eng rng i took you out. ai rui nangniw ta zaypatlou khwan e. you are worth so much more than birds! nangniw thu nruayna guay khang suangc adih kungc kanmei nunc cho? and it was given the key to the abyss. kumna kakhou kanganv maekmei khunc tuang khamvtaanv tiilou kan e. rescue me and i will be perfectly safe. ata kan patlou o, kum e thei ai giuga tuang nai dat lak khe. i'm not the one who drank all the milk. guaihnoudui kaguayna zangv ngamlou mei tei ai ruay rammak ge. how great are the wonders god shows us! ravguangc rui lyanloumei hei adih daihmei charynmei cho! i never want to see you get in trouble. ai nang rianra mei ariu meita kahaw mak ge they must not answer their masters back kaniw kaipouc nunc mwang daw mak khang e he does not want anyone to be destroyed meic gaanv khat na ta sini swmaan kanmei ta kamei laa nii mak ge when samuel spoke, all israel listened. samuel rui sa pwkhou isaraelmei guay nking the. why do people make their useless plots? tabui sw khang laa tu lakmei raeng raengc bam tu cho? you will have all that you want to eat. nangniw rui tu niimei guay tu khang nai puni the. don't forget our suffering and trouble! tabui swna nang aniw ramrianra khatni rairiu khaengvmei ta amuclou bam tu cho? see the sufferings my enemies cause me! ata zauczihmei nunc rui tiryanra bammei ramrianra hei zauclou o! all the land became the king's property. ramvpuk guay tei guangh tuang sw the. the lord is king and the people tremble. ringhpouc hei guangh e zaatc guay ping kadunh e. in your sight my lifetime seems nothing. aringcting dui dut na de. is there anything i failed to do for it? ai rui alau khang tei taanc ntanghlou makmei tuang nai bu cho? she enchanted nations and enslaved them. kamei rui zaatc nunc ta nthiam patna bangh tisw the. shoot your arrows and send them running. nang tuang saucpai lu kaap patna, kaniw ta nthau ganclou o. you can't straighten out what is crooked nkhuaimei ta tei swntyng dat ngam mak khe we did not bring anything into the world aniu mbaanv khou ramhkhat na sini phungc guang mak ge clans of levites who returned from exile levimei kaikhwang nunc hanc guang datmei nunc why didn't you put my money in the bank? nang tabui swna hei tei syan alipuikai khou atuang syan tei lou mak tu cho? she lives with him in a small apartment. kamei lev mipu tei apartment nthiam mei akhat khou lungc kariu e. stop all this evil that i see you doing. nangniw tuang simei taanv guay tei ahu khou rui laa ganc kan o! the people of jerusalem cry out for help jerusalemmei nunc rui nkhavlou khang kauhmei who knows what fear your fury can bring? nang reic thaumei hei adih meicpingmei tuang cho twmei thow thay tangc thena cho? do you think i will be pleased with that? hei tei rui ata tipian puni de twna nangniw ningna cho? god, in his strength, destroys the mighty ravguangc, katuang pumtan rui ngammei nunc ta swmaan the the lord's promise to israel's neighbours isaraelmei kainingmei nunc khang ringhpouc tuang latryan may the lord bless boaz! naomi exclaimed. naomi rui sa the, boaz ta ravguangc rui suaihiamlou diu. repent, then, of this evil plan of yours. mi nang tuang simei lungning khou rui nang lungh laic o. what was written about me is coming true. alam khou hyloumei guay tei guang tangc nthuih puni the. others are cautious, and yet grow poorer. gaanvsaekc thu tanthih e, tiki lungcsi ranv ranv key e. all these objects were made of pure gold. mi puat guay hei kachaekc nthanmei rui kasiamh the. let us agree that they can live among us. kaniw aniu lev lungc nchamc nuh khang mi hei nuh di kho. the king of syria was at war with israel. siriamei guangc tei isaraelmei lev rih adow bam khwan e. they will offer sacrifices on your altar. kaniw rui nang tuang ravchapaeng khou khaengna bam puni. if you are cruel, you only hurt yourself. zauzian thay makpui mei tei karana kata sw kasic e. it is not yet clear what we shall become. aniu tabui kumc puni cho twmei ntaw nthanna thay mak he. now we are being paid back for his death. kazei nwan tei ntaw aniu ruc khou keylou bam tuang the. he told me that the book was interesting. mi latrik buk tei mpeyna nungai e twna tom akhou saa e. teacher, we know that you tell the truth. dinhpouc, nang hei latling sameipu e twmei aniw thay e. trust the lord and he will make it right. ringhpouc ta nkhwan o, kamei rui nang ta nkhavlou puni. swifter than eagles, stronger than lions. mouckauh suangc katumc e, kamangliangpui suangc tanc e. the destiny of the wicked is destruction. meicsimei nunc tuang tangclou nimei bamv thu maanmei e. i am convinced that he did nothing wrong. kamei ram khat sin taanc suai lou mak ge mei ai lwm the i don't think that tom knows i love mary. ai mary ta nzian e tumei tom thay khang ai ning mak ge. we believe that jesus died and rose again jisu theiclouna ringcthau dat kan the twmei aniu lwm e. not on stone tablets but on human hearts. ntauh paek khou hamh e, maansei lung khou hylou tuang e. didn't you know tom and mary were dating? tom lev mary kuay bam e tumei nang thay mak na cho? those who worship god will be encouraged. ravguangc ta kalummei nunc ta mi rui katiu thaulou puni. pay her back double for all she has done. kamei rui taancloumei kahak tei kadam kanei khangclou tio. the ship hit a sandbank and went aground. rungh tei dui lungc khou naimei sypung khou guang sow the. shouldn't i punish them for these things? hei guay khang hei ai rui kaniw ta dandi tii lak nina cho? the wisdom of the righteous can save you. ravchaptatpui mei tuang ningting rui nang ta kanlou nuh e. he is on his way to announce the victory! kamei rihngammei chamv kauc ndauh khang guangmei tuang e! some escape to horonaim, grieving loudly. gaanvsaekc rui kap rah ndyna horonaim thangc pak tat the. you will never see these egyptians again. mi izipmei nunc ti hei nangniw how dat ni tuang hamh the. these are the sacrifices that please god. mi hei ravguangc khang pianmei khaengpui puatkat kiu the. the people who lived there were powerless mi kaidai guay khou lungc bammei nunc tei pumtan maek khe yes, i know, but let's not talk about it. ngguay, ai thay de, tiki aniu mi lam khou hei sa nangh e. they obeyed the lord's commands and laws. kaniw ringhpouc tuang latdyn khatni latdanv guay piu the. moses wrote down all the lord's commands. ringhpouc tuang latdanv guay tei mousi rui hy keylou the. you will come back home and live in peace nangniw kai khou guang datna nchunzaenghna lungc dat puni when you fast, you make yourselves suffer nangniw munthiangc bammei tei mei tei ryanra khang na de. buy us and our land in exchange for food. aniw khatni aniw ramvpuk hei taektw khang akhiak di kho. tell of the wonderful things he has done. kamei rui taanclou kanmei charynmei taanv guay tei rac o. evil people are trapped in their own sins meicsimei nunc tei kaniw rana kaniw paap phac khou manc e now they are dead and will not live again ntaw thu kaniw theic kan the, ringc dat ni tuang hamh the that is true, but not everything is good. hei tei ni nchumh de tiki ramh guayna gaymei rana hamh e. happy is the nation whose god is the lord ringhpouc ta karacguangc swmei zaat tei sangaymei zaat re my ancestors worshipped on this mountain. aniw pupouc nunc thu mi chyngbut khou hei kalum e. wicked people and liars have attacked me. meicsimei nunc khatni saraamhmei nunc rui ata adow bam e it's a ghost! they thought, and screamed. hei tei mbuhrav di the! twna kaniw ningna kauc thau the. he said to me, israel, you are my servant kamei rui akhou sa e, isaraelmei nang hei abangc e do you know when mountain goats are born? chalung nunc kanac puanhmei tei nang thay dai cho? he also says, i will put my trust in god. kamei rui, ai ravguangc khou ngangvlou ni, twna ni sa e. they will feel all the force of my anger. kumna alungpuam guay tei kaniw ruc khou keylou puni the. their spears will be like pruning knives. kaniw tuang buybaeng tei ramhbang rapmei guanh puni the. his careless driving caused the accident. kamei chiksin mak na gari thow meiruai accident tipat re i will go in the strength of the lord god ai nang ngamv ta thuanc ni, he daic liangmei ringhpouc! god is the only one who can forgive sins! ravguangc na hamhna thow rui paapc kuaklou ngam nina cho? you provide food, and they are satisfied. nang rui kaniw khang kataek tiilou tina kaniw nggu the. you have never known him, but i know him. nangniw thu kata thay mak ge, tiki ai thu kata thay e. fools say to themselves, there is no god. mpangmei rui, ravguangc maek ge, twna kalung khou sa e. i am still with you, so do not be afraid. ai nangniw ta nduanghlou bam e kumna ping dat ri tho. you will give birth to two rival peoples. nang khou rui puanhmei zaatc kanei tei ntamv puni the the path of the wicked leads them astray. meicsimei nunc rui kaniw chaeng rui zay mbianghlou e. and these very scriptures speak about me! mi nthanmei latrik tei thu alam khou sa bam tuang de. they gossip and speak evil of one another kaniw nsuc nrauc the khatni khat khat ta sakasic the he will rule over them with a rod of iron kamei rui zaatc guay ta ntanh builwang rui sin puni. this is what the lord said about damascus ringhpouc rui damaskas lam khou samei kiu mi hei the i have decided to spend the winter there. ai mi khou tei tingsei khou bam khang twna ning the. zedekiah, listen to what i say about you. zedekia, ai rui nang lam khou samei lat hei nking o. a thief's partner is his own worst enemy. kaihouhmei pam swmeipu tei karana kata zauczihmei e. why do you keep tormenting me with words? tabui swna nangniw ata lat rui kumna rai bam tu cho? may they be crushed like weeds on a path. chaeng khou thaumei pucbwan ta kumc nii piaklou diu. tom and mary are arguing about something. tom lev mary ramh akhat lam khou ruai lat agi bam e. all the church elders were present there. mi khou tei phwamling gaanthaic guay ni bam khwan e. the lord says that his people reject him. kaniw ata thay nii mak khe, twna ringhpouc rui sa e. yet even so the lord's anger is not ended hei tei rui sini ringhpouc lungpuam tei luai mak ge look! here are my mother and my brothers! zauclo, mi hei apui khatni achaic akainac nunc the! josiah did what was pleasing to the lord. ringhpouc rui kahawmei tei josia rui taanc khwan e. there's an old cherry tree in the garden. pikwan khou tei gaanvdaih si mei cherry bang nai e. do you want to go out on a date with tom? nang tom lev na date khang kapaengc tat nii bu cho? may the lord make your promise come true. ringhpouc rui kalatryan tiguang tangclou pu di tho. i thought that tom and mary were married. ai tho tom lev mary tei nowpu khuan e na ning lou e but am i really the one they are hurting? tiki kaniw rui tikabiu bammei kiu kalingna ata cho? no one stands up to defend them in court. latzankai khou kaniw ta ding gaeklou nimei maek ge. he is wise enough not to do such a thing. kamei mi kumhmei sw khang kaningtyng biuh na nai e. the linen wrappings was seen lying there. mi khou tei pheynuaih tei keylou bammei ta how the. i have never feared what people would say meic nunc rui tabui sa puni cho twna ai ping mak ge there was no king in israel at that time. mi douc tei isaraelmei khou guangh nai mak khwan e. it is as good as receiving an inheritance ringhmei maansei katana rui ningtyng nimei thouc e. i told tom that i wanted to study french. ai french ncham khang kahaw e twna ai tom khou saa e. get rid of the foreign gods that you have nangniw khou naimei zaatc baihmei rav guay tei ganc tho my heart is broken in sorrow for my sins. apaap guay zaeng rui lungh kabiuna alung hei bak the. from the temple of the lord we bless you. ringhpouc ravkai khou rui aniw nang ta suaihiamlou e. do they think i will give them an answer? ai rui kaniw khou mundawlou puni de twna ning lana cho? my father saul won't be able to harm you. apu saul rui nang ta sw kasic ngam ni tuang hamh e. i am in trouble, god listen to my prayer! he ravguangc, ai ryanra bam e, ai huayneymei chulou o! at noon elijah started making fun of them kalaanv tangc pwkhou elija rui kaniw ta matevna sa the god is the only one who can forgive sins! ravguangc na hamhna thow rui paapc kuaklou ngamna cho? honesty makes a good person's life easier lungh nthanpui mei thu kapanty khou amanvna lungc puni obey the laws that i am giving you today. ai rui aseic nang khou tii pw nimei latdanv hei piu o. our property is in the hands of strangers aniw tuang khiukhingh guay hei gin nunc baanc khou nai the tom can't speak french and neither can i. tom french sa thay mak ge kumna ai ni sathay mak ge the lord will protect you from all danger ringhpouc rui nang ta simei guay khou rui gaeklou puni but who can eat tasteless, unsalted food? tiki thow rui ntei lou makmei taektw tu ngam nina cho? so then, let us stop judging one another. hei zaeng rui, aniu khat khat ta latzan sw taan di kho go to gilgal and sin with all your might! gilgal thangc tat lana nangniw liam ni saanv liam tho! lord, you have been merciful to your land he ringhpouc, nang rui nang kandic ta nzianlou khwan e there are many rooms in my father's house apu kai thangc, nangniw bampui bamv khang mpeyna nai e stand firm, and you will save yourselves. nangniw khaengvthaypui paan rui ringhpaan laatow puni. they did not keep their covenant with god kaniw ravguangc khou swloumei latdyng ngaek mak khe you made your judgement known from heaven nang rui nang latzan tingkauh thangc rui kauc pat the. other nations will be covered by darkness baihmei zaatc nunc ta tei zinghmei rui gumbin bam puni i was right on the spot when it happened. ai kabam khouta bam cha lou e mi thouduak pat khou tei the sailors tried to escape from the ship rungh thoumei nunc tei pak duak khang karamc thau the how can light and darkness live together? akumhna zinghmei lev gaanhmei bam kariu nuh nina cho? women of zion, come and see king solomon. zaionmei luc nuncle, guangh solomon ta guang zauc lo. the lord's hand will come down on you now ntaw nang ruc khou poubauhmei taanv taanclou puni the many were wounded, even at the city gate. kaidai raengcmun khou tei sini meic mpeyna kabiu the. be quiet! be still!, he said to the waves reih rei o! rimh rim o! twna zeihlat khou tei sa the. he will be called the lord our salvation. kata tei ringhpouc aniu ta kanloumeipu twna kaw puni. i will make them suffer for their wrongs. kaniw khuay guay khang ai rui kaniw ta tiryanra puni. that's as plain as the nose on your face. hei tei nang zaw khou nang nukwang tei kum phamh e. they will shake their heads in amazement. kaniw ngakna kaniw zaw puanc nthei karihlou puni the. tell the people of judah and of jerusalem juda khatni jerusalem khou lungc bammei nunc khou salou o. a nation will fall if it has no guidance. chaengzayloumei maek pwkhou zaatc akhat tei bowmei tuang e. no israelite may eat any fat or any blood isaraelmei gaanv khat na sini kathav lev zei tu nuh mak ge who can save us from those powerful gods? mi kumhmei pumtan naimei rav khou rui thow rui aniu ta kanlou nina cho? the lord has punished nabal for his evil. ringhpouc rui nabal ta katuang simei taanv khang rui dandi tii kan the. he must bring it to the aaronite priests. kamei rui hei tei aron kaikhwangmei amuh nunc khou phungc guang nina e. egypt's wisest people give stupid advice! izipmei guangc tuang ningtyngmei nunc rui ni mpangmei lat nchamlou the. it is also peaceful, gentle, and friendly mi tei ni chuzaengh e, lungh zaengh e khatni katun khou na tat mak ge. the distant islands are as light as dust. duh thangc naimei pukakdic guay tei taniangthw rith na kumh tuang de. the israelites asked the lord what to do. isaraelmei nunc tei ringhpouc khou lat khwan nkingna thanv dat di he. he is determined to destroy many nations. kamei zaatc mpeyna ta swkamut kamailou khang kalung khou dinglou the. remember, o god, my life is only a breath he ravguangc, apanty hei meicthiu na kumh tuang de twmei ningtowlou o then you and your whole family would die. kum pwkhou nangniw khatni nangniw kai kaikhunc guay theic mut lam e. give praise to the lord, the god of shem! kamei rui kumna ni sa e, shem tuang racguangc ringhpouc ta thuanc o! so then, do as the lord has commanded you hei zaeng rui, ringhpouc kamei rui latdanv tiimei tei kumcna taanc o you are right, do this and you will live. nang daw nchumh the, hei tei sw tho, kum e thei nang ringc puni the. may no rain or dew fall on gilboa's hills gilboa tuang chyngbut guay khou ting ni zikdui ni keylou mak kan diu hear my prayer listen to my cry for help! ai huayneymei chulou o nkhavlou khang ai rui kapna huaymei chulou o! those who mock me use my name in cursing. ata sinnuimei nunc rui azanc siangdu siangdanmei khou zay saanc the. he will thunder against them from heaven. kaniw ruc khou kamei rui tingkauh thangc rui ganh key kumc key puni. our life is short, we know nothing at all aniu panty thu kadangv na de, aniu thu ramhkhat na sini thay mak ge. consider the truths our ancestors learnt. nangniw pupouc nunc rui laatow kanmei nchumhmei tei kakhanh zauc o. i am better off dead than alive, he said. ai ringc bammei suangc theic kanmei gay the, twna kamei rui sa the. so all who believe are blessed as he was. kumna lwmmei guay khou ni kakhou tiiloumei suaihiam tei tiilou the. i will not drive them out within one year ai rui kaniw ta tingkwm akhat na lungc khou alay gancparylou lak ge why spend your wages and still be hungry? tabui swna nang tuang zaengphy ntinglou lana ndaapcna bam nina cho? they may curse me, but you will bless me. kaniw rui ata siang bam nuh e, tiki nang rui ata suaihiamlou puni. they put the beams and the gates in place kaniw rui raenghmun tiangc khatni raengh kaikhamv tei duanclou the jesus speaks a third time about his death jisu rui kamei theic nimei lam khou dinc kasuakcloumei kathumhmei tyre, you boasted of your perfect beauty. turmei, nang hei howgaymei khou nthuih the twna nang gaengh sw e. you do not know when that time will come. mi ganv tei tabui nungc guang puni cho twmei nangniw thay mak ge. you will be led out of the city in peace. nangniw ta nchunzaenghna mi kaidai khou tei rui nduangh pat puni. tom didn't know why mary didn't like him. tom hei mary ruai kata kahaw makmei tabui zaeng ruai tumei thay mak ge. they sin and are lost apart from the law. kaniw paapc taanhmei nunc tei ni riakdanv kazauh makna maan puni greet all the believers with a holy kiss. chana punav nzianmei tuang lyanna khat khat khang dwan gay kady kary o. the next leader was shamgar son of anath. mi tangv tei latzanpouc swlou datmei rui anat nac mpouh shamgar khwan e. love your neighbour as you love yourself. nang tuang kaining kaigeimei ta nang rui nang ta nzianmei kumcna nzian nina e, twmei hei e. nobody could keep him chained up any more meic gaanv khat na rui sini pareiriang rui sini kata bangc ding ngam makna bam khwan e. it is god's power to save all who believe kalam thu gaychamv hei lwmmei kathuic ta kanlou khang ravguangc rui tiiloumei pumtan e. there were two folding doors made of pine mi kaikhamv kanei tei aluthing rui kasiamh e, khatni kanei tei kadip khang swlou e. he saved the israelites from all attacks. adowna bammei zauczihmei nunc khou tei rui kamei rui isaraelmei ta tiduaklou the. yet they expect their words to come true! tiki kaniw rui sa kanmei lat guay tei guangtangc puni de twna kaniw ding dat re! their loves and hates all died with them. kaniw tuang nzianmei khatni karaengmei kaguayna tei kaniw lev theic bin kan the. can you rescue the prisoners of a tyrant? meicsimei nunc rui bangclou bammei kangmei nunc ta tei nangniw kanlou ngam cho? love your neighbour as you love yourself. nang tuang kaining kaigeimei ta nang rana nang ta nzianmei kumcna nzian nina e. if he hid his face, we would be helpless. kamei rui kazaw nkamh kan e thei, aniw ramh sw kadai khang nai ni tuang hamh e. love your neighbour as you love yourself. nang rana nang ta nzianmei kumcna nang tuang kaigei kainingmei guay ta nzian o any night now they will come to kill you. kadoucha chamei zingbangc akhat khou guangna swluai rap pw nimei tuang di the. saul inspected his troops, about 600 men. saul rui kathei lay tat bammei nunc ta kasing phuc pwkhou 600 dou phupat the. there was a jewish leader named nicodemus jihudimei nunc tuang baanhza, kazanc nikodim kawmeipu gaanv khat nai khwan e. love your neighbour as you love yourself. nang kai kaining kaigeimei ta nang rana nang ta nzianmei kumcna nzian nina e. where are the promises you made to david? nang rui david khou swloumei latdyng guay tei tabui thangc tat kan thena cho? hear me when i face this temple and pray. heikum pwkhou nangmei guay rui mi bamv khou karih patna huayneymei chulou o. let israel's holy god carry out his plans nthanmei isaraelmei ravguangc rui kamei rui taanc nimei kiu taanc kan di tho they shouted all the louder, crucify him! tiki ranv hay hayna, kata kros khou swluai nina de! twna kaniw rui kauc the. the room's nicely fixed up for the party. room tei tu zangc kariu mei mung khang duanc kariu cha raph rap lou bam the. love wisdom, and she will make you great. ningting ta nzian o, kum e thei mi hei rui nang ta tisaengc tidaiclou puni. through you i will bless all the nations. nang paan rui kandihmei zaat, kaikhunh kaguayna ta ai rui suaihiamlou puni. who predicted long ago what would happen? thow rui guang nimei ta tingsaenghmei hu thangc rui sa kasuakclou buna cho? he did his best and still had poor marks. kamei katuang gay liangmei khou sw the kum nganv sini mark sii na laatow e. so what have i gained from being so wise? kum e thei ai heikumna ningting bammei rui tabui gaengmei tuang naina cho? ask the lord your god to give you a sign. ringhpouc nang racguangc khou ndanhmei taanv akhat taanclou o twna sa tio. so they kept quiet, amazed at his answer. katuang latdaw khou tei kaniw khang swang dwang maekna lat sa dat mak khe. he was taken to jerusalem, where he died. kata tei jerusalem khou phungc guangna kamei mi khou tei theiclou kan the. i had not heard of even half your wisdom. ai nang tuang ningting lam tei kapaekna sini chu tangh mak bu di he cho. no one pour new wine into used wineskins. gaanv khat na sini ramhgic muanc raan khou drakha zouc thanh lou mak ge. but they defied me and refused to listen. tiki kaniw ata liam the kumna ai rui samei nkinglou nii mak khe. what is a human life worth in god's eyes? ravguangc hu khou maansei hei thu tabui tuang biuhmei naina cho? no indeed! what i want is god's approval! kiuc hamh e! ai rui kahawmei thu ravguangc rui lwanloumei ta de! absalom prepared a banquet fit for a king absalom rui guangh khang kic nimei khwmkih taektw kasiamh the we feast on the abundant food you provide nang rui mphamh mphaahna kicloumei khwmkih taektw aniw tu the do not include younger widows in the list alauc maihmei nunc ta thu maypui pang khou laa gutlou nangh e jacob's sons did as he had commanded them kamei rui saloumei kumcna jakob nac nunc tei rui taanclou the the people themselves are tall and strong mi khou tei lungc bammei nunc tei saengc daic e khatni tanc e you will come back home and live in peace nangniw kai khou guang datna nchunzaenghna lungc bam dat puni wicked people do not really gain anything meicsimei nunc kalingna ramhkhat sini gaengmei laatow mak ge i am no longer fit to be called your son. ai hei nang nac mpouh twna kaw khang biuh makmei mei di the. o god, how difficult i find your thoughts he ravguangc, nang lungning thay khang adih nthuk kan tu cho the day of disaster is coming for israel. isaraelmei ta swkamut kamai nimei tingmik kiu guang pw the. i watch over it and water it continually. ai rui mi ti hei zaucna dui zwan tanh tanna bammei tuang e. is there any advantage in praying to him? kakhou huayney bammei rui tabui tuang gay mbumei naina cho? break the power of wicked and evil people meicsimei khatni kataanv simei nunc pumtan tei riambaulou o you even trample down what you don't eat! nangniw rui tu makmei langv tei nangniw tan rui niibin the! listen to the lord's case against israel. isaraelmei ruc khou ringhpouc rui lat sa nimei hei nking o. arrest him and take him away under guard. kumna nangniw kata nymna duak mak khang swna zay tat la tho always ready to help in times of trouble. ryanra tyn dwangmei ganv khou kaluak kalat nkhavloumeipu e. i took care of you in a dry, desert land. ai rui nangniw ta dui maekmei sypungramv khou makavlou the. yes, i know, but let's not talk about it. ngguay, ai thay de, kum e tiki aniu mi lam hei rac nangh e. he examines the good and the wicked alike kamei meicgaymei ta ni, meicsimei ta ni kathatna zauc bam e all we have are five loaves and two fish. aniw khou naimei thu ntyan dwm panguh lev khav kanei na de. you depend on the law and boast about god riakdanv khou ngangvlouna ravguangc mei e twna gaengh sw e. i will let you live fifteen years longer. ai rui nang panty tingkwm 15 haaplou dat puni the. we know that you stand firm in the faith. nangniw lwmmei khou ntipna ding bam the twmei aniw thay e. i will spare no one who fights against me ata adowmei gaanv khat na ta sini ai nsaekclou dat lak khe give thanks to the mightiest of all lords kaipouc guayna suangc pumtan daic liangmeipu ta thuancku o i turned home and went down the mountain. ai kai biak ziangrih datna chyng khou tei rui key dat the. the lord gave, and now he has taken away. ringhpouc rui tiilou the, kumna kamei rui laa dat kan the. they don't have to leave, answered jesus. khoutei jisu rui kaniw khou, kaniw tat khang kage maek ge. if we do not go back to our foolish ways. aniu hei aniu tuang mpangmei chaeng khou hanc dat mak ti thei you can tell if they are honest and good. kamei kalung nthan ny khatni meicgaymei ny nang sa ngam puni. not even you, moses, will enter the land. mousi, nang nganvna mi kandic khou tei gut ni tuang hamh the. he gave his armour, sword, bow, and belt. katuang ricpwan, baengsaeng, sauhpai khatni siangiat tii the. why did you steal my master's silver cup? nangniw tabui swna akaipouc tuang daandi buangc houc kan tu cho? why should you be so kind to a foreigner? tabui swna nang rui ginluc ata heidi zauc nzianlou bam nina cho? man of god, be merciful to me and my men! ravguangcmeile, nang rui ai khatni amei nunc ta zauc nzianlou o! nineveh is destroyed, deserted, desolate! nineve hei swmutlou the, lungctaeklou the, ganc rimh rimlou the! rescue them from the power of the wicked. kaniw ta meicgay makmei nunc baanc khou rui thuak patlou nina e. he separated the light from the darkness. kamei rui gaanhmei lev zinghmei ta kalangv baicna tipatlou the. lovingly woven by the women of jerusalem. jerusalemmeipui nunc rui kasiamh chuyna kasiamhloumei phey rui. we'll burn the house down over your head! aniw rui nang kai mailouna nang ruc khou mai ntei key puni the! to emperor darius, may you rule in peace. guanghdaihmei darias, nang nchunzaenghna guangh sw bam kan diu. treat it as a holy thing dedicated to me. mi hei akhou katgutlou kanmei nthanmei puat re twna laa nina e. i will let you live fifteen years longer. ai rui nang panty khang tingkwm 15 zaysaengcpatlou dat kan the. why are human beings so important to you? tabui swna maansei hei nang khang heidi nthukmei sw bam tu cho? he sent word to king jehoshaphat of judah kamei rui judamei guangc jehoshaphat khou heikumna sa guang the he will lift you up in his own good time. kamei rui nuhloupui ganv khou nangniw ta zay kauh thaulou puni. and then there was nothing wrong with it. mi tangv tei mi khou tei ramh simei tuang nai dat mak khe. they plan trouble and practise deception. kaniw tiryanra khang raengc e khatni meicguatmei taanv taanc e. have you got a father or another brother? nangniw pu nai bam dai cho, nangniw kainac baihmei ni nai cho? i have swept your sins away like a cloud. ai rui nangniw paap guay muangh haganc kumc haganclou kan the. praise his name, you servants of the lord kazanh ta thuanc o, nangniw ringhpouc tuang kasiamruaimei nunc again she had a son and named him shelah. nah mpouh akhat ni puanc datna kazanc shela twna phuaklou the. so you will be carried away as prisoners. kumhpui zaeng rui nangniw ta kangmei swna nymzay tat puni the. his majesty is certain to hear about this mi chamv guay hei guanghdaihmei rui suai makna chu kan di the. uzzah died there beside the covenant box. uzza tei mi khou tei latdyng khuk daeng khou tei theiclou the. but can you, o god, really live on earth? tiki he ravguangc, nang kandih khou lungc bam changh dina cho? the wicked vomit up the wealth they stole meicsimei tei kamei rui houc guangmei lanv tei nrui pat dat re all he does is full of honour and majesty kataanv guay hei champouhmei khatni chingkhiuhmei rui padik ge among you stands the one you do not know. nangniw thay makmeipu gaanv khat nangniw pang khou ding bam e. for adam was created first, and then eve. kalam thu adam ta damclou rey lana ev ta damc datpui tuang e. why spend money on what does not satisfy? nggu lakmei khang rui tabui khang syandui nting bam nina cho? i order my slave, do this and he does it. ai rui abangc ta, mi hei taanc o, tw ti thei kamei taanc the. all the people there are terrified of us. mi bamv thangc bammei meic kaguayna tei aniu ta pingna bam the. what time do you think tom will get home? tabui ganv khou tom kai guang khang nang ning cho? the division of the land among the tribes ramv nzanhmei arba had been the greatest of the anakim. arba twmeipu hei anakimmei khou daic liangmeipu e. i will not destroy it if there are forty. gaanv 40 kiu nai e thei ai rui swmaan lak ge. he will shout like a man treading grapes. drakha thai niimei nunc kumcna kauc puni the. howl with grief, you people of phoenicia! puihuayna kap tho, phoenikiamei nuncle! do you think it's going to rain tomorrow? athuan ting riu puni e na nang ning bo? the list of those who returned from exile babilon khou rui guang datmei nunc sing chakh the lord condemns israel for idol worship ravmaengc kalummei ringhpouc nuh mak ge he is jesus son of joseph, from nazareth. kamei hei josep nac nazarethmei jisu hei the. god judges everyone by the same standard. ravguangc thu zawkhu zawru zauh mak ge. your beauty will make the king desire you nang lwn ramgai rui guangh nang ta kahaw puni may the lord be kind and faithful to you. ringhpouc rui nangniw khou nzianlou pw diu o. the vision refers to the time of the end. mi ndawman hei kaganv luai nimei lam khou e. i will protect and defend you like a wall ai rui nang ta raengh kumc gaeklou puni will you give up now, or will you answer? nang ntaw hei tei lou key ni ny, daw ni cho? round him flaming creatures were standing kadaeng khou kerubim nunc ding nkuayna bam e we could not convince him, so we gave up. aniw kata sa bow ngam mak khena ganclou the. was a wicked person's light ever put out? meicsimei tuang maibungc tei sw amit bu cho? how unbelieving and wrong you people are! lwm makmei khatni chaeng maanvmei nunc! be eager to show respect for one another. khat khat ta chakhwang sw khang tari o. she quit her job to look after her child. kanac tei zausin khang kataanc nthek kan the they were all filled with the holy spirit kaniw guayna bumaengh nthanmei rui padik the now, start out and cross the river arnon. ntaw thu thauna arnon duithuak kaan pat tho. i've been very hungry since this morning. mi laucthuan rui ai nap ndap hak bam di the. after some time i received his permission kanakmei tangv kamei rui nuhloumei theilayna you will live a long and prosperous life. nangniw amanvna panty lungsingna lungc puni. i am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. ai hei thu paapc bangc swmei maansei e. when jethro heard all this, he was happy. jethro tei mi guay tei chu pwkhou neihla the. do not have intercourse with a halfsister nang pu now nac khou tatlou nuh mak ge the father himself does not judge anyone. pu rui gaanv khatna ta sini latzan sw mak ge. and baruch wrote it all down on a scroll. baruk rui mi guay tei latrikzy khou hylou the. the sword is going to fall on your necks. nangniw guay ta baengsaeng rui dangv puni the. tell your children and your grandchildren nangniw tounac nunc khou tithaylou o. my people sowed wheat, but gathered weeds amei nunc gehu lingc keyna napriak tay dat the it was more than we could have hoped for! mi hei aniw ningmei paengc thangc de! it is not good for the man to live alone. maansei hei karana bammei hei gay mak khe. do you think that the boss was impressed? boss ningchuylou khang nang ning dai? god does not judge by outward appearances ravguangc thu zawkhu zawru zauh mak ge do you think i will accept that from you? ai rui laalou puni de twna nangniw ningna cho? he receives gifts from rebellious people. rihthaumei nunc khou rui kamei kaipat laa the. if baal is a god, let him defend himself. baal hei rav e thei kara na kata gaek kan diu. all peoples on earth will mourn over him. kandihmei zaatc kapwmna kazaeng rui kap puni. attack him, and begin occupying his land. nangniw rui kata adowna kakandic tei laa tho. this car was cheap enough for him to buy. mi car hei liu khang kakhang kamanv huangh e. you will see even more disgusting things. mi khang suangc chanymei ni nang how puni he. the wicked are trapped by their own words meicsimei tei karana kalat khou manc e don't go with people like that, my child. mi kumhmei nunc tei lev tat kariu riu. saul went out to meet him and welcome him saul rui patna kata ariw the kumna kalum the. i would only be a burden to your majesty. ai hei guangh tuang puatrith khang na di the. i will no longer consider them my people. ai rui kaniw ta amei swna laalou dat lak khe. i have paid attention to your judgements. nang latdyn guay khou ai lunghlou the. all the people on the wall are listening. raengh khou meic nunc rui nking bam e. may the lord be kind and faithful to you. ravguangc rui nang ta zauc nzianlou pu diu o. don't forget what i am about to tell you! mi hei nangniw nukuanc khou chu gutlou la tho his territory will reach as far as sidon. karamv tei sidon nganv laa tangc puni. he got up and started back to his father. kamei thauna kapu daeng thangc tat the. so for the second time saul said to david kumna kaneimei swna saul rui david khou sa the at night i long for you with all my heart zingbangc alung kapwm rui ai nang ta kahaw e how terrible for you teachers of the law! riakdanv dinhpouc nunc, nangniw sansi e dav! determination to obey the law of the lord ringhpouc latdyn piu khang lungdyng dingmei you have not bandaged those that are hurt nangniw kabiukabaengmei ta duamlou mak ge a person's reputation can also be tested. maansei ta kata thuanhmei tei rui nchanv e. you must proclaim everything i have said. ai rui samei guay hei nang sa ndauh nina e. you can't count things that aren't there. maekmei ta ni kasing phu dat nuh mak khe. your name has been removed from the list. nangzaan mi list khou ruai laganv kan the they will feel all the force of my anger. alungpuam kaniw ruc khou keylou puni the. tom was fined for not wearing a seatbelt. tom seatbelt piu makmei khang ta fine su e. i have something importaanct to tell tom. tom khou lat nthuk mei sa lou khang nai e the earth will wear out like old clothing kandih ni pheyraan kumc raam key kan puni the leaders of issachar came with deborah isakar tuang kapy nunc debora lev key the then the lord spoke to me again, and said khoutei ringhpouc rui akhou kumna sa dat re the song of doves is heard in the fields. ramvpuk khou akhouhna khwan rui padik the. then he died and was buried at bethlehem. kamei theicna bethlehem khou mbeihlou the. i will punish the capital city of thebes. guanghdic kaidai thebis ta dandi tii puni. there's no way that's going to be enough. mi tei biuh nimei thiak khat sini mak khe. show us your mercy, and we will be saved! aniw ta zauc nzianlou o, aniw ta kanlou o! a descendant of yours will always be king nang kikta rui kaganv thuic guangh sw puni never criticize servants to their master. bangh ta kakaipouc hu khou sa kasic la riu the french revolution took place in 1789. french revolution tei 1789 khou pat kan e. opposition to the rebuilding of jerusalem jerusalem kasiamh thau datmei ta thinghmei tom is over there standing by the window. tom khou tei ding bam e window daeng khou. what was the reason for his fierce anger? tabui sw tina kalung heidi puamc putu cho? let them all praise the name of the lord! mi guay rui ringhpouc zanc thuanc kan diu! the power that will shatter you has come. nang ta swmutlou nimei ngamv guang pw the. warning against judging a fellowchristian khristian makaamv khat khat ta latzan swmei happy are those who find safety with him. kakhou duploumei nunc tei sangaymei nunc e. the young man was too terrified to do it. mi nggaanvpu tei hei tei sw bauh mak khe. the game will be played even if it rains. ting riu sini palupmei tei palup puni e joab was in command of the army of israel joab tei isaraelmei ricmei nunc rihpy e by the lord's help i have acquired a son. ringhpouc paan rui anac mpouh akhat nai the. slaves are not greater than their master. bangh thu kakaipouc suangc daih mak ge. teacher, how good it is that we are here! rabbi, aniu mi khou hei bammei gay the. they answered, yes, we did, your majesty. ngguay, guanghle twna kaniw rui daw the. they must turn away from evil and do good kamei simei ta mpatlouna gaymei taanc nina e give your daughter in marriage to my son. nang nacpui tei anac now khang tiilou o. they spent the rest of that day with him. mi nungc tei kaniw kadaeng khou bamlou the. the lord takes care of those who obey him ringhpouc rui kalat piumei guay ta kanlou e does this mean that he will kill himself? kamei karana kata swluai ni tw lana cho? the agreement between isaac and abimelech isak lev abimelek kak khou latdyng swmei they were afraid to ask about the matter. mi kabac tei kaniw thanv khang ni ping the. my soul is glad because of god my saviou. ata kanloumeipu ravguangc khou ai neihla e. the covenant box is brought to the temple latdyng khuk tei ravkai khou laaguangmei i have been with you now for twenty years ai nang daeng khou tingkwm 20 bamlou the in the eighteenth year of josiah's reign. josia rui guangh swmei tuang 18mei kwm khou how long will my enemies triumph over me? asaanh zauczihmei rui ngam bam nina cho? the lord goes out to fight like a warrior rihmei kumc adow khang ringhpouc tatpat the sing and shout for joy, people of israel! neihlana suan o, kauc o, isaraelmei nuncle! he will never let them escape punishment. kaniw ta dandi tii makna mpatlou lak ge. and the voice of the most high was heard. kumna kauh liangsingmeipu khwan chu the. because the darkness has made them blind. kalam thu zinghmei rui kamik swtiat the. the threshing places will be full of corn laudybamv guay tei nap rui padik puni the they shamelessly keep on making me angry. kaniw ahu kahak khou alung tipuamcna bam e. don't be worried on account of the wicked meicsimei nunc zaeng rui lungh geih rio am i supposed to take care of my brother? ai akainac ta zauc bammeipu dina cho? we will not neglect the house of our god. aniw rui aniw racguangc kai tei ntaamv lak ge. ahimelech came out trembling to meet him. ahimelek kadunhna kata ariw khang pat the. all of these are to be made of pure gold. mi guay tei kachaekc nthanmei rui kasiamh nina e. this is not the town you are looking for. nangniw rui phu bammei kaidai tei mi hei hamh e. you yourselves give them something to eat kaniw tu khang nangniw rui tii tio, twna sa the. at about midnight i will go through egypt zipchung ganv khou ai izip kandic tatruan puni the show us your mercy, and we will be saved! aniw ta zauc nzianlou o, kumna aniw ta kanlou o! watch for the new thing i am going to do. ai rui taanv thanh taanclou pw nimei tei zauc o. isaac began to tremble and shake all over isak tei kadunh kathanh thau the with our own ears we have heard it, o god he ravguangc, aniw nu kahak rui hei tei chu the. i will raise him to life on the last day. nkhamhpui nungc ai rui kata tiringcthaulou puni. in union with christ you were circumcised khrista khou nangniw hei gihruamhmei nunc the. are you going to argue his case in court? latzankai khou nangniw rui kaphaan agi nina cho? herod was very pleased when he saw jesus. herod tei jisu ta how pwkhou, mpeyna neihla the. he made a treaty with him and let him go. kamei lev latryan tiswlouna mpatlou dat kan the. the philistines are invading the country! philistinmei rui aniu ramv khou rih key bam the! the stones of the earth contain sapphires ntauhbut khou sapphir tauc nai e morning and evening he kills and devours. lauthwan tingzyn swluaina khatni thaek tuna bam e. it is better to be patient than powerful. tancbauhmei khang suangc khaengvthaymei rui gay e. i have chosen a man who lives in the east neihpat thangc bammei gaanv khat ta ai kadah the remember how it was with you in the past. nangniw tuang tat kanmei ganv tei makumh zauc o. i reprimanded the jewish leaders and said ai rui jihudimei kapy nunc ta luhna kumna sa the who has determined the course of history? pat bammei dihlwan hei thow rui tipatlou tu cho? there are many who hate me for no reason. nkhuaina ata karaengmei geic e. if you work hard, you will get a fortune. alinghpui mei tei mphang puni. i can see no reason why i should do that. ai hei ta taan nimei kalam khat si hou pat mak ge lift up your skirts to cross the streams! duikaan khang nang tuang pheysuai kadei kauh tho. do we think that we are stronger than he? aniu kata ngam diw nah cho? they will vanish like motheaten clothing! kaniw tei nthumc tumei phey kumc amaan kan ni de! all their strength and skill was useless. kaniw pumtan khatni kaniw ramhei guay nsa di the. he has set the right time for everything. kamei rui ramh katana khang chamei ganv tiilou e. i feel nostalgic about my childhood days. ai alauc douc ta lunghsi e. the wicked will cause their own downfall. meicsimei ta katuang simei tei rui sw kasic puni. we are here to bring the good news to you aniw rui nangniw khou gaychamv dincloupui tuang e the sovereign lord will sound the trumpet ngamparymei ringhpouc rui bianggun tei amuan puni it was moses' part of the ordination ram. hei tei mousi tuang dam the. these are to be mounted in gold settings. hei tei kachaekc rui kakhau khau nkuaylou nina e. they will devour your crops and your food kaniw rui nangniw tuang napbi tu ngam kan puni the they eagerly paw the ground in the valley kaniw kasang karang patna kandih khou kachuamh the we perform harvest ceremony with chicken. akai nruay rui lauthaek e. tom got kicked out of his parents' house. kapui kapu kai khou ruai tom ta alay ganh pat re. you make judgements in a purely human way nangniw rui maansei tuang latzan ramsu sw tina e. for christ died for sins once and for all khrista ni luan guai na paapc khang theiclou the. fools say to themselves, there is no god. mpangmei nunc rui, ravguangc maek ge twna ning e. tom is sitting in the corner of the room. tom kaikwn khou dung bam e yes, sir, he answered, but he did not go. ai tat puni twna kamei daw the, tiki tat mak khe. give me some meat for the priest to roast amuh zanh raw tu khang tii tho who has ever caught the wind in his hand? mpwan ta kabaanc khou kazum ngammei thow nai cho? other nations will no longer despise you. zaatc baihmei rui nangniw ta mala dat pw lak khe. he comes with the brightness of lightning kariw tei neihpatmei kumc the i will go in and give thanks to the lord! ai gutna ringhpouc ta thuanc ni! and people drink evil as if it were water maansei nunc rui simei ta dui zangv kumc zangv e if you split wood, you get hurt doing it. thing taanv taanhpui mei tei thing rui kabiu puni. all who abandon you will be put to shame. nang ta mpatlouna tatmei guay tei thu zak puni. you have given them an excuse to kill us. aniw ta swluai diu khang nangney rui swlou the. he is hanging around in his uncles house. kamei kaputhauh kai khou keic bam e. now come close to me and hear what i say. ntaw adaeng guang tuancna ai rui samei nking o. tom and mary said that they were leaving. tom lev mary tat kan ni the na saa e he is on the point of leaving for canada. kamei canada ganclou khang subam the follow him into the house that he enters. kathei layna kamei gutmei kai khou tei gut tho. you have given the victory to his enemies nang rui kata zauczihmei nunc ta rih tingamlou the every tree is known by the fruit it bears thing bang ta tei kathai rui dinc e. the covenant box is brought to the temple ravkai khou latdyng khuk laaguangmei i have seen the sin of samaria's prophets samaria tuang muczwng nunc tuang paap ai how the i have just heard your father say to esau nang pu rui esau khou sa bammei tei ai chu the they would see that his face was shining. kazaw gaanc bammei ta kaniw how the. this is the story of abraham's son isaac. mi hei abraham nac isak tuang pary e. i am an old man, and my wife is old also. ai hei karacpouc di the, anow ni karacpeic di the. do not pay any attention to their dreams. kaniw tuang mang khou tei lunghlou bam la rio. and then you can go to the banquet happy. kumna napkawmei khou kiu neihlana tat dat tho. the person who loves god is known by him. ravguangc ta nzianpui mei ta tei ravguangc thay e. in the beginning the word already existed thaurey khou latkaeng nai bam khwan e early tomorrow morning meet with the king nthuanh lauthwan thwanzingh guangh ta ariw tho get ready! let us go to war against edom! thau tho! aniu edom kandih ruc khou rihkey di kho! we have come as your slaves, to buy food. nang bangc aniw nap law khang keymei tuang de. he is hanging around in his uncles house. kamei kapouc kai khou niangc bam de. he was like a strong man excited by wine. kamei zouh zangvloumei, tanhmeipu kumc pat the. how long will you love what is worthless? nangniw asaanh nsa karaeng ta kahaw bam nina cho? if you are sensible, you will keep quiet. nang si gay thaymei e thei reih reina bam puni. i may have the gift of inspired preaching ai ravmundinc bam nuh e love is not jealous or conceited or proud nzianmei rui mamav mak ge khatni daihlwn sw mak ge they are responsible for their own death. kaney theihmei tei kaney manv de. he died like someone killed by criminals! meicdowmei rui swluaimei kumcna kamei theic the! there was no king in israel at that time. mi douc tei isaraelmei khou guangh maek khwan e. they are responsible for their own death. kaniw theihmei hei kaniw manv de. do we have any other business to discuss? aniw business baihmei kaphianh khang nai bu cho? all the fruit trees have wilted and died. tingthai bang guay theic ngam the. war with the philistines broke out again. philistinmei lev rih thau dat the. they are worthless and should be despised mi guay tei nsa de this is what the lord has told me to say. mi hei sa o twna ringhpouc rui akhou salou the. he is exactly what his name means a fool! kamei kazanc kumc rapna mbamei de. i don't want to hear your feeble excuses. ai nang tuang feeble excuses ta chu nii mak ge. he went to meet him at the holy mountain. nthanmei chyng khou kata ariw khang kamei tat the. hide in some secret place and stay there. meic thay makmei bamv akhat khou nkamh bam la tho. look around you and see what is happening nang mik phaengc patna zauc nkuayna zauc zauc o they did not allow a single man to cross. meic gaanv khat na ta sini tiipak duak mak khe. fried food usually doesn't agree with me. saalou mei nap akhang tho nuh mak ge they stop up their ears like a deaf cobra nrui sw nngiumeipu khwan chu makmei if you had your way, no one would fear god nang khang duakmei chaeng nai ti thei meic gaanv khat na sini ravguangc ta ping ni tuang hamh e here is my son chimham, who will serve you anac mpouh kimham khou hei bam e, kumna kamei rui nang tuang siamruai sw pw diu o. i am the only one who escaped to tell you. latpoumei khang na ai hei duak pat di the. peter spoke up, explain this saying to us. mundawna pitar rui jisu khou, mi latgiam kabac hei aniw khou dinclou o, twna sa the. so you will be the first to go into exile. kumhpui zaeng rui ginramc thangc nym tat nimei khou hu liang nimei kiu nangniw hei the. but your people rebelled and disobeyed you tiki nang mei nunc rui nang ta meicliamna nang lat piu mak khe there i saw a woman sitting on a red beast mi khou tei haenghmei khouringc akhat ruc khou ntumei gaanv khat dungc bammei ta how e. he refused to help us when the enemy came. zauczihmei guang pwkhou katuang nkhavloumei baanc tei sat gut kan the. he did not forget us when we were defeated aniu bow key bammei ganv khou tei kamei aniu ta amuclou mak ge one person has faith, another has actions. meic gaanv khat khou lwmmei nai e, baihmei gaanv khat khou taanv nai e everything will be ritually clean for you. ramh guayna nangniw khang nthan puni. and you yourselves will become his slaves. nangniw kahak ni kabangc sw puni the. nebuchadnezzar will come and defeat egypt. nebukadnezar guangna izip ta laa puni. i think that tom has a girlfriend already. tom nzianmeipui nai khang ai ning e. in this way you will get rid of this evil. mi kumhmei simei ti hei swmaan nina e. this silver and gold is a present for you. mi daandi khatni kachaekc hei nang khang kaipat swna tii guangmei tuang e. they will hammer their swords into ploughs kaniw rui kaniw tuang buybaeng guay tei phubaeng khang dy kan puni. do not desire what belongs to someone else meickai tuang puat kahaw lak nina e in his eighteenth year, 832 from jerusalem mei kwm jerusalem khou rui meic 832 why come to me now that you're in trouble? tabui swna nangniw ryanramei ganv khou akhou guang dat tu cho? at once the chains fell off peter's hands. mi dyng khou tei pitar baanc khou naimei kangriang tei kathyng key kan the. but jerusalem rebelled against my commands jerusalem rui alatdanv guay ta liam the explain your law to me, and i will obey it nang latdyn kabac akhou dinclou o why, then, do you say, show us the father? akumhna, pu ta kiuc aniw khou lyanlou o, twna sa dat ni hena cho? the things i predicted have now come true. zauc lo, ai rui dinc kasuakcloumei guay ntaw thu guang tangc the. when he comes, he will tell us everything. kamei guang pwkhou aniu khou ramh guayna kamei rui dinclou puni. he belonged to the party of the pharisees. kamei hei pharisimei akhat re. peter was sitting outside in the courtyard pitar tei kaimav khou dungc bam khwan e. how terrible it will be for you, chorazin! korazin, nang hei sansi e dav! where they will cry and grind their teeth. khou kiu kaniw huc nkay ndyang kariak riakna pui huay bam puni. he sat there and listened to paul's words. kamei ni paul lat tei nking bam khwan e. the wisdom from above is pure first of all tingkauh thangc rui keymei ningting thai thu reymei khou nthanmei she gave hagar to him to be his concubine. kamei rui hagar ta kanow khang tii the. he roasts meat, eats it, and is satisfied. khou tei zanh rawna tu nggu the. she was asked to help him paint the house. kamei ruai meipu ta kakai paint su khalou khangkaw e. if tom were here, we'd be having more fun. tom khou bam khuan e tha, aniw neihla ranv tow ni tuang e. so that the whole world may know your will zaatc kapwm rui nang ningmei thay nuh khang and people take that as proof of my guilt. mi hei akhuay rui the twna meic nunc rui laa the. he scattered all their coins on the floor. syan guay tei kamei ruai kandih khou bun nkhanlou ngam the. my father gave it to me when i was little. mi tei ai alaucna subam dou apu ruai tiilou mei e. let us praise the lord, the god of israel! aniu poubauhmei, isarael racguangc ta thuanc kho! a stick tells them what they want to know! kaniw rui thay niimei tei thingchiang rui dinclou the! david went to the priest ahimelech in nob. david nob khou amuh ahimelek daeng thangc tat the. they have no worries when there is no rain tingdui key makmei khang ni lungh geic lak ge from him come knowledge and understanding. kakhou rui kabahthaymei khatni sigay thaymei guang e. he knows how senseless their reasoning is. kaniw kakhanh bammei tei adih mpang cho twmei kamei thay e. the lord is righteous and loves good deeds ringhpouc thu nchumhmei e khatni nchumhmei taanv ta kahaw e no amount of gifts will satisfy his anger. kaipat azuh rui ni kalungpuam kakim ngam mak ge. let me hear the sounds of joy and gladness neihlamei lev zaenggaymei lu akhou tichulou o bring us back to you, lord! bring us back! he ringhpouc, aniw ta nang khou phungc guanglou dat ro! leave them for poor people and foreigners. hei tei lungcsimei khatni gin nunc khang ganclou ti tho. he will have pity on his suffering people. ryanra bammei kamei nunc ta kamei rui zauc nzianlou puni. a live dog is better off than a dead lion. ringhmei si hei theihmei kamangliangpui suangc thu gay e. tom scolded mary for not arriving on time. mary kaganv khou guang makmei ta tom mphut re. o god, you are my god, and i long for you. he ravguangc, nang hei aracguangc e, ai nang ta agwn e. i will wipe you off the face of the earth! kumna nangney ta kandih nam ruc khou rui swmaan puni the. they should have constantly prayed to him. kaniw kakhou huayney tanh tan bam ni tuang e. they were all terrified when they saw him. hei tei kaniw meic guayna how the, kumna ping the. don't let your own words lead you into sin nang tuang latsav rui nang ta paapc khou tikeylou riu. it wouldn't take all that long to explain. mi tei dinhlou khang kaganv laa saengh ni tu hammak ge. you yourselves give them something to eat! kaniw tu khang nangniw tii tio. twna sa the. they will reject me and break my covenant. kaniw ata ganc pat puni khatni atuang latdyng swbak puni. kill him, and the sheep will be scattered. kata swluai tho, kumna lauziu nunc tei pakphak tat puni the. listen! he speaks from his heavenly temple. nking o! katuang tingkauh ravkai khou rui kamei sa pat puni the. remember that you created all of us mortal! nang rui aniw guayna ta theic nimei swna damclou e twmei ningtowlou o! take also seven pairs of each kind of bird. nruay thauruay ni kazaat kathuic tuang kakui kaduic chanei chanei laaguang tho. i poured out their lifeblood on the ground. ai rui kaniw zei kandih khou bun keylou the. at that time joshua issued a solemn warning mi ganv khou tei joshua rui tanhmei latdanv tiina sa the you should do that before it gets too late. nang mi tei taan latho nian langc mak khou then i will send someone to bring you back. nang ta kawdat khang ai meic thouc guangdat puni e. intelligent people take pleasure in wisdom. ntakmei nunc rui ningting ta kahawna phu e. the officials told saul what david had said saul tuang meicdaihmei nunc tei rui david rui samei tei kakhou raclou the. your righteousness, god, reaches the skies. he ravguangc, nang nchumhmei hei tingpuk kauh tangc e. how does he perform miracles with his hand? akumhna kumhmei charynmei taanv kabaanc khou rui pat bam cho? so bring together all the peoples round you meic guay ta nang daeng khou khuam guanglou o we have been treated with so much contempt. nang rui aniw ta heidikamv karaengna swlou the. we have done everything that you commanded. nang rui tiimei latdanv guay tei aniw taanc the. he rocks the pillars that support the earth. kamei rui kandih tiangc ta kanukc ge. the wiser you are, the more worries you have ningtynglou ryanralou de he sent for a sword, and when it was brought kamei rui baengsaeng laaguang khang thouc the kumna hei tei laaguang pwkhou people of judah, do not weep for king josiah judamei nuncle, guangh josia khang kaplou riu. do you know how long they carry their young? kaniw asaanh nah phungc tu cho why should you be the last to bring me back? ata phungc guanglou dat khang tabui swna nangniw rui nkhamhmei sw bam nina cho? they have no part in the life that god gives ravguangc tuang ringhmei tei kaniw khou maek ge. no one got away, and no one lived through it meic gaanv khat na sini pak duak mak khe, meic gaanv khat na sini ringc pat mak khe. do you want to make me lose all my children? nangniw anac guay ta swmaanlou nina sw bam tu cho? stupid people refuse to turn away from evil. mpangmei nunc tei simei khou rui mpaan pat zih e. would it not be better for you to be wronged? mi khang tei suangc nkhuaimei swloumei rui gay mak nah cho? haman stared at the king and queen in terror. haman tei liammavpui khatni guangh ta pingna kaluang the. break the teeth of these fierce lions, o god. he ringhpouc, mi kanin simei kamang nunc nei tei swbaulou o. then he worked for laban another seven years. kumna kamei laban taanv tingkwm chanei taanclou dat the. he asked them, whose face and name are these? mi hei thow maengc cho, khatni hyloumei hei tabui lat cho? twna kamei rui kaniw khou thanv the. the judge of all the earth has to act justly. kandih kapwm tuang latzanpouc thu nchumhna latzan sw nina hamhna cho? the people of judah are the vines he planted. judamei nunc hei kamei rui lingcloumei drakhabang tei e. tom was lying on the pier getting a suntaanc. tom peng khou zipna nei ndan bam e this letter will introduce my officer naaman. mi tatdyn hei hyna abangc naaman ta thouc guangmei tuang e. and the rest of the wood i made into an idol. baihmei tei rui ravmaengc kasiamh the. i apologized for having been late for school. ai school guang nian meikhang ta ai suai the please think this over and decide what to do. mi hei nang kakhanhna tabui sw nina cho twmei kaphianh tho. israel must not lose one of its twelve tribes. isaraelmei tuang kaikhwang 12 sing hei amaan nuh mak ge. they let their babies die of hunger and thirst kamei rui kaniw nac nunc ta ndaapc tarina titheic e how many times have i told you not to do that? mi tei taanc rio na nangta ai saa liang azuh thi na? you, the holy god of israel, gave us our king. isarael tuang nthanmeipu, nang rui aniw khang guangh tiilou e. you are my place of safety when trouble comes. ryanramei ganv khou nang hei duploupui bamv e. who can tell all the great things he has done? kamei rui taancloumei taanv guay tei thow rac ngam ni cho? but also his report of how you encouraged him. nangniw rui akumhna kata katiuthaulou cho twmei kamei rui racloumei tei rui ni e. prepare the nations for war against babylonia. babilonmei ruc khou rihkey khang zaatc nunc ta tichamdaanv tho. they threw their cloaks over it, and he got on. mi ruc khou tei kaniw rui kaniw tuang phey bamclou the, kumna mi khou tei kamei dungc the. he saved daniel from being killed by the lions. kamei rui daniel ta kamangliangpui nunc khou rui kanlou e. after that, those who've been invited will eat. mi tangv kaw guangmei nunc tei tu khang e. jacob left beersheba and started towards haran. jakob tei beersheba ta mpatlouna haran nzwanna tat kan the. he will pray for you, so that you will not die. nang theih mak khang kamei rui huayneylou dat puni the. moses spoke, and god answered him with thunder. mousi rui sa the, kumna ravguangc rui ganhkey kumcna daw the. i gave help to orphans who had nowhere to turn. tatloumei bamv maekmei nruna nac nunc ta nkhavlou khwan e. i do not say that i will ask him on your behalf ai rui apu khou nangniw khang neylou puni twna sa tu hamh e. but all who ask the lord for help will be saved. kum e tiki nkhavlou khang ringhpouc ta kawmei guay ta kanlou puni. they brought in some men to tell lies about him. kaniw rui ndiuloumei nunc tei rui kalam khou damcna sa the. i will live and proclaim what the lord has done. ai ringcna ringhpouc taanv kauc ndauh puni. i haven't any ordinary bread, only sacred bread. akhou nthanmei ntyan na hamhna baihmei ntyan maek khe. it was our ancestor jacob who gave us this well. mi duikhunc tiiloumeipu hei aniw pupouc jakob e. listen to them, people of israel, and obey them! isaraelmei nuncle, mi guay tei nkingna lungh gutna piu o! can he enter his mother's womb and be born again? kamei kapui bung lungc khou gut datna puanc dat nuh dina cho? all the created things will be shaken and removed damcloumei puat guay hei kanuk ganc puni your mighty pillars will be thrown to the ground. nangniw tuang tanhmei ntiangh guay tei kandih khou bow key puni the. who can defend someone who sins against the lord? ringhpouc ruc khou paapc taanhmei ta thu thow rui sa gaeklou nina cho? his sword strikes them down as if they were dust. katuang baengsaeng rui kaniw ta taniang ta kumc kaphangv key the. then he and the leaders of israel led them to ai. khoutei kamei lev isaraelmei gaanvthaih nunc rui kaniw hu khou tatna ai thangc ngangh the. help for israel comes only from the lord our god. isaraelmei ta nkhavloumei hei ringhpouc aniu racguangc na rui de. my children, keep yourselves safe from false gods! anacthiu, ravmaengc khou rui rei pat ro! it'll take us at least three hours to finish this. mi hei luai khang aniu rau ngan khang ganvdak three dou laa puni e. it is not in the favor of the lord to destroy you. kalam thu nangniw ta swmaanmei hei ravguangc tuang ningmei hamh khwan e. when the crowds heard about it, they followed him. meic kangdai tei hei tei thay lana kathei lay guang the. this is why i order you to set aside three cities. hei zaeng rui duploumei kaidai hei kathumh nina e. so i will use a socalled nation to make them angry hei zaeng rui zaatc akhat sini sw makmei zaat ta sinswna ai rui kaniw lung tipuamclou puni the king david went to see him, and amnon said to him. guangh david rui kata zauh khang guang the. once more the king sent an officer with fifty men. guangh tei rui rihpy lev katuang ricphyan gaanv 50 ta thouc dat re. when we couldn't find them, we went to see samuel. hei tei phutow mak khena anei samuel ta ariw tat lana the. they will trample on that holy city for 42 months. kaniw mi nthanmei kaidai khou tei bw riakdeina kanei ruan bam puni the. so i will not be silent i will sing praise to you. mi zaeng rui ai reih rei bam lak ge ai nang ta thuancna suan bam ni. one who is wise will learn from what he is taught. ningtyngmei nunc tei thu nchamlou tina thay e. four inside the room and four out in the courtyard. padeih rui kalungc khou, baihmei padeih rui kaizaengc khou e. the lord is risen indeed! he has appeared to simon! poubauhmei ringcthau dat changc kan the! kamei simon khou lyanlou the! i will make all your enemies turn and run from you. nangniw ta zauczihmei guay ta tei nangniw hu khou tipaklou puni. why don't you have a gallows built, 22 metres tall? chowbuk 50 kauhmei thaenghpaeng kasiamh damc the cho? he should not be kill before being judge in public. charuangc khou latzan sw rey makna kata swluai nuh mak ge. through you i will make a covenant with all peoples nang paan rui ai rui maansei nunc lev latdyng sw puni the but destruction will catch them before they know it tiki thay mak liangna kaniw ta sw kasic karouclou kan diu! now there is nothing that i can do for you, my son! anac mpouhle, ai rui nang khang tiilou dat khang ramh baihmei maek khe cho! if the lord won't help you, what help can i provide? ringhpouc rui nkhavlou mak ge thei tabui ai rui nkhavlou ngam nina cho? i will throw you and all those fish into the desert. ai rui nang ta khatni mi khav guay ta tei tazikramv khou phaiclou puni. now call hushai, and let us hear what he has to say. ntaw hushai ta kaw o, kamei tabui lat sa puni cho nking kho. wise people walk the road that leads upwards to life ningtyngmei nunc rui ringhmei khou zaylou nimei chaeng khou tat re my prayers go up to you show me the way i should go. ai tat nimei chaeng akhou lyanlou o, ai nang khou huayney e. then he took me into the entrance room of the temple. mi tangv tei kamei rui ata ravkai tuang kaimun khou nduangh gutlou the. tom said that he didn't want to go to boston with me. ai lev boston thangc tom tat nii mak ge twna kamei saa e. their purpose is to prove that your faith is genuine. mi nchanvmei hei thu nangniw ramlum tei kalyng bammei tuang e. who do you think will help you rebel against assyria? asiria bangc bam lakna athwng pwkhou nangniw ta thow rui nkhavlou puni twna ningna cho? even birds and animals have much they could teach you nruaythauruay, khouringh khounah rui nganvna nangniw ta nchamlou khang geicna nai e. among the ladies of your court are daughters of kings nang tuang guangckai aluc pang khou guangh nac aluh nunc bam e everyone tries to gain the favour of important people saengc daihmei nunc rui nzianloumei ta meic kathuicna phu e all my words are sincere, and i am speaking the truth. ai rui sa nimei hei lungning nthanna sa nimei tuang e, nchumhmei lat tei sa puni. burn a third of it in the city when the siege is over. nang akhaengvmei ganv tei luai pwkhou kaphuam akhat tei kaidai lungc khou ntei tho. the insults which are hurled at you have fallen on me. nang ta sakasicna samei guay tei akhou keylou the she is happy that a baby has been born into the world. ngasatna akhat mbaanv khou puanclou the twna kamei neihla the. tell these people that they must obey all my commands. kaniw hei alatdanv kaguayna piu nina de twna kaniw khou sa tio. think carefully before you promise an offering to god. nang rui ravguangc khang puatkat tiipat nimei hu khou kakhanh mincna kakhanh o the bodies of haman's ten sons were publicly displayed. haman nac mpouh gaanv ruh tuang pumc tei charuangc khou thaengc lyanlou the. i say this because i do not want to be too hard on him. ai mi hei samei kabac kiu thu ai kakhou lat tanc langvmei sa nii makpui zaeng rui e. they were helped by the levites of the clan of henadad. kaniw guay ta levimei henadad kikta guay rui nkhavlou the. then the people again picked up stones to throw at him. khoutei kata nkwam khang kaniw ntauh khuaic thau dat sanv the. the lord will reward him according to what he has done. poubauhmei rui kataanv thei layna khangclou dat pungh the. ahab answered, there is one more, micaiah son of imlah. ahab rui daw the, gaanv khat nai e, kamei imla nac mpouh mikaia e. i think of days gone by and remember years of long ago. tat kanmei tingmik guay ta ai kakhanh the, reydouc tingkwm guay ta ningtow the. remember that godless people laugh at you all day long. rav ta thay makmei nunc, nang ta nuic zingc zingc bam e twmei ningtowlou o. greetings also to the church that meets in their house. kakai khou kariu bammei phwamling khang tei ni dwan gay kady e. tom and mary invited us to spend the weekend with them. tom le mary ruai hapta luai meituang su kariu khang kau lou e he will cause the bright dawn of salvation to rise on us kamei rui aniu khang gaanc gaymei ringhbamv ting tigaanclou puni. he heard us and saw our suffering, hardship, and misery. kamei rui hei tei chulou the khatni aniu tuang ryanra ryanriu kaguayna tei how the. the words that i have spoken to you do not come from me. ai rui nangniw khou salou kanmei lat guay tei akhou rui pat tu hamh e. he will make this a great slaughter in the land of edom. kamei rui dow luai dai dow luaimei tei edom kandic khou sw puni the. it is to be 12.5 kilometres long by ten kilometres wide. hei tei chowbuk 25,000 khatni chowbuk 20,000 daihmei ramv nina e you people have become more numerous than the egyptians. nangniw hei izipmei suangc meic geic the. they were going to name him zechariah, after his father. kapu zanc swna kazanc zekaria twna phuak khang sw bam khwan e. he knows how to do his work, because god has taught him. kamei akumhna taanc nina cho twmei thay e kalam thu ravguangc rui kata nchamlou the. they are all corrupt, and they have done terrible things mi zaeng rui kamei si the, karaeng kadangmei taanv rana taanc the he did not put the branches in front of the weak animals. suanmei khouringc nunc hu khou tei thu kamei rui thingchy tei lou mak ge. lazy people should learn a lesson from the way ants live. aliauhmei nunc tei ntiang khou rui ncham o. those who weep, may they live as though they were not sad kap bammei nunc ni kap makmei nunc kumcna lungc bam kan di tho paul stood up, motioned with his hand, and began to speak khoutei paul dingthauna kabaanc haina sa thau the that is why jesus is not ashamed to call them his family. hei zaeng rui kamei rui kaniw ta chana kaw khang zak dat mak khe. he ordered them to go to joseph and do what he told them. kamei rui meic nunc ta josep daeng thangc tatna josep rui sa samei tei taanh khang thouclou the. and even among stars there are different kinds of beauty. kumna gaanchuangcna pang khou sini, karamgai baic baicna nai e. some produced 100 grains, others sixty, and others thirty. ngguay asaekc rui kathw phay khat, asaekc rui riakcharuk, asaekc rui tamruc nthai the. nor did herod find him guilty, for he sent him back to us. herod rui ni kakhuay phu tow lamc makna kata aniw khou ndiu guang dat the. relieve me of my worries and save me from all my troubles. ata lungh ryanramei khou rui tiduaklou o, atuang ryanra ryanriumei kaguay khou rui kanlou o. even sinners lend to sinners, to get back the same amount! paapcmei nunc sini tiiloumei zu tei khangclou dat khang paapcmei nunc khang tipoulou muay de. it was a terrible defeat, with 20,000 men killed that day. mi nungc tei isaraelmei 20,000 ta dowluai the. and i am not good enough to take his sandals off his feet. ai hei thu katuang phaythuapc luak patlou khang na sini biuhpui mei hamh e. at once ahab went to the vineyard to take possession of it. kadyng mak khou ahab tei drakhalau thangc tei tatna hei tei laa the. soldiers from persia, lydia, and libya served in your army. persia, lidia, khatni libiamei nggaanv nunc rui nang tuang ricmei nunc sw the. he asked arioch why the king had issued such a harsh order. tabui swna guangh rui heidi tanhmei latdanv tiipat bam tu cho twna kamei rui ariok khou thanv the. teach us how short our life is, so that we may become wise. aniw ningting pat khang, aniw panty hei adih dui cho twmei dinclou o. punish them with the sufferings you have stored up for them nang rui kaniw khang lou kaduai bammei ryanramei dam tei rui kaniw ta dandi tiilou o the terrible things he says about us and the lies he tells! kamei rui saraamcna aniw ta sakasicna sa kanmei they were also in charge of the music and the celebrations. kaniw tei lusuanmei khou khatni khumngai guay kaniw tuang thouc sw the. i, darius, have given this order. it is to be fully obeyed. darias, ai rui mi latdanv hei tiimei tuang e. mi hei piu nthuih nina e. anyone who hears the father and learns from him comes to me. apu lat tei chuna thaymei guay akhou guang e. so this is your youngest brother, the one you told me about. mi hei nangniw rui sa bammei nangniw kainac alauc liangmei kiu tha? who was it, then, who killed an animal and brought it to me? kum e thei, khouringh swluaina akhang laaguangmeipu tei thow dina cho? may babylonia be held responsible for what we have suffered! aniu ryanra bammei nwan hei babilonmei ruc khou keylou kan di tho! he has informed your majesty what will happen in the future. thei thangc guang nimei tei kamei rui guangh khou dinclou the. joshua attacked and captured makkedah and its king that day. mi nungc tei joshua rui amormei kaidai makkeda ta adowna mi kaidai khatni mi guangc ta tei laa the. the lord my god will come, bringing all the angels with him. ringhpouc aracguangc rui baanchara guay ta nduanghna guang puni. then the lord, the god of israel, told me to say to zedekiah khoutei zedekia khou sa o twna ringhpouc isaraelmei racguangc rui akhou kumna sa the let us all go with the teacher, so that we may die with him! aniu ni kamei lev theiclou nchamc khang tat di kho. the lord says, i am stirring up the medes to attack babylon. ringhpouc rui sa e, ai rui medimei ta babilon ta adow khang thouclou kan the. you will never succeed in life if you try to hide your sins. kapaap nkamh bampui mei tei daic thau zat ni tu hamh e he put on david's head a bronze helmet and a coat of armour. tanzinc pyrun kamei rui david khou runlou the khatni rih thiula nulou the. i was afraid, so i went off and hid your money in the ground. kumna ai ping thena, nang tuang syan tei kandih khou chau phuplou tuang the. and those who left you in ruins will be far removed from you. nangniw ta sw kasic karoucloumei nunc ta tei nangniw khou rui ducna laa ganc puni the. absalom lived two years in jerusalem without seeing the king. absalom tei guangh ta how zat makna jerusalem khou tingkwm kanei lungclou khwan e. after this, herod left judea and spent some time in caesarea. mi tangv tei herod judia khou rui tat dat lana kaisaria khou bam kanaklou khwan e. then many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. mi khou kiu kaling hamhmei muhzwng mpeyna pat puni, kumna meic mpeyna ta zay mbiangh puni. no pity, compassion, or mercy will stop me from killing them. nzianmei khatni zauzian maekna kaniw ta swluai key puni the. jehoiakim died, and his son jehoiachin succeeded him as king. jehoiakim theic kan pwkhou, kanac mpouh jehoiakin rui guanghtu dat the. after jesus said this, he went on ahead of them to jerusalem. mi guay hei salou tang lana, jisu jerusalem nzwanna ngangh the. i've covered my bed with sheets of coloured linen from egypt. ai rui laeng ni izip tuang karangmei linen phey rui bamclou kan the. on your part, i would like you to supply the food for my men. nang biak thangc rui amei nunc khang tu zangv khang thu kaphianh nina the. it is full of compassion and produces a harvest of good deeds mi tei nzianthaymei padik ge khatni gaytaanv taanhmei mei tipat re. there were 3,600 others responsible for supervising the work. taanv zauhmei khang meic 3600 lou the. then he took a cup, gave thanks to god, and handed it to them kumna buangh akhat laa thauna thuanckulouna kaniw khang tii the i looked at it more closely and saw that it was not my child. ai rui mi nac ta tei zauc mincna zauc pwki mi nac tei anac hamh khwan the. so joab went to king david and told him what absalom had said. kumna joab tei david daeng thangc tatna absalom rui samei tei raclou the. king hezekiah took the letter from the messengers and read it. guangh hezekia rui chamvphunghmei nunc khou rui tatdyn tei laana pac the. he once went down into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion. gunh keymei tingmik akhat khou kamei khunh akhat khou keyna kamangliangpui akhat ta swluai khwan e. here, too, there was a gateway leading to the inner courtyard. khoutei kalungcmei kaimav thangc gut nimei tuang raengcmun akhat nai muay e. they drag them off in nets and shout for joy over their catch! kaniw rui kaniw ta chiakc khou gumbinna kaniw ta nymtowna neihlana kauc the! one day jonathan said to the young man who carried his weapons zaeng neih khat saul nac mpouh jonathan rui katuang buybaeng phunghmei nggaanvpu khou sa the. i am weak from all my troubles even my bones are wasting away. ryanramei rui apumc suan the arou nganvna zunh key the. no ritually unclean or defiled food has ever entered my mouth. nthan makmei puat ai amwang khou phalou zat mak ge. he set his people free and made an eternal covenant with them. kamei rui kamei nunc ta ric patlouna kaniw khang tingsaeng latdyng dinglou the. they don't wash their hands in the proper way before they eat! ntyan tu ni khou baanh khiupui riak tei kaniw sw mak ge joshua, no one will be able to defeat you as long as you live. he joshua, nang ringc bam saanv meic gaanv khat na rui sini nang ta ngam dat lak khe. at once jesus knew what they were thinking, so he said to them mi kumna kaniw kakhanh bammei tei jisu kalungning khou thay lana kaniw khou sa the yet you have turned justice into poison, and right into wrong. tiki nangniw rui thu nchumhmei ta khay tiguanh kan the khatni nzihmei ta laanhmei tiguanh kan the. he finally gave in, got up from the ground, and sat on the bed. nkhamh khou kamei nuhlouna, kandih khou rui thauna laeng khou thau dungc the. so they had bricks to build with and tar to hold them together. kaniw rui ntauh phaan taniangtauc khatni ntauhtamc phaan khi rui piu the. we don't need your help to build a temple for the lord our god. ringhpouc aniw racguangc tuang ravkai nangniw rui kasiamh nkhavlou khang kage maek ge. those who rush to other gods bring many troubles on themselves. rav baihmei khou pakloumei nunc tei kaniw rana kaniw khou ryanramei tiguang e. may he be pleased with my song, for my gladness comes from him. alu rui kata tipianlou diu kalam thu ai neihlamei hei ringhpouc khou rui e. may our sons in their youth be like plants that grow up strong. aniu nac mpouh nunc hei kaniw chabwan ganv khou kathau gaymei thing bang nunc kumc kan diu. the judeans gave a loud shout, and led by abijah, they attacked judamei nunc tei kauc ranvna kauc thau the, kumna abija rui nduanghna adow thau the. i will make my covenant with you and give you many descendants. ai lev nang kak khou latdyng laa puni kumna nangkik nangta geicna tiilou puni. not one of you will lose your life, only the ship will be lost. nangniw gaanv khat na sini theic ni tu hamh e, rungh na khang de maan khang. the lord's covenant box had been in philistia for seven months. ringhpouc tuang latdyng khuk tei philistin kandic khou bw chanei lou tangv the. it was not because of any good deeds that we ourselves had done aniu ta kanloumei hei aniu tuang ravchaptatmei taanv paan rui hamh e when i destroy you, i will cover the sky and blot out the stars. ai rui nang ta swmutpui nungc kiu ai rui tingpuk gumliam puni khatni gaanchuangcna guay thutmaan puni. a fire not lit by human hands burns them and all their families. maansei baanc rui ntou makmei mai rui kata khatni kakai kaikhunc kapwm ta raw puni the. no matter how often honest people fall, they always get up again kalung nthanmeipu tei adih bow katupc bam sini, kamei thau dat dat re joshua blessed them, sent them on their way, and they went home. kaniw rui kata tei gaeklou nina e kalam thu kamei maanvmei tuang de, sw niina swmei tuang hamh e. don't be too quick to go to court about something you have seen. nang rui howloumei ramh lam akhat lam khou tei latzankai thangc tat nuangh khang sw riu. i will rescue them and make them as numerous as they used to be. ai rui kaniw ta kanpatlou puni kumna kahunungc kumcna meic tikingc nkiuclou dat puni. my brothers were angry with me and made me work in the vineyard. apuningc nunc rui ata lunghpuamcna drakhalau titaanc the. tell your people that before noon tomorrow they will be rescued. nthuanh hei kumhmei neih suhmei ganv khou nangniw ta kanpatlou puni the twna meic nunc khou tei sa ti tho. they were a bunch of wornout men, too weak to do any work for me. kaniw tei pumtan maekmei nunc, ataanv ramhkhat na sini taanc ngam lakmei nunc e. it would have been better for that man if he had never been born! kamei tei puanclou lamc mak ge thei gay ni tuang e! on saturday evening we gathered together for the fellowship meal. neidak tuang reymei nungc ntyan tu kariu khang aniw guang kaduai the. they were doing the same disgusting things that those people did. meic nunc rui sw bammei chanymei taanv tei kaniw ni sw bam muay di the. from there it watches near and far for something to kill and eat. khoutei rui duhmei anamei kabamv kathuicna khou phaengc howna kataek phu e. this book is the record of the events that jesus christ revealed. mi hei ravguangc rui dincloumei, jisu khrista rui ndauhloumei guay lyanloumei tuang buk ge. the egyptians treated us harshly and forced us to work as slaves. izipmei nunc rui aniu ta sina sw khwan the kumna aniu ta bangh swna taanv titaanc khwan the. look for a signal flag to be raised on the tops of the mountains! chyngtwan khou chuanghphey zay thau nimei tei zauc lo! i am sending you a wise and skilful master craftsman named huram. ningtyngmei baanhthaymeipu kazanc huram twmeipu ta thouc guang puni the. samuel continued to serve the lord, wearing a sacred linen apron. samuel thu linen tuang amuh phey piuna ringhpouc siamruai sw bam khwan e. why then should we steal silver or gold from your master's house? akumhna aniw nang kaipouc kai tuang kachaekc daandi tei houc bam nina cho? is this the man who never freed his prisoners or let them go home? mipu hei katuang kangmei nunc ta mpat dat zat makmeipu khatni kakai titat dat zat makmeipu tei cho? whoever does not have the spirit of christ does not belong to him. thow pw ni kakhou khrista bumaengc maekpui mei tei thu khrista mei hamh e. he also killed an egyptian, a huge man who was armed with a spear. izipmei kapumc saengcdaihmei buy sinmeipu gaanv khat ta kamei rui swluai e. birds of every kind will live there and find shelter in its shade. nruayna zaat guay hei khou tei guang bam puni kumna mi swng khou tei duplou puni the. for somewhere in the scriptures this is said about the seventh day nthanmei latrik kabamv akhat khou zaeng chaneimei tingmik lam khou hylouna nai e. this is the fate of the wicked, the fate that god assigns to them. mi hei meicsimei ruc khou keylou nimei tuang kiu the, ravguangc rui kakhou tiguang nimei kiu the. her husband puts his confidence in her, and he will never be poor. kagaanv rui kata lwm e, khatni kamei lwmsi zat mak ge. we anointed absalom as our king, but he has been killed in battle. aniu rui absalom ta aniu tuang guangc khang thauh teylou the, tiki kata thu rihbamv khou swluai kan the. the laws of the lord are right, and those who obey them are happy. ringhpouc latdyn guay hei nchumhmei e, mi hei rui meic lung tineihlalou e. water would come up from beneath the surface and water the ground. kandih khou rui achin kuna kandih kapwm ta titimclou bam khwan e. you give them shelter from storms and shade from the burning heat. nang rui kaniw ta pwanzingh khou rui tiduplou the khatni mai kumc chuanghmei thiu khou rui sungclou the. even a baby will not be harmed if it plays near a poisonous snake. ngasatna nunc rui nrui kaimun khou dingtaan puni, alauc nunc rui ruigam bou khou num puni. do two people start travelling together without arranging to meet? guang kariu khang nuh nchamclou makna meic gaanv nei nggin thau nchamc nuh dina cho? at once the men who were going to question paul drew back from him mi khou tei kata lat thanv khang sw bammei nunc tei tat kan the when the animals are counted, every tenth one belongs to the lord. khouringh tei chak pwkhou ruh mei khouringc kathuic tei thu ringhpouc tuang e. and how terrible it would be for me if i did not preach the gospel! ai gaychamv hei dinh mak ge thei sansimei e dav! you ask how i dare question your wisdom when i am so very ignorant. ai hei heidihkamv mpangna akumhna nang tuang ningting ta thanv bam tu cho twna nang rui sa the. the people of israel are like sheep, chased and scattered by lions. isaraelmei hei lauziu nunc ta kamangliangpui rui nthau phakloumei kumc the. they have spoken in the name of baal and have led my people astray. kaniw baal tuang lat dinc the kumna amei nunc ta chaengzay mbiangh the. you cannot eat at the lord's table and also at the table of demons. nangniw poubauhmei kuakpaeng khou ni tu, ravsic kuakpaeng khou ni tu tw bam nuh mak ge. but now, you exiles, escape from babylonia and return to jerusalem. babilonmei aluh nunc lev lungc kariu bammei nunc, zaion thangc pak la tho. righteousness will go before the lord and prepare the path for him. ringhpouc mav khou nchumhmei tat puni, khatni kakhang chaeng kasiamhlou puni. the lord told me to proclaim this message to everyone in jerusalem. ringhpouc rui akhou mi lat hei jerusalem khou bammei meic kathuicna khou sa o, twna sa the. each of you should remain as you were when you accepted god's call. meic kathuic ravguangc rui kata kawpui ganv khou kamei bammei lwnlung khou tei bam kan diu. and at once they left the boat and their father, and went with him. mi dyng khou tei hih tei lev kaney pu ta ganclouna jisu thei lay the. the water in the large tank was for the priests to use for washing. duiduangc daihmei dui tei rui amuh nunc duilow khang e. but each one will be raised in the right order christ, first of all meic kathuicna kamei kamei ringcthau dat nimei ganv naina, mi hei kumcna ringcthau puni rey liangmei khou khrista ringcthau kan the you have no right to crush my people and take advantage of the poor. nangniw rui amei nunc ta niak piakna khatni lungcsimei nunc ta sintuna bammei thouc mak ge neither will i destroy all my people i will save those who serve me. ai rui ni amei nunc kaguayna ta swmaan ngam lak ge, asiamruai swmei guay ta thu ai kanlou puni. better not to promise at all than to make a promise and not keep it. latdyng swlouna taanh makmei suangc thu latdyng sw makmei rui gay de. it is their own master who will decide whether they succeed or fail. kataanv tei laalou nuhmei, laalou nuh makmei twmei hei kakaipouc nyng de. saul knew that it was samuel, and he bowed to the ground in respect. hei tei samuel the twmei saul thay the, kumna kamei kandih khou nkhum key the. i did not believe what they told me until i came and saw for myself. ai guangna how tangh mak saanv thu ai lwm mak khwan e. its rocks have iron in them, and from its hills you can mine copper. mi kandic tuang ntauc guay khou tei ntanh nai e khatni mi kandic tuang chyngbut guay khou tei rui kuanri chaupat puni. they left midian and went to paran, where some other men joined them. kaniw midian kandic mpatlouna paran thangc tat the, hei khou tei meic gaanvsaekc ni kaniw pang khou lay kazauhlou the. and order the bodies of haman's ten sons to be hung from the gallows. haman nac mpouh gaanv ruh ta kiuc thaenghpaeng khou thaengh khang latdanv tipatlou o. give thanks to the lord, because he is good, and his love is eternal. ringhpouc ta thuanc o, kalam thu kamei hei gay e, khatni karam zian hei tingsaeng e. weight, you have been weighed on the scales and found to be too light karith ndat the, nang ta duh khou louna nang rith ndat pwkhou nang hei nthaan the. the grapes that are left are for the foreigners, orphans, and widows. ganclou duhmei drakhathai tei thu ginga nunc, nruna nunc, khatni swmmaypui nunc khang e. say that this is what the sovereign lord is telling the king of egypt kauh liangmei ringhpouc rui sa e twna izipmei guangc khou kumna sa o after that, you may return to this land which i have assigned to you. mi tangv tei thu ai rui nangniw khang tiiloumei ramv khou hei guang dat nuh the. god's curse on anyone who accepts money to murder an innocent person. meic akhat rui niak tina kakhuay maekmei ta swluaipui mei khou tei ravguangc syang keylou kan diu. master and creator of heaven, earth, and sea, and all that is in them! he tingpuk, kandih, duipui khatni mi khou naimei guayna damcloumei kaipouc! to measure jerusalem, he answered, to see how long and how wide it is. jerusalem hei asaanh saengc adih daic cho twmei ndat nina e, twna kamei rui daw the. so they made a hole in the roof right above the place where jesus was. kumc thena, jisu bammei kaanv khou kai nam kaniw ra phou the. the lord our god has given you this land east of the jordan to occupy. mi jordan neihpat biak ramv hei ringhpouc aniw racguangc rui nangniw khang tiiloumei tuang the. and as for you, capernaum! did you want to lift yourself up to heaven? he kapharnahum, nang ta tingkauh puanc ku tangcloumei ta nang kahaw bu cho? he was not faithful to the lord his god, as his father david had been. kamei tei kapu david kumcna ringhpouc karacguangc khou lwmnuhmei sw kan mak khwan the. he bought the threshing place and the oxen for fifty pieces of silver. kamei rui laudybamv khatni guaituamchic nunc tei daandi paek 50 khang laa the. i appoint you to help my servant israel, the people that i have chosen. abangc isaraelmei ta, ai rui kadahloumei amei nunc ta nkhavlou khang ai rui nang ta kadahlou the. he sent messengers the third time, and the same thing happened to them. kathumhmei latdiu tatmei kang ni thouclou dat muay the, mi nunc khou tei ni hei tei kumcna pat muay the. he worked miracles and wonders, and caused terrifying things to happen. kamei rui charyn charynmei sw nchinmei taanv mpeyna taanclou the, khatni meic pingmei tuang mpeyna tipatlou the. i will give you the sacred and sure blessings that i promised to david. ai rui david khou nrianhloumei, nthanmei khatni suai dat lakmei suaihiam guay tei, ai rui nangniw khang tii puni. did you come here to remind god of my sins and so cause my son's death? nang rui mi khou hei guangmei kiu ravguangc khou apaap guay tiningtow louna anac ta tiswluai khang guang dina cho? do not use the same formula to make any incense like it for yourselves. nangniw piu khang agaw mi thak hei kumcna kasiamh nuh mak ge. the robe that goes under the ephod is to be made entirely of blue wool. ephod lungc khou piu nimei thiula saenghmei tei langh nrymmei rui dak nina e. this was entrusted to me, and i proclaim it by order of god our saviour. mi latdyn tei akhou nsinlou the, kumna aniu ta kanloumeipu ravguangc tuang latdanv thei layna hei tei ai dinc ndauh the. keep what you believe about this matter, then, between yourself and god. mi lam khou hei nang rui lwmmei tei, ravguangc nangney kak khou na lou bam o. the philistines sent a group of soldiers to defend the pass of michmash. philistinmei nunc tei mikmas chaeng gaek khang rihmei kang khat thouclou the. you and i are the same in god's sight, both of us were formed from clay. nang ni ai ni ravguangc mikzaw khou nchamc de, nang ta ni ata ni bih rui kasiamhmei tuang de. this is another way their ancestors insulted me by their unfaithfulness. nangniw pupouc nunc ruina ai lwmnuh makmei taanv taancna ata guat tumei kiu mi the. its head and both its arms were broken off and were lying in the doorway kapy khatni kabaanc kanei tei bau pat ngamna chaengmun daeng khou zip bam khwan the david stayed in hiding in the hill country, in the wilderness near ziph. david chyngramv, zip daeng khou naimei tazikramv khou nkamh bam the punish the guilty one as he deserves and acquit the one who is innocent. nkhuaipui mei ta dandi tiilou o, nkhuai makmei ta kuaklou o, khatni kaniw tuang nchumhmei thei layna swan tiilou o. send them down with the other powerful nations to the world of the dead. kaniw ta tei baihmei ngamv naimei zaat nunc lev twna taruaih thangc thouc key tho. your goods and all who worked for you have vanished with you in the sea. nang tuang puat guay, nang tuang mei guay nang lev, dui chung khou amaan nchamc the. i have considered my conduct, and i promise to follow your instructions. akheiliak ta ai kakhanh the, khatni nang latdyn thei layna tat khang ai latdyng sw the. in the order of their birth, with six on one stone and six on the other. kaniw zanc tei gaanvthaihmei khou rui kadwan swna hy key nina e khatni ntauh akhat akhat khou gaanv charuk ruk zanc hylou nina e. then he got up and went to geshur and brought absalom back to jerusalem. mi tangv tei kamei thau lana geshur thangc tatna absalom ta jerusalem khou nduangh guang dat the. the believers who were scattered went everywhere, preaching the message. pak phak tat kanmei nunc tei tat lik sikh sikna gaychamv tei dinclou the. if they have their own way, they will make their mothers ashamed of them. kanyng swna mpatloumei nac rui kapui zaw sw kasic e. all who captured them are guarding them closely and will not let them go. kaniw ta nymmei nunc rui kaniw ta gaek tiat tiatna gaek bam the kumna kaniw ta ti tat dat ni tuang hamh the. enter the temple gates with thanksgiving, go into its courts with praise. ringhpouc kai chaengmun khou thuanckuna gut ro, kakai nung khou thuancna gut ro. they stumbled and staggered like drunken men all their skill was useless. kaniw zouh mbamei nunc kumc bam khwan e, kaniw ramhei guay tei gaeng mak khe. we will make three tents, one for you, one for moses, and one for elijah. kumna zypui kai kathumhnang khang, mousi khang, khatni elija khang akhat khat aniw kasiamhlou ni the. his mother was jedidah, the daughter of adaiah, from the town of bozkath. kapui hei bozkat kaidaimei adaia rui puanhmei jedida e. the meat must be eaten on the day the animal is killed or on the next day. zanh tei khaengmei nungc tei hamh e thei nthuanh thauna tu nuh e. there was nothing attractive about him, nothing that would draw us to him. aniu ta kakhou zay guang nuhmei kakhou kahaw nuhmei ramhkhat sini maek ge. he breathed lifegiving breath into his nostrils and the man began to live. kamei rui kanukwang khou ringhmei thiu mbunlou tina maansei tei ringc the. your people will all do what is right, and will possess the land for ever. nang mei nunc rui nchumhna lungc puni the, kumna mi kandic hei tingsaeng kaniw tuang sw puni the. god's people will be free from worries, and their homes peaceful and safe. ravguangc mei nunc lunghgeih kadanmei nai dat lak khe, kumna kaniw kaikhunc guay tei nchunzaenghna pingmei maekna lungc bam puni. the man is to die because he had intercourse with a woman who was engaged. nggaanvmei tei ni theic nina e, kalam thu meickai now khang thanvloumei ta kamei rui sw kasicloupui zaeng rui e. we long for god to save us from oppression and wrong, but nothing happens. rairiumei khatni nkhuaimei khou rui ravguangc rui aniu ta kanlou pw khang agwn khwan e, tiki kanlou mak khe. he took everything, including the gold shields that king solomon had made. kamei rui ramh guayna, guangh solomon rui kasiamhloumei kachaekc tuang nggih guay tei kazauhna laa kan the. i can speak to you with all boldness, because you know about these things. nang mi lam guay hei thaypui zaeng rui, ai rouh tuang maekna nang khou sa tuang e. and now a better hope has been provided through which we come near to god. ntaw thu aniu ravguangc daeng guang tuanc nuh khang gay ranvmei rigwnmei tiilou the. then moses took the breast and presented it as a special gift to the lord. mi tangv tei mousi rui laikhwm tei laana nkunmei kaipat swna ringhpouc khang tii the. don't you know that you also have committed sins against the lord your god? nangniw ni ringhpouc nangniw racguangc ruc khou paapc taanc the twmei nangniw thay makna cho? the total number of these people directly descended from jacob was seventy. jakob khou rui lungc pat rapmei meic kapwmna gaanv 70 e. the lord has given me this son also, because he heard that i was not loved. ringhpouc rui mi nac mpouh hei ni tiguang the, kalam thu ata nzian mak ge twmei kamei how lana the. you will be driven away from human society and will live with wild animals. nang ta maansei pang khou rui alay ganc puni the kumna nang nwmbangc khouringc lev lungc puni the. go to the abarim mountains in the land of moab opposite the city of jericho jeriko kaidai paengc khou naimei moab kandic tuang abarim thangc tei tat tho they were all amazed at the way he taught, because he spoke with authority. kamei rui nchamloumei khou tei kaniw ngak the, kalam thu kalat tei ngamv naimei lat khwan e. if he knocks out a tooth, he is to free the slave as payment for the tooth. kamei huh diangc keylou e thei, huh manv tei khanghmei swna nggaanvmei bangh tapw ntumei bangh tapw mpatlou nina e. your breasts were well formed, and your hair had grown, but you were naked. khoutei nang pumc tunac paek pat the, samphwng ni phungc the, tiki paliucna bam khwan e. the person shall wash his clothes, shave off all his hair, and have a bath. kamei tei kaphey kabaan sou lana, kapy guatna duilow puni. every day for all time to come, sacrifice on the altar two oneyearold lambs. guang nimei ganv kaguay khou ni tingkwm akhatmei lauziunac kanei tingmik pum kat tanh tan bam nina e. fear an angry king as you would a growling lion making him angry is suicide. rah bammei kamangliangpui ta ping kumc, kalungpuamhmei guangc ta ping o kalung tipuamhmei hei meic rana meic ta swluai bam tuang e. no matter what you do, you will still be burnt to death or killed in battle. nangniw rui tabui tabui sw bam sini, nangniw ta raw luai puni the hamh e thei rih bamv khou swluai puni the. i will give to you and to your descendants this land on which you are lying. ai rui nang zip bammei kandic hei nang khang khatni nang tuang kikta khang tii puni. everyone who sees them will know that they are a people whom i have blessed. kaniw ta howmei kathuic rui kaniw hei ai rui suaihiamloumei nunc e twmei thay puni. so i paid fifteen pieces of silver and 150 kilogrammes of barley to buy her. kumna daandi paek 15 lev nap giuhpaek tachat tiina kata ai rui liu the. he took the measuring rod and measured the east side, and it was 250 metres. kamei rui ndathmei thing tei sinna neihpat biak tei ndat the, hei tei chowbuk 500 e. then you will be pleased with proper sacrifices and with our burnt offerings khou kiu nchumhna khaengmei, rawna khaengmei guay tei nang pianlou puni it is god who will give these places to those for whom he has prepared them. mi bamv hei thu chamdaanvlou tangpui mei khang tei di the. daniel was brought at once into the king's presence, and the king said to him kaluak kalat daniel ta guangh hu khou nduangh guang the, kumna guangh rui kakhou sa the all who do not do what is right or do not love others are not god's children. nchumhmei taanh makpui mei khatni kachana punav ta nzian makpui mei tei ravguangc nac hamh e. they will invite you back, and in this way you will be paid for what you did. kaniw ni nang ta ni kaw datna khangclou dat kan ni de. do not be afraid, but keep on speaking and do not give up, for i am with you. ping riu, lat hei dinc bam o, nthaekc riu, kalam thu ai nang ta nduanghlou bam e. shoot all your arrows at babylon, because it has sinned against me, the lord. nangniw tuang luhpai guay tei babilon khou kaaplou tho, kalam thu kaniw rui ringhpouc aruc khou paapc taanc the. a healthy tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a poor tree bear good fruit. karav gaymei thing bang rui kathai simei nthai mak ge, karav simei thing bang rui ni kathai gaymei nthai mak ge. now at last the whole world enjoys rest and peace, and everyone sings for joy. ntaw thu kandih kapwm nchu nrina nthaekc puni the, kumna meic kathuicna neihlana suan puni the. when they arrived at salamis, they preached the word of god in the synagogues. kaney salami kaidai khou guangna sinagog guay khou ravguangc lat dinclou the. listen to this, you lover of pleasure, you that think you are safe and secure. mi hei nking o, amanvmei kahawmei nang, giuga mak ge twna kakhanh bammei nang. before the cock crows twice, you will say three times that you do not know me. nruay khuangc luan kanei makmei hu khou nang amei hamh e twna sa luan kathumh puni my sweetheart, my bride, is a secret garden, a walled garden, a private spring ai nzianmei amwnpui hei nthanmei pikwan e, raengloumei pikwan, charai tuang duipuakkai e as they bought corn, joseph collected all the money and took it to the palace. meic nunc tuang napmanv guay tei josep rui khuam kaduaina guangh kai khou laaguang the. it is those who have sinned against me whose names i will remove from my book. akhou paapc taanhmei nunc zanc tei atuang latrik buk khou rui ai rui laa ganc puni the. when naomi saw that ruth was determined to go with her, she said nothing more. rut tei kathei lay tat khang kalung ding the twmei naomi rui how lana, kamei ramh lat sa dat mak khe. these are the words of the philosopher, david's son, who was king in jerusalem. mi hei david nac mpouh, jerusalemmei guangc, ningtyngmeipu rui saloumei latdyn e. after abraham's father died, god made him move to this land where you now live. kapu theic kanmei tangv, ravguangc rui kata ntaw nangniw lungc bammei kandic khou hei tiguang the. take care to make them according to the plan that i showed you on the mountain. ai rui nang khou chyngbut ruc khou lyanlou kanmei tei kumcna mi guay tei kasiamh khang sw nina e. your sheep will be given to your enemies, and there will be no one to help you. nangniw tuang lauziu guay tei zauczihmei khang tii kan puni, nangniw ta nkhavlou nimei nai dat lak khe. when he got over amnon's death, he was filled with longing for his son absalom. amnon ta huaymei ganv tei luai pwkhou, kamei kanac mpouh absalom ta ning thau the. the people of judah are mine, and i, the lord almighty, will take care of them. judamei nunc hei atuang e, ngamparymei ringhpouc, ai rui kaniw ta kadanlou puni. then the lord came down to see the city and the tower which those men had built mi kaidai tei khatni mi khou bammei nunc tei rui sw bammei kauhmei kai tei zauh khang ringhpouc key the. some of the leaders of the israelites came to consult me about the lord's will. ringhpouc tuang chwn thanvlou khang isaraelmei kapy nunc gaanvsaekc akhou guang khwan e. only the priests who are descended from aaron have been consecrated to do this. aron khou rui lungc keymei amuh nunc na ta hei tei taanh khang kat gutloumei tuang de. condemn to death anyone who offers sacrifices to any god except to me, the lord. ringhpouc akhang na hamhna rav baihmei khang khaengpui mei ta tei swluai nina e. in the grave wicked people stop their evil, and tired workers find rest at last. tarou khou thu meicsimei nunc ni simei taanv taanc taan the, lakna taanvtaanc bammei nunc tei ni nthaekc the. then jerusalem will be looted, and the loot will be divided up before your eyes. khou kiu jerusalem ta kwamlaa puni, kumna asut patmei puat tei nangniw hu khou nzanh puni the. then he moved on from place to place, going towards the southern part of canaan. hei tangv tei kamei rui kabamv kalaic kalaicna tatna kanaan tuang dihba biak thangc tat key the. from there the levites took it all outside the city to the valley of the kidron. levimei nunc tei rui mi khou tei rui kaidai paengc thangc kidron nzaengc thangc laakey the. you not only refused to help widows, but you also robbed and illtreated orphans. nang amaypui nunc ta nkhavlou makmei na hamhna nrunac nunc ta sina sw e khatni kaniw tuang asut laa e. in the assembly of all your people, lord, i told the good news that you save us. he ringhpouc, nang rui aniw ta kawlou the twmei gaychamv hei nang mei nunc kariumei bamv khou ai sa ndauh the. no longer will you be called forsaken, or your land be called the deserted wife. nang ti hei gancloumei twna kaw dat lak khe, nang kandic ta ni muloumei now twna kaw dat lak khe. anyone who enters the house while it is locked up will be unclean until evening. mi kai tei kaikhamv mbanghlou bammei dak khou mi kai khou tei gutloupui mei tei tingzyn nganvna nthan mak khe. you are to guard king joash with drawn swords and stay with him wherever he goes. nangniw tuang baengsaeng tei sinna guangh joas ta kamei rui tat tatmei bamv khou kathei tatna rigaanv nina e. and all the crops sown along the banks of the nile will dry up and be blown away. khatni nail duithuak paengc khou lingcloumei phunling phunlu guay tei kangc ngamna mpwan rui hunc ganc puni the. then jesus touched their eyes and said, let it happen, then, just as you believe! khoutei kabaanc rui kaney mik khou kahilouna, nangney rui lwmmei thei layna how dat tho, twna sa the. whenever he found a man who was strong or brave, he would enlist him in his army. kamei thaymei tancbauhmei kathuic ta thu katuang ricmei khang laa the. an angel of the lord appeared to them, and the glory of the lord shone over them. khoutei poubauhmei tuang baanchara kaniw daeng khou guangna poubauhmei riw rui kaniw bamv guay tei gaanclou the. hold firmly to the true words that i taught you, as the example for you to follow nang ta zaylou khang ai rui nang khou dinclou kanmei nchumhmei lat tei ntipna sin o. and so, by means of the commandment sin is shown to be even more terribly sinful. mi kumcna, paapc hei heidikamv si e twmei, kariak latdanv paan rui lyanlou the. if they want to find out about something, they should ask their husbands at home. kaniw thay nii tuang nai e thei, kaniw gaanv gaanv khou kaniw kai khou thanv kan diu. they cried out to me for help, and i put darkness between them and the egyptians. kamei rui nrianhloumei guayna tei taancloumei kumcna, kalat liammei guay khou taanclou puni twna samei guay tei taanclou rap puni. no one likes the poor, not even their neighbours, but the rich have many friends. lungcsimei ta thu kakai kainingmei rui nganvna nzian mak ge tiki lungcgaymeipu thu kapam geic e. they have gone back to the sins of their ancestors, who refused to do what i said alat piu makmei kaniw pupouc nunc tuang paap khou kaniw hanc gut dat kan the how happy the people of israel will be when the lord makes them prosperous again! ringhpouc rui suaihiamlou dat pwkhou kiu, isarael hei adih neihla puni cho! hear me when i cry to you for help, when i lift my hands towards your holy temple. nang tuang nthanmei ravkai biak thangc, abaanc haamv thauna nkhavlou khang ai rui nang khou kapna huaymei hei chulou o. the lord gave the israelites victory over lachish on the second day of the battle. rih adowmei zaeng neihneimei nungc ringhpouc rui lakis ta isaraelmei baanc khou tiilou the. like the dew of early morning your young men will come to you on the sacred hills. lauthwan zikdui kumc nthanmei chyngbut guay khou chabwan nunc nang khou guang puni. then hold the two sticks end to end in your hand so that they look like one stick. mi thingchiang kanei tei katwan kanei sow kariulouna thingchiang akhat na kumh khang sin tho. the proud have told lies about me, but with all my heart i obey your instructions. daihriw swmei nunc rui alam khou saraamcna sa e, tiki nang latdyn guay hei alung kapwm rui piu e. at once the commander took some officers and soldiers and rushed down to the crowd. kaluak kalat mi pu tei rihpy nunc khatni rihmei nunc ta nduanghna meic kangdai bammei bamv thangc tei pak key the. how can you say you have not defiled yourself, that you have never worshipped baal? nangniw rui nangniw ta sw mphuam mak ge, nangniw baal ta kalum mak ge twna akumhna sa diwna cho. did the gods of any other nations save their countries from the emperor of assyria? baih baihmei kandic guay tuang rav nunc rui ni kaniw kandic ta asiriamei guanghdaihmei khou rui kanlou kanmei tuang nai bu cho? john's father zechariah was filled with the holy spirit, and he spoke god's message khoutei kapu zekaria tei bumaengh nthanmei rui padikna ravmundincna sa the on this second day they again marched round the city once and then returned to camp. mi kaneimei nungc hei kaniw kaidai tei nkuaylou guay dat lana zypui khou hanc guang dat the. and was buried in the rock tomb which he had carved out for himself in david's city. david kaidai khou kamei rui katarou khang ntauh khou bwngloumei tarou khou mbeihlou the. then they will know that this temple i have built is where you are to be worshipped. kum pwkhou mi ai rui kasiamhloumei ravkai hei nang ta kalum nimei bamv the twmei kaniw thay puni. when you have gathered your grapes once, do not go back over the vines a second time nangniw tuang drakhathai tei rei guay tang e thei hei tei rei kanei dat ri tho if you do, it will be like good medicine, healing your wounds and easing your pains. nang mi kumna lungc e thei, mi hei rui puc gaymei rui nang zam nang zei tigaylouna kaphut kachiatcmei tinchu rih riloumei kumc puni. do not even swear by your head, because you cannot make a single hair white or black. nang py ta zay saancna ni syangdyng ding lak nina e, nang rui nang sam lu akhat na ta sini sw mphwan ni sw mphwan ngam mak, sw miw ni sw miw ngam mak ge. i am terrified by the threats of my enemies, crushed by the oppression of the wicked. ata zauczihmei nunc rui kadung bammei rui ai ping the, meicsimei nunc rui ata ruatpuat the do you think that i will not drink the cup of suffering which my father has given me? apu rui akhang tiimei buangc hei ai zangv nina hamh nah cho? israel will be stripped clean like a vineyard from which every grape has been picked. kathai rei nthan thiakloumei drakhalau kumcna isaraelmei ti hei kathapc nthan thiakhlou puni the. jonah, however, set out in the opposite direction in order to get away from the lord. tiki jona tei ringhpouc khou rui tarsis thangc pak tat kan the. they will go with it to the world of the dead to join those that have already fallen. kaniw tei mi ti hei nduanghna bowkey kanmei pang khou tei kazauh khang taruaih thangc tat puni the. aaron and hur are here with you and so whoever has a dispute to settle can go to them. aron lev hur kaney hei nangniw daeng khou bam puni, kumna thowkumhmei latlu patmei tuang nai e thei kaney daeng khou guang o. in bethlehem we heard about the covenant box, and we found it in the fields of jearim. latdyng khuk lam tei aniw bethlehem khou chu the, khatni aniw hei tei jearim ramvpuk khou ariw the. he is the one who made everything, and he has chosen israel to be his very own people. kamei hei ramh katana damhmeipu e kumna kamei rui isaraelmei ta kamei nunc khang kadahlou the. our ancestors were unfaithful to the lord our god and did what was displeasing to him. aniu pupouc nunc tei ringhpouc aniu racguangc khou lwm nuh makmei swna kamei rui kahawmei taanh makna lungc the. he was holding a linen tape measure and a measuring rod and was standing by a gateway. kamei tei linen tuang ndathmei riang khatni ndathmei thing akhat sinna chaengmun khou ding bam khwan e. my people, why should you be living in wellbuilt houses while my temple lies in ruins? amei nuncle, atuang ravkai tei kamut kamaina ganclouna tabui swna nangniw thingpaek kai gay gaymei kasiamhna lungc bam tu cho? there the worms that eat them never die, and the fire that burns them is never put out. maikwam khou tei kaniw tuang nthanv theic dat mak khe, mai ni amit dat mak khe. you did not take away the cloud or the fire that showed them the path by day and night. zingbangc kalaanv kaniw ta zaylou bammei mai lev muangh tiangc tei nang rui laa ganclou mak khwan e. as it is, however, the sacrifices serve year after year to remind people of their sins. tiki tingkwm pum khaeng bammei hei rui kaniw paap nai bam e twmei tining tow bam e. manoah replied, tell us your name, so that we can honour you when your words come true. nang tuang lat hei guang tangc pwkhou nang ta chakhwang sw nuh khang nang zanc dinclou o, twna manoa rui sa the. the one who burns them must wash his clothes and have a bath before he returns to camp. hei tei nteimeipu tei kaphey kabaanc souna, duilow tang khou rui zypui kailuangc khou gut dat nina e. then listen to their prayers. in your home in heaven hear them and be merciful to them. kaniw rui huayneymei chulou o. kaniw rui huayneymei tei tingkauh nang bampui bamv thangc rui chulouna kaniw ta tei zauc nzianlou o. so then, as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without actions is dead. bumaengh maekmei pumc tei thu theihmei e hei tei kumcna taanv kazauh makmei ramlum tei thu theihmei de. if the young woman is not willing to come with you, you will be free from this promise. ntumei tei rui mi bamv khou hei guang ni mak ge thei thu nang rui latdyng swlou bam sini kumkan di tho. our god was with us and protected us from enemy attacks and from ambush as we travelled. aniw tuang chaenglwan khou zauczihmei nunc rui adow nimei khatni nchwanna sw nimei guay khou rui ravguangc rui aniw ta gaeklou the. he measured its inner walls and its entrance room, and they were the same as the others. kamei rui hei tei ndat the, kumna hei tei baih baihmei lev nchamc de. a reliable witness always tells the truth, but an unreliable one tells nothing but lies. latling samei sakhi rui saraamc zat mak ge tiki saraamhmei sakhi rui saraamhmei rui kalat sw e. teach them to the people, so that they will obey them in the land that i am giving them. ai rui kaniw khang tiiloumei kandic khou lungc pwkhou piuna bam khang hei tei kaniw khou dinclou titho. a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed. khoutei duipui khou naimei khouringc kadam kathumh khou akhat theic the, rungh kadam kathumh khou akhat swmaan the. it never sees the light of day or knows what life is like, but at least it has found rest mi nac tei kalaanv riw how zat kan mak khe khatni panty kiu tabui kumh cho twmei ni thay kan mak khe, kum bam sini kamei thu zaeng nthaekcmei na thu ariw kan de. every morning and every evening they offer him incense and animal sacrifices burnt whole. lauthwan tingzyn kaniw agaw nteina khatni kapwm rawna khaeng tanh tan bam de. the lord created the heavens by his command, the sun, moon, and stars by his spoken word. ringhpouc latdanv rui tingpuk damclou e, kamwang khou rui patmei latkaeng rui bw, neih, gaanchuangcna damclou e. he sinned against the lord, but not as much as the kings who had ruled israel before him. kamei ringhpouc ruc khou paapc taanc khwan e, tiki kahu khou isaraelmei guangc swloumei nunc kumcna changh thu paapc taanh mak khwan e. we can agree only on the condition that you become like us by circumcising all your males. kathiak akhat bangc khou aniw nuhlou nuh e mi kiu thu nangniw nggaanvmei guay tei aniw kumcna gihruamh nina de. if any animal that may be eaten dies, anyone who touches it will be unclean until evening. tu nuhmei khouringc tuang theihmei pumc ta tei ni kahiloupui mei tei tingzyn nganvna nthan mak puni. i will put your official robe and belt on him and give him all the authority you have had. ai rui kakhou nang tuang pheychuan khatni siangiat tei tipiulouna nang khou naimei ngamv guay tei kakhou tiilou puni. he sent messengers into the city to king ahab of israel to say, king benhadad demands that kamei rui kaidai lungc khou tei latdiumei thouc gutna isaraelmei guangc ahab khou kumna sa the darkness fell over the beast's kingdom, and people bit their tongues because of their pain khoutei khouringh tuang guangcdic tei zingc the, kumna meic guay tei kaniw baley nkayna suhmei tei khaengv the. the whole law of moses and the teachings of the prophets depend on these two commandments. riakdanv khatni muhzwng nunc tuang latdyn kapwm kiu mi khou hei nai the. their descendants will remember this victory and be glad because of what the lord has done. kaniw kikta guay rui mi rih ngammei ti hei ningtow bam puni the kumna ringhpouc rui taancloumei taanv khang tei rui kaniw neihla puni the. they know how i have spent my whole life, at first in my own country and then in jerusalem. apanty kapwm hei, thaurey khou akandih khou, mi tangv jerusalem khou akumhna lungc kan tu cho twmei kaniw thay e. the king had them all made in the foundry between sukkoth and zeredah in the jordan valley. mi guay hei jordan nzaengc khou sukkot lev zereda kak khou naimei ntanh kasiamhmei bamv khou rui guangh rui tikasiamh the. all of us hear them speaking in our own languages about the great things that god has done! ravguangc rui taanvdaih taancloumei lam khou kaniw rui sa bammei ti hei, karamc karamcmei lat khou aniu chu the! samson replied, if you hadn't been ploughing with my cow, you wouldn't know the answer now. samson rui daw the, atuang guaicnay ta nangniw sinsw mak khwan e thei alat tei nangniw daw ngam ni tuang hamh e. no one is to enter the temple buildings except the priests and the levites who are on duty. kathouc naimei amuh nunc lev levimei tei na hamhna meic baihmei gaanv khat na sini ravkai lungc khou gut nuh mak ge. i know that after my death the people will become wicked and reject what i have taught them. ai theic kanmei tangv meic nunc hei sithau puni the kumna ai rui kaniw khou nchamloumei tei laa mak puni the. the amount of spices she gave him was by far the greatest that he ever received at any time. mi nungc phungc guangmei maruai tei kamei rui laatow guangmei pang khou geic liangmei khwan the. while the battle raged on, king ahab remained propped up in his chariot, facing the syrians. rih tei adow ranvna adow bam khou, guangh ahab tei katuang takuanc gari khou siriamei biak karihna aliauna bam the. they were all killed in battle, and they went down, uncircumcised, to the world of the dead. kaniw guayna tei rih bamv khou rui theicna kaniw tei gih ruamh makna taruaih thangc key the. they have rebelled and turned against me and are still rebels, just as their ancestors were. kaniw rui ata laa zihna akhangv the, ntaw ni kaniw hei kaniw pupouc nunc kumcna hei kum bam muay di he. so many people came together that there was no room left, not even out in front of the door. mi khou tei meic mpeyna guang kaduaina, kaimun paengc khou tei sini chan mak khe. when i was informed that there was a plot against him, at once i decided to send him to you. kaniw rui kata swluai khang sw bam the twmei akhou salou thena, kata nang daeng khou ndiu guang tu the. destruction and violence are all round me, and there is fighting and quarrelling everywhere. swkamut kamaimei khatni sw kasic karoucmei adaeng khou padikna nai bam e, kumna abay adapmei khatni agay agimei kabamv kathuicna khou padik the. the lord our god showed us his greatness and his glory when we heard him speak from the fire! ringhpouc kamei rui mai khou rui sa pat khou tei katik kahym aniu khou lyanlou the! you may cut down the other trees and use them in the siege mounds until the city is captured. thingbang baih baihmei guay tei thu dow key lana nangniw tuang rilinbamv khang kasiamh o. he burnt down the temple, the palace, and the houses of all the important people in jerusalem kamei rui ravkai, guanghkai, khatni jerusalem khou meicdaihmei nunc kai guay tei mailou khwan the the people of damascus have sinned again and again, and for this i will certainly punish them. damaskasmei nunc hei paapc taanc kasuan kasuanna bampui zaeng rui ai rui kaniw ta dandi tii puni the. there will be weeping and wailing, and the whole city will be like an altar covered with blood. mi khou tei kapna puihuay puni the, kaidai guayna tei rav khaengpui bamv kumc puni the. i will refresh those who are weary and will satisfy with food everyone who is weak from hunger. lakna bammei nunc ta tei ai rui kachaengc tiringclou dat puni khatni ndaapcna ngam makna bammei nunc ta tei titu nggulou dat puni. rid yourselves, then, of all evil no more lying or hypocrisy or jealousy or insulting language. hei zaeng rui karaeng zauczihmei, rouh raengh simei, gaypui khe swmei, howtimei khatni meickai ta sakasicmei kapwmna ganc o. rachel had taken the household gods and put them in a camel's saddlebag and was sitting on them. rachel rui tampyrav maengc nunc tei laa lana guaikuan khou loumei bamv bangc khou rylouna dungc bin bam khwan the. the sovereign lord never does anything without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets. kauh liangmeipu ringhpouc hei katuang raeng kabangc muhzwng nunc khou ndauhlou rey makna ramh akhat na sini taanh mak ge. for it is by our faith that we are put right with god it is by our confession that we are saved. kalam thu lwmpui paan rui aniu ta ravchaptatmei swna chaklou the khatni aniu rui sa ndauh patpui paan rui aniu ta kanlou the. nebuchadnezzar made jehoiachin's uncle mattaniah king of judah and changed his name to zedekiah. nebukadnezar rui jehoiakin pulauc mattania ta judamei guangc tiswlou khwan e kumna kazanc tei zedekia twna kalaiclou khwan e. for this reason i, paul, the prisoner of christ jesus for the sake of you gentiles, pray to god. hei zaeng rui, zentelmei nangniw khang rui khrista jisu zaeng rui kangkai khou bammei paul akhou they went and got some food and loaded their donkeys with wornout sacks and patchedup wineskins. kaniw rui borackhau raan khou ntyan kanghmei samhtow katungh thungmei thimclouna, khuammei drakha dui khau raan khou drakha dui louna kaniw tuang kuanniam nunc khou puatc kasiamh the you persecute good people, take bribes, and prevent the poor from getting justice in the courts. nangniw meicgaymei nunc ta rai e, lanvbiwmei tu e, khatni latzan bamv khou lungcsi lungcroucmei khou nchumhmei taanclou mak diu khang thingc e. he is hated so much by his own people the israelites that he will have to serve me all his life. kati hei kamei nunc isaraelmei nunc rui heidikamv karaeng the kum tina kamei kapanty saanvsaengh asiamruai swna bam pwng di the. they went looking for the israelite spies as far as the place where the road crosses the jordan. kaniw tei isaraelmei gwanrummei nei ta tei jordan kaanpatmei chaengmun nganv suic key the. and he will go out to deceive the nations scattered over the whole world, that is, gog and magog. kandih kwn padeih khou lungc bammei zaatc guay, mi kiu, gog lev magog ta guat khang kamei pat puni. whoever has two shirts must give one to the man who has none, and whoever has food must share it. thiula kanei naimei tei rui maekmei tei lev piu nzanh o, khatni tu khang naimei tei rui maekmei lev tu nzanh o. don't give evidence against someone else without good reason, or say misleading things about him. kalam maekna meic gaanv khat ruc khou sakhi sw riu, hamh e thei kalam khou laa kadat nimei lat sa riu. we are witnesses to these things we and the holy spirit, who is god's gift to those who obey him. mi lam khou hei dinc bammei kiu aniw hei the khatni ravguangc rui kalat piumei guay khang kaipat swna tiiloumei bumaengh nthanmei hei the. if anyone makes any like it for use as perfume, he will no longer be considered one of my people. thowkumhmei rui kamei piu khang mi kumcna kasiamhpui mei ta amei pang khou rui swluai ganc puni. my holy city is like a woman who suddenly gives birth to a child, without ever going into labour. atuang nthanmei kaidai hei meicpui akhat rui ryanra makna thay mak daekna mpouh akhat puancloumei kumhmei tuang e. so this is what joshua did he protected them and did not allow the people of israel to kill them. heikumna joshua rui gibeonmei ta kanlou the kumna kaniw ta tiswluai mak khe. then your arms, that have protected you, will tremble, and your legs, now strong, will grow weak. khou kiu thu nang ta gaek bammei baancpwam hei kadunh puni the, khatni ntaw tancna bammei nang phay nei hei nsuan key kan ni the. stop fighting, he says, and know that i am god, supreme among the nations, supreme over the world. kamei rui sa e, rihdow nthaekc tho, ai hei kandih kapwm racguangc e twmei thay o. we are going to jerusalem where everything the prophets wrote about the son of man will come true. aniu jerusalem thangc ngangh puni the, kumna muhzwng nunc rui meic nac mpouh lam khou hyloumei guayna tei tiguang tangc puni the. they proclaimed a day of fasting, called the people together, and gave naboth the place of honour. kaniw rui munthianghmei tingmik akhat kauc patna, meic guayna ta kaw guang kaduaina nabot ta chakhwang swmei bamv khou tidungclou the. gog and all his army will be buried there, and the valley will be called the valley of gog's army. gog khatni katuang ricmei nunc ta khou tei phuplou puni, kumna mi nzaengc tei gog tuang rihmei nunc tuang nzaengc twna kaw puni. come and help me attack gibeon, because its people have made peace with joshua and the israelites. ai gibeon ta adow puni the, ata guang nkhavlou o, kalam thu mi ramcmei nunc tei joshua lev isaraelmei nunc ta champanv khanv kan the. day and night i cry, and tears are my only food all the time my enemies ask me, where is your god? nang racguangc tabui thangc bam kanna cho? twna ata zauczihmei nunc rui akhou thanv bam khou, zingbangc kalaanv amikdui rui anapmi sw bam e. zedekiah was 21 years old when he became king of judah, and he ruled in jerusalem for eleven years. zedekia tei katingkwm 21 khou judamei guangc swna kamei jerusalem khou tingkwm 11 guangh swlou khwan e. but absalom kept on insisting until david finally let amnon and all his other sons go with absalom. tiki amnon lev david nac mpouh baihmei guay tei kamei lev guangh nchamc mak saanv nuh mak ge twna absalom rui sa the. if you will read what i have written, you can learn about my understanding of the secret of christ. ai rui hylou kanmei tei nangniw pac e thei khrista tuang meic thay mak bam khwanmei, ai thaymei hei nangniw ni thay puni. when their rulers are thrown down from rocky cliffs, the people will admit that my words were true. kaniw tuang dihsinpouc nunc ta khowtau khou phaickey pwkhou, alat guay hei nchumh e twmei meic nunc nuh puni. they went into the temple of their god, where they ate and drank and spoke scornfully of abimelech. kaniw tei kaniw tuang ravkai thangc tatna tuna zangvna abimelek ta sa kasicna sa the. the next day abimelech found out that the people of shechem were planning to go out into the fields nthuanh thauna sekemmei nunc tei ramvpuk thangc pat puni the twmei abimelek rui chu the. queen vashti has insulted not only the king but also his officials in fact, every man in the empire! liammav vashti rui guangh ta swzakmei na hamhna katuang meicdaihmei nunc kalingmei thu kaguanghdic khou bammei meic guayna ta tizakmei tuang e! go ahead and offer your bread in thanksgiving to god, and boast about the extra offerings you bring! khoutei thuanc kumei tuang ntyan kat tho, kumna nangniw rui phungc guang haapmei kaipat khang ta nangniw gaengh sw tho! then all your troubles will fade from your memory, like floods that are past and remembered no more. khou kiu nang tuang ryanra guay ta amuc ngam kan ni the, luangc tat kanmei dui ta kumcna amuc kan ni the. if you get more stubborn every time you are corrected, one day you will be crushed and never recover. azuh luh bam sini kanu tancna bampui mei tei, thay mak liangna gay dat ngam lakmei ramkabiu kabiu puni. teacher, just a short time ago the people there wanted to stone you, and are you planning to go back? rabbi, ntaw jihudimei nunc nang ta ntauh kwamluai khang phu bam khou, nang mi thangc tei tat dat khang raengc bam tu haih cho? let us see the messiah, the king of israel, come down from the cross now, and we will believe in him! aniw howna lwm khang, isaraelmei guangc khrista kiu kros khou rui key tho! which one of these three do you think acted like a neighbour towards the man attacked by the robbers? mi nunc gaanv thumh khou hei, thow tei mi kwamtumei nunc baanc khou keyloumei pu tuang kaining kaigeimei e twna nang ning tu cho? your majesty, all the people of israel are looking to you to tell them who is to succeed you as king. guanghle, thow rui nang phaan guanghtu nina cho twmei nang rui sa pat pwmei ta isaraelmei guay nkhwanna bam the. strengthen his determination, because he will lead the people across to occupy the land that you see. kalung tei sw ntiplou titho, kalam thu nang rui howmei ramv guay hei laa khang kamei rui isaraelmei ta nduangh gut puni the. their military and civilian leaders, their politicians and everyone who uses magic to control events. kaniw tuang rihpy guay khatni kapy swmei guay, kaniw tuang guangh tuang baanhza guay, kaniw tuang pat ni guang nimei tikalaic kalw khang duaihraengh swna bammei guay laa ganc kan puni the. you have come to god, who is the judge of all people, and to the spirits of good people made perfect. meic katana ta latzan sw nimei racguangc khou, khatni tinthuihloumei ravchaptatmei guay bumaengc khou guang tuang e. the stars fell down to the earth, like unripe figs falling from the tree when a strong wind shakes it. puanzingh rui tadutthai kanuk key kumc gaanchuangcna guay kandih khou taekkey the. his friend replied, it's the sword of the israelite, gideon son of joash! it can't mean anything else! kapammeipu tei rui daw the, hei tei isaraelmei tuang baengsaeng the, joas nac mpouh gideon the! hei tei kabah baihmei maek ge. one and the same spirit gives faith to one person, while to another person he gives the power to heal. mi bumaengc tei rui gaanv khat khou lwmmei tiilou e, baihmei khou tigayloumei kaipat tiilou e when he heard that jesus had come from judea to galilee, he went to him and asked him to heal his son. jisu judia khou rui galili khou key dat the twmei chu lana, kamei jisu daeng khou guangna, kamei keyna kanac ta tigaylou khang huaycha the. then, o lord, send rain on this land of yours, which you gave to your people as a permanent possession. kumna, he ringhpouc, mi nang rui nang mei nunc khang tiiloumei kandic khou ting tiriulou dat ro. so a man who prays or proclaims god's message in public worship with his head covered disgraces christ. nggaanvmei rui huayney khou hamh e thei ravmundinh khou kapy gum e thei, hei tei kapy singhmei khrista ta chakhwang sw mak tuang e. the lord destroyed without mercy every village in judah and tore down the forts that defended the land. ringhpouc rui zauzian maekna juda tuang kaidai guay swkamut kamai the khatni mi kandic ta gaek bammei rihgaekkai guay tei swra key the. i must bring them, too, they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock with one shepherd. mi nunc ta tei ni ai laaguang puni, kumna gaenghmeipu akhat bangc khou kaniw guay lauziu kang akhat sw puni. do not use my name for evil purposes, for i, the lord your god, will punish anyone who misuses my name. azanc hei ramhzi mak khou sinsw lak nina e, kalam thu azanc ta ramhzi mak khou sinswpui mei ta tei ringhpouc nangniw tuang racguangc ai rui dandi tii puni. by using what is good, sin brought death to me, in order that its true nature as sin might be revealed. gaymei ta tei sinswna paapc rui katuang kalingmei lwnlung tei ndauhna akhou theihmei phungc guang the. he and his army and the many nations with him will attack like a storm and cover the land like a cloud. kamei khatni katuang ricmei nunc khatni kathei laymei zaatc mpeyna lev twna guangna pwanzingh kumcna adow puni the khatni mi kandic tei muangh guam kumc guam liam puni the. the other beasts had their power taken away, but they were permitted to go on living for a limited time. baihmei khouringc nunc ta ni kaniw tuang ngamv laa ganc kan the, tiki tiiloumei ganv dak akhat na thu ringc kanak bam khang nuhlou e. she heard that jesus was eating in the pharisee's house, so she brought an alabaster jar full of perfume pharisimeipu kai khou tei jisu nap tu khang guang bam e twmei mi pui tei chu lana, mwndui thauc alabastar haan akhat sinna guang khwan e. but you people who are left in judah must not disobey the lord your god and refuse to live in this land. tiki juda khou ganclou duhmei nangniw ringhpouc nangniw racguangc lat liamna mi kandic khou hei lungc zih bam e thei james, peter, and john, who seemed to be the leaders, recognized that god had given me this special task tiangdaic kumcna kapy nunc swna bammei jakob khatni john kaniw rui ni ravguangc rui mi taanv hei akhou tiilou the twmei e. i intend to break down the wall they whitewashed, to shatter it, and to leave the foundation stones bare. kaniw rui nraeng teyloumei raengh tei swra keyna kabamv tei nganvna ra key tangclou puni the. you must go back to the country where i was born and get a wife for my son isaac from among my relatives. nang rui ai puanhmei kandic thangc tei tatna ariang aluaic pang khou rui isak now khang phutat nina e. i will lead them back to the mountains and the streams of israel and will feed them in pleasant pastures. ai rui kaniw ta isaraelmei tuang luangcbut guay khou khatni duithuak guay khou gaengc guanglou dat lana amaanmei kabin bamv khou timpac bam dat puni. i tell you, then, do not let anyone deceive you with false arguments, no matter how good they seem to be. meic nunc tuang lat sa thaymei tei rui nangniw ta guat mak khang ai mi hei sa tuang e. in his presence, there was written down in a book a record of those who feared the lord and respected him. ringhpouc ta pingmei nunc khatni kata chakhwang champouhmei nunc lam khou ningtowmei latrik buk ringhpouc hu khou hy bam the. elijah answered, by the living lord, whom i serve, i promise that i will present myself to the king today. elija rui daw the, ai rui kasiamruai swna bammeipu ringhpouc ngamparymeipu zanc khou rui latryan swmei tuang e twmei thu, ai aseic hei guangh hu khou guang puni. say only yes when you mean yes, and no when you mean no, and then you will not come under god's judgement. nangniw ravguangc latzan khou keylou mak khang, kum ni thei kum ni khatni kum lak ge thei kum lak ge twna sana taan o. three bands of chaldean raiders attacked us, took away the camels, and killed all your servants except me. kaldiamei kang kathumh guangna nang bangc guay ta tei dow luai ngamna guaikuan guay tei ni laa tat ngam kan the. he made four carrying rings of gold for it and attached them to its four feet, with two rings on each side. hei tei puanc kalw khang kamei rui kachaekc tuang nu padeih kasiamhna hei tei katan padeih khou tei kanaek akhat thangc kanei kanei lou the. then the foolish ones said to the wise ones, let us have some of your oil, because our lamps are going out. khoutei mpangmei nunc tei rui, nangniw tuang thauc aniw khang ni tiilou na ro, aniw tuang mairam amit puni the, twna ningtyngmei nunc khou tei sa the. send for the kings of media, their leaders and officials, and the armies of all the countries they control. mediamei guangh nunc, kaniw tuang kapy swmei nunc, khatni rihpy nunc, khatni kaniw rui sin bammei kandic guay tuang rihmei guay ta kaw guang tho. that is how my father in heaven will treat every one of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart. nangniw chana makaamv khat khat ta nangniw lung syng khou rui kuaklou mak ge thei, tingkauh thangc bammei apu rui ni nangniw khou hei tei kumcna swlou puni. now samuel had died, and all the israelites had mourned for him and had buried him in his own city of ramah. ntaw thu samuel tei theic kan the, kumna isaraelmei guay rui kata huay the, kumna katuang kaidai rama khou mbeihlou the. after sexual intercourse both the man and the woman must have a bath, and they remain unclean until evening. ntumei lev nggaanvmei tei tatloumei tangv duilow dat nina e, kumna kaney tei tingzyn nganvna nthan mak ge. and i prayed earnestly to the lord god, pleading with him, fasting, wearing sackcloth, and sitting in ashes. ai poubauhmei ravguangc khou lungh gutna huayneyna, kakhou huaychana, munthiangcna, zaengsiphey baanvna, khatni mbut khou dungcna bam khwan e. for your own good, then, make certain that you do not sin by making for yourselves an idol in any form at all kumhpui zaeng rui nangniw ramh thayna nangniw tabui tabui ravmaengc hamh e thei nangniw maengc luihmei kasiamhna nangniw rana timphuam mak khang ramh thay o in the same way, when you see these things happening, you will know that the kingdom of god is about to come. hei tei kumcna, mi guay hei pat pw e thei, ravguangc guangcdic ana the twmei thay la tho. when the priest pashhur son of immer, who was the chief officer of the temple, heard me proclaim these things immer rui puanhmei amuh pashhur, ravkai khou tei kapy swmeipu rui ai rui mi guay hei sa bammei ta chu lana when the egyptians see you, they will assume that you are my wife, and so they will kill me and let you live. izipmei nunc rui nang ta how pwkhou nang hei anow e twna ning e thei kaniw rui ata swluai kan puni e, kumna nang rana ringc bam duc puni e. while he is young, there are men who take care of him and manage his affairs until the time set by his father. kapu rui saloumei ganv tangh mak saanv, langloumei nunc rui kata ni, katuang lanv ta ni sin bam tuang e. the women and the children joined in the celebration, and the noise they all made could be heard far and wide. ntupangna khatni alauc nunc ni mi ngai khou tei kazauh the, kumna kaniw rui sw bammei khwan tei duh duh thangc sini chu tangc the. then go where he is threshing, but don't let him know you are there until he has finished eating and drinking. kumna kamei lau dy bammei bamv khou tei tat tho, tiki kamei tu tang zangv tang kan mak saanv nang bam e twmei tithay riu. you see this man against whom all the jewish people, both here and in jerusalem, have brought complaints to me. mi khou khatni jerusalem khou bammei jihudimei guay rui kata nuh makna akhou lat phungc kulou bammeipu kiu mi pu hei the. people would talk in front of me about all the good deeds tobiah had done and would tell him everything i said. tobia rui taancloumei taanv gaymei guay tei chakna meic nunc rui akhou raclou e kumna ai rui samei guay tei ni kaniw rui kakhou poulou dat bam khwan e. they were happy about all the blessings that the lord had given to his people israel, to david, and to solomon. ringhpouc rui isaraelmei khou, david khou, khatni solomon khou tiiloumei suaihiam khang tei rui kaniw neihla the. for it is people of whom the lord thinks well who are really approved, not people who think well of themselves. kalam thu laalou nuhpui mei twmei kiu thu karana kata gay e twna sapui mei tei hamh e poubauhmei rui gay e twna saloupui mei tei de. all of you, whether ritually clean or unclean, may eat them, just as you would eat the meat of deer or antelope. nangniw meic guayna kariak theilayna nthanmei ni nthan makmei ni asanh khatni chakhaengv zanc tumei kumcna tu nuh de. our quarrel with saul and his family can't be settled with silver or gold, nor do we want to kill any israelite. aniw lev saul agaymei hei daandi kachaekc rui tikuak dat ngam mak khe, isaraelmei ta ni swluai nii mak ge. he bought that part of the field from the descendants of hamor father of shechem for a hundred pieces of silver. kamei mi khou tei ramvpuk akhat hamor kikta, sekem pu khou rui daandi paek 100 khang liu the kumna mi khou tei pheykai katingh thau khwan the. naomi had a relative named boaz, a rich and influential man who belonged to the family of her husband elimelech. naomi gaanv kaikhwangmei, kazanc boaz kawmei, lungcgaymeipu gaanv khat nai khwan e. messenger after messenger runs to tell the king of babylonia that his city has been broken into from every side. babilon kaidai tei kabamv kathuic khou swra gut the twna dinclou khang latpaumei babilonmei guangc daeng khou akhat tangv akhat pak guang the. then let my enemies pursue me and catch me, let them cut me down and kill me and leave me lifeless on the ground! zauczihmei nunc rui ata nthau tangcna nym kan di tho, kaniw ata dowluaina aphouc kandih khou ganclou kan di tho! they never bothered us, and all the time we were with them in the fields, nothing that belonged to us was stolen. kaniw rui aniw ta tikatuakclou zat mak ge, khatni aniw kaniw lev ramvpuk khou bam nchamc bam saanv tei aniu tuang ramh akhat na sini amaan mak ge. even if those three men, noah, danel, and job, were living there, their goodness would save only their own lives. khoutei nouha, daniel, khatni job kaniw tei bam khwan sini, kaniw ramgai rui kanlou nimei hei kaniw tuang panty na ta de. how much better it would have been today if our people had eaten the food they took when they defeated the enemy. aniu rui zauczihmei nunc khou rui asut patmei tei tu bam khwan e thei adih gay bam puni tuang cho! and even though there was much opposition, our god gave us courage to tell you the good news that comes from him. kumna aniw ta thinghmei azuh nai khwan sini, ravguangc tuang gaychamv tei nangniw khou dinclou khang, ravguangc rui aniw ta tibauclou the twmei nangniw thay bammei tei the. you will drink and drain it dry, and with its broken pieces tear your breast. i, the sovereign lord, have spoken. nang rui mi buangc tei zangv phuithiwlou puni the, khatni mi buangc tei siauc bak patmei kiak rui nang ngaengv sw bak puni the. i will take them out of the lands where they are living now, but i will not let them return to the land of israel. kaniw ti hei ntaw kaniw lungc bammei kandic khou rui laa pat puni tiki kaniw ta isarael kandic khou tihanc guang dat lak ge. the music of harps and of human voices, of players of the flute and the trumpet, will never be heard in you again! lusuanmei khwan khatni nrah khwan, alim khatni bianggun muanmei khwan nang khou chu dat lak khe! from now on, then, you must live the rest of your earthly lives controlled by god's will and not by human desires. hei zaeng rui, ntaw khou rui thauna, nangniw tuang nai bammei mbaanv panty hei meic pumc rui kahawmei thei layna lungc dat lak nina the ravguangc rui ningmei thei layna lungc nina e. o god, when you led your people, when you marched across the desert, the earth shook, and the sky poured down rain. he ravguangc, nang rui nang mei nunc ta nduangh pat khou tei, nang tazikramv ruan kaan pat khou tei, kandih kadunh e, khatni tingpuk rui ting bun key e. when the people of israel finished dividing up the land, they gave joshua son of nun a part of the land as his own. isaraelmei gaanvthaih nunc tei rui ramv tei nzanh luai guang pwkhou, kaniw rui nun nac mpouh joshua khang ni ramv langv akhat tiilou the. but the worries about this life, the love for riches, and all other kinds of desires crowd in and choke the message tiki mi kandic tuang ramlung khang kapaamvmei, syan kahawmei khatni baih baihmei ta kahawmei rui lat ta tei zyn luai the. go to my brothers and tell them that i am returning to him who is my father and their father, my god and their god. nang achana nunc daeng thangc tei tatna, apu khatni kaniw pu, aracguangc khatni kaniw racguangc daeng thangc ai ku dat puni the twna kaniw khou salou ti tho. once, during a funeral, one of those bands was seen, and the people threw the corpse into elisha's tomb and ran off. kaganv akhat khou theih mbeih nina bam khou moabmei nunc guangmei ta howna mi theihmei pumc tei elisha tuang tarou khou phaiclouna pak kan the. this made the king very sad, but he could not refuse her because of the vows he had made in front of all his guests. khoutei guangh tei kalung mpeyna kabiu the, tiki kalatryan khatni kamei lev dungc nchamc bammei nunc zaeng khou tei rui kamei piu mak ngam mak khe. they raised the sail at the front of the ship so that the wind would blow the ship forward, and we headed for shore. mpwan rui rungh ti hei hu biak thangc phungc gut khang hu khou naimei runghphey zay thau the, kumna duitin nzwanna pat the. do not go back through your vineyard to gather the grapes that were missed or to pick up the grapes that have fallen nangniw tuang drakhalau khou rei amucloumei tei rei dat ri tho, kandih khou kathyng keymei tei ni khuaic dat ri tho and keep yourselves in the love of god, as you wait for our lord jesus christ in his mercy to give you eternal life. khatni poubauhmei jisu khrista rui kazauzian paan rui ringcsuangmei tiilou nimei ta nkhwan bam khou hei, nangniw ravguangc tuang nzianmei khou tei bam o. so paul left them and took the believers with him, and every day he held discussions in the lecture hall of tyrannus. kum tina paul kaniw ta mpatlouna lwmmei guay ta nduangh tatna tingmik pum turana tuang latdinhkai khou lat kaphianh kariu the. so the people of this time will be punished for the murder of all the prophets killed since the creation of the world mi hei mbaanv damclou khou rui keylou kanmei muhzwng guay tuang zei manv tei mi meikin khou keylou khang e the prophet answered, the lord says that the young soldiers under the command of the district governors are to do it. muhzwng tei rui daw the, kandih langv sinmei kapy nunc bangc khou bammei ricmei chabwan nunc tei rui kapy sw nina e twna ringhpouc rui sa e. you did all that evil, and then by the side of every road you built places to worship idols and practise prostitution. nangniw tuang simei taanv heizumei ruc khou tei chaeng paengc chaeng paengc khou ravmaengc kalummei bamv kasiamhlouna nthahbowlahmei taanv taanc the. some people think that a certain day is more important than other days, while others think that all days are the same. meic gaanvsaekc rui tingmik akhat ta baihmei ta suangc nthukmei swna kakhanh e, khatni meic gaanvsaekc rui tingmik guayna nchamc de twna kakhanh e. they will extend their territory in all directions, and through you and your descendants i will bless all the nations. kaniw ramv tei kakwn padeih daic pat puni, kumna nang khatni nang tuang kikta paan rui ai rui zaatc kaguayna ta suaihiamlou puni. i will build your towers with rubies, your gates with stones that glow like fire, and the wall around you with jewels. ai rui nangniw tuang kai kauhmei guay tei tagiatc tauc haenghmei rui, raenghkat guay tei mai kumhmei karanmei ntauc rui, khatni raengh tei kaphut rui swlou puni. he did not tear down the pagan places of worship, and the people continued to offer sacrifices and burn incense there. rav baihmei ta kalummei bamv guay tei kamei rui swmaan mak khwan e, kum tina meic nunc rui hei khou tei ravkhaengna agaw nteina bam khwan e. tell them that the king of babylonia came to jerusalem and took the king and his officials back with him to babylonia. babilonmei guangc jerusalem khou guangna kaguangh khatni guangh tuang meicdaihmei guay ta babilon thangc phungc tat the. because he loved farming, he encouraged the people to plant vineyards in the hill country and to farm the fertile land. kamei lau taanhmei ta kahawmeipu la mei zaeng rui kamei rui meic nunc ta chyngramv khou drakhalau taanh khang khatni kandih gaymei ramv guay khou lau taanh khang katiulou khwan e. if you had told me, i would have sent you on your way with rejoicing and singing to the music of tambourines and harps. nang rui akhou dinclou bam khwan e thei nkhuangh nrah sinna lu suanna neihlana suanclou ni tuang e. king benhadad's officials said to him, the gods of israel are mountain gods, and that is why the israelites defeated us. guangh benhadad khou katuang meicdaihmei nunc rui sa the, isaraelmei tuang rav hei chyng rav tina kaniw rui aniu ta ngam bammei tuang e. he covers it up again, and is so happy that he goes and sells everything he has, and then goes back and buys that field. hei tei kakuam binlou ducna, neihlana kakai tatna, katuang naimei guay zuanc lana, mi laupuk tei liu the. once there was a man who planted a vineyard, put a fence round it, dug a hole for the winepress, and built a watchtower. meic gaanv khatpu drakha lau lingclouna karaengv raengclou the, drakha dui sunhpui khunc kasiamhlou the, khatni lauphaan kai swlou the. it must be torn down, and its stones, its wood, and all its plaster must be carried out of the city to an unclean place. kai tei rakeyna kathing katauc kaguayna tei raengh paengc thangc phungc patna nthan makmei bamv khou ganclou nina the. so jesus said to them, i tell you the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of god ahead of you. jisu rui kaniw khou sa the, ai rui nangniw khou kaling siakna sa tuang e dihkhav kakhamei nunc khatni mangcsangmeiluc nunc rui ravguangc guangcdic khou nangniw khang suangc gut hu bam the. they walked backwards into the tent and covered their father, keeping their faces turned away so as not to see him naked. kaney namthei tangsynna pheykai khou tei gutna kapu khou phey tei hwamlou the kumna kaney zaw tei namthei karihna kapu paliuc bammei tei kaney how kan mak ge. i will fill the descendants of david and the other people of jerusalem with the spirit of mercy and the spirit of prayer. ai rui david kikta nunc khatni jerusalemmei nunc khou zauzian khatni huayneymei chwn tipadiklou puni. they continued to pursue the midianites and brought the heads of oreb and zeeb to gideon, who was now east of the jordan. kaniw rui midianmei ta alay keyna jordan tuang neihpat khou bammei gideon khou oreb lev zeeb tuang py phungc guang the. you are to go to jerusalem and rebuild the temple of the lord, the god of israel, the god who is worshipped in jerusalem. nangniw jerusalem thangc tat datna ringhpouc, isarael racguangc, jerusalem khou kalummei ravguangc tuang ravkai tei kasiamh dat nina e. because of all the things you do that i hate, i will punish jerusalem as i have never done before and will never do again. ai rui karaengmei tuang taanv tei nangniw taancna bammei zaeng rui, ai rui tii zat zat makmei khatni tii ni tii dat lakmei dandi jerusalem ruc khou tii puni the. during the night he and his chariot commanders managed to break out and escape, and his soldiers scattered to their homes. zingbangc thangc kamei khatni katuang takuan gari tuang ricpy nunc duakpat the, kumna katuang ricmei nunc kakai kakai thangc pak duak tat kan the. on the fifteenth day the festival of unleavened bread begins, and for seven days you must not eat any bread made with yeast. zaeng 15mei nungc khay loumakmei ntyan ngai kahouh the, kumna khay loumei ntyan zaeng chanei nganv tulak nina e. the shepherds went back, singing praises to god for all they had heard and seen it had been just as the angel had told them. lauziu gaenghmei nunc tei kaniw khou saloumei kumc rapna, kaniw rui chu kanmei khatni how kanmei khang tei ravguangc hym thuancna hanc guang dat the. let lights appear in the sky to separate day from night and to show the time when days, years, and religious festivals begin. zingbangc kalaanv nai khang khatni kating kaneic kakwm kaganv thay khang tingpuk khou gaanhmei pat kan di tho. you teach, if someone swears by the temple, he isn't bound by his vow but if he swears by the gold in the temple, he is bound. ravkai ta zay saancna latryan swmei tei thu ramhkhat sini hamh e, tiki ravkai tuang kachaekc ta zay saancna sw kanmei tei thu kuak dat mak khe, twna nangniw rui sa e. tell the kings and all the people of judah and everyone who lives in jerusalem and enters these gates, to listen to what i say. ai rui samei hei juda tuang guangc nunc, judamei nunc khatni jerusalem khou bammei meic katana khatni mi tuang raengckat guay khou tei tat bammei guay ta tei nking o twna sa o. surely you know that when you surrender yourselves as slaves to obey someone, you are in fact the slaves of the master you obey nangniw ta gaanv khat khou bangh swna tiilou pwkhou, nangniw hei kalat piu bammei nangniw kaipouc bangc tei the twmei nangniw thay e. if your sons are true to my covenant and to the commands i give them, their sons, also, will succeed you for all time as kings. nang nac mpouh nunc rui alatdyng khatni ai rui kaniw khou tiimei latdanv guay tei piu chuyna piu bam e thei, kaniw nac mpouh nunc ni tingsaeng nang guangc bamvpaeng khou dungc bam puni. each one, as a good manager of god's different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gift he has received from god. meic kathuicna kakhou kakhou tiiloumei kaipat tei ravguangc tuang siamruaimei swna meic guayna khang gaeng khang sinsw o. i will make them serve their enemies in a land they know nothing about, because my anger is like fire, and it will burn for ever. kaniw thay zat makmei kandic khou ai rui kaniw ta zauczihmei nunc bangc tiswlou puni the, kalam thu alungpuam hei mai kumc the, mi hei amit dat ni tuang hamh the. every morning the priest shall put firewood on it, arrange the burnt offering on it, and burn the fat of the fellowship offering. lauthwan pum amuh rui khou tei thing diklouna, rawna khaeng nimei puat tei kasiamhna, alamvpuatkat tuang thav tei khou tei raw nina e. you will have to work hard and sweat to make the soil produce anything, until you go back to the soil from which you were formed. nang ta kasiamhloumei taniang khou nang hanc gut dat mak saanv nang tuang talanvdui manv rui nang tu puni the. all over the land you have sold yourselves like prostitutes to the god baal and have loved the corn you thought he paid you with! kandih kapwm khou nangniw hei mangcsangmeiluc nunc kumcna nangniw rana nangniw ta baal rav khou zuanclou the kumcna kamei rui tiimei tuang e twna nangniw rui kakhanhmei napbi ta tei nangniw ning kungc the. when the crowd saw that jesus was not there, nor his disciples, they got into those boats and went to capernaum, looking for him. jisu ni kaziap nunc ni mi khou tei bam mak khe twmei meic kangdai tei thay lana, kaniw mi hic guay khou tei gutna, jisu ta phuna kapharnahum khou guang the. after the sabbath was over, mary magdalene, mary the mother of james, and salome bought spices to go and anoint the body of jesus. sabbathneic tei luai pwkhou, magadaleni meri, jakob pui meri khatni solomi kaniw tei tatna jisu khou teylou khang namh gaymei thauc liu the. the lord buried him in a valley in moab, opposite the town of bethpeor, but to this day no one knows the exact place of his burial. ringhpouc rui kata moab tuang nzaengc khou, bethpeor kaidai paengc khou mbeihlou kan the, tiki aseic nganvna kata mbeihloumei bamv tei thay mak ge. i am, answered jesus, and you will all see the son of man seated on the right of the almighty and coming with the clouds of heaven! khoutei jisu rui sa the, ai kiu the, meic nac mpouh hei ngamparimeipu baanzat thangc dungc bammei khatni muangh khou keymei ta nangniw how puni. the people who had been with jesus when he called lazarus out of the grave and raised him from death had reported what had happened. jisu rui lazaras ta tarou khou rui kaw patna, tiringcthaulou datmei ganv khou bammei nunc rui mi lam khou tei meic nunc khou raclou the. the people of israel must no longer be unfaithful to the lord by killing their animals in the fields as sacrifices to the goatdemons. isaraelmei nunc rui ramvpuk khou ziuh ravsic nunc khang khaengna ringhpouc khou lwm nuh makmei lwnlung swna bammei tei sw taan nina e. the priests went inside the temple to purify it, and they carried out into the temple courtyard everything that was ritually unclean. amuh nunc tei ravkai tei sw nthan khang kalungc khou gut the, kumna tanacmei puat guay tei kaimav khou puanc pat the. every firstborn son in egypt will die, from the king's son, who is heir to the throne, to the son of the slave woman who grinds corn. izipmei nac mpouh nareimei guay, guangh bamv khou dungc bammei guangh nac nareimei khou rui thauna nap riak bammei banghpui nac mpouh nareimei nganvna theic puni the. he shall take a firepan full of burning coals from the altar and two handfuls of fine incense and bring them into the most holy place. ravchapaeng tuang maithyn haenghmei maikuak khou lou padiklouna agaw gaymei baankiu kanei ruai lana hei tei nthan liangmei bamv khou phungc guang nina e. the people of israel left rephidim, and on the first day of the third month after they had left egypt they came to the desert of sinai. isaraelmei nunc tei rephidim mpatlouna, izip kandic mpatloumei tangv kathumhmei bw tuang rey liangmei tingmik nungc sinai tuang tazikramv khou guang tangc the. god condemned the cities of sodom and gomorrah, destroying them with fire, and made them an example of what will happen to the godless. ravguangc latzan sodom khatni gomorra ruc khou keylouna mi kaidai kanei tei mai rui swmaan kan the kumna mi hei rav ta thay makmei nunc khang swnchinloupui tuang sw bam e. so now, i, the lord almighty, the god of israel, will bring on you people of judah and of jerusalem all the destruction that i promised. kumhpui zaeng rui, ntaw thu ngamparymei ringhpouc, isaraelmei racguangc ai rui tiguang puni twna saloumei kamut kamaimei juda khatni jerusalemmei guay ruc khou tiguang puni the it was the lord's shrines and altars that hezekiah destroyed when he told the people of judah and jerusalem to worship at one altar only. judamei lev jerusalemmei ta ravchabamv akhat na khou kalum nina de twna hezekia rui ringhpouc tuang ravkai guay khatni ravchapaeng guay sw kasic kan tu hamhna cho? god made everything, and you can no more understand what he does than you understand how new life begins in the womb of a pregnant woman. ravguangc rui ramh katana damclou e, mpwan chaeng thay makmei kumc, meicpui akhat nahbamv khou ngana panty kahouh kanmei tei thay makmei kumcna ravguangc rui taancloumei taanv guay tei aniu thay tangc ngam mak ge. but if any nation submits to the king of babylonia and serves him, then i will let it stay on in its own land, to farm it and live there. tiki babilonmei guangc bangc khou gutlouna kabangc sw bammei zaatc ta tei thu kaisw lautaancna kakandih khou lungc bam khang nuhlou puni. he spoke of trees and plants, from the lebanon cedars to the hyssop that grows on walls he talked about animals, birds, reptiles, and fish. kamei rui thingbang puc bwan lebanon tuang sidar bang khou rui thauna raengh khou thaumei hissop bwan lam nganv salou khwan e. kamei rui khouringh, nruayna, guanghmei, tuihmei khouringc guay khatni khav lam khou salou khwan e. christ, however, offered one sacrifice for sins, an offering that is effective for ever, and then he sat down at the righthand side of god. tiki khrista thu tingsaeng khang khaenglou guai tang lana ravguangc tuang baanzat thangc dungckey kan the. he was there with our ancestors and with the angel who spoke to him on mount sinai, and he received god's living messages to pass on to us. kamei mi khou tei aniu pupouc nunc khatni kata sinai chyng khou kachucmei kauh baanchara tei lev bam khwan e kamei rui ringhmei racguangc lat laa lana aniu khou tiilou the. you hypocrite! first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will be able to see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. gaylwn swmei nang, nang mik khou naimei thing dangv tei laa ganc rey o, kum e thei nang chana mik khou naimei nrouc tei laa ganh khang nang mik how nthan puni. as the lord had told moses, they were to receive as their possession a share of the sacrifices burnt on the altar to the lord god of israel. kalam thu kaniw tuang dam thu ringhpouc isarael ravguangc tuang ravchapaeng khou rawna khaengmei zanc tei kadam swna laa nina e twna ringhpouc rui mousi khou dinclou khwan e. they supplied the hittite and syrian kings with horses and chariots, selling chariots for 600 pieces of silver each and horses for 150 each. kaniw rui hittimei lev siriamei guangc nunc khang takuanh khatni takuanh gari zuanc bam khwan e. takuanh gari akhat khang daandi paek 600 khatni takuanh khang daandi paek 150 khang zuanc bam khwan e. does god give you the spirit and work miracles among you because you do what the law requires or because you hear the gospel and believe it? nangniw khou ravguangc rui katuang bumaengc tiilouna nangniw pang khou charynmei taanv mpeyna taancloumei tei nangniw kariak latdanv piupui paan rui ny, gaychamv hei chuna lwmpui paan rui cho? and i saw the holy city, the new jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from god, prepared and ready, like a bride dressed to meet her husband. kumna nthanmei kaidai, jerusalem kathanc, kagaanv khang karuhloumei nowpeic kumcna ravguangc khou rui tingkauh thangc rui keymei ta ai how e. on one side it faced the space ten metres wide which was alongside the temple, and on the other side it faced the pavement of the outer court. mi kai naek akhat tei ravkai naek khou chowbuk 20 tuang ramv nai suakmei biak tei karih e kumna kanaek akhat tei rui kapaengcmei kaimav tuang ntauh bamcloumei biak tei karih e. when jesus and his disciples came to capernaum, the collectors of the temple tax came to peter and asked, does your teacher pay the temple tax? jisu khatni kaziap nunc kapharnahum khou guang khou, ravkai tuang syankhav kakhamei nunc pitar daeng khou guangna, nangniw tuang dinhpouc hei ravkai tuang syankhav tii daih? twna thanv the. so moses wrote down god's law and gave it to the levitical priests, who were in charge of the lord's covenant box, and to the leaders of israel. kumna mousi rui ravguangc tuang riakdanv guay tei hykeylouna ringhpouc tuang latdyng khuk puanc tat bammei levimei amuh nunc khou khatni isaraelmei kapy nunc khou tiilou kan the. now this is what the sovereign lord is saying, just as a vine is taken from the forest and burnt, so i will take the people who live in jerusalem kumhpui zaeng rui kauh liangmei ringhpouc rui sa the, drakhaluai tei nwmbangc thangc rui laaguangna mai nteimei kumcna, ai rui jerusalemmei nunc ta laa lana i praised the lord, the god of my master abraham, who had led me straight to my master's relative, where i found his daughter for my master's son. kanac aluhpui ta akaipouc nac now khang tiilou nimei akaipouc riangluaic kai khou ata zay guanglou rapmeipu akaipouc abraham racguangc ringhpouc ta ai thuanckulou the. so he told me not to drink any wine or beer, or eat any forbidden food, because the boy is to be dedicated to god as a nazirite as long as he lives. kumhpui zaeng rui nang zouh hamh e thei mba nuhmei dui zangv nuh mak ge khatni tu lak nimei puat ni tu nuh mak ge, kalam thu mi nac tei kamei ringh saanv nazir swna ravguangc khang katlou nina e. then they took him to king nebuchadnezzar, who was in the city of riblah in the territory of hamath, and there nebuchadnezzar passed sentence on him. kaniw rui kata hamat ramv khou ribla kaidai khou guangh nebukadnezar daeng khou nduangh guang the, kumna hei khou tei nebukadnezar rui karuc khou theih khang latzan sw the. above the dome there was something that looked like a throne made of sapphire, and sitting on the throne was a figure that looked like a human being. mi haengv ruc khou tei saphir tauc rui kasiamhmei guangh bamvpaeng kumhmei akhat how e, kumna mi guangc bamvpaeng ruc khou tei maansei kumhmei gaanv khat dungc bam e. so when this takes place, and the mortal has been changed into the immortal, then the scripture will come true death is destroyed victory is complete! taamc maan nimei hei taamc maan dat lakmei khou ngguanh pat pwkhou nthanmei latrik khou saloumei tei nchumh puni, mi khou kiu rihngamna theihmei ta swmaan the! the kings of the earth who took part in her immorality and lust will cry and weep over the city when they see the smoke from the flames that consume her. kata nteimei maikhou tei how pwkhou, kamei lev nthah boulahna lungcmaanv lungcmowmei taanv taanhmei kandih guangc nunc tei kakhang rui puihuayna kap puni. god will destroy those who slander others, those who prevent the punishment of criminals, and those who tell lies to keep honest men from getting justice. meickai ta kaniw rui sa nkhuailoumei, nkhuaimei ta dandi tii mak khang sa khaamvloumei, khatni lungning nthanmei nunc khou nchumhna taanclou mak khang saraamcna samei mi kumhmei nunc ti hei ravguangc rui swmaan puni. it is we, not they, who have received the true circumcision, for we worship god by means of his spirit and rejoice in our life in union with christ jesus. kalingmei gihruamhmei nunc kiu thu kaniw tei hamh e ravguangc ta bumaengh paan rui kalummei nunc, khrista jisu khou neihlana bammei nunc e all who wanted to, both men and women, brought decorative pins, earrings, rings, necklaces, and all kinds of gold jewellery and dedicated them to the lord. tii niimei kathuic rui ntumei ni nggaanvmei ni katuang katuang tadip, baanrwn, ntuhntah khatni kachaekc tuang karuhpwan zaat guay phungc guang the kumna hei tei ringhpouc khang katlou the. from paul, an apostle of christ jesus by god's will, and from our brother timothy to the church of god in corinth, and to all god's people throughout achaia ravguangc rui ningmei thei layna latdiutatmei swmei paul, khatni aniu chana timothi khou rui, korinmei khou naimei ravguangc tuang phwamling khatni akhaia kapwm khou bammei nthanmei nunc khou and now, sir, all my relatives have turned against me and are demanding that i hand my son over to them, so that they can kill him for murdering his brother. guanghle, kum tina kachana ta swluaimeipu ta tei swluai dat khang tiipat tho twna ariang aluaicmei guay rui sana bam the. the priest shall throw the blood against the sides of the altar at the entrance of the tent and burn the fat to produce a smell that is pleasing to the lord. amuh tei rui zei tei kalummei pheykai kaimun khou naimei ravchapaeng naek guay khou tei kazinhlouna kathav tei mai nteina karym tei rui ringhpouc ta tipianlou puni. on the feast days and at the festivals the grain offering will be 17.5 litres with each bull or ram, and whatever the worshipper wants to give with each lamb. khumngai khatni ngay daih nungc guaituamchic hamh e thei lauziuchic katmei kathuic nap buanh akhat akhat lev lauziu kathuic tei meic nunc rui kamei kamei rui tii nii niimei puatkat kat kazauh guang nina e. go and gather the leaders of israel together and tell them that i, the lord, the god of their ancestors, the god of abraham, isaac, and jacob, appeared to you. nang tatna isaraelmei tuang kapy nunc ta kaw kaduaina, kaniw pupouc racguangc, abraham, isak, khatni jakob racguangc ringhpouc ai rui nang khou lyanlou e twna sa o. and gave the following order to hilkiah, to ahikam son of shaphan, to abdon son of micaiah, to shaphan, the court secretary, and to asaiah, the king's attendant kumna kamei rui hilkia khou, shaphan nac mpouh ahikam khou, mikaia nac mpouh peikai tuang hymei shaphan khou khatni guangh baancpwam asaia khou mi latdanv hei pat the now make yourselves ritually clean and prepare the sacrifices in order that your fellowisraelites may follow the instructions which the lord gave through moses. ntaw thu nangniw pumc nthan tho kumna ringhpouc rui mousi khou dincloumei thiak tei suicna isaraelmei rui taanc kan diu khang khaeng nimei taanv tei nangniw rui chamdaanvlou tho. artaxerxes gave the following document to ezra, the priest and scholar, who had a thorough knowledge of the laws and commands which the lord had given to israel mi hei arthasastha rui amuh khatni baibal nchamloumeipu, ringhpouc rui isaraelmei khang tiiloumei latdyn khatni latdanv guay tei thaymeipu ezra khou tii guangmei latdyn e a stone was put over the mouth of the pit, and the king placed his own royal seal and the seal of his noblemen on the stone, so that no one could rescue daniel. meic gaanv khat na rui sini daniel ta kanlou nuh mak khang mi kamangliangpui kuanc kaimun tei ntauh paek rui gumbinlou the, guangh rui katuang sil khatni katuang meicdaihmei nunc tuang sil ntauh khou tei lou the. next, moses brought the sons of aaron forward and put shirts on them, put sashes round their waists, and tied caps on their heads, just as the lord had commanded. mi tangv tei, ringhpouc tuang latdanv theilayna mousi rui aron nac mpouh nunc ta kaw guangna kaniw khou tei thiula nulou the, kaniw sian khou siangiat giatlou the, kumna pygwm ni gumlou the. their territory extended to mahanaim and included all of bashan the whole kingdom of og, the king of bashan, as well as all sixty of the villages of jair in bashan. kaniw ramv hei mahanaim khou rui og rui guanghtuloumei bashan ramv kapwm khatni jair rui kaganv khat khou laalou khwanmei bashan khou naimei namv kang 60 tei ni kazauh the. and he also wanted to reveal his abundant glory, which was poured out on us who are the objects of his mercy, those of us whom he has prepared to receive his glory. kazauzian laatow nimei, katuang hymdaihmei laa khang chamdaanvloumei aniu khou bun keyloumei katuang padikmei hymdaihmei tei ni lyanlou nii khwan e. the priest shall examine him again on the seventh day, and if in his opinion the sore looks the same and has not spread, he shall isolate him for another seven days. zaeng chanei nungc amuh tei rui zauc dat lana hei tei si mbu mak ge thei thu, zaeng chanei karana ta tibam dat puni he. in those days, when the boy samuel was serving the lord under the direction of eli, there were very few messages from the lord, and visions from him were quite rare. alauc samuel tei eli bangc khou ravguangc siamruai sw bammei douc tei ravguangc khou rui lat tii guangmei hei rau sih bam khwan e khatni ndawman howmei hei rau sih bam khwan e. they were all registered together with their wives, children, and other dependants, because they were required to be ready to perform their sacred duties at any time. kaniw guayna tei kaniw now, nac nunc, khatni kaniw rui makuat bammei guay lev kazauhna zanh chanc the, kalam thu kaniw tuang nthanmei taanv tei kage nai nai khou taanc rap khang chamdaanv bam khang kage nai khwan e. as a shepherd recovers only two legs or an ear of a sheep that a lion has eaten, so only a few will survive of samaria's people, who now recline on luxurious couches. lauziu gaenghmei nunc rui kamang nkai kanmei lauziu tan kanei na hamh e thei kanu akhat na kamang mwang khou rui asut guang datmei kumcna ntaw nungngai amanvmei laeng khou aliau mphaih bammei samariamei nunc hei meic katit na nsaekclou puni the. if a man dies and leaves a wife but no children, that man's brother must marry the widow so that they can have children who will be considered the dead man's children. thowkumhmei chana gaanv khat kanac maekna kanow ta ganclouna theic kan e thei, kakainac rui kachaic now ta kakhauh dat lana kachaic kikta tinailou nina e. your wives, your children, and your livestock will stay here, but your soldiers, armed for battle, will cross over ahead of their fellowisraelites in order to help them nangniw nownac nunc khatni nangniw tuang khouringc khounac thu mi khou hei lou duc tho, tiki nangniw rihphyan guay thu rihpwan piuna, nangniw chana punav swmei nunc hu khou jordan kaanpat reyna kaniw ta nkhavlou nina the. none of the former kings had ever celebrated a passover like this one celebrated by king josiah, the priests, the levites, and the people of judah, israel, and jerusalem josia kumcna tingkuh nunc lev levimei nunc lev juda khatni isarael khou bammei guay lev ngay kanmei guangh khat sini maek ge. take the grain offering that is left over from the food offered to the lord, make unleavened bread with it and eat it beside the altar, because this offering is very holy. ringhpouc khang katloumei ntyan buay khou rui nsaekcloumei tei laana khay loumakmei ntyan kasiamhna ravchapaeng daeng khou tei tu o, kalam thu mi tuang puatkat tei nthan dianghmei e. also the gold and silver utensils which king nebuchadnezzar brought to babylon from the temple in jerusalem are to be returned to their proper place in the jerusalem temple. kumna guangh nebukadnezar rui jerusalem tuang ravkai khou rui babilon khou phungc guangloumei kachaekc khatni daandi tuang kuak guay tei jerusalem tuang ravkai khou kabamv kabamv khou lou dat nina e. the man who had the evil spirit in him attacked them with such violence that he overpowered them all and they ran away from his house, wounded and with their clothes torn off. ravsic gutmeipu tei rui kaniw ta ngamna anuay the, kumna kaniw pheybaan siat kaek ngamna kabiu kabaengna mi kai khou tei rui paliucna pak kan the. any of your descendants who survive will have to go to that priest and ask him for money and food, and beg to be allowed to help the priests, in order to have something to eat. nang kikta theic nsaekcloumei guay tei mi amuc khou tei guangna syandui khatni taektw ney puni, kaniw bung khang amuh nunc daeng khou taanvphy khang taanv ney puni. they bribed some men to pretend they were sincere, and they sent them to trap jesus with questions, so that they could hand him over to the authority and power of the roman governor. kalat khou rui kata nym lana, guanghkhyn baanc khou tii ku khang, kaniw rui meic gaypui khe swpui mei gaanvsaekc ta nkamhna ndiulou the. he went into the house of god, and he and his men ate the bread offered to god, even though it was against the law for them to eat it only the priests were allowed to eat that bread. akumhna kamei ravguangc kai khou gutna amuh nunc na hamhna kamei ni, kamei nunc ni tu numei khaengloupui tyan tei tu kan tu cho? this is the message which the lord gave hosea son of beeri during the time that uzziah, jotham, ahaz, and hezekiah were kings of judah, and jeroboam son of jehoash was king of israel. uzzia, jotham ahaz, khatni hezekia rui judamei guangc khatni jehoas nac mpouh jeroboam rui isaraelmei guangc sw bammei douc beeri nac mpouh hosea khou ringhpouc rui tii guangmei lat kiu mi hei e. i command all the treasury officials in the province of west euphrates to provide promptly for ezra, the priest and scholar in the law of the god of heaven, everything he asks you for tingkauh racguangc tuang riakdanv nchamloumeipu khatni amuh sw bammei ezra rui nangniw khou kage naina sa pwkhou hei tei lungh gutna tiipat nina e, mi latdanv hei guangh arthasastha ai rui duipaengc ramv khou lungc bammei guay khou tii patmei tuang e. the king is not to have a large number of horses for his army, and he is not to send people to egypt to buy horses, because the lord has said that his people are never to return there. guangh tei katuang ricmei nunc khang takuanh geicna nai khang rui takuanh liu khang izip thangc meic thoucna sw lak nina e, kalam thu isaraelmei tei izip khou hanc guang dat lak nina e twna salou e. if a person is ashamed of me and of my teaching in this godless and wicked day, then the son of man will be ashamed of him when he comes in the glory of his father with the holy angels. thow pw ni alam khou khatni alat lam khou mi ravchap tat makmei khatni paapc padikmei meikin khou hei zakpui mei lam khou tei meic nac mpouh rui ni kamei nthanmei kauh baanchara nunc ta nduanghna kapu tuang hymdaihmei khou key pwkhou zak puni. when king solomon finished all the work on the temple, he placed in the temple storerooms all the things that his father david had dedicated to the lord the silver, gold, and other articles. guangh solomon rui ravkai khou taanc nimei taanv guay tei taanc luai pwkhou, kapu david rui ringhpouc khang katgutloumei daandi, kachaekc, khatni baih baihmei puat guay tei ravkai puat ryloumei bamv khou laaguangna rylou the. and said to him, because you have deliberately broken your covenant with me and disobeyed my commands, i promise that i will take the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your officials. heikumhpui zaeng rui ringhpouc rui solomon khou sa the nang rui anei kak khou swloumei latryan tei sw bak ni twna sw bak lana alat liam the. kumhpui zaeng rui ai nang tuang guangcdic tei nang khou rui laa datna mi nang bangc gaanv khat khou tiilou kan puni the. as soon as the order was given, the people of israel brought gifts of their finest corn, wine, olive oil, honey, and other farm produce, and they also brought the tithes of everything they had. mi latdanv tei patpui lev, isaraelmei nunc rui gay liangmei nap, drakhadui, olive thauc, nkhuaihdui khatni baihmei kaniw tuang laupuk khou rui nthai patmei guay kat guang the. kaniw tuang naimei guay tuang kadam ruh tuang ni tii guang the. when people from here go to offer sacrifices at the lord's temple in jerusalem, they will transfer their loyalty back to rehoboam, king of judah. then they will kill me and go back to king rehoboam. amei nunc rui jerusalem thangc tatna mi khou tei naimei ravkai khou kaniw ringhpouc khang khaengna kalum e thei judamei guangc rehoboam biak thangc kaniw lungning karihna ata swluai puni the. when your people sin against you and there is no one who does not sin and in your anger you let their enemies defeat them and take them as prisoners to some other land, even if that land is far away nang mei guay rui nang ruc khou paapc taancna paapc taanh makmei meic gaanv khat na sini maek pwkhou, nang rui lungpuamcna kaniw ta zauczihmei baanc khou tipatlou pwkhou kaniw ta kangmei swna kandih baih thangc zay tat pwkhou, mi kandic tei duh thangc bam khwan sini remember the solemn promise you made to them to give them as many descendants as there are stars in the sky and to give their descendants all that land you promised would be their possession for ever. kaniw kikta tingpuk khou gaanchuangcna zu tiilou puni khatni kaniw khang tingsaengzaeng sw puni twna nrianhloumei kandic tei tiilou puni twna nang rui kaniw khou nthukmei latdyng swlou kanmei tei ningtowlou o. if you do not keep the covenant which the lord your god commanded you to keep and if you serve and worship other gods, then in his anger he will punish you, and soon none of you will be left in this good land that he has given you. kumhpui zaeng rui mousi tuang riakdyn khou hyloumei guay tei piu chuyna piu khang sw o.