sentiment,text 1,you should maybe get tested for coronavirus with that cough… 3,you forgot the third india one that is try their best to spread the last and the most important one forth india those protecting the ones spreading this disease 3,quite worrisome india reports 230 deaths and 8392 new cases of corona virus in last 24 hrs in total 190535 cases 5394 deaths 91819 recovered _19 0,coronavirus live updates trump tests negative for coronavirus watch what he does not what he says 2,day 68/n typical lockdown day made huge amounts of pasta for lunch had a family meeting on a new project and also had a call with the old college buddies mailed to ims for test series got to start studying pic twitter com/g0qn75rdvg 3,daily wage earners are walking hundrs of km & dying while returning to their home urban cities facing migrant crisi healthcare workers are facing lack of protective medical equipments & gears but media is busy in making it communal fever 0,coronavirus is cancelling shit faster than outrage twitter 1,i've been out of it all day head hurts and stomach feels like shit and no i do not have the corona virus just feeling weird 2,excellent work madam salute 4 your super efforts & highly proactive role in fighting covid19 in tamilnadu nation deserves such inspirational leaders ji … 2,this front camera is really good the city of love … 2,we red_heart love mumbai we will come out of corona soon we believe in ji bhai & one inspiration 2,mubarak sparkling_heart pray for humanity palms_up_together pray for the world palms_up_together may allah forgive us all may allah protect us all from this pandemic _19 ameen sumameen palms_up_together – at ghouri town phase 5 islamabad 3,"""solidarity” is an international (400 hospitals in 35 countries) clinical trial launched by who to compare four treatment options against covid 19 arm of halted in who solidarity trial …" 2,fresh fruit and veggies in the time of corona delivers thank you for your reliability and consistent supply much appreciate your resilience pic twitter com/qv6bmqmwlb 2,throwback to last year vacation on this day hey corona please go away~ _places … … 3,immediately announce a financial relief package including tax cuts and subsidies for the salaried middle class to end our struggles caused by the covid 19 crisis sign the petition via 0,donald j trump should know that all of the deaths due to coronavirus outbreak is on his hands in addition to being an ignorant incompetent and delusional narcissistic psychopath a criminal 1,just because i'm not panicking about does not mean i do not care about people dying or your loved ones i'm a little unnerved right now about the persecution of people not in hysteria about this 0,why in hell do u alow consistently shout out rhetoric against that he is responsible 4 coronavirus when calls it wuhan virus enough is ebough we do not need to divides us we need to come together not play blame game fire him now 3,islamophobic state will starve you to death coronavirus can wait shame on you is this how your govt in delhi is taking care of patients quarantined tablighi member dies of lack of food medicine in delhi maktoob 3,social distancing | civilized society | civilized country hold funeral despite covid 19 pandemic ー19 1,do not wana spread panic but this my friends is a sign of apocalypse …pic twitter com/4pqmtgslp4 – at bramhaputra river 3,is the new super spreaders apparently forced ppl to work despite knowing people are having systems this is criminal violation it seems all rules were flouted which lead to 66 ppl being infected with no one is doing debates on zee 1,building on this guidance on how oncologists & leaders can control misinformation may be helpful t2 3,even in this clip he quoting countries whr death are more then 20k and still thr no's of cases report & deaths are much higher then pakistan and they also thinking to ease the lockdown 2,citizens love you police covid 19 has transformed our hearts for khaki how many other government department officials have been entrusted with public sewa none other than you even doctors safety is you responsibility now our respect is for every rank thank you jai ho smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes red_heart 2,once you are meditative music will naturally be a part of your life everting is vibration everting is sound _19 0,why are they making the coronavirus such a big deal 0,how about “a government that provides safety to the people ” are you so concerned with stealing $$ that you cannot take legislative action for the virus or are you on vacation i hear there are cheap flights to 1,i love that has declarase a national state of emergency on coronavirus only after he finds out he may have been exposed to the virus when it hits close to home then it is real huh 2,now i'm share to my experience today 02155 hbj to hnz train awesome facility to indian railway these are providing to best facility and protection in covid 19 thank you so much – at ganj basoda railway station 3,ok sir now it is your turn i'll take two swabs one from your oropharynx then your nasopharynx do not worry it will only tickle *cough* hurt *cough* a lil bit hospital … 0,trump's dangerously effective coronavirus propaganda 1,"""what ” are they afraid of the coronavirus ""0h i see why trump created the coronavirus" 2,announced the new guidelines in this lockdown 5 0 for better comprehension e article is here twitter com/h0rj7wtmw0 – at tamil nadu 2,everyone stayhome staysafe stay calm ー19 _19india my india please India folded_hands love my nation India red_heart love you all sharing n caring – at hotel sankam residency belgaum 1,11 in stock eco solutions n95 particulate respirator mask w/exhale valve 10 masks ad 0,"hunter biden cites coronavirus wife's pregnancy to avoid deposition until after election day that sounds like""i'm guilty """ 0,i had a coworker today tell me his heart appointment was post poned due to the corona virus and will not be able to get in until a few months from now he has a serious heart condition and man this is just ridiculous 3,corona warrior bhave of gsmc a brilliant dynamic passed away today due to covid 19 at 2 45 am at raheja hospital how many medical personnel are we going to lose heart felt condolences to family pic twitter com/uqxvmfqheu 0,even dogs get their canine coronavirus vaccine shot as pups the term has been around for a long time stop being so ignorant my goodness 0,corbyn has been plotting since the late 1960s by all accounts when corona virus is a distant memory and the country is on more of a stable footing corbyn should be bought to account for 40+ years of subterfuge collaboration with britain's enemies & jew hate 0,john henry looks like mother theresa compared to this dickwad bruins owner jeremy jacobs shamefully has not pledged to help td garden workers during coronavirus out 0,i hate china after corona virus 3,why all financial capital towns are worst affected with like neither nor is affected in same ratio when compared to other financial capital towns of world 3,sindh govt is fighting with corona for safety of people and federal govt is fighting with sindh govt for face saving 1,so is also 20 times more lethal than influenza think about that 1,tablighi virus is more dangerous to corona virus 2,off course sir this way is more powerful than others way to boost our emuanity sir i want to discuss on how to distroy coronavirus by ion technology 3,several people are injured in suppression of gone in bunker we see that how the situation is in america i do not know is the is gone 3,since coronavirus is especially fatal to people older than 60 years of age sant shri asharamji bapu should be released from prison as he is 85 years old to reduce the risk of infection …pic twitter com/w9ecurqxtn 0,my mom said i got to be safe or i'll catch the “coronavirus” no bitch you may catch it but i'm different 3,sir please help me my family members are stranded in dehri in bihar before the lockdown they went to bihar 3 days before the lock don in the marriage and then the lockdown took place and then to you for not coming from there please manage to bring them 1,anyone else beginning to feel a little bit anxious 3,the real problem is covid19 and ph govt is diverting it to useless case dahil na nman cguro na hurt ang ego 1,breaking mid american conference tournament to be played without fans due to coronavirus concern story 2,it is really appreciative we proud on corona worrier 1,i'm just making the most of this crisis by doing cameos i love you all love each other it is freee stay safe check out my cameo profile 2,from red_heart saptak news a lockdown music video by and team releasing soon 2,there is still some life left in the leaf … … 3,wajid khan the popular bollywood music director from the sajid wajid duo passed away today at the age of 43 he was suffering from covid 19 3,_19india it is not tabligi jammat it is the pic of karnataka subzi bazar it is lockdowm who is responsablepic twitter com/hhzmbf1kqq 0,you konw maybe it is just best to just not see the twitter timeline cause there is so many unfunny coronavirus related jokes it is like watching dane cook tweeting all day 0,it was cool that i had no classes today at my school but bad because someone at my school has been exposed to corona virus and is now in quarantine this virus seriously has become a nightmare this is sum scary ass shit how fast it is spreading 2,yes during lockdown its worth to watch acting of all characters are awesome and story is also good direction is also nice and casting is to good smiling_face_with_heart-eyes 1,he should have to block coronavirus in person 3,lock down is causing the shortage of blood for patient i would suggest govt to mobilize the medical staff so they can go to donors for blood of course precautions are must before they go to any donor's 0,if i see another guys bio on tinder say “if the corona virus does not take you out can i ” i'm going to lose my fucking mind 2,loved this video from twitter com/2dccivvx0k 0,his fucking mind is only focused on $ (industries ) nothing about people's lives oh yes he called them “the consumers ” may as well call them suckers 0,is the new season going to be performed behind locked doors 0,and ⁦ are aiming to have thousands of americans die from covid 19 to stop pres trump from being re elected dems are evil sick people ⁩ fails to move forward with coronavirus 'phase 3' bill amid dems' opposition 2,thank him for increasing cases of covid also coz haircuts more important for you 2,please please please help this is the only story besides covid this is the one we will teach our great great grandchildren we need you 0,hope everyone stays safe this is not playing wash them hands cuh 3,lesson cost of living is never expensive it is the cost of lifestyle that is expensive 0,in taiwan anger at china over covid 19 drives identity debate …pic twitter com/k4rknxqswk 0,"how about when the leader of your party called a hoax and likened it to a common cold where were you then can you show us any tweets or official correspondence you sent to the president warning him that in your words ""we do not have another day """ 3,very disappointed to see the volume of “you cant catch covid as its a virus” and all the come slithering to the surface if you cannot catch it please go and volunteer in a hospital for a day then isolate and stay home for 21 days good luck 3,bollywood singer composer dies of coronavirus at 42 /7frvjr8fik 0,hey why are the republicans trying to sneak in abortion rights laws into the corona virus help bill very shady to be trying something like this in a crisis 2,celebrating world milk day with our women leaders pic twitter com/ef0sq9vias 0,dumb cn't calm fears bc he has zero skills lying about the pandemic is not leadership his infection of is more dangerous than anything trump wants payroll tax relief to calm virus spooked markets 0,everything is shut down — now what nagar 3,i thought i can celebrate both of my favourites on the same week which is raya and harvest festival but sadly due to covid 19 i cant even do shit now haha 1,prediction in the next coronavirus task force briefing trump tries to calm a panicked country by giving out jared kushner's netflix password 2,a different perspective in the covid world is quarantine life required 0,trump spent weeks downplaying the he is now pretending that never happened 3,social gathering is restricted by govt of india to curb covid19 banning of azan by is based on abusive power&totally against constitutional freedom protected by art 25 guidelines of covid19 issued by goi does not prescribe such rules 1,2020 ncaa tournament games to be played without fans in attendance due to threat of coronavirus via 1,starting tuesday will be closed through april 27 due to coronavirus concerns boston mayor announced at a press conference friday night 0,disgusting attempted to sneak taxpayer funded abortions into the coronavirus relief bill via 1,sick with worry an employer's guide to managing concerns in the via 3,heavy_minus_sign heavy_minus_sign play_button ︎ follow ( ) play_button ︎ follow ( ) heavy_minus_sign heavy_minus_sign … 3,india has lost another gem today the biggest and finest music composer of bollywood sir has passed away due to covid 19 may allah swt rest soul in peace aameen twitter com/djhiea37au 2,dr tauseef the doctor who got infected with covid 19 in kgmu gave his plasma for to help in the treatment of corona pts proud of you doctor 0,(1 / 2) just going to say it there is absolutely no way it will be possible for to have on april 5th all the health professionals predict the to get worse before it gets better it would be irresponsible for wwe to go on with the show 2,heads off to you mr jack dorsey for your dedication towards society to fight against covid 19 as you had not just donated now you are an inspiration for lacs of web entrepreneurs smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes bouquet salute to you sir 3,as we all know that m p government recently said that there will be no general promotion to the college students we want justice _spreading_corona_virus 3,dear the world economy will not return to normal until your country realizes this epidemic is deadly please lockdown to stop the spread we want our lives back 2,stay home stay safe honor caretakers and healthcare workers supporting people effected with covid 19 in your community acknowledge the role thay play to save lives and keep your loved ones safe learn simple daily exercises you can perform at home this will keep you active pic twitter com/ksbxp0j22q – at mannarkkad 2,"very nice initiative by our and other officials we hv to fight against covid19 & we will get victory within 15 days if we follow the directions of our pm sahib & distt officials so 100% ""lockdown"" & if you need any thing there is no problem as admn is providing" 1,what worries me most these days me and a lot other people is now on the matter i'd like to say only that the drastic division among ourselves is the only reason why as a species (the only smart one someone thinks) in the universe mind you 1/5 3,"the family of a 71 year old suspected covid 19 patient who was declared dead in gujarat and was cremated was later mistakenly told he was ""stable"" they received a call saying results are negative so patient has to… …" 3,i want our youth to play their role in helping our fight against the covid 19 by joining our corona tiger force which will be organised to do jihad against the suffering caused by this pandemic 2,home stay safe 2,utc 7 | in — pune woman makes india's 1st covid 19 testing kit hours before delivering her baby with the arrival of the first made in india testing kit for novel coronavirus in the market another a kit to the nation's health and a baby for her… 0,why is fox news using a giant coronavirus pandemic banner all day on every show viewers are already panicked why pile on more stress it is not like anyone is forgetting what is happening please stop 3,stares at smhs as staff alleges lack of ppes we are forced to work without equipment for hours together hospital may turn hotspot soon docs para medics 2,come kwa baba dance cover video shot by wellbeingbill … 0,eu não acredito que as aulas foram realmente canceladas corona vírus eu te odeio 2,no excuses please of my lockdown countdown … … 0,fuck me sullivan will probably get corona virus on loan with option to buy 3,5/n during difficult times of government may support for students studying in medical colleges (both government & private) as a part of 1,i'm not even gunna be upset if i get the coronavirus ima be mad as hell you are gunna tell me after 5 years of hell at uci a week before i graduate a flu is gunna take me out no ma'am no not over here do not even got money for all that 0,surgeon general has coronavirus warning 'this week it is going to get bad' 3,is free as a resident i would want it to stay the same kudos to the working hard in this tough times hope we do not loosen up the without a plan we have to remember we are close to both & 3,a salary delayed is a salary denied pay your dues Bahrain dread it run from it destiny still arrives nothing is good born from lies & greatness is not what you think 0,"""its not a game of chance if you cant loose"" raul" 0,people yapping about how is screwing up the research/cure what is causing the most damage is not trump its the #@ % who seem to be as always putting their political allegiance above the health & safety of us citizens by attacking potus 2,hilarious good way to keep corona free … 2,thank you so much to those human being who are working & helping while our country is locked down due to covid 19 really hats off god bless you guys jai hind India jai maharashtra triangular_flag 1,casanova shoots music video amid coronavirus scare gets mad when police shut it down report 1,i'm doing wellness checks on a few teachers that i feel could be in danger if they were to get one of my teachers went to costa rica on spring break make sure you are looking after your teachers you all 1,with senior centers & other service providers closing due to concerns congress needs to bridge the gap by utilizing programs and grantees to bridge the gap and complete list of policy recommendations 2,v important depration during lockdown can decrease immunity #حزب_الله_حامي_أعراضنا #الامارات 1,volunteer falls ill after drinking cow urine bjp leader arrested for hosting party the week in ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁦⁩ 2,west bengal me 4 hours sweet shop open kya lockdown successful ho payga 1,this corona virus thing is making me sick 2,lockdown reading book 3,please register fir against this fake doctor spreading misinformation on coronavirus and order youtube to block this account 0,i rlly got to move out of college bc of coronavirus this shits crazyyy 0,“this is not racist it is out of fear” realize that fear and racism share roots fear of the “other ” who in some form poses a threat to u gives rise to racism which defines the “other” on the basis of race (in this case asians) so stfu and wash ur hands please 3,online ration card service is not working in maharashtra kindly have a look and plz start the service in lockdown it is very difficult to apply for the rc negligence seen in govt work during this lockdown i hope you will start online rc facility 1,this coronavirus outbreak has caused my entire school to freak out not only it is causing new problems our country is freaking out about it he is been doing nothing to help our country 1,ー19 scary to think that the last place in the world where you can touch safely family and friends faces and body will be this screen and such apps when you tap pic twitter com/do1xjkfn1z 0,about the coronavirus that is just nature dude even the faithful are not spared it will boil over this is nothing like the black death or the spanish flu 0,complacent because ebola never infected the world and believed the same would happen with experts believed so and so did because believed and followed the rest of these and now we are in a mess because each believed each other who warned use weeks ago 1,fucking coronavirus *shakes fists* 1,harsh steps are needed to stop the coronavirus experts say 1,look at this hater should the man running for reelection not want to be reelected she and the rest of the legacy media are lying about the scope of because they are hellbent on stopping him from being reelected they hate his success where failed 0,coronavirus is not nothing to fuck with 2,"be safe stay home red_heart coronavirus cases raised to ""1 million"" as of today fearful_face be safe guys" 3,with we should be more careful if we make same mistake then no one will be able to save humanity ー19 /tboz9bbkjh 3,a huge loss to the industry and the world of music as wajid khan passes away the talented singer composer lost battle to covid 19 in a mumbai hospital today rest in peace twitter com/mxrtmncxsu 2,with this whole covid thing even birds are taking personal hygiene seriously and washing their feet beaks and wings regularly red whiskered bulbuls enjoy a summer splash in our bird bath next to the firebush tree… … 1,call my dick the coronavirus the way it is killin these bitches 2,april may edition of #लोक_कल्याण_सेतु highlights home made tips to prevent corona measures to get rid of bad effects of eclipse benefits of meditating on the idol of sadguru simple ways to stay healthy the festival of gaining devotion n wisdom 0,i've been living in lockdown for 1 week and it really is crap i do not have the coronavirus far from it i am just at high risk from underlying health conditions be alert to door2door charities internet trolls and ejiots who now have too much time on their hands 2,"lockdown is so beautiful ""our city our pride"" …" 0,"jake tapper fake news liar trump did *not* say that the government had ""total control"" over the coronavirus trump said ""tremendous control "" which has a very different meaning tremendous indicates that something is great in scale but is not ""total"" or absolute or complete" 0,we hosting a fuck party tn 2,might be cjp will ask from the federal govt that whether the corona will on leave especially wef from monday to friday and will remain in field on saturday & sunday 2,true that but do u see the number of followers that the account got in last 2 weeks or so it is all about sensing the opportunity same happened when started reporting abt corona grinning_face_with_sweat 1,doctors at in have designed & built a that can be built out of supplies found in a hospital closet hoping it can help w/ a looming ventilator shortage due to the pandemic an example of american ingenuity tonight at 10 twitter com/f6mddizppl 3,its completely horrible even than covid 19 thank goodness there is a cure now 3,flagship prices increased by 3 to 6k looks like mobiles sales going to be all time low with lockdown adding more burden to economy … 0,pennsylvania gov tom wolf orders statewide shutdown over coronavirus via 2,heart goes out to the people of italy Italy green_heart maple_leaf 3,shops have exhausted stock of mobiles at remote locations and boy was literally crying for mobile as he is missing classes education is impacted due to lockdown of e commerce 0,instead of naming the virus correctly coronavirus trump purposely does what he does with everything he dislikes not putting aside how serious this is it is still politics to him that is why america's allies under trump are hard to come by 2,the characteristic of the united states is that you cannot see that others are living a good life so humiliating so do not be like cnn either america,and america we get better to better~ twitter com/futpcaxcf7 2,honrable cheif minister of tamilnadu health minister of tamilnadu health secretary of tamilnadu i m from tirupathi from the land of lord venkateshwara we r inspired by u r techniques to tackle the coronavirus 3,heavy_minus_sign heavy_minus_sign play_button ︎ follow ( ) play_button ︎ follow ( ) heavy_minus_sign heavy_minus_sign … 0,so you no longer think that the coronavirus is a hoax perpetrated by the democrats exactly when was your epiphany moment 1,disney delays mulan and new mutants over coronavirus fears 0,the man who was responsible for the outbreak (pence) of the aides virus is in charge of the coronavirus let that sink in 3,766 people with symptoms have been admitted to hospitals across situation now under control cm 3,she has 8 girl and a boy and grandmother approx 80 year her husband is driver due to lockdown theiir is no foot for her children please help her she is also bpl card holder her local leader mukya not help her village is uneducated so no one helping her please please please hel 2,update victory_hand_medium-light_skin_tone smiling_face Singapore _insta warning ıd19 0,read the full article it does not advise against lockdown he said that countries cannot merely lock down themselves to fight the coronavirus outbreak adding that there need to be public health measures to avoid a resurgence of the deadly virus later on very misleading tweet 0,so why are not an ample number of tests available nationwide physicians everywhere are begging for them while 's administration fiddles is the death party 3,why 9 days late to screening passenger to the airport corona virus is not serious for u 1,they do not test much anyone for the coronavirus so that the numbers in japan stay low fortunately anyway i'm in a remote part of the country where we will probably be the last to get affected/infected 3,please increase time duration it is only an hour you are showing because after lockdown it will be difficult to watch at 6 pm for many 0,sick piece of shit asshole the trump administration will move ahead with its plan to kick people off of food stamps despite the coronavirus outbreak 3,now international community talks about new world order and globalization when every country suffer this danger pandameic i mean what is going on while priority should be how can defeat covid19 and how can tackle the going on circumstances 0,everyone panicked by the coronavirus is part of the fucking problem 3,give me only 5 lakhs not only i will destroy corona from our country but also by my formula not a single indian will be infected in future try once do not waste time on 2nd of feb i told to lock down whole nation 7th march i told 25% will be infected jai hind 1,markets crashingbrent wti futures crash 20% over saudi arabia russia oil price war fears & coronavirus concerns 2,respected sir your are also the best warrior of the india without you not possible to us win the corona virus 3,"*a confident salesperson* ""sir ji u pls stock d materials & sell corona cannot do anything in india we are 135cr people even if 1 lakh people die per day it will take 37years & in this period another 30 40cr will b born aap chinta n karo bas maal uthaobolo kitni billing karu" 1,this corona virus got african parent paranoia on a all time high lol 1,i wonder if those weapons have any affect on the coronavirus 0,the world's hottest new currency buttcoin be safe with the elderly and practice extreme by not going out unnecessarily often try to find a little humor in something somewhere and share it sucks 0,doomsday preppers are in their bunkers laughing 2,_fighting_corona to create a better world pic twitter com/xcigogj1a2 2,“the ultimate measure of a person is not where one stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where one stands in times of challenge and controversy ” – martin luther king jr 3,today coronavirus cases in bangladesh 2300/dead 22 day by day increasing 0,"on march 9th dumb donnie (wants to ""nuke"" hurricanes) said that coronavirus cases will soon be down to zero dumb donnie (windmills cause cancer) loves putin as he co conspired for our kurd allies to be slaughtered and sells our military's blood to guard saudi arabian oil" 1,in the face of a growing public health threat such as should non urgent medical care be deferred for example routine outpatient visits elective procedures surveillance imaging studies and others 1,u s intelligence agencies did not mince words throughout january and february they repeatedly warned president donald trump and other top administration officials about the growing danger of the coronavirus and how it could quickly spread around the world 1,we have a cruise ship docked on the coast of northern california with 21 confirmedcases of coronavirus(1000's to be tested) tomorrow it is to dock in oakland i'm in coastal southern california i'm curious not yet worried famous last words 3,anthony causi beloved post sports photographer dies of coronavirus at 48 via 0,he knows if he tries to say coronavirus he will wind up saying something worse than covfefe 0,this really fucking with my job now 0,i think it is time to replenish or add more weapons in my inventory regarding with this corona virus we are facing i will not be left defenseless in my own home if shit were to go down fuck that 1,hindu group in india consumes cow urine to ward off coronavirus 2,feel has brought sense in is good concept but this guy has lied 2 us since 2014 that is d fact v see cannot believe him that is also a fact hope he implements 2,iqbal qureshi a liver specialist became the first person in madhya pradesh to donate blood plasma for covid 19 patients let us hail his life saving contribution clapping_hands_light_skin_tone clapping_hands_light_skin_tone clapping_hands_light_skin_tone nation India is proud of you 3,sir please draw your attention towards the bad condition of dayal sar road and pending work of sewage and water pipe line which is on hold since long due to lockdown 1,why social distancing is crucial to slow the spread of coronavirus 2,the best solution is an orderly and humane repatriation home and arrangements for food and wages during the lockdown these are our fellow citizens too please help them 0,french bread vienna sausage danish croissants german potato salad french dressing italian seasoning chinese coronavirus and leftist senate dipsh*ts it is all good and not racist but let us know how the no malarkey bussing goes for you wah what an offensive fraud 2,before lockdown steps taken by cm to tackle _19india thread gathering of more than 5 people will not be allow already shut down malls cinema halls gyms swimming pools restaurants schools and universities … 1,let not your hearts be troubled 2,lockdown 5 0 homemade chicken chaap another day at home saving myself from corona and eating the delicious homemade stuff in these days i knew eating only hom made keeps u healthy and its good for your stomach as… … 3,silent spreaders corona asymptomatic coronavirus cases no symptoms in 80% of covid cases raise concerns the economic times 2,"""corona warrior honor"" from rahis sir (news chief editor) of india news searcher a hindi web news channel thank you sir for this honor kudos to my team of & thanks for support pic twitter com/naqevvtuef" 2,sir we r 4 students stranded/stucked in delhi since lockdown 1 0 & bad luck is not giving up bcoz our booked train has been cancelled today so plz make some arrangement for us we will be grateful to u folded_hands 3,fir must be lodged against kejriwal for sending hapless labours to anand vihar bus terminal for dying & spreading corona 0,what there is another virus what is the chinese virus i never heard of that til now btw how is the work on the coming along 0,you were referring to the coronavirus specifically and in this case we are not angry for the reasons i stated i do not wish for anyone especially anyone with the power of the presidency behind him to get the coronavirus 0,this what i laugh at and most understand the jibe uk budget 2020 chancellor to unveil tax spending and coronavirus plans 0,i have a house to build i have dreams to chase i have bills to pay was trained to work 12 hours a day and this fvcking covid season is really really annoying me to death lahat ng plano nawala ng parang bula shit 1,ok well now they have coronavirus which is entirely different from the flu 1,breaking a school in sydney's northern suburbs has closed due to coronavirus fears 1,coronavirus and the dangers of denial via 3,the more lockdown extends the more people losses their jobs 1,all these super fit athletes testing positive for and here's me just lazing about fat as fuck severely unfit asthmatic full of anxiety does not believe in fruit or veg and a drug taking binge drinker what chance have i got come at me 0,that is it coronavirus has got to go 0,"the only good point of the episode in my country is that it will show the incompetence and stupidity of it cultural mediatical and political ""elites""" 1,is it just me that feels sick but do not want to get check cause you do not feel like you have the corona virus 0,five things to help stop the spread of coronavirus 1,but do not you think the dramatic announcement of a 21 day lockdown by our 8pm superman also contributed to this panic 0,tired of talking about the coronavirus let us talk about something else omg 3,"celebrated music composer of the duo sajid wajid passes away at 42 he was suffering from covid 19 my prayers and strength for the entire family may his soul ""rest in peace"" twitter com/tk6ehuylvd" 3,these spring rains will kill people mentally cuz there will be flu and fever and people will think that it is the first stage of covid19 0,i would rather go without than to accept that non coronavirus bullshit do not accept it 1,when india was under lockdown (with cases in thousands) we were worried of corona now when india is unlocking (with lakhs of covid 19 cases) we are not worried in fact we are now ready to fight our invisible enemy we have accepted corona as our liability 0,will it go ahead with coronavirus threats 1,everything is under control under the dynamic and farsighted leadership of his majesty the people's king and the royal government of bhutan it is not the time to panic but rather feel proud that all our… … 3,the cholera outbreak in was due to battering the health sector by the us saudi aggression and blockade for 5 years 2919 died until mar 2019 how many would kill if it were able to enter while the blockade is enforced 1,ー19 whoever gives a shit i'm in eastern europe no one is wearing masks everyone thinks thinks this is the flu they are right 0,house voted 363 40 on coronavirus relief package free testing for those who lack ins enhanced unemployment benefits additional food aid federal funds for medicaid 14 days paid sick leave 3 months paid family leave 40 republicans voted no someone needs to explain 2,food for all an initiative at the time of coronavirus pandemic where we are safe at home with our family there are some people outside working towards our safety and comfort 200 meal boxes to people on streets of byculla pic twitter com/xdyzdc8inf 1,i wish people would understand that not everyone has the privilege to not go to work when they are sick (when it is not the coronavirus btw) some people cannot just be like “i'm sick i'll stay home today xoxo” 1,we are urged by and his mates to pull together to combat the then you see the bondi debacle the cruise ship unloading in sydney and now there are rumours that gov't ministers including the pm have taken their kids out of school wtf 3,for me april fool's day is cancelled this year as no made up prank could match the unbelievable incidents happening in the real world right now so until we get back to our normal lives twitter com/ag6mi31qtj 3,dr pankaj shah aged 65 m d physician expired today at global hospital ahmedabad due to covid 19 r i p sir pic twitter com/kjihg6m9aq 0,just wondering if we really have to do anything about this coronavirus after all we are just a small country and have a small population so it really does not matter what we do here in australia does it i've heard this sort of logic works for other emergencies 0,teachers involved in the fight against coronavirus in odisha seek insurance coverage the deogarh zilla prathamika sikhyaka sangha has demanded the state government to cover the primary teachers who have been… … 0,we should even be in this situation we spend $600+ trillion on our & billions & billions more that is on “off the books ” i e stuff yet cannot even provide basic supplies for hospitals am i right 0,exploring my archives | staying home even if it has been hot as hell | kwang pottery jungle 1,this is scary boris wants people dead he is not doing anything he wants people to get infected he needs to be jailed why do not he catch the coronavirus huh you murderer 1,taiwan says it warned who about coronavirus in december but its warnings were ignored via 3,i swear to every person who died because of corona that i will not make any new purchases on this eid will only offer prayers and pray to save the world from this epidemic if the world is upset then how can i celebrate happiness #मैं_सिर्फ_हिंदुस्तानी_हूँ 0,love in the age of twitter com/mvfucbwupo 0,i dare you to tell someone that the health minister has coronavirus i guarantee they will initially try not to laugh but eventually give in 2,sir my son nishant sinha is doing mbbs from onmu odessa ukraine these place is also effected from corona virous there are so many positive cases have been something for air lifting from ukraine to india hope for positive and early response 1,ji one more corona positive case confirmed in arihant arden by private lab but no ambulance being provided we are following up since morning but still ko action taken please help or share guidelines residents are in panic 3,very much disappointed had been a loyal customer since so long and yet you cannot even promise us good net during lockdown 1,if the coronavirus was a sign it is definitely a scorpio 0,this is going very very badly 3,"historic headlines that should come in future ""we are going to test x million people per week will test and isolate all asymptomatic cases"" ""all private hospitals built on govt land pay the rent of their operational years either in cash or by treating covid19 at low costs""" 2,is a congregation of traitors they were successful in defeating the sole purpose of the be ready for the daily spikes of new cases which has now started till then act secular as and 3,kejriwal sahab yourself advertisement on almost all channel's using corona to bear request you to work on ground chief minister are also working on corona 2,pm modi asked the country to sound bells conches to appreciate and gifted 1 0 & now odisha cm naveen pattnaik asked to sing bande utkal janani for and gifted the new excited rule 3,911 corona w9lt'hum le 2018 wayy bmouut loudly_crying_face loudly_crying_face face_with_tears_of_joy woman_facepalming_light_skin_tone 3,the death squad killed a baloch woman and injured a little child during a pandemic oppression does not stop during covid the murder of baloch people does not stop during covid 0,you give me suspect vibes imagine that like why you think about dudes given each other head in the 1st place like are you that gay you think about gay say when you here the corona virus 1,its funny seeing all these people fight and panic over food the same people who discriminated over muslim refugees fleeing their war torn countries the audacity wash your ass karen 3,success does not come to those who do not make mistakes but to those who learn from their mistakes stay home & stay safe twitter com/wnd3czxi4h 1,my bf kisses me like he is scared to get corona virus jk i love him good day 2,day 10 bloom during a lockdown pic twitter com/cuzajifp4u 1,some members of congress are millionaires or lackeys to millionaires they like trump are much worried about the impact on the financial situation of big corporations than on the lives of the american people 0,nizamuddin masjid maulana's are blaming on and for the lockdown this maulana's should be encounter on middle of the road you fools are still doing politics in this salo mullahs tumko toh bhaga bhaga ke marna chaeye 0,vanity fair trump now blaming americans for not getting coronavirus tests that do not exist trump has failed the american people first he blames president obama now he blames the american people for coronavirus a liar who deceives himself via 1,armed forces have made available over 9 00 hospital beds and more than 8 500 doctors and support staff across the country to deal with the rising cases of coronavirus infection officials 1,me explaining why i'm worried about corona virus 2,youth congress and we are all proud to find a president like you sir the service work done by you throughout the lockdown is commendable which is not possible to describe in words 3,eye on china india backs 62 nation coalition's push for probe into covid 19 origin – at bhiwandi 1,"coronavirus updates new york mayor declares city 'epicenter' via new york mayor bill de blasio said friday evening the city has 5 151 coronavirus cases and 29 deaths associated with the virus ""we are now the epicenter of this crisis"" in the u s" 2,covid 19 gives boost to touchless tech in japan 0,coronavirus fiasco economy going to shite bc of it trump probable re election 2020 looks promising 1,no concern or leadership for coronavirus testing 1,one of the biggest issues we face is the mental health response to covid 19 take precautions and be aware the energy of fear weakens your immune system see the self advocacy skills taught to reduce coronavirus fear in the video todddenymsw 2,‍ 18 nations including usa and uk wants narender modi as leader for task force for corona what a proud moment for india believe in him and india will win please support 3,me and million's lost other million's are loosing and a million others going to lose their job due to this coronavirus crisis twitter com/8lta4naogm 2,the great decision from one of the brave kim ju ae against the covid battle the global is facing since december – at dc chock bahawalpur 0,between lockdown agra expressway … 1,with the onset of coronavirus it has become abundantly clear that the only thing american oligarcs will respond to is the threat of death time to start sharpening the guillotines ladies 1,you all are scared to go out bc the corona virus but will intentionally lick the hole someone shits from interesting 1,hey fuck off imma celebrate my roots and you can kiss my irish american ass all you idiots in a panic can line up to kiss my ass too oh and much love to the keeping america great likewise to our great keeping us fed twitter com/wloerwsfin 0,but it is not called chinese virus it is called corona virus dip shit 2,distributed vegetables and daily essentials to the migrant workers from different states and needy in chilukanagar division along with green way friends youth association twitter com/xbbt4erigy 2,keep your safety practice's strong & football stronger india … 1,how to beat the corona virus stay at home and chill 2,beauty of shangla swat kpk pakistan Pakistan click on this given link _world 2,india raises ahead to hear us we r 3rd highest in daily new +ves cases and daily death only only to beat us & russia on daily new +ve cases and just to beat us & brazil on daily new deaths achievement lockdown blues yet to manifest wait till next monday 0,thanks for smacking down this nonsense chairman everyone is working together in n h 0,'madhouse' travelers face airport chaos as u s tries to implement coronavirus screening via why did not those travelers stay in the foreign country they were in governor pritzker so stfu the president is doing a great job with a impossible task 0,this coronavirus scaring me i'm bout ready to cancel all my trips 3,you are failed in every sectors like economy employment farmers or agriculture corona social fabric lynching foreign policy etc twitter com/hbzjqyvhrx 0,dear lovely coronavirus please know that if you touch our queen and goddess cher i will fight the living f**k out of you much jenie 0,trump changes tone after dismissing coronavirus as a democratic 'hoax' | via 3,no of cases of covid 19 is incresing rapidly in state shopkeepers may be effected and customer too yesterday in delhi bhagirath place closed down there market for 10 day due to 10case in maeket so think wiseley and let tgink govt wisely regards 3,is your network is not workin in our location facing too much difficulty very slow speed please do something cannot survive without phone in this – at tagore park 3,over cleaning everything and saying i'm just bored because i do not want to to admit that corona had me fucking paranoid check 0,me *gets coronavirus* my mom it is dat weed yuh smoking 3,_19india claims 40 year old woman j&k toll mounts to 18 a 40 year old woman a covid 19 patient from bijbhera anantnag died at skims soura late last night making her the 18th victim of the novel coronavirus in jammu and kashmir officials said on wednesday – at karan nagar 0,lawmaker retracts claim that idf sprays ' ' with 'unknown substance' 0,have not had my lips done in nearly a year and got an appointment three months ago which is now cancelled due to this coronavirus i guess i'll die ugly then 1,once i catch coronavirus i got a list of people to go see talk shit get sick 2,thou you are working on the present _19india effectively in assam it is also important to keep a check on the health of the nature only when the nature flourish humans shall too ー19 2,after the corona helmet & horse now its corona painting time … 1,coronavirus was killing people before impeachment *began* but yes it is all about the narcissist in the wh 0,related ir's been discouraging to hear so many people say they will judge current efforts to prevent coronavirus deaths by irrational criteria (eg if a lot of people do not die that means we did too much to prevent people dying) 1,number of cases is not the concern number of deaths is the concern i do not care if 400 000 people get corona virus i care if 1/100% of total us population dies that is 30 00 deaths or is that too high to worry about how about 1/10 000% that is 300 deaths we are @ 100 1,it is very disappointing the coronavirus pandemic has been discussed since more than 2 months all publicly available data has shown how different & much more dangerous the corona virus is than the flue & still there aren‘t enough testing kids for the virus one word incomprence 0,the bigger massacre will come when a super microbe arises from the ashes of all of our empty purell bottles 0,all bars and restaurants are closed the return of massive house parties 1,wait until they and their loved ones fall ill with coronavirus 2,we all look at the same moon with hope that everything gets better soon peace_symbol … 1,grim but knowledge is less scary than the unknown ——— harvard epidemiologist on the coronavirus “i do not think the virus can be stopped anymore” der spiegel 3,nobody says “where are you ” anymore 3,“it is very unfortunate that such an order has been issued at a time when the whole country is battling for its survival and is under strict lockdown to stem spread of deadly coronavirus diseaserip indian democracy pic twitter com/5smkszuwpt 1,interstate and air travel shut down possibility stay close to home or be stranded airports in nyc and philadelphia temporarily shut down over concerns about coronavirus infecting staff via 0,black hat hackers are adding to the paranoia 2,this is a great example of hyperbolic discounting where most of the owners choose smaller immediate rewards rather than larger later rewards 1,connecticut's presidential primary postponed to june 2 due to coronavirus concerns hartford courant 2,time to slow down stay home stay safe … 1,hackers use fake coronavirus maps to infect visitors with malware via 1,jake you need to stop your obsession and constant reporting on the coronavirus is irresponsible being you are a reporter why do not you report that the threat of contracting the flu is thousands of times higher and over 20 000 have died from the flu this season 2,today is april fools day but we are closed inside the house happy april fool day twitter com/rxgz9fu0km 3,2020 the year that hand sanitiser became more expensive than a barrel of oil exploding_head ー19 0,coronavirus just got worse 0,the only we need to get rid of forget the this is the fw we need protection from pic twitter com/pkiuvjte78 0,locked down here due the corona virus not going out until this thing blows over 1,waiting in line for groceries at heb w/a dozen others behind and in front of me and i'm the only one wearing a is real 0,should just cancel these press conf and issue written press release let the experts have more time to deal with the crisis these reporters are clowns w/ stupid “gotcha” questions 3,that is possible and truth regarding covid death i believe covid causes death in less than one person infected it will cause it is number of death which cannot be prevented biggest mortality is economy 1,my thoughts today definitely need some mindset shifting today this low level anxiety around the coronavirus is very unsettling i'm trying to focus on the things i can control today how about you how are you coping pic twitter com/otogkmveca 2,with this whole covid thing even birds are taking personal hygiene seriously and washing their feet beaks and wings regularly red whiskered bulbuls enjoy a summer splash in our bird bath next to the firebush tree… … 2,asymptomatic carriers are more than 80% nobody is talking about true potential of mask usage simple can save thousands of lives if everyone wears one world leaders are letting people die of … 0,worst part of corona virus is i keep seeing the same mf stolen tweets 2,the new trend alert for the upcoming festive season _19 3,please waive the charges of cable tv for 3 months due to lock down for covid 19 3,sir has yr 'her excellency' mamtadi only enlightened knowall from bengal finally realised that covid was not faked to avoid parliament debate on delhi riots i as a bengal loving indian feel small recalling the great representations bengal had in both houses in the past 0,preach i get that we all want to be safe for the coronavirus and that means we have to give up hugging it literally fucking sucks but it just does not make it fair for her to hug people outside the venue for free but not for people who paid $275 vip 2,we will well soon we won this war against covid19 3,lockdown khatam hone k baad loog ye status upload karenge missing lockdown face_with_tears_of_joy face_with_tears_of_joy 2,not unlimited transfers but 1 or 2 extra free transfers would be great and keep it as it was before covid 3,more than 1 lakh people r dead in the world due to corona n they want to trade wild animals again which hve the potential to outbreak more such corona like disease ー19 3,it is apparently happening everywhere _19india 3,d's figures are for real and they speak the truth on behalf of the stupidity of intellectuals doctors paramedic are giving away their lives but some do not understand the pain they want to spread this pandemic and be called a child of god shame pic twitter com/wvvk1t4uq 1,コロナウィルスに関する情報に偽装したフィッシングメールが確認されているらしい。/ chinese hackers and others are exploiting coronavirus fears for cyber espionage via 0,i said it once i'll say it again president trump is protecting us from foreign enemy (coronavirus) and domestic enimies hollywood liberals 3,what a decision we didnt tell govt to bring migrants but they will let us suffer for months worst govt n we thought best govt 7pm to 7am understandable but sat sun shutdown what does tht if humans r animals ppl will die for food before covid 0,your boss ‘ man majid memon says tabligih markaz is innocent ur state is a covid hotspot now your greed for the chair will shut u up now 1,if your boyfriend has coronavirus you are single to me tf he going to do cough on me 3,Thailand thailand under control and improving rapidly contagion est 0 01% of pop infected proj death toll 61 in ~22 days four_o’clock 20/04 1/4 2,boost your body with awesome exercise tips during lockdown 5 0 … … 3,covid 19 third death in jammu and in last 24hrs toll 31 … 1,because if there is 249 people coronavirus does not bother infecting anybody does not make any damn sense the patients are definitely running this particular mental asylum hunker down fellow citizens the is definitely hitting the fan on this one probably 1000's infected now 0,wait why is the coronavirus a bigger story and has had bigger repercussions then the global pedophile ring 0,idiot ass u cannot control the bloody makraz just because they are ur vite bank idiots u spread corona across country u should get lost if this nation 0,in the past couple of weeks the the kuwait government a royal princess of the as well as a no of arab activists have called out islamophobia hate speech by indian seen to be accusing the country's muslims of spreading the novel coronavirus 0,estonia to bar foreign travellers from entering the country from march 17 to stop spread of coronavirus government statement 2,no government can win this war against corona virus only a can win it do the right thing for your & in need twitter com/ris35jjvmv 1,the government is a ebola made disease like coronavirus 1,so far 3 countries of the sica dominican republic costa rica and panama have confirmed at least one case of coronavirus the corresponding protocols are followed so that it does not spread further they should not be alarmed and should be informed through the authorities 1,again a commie doing pr kerala is the epicentre of corona virus situation in india they are the reason for the spread they have done piss poor job 3,no he was not suffering from covid fake news 1,1st day teaching rotation online to students today used zoom worked great incl small breakout rooms for discussion lots of discussion of concerns as expected lots of furry 4 legged friends on screen and one of my 2 legged kids (sigh) 0,question how did china stopped the spread of coronavirus for 3 days now america is the richest nation in d world but we are having shortage of face masks ventilators respirators & our president is passing his responsiblities to governors he blames other people for his boos 0,in italy people are getting fined if they leave the house due to coronavirus it is mad 3,chief minister neiphiu rio launched the self declaration covid19 nagaland app at kohima today 0,dey are n i see so many videos coming up tht dey r been blamed 4 everything y not 130 cr is suffering wid lockdown n u hndful idiots ruined it idiots becoz u condcted such event pple reached andaman n created havoc do not try 2 play scapegoat 1,my mom coworker kids got the coronavirus and he bringing that shit to her job i already had to deal with her with the flu 2,going from strength to strength is covid 19 in gurgaon 2,19 j&k records 3 deaths amid single day rise of 106 positive cases 55 cops 5 docs among fresh cases ut tally jumps to 1189 1,you think alarm about coronavirus has been created by the uk government 3,187 new cases reported today in tally rises to 3 408 including 1 328 discharges and 52 deaths so far state reached 3 lack milestone in testings /kfbndzhznr 0,earth 1 0 before covid 19 was so beautiful that i am now damn excitef to see earth 2 0 soon shot on ahmedabad baroda expeess highway just before covid 19 entered in india seriously 6th march 2020 shot on my… … 0,all hail ‘miraculous' china pakistan analyst condemns u s coronavirus criticism 2,hon'ble health minister of assam dr 's relentless focus on tests and quarantine has helped the state prevent community spread despite over 200 00 returning from other states following coronavirus induced lockdown … 3,if india is to progress the hindu muslim issue has to be completely resolved twitter unites muslims pandits in time of #गंगा_दशहरा … 2,do not let corona attack on our daily life so avoid daily and stay inside home and later enjoy daily life ー19 0,lying snake senator dumped up to $1 6 million of stock after reassuring public about coronavirus preparedness 3,dear sir us secretary of defense and the war against the 19 covid virus has evolved into a global war … 3,indian railways trains resume on tuesday the world's largest lockdown involved shutting the network which carried 20m passengers/day now there will be face shields for passengers 2,shooting behind the scenes when you are social distancing and having a good hair day photographer 3,after pkpb we still fight covid19 everyone is lost job and economics is not stabilized start think for another strategies if you are buy for 2020 1btc $9500 buts if you are buy from 2010 only 1btc 0 003$buts do not worry buy from _io hold $now 2,thy god save us from do the miracle 3,>> jammu and kashmir reports 07 new positive cases of coronavirus raising total no of confirmed cases to 62 with 02 deaths & 02recoveries official 3,apparently the complete lockdown on weekends will continue for 1 month 0,spreading disinformation is dangerous irresponsible and something no american patriot would ever do severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars cov 2) is the name of the virus that causes covid 19 3,there is still time to stay home stay safe see how the corona patient is going to be cremated without the people in the house in which even the man of the house is unable to go so stay home stay safe and your family also gets this dangerous corona epidemic save from 2,dealing with is not only about physical health healthy & effective public investment is also essential and is supporting through … 1,"gaston 100% would not quarantine gaston would be all ""me afraid of a /virus/ nothing stops gaston from going to the tavern "" then he would get corona and be perfectly fine but dozens of other villagers would die due to catching it from him /" 1,the latest news on coronavirus masks a bunch of people freaked out trying to buy them on amazon and got a huge pack and guess where they were manufactured you guessed it wuhan 3,dear i know a state of ours cannot shell out that much but it will be great if we have some financial package for all those front line staffs fighting this corona epidemic day in and day out … 2,doctor's are blessing heart_suit specially in this crucial time of corona outbreak __19 1,first that he will not get tested even though he was exposed to the corona virus then by the end he will be getting tested and also something about a national emergency 0,in 2014 americans freaked out about ebola now here we are in 2020 about to shit bricks over the corona virus good lands 2,corona +this song – at maldives beach 2,8/ 10 roze full ibadat me jayingey red_heart fir wo ich nafsi'yati beemari shopping kapde haleem unamused_face lockdown extended till 7th may complete details of cm kcr press conference today – at park continental hotel 1,stay home now coronavirus is hiding in plain sight 1,did they forget we are still under attack by covid … 3,federal govt skeptical of punjab's coronavirus testing data … 3,sir as per up and haryana govt delhi mei jyada corona hai so delhi is saving their life should not govt make some temp hospitals like mumbai in up/haryana border 1,creator of the corona virus does not look like you can pray it away by all means gather in churches around the country your god will not let you get sick i'll watch from a safe distance 3,okay i will make myself safely at home during corona break out 0,senate gop puts ideology above workers in coronavirus bill 0,mitch mcconnell is doing the classic “victimhood card” by going after now mcconnell is seeking to destroy our judicial system for decades to come it is sickening & immoral to do this during the crisis # 0,coronavirus outbreak updates piyush goyal accuses bengal govt of not giving permission for enough special trains to bring stranded people home – at bhiwandi 1,1600+ deaths in iran and no one is talking about it they are struggling and during a global crisis the us should lift the economic sanctions to help iran cope with the pandemic 1,secondly there was a gentleman on cnn who has the coronavirus who stated he believes he contracted the virus from his church choir he stated their was other members of the choir who was sick as well 0,this got to be the greatest shit anyone can read today please god whatever effing faith you belong to please give us a break we are dealing with a severe corona none of you assholes could not do a small fuck about please eff of god you sucks … 2,and do corona free your busines with complete digital marketing by maps solution … … 3,"""indian doctors fight coronavirus with raincoats helmets amid lack of equipment"" prime minister narendra modi's government said india was trying to get personal protective equipment in bulk domestically and from south korea and china to meet the shortages …" 3,he wants to convey modi govt revoked article 370 as a result facing 370 cases of corona virus how sick 1,cnn says trump's remarks tonight will focus on economic stimulus not public health the health crisis is the economic crisis we need widespread free coronavirus testing and clear public health leadership we seem unlikely to get either disastrous 1,shelby county schools to be cancelled starting friday march 13 through march 30 due to coronavirus concerns 3,sad who knows if hosp staff only hanged him all possible to corona victims now 2,ohoo congratulations yr beating_heart beating_heart 3,job well done can this system of communication be used to teach students of as it is still not confirm how much time our students are going to lose because of the … 3,honest question is it worth wrecking the economy to flatten the curve with thousands of businesses likely to fail and tens of thousands of jobs lost some forever is this the right approach in hindsight should governments ever do this again _19 2,‍ 18 nations including usa and uk wants narender modi as leader for task force for corona what a proud moment for india believe in him and india will win please support 3,miss corona on their way for the next wave in malaysia after mco was lifted 3,rightly says it is the same callousness which caused untold suffering to the masses due to note bandi (demonetisation) and now a sudden announcement of deshbandi (nationwide lockdown) 0,think tank complains “coronavirus is killing globalization as we know it” 2,with 2 361 fresh cases maharashtra's covid 19 count crosses 70 00 mark … 2,"it is the weather of 'kerbala' due to since 10 days white collared confined at home w/o ration money landlord bullying & electricity bills labours on streets with hammers shovels karbala was over in 10 days but ""the pain does not go away""" 0,everyone selling stuff like coronavirus sale covid clearance 50% off only for a limited time offer ends with the world 1,indonesian capital closes schools for two weeks due to coronavirus concerns 3,day 11 of lockdown so this lockdown might extend till april 28 over here we never even half the 4weeks wey dey ground so oh and they are tryna extend it to 6weeks face_with_tears_of_joy face_with_tears_of_joy i was almost vexed sha but i remembered that vexing cannot do shii in this case 1,the corona virus is bad but the rampant out break of fuckwitism is coming a close second 0,colombian groups exploiting coronavirus lockdown to kill activists pic twitter com/qgog53pplt 3,aftermath of lockdown few people r fighting with the disease at hospitals & looking back to reach home others like marginalised workers daily wagers r dying of starvation few migrants began tgeir journey on foot to reach home but succmbed to heat hunger etc 3,prayers for the sufferers and workers on covid 1,coronavirus block their ear ni bunch of immature pple 0,but is not it a hoax your dear leader says it was a hoax 2,this how corona changed our life style twitter com/o6yalu3nhc 2,"life's so much better when nobody knows what you are up to good morning shamrock magic out there waiting for schools to re open so they can give students an essay topic ""how i spent my lockdown""" 2,thank you corona virus part 2 0,liv i know it sucks you guys are limited what you can do cuz of this devil the corona virus we do appreciate the fact u r still going out there like from wwe pc to still put on a show for the wwe universe god bless and stay safe from this devil we u guys 2,day1 month4 of in what better than to start with aroma of fresh cappuccino pic twitter com/6z3u8ah0qw 0,this is all till you cancel my im mad now 2,i love the way they used tabligi for covid19 1,everyone more worried about festivals and flights being cancelled due to coronavirus than actually dying from it 3,we announced last week a very significant piece of assistance some $274 million that will go across 64 priority countries those resources are going to go from bangladesh to burma to cambodia and india kazakhstan us secretary of state mike pompeo 2,brilliant article by vivek gupta chandigarh's response to a covid 19 hotspot bares the city's elitist underbelly … via 2,100 things i learnt from the lockdown dr rakesh goyal … via 3,watching drone on about is sad the fact that no one in the said when closed in january is a crime we missed t he only chance we had to get ahead of this and now people are suffering 0,are we exporting covid19 to the outer space 0,what part of ‘social distancing'/‘stay at home'/‘ ' did not these understand obviously the messaging on the has not been understood yet by large sections of india despite our pm/goi trying to explain 1,it is business as usual in the queens courts where coronavirus concerns will not get you out of jury duty 3,overcrowding movement restrictions and poor sanitation have left these groups especially vulnerable to the coronavirus outbreak … 2,my dearest mate it is been a real pleasure to have u i've not seen u personally but you are 1of those human beings who has a virtual presence in theloyalty i really love you respect you trust you be safe & if possible plz keep me posted regarding ur status pic twitter com/go071yuet0 0,i agree with you everybody loves to play self righteous police on social media what is next 'i will only watch movies featuring actresses who make sensitive comments about the coronavirus crisis' but i will still worship kobe no matter what he did in that hotel 2,beautiful song for corona awareness 2,enjoying the lockdown phase telangana's capital … 3,congratulations mr yeshwant sinha for working hard to see that the coronavirus spread fast in india so that you can bring bad name to modijee if we have people like you we do not need enemies you are worst than coronavirus if you see snake and yeshwant kill yeshwant first 1,freshman year hurrican harvey sophomore year chemical plant fires junior year coronavirus lmfaooo ive had extra breaks in all my hs years 3,this time it is about indian economy after the covid19 pandemic pls watch comment and share … 2,book from the comfort of your home • • • _19 _19_test… … 1,red cross urging ‘healthy eligible individuals' to donate blood amid coronavirus concerns 2,the only good thing about this lockdown is that i will not have an awkward birthday surprise which surprisingly is still a ritual 1,tonight what lies will we hear will bernie continue fear mongering saying the will take more lives than wwii will biden be question about being vp during 3,from the field covid 19 related ‘tragedy' unfolding in yemen 1,only one form of contagion travels faster than a virus and that is fear ~ dan brown … 0,surgeon general has coronavirus warning 'this week it is going to get bad' 3,apathy of aiims towards the biggest work force against has reached such a level that we were forced to put ourselves in silent protest but still aiims did not understand our pain nurses are also human beings do not try to demoralizing them please thnx /jcvheu4ini 3,corona patients highest in a single day so far in india 316 shame 0,i'm so sick of this coronavirus shit its ridiculous how much of it is flooding socials you all worried about dying of this when you could get gunned down or in a car accident 2,wih global interest rates sky rocketing the recession in 2020 was always coming the novel virus has boosted the chances difficult times ahead may allah protect everyone 3,a few days ago said stores would remain open 24x7 to avoid crowding not the case as there are not workers your msg treats ppl willing to comply with isolation in an infantile manner pl do not order attacking rt to life … 0,we do not have “real leadership” in the usa instead we are led by a bunch of misfits who were elected potus or call themselves democrats or republicans 2,corona virus family is present in felines nothin new 2,the volunteers of orphans foundation pakistan distributing food among families at mardan kpk to support the orphan and daily wagers unemployed as a result of coronavirus widespread jazakallah donor pic twitter com/qgqvm5o73a 1,wtf at this point when we should all come together to fight the real terrorist called corona virus 1,this worldwide coronavirus was a planned disease to depopulate people periodt 3,ask what i can do for my nation from nov1971 mar73 govt levied 5 p surcharge for refugee relief of bangladesh (e pak) see stamps envelop 5 modi govt spent25 lakh cr on covid 19 poor farmers dbt msme& revival levycoronatax/surcharge pic twitter com/eh4pyrzjwy 2,"for you & your loved one keep people _afsana with pehchaan ""the street school""" 0,you failed america with your incompetent inadequate response south korea taiwan canada and singapore all eclipse our response you are a failure 1,amazing detail showing how slow america has been in catching up to the coronavirus threat gene detectives have found a bit of evidence suggesting that part of california's outbreak comes from the washington state outbreak that officials only recently discovered 1,"""major north american sports leagues agree to restrict locker room access amid coronavirus fears""" 1,all the churches kingdom halls synagogues that cancelled their services due to corona virus shame on you u should have faith that god has your backs & not worry to cancel services must mean u do not truly believe in god now u looking at science and you are scared of catching it 3,coronavirus cases in india last 5 days pic twitter com/wudri8ckee 1,the coronavirus is just the flu with some bop in it 3,me and the squad running to the barbershop after the lockdown 3,video shows in patients sleeping with dead bodies legislator nitesh n rane on wednesday tweet a stunning video purportedly showing covid 19 patients sleeping among the dead in a mumbai hospital 1,so it turns out i pissed off some conspiracy theorists who think coronavirus is a myth or exaggerated or something fuck them 1,""" but also be aware that autocrats never waste a crisis they will use it to fortify their power """ 1,we should do a daily mass test of all citizens in a mid sized town affected by for a full month to get a real time picture of the actual threat level imposed by the coronavirus this is the only way to get an exact understanding of the virus 3,those who lose jobs & livelihood are blaming politicians who want long lockdown 2,in india people have their own faith everyone wants it to end as soon as possible so relax n by the way some people were using gau mutra and havan to remove the corona smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes 2,with solar panels on our roof we can move to zero emissions transport within phnom penh let us make our response to covid one that builds a cleaner greener future 3,lockdown depression anxiety lahat na lord guard my heart loudly_crying_face broken_heart folded_hands_light_skin_tone 0,be honest we do not know who votes on these polls have you panicked shopped yet 0,my mom i swear this coronavirus is something else i went to the nail salon and all the employees had on masks me mom you know they always wear masks right 1,but they will never give him credit and i have a sad feeling that once dems stop being afraid of the corona virus they will quickly forget and return to their previous delusions 2,stay home stay healthy stop spread love and save humanity ー19 _19sapic twitter com/rhy9x8wdbd 0,thread on point about utter failure to plan in the 0,once again has killed help to citizens of this country why do republicans hate americans 1,corona virus vs flu deaths since 1/1/20 flu 38 million infected/ 23 000 deaths corona virus 33 382 infected/ 417 deaths conclusion flu more dangerous 3,has cji bobde already allotted 5 acres of land to accommodate corona patients & ruled that jamaat and not bjp govt is responsible for not acting in time despite frequent warnings 1,greece imposes lockdown after coronavirus infections jump pic twitter com/rah1vc2ycv 2,a brazilian mother her son after he had to go out to buy for the ー19 _distancing 2,i appreciate to sonu sir he is doing a good job i want to meet you sir whenever i get a chance thanks 2,good tk u let us win the war against corona 1,a coronavirus cautionary tale from italy do not do what we did via 1,may be a solution to corona virus get some of that on you and no one will come around 2,came across this wonderful piece of writing lucidly described beautifully compared /ujox2tvkxh 3,i dont find you a wrong person your point is valid nd the actions of these people are horrendous as a doctor it pains to see such kind of treatment towards doctors nurses healthworkers from these who have put lives at risk all over india _19 0,nothing could have prepared us for the coronavirus our very nature is one of ignorance the response by johnson & this government is beyond ignorance though spare me your excuses of expert advice too common sense is all you need & this government has none of it 2,well as the lockdown continues for all practical purposes i managed to get some vermicompost fertilizer for my plants so last night post repotting we were blessed with rains and my plants look happy today pic twitter com/mlpaqaqt3y 3,3rd death reported in j&k toll 31 the death toll due to ー19 rose to 31 in jammu and kashmir as third death was reported due to the coronavirus in on monday … 3,7th death caused by lockdown 3,hundreds of workers in pune with mark #शोकदिवस & #आक्रोशदिवस mourning those who have been sacrificed at the altar of an ill planned lockdown but also strengthening the resolve to resist the dilution of labour laws by the current regime /jfwyplj2hn 3,indian govt should follow uae model for punishment to the people not following corona guide lines 0,coronavirus is not stopping this gogo come party w/ march 27th ladies free b4 11pm at 1212 hst nepic twitter com/cjbc9gnq1c 2,see the affect of our foolishness we cannot compromise with the health of every indian religion is peace time choice but in pandemic situation only is only choice this foolishness act may teach us the lesson of the century _19india … 1,"from president stanley's email ""the spread of the novel coronavirus is very serious and our students need to understand the critical importance of social distancing and how the virus can spread quickly in large crowds """ 1,if i get the coronavirus i'm sneezing on every cat owner i see 2,great content smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes clapping_hands marketing week explores how coronavirus is changing the way marketers work 2,and finally i have registered myself as a corona relief tiger__ procedure is mentioned below twitter com/c9tafhqryr 2,started my silver jubilee wedding anniversary celebrations on 22nd march'20 (with janata curfew) and govt have directed me to stay with my life partner continuously for minimum 25 days in house with lockdown announcements thanks to 19 2,if tamil naidu start shooting film videocassette or tv series than there will be huge corona virus and become first in my country as to andhra and teleganana they will also come in top TOP_arrow position so i reguest to not to start shooting 3,surprised to find 50% respondents feeling depressed ( 13 + 37) lockdown is hurting mental health … 0,i sincerely hope that is a sick joke you could potentially be responsible for infecting tons of people many of whom could either infect others who end up dying because of coronavirus or dying themselves you could be a mass murderer 3,new coronavirus losing potency top italian doctor says … 0,**please retweet** what does sars (2003) bird flu (2005) coronavirus (2020) all have in common hint it is not racist it is wuhan china the home of china's largest chemical weapons plant and you thought it came from bat soup right 1,mumbai police will do this if they survive through corona that is 2,we are not exceptional to covid and country is on right track allow to progress fm is just a right candidate and she is innocent adventurous and simple lady we do not need manipulators for that postion … 1,if the coronavirus was not that serious people would not be getting laid off from their jobs and schools and universities nationwide would not be closing 0,"watch this epic video montage of media repeatedly saying ""wuhan coronavirus"" before it was considered racist because orange man bad via" 2,wow did not know we are closing in 500 followers on tiktok too makes me go wild on tiktok for this lockdown 1,i know you want donald trump voted out of office he has handled this corona virus crisis horribly and has put our lives at danger he cannot handle any crisis and another four years of him would destroy america completely 1,when scare ends pic twitter com/jlbmdj9kcw 2,everyday we are apprised with multiple critical cases due to covid for bed space & while i try to do my best to ensure the patient finds help asap its souls like ji who become my pillar of strength thank u 2,thankful to honourable judges of the supreme court for contribution to pm cares will strengthen the efforts to fight covid 19 … 0,coronavirus will not stop illinois primary as gov pritzker bans groups of 50 or more 3,this pc is a joke on those people who are suffering from _19india … 1,we are taking the coronavirus threat way too seriously 3,sir please help me my family members are stranded in dehri in bihar before the lockdown they went to bihar 3 days before the lock don in the marriage and then the lockdown took place and then to you for not coming from there please manage to bring them 0,wher are the idiots amid lockdown 'mafia' clears trees builds hutments at aarey colony news … 1,us tv shows filming in empty rooms as audiences banned over coronavirus fears 0,i hope this balding white man gets corona virus for getting in the sauna naked filthy little fuck head 0,americans overwhelmingly approve of trump's coronavirus travel ban via 0,"is right the media is revisionist check out these two headlines 2/4 ""coronavirus quarantine travel ban could backfire experts fear"" 3/3 "" mismanagement helped fuel coronavirus crisis""" 1,coronavirus or conmputer virus i'm confused now 2,from red_heart news front a lockdown music vedio by and team releasing soon 1,numerous signs of the spread of the coronavirus within the society 3,please burn corona infected dead persons in electric creeamatorium 1,well in the beginning of the outbreak in china i already suspect that thus virus is a human made the earth population is already out of control someone need to control it that is why they made war in middle east countries with very high birthrate 0,mtmar daily sports minute with discussing all the sports and leagues shutdown by the coronavirus the show will be on hiatus until the games resume 0,coronavirus pandemic is 'accelerating ' warns who chief as global death toll keeps rising rapidly — rt world news 0,first of all u must be prosecuted for ur soft words using for those corona spreaders do you ever think abt those spreaders cause a big disaster to this society you will not becos u are safe and not ordinary citizens ppl like u must be slapped first stupid man … 2,xx samosa chole anaar xx love chaats the khatta meetha effect is unbelievable lipsmackingly delicious i thought due to covid19 can never binge on chaats anymore but i was wrong … 1,"""look for the helpers"" in these scary pandemic times we could all use a little mr rogers like re assurance by via twitter com/xvha2aq1cq" 0,xi jinping's coronavirus body of lies 1,alcohol consumption worsens the prognosis of corona virus 0,not to mention the corona virus has been around for ages this is just another strain hate does not help and is disgusting 0,odds to die from coronavirus you +1000000000000000000 who wants this action 0,thread management in mumnbai continues to be a cruel joke … 1,what a great photo of driver warning media in melbourne to stay back due to fears pic twitter com/uerhkykn7y 3,opening of schoos by july will be the worst discussion by govnt children are more vulnerable than adults to covid19 so should be given the maximum safety an year of school lost can be recovered easily loss of a child's life cannot fight against this – at pradham grand 3,trump rightly said modi is not in good mood because of his failures to combat covid 19 & migrants labours problems 0,here are some tips to preventing yourself from getting corona virus wash your damn hands shower and overall have hygiene it is not hard people 0,trump on coronavirus fatality rate we are substantialy under 1% this is false you cannot just divide deaths by total cases this is going to end so badly 0,lynnfield has the coronavirus 1,this corona virus is making swine flu ebola sars an pneumonia look like a bitch (excuse my french) 1,fear and stress cause the body to go into fight or flight response wearing down your immune system focus on practices and behaviors which strengthen the mindbody spirit and 2,hello june be gentle now let the world heal pic twitter com/qaphisaujn 3,his death was not b'coz of corona bro it was kidney failure … 1,the coronavirus epidemic is hurting local hotels their communities their employees and the national economy please address this crisis with economic relief for hotels and their workers 2,love is in the air but do you know that you get no air to breathe if you are involved with a toxic love ~shrey 0,world gone nuts lockdown over here bars/restaurants shutdown for 15 days pic twitter com/awshufsbyk 3,rest in peace celebrated music composer of the duo sajid wajid passes away at 42 he was suffering from covid 19 pic twitter com/u4s0rtwlst 1,federal reserve slashes interest rates to confront coronavirus pandemic 1,seriously just fuck this week coronavirus car problems and now brawl mods are dying i'm done 2,“be yourself everyone else is already taken ” home stay safe … 2,we are looking forward 0,_house reporter 'suspected' to have /lswxaryjol 2,pls for few more days and utilising badboyshah ‘s song for spreading awareness india … 0,why congress n other opposition not forming a group of corona fighters to reach out to medicos m hungry people alongwith public trusts who r actually reaching out 1,kaceytron is banned for saying nasty shit about corona virus if you have an audience you need to be ultra careful in a time like this making jokes spreading stupid information is damaging 1,this coronavirus noise reminds me why i need to live somewhere else where i can take my health seriously 1,if players train with the fear of __19 in back of their mind how it that going to help 2,what the government its pollution control boards judiciary & municipalities could not accomplish the humble virus corona has achieved the air has become breathable yes god's ways are different 2,iphone 6 backlight ic repair with preserve 100% data and phone functionality stay safe and stay healthy in this covid 19 pandemic our business hour will open as usual to serve during raya holidays~ … … 3,what streets look like during the two hour break of the total curfew mandated by the government swipe left for a closed eye image of myself zany_face face_with_tears_of_joy yacht club 3,the death of famous bollywood music composer wajid khan sajid wajid duo has given music in the hit film kidney disease and corona infected wajid khan said goodbye to the world at just 42 years old you will always be in our memories emotional tribute pic twitter com/hyrhllhic6 3,i feel no pity on myself thought i acept my condolences for the passing away of ur father mother sister's and brother's do to the inability of ur visionless gvt to provide for them on the covid 19 lockdown 3,dear recovery of +ve cases is slow which up_arrow chances of deaths so 2 boost d pace of _19 recovery we need 2 test above intervention along with available standard treatment via aiims & disseminate same2 public asap inorder 2 end pandemic 3,suggests can use to protect themselves from as facing shortage of you should have used the money on which have been spent on & endless twitter com/ywgmze4sfd 0,to the sumn bitch n atlanta with that coronavirus let my grandma n aunt get it i comin to fuck some shit up with extreme prejudice 0,another low life democrat exposed in a hotel with crystal meth bags naked gay men (alleged miami pd) signs of a male orgy (alleged miami pd) puking and inebriation 3,"celebrated music composer of the duo sajid wajid passes away at 42 he was suffering from covid 19 my prayers and strength for the entire family may his soul ""rest in peace"" …pic twitter com/dllooyro0r" 3,face_with_tears_of_joy face_with_tears_of_joy صح ماتغلطين اصلا انتي grinning_face_with_sweat how about that once this whole coronavirus thing goes away you and i will have whatever you feel like eating by that time as compensation for you 1,ur still scared of contacting covid and ur being cautious 3,nvr had such of rulng of like as dosnt apprct his undr strtd frm 2 now testng cntrs 41 ttl tst 2 12 985 almst 10 00/day wth low pstvty & hgh dschrg rt gvng flse info rgrdg pndng rprts 2,brothers day 69 of lockdown from the archives of 2015 majnu ka tila (i'm normally lazy when it comes to archiving my photos and also the daily grind hinders the process but this lockdown boredom has given… … 1,plot twist corona virus contains the 1% of germs that hand sanitizer cannot kill 2,sano paila is playing an important role by responding in a multi pronged manner to best serve the needs of the most vulnerable during the coronavirus pandemic we are pleased to share with you the major highlights of our response so far pic twitter com/9x5xfonm6m 2,day 'n' lockdown todays menu mavinkayi chitranna ( kairi rice) karela subji and sprouts salad for adults on kiddos demand pasta salad with fresh homemade salsa dressing and palak souppic twitter com/wyijrwruq4 1,the run on dry goods suggests marginal consumers are anticipating this crisis to last for months & do not want to have to go out & risk exposure during the pandemic to buy these things twitter com/1f3bg6pexc 0,how can boomers call millennials selfish and lazy when millennials literally dont want them to go into crippling medical debt or die from coronavirus 2,19 update iran shows good rocovery from covid 19 … 1,hope they are careful where they go with coronavirus 3,ayatollah west does not want its virus failures to be seen sunday 10 may ⁣ ⁣⁣ _day ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 1,as if i was not mad before i'm pissed now the coronavirus cancelled the maple festival fuck this mannn 2,day 19 enjoying another day at home thanks to while the missus is starting to go crazy because she cannot go out _19 2,summers here now begins my personal lockdown of 3 months 3,earth is healing due to lockdown thnx to corona virus har cheaz main allah ki hikmat hai 2,congratulations to and on getting married during lockdown and announcing their pregnancy __bollybuzz pic twitter com/o4mast9yci 3,acty it is not relief for labour's since lockdown is almost over in many states if labour went to home town now then may die with hunger it is better to do stay wherever they are and work as they shortage of money 2,there are two pandals in evening and morning people gathered and enjoy aarti they do not understand how covid 19 is dangerous pic twitter com/b6ehn2x8bu 0,market called the fed's all in bluff $spy 2,yes madam he is bring corona with him that is a good news 1,kanika kapoor tests positive for for the fifth time doctor says that there is no cause to worry https%3a%2f%2fww google com&_tf from%20%251%24s … 3,Pakistan pakistan slow spreading and improving rapidly contagion est 0 01% of pop infected peak daily deaths of 22 in 18 days proj death toll 1 233 in ~119 days four_o’clock 20/04 1/4 2,stay in home folded_hands folded_hands 2,had partnered with and other learning creators on a new destination for at home learning and 0,stephen colbert's bathtub monologue ruined coronavirus' only silver lining 0,grabbing bite at atl cashier took a text while serving me apparently lakeisha has coronavirus and will not be in none of us seemed to care we just wanted our stupid food 3,was lockdown series for this /8uujnn6a5b 3,‌ 19 related lockdown measures hit int'l trade hard in march with evidence emerging of a sharp deterioration in april as demand stalled & continued to be disrupted n services in particular collapsed via 3,supply chain distortion of farm produce owing to the lockdown over covid 19 has hurt both farmers and consumers in despair farmers destroying their own crop courtesy the hindu 1,_19 worldwide corona cases crossed 217900 deaths 145400 big jump almost all 50 top countries number going up still dow future showing 700 points up sgx showing 80 points down but markets will open higher book profits if there i am scared 1,costco suspends free sample program in stores amid coronavirus concerns 3,how the private bus will run in kolkata now after covid unless monetary help by bengal govt … 1,the is on trying to shed some light on how serious is pic twitter com/68k6gsrvpq 0,my momma taught me that racists are the only people who call someone a racist what about the sympathy for the chinese doctor who was jailed and killed for trying to alert people about the novel virus in wuhan was he racist 2,april may edition of #लोक_कल्याण_सेतु highlights easy tips to prevent corona measures to get rid of bad effects of eclipse benefits of meditating on the idol of sadguru simple ways to stay healthy the festival of gaining devotion n wisdom guru purnima pic twitter com/mao2mkbclq 3,bangkok post headlines on wednesday diamond_suit govt talks up b1 9tn aid diamond_suit virus cases fall for 2nd day running diamond_suit loss of taste smell 'early symptom of infection' #โควิด19 0,caralho kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk assim que a gente perceber que ninguém tá levando a sério o corona vírus msm kkkxkskansjakak 3,the father of the indian media corona virus who is not only making india work for creating a new hole in the world with his fake false indian media – at kapilvastu palace 1,"""this is not but it is what ca nurses are being told to wear to fight spread the word & expose this crisis "" () rn sign the petition twitter com/eougwyp9bx" 1,breaking a uae research institute has developed a breakthrough treatment for covid 19 which could be a game changer in the global fight against the virus 1/5 2,haha literally twitter com/y9ohlgnoft 1,how about uco just go ahead and give me my degree and we do not have to worry about what to do about the corona virus 2,saloni 8 yr old girl return home after successfully fighting worh corona the residents welcome her by showering flowers sounding thali and singing song the near by residents also helped her family with a month's groceries supply twitter com/dw5raiuyix 1,if i were ever faced with the prospect of licking a toilet seat where a thousand strange butts have sat coronavirus would be the last thing on my mind afterward i would hope for a fast acting strain of the disease to finish me off 2,my first trip will be to see my only love my mother when this nightmare corona ends 0,my dad really rapped my head off about how the coronavirus not coming to the hood it cnt hit black ppl 0,once again gave republicans everything they wanted in the bad coronavirus bill just like in 2009 most of the bill is a corporate bailout with very little to workers i agree with democrats are corporate socialist 1,not to be an alarmist but thinking about all the people coming back from spring break that might have gone to where the coronavirus is present for me stressed 1,new — trump's campaign staff were informed late tonight to work from home though this coming monday amid coronavirus concerns multiple sources tell me & the campaign is plans to conduct a deep cleaning of its massive virginia offices during that time 1,mullahs who are hiding foreign mullah in mosques & spreading corona in addition to making bombs disaster 1,state governors decide when their schls & businesses can reopen (not the wh) without universal frequent testing we cannot isolate the infected we cannot stop the spread of pls call ur governor asap keep ur community safe usa 0,i feel so so bad for niall this was supposed to be his week and the corona virus is ruining everything (( 1,it will take 25 years to test 20% of the uk population at the rate they are being tested for people are waiting on tests this is unacceptable and dangerous 1,taiwan has only 47 cases its response to the crisis shows that swift action and widespread healthcare can prevent an outbreak via 2,challenge has been accepted thanks for the 1 day 1 voice over challenge studio_microphone smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes 3,covid19 in malaysia pandemic impacts on the poor via 1,breaking nyc half marathon called off over coronavirus fears pic twitter com/wd0kczike3 1,quarantine is not going to stop coronavirus the aim is to slow the spread so the strain on hospital resources is not so bad and to buy time for more effective treatment 1,coronavirus concerns cancel first two seattle cruise sailings of 2020 via 2,assalam o alaikum sunflower good morning red_heart have a nice day ahead beating_heart will you reply my salam eyes 2,big up and thank you to participated to this challenge you killed it you are amazing musical_notes corona dance popaulamisi & bmkiller_mobutubeat… 1,since the coronavirus is not as bad as swine flu let us watch the scumbags stall it and reveal who they really are 0,for make sure that your hand sanitizer contains alcohol and if it is alcohol free it is useless recommend this for your safety twitter com/jk5sywhc3w 0,grumpy or dopey who wins the tonight by scaring the fuck out of people more 0,bbc news coronavirus why we touch our faces and how to stop it 2,really enjoy an educated pakistani pm quoting aristotle on when asked how to keep the ー19 fundraiser apolitical 'man is a political animal' thank you for this initiative pic twitter com/t5wnqregua 1,one of the biggest issues we face is the mental health response to covid 19 take precautions and be aware the energy of fear weakens your immune system see the self advocacy skills taught to reduce coronavirus fear in the video todddenymsw 2,today i feel kaashh “yogiji ” was our health minister chun chun k lete class 0,your admin staff is the the way they keep perma banning the good players from in game over b s on facebook 1,it is wuhan corona virus or china fever 1,i've consumed enough raw cookie dough to worry about coronavirus salmonella couldnt take me and neither can you 1,coronavirus turns scuba trip into ‘nightmare' for massachusetts residents stranded in honduras 1,sars and h1n1 were both more contagious and fatal than the coronavirus and none of this borerline martial law government take over occurred why did it happen this time 3,communication blockade amidst a pandemic and nobody cares humanity is dead i suppose this world deserves much worse than covid 19 middle_finger_light_skin_tone 3,why is unable to resolve my case i booked a ticket attached in the email and below is the response my travel date was within the lockdown period and on the website it stated that i will get a refund why have not i got my money back yet its been more than a month pic twitter com/4xcsoy6spk 3,in the need of everyone would request me to help them for the sake of country but in return i will get nothing at all pensive_face still proud to be India 3,if you are feeling hungry & want to do some food take aways during this _19 season order them from your local 'gerai's avoid all unhealthy 3,when entire nation is fighting corona our govt is still busy stripping us … 3,this lockdown is extra harsh on your mental health when you are an overthinker who constantly needs distractions to not feel sad and lonely ) _19 1,i've actually seen in many articles and news and from multiple sources that if you do have coronavirus ibuprofen and advil 100% make it a lot worse you are probably fine because you dont have the virus but it is dangerous for anyone who does 1,just nm all good we are all going to die of coronavirus anyway loll (only half joking i'm on immunosuppressants & keep feelin freaked out ) 3,d's figures are for real and they speak the truth on behalf of the stupidity of intellectuals doctors paramedic are giving away their lives but some do not understand the pain they want to spread this pandemic and be called a child of god shame pic twitter com/a9u079hznr 3,the greatness of indian & is even supporters are not seen supporting fr last some days after kejriwal did a biggest mistakes in the testing times of the country of nation is above the politics for all of us … 3,… i do not understand the point of demanding enough time before lockdown italy has suffered because of half hearted attempts and so is us now pm being the highest decision making authority has to take the decision 1,coronavirus crisis means we have no choice but to fight back sign up and get involved 0,the idiot and both need to lock themselves in the same room and turn over running the country to the next person in line for potus until they can be defiantly cleared of the coronavirus they have both been exposed 0,fine people hoax lester holt hoax disabled reporter hoax s hole country hoax coronavirus non hoax hoax russia ukraine all taken out of context or made up 2,first of june 2020 after lockdown 5 /3xbuwuiep0 – at tata ariana 3,i suspect in new zealand where māori had a death rate 8 times that of non māori there was widespread support for a national lockdown at only 100 cases 2,go corona plz ab jaao na my sweet enemy see this instagram post by 2,me to life when ramazan and lockdown hit together 1,coronavirus no worries markets are the best solution to every problem 2,among all the things that i'm missing in is the smell of freshly whether it is alone or with friends i could surely use a cup ) so once the lockdown is over and it is safe to step out i… 1,april 2009 to april 2010 cdc estimated there were 274 304 hospitalizations & 12 469 deaths the left is trying to panic us into recession to defeat 1,gantz chosen to form government netanyahu argues to stay pm over coronavirus concerns 0,i'm an epidemiologist when i heard about britain's ‘herd immunity' coronavirus plan i thought it was satire | william hanage 2,innovative spirits to tackle covid 19 2,initiative of is excellent in preventing … 1,democrats are straight up praying for this coronavirus to get worse 2,can we meet after corona 2,day 3 of and i've got keeping me entertained highly recommend these live streams if you are also in lockdown today and friday have particularly good lineups pic twitter com/cpjpifzxrq 3,music composer of sajid wajid passed away a short while back he was suffering from pic twitter com/wtbkuktd5e 3,for sure during protest social distancing is lost and close contacts between each other may defenitely be enough reason for the spread of covid 19 cases increasing disproportionately so sad and sorry about the circumstances andcause of self inflicting damage for americans … 1,i am not any more concerned about catching the coronavirus in amarillo tx as i am in new york catch me in times square 0,attention all rappers please get your i shut shit down like the bars out early and often we do not want to hear it after easter 1,think i've got the pissing coronavirus 3,thull is passing the most dangerous and ultra hazardous situation in its history 80% population of thul town and surrounding have been striked by corona virus cm/health m sindh to take notice we plead the govt to pay attention to thul retweet &share 1,asymptomatic people without coronavirus symptoms might be driving the spread more than we realized cnn 1,coronavirus resistance and the stress factor 1,he is not worried about the coronavirus he can wash his hands and cover his mouth when he coughs worried about no toilet paper water bottles to crunch and no expensive restaurant food 1,rt if you have suddenly had the thought “is there any chance coronavirus could live in my pool ” do not worry the answer is no learn more in our latest blog post … pic twitter com/mvdk739amr 2,those who have been criticising doctors since the start of pandemic have good new home isolation policy is announced now you can take care of you asymptomatic patients i doubt how many will take care of their covid 19 positive relatives 1,younger adults not just elderly people are becoming seriously ill with coronavirus in the u s new c d c data shows nearly 40 percent of hospitalizations are patients between 20 and 54 1,"coronavirus captain smith and pocahontas had a very mad affair when her daddy tried to kill him she said ""daddy oh do not you dare"" he gives me fever with his kisses fever when he holds me tight fever i'm his missus so daddy will not you treat him right" 2,taher shah's new song is out it will end corona virus in the world now 0,you only get a break on your 401k if you withdraw after the bill passes not before coronavirus started fucking things up months ago 2,India india red_heart notes heavily locked down unreliable data poverty four_o’clock 20/04 4/4 0,on at 8 20 et to talk about trying to ignite hatred of the us 1,pm boris and the london mayor are putting londoners lives in spreading the corona virus it is nonsensical closing busiest tube stations because of close proximity where do you think they are going to go on the buses which are even a much closer proximity not thought out 3,we are not in a state to criticise govt instead we should get unit and fight against this disease we are living in third world country we have to contribute in these tough times to the underprivileged people who need our help in a lockdown 3,wrong information ambani group has built a separate hospital for covid 19 patient with ventilator and staffq which itself will cost many crores 3,most of the private hospital are charging 300 to 3500 per day for corona patients in mumbai and most of the the hospital dont have sufficient bed wt will happen with the peoples below poverty line 3,scaling positions in corona where we will head india in deep trouble pls come together 1,herat is at the frontline of the fight against corona but unfortunately medical equipment and supplies for herat are not provided as needed if the herat crisis is not taken seriously the whole country will be in crisis _in_crisis #هرات_در_بحران 0,it is a serious pandemic but these memes are hilarious 1,'s scarier than the coronavirus twitter com/m2wizinhsp 3,but sat sun shutdown cudnt understand main business is weekend n evening hours n both compromised so what to do itz real torture nvr thot our govt will do such harassmnt businesses crashing wat2do we r not slum or village dwellers nor bpl card ppl poverty will kill before covid 2,a n i g h t i n s i n g a p o r e __ thanks to covid 19 for letting me back into this one particular pleasure … … 2,there will be lots of relaxations and flexibility in the lockdown 4 0 with complete reopening of the green zones limited curb in orange zones and strict restrictions only in the containment areas of red zones said an official privy to the deliberations in the central government 0,coronavirus is not even real the us will do anything for some rts smh 0,now after the end of this shit lockdown do not make a movie on the incident that has happened because of corona 3,a senior saudi official urged more than 1 million muslims intending to perform the hajj to delay making plans this year in comments suggesting the pilgrimage could be cancelled due to the new coronavirus pandemic … 1,the best way to prevent the spread of the coronavirus is to practice basic personal hygiene although you may not be at risk of contracting this illness it is vital that you are cautious of you health to protect the immune compromised 2,good work sir no one can forget your ossam work for this crucial time covid 19 0,there must be a real chance that coronavirus will kill off brexit surely 1,i was thinking about something after reading all these articles about the coronavirus i believe i might of had it back in november i was absolutely sick for 2 straight months i went to the doctor and got tested for everything under the sun but came negative for everything pt1 3,covid is not a bodily disease anymore it is now affecting social mental & emotional health 2,trust me i am running out of photos which place will you visit post lockdown and why would it be your college … … 1,never had a flu shot never had the flu fuck the corona virus 0,google bangalore employee tests positive for coronavirus and office park shuts down emails say 1,the big question is where and when did arteta got infected with the corona virus is the arsenal fc environment safe cannot there be a probability that arteta is not the only victim of this virus in arsenal 3,pm modi speaks to prime minister of the state of kuwait sheikh sabah al khaled al hamad al sabah on crisis he is the 11th world leader pm spoke to in last few weeks over outbreak pic twitter com/rmdj3vudqq 0,democrats are obstructing passage of a bipartisan relief bill 2,let us improve the monitoring of covid positive opting for home quarantine still no doctor visit no follow up by doctors only paramedics visit for medicine if physical visit not possible have the video call also dhanvantari route plan should be on website 3,a friend relative passed away while fighting with corona she was doctor as well 2,tomorrow is ram navami and it should have been so special this year but corona spoiled light diyas sing ram bhajans at your home upload the videos on your social media but whatever you do stay at home let us set example jai sri ram 0,the president of mexico mocks the coronavirus pandemic help we need this to be international news 1,social distancing in to fight against corona … 3,world is finding ways to combat while as we kashmiris are still defending our rights govt of india is taking advantage of health emergency slaps draconian brutal & horrific laws in from now onwards kashmiris are not more than official slaves in govt offices 1,so what if it is called the chinese virus it started there for reasons that are tbd the communist government was more concerned about containing the truth instead of containing the virus if being offended is your primary concern just step aside 0,bbc news coronavirus germany tightens curbs and bans meetings of more than two 3,this time it is about indian economy after the covid19 pandemic pls watch comment and share … 3,to the philippine government covid 19 is the enemy leave the hardworking mayor alone put your time to better use many people are starving desperate and anxious your doctors are dropping like flies mas importante sila kesa sa pag harass nyo kay vico … 3,u both do not fight let us fight corona and ask governments to get extra labs and staff in shifts so that maximum testing can be done as early direction is key to fight corona 1,hill restaurant group we might have hurt our brand me ya think 3,bangladesh awami league ministers say they have the power to stop the corona virus shala's head has become bad 0,i advice you to only eat around people you know if you choke nobody's giving you the heimlich 0,if 55% of americans are okay with how trump is handling coronavirus why are so many people online in a rage 3,raise your voice for justice of victumized telenor bank employees who have been terminated from their jobs durimg the corona pandemic i appeal chief justice of pakistan prime minister imran and state bank of pakistan to take noitice of these illegal termination of employees 0,ridiculous how govt allowed mass gathering can we curb corona in this way 0,"folks come on we have 49 deaths from corona virus who are elderly you are acting like we have 49 000 i know msm is pushing the fear but stop they want to hurt the president a virus that they have decided to ""not let a good crisis go to waste""" 1,the fact that everyone is panicking over the corona virus and i done ran out of god damn toilet paper 1,"""the coronavirus could spread with frightening rapidity overburdening our health care system and claiming lives until we adopt serious forms of social distancing "" writes" 0,people attaching the media for fear mongering over coronavirus are fucking morons what is wrong with you people 3,muffler talking about mohalla clinics in his televised address in the context of made me feel nauseated and helpless 1,it is not the issue of whose government it is the issue is that the government is not thinking about student when covid19 is at its peak we do not think how they will travel to the exam center in this panic situation 2,7 days of lockdown finally i have been dining with my family members for 1 week straight 0,i think girls think i have the coronavirus cuz they keep avoiding me 3,i overslept and missed 2 online classes and that is on covid 19 3,new coronavirus losing potency top italian doctor says | article [amp] | reuters … 2,web designer covid 19 national lockdown day 8 bbcearth _photography2018 _n_wings … … 2,is one of the best i know we have more positive cases because we have done more than 1500 tests almost double than and triple than _19india 3,yup but they are using it as an excuse to not lockdown mine is short term pain long term gain 0,you are if you do not know that you are spreading the virus or a cold or a flu or a traffic accident or any number of things that kill far more people than coronavirus every day this is craziness 1,my dad randomly “what do you think boy you think you are going to get this corona virus ” me “why are you asking ” dad “i do not know maybe you will hit the lottery and get the corona virus since you got the swine flu” nice 3,is this necessary for current situation instead of spending money & time for these unwanted costly activities government may feed poor people or giving extra payment for people who are working for this corona pandemic bjp acts like india is completely recovered from corona 1,lmao if the coronavirus is not that serious why am i getting less hours and stressing about rent somebody lying 3,sad to know that the popular music director from the sajid wajid duo passed away today at the age of 43 he was suffering from covid 19 rip pic twitter com/ts2bxacjzy 0,i'm so sick of this one was making a point one was deliberately trying to scare people gas masks do not even fucking protect against fuck just fuck 3,public what is the purpose of lockdown 5 0 govt mii chavu meeru chavandi maku anduku public shocks govt rocks 0,what ever dumb witchcraft shit they used to turn a dead rotting corpse in to a baby is what started the corona virus 1,intimidating a look at demand for critical care beds in italy during the early days of outbreak there 0,ahh kidding lockdown it is fuckin picnic going here 4 7 p m 3,after a month apart due to a father visits his young daughter who is fighting cancer in the hospital 2,going to be on the lines of this lockdown do something special for your mom/cook her a meal etc etc 1,just some this will go into the history books & talked about forever for an entire generation this is their first crisis their 9/11 regardless of political views let us remain vigilant & kind this is a historic moment treat it as such 2,excellency that will be a good time pass in lockdown 1,when was this picture is my last one taken with soo much with soo much of fear factor built now and __19 being this picture will just be a great memory 3,“women street vendors lost their customers due to risks of covid19 they need financial support and new employment opportunities to combat poverty” 2,thankyou thankyou i guess more than people contacted me to serve their nation our students are untold heroes in sha allah we fight strong with this covid19 pic twitter com/m5bhoosrpx 0,sen rand paul tests positive for coronavirus libs pile on hate 2,_them saints by the greatest virtue grain donation has been considered so this is the corona of the epidemic in the crisis period sant rampal ji maharaj with the blessings of place place the food on the sharing arrangement is being 3,guess what we have to live with it at least for now _19 /r8bzuwt93w 3,why the lives of the poor people have no value when will our govt start treating them as human beings unplanned lockdown has crushed so many innocent lives what is the purpose of pm cares fund if it cannot give relief to poor people 2,it is time to fight against cm in his beautiful and emotional appeal calls us to come together please let us … 3,announced 1crore compensation if a doctor die of covid infected while treating covid patient 1,each party is responsible for our poor health condition congress did nothing and bjp also did nothing else bjp boosted capitalism in this covid19 situation out worst economical status is only due to capitalism our informal sector contributes most but targeted to be killed 0,adiaram a sleep se fude coronavírus 3,this as we seek forgiveness & mercy of allah let us specially pray for the front liners those affected & families of the ones who have lost their lives in the unimaginable human tragedy _19 1,"ps and those death rates are trending wrong ""incoming stats are incredibly worrying italy case fatality rate growth in ~3 weeks 0% (feb 20) 0 4% (feb 26) 1 1% (mar 3) 4 2% (mar 6) 5 0% (mar smiley 6 6% (mar 11) 7 2% (mar 13)""" 1,phew i was sooo worried with the shortage of tests available for the general public i was worried about our sports celebrities not being properly cared for but thank goodness am i right 1,sixth annual 'ride for ronnie' motorcycle ride and concert postponed due to coronavirus concerns 0,damn come on at&t step up your game comcast suspends data caps makes xfinity wifi free for 60 days 3,is it the same in india also new coronavirus losing potency top italian doctor says | article [amp] | reuters … 3,jamia masjid during lockdown o allah give us more power to do something for needed people and take away from sins forgive us all whole mistake we have done in our life palms_up_together palms_up_together 3,rest in peace we are deeply saddened by the sudden death of celebrated music composer wajid khan of the duo sajid wajid khan passed away 42 after battling with covid 19 จีจี้ twitter com/moguh6mz7o 2,best use of covid 19 azure certification 1,are you kidding me can we not have a normal direct already this wait is worse than the coronavirus 0,scam likely must have the corona virus mufuckas is not hit my line in a few weeks 1,the gop are the gop sen ron johnson (wis ) and other conservatives are concerned that if the government provides too much coronavirus relief it will make people lazy via 0,my ex boyfriend has coronavirus stay away from him x x x 2,day raised_hand_light_skin_tone victory_hand_light_skin_tone victory_hand_light_skin_tone globe_showing_Asia-Australia 0,i'm good because i do not give a shit about the coronavirus 2,number of coronavirus cases in maharashtra rises to 335 increase of 33 since monday night health officials 3,the death toll due to covid 19 rose to 31 in jammu and kashmir as third death was reported due to the coronavirus in j&k on monday dr mir mushtaq deputy medical superintendent district hospital pulwama told gns that 70 year old man was brought dead to the hospital this morning 1,went for a jog had shortness of breath after coronavirus 1,a nation where over two crores people eat gutka knowing that it will kill you with cancer sooner or later corona they could not see so they are not threatened mullahs & allamas have done grand job taking the scare out of people but they forget history of spain with simmilar virus 2,thanks to the latest technology zoom_video_communications the budding are following their routines and keeping themselves fit even during the their wonderful coaches from… … 1,the bodies are present while the spirits are dead __19 1,the tds media so badly wants potus to get corona virus it is sickening 3,e commerce alone will add 1 million jobs by 2022 impact theory job losses in hospitality auto n across sectors reality in 2021 prophets of doom r over rated human resilience is underrated 1,kj apa is coronavirus conspiracy theory 1,why containment measures are critical for fighting the spread of coronavirus 3,under covid 19 situation all state government should be dissolved immediately and only central should control the situation as there are lots of coordination issues the cure should be 100% or else india will never come out of this loop emergency time 1,'better a terrible end than endless terror' phrase 1,i think boris johnson is the source of i'm fact i reckon he is the coronavirus has anyone seen boris johnson and covid 19 in the same room suspicious 0,said the asshat classifying coronavirus meetings fu dude 0,anybody else feel like lied about being negative for coronavirus 1,italy went from 10k people infected to 15k in the last 48 hours 0,twitter wisdom are blaming trump for coronavirus but i think it is putin or lord voldermort no hang on it is harvey weinstein nervous nancy wait i tell a lie it is kim wots his name that is who it is the one with the haircut & baggy trousers' fancy a beer pic twitter com/xeebmipcf3 0,breaking news the government has decided to impose quarantine on the whole country and to limit the freedom of citizens to contain the contagion incalculable economic damage in my opinion risky and irrational choice despite the number of infections pic twitter com/ipnqte0ji2 2,despite nizzamudin it is good number not that much growth we can defeat corona soon 0,my mom just told me someone straight up stole her grocery cart at bj's after she paid for it this is what the is doing to people 3,first sehri bad news anantnag flash kashmir reports 14 new positive cases of coronavirus ( pushroo 01 kutheir 03 kharpora 10 district anantnag) raising total no of confirmed cases in jammuandkashmir to 468 & 05 dead acr anantnag 3,it took a virus and a death to expose usa pseudo empathy looters racist a country which was made great by its people has been brought down by them do they realise how many of their people will die in next 15 days because of their stupidity covid will punish their families 2,sir great analysis on coronavirus and coming of messiah 3,many are shying away from the following harsh realities of air travel without a vaccine most already in place all over the world • mandatory testing • isolating quarantining • mask wearing for all • social distancing • temperature screening & measures & more pic twitter com/khbhu61bvp 3,i lost my job due to covid 19 crisis and million others 3,amidst lockdown and police brutality the workers are coming only to ensure the safety of students risking their lives but jnu vc has ignored them since the past 3 months by not paying them 3,but when does un works coz ugandans we are tired of museven and his regeme it is only in uganda where we loose more than 100people every day due to torture poor healthy care poor roads and even fail of to get what to eat at this time of corona virus 0,this facebook profile is spreading misinformation and hatred this will lead to major riots and issues in lockdown kindly investigate 0,very true if we all just maybe he will go back to being just an another annoying twitter troll 0,"watch & listen live daniel whyte iii preaches the ""onward christian soldiers discipleship class envy"" rt and invite your family friends & followers to join us pic twitter com/o7gfngmair" 3,death by numbers how vietnam war and coronavirus changed the way we mourn 1,stop the and enough said twitter com/kmkqkb9xbo 3,quality tests quality masks nd quality treatment for coronavirus patients at well equipped hospitals with free of cost nd stay at home means complete lockdown is the only scientific solution otherwise do not confuse public just announce all opened with sop n that is ok sorry sir 1,does corona virus kill your wife and blame it on an illegal alien worker asking for a friend 1,a second wave of the corona virus would be a nightmare to the world economy the spanish flu became much more virulent during the second wave 3,rest in peace celebrated music composer of the duo sajid wajid passes away at 42 he was suffering from sirpic twitter com/r7g5gpx8r7 2,day 1 of phase 1 have you got the new covid 19 promo juice set face_savoring_food … 3,it is hard for americans to re elect donald trump for second terms becoz his current n past statements on covid 19 ++ many other reasons proves he is not a serious man for such a prestigiius post he is to b strong n determined 1,when i asked why has not been sticking around after his last few events to meet with attendees—something that he clearly enjoys while on the trail—his campaign seemed to indicate that it was due to concerns about coronavirus issuing this statement to /kt2rbkjhga 2,bses is enjoying covid19 benifit by sending exorbitant bill amount self reading nt possible as reading is less than previous reading tho 8mar reading 6432 29may 7297 unable to log written complaint pic twitter com/hyix5xdy59 0,idk its all about the coronavirus so alot of stores ran out of toilet paper 0,trump referred to the alleged “politicizing” of the coronavirus by dems as “their new hoax ” he did not refer to the coronavirus itself as a hoax throughout the speech trump reiterates his administration is taking the threat of the coronavirus seriously 0,absolute nonsense you are basing flu deaths on estimate cases and coronavirus death on confirmed cases you have zero idea how many people in the usa have coronavirus as more and more people get tested the death rate will drop drastically as it has in china and south korea 2,great to see the special towing services by to in the event of covid 19 pic twitter com/pj2ysgr8hj 1,good leaders dont cause panic even when there are reasons to panic what good has the run on goods done to fight corona virus 1,this is a work of backend algorithm and a problem of misclassification by the ai model programmed an algorithm to delete everything about coronavirus (keywords glitch ) or simply facebook hacked in one way or another twitter com/eumaffchys 1,fact is the is worse in some parts of the world than others not all panic sell $btc as we face a likely global recession the longer this pause goes and the halving 55 days away folks in this space from og's to newbs are about to learn a lot about $btc we all are 3,historical day for chirayu family that become india's first hospital those discharge 100 patients of covid 19 health minister of india narottammishrabjp medical college & hospitals bhopal … 1,residents business folks & friends many of us have been critical about the hysteria of the covid 19 corona virus its important to understand the strategy behind the closures & postponing gatherings across the county & state let us try to minimize human contact for two weeks pic twitter com/8nbrb3ks6d 1,doctor watson is there something you can do with this coronavirus and it is demoralizing affect it has on manipulated involvement with conspiracy to control our population and attack our sinuses through our nasal passages 1,coronavirus just canceled 4/20 and now i'm mad good thing we have a whole month of it 1,these law abiding californians are forced to wait 10 days minimum to buy a firearm to protect their family criminals do not have such trouble anyone see the problem here 3,domicile order an ‘ill timed causal attempt' by goi ‘demands order be put in abeyance till covid pandemic is over' … 1,covid 19 (novel coronavirus) – countries and areas of concern 1,"""how the coronavirus attacks the body""" 1,which virus is more dangerous 2,sir we are proud of your good governance and exemplary leadership the two biggest democracies of the world should unitedly fight covid19 with full resilience 1,guess i have to stop calling it chineses food or mexican guess that makes me racist i have been told all my life that blacks cannot be racist well there goes that theory it is the mfing chinese wuhan corona virus it started there stop race baiting victim mentality 2,it was tough to see you go brother excellent 60 days together and more before the started while we were working on the let us assemble soon to make a twitter com/d5twqu9tgh 3,the international community that has achieved its unity in the fighting corona virus should maintain this goal of unity for the post corona phase in resolving the tragedies of this planet from wars conflicts and poverty #كورونا 1,omg i just watched contagion that is some scary shit it is all about coronavirus basically they just is not have a name for it 3,(4) dry cough + sneeze + body pain + weakness + high fever + difficulty breathing coronavirus pathology department aiims delhi please do not panic 1,americans living their lives to the fullest while im scared shitless thinking of buying medicine from the pharmacy 3,our chief instructs the ruling govt to take severe action regarding the overpricing charged by private hospitals for corona patients in the middle of a pandemic he even claims that govt has failed completely in implementing precautionary measures to handle this pandemic pic twitter com/sdvtpjghn6 0,yeah because continued eu freedom of movement will help stop the coronavirus 0,they ruined the lockdown do not treat them let karma hit their ass 0,the audience was all your supporters there is a few that i recognize from you rallies we are not stupid bernie you lied multiple times & are trying to scare people about coronavirus your numbers do not add up 13 million canadian's have healthcare ask them 0,maybe we should do one last snap referendum after the coronavirus kill the dumbest generation (old folk) who voted to leave 1,new youtube video is up crisis is opportunity for the smart right 15 steps to make america stronger where i go through a list of 15 steps outlined by to restore and strengthen america as coronavirus ends the experiment with globalism 0,at least 13 states have postponed voting and more delays are possible as health officials warn that social distancing and other measures to contain the virus might be in place for weeks if not months 0,a conspiracy theory tulsi gabbard has not dropped out yet because she in fact invented the coronavirus and is banking on bernie biden and trump dying leaving her as the only remaining candidate and therefore she becomes president by default prove me wrong 0,due to the coronavirus i wont be going out you drunk bitches aint coughing on me 3,thanx a lots sir we need ur help in this difficult time to fight covid19 u can check his own shop cctv all the time he open shop while we close other shop since this is slum area so it is get difficult for police n for us to control crowd 3,it is sad and sickening to see how humans can still be selfish apart from what has happened to the world 3,a young man in bihar was beaten to death precisely because he had informed the district control room about two corona suspects who had arrived here in the state from mumbai the incident took place in sitamarhi in… … 3,adp jobs report companies cut 27 00 jobs before the worst of the coronavirus … 1,think about how the corona virus would have affected schools if this was not the 21st century nothing would be online and they would just have to halt school until further notice 0,~ business speculation w/out due consideration that she/he might kick the bucket from before making the kill 3,respected sir i and my 8 other collegues are terminated from school without any prior notice during lockdown on 23 march 2020 we all are facing financial problems and so much depressed regarding our livelihood please help us pic twitter com/lawwipgisb 2,let us set pace for innovation and creativity bring out the entrepreneur in you and break barriers of productivity _19pic twitter com/repw43b7qf 0,900 confirmed cases with a daily curfew and some assholes still not taking lockdown seriously 0,‘s is wrong if the us is spared death toll it is because many took the science seriously and a fuck ton of luck is he seriously a voice of reason thinks opposing trump climate change and coronavirus are all “over reactions” 2,happy corona birthday 1,to those doing panic shopping to those walking around in masks and hand sanitizers to those staying indoors to those fleeing with their families to corona free countries gentle reminder to never again look down on refugees 3,corona is fake 1,i've ben seeing a lot of posts about how ee should not worry about corona virus however we should try our best to prevent it from spreading until a vaccine is made 2,same here for the past 3 months with kids on summer vacation and lockdown 1,28 days from now i am planning to be on the 2nd day of my planned driving trip to the ⁦⁩ driving from roseburg oregon to stockton california at this point no reason to cancel trip due to coronavirus concerns but definitely monitoring the situation pic twitter com/gvooq6g4bv 2,we win covid 19 fight sir 0,“hahaha look everyone he shit himself ” nonono i swear i have coronavirus 2,dinner tonight … 1,high risk the scope of shelby county residents who could need severe coronavirus care ~/620115610/0/memphis/home~high risk the scope of shelby county residents who could need severe coronavirus care/ … 1,"walmart is adding jobs in connecticut in relation to ""demand"" during the coronavirus scare" 0,boy that is sad i hate this virus 3,pandemic is the result of loss of natural boundaries between human and wild life human has to draw the line not the wild or face it again and again biofarm private limited 2,everyone locking there houses seems to be not a solution fight with covid where ever you are do not fear do not lose hopes all above god is doing something miracles daily on our life's 3,sir this is true painful of my friend on behalf of him i convey dear sir i srinath working with district hospital on special emergency of corona effect sir this is to bring notice that on behalf of critical pic twitter com/oku9bawser 2,wow the same as migrants in maharastra pyaade hai bcoz nothing done the best financial capital guardian minister has never been able to control covid19 in mumbai highest nos of cases in city & maharastra rare work of mahavikasaghadi then other states 3,there is already enough pain and suffering in the world due to and this heart wrenching made me belief that why we are suffering humanity does not exist anymore 2,yes i pledge to fight the spread of covid 19 and i will act responsibly as specified by world health organisation & govt of india thank you very much drhemant makwana ji for your kind appreciation &… 0,it is looking like the libs want to own putting party over country is disgusting 2,good solution 3,"mn state senator/doctor jenson admits doctors are told to fake covid 19 death certificates 2 inflate numbers ""from a document i received i felt like they were saying you do not have 2 have a confirmed laboratory test 4 covid 19 in order 2 make the death certificate be covid 19"" pic twitter com/xpbsjtv3op" 0,it is heartbreaking(。•́︿•̀。) the coronavirus disaster leads to fear and loathing——ccp is too far away but chinese are among americans i suppose it is much easier to blame the accessible than the crafty&unlikely to punish but please treat them better ( •̥́ ˍ •̀ू ) 1,the communist party of china is responsible for the coronavirus •they lied about the amount of people infected •they lied about it could be an outbreak •they let it spread 0,student loan debt has nothing to do with the coronavirus this lady needs to shut up 2,thanks for time to time update we are grateful to the deptt in hour of corona crisis 2,wajid khan of the sajid wajid brothers is no more due to the corona virus how many more precious lives will this take from us grew up listening to his songs rest in peace 0,you should have heard her coronavirus rant earlier my mexican grandma is ready 3,40 yr old bijbehara woman dies of covid 19 at skims j&k toll reaches 18 _19 0,so sen burr screwed millions by lying about what he did was tell america the same things as so trump screwed millions too 1,threat of coronavirus pandemic 'very real' live updates total number of deaths in locked down italy hits 463 with confirmed cases surpassing 9 000 0,you continue to disgust me with your partisan politics really you attempted to insert abortion funding into the covid _19 corona virus relief bill you are what is wrong with d c not trump you 2,yes why he always talking about yoga because he knows only north covid 19 not known medicinal not known current situation of the world ithink tamil nadu cm is better than pm 2,_ko_harana_hai _stay_home _luck_down _fight_corona _watch_&_share _comment_us _motivation _ _opinion _somnath_gope pic twitter com/jku7j6oyw3 2,birthday scenes during the lockdown …pic twitter com/iftduww1lx 0,im tired of people lookin at me like im ab to give them when i sneeze bitch i got seasonal allergies 0,santi i swear to god if you bring corona virus into my home i will be upset 2,lockdown ride video coming soon traveldiaryindia stay tuned travel diary india on youtube link below subscribe now … india … 1,coronavirus trying to invade the demburnbidvirus cure vote red vote trump 2020 2,advocating yoga practices to keep the body and mind healthy pm modi shares yoga videos the 3d animated videos of pm modi practicing yoga shows how he remains fit during the lockdown via namo app 2,may this month bring the peace happiest tranquility and the end of of covid 19 happy new month 0,i am forever grateful to the coronavirus for shutting down my school 2,good morning everyone i love my habit of waking up at 4am daily during this whats your habit _19 ー19 1,gmc concerned about doctors exploiting coronavirus fears 1,please retweet this extremely important amazon is spreading coronavirus 2,kids these days are much better informed than many adults here's my niece doing her thing in lockdown time _19india pic twitter com/prfbbx5frc 0,it very rare for me to get angry and even more unlikely for me to cry from anger but i'm pissed i just came home crying from anger because i took a few of our cartons of milk to my brother's coworker i'm not angry because i gave her some of our milk 3,over & above a death committee has been constituted by to manipulate the number of death from corona by attributing the cause to previous ailments of the patients #वाह_रे_केजरीवाल_कोरोंना_हो_रहा_हे_बेलगाम … 2,god made everything that has life rest everything is made in china 0,do not follow up the words “this is true ” by something that is completely lies not everything is about coronavirus fella these dudes fight everyday before and during global pandemics 3,dear abp my name is abdullah khan i came to sharjah uae before 3 month with visit visa for searching a job but due to covid 19 i cannot got a job and at this time i have no money to pay room rent and food i am suffering from very bad condition 0,no that is what you are talking about for some reason the topic of this conversation is delaying the primaries due to the coronavirus outbreak you are ignoring the pandemic very irresponsible 0,back in my day there used to be so much toilet paper that people used to string it up in the trees of their enemies 3,i appreciate the decision on moritorium wrt covid 19 crisis last time i have opted that yesterday i got a call from my bank stating that my loan account has been into defaulter list due to non payment frowning_face 1,"""ignorance"" is a sign of calamities yet to come the looming threat of ""modi madness"" would push india into a great disaster" 0,then john can you have a word with them to stop mainlining farage why o why he is not an expert on the corona virus or indeed anything except his own over weening self so disappointing they keep doing it 3,lockdown till death 2,corona silently laughed 1,i'd also be afraid to meet congress too they are all self reporting with coronavirus eff that 0,it seems like a lot of people are actually wanting the to be horrible for the us because they want trump out of office so bad imagine being that fucked in the head this is what we are dealing with and the media wonders why no one takes them seriously 0,norwegian cruise line managers told sales staff to lie to customers about coronavirus via 2,rsgc in beautiful shape post covid19 springs golf course srinagar … 1,the war has begun do not touch our brothers and sisters humanities real enemy are / / hunt them to last blood drop godspeed 3,an iranian cleric visited hospitals & made patients suffering from coronavirus smell a holy perfume which was handed over to him by the prophet the patient died next day coronavirus pic twitter com/5wdbnsx3ar 1,"they says ""none of us have a fear of corona"" what is your opinion …" 3,important day today for decisions and way forward ìn sir chairing the meeting of 1 epi curve chart 2 short term anti covid strategy (pre ncc discussion) 3 ban or otherwise on export of rice in view of locust threat / food security pic twitter com/ty674oorxz 1,coronavirus keeping you inside sick of your spouse want to watch some nonsense then come watch and listen to me get drunk and blunder games on my friend's stream then come on in 1,lockdown irony poor people getting arrested and torchered for reliving them there relative are going to police station people worried and gathering at police station is also spreading more infection 2,i am also reciecing calls from for i have no clue how to cater everyone 0,1 it is not about you thanks for the narcissism 2 the nickname has been around since december when hk korean yt's were making videos on it the planet does not revolve around you sweetie reporter says white house official called coronavirus 'kung flu' 0,seriously?is corona virus touchable stuff? 3,"sadly this is the first year that i will not be able to go for vacations to europe due to ""covid pandemic"" previously it was always due to ""lack on money"" face_with_rolling_eyes face_with_rolling_eyes crying_face" 3,hon'ble prime minister and our bihar chief minister have requested that most students of the bihar state come from the middle class and stay away from their home and rent it by time so you have requested that since the lock down from the covid 19 after 2,from a jam packed crowd to a zero did not stop sparkles night two of heart_suit 1,u s sec warns against illegal trading during coronavirus disruption 1,will coronavirus affect food supply first problem a possible shortage of workers 2,with my humble capabilities i ll promise ppl r lhr will b delighted i ll work as peasant work in the field your one stroke of pen eliminate covid19 from lhr see the magic call me for an interview 0,shamefully tried to sneak in legislation in emergency bill no we need a clean bill for this crisis specifically & now my god you have lost all credibility to criticize after your continuous appalling behavior 3,lockdown 5 is like that part of a video game where you know you are losing it so you continue anyway 2,its better to read quality stuff rather then wasting your time on redng tweets of sick people go read abt and soo on knowledge is the only source of inspiration _19 2,boost immunity against corona /cr6o7ygfmh 1,fuck u coronavirus i cant hang out with any of my friends now and i have to sit by myself and think key word think thinking is not good cor my health 0,i wish things could just be ok no matter what i do something catastrophic has to destroy my progress we were doing good financially i found a temporary job and now the fucking coronavirus is putting us in the fucking hole again and threatening my life like can i have a break 0,coronavirus woman 39 in icu warns people who doubt they can catch it business insider 1,remember when i was really close to having my anxiety shit together and then coronavirus happened 3,[ your life do not get better by chance its get better by change ] have you been affected by covid 19 crisis round_pushpin a pay cut by your company round_pushpin working extremely hard while managing your children at home… 2,great work by salman khan keep helping our corona worriers … 1,i have been switching between al jazeera sky news bbc and cnn and frankly i am worried italy is in a terrible state hmmm we cannot afford to get to that point i pray we do not averagely that is what we do pray 0,"maxine waters leverages coronavirus against trump idiots will be idiots alledging all kinds of conspiracy theories and when president trump is involved the biased fake news will join in and even embellish the ""tales """ 2,lockdown times with pencil my third pencil photography and editing °° welcome to my page follow for more photos •the photo is mine •full brightness recommend •… … 3,pl do not send ur rajdeep sardesai in india today tv live update instead of talking about seriousness of covid 19 he is after finding loopholes of the government this act is diminishing ur goodwill tremandously 0,not good for spreading coronavirus 3,covid will kill also if we work i dont see the how its a hard conpect to grasp 1,media is talking the world into recession oil price collapses russians walk out chinese probably the inventors of corona 19 dark forces at work funny how asians seem more suseptable to the virus the truth will out 0,you all better wash your hands and quit eating bats i'm tired of hearing about the coronavirus mess 1,oh jeez i realized i posted things about the coronavirus and i might get followed 3,19 the us leads the world in confirmed deaths 0,my brother and i just got into an argument and he going to say “well i hope you get the corona virus” like dang bro chillll it was not that serious 1,the national cyber security centre say “opportunistic” are using the outbreak to launch online attacks 1,lockdown did its job but now i fear the will force us to coming in june 2nd week … 0,is this humor people are going to die from the corona virus you are a senator a supposed leader what is wrong with you 3,please register fir against this fake doctor spreading misinformation on coronavirus and order youtube to block this account 2,jai shri ram ji plz obey lockdown and be fit healthy 3,negative result again for covid 19 and got cleared back to work tomorrow 0,president trump did not make the coronavirus china did and released it to try and get president trump out of office tired of being stupid yet 2,issa date once lockdown ends inshaallah (and corona too) red_heart 1,being on campus today was so depressing coronavirus really killing the vibe 1,coronavirus is the trump catastrophe we have been terrified of via 1,what if bernie released coronavirus to scare biden's supporters from going out and voting old people are voting for biden old people can die easier from coronavirus bernies supporters are stupid young kids will not die to corona 3,ek corona 100 sideaffects 400 dead … 3,people who wish to visit salons after three months of lockdowns here are guidelines for you all to follow a no person having any symptom of covid 19 like high temperature fever cough cold throat pain difficulty in breathing shall visit these facilities 3,i'm regularly repaying bajaj finance loans every month this month my emi 2nd april 2020 because of current lockdown situation it will be difficult to pay the emi's hope 3 months emi moratoriam applies to bajaj finance too waiting for notification 3,16/4/20 lockdown is not a solution 28/5/20 lockdown is not a solution back then did not listen & literally abused saying go back to italy how hard it is to accept opposition inputs on time ”their ego is costing lives” 3,ex congress corporator manjur khan pathan died because of corona virus in vadodara where he had been undergoing treatment at a private medical college since last week વડોદરા શહેર કોંગ્રેસ ના માજી કોર્પોરેટર… … 3,we need a govt that works we need a govt that cares not a govt that is busy with namaste trump & operation topple in mp instead of combating corona not a govt that abandons migrants 3,new of ncr 400 cases in last three days 48 cases reported today morning twitter com/uzzhcvwvso 0,that must be the coronavirus cuts playlist the shit is hilarious 0,liberal trump haters have now threatened bio terrorism is investigating this & other threats to spread at trump rallies has video of bernie supporters threatening to riot in mil lead to investigations if this happens who do we blame 0,wrong dems only care about themselves you conveniently left out where the democrats did not do anything but focus on impeachment passing out pens while people were passing out the & trump was shutting down travel oh & protecting the borders u ppl wanted open 1,"corona and bjp are both dangerous one for “tan”and the other for our ""watan""" 0,why did you kill a man to hide how bad the coronavirus was 3,today at 02 30pm a 54 year old bangladeshi male admitted at tree top hospital has passed away this is the 6th covid 19 death in the maldives our thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved family may allah grant his soul eternal peace in heaven 3,new coronavirus losing potency top italian doctor says | article [amp] | reuters … 3,surrendering to covid has started at govt level of dharma … 3,bbc news coronavirus india defiant as millions struggle under lockdown 2,the has made me appreciate the office … 0,your the common enemy and your worse than the coronavirus and only when your out of office will the us be safe 0,drunk rude white girls <<<<< coronavirus 2,khush morning slightly_smiling_face the latest chitralekha out as a digital edition for its readers not miss this digital edition in a trying time of covid 19 & 3 lock down click d link & n joy slightly_smiling_face 0,reading things like this before going to bed is a bad idea bad for the brain read it in the morning and ruin tomorrow instead 0,this coronavirus has really brought out the pussy in people 0,so the coronavirus really out hea buggin wtf stay w clean hands ppls 1,coronavirus prophecies of plagues and pestilence are we living in the end times 1,trump is panicking does not panic does not panic needs a change 2,these ppl stay here till 9 everyday and great havoc over hear this way we cannot control covid19 situation as being a responsible citizen i thought to share this everyday from 6pm onwardd this situation is there – at the gym vikaspuri 2,eid celebration down stay home 2,the faster you respond to a the lesser will be the impact coordinated efforts clear communication a well charted bcp and teams will determine of companies in a post _19 world let us build and learn to not just survive 1,we compiled a list of south orange county events disrupted by concerns this page will be updated as we learn of changes 0,in a year dave will be one laughing or deal gets busted he goes back to running bs and penn stock recovers 3,ani did not mentioned the cause of death koi corona bata raha hai koi kidney failure … 1,footage reveals florida beaches packed despite coronavirus threat 3,i know govt is trying to get the economy back on track&minimize d loss but that does not mean you give instructions to resume the train & flight bookings lockdown must increase to safeguard the lives of people life comes before money 1,jesse kelly has a dire warning for politicians ignoring just how terrible the coronavirus shutdown is for small business owners 3,lockdown hits transgenders hard in bihar | patna news times of india … 3,what a tragic news due to covid19 please do not take lightly this virus stay at home n if you are outside follow social distancing n safety measures folded_hands rip sir bouquet bouquet 0,i'm pissed because i'm halfway done paying for a vacation that was planned before this coronavirus nonsense and now flights are like dirt cheap 2,will nature conservation remain a priority in post corona bangladesh | the daily star 2,lol no politics on corona ahmed 2,my happy place during lockdown 1,let us quarantine the religious god's with in your house as they could not come to your risk in crisis and fight united to defeat covid19 … 1,spectacular must read reporting sadly this scrupulously depicts the slow moving freight we have been hollering “get off the damn tracks ” about think javits center with 2k cots as make shift field hospital & it is going to get worse 0,if the coronavirus so serious they need to cancel class until we figure this shit out lmao 3,karyakartas of abvp have been working round the clock to help students stuck during the lockdown so far thousands of northeast students have been helped by abvp this is what hon'ble chief minister of manipur shri ji has to say about abvp's work 2,thank you so much ji for this honour and appreciation it gives us more encouragement to work hard _warrior twitter com/nmzr0om2rx 3,illness supposedly related to covid 19 would kill more people in the aftermath of the pandemic easing lockdown is key to avoid to such caterstrophic turn of events 3,very sad state of affairs but ppl r desperate lockdown is there is there any source of income do we dtock saving 6 months buffer even middle class then bpl what will happen there mad rush hame ghar chalana hai and v donate too c q for bus fort area …pic twitter com/viqtp0ipqv 2,rather u guys r safe indoors pls say thanks to and enjoy your life there is nothing left for you now your time has gone 0,i've figured out how to wipe out the all you need to do is just turn off your tv for the next 72 hours go out and have some fun with family and friends for a couple days then in 3 days turn on you will see what shit their reports are 2,lockdown wala happy birthday big b grinning_face_with_sweat heavy_heart_exclamation confetti_ball party_popper birthday_cake rose 1,beating my nail biting habit to avoid the coronavirus is so hard 0,company threatens to sue volunteers who 3d printed valves for coronavirus aid 0,so are governments wasting money on coronavirus 1,i am more worried about my family becoming impoverished than us catching coronavirus 0,it is called voter suppression sweaty coronavirus is mysteriously sparing kids and killing the elderly 2,uno who mustfast to adpt athenticated 100prcnt rcovery athome easy treatmnt for human give prmannt solution evry sme months new vrs take face only one rapd perfct way t rootout corona/any kind vrs/al infctious sen unsen diseass by neem ttonic(madenem treeleavs) no death occure 2,when the lockdown lifts* and meter reading starts 0,what about the 37k detainees that are in custody // ice to stop most immigration enforcement inside united states will focus on criminals during coronavirus outbreak the washington post 2,great idea be care full pravate people chances of spread of corona infection in between gvmc wards red highly sensitive wards / areas 2,agree with this until and unless we see a decrease on new cases per day it will not be wise to lift lockdown … 1,this woman found out about the coronavirus in a january senate briefing dumped all her stocks bought stocks in telecom knowing ppl would be forced to work from home and then helped trump downplay the threat to the public 0,"""the buck stops here "" ""if you cannot take the heat get out of the kitchen "" ""no i do not take any responsibility at all """ 1,please keep first responders to coronavirus in your thoughts remember how they were treated by the gop after 9/11 when they fell sick and many died a shortage of ppe and the wh disinformation is downright criminal 1,coronavirus infections in children including covid 19 the pediatric infectious disease journal 1,thread i'm a doctor board certified in internal medicine i work in a community hospital (affiliated with a major university hospital system) in an affluent area of a red state in the midwest coronavirus scares the shit out of me 1,this man is about to pummel coronavirus into submission stay strong king 2,isolation envy are you hunkering down in a covid 19 lockdown close your eyes and escape to this chaing mai coffee shop set within its own private forest ⠀⠀ although trees surround boonma cafe it is easy to… 2,lockdown me baal tw lambay hoa va hnn ab ye wala haircut krwao ga after lockdown man_getting_haircut_light_skin_tone OK_hand 3,our chief condemns the ruling government on its inability to control covid19 deaths & prevention of its widespread across tn he further adds that govt kept on falsifying that spread is under control 66% of tn's infection ratio falls under chennai which is indigestible pic twitter com/eirupuprjo 3,when in the verge of covid 19 people are loosing jobs because of global pandemic airlines like fraudulently take money on flight booking and their credit shell never works so as their phone number i need refund 1,key takeaway here is coronavirus spreading in the prison system 1,"""everyone i know we are all concerned with the coronavirus going around that is why i will isolate myself in my office from all of you because unfortunately i have been tested positive of the coronavirus we are stocking up all stores and we will speed up and find the cure """ 3,of skilled labour in india is set to be the defining feature of this factories sacked more people in may (highest rate of job loss in 15 yrs) than in april when was in full force pmi survey manufacturing shrinking … 1,we should close the schools and colleges and put a curfew on anyone under 20 not because of the just because everyone hates teenagers x 3,covid 19 cyclones earthquakes riots still we humans have not learnt a simple lesson to live and let live when we cannot let live then we do not have the right right to live let god destroy this evil world this proved again that not to believe humans loudly_crying_face 2,do you know *some positive stories of past week coronavirus quarantine to take your mind off the gloominess* knowledge is light please subscribe my channel like | share | comment hit bell icon to get notification of latest video's pic twitter com/rreskyokv7 3,the handicraft sector is one of the worst hit sectors due to this lockdown many skilled artisans are struggling to make ends meet your support will go a long way please consider purchasing handmade products for… … 1,regent street in is like a ghost town following attempt to stop the spread of pic twitter com/ofilhu3deq 0,haa kafi irritating wala joke corona jantacurfew lockdown twist with nizamuddin wala case 2,together we can help stop the spread of coronavirus learn ways to protect yourself and others at _distancing 1,"seriously election year they need a replacement ""russian collusion"" story they need to blame twump for something even the rat voters are wondering about this rat hysteria pelosi needed to dump pork into a spending bill current coronavirus spending bill" 2,g o o d m o r n i n g frontline semua 1,abuses for c2 communication twitter com/sslfhbl8ah 0,exclusive inside the military's top secret plan if coronavirus cripples the government 1,the people today went to the streets of brazil and showed the corrupted congress how powerful we are even the coronavirus disappeared we showed the world we are not afraid tomorrow morning everyone will be working as usual 1,our best weapon against coronavirus is to test everybody rolling out antibody tests now would give us a much better idea of just how big and how lethal the epidemic is via 3,old days will not return it is corona time 3,the legacy to be kept in family robert's name does not goes down well with electorates corona lock down has been used for launch of new incumbent conveniently has surname gandhi and having crash course to dine with poor and show sympathy for them before he is launched in politics pic twitter com/rczzxjdvxj 3,hon'minister as you would know many businesses that are sme's & professionals can only go by for 15 days with their savings extension of hard lockdown keeps people 4m earning cannot donate cannot help pay bills/debts staff hired hurts the most go for soft lockdown plz 3,women's work and 19 caring for care workers … 0,trump the liar was warned by the intel agency in january of the coronavirus he chose to ignore it 3,to honourable chief minister mamta bannerjee state of westbengal respected mam i stay in a rented room near baishnab ghata patuli by profession i'm an actor and because of covid19 and lockdown period i had no work so i could not pay my room rent now 2,they are leading with good deeds … 1,post period of covid 19 crisis that we worried retrenchment and recession – at penang (pulau pinang) 2,vanga nanbargala ellam onna polam fire brave decision by the gov for opening tasmac clapping_hands_light_skin_tone ellarom corona la sethalum parava illa nu tasmac open pandradhu romba nandri keep doing these great work 1,every bit of this panic and pandemonium is because of trump he lied tried to manipulate the markets and now takes no responsibility where the f is congress 3,v may not be testing 4 covid drive in however if people r infected they will show symptoms will go 2 doctor who advice test 4 covid fact is modiji has traded lives of indians with economy he said jaan hai toh jahan hai will not translate because u will not understand 3,he is again resorting to confrontation to deflect attention of people from his failure to fight in delhi 3,listen to what world top leaders are saying on coronavirus and what our pm subject and focus knowing china burst italy trap us failed and india huge trade link with china modi wasted 2 months in self promotion with trump and politics rather taking serious steps 2,our duty is that to be to of _19india let us win this /wz00vtmikl – at lb nagar 1,this is one smart coronavirus it not only evolved but waited till a man like trump would be fighting it and in an election year i fear it is so smart that like putin will want another 4 yrs of trump and will interfere with the election 1,coronavirus stop the hysteria washington times a must read this is an excellent article 0,famous person nonsense is at an all time excessive during the coronavirus pandemic 2,thank god this covid 19 prepared us for this 0,pelosi's coronavirus stimulus includes return of 'obamaphones ' other unrelated items gop says this drunk is crazy 0,the coronavirus mass hysteria makes me giggle and that is on being a desensitized generation 0,okay let us say they both misspoke however biden sounding like he is endorsing trump is nowhere near as irresponsible as the president sounding like he is saying coronavirus is a hoax a lot of his supporters are in the target age range where the virus can be deadly 2,the visionary tata's support in india's industrial scientific and health etc basic structure is commendable which is helping the country in the fight against today 2,the department of psychology of r d national college is honoured to present a beacon of hope and inspiration to alleviate the anxiety caused by the covid 19 pandemic … 1,sigh at least from my runny nose people will know i'm safe* because coronavirus does not f with that *from giving it to them they can still give it to me 0,dicks who used the term 'damp squid' deserve coronavirus 2,yes i'm at _19india … – at greater noida | ग्रेटर नोएडा 0,is your coronavirus fear and outrage only due to your individual risk your loved ones strangers millions of people die unnecessarily around the world annually and while their risks may not be yours or universal their lives still matter this is public health 1,first cases of in kyrgyzstan mauritius (république de maurice) new caledonia zambia djibouti & montserrat people are spreading this virus everywhere it is not going to spare any little island no big country no smaller no bigger no closer no remote place f*** 2,kaisa laga batana writing n narrating n shooting myself first time making the lockdown open my avenues cherry_blossom 1,there is at least a small possibility that major league baseball stadiums will be closed to fans in the early part of the season because of concerns so comerica park may look a lot like it did last year 2,thanks sir 1,wall street roared back to life on tuesday rebounding from the brink of bear market confirmation as bargain hunting and hopes of government stimulus calmed investors' fears surrounding the and growing signs of imminent recession 0,society man this corona virus thing you all better start self isolating and avoid other people if not necessary me an adjusted introvert pic twitter com/czloh0jzft 2,both my sons giving a try for rap challenge bout corona live recorded by me and edited by twitter com/ihtipvkyyb 3,karnataka sees biggest single day spike with 99 covid 19 cases 24 from bengaluru alone – at bhiwandi 1,"""coronavirus could hurt boeing more than the 737 max crisis""" 2,in impressed by this red_heart 0,fr but they keep u away from coronavirus 1,the most dangerous thing about the coronavirus is the fear it is causing it just started in hawaii (where i live) and as always most food is being sold out my mom just had to go shopping and she might be there for at least 40 minutes because of the long lines 0,cool cool now do fox news they were calling the coronavirus a hoax 5 days ago until they suddenly realized killing their audience might be bad for advertising revenue and coronavirus or covid19 is accurate calling it a chinese virus is causing racist attacks on americans 3,help me 's ali khan i'm in tension in this year corona effect help me please 't ignore me crying_face crying_face loudly_crying_face loudly_crying_face folded_hands folded_hands i'm from this my no 7287862345 and my google no 798939118 2,a very good article from the greater good about the potential ongoing impact covid 19 could have on kids and how adults can help 3,this time it is about indian economy after the covid19 pandemic pls watch comment and share … 3,clearly planned by 2 divert attention from as reported last night like riots plotted by during visit … 3,i am feeling corona symptoms 3,when india is in lockdown we have more than lakhs of _19 cases then can you imagine what will happen after ending 2,wow beautiful corona song's musical_notes musical_notes beautiful family deepak sharma sir ka jawab white_heavy_check_mark nahi folded_hands folded_hands yes covid19 of the best wishes you flag_in_hole jai shree ram flag_in_hole jai hind india India vande mataram jai bharat mata ki jai ho folded_hands folded_hands yes thinking_face face_with_tears_of_joy loudly_crying_face face_with_tears_of_joy okay sir ji 3,4 hospital workers in delhi succumbed to _19india in last 3 days 1 mess worker of aiims 2 former medicine hod of aiims 3 staff nurse of kalra hospital 4 sanitation supervisor of aiims our heartfelt condolences but of _crore as proposed by u sir 0,forced monogamy a la coronavirus 3,music composer director and singer wajid khan passed away at the age of 42 in mumbai he was diagnosed with the novel coronavirus a few days ago wajid khanpic twitter com/oavcpgg16e 2,sir my friend mr madhusekhar's kids (akshit 10 & akshara 8 yrs) are stuck in nellore he was expecting the lockdown to be over on 14th now that it is extended he needs to bring them back to hyd he needs to travel to nellore his phone no is 9246540207 pls help folded_hands 0,portland has come up with brilliant idea to stop spread of coronavirus in the 'houseless' community 3,mission begin again together we can fight with the precautionary measure and following social distancing norms we can fight against corona twitter com/isqcfgqq0k 3,ji what happened of your promise of preparedness for covid on 7th april you claimed that delhi govt is ready with 800 hospital beds 3,do not bring further imported flying trouble already poor people are paying for this imported corona 2,no excuses please … … 1,i hope things will get better for you soon it is scary how much the corona virus is affecting everything everyone should not have to worry about not working now 1,"""the coronavirus could spread with frightening rapidity overburdening our health care system and claiming lives until we adopt serious forms of social distancing "" writes" 3,03 persons lost life due to in today taking the death toll 31 around 78 officers of j&k including several officers were sent in quarantine civil secretariat jammu sanitised after a senior ias officer test covid19 positive – at kashmir 3,quick recap of wats happening around the world america protests rest of the world fighting covid 19 indians with no work in life 1,you know whats more dangerous then corona virus a feelings wilted_flower 3,what is the criteria to fall under this scheme announced by the fed govt if my business has suffered due to covid how will i know that i wont have to pay the bills for next 3 months 3,miss will be happy for another lockdown 2,air lines offers after corona grinning_squinting_face grinning_squinting_face 3,not only is the safety social distance of 1 metre not maintained but even fights are breaking out in the absence of police personnel who were very regular to handle this when the lockdown first kicked in the captain is as good as his team 1,government needs to revamp administration & focus of nii niv and others to prioritise research for covid type of diseases india needs to prepare for it on war footing to ward of new threat type 0,“if regular unemployment hits 20% black unemployment will likely be around 50% that will be full collapse for black america ” — “mnuchin warns senators that us could see 20% unemployment rate due to coronavirus source says” 1,my worst fear right now is my plug catches coronavirus and i smoke his coronavirus weed 1,i'm old enough to remember when plastic straws killing turtles was the world's big concern 0,in an extraordinary exchange us president trump viciously attacked an nbc news reporter who asked what his message would be to americans who are frightened by the coronavirus pandemic that is spreading across the country 3,still obsessed are corona is there beware 0,gh leaders will intentionally disgrace us you have this police truck that sprays hot water so cannot you use that for the coronavirus mass spraying wtf is that thing water pistol sef better pass am 1,covid 19 health information symptoms fever cough shortness of breath complications pneumonia acute respiratory distress syndrome (ards) kidney failure risk factors age serious underlying medical conditions (e g heart disease diabetes lung disease etc) 3,1300 cases and 30+ deaths in in the last 24 hours and the worst is yet to come confused_face unfortunately the virus has now spread far and wide into the slums 1,took 3 months for trump to deal with the threat seriously to the point of calling it war i feel that causes more fear than calling it pandemic i guess i was expecting too much from someone who still calls it the chinese virus call it by it is name coronavirus or corvid 19 2,enjoying the by staying at 2,a beautiful morning from mosque after a closure lasted more than two months because of 0,do not let the coronavirus get you down burn one 0,"oh i know he just started within the last week that is my point the explanation that he only started doing it ""because china blamed the us for the virus"" makes no sense because they blamed the us very early on and trump still called it ""coronavirus""" 3,sad news music composer of sajid wajid passed away a short while back he was suffering from broken_heart we will miss you 3,the protesters in us should not give room to antisocial elements now they take everything in their hands looting both public and private properties and setting fires the main purpose shall be defeated hence stop agitation to save common people already suffering from corona 2,"lockdown also made the people ""brave and strong"" about their family issues and relationships" 3,when our hon'ble hm is saying you learn to live with corona and even the citizen of india r also ready to learn then why this delhi up haryana border sealing issue still going on it is completely opposite what center is guiding 3,sukoon is passed away due to covid 19 and artical 35a 0,não me conformo them deixar de fazer as manifestações de por causa do coronavírus pois não acredito nessa histeria acho que é exagero proposital por parte da mídia esquerdopata para fazer a gente desistir se depender de mim eu vou pic twitter com/wqugl25kfn 2,lockdown tour of my collection of vintage apple products happy 44th birthday apple  … 2,good morning everyone stay safe wherever you are let us keep helping our frontliners to by 0,coronavirus memes i f****** need a beer and a goddamn vacation 3,yes u are right rather than a loud speech govt should work on corona 0,with all the schools shut down the will create its own style blip 1,nolte bette midler attacks trump for not wanting 'america's coronavirus numbers' to 'go up' 0,yeah for real mais soo pousson sortie bi après koor gui insha allah fekk coronavirus seey aussi 1,ebola & corona joined to hit the world … 0,fuck me this song might be the cure to coronavirus 3,1 to those who think there are not enough people dying from covid 19 to warrant our global governments' isolation rulings please realise that the numbers are not as high as they could be because of our governments' immediate actions and working together 1,coronavirus this is a war but it is unlike any we have seen the australian 1,the orange haired orangutan said last week that fear was fake news from democrats and it will be over in a few days it is just like flu he said now the idiot says it is a what changed moron 1,stone pelters need to be treated as terrorists they need to be detained under terrorist and disruptive activities (prevention) act 1987 (tada) stone pelters are more danger than corona we need to vanish both stone corona & pelters (terrorist) from india 2,people awed & wowed for the hailstorm in the ncr last month but nobody questioned it is relevance in a sub tropical state amidst mid spring check only 4 days into the covid 19 lockdown & the air index‘s turned green go figure 0,fuck it let us do a competition cheer everyone up this coronavirus has people going crazy will do another £100 give away al u have to do is like comment retweet to enter the competition wil end on the sat the 21st pic twitter com/xjrxidto26 0,these indians are doing nasty things in hatred of muslims indian media is at the forefront of spreading hatred against muslims now india has made the muslims responsible for corona virus … 1,sorry but i do not think i can stomach a trump cartoon i pray every night for this nightmare to end soon and i do not mean the coronavirus 3,when will govt awake when situation will goes to it is worst level like european countries still have time to take big decisions to save the country we who approved fmg's are ready to fight against covid19 pandemic pic twitter com/dqvtaqolax 1,time to vent 5 days go by and no results on my coronavirus test is too long please pray for those folks who i may or may not unknowingly infected and the inability to give them my results we need to do better and get results same day so we can stop this pandemic 0,what if the government is using the coronavirus as a distraction what if something bigger is happening and we do not know because all we see on tv and on social media is the stupid virus 0,mirror uk on coronavirus lockdown with mass gatherings and sports games to be banned via 3,this is going to be a loss making time for one of worlds most profitable business sector with outbreak of covid19 3,major missing in this lockdown twitter com/fmwdhkq45g 0,amy mcgrath is polling better than mcconnell is kentucky so now he wants to cheat to try to regain a lead if i was mcgrath i'd put out ads showing how partisan mcconnell is making the coronavirus response 3,immediately announce a financial relief package including tax cuts and subsidies for the salaried middle class to end our struggles caused by the covid 19 crisis sign the petition via 3,so sad to hear the passing away of wajid khan bhai due to covid 19 rest in peace folded_hands 1,coronavirus is messing my money up bad $daveyle 0,girls be out here like if we do not use a condom will i get coronavirus no bitch but i'll give you gonorrhoea 3,emirates has fired cabin crew and is planning to lay off more employees as it struggles to deal with the financial blow of the coronavirus pandemic 3,till 2 30 pm everyday i can see thousands of people in the streets what is purpose of lockdown if the lockdown get extended we are the people ( who is following all the rules) is going to suffer have 100% lockdown or stop this please 0,this demonstrates that we deserve the coronavirus 3,also pls help kids below 7th std pls do not start physical school till vaccine/medicine r made available to them else it would be very bad damage to kids as covid19 could spread fast in kids 2,it is important to keep the physical and mental health of our covid warriors good & strong it is a long war that all of us are fighting and they are the forefront something like this will really help them in dealing with the stressful time great initiative 0,would you laugh if matt gaetz got coronavirus from ted cruz 2,after corona squinting_face_with_tongue 3,when u were unwell due to cancer whole country was with u prays 4 u when country is unwell due to u r with pakistan shame on u u shd beg forgive from countrymen … 2,lockdown blessings 1,millennials have engineered a corona virus to kill the boomer industry 2,that concludes our 14 day notice 42 sms location checks and ~10 video interviews doing an amazing job of keeping us safe in folded_hands_medium-light_skin_tone _19 Singapore 3,wearing mask and stay away and following the instructions of govt is the only way to cure 0,dallas is over here trying to set itself up as an alternate location for esports and coronavirus is shitting all over them 0,the line at bjs today what a shit show this is twitter com/sdj8e6hyie 2,how nature prospers amid coronavirus outbreak as humans slowdown the positive impact the decrease in human activity has had on the planet effected everything water air noise even life “”bitter truth about humanity”” ー19 0,oh hell no “could be included in the senate's coronavirus rescue bills significantly boost the number of visas offered annually from 10 000 to 75 000 while halving the investment required to earn legal residence from $900 000 to $450 000” we will vote you out 1,one drastic change brought is the fear of sneezing coughing spitting over powering the good old “fart” weapon what a change 1,i see what your saying but still if a student got coronavirus or we were all being risked at catching it (and it is a high possibility we could be) then there would be panic amongst the schools x 1,today unfortunately three cases of have been confirmed in my city this worries me a lot we have little structure may have mercy on us 0,just add 4 zeros for the real number _under_attack 2,_board you & tejaswini both are doing a commendable job with special focus on board segment children though we got to know about you only during the lockdown have recommended your youtube video clips to many please continue with the good work & all the best 2,*it takes mind body heart and courage to fight this pandemic we deeply express our thankful gestures to these pic twitter com/xfyhwykbxq 1,perhaps businesses could invest in lights to keep at bay without shutting down and putting people out of work i hope scientists are looking at this as an option to keep businesses open vegas is getting hit hard with closures 3,corona virus effected on all media that is why media playing like a mental patient #राष्ट्रद्रोही_मीडिया 0,santa clara school district superintendents and board of trustees excuse absences or close schools for santa clara county 19 sign the petition via 3,a day after a 45 year old man from shopian district died at skims soura his swap sample returned positive for the novel coronavirus on monday taking the death toll due to the dreaded disease in to 29 0,with khabib being stuck in russia due to travel ban connor will be sharing the octagon with tony ferguson at no one was expecting such a turn however the notorious going to lose this 3,if karnataka police block road for covid19 transmission kerala cm huge war cry to pm kerala not mfr state consumer state 2,senior citizens are more prone to _19 they are hermetically sealed grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes 3,pls intervene before delhi govt makes history of delhi no 1 in corona … 3,today the mla of nampally ex mayor of hyderabad and along with seva foundation team distributed ration kits at mohammedia madarsa khaja nagar and bhola nagar to help the lockdown affected people who are badly hit with the current situation 0,10 20am (100 to go ) this is not good it is trending too high for my prediction this graph is pure speculation for datapic twitter com/sfe4ov6nz2 0,he gives pelosi special recognition and the rest of the democratic house members because those fuck nuts that call themselves republicans do not give two shits about the american public as they voted no on the coronavirus bill 1,how can u be afraid of the corona virus but not an std i'm curious 1,the word ‘corona virus' is actually starting to hurt my head 1,likeee can i find a real nigga before this corona virus kill me 3,then let us lockdown all the public hospital's and tells the public to stay at home or either go to private hospitals the govt shall then not collect tax from the public when they are not able to provide health facilities & quality education ー19 2,i am now an ambassador i am responsible to protect myself and my community from 19 i challenge (tag 3 friends/family) to take the course pic twitter com/rnlujm7pla 2,feeling exhausted of lockdown boring then kk is treat for u index_pointing_up of the best heist thrillers in tamil till date & matured performances eases the narration a fun filled thriller with gripping screenplay gvm (crunchy chip in tis kk cake) 1,quit buying all the toilet paper you stupid fuckers you dont need so much toilet paper all of a sudden you scared bitches i swear yall are the most greedy humans in the fucking worldpic twitter com/zkdirztuuq 2,my new drawing _mepic twitter com/vjbtccnhfo 1,"they started again china's deadly 'wet markets' are back start selling bats cats and pangolins amid covid pandemic source ""oneindia"" via dailyhunt download now" 0,lockdown is an emergency protocol that prevents people from leaving a given area shut down means that you have shut off the whole system 3,death reported 1 only out of 13 patients and top 3 above where more than 100 died due to __19 0,the panic about coronavirus has become so ridiculous that customers have been stealing the little hand sanitizer bottles off the sales floor counters at my work come the fuck on people 0,cut this china man's whole thing off (if he has any ) 3,karyakartas of abvp have been working round the clock to help students stuck during the lockdown so far thousands of northeast students have been helped by abvp this is what hon'ble chief minister of manipur shri ji has to say about abvp's work 2,nostalgia nut not for long face_with_tears_of_joy had a really great time victory_hand these guys are the major missing in this lockdown love you guys heart_with_ribbon – at vip road 1,president of the university of maryland wallace d loh coronavirus (covid 19) poses an enormous threat to umd students sign the petition via 2,ohh masha allah smiling_face_with_heart-eyes happy twitter anniversary n thanku so much revolving_hearts revolving_hearts 0,'too late' farage criticises open borders while britons locked down in crisis /dimymoj3qx 1,las vegas trip booked fuck the coronavirus 2,"i heard that imran khan called an urgent press conference and announced that pakistan is the only country in the world where corona virus is depleting rapidly unfortunately he was unaware that he held the corona virus ""bar chart"" upside down ha ha ha" 1,evening update 128 343 cases globally up about 6k us at 1 663 up about 300 the jhu site appears to be having some problems that limit other information 1,conspiracy theory the coronavirus was caused by the millennial fad of eating “the booty like groceries ” 1,breakingnews dow futures tumble 1 000 points as oil price war adds to coronavirus stress 1,these people seriously think there is a grand conspiracy to “keep the numbers low ” as if people only become severely ill *after* they test positive for coronavirus 2,coronavirus oi social distancing oi why still hug hug hah jk 0,the spoke person of health ministry mr agarwal conveyed that plasma is not the treatment for covid and itbis also an illegal act is it not contrary to his message why plasma being taken when it is illegal and of no use 2,much needed therapy … 2,well i can tell to you with all fact and figures best treatment for corona even since last one month trying to analyse where its kind of funny but it have worth to think about it 0,some idiot is commenting on all city of vancouver posts telling people to sit in a sauna and not worry about can we please get rid of these people spreading harmful propaganda 0,ugh i am a senior in a senior apt and these people just do not get it i had a man say screw social distancing another said he was tired of hearing about coronavirus a woman said she thought shutting down things was dumb they will not listen to me so frustrating 3,tribute rip irrfan khan awesome bollywood actor … … 3,block corona … 0,your masturbatory ego rallies put your magats at risk but you do not really care do you 1,respected pm you have ordered the lockdown and we need to enforce it strictly else the purpose for lock down will be wasted economy gone and people not following i fear the purpose of lockdown is defeated so we are losing on both fronts – at madambakkam tank ground ( tg ) 3,we are in this together president macron & share a deep & strong bilateral relationship india is in solidarity with people affected in france by & sure we will fight together & overcome this pandemic long live france long live india … 0,created a naturally occurring coronavirus strain how dumb are you 3,are there any outbound vbm flights from mumbai to dubai my 89 year old father h l ajwani is stranded living completely alone due to lockdown please can you arrange to bring him to dubai +971506407233 1,i think my mom has the coronavirus her partner as well her partner works at a hospital and came home one day a couple weeks ago saying someone was in with a bad lung thing they now have flu like symptoms 3,you welknown due to covid 19 back bone fully broken poor people they cannot servie normal life according many sources near about 25 crore person unemployed due to covid 19 many service sector fully infected one of provide marriage garden and power supply through genrator 0,wait a minute it is this all just an early april fool's day prank 1,is there any chance this chaos can tank your desired position i have not been worried until now i think they are way over blowing the coronavirus to tank the economy and using msm to manipulate the uninformed reassure me 1,piroshky piroshky in pike place market is among the businesses that count on alaska cruise passengers in seattle each summer on kiro 7 news at 6 the new uncertainty about the season after the cruise ship warning from the state department pic twitter com/ktasjf6fo8 2,how ted ed is helping families students and teachers navigate the covid 19 pandemic … via – at madurai índia 1,going to try and but out the in hopes it goes away is not going to happen this should show the american people you are definately not up to the job as a leader no way now how 2,rejuvenate itself with the first shower of the mansoon had a difficult time during covid 19 but thanks to our vrukshamitra's who really worked hard to minimize the impact is our dream and dream is not far now /vyvt9ivezq 1,coronavirus california health officials predict that about 56% of the state's population 25 5 million people will be infected that is why gov newsom requested trump to send hospital ship 2,welcome to corona from the corona capital if india 0,as with any crisis it is worse than the government is saying but not as bad as the media paints it 2,photo of the day 131/366 customer service we discovered this amazing cafe in the middle of the rice fields shortly after we arrived in hoi an unfortunately because of lockdown we did not visit for a few weeks … 3,delhi govt should ask clarification from up govt in writing where are these 100 buses why up govt worked to sabotage modiji's little late but brilliant step of complete 1,yall people are scared shitliss thinking the reality of life was really what you was living im fucking excited bout this new world we are bout to be living in im loving how the coronavirus is fucking the world up 3,2400 corona deaths if your family members … 1,now that you know that _19 attacks you because of a weak immune system would you take a risk of drinking alcohol stop consuming alcohol … 3,what happened in india migrants suffering with lockdown to go home they are paid fully ticket price but not satisfied 3,human cause nature disaster nature retaliates corona amphan n locust n further become worst 3,the central government has quarantined 1800 people linked to jamaat event meanwhile the number of covid 19 positive cases has gone up by 358 in the biggest spike in 24 hr period some suicide bombers will self destroy and also destroy this country with their foolishness as fig pic twitter com/92hlykyzha 0,if the (coronavirus) is real why are they using fake people to lie 2,after lockdown womens women’s_room beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes 0,white nationalists looking to weaponize coronavirus pandemic both literally and figuratively 3,famous bollywood music composer wajid khan passes away due to covid 19 corona takes another one life twitter com/dqbui7wdqr 0,the coronavirus memes crack me up lmao 1,this is what lockdown shows up on 31 dec 2020 no one have the fear parents are not worried of there childred hope for there wellness in future sector 7 colonly palces police should give a round after 2 for 4 hr standing on streets will not work out pic twitter com/j9q6vjgug9 – at sector 6 bahadurgarh 0,ustedes están pasados de maricos tripajuos terroristas vende patria por dios dejen su maldita traición y ataque al pais al pueblo y sobretodo a su riqueza ojala les de zika chicungunya dengue coronavirus y sobre todo al malpario de guaidon 0,something is not right with this whole coronavirus thing the powers that be is using this for mass control imo how can you stop everything going on in the world for 2 weeks 3,do not be deluded by the delay in your punishment when it comes it will be painful and severe _19 1,“this coronavirus ” rush limbaugh asked “all of this panic is just not warranted ” it is a “fraud” by the deep state to spread panic in the populace manipulate the economy and suppress dissent per sean hannity guys let us meet in new rochelle and group hug 3,4 so do not compare covid 19 with past pandemics in terms of deaths compare it with the efficacy of our reaction and containment and support our people on the front lines 3,lockdown chala da maraj kuthe jave khan tai drooling_face loudly_crying_face 1,should we looking @ 's approach although closing schools there is infinitely easier as nearly everyone has a helper nevertheless pretty contained considering proximity to china 2,dera sacha sauda these volunteers are also ready to help the country in defeating the coronavirus pandemic according to government's instructions ji pic twitter com/wlirvfst6u 2,one more acronym although i find it quite cool i have also coined an acronym for covid19 video blogs and other health initiatives project happy g (health advice promotion disease prevention among youth geriatrics) video blog … … 0,if anybody's clueless it is you blaming the democrats for the effects on the stock market in the economy is totally lame his trade wars weakened the stock market earlier which is why it is suffering so bad now because of the coronavirus not the dems 2,feeling happy that was for corona warriors 2,no government can win this war against corona virus only a nation can win it do the right thing for your brothers & sisters in need 2,we are proud to be the digital soldiers of india thanks csc for giving us this platform #करोना ー19 0,it is ridiculous everyone in america cannot easily get testing out healthcare system is trash 3,thread by while pm delivers ill informed and dangerous polemic on covid and lockdowns a dangerous callous cover up is underway according to a credible government source a conspiracy to conceal the deaths of 20 people in mayo hospital lahor… 1,“today humanity faces an acute crisis not only due to the coronavirus but also due to the lack of trust between humans to defeat an epidemic people need to trust scientific experts citizens need to trust public authorities and countries need to… 3,india registers biggest single day spike of 8 392 cases total tally rises to 1 90 535 death toll climbs to 5 394 /d1rz3fl6cc 3,are you guys ordering clothes for eid i'm so confused where and for whom would i wear them broken_heart 3,gone too soon famous music composer wajid khan passed away due to covid 19 condolences to his family and loved ones rip twitter com/v9vmaahwqf 0,mark my words next up on the coronavirus hit list will be anthony weiner mark my damn words 3,in spite of being the most patients of corona in indore today shivraj singh has transferred collector and sp shivraj is the only cm in the country who is engaged in setting up his favourite officers in the midst of the corona epidemic when the senses die 1,same here in corona fear 3,covid 19 mission impossible it is possible still waiting for follow back 3,bangkok post headlines on thursday diamond_suit relief cash only covers a month diamond_suit govt mulls easing curfew as cases drop diamond_suit inbound flight ban extended #โควิด19 0,i is not fucking with corona virus till that mf shut down all work facilities and still getting paid 0,a man that eat ladies ass hole pussy and all that evil sex satan and corona virus is waiting for you at the hell gate 2,sunset stop motion captured by me using app sun 3,writing this from the sleepless nights helpless times break from the mediocre life we are all in this together staying home will help the situation be better – at vasant kunj enclave 0,have not got a hug in a while ( listen here u lil shit 3,covid 19 africa 6 075 cases on the african continent 214 deaths & 478 recoveries | 1,tens of thousands pack mexico city music festival despite coronavirus concerns via 2,hello beautiful handsome and amazing people kindly follow my business page g__store_ god bless you _19 … 0,hey if you think sheriff clark's tweets merited deletion there is much worse happening in brazil from the top (captain president) down look for evangelical lunatics selling cure and all types of criminal trolls 1,while experts warn u s spread is inevitable they also stress communities should not panic here's what you need to know about coronavirus and how to prevent it 1583797207 … 2,check out big gallery of motivation and inspirational quotes fire fire 2,naicee remix on yes let us break this lockdown together love from hugging_face hugging_face 0,dyk •frontline mds in communities acrosshave no means of ordering essential ppe b/c cdn suppliers indefinitely out of stock—no govt assistance despite mds raising concerns •ph agencies directing cdns suspected of infection to hosp ers—puts vulnerable hosp pts at risk 2,modiji ab yeh taklif bahut badh rahi hai app samjo there is no option than gangajal to cure covid even i am tired writing you and icmr but i will not stop because i know gangajal is the sureshot cure i love my india India folded_hands_light_skin_tone bhavesh raval 7045305866 ravalbhavesh349 2,respected cm sir as the corona graph is inclining kindly consider 100 %lockdown except healthcare on 5 6 10 11 & 12th april to create a small vaccum in corona spread in tn as people are uncooperative without realising the seriousness of next impact 1,i know the corona virus is real but the panic that is causing is crazy 1,where does the coronavirus come from why new diseases keep appearing in communist china vox 2,thanks to for having this scientific interaction on _cov_2 _distancing … 2,if this lockdown ends i have promised myself i will go for sky diving para gliding and learn advanced stages of swimming and deep sea diving yes this is coming from a guy who is an indoor anime weeb introvert 0,stop targeting muslims first of all there was no right planning for lockdown _media_islamophobia _shutup _media_islamophobia 0,probably going to take a mass shooting for people to shut up about the coronavirus for a few days 2,today sacrifice is tomorrow success … … 0,how did a home economics teacher become so corrupt/dirty crooked infusion of filthy money will do it every time right to not vote to help families in tennessee with coronavirus is beyond evil yours is coming lady 3,second death of a 72 year old man with comorbities from doda district on monday died of covid 19 at gmc jammu taking the death toll due to the virus to 30 in … 3,respected sir in our telangana all private teachers and lecturers are in horrible situations due to covid 19 and mainly private management (chaithanya nd narayana) b'caz they told to all faculty's like “no work no pay “ so pls take the action nd save their life's 1,cleveland apl is reducing adoption fees to clear out shelters in midst of coronavirus threat 1,very disappointed in senator cruz for adding to the hysteria of this with his self isolation just because you interacted with somebody who might have it does not necessarily mean they transferred it to you everybody stay calm we are going to be just fine 2,interview4 voa on impact of covid 19 on natural environment the pandemic a disaster to mankind but a blessing for other living beings on earth the link of the programme will be shared once it is ready and uploaded twitter com/adcugraohh 1,bravery is not the absence of fear but action in the face of fear we salute the heroes who are keeping our communities safe & pray that they keep themselves safe installed corona shield at hussainialam ps designed by & gifted by rbjaju family /guv8ka6siv – at hussaini alam 3,figures in america and europe cannot be trusted due to fake death certificates in rest of the world if you look at number of deaths carefully it is an every year sesonal flu with common corona virus 1,corona virus when it falls on the fabricremains 9 hours so washing clothes or being exposed to the sun for two hours meets the purpose of killing it 2,beauty of lockdown days red gulmohar flower carpet at melattur railway station of nilambur shornur railway line today ഒരു പൂമരക്കാറ്റ് പെയ്തപോലെ നിറയെ ചുവന്ന പൂക്കൾ courtesy pattikad railway station and… 3,listening to you music in lockdown in country music star joe diffie dies of coronavirus the hindu 2,2 chinese americans use art to honor frontline covid fighters … 2,marking for maintaing social distance by volunteer in reasi town in front of essential items shops thanks to district reasi administration for giving us this opportunity as volunteer for fight against covid_19 हम सब लड़ेंगे हम ही जीतेंगे /e0m5xx3q7m 1,i do not believe we are overreacting to the coronavirus there is no vaccine for it and there will not be one for at least a year the fatality rate is over 3% versus 1% for the flow we have no idea how many people are testing positive for the virus going to be huge numbers 1,having a 4 year old with sleep apnea is the most scary thing and now his operation is going to be cancelled next week 2,o god corona virus comes to this 11 district only on saturday & sunday according to this news & other 5 days corona virus goes to china but good news thanks 2,i am now an ambassador i am responsible to protect myself and my community from 19 i challenge (tag 3 friends/family) to take the course @… 2,and finally 19 ( ) accepts in credit goes to _media 2,i found a brother when i was looking for a friend pune … 1,feelings are cancelled due to coronavirus 3,why shud i suffer because of such ppl if i catch corona it is only because of tabligh 0,people hate democracy ⁩ be careful trump may exploit the coronavirus crisis for authoritarian ends | andrew gawthorpe | opinion | the guardian 1,i was going to have some fried spring rolls at panda but this covid 19 got me thinking about the cook wearing mask + wearing gloves we had our first coronavirus patient here in our valley paranoia is setting in 1,"that is it since folks are mad about it being called ""the chinese virus"" the coronavirus will now henceforth be known as the beijing boogaloo" 2,kejriwal sahab spends crores if money in advertising but have no money for our corona health warriors who are 24*7 risking their lives just to save ours /skjpwef5wf 1,coronavirus mortgage payment worries take these steps 0,+ wh “president trump does not have the coronavirus” reality “trump got that shit ” 1,loved interview w/ the short doc pressed him on difference between and swine flu and seasonal flu 1,must be that corona virus 0,i'm about sick and tired of hearing about the coronavirus canceling major events and not letting anybody see there kid play there last game of basketball cause of this stupid coronavirus cannot wait for it to be over so we do not have to hear about it 2,day 6/7 'vietnam post lockdown' rules no people no words only objects and pictures from home i was nominated by today i nominate – at aeon citimart him lam 0,ww3 fires storms floods coronavirus whats next a heatwave i hope 0,well what is the plan for reimbursement i hate you pic twitter com/eivxrxnarv 0,a company i primarily use for my bookings but it fails to serve its customers not left and fall to deaf ears trip id 190923161646 and my refund for 3148 not done customer grievances cell is still in no replies feel 3,respected sir what is the time to fight together with corona but to stay away from far away victory will be ours god is with us 3,tonight as we enter the last 10 days of ramzan pray for forgiveness pray for the helpless migrants to ease their sufferings pray for the ummah and pray for a corona free world inshallah 2,kuwait is the greatest country in the world #الكويت_تتصدى_لكورونا 1,the risks in going to the gym during the coronavirus pandemic explained by experts 0,i'm so annoyed yes the media over plays the coronavirus and a lot of people are severely overreacting but why is it bad to be vigilant and concerned for our health a lot of people live with suppressed immune systems chronic illnesses and live with grandparents 3,dear lockdown thank you for making me realise that the biggest mistake of my life has been sacrificing my sleep for another human being 3,in this crucial time of 21 days long lockdown daily wage workers are the ones who are affected the most in order to help the vulnerable people to survive the crisis our team is in touch with the children and their community to help them out in every way possible pic twitter com/rkvbpfkjty 1,i think the way they test you for coronavirus scares me more than the actual illness 1,is not it weird that we are seeing more papers about covid 19 > sars/ebola/h1n1 is it more researchers now or more people seeking for fame the pathophysiology is still being studied but the amount of papers related to covid 19 is insanely too many within a short period of time 3,corona fuck you loudly_crying_face loudly_crying_face i want to go here loudly_crying_face 2,in these uncertain times it is up to every one of us to stay vigilant and not fall prey to misinformation around the corona pandemic that is being circulated on social media only refer to trusted news organisations and official sources _19 2,it is like a when i wait for entire one year to hold smell see and taste this most favourite fruit of mine and feel the bliss of life when i start my day with a every summer morning thank you for delivering my most favourite fruit during lockdown pic twitter com/5axp8ebtn6 0,bs why do you lie the chinese government notified who about the coronavirus on dec 31 the trump administration sprang into action less than a week later on jan 6 meanwhile all democrats did was to work on their next impeachment scheme the timeline proves you lie pic twitter com/sun60wsuym 1,oh lord we need your help we are still battling corona virus another outbreak in dr congo 2020 is getting scary already 2,we will learn to love how to dream we will find our love in the sky dress from hope_bkk #เซทคอนโดฉันเอง #ชุดแม่ปลาคาร์ฟ oasis hotel … 2,lockdown time am seeing around people changed attitude & this will bring back humanity humility in the way we go ahead with our life pic twitter com/ypow4vgkr9 2,a good gesture by as he distributed food packets among lorry drivers as the dhabas been closed due to 1,italy's coronavirus response is a warning from the future the atlantic 3,wajid khan the popular bollywood music director from the sajid wajid duo passed away today at the age of 43 he was suffering from covid19 rest in peace wajid khan twitter com/csls7m9dhj 2,pavilion 2,happy anniversary to you and your husband enjoy the date 1,health reporting and the is no exception of writes in why this is a dangerous mix and a matter of responsibility primarily for journalists but also ordinary citizens 3,yes and people fighting with hunger and poverty r also less vulnerable to … 3,how demonetisation gst & corona lockdown cld hv bn made successful without collateral damage writes biswajit bhattacharya but we prided in shocks &got electrocuted … 3,sir please do something for m e students in mumbai university mu is always delayed for engineering and now this covid 19 2,imagine fighting coronavirus with no data network i want to take a moment to salute the unsug heroes of this fight people working in telecoms of india thank you … 0,question what is the government not telling us about the coronavirus 0,it has not escaped from my attention fed lowering interest to zero reeks of contrasting desesperation and will not put money on the hands of consumers 1,coping with stress by having the best little quarantine buddy snuggled in my lap twitter com/g2ub6n8zjj 3,too many things are happening too many things have changed too many things have stopped yes this is difficult but each of us will continue to move one small step at a time it is not a race choose your speed twitter com/n8mpwxzihv 0,cada día me convenzo más el coronavirus ataca al kirchnerismo gracias totales 0,i do not think the coronavirus realizes who it is messing with pic twitter com/llvkv4ne98 2,amidst covid 19 a message of love twitter com/kykfqwsjdu – at surat marriott hotel 2,no excuses please of my lockdown countdown … … 0,give me a break trump is a con man he uses “double speak” he said the coronavirus was a hoax by the dems fact in their description of trumps after the fact statement was covering up trump admin has made a terrible mess he is downplaying it all 3,hey donald hope you not skipping your hcqs meds show them what you are in fact double the dose if you can prove them wrong trump drug hydroxychloroquine raises death risk in covid patients study says 1,trump blocked aggressive coronavirus testing because he worried it would hurt his reelection 0,i hope those poachers are slowly eaten by a big cat croc whatever and they can rot in hell along with the dude from and and all other game hunters 2,aanya shares her views on how to become a super hero amidst the lockdown twitter com/f7twoggext 0,i have people telling me the 'panic' is a ploy by democrats my reply is that the last time italy 'closed' was because of a world war they still are not persuaded i do not give up but i wonder if they will be the first to get and regret it 2,it is nice to see families up on the terraces of their homes walking talking interacting flying kites they are going to miss this once this is over hopefully this will bring and a long lasting positive social change twitter com/5rpf51frkj 0,maybe if i bolt my front door shut coronavirus will stay out 1,kenya activists fear spike in violence against women during coronavirus 2,in this corona outbreak protect yourself and your family stay home and stay safe make this quarantine a success to break the chain twitter com/vfsl6g32ws 2,sir excellent work to boost up the moral of corona warriors great work sir 0,ask why and how gave permission to kill indian citizens as bio terrorists corona suiciders 1,currently reading outwitting the devil by napoleon hill halfway through and it is absolutely astounding a great read especially in these corona virus times where people are consumed by fear the only thing we should be fearing is fear itself 2,do you know *some positive stories of past week coronavirus quarantine to take your mind off the gloominess* knowledge is light please subscribe my channel like | share | comment hit bell icon to get notification of latest video's pic twitter com/itzs5zds3d 1,people italy did not shut down to make donald trump look bad stop with the “it's the media creating panic” story 3,am m asim naseer from pakistan city faisalabad i need going to pakistan emergency because my father old age and aloot fevar in shift hospital faisalabad but am not going because flight close open uae flights please (corona virus ) issue 1,no one calls it the chinese flu or chinese coronavirus you racist people do 0,coronavirus countries enforce mass closures to stem spread 2,welcome back and good news on the covid test look forward to your updates on the district situation 1,but i have heard that doctor osman had brain haemorrhage not corona 2,faridabad 3,where inworld country divided on religious lines here bharat for hindus & pakistan for muslims those voted forpak including jinnsh family stayed back for gazvaehind &dream another pakistan result repeated riots shahinbagh &tableegijamat violating lockdown 2escalate coronavirus 0,sorry i do not give a shit about any of these celebrities who are imposing self quarantine yeah i'd be ok with it too if i had the funds to live inside my 15k sq ft+ home guess they might find a few rooms they have never been in before 0,i am a census employee please help me get the word out we are 3 weeks away from hiring 100 000 people to count shelters food vans homeless this will hurt employees the vulnerable and the census count congress and the administration need to act 3,good job sir but what about those people who stuck in goa by lockdown will your govt planning about to send them back their home 2,हो र कुन ठाउँमा thinking of at least enjoying one outing a haircut in lockdown period grinning_face grinning_face 2,april may edition of #लोक_कल्याण_सेतु highlights easy tips to prevent corona measures to get rid of bad effects of eclipse benefits of meditating on the idol of sadguru simple ways to stay healthy the festival of gaining devotion n wisdom guru purnima pic twitter com/1pl9mose9z 2,more filipino nurses and care workers died in the uk from covid than in the philippines johnson owes all migrant health care workers some respect and gratitude tory twats will clap tonight and it means nothing 0,man attacked accused of causing coronavirus in belgium via /r/asianamerican 0,lockdowns are effective if people are not hungry and they have enough resources but if people are hungry and without resources any type of lockdown is not successful … 2,telemedicine is the new call for action at the moment 3,when the world is busy fighting covid 19 indian home ministers is running campay of detaining and filing false cases against muslims activists _nrc_protests 0,"neville accuses boris johnson of ""zig zagging all over the place"" on coronavirus" 0,this is our so called muslim society where a muslim women officer harassed by these shitts mard enko lagta hai ye musilman hai jummah par kr aye hai musilman hai no mein enko musilman ni janta touch her they abused her physical ridiculous __19 2,19 iran shows good recovery from covid 19 no new cases surfacing now 1,coronavirus scare elect cuomo billy joel coronavirus scare tweet i need to rethink my feed and activity on this website 2,your favorite game read them just 2min … 0,unfortunately covid19 has given rise to another pandemic infodemic god save us from these irresponsible twitterati 3,i m indian national n right now stuck in dhaka pls note here i hv lost my job due to covid n living from last 2 months without earning i want to go bk to delhi immediately on special air india flight i hv already registered on hci 2,coming to an end tomorrow so let me share my two favourite social media posts from friends … 3,ji i live in c4c block we have found 2 corona positive case since yesterday heard people talking about no beds and faced challenges for testing would request you to meet or call the family so that these rumours go away 0,the impact on travel is worse than the 2008 financial crisis and 9/11 combined we need immediate action in the form of economic relief to save the hotel industry and millions of jobs that depend on it 3,leave everything from bottom of ur heart say if situation then was so emergent that 4hrs notice lockdown was essential was it not priority of captain(pm) 2 consult state cms doers give some time 4 ppl 2 digest & then implement lockdown more efficiently instead of what was done 1,amidst the on going _19 crisis media is shifting the to a hindu muslim issue an organized media conspiracy against the is unacceptable during the medical emergency people deserve love and care not hatred and fear mongering 1,coronavirus un ghana staff to work from home as colleague gets infected 2,my appeal in few hindi newspapers to indian muslims to respect the rules and regulations of the and 2offer daily namaz & tarawi namaz from within their homes _19india – at qureshi builders bandra 0,is your account satire or does every conservative use the same talking points trump was calling coronavirus a hoax until less than a week ago even biden bumbling over his script could clear that low bar though not by much 1,what do i think of people who are ignoring warnings and gatherings in bars and restaurants i'll be nice and just call them irresponsible unfortunately based on everything known it is the fatal kind of irresponsibility the novel coronavirus and covid 19 are no joke 2,finally accepts thanks to godi media 3,us and saudi are putting more pressure on continuing the 5 year blockade on in a time the whole world are calling for cooperation to control 3,"covid19 be confused af watchin intl news at the crib ""it used to be all bout me sleepy_face "" ""where's my 1meter """ 2,"that is for those who cannot earn their bread because lockdown ""then let them bake cake """ 2,the only way to protect the lives of millions of pakistanis is by enforcing a lockdown and advocating and facilitating social distancing 1,man this whole corona virus thing is just doing wonders for my anxiety haha anyway day 2 has started production and seriously these 2 again what could be happening this time pic twitter com/oxskslefe2 3,music composer passed away due to covid 19 rip pic twitter com/yi7uia2t7y 3,pic 1 when a covid warriors family asks for help a day later they realise kejriwal will not help them pic 2 when a so called journalist asks for haircut kejriwal tweets for her seperately priorities of the 'aam aadmi' cm /ogoqqsazwg – at karawal nagar chowk 3,hypocricy reloaded modi saying sorry to poor for taking strict action amidst corona crisis our champ mamidala blocked their salaries for three months 0,i think i need to get off social media until this coronavirus shit ends 1,put the whole country on lock down and stop the spread of this virus immediately all of the deaths and spreading of the coronavirus is your fault for not having enough supplies test kits quarantines in place do it now to protect american citizens 0,the dems are saying president trump's handling of the coronavirus is incompetent and too little after it passes without great harm he will be accused of over reacting like everything else the dems accuse him of this too will backfire as the economy bounces back 2,・・ in line with an easing of some covid 19 restrictions by the authorities we are pleased to say that we are ready to welcome you back to the club and we are set to open a number of our… … 0,china is censoring coronavirus stories these citizens are fighting back via 3,sindh govt is fighting with corona for safety of people and federal govt is fighting with sindh govt for face saving 3,no supply of water in my area since last 15 days we are following govt orders by staying in our homes due to covid19 but i would like to request govt to provide basic human needs which we deserve to live our lives with sanity … 3,corona check up bihar shame shame pic twitter com/xgpg43vndg 3,we cannot win this war against corona virus because we cannot live by the rules whatever govt takes measure we are not ready to help our government in effort to stop corona from spreading people gathered for rations listing but there is no social distancing /okrvjfaftv 0,kenyan banks offer relief to borrowers as traders warned on hiking costs rwanda government monitoring affects of coronavirus on the economy nigeria ban foreign travel of government officials 1,is god fearing gentleman but to crush in maharashtra we need a rough and tough knight like who visits hotspots of day and night … 1,crisis over $spy $es_f $uup $tlt $vixpic twitter com/wytxqo22ez 3,india records worst day of covid 19 pandemic 5 611 new cases in 24 hours by anulekha ray the number of deaths due to coronavirus infection rose to 3 303 maharashtra reported the highest single day death toll of 63 a lion's share of coronavirus fatalities in last 24 hours – at bhiwandi 3,govt of india should take decision for all school children to waived off school fees from apr to jun 2020 due to covid 19 for avoiding financial burden in this critical junction of time and moral support as there is nation wide lock down and school remains closed 0,very sick people indeed oh not dems the victims of 45's inaction with the coronavirus he knew on jan 6 and called it a hoax for almost 2 months decisive no devisive 0,question why is the government not concerned about closing or limiting the # of people in these type store at one time apparel stores grocery stores sporting stores home improvement stores like their doing to restaurants 0,i'm over this corona virus already i want my senior year back we should be living our best lives rn but instead we have to practice “social distancing” fuck that i'm tryna do some fuck shit w my girls 3,can we forward for clearance sale thinking_face thumbs_down_dark_skin_tone angry_face person_walking 0,you could not make this up the health minister probably infected the whole uk cabinet 0,may as well give him coronavirus throw him into a suitcase and leave him in the woods while you are at it get real bro 2,hello people we are glad that more than 100 of enthusiastic young souls joined the learn online programme created for malaysians during congrats … 1,this is it the coronavirus has gone too far 1,do not know who this guy is but he has a great point kween hillary would be handling this crisis like a champ if she were president she did such a great job managing bill in the oval office we would really be going places if she was in charge sad 0,belgium will restrict movement in the country because of the coronavirus outbreak ー19uk 0,coronavirus i think we should concentrate on how we manage the interface with vulnerable people (e g elderly people/carers) continue the basic message of hygiene & then as brutal as it sounds take the 'hit' unless we want global shutdown etc etc etc 1,most estimates quote 0 1% for flu and around 2 5% for coronavirus 3,take healthy food say goodbye to corona virus( ) twitter com/aahq9ztn87 2,_ur_heroes cute angels source of for us zuhaib has been filling this coin bank for 3 years today he made his contributions to ababeel _hero this contribution has been one of the most emotional ones this ramadhan 0,wrong it is a conglomeration of uncertainty of the coronavirus gdp growth global growth and your gross incompetence to rationally grasp reality fake news is when you called the coronavirus a hoax 3,in what could be a straight out of bollywood type lockdown plot coming alive four men were arrested in jammu's poonch for faking the death of one among them to evade the coronavirus lockdown while making way towards their native village … 0,“donald trump tests negative for coronavirus” the useless bastard just cannot do anything right 3,several eminent personalities have come up to extend financial aid to the government by contributing to pm cares fund on pm modi's appeal to battle covid 19 via namo app 2,good i learn this method in lockdown period thanks mem 1,the coronavirus homie really just tried to pull up on me like this nigga is not sick as fuck right now 2,this lockdown has given us an opportunity to look back and think as to where we have been lacking in fulfilling our developmental goals our preamble talks about social justice did we achieve what our constitution had envisaged 1,coronavirus has a 3 4% mortality rate the flu is 0 1% they are completely different your logic is like saying a bugatti and a peugeot are the same thing because they are both ‘cars' 1,"did you get your check yet why attacks on trump's""slow"" response to the virus are flooding my feed obama's former cdc director admitted sexual offender thomas frieden has condemned the us response to corona some people just do not know when to shut up" 0,the only stores open in italy or grocery stores and pharmacies it is completely locked down that is not the flu 0,the impacts of this shutdown will have a far greater negative impact to the country than coronavirus 1,my neighbours niece has corona virus ngl i'm starting to get more shook of leaving my house now 0,*denmark shuts schools and universities after surge in coronavirus cases* denmark dk's prime minister is now announcing that most of denmark is shutting down schools and alot of institutions groups of more than 100 people is not allowed 0,hm this corona virus is getting serious chale @ dansoman 1,going to tell my kids hum corona pandemic me bhi exam dene jate the _spreading_corona_virus 3,we feel that china is in league with pak and is simply buying time to strengthen it is position on lac so that india does not dare in pok and also reclaim aksia chin it seems something will happen to divert world attention from it is corona misdeeds we have to be prepared … 2,wonderfull job under these lockdown circumstances 3,work from home my job is secure … … 3,dude did american realise that they still in the middle of pandemic covid19 … 1,health and human services hit with cyber attack aimed at slowing coronavirus response report 1,many people are avoiding crowded gyms and workout classes over coronavirus concerns but you do not let physical activity fall by the wayside here's a great circuit workout you can create at home 3,there are expected more than 6 lac cases in hunn dasdi pai ay na govt mukhtaryaa eid shoppings with no sops being followed by people was a success behind this 3,assalam walekum bhai god bless you and your bhai i ask you 1 request please i am in my also in tension for so please bhai help me bhai 'm from hyderabad bhai do not mind salman folded_hands folded_hands crying_face crying_face my contact no 7287862345 3,govt failed in providing shelter food job security to people this is the biggest reason why the lockdown in telangana is lifted again 2,“happiness is homemade” india … 0,damn i wish people cared about the opioid crisis as much as they do they corona virus 1,at least hospitals in pakistan have complete data available for cancer high blood pressure and diabetes patients and when they cannot survive from shock these people can be protected in isolatation 0,so they cancelled gym classes because of the see now i'm mad 2,interesting to see folks in have secure jobs there are other set of privileged set of people with great salaries healthcare benefits and entitlements engaged in amazing priorities wonder impacts them 1,my depressing take is that the coronavirus in the us is way worse than any of us know because it can take a while to show symptoms and the government is actively making it harder to test for 0,can coronavirus shut the hell up for a minute i need to see my therapist but cannot for 1 2 weeks cus the bitch ass is scaring everyone 2,my fun family activity that we did during this lockdown to keep our spirits and bond with my family join /zsrhgxevp0 0,fuck it i'm jumping on the bandwagon stream canceled due to coronavirus fucking hell dude all of this panic over what is at its core a fucking cold we are going to talk about this tonight 2,the covid 19 contagion might be challenging our lifestyle and our work habits but it is also making us more resilient as the saying goes ‘necessity is the mother of invention' we shall see new innovative ideas and systems in all aspects of life … 1,she is 31 and right the only way to fight the coronavirus is with the coronavirus it is seriously a joke of a virus no worse than west nile virus zika n1h1 or the bird flu people falling for this election cycle bullshit fell for y2k people are idiots 3,the event organisers voilated the pm call of lock down orders and instructions to stay home and social distence mintence etc to destabilise indian economy in the name of religious conference spread covid19 across the country neglegent people not even come forward to quarantine … 3,california doctors say they have seen more deaths from suicide than coronavirus since lockdowns 3,the greatness of indian & is even party supporters are not seen supporting for last some days after kejriwal did a biggest mistakes in the testing times of the country of nation is above the politics for all of us 0,blockbuster trade alert guy trades box of plastic straws for a 1 roll of toilet paper 2,lockdown day8 1,boris johnson grilled after warning over lack of coronavirus testing via 1,time will tell if coronavirus proves as dangerous as 1918 flu but wow the devestation of that epidemic more americans died of the flu in fall of 1918 than were killed in the world wars korea and vietnam combined 0,this is when you know you have a communicable disease tsunami coming your way and the only way to make it manageable is strict social distancing we cannot stop but we can slow it down and protect healthcare for those who need it pic twitter com/ffq9eflltz 2,the 10 year old boy who was tested positive for the coronavirus yesterday is reportedly “doing well” while as his family members have been tested negative at skims family informed to kins 2,this lockdown can stop you from having restaurant style thai food at home try these pad that noodles with whatever you have in your kitchen recipe twitter com/mtxdqif1yr 2,oh yes nationalism is on peak in europe these days i too agree however globalisation and nationalism do check each other over a period of time however current day us where the religious centres are open in such covid situation is of course not something to be proud about 1,this is the perfect time to travel to places that is not really stressing the corona fake ass virus lmao before they force everybody to be sheep who wants to take a trip 1,americans in vietnam are safe they will join forces in vietnam to join in the war against the covid virus 19 … 1,taiwan says who failed to act on transmission warning 1,yea i moved over three weeks ago bad timing with the coronavirus though 1,adobe cancels nab 2020 attendance due to coronavirus concerns 0,people at real dramatic about this they got caskets pic twitter com/om9tm0acbe 2,in gwalior volunteers was sanitising a muslim locality to prevent it from corona virus later people of the muslim community welcomed their gesture and thanked them by applying tilak on their foreheads but for rss is anti muslimpic twitter com/hljkopya7g 0,daily our canadian or permanent resident corona virus numbers of infected persons increases because west & north vancouver are overwhelming chinese & iranian demographics constantly traveling back &forth to iran & china filling our airport leftist wont travel ban 0,here at the 8pm update the economic stimulus bill failed in the today democrats voted aginst it concerned about worker protections key procedural vote on economic stimulus fails after democrats warn of 'serious issues' with bill 1,you know who will be unaffected by the coronavirus the most deplorable of deplorables they will not get sick 0,why do u call idiots olike nishant verma on the show we will be compelled to stop watching i wish him corona 3,it is requested chief minister sindh that private banks have given lots of pressure and tension in order to recover their loan due to lockdown the shopkeeper labourer and others who have taken loan from private banks but now these people are unable to submit their installment 1,maybe i'm ignorant to the whole thing but the coronavirus is the least if my worries 1,fake news is the enemy of the people liberal hack reporters deliberately use half of president trump's quote in conference call with governors on coronavirus in order to cause panic 1,dollars vs deaths is the sickening choice created by coronavirus 2,you mean the gold cabin in the metro nope good old standard corona ridden cabin lol 2,god bless you and your kids we will pray for you fight fight we have to finish coronavirus at any cost which is finishing us save each life is important for you 2,excellent services to humankind in such covid 19 time congratulations paragbhai ketanbhai … 2,i spite of the lockdown i can still get a cake made by one of our township ladies so a grand cake cutting 0,many people are taking the _19 epidemic very lightly carefree attitude & using the conspiracy theory argument 1,if you have not noticed i am mad that us airports are still open you cannot kill small businesses but keep big money moving we are either in this or not 0,fda chief warns of supply 'pressure' on reagents for coronavirus tests | medtech dive 2,#ınstagood imdadullah72 days … 3,when islam's oldest jamia alazhar has given fatwa that mosques can b locked down to prevent spread of deadly coronavirus then why some provincial govt or politician is again consulting local ulemas for fatwa cooperation to keep mosques closed for juma congrregation 2,so based on your post recently about remdisivir was recommended by china scientists is true to treat covid 19 looks likes the most promising medicine 2,lockdown days pic guys stay at home have fun with family thanx to our honourable pm modi ji because this time will never comes in our life in future _keeda_munna hanuman temple … 1,i dont care if ill come off as rude/weird when i bring out my alcohol and suddenly spray it all over my body and the space before me hahaha duh ready nga ako gawin mist ang alcohol spray sana ikaw rin 2,eid mubarak hope this eid brings joy and ease for everyone stay safe from dj sam high beam auto & star white_medium_star concept events … 0,tony and his crew have agreed to come in this weekend and wipe down all the rides and booths but who is going to wipe down tony 2,sir with respect after motivation and direction of lockdown nw mass testing kit provision is v v important as the figure we are looking at is not the actuals and we should not get late like italy pic twitter com/9yorz8yyrk 3,live 400 mn indian workers may sink into poverty says *first concern is to protect human from development concerns can wait * 3,8hours in the covid ward done pic twitter com/wqqkppt5f 2,amazing descriptive sketch _19 … 0,usually i think my more introverted friends benefit from having extroverted partners right now i would prefer that all of them were with other introverted people 2,if you take a look at the data you would understand the reason coronavirus is not a thing in taiwan is because of the lack of test how can a place where have the best medical tech cannot test 300 suspected case in 3 days while singapore is testing thousands of cases every day 2,thank you for your encouraging words your support and motivation strengthens our resolve to serve the despite the adverse circumstances /ypomtl1g9b 0,i will remember this fucking year till my last breathe angry_face_with_horns __19 2,to conduct a transmission in the situation when everyone is afraid when corona is destructing the world including pakistan when it looks so impossible that ramazan will come with it is blessings this man proved our all doubts wrong and conducted a beautiful transmission 1,support is being offered for both housing and employment transition on individual basis hotlines are open vulnerable students will struggle but i'm hopeful will have options structural issues need structural solutions problem is large scale structure now confers risk 0,kim jong un coronavirus crisis as north korea despot flees 1,"""while the government has a responsibility to prevent the spread of misinformation about covid 19 this does not mean silencing those with genuine concerns or criticism of the government's handling of the crisis "" …" 1,the coronavirus epidemic is hurting local hotels their communities their employees and the national economy please address this crisis with economic relief for hotels and their workers 0,in the wake of covid 19 when the entire country is in lock down i see that the people of malwani do not seem you understand the gravity of the situation people are traveling and moving out using the back road that connects malwani to ramchandra lane extension 1/2 2,good evening sir my self nishant solanki i have vaccine for coronavirus but it is not sure so plss read this 0,coronavirus bout to ruin the playoffs can that shit wait till like hockey season dont nobody care about that shit 3,yea just about 40 active cases in my hometown and this problem is already evident senior physicians refusing to serve in covid wards i can only imagine how bad it must be in hotspots hats off to those few dedicated faculty who go above and beyond the call of duty to serve 0,dude on the train dressed like kakashi telling me “it's coronavirus safety not cosplay” he better kamui that mf then cuz his nike mask not doing shit 3,if you do not understand then you are missing the craziest game of 2,with life coming back on track and living with covid19 is now a new way of existing while fighting with the virus the livelihood of tribal women from niyamgiri hills is appearing to be moving ahead plates made… … 3,now people will not die of hunger they will die of _19 please follow and encourage stay at home 3,many banks are keen to collect this month's (april 2020 )emi they do not want to understand people mindset in this lockdown situation shame on them 3,india has only 2 lakh cases as of this tweet our medical system is already getting overwhelmed imagine what happens when there is 20 lakh or heck 2 cr btw that is only 1/1 5% of our entire population & we have ended lockdown it is beyond imagination for me 1,coronavirus racist attacks against asians amid covid 19 threat | 3,they are not cattles they are someone is heart and soul even if the child does not die once a child is infected their family members are affected too a grandfather who stayed safe till now will now die because his little grandchild must go to school 1,i'm an episcopal priest we do not check our brains at the door (i've had the talk with my parishioners last sunday and today about how to deal with the coronavirus threat ) 1,the other day when my son was _pcr tested by he was also tested for the flu he was told that they learned one could not have flu and at the sametime of course this in & of itself seems to have implications i've searched everywhere for the in research paper 1,worried about do not just wash your hands – urge congress to pass a key prevention tool and commonsense protection all workers need even when we are not facing a pandemic 1,coronavirus testing on kids is a nervous next step on way to covid 19 vaccine 1,the chinese communist party knew about coronavirus at least since november 2019 but instead of warning their own citizens and the world about it they supressed it and arrested anyone who tried to raise the alarm over this until it blew up in their and everyone is faces 2,quarantine day 7 lunch when loved ones share food during the quarantine ) thank you tanvi aditi & ekta … … 3,indian profs lawyers social workers issue statement against communalisation of covid 19 the signatories say that there were many other gatherings around that time but the tablighi jamaat event is getting communalized to further islamophobia 0,donny dirtbag's accomplishments so far removed protections that benefited people who are not rich endangered the lives of americans & is still lying about the coronavirus numbers & the chaos he is a liar he is corruption he only cares about his own putrid self pic twitter com/4pb57g3gev 2,rummaging through the home library • • … … 1,ideas elba has coronavirus currently shaking my fist at god 3,poor are laughing and askeing where is corona in interior sindth no 3,purvanchal expressway despite lockdown delay india's longest expressway in up to open by year end the financial express … 1,grand princess arrives in an anxious oakland now at the center of coronavirus fight los angeles times grand princess arrives in an anxious oakland now at the center of coronavirus fight los angeles timesabc news prime co… twitter com/ekessa9qfg 3,from where can i get list of recognised testing/collection centres both govt and pvt clinics chandigarh panchkula area 3,yesterday's covid 19 new cases and new deaths 0,trump is lying show us the test results and we will see if trump has tampered with the coronavirus test results i sure he has something 3,a virus called congress vanished much before corona virus struck india but it is residuals are trying to mutate to become more virulent but alas strong indian democracy is washing it into drains 1,if you are going to ask someone where you should go get tested for coronavirus consider not walking up to them but asking from a far also do not be surprised if the person you walked up to is giving a disgusted look at you there is a reason 0,society does not care about me just because my face sucks and i have no control over it that is some bullshit and society is too shallow to even admit it at least corona virus is giving normies their just desserts 3,this backhand_index_pointing_down is not due to this is due to decades of hate training by rss the situation in india is precarious unrelenting attack on the poor muslims and dalits is reaching astronomical scale we appeal to the uno and to convene an urgent meeting n stop the horror 2,now that is new 3,"coronavirus disappearing in italy show this to ""intellectuals"" who say lockdowns do not work …" 0,i bet the idiot gb being is very concerned over the coronavirus not because of the health of their followers but because of the hit their bank account is going to take if meetings and assemblies are canceled this is a worse case scenario for them 2,opportunities in the post covid world order … 0,the coronavirus is bad but think of all these poor people wiping their ass with paper towels 1,joe biden's coronavirus web address lands on a donation page for his campaign he is profiting from fear demopos 2,bro pls teach how to survive in lockdown 1,rapid shutdowns in cities and states to stem the coronavirus have thrown restaurants across the country into sudden and complete disarray revenue dried up abruptly workers faced mass layoffs and restaurant executives tried to manage the resulting chaos 1,trump you once said in a tweet that obama should go hug up everybody with ebola your time to go and kiss everybody in america with coronavirus is now as you called it the chinese i tell you be careful of what you say because you do not know which one you will have to eat 1,stay safe during this corona virus crisis be prepared and do not panic and above all prepare to stay inside if u are sick we younger folk might not be in danger but all of us know someone that it might be lethal to 1,the fear of the deadly coronavirus on one side and the massive loss of profits on the other side which one are the oilygarchiks chorporate's going to choose let us see 1,please do lock down everything my housemates going walmart and everywhere for job because they afraid of losing job because of that chances of spread covid 19 is increase 0,i'm moving the bare knuckle brawl to tonight you best be ready coronavirus you bastard i'm coming for your head 0,if we can close down or postpone everything in the states if the stores can be drained of everyday items why cannot and take care of the fricking homeless situation in ca by quitting the screwing of the californians there is more than coronavirus 0,the media ought to stop trying to keep everyone scared of their own shadow because they are afraid it is carrying the coronavirus 0,do the other half have corona virus or have they had their accounts shut down 2,for the well being of mind and body amid the coronavirus lockdown pm modi encourages citizens to practice yoga through the ‘yoga with modi' series the clips are a series of 17 different asanas via namo app 1,ugh sweating his coronavirus all over the capitol gym gross 1,i just hope this virus gets under control before tick season starts or else we will be dealing with corona with lyme 1,if you were a billionaire with a private jet where in the world would you go to escape worries my choice would be a private spa resort in monteverde costa rica 1,"i read some comments on the song latest comments are mostly in korean since the song is titled do not worry this one said ""do not worry in 2020 everyone"" and someone replied ""of course we should worry it is coronavirus"" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ" 2,beauty and the beast the corona version via 2,breaking so twitter can not live without wine during lockdown ) 1,i think the labour right wing desire to get another tory lite leader in place far surpasses any coronavirus concern they may have johnson would rather face starmer as well i would think 0,geez will you all give it a rest the coronavirus came from china china china so therefore it is and will always be the chinese virus or the china virus there is no racism my goodness you reporters 0,after all this coronavirus bs blows over yeah shits going to be lit 2,brother go and test urself for corona bjp is in power and congress are the dictators aisa pahli baar hua hai 70 80 saalon me grinning_squinting_face grinning_squinting_face 2,stop covid'19 ramzan drive day 1 rashan activity covid'19 10 rashan baigs for blessing month ramzan shareef distributes to neede families alhamdullilah pakistan zindabad team al serrat pakistan 1,covid 19 spread can be stopped only through the formula of social distancing without that the stage 3 of the virus is not much distant away from the india society _distancing 3,lockdown is not same for everywhere broken_heart 1,how to prepare from home for jee main neet exams effectively during … 1,how the coronavirus pandemic threatens us national security 2,"i m facing issue of ""content not supported on your device"" few days back i have seen sande movie on same device kindly look into matter as during lockdown this is only thing i have" 3,toh aapne kya kiya 60 years me do not blame the current govt to hide your failures and incompetencies thanks to pm and the whole team for leading the world from front to combat covid 19 india is doing best in the world 1,the us is now outpacing china italy iran and spain w/ cases we are in such dangerous territory it is hard to put into words italy has hundreds of deaths every day spain is taking the elderly off ventilators to save younger people please — stay home pic twitter com/kizcczntsz 2,not detected to covid screening is a new achievement 3,today corona is spreading with much more speed now america is having 1 60 00 and italy is having 98 00 patients pls try to stay at home in separate rooms kindly try to take it serious 0,corrupt democrats spreading fear and causing panic to cause a global economic collapse approx 7 000 people die every day in the usa from causes other than the coronavirus only 200 have died in the us from coronavirus so 200 is a very small number why are we all panicking 0,serious question for all who think this whole thing is overreaction and hysteria do you actually believe nearly every nation on earth would shut down their entire economies over a “cold” or is it possible this is worse than they are telling us to prevent panic 2,i'm really very proud to be associated with noble souls like sultana samir khanji & our celebrity manager shashi loharuka sir for such an honour & appreciation best wishes to the entire team _abhiman_mahila_sanman_charitable_sanstha twitter com/wysgfic6my 0,trump urged economic stimulus in explosive private tirade on coronavirus trump really does not get it americans want 2 see he cares about their safety health not about his$$ & the more get sick & die there is no economy 2,around 18500 patients world over recovered from covid 19 and around 155 patients recovered in india let us focus on positivity 0,misdirection 101 blame your adversaries of that which you are guilty of 0,woman 39 found dead by boyfriend while waiting for coronavirus test results stop saying flu like illness you make me want to swear its not like the f**king flu wake up stop spreading fake statements seriously get a life 3,i have a citi credit card my registered mobile number is 8750863549 i never missed any payment as of now i have taken a loan on my credit card however due to covid 19 issue this month i am unable to pay the statement amount and need some time to pay it please help 3,we did not lockdown early enuf did not do enuf preperation to avoid migrant crisis unfortunately when we are coming put the data on ground is not v supportive we got our timings on lockdown wrong both ways on rt nowpic twitter com/nd2jyc59ta 3,please burn corona infected dead persons in electric creeamatorium 0,do the cretins who pushed old ladies over in their haste to over stockpile and brushed against each other not realise that their piles of stock might outlive them 0,more people are upset over this than illegals killing and raping american citizens even though illegals kill many more americans than the chinese coronavirus has 2,with this whole corona craziness this will be the second time in my lifetime whole world is talking about the same subject first one was shakira's hips 2006 world cup opening 3,they have failed the whole nation yetro 2 mahina lockdown ma rakheko cha gareeb janta lai sakne le ta jasari in bachihalchan janata marna baneko loktantra ho yo and i do not think these neta give two fucks ko bhokai mariracha they are happily living in their bubble 0,tells america to be calm because the is really working out 2,i called them they said they will help us thank you so much sir 2,it is good results of efforts by chandigarh administration and corona warriers /pndb0n959y 3,i lost my job due covid 19 crisis and million others 0,₹300 crores for statue and ₹120 crores for donald trump visit and now they are asking pm funds from general public for corona _shutup _ने_निकाला_जनता_का_तेल 2,breaking in unesco declares indian lockdown as the best lockdown in the world tabligi jamaat nominated for the prestigious nobel peace prize for their nizamuddin chapter proud to be an indian 0,"the republicans say the ""is a democrat conspiracy to re impeach trump "" the democrats say the pandemic ""is a republican strategy to keep trump in office while his governor comrades postpone state elections "" whatever it is still the" 1,i joke a lot but my mom is an older lady and while i'm not really worried anything would happen to her with the corona virus it is a reminder tomorrow is not promised forever and i got to mindful to show appreciation and gratitude for the days we do have 3,the man who to serve the poor and needy people's he is a ex mayor hyderabad majid hussain from day1 of till now no rest nothing hat's off to u sahab 0,well done announcement today was unprecedented & exactly what the country needs disappointing to see can only moan you could promise the world and they would say it is not enough piece of piss to be the opposition losers _19 2,good morning twittizens wish you a corona free day 3,what kkm has been doing is a tremendous job we are halfway to the victory if total lockdown is a significant game changer then be it do not loosen the lockdown its going to hurt our pocket but we just have to there is no point of going back to work but die 1 week after 2,‘love your neighbor as yourself ' matthew 22 39 niv 1,my white blood cells coming together to attack the coronavirus my los blancos twitter com/poc1e3r7yw 0,florida niggas will live forever we dont give a fuck about no corona virus 0,us citizens damn i got corona virus us government ok boo i see you treat yo self 3,half of britain's population suffers from corona oxford university research man_facepalming 1,⁦⁩ in ⁦⁩ on managing now & planning preventative strategies for future crises nb written late feb 2020 ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ 3,banging thalis was for appreciation not for defeating corona and you people know it yogi cancelled the mega event of ramnavmi hindus are not gathering in temples even though its navratre going on why only muslims are defying the orders 1,coronavirus italians barred from austria to stop spread 0,in light of the coronavirus the diocese of pittsburgh schools office is closing all diocesan schools (k 12) from march 16 until march 30 2020 3,meet he works at at near when everyone observe lockdown during _19 he roams villages to provide home delivery orders during you can earn livelihood even very difficult condition 3,can i move over lol my gov denied the 5k allowance for unemployed people due to ah right the travel trade is dead so even if you invited me to move there i'd need a fricking machine to get there 3,sir entire day my family is looking for help as one of the member is covid positive but gtb and rajiv gandhi emergency and covid unit denied to admit please help as they are dying … 1,sounds very congested i was waiting for him to cough wait for the dow financial markets to react when his results come back positive 0,was planning on making chicken noodle soup tonight but apparently all of the grocery stores in my city are empty this is fucking ridiculous i just wanted to make tonight's meal while ppl are selfishly stocking up on food they probably do not need smh 2,anyone is bellcome for this healthy cowdung sauna style bathwa only in hisar haryana bharat it will suckwa and killwa all the coronavirus 1,idk what the government is up to but there is something shady af about this coronavirus hysteria 0,they are closing irl classes because coronavirus 0,the same people who think that vaccines cause autism are now saying that vitamin c cures coronavirus there is a lesson here do not listen to people who think that vaccines cause autism for they are idiots pic twitter com/hqf5owvmik 0,do not take any chances coronavirus patient warns 3,death of 20 migrant workers walking hundreds of kilometres to their homes in odisha without food is blood on hands of pm his thoughtless lockdown devastated lives of millions of daily wage earners one feels crushed 2,n i also feel blessed when my mother say aik second haan jab sey lockdown start huwa hey tab sey tu hamara beta v nhi beti v hey saarey kaam kerney padd rahey hey bai god … 3,dear sir people those are suspect or quarantine of coronavirus give them homeopathic medicine arsenic album there is no harm or side effect it had worked in 1918 spanish flu epidemic several time it worked it is very cost effective also 1,how to avoid coronavirus all the lights turn them off it is too loud in here to talk i do not understand a word you say got to sleep but instead karaoke on the bed taking duckface selfies right and left play our favorite songs scream out all night long oo ooh 0,february 2 “we pretty much shut it down coming in from china ” february 24 “the coronavirus is very much under control in the usa… stock market starting to look very good to me ” february 25 “cdc and my administration are doing a great job of handling coronavirus ” 2,follow for business growth … … 1,do i have coronavirus or is it just a hangover the question on every australian's mind this morning _19australia 3,its 3 40 am in i cant sleep why because got terminated from employer if we will not dke with corona but will get a heart attack my heart is beating so fast #الأيام_القادمة these employer taking adva tages loudly_crying_face 0,i'm not saying you all should believe anything pastor adeboye is saying but if you read your bible you will actually understand why this coronavirus thing could just be god punishing humans that is why he is god 0,ohio the state has 50 confirmed cases of coronavirus bowling alleys fitness centers gyms movie theaters public recreation centers trampoline parks and water parks are ordered to be shut 0,not everyone was blase reports from wuhan started in early jan as you will see from his tweets standsure was on the case very early on the uk has had 2 months to prepare and regardless of what uk 'scientists' say the chinese have shown how to deal with this virus 3,three coronavirus whistle blowers remain missing two months after exposing the true scale of the outbreak from wuhan 0,i've been fucking around about the coronavirus but now there is 3 confirmed cases in my county 3,we extend our deepest condolences to the somali people and especially to his family through the tragic death of honor nur hassan hussein (nur adde) the former prime minister of the country who died in london suffering from the deadly disease _19 pic twitter com/ia0nkyi8kg 1,my son works in the food supply chain they sent him home today because he has started coughing no tests available in the area they said he has to pass two coronavirus tests before he can come back to work i can only do so much for him then what 0,got this new wax pen instead of taking dabs on my rig bc my asthma be acting up and i feel like vaping is better idk i do not have health insurance this corona shit is messing with my life for real pic twitter com/7cafve1bfr 3,for the 6th day in the last 7 we have had after america the highest daily death toll from covid19 in the entire world 3,lufthansa to close it is airbus operation click the link pls do like it _19 _the_silence 3,many health organizations warn elderly people to stay home as they are vulnerable to corona infection hence whose age is above 84 years …pic twitter com/t0j8ctyqjx 3,it appears migrants problems are overlooked by bjp modi shah not concerned about migrants bjp is government for the rich let poor go to hell bbc news coronavirus outbreak reporter's gift of shoes to migrant goes viral 0,doctors are 'begging' for more coronavirus testing but the system is failing 2,no evidence to suggest tablighi role in continuous rise in covid cases scientists via 2,without test but clapping beating thaali lighting candles will chase corona winking_face_with_tongue face_with_tears_of_joy 1,health officials warn americans to plan for the spread of coronavirus in u s 0,rnc chairman absolutely destroys democrats over coronavirus virus inaction via 1,that is why the coronavirus was created so we can stop talking about politics and start panicking and buying 6372947 rolls of toilet paper 1,we can i'm just not going to stream tonight i am sick no coronavirus tho but we can definitely play 0,you know what i fear more than the coronavirus ignorant narrow minded bigoted selfish and xenophobic individuals who do nothing but drive hate and conspiracy also the amount of people who have med degrees a from facebook university all of the sudden makes me ill ー19 0,california moving homeless to hotels in scramble to prevent coronavirus explosion on the streets 3,because of covid 19 guidelines restricting visitation to hospitals and care centers john could not see his father in person before he died now he is asking members of his community to donate ipads that will be distributed to local medical centers 0,tell me why snapchat acting up again smh let me find out snapchat got the 0,when ppl start losing their jobs over the pls remember to direct your anger to the democrat party & their media hacks who orchestrated this whole deal pic twitter com/t5kbbvscoe 1,if you do not recognize the difference between taking precautions and outright panic there is something seriously wrong with you 3,punjab govt's is obv aligned with federal gov on the strategy on laxing the lockdown while experts are literally saying that lahore is the emergent epicenter catastrophic results are about to avalanche if this happens 3,with the third highest number of coronavirus cases and second highest official death toll in southeast asia the philippines also allowed the reopening of more businesses and people can now leave home without government permits 1,covid 19 notice all seeking assistance from the united community housing coalition or michigan legal services due to the current public health concerns regarding coronavirus our office are closed to the public until further notice more details 2,lucky are those jiska last year tha coronavirus unki umeedo p chan cha laga dia hai kash mera bhi last year hota free me lottery lagti pic twitter com/kd2l6x9nkg 2,spreading love through corona 0,the christian right and are the biggest threat to the world right now during this pandemic they outright evil their ignorance is death incarnate 3,what do you think about covid 19 how many days are needed to remove this from our live 1,more than 8 500 military doctors and support staff are ready to help the government in the fight against covid 19 pandemic apart from 9 00 hospital beds that have been prepared to meet emergency requirements the government was told by the armed forces on wednesday pic twitter com/tj1sokaqln 1,dr drew pinsky coronavirus panic must stop press needs to be held accountable for hurting people | video | realclearpolitics 1,so there is a potential cure for coronavirus and the news jumps back on the climate crisis train in no te 2,covid 19 research reviews – bcm family 2,india awakening from 2months lockdown slumber feeling happy … 2,• prior to the lockdown i did not think i would be doing this regularly let alone complete a 30 day journey merci for the reco and thank you for the guidance red_heart folded_hands_medium-light_skin_tone woman_in_lotus_position • • •… 0,we are lit rally getting low of medication it just crossed my mind where in hell am i going to find the treatment of my grandma with this coronavirus lockdown the prices in the fucking sky also i would better die 1,this is the sign of hyper action that leads to hypertension anxiety high blood pressure many lifestyle disorders and mostly ends with cardiac arrest by losing life practice yoga to balance your body emotions mind psyche and actions stay at home fight against coronavirus 0,i see no reason for her to subvert the democratic process in this manner mayor cantrell calls for suspension of louisiana open meetings law due to crisis ⁦⁩ 3,corona virus bron in china bought up in italy studies in america become muslim in india this is our indian media thinking 3,first plasma therapy patient in recovers from coronavirus 1,based on the science if there are 10 000 people there about 100 might experience mild symptoms and maybe one 80 year old could maybe die i guess we are going to have shut down the world every flu season now because the flu is way worse than the corona virus 2,lockdown first day vs last day 0,iranians defy authorities in bid to access holy sites closed amid coronavirus 3,even if your covid swab is negative it doesnt mean you 100% dont have it you still have to stay at home and self isolate for 14 days people 1,for fuck sake you cunts stop panic/bulk buying shit you do not need/won't use it is become a fucking problem for me now 3,u should not advise bankers to leave job and should respect them also as they are covid warriors they are the back bone of economy and psb are always ready for govt call we worked day and night for jandhan demonitization as well as also in lockdown we are serving nation 0,why is every store selling out of toilet paper it is coronavirus not montezumas revenge 2,london 2012 olympics day album 8year game badminton championship saina nehwal didi ji folded_hands folded_hands jawab white_heavy_check_mark nahi badminton sports_medal party_popper confetti_ball beautiful amazing to god blessed day bouquet rose bouquet yes coronavirus plus face_with_tears_of_joy thinking_face loudly_crying_face folded_hands yes 2,thank you ji ji ji for arranging bed at nsci for my friend's dad who was tested covid +ve special thanks to ji for taking follow up until uncle was alloted with bed though it was late night thanks ji for the support 3,over 1 lakh people lost their lives due to covid 19 & its still counting god knows when the count will end 3,the main concern is economy now for the govt everywhere it is the same even in india lockdown has been lifted and it exists until june 30th only in containment zones i guess they have accepted the fact people have to live with it 3,watch coronavirus awarness eps01 facebook live only on young hindu democrats of pakistan speaker dr fizzah qamar when 08 00pm sharp today 9th april 2020 facebook page 2,playing along to one of my favourites ‘kohinoor' by pic twitter com/udlca9pxxn 0,"if all of these ""essential service"" workers get pushed to the side once this whole coronavirus thing passes they have every right to riot and destroy society by refusing to work" 1,director general of world health organization severely overstated the fatality rate of the coronavirus leading to overblown global panic via 1,the science of soap – here's how it kills the coronavirus 1,i'm not afraid of the corona virus i'm afraid of all the people afraid of the corona virus taking all the ass wipe (and lysol) pic twitter com/mooubwknds 0,"a vendor from china emailed me today offering lots of items (sanitizers face shields protective clothing) for if needed and i've got adding tariffs and calling it the ""chinese virus"" on this end" 2,thank you corona virus part 1 2,ー19 #فيروس_كورونا #كرونا _coronasmuggler indeed folded_hands nothing is more satisfying than this red_heart backhand_index_pointing_right Pakistan – at karachi | کراچی pakistan 2,lockdown learning series on school enrollment techniques … 3,these mother fucker jihadists only happen to be in pashtoon region i do not consider them muslims & those who have trained them are worse animals 3 bloodsheds on the same day that is why we do not fear corona becoz we have worst virus than that 2,this is the moment for federalism this is the moment for local leaders and for the decentralization of power 2,thank you and this might be the best way to wish you women's day on this beautiful occasion congrats on birth of your second child ) loads of love for you naahi nazaan and the lovely mother ) looking forward to ease this lockdown and visit you 1,do not have coronavirus but should take a sick day anyways 3,madhya pradesh ー19 first in india to 1 00 … 1,perhaps there is an exaggeration about the matter because the world will continue before the coronavirus and after that there is no reason to panic as long as god is present 3,i guess average office opens at 10am morning and from 7am to 9am monday to friday morning is very much good time to get things from market thats why cmc ask 7am onwards u can open business etc but sadly we do not have unity towards our government to fight for covid 2,extend the lockdown upto 21 april to better results pic twitter com/jxnmbyjzaq 2,in light of the new measures announced by the govt to combat the spreading of covid 19 we will be implementing some changes to our operations to maintain our utmost best to safeguard the well being of everyone … 0,what if the coronavirus is just a clever ruse made up to get people to start washing their fucking hands 2,congratulation hariom and thanks ji for great examples of social distance in lockdown period of madhyapradesh pic twitter com/nt0jimpyb7 2,waiting for this lockdown to end soon so i can meet my best friend via instagrampic twitter com/8awde9c3vq 2,thank you so much on time sanitization and complete cooperation by lavekar mam n her team virus chariot coop hsg society ltd 19 complex thank you pic twitter com/riofs8uoz0 – at golden chariot building 3,india's speciality hospital what is a lockdown coronvairus lockdown what a lockdown will look like for you via 0,i will come right out and say it you are going to lose support yourself if you keep making dumb statements like this president trump is not now nor has he ever “acted like the coronavirus is no big deal” where do you get the nerve to state such nonsense 2,yesterday as we were preparing for receiving covid19 patients i did a session with same group i was pleasantly surprised to find that three forth of them remembered last session well and they were already following most advice 2,welcome to new life she fought well against covid 19 1,one thing in 's favor is that he freaks out over germs he probably never shook a hand without smearing on hand sanitizer trump is misleading his followers who are absorbing his cavalier attitude 3,now i feel that government leave the the decision on indian person they will decide to how to live in this pandemic covid 19 1,fox anchor who dismissed coronavirus fears as plot to impeach trump is removed from her prime time slot wow you guys are going to lose more support and listeners if you keep acting like idiots let reporters be reporters and report the truth 3,shop no 168 kherwadi road bandra east found 2 corona positive patients but still nirmal nagar police and bmc failed to take preventive actions against them shop is opened and other family members are free to roam /ejv60wpvjh 1,this is what david wilcock said about the ー19 so what about all the italians who are dying every day pats aunt lives in italy better go tell her she will be fine since she is not asian seriously why is this permitted to be on youtube this is dangerous 2,it is time to bring revolution let us join our hands and something should be done so that people of will do not have to go out ー19 3,a confirmed case of covid 19 in sa kaeo is a thai waitress recently back from pattaya a timeline was released of her movements over the past two weeks … 0,the media's handling of the coronavirus was exactly what trump was speaking to yet msm misrepresents at every turn and liberals repeat the lies did caro apologize for her/his tweet crickets 1,the coronavirus is not shit my ex was more toxic 3,was speaking to my friends in doha and they told lockdown is one thing which their government has done but people by themselves has stopped going out even all of them are offering prayers at their home only my questions to indian muslims why you cannot follow the same way 0,how coronavirus hijacks your cells 3,wait they will remove all ur service request also and security guard they will not pay for water they will not send anyone for cleaning if u will call them they will say sir/mam ths is lockdown after lockdown wll arrange boss the situation is since we shifted at ur apartment 0,their anger and frustration caused by the racist and fascist unjustified crimes against blacks and minorities foremost recent george floyed awful crime had instigated them to defy not only the ban but also the covid 19 pandemic 2,taking thermal checks using temperature scanners & making use of masks mandatory in this way people can stay healthy during the lockdown 3,music composer dies at 42 due to 19 & khan died at the age of 42 late on sunday night he was tested +tive for the novel coronavirus a few days ago wajid khan of the famousbsajid wajid music composer duo was also suffering from kidney ailment pic twitter com/mnkfxoxgs4 0,pinche coronavirus arruina todo 1,i'm going to lose it if coronavirus affects my summer trip to vegas 2,she is my daughter and her name is “ shrinika singh” if you feel good then please show her in your corona kids wala mein … 3,_brahmananda_vedic_gurukul_tapobhoomi_goa_batu spreading message through his art not to bring _virus in family by going out of home & violating rules laid down by govt _durgesh_art_goa /lvrodcfa0n 0,impeachment failed due to lack of real evidence now progressives trying the corona virus impeachment will not work either everyone sees through your b s 0,the main thing separating our government from that of so many others is democracy and w that accountability we cannot hesitate to hold our government accountable they are elected officials public servants people we trusted w our future and we deserve communication 0,icymi his colleagues at fox news called coronavirus a 'hoax' and 'scam ' why tucker carlson saw it differently 2,we will win fight against corona /ipebjo9zlq 3,sir this is the condition or our village saharsa during lockdown sir we are staying in our home since log time but if we get this type of crowd then there is no meaning of social distance do something pic twitter com/oz85eudskc 0,hearing original joe's restaurant in north beach just closed indefinitely and blasted rem's “it's the end of the world as we know it” as they shut the doors not sure whether to laugh or cry thanks for the tidbit 3,appesement politics to please alliance and poor adminostation is root cause of state high covid cases … 2,mind and body practices focus on interactions among brain mind body & behavior is a mind & body practice to increase calmness physical relaxation enhancing well being join me 4 online meditation 9 30 ist 12 brazil for link contact +55 (21) 99505 3568 pic twitter com/bcwsfzats2 3,bhut hi bore lockdown ha 3,thull is passing the most dangerous and ultra hazardous situation in its history 80% population of thul town and surrounding have been striked by corona virus cm/health m sindh to take notice we plead the govt to pay attention to thul retweet&share 1,in the midst of the chaos the anxiety the fears and the extra time at home i would like to come back to an idea that jennifer pearson shared on a special bonus episode of the shake up learning show grace ⠀ ⠀ as the confusion and con… 0,david clarke says coronavirus is just “the damn flu” rated pants on fire by politifact – via factstream 3,today at 02 30pm a 54 year old bangladeshi male admitted at tree top hospital has passed away this is the 6th covid 19 death in the maldives our thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved family may allah grant his soul eternal peace in heaven hpa 0,i myself had a heart attack in september 18 2019 i'm not overly concerned about the coronavirus i think this is the most over exaggerated bunch of crap in news media history 2,good this is the best method to tackle corona virus presently 2,"very nice initiative by our and other officials we hv to fight against covid19 & we will get victory within 15 days if we follow the directions of our pm sahib & distt officials so 100% ""lockdown"" & if you need any thing there is no problem as admn is providing" 1,this coronavirus affecting my plans a bit too much now ffs 0,so the dine in part in restaurants and bars here have been closed until further notice because of the coronavirus 2,uttar pradesh has taken the best steps and measures to tackle this deadly pandemic a big clap for our cm and his officers 2,manila eases world's longest lockdown … 1,coronavirus patient says disease 'not the scary thing that everyone thinks it is' 1,the coronavirus crisis does not have to lead to layoffs 0,ca in alliance with disney corp has decided to keep their themeparks open during this pandemic ca has created a petri dish to export coronavirus to the rest of the country please stop ca stop the madness 1,2020 covid 19 coronavirus us cases 580 us deaths 100 panic level mass hysteria 2009 h1n1 virus us cases 60 8 million us deaths 12 469 panic level chill 0,'corporate socialists' denounced as trump considers fracking industry bailout amid coronavirus outbreak via 1,it is not the flu it has much greater long term effects than the flu and it spreads incredibly easy in order to understand the prevention of the spread of the coronavirus you must understand herd immunity which it seems you do not 0,if you strongly disagree just sign the below petition 3,goi should take decision for all school children to waived off school fees from apr to jun 2020 due to covid 19 for avoiding financial burden in this critical junction of time and moral support as there is nation wide lock down and school remains closed 1,mexico frets about u s coronavirus spread could restrict border build the wall 2,webinar on int'l earth day via zoom on april 22 for joining pl note meeting code looking forward participation ー19 1,if my daughter does not get to have her high school graduation because people are morons and will not just stay the hell af home for the next two weeks you will not have to worry about the corona virus getting you you will have to worry about me 0,coronavirus argentina closes its borders austria limits movement to what is strictly necessary the police will monitor these prohibitions serbia declares state of emergency closes borders for foreigners deploys army to fight pandemic 3,freedom is worth missing fragrance of mountains and its touch – at rajbagh 0,liars trump the chief liar among them google is not building a website to direct people where to go to be tested for coronavirus just tell us the truth 2,probably the two celebrities having true kind heart & helping nature inspite of lockdown they are working hard by helping the people who are facing tough situations they deserve a huge respect pic twitter com/uvhukx4d3h 2,my habits are really change during this covid pandemic 2,"very nice initiative by our and other officials we hv to fight against covid19 & we will get victory within 15 days if we follow the directions of our pm sahib & distt officials so 100% ""lockdown"" & if you need any thing there is no problem as admn is providing" 3,warns america to brace for a 'lot of deaths' in the coming week and it will be a 'very horrendous' time for the nation as us virus fatalities top 8 100 with at least 300 00 cases | | 0,corona virus that shit is real 3,though economy is suffering but medically one week or 10 days of further lockdown though partial will be useful in curtailing the spread of covid 19 best personal regards prof dr vivek gupta senior interventional cardiologist apollo hospitals new delhi 3,maulana calls corona a ' servant of allah ' celebrates death of non muslims 2,5 ways to improve ur while 1 appreciate ur work situation 2 have a work space 3 get organized 4 get out of your pj's 5 plan ur days in advance #عطاء_في_عملي_وسلامه_في_بيتي #العمل_عن_بعد #ملتزمون_يا_وطن pic twitter com/fq0ugit9iv 2,nothing feels more satisfying than witnessing a successful covid extubation when the patient has been intubated for more than 20 days it is the absolute best الحمدالله 1,if you all do not know what the federal reserve is look it up and watch to see if it is still there after the coronavirus scare is over 3,i lost my job due covid 19 crisis and million others 2,delhi has witnessed the biggest spike in covid 19 count as over 1 200 people tested positive for virus on sunday there is only around 9500 bed available for covid patient and delhi cm said we are 4 step ahead to corona ー19 1,my job closed down on the 17th till further notice i have rent coming up and bills to paid i'm running thru groceries and i'm self isolated from my family and friends my panic attacks have increased since the coronavirus outbreak $iamawinnerin2020 3,everything gettin' worse lockdown extended 3,766 people with symptoms have been admitted to hospitals across situation now under control cm 2,celebrate create consume and immerse yourself in solutions this thks for believing /wc8uikrioc – at novotel hyderabad convention centre 2,you guys i posted a new video on youtube where i gave my advice on how i've stayed safe during two months of quarantine in wuhan link is in my bio ー19 2,my article on induced transformation of … 3,the reason was disappeared during coronavirus crisis in india was busy in making a for abhin … 1,i do not have the coronavirus (sars cov 2) i have decided to self quarantine for the next 30 days i am doing this for my family myself and the community everyone should take this crisis seriously do not endanger the health of your family or anybody else god bless pic twitter com/4llczhgsyh 3,family is suffering from covid but no body ready to listen is it time of virus at community level 3,stigmabase — hong kong protesters have promised a 'miracle' but china's national security law seems after a months long break due to the coronavirus pandemic sunday's march was the first opportunity many hong kongers had to view article 2,after 80 days going to for caring us twitter com/xw0kxdswis – at indira gandhi international airport (del) 1,watching my child put on a mask before stepping into school this morning was the first time i felt the icy fingers of fear grip my heart home based learning starts on wednesday in 2,… our new lockdown special corona song is going viral here's the link to the video … 3,corona is going to give many bad news 1,"ok so i do not really take stress about coronavirus but it is kind of annoying to be on the verge of getting a regular flu and your mind just lingers in the ""but what if you also get corona would you notice """ 1,your dog has been affected by coronavirus 0,if i was ever tested positive from coronavirus i'd bitchslap everyone around me 2,oh yes that is why we are safe n healthy enjoying the lockdown with our family 0,‘idiots' sen kennedy tears into democrats for blocking coronavirus stimulus bill in fiery speech via 3,shit is crazy o 36 cases u apply lockdown 100 cases u lift lockdown partially face_with_tears_of_joy 2,beauty of the darknes art by shubh follow _19 ains2 3,we are regularly repaying bajaj finance loans every month because of current lockdown situation it will be difficult to pay the emi's presently for self employed like us hope 3 months emi moratoriam applies to bajaj finance too waiting for notification 2,fun redefined in the lockdown … 0,which one called the coronavirus a hoax 0,have u seen the coronavirus porn plots lmfaooooo 0,damn the ncaa really not going bout march madness tournament no fans corona virus really shaking up the world that is what they plan was 0,who is idea is it that the attendant has to put there hand all over our beer to open it this is how you spread 1,i used hand sanitizer before it was everyone is bestfriend if i run out it will be my absolute worst nightmare 3,everyone criticize you when you fail in engineering but they do not know the reason behind it before you choose engineering as your career you should know what to choose and why what you think twitter com/8hmdesn4pw 0,"you guys need to stop regurgitating the same dumb ""cnn"" talking point cnn did not invent that the dow jones had the largest point drop in history today cnn did not invent the lack of testing or your dear leader lying on 2/26 that the coronavirus was going to go to zero in days" 0,the american hiv the chinese coronavirus whatever u call it do not matter people are dying everyday you are here creating names idiot 0,coronavirus will expose capitalism like never before via 1,threat assessment for march 9th back in black 3,"""coronavirus tweets from indian authorities"" …" 1,as the coronavirus situation worsens every day some serious restrictions will be applied shortly there is a chance that all travel between europe and the read more 0,especially when he said you can go can go to work with coronavirus and when he said the “number” will be zero in the next week just admit that you prefer to remain ignorant 1,who gives a damn if he has i'm more concerned about his coke habit and horrible policies that benefit his rich friends and destroy this country the man would not know what the truth is if it smacked him upside the head 3,sir my father was suffering frm chronic kidney disease and under going dialysis in a private hospital at silchar due to lockdown was not able to collect nicardia cd30 and sevbait 400mg moreover wkly dialysis cost is also too high can u plz hlp folded_hands 1,germany's low coronavirus mortality rate intrigues experts 0,bbc news coronavirus follow virus advice or 'tougher measures' likely says pm you better lock down the country mr johnson too many idiots still out and about without any care with the advice 3,hope to see more people become aware of obesity being the cause of not only lifestyle diseases but also a weak immunity leading to infections like _19 the next step will be to eat the right food at the right time to lose weight & become healthier & energetic … 0,this coronavirus got all you all trippin twitter com/anivmjmrny 3,corona for life i never even knew where wuhan was it is a famous place definitively visit just to check out who destroyed the world economy lake towers 3,"celebrated music composer of the duo sajid wajid passes away at 42 he was suffering from covid 19 my prayers and strength for the entire family may his soul ""rest in peace"" …pic twitter com/43e9svyczv" 1,what if they started a war — but everyone was infected with coronavirus and too sick to fight 3,if the govt ban the incoming of foreigners when 1st case of corona detected or make compulsory quarantined them then would never be happened now playing blame game n giving corona a communal angle by the is not culprit the govt n administration is 2,have a boost for your immune system now fight the virus with your own immunity grab a juice cleanse program and stay healthy (covid 19 promo set at only $69) *ending 31st… 0,show this to muslim hate mongers muslims are in forefront in fighting corona pandemic madrassas & mosques are given for corona centres 0,this dude loose af off his first two sake bombs he even did a toast to the coronavirus now bruh on speaker talking about buying a kilo of coke telling you bruh these sun bombs is not no joke lmfaoooooooo 0,the congregation was held and finshed before lockdown there were 1300 out of 400 who got stranded due to lockdown the jaamat guys had asked permission from police dept adm and other govt depts to transport these people to thier destinations and the said permision did nt respond 0,imagine if on april 1st people be like haha yeah corona virus was just a joke the whole world was in on it lol 1,i got to be honest im terrified of the coronavirus even though it is a low chance of effecting young people im still terrified if you school has not shut down and there is corona around your city/state skip school your life is worth more then a few weeks at school [1/ ] 2,kindly assess the loss and compensate the formers who are already distressed in the present circumstances the current year is very important to focus on on agriculture activities in view of covid19 may cause food scarcity in the next year 3,"donald trump told americans to be prepared for a ""very painful very very painful two weeks"" as doctors on the white house's coronavirus task force unveiled models that showed fatalities in the us could reach 240 00 even in the best case scenario" 2,lockdown day n 1,i'm so scared to go to my doctor appointment tomorrow because i do not want to catch the corona virus i hope nobody there has it tomorrow when i go 2,much wisdom being peddled with the benefit of hindsight suffice to say everyone approved of lockdown back then presuming it would break the chain & help ease restrictions later but super spreaders & lax states screwed it up now we have improvised i told you so theories … 2,haha lockdown khul raha hai take ur hubby for outdoor photoshoot 1,"""lmao italy is on lockdown trump is right about not worrying about the coronavirus"" idk bro i guess we are just going to get cured for free but please flex on us the fact that you spend money to get in an ambulance" 0,in europe china and north america communities r supporting each other n doctors are working day n night to find a cure n vaccine for coronavirus while arabs are cracking jokes blaming their governments partying n storing groceries #حظر_تجول_اجباري_ينقذنا 0,this corona virus is the biggest con this century and the media news is using scaremongering to fuel this it will not last very long because people are aware of the corruption around the world watch this space pic twitter com/m3i47c8g1f 3,_tgtwaitingresults2017 sir humbly requested to direct for more than of 1 year awaited waiting result post code 140/17 hindi tgt(male) at earliest to save future of candidates and getting rid them from mental trauma due to covid 19 2,perspective through this lockdown 0,die verantwortlichen des coronavirus covid 19 biologische waffenforschung werden die verursacher dieser historischen pandemie einfach so davonkommen what is with the causer of covid 19 it is the greatest crime against humanity the perpetrators must be brought to justice pic twitter com/lu2uxogxlu 1,jamaica's fin min annouces 7billion contingency bill for spending on health social economic security should conditions necessitate and we have an outbreak in a better position to withstand global shocks 3,currently pakistan is confronting three major challenges 1 corona virus 2 ignorance 3 fake news 0,what utter bullocks a self employed person will get £94 under corona virus crisis how is that justifiable while others will get around 80% of their salary why leave the self employed to suffer do they not matter 2,in this keep your skills up by joining virtual event by and also get a chance to win meet our prime speakers for the event /tgavcfjzhy 2,maharashtra records 1 008 new covid 19 cases in 24 hrs highest in a single day 1,hopefully coronavirus eats away at him slowly and painfully 1,"wa today news two thirds of transperth's fleet (buses & trains) undergoing ""sanitation fog"" nightly to stop the spread of coronavirus each fogger sprays a mist of sanitising agent to kill bugs that could cause infection is uk doing likewise" 2,we hosted our first nano event we played the host the guests and the organizers our team at safina banquets is working hard to ensure we are ready to host your next event safely and in style /uh6amgw5qx – at the hub bengaluru 3,"do not pretend in the name of humanity have you ever heard this afridi crying foul against our country you may be having your own reasons and ur pal bhajji is tweeting ""panga mat lena"" as if he feels corona cannot touch him" 0,"current peak of bulgarian humour is yelling out ""coronavirus"" when anybody sneezes" 3,this is called indian corona virus it cannot be cured 3,is the worst network than other networks i am unable to do my work in this lockdown period with this poor network i never used my daily 3gb data from lockdown period because of only worst signals please solve it or i will change network 0,yall should watch al jazeera bbc and cnn for corona update shit is mad out there 2,ー19 can not stop who are physically strong with good immune and strong will power like indian jawan 3,covid19 kills another event as dolpa43 becomes 100% online 0,should the remove for news channel 3,what is this happening to this lovely island disappointing please wake up teach them a lesson do not play with innocent people … 1,afghans think that drinking green tea and burning esfaand will cure coronavirus 1,dear all kindly enforce the patrolling of official with full force in our city bhiwani that at least will create some fear in the mind of people how the serious is corona and what are our duties 1,nikki sixx on coronavirus 'dampen down the hysteria' 3,have not seen my sister for 2 months that is enough corona loudly_crying_face loudly_crying_face 2,illustration _mack _19 … 0,fuck the coronavirus and my job i'm too stressed to care atm 1,i think it is being slightly over hyped by the media and i've seen that the flu is more deadly than the corona virus so tbh i'm not super worried about it 2,ji line corona variants ppe kit workers you so much guruvar folded_hands folded_hands rose rose bouquet bouquet 2,god bless us after covid 19 please come to with your family to my home for ganpati 2,distributed vegetables and daily essentials to the migrant workers from different states and needy in chilukanagar division along with green way friends youth association twitter com/g6s3ehuaxb 0,[video] coronavirus 70 to 80% of dutch flower production destroyed 1,yes absolutely yes and given that the ccp is trying to blame the coronavirus on the us army i get what he is doing here i still hate him but this “issue” is a goddamned distraction 0,corona virus is the new 9/11 a false flag excuse to chop away at our freedoms pic twitter com/k77f7iedsa 3,gnt supposedly has many ingredients of the drug hydroxychloroquine a drug being used to treat covid patients but i guess you would have to drink a lot so i do not suggest it on a serious note though what is the strategy from now on cases are going to be a feature of school life 0,trump 'offers large sums' for to ugh embarrassing to be american right now 3,face_with_tears_of_joy covid times 3,boring twitter com/vs94ivbhzt – at puri cafe street 3,is this what the west bengal govt calls lockdown this sight was seen this morning in haiderpara area of siliguri please look into the matter at the earliest due to negligence of these people the entire state might suffer pic twitter com/vu5priavlp 2,best video yet _lives_matter … 1,there is no objective evidence of panic in the response act or in the biden and sanders speeches which offered science based ideas please do not use your platform to the pandemic 3,covid 19 etisalat offers free internet video voice calls for two months … 2,2 lovely brothers already lifted hands facing coronavirus 2,hardship of lockdown comes with the ease of blessing that allah has brought family member together with my son asim town punjab pakistan 3,the reason we are observing more young deaths is because 60% of our population is below 30yrs in comparison to european countries where the demographic bulge is towards older age group please restrict your movement interaction and unnecessary socialization pic twitter com/dv46yhsptp 0,coronavirus really took all the traffic away 1,biden's campaign uses obama's ebola czar as hired gun to attack president trump's coronavirus response as joe hides at home (video) via 2,one thing covid 19 has made me realise the value of family life is so much more than the 9 5 you do everyday sure money is great a loving caring and supportive family priceless we have pretty much done… … 2,initial lockdown actually helped masses coming in direct contact with people returning home from abroad or with their close accomplices two thousand zamaties infected about sixty thousand others secondly it accustomed us to social distancing & wearing masks 0,boomers they complain when govt seems to not take harsh action and complain when harsh action is suggested ー19 0,lowkey you all stupid for joking around about the corona virus like wake up people it is real 2,can tiktok take action against those who create unresponsibleness between the citizens by creating funny videos on pandemic covid 19 3,covid 19 lockdown parents concerned over plans to reopen schools over 2 lakh petition govt | india news times of india … 1,at this point in the outbreak you are far more likely to catch the novel coronavirus from someone who shows no signs that they have been infected 3,ma'am kindly consider this problem it is a humble request we are facing double side effects one is sallery issue and other is corona virus 0,in response to covid19 nba 2k20 has temporarily closed the neighbourhood _19 1,coworker walks into room coughing me coronavirus him nah just allergies i laughed he laughed the coronavirus laughed 3,left hand anna offline boring lockdown lekunte frnds tho spend chesevaadni 1,the difference is nationality is not visible race often is and that is why this name is harmful why do you think only right wing twatwaffles like trump use it the virus has a name it has two pick coronavirus and/or covid 19 and stop being a racist pervert 0,i spit on you if i could but seriously if the gym does not let me in this morning where should i go ıd19 … 0,messaging has been disgraceful of course it would help if people actually used their brain instead of walking around totally clueless 0,trump urged mnuchin to pressure fed's powell on economic stimulus in explosive tirade about coronavirus 0,god forbid you have tix to a concert and are not feeling well despite the coronavirus pandemic would rather you go to the concert and make everyone sick rather than refund your tix bad business 2,tackling the challenges emerging as a result of spread of covid 19 the modi govt is enabling confidence building measures key to ensure seamless supply chain management via namo app 1,dude is it irrational to not want to go to the gym while their is a coronavirus outbreak asking if i'm being too anxious or lazy 3,hello this is with regards to my job here in dhaka which i hv lost due to covid crisis my employer palmal group of industries in dhaka has terminated my contract with immediate effect without consulting me being an expat 2,"gift institute ahmedabad ""due to covid 19 lockdown for longer period is becomes important & serious needs to systemize more our syllabus course abstract content means more productive then less practical &… …pic twitter com/llg2ycnbk" 3,learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had i miss my work business dream sad_but_relieved_face frowning_face _fight_covid_19 … 2,ya girl is out clapping_hands_medium_skin_tone of clapping_hands_medium_skin_tone shape clapping_hands_medium_skin_tone & ready to be back in the gym howevaa abu dhabi was beautiful United_Arab_Emirates • • _19 dhabi united arab emirates 2,| is officially free city and the celebration goes on 3,why then only mumbai is completely shut as opposed to other cities i m surprised that citizens are not asking tough questions to the maha govt on handling of covid in mumbai but even earlier govts are to blame who did nothing towards health infrastructure of mumbai … 2,सोचा lockdown हैं तो घर बैठे बैठे photography किया जाए touch & see complete pic pic dedicated to sir & dr sir sir for working tirelessly to save lives in ur 1 rt can encourage me to click more pic twitter com/zlban70v8f 0,the oddest thing ppl are buying bullets and guns for the coronavirus 0,so are we just calling a common cold coronavirus now just wondering if i need to go rush out and buy things lol gtfoh 0,this was back when coronavirus was not even a thing lol 3,covid 19 etisalat offers free internet video voice calls for two months … 3,unable to register in seva sindu nor unable to reach them via call 2,anyone did this … … 3,usa still beleives in playing blme game when it comes to covid19 they are inquiring how china couldnt just contain it rather than acting and saving lives of many americans man_shrugging_light_skin_tone 3,there is a power cut in gokulnagar area of rajula taluka of amreli district from 1 a m still going no officer or the complaint number 0279422048 is receiving the call nor responding please look after the complain we even cannot go out of our house because of lockdown 3,respected sir i and my 8 other collegues are terminated from school without any prior notice during lockdown on 23 march 2020 we all are facing financial problems and so much depressed regarding our livelihood please help us pic twitter com/e31w75uvfz 2,_effect * મારા બેટા એરપોર્ટમાં થપો રમે છે■■ playing on empty airport grinning_face_with_big_eyes grinning_face_with_big_eyes first foundation 3,wajid khan the popular bollywood music director from the sajid wajid duo passed away today at the age of 43 he was suffering from covid 19 twitter com/pohl4dxr89 1,as important as it is to keep up to date with the hse & news if you are totally freaked you should read this pic twitter com/rfjddn5urp 3,i understand if pkp extended after 14th april but still kind of sad i did not get to celebrate ramadan with my family well as long as covid19 situation gets better then i'll have to abide 3,for stock punters lockdown & no lockdown does not make sense they have lost almost 50% in march on an average worst month since 1998 for industrialist obviously they have pressure to retain manpower & business 0,to lick or not to lick that is the question all forms of licking are prohibited till further notice coronavirus this health official licks her finger while warning people not to touch their face california youtube reuters 3/6/20 1,as it is evident that corona has a greatest threat to old age persons and by assessing the we demad release of sant shri asharamji bapu on a parole 0,the coronavirus is upending the census — and that could undermine democracy for a decade – 0,cleaning all my devices tonight phones tablets laptops point of sale machines key fobs ー19 3,sir iam having a gas comnection no 910899 mahamaya gas agency my cylinder got empty i have booekd many times in last 15 days but neither they supplies nor pick phone nor open shutter of agency im in trouble in lockdown 1,a part of me is worried about the corona virus but the other part is like “this is not shit ” 0,corona sun today ironic pic twitter com/fuvsrrbddc 2,covid in a box lol 1,so today i realized i cannot even get hammered because my anxiety prevents me from telling the difference between a hangover & symptoms of the coronavirus 1,i'm an nhs doctor treating coronavirus – you have no idea how bad things could get 2,day 8 of 21 day lockdown tawa pulao 01 04 2020 prepared by sonal_aradwad city pune … 1,conference canceled due to concerns and impacts 0,ha what is better the fact that they not only tried to profit on the coronavirus but also tried to screw their own neighboors who lost their homes & lives in the tornado that makes it better 0,“as fox news played down the coronavirus its chief protected himself” assholes are already hiding in their nuke shelters 2,‍ 18 nations including usa and uk wants narender modi as leader for task force for corona what a proud moment for india believe in him and india will win please support 1,distracting myself as much as possible but overwhelming sadness when i when hear about the coronavirus devastated that our administration blew any chance of taking the virus head on & worried about how many innocent lives are going to be lost because of their incompetence 0,this coronavirus got serious real quick pretty scary 3,more than one person in told me that life in is pain since decades what if we die because of __19 that so depressed and sad to hear 2,song qismat singer kktomar yt channel … to watch go and suscribe in advance song will release after lockdown twitter com/0ti3a2vpbo 1,i was not too nervous about prior to yesterday but these last 2 days have changed me with that said keep washing your hands and stay home if you are sick hoping everyone stays safe 3,pulwama got its first covid case in 24 days pensive_face so unfortunate – at degree college pulwama 0,medical tv dramas are donating equipment amid coronavirus outbreak _19 3,as a veteran national journo pl spare yr obvious&justified bias towards modi govt temporarily in this national calamity&crisis imagine our plight with yr advocated secular(indecisive&inept ) leadership who would have covered even 'secular' covid spread by markaj very well 2,officially ipoh kinta lockdown 1,people cars abd biles are roaming freely on road in fromt of our house day and night with and without reason gurudwara road malviya nagar putting in danger lot of lives please help _petrol – at kulcha guru 2,day 56 egg cooked in sauce _19 … … 3,student organization spade condoles the death of great music composer director singer and a great personality wajid khan of the sajid wajid duo breathed his last during the wee hours on june 1 he lost his life fighting novel coronavirus at the age of 42 in mumbai twitter com/hsmlwhhy8t 1,at what point is crashing the economy a bigger threat than coronavirus 0,what a lot of manufactured rubbish the vast majority of coronavirus deniers seem to be anti vaxxers greens and the batshit crazy left climate alarmists should be worried about the coronavirus as most do not look like they wash too often at all let alone hands 3,lahore coronavirus situation from bad to worse twitter com/cjmvzuynma 2,asymptomatic carriers are more than 80% nobody is talking about true potential of mask usage simple can save thousands of lives if everyone wears one is letting people die of … 1,so says nothing to worry about with the corona virus & then he works from home pulls his kids out of school & tells all other politicains to go into isolation some fucking leader 1,yeah i suppose your right mate how did it even get the name of the coronavirus who names these it is like that time with the ebola thing but worse 0,which i'm sure will turn down because you know socialism is bad for you do not you know you just got to pull your corona virus self up by the bootstraps 0,so then you should think we should shut down the economy during flu season then why are people that die from the flu any less important than those dying from the corona virus 1,great spread panic across the world i'm currently in wheelchair i find it difficult to get around i do not have money now till next week 30 march uk government needs to allow us to get weekly esa rather than fortnightly during i cannot get food till then 2,day one way one _days_21_ways _ways_to_stay_aarogya • it is benifit and importance ー19 stay surakshit from pic twitter com/hckdrxfnvb 3,lockdown achievement pic twitter com/p4qqav879c 2,good morning medam india fight corona wonderful leadership hon pm ji and thanks support sir and ji 1,along with the spread of the coronavirus also comes a rise in xenophobia and racist incidents toward the asian american community here's how the bay area is trying to combat it 2,welcome here in corona xd 1,can we please get rid of coronavirus first … 3,need of the hour is lockdown continue 1,pokemon are also affected by the coronavirus pic twitter com/0rb2l9wat2 3,tried calling amazon customer care but every time call gets disconnected or line is busy due to covid 2,do not forget failure to help the people during covid19 outbreak 2,your scientists and researchers deserve more than your players 0,trump whines about wanting the us to slash interest rates to zero or negative digits the coronavirus hits china and starts spreading trump takes zero measures in us and lies instead calling it a democratic hoax panic ensues when it hits us then 0,imo are under a chinese terrorist attack they do not like dealing with our president they want us destroyed they want as because then all china has to do is flash some cash at hunter and we will lose again on purpose 2,go bro … 0,coronavirus is screwed 2,wfh w on top *whisky pic twitter com/8dwiodzxto 0,"who is lilley and why is he so dumb petty partisan unhelpful narrow minded did i include partisan (""trudeau's border closure does not stop illegal crossers"")" 3,is highly unpredictable with varied presentations &testing all over world possibility of cannot be ruled out high index of suspicion is needed in all benefit of doubt should be given to families in grief /7qfhpumrf0 1,if the coronavirus does not kill me i swear this household will 1,moms in the hospital as far as we can tell not corona but she has mds and is undergoing chemo so her immune system is extremely weak at best very worried about her right now and not allowed to see her as she is in isolation due to the virus 2,my was on 23 march before singapore went to a semi lockdown on 7 april we managed to sneek out for office lunch at pariaman and got a charcoal ice cream haji lane was quiet due to travel restrictions it was a fun day 0,immigration judges (naij) eoir has ordered immigration court staff to remove cdc posters designed to slow spread of coronavirus no this is not a parody account 2,asymptomatic carriers are more than 80% nobody is talking about true potential of mask usage simple can save thousands of lives if everyone wears one world leaders are letting people die of … 1,the virus was screaming noooo never felt i'd feel sorry for the coronavirus 2,covid 19 relief honey singh neha kakkar adnan sami unite for digital concert to urge fans to donate … download for android … download for ios … 0,coronavirus lockdown jogger resists arrest in spain and is abused by onlookers 2,lockdown birthday celebration is not that bad pic twitter com/kb8lgp2xzb – at haridwar 1,the time ticking soo fast that i have been graduated now june month is here and fear of corona is still there do not know what going to happen next 3,please add dd shillong in your dish also i need it so bad during this lockdown please i'm begging you if you do not add now i'll change my dish tv after the lockdown is over 3,what would be the situation if raga was pm entire world would laugh at us instead india leading the covid fight … 3,yahan hindu muslim chal raha hai aur wahan blacks & whites no wonder corona won the war because we all are a bunch of losers who could not find peace amongst ourselves 1,"a chinese doctor tried to warn people about coronavirus but the government tried to silence him by having him investigated by the police who told him ""we hope you can calm down and reflect on your behavior”" 2,stars of viral pandemic movie contagion reunite to offer coronavirus advice 2,it is immaterial whether covid19 is man made or natural because good and bad people are created by the same nature itself we have to correct ourselves by simple and loving life pattern suitable to the nature 2,_19 have a direct affect on aircraft production over supply in to the the aviation market is will felt in this time of life and ‘s must restudy the capacity of production and have a healthy curve to a demand and supply tactics 3,uk records lowest daily virus death toll since start of lockdown govt 3,"where is order chennai in app it says ""completed"" i did not receive anything your call in number does not work this is my 1st experience moving away frm my regular and it is already such that i have ask status in tweeter please look into" 2,great tribute to covid 19 warriors 3,this money should be taken over by govt to tackle corona disease bcz according to perception of followers of godly mazhabs corona is punishment to ppl by god 3,sir my family wants to travel to karnataka belgavi from flight should i even now apply for e pass and along a child is of 3 years n 12 months what proof are needed please help me 2,expo centre being turned into a hospital for coronavirus patients is an excellent idea given the circumstances but at the same time it saddens me the book fairs concerts pr events and whatnot — all the good memories associate with the place 0,the scams are starting pic twitter com/3a5ibjww7n 1,mate i'm so tired of hearing about corona virus now like people are absolutely panicking and it is just mad 1,on friday two groups of experts came together at carolinas medical center to answer questions and address the latest coronavirus concerns both of those videos can now be found on our covid 19 updates page 3,this is so sad actor andrew jack is another victim of the coronavirus … 0,here is a flight from xiamen to vancouver arriving within the next hour does and the really think that canadians are stupid to not find out pic twitter com/j1nszsnx19 3,acept my condolences for the passing away of ur father mother sister's and brother's do to the inability of ur terorist gvt to provide for them in the covid 19 lockdown 3,sir please help my brother from dieing he has covid 19 as confirmed by hrct we r trying from sat but bed is not avail also gone to bkc they also rej as they do not have o2 also rej by nsui informed to 1916 i want admin in pvt hosp pic twitter com/eoeqjda4r1 2,on day 2 of a lockdown mentored a bunch of young kids who were building a ventilator from campus incubator started as alpha now it is been manufactured he is the co ceo of this project we need more leaders like you sir this is so inspiring 0,hallmark movie writers somewhere are crying tears of joy writing a script where two enemies enter quarantine together as everything shuts down from coronavirus & they unexpectedly fall in love … it will be called “love sick” the girl will be white and the guy will also be white 1,coronavirus could hit housing hard as australia teeters on edge of recession the guardian 0,australian researchers have just worked out how the body fights coronavirus 3,sir my name is clarence alvares from goa please consider my humble suggestion in using an electric cremation for the dead people instead of just disposing the covid 19 corpses so that the family can give the ashes a decent burial 1,infected people without symptoms might be driving the spread of coronavirus more than we realized 3,rest in peace celebrated music composer of the duo sajid wajid passes away at 42 he was suffering from covid 19 pic twitter com/859yfslews 0,over 12k died nearly 300k hospitalized 1 in 5 ppl in were infected by under no action & no panic like + evil actions + inactions w/ in an year will do anything to win 2,at least lockdown here means still being able to look out at this amazing view of the the and watching three graceful rays a pair of egyptian geese playing and a beautiful hoopoe… … 1,yes and pushkin really does not trigger me can avoid duels and dont plan to drink on the streets during 1,10 practical tips to help avoid coronavirus when you leave the house 1,govt moving quickly on attracting foreign investment in manufacturing should help drive mfg in india and provide much needed jobs to economy as we enter the post covid world … 1,if we r speaking on % the corona virus death rate is higher considering we do not have any cure for it and for flu we have treatment the new virus is more deadly think about that 1,all i hear everywhere is coronavirus this and coronavirus that i'm less worrried about the actual virus and more worried i'm going to die in an accident creating by all the people freaking out about it at this point 0,this is urgent tell to stop forcing their drivers to work sick 0,the chinese government lied not china as a whole the chinese people were lied to as well and our government lied too i think many governments did _19 0,here are 13 claims has made about coronavirus that have already been disputed # xmbvwlnwqes twitter … 0,hey so @ any art majors who go to a school that is currently doing remote learning due to the coronavirus how the fuck is that workin out for yall 2,̇d19 alexgabyfan my baby trying to navigate to watch gaby and alex (top kids show) listen carefully she was trying to tell … 2,this positive is something which is exciting not the corona one … 1,some (many ) people get the coronavirus but do not get ill as in have no symptoms so probably will not get tested anyway 1,you all it is the freakin weekend and i'm about to do nothing because it is the responsible thing to do during this pandemic stay safe & practice social distancing 0,you know what i hate more than covid 19 carole baskin 3,heal the world from the dangerous virus #โควิด_19 ー19 #โควิท_19 ıd19 twitter com/wwmgdwcr2j 1,if you think this coronavirus thing is all hype and panic i'm not here to try to scare you however i would urge you strongly to think of people aside from yourself if this pandemic… 3,this is worst than covid19 1,this is the reality of coronavirus think before you go out and put others in danger 3,1 3 million(13 lakhs) on an average die every year from road incidents better shut down the roads airports & public platforms declare it a pandemic ー19 – at baroda 2,i am proud of the way she reacted with courage for amfan and corona reacted is praiseworthy 3,asymptomatic they can be sitting next to you 3,"'mla special allotment of rice' to fight against corona ""each mla was allotted 5 quintals of rice through concerned dcsos for those people who do not have ration card"" stated mla source …pic twitter com/aczpldrhv4" 1,the who is the biggest fake organization to them the us is bad bad bad they want everything to be global control the who is pretty much spreading unfounded fear about 3,due to and in bowenpally area there are a lot of people's are not having a single rupee to buy a rice and there in need of ration for their homes so please come out and help those people by feeding contact me 7799322774 0,this is not a time for jokes but someone called the coronavirus the “wuhan waylayer” & i could not help but chuckle 3,then came lockdown 2 0 & 3 0 but emi moratorium not changed now we are close to get due date from bank for these emis but we are unable to pay that 3,hope she gets well soon she is no different from other covid patients who are suffering and getting all symphathy 1,the chinese communist party knew about coronavirus at least since november 2019 but instead of warning their own citizens and the world about it they supressed it and arrested anyone who tried to raise the alarm over this until it blew up in their and everyone is faces 2,allah made you you are beautiful allah takes care of you you are safe allah is with you you are not alone so cheer up and smile globe_showing_Europe-Africa crescent_moon kaaba mosque cloud_with_rain Pakistan 0,"you do not get the point losing 2 5% of the population does not end the virus will continue to re infect ""cured"" patients like its already doing in several nations government inaction only lead to further devastation and distraction china is where it is by action" 0,finally it is about time the fake news media finds a way to stop trump but seriously can such a serial liar be permitted to remain in office i do not care how many weeks are left 1,young and unafraid of the coronavirus good for you now stop killing people | opinion 3,these are the three companies i do not trust at all with covid 19 vaccine & or maybe my confidence shaky with these companies because they been ripping american pocket since long for insulin with useless patents & – at soura 0,capitalism (and the greed it breeds) is probably going to make the spread of even worse in the us 1,my eyebrows cannot take this coronavirus any longer my shit looking crazy 1,new post follow the link provided david tepper concerned about coronavirus us needs fiscal help 3,sir seriously this govt is giving false data on covid 19 many news are across india that bjp govt hides the original data 1,you all really had to fucking call the corporate of h e b to tell them that their own employees cannot shop before you all what an actual disgrace people you all are a bunch of fucking assholes they are working hard for those who are panicking for no fucking reason 3,thull is passing the most dangerous and ultra hazardous situation in its history 80% population of thul town and surrounding have been striked by corona virus cm/health m sindh to take notice we plead the govt to pay attention to thul retweet&share 2,during stay at home house of _mandanna smiling_face 2,thanks to sahara foundation to certified me as a corona warriors /8nawhgshev 2,ncc meets today as covid 19 situation worsens 3,coronavirus india china border dispute uk plans to form 'd10' pakistan plane crash hong kong protests cyclone amphan us ends relationship with who nasa spacex launch us protests what is happening 2,isolated detainee pn dapat covid this rona will be treated as urti in few months lol … 1,'stealth transmission' fuels fast spread of coronavirus outbreak undetected cases many of which were likely not severely symptomatic were largely responsible for the rapid spread of the covid 19 outbreak in china according to new research by… 2,i'm also grateful for my family being blessed with good health in all this health related chaos going around (covid19) folded_hands_light_skin_tone 1,how has the coronavirus impacted the food processing industry and food safety … 1,i just cannot fathom that people can regress to raw savageness and self preservation rather than ‘look after one another' so quickly in lord of the flies it took a few days at least 2,"gymtrainer how was your workout session in lockdown me thinking what is the workout term for ""charbi bdhi padi hai """ 2,sharpen the saw balance and renew your resources energy and health to create a sustainable long term effective lifestyle #شهر_إبريل twitter com/r5ycailyhz – at kuwait city 1,"dt lied yet again ""we have a problem that a month ago nobody ever thought about "" many reporters & others like warned them all of the dangers of the outbreak of op ed written 2 months ago via" 0,prince william the same prince who mocked coronavirus ten days ago 3,a good service in bad times of corona epidemic 1,western countries busy fighting with the corona virus skull_and_crossbones result terrorism stopped worldwide slightly_smiling_face 0,obviously chinese americans are not to blame for the chinese coronavirus it is the chinese government that is responsible for lying to the international community about the pandemic at the early stages fake news needs to stop pretending this is about race report the truth 3,i will fill my heart to your soul during covid 19 break out on the world 1,i love this my fear is the constant barraging folks with fear about corona virus is going to make people mentally sick 2,thanks for our mla corporator and ghmc team for their good work in curtailing spreading of covid 19 virus 2,sub invitation to be resource person in online workshop on “microgreens” superfood boost immunity to fight covid 19 on 04 june 2020 we are pleased to inform that this year department of tourism & hospitality … … 1,late night shows will tape without studio audiences on coronavirus fears via 2,i feel imposing complete shutdown on every saturdays and sundays is the most required decision to control the people's corona related undisciplined behaviour mostly in weekends after a bit relaxation of lockdown from mid may 3,delhi hc raps app govt on not fulfilling promise to feed hungry during lockdown pic twitter com/ywtehdmhiu 0,i'm just counting down till some of these cities go full martial law or issue a stay at home order because at this point it is not a matter of if but when 0,while i agree do you think anyone in the current situation has time for nonsense alas if only the participants left their stubbornness continue your protests if you are still well & alive after ends jaan hai toh jahaan hai 0,i've always been the type to need control and to know what is next this coronavirus shit really forcing me to take control of my anxiety and i'm doing a pretty good job 1,"""what we need is to control the panic ” why this nobel laureate predicts a quicker coronavirus recovery 'we're going to be fine'" 0,bro this coronavirus has got people going mad pic twitter com/rreinwbv4i 1,sir if covid 19 highly spread in india will indian economy be able enough to beat the losses more than 75% of the world countries are in lock down is this lock down will bring global financial crisis again 1,closing the schools cancelling gigs postpone movies telling working ppl to stay at home etc will do absolutely nothing you will get it one way or another the media are blowing coronavirus out of proportion to scare you like fuck offffffff stop ruining everyone is 2020 3,well at least the covid status is under govt now no reporting on covid unless govt approves … 1,the cure to the coronavirus is in the blood of crackheads i've never seen a crackhead sick pic twitter com/vtxf1m6uda 3,kan indonesia will be the worst country affected by covid loudly_crying_face loudly_crying_face they cant accommodate for the large number of patient pon loudly_crying_face 1,coronavirus threat is blown out of proportion mortality rate of coronavirus in most of the places is less than 1% one person dies every 37 seconds in the united states from cardiovascular disease about 647 000 americans die from heart disease each year that is 1 in every 4 die 3,i want tell u i m international medical graduate doctor & have more 400 drs male and female wants to participate in crisis of corona but government does not knows about us the list i created of all these doctors from all over the pak just we want allow the help of our country 0,heard coronavirus ass told people ass need ass 2,business insight how technology is changing the world during covid 19 thanking 1,now again lockdown ghost 0,the united states of america will hammer this piece of shit into the ground we will exterminate it prepare to be impressed 0,just waiting for the usual race baiters to tell us it is racist not to get the coronavirus 1,how to prevent and cope with anxiety surrounding coronavirus 2,this year ramadhan 1441h is a blessed despite covid & quarantine our family managed to khatam quran this morning and that feeling palms_up_together_light_skin_tone blessed blessed & blessed as well as i've managed to teraweh most of the time this year was a blessed 0,elizabeth warren censors word 'chinese' from coronavirus tweet 3,my dad had a mild temperature today due to bad stomach and my thoughts goes to wrong place everytime fuck this covid 19 i am so done 0,# 2,"from our perspective he is at another level where no one can stand out him at this pandemic situation of he is ""the india man"" his work speeks rather than his words great salute" 0,how can his “damage control” cause just as much damage as the racist $# + he already said he just does not get it trump says coronavirus not asian americans' fault 3,when you are bored after online classes 3,i was told that covid19 affects the lungs and not ass holes so why the masks face_with_tears_of_joy 2,although i have not met my fav actress yet but tried my best to make a small digital caricature red_heart thanks for inspiring me always hope to meet u super soon when u visit delhi after lockdown eagerly waiting to meet u smiling_face_with_heart-eyes sparkles 3,pls issue 2 beds for my parents in saket my parents are covid patients they need your help 30% beds r reserved for covid patients i request you to please help us my parents are diabities and hyper tension patients 3,public gathering should not be promoted by media already 100k + people died in coronavirus these people want more death to happen shameful act 1,orange lab coats ward off coronavirus do not they 1,my white blood cells coming together to attack the corona virus pic twitter com/x63agqvats 2,( ) enjoying the swimming pool during the lockdown ー19 _19india 0,really tho what is worse or the trump virus 1,coronavirus and mental health anxieties spike amid bay area's isolation san josé spotlight via 0,all sporting events concerts should all be canceled immediately across the country because of the the problem with americans is they want it all no sacrafice no pain by the time they act it is to late 0,so claims the is a hoax while italy quarantines 16 million people we all may be dead or broke before we get a chance to vote this idiot out of office in november 0,jesus mexico's going to pay for the corona virus 0,"scomo has early dementia ' encouraging a policy of “social distancing” amongst children where they stay 1 5 metres apart from each other at school "" 'shut us down ' aussies rage at pms coronavirus update # m4crs … via" 3,poor taxi man help donation charity help money my taxi damage please help registration malikashraf1545 0092335252521what's my family corona virus my children crying hungry no food no milk please help donation thanks malikashraf1545 0092335252521what's 0,"""nothing justifies being rude to others"" and that goes for everything not just because of the coronavirus" 1,if the corona virus cancels this summer i'm going to be fuminggggg 3,well abt corona i am not just following spritual part as allah already said if you become careful thn it my responsible to take you away from troubles if you dont n keep just spritual belief that allah will cure us thn he will nt help those who dont care 2,stay home stay safe stay sane … 1,can we forgive china country sparked such a mammoth international crisis should be in global dog house us rallies on china for 97% of all its antibiotics after crisis get over international relationships may change 3,cant find a network in ghatkopar for last 4hours what wrong with u guys pehle corona abhi 0,it is some the government is not telling people about the corona virus 2,"god is great folded_hands my lord ""shiva"" please remove around the whole world stable life save people's rajeev kumar sharma folded_hands" 3,on the instructions of president barrister allahabad dist up president mohd shah alam is distributing relief material (ration kits) continuously from last 8 days among the people who have been affected due to _19 lockdown 0,fuck corona pic twitter com/uvb8tlchmh 0,he literally does not give a shit if anyone lives or dies as long as he is living i f*cking hate him with the white hot fury of a thousand suns 1,important thread “with lethality rate the only safe way to achieve herd immunity is through vaccination that is why it is so important to develop effective vaccines trying to achieve herd immunity through natural infection will put millions of lives in danger ” 1,thanks for the question i highlighted as this has been used by politicians to justify policy (on ) for the graph the key issue is the slope the steeper the slope the more rapidly is spreading 1,i hope one thing the world learns amidst is empathy this virus is dangerous for the more vulnerable members of society those who are ill older homeless those who have to go to work because they have no means otherwise /1 0,holy shit and this from the administration that was just days ago trying to convince public coronavirus was nothing mnuchin warns senators that us could see 20% unemployment rate due to coronavirus source says 2,a view of deserted srinagar city illuminated by lights on the eve of shabi e qadr on wednesday amidst lockdown against covid 19 muslims across the globe offer night long prayers and recite quran during the 27th night of holy fasting month of ramzan – at srinagar 3,yes bro iam also covid +ve patient admitted in kmc but worst treatment and facility there is no beds are arranged for emergency purpose 0,i need to cancel my hotel due to coronavirus and you guys keep ignoring my calls and chats 2,wow beautiful coronavirus plus the best wishes you song's musical_notes musical_notes deepak sharma family ka jawab white_heavy_check_mark nahi folded_hands folded_hands yes thinking_face face_with_tears_of_joy loudly_crying_face face_with_tears_of_joy okay of wonderful day happy good morning saina nehwal didi ji & mata shree namaste folded_hands folded_hands yes jai bharat mata ki jai ho 3,i am missing having butter chicken with my chilled beer beer_mug wht i am doing in lockdown having lays with feni zany_face 0,u s 33 280 cases 422 deaths 189 recovered governors and mayors must lock the fn states and cities down now isolate and quarantine 2,yes ppl are tweeting as if rainbow is going to cure corona 0,almost no water at target because of the coronavirus damn pic twitter com/a2qlgcuh95 – at target 3,govt of tn should take decision for waived off school fees of all school children's from apr jun 2020 19 for avoiding financial burden of parents in this critical junction of time and moral support as there is nation wide lock down and school remains closed 3,many people have lost their jobs after the arrival of covid 19 in such a difficult situation by doing a small project we have given jobs to 7 peoples and by projecting this and local farmers have increased morally in cuttack market launch ( 1st june 2020 ) pic twitter com/4mrpv1zpoq 2,digital marketing strategies in lockdown 3,this is what the news channel's need to highlight people lockdown in home's are going in depression due to the negative news of corona 3,wajid khan the popular bollywood music director from the sajid wajid duo passed away today at the age of 43 he was suffering from covid 19 2,graph to compare _19 mortality rate in india and the world we are doing better than and are doing better than us remember someone was saying we are doing worst than all countries in mortality courtesy /bfpo8oqbs8 0,delaying local elections by a whole year is a ridiculous overreaction we are not being that drastic on any other front a 5 6 month delay and then a reassessment would be far more appropriate its one extreme to the other with this amateurish government 0,is not this truth never been more stressed frustrated in my all my life more questions than answers being raised right now ー19 0,more reasons why we need a creative destruction approach to our existing systems global pandemic this large is not to be a thing of joke god in his infinite mercy would keep protecting his people do not forget to share and spread the philosophy pic twitter com/coqt4sez0s 2,“hike more worry less ” sachin 0_0 nived_jayaraj akhil_raj_97 0,if you need a refresher here are his day by day statements on coronavirus he is either suffering from some sort of brain issue he is downright stupid or he is a bald faced liar i happen to believe it is all of the above pic twitter com/fvlmuntjuo 1,and the ‘ effect' increased exposure to poses health biosafety and global security risks 1,may be a medicine to avoid coronavirus 3,my new bed has literally broken under the weight of this lockdown the privileges and pains to endure 0,this gobar terrorist has gone completely gobar they are all back your gaumutra pm does not even speak to cms of indian states your coronavirus suspect flee from hospitals because they know doctors remove vital organs and sell them thugstan hang your head in shame 2,"president trump says white house coronavirus experts agree the u s can start moving into a new phase of reopening the country ""a national shutdown is not a sustainable long term solution """ 2,their are many youths who are willing to contribute during this covid 19 pandemic this is the right opportunity for them … 2,i hope you are all doing good in your quarantine stay home stay safe not only from but also be aware of the dangers of so use mortein products and say 3,if these are sanction free amrikee corona say zayada khatarnaak hein 3,* * *one more covid death reported from kashmir a patient from shopian passed away at srinagar hospital today j&k toll 29 0,health risk is correlated to socioeconomic status ( and this is a good example of why this is ridiculous shame on this company 1,aoc caught exploiting coronavirus panic with disinformation to push socialist agenda on student loans 3,if ppl think she creating awareness2check spread of covid19 in her constituency then ppl r taken4 ride she is appearing in posters of *hindustan gold company* which says poor ppl2*sell*their gold 2hgc/insted of protecting poor ppl micro gold she says lose it model mp 1,did bill gates & world economic forum predict coronavirus outbreak an inside look may shock you 3,no electricity from last evening already had power cut in past 10 days on name of maintenance if this is after maintenance what till be without 0,son wtf is this rt breaking two lakers players reportedly have tested positive for coronavirus now 3,please allow laws to play online games in telangana it is boring due to lockdown 1,lockdown panic famine and inequality 3,govt hospital always foc even without crisis corona 0,coronavirus lockdown got me working on the 32894743 songs i started and abandoned 0,i did not know about 50 cent corn dog day at sonic today because all that is on my damn timeline is coronavirus bs 2,easing the lockdown for many glowing_star glowing_star 2,so public transport shops malls eating places offices are open in peshawar and the rush was out of the mind everyone was without masks except afew saying welcome to corona and bye bye health 3,please must watch this video this is the ground realty in kejri govt in covid 19 situation … 2,hi everyone how are you at smart city … 2,covid19 sticker sign pack protect yourself & community red_heart be smart stand apart … 1,you still think this is about money dude the underlying issue is you lying all the time so there is a lack of trust and the lack of tests for sick people do not shop nor do they buy stocks or pay into their 401ks 1,bruh this corona virus shit with canceling everything is annoying smhhh 0,nhs scotland shame on you we have a confirmed death due to the coronavirus in the highlands and are being refused information about where the individual was from allowing people the facts to enable informed decisions is only fair treat this as an foi 1,"""federal reserve slashes interest rates to confront coronavirus pandemic""" 2,yesterday gallio science club jointly with vasavi club udumalpet we were distributed covid relief materials to isalthittu tribal village people pic twitter com/kjcwct6ied 0,oh good coronavirus somehow gets even worse 3,everyone is research work has deadly hampered nothing has been done during last 20days corona outbreak heavy hailstorm destroyed everything 1,i hope the coronavirus has not reached flavortown 1,fears drive immigrants to sgv gun shops via 3,not covid19 but modi has ruined indian economy twitter com/nfkasifkbx 1,coronavirus concerns after trump contacts with now self quarantined gop congressmen 1,this corona virus shit is outta hand 0,"donald trump labels mike pence as ""soothing"" in a list of all the beings in this and all parallel universes mike pence is at the bottom when it comes to ""soothing""" 1,utter disgrace from the scumbag with their page one on tuesday irresponsible inaccurate scaremongering and likely to act as incentive for people to ignore twitter com/ctwxbdo43a 3,please open the borders if up govt allows smooth movement for all till now they are also saying that corona is coming to their areas from delhi no one created any issue because of this & only middle class is suffering 3,ranga bila using covid tragedy as an opportunity to satisfy their sadist plans #आतंकी_भाजपा 2,"""earlier this month i took up a content creation project for a home stay in himachal pradesh to write about it i had to be there full story >> twitter com/4naqwphrmj" 2,covid 19 and the developing world 1,banks can handle potential energy losses but face risks if larger economic crisis triggered by coronavirus unfolds 2,making lemang using blue_heart rose since 24hrs make ur life easy as abc smiling_face – at king abdulaziz medical city riyadh 2,if only i could have spent the with this cutie vc sakshi__s i n g h coast crossing republik … 3,they will die of food shortages people going to die not for corona virus but for shortages of foods @ 2,yknow during this covid i can finally see my own local people on our public transports 3,rip sajid wajid great loss for bollywood he passed due to covid 19 heart and kidney disease 2020 is such a worst year ー19 3,i thought corona was fake omg it is real pic twitter com/hnar5etcyk 3,considering his bad control of the corona situation in us he may well order for the release of proof that they indeed have aliens in so that the attention of people is diverted 3,i feel like my life is flashing by and all i can do is watch and cry i miss the air i miss my friends i miss my mother i miss it when life was a party to be thrown but that was a million years ago #كورونا 3,corona virus microbe no one want her she is rejected man_gesturing_NO 3,51 year old male covid 19 patient dies in maharashtra taking death toll to 13 1,this is very important dry skin allows bad bacteria do not just wash your hands to prevent coronavirus moisturize them too 0,no lie i been feeling sick and i do not want to find out it is the corona virus 0,“students will not be allowed to return to campus to gather their belongings given “rapid change of circumstances and advisement of health officials” and “for the sake of individual and broader campus safety”” duke bans students from dorms 0,my college just canceled classes till april 20th and all my classes are online now because of the coronavirus wtf 3,worst crisis since world war2 source un chief 1,which candidate do you think would be able to recover if infected by the coronavirus 2,you always comes with betterment of social cause this time also you have done such donation for our society to fight against proud of you rajeev sir … 1,today it is coronavirus tomorrow guinnessbola 1,due to concern over coronavirus i am immediately replacing the usual handshake with finger guns until further notice thank you for your understanding 2,monday motivation pic twitter com/7lskugfmlh 3,the new is yet another constitutional fraud for the people of j&k when world is busy in containing the pandemic of was busy in drafting anti kashmiri law hell with this govt rip constitution 1,ktr sir please keep mercy on physically handicapped sir i am a physically handicapped recently i lost my private job in this lockdown period i am facing very panic situation plz kindly give me any contact/outsourcing … 1,my coworker said her dad working in the hospital (they would not say which one) told her that there are actually over 600 coronavirus cases in hawaii but they do not want everyone to freak out so they are not telling anyone 1,locust swarms attack in pakistan this is another emerging threat after covid 19 and plane crash یا اللہ ہم پر رحم فرما pic twitter com/0rspoasvsc 3,several eminent personalities have come up to extend financial aid to the government by contributing to pm cares fund on pm modi's appeal to battle covid 19 via namo app 1,gross incompetence columbia u doctor on federal response to coronavirus ‘gross amateur hour incompetence' 1,increased at home coronavirus stress can lead to increased pet woes 1,it is all temporary mr krk you are in the hit list of corona virus it is still doing silently its homework for attacking you backhand_index_pointing_up thinking_face face_with_rolling_eyes face_with_rolling_eyes 2,april 1 2020 dear partners i hope you and your loved ones are safe and keeping well these are uncertain times for all of us the global impact of the pandemic is unprecedented and as the travel… … 3,now i will pray to almighty allah to intensify the corona effect in hum kashmiryu k saath hamesha na insaafi hoti hai we kashmiries are helpless but the majestic our lord is watching everything 3,"""smriti irani ji missing"" posters come up in amethi in last 1 yr she visited amethi only for a few hours has done nothing for the people during covid19 crisis and instead referred to workers coming back to amethi from different states as twitter com/pe1xpvidmi" 1,for parents the toolkit offers a kid's comic book exploring coronavirus stress reduction tips a step by step guide on talking with kids videos on how to prevent the spread of the virus and what to do if you think you might have covid 19 1,so they canceled school bc of the corona virus kind of scared now 3,the saddest part of _19 is you cannot visit your fellow family member at the hospital and if the member had passed away you cannot accompany with the funeral rest in peace to our former prime minister mr nor hassan hussein 1,coronavirus has hit & you are quarantined with your first 5 infected everyone else hoarding all the tp bathing in hand sanitizer telling everyone it is a conspiracy booking cheap vacation to italy 3,and the new trimester starts covid much for term break 1,if you check the only ones that are pressing the panic button with are ppl in the college professors & medical elites those r the same ppl who dont want reflected coincidence i think not 0,thiè bravo nonnetto di 96 anni ce l'hai fatta a venirne fuori dal coronavirus 1,"what would a covid 19 pandemic look like in australia ""i'm always concerned that people will think that once it is going there is nothing you can do about it but that could not be further from the truth” thanks for this insightful piece" 0,so i ask what the hell do airline emissions have to do with coronavirus also student debt and all the collective bargaining perks for unions what yes i am yelling 2,good news out of the ten covid19 patients in district gurugram 9 people have fully recovered 1,coronavirus be still and wait on the lord he will bring his way his truth and his life out of this 3,due to the prevailing situation of covid 19 the family members of students in kashmir are worried about their health in custody the last hearing was listed on april 09 and after that no hearing has been listed for the case in court 2,noida today _19 3,"celebrated music composer of the duo sajid wajid passes away at 42 he was suffering from covid 19 my prayers and strength for the entire family may his soul ""rest in peace"" twitter com/2xznbx11or" 2,having more money does not make you rich for this ladies red_heart 1,make a book about the incompetent of ucp and the clowns conservatives lucky canada does not have conservative in power with this we be fuck 3,if a nsa to clear the crowd that has congregated against section 144 then it tells a lot about appeasement politics whoever the govt is sad even nsa must have coaxed them to enter is epicentre for political appeasement victimhood politics … 2,very good clapping of my cm sahab cant believe it he is our cm what circumstances is going on whole country india at him he is main interest in rajmata hair style fashion bhaiya ji free 2 next what free you offering to our country but your offer we cant afford 3,recovery rate 43 % death rate 3 37% death 40 9 /dfgytjikz0 2,scientist minal dakhave bhosale gave us the first covid 19 testing kit in india that takes only 2 hours to deliver test results as compared to 6 7 hours that imported testing kits take … 3,my heart sinks if not coronavirus hunger would kill folk and vice versa … 2,to overcome reopening challenges after cut non essential costs look for online opportunities review your b model consider new channels 3,kindly accept aap govt has no control 1 beating up of students by police & goons 2 covid 19 did ur work of emptying saheenbag protest site 3 sitting idle through onsided riot & sacrificing own mla 4 again letting nizamuddin fiasco happen 5 shameless mass exodus happening 3,sensex closes 1 203 points lower nifty gives up 8 300 amid coronavirus crisis it financial stocks worst hit … shared via ndtv news app (android | iphone ) 3,"""smriti irani missing"" posters come up in amethi in last 1 yr she visited amethi only for a few hours has done nothing for the people during covid19 crisis and instead referred to workers coming back to amethi from different states as ""coronavirus"" /afj4bssibe" 0,the same people who are complaining about how coronavirus is ruining their summer plans and how they just want this to end soon are also the ones going out despite there being a lockdown 1,all parks in reopened in the aftermath of 5 1 m quake major stadiums also opened to host people staying outdoors amid fears over possible aftershocks people are advised to observe over _19 outbreak though 1,the thought of jacob's nashville show getting cancelled makes my heart hurt soooooo bad please go away 2,can some pharmacist teach his wife how to make medicine so that within few days she can make us medicine for covid19 … 1,what a dope nolte bette midler attacks trump for not wanting ‘america's coronavirus numbers' to ‘go up' via 2,stay at home and stay safe we will be together once corona virus goes away we love you guys írus steak house… … 1,catching the corona virus would be a problem but it would also solve a shit ton of my problems 2,the true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection india … 1,new getting to 3,sad news but it needs to be done brace ourselves we can do this … 0,how they are dealing with in a public facility in portsmouth uk yes that is a coronavirus warning sign torn down and covered in used tissues pic twitter com/df8pwdlk17 3,it is not because of covid he also suffering from kidney problem 3,"""so if i had miss 80 litres of petrol in 90 days i will not fill my tank with 80 litres post lockdown"" some part of revenue is foregone forever man_bowing" 0,you know with the fact that this corona virus crap is going on you should be happy grim and everyone else on the roster are still willing to go out and bust their asses for us to go put on a good show man they do not have to do that but they do for us so just stop bashing it 1,idk what is scarier coronavirus itself or people who clearly have 0 understanding of how dangerous it can be if we handle this the wrong way 2,covid19 family video 2,"do not trust in ""such"" psychology dear after someday they will ask who is a men and then the reply will be a father a brother a son and a husband and then you will stop sharing ""such"" psychology stay safe do not let take over your control" 0,all of the change i would hope to see from this satanic coronavirus situation is purely spiritual internal could not care less about a “””systemic change””” hoping for that or hoping that that would change anything of substance is for fools 0,things are turbulent in the situation in and the valley cancels may graduation declares emergency orders bars/nightclubs closes no paywall for 's coverage 3,a pregnant lady travel fr covid test till borivali w frm malad fr covid test n by d time she reached she was denied saying v are closed no hospital is admiting her without test centres are responding rip humanity 3,19 usa in trouble now worst hit by covid 19 around 18900 positive cases 4055 deaths so far 2,in this lockdown period watching movies deeply got siddiki as witness in sarfarosh of and as pickpocket in munnabhai mbbs of great actor 0,cuz they fucking foolish lmfaooo corona virus dont give you the runs bro pic twitter com/hzfr7drumc 1,coronavirus is no runny nose & dry cough u gooood 3,is not this exercise spreading what are the expectations of by sealing the borders have they been able to stop it in the last few days answer is no नहीं pls stop private job workers like #प्रवासी_मजदूर 3,rest in peace celebrated music composer of the duo sajid wajid passes away at 41 he was suffering from covid 19 1,the government must take over all the private hospitals & nursing homes for at least a year to control the menace of fleecing covid 19 patients & their families by them there is no other way as they are fleecing the patients with impunity without any shame or fear 3,assalam walekum bhai god bless you and your bhai i ask you 1 request please i am in my also in tension for so please bhai help me bhai 'm from hyderabad bhai do not mind salman folded_hands folded_hands crying_face loudly_crying_face loudly_crying_face crying_face crying_face my cont no 7287862345 0,the us has tested fewer than 7 000 people thus far for are you kidding me are you kidding 2,proud feel being a plant quarantine officer for ease of doing & clearing of perishable shipments even during lockdown by the chairmanship of our officer dr m s akhtar sir deputy director cum officer in charge rpqs kial plant quarantine warriors 1,amid coronavirus panic buying california deputies tell shoppers do not call 911 over line cutting 1,intensifying coronavirus fears rattle voters and elections officials in advance of tuesday primaries 0,"i hold you equally responsible to any tory voter for every single thing johnson does especially when the whole country is now at the mercy of his vicious psychopathic coronavirus ""strategy"" you wanted ""anyone but corbyn"" you have got it own it" 1,not everyone coming from other countries were tested & later found out they were infected 195 countries and territories have coronavirus and lucky 4 me you do not get to dictate to me what i do or do not do apparently it is you who are not educated 2,we gave won against corona and migrants have become politics now 2,… our new lockdown special corona song is going viral here's the link to the video … 0,us sport franchises restricting locker room access to reporters due to is like me telling the wife i could not possibly go to asda with her in case karen at the checkout looked a little peaky its opportunistic shithousery in the hope you can set a preferred precedent 0,wuhan is where the coronavirus started period it is china's virus not trumps trump is doing his all to combat it stop the hysteria you dems/fake new media 3,the pandemic aggravates difficulties faced by many vulnerable families in terms of the availability access and affordability of nutritious foods at this time of dire need your donations to arc aid has a direct impact on children across maldives pic twitter com/7lxb49edoz 2,watch new song on corona crisis on youtube sung by me and my sister song courtesy little soldiers movie 3,28th march 01 48am total covid 19 cases in pakistan are 1365 recovered 25 died 10 crying_face 2,covid 19 complete lockdown saturday & sunday business monday to friday till 7 00 pm 3,corona is proving a bonanza for private hospitals they have announced a package of rs 6 7 lac per patient how many people can afford it when the virus is taking heavy toll will dr zafar mirza cares to address this issue of profiteering by inhuman private hoapital 0,you protested when the 2012 coronavirus was called mers (middle east respiratory syndrome) or the arab population is not important maybe you want him to name this virus far east virus 2,this billboard is worth sharing thanks to the muslim canadians for this amazing wisdom awareness pic twitter com/xm8zt8a20x 2,easy load wali ban jao iss lockdown mein scene onn hai grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes 1,when their is hunger unemployment exodus of migrant & fighting than why the hell u want us to watch thinking_face is this fear of arrest reaching at ur doorsteps 0,this this is unbelievable holding up a bill to save the country to load it up with garbage so much that has nothing to do with coronavirus 1,have not been this nervous since they started human trials with the covid 19 vaccine … 1,nothing makes me more mad than improper usage of they are there and their 3,right_arrow coronavirus live updates total number of covid 19 cases across the world has surpassed 690 00 and there have been over 33 034 coronavirus related deaths as on sunday in india the total number of confirmed coronavirus cases have crossed 1 00 mark with 27 people dead so far 1,maybe disneyland will finally lower their prices because everyone is scared of the corona virus 1,if we did not name the corona virus people would just think it is just a bad flu season 3,indian politics is more fatal than at this time of crisis instead of joining hands together to fight the virus our politicians are busy in blame game the migrants of other states are not voters and hence unwanted in their states shameless 0,⁦⁩ and the ⁦⁩ are socialist but only until the election 2,happy birthday to me /oz03xydxox – at mumbai 3,there are people who need to go back to work to get paid or else they will die of hunger not covid machines and factories need to be kickstarter to get the economy running i imagine the decision is complex 0,corona virus you mean swag something we asians got 3,so whats going to cause trump's death covid19 … 2,it is requested to all citizens to help india to get freedom from covid 19 by simple step peep to your right and left and if you see any body roaming without mask in your locality kindly remind him/ her to do so thank you 2,with challenges bmc along with health authorities should move the pigeons from gateway of india immediately as their droppings are a potential health hazard and can be fatal for humans … kindly relocate them 0,is not no fucking coronavirus going to stop me from going on cute dates with my crush 1,i hope i'm just drunk and not sick with coronavirus seeing this outside my window 2,we proudly activated from home from mid march and managed all operation smoothly we even had more time to development team focus and online productive meetings will not stop us … 2,they say forture favours the brave and the way odisha governments took decision related to the ー19 thing first the hospitals then the independent lockdown and taking all measure to restrict the virus its commendable cheers 0,ok makeshift beds indoors but what abt those ppl in countries war torn who get this virus the 3rd world gave us ebola now asian gv this corona virus worldwide china had better get its story right for the grilling tht elite bunch shld get as to what was it 3,please help 3,isay b corona patient samjh k dafan kia gya tha 2 dib bad reports ai and she was suffering from cancer 1,so what who gives a fuck about a bunker for the wealthy in case of nuclear war or uncontrolled although us taxpayers paid for that shit we would not be able to get near it wtf 1,this is not the corona virus let us call it what it is it is the democrat virus they were so consumed with impeachment that they cost us valuable time in fighting this chinese engineered disease 2,alumna making us proud during pandemic 0,this will have been the direct result of tories underfunding the nhs for years shame on them nhs doctors to be given guidelines to help decide which coronavirus victims should live or die 2,*special offer* hurry up online booking open for models to get the best offer book before ends and get the amazing * wrist watch *exchange scheme *benefits upto 8500/ on paytm *govt… 3,leave korona lockdown china … 0,corona virus is wwlll 0,the idiot's guide to coronavirus from an emergency physician via 3,sir we are the people who belongs to lower middle class there is nothing in the package announced by you for us during this corona 1,what would happen if the world reacted to climate change like it is reacting to the coronavirus 2,ka follow kare ghar me rahe surakshit rahe allah bless you pic twitter com/cpsg4k01f5 – at india 2,april may edition of #लोक_कल्याण_सेतु highlights easy tips to prevent corona measures to get rid of bad effects of eclipse benefits of meditating on the idol of sadguru simple ways to stay healthy the festival of gaining devotion n wisdom guru purnima pic twitter com/sl3ervpnqk 3,tenants likely to get two month reprieve from sindh govt amid covid 19 crisis islamabad the sindh government is considering giving exemption to all tenants from payment of two months rent in view of prevailing socioeconomic conditions that emerged due to outbreak of covid 19 1,the coronavirus is a great bullshit alarm in a few weeks everyone saying this is a hoax getting blown out of proportion or a thing the media is doing will be saying so while coughing up a lung and running a fever hopefully they will say it to an empty street 0,i was fine when my work shut down i was fine just hanging around but the coronavirus has gone too far now that my apartment pool is closed 3,chief minister naveen pattnaik appealed all odisha people to sing *vandeutkaljanani* at *5 30pm on may 30* to encourage covid warriors and show respect to their sacrifice 0,have you ever put your car in reverse and just smashed the bumper into smithereens and just kept on driving 3,please register fir against this fake doctor spreading misinformation on coronavirus and order youtube to block this account 3,day 41 this guy has been giving me company since the lockdown daily while he sits at his fixed spot i long to spot him today particularly i wanted to feature him as it rained last night and i was… … 0,these issues can be exposed later already modi government has done nothing against coronavirus god will determine & punish them for they responsibility right now need of togetherness is needed for fight against virus government should use experience of senior leaders of our party … 1,please stop pushing the mortality argument it is not about the deaths (although those octogenarian victims are someone is loved ones) it is about the infectiousness down time and the disruptions to the routine (as well as the potential strain on the healthcare system) 0,@ studyabroadstudents raise your hand if you feel personally victimized by coronavirus bc i feel extremely personally victimized 3,worst news of today coronavirus updates india now seventh worst hit country in world the economic times … 0,"so shit just got real i've been sick a week aches fever congestion sore throat bad dry cough now right ear infection just tested negative for flu dr got alarmed he asserted ""we just are not setup for this you have all the symptoms"" now at er _19" 1,fears of homophobic backlash sparked as korean media focus on gay club covid 19 case 3,wows while world global got coronavirus seriously is not me for israel modi putin china myanmar trump france germany n more countries around the world organisations deaths doll … 3,in 3 months corona has killed 65k people i e 722 people in 1 day but 2 25 million died due to starvation and hunger in 3 months and none of the media came fwd to show this 1,covid 786 who is more dangerous 0,ben shapiro slams media for suggesting trump avoided this coronavirus question 'you're out of your mind' are you kidding me has the msm completely lost their damn minds good grief 3,just in 18 indian evacuees from iran at army camps now positive says rajasthan govt its an increase of one case in last 24 hours …pic twitter com/rqdns3tied 3,apathy of aiims towards the biggest work force against has reached such a level that we were forced to put ourselves in silent protest but still aiims did not understand our pain 3,indians should tweet she was +ve on and she was attending meetings and treated in home why __19 3,italy is among the worst hit countries in this coronavirus outbreak more than 90 00 people are infected italy is one of the many italian citizens who want china to pay war damages 0,call off the search we have found the stupidest take on the 2,sunset 1 june 2020 … 2,i'm here stuck at kanpur due to lockdown since 19th march and i'm finally eating the most gujarati thing possible to be found in a north city to eat btw this is khaman and everyone calls it dhokla here pic twitter com/bvlnjk91u8 3,dear ktr sir due to this covid in our locality the cost of pulses and every necessary goods has been increased in the general stores and from the day one from covid no mla or even the counselor has been visited to our locality to ask how is the condition of daily labour – at rs brothers dilsukhnagar 2,from red_heart literacy paradise a lockdown music vedio by and team releasing soon 3,karnataka _due to this covid financially lost so many people lost jobs we left bangalore due to covid and came to native paying rents in native and banglore also i request to reduce the rents until find the corona medicines so many stucked in different places 1,not sure if anyone is really listening to white house recommendations at this point if they did they would be betting on a rising stock market tomorrow and not worry about all about this that is completely under control at the moment 1,i understand the corona virus is an epidemic but can we get that new season of dragonball super please 0,need a coronavirus infection map with a laughing kim jong overlay 3,it is in the news that there has been a death due to covid 19 in malwani and it has been sealed kindly look into this and also salute to the mumbai police for their relentless service toward the safety of the common man 0,fuck i should be training like goku rn fuck i do not want to let this corona virus slow me down 1,i am my biggest problem and obstacle not this corona virus 2,chief minister naveen patnaik praises sonu sood for helping stranded girls return to their home in odisha amid the lockdown chief minister naveen patnaik took to twitter to express his gratitude and praise bollywood… … 1,was told today that there was little to worry about at the call centre because there have only been a tiny number of cases of coronavirus in our area um ok yeah 3,Pakistan pakistan slow spreading and improving slightly contagion est 0 01% of pop infected peak daily deaths of 166 991 in 43 days danger of losing control proj death toll 1 350 793 in ~67 days four_o’clock 22/04 1/4 1,i just want the inevitable coronavirus episode 3,i want to go suriname when covid is over 3,cases surpass 3 million as the u s death toll from tops 55 00 2,cherry blossom winking_face 0,omg the coronavirus must be serious then 3,4 year old in madhya pradesh body dumped in well _19 … 3,so u want the corona to kill what is left in case ur not seeing the news europe countries r stealing medical supplies shipments from each other face_with_rolling_eyes 2,well done sir & sir _consession_rjd _learn_to_congress_party /tnp3bjnjze 2,just watching & movie psycho and in movie when asked who is your fav bowler he said that‘s why you are world ambassador pic twitter com/l1xy1sstwo 1,covid 19 pandemic is less dangerous than the endemic police force throughout india has worried_face 2,my life is a fine breakfast a flat lunch and a miserable dinner duck and potato filled up twitter com/rghav9prfu – at fun island resort 0,discrimination amid pandemic pakistan refuses to give food to hindus as coronavirus rages via 2,they will not spread … 3,"pathetic service in kolkata india brought a 55"" & 65"" master series bravia tv paying huge amounts of money one of the tv is not working past 2 weeks but no here to attend inspite being partial lockdown here my contact no 9830726554" 1,"all of us chronically ill immunocompromised folks see the ""we're young & healthy so pffft"" posts every day sure most who get will recover without problems but at least 20% of those who catch will become acutely ill & need hospitalization 3 4% will die" 1,ppl overreacting on the corona virus but if you dirty mfs keep yourself clean we wouldnt have to deal with this shit 1,it upsets me that he has coronavirus because i often imagine him spitting in my mouth 3,sigh i had it for the first time just a couple of weeks before lockdown definitely miss it it was so good 1,if coronavirus was a person i'd kick its fucking ass i hate coronavirus 0,coronavirus 1,why the hell are we running out of toilet paper this is insane 2,exploring my archives | good hand washing technique must be practiced | hot spring 2,we are proud of shri himanta biswa sarma sir we are blessed to have you in between us in this unprecedented crisis how pm narendra modi's northeast warrior himanta biswa sarma fights coronavirus india news … 2,i hope everyone happy and you too june is halfway of the year 2020 i thinkabout corona virus its farewell 1,just in public areas of buildings owned by in and around temple square in downtown slc have been closed until further notice due to concerns over the novel 0,the liberals keep wanting you to look at the mortality rate percentage wise but if you look at the actual numbers such as 29 people dying from coronavirus so far in this country versus 80 000 annually that die from the flu i do not give a freaking rip what his % is 1,literallllly really pissed rn i cannot see my girl for 2 weeks now fuck coronavirus this shit is gay asf 2,google makes advanced hangouts meet capabilities free to combat coronavirus 1,do not want to worry anyone but i've got a sore throat do not think it is the coronavirus right now because i've had it for like a week with occasional heartburn but that is it i've had no other symptoms and i still have an apatite wish me good luck so i do not commit not alive 2,dedicating a poetry to all the women who are managing us during this lockdown at home whose contributions will not be counted by the economists while calculating the gdp 1,hotels anyway newark always seems so punitive from fines for giving beggars money to threatening jail time for spreading rumors online about coronavirus 1,remember there is no religion of diseases(virus) and there is no religion of terrorism so stay at home and pray allah is there for us and best planner 2,how do you behind eligible to test your eyesight by driving 30 miles to a beauty spot on your wife's birthday during lockdown pic twitter com/lr3292kozm 3,pm citizen portal is not working since morning youth is unable to register for corona tiger force twitter com/v8ghav58or 2,after more than two months of lockdown first time visit to i love to read and the best place to enjoy books is the library pic twitter com/0jog2hecyr 2,white_medium_star a special trip will begin white_medium_star after the end of corona white_medium_star _the_world_with_bitcoin white_medium_star with the aim of introducing kish island white_medium_star with special video reports 2,remind this to yourself and everyone around every single day and twitter com/ttsnqknab6