/* * This file is part of the AdvanceSCAN project. * * Copyright (C) 2002 Andrea Mazzoleni * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "portable.h" #include "lib/endianrw.h" #include "lib/mng.h" #include "pngex.h" #include #include using namespace std; void png_compress(shrink_t level, data_ptr& out_ptr, unsigned& out_size, const unsigned char* img_ptr, unsigned img_scanline, unsigned img_pixel, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned dx, unsigned dy) { data_ptr fil_ptr; unsigned fil_size; unsigned fil_scanline; data_ptr z_ptr; unsigned z_size; unsigned i; unsigned char* p0; fil_scanline = dx * img_pixel + 1; fil_size = dy * fil_scanline; z_size = oversize_zlib(fil_size); fil_ptr = data_alloc(fil_size); z_ptr = data_alloc(z_size); p0 = fil_ptr; for(i=0;i= prev_size || prev_ptr[j] != pal_ptr[j] || prev_ptr[j+1] != pal_ptr[j+1] || prev_ptr[j+2] != pal_ptr[j+2])) j += 3; dst_ptr[dst_size++] = i / 3; /* first index */ dst_ptr[dst_size++] = (j / 3) - 1; /* last index */ while (i < j) { dst_ptr[dst_size++] = pal_ptr[i++]; dst_ptr[dst_size++] = pal_ptr[i++]; dst_ptr[dst_size++] = pal_ptr[i++]; } } if (dst_size == 1) { out_ptr = 0; out_size = 0; free(dst_ptr); } else { out_ptr = dst_ptr; out_size = dst_size; } } void png_print_chunk(unsigned type, unsigned char* data, unsigned size) { char tag[5]; unsigned i; be_uint32_write(tag, type); tag[4] = 0; cout << tag << setw(8) << size; switch (type) { case ADV_MNG_CN_MHDR : if (size < 28) { cout << " invalid chunk size"; break; } cout << " width:" << be_uint32_read(data+0) << " height:" << be_uint32_read(data+4) << " frequency:" << be_uint32_read(data+8); cout << " simplicity:" << be_uint32_read(data+24); cout << "(bit"; for(i=0;i<32;++i) { if (be_uint32_read(data+24) & (1 << i)) { cout << "," << i; } } cout << ")"; break; case ADV_MNG_CN_DHDR : if (size < 4) { cout << " invalid chunk size"; break; } cout << " id:" << be_uint16_read(data+0); switch (data[2]) { case 0 : cout << " img:unspecified"; break; case 1 : cout << " img:png"; break; case 2 : cout << " img:jng"; break; default: cout << " img:?"; break; } switch (data[3]) { case 0 : cout << " delta:entire_replacement"; break; case 1 : cout << " delta:block_addition"; break; case 2 : cout << " delta:block_alpha_addition"; break; case 3 : cout << " delta:block_color_addition"; break; case 4 : cout << " delta:block_replacement"; break; case 5 : cout << " delta:block_alpha_replacement"; break; case 6 : cout << " delta:block_color_replacement"; break; case 7 : cout << " delta:no_change"; break; default: cout << " delta:?"; break; } if (size >= 12) { cout << " width:" << be_uint32_read(data + 4) << " height:" << be_uint32_read(data + 8); } if (size >= 20) { cout << " x:" << (int)be_uint32_read(data + 12) << " y:" << (int)be_uint32_read(data + 16); } break; case ADV_MNG_CN_FRAM : if (size >= 1) { cout << " mode:" << (unsigned)data[0]; } if (size > 1) { i = 1; while (i < size && data[i]!=0) ++i; cout << " len:" << i-1; if (size >= i+2) { cout << " delay_mode:" << (unsigned)data[i+1]; } if (size >= i+3) { cout << " timeout:" << (unsigned)data[i+2]; } if (size >= i+4) { cout << " clip:" << (unsigned)data[i+3]; } if (size >= i+5) { cout << " syncid:" << (unsigned)data[i+4]; } if (size >= i+9) { cout << " tick:" << be_uint32_read(data+i+5); } if (size >= i+13) { cout << " timeout:" << be_uint32_read(data+i+9); } if (size >= i+14) { cout << " dt:" << (unsigned)data[i+10]; } if (size >= i+15) { cout << " ..."; } } break; case ADV_MNG_CN_DEFI : if (size < 2) { cout << " invalid chunk size"; break; } cout << " id:" << be_uint16_read(data+0); if (size >= 3) { switch (data[2]) { case 0 : cout << " visible:yes"; break; case 1 : cout << " visible:no"; break; default : cout << " visible:?"; break; } } if (size >= 4) { switch (data[3]) { case 0 : cout << " concrete:abstract"; break; case 1 : cout << " concrete:concrete"; break; default : cout << " concrete:?"; break; } } if (size >= 12) { cout << " x:" << (int)be_uint32_read(data + 4) << " y:" << (int)be_uint32_read(data + 8); } if (size >= 28) { cout << " left:" << be_uint32_read(data + 12) << " right:" << be_uint32_read(data + 16) << " top:" << be_uint32_read(data + 20) << " bottom:" << be_uint32_read(data + 24); } break; case ADV_MNG_CN_MOVE : if (size < 13) { cout << " invalid chunk size"; break; } cout << " id_from:" << be_uint16_read(data+0) << " id_to:" << be_uint16_read(data+2); switch (data[4]) { case 0 : cout << " type:replace"; break; case 1 : cout << " type:add"; break; default : cout << " type:?"; break; } cout << " x:" << (int)be_uint32_read(data + 5) << " y:" << (int)be_uint32_read(data + 9); break; case ADV_MNG_CN_PPLT : if (size < 1) { cout << " invalid chunk size"; break; } switch (data[0]) { case 0 : cout << " type:replacement_rgb"; break; case 1 : cout << " type:delta_rgb"; break; case 2 : cout << " type:replacement_alpha"; break; case 3 : cout << " type:delta_alpha"; break; case 4 : cout << " type:replacement_rgba"; break; case 5 : cout << " type:delta_rgba"; break; default : cout << " type:?"; break; } i = 1; while (i + 1 < size) { unsigned ssize; cout << " " << (unsigned)data[i] << ":" << (unsigned)data[i+1]; if (data[0] == 0 || data[1] == 1) ssize = 3; else if (data[0] == 2 || data[1] == 3) ssize = 1; else ssize = 4; i += 2 + (data[i+1] - data[i] + 1) * ssize; } break; case ADV_PNG_CN_IHDR : if (size < 13) { cout << " invalid chunk size"; break; } cout << " width:" << be_uint32_read(data) << " height:" << be_uint32_read(data + 4); cout << " depth:" << (unsigned)data[8]; cout << " color_type:" << (unsigned)data[9]; cout << " compression:" << (unsigned)data[10]; cout << " filter:" << (unsigned)data[11]; cout << " interlace:" << (unsigned)data[12]; break; } cout << endl; } void png_write(adv_fz* f, unsigned pix_width, unsigned pix_height, unsigned pix_pixel, unsigned char* pix_ptr, unsigned pix_scanline, unsigned char* pal_ptr, unsigned pal_size, unsigned char* rns_ptr, unsigned rns_size, shrink_t level) { unsigned char ihdr[13]; data_ptr z_ptr; unsigned z_size; if (adv_png_write_signature(f, 0) != 0) { throw_png_error(); } be_uint32_write(ihdr + 0, pix_width); be_uint32_write(ihdr + 4, pix_height); ihdr[8] = 8; /* bit depth */ if (pix_pixel == 1) ihdr[9] = 3; /* color type */ else if (pix_pixel == 3) ihdr[9] = 2; /* color type */ else if (pix_pixel == 4) ihdr[9] = 6; /* color type */ else throw error() << "Invalid format"; ihdr[10] = 0; /* compression */ ihdr[11] = 0; /* filter */ ihdr[12] = 0; /* interlace */ if (adv_png_write_chunk(f, ADV_PNG_CN_IHDR, ihdr, sizeof(ihdr), 0) != 0) { throw_png_error(); } if (pal_size) { if (adv_png_write_chunk(f, ADV_PNG_CN_PLTE, pal_ptr, pal_size, 0) != 0) { throw_png_error(); } } if (rns_size) { if (adv_png_write_chunk(f, ADV_PNG_CN_tRNS, rns_ptr, rns_size, 0) != 0) { throw_png_error(); } } png_compress(level, z_ptr, z_size, pix_ptr, pix_scanline, pix_pixel, 0, 0, pix_width, pix_height); if (adv_png_write_chunk(f, ADV_PNG_CN_IDAT, z_ptr, z_size, 0) != 0) { throw_png_error(); } if (adv_png_write_chunk(f, ADV_PNG_CN_IEND, 0, 0, 0) != 0) { throw_png_error(); } } void png_convert_4( unsigned pix_width, unsigned pix_height, unsigned pix_pixel, unsigned char* pix_ptr, unsigned pix_scanline, unsigned char* pal_ptr, unsigned pal_size, unsigned char** dst_ptr, unsigned* dst_pixel, unsigned* dst_scanline) { *dst_pixel = 4; *dst_scanline = 4 * pix_width; *dst_ptr = (unsigned char*)malloc(*dst_scanline * pix_height); if (pix_pixel == 3) { unsigned i, j; for(i=0;i