change it is because \"under the electoral system, voters vote not for he president but, for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president.\" this quote means that instead of voting for the president your actually voting for the people who are going to vote for them. When people go voting I would think that they would want to actually vote for Barack Obama but instead your actually not. That system needs to be banned if thats suppose to be a good way to vote well then it needs to be changed because if he U.S. is for the people and by the people\u00a0 well then the \"people\" should have a more wider range of\u00a0 who gets to be the president of the United States then just someone else voting for them.\n\nTo conclude the system for the electoral college should be changed and it needs to be changed. The elctoral college is a unfair and not the right way to do things and as a U.S. citizen changing it wiil make it easier for me to have a say so in who gets elected for the president\u00a0 o the United States.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nExploring Venus\n\nThis article is about if is dangerous to go to explore venus i think is dangerous because if you go to venus\n\nhow they will survive without knowing how is the surface in thier and how he will be able to come back because does people at Nasa they want to know what you see at venus.\n\nVenus is the closes planet to earth in terms of density mars is also close to earth. It coult be something that it will be dangerous like it said on paragraph 3\".A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus\" so that means that they will need to challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sullfuric acid in venus atmosphere.\n\nThey will need to do some kind of a vehicle or something that came keep you save for the atmosfera like it said in paragraph 5 it saying that the National aeronautics and space administration has a particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus that surface of venus will allow scientics to flot above the fray. they got on idea of a \"vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape\".\n\nNasa have to work of some kind electonics that made silicon cardide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions it says these in paragraph 7. The temperature will be at 170 degress fahrentheit. nut the air presure it will be like close to that sea level on earth, the power of the solar it will be not thateasy because plentiful and radiation would not exceed earth level.\n\nIn my opion i thing that will be some kind of dangerous to send people to explore venus becuase we are not sure what kind of danger that will be in there in other way it will be cool becuase if the mission is success they will get more knowleag of that they see but for that they will need to work hard to tray to get does person back to earth. They need to create something that need to keep does person save in were they are and not all depents of the work in depents of they gay that is going to travel to there.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn my option I think we shouldn't have driveless cars becasuese a moufunction can happen in the vhelic and make the person crash, What if something happens to on of the sensors?\n\nI can't imagine a time in the future when no one needs them anymore becasuse I'm sure no one wants to wait until one of the Taxis are free. I'm the type of person thart doesn't have the patients to wait until a taxi to come pick me up. What if you want to have a latenight drive and taxis drivers don't allow that? What if someone ges irrritated because the taxi driver has a very monotone voice? What if hacker hacks into someone driveless car and kidnaps them by driving their smart car to a whole new destination.\n\nIn the passage in paragraph 3 it says, \"These smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical.\" That means it would cost a lot of money to fix every single road just so a driveless car could go. And that means it has to be a debate on if everyone argrees with it. Im sure everyone does want to keep spending their money on a taxi and they have bills to pay. That's like annihilating all of the vehicles in that area.\n\nIn paragraph 5 it say \" In the 1980s, automakers used speed senors at the wheels in the creation of anitlock brakes.\" So it took them 10 years just so they can make a more advance senors for thr speed. I'm sure its going to take longer for manufacters to make roads, just so driveless cars can ride on. It also say,\" Further improvements in sensors and computers hardware and software to make dricing safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more drving tasks on theur own.\" The future cars are going to be incorrigible. They're going to have more control then humans would.\n\nIn conclusion, these are some reason why we shouldn't have driveless cars. Like why would someone want to abandon a brand new car they just bought or a very old car that could be worth a lot of money? Remember the future is not the answer.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is part of our solar system and i will tell you what i know about the reading article of exploring Venus. Venus is on of the brightest point of light in the sky when is the night. Is simple to see even for the distant and Nenus is the second planet for our sun.\n\nVenus is the closest planet to Earth of size. Venus, Mars and the Earth orbit the sun at different speeds. Some numerous factors contiribute to Venus reputation as a challenge planet to study. The atmosphere of 97% of carbon dioxide blankets on Venus, in the planets temperatures over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Venus has the hottest temperature of any planet in the solar system. Also Venus have weather and geology, powerful earthquakes and probes seeking to a land on its srface.\n\nOur solar system is so inhospitable because astronomers are impresionated by Venus because it may be well once have been the most Earth planet in our solar system. Venus is probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported varios forms of life. Venus seems indisputable to value the returning. The NASA has one particulary compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. The solar power must be pletiful and the radation would not be exceed to the Earth leveles.\n\nHowever at Venus from a ship orbiting above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because the light can't penetrate the dense atmosphere. The researches cna't take samples of rock, gas, or anything else.The researches are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully. However the NASA is working on other approches to study Venus. Another project is looking back to an old technolog called \"mechanical computers\" During the world war II in the role 1940, were the first envisioned in the 1800s.\n\nIn conclution this term is so interesting to study becuase you can learn so many tings about our solar system but it s", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"America's love affair with it's vehicles seems to be cooling\" says Elisabeth rosenthal. To understand rosenthal's perspective, it is easier to suggest that America's car usage is decreasing slowy. This isn't necessarily bad in the sense that it has certain postive effects. The advantages of limiting car usage includes an increase in security and health, along with a decrease in pollution and dependence.\n\nFirstly, when car usage is limited security and health is more likely to be gauranteed. The feeling of being secure is highly important to individuals everywhere. For example, many people in colombia used public transportation during a car free day \"leaving the streets of this capital city \", according to Andrew Selsky, \"eerily devoid of traffic jams\". The complications that stem from traffic jams end with a feeling of unconfidence. The plan to get from point A to B was more simple just a second ago. This complication in your personal plans leads you to become stressed as a feeling of doubt overcomes all thoughts. If car usage was limited, there would be a control on how much traffic accumalates thus minimizing chance of stress. As Heidrun Walter states \"when i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way\". not only does car usage minimize conditions detrimental to health, it also enlarges your capacity for excercise. The main purpose of the car is to get someone from one place to another. when an important job takes over your personal life, it becomes difficult to do things most enjoyed in life. limits on car usage forces you to stay in shape. According to Andrew Selsky \"parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughot the city\". Less cars means healthier and natural situations. With parks and sport centers becoming more effecient, it becomes easier to find a more physically active population. Overall, less usage on cars minimizes stress and increases health.\n\nSecondly, limting car usage becomes beneficial to the enviorment. Now a days people have become annoyed with others who care so passionatley about the enviorment. If you look behind their constant cries for action, there are solid facts. Yes;pollution is bad for the enviorment. Yes; a bad envorment means unhealthy living. Yes; cars are one of the main contributors to pollution in the enviorment. A pattern of less car usage,\u00a0 as Elisabeth Rosenthal states \"will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviorment\". The less use of cars, the less pollution in the enviorment. One must observe limiting car usage as an opportunity to create a cleaner world and better future. The effects of pollution in the enviorment is completley dangerous and we, the car users, are to blame.\n\nAdditionally, it would lower the dependence on cars. Many people today find that their car is so useful. While it has many features and is a form of transportation, many do not figure what they would do if they did not have such a possesion. The development of people and their interaction with technology has left a wide gap between historic, natural ways and what is thought of as modern society. Being dependent is not always good for individuals. As david goldberg says \"all our development since world war II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change\". Many people could disagree and wonder why it is necessary to change our ways especially if we are so highly devloped. If being developed means being dependent on a harmful machine, then it could not be effective devlopment. According to Elisabeth Rosenthal \"cash-strapped americans could not afford new cars, and the unemployed were't going to work anyway\". Many people can't have the precious luxury of private transportation in the first place. Those who have had it have become distant to a more natural society. Peope have become so use to having cars that they have become oblivious to the significant effects. With limits on car usage , these effcts could be controlled.\n\nTo conclude, the advantages of limiting car usage is an increase in health, along with a decrease in pollution, and less dependence on cars. limiting car usage is a positive way to enfore an organized and clean enviorment, and ensure health and security of those who live in it. This is one reason America can be reffered to as a succesful country. It is not that America has decreased use of vehicles, but the fact that they have done what is best for majority.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars have been around since the 1800's and have been popular ever since. Although, in recent years the number of cars bought and lincenses attained have been dropping. Car usage has also dropped, which is a good thing. Because of limited car usage, people are helping the environment and benefiting themselves.\n\nCars emit pollutions which harm our health and the environment's health.\n\n\"...Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States.\" Cars make up a large amount of the emissions that do harm to the environment. When car usage is limited, less people drive, which in turn limits pollution. \"... but also in the developing world, where emissions from an increasing number of private cars are owned by the burgeoning middle class are choking cities.\" Again we see that cars are polluting our world, and it's caused by us. \" it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants.\" Cars and other transporation are releasing emissions which are harming the environment. Limited car usage clears up the pollution which helps us and the environment stay healthy.\n\nMany people are taking up new ways of transporation due to bans and such which are due to limits on car usage. They are taking public transportation, walking, carpooling, and so on. All of these methods of alternative transportation are beneficial. \"They organize their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take public transportation or car-pool with friends.\" It is better to limit car usage because not only are you helping the environment, but you're also saving money and helping yourself out. Due to the lower amount of people who buy cars because of limited car usage, car corperations are also changing. \"He proposed partnering with the telecommunications industry to create cities in which 'pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commerical and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resoureces, lower emissions and improve safety.' \" The way people live will benefit from lower car usage. Our lifes will be much safer. Although some people may be upset if they can't drive their cars when they want, in the long run it benefits all of the community.\n\nAs bans continued to be passed and people are choosing to walk or take the bus instead, limted car usage continues. We can see that it is beneficial to us and will help our environment in the long run. Limited car usage is truely a good thing for us and will hopefully continue.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nControl your life or let it control you. Since technology has improved significantly since the past decades, In the article \"Driveless Cars Are Coming\" humans are able to create vehicles that drive themselves. They have their pros and cons but the cons out-shape the pros. Driveless cars are lethal, illegal, and time consuming to manufacture.\n\nThe first reason on why driveless cars are lethal is that they are not tested fully and can injure the driver very severely if not handled right. This is evident in paragraph 9 where the author states, \"manufacturers believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe.\" This is a perfect example of how the driveless cars are still unstable and should be tested. Overall, companies still need to improve on some aspects on the driveless car to have it be a safe to use.\n\nThe second reason is that the utilization of driveless cars on testing is illegal. Evidence to support this claim is that the author states in paragraph 9, \"As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars.\" This makes the invention difficult to find it's short comings and hard to sell. More evidence is found that alot of people can get in trouble due to this technology failing, which is found in paragraph nine again, \"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?\" This can both harm them because of the injury and the company's reputation. Overall, driveless cars are suited to test because of the law.\n\nFinally, the last reasoning on while driveless cars are suited for the market is because of time. It takes a long time to produce; this is stated by the author in paragraph 5, \"Within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers.\" It takes the company TEN YEARS to only create one component of the device. Overall, driveless cars take a long time to produce.\n\nDriveless cars can be conducive and negative to the consumer but the draw backs out match the pros with its dangerous to control, legalization, and time consuming process to manufacture. The technology is not ready yet for this device to hit shelves in markets and is best to wait when there is more money involved for this project.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou walk in to class one day and find out that your teacher or whom ever actually knows how you feel . Would it be strange, ackward or understandable? This latest innovation called Facial Action Coding System from Prof. Thomas Huang and Prof. Nicu Sebe is a software that can recognize human emotion. Human emotion is communicated non-verbally which can be interpreted by muscualr units.\n\nYour sitting in a lecture confused but decide not to say anything but do not realize that your teacher knows how you feel because of this software. This software may help with a lot in a classroom from depression to confusion and even excitment .\n\nProf . Huang predicts \" A classroom computer could recognize when a sudent is becoming confused or bored\" ( D'Alto, 6). This software may be the best innovation for schools now that many counselors can only get so little of information from students.\n\nAs many will argue that this software may not be getting the right information but it has been tested and put to work by Phsychologist , such as Dr. Paul Eckman. \"He has been able to classify six basic emotions-- Hapiness, suprise,anger, disgust, fear, and sadness-- and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles\" (D,Alto, 3). This just comes to state that this software is able to process human emotion by facial muscles and therefore it comes to tell your emotion by how you portray.\n\nThis just comes to conclusion that maybe this software can actually help schools improve on helping students in any circumstance. As teachers, there jobs are to make sure students are not confused but better yet understand the concept that was teached. I believe this software may do a lot and should be tested in schools.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nChanging the World We Drive In\n\nI do not stand behind the idea of driverless cars. I think that driverless cars are too hazardous, costly and unnecessary. Cars that do not need a driver are not needed.\n\nDriverless cars are extremely hazardous. Yes, the manufacturer can install numerous amounts of sensors and cameras to make sure that the car is on the right track, but can a car really be as reactive and functioning as a human? The article says, that cars cannot \"navigate through work zones and accidents.\"\n\nWhile the human is relaxing in the front seat of the driverless car, he or she is most likely not paying attention. If they are not looking ahead it is likely that he or she will cause more damage to the accident or more work to the construction zone when they slam into it for lack of looking forward. In support of this, the article says \"wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?\" Yes, while the driver is not paying attention it is likely that he or she will not notice when it is their time to drive.\n\nDriverless cars are extremely expensive. With all the extra cameras and sensors, the cost of those cars are going to go way up. The article lists just a few of the necessary add-ons: \"postition-estimating sensors... rotating sensor on the roof, video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor.\" The driverless cars need a lot more sensors and cameras than it is worth to pay for.\n\nThe article also mentions radar \"that cost two hundred million dollars.\"\n\nIs one, small car really worth so much money. Think of all the different activites, items, or trips that money could be used on rather than splurging on a driverless car, that a human is perfectly capable of driving.\n\nDriverless cars are unnecessary. Humans have been driving themselves for many years. Why all of a sudden do we need to have cars that will drive us around? The idea of driverless cars just adds to the bunches of costs that people already have to pay for and the reasons why humans are considered lazy! The article says that \"such cars would fundamentally change the world.\" Yes, the accessiblity of driverless cars could change the world, but who's to say it would be in a positive way?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author seems to be an advocate for studying Venus despite its dangers, and even gives some ideas as to how humans could study Venus without ever touching the extremely volatile surface. The author gives some examples of solutions that the people at NASA have found might be solutions to the problem at hand, and some reasons as to why exploration of our nearest planet is worthwhile.\n\nHe talks about one of NASA's many possible solutions, saying \"NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray.\". What he is talking about is a vehicle that would hover above Venus so it would never touch the surface. It's genius! The reason why studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers is because \"it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\". Even today it has features similiar to that of Earth, like its rocky surface, mountains, and craters. Another possible solution to researching Venus while trying to avoid its harsh terrain is using old technology, used in World War II, and putting this old technology into a new use. The author says the reason these might help the future of exploring Venus because \"Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions.\" these might be more resistant to whats in store for them on Venus.\n\nWhile the challenges of visiting Venus are certainly disheartening, the value of visiting and exploring Earth's \"twin\", and one of its closest planets is impossible to know, but the pursuit of knowledge of the planet would make it a worthwhile endeavor. The only thing we know is that impeding danger can not stop our thirst for knowledge, and may even spark it.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nScientists have studied and implored the idea of understanding the solar system, specifically the Milky Way.\n\nIn investigating the solar system, Venus shows promises of exploration.\n\nThough Venus itself is denser and hotter than Earth, both planets are one in the same.\n\nThe author of the passage utilizes this in explaining as to why investing into the research of this particular planet in the Milky Way is worth it.\n\nThe author does this by comparing Venus to Earth within Venus's geometric structures as well as its weather patterns.\n\nVenus can be said to be Earth's twin.\n\nKnown as the second planet from the sun, Venus was once like how our planet is today based on scientists' knowledge.\n\nAccording to the passage the planet,\"...(W)as probably covered largely with oceans...\".\n\nEarth contains 70% of water and has life on it and with this quote describing that Venus had water at one point in time, it too might have supported life forms which is what the author is attempting to explain in his writings.\n\nLike Earth, Venus obtains the same landformations.\n\nAnother detail provided from the article states,\"...surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters\" indicating not only that this planet once held water but, also sustains land structures identicle to Earth's.\n\nIn the final section of paragraph 3 it enscribes,\"...(G)eology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerfull earthquakes, and...lighting strikes...\".\n\nAlong with the planets identicle features to Earth's, It also features weather patterns and conditions that are compatible too.\n\nCombining all of this information, Venus can be idealized as Earth.\n\nThe author gets to the point by comparing the various landforms, weather, and natural disasters of the two space rocks.\n\nResearching Venus could not only mean furthering the understanding of this particular planet but, also Earth too.\n\nLastly, continuing the study on Venus is so vital that by doing so, man could possibly land another planet.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author suggest that studying Venus is a worth pursuit despite the danger it presents. Venus is the closest planet to Earth however its easier to see Venus and study this planet. There is differences in speed which sometimes Venus is closer and sometimes Mars. Venus is the second planet from our sun according to the author of ths story. Many Astronomers believe that Venus was once a planet like Earth in our solar system. NASA is sending people to Venus so they can keep studying Venus. On 1800s and 1940s during WWll there was old technology for example like computers. Now we have technology and its very good but can be sensitive. We need to have more adventures. Earth is having drastically bad sea level, the tempeture is constanly changeing, animals are extinging, forest are disappering each day. In other words, earth is dying. Because Earth is dying isnt easy for us humans survivial however this quote says: \"Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels\" (Venus 1). However this quote proves that Earth isnt in conditions thats why are studying Venus because maybe Venus was once an Earth.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are a very useful means of transportation, but there are advantagess to limiting the usage of cars. The use of cars creates greenhouse gas emissions, creates smog, backs up traffic, and depletes our natural resources. Limiting the usage of cars can decrease all that, along with improving safety. There has already been places to have test a \"car-free\" environment, such as, Germany, Paris, and Colombia. All of which had positive results.\n\nThe use of cars may not seem it, but actually causes more of an inconvinence and takes up a lot of space that can be use for other things. If there were to be no cars, stores would be placed in walking distance. This is where cars are inconvienent. Because so many people own cars, stores don't build in walking distance, but instead in malls along distant highways. People can't just walk and get whatever it is they want, but instead wait forever in traffic jams to get to a store and then wait again to get back home. We also lose a lot of space because of cars. Lands that could be used to built for parks,\u00a0 bycicle paths, ect., are instead used to make garages, or parking areas for cars.\n\nOne of the most worst things that is caused by the use of cars is air pollution. The emissions from tail pipes creates greenhouse gases. In fact, passenger cars are resposible for twelve percent of green house gas emissions in Europe, and up to fifty percent in some car-intensive areas in the United states. Another effect of using cars is smog. Paris had actually banned the use of cars at a point to lower the levels of smog, and diesel fule was blamed. People were fined for driving cars, and delivery companies complained of lost revenue, but the limited use of cars helped clear the smog.\n\nThere are ways to limit the use of cars, not just in means of driving less, but by the number of those who are driving. People can limit the use of cars by changing the type of transportation they use. For example, instead of driving everday, a person could take a public bus to get to where they need to go, or that person could car pool with others that they\u00a0 know. A person could even organize the majority of what they do to where they rarely are need of a vehicle, and simply walk. There are many advantages to lowering the use of cars. It reduces greenhouse gases, lowers the level of smog, and it conserves our natural resources.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriveless cars shouldn't be countinued because they are dangerous, cost more, and only go to 25 mph.\n\nCurrently, driveless cars is that they shouldn't be aloud because they are dangerous.(paragraph 7.) \" this means the human must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires.\" this shows that you do have to be alert but what happens when you are in a situation when it doesn't give you that notification that something wrong happens? that is going to show that the system is unreliable and would need more work.\n\nSecondly, they are way too expenisve.(paragraph 3.)These smart - road systems worked suprisingly well, but they require massive upgrades to exsiting roads, something that was simply too expenisive to be practical. This shows that not only are the cars are a lot but it shows that a lot of work has to be done to make it availible to the highways which costs a lot of money which a whole lot of companies don\"t have.\n\nFinally, it says that it can only go 25 mph.( paragraph 7.)\n\n\" the car can handle driving functions at speeds of 25 mph, but special touch senors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. This shows that the car is very slow and won't work well on highways which have a speed limit of 55 or even higher.\n\nIn conlusion, driveless cars shouldn't be continued because they are dangerous, they are too expenisve, and they are too slow.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars have seem to have made a name for themselves throughout history. Not only have you seen some driverless cars on movies, they are actually being tested for human use! Even though it seemed to be some kind of fantasy, it is coming, and coming fast. Driverless cars should be created for humans to not only avoid accidents but for other uses.\n\nThe most common use for a driverless car is safety. Humans are fond of making mistakes, its nature. Sooner or later, driverless cars will take care of accidents for you. Some are being tested by Google, BMW, and GM. Though, none have been released for public use, many have been able to test with some driverless cars.\n\nThe convenience of driverless cars can be a full list. People who have jobs one day will run late. If so, that one day can be taken care of by a driverless cars, not only getting ready in your car is a convenience but a blessing. It could and might just save you your job! Many laws are enlightened to keep both your hands on the wheel, but with driverless cars you don't need any. Just think of the things you could do in a car driven by a computer.\n\nSafety has seemed to be a problem with the cars being built lately. Some driverless cars have had malfunctions here and there. Cameras have been installed inside and outside of cars to see where many occur. The side of the car is the most dangerous to get hit by. Creators of these cars have made the car resond to computer-based brakes. These special brakes not only are more powerful but also much more quick.\n\nDriverless cars will be out before you know it, and maybe some day everyone in the world will own one. The world is changing in many ways to reassure safety and innovation. Creators of these cars are very optimistic when it comes to the statistics for the cars. Not only will innovation be powerful but a key point to the future of these cars. Driverless cars will be the future of cars someday.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis new technology of studying emotions via computer can be exploited due to faking faces. When Eckman said that he classified 6 emotions and gave the example of what controls what, the problem arises as in that it maybe false information due to a blank type of facial features that are unreadable. Also, if the person is capabale, they can hide their emotions by faking a different facial feature to put forth a positive type of vibe in such a way machines cant read. This is most likely going to backfire and have mis information due to errors and exploits. Emotions arent an algorith, they reflect us as a human and shouldnt be exploited to some company to make some big bucks.\n\nThe human is a complex entity to study because we are adapting over time so much, we change on a daily basis and thats what is the issue, if we were all like minded, then it would make sense a robot can understand us. This new technology of studying human emotions, isnt going to get us anywhere.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn my personal opinion driverless cars are not the best idea scientists have ever discovered. I feel like driverless cars would be a very dangerous way for people to get from place to place. I also feel like there would be more bad aspects then good on this subject. On the other hand, they would be very useful and convenient.\n\nIn my opinion I think that driveless cars could be a very dangerous invention if they were not tested enough in varius ways. For example, what if there was a situation were someone was driving down that road and their car misfunctions or something electronically happens within the engine. Not only would the driver be in danger, but all the other cars around the smart car could be too. In paragraph four, the option of smart roads was discussed. I think it would be safer to try inventing roads that help the car before inventing a car and expecting it to do all the work by itself.\n\nThe bad things by far outweigh the good things when that idea of smart cars get brought up. Smart cars need a lot of electronical materials to not need a driver anymore. That is a huge risk anyone would be taking when stepping foot into a smart car. At any moment in time the electronical systems could crash or if the smart car was to need internet and something happens to the web. Another aspect of this discussion would be the law. If you, being the driver of a smart car, got into an accident and it was not your fault, you are not going to want to pay for the damage. Many laws would have to be changed in order for ordinary people to be able to drive smart cars on the roads. It a huge discussion of weighing the bad things and good things with the subject of smart cars.\n\nOn the other hand, smart cars would be very convient. In paragraph two they discuss that in today's day in age we have all the technology to allow smart cars to be manufactored. All different types of products are being manufactored with new technology everyday. Why not manufactor a smart car? Buying a smart car would be great for older people that can not get out and drive by themselves, but it still wouldn't help very much. This is my reasoning on that, the elderly person still might have to drive a little bit if something was to happpen and they run into a construction site or accidents. It may even be more dangerous for the older person to have to switch back and forth from the car being driven for them to them having to operate the vehicle.\n\nAgain, in my opinion I think smart cars are a bad invention unless scientists were to invent road systems that matched up specificely to a car. There is to many risks to be taking at this point in time in the progression of smart cars. Possibily in the future when scientists discover more about them they might be better and more reliable.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" it talks about how technology today has came to the point where there are making cars that can drive on there own and won't need any human interactions.To me this isn't such a great idea , yea it sounds cool and interesting but then again do you really trust a computer to drive you at 60-75 mph ..\n\nI wouldn't and according to the article some cars have crashed already and to me technology can stop working at any given moment and you'll end up in a car wreck.I'm also against this because why would a person not want to drive there own car?Isn't that the point of having a car?To me putting your life in the hands of technology isn't even something i'll think about doing .\n\nBut then again this technology car can be used on road trips and when your getting sleepy it can be quite satisfying to take a quick nap and let the car drive so you won't loose time.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe art of technology to read expression would be valuable for many reasons. Many people like to guss or are unaware of peoles feelings which could cause problem with communication. It alsp could stop some problemd not all but some.\n\nWith technology being that advanced to tell peoples felling it could defuse problems or keep them from happining. If someone is feeling sad or depressed and they are read from the computer it could tell a teacher to go help the kid out. By helping the kid or person it could keep tjat person from makig bad decisons. It could help out long term for those students. It could also help a teacher find out how to teach a specific subject the way thsts most beneficial to students. The computer reading emotions could help with that by letting the teacher know a kid is confused about something. A lot of time kids or people in generall don't like to ask for help about some things because it can be imbarrasing or they are just independent people but if they need help and dont ask the system could pick that up and inform the teacher. It could also make learning morre eifficant and interesting. Most people would want to know about how teachers are able to read emotions.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine you were on an anlantic and it was storming and you were sliding down the ship but you did not fall because there was a small meatal strip that saved you from falling. That would be so scary and exciting so that why I think you should participate in the seagoing cowboys because I want you to have have great opportunity like Luke did and I want you to have lot of more expirences.\n\nFirst think of all the fun you will have. Like playing baseball and volly ball games. Also table tennis, fencing, boxing,reading,and whittling. Alot of the games you will play will pass the time.\n\nAnother reason is all the places you will be visting. Like Europe, China,and seeing the Acropolis in Greece. You can take gonda rides and see the citys and streets and water of these places you see.\n\nLast reason is seeing all this animals and feeding and taking care on them. Like seeing elhpants, tigers,and horses. The resposablitile you will learn like taking care of when they sleep, what to feed them, and to clean up after them.\n\nTo conclude you should join the Seagoing Cowboys because of the great opportunity and of all the expirences. You will have fun, you will be visting different places around the world, and you will see lot of different animals and you will have to take care of them.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIs studying venus a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.\n\nI belive that it is a worthy pursuit that will take our inovations to the next level because its a planet that has givin us a great couriosity to explore and can also help us create machines that expand our reserches trough its grounds.\n\nit also help us discover further knowlidge by sudying venus we can take our imagination and inovationt to our furthest we are learning further ways that can take human technology to expand and also humand kind in finding other planets we can survive in.The technology being used in venus and help us take it to other planets risking the the dangers and challenges we may face in the reasearche of this land.\n\nThe reaserches being done from venus help us see different temptures that may not be easy conditions,but survivle to human kind\n\nand might help us see different ways we can survive in different temperature above the ground surface taht help us survive in venus and also on earth.\n\nThe expirement taking on board for venus can expand many of our reasearches of other planets and also expand the tempetaures our technology can take a see we see in the article we don't imagine that a phone or tablet or any of our technology being take on acid or in very high temepratures is going to survive and by traying to find ways that our technology takes all the heat from venus is going to take a lot of effort to be done to find a way to be done in order for our technology to survive taking the temperatures from venus and making a similar expirence and exposing our technology might help us create our own technology stronger.I also belive the author should of put a little more infromation as why he thinks it is nececery to explore venus however if we send machine to the grounds on venus its only giving us a limited insight on the grond we also need to discover the atmoshepere of venus,the climate,the max tempeture and the min tempeture of venus.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars should continue to be develop and made more efficiently. These cars will help keep the driver and it's passengers safe in the future if the manufacturers continue to test and develop these driverless cars. It is also important that the human race continues to advance in everything it can. As time goes on things will change and the human race will eventually be forced to evolve with it.\n\nDriverless cars have been around since 2009 accourding to the article. Google being one of the main benifactors has had their cars\n\ndrive \"more than half a million miles without a crash\"(para 2). These cars still have a human driver and the car is made to alert the drive when the car cannot do a funtion on it's own. For example if there was an accident to get around or roadwork the car would alert the driver. Google is still trying to change their driverless cars and make them even more safe for those who are in and or around the car.\n\nSafety is a huge issue with driverless cars and the manufacturers who make them have come to make safety one of their main priorities. Google changed a Toyota Prius by adding sensors all around the car. Theses sensors are placed in areas where the vehicle should be able to detect almost anything that goes by them between a certain range. So, it depends how close or farway an object is for the sensor to detect it. Google even added a \"dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings.\"(para 4).\n\nAll in all, the benifits of having a driverless car in our future would be neverending. If there were ways to reduce deaths due to car accidents or texting while driving then it should happen. Safety should be key when it comes to automated vehicles and the next step for safety with vehicles will be with using driverless cars. Driverless cars are the future and they will be what our next generation uses.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that using this technology could be effective in a classroom environment. The computer can read the emotion of the student and react based upon the emotions that student is feeling. This technology can also make animated facial expressions easier to read.\n\nA computer in a classroom being able to read the emotions of a student could make the learning for students easier or more entertaining. Dr. Huang, an expert on how to develop better ways for humans and computers to communicate, predicts,\"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" Most human instructors cannot read the emotions of their students, so they do not know if they need to change their lesson in any way. For students that have issues with paying attention or struggling with assignments, this computer program could make them get more into the lesson or explain it better.\n\nAnother reason that this technology could be useful is using it to make animated faces easier to read. The article states, \"The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive- for video games or video surgery.\" This could help possible college students that may be going into fields that use either of these. If a student is helping develop a video game, it would make it easier for them to use this technology to make the faces for expressive. It could also help a student that wants to become a surgeon. They need to know how their patient is feeling.\n\nThis technology could change the way we are educated. It can make it easier for us to learn in a comfortable environment. We as humans express ourselves greatly through the way our bodies move or the faces we make. Dr. Huang notes, \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication. So computers need to understand that, too.\"", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think going to join the Seagoing cowboys program would be intersting for boys and there's a lot of good reasons they should go.\n\nThe cattle boat rides,visting places like Europe,China,and Greece. The cattle boat rides would be activity to do for fun. Visting places like Chinca, Europe ect. would be very interesting because you get to meet and learn bout people from different culutre and state andh help peoepl out from that state and learn what they do that we don't or what you probably never heard of. You can baseball or volly ball with you team and make new friends get to know people better. They play tennis,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling ,and games. Reading can help you etter in life if you ever deside you want to read so thats a reason boy should join the program. Also you can learn new and differen things through the program you can go with your friends or family thers's alot of activties for kids and aldults to do. Fencing can be a little excersise for you to stay slim whille you're out there.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever though about being a seaging coyboy? I have and I think everyone should be a seagoing coyboy. There are many resons I think everyone should be a seagoing coyboy. I am going to tell you about how this program will let you experience many amazing adventures. I am also going to tell you about how you get to visit many unique places.\n\nThe SeaGoing Coyboys program will let you experience many amazing adventures. In August 1995, we recived our orders to report to New Orleans. We arrived August 14. The day the Pacific war ended. We got our seaman's papers and boarded the SS Charles W.Wooster, headed for Greece-with cargo of three hundred thirty-five horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them.\n\nThe Seagoing Coyboys program also lets you visit many unique places. Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Eroupe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special. So was taking a gondola ride in Vinice, Italy, a city of streets and water. I also toured an exavated castle in Crete and marvled at the Panama Canal on my way to china.\n\nThose the reasons I think you should be a seagoing coyboy. This program will let you exerience many amazing adventures. You get to visit many unique adventures. You should consiter being a seagoing coyboy.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTo whomever it may concern,\n\nThe process of the Electoral College has been a problem for many years and deserves to be abolished at its roots. The Electoral College should not be kept due to the fact that not many Americans comprehend this legal process, swing vote catastrophies and other problems, and its lack of democratic pedigree. You may wonder why someone like me is even writing about this or why I even care, but I care about what happens in my country's economy and government, and others should too.\n\nFirst thing's first: knowledge. From personal experiences and research, you may realize that the majority of Americans in 2014 couldn't describe to you what the process of the Electoral College even is. Each state is different in this process, just like each opinion is different about this topic. This is an immensely confusing subject to read about, especially when you're just an average person watching the news or reading an article online. Although, let's be real for a minute: its really difficult. The process consists of selecting the electors, and the meeting of the electors where they vote for our President and Vice President. Also, in school curriculum across the country, you never really go into depth about the Electoral College unless you're taking a hardcore government class. In this case, the students are yet to be informed about the causes and effects of the Electoral College and the disasters it can cause in our economy.\n\nLet's continue, shall we? The swing vote catastrophies, the worrying about who will be elected and whether or not they'll do a good job controlling our government, it's just not worth it. Over sixty percent of voters would prefer a direct election rather than the system that we use now. When citizens vote, they're basically voting for slates of electors, who then eventually vote to elect the President as well as the Vice President. The question is: Who are the electors? Who picks them? Are they responsible with the task at hand? The fact of the matter is that you really have no control over who the electors vote for. A \"faithless\" elector can vote for whomever they please, even if it isn't their party's candidate. This process is extremely unfair to voters across the country, and I doubt the phrase \"Life isn't fair\", a quote by my grandmother, would even apply to this discussion.\n\nAs previously stated, the process of the Electoral College isn't the greatest of them all, nor is it fair to voters. I asked who the electors were, and who picks them... but where is the abundant democratic pedigree? To remind you, a democratic pedigree is the origin and history of something, especially when it is good or impressive to others. The Electoral College is outdated and irrational for our modern day concepts. This extensive process lacks alot of opinions, evidence, and background knowledge that is necessary when voting for candidates. On the other hand, there is usually a certainty of outcome in the election, and it avoids run-off elections which is pleasant to citizens who are for the Electoral College. What about the swing votes? What about the values?\n\nTo wrap things up, the Electoral College is not needed in the United States government because of lack of understanding, disasters that may be caused, and the democratic pedigree and honesty that is nowhere to be found. I hope you consider my decisions and grow very fond of my reasonings.\n\nWith great appreciation,\n\nPROPER_NAME", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke was working when his friend Don Reist said if he wanted to go europe on a cattle boat. Luke said it was an opportunity of a lifetime. So he didnt give up the chance to go with him. The reasons you should go is that you can see new places that you have most likely never seen before or have never visited before. You will have an experience of how to take care horses,young cows,and mules that would be shipped from place to place.\n\nBut along the way you'll find out what it feels like to take care these animals like as if you were on a farm because these are animals that would be on a farm. Besides you could try new food that you could have never tried in your life. You could have a chance to meet new people. Also while in that place you could experience what their culture is and also what they do in that culture. The only places you would go to though would be italy,china,new orleans,and greece.\n\nSo on your way these are the places you could explore and visit for a while. So these are the reasons I think you should take the chance to become a seagoing cowboy if you ever got the opportunity to become one.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you think it would be easier for technology to do the work for the teachers and identifying their face expressions during lessons? Some think it would be better ways for humans and computers to communicate. This could be a big step for the future.\n\nIn my attention getter or introduction, Dr. Huang predicts, \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming comfused or bored, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor\" This shows that someone somewhere can be inventing something like this to help students in the future and can also upgrade technology into a better cause.\n\nFacial Action Coding System also knows as FACS has been invented by Dr. Paul Eckmen, \"The process begins with the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles\" (D'Alto paragraph 6). This just shows the way it works and how it has to be human muscle movements, Eckman has also classified six basic emotions which are happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness.\n\nOverall, the value of technology should be for a better cause and can help many people in different ways such as students by looking at their facial expressions on a teacher's lessons if they don't understand the topic. This is another way it can change to computers and humans to communitcate.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nStudying Venus is important for scientists and so is knowing the dangers of the planet. The author states that people should know more about Venus and the risks it will take of doing so as it is dangerous. The article states, \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\" (P8). Humans will evetually be curious about many things including trying to figure out more details about our neighboring planet Venus. No matter what the dangers are people will come up with many types of solutions to face the problems or difficulties that are stopping them from going further. The author gave a great idea and much detail about what people are trying to do to explore more about Venus, and also how risky and dangerous it is to explore Venus.Therefore, the authors idea about pursuing Venus despite the dangers will eventually happen at some point in time.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear senator,\n\nThe electoral process is extremely unfair to all the people and citizens in the united states and its totally messed up. The president is not what the citizens vote for but instead they're voting for electors who elects the president. Also there is a \"winner takes it all\" system that is even more messsed up. This should definitely be changed to a popular voting process because it's 100x more fair. In this process it's the people that get to vote for the president, not the electors and there is no such thing as a \"winner takes it all system,\" which gives citizens more rights.\n\nAccording to the article\n\nThe Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong , candidates dont spend time in states they know that have no chance of winning. During the 2000 campaign, 17 states didnt see the candidates at all. This is extremely unfair because almost have the states didnt even get to see the campaign!! The most important thing when it comes to electing a president is everyone knowing about it and everyone voting but the whole idea is controversal. Now if there was no such thing as an electoral college system then there wouldnt be a \"winner takes it all\" system and there wouldnt be a big mess. The citizens should be the ones electing the president because I believe that it is the citizens right to choose who they want as their president. The president is the one that is serving the Citizens and decides whats good and bad for them, not the electors. Citizens are the ones that make up a country, without them would there even be a thing as \"the united states?\"\n\nI know that you may think that a electoral process is better than popular voting because the electoral college requires a presidental candidate to have a trans- regional appeal. According to the article\n\nIn Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President , that means that no region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. This is a good idea, but not the best idea. If we decided the president by popluar vote then this whole thing would be different, we wouldnt have to worry about electoral votes in the regions. Instead we would combine all the popular votes in all of the states to see who has the most votes.\n\nAs you can probably tell popular voting is so much better than electoral college. Electoral college is too stressful and competely unfair. While popular voting is Easy, simple, and extremely fair to everyone living in the United States. Imagine just the citizens voting for the president and counting the votes and then being done. Now imagine the citizens voting for electors and then counting the votes for that, then having the electors vote for the president and then counting for that. Which is easier and better? If I were you I say that the popular vote is better and I'd change the future elections to popular vote.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Challenging of Exploring Venus\n\nThe venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system even though Mercury is closer to sun. But, long time ago, Venus was propably covered with oceans and it was also possible to survive. The life can be as simple as we are living in Earth. However, Venus still have some things which a living beings needs to survive. This planet has a rocky sediment anf includes such a familiar features like valleys, mountains, and craters.\n\nVenus can also conclude as our second option, if we have to choose another place except Earth. But Venus's reputation is a challenging planet for humans to study. Not even a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. Sometimes we are closer to the Mars and sometimes we are closer to Venus. This all is because of difference in speed. As Venus is sometimes right around the corner, humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land.\n\nNASA has an idea to send humans to study about Venus. To explain the idea of NASA author has used few examples like blimp like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the rolling Venusian landscape. Author also uses jet airplanes as an example as our jet airplanes traveln at a higher altitude to fly over many storms. NASA explains about the temperature and solar power on Venus for survivle of humans. The temperature is around 170 degrees in Fahrenheit, but the air pressure is going to be close to the sea level of Earth. Solar power will be enough and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Conditions is not really easy but enough for the survival of humans.\n\nIt's important or it's wothy to study about Venus as this is the only planet on space except Earth where humans can survive. And it's research done by NASA explains that humans can also survive in Venus but it's not going to be as easy as we are living in Earth. Venus is often referred as Earth's twin.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports studying venus is a worthy pursuit even though it has a lot of dangers because, by us doing that we will get a lot of imformation that we've always wondered about. Also just learning a lot more about venus will be really cool. Venus is a very special planet and we should get to know a little more baout her. We know Venus has a surface of rocky sediment and has valleys and mountains but do we know if there is life on earth? Or even plants? No, because we haven't took the time to actally sit down and make up a plan to figure that out.\n\nAs the article states, \" Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only because of the insigh to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Our travels on Earth and beyond ahould not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\"\n\nAfter that being said I think you get the point. Just because something is risky doesn't mean we still can't do it or find another way. What I mean by this is like maybe have some trial runs with different machines. Sending them up there to Venus to make sure it's safe to go up there or even just scopping it out to see what all is up there. Going deep down into venus and just exploring. All of this can be done, it will take some time but never. say. never.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTo start off, I think the technology to read emotional espressions of students is vulnerable because in todays society not a lot of people are great at socializing, their faces and actions speak louder than theirown words. Basically saying that students and teachers should know somethng is wrong with the person just by looking at their face and the expressions they're portraying.\n\nIn the article it states that the peoples faces don't lie and that this is a pro because it helps detect wheather a person is lying or not. On paragrapgh #8 it sites \"To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a smiling politician or celebrity isn't being truthful.\" Clearly, right there it states that we could know wheather a big person we look up towards to like our president could be lying to us or not just by simply using this advance computer technology to recognize human facial expressions. This is also a gret opportunity for humans and computers to develop better ways to communiacte. It's a great big step forward in society too. If you're not great at expressing how you feel verbally maybe you're better just facialy expressing it without saying a single word. This amamzing technology can even identify mixed emotions. In the article it staes that \"The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive-for video games or video surgery. Most humans communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication\" says Dr. Huang. This means your computer could know how you feel without saying a single wrord. I also think this an advanatge to school consuelors because students sometime have trouble in school and don't really like to talk about their feelings.\n\nTo conclude, I think the technology to read emotionals expressions should be vulnerable to students and the teachers as well. Why? Becasuse a lot of people can struggle with anxiety/social problems and they just need somepone to talk to but just don't know how. This is why computer science is helpful to when it comes to situations like this.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear State Senator,\n\nI dont truely have a major problem dealing with the electoral college, its just that i believe that changing it to a popular vote of the president would be easier. Its kind of unnecessary to have as many elctions for all these different levels. It all takes far too long to decide which candidate would better suit this country. I understand it all has to be fair but its better having the popular vote.\n\nWhen the past leaders of this country were trying to abolish the electoral college, i dont think they were wrong for that. If you believe something isnt right, and your not the only one who believes the same as you, than there must be something wrong. It isnt fair if you win the popular vote and end up losing because of the electoral college. If you really think about it, the electoral college really has the say so of the entire election. So why involve the citizens of this country if what they say dont mean anything at all.\n\nAnother important thing is that, the electors that are elected by the state could always defy the will of the people(paragraph 11). For example: the louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the democratic electors with new electors that would oppose John F. Kennedy. This is absolutely outrageous that someone could lose the opportunity to be president all because of the electors not approving. Its like when your says you can do something but the principle says no.\n\nThe only time an electoral college is necessary is if the presidential race is at a tie with the number of votes and its all on the electoral college. The electoral college shouldnt have to be involved if the race isnt a tie and is going smooth. Its like sticking your nose in someones business, or getting involved in something that doesnt concern you. The electoral college is just a big insigator.\n\nSo in conclusion, there is no need for the electoral college. It causes too much controversy and shouldnt be brought into play unless a tie has occured. The presidential race should run smoothly on popular vote.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe technology we use today is very different from back then. People updated their software to make the pictures more clear and also to change their forms to the way people who's taking the picture. In paragraph \"1\" the author says \"the software is the latest innovoton from Proft\",\" Thomas Huang, of the beckman institute for Advance science at the University of Illionois\" its giving an example of where did the newest software came from.\n\nIn paragraph \"1\" its also telling how Dr. Huang think how humans and communicate. Well I believe that humans and computers are better to communicate with each other because the computer can help the human gets it's way how they want people want to work with other different stuff and switch up the picture or also move it around. In paragraph \"3\" the text sates \" computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face, all 44 major muscules in the model must move like human muscles\",the author is telling us how the computer and other techonology can scan your face and to see whos the person is. But it have to be moving around like human muscles.\n\nIn fact the author stating that Dr. Paul Eckman,creator of Facial Action Coding System had classifeid six basic emotions happiness, surprise,anger, disgust,fear and sadness. The facial expressions for each emotion are universal. In paragraph \"4\" the author says \" By weighting the different units,the software can even identify mixed emotions. Each expression is compared againist a neutral face showing no emotion\". In papagraph \"6\" it's also telling how if you frown a classrom cmputer could recongnize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\n\nIn conclusion this passage is telling me how technology changed over a few years, but it might get better over time and have more diffenent features to it.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe process that undergoes during the election of the President of the United States, is unfair. \"It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational.\"(Source 2) We should change the process that undergoes today which is known as the electoral college to something that would actually reflect the people's thought on who should lead our country, and I think that we should decide our elections based on popular vote. If we stick with electoral college, voters won't recieve for what they've asked for, some may find it confusing, the people have no power over their electors, and they have no loyalty to us. That is why we need justice and see that our voting system should be change to popular vote.\n\nVoters and electors are both the same thing, they're both human beings, and that means we have our own ideas and they have theirs. Once the electors go to vote to whom we would like for president, the voters no longer have power over them. \"Electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's canidates.\"(Source 2) So why should we trust someone who won't even keep their word that they would vote for our likings, the people's likings. We should trust ourselves with our own decisions and outcomes. Not some bafoon that won't even stay loyal to their state. Sure if we allow every single person's vote to be counted, it would take probably months to find out the outcome. But the result would actually be true for once. The peoples words and actions actually matter in the government. Changing the procedure that elects our president should be changed to popular vote so that our words and actions can be heard everywhere around the country and change what needs to be changed.\n\nLike I said, our electors won't do what we ask them to do, sometimes. They may, sometimes, defy us. \"Electors could always defy the will of the people.\"(Source 2) They have their own minds that can think and act, and when they have the power of the people of a state, they can use that power for their wants and needs. But we the people of the United States do not need some person to look after us. We defied Great Britain, the greatest country in the world back then and your saying that when we are liberated, the people still need someone to look after our wants and desires, like they're babysitting us? Well I think that's mahogany. When we give the electors our votes, they have the power, and we don't. \"Voters can't control whom their electors can vote for.\"(Source 2) So why bother voting when our votes don't even count? The electors should become the people of this country since our judgement don't even matter to affect the country that we live and protect. When the states were created, some were made to bigger and sustainanble than others, those larger states may have a greater impact on our government than the smaller states. But size doesn't matter, numbers matter. If three small states have the same idea, they may over come a large state. That result would show the real outcome of our people's desire for our country. That's why we should change electoral college vote to popular votes.\n\nWith such a complicated system to bring our favored canidate for president in, some people don't understand how the process works and may end up voting for the wrong canidate. Voters somtimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong canidate.\" (Source 2) With popular vote in play, people could just vote to whom ever they desire and done, you're finished voting. That would be a simpler way to process things that everyone could understand. Why do we need complicated systems anyways? Sure with such a simple system many things things could happen, but we just need to change the procedure for voting, not it's security. I think if the country would be a lot simpler if we changed electoral college voting to popular voting. Justice would finally be served to the United States of America.\n\nIn conclusion, I think that we should change elcetoral college voting to popular voting so that it would make electing a new presindent simpler, have a true result that reflects the states wishes, and voters can actually have control over their votes.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere has been theories and plans for driverless cars for the future. Scientists have been researching for many years trying to find a way where cars drive themselves. That day has finally came, to a certain extent. These \"driverless\" cars still need the assistance of humans. So these cars cannot fully drive themselves. The new technology that people are putting into cars, just does not seem like a very well thought out idea. Anything could happen to these driverless cars. In my eyes, and probaly many other eyes, there should not be such a thing where cars drive themselves.\n\nLike I said before, \"anything can happen to these driverless cars.\" Well, that is true. For instance, there could be a malfunction somewhere in the technology when a person is driving on the instertate. And potentially harm that person or many other people. These cars have sensors all around them, they also have dubbed LIDAR to see a 3D image of everything that is happening and sense when they are close to an object or not. What if some of those sensors broke, or something happened to the sensors where they could not detect anything. That person could possibly get injured really bad. Or even put other people at state. Driverless cars can be very dangerous to people and their surroundings. Another problem with these cars is who will be liable if there happened to be an accident? Would it be the driver or the manufacturer? That is one thing that has yet to be determined.\n\nThere has been multiple different design plans for these driverless cars. Some of them involved putting dubbed LIDAR and sensors all around and in the car. Others have involved running electrical cables through roads that sent radio signals to a receiver on the front end of the car. Just all sorts of different ideas. But how are people going to pay for these driverless cars. How are scientists going to provide the cost for these cars and run electrical cables through every single road. It is going to be outrageous to construct all of those ideas. Nobody in the right mind is going to want to pay for a car that only drives itself at certain aspects and that cannot guarantee their safety when driving.\n\nMany thoughts and ideas about these driverless cars are genius. Who would not want a car that could drive itself? These cars can steer, accelerate, and brake themseleves. Driving the car still needs human access, but not like it would if these cars could do these things. Driverless cars could change the world as we know it. But there are certain restrictions that need to be solved first.\n\nThese driverless cars can be help to some. Could be harm to others. Anything could happen to the car that could potentially harm that person or other people. The liability factor of the car is a big risk. If the car malfunctions, it would be the drivers fault? Nobody wants to deal with that. There are so many cons to this idea of self driving cars. Until scientists or somebody figures out how to make those problems less dangerous, or more reliable. People are not going to think that driverless cars will start to change the world.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face on Mars was not created by aliens and we know this because if there was life on Mars we would have seen more evidence of it then just the Face, and there are many Martian mesas in the area where we found the Face so it is most likely to be another mesa with shadows that make it look like a human face. Like the many types of different natural landmarks we have on Earth.\n\nWe have taken more pictures of the Face on Mars that don't show any evidence of alien life on Mars. The most recent being the one we took on April 8, 2001 on a camera that takes pictures with better resolution that helps us see more then just the Face but also anything else that could be around the Face, like, pyramids, airplanes, and small shacks. The picture showed something that looked more like the landforms that are common here around the American West. And the picture was take on a cloudless day in Cydonia so it is more clearly seen in the photo.\n\nThe Face on Mars is just another landmark like the ones we have on Earth and was not created by aliens because we have more evidence that proves so. Like how if there was alien life on Mars we would have to have seen something that shows that anything could be living there on Mars. The Face on Mars looks more like it has shadows that have made it have the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" is about a computer hat can tell our emotions.\n\nToday technology is really big and and has gotten better over the years, they made a computer to read peoples emotions by the way their face looks.\n\nIf school had this computor in the class rooms to read when people is confused or happy or sad may be helpful to the teacher. Some people don't like expresing there feelings because they see it as an attion graber. If they had this computor the tacher will know when the person doesn't understand something.\n\nI honestly dont know how good it will work becuse some people can fake like if they understnd things and how they are happy but they really dont or aren't. If Dr. Huang and his college experts think it will work i think we should all give it a try and see how it works. If you arent undertsnding something it will change your paragraph so maybe you will understand so i think it will help alot of people out.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the author is suggesting that, despite its dangers, the planet Venus is worth putting time and resources towards learning more about the planet itself.\n\nThe auothor brings up many points on why it is so difficult to explore the planet. As the author stated in paragraph two, \"no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours\". This can already be discouraging to some people, but others might think something is wrong with the technology we put there. In paragraph three we really start to see why the planet is so dangerous, \"A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we eperience on our own planet. [...] Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface\". At this point it sounds impossible to even be able to study Venus. Really, why would we want to study Venus? In paragraph four the author explains this, \"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. [...] The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters\".\n\nSo we know that the surface of the planet has some of the harshest conditions and that the atmosphere is filled with acid, but the planet is similar to earth in structure. How would we be able to get to it and study it? In paragraph five the author begins to explain some ideas NASA has for being able to study Venus, \"NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. [...] At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans\". The important thing about this quote is that humans could survive in this blimp-like vehicle. However, if this were to happen scientists still would not be able to collect samples from Venus, they would just be able to observe it. The author also explains some electronics and machines NASA is looking into in paragraph seven, \"some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. [...] mechanical computers [...] these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all.\" These two ideas could be very useful for learning about Venus. The first one made of silicon carbide has already been able to survive for three weeks in similar conditions to Venus, and could be very important for landing on Venus. The author also brought up mechanical computers. The computers don't require electronics, as they said, and can much less fragile than modern computers. These could allow for some intersting ways to learn about Venus.\n\nThe author explained the dangers of Venus and why no mission has been very succesful. They also explained ideas for future missions that could possibly involves sending humans. I like the ideas they have, but I do not think the solutions are quite ready for humans to go to Venus. I am very excited to see where this goes and what new ideas scientists come up with.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA classroom with the use of this technology would be a classroom of supieriority. This new techonology could greatly improve students\u00b4 abilities to learn. Often students are protrayed as being happy or content during a lesson, but really, they are confused. The FACS, Facial Action Cosing System, is an advanced piece technology that can help students with their school work and can be very valuable in the classroom.\n\nThe FACS is a computer coding system that allows computers to be able to read the facial expressions of humans. According to the passage, the process in which the computer recognizes the feelings of a human begins when the computer constructs a 3-D model of the face. Each and every muscle movement of the face can detect the exact emotions of any person. For example, the zygomatic major, a muscle that begins at the cheek bones, lift the corners of the mouth when someone is genuinly happy. The FACS system is incredible at calculating any person's emotions and can cause the computer to adapt to anyone's liking.\n\nIt is not unusual for a student to \"fake\" their way through a lesson just to make it seem like they are \"okay\" when really they are misunderstanding everything that is being taught. According to the passage, this new techonology system is able to recognize the facial expressions of students as they work through an assignment on the computer. It interprets if the student is understanding the material or not. Through a slight frowny face or a confused face, the computer can tell that the student is not able to comprehend what is going on. In return, the computer program may change the lesson to make it slightly easier on the student until it detects a content face. This face will trigger the computer so that it is able to recognize that the student is now understanding the lesson. The program can act as an individual instructor for each student in order for the student to meet their needs.\n\nFrom this technology, the student will not only have an advantage, but the teacher will as well. Instead of individually tying to speak to kids if they need help, the computer can do it for them. Sometimes, it can get tough and frustrating for a teacher to try to meet the needs of each unique student. With the help of the technology, students can obtain their specific needs on their own. This will relieve a great deal of stress that teachers may carry on their shoulders, and would be very beneficial towards them.\n\nThe FACS is a valuable piece of technology that can assist many in the classroom. Lessons will be adapted to meet the students needs when they are confused, becasue the facial recognition program will pick up on their moods. Also, teachers will no longer need to try to teach the lesson several different ways for each different student to understand it. This program greatly advances the students\u00b4 learning and acts as a helping hand for teachers.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear senator i think that the electoral collages\u00a0 should stay because .With out the the electoral college we could not have a party that is the tie breaker. So then we could not have a president .and they all so vote for the ''president and vice president all 538 electors but to win the vote a party must have 270 of the votes to win ''.and to have equal there are 2 senators and one member of the House of Representatives.\n\nBut a electors are chosen by the candidate's political partys\u00a0 by law .In a certan way\u00a0 and then be given a responsibilaties . And on every first monday in november the people vote for the prisedent that you want to win. but you are voting for the candidates electors\u00a0 but each state has a plathora of electorals like texas has 38 electors and californa has 55 and florida has 29 so does new york they are given more because the more populatina a state has the mor electorals you can have . and one other good reason that electoral college is more sofishint way then popular vote because \" the winning candidate shares the popular vote and people starte to bicker about how to share it .\n\nThe large states\u00a0 restored a good porshine of the weight in the political balances because the larger states have a bigger population so for example Obama got 29 elactoral votes\u00a0 and the person who won would get 3 extera elactoral votes . but it is easeyer for the larger states to get attention from presidentail candidates in the campianes than the smaller ones because of how many larger ones have more electores vote then the other smaller ones.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWe at NASA are going to take this topic head on starting with you. We are going to try to make you think different about the \"alien landform\" you believe in. I will be the person you will tell about your theory and I will try to change you belief on the whole idea and if you don't it is just your loss. I will admit I would have loved it to have been an alien monument to some sort of king or ruler too, so we could of seen it more than what it was if it really was an alien monument. That is besides the point here that it is a natural land form like the mesas we have here on Earth.\n\nThe first picture had a terrible resolution of 43 meters per pixel! That is completely unaccepltable in today's terms for resolution. The first picture in 1976 was only speculated to be an alien monument was due to the shadows on the land and not the actual characteristics of the land. In 1998 the picture could have been altered due to fog, but in 2001 a clear picture proved that the \"face\" on the mesa was just nothing to be excited about. Also if it was some sort of landmark of an ancient civilization you probably could have seen houses or shacks somewhere near it. Also why would we cover up an amazing dicovery that could benefit us in the long run with more funding and credibility.\n\nTo put down the truth your theory is more like a thought than an actual theor a this point due to the facts that already prove that it is a mesa a lot like our in on earth. You have to support your statement with much more than an outdated pickture taken about 40 years ago and just accept the facts that are in your face laid out right now the unaccuracy f the first picture, the shadows only showing that if could have been a face, and how why we would cover up soming thing that could get us more publicity to the public eye and more funding. So I hope this discussion changed your mind anout this whole thing and if it didn't you are a stubborn person. So I hope this is the only time we have to correct you.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany people believe that the face on Mars is an Egyptian Pharaoh. I believe that the face that appears on Mars is just a natural landform. I believe it is just a natural ladform because the text states that Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos and it revealed a photo that looked like the face was just a natural landform. I also beleive that the face is just a natural landform because the text states that on April 8, 2001, on a cloudless day, Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look at the face. He took a picture using the camera's maximum resolution. The photo showed that the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa which are landforms common around the America West. I also believe that the face is just a natural landform because people thought that it could be an alien artifact but that was proven to be wrong because of the good quality cameras. This is why I believe that the face that was discovered on Mars is just a natural landform.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not taht valuable bacause you can tell how a person might be feeling by looking at their face expression. People show their feelings by showing their facial expression towards others, but some people just wont show how they feel with facial expressions, they might express their emotions through words.\n\nEmotional expressions are not always a true version of a person's feelings. People some times pretend to express something else then how they really are feeling inside. Everyone has gone through the same problem of having to fake a smile and pretend to be happy, but in the inside you might just feel awful. Also, there's no reason why a computer should tell us how we're emotionally feeling, the paragraph shows how a student gives his or her parthner directions on how to move the muscles to smile, which it shows that by looking at the muscles on someone's facial expression we can aslo tell their emotional expressions.\n\nKnowing how someone feel can aslo make you figure out a way on how you could help out and make them feel better if they're not feeling well. A computer can't help out someone feel better, but us as humans can. Technology is not valuble for students in a classroom, it can help read your emotional expressions, but it can't help you feel in a better way.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you heard of \"The Face on Mars\"? Do you believe that it is said to be created by aliens? Have you been told that it was said to resemble an Egyptian Pharaoh? We will find out whether or not this \"Face\" is created by aliens or just some sort of landform.\n\nThere has not been any evidence or information that aliens excist. These landforms are common around Cydonia. The usual shadows made it out to look like an Egyptian Pharoah. We thought it was important to taxpayers, so we took another photo when we could get a good shot in. We snapped a picture ten times sharper than the origanal, but still, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. This is just one factor that the \"Face\" was not created by aliens.\n\nRecently in 2001, we took a picture so maximized that we would have seen something. We did not. Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the cameras maximum resolution. You can discern things in a digital image three times bigger than the pixel size. If there were objects in the picture such as Egyptian-style pyramids or small shacks, we would have seen what they are. Our maximized picture from Mars Global Surveyor helped provide facts to prove that it was not created by extraterestrial life.\n\nThe \"Face\" is similar to mesas' around the American west. The picture shows the Martian equivalent of a butte or a mesa. Garvin states that it even reminds him of Middle Butte in the Snake RIver Plain of Idaho. He says it is a lava dome that takes form of an isolated mesa about the same height as \"The Face on Mars\". With this fact we have proven that it is just a landform.\n\nSince \"The Face on Mars\" is not really created by aliens and is just a natural landform, we can only hope for different evidence that aliens do excist. No evidence in our photos showed up that there are aliens. The photo taken by the MGS has also proven no excistence of alien life. When we found out that it resembled an American mesa, we knew that was all it was. Our \"Face on Mars\" is only a landform, but that does not mean we can not look for things that are not.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou people could really do good with your life. You should join the SeaGoing program for sightseeing, a good expirence, and helping others recover what they have lost. Sightseeing is great becaue you get to see things that wil probably be a once in a life expirence. Getting a good expirence from all of this would be positive for your mind and your body. Helping others is the main reason that you should do this whole SeaGoing program! It woud be great for you to get out and see the world!\n\nIt would be great for you to go out and see the world, and it is pretty amazing. The trip to Europe is pretty educational, and humbling. You can learn about tides, and seafare, as well as swells and knots. These are all things I have learned over my \"nine trips---the most of any SeaGoing Cowboy.\" It is also great for getting to know others, and learning about different cultures. Another very interesting topic that is brought up when you sign up for the Seagoing Cowboys is the sightseeing.\n\nSightseeing is a great part of these trips. You see, when you get to wherever you are delivering you don't have to do the drop off as well. All you have to do is wait for the sailors but until then you get to look at the attractions. For instance, I saw \"the Acropolis in Greece\" which normally you have to buy plane tickets or boat tickets to get to Greece but when you join you get see these attractions virtually free! I also got to \"take a gondalo ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water!\"\n\nBut the most important part is helping others.\n\nHelping others is the whole reason you should sign-up. You are doing somethining good, not for your self, but for the world, or a specific part of the world anyway. You are also stepping out of your way to help others, you will be rewarded for what you did on Earth in heaven. You will probably, unknowingly save lives while doing this. Helping people is actually good for our brains, it makes us more satisfied with ourselves and we become happier, healthier, and more fun to be around!\n\nYou may be thinking we shouldn't go because we like our lives here. Well step outside your comfort zone, stand up for those people who need us, and be the man that says \"I will go and help these people!\"\n\nSo, in conclusion you should come and join SeaGoing Cowboys and help us help others, see amazing things, and just have a good time! Come and let us save people, have a good time ourselves, and see wonders beyond our home!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis new technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable.\n\nThis technology is valuable because we can actually determine what or how someone is feeling. However making faces can reveal so much about the science of emotions. Alot of us human beings hide our emotions either because of what other people might think or because\n\nyou dont want them to feel empathy for you, which is feeling someone else's emotional state. There's also a big lack of human communication. For example, \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication,\" notes Dr.Huang.\"So computers need to understand that too.\"\n\nYes i know everyone is like how can we acually calculate our emotions or how can a computer recognize the facial movement that we use to express how we feel. I have prove from the article,\"Making Mona Lisa Smile\",...all 44 major muscles in the model(face) must move like human muscles.\" That detects whether its a human or not because of the muscles in our face. Even if we dont have the system just by looking at someone when they are sad there's a frown, when they're happy abviously a smile, etc.\n\nThe system and us humans can also tell the difference between a fake and a real meaningful smile. In the cite it states,\" In the real smile, the zygomatic(muscles that begin at your cheek bones) lift the corners of your mouth.\" And in a false smile,\"..,the mouth is stretched sideways\n\nusing the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius.\" Using this system would really benefit all of us in whether there's no communication then with the system you'll see why.\n\nAnother example would be the Mona Lisa Smile theres alot of emotions going on its a pretty confusing picture if you look at the details pretty closely, but just looking at her like this in the painting we see a smile and we just think that she is happy which in reality there's more than that being shown. In the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\", they used the system and these were the results,\"she's 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful, and 2% angry.\"\n\nThe system will show more than what we human beings believe a human's emotion or how they are feeling, thats why it is valuable.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI did not know that there are driverless cars where being made. I think the cars will help us drive better. If i was driveing i would use one of this cars.\n\nI think that this cars will help us because some people drive to fast with the car it can speed up by its self with no problem. It can tell you when there is danger in front or behide you so you know when to take control of the car. They can help you streer so you dont take to wide of a turn and hit something. They can stop by themselfs so if you cant push on the break fast the car will stop for you.\n\nThey said they can make the car safer by adding a in-car enertainment and information system. This allows the drive to see headsup displyas that can be turned of instanly when the driver needs to take over. If you are doing something the car can get your attion abd you will be able to take control and safely drive. The diver wont be bored because the car has its own entertainment system so you dont fall asleep.\n\nI am not all the way with the cars becuase what happens if the car fails to warn the driver about something that can cost the diver their life. The cars may be to much money for anyone to get ot just to much money to make. They said if their was a crash who is to blame the peopel who made the car or the driver witch can cause many problems like law suet. What happens if the car stops working when you are driveing and you caome to a turn and you dont turn.\n\nAll in all i think it is a good idea and can help a lot of people,but I just dont think many people will bye the car because it cost to much. I hope they find a way to make the driverless car come true and less expenive so many people would like to get the car.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author uses Many ways to spport his claim that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit depite the dangers it presents.\n\nFirst, the author explains that how Venus is the closest planet to Earth. For example, \"Often reffer to as Earth's 'twin,' Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size and occasionally the closest in distance too.\"(2). The author is using many evidences to support his claim logically. By telling how Venus is close to Earth specifically, the author supports the idea effeciently.\n\nSecond, the author is using counterclaim to support his claim not just showing benefit points. For instance, \"However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely afar above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmsphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective.\"(6). By using counterclaim, it is easier to understand how the author's claim is important for readers. The\n\nauthor supports his claim by telling reader's emotion.\n\nThe author uses pathos and logos to support the idea that studying Venus is good thing for us even the danger presents.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIs this technology in a classroom valuable? Would this be useful in a classroom? Does this effect the students?\n\nThis technology in a classroom is very valuable. In the article to author says \" Eckman has classified six basic emotions--happiness,suprise,anger,digust,and sadness...\". Technology like this is rare in a classroom so it would be valuable and also helpful for the students and also teachers in some type of way. A reason for it to helps students because in the article it says \"... coulde recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\" this mean it can help student on what they are cpnfused on so its helpful for the teachers an students.\n\nI feel like this technology would be useful in so many ways. Imagine you being a teacher with over 25+ students, there is no way you can get to everyone fast in a hurry. With the technology being there it can also be its job to help the students understand what they are taught not only by the teacher. This technology takes lots of stress off of teachers backs by helping with students,but not also tht if a student is embarrassed to ask for hep the technology knows their feelings so it could notify the teacher about that. This technology would make a big change in schools.\n\nThis would effect the studets in a couple of ways. First, it effects them by giving them a better learning environment because your basically giving your communication to a computer. Second, this can effect student in some what a bad way. Some students get happy for new things and for this being cool and new it can effect them from learning and they would get easily distracted. This could be a good thing or bad things but would help the our learning environment.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many arguments as to why these new \"driverless\" cars can be helpful to society. Although, there can also be problems that come with driverless cars. My position on these new-age cars and technology will be explained in the following paragraphs.\n\nI presonally believe that using autonomous cars in the world is very far-fetched. It's a concept that doesn't seem probable to me, and I don't exactly understand it. There are so many problems that are present with these cars. Things malfunction and don't work correctly with technology all of the time. Having these cars than run using a large amount of technology like sensors, the LIDAR system-which creates a viewing field for the car-and much more, it is very possible that one small thing in any of these systems could go wrong, causing an accident. Another thing that has to be taken into consideration is that when an accident does occur, who is to blame-the driver or the manufacturer? That problem alone causes much controversy over driverless cars.\n\nHowever, there is a large difference between driverless cars and driver-assisting cars. I have a much different opinion on cars that assist the driver in a situation. This technology can be very useful to drivers. For example: there's antilock brakes that are very advanced today that use sensors to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids. This technology is very helpful, making it easier for drivers that are in danger to prevent losing control on the road, injuring themselves, or potentially even death. In this situation, what would a driverless car do? It is very possible that this car would know how to react to such a situation and could cause a dangerous crash.\n\nIn conclusion, I personally do not agree with the idea of driverless cars at all. There are too many dangers that come along with this technology. I prefer to be behind the wheel, controlling my car, and knowing what it will do. That is my position on autonomous cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBoth sides have good arguments when it comes to the development of driverless cars. On one side, technology is making up enough of these cars and these cars may cause more traffic problems. On the other side, this could end pollution as we know it. However, I know that certain things are inevitable and pollution is one of those. Therefore, I am going to vote against driverless car development.\n\nMost of my reasons go towards the overall safety. According to the passage, \" Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers.\" Alert driving prevents car crashes, time in the hospital, and, the biggest of them all, lawsuits. With these driverless cars, how can we prevent something bad happening? For example, say you're sitting your driverless car and you're in the middle of a traffic jam. The car overloads and begins to automatically pick up speed. Despite your attempts to stop the car, your'e going 120 mph in a traffic jam. All of a sudden, you crash into a building, and injure yourself, not to mention four passengers and three pedestrians.\n\nNot only does this put your hospital bill a little bit out of your price range, but you have to pay for damages and lawsuits. Think about how many deaths/injuries that would cause. Also, it costs a lot to put these driverless cars together. The whole world could go bankrupt by putting at least 50 of these cars on the road. It's not like American is that rich.\n\nAccording to the passage, Google attempted to make driverless cars in 2009. However, it was proved that those cars were not completely driverless, due to the fact that it still alerts \"the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents.\" In my opinion, Google made yet another smart car. Though TV, movies and, video games contemplate the idea of cars that drive themselves (Cars 1&2), in reality, it might not happen.\n\nIn conclusion, driverless cars will be a problem, unless the technology for this car develops, which it probably will in the future. Newsflash, cars that can drive themselves are not real. ( Well, they're not real yet. That's for the future to decide.) Anyways, that is why I'm against the devlopment of these \"driverless cars.\"", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever asked yourself what it would be like to drive a driverless car? Think of all the things you do in a normal car. Well guess what you won't have to do several of these things in a driverless car. I think that driverless cars should absolutely be developed to make our world better. You won't ever have to worry about breaking, steering, or having to use too much gas because guess what the driverless car does it for you but also cuts on gas amounts. These cars should also be developed because they are much better than the normal cars we use today that emit pollution and other harmful things to our environment. Also these special driverless cars will offer us warnings incase of any dangers out in the road. So why not develope a driverless car that can not only keep us away from breaking and stearing but also help the world by reducing the amount of gas used throught the world.\n\nHave you ever wondered what it would feel like to drive a driverless car and not having to move your foot to brake or your arm to steer, or even have to pay for so much gas? Well the driverless car eliminates all of these things. Infact the\n\nonly time you will have to steer or break is incase of an emergency or warning when driving. These cars should be built because it allows us to relax when we are cruising on the roads without having to move an arm or leg unless an emergency or warning is occuring on the roads. Also these cars will automatically break for us without moving a single muscle. They will also steer without having to even lift our arms. These are just three of the many things the driverless car may offer to us that regular cars won't ever do.\n\nThese cars should not only be developed because of its amazing abilities that offers us but also because it helps our environment. We all know what regular cars do to our environment. We have all probably seen the effects of it throughout the world, but what if I told you that if these driverless cars were created they would help out our environment much more than regular cars. Driverless cars won't just help the environment by reducung air pollution but it will also cut the use of gas. We wont have to pay those exagerated prices for gas anymore with the driverless car since they will only need about half or less gas than regular cars use. So why not pay for less gas with the developement of driverless cars.\n\nWe all probably know that those who have experienced car accidents many of them could have been avoided if we just had some kind of warning or notification. Well what if I told you that if we developed driverless cars we will have a warning or notification if we were to get into some kind of accident. Yes you may not beleive it but the driverless car does this for your. You may have to take control of the driverless car but it will atleast keep you away from any accident. How the car works is that it has small touch sensors that detect whether the driver has to take over when navigating through a work zones or around accidents through a notification. The driverless car just announces it to you so that you know when to take over. Sometimes it may also use heads-up displays. It all depends on what driverless car you would to buy when they are developed.\n\nHave you ever asked yourself what it would be like to drive a driverless car? Think about all the things you would have to do in a regular car and then think about not ahving to do any of these in a driverless car. I think that driverless cars should be developed because it will help our world be a better place. You wont ever have to worry about breaking, steering, or having\n\nto us too much of gas. The driverless car does it all for you but also cuts the amount of gas used. The cars should also be developed because they are much better than the cars we currently use today that emit pollutants to our environment and other harmful things. These cars also provide us with warnings and notifications when cruising on the road. The major thing about all of this is that driverless cars should be developed and replaced for regular cars if we want to make our world a better and more greener place.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy opinion on driverless cars is that i dont think they should be legal, because they are driverless and they don't have control from other drivers, such as a instructor or someone that can control it, Another resason i dont think they should be allowed is that they might cause a lot of accidents. Some accidents could be harful others might be just a dent or\n\nsomething like that.\n\nIn the passage it was talking about how the law keeps focus on the drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe. If they focus so hard on that, the driverless cares wouldn't be okay, because the people safe they would need someone to pay attention to the road and not the distracting suff. If people were distracted while in a driverless car... How would they know when something is coming or their about to crash (besides the seat vibration)?\n\nIn my opionion driverless vehicles shouldn't be allowed due to the fact that no one is driving them, and that they could be a harm on other people. I think when driving these vehicles someone should still pay attention to the road even if they are working on something bad, such as a report for a job or anything like that. some people might think differently, but some might not. Some people might think that they need to have someone watching the roads. Some other people may think they don't need anyone watching the road, and etc. Finally I think they should be allowed if they have someone at least paying attention to the road, and etc.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many ways he supports his idea of \"venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers presents\". In my opinion i believe the author did\n\nvery well giving details and evidence on why he believes venus is worthy besides its dangers. The text states \"even more challenging are the clouds of highly coorosive sulfuric acid in venus's atmosphere\" ,\"on the planets surface, tempetures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own plantet\". In those two cited evidence let us know the dangerous parts about venus, that we cant just go and live in venus we could die so many different ways and thats beyone dangerous. He proven very well what he meant by the dangers and very well has caught my attention so far.\n\nThe author lets us know that Venus has once been the planet to be the \"most earth-like planter in our solar system\" . In my opinion i believe that venus sound scary and I would'nt want to go but also the author is making it interesting and im sure i would love to go and discover new things and how if really is there . I would love to see the temperture ,colors ,and also if it is somewhat like earth as they say. The text states \"The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains , and craters \", that sounds very much like earth to me. From what I gathered\n\nfrom his evidence showing that Venus is a worthy pursuit , I would love to see and discover, I would love to see the mountain ,the color of the mountains and how high. I would love to discover if the weather changes ; Rain,snow,foggy,sunny.\n\nThe author made venus very interesting and I would love to discover and find out more about it as of now. The text also states \"The air pressure would be close to sea level on earth\" that is beyond interesting and very crazy how the air pressure can be like our water pressure we experiance now on earth. \"Solor power would be plentiful, and radiation would exceed earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans.\" just imagine all humans living on venus at first and then discovering earht; it would be a big change and very hard for us to get used to earth. If it were that way we could be under water forever since we lived and grew up breathing as if we were underwater unlike earth.\n\nLiving on venus would be hard for us to get used to living on earth and learning how the air works . We would have to try to survive, but seeing earth for the first time would be the best all the green grass ,and clean blue water, beautiful colorful flowers everywhere , light blue sky, it would be breathe taking literally. Text states \" our travels on earth and beyond should not be\n\nlimited by dangers and doubts but should be epanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation\" I very much do agree with the author and I also do believe people shall be able to discover new things. People should be warned about what they believe could happen and if the people still choose to go then that is there choice but at least they are living their life and discovering what there is out of earth. I believe the author supports his idea very much both positive thing about venus and bad ; and i personally agree with him very much .", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear State Senator,\n\nThe purpose of me writing to you is because, i agree that we should change the way we vote for our president. Everyone has a right to vote but dont you think a easy prosses would be much bette? there are many reasons i disagree with using Electoral Collage but there are way to many reasons so im only going to give a three. my three reasons on why we should not you eletoral college is because the prosses, the problems, and finally because its old.\n\nThe electoral collage lets be honest is a huge big unfair process. There are very many steps to the Electoral collage and i belive there are many more ways we can vote. Picking the hardest one in my personal opion is just not to bright. We should have a easy way to help the people running the electoal collage and also help the citizens. There are many resons why doing this wil;l halp the process so we will have our president voted faster.\n\nThe eletoral collage has very many problems in its system. a few of them are that when the citizens vote they are not voting for the president they are voting for the elcetors who vote for the presidents. Another reason is Eletoral collage is very unfair. The peeople or the electors that are voting are not always the right ones also depending on which side you are on rpublican or the decmocratic sometimes een for example you are a republican one of your electors could be democratic as i said before very unfair.\n\nFinally everyone gets tired of crummy old boring things! Have you ever hear it is good to try new things? lets face it the system is really old. I believe would shold try differant methods of selecting the president. If for any reason it does not work out we can always try something else or go back too the same way. i belive that we should try something new and not the same old boring unfair way we have been using for years.\n\nAll in all i belive\u00a0 that we should change the way we vote for the president. This eletoral collage from my understaning is not something we should keep using. As i said there are to many reason that i would have to write down but here are my three reasons to change the way we vote. First the prosses of picking the president, second the problems that the eletoral college has, and last because the system is old and needs to change so, no that you have read this are you going to help me and everyone else change this system?\n\nin my respect, PROPER_NAME", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe thing is that 25 years ago a face appeared on Mars. Nasa said that it looked like someone looking up through tha camera at them whcih is very creepy. Although few scientists believed the face was an alien artifact, photographing Cydonia became a priority says, says the article.\n\nDon't get me wrong I do think that it is just a normal landfrom but, if you really look at it then it actually isnt a regular landfrom. To me it looks like the shadows on mars are creeping up on the mass of rock or sand or whatever it is. Like the scientists said the creeping up shadows is what gave the landform a the eyes the mouth and the nose.\n\nBut, this face they say is actually called a mesa. From all the years it has went through such as 1976 to 2001 I would say that the face is now older and deformed. The article says what the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa.\"It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho\" says Gavin. They also says it's not easy to target Cynodia.\n\nSo when people say that the face is an actual face they are wrong becaus e if they would actually read a article on the mesa/face . They would see that they are not right at all they are just wrong. Beacus ethe shadows are what gave the massive the landform the eyes and the mouth and the nose. Remembe rthis they first discovered it in 1976 , and they kept on lokking at throughout the years. I think that it was an awesome thing to discover.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think it would be a good idea to give it a shot,\n\nbecause there are many careless drivers or we are spending way to much money on fuel.\n\nthey even said i would only use half the fual than a regular car.\n\nit alos sounds a lot safer and car could automacticlly know if you will hit something or someone.\n\ni think upgrding the cars now to a safer and less expensive deal i think we should take that offer.\n\nthe moter is alot more stable as well or aplying the breaks on individual wheels and reduce power\n\nfrom the engine and alowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone.\n\nAlone with all of that it can even navigate with the traffic zones and aviode accidents and can steer accelerate, and break themselves.\n\nThe biggest concers with drivers and when they text and drive so they are saying the driverless car can avoid car accidents.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wanted to go on a trip and tour all over the ocean?\n\nWell you can if you join the Seagoing Cowboys program, just like I did. It's an opportunity of a lifetime. \"The cattle-boat trips were an unbelieveable opportunity for a small-town boy like me.\" I got to see amazing places. \"Helping out on my aunt Katie's farm as a boy prepared me for hard work.\" Since I grew up on a farm I love working with horses, and helping people. I also found time to have fun on board.\n\nOne reason you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program is that you get to travel to amazing places. Here's two places I traveled to when I was in the Seagoing Cowboys program, Europe and China.I also visited the\n\nAcropolis in Greece, went on a gondola ride in Venice Italy, toured a excavated castle in Crete.\n\nAnother reason you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program is because if you love horses, cows,or mules you get to work with them and take care of them all day. You will surely be kept busy, they have to be fed and watered two or three times a day. Bales of hay and bags of oats have to be pulled up frim the lower holds.\n\nWorking in the Seagoing Cowboys program is a lot of fun you even get time to hangout and relax. You get to travel cool places and work with animals. That's why I think you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. It's a one in a life time opportunity.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSchool isn't the funneist things that kids want to do, but it is a part of life and kids have to do it. With a new program or coding like this it could make school seem not so bad. In paragraph 6 it said \"if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow.\" If my schools computers did this i would like school at lot better but they can't so school still sucks. If school started to teach this kind of coding and our school computer would have facial recognization then school would'nt be so bad. This type of technology would be super valuble in the classroom because students are getting tred of the same classes over an over again. If schools brought in something new to our class sign up sheets there would be no doubt that a bunch of students would want to try this class out.\n\nThis technology would be something new to a students boring school day and turn it around. Us students need something new to our school days because it is the same classes every year ans students get tired of the same thing. We don't have a choice to go to school we have to or we won't have a good life when we grow up so why not make the school day better for us. Being able to read someones emotional expression is pretty cool and if our computers could sence that we are getting bored or didn't like something it would make our day a whole lot better.\n\nIn conclusion this would be very valuable to us students it would have so mant perks and would change some peoples lives and make them want to go to school.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars have the potential to be revoloutinary in terms of how cars are made and how they function. This sounds fun and exciting, but I think it important to step back and see what is reallly being offered here. These cars will change life as we know it. It is important that officials look at how these cars will affect not only the country, but the world. Technology is a great thing, but we tend to forget the many negatives that go along with the positives. I think that we forget that this is what is happening with driverless cars. We need to stop looking at this in the terms of the big technological advancement that it is and really look at how these cars are being produced. Lives are at risk if we do not. This is why I recommend that manfactures halt any plans for driverless cars for immediate future.\n\nLike I have stated before technology is a great thing, but in my opinion technology is only as good as the person behind the technology. Manafacturs of driverless need to be absoloutly sure they are using top of the line equipment to insure the occupants safety and to be sure that failure is next to impossible. Likewise, the goverment needs to work with the manafacture to insure that if and when their product does fail that the manafacture is protected from any legal action that may arise from the improper mantainence and operation of said product. There are laws like this for almost any product availaible, but when something new like the driverless car is developed, new laws must be made to cover this new product. At the present time, since driverless cars are not readily available to the the public, no such laws exists to cover driverless car manafactures.\n\nLaws are important. They protect us and everyone around us from harm. In the previous paragraph I dicussed laws to protect the manafacture from liability in the case of human error. Now I would like to touch on something that is extremely important to know when operating a motor vehicle. Traffic Laws are extremely important in the efforts to keep drivers, passangers, and pedetrians safe from any and all harm that may result from the improper operation of a motor vehicle, however; no such laws are in place regarding driverless vehicles because the lawmakers who make the laws and the law enforcment officers entrusted with the duty to see that they are obeyed and carried out, assume that a car, truck, or SUV must have a driver in order to manuveur\n\nsafely and effectively through, or around any obsticle it might encounter. If a driverless car is to be built it must have the capabilitys to ensure that it's passangers are safe and that the operation of said car will not endanger the safety of other vechicles and there occupants.\n\nDriveless cars sound like a great idea, but I cannot foresee any good that can come out of building such a car. The laws and safety regulations are not in place to protect both consumer and manafacture to ensure that the upmost care is taken when building such a machine, and also to ensure the safety of the car's occupants, as well as the occupants of the other vehicles that share the road with this car. Lastly, there are no laws to ensure that the manafacture is protected from liability in the case of an accident that results from human error. Until these laws are in place I cannot see driverless cars being something worth consideration.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wondered what will happen if we keep using cars as a means of transportaiton? All the air pollution, killing the atmosphere, wasting valuable reasoruces. The future is going to be a place where we can't even breathe in air without having a mask on our heads due to smog. Going green as in limiting cars is a tremendous idea for the communites, and for the planet for various reasons. No smog in the atmosphere, greener communites, and more benefical ways of transportaion. Once you go green you will go never back.\n\nTo start off, Smog is one of the main disadvantages of owning or being in heavily populated area where they use cars frequently. Smog is when the cars emit there gases out of there tailpipe, and get traped in the atmosphere causing people to have problems breathing. Articles in the city of Paris in France said that they had to ban cars due to the smog in the atmosphere. They hit a near record of air pollution and stopped people form using there cars on certian days to clear the smog from the atmosphere. On that five day period of the intensifying smog actually rivaled the place of Beijing, China which is known to be one of the most polluted cities in the world. Once the smog cleared they rescind the ban of car usage only to be a the same place there are going to be now if they keep on using cars.\n\nIn addition, cities around the world are creating new communities where they are not allowed to use cars. In Vauban, Germany the residents there are in a set up where they cannot use cars in there everyday life. 70 percent of the people over there do not own a car and 57 percent sold their car just to move into the community. \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\" said Heidrum Walter, a resident of the city. Other places in the world like in Bogota, Colombia is in a program that they cannot use cars in there life. The life were they are no cars is a good life for a community and for everyone else.\n\nLastly, the end of transportion is not done, but people are finding new ways of transportation. Newer ways of transportation has stared in New York they have a bike-sharing program has skyrocketed. As well as car pooling since only one car or van is being used rather than 4 of 5 cars it is more efficient. People in the United states are using these ideas in there everyday life. Sutdies have shown that are less likely to get their drivers liscense and get a car. The world will be in a better place without car usage.\n\nTo summerize, limiting car usage is a extrodinary idea to make the world a better place. To cease the air pollution of smog, to make greener communities, and to make efficent ways of transportation.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTo me personally I think that driverless cars should be developed because they would change the world. By developing these driverless cars it would not only change the world but save, gas,money and time. So to me the development of these cars should definitely take place.\n\nThe first reason I think driverless cars should be developed is because they cause less accidents. These cars cause less accidents because they are sensored causing the car causing the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine. These cars allow better resonse and control than human driver manage alone just from sensors and makes driving safer for people. The driverless cars also has vibrating seat belts when the vehicle is in danger of backing into a object. So this is the first reason why I think driverless cars should be developed.\n\nThe second reason why I think driverless cars should be developed is because they have far more flexibility than a bus. By developing driverless cars people dont have to worry about being late for work because the bus is too slow or is making too many stops. By having a driverless car people would be able to get to work,school,or anyother place they want to on time. People wouldn't have to rely on a bus that has to keep making stops when they can get where they need to be on time with this car. This is the second reason why i think driverless cars should be developed because they are more flexible than a bus.\n\nThe third and final reason why I think driverless cars should be developed is because it saves people gas money. This car would save people gas money because it uses sensors to function like to stop brakes, accelerate and steer. By this car saving people gas money they can use the money to buy things instead of spending alot on gas. So this is the final reason why I think driverless cars should be developed because they save people gas money.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the short story \" The challenge of Exploring Venus\" it starts out providing information about the planet Venus , also called \"Evening Star\", and how it is so easy to spot in the night sky. Venus is often referred to as Earth's \"Twin\"\n\nbecause Venus is closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. However to explore this planet is very very difficult.\n\nIn paragraph 3 in the story it says, there is a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide that blankets Venus. To add on to that, there are clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. The planets surface has temperatures that average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on Earth. It also says that besides the high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes and frequent lightning strikes to probees seeking to land on its surface. This is why it is so difficult of us to explore Venus because of its harsh conditions.\n\nIn paragraph 5 of \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" that NASA is coming up with some solutions to the hostile conditions of Venus that would allow scientist to float above the fray with a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. This would avoid unfriendly conditions by staying up and out of their way. Further in the story, in paragraph 7, it tells us how NASA is thinking back to the 1800s and 1940s when they had mechanical computers that made calculations by using gear and lever and do not require electronics at all. Although modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible and quick, they tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions. By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. By using these computers we would be able to calculate many things about Venus even though it has such a harsh climate.\n\nThe author provides us with so much information on how we can find and figure out ways to explore Venus despite the dangers it presents us with. To blimps and computers, we could possibly find many more ways to test and find out new things about Venus and get an understanding about it. As it says in the last paragraph human curiosity will likely lead us into equally intimidation endeavors. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSegoing Cowboys is a good program that I think everybody should join. In the program, you can do things that a cowboy usually does, but you can also do other fun things. Here are some other reasons for you to join.\n\nIf you like animals, this job is for you. One of the main reasons this program started was to help countries with animals, and that is a fauna-lover's dream. Another reason is that you can see the different sights in other coutries. The sights are absolutely amazing! You will be able to see the beautiful sunset on the sea and there is pretty much nothing prettier than that. But, if that hasn't changed your minds about not going, then this certainly will.\n\nSome people say that seafaring is dangerous, or that you will not make it out alive if the ship sinks. First of all, there is absolutely no way that you will get killed on the ship, and second, there is about a fourteen million to one chance that the ship will sink, because our captain is the best in the world. Another reason you might not want to go is because you might get seasick. I don't think that is a very good reason to ot go, because one, you will get over it and two, the only reason anyone ever threw up on the ship is because he was watching The Exorcist an eating clam chowder. But that is a different story for a different time, so we'll be moving on.\n\nPlease consider joining the Seagoing Cowboys program. It helps people out, you can see sights, and it will be the best memory of your entire life. You will always be helping somebody, no matter what.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs our atmosphere constantly changes, so do our habits. With greenhouse emissions rising, our efforts towards changing it are too. Even outside of the United States there are efforts being made; in Germany, France, and Colombia. In Gernamy, some people have ended up selling their cars, and started living a whole new lifestyle. Moved into car-less communities with others, and now live supposedly happier lives. A city in Columbia, officially has a car free day, to try and cut down on emissions and help reduce the stress of driving, also those who do not go along with it are fined. So, maybe life with less cars can actually be beneficial to many of us.\n\nIn the city of Vauban, Germany there is a suburb that was finished around 2006. Its goal was to limit the use of cars. So far it seems successful in its purpose; where 70% of the families living there do not have cars, and at least 57% sold a car to live in that suburb. For the most part, there is no driveways, garages, or street parking so it is mainly car-free except for the \"main thoroughfare\" being the tram to downtown. Proof that not only the idea was beneficial, but it was also \"inspirational\" is that places like Vauban, are growing more and more in Europe, and the U.S. has the EPA (Evironmental Protection Agency) promoting these car reduced communities, and legislators are now starting to act upon it. It is also becoming a part of a movement called \"smart planning\". The idea also is to make cities denser so more people can live, and easier for walking. To make things closer, so getting there is not such a hassle; epecially if you don't have a car.\n\nAfter near-record polution in Paris, the city enforced a partial ban on car use to help clear the city's air. On Monday, morotorists with an even numbered plate were told to leave their car come, or be fined. and on that Tuesday, people with odd numbered plates would have to do the same. Because of that, nearly 4,000 people were fined. And 27 people had their cars impounded due to the way they acted upon being fined. Though it left some unhappy people, it did help; the congestion was down by 30% in the city.\n\nThe City of Bogota, Colombia has started a car-free day. And apparently it's a big hit. Its goal is to promote alternate transportation, and reduce smog, with the exception of buses and taxis. That day, millions of Colombians either walked, hiked, biked, or skated. And even though there was some gray clouds with a bit of rain, it didn't stop many people. It is also seen as an opportunity to help lower stress and air pollution. And to show its popularity, two other cities in the county; Cali and Velledupar have joined in on the event. Even the mayor of Asuncion, Paraguay came to the county to say how great of an idea it was. More parks, sports centers have been buit, and 118 miles of bike paths have been created. On top of that, new side-walks have been built to help people in general.\n\nWith all of the effort that so many countries have put out towards making a better environment for themselves, I hope you would be able to see why they did it, because I do. When it comes to making communities with car restrictions, or a day or two when use in limited it all helps. So Maybe I could convince you to reduce your car use, and improve your life.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAfter reading the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming,\" I have learned about the positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. I am against the idea of driverless cars. The reason I am against the idea of driverless cars is that in order to build these cars, there has to be a motion sensor system, the drivers may lose focus if the car is driving itself and if technology fails, there would be an accident.\n\nFirst off, if Google Car project starts buiding these cars to drive on their own, the articl states that there would have to be rotating road sensors. Along with the sensros, htere would have to be a video camera mounted on the rearview mirror, automatic radar sensors, a GPS reciever and an inertial motion snesor. All of these devices seem to be important when creating these cars, but it also appears to be too much. If all of that is what it takes to build one Driverless Car, then it might be best to just leave cars in there simpliest and safest forms.\n\nA counterarguement could be someone trying to claim that the cars are safe even with all of the sensors and other features the car needs in order to function. They may be safe as soon as they are built, but after a few drives the sensors, GPS or other car features may break. If the car breaks duirng the middle of a drive, what is the driver supposed to do?\n\nThis leads me to my next topic, if the tchnology fails, there could be an accicdent. Even if one of the car features breaks there may be a serious accident that had nothing to do with the driver in the first place. If the technology continues to break, the expenses to fix them would start to rise. I'm sure this is not a cheap project in the first place and fixing the car everytime something breaks wouldn't be helping the cost either.\n\nFinally, someone sitting behind the wheel of the car may begin to lose focus while the car drives itself. Despite the \"heads-up\" displays that have been mentioned in paragraph eight, I do not believe that this would awake someone who may have fallen asleep in the car. Also, may feel that it is pointless to have to drive a driveless car.\n\nIn conclusion, there are still to many problems with the idea of Driverless cars and to rush to produce these things is an accident waiting to happen. It is important to see that there are too many breakable features, technology dependance and poorly concentrated people out there to bring this invention to life. Even though there are good intentions, I do not believe in Driverless cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think technology to read students emotional expression in a classroom is valuable. The reason why i think technology to read students emotional expressions is valuable because students should always be happy and never upset or confused. In the article it said \"By weighting the different units, he software can even indentify mixed emotions.\" (Nick D'Alto 4) If the teacher sees that the student is not happy then maybe they can help them. Students have been hurting them selves and with technology like this could save many students lives.\n\nTeachers could help a student in a classroom if they are upset and talk to them about it. I think this technology is very valuable and it can inspire students to create technology like this in the future. This type of technology could also let students know how much technology can really do. This technology can help help teachers understand if their students are confused or not. In the article it said \"A cassroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" (Nick D'Alto 6)\n\nThis could improve students grades because if a student is confused it can let the teacher know so that they know to reteach it so that the student understands.\n\nTechnology like this can imrove many things like how a student feel and even the teachers. More technology should be introduced to students in class rooms to help them improve to make the world better like this technology. This may even inspire them to create technology and making it their job. It said in the article that if a student got confused it could help. In the article it said \"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" (Nick D' Alto 6)\n\nTechnology that enables computers to identify human emotions is cool and i think they should install this technology in every students computer. This technology not only helps student but teachers too.\n\nThis could help improve many things i dont see why they wouldn't. This could help students know how they are feeling every day. In the article it said \" In fact, we humans perform this same impressive \"calculation\" every day.\" (Nick D'Alto 5)", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMr Senator,\n\nAfter being informed of the United State's combination othe the electoral college and election by popular vote, I was asked wether or not we should keep the electoral college or change the election to just a popular vote. I thought about this for a while and I believe the electoral college is beneficial to the results of the election.\n\nWe are Americans. We can be innovative and change the world but we can also be lazy and uneducated. While most Americans are informed about the election and who is running, Mickey Mouse is still the most popular write-in on the ballot. Why not have a group of citizens who represent our state and party have a say in who should be president? \"..each party slects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee\" (Source 3). The electoral college is a group of sofisticated men and women who do this as their job. While the average American is tending to family, working or watching tv, their electors are learning the viewpoints of the presidential nominees and deciding wich one they think would be the best leader of our country. Why would it be anything but harmful to our country if we got rid of it?\n\nI understand that you might be saying that voters don't vote for the president and electors overrule the popular vote. Electors are just an easier and more equal way of distributing the votes and electing a president. Only in rare cases has the electoral vote overruled the popular vote. Have you ever thought there might be a reason behind that though? Assuming the government isn't majorly corrupt and the elections are fixed, wouldnt you think that the slate you voted for should be trusted? Maybe they know something you don't or have witnessed the candidates actions in the past that could've swayed their vote. Citizens are keen but they do not know everything that goes on behind the scenes.\n\nThe Electoral College makes sure that there is a transregional appeal. Not one area can overrule the other votes. This is very important because it evens out the votes and reduces risks of a split country who doesn't want to follow a president elected by the South. Popular vote alone doesn't do this. If we just go by who was the most votes from citizens then If there is ever a great divide in which party want which president it could also lead to a divide in the country itsself. This could even lead to a civil war and make these 50 states not-so united. The fact that we have a system to keep order doesn't mean that we should get rid of it just because people want their write-in ballot of a cartoon character to mean more.\n\nKeeping the Electoral College is necessary for the unity of our country. We should trust our slate of electors to vote the way we want them to. If they don't, the blame shouldn't automatically be put upon them. Since we elected the trustworthy slate, shouldn't we believe they have the best interest of the country and their party in mind? The Electoral College should stay as it is. This system keeps order, balances votes, and 99% of the time it works.\n\nSincerely,\n\nHigh school student", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEver have a happy feeling where you can't stop smiling or felt that dearth of happiness to where you may possibly cry? Those are part of your emotions, something every human being has. Dr. Paul Eckman has created valuable technology to help show a persons emotions. Dr. Huang helps us reveal much of the sciene of emotions.\n\nYour face is fraught with 44 different major muscles. These muscles move around in various ways to show emotion as well as other activities used by you face. These muscles have been programed into a 3-D computer based program also known as FACS (Facial Action Coding System) to help scientist show someone's different emotions. Dr. Paul Echman, the creator of FACS, has classified the six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness- and then associated each with charecteristic movements of the facial muscles. For example, when you raise your eyebrows, you use the frontalis pars lateralis muscle showing that you're surprised. You use your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) to tighten your lips to show anger.\n\n\"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal,\" observes Dr. Huang,\"even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression.\" One example of this is not smiling as broadly. Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks facial moventens. How can this be benifital to teacher and in everyday classroom studies? Teachers can use this to tell how a student my feel emotionally. If the students are feeling happy, showed by FACS, the teacher can teach in her ways through that happiness; however, is the students are feeling upset and sad the teacher can specify her way through that emotion to teach through it and still allow the stuents to aquire the knowledge, or she can do an activity to brighten their attitudes.\n\nThe Mona Lisa demostration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do. \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\" Dr, Huang predicts. \"Then is could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" How effective could that be to a classroom? Teachers never want to have the student evironment negative to teach in. Personally, the brighter the room, mentally and physically, the more a student like me can soak in the knowledge given to me on\n\na day to day basis. Some of my classes that are more positive help me to learn.\n\nMaking and moving your face to show of different emotions can actually make you feel that certain way. According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, Moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. A reowned drama coach, Constantin Stanislavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage. In the classroom a teacher may have his or her students make different emotions to help their students feel that way during class. In the beginning of class a teacher may use a homogram of someone smiling and having the students repeat its ways to positively improve the emotions of the students during class.\n\nTechnology has its values of reading, understanding, and improving emotions that can be expressed by students in a classroom. School may not be as boring with the technology like this at hand. If we have the resources to make the world of school better, why not use it?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus, despite its harsh conditions, boasts valuable information that can only be uncovered by exploring it. At least that is what the author of \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" claims. Throughout the article, the author supports and enforces the idea that Venus' exploration involves many challenges, but scarcely explains the benefits of exploring it and consequently why it is worthy of pursuit despite the dangers.\n\nThe author firsts opens with several facts about Venus to instill a feeling of doubt within the reader. Through this, he leads into the main idea of the article by abruptly asking the question, \"If your sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface?\" After a doubtful introduction, the author provides arguments of the benefits of returning to this hot, dense world. This was a crucial addition to the article that shows his consideration of uninformed readers by first explaining why Venus is so difficult to explore before beginning his first argument of the benefits of exploring Venus.\n\nHe promptly answers the question by again giving several facts about the history of Venus. The inherent nature of the first fact\u0097 \"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system\"\u0097 stirs the reader's curiosity, prompting the author to ask the next question to lead into his following argument. This paragraph serves to hook the reader's by giving relatively surprising facts about Venus that consequently describes the appeal for scientists to study such a planet.\n\nAfter hooking the reader, the author should go in-depth about how Venus' similarities with Earth make it a valuable target for further research and exploration, but instead, he abruptly begins his next argument about the challenges of exploring Venus. Although the main idea of this article is the difficulties of exploring Venus, the author only addresses the value of exploring it in paragraphs four and eight. The rest of the paragraphs are dedicated to giving possible solutions to the impending goal of exploring the planet; however, he does not follow up on paragraph four's message that does not wholly explain the benefits of exploring Venus. At most, the author makes an argument that Venus is ripe for exploration because of its past similarities with Earth, but he does not explain why. Moreover, he introduces his next argument in paragraph five by making the dogmatic claim that \"the value of returning to Venus seems indisputable\" in paragraph four.\n\nHe nevertheless makes an arguably untenable argument about the dangers and difficulties of exploring Venus, but fails to support the idea that exploring it has value. In the end, the author did well in portraying the challenges involved when attempting to explore Venus, but he did not fully support his claim in paragraph four about the initial benefits of exploring it.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nUnderstanding the exact emotion of a human being is a giant leap for the science community, and I say that we should use this technology in classrooms. The relationship between students and teachers is strong, but how does a teacher know that a student is paying attention or just lying to try and end the discussion sooner? Student faces are hard to understand by just simply looking at them, some could look bored but are actually paying attention or the opposite could be happening. Using such technology could improve the understanding of student reactions, such as helping the teacher know when to modify the lesson for the student to better understand, and it could even improve the learning of future doctors and surgeons taking medical classes.\n\nLessons in certain classes can be very difficult for every student to understand. Some are fast learners and catch on before others, others might need the lesson to slow down just to get a grasp on what is really being taught. Using the Facial Action Coding System could really improve the understanding in teachers of who really gets the lesson and can continue and who doesn't understand and just really needs more help. As mentioned in paragraph 6 by Dr. Huang, \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored... Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" Schools around the world are using technology more and more every day, so installing such a system to help understand confusion and boredom could be very useful for schools everywhere.\n\nDoctors and surgeons need to know as much as they can gather from the human body, in which they learn all they know in classrooms. Having this system in classrooms could inprove the future of the medical field, starting by understanding which muscles control a body part and how the body reacts. Students taking these classes can use the program to learn how the face modifies itself to show emotions, from joy to sadness. As mentioned in paragraph 5, even artists such as da Vinci used anatomy to create art by studying how the face moves and shows emotion. Using this program can help doctors expan their knowledge of human anatomy rise to the next level.\n\nEveryday, people use their emotions to express how they feel,and using that in the classroom can really improve relationships between the peers. Explained in paragraph 5 once again, humans use calculations to figure out how a friend is feeling, but we can't tell the exact muscle causing that emotion. Using such a system can improve relationships between friends and help people have a better understanding of how a person really feels.\n\nHuman emotions are difficult to understand all over the globe, but using this program in simple places such as the classroom can improve the atmosphere and make learning topics a breeze. Teachers could better understand how a student is reacting to a lesson and modify their teaching methods so everyone can understand. Students trying to get a medical degree can use the program to understand which muscles are used without having to disect a person or take years to learn something that can be found out in mere minutes. Understanding others can improve the world of emotions, even if it just starts in a classroom.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator,\n\nI believe that we should change to election by popular vote for the president of theUnited States. If we are a democracy, then we are a government for the people and by the people, so then why dont we elect directly by the people. Popular vote is what the all of the eligible citezens want. Aren't we supposed to be elected by the people that we are going to represnt. This is not an oligarchy, ruled by the electoral college.\n\nWell some people say that the people vote for the electors who are responsible for voting for the candidate they have pledged to, as it says in source 3 : In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President. But, some of these electors are not faithful and go against what they are supposed to do. And, why turn down thousands of voters. If a state such as Florida for example voted for electors by popular vote, and 200,000 voted for the democrat elector, and 100,000 voted the other way, then thoses 100,000 people we be canceled out. If there was no electoral vote, and the whole voting system was by popular vote, then everybody would have a say and no one with be canceled out. That is the true way of democracy.\n\nIf we are a democracy then why not give the election to the citizens insted of the ellectors. The President is the leader of our country, so he should lead the way we want him to. And, the only way to make sure of this is by popular vote, so the people directly vote for who we need to lead at that time. The Electoral College has made many mistakes, and stired different prblems before. People also say that a tie is a very unpredictable and risky situation. If it was voted by the Electoral college there would be a higher chance of a tie then by popular vote. if you do the math 538 to1 is a higher percentage chance of a tie then 300,000,000 plus to 1. Popular vote would be a more efficient, less risky, and a moral and ethical system.\n\nSo, overall it would be better and we should change to election by popular vote for the President of the United States. There are many reasons, and these are just a few. It is a more efficient, less risky, practical, ethical, and moral system that is better than the Electoral College. We should change as soon as possible, so we dont create any more disturbances and problems.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are coming. Are we ready for driverless cars? Yes we are. Driverless cars alert us of danger. We still pay attention to the road. Also, we take full responsibility for any accidents, not the manufacturer.\n\nDriverless cars come with lots of sensors that will alert us of danger. If you back out of the drive way, the car will alert you if something is in the way. The car goes the speed limit. It tells us when to take over the wheel. It is a safe car.\n\nJust because the car drives itself, doesn't mean we don't pay attention to the road. The car has a camera watching us. If we crash they will see if it was our fault or not. There are also cameras on the outside of the car. We will have our eyes on the road at all times.\n\nThe car won't cause accidents, it would be us. Since the car has cameras in it we will know the truth. Now bad drivers won't be able to lie. They also can't say it was the cars fault. We watch the road and the car watches us.\n\nI think driverless cars is a great idea. People are bad drivers. The car will alert us of danger. It will make sure we pay attention of the road. Especially since it has cameras in it for proof. Driverless cars is a great and safe idea.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn my personal opinion, driverless cars should not be developed due to the serious situations of computer failure, driver alertness, and legal conflicts. Each of these factors can have significant effects, from wrecks to law suits. Completely driverless cars may be a problem if these issues aren't addressed or taken into full consideration.\n\nComputer systems on driverless cars seem to be complex and sophisticated in comparison to modern-day cars. This can be a positive, but it can also pose as a threat. If the computer system breaks down, the driver may not have time to react. How will the driver have the ability to take control in a broke down, completely driverless car? This is especially true if the driver has taken advantage of the relaxation involved with these cars and falls asleep. The driver may not even be aware that the system has failed. Plus, the complicated set up would make it an expensive, difficult system to repair.\n\nAlertness is the most important element of driving, as described in the article. Yet, driverless cars would eliminate some of that awareness through entertainment systems. Yes, the in-car system's ability to shut off in case of an emergency is ingenious, but the driver won't be immediately prepared to take over in some cases. In addition. it's important for the driver to be on the look out for hidden patches of ice and other weather-related conditions that the driverless cars may not sense. Another example includes road construction. These instances require much care and caution, and a driver must know what's going on in order to reverse any mistakes the car wants to perform.\n\nIf an accident were to occur, the article mentions legal disputes: \"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--the driver or the manufacturer?\" Through my eyes, that is a controversial problem to solve. Would the driver be accused of just not paying attention? Would the manufacturer be sued for a programming mistake? It can lean both ways; the driver could've been too distracted (but that's what the entertainment systems are for) or the manufacturers were inept for the task of building such a complex car. This is a debatable topic, and I don't believe it would be worth the time and money to come to a resolution.\n\nIn conclusion, driverless cars can still be a danger despite all the sensors. What it boils down to is driver awareness, which cannot always be helped. Instead of making even more drivers unalert with entertainment systems, we should concentrate on teaching drivers to be aware of their surroundings in all situations. Not everything can be solved through a technologically-advanced smart car, but many problems can be avoided if there is a driver operating in full control.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this essay I will talk about if the use of FACS (Facial Action Coding System) will be valuable to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. First it will be a great idea to use it because teachers will know when a student is bored.\n\nIn the article says \" A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor\". This quote shows that it will be a great helper to teachers because it could recognize when a student doesn't understand a lesson or is bored, also it could modified the lesson like a human would do it so the student will be more able to understand the lesson.\n\nIn conclusion this technology will be a great instrument for school. Such teachers like students will be benefit with this Facial Action Coding System because like I have said it will notice when a student is bored or confuse, only by looking at his face expression. And it will modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are smart cars that are able to drive with little to no help from the driver. This means the car is able to use gas and brakes by its self, while also steering itself. The idea of driverless cars is great for countless reasons. They are helping with less crashes, they can still alert drivers for danger ahead, and can have a better response to dangers from skids or rollovers.\n\nDriverless cars are able to steer, use gas, and use brakes by themselves. That can help less crashes by stopping drivers who are incapable to drive from driving. This means drunk drivers, drivers who fall asleep, and drivers who aren't paying attention can't cause any accidents that would and can be prevented by not letting them control the car fully. Drivers in those situations don't have to worry about who will take them home or about any problems that might have occured if it were them driving.\n\nNot only can the cars drive by themselves, they can also alert drivers if it needs help. The car is filled with sensors; it makes sure the driver is always alert and has their hands on the wheel. The driver will be alerted by their chair vibrating, flashing lights, or different displays. This means the driver will be alerted if there's any danger. For example, if the car was backing up into something, it would alert the driver to check it out and take over just incase somebody were to get hurt.\n\nIf something were to happen during the drive, the car has antilock brakes. Antilock brakes allow the car to detect danger in the speed of the car. If there was a skid or rollovers, the car would be able to apply the brakes on the wheels and control the power of the engine itself. This is a much better response than a driver would have seeing as they don't have control of the engine itself.\n\nAlthough driverless cars can help reduce the risk of accidents, other people believe the technology isn't safe enough for roads. The technology can fail at any moment and a crash or accident can occur. The cars are still in progress, meaning there is still a chance for a new upgrade in the system itself. The manufactures can create a system that will stop the car automatically if there is any type of problem with the car or technology.\n\nDriverless cars are able to prevent accidents from happening by driving with no driver, alert the driver of any danger ahead, and even apply brakes and reduce the engine power if needed. This means the car is able to prevent drunk driving, texting and driving, and even accidents that involve the driver falling asleep at the wheel. That can cause the numbers of car accidents to reduce by a huge number. Even if technology were to fail, it's still a work in progress meaning there's still a chance the car will get better each time it's being made or tested.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"The challenge of Exploring Venus\". The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it might present. Venus is the second planet from our sun, which makes it easier to see from Earth compared to all the other planets. In this article the author uses the dangers and the old projects to prove that Venus is a worthy pursuit.\n\nThe author uses the dangers of studying Venus by using past experiences of traveling to Venus to prove that yes it has its risks, but it is worth it at the end. The author uses past experiences by stating in paragraph two \"Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for hunams to study, despite its proximity to us.\" This quote helps prove that landing on Venus has been a big challenge, but scientist are willing to overcome these challenges despite the dangers. The authour also states in paragraph six that \" Scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges. Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus\". This statement also helps prove the point that exploring Venus more is worth taking the risk because researchers are working on innovations to help the trips be more efficent. Which helps the author support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers.\n\nThe author also uses old projects to help support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The author claims in paragraph seven \"Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. The devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during World War II. The thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions.\" This passage suggest that by the use of mechanical parts can be made more resistant or could be adjusted to pressure, heat, and other things. By tweaking this the author suggest that studying Venus is worthy pursit.\n\nIn the article the author uses the dangers and old projects to prove that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. Also by studying Veuns there could be alot more things discoverd by that panet. Yes, it consits of many dangers but their are mutiple things that have been learned from the past experiences that could possibly help us aviod that in the future. The author idea of studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite some of its dangers.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFacial Action Coding Systems can tell alot about a person, even when a person techniacally doesn't speak a word. I do belive having these types of computers in a classroom is valuable. Having this in a class room also means you might not even need a teacher anymore, maybe just an instructor. Reasons why I believe this is a valuable is because technology is advancing, students faces don't lie, and this later on can lead to further inventions. Now, im going to say why I believe in these reasons.\n\nFirst, technology is advancing. Many schools have thrown out he old fashioned paper and pencil learning style. Many schools have computerized progams that students use majority of their time spent in school. As they said in the passage this stystem can detect when a student is getting bored, or even when a student is not understanding. Many students don't learn at a high learning pace, so having a computer progam that understands that and detects when a student is having trouble is good. A teacher can't be everywhere at once, so if a progam is able to detect that, and help the student thats also helps the teacher out.\n\nSecond, students faces don't lie. You would be able to tell a confused face from a mile away. If computers detected when students were confused this is an easier way of finding out what the student needs help with. If a computer program is explaining a subject step by step, and all of a sudden the computer detects the student becoming confused this helps a teacher know were a student became lost. Many students won't admit to them not knowing, they'll try and find a way to understand,but at the same time many won't.\n\nLastly, this one idea can lead to further inventions. It many more things you can create when it comes to face action recgonition. With technology running the world today you never know what somebody can come up with. For example, Apple uses face recgonition for a possible way to unlock your phone. Another example is robots. Another example is a face scanner that could take attendance for you as students come into your classroom. The Facial action coding can play a part in telling the child's mood as they enter. Technology is too advanced to not take takeover. If it was my call i'd say bring in the Facial Action Coding Systems.\n\nIn Conclusion, I do believe this is valuable. I belive it will help much more in a classroom than many people expect. My reasons with the technology being advanced, students face expressions, and the ideas can open further gateways to new inventions are some reasons on why I believe people should consider this to be in a classroom. With that being said, I do believe this would be valuable to a classroom.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is Earth's sister plant or as other people like to call it, \"Earth's twin\" Venus is counted as Earth's sister or \"twin\" planet because of how close in desity and size Venus is to Earth. Scientists have tried and tried to explore Venus with little robots but the little robots only lasted a couple of hours on Venus's surface, Venus is believed to be uch like Earth is now. Scientists believe that Venus used to be covered in oceans, greenlife and other type's of life before Earth. Scientists are worried to physically go on Venus themselves because of the dangers they will facewhen arriving on Venus, Venus's atmosphere is blanketetd in a thick blanket of almost 97%, there are clouds of sulforic acid, tempertures reach to at least 800 and the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than Earth's. The author thinks that scientists should get up close and personal despite the danger or \"challenges\" that they fac from Venus because, we could have insights on Venus, we wouldn't get to sample anything, weshouldn't be limited in exploring just because of the dnagers. We should explore to the very edges of imaginations and innovation.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nShould driverless cars be allowed.?They should not be allowed because you can get really hurt, More time on repair,More accidents. These reasons support why I think that driverless cars should not be allowed. Should driverless cars be allowed, No because you can get really hurt. that topic supports why i think driverless cars should not be allowed because if you cant control what is going on then how do you think that you can avoid accidents or say someone is not paying attention and they pull out in front of you and you cant just slam on the breaks you have to wait for a sensor to be tricked so that way your car will stop this will lead to more accidents and or more deaths. This reason supports why i think that driverless cars should not be allowed. Furhter, driverless cars should not be allowed becuse they will cost more to repair. I say that because say you are driving down the road and something in the engine goes out and it causes you to be on the side of the road stranded. your gonna have to pay for a tow truck. also when you go in to get the car cheecked out and the part that blew out was something that they dont have in stores so you have to get it shipped which is already taking two to three business days to get here so your gonna be with out a car until then so your gonna have to rent a car which costs a fourtion,or the part that you need is brand new so its gonna be really expensive. Then you have to pay for someone to put the part in for you because since this is a driverless car and the techonology is new your not gonna know what goes were. these reason support why i think driverless cars should not be allowed. Lastly, do you think driverless cars should be allowed?. No, because there will be more accidents. I say that because a driverless car means that the person in the driver seat can not control the car in any way. so if you get to going fast and then your mom or dad calls or textes you and you have to look down and then when you look down a car cuts you off and gets in your lane then causes you to flip your car and or die. These reason support why i think that driverless cars should not be alowed. In conclusion, do you think that driverless cars should be allowed. no, I say that because you could get reallly hurt, cost more money to repair,and more accidents these reasons support why i think that driverless cars should not be allowed.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe \"Face On Mars\" is indeed just a natural landform. In the artile it says, \"It is common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusal shadows.\"It is not an alien artifact. In the article it also says, \"The caption noted a huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.\" The \"Face On Mars\" is just an illusion.\n\nIf there were aliens then youl would see them when the camera took the picture. If aliens did make it we would have evedince on that because it has taken more then one picture. How would aliens get up there anyway? Or how would they survie there is no water, food, or animals.\n\nI explained that it says it is just a shadow and it is nothing more then a rock that looks likes a face. On earth we find rocks that look like faces but we dont say that aliens made them. Where is the proof aliens made the \"Face On Mars?\" We did so much work on this topic and there is no proof aliens made it. No, we dont have proof that we didnt but there is more proof that there is not than there is.\n\nThe \"Face On The Mars\" is just a rock made up by the planet over time. Thank you for takeing your time to read my arguement over why the \"Face On The Mars\" is just a natural landform.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that the face, that you believe is made by aliens, is in fact just a natural landform. I believe so because, when you look at the face in a claoser view, It is all just natural rock. This rock was created by the natural effects of the planet. I also believe this because the rock is in a shape, looking from the surface of the planet, of an ordinary butte or mesa, which is a small flat like mountain. Especially the way it looks there has been no sign of any life on mars yet. The way the rock is shaped, it is only shadows that make the face anyway so it couldn't have intentionally have been a face. The rock alone by it's self is just a bunch of rock lumped in a form made by the planet. In conclusion, I say that the face is just a natural landform, and it has also been proven by the pictures gathered by the probes.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless Cars is good way to help a driver when they are tired and they can take a break from the stairing wheel. The good thing about Driveless cars is that they can drive by themself under specific conditions. Google has had driveless cars that have driven more then half a million miles without a crash.\n\nI think it's a good idea to make drivelss cars because it's interesting and this will help people out a lot especially when they are tired of staring the wheel and they need to sit back and relax, but I mean they will still be alerted to take over the wheel when they are dealing with traffic and accidents the care will warn them.\n\nNo matter what, theirs always going to be an accident and you can't blame the car for it, accedents happen and it can either be the other person in the other car or you. If you have a driveless car and you are taking a break but you still have the responsibility to stay on tract and have an eye on the road and not be texting it's still dangerous even though if it's a driveless car. Driveless cars can steer, acclerate and brake themselves but they are all designed to notify the driver when its neccasary.\n\nDriveless cars can also help people who don't know how to drive it can help them out if the person is going to fast it can slow them down.\n\nIn 2016 Telsa is realeasing a car that is capable of driving outopilot 90% of the time. In 2020 their will be cars like Mercedes, Benz, Audi, and a Nisaan that will be alble to drive by themselves I think have driveless cars is a good idea.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMeeting a Planet\n\n\"Exporing is a way of figuring out what you don't know and what you do know\" my father once said to me. If you want to figure out somthing then explore it and find out what you want to find out. It is better for you to explore something then to sit and watch others explore the things that you wanted to explore. In the \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author supports the idea of studing Venus is a worthly pursuit despite the dangers it brings by telling the reader all about Venus and how similar is it from the Earth. The author suggest how Venus and Earth are\n\nknow to be \"twins\"\n\nbecasue of how similar they are. The author supports the idea of studing vesus despite the dangers it as is by the enviroment that vesus has, the geography of vesus and by temperature.\n\nAt first, th author supports his ideas by telling the reader all about the enviroment that Venus carries. The author tells the reader that Venus is like Earth in some ways but it is also different from Earth in otherways. In the \"Challenge of Exploring Venus\" in paragraph 3 the author mentioned, \"A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus.\" The author tells the reader that Venus has an atmosphere that is almost all coverd in carbon dioxide, which is harmful to humans because they need oxygen to survive not carbon dioxide. The author also mentioned in \"Challenge of Exploring Vesus\" in paragraph 3 line 3, \" On the planet's surface........atmospheric pressure is 90 times grather than what we experience on our own planet.\" The author suggets a example of how big the atmospheric pressure is in Venus and that humans on Earth won't be able to survive if they will go to Venus. The author tries to tell the reader that scientists should explore Venus even though it is full of dangers by telling the reader all about the enviroment that Venus has.\n\nSecond, the author described Venus by telling the reader all about the geography that it has. The author started talking about how Venus's geography matching with Earth a little bit. In the \"Challenge of Exploring Venus\" on paragraph 3 line 12, \" Venusian geogogy and weather prsent additional impdiments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on it's surface.\" The author tells the reader that Venus also has earthquakes, volcanoes, lightning same as Earth. He compares Vensus to earth and tells the reader how similar they are. The author also mentioned in \"Challenge of Exploring Venus\" in paragraph 4 line 4, \"Venus was probably covered largly with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\" Th author tries to convince the reader by telling the reader how Venus had oceans just like Earth, the author also tells the reader that someday Venus might have supported life of various forms. The author tries to tell the reader how scientists should explore Venus no matter what.\n\nThird, the author supports his ideas by telling the reader about the temperature of venus and how deadly it is. In the article \"Challenge of Exploring Venus\" on paragraph 3 line 4 the author said, \"On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degress Fahrenheit.\" The temperatures in Vesus is so high and hot that a person won't be able to survive there for even a minute. the author provides an example of how deadly the temperature on Venus is that no person would survive. Another example author provides in the article \"Challenge of Exploring Venus\" is on paragraph 3 line 9, \"Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system.\" The author tells the reader about how the Venus is th only planet with the hottest surface temperature which is fatal to human beings. The author tells the reader that scientists should explore vesus however he also thinks that it could be deadly too.\n\nIn conclusion, the author supports his idea of studing Venus is worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present is by describing the enviroment, geogoly, and temperature of Venus. The author really wants to explore Venus becasue it could help people understand the solar system. Earth and Venus ar simliar\n\nwhich could lead to having new discovies and helping today's geranation to explore more for a better and more advanced future. The author provides a lot of ideas about Venus that would make scientists explore Venus accurately. Next time you meet a scientist, be sure to ask them about exploring Venus!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTraveling beyong Earth shouldn't be be restricted by the the dangers and doubts, but should be thouroughly thought about, expanded on, and innovated on. Being bound by thoughts will lilmit our satisfacation of curiosities of humanity being met. Not only should we meet the challenge of travelling to Venus, but exceed at it.\n\nNASA is working on mehcanical parts and electronics that will be resistent to the dense pressure, heat, and other forces of Venus's surface. NASA is also thinking of vehicles that will make it possible to withstand the hostile conditions of Venus. Though they may have limited insight of the on ground conditions, the scientist will be be able to study what they can. Although this may be a challenge to them, they are innovating everyday to allow our machines to withstand and last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus.\n\nThere are dangers along the way such as the extreme temperatures, the acidic atmosphere, and high pressure. But scientist are trying to make it possible for success of making equipment that will last through all of those hazords on Venus. Even with the problems along the way, scientist still work on ways to reach Venus beacuse it is the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago it most likely covered by oceans and was able to support life.\n\nIn conclusion, figuring out a way to reach and study Venus for a long time period is worth the risk of failure. We will learn from our mistakes and study the conditions of the planet more to make it possible to actaullly be able to study and retrieve results from the planet surface.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangerouse conditions it shows us and how it affects our science today. He are some facts and details about the planet venus.\n\nVenus is called the evening star and it is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky but some scientist want to get even closer to the planet to explore it but because no spacecraft has actually landed on the planet it makes it very challenging for humans to study it. It is 97 percent carbon dioxide and it is over 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we would have expected on our planet.\n\nSo in conclusion this gives us great detail about the planet venus and what it is about and how it can help us discover many other planets along the way thank you for listening to me talk about the planet venus it is one great planet other than our planet earth and lets not forget about mars to.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe new technology to read emotional expressions I believe is very helpful. Not only helpful in the classroom but also in everyones' everyday life. This new technology helps determain how a person is feeling . They discovered many methods . They use our face muscles to see how we are feeling. There is six classified emotions. There is happiness, surprise, anger, disgues, fear and sadness. They'll use their very advanced technology to determain how someone in a picture is feeling or in person.\n\nThe techology is very advanced they are now using it towards ads. They'll see if they should continue putting that ad is it makes you happy or as they \"bring a smile to your face\". If it does not they'll change it and use something else to make you happy. There whole ideal idea is to make people like the thing they are putting out or showing. If the person is showing happiness that will help determain if they like it . I'll show that the person likes the idea and will like to see more of it.\n\nWouldnt you like to see hows a person 100% feeling. With all this new technology we'll always know how someone is . Everyone thought that the Mona Lisa just smiling. No one would've that she was 83% happy , 9% disgusted, 6% fearful and 2% angry. Now we can see how everyone is feeling. Now we can calculate peoples feelings thats just another step to the future. Our technology is getting more advanced and is getting better.\n\nI know alot of people would love this new way to determain peoples feelings. Not just by the way they look now just now a little more detailed. Now we know people arent 100% everything . Students will really find this method really helpful for there work. They can get alot of information then just one thing they can just assume but now they can be very determained in it . This technology is very valuable .", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am absolutely for the new tchnology called Facial Action Coding System. Because this technology can be valuable in more than one way. According to the passage this technology can detect when a student is growing bored and can make the subject more interesting. If that was available for students then learning subjects would be come more memorable, because usually when a student becomes bored he or she tends to \"drift of into space\" and not learn anything that is being taught.\n\nIf you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, then a similar ad would follow and if you frown then the next ad would be different. That technology could make shopping a lot more effecient, more buying what you do like and less of what you do not like. People around the world would be able to get alot more things done and could possibly become smarter. The technology would break down subjects and materials to help you understand things better like an actual human would.\n\nIn conclusion technology this advanced would not only expand the growth of your brain but potentionally expand the growth as a country and in wealth.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTechnology has always been changing. All the changes have improved our lifes for the better or for the worst. One of the newest technology is the Facial Action Coding System (FACS). This system can classify basic emotion by measuring your face muscles. The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. Three reasons for why are it helps modify the lesson, helps read non-verbal communication and helps produce emotions.\n\nMany students have had an online assigment that was boring to them. The teachers might not have realized if the lesson was not interesting or the students didn't understand it, since the students were behind a screen. If the teachers had the FACS, the computer would be able to detect the students emotions and change up the lesson to make it more fun or understandable for the student. This would help the students learn more better by having a lesson that fits them. According to the creator, Dr. Huang, the computor would work like an a human instructor.\n\nThere are two ways a person communications to one another. Those two ways are verbal and nonverbal. According to Dr. Huang, the most human communication is nonverbal. The students use nonverbal communication, mostly to show how they feel about the assignment. So if the tecaher doesn't catch the student emotional expression the computer would. The computer will then notify the teacher about it so he can change up the assignment or explain the assignment better.\n\nMany people who are feeling down, try to fake their smile. Well, according to the creator, FACS would be able to tell if it is forced. It is going to be able to that becuse it will measure the muscles on your face such as the zygomatic major, oculi pars palpabraeus, and the risoriuos. Even if it is fake eventually it would be able to produce actual happiness. This would work in a classroom, if the students are in a acting class and have to fake their facial expression to fit with the scene. The computor comes into this by reading the student's facial expression, and telling the student how the computer thinks the student feels.\n\nIn conclusion, the use of the FACS is valuable. It helps modify the lessions, helps read nonverbal communication, and helps produce emotions. It may come with its flaws, but we will improve it so it can be properly used in classrooms. FACS is the new future of the use of technology that will change the way we learn. Not only would it improve our ways of learning, but also help us understand the science of emotions better.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDuring World War II, 1945, I was traveling the seven seas. I saw many beautiful things outside my window. I think it's a great oppurtunity to get time to spend with yourself and new friends. There are many reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. You should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because you get to travel many places and see beautiful things, you get a lot of free time, and you get to play games like table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games that help pass time.\n\nThe first reason why you should the Seagoing Cowboys program is because you get to travel many places and see beautiful things, like nature. I got to fly to China, Greece, and all over Europe. According to the text, it states: Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special,\" and it also states: It took two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China.\" This explains that you will get to see many things and travel many places, but be patient becasue it takes a while.\n\nAnother good reason about joining the Seagoing Cowboys program is because you get to spend a lot of time by yourself and new friends. I had time to read, and play multiple games there. According to the passage, \"It took two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China.\" and it also states: \"I also found time to have fun on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been reloaded,\" This explains why you could have a lot of freetime on board.\n\nThe last reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program, is because you get to be with animal on board. Now, I know if you're a cowboy, you love animals, so this is a good time to learn about an animal's behavior and learn more about the animal. According to the excerpt, it states: \"UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilition Administration) hired \"Seagoing Cowboys\" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas,\" This explains how you get a lot of free time with animals.\n\nWith these reasons, the Seagoing Cowboy program is a great place. You should join because of these three reasons, I have explained why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. The reasons why you should join are because you get to travel and see beautiful things like nature, you get a lot of free time with yourself and new friends, and you get to be with animals. (You're going to love this if you are an animal lover,)", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nGiant human face discovered on Mars! NASA phototgraphed an image of a landform on Mars specifically a region called Cydonia that showed the feature of a human face. Some think that Face was created by aliens. Although scentific evidence proves that the Face is a natural land form.\n\nWhen the Face first got phototgraphed NASA \"unveiled the image for all to see.\" in an attempt to get people to be more interested in mars. \"Some people think that the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars- evidence that NASA would rahter hide, say conspiracy theorist.\" Yet the article goes on th say \"Few scientis belebed that Face was an alien artifact...\" This means that many scientiss knew that the Face was a landform form the very beginning but only used it to get money for NASA to research more about Mars. Not only this but the weather was not an ideal time for the image to be taken.\n\nWhen the image was taken it was at a certain time, year, and season. \" this on had unusual shadows...\" means that the sun was not hitting it deredctly to elliminate any shawdows that were there. \"But not everyone was satisfied. The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north...where it was winter in April'98-a cloudy time of the year on the Red Plant.\" This proves that the weather does have an effect on the image. Not only that but the image taken at this time was cloudy and reveladed a natural landform. The article goes on to say \"a cloudless summmer day in Cydonia- Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look...Malin's tean captured an extrodinary photo using the carmera's absolute maximum resoluiton.\" Meaning that the image was as clear as it could be and there were no clouds to make the image blurry. \"What the pictue actually shows is the Martian equvialent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West.\" This proves that landforms like these were also seen on Earth and alien did not make it. Plus landforms like it had been seen on Earth\n\nFurther more, this is not the first time a natural landform has been seen on Mars. In the passage it is stated \"Scienetist figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one has unusual shadows that made it look like a Egyptian Pharaoh.\" This means that in the location where the Face was discovered landforms were common and nothing more than natural.\n\nAn image of a face was photographed on Cydonia. NASA proved that the Face is only a natural landform on Mars and with enough eveidence to support it. The giant \"human\" face is just another natural landform and most definatly wasn't created by aliens on Mars.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAre aliens accually real? Scientists have been wondering that for many years. I believe they are not. The Face is just a natural landform.\n\nThe Face was not created by aliens. In fact, NASA\n\nhas no proof that aliens even exist. After all, if they did exist we would have found more creations of theirs by now. Therefore, they do not exist, meaning that the Face is just a natural landform made by weather. NASA has never seen any type of alien life on Mars.\n\nThe Face could not have been created by aliens. The photographs show that the landform changed over time. Although aliens could have changed the creation, it would be very unlikely. The weather could have made the shape of the Face change. Some of the Face could have eroded away. Therefore meaning that aliens do not exist, and the Face is only a natural landform.\n\nOthers say the Face was created by aliens. However, if aliens existed, they would have made more of these exotic creations. If aliens did exist, why would they give themselves up for some landform after they had stayed hidden for so long? The puzzle pieces just don't fit together. It wouldn't make any sense. The creation is not alien made.\n\nThe Face is only a natural landform. It is not something that was created by aliens. In fact, NASA has no proof aliens even exist. They could not say that aliens created it when they have no evidence. In this essay, it is stated that aliens are not real and did not create the Face.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nStudying Venus is a worth pursuit because it can help us in the long run if something happens to earth. In paragraph 4 it states that \"furthermore, recall that venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary vist.\" Also Venus and Earth are the same in many ways. For example, in paragraph 2 it says \"Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance to.\" These were some reasons why Venus it worth to pursuit.\n\nThe reason that Venus should be studyed is in case that Earth populations grows to big for Earth and need more space. In the article in says that NASA has already set ships and since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Its safe to say that this mission is harder than any other, but its not impossible. Venus is probably the best plant to study maybe besides Mars but it had so much incommon with Earth there is chance it may work. In paragraph 4 it says \"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus becasue it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long age, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of live, just like earth.\"Venus and Earth are alike in a lot of ways.\n\nThose are some reasons to study Venus. That planet and our planet are so similar that maybe that could be the next plant we step foot in. It may take decades but if achieved that could be one of our best accomplishments. So maybe think about why it is important to study our galaxy.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe program called Seagoing Cowboys will allow you to experience adventure and vist many unique places. The reason I think this is because he gets to deal with horses every day, which I would love to do that, and when he stops he gets to travel around the cities.\n\nLuke says he gets to care for the animals while he\u00b4s crossing oceans. They had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. Bales of hay and bags of oats had to be pulled up from the lower holds of the ship. Stalles had to be cleand too.\n\nHe says he got the benefit of seeing Europe and China. \u00a8But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special,\u00a8 he says. \u00a8So was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water.\u00a8 Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China.\n\nThis proves to me that the Seagoing Cowboys program trip would be fun. Please consiter this idea.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe autonomous car- a dream of many people for years on years, but it seems that the time has come. We today have the technology and ability to make it happen. Though it may seem marvelous and a load off of the drivers shoulders, maybe taking a deeper look would be beneficial. Is it really as great of an idea as it seems?\n\nAutonomous cars, or self driving cars, have truly been around since 2009 with the company Google. What may suprise people is that these cars do not completely control themselves. There still has to be a person alert and ready to take control at any given moment. The technology for these vehicles is very advanced, but they cannot maneuver through construction sites or back out of drive ways. As amazing as these vehicles are in theory, what is the use of a SEMI-self driving car?\n\nNot only do humans have to be armed and ready to hop to the wheel (or in some cases, keep their hands planted on the wheel at all times), there is never any guarantee that the technology will not fail. If one of the cars were to fail, it would more than likely cause a large wreck and injure at least the driver. Not only is it a safety concern, but also the relationship between the buyer and seller is compromised. If someone were to be injured in a car that was supposed to keep them safe, who is responsible? Is it the blame of the company or the owner of the vehicle?\n\nAs many know, technology can only do what it is programmed to do. A computer cannot console you when your cat dies, neither can an autonomous car make spurt of the moment decisions on what to do. In situations such as somebody quickly pulling out in front of you, the car would slow down too quickly or possibly completely come to a stop. That could cause many safety hazards to the driver and the people around them. If presented with a different, more severe situation, who knows what could happen?\n\nThough there may be some pros to having an autonomous car, they do not out weigh the cons of it. It is far too much of a safety concern to have driverless cars on our roads. Just like people, technology can make mistakes or fail. The idea of driverless cars should be abandonned, for they do not propose any true benefits.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWould paying this exploration be worth it?\n\nIn this article \" The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" it talks about how there are many struggles just to go their,but venus is so close to Earth. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has an intrest in studying Venus too. Accodrding, to this Article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" it is stating even though Venus is a worth pursuit despite the dangers.Their might be human live living in that planet that we do not know about.\n\nEven though their are many risks involved in this exploration. There are many positive sides to this exploration too. They had previously stated that in the artilce there might be a chance that if the Nationa Aeronautics and Space Administraion finds a way to solve the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus we would be able ot float aboce the fray. Accodrding to the article, the arthour had said \" Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the rolling venusian Landscape.Just as out jet airplanes trave at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way\".\n\nMeeting these challenges might be hard at first,but it would all be worth it. The human race would have the insight to be gained on the planet itself,but also our curiosity to explore would likely lead us to many things that we don't know about yet. Like in the 1800s they had the though of computers existing in those days and it sounded shocking to people. These devices would make calculations by using gears and levers do not require electronics at all. It was just an idea back then and it also had positive/negatives sides to it. Then an exploration to Venus would be a downhill and their would be many uphills to it.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face on Mars, is it really what NASA says it is? The Face on Mars is really what they say it is;a face on Mars. Most belivers in the alien world believe that aliens did do it, while most scientist do not. I am a scientist at NASA working on the \"project\" and most scientist believe that it was just a giant mesa or a \"mountain\" or something that was formed by natural effect.\n\nI see why most belivers, in aliens, believe that aliens did it; its out of the ordnary,just not answerable,or because it's more questionable than anything. Now you can go around saying that aliens did do it, but be positve and ahve evidence on why you think that. In April 5, 1998 the Mars Global Surveyor flew over the Cydonia, for the first time ever, and snapped a very \"sharp\" picture of the \"site'.\n\nWeb surfers were anxious while waiting for the image to be reveled on the JPL web page. The image showed what appeared to be just a natural landfoorm, not an alien monument or anything that had to do with aliens at all.\n\nThe belivers in aliens were still not satiisfied on the image they had seen on the internet due to the weather that day. Belivers thougth that the alien makers were just covered up by the haze or fog. Then the next time on April 8, 2001 on a cloudless day the \"reasearchers\" spotted the face again after a complete orbit around Mars and snapper another quick shot. It wasn't as easy as it sounded, they had to roll the spaceraft 25 degrees to the middle so you could see the face entirely.\n\nAfter they had gotten the second picture they \"blew it up\" and made it 3 times bigger than its original size. When that happened, you could see anything and everything else that was around on the planet in that particular spot, if there were any airplanes or any other pyrmids. The picture acutally showed that it is the, Martian equivalent, size of a buttle or (a. k. a. a mesa) which are landforms most commonly made by nature in the American West.\n\n\"It reminds me most of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,\" says Gavin. \"Thats's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.\"\n\nI hope this has convienced you to believe that the picture is real and that aliens did not build it and that the pictures and people that have spoken told you that it is just a natural landform that was created by \"mother-nature.\"", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI feel like the Facial Action Coding System would be valuable for a lot of other things, but I don't think it would really be valuable for seeing what emotions students have because you're going to have a lot of students in a classroom with all different types of emotions. Plus what would it be good for anyway? Why would you need to know the students emotions? I think that it might be an invasion to privacy. I don't think everybody wants people to know how they're feeling and what emotions they're having.\n\nTrying to get information from somebody you don't really know is an invasion of privacy in my opinion. I don't want a teacher that I barley know or if anybody trying to use this know how i'm feeling cause I just don't want people asking how I am all of the time. So if i'm sad and they use the Facial Action Coding System they'll probably think i'm always sad or depressed and feel bad for me and I don't want people feeling bad for me. Or if i'm mad and people know i'm mad and try to talk to me about it and maybe I don't want to talk about it, it would just make me even more mad because I already don't want to talk to anybody.\n\nI think this technology is a great idea dependingon how you use it. Maybe cops can use it so solve crimes and it helps them out, that would be a good use for it. But if you're trying to use it for information on people and knowing what they;re feeling like all of the time isn't cool in my opinion. And maybe people are curious to know what kind of emotions people are having in very old paintings, that would be a great idea. In conclcusion identifying humans emotions is a great idea to not only solve problems but for just being cruious about how people are feeling in not only pictures but in videos to.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author believe that studing Venus could bring good things regradless of its dangers. Life on another planet sounds crazy but Venus once, many years ago had earth like features that could maybe prove that Venus is actually worth studing. The real question is, can research be done on another planet with such high temperatures? I believe the risk isn't worth the struggle but finding put more about Venus could bring many benefits. Author claims yes it could be done with the right equipment but is it worth the risk.\n\nCould people live on another planet with such high temperatures? Well the author claims in the article, \" Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth\" (The Challenge 4). This shows that life possibly existed in Venus many years ago and could maybe in the future carry human life. \"These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals\" (The Challenge 3). With the right equipment, living on Venus could happen in the long future, but would people really what to live as robots in outter space avoiding the risks.\n\nLife on a different planet could bring benefits in the long future. The author brought up many good reasons on why his idea of studing Venus is worthy of trying despite the dangers. With the right techology, maybe the authors claim can be proven and considered as another planet for life.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face is a natural landform for many reasons. I am going to tell you those three reasons.\n\nThe first reason is that all this time from when they first took the picture to the last time they took the picture it has never been touched or even looked like it was messed by anyone. Proving that the so called \"human face made by aliens\" was not only unrealistic but also doubting Nasa, who has been in work since the first time the United states landed on the moon. Reason two, why would you be doubting a group when they have been working on new technoligy for modern space traveling for a long time. Now your doubting Nasa again and saying that the aliens made the \"human Face\". Doubting Nasa on there work they are trained to do. Nasa even had qualified scientists to make sure it was't an alien face and even confirmed it. The third reason is because on April 5, 1998 when Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter camera team snapped pictures ten times sharper and confirmed it was just a natural landform. Once again in April 8, 2001 Nasa proved that it was not a an alien sculpture once again. Garvins said \" it reminded him the most of the middle butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.\" Once again proving that it was not a alien made sculpture.\n\nPeople still might believe that it was an alien made sculpture. But multiple times it has been checked and everytime it was checked with a better camera. Multiple Nasa teams went through checking this out and still proved it to be a landform.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDr. Huang and his collegue developed a way to read emotions. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of your face; all 44 major muscles in the the model must move like a human muscle. Eckman has classified six basic emotions. Thsy want to take it to classes rooms to read students emotions. I feel like that is a terrible idea. Let m explain why, I feel like that is not right if you have a student premission then okay, but for the students that don't want it it will unfair because th technology is still in the room and they don't know if you are testing them. Some people like to keep their emotions to theirselfs. I feel that it should stay that way. The technology isn't even valuable. I mean no student is going to be like yes im fine with you seeing all my emotions. Like what are you gainning on see the students emotions ? How much they hate or love a class ? Honestly I think this techology is useless. This is why I think this techology isn't very valuable...", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWould driverless car make our life easier? Would driveless car eleminate accidents. Google had invented the driverless car that is not conpletely driveless. In some cases, human still has to control the vehicle such as going around accident. Driverless car are improving more and more and by 2020 some car companies are trying to have cars that can drive themselves. Driverless car are not nacessary because they are not driverless completely, most states do not allow computer driven car to be tested, and new law may need to pass to recover liability in the accident case.\n\nWhy would you want to drive the driveless car that still require human skill? Driverless cars are not completely driveless. Driverless cars can steer, brake, and accelerate themself but when the driver has to navugate through work zones and around accidents, it require human skill, so human driver need to be alert and ready to take over the stituation if required. If driverless car may require driver, it is still better to just drive a normal car because even if you drive a driveless car, you must be alert to ready to take control over the car if nacessary.\n\nComputer cars are not allowed in most states. Presently traffic laws are written for the human drivers. The traffic laws are written with the assumption that only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. If it is illegal to drive computer driven car, it is not helpful to buy a driverless car because you may not drive the car that you bought, so it would not be nacessary for you.\n\nNew law may need in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. In a case where driverless couldn't take control, human may has to control. If accident has happened, would it be a human error or techonology error. The techonology is not completely safe because driverless cars are not completely driverless.\n\nDriverless car are not necessary for us. Driverless care still nee human to handle in some cases, so the techonology is not completely safe. It is not legle for computer driven cars to be tested in most states because the law assume human driver should be in control to be safe while traveling. New law may need to pass for the case of accident if the accident is human fault or techonology falt. Driverless would not make our life a lot more safer, so we do not need driverless car.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\ni dont think that having driverless cars would be a great idea. i think this because there could always be something that could go wrong if your going at high speeds such as if you were to hit a bump then the steering wheel would jemp in a certain direction which could cause for an accident. also if there was an accident resulting in injury or death who would be held accountable for that? the driver or the manufacturer of the \"self driving car\"? i feel like it would also be alot safer to be driving and ready and focused instead of having to pay attention to the road only a certain amount of time and directing your attention towards something else. i also feel as if it would be safer to have a driver in the car because what if you may see something that the car cant like something coming to the side of you and the car didnt react quick enough.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAre you looking for a fun and awsome opportunity? Well you have come to the right place. Here at the UNRRA, we need help, your help!\n\nHere at the UNRRA you can do lots of things to help different countires. Such as being a Seagoing Cowboy. Retired Seagoing Cowboys have a special message to you.\n\n\"Hi! I'm Luke. I am a retiered Seagoing Cowboy. It all started the day my friend asked me to go to Europe with him. In 1945 my friend Don(also a retiered Seagoing cowboy) signed us up for the journey. I know what you are probably asking, Luke what do Seagoing Cowboys do? We get on ships and help take care of horses and cattle on the way to countries in need. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is amazing, not only because you get to help people and different countries, but you get to see different places and things. For example, I have seen Europe and China form doing this. I have also seen the Acropolis in Greece and taken a godola ride in Venice, Italy. It does take a lot of time to be a Seagoing Cowboy, but it is so worth it. I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity. It made me more aware of people and other counrtries. I now host a number of international students and exchange visitors.\"\n\nI hope you enjoyed that message from Luke. I aslo hope it inspired you to join the UNRRA.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAn unusual face was spotted by Viking 1 in 1976. Looking at evidence that were provided, it shows that the \"unusual face\" found on Mars was just a mistake. Even though they had picture of the unusual face the first time they spotted, it was a really blurry one so it created illusions for people to make it look like there was actually a face on there. It was later proven by Mars Global Surveyor that it was just a natural landform on Mars using photography. Therefore, pictures don't lie which makes the \"unusual face\" just another natural landform.\n\nIn 1998, the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia, where the unusual face was found, to snap a picture of the unusual face which was ten times sharper than the Viking photos. Since the picture was pretty clear, it reveal what was actually there on Mar's surface. It proved that it was just a natural landform and that it wasn't any alien monument. People may say that since it's winter it was the cloudy time to of the year of for Mars so other things such as clouds could've had an effect on the picture but it doesn't change the fact that it's just a landform no matter how unsatified the people were.\n\nIn addition, NASA unveiled the image saying that it was just a huge rock formation. They noted that it resembles a human head because of the shadows. It was creating illusions for human eyes so they didn't see the actual object but instead they saw a face on Mars. Although, some scientists believed that the face was an alien artifact which was what got Mars Glbal Surveyor to even begin taking pictures of Mars to prove that it was just a natural landform. Overall, the face on Mars is just an illusion even though some people believe it's real.\n\nHowever, people might think it's real. Looking at the evidence provided by the Vikings which was the first photo of the face on Mars, it really resembled an Egyptian Pharaoh. Even a few scientist believed that it was an alien artifact and it even became a pop icon. It was starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines and radio talk shows which mean people actually believed it. The face on Mars attracted many people's attention. Which is why people could say it's real since the majority believes it but what really matter is how it's proven. It was proven using a camera that snap pictures clearly. Everyone was later informed that it was just a natural landformed because of the picture taken in 2001.\n\nIn conclusion, the face found on Mars was just a natural landform that looked like a face because of a blurry picture taken by the Vikings in 1976. Many scientists and people believed that it was real but it was just an illusion to the human eyes. In 2001, Marlin's team took a snap of the face on Mars which prove that it was just a natural landform. Garvin compared it to the landforms on Earth so that people could understand and believe that it was just a natural landform. Therefore, the picture taken in 2001 was an evidence that proved that the unusual face found on Mars was just a natural landform.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMay i just say that i love the way our we vote and how the Electoral College chooses our prseident and vice president for us. I know that we aren't actually voting for the president our electors of our states do that. They may consider our votes but in the end they decide who our state chooses for president. The canidates have to have a majority of 270 electoral votes to win the right to be president. In reality, the people should be the ones to vote for the president not the Electoral College. We should be able to decide who we want to be the president of the United States to be.\n\n\"The electoral college process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president.\"(source 1 paragraph 2, the office of the federal register). See we don't actually chose our president even though we should be able too. We are the people of the United States and it's a free country, we shouldn't rely on the electors for our state to chose who the president will be. We shouldn't have to worry if the Electoral College will chose the right person for our country. We should be able to make the right decision and not rely on other people to make the choice for us.\n\nAbolishing the Electoral College is a good thing because we Americans dont deserve to come second. \"Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president.\"(source 2\u00a0 paragraph 10, Bradford Plumer).The electoral college could make a mistake and choose the wrong person to be our president but we Americans know whats 's best for our country, but sometimes we don't always get what we want. We don't decide who the president and that is wrong, but sometimes we have to deal with things we don't like.\n\nMany people will argue with my decision of abolishing the Electoral College. \"The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have a tran-regional appeal.\"( source 3 paragraph 19, Richard A. Posner). Apparently the Electoral College restores weight back in to the political balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment.\n\nYes there may be very\u00a0 good arguements about keeping the Electoral College but we should be able to vote for our president. We should have someone we dont even know vote for our president, we love our country and we want what's best for it. What is best for our country is allowing the people vote for the president not the Electoral College.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI claim that the author explained well about studying Venus is a worthy pursuit even though it's dangerous.\n\nThe author explained a lot about why scientists should study the Venus despite the dangers. In paragraph 3, author talked about the challenges in Venus while exploring; \"Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahenheit, and the atomospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our planet.\" The author talked about the condition and why it's a dangerous because of the condition there.\n\nIn opposite of that, the author talked more about why it is a challenge to study the Venus in details with giving examples rather than just saying to the readers it's dangerous but it's worthy studying and explain it's okay to exploring the Venus because it's worthy pursuit. He/she explained about why it is dangerous to study the Venus. In paragraph 5, author talked about the NASA, that they have idea for the way to sending human to the Venus because they found out that it might be possible for scientists to floating in Venus so they can explore there to study. In the text it stated,\"The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has on particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imaging a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape.\" The author explained well about NASA's idea by giving examples with the reasons. Also in paragraph 7, the author also talked about the NASA's other approaches to studying Venus. In the text it says, \"NASA is working on other approaches to study Venus.\" It's showing that there are several ways to go to the Venus, study and exploring, it's survivalable.\n\nIn conclusion, many people might say it is really a challenge and a dangerous for humans to go to the Venus, but after reading this passage, they would change their mind or at least think about these possibilities. As the author explaining why it's a challenge for exploring the Venus, he/she talked about that in detail. Also, the title of this article \"The Challange of Exploring Venus\" can give interests to all the people, whether they support exploring Venus despite of danger or not.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear state senator,\n\nI feel as though the electoral college is unfair and irrational. It has messed up so many things in the past as well as the present. The presidential elections would be more truthful about who should win compared to the system of voting we have now. This voting system is untruthful, bias, not fair to everyone else that votes as well. If the entire United States were to vote, the votes would be more honest and real. In my opinion, it is almost crucial to hear what your people have to say about the country they live in, therefore it is important to know who we want as our president.\n\nBecause we have people of a higher authority standing in for us and voting for the president, it becomes untruthful. Some of these people just vote for whom ever they want, and when something this big is just thrown out the window like that, it is the deciding factor between a good\\bad leader of our country; or even whether or not the best president was chosen. But those votes that are just voted at random to say that they did their part in the election are not honest votes. These people with higher authority dont care who wins,[some of them anyway], and that his hurting the human population in the U.S..\n\nNot only is it untruthful, it develops to be bias as well. People tend to use their personal feelings fro someone as an advantage or even disadvantage. When someone does not like a person, they can not look passed that, and during an election as big as this one, you have to be able to look passed the fact that you may dislike them and ask yourself: \"Would this person be a good, strong leader and role model for our country?\". Same way goes if you like someone, it is not right to vote for someone just because you think they are a good person, there are far more factors needed when running a country. You should ask yourself the same question: \"Would this person be a good, strong leader and role model for our country?\".\n\nThe people of the U.S. would most definitly like to have a say in who runs their country, but with the electortal college, they can not do so. The people with higher authority such as the present president, and the senators, etc. should want to hear what their people have to say, as well as use it and put it into perspective. We should decide who runs the country we live in, not just people of \"higher rank\". Please put this into perspective and help us do something about it.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI don't think having technology to read emotions is a valuable thing. People did it before technology ever did. We have been doing it all our lives. It would be just another thing technology can do,so we don't have to and I don't think it's a good idea. No I don't think it is a valuable thing for students.\n\nI could see where people would think it was a good idea to have something like this.For example the Mona Lisa now we know for a factede she was happy and smiling. With all this new techonogly coming out making our life easier the less brain cell we use. If you think about it like I have\n\npeople use to mimorize their moms numbers. Now it's all at the touch of a botton the have it. people had to write so the had to able to spell words, and have decent hand writing. Now a days people aren't sure how to spell.\n\nThanks to auto correct we don't have to. If it\n\nlooks right good if not oh well. People had to have\n\nbooks to actually learn the stuff now we don't have to know anything long tirme. Why when you have google? Now dont get me wrong I use technology but something are better left the alone. To have a computor be able read you emotions is just not something the youth needs right now. To make the ad's you see better. The youth just needs to stay how it is ,or go back to the older days. When you actually had to know what you where reading and writing.\n\nSo no I don't think this is a valuable thing for students to have. Kids need to work out ever part of their brain and I feel like this will not help. More the less get in the way. Of what kid's need to strive for these days. Yes this is a new age but a computor that can tell if you don't like an ad just seem a bit over the top. What about finding away to get kids in to healthier mindsets? Whats going on in todays world I really don't think an emotion scaning computor is one.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by stating facts about Venus and stating how humans are curious about studying Venus.\n\nThe author states why people are fascinated about studying Venus at first in the text.\n\nThe text states in paragraph 4 line 2-4 \" Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-liike planet in our solar system.\"\n\nThis shows why astronomers want to study Venus in the first place.\n\nThen, the author states interesting facts about Venus in paragraph 3 to show how dangerous but intriguing Venus is.\n\nThe text states in paragraph 3 in lines 2-3 \"Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere.\"\n\nThe text also states in paragraph 3 in lines 3-6 \" On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.\"\n\nThis shows how the author uses facts about Venus to show how interesting the planet is.\n\nFinally, the author shows that NASA is having problems and is trying to find a way around Venus and its hostile atmosphere to uncover more knowledge about Venus.\n\nThe text states in paragraph 6 lines 1-5 \"However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective,\" and in paragraph 6 lines 5-6 state \"More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock,gaas, or anything else, from a distance.\n\nThe text also states in paragraph 6 lines 9-11 \"Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus.\"\n\nThis shows how tough it is and how hard they are working to study Venus and uncover it's mysteries.\n\nThis shows how the author supports the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by stating facts about Venus, stating how humans are curious about studying Venus and how well the author supported this idea.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIntroduction: ''Calculate'' emotion like math homework? And how can a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel?\n\nInteiductiuon: ''Calculation'' every day.\n\nFor instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.\n\nIntroduction: ''Putting a happy face'' actually works!\n\nBody1. Emotions are so important to everyone because without emotions there's no happy life. Being happy sad in life is not a chioce its either you happy or sad. All lide ask you to just to be happy i know it might not be happen all the time but we have to making happen. Being happy is a choice for yourself in life nobody your make day you have to make ypu own choice. When you make good choice in life you make your life more easliy.\n\nBody2.''Calculation'' every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Calculation every day is not a bad choice if you just know what you doing. Life is not that hard i thought it would be sometimes we just need sometimes to think about our life. Sometimes i keep asking myself why others can't put themselves together and be a parther and why they treat humans like them bad. Its doesn't matter anymore in this world if God died for us and he forgive us we have to the same thing to others. Forgiveness is a big choice, all we need right now is to have a big smile in our face i know it gonna be hard but if we trust in ourself we can do it nothing is hard in life you just give it a try.\n\nBody3.''Putting a haappy a actually works! Yes it does sometime but not all the time most of the time it works just the way you needed. The Mona lisa demonstration is really intended to bring smile. Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad. Constatin stanislausky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and creating these amotion on stage.\n\nconlusion. Emotion are so important to everyone because without emotions thete's no happy life. Being happy and sad in is not a choice its either happy or sad. ''Calculation'' every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend simply by look on her face! imagine a computer that knows when you're happy orsad. Constantion stanislusky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and creating emotions on stage.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that using the new technology called the Facial Action Coding System will be valuable to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. The FACS (Facial Action Coding System) can calculate the emotional expressions that are given on your face. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the faces. This calculating can result in to participation in the classroom. It can tell what all the students are feeling so the teacher can help them to get back to work on what subject they are working on.\n\nThere are muscles that can signify what a person is feeling, and the FACS can do that job. The FACS then looks at the characteristic of the movements in the face. By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions. And they figure out these emotions by comparing a neutral face, which is showing no emotion. Humans also use this method to see how or what someone feels.\n\nThe FACS is really valuable to read the faces of students in a classroom. Its expected to show brilliant work in the software industries. And the FACS can modify the lessons on how the classrooms feelings are. The FACS is the next software to be used. And i think it is valuable to use in a classromm of students.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are an integrated part of our society, but they are becoming less and less popular as the years progress.\u00a0 There are many advantages to limited use of cars.\u00a0 By restricting or eliminating the use of cars, the world would be a greener, safer place.\n\nFirst and foremost is the fact that green house gas emissions could be cut by up to fifty percent in places like the United States. According to Robert Duffer, after restricting driving in Paris, the French city saw the sky clear after just a few days.\u00a0 Elizabeth Rosenthal and Andrew Selsky agree that the reduction of car usage would result in a significant decrease in smog and carbon emissions.\n\nThe most significant effect, however, would be the safety of cyclists, joggers, and children playing in the street.\u00a0 Every parent worries about their child being hit by a careless driver, so reducing the usage of cars would make car accidents virtually nonexistant.\u00a0 Elizabeth Rosenthalsays that in Vauban, the \"swish of bicycle chains and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional motor.\"\u00a0 It sounds like heaven, but really it is only a group of people that are dedicated to a safer, greener world.\n\nFinally we have a world full of conveniences for us, but if we continue to treat it this way, it won't survive much longer.\u00a0 The Earth won't be around forever, but we should do everything we can to prolong its life.\u00a0 By limiting car usage, we can make the world a safer place for everyone, as well as a healty, beautiful place to live.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWould you like to have a computer driving you everywhere all the time? Well that is exactly what most vehicle manufacturers are working on, anf the stide they are making in the tech are amazing. But is a fully automated vehicle really what the world needs?\n\nI agree that the idea of a car driving itself is really cool and would be benificial to humanity, but a fully automated car just won't do. A car that moves on its own all the time is bound to mess up, especially when there is something unforseen in the road like a car you have been tailing for awhile suddenly brakes to avoid hitting a deer anf you smash into the rear of his car because the computer couldn't react fast enough.\n\nThat is why I propose we make cars that are half automatic and halfhuman controlled. That would be great, imagine that same scenario, but this time instead of trusting the car to brake on its own, you stomp your foot on that brake and the car stops.\n\nI'm not saying we shouldn't have self driving cars, i'm just saying adding the ability for the human in the front seat to take over couldn't hurt, might even help save lives.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"The Challenges of Exploring Venus,\" the author suggests that studying Venus is a wothy, but dangerous pursuit. The author uses details in his passage to explain why he thinks that Venus is wothy of studying.\n\nIn paragraph two, the author writes \"venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density a nd size, and occasionally the closest in distance too.\" This one way that the author explains why we should study Venus, becuase it is the planet that is related to Earth. This can put a thought into your head such as \"maybe there can be human life on Venus one day since it is kind of like Earth.\" In paragraph three, the author states \"Astronomers are fasinated ny Venus because it may as well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\" The author also states,\"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely wtih oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\" This tells us that there could have once been life on Venus and also that astronomers believe that studying Venus is important as well, due to its similarities to Earth.\n\nIn this, I conclude that the author well supports his idea of the importance of studying Venus, even if it is dangerous. He gives many details as well as facts from NASA and other astronomical places about why it is important to study Venus.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe development of driverless cars will be a beneficial aspect on the world as it progresses in the future. The development of these cars will ensure the safety of the driver/passenger and outside pedestrians and drivers. this development in cars will also make driving less straining for the driver as it requires careful attention when on the road. Therefore, the development of driverless cars can be supported as a beneficial aspect to revolutionize the world.\n\nWhen it comes to safety and accidents, cars tend to be always involve those factors. Many daily drivers make the road a more dangerous place because they dont have there full atttention on the road. instead, are distracted by other factors such as texting, or anything thats causes them to take their eyes off the road. with the development of driverless cars, they can ensure the guaranteed saftey of the driver as they will be completeley imobolized to hazardous mistakes. according to the article \"The Driverless Cars Are Coming\", the author states that \"most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers\". In this case, it shows that safety is only ensured when drivers are alert. because not all drivers are alert in the real world, saftey can't be guaranteed. This safety can be guaranteed to driverless cars which prime function is to transport; incapable of submission to outside forces.\n\nDriving as previously stated requires plentiful attention to the road and your surroundings. this however, can be straining to the driver due to being restrained to look at the road for a long peiod of time and hands becoming sore from grasping the steering wheel. Driverless cars can relieve the burden of that due to them having control of driving themselves. the driver can instead relax, enetertain himself, and or sleep if exhausted from a busy day. In the article, the author states that enetrtainment/ information systems can be turned off when the driver needs to take over, implying that the driver only needs to be engaged when necessary rather than 100% of the time.\n\nIn conclusion, the development of driverless cars can be seen as a great innovation to the safety of the world and drivers among it . People will no longer need to feel the heavy burden of ensuring to remain alert when not fully engaged, or the tense suffering of driving over a period of time. The development of driverless cars will indeed be a positive aspect on drivers global.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe United States of America is constantly referred to as the \"Land of the Free\", but if\n\nAmerica really was the land of those who are free, why can't an American Citizen vote for their presidential candidate? It's ridiculous that people have to spend a day voting for a group of people who then will vote for the presidential candidate they want. It's a waste of time. The election should be changed to popular vote due to the fact that their is always the uncertainty of which presidential candidate the elector will ultimately choose, American Citizens don't get the option to have their political voices heard, and there is a lack of representation.\n\nWhen the American citizen chooses the electors that are in favor of who they want, they have no idea whether or not the elector they choose will ultimately select the presidential candidate they want. As Bradford Plumer states in\n\nThe Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong , \"Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and those electors could always defy the will of the people.\" There is no absolute guarantee that the elector selected will vote for that presidential candidate which is one of the many reasons that the electoral college could result in something disastrous.\n\nIt almost seems pointless to even have American Citizens vote. They do not vote for the presidential candidates of their choice. As written in paragraph 10 of\n\nThe Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong , \"Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, bur for a slate of electors who in turn elect the president.\" It's much simpler to just vote directly for the president that way it is easier to determine and makes so that every vote counts.\n\nThe electoral college does not fully represent every single citizen in a state. Richard A.\n\nPosner in\n\nIn Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing a president , that,\"..the Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carryint their state-Democrats in Texas, for example, or Republicans in California.\" There are states that are mostly one certain political party, so of course they will want to vote for their party's presidential candidate. This causes the other party's vote to be practically irrelevant which will cause a person to not even bother voting.\n\nThe electoral college is outdated and should be changed. The popular vote represents every citizen fairly. It also is directly voting for the presidential candidate instead of voting for a group of electors that is just a waste of time. Popular vote eliminates the uncertainty that electors bring. Overall, popular vote is a winning situation for all of America and causes the title \"Land of the Free\" to actually apply and make sense.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nthe aurtor gives a strong reson why we should study venus dispite the dangers if venius. by giving the resons why studing venus will give us a more knowladge of how the world works, and how it will helps us with scientific advancements that are made for the need of using towads studing venus and with thoese advancements will help us learn more about earth itself. As he states in his writing that NASA\n\nis using electronics made from silicon carbide in a chamber simulatng the chaos of venus's surface and he talked about the envision of a computer that made calculations by useing gears and leavels and do not use electronics at all.\n\nso do to the tech they would develope do to needing to help them study venus's surface. would infact help us advance in science as well as technology. which gives us more of an understandment of how the world works.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis artical shows that Dr. Huang could maybe idntify human emotions on an computer, but they would have to scan your face to prove exactly what you might be feeling. They use Leonardo da Vincie's Renaissance painting, Mona Lisa -- as an example; when they do this they say that she is 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful and 2% angry. But, How could a computer read your emoitions? Could we really ues this in a classroom to help identify students emotions lke they did in Leonardo da\n\nVincie's Renaissance painting, Mona Lisa --. In the aritcal it says that this computer could see if a student is confused or bored. Dr. Huang predicts \"That it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\", but if this computer is doing all of this then would there be a need for schools or teachers. This new tecnology is making as though this emotion reading computer could be placed in you're home and then you're children could just learn there. THe reason i say this is because if it can tell when a student is bored or confused then what would happen if the other students are getting it then it changes just so one student could understand it. Would that confuse the other students, or would it help everyone in the long run? Maybe they do have a good idea and maybe it really could help., but I also this it could hurt as well. It could put school teachers out of a jod. this computer could making it to were there is no need for schools because this computer could be instaled into your house and your childeren could just learn at home. Along with them learning at home this computer could tell them other ways to understand the work by reading their facsal expretions and emotions.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFrom riding horses with wagons to, drivng cars. this has been a big impact on everyones life. some people drive their cars to get place to place. Others either ride a bike or even they walk to get to where they need to be. In other words some people use cars and some people dont have the money to or just dont want to. So the qeustion remains does not having cars have a affect on our lifes?\n\nPerhaps people think that everyone in the world needs a car that is not true. For example:In the artical Heidrun Walter said that\"When i had a car i was always so tense. Im much happier this way.\" He said this because he even moved to Vauban where 70% of the families do not own cars and 57% sold their cars to move there. my next example will be by David Goldberg he says: \"all of our development since ww2 has been centered on the car, and that will have to change. And i think he is right most people in the world are focuse on what knd of car to get and how much they cost. Well maybe we as the people should spen a little less time on cars and a little more on how to better the economy.\n\nNext, In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency is promoting \"car reduced\" communities, and legislators are starting to act, if cautiously. Because if this happening it will end up that the world will have less accidents on the roads and highways so that means that we will have less people dying becaues of the accidents. For my next example: Vauban homes are 5500 residents within a rectangular square mile, may be the most advanced experiment in low-car suburban life. But its basic precepts are being adopted around the world in attempts to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation, with less space for paking. In this new approch, stores are placed a walk away, on main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway.\n\nThe other way to look at it is that hw are people going to get to work? How are they going to get to the store? Well how are people going to do all these thinds if the dont have a car. If all the car in the world was banned that woould be a bad idea because people would have to star knowing all of the bus,train and subway scheduals so that they would be able to get to work on time. But if they had a car they would not have to do all of that they would just get in to their car and go. Another reason what if you miss your ride to work and your already late then you would have to make a choice to either what for another bus or walk to work either way you are going to end up be late to work. this plan only works if everything that you want and need are very close to where you live and most of the time everything that we want and need are not even close to where we live and way to far to walk.\n\nPeople all over the world depend a lot on cars but we shouldnt. A lot of time i think that people in america are just being lazy. If you think about it if we take all the cars away then we wouldnt have to pay for gas,insurance, or for that matter buy a car. If we do this everything would be much closer together and it would be in walkin distance and you would be able to save a lot of money.", "label": 4}] \ No newline at end of file