travis_fold:start:worker_info |
Worker information |
hostname: ff020d13-2623-45bd-89d5-bd802e69bac6@1.worker-org-7f6cdc984-j65sj.macstadium-prod-1 |
version: v6.2.0 https://github.com/travis-ci/worker/tree/5e5476e01646095f48eec13196fdb3faf8f5cbf7 |
instance: 24a85a5d-c365-4519-bb70-6835f9c557d5 travis-ci-macos10.14-xcode10.2-1555600204 (via amqp) |
startup: 1m11.03106484s |
travis_fold:end:worker_info |
travis_fold:start:system_info |
Build system information |
Build language: objective-c |
Build id: 551400027 |
Job id: 551400032 |
Runtime kernel version: 18.5.0 |
travis-build version: ea3f37d58 |
Build image provisioning date and time |
Thu Apr 18 18:47:23 GMT 2019 |
Operating System Details |
ProductName: Mac OS X |
ProductVersion: 10.14.4 |
BuildVersion: 18E226 |
Git version |
git version 2.21.0 |
bash version |
GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin18) |
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. |
GCC version |
Apple LLVM version 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4) |
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin18.5.0 |
Thread model: posix |
InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin |
LLVM version |
Apple LLVM version 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4) |
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin18.5.0 |
Thread model: posix |
InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin |
Pre-installed Ruby versions |
ruby-2.3.5 |
ruby-2.4.5 |
Pre-installed Node.js versions |
v10.15.0 |
v10.15.3 |
v4.9.1 |
v6.16.0 |
v6.17.1 |
v8.15.0 |
v8.16.0 |
mvn -version |
Apache Maven 3.6.1 (d66c9c0b3152b2e69ee9bac180bb8fcc8e6af555; 2019-04-04T19:00:29Z) |
Maven home: /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.1/libexec |
Java version: 12, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-12.jdk/Contents/Home |
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 |
OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.14.4", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac" |
travis_fold:end:system_info |
travis_fold:start:git.checkout |
travis_time:start:35df1c54 |
$ git clone --depth=50 https://github.com/realm/realm-cocoa.git realm/realm-cocoa |
Cloning into 'realm/realm-cocoa'... |
travis_time:end:35df1c54:start=1561653330682916000,finish=1561653332214724000,duration=1531808000 |
$ cd realm/realm-cocoa |
travis_time:start:23525efb |
$ git fetch origin +refs/pull/6187/merge: |
From https://github.com/realm/realm-cocoa |
* branch refs/pull/6187/merge -> FETCH_HEAD |
travis_time:end:23525efb:start=1561653332260611000,finish=1561653332728199000,duration=467588000 |
$ git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD |
travis_fold:end:git.checkout |
travis_fold:start:git.submodule |
travis_time:start:04e4b5ac |
$ git submodule update --init --recursive |
Submodule 'Realm/ObjectStore' (https://github.com/realm/realm-object-store.git) registered for path 'Realm/ObjectStore' |
Cloning into '/Users/travis/build/realm/realm-cocoa/Realm/ObjectStore'... |
Submodule path 'Realm/ObjectStore': checked out '069db7354287122b3db661d06803e481c10841bf' |
Submodule 'external/catch' (https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2) registered for path 'Realm/ObjectStore/external/catch' |
Cloning into '/Users/travis/build/realm/realm-cocoa/Realm/ObjectStore/external/catch'... |
Submodule path 'Realm/ObjectStore/external/catch': checked out '6860c8def0ba7559bf077515b7a7ff63ad3444f8' |
travis_time:end:04e4b5ac:start=1561653332860979000,finish=1561653336928201000,duration=4067222000 |
travis_fold:end:git.submodule |
Setting environment variables from repository settings |
$ export XCMODE=[secure] |
Setting environment variables from .travis.yml |
$ export JOB=verify-osx |
Disabling Homebrew auto update. If your Homebrew package requires Homebrew DB be up to date, please run `brew update` explicitly. |
travis_fold:start:rvm |
travis_time:start:0aa8a4cc |
$ rvm use default |
Using /Users/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.5 |
travis_time:end:0aa8a4cc:start=1561653336962687000,finish=1561653338635089000,duration=1672402000 |
travis_fold:end:rvm |
$ ruby --version |
ruby 2.4.5p335 (2018-10-18 revision 65137) [x86_64-darwin18] |
$ rvm --version |
rvm 1.29.7-next (master) by Michal Papis, Piotr Kuczynski, Wayne E. Seguin [https://rvm.io] |
$ bundle --version |
Bundler version 2.0.1 |
travis_fold:start:announce |
$ xcodebuild -version -sdk |
iPhoneOS12.2.sdk - iOS 12.2 (iphoneos12.2) |
SDKVersion: 12.2 |
Path: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS12.2.sdk |
PlatformVersion: 12.2 |
PlatformPath: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform |
BuildID: 15C4BAF8-4632-11E9-86EB-BA47F1FFAC3C |
ProductBuildVersion: 16E226 |
ProductCopyright: 1983-2019 Apple Inc. |
ProductName: iPhone OS |
ProductVersion: 12.2 |
iPhoneSimulator12.2.sdk - Simulator - iOS 12.2 (iphonesimulator12.2) |
SDKVersion: 12.2 |
Path: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator12.2.sdk |
PlatformVersion: 12.2 |
PlatformPath: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform |
BuildID: 15C4BAF8-4632-11E9-86EB-BA47F1FFAC3C |
ProductBuildVersion: 16E226 |
ProductCopyright: 1983-2019 Apple Inc. |
ProductName: iPhone OS |
ProductVersion: 12.2 |
MacOSX10.14.sdk - macOS 10.14 (macosx10.14) |
SDKVersion: 10.14 |
Path: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk |
PlatformVersion: 1.1 |
PlatformPath: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform |
ProductBuildVersion: 18E219 |
ProductCopyright: 1983-2019 Apple Inc. |
ProductName: Mac OS X |
ProductUserVisibleVersion: 10.14.4 |
ProductVersion: 10.14.4 |
iOSSupportVersion: 12.2 |
AppleTVOS12.2.sdk - tvOS 12.2 (appletvos12.2) |
SDKVersion: 12.2 |
Path: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/AppleTVOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/AppleTVOS12.2.sdk |
PlatformVersion: 12.2 |
PlatformPath: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/AppleTVOS.platform |
BuildID: 21BDBC42-4628-11E9-A03E-F9E7A9A1B2D7 |
ProductBuildVersion: 16L225 |
ProductCopyright: 1983-2019 Apple Inc. |
ProductName: Apple TVOS |
ProductVersion: 12.2 |
AppleTVSimulator12.2.sdk - Simulator - tvOS 12.2 (appletvsimulator12.2) |
SDKVersion: 12.2 |
Path: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/AppleTVSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/AppleTVSimulator12.2.sdk |
PlatformVersion: 12.2 |
PlatformPath: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/AppleTVSimulator.platform |
BuildID: 21BDBC42-4628-11E9-A03E-F9E7A9A1B2D7 |
ProductBuildVersion: 16L225 |
ProductCopyright: 1983-2019 Apple Inc. |
ProductName: Apple TVOS |
ProductVersion: 12.2 |
WatchOS5.2.sdk - watchOS 5.2 (watchos5.2) |
SDKVersion: 5.2 |
Path: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/WatchOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/WatchOS5.2.sdk |
PlatformVersion: 5.2 |
PlatformPath: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/WatchOS.platform |
BuildID: 991B349E-4629-11E9-ACC0-6129DE5DB129 |
ProductBuildVersion: 16T224 |
ProductCopyright: 1983-2019 Apple Inc. |
ProductName: Watch OS |
ProductVersion: 5.2 |
WatchSimulator5.2.sdk - Simulator - watchOS 5.2 (watchsimulator5.2) |
SDKVersion: 5.2 |
Path: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/WatchSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/WatchSimulator5.2.sdk |
PlatformVersion: 5.2 |
PlatformPath: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/WatchSimulator.platform |
BuildID: 991B349E-4629-11E9-ACC0-6129DE5DB129 |
ProductBuildVersion: 16T224 |
ProductCopyright: 1983-2019 Apple Inc. |
ProductName: Watch OS |
ProductVersion: 5.2 |
Xcode 10.2.1 |
Build version 10E1001 |
$ xcrun simctl list |
== Device Types == |
iPhone 4s (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-4s) |
iPhone 5 (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-5) |
iPhone 5s (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-5s) |
iPhone 6 (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-6) |
iPhone 6 Plus (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-6-Plus) |
iPhone 6s (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-6s) |
iPhone 6s Plus (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-6s-Plus) |
iPhone 7 (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-7) |
iPhone 7 Plus (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-7-Plus) |
iPhone 8 (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-8) |
iPhone 8 Plus (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-8-Plus) |
iPhone SE (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-SE) |
iPhone X (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-X) |
iPhone Xs (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-XS) |
iPhone Xs Max (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-XS-Max) |
iPhone Xʀ (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-XR) |
iPad mini (5th generation) (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-mini--5th-generation-) |
iPad Air (3rd generation) (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-Air--3rd-generation-) |
iPad 2 (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-2) |
iPad Retina (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-Retina) |
iPad Air (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-Air) |
iPad mini 2 (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-mini-2) |
iPad mini 3 (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-mini-3) |
iPad mini 4 (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-mini-4) |
iPad Air 2 (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-Air-2) |
iPad (5th generation) (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad--5th-generation-) |
iPad Pro (9.7-inch) (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-Pro--9-7-inch-) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-Pro) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation) (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-Pro--12-9-inch---2nd-generation-) |
iPad Pro (10.5-inch) (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-Pro--10-5-inch-) |
iPad (6th generation) (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad--6th-generation-) |
iPad Pro (11-inch) (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-Pro--11-inch-) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation) (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-Pro--12-9-inch---3rd-generation-) |
Apple TV (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Apple-TV-1080p) |
Apple TV 4K (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Apple-TV-4K-4K) |
Apple TV 4K (at 1080p) (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Apple-TV-4K-1080p) |
Apple Watch - 38mm (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Apple-Watch-38mm) |
Apple Watch - 42mm (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Apple-Watch-42mm) |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Apple-Watch-Series-2-38mm) |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 42mm (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Apple-Watch-Series-2-42mm) |
Apple Watch Series 3 - 38mm (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Apple-Watch-Series-3-38mm) |
Apple Watch Series 3 - 42mm (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Apple-Watch-Series-3-42mm) |
Apple Watch Series 4 - 40mm (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Apple-Watch-Series-4-40mm) |
Apple Watch Series 4 - 44mm (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Apple-Watch-Series-4-44mm) |
== Runtimes == |
iOS 8.1 (8.1 - 12B411) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-8-1 |
iOS 8.2 (8.2 - 12D508) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-8-2 |
iOS 8.3 (8.3 - 12F70) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-8-3 |
iOS 8.4 (8.4 - 12H141) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-8-4 |
iOS 9.0 (9.0 - 13A344) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-9-0 |
iOS 9.1 (9.1 - 13B143) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-9-1 |
iOS 9.2 (9.2 - 13C75) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-9-2 |
iOS 9.3 (9.3 - 13E233) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-9-3 |
iOS 10.0 (10.0 - 14A345) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-10-0 |
iOS 10.1 (10.1 - 14B72) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-10-1 |
iOS 10.2 (10.2 - 14C89) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-10-2 |
iOS 10.3 (10.3.1 - 14E8301) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-10-3 |
iOS 11.0 (11.0.1 - 15A8401) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-11-0 |
iOS 11.1 (11.1 - 15B87) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-11-1 |
iOS 11.2 (11.2 - 15C107) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-11-2 |
iOS 11.3 (11.3 - 15E217) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-11-3 |
iOS 11.4 (11.4 - 15F79) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-11-4 |
iOS 12.0 (12.0 - 16A366) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-12-0 |
iOS 12.1 (12.1 - 16B91) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-12-1 |
iOS 12.2 (12.2 - 16E226) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-12-2 |
tvOS 9.0 (9.0 - 13T395) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-9-0 |
tvOS 9.1 (9.1 - 13U85) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-9-1 |
tvOS 9.2 (9.2 - 13Y234) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-9-2 |
tvOS 10.0 (10.0 - 14T328) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-10-0 |
tvOS 10.1 (10.1 - 14U591) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-10-1 |
tvOS 10.2 (10.2 - 14W260) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-10-2 |
tvOS 11.0 (11.0 - 15J380) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-11-0 |
tvOS 11.1 (11.1 - 15J580) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-11-1 |
tvOS 11.2 (11.2 - 15K104) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-11-2 |
tvOS 11.3 (11.3 - 15L211) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-11-3 |
tvOS 11.4 (11.4 - 15L576) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-11-4 |
tvOS 12.0 (12.0 - 16J364) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-12-0 |
tvOS 12.1 (12.1 - 16J602) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-12-1 |
tvOS 12.2 (12.2 - 16L225) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-12-2 |
watchOS 2.0 (2.0 - 13S343) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.watchOS-2-0 |
watchOS 2.1 (2.1 - 13S661) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.watchOS-2-1 |
watchOS 2.2 (2.2 - 13V144) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.watchOS-2-2 |
watchOS 3.1 (3.1 - 14S471a) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.watchOS-3-1 |
watchOS 3.2 (3.2 - 14V243) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.watchOS-3-2 |
watchOS 4.0 (4.0 - 15R372) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.watchOS-4-0 |
watchOS 4.1 (4.1 - 15R844) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.watchOS-4-1 |
watchOS 4.2 (4.2 - 15S100) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.watchOS-4-2 |
watchOS 5.0 (5.0 - 16R363) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.watchOS-5-0 |
watchOS 5.1 (5.1 - 16R591) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.watchOS-5-1 |
watchOS 5.2 (5.2 - 16T224) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.watchOS-5-2 |
== Devices == |
-- iOS 8.1 -- |
iPhone 4s (64015E83-F1A7-46DC-8832-C53DFB51968B) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5 (0CA8423B-79A4-4D70-A7B0-40D851545840) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5s (04CC7F13-3BDE-44FC-AE61-15B1E545DF94) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (E24AE6BF-7012-451D-8B95-DD39B5B9DB23) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (FD4F71E7-E8C2-4870-B890-48DEB4503B25) (Shutdown) |
iPad 2 (5BE2BD3D-1E6C-4C5F-8718-9802866F3AD3) (Shutdown) |
iPad Retina (062E0B53-5C9E-4929-8D44-BF20297F4439) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (A8C828DB-CD52-41FC-9F2C-F322C1CBEF4B) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 8.2 -- |
iPhone 4s (B9F74D9D-23D7-4990-AE78-5D652F440B7C) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5 (E982F1D7-119D-4178-AFFD-E74020BC9231) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5s (8619AAC5-CFDD-4A2C-9704-ECFD176F7E81) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (D94C9AF8-6DF1-41D4-9836-0EC9E2505FBD) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (EE153AF3-84AF-4B63-AD37-0ADC9647C254) (Shutdown) |
iPad 2 (B02EADDD-9A04-41A4-A181-93987D2DAC05) (Shutdown) |
iPad Retina (6CCA889F-CC9A-453E-8664-B087350F784C) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (C5AB1B1E-F3A2-4990-A9E3-AEB8DD29BCE7) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 8.3 -- |
iPhone 4s (9B8A5343-B042-4EE1-8BE2-2F80A13B222F) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5 (B68A3D7F-8C03-48BD-B528-090575CD4510) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5s (74B1959B-8BFC-49FB-9547-17D577D5C26B) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (36E7D96A-0EA1-4F01-8D57-DFF72B391EDD) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (493A523A-E845-4245-BBE8-8513297F5C71) (Shutdown) |
iPad 2 (AA3C4CDB-5709-4AE3-BEC3-E7D9227A6AA7) (Shutdown) |
iPad Retina (780A7C82-605C-4801-A103-2DEA7324913A) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (42C12B70-7BC6-40F6-A2D4-57BF8E5A1682) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 8.4 -- |
iPhone 4s (6A6DA72C-564C-40C7-A46C-752EBDCB4BD7) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5 (77C9EFC8-4278-490A-B85F-AFA9B785DD46) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5s (38062E72-FCE6-46E8-8196-EE86E95E773A) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (745A2129-BDD0-4BCC-8175-496D63D03990) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (386378AA-98E3-45AE-8869-160A08C191B6) (Shutdown) |
iPad 2 (90AE142B-7167-483C-AEE2-E1BE4BBDB7B0) (Shutdown) |
iPad Retina (B5D41725-9739-45E2-873A-1AAFB7CC6453) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (9F593552-CA95-44E1-8A8A-A390C7F4C3BB) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 9.0 -- |
iPhone 4s (5E0E64E1-F7C8-48DA-BB27-74BB4FC99D1F) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5 (D76763C9-6163-4F85-A4A2-AABC27E37771) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5s (0ECD41CA-0F7E-4DBF-A7DE-85D9FB650445) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (6D0A3BAF-EC5D-4C21-AA56-6059C778CEFD) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (D28AE403-689C-4ED5-A80F-D1E0E0E93657) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (C69A4350-720E-4695-A0E8-FAE4BE5D85E4) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (24897424-2238-4E1D-960A-123BF2E86E3D) (Shutdown) |
iPad 2 (7ED46622-D399-42FD-BBD9-7E57B5E6BA80) (Shutdown) |
iPad Retina (647C6BF5-47D5-43EE-96D7-C64CCE78C4C7) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (F6728AE6-93E1-493E-832B-01A87F0657A4) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (EEC56F6A-54EA-4833-939E-8845B79548B5) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 9.1 -- |
iPhone 4s (C68E0FA8-7467-4F9E-B13D-B795F7E1CD39) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5 (CC9C70FC-0F50-4387-932D-EAAD73EE36B3) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5s (00E57628-EDEA-41F2-BC61-EB35E7B0AF96) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (903A3009-5919-408E-82D4-176EE3AC5351) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (0DE927E7-3B2F-4F75-B220-850C2E7A4691) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (B9BF63EE-5AD9-432B-9A62-44A45DFFB201) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (B30D5288-A8A3-421E-A68D-881F86B63817) (Shutdown) |
iPad 2 (2F6F7DEC-61F0-4DC1-B503-EA0C93F83BA5) (Shutdown) |
iPad Retina (AC18E934-FAAE-40C2-AC7F-C7D5554A6E42) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (0458C8FF-8E69-4EA3-825A-646515E8E966) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (59A259CF-2CDB-4E1D-9AE4-E1C951D9F649) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (760EC67B-CE15-4370-A692-E072ABAC436F) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 9.2 -- |
iPhone 4s (27E4DC3C-80B2-4FFD-B32E-932061775B55) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5 (2AEDCD2A-0CF3-4E43-AEFF-4C7F64EBB2CB) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5s (81C52A7B-8A5B-4346-8B23-0E6B39C95885) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (977C47E6-6152-41B6-A78E-0A61A0447A54) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (8CB28697-AECC-4C14-B0CD-BDBE6ED6B03B) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (D61CFBA2-3382-464F-B638-7187EC5B5D0E) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (92D113B2-4E97-465B-91E6-85685D68B152) (Shutdown) |
iPad 2 (1AD54960-D524-48C1-BDF4-C9D1B47F77C0) (Shutdown) |
iPad Retina (CFEFAA80-084B-492C-B65F-E9EA7539C546) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (32D5EC44-4621-4FAE-8712-50FB057FA39F) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (7A518BB3-3AE5-428D-BE93-6CC60115E3D9) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (C06E1455-72CA-4BA4-A59C-73233EBE6BB5) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 9.3 -- |
iPhone 4s (0EAE6CBA-E465-4E06-9B46-A7BBEFDF4535) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5 (62B7E95C-3D63-47C5-8769-5F35EC5405DD) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5s (F962C1E4-05EC-4F4F-AD66-A0C06534FB7D) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (55FB789B-6292-490F-8126-609B45C08386) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (715B2E38-9927-4DAC-A592-36BB21B0144F) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (A2253ACA-4AE7-4A4C-9F0F-31B568B30A46) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (BA770859-F5AA-43AD-8F3E-730F557C9D63) (Shutdown) |
iPad 2 (0CDE09ED-4E8D-430F-84F5-3E4F42B321F8) (Shutdown) |
iPad Retina (B3F86B32-3F7C-4961-A688-771DF4343B77) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (9CD69E22-9627-4AA1-A9D7-DC3CC8215240) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (F5D30F7D-2B2E-479C-B5FA-AD8592F551C9) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (BB75B74B-E495-4CF0-8D8C-2A56D94E0C52) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 10.0 -- |
iPhone 5 (4E363152-5DDC-4070-B732-5FF54244C727) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5s (CE47DCD0-FB87-41F4-9C2F-6426EE78ADCA) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (A708C0A5-F78E-4067-A4B3-781944AD0225) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (8BEB9C89-3E33-4F16-A41F-1EEA4A88F37F) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (EFA82171-466D-4F71-84D3-39DFEC1464B9) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (AC8ADAF3-4176-43C4-A6EB-D1618D618F3B) (Shutdown) |
iPhone SE (67C5E63A-F189-4A35-8892-C8A1AF85A137) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (E2966051-C39E-4BA4-A596-18FE50CC62C0) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (72F66809-A29D-41E2-847E-233824464F4D) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (9.7 inch) (9960293B-2359-42F9-A4B9-A9D75F2545FD) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9 inch) (5CB0E40E-1A65-438B-96FC-AF1662AF679D) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 10.1 -- |
iPhone 5 (8D49105C-BF99-4E30-AAE8-D0D29DBF84D1) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5s (ACB42EC4-EC7B-4B2A-A141-763496000305) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (68BD7040-276E-4711-B0EE-4236082439E5) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (FA4AC5F1-803B-42EA-8AF3-62B2DB2A68D4) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (FF9EAB26-94A9-4061-BCC0-F0E435F94AB2) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (5A4BAA2D-E9B3-4D43-B7CE-008B0855B653) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 (10787247-B228-4673-9EB7-4618D025B426) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 Plus (5B4CD9F4-EB42-4028-B09E-044B4702ACF5) (Shutdown) |
iPhone SE (52501CBE-DE8F-4B24-90DF-4282DE0C2175) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (1A61D5AE-0CC0-42F2-8EED-AFBE47BFD723) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (7455E659-CA1E-4B32-8060-27731ADA5340) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (9.7 inch) (B93108B4-BD74-403E-8EB1-D2127AB94025) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9 inch) (C2739744-CA5B-47AF-8F53-3D348DA944E0) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 10.2 -- |
iPhone 5 (FC47B6A9-EDDC-4DD1-85BD-6A717871F44A) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5s (EA4F8ED3-6D51-44AF-B833-CD2C02127FAE) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (1DA0F799-2AAA-4B72-940E-5D841B78772F) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (96E3036E-E6CD-451C-BE86-F9827DF72DAA) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (CE4C545C-2B2B-461F-8B52-1F1FE7F8FD7A) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (A859D8C7-8498-402F-AAD2-63A86BE2567D) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 (7E3088EF-11BC-4912-B812-3B6BB15595B3) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 Plus (DF7B3BAA-3E8F-471A-A04D-70263F7D111B) (Shutdown) |
iPhone SE (1F0544DB-4FEB-4090-9B95-08F9DC2B9D79) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (38747068-6973-4664-8943-A841DC0B6CB5) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (A4F7D436-D819-4BD7-826A-680171841DFF) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (9.7 inch) (05514CBE-6489-473B-B551-476FEE1C3F0F) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9 inch) (E87B0427-57B3-46D4-B8B3-1E63E429AD23) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 10.3 -- |
iPhone 5 (64346EC3-7A31-4694-B224-8FB9BA4C2599) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 5s (54729446-332D-4D25-AF5F-D5FC1AB010CC) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (7717A0A5-CA65-4C5D-A033-BE3892392F59) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (F63CABB2-9B1E-43B5-B5FE-230E0962B812) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (711ECDC8-1F6D-4191-9124-74B95349A933) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (E53AE347-1423-4B82-83B3-756D7F1972B9) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 (7C560592-4F40-4E14-9BD9-A6FCD1DAAEE9) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 Plus (0A0B26B7-73CD-4630-A25E-7CCEFC29F32F) (Shutdown) |
iPhone SE (AC9842E8-6C44-4D64-A5AC-1422934C85E7) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (886EDA59-3687-40C8-B398-FBCC39C038F5) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (7C07DDB4-4CA0-4F5C-A9CB-4C6F63F53549) (Shutdown) |
iPad (5th generation) (0BC9DF2B-6196-4136-A2BD-F903C079E4AD) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (9.7 inch) (A1628FF3-7A3C-42E9-A9D3-E65E2345507C) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9 inch) (6FF742C3-8713-4024-893C-8DF4A3E903EC) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation) (84D889A5-4E36-4B5B-AACC-BEAEA9E1F71D) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (10.5-inch) (98F7CB16-0F59-4BD9-8361-68F25F9663F8) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 11.0 -- |
iPhone 5s (4134049B-90B6-49F5-8AFB-D35B486E9CBA) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (17B0C831-D47A-4BF3-ADA8-732AFB648431) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (C816E683-3303-47F4-AFC9-D980C0A87F6F) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (078FFD29-CF6E-48F8-B01B-AECE79946DD2) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (CDDFDBAA-12D8-4C19-AF34-5A0B2ADA9D51) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 (C3278F00-7FD9-442B-88FC-AE4294218408) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 Plus (D9B4DA7F-25E3-4D6D-8AA1-326EE124A5FE) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 (367568BC-AD5E-401A-A098-827D432B68F4) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 Plus (3022D994-A8D5-4509-B9F2-DE13FAC27DB8) (Shutdown) |
iPhone SE (20C2091D-23A1-4E6F-BC29-C7CAA41F63E1) (Shutdown) |
iPhone X (014B8D27-8DA3-4DDF-93B0-CDC5D34372A3) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (5097CC96-AE84-4CB3-9B3D-DF68212E1EDC) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (60DCA392-86B1-47D2-A81E-D395AB32AFA5) (Shutdown) |
iPad (5th generation) (6A3C6223-9A1E-4547-8410-9CA8C975E396) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (9.7-inch) (9FEE8F54-E259-4D94-B062-C5B0818344C7) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (D1333745-9B3B-49BA-8581-9B5D3CB62F1E) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation) (001B93E7-353F-49D1-8D07-205B6AA6A006) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (10.5-inch) (6DF4F4B5-EB97-44FC-B9B0-F4DDCAF5B5A9) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 11.1 -- |
iPhone 5s (308CD7FC-7779-4357-BABE-B24D3E84F211) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (9CA51BB9-F93C-4A68-8558-3D65E8311E29) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (362F72F4-624C-458E-8D99-44F647BB1873) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (DA090827-E068-4B56-8E89-ACE5B0EE9AFA) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (F54A9796-6BBC-469B-986F-94E6CFE1925B) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 (C6DAC512-04EE-4C46-9DCD-4562C55FE369) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 Plus (13270229-C833-4D53-B1EA-80060DA623E3) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 (5EF6B1D2-868F-443E-BB9A-E76CF252D2E5) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 Plus (E199FEEE-FA5C-4A72-915B-923D88B9964C) (Shutdown) |
iPhone SE (8D8E872A-B627-4548-8DA6-D68D20255E8D) (Shutdown) |
iPhone X (305E4DB1-ECA1-4FBB-8F1F-4835163DBFFD) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (E13048A1-4A05-4A7B-AF1F-A16C6D22E405) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (F0E8AEA5-C82B-4479-BAF4-D13BEBCDB3BC) (Shutdown) |
iPad (5th generation) (DC3245D6-EFBA-4395-8FE7-714905D843B3) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (9.7-inch) (5E2B2B32-E6A0-47F0-8A91-5361189165EE) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (32A1135D-75C1-48B3-AF5D-4C6E11308DD0) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation) (E7F98608-D445-484B-A6DA-0C7D9FE3D798) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (10.5-inch) (7407064C-C02D-4DC5-916E-6251659FE683) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 11.2 -- |
iPhone 5s (EEF36DA9-D182-4C1E-98B9-0872B759E9C7) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (87033B86-F5B6-4802-8444-6A47CBD0C8AE) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (ABFB8EA0-C959-443E-8354-58028A17A8DA) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (9DA2CEF7-95E6-4C0B-A099-265786D77AD7) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (9984D2FB-0649-42A1-A888-2B5EAB4C28EB) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 (0DA3B30E-1275-4F72-9861-82D382ED4484) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 Plus (29F488E2-0F41-429B-AFF9-25AEEFA3878F) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 (0EDF4731-31CC-459C-9848-B16431FDDA8A) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 Plus (394C62AB-944D-4E5A-A41A-7B5F42F4CA01) (Shutdown) |
iPhone SE (C6C8FC17-2C06-4FB2-9A8F-8C1BDA342A84) (Shutdown) |
iPhone X (A97BF87F-6116-4FA4-8618-26923F6ED979) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (A8D3D31F-1C80-4E71-8173-ADFDB345869F) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (3B4C642B-BD15-41BF-AFD2-735A4E26EA43) (Shutdown) |
iPad (5th generation) (17BDEA68-69F6-4EBC-B3E9-5BF8EF2DFA68) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (9.7-inch) (F808668D-716B-4D3F-84A6-A89DEA5354D9) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2BD93001-C123-4DEA-B4C8-E5C16C3019D9) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation) (CBE82972-628A-4FC8-BCAF-04DC1CF0AC8D) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (10.5-inch) (6093A338-33F3-42B3-8B1B-0AF32F68CDC1) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 11.3 -- |
iPhone 5s (ADCEC684-BCFE-40DD-B68D-EB197178D5F1) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (E8B740B9-73CC-40D7-B342-07F0A180BB7E) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (F869D419-5543-4803-95E1-9E79CE38BAE1) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (1227C881-2090-42D1-860E-E02879526B87) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (609FFCBC-0BB2-4888-AFEB-A9021942F51C) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 (E741F173-A2D1-43BD-9EE4-0638FEC27672) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 Plus (B29AC7C8-3C5F-4FCA-B23C-51B90F5AEA68) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 (4C789B4E-9D3B-4EAC-89BE-D6BADB368A1E) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 Plus (2950AF51-A153-49E8-A5D6-575B85E4D6E5) (Shutdown) |
iPhone SE (0D54C5E8-0995-4CDC-9863-998F17C191F4) (Shutdown) |
iPhone X (493D6455-6720-4C43-86FC-8AF38E73FEF6) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (F14B5B85-4FD3-41FC-87B3-90CAB422887F) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (5844D4AE-C877-4F03-B03D-3A35DB988B4F) (Shutdown) |
iPad (5th generation) (F841F231-5794-4175-BBC2-C4231E85511C) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (9.7-inch) (396CD1C4-008C-49AF-ADDA-2E5789B63FE3) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (62BA3E49-D9F8-4DF7-A64C-2826CDD19C78) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation) (4A122708-07D4-4191-9C98-4541C676A624) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (10.5-inch) (FED4FB04-06DA-413E-BE65-402A9ADA4850) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 11.4 -- |
iPhone 5s (BE18B6FE-488D-4176-B0DE-F7F8F83FE775) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (9D1EA86E-B76B-42F2-A6DB-356377E3A44F) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (7E658E61-E968-4957-81F9-8740B61B55CA) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (52F6F816-D9F8-49AE-AEDA-3B78D68770F0) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (19B1FE37-ADDC-4969-AABD-3D52625F08CB) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 (6C95D4BF-21F7-4656-91F9-A6926F12F44C) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 Plus (CF406282-484A-43C0-9F5F-075713F5B5AA) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 (8844DEFE-F3F6-43E1-B9FC-A4A6280D328A) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 Plus (304761EE-B701-4543-A74E-3B557FF66716) (Shutdown) |
iPhone SE (C9332EDE-1CF5-44C5-AA74-463C361BEC2A) (Shutdown) |
iPhone X (9930437C-214D-427C-848B-9690358BD666) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (90812A21-5769-4390-AD39-F4E498D474C1) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (7C202ED0-9E0A-497D-AE9C-96F27F42F75B) (Shutdown) |
iPad (5th generation) (64D8C8DA-1258-4809-983B-2A4751455A5D) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (9.7-inch) (10ED9017-F7E6-4B2E-A869-F70AD560A6E1) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (9393FF4D-1373-42BD-B4F6-CACD05BC29C3) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation) (078932DA-DBBC-46EE-A3B8-123A03EE270F) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (10.5-inch) (425AE0CA-CC0D-4890-8CAF-7267FA866918) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 12.0 -- |
iPhone 5s (A1BCF2AA-7831-4E42-B015-41BC2FCDD2DF) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (01047D8E-B0E7-4703-856C-6196BF4CEE42) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (D213BC7D-015D-4969-AB28-F9127C6A87A1) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (750B5BA5-47A9-4A66-8833-4E9A981A6DCE) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (FEC0A181-AF1E-44DE-A4E7-94D87C069008) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 (46AD6163-78AA-43BC-8D4E-1E9F7D43F188) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 Plus (788B65B7-7371-4662-A231-39A27CED43BF) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 (DC0D3E0B-2E9D-4B3C-82AF-49C31A841744) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 Plus (A78356A1-4C90-4699-BA30-3C7CB3546AAE) (Shutdown) |
iPhone SE (AEE6B091-1B18-49FA-85B1-085D193D10F4) (Shutdown) |
iPhone X (4B2BDC5C-80B6-4E9E-A2C7-53C424DD21B6) (Shutdown) |
iPhone XS (21B135A7-9D83-4B84-8499-0D44905F5B67) (Shutdown) |
iPhone XS Max (3BB256CF-8F20-404D-A47C-A238C00BD54C) (Shutdown) |
iPhone XR (8D798521-2E5E-4027-835B-92CA69C6354B) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (E9D9D697-C453-4D22-BD09-54683E28C12D) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (D9DEDA93-CF1B-4E5A-9C03-4990F503F96A) (Shutdown) |
iPad (5th generation) (FA012917-26B2-4884-A6C8-075135567F30) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (9.7-inch) (765534D9-7E5F-4C95-8C6E-41CFD8160157) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (42512251-4CD6-44A5-8AD0-08E0486DB8B2) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation) (2C89A903-1A24-4353-A3F5-06ECC11C7EB6) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (10.5-inch) (2057EBBB-553F-4CCA-BED0-3323E2E642CE) (Shutdown) |
iPad (6th generation) (71EF4C0D-1087-49F4-89F2-001E6B27B6A7) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 12.1 -- |
iPhone 5s (1AF71C95-DC20-43D8-A4DE-662D4EA6FB69) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (58FAF5CF-1833-4FAD-8D80-0A4838446364) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (2CC0DAC9-747A-4B75-9E0D-273E429FC64B) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (3E94BCE0-2596-4821-ACBD-48E87C81B499) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (8C209285-3433-46F7-8297-8C183D1B9D5E) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 (F41370D7-E5F5-4D91-AC3B-259CE9A83711) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 Plus (FF1E05C3-E8D2-4B7A-8F44-8EF5E77C78D5) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 (EF225DA2-2D22-44DC-BBED-5801F0EA4533) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 Plus (38E6C347-2229-4FD4-BEDD-0056D120BAC2) (Shutdown) |
iPhone SE (9E90BDC1-467E-41EF-9E25-FBA7C143066B) (Shutdown) |
iPhone X (7C6D6301-B84E-4143-BF4F-45CC20C144D6) (Shutdown) |
iPhone XS (3090DFFF-0915-4A34-B027-C98703078789) (Shutdown) |
iPhone XS Max (9B18B352-9C9C-46AB-98AA-F4B9B68E4C99) (Shutdown) |
iPhone XR (0BCA4000-8510-4975-8E52-3AB1A5CDB14A) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (ED95C908-FCC5-40BD-BCCF-EFA9B2D7882D) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (06046439-FF5E-44A0-BB8D-3531086AA7A9) (Shutdown) |
iPad (5th generation) (7C607642-9C2D-4BD5-A61B-545D95A66B71) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (9.7-inch) (08392EC8-F846-4032-9DE8-A927E276D848) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (B6C9A842-CCCF-46E1-87FE-F16F8C9D6457) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation) (C156F02A-57EC-435D-8E25-677729784062) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (10.5-inch) (E4BE6C7C-3CCE-4AD0-98F2-8E05DFC40CA1) (Shutdown) |
iPad (6th generation) (0951900B-6347-4443-B6D5-246439BFEB9D) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (11-inch) (C91CCEC9-A7A4-45F1-9253-76968E3A39FE) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation) (2F69EA42-3E9C-49A8-81E2-0C62651BBDF3) (Shutdown) |
-- iOS 12.2 -- |
iPhone 5s (E69E6134-E98D-4397-9845-F5A1EECF6280) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 (5603FC34-8017-4DB3-B3C1-4C28369B55D0) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6 Plus (48145B10-C005-472D-BD2C-7371D52BD9DF) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s (FDF879EC-ABD1-46EF-B79C-98EC293AD6F3) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 6s Plus (749AF69F-4BCE-40EE-861E-583262070F40) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 (CBB2E834-ABBA-4031-B8FC-E0CD199459D0) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 7 Plus (0CDFE52A-C07F-4B7E-9D43-1670E8ADFD47) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 (8AA5A7C2-ECFE-4128-9507-1A24F17925B6) (Shutdown) |
iPhone 8 Plus (AFC0889A-F826-4E70-8CE5-DC651077A308) (Shutdown) |
iPhone SE (EB83BF79-FEDC-4E1C-8D8B-FA44907815AB) (Shutdown) |
iPhone X (B3A5F3C8-0AD6-43A1-BDB1-31A5F12448A6) (Shutdown) |
iPhone Xs (2D144036-DB57-4CBC-BC76-3452C2DCC7EB) (Shutdown) |
iPhone Xs Max (551DEA22-35ED-4E6F-9D5E-49381456096A) (Shutdown) |
iPhone Xʀ (62332DED-D4BB-47D1-AF47-E8BE8CF8D7BC) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (3rd generation) (BA2C9059-1294-45D5-A4D0-06D8650F6FAE) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air (C96985C1-CCDD-4D72-A9A8-1DF0F52A70B5) (Shutdown) |
iPad Air 2 (BA03C357-8B7E-4781-9A03-8176BAEF0058) (Shutdown) |
iPad (5th generation) (A017B73A-5415-48EB-A56A-F19F9D22F7B7) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (9.7-inch) (4051527D-993B-409A-97AD-311567F45C05) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (ECAA056F-C658-44AB-9828-6A9AF51A5A06) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation) (201B3CC0-6DB5-4C8B-988E-38BD4EEABFDC) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (10.5-inch) (E44C62C6-BFF2-4313-94FF-4E2A16E64039) (Shutdown) |
iPad (6th generation) (F0131CEC-912B-48CC-BD66-B24854DE6C24) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (11-inch) (53F443E7-D541-444D-9D52-8644C624D304) (Shutdown) |
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation) (829B49CC-7BA9-4F0B-A986-597D3FDF4B85) (Shutdown) |
-- tvOS 9.0 -- |
Apple TV 1080p (7343C157-7A73-4400-BF16-5474EB5EB388) (Shutdown) |
-- tvOS 9.1 -- |
Apple TV 1080p (514089CD-2DD8-4E2C-80FF-5FF2E665CB32) (Shutdown) |
-- tvOS 9.2 -- |
Apple TV 1080p (FE36E3AE-9796-4F29-B3F0-044689339A58) (Shutdown) |
-- tvOS 10.0 -- |
Apple TV 1080p (1DF2D08A-1F55-41C0-A3C6-43B6A215C967) (Shutdown) |
-- tvOS 10.1 -- |
Apple TV 1080p (413845E9-ECA5-4AB5-95CF-11566CF16C15) (Shutdown) |
-- tvOS 10.2 -- |
Apple TV 1080p (456EC0CF-C098-4EC1-890E-4DE0BD3C4527) (Shutdown) |
-- tvOS 11.0 -- |
Apple TV (ABEF790A-D338-4FE4-9C98-572670F35908) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (31353863-3EF7-46D1-AC1E-EF999AB0D18E) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (at 1080p) (21FD8C9D-41F8-497D-9666-2F7A645CB0B3) (Shutdown) |
-- tvOS 11.1 -- |
Apple TV (6812F35F-EFAA-420F-88AA-26288271834D) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (044CD2F7-5BC9-4D50-8EEB-EAAC5AB457B2) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (at 1080p) (5556F4E0-0D97-4587-8213-338D3DCF0FC3) (Shutdown) |
-- tvOS 11.2 -- |
Apple TV (CD418910-F503-4ABE-9945-D94132210BF9) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (143F1DCE-AC22-4604-82C6-55EE5D8BE498) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (at 1080p) (278DAF0A-C98A-4FF1-A613-D3174CD054E2) (Shutdown) |
-- tvOS 11.3 -- |
Apple TV (48CCDEFE-B395-47E8-B8E4-4EF0E0589AC7) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (940F6D31-4578-4F40-9677-AFC20CC6404D) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (at 1080p) (2F2D9400-CEFC-4172-B0F1-D4C2180CF3BE) (Shutdown) |
-- tvOS 11.4 -- |
Apple TV (F8AA86AF-3010-4042-8923-84589672B1E4) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (A4AFA2A8-6839-43CC-89E1-E728E019252A) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (at 1080p) (8703D75F-C67A-4751-837E-7F9182ED0E00) (Shutdown) |
-- tvOS 12.0 -- |
Apple TV (012480E4-C59B-48DB-A38E-C25020523651) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (29815EF6-5815-4535-928E-C58D267707CA) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (at 1080p) (EC05658C-8EF6-4875-8095-A058D81CA76A) (Shutdown) |
-- tvOS 12.1 -- |
Apple TV (6427CDF9-1030-4D13-9C89-551F59069B98) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (B81659B6-5C07-4349-A13D-B00D667AD37A) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (at 1080p) (F863BBB4-E77D-4811-BF16-D01B2F86D2D2) (Shutdown) |
-- tvOS 12.2 -- |
Apple TV (E43D4C1A-4AA4-402F-AE75-8A3DF316D150) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (95CFC78E-9A53-49DC-A558-EA0CA9DFF066) (Shutdown) |
Apple TV 4K (at 1080p) (C7A6B5DE-4FCB-426C-AC42-0E2A07BA9F13) (Shutdown) |
-- watchOS 2.0 -- |
Apple Watch - 38mm (D2A896CF-38DA-4B69-8864-30AB85786B5E) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch - 42mm (05760DAE-7F18-4B5F-8EAB-0DEEABA6426F) (Shutdown) |
-- watchOS 2.1 -- |
Apple Watch - 38mm (F528926F-EF63-44CA-84D1-7486D35FA0F6) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch - 42mm (D644F8B5-AFDB-4FBA-B835-8A2982208D6C) (Shutdown) |
-- watchOS 2.2 -- |
Apple Watch - 38mm (D49643B9-6401-424B-B698-0E0D34D982CB) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch - 42mm (44DF6C27-3D1C-4185-8EFB-4672B1774D5C) (Shutdown) |
-- watchOS 3.1 -- |
Apple Watch - 38mm (CBFF002A-3CD9-42C7-A87D-92A8F631F5BD) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch - 42mm (ED38F9A0-337E-46C9-A3FD-B2C0A7905582) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm (D241A11A-668B-41BB-BC66-F72BE249ED16) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 42mm (1FA01F5D-720B-4243-8326-BE9504E0EF6B) (Shutdown) |
-- watchOS 3.2 -- |
Apple Watch - 38mm (C313BD94-BF59-41FD-A9B3-4CC0E9F85CEE) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch - 42mm (26E4CC7A-E81C-4A92-B98C-6F48B04C37F1) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm (B999E491-E7A8-4F20-B3DE-1A0ACE49FF61) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 42mm (E7C71314-ADC6-4D9D-8B17-C9BDB67784DB) (Shutdown) |
-- watchOS 4.0 -- |
Apple Watch - 38mm (00C19970-CD6B-43F0-905F-58F495CD6991) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch - 42mm (C7D60AB5-CBA3-4550-B8B8-4D56E0F24898) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm (40EBC754-EE89-4B57-93E8-CDDE05323092) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 42mm (E37B3E77-A24D-4F3A-9FC1-B4CB17B62B65) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 3 - 38mm (80FF5E6B-2519-4B28-A2DD-3DD58B8E1C2E) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 3 - 42mm (2A69F359-3C82-45B3-AB26-EADD653AC2D7) (Shutdown) |
-- watchOS 4.1 -- |
Apple Watch - 38mm (811AA552-8FC7-4752-BCB5-E94E822A1EDA) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch - 42mm (87B34775-3BD9-433A-8171-DC812BBA4523) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm (2D97987F-D1FD-4C9B-9F70-F86A1C20E0CB) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 42mm (E2B14D20-30D5-45E9-918A-83087B6E7AD0) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 3 - 38mm (A1A23F1C-8DF3-4AF1-A5DA-B7AD26831B93) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 3 - 42mm (3E75D776-D4D3-47FF-B450-50A870053F44) (Shutdown) |
-- watchOS 4.2 -- |
Apple Watch - 38mm (8DCA841A-0158-40BE-8752-E0A5AEE542C7) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch - 42mm (2388A581-D09D-4154-821C-89B59BDBD36B) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm (DA3907EF-2227-4E64-8AA2-6A37386E9B91) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 42mm (CA0F50C6-30DE-4E44-9F23-1521934E3741) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 3 - 38mm (0368EC7C-7185-4A73-8AA1-6DDF7D34B633) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 3 - 42mm (25741319-56B3-4BC9-8883-FC71D8B748B3) (Shutdown) |
-- watchOS 5.0 -- |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm (6147C86C-E39F-4DAB-9E74-13B1D9CFED25) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 42mm (CC83C34E-5119-4E1D-9257-78BC657C824B) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 3 - 38mm (5A9F1F16-E604-4074-8252-FEB6AEDB213F) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 3 - 42mm (4973AF94-AD65-47C4-95F7-C72E88BDB053) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 4 - 40mm (A7D8790B-AA7B-4B6E-A97F-311669F7D2E6) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 4 - 44mm (6AC46F4C-0BE5-4560-96CA-4055C71F31A2) (Shutdown) |
-- watchOS 5.1 -- |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm (20B2F142-62B2-4D80-90E1-74F8F6338004) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 42mm (1F0A0D74-F4A6-4C1E-88E2-5EE0E05224D9) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 3 - 38mm (10D4A593-5C7C-4A1F-8E2D-91FA7E6044A1) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 3 - 42mm (085797CC-DBF3-4AF4-B5A1-B6A2B90D1581) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 4 - 40mm (4F14C1DB-7850-47B4-9264-B62534EF94F4) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 4 - 44mm (213943FE-EB4F-47F7-89AD-6A4841859BFC) (Shutdown) |
-- watchOS 5.2 -- |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm (2AFEE032-A8BD-4DB7-90C2-99C0C3DB6FB8) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 2 - 42mm (DA830451-2AB0-4727-9C82-4C8A5A842F3D) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 3 - 38mm (66429F91-F580-4E54-98EF-A0E0F7172812) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 3 - 42mm (BBC74A92-D51B-48DB-9BC3-5A63C45E49FF) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 4 - 40mm (77730C4A-AFC5-46B6-8357-5AE3C91C6318) (Shutdown) |
Apple Watch Series 4 - 44mm (17D44390-1DB4-4C67-81A1-9B385030400B) (Shutdown) |
== Device Pairs == |
F7D5AA47-2072-4984-B7A7-44DEDCCD65C3 (active, disconnected) |
Watch: Apple Watch Series 4 - 40mm (77730C4A-AFC5-46B6-8357-5AE3C91C6318) (Shutdown) |
Phone: iPhone Xs (2D144036-DB57-4CBC-BC76-3452C2DCC7EB) (Shutdown) |
D84A3C7C-8952-444F-B888-072D0F89E0D8 (active, disconnected) |
Watch: Apple Watch Series 4 - 44mm (17D44390-1DB4-4C67-81A1-9B385030400B) (Shutdown) |
Phone: iPhone Xs Max (551DEA22-35ED-4E6F-9D5E-49381456096A) (Shutdown) |
travis_fold:end:announce |
No Gemfile found, skipping bundle install |
travis_time:start:034cad78 |
$ ./build.sh verify-osx |
▸ Running script 'Set Swift Version' |
▸ Running script 'Download Core and Sync' |
▸ Processing Realm-Info.plist |
▸ Running script 'Get Version Number' |
▸ Running script 'Generate RLMPlatform.h' |
▸ Compiling work_queue.cpp |
▸ Compiling weak_realm_notifier.cpp |
▸ Compiling uuid.cpp |
▸ Compiling transact_log_handler.cpp |
▸ Compiling thread_safe_reference.cpp |
▸ Compiling system_configuration.cpp |
▸ Compiling sync_user.cpp |
▸ Compiling sync_session.cpp |
▸ Compiling sync_permission.cpp |
▸ Compiling sync_metadata.cpp |
▸ Compiling sync_manager.cpp |
▸ Compiling sync_file.cpp |
▸ Compiling sync_config.cpp |
▸ Compiling shared_realm.cpp |
▸ Compiling schema.cpp |
▸ Compiling results_notifier.cpp |
▸ Compiling results.cpp |
▸ Compiling realm_coordinator.cpp |
▸ Compiling primitive_list_notifier.cpp |
▸ Compiling partial_sync.cpp |
▸ Compiling object_store.cpp |
▸ Compiling object_schema.cpp |
▸ Compiling object_notifier.cpp |
▸ Compiling object.cpp |
▸ Compiling network_reachability_observer.cpp |
▸ Compiling list_notifier.cpp |
▸ Compiling list.cpp |
▸ Compiling keychain_helper.cpp |
▸ Compiling index_set.cpp |
▸ Compiling fifo.cpp |
▸ Compiling external_commit_helper.cpp |
▸ Compiling collection_notifier.cpp |
▸ Compiling collection_notifications.cpp |
▸ Compiling collection_change_builder.cpp |
▸ Compiling binding_callback_thread_observer.cpp |
▸ Compiling RLMUtil.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMUpdateChecker.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMThreadSafeReference.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMSyncUtil.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMSyncUser.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMSyncSubscription.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMSyncSessionRefreshHandle.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMSyncSession.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMSyncPermissionResults.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMSyncPermission.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMSyncManager.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMSyncCredentials.m |
▸ Compiling RLMSyncConfiguration.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMSwiftSupport.m |
▸ Compiling RLMSchema.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMResults.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMRealmUtil.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMRealmConfiguration.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMRealmConfiguration+Sync.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMRealm.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMRealm+Sync.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMQueryUtil.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMProperty.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMPredicateUtil.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMOptionalBase.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMObservation.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMObjectStore.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMObjectSchema.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMObjectBase.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMObject.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMNetworkClient.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMMigration.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMManagedArray.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMListBase.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMJSONModels.m |
▸ Compiling RLMConstants.m |
▸ Compiling RLMCollection.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMClassInfo.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMArray.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMAnalytics.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMAccessor.mm |
▸ Compiling NSError+RLMSync.m |
▸ Linking Realm |
▸ Copying Realm.h |
▸ Generating 'Realm.framework.dSYM' |
▸ Copying RLMThreadSafeReference.h |
▸ Copying RLMSyncUtil_Private.h |
▸ Copying RLMSyncUtil.h |
▸ Copying RLMSyncUser.h |
▸ Copying RLMSyncSubscription.h |
▸ Copying RLMSyncSession.h |
▸ Copying RLMSyncPermissionResults.h |
▸ Copying RLMSyncPermission.h |
▸ Copying RLMSyncManager.h |
▸ Copying RLMSyncCredentials.h |
▸ Copying RLMSyncConfiguration_Private.h |
▸ Copying RLMSyncConfiguration.h |
▸ Copying RLMSchema_Private.h |
▸ Copying RLMSchema.h |
▸ Copying RLMResults_Private.h |
▸ Copying RLMResults.h |
▸ Copying RLMRealm_Private.h |
▸ Copying RLMRealm_Dynamic.h |
▸ Copying RLMRealmConfiguration_Private.h |
▸ Copying RLMRealmConfiguration.h |
▸ Copying RLMRealmConfiguration+Sync.h |
▸ Copying RLMRealm.h |
▸ Copying RLMRealm+Sync.h |
▸ Copying RLMProperty_Private.h |
▸ Copying RLMProperty.h |
▸ Copying RLMOptionalBase.h |
▸ Copying RLMObject_Private.h |
▸ Copying RLMObjectStore.h |
▸ Copying RLMObjectSchema_Private.h |
▸ Copying RLMObjectSchema.h |
▸ Copying RLMObjectBase_Private.h |
▸ Copying RLMObjectBase_Dynamic.h |
▸ Copying RLMObjectBase.h |
▸ Copying RLMObject.h |
▸ Copying RLMMigration_Private.h |
▸ Copying RLMMigration.h |
▸ Copying RLMListBase.h |
▸ Copying RLMConstants.h |
▸ Copying RLMCollection_Private.h |
▸ Copying RLMCollection.h |
▸ Copying RLMArray_Private.h |
▸ Copying RLMArray.h |
▸ Copying RLMAccessor.h |
▸ Copying NSError+RLMSync.h |
▸ Copying /Users/travis/build/realm/realm-cocoa/scripts/strip-frameworks.sh |
▸ Copying /Users/travis/build/realm/realm-cocoa/LICENSE |
▸ Copying /Users/travis/build/realm/realm-cocoa/CHANGELOG.md |
▸ Touching Realm.framework (in target: Realm) |
▸ Processing RealmSwiftTests-Info.plist |
▸ Copying RealmTestSupport.h |
▸ Touching RealmTestSupport.framework (in target: RealmTestSupport) |
▸ Compiling main.m |
▸ Processing Info.plist |
▸ Linking TestHost |
▸ Generating 'TestHost.app.dSYM' |
▸ Touching TestHost.app (in target: TestHost) |
▸ Processing RealmTests-Info.plist |
▸ Running script 'Get Version Number' |
▸ Compiling UtilTests.mm |
▸ Compiling UnicodeTests.m |
▸ Compiling TransactionTests.m |
▸ Compiling ThreadSafeReferenceTests.m |
▸ Compiling TestUtils.mm |
▸ Compiling SchemaTests.mm |
▸ Compiling ResultsTests.m |
▸ Compiling RealmTests.mm |
▸ Compiling RealmConfigurationTests.mm |
▸ Compiling RLMTestObjects.m |
▸ Compiling RLMTestCase.m |
▸ Compiling RLMMultiProcessTestCase.m |
▸ Compiling QueryTests.m |
▸ Compiling PropertyTests.m |
▸ Compiling PrimitiveArrayPropertyTests.m |
▸ Compiling PredicateUtilTests.mm |
▸ Compiling ObjectTests.m |
▸ Compiling ObjectSchemaTests.m |
▸ Compiling ObjectInterfaceTests.m |
▸ Compiling ObjectCreationTests.mm |
▸ Compiling NotificationTests.m |
▸ Compiling MigrationTests.mm |
▸ Compiling LinkingObjectsTests.mm |
▸ Compiling LinkTests.m |
▸ Compiling KVOTests.mm |
▸ Compiling InterprocessTests.m |
▸ Compiling EnumeratorTests.m |
▸ Compiling EncryptionTests.mm |
▸ Compiling DynamicTests.m |
▸ Compiling CompactionTests.m |
▸ Compiling AsyncTests.mm |
▸ Compiling ArrayPropertyTests.m |
▸ Linking Tests |
▸ Generating 'Tests.xctest.dSYM' |
▸ Copying /Users/travis/build/realm/realm-cocoa/build/DerivedData/Realm/Build/Products/Release/Realm.framework |
▸ Copying /Users/travis/build/realm/realm-cocoa/Realm/Tests/mixed-column.realm |
▸ Copying /Users/travis/build/realm/realm-cocoa/Realm/Tests/fileformat-pre-null.realm |
▸ Copying /Users/travis/build/realm/realm-cocoa/Realm/Tests/fileformat-old-date.realm |
▸ Copying /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/usr/lib/libXCTestBundleInject.dylib |
skipping copy phase strip, binary is code signed: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/usr/lib/libXCTestBundleInject.dylib |
▸ Copying /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/XCTAutomationSupport.framework |
skipping copy phase strip, binary is code signed: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/XCTAutomationSupport.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/LogArchiveCollector.xpc/Contents/MacOS/LogArchiveCollectorwarning: skipping copy phase strip, binary is code signed: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/XCTAutomationSupport.framework/Versions/A/XCTAutomationSupport |
▸ Copying /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/Library/Frameworks/XCTest.framework |
skipping copy phase strip, binary is code signed: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/Library/Frameworks/XCTest.framework/Versions/A/XCTestwarning: skipping copy phase strip, binary is code signed: /Applications/Xcode-10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/Library/Frameworks/XCTest.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/XCUIRecorderService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/XCUIRecorderService |
▸ Touching Tests.xctest (in target: Tests) |
▸ Test build Succeeded |
▸ Copying /Users/travis/build/realm/realm-cocoa/build/DerivedData/Realm/Build/Products/Release/Realm.framework |
2019-06-27 16:43:31.544 xcodebuild[2696:7745] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: (1AAE5B96-9F38-4837-A799-D4500A054986) Beginning test session Tests-1AAE5B96-9F38-4837-A799-D4500A054986 at 2019-06-27 16:43:31.543 with Xcode 10E1001 on target <DVTLocalComputer: 0x7fc614446680 (My Mac | x86_64)> (10.14.4 (18E226)) |
2019-06-27 16:43:31.544 xcodebuild[2696:7811] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: Writing diagnostic log for test session to: |
/Users/travis/build/realm/realm-cocoa/build/DerivedData/Realm/Logs/Test/Test-Realm-2019.06.27_16-43-29-+0000.xcresult/1_Test/Diagnostics/Tests-E0C6CAFD-3109-4D04-A3BA-1DB5166C2620/Tests-222C02EE-97BA-4713-B8F2-A0F11617FE4F/Session-Tests-2019-06-27_164331-GBplrU.log |
2019-06-27 16:43:31.960 xcodebuild[2696:7745] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: (1AAE5B96-9F38-4837-A799-D4500A054986) Finished requesting crash reports. Continuing with testing. |
Selected tests |
Test Suite Tests.xctest started |
ArrayPropertyTests |
✓ testAddInvalidated (0.182 seconds) |
✓ testAddNil (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testAllMethodsCheckForInvalidation (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testAllMethodsCheckThread (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testArrayDescription (0.047 seconds) |
✓ testAssignIncorrectType (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testCrossThreadAccess (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteDuringEnumeration (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteLinksAndObjectsInArray (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectInArrayProperty (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectInUnmanagedArray (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectWithArrayProperty (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteUnmanagedObjectWithArrayProperty (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testDeletingObjectWithNotificationsRegistered (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testExchangeObjectAtIndexWithObjectAtIndex (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testFastEnumeration (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testIndexOfObject (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testIndexOfObjectWhere (2.975 seconds) |
✓ testInsertAtIndex (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testInsertMultiple (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testManagedAssignment (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testModifyDetatchedArray (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testModifyDuringEnumeration (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testMove (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testMutatingMethodsCheckForWriteTransaction (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testNotificationNotSentForUnrelatedChange (0.244 seconds) |
✓ testNotificationSentAfterCommit (0.230 seconds) |
✓ testNotificationSentInitially (0.102 seconds) |
✓ testNotificationSentOnlyForActualRefresh (0.207 seconds) |
✓ testObjectAggregate (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testPopulateEmptyArray (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testRenamedPropertyAggregate (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testReplaceObjectAtIndexInUnmanagedArray (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testSetValueForKey (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testSortByMultipleColumns (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testSortByNoColumns (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testSortByRenamedColumns (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testUnmanaged (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testUnmanagedAssignment (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testUnmanagedPrimitive (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testValueForCollectionOperationKeyPath (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testValueForKey (0.023 seconds) |
AsyncQueryTests |
✓ testAggregateCollectionOperators (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testArrayIn (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testArrayMultiLevelLinkQuery (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testArrayQuery (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testBasicQuery (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testBooleanPredicate (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testComparisonsWithKeyPathOnRHS (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testCompoundAndQuery (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testCompoundOrQuery (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testConstantPredicates (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testCountOnCollection (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testDefaultRealmQuery (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testEmptyCompoundPredicates (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testFloatQuery (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testINPredicate (0.059 seconds) |
✓ testLinkingObjects (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryAllTypes (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryDifferentRealmsThrows (0.033 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryInt (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryMany (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryNewObjectCausesEmptyResults (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryString (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testLinksToDeletedOrMovedObject (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testLinkViewQuery (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testLinkViewQueryLifetime (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testLinkViewQueryLiveUpdate (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testLiveQueriesBetweenTransactions (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testLiveQueriesInsideTransaction (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testMultiLevelBackLinkQuery (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testMultiLevelLinkQuery (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testQueryBetween (0.028 seconds) |
✓ testQueryChaining (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testQueryingSortedQueryPreservesOrder (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testQueryOnDeletedArrayProperty (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testQuerySorting (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testQueryWithDates (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testQueryWithObjects (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testSortByKeyPath (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testSortByMultipleColumns (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testSortByNoColumns (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testSortByUnspportedKeyPath (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testSortedLinkViewWithDeletion (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testStringBeginsWith (0.040 seconds) |
✓ testStringContains (0.039 seconds) |
✓ testStringEndsWith (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testStringEquality (0.030 seconds) |
✓ testStringLike (0.069 seconds) |
✓ testSubqueries (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testTwoColumnComparison (0.034 seconds) |
AsyncTests |
✓ testAddAndRemoveQueries (0.958 seconds) |
✓ testAddingBlockFromWithinNotificationBlock (0.244 seconds) |
✓ testAddingNewQueryWithinNotificationBlock (0.196 seconds) |
✓ testAddingNewQueryWithinRealmNotificationBlock (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testAddNotificationBlockFromWrongThread (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testAsyncNotSupportedForReadOnlyRealms (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testAsyncNotSupportedInWriteTransactions (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testBlockedThreadWithNotificationsDoesNotPreventDeliveryOnOtherThreads (0.223 seconds) |
✓ testCancellationTokenKeepsSubscriptionAlive (0.475 seconds) |
✓ testCancellationTokenPreventsOpeningRealmWithMismatchedConfig (0.127 seconds) |
✓ testCommitInOneNotificationDoesNotCancelOtherNotifications (0.399 seconds) |
✓ testErrorHandling (0.251 seconds) |
✓ testInitialResultDiscardsChanges (0.086 seconds) |
✓ testInitialResultsAreDelivered (0.197 seconds) |
✓ testManualRefreshUsesAsyncResultsWhenPossible (0.205 seconds) |
✓ testModifyingUnrelatedTableDoesNotTriggerResend (0.201 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleCallbacksForOneQuery (0.622 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleSourceVersionsForAsyncQueries (0.230 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleSourceVersionsWithNotifiersRemovedBeforeRunning (0.049 seconds) |
✓ testNewResultsAreDeliveredAfterBackgroundCommit (0.468 seconds) |
✓ testNewResultsAreDeliveredAfterLocalCommit (0.510 seconds) |
✓ testQueryingDeliveredQueryResults (0.599 seconds) |
✓ testQueryingDeliveredSortedResults (0.503 seconds) |
✓ testQueryingDeliveredTableResults (0.504 seconds) |
✓ testQueryingLinkList (0.790 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveNotificationBlockFromWrongThread (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testRemovingBlockFromWithinNotificationBlock (0.355 seconds) |
✓ testResultsPerserveQuery (0.350 seconds) |
✓ testResultsPerserveSort (0.589 seconds) |
✓ testRLMResultsInstanceIsReused (0.254 seconds) |
✓ testSimultaneouslyRemoveCallbacksFromCallbacksForOtherResults (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testSortingDeliveredResults (0.585 seconds) |
✓ testStaleResultsAreDiscardedWhenThreadIsBlocked (0.208 seconds) |
✓ testTransactionsAfterDeletingLinkView (0.164 seconds) |
ChangesetTests |
✓ testDeleteMultiple (0.448 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteNewlyInsertedRowMatchingQuery (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteNonMatchingAfterMatches (0.028 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteNonMatchingBeforeMatches (0.038 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectMatchingQuery (0.033 seconds) |
✓ testExcludingChangesFromSkippedTransaction (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testInsertBothMatchingAndNonMatching (0.220 seconds) |
✓ testInsertMultipleMatching (0.203 seconds) |
✓ testInsertObjectMatchingQuery (0.219 seconds) |
✓ testInsertObjectNotMatchingQuery (0.194 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectMatchingQuery (0.036 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectNotMatchingQuery (0.030 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectShiftedByDeletion (0.030 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectToMatchQuery (0.033 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectToNoLongerMatchQuery (0.033 seconds) |
✓ testMoveMatchingObjectDueToDeletionOfNonMatchingObject (0.039 seconds) |
✓ testNonMatchingObjectMovedToIndexOfMatchingRowAndMadeMatching (0.033 seconds) |
CompactionTests |
✓ testAccessDeniedOnTemporaryFile (0.059 seconds) |
✓ testCachedRealmCompactOnLaunch (0.046 seconds) |
✓ testCachedRealmOtherThreadCompactOnLaunch (0.058 seconds) |
✓ testCompact (0.122 seconds) |
✓ testCompactOnLaunchValidation (0.046 seconds) |
✓ testNoBlockCompactOnLaunch (0.040 seconds) |
✓ testReturnNoCompactOnLaunch (0.047 seconds) |
✓ testSuccessfulCompactOnLaunch (0.058 seconds) |
DynamicTests |
✓ testDynamicAdd (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testDynamicArray (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testDynamicObjectRetrieval (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testDynamicProperties (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testDynamicRealmExists (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testDynamicSchema (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testDynamicSchemaMatchesRegularSchema (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testDynamicTypes (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testLinkingObjects (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testOptionalProperties (0.026 seconds) |
EncryptionTests |
✓ testBadEncryptionKeys (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testExplicitMigration (0.042 seconds) |
✓ testImplicitMigration (0.050 seconds) |
✓ testOpenUnencryptedWithKeyThrows (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testOpenWithNewKeyWhileAlreadyOpenThrows (0.035 seconds) |
✓ testReopenWithNoKeyThrows (0.034 seconds) |
✓ testReopenWithSameKeyWorks (0.047 seconds) |
✓ testReopenWithWrongKeyThrows (0.034 seconds) |
✓ testValidEncryptionKeys (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testWriteCopyToPathWithNewKey (0.077 seconds) |
✓ testWriteCopyToPathWithNoKeyWritesDecrypted (0.049 seconds) |
EnumeratorTests |
✓ testEnum (0.029 seconds) |
InterprocessTest |
✓ testBackgroundProcessDoesNotTriggerSpuriousNotifications (0.419 seconds) |
✓ testBidirectionalCommunication (0.299 seconds) |
✓ testCanOpenAndReadWhileOtherProcessHoldsWriteLock (0.403 seconds) |
✓ testCompactOnLaunchBeginWriteFailed (0.416 seconds) |
✓ testCompactOnLaunchFailSilently (0.402 seconds) |
✓ testCompactOnLaunchSuccessful (0.381 seconds) |
✓ testCreateInitialRealmInChild (0.304 seconds) |
✓ testCreateInitialRealmInParent (0.398 seconds) |
✓ testManyWriters (2.101 seconds) |
✓ testOpenInParentThenAddObjectInChild (0.392 seconds) |
✓ testOpenInParentThenAddObjectInChildWithNoChanceToAutorefresh (0.271 seconds) |
✓ testOpenInParentThenAddObjectInChildWithoutAutorefresh (0.430 seconds) |
✓ testRecoverAfterCrash (0.328 seconds) |
✓ testRecoverAfterCrashWithFileAlreadyOpen (1.039 seconds) |
KVOManagedObjectTests |
✓ testAllPropertyTypes (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testAllPropertyTypesDynamic (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testAllPropertyTypesKVC (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testArrayDiffs (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testArrayKVC (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testChangeEndOfKeyPath (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testChangeMiddleOfKeyPath (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testChangeMiddleOfKeyPathToNonNil (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testClearLinkView (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testClearQuery (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testClearTable (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testCreateObserverAfterDealloc (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteAllObjects (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteLinkedToObjectViaQueryClear (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteLinkedToObjectViaTableClear (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteMiddleOfKeyPath (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectInArray (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectsInArrayViaQueryClear (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectsInArrayViaTableClear (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectsInArrayViaTableViewClear (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObservedObject (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteParentOfObservedRLMArray (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testDirectlyDeleteLinkedToObject (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testIgnoredProperty (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidOperationOnObservedArray (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleChangesWithSingleObserver (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleObserversAreNotified (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testNullifyMiddleOfKeyPath (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testObserveInvalidArrayProperty (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testOnlyObserversForTheCorrectObjectAreNotified (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testOnlyObserversForTheCorrectPropertyAreNotified (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsInitial (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsNew (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsOld (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsPrior (0.071 seconds) |
✓ testPrimitiveArrayDiffs (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testRegisterForUnknownProperty (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveObserver (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveObserverInObservation (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testSelfAssignmentNotifies (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testSimple (0.018 seconds) |
KVOManagedObjectWithReorderedPropertiesTests |
✓ testAllPropertyTypes (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testAllPropertyTypesDynamic (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testAllPropertyTypesKVC (0.028 seconds) |
✓ testArrayDiffs (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testArrayKVC (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testChangeEndOfKeyPath (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testChangeMiddleOfKeyPath (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testChangeMiddleOfKeyPathToNonNil (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testClearLinkView (0.028 seconds) |
✓ testClearQuery (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testClearTable (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testCreateObserverAfterDealloc (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteAllObjects (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteLinkedToObjectViaQueryClear (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteLinkedToObjectViaTableClear (0.028 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteMiddleOfKeyPath (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectInArray (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectsInArrayViaQueryClear (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectsInArrayViaTableClear (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectsInArrayViaTableViewClear (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObservedObject (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteParentOfObservedRLMArray (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testDirectlyDeleteLinkedToObject (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testIgnoredProperty (0.032 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidOperationOnObservedArray (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleChangesWithSingleObserver (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleObserversAreNotified (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testNullifyMiddleOfKeyPath (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testObserveInvalidArrayProperty (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testOnlyObserversForTheCorrectObjectAreNotified (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testOnlyObserversForTheCorrectPropertyAreNotified (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsInitial (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsNew (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsOld (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsPrior (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testPrimitiveArrayDiffs (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testRegisterForUnknownProperty (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveObserver (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveObserverInObservation (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testSelfAssignmentNotifies (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testSimple (0.027 seconds) |
KVOMultipleAccessorsTests |
✓ testAddOrUpdate (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testAllPropertyTypes (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testAllPropertyTypesDynamic (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testAllPropertyTypesKVC (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testArrayDiffs (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testArrayKVC (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testCancelWriteTransactionWhileObservingChangedProperty (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testCancelWriteTransactionWhileObservingLinkToExistingObject (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testCancelWriteTransactionWhileObservingLinkToNewObject (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testCancelWriteTransactionWhileObservingNewObject (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testCancelWriteTransactionWhileObservingNewObjectLinkingToNewObject (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testCancelWriteWithArrayChanges (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testCancelWriteWithLinkedObjectedRemoved (0.039 seconds) |
✓ testCancelWriteWithPrimitiveArrayChanges (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testChangeEndOfKeyPath (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testChangeMiddleOfKeyPath (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testChangeMiddleOfKeyPathToNonNil (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testClearLinkView (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testClearQuery (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testClearTable (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testCreateObserverAfterDealloc (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdate (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteAllObjects (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteLinkedToObjectViaQueryClear (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteLinkedToObjectViaTableClear (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteMiddleOfKeyPath (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectInArray (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectsInArrayViaQueryClear (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectsInArrayViaTableClear (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectsInArrayViaTableViewClear (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObservedObject (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteParentOfObservedRLMArray (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testDirectlyDeleteLinkedToObject (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testIgnoredProperty (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidateRealm (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidOperationOnObservedArray (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleChangesWithSingleObserver (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleObserversAreNotified (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testNullifyMiddleOfKeyPath (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testObserveInvalidArrayProperty (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testOnlyObserversForTheCorrectObjectAreNotified (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testOnlyObserversForTheCorrectPropertyAreNotified (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsInitial (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsNew (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsOld (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsPrior (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testPrimitiveArrayDiffs (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testRegisterForUnknownProperty (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveObserver (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveObserverInObservation (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testRenamedProperties (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testSelfAssignmentNotifies (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testSimple (0.016 seconds) |
KVOMultipleRealmsTests |
✓ testAllPropertyTypes (0.036 seconds) |
✓ testAllPropertyTypesDynamic (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testAllPropertyTypesKVC (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testArrayDiffs (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testArrayKVC (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testBatchArrayChanges (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testChangeEndOfKeyPath (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testChangeMiddleOfKeyPath (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testChangeMiddleOfKeyPathToNonNil (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testClearLinkView (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testClearQuery (0.504 seconds) |
✓ testClearTable (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testCreateObserverAfterDealloc (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteAllObjects (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteLinkedToObjectViaQueryClear (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteLinkedToObjectViaTableClear (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteMiddleOfKeyPath (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectInArray (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectsInArrayViaQueryClear (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectsInArrayViaTableClear (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectsInArrayViaTableViewClear (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObservedObject (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteParentOfObservedRLMArray (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testDirectlyDeleteLinkedToObject (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testIgnoredProperty (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testInsertNewColumns (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testInsertNewTables (0.032 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidOperationOnObservedArray (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleChangesWithSingleObserver (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleObserversAreNotified (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testNullifyMiddleOfKeyPath (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testObserveInvalidArrayProperty (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testOnlyObserversForTheCorrectObjectAreNotified (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testOnlyObserversForTheCorrectPropertyAreNotified (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsInitial (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsNew (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsOld (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsPrior (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testOrderedErase (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testPrimitiveArrayDiffs (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testRegisterForUnknownProperty (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveObserver (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveObserverInObservation (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testSelfAssignmentNotifies (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testShiftObservedColumnAfterChange (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testShiftObservedColumnBeforeChange (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testSimple (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testSwapRowsAfterArrayChange (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testSwapRowsAfterChange (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testSwapRowsBeforeArrayChange (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testSwapRowsBeforeChange (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testSwapRowsIsNotAChange (0.026 seconds) |
KVOTests |
✓ testAllPropertyTypes (0.007 seconds) |
✓ testAllPropertyTypesDynamic (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testAllPropertyTypesKVC (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testArrayDiffs (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testArrayKVC (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testChangeEndOfKeyPath (0.004 seconds) |
✓ testChangeMiddleOfKeyPath (0.004 seconds) |
✓ testChangeMiddleOfKeyPathToNonNil (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testIgnoredProperty (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleChangesWithSingleObserver (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleObserversAreNotified (0.004 seconds) |
✓ testNullifyMiddleOfKeyPath (0.004 seconds) |
✓ testOnlyObserversForTheCorrectObjectAreNotified (0.007 seconds) |
✓ testOnlyObserversForTheCorrectPropertyAreNotified (0.007 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsInitial (0.009 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsNew (0.008 seconds) |
��� testOptionsOld (0.007 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsPrior (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testPrimitiveArrayDiffs (0.007 seconds) |
✓ testRegisterForUnknownProperty (0.008 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveObserver (0.008 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveObserverInObservation (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testSelfAssignmentNotifies (0.008 seconds) |
✓ testSimple (0.003 seconds) |
KVOUnmanagedObjectTests |
✓ testAddToRealmAfterAddingObservers (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testAllPropertyTypes (0.008 seconds) |
✓ testAllPropertyTypesDynamic (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testAllPropertyTypesKVC (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testArrayDiffs (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testArrayKVC (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testChangeEndOfKeyPath (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testChangeMiddleOfKeyPath (0.006 seconds) |
✓ testChangeMiddleOfKeyPathToNonNil (0.004 seconds) |
✓ testIgnoredProperty (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleChangesWithSingleObserver (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleObserversAreNotified (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testNullifyMiddleOfKeyPath (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testObserveInvalidArrayProperty (0.006 seconds) |
✓ testOnlyObserversForTheCorrectObjectAreNotified (0.004 seconds) |
✓ testOnlyObserversForTheCorrectPropertyAreNotified (0.009 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsInitial (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsNew (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsOld (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testOptionsPrior (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testPrimitiveArrayDiffs (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testRegisterForUnknownProperty (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveObserver (0.009 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveObserverInObservation (0.004 seconds) |
✓ testSelfAssignmentNotifies (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testSimple (0.007 seconds) |
✓ testUnregisteringViaAnAssociatedObject (0.005 seconds) |
LinkTests |
✓ testAddingCircularReferenceDoesNotLeakSourceObjects (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testAddingCircularReferenceInArrayDoesNotLeakSourceObjects (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testBasicLink (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testBasicLinkWithNil (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testBidirectionalRelationship (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testCircularLinks (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidLinks (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testLinkRemoval (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testLinkTooManyRelationships (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleOwnerLink (0.025 seconds) |
LinkViewChangesetTests |
✓ testClearArray (0.028 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteArray (0.041 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteMultiple (0.190 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteNewlyInsertedRowMatchingQuery (0.200 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteNonMatchingAfterMatches (0.047 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteNonMatchingBeforeMatches (0.040 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectMatchingQuery (0.038 seconds) |
✓ testExchangeObjects (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testInsertAtIndex (0.050 seconds) |
✓ testInsertBothMatchingAndNonMatching (0.041 seconds) |
✓ testInsertMultipleMatching (0.040 seconds) |
✓ testInsertObjectMatchingQuery (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testInsertObjectNotMatchingQuery (0.034 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectMatchingQuery (0.038 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectNotMatchingQuery (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectShiftedByInsertsAndDeletions (0.040 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectToMatchQuery (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectToNoLongerMatchQuery (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testMoveMatchingObjectDueToDeletionOfNonMatchingObject (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testNonMatchingObjectMovedToIndexOfMatchingRowAndMadeMatching (0.034 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveFromArray (0.045 seconds) |
LinkedObjectChangesetTests |
✓ testDeleteLinkedObject (0.074 seconds) |
✓ testInsertUnlinkedObject (0.171 seconds) |
✓ testModifyLinkedObject (0.043 seconds) |
✓ testTableClearFollowedByInsertsAndDeletes (0.034 seconds) |
LinkingObjectsChangesetTests |
✓ testAddDuplicateParent (0.209 seconds) |
✓ testAddNewParent (0.036 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteAll (0.038 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteAllLinkingObjects (0.221 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteOneLinkingObject (0.040 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteSomeLinkingObjects (0.038 seconds) |
✓ testModifyParent (0.199 seconds) |
✓ testUnlinkAll (0.213 seconds) |
✓ testUnlinkOne (0.201 seconds) |
LinkingObjectsTests |
✓ testBasics (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testDeletingObjectWithNotificationsRegistered (0.181 seconds) |
✓ testFilteredLinkingObjects (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testLinkingObjectsOnUnmanagedObject (0.007 seconds) |
✓ testNotificationNotSentForUnrelatedChange (0.168 seconds) |
✓ testNotificationSentAfterCommit (0.362 seconds) |
✓ testNotificationSentInitially (0.220 seconds) |
✓ testNotificationSentOnlyForActualRefresh (0.206 seconds) |
✓ testRenamedProperties (0.032 seconds) |
MigrationTests |
✓ testAddingClassDoesNotRequireMigration (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testAddingColumnRequiresMigration (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testAddingIndexDoesNotRequireMigration (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testAddingPrimaryKeyRequiresMigration (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testAddingPrimaryKeyShouldRejectDuplicateValues (0.043 seconds) |
✓ testAddingPropertyAtBeginningPreservesData (0.034 seconds) |
✓ testAddingPropertyAtEnd (0.040 seconds) |
✓ testAddObjectDuringMigration (0.042 seconds) |
✓ testAsyncMigration (0.069 seconds) |
✓ testChangeArrayLinkType (0.043 seconds) |
✓ testChangeObjectLinkType (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testChangePropertyType (0.036 seconds) |
✓ testChangingColumnOrderDoesNotRequireMigration (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testChangingLinkListTargetRequiresMigration (0.036 seconds) |
✓ testChangingLinkTargetRequiresMigration (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testChangingPrimaryKeyRequiresMigration (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testChangingPropertyTypesRequiresMigration (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testDateTimeFormatAutoMigration (0.028 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteAllDataAndRecreateObjectsWithinMigration (0.044 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteAndRecreateObjectsWithinMigration (0.047 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectsWithinSeparateEnumerations (0.048 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteRealmIfMigrationNeededWithSetCustomSchema (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteSomeObjectsWithinMigration (0.040 seconds) |
✓ testDifferentSchemaVersionsAtDifferentPaths (0.041 seconds) |
✓ testEnumeratedObjectsDuringMigration (0.036 seconds) |
✓ testEnumerateObjectsAfterDeleteData (0.035 seconds) |
✓ testEnumerateObjectsAfterDeleteDataForRemovedType (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testEnumerateObjectsAfterDeleteInsertObjects (0.039 seconds) |
✓ testEnumerateObjectsAfterDeleteObjects (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testGetSchemaVersion (0.045 seconds) |
✓ testIncompleteMigrationIsRolledBack (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testMakingPropertyNonOptionalRequiresMigration (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testMakingPropertyOptionalRequiresMigration (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testMakingPropertyPrimaryPreservesValues (0.042 seconds) |
✓ testMigratingFromMixed (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationAfterReorderingProperties (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationBlockCalledWhenSchemaVersionHasChanged (0.044 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationBlockNotCalledForIntialRealmCreation (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationBlockNotCalledWhenSchemaVersionIsUnchanged (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationRenameMissingPropertiesAndClasses (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationRenameProperty (0.028 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationRenamePropertyIndexBoth (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationRenamePropertyObjectTypeMismatch (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationRenamePropertyPrimaryKeyBoth (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationRenamePropertySetIndex (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationRenamePropertySetOptional (0.030 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationRenamePropertySetPrimaryKey (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationRenamePropertySetRequired (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationRenamePropertyTypeMismatch (0.013 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationRenamePropertyUnsetIndex (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testMigrationRenamePropertyUnsetPrimaryKey (0.030 seconds) |
✓ testMismatchedIndexAllowedForReadOnly (0.012 seconds) |
✓ testModifyPrimaryKeyInMigration (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleMigrationRenameProperty (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testNullableToRequiredMigration (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testRearrangeProperties (0.046 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveAndAddProperty (0.040 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveProperty (0.040 seconds) |
✓ testRemovingClassDoesNotRequireMigration (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testRemovingColumnRequiresMigration (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testRemovingIndexDoesNotRequireMigration (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testRemovingPrimaryKeyRequiresMigration (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testRemovingSubclass (0.038 seconds) |
✓ testRequiredToNullableAutoMigration (0.039 seconds) |
✓ testSchemaVersionCannotGoDown (0.028 seconds) |
NotificationTests |
✓ testDeleteObjectMatchingQuery (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectNotMatchingQuery (0.030 seconds) |
✓ testInsertObjectMatchingQuery (0.152 seconds) |
✓ testInsertObjectNotMatchingQuery (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectMatchingQuery (0.175 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectNotMatchingQuery (0.180 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectToMatchQuery (0.219 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectToNoLongerMatchQuery (0.033 seconds) |
✓ testNonMatchingObjectMovedToIndexOfMatchingRowAndMadeMatching (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testSuppressCollectionNotification (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testSuppressCollectionNotificationForWrongRealm (0.045 seconds) |
✓ testSuppressRealmNotification (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testSuppressRealmNotificationForWrongRealm (0.038 seconds) |
NullQueryTests |
✓ testAggregateCollectionOperators (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testArrayIn (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testArrayMultiLevelLinkQuery (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testArrayQuery (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testBasicQuery (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testBooleanPredicate (0.014 seconds) |
✓ testComparisonsWithKeyPathOnRHS (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testCompoundAndQuery (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testCompoundOrQuery (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testConstantPredicates (0.085 seconds) |
✓ testCountOnCollection (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testDefaultRealmQuery (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testEmptyCompoundPredicates (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testFloatQuery (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testINPredicate (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testINPredicateOnNullWithNonNullValues (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testINPredicateOnNullWithNullValues (0.035 seconds) |
✓ testLinkingObjects (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryAllTypes (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryDifferentRealmsThrows (0.032 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryInt (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryMany (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryNewObjectCausesEmptyResults (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryString (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testLinksToDeletedOrMovedObject (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testLinkViewQuery (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testLinkViewQueryLifetime (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testLinkViewQueryLiveUpdate (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testLiveQueriesBetweenTransactions (0.043 seconds) |
✓ testLiveQueriesInsideTransaction (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testMultiLevelBackLinkQuery (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testMultiLevelLinkQuery (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testPrimitiveOperatorsOnAllNullablePropertyTypes (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testQueryBetween (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testQueryChaining (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testQueryingOnLinkToNullableStringColumn (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testQueryingSortedQueryPreservesOrder (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testQueryOnDeletedArrayProperty (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testQueryOnNullableStringColumn (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testQueryOnRenamedProperties (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testQueryOverRenamedBacklinks (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testQueryOverRenamedLinks (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testQuerySorting (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testQueryWithDates (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testQueryWithObjects (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testSortByKeyPath (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testSortByMultipleColumns (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testSortByNoColumns (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testSortByUnspportedKeyPath (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testSortedLinkViewWithDeletion (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testSortingColumnsWithNull (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testStringBeginsWith (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testStringContains (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testStringEndsWith (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testStringEquality (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testStringLike (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testSubqueries (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testTwoColumnComparison (0.022 seconds) |
ObjectCreationTests |
✓ testAddDuplicatePrimaryKey (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testAddingObjectWithoutAnyPropertiesThrows (0.042 seconds) |
✓ testAddInvalidated (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testAddNested (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testAddObjectWithNilValueForRequiredProperty (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testAddObjectWithNilValueForRequiredPropertyDoesNotUseExistingValue (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testAddObjectWithObserver (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testAddOrUpdateAddsNewLinkedObjectsWithoutPrimaryKeys (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testAddOrUpdateDoesNotHaveAnyConceptOfKeysNotPresentThatShouldBeLeftAlone (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testAddOrUpdateOnManagedObjectInDifferentRealmThrows (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testAddOrUpdateOnManagedObjectInSameRealmIsNoOp (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testAddOrUpdateReplacesExistingArrayPropertiesAndDoesNotMergeThem (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testAddOrUpdateReusesExistingLinkedObjectsWithPrimaryKeys (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testAddOrUpdateUpdatesExistingItemWithSamePK (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testAddOrUpdateWithDuplicateConflictingValuesForPrimaryKeyInArrayProperty (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testAddOrUpdateWithNilValues (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testAddOrUpdateWithNullPrimaryKey (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testAddOrUpdateWithoutPKThrows (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testAddToCurrentRealmChecksForWrite (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testAddToCurrentRealmIsNoOp (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testAddToDifferentRealmThrows (0.030 seconds) |
✓ testAddWithCustomAccessors (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testAddWithRenamedColumns (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testCreateAllPropertyTypes (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testCreateInNilRealm (0.004 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOnManagedObjectInDifferentRealmDeepCopies (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOnManagedObjectInDifferentRealmDoesntReallyWorkUsefullyWithLinkedPKs (0.039 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOnManagedObjectInSameRealmShallowCopies (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOptionalPrimitiveArrays (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOptionalPrimitiveArraysWithInvalidValues (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdateCreatesNewLinkedObjectsWithoutPrimaryKeys (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdateDoesNotModifyKeysNotPresent (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdateDoesNotReplaceExistingValuesWithDefaults (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdateOnManagedObjectInDifferentRealmDeepCopies (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdateOnManagedObjectInSameRealmReturnsExistingObjectInstance (0.034 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdateReplacesExistingArrayPropertiesAndDoesNotMergeThem (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdateReusesExistingLinkedObjectsWithPrimaryKeys (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdateUpdatesExistingItemWithSamePK (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdateWithMissingValuesAndNoExistingObject (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdateWithNilValues (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdateWithNullPrimaryKey (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdateWithoutPKThrows (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdateWithRenamedPrimaryKey (0.028 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOutsideWriteTransaction (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testCreatePrimitiveArraysWithMissingKeys (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testCreatePrimitiveArraysWithNSNull (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testCreateRequiredPrimitiveArrays (0.030 seconds) |
✓ testCreateRequiredPrimitiveArraysWithInvalidValues (0.030 seconds) |
✓ testCreateUsesDefaultValuesForMissingDictionaryKeys (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testCreateWithArray (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testCreateWithCustomAccessors (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testCreateWithDictionary (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testCreateWithInvalidArray (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testCreateWithInvalidatedObject (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testCreateWithInvalidDictionary (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testCreateWithInvalidObject (0.034 seconds) |
✓ testCreateWithNonArrayEnumerableValueForArrayProperty (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testCreateWithNonEnumerableValueForArrayProperty (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testCreateWithObject (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testCreateWithRenamedColumns (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testCreatingObjectWithoutAnyPropertiesThrows (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testInitAllPropertyTypes (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testInitPrimitiveArraysWithInvalidValues (0.004 seconds) |
✓ testInitValidatesNumberTypes (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testInitWithArray (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testInitWithArrayUsesDefaultValuesForMissingFields (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testInitWithCustomAccessors (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testInitWithDictionary (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testInitWithDictionaryUsesDefaultValuesForMissingFields (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testInitWithInvalidArray (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testInitWithInvalidDictionary (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testInitWithInvalidObject (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testInitWithInvalidThings (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testInitWithObject (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testInitWithRenamedColumns (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testWithNonArrayEnumerableForRLMArrayProperty (0.005 seconds) |
ObjectInterfaceTests |
✓ testAllMethodsCheckForInvalidation (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testAllMethodsCheckThread (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testClassExtension (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testCustomAccessorsObject (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testIntSizes (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testNSNumberProperties (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testOptionalBinaryProperties (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testOptionalNumberProperties (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testOptionalStringProperties (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testRenamedProperties (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testRequiredNumberProperties (0.034 seconds) |
✓ testSettingNonOptionalPropertiesToNil (0.025 seconds) |
ObjectNotifierTests |
✓ testArrayPropertiesMerelyReportModification (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testChangeAllPropertyTypes (1.335 seconds) |
✓ testChangeAllPropertyTypesFromBackground (0.028 seconds) |
✓ testChangeAllPropertyTypesInSingleTransaction (0.198 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObservedObject (0.208 seconds) |
✓ testDiffedUpdatesOnlyNotifyForPropertiesWhichActuallyChanged (1.601 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleObjectNotifiers (0.022 seconds) |
ObjectSchemaTests |
✓ testDescription (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testIgnoredUnsupportedProperty (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testIndex (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testObjectForKeyedSubscript (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testPrimaryKeyProperty (0.004 seconds) |
✓ testReadOnlyPropertiesImplicitlyIgnored (0.003 seconds) |
ObjectTests |
✓ testAddingObjectNotInSchemaThrows (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testCannotUpdatePrimaryKey (0.102 seconds) |
✓ testCanUseIgnoredProperty (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testClassExtension (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testCreateInRealmCopiesFromOtherRealm (0.036 seconds) |
✓ testCreateInRealmReusesExistingNestedObjectsByPrimaryKey (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testCreateInRealmReusesExistingObjects (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testCreateInRealmValidationForArray (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testCreateInRealmValidationForDictionary (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testCreateInRealmWithOtherObjects (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdate (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdateNestedObjects (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdateWithReorderedColumns (0.034 seconds) |
✓ testCrossThreadAccess (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testDataObjectDescription (0.028 seconds) |
✓ testDataSizeLimits (1.563 seconds) |
✓ testDataTypes (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testDate50kYears (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testDateDistantFuture (0.014 seconds) |
✓ testDateDistantPast (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testDatesOutsideOfTimestampRange (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testDefaultNSNumberPropertyValues (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testDefaultValuesFromNoValuePresent (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testDefaultValuesFromNSNull (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testDeletedObjectDescription (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testDynamicDefaultPropertyValues (0.012 seconds) |
✓ testEquality (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testExactRepresentationOfDatesAroundDistantFuture (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testExactRepresentationOfDatesAroundEpoch (0.061 seconds) |
✓ testExactRepresentationOfDatesAroundNow (0.054 seconds) |
✓ testExactRepresentationOfDatesAroundReferenceDate (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testIsDeleted (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testKeyedSubscripting (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testManagedObjectUnknownKey (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testObjectCycleDescription (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testObjectDescription (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testObjectForKey (0.038 seconds) |
✓ testObjectInSet (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testObjectSubclass (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testObjectSubclassAddedAtRuntime (0.012 seconds) |
✓ testPrimaryKey (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testStringSizeLimits (1.346 seconds) |
✓ testUnmanagedRealmObjectUnknownKey (0.003 seconds) |
PredicateUtilTests |
✓ testVisitingAllExpressionTypes (0.002 seconds) |
PrimitiveArrayPropertyTests |
✓ testAddObject (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testAddObjects (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testAllMethodsCheckForInvalidation (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testAllMethodsCheckThread (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testAssignment (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testAverage (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testCount (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectsInRealm (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteOwningObject (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testDeletingObjectWithNotificationsRegistered (0.189 seconds) |
✓ testDynamicAssignment (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testExchange (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testFastEnumeration (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testFilter (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testFirstObject (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testIndexOfObject (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testIndexOfObjectWhere (0.033 seconds) |
✓ testIndexOfObjectWithPredicate (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testInsertObject (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidAssignment (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidated (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testLastObject (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testMax (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testMin (0.036 seconds) |
✓ testMove (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testMutatingMethodsCheckForWriteTransaction (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testNotificationNotSentForUnrelatedChange (0.211 seconds) |
✓ testNotifications (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testNotificationSentAfterCommit (0.175 seconds) |
✓ testNotificationSentInitially (0.196 seconds) |
✓ testNotificationSentOnlyForActualRefresh (0.324 seconds) |
✓ testObjectAtIndex (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testObjectClassName (0.015 seconds) |
✓ testOptional (0.014 seconds) |
✓ testRealm (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveLastObject (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveObject (0.032 seconds) |
✓ testReplace (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testSetValueForKey (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testSort (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testSum (0.032 seconds) |
✓ testType (0.059 seconds) |
✓ testUnionOfArrays (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testUnionOfObjects (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testValueForKeyNumericAggregates (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testValueForKeySelf (0.018 seconds) |
PropertyTests |
✓ testDescription (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testEqualityFromObjectSchema (0.009 seconds) |
✓ testSwiftPropertyNameValidation (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testTwoPropertiesAreEqual (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testTwoPropertiesAreUnequal (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testTypeToString (0.006 seconds) |
QueryConstructionTests |
✓ testBinaryComparisonInPredicate (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testDynamicQueryInvalidClass (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidOperatorsInNumericComparison (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryInvalid (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testPredicateMisuse (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testPredicateNotSupported (0.036 seconds) |
✓ testPredicateValidUse (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testQueryingNilRealmThrows (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testStringUnsupportedOperations (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testValidOperatorsInNumericComparison (0.021 seconds) |
QueryTests |
✓ testAggregateCollectionOperators (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testArrayIn (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testArrayMultiLevelLinkQuery (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testArrayQuery (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testBasicQuery (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testBooleanPredicate (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testComparisonsWithKeyPathOnRHS (0.028 seconds) |
✓ testCompoundAndQuery (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testCompoundOrQuery (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testConstantPredicates (0.034 seconds) |
✓ testCountOnCollection (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testDefaultRealmQuery (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testEmptyCompoundPredicates (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testFloatQuery (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testINPredicate (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testLinkingObjects (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryAllTypes (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryDifferentRealmsThrows (0.038 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryInt (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryMany (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryNewObjectCausesEmptyResults (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryString (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testLinksToDeletedOrMovedObject (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testLinkViewQuery (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testLinkViewQueryLifetime (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testLinkViewQueryLiveUpdate (0.028 seconds) |
✓ testLiveQueriesBetweenTransactions (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testLiveQueriesInsideTransaction (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testMultiLevelBackLinkQuery (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testMultiLevelLinkQuery (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testQueryBetween (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testQueryChaining (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testQueryingSortedQueryPreservesOrder (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testQueryOnDeletedArrayProperty (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testQuerySorting (0.028 seconds) |
✓ testQueryWithDates (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testQueryWithObjects (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testSortByKeyPath (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testSortByMultipleColumns (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testSortByNoColumns (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testSortByUnspportedKeyPath (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testSortedLinkViewWithDeletion (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testStringBeginsWith (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testStringContains (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testStringEndsWith (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testStringEquality (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testStringLike (0.030 seconds) |
✓ testSubqueries (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testTwoColumnComparison (0.020 seconds) |
QueryWithReversedColumnOrderTests |
✓ testAggregateCollectionOperators (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testArrayIn (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testArrayMultiLevelLinkQuery (0.033 seconds) |
✓ testArrayQuery (0.032 seconds) |
✓ testBasicQuery (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testBooleanPredicate (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testComparisonsWithKeyPathOnRHS (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testCompoundAndQuery (0.030 seconds) |
✓ testCompoundOrQuery (0.033 seconds) |
✓ testConstantPredicates (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testCountOnCollection (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testDefaultRealmQuery (0.038 seconds) |
✓ testEmptyCompoundPredicates (0.030 seconds) |
✓ testFloatQuery (0.033 seconds) |
✓ testINPredicate (0.032 seconds) |
✓ testLinkingObjects (0.056 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryAllTypes (0.038 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryDifferentRealmsThrows (0.048 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryInt (0.035 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryMany (0.035 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryNewObjectCausesEmptyResults (0.032 seconds) |
✓ testLinkQueryString (0.042 seconds) |
✓ testLinksToDeletedOrMovedObject (0.035 seconds) |
✓ testLinkViewQuery (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testLinkViewQueryLifetime (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testLinkViewQueryLiveUpdate (0.030 seconds) |
✓ testLiveQueriesBetweenTransactions (0.034 seconds) |
✓ testLiveQueriesInsideTransaction (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testMultiLevelBackLinkQuery (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testMultiLevelLinkQuery (0.038 seconds) |
✓ testQueryBetween (0.036 seconds) |
✓ testQueryChaining (0.032 seconds) |
✓ testQueryingSortedQueryPreservesOrder (0.037 seconds) |
✓ testQueryOnDeletedArrayProperty (0.033 seconds) |
✓ testQuerySorting (0.035 seconds) |
✓ testQueryWithDates (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testQueryWithObjects (0.040 seconds) |
✓ testSortByKeyPath (0.028 seconds) |
✓ testSortByMultipleColumns (0.035 seconds) |
✓ testSortByNoColumns (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testSortByUnspportedKeyPath (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testSortedLinkViewWithDeletion (0.039 seconds) |
✓ testStringBeginsWith (0.099 seconds) |
✓ testStringContains (0.045 seconds) |
✓ testStringEndsWith (0.032 seconds) |
✓ testStringEquality (0.038 seconds) |
✓ testStringLike (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testSubqueries (0.040 seconds) |
✓ testTwoColumnComparison (0.034 seconds) |
RealmConfigurationTests |
✓ testCannotSetMutuallyExclusiveProperties (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testClassSubsetsValidateLinks (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testDefaultConfiguration (0.009 seconds) |
✓ testDefaultConfigurationUsesValueSemantics (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testDefaultRealmUsesDefaultConfiguration (0.172 seconds) |
✓ testEncryptionKeyValidation (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testFileURLValidation (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testSchemaVersionValidation (0.007 seconds) |
✓ testSetDefaultConfiguration (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testSetPathAndInMemoryIdentifierAreMutuallyExclusive (0.003 seconds) |
RealmTests |
✓ testAddingNotificationOutsideOfRunLoopIsAnError (0.047 seconds) |
✓ testAddManagedObjectToOtherRealm (0.068 seconds) |
✓ testAddObjectsFromArray (0.042 seconds) |
✓ testAddOrUpdate (0.039 seconds) |
✓ testAddOrUpdateObjectsFromArray (0.045 seconds) |
✓ testAutorefreshAfterBackgroundUpdate (0.045 seconds) |
✓ testAuxiliaryFilesAreExcludedFromBackup (0.042 seconds) |
◷ testAuxiliaryFilesAreExcludedFromBackupPerformance measured (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testAuxiliaryFilesAreExcludedFromBackupPerformance (1.303 seconds) |
✓ testBackgroundRealmIsNotified (0.223 seconds) |
✓ testBackgroundUpdateWithoutAutorefresh (0.044 seconds) |
✓ testBeginWriteTransactionFromWithinCollectionChangedNotification (0.460 seconds) |
✓ testBeginWriteTransactionFromWithinRealmChangedNotification (0.204 seconds) |
✓ testBeginWriteTransactionFromWithinRefreshRequiredNotification (0.175 seconds) |
✓ testBeginWriteTransactionsNotifiesWithUpdatedObjects (0.044 seconds) |
✓ testBeginWriteTransactionsRefreshesRealm (0.044 seconds) |
✓ testCancelWriteWhenNotInWrite (0.045 seconds) |
✓ testCanCreate100RealmsWithoutBreakingGCD (1.648 seconds) |
✓ testCannotHaveReadOnlyAndReadWriteRealmsAtSamePathAtSameTime (0.044 seconds) |
✓ testCannotMigrateRealmWhenRealmIsOpen (0.042 seconds) |
✓ testCannotOverwriteWithWriteCopy (0.047 seconds) |
✓ testCannotWriteInNonExistentDirectory (0.040 seconds) |
✓ testCanOpenReadOnlyOnMulitpleThreadsAtOnce (0.042 seconds) |
✓ testCanRestartReadTransactionAfterInvalidate (0.045 seconds) |
✓ testCopyArrayPropertyBetweenRealms (0.056 seconds) |
✓ testCopyLinksBetweenRealms (0.062 seconds) |
✓ testCopyObjectsBetweenRealms (0.057 seconds) |
✓ testCopyObjectsInArrayLiteral (0.053 seconds) |
✓ testCoreDebug (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testCrossThreadAccess (0.044 seconds) |
✓ testDelete (0.056 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteAllObjects (0.048 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjects (0.062 seconds) |
✓ testFileFormatUpgradeRequiredButDisabled (0.043 seconds) |
✓ testFileFormatUpgradeRequiredButReadOnly (0.032 seconds) |
✓ testFileFormatUpgradeRequiredDeleteRealmIfNeeded (0.071 seconds) |
✓ testFilePermissionDenied (0.044 seconds) |
✓ testHoldRealmAfterSourceThreadIsDestroyed (0.043 seconds) |
✓ testInMemoryRealm (0.087 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidateBeforeReadDoesNotAssert (0.046 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidateDetachesAccessors (0.091 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidateDuringWriteRollsBack (0.046 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidateInvalidatesArrays (0.045 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidateInvalidatesResults (0.043 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidateOnReadOnlyRealmIsError (0.046 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidLockFile (1.204 seconds) |
✓ testInWriteTransaction (0.050 seconds) |
✓ testInWriteTransactionInNotificationFromBeginWrite (0.256 seconds) |
✓ testIsEmpty (0.042 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleRealms (0.060 seconds) |
✓ testNotificationBlockMustNotBeNil (0.041 seconds) |
✓ testNotificationPipeBufferOverfull (0.943 seconds) |
✓ testNotificationsFireEvenWithoutReadTransaction (0.044 seconds) |
✓ testOpenAsync (0.235 seconds) |
✓ testOpeningInvalidPathThrows (0.034 seconds) |
✓ testPathCannotBeBothInMemoryAndRegularDurability (0.041 seconds) |
✓ testReadOnlyFile (0.048 seconds) |
✓ testReadOnlyFileInImmutableDirectory (0.049 seconds) |
✓ testReadOnlyRealmIsImmutable (0.042 seconds) |
✓ testReadOnlyRealmMustExist (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testReadOnlyRealmWithMissingColumns (0.035 seconds) |
✓ testReadOnlyRealmWithMissingTables (0.046 seconds) |
✓ testRealmAddAndRemoveObjects (0.043 seconds) |
✓ testRealmBatchRemoveObjects (0.044 seconds) |
✓ testRealmFifoError (0.031 seconds) |
✓ testRealmFileAccessFileIsDirectory (0.032 seconds) |
✓ testRealmFileAccessInvalidFile (0.033 seconds) |
✓ testRealmFileAccessNilPath (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testRealmFileAccessNoExistingFile (0.047 seconds) |
✓ testRealmTransactionBlock (0.040 seconds) |
✓ testRealmWithPathUsesDefaultConfiguration (0.035 seconds) |
✓ testRefreshCreatesAReadTransaction (0.057 seconds) |
✓ testRefreshInWriteTransactionReturnsFalse (0.048 seconds) |
✓ testRemoveUnmanagedObject (0.044 seconds) |
✓ testRollbackDelete (0.043 seconds) |
✓ testRollbackInsert (0.052 seconds) |
✓ testRollbackLink (0.044 seconds) |
✓ testRollbackLinkList (0.046 seconds) |
✓ testRollbackModify (0.041 seconds) |
✓ testRollbackTransactionWithBlock (0.043 seconds) |
✓ testRollbackTransactionWithoutExplicitCommitOrCancel (0.050 seconds) |
✓ testThrowingFromDidChangeNotificationAfterLocalCommit (0.042 seconds) |
✓ testThrowingFromDidChangeNotificationFromBeginWriteCancelsTransaction (0.046 seconds) |
✓ testWriteCopyOfRealm (0.058 seconds) |
✓ testWriteToReadOnlyDirectory (0.045 seconds) |
✓ testWriteWithNonSpecialCasedError (0.042 seconds) |
✓ testWritingCopyUsesWriteTransactionInProgress (0.059 seconds) |
ResultsTests |
✓ testAllMethodsCheckForInvalidation (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testAllMethodsCheckThread (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testArrayDescription (0.043 seconds) |
✓ testBeginWriteTransactionDuringEnumeration (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testCallInvalidateDuringEnumeration (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteAllObjects (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testDistinctQuery (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testDistinctQueryThrowsInvalidKeyPathsSpecified (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testDistinctQueryWithMultilevelKeyPath (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testDistinctQueryWithMultipleKeyPaths (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testEnumerateAndDeleteTableResults (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testEnumerateAndMutateQueryCondition (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testFastEnumeration (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testFirst (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testIndexOfObject (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testIndexOfObjectWhere (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testLast (0.030 seconds) |
✓ testLiveUpdateFirst (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testLiveUpdateLast (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testManualRefreshDuringEnumeration (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testMultiSortLifetime (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testObjectAggregate (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testQueryMemoryUsage (0.585 seconds) |
✓ testRenamedPropertyAggregate (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testRerunningSortedQuery (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testResultsDependingOnDeletedLinkView (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testResultsDependingOnDeletedTableView (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testResultsDependingOnLinkingObjects (0.327 seconds) |
✓ testSetValueForKey (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testSortingExistingQuery (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testSubqueryLifetime (0.098 seconds) |
✓ testSubscript (0.034 seconds) |
✓ testValueForCollectionOperationKeyPath (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testValueForKey (0.017 seconds) |
SchemaTests |
✓ testAddingIndexToExistingColumnInBackgroundProcess (0.486 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithDuplicateProperties (0.001 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithInvalidLinkingObjectsPropertiesMethod (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithInvalidLinkingObjectsPropertyMissingSourcePropertyOfLink (0.006 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithInvalidLinkingObjectsPropertyProtocol (0.001 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithInvalidLinkingObjectsPropertySourcePropertyNotALink (0.008 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithInvalidLinkingObjectsPropertySourcePropertysLinkElsewhere (0.007 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithInvalidNSNumberNoProtocolProperty (0.001 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithInvalidNSNumberProtocolProperty (0.001 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithInvalidPrimaryKey (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithLinkingObjectsPropertyWithProtocol (0.001 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithOptionalPrimitiveArrayProperties (0.001 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithReadWriteLinkingObjectsProperty (0.001 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithRequiredLinkProperty (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithRequiredNullableProperties (0.001 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithRequiredPrimitiveArrayProperties (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testClassWithUnindexableProperty (0.005 seconds) |
✓ testCreateUnmanagedObjectWithNestedObjectWithUninitializedSchema (0.340 seconds) |
✓ testCreateUnmanagedObjectWithUninitializedSchema (0.369 seconds) |
✓ testDescription (0.002 seconds) |
✓ testInheritanceInitialization (1.144 seconds) |
✓ testInsertingColumnsInBackgroundProcess (1.825 seconds) |
✓ testKVOSubclassesDoNotAppearInSchema (0.384 seconds) |
✓ testMigratingToLaterVersionInBackgroundProcess (0.545 seconds) |
✓ testMixedIsRejected (0.005 seconds) |
✗ testMultipleProcessesTryingToInitializeSchema, ((0) equal to ([self runChildAndWait])) failed: ("0") is not equal to ("11") - Tests in child process failed |
✓ testNoSchemaForUnmanagedObjectClasses (0.001 seconds) |
✓ testObjectSchema (0.046 seconds) |
✓ testOpeningFileWithDifferentClassSubsetsInDifferentProcesses (0.574 seconds) |
✓ testPartialSharedSchemaInit (0.412 seconds) |
✓ testPartialSharedSchemaInitInheritance (0.326 seconds) |
✓ testRemovingIndexFromExistingColumnInBackgroundProcess (0.546 seconds) |
✓ testSchemaWithObjectClasses (0.001 seconds) |
SortedNotificationTests |
✓ testDeleteObjectMatchingQuery (0.064 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteObjectNotMatchingQuery (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testInsertObjectMatchingQuery (0.216 seconds) |
✓ testInsertObjectNotMatchingQuery (0.201 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectMatchingQuery (0.033 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectNotMatchingQuery (0.238 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectToMatchQuery (0.039 seconds) |
✓ testModifyObjectToNoLongerMatchQuery (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testMoveMatchingObjectDueToDeletionOfNonMatchingObject (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleMovesOfSingleRow (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testNonMatchingObjectMovedToIndexOfMatchingRowAndMadeMatching (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testSuppressCollectionNotification (0.026 seconds) |
✓ testSuppressCollectionNotificationForWrongRealm (0.034 seconds) |
✓ testSuppressRealmNotification (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testSuppressRealmNotificationForWrongRealm (0.044 seconds) |
SwiftRLMArrayPropertyTests |
✓ testBasicArray (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testBasicArray_objc (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testInsertMultiple (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testInsertMultiple_objc (0.063 seconds) |
✓ testModifyDetatchedArray (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testModifyDetatchedArray_objc (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testPopulateEmptyArray (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testPopulateEmptyArray_objc (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testUnmanaged_objc (0.016 seconds) |
SwiftRLMArrayTests |
✓ testArrayDescription (0.040 seconds) |
✓ testArrayDescription_objc (0.036 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteLinksAndObjectsInArray (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testDeleteLinksAndObjectsInArray_objc (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testFastEnumeration (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testFastEnumeration_objc (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testIndexOfObject_objc (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testIndexOfObjectWhere_objc (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testObjectAggregate (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testObjectAggregate_objc (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testSortingExistingQuery_objc (0.017 seconds) |
SwiftRLMDynamicTests |
✓ testDynamicProperties (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testDynamicProperties_objc (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testDynamicRealmExists (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testDynamicRealmExists_objc (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testDynamicTypes_objc (0.021 seconds) |
SwiftRLMLinkTests |
✓ testBasicLink (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testBasicLink_objc (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testLinkingObjects (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testLinkRemoval (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testLinkRemoval_objc (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleOwnerLink (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testMultipleOwnerLink_objc (0.017 seconds) |
SwiftRLMObjectInterfaceTests |
✓ testClassExtension (0.017 seconds) |
✓ testCreateOrUpdate (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testCustomAccessors (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testDefaultValueSwiftRLMObject (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testMergedDefaultValuesSwiftRLMObject (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testNestedClassNameMangling (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testNSStringFromClassDemangledTopLevelClassNames (0.004 seconds) |
✓ testObjectForPrimaryKey (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testOptionalNSNumberProperties (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testOptionalSwiftRLMProperties (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testPrimitiveArray (0.004 seconds) |
✓ testSubclass (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testSwiftRLMClassNameIsDemangled (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testSwiftRLMObject (0.026 seconds) |
SwiftRLMPropertyTypeTest |
✓ testIgnoredLazyVarProperties (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testIntSizes (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testIntSizes_objc (0.016 seconds) |
✓ testLazyVarProperties (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testLongType (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testObjectiveCTypeProperties (0.018 seconds) |
SwiftRLMRealmTests |
✓ testEmptyWriteTransaction (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testRealmAddAndRemoveObjects (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testRealmAddAndRemoveObjects_objc (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testRealmExists (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testRealmIgnoresProperties (0.020 seconds) |
✓ testRealmIsUpdatedAfterBackgroundUpdate (0.261 seconds) |
✓ testRealmIsUpdatedAfterBackgroundUpdate_objc (0.029 seconds) |
✓ testRealmIsUpdatedImmediatelyAfterBackgroundUpdate (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testRealmIsUpdatedImmediatelyAfterBackgroundUpdate_objc (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testUpdatingSortedArrayAfterBackgroundUpdate (0.019 seconds) |
SwiftRLMSchemaTests |
✓ testAccessSchemaCreatesObjectWhichAttempsInsertionsToArrayProperty (0.391 seconds) |
✓ testCreateUnmanagedObjectWhichCreatesAnotherClassViaInitWithValueDuringSchemaInit (0.483 seconds) |
✓ testCreateUnmanagedObjectWithNestedObjectWithUninitializedSchema (0.317 seconds) |
✓ testCreateUnmanagedObjectWithUninitializedSchema (0.327 seconds) |
✓ testInitUnmanagedObjectNotInClassSubsetDuringSchemaInit (0.454 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidObjectTypeForRLMArray (0.018 seconds) |
✓ testPreventsDeadLocks (0.318 seconds) |
✓ testSchemaInitWithLinkedToObjectUsingInitWithValue (0.296 seconds) |
✓ testWorksAtAll (0.307 seconds) |
SwiftRLMUnicodeTests |
✓ testUTF8PropertyWithUTF8StringContents (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testUTF8PropertyWithUTF8StringContents_objc (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testUTF8StringContents (0.024 seconds) |
✓ testUTF8StringContents_objc (0.022 seconds) |
ThreadSafeReferenceTests |
✓ testInvalidThreadSafeReferenceConstruction (0.023 seconds) |
✓ testInvalidThreadSafeReferenceUsage (0.041 seconds) |
✓ testPassThreadSafeReferencesToMultipleObjects (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testPassThreadSafeReferenceToArray (0.022 seconds) |
✓ testPassThreadSafeReferenceToDeletedObject (0.027 seconds) |
✓ testPassThreadSafeReferenceToLinkingObjects (0.025 seconds) |
✓ testPassThreadSafeReferenceToResults (0.029 seconds) |
TransactionTests |
✓ testRealmModifyObjectsOutsideOfWriteTransaction (0.021 seconds) |
✓ testTransactionMisuse (0.023 seconds) |
UnicodeTests |
✓ testUTF8PropertyWithUTF8StringContents (0.019 seconds) |
✓ testUTF8StringContents (0.018 seconds) |
UtilTests |
✓ testRealmFileException (0.004 seconds) |
✓ testRLMExceptionWithCPlusPlusException (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testRLMExceptionWithReasonAndUserInfo (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testRLMMakeError (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testRLMSetErrorOrThrowWithErrorPointer (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testRLMSetErrorOrThrowWithNilErrorPointer (0.008 seconds) |
✓ testSystemExceptionWithNonPOSIXSystemException (0.003 seconds) |
✓ testSystemExceptionWithPOSIXSystemException (0.003 seconds) |
SchemaTests |
testMultipleProcessesTryingToInitializeSchema, ((0) equal to ([self runChildAndWait])) failed: ("0") is not equal to ("11") - Tests in child process failed |
/Users/travis/build/realm/realm-cocoa/Realm/Tests/SchemaTests.mm:886 |
``` |
dispatch_group_async(group, dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0), ^{ |
RLMRunChildAndWait(); |
}); |
``` |
Executed 1191 tests, with 1 failure (0 unexpected) in 80.361 (82.715) seconds |
2019-06-27 16:44:56.504 xcodebuild[2696:7745] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: 84.997 elapsed -- Testing started completed. |
2019-06-27 16:44:56.504 xcodebuild[2696:7745] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: 0.000 sec, +0.000 sec -- start |
2019-06-27 16:44:56.505 xcodebuild[2696:7745] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: 84.997 sec, +84.996 sec -- end |
Failing tests: |
Tests: |
-[SchemaTests testMultipleProcessesTryingToInitializeSchema] |
Test session results and logs: |
/Users/travis/build/realm/realm-cocoa/build/DerivedData/Realm/Logs/Test/Test-Realm-2019.06.27_16-43-29-+0000.xcresult |
The raw xcodebuild output is available in build/build.log |
travis_time:end:034cad78:start=1561653343428612000,finish=1561653896711139000,duration=553282527000 |
The command "./build.sh verify-osx" exited with 1. |
Done. Your build exited with 1. |