[ { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Women can perform as much as men in business if given the necessary support.", "output": "Social implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Tourists\u2019 ability to sense a casino\u2019s restorative potential is positively related to their well-being and their propensity to view Macau as a value, to spend money in Macau and to revisit Macau. Moderation analyses reveal that tourists may still perceive a casino\u2019s restorative qualities regardless of whether they plan to engage in gambling or other activities, are winning or losing money or reside outside mainland China. ", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The central contribution is a novel model of information security compliance that centre stages the role of the users\u2019 perceptions of information value, as this is a factor which has been largely ignored in contemporary accounts of compliance behaviour. This study is also original, in that it fills a methodological gap, by balancing the voices of both user representatives and senior organisational stakeholders, in a single study.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Participants reported diminishing personal control over changes within the workplace and a cultural shift towards a harsher work climate. HRD was considered as silenced or absent and associated solely with low cost-based e-learning rather than acting in strategic role supporting sustainable business objectives. ", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Results demonstrate two main overarching themes; personal influence and food operator influence that impact on fruit and vegetable choice. In addition connectivity, perceptions of freshness, food quality and display seemed to be strong categories emerging from the data. Interestingly, this research indicated that consumers were more likely to eat fruit and vegetables when part of a composite dish than if served separately. ", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Data were collected from a convenience sample from seven Chinese companies that employed migrant workers (", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study used a survey method to collect data from the managers of 485 manufacturing SMEs working in five major industrial cities in Pakistan. Collected data were analyzed through PLS-SEM with the help of smart-PLS.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Based on these insights, this paper argues that Haitian diaspora entrepreneurs need to play a proactive role as policy entrepreneurs by supporting competent and well-intention political leaders to gain office and by joining forces with local actors to advocate for institutional reforms, market reforms and control of corruption in order to be able to exploit market opportunities. In this respect, further perspectives for diaspora entrepreneurship, limitations and consideration for future research are highlighted.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this (qualitative, multiple-case) study is to determine how small-to medium-sized enterprise (SME) leaders in Nigeria use information and communication technology (ICT) adoption as a business strategy to increase profitability and compete globally.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Hotel managers should consider employees who are excluded from a talent pool and build effective TM strategies and provide career development to minimise adverse reactions and improve commitment and motivation.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Anchored in the interpretivist paradigm, the qualitative research approach was adopted to explore the objectives of the study. The multiple case study method was considered appropriate and adopted for the study. The data for this study was collected through comprehensive face-to-face interviews and Web content analysis. The population of the study consisted of the staff at the IKSDCs in the selected academic institutions. The purposive sampling technique was used to select the following set of participants in each academic institution: IKS managers/coordinators, digitization officers and online collection administrators.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "To exemplify the applicability and robustness of the proposed approach, this study uses the oil and gas industry of Iran as a case in point. From the literature review, 21 criteria were established and using the grey-Delphi approach, 16 were finally considered. The four top-ranked criteria, using grey-Shannon entropy, include warranty level and experience time, relationship closeness, supplier\u2019s technical level and risks which are considered as the most critical and influential criteria for supplier evaluation in the Iranian oil and gas industry. The ranking of the suppliers is obtained, and the best and worst suppliers are also identified. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the results using the proposed methodology are robust.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Many organisations wrestle with how to develop value-oriented businesses and societies. A humanistic communication approach that promotes understanding and dialogue amongst stakeholders can contribute to a solution. Communication professionals play a pivotal role in achieving a humanistic communication process. This paper aims to determine the significance of humanistic communication professionals and their characteristics.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "No study has comparatively examined the accuracy of valuations in two extremely different residential property markets in the country using actual valuation and transaction prices.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The economic theories of Fisher, Friedman and an econometric model are applied to analyse the relationship between money supply and inflation. Besides, Vietnam\u2019s and China\u2019s research data are also collected in the period of 2012-2016.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Based on a sample of 577 travel agents\u2019 frontline employees, the results showed that the three dimensions of travel agents\u2019 competencies have a positive effect on knowledge received by the employee. Findings further indicated that knowledge received by employee mediates the link between these three competencies and travel agents\u2019 performance. The link between the competencies and knowledge received by the employee was found to be positively moderated by employee absorptive capacity. Moreover, these findings suggested that the relationship between knowledge received and travel agents\u2019 performance is stronger when employees\u2019 absorptive capacity is greater.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results demonstrate that intellectual capital positively affects innovation. Acquisition and exploitation further mediate this influence, improving academic performance. Applying the knowledge-based view theory, the study confirmed the significance of all the posited hypotheses, underlining the positive interrelationships within Pakistan\u2019s academic institutions.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Broadly, the findings of the study would provide some new insights to understand the performance of nurses in the health care sector through the outcomes of the training characteristics. Further, the results would be a way out to make a better quality of health care enhanced with the support of training. It may contribute to the growth in quality of work and improve work productivity by boosting up and uplifting training characteristics. The research arena would enrich the inclusive theoretical framework of performance and contribute to the domain literature and methodological validation.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study found that ARML, ARMP, reappraisal of records and capacity building are essential for the appraisal of university records. The lack of appropriate appraisal theory/strategy led to a loss of institutional memory.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The internal marketing mix model is predominately a Western model, which has been tested primarily in mature Western markets. This study reflects on ten internal marketing mix elements, which have been tested for the enablement of service quality and perceived customer satisfaction in Oman.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "There are still limited PAR design science case studies in the supply chain/logistics research literature. The research experience and findings gained from this study provide more insights toward how this type of research can be conducted and assessed.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of spiritual quotient (SQ) on the organisational sustainability from the Islamic perspective. Till date, many organisations around the world are facing environmental, social and economic issues affecting their organisational sustainability.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "With the rapid advancement of technology, companies use new technologies to produce their products and services to maintain a competitive advantage. As companies alone cannot research and develop their technologies, they should use knowledge sources outside the organization that may exist throughout the world; hence, organizations need technology transfer. Because the success rate of technology transfer projects is low, the need to accurately assess and investigate the critical success factors of technology transfer projects is felt. In this regard, this study aims to identify and prioritize the critical success factors in technology transfer projects.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Surveys were conducted in eight services sector organizations operating in southern Punjab, Pakistan, and responses were obtained from 197 employees selected at random. To test the exposition using an empirical data analysis approach, three core hypotheses are drawn, and to test these hypotheses, multiple regression analyses, Preacher and Hayes (2004) mediation analysis and Aguinis (2004) guidelines were applied on 197 responses.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This is to our knowledge the first study measuring communication networks from the point of view of team members and low-level supervisors in lean implementations. This is also the first study showing that communication patterns change more rapidly in more successful teams, and also that communication pattern changes when implementing lean can be an indicator of success.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study aims at investigating the differential impact of different CSR communication strategies on consumers' brand trust and consequent attitudes and behaviors in the credence goods market.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to investigate challenges faced by and opportunities open to women entrepreneurs in Botswana and how entrepreneurship education can boost their knowledge and skills of doing business profitably and contribute to women empowerment.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This work is initiated under the premise that reliable evaluation methods are necessary to ensure investments in energy conservation, and the purpose of this paper is to contribute to that literature. It describes some pilot changes and their impact in an actual field study oriented toward upgrading municipal public housing (MPH) units.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The novelty of the paper is founded on the premise of the research methodology adopted to unearthed the barriers to the demand of HMF in Ghana. Future research effort should be directed at exploring the motivations behind low-income groups\u2019 decision to demand HMF and the risk associated with the use of HMF in the context of Ghana.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship among the air quality index (AQI) of Beijing-Tianjin-Shijiazhuang region and find countermeasures to control the pollution situation.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Data were collected using a survey, from the information technology industry in India. The relationships proposed in the conceptual framework were tested with structural equation modeling (SEM) using Smart partial least squares (PLS) 3.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The classic absolute degree of grey incidence was extended according to basic principles of grey incidence analysis. First, modelling methods and theories of the classic grey incidences were summarized. Then, the zeroing starting operator in grey incidence was extended for grey sequence. Third, the parameters in classic incidence degree were redefined, and an absolute degree of grey incidence for grey number sequences was proposed. The degree can not only be applied to grey number sequence, but also contains the uncertain information of analysis result. Fourth, two non\u2010linear programming models were constructed to estimate the grey coverage interval of absolute degree of incidences. Finally, the comparison method of grey numbers was introduced for sorting the different absolute degrees of incidences.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study aims to investigate the significance of an emerging concept \u2013 green talent management (TM) and its influence on employees\u2019 innovative work behavior, together with the moderating roles of transformational leadership and artificial intelligence within the context of higher educational institutions.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper does not aim to claim the birth of a new domain but call for more research on developing a normative theory of humanitarian knowledge as transcendence of cultures. It implies uncharted territories of great interest and potential for the real impact KM community.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A time-separated design informed data collection. The organisational learning capability was exposed to classical higher-order and bifactor confirmatory factor analyses. Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis facilitated measurement invariance testing. This study assessed the predictive validity of the organisational learning capability subscales using hierarchical regression analysis.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Until now, tourism studies have been carried out on the influence of motivations as predictive variables of satisfaction and loyalty in different types of destinations. However, research in coastal and marine destinations is scarce, representing a gap in the academic literature.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Higher Educational Facilities Scale (HEFS) was developed by the investigator and designed in the format of a 5-point rating scale of the Likert type. There are different phases identified for the scale construction. In the first phase, items are created and the content\u2019s validity is determined. The scale is constructed in the second phase. Pre-testing the questions, administering the survey, reducing the number of items and determining how many factors the scale captures are all steps in the scale construction process. The number of dimensions, reliability and validity are all verified in the third phase, scale evaluation. In developing the scale, the content and face validity was ascertained. The reliability of the scale and its three subscales were established. This scale has potential value for policymakers to assess the perception held by the religious faculty members working in higher education institutions.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings suggest that, when assigning value to their information, users take into account the views of members of their immediate work-group and the espoused views of their organisation, as well as a variety of contextual factors, relating to culture, ethics and education. Perhaps more importantly, it has been demonstrated that the users\u2019 perception of information value has a marked impact upon their willingness to comply with security policies and protocols.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to explore the experiences of employees excluded from a talent pool and to identify what career development is provided for them.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "It is imperative for South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa countries to not depend on foreign aid; instead, the strategic action by policymakers should be to developing sustainable social capacities with HCD as the centre-piece.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings can guide the Islamic banking sector in Oman on how internal marketing can foster service quality, ultimately leading to positive perceived customer satisfaction experiences.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The main limitation of the research comes from disadvantages of VAIC as the measure of IC\u2019s contributions to performance.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this study is to assess the digital preservation policies and plans for long-term digital preservation in selected repositories in South Africa, with a view to develop a digital preservation framework for the preservation of Indigenous knowledge system (IKS) in South Africa.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "In order to achieve customer retention, a holistic company approach underpinned by senior management buy-in is critical, with open communication, employee empowerment, and employing \u201cthe right\u201d personnel. The framework is viable with specific organisation input and supplementation with ongoing customer research.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper focused on 12 DMBs in Nigeria and their five year annual reports. Accordingly, future studies in this area should increase the number of banks and years, and include firms operating in insurance, manufacturing, telecommunication and oil and gas industries to permit comparability of results and broader basis for generalizability. Moreover, the study results provide insights that would serve as robust empirical basis for policy makers to insist on enhancement of the value of human and structural capital variables.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "In this study, the authors explore teachers' experiences of work during the pandemic using the analytic lens of technostress. More specifically, the authors investigate how the sudden transition to distance education induces technostress among teachers in relation to their teaching practice.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings of this study uphold the relevance of the EKC hypothesis in Nigeria, as the growth of GDP first reduces the environmental quality but raises it over time. Furthermore, the use of energy is found to deteriorate environmental quality, given that CO2 rises by 0.002% for a unit increase in the consumption of energy in Nigeria.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this study is to highlight the indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) preservation efforts in South Africa, with a focus on the National Recordal System and the Indigenous Knowledge Systems Documentation Centres (IKSDCs) across South Africa.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Results show that there are relationships between CSR variables, and all the three variables are strongly related to business performance. The results also indicate that the three sub-variables together affect JPM industry\u2019s business performance. The environmental responsibility has the highest effect on JPM industry\u2019s business performance, followed by the economic responsibility, and then the social responsibility.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Although the perceived CHR scale's psychometric properties were confirmed using multiple tests ranging from qualitative to quantitative studies, this newly developed scale requires further investigation to explore whether internal or external relevance factors affect organizations' humanistic responsibility.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study aims to analyse the role of work\u2013life balance (WLB) experiences and job satisfaction on turnover intentions (TI) among nurses working in private sector hospitals.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Higher education institutions possess a plethora of knowledge at the institutional, departmental and individual levels. Therefore, knowledge management plays a vital role in assisting partnerships to synergise knowledge and strengthen market competitiveness when working collaboratively. The purpose of this study is to identify and critically discuss the role of knowledge management concepts that support development of UK higher education partnerships. This knowledge management research was undertaken with the purpose of exploring components of behavioural constructs in assisting the development of successful partnerships between higher education institutions.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study suggested that policy makers should focus on the financial awareness of SMEs owner-manager to reduce the negativity of risk factor.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study aims to examine the influence of the three dimensions of travel agents\u2019 manager competencies \u2013 ability, motivation and opportunity seeking \u2013 on knowledge transfer and travel agents\u2019 performance. In addition, the study investigates how employee\u2019s absorptive capacity moderates the effects of managers\u2019 competencies on knowledge received by the employees and moderates the effects of knowledge received by the employees on travel agents\u2019 performance.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This research found that source credibility, social presence and customer innovativeness are antecedents of customer inspiration on social media, which positively influence the inspired-by state of the customers, which impacts the inspired-to state and further leads to impulsive buying. By comparing the three dimensions of source credibility, the authors found that attractiveness and expertise positively affect the inspired-by state, while trustworthiness has no significant effect.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A limitation to this research is the data coverage, which is just between 1981 and 2014, based on availability. One other limitation is the use of electric power consumption as a proxy for energy use (because of the difficulty in obtaining accurate data on energy consumption in Nigeria). Future research should, therefore, test different other proxies, to either agree with the findings or justify any deviation therefrom. Also, the use of up-to-date data is recommended as an improvement to this study, while a non-linear technique should be used on studies involving the panel of countries.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Using a sample of 5,879 US firms, a structural model of BGD, IC and FP is conceptualized by accounting for the endogeneity issues and alternative measures of the key variables in the empirical framework. In the model, the percentage of women directors is taken as BGD measures and value-added intellectual coefficient as an IC performance measure, considering governance and corporate performance measures.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The process-driven framework is beneficial for the research institutions, scientific data management centres and researchers to better manage the scientific data manufacturing process and solve the scientific DQ issues.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to fill a gap in the intellectual capital (IC) literature by providing insights into the relationship between IC and corporate performance among Arab companies and second, to challenge the validity of the Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC) as a measure of IC\u2019s contribution to performance.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Although limited to low-income groups, strategies to stimulate demand for HMF should focus on three broad problems \u2013 affordability, macroeconomic management and institutional development and government intervention.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study adopted DSpace, an open-source institutional repository system, to serve as a digital archives system for archiving scanned images, metadata, and full texts to develop the CABDHRP for supporting digital humanities (DH) research. Moreover, the ATAS developed in the CABDHRP used the Node.js framework to implement the system\u2019s front- and back-end services, as well as application programming interfaces (APIs) provided by different databases, such as China Biographical Database (CBDB) and TGAZ, used to retrieve the useful linked data (LD) sources for interpreting ancient texts. Also, Neo4j which is an open-source graph database management system was used to implement the CSNRMT of the CABDHRP. Finally, JavaScript and jQuery were applied to develop a monitoring program embedded in the CABDHRP to record the use processes from humanists based on xAPI (experience API). To understand the research participants\u2019 perception when interpreting the historical texts and characters\u2019 social network relationships with the support of ATAS and CSNRMT, semi-structured interviews with 21 research participants were conducted.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This article adds to the expanding body of knowledge on refugee entrepreneurship by emphasizing the link between refugees' personal experiences and starting new ventures. It also highlights how government policy can be strategically utilized to increase entrepreneurship among Syrian refugees in Turkey.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper presents findings of a survey on total quality management (TQM) practices adopted by the Indian manufacturing organizations. The purpose of this paper is to test and establish the relationship between TQM practice and organizational performance (OP). This paper also aims to examine the impact of TQM practices on OP of Indian manufacturing organizations.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "To use this approach to customer retention requires companies to amalgamate culture, customer service and CI equally alongside customer focussed leadership, as an underpinning for the ethos of the business.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Timing was the main limitation of the present study, considering that the survey was administered in March and April, and the demand could vary in different seasons. The findings will contribute to academic literature and will offer valuable information to tourist destination planners.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results explain that knowledge processes have a positive impact on firm performance and employee creativity partially mediates their stated relationship. Moreover, a knowledge-intensive culture has a strengthening effect on the relationship between knowledge processes and employee creativity. In-depth investigation outlines that knowledge acquisition, sharing and application are more influencing processes to enhance firm performance. Furthermore, knowledge conversion and protection do not hold significant relevance with firm performance but are supportive elements for other processes.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Archives and records are important resources for individuals, organizations and the country. The academic archives are created and maintained for the effective execution of university educational and corporate functions. The archives management practices in universities are being studied in the developed countries; however, a scarcity of empirical research is observed in the context of developing countries, for instance, Pakistan. Thus, the purpose of this study is to assess the archives management practices performed in the archival units of University of the Punjab (UoP), Lahore, in association with the successful execution of university educational functions.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings from this study contribute to the knowledge base regarding factors that affect ICT adoption by SME leaders as a business strategy to increase profitability and compete globally, particularly within SMEs in Lagos, Nigeria. It further addressed the gap in existing literature regarding other factors such as the influence of culture on ICT adoption, cost of ICT implementation, available ICT skills, infrastructure and ICT knowledge gap as the primary impeding factors of ICT adoption in Nigerian SMEs.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper investigates into the human capital\u2013economic growth nexus by arguing that investment in early education and health helps in achieving higher economic growth. Early investment in human capital matters most for economic growth than the increase in human capital over the years.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings indicated that psychological hardiness mediates the relationship between exposure to workplace bullying and job anxiety among early childhood teachers.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The career trajectories of engineering PhDs are nonlinear, and transitions between employment sectors commonly occur over the ten-year time period studied. Although women engineering PhDs with young dependents are less likely to be employed initially after PhD completion, they tend to enter the workforce in the academic sector as time progresses. Early post-PhD employment as a postdoctoral researcher or in the academic sector contributes to the pursuit of the professoriate downstream.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results show that five internal CG mechanisms have statistically significant relationship with IBFP, measured by ", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A qualitative approach was adopted, and narrative inquiry was selected as the optimum route to obtaining detailed and rich accounts of the experiences of employees excluded from a talent pool. Fifteen in-depth interviews were conducted with eight employees and seven managers in a small hotel chain in the south of England.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study was directed toward pharmaceutical industry in Jordan. Generalizing the results to other industries and countries is questionable. Therefore, further research on other industries and countries will help mitigate the issue of generalizing conclusions.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study established a significant relationship between personal life interference with work and work\u2013personal life enhancement with job satisfaction. Also, the result revealed a significant negative relationship between interferences of WLB and TI. The study also established a partial and full mediation of job satisfaction about two WLB dimensions with TI.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The rising concern for the accuracy of residential valuations in Nigeria has created the need for key stakeholders in the residential property markets in the study areas to know the level of accuracy of valuations in order to make rational residential property transactions, amongst other purposes.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A survey of 827 preschool teachers was conducted, and the data were analyzed using correlation analysis, hierarchical linear regression and path analysis with a structural equation model.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper fills a void in the study of IC and corporate performance among Arab companies.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper aims to report initial empirical research that examines UK employees\u2019 perceptions of the changing nature of work since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) to consider how the financial context may have constrained HRD practice and more sustainable approaches. ", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper contributes to both the theoretical and empirical literature on the human capital\u2013growth nexus. Mauritius as a natural resource poor small economy is an important case study as it has started early in investing in its people to promote economic growth.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study demonstrates that internal product, internal price, internal promotion, internal process and internal purpose are influencers of service quality, and the latter has a direct relationship with perceived customer satisfaction in Islamic banking.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The research was only limited to the UMP, Student Affairs Division, with a population of 15 staff members even though the findings can be applied to all the universities in South Africa.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study adopts a qualitative research design to explore the impact of COVID-19 on women\u2019s entrepreneurial activities. Seven women entrepreneurs were selected and semi-structured interviews with focused group discussion under case study research design are used. Thereby providing a contemporary view of the issues faced by women entrepreneurs in the period of huge social and economic upheaval.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Findings showed that women entrepreneurs faced a complex web of challenges among which were access to finance, lack of training leading to lack of technical skills, lack of knowledge of sources of financing and technical support, high competition in the market, marginalisation of women and lack of knowledge of marketing strategies. The key findings were that while women entrepreneurs faced a number of challenges, the legal and regulatory environment in Botswana was highly conducive and supportive of women entrepreneurship and also that customised entrepreneurship education and training offered opportunities for women entrepreneurs to enhance their knowledge and technical skills.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper aims to provide a process-driven scientific data quality (DQ) monitoring framework by information product map (IP-Map) in identifying the root causes of poor DQ issues so as to assure the quality of scientific data.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper shows the important contributions that SSH universities can make in their regions, both to support S3 and enhance the transition to sustainable development.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The research indicated that eight EU countries have a significant relationship between government spending and economic growth.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study follows the quantitative methodology and the deductive causal research approach. The data were conveniently collected through a Web-based questionnaire (Google forms) from 285 active students who are affiliated to Omani universities. SPSS was used to statistically analyse the collected data, including partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM V3.3) to draw the results.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "They have to be judged both on how well their descriptions fit better than others with what actually goes on in the sciences and humanities and on their usefulness to function as a common map coordinating interdisciplinary work.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The present study proposes the structure of Islamic equity-based microfinance models for MSMEs in Libya and verifies the suitability of those proposed models among Libyan experts. To the best of the authors\u2019 knowledge, no study has been conducted on uncovering and exploring the potentials of Islamic equity-based microfinance models for financing MSMEs in Libya.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Using the National Science Foundation\u2019s Survey of Doctorate Recipients data, 2001\u20132010, descriptive and multinomial logit regression analyses are conducted to illustrate the career trajectories of engineering PhDs over a ten-year period.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Results demonstrated that the developed model has a potential to render a synthesized and methodical performance evaluation for the competitive ability of a given construction company. Furthermore, it was found that Vietnamese companies are more considerate towards pillars pertaining to environment and client while Canadian companies are more attentive towards innovation and development. The outcome of sensitivity analysis revealed that effectiveness of cost management highly affects the competitive ability of Vietnamese companies while effectiveness of cost management exhibits the most significant influence on the competitive of Canadian companies.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Content analysis was used to collect data to answer the objective of the study. Relevant documents that related to prevention and response to GBV amidst the deadly novel coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic were reviewed i.e. both print ((inter)-national newspapers i.e. monitor and newspaper), electronic (television and radio) and social media (Facebook and Twitter) and presidential addresses on Covid-19.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The research findings could be improved by considering the changes in mortality rate over time because of other environmental factors such as air pollution, among others as control variables. Various other variables affecting the health of an aged person could be considered for better research outcome which is not included in the present study because of the paucity of data. However, the present research findings would certainly serve effective policy instrument aiming at maximizing health gains that are highly associated with the elderly population and economic growth towards achieving sustainable development in India.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study observes that students who commute to university perform better than those residing on campus. Other factors increasing the probability of completing the undergraduate programme on time include individual characteristics (e.g. gender and age), student background (family income, education), institutional environment (teaching and research quality) and student satisfaction. Finally, some policy implications are discussed.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Employees have expectations surrounding ethical corporate environments. Psychological contract violations occur as a result of broken expectations and are common in the workforce. In this study, a breakdown in the internal control environment because of a poor ethical culture, caused an even greater breakdown in internal controls because of employees\u2019 decreased reporting intentions.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This research was limited to the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS) and the University of Venda (UNIVEN). These two institutions are representatives of the state of archiving in South Africa.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper gives the countermeasures to control the pollution situation in Beijing-Tianjin-Shijiazhuang region.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of gender in the commission of white collar crimes and investigate it in five countries: Norway, Portugal, America, India and Iran.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The research sample included 100 publicly traded Arab companies selected by Forbes Middle East and ranked as top performers in terms of sales, profits, assets, and market value. The methodology included assessing the impact of IC components on company earnings, profitability, efficiency, and market performance for the period between 2011 and 2015. Research hypotheses were tested through the presentation of descriptive statistics, normality tests, correlation matrix, and multiple regression models.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] } ]