{"commit":"eb6f7758565616762bf1b7143f5f336abadb6d16","old_file":"MdePkg\/Library\/BaseLib\/X64\/FlushCacheLine.asm","new_file":"MdePkg\/Library\/BaseLib\/X64\/FlushCacheLine.asm","old_contents":";------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n;\r\n; Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation\r\n; All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials\r\n; are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License\r\n; which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at\r\n; http:\/\/opensource.org\/licenses\/bsd-license.php\r\n;\r\n; THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN \"AS IS\" BASIS,\r\n; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.\r\n;\r\n; Module Name:\r\n;\r\n; FlushCacheLine.Asm\r\n;\r\n; Abstract:\r\n;\r\n; AsmFlushCacheLine function\r\n;\r\n; Notes:\r\n;\r\n;------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n .code\r\n\r\n;------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n; VOID\r\n; EFIAPI\r\n; AsmFlushCacheLine (\r\n; IN VOID *LinearAddress\r\n; );\r\n;------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nAsmFlushCacheLine PROC\r\n clflush [rcx]\r\n mov rax, rcx\r\n ret\r\nAsmFlushCacheLine ENDP\r\n\r\n END\r\n","new_contents":";------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n;\r\n; Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation\r\n; All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials\r\n; are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License\r\n; which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at\r\n; http:\/\/opensource.org\/licenses\/bsd-license.php\r\n;\r\n; THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN \"AS IS\" BASIS,\r\n; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.\r\n;\r\n; Module Name:\r\n;\r\n; FlushCacheLine.Asm\r\n;\r\n; Abstract:\r\n;\r\n; AsmFlushCacheLine function\r\n;\r\n; Notes:\r\n;\r\n;------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n .code\r\n\r\n;------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n; VOID *\r\n; EFIAPI \r\n; AsmFlushCacheLine (\r\n; IN VOID *LinearAddress\r\n; );\r\n;------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nAsmFlushCacheLine PROC\r\n clflush [rcx]\r\n mov rax, rcx\r\n ret\r\nAsmFlushCacheLine ENDP\r\n\r\n END\r\n","subject":"Change VOID into VOID * in function header","message":"Change VOID into VOID * in function header\n\ngit-svn-id: 5648d1bec6962b0a6d1d1b40eba8cf5cdb62da3d@650 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"MattDevo\/edk2,MattDevo\/edk2,MattDevo\/edk2,MattDevo\/edk2,MattDevo\/edk2,MattDevo\/edk2,MattDevo\/edk2,MattDevo\/edk2"} {"commit":"c75084cf2544ff35a00446c0194a3c6491bc700d","old_file":"Linear_Search\/x86_Asm\/mike168m\/linear_search.asm","new_file":"Linear_Search\/x86_Asm\/mike168m\/linear_search.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"TITLE Linear\/Sequential search implemented in x86 assembly (MASM)\n; Search for a value in an array of bytes by comparing each value with a key\n; return the position of the key\n; O(n) time complexity\n; the address of the first element in the array must be in the edx\n; and the arrays length in the ecx register\n; the index of the key is returned in the eax register\n\n.386\t; minimum CPU required to run the program\n.model flat, stdcall ; identifies the memory model for the program,\n\t\t\t\t\t; in this case its protected mode. It also tells which \n\t\t\t\t\t; calling convention to use for procedures\n.stack 4096\n\n.data\ndata db 42, 40, 70, 90, 62, 70, 40 ; our array of data\n\n.code\n; implementation of sequential search\nSequentialSearch PROC\n\txor eax, eax \t\t\t; clear eax register just in case\nBEGIN_LOOP:\t\t\t\t\t\n\tcmp BYTE PTR[edx], bl ; if [edx] == bl\n\tje FOUND\t\t\t\t; then goto FOUND\n\tinc eax ; else increment eax\n\tinc edx ; increment edx\n\tloop BEGIN_LOOP\t\t\t; automatically decrements ecx register\nFOUND:\n\tret\nSequentialSearch ENDP\n\n; entry point\nmain PROC\n\tmov bl, 90 ; search for 92 in array\n\tmov edx, OFFSET data\n\tmov ecx, LENGTHOF data\n\tcall SequentialSearch\nmain ENDP\n\nEND main\n","subject":"Add linear search in x86 assembly lang","message":"Add linear search in x86 assembly lang\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"n1ghtmare\/Algorithm-Implementations,kennyledet\/Algorithm-Implementations,kennyledet\/Algorithm-Implementations,n1ghtmare\/Algorithm-Implementations,kennyledet\/Algorithm-Implementations,kennyledet\/Algorithm-Implementations,n1ghtmare\/Algorithm-Implementations,kennyledet\/Algorithm-Implementations,kennyledet\/Algorithm-Implementations,n1ghtmare\/Algorithm-Implementations,n1ghtmare\/Algorithm-Implementations,kennyledet\/Algorithm-Implementations,n1ghtmare\/Algorithm-Implementations,n1ghtmare\/Algorithm-Implementations,kennyledet\/Algorithm-Implementations,kennyledet\/Algorithm-Implementations,kennyledet\/Algorithm-Implementations,n1ghtmare\/Algorithm-Implementations,n1ghtmare\/Algorithm-Implementations,kennyledet\/Algorithm-Implementations,n1ghtmare\/Algorithm-Implementations,kennyledet\/Algorithm-Implementations,n1ghtmare\/Algorithm-Implementations,n1ghtmare\/Algorithm-Implementations,kennyledet\/Algorithm-Implementations,n1ghtmare\/Algorithm-Implementations,n1ghtmare\/Algorithm-Implementations,kennyledet\/Algorithm-Implementations,kennyledet\/Algorithm-Implementations"} {"commit":"9977d42a1448dacc6dc606b06e9359987af24651","old_file":"asm\/por_show_popup_for_locked_portrait.asm","new_file":"asm\/por_show_popup_for_locked_portrait.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; This patch adds a text popup if the player tries to enter the Forest of Doom portrait before it's unlocked.\n; This is necessary for portrait randomizer when the Forest of Doom portrait isn't in the normal location, since the normal event only works in that sector.\n\n@Overlay119Start equ 0x023C0000\n@FreeSpace equ 0x023C0000\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n.org 0x02079350 ; Location of code normally run when the Forest of Doom portrait is locked. (todo test if it affects other locked portraits)\n beq @FreeSpace\n\n.close\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_119\", @Overlay119Start\n\n.org @FreeSpace\n ldr r2,=20FC48Eh ; Bitfield of buttons pressed this frame.\n ldrh r2,[r2]\n ands r2,r2,40h ; Up.\n beq 20793FCh ; If up was not just pressed, continue on with the normal code without showing the message.\n \n ldr r0,=4BEh ; Load text index 4BE. Originally this is just an unused string (\"The Lost Village\") but this should be changed in the text editor to say:\n ; \"You must beat Stella and talk to Wind\\nto unlock the Forest of Doom.\"\n bl 2050544h ; Call ShowTextPopup.\n b 20793FCh ; Then continue on with the rest of the code.\n .pool\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to display popup when attempting to enter forest portrait","message":"Add patch to display popup when attempting to enter forest portrait\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"035ef2688027a8374313b6aba29171f6648b6c87","old_file":"benchmarks\/copy\/copy2.asm","new_file":"benchmarks\/copy\/copy2.asm","old_contents":"\n\t\t\t.regalias count s1\n\t\t\t.regalias source s2\n\t\t\t.regalias dest s3\n\t\t\t.regalias temp s4\n\n_start\t\ttemp = 0xf\n\t\t\tcr30 = temp\t\t\t\t; start all strands\n\n\t\t\tcount = mem_l[length]\n\t\t\tsource = &dataStart\n\t\t\tdest = source + count\n\n\t\t\tcount = count >> 2\t\t; divide by 4\n\t\t\ttemp = cr0\t\t\t\t; get strand ID\n\t\t\ttemp = temp * count\t\t; compute offset\n\t\t\tsource = source + temp\t; compute source offset for this strand\n\t\t\tdest = dest + temp\t\t; compute dest offset for this strand\n\t\t\t\nloop\t\ttemp = mem_b[source]\n\t\t\tmem_b[dest] = temp\n\t\t\tsource = source + 1\n\t\t\tdest = dest + 1\n\t\t\tcount = count - 1\n\t\t\tif count goto loop\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tcr31 = s0\t\t; halt simulation\n\nlength\t\t.word 2048\ndataStart\t.word 0\n","new_contents":"\n\t\t\t.regalias count s1\n\t\t\t.regalias source s2\n\t\t\t.regalias dest s3\n\t\t\t.regalias temp s4\n\n_start\t\ttemp = 0xf\n\t\t\tcr30 = temp\t\t\t\t; start all strands\n\n\t\t\tcount = mem_l[length]\n\t\t\tsource = &dataStart\n\t\t\tdest = source + count\n\n\t\t\tcount = count >> 2\t\t; divide by 4\n\t\t\ttemp = cr0\t\t\t\t; get strand ID\n\t\t\ttemp = temp * count\t\t; compute offset\n\t\t\tsource = source + temp\t; compute source offset for this strand\n\t\t\tdest = dest + temp\t\t; compute dest offset for this strand\n\t\t\t\nloop\t\ttemp = mem_b[source]\n\t\t\tmem_b[dest] = temp\n\t\t\tsource = source + 1\n\t\t\tdest = dest + 1\n\t\t\tcount = count - 1\n\t\t\tif count goto loop\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t; Update number of finished strands\n\t\t\ts0 = &running_strands\nretry\t\ts1 = mem_sync[s0]\n\t\t\ts1 = s1 - 1\n\t\t\ts2 = s1\n\t\t\tmem_sync[s0] = s1\n\t\t\tif !s1 goto retry\n\nwait_done\tif s2 goto wait_done\t; Will fall through on last ref (s2 = 1)\n\t\t\tcr31 = s0\t\t\t\t; halt\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\nrunning_strands .word 4\t\t\t\t\t\n\nlength\t\t.word 2048\ndataStart\t.word 0\n","subject":"Add synchronization at the end of the copy test.","message":"Add synchronization at the end of the copy test.\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"jbush001\/NyuziProcessor,jbush001\/NyuziProcessor,FulcronZ\/NyuziProcessor,hoangt\/NyuziProcessor,jbush001\/NyuziProcessor,jbush001\/NyuziProcessor,FulcronZ\/NyuziProcessor,jbush001\/NyuziProcessor,FulcronZ\/NyuziProcessor,hoangt\/NyuziProcessor,jbush001\/NyuziProcessor,FulcronZ\/NyuziProcessor,hoangt\/NyuziProcessor,hoangt\/NyuziProcessor"} {"commit":"b3e0996cfd7d38b0cfa7789b26edcc694f8f5045","old_file":"ex_mov_string.asm","new_file":"ex_mov_string.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"; Sandbox asm file template to start experimenting from\r\n\r\nSECTION .data\r\nSECTION .text\r\n\r\n global _start\r\n\r\n_start:\r\n nop\r\n\r\n mov eax,'WXYZ'\t; You can use a string as an immediate value\r\n\t\t\t; in a soure operand. Debugger will show 0x5A595857\r\n\t\t\t; which is the binary ascii equivalent.\r\n\r\n mov eax,1\t\t; Code for Exit Syscall\r\n mov ebx,0\t\t; Return a code of zero\t\r\n int 80H\t\t; Make kernel call\r\n\r\nSECTION .bss\r\n\r\n","subject":"Add experiment showing use of string as immediate value in source operand.","message":"Add experiment showing use of string as immediate value in source operand.\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"inothnagel\/asm"} {"commit":"5c0ee972183a493fe1135feb5d7f9b28c5e54cd3","old_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_rupe.asm","new_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_rupe.asm","old_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Move images in rupe (zoom) menu.\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n\n; Familiar brand image\n.thumb\n.org 0x0215A810\n MOV r1, #0x52 ; X pos, originally 0x52\n MOV r2, #0x4C ; Y pos, originally 0x4C\n","new_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Move images in rupe (zoom) menu.\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n\n; Familiar brand image\n.thumb\n.org 0x0215A810\n MOV r1, #0x40 ; X pos, originally 0x52\n MOV r2, #0x4C ; Y pos, originally 0x4C\n\n; Familiar type image\n.org 0x0215A87C\n MOV r1, #0x5C ; X pos, originally 0x70\n MOV r2, #0x4B ; Y pos, originally 0x4B\n","subject":"Move familiar type image in zoom menu","message":"Hack: Move familiar type image in zoom menu\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni"} {"commit":"fb43463750411823d9b42afb011b90e9ed4e7211","old_file":"asm\/por_fix_infinite_quest_rewards.asm","new_file":"asm\/por_fix_infinite_quest_rewards.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n; Disables the start button exiting the quests menu.\n; The B button can be used to exit the quest menu instead.\n; This prevents taking quest rewards over and over by exiting before the quest is marked as complete.\n\n; Changes how the quest menu handles button presses.\n; Normally the value at [r13,14h] being 2 means B was pressed, and 3 means start was pressed.\n; When B is pressed on the quest list, it changes the value to 3 to simulate the player exiting with start.\n; Instead we change it so 4 is the value needed to exit the menu, and make B pressed on the quest list set the value to 4 instead of 3.\n; Start still just sets it to 3, which is now ignored.\n.org 0x02040848\n cmp r0, 4h ; This is the value it must be to exit the quest menu.\n.org 0x0204041C\n moveq r0, 4h ; This is the value set when pressing B on the quest list.\n.org 0x0204083C\n movle r0, 4h ; This is the value set when the quest list is empty in some cases.\n.org 0x0204052C\n mov r0, 4h ; This is the value set when the quest list is empty in other cases.\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to fix infinite quest rewards bug in PoR","message":"Add patch to fix infinite quest rewards bug in PoR\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"f857501c0db771e503d6268e702252f72e352a12","old_file":"kangaroo.asm","new_file":"kangaroo.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"; Sandbox asm file template to start experimenting from\r\n; converts the Snippet string in memory to lowercase by looping and\r\n; adding 32 to each byte in the string\r\n\r\nSECTION .data\r\n\tSnippet db \"KANGAROO\"\r\nSECTION .text\r\n\r\n global _start\r\n\r\n_start:\r\n\t\tnop\r\n\r\n\t\tmov ebx,Snippet\r\n\t\tmov eax,8\r\n\tDoMore: add byte [ebx],32\r\n\t\tinc ebx\r\n\t\tdec eax\r\n\t\tjnz DoMore\r\n\r\n\t\tmov eax,1\t\t; Code for Exit Syscall\r\n\t\tmov ebx,0\t\t; Return a code of zero\t\r\n\t\tint 80H\t\t; Make kernel call\r\n\r\nSECTION .bss\r\n\r\n","subject":"Convert a string from uppercase to lowercase.","message":"Convert a string from uppercase to lowercase.\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"inothnagel\/asm"} {"commit":"5b15eb24eae8da072a347989ca608c26aaa7d818","old_file":"examples\/sertest.asm","new_file":"examples\/sertest.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"; Test program to bit-bang a single character out SOD as serial async data\r\n\r\n org 00000H\r\n\r\nBITTIME equ 0113h ; Time delay for a single bit\r\nOUTBITS equ\t00Bh\r\n\r\nSTART:\r\n mvi c,'T' ; Send a test character\r\nCOUT:\r\n di\r\n mvi b,OUTBITS ; Number of output bits\r\n xra a ; Clear carry for start bit\r\nCO1:\r\n mvi a,080H ; Set the SDE flag\r\n rar ; Shift carry into SOD flag\r\n cmc ; and invert carry. Why? (serial is inverted?)\r\n sim ; Output data bit\r\n lxi h,BITTIME ; Load the time delay for one bit width\r\nCO2:\r\n dcr l ; Wait for bit time\r\n jnz CO2\r\n dcr h\r\n jnz CO2\r\n stc ; Shift in stop bit(s)\r\n mov a,c ; Get char to send\r\n rar ; LSB into carry\r\n mov c,a ; Store rotated data\r\n dcr b\r\n jnz CO1 ; Send next bit\r\n ei\r\n\r\n lxi h,03fffH ; Wait a while before sending the character again\r\nCHILL:\r\n dcr l\r\n jnz CHILL\r\n dcr h\r\n jnz CHILL\r\n\r\n jmp START\r\n\r\n\r\n","subject":"Add example asm files for testing","message":"Add example asm files for testing\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"TomNisbet\/asm85,TomNisbet\/asm85"} {"commit":"3a6dfd0e5dfe9fc531f5802b1aa68215f92e352e","old_file":"sandbox_template.asm","new_file":"sandbox_template.asm","old_contents":"; Sandbox asm file template to start experimenting from\r\n\r\nSECTION .data\r\nSECTION .text\r\n\r\n global _start\r\n\r\n_start:\r\n nop\r\n\r\n mov eax,1\t\t; Code for Exit Syscall\r\n mov ebx,0\t\t; Return a code of zero\t\r\n int 80H\t\t; Make kernel call\r\n\r\nSECTION .bss\r\n\r\n","new_contents":"; Sandbox asm file template to start experimenting from\r\n\r\nSECTION .data\r\nSECTION .text\r\n\r\n\tglobal _start\r\n\r\n_start:\r\n\tnop\r\n\t\r\n\tmov eax,1\t\t; Code for Exit Syscall\r\n\tmov ebx,0\t\t; Return a code of zero\t\r\n\tint 80H\t\t; Make kernel call\r\n\r\nSECTION .bss\r\n\r\n","subject":"Add tabs to sandbox template.","message":"Add tabs to sandbox template.\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"inothnagel\/asm"} {"commit":"1a7da5d4ea1be1222075e564c28fdeed261d0ac7","old_file":"asm\/dos_allow_changing_total_map_tiles.asm","new_file":"asm\/dos_allow_changing_total_map_tiles.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; This patch slightly changes the code that calculates what percentage of the map you have explored so that the total number of tiles can be easily changed, allowing the percentage to be correct with modded maps.\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n.org 0x02026B54\n mul r0, r0, r1 ; Multiplies the number of explored map tiles (in r0) by 0d1000 (in r1) (for 100.0%, 4 digits including the decimal point).\n ldr r1, =401h ; The total number of map tiles. (The base game has 0x400 tiles, but we put 401 instead because the assembler would optimize 400 into a shifted immediate and then the randomizer couldn't easily change this later on.)\n bl 02075B28h ; Divide\n add r13, r13, 4h\n pop r15\n .pool\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to change number of map tiles in DoS","message":"Add patch to change number of map tiles in DoS\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"c65797d89f167747f0087fbbb0395fe45502a9c7","old_file":"src\/arch\/x86_64\/long_mode_init.asm","new_file":"src\/arch\/x86_64\/long_mode_init.asm","old_contents":"; Copyright 2015 Philipp Oppermann\n;\n; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;\n; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;\n; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n; limitations under the License.\n\nglobal long_mode_start\nextern main\n\nsection .text\nbits 64\nlong_mode_start:\n\n ; call rust main\n call main\n ; print `OKAY` to screen\n mov rax, 0x2f592f412f4b2f4f\n mov qword [0xb8000], rax\n hlt\n","new_contents":"; Copyright 2015 Philipp Oppermann\n;\n; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;\n; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;\n; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n; limitations under the License.\n\nglobal long_mode_start\nextern main\n\nsection .text\nbits 64\nlong_mode_start:\n\n ; call rust main\n call main\n ; print `OKAY` to screen\n mov rax, 0x2f592f412f4b2f4f\n mov qword [0xb8000], rax\n hlt\n\n; Prints `ERROR: ` and the given error code to screen and hangs.\n; parameter: error code (in ascii) in al\nerror:\n mov rbx, 0x4f4f4f524f524f45\n mov [0xb8000], rbx\n mov rbx, 0x4f204f204f3a4f52\n mov [0xb8008], rbx\n mov byte [0xb800e], al\n hlt\n","subject":"Add an 64-bit error function","message":"Add an 64-bit error function\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"phil-opp\/blog_os,phil-opp\/blogOS,rafalmiel\/blog_os,phil-opp\/blogOS,phil-opp\/blog_os,phil-opp\/blog_os,phil-opp\/blog_os,rafalmiel\/blog_os"} {"commit":"4bde0ced091e7938a8dc059d03fd4aa680813f4d","old_file":"asm\/por_nerf_enemy_resistances.asm","new_file":"asm\/por_nerf_enemy_resistances.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; This patch makes resistances in PoR act like resistances in DoS and OoE.\n; In vanilla PoR, if an enemy resists even one element of an attack, it will resist the attack.\n; This changes it so the enemy must resist all elements of the attack to resist the attack.\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_0\", 021CDF60h\n\n.org 0x021DA1F8\n mvn r0, r5 ; Negate the bitfield of resistances.\n and r0, r0, r7 ; AND the attack's damage types with the negated resistances to find what elements were not resisted.\n ands r0, r0, 0FFh ; Only consider the first 8 resistances. Others have no effect.\n bne 021DA224h ; If any elements were not resisted, do not resist the attack.\n mov r0, r1, asr 1h ; Resisted, so halve the damage. (This was originally a float multiply by 0.5x, but we used up too much space so simplify it to a shift instead.)\n nop\n nop\n nop\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to make PoR enemy resistances behave like DoS and OoE","message":"Add patch to make PoR enemy resistances behave like DoS and OoE\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"00c11c600c619b732aeef28730ea0869f243c23b","old_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/casino_blackjack.asm","new_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/casino_blackjack.asm","old_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the numbers in blackjack minigame of casino.\n;; Copyright 2015 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n.arm\n\n;; Number of rounds played\n.org 0x02095FC0\n ADD r1, r6, #0x00 + 0x1C ; X position\n","new_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the numbers in blackjack minigame of casino.\n;; Copyright 2015 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n.arm\n\n;; Number of rounds played\n.org 0x02095FC0\n ADD r1, r6, #0x00 + 0x12 ; X position\n","subject":"Fix position of blackjack player plays","message":"Fix position of blackjack player plays\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni"} {"commit":"e9105af647970037aba1b132e24526a6997253ad","old_file":"asm\/por_allow_changing_starting_room.asm","new_file":"asm\/por_allow_changing_starting_room.asm","old_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n.org 0x02051F90 ; Where the original game's code for loading area\/sector\/room indexes is.\n b 020BFC00h ; Jump to some free space, where we will put our own code for loading the area\/sector\/room indexes.\n\n.org 0x020BFC00 ; Free space.\n mov r5,0h ; Load the area index into r5.\n strb r5,[r0,515] ; Store the area index to the ram address where r0 will read it later.\n mov r5,0h ; Load the sector index into r5.\n mov r4,0h ; Load the room index into r4.\n b 02051F94h ; Return to where we came from.\n\n.close\n","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n.org 0x02051F90 ; Where the original game's code for loading area\/sector\/room indexes is.\n b 020BFC00h ; Jump to some free space, where we will put our own code for loading the area\/sector\/room indexes.\n\n.org 0x020BFC00 ; Free space.\n mov r5,0h ; Load the area index into r5.\n strb r5,[r0,515h] ; Store the area index to the ram address where r0 will read it later. (0x02111785)\n mov r5,0h ; Load the sector index into r5.\n mov r4,0h ; Load the room index into r4.\n b 02051F94h ; Return to where we came from.\n\n.close\n","subject":"Fix bug when changing PoR starting area","message":"Fix bug when changing PoR starting area\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"baedf83b569fcfebfd1fd560fb80e551584d0d35","old_file":"rootdir.asm","new_file":"rootdir.asm","old_contents":"; Volume Label\ndb 'BOOTDISK' ; File Name\ndb ' ' ; File Extension\ndb 0x08 ; Attribute\ndb 0x00 ; Reserved for NT\ndb 0x01 ; Creation\ndw 0x0000 ; Creation Time\ndw 0x0000 ; Creation Date\ndw 0x0000 ; Last Access Data\ndw 0x0000 ; FAT32 Upper Half\ndw 0x8000 ; Last Write Time\ndw 0x475F ; Last Write Date\ndw 0x0000 ; Starting Cluster\ndd 0x00000000 ; File Size\n\n; Second-Stage File\ndb 'STAGE2 ' ; File Name\ndb 'BIN' ; File Extension\ndb 0x05 ; Attribute (Read-only: 1; System: 4)\ndb 0x00 ; Reserved for NT\ndb 0x01 ; Creation\ndw 0x0000 ; Creation Time\ndw 0x0000 ; Creation Date\ndw 0x0000 ; Last Access Data\ndw 0x0000 ; FAT32 Upper Half\ndw 0x8000 ; Last Write Time\ndw 0x475F ; Last Write Date\ndw 0x0000 ; Starting Cluster\ndd 0x00000200 ; File Size\n\npad: times (14*512)-($-$$) db 0\n","new_contents":"; Volume Label\ndb 'BOOTDISK' ; File Name\ndb ' ' ; File Extension\ndb 0x08 ; Attribute\ndb 0x00 ; Reserved for NT\ndb 0x01 ; Creation\ndw 0x0000 ; Creation Time\ndw 0x0000 ; Creation Date\ndw 0x0000 ; Last Access Data\ndw 0x0000 ; FAT32 Upper Half\ndw 0x8000 ; Last Write Time\ndw 0x475F ; Last Write Date\ndw 0x0000 ; Starting Cluster\ndd 0x00000000 ; File Size\n\n; Second-Stage File\ndb 'STAGE2 ' ; File Name\ndb 'BIN' ; File Extension\ndb 0x05 ; Attribute (Read-only: 1; System: 4)\ndb 0x00 ; Reserved for NT\ndb 0x01 ; Creation\ndw 0x0000 ; Creation Time\ndw 0x0000 ; Creation Date\ndw 0x0000 ; Last Access Data\ndw 0x0000 ; FAT32 Upper Half\ndw 0x8000 ; Last Write Time\ndw 0x475F ; Last Write Date\ndw 0x0002 ; Starting Cluster\ndd 0x00000200 ; File Size\n\npad: times (14*512)-($-$$) db 0\n","subject":"Fix error with root directory entry for STAGE2.BIN","message":"Fix error with root directory entry for STAGE2.BIN\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"vdamewood\/Petrichor,vendu\/Ukko,vdamewood\/Petrichor,vendu\/Ukko,vdamewood\/Petrichor,vendu\/Ukko"} {"commit":"553ed5210de3d342cf161c9f0bd3c0114808c46c","old_file":"asm\/aos_enable_cutscene_skip.asm","new_file":"asm\/aos_enable_cutscene_skip.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".gba\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/rom.gba\", 08000000h\n\n; Allow skipping events with start, even if you haven't beaten the game once yet.\n.org 0x0805B56C\n mov r0, 3h\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to enable skipping AoS cutscenes on first playthrough","message":"Add patch to enable skipping AoS cutscenes on first playthrough\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"8ca311b8396c9ed269688b579f4d5810f7ece2df","old_file":"Patches\/z_cancel_flash.asm","new_file":"Patches\/z_cancel_flash.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"\/\/ Super Smash Bros. flash on Z cancel demonstration\n\narch n64.cpu\nendian msb\n\/\/output \"\", create\n\ninclude \"LIB\\N64.inc\"\ninclude \"LIB\\macros.inc\"\n\norigin 0x0\ninsert \"LIB\\Super Smash Bros. (U) [!].z64\"\n\norigin 0x0CB528\nbase 0x80150AE8 \/\/ Z cancel\njal Flash\n\norigin 0x33204\nbase 0x80032604\nscope Flash: {\n addiu sp, -0x18\n sw ra, 0x14 (sp)\n jal 0x80142D9C \/\/ Original instruction\n sw v1, 0x10 (sp) \/\/ Save v1\n lw v1, 0x10 (sp) \/\/ Restore v1\n lw t0, 0x0160 (v1)\n slti t1, t0, 0x000B\n beqz t1, End \/\/ If within frame window\n nop\n Flash:\n lw a0, 0x04 (v1) \/\/ Pointer\n \/\/lli a1, 0x08 \/\/ Sparkle\n lli a1, 0x2B \/\/ Yellow\n jal 0x800E9814 \/\/ Flash\n or a2, r0, r0\n End:\n lw ra, 0x14 (sp)\n jr ra\n addiu sp, 0x18\n}\n","subject":"Add flash on Z cancel demo","message":"Add flash on Z cancel demo\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"abitalive\/SuperSmashBros,abitalive\/SuperSmashBros"} {"commit":"2ee54dd3ec8711c403fa85f081628dd27e84614a","old_file":"asm\/por_fix_the_creature_boss_death_flag.asm","new_file":"asm\/por_fix_the_creature_boss_death_flag.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; This patch fixes the bug where the common enemy version of The Creature sets his boss death flag.\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_60\", 022D7900h\n\n.org 0x022D7D14\n ; Check if Var A is 0 (common enemy\/boss rush version) and skip setting the boss death flag if so.\n ; This code already existed around here in vanilla, we're just moving it up a few lines to before setting the boss death flag instead of after.\n ldrh r1, [r1, 3Ch]\n cmp r1, 0h\n beq 0x022D7D30\n \n ; Then set the boss death flag.\n ldr r2, [r0, 76Ch]\n orr r2, r2, 200h\n str r2, [r0, 76Ch]\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to fix bug where common enemy creature sets boss death flag","message":"Add patch to fix bug where common enemy creature sets boss death flag\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"1fabca85e73341a2865201648c84db9d7143a9a4","old_file":"print\/print_string_32bit.asm","new_file":"print\/print_string_32bit.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"; =============================================================================\n; Copyright (C) 2015 Manolis Fragkiskos Ragkousis -- see LICENSE.TXT\n; =============================================================================\n\n;;; Print routine\n;;; ebx contains a null terminated string\n\n%ifndef PRINT_STRING_PM\n%define PRINT_STRING_PM\n\n[bits 32]\nVIDEO_MEMORY equ 0xb8000\nWHITE_ON_BLACK equ 0x0f\n \nprint_string_pm:\n pusha\n mov edx, VIDEO_MEMORY\n\nprint_string_pm_loop:\n mov al, [ebx]\n mov ah, WHITE_ON_BLACK\n\n cmp al, 0\n je print_string_pm_done\n\n mov [edx], ax\n add ebx, 1\n add edx, 2\n\n jmp print_string_pm_loop\n\nprint_string_pm_done: \n popa\n ret\n \n%endif\n","subject":"Add routine for 32bit print.","message":"Add routine for 32bit print.\n\n* print\/print_string_32bit.asm: New file.\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"Phant0mas\/MaRagOS"} {"commit":"14fb22a5f6a3a61ded6847e8f06e7d4c4c3b7e82","old_file":"asm\/dos_balore_face_player.asm","new_file":"asm\/dos_balore_face_player.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; This patch makes Balore detect which side of the room the player enters from, and if it's from the left, he moves himself to face left.\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_23\", 022FF9C0h\n\n@Overlay41Start equ 0x02308920\n@FreeSpace equ @Overlay41Start + 0x140\n\n.org 0x022FFD44\n b @BaloreFacePlayer\n\n.close\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_41\", @Overlay41Start\n\n.org @FreeSpace\n@BaloreFacePlayer:\n mov r0, r5\n bl 021C3278h ; GetPlayerXPos\n cmp r0, 80000h ; X pos 0x80, halfway through the leftmost screen\n bge @BaloreFaceRight\n@BaloreFaceLeft:\n mov r0, 0h ; Var A\n mov r1, 0F0000h ; X pos\n str r1, [r5, 2Ch]\n b @BaloreFacePlayerEnd\n@BaloreFaceRight:\n mov r0, 1h ; Var A\n ; We don't set X pos here because we assume Balore's X pos was already properly set for facing right.\n@BaloreFacePlayerEnd:\n ; Go back to Balore's normal code to set the direction he faces\n ; We make sure r0 has Var A in it - but not Balore's real Var A, just the one to check for the purposes of deciding the direction he faces.\n b 0x022FFD48\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to make Balore face left if player enters from left","message":"DoS: Add patch to make Balore face left if player enters from left\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"957e37e48f0289e52e2504006aaab9698b14824b","old_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_equip.asm","new_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_equip.asm","old_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in equip menu\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n;; Item name\n.arm\n.org 0x020821B8\n MOV r1, #0x83 ; X pos, originally 0x84\n\n\n;; Item quantity\n.arm\n.org 0x02082228\n MOV r1, #0xDB ; X pos, originally 0xDD\n","new_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in equip menu\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n;; Item name\n.arm\n.org 0x020821B8\n MOV r1, #0x83 ; X pos, originally 0x84\n\n\n;; Item quantity\n.arm\n.org 0x02082228\n MOV r1, #0xDB ; X pos, originally 0xDD\n\n\n;; Level\n.arm\n.org 0x2080544\n MOV r1, #0x79 + 2 ; X poss\n","subject":"Move level number in equip menu","message":"Move level number in equip menu\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni"} {"commit":"c5e6351643c5647d88971273cc873082e3b9133e","old_file":"src\/00\/header.asm","new_file":"src\/00\/header.asm","old_contents":"; 0x0000\n; RST 0x00\n jp boot\n; Magic Number\n; 0x0003\n.db \"KK\"\n\n; 0x0008\n; RST 0x08\n.fill 0x08-$\nrkcall:\n jp kcall\n.fill 0x10-$\n; 0x0010\n; RST 0x10\nrlcall:\n jp lcall\n.fill 0x18-$\n; 0x0018\n; RST 0x18\n jp reboot\n.fill 0x20-$\n; 0x0020\n; RST 0x20\n jp pcall\n.fill 0x28-$\n; 0x0028\n; RST 0x28\n jp bcall\n.fill 0x30-$ \n; 0x0030\n; RST 0x30\n ret\n.fill 0x38-$\n; 0x0038\n; RST 0x38\n; SYSTEM INTERRUPT\n jp sysInterrupt\n; 0x003B\n\n.fill 0x53-$\n; 0x0053\n jp boot\n; 0x0056\n.db 0xFF, 0xA5, 0xFF\n.fill 0x64-$\n.exec git describe --dirty ; Version string\n.db 0\n","new_contents":"; 0x0000\n; RST 0x00\n jp boot\n; Magic Number\n; 0x0003\n.db \"KK\"\n\n; 0x0008\n; RST 0x08\n.fill 0x08-$\nrkcall:\n jp kcall\n.fill 0x10-$\n; 0x0010\n; RST 0x10\nrlcall:\n jp lcall\n.fill 0x18-$\n; 0x0018\n; RST 0x18\n jp reboot\n.fill 0x20-$\n; 0x0020\n; RST 0x20\n jp pcall\n.fill 0x28-$\n; 0x0028\n; RST 0x28\n jp bcall\n.fill 0x30-$ \n; 0x0030\n; RST 0x30\n ret\n.fill 0x38-$\n; 0x0038\n; RST 0x38\n; SYSTEM INTERRUPT\n jp sysInterrupt\n; 0x003B\n\n.fill 0x53-$\n; 0x0053\n jp boot\n; 0x0056\n.db 0xFF, 0xA5, 0xFF\n.fill 0x64-$\n.exec git describe --dirty=+ ; Version string\n.db 0\n","subject":"Modify version string to be more concise","message":"Modify version string to be more concise\n\nSwap \"-dirty\" with \"+\"\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"calcdude84se\/knightos-kernel,KnightOS\/kernel,unlimitedbacon\/kernel,KnightOS\/kernel"} {"commit":"f7ee5cfaa9bad36fda61284591f800fa564c7386","old_file":"asm\/por_skip_emblem_drawing.asm","new_file":"asm\/por_skip_emblem_drawing.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_25\", 022D7900h\n\n; Skip the screen where the player has to draw an emblem and press OK when starting a new game.\n\n.org 0x022DAAB0 ; Code in the name entry menu after you finished typing in your name that would normally take you to the emblem drawing screen next.\n mov r11, 19h ; We set the return value to 0x19, which is the state for the scrolling prologue introduction.\n nop\n nop\n nop\n nop\n nop\n nop\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to skip emblem drawing screen in PoR","message":"Add patch to skip emblem drawing screen in PoR\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"28905ca6ff363e80934e392f4b441c6c34bcbd8d","old_file":"asm\/ooe_fix_gravedorcus_from_left_entrance.asm","new_file":"asm\/ooe_fix_gravedorcus_from_left_entrance.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; This patch makes Gravedorcus not immediately damage the player if they enter from the left door.\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_33\", 022B73A0h\n\n.org 0x022BA230\n ; Remove branch that would make Gravedorcus's intro cutscene play if you enter the room from the right.\n nop\n\n.org 0x022BA250\n.area 0x20 ; Lines 022BA258-022BA26C were for the cutscene we skipped over, so we get 0x18 extra bytes to work with from that.\n ; Set Gravedorcus's state to 5 instead of 1.\n ; This causes Gravedorcus to start at X position 0x100 and shooting projectiles to the left, which is dodgeable, while spawning right on top of the player and moving to the right is not dodgeable.\n mov r0, 5h\n strb r0, [r5, 0Dh]\n \n ; Replace the two lines we overwrote at the start (return)\n add r13, r13, 10h\n pop r3-r5,r15\n.endarea\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to fix Gravedorcus from left entrance","message":"Add patch to fix Gravedorcus from left entrance\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"b51564a9167966e925b9ae3c8b7b754a5fc0cd94","old_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/casino_military.asm","new_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/casino_military.asm","old_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the numbers in military minigame of casino.\n;; Copyright 2015 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n.arm\n.org 0x0207E900\n MOV r1, #0xB+19 ; X pos\n MOV R2, #3 ; Y pos\n","new_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the numbers in military minigame of casino.\n;; Copyright 2015 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n.arm\n.org 0x0207E900\n MOV r1, #0xB+19 ; X pos\n MOV R2, #2 ; Y pos\n","subject":"Move up the number of military games","message":"Move up the number of military games\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni"} {"commit":"774397a78afa3fa2959f864b866b8450798b6f28","old_file":"asm\/ooe_always_dowsing.asm","new_file":"asm\/ooe_always_dowsing.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; Always have the Dowsing Hat effect of beeping when there's a hidden blue chest, even if you don't have Dowsing Hat equipped.\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_19\", 021FFFC0h\n\n.org 0x0221AE30 ; Where the blue chest loads your currently equipped head armor.\n mov r0, 7h ; Dowsing Hat\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to always enable dowsing hat effect","message":"Add patch to always enable dowsing hat effect\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"f985ec43daee34242e7bad5b3619430aeec92748","old_file":"asm\/dos_magical_ticket.asm","new_file":"asm\/dos_magical_ticket.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n@Overlay41Start equ 0x023E0100\n@FreeSpace equ 0x023E0100\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_0\", 0219E3E0h\n\n.org 0x021EEF00\n b @FreeSpace\n\n.close\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_41\", @Overlay41Start\n\n.org @FreeSpace\n ; TODO: Don't allow using during boss fights.\n \n mov r0, 0h ; Sector index\n mov r1, 1h ; Room index\n mov r2, 80h ; X pos\n mov r3, 60h ; Y pos\n bl 02026AD0h ; SetDestinationRoomSectorAndRoomIndexes\n ldr r1, =020F6DF4h\n mov r0, 6h\n strb r0, [r1] ; We set the current type of transition mode (020F6DF4) to 6, meaning a warp of some kind.\n mov r0, 0h\n strb r0, [r1,1h]\n \n ; Enable control of the player, in case they were using the slide puzzle and controls were disabled.\n bl 021F64BCh\n \n ; Below is copy pasted, it triggers the game to unpause.\n mov r0,44h\n bl 2029BF0h\n mov r0,0h\n mvn r1,0Fh\n mov r2,8h\n bl 20080DCh\n mov r2,3h\n ldr r0,=208AC20h\n strb r2,[r9,0Dh]\n ldr r1,[r0]\n ldrb r0,[r1,8h]\n cmp r0,17h\n strneb r2,[r1,0Ah]\n ; Above is copy pasted, it triggers the game to unpause\n \n mov r4, 42h ; This tells the rest of the consumable code to use one of the consumable, and play the consumable-used SFX.\n b 0x021EF0F8 ; Return to the consumable code.\n \n ; Alternate code to not use one of the tickets up:\n ; mov r0, 42h ; This is the SFX that will be played.\n ; b 0x021EF264 ; Return to the consumable code.\n \n .pool\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add asm patch to implement magical tickets in DoS","message":"Add asm patch to implement magical tickets in DoS\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"9830cfae4a3f7356d9460194e55ee2e8af5f3fad","old_file":"asm\/por_fix_bosses_not_playing_music.asm","new_file":"asm\/por_fix_bosses_not_playing_music.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; Fixes the boss rush versions of certain bosses so they play the boss music when they're created.\n; This is for the boss randomizer.\n\n@Overlay119Start equ 0x02308EC0\n@FreeSpace equ @Overlay119Start + 0x4C0\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_119\", @Overlay119Start\n\n.org @FreeSpace\n@InitializeEnemyAndOverridePlayBossMusic:\n push r14\n push r1 ; Preserve the music ID\n \n bl 021D9184h ; InitializeEnemyFromDNA (replaces the line we overwrote to call this custom function)\n \n pop r0 ; Get the music ID out of the stack\n bl 0204D374h ; PlaySongWithVariableUpdatesExceptInBossRush\n \n ; Set bit to make the song that was set override the BGM.\n ldr r0, =0211174Ch\n ldr r1, [r0]\n orr r1, r1, 00040000h\n str r1, [r0]\n \n pop r15\n\n@InitializeEnemyAndOverridePlayBossMusicForLegion:\n push r14\n mov r1, 12h ; Music ID for Destroyer\n bl @InitializeEnemyAndOverridePlayBossMusic\n pop r15\n\n.pool\n\n.close\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_52\", 022D7900h\n\n; Legion\n.org 0x022D7A24\n bl @InitializeEnemyAndOverridePlayBossMusicForLegion\n\n.close\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_64\", 022D7900h\n\n; Death\n.org 0x022D7BD0\n ; This line usually prevented the code for starting the boss music from running in Jonathan mode.\n ; Just remove it.\n nop\n\n.close\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_63\", 022D7900h\n\n; Stella\n.org 0x022D7A4C\n ; This line usually prevented the code for starting the boss music from running in Jonathan mode.\n ; Just remove it.\n nop\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to fix some PoR bosses not playing music in boss rando","message":"Add patch to fix some PoR bosses not playing music in boss rando\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"ef0001ec536c48a83eee27d382fab48218c888ee","old_file":"vm\/safeseh.asm","new_file":"vm\/safeseh.asm","old_contents":".386\r\n.model flat\r\nexception_handler proto\r\n.safeseh exception_handler\r\nend\r\n","new_contents":".386\r\n.model flat\r\nexception_handler proto c\r\n.safeseh exception_handler\r\nend\r\n","subject":"Fix Windows compileation for VS 2010","message":"Fix Windows compileation for VS 2010\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"sarvex\/factor-lang,mrjbq7\/factor,tgunr\/factor,dch\/factor,dch\/factor,tgunr\/factor,factor\/factor,slavapestov\/factor,bpollack\/factor,AlexIljin\/factor,bjourne\/factor,bpollack\/factor,slavapestov\/factor,bpollack\/factor,bjourne\/factor,bpollack\/factor,nicolas-p\/factor,AlexIljin\/factor,AlexIljin\/factor,factor\/factor,AlexIljin\/factor,nicolas-p\/factor,nicolas-p\/factor,bjourne\/factor,bpollack\/factor,tgunr\/factor,bpollack\/factor,bjourne\/factor,mrjbq7\/factor,bpollack\/factor,factor\/factor,slavapestov\/factor,sarvex\/factor-lang,bjourne\/factor,dch\/factor,nicolas-p\/factor,sarvex\/factor-lang,slavapestov\/factor,AlexIljin\/factor,factor\/factor,slavapestov\/factor,dch\/factor,sarvex\/factor-lang,dch\/factor,factor\/factor,slavapestov\/factor,tgunr\/factor,nicolas-p\/factor,mrjbq7\/factor,dch\/factor,tgunr\/factor,nicolas-p\/factor,bjourne\/factor,sarvex\/factor-lang,mrjbq7\/factor,AlexIljin\/factor,mrjbq7\/factor,sarvex\/factor-lang,mrjbq7\/factor,slavapestov\/factor,sarvex\/factor-lang,AlexIljin\/factor,bjourne\/factor,nicolas-p\/factor,factor\/factor,tgunr\/factor"} {"commit":"e918bf8dc9129eb3d83808b816fa66be02aa112d","old_file":"src\/arch\/i686\/arch_start.asm","new_file":"src\/arch\/i686\/arch_start.asm","old_contents":"; This file is a part of the IncludeOS unikernel - www.includeos.org\n;\n; Copyright 2015 Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences\n; and Alfred Bratterud\n;\n; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;\n; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;\n; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n; limitations under the License.\n\nglobal __arch_start:function\nextern kernel_start\n\n[BITS 32]\n\n;; @param: eax - multiboot magic\n;; @param: ebx - multiboot bootinfo addr\n__arch_start:\n\n ;; Create stack frame for backtrace\n push ebp\n mov ebp, esp\n\n ;; hack to avoid stack protector\n mov DWORD [0x1014], 0x89abcdef\n\n ;; Push params on 16-byte aligned stack\n sub esp, 8\n and esp, -16\n mov [esp], eax\n mov [esp+4], ebx\n\n call kernel_start\n\n ;; Restore stack frame\n mov esp, ebp\n pop ebp\n ret\n\nsentinel_table:\n dd sentinel_table ;; 0x0\n dd 0 ;; 0x8\n dd 0 ;; 0x10\n dd 0 ;; 0x18\n dd 0 ;; 0x20\n dd 0x123456789ABCDEF\n","new_contents":"; This file is a part of the IncludeOS unikernel - www.includeos.org\n;\n; Copyright 2015 Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences\n; and Alfred Bratterud\n;\n; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;\n; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;\n; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n; limitations under the License.\n\nglobal __arch_start:function\nextern kernel_start\n\n[BITS 32]\n\n;; @param: eax - multiboot magic\n;; @param: ebx - multiboot bootinfo addr\n__arch_start:\n\n ;; Create stack frame for backtrace\n push ebp\n mov ebp, esp\n\n ;; hack to avoid stack protector\n mov DWORD [0x1014], 0x89abcdef\n\n ;; Push params on 16-byte aligned stack\n sub esp, 8\n and esp, -16\n mov [esp], eax\n mov [esp+4], ebx\n\n call kernel_start\n\n ;; Restore stack frame\n mov esp, ebp\n pop ebp\n ret\n","subject":"Remove unused sentinel table for i686","message":"i686: Remove unused sentinel table for i686\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"AndreasAakesson\/IncludeOS,mnordsletten\/IncludeOS,alfred-bratterud\/IncludeOS,mnordsletten\/IncludeOS,AnnikaH\/IncludeOS,mnordsletten\/IncludeOS,alfred-bratterud\/IncludeOS,hioa-cs\/IncludeOS,mnordsletten\/IncludeOS,hioa-cs\/IncludeOS,hioa-cs\/IncludeOS,AndreasAakesson\/IncludeOS,hioa-cs\/IncludeOS,AndreasAakesson\/IncludeOS,alfred-bratterud\/IncludeOS,mnordsletten\/IncludeOS,mnordsletten\/IncludeOS,AndreasAakesson\/IncludeOS,AndreasAakesson\/IncludeOS,AnnikaH\/IncludeOS,hioa-cs\/IncludeOS,alfred-bratterud\/IncludeOS,AndreasAakesson\/IncludeOS,alfred-bratterud\/IncludeOS,AnnikaH\/IncludeOS,AnnikaH\/IncludeOS,AnnikaH\/IncludeOS"} {"commit":"6d283a283402f70e545e92b5d43b80be1b54a905","old_file":"3\/src\/vasm\/m1.asm","new_file":"3\/src\/vasm\/m1.asm","old_contents":"\\ This software is the Kestrel-3's first milestone: print a bunch of \"A\"\n\\ characters to the console.\n\n\t$2000 ORG\t\t( RISC-V ISA spec says we boot here. )\n\n\t0 x31 auipc\t\t( X31 = address of next insn )\n\tassume-gp\t\t( This lets us load big constants )\n\n\tx31 gl> uart-port x2 ld\t( X2 = uart transmit port )\n\tx0 65 x3 addi\t\t( X3 = ASCII code for \"A\" )\n-> .again\n\tx3 x2 0 sb\t\t( send \"A\" to console )\n\t.again x0 jal\t\t( repeat forever )\n\n-> uart-port\t$0F000000.00000000 D,\n\n","new_contents":"\\ This software is the Kestrel-3's first milestone: print a bunch of \"A\"\n\\ characters to the console.\n\n\t$2000 ORG\t\t( RISC-V ISA spec says we boot here. )\n\n\t0 x31 auipc\t\t( X31 = address of next insn )\n\tassume-gp\t\t( This lets us load big constants )\n\n\tx31 gl> uart-port x2 ld\t( X2 = uart transmit port )\n\tx0 65 x3 addi\t\t( X3 = ASCII code for \"A\" )\n-> .again\n\tx3 x2 0 sb\t\t( send \"A\" to console )\n\tx31 gl> .ctr x4 ld\t( count how many \"A\"s we send )\n\tx4 1 x4 addi\n\tx4 x31 gs> .ctr sd\n\t.again x0 jal\t\t( repeat forever )\n\n-> uart-port\t$0F000000.00000000 D,\n-> .ctr\t\t0.0 D,\n\n","subject":"Test source update to test both gl> and gs>","message":"Test source update to test both gl> and gs>\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mpl-2.0","repos":"8l\/kestrel,KestrelComputer\/kestrel,sam-falvo\/kestrel,8l\/kestrel,8l\/kestrel,8l\/kestrel,KestrelComputer\/kestrel,sam-falvo\/kestrel,KestrelComputer\/kestrel,8l\/kestrel,8l\/kestrel,sam-falvo\/kestrel,KestrelComputer\/kestrel,sam-falvo\/kestrel"} {"commit":"7e82e985f87357625cf9d7ce8763f56eee8d8dbc","old_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_request.asm","new_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_request.asm","old_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Increase textbox size in request menu\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n;; # REQUEST TITLE #\n.arm\n.org 020C5804h\nMOV r1, #0x49 ; X Position: original 0x50\nMOV r2, #4 ; Y Position: original 0x03\n\n\n;; # STAMP GIVEN #\n.org 020C5950h\nMOV r1, #0xCD + 10 ; X position\n","new_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Increase textbox size in request menu\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n;; # REQUEST TITLE #\n.arm\n.org 020C5804h\nMOV r1, #0x49 ; X Position: original 0x50\nMOV r2, #4 ; Y Position: original 0x03\n\n\n;; # STAMP GIVEN #\n.org 020C5950h\nMOV r1, #0xCD + 10 ; X position\n\n.org 020C5968h\nMOV r1, #0xCE + 10 ; X position (to paint twice - bold effect)\n","subject":"Fix the bold effect for stamps in request menu","message":"Fix the bold effect for stamps in request menu\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni"} {"commit":"1e8ed6381b3841935694d170fa442c91672d2160","old_file":"src\/boot.asm","new_file":"src\/boot.asm","old_contents":"# multiboot config and setup\n.set ALIGN, 1<<0 # align modules on page boundaries\n.set MEMINFO, 1<<1 # provide memory map\n.set FLAGS, ALIGN | MEMINFO # flags\n.set MAGIC, 0x1BADB002 # header magic\n.set CHECKSUM, -(MAGIC + FLAGS) # checksum to prove multi\n.section .multiboot\n .align 4\n .long MAGIC\n .long FLAGS\n .long CHECKSUM\n\n# configure early stack (to be replaced once gdt loaded)\n.section .stack, \"aw\", @nobits\n stack_bottom:\n .skip 16384\n stack_top:\n\n.section .text\n .extern entry\n .global _start\n .type _start, @function\n _start:\n mov $stack_top,%esp\n call entry\n _stop:\n cli\n 1: hlt\n jmp 1b\n\n.size _start, . - _start\n","new_contents":"# multiboot config and setup\n.set ALIGN, 1 << 0 # align modules on page boundaries\n.set MEMINFO, 1 << 1 # provide memory map\n.set FLAGS, ALIGN | MEMINFO # flags\n.set MAGIC, 0x1BADB002 # header magic\n.set CHECKSUM, -(MAGIC + FLAGS) # checksum to prove multi\n\n.section .multiboot\n\n.align 4\n.long MAGIC\n.long FLAGS\n.long CHECKSUM\n\n# configure early stack (to be replaced once gdt loaded)\n.section .stack, \"aw\", @nobits\n\nstack_bottom:\n .skip 16384\nstack_top:\n\n.section .text\n\n.extern entry\n.extern load_gdt\n.global _start\n.type _start, @function\n_start:\n movl $stack_top,%esp\n #call load_gdt\n call entry\n cli\nhalt:\n hlt\n jmp halt\n\n.size _start, . - _start\n","subject":"Add call for load_gdt, but disabled because it triple faults","message":"Add call for load_gdt, but disabled because it triple faults\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"Magical-Chicken\/simple-x86-kernel,Magical-Chicken\/simple-x86-kernel"} {"commit":"4e81f31ed4d81d5f5516417aa3850167e2d0a4d7","old_file":"src\/isr_wrapper.asm","new_file":"src\/isr_wrapper.asm","old_contents":"use32\nglobal _interrupt_handler_kbd_wrapper\nglobal int_handler\nglobal test1 \nglobal run_interrupt\nalign 4\n\nextern _interrupt_handler_kbd\n\n_interrupt_handler_kbd_wrapper: \n pushad\n call _interrupt_handler_kbd \n popad\n iret\n\n\nrun_interrupt:\n int 33\n ret\n\nint_handler:\n pushad\n mov ax, 0x08\n mov gs, ax\n call _interrupt_handler_kbd \n popad\n iret\n\nidt:\n resd 50*2\n\nidtr:\n dw (50*8)-1\n dd idt\n\ntest1:\n lidt [idtr]\n\n mov eax,int_handler\n mov [idt+33*8],ax\n mov word [idt+33*8+2],0x08\n mov word [idt+33*8+4],0x8E00\n shr eax,16\n mov [idt+33*8+6],ax\n\n mov eax,int_handler\n mov [idt+1*8],ax\n mov word [idt+1*8+2],0x08\n mov word [idt+1*8+4],0x8E00\n shr eax,16\n mov [idt+1*8+6],ax\n\n ret\n\n","new_contents":"use32\nglobal _interrupt_handler_kbd_wrapper\nglobal int_handler\nglobal test1 \nglobal run_interrupt\nalign 4\n\nextern _interrupt_handler_kbd\n\n_interrupt_handler_kbd_wrapper: \n pushad\n call _interrupt_handler_kbd \n popad\n iret\n\n\nrun_interrupt:\n int 33\n ret\n\nint_handler:\n pushad\n mov ax, 0x08\n mov gs, ax\n call _interrupt_handler_kbd \n popad\n iret\n\nidt:\n resd 50*2\n\nidtr:\n dw (50*8)-1\n dd idt\n\ntest1:\n lidt [idtr]\n\n mov eax,int_handler\n mov [idt+33*8],ax\n mov word [idt+33*8+2],0x08\n mov word [idt+33*8+4],0x8E00\n shr eax,16\n mov [idt+33*8+6],ax\n\n ret\n\n","subject":"Remove unnecessary entry from IDT","message":"Remove unnecessary entry from IDT\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"jvns\/puddle,jvns\/puddle"} {"commit":"b996aafce6a826ccae7fb2bf1afc70414b9a1552","old_file":"asm\/dos_drawbridge_stays_down.asm","new_file":"asm\/dos_drawbridge_stays_down.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; This patch makes the drawbridge in DoS stay down permanently once you've lowered it once.\n; The button will stay depressed, so that you don't need to worry about hitting it every time you walk into the room from the right.\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_0\", 0219E3E0h\n\n.org 0x021A27C8 ; When Soma walks\/jumps off the button after pressing it, this line would normally re-raise the button.\n nop ; Remove it so the button doesn't instantly come up.\n.org 0x021A2260 ; This line runs when the drawbridge is created, if the drawbridge has already been lowered previously.\n ; Originally this line was doing something useless, storing 0 to a value which is just 0 by default anyway. So we can replace it.\n strb r3, [r4, 5h] ; Store 1 to the button's \"pressed\" state so the player can't press it again.\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to keep DoS drawbridge down once lowered","message":"Add patch to keep DoS drawbridge down once lowered\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"5768ff0fbc420877eae4ce19428372064fb0ae09","old_file":"Tools\/System\/TaskSwapHandler.asm","new_file":"Tools\/System\/TaskSwapHandler.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"taskswapHandler :\n\tpop ecx\t; pop eip into ecx\n\t\tpusha\n\t\tmov ebx, [currentTaskNum]\t; get the current task\n\t\timul ebx, TASK_OBJ_SIZE\n\t\tadd ebx, RunningTaskList\n\t\tmov [ebx+Task_eip], ecx\n\t\tmov [ebx+Task_stackLoc], esp\t; store the relevent things\n\t\t\t; get the next Task object into ebx\n\t\t\ttaskswapHandler.goLoop :\n\t\t\tadd ebx, TASK_OBJ_SIZE\n\t\t\tcmp ebx, RunningTaskListEnd\n\t\t\t\tjge taskswapHandler.doneZeroing\n\t\t\tmov ebx, RunningTaskList\n\t\t\ttaskswapHandler.doneZeroing :\n\t\t\tcmp dword [ebx+Task_id], 0\n\t\t\t\tje taskswapHandler.goLoop\n\t\t\ttaskswapHandler.noloopback :\n\t\tmov esp, [ebx+Task_stackLoc]\n\t\tpopa\n\tpush dword [ebx+Task_eip]\n\tiret\n\ncurrentTaskNum :\n\tdd 0x0\nRunningTaskList :\n\ttimes 32*TASK_OBJ_SIZE db 0x0\t; 32 tasks max atm\nRunningTaskListEnd :\n\nTask_id equ 0x0\nTask_stackLoc equ 0x4\nTask_eip equ 0x8\nTASK_OBJ_SIZE equ 0xC\n\n\nregisterTask :\t; eip in ecx\n\tpusha\n\t\tmov ebx, RunningTaskList\n\t\tregisterTask.loop :\n\t\tcmp dword [ebx+Task_id], 0\n\t\t\tje registerTask.foundTask\n\t\tadd ebx, TASK_OBJ_SIZE\n\t\tjmp registerTask.loop\n\t\tregisterTask.foundTask :\n\t\tmov eax, [currentTaskId]\n\t\tmov [ebx+Task_id], eax\n\t\tmov [ebx+Task_eip], ecx\n\t\tadd eax, 1\n\t\tmov [currentTaskId], eax\n\t\tmov edx, ebx\n\t\tsub eax, 1\n\t\tmov ebx, TASK_STACK_SIZE\n\t\tcall Guppy.malloc\n\t\tadd ebx, TASK_STACK_SIZE*0x200\n\t\tmov [edx+Task_stackLoc], ebx\n\tpopa\n\tret\nunregisterTask :\t; ID in ecx\n\tpusha\n\t\tmov ebx, RunningTaskList\n\t\tunregisterTask.loop :\n\t\tcmp dword [ebx+Task_id], ecx\n\t\t\tje unregisterTask.foundTask\n\t\tunregisterTask.foundTask :\n\t\txor ecx, ecx\n\t\tmov [ebx+Task_id], ecx\n\tpopa\n\tret\ncurrentTaskId :\ndd 0x0\nTASK_STACK_SIZE equ 2\n","subject":"Add completely untested multitasking code","message":"Add completely untested multitasking code","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"jaredwhitney\/os3,jaredwhitney\/os3"} {"commit":"acdebe5146277e14eef32d28755e413a9df837ba","old_file":"runtime.asm","new_file":"runtime.asm","old_contents":"use32\n\nglobal _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_\nglobal __morestack\nglobal abort\nglobal memcmp\nglobal memcpy\nglobal malloc\nglobal free\nglobal start\n\nextern main\n\nstart:\n ; rust functions compare esp against [gs:0x30] as a sort of stack guard thing\n ; as long as we set [gs:0x30] to dword 0, it should be ok\n mov [gs:0x30], dword 0\n ; clear the screen a slightly different colour\n mov edi, 0xb8000\n mov ecx, 80*25*2\n mov al, 1\n rep stosb\n ; jump into rust\n call main\n jmp $\n\n_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_:\n\n__morestack:\n\nabort:\n jmp $\n\nmemcmp:\n jmp $\n\nmemcpy:\n jmp $\n\nmalloc:\n jmp $\n\nfree:\n jmp $\n","new_contents":"use32\n\nglobal __morestack\nglobal abort\nglobal memcmp\nglobal memcpy\nglobal malloc\nglobal free\nglobal start\n\nglobal _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_\n_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ equ 0\n\nextern main\n\nstart:\n ; rust functions compare esp against [gs:0x30] as a sort of stack guard thing\n ; as long as we set [gs:0x30] to dword 0, it should be ok\n mov [gs:0x30], dword 0\n ; clear the screen a slightly different colour\n mov edi, 0xb8000\n mov ecx, 80*25*2\n mov al, 1\n rep stosb\n ; jump into rust\n call main\nabort:\n__morestack:\nmemcmp:\nmemcpy:\nmalloc:\nfree:\n jmp $\n","subject":"Set global GOT at 0 and merge infinite loops","message":"Set global GOT at 0 and merge infinite loops\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"pczarn\/rustboot,alexchandel\/rustboot,perlun\/rustboot,wbthomason\/ironkernel"} {"commit":"55f2dd180fb1f6207f05d1e1a53cb43d1f68a178","old_file":"client\/c64\/ifo.asm","new_file":"client\/c64\/ifo.asm","old_contents":"BasicUpstart2(start)\n\n\t* = $0810 \"Main\"\nstart:\n\t\n\n\n\trts\n\t\n","new_contents":"BasicUpstart2(start)\n\n\t* = $0810 \"Main\"\nstart:\n\tjsr\tloadmap\n\n\n\trts\n\nloadmap:\n lda #fname_end-fname\n ldx #fname\n jsr $FFBD \/\/; call SETNAM\n lda #$01\n ldx $BA\n\/\/#; last used dev number\n bne skip\n ldx #$08 \/\/; default to device 8\nskip: ldy #$00 \/\/; $00 means: load to new address\n jsr $FFBA \/\/; call SETLFS\n\n ldx #<$1000\n ldy #>$1000\n lda #$00 \/\/; $00 means: load to memory (not verify)\n jsr $FFD5 \/\/; call LOAD\n bcs error \/\/; if carry set, a load error has happened\n rts\nerror:\t\n\n\n\/\/\t; Accumulator contains BASIC error code\n\n\/\/ ; most likely errors:\n\/\/ ; A = $05 (DEVICE NOT PRESENT)\n\/\/ ; A = $04 (FILE NOT FOUND)\n\/\/ ; A = $1D (LOAD ERROR)\n\/\/ ; A = $00 (BREAK, RUN\/STOP has been pressed during loading)\n\n\/\/ ... error handling ...\n\tsta $d020\n rts\n\nfname: .text \"MAP1A\"\nfname_end:\n\n* = $1000 \"map data section\"\nmap:\t\n\t.fill 1000,0\nmapend:\t\n","subject":"Add optimistic disk loading code to get the map into 000","message":"Add optimistic disk loading code to get the map into 000\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"icepic\/IFO-c64"} {"commit":"7aeec1287ede1cd9ed851612db82edb15e4aa521","old_file":"core\/src\/ab-core-Entry.nasm","new_file":"core\/src\/ab-core-Entry.nasm","old_contents":"%include \"Ab\/State.nasm\"\n\nextern ab_act\n\nglobal ab_interpret_func\n\nsection .text\n\nab_interpret_func:\n call ab_act\n ret\n","new_contents":"%include \"Ab\/State.nasm\"\n\nextern ab_act\n\nglobal ab_interpret_func\n\nsection .text\n\n; Byte* ab_interpret_func(ExecState*, ExecAction)\nab_interpret_func:\n push rbx\n mov rbx, rdi\n call ab_act\n cmp byte [rbx + ExecState.st_b + ExecStateB.condition], ExecCond_HALTED\n je ab_exit\n int 3\nab_exit:\n pop rbx\n ret\n","subject":"Check the state->st_b.condition when returining from the interpreter","message":"Check the state->st_b.condition when returining from the interpreter\n\nRight now we are checking to make sure that the halted state is set.\nThis is not correct. Eventually we will want to add a mechanism for\nspecifying if we are transfering from the interpreter to compiled code.\n\nSigned-off-by: Andrew Young <9b1c84997b9b503084a7ab9e0b7da3894895a5c3@gmail.com>\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"ab-vm\/ab,ab-vm\/ab,ab-vm\/ab,ab-vm\/ab,ab-vm\/ab"} {"commit":"28d70d6250da55e69922167ca440480c669b750c","old_file":"tests\/nasm\/fsave_frstor.asm","new_file":"tests\/nasm\/fsave_frstor.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"global _start\n\nsection .data\n\talign 16\n\n%include \"header.inc\"\n\n sub esp, 128\n fldz\n fld1\n fsave [esp]\n frstor [esp]\n\n%include \"footer.inc\"\n","subject":"Add test for fsave and frstor","message":"Add test for fsave and frstor\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"copy\/v86,copy\/v86,copy\/v86,copy\/v86,copy\/v86,copy\/v86,copy\/v86"} {"commit":"47385f70b94e250b5bb81fc5b28059b3515256fe","old_file":"6502DotNet\/Examples\/vcs\/pocbackgroundcyclecompiled.asm","new_file":"6502DotNet\/Examples\/vcs\/pocbackgroundcyclecompiled.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".cpu \"6502\"\n.format \"flat\"\n* = $F000\n\nBackgroundColor = $80\nINT_Byte_SIZE = 1\n\nVSYNC = $00\nVBLANK = $01\nWSYNC = $02\nCOLUBK = $09\nTIM64T = $296\nINTIM = $284\n\npush .macro address, size\n\t.for i = \\address, i <= \\address + (\\size - 1), i = i + 1\n\t\tLDA i\n\t\tPHA\n\t.next\n.endmacro\n\npopTo .macro address, size\n\t.for i = \\address + (\\size - 1), i >= \\address, i = i - 1\n\t\tPLA\n\t\tSTA i\n\t.next\n.endmacro\n\n\/\/ Can replace a consecutive \".push(...) .popTo(...)\" as an optimization.\n\/\/ Copies directly between 2 addresses without using PHA\/PLA\ncopyTo .macro fromAddress, toAddress, size\n\t.for i = 0, i < \\size, i = i + 1\n\t\t.let source = \\fromAddress + i\n\t\t.let destination = \\toAddress + i\n\t\tLDA source\n\t\tSTA destination\n\t.next\n.endmacro\n\nStart \n\tSEI\n\tCLD\n\tLDX #$FF\n\tTXS\n\tLDA #0\nClearMem\n\tSTA 0,X\n\tDEX\n\tBNE ClearMem\nMainLoop\n\tLDA #%00000010\n\tSTA VSYNC\n\tSTA WSYNC\n\tSTA WSYNC\n\tSTA WSYNC\n\tLDA #43\n\tSTA TIM64T\n\tLDA #0\n\tSTA VSYNC\n\n\tINC BackgroundColor\n\t\/\/.push BackgroundColor, INT_Byte_SIZE\n\t\/\/.popTo COLUBK, INT_Byte_SIZE\n\t\/\/ Compiler should optimize above to:\n\t.copyTo BackgroundColor, COLUBK, INT_Byte_SIZE\n\nWaitForVBlankEnd\n\tLDA INTIM\n\tBNE WaitForVBlankEnd\n\tSTA WSYNC\n\tSTA VBLANK\n\tLDY #192\n\nScanLoop\n\tSTA WSYNC\n\tDEY\n\tBNE ScanLoop\n\n\tLDA #2\n\tSTA WSYNC\n\tSTA VBLANK\n\tLDY #30\nOverScanWait\n\tSTA WSYNC\n\tDEY\n\tBNE OverScanWait\n\tJMP MainLoop\n\n\/\/ Special memory locations. Tells the 6502 where to go.\n* = $FFFC\n.word Start\n.word Start","subject":"Add proof of concept file for using assembler macros instead of instructions.","message":"Add proof of concept file for using assembler macros instead of instructions.\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"Yttrmin\/CSharpTo2600,Yttrmin\/CSharpTo2600,Yttrmin\/CSharpTo2600"} {"commit":"6d19ac909af8d7b5548fbba788af31fe3d074801","old_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_request.asm","new_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_request.asm","old_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Increase textbox size in request menu\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n;; # REQUEST TITLE #\n.arm\n.org 020C5804h\nMOV r1, #0x49 ; X Position: original 0x50\nMOV r2, #4 ; Y Position: original 0x03\n","new_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Increase textbox size in request menu\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n;; # REQUEST TITLE #\n.arm\n.org 020C5804h\nMOV r1, #0x49 ; X Position: original 0x50\nMOV r2, #4 ; Y Position: original 0x03\n\n\n;; # STAMP GIVEN #\n.org 020C5950h\nMOV r1, #0xCD + 10 ; X position\n","subject":"Move stamp gives in request menu","message":"Move stamp gives in request menu\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni"} {"commit":"8af555e5373d7616ba5a43904d3b27db7c8d08ce","old_file":"asm\/dos_skip_name_signing.asm","new_file":"asm\/dos_skip_name_signing.asm","old_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n; Skip the screen where the player has to sign their name and press OK when starting a new game.\n\n.org 0x02045E8C ; Code that sets the name signing menu's state to 3 after zeroing out the name pixel data.\n movne r0, 6h ; Instead set the state to 6, meaning the state where the player has pressed OK and the new game is now starting.\n\n.close\n","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n; Skip the screen where the player has to sign their name and press OK when starting a new game.\n\n.org 0x02045E8C ; Code that sets the name signing menu's state to 3 after zeroing out the name pixel data.\n movne r0, 6h ; Instead set the state to 6, meaning the state where the player has pressed OK and the new game is now starting.\n\n.org 0x02045E78 ; Code that displays the name signing menu on the screen.\n nop ; Delete it to prevent the name signing screen from being visible for a split second when starting a new game.\n\n.close\n","subject":"Tweak to skip name signing patch","message":"Tweak to skip name signing patch\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"31f9ab16a1370751841abd5b0852ab040b5a7654","old_file":"src\/res\/load_resources.asm","new_file":"src\/res\/load_resources.asm","old_contents":"\/\/ load sid music\n\n.var music = LoadSid(\"res\/jeff_donald.sid\")\n\/\/.var music = LoadSid(\"res\/demo.sid\")\n.pc = music.location\n.fill music.size, music.getData(i)\n\n.var picture = LoadBinary(\"res\/dcc.prg\") \n.pc = $2000 - 2 \"Bitmap Data\" \n.fill picture.getSize(), picture.get(i)","new_contents":"\/\/ load sid music\n\n\/\/.var music = LoadSid(\"res\/jeff_donald.sid\")\n.var music = LoadSid(\"res\/demo.sid\")\n.pc = music.location \"Music\"\n.fill music.size, music.getData(i)\n\n.pc = $2000 - 2 \"Bitmap Data\" \n.var picture = LoadBinary(\"res\/dcc.prg\")\n.fill picture.getSize(), picture.get(i)\n\n\/\/----------------------------------------------------------\n\/\/ Print the music info while assembling\n.print \"\"\n.print \"SID Data\"\n.print \"--------\"\n.print \"location=$\"+toHexString(music.location)\n.print \"init=$\"+toHexString(music.init)\n.print \"play=$\"+toHexString(music.play)\n.print \"songs=\"+music.songs\n.print \"startSong=\"+music.startSong\n.print \"size=$\"+toHexString(music.size)\n.print \"name=\"+music.name\n.print \"author=\"+music.author\n.print \"copyright=\"+music.copyright\n\n.print \"\"\n.print \"Additional tech data\"\n.print \"--------------------\"\n.print \"header=\"+music.header\n.print \"header version=\"+music.version\n.print \"flags=\"+toBinaryString(music.flags)\n.print \"speed=\"+toBinaryString(music.speed)\n.print \"startpage=\"+music.startpage\n.print \"pagelength=\"+music.pagelength\n","subject":"Print additional info about SID file","message":"Print additional info about SID file\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"cc0-1.0","repos":"c64scene-ar\/c64demo,c64scene-ar\/c64demo,c64scene-ar\/c64demo"} {"commit":"d7bfefdf28f2f314a7b4784f25d37dbbe1c908ae","old_file":"asm\/dos_skip_drawing_seals.asm","new_file":"asm\/dos_skip_drawing_seals.asm","old_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_0\", 0219E3E0h\n\n; This makes it so you don't need to draw a Magic Seal to kill a boss.\n\n.org 0x02213C04 ; Location of the boss-killed code for loading the current game mode.\n mov r0, 1 ; Always load 1 (meaning Julius mode).\n\n.close\n","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_0\", 0219E3E0h\n\n; This patch makes it so you don't need to draw a Magic Seal to kill a boss.\n\n.org 0x02213C04 ; Location of the seal drawing code for loading the current game mode.\n mov r0, 1 ; Always load 1 (meaning Julius mode).\n\n; The above change causes a bug with the practice seal menu, where attempting to practice a seal will cause the screen to go black and the game to softlock.\n.org 0x021F1BF8 ; Location of code in the practice menu to decide which type of seal to do.\n mov r1, 0 ; Instead of setting argument r1 to 2 (meaning a practice seal) we set it to 0 (meaning an automatically drawn example seal). This doesn't softlock the game.\n\n.close\n","subject":"Fix bug in dos seal drawing skip patch","message":"Fix bug in dos seal drawing skip patch\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"250778ca070a4c9163e71c996104802d1ad69f5e","old_file":"vic-20\/basic-loader.asm","new_file":"vic-20\/basic-loader.asm","old_contents":" org $0fff\n\nload_address:\n $01 $10 @(low basic_end) @(high basic_end) $01 $00 $9e \"4109\" 0\nbasic_end:\n $00 $00\n","new_contents":" org $0fff\n\nload_address:\n $01 $10 @(low basic_end) @(high basic_end) $01 $00 $9e @(princ main nil) 0\nbasic_end:\n $00 $00\n","subject":"Make SYS call to label main, not the end of the BASIC program.","message":"Make SYS call to label main, not the end of the BASIC program.\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"SvenMichaelKlose\/bender,SvenMichaelKlose\/bender,SvenMichaelKlose\/bender"} {"commit":"23f741273f13c9e3d3e6741deba02b2918bc5e6b","old_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_team.asm","new_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_team.asm","old_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in team menu\n;; Copyright 2015 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n.arm\n\n;; Character face icon\n.org 0x02130478\n ADD R2, R2, #0x19 - 1 ; Y position\n\n\n;; Health state\n.org 0x02130A08\n MOV R2, #0x2A + 1 ; Y position\n","new_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in team menu\n;; Copyright 2015 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n.arm\n\n;; Character face icon\n.org 0x02130478\n ADD R2, R2, #0x19 - 1 ; Y position\n\n\n;; Health state\n.org 0x02130A08\n MOV R2, #0x2A + 1 ; Y position\n\n\n;; Technique name\n.org 0x021311AC\n MOV R2, #7 - 3 ; Y position\n\n;; Technique magic\n.org 0x021311EC\n MOV R2, #8 - 2 ; Y position\n","subject":"Move technique name and PM in team menu","message":"Move technique name and PM in team menu\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni"} {"commit":"a3cacd74f50263f9563afcfe41f1685b584cc007","old_file":"test\/lnxhello.asm","new_file":"test\/lnxhello.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":";\n; Assembly \"Hello, World!\" for Linux\n;\n\n\/* Properly defined in *\/\n%define SYS_exit\t1\n%define SYS_write\t4\n\n\tsection .text\n\n\tglobal _start\n_start:\n\t; gdb doesn't like to stop at the entry point address, so\n\t; we put a nop here for pure convenience\n\tnop\t\t\t\t\n\n\nwrite_hello:\n\tmov edx, hello_len\n\tmov ecx, hello\n\t\n.loop:\n\tmov eax, SYS_write\n\tmov ebx, 1\t\t\t; stdout\n\tint 80h\n\n\tcmp eax, -4096\n\tja error\n\n\tadd ecx, eax\n\tsub edx, eax\n\tjnz .loop\n\nok:\t\n\tmov eax, SYS_exit\n\txor ebx, ebx\n\tint 80h\n\thlt\n\nerror:\n\tmov eax, SYS_exit\n\tmov ebx, 1\t\t; Error\n\tint 80h\n\thlt\n\t\n\tsection .rodata\nhello:\tdb \"Hello, World!\", 10\nhello_len equ $-hello\n","subject":"Add Linux \"hello world\" example","message":"Add Linux \"hello world\" example\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"letolabs\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,projedi\/nasm"} {"commit":"bc94cfa7d9c9b48553196ce978e2acd17ad02d4c","old_file":"asm\/dos_gergoth_either_side.asm","new_file":"asm\/dos_gergoth_either_side.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; This patch makes Gergoth appear on the right half of his room when the player enters from the left so he's not on top of the player.\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_36\", 022FF9C0h\n\n.org 0x022FFAF0 ; Code in Gergoth's initialization that normally floors him in different ways depending on his var A.\n ; First we simplify the flooring code (to make room for new code) by always doing the same thing instead of having 4 different possibilities for 4 different var As.\n mov r0, 0B0000h\n str r0, [r5, 30h] ; Set Gergoth's Y pos to 0xB0.\n \n ldr r0, =020CA95Ch\n ldr r0, [r0] ; Load player's X pos.\n cmp r0, 80000h ; Check if player came in on the left half of the room.\n movlt r0, 0C0000h\n strlt r0, [r5, 2Ch] ; Move Gergoth's X pos to 0xC0, close to the right wall.\n b 022FFB48h\n .pool\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to make gergoth not be on top of player coming from left","message":"Add patch to make gergoth not be on top of player coming from left\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"7f7bd80a17e70029245129b0571e1baa6f228dbd","old_file":"asm\/dos_julius_start_with_tower_key.asm","new_file":"asm\/dos_julius_start_with_tower_key.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_0\", 0219E3E0h\n\n; This patch starts the player with the Tower Key in Julius mode.\n; This is so the player doesn't get softlocked by the randomizer in Julius mode.\n\n.org 0x021F6280\n ; Give all 5 magic seals (simplified version of the original code that was here)\n mov r4, 1Fh\n ldr r0, =020F7254h\n strb r4, [r0]\n ; Then give Tower Key\n mov r0, 2h\n mov r1, 39h\n bl 021E7870h ; GiveItem\n b 021F62A8h ; Jump to after the constant pool\n .pool\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to start Julius with the Tower Key","message":"Add patch to start Julius with the Tower Key\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"e7c7852fd8510306f0487f96317b14a446574ee0","old_file":"stage2\/pmode.asm","new_file":"stage2\/pmode.asm","old_contents":"[ORG 0x10800]\n\nPMode:\n\tmov eax, 0xFEEDFACE\n\tmov ecx, 0xF00DD00D\n\tmov edx, 0xBAADBEEF\n.jmpy:\n\thlt\n\tjmp .jmpy","new_contents":"[ORG 0x10800]\n[BITS 32]\nPMode:\n\tmov eax, 0x10\n\tmov ds, ax\n\tmov es, ax\n\tmov fs, ax\n\tmov gs, ax\n\tmov ss, ax\n\tmov esp, 0x90000\n\tmov ebp, esp\n.jmpy:\n\thlt\n\tjmp .jmpy\n","subject":"Change setup for protected mode","message":"Change setup for protected mode\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"vendu\/Ukko,vendu\/Ukko,vdamewood\/Petrichor,vdamewood\/Petrichor,vdamewood\/Petrichor,vendu\/Ukko"} {"commit":"c152bf0253a645fcdca7c64d8cdd44ace5e437f6","old_file":"asm\/dos_melee_balore_blocks.asm","new_file":"asm\/dos_melee_balore_blocks.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_0\", 0219E3E0h\n\n; This makes it so that all melee weapons can break balore blocks, not just Julius's whip.\n\n.org 0x02212AB0 ; Branch of a switch statement taken for all melee weapons except Julius's whip.\n b 02212D64h ; Instead take the branch taken for Julius's whip.\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add asm patch to break balore blocks with any weapon","message":"Add asm patch to break balore blocks with any weapon\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"a269fee6dcf8c85e4f7bf1b9184bdca18964a96d","old_file":"Pong\/Pong.asm","new_file":"Pong\/Pong.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"processor 6502\ninclude \"vcs.h\"\ninclude \"macro.h\"\n\nSEG\nORG $F000\n\nReset\n\nStartOfFrame\n\n; Start of vertical blank processing\nlda #0\nsta VBLANK\n\nlda #2\nsta VSYNC\n\n; 3 scanlines of VSYNCH signal...\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\n\nlda #0\n\nsta VSYNC\n\n; 37 scanlines of vertical blank...\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\n\n; 192 scanlines of picture...\nldx #0\nREPEAT 192; scanlines\n inx\n stx COLUBK\n sta WSYNC\nREPEND\n\nlda #%01000010\n\nsta VBLANK ; end of screen - enter blanking\n\n; 30 scanlines of overscan...\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\nsta WSYNC\n\njmp StartOfFrame\n\nORG $FFFA\n\n.word Reset ; NMI\n.word Reset ; RESET\n.word Reset ; IRQ\n\nEND\n","subject":"Add in example that was provided to create a basic \"kernel\" for the atari game for rendering to the screen.","message":"Add in example that was provided to create a basic \"kernel\" for the atari game for rendering to the screen.\n\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"dacampbell\/Atari2600Games,dacampbell\/Atari2600Games"} {"commit":"f576d5346c0ef5fe5b4c2eb6f3f7f1d7395f276d","old_file":"src\/scenes\/peron\/index.asm","new_file":"src\/scenes\/peron\/index.asm","old_contents":"\/\/============================================================\n\/\/ .efo header\n\/\/============================================================\n\n.pc = $0\n\n.text \"EFO2\" \/\/ fileformat magic\n.word prepare \/\/ prepare routine\n.word setup \/\/ setup routine\n.word interrupt \/\/ irq handler\n.word 0 \/\/ main routine\n.word 0 \/\/ fadeout routine\n.word 0 \/\/ cleanup routine\n.word 0 \/\/ location of playroutine call\n\n\/\/ tags\n\/\/.byt \"P\", $04, $07 \/\/ range of pages in use\n\/\/.byt \"I\",$10,$1f \/\/ range of pages inherited\n\/\/.byt \"Z\",$02,$03 \/\/ range of zero-page addresses in use\n\/\/.byt \"S\" \/\/ i\/o safe\n\/\/.byt \"X\" \/\/ avoid loading\n\/\/.byt \"M\",play \/\/ install music playroutine\n.byte 0 \/\/ end-of-tags\n\n.word load_addr\n\nload_addr:\n.import source \"init.asm\"\n.import source \"fx.asm\"\n.import source \"main.asm\"\n","new_contents":"\/\/============================================================\n\/\/ .efo header\n\/\/============================================================\n\n.pc = $2000\n\n.text \"EFO2\" \/\/ fileformat magic\n.word prepare \/\/ prepare routine\n.word setup \/\/ setup routine\n.word interrupt \/\/ irq handler\n.word 0 \/\/ main routine\n.word 0 \/\/ fadeout routine\n.word 0 \/\/ cleanup routine\n.word 0 \/\/ location of playroutine call\n\n\/\/ tags\n\/\/.byt \"P\", $04, $07 \/\/ range of pages in use\n\/\/.byt \"I\",$10,$1f \/\/ range of pages inherited\n\/\/.byt \"Z\",$02,$03 \/\/ range of zero-page addresses in use\n\/\/.byt \"S\" \/\/ i\/o safe\n\/\/.byt \"X\" \/\/ avoid loading\n\/\/.byt \"M\",play \/\/ install music playroutine\n.byte 0 \/\/ end-of-tags\n\n.word load_addr\n\nload_addr:\n.import source \"init.asm\"\n.import source \"fx.asm\"\n.import source \"main.asm\"\n","subject":"Fix load address - still not working :(","message":"Fix load address - still not working :(\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"cc0-1.0","repos":"c64scene-ar\/c64demo,c64scene-ar\/c64demo,c64scene-ar\/c64demo"} {"commit":"845306b03bebfcd354d1266f960fb1632fe374ca","old_file":"Tools\/System\/TaskSwapHandler.asm","new_file":"Tools\/System\/TaskSwapHandler.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"taskswapHandler :\n\tpop ecx\t; pop eip into ecx\n\t\tpusha\n\t\tmov ebx, [currentTaskNum]\t; get the current task\n\t\timul ebx, TASK_OBJ_SIZE\n\t\tadd ebx, RunningTaskList\n\t\tmov [ebx+Task_eip], ecx\n\t\tmov [ebx+Task_stackLoc], esp\t; store the relevent things\n\t\t\t; get the next Task object into ebx\n\t\t\ttaskswapHandler.goLoop :\n\t\t\tadd ebx, TASK_OBJ_SIZE\n\t\t\tcmp ebx, RunningTaskListEnd\n\t\t\t\tjge taskswapHandler.doneZeroing\n\t\t\tmov ebx, RunningTaskList\n\t\t\ttaskswapHandler.doneZeroing :\n\t\t\tcmp dword [ebx+Task_id], 0\n\t\t\t\tje taskswapHandler.goLoop\n\t\t\ttaskswapHandler.noloopback :\n\t\tmov esp, [ebx+Task_stackLoc]\n\t\tpopa\n\tpush dword [ebx+Task_eip]\n\tiret\n\ncurrentTaskNum :\n\tdd 0x0\nRunningTaskList :\n\ttimes 32*TASK_OBJ_SIZE db 0x0\t; 32 tasks max atm\nRunningTaskListEnd :\n\nTask_id equ 0x0\nTask_stackLoc equ 0x4\nTask_eip equ 0x8\nTASK_OBJ_SIZE equ 0xC\n\n\nregisterTask :\t; eip in ecx\n\tpusha\n\t\tmov ebx, RunningTaskList\n\t\tregisterTask.loop :\n\t\tcmp dword [ebx+Task_id], 0\n\t\t\tje registerTask.foundTask\n\t\tadd ebx, TASK_OBJ_SIZE\n\t\tjmp registerTask.loop\n\t\tregisterTask.foundTask :\n\t\tmov eax, [currentTaskId]\n\t\tmov [ebx+Task_id], eax\n\t\tmov [ebx+Task_eip], ecx\n\t\tadd eax, 1\n\t\tmov [currentTaskId], eax\n\t\tmov edx, ebx\n\t\tsub eax, 1\n\t\tmov ebx, TASK_STACK_SIZE\n\t\tcall Guppy.malloc\n\t\tadd ebx, TASK_STACK_SIZE*0x200\n\t\tmov [edx+Task_stackLoc], ebx\n\tpopa\n\tret\nunregisterTask :\t; ID in ecx\n\tpusha\n\t\tmov ebx, RunningTaskList\n\t\tunregisterTask.loop :\n\t\tcmp dword [ebx+Task_id], ecx\n\t\t\tje unregisterTask.foundTask\n\t\tunregisterTask.foundTask :\n\t\txor ecx, ecx\n\t\tmov [ebx+Task_id], ecx\n\tpopa\n\tret\ncurrentTaskId :\ndd 0x0\nTASK_STACK_SIZE equ 2\n","subject":"Add completely untested multitasking code","message":"Add completely untested multitasking code","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"jaredwhitney\/os3,jaredwhitney\/os3"} {"commit":"217a20c9be293976ed17ef3326db18362752143c","old_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_items_effect.asm","new_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_items_effect.asm","old_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in the effect of items\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n.thumb\n;; Item effect\n.org 0x02117D4E\n MOV R1, #0x60 ; X POS -> Original 0x62\n\n;; Slot color\n.org 0x021170DE\n MOV R1, #0x9E - 4 ; X POS\n","new_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in the effect of items\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n.thumb\n;; Item effect\n.org 0x02117D4E\n MOV R1, #0x60 ; X POS -> Original 0x62\n\n;; Slot color\n.org 0x021170DE\n MOV R1, #0x9E - 4 ; X POS\n\n\n.thumb\n;; Increase the size of the item name textbox\n.org 0x02116E90\n MOV R0, #0x14 + 1 ; Width \/ 8\n","subject":"Increase textbox width of item name in menu","message":"Increase textbox width of item name in menu\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni"} {"commit":"6474affb360a249f36881e88b7b326fc908f6762","old_file":"asm\/por_fix_martial_art_bonus_str.asm","new_file":"asm\/por_fix_martial_art_bonus_str.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; In vanilla PoR Martial Art does not take bonus STR (e.g. from STR Boost) into account when calculating its damage.\n; This patch causes it to take bonus STR into account.\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_0\", 021CDF60h\n\n.org 0x022176CC\n ldrsh r1, [r4, 18h] ; Load bonus STR from 02111FEC\n add r0, r0, r1 ; Add base STR (already in r0) to bonus STR\n mov r0, r0, lsl 1h ; Double the strength value to get the damage martial art should do (same as in vanilla, except in vanilla it used float multiplication instead of shifting)\n nop\n nop\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add PoR patch to fix bonus STR not affecting martial art","message":"Add PoR patch to fix bonus STR not affecting martial art\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"3cfb4ad0c72c561563883beff4ff05a6c68e7768","old_file":"examples\/checkout-kata.asm","new_file":"examples\/checkout-kata.asm","old_contents":"; Based on http:\/\/codekata.com\/kata\/kata09-back-to-the-checkout\/\n\n\t\t\torg\t8000h\n\ninclude src\/zx-spec.asm\n\n\t\t\tspec_init\n\n\tdescribe 'price'\n\t\tit 'Returns 0 for no items'\n\n\t\t\tld\ta,$FF\n\t\t\tcall\tprice\n\t\t\tassert_a_equal\t0\n\n\t\t\tspec_end\n\nprice\t\t\tproc\n\t\t\tret\n\t\t\tendp\n\n\t\t\tend\t8000h","new_contents":"; Based on http:\/\/codekata.com\/kata\/kata09-back-to-the-checkout\/\n\n\t\t\torg\t8000h\n\ninclude src\/zx-spec.asm\n\n\t\t\tspec_init\n\n\tdescribe 'price'\n\t\tit 'Returns 0 for no items'\n\n\t\t\tld\ta,$FF\n\t\t\tcall\tprice\n\t\t\tassert_a_equal\t0\n\n\t\t\tspec_end\n\nprice\t\t\tproc\n\t\t\tld\ta,0\n\t\t\tret\n\t\t\tendp\n\n\t\t\tend\t8000h","subject":"Return 0 for no items","message":"Return 0 for no items\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"rhargreaves\/zx-spec"} {"commit":"05ccf60f3610fd9e20dce20770232a4b552451cc","old_file":"asm\/ooe_wygol_unlocked_at_start.asm","new_file":"asm\/ooe_wygol_unlocked_at_start.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_22\", 02223E00h\n\n; Shanoa mode: Makes Ecclesia and Wygol be unlocked from the start.\n.org 0x0223B7F4 ; Code that would normally set Ecclesia as the default unlocked area.\n ldr r14, =021003CCh\n ldr r0, [r14]\n mov r1, 0x0000003C ; Sets both bits for Ecclesia and Wygol\n orr r0, r0, r1\n str r0, [r14]\n b 0223B840h\n .pool\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to make wygol unlocked from the start in OoE","message":"Add patch to make wygol unlocked from the start in OoE\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"d90e3fd5ad403410bbb51a498e9721527d260ec7","old_file":"RoadRunner\/programs\/cachetest2.asm","new_file":"RoadRunner\/programs\/cachetest2.asm","old_contents":"LLB R1, 70 #Address\nLHB R1, 0xCC\nLLB R2, 59\nLLB R12, 34\nLLB R13, 45\nLLB R14, 78\n\nSW R1, R1, 0\nSW R12, R1, 1\nSW R13, R1, 2\nSW R14, R1, 3\n\nLW R3, R1, 0\nADD R4, R2, R2\nLW R7, R1, 1\nADD R4, R4, R4\nLW R8, R1, 2\nADD R4, R4, R4\nLW R9, R1, 3\nADD R4, R4, R4\n\nSW R2, R1, 0\nLW R5, R1, 1\nLW R6, R1, 3\nHLT","new_contents":"LLB R1, 0x70 #Address\nLHB R1, 0xCC\nLLB R2, 59\nLLB R12, 34\nLLB R13, 45\nLLB R14, 78\n\nSW R1, R1, 0\nSW R12, R1, 1\nSW R13, R1, 2\nSW R14, R1, 3\n\nLW R3, R1, 0\nADD R4, R2, R2\nLW R7, R1, 1\nADD R4, R4, R4\nLW R8, R1, 2\nADD R4, R4, R4\nLW R9, R1, 3\nADD R4, R4, R4\n\nSW R2, R1, 0\nLW R5, R1, 1\nLW R6, R1, 3\nHLT","subject":"Write to 0x70 instead 46","message":"Write to 0x70 instead 46\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"somethingnew2-0\/CS552-CPU,somethingnew2-0\/CS552-CPU,somethingnew2-0\/CS552-CPU"} {"commit":"dace226187f0859b67a155c6b41763fd63075f19","old_file":"test\/br2030823.asm","new_file":"test\/br2030823.asm","old_contents":"\tbits 64\n\tVFMADDPD xmm0, xmm1, [0], xmm3\n\tVFMADDPD xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, [0]\n\tVFMADDPD ymm0, ymm1, [0], ymm3\n\tVFMADDPD ymm0, ymm1, ymm2, [0]","new_contents":"\tbits 64\n\tVFMADDPD xmm0, xmm1, [0], xmm3\n\tVFMADDPD xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, [0]\n\tVFMADDPD ymm0, ymm1, [0], ymm3\n\tVFMADDPD ymm0, ymm1, ymm2, [0]\n","subject":"Fix file with no final newline","message":"test: Fix file with no final newline\n\nFix test\/br2030823.asm, which had no final newline.\n\nSigned-off-by: H. Peter Anvin <8a453bad9912ffe59bc0f0b8abe03df9be19379e@zytor.com>\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"techkey\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,techkey\/nasm"} {"commit":"2e6f7c342d8ba2571d6603544d41b04436631dc8","old_file":"test\/br3187743.asm","new_file":"test\/br3187743.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":";Testname=unoptimized; Arguments=-O0 -fbin -obr3187743.bin; Files=stdout stderr br3187743.bin\n;Testname=optimized; Arguments=-Ox -fbin -obr3187743.bin; Files=stdout stderr br3187743.bin\n\n\tbits 64\n\n\tvlddqu\txmm0,[edi]\n\tvlddqu\tymm0,[edi]\n","subject":"Add test for BR 3187743","message":"test: Add test for BR 3187743\n\nSigned-off-by: Cyrill Gorcunov <7a1ea01eee6961eb1e372e3508c2670446d086f4@gmail.com>\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"Distrotech\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm"} {"commit":"833d603b411693d910a5bbaf8902035e4cbddbe5","old_file":"asm64\/amd64.masm\/Tsc.asm","new_file":"asm64\/amd64.masm\/Tsc.asm","old_contents":"; \n; Copyright Mehdi Sotoodeh. All rights reserved. \n; \n;\n; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n; modification, are permitted provided that source code retains the \n; above copyright notice and following disclaimer.\n;\n; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS\n; \"AS IS\" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR\n; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT\n; OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,\n; SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n; LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,\n; DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY\n; THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n; OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n;\n\ninclude defines.inc\n\nPUBPROC readTSC\n rdtscp\n shl rdx,32\n xchg eax,edx\n xchg rdx,rax\n ret\nENDPROC readTSC\nEND\n","new_contents":"; \n; Copyright Mehdi Sotoodeh. All rights reserved. \n; \n;\n; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n; modification, are permitted provided that source code retains the \n; above copyright notice and following disclaimer.\n;\n; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS\n; \"AS IS\" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR\n; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT\n; OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,\n; SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n; LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,\n; DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY\n; THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n; OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n;\n\ninclude defines.inc\n\nPUBPROC readTSC\n rdtscp\n shl rdx,32\n add rax,rdx\n ret\nENDPROC readTSC\nEND\n","subject":"Include upper 32-bits of tsc.","message":"Include upper 32-bits of tsc.\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"jl777\/curve25519,msotoodeh\/curve25519,msotoodeh\/curve25519"} {"commit":"f22effe27d1a42bc6d20a45d2d8e4ce26397efa8","old_file":"asm\/dos_prevent_multiple_cutscenes_in_first_room.asm","new_file":"asm\/dos_prevent_multiple_cutscenes_in_first_room.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; This patch fixes issues that could happen in the first room of the castle if the player got one of the bad endings before seeing the cutscene with Hammer in that first room.\n; The cutscene with Hammer would play at the same time as the bad ending cutscene, and could allow skipping the cutscene to get out of the room, escaping from the bad ending.\n\n@Overlay41Start equ 0x02308920\n@FreeSpace equ @Overlay41Start + 0x1DC\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_0\", 0219E3E0h\n\n.org 0x021C84DC ; In Object5ECreate (cutscene in the first room of the castle with Hammer)\n bne @CheckInBadEnding\n\n.close\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_41\", @Overlay41Start\n\n.org @FreeSpace\n@CheckInBadEnding:\n ldr r1, =020F7188h ; Bitfield of event flags\n ldr r1, [r1]\n ands r1, r1, 24000h ; Check the two bad ending flags\n beq 0x021C84F4 ; If neither are set, continue on with this event code\n b 0x021C84E0 ; Otherwise, delete this event\n .pool\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to prevent overlapping events in first room of DoS","message":"Add patch to prevent overlapping events in first room of DoS\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"1eeaaf04e26e14a87c8c8ae6f358cb83512016e1","old_file":"asm\/ooe_boss_orb_reloads_room.asm","new_file":"asm\/ooe_boss_orb_reloads_room.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; This patch makes it so getting a boss orb in Mystery Manor or Ecclesia will reload the room.\n; This is because the cutscene after beating Albus\/Barlowe won't play until the room is reloaded.\n; Albus\/Barlowe normally reload the room on defeat, but in boss randomizer something else needs to do it.\n\n@Overlay86Start equ 0x022EB1A0\n@FreeSpace equ 0x022EB1A0 + 0x48\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n.org 0x02061254 ; At the end of the function for the boss orb being picked up\n b @BossOrbCheckReloadRoom\n\n.close\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_86\", @Overlay86Start ; Free space overlay\n\n.org @FreeSpace\n@BossOrbCheckReloadRoom:\n ldr r0, =02100790h\n ldrb r0, [r0] ; Read the current game mode\n cmp r0, 0h ; Shanoa mode\n bne @BossOrbCheckReloadRoomEnd\n \n ldr r0, =020FFCB9h\n ldrb r0, [r0] ; Read the current area index\n cmp r0, 0Eh ; Mystery Manor\n beq @BossOrbReloadRoomMysteryManor\n cmp r0, 2h ; Ecclesia\n bne @BossOrbCheckReloadRoomEnd\n\n@BossOrbReloadRoomEcclesia:\n mov r0, 2h ; Area, Ecclesia\n mov r1, 0h ; Sector\n mov r2, 6h ; Room\n b @BossOrbReloadRoom\n\n@BossOrbReloadRoomMysteryManor:\n mov r0, 0Eh ; Area, Mystery Manor\n mov r1, 0h ; Sector\n mov r2, 9h ; Room\n\n@BossOrbReloadRoom:\n mov r3, 0C0h ; X pos\n mov r4, 0B0h ; Y pos\n str r3, [r13]\n bl 0203AFD0h ; TeleportPlayer\n bl 0203B014h ; TriggerRoomTransition\n\n@BossOrbCheckReloadRoomEnd:\n ; Return to the normal boss orb code\n add r13, r13, 34h ; Replace line overwritten to jump here\n b 2061258h\n .pool\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch for boss orbs to reload some boss rooms in OoE","message":"Add patch for boss orbs to reload some boss rooms in OoE\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"0bd2565dd7884fc3526b814d19185625b0adf82b","old_file":"test\/movimm.asm","new_file":"test\/movimm.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"\tbits 64\n\n\tmov rax,1234567890abcdefh\n\tmov eax,1234567890abcdefh\n\tmov rax,dword 1234567890abcdefh\n\tmov rax,qword 1234567890abcdefh\n\tmov dword [rsi],1234567890abcdefh\n\tmov qword [rsi],1234567890abcdefh\n\tmov dword [rsi],dword 1234567890abcdefh\n\tmov qword [rsi],dword 1234567890abcdefh\n;\tmov qword [rsi],qword 1234567890abcdefh\t\t; Error\n;\tmov [rsi],qword 1234567890abcdefh\t\t; Error\n\tmov [rsi],dword 1234567890abcdefh\n","subject":"Test of immediate handling on 64-bit mode","message":"Test of immediate handling on 64-bit mode\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"turingstudio\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,projedi\/nasm"} {"commit":"a5cc0581c743ae6b7d9709483e73fd5db0ee1515","old_file":"asm\/ooe_no_shanoa_back_glow.asm","new_file":"asm\/ooe_no_shanoa_back_glow.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; This patch makes the color at index 2 in Shanoa's palette (the glyph on her back) not glow and switch between colors automatically.\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n.org 0x0208C990\n nop\n \n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to remove Shanoa back glow","message":"Add patch to remove Shanoa back glow\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"8947bb2ef571fc97290b7275170f7677e38880e7","old_file":"Assembly\/keyboard\/font_space.asm","new_file":"Assembly\/keyboard\/font_space.asm","old_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\r\n;; Reduce the font space\r\n;; Copyright 2015 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\r\n;;\r\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\r\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\r\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\r\n;;\r\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\r\n;;\r\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\r\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\r\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\r\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\r\n;; limitations under the License.\r\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\r\n\r\n.arm\r\n\r\n.org 020C64E0h\r\n.area 4h\r\n MOV R1, #8 - 4\r\n.endarea\r\n","new_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\r\n;; Reduce the font space\r\n;; Copyright 2015 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\r\n;;\r\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\r\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\r\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\r\n;;\r\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\r\n;;\r\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\r\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\r\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\r\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\r\n;; limitations under the License.\r\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\r\n\r\n.arm\r\n\r\n.org 020C64E0h\r\n.area 4h\r\n MOV R1, #8 - 8\r\n.endarea\r\n","subject":"Remove any space between chars","message":"Keyboard: Remove any space between chars\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni"} {"commit":"043ee65f202361d581327b1f6caddfa704a0f644","old_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_familiars.asm","new_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_familiars.asm","old_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in familiars menu\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n;; # FAMILIAR DESCRIPTION #\n.org 020B6770h\nMOV r4, #0x9A ; Y Position: original 0x97\n.org 020B677Ch\nMOV r1, #8 ; X Position: original 0x08\n\n;; # FAMILIAR OBJECTS #\n.org 020B6604h\nMOV r1, #0x73 ; X Position: Original 0x74\nADD r2, r2, #0x6B ; Y Position: Original 0x6B\n","new_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in familiars menu\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n.arm\n\n;; # FAMILIAR DESCRIPTION #\n.org 020B6770h\nMOV r4, #0x9A ; Y Position: original 0x97\n.org 020B677Ch\nMOV r1, #8 ; X Position: original 0x08\n\n;; # FAMILIAR OBJECTS #\n.org 020B6604h\nMOV r1, #0x73 ; X Position: Original 0x74\nADD r2, r2, #0x6B ; Y Position: Original 0x6B\n\n;; # MONEY GIVEN #\n.org 020B671Ch\nMOV R1, #0xCD + 9 ; X Position\n","subject":"Fix familiar money give number position","message":"Fix familiar money give number position\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni"} {"commit":"b048324b9e6ba43b1add7c4dbbab61b1b1297a2d","old_file":"test\/gotoff64.asm","new_file":"test\/gotoff64.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":";Testname=noerr; Arguments=-felf64 -ogotoff64.o; Files=stdout stderr gotoff64.o\n;Testname=err; Arguments=-DERROR -felf64 -ogotoff64.o; Files=stdout stderr gotoff64.o\n\n\tbits 64\n\tdefault rel\n\n\textern foo\n\n\tmov r15,[foo wrt ..got]\n\tlea r12,[foo wrt ..got]\n%ifdef ERROR\n\tlea rax,[foo wrt ..gotoff]\n\tmov rax,[foo wrt ..gotoff]\n%endif\n\n\tdefault abs\n\n\tmov r15,[foo wrt ..got]\n\tlea r12,[foo wrt ..got]\n\tmov rax,[qword foo wrt ..got]\n%ifdef ERROR\n\tlea rax,[foo wrt ..gotoff]\n\tmov rax,[foo wrt ..gotoff]\n%endif\n\tmov rax,[qword foo wrt ..gotoff]\n","subject":"Test for various ELF64 GOT references","message":"Test for various ELF64 GOT references\n\nTry to test for various GOT references in ELF64.\n\nSigned-off-by: H. Peter Anvin <8a453bad9912ffe59bc0f0b8abe03df9be19379e@zytor.com>\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"projedi\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,techkey\/nasm"} {"commit":"e439132ec22e5fabaecb17d79d37787b55fc7112","old_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/casino_dialog.asm","new_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/casino_dialog.asm","old_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in the casino dialogs\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n; Money number\n.arm\n.org 0x02134F78\n MOV R1, #0x16 ; X pos, original 0x8\n","new_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in the casino dialogs\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n; Money number\n.arm\n.org 0x02134F78\n MOV R1, #0x16 ; X pos, original 0x8\n\n; Number of coins\n.org 0x02134FB0\n MOV R1, #0x6E ; X pos, original 0x60\n","subject":"Move number of casino coins","message":"Move number of casino coins\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni"} {"commit":"39cfb70e65ce87f36044637b429b2d48b5cbcd2c","old_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_team.asm","new_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_team.asm","old_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in team menu\n;; Copyright 2015 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n.arm\n\n;; Character face icon\n.org 0x02130478\n ADD R2, R2, #0x19 - 1 ; Y position\n","new_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in team menu\n;; Copyright 2015 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n.arm\n\n;; Character face icon\n.org 0x02130478\n ADD R2, R2, #0x19 - 1 ; Y position\n\n\n;; Health state\n.org 0x02130A08\n MOV R2, #0x2A + 1 ; Y position\n","subject":"Move health state in team menu","message":"Move health state in team menu\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni"} {"commit":"081fcfbdf1c36d1e6d8141daaefbe7e23ac20ad9","old_file":"src\/context.asm","new_file":"src\/context.asm","old_contents":"\t.file\t\"context.asm\"\n\t.text\n\t.align\t2\n\t.global\tkernel_enter\n\t.type\tkernel_enter, %function\nkernel_enter:\n\tmov\tr2, lr\n\tmrs\tr3, spsr\n\n\tmsr\tcpsr, #0x9F \t\t\/* system *\/\n\tstmfd\tsp!, {r0, r2-r12, lr}\n\tmov\tr2, sp\n\tmsr\tcpsr, #0x93 \t\t\/* supervisor *\/\n\tldmfd sp!, {r4-r12, lr}\n\/*\tmov sp, #0x1000 *\/\n\tb\tsyscall_handle (PLT)\n\t.size\tkernel_enter, .-kernel_enter\n\n\t.align\t2\n\t.global\tkernel_exit\n\t.type\tkernel_exit, %function\nkernel_exit:\n\t@ r0 holds address of user stack\n\tstmfd\tsp!, {r4-r12, lr}\n\n\tmsr\tcpsr, #0x9F\t\t\/* System *\/\n\tmov\tsp, r0\n\tldmfd\tsp!, {r0, r2-r12, lr}\n\tmsr\tcpsr, #0x93\t\t\/* Supervisor *\/\n\n\tmsr\tspsr, r3\n\tmovs\tpc, r2\n\t.size\tkernel_exit, .-kernel_exit\n","new_contents":"\t.file\t\"context.asm\"\n\t.text\n\t.align\t2\n\t.global\tkernel_enter\n\t.type\tkernel_enter, %function\nkernel_enter:\n\tmov\tr2, lr\n\tmrs\tr3, spsr\n\n\tmsr\tcpsr, #0x9F \t\t\/* system *\/\n\tstmfd\tsp!, {r0, r2-r12, lr}\n\tmov\tr2, sp\n\tmsr\tcpsr, #0x93 \t\t\/* supervisor *\/\n\tldmfd sp!, {r4-r12, lr}\n\/*\tmov sp, #0x100000 *\/\n\tb\tsyscall_handle (PLT)\n\t.size\tkernel_enter, .-kernel_enter\n\n\t.align\t2\n\t.global\tkernel_exit\n\t.type\tkernel_exit, %function\nkernel_exit:\n\t@ r0 holds address of user stack\n\tstmfd\tsp!, {r4-r12, lr}\n\n\tmsr\tcpsr, #0x9F\t\t\/* System *\/\n\tmov\tsp, r0\n\tldmfd\tsp!, {r0, r2-r12, lr}\n\tmsr\tcpsr, #0x93\t\t\/* Supervisor *\/\n\n\tmsr\tspsr, r3\n\tmovs\tpc, r2\n\t.size\tkernel_exit, .-kernel_exit\n","subject":"Set the stack-less kernel stack to a safe value","message":"Set the stack-less kernel stack to a safe value","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"ferrous26\/cs452-flaming-meme,ferrous26\/cs452-flaming-meme,ferrous26\/cs452-flaming-meme"} {"commit":"bb4edad1c198a76294e8d6becdd3733663d837b4","old_file":"conf\/S21_ApplePi_sample.asm","new_file":"conf\/S21_ApplePi_sample.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"# Example code, just demonstrating each instruction\n add $2 $0\n sub $3 $1\n rand $4 5\nlabel:\n load $6 $7\n store $8 $9\n jal label\n jr $10\n beq $11 label\n bgt $12 label\n set $13 $14\n seti $15 16\n","subject":"Add sample code for ApplePi.","message":"Add sample code for ApplePi.\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"liffiton\/256asm,liffiton\/256asm"} {"commit":"cb327ab25a80f57f859129a361acbc9186999a1e","old_file":"3\/src\/sdtest\/sdtest.rom.asm","new_file":"3\/src\/sdtest\/sdtest.rom.asm","old_contents":"x0\t= 0\nra\t= 1\ndsp\t= 2\nrsp\t= 3\ngp\t= 4\ngvp\t= 5\nx16\t= 16\nx17\t= 17\nx18\t= 18\n\n\tinclude\t\"sdtest.asm\"\n\n\t; exit the emulator.\n\nemu_exit:\n\tandi\tx16, x16, 255\n\tslli\tx16, x16, 8\n\taddi\trsp, rsp, -8\n\tsd\tx16, 0(rsp)\n\tcsrrw\tx0, rsp, $780\n\tjal\tx0, *\n\n\t; Initialize the BSPL runtime environment.\n\t; Then, kick off our tests.\n\n_cold:\taddi\trsp, x0, $400\n\tadd\tdsp, rsp, rsp\n\tadd\tgvp, dsp, dsp\n\tjal\tx0, _\n\n\t; CPU cold boots here.\n\n\tadv\t$FFF00, $CC\n\tjal\tx0, _cold\n","new_contents":"zero\t= 0\nra\t= 1\ndsp = 2 ; Data stack pointer.\nrsp = 3 ; Return stack pointer.\ngvp = 4 ; Global variables pointer.\ngp\t= 13\n\ndr16\t= 5\ndr17\t= 6\ndr18\t= 7\ndr19\t= 8\ndr20\t= 9\ndr21\t= 10\ndr22\t= 11\ndr23\t= 12\n\nx0\t= 0\nx16\t= 16\nx17\t= 17\nx18\t= 18\n\n\tinclude\t\"sdtest.asm\"\n\n\t; exit the emulator.\n\nemu_exit:\n\tandi\tx16, x16, 255\n\tslli\tx16, x16, 8\n\taddi\trsp, rsp, -8\n\tsd\tx16, 0(rsp)\n\tcsrrw\tx0, rsp, $780\n\tjal\tx0, *\n\n\t; Initialize the BSPL runtime environment.\n\t; Then, kick off our tests.\n\n_cold:\taddi\trsp, x0, $400\n\tadd\tdsp, rsp, rsp\n\tadd\tgvp, dsp, dsp\n\tjal\tx0, _\n\n\t; CPU cold boots here.\n\n\tadv\t$FFF00, $CC\n\tjal\tx0, _cold\n","subject":"Make work with new BSPL ABI reqs","message":"Make work with new BSPL ABI reqs\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mpl-2.0","repos":"sam-falvo\/kestrel,KestrelComputer\/kestrel,KestrelComputer\/kestrel,sam-falvo\/kestrel,KestrelComputer\/kestrel,KestrelComputer\/kestrel,sam-falvo\/kestrel,sam-falvo\/kestrel"} {"commit":"ef8b7ef57a894167d9ac21916655dd8351519f44","old_file":"yes.64.osx.nasm","new_file":"yes.64.osx.nasm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"global _main\nglobal _start\nextern _puts\n\nsection .text\n_main:\n add rsi, 8\n_start:\n push rdi\n push rsi\ncomp:\n sub rsp, 8\n cmp rdi, 1\n jg nz\n je zero\nnz:\n mov rdi, [rsi]\n jmp loop\nzero:\n mov rdi, y\nloop:\n call _puts\n add rsp, 8\n pop rsi\n pop rdi\n jmp _start\n ret\n\nsection .data\ny: db 'y'\n","subject":"Implement yes in NASM for Mac OS X 64-bit","message":"Implement yes in NASM for Mac OS X 64-bit\n\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes,mubaris\/yes"} {"commit":"a09b5b343780752cdec758a797d870efffda6f8d","old_file":"asm\/ooe_fix_lighthouse_other_entrances.asm","new_file":"asm\/ooe_fix_lighthouse_other_entrances.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; If the player enters the lighthouse from one of the top doors while Brachyura is still alive, they would normally get softlocked.\n; This patch teleports the player to the bottom of the room in that case so they can fight Brachyura as normal.\n; Also, if the player enters it from the bottom right door the wall there would softlock the player and prevent them from entering, so that wall is removed.\n\n@Overlay86Start equ 0x022EB1A0\n@FreeSpace equ 0x022EB1A0\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_53\", 022C1FE0h\n\n.org 0x022C3A68 ; Code that runs if misc flag 0 is not set, before initializing the breakable ceilings.\n b @TeleportPlayerIfAtTop\n\n.org 0x022C331C ; Code that calls GetEntitySlot to create the right wall.\n mov r0, 0h ; Don't create the right wall.\n\n.close\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_86\", @Overlay86Start ; Free space overlay\n\n.org @FreeSpace\n@TeleportPlayerIfAtTop:\n ldr r0, =02109850h\n ldr r1, [r0, 4h] ; Load player's Y\n cmp r1, 9C0h*1000h\n movlt r2, 0A70h*1000h\n strlt r2, [r0, 4h] ; If the player's Y is < 9C0 teleport them to the bottom of the room. This is in case they entered from one of the top doors.\n movlt r2, 80h*1000h\n strlt r2, [r0] ; Also change the player's X to be in the middle of the room.\n \n ldr r0, =022CD3F4h ; Replaces the line of code we overwrote to jump to free space\n b 022C3A6Ch ; Return\n .pool\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to prevent softlocks entering lighthouse from wrong door","message":"Add patch to prevent softlocks entering lighthouse from wrong door\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"3e341dc73672f69ff2215f181d6889bb738daaec","old_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_items_effect.asm","new_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_items_effect.asm","old_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in the effect of items\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n.thumb\n.org 0x02117D4E\n MOV R1, #0x60 ; X POS -> Original 0x62\n","new_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in the effect of items\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n.thumb\n;; Item effect\n.org 0x02117D4E\n MOV R1, #0x60 ; X POS -> Original 0x62\n\n;; Slot color\n.org 0x021170DE\n MOV R1, #0x9E - 4 ; X POS\n","subject":"Move slot color in item menu","message":"Move slot color in item menu\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni"} {"commit":"cc00498f5fd14d58bde0f7e32c9b777ca1b94600","old_file":"test\/larlsl.asm","new_file":"test\/larlsl.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"\tbits 64\n\n\tlar ax,bx\n\tlar ax,[rsi]\n\tlar ax,word [rsi]\n\tlar eax,bx\n\tlar eax,[rsi]\n\tlar eax,word [rsi]\n\tlar rax,bx\n\tlar rax,[rsi]\n\tlar rax,word [rsi]\n\n\tlsl ax,bx\n\tlsl ax,[rsi]\n\tlsl ax,word [rsi]\n\tlsl eax,bx\n\tlsl eax,[rsi]\n\tlsl eax,word [rsi]\n\tlsl rax,bx\n\tlsl rax,[rsi]\n\tlsl rax,word [rsi]\n","subject":"Fix BR 1490407: size of the second operand of LAR\/LSL","message":"Fix BR 1490407: size of the second operand of LAR\/LSL\n\nThe second operand of LAR\/LSL is always 16 bits.\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"turingstudio\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,techkey\/nasm"} {"commit":"130d1a0e5bfaca767059cae2025733101126874b","old_file":"asm\/por_fix_death_softlock.asm","new_file":"asm\/por_fix_death_softlock.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; Fixes a vanilla bug where skipping the cutscene after you kill Death too quickly will prevent Death's boss death flag from being set.\n; As a result of that bug the boss doors would relock after you exit the room, though Death himself wouldn't ever be fightable again.\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_64\", 022D7900h\n\n.org 0x022D8B18\n nop\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add armips patch to fix the vanilla PoR death softlock","message":"Add armips patch to fix the vanilla PoR death softlock\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"a39edd21352b729d4caccf20c5a817b3414e41da","old_file":"asm\/por_spells_always_fully_charged.asm","new_file":"asm\/por_spells_always_fully_charged.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_0\", 021CDF60h\n\n; This patch makes Charlotte always use spells at full power, even when only half-charged.\n\n.org 0x02214DC8 ; Where the base multiplier for a spell is located (usually 1).\n addne r2, r4, 2h ; Change it to 2.\n\n.org 0x021F1C40 ; Where the bonus multiplier you get for fully charging a spell is located (usually 1).\n ;movge r0, 0h ; Change it to 0. This is so fully charging a spell won't get a 3x multiplier, and instead it will stay at simply 2x (fully charged).\n; You can remove the above two lines if you want fully charged spells to have a 3x multiplier, which actually does work correctly, making spells do 3x damage, and depending on the spell can even do other things like increasing the number of projectiles or the size of the projectiles past the normal limit.\n; There are a few minor bugs if you choose to have spells with a 3x multiplier. For example, Spirit of Light will fire only 1 projectile instead of 3 like you'd expect, Ice Needles will all be grouped together instead of spread out among a circle, and Nightmare will use the smaller size instead of the bigger one.\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to make spells always act fully charged","message":"PoR: Add patch to make spells always act fully charged\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"646b662c625bd53134a92e61369c3f16a5a64574","old_file":"asm\/por_always_show_drop_percentages.asm","new_file":"asm\/por_always_show_drop_percentages.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; This patch causes you to always have the Gambler Glasses effect of showing percentages instead of star ratings for enemy drops.\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n.org 0x02053074 ; Checks if you have Gambler Glasses equipped to see if it should hide the stars.\n mov r0, 2h ; Head armor 2, Gambler Glasses\n.org 0x02053790 ; Checks if you have Gambler Glasses equipped to see if it should show the percentages.\n mov r0, 2h ; Head armor 2, Gambler Glasses\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to always show drop percentages in PoR","message":"Add patch to always show drop percentages in PoR\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"3f77bf0faf6bc6710c49abe4e3f3939ea51ead63","old_file":"asm\/dos_disable_sliding_puzzle.asm","new_file":"asm\/dos_disable_sliding_puzzle.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; Disables the special doors of the sliding puzzle in Demon Guest House.\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n.org 0x0202738C\n ; This is where, upon going through any door, the game would start checking your current sector\/room indexes to see if the door you went through was a sliding puzzle door.\n ; The original code here had a return that was conditional and only ran if your sector index is not 1 (Demon Guest House).\n ; We change it to an unconditional return so the special behavior of the sliding puzzle doors never activates.\n mov r0, 0h\n pop r4-r8,r14\n bx r14\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add ARMIPS patch to disable sliding puzzle","message":"Add ARMIPS patch to disable sliding puzzle\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"90a4bfa171b4779067c734068e14e3c15b540a93","old_file":"src\/fx\/colorwash_sub.asm","new_file":"src\/fx\/colorwash_sub.asm","old_contents":"\/\/============================================================\n\/\/ color washer routine\n\/\/============================================================\n\ncolwash:\n lda color+$00 \/\/ load the current first color from table\n sta color+$28 \/\/ store in in last position of table to reset the cycle\n ldx #$00 \/\/ init X with zero\n\ncycle1:\n lda color+1,x \/\/ Start cycle by fetching next color in the table...\n sta color,x \/\/ ...and store it in the current active position.\n sta $d990,x \/\/ put into Color Ram\n inx \/\/ increment X-Register\n cpx #$28 \/\/ have we done 40 iterations yet?\n bne cycle1 \/\/ if no, continue\n\ncolwash2:\n lda color2+$28 \/\/ load current last color from second table\n sta color2+$00 \/\/ store in in first position of table to reset the cycle\n ldx #$28\n \ncycle2:\n lda color2-1,x \/\/ Start cycle by fetching previous color in the table...\n sta color2,x \/\/ ...and store it in the current active position.\n sta $d9df,x \/\/ put into Color Ram\n dex \/\/ decrease iterator\n bne cycle2 \/\/ if x not zero yet, continue\n\n rts \/\/ return from subroutine","new_contents":"\/\/============================================================\n\/\/ color washer routine\n\/\/============================================================\n\ncolwash:\n lda color+$00 \/\/ load the current first color from table\n sta color+$27 \/\/ store in in last position of table to reset the cycle\n ldx #$00 \/\/ init X with zero\n\ncycle1:\n lda color+1,x \/\/ Start cycle by fetching next color in the table...\n sta color,x \/\/ ...and store it in the current active position.\n sta $d990,x \/\/ put into Color Ram\n inx \/\/ increment X-Register\n cpx #$28 \/\/ have we done 40 iterations yet?\n bne cycle1 \/\/ if no, continue\n\ncolwash2:\n lda color2+$27 \/\/ load current last color from second table\n sta color2+$00 \/\/ store in in first position of table to reset the cycle\n ldx #$28\n\ncycle2:\n lda color2-1,x \/\/ Start cycle by fetching previous color in the table...\n sta color2,x \/\/ ...and store it in the current active position.\n sta $d9df,x \/\/ put into Color Ram\n dex \/\/ decrease iterator\n bne cycle2 \/\/ if x not zero yet, continue\n\n rts \/\/ return from subroutine\n","subject":"Fix last position offset on colorwasher fx","message":"Fix last position offset on colorwasher fx\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"cc0-1.0","repos":"c64scene-ar\/c64demo,c64scene-ar\/c64demo,c64scene-ar\/c64demo"} {"commit":"8cbf74339247ad7e0f904ef8b76120ce37bd982d","old_file":"src\/entry.asm","new_file":"src\/entry.asm","old_contents":"[BITS 64]\n\n%include \"src\/asm_routines\/constants.asm\"\n\nglobal start\nextern rust_main\n\nsection .entry\nstart:\n ; update segments\n mov dx, gdt_selector_data ; data selector\n mov ss, dx ; stack segment\n mov ds, dx ; data segment\n mov es, dx ; extra segment\n mov fs, dx ; f-segment\n mov gs, dx ; g-segment\n\n ; set up stack\n mov esp, stack_top\n\n ; get to kernel\n call rust_main\n\n ; rust main returned, print `OS returned!`\n mov rax, 0x4f724f204f534f4f\n mov [0xb8000], rax\n mov rax, 0x4f724f754f744f65\n mov [0xb8008], rax\n mov rax, 0x4f214f644f654f6e\n mov [0xb8010], rax\n hlt\n\n; reserve space for stack\nsection .bss\nstack_bottom:\n resb 4096\nstack_top:\n","new_contents":"[BITS 64]\n\n%include \"src\/asm_routines\/constants.asm\"\n\nglobal start\nextern rust_main\n\nsection .entry\nstart:\n ; update segments\n mov dx, gdt_selector_data ; data selector\n mov ss, dx ; stack segment\n mov ds, dx ; data segment\n mov es, dx ; extra segment\n mov fs, dx ; f-segment\n mov gs, dx ; g-segment\n\n ; set up stack\n mov rsp, stack_top\n\n ; get to kernel\n call rust_main\n\n ; rust main returned, print `OS returned!`\n mov rax, 0x4f724f204f534f4f\n mov [0xb8000], rax\n mov rax, 0x4f724f754f744f65\n mov [0xb8008], rax\n mov rax, 0x4f214f644f654f6e\n mov [0xb8010], rax\n hlt\n\n; reserve space for stack\nsection .bss\nstack_bottom:\n resb 4096\nstack_top:\n","subject":"Use rsp as stack pointer, not esp","message":"Use rsp as stack pointer, not esp\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"Dentosal\/rust_os,Dentosal\/rust_os,Dentosal\/rust_os"} {"commit":"ac4325decbd36ef93809ad2514fa3ecbb13068ac","old_file":"boot.asm","new_file":"boot.asm","old_contents":"; JUMP.ASM\n; Make a jump and then hang\n\n; Tell the compiler that this is offset 0.\n; It isn't offset 0, but it will be after the jump.\n[ORG 0]\n\n jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0\n\nstart:\n ; Update the segment registers\n mov ax, cs\n mov ds, ax\n mov es, ax\n\nhang: ; Hang!\n jmp hang\n\ntimes 510-($-$$) db 0\ndw 0AA55h\n","new_contents":"; 1.ASM\n; Print \"====\" on the screen and hang\n\n; Tell the compiler that this is offset 0.\n; It isn't offset 0, but it will be after the jump.\n[ORG 0]\n\n jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0\n\nstart:\n ; Update the segment registers\n mov ax, cs\n mov ds, ax\n mov es, ax\n\n mov ah, 9 ; Print \"====\"\n mov al, '=' ;\n mov bx, 7 ;\n mov cx, 4 ;\n int 10h ;\n\nhang: ; Hang!\n jmp hang\n\ntimes 510-($-$$) db 0\ndw 0AA55h\n","subject":"Print \"===\" to the screen","message":"Print \"===\" to the screen\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"wconrad\/brazzle,wconrad\/brazzle"} {"commit":"186b533425405ac4e1172c7f0e6751848f04aabd","old_file":"test\/relocs.asm","new_file":"test\/relocs.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"\tbits 64\n\textern foo\n\n\tmov eax,[foo]\n\tmov rax,[foo]\n\tmov rax,[qword foo]\n\n\tmov eax,foo\n\tmov rax,dword foo\n\tmov rax,qword foo\n\n\tdd foo\n\tdq foo\n","subject":"Add a test for various 32- and 64-bit relocations","message":"test: Add a test for various 32- and 64-bit relocations\n\nTest signedness in a couple of different contexts.\n\nSigned-off-by: H. Peter Anvin <8a453bad9912ffe59bc0f0b8abe03df9be19379e@zytor.com>\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"techkey\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,techkey\/nasm"} {"commit":"e9d3e86d70b11800541e55756619684dbfc1ca97","old_file":"load.asm","new_file":"load.asm","old_contents":"bits 32\nsection .text\n align 4\n dd 0x1BADB002\n dd 0x00\n dd - (0x1BADB002 + 0x00)\n\nglobal start\nextern main\n\nstart:\n cli\n mov esp, kstack\n call main\n hlt\n\nsection .bss\nresb 8192\nkstack:\n","new_contents":"bits 32\nsection .text\n align 4\n dd 0x1BADB002\n dd 0x00\n dd - (0x1BADB002 + 0x00)\n\nglobal start\nextern entry\n\nstart:\n cli\n mov esp, kstack\n call entry\n hlt\n\nsection .bss\nresb 8192\nkstack:\n","subject":"Change name of entry function","message":"Change name of entry function\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"Magical-Chicken\/simple-x86-kernel,Magical-Chicken\/simple-x86-kernel"} {"commit":"871ea6a59e16d35b35f1de5fc13a8b1117db92ca","old_file":"asm\/dos_add_hole_to_map_doors.asm","new_file":"asm\/dos_add_hole_to_map_doors.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; This adds a single pixel hole to all doors drawn on the map to increase visibility, like in PoR and OoE.\n\n@Overlay41Start equ 0x02308920\n@FreeSpace equ @Overlay41Start + 0x108\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n.org 0x020240B0\n ; Handles drawing left\/right doors on the left edge of even-numbered columns.\n bne @DrawLeftRightDoorEvenColumn\n nop\n nop\n\n.org 0x020240FC\n ; Handles drawing left\/right doors on the left edge of odd-numbered columns.\n bne @DrawLeftRightDoorOddColumn\n nop\n nop\n\n.org 0x020242A8\n ; Handles drawing up\/down doors in even-numbered columns.\n ; 3 is the index of the door color in the palette, while 1 is the index of the room fill color in the palette.\n .word 0x00003133\n.org 0x020242B4\n ; Handles drawing up\/down doors in odd-numbered columns.\n .word 0x31330000\n\n.close\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_41\", @Overlay41Start\n\n.org @FreeSpace\n@DrawLeftRightDoorEvenColumn:\n cmp r4, 2 ; On the center pixel of an even-numbered row, skip drawing the door pixel\n beq 2024138h\n cmp r4, 6 ; On the center pixel of an odd-numbered row, skip drawing the door pixel\n beq 2024138h\n \n ; If we're not on a center pixel, simply draw the door pixel like the original code did and return.\n orr r0, r0, 3h\n str r0, [r5, r4, lsl 2h]\n b 2024138h\n@DrawLeftRightDoorOddColumn:\n cmp r4, 2 ; On the center pixel of an even-numbered row, skip drawing the door pixel\n beq 2024138h\n cmp r4, 6 ; On the center pixel of an odd-numbered row, skip drawing the door pixel\n beq 2024138h\n \n ; If we're not on a center pixel, simply draw the door pixel like the original code did and return.\n orr r0, r0, 30000h\n str r0, [r5, r4, lsl 2h]\n b 2024138h\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to add holes into the doors on the map for DoS","message":"Add patch to add holes into the doors on the map for DoS\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"41de71e033292b5aa0721882e01576fa68c5e927","old_file":"asm\/dos_melee_balore_blocks.asm","new_file":"asm\/dos_melee_balore_blocks.asm","old_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_0\", 0219E3E0h\n\n; This makes it so that all melee weapons can break balore blocks, not just Julius's whip.\n\n.org 0x02212AB0 ; Branch of a switch statement taken for all melee weapons except Julius's whip.\n b 02212D64h ; Instead take the branch taken for Julius's whip.\n\n.close\n","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_0\", 0219E3E0h\n\n; This makes it so that all melee weapons can break balore blocks, not just Julius's whip.\n\n.org 0x02212AB0 ; Branch of a switch statement taken for all melee weapons except Julius's whip.\n b 02212D64h ; Instead take the branch taken for Julius's whip.\n\n; Next we need to make sure the player has Balore's soul.\n\n.org 0x02212E94 ; Line in the whip code that would normally call 021D5210 to break the blocks.\n b @CheckDestroyBaloreBlocks ; Instead jump to our own code to check if the player has Balore's soul.\n\n.close\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n.org 0x020C0290 ; Free space\n@CheckDestroyBaloreBlocks:\n mov r5, r14\n mov r0, 0h\n bl 0220F81Ch\n cmp r0, 1h ; Check if Balore soul is active.\n beq @DestroyBaloreBlocks ; Destroy blocks if it is.\n ldr r0,=020F740Eh\n ldrb r0, [r0]\n cmp r0, 1h ; Otherwise check if the current player character is Julius.\n beq @DestroyBaloreBlocks ; Destroy blocks if it is.\n b 02212E98h ; Didn't meet either condition, so return without destroying them.\n@DestroyBaloreBlocks:\n mov r0, r5\n mov r1, r12\n mov r2, r4\n bl 021D5210h ; Call function to destroy blocks.\n b 02212E98h ; Return\n .pool\n\n.close\n","subject":"Update patch to break balore blocks","message":"Update patch to break balore blocks\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"840952078824e3e8f5d9f276b519af2c9cd02aae","old_file":"src\/test\/resources\/kilobyte\/simulator\/exit_statement_mid_program.asm","new_file":"src\/test\/resources\/kilobyte\/simulator\/exit_statement_mid_program.asm","old_contents":"add $t0, $t1, $t2\nsub $s0, $t0, $v0\nexit\nbeq $3, $8, 3\nnop\nnop","new_contents":"add $t0, $t1, $t2\nsub $s0, $t0, $v0\nexit\nadd $t0, $t1, $t2\nnop\nnop","subject":"Remove the branch for clarity","message":"Remove the branch for clarity\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"leksak\/kilobyte,leksak\/kilobyte,leksak\/kilobyte"} {"commit":"4da4a74a25100e2092e85edea693d5cbb7dbccad","old_file":"asm\/por_allow_changing_starting_room.asm","new_file":"asm\/por_allow_changing_starting_room.asm","old_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n.org 0x02051F90 ; Where the original game's code for loading area\/sector\/room indexes is.\n b 020BFC00h ; Jump to some free space, where we will put our own code for loading the area\/sector\/room indexes.\n\n.org 0x020BFC00 ; Free space.\n mov r5,0h ; Load the area index into r5.\n strb r5,[r0,515h] ; Store the area index to the ram address where r0 will read it later. (0x02111785)\n mov r5,0h ; Load the sector index into r5.\n mov r4,0h ; Load the room index into r4.\n b 02051F94h ; Return to where we came from.\n\n.close\n","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n.org 0x02051F90 ; Where the original game's code for loading area\/sector\/room indexes is.\n b 020BFC00h ; Jump to some free space, where we will put our own code for loading the area\/sector\/room indexes.\n\n.org 0x020BFC00 ; Free space.\n mov r5,0h ; Load the area index into r5.\n strb r5,[r0,515h] ; Store the area index to the ram address where r0 will read it later. (0x02111785)\n mov r5,0h ; Load the sector index into r5.\n mov r4,0h ; Load the room index into r4.\n b 02051F94h ; Return to where we came from.\n\n.org 0x02051F80 ; The case statement for Old Axe Armor mode's starting room initialization.\n b 0x02051F88 ; Change it to take the same branch as the other three modes.\n\n.close\n","subject":"Fix changing starting room in PoR not changing Old Axe Armor mode's starting room","message":"Fix changing starting room in PoR not changing Old Axe Armor mode's starting room\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"0819e3b9a726c8ff905670409504b15d0f569cbf","old_file":"test\/jmp64.asm","new_file":"test\/jmp64.asm","old_contents":"\tbits 64\n\tjmp rcx\n\tcall [rax]\n\tcall qword [rdx]\n","new_contents":";Testname=test; Arguments=-fbin -ojmp64.bin; Files=.stdout .stderr jmp64.bin\n\n\tbits 64\n\tjmp rcx\n\tjmp [rax]\n\tjmp qword [rax]\n\tjmp far [rax]\n\tjmp far dword [rax]\n\tjmp far qword [rax]\n\tcall rcx\n\tcall [rax]\n\tcall qword [rax]\n\tcall far [rax]\n\tcall far dword [rax]\n\tcall far qword [rax]\n","subject":"Add more 64-bit jump tests","message":"Add more 64-bit jump tests\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,techkey\/nasm"} {"commit":"75eb05dd95b29cae3bc5ea08997eecb681f5bc48","old_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_items_effect.asm","new_file":"Assembly\/textbox\/menu_items_effect.asm","old_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in the effect of items\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n.thumb\n;; Item effect\n.org 0x02117D4E\n MOV R1, #0x60 ; X POS -> Original 0x62\n\n;; Slot color\n.org 0x021170DE\n MOV R1, #0x9E - 4 ; X POS\n\n\n.thumb\n;; Increase the size of the item name textbox\n.org 0x02116E90\n MOV R0, #0x14 + 1 ; Width \/ 8\n","new_contents":";;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n;; Align the position of the textbox in the effect of items\n;; Copyright 2014 Benito Palacios (aka pleonex)\n;;\n;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n;; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;;\n;; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;;\n;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n;; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n;; limitations under the License.\n;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;\n\n.thumb\n;; Item effect\n.org 0x02117D4E\n MOV R1, #0x60 ; X POS -> Original 0x62\n\n;; Slot color\n.org 0x021170DE\n MOV R1, #0x9E - 4 ; X POS\n\n\n.thumb\n;; Increase the size of the item name textbox\n.org 0x02116E90\n MOV R0, #0x14 + 2 ; Width \/ 8\n","subject":"Increase items name textbox size","message":"Increase items name textbox size\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni,pleonex\/Ninokuni"} {"commit":"7f41e6fe4852c96204f9ee08d4994fcdc5139c4e","old_file":"tests\/nasm\/mov_sreg.asm","new_file":"tests\/nasm\/mov_sreg.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"global _start\n\nsection .data\n align 16\nmydword:\n dd 0\n\n%include \"header.inc\"\n\n ; 32-bit register move should set higher bits to zero\n mov eax, -1\n mov eax, ss\n and eax, 0xffff0000\n\n ; 32-bit memory move should preserver higher bits\n mov dword [mydword], 0xdeadbeef\n mov [mydword], ss\n mov ebx, [mydword]\n and ebx, 0xffff0000\n\n%include \"footer.inc\"\n","subject":"Test for mov [mem], sreg","message":"Test for mov [mem], sreg\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"copy\/v86,copy\/v86,copy\/v86,copy\/v86,copy\/v86,copy\/v86,copy\/v86"} {"commit":"f7b5725aa0e6de2e67100d38e6ab8bdd75a23878","old_file":"asm\/dos_reveal_map.asm","new_file":"asm\/dos_reveal_map.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; Makes the entire map visible but greyed out from the start.\n\n.open \"ftc\/arm9.bin\", 02000000h\n\n.org 0x020220C4\n ; Make the game not care if you have the map items and just always draw unvisited tiles.\n mov r1, r8\n nop\n\n.org 0x02024BE8\n ; Makes rooms never be counted as secret rooms, since secret rooms don't show up even if the game thinks you have the map for that area.\n mvn r0, 0h\n bx r14\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to reveal whole map from the start for DoS","message":"Add patch to reveal whole map from the start for DoS\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"8fea62d712e73b4f8d853fd6f6b360941c5d13b5","old_file":"print\/print_string.asm","new_file":"print\/print_string.asm","old_contents":"; =============================================================================\n; Copyright (C) 2015 Manolis Fragkiskos Ragkousis -- see LICENSE.TXT\n; =============================================================================\n\n;;; Print routine\n;;; I push all the register to the stack.\n;;; Set the bios routine for printing in the screen\n;;; Move to al the data that bx points\n;;; Generate the interrupt.\n;;; Pop all registers from the stack\n;;; Return to where the pc pointed to before getting in here.\n;;; bx contains routine argument\n\n%ifndef PRINT_STRING_16BIT\n%define PRINT_STRING_16BIT\n\nprint_string: \n pusha\n mov ah, 0x0e \n \ncompare: \n cmp byte [bx], 0 \n je exit\n jmp print\n \nprint: \n mov al, [bx]\n int 0x10\n add bx, 1\n jmp compare\n\nexit: \n popa\n ret\n%endif\n","new_contents":"; =============================================================================\n; Copyright (C) 2015 Manolis Fragkiskos Ragkousis -- see LICENSE.TXT\n; =============================================================================\n\n;;; Print routine\n;;; I push all the register to the stack.\n;;; Set the bios routine for printing in the screen\n;;; Move to al the data that bx points\n;;; Generate the interrupt.\n;;; Pop all registers from the stack\n;;; Return to where the pc pointed to before getting in here.\n;;; bx contains routine argument\n\n%ifndef PRINT_STRING_16BIT\n%define PRINT_STRING_16BIT\n\n[bits 16]\nprint_string: \n pusha\n mov ah, 0x0e \n \nprint_loop:\n mov al, [bx]\n cmp al, 0\n je print_exit\n\n int 0x10\n inc bx\n jmp print_loop\n\nprint_exit:\n popa\n ret\n%endif\n","subject":"Rewrite the 16bit print routine.","message":"Rewrite the 16bit print routine.\n\n* print\/print_string.asm: Rewrite.\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"Phant0mas\/MaRagOS"} {"commit":"a926090cb9af5ffcd2dff7ff3659083fac23a5ed","old_file":"resources\/assets\/ccl\/asm\/hooks.asm","new_file":"resources\/assets\/ccl\/asm\/hooks.asm","old_contents":"list n_IItemRenderer\nGETSTATIC net\/minecraft\/client\/renderer\/tileentity\/TileEntityItemStackRenderer.instance : Lnet\/minecraft\/client\/renderer\/tileentity\/TileEntityItemStackRenderer;\nALOAD 1\nINVOKEVIRTUAL net\/minecraft\/client\/renderer\/tileentity\/TileEntityItemStackRenderer.renderByItem (Lnet\/minecraft\/item\/ItemStack;)V\nGOTO LEND #end of if statement\n\nlist IItemRenderer\nALOAD 2\nINSTANCEOF codechicken\/lib\/render\/IItemRenderer\nIFEQ LELSE\nALOAD 2\nALOAD 1\nINVOKEINTERFACE codechicken\/lib\/render\/IItemRenderer.renderItem (Lnet\/minecraft\/item\/ItemStack;)V\nGOTO LEND\nLELSE","new_contents":"list n_IItemRenderer\nGETSTATIC net\/minecraft\/client\/renderer\/tileentity\/TileEntityItemStackRenderer.field_147719_a : Lnet\/minecraft\/client\/renderer\/tileentity\/TileEntityItemStackRenderer;\nALOAD 1\nINVOKEVIRTUAL net\/minecraft\/client\/renderer\/tileentity\/TileEntityItemStackRenderer.func_179022_a (Lnet\/minecraft\/item\/ItemStack;)V\nGOTO LEND #end of if statement\n\nlist IItemRenderer\nALOAD 2\nINSTANCEOF codechicken\/lib\/render\/IItemRenderer\nIFEQ LELSE\nALOAD 2\nALOAD 1\nINVOKEINTERFACE codechicken\/lib\/render\/IItemRenderer.renderItem (Lnet\/minecraft\/item\/ItemStack;)V\nGOTO LEND\nLELSE","subject":"Fix srg mapping in hook (round 2)","message":"Fix srg mapping in hook (round 2)\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"lgpl-2.1","repos":"Chicken-Bones\/CodeChickenLib,alexbegt\/CodeChickenLib,TheCBProject\/CodeChickenLib"} {"commit":"6308ebb384c10a3f91104d6f27a7f46cf24a8afd","old_file":"asm\/dos_hide_tower_boss_until_top_floor.asm","new_file":"asm\/dos_hide_tower_boss_until_top_floor.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".nds\n.relativeinclude on\n.erroronwarning on\n\n; This patch for the boss randomizer prevents the boss in Gergoth's tower from being loaded in until the player enters the top floor of the tower.\n; In order for the patch to work correctly, the boss entity should be at index 1 and the tower floors entity should be at index 0 (reversed from how they are in vanilla).\n\n@Overlay41Start equ 0x02308920\n@FreeSpace equ @Overlay41Start + 0x288\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_0\", 0219E3E0h\n\n.org 0x0219F08C ; Near the end of the create function for object 18 (tower floors)\n b @LoadOrUnloadTowerBoss\n\n.close\n\n.open \"ftc\/overlay9_41\", @Overlay41Start\n\n.org @FreeSpace\n@LoadOrUnloadTowerBoss:\n ldr r1, =020F70CCh ; Pointer to the current room's entity list\n ldr r1, [r1]\n add r1, r1, 11h ; Add 0x11 (0xC + 0x5) to the start of the entity list to get a pointer to the type byte of the second entity in the list, which is the boss entity.\n \n ; The last check done before the custom code was checking if r0 is equal to 0. If it is it means the player is on the top floor of the tower, so the boss should be loaded.\n beq @AllowTowerBossToBeLoaded\n@DoNotAllowTowerBossToBeLoaded:\n mov r0, 0h ; Set the type of the boss entity to 0, so it's doesn't load any entity in.\n b @FinishLoadingOrUnloadingTowerBoss\n@AllowTowerBossToBeLoaded:\n mov r0, 1h ; Set the type of the boss entity to 0, so it works properly as an enemy.\n@FinishLoadingOrUnloadingTowerBoss:\n strb r0, [r1] ; Store the type to the entity list.\n \n ; Replace the code we overwrote to jump here.\n beq 0x0219F0AC ; Return from function if on the top floor.\n b 0x0219F098 ; If not on the top floor, do some other stuff before returning.\n\n.pool\n\n.close\n","subject":"Add patch to fix DoS tower boss in boss rando","message":"Add patch to fix DoS tower boss in boss rando\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"LagoLunatic\/DSVEdit"} {"commit":"d7b34ec7dd2231150cada807fe37753fe3433f79","old_file":"6502DotNet\/Examples\/vcs\/backgroundcycle.asm","new_file":"6502DotNet\/Examples\/vcs\/backgroundcycle.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":".cpu \"6502\"\n.target \"flat\"\n* = $F000\n\nBackgroundColor = $80\n\nVSYNC = $00\nVBLANK = $01\nWSYNC = $02\nCOLUBK = $09\nTIM64T = $296\nINTIM = $284\n\nStart \n\tSEI\n\tCLD\n\tLDX #$FF\n\tTXS\n\tLDA #0\nClearMem\n\tSTA 0,X\n\tDEX\n\tBNE ClearMem\nMainLoop\n\tLDA #%00000010\n\tSTA VSYNC\n\tSTA WSYNC\n\tSTA WSYNC\n\tSTA WSYNC\n\tLDA #43\n\tSTA TIM64T\n\tLDA #0\n\tSTA VSYNC\n\n\tINC BackgroundColor\n\tLDA BackgroundColor\n\tSTA COLUBK\n\nWaitForVBlankEnd\n\tLDA INTIM\n\tBNE WaitForVBlankEnd\n\tSTA WSYNC\n\tSTA VBLANK\n\tLDY #192\n\nScanLoop\n\tSTA WSYNC\n\tDEY\n\tBNE ScanLoop\n\n\tLDA #2\n\tSTA WSYNC\n\tSTA VBLANK\n\tLDY #30\nOverScanWait\n\tSTA WSYNC\n\tDEY\n\tBNE OverScanWait\n\tJMP MainLoop\n\n\/\/ Special memory locations. Tells the 6502 where to go.\n* = $FFFC\n.word Start\n.word Start","subject":"Add basic background cycler example that is confirmed to work with 6502.Net.","message":"Add basic background cycler example that is confirmed to work with 6502.Net.\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"mit","repos":"Yttrmin\/CSharpTo2600,Yttrmin\/CSharpTo2600,Yttrmin\/CSharpTo2600"} {"commit":"6745d722f447a7489832746c614024a5dd4cd5a7","old_file":"test\/addr64x.asm","new_file":"test\/addr64x.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"\tbits\t64\n\tmov\trdx,[rax]\n\tmov\teax,[byte rsp+0x01]\n\tmov\teax,[byte rsp-0x01]\n\tmov\teax,[byte rsp+0xFF]\n\tmov\teax,[byte rsp-0xFF]\n\tmov\teax,[rsp+0x08]\n\tmov\teax,[rsp-0x01]\n\tmov\teax,[rsp+0xFF]\n\tmov\teax,[rsp-0xFF]\n\tmov\trax,[rsp+56]\n\tmov\t[rsi],dl\n\tmov\tbyte [rsi],'-'\n\tmov\t[rsi],al\n\tmov\tbyte [rsi],' '\n","subject":"Test of some addressing modes in 64-bit mode.","message":"Test of some addressing modes in 64-bit mode.\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"projedi\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,projedi\/nasm"} {"commit":"9d14a1085816f1b80444aca4985626a7e96f7d12","old_file":"test\/floatb.asm","new_file":"test\/floatb.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"\t;; Known problematic floating-point numbers and their proper\n\t;; encoding...\n\t\n\t\tdd 1.1e10\n\t\tdd 0x5023e9ac\t; Should be...\n\t\n\t\tdd 50.40e9\n\t\tdd 0x513bc130\t; Should be...\n\n\t\tdq 1.4e23\n\t\tdq 0x44bda56a4b0835c0\n\n\t\tdq 50.48e21\n\t\tdq 0x44a5610d7502feae\n\n\t\tdt 1.2e28\n\t\tdq 0x9b18ab5df7180b6c\n\t\tdw 0x405c\n\t\n\t\tdt 50.46e25\n\t\tdq 0xd0b29a67e95dcb60\n\t\tdw 0x4057\n","subject":"Add test for problematic floats","message":"Add test for problematic floats\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"techkey\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm"} {"commit":"12fc7bc4b2c4864aedc5af595d8185e080a5bb4a","old_file":"test\/riprel.asm","new_file":"test\/riprel.asm","old_contents":"","new_contents":"\tbits 64\n;\textern foo\n\tmov rax,[foo]\n\tmov rax,[123456789abcdef0h]\n\tmov rbx,[foo]\n\tmov rax,[dword foo]\n\tmov rbx,[dword foo]\n\tmov rax,[qword foo]\n\tmov rax,[rel foo]\n\tmov rbx,[rel foo]\n\tmov rax,[rel dword foo]\n\tmov rax,[rel qword foo]\n\n\tmov rax,[es:foo]\n\tmov rax,[es:123456789abcdef0h]\n\tmov rbx,[es:foo]\n\tmov rax,[dword es:foo]\n\tmov rbx,[dword es:foo]\n\tmov rax,[qword es:foo]\n\tmov rax,[rel es:foo]\n\tmov rbx,[rel es:foo]\n\tmov rax,[rel dword es:foo]\n\tmov rax,[rel qword es:foo]\n\n\tmov rax,[fs:foo]\n\tmov rax,[fs:123456789abcdef0h]\n\tmov rbx,[fs:foo]\n\tmov rax,[dword fs:foo]\n\tmov rbx,[dword fs:foo]\n\tmov rax,[qword fs:foo]\n\tmov rax,[rel fs:foo]\n\tmov rbx,[rel fs:foo]\n\tmov rax,[rel dword fs:foo]\n\tmov rax,[rel qword fs:foo]\n\n\tsection .data\nfoo\tequ $\n\t","subject":"Add test cases for IP-relative addressing","message":"Add test cases for IP-relative addressing\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"bsd-2-clause","repos":"projedi\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,projedi\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,Distrotech\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,techkey\/nasm,letolabs\/nasm,turingstudio\/nasm"} {"commit":"81670f01dc6f1688fcecad1d810007ffbab58163","old_file":"syzygy\/pe\/dos_stub.asm","new_file":"syzygy\/pe\/dos_stub.asm","old_contents":"; Copyright 2011 Google Inc.\n;\n; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;\n; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;\n; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n; limitations under the License.\n;\n\n.286\n.MODEL TINY, C\n\n.CODE\n\nPUBLIC end_dos_stub\n\nbegin_dos_stub PROC\n ; Fold the code and data segments, as our data is in this function.\n ; Note that begin_dos_stub is implicitly the start of the data segment.\n push cs\n pop ds\n\n ; Compute the distance to the string through this subtraction instead\n ; of e.g. a lea instruction to avoid the need for relocation entries\n mov dx, message - begin_dos_stub\n ; Print the message to the console\n mov ah, 09h\n int 21h\n\n ; Terminate the program\n mov ah, 00h\n int 21h\n\n message DB 'This is a Windows program, you cannot run it in DOS.\\r\\n$'\n\n ; Expose the end of the DOS stub as a function to make it easy to\n ; calculate its length.\n end_dos_stub LABEL PROC\n\nbegin_dos_stub ENDP\n\nEND\n","new_contents":"; Copyright 2012 Google Inc.\n;\n; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n; You may obtain a copy of the License at\n;\n; http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0\n;\n; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n; distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n; limitations under the License.\n;\n\n.386\n.MODEL TINY, C\n\n.CODE\n\nPUBLIC end_dos_stub\n\nbegin_dos_stub PROC\n ; Fold the code and data segments, as our data is in this function.\n ; Note that begin_dos_stub is implicitly the start of the data segment.\n push cs\n pop ds\n\n ; Compute the distance to the string through this subtraction instead\n ; of e.g. a lea instruction to avoid the need for relocation entries\n mov dx, message - begin_dos_stub\n ; Print the message to the console\n mov ah, 09h\n int 21h\n\n ; Terminate the program\n mov ah, 00h\n int 21h\n\n message DB 'This is a Windows program, you cannot run it in DOS.\\r\\n$'\n\n ; Expose the end of the DOS stub as a function to make it easy to\n ; calculate its length.\n end_dos_stub LABEL PROC\n\nbegin_dos_stub ENDP\n\nEND\n","subject":"Switch dos stub processor spec to 386.","message":"Switch dos stub processor spec to 386.\n\n286 support is removed from the MASM that ships with VS2010.\n\nBUG=\nTEST=\n\nReview URL: https:\/\/codereview.appspot.com\/6223063\n\ngit-svn-id: db59699583a60be9a535cd09cdc9132301867226@834 15e8cca8-e42c-11de-a347-f34a4f72eb7d\n","lang":"Assembly","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"sebmarchand\/syzygy,ericmckean\/syzygy,pombreda\/syzygy,pombreda\/syzygy,sebmarchand\/syzygy,pombreda\/syzygy,supriyantomaftuh\/syzygy,wangming28\/syzygy,sebmarchand\/syzygy,ericmckean\/syzygy,wangming28\/syzygy,ericmckean\/syzygy,pombreda\/syzygy,supriyantomaftuh\/syzygy,google\/syzygy,ericmckean\/syzygy,ericmckean\/syzygy,supriyantomaftuh\/syzygy,Eloston\/syzygy,wangming28\/syzygy,wangming28\/syzygy,google\/syzygy,google\/syzygy,sebmarchand\/syzygy,google\/syzygy,supriyantomaftuh\/syzygy,Eloston\/syzygy,sebmarchand\/syzygy,pombreda\/syzygy"}