--- language: - en pretty_name: HSSD tags: - 3D scenes - Embodied AI license: cc-by-nc-4.0 extra_gated_heading: "Acknowledge license to accept the repository" extra_gated_prompt: "You agree to use this dataset under the [CC BY-NC 4.0 license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) terms" viewer: false --- HSSD: Habitat Synthetic Scenes Dataset ================================== The [Habitat Synthetic Scenes Dataset (HSSD)](https://3dlg-hcvc.github.io/hssd/) is a human-authored 3D scene dataset that more closely mirrors real scenes than prior datasets. Our dataset represents real interiors and contains a diverse set of 211 scenes and more than 18000 models of real-world objects. This repository provides a Habitat consumption-ready compressed version of HSSD. See [this repository](https://huggingface.co/datasets/hssd/hssd-models) for corresponding uncompressed assets. ## Dataset Structure ``` ├── objects │ ├── */*.glb │ ├── */*.collider.glb │ ├── */*.filteredSupportSurface(.ply|.glb) │ ├── */*.object_config.json ├── stages │ ├── *.glb │ ├── *.stage_config.json ├── scenes │ ├── *.scene_instance.json ├── scenes_uncluttered │ ├── *.scene_instance.json ├── scene_filter_files │ ├── *.rec_filter.json └── hssd-hab.scene_dataset_config.json └── hssd-hab-uncluttered.scene_dataset_config.json ``` - `hssd-hab.scene_dataset_config.json`: This SceneDataset config file aggregates the assets and metadata necessary to fully describe the set of stages, objects, and scenes constituting the dataset. - `objects`: 3D models representing distinct objects that are used to compose scenes. Contains configuration files, render assets, collider assets, and Receptacle mesh assets. - `stages`: A stage in Habitat is the set of static mesh components which make up the backdrop of a scene (e.g. floor, walls, stairs, etc.). - `scenes`: A scene is a single 3D world composed of a static stage and a variable number of objects. ### Rearrange-ready assets: Supporting Habitat 3.0 embodied rearrangement tasks with updated colliders, adjusted and de-cluttered scene contents, receptacle meshes, and receptacle filter files. See [aihabitat.org/habitat3/](aihabitat.org/habitat3/) for more details. - `hssd-hab-uncluttered.scene_dataset_config.json`: This SceneDataset config file aggregates adds the adjusted and uncluttered scenes for rearrangement tasks. - `scenes_uncluttered`: Contains the adjusted scene instance configuration files. - `scene_filter_files`: A scene filter file organizes available Receptacle instances in a scene into active and inactive groups based on simualtion heuristics and manual edits. It is consumed by the RearrangeEpisodeGenerator to construct valid RearrangeEpisodeDatasets. ## Getting Started To load HSSD scenes into the Habitat simulator, you can start by installing [habitat-sim](https://github.com/facebookresearch/habitat-sim) using instructions specified [here](https://github.com/facebookresearch/habitat-sim#installation). Once installed, you can run the interactive Habitat viewer to load a scene: ``` habitat-viewer --dataset /path/to/hssd-hab/hssd-hab.scene_dataset_config.json -- 102344280 # or ./build/viewer if compiling from source ``` You can find more information about using the interactive viewer [here](https://github.com/facebookresearch/habitat-sim#testing:~:text=path/to/data/-,Interactive%20testing,-%3A%20Use%20the%20interactive). Habitat-Sim is typically used with [Habitat-Lab](https://github.com/facebookresearch/habitat-lab), a modular high-level library for end-to-end experiments in embodied AI. To define embodied AI tasks (e.g. navigation, instruction following, question answering), train agents, and benchmark their performance using standard metrics, you can download habitat-lab using the instructions provided [here](https://github.com/facebookresearch/habitat-lab#installation). ## Changelog - `v0.2.5` (work in progress): **Rearrange-ready HSSD** - Note: this is a checkpoint. Known issues exist and continued polish is ongoing. - Adds Receptacle meshes describing support surfaces for small objects (e.g. table or shelf surfaces). - Adds collider meshes (.collider.glb) for assets with Receptacle meshes to support simulation. - Adds new scenes 'scenes_uncluttered' and new SceneDataset 'hssd-hab-uncluttered' containing adjusted and de-cluttered versions of the scenes for use in embodied rearrangement tasks. - Adds 'scene_filter_files' which sort Receptacles in each scene into active and inactive groups for RearrangeEpisode generation. - `v0.2.4`: - Recompresses several object GLBs to preserve PBR material status. - Adds CSV with object metadata and semantic lexicon files for Habitat. - Adds train/val scene splits file. - `v0.2.3`: First release.