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- sections:
- local: index
title: Home
- local: quickstart
title: Quickstart
- local: installation
title: Installation
- local: changes
title: Changelog
title: Get started
- sections:
- local: feature_extraction
title: Using Pretrained Models as Feature Extractors
- local: training_script
title: Training With The Official Training Script
- local: hf_hub
title: Share and Load Models from the 🤗 Hugging Face Hub
title: Tutorials
- sections:
- local: models
title: Model Summaries
- local: results
title: Results
- local: models/adversarial-inception-v3
title: Adversarial Inception v3
- local: models/advprop
title: AdvProp (EfficientNet)
- local: models/big-transfer
title: Big Transfer (BiT)
- local: models/csp-darknet
title: CSP-DarkNet
- local: models/csp-resnet
title: CSP-ResNet
- local: models/csp-resnext
title: CSP-ResNeXt
- local: models/densenet
title: DenseNet
- local: models/dla
title: Deep Layer Aggregation
- local: models/dpn
title: Dual Path Network (DPN)
- local: models/ecaresnet
title: ECA-ResNet
- local: models/efficientnet
title: EfficientNet
- local: models/efficientnet-pruned
title: EfficientNet (Knapsack Pruned)
- local: models/ensemble-adversarial
title: Ensemble Adversarial Inception ResNet v2
- local: models/ese-vovnet
title: ESE-VoVNet
- local: models/fbnet
title: FBNet
- local: models/gloun-inception-v3
title: (Gluon) Inception v3
- local: models/gloun-resnet
title: (Gluon) ResNet
- local: models/gloun-resnext
title: (Gluon) ResNeXt
- local: models/gloun-senet
title: (Gluon) SENet
- local: models/gloun-seresnext
title: (Gluon) SE-ResNeXt
- local: models/gloun-xception
title: (Gluon) Xception
- local: models/hrnet
title: HRNet
- local: models/ig-resnext
title: Instagram ResNeXt WSL
- local: models/inception-resnet-v2
title: Inception ResNet v2
- local: models/inception-v3
title: Inception v3
- local: models/inception-v4
title: Inception v4
- local: models/legacy-se-resnet
title: (Legacy) SE-ResNet
- local: models/legacy-se-resnext
title: (Legacy) SE-ResNeXt
- local: models/legacy-senet
title: (Legacy) SENet
- local: models/mixnet
title: MixNet
- local: models/mnasnet
title: MnasNet
- local: models/mobilenet-v2
title: MobileNet v2
- local: models/mobilenet-v3
title: MobileNet v3
- local: models/nasnet
title: NASNet
- local: models/noisy-student
title: Noisy Student (EfficientNet)
- local: models/pnasnet
title: PNASNet
- local: models/regnetx
title: RegNetX
- local: models/regnety
title: RegNetY
- local: models/res2net
title: Res2Net
- local: models/res2next
title: Res2NeXt
- local: models/resnest
title: ResNeSt
- local: models/resnet
title: ResNet
- local: models/resnet-d
title: ResNet-D
- local: models/resnext
title: ResNeXt
- local: models/rexnet
title: RexNet
- local: models/se-resnet
title: SE-ResNet
- local: models/selecsls
title: SelecSLS
- local: models/seresnext
title: SE-ResNeXt
- local: models/skresnet
title: SK-ResNet
- local: models/skresnext
title: SK-ResNeXt
- local: models/spnasnet
title: SPNASNet
- local: models/ssl-resnet
title: SSL ResNet
- local: models/swsl-resnet
title: SWSL ResNet
- local: models/swsl-resnext
title: SWSL ResNeXt
- local: models/tf-efficientnet
title: (Tensorflow) EfficientNet
- local: models/tf-efficientnet-condconv
title: (Tensorflow) EfficientNet CondConv
- local: models/tf-efficientnet-lite
title: (Tensorflow) EfficientNet Lite
- local: models/tf-inception-v3
title: (Tensorflow) Inception v3
- local: models/tf-mixnet
title: (Tensorflow) MixNet
- local: models/tf-mobilenet-v3
title: (Tensorflow) MobileNet v3
- local: models/tresnet
title: TResNet
- local: models/wide-resnet
title: Wide ResNet
- local: models/xception
title: Xception
title: Model Pages
isExpanded: false
- sections:
- local: reference/models
title: Models
- local: reference/data
title: Data
- local: reference/optimizers
title: Optimizers
- local: reference/schedulers
title: Learning Rate Schedulers
title: Reference