{"commit":"da4e577306c8e56a1caf1cac2fbea49003a1e720","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/neighbor.ly\/api\/\n\n# Neighbor.ly\nHere you will find how to integrate an application with Neighbor.ly. Check our [Dashboard source code](https:\/\/github.com\/neighborly\/neighborly-dashboard) for a real use case.\n\n# Sessions\nYour first stop when integrating with Neighborly. For a lot of endpoints, you are expected to provide an `access_token`, managed by this section.\n\n\n## Sessions [\/sessions]\n### Create a session [POST]\n\n+ Request\n\n { \"email\": \"mr.nobody@example.com\", \"password\": \"your-really-strong-password\" }\n\n + Header\n\n Accept: application\/vnd.api+json;revision=1\n\n+ Response 201 (application\/json)\n\n { \"access_token\": \"Ndf6kxgLfr_KMhAg8wMpm7Yit2cvHkv9oI8qIXWiHmZdeqI1h0cmn8p4wCEhoZS-AQY\", \"user_id\": 1 }\n\n+ Response 400 (application\/json)\n {}\n\n\n+ Response 401 (application\/json)\n {}\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/neighbor.ly\/api\/\n\n# Neighbor.ly\nHere you will find how to integrate an application with Neighbor.ly. Check our [Dashboard source code](https:\/\/github.com\/neighborly\/neighborly-dashboard) for a real use case.\n\n# Sessions\nYour first stop when integrating with Neighborly. For a lot of endpoints, you are expected to provide an `access_token`, managed by this section.\n\n\n## Sessions [\/sessions]\n### Create a session [POST]\n\n+ Request\n\n + Header\n\n Accept: application\/vnd.api+json;revision=1\n\n + Body\n\n { \"email\": \"mr.nobody@example.com\", \"password\": \"your-really-strong-password\" }\n\n+ Response 201 (application\/json)\n\n { \"access_token\": \"Ndf6kxgLfr_KMhAg8wMpm7Yit2cvHkv9oI8qIXWiHmZdeqI1h0cmn8p4wCEhoZS-AQY\", \"user_id\": 1 }\n\n+ Response 400 (application\/json)\n\n {}\n\n\n+ Response 401 (application\/json)\n\n {}\n\n","subject":"Add body section to create a new session","message":"[DOC] Add body section to create a new session\n","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"FromUte\/dune-api"} {"commit":"e692e248adb849c0ba0f1b0bf50598c355a2af13","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"# Lion API\n\nLion is a basic localization service using `git` as the backend for storing translations.\n\n## Request headers\n\nAll requests to Lion must include the following headers:\n\n- `Lion-Api-Version`\n\n# Group Projects\n\n## Project collection [\/projects]\n\n### List projects [GET]\n\nList all configured projects\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"projects\": [\n \"projectA\": {\n \"name\" \"projectA\" \/\/ All project details\n }\n ]\n }\n\n## Project management [\/project\/{name}]\n\n+ Parameters\n\n + name (required, string) ... Project name\n\n### Get project [GET]\n\nFetch project details, given the projects' name.\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"name\": \"Project name\",\n \"resources\": [\n \"resource1\",\n \"...\"\n ]\n }\n\n+ Response 404 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n","new_contents":"# Lion API\n\nLion is a basic localization service using `git` as the backend for storing translations.\n\n## Request headers\n\nRequests should have the `Lion-Api-Version` header set. The current API version is `v1`. If the header is not set, it is assumed to be the latest version.\n\nExample header:\n\n- `Lion-Api-Version: v1`\n\n# Group Projects\n\n## Project collection [\/projects]\n\n### List projects [GET]\n\nList all configured projects\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"projects\": [\n \"projectA\": {\n \"name\" \"projectA\" \/\/ All project details\n }\n ]\n }\n\n## Project management [\/project\/{name}]\n\n+ Parameters\n\n + name (required, string) ... Project name\n\n### Get project [GET]\n\nFetch project details, given the projects' name.\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"name\": \"Project name\",\n \"resources\": [\n \"resource1\",\n \"...\"\n ]\n }\n\n+ Response 404 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n","subject":"Make the API version optional in the request","message":"Make the API version optional in the request\n","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"sebdah\/lion"} {"commit":"390fe21cca8b9cf9d89e083a0924e5ca2249668b","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"url\": \"https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\/en\/articles\/where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\"\n }\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"url\": \"https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\/en\/articles\/where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\",\n \"body\": \"

Watch out for companies that aren't charities<\/h2>

Look out for companies with misleading names that sound like debt charities but are actually commercial businesses.<\/p>

Never ever pay for services from this type of company.<\/p>\"\n }\n","subject":"Add article body to API Blueprint","message":"Add article body to API Blueprint\n","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend"} {"commit":"843c0ce0539fd33f1f5d9da851466c5856ad5911","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/orgmanager.miguelpiedrafita.com\/api\n\n# Orgmanager API\n\nThe Orgmanager API allows you to integrate Orgmanager with other applications and projects.\n\n## Questions Collection [\/questions]\n\n### List All Questions [GET]\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n [\n {\n \"question\": \"Favourite programming language?\",\n \"published_at\": \"2015-08-05T08:40:51.620Z\",\n \"choices\": [\n {\n \"choice\": \"Swift\",\n \"votes\": 2048\n }, {\n \"choice\": \"Python\",\n \"votes\": 1024\n }, {\n \"choice\": \"Objective-C\",\n \"votes\": 512\n }, {\n \"choice\": \"Ruby\",\n \"votes\": 256\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n\n### Create a New Question [POST]\n\nYou may create your own question using this action. It takes a JSON\nobject containing a question and a collection of answers in the\nform of choices.\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n {\n \"question\": \"Favourite programming language?\",\n \"choices\": [\n \"Swift\",\n \"Python\",\n \"Objective-C\",\n \"Ruby\"\n ]\n }\n\n+ Response 201 (application\/json)\n\n + Headers\n\n Location: \/questions\/2\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"question\": \"Favourite programming language?\",\n \"published_at\": \"2015-08-05T08:40:51.620Z\",\n \"choices\": [\n {\n \"choice\": \"Swift\",\n \"votes\": 0\n }, {\n \"choice\": \"Python\",\n \"votes\": 0\n }, {\n \"choice\": \"Objective-C\",\n \"votes\": 0\n }, {\n \"choice\": \"Ruby\",\n \"votes\": 0\n }\n ]\n }\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/orgmanager.miguelpiedrafita.com\/api\n\n# Orgmanager API\n\nThe Orgmanager API allows you to integrate Orgmanager with other applications and projects.\n\n## User Data [\/user]\n\n### Get user info [GET]\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n {\n \"id\":1,\n \"name\":\"Miguel Piedrafita\",\n \"email\":\"soy@miguelpiedrafita.com\",\n \"github_username\":\"m1guelpf\",\n \"created_at\":\"2017-01-25 18:44:32\",\n \"updated_at\":\"2017-02-16 19:40:50\"\n }\n\n## User Organizations [\/user\/orgs]\n\n### Get user organizations [GET]\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n {\n \"id\":1,\n \"name\":\"Test Organization\",\n \"url\":\"https:\\\/\\\/api.github.com\\\/orgs\\\/test-org\",\n \"description\":null,\n \"avatar\":\"https:\\\/\\\/miguelpiedrafita.com\\\/logo.png\",\n \"invitecount\":100\n }\n","subject":"Add \/user and \/user\/orgs api endpoints to api docs","message":":memo: Add \/user and \/user\/orgs api endpoints to api docs\n","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mpl-2.0","repos":"orgmanager\/orgmanager,orgmanager\/orgmanager,orgmanager\/orgmanager"} {"commit":"ee013b2a4ccd066ce1357ed01e541f0d620283c0","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"url\": \"https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\/en\/articles\/where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\",\n \"body\": \"

Watch out for companies that aren't charities<\/h2>

Look out for companies with misleading names that sound like debt charities but are actually commercial businesses.<\/p>

Never ever pay for services from this type of company.<\/p>\"\n }\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/{locale}\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + locale = `en` (optional, string, `cy`) ... Locale of the Article.\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... ID of the Article.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"url\": \"https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\/en\/articles\/where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\",\n \"body\": \"

Watch out for companies that aren't charities<\/h2>

Look out for companies with misleading names that sound like debt charities but are actually commercial businesses.<\/p>

Never ever pay for services from this type of company.<\/p>\"\n }\n","subject":"Add locale to API Blueprint","message":"Add locale to API Blueprint","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend"} {"commit":"74f27459b24a4fdf9615147f6b720b2bd62616e9","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/api.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"id\": \"where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\"\n }\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"url\": \"https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\/en\/articles\/where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\"\n }\n","subject":"Add URLs to API Blueprint","message":"Add URLs to API Blueprint","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend"} {"commit":"4371d7b37d7dd7736e30daec9ac1279d4f8ff209","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/{locale}\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + locale = `en` (optional, string, `cy`) ... Locale of the Article.\n + id (required, string, `where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice`) ... ID of the Article.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"url\": \"https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\/en\/articles\/where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\",\n \"body\": \"

Watch out for companies that aren't charities<\/h2>

Look out for companies with misleading names that sound like debt charities but are actually commercial businesses.<\/p>

Never ever pay for services from this type of company.<\/p>\"\n }\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/{locale}\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + locale = `en` (optional, string, `en`) ... Locale of the Article.\n + id (required, string, `where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice`) ... ID of the Article.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"url\": \"https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\/en\/articles\/where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\",\n \"body\": \"

Watch out for companies that aren't charities<\/h2>

Look out for companies with misleading names that sound like debt charities but are actually commercial businesses.<\/p>

Never ever pay for services from this type of company.<\/p>\"\n }\n","subject":"Fix locale example for API Blueprint","message":"Fix locale example for API Blueprint","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend"} {"commit":"c7ef38c2709beda905574f61d62ea58c31258785","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/api.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service's API.\n\n# Group Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**\n\n## Articles Collection [\/articles]\n### List all Articles [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n [{\n \"id\": 1, \"content\": \"Jogging in park\"\n }, {\n \"id\": 2, \"content\": \"Pick-up posters from post-office\"\n }]\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + slug (required, string, `the-article`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n X-My-Header: The Value\n\n + Body\n\n { \"slug\": \"the-article\", \"title\": \"Pick-up posters from post-office\", content: \"

La de da<\/p>\" }\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/api.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n X-My-Header: The Value\n\n + Body\n\n { \"id\": \"where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\", \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\" }\n","subject":"Remove articles collection from API blueprint","message":"Remove articles collection from API blueprint\n","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend"} {"commit":"b27491ea42a293d1fd77375a6e24e6926dd36b27","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"url\": \"https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\/en\/articles\/where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\",\n \"body\": \"

Watch out for companies that aren't charities<\/h2>

Look out for companies with misleading names that sound like debt charities but are actually commercial businesses.<\/p>

Never ever pay for services from this type of company.<\/p>\"\n }\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/{locale}\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + locale = `en` (optional, string, `cy`) ... Locale of the Article.\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... ID of the Article.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"url\": \"https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\/en\/articles\/where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\",\n \"body\": \"

Watch out for companies that aren't charities<\/h2>

Look out for companies with misleading names that sound like debt charities but are actually commercial businesses.<\/p>

Never ever pay for services from this type of company.<\/p>\"\n }\n","subject":"Add locale to API Blueprint","message":"Add locale to API Blueprint\n","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend"} {"commit":"8b6b8d8d5bbd20a7ae5750d3fb635a2049072cd7","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/api.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n X-My-Header: The Value\n\n + Body\n\n { \"id\": \"where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\", \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\" }\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/api.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n { \"id\": \"where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\", \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\" }\n","subject":"Add link header to API Blueprint","message":"Add link header to API Blueprint\n","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend"} {"commit":"084318af5e97a97a8dbe519fa36fb8986de44c97","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"url\": \"https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\/en\/articles\/where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\"\n }\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"url\": \"https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\/en\/articles\/where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\",\n \"body\": \"

Watch out for companies that aren't charities<\/h2>

Look out for companies with misleading names that sound like debt charities but are actually commercial businesses.<\/p>

Never ever pay for services from this type of company.<\/p>\"\n }\n","subject":"Add article body to API Blueprint","message":"Add article body to API Blueprint","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend"} {"commit":"689bb1f568ac437dc82d7e6a9e75f3a80840e64c","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"# Lion API\n\nLion is a basic localization service using `git` as the backend for storing translations.\n\n## Request headers\n\nRequests should have the `Lion-Api-Version` header set. The current API version is `v1`. If the header is not set, it is assumed to be the latest version.\n\nExample header:\n\n- `Lion-Api-Version: v1`\n\n# Group Projects\n\n## Project collection [\/projects]\n\n### List projects [GET]\n\nList all configured projects\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"projects\": [\n \"projectA\": {\n \"name\" \"projectA\" \/\/ All project details\n }\n ]\n }\n\n## Project management [\/project\/{name}]\n\n+ Parameters\n\n + name (required, string) ... Project name\n\n### Get project [GET]\n\nFetch project details, given the projects' name.\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"name\": \"Project name\",\n \"resources\": [\n \"resource1\",\n \"...\"\n ]\n }\n\n+ Response 404 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n","new_contents":"# Lion API\n\nLion is a basic localization service using `git` as the backend for storing translations.\n\n## Request headers\n\nRequests should have the `Lion-Api-Version` header set. The current API version is `v1`. If the header is not set, it is assumed to be the latest version.\n\nExample header:\n\n- `Lion-Api-Version: v1`\n\n# Group Projects\n\n## Project collection [\/projects]\n\n### List projects [GET]\n\nList all configured projects\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"projects\": [\n \"projectA\": {\n \"name\" \"projectA\" \/\/ All project details\n ...\n }\n ]\n }\n\n## Project management [\/project\/{slug}]\n\n+ Parameters\n\n + slug (required, string) ... Project slug\n\n### Get project [GET]\n\nFetch project details, given the projects' name.\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"name\": \"Project name\",\n \"slug\": \"project-name\",\n \"resources\": [\n \"resource1\",\n \"...\"\n ]\n }\n\n+ Response 404 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Lion-Api-Version: v1\n","subject":"Substitute name with slug for fetching projects","message":"Substitute name with slug for fetching projects\n","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"sebdah\/lion"} {"commit":"d91bb3157de6c168ae4db2255ff8dc7e1db00f9e","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/api.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n { \"id\": \"where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\", \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\" }\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/api.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"id\": \"where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\"\n }\n","subject":"Add article description to API Blueprint","message":"Add article description to API Blueprint\n","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend"} {"commit":"737d63212662bd361f9a815c0bebb0bef0ecbab6","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/awesome-bucketlist-api.herokuapp.com\/\n\n# awesome-bucketlist\n\nPolls is a simple API allowing consumers to view polls and vote in them.\n\n## Bucketlists [\/bucketlists]\n\n### Create New Bucketlist [POST]\nCreates a new bucketlist under your account.\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n + Headers\n \n Authorization: \"Your Token\"\n \n+ Response 201 (application\/json) \n\n [\n {\n \"name\": \"Dare Devil\",\n \"description\": \"Stunts I want to try out.\"\n \n }\n ]\n\n### Get All Bucketlists [GET]\n\nYou may create your own question using this action. It takes a JSON\nobject containing a question and a collection of answers in the\nform of choices.\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n + Headers\n \n Authorization: \"Your Token\"\n \n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n\n + Body\n\n [\n {\n \"name\": \"Dare Devil\",\n \"description\": \"Stunts I want to try out.\"\n }\n ]","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/awesome-bucketlist-api.herokuapp.com\/\n\n# awesome-bucketlist\n\nA Bucketlist is a list of items, activities or goals you want to achieve before you \"kick the bucket\"\nthis is an API to allow you create a new user account, login into your account, create, update, view or delete \nbucketlists and bucketlist items.e \n\n## Bucketlists [\/bucketlists]\n\n### Create New Bucketlist [POST]\nCreates a new bucketlist under your account.\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n + Headers\n \n Authorization: \"Your Token\"\n \n+ Response 201 (application\/json) \n\n [\n {\n \"name\": \"Dare Devil\",\n \"description\": \"Stunts I want to try out.\"\n \n }\n ]\n\n### Get All Bucketlists [GET]\n\nYou may create your own question using this action. It takes a JSON\nobject containing a question and a collection of answers in the\nform of choices.\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n + Headers\n \n Authorization: \"Your Token\"\n \n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n\n + Body\n\n [\n {\n \"name\": \"Dare Devil\",\n \"description\": \"Stunts I want to try out.\"\n }\n ]","subject":"Update Introduction description for Apiary","message":"[CHORE] Update Introduction description for Apiary","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"brayoh\/bucket-list-api"} {"commit":"f3e8afdc001f067d1bbe4e2b229e95668e144ce2","old_file":"docs\/src\/rescues.apib","new_file":"docs\/src\/rescues.apib","old_contents":"\n\n# Group Rescues\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","new_contents":"# Group Rescues\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","subject":"Add missing rescue search documentation","message":"Add missing rescue search documentation\n","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"bsd-3-clause","repos":"FuelRats\/api.fuelrats.com,FuelRats\/api.fuelrats.com,FuelRats\/api.fuelrats.com"} {"commit":"ad753b96dd3aa1a8dc98a374dab0a348b2b9a0b4","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/{locale}\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + locale = `en` (optional, string, `cy`) ... Locale of the Article.\n + id (required, string, `where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice`) ... ID of the Article.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"url\": \"https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\/en\/articles\/where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\",\n \"body\": \"

Watch out for companies that aren't charities<\/h2>

Look out for companies with misleading names that sound like debt charities but are actually commercial businesses.<\/p>

Never ever pay for services from this type of company.<\/p>\"\n }\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/{locale}\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + locale = `en` (optional, string, `en`) ... Locale of the Article.\n + id (required, string, `where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice`) ... ID of the Article.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"url\": \"https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\/en\/articles\/where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\",\n \"body\": \"

Watch out for companies that aren't charities<\/h2>

Look out for companies with misleading names that sound like debt charities but are actually commercial businesses.<\/p>

Never ever pay for services from this type of company.<\/p>\"\n }\n","subject":"Fix locale example for API Blueprint","message":"Fix locale example for API Blueprint\n","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend"} {"commit":"e222329dac958aa9bb692cd7478c12eac8681584","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/api.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n X-My-Header: The Value\n\n + Body\n\n { \"id\": \"where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\", \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\" }\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/api.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n { \"id\": \"where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\", \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\" }\n","subject":"Add link header to API Blueprint","message":"Add link header to API Blueprint","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend"} {"commit":"647b9e61df96ef25c3cee99f4984eaed51b27cbd","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/api.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n { \"id\": \"where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\", \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\" }\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/api.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"id\": \"where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\"\n }\n","subject":"Add article description to API Blueprint","message":"Add article description to API Blueprint","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend"} {"commit":"fe36caff58afa25db3f76df5b68ce5b4e2b1ba34","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/api.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"id\": \"where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\"\n }\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\n\n# Money Advice Service\nAPI for the Money Advice Service.\n\n# Articles\nArticle related resources of the **Money Advice Service**.\n\n## Article [\/articles\/{id}]\nA single Article object with all its details\n\n+ Parameters\n + id (required, string, `foo-bar`) ... String `id` of the Article to perform action with. Has example value.\n\n### Retrieve a Article [GET]\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n + Header\n\n Link: ; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"cy\"; title=\"Ble i gael cyngor am ddim ynghylch dyled\"\n\n + Body\n\n {\n \"url\": \"https:\/\/www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk\/en\/articles\/where-to-go-to-get-free-debt-advice\",\n \"title\": \"Where to go to get free debt advice\",\n \"description\": \"Find out where you can get free, confidential help if you are struggling with debt\"\n }\n","subject":"Add URLs to API Blueprint","message":"Add URLs to API Blueprint\n","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend,moneyadviceservice\/frontend"} {"commit":"16dd09c016c51e8075b3cc18d30f46e45a7f78a6","old_file":"test\/fixtures\/multiple-examples.apib","new_file":"test\/fixtures\/multiple-examples.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\n\n# Machines API\n\n# Group Machines\n\n# Machines collection [\/machines\/{id}]\n + Parameters\n - id (number, `1`)\n\n## Get Machines [GET]\n\n- Request (application\/json)\n + Parameters\n - id (number, `2`)\n\n- Response 200 (application\/json; charset=utf-8)\n\n [\n {\n \"type\": \"bulldozer\",\n \"name\": \"willy\"\n }\n ]\n\n- Request (application\/json)\n + Parameters\n - id (number, `3`)\n\n- Response 200 (application\/json; charset=utf-8)\n\n [\n {\n \"type\": \"bulldozer\",\n \"name\": \"willy\"\n }\n ]\n","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\n\n# Machines API\n\n# Group Machines\n\n# Machines collection [\/machines\/{id}]\n + Parameters\n + id (number, `1`)\n\n## Get Machines [GET]\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n + Parameters\n + id (number, `2`)\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json; charset=utf-8)\n\n [\n {\n \"type\": \"bulldozer\",\n \"name\": \"willy\"\n }\n ]\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n + Parameters\n + id (number, `3`)\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json; charset=utf-8)\n\n [\n {\n \"type\": \"bulldozer\",\n \"name\": \"willy\"\n }\n ]\n","subject":"Use 4 spaces as indentation","message":"style: Use 4 spaces as indentation\n","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"vladosaurus\/dredd,apiaryio\/dredd,vladosaurus\/dredd,apiaryio\/dredd,apiaryio\/dredd"} {"commit":"e3bf046ed114424fa49e736e38b52be97afca244","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\n\n# Organising, Swiftly\n_Organising_ is an outliner\/todo list with strong search functionality.\n\n## Node Collection [\/nodes]\n\n### Root node and all children [GET]\nReturns the root node, with all of its children.\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n {\n \"ID\": 0,\n \"text\": \"Update repo\",\n \"completed\": false,\n \"children\": [\n {\n \"ID\": 1,\n \"text\": \"Commit changes\",\n \"completed\": true\n }, {\n \"ID\": 2,\n \"text\": \"Push to origin\",\n \"completed\": false\n }\n ]\n }","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\n\n# Organising, Swiftly\n_Organising_ is an outliner\/todo list with strong search functionality.\n\n## Node Collection [\/nodes]\n\n### Root node and all children [GET]\nReturns the root node, with all of its children.\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n {\n \"ID\": 0,\n \"text\": \"Update repo\",\n \"completed\": false,\n \"children\": [\n {\n \"ID\": 1,\n \"text\": \"Commit changes\",\n \"completed\": true\n }, {\n \"ID\": 2,\n \"text\": \"Push to origin\",\n \"completed\": false\n }\n ]\n }","subject":"Correct API definition semantic issues.","message":"Correct API definition semantic issues.","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"CheshireSwift\/organising-swiftly,CheshireSwift\/organising-swiftly"} {"commit":"c2dc3d8353f066c4be0325106506e422b1a4729e","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\nHOST: https:\/\/awesome-bucketlist-api.herokuapp.com\/\n\n# awesome-bucketlist\n\nPolls is a simple API allowing consumers to view polls and vote in them.\n\n## Bucketlists [\/bucketlists]\n\n### Create New Bucketlist [POST]\nCreates a new bucketlist under your account.\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n + Headers\n \n Authorization: \"Your Token\"\n \n+ Response 201 (application\/json) \n\n [\n {\n \"name\": \"Dare Devil\",\n \"description\": \"Stunts I want to try out.\"\n \n }\n ]\n\n### Get All Bucketlists [GET]\n\nYou may create your own question using this action. It takes a JSON\nobject containing a question and a collection of answers in the\nform of choices.\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n + Headers\n \n Authorization: \"Your Token\"\n \n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n\n + Body\n\n [\n {\n \"name\": \"Dare Devil\",\n \"description\": \"Stunts I want to try out.\"\n }\n ]","subject":"Add Apiary Documentation for the API","message":"Add Apiary Documentation for the API","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"brayoh\/bucket-list-api"} {"commit":"a16237e96b87c8a1988fb59dff6b0a4bb280d01c","old_file":"apiary.apib","new_file":"apiary.apib","old_contents":"","new_contents":"FORMAT: 1A\n\n# Admiral\n\nAdmiral is a deployment management system for Fleet and CoreOS. Unlike other deployment systems, Admiral also allows for automatic deployment and scaling of Fleet units.\n\n# Admiral Root [\/v1]\n\nThis resource simply represents the root of the Admiral API. It provides a basic JSON response as validation that the API server is running.\n\n## Retrieve the API Information [GET]\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n {\n \"name\": \"Admiral API\",\n \"version\": 1\n }\n\n## Group Authentication\n\nResources related to authenticating users.\n\n## Login [\/v1\/login]\n\n### Login [POST]\n\nAuthenticates a user and returns a token that the client should use for further interactions with the API server.\n\nRequests should be made with a JSON object containing the following items:\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n {\n \"username\": \"johndoe\",\n \"password\": \"password\"\n }\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n {\n \"token\": \"API token\"\n }\n \n+ Response 401 (application\/json)\n\n {\n \"error\": 401,\n \"message\": \"The specified user was invalid.\"\n }\n\n## Registration [\/v1\/register]\n\n### Register [POST]\n\nRegisters a user with the specified information, and returns a new token if the registration was successful. Registration must be enabled on the server or this endpoint will return an error.\n\n+ Request (application\/json)\n\n {\n \"username\": \"johndoe\",\n \"password\": \"password\"\n }\n\n+ Response 200 (application\/json)\n\n {\n \"token\": \"API token\"\n }\n \n+ Response 500 (application\/json)\n\n {\n \"error\": 500,\n \"message\": \"The server is not accepting registration.\"\n }\n","subject":"Add login and registration to blueprint","message":"Add login and registration to blueprint","lang":"API Blueprint","license":"mit","repos":"andrewmunsell\/admiral"}