stringlengths 1.32k
Title: 1BR Apt.
Tags: innocent, smart, funny, romantic
Derek was glad that he'd thought of this apartment remodel. It was a project he and his son Luke could work on together. He hoped that it would get Luke to come out of his shell. Ever since his mother passed away a few years ago he'd been closed off and anti-social. Luke gets his handiness from his dad. He loved to work with his hands, and it was not boasting to say that he was pretty good at it too. Fortunately the push, from Derek's dad, to be more took him to state college to study engineering and into a lucrative career afterward. Derek met his wife of 20 years at that college, Theresa was the world to him, and he would have done anything to lay the world at her feet. Fate had a different idea though. Her loss had left a deep scar on their family. It was hard at first, friends and relatives did their best to keep them upbeat and one or two even mentioned that Derek wasn't too old to start again. Those ideas were brushed aside. He would never love anybody like he loved Terri.
Luke took it hard, he was only 14 when Terri found out she had cancer. The doctors did everything they could. Throughout her treatment he would give up being a normal teenager to be home for her when his father couldn't be. She'd get upset with him and tell him to try out for sports at school or join a club, and especially ask a girl that he like out on a date. He'd just brush it off and come home as soon as he could to take care of her. She wasted away before their eyes and in less than a year she was gone. It was a crushing blow to both of them, and as hard as Derek had it, he could tell Luke felt like he was set adrift, and had no guidance. Derek worked, he worked a lot, to keep his mind busy, to keep from thinking about her. Luke just hung around, and kept to himself mostly. He had a few friends but they, for the most part, had moved on after graduation. Luke was accepted to the college where his folks went to and was looking at a similar career to his fathers, no matter how much Derek urged him to do something he wanted. He insisted that he wanted to do what his father does, and build things. He was going to start as a freshman this fall.
Derek, in the interest of keeping Luke from hiding in his room until fall, figured he'd give him a project. They lived in a big house with an large 2 car garage. Above the garage was a space that was large enough to turn into an in-law apartment. He presented Luke with the project to clean it out, and design an apartment. As soon as he had a plan they would build it and rent it out. Thanks to the college there's never any shortage of students looking for off campus apartments. They weren't really close, a few miles, but these days all the kids had cars anyway.
Like anything he put his mind to, Luke had a plan in place pretty quickly. We worked out details for the major demolition and installing plumbing, and electrical etc. He really did his homework, even shopping for materials for finishing like the flooring and appliances. He got it in his head to fully decorate it with the help of some ideas from magazines. What they ended up with was a very nice small 1 bedroom apartment with a nice view over the backyard. Luke had already started school and they didn't think it likely that they'd get a lot of offers right away but they listed the apartment in the paper anyway.
They interviewed a couple students and even a visiting professor who was teaching here for a year, but nobody fit what they had in mind and too many wanted them to come down on the price. There was no way Derek was going to let anybody devalue the work that he and Luke had put into it, the only one who was going to budge on price was going to be Luke. It was his baby.
It was a warm Saturday afternoon when Derek heard a woman's voice call out. He was in the back yard puttering around with a rake. He leaned it against the house and walked around to the front where he saw a lovely blonde haired girl walking towards the other corner of the house heading to the yard. He called out to her and she jumped slightly startled. In only a few moments Derek took in the sight of her. She was very pretty, her blond hair fell around her shoulders. She smiled and held out her hand to shake.
"Hi, I'm Ellie. I was wondering if you've rented the apartment yet?" He let her know that they hadn't yet, and that his son Luke was in charge of that. He went in and got the keys and let her see it, and she ooh'ed and ahh'ed at it. "Who decorated it? They did an awesome job." He let her know that the whole place was done by Luke, from design to decoration. He smiled at her shock, when he told her he was starting school at the local university this year. "This was done by a teenager?"
"He should be home any minute if you want to hang around. A few of the ground rules that we've placed are that guests please park on the street so as to not block the garage downstairs. Use of the yard and pool are a given so long as you keep it down to a dull roar." He said chuckling. "There's a washer and dryer downstairs in the garage that you can use rather than go to a laundromat. As you probably saw in the ad, utilities are provided including cable and Internet. We can get you telephone if you need it but it's not wired for it up here. We figured most students use cellphones anyway."
"It's perfect. Now I see why you're asking so much for it. Any chance we can haggle on the price?" She cocked her head smiling, her eyes sparkling. Derek chuckled.
"That's up to Luke. This is his baby, start to finish." He heard the garage door opener beneath them start up. "You can ask him yourself in a minute. I'll let him know you're here." He stepped out onto the landing and looked at the door as he closed it. He thought for a moment that they may have found the right person for the apartment. He smiled as he trotted down the stairs and ducked into the garage where Luke was getting out of the car. His hair was mussed from driving with the window down, his shirt was tight over his well formed chest and arms. The work had leaned him out and toned him up.
"Hey Luke, you have someone upstairs looking at the apartment."
"I'll guess by the grin on your face it's a girl."
"Is there anything wrong with a girl renting your place?"
"No... I just want somebody normal and quiet."
He passed me on his way to the stairs and his father put his hand on his shoulder. "I have a good feeling about this one. Trust your instincts." He nodded and made for the stairs taking them two at a time. I heard him open the door and close it behind him, and I went back to the yard whistling a little tune. She could be just the thing.
A short while later, Luke popped around the corner of the garage and slowly wandered through the yard.
"She tried to get me to come down on the price."
"Really?" He smiled trying not to laugh. "How did that go?"
"I asked her how much she could reasonably afford, and I halved the difference. She took it." He smirked.
"How much lower did you go?"
"A hundred bucks. Non-smoker, no boyfriend and she says she not a partier. She's a senior in culinary arts and nutrition. She offered to cook for us occasionally if we don't mind being her test subjects. Her name is Ellie Love." Luke grinned, but didn't say that he'd thought about dropping two for the pretty coed.
"No shit?" He laughed. Luke just shrugged.
"She's calling her folks to let them know she's found a place."
Ellie started moving in the next day. Luke was out in the driveway washing his car, the sound of music filtered down from Ellie's open window as she unpacked. Derek watched Luke from the window for a moment and caught him looking up at the window off and on. He would bet anything she was intentionally wandering back and forth to get a look at him too.
"Hey Luke?" Ellie called down.
"Yea?" He replied.
"Any chance you could take me shopping for some kitchen stuff? There isn't much up here in the way of plates, glasses, silverware, you know."
"Sure, let me know when you're ready."
"Give me 10 minutes and I'll be down."
Ellie went and changed. She knew she was older than him by a couple years. His father mentioned he'd turned 19 last month. Luke was hot with his dark hair and dark brown eyes, but he seemed so quiet and shy. After the wild roommates and crazy party atmosphere of the apartment she shared last year, this was going to be a nice change.
She worked in a small café, after high school and found she loved it and thought it might be a cool idea to start her own. So she'd decided that getting it right was going to require some learning and went back to school. Now at 23 she was close to finishing her degree and moving on to realizing the dream. She threw on a striped tee and pushed her sweats off and found a pair of jeans in one of her bags and went to the bathroom to check herself in the mirror. She knew she wasn't a knockout but she was pretty cute. She knew that from the double-takes she got from guys at school. She was short, in her opinion, at five foot three, her sandy blonde hair hung past her shoulders, and her dark brown eyes were always sparkling. Her dad said they were full of mischief. If he only knew.
She pulled the door shut behind her checking that it had locked and bounced down the stairs like she was on springs. She watched Luke for a moment as he wiped down the car, and got a tingling sensation as he leaned forward, his jeans tightened around his cute ass. 'Get a hold of yourself girl' she thought. She reached her hands behind her causing her shirt to tighten across her small breasts, and cleared her throat.
Luke looked over his shoulder at Ellie. Damn she was cute, but she didn't act like she knew it. He gave her a small smirk.
"Sorry about the kitchen. I didn't stop to think that someone moving in wouldn't have dishes of their own."
"Oh, no problem." Ellie countered quickly. "It's just that my last place, everything belonged to my room mates, and as long as I kept them fed they didn't care what I used." She smiled. "I could use a couple towels too. I'm on a budget so let's hit up that little French boutique, Tar-jay."Luke laughed at her joke and reached for the passenger side door opening it for her. He bowed with a flourish.
"After you milady."
Luke was already winning points as she climbed into the car. He hopped in and started the car backing out of the driveway. On the way to the to the store Ellie drew him out asking what he was going to school for, and what he planned for after. He didn't do sports or really anything with friends. She could tell he was one of those quiet loner types, and he had a lot going on in there that nobody ever saw. She decided then and there that she'd make it her goal to draw him out of his shell.
"Maybe you can build my swanky café for me when you graduate." She winked at him.
Luke looked over at her for a moment and smiled. "Yea I'll get right on that."
"Seriously, that apartment is awesome. I bet it wouldn't be much of a stretch. Your dad said you planned it nearly free hand. You don't do something like that without real talent."
Luke just shrugged and said thanks.
They pulled into a parking space and Ellie grabbed a cart and hopped up on the rail, riding it a few feet towards the store like a kid. This gave Luke a great view of her backside and she knew he was looking by the expression she saw when she looked over her shoulder. He looked slightly shocked then looked down and away. She bit her lower lip and grinned. This was going to be fun, she thought.
They made their way into the store and Ellie took the long way around to housewares and chose a cheap set of dinnerware, then some glasses and flatware. She went over the cooking stuff with a fine tooth comb looking at labels and chose a few items. The cart filled up fast with the large items. She decided that she'd done enough damage there and wandered around a corner and started up the aisle. Luke just pushed the cart along behind her watching her walk. He was pretty sure she hadn't wiggled her butt like that on the way in. She reached out to a blouse hanging next to the aisle and felt the fabric and held it out and let it go and she walked past a rack of lingerie.
Ellie let out a little ooh when she saw a little yellow bra and panty set hanging up and took it off the rack. "What do you think?" She asked holding the cups up to her chest, grinning devilishly at Luke. His face turned red and he looked around.
"It's definitely your color." He said and mumbled something after.
"What?" She asked, making him repeat it.
He breathed deep and replied. "Did you want to pick up some food while we're here? The basics at least?"
Ellie gave him a sly smile. "Chicken."
"I don't know if they have chicken, but they've got groceries. You know, canned, boxed and frozen food, stuff like that."
She walked right up close to him and reached over and set the lingerie right in the top of the basket where he was sure to keep it at the forefront of his mind. "Sure, let's go stock the cupboards." She chose some basic dry goods, a couple cans here and there. "If I'm going to be a chef, I can't be relying on packaged goods too much, but sometimes a girl needs a night off." She grabbed a couple cans of soup and found some microwave popcorn piling it all on top of the cart. They made their way to the check out and the lady behind the counter was scanning away and looked up at the two of them noting what they were buying.
"You kids setting up home for the first time?" The lady smiled.
Ellie wrapped an arm around Luke pulling them together and laid her head on his shoulder. "Yes, we're going to be so happy." She peeked out of the corner of her eye and noticed Luke had gone red again. She pursed her lips and slid her hand across his lower back taking her time letting it drop and grazing his butt. The feeling sent a shock through Luke and he wasn't sure how to react so he did his best to forget it happened. They brought their cart out to the car and packed it away. On the trip home they didn't speak, and just listened to the radio. Luke turned off the car and reached for the door when he felt Ellie put her hand on his and give it a squeeze.
"Sorry, I was just..." She said softly, biting her lower lip.
Luke looked at her and nodded, and got out and began unloading the car. The little table was piled with boxes and bags were strewn around the floor.
Luke was about to turn and leave when Ellie stopped him.
"I was just having a little fun. I didn't mean to embarrass you."
"I know, it's okay."
"Are you busy this afternoon? I could use a hand unpacking all this stuff and washing the dishes."
"Sure, I can help." He took the first box and opened it up and brought it into the kitchen and started loading the dishwasher with the plates and bowls. "We forgot cleaning supplies. I'll run downstairs I'm sure we've got plenty. He headed for the door and trotted down the stairs, and his own kitchen.
Ellie decided to get more comfortable and wandered into the bedroom and lost the shirt and jeans. She had just pulled on her sweat pants when the door opened and Luke walked in. She hadn't bothered to close the bedroom door and he got a full on look at her standing there in her sweat pants and a lacy pink bra. His eyes locked on hers and he froze. Ellie just smiled and reached for her hoodie putting it on and zipping it up to mid chest just barely concealing the bra. She walked out of the bedroom.
"Relax it's the Internet age, I'm sure you've seen a girl in lingerie before."
"Uh yea, sorry I should have knocked. It's just that I've been up here so much while decorating that I forgot someone lives here now."
Ellie shrugged , "Mi casa es su casa. You're welcome up any time. I don't make it a habit to walk around like a lingerie model, don't worry. I don't have the body for it."
Luke mumbled something, and Ellie was sure it was a denial of that claim but she just bit her lip to keep from smiling. Luke started running water to clean the larger items in the sink and Ellie started putting things into cupboards. The tight space meant they were brushing against each other often. Luke noticed Ellie used him as a balance whenever he was in reach, a hand on his shoulder when she leaned into a cabinet. She placed a hand on the small of his back again to see what he was cleaning.
"No abrasives, just soapy water on that one. That's a pro quality non-stick sauté pan right there." She winked. "It said so on the label."
As she leaned back Luke got a light scent of her perfume. He hadn't noticed it before but it was sweet and flowery. Had she put it on after he'd gone downstairs he wondered. It was having an intoxicating effect, along with her touch. He was glad he was facing the sink to hide the bulge that was forming in his jeans.
"I'm going to go throw these towels in the wash real quick."
"Okay I'll just stay here and slave away in your kitchen like a drudge." Luke's response was surprising causing Ellie to bust out laughing.
"Yes! I have my own kitchen drudge!" She did a little fist pump in triumph.
Luke peeked over his shoulder as she made for the door watching her cute little butt with the store name plastered across the seat of her sweats. He'd better get out of here fast or he wasn't going to make a safe exit with the tent in the front of his jeans. He wiped down the last dish and headed down the stairs and poked his head into the garage telling her that he was done, and if she needed anything else to just let him know. She thanked him and he rushed into the house.
Ellie went back up to find the dishes all cleaned and laid out waiting for her to decide where they'd be put. She worked efficiently putting things in their logical places and had just enough room to fit everything she'd bought. She saw the yellow lingerie she'd bought and smiled. She hadn't intended to buy it, but wanted to tease Luke. They were cute though so she put them in with her wash.
The weekly grind began, everybody leaving the house and heading off in their respective directions. Ellie got home late from her job at the little café, and hit the books for an hour or so before taking a shower. She wandered into the bedroom and looked out the window hearing something moving around. She spied Luke hauling a trash can and recycling to the curb.
Luke turned and looked up at the light in the window and saw her outlined in soft yellow light. She stood there in a long sleeve shirt, unbuttoned part way down the front. She lifted a hand and gave him a little wave and he waved back.
Ellie noticed that after he waved he didn't go back inside right away and she pointed to the door and beckoned him. She smiled when he knocked on the door this time.
"Come on in. You already know I'm dressed this time."
"Well I couldn't tell if you were wearing pants. What's up?"
"Nothing, I was bored and wondered if you wanted to hang out and watch TV or something."
"Sure, I guess."
"I'm in a junk food mood. Would you like some cookies and ice cream?"
"Yes, please." He replied with a little more gusto.
"I baked the cookies myself. The ice cream is store bought." She chuckled. "Go ahead and turn on the TV, find us something to watch."
"What do you feel like?"
"Anything really, nothing to cerebral I get enough of that from school books." She scooped up a couple bowls of the ice cream, adding a couple cookies to each, and added spoons.
She walked into the living room handing him a bowl and sat next to him curling her legs under her. The fact that her nipples were rock hard from standing in front of the open freezer wasn't lost on Luke, but he didn't stare. They sat watching the last few minutes of a sitcom, only the sounds of spoons tapping bowls and an occasional chuckle interrupted the silence. When the show ended Luke took the bowls into the kitchen and rinsed them out. When he came back Ellie noticed he had a little ice cream on his lower lip and did her best not to laugh.
She shook her head and patted the cushion next to her. When he sat she lifted his arm wrapping around her shoulders. "It's just that you missed a spot." She leaned in and licked the drying ice cream from his lower lip and smiled. It was make or break time, what would he do she wondered. The answer was only a moment away when the shock left his eyes it was replaced by hunger. Luke leaned into her and kissed her, she responded quickly returning it in kind. He was slow and a little clumsy, but he made up for it in ardor.
"Mmm, you taste like cookies and cream."
"You do to." Luke said breathing in deeply. "I uh..."
"Stop thinking so much." She leaned in and kissed him again, this time her tongue slipped past his lips looking to play. Luke parted his lips and was quickly assaulted, Ellie grabbed the front of his shirt for leverage as her tongue delved deeper luring him out. She felt bold and went with it, and threw a leg over his lap and settled down wrapping her arms around the back of his head and took the upper hand. A few minutes of oral assault and she stopped and smiled, their foreheads touched.
"You know you can touch me." She whispered. "I don't bite." He looked back at her wide-eyed, his chest heaving as he gasped for breath. She reached down and took his hands and placed them on her hips as she began again. She nudged his hands imploring him to explore and he began by lowering them around her flannel covered rear, massaging it with his strong hands. She responded with a soft moan, hoping to encourage him. It worked as he gripped her harder pulling her hips down against his. She could feel how hard he was through his jeans and was making her wet to know only a few layers of clothing kept this from getting out of hand.
"I uhh..." Luke started.
"What?" Ellie asked softly kissing the tip of his nose.
"I uhh, I've never really done this before." He said his cheeks coloring even more.
"You've never made out with a girl before?" She sat back on his knees, genuinely surprised. Luke was hot and he didn't even realize it.
"No." He said looking downward embarrassment apparent on his face.
She lifted his chin and kissed him softly. "Well you're doing just fine for a first-timer, just relax." His hands slid upward lifting the hem of her shirt and his hands wrapped around her waist, his touch was hot on her skin kindling the fire burning inside. She wasn't sure if it was luck or instinct that made him break their kiss and graze her neck with his lips kissing softly down then back up to her ear but his lips were eager and she gasped as he nibbled her neck. His hands began exploring upward, her shirt rising with them when he suddenly stopped right at the base of her breasts. Her body was screaming to have him continue as her lips latched back on to his, their tongues dueling.
"Please?" She whispered softly. His thumbs were so painfully close but not completing the journey up her torso. He took a moment to realize what she was asking, and he lifted his thumbs brushing the bottom of her breasts. She gasped, she was nearly ready to rip her shirt off and bury his face into her chest but the build up he was creating was so intense she didn't want it to end. His hands found her nipples, applying pressure and rolling them around. Ellie leaned her head back and whimpered as Luke just stared at his hands working underneath her shirt.
In a swift movement Ellie had crossed her arms over her chest and whipped the shirt over her head, her hair falling wildly over her face. Luke's mouth dropped open as he saw what he was doing. Ellie noted that he'd stopped to stare, and reached up with her hands taking his and massaging her breasts with his large rough hands. She let out a delighted hum from deep in her throat as he began taking the initiative. He began to lean forward, then looked up into her eyes and sat back. Ellie wasn't going to let him off the hook and shook her head slowly, before reaching for the back of his head and pulling it to her breast.
"Don't shy away, follow your instincts." Ellie said softly.
"They're beautiful." He said before planting a kiss in the center of her chest. He kissed his way over and nibbled on the nipple with his lips before gently stroking it with his tongue. Ellie's breathing was getting more ragged and shallow. She grabbed him by the cheeks and tilted his head back and dove into his mouth tongue first.
"We should stop, before things get out of hand." She gasped between kisses. His hands were roaming up and down her back pulling her hard against him.
"Do we have to?" He gasped.
"Yes." She said rolling off of his lap, her bare chest shone with a flush of pink, her nipples were bright pink as well. She tugged her shirt out from behind her and held it to her chest as she got her breath back. "I don't want to be known as the kind of girl who puts out before the first date." She giggled.
Luke just stared at her confused, longing to have her back in his arms. "Yea, I guess." After a few more minutes he spoke up again. "What are you doing Friday night?"
Ellie's eyebrows went up and a smile spread across her face. "Working, but I'm off Saturday night."
"Would you like to go out, with me I mean?" Luke said sheepishly.
"On one condition."
"What's that?"
"That this isn't why you're asking." She said lifting the shirt and flashing her breasts at him.
He stared at her chest for a moment and she covered back up. When their eyes met his expression softened and he shook his head. "You're beautiful, but that's not the only reason I'd like to go out with you."
"Why then?" Her curiosity peaked.
He shrugged. "You're fun, smart, you make me laugh, and you're beautiful, even fully dressed."
She beamed up at him. "So what are we doing on Saturday?"
Luke shrugged. "I'll think of something, trust me."
"I'd better get some sleep... class in the morning."
Ellie suppressed a giggle when he stood, the front of his jeans was prison for the raging monster that she'd whipped into a frenzy.
"Sorry." She said softly, and bit her lip.
"Don't worry, I'll take matters into my own hands." He sighed and she chuckled. She walked him to the door. As he turned to say goodnight she wrapped her arms around his neck dragging him down to her kiss while crushing her breasts against his chest. His hands instinctively went to her waist pulling her to him while their mouths locked. She brought her hand down between them and stroked him through his jeans.
"Don't beat him too bad, he's been a good boy tonight." Luke chuckled and left, taking the steps slowly.
Ellie leaned back against the cool door, her eyes closed thinking about how the little things in life change when you least expect them. She hadn't had a steady boyfriend since last school year, and even then that wasn't very involved, they were more like friends with benefits. Luke on the other hand gave her a tingle that she hadn't felt since she was a teenager. She fret for a minute at the fact that she was older than him, but brushed that aside. Besides, Luke was a lot more mature than any 19 year old she'd met before. She stopped and grabbed a towel from the bathroom before heading to bed. She was going to need it after the evening she'd just had. She tossed her shirt onto the bed and spread out the towel and pushed off her flannel bottoms, her panties were soaked. She lay back on the towel rubbing herself slowly through the damp lace as she recalled the feel of his rough hands on her skin and the fire from his lips. She circled her clit through the fabric, with a sharp intake of breath she dragged her fingers over it. She reached over into her nightstand drawer, reaching for a small pink vibrator. She couldn't get out of the panties fast enough, pushing them down and kicking them onto the floor. She flipped the switch and it came to life and found the mark quickly. She didn't hesitate, she went right for the quick release while she imagined Luke between her legs performing the act she now performed upon herself. Her orgasm hit her like a rogue wave, ripping through her as she arched her back and moaned loudly. After a long moment of tension she relaxed back to the mattress, the vibrator slipping free onto the towel as she panted. She felt electrified a slight tremble overtook her. Eventually she wiped up the considerable mess she'd made, and sheepishly wondered how well sound proofed the walls were. There was a good ten or twelve foot breezeway between the main house and the garage so she didn't worry that she was overheard.
Luke leaned back against the wall, his hard |
cock finally beginning to soften. He had quietly stepped into the garage when he got downstairs and leaned against the hood of his car to think about what had happened. He was also hoping that his erection would relax a bit before he went into the house, just in case he bumped into his father. He heard Ellie moving around upstairs and mentally followed her footsteps as she walked. He heard the creek of her getting into bed just above his left shoulder. He stood there for a moment longer and started hearing her making noises like she had only a little while before, but louder. It took him a moment to realize what she must be doing and the thought took him by surprise. She was upstairs getting herself off. He had a major ego boost from that, and her sounds were doing just the opposite for his jeans than he'd hoped. He decided to release the tension. He reached over for a couple of the heavy paper towels that were on a shelf there in the garage. He opened his fly releasing his engorged cock and began stroking it, while listening to her muffled moans. The feel of her strong, lithe body in his hands, the feel of her spread across his lap from only a few minutes earlier, the smell of her, so sweet and flowery. It wasn't long before he was hitting the point of no return. He heard her moan, and call out his name, the shock nearly made him stop mid stroke as his eyes opened instantly. A few sharp moans came from over his left shoulder and then silence. The realization hit just as his orgasm did, he hurried to catch his load with the paper towels. He leaned his head back catching his breath, then quickly cleaned up, ditching the evidence into one of the trash cans. He silently made his way into the house.
Friday morning came and Ellie hopped into her car and after several attempts, it didn't start. She pounded on the steering wheel a few times, and thankfully the windows were up or the entire neighborhood would have heard a lovely young lady swearing like a sailor. She got out and peeked into the garage door window. Great, Luke's car was still there. She knocked on the door and he opened the door wearing only jeans. She was caught by surprise staring into his chest, a few dark wispy hairs curled against the lightly tanned skin. She looked up slowly seeing he was standing there with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.
"Hi, my car shit the bed, are you headed into school soon?" She asked smiling. Damn he looked this good rolling out of bed in the morning?
"I don't have class for another hour, but I can give you a ride. C'mon in while I grab a shirt."
"Not on my account, I hope, you look just fine without one." Ellie thought. Luke grabbed his books and laptop and they headed to school.
"Listen, I can get a ride to work after classes. What I was wondering was... would you be a sweetheart and pick me up after my shift? Nobody at work lives on this end of town."
"Sure, no problem." He smiled. She gave him the address and time, and told him to come early if he wanted and she'd buy him dinner too.
School went quickly, with nobody lingering on a Friday and Ellie got a ride to work. She thought about what the specials had been today and decided to whip up something special for Luke. It wasn't easy on a Friday night, it was pretty busy, but the regular clientèle dropped off quickly after dinner, knowing that the café closed at 8. A couple tables sported coffee sipping hipsters but for the most part the place had cleared out by then. Ellie had whipped up a little dish for them to share while she cleaned up the kitchen.
"Damn." Came a voice through the little window. Jody, one of the servers had whispered loud enough to be heard. "He's hot." Ellie popped her head up and scanned where Jody was looking and saw look scanning back and forth. She grinned ear to ear.
"Back off, he's already taken." She said softly, but with a little edge of threat in her voice. He may not be taken yet, but she didn't need any competition from the bubbly little server. "Can you sit him over at the chef's table.
Jody chuckled. "Some chef's table, it's just the table nearest the kitchen door. What's his name?"
"His name is Luke, and be nice, I have a large selection of cutlery at hand, and I know how to use it."
Jody walked over and introduced herself. Saying that Ellie had told her she had a friend stopping by. "She said a dark eyed handsome stranger was coming to pick her up. I told her to snap out of it, Prince Charming isn't real. Then you have to go and prove me wrong." She smiled, and steered him over to the table against the wall near the kitchen, and fawned over him for a moment and got him a drink. Ellie made sure nothing was burning and wiped her hands on her apron and snuck out of the kitchen.
A smile spread across Luke's face when he saw her, which warmed her heart. She walked over and he stood up, such a gentleman she thought. She couldn't help herself and walked right up to him and kissed him softly. At first he seemed surprised but he didn't take long to return it.
"Hi." She said drawing it out. "Are you hungry?"
"You mentioned dinner, so I haven't eaten since lunch." He grinned.
"Good, park it, and I'll go whip it up." She winked at him and turned and wiggled back into the kitchen. Her ponytail danced back and forth as she peeked over her shoulder to make sure he was watching. She put herself into work mode and started pulling ingredients together. When in work mode Ellie was a sight to behold, like a kitchen ninja she got more done with fewer moves than anybody else in the café.
What seemed like only a few minutes later she walked out of the kitchen with two plates of seared scallops and linguine, setting one down in front of Luke and the other across from him.
"One second." She said as she reached down and pulled the apron string sliding it off her waist. She unbuttoned the chef's coat she wore and dodged back into the kitchen to hang them up.
She sat down and they began. Ellie peeking up to see if Luke was enjoying it. The speed with which he was eating told her what she wanted to know.
"I should have asked you if there was anything you didn't like. I didn't even think of that before hand. Seafood can be touchy for some people. Hell I didn't even think to ask if you were allergic." She said getting frustrated with herself.
"No, it's delicious!" He was being completely genuine. He saw her getting upset and reached across the table to take her hand and rubbed the back of it with is thumb. "I love seafood. My family used to go out to the beach in the summer..." He trailed off, his expression softened.
It was Ellie's turn to comfort, and she took his hand firmly in hers. "Tell me about it. I bet you had a blast." Luke went on to tell her about a trip to the beach they'd taken years earlier and he and his dad had gone fishing and he caught a striper that nearly hauled him overboard. He went from excited to wistful. She knew he was thinking about his mother, his dad had told her the previous week, and sympathized with him.
"I baked a small batch of cookies when I got here. Want to try one? They're sort of an experiment, but I think they came out pretty good."
Never one to pass up a cookie he smiled and nodded.
"That's what I love about working here. I get indulge my creativity, and if things work out sometimes it makes it on the specials board." She said setting down the frosted lemon sugar cookies. They talked for a while longer and a loud scrape of a chair pulled them out of their reverie. Jody had been sweeping and Ellie noticed the time. They had closed nearly half an hour before.
"Oh my god. I'm sorry Jody. I lost track of time." Ellie hopped up and started clearing the table.
"No worries hon. I can see why. You just need to clean up that and we're out of here. I'd ask if you need a ride home, but I think I already know the answer to that." She chuckled.
Ellie wiped down the table and Luke helped out by flipping the last few chairs up onto the tables so Jodie could finish sweeping. He waited in the front while the girls finished up in the back. He looked out the window at the darkened street, the old style street lamps lending small town charm to the night. They came out of the kitchen whispering between themselves.
"You're sure you don't need a ride? This one looks a little dangerous." Jodi said laughing.
"I'm fine, besides he knows where I live, he's my landlord." Ellie grinned.
"I wasn't talking to you, I'm worried for him." They all got a chuckle out of that as they locked up and made their way to their cars. Luke opened up the door and held it for Ellie, these small gestures went over much bigger than he realized.
On the ride neither spoke when Luke felt Ellie's hand lay on the back of his giving it a squeeze. "Thank you for saving my butt today." He just looked over and shrugged.
"You would have done the same for me I'm sure." He smiled at her for a moment and turned back to the road. He was honestly elated that her car hadn't started.
Ellie sighed. "I hope it's nothing major. My dad had the car gone over before I came back to school. I can't afford anything big." She looked out the window, the lights of town faded behind them as they entered the suburbs.
"Tomorrow's Saturday, I can take a look at it if you want, if it's something simple I can probably fix it."
"Oh, would you?" She squeezed his hand harder. They got back to the house and Ellie reached over the seat to grab her bag. Luke watched her lean frame twist, and her rear end stick up, her jeans stretched over it nicely. He remembered just how nice it felt too and longed to hold it again. Ellie was no fool, she knew full well Luke was staring at her butt while she pretended to be looking for something in her bag. It didn't hurt to pique his interest though. She sat back in the seat dragging the bag over with her.
"You coming up?" She asked smiling.
"I don't know, you probably have stuff to do. You know school work or something?"
"I do have some reading to do, but I can do that later. I'm feeling a little restless and I can't sit still and read when I'm like this." Luke's eyebrows went up a bit.
"You don't have to. I mean if you want to come up and grab the car keys in the morning that's fine too." Her smile began to fade.
"Oh, I can get them now, that way you can sleep in if you want to."
"Have something planned for tomorrow yet?" Ellie asked sweetly. Luke just grinned. "You're not going to give me a hint? A girl needs to know how to prepare for a date you know."
"Jeans will be fine, and bring a sweater or sweatshirt in case it gets cold. Oh, and walking shoes."
"So something outdoors? Okay then."
He wouldn't give her any more information than that. He enjoyed keeping her guessing.
"Would you like to play a game? I found a box with my bucket of Jenga blocks while I was unpacking some stuff last night." Luke nodded smiling and Ellie went and got the game. They sat on the couch and Ellie started stacking blocks and handed the bucket to Luke and directed him to keep stacking and she went to the bedroom and slipped off her jeans putting on lounge pants with some mall store logo down the leg and came back.
"That feels better. Do you want something to drink? I've got a bottle of wine, or something else maybe?" He agreed to what ever she wanted. She opened the bottle of wine and poured a couple glasses and brought it over to the table putting them out of the way of game.
"Have you ever had wine before?"
"I'm nineteen, I haven't been under a rock." He chuckled. "My mother liked wine so I've tried several different types and I like it." He took a sip and swirled around his mouth taking in a little breath of air. "Stone fruit, oak, I'd say a California Chardonnay." He added. It was Ellie's turn to raise eyebrows.
"Very good! Napa Valley to be exact." She looked at the blocks and noted he hadn't put the last one on the top yet. She took it and put both hands behind her back. Luke noted just how nicely her top stretched across her chest as she did this. "Pick a hand." He picked the one with the block winning the starting move.
"What are we playing for?" He asked, sounding crafty.
"I don't know. What do you have in mind?" She smirked, wondering if he had the same thing in mind that she did.
He shrugged. "Loser has to perform a strip tease for the winner." She grinned ear to ear hearing this.
"Okay hot shot. I'll have you know I'm a master at this game. I hope you're wearing cute briefs."
"Maybe, you'll have to win to find out."
They both concentrated on the game intently for a few moves, and then the smack talk began. They taunted one another as the blocks started to wobble. "I don't know, maybe you should stay in the kitchen and let us real men handle the engineering." Luke said. Ellie reached over and flicked his ear sharply causing him to yelp in pain while he giggled.
The game progressed more slowly as the tower got more shaky. Eventually the tower fell to Ellie placing a block on top. "Shit." She said, but she didn't really mind it. She was actually excited about this idea. She had hoped to see him perform for her but the exhibitionist streak in her wanted to show off to him too. "Put the blocks away and find some music you like. I'll be right back."
"Where are you going?" He asked picking up the blocks watching her stand. She leaned over and turned the lights down.
"Well if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right." She winked and went into the bedroom again. He had toted up the game and set it aside and grinned to himself that he'd pulled off the coup. After the other night all he'd been able to think about is her body. Her pert breasts, and smooth skin, now he was going to see her strip for him. He was flipping through music until he found some dance music. He started tapping his foot and realized she didn't have much room, so he slid the coffee table aside toward the window. The window! He drew the curtains so nobody would see her. The song he was listening to finished and she still hadn't come back. He wondered momentarily if he'd gone to far when he heard her open the bedroom door. She must have turned off the lights before opening it because he didn't get a peek until she walked out into the room.
She had put her hair up in a lazy twist on top of her head, and changed into a red satin top and gray skirt. She had even gone so far as to put on heels. She looked absolutely stunning as she walked out and noted that he'd made room for her. A small smirk touched her now red lips as she noted the look on his face. She was happy with the reaction but didn't want to let on that she was enjoying his prize as much as he was. She looked off into the distance and listened, then nodded.
"Are you ready for me, Luke?" She asked, her voice husky.
He knew the line she quoted was from a movie, but he just sat there, his mouth hanging open.
She quirked her lips in a wry smile. She began to move with the music stepping carefully, heels on a carpet weren't conducive to graceful movement. She reached down and slipped the heels off tossing them aside and continued. Her sensual movements were already having an effect on Luke and for the first time he didn't care if he hid it or not. Ellie was beautiful, and he was totally captivated by her. She had turned sideways and began unbuttoning the cuffs of her blouse, she turned her back to him, her hips swayed to the music as she got into the music. She reached up and pulled the hair clip out and shook her head, letting her hair cascade down around her shoulders. She looked over her shoulder shooting him a sensual gaze, her hands worked the buttons of her blouse open. She spun around holding the front of her blouse closed and stepped towards him letting her hands fall as the blouse opened giving him a peek of the red and black bra she was wearing beneath it. He swallowed audibly and his jaw dropped open again.
"Thirsty?" She reached over and handed him the half empty wine glass. He took the glass and practically gulped the remaining wine. "Now we hadn't spoken of limits before this all started. Am I on my own with regards to how far I let this go?" She quirked an eyebrow at him, knowing full well she was going all the way, but let him wonder just what he was going to see. She reached up and lifted the blouse from her shoulders and let it slide down her arms slowly. She flipped the blouse over the back of the couch next to him. He could smell her perfume, it was a stronger than before.
He swallowed audibly. "Yes, as far as you comfortable with."
"Is it how you imagined it would be?" He just nodded at her open mouthed. She tapped his ankles wider and danced between his spread legs swaying to the music and lifting her skirt giving him a peek of her smooth thighs. She noted that his jeans were straining to contain him. She couldn't wait to get a look at him either. She turned with the music and reached behind her making a come hither motion with her finger and pointed at the zipper on the back of her skirt. He didn't move for a moment and she looked over her shoulder at him and he was staring at her shimmy back and forth. He didn't move, and she directed his attention back to the zipper. As he reached forward she swayed to the side then back again avoiding his grip. He managed to catch the zipper and slide it down slowly exposing the back of her black satin panties. He reached up and pushed the fabric together releasing the hook. She took his hands and laid them flat on her hips as she swayed with the music. She gave them a small nudge downward and he understood she wanted him to remove the skirt. The skirt gave way as it slipped past her hips, and he gasped at seeing her beautiful behind swaying in front of his face. She stepped free of the skirt and he bent to pick it up and laid it next to her blouse on the back of the couch as she turned.
"How am I doing?" She asked softly. He just nodded excitedly. Ellie was pretty sure that if she asked him to, he'd rob a bank for her right now. It was an exhilarating feeling for her to have him in this state of excitement. "Good." She smiled.
She danced slowly to Wonderful Tonight. How appropriate he thought. As he stared in wide eyed wonder at this beautiful girl.
She ran her hands up and down her body slowly, her head swayed from side to side, her hair partly covered her face as she did. She peeked up at him as the song ended. She nudged his legs together again, and reached down and pulled his knees together. She turned and sat on the very edge of his lap, her butt just barely on his knees. She reached behind her and fanned out her hair and gathered it up over her head. The next song began and she waited for him to take the cue. "Undo me." Luke wasn't sure who's undoing it was when he reached up and unhooked her bra, his hands shaking. She let her hair fall as soon as he did and took the shoulder straps down one at a time before standing again. She held it in place as she released first one then the other shoulder straps. She turned her back to him and tossed the bra to him over her shoulder. He put it with the rest of her clothing. She was standing there swaying in only her black lace panties. He noticed they had a tiny red bow on the front when she had walked over to him a minute before. She spun around with the music, her hands cupping her breasts as she took a step towards him, her nipples stood out hard and pink. She swayed to the music losing herself in the beat. She leaned forward placing her hands on his shoulders.
"We're done, right? I mean, you didn't want me to take everything off did you?" She was clearly taunting him. Luke closed his mouth, swallowing hard and opened again to speak and nothing came out. "No? Okay, I guess we're done then." She said standing again.
"No! I mean please... I..." Luke stammered.
"Please what, Luke?" She asked innocently.
"Please take them off." He whispered desperately.
"No Luke, if you'd like them off, then you take them off." She replied turning her body in a few circular sways. She banged her hips side to side with the beat of the music, and looked over her shoulder to see what he was doing. His eyes were following her butt as she swung it back and forth. She stopped moving. "Well?" She asked over her shoulder. Luke raised shaky hands from his lap wondering if this was real or if he was going to get slapped away at the last minute. His hands were like fire on her skin sending butterflies to her core as he ran his thumbs down, pulling the lacy fabric with them. He was going slowly, the fabric peeling off like the skin from a fruit. They slipped over her beautiful behind and the fabric stuck between her legs for a moment, but he kept pulling, down her smooth thighs past her knees. He let go and saw the slightest peek of her lips, they were pink and very wet. She stepped out of the panties and took a step away from him and turned covering herself with her hand.
The scent that bloomed now that her panties were off made his breathing even more shallow and fast. He honestly wasn't sure why his jeans hadn't exploded yet.
"Are you sure you want to see?" She said, her voice low and husky as she swayed with the music again. He only nodded slowly as he stared at the hand she was covering herself with. She drew her hand lightly against her body and slowly ran it up over to her hip uncovering herself for him. She was shaved and pink, moisture shone on her slight lips. She danced for another song, winked at Luke and disappeared into the bedroom.
Luke started panting, not believing what had just happened. Ellie was so turned on she had to force herself to keep her hands off herself or she'd explode. There would be no telling what Luke would do if he heard her moaning in the throes of an orgasm. Though part of her hoped he wouldn't contain himself and burst in the door throwing her on the bed and having his way with her. She took several deep breaths as she grabbed her bathrobe pulling it on, the soft fabric grazing her taut nipples. She walked back out into the living room and Luke swiveled to see her. A momentary crest-fallen look came to his eyes. Until she sat next to him and nestled against him giving him a long deep kiss.
"You'd better brush up on your dance moves buddy, next time I'm going to beat the pants off you, literally." She said as she softly bit his lower lip. They made out for a while longer, Ellie slowing him down when he got excited. "We should probably get to bed." She said, and Luke's eyes went wide. Ellie stood and went and got her keys pulling the car key free of the chain and brought it back to him. "Thanks for the ride today. You really saved my ass."
"Any time." He said reaching for the key, realizing tonight was done he seemed to get puppy eyes and Ellie just wanted to wrap him up and bundle him off to bed herself but she made herself a promise that she wasn't going to jump him on the first date. Little did Luke realize that tonight was, in her mind, their first date. No matter what he planned for tomorrow, she was done teasing him, she was going to have him. She walked him to the door.
"I can't wait for tomorrow. I bet it will be fun." She smiled and kissed him and grabbed his butt giving it a squeeze through the jeans. "I can't wait to get you out of these." She thought before she reached for the door.
Luke made his way down the steps and went into the house putting his hands into his pockets to hopefully disguise the bulge if his Dad was still up. He walked in and heard the TV and poked his head in to let him know he was home and going to bed.
"Did you two have fun?" He asked. Luke said yes, not entering the little den, but speaking from the dark of the doorway. He turned to go to his room and his dad burst out laughing. He looked over his shoulder and wondered what was so funny, and figured it was just something on TV. He had a distinct problem and figured a shower would help him out with it. He hadn't closed his door for more than a minute when there was a soft rap on it.
"Yea?" He said. The door opened and dad peeked in.
"Hey, I'm glad you two are getting along so well, just be careful Luke."
"What do you mean?"
Dad took a deep breath and started. "I just don't want to see you get hurt. She's a pretty girl, but this is her last year, right? I just don't want you to fall head over heels and have her leave you high and dry."
"I won't, we're just friends."
"Mmm hmm." His dad stepped forward and reached behind him and tugged the black lace panties from the back pocket of his jeans and held them up. "Just make sure you protect yourself." He grinned, handing them to Luke, his face was beet red. Dad smirked and left the room closing the door behind him. He went to take his shower shaking his head.
The next morning he had the hood up on Ellie's car and had tried turning it over a couple times, and the starter took, but it didn't want to fire. He looked into the possible problems and everything looked in good shape, so he figured he'd look up the symptoms online and most pointed to the fuel filter, so he made a quick run down the parts store and picked up a new one. That seemed to do the trick, once it was installed he was able to start her car several times without any problem.
Ellie came trotting down the stairs with a plate and mug. She walked up to Luke and leaned in fast and gave him a kiss. "Thank you! What was wrong?"
"Fuel filter, I replaced it and now it's turning over first try."
"Hungry? I got up earlier than I thought so I baked banana bread."
He smiled. "Absolutely, let me go wash the gas off my hands."
"Here, this will make sure you come back." She broke off a piece and fed it to him. As he hummed his appreciation.
"You think that's all that will have me coming back? Remind me to fix the mirror in your bathroom." He leaned in and kissed her again. "That is awesome banana bread though." He grinned as he jogged into the house. He came back out to find her sitting on the hood of her car, half the slice she'd brought out was gone.
"Do you drink coffee?" She asked, and he nodded. "Guess I should refill this then, huh?" She chuckled. "If you hadn't taken so long to wash up you might have gotten this cup. Come on up, and I'll slice some more of this awesome bread."
"Isn't this how the spider lures the fly into it's web?" He chuckled.
"Can spiders even make banana bread? I can assure you that I'll never trap you, but as my dad used to say, 'If you want the honey, you gotta deal with the bees.' I think he meant that you have to take a chance on the bad stuff to get to the really good stuff."
"Sounds like a good philosophy. I'm kind of scared though. What's the bad stuff?" He paused for a moment.
"Have you always been such a deep thinker?" She asked.
"I used to get called out by my mom for being introverted and quiet. She was always trying to get me out of my shell." He shrugged and smiled. "But quiet doesn't mean stupid."
"I never thought it did." She refilled the mug with coffee and added sugar and milk, and sliced off a fresh slice for him and brought it to him.
"What about you Luke? Are you willing to brave the bees to get the honey?" She asked.
"I've only been called a coward once, by you."
"I called you a chicken, not the same thing." She grinned.
"So... what are we doing today?" Luke just smiled and drank his coffee.
"Jeans, comfortable shoes for walking, and a sweatshirt. That's all you get for now. We should head out early, maybe 2:30 or 3. Is that okay with you?"
"Are we... becoming a 'thing'?" He asked her. The genuine innocence was so sweet.
"Well we've only been hanging out a few weeks, but so far so good." She smiled, and noted that she'd been smiling a lot around him. That was a good sign too.
She was excited and curious. She'd gladly go where ever he wanted right now. She had a quick realization, that her little seduction of Luke was backfiring and without him even trying she was being seduced by him as well. "Do I need to bring anything? Water, snacks?" She asked pushing for a hint.
"No we'll stop at the store on the way." He smirked popping the last bit of bread into his mouth, washing it down with the rest of the coffee. "Oh, I have something of yours too. I'll bring it up when I come to pick you up." She gave him a questioning look. "Don't look so innocent. I turned redder than your satin top when my dad pulled your panties out of my back pocket last night."
Ellie bust out laughing. "I was wondering where they'd gone to. I thought you'd pocketed them you pervert."
"Oh no! I know now that when you grabbed my ass last |
night you stuffed them in my pocket! You were hoping I'd get caught weren't you?"
Ellie had tears in her eyes she was laughing so hard. She didn't have a clue but Luke was hooked now. He had never seen her look more beautiful.
"No, oh my god no. I did sneak them in there, but not for that reason. I figured they'd be a nice little memento of our first date."
"I thought tonight was going to be our first date?" He asked curiously.
"Well I couldn't wait. I invited you to dinner last night, as far as I'm concerned that was our first date." She leaned on her fist smiling at him. "How was it?"
He looked at her wide-eyed, slack jawed. She leaned forward and slipped her tongue between his parted lips and they kissed deeply. "It was fun wasn't it?" She asked hoping for a little reassurance.
"It was fantastic." He whispered urgently and kissed her again. "I'll see you in a couple hours." He gave her another kiss then stood and left looking over his shoulder at her beaming back at him. He smiled as he headed down into the house to spend a little time knocking off schoolwork before going out for the night.
He knocked on her door at 2:30 sharp. She called out for him to come in. He heard close the closet door, and she popped out of the bedroom in jeans and a black turtleneck. She held her arms out. "Is this okay?" She asked.
"Perfect." He smiled. They headed down to his car and once again he opened the door for her letting her settle in before he closed it. He hopped into the drivers seat and they were on their way. He drove out to the shopping center and pulled into a space at the grocery store.
"When you were a kid, what were the things you remember most about holiday meals. What was that one thing you couldn't wait for?" He asked, he tilted his head indicating they were going inside.
"This is a first, a date at the supermarket." She chuckled.
"Seriously. Was there something special that you only had at that time of the year but not usually any other."
"Mashed potatoes with a lot of butter and pepper. Oh and my mom only used to make that string bean casserole at holidays. I love that too. Pie is a given, pumpkin and pecan, I'd have both." She smiled.
"Good, good to know. He grabbed a basket and they started wandering around the store and he picked up the makings of the casserole. A couple boxes of instant mashed potatoes, and some canned gravy. He found canned pumpkin and put some of that in the basket. "What else?" Ellie gave him a curious look trying to figure out what he was doing.
"Well, she used to make glazed carrots too. If we were lucky, relatives from up north would send her a bottle of real maple syrup, otherwise she would make it from butter and brown sugar. That was awesome." He found carrots and put several cans in the basket as well.
"Anything else?"
"Scrabble, well that's what we called it. The rest of the world knows it as party mix with the cereal and pretzels baked with seasoned salt and our secret weapon, Worcestershire sauce." Luke found the cereal aisle and grabbed the ingredients, and made his way to the chip aisle and found pretzels to go with it stating that they always had pretzels and mixed nuts in theirs. He looked down and seemed to be counting.
"Okay, first thing that comes to your mind when I say, comfort food."
"Mac and cheese." She said, and he grinned.
"Good choice." He stocked up on the blue boxes.
"Are we stocking a fallout shelter?" She said nervously. He chuckled.
"You didn't see the big hole we've dug in the back yard?" Ellie just rolled her eyes and grinned, she knew this had to be going somewhere and she was getting more curious. They made their way to the front and got in line at the check out filling a couple of the re-usable shopping bags with their groceries. He stowed all the groceries in the trunk and held the door open for Ellie once again. They were on the road again heading out of town.
"Okay, you've got me. I haven't got a clue what we're doing." She giggled. Nearly twenty minutes later Luke turned down a side road following a sign pointing out a fairground entrance. A few miles down the tree lined road the area opened up to fields filled with cars and signs for the county fall harvest festival. He made his way carefully up the dirt path and finding someone directing the parking.
"But why the store?" She smiled as he handed her the lightest of the grocery bags. They walked towards the gate and she saw the truck and tables. A sign indicating donations for the holiday food pantry in lieu of admission to the park could be made there. Ellie grinned at Luke, finally realizing his plan. They brought the bags up to one of the tables and the older couple behind thanked them and asked how many items they had brought. Luke told them twenty-seven, ten per ticket had been requested. "We went a little crazy remembering what we loved about holiday dinners and lost count." The lady fawned over them while her husband took the bags back to a sorting area near the truck, and thanked them. They took their tickets and went into the fair.
They wandered through the attractions. Luke showed off his prowess for carnival games and won Ellie a stuffed tiger. They wandered through the exhibits, marveling at the giant pumpkins and petting the cute animals. They found the food vendors and ate everything that was bad for them, but you only go to the fair once a year, so they indulged. There was even a concert that night and they sat in the grandstand listening to the band. Ellie was glad he told her to bring a sweatshirt because it had turned cooler as the sun went down. She hardly noticed as they sat there with their arms around one another. He rubbed her back as she held him tight.
"Why didn't you just tell me about the food drive?" She asked.
"I didn't want you to think I was trying to impress you." He paused. "My folks were pretty lucky. They both had good jobs and made a good living. We've never wanted for anything. Well there was this one time I wanted a dirt bike and they said no, but that wasn't because of the money. I think they just wanted me to live to be twelve at the very least. They never let me get jaded, you know, they always wanted me to know there were people who didn't have. They were much more subtle than the usual, 'Eat your broccoli, kids are starving in Africa' parents. Hell, I never realized that some of those less fortunate families were kids I went to school with until years later. Giving back is just something they taught me to do. Besides it seemed more fun that way." Luke smiled down at her. "I got to tease you for a change."
"Well, it didn't work."
"I'm impressed anyway." She smiled. "You spent almost twice the cost of those tickets filling those bags."
After the last song finished a loud whistle screamed out followed by a loud boom. Fireworks had started behind the stage and they sat and watched them arm in arm. Ellie laid her head on his shoulder as they watched, both occasionally jumping at the explosions.
Ellie had taken hold of Luke's hand as they made their way home down the dark winding roads. She massaged it with her thumb rubbing in slow circles.
"Thanks, I had a great time." She said softly. She could make out his grin by the dash lights.
"Me too." He gave her hand a squeeze.
"Luke? When I asked the other night if you've ever made out before, you said you hadn't. Have you ever had a girlfriend? I mean, have you ever had sex?" Her voice was soft but with an inquisitive edge to it. His hand flexed a few times in hers.
"No." He replied with a nearly silent sigh.
"Any reason?" She pressed. "It can't be that you've never had a chance. You must have had to beat the girls away with a stick in high school." A soft giggle followed the comment.
"I was pretty quiet, I didn't have a lot of friends." He shrugged. Neither spoke the rest of the way home. Ellie had laid his hand on her lap and continued to rub it gently, and he rubbed her leg through her jeans. They pulled into the drive and parked. With all the lights off in the car Ellie slid his hand further up her thigh, and leaned over to kiss him. She was eager and let it be known in her kiss and he responded in kind gripping her thigh tightly.
"Would you walk me up?" She asked pulling away from his lips reluctantly. He got out and walked around to her door opening it. She stood, looked into his eyes and took his hand and led him up the stairs. "Would you like to come in?" She wasn't sure if she needed to coax him but he was already in the doorway closing it behind him. A faint smile came to her lips and she tried to hide it. He returned the little smirk in kind. "There's a bottle of wine in the fridge. Why don't you open it up, and I'll be right back." She bit her lip and smiled backing her way to the bedroom. She was giddy because she knew she would have him tonight. She undressed and replaced her every day underthings with the yellow lingerie she bought the day they went shopping together, and dressed again. She wanted to see his face as he peeled her out of her clothes.
She entered the room and Luke stood up. "Who taught him this stuff?" Ellie wondered. She turned off the overhead light and put on a small table lamp. They sat down on the sofa, Ellie leaned into him pulling her legs up beneath her.
"Did you really you have a good time tonight?" He asked. Ellie chuckled and looked him in the eyes. Her smile slipped away as she leaned in to kiss him deeply.
"The night's not over yet." She whispered.
Luke's nervousness was slipping away as he and Ellie began kissing in earnest. He leaned back pulling her on top of him as their hands began to roam over each other. His hand slid up her back slowly lifting the hem of her shirt, he sent shivers up her spine as he caressed her skin. She joined in and reached between them and unbuttoned his shirt pulling it free of his jeans and ran her hand up his t-shirt playing with his nipple.
Ellie broke free of his warm lips and came up to a kneel between his legs, and looked down at him as she crossed her arms lifting her turtleneck up and over her head. She shook her hair out as she tossed the shirt onto a side chair and smiled down at him. She grinned showing off the little yellow lace bra, which made him smile. Luke reached up and grasped the front of her jeans pulling her off balance and back onto his chest in a flurry of giggles. His hands not only roamed her back, but now slid between them as he ran his palm up her bra eliciting a soft moan as he massage her breasts through the fabric.
"The clasp is in back." She said in a clear invitation. Using his other hand he reached down between her legs and dragged her higher up his body, placing her breast within easy reach of him. Rather than unsnap the band he slipped the strap off her shoulder and pulled the cup down revealing smooth white skin and puckered pink nipple to his hungry mouth. He kissed it gently, causing Ellie to gasp as his tongue ran lazy circles around the tip causing it get even harder. Her breathing was short and quick. She pulled away from his agonizing teasing, placing her forehead against his, and closed her eyes.
"I don't know if you want this, but I do. Would you take me to bed and make love to me Luke?"
He looked her in the eyes for a moment thinking it would be his pleasure. Her eyes closed for a moment, when she opened them, he felt himself fall into their depths, and he was gone. He kissed her deeply.
She stood shakily, Luke reached for her steadying her. She smiled as she took his hand and pulled him up too. He wrapped his arms around her taking her mouth with his again. He fumbled a few times with the hook of her bra. She smiled.
"Don't worry, practice makes perfect."
"I hope I get a lot of practice then."
She walked backwards pulling him with her into the bedroom. She reached down and unbuttoned her jeans turning and giving her butt a little wiggle as she pushed them off showing her yellow lace panties, which thanks to the heavy petting on the couch were now quite damp. She kicked them aside and turned back to Luke who just stood there staring, his mouth hanging open. She smiled and pushed his unbuttoned shirt off his shoulders and down his arms. He reached to take off the tee, and she stopped him.
"Allow me."
She lifted the hem of the shirt and ran her hands up his chest and sides lifting the shirt with it.
"You don't know how much I wanted to do this yesterday morning when you answered the door." She smiled as she stroked his nipples with her thumbs. "I want you to know how good this feels." She said leaning forward and taking one into her mouth swirling her tongue and flicking it. Luke's breathing got shallow a fast. She took it between her teeth, giving just a light tug before letting it free. Luke gasped at the sensation. She pushed the shirt up and he raised his arms letting her pull it off completely.
"Damn do you look good without a shirt on." She said.
"You look pretty fantastic without one too." He replied smiling. They kissed again, their bare chests touching for the first time sent shocks through them both. The heat they were building was intense and made the room feel cool in comparison. He felt hands on his belt fiddling with it to get it loose, soon his jeans were unbuttoned and the zipper slid down. Her hand slid down inside massaging the length of him through his boxers.
"Mmm, that feels nice." She mumbled into his kiss.
"It's not very..." She halted him with a firmly planted kiss.
"Enough of that, you've been watching too much porn." She giggled. "Remember, the pyramids were built with hand tools, it's not the size of your tool, it's how you use it." That made Luke chuckle. She began kissing her way down his chest and stomach and eventually knelt in front of him. She reached up and tugged the jeans down to his knees seeing his boxers strain to contain his hardness. She peered up at Luke from under a fallen lock of hair as she reached slowly for the waistband. She pulled down slowly, revealing it finally. Slowly a grin crept across her face as she looked up again.
"It's perfect." She said biting her lip. She looked down at it, he wasn't huge, but he was above average. She couldn't wait to have him inside her. She peeked up again. "Mind if I take the edge off for you?" Luke just tilted his head wondering what she meant just as she leaned forward and took him into her mouth.
Luke let out a gasp as her lips engulfed him. It's a wonder his knees didn't buckle and land him on the floor. She started slowly taking a little more in with each stroke. She let him free and licked the length of him. He was gasping for air, she knew he wouldn't last decided to bring him some relief. She began bobbing her head while stroking him bringing him to the brink.
"Ellie! I'm.." He didn't get the words out by the time she felt the rush hit the back of her throat. She swallowed quickly hoping she could keep up.
"I'm sorry! Oh, shit." Luke said looking down at her. As she continued to lick and suck him.
"Well I'm not. Now that the edge is off we can take our time." She gave him a last lick to clean the tip. "I'm torn between wanting to instruct you and letting you discover on your own. Is there anything you've seen that you've wanted to try?"
Luke's expression changed from horror to astonishment. Was this beautiful girl kneeling in front of him gave free reign to his sexual fantasies? He reached down taking her elbow and lifted her up so she was standing again, and quickly kicked the rest of his clothing free. Ellie turned and went to the bed pulled back the covers and laid down and looked at him expectantly.
"Why am I naked and you've still got those on?" He said nodding at her lacy yellow panties.
She grinned. "It's because you haven't taken them off yet." She snickered. "Though maybe I should do that myself before you pilfer all of my panties."
Luke grinned and walked over to her and sat on the edge of the bed, and reached for the waistband, he gave a quick peek up at her, she just straightened out and lifted her hips off the mattress giving him the go ahead to slip them off. They released from her hips and as he pulled them from between her thighs the moisture held them in place for a moment as he pulled them free, sliding them down her legs.
"They're soaking." He said surprised.
Ellie rolled her eyes a bit and smirked. "You have a, uh, certain effect on me. What can I say?" She sat up leaning into his kiss. "Have you thought about it, or shall I take the lead?"
"I want to taste you." He said in a whisper. She kissed him deeply.
"Well you know what I taste like up here. Why not explore a little." She said in a deep voice he'd never heard her use before. He did just that, working his way down her neck leaving a trail of kisses that caused her to sigh deeply. Then laid a trail to her breasts taking an excruciatingly long time to take her nipple into his mouth. She moaned a little deeper and ran a hand through his hair while her other found his still hard cock and massaged it slowly not wanting him to go off in her hand. He lavished attention on her breasts for a while, and Ellie began to wonder if he'd go any further so she gently pulled herself up causing his mouth to land on her rib cage, hoping that would be incentive to continue south. It worked, he made his way down her stomach giving her belly button a little lick causing her to giggle. She gave his hair a tug to get him to stop. He hesitated as he made his way down over her smooth skin kissing his way around, dragging his tongue slowly nearly torturing her her. He slipped around pushing her legs apart and lay between her raised knees. He leaned forward and kissed her, his tongue teasing it's way up her swollen pink lips causing Ellie to gasp and grip his hair a little tighter. It took all of her reserve to not pull him down into her, as she relaxed her grip he began to explore and he took the cues she gave him very well, as she leaned in and lifted. He was very attentive and gentle, almost too gentle as her climax neared she moaned a little louder, a little quicker. Luke surprised her by slipping a finger into her molten core and taking her clit between his lips causing her to cry out and arch up as she peaked quickly. After a couple minutes of panting she lifted Luke's head by his hair from the task of cleaning up the mess he'd made of her.
"You've never done that before?" She asked, an edge in her voice. He just looked at her in wide-eyed innocence and shook his head back and forth.
"Did I do something wrong?" He asked, suddenly worried. She just fell back and laughed.
"No, you did everything right, that's why I wondered." Luke crawled up beside her and she looked over at his sweet face lacquered in her own honey. She leaned over and kissed him, tasting herself on his tongue. "Listen. I'm on the pill, but I want you to wear a condom anyway. A girl can never be too safe." Luke's eyes went wide.
"Shit, I don't have any. I mean... I never."
Ellie giggled and reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a little foil packet. "It's a good thing I was hoping this would happen and prepared for it."
Luke's eyes went wide.
"Oh seriously. Guys can be as thick as bricks sometimes. I've been practically throwing myself at you since I moved in Luke. Hasn't it been obvious?"
"Well I just thought you were being friendly, and well a bit of a flirt. I didn't think any more of it until last night." He shrugged.
"You surprised me with the stakes of that Jenga game." She smiled. "I'm glad I lost."
"I'm glad you did too." He grinned.
"Lay back." She put the packet to her teeth and tore it open. "See how it's rolled. Place it at the tip, and unroll it like this, and voila. Mr. Happy is now properly dressed for the ball." Ellie looked down at it, and her smile faded into a look of need as she looked up at Luke. "Let me." She placed a hand on his chest as she rose up and threw a leg over his body and straddled his hips. She took his length and ran it against her before settling gently down on it. She let out a gasp as he entered her slowly. Luke lay back taking short quick breaths wanting badly to raise his hips and drive himself into her. Ellie was in control of the moment, a hand firmly on his chest as she lowered herself further, as she took him in she sped up burying him into her completely causing them both to cry out.
"Oh that feels nice!" She said as she clenched down on him causing him to gasp again. She rose up slowly causing her own deep moan. She rode him for several strokes as he took hold of her hips getting into the rhythm of her body. She pressed herself down on him and leaned forward and kissed him. "Luke?"
"Roll me onto my back and fuck me good and hard." She said biting his lip.
He smiled as he wrapped an arm around her and rolled over taking her with him. She adjusted quickly and her legs went around him rocking her hips to get him to start. He was a quick study, and he began thrusting into her in long deep strokes as he attacked her mouth and neck.
"Harder!" She urged. "Don't stop!"
He had no intention of stopping if anything he was scared he was hurting her as the sound of their flesh meeting repeatedly rang throughout the room.
"Yes!" Ellie cried repeatedly. He felt his climax approaching again. Ellie began to shudder under him as she let out a series of high pitched moans, he knew then he couldn't hold out any longer and pushed hard into her releasing as she gripped down on him. He collapsed unable to hold himself up any longer.
They lay there gasping for breath for a long while when Ellie leaned over and whispered into Luke's ear, in a little sing-song way. "Guess who's not a virgin now?" She kissed his cheek as she heard him laughing into her shoulder.
"What now?" He asked.
"Well, first thing you may want to do is go and tie off your little goody bag and trash it." She said. She looked deeply into his eyes. "Will you stay with me tonight?" She asked. He didn't know why but Luke's throat tightened. He looked into her dark eyes, a feeling of falling into them washed over him.
"Yes." He whispered. "I hope you don't snore though, I'm a light sleeper." He grinned.
They both busted out laughing as he rose to go clean up. When he came back the bed had been remade, Ellie lay there wearing his t-shirt which was enticingly short, her long supple legs leading up to the hem, it was obvious that she hadn't bothered with putting her panties back on. He turned off the light and crawled in beside her, they kissed, and explored as the fell asleep.
Deep in the night they stirred, this time Luke took her slowly. She looked up, the faint light of a streetlight limned his body. Soft moans and whispers broke the peace as they concluded their lovemaking. The quiet enveloped them as they drifted off again.
The rumble of the door opener in the garage woke Luke. His head popped up realizing he wasn't in his room. He looked down quickly and found shining brown eyes smiling up at him.
"Good morning."
The blanket had pulled down and Ellie's breasts were in full view.
"Pardon the morning breath." He said as he kissed her. "You lost your shirt."
She giggled. "More like you peeled it off in the middle of the night."
"Oh shit!" He grimaced, looking at her neck.
"I'm sorry. I had no idea." A panicked look settled on his face.
"What?!" She started to panic, and she noticed he was looking at her neck. She bolted out of bed and ran to the bathroom. A moment later she busted out laughing. "I look like I was attacked by a gang of vampires." She came back out smiling. "Good thing I like turtlenecks."
Luke was somewhat relieved but still worried. "I'm sorry!" He said again concerned that she'd be mad at him for looking like she'd been beaten.
"You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about." She leaned forward kissing him quickly. "Except maybe waking me up with this a couple times over the last few hours." She said reaching under the blanket and grasping his hard cock. "Let me check I may have a spare toothbrush, unless you want to run down and grab yours." She grinned. "Sounds like your dad just left."
"Yea I'm guessing he went to breakfast without me." He smirked. "We like this place in town, it has a large glassed in dining room like a greenhouse. On Sundays they do a jazz brunch." He looked over at the clock noting it was much later than he usually woke.
Ellie smirked. "Well we did have quite a workout last night. It's to be expected."
"Let me text him. If we hurry we can join him." Luke said. "If you'd like to, I mean."
"I'm torn between having my way with you yet again, but we'll have plenty of time later. I'd love breakfast. Let me go clean up and find a way to hide the damage. You brute!"
"I should probably grab a clean shirt clean up myself. Jeans are fine." Luke grabbed his jeans pulling them on and pulling on his shirt and made a beeline for the door. He paused at the bottom of the steps to text his dad then made his way into the house to wash up and change. He bolted out of the house to find Ellie leaning against the garage.
"Guys, always taking forever to get ready." She shook her head. She looked absolutely radiant in the morning sunshine.
"What can I say. I don't just roll out of bed looking this good, it takes work you know."
Ellie chuckled as she said. "Seeing first hand evidence to the contrary, I'm calling bullshit."
"He said he'd just have coffee and wait for us."
They walked into the restaurant and were directed to the table where he sat. Derek stood as they approached.
"Now I see where he gets it. Hi Mr. Page."
"Please, call me Derek. What do you mean?"
Ellie grinned as she sat down. "I've never seen a guy stand when I walk in the room, or hold the door for me like Luke does. It's nice."
"Well chivalry never goes out of style." He smiled. "I ordered us the sticky buns, they should be out soon. They make their own here, and they're endless. Thankfully, after seeing how many of them Luke can eat." They all got a chuckle at that. Luke rolled his eyes.
"Did you kids have fun at the fair?"
"We had a blast." Ellie said beaming. "Hercules here won me a stuffed tiger, and everything."
They chatted amiably about school, work and the jazz band group playing at the other end of the dining room.
"What are you doing for the holiday next week?" Derek asked her.
"I'm going back home for the weekend. My mother and my aunt own a bed & breakfast up on a lake. It's a huge old house which makes it perfect for everybody." Ellie said. "What about you boys?"
"Not much, we'll probably have dinner out and catch some football." Derek replied.
"No way! You don't have any family around here?"
"None nearby."
Ellie gave them a shrewd look. "Do you work Friday?"
Derek shook his head. She already knew Luke was free. She paused for a moment and excused herself to go find the ladies room.
"Those are some pretty nice shiners." Derek commented. "When she moves a few of them peek up above the turtleneck." He grinned.
Luke turned red. "Uh, yea. Well we went up to her place after we got home."
Derek grinned held up his hand, and gave a little shake to his head. "No need to explain, you're both adults."
They both stopped speaking and stood as Ellie walked back to the table putting her cellphone in her pocket. She smiled at both of them as she sat down again.
"You are both now busy for the Thanksgiving holiday. It would be my pleasure if you would join me next week at the B&B. They have satellite so you won't miss any football." She grinned.
"Thank you, but we couldn't impose." Derek said.
"It's no imposition, there will be guests there as well. I just called my aunt and asked if there was room and she said there are still plenty of rooms available for you to stay over. It's about an hour away up near the state park on the west side." She smiled at him then looked at Luke. "Besides, I was going to try and drag him away with me. It doesn't seem fair to leave you all alone. I've already told her you would accept. No backing out now."
"You're a regular fireball aren't you?" Derek grinned. "I guess I have no leave but to accept on my behalf. What about you Luke. Think you can be persuaded to spend an entire weekend in country with a lovely lady?"
Luke looked at Ellie grinning. "It'll be tough, but I think I'll manage." She raised an eyebrow slightly and nudged him in the shin with her toe. "Ow!"
Derek chuckled deeply. Yes Ellie was definitely the right choice, there was no doubt in his mind now. |
Title: Down Old Mexico Way
Tags: lora, mexico, anal, maid, shower scene, masturbation, photographs, latina
I vacationed in a small fishing village on the gulf coast of Mexico a few times a year, back in my younger days. I was introduced to the place by a friend of mine and I won't say what village or exactly where because I don't want a flood of tourists there. That place was fifty years in the past or so it seems. Life was slow and having fun was as much of a way of life as making a living.
There are a lot of stories I could tell about that place and I might in the future but right now I'm thinking about Lora. She was a maid at the small hotel where I always stayed. She was tall with long dark hair and even darker eyes. Super model thin she wasn't but she wasn't fat either. She was what a woman should look like, soft curves, and a full figure.
I always stayed in the corner room on the third floor. That put me high enough to be above the noise of the street and gave me two sets of French doors for light. It was also as high as you could go in the tallest building in town. The room had two balconies, one overlooking the beach, and one overlooking the small market. I'd spend my mornings and evenings watching the girls on the beach and midday watching the local ladies shop in the market.
Lora always cleaned my room around ten every day, which was my time to switch balconies, as the sun was getting hot. It also allowed me to watch Lora from behind as she made the bed. The short skirt of her maids uniform was tight and rode high up on the backs of her thighs as she bent to tuck the sheets in. With the heels she always wore, the muscles in the backs of her thighs and calves were tight, and the bottom of her gorgeous ass would peek at me from under the hem of the skirt.
She didn't wear panties so her long narrow smoothly shaven sex peeked at me from between the tops of her thighs. Needless to say I got very little writing done while she was in the room. Sometimes she would catch me looking at her and she would smile shyly and blush. The blush was hard to detect with her dark skin but it would take on a more reddish color.
When she moved to the other side of the bed, the front of her loose uniform blouse would open and close as she worked the sheets. With no bra on and four buttons undone her breasts would flash in and out of view tantalizingly. Her breasts were full but not overly large. They actually looked small on her. I wasn't complaining in any way, mind you, I enjoyed the show.
I never was sure if she realized how much of a show she was putting on for me, or if she was doing it on purpose to tease me. Her English was very bad and my Spanish not much better, so our conversations were very limited. I also never figured out how old she was. At times she seemed in her early twenties and at other times her mid forties. She was beautiful to me, and a mystery that I love to remember.
My camera and binoculars were kept in a chair just inside the French doors on the beach side. It was also the chair that Lora used to dust the tops of the tall wardrobe and the freestanding clothes closet. She also dusted the blades on the ceiling fans. In that chair I was treated to an excellent view of her legs, sex, and ass. If I didn't have a hard on by the time she finished the bed, I definitely would by the time she finished dusting.
I always thought about asking her out or at least making a pass at her, but with the language barrier and the fact that I didn't want to screw up a good thing, I never did.
Normally, she would move the camera and binoculars to the bed and go about her business but one day she picked up the binoculars and scanned the beach with them. After a moment, she giggled and said something in Spanish looking at me with a grin. I had the idea that she was calling me a dirty old man for watching the girls sunning topless and nude on the beach.
She picked up the camera, looked at it, and then back at the beach. She giggled again, pointed it at the beach, and made a clicking sound. With a grin, I nodded to her. She laughed and put the camera down, once again speaking to me in Spanish. I shook my head and told her I didn't understand. She frowned and then sighed as she moved my equipment to the bed and went about her dusting.
I smiled as I watched her, a plan for the next day forming in my dirty old man's brain. Maybe I could break the ice a little and not make it seem so forward.
The next day as I moved to the market side balcony, I took my camera with me. Lora went about her daily routine and I happily snapped pictures of her with the digital camera. She only realized what I was doing when she moved to the far side of the bed and bent over to tuck in the sheet. I watched her through the lens of the camera as she looked at me, with her mouth open and her eyes wide.
I lowered the camera and smiled at her as I said, "It's alright, go ahead like I'm not here."
She looked at me quizzically for a second and then grinned as she went back to work on the bed. I went back to taking pictures but I noticed that she was now moving slower and pausing ever so often when she was stretched out one way or the other. She also wore a big smile the whole time.
When she got up on the chair to dust, I noted that she had her legs wider apart than normal and her ass stuck out more. I grinned as I realized that she was enjoying this as much as I was. I wondered what she would do and think when I showed her the pictures.
By the time she finished and left the room, I had a hundred pictures and a raging hard on. The hard on stayed for most of the afternoon as I downloaded the pictures, cropped, and sized them. I ended up setting the pictures up in a slideshow and then sat there and watched it run completely through several times. Fantastic was the word that kept floating through my mind.
Later that afternoon, I moved to the beach balcony and scanned it with my binoculars. There was the usual group of young people scattered out along the beach in various states of undress and/or completely nude. I had pictures of most all of them. The ones I wanted pictures of anyway.
I was about to put the binoculars away when a tall woman in a short beach robe came walking off the narrow boardwalk and headed out across the sand right in front of my balcony. Her long dark hair and long shapely legs made me put down the binoculars and pick up my camera.
I zoomed in on her and took several pictures as she spread her towel and slipped off the robe. I groaned softly, she was completely nude. I quickly snapped off several more shots of her breathtaking ass as she lay down with her feet toward me and her head toward the ocean. My hands were shaking, so I lowered the camera and took several deep breaths.
When she had gone to her knees lying down, her ass had been high in the air for a moment. To say it was spectacular would be and understatement. Her pussy was displayed to perfection; even the darker brown ring of her anus was clearly visible. My dick had sprung to life and hurt, as it was so hard. In my mind I was behind her in that position with my tongue exploring every inch of her ass and sex.
I gave a shiver and a jerk as I pulled my mind off the fantasy and back to reality. The woman lay like that for a long time as I closely watched her. I was beginning to wonder if she was ever gong to move, when she pushed up and came back up on her knees. I grabbed the camera and took pictures as she got up and then moved around to sit facing the water.
Her fabulous ass had been displayed just as well this time as the last and my hands were once again shaking as I lowered the camera. I blew out a long slow breath and then sighed. I had to have a picture of the front of her to make everything complete.
I didn't get it. Room service delivered my supper and when I returned to the balcony, she was gone. I cussed as I went back inside to eat.
The next morning when Lora arrived to clean the room I motioned her over to where I was sitting. I turned the laptop toward her and hit the key to start the slideshow I had made of her. She gasped loudly and blushed deep enough that I could definitely see the red under her brown skin.
She watched the ones from behind as she made the bed and the ones from the front and didn't say a word. When the ones from the chair started to scroll past, she rattled off something in Spanish and blushed again as she turned and ran to my bathroom.
I didn't know what she said and hoped I hadn't offended her. Then again, I hadn't known what to expect, so her turning shy and running away shouldn't have surprised me. I sighed and shut the slideshow down. Oh well, nothing venture, nothing gained.
The sound of the bathroom door opening drew my attention. As my eyes took in Lora, my mouth dropped open. Talk about surprises, she was standing there with nothing on but her high heeled sandals. I was stunned by her beauty and frozen in place.
She smiled shyly and said a few sentences in Spanish. This broke the spell as I shook my head and told her I didn't understand. She pointed at something, speaking again. When I looked confused, she brought her hands up and mimed someone taking pictures. I grinned as I picked up the camera.
I took several hundred pictures of her as she did her work naked. She was smiling broadly and made sure I got a good view of her in any and all positions. The ones from the rear reminded me of the woman on the beach and my dick got even harder than it had been. When she went around the bed, she paused and caressed her breasts. With a soft moan she pinched and twisted her long hard nipples. She gave a long drawn out shivering shake and sighed as she went back to making the bed.
She got the chair and moved it to the center of the room. Taking a seat facing me, she spread her legs and leaned back. She spoke softly in Spanish for a moment and then grinned as she caressed her breasts again. I took pictures of her as she played with her breasts and nipples. She was breathing hard by the time one hand dropped to her lap. She used two fingers to part the outer lips and give me a view of her bright pink wet slit.
Speaking in Spanish again she rubbed a finger up and down in her slit and then arched her back as the finger circled her pink clit. She slipped down in the chair and spread her legs wider. I felt my tongue on my lips and she giggled softly, with a nervous overtone. She sighed deeply and crooked a finger at me, the same finger that had been in her pussy.
Extremely aware of the tent in the front of my shorts, I got up and walked toward her. Her eyes were on the tent as a big grin spread across her face. When I was about three feet away, she held up her hand and then pointed at the floor. I knelt down. She smiled at me as the finger returned to rolling her clit around. She shivered and then moaned loudly as I took a picture of her finger and sex.
Between moans, she was muttering softly in Spanish. I snapped picture after picture. Suddenly her other hand left her breast and dropped to her lap to stab a finger in her wet vagina. She gasped loudly and arched her hips up as she came. I could see the juices from her pussy seeping around her finger and running down the crack of her lovely ass.
I took pictures of her face as she slowly lowered her hips back to the chair. She had such a serine look, a well-satisfied look. When her eyes fluttered open, she smiled shyly and took several deep breaths before whispering to me in Spanish. I didn't understand a word but I smiled back and nodded.
With a giggle she took her hands away from her sex and brought the wet shiny one from her pussy up to her lips. I almost forgot the camera as she licked and sucked on it. I did get a couple of shots though. Then I took a shot of her open wet sex, which made her giggle again for some reason.
When I looked at her face she grinned and motioned me forward. I knee walked forward. As I got closer to her, she sat up, took the camera from me, and sat it one the floor. Then her hands went to the back of my head and she pulled my face down towards her sex. I didn't need much more of a hint as I buried my face in her sex and planted my tongue deep in her wetness.
Lora's hips jerked and then bridged up as my tongue worked in her sopping wet sweet pussy. My hands went under her and cupped her ass cheeks, holding her up as I licked her slit and teased her clit. She was moaning softly and jerked as my tongue touched her clit. She flexed her hips as my tongue circled it. It wouldn't take much more of that to set her off again, I realized.
I dropped lower and licked from her anus up to her clit. I repeated the motion, pausing to dip in her vagina and to circle her clit. She was jerking and moaning loudly each time I touched her asshole, her vagina, and her clit. I could tell that her building orgasm was growing higher and higher.
Wanting to prolong the experience and build her orgasm, I dropped to her asshole and tongued it. Her hips jerked up and she arched her back rolling her ass toward me. I spread her cheeks wider with my hands and feasted on her, stabbing my tongue into the tight ring of muscles repeatedly. It only took a moment for her to come and come hard.
I raised my head and stabbed my tongue into her pulsing sex. She yelled and grabbed a double handful of my hair, pulling me tighter to her. Her hips flexed and I tongue fucked her in rhythm with her hips. She was yelling again as her hips flexed faster and harder. I held on and kept my tongue moving until she shivered and started to slow.
As weight came onto my hands as her ass started to settle back toward the chair, I lifted my head and sucked in her clit. She jerked and went strangely silent as her hips bucked and jerked to a new rhythm. My tongue danced over and around her clit as her orgasm shot back up like a rocket. Sucking on her clit and flicking it back and forth with my tongue brought a gurgling gasp and then a howl of pleasure.
A moment or so later her hands were pulling at my head trying to get me away from her overly sensitive clit. I reluctantly let her move my head away from it. I sat back on my heels and licked my lips. I could feel wetness on my face from cheek to cheek and from my chin to my nose. I was a mess but I was grinning like an idiot.
Lora was lolled back in the chair, her head thrown back, her arms hanging down by her sides, her legs spread open wide. She was totally out of it except for her heavy breathing and small tremors that ran up and down her body from time to time. I picked up the camera and took pictures of her. I took overall shots and close-ups. I even stood up and took even more as I walked around her.
After a while, she sighed and slowly lifted her head with a deep groan. She mumbled in Spanish and then opened her eyes. I was sitting on the end of the bed smiling at her. She grinned and shook her head, saying more that I didn't understand, but I had an idea that she was talking about how wrung out she was and how much of mess she had made.
I grinned as I pointed to her and then the bathroom. She chuckled dryly and then nodded. I got off the bed, went to my little icebox, and got her a bottle of water. She looked at it, thanked me, and drank deeply. After she had drunk most of it, she smiled shyly and sat up, closing her legs. I had to help her to her feet.
At one point as I helped her to the bathroom, her hand brushed against the raging hard on in the front of my shorts. She paused for a second and then wrapped her fingers around it. She muttered in Spanish and then sighed as she let me go.
In the bathroom, she sat on the commode as I got the water turned on in the glass fronted shower stall. I heard water behind me and turned to look at Lora, she giggled softly and sighed. I chuckled and went to get my camera.
When I returned Lora was in the shower and soaping her body up. The white lather contrasted highly with her dark brown skin tone. I took pictures of her as she had left the shower door open. She even turned and put her foot up on the shower seat as she washed her sex and the crack of her ass. She gave a shiver at one point and moved her hands to her breasts.
I continued to take pictures as she rinsed the soap off and more as she dried herself with a big fluffy white towel. By the time she was finished I had to go unload the camera as I had filled up the big chip I had in it.
I dumped the pictures to my laptop hurriedly and turned to find Lora lying on my bed. I looked at her questioningly. She smiled and patted the bed next to her. I moved over to the side of the bed and leaned over to kiss her. She shook her head and turned so her sex was visible. She pointed to the tent in the front of my shorts and then at her pussy, shaking her head.
With a nod that I understood, I leaned over to kiss her. She kissed me passionately and murmured softly as my tongue slipped into her mouth to duel with hers. My hand rested lightly on her belly and slowly moved up to cup and caress her firm breasts. She arched her back, pressing her tits tighter to my hand. She moaned softly as I teased her nipples, pinching and rolling them between my thumb and forefinger.
She was breathing hard enough that we had to break the kiss by the time my hand slipped down to cup her sex. She rolled her hips up and gasped as my finger slipped between the folds of her sex. She shivered as my finger ran up and down from her slippery opening to her fully exposed clit. She jerked and grabbed my hand as I rolled her clit around.
I looked up at her face and she shook her head, saying something quickly that I figured meant her clit was sensitive, to sensitive. I leaned over to kiss her again but she stopped me with her hands on my chest. She talked and then pulled on my shirt. I grinned as I stood up to undress.
I'm in my mid forties and not in bad shape. I'm not muscle bound or pumped but my stomach is flat and my chest and arms are filled out. Lora's eyes wandered over my upper body, a smile on her face. When my hands went to the waistband of my shorts, her eyes followed. I grinned at her and turned around. She whispered something to me and giggled.
I pulled the shorts down and the dropped them to the floor. I always considered my legs as my strongest point but there's nothing wrong with my ass. It's as hard as a rock. Lora murmured behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see her grinning. When I turned around, her eyes were locked onto my manhood. Her eyes got wide and her mouth dropped open slightly.
My dick isn't much bigger than normal but it's well formed and my balls are on the large size. My dick was standing up tightly against my belly. I've shaved my balls and around the base of my shaft ever since I spent some time in Japan in my early twenties but that's a whole other story.
Lora nodded slowly to herself and licked her lips. I chuckled as she scooted over to the edge of the bed and sat up with her feet on the floor. Her face was only a foot or so from my dick. She licked her lips again and my dick twitched in response. This made Lora giggle nervously.
Her hand moved slowly out toward me and paused an inch or so from my shaft. She looked up at me and smiled. Her fingers wrapped around my shaft and pulled my dick down. Her eyes were locked with mine as she licked the clear drop of pre-cum off the tip. She licked her lips and then sucked the head of my dick into her warm mouth. I gasped loudly as her tongue swirled around the head.
My knees were shaking by the time she released me and flexed her jaw. She grinned and said something before she scooted forward, and started to lick the whole length of my shaft with broad firm strokes. Her warm slippery tongue made me groan softly. When I did, she sucked the head back into her mouth and bobbed her head up and down. I groaned even louder as half of my dick disappeared.
Lora was whimpering softly and rocking back and forth as she sucked my dick. I was getting close to a climax and wanted to warn her but there was the language barrier. As I got even closer, I tried to push her head away. She shook her head and redoubled her efforts. With a long drawn out groan, I came in her mouth with jet after fiery jet. Lora's lower body was jerking right along with my hips as she moaned loudly around my shaft and sucked even harder. She was coming right along with me; I had no doubt.
Somehow I got on the bed and cuddled up behind Lora with my knees shaking all the way. She had her head on my left arm and her ass was pressed tightly to my semi soft manhood. My right hand cupped and caressed her left breast. She sighed and wiggled her ass up and down against me. I could feel my shaft settling between the two warm firm cushions of her ass cheeks. She sighed again and became still.
As we rested and relaxed, I could feel my manhood moving ever so slightly between her cheeks as we breathed. The heat of the early afternoon was somewhat offset by the ceiling fans and the sea breeze through the open French doors. Even so, the crack of Lora's ass was getting slippery with her sweat and my shaft moved easier. Lora would shiver and sigh ever so often. When she did, my manhood would twitch, moving even more between those satiny cheeks.
The teasing feel of her ass had me back to being fully hard in short order. It wasn't long after that that Lora shifted and then flexed her ass, moving me deeper between her cheeks and up and down between then. She made a soft murmuring sound and then rolled away from me. I groaned as my dick pulled out of its nice cozy nook.
Lora looked down at my hard dick and grinned as she pushed me over flat on my back. She said something; the only word of which I caught was siesta. She swung her leg over my hips and sat down across my thighs, her hot slipper slit center on my manhood. She flexed her hips and rubbed herself against me. I could feel her clit bump against the spongy head as her hips moved forward.
I shivered and reached up to caress her breasts. She moaned softly, her hands coming up to cover mine. She rode me with long slow movements of her hips. Her soft whimpers and moans were her way of saying how much she liked what she was doing. The growing wetness and slipperiness of my shaft was another indication. I could literally feel her juices flowing around me, coating me all over.
With a trembling sigh, Lora lifted her hips and reached between us. I remembered what she had said about not fucking her pussy and I was slightly confused. When she brushed the head of my dick over her sopping wet opening, I had the urge to lift my hips but I held still. I'm glad I did because what came next was out of this world.
Lora moved the head of my dick back and rubbed it against her asshole for a second before returning it to her opening. She rubbed it there for a moment and then moved it back to her anus. I was getting the feeling that I knew what was going to happen next. I wasn't disappointed believe me.
As she rubbed the head on her neither opening, I tensed up in anticipation. Maybe that was what she was waiting for, maybe she figured she was lubed enough. In either case, she lowered her hips and applied her weight to the head of my dick. It held fast for a second and then popped through the tight ring of her ass and slipped inside several inches. Lora gave out with a gasping yell that mixed with my loud long drawn out groan. She froze in place except for a shivering shake in her hips.
The muscles in her ass were grabbing and releasing me in a jerky fashion. It had been a long time since I had felt anything so tight around my dick as her ass was. I wanted to lift my hips and plunge even deeper into that hot tightness but I knew better. I steeled myself to wait for her. This had to be her show and at her speed.
Lora had her eyes closed and her mouth was open in a grimace but not one of pain. The way her belly rolled and her hips quivered, I knew she was coming big time. When she relaxed a little her weight came back on me and I slipped in deeper. She gave a sharp yelp and lifted her hips slightly as her stomach jerked even harder.
Half of my dick had been in her ass before she lifted up and I was fighting to keep from coming myself. If not for the blowjob earlier, I would have been a geyser in her ass. When I gave a little shivering shake, her eyes flew open and she looked down at me with a loud groan. She had had one hand on my chest as she fitted my dick to her ass. Now that hand left me and came up to rest on my chest.
Between raged breaths Lora spoke to me in faltering English, the first I had ever heard her use. If I understood right, this was the first time anyone had ever been in her ass. I caressed her quivering hips and reassured her that everything was fine. She probably didn't understand but she did smile weakly.
She held her position as her breathing became more normal and her stomach slowed its jerking and shaking. I reached down between us and felt of her wetness. She gave a jerk and shook her head. I nodded as I smeared her slippery juices on my fingers and then over the part of my dick outside her ass. She trembled as I did and nodded as she figured out what I was doing. I gently lubed my dick and she whimpered and moaned softly.
Her inner muscles were twitching and grabbing at the head of my dick. I wasn't sure if she had intended to go on or not but I did. Once I had my shaft as slippery as I could get it in this position, I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her down to lie on my chest. She sighed and then straightened her legs once she was down.
She gasped loudly, gave a soft yell, and then moaned softly as I quickly rolled us over until I was on top with my dick still in her ass. I pushed up on my hands and pulled first one leg and then the other up almost to her chest. I hooked my arms under her legs to hold them in position and slowly flexed my hips and inch or so each way.
Lora gasped loudly and flexed her hips up, driving a couple more inches of me inside her ass. She gave a growling groan and worked her hips wildly, fucking herself on my dick. I was slowly going deeper and deeper as she did. About the time my hips touched her ass cheeks, Lora gave a yell as her ass tried to crush me one minute and push me out the next. I held on for dear life and tried to keep my rising orgasm in check as she came her brains out. Her hips bucked and jerked, slapping her ass against my hips while she tried to do sit ups under me.
I held still and waited her out. As she calmed down and just lay there breathing in deep gasping breaths through her mouth, I lifted my hips and pulled almost all the way out of her ass. As she tried to yell, I dropped my hips until they slapped her ass sharply. The yell never made it out of her mouth as her eyes got wide and she lost her breath.
When she finally took a long shivery shuddering breath, I made another full stroke in her tight slippery hot ass. Her next breath held a sobbing sound and I pounded her ass again. This time she took a deep breath and rolled her hips up to meet me. I fucked her with long full strokes at a moderated pace. She was fucking me back equally as hard, her ass slapping my hips loudly and solidly.
Her ass felt like it was getting more slippery. I pushed up and looked down between us as I made the next stroke in her ass. Her pussy gave a little gush as my hips slap her ass. I smiled as I leaned back forward and fucked her even harder. Now there was a grunting yell from her on each stroke and my orgasm was rising fast.
I tried to hold it off but there was no way. At the bottom of that last thrust, I held still and empted my balls deep in her clinching throbbing ass. Lora yelled loud enough that I thought I had hurt her until she flexed her hips frantically, working my dick deeper inside her ass as she came and came some more.
I woke up at sunset, alone in my bed. The room smelled heavily of sex and anal sex at that. I rolled over on my back and groaned at the protests of several different muscles. My dick was semi hard and hot against my thigh. Memories of Lora flooded my mind and I felt my dick twitch and get a little firmer as it slipped up along my thigh. How the hell could that thing even think about getting hard after the workout it had just had, I wondered.
With a deep sigh and several soft groans, I sat up and made my way off the bed. I stumbled and staggered into the bathroom and then into the shower. A long hot shower should help things I thought as I started to soap up my body. Memories of Lora in this same shower made my dick stand up completely and twitch. It was sensitive to the point of almost being painful when I soaped it up.
By the end of the shower, I was almost feeling human except for the hard on that wouldn't go away. It was dark by now and I left the bathroom light on as I went to the icebox for a beer and then out onto the beach balcony. I sat out there naked, sipping my beer and wandering down memory lane. I was surprised at how many memories could be packed into one day.
My dick was still hard as an iron bar when I finally gave up and went to bed. My dreams were filled with Lora.
The next morning I was antsy and nervous as I waited for ten o'clock and Lora. I was dressed in just my shorts and sitting on the market balcony when there was a knock on the door. I yelled for Lora to come on in. It wasn't Lora.
A young girl in her early twenties came in. "I'll be cleaning your room, senor." She said as she set about changing the sheets on the bed, taking out the trash, and dusting the furniture. She didn't do the tops of the cabinets or the ceiling fan blades. Her maid's uniform skirt was well below her knees and the top buttoned to her chin.
I wanted to ask her where Lora was but I held my tongue. I didn't want to cause any questions to be asked or to get Lora in any kind of trouble.
The same young girl cleaned my room for the next two days. That second afternoon I had to make a run to the market for some things and I stopped by the front desk. The owner was behind the counter. He spoke fair English so I asked him why the maids had been changed that cleaned my room.
"Lora is no longer with us senor, she has gone to Mexico City for her upcoming wedding." He told me. "My youngest daughter will be filling in until I can find someone new.
"Her wedding?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yes senor, she is getting married in a couple of weeks. It's one of those arranged things." He said shaking his head. "I thought those were behind us." He added.
"What do you mean by arranged? Do you mean like arranged since childhood?"
"Uh, no senor. A friend of her fathers lost his first wife last year. He is an older man and wealthy. He wants a young wife but they are hard to find when you are older, I know this from experience. Anyway, he paid Lora's father for her hand in marriage."
"Lora agreed to this?" I asked sharply. It didn't sound right to me.
"I guess she did, she left day before yesterday for home. She is a nice girl; I hope the old man is nice to her. I know I sure would, if I ever had the chance."
"Me too." I whispered as I walked out the front door of the hotel.
I left a few days later and I've never been back. I've thought about it several times but memories of lost love keep me away. I know I was in love or something very close to it, I'll never know what she felt. I hope she has been happy and safe. |
Shattered Shards: Perilous Plunder
Lights coming on, alarms blaring, the sounds of heavy boots upon the concrete as security officials rushed to the scene of the crime. It all mattered little to Aden, who slowly and quietly made his way through the thick foliage that covered most of the mansion grounds.
Rather nice of his 'patron' to provide him with such an easy way in and out. There had been no security cameras, no motion detectors, no guard dogs, not even broken glass or barbed wire atop the walls. It was like the mansion's owner wanted Aden to break into his home and abscond with several items of no small worth.
It would be more than enough to keep the thief in the lap of luxury for the next year; though he most certainly was not going to remain idle for twelve long months. Oh no. Life wasn't worth living unless there was a challenge involved, and the most grand challenges to Aden were his heists.
Utilizing a wonderful little broach that he had pilfered from the home of an absentminded herbalist, the plant life shifted and moved away. Not a bit of it touched the thief as he strolled leisurely through thick, thorny rose bushes, through prickly pine trees, through the tall grass and brambles that grew on the outskirts of the property.
The displaced plants moved right back to their previous positions, camouflaging his passage, assuring that no one would even think in the slightest that someone had come this way.
Not five minutes after his thefts had been discovered, Aden was over the outer wall and out into the communal park that was nestled in between the walled lands of dozens of prime 'patrons,' several of which had already 'sponsored' Aden's particular art.
He made his way to the center of the park, resting in a sheltered spot in a thick stand of birch trees that would be impossible to pierce without magical aid. He sat upon a rock and opened his bag of ill-gotten goods, eager to examine the items he had collected before accidentally triggering an unseen alarm.
As he went to open the bag Aden discovered that while the trees and plants moved to avoid him, it seemed his bag was a different story. Several long, bristly stalks clung to the fabric, having become stuck to the bag as he passed them.
Nothing to worry about, just a few easily removed foxtails. He chuckled and plucked them off, tossing them aside.
They shimmered and sparkled as they flew through the air, landing nearby, tiny motes of metallic light remaining in the air in a thick cloud.
Aden scowled at the cloud, the union of the two worlds had altered a few plants in magically heavy areas, granting them an occasional odd property, like glow in the dark pollen.
The thief sighed and went back to his bag, sneezing several times as the sweet-smelling pollen worked its way into his nose. He sneezed several more times, deep breaths followed by powerful expulsions of the very same breath.
Thankfully the sneezes shooed away the remainder of the pollen, leaving Aden's nose thankfully clear of irritants. But now he felt strange, feverish, too warm in the cool night. Warmth seemed to blossom within him, making his entire body flush, blood moving closer to the skin to allow for more effective dispersal of heat.
It wasn't any surprise that the increase in blood flow caused some other areas to stir. Aden moaned softly as he felt himself grow erect. He began to unbutton his shirt, it wasn't like anyone would see him out in the middle of the park, in the middle of the night, well hidden from any prying eyes.
He unzipped his pants and grinned as he began to stroke himself, casting his shirt aside. This wasn't particularly unusual, as he tended to focus on a heist to the point where he forsook pleasures of the flesh in order to concentrate.
This wasn't the first victory erection Aden had found himself with, but it was the most needful. In a few moments he was on all fours, working his way out of his pants, as he still felt too warm.
He kicked off his shoes, tugging off his socks, his pants and underwear down around his ankles, he felt much better as he stripped fully naked, leaning back against the smooth rock behind him, eyes closed in blissful pleasure.
He did not notice that his body looked a bit different than before, a narrowing in the midsection, a thinning of the build, a slight alteration of the angles in his face. Nor did he notice the slight swelling upon his chest, for he was far more concerned with the swelling in his loins.
With each stroke of his shaft his body seemed to feminize, his hair growing out, his hips swelling, hands and feet becoming more dainty, his skin growing softer. But none of this was noticed, not even as something slithered outward from the base of his spine.
The new limb tickled dreadfully, making Aden giggle, the tickling spreading to his rump as he found himself sitting on the new addition. He giggled some more and went to all fours, solving the problem of his sitting upon his new tail.
And quite a splendid tail it was, bristling with redrange and white fur along its three foot length, bushy and thick, swaying gently as Aden thrust against his hand as he pawed off.
He no longer felt quite so warm, in fact, he felt somewhat cooled. He gasped softly as he felt his nipples harden, leaning downward, planting his shoulder against the ground so that he could both stroke and grope. He clenched his teeth as a pleasurable sensation shot through him as he caressed his pectoral area, rubbing his new A-cup breasts.
Oh how wonderful and soft they felt, how very perfect, if only they were bigger; if only there were more to caress, more to adore, and if only he had more limbs to caress them.
With his body suitably feminized, for now, the changes seemed content to alter him in a different way, sharpening his teeth, transforming his ears from whorled flaps to proud triangles atop his head.
They twitched softly, detecting the sounds in the darkness that Aden had never before had the acuity to hear. None of them bothered him, for his predatory instincts told him there was nothing out there to fear and that as he was not interested in hunting prey and thus the other sounds were beneath his notice as well.
The shemale vixen giggled as the tickle of growing fur spread over her ears, pausing for a moment in her self-love to flex her fingers, which felt rather funny and cramped for a few moments as her nails darkened. Growing thin upon one axis, they thickened upon two others, extending from her fingertips as small, black claws, a matching set upon her toes.
Having transformed a portion of her toes, the change lingered there for a few moments, enlarging a few of them, shrinking another and moving it further back on the foot. Realignment of the legs came next, bone, ligament, and muscle all warping, stretching, popping and creaking softly as Aden was gifted with a pair of digitigrade legs, far better suited for fleeing thieving endeavors than what she had before.
The tickling sensation returned once more, spreading rusty red and gleaming white wherever it went, making her entire body tingle with vulpine glee as her gorgeous fur coat grew in to its fullest.
Her caresses were quickly enhanced by the addition of black leather upon her finger pads and palms, the black leather soon joined by equally black fur, marking her complete alteration into a vixen.
But Aden craved more, and more she would receive; for not only had she stolen, but she had done so sloppily and arrogantly, her curse not merely one enchanted foxtail, but three.
Her tail tingled, the sensation spreading to her spine, not merely being robbed of species and gender, the magical essence of the foxtails would assure that she would never steal from their master again.
As Aden's tail split in two, her breasts began to grow, making the lusty vixen moan with delight, enjoying the sensations of the expanding flesh against her padded palm. Accompanying the alteration were similar changes to her hips, rump, and lips. Her fur color altered subtly upon her face, placing upon her eyelids a bright green.
The vixen felt a presence upon her shoulders, and upon opening her eyes saw that it was her own hair, now a lush green, slithering out from her head, making her look all the more like the stunning beauty that she had become.
Aden wanted a lover so badly, her cock ached, longing for the warmth and tightness that it would only find nestled within the loving anatomy of another creature. The vixen found herself entering a state of heat, longing for the touch of another.
She continued to stroke, continued to jerk, with each thrust she let out a soft, pleading bark, seeking to call a potential lover to her locale, to aid her in slaking this growing lust that filled her increasingly sexualized body.
To be transformed into a lusty harlot, that was the curse of the second foxtail. To have not merely the body, but also in part the mind of a wanton slut. Left to her own devices, Aden would likely be carousing bars and standing upon street corners within the week, eager to share her sleek, sexy, shapely form with anyone who would have her.
The second curse was not particularly a punishment, but as Aden had made her presence known, thieving was most certainly not the career for her in this new day and age. So one would be provided, one that still flaunted the law and required a specialized set of skills, one didn't want to make the new apples fall too far from the tree, after all.
A proper thief would've been left with species and gender warped a bit, but the rest of her faculties intact. An incompetent thief would find herself with the natural ability and instinctual talents to pursue a new career. But Aden had not only been a thief, not only been a clumsy thief, but he has also been an arrogant thief, and thus her alterations were not yet through.
The vixen quivered as her belly filled with strange warmth. From the innermost depths to the edge of each fiber of fur, the vixen felt change stirring within her once more. Rather than split, a third tail emerged from her spine in the manner of her first.
While generous before, her bust now boarder upon the unnatural, the realm of porn starlets and strippers. But added to this was an additional asset, one that made Aden moan with delight as she felt it.
Her cock began to swell, elongating and thickening, her sexual characteristics enhanced by her third curse. The first two would have left her manhood as it naturally was, but with the third nothing would remain of her original form.
Amber eyes clenched tightly shut as Aden's thick shaft darkened, swelling in places, retracting in others. She shivered as her sheath properly formed. The vixen ran her clawtips over her swollen knot, delighting in the intense sensation.
Her belly still churned, flesh and bone once more altering within her. Tears of joy filled her eyes as she felt a swelling upon her middle, a second pair of breasts blossoming into existence. It was exactly what she had wanted, more of her wonderful tits to love and...
She recalled the second part of her earlier musing and gasped softly as it too was gifted to her as a reward. Rolling onto her back, removing her hand from her cock, she was now easily equipped to pleasure herself.
Using her two new hands she sandwiched her lowermost breasts, trapping her generous cock between them, thrusting against her soft, creamy furred tits. She couldn't imagine how life could be any better.
She panted, her tongue lolling out of her slight muzzle. She arched her back, bucking into the air, pressing upwards with her legs, thrusting as deeply as she could into her breasts.
He pleasure peaked, a dam burst inside of her, allowing thick rivulets of seed to pour from her member, damping the fur of her belly and breasts with its hot, sticky warmth.
But that was not all. Upon her second ejaculation, something else seemed to give way inside of her, another river breaking free within her altered body, sending liquid warmth erupting from her body in a different fashion.
Her new femsex climaxed explosively, dousing her thighs and tails with the pleasantly scented fragrance of vixen climax.
Aden rolled onto her side, coaxing a few more jets of seed from her cock, letting them ooze onto the ground, rather than onto her already sodden fur. Already she would need a bath, and there was no need to make herself even dirtier.
Her lust partially sated, Aden stood and gathered up her discarded clothes, stuffing them into the bag of recovered loot. She smiled as she walked through the dense brush, the plants parting eagerly before her.
Her mistress would be so thrilled with her, proud of her newest vixen who went out all on her own and chased down the horrible thief that had made off with a few of her showpieces.
While pretty and valuable, Mistress did not leave her true treasures out in plain sight for any thief to snatch. Aden knew that, of course. Everything in the mansion's main rooms was for show and for decoration, and for sneak thieves to snatch, thinking themselves newly rich and clever.
Aden wondered what surprises thieves would discover upon trying to flee from her owner's property. She desperately wished to know what interesting fates awaited those who would dare steal from the wonderful woman that gave her and other sorts of gorgeous, sexual creatures a home.
A soft sound like wind chimes drew Aden's attention and she turned her head, seeing a few golden grains of pollen settling upon her glowing, silvery seed. She grinned as she saw small, green shoots sprout up from the soil.
She watched the plants grow and blossom, tall green grasses mixed in with tall plants with cascades of beautiful flowers. Foxtails and foxgloves. They always marked the places where a nature-kissed kitsune like herself found enjoyment. Enjoyment that would, on occasion, be gifted to a passerby when the plants were ready to reproduce.
Aden moaned softly, rubbing her belly with her two lower hands. As soon as she returned home, she too would be ready and eager to reproduce as well. With anyone she could get her four hands on.
Aden's three tails swayed happily behind her as the kitsune wondered which of her mistress's many pets she'd snuggle up with first. |
Title: The Dream of a Lonely Dragon by trek
Tags: Dragon, Feline, First Time, Handjob, M/F, Oral, Short, Vaginal
The Dream of a Lonely Dragon
By Trek Warning, this story contains sexual material and should not be read by people under 18. Thanks and enjoy!
First I suppose I should tell you about myself. I am a 20 year old, 6 foot, sky blue dragon. Well built, but with a little extra weight around the midsection. I am a bit of a nerd and very much a redneck. That is about all the basics. You should also know some history I think. Several years ago, I had some one that I loved dearly, I wanted to be her mate. Yet her parents would not allow anything to go on between us until she was older, which I understood and was willing to be patient. We would meet every so often and we would chat on the internet almost every day. I had such feelings for her that I could not describe them in words.
Anyway, after a few months of this routine, she began to feel distant, and after a week or so I found out why. Apparently one of my friends that also knew her had confessed his love to her and she decided that she felt the same toward him. She told me all of this over the internet, same as we always talked. At this I didn't know what to think. I quickly replied back asking if there was any place for me with her, desperately hoping for anything positive. All I got from her was an "I don't think so." My heart was broken.
I kept talking to her for a few weeks, but then slowly broke contact. There was a dagger sticking in my back that no one could see but me. I have carried that dagger with me for many years, not daring to take it out, making a promise to myself, that I would never be the one to put someone through that kind of pain.
Since that time I have not sought another potential mate, reasoning to myself that the right one would come along when I was ready and that I would recognize her at first glance. Though I know that it was only from the fear of being hurt again, I didn't think I could take another dagger like that. Well, that is about all the history you need to know. Now for the rest of the story.
She was a beautiful yellowish gold feline that had a wonderful figure and a lovely face. She was extremely graceful and kinder than anyone I had ever met. Her name was Crystal. I worked with her for many years at a fast food joint, rarely getting the chance to work next to her but savoring the time when I did. She always smelled nice and never seemed to be mad or unhappy. She always had a smile on her face and it always made my day to see it, because I could not help but smile too. I quickly knew that she was the one I had been waiting for, the one that could pull that painful dagger out. I started spending as much time with her as possible, going on break at the same time, talking after work was over, and even going in to work on my days off just to see her. I learned all I could about her. Told her what ever was on my mind and she did the same. After some time I decided that I wanted to take our friendship to the next level, but I realized that I had forgotten to ask a very important question. Was she already with some one? To my sadness and dismay she said that there was and that she loved him greatly. I just smiled at this but my heart sank. I continued spending as much time with her as I could, her being one of the only female friends I had. But now every time I saw her it hurt. Knowing that I was not the one for her (knowing that that could change but still in pain). I also knew that the only way for me to get her would be for her to loose him, which would put her in terrible pain. The kind of pain that I promised my self that I would never be responsible for inflicting on someone else. So I was torn between the two possibilities, one being that she stayed with him and I would never get a chance with her, and the other being that she would loose him giving me a chance but putting her through great pain in the process. I decided that I would rather be the one to deal with the pain and stayed out of the way of her relationship with him. I still remained a close friend to her and kept our relationship the same though this was not easy in the least. Some days it was harder than others, such as the times when I was feeling depressed because she was not mine. She would know that something was wrong and would ask about it and try to make me feel better, not realizing that she was the reason I was so sad.
It was not long before I began to dream of her, of the relationship I wanted to have with her. At first I shunned it, thinking it not fair to her. But as the days, weeks, and months went by, I slowly started to accept and even anticipate these dreams. I dremt of holder her close to me just to feel her warmth. Of caressing her back and nuzzling her soft cheeks. I knew it had to be love and not lust because very few of the dreams were sexual, not to say I didn't enjoy those too. But the dreams usually just involved us being close to one another and talking about whatever was on our mind. I can't count the number of times I had whole conversations with her and figured things out that were bothering me in my sleep. Nearly every night I would go to sleep hugging and snuggling a feather pillow, thinking of her, and hoping for another dream of her. Though on my not so good nights, these thoughts only tended to make me feel worse. I know that there was little I could do in the present situation with out breaking my promise, and that I was doing the right thing (or so I thought) by leaving things be as they were. The one question that constantly haunted me but I could not answer was: Was it wrong to want something that may put someone else through some pain. The quick answer I always gave out was yes, and considering my soft and kind personality it was mainly true for me. I could not bring myself to hurt another. But I still could not justify my choices. I was putting my self through great pain, and sparing her, and she didn't even know it. I know it wasn't fair to me, but I didn't think I had any other choice. I would not go back on my promise. But as usual, even with my mind busy with trying to answer an unanswerable question, sleep would find me. And visions of her always seemed to come when I needed them most.
As I said before, sexually related dreams of Crystal rarely took place, but they did occur. Some of these were as simple as me pleasuring her with my fingers and mouth, but others as kinky and sexual as my wildest dream. But there was one constant, in these dreams I was always more concerned over her pleasure than mine. The one I loved the most I don't think I will ever forget.
We were enjoying a home made meal (her being the master chef of course) strangely enough made up of my mothers wonderful stew, moist corn bread, and a glass of southern sweet tea. (By this point my redneck side is starting to show through.) It was a wonderful meal and I almost remember tasting the food. Afterwords I thanked her for the wonderful meal and helped her clean up. She was being very affectionate during washing the dishes. Nudging up against me while passing when there was plenty of room to go around or rubbing across my paw under the soapy water. I just shrugged it off, not wanting to get the wrong idea and then be seen as a pervert. When all the dishes were clean and put away, we went to her living room to watch some romantic movie. Continuing her affection, she snuggled close to me and cuddled with me. I am not even sure if she was paying any attention to the movie. I started to rub behind her feline ears, which she loved.
She started to purr under the attention I was giving her. I proceeded to begin massaging her back, which was kind of awkward in a sitting position, but did the best I could. She leaned up against my chest and put her paws on mine, pulling them around her waist. I could tell that she was getting warmer. I was starting to get warm my self, wanting to open a window but not daring to break away from her. We snuggled there for want seemed like hours and only moments at the same time. And I cherished every second of it. Her wonderful aroma that softly surrounded me and exited my nostrils. Her velvet like fur that felt like heaven on my smooth scales. Her slow breathing that slowly raised and lowered her chest along with my paws wrapped around her. And the soft sound of her content purring which was like music to my ears. I began to murr softly myself, showing my contentment and pleasure in the situation. I never wanted it to end.
Unfortunately, nature had other plans. I started feeling a second kind of heat build up in me, but not physical heat. I knew that burning feeling all to well; my body was becoming exited and was reacting accordingly. My thoughts started to race trying to find a way to get out of this situation without Crystal seeing what was going on. I tried to suppress the feeling, desperately trying to do the impossible. After all I can't really blame myself, she was very beautiful and we were getting very close and rubbing up against each other. I could not contain myself any longer and my dragonhood slowly started to push out of my sheath. I could feel the tip of it come into contact with her wonderful fur and released a small shudder, which I tried my best to hide, yet failing miserably.
And then the part that I had been dreading came. She moved a bit in my lap and quickly noticed something pocking her in the small of her back. She hopped up in surprise and spun around to find my dragonhood fully erect in front of her. I quickly looked down and my cheeks turned a brighter red than I though possible. I quickly tried to apologize and started to get up thinking it best that I leave. I suddenly felt a strong hand push me back down into the couch. I looked up to find Crystal staring me in the eyes intently.
I gave her a confused look and she simply said, "Where do you think you are going?" I didn't know what to say to this and my thoughts started to race again. But all my thoughts were put to an immediate halt when I felt a soft paw touch the end of my dragonhood. I nearly jumped off the couch from the sensation that pulsed through my body. I was in shock, not knowing how to respond, wanting more but not wanting to push her in any way. She saw the need in my eyes and slowly started to rub my shaft with her paw.
She looked me right in the eyes again and said, "I have been waiting a long time for you, and I know you feel the same." I could not deny this but could not get my self to say anything; my breath had been taken away. All I could do was nod. She leaned in closer to me and slowly kissed my lips, her whiskers tickling my mussel some. I leaned into the kiss and wrapped my arms around her. She felt so warm and the feeling from her paw still rubbing my shaft was intoxicating. I started to loose control of my actions, as if someone else had taken control over my body. I slowly slipped my tongue into her mouth and wrapped it around hers. She began to purr again very loudly. I could tell she was enjoying the affection.
She then pulled away from the kiss and continued to look me straight in the eyes. Her free paw grabbed one of mine and guided it down her body and down her abdomen. Not stopping till my paw was directly on top of her now dripping sex. It was then that I caught a whiff of her intoxicating smell, not her perfume, which I was used to, but her smell. It started to fill me with excitement and energy. I could feel her swelling clit under my paw and slowly started to rub the area. She moaned in pleasure. By this time I was starting to get my courage up. I used my free paw and started caressing her back, slowly working my way up to her shoulders and around to her chest. I started to massage her beautiful breasts, feeling the nipples harden under the attention.
She continued her purring and moaning as she worked her paw up and down my shaft. My poor shaft could not take much more of this. I could feel the pressure of release building inside of me. Thinking quickly and a little clearer now, I put both paws on her hips and lifted her up and onto the couch, laying her down next to me.
There was a bit of shock visible in her eyes since she had no idea that I was going to do that. I leaned over and started to nuzzle the moist folds of her sex. I flicked my tongue across her clit every now and then sending shocks of pleasure through her body. I looked into her eyes while doing this, asking a silent question. She knew what I was asking and quickly nodded.
I slowly started to slip my tongue into her hot sex, my saliva and her fluids lubricating its way. She gasped in pleasure. As I continued I felt her barrier, indicating she was still a virgin. I was extremely happy with this since I was also a virgin, but worried at the same time, knowing that I would be the one to take her virginity from her forever. I continued to move my tongue in as far as I could. Pushing my lips up against her folds and sucking slightly. I move my tongue in and out of her slowly at first, savoring the wonderful taste of her sex and catching any juices I could in my mouth. She arched her back as I continued my motions, moving faster and faster. I could hear her breathing becoming faster and more labored. Suddenly she screamed, startling me at first, but I quickly realized what had happened. I felt her inner walls clamp down on my tongue, not allowing it to move. Juices flooded my maw and I hastily drank down all I could, not letting any go to waist. When her orgasm subsided I pulled my tongue out and licked my lips.
She looked at me and gave me a seductive wink and then sat up and crawled over to me, pushing me back into a lounging position. She crawled up and kissed the tip of my shaft and it twitched at the sensation. She giggled at this and all I could do was smile. She then began to take my entire dragonhood into her soft mouth. Sucking slightly and rubbing her rough tongue across the tip of my sensitive shaft. More pulses of joy and pleasure rushed through me. She then started to bob her head on my shaft, taking as much in as she could, which was nearly all of it. I writhed in pleasure as she started to play with my balls with one of her soft, delicate paws. I could not describe the wonderful feeling. I never wanted her to stop.
Suddenly, she pulled off and looked at me. I gave her a pleading look and whimpered. She gave me another seductive wink and crawled forward more and locked my muzzle in a passionate kiss, while at the same time, she lined up her sex with my throbbing shaft. As she lowered herself down onto my shaft I felt her warmth engulf my member. We both broke our kiss and arched our backs in pleasure as she slowly slid down till she was sitting in my lap. She cried in pain momentarily as my member broke through her fragile barrier, taking her virginity from her, but that cry was quickly replaced my purrs of pleasure.
She started to bounce on my shaft using her weight to force herself back down onto me. I could not believe the feeling I was getting and wanted more. She started to bounce higher and faster. I placed my hands gently, but firmly on her hips to help. I watched as her beautiful breasts started to bounce with her movements. I felt that pressure building inside of me again and knew I was not going to be able to stop it this time. I gave her a quick look that told her I was close and she gave me an exited nod that told me it was OK. I could not hold back much longer when I heard her cry out in pleasure again and felt her walls lock down on my shaft. The sensation was too much for me and my orgasm hit at the same time. We shuddered in pleasure as her fluids mixed with my seed and flowed around my shaft and down across my balls. We held each other closely in a passionate hug as we allowed the orgasms to pass.
She slowly got up off of my shaft and it retreated into its sheath. She lay down next to me and snuggled up against me as we basked in our afterglow. We nuzzled each other softly, never wanting to separate. I heard her breathing slow and become extremely quite. I knew that she had fallen asleep, and I laid my head down next to hers and quickly fallowed suit in exhaustion. Sleep washed over me.
I awoke with a start in my own bed at my own house. Saddened that it was all just a dream, but enjoying the memory of what went on in that dream. The rest of the day I felt extremely happy and was full of energy. Knowing that there was still some hope that one lovely day, my dream might become a reality.
Thank you for reading this story. Tell me what you think; honestly, though go easy on me since this is my first story. |
Title: Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt. 46
Tags: mfff, older man
*The end*
All this was a year ago. Perhaps I can best wrap the story up by offering a series of incidents during the intervening twelve months that strike me as particularly interesting or significant (or sexy or amusing. Or, in one or two cases, grim).
Last summer's birthday weekend was the turning point. Once all the girls were safely captured, and the decision had been taken to go wholesale into the sex business, everything seemed to fall into place. I was very strict about ensuring girls had made all the necessary arrangements for this dramatic change in their lives. Doting parents were told whatever their daughter thought would best reassure them: that she had saved some money and was taking a year off, that she was doing some lucrative freelance job, that she was being kept and pampered by some mysterious wealthy man, and so on. One or two of the broader-minded parents actually got the truth, or a relatively lightly edited version of it.
Naturally some girls needed longer than others to prepare the ground so they arrived in the sex business in ones and twos over the next few months, not all in a rush. Gina gave advice and support, and it was her idea that the girls should work independently rather than give a slice of their earnings to agencies. The result was the institution that Wendy calls "the Stable". This is not so much an agency as a loose federation. Wendy took voluntary redundancy from her job to help cordinate it; she maintains the records (which for obvious reasons are kept to a minimum), while Gina, in such spare time as she can manage (for she is still a whore first and foremost), provides the girls with what I suppose I can best describe as technical support. (I hear her taking calls from the girls and saying things like, "Yeah, I knew a guy once that asked for that. Weird, innit? Listen, hun, this is how you do it...")
There are several reasons that the administration is not too onerous. In the first place, we can trust our girls implicitly. Secondly, they are all in touch with each other so they can make arrangements directly between themselves if an extra girl is needed somewhere or if one of them finds a client she thinks would particularly appreciate one of her colleagues. The third reason is that we do not take a commission off the girls, or at least, not in the normal sense. Basically, what they earn (and they earn plenty) is theirs to keep. All we ask (since we have to eat) is an occasional subvention, which means that I pick on a few girls at random and ask them to donate whatever we need; two days' earnings (which they hardly miss) from five girls drawn by lot will typically generate about six to eight thousand pounds, which pays the bills for weeks.
It will be gathered from this that I have left the insurance business. It had become obvious to me, even before my birthday party, that FUCK was simply too powerful to allow me to lead a normal life without risking constant accidental captures such as Ursula's. It is not the capture itself that troubles me – I am delighted that Ursula is on board and so is she – but every girl has family, friends, and colleagues and every uncontrolled capture of this kind increases the chances of detection.
So a few days after the party I asked to see Brian and told him that since, owing to the company's financial problems, he would need to cut down on staff costs, I should like to negotiate a retirement package. Generous terms, I suggested, would be a fitting reward for my corporate loyalty in cosying up to George. He seemed a little surprised, since I had never before shown any interest in leaving, but I told him that what my late uncle had left me meant that I had no need to work any more. He assumed the look characteristic of him when he was pretending to be intelligent and he told me that he entirely understood and was sure something acceptable could be worked out.
The settlement we arrived at was, in fact, highly satisfactory from my point of view and I felt it was good of Brian to honour the terms of what was, after all, only a gentlemen's agreement. True, I gave some very obvious sidelong glances at the drawer where the incriminating "CONFIDENTIAL" file was kept, coupled with some casual comments about how I was now in constant touch with my old pal George, but it would be churlish to suggest this had any bearing on the outcome.
I realised that a house and garden in the suburbs no longer suited my needs and I looked for something much more central, yet secluded from nosy neighbours. My new home is a mews house in Marylebone. It is perfect. It is the only house on this side of the mews, hence no party walls and no chance of being overheard if a girl gets a bit noisy. Upstairs it has two respectable double bedrooms beside an immense master bedroom, in which I installed the biggest bed I could find, comfortably accommodating me and four girls. Downstairs there is a large reception room and a kitchen-diner, the rest of the ground floor being occupied by a built-in garage. At the rear is a paved yard with a small pool, protected from prying eyes on one side by the house and on the other by a twelve-foot wall separating us from the rear gardens of the houses in the main street. If there is anywhere else in the middle of London that so wonderfully combines comfort, convenience and privacy, I should like to know where it is.
It did not come cheap. Even when I added together my life savings, my payoff from the company and the proceeds from selling my house and Albert's house, I was still some way shy of the asking price. I had to fill the gap with my biggest-ever subvention, asking all the girls to give me all the money they made in a whole week. I even broke one of my strictest rules and told girls still studying that they should cut classes for a week and come and help out. The girls all knew what the money was for and worked extra hard, taking no time off at all, and at the end of the week Wendy, Fran and I found ourselves looking at an unbelievable three hundred and forty thousand pounds, all in fifties and twenties, neatly piled in bundles of a thousand on our dining table. I had dealt with much larger sums in the course of business, of course, but it had been cold, remote money, mere electrical impulses in a bank's computer. I confess that seeing more than a third of a million pounds of hard cash made me go quite weak. Added to my other monies it more than met the cost of buying and furnishing my new home, plus a big housewarming and thank-you party (or orgy) for the girls.
I ought to mention that while I was still at the old house I settled my accounts with George Marjoribanks. Wendy and I invited him and Sue for dinner, as of course we were obliged to, and since it was such a golden opportunity to be annoyingly condescending about our relatively modest home he naturally accepted with alacrity. He seemed a little surprised when I commented what good company the twins had been when we dined with him, and I asked him to extend the invitation to them too.
By the time the agreed date arrived I had gone over my plans with Wendy, Alicia and the twins. They all knew what was expected of them. For Wendy and me it was something of a farewell; we were already looking for a new house by this time so it was the last time we should entertain formally in a home we had lived in for fifteen years. So when it came to the cooking Wendy, aided by Alicia (who under her expert guidance was showing great promise in the kitchen), truly surpassed herself.
I could see as soon as he arrived that George was still fascinated by Alicia. Whenever Sue's attention was elsewhere he rested his eyes on her, drinking her in with palpable lust. I wanted him to get a good idea of what he was missing, so I asked her to keep an eye on him throughout the meal, and while Wendy, the twins and I kept Sue busy she was to shoot sexy smiles at him, push her bust in his direction, look away giggling shyly if he too obviously stared back, and generally be as forward and provocative as she could without getting him into any trouble.
After dinner the twins carefully steered Sue into the front room and talked to her about hardy perennials (she had been trying for years to interest them in her hobby of gardening, but with no success until that night – and none since, incidentally). Alicia and I also left the dining room, leaving George and Wendy talking, but we got no further than the hall, where we could eavesdrop without being seen.
It was obvious that Alicia had done a first-rate job of getting George going because he broached the subject the moment he and Wendy were alone. How did we find her, where did she work, that sort of thing. Wendy answered all these questions with the relaxed good humour characteristic of her.
Then George started to unburden himself. "You know, Wendy, you're a remarkable woman."
"I try," she replied modestly. "But what makes you say so?"
"Well, um, about Alicia, you don't seem, er..." he faltered.
"Sorry, George, I'm not sure what you mean."
"Well, you know, she's absolutely lovely, and a lot of wives wouldn't feel at all comfortable with a girl like that about the house."
Listening in, I reflected that the phrase "a lot of wives" could safely be taken to include Sue.
"What, you mean because of James?" asked Wendy with an immaculately simulated air of surprise.
"Well, yes, I mean I'm sure James would never, er... But he's only human, after all, and with a beautiful girl like Alicia any man might, er –"
"James and Alicia?"
"Well, yes, I'm sure they never would but –"
Wendy gave a merry peal of laughter. "Why, George, you are silly. *Of course* James sleeps with Alicia. I should have thought it was obvious."
George made a strangulated sound. "He... he does? You know? I mean, er –"
"Of course I know, George. I'm not blind."
George was still having trouble articulating. "But, er... I mean, you don't mind?"
"Why should I mind?"
"Well, most wives would," replied George with considerable feeling, and once more some sixth sense told me that he was thinking of Sue, whom I could hear faintly in the front room babbling about gardenias.
"Well, George, I'm not 'most wives'. The way I see it is this. As James's wife I want whatever's best for him, and since this girl Alicia has been here, he's been twice the man he was before. He's brimming with vitality, confidence and good humour, and I'll let you into a little marital secret, George," she lowered her voice confidentially and I had to strain to catch her words; "whatever he gets up to with Alicia, he's never been so ardent with me, not even on our honeymoon. So you see," she went on in a normal tone, "I benefit too, and Alicia seems more than happy about it and you've seen what a help she is to me about the house, and there's not the least doubt in the world that James benefits, the old rascal, so why on earth should I mind?"
George did not reply for some time. When he did it was to say they should be joining the others, so Alicia and I hurried into the front room and took our seats just as Wendy and George came in. I shall, I am delighted to say, never forget the expression on his face: it was a combination of astonishment and desire, overlaid by a consuming jealousy. Even Sue noticed something was amiss.
"Are you all right, dear?"
"I'm fine," answered George hoarsely. "Just a bit of overindulgence in Wendy's delicious cooking."
He took little part in the ensuing general conversation. Even when Sue started to brag about his wonderful new job he could not bring himself to join in. Instead he kept looking at Alicia, then at me, then at Wendy, and back to Alicia again.
Just after midnight, Wendy, Alicia and I were outside the house seeing our guests off. Sue and the twins (who had behaved impeccably all evening, giving no indication of their true relationship with me) kissed me decorously on the cheek and I gave George a firm manly handshake. He gave me a long look that was even more gratifying than the previous one: not only did it speak of a horrible, yearning, hopeless envy but also a grudging yet powerful respect.
"Goodnight, James," he said. "You're a lucky man. I never knew how lucky until tonight."
"Goodbye, George."
It sounded final because it was meant to; I wanted his final image of me to be in his rear-view mirror, sandwiched between Wendy and Alicia, each of them with one arm round me while they waved goodbye with the other. I never expected to meet him again. And to date, nor have I; but the business had an interesting and unintended sequel.
A few months later a couple of the girls were at my place, sitting around chatting after recovering from a good fucking, and as they idly discussed clients they began to think they might have one in common. I had not been paying a lot of attention but it gradually dawned on me that the man they were discussing sounded familiar. I logged onto the website of George's bank and found a picture of him. The girls instantly confirmed that this was the man; he had become quite a regular over the last couple of months. So I showed his picture around, and a few other girls also recognised him. He was a bit of a starfish in bed, the consensus went, but his money was good. In fact, I calculated that he must have spent nearly six thousand pounds in the last four months on my girls alone (and there must have been others, since I do not control every whore in London (at least, not yet)).
The only use I have made of this information, incidentally, is that to avoid what would be a most embarrassing encounter I have forewarned Alicia and, of course, the twins (who took the news reasonably philosophically).
As my girls gradually moved into prostitution, a small but significant change took place in my own life. Ever since infancy I had been "James". My parents actively discouraged the more familiar version of the name, although personally I had no objection to it and tentatively experimented with it in my twenties. But then I met Wendy, whose strong preference for "James" settled the matter, and the only time since then I had used "Jim" was when I first called on Gina, when I suppose it served as a psychological disguise. But she naturally introduced me to other whores as "Jim" and I found I quite liked it. Besides, after my birthday party, I found it helped me to keep track of developments if I got girls to call me "Jim" once they had made the transition to whoredom, so by now I am "Jim" to almost everyone. I gave Wendy and Fran a free choice and they both adhere to "James" but Connie says "Jim" suits me a lot better, and I think I agree with her.
After a couple of months the effects of FUCK stabilised to the extent that although my sexual potency and desire were extraordinarily powerful they did not further increase. The randiness never really goes away – even if I have fucked myself into near insensibility I still like the idea of sex – and even after a good ejaculation I can be ready for further action within minutes. But it is about an hour before further relief becomes a pressing need and I can go ninety minutes if necessary. At night I seem to tolerate slightly longer intervals and my usual practice is to sleep with four girls, one of whom will normally be either Fran or Wendy, and I wake up a few times to drill whoever comes to hand.
Usually I invite girls to my place but sometimes I visit them; a group of girls with the day off will assemble in one of their flats and I go along for a nice orgy. A change of scene does me good. Between all the sex I still find time to relax in front of the television or with a book, and of course many of my girls are well able to offer educated conversation.
As an aside, the ability of some of the girls to do this has proved surprisingly popular with certain clients. Elspeth was telling me, when she was working during the last University vacation, that one man booked her for what proved to be fifteen minutes of rather mechanical sex followed by nearly three hours of quite deep discussion about determinism. He seemed more than happy with what he had got for his money and was keen to book her again. It takes all sorts, I suppose. For my part, I am available to talk determinism to anyone for two hundred and fifty pounds an hour, but somehow I doubt whether the market is there.
I have continued to recruit in large numbers. In fact, in that respect the move into the sex business has been a godsend (probably not the most fitting word to use, on reflection). My girls move freely in the strange sexual parallel universe they inhabit, are well acquainted with my tastes, and are constantly on the lookout for girls with the right attributes. Every few days one of my girls rings to say she would like to send someone along, and my tally is now nearly two hundred. I feel it is best and safest to recruit girls already in the business, since the tricky process of handling family and friends is automatically taken care of (either they know what she is doing, or she has her cover story in place). I tend to favour girls from overseas; recruits are chiefly drawn from Africa or eastern Europe but I have added some very nice orientals and latinas to my collection. Fortunately London's thirst for new young girls seems unslakable; the supply is such that there is no need to compromise my high standards.
With so many girls it no longer troubles me that I cannot remember all their names. Besides, they almost all have two; a working name in addition to their own. Apart from the fact that some of their own names are too homely or otherwise unsuitable for the sex trade, I think this dual identity helps them separate working from their personal lives. Mostly I let them choose their own working names; Connie, for instance, insisted that she was Randy. I told Fran that she had to be Fanny; it took some time for her to appreciate this choice of name but it made everyone else smile.
I have continued occasionally to capture girls from outside the sex business, but sparingly because of the risk. However, I sometimes take walks around London and very occasionally, particularly in areas frequented by students, I see a girl of such exceptional quality that I have to possess her. But the most recent such instance illustrates what can happen. I saw a gorgeous black girl near London University and followed her from a safe distance. When she got on a bus I ran for it and got on too, managing to sit fairly close so FUCK could take effect. Within a few minutes she was looking doe-eyed at me and licking her lips so I got off. As I walked down the street I realised, however, that not only she but another girl too, an oriental, had got off to follow me. This other girl was very attractive but not exceptional and at the conscious level I had not noticed her at all, but FUCK had worked its magic just the same. She has, as it turns out, proved to be a thoroughly welcome acquisition but the fact remains her capture was accidental. The story illustrates why I avoid public transport.
Many people would say that this addiction to young flesh is depraved in a man of fifty, and part of me might even agree, but I would point out that I do not bring these girls from far lands to work in the London sex trade. The great majority are in it already, and they are, in some cases at least, frighteningly naive and vulnerable. Some of them have been beaten by their controllers and a few are getting drawn into drug abuse and other types of destructive lifestyle. I put a stop to that. True, my girls sell their bodies, but they also look after them. They do not smoke or use illegal drugs; drink is permitted only in moderation. And I ensure they work as safely as possible. In parties and parlours there are always other people around in case of trouble; and escort work means wealthy clients who are unlikely to risk everything by maltreating a girl. Moreover, although my girls dress well and live well, I make sure they all save; there will come a day when they need a nest egg. After only a year some of my original girls have savings far into six figures; Olga, the record holder, is about to buy herself a very nice flat for cash.
This special pleading would be more persuasive, I know, were I not shagging these girls all day and all night; but for what it is worth, there it is.
Connie took to whoredom with a gleeful enthusiasm that was a joy to behold. She was promiscuous in any case (I never realised quite how much until my birthday weekend), but FUCK has sent an already strong sex drive into orbit. Her enthusiasm and capacity for fucking draws admiration even from experienced whores. She gets relatively little escort work because clients willing and able to pay for this rather expensive service tend to prefer perfect European teenagers to big-assed African girls, but in any case (and like a lot of my girls, actually) Connie prefers parlours and parties: "More guys," she explains.
Connie seems insatiable and inexhaustible. "Don't you get tired?" Fran once asked her. "Or sore?"
"A bit, now and then," Connie conceded, "but if I just keep going it soon wears off."
This conversation led to a friendly bet. Connie wagered that she could work in parlours and parties for at least twelve hours each and every day, without a break, for a solid month. Not only did she do it; at the end she was still bright-eyed and fresh as a daisy and hungry for more.
An awed Fran paid up cheerfully. Five thousand pounds is little more than small change for my girls.
Maybe Connie is exceptional but in truth, virtually all the girls adapted with surprisingly little difficulty. Their new desire for constant sex, of course, gave them every inducement to do so, and it has to be said that the money did not exactly deter them either.
Laura possibly had more trouble than anyone to sever her existing commitments. Her entire life, professional and (such as it was) personal, was so much bound up with Cambridge University that it was hard to break away. In the end she had to tell people that she had realised that such a wholly academic existence was too far removed from normal experience for her to be able to write the second book for which her publishers were pressing. So she took leave of absence in order (she told everyone) to seek employment in a field in which her academic qualifications would be irrelevant. Having thus created the impression that she was going to work in a chip shop in Gateshead, or something equally mundane, she left for the life of a high-class London whore.
Although she clearly relishes her new life, and has unbent to the extent of actually being quite good company, she has not left academic ways altogether behind. She remains thoughtful and analytical, and she and I have had some very interesting conversations about how her life has changed. I asked her whether she could put her finger on the biggest single difference.
"It's not the actual sex," she replied, "great though that is. It's not even the orgasms. It's the *passion*; the way I clench up inside with a wonderful, unbearable hunger. I never knew it was possible to feel this way so I never missed it, but now I can't imagine life without it." Laura's comments on sex, and selling sex, are always intelligent and insightful, and sometimes very witty; if she ever gets round to writing that second book it will be well worth a read.
I ought to say a little more about the girls in general and their relationship to me.
First and foremost, they are in love; passionately, rapturously, overwhelmingly in love. Every waking moment they think of me, and when they sleep I inhabit their dreams. Women have loved me deeply before – not many, but Wendy certainly did during our courtship and the early years of our marriage, and so did one of my University girlfriends, if only for a term or two – but never have I known anything like the absolute and unconditional devotion I get from my girls.
They bless the day they met me. I can do no wrong in their eyes; they put the best possible light on everything. My ruthless promiscuity, for instance, shows my generosity: I am sharing my magnificence as widely as possible. Of their work as whores, they tell me I am one in a million, so caring, so understanding; what other man would let them do this without getting jealous? The rule against other boyfriends shows (they say) how important each girl is to me; and why should she want anyone else anyway, when she has a share of me? I am so clever, so witty, so wise. Jim knows best.
Uppermost in their minds, even stronger than their physical desire for me, is the wish to make me happy. Newly recruited girls, I notice, tend to assume that what I want from them (apart from their bodies) is deference and obedience. But as they get to know me, and see how I behave with established girls, they realise that (except in a few cases, such as Florence) I prefer girls to behave in a more natural way, and they begin, tentatively at first, to treat me more familiarly and informally. They learn that they are not required to like cricket or the Marx Brothers merely because I do, and they gain the confidence to express their own opinion, to volunteer requests and suggestions, even to disagree with me about something. All this I permit, even encourage, because we all know that, in the end, what I say goes.
There is one important constraint on this freedom of speech: the complete inability of my girls to offer any moral judgment on me. This is not of my doing; rather, it seems to be imposed by FUCK. It can be quite limiting. It means that if I ask a girl's honest advice about what I ought to do, the course of action she recommends will be the one she thinks will make me happy.
For instance, girls planning brief visits home to Africa or eastern Europe often tell me in great excitement that their native district is full of poor but beautiful young women whom they could easily lure to London on the promise of waitressing jobs and the like; the idea is that they will then introduce them to me, and FUCK will do the rest. It is important to be clear that they are not suggesting this because they think I want to hear it; on the contrary, they are well aware that I have set my face against dragging naive girls into prostitution in this way. They are suggesting it because they think having hordes more young beautiful girls would make me happier (and I have an uneasy feeling they are right).
When I tell them that what they are proposing is morally wrong, it simply fails to compute. To most of them, it is simple: my happiness is the supreme good, so anything that promotes it is morally right by definition. The more thoughtful girls can grasp at an intellectual level that there might be a difference between moral rightness and my pleasure, but even to them it is mere abstract theorising with no possible application in the real world. Recently, some girls have started to turn the ethical argument against me, arguing that it would be a praiseworthy act to import young women wholesale from poor countries; they would make money and have fun, their families and the local economy would benefit from the money sent home, and (this is presented as the clincher) the girls themselves would get to meet and fuck the most magnificent and desirable man in the world. Everyone would win, in fact.
So far, I am resisting this. But I know how FUCK has eroded my own standards of conduct, so I wonder how long I shall hold out.
The upshot of all this is that what few moral constraints exist are those I supply myself. Nina's rape still troubles me more than anything. I had no idea that I was capable of such an act, and I have taken great care that there should be no repetition, but nearly a year on that look in her eyes still haunts me.
All my girls have put on weight, of course, and in the great majority of cases look far better for it. The process seems to stabilise after a while, but no two girls are affected quite the same way. Florence, I have to say, is a sight to behold. Her tits are now so big that it is an effort for her to get up from bed, and when she sits down they rest on her legs. It would be impossible for the poor girl to lead a normal life, but in this profession, her bust is what the advertising industry calls a USP: "unique selling point". A tit-man takes one look at her and she can virtually name her price. She cannot go out very much (she travels by taxi) and I let her spend a lot of time here when not working, so that she can display not only her tits but her now abject servility. Despite my normal aversion to cosmetic surgery I shall allow her a drastic breast reduction when she stops working.
As for the other changes FUCK has wrought in my girls, the sex industry is the exact place they are least likely to attract attention. Body shaving, high heels and lots of sex go with the territory. If anything makes my girls stand out from the general run of London whores, it is not the FUCK-induced changes but their honesty and reliability, their absence of piercing and tattoos, and their clean-living aversion to cigarettes, drugs, and heavy drinking.
Perhaps they are also unusual in that they work so hard. Most ordinary whores, Gina tells me, will work only a couple of days each week, or perhaps more intensively in short bursts interspersed by periods of taking it easy. But my girls are driven by the remorseless sex drive and spectacular orgasms that FUCK induces, so they typically work all day, day after day. They take the odd day off to relax and unwind only at intervals of a week or more, and even then the craving for sex never really leaves them alone.
It is fascinating to listen to my girls talking about their work; it reminds me of hearing specialists in some technical area of expertise – law or medicine, perhaps. They constantly swap tips and ideas about how to attract clients and make them happy, and frankly I am bewildered by some of the vocabulary they have develope |
d to describe the finer nuances of sexual activity.
(To take but one example: I simply had to ask for an explanation when I heard one girl warn another that a particular client, although a nice guy, was a terrible "starfish". It turns out to mean a notably inactive lover: a client that asks the girl to go on top and simply lies there, limbs splayed out, leaving her to do all the work.)
The girls in general form a kind of loosely affiliated sisterhood. When I venture out I constantly bump into them in twos and threes, enjoying a day off shopping their way along Oxford Street or looking for a nice restaurant somewhere. They socialise together, gossip together, and shop together. They share flats, clothes, sexual hints and tips, clients, and even the occasional non-paying male friend.
Here is a vignette. The aural details are correct; the visuals and a few other particulars are from my own imagination, but I doubt I am far off the mark.
The luxuriously appointed bedroom of a fashionable West End apartment: between the satin sheets lie entwined two perfect young lovers. Their sighs of pleasure as they caress each other are disturbed by a cellphone on the bedside table. The man groans; this kind of interruption is painfully familiar. The girl calmly answers the phone. Her accent has only a slight suggestion of eastern Europe. "Yes ... right ... thanks, good," she says, and replaces the phone. She thinks she has rung off but in fact she failed to press the button properly and the line remains open.
"You must go?" asks the man sadly, for he knows the answer already.
She holds his head close to hers. "I can give you one minute," she tells him.
"But –" he begins to object, then gasps slightly with surprise and pleasure as she performs some practised act of stimulation.
She giggles in delight at her own expertise and his reaction to it. "Plenty of time," she says.
He utters a little cry as she again exercises her skill and suddenly he is inside her, thrusting in a frenzy of lovemaking. She responds, bucking her hips and moaning with arousal but yet retaining some vestige of control. Then with a subtle but irresistible move she drives him to climax and as she feels his seed within her, her own orgasm breaks and waves of pleasure wash over her.
Since she thought she hung up the phone precisely fifty-three seconds have elapsed.
Abruptly she pushes him aside and is out of the bed, scampering to the ensuite shower and manipulating the taps. She stands at the shower door and claps her hands briskly. "Playtime's over. We gotta move it, move it!" With that she is in the shower busily lathering herself while he groggily drags himself from the bed and fumbles for his clothes. "Get me a cab," she calls from the shower. "Five minutes. Numbers by the bed." By the time he has found his phone in his trouser pocket and made the call she is out of the shower and towelling herself off. She claps again impatiently. "Quick, quick." He begins to dress with more purpose while she opens the wardrobe and rapidly searches through it. She has already stepped into a pair of high-heeled slingbacks but is otherwise wholly naked. She is nineteen. The pale flawlessness of her skin is emphasised still further by her complete lack of visible body hair. Her movements are graceful and she might be a catwalk model but for her very full breasts and rounded buttocks. Her allure, however, is not diminished, but rather enhanced, by these suggestions of voluptuousness.
As they continue to get ready they casually gossip about a friend of hers. It is obvious that the man is the other girl's lover too, but neither of them considers this fact embarrassing or even remarkable. She picks out a long elegant evening dress and eases herself into it. She wears nothing underneath it. Then she sits at the dressing-table to comb her long golden hair.
"You seen the guy before?" he asks.
"Mmm-hmm," she confirms.
"What's he like?" he asks with studied carelessness.
"Jealous?" she smiles. "Don't be. Fat, bald, and fifty."
Dressed now, he stands behind her chair and massages her shoulders tenderly while she dabs perfume on her wrists. "Poor you," he consoles.
"Keep your sympathy," she laughs. "He's a very nice fuck. One thing I've learnt from this business," she muses aloud, "you can't judge a book by its cover." She stands. "Do me up, please."
There is no need for this request, for she can easily reach the zipper herself. But why not use his services since he is so readily to hand?
The door intercom sounds and she answers it: "One moment, please."
She turns to the man, putting her arms around him. "Why don't you get me warmed up?" She kisses him passionately and he responds, holding her tightly as their lips lock together. For a few moments they lose themselves in the kiss. Then suddenly she pulls away. "That's enough. Mustn't overdo it. Thank you," she smiles. She picks up her bag and her phone, and they leave. In the street below she kisses him on the cheek and gets in the cab alone. He watches her disappear into the night, and walks slowly away. Only when she tries to call ahead to say she is on her way does she realise the phone has been connected all this time.
These non-paying lovers were a development I had not foreseen. They began to appear quite early on. Girls would go out dancing or socialising on their days off and, not surprisingly, attract the attention of amorous young men, whom they would sometimes take home. I had no problem with this, of course, but I wanted no attachments to form so if the girl felt that she had found a man with potential she would pass his name and number to other members of the Stable and a day or two later he would be surprised to get a call from an unknown girl saying she needed a date for the evening and her friend had given her his number; could he help out?
Assuming he lived up to my girls' exacting standards the man would find his social life taking a remarkable turn for the better as he found lovely girls constantly calling him out of the blue. Often he would arrive at a girl's flat to find she was with a friend, who would be equally beautiful and highly flirtatious. A favourite trick of girls in this situation is to change clothes right down to the skin without any attempt at modesty and chatting unconcernedly of neutral topics the while. Unable to believe his luck, he would find himself with a succession of gorgeous and sexually promiscuous young women, provided of course he did not allow himself the fatal indulgence of developing too strong an attachment to any particular one of them. If he did, he would find that the phone calls abruptly ceased and his messages would go unanswered.
The girls have deemed a few men to be of such outstanding quality that they have encouraged them to find work as escorts for female clients. This is not, of course, a service provided by my Stable but with their contacts in the wider sex business my girls were able to provide plenty of advice and useful numbers. I gather that at least three of these men are now earning a good living brightening up the lives of lady clients (divorced businesswomen in their forties apparently feature largely), and of course they still socialise with my girls when they can.
I had not anticipated these developments but I did not intervene. So long as nothing interferes with my prior claims, the girls are free to find their amusements as they please. Gina, however, strongly disapproved and told me I should put a stop to it.
"Why should I?" I demanded. "I can't see what harm it does. If a girl has a bit of time to herself and wants some fun, what's the problem? She'll still come running to me if I want her."
"I don't care what you say, hun," insisted Gina. "If she wants a fuck she should go back to work. It ain't right, giving it away like this. It's unprofessional."
"But," I pointed out, "you fuck me without charging."
"That's different," she explained. "That's payment for services rendered."
Of course, my girls have been involved in occasional incidents and difficulties over the months. Perhaps the worst was when a Russian businessman treated one of them very roughly, not so as to make her fear for her life but badly enough to leave some cigarette burns and quite severe bruising. Instantly the word swept across the Stable and indeed beyond it, for at parties and parlours my girls took every opportunity to spread the warning. Of course, I know this kind of alert would not cut off his supplies completely, but I like to think the thug suddenly found it harder to get girls and had to pay more for poorer quality.
Another case that I found disturbing, as did many of the girls, concerned a fairly prominent London solicitor, a senior partner in a major firm. He was a familiar client and seemed unremarkable until one day he poured out his heart to a girl about his money worries. She told me about it and since she liked him and found him good company she suggested that maybe I ought to tell the girls not to take his business any more. I was sympathetic to this suggestion but rejected it. My reasoning was that there is no shortage of whores in London, so even if we banned him he would still spend just as much money on women; the only difference being that my Stable would not see any of it. So my girls continued to see him. Then one day his cheque (a few regular and trusted customers are allowed to pay this way) was refused by his bank. A day or two later I saw in the paper that he had declared personal bankruptcy (which, apart from the disgrace, meant the end of his legal career). The day after that he hanged himself. He left a youngish widow (second wife) with three small children. Nothing was said about prostitutes at the inquest but it was revealed that he had been gambling heavily. He was well liked by the girls that had met him and they were very upset about his death, as indeed was I. Indeed, I still am, even though it happened months ago and logic tells me that he was on a self-destructive streak and there was nothing we could have done to avert his death. All the same, it leaves a bad taste.
There has been one other tragedy. In the middle of wild and exciting sex an apparently fit and healthy client of about forty suffered a heart attack. He died instantly. The girl had to call the police, who it must be said were very discreet and understanding about it. They even spared the widow's feelings by telling her that her husband had been found dead in the street. The girl was deeply distressed, even though she was in no way to blame. Gina's suggestion that she use it in her advertising was unworthy of her.
The girls have also, of course, suffered more mundane misfortunes unconnected with their work. One or two girls have lost close relatives; one girl was mugged in the street; another came off her motorcycle in a daring attempt to swerve across three lanes of traffic in the Haymarket, fortunately suffering no worse than cuts and bruises. On each occasion it was heartening to see the way everyone rallied round to offer emotional and practical support.
Speaking of advertising, as I was a moment ago, reminds me that the girls have developed a variety of methods of bringing their wares to the attention of the paying public. The internet is very important, of course; and the girls tend to link their sites to each other so that potential clients (to say nothing of cheapskate voyeurs, out for nothing but a cheap thrill) can, so to speak, wander around the Stable to see what takes their fancy. You have to display the merchandise, naturally, and a surprising number of girls seem to be happy to show themselves in the most blatant way with no attempt to hide their features. Others conceal their face by cropping it or electronically blurring it or, like Fran, by ensuring that their hair falls artfully across it. And word of mouth, from client to client or by recommendation from one girl to another, is maybe an even better form of advertising.
My girls do not resort to cards in telephone kiosks; nor, of course, do they walk the streets seeking trade. Having said that, however, it has to be admitted that there is a certain *je-ne-sais-quoi* about a working girl. This is not a simple matter of their dress or appearance; my girls look great and dress well but not so as to stand out from the many other attractive women around London (a city, by the way, singularly well furnished in this respect): it has more to do with their aura of confidence and assurance, and the fearless way they will meet a man's gaze. At any rate, it is a quality to which some experienced punters are sensitive, so it is not entirely unknown for a girl on her own in a shop or bar to be the subject of an approach; nor is this unwelcome if the man is reasonably subtle about it and is willing to embrace the financial consequences as well as the girl.
This sort of contact shades imperceptibly into the activity known as "fishing", in which a girl will go out to some likely location with the intention of getting herself picked up by a wealthy man who is, in the initial stages, entirely unaware that his allotted role is that of potential client. He, poor sap, is under the impression that he is making a great hit with this sexy young woman, and she will lead him on with every possible encouragement until he suggests they slip off somewhere together, at which point she breaks the bad news that for this service there will be a fee. Surprisingly often, I am told, the man takes the disappointment in his stride and after a brief negotiation the deal is struck and matters take their normal course. Even when the man withstands the girl's powers of persuasion ("I promise you I'm worth every penny": this with a wriggle of indescribable sensuality, a dazzling smile and such a wicked glint in the eye), the parting is almost always on amicable terms and the girl goes her way with a slinking walk designed to heighten the man's awareness of what he has passed up.
One of the reasons the girls enjoy "fishing" is the exciting possibility of capturing a man for whom this is an entirely new experience, someone that has never before paid for sex. Once such a fish is hooked, she will spare no effort to give him the experience of his life: his first time maybe, but, if she has anything to do with it, far from his last.
One day Olga, a particularly adept angler, was round at my place preening herself on having thus corrupted a businessman of nearly sixty who, until he set eyes on her, had over thirty years of blameless marital devotion to his credit. Since that day, she told us proudly, he had seen her twice more plus at least three other girls whose numbers she had given him. On hearing this story Fran characteristically felt a qualm of conscience, and said so. Olga shrugged.
"Is good for business," she said. "Increases customer base."
At such cynicism Fran shook her head sadly. "Oh, Olga, that's an awful thing to say. Isn't it, James?"
"Well," I said, "it was certainly a tart remark."
Virtually all the girls have among their clients a number of regulars and they are very welcome as providing steady and reliable income, but inevitably such a relationship can get out of hand and we have had quite a few cases where a client becomes fascinated by a particular girl, either sexually obsessed or emotionally attached. Sometimes he wants to rescue her from this degradation, and there have been a number of apparently serious proposals of marriage. Fran holds the record here, with three, which is striking since she is neither the youngest nor the sexiest girl in my Stable. But she is possibly the most serious-minded, she is very pretty, and she has a wholesome girl-next-door charm about her. And of all my girls, she is probably the one that looks least like a high-class London whore and most like the girl you take home to meet mother. It is this, I feel, that probably accounts for her high proposal rate (and I have personal reasons for finding it interesting, as I shall relate farther on).
At any rate, when a client gets too much attached to a particular girl we try to deal with him tactfully. The best way is to offer him a two-girl on favourable terms, with the girl he likes plus another. Not only does he have a good time; he gets a sharp reminder of what his girl is and how she earns her living, and usually this does the trick. But sometimes it fails, or maybe the client refuses to see any girl but the one he has fixed upon. In that case there is nothing for it but for her to sever contact, if necessary changing her number, swapping her flat with another girl and avoiding her usual haunts for a while. Sometimes it must break the client's heart, I know, but it is for his own good; and it beats the alternative often preferred by girls outside my Stable of stringing a besotted client along and ruthlessly fleecing him.
As for the girls, their devotion to me leaves no room for romantic feelings for any other man. However, it is clear that they like some clients more than others. I have found this very interesting. Good looks, for instance, seem to count for very little; in fact, girls say that after a short while in the business they hardly notice whether clients are handsome. Proficiency between the sheets, on the other hand, is well appreciated; and of course generosity with tips and gifts is also most welcome to all girls, although unduly flagrant attempts to buy their esteem tend to be resented (but not to the extent of rejecting whatever inducement is being offered – business is business).
Good personal hygiene is very important in a client, while politeness and a bit of old-fashioned courtesy play remarkably well with many girls. One girl told me how she was at a party and in mid-fuck with a guest when he realised they had not been introduced; hastily and rather breathlessly, they exchanged names and *he politely took her right hand and kissed it.* She thought this was the funniest and most touching gesture and called everyone's attention to his lips pressed to her hand and his cock already within her. Not every girl would have found this quite so charming, but all the girls like clients that treat them with a little respect and above all make them laugh. Time and again I hear girls telling each other that so-and-so client is so sharp and witty, he said or did such a funny thing. I thought it was a quirk of my slightly unusual Stable, but Gina assures me that most whores feel the same. All my girls' clients get outstanding service, but what earns some of them that little bit extra is nothing more mysterious than the simple human touch.
The clients themselves vary enormously. They come from Britain or abroad, they are tall, short, fat, thin, black, white, impressively skilled in bed or wretchedly inadequate (although my girls pride themselves on getting the best from any man). They tend to be thirty-five or over, and in fact girls do not especially welcome younger clients, finding that they tend to be rude, offhand, and not nearly such good lovers as they like to think (although as with all these generalisations there are the exceptions). There is no upper age limit and we have a number of more elderly clients, at least one of whom was over eighty; I understand he needed some encouragement, but his eventual performance was deemed adequate. And, of course, virtually all clients seem to be either married or in a committed relationship. Some come to us because they get little sex at home or things are unsatisfactory in some other way, but many, perhaps most, appear genuinely to value their relationships and love their wives or girlfriends. They come to us for variety, to recall the touch of a younger woman, to taste forbidden fruit, or most simply (do not underestimate this) just for fun.
To me, candidly, the clients are little more than a source of income for my girls. I feel no jealously about the sex, probably because my own needs are so well catered for, but if I am frank I have to admit to twinges of resentment, not strong enough to be called envy but nevertheless perceptible, when it becomes evident that a girl finds one of her regulars likable or interesting. I feel guilty about this and try to suppress it, because I know how valuable regulars are in this business and it would be unreasonable to expect the girls to form no sort of bond with men with whom they are in such intimate contact. They have their human feelings after all; the only girl that I can honestly say shows no interest in her clients at all except as a source of financial reward and sexual pleasure (in that order of priority) is Olga, and although there is something impressive about her cynical ruthlessness it goes with a callousness that is definitely not an attractive characteristic.
Laura put it very well when she was talking about her regulars. "It's so good," she said, "when I can just be myself when I'm with my one of my boys; it would be awful to have to act out my warmth or smile. I talk to them between appointments as well, it's nice when it's just a chat call, not a meet call. I like them for different aspects of personality; they're like one big collective lover, all the good things and none of the bad. We don't question each other, we accept each other: it's a strangely unconventional trust. We don't have to lie to each other. I know there's a wife or girlfriend, and he knows what I do. I know it's not perfect, but then again," she shrugged, "what is? Somehow it's more real than a lot of other lives."
I smiled at this little speech, and not only at the sentiment. I could not but reflect on the buttoned-up academic I met a year ago and marvel that it was the same person I was hearing speak of "warmth", "smiles", and "my boys".
Next to me the girls love their families, and after that, and far ahead of even the best-liked client, they love the money. Although I like women (as I hope this memoir has made clear), I have always found that in general they are, if I may be forgiven for saying so, a mercenary bunch; and in this as in so many other respects my girls seem to outdo the rest of their sex. I was entertaining about a dozen girls one day and, during a lull as I was getting my breath back, they were chatting about life in general and work in particular and one of them got several nods of assent when she remarked that the sight or even the mere thought of the redness of fifty-pound notes would have her insides tensing with arousal and her juices starting to flow.
This striking example of the conditioned reflex would surely have been of interest to the late Dr Pavlov.
Occasionally a well-moneyed client will invite a girl to accompany him on a trip and provided the absence is not for too long (for the girls love their London lifestyle) and the money is right (always a paramount consideration), the opportunity to travel and be wined and dined in some exotic location more than makes up for having to give undivided attention to one client for so long. But when an American businessman offered Olga a very acceptable four thousand pounds to spend a few days in an exclusive resort near Cancun, she devised a characteristically resourceful and sexy way of overcoming even this drawback. When, on the second day, after lunch at a very good restaurant, the client started making noises about getting back to the hotel for the usual reason, Olga, who had been much struck by the number of unaccompanied wealthy-looking men around, asked him to go on ahead: he had, she said, been such good and generous company that she wanted to buy him a present. As soon as he left she did a rapid trawl of the local girls hanging around the area hoping for business, selected one she was sure would find favour, and engaged her to go to the hotel and introduce herself to the client as the promised present and keep him busy for the afternoon. Paying the girl and impressing on her that she must take no money from the client even if he offered it, Olga promised her a substantial bonus later if he turned in a satisfactory report. Having thus gained her temporary freedom, she cruised around sending out availability signals. Naturally, as a stunning fair-complexioned blonde in a sea of pretty but rather samey latina girls, she soon attracted the attention she was after and was able to turn two rapid tricks at premium rates – she earned more from each of them, in fact, than she had paid the local girl – before she thought she had better get back to her principal client, who pronounced himself so delighted with his "present" that they repeated the arrangement with a different local girl the next day. So the client got two very nice Mexican girls at no cost to himself while Olga got some variety and, best of all, turned a very tidy profit. There are no flies on our Olga.
I have not yet mentioned the most fundamental change in my life over the last year. The seeds of this were sown one Saturday morning a month or two after my birthday party. I was still living at the old house. Fran was visiting, as she often did at weekends in view of her new status, and she and Wendy were downstairs while I showered with Alicia after a nice fuck. Alicia's overnight bag was already packed as she was going to see her parents in Worcester and the plan had been for me to walk her to the station and see her off. But she could see I was tired; it had been a warm humid night and, unusually, I had had trouble sleeping between fucks. So she insisted that I should try to get some more rest; she could, she assured me, easily manage the bag by herself. I yielded, and went back to bed. Before I dozed off I heard her calling "'Bye!" followed by the slamming of the front door.
I woke to the sound of women's voices. There was nothing unusual about that, but these voices were raised in argument. As I pulled myself together I realised it was Wendy and Fran. Obviously they thought I had left with Alicia, as intended, and supposing themselves to be alone in the house they were taking the opportunity for what diplomatic communiqués call "a candid exchange of views".
I could not make out what they were saying, so I got quickly but quietly out of bed and crept down the stairs.
"Fran," said Wendy crossly, "you can be maddeningly obstinate. Just stop arguing and do what I say. It's all for the best."
"It isn't for the best," insisted Fran, "and James would never agree to it, so please just drop it. I'm fed up hearing about it."
Wendy pulled rank. "I'm James's wife," she asserted. "Suppose you let me be the judge of what he will and won't agree to. And this is what he wants, I'm telling you."
"Has he told you so?" demanded Fran.
"Well, no," conceded Wendy. "It's not the sort of thing he'd say. You know how he hates to hurt anyone. In fact, I'm not sure he's even thought about it in his own head. But it's what he wants. Trust me, and stop being so stubborn."
"Stubbornness is my birthright," retorted a suddenly very Scottish Fran. "And I'm not taking this from you, Wendy. I won't do it, not unless James came in here and asked me himself."
This was a cue if ever I heard one. Without warning I threw the door open and found myself looking at two angry faces, shocked at my sudden appearance. I spoke to Wendy first. I was aiming for "kind, but firm".
"Wendy, darling, I know this is hard for you but if you have a problem you must talk to me. Don't have a go at poor Fran. And I'm sorry, darling, but you're completely wrong about what I want."
"You see?" said Fran, and stuck out her tongue at Wendy like a schoolgirl.
Wendy did not reply so I persisted. "You know what Fran means to me. How could you think I'd want to send her away?"
The two women exchanged a peculiar look. "But –" began Fran, and Wendy laughed.
"James, darling," she smiled, "I think you'd better tell us exactly how much you heard and what on earth you think we're talking about."
"I heard enough to know you're trying to tell poor Fran I secretly want her to go away."
"What I am trying to tell her," said Wendy slowly, as if explaining something to a child or a halfwit, "is that whether you realise it or not you want her as your wife."
For a moment all I could do was look mutely from Wendy to Fran and back to Wendy again. "You mean, instead of you?" I gasped eventually.
"Of course instead of me, unless they've legalised bigamy and forgotten to announce it," snapped Wendy.
Fran broke the ensuing silence. "James, darling, she's been harping on about this for weeks. I keep telling her I can't hurt her like that and she's wrong about what you want, but she won't listen."
"It's all right," I said. "I'll sort it out." I turned to Wendy. "So, Wendy, you want out? I suppose I can't blame you. All this –" I made a vague sweeping gesture that took in Fran but was intended also to encompass the dozens of besotted girls scattered across London and the south east. "It's not what you had in mind when you first took me on all those years ago. All right. I understand. I won't force you to stay. But I'll always love you, no matter what."
I was expecting tears but what I got was the sardonic look. "Very pretty speech, darling, but you're being ridiculous. Of course I don't 'want out'. I'll still be here, for as long as you want me. But I'm not the right wife for you any more. Fran is. Take her, darling. I'll throw rice at the wedding."
The whole idea was so totally unexpected that I refused to discuss it any further until I had a chance to think. But as I mulled it over, slowly it grew on me. I still loved Wendy and enjoyed her company (in bed and out) but I had to acknowledge that my feelings for Fran were growing stronger all the time. Over the next few days little more was said about the subject but all of us knew how my thoughts were tending.
Then, one day, I was visiting Fran's flat for the usual reason. After I had seen to all the girls, Connie and Gabby had gone to the kitchen to rustle up some food, leaving Fran and me to lie back and enjoy that lovely, dozy, post-coital feeling. Suddenly an |
awful realisation struck me.
"Fran, darling, it won't work. I can't marry you."
"It's up to you, darling, I'm yours either way. But why not, if you wanted to?"
"Family," I explained.
"But darling," she replied, "so far as I can see you haven't got any family. You lost your parents years ago, your uncle's died, you mentioned some distant cousins, but that's it, isn't it? Apart from Wendy, I mean, and she's all for it, bless her."
I gave her naked rump a firm slap. "Pull yourself together. I mean *your* family, dunderhead."
"My Mam and Dad? I've thought of that. They won't like it at first because you'll be divorced, but –"
"And because I'm a little matter of twenty-seven years older than you, don't forget that."
She considered this. "Come to think of it, you're a couple of years older than my Mam and six months older than my Dad. That's a bit spooky. You're right, they won't be wild about it, but – trust me, darling, you don't know them and I do – it's the divorce that will really count against you. But they love me and want what's best for me, and when they see how I feel they'll come round."
"Well, it's not just your parents," I went on. "It's the wedding. You know how I have to avoid social occasions. I don't want another garden party. What about your sister, the one with the new baby? Suppose I fancy her and FUCK gets to work?"
"Jess? I hadn't thought of that, but you'll be safe enough with Jess. I mean, she's a lovely person but she's not very, er ... Look, I'll show you." She jumped out of bed and fetched a slim photo album. "I took this when I went up to see the baby. Isn't she just adorable?"
A glance at the picture was enough to confirm that she must be talking about the infant. Jess, Fran's sister, glowed with maternal pride as she held the child up to the camera, but no one could have called her adorable. She had quite heavy features and, even so soon after childbirth, looked distinctly on the skinny side. You would not call her ugly, but she was not remotely my type.
Somewhat reassured, I thumbed idly through the album in search of embarrassing childhood pictures of Fran. These were her parents, obviously; this was a younger Jess; this was the kid brother she had mentioned once or twice; and this gawky schoolgirl must be Fran.
"No," she said. "I'm behind the camera. That's my sister Annie. Can't you see she's a lot fairer than I am?"
"I thought it was just the light. I didn't know you had another sister. I should be all right with her, though; she's only about thirteen."
Fran fell silent. When she finally spoke it was in a low, sad, hollow voice. "It's an old picture," she said. "Here's a recent one."
She flipped to a photograph I had missed near the end of the album. Out of the page there smiled a girl of about eighteen, very like Fran in the face but with blonde hair instead of red, worn long like Fran's but with a bit more of a curl to it (Fran's was poker straight). In her blue eyes she had a playful glint, very different to Fran's serious gaze. I let out a long, low whistle. "She's absolutely gorgeous."
"I know," wailed Fran as if it were the worst news imaginable. "She used to be all gangly and awkward but in the last year or two she's filled out a bit and suddenly she's lovely." She went on to tell me about her little sister. "As soon as she could toddle she followed me everywhere and copied everything I did, it was so cute. It's thanks to her that I got to be 'Fran'. My Mam and Dad still call me 'Frances' but she called us 'Frannie and Annie', and it stuck. She so much wants to be like me. She still wears her hair like me and she insisted on applying to my old university, even though I told her she was making a big mistake."
"St Andrews? But it's got a fine reputation. What's wrong with it?"
"It suited me," explained Fran. "I just wanted to get my head down and study. But it's the worst place for Annie. I said she should study in London, because she loves excitement and bright lights, and St Andrews is the quietest, most outf-the-way place you could ever imagine. But she wouldn't listen, and she's been accepted. She starts in the autumn. She'll hate it."
"Well, anyway," I had to tell her, "the wedding's off. You know what will happen if I'm in the same room as this girl."
Fran nodded sadly. We left it there, and when I got home I explained the situation to Wendy (who said it was unfortunate, but she understood my reasoning) and after that I forgot about it and assumed everyone else had.
I was wrong. A certain Scottish redhead was giving the situation a lot of thought, and in the end she came to a remarkable decision.
By this time I had left the insurance company but I did not want anyone to associate my departure with Fran's so she was still working there, patiently disengaging herself. Now and then we would rendezvous at her flat for a lunchtime fuck so it was no surprise when on this particular day she rang to ask me to call round at midday. She had the flat to herself by now, since Connie and Gabby had found new accommodation more convenient for their new calling. "I've got something to show you I think you'll really like," she told me, so I called a cab and ran over.
Fran had been watching for me because when I reached the flat the front door opened by itself and she stood there with a look of eager excitement on her face and a finger to her lips. She led me to the front room.
There on the sofa was the original of the picture I had seen in the photo album. She gave me a welcoming smile as Fran did the courtesies: "James Walker, my sister Annie."
"Hello, Annie," I said. I shot an accusing look at Fran. How could she do this? But she looked blithe and relaxed, not a care in the world.
"Hello, Mr Walker," said Annie. She stood up to shake my hand, revealing she was a couple of inches shorter than her sister and generally smaller all round, in fact. The mischievous energy I had seen in the photograph was even more evident in the flesh, and contrasted with Fran's more serious and sedate manner. But anyone would have known they were sisters; their features were very similar and their lovely lilting Scottish accents were identical. "Fran's told me so much about you."
"Really?" I asked, trying not to show my mounting alarm.
"Yes, how you were so kind and helpful to her when she first came to London." That was a relief; I had no idea what Fran was up to and had feared she might have said far more. "I've always loved London," Annie went on, "even though I've never been. It's so big and exciting and glamorous, isn't it, Mr Walker?"
"James, please," I said automatically. Desperately I reflected that I had only a minute or two to escape this situation. I glared at Fran again. She had an infuriating butter-wouldn't-melt-in-my-mouth expression on her face.
I was loth to appear rude or eccentric in front of the delightful Annie but even as I decided there was nothing for it but to give any stupid excuse that entered my head and clear out, Fran, I suspect sensing my intentions, suddenly spoke.
"That problem, James."
I had no idea what she meant. "Problem?"
"The one we talked about a few weeks ago. You know, the album."
I got it at last. My desperate state of mind must have left me slow on the uptake. "Oh, yes, that problem."
"I've solved it," she announced smugly.
I reeled. Surely she could not mean what I thought she meant. Could Fran – Fran of all people – deliberately be introducing her little sister into my collection? In mounting dismay I realised that such an act had a brutal logic to it. If Annie were already mine, there would be no further obstacle to the wedding. "The solution might have some drawbacks," was all I could think of to say.
"None that I can think of," she replied. "Anyway, I must pop out. Shan't be long. Don't go 'way. 'Bye!"
Her exit, although obviously carefully pre-planned, was so abrupt and unexpected that I had hardly a moment to react. As she reached the door I opened my mouth to order her to stay but then I realised how odd it would seem to Annie if a word from me stopped Fran dead in her tracks. My momentary hesitation was fatal. Fran was gone. I heard the flat door slam and her feet on the stairs. I was left alone with a nonplussed Annie.
"What got into Fran?" she asked.
"No idea," I lied. "She must have remembered she'd run out of milk or something. I'm sure she'll be back in a moment. Look, I'm sorry, Annie, I have to go too. You'll be all right on your own, won't you?"
She looked both puzzled (who can blame her?) and disappointed at the prospect of my departure. "Oh, Mr Wal – sorry, James – please don't go just yet." She took my hand and sat down in such a way as to try to steer me down beside her, but I stayed resolutely on my feet. "I'm so excited to meet a real Londoner," she said. "Can't we talk for a bit?"
It crossed my mind that within a few miles' radius there were several million real Londoners, a high proportion of whom (pretty well the whole of the male half, at a rough estimate) would have been delighted to talk to her. "Annie, you don't understand," I said. "I really can't stay. Sorry."
"But it's the first time I've ever been here," she pleaded. "Fran told me about how you showed her round. She said you were such a kind and generous man that she was sure you'd do the same for me as you had for her."
The way she put this had me speechless for a moment. I noticed how her chest was beginning to rise and fall as her breathing became slower and deeper. And then my cock intruded on proceedings. I had arrived with nice full balls ready to empty into Fran, and at my first sight of her beautiful little sister I had felt my cock twitch into greater alertness. It had been steadily growing ever since and now, as I stood there with this lovely girl sitting right in front of me, her face inches from my groin, a sudden hardening and stiffening forced it free of some restraining fold of underwear and it pushed itself as an unmistakable prominence against the outer fabric of my trousers. Her eyes widened and she gasped, but not with the horror or disgust one might have expected in a girl of eighteen.
With her saucer-like eyes fixed on the obscene bulge in my trousers, she spoke in a quiet, hoarse voice, "And you're such a wonderful man, a big, strong, beautiful man, a big, kind, loving man, a big, big ... big ..."
She trailed off. She was simply sitting there with her mouth slightly open, her eyes staring at my cock as it pressed even more firmly against the fabric.
I gave up the struggle and sat down next to her. "All right, Annie, I'll stay a while."
When it came to the sex I have to say I was probably not at my most caring and sensitive. In fact, I think I took out on this poor child some of my frustration at being manipulated in this way. Not that she seemed to mind; despite her wholesomely innocent appearance, it was clear that she had some experience (so she did not follow Fran in everything). Being well charged with spunk and irritated to boot, I came very quickly and I must have put more juice into her perfect young cunt than I ever had with any girl before. I pumped and pumped and pumped and with each spurt she screamed and wailed as waves of ever-mounting ecstasy flooded over her. When I withdrew she looked obscene, flat on her back with unfocused eyes and white sticky spunk bubbling and frothing as it oozed out of her.
Leaving her there, I angrily rang Fran on her cellphone. I got a recording telling me the phone was switched off and asking me to leave a message. Ignoring this invitation, I made myself a cup of tea and waited. I had a feeling she would be back soon.
Not long after I had finished the tea I heard a key in the lock. I stood up to confront Fran sternly as soon as she came in.
"Hi, darling," she said brightly.
"What do you think you're playing at?" I demanded.
"I've been feeding birds in the park. It's very relaxing."
"Fran, don't play games with me. What's the big idea with Annie?"
"I told you. I'm solving our problem."
"You call this a solution? Fran, how could you? Your own little sister."
She looked totally unruffled. "Darling, you're not thinking. It's a perfect solution. As soon as I started approaching the problem logically, I saw it at once. And it works splendidly for everyone. Annie gets you. I get my beautiful James for my husband. And you come out best of all, darling, because you get a lovely girl and the wife you want, too."
"But Fran, your little sister –"
"Look, darling, I know her a lot better than you do and trust me, she's far more grown-up at eighteen than I was. And when she comes down, she won't blame me for it, she'll thank me. In fact, I'm envious of her; I wish I'd met you when I was her age."
"I wasn't FUCKed up when you were eighteen," I pointed out.
"Well, if you had been."
I was far from convinced, and told her so. But I saw Annie several more times over the next few days, and I had to admit that Fran had a point. The girl was simply radiant, gloriously happy, and effusively grateful to Fran for introducing us. She stayed in London for three weeks and she was so sweet and fresh I fucked her constantly. She was crestfallen when I insisted that she must return to Scotland and honour her commitment to study. She had made her bed, I told her, and she must lie in it. But I gather she has lain in a lot of other beds as well, besides having plenty of company in her own, and all in all her social life has enlivened sleepy St Andrews no end. And, of course, after giving herself away all term she comes to London to sell herself in the vacations.
Annie makes me smile. She so wants so much to be like Fran but she is quite different; where Fran is thoughtful, sensible and serious, Annie is frivolous, vivacious and light-hearted. She is also, as predicted, desperate to get away from St Andrews, a town (she says) with no night life and next to no day life; even the nearest railway station is five miles away. Once or twice I have almost relented, but so far I am sticking to my decision.
Fran invited her parents down from Scotland for a week to meet me. She told them I had some very valuable properties all over central London, a statement that, besides bearing an interestingly oblique relationship to the truth, adequately reconciled my apparently affluent lifestyle with the fact that I never seemed to do any actual work. They soon got used to the idea that I would regularly disappear for an hour or two, doubtless supposing I was inspecting potential new acquisitions or possibly attending auctions. They were, as she had foreseen, not altogether comfortable about me as a son-in-law but I was on my very best behaviour and Fran was so obviously in love that they came to accept the idea.
So Wendy divorced me by consent and Fran and I were married in the spring. We insisted on a small wedding in London, immediate family only. On her side this meant her parents, her elder sister and her husband, her little brother, and Annie. On my side, there was only Wendy (whose presence raised several Scottish eyebrows, but she threw rice as promised, and charmed my new in-laws as only she can). The only other guests were Alicia, practically one of the family by now, and Connie, proud beyond words at Fran's invitation to be her maid of honour.
Fran lives with me in my Marylebone home, the only girl to reside there permanently. However, Wendy and Alicia share a flat round the corner and are in and out all the time, making themselves useful either between the sheets (always very welcome) or in the kitchen (almost a necessity, since for all her sterling qualities my precious Fran, hailing as she does from the nation that gave the world porridge, haggis, and the deep-fried Mars bar, is quite possibly the worst cook on earth). Other girls visit constantly, of course, and each new girl stays a few days with me to be fucked senseless while we sort out her future living and working arrangements. But Fran is the wife; she got after all what she begged me for all that time ago, in my office the day after Albert's funeral.
And I ought to add that Fran has been nothing but a delight, full of surprises large and small.
Last autumn, when I was looking for a new house and beginning to despair of ever finding anything that would meet my needs, I went to visit a mews property in Marylebone – the house I was ultimately to buy, of course – and I took Fran along, as I always did when she was available. We were shown round by the vendor, a charming man in his mid-forties, a freelance television producer apparently, who explained that he was selling only with the greatest reluctance in order to fund a divorce settlement with his wife. I had introduced Fran as my fiancée, partly because it was true (this was not long after she had cleared the obstacles by introducing me to Annie) but also because I enjoyed the look of intrigued envy I knew I should get as he wondered why this strikingly attractive young woman would have thrown in her lot with such an unprepossessing man easily twice her age.
"You're a lucky man," he muttered to me at one point when he thought Fran was safely out of earshot.
But she has the acute hearing of youth and immediately replied, "No, I'm the lucky one," with a calm conviction that earned me another envious glance.
I liked the house immediately, and as we looked it over I let the vendor know (without seeming too keen) that I was seriously interested. After being shown round we returned to the large, tastefully appointed living room, in the corner of which there was a stately grand piano. Fran, attracted (or so I assumed) by its undeniable magnificence as a piece of furniture, walked slowly round it, eying it admiringly and running her fingers appreciatively along its shiny black surface. The vendor, who in any case had been unable to keep his eyes off her as he showed us the house, could hardly have failed to notice her interest.
"Lovely, isn't it?" he said, adding optimistically, "It's for sale too."
"Really?" said Fran, failing to keep the note of excitement out of her voice.
"Yes. You see, it was my wedding present to my wife in happier days, and she's asked me to sell it. In fact," he went on, putting his cards on the table, "it was such a tough job getting it in here – four burly shifters and a pulley system, and we had to take the frame off the door – that I was rather hoping that whoever bought the house might want the piano as well."
This idea, I felt, had to be nipped in the bud. "I can see it would be very convenient, but," I said firmly, "I'm afraid we don't play."
"Yes we do," said Fran quietly.
I looked blankly at the vendor and back at Fran. "We do?" I said.
"We do," she confirmed. "May I?" she asked the vendor.
So she sat herself at the piano, looking instantly at home I noticed, and after a moment's thought began to play Beethoven's *Für Elise*; maybe not the most demanding piece (I believe the great man wrote it as an exercise for a pupil with whom he was smitten) but a charming one and rendered very sweetly on this occasion with a nice touch and no obvious errors. I was so astonished at the way Fran had pulled this trick out of her hat that, as the final note died away and she sat back looking thoroughly pleased with herself, for a moment I failed to join in the polite applause with which the vendor acknowledged her performance.
"Well," I said to the vendor, "in the light of further information that has only now been brought to my attention," and I shot a sharp glance at Fran, who had risen to acknowledge the applause with a modest bow and was now standing there looking smug, "I think we might be interested in the piano after all."
As we were leaving I had to tackle Fran about this incident.
"Well, young lady, you've been hiding your light under a bushel, haven't you?"
"Oh, you mean the piano?" she asked with pretended innocence.
"Of course I mean the piano. How come you never told me you could play?"
"You never asked," she smiled.
"Well, I'm asking you now. Have you got any other little accomplishments you've never let on about?"
She looked dubious. "Like what, for instance?"
"Oh, I don't know, like riding a horse or something."
"Don't be silly, darling," she laughed. "Of course I can ride a horse."
I thought she was joking and left it there, but it turns out to be true. Apparently a man living just up the road from her, back in Scotland, used to breed ponies and she started riding almost before she could walk. And now that money is no object she has joined an exclusive riding club with stables adjacent to Hyde Park and she often hires a horse and goes for a brisk canter along Rotten Row. Occasionally I go and watch. She looks incredibly sexy, totally in control of a huge powerful horse, her red hair flowing behind her in the wind in splendid defiance of the club rule that riding helmets must be worn at all times.
She gets away with it because this is usually about six in the morning, which reminds me of another of Fran's quirks, and one that is all the more remarkable considering her profession: she must surely be the only "early to bed, early to rise" whore in London. In complete contrast to the rest of my girls, who stay up late and sleep late and in some cases appear to be almost entirely nocturnal, Fran is always up and about by six, sometimes much earlier, and since she likes to be in bed by ten she will turn down lucrative late-night meetings with perfectly good clients because she is afraid she will inopportunely fall asleep. On the other hand, her early morning availability is appreciated by many clients, and if you are a business traveller staying in London with an eight'clock erection in need of attention (what the girls call a "morning glory") you could do no better than to call Fran, who for a trifling two hundred pounds, or an extra fifty if you want her to take it up the ass, will put a smile on your face that will last all day.
Fran has approached her new calling with the earnestness and focus typical of her in everything she undertakes, and as her husband it gives me nothing but pleasure to say that the inexperienced and rather strait-laced girl of a year ago has blossomed into a skilled and attentive lover, full of ideas to make a man happy.
Nor is the seriousness with which she goes about things the only characteristic that has remained constant: she still reads omnivorously (the fruit of a childhood without television); she displays incredible ingenuity in reconciling the requirements of her profession with her enduring instinct to occupy the moral high ground in any situation (not for nothing do the other girls sometimes teasingly address her as "Mother Superior"); and she still combines her fascination with the world around her with a complete lack of interest in matters domestic, so she remains the same Fran for whom boiling an egg is a major culinary challenge.
So, in spite of everything, Fran is unaltered in her essentials. But for some time I felt that something was different, something subtler and more elusive that the loosening of sexual morals that is the most obvious change. It irritated me that I could not put my finger on it, but maybe I was too close.
Last month, when Fran went back to Scotland for a long weekend to see her family and a few old friends, she looked up someone that has known her all her life: the head teacher, long since retired, of the local primary school. It was she that encouraged Fran to read and first sat her at a piano, and she has ever since kept a watchful eye on her pupil's progress through life. She was, naturally, delighted to see Fran so ... happy? No, that was not quite the right word. Contented? No, not that either. *Serene*. With that the old lady hit the nail on the head. Over the last year Fran has attained a kind of rich inner calmness that she never had before. And now that I have been alerted to it I realise that this quality of relaxed assurance comes across in everything she does, even in the way she walks and the way her eyes meet yours, and it is this, rather than any change in her physical appearance, that has transformed the pretty girl of a year ago into the ravishing young woman of today, who turns men's heads wherever she goes.
What of the future? How long can I go on like this? Wendy insists that I have got younger over the last year and that FUCK is some kind of elixir of youth, but this is wishful thinking. It is true that I have lost a fair amount of weight, and my muscle tone has improved, but these changes result not from any magical quality of FUCK but from all the horizontal exercise I have been getting. Although I still refer to myself as being fat, I think these days a passer-by seeing me in the street would probably describe me as stocky. I detect no weakening of sexual capacity or desire at the age of almost fiftyne, and I reflect that Albert was nearly seventy when he died, yet clearly still expected to get the benefit, so I ought to be good for a few years yet.
I have yet to decide what to do when my girls' sexual desire lessens and their fertility returns. Fran, of course, will still be easily young enough to start a family and I look forward to giving her the children I am sure she will want. She can have as many as she likes. Other girls too will, of course, want children and I ponder from time to time whether to supply the need myself or encourage them to find husbands. I suspect the answer will be a bit of both. I feel confident, incidentally, that my girls will make excellent wives if called upon in that capacity; they will, according to Albert, be fertile, affectionate and maternal, and while their sex drive may no longer be spectacular I can guarantee that their present occupation will have taught them more than enough to keep any husband happy in the bedroom.
My fifty-first birthday is coming up in a few weeks, and Wendy and Fran are preparing something special for me. I keep coming across them plotting and giggling together; they think I am desperate to discover what they have in mind, but in fact I am content to let it unfold in its own good time. After all, if I were as much consumed by curiosity as they think, I could have ordered one of them to tell me.
And today is the exact anniversary of FUCK, a year to the day since I so heedlessly swallowed Uncle Albert's potion. It is a time to look back and reflect. It has been a time of dramatic upheaval in my life, especially the first few weeks when I struggled to understand and deal with what was happening to me. I wonder what Albert would have done, had he used FUCK on himself as he intended. It is sobering thought. He combined a consuming interest in sex with, so far as I could see, an entire lack of concern for women as people, and I fear the result might have been devastating for everyone. His motto, I suspect, would have been "Find 'em, fuck 'em, forget 'em". I like to think I have done better by my girls than that. But maybe this is self-deception.
And what of me? Has FUCK made me happy? The answer, which I know must come as a crushing disappointment to all good moralists, is that it has. Any other outcome would, after all, be a poor reflection on the nearly two hundred women whose uppermost concern is my pleasure. Before FUCK came into my life I was in a rut; and I still am, only an entirely different type of rut, like some rampant stag in a never-ending mating season.
FUCK certainly has its drawbacks. One is the fear that my activities will become known to the authorities or, worse still, the press. Another is that I cannot undertake any activity that will last more than a couple of hours unless I can arrange for a sex break; so simple a thing as taking Fran out for a meal means insisting that we must be waited on only by men in some alcove well away from other diners, and I have to ensure there is a flat nearby with a girl where I can go for relief between courses. Travelling any distance would be so hard to organise that I am a virtual prisoner in London, although I have to add that I can think of nowhere else I had rather be confined.
But FUCK has its blessings too. I bask in the love and admiration of my girls. Induced it may be, but Fran's Law applies. Not one of them would undo it if she could, and that must count for something. And of course, there is the sex; there is still nothing to equal the feeling of drenching a moist young cunt in hot sticky cum, especially when the girl is a new one, confused, even frightened, made helpless in my hands by an overwhelming lust such as she has never known. This moment of capture remains, if I am honest, the sweetest taste of all. It is something that I suspect will feature largely in whatever Wendy and Fran have planned for me.
As this first anniversary has approached, I have spent more and more time between fucks writing up this account, and a couple of days ago I got it into a state that I was willing to share with Fran and Wendy in order to get their views and satisfy their curiosity about why I have been at the computer so much lately. I discussed it with them just now. They both claimed to have enjoyed it thoroughly, but they are, of course, programmed to please so I am not letting this praise go to my head.
Wendy pointed out that the printout bore no title.
"Don't you think," I asked her, "that Uncle Albert has already chosen the only possible title?"
"I suppose so," she agreed, "but in that case I think it needs a subtitle to give a clearer idea of what it's about."
"Like what, for instance?"
She thought a moment. "How about," she suggested, "A Summer's Tale of a Man, a Corrupt Genius, and Two Birthday Parties*?"
I weighed this. "Hmm... What do you think, Fran?"
Fran wrinkled her nose prettily. "It's a bit wordy," she replied. "If you want a descriptive subtitle, why not one that just says what it is?"
"Which would be...?"
"Well," said Fran as if she were stating the obvious, "it's *A Love Story."
Title: House Call
Tags: house, doctor, hugh, stripper
Timeline: After the end of Season 4.
Place: House's house.
I was there. Finally. Outside the door of house no. 221. My heart was bopping around so weirdly that Michael Jackson had nothing on it. There was a fluttering in my stomach, which was odd, because it was the first time in ten long years that the prospect of sex was... scary, exciting, actually thrilling. When your line of work involves taking off your clothes several times a day, sex becomes a sort of routine -- like washing your hands after a meal.
I first saw him at the strip club where I'd newly started work, a week ago, and instantly knew he was special -- in some inexplicable way. His irresistible blue eyes beckoned me mercilessly, and there was something in his face -- a ghost of a smile perhaps, that bespoke of his attitude towards his misery -- when you've been in my line of work long enough you'll understand that if weren't for misery there wouldn't be any customers at all -- but this customer, I felt, was man enough to mock his miseries -- and I was, ironically, hooked.
I was just beginning to give him a lap dance when he noticed that he had cut his head, and that he couldn't remember the last four hours. He left in a hurry, and I felt an odd sense of disappointment, like a child who has been given a gift-wrapped toy and then had it taken away before she could unwrap it. I decided to make enquiries.
He was a doctor, they told me, those who had been called to his apartment before. His name was House, and he had a bum leg due to which he was in constant, unendurable pain. And then they went on to tell me what he was like in bed. That did it. This was my kinda guy, I decided. And here I was now, wondering if it was all a terrible mistake...
Summoning up all my courage, I raised my hand to knock on the door, but just as I was about to, the door swung open, and there he was, framed in the doorway, all six feet two and a half inches of him -- sending a jolt of electricity through my body, and I was suddenly and forcibly reminded of the magnetic energy this man exuded. He was clad in a gray t-shirt and shorts, and held a glass of bourbon in one hand. His beautiful blue eyes raked through my entire body and the effect was not unlike receiving a licking from a cat -- a cat with a very rough tongue indeed.
My eyes, in turn, romped all over him, wondering what he would look like naked, wanting desperately to have this man all over me, filling me, inside me, yelling my name over and over again in a litany of sheer sexual pleasure.
Not surprisingly, he broke the silence. "You've been standing out here for at least 10 minutes, breathing heavily and shuffling your feet. Either you're trying to sell me some really rotten glazing or..." He broke off in mid-sentence and gave me the once over again. This time, a wrinkle of puzzle formed in between his eyebrows. I wanted to reach out and touch it, to stroke it with the tips of my fingers, to feel it bend and give way under me -- but he was speaking again. "Where do I know you from?"
There. It was finally my turn to speak. Weeks of rehearsing what I would say at this point had drilled in to me what I considered a good opening line "I never really earned that twenty you gave me..." I let my voice trail away and licked my lips seductively. I tried to see myself from his point of view -- a knockout figure, topped by a face generally found on women who don't give in that easily, full, dark red lips, and luminous eyes. I slipped my coat open, and his eyes travelled the length of the opening. Then his brow cleared as it all came back to him -- for I was what I was wearing left no doubt whatsoever about my occupation -- a lace bustier and panties, fishnet stockings and a garter belt -- all black. Nothing else.
He looked back up at my face, and my heart skipped again as I was rewarded with one of those elusive almost-smiles of his. "Come on in..." he said.
He led me down the hall to the bedroom, entered, and went across to the music system to put in a CD. I dropped my coat and stood facing him, so that when he turned back, I had dropped my coat and was standing facing him. His eyes hungrily followed a trail starting at my full, pouting lips, moving down my neck, to my breasts encased in the barely-enough bustier, down to my panties, stockings and high heels. His mouth curved into a smile, a more complete one this time, and I as he dragged his eyes back up to look into mine I could see that he was impressed. For some reason, that made me feel proud. And happy. I smiled back.
As the music began to play, I walked over to him, gently pushed him to a sitting position at the end of the bed, and finally began to live my fantasy of strip-teasing for this man. He locked his intent blue eyes on me, and the heat emanating from them centred on my loins and made my pussy tingle with anticipation.
Moving my hips to the music, I cupped my breasts through the cloth, and ran my hands back and forth across my breasts. My fingers found my nipples, and clasping each one in a thumb and forefinger, I rolled them gently. This caused an involuntary moan to escape me as twin waves of pleasure gently buzzed in between my fingers. As I kept this up, my clit began to throb, and I could feel my pussy getting all hot and bothered.
He was enjoying himself now, as he sat back on the bed, and let his azure eyes rove lazily all over my body.
Kicking my high heels off, I walked over to House and sat on his lap. His arms came around to circle me, and I felt the strength in them as they held me close. Oddly enough, I felt safe there, secure in the warmth of his embrace.
I was brought back to reality by something hard pressing into my ass. "Bonjour, monsieur" I whispered in his ear, and we both smiled at each other like two kids playing in the rain who have discovered a bug under a rock. I clenched my butt around his cock, and was rewarded with a moan of pleasure in a voice that sounded like someone was raking a nail across my clit. It felt undeniably good, so I did it again -- and again, and I was soon slowly and sensuously dry-humping his long, thick cock through our clothes. His voice panting in my ear was pure ecstasy, and his hands found the edge of my bustier, and as he lifted it up from my tummy and over my head, my breasts came free. He tossed the bustier aside and ran his long fingers up and down my torso, stopping at my breasts to pinch my nipples lightly. I have incredibly sensitive nipples that are hard wired to my pussy, and every single touch of his sent warm waves of tingling pleasure flooding through my entire body. I threw back my head and moaned.
Just as I was enjoying the feel of his big, manly hands on my tender breasts, he moved them downward till he reached the sides of my hips, and undid the bows holding up my (by now totally drenched) thong on either side. I ran my hands over his and undid the garter belt. Standing up, (rather reluctantly, I admit) I stepped out of my stockings and thong, and stood facing him. Now it was my turn. Grabbing his t-shirt, I lifted it over his head, and tossed it aside. I ran my hands several times across his chest, savouring the manliness. I lightly kissed his chest hair, and moved my attention to his nipples. Taking each one in my mouth, I gently nibbled and then sucked it. He liked the attention, I could tell. But I was saving most of it for elsewhere...
He was still wearing his shorts, and I remembered being told that he hated having his scar seen. And then my brain stopped thinking, for his mouth had found mine. A jolt of live electricity shot through me as his lips devoured me, and then suddenly everything went black.
He had turned off the lights in the room. And simultaneously turned on those in my head, for when I shut my eyes everything exploded in colour. Slipping my arms around his neck, I snaked out my tongue and met his halfway, and as our tongues danced together I sank into him and savoured the taste of him -- pleasant, bourbon-y and indefinably attractive. Just like the rest of him.
As we kissed, his stubble rubbed against my face, tickling me quite pleasantly. So I took my lips and fingers there next, running them lightly over his prickly stubble, and making little moaning noises. I kissed his chin and his ears, becoming more and more aroused and frenzied as I worked my way down to his neck.
My pussy was sopping wet and my clit was throbbing rather insistently by now, and I wanted badly, very badly, to take him inside me and make him fuck me silly, and the need seemed to be equally urgent on his side. We both began to fumble with his shorts and boxers, and it seemed like ages before I finally got them off and fell back with him onto the bed, in his arms. He rolled onto his back, stretched out his arm, and conjured up a condom from the nightstand drawer. Sliding it on easily, he motioned for me to climb up on him, and so I did. I wanted to tease him a little, so I rubbed my wet and puffy nether lips gently back and forth across the tip of his cock.
But he wasn't in the mood for games. Grabbing hold of my waist with both hands, he yanked me down firmly, and I gasped as the full length of his long, hard cock filled me and suddenly stretched my cunt. It was all the instruction I needed. I rose all the way up until his cock just slipped out, and took it inside me again. The velvety hardness of his cock felt wonderful as it reached in until it touched my very depths, as I felt that it had been made for the express purpose of fucking the living daylights out of me. I looked at him. His eyes were closed, and there was an expression of bliss on his face as his sensual groans echoed in my ear.
I was now riding him with a regular, steady rhythm, when suddenly his thumb found my clit, and began rubbing it. It drove me that much closer to the brink of orgasm, and I desperately began fucking him harder, faster, more furiously, knowing that I would cum in a minute, and wanting him to cum with me. He was moaning loudly now, and as his balls clenched I knew that he was going to cum. His relentless thumb rubbing my clit simultaneously drove me to orgasm, and my toes curled, lights exploded behind my eyes, and all the pleasure centres in my body coalesced into one as I became a shaking, heaving mass of sexual bliss.
Even as I came down from that high I knew that the game had barely begun. And we were now going to move on to my favourite part. What I had in mind for Dr.House was an experience that he wouldn't forget in a lifetime, not even if he lost his memory again. Oh, yeah, it was playtime.
*To be continued...* |
Title: 25th Class Reunion
Tags: mother son incest, mother son sex, mom, mother, son, photograph, posing, exercise, spank, school
*Many thanks to Gayle for once again turning my incoherent ramblings into something readable - you truly are the best! I am grateful to Caligrl and FUB for their feedback on this work as well.
I have to be honest, when I first received the, 'hold the date' notice for my twenty fifth high school reunion, I deleted the e-mail almost instantly. As a forty three year old mother and career woman, I had left my school days far behind me. My family and I lived just over one hundred miles away from the town in which I grew up and I rarely went back to visit, particularly since my parents retired to Florida a few years earlier. If fact, I had not even thought of my alma mater in ages.
I know a lot of people look back on that time of their life with misty eyed nostalgia, but my high school years were far from my greatest. In my teens, I was a complete nerd, close to the top of my class and a flutist in the school's marching band. On top of that I was on the chunky side, with braces and thick glasses. Not exactly a recipe for stardom in your average American high school.
Just a few days after receiving the e-mail, during a restless night's sleep, I had a dream about my high school crush, Billy Hanlon. He grew up a couple blocks away from our house, and I'd see him on occasion strolling through the neighborhood with his group of friends in tow. Billy was tall and lean, with a thick head of blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He was the star pitcher on our baseball team, and rumor had it he was bound for glory in the major leagues until he injured his arm. I blushed every time he passed by, but I doubt he noticed as I'm sure he didn't even know I existed.
When I awoke the next morning, my mind ran back to thoughts of Billy. I couldn't help but wonder what he looked like and what he was doing after all these years, and a chill ran down my spine. It was Saturday and I wasn't working, so after getting breakfast for my husband and son, I made an excuse to go to the basement so I could dig out my high school yearbook.
It took me a while to locate as it had been boxed up with other keepsakes for years, but when I found it I slowly poured over every page. I barely recognized many of the faces anymore, but a few really stood out. Billy looked the same as I remembered him, complete with scruffy hair and high cheekbones. He appeared very svelte in his Harrison High baseball uniform, and I was saddened to think that things hadn't worked out for him.
I felt a pang of guilt at not keeping in touch with my two best friends from school when I saw their pictures. Michelle and Janet were my partners in crime in the old days, and I was curious if they would be attending the reunion. For some reason, I was left longing to reconnect with my past for the first time in ages.
Over the next week, my thoughts kept wandering back to the reunion. I couldn't help but wonder who would be there and what they might look like after all this time. With each passing day, my curiosity grew to the point that I was actually interested in attending. I was pretty sure I wouldn't, mind you, but the thought no longer sickened me.
Candidly, I had no reason to be particularly anxious over seeing old schoolmates. After graduating from Harrison, I attended a great private college where I earned my degree, before starting a family and subsequently embarking on a successful career. I lost the thick glasses I wore in school in favor of contact lenses, and of course my braces came off as well. All in all things were okay; I'm sure I was doing a lot better than most of my former classmates anyway.
Not that things were perfect in my life mind you. My job required me to put in long hours, so I was away from my home more than I would have cared for. In fact, I would have loved to find something less stressful, but given the fact that I made far more money than my husband and had the better health insurance, my career was important to the family coffers.
My husband, Don, was a decent guy, but not the most motivated man in the world. He held the same position at work for years, and had been passed over for promotion on numerous occasions. He constantly whined about how he got screwed in one way or another, and as a result had grown quite bitter. But I knew the truth, that he was simply lazy. So, I was left to pick up the slack, both at work and at home.
Over the years, I think it would be fair to say that Don and I had very simply grown apart. When we were young, it was easy to overlook our differences as everything was new to us since we were each the other's first real relationship. We rarely fought; we just went about our business largely on our own. Of course we still slept in the same bed, but it had been ages since we had been intimate.
The one true bright spot in my life was our only child, my loving son, Tyler. He somehow ended up with all of the best qualities from both sides of our family, plus others I had not ever seen in any of our relatives. Tyler had my curious mind and drive, with his dad's easy nature. He was also as sweet and compassionate as anyone I had ever met, and friends seemed to gravitate to him like bees to honey. He lived at the house during the summer while attending university about an hour away from home, working towards a degree in engineering.
At dinner one evening, I mentioned the reunion just to gauge Don's interest. He looked at me like I had three heads and asked, "You're not seriously considering going, are you? I thought you hated high school." I replied that I didn't really want to go, but was simply curious about what my friends were up to these days.
Tyler on the other hand was incredibly supportive and encouraged me to attend. "You should go, Mom. I'm sure everyone would love to see you," he said enthusiastically, which drew a sarcastic chuckle from my husband.
Of course Tyler had no idea that his mom was one of the nameless masses that wandered the halls of Harrison High, but how could he? My son always seemed to admire me; in fact, at times when he was younger I think he may have even had a crush on me. For years he was like my little shadow, following me around the house everywhere I went. I thought it was cute, but he eventually outgrew it as he matured into the handsome young man is today.
After Don's reaction, I pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I was not going to attend the reunion. It didn't bother me that much as I was a good forty pounds overweight, and didn't want my old classmates to see me at less than my best. I wasn't exactly a prom queen in high school and I didn't want to further reinforce old images my schoolmates may have long held. Yet deep down a desire to go was building daily. If not for my weight, I'm sure I would have already reserved tickets.
For whatever reason, Tyler broached the subject with me constantly, asking if I was going. I told him I wasn't really interested, but it was obvious he could see the truth behind my lies. He kept pressing me with one simple question, "Why?"
I gave excuse after excuse, but none appeared to hold up under Tyler's scrutiny. Finally, somewhat exasperated, I told him the truth, that I was self-conscious about my size and that I was never particularly popular in school anyway. I hated to say it, but I let him know I was sure I wouldn't be missed. I was disappointed in myself for sharing that with him and possibly shattering his illusions, but I didn't know what else to say.
Tyler looked genuinely stunned and stated incredulously, "But Mom, you're adorable." He then added, "I bet you look better than any of the other women that'll be there."
I couldn't help but sigh as his words sank in because I knew he meant them completely. "Thank you honey, that was sweet," I replied softly as I gazed into his handsome face, and then added, "But I'm still not going." Tyler just shook his head and walked away. How could a twenty one year old kid understand how neurotic a woman my age can be when it came to her self-image?
I did my best to forget about the reunion for a few days until Tyler approached me one evening. I could tell something was on his mind by the look on his face, before he stated, "You know, I've been thinking, Mom."
I was curious about what was to follow, but was sure it had something to do with the reunion. I replied, "About?"
"Well, you know I have that gym set up in the basement, right?" he asked hesitantly. "I was thinking I could put you on an exercise program to lose a pound or two before your party."
He was of course being his usual sweet self by saying a, "pound or two," but I loved him for it. "Honey, I appreciate it, I really do, but I'm not going."
It was clear he had been expecting just such a response when he said, "Well, we could work out together anyway, you know, to each get in better shape. What do you think?"
I almost laughed in his face hearing him talk about getting in better shape. Tyler was just over six feet tall, and weighed close to one hundred and eighty pounds of solid muscle. He was not overly bulky, but completely firm all over. He had a body most men would die to have and most women would love to hold.
My work schedule was still hectic, but the idea of losing a few pounds and possibly attending the reunion held great appeal to me. Between my job and Tyler's school, we rarely got to spend any quality time together, so the idea of further bonding with him was wonderful. Before my mind could formulate possible excuses, I heard myself saying, "Okay, I'm in."
"Awesome, Mom," he responded with a bright smile, "We can start this weekend!"
When Don learned that Tyler and I were going to be working out together, he chuckled, "You're kidding me, right Kathy? Bet that lasts two weeks, max." I hadn't really expected anything different, but would it have killed him to be supportive for a change? If anyone in the house needed exercise it was him, the lard ass.
Saturday afternoon Tyler and I met in the basement to begin our training. I felt really self-conscious, so I dressed in a baggy pair of sweat pants and an old tee shirt. I was impressed by how serious Tyler was taking things as he explained the program he had designed for me. However, I was mortified when he asked me to step on a scale, and even more so when he produced a tape from my sewing kit to take my measurements. I did my best to talk him out of it, but he was insistent that watching the weight and inches fall off would be incredibly motivating.
Left with no good argument against it, I finally relented, and he set about taking my measurements. I don't think I'd ever been as embarrassed as when my son dropped to his knees and wrapped the tape around my thigh. He didn't tell me the reading, and candidly I didn't want to know, he just wrote it down in a notebook.
Next he moved to my hips, then my abdomen, each time being as professional as possible. Finally he stood and blushed a bit as he moved the tape around my chest. I felt a tingle run down my spine as the back of his fingers scraped across my breast momentarily. I was a bit ashamed at my reaction, but it had been ages since I'd been touched in an intimate way, I could hardly be blamed, or so I told myself.
After he finished jotting down the figures, Tyler announced, "We'll do this once a week and I'll put it up on a chart so we can monitor your progress as we go."
There was no way on earth I wanted my numbers posted on the wall for anyone to see, particularly my husband, so I told Tyler that was just not going to happen. In addition, I explained that I was not going to subject myself to the scale every week, and offered a monthly compromise. Thankfully he understood, and agreed to keep my measurements in his notebook. The reunion was still six months away, so I just hoped the temporary humiliation would somehow all be worth it in the long run.
Tyler had a padded mat on the floor and I was soon upon it as he put me through a long stretching regimen. I was more than a tad embarrassed at some of the positions he placed me in, bending over this way or that as every other stretch seemed to have either my butt or my breasts thrust outward. I was glad I wasn't wearing a skimpy leotard, not that I even owned one, of course.
After a good fifteen minutes on the mat, I was instructed to get on the exercise bike to further warm up my muscles and get the blood flowing. Tyler said ten minutes would be a good start, so I began peddling away. After only three minutes or so I was sweating and feeling short of breath, but fought to make it to the finish.
I assumed we'd take a break after my time on the bike, but Tyler had other things in mind. I was sweating profusely when he started me on some light weight lifting. He showed me proper technique, which most often involved him touching or holding various parts of my body as he did so. I knew he was just being helpful, but at times his fingers strayed close to some of my more delicate areas, which once again made me shiver.
At times I found myself watching Tyler intently as we took turns lifting weights. He appeared so powerful as he pumped the bar above his head, sweat soaking his brow. After a while he pulled off his tee shirt and worked bare-chested. His abs were cut and his chest looked like that of a body builder, so much different than my droopy, sagging husband.
After another half hour or so, Tyler released me to the most enjoyable shower I had ever experienced. As I stood under the hot water, I couldn't get him out of my mind. His hands had been where nobody else's had in so long, I felt guilty that I actually found it somewhat titillating. As I soaped my body, I discovered that my nipples were hard and my vagina was aroused. I quickly put the soap down and rinsed off, forcing myself to focus on things other than my son.
The next day my body was sore all over and I could barely walk, but mentally I felt wonderful. I was proud that I had taken the first step towards the new me and was determined to prove Don wrong in the process. I was still tender at work on Monday, but didn't let on as I wanted to keep what I was doing a secret in the event the pounds were more difficult to shed than I'd hoped.
Tyler gave me another day to rest, but on Wednesday evening we were back in the basement, where he put me through my paces once more. Everything seemed to be a bit harder than on the weekend as I think my muscles were still tired, but I fought through the pain and did my best. Tyler kept offering me words of encouragement which made things easier than they otherwise might have been.
Since I had perspired so heavily during our last session, I decided to do away with the bulky sweatpants in favor of a pair of athletic shorts. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but Tyler's hands seemed to find my bare legs on numerous occasions. During my stretching he pointed out some of the muscles I was working in my legs, and lightly traced a finger up and down them for effect. My skin tingled at his gentle touch, yet I did my best to remain calm.
Later, when I was on the bench doing some light weight work, I gazed downward and noticed my nipples were slightly engorged and protruding through my sweat-soaked bra and tee shirt. My chest was heaving due to my exertion, which in my mind made them all the more prominent. I looked up and found Tyler's eyes were cast that way, desire clearly written across his handsome face. For some reason, rather than feeling embarrassed or outraged by his overt staring, I strangely became somewhat excited. I could not recall the last time a man looked at me that way, and as crazy as it may sound, I enjoyed the feeling.
Tyler took his turn upon the weight bench after me, and my eyes wandered down his chiseled torso to his midsection. A sizeable lump pressed up the fabric of his tight athletic shorts and I couldn't help but ponder just how large he was down there. I had only been intimate with one man in my entire life, and wondered just how varied their equipment might be. Things like that were not discussed in my small circle of conservative girlfriends, so my mind raced as I averted my eyes. I had never even seen a Playgirl, for heaven's sake, and probably had less experience than most girls half my age these days.
When we finished the workout, I gave Tyler a hug and headed off to the shower. I let the warm water cascade down my body for a long time, feeling some relief in my aching muscles. I chided myself for feeling aroused in my son's presence, but I just chocked it up to the frustration in my marriage and lack of male attention.
After my shower I slipped into a comfy old pair of pajamas and headed to the living room to watch some TV before bed. Tyler was there already bathed and viewing his favorite program from the couch. When I approached, he smiled at me and patted the sofa to offer me a spot right alongside of him, which I happily accepted. Don was upstairs on the computer as usual, so it was just the two of us watching the tube.
Tyler asked me how I was feeling, and I admitted that I was more than a bit sore all over. I was surprised when he offered me a massage, and I once again felt a shiver run through my body at the thought of being touched in an intimate way. The idea was certainly appealing, so I only made a halfhearted attempt to decline, but he insisted. On his instructions, I sprawled forward across the cushions and tried to make myself comfortable.
Moments later, I felt his hands lightly caressing my shoulders, and then slowly work down across my back. I have no idea where he learned his technique, but the massage was heavenly. Tyler must have known how sore I was because he never applied too much pressure, just gently but steadily rubbed my aches away.
Very softly, he asked, "Feel okay, Mom?"
"Wonderful," I whimpered honestly.
Tyler focused most of his attention on my back and shoulders, but occasionally dropped down to rub my calves and feet as well. At times his fingers strayed close to my breasts when he was caressing my sides, but he always kept things professional. After such a hard workout, I felt like I was slowly melting into the sofa and I loved every second of it.
The massage ended long after Tyler's program was over, and I felt guilty that he had probably missed the entire thing while he focused his attention upon me. My muscles were very tired, but the rubdown stimulated me in a way for which I was unprepared. Blood flowed to areas of my body it had not in ages, and naughty thoughts entered my head while he held me just before we called it a night.
When I climbed under the sheets that evening Don was already snoring loudly. He had no idea a horny woman was so close by, and I certainly was not going to wake him. I had never been particularly into masturbation, but at that moment I was feeling the need for some self-pleasure and slipped a hand down into my PJ's. With my husband sleeping just inches away, I fondled my sex in a slow, rhythmic fashion. Only three or four minutes later, I came with a shudder, biting my lip to remain silent.
The next three weeks of our workouts played out similarly to the first. Tyler watched my every move like a hawk and continued the positive reinforcement when he thought my energy was waning. At other times he gave me a bit of tough love when I needed a kick in the pants, which I greatly appreciated.
Don would usually grunt aloud or utter some other negative sound as Tyler and I made our way downstairs, which I think only heightened the kinship between my son and I. It was almost as if it was us against him, which for me proved highly motivating.
I know it may sound crazy coming from a woman of my age, but somehow I almost felt like a teen again. After years of being ignored, it was wonderful to have someone pay so much attention to me. It didn't hurt that he was handsome, and actually seemed as interested in my mind as my physical wellbeing. Tyler was effusive in his compliments towards me, and I soaked them all up like a sponge, whether he was exaggerating or not.
When I entered the basement on the next Saturday morning, it marked the first month of our workouts together. After successfully avoiding them for a month, Tyler had both the scale and tape out, and I reluctantly subjected myself to each. I had actually grown accustomed to feeling Tyler's hands on my body as I tried to master the various stretches and exercises, so the tape seemed not nearly as invasive as it had the first time.
I was glad that I had proven Don wrong by keeping up the exercise routine, but even happier with the results. I had lost more pounds and inches than I had expected, which simply thrilled me. As my son had predicted, after reviewing the numbers, I was more fired up to work out than ever before.
"See Mom, I told you we'd made progress," Tyler beamed, and I could not contain my own smile.
I felt tremendously grateful that he had given so much of his time to assist me, so I replied honestly, "It's all because of you, sweetie." I moved towards him and we fell into a tight embrace. We held one another for far longer than usual, before we awkwardly broke apart to set about our work.
I didn't own any real workout clothes, so on lunch break the next Monday I stepped into an athletic apparel shop and purchased a few items. After browsing the aisles for a while, I picked up two new pairs of shorts and a couple lightweight tops. They were actually quite basic, but compared to the rags I owned, they were just a tad sexy.
It probably sounds bad, but a small part of me wanted to dress that way for Tyler, to show how our hard work had paid off. Although he tried to be subtle, over the subsequent days I caught him looking me over more than once, and it didn't bother me one bit. In fact, it was somewhat thrilling.
I can honestly say the workouts became the highlight of my day. Tyler and I chatted while we exercised, and I was grateful to reconnect with my son in such a special way. After our sessions, we often found excuses to stay together and talk before heading back to the reality that was life upstairs. He became my confidant, and while I didn't share much of the issues I had with Don, I'm sure he guessed more than he let on.
On clear evenings, we often took a long stroll around the neighborhood to cool down after our intense workouts. One night while we were trekking across a nearby field, to my surprise, Tyler grasped my palm inside of his own. As momentarily stunned as I was, I quickly grew comfortable with our shared intimacy. Feelings of true love were bubbling up inside me I'm not sure I had ever experienced before.
We silently walked hand in hand for a while until we reached the row of houses once more. Tyler seemed reluctant to release my hand, but we broke apart and began walking homeward. After that first evening holding hands, we did it more times than not, regardless of where we were, and each time I felt giddy.
In my alone time, I began feeling very guilty. As much as I loved our special time together, I was sure I was keeping Tyler away from the active summer life of a normal college student. A handsome twenty one year old male should be out meeting willing young ladies, not spending so much time with his mom. I felt the need to re-establish our normal mother-son dynamic, as much as it hurt.
Over the next few days, I purposely kept a bit of distance between Tyler and myself when we were alone. Part of me wanted to sit down with him and explain myself, but how could I? I mean, what would I say, "Sorry, sweetie, but I think I'm falling in love with you?" That was something he just didn't need to know and I would have to carry with me to my grave.
For his part, Tyler clearly knew something was amiss, but thankfully didn't push me or ask too many questions. After less than a week, I missed our newfound intimate moments so much; I couldn't push him away any longer. He had become like a drug to me and I just had to have more. On our next walk I gladly held my son's hand and didn't care who saw us.
One evening Tyler came home from work with a decided limp, and I asked him what was wrong.
"Just a slight muscle pull in my left thigh, I think," he responded casually, pretending everything was just fine.
Don of course was his usual compassionate self and said, "Suck it up, you big baby."
I was irate with my husband, but somehow managed to keep my frustrations inside without lashing out. After years of marriage, I guess I probably expected a comment of that nature from him. My mind quickly went back to my son. Given all the attention Tyler had lavished upon me, I knew I wanted to return the favor. Just as soon as I had finished cleaning up after dinner, I went to the bathroom and poured a hot bubble bath, then demanded he take a hot soak.
I let him soak for a few minutes, and then stood nervously at the bathroom door and knocked softly. "May I come in?"
"Sure Mom," he responded, and I slowly entered the steamy little room.
Tyler was completely covered in suds, so I couldn't see anything below his chest. "Don't worry about your father," I stated softly as I sat down on the cold porcelain tub beside him. "He has no idea how hard you work."
I learned Tyler was far more in tune to the family dynamic than I had thought, when he responded, "He doesn't know what hard work is, Mom." With that, he moved his hand from the side of the tub and placed it upon my knee just below the hem of my skirt. After a brief pause, he gently stroked my soft skin without uttering another word while he stared directly into my eyes.
My mind raced in tune with my pounding pulse. As much as I loved being there with him and sharing our little stolen moments, I had to get away. I turned to look at him just before I left the bathroom and felt a sudden weakness. In spite of myself, I softly whispered, "I'll massage your thigh later tonight, umm, if you'd like." I felt like a silly schoolgirl, throwing myself out there for a boy with no safety net to catch me. It was way beyond anything I'd ever even imagined with Billy Hanlon.
As I stood fidgeting at the door, Tyler thankfully replied, "I'd really like that."
Air suddenly returned to my chest as I closed the door and made my way towards the stairs. Don was on the computer in the study once more, and the last thing I wanted was to be upstairs near him. It felt much safer to be a floor away from him, afraid he might be able to see how naughty I was feeling inside.
I found myself pacing in the kitchen, anxiously awaiting Tyler's arrival. After what seemed like ages, I heard the pounding of feet upon the hardwood floors as someone approached from above. With baited breath, I looked towards the door, and was relieved when my son sauntered around the corner.
We both looked upon one another with loving eyes, before I was forced to glace away when I felt warmth in my cheeks. Desperate to break the awkward silence, I said softly, "Why don't you go lay on the couch."
With a smile he turned and hobbled his way towards the living room. I wanted to remain detached, but how could I seeing my son limping the way he was? I rushed to his side and fluffed a pillow for him, before he settled face-down on the sofa.
I nestled my bottom onto a tiny piece of open space next to his abdomen, and then moved my hands to his shoulders to commence my massage. I took my time and lavished attention on his back, and at times his legs too. His skin was warm and soft and I enjoyed pampering him after everything he had done for me. It was wonderful to touch a firm male body after being with my portly spouse for so long.
After a good half hour rubbing his back, I leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Roll over."
"No, I'm fine now, Mom. Just let me rest a while."
I knew his thigh was bothering him, and really wanted to make it better, so I reiterated, "It's okay, just roll over, honey." Tyler didn't move for a moment, so I gave him a playful slap on the butt and said a bit louder, "Come on, roll over."
After a pause, Tyler slowly moved onto his back, and instantly I knew why he had been so hesitant. A prominent bulge tented my son's tight athletic shorts, which almost took my breath away. His face glowed red with embarrassment, but I wanted to somehow convey I understood it was beyond his control. I don't think I'd ever felt more compassion for anyone in my life, and I tried to look directly into his eyes without overtly acknowledging the problem below. I gave him my best knowing motherly smile, and then said softly, "It's okay sweetie, just close your eyes and relax."
Although I tried to remain calm on the outside, my insides were doing cartwheels. I almost found it hard to breathe as I moved my hands to Tyler's thighs and slowly began running them up and down. I honestly tried to look away, but my eyes were drawn to his groin like a magnet, soaking in his obvious excitement. It had been ages since I'd seen Don erect, but this was far more taboo. My son's cock was less than two feet from my face, and my mouth began to water as I momentarily imagined pulling down his shorts, then leaning over to take it between my lips.
Tyler grunted occasionally as I applied a bit of extra pressure, so I tried to be as gentle but thorough as possible. At times my fingertips ran under the seam of his shorts, only inches from his balls and semi-erect penis. A tingle ran down my spine as I realized I was doing it intentionally, experiencing an illicit thrill at my not so subtle actions.
"How does that feel, sweetie?" I cooed as I gently caressed his skin.
"Awesome," he whimpered, which made me smile widely.
My eyes may have been riveted to the bulge in Tyler's shorts as I stroked his thigh, but my lewd fantasy world was shaken when I heard the pitter patter of feet on the hardwood floors above. Ty must have heard it too, because he rapidly sat up and pulled a pillow onto his crotch. I quickly moved to the other end of the sofa and took a seat as well, trying to appear as natural as possible. Thankfully, when Don arrived at the bottom of the steps, he turned and went into the kitchen without giving us a moment's notice.
Tyler and I looked upon each other with obvious relief on our faces. It seemed to me like we had dodged a major bullet, and my son must have had the same thought. As strange as it may sound, after only a moment, we both broke out into grins, and then fought to repress giggles. It really did feel like it was the two of us against my husband.
Don came into the room a minute later and asked, "What's going on? I thought you were going to watch a movie."
I was a still a bit flustered, but thankfully Tyler took control and answered, "The movie sucked, so we turned it off a few minutes ago. We were just about to head up to bed." I normally do not like lies, but under the circumstances his fib seemed innocent enough.
Don just shook his head before he walked towards the stairs, while complete relief washed over me. I looked at Tyler and wanted to say so many things, but nothing would come out of my mouth. He must have felt the same as he silently rose from his seat and held his hands out to me. I placed my palms in his and let him pull me into a tight embrace.
After everything we shared the previous weeks, it was clear Tyler and I had more than just a normal mother-son relationship. If I was being completely honest with myself, I think it was at that evening when I first thought of him as my soul mate.
When we broke away, Tyler looked down upon me and slowly leaned forward, bringing his lips to mine. I would not call it a passionate kiss, but it lingered longer than the usual pecks we had shared so many times before. He then stared deeply into my eyes, and said, "I love you, Mom."
I could feel my cheeks burning as I responded, "I love you too."
My head was swimming as I climbed the stairs ahead of him, wondering if he was checking out my bottom in my cute PJs. I have to admit, I did put a bit of extra wiggle with every step, hoping to draw his eyes to my assets. I felt a bit guilty as we passed the door to my husband's study, yet he paid us no attention as usual.
My body was simply on fire as I climbed under the covers. My fingers immediately went between my legs and I began stroking my loins. I hoped to rub myself off before my husband came in from his office, but only a minute or so later he entered the room and made ready for bed.
When Don slipped in beside me, I could feel the warmth between us and wondered if he could too. We had not been intimate in ages, but my body had been in such a heightened sensual state, I was ready for attention. After a moment of indecision regarding what I should do, I lovingly eased myself up against his side. In all the years of our marriage, I had rarely been the one to initiate sex, so this was a big deal to me. I gently ran my hand up and down Don's belly a few times, and then lowered it to his groin.
I assumed that after being without affection for as long as he had, my |
husband would have responded enthusiastically. Instead, he pushed my hand away and barked, "Jesus Kathy, go to bed."
Until that moment I had never before considered it, but suddenly I wondered if Don might be cheating on me. Sure, I was no runway model, but I certainly looked better than I had in years. Yet there he was, still rejecting me.
I was hurt by Don's seeming indifference and possible infidelity, but grew irate later as I lay there wide awake as he snored contentedly beside me. The arousal I felt earlier had dissipated, but out of spite, I suddenly wanted to get myself off right there alongside him.
My hand moved under my waistband once again and began to softly stroke my nether lips. Normally I would have fought with tooth and nail to keep thoughts of Tyler out of my head, but after being rebuffed by Don, I welcomed his image into my head. In my mind I was back on the couch with my son, yet not stroking his injured thigh. At that moment, I was thinking about stroking his hard cock instead, desperately wanting to give him the pleasure his father clearly did not want.
I found myself slowly rocking my hips against my probing fingers, no longer caring if I disturbed my husband's slumber. My blood began to boil as I pictured yanking down Tyler's shorts and taking his young cock into my mouth, and sucking him to completion. Seconds later, I came with a rush as I imagined swallowing my son's cream, with him screaming in my ears, "Oh, Mom!"
After I had recovered from my orgasm, I began to feel quite guilty at the pleasure my lewd thoughts had given me. Sure, Don had been a jackass towards me for a while, but he was still my husband. And Tyler was my son for heaven's sake, what the hell was I thinking? Yes, I had been ignored and neglected, but that was no reason to imagine sucking my son's cock just to get myself off.
I was deeply saddened when August first rolled around because I knew Tyler would soon be heading back to school. My heart was heavy as I pictured the emptiness I would feel by his absence, at home with only my husband for companionship. Don was never abusive mind you, but he seemed to grow jealous of Tyler and my relationship over the summer. I think, or maybe hoped, he was possibly seeing just what he had lost.
Tyler was leaving for school on the next Saturday morning, so on Friday evening we enjoyed one last workout together. The session was quieter than usual as I think we both were saddened by the prospect of being apart. We made eye contact often, and for some reason I couldn't help but blush. I felt like a schoolgirl once more, but my crush was no longer Billy Hanlon.
After our intense session, we once again took a long walk through the neighborhood, hand in hand. We strolled casually, wanting to spend as much time together as possible without ever admitting it aloud. When the sky grew dark, we sadly turned and made our way home.
Arriving back at the front door, Tyler held both my hands in his and stared at me lovingly. Tears formed in my eyes as I gazed back at him, and then I moved forward and rested my head on his chest. He pulled me into a tight embrace as my body began to shudder with sobs. It felt wonderful to be in the arms of someone who truly loved me and I clung to him for dear life. As he patted my back, Tyler whispered in my ear, "It'll be okay, Mom."
After what seemed like hours, Tyler eased away and looked down upon me once more. His eyes were filled with such love; my heart almost skipped a beat. No words were spoken as he moved his lips to mine and we softly kissed. Our mouths moved together gently for a few seconds when I felt the tip of his tongue make contact with my own. It lasted only a moment as if he was testing me, but a shiver ran down my spine, right to my groin. I felt a longing between my legs that I had never before experienced, which frankly scared me, given the fact that we were standing on our front steps with bright light shining on us from above. Deathly afraid that the neighbors might be watching, I pushed myself away and almost ran indoors.
Moments later I found myself alone in the safety of my shower. I was ashamed that I left Tyler without a word of explanation, yet the fire burning in my loins was still there, and I just had to put it out. Two fingers of my right hand curled in and out of my sex, while my left hand was pressed against the tile wall for support. When I came, it was not the face of my husband that I saw, but that of my loving son.
For some reason, after my orgasm I broke down in tears and began sobbing silently as I tried to come to terms with my tattered emotions. Knowing in just hours Tyler would be gone and I may not see him again for months, I was filled with immense sadness. It took ages to finally fall asleep that evening as I just could not stifle all the mixed emotions I was feeling.
In the morning Tyler packed up his car, and Don and I saw him off without much fanfare. I was on pins and needles, afraid I might do something to reveal just how distressed I really was. I longed to embrace him like the night before, but this time never let him go. Instead, I gave him a curt hug and a quick peck on the cheek, and the next thing I knew, he was gone.
Over the next couple days, I actually felt sickened by my behavior. Because I didn't have the courage to face him and talk about why I had run away after our kiss, I'm sure Tyler was left feeling immense guilt. I finally sat down at my computer one evening and typed him a long e-mail. I basically told him I treasured our time together and loved the fact that he had been so wonderful to me, but apologized for getting carried away that last evening, without ever actually mentioning the kiss. After reading over the message a number of times, with great apprehension I hit the send button.
I checked my in box at least fifty times before I finally received Tyler's response. His words were so sweet I had to re-read them a second time through musty eyes. He said I had nothing to apologize for, that he was the one that got carried away, not I. The last line of his text read, "I just hope you don't hate me."
How could I ever hate my son? He clearly had no idea hate was the last emotion I could ever feel towards him. It had taken me a while to realize it, but I no longer just loved Tyler, I was in love with him. Head over heels like nothing I had ever felt before.
Rather than just send back a message, I decided I needed to be brave and actually phone him. I took my cell phone to the basement, and punched in his number. Tyler must have been in class, because it went straight to his voice mail. After listening to his short greeting, I left the following stammering message, "Hi honey, it's Mom. I just read your e-mail and needed to let you know that I don't hate you...I could never, ever hate you. I'm so, so sorry I ran away from you the other night and wanted you to know you did nothing wrong. I was just concerned that if your father or the neighbors saw us, they might, umm, you know, get the wrong idea. Please don't feel bad about this, sweetie. I love you so much and already miss you a ton. Take good care, honey. I love you."
After I hung up the phone, I felt really silly about my choice of words, and regretted leaving the message. I wished I had written things down before I dialed his number so I could make all the points I wanted, instead I was certain I'd missed the mark on so many things. There was no way for me to delete it, so I just hoped he'd understand when he finally listened.
Tyler called me back that evening, but Don was sitting next to me so I couldn't say much. The conversation was brief, but it felt wonderful to put things behind us and move forward. After that evening, we found time to either chat on the phone or e-mail at least once per day and from his tone I could tell things were pretty much back to normal. Life would indeed go on one way or another.
I decided I owed it to Tyler to not only continue my workouts, but to even take things further. I threw myself into my routine with abandon, and even took up jogging. My runs were only around the perimeter of our neighborhood, so no more than three miles or so, but they left me feeling truly invigorated.
In late September, I pulled out the scale and tape, and eagerly checked my stats. Thanks to diet and exercise, in just the month or so since Tyler went back to school, I had dropped another eight pounds. I couldn't wait to tell him and after putting myself through a really hard workout, sat at my laptop to send a note.
The phone rang about a half hour later, and I knew who it was before I even picked it up. After I said hello, Tyler barked, "Eight pounds! That's awesome, Mom!"
I have no doubt I was beaming from ear to ear as I gushed, "It's all because of you."
We exchanged excited comments for a while, when he said, "God, I can't wait to see you." My heart fluttered at his words, and then he tentatively asked, "Maybe you could, you know, send pictures?"
The idea of possibly e-mailing pictures of myself to my son really threw me for a loop. And the fact that he clearly wanted to see them made my skin tingle. I didn't reject his request outright, and simply responded, "We'll see." I definitely needed to think that one over.
As I lay in bed later then evening, aside my slumbering husband, I thought about Tyler's request. The more I mulled it over, the more harmless it seemed. What's wrong with a mother sending her son a few pictures? It wasn't like I was going to be nude or anything.
I gently eased myself out of bed, and moved to my dresser. After considering the options of what to wear for a while, I decided to go with one of my newer workout getups. I grabbed the shorts and top, and silently made my way downstairs.
After picking up our digital camera, I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I pulled off my nightie, and slipped into my workout gear, then looked in the mirror. I slept without a bra, and had neglected to bring one, so my breasts were unencumbered under the light top. Just a slight hint of my nipples could be seen, and rather than be ashamed, I thought the idea of taking pictures in that state was just a bit sexy. It was further stimulation knowing what I was being somewhat naughty with my husband just upstairs.
I primped my hair a bit, and then pointed the camera into the mirror and snapped a number of shots. I twisted and turned my body into one pose after another, hoping to capture at least a couple of flattering angles. After a good ten minutes of posing, I made my way to the kitchen where I kept my laptop, and downloaded the new images. As the file ran, I erased all the shots from the camera lest Don find them and ask questions I was unprepared to answer.
I poured over them slowly, deleting all the pictures I didn't like for whatever reason. Overall I was pretty pleased with the quality, given the fact that I had shot them into a mirror. In the small frame, you couldn't really tell that I was braless, but the tiny dots of my nipples were detectable if you looked hard. I had a sneaky suspicion that Tyler just might too.
After running over them back and forth for some time, I settled on the three I liked the most, then logged into my e-mail. I attached the three pictures, and typed five simple words, "So, what do you think?" After that, I logged off and made my way back to bed.
Taking the pictures had really made my pulse pound, and I found sleep impossible. My mind kept wandering to thoughts of Tyler scanning them diligently, one after another, and hoping he liked what he saw. I wondered if they might even be sexy enough to make him hard, and the next thing I knew I was touching myself again.
At first I just rubbed my slick lips, teasing myself with gentle contact. Before long, I slid a finger into my depths, and started moving it in and out. I added another finger, then increased the pace as my excitement continued to grow. I could almost see Tyler sitting in front of his computer, stroking himself as he looked at my pictures with wide eyes. Seconds later my own body stiffened as I came, desperately trying to stifle a sigh. Thankfully I didn't wake Donald, and finally satiated, I too drifted off into a contented sleep.
I intentionally didn't log into my personal e-mail until the next afternoon, where I found my son had responded to my message. I was nervous as I opened it, but knew I shouldn't have been. He said he was going to be late for class, so he had to keep his note brief. Still, I couldn't contain a smile as I read, "Holy cow Mom! You look amazing! Keep up the good work and can't wait to see you! XOXO."
As I jogged the neighborhood that evening, I thought about the pictures I sent and contemplated possibly doing more. The idea of sending something racier came into my head, and as strange as it sounds, I didn't dismiss it right away. Knowing I might one day pose for a picture in something truly revealing like lingerie or a bikini would be highly motivational. If I were going to do something that daring, I'd really need to drop at least another ten pounds. Minutes later when I reached my home, I just kept right on going and did another loop for good measure. After that evening, I consistently did at least two laps or more.
Tyler was working on a big senior project at school, so he wasn't able to make it home once that fall before Thanksgiving. The second Saturday on November, I once again broke out the scale to take my weight. I was stunned when I read the dial. In the six weeks since I had last updated my son, I had dropped another fourteen pounds. I knew my clothes had seemed baggier, in fact I had to take a couple skirts in to have them tailored, but I really hadn't expected this.
After working out and taking a hot shower, I left Don on the couch watching football while I went out on a mission. The sporting goods store downtown had a large selection of workout clothing, and I knew just what I wanted. I selected a tight pair of pink and black stretch boy shorts and a matching bikini-style sports top and headed to the changing room. They proved to be a bit snug, but otherwise a good fit.
As I assessed myself in the mirror, for possibly the first time in my entire life I thought I looked pretty damn sexy. Of course I had seen pictures of women in magazines dressed in similar outfits before, but not for a moment did I ever think that one day I'd be clothed in the same way.
I went back to the rack and picked out another outfit, this one in navy blue and green, and raced back to try it on. If possible, this one made me look even slimmer. I was on cloud nine when I arrived at the checkout counter with my two new outfits, and happily forked over more money than otherwise I thought they were worth.
I didn't want my husband to know what I purchased for some reason, so I stopped at the grocery store before going home, hiding my new apparel under a bag of veggies. As expected, Don was still on the sofa when I arrived back at the house, and I lied and told him I was going up for a nap. Of course I snuck both my laptop and camera along with me.
Our master bathroom had a full-length mirror, and within minutes I was before it in the new blue and green outfit. I practiced posing for a while, before I grabbed the camera and started shooting. At times I just couldn't help myself, and turned to expose my profile, eager to show off my firmer tummy and legs. Of course, in so doing I was also showing my tighter tush and more pronounced bust line. I quickly changed into the pink and black gear, and then repeated most of the same poses.
After changing back into my skirt and blouse, I hid the new purchases and eagerly pulled out my laptop and loaded the pictures. Other than the fact that I could really use a tan, they all looked quite good. I had never been particularly happy with my appearance, but at that moment I was quite proud of myself. I thought I looked pretty damn hot for a woman my age.
Once again, I selected the shots I liked best, this time just two in total, and attached them to an e-mail. The pictures were sexier than the ones I had sent before, so I was a bit apprehensive, thinking maybe this was going too far. The first picture was of me facing forward, which showed some pretty ample cleavage created by the tight sports top. The last had me standing sideways, bent over just a touch so my newly firmer bottom was thrust out provocatively. I wasn't sure what to say in my message, so this time I just typed one word, "Thoughts?" and hit send.
I closed my computer and lay back under the covers. Seeing how sexy I looked in the pictures made me feel heady, and before I even knew what was happening, I found my hand under my skirt, pressed firmly between my legs. I softly rubbed myself through my silky panties for only a minute, when my cell phone rang from its place on the nightstand. I knew it could only be one person.
I greeted him with a soft, "Well, hello sweetie."
"Oh my God, Mom, you look amazing!" he exclaimed with excitement.
I tried to play coy and asked, "You really think so?"
"Hell yes!" he exclaimed, and then added, "I'm so proud of you."
My heart swelled as I heard the words. First and foremost, I was doing it for myself, but secondly I really wanted Tyler to be proud of me. He clearly liked my progress, which thrilled me to no end. What was also exciting was the fact that I continued to touch myself as we spoke, hearing his voice only heightening my arousal.
We chatted about the pictures for a while, and then I asked, "So, which one do you like better?"
"Well, they're both awesome, but I think I'd go with the picture of you in the pink outfit." That was the one of me from the side, and I asked why. "I don't know, I just like it better for some reason," he replied nervously.
I was feeling a little giddy, so I said, "I guess that means you're more of a leg and butt man than a boob man."
Tyler chuckled a bit before he responded, "Maybe so Mom, maybe so."
Deep down I was wondering just what he would think if he saw me at that very moment. Those legs he seemed to admire were spread wide, and the firm butt in the picture was slowly rocking back and forth as I stroked my pussy.
I felt so amazingly naughty touching myself while talking to my son, with his dad just yards away no less, I just didn't want to hang up. I asked more questions about the pictures and was delighted by his effusive praise.
After a brief pause in the conversation, Tyler asked, "So, ah, does Dad know about these?"
There was a minor pang of guilt, but I responded with the truth, "No honey, he doesn't even know about the new outfits yet." I let that sink in a moment, and then added, "It's our secret, okay?"
"Of course, just between us," he promised.
"Secrets can be fun, can't they?" I whispered in a hush.
"They sure can, Mom," he replied. I'm sure he was wondering just what else we someday might keep just between us.
The entire moment was overwhelming and I was getting close to orgasm. Knowing that in a way I was almost cheating on my husband was beyond words, and the fact that my own son was the object of my desire was driving me insane with lust. Somehow I managed to ask, "You're not going to show them to any friends at school are you? Mommy wouldn't like that."
I was wondering if maybe he was masturbating while looking at my photos too, because he almost sounded out of breath as he grunted, "Nope, never Mom."
I purred into the phone, "Good boy," as I languidly touched myself. In my mind I could almost see Tyler at his computer, stroking himself furiously while looking at my pictures. With that image suddenly burned into my brain, I came with a rush. Somehow I was able to form coherent words, and soon ushered him off the phone, though not before telling him how excited it was going to be to see him on Thanksgiving.
The next week I went shopping to pick out the perfect dress for the reunion, as well as a few new outfits to fit the slimmer me. I also stopped into a tanning salon a few times in an attempt to give my skin a healthier glow. Of course, I also worked out like a fiend, always in my sexy new gear.
I was nervous as hell the evening before Thanksgiving, knowing Tyler would be home at any moment. I had selected one of my new skirts for the occasion, black, which came down about three inches short of my knees. It was sexier than anything I would have worn just months ago, but not over the top.
When I heard a car door slam outside, I had to force myself to stay seated and not appear too eager in front of my husband. Tyler entered the door a minute later, with a duffle bag over his shoulder, and shouted, "I'm home."
As calmly as I could, I rose from the chair and went to greet him. After pulling me into a tight embrace, he stepped back and said, "Jesus Mom, you look fucking fantastic!"
From his usual position on the couch, Don exclaimed, "Hey, watch your mouth."
I was feeling like a giddy schoolgirl, and ignored both the curse and my husband's comment. Without thinking I did a little pirouette, and then asked, "You really think so?"
He didn't have to respond as the answer was written all over his handsome face. He leaned in close and whispered, so his father could not hear, "Like I said, fucking fantastic."
Although I usually abhorred swearing, I found his words incredibly exciting. My knees felt weak, so I moved into him and hugged him once more. We stood in our embrace for a moment, until I heard Don say, "Crap Kathy, give the kid some space."
I was embarrassed to hear those words, and by the look on Tyler's face he was too. We broke apart and my son moved off to greet his dad. I stood watching them chat for a bit, but I really only had eyes for one of them. During a break in the conversation, I asked, "You had a long drive, can I get you anything, sweetie?"
Tyler looked at me and said, "I've been cooped up in the car so long, I really just need to stretch my legs." His face turned into a big grin as he asked, "Actually, a good workout would be good about now. Care to join me?"
I fought to repress my own grin and replied, "Sounds good. Meet you downstairs in a few." Moments later I was in my room slipping into my sexy workout clothes. So as not to completely freak out Donald, I pulled a baggy old colored tee over my top and an old pair of athletic shorts up my legs.
When I walked into the basement, Tyler was already standing on the mat, clad in sweats and a cotton top. We gazed upon one another for a moment in silence, before I moved my hands to grasp the bottom of my shirt. I slowly lifted it over my head and tossed in over the weight belt. Tyler's eyes were riveted to me as I then pushed the shorts to the ground and kicked them aside.
There I was, standing in just my skimpy pink workout gear, alone with my handsome son. Suddenly I realized the gravity of the situation and wondered if I'd gone completely insane. It was one thing to flirt on the phone or over the internet, but it was quite another to contemplate actually taking things to another level. Sure, I had fantasized about it, but I told myself it could never go beyond that. There was still a part of me that just wanted to run to Tyler and smother him with kisses, but I couldn't. Even though I was in love with him, I just couldn't do it.
I saw Tyler step towards me, and thought he might be coming to kiss me, so I quickly cut him off with a, "So, I guess we should stretch first." Quickly I turned away and dropped to the mat. When I glanced back, Tyler had a confused look upon his face, but he too soon plopped down as well.
Inside I felt horrible as I must have been toying with his emotions. We had grown very close before, only to have me push him away, yet there I was doing it again. Little was said during our exercise program, and rather than go for a run or walk afterwards, I instead chose to hit the shower alone. As the water rained down upon my head, I thought of what a complete mess I'd made of things.
Thanksgiving dinner was pleasant overall, but I found that I could barely look at my son due to my immense guilt. Tyler assisted me in the kitchen on occasion, but other than that our interaction was limited. At one point I took him in and he looked like a lost puppy dog, which stung my heart to the core.
After dinner the boys settled in the family room to watch football, as was their custom. At halftime, the news came on and the weatherman announced a possible travel advisory for the weekend. Don yelled out, "Better get in here, Kathy." I rushed in to listen to the update.
The reunion was scheduled for that Saturday, only two days away. Apparently the thinking was that most people would be home with family for the holiday, so why not kill two birds with one stone? That made sense for a five or maybe even a ten year reunion, but not so much for a twenty five as people seemed more scattered these days.
I had heard that snow was possible, but initial reports had only called for rain. From what the man was saying, it looked like the front was moving further south due to the jet stream, bringing with it colder air and lots of snow. If the forecast was correct, the heavy stuff would begin falling late in the afternoon on Saturday, just hours before the big party.
I was deathly afraid of driving in snow, so the idea of being caught in it somewhere along that hundred mile stretch of highway was decidedly unpleasant. My intent all along was to make the trip alone as Don clearly wanted no part or it, so I only purchased one ticket. I looked hopefully at my husband, and he instantly must have known what was on my mind.
"Don't even think about it," he stated flatly, shaking his head. Then added, "I'm not getting killed just so you can see a bunch of people you haven't spoken to in twenty five years."
I had worked so hard to get ready for the big day, my spirits were suddenly crushed. There was just no way I could make the drive alone. I could feel my cheeks grow warm and was about to cry, when Tyler said, "I'll take you Mom."
My ears perked up in a flash and I quickly gazed towards him. Before I could say anything however, Don spouted off, "That's just crazy. You'll probably end up in a ditch or worse."
Tyler just calmly replied, "You heard him, Dad. He said the storm won't hit until late in the afternoon. If Mom and I leave early, we'll be there long before the snow starts."
There was silence for a moment while my husband contemplated the situation. I was holding my breath when Don finally said, "Okay, but don't call me if you run into trouble."
I could breathe again.
My eyes moved back to Tyler, and he just shrugged his shoulders and twisted his head to the side a bit, as if to say, "What else could I do?" After the way I had treated him, I didn't deserve his help, yet I accepted gratefully.
I was busy cleaning up after the holiday on Thursday, and then found many reasons to stay away from Tyler on Friday, yet couldn't avoid him Saturday morning. We were alone after breakfast, when he said, "I looked online...you know the hotel has a pool and gym, right?"
I had a feeling where this was going, and reluctantly responded, "Yes."
"Well, I was thinking, you know, umm, we might have time for a swim and a real workout. If we get snowed in that is," he said hopefully.
I didn't want to burst his bubble completely, so I replied, "Maybe so, sweetie, but I think I'll be really busy catching up with old friends."
He just shrugged a bit and said softly, "Well, it was just an idea."
For some reason, just before we left, I crammed my skimpy pink and black workout clothes into the suitcase, just in case. I imagined Billy Hanlon or some other high school guy catching me on the treadmill in the gym at some point, wondering why he hadn't scooped me up years before. I was not bringing them for Tyler, I kept telling myself.
The drive took just over an hour and a half, but seemed longer as we barely spoke most of the way. Pouring my thoughts into an e-mail, when I didn't have to see my son's face, was so much easier than trying to explain myself with his sitting aside me. I felt terrible, but hoped we'd find a way through things like we always had before.
Not that I didn't still think of him as my soul mate. Every time I glanced over at him, Tyler looked so confident behind the wheel. The fact that a storm might be on the way didn't appear to trouble him at all as it had me. I was deeply grateful he made chose to come with me, but was nervous how everything would play out.
The reunion was being held in the hotel where I had made reservations. When I originally booked the room, I assumed I'd either be alone, or maybe Don would come along. As a result, I had only requested a single. When we checked in, I asked for an upgrade, but was told they were overbooked. Apparently due to the reunion and storm, there were no other rooms to be had.
The clerk was very sweet and said she could send up a roll-a-bed, which I agreed to instantly. Tyler was standing just to my side, but I just couldn't look at him. I was quite sure he was perfectly willing to share the lone bed, yet I had to nip that entire idea in the bud. Sharing a room with him was going to be hard enough without actually sharing a bed.
Tyler took the key card from me and opened the door, and I think we both moved inside somewhat cautiously. One large bed dominated the room, but I think we both tried to ignore the implications as we set about unpacking our things. There was a knock on the door a few minutes later, and Tyler let a hotel worker in, pushing an ancient looking cot on rollers before her. The Hispanic woman folded it down and made the bed, before she slipped out the door, leaving Tyler and me alone once more.
Since I was up so early, and had hours to kill before the event, I told Tyler I hoped to take a quick nap. He must have understood I wanted to be alone, as he said, "Sounds good, Mom. Think I'll go and check out the pool and the video games downstairs." Just two minutes later or so, he had slipped into a pair of swim trunks and was out the door.
As tired as I was, sleep did not come easy. I was nervous about the big night, wondering what people would think of me after all these years. But I was even more troubled about the relationship I had with my son. He had done so much to get me ready for this evening, yet I was almost treating him like a leper or something, afraid to get too close or I might do something I'd regret. He deserved so much better.
The reunion was scheduled to begin at seven, so at just about six o'clock I rose from the bed and began my preparations. Tyler had stayed away all afternoon, which did not really surprise me. I think he was hurt by my rejection, so either he was giving me space or simply needed some himself.
I took a long hot shower, and then got out to first begin addressing my hair. As a working woman, I usually just brushed it out or threw it up into a clip of some type before I left for the office. Knowing the reunion was on the horizon; I let my locks grow out a bit, and experimented with my curling iron. I was no expert, but thought I found a look to fit my face.
After spending close to another half hour in the bathroom, my hair was done and my face subtly painted. Standing before the mirror with just a white towel wrapped around my torso, I thought I looked rather lovely. The soft coloring I added to my cheeks made me look sweet, while the lines I added around my eyes hinted at sexy.
I then went to the closet and grabbed the gown I had selected for the party. Since it was an evening event, I had purchased a figure fitting black cocktail dress to hopefully wow the crowd. The bottom hem stopped just four inches above my knees, which seemed fine to me, but the neckline appeared more problematic. The silky material rounded over my exposed shoulders, before plunging deep into my chest, creating a striking V towards my cleavage.
Before my dramatic weight loss, I would never have even contemplated trying to pull off such a sexy look. Yet as I stood there admiring myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but think of my son. There was simply no way on earth I would be in this position without Tyler's help, and I was saddened by the fact that he wasn't with me to see the fruits of our labor.
I milled about the room for a while, nervously checking myself in the mirror as I watched the clock tick by. I decided to be fashionably late, so just before 7:30; I finally grabbed my purse and started towards the door. Just then, it cracked open and Tyler strode in, "Oh, sorry, Mom. I thought you'd be gone by now."
I instantly knew he had stayed away all day for my benefit, just as I had suspected. Not knowing just what to say, but needing to break the tension, I asked, "So, what do you think?" I then gave a slight turn so he could look me over.
It was obvious that Tyler was reluctant to go out on a limb again since I had hurt him before, when he replied softly, "Nice, really nice."
Over the previous months I had grown accustomed to his many words of praise, so the comment seemed rather subdued. Momentarily I doubted myself and as |
ked, "Just nice?"
Tyler appeared to gulp down a breath of air, and seemingly exasperated, replied, "What do you want from me anyway, Mom?"
Suddenly taken aback, I responded, "Just the truth, sweetie."
"You really want the truth? Okay, you're fucking gorgeous. Happy now?" he shouted at me, his cheeks shining more crimson than even during our most intense workouts. Tyler stood staring at me, wearing a face I had never seen before. He wasn't just hurt by some schoolboy crush; he was clearly upset with me.
After everything we had shared, I hated the fact that we somehow had digressed to this point. I suddenly ran forward, throwing my arms about him. Tyler must have been disgusted with me as he left his arms dangling at his side as opposed to hugging me back, while I held him tight.
My eyes began to well up, but I fought the tears as I didn't want to ruin my makeup. There was nobody else on earth I loved more than my son, and at that moment I felt terrible I had hurt him so much. I continued to hold him tight until he finally wrapped his arms around me too. Suddenly I really couldn't care less about the reunion and whispered in his ear, "I could skip the party and we could just go to dinner or something, sweetie."
Tyler gave me a tight squeeze and said, "No, go see your friends, Mom."
I pulled back to look him in the eyes, and responded, "Are you sure? I'd much rather just stay here with you." I was afraid of what we might do, but was ready for almost anything at that point.
He gave me a soft smile and said, "I'm sure. You deserve a fun night out, and everyone will love you in that dress." Tyler led me to the door, and after a soft peck on the cheek, sent me on my way.
I nervously entered the hallway leading to the ballroom, and saw a line forming before a door in the distance. Over the entrance was a big sign in red and white, 'Welcome Harrison High Hawks.' As I approached, I found myself surrounded by middle-aged men and women, most dressed to the nines, but surprising a few in jeans.
Upon entering the dimply lit room, my eyes took a moment to adjust to the low light. Almost immediately I saw something rushing toward me, and before I even knew what was happening I was in the embrace of two cackling women. Even after all these years, I instantly recognized the voices of my old best friends, Michelle and Janet.
We caught up on each other's lives after the initial excitement of our union finally died down. Michelle went to the bar and grabbed us each a glass of wine, and then we found a table to share as we talked about anything and everything. It was so great to see their smiling faces once more, I almost felt like a kid again.
As we chatted I somehow managed to keep up the facade that everything was just wonderful with my family life. From what I shared with the girls, Don, Tyler and I were just the most perfect family anyone could ever hope for. Yet even as I spoke my son's name, I couldn't help but think of how amazing it was to be wrapped in his strong arms like I had been only minutes before. Deep down, I just knew a part of my life was about to change that weekend, for good or bad.
Janet and Michelle of course knew about my high school crush. Janet leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "Billy's here and he's divorced." When I looked back at her, she gave me what I'm sure she thought was a knowing nod, almost as if I had her approval to cheat on my husband. I was a bit surprised by that after everything I'd said earlier, but kept my thoughts to myself. Maybe she could see through me after all.
Music was blaring over the speakers, and all the tunes were from the time of our high school years. Michael Jackson, Duran Duran, and many other acts I had not heard in ages pounded into my ears as people took to the dance floor.
I became quite annoyed when a couple guys in turn interrupted my conversation with the girls to ask me to dance, while nobody asked Janet or Michelle. They were both a bit on the heavy side, but really looked quite cute in their party dresses. Just six or so months ago, I would have been in the same boat with them, so I was convinced that I too would not have been asked either. These same guys avoided me like the plague in school, so I generously declined their invitations.
After an hour or so and two more glasses of wine, the girls and I got up and milled around the crowd. There no longer seemed to be any cliques as everyone appeared more than willing to chat with us, but most just wanted to talk about what happened in high school and not what we'd accomplished since. It was really quite frustrating and I was almost beginning to regret coming in the first place. I certainly hadn't come to rehash my largely miserable school days.
After listening to Candace Allen tell yet another story from her cheerleading days, I was about to lose my lunch. I just couldn't take anymore and broke away from the crowd to visit the ladies room and clear my head. As I looked in the mirror, I once again thought of Tyler and asked myself, "What am I doing here?"
When I came out, a tall, balding man approached me with a grin upon his face. He was dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt, with a beer belly even larger than Don's. "Hey, you're Kathy, aren't you?"
I honestly didn't have any idea who it was who greeted me, so I simply muttered, "Yes."
"I'm Billy. Billy Hanlon," he barked enthusiastically, smiling from ear to ear.
To say I was stunned would be an understatement. My high school dream boy was suddenly not looking so dreamy. For some reason I thought of my son and just knew he'd never let himself go like this.
We made small talk for a while, when unexpectedly Billy asked me to dance. Twenty five years before I would have cut off a limb to hear those words, but at that moment I honestly wanted nothing to do with him.
Demurely I responded, "I'm so sorry, Bill, I have a bad ankle."
He seemed to get annoyed and even bit aggressive with me, like I somehow owed something, "We'll just wait for a slow song. Your ankle will be fine then."
I didn't like his tone, and actually felt scared by his intimidation tactic. Thinking better than to outright reject him, I said, "Sounds good, the next slow song just come and find me." With that, I faked a limp and walked back to the girls. I quickly explained to them that I wasn't feeling well, and was calling it a night, promising to meet them for breakfast in the morning.
As I made my way back to the room, I realized there was really only one guy in the world I wanted to dance with, or do anything else with for that matter. I nervously slid the key card down the slot, pushed the door open and strutted into the room.
Tyler was lying across the old rollaway bed, and looked up at me with surprise. "Mom, why are you back so early?"
I moved alongside the creaky bed, and then sat on an open space near his hip. My heart began beating faster as I replied, "I was bored to tears." I gave him my best smile, and then added, "I'd much rather be here with a handsome young man like you than with a bunch of uninteresting old farts any day of the week." Tyler's eyes went wide, I'm sure cautiously optimistic of what might come next.
I pulled my digital camera out from my purse, and handed it to Tyler with a bit of flair. Of course I had brought it to take pictures with the girls, but suddenly I wanted to pose for my son. I gave him a little pouty smile, and then asked, "Would you mind taking a few pictures of me in my new dress?"
Tyler nodded enthusiastically, with a, "Sure, Mom."
I felt super sexy as a stood before him, moving from pose to pose as he snapped my picture over and over. The look on his face was priceless, and I assumed he might be enjoying the moment as much as I. Every now and then I'd thrust either my ample chest or firm bottom out, hoping for a few killer shots.
After ten minutes or so, we stopped and slowly review the pictures on the tiny screen. I hadn't brought my laptop, so it was hard to see if we had any keepers, but I was just sure there had to be at least a few.
The fancy new bra I had purchased special for the dress was digging into me, and the feet were killing me from the three inch heels, so I said, "Let me go change and we'll hang out for a while, okay?" Tyler gave me a nod, and then I slinked over to my bag, hoping he was watching as I intentionally swayed my hips seductively. I looked back at him and said, "Why don't you have a seat, I might be a while."
I grabbed a number of items from the suitcase so he would see what I picked, then made my way into the bathroom. After taking off my dress, I then climbed out of my sexy new underwear as well. From the stack of clothes I brought with me, I pulled out my little workout gear.
For a moment I stood in front of the mirror, admiring myself in the bright light. I was still a couple pounds over my target weight, but thought I looked quite nice. I was sure Tyler would think so too. I took a couple deep breaths, asking myself if I was really going to do this, but by that point a really couldn't think of a good answer not to. With that, I turned the knob and headed out to see my son.
Tyler looked puzzled to see me standing before him in my racy workout attire. The way things were going minutes before, I'm sure he was expecting a nightie or something. With a ruffled brow, he asked, "Are you going down to the gym?"
I stood with my hands on my hips; one leg cocked a bit to the side, and simply answered, "Nope."
I could almost see his mind racing before he finally asked, "The pool then?"
I just shook my head from side to side, giving him the sexiest look I could muster. Tyler just stared back at me in wonder, before I said, "I thought we could work out here in the room." After a dramatic pause, I added, "Together."
Tyler rose from the bed, and stood just a few feet from me. He appeared highly uncertain of just what to do, so I slowly moved towards him and wrapped my arms around his back. I pressed my body against his, and whispered in his ear, "Can you think of an exercise that would make me all hot and sweaty?"
He clearly had to be taken off guard, but somehow managed to stammer back, "Umm, I think so."
I chuckled softly in his ear, and then purred, "You think so?" You need to do better than that." Tyler didn't say anything, so I moved my mouth to his ear and playfully nibbled in his lobe, before whispering, "I don't just mean a little sweaty, Baby. I mean really super sweaty...all over."
"Yes," Tyler hissed back at me, as I felt him pull me tightly against him.
There was no mistaking the fact that he was hard as I could feel his firm penis pressed against my tummy. I couldn't help myself, and slid my hand between us to grasp it. I gave it a hard squeeze, and sighed softly, "Would you fuck me, sweetie?"
"Oh god, yes," he gushed, as he reached into my hair to pull my head back. An instant later I was being kissed with more passion that I had been ever before in my life. My arms wrapped around his shoulders as we mashed our lips together, while I thrust my groin wildly against his thigh.
I shivered as I felt his hands run down my bare back, and then cut my ass cheeks. He lifted me off the ground like a feather, and sat me atop his hips. My legs wrapped around him tightly, as I welcomed the firmer contact between my overheated pussy and his hard body.
Tyler began to slowly rock my body up and down, rubbing our groins together. I felt like a little girl in his strong arms, and actually began whimpering into his mouth as we kissed. My husband, in all our years together, had never even once made me feel this way.
I was afraid Tyler might cum just from our rubbing, and wanted to make his first orgasm with me far more special. Reluctantly, I eased away from him, and dropped back to the floor. He gave me a concerned look, but I just smiled back. Gazing directly into his eyes, I slowly moved to my knees before him.
I'm sure Tyler must have known what was about to happen, and he too broke into a wide smile. He was wearing a pair of old sweat pants, which I grasped and pulled to the floor without fanfare. He was not wearing undershorts, so the hard cock I had grasped earlier was now standing up proudly right before my very eyes.
I don't know how big it was, but it was clearly larger than that of his father. If I had to guess, I'd say it was just over eight inches long, and a bit thicker than Don's too. I reached up and wrapped my hand around its base, and began to gently stroke his length. I leaned in close and kissed the tip a few times, then looked back up at him and said, "Mommy's gonna take good care of you, sweetie."
Tyler groaned loudly as I sank my mouth down as far as I could onto his solid shaft. Over the years I had grown weary of blowing my husband, but I simply loved sucking off my only son. His erection filled my mouth completely, and at times I had to fight my gag reflex to take him as deep as I could. Tyler's fingers tickled my scalp lightly as I went down on him with an enthusiasm I'd never known before.
Just minutes later, Tyler began rocking his hips slightly and I heard him begin making a grunting sound. I knew my baby was close, so I wrapped my lips around him even tighter and sucked hard on the bulbous head of his prick. Seconds later I felt my hair being pulled as his hands twisted into fists, just as he unleashed a torrent of cum into my eager mouth.
Tyler held my head for a while, while I nursed him down from his climax. Finally he looked down at me and said, "Oh god, I'm so sorry Mom.
I let his cock plop from my mouth, and responded, "Don't worry, Honey. I loved it." Clearly Tyler was seeing an entirely new side of me, one I hoped he really liked.
He looked completely spent from his powerful orgasm, so I told him to take a seat on the large bed. After he dropped down, he stared at me intently, wondering just what I'd do next. Figuring I'd give him a few minutes to recharge his batteries, I grabbed the camera and handed it to him once more. With a smile, I asked, "How 'bout a few more pictures?"
Tyler looked back at me and nodded silently as I began to model for him. Like before, I moved into a number of positions to display my charms. I felt like a wanton slut, thrusting my chest in his direction, and then bending over to display my taut ass. In my wildest dreams I had never imagined I could do something so overtly sexual, but I absolutely loved every second of it.
After moving about for a while, I remembered all of sexy stretches from the basement months before, so I dropped to the floor and went through a short routine. At one point I was down on my hands and knees with my butt facing Tyler, when a bit of an inspiration hit me. I reached a hand back, and slowly pulled the tight boy shorts downwards, exposing most of my bottom.
Tyler seemed to love that, as he spoke for the first time in minutes, "Yea, sexy Mom."
I loved hearing his words of encouragement, so I lowered my shoulders to the carpet and reached my other hand back, pulling the stretch fabric to my knees. For the first time in his adult life, Tyler had a front row seat before the completely naked ass of his lusty mom. Knowing how much he had to be enjoying the moment, I rocked my hips back and forth, provocatively wiggling my bottom in his face.
I slowly rolled over onto my back as Tyler continued to snap pictures of me. I was so hot; I ran my hands to my chest and fondled myself through the sexy sports top. Only a moment later, I eased my fingers under the tight material, and fought to pull it up over my head, leaving my chest fully exposed.
Tyler moved off the bed and stood over me, shooting picture after picture as I lay prone on the floor. I turned my head from side to side, trying to make the sexiest faces possible for the clicking lens.
My shorts were still trapped between my thighs, and I wanted the show to continue, so I forced them down my legs and kicked them away. I place a palm over my mound, covering myself before I slowly opened my legs. Tyler moved to my feet with camera at the ready, as I moved my hand away. There I was, a forty-something married woman, lying completely naked on a hotel floor, being photographed by my son.
His faced glowed from excitement as Tyler shot me from every angle. I was so overheated; I actually ran my hand back between my legs and began touching myself. I had never even masturbated for Donald, yet at that moment I was on fire being admired the way I clearly was. My pussy was dripping as I eased a finger inside myself and began moving it in a slow fucking motion.
Tyler moaned, "So fucking hot," as he moved in for a close-up of my crotch. I know I should have been mortified, yet I actually spread my legs even further and preened for the camera.
After a few more shots, I asked Tyler to help me to my feet. We hugged for a moment, and then I sprawled across the bed. I posed for a few more sexy shots, but couldn't wait any longer. I held my hand up and beckoned him closer with the curl of a finger and said, "Come to Momma."
He placed the camera down and joined me on the mattress. We made out like school kids for some time, with Tyler rubbing my breasts. He seemed to love playing with my nipples, and every now and then he'd give them a gentle squeeze or twist, which I thoroughly enjoyed. His kisses soon moved lower until he took my hard little nubbins in his mouth and began sucking and licking them.
I wrapped my hands around his head as he suckled me, loving the attention he was lavishing on my writhing body. As he gently bit my nips, I felt his fingers lightly graze down my tummy until he touched my pussy for the first time. I let out a long groan as he caressed my soaking wet lips, and then slipped a finger deep inside me.
"Oh, baby!" I grunted as his digit began to saw in and out of me in a slow but steady fashion. My hips rocked in time with his finger as I tried to fuck his hand, needing to cum so badly. Tyler must have sensed my urgency as he added a second finger and began firing them back and forth more rapidly. "Yes sweetie, yes," I begged, and he drilled my even faster.
Tyler quickly kissed his way down my belly, and positioned himself between my legs as he continued to probe me with his hand. I then felt the soft swipe of a tongue across my clit, and almost jumped out of my skin. He began lightly licking and sucking my tender bud as his fingers worked their magic inside me. I couldn't stop myself, and as I came shouted, "Cumming, Baby, Mommy's cumming!"
My head cleared after a moment, and I found myself still with legs spread wide, holding my son's face to my groin. He was still moving his hand, but very slowly and tenderly. His tongue traced up and down my slick lips, sucking up all my womanly nectar. I was in heaven as he slowly made love to my pulsating pussy.
I could feel my body responding to his gentle attention, and knew I was on my way to another orgasm. A quick jerk went through my body as I felt something soft lightly graze my anus for the first time. Tyler's tongue was still running all over my vagina, and his fingers were inside me, so I knew his other hand must have become busy too. His touch was like a feather on my bottom, sending shivers up and down my spine.
Don had never touched my ass, and candidly I never had thought of it as an erogenous zone, yet suddenly I was enjoying the attention greatly. His finger was slick, so either he wet it in his mouth or maybe coated it in my flowing juices. I let out a growl as he slowly pressed it forward, right into my virgin ass.
Words cannot adequately describe what I was feeling at that moment. Tyler began moving his hands in time with one another, steadily fucking both my pussy and ass like a master, while still lapping away at my sensitive clit. There was no way I could sit still, and started rolling my hips to meet his pace. I thrust my hips upward to drive my pussy deeper onto his fingers, then rapidly pushed downward, impaling my bottom on his other hand. Over and over I rode his probing paws, until I exploded with the absolute most intense orgasm of my life.
Sweat covered my body as I gasped for air. I looked down over my heaving chest, and saw the loving face of my son staring back at me from between my naked thighs. He crawled up beside me and pulled me into a hug. I buried my face in the nape of his neck, and clung to him for dear life.
When I was finally able to speak, I whimpered, "That was amazing, honey."
Tyler just softly kissed the top of my head, and replied, "Glad you liked it."
It suddenly dawned on me that his performance couldn't have just been beginners luck. Clearly, my son must have shared his bed with at least a few coeds while he was away at school. While I felt a big jealous of these mystery girls, I had to tip my hat to them. Whoever taught him what he had just done deserved a medal of the highest order.
I opened my eyes and glanced down and saw that Tyler was hard again. Instantly, I began to wonder if he was even better with his big cock than he was with his hands. I was worn out from my climaxes, but was more than willing to find out.
After throwing my leg up across his belly, I climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. The position was wonderful as I could take in his lovely expression as I eased my body down lower upon his. When my butt made contact with his erection, I rose up off his tummy and grasped his firmness in my hand. Lining it up with my groove, I slowly sank back down, driving myself inch by inch onto Tyler's solid shaft.
"Oh god, Mom," Tyler grunted as I sat with him stuffed inside me.
"Yes Baby, so good," I whispered back in my best sexy voice. I then smiled and added, "Just lay back sweetie, Mommy's going to fuck you."
I can only assume that he had dreamed about that moment before, because he started moaning loudly when I began moving up and down on his cock. At first I went slowly, then smoothly increased my pace.
Tyler's hands went to my hips as we rocked together, matching each other thrust for thrust. His eyes were wide as he just stared up at me. I smiled broadly and asked, "You like fucking mommy, don't you?"
"So much Mom, so much," he hissed as he pressed himself up into me.
I was growing tired from the pace, but thankfully Tyler took over and pulled me down beneath him. He pressed his elbows to the mattress above my shoulders, and gently cupped my head in his large hands. He then began driving his cock in and out of me like a jackhammer. I had never been fucked so hard, but I loved every second of it.
Sweat dripped off the tip of Tyler's nose as he rode me like a madman. I could hear our bodies slapping together rhythmically, drowned out a bit by our groans of pleasure. My body finally gave in as a powerful orgasm washed over me like a flood. Just seconds later, Tyler roared in my ear as he shot his load deep inside my pussy.
We lay there in bed holding one another for a good half hour without saying a single word. I think we were both completely overwhelmed, but wanted to savor the moment. My hair was still soaked, pressed to Tyler's chest, and I really felt the need for a shower. I rose from the bed and took his hand, leading him into the bathroom to wash up.
We stood together under the hot water for a long time, gently caressing each other's bodies. He tenderly soaped every inch of my skin before I did the same for him. We then stood toe to toe and kissed passionately, before we shut the water off and went back to bed.
The hot shower had really reinvigorated me, and from the look of Tyler's cock, I can only assume it did for him too. For some reason I remembered his reaction to the pictures I sent, thinking he must have been a leg and butt man. After making out in bed for a while, I kissed my way down his belly before once again taking his hardness in my mouth. I sucked him for a minute or two, and then pulled away.
Tyler gazed at me with curious eyes as I moved up onto all fours and turned away from him. I glanced back over my shoulder, and saw a look of recognition suddenly appear on his face. Without my saying a word, he quickly moved up behind me on his knees, and slid the tip of his prick up against my slit. I couldn't wait another second, and pressed myself back into him, driving his cock inside me once more.
This time there were no slow, tender preliminaries. Tyler grasped my hips and began forcing himself into me like a welliled machine. I could hear him grunting with every thrust, while I whimpered, lost in passion.
At one point Tyler raised a hand and slapped my bottom quite firmly, exacting from me a loud, "Ouch!" He must have assumed I didn't enjoy it or was even angry at him for doing so, yet nothing could have been further from the truth. I had never before been spanked in a moment of passion, but I honestly really loved it. I was too shy to admit how much it truly thrilled me, so I said nothing and kept right on moving my body to the rhythm we had established.
Tyler moved one hand around me and began stroking my clit as we fucked. I knew I couldn't take much more and hoped I wouldn't pass out before my son came. He began plunging into my depths even faster and his gasping became even louder. I knew he was as close as I was, and he collapsed across my back an instant before my spasms wracked my entire body.
The next thing I knew, I opened my eyes and light was streaming through the sliding glass door into our hotel room. Snow was still falling and had completely covered the little patio that was just off our room. I was still in Tyler's arms, and I basked in the warmth between our bodies.
A short time later, he stirred and I rolled over to look in his eyes. He gave me an easy grin and said, "Morning, Mom."
I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on the lips, and responded, "Morning yourself, baby." I dropped my head onto his chest, and Tyler tenderly wrapped his arms about me.
The phone rang a short time later. It was Janet, calling to meet for breakfast, so we reluctantly got out of bed so we could meet her and Michelle. After taking a quick shower together, we joined the girls downstairs for a nourishing meal. Tyler and I both ate like horses, I'm sure replenishing all the calories we burned off only hour before.
After saying our goodbyes, Tyler and I made our way back to the room in silence. He went directly into the restroom to freshen up, while I stood before the sliding glass door, watching the snow continue to pile up outside. He joined me a minute later, pressing himself against my back as we viewed the wintery weather together.
"Looks like the roads will be too treacherous to drive today, Mom," he whispered in my ear.
"I think you're right, sweetie." I replied, basking in his firm hug. "Looks like we'll have to book the room for another night, doesn't it?"
"It sure does. We wouldn't want to end up in a ditch like Dad said, now would we?" he mocked.
We stood watching the gale for a moment in silence, before I asked, "Think we can find some way to occupy our time while we're here?" Tyler didn't even respond, he simply spun me around and started kissing me.
The rest of the day was spent together in bed, only moving away from one another to use the restroom or order room service for dinner. The snow stopped falling in the afternoon, and by the next morning the crews had done their work and the roads were largely clear.
I had called into work to let them know I was trapped out of town, but should be in on Tuesday. After a long, sexy shower, Tyler and I quietly checked out of the hotel, and began the slow journey home.
The highway was largely abandoned, so most of the time we had things to ourselves. I was tired, and on the early part of the drive I just rested my head on Tyler's shoulder as he drove. My eyes were cast downward, and I could see a bulge in his jeans. After all the sexual activity the last couple of days, I guess my hormones still must have been racing as I ran my hand to his groin and gave it a soft squeeze.
I heard Tyler let out a soft, "Mmm," so I assumed he liked what I was doing. After unclipping my safety belt, I leaned over and began loosening his slacks. He had to help me a bit, but together we were able to pull his pants down enough to comfortably free his erect cock. I started showering it with kisses, then looked up and asked, "You're not going to crash if Mommy sucks your cock, are you, baby?"
"I'll concentrate on the road hard, I promise Mom," he replied with a teasing voice.
"Yes, hard. Very hard," I said with a grin just before I swallowed his shaft as far as I could. Never in my life had I done something so bold in public, and my body tingled with excitement. Imagining someone catching us as they drove past only made me hotter, and I slid a hand under my skirt to touch myself as I sucked Tyler off.
We made one quick stop on the way home, at a consumer electronics shop to get a new memory card for the camera. There was no way we could leave the old one around anyplace where my husband might find it. If fact, after I downloaded the pictures I planned on smashing it into a thousand pieces.
In spite of the storm, Don had gone into work that day, so Tyler and I had the rest of the afternoon to unwind and somehow come to grips with the new reality that was our relationship. One of the first things we did was grab my laptop, and then we retreated to the laundry room to load all the photos. We figured that if Don arrived home unexpectedly, that was one of the last places he'd look.
I set the computer atop the washer, and waited for the large file to stream over. Tyler stood behind me as the pictures finally opened. The first few were from the reunion, and I quickly scanned right past them. There would be time for that later.
Next we saw the first of the more intimate shots Tyler took in our room. There I was, clad in my sexy new cocktail dress, posing for the camera like a slut. Very slowly I paged through them, one at a time. Tyler moved closer and began fondling my tits as we both gazed at the screen in wonder. I was really horny from reliving that moment in the hotel, and he clearly was too.
I found myself blushing at some of the images, like those where my legs were spread with my fingers buried inside me. Tyler kept whispering in my ear, things like, "That's so hot Mom." He then ran a hand down my back and lifted my skirt before he eased his palm between my legs. He cupped my mound tightly, and then began stroking my pussy through my panties.
My breathing was ragged as we finally viewed the last shot. Tyler reached around me and clicked on the slideshow button, and slowly the pictures started scrolling on their own. My son dropped to his knees behind me, then pulled down my panties. He moved back up and said firmly, "Put your hands on the washer."
I did as was told, and then Tyler jerked my hips back and forced my legs apart. I heard his zipper being pulled down, so I knew what was about to happen. An instant later I felt the head of his hot cock rubbing back and forth over my dripping pussy lips. Bent over the way I was, he easily pressed himself forward into my fiery depths.
We both stared at the slideshow of my lewd images as he fucked me hard and fast. The washer began rocking as I pushed against it, propelled by Tyler's driving cock. I was afraid the laptop would fall and shatter, but by that point there was no way I could stop what we were doing. Being taken so forcefully in the home we'd shared for so many years was completely intoxicating, and I was lost in a sea of passion.
I remembered the one firm spank Tyler had delivered to my butt the last time he had me from behind, and wanted to experience that again. This time I was not shy asking for what I wanted. From somewhere deep inside me, I growled, "Spank me, baby."
Just seconds later I felt a sting on my right butt cheek, and I moaned, "Oh yes." The first slap was followed slowly by more, each one delivered with enough force to make me wince, yet not truly hurt. I roared out in excitement after every blow, loving the new feelings coursing through my body.
He then ran his other hand to my neck and grasped my hair, gently tugging my head back. Having my bottom spanked while my hair was being pulled set off shockwaves over every inch of my skin. I delighted in the way my body was being manipulated, so unlike anything I had grown accustomed to from my spouse over the years.
Tyler leaned in close to whisper in my ear, "You love this, don't you Mom?"
I could barely speak, but somehow hissed, "Yes."
My legs were weak and I bent into the washer for support, feeling just seconds away from an earth-shattering climax. Tyler must have been as close to orgasm as I was, because once more he grasped my hips and began fucking me harder than ever.
I fought to stifle a scream, but was unable to as I came hard on my son's wonderful prick, dreaming what our future together might hold. At that moment I knew I'd never win mother of the year, but I didn't care. My loving son was taking me to places I'd never been before, and there was no way I was ever going to deny him anything again. |
Title: Downsizing Ch. 09
Tags: trans, crossdress
*For those of you waiting for the next chapter, I'm sorry for the long pause. Life happens, and Dani got lost in the shuffle. I do certainly Hope I get a chance to share some time with Dani much sooner this time around... Having to go back and reread 1-8, because my notes didn't have enough info tells me that I need better notes, or I was away waaayyy toooo Looong! Enjoy!*
The couple both slept well for only a short time. While Stacy was able to sleep soundly all night, Dani tossed and turned. The first time Dani woke up was the loud thumping of the strapn hitting the floor. Many more times over the course of the night that Dani would wake for no reason at all, except for nerves of the surgery in the morning. By the time the alarm went off, Dani was so exhausted from the poor sleep, she didn't even hear it, and it took Stacy longer than usual to rouse Dani awake.
Since Dani wasn't yet a household name, the couple both opted for gym suits for the drive to the hospital where the surgery was planned. Edwin, Ila, Keith, Wayne and Ellen were all waiting with Ted to see the young couple off. All of them planned on staying around at least until Dani came out of surgery, and rescheduled their departure flights for the following day. They all agreed, during the limo ride over, to make sure to keep close even with the busy schedules they all kept.
After checking in, and listing the hormones as the only medication, Dani was ushered into a private room. Only one person was allowed in at a time, as legal next of kin, Edwin was the first to join Dani before surgery. Again as they were alone, Edwin let his son know how proud he was of Dani, as well as how glad he would be that Ila would soon have a daughter to dote on. The two were still laughing as Ila came into usher out Dad and get her Mom time in.
As Dani had expected Mom was just a gushing pile of emotions, somehow getting what she had always wanted, even if it wasn't the way she had previously hoped. Dani let her know he would make sure to get some Mother-Daughter time post surgery. Not surprisingly Ila erupted in further emotions
Rather unexpectedly Wayne was the next one to have some one on one time with Dani. After a schpeal about making sure Dani would take care of his daughter, it was a quite pleasant exchange. Both were still smiling when Ellen pushed her husband out to the waiting area with the others. Ellen really only wanted to congratulate Dani on the promotion and thank her for Stacy's happiness.
By now, Dani knew that Keith would be the next visitor, if Stacy wasn't first, she would surely be the only one to see her before surgery, and likely the first one afterwards. Sure enough the knock that cut in on Dani and Ellen was her big brother. Once Ellen was out of earshot, with a quite serious look on his face, Keith asked Dani, "Since we didn't grow up with a sister, and never got a shot to be the pervs that our friends did, when this is all said and done, are you gonna show me some tits?" As he finished his question he started laughing like a school boy.
Chuckling, Dani yelled at him, "Out you perv!" The pair of siblings broke out into a fit of hysterics. Once they had calmed down, Dani assure Keith he'd only get to see the advertisement cleavage.
"Fair enough," was the reply, followed once again by, "and still no answer on the bride to be."
"Well big brother," Dani started, "Wayne has already started Father of the Bride responsibilities, so I'm offering you Best Man duties, you up for it?"
With a "Hell Yeah!" and a fist bump, Keith was soon bumped out of the room by the bride to be. Stacy was not to be denied her turn before Dani became a patient.
Even in her gym suit, Stacy was still a vision to behold as she strolled into the room. "I have some good news and some bad news for you. Do you want your dessert or your main course first?" was how she started the conversation.
"how 'bout..." Dani paused, "the main course."
"OK," she started, "even before you are quote known unquote, you seem to have a long line of paparazzi." She had concerned look on her face as she informed Dani of the photographers waiting outside. "And here is the dessert, they are looking for a celebrity listed as a John Doe on the logs of three of the finest plastic surgeons on the planet. The surgeons know they will be operating on Daniel Davis, but they are the only ones that know the patients name. You may only have two surgeons, but they will all be in the O.R. when you go under."
"What does that mean?" Dani asked slightly confused, the only plan was for the hips as far as she was aware of.
"What it means is, you'll have one that'll be working on the hips, another will be assisting by tapering your waist, and if you say so before the anesthesiologist, the third will be doing the breast augmentation, so it's all done in one shot." Stacy paused for a second, and then continued. "If you want the augmentation, so you can stop with the breast forms, now would be a good time to decide. I'll be happy either way, but I don't want to know, let it be a surprise for now."
Dani smiled up at his fiancé, just before they shared a kiss that was interrupted by the surgeon. The surgeon was a handsome fellow that fully understood the emotions palpitating through the room, and it turns out, he was a patient man as well. While they were embraced he did not try to interrupt them, only his presence had accomplished that. When they pulled apart, Stacy excused herself as the surgeon started talking to Dani about the procedure.
Dr. Harnett encouraged Dani to take at least the ride into O.R. before a final answer would be necessary about breast augmentation. When asked if Dani had any questions, the only one that came to mind was on the hormones post op. Dani expressed her concerns that some internet searches had turned up on the hormones affecting penis function. Since a full sex change was not on the immediate horizon, Dani wanted to make sure that that plumbing would not be an issue. After Dr. Harnett assured Dani the dosage could be lowered to prevent side effects, and Dani couldn't think of anymore questions, Dr. Harnett called for the staff to wheel Dani down to the O.R.
In the O.R. Dani was introduced to Dr. Nguyen, the one that would be performing the waist tapering, and Dr. Schröder, who would do the breast augmentation if elected, or just assist the other two otherwise. Once introductions were done, Dani just gave Dr. Schröder a nod, confirming that he was to perform the surgery. Dani thought for a second, and told the Dr. a small B cup, so with hormones he wouldn't grow past a large B or small C. Dr. Schröder nodded his approval in choice. All that was left was for Dr. Patel to start anesthesia. The mask was placed over Dani's nose and mouth, and then everything faded to black.
Dani awoke in recovery remembering flashes of pain, and long beeps. It hadn't just happened once, she remembered several instances. The only images to go with the memories were of Dr. Schröder's eyes looking like a frightened child. She also remembered hearing someone shouting "Patel, Patel." When Dani pushed the nurse's button on the gurney, he wasn't expecting to see Dr. Harnett answer the call. Apparently the doctor had been waiting to make sure he was the first one to see his patient, Nguyen and Schröder were right behind him. Dr. Ellsworth pushed all the other doctors out of the way as soon as he got the page that Dani was awake. Joining Dr. Ellsworth was Dr. Ketter.
Dr. Ellsworth introduced himself as the head of neuro, and then introduced Dr. Ketter as the head of cardio for the hospital. Dani was confused on the two doctors from the hospital, and looked to Harnett and Schröder for an explanation, ignoring both Ellsworth and Ketter. Harnett pushed his way back to the front and explained there had been some complications with anesthesia during surgery, Ellsworth and Ketter were paged to join the surgery to make sure no more complications arose. He then passed the explanation back to Ellsworth.
"Mr... err, Miss Davis..., " Dr. Ellsworth started, "we need to do some simple tests real quick, can you tell me your registered name?"
"Daniel Davis," Dani said.
"Can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?" Ellsworth continued.
"Uhh, three," Dani replied.
"That's great, so far so good. Can you recite the alphabet?" the doctor continued.
Slowly Dani started his recital of the A.B.C.'s, Dr. Ellsworth stopped him at the letter L. then he explained when Dani's anesthesia wore off during surgery, she'd woken from the pain, and flat-lined. Immediately a scared look spread across Dani's face, until Ellsworth reassured Dani that function was as normal as if there had been no complications.
Dr. Ketter interrupted Dr. Ellsworth, "You seem to have a very strong heart Miss Davis. We only had to charge to 200, and the first one brought you back." Ketter further added, "The chief of surgery was called away, but passed along a message that Dr. Patel would be investigated, and suspended for his negligence in surgery, but instructed us to let you know if you would like to speak with the chief to let us or one of your nurses know, and he'd come as soon as he was back on the grounds."
Dani said it wouldn't be necessary, but would like an update if possible later on, to make sure appropriate action would be taken. Ellsworth and Ketter excused themselves and the three remaining surgeons informed Dani, other than the anesthesiology incident, the scheduled surgeries were as complication free as possible. They also excused themselves, letting Dani know they would check in again before heading back to their own homes.
The combination of the scare in the O.R. and V.I.P. status as a patient, there was a very short wait to get moved into a private room. When Dani was transferred into Recovery, the room was assigned, and the family let in. They had all been asked to wait in the room, and would all see Dani after the transfer from the Recovery department. During the move to the room, Dani fell back to sleep, she was finally able to relax for the first time since falling asleep from exhaustion the night before.
When Dani woke up in the room, Stacy was the only one there. She gave a weak smile and asked, "Did everyone catch a flight out already?"
"No sweetie, the just went to get a bite to eat, we have all been taking turns," Stacy replied.
"That's good," said Dani, "Keith wanted to see my new tits," with a labored smile again.
"We were so worried when they paged neuro and cardio to your O.R., it's good to see that smile, and I'm glad it was my turn to be here when you woke up," was all Stacy could think to say at the moment. "Oh by the way, you have a couple extra guests that want to see you when the family has all had their chance to spend some time with you. It's a surprise, just like those two nice additions." As she finished, Stacy was pointing to the breasts that Dani was sporting.
"The nurses stopped by and made sure the little fridge here had some juice and Jell-O, would you like anything right now?" Stacy asked.
"Apple juice, please, *and* thank you," Dani replied.
As Dani was starting on the apple juice, two nurses walked into the room, to take vitals. Stacy backed away so they could do their job, when they excused themselves; she was right back at Dani's bedside holding hands with her fiancé. The couple just sat smiling at each other while Dani sipped the juice, and soon thereafter, Dani nodded back off again.
This time when Dani woke, there was a gaggle of family standing around holding conversations with each other to pass the time. The only one not engaged in a conversation was Keith; he had his fingers intertwined with Dani's. "So what do you think Sis, I got some nail polish from the gift shop, I figured every little sister should have her brother do her nails at least once." As Dani looked at her nail, she started laughing at the horrible job her brother had done.
"Oww, oww, oww," it hurt to laugh, "That's atrocious, never again!" then she giggled a bit.
"We all wanted to make sure you woke up to say goodbye before we leave, my flight is at 5am, and it's almost midnight, so I'm going to let someone else in, and I'll see you in the Ads, if not sooner, Love You!" Keith almost started crying when he stood up to kiss Dani on the forehead.
Dani grabbed him by the sides of his head and kissed him gently on the cheek, "I love you too Keith." And with that Keith gave Dani's hand a squeeze and headed for the door, turning to wink at her just before he closed it.
Wayne and Ellen stood on one side of Dani's bed, while Edwin and Ila joined Dani on the other side of the bed, and expressed that they all had similar early flights, that Keith had pretty much summed up the situation for the whole group, sans Stacy. After wishing Dani a speedy recovery and luck in the representative training, they too bid Dani and Stacy farewell.
When the door had closed, Dani asked Stacy where her belongings were. Dani wanted her engagement ring back on her hand now that surgery was over. Stacy grabbed Dani's things and found the ring, and slid it back on her finger as she had done the first time, love and adoration apparent in her eyes. Stacy realized just how much it meant to Dani; given it was the first thing she asked for.
"Ohhh, I must see that rock myself!" the voice of Elizabeth Stanton started Dani at first. Her visit was a bit of a shock, as Dani wasn't expecting her while the young couple stayed in New York for Dani's training.
"Me too!" Lucy's voice followed that of their boss.
"I was going to tell you we had more visitors," Stacy began, "but I think I was beaten to the punch!" Stacy started giggling as she did a Barker's Beauties hand wave towards Lucy and Elizabeth.
"Mrs. Stanton, Lucy, what a nice surprise, I wasn't expecting to see the two of you here." Dani commented.
"Hi Dani!" replied Lucy.
"Hello Dear," began Elizabeth then continued, "There will be no more Mrs. Stanton from you, or Stacy, its Elizabeth, or Liz to the two of you. If they are too traditional, Beth would suffice, but Liz is preferential."
With and ornery grin, Dani looked at Lucy and asked, "So can we call you Lu?" The comment prompted Lucy to giggle and shrug her shoulders.
"In all seriousness," Dani started, "while it's nice to have you hear, to what do we owe this visit? I can't imagine that you routinely visit company patients in their hospitals hundreds of miles from home." After a long pause Dani continued, "But I have misjudged people a time or two."
"I'm sure someone told you what happened while you were in surgery," Elizabeth replied. "When head of neuro and cardio were paged to your O.R. Stacy was on the phone with me right away. We were at the airport in twenty minutes, and the company just was cleared for takeff in less than ten."
"I suppose you hi-jacked my limo driver too?" Dani's tone still had an air of orneriness.
"Yes Ms. Smarty-pants, Ted picked us up, we wanted no delay in getting here to see you." Lucy was the one to chime in this time. "It appears we should have taken longer, maybe a cabbie that didn't speak English, Patel's replacement in the O.R. must have given you something to stimulate your wit with the anesthesia ." Liz, Lucy, Stacy and Dani started laughing, until a sharp pain caught Dani's attention.
"So what happens to Dr. Patel?" Dani questioned?
"He was put on a paid administrative leave, until a full investigation is done," Liz explained. She continued, "We weren't okay with that, so we spoke to the head of Surgery, to make sure it would be unpaid through the investigation, and your recovery. If there is something that pops up before you are back to full health, that is remotely related to his negligence, he will remain unpaid. Being a large corporation certainly has its benefits."
As Lucy was telling Dani to get some rest, and they'd see her in the morning before heading home, she reached out and took Dani's hand. Dani's hand being on top of hers in the grasp, Lucy and Liz saw the grooms engagement ring. "Oh My God!" they exclaimed together.
Stacy quickly called jinx on the pair, and asked, "Please don't tell anyone at home, we'd like to do that ourselves." The pair of execs agreed before they took their leave of the couple. When the door had closed, she turned to Dani, "Do you think they can keep that secret from the girls?" she asked. Dani's response was merely a smile and a shrug.
Shortly after Dani's guests had left the nursing staff came in to check vitals, empty the bed pans, change any dressings that needed done, and measure the fluid put out into the bulbs. The lead nurse checked to make sure their checklist was complete then informed Dani, "We are going to give you a sedative so you go to sleep soon, the Doc's want you well rested, since they know you'll have a busy schedule during your stay." As she said it, she was injecting a syringe into the IV. That was about the last thing Dani remembered for the day. |
Title: Tangles - chapter1: Wait, Who are You Again? by Granite Dragon
Tags: M/M
*A strong bond of love is formed and test at one of the most unlikely places.*
WARNING (This story contains scenes of homosexual intercourse and relationships. If you do not wish to read about such topics then you should not read the following story. However. if you are interested in the events then I hope you enjoy this story, but you have been warned.(
CHAPTER 1 - Wait, Who are You Again?
The classroom was abuzz with the various conversations taking place all around. The groups of students sprawled about the room were full of chatter and laughter. Late comers from the previous lunch hour were running for their seats to beat the bell while the teacher made her way to the front of the room; signaling the students chatting to get back to their seats. The 12:30 bell rang and all conversing between students ceased. Eric turned around in his seat to face the front of the room and noticed an unfamiliar face standing next to the teacher.
"Class, I would like to introduce a new comer who will be with us for the next couple of days." The teacher said as she eyed the classroom. "This is Aaron and he will be shadowing. He and his parents are here to see if Aaron will be joining us at Bob James next semester". A hum of excited whispers hissed through the room. People at Bob James were always excited about new students.
"Mark," The kid sitting to the back left of Eric raised his head. "I would like you to help Aaron today and show him around the campus".
"Yes mam." Mark said with a nod. Mark was an intelligent tan otter and a good kid, the teacher new he would do a good job. The teacher bent her head toward Aaron and pointed behind Eric.
"You can sit in the desk behind Eric and next to Mark, Mark can help with whatever you need."
Aaron gave a slight nod and made his way to the desk. Eric analyzed the newcomer as he came closer to his seat. Aaron was a healthy looking hazelnut brown stallion with deep chocolate eyes and glossy fur. His black mane was cut short and neat and he was dressed in a preppy polo shirt with Docker slacks and had a silver and gold Fossil watch. He looked very handsome but was pretty much dressed just like every other male student at Bob James. Eric gave him a nod and mouthed a "hey" as Aaron passed him and the stallion responded with a smiled back and took his seat behind the dragon. Mark turned to Aaron and greeted him, and began briefing him on all he would need to know. The rest of the class was a rather uneventful period save for the new guest. The bell finally rang and the the students started their routine of packing and walking to their next class, giving Aaron a friendly welcome as they passed him. Eric dodged through the traffic of kids trying to get to his locker which was was on the bottom below Marks. Mark was still trying to explain the whole school to Aaron who still seemed to take interest.
"Ok, next we'll visit the foods room. This is like the best class in the world! You'll love it!" Mark said excitedly,"Ya get to make stuff and then eat it! It's great! Here, it's this room right beside my locker. Ya gotta take this class!" Mark continued to explain things with much gusto as he lead the somewhat star-struck Aaron into the much sought after class that is foods. Eric chuckled as he shut his locker and made his way to chemistry. The following hour always seem to drag out the longest as formulas and element names buzzed through his head. He staggered out of the class at the end and shook his head to regain his mindset. Eric didn't struggle really with chemistry or any of his classes for that matter but with summer just around the corner it made it hard to really stay focused. He made his way across the courtyard-like plot of land in the middle of the 4 classroom buildings careful not to step on the lush grass and entered the far building. He came to his locker as Mark and Aaron were coming out of the foods room and Mark had a big smile and was rubbing his stomach. "Man, that's some of the best marinated chicken I've ever had! It just stinks that we had it so close to lunch. I would have eaten more If I wasn't so full!"
"That was really good! I must say I liked that class!" Aaron said with a slight laugh.
"O.K. This list I got from Mrs. Buick says your interested in taking German... hmm, to tell you the truth I don't really know where that is." Mark said as he squinted his eyes in thought.
"Hey, I can show him." Eric said standing up from his locker.
"Huh?" Mark questioned, blinking as he lost his train of thought.
"I got German next anyway so I can take him there" Eric stated.
"Are you sure?"
"Ya, besides, don't you have that play practice thing next?" Mark nodded his head.
"Ya, and it would be great if I didn't have to skip it. Are you sure it's cool?"
"It's no problem, and don't worry, I'll bring him right back to you at the end of class." Eric said sarcastically.
"Sweet! Thanks Eric!" Mark turned to Aaron. "Eric can show you to the German room. Just follow him, he'll be able to tell you more than I can. Well, see ya!" Mark walked off toward the Auditorium as Eric turned to Aaron.
"Here, I'll show you the german room." The two turned and began to walk to the class building on the far right. "So you wanna learn German huh? Any reason?" Eric asked Aaron as they walked along.
"Well I was told that it would be really hard to get into Spanish cuz it fills up first and I always thought Germany and their language was cool so I just chose that instead." Aaron replied
"Well Germany is cool, I was born there."
"Really!" Aaron exclaimed.
"Yep. My parents were missionaries there and I was born there but I only lived there for 4 years and we spoke English in the house so I didn't learn much German, but from what I can remember it's a really cool place, and the language is like five times easier to learn than English." Eric rambled on. "The class is pretty easy though cuz we don't do much."
"Wow, that's pretty cool. Ya, I haven't ever left the states, but I really would like to go somewhere like Germany."
"Yea, I wouldn't mind living there again for a bit. Well here it is." Eric said as he stopped in front of the German room. "We only got like 9 in the class but they're all fun guys." The two walked in the door. " Hey everyone. This is Aaron and he's gonna be here for a while ckeck'n out the Acad. All the kids gave friendly nods and a happy hellos to the newcomer. "Here, you can sit there. It's a front seat but with only 10 chairs there aint much choice." Aaron sat down where he was told and Eric sat in the desk next to him. The teacher greeted Aaron and introduced herself and asked him some questions about himself. The rest of the class time went on as usual. At the end Eric brought Aaron back to Mark as he promised and began packing up for home.
"So did your day go OK?" Mark asked Aaron. Aaron replied with a nod and they continued talking as Eric stuffed his books into the backpack as his friends came up.
"Sup Eric."
"Hey Eric!" said a dark-green male lizard and midnight-black female panther.
"Hey guys, what's up." Eric said as he slipped his arms through the backpack loops and stood up to join them.
The three made up a unique group; much more different than the rest of the groups at the school. They were the "punks" of Bob James, of course to society they were just normal teens. Scott and Eric were both scaly (Eric being a dark blue dragon and Scott a deep green iguana.) They were both dressed in dark tight cords with studded belts and tattered skate shoes. Eric had on a brown oxford shirt with a vintage print of a wicked dragon on the side while Scott had an on a brown striped Element oxford that looked like it had faded spots all over it. Diana wore a long black skirt with a tattered bottom and a tight black top which broke school dress code (which she most likely got chewed out for in the morning). The Pantheress also had on bunches of bracelets on her wrists and a gold necklace. One look at the group and you knew trouble was brewing. Eric was the most sensible one which helped him get away with a lot, but his friends were on the verge of getting kicked out. It didn't matter: They didn't like it there anyway.
"So your coming to No Name skate-park this Saturday right?" the dark lean lizard asked. Eric shook his head.
"Naw man. I gotta work Saturday, but I might be able to later on."
"Whatever Eric! you're always working, you won't be able to do it later either! I mean come on! When are you gonna quit that stupid job anyway? God!" Diana butted in.
"Umm... never! Ya know, it's kinda nice have'n money. You can do stuff with it! The question is when are you two gonna get jobs?"Eric retorted.
Umm... never!" Scott said in a mocking voice. Eric shook his head at his friends when he suddenly felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned to see who it was.
"Hey, um... thanks for showing me around and stuff." Aaron said sheepishly.
"Oh ya, no problem. "There was a slight pause. "So... I guess I'll see you around some more then?"Eric asked.
"Ya, my parents are crazy. They always take forever when their checking out a school and i gotta always come with them." Aaron laughed nervously, "So ya, I guess I'll see ya."
"K, see ya later." Eric waved as Aaron left down the hall.
"Who was that?" Scott asked.
"Ya, he's cute!" Diana said rakishly. Scott rolled his eyes.
"That was Aaron. He's hang'n around school while his parents check the place out." Eric said with his head still turned to watch Aaron leave. He turned back around to find Scott looking at him with a sideways glance and Diana giving him a mischievous look.
"What?" Eric questioned.
"You think he's cute too! Admit it!" Diana said slyly.
"No! I don't think he's cute!" Eric exclaimed.
"Yes you do." Scott said with almost no emotion.
"Ok, so maybe he's a little b-"
"I knew it! I knew you liked him! I was right! See! You guys should listen to me more often!" Diana interrupted.
"BUT!" Eric stated loudly "...but that DOESN'T mean anything. I think a lot of guys are cute, like Scott-"
Scott snorted. "I already told you no a hundred times."
"Yes, I know, thank you Scott. "Eric said with a shake of his head and a roll of eyes. "As I was saying, I think a lot of guys are cute but that doesn't mean I'm gonna pursue them or fall in love with them. I'm not a slut ya know...of course unless they're like Sco-."
"NO!" Scott said loudly.
"Dammit, fuck you Scott!" Eric said frustrated.
"Heh, Ya, you wish." Diana said, patting Eric on the shoulder and giggling.
"Eric has a boyfriend" She sang.
"Shhh! He's not my boyfriend and would you keep it down! I don't want the whole school knowing I'm gay! You two are the only ones that know and I would like to keep it that way! I don't need to get kicked out too."
"Why? This place sucks!" Scott asked.
"Ya seriously! I can't wait to get out of here!" Diana added.
"Cuz, my mom spends a lot of money to send me here, and she doesn't need anymore grief. She got enough of that with the divorce." Eric said with a sigh.
"Whatever." Diana said somewhat coldly, "Let's go."
Eric adjusted the straps on his shoulders and headed after his friends. He didn't like Aaron... did he? No, he was cute, sure, but cuties come and go. No, Aaron was just another fancy dressed prep at Bob James Academy. He and Aaron were in two totally different worlds that had nothing to do with each other. |
Title: Freedom Fighter Ch. 2
Tags: dreng, sleep longer, thermal shirt, aase, wind howled, north town, snow began, ready receive, small lake, patted hand
The night was dark and the wind howled as we made our way through the dark streets carefully and slowly to avoid detection. There were still German patrols that made their rounds through the town streets, even at this hour.
Dreng froze as he saw a German sentry light a cigarette and he pushed me into an alleyway where we huddled until the Germans passed by on the main street to our left.
Cautiously we made our way north out of town. As we walked on the side of the road, close to the tree line, Dreng put his arm around my waist.
"Aase, I am sorry that we have to leave like this. I know that you liked it at your aunt's home. Believe me, this is my fault. I should never have run off. The Germans were waiting for us. We picked up some weapons at the Swedish border and as soon as we dropped off the weapons they were waiting for us. Jens and his wife Ulla were captured. Now I have brought you into this thing." He spoke softly as we made our way north.
After an hour we left the road. It was 3 A.M. when we found a clearing. I was very sleepy and cold as Dreng cleared an area for us to rest. He quickly and efficiently cut some spruce boughs and formed a lean-to to protect us from the driving wind.
"What will we do now?" I asked.
"In a little we will continue and meet up with the rest of our group in the mountains. I must make sure that all is clear. As soon as it is light we will travel cross country to the cabin where we can both get some sleep." He said.
"I am so tired." I said and slept soundly as he wrapped a protective arm around me. I felt something hard on his side.
"What is this?" I asked and patted his side.
"A gun." He answered. I became afraid. Violence was something that I wished to avoid, especially since there was a new life developing inside of me.
"Dreng...why does this have to be?" I asked. "Why can't we find a peaceful life and wait until this is all over."
"Aase...that is hard to answer. But I think you know the answer. Our families demand justice. Our people must be free." He said softly to me.
"Yes. But I can't stand the thought of ever losing you. Dreng I love you so much." I said. Tears were flowing as I spoke.
"We must live each day as it comes. I have no intention of being without you. We must survive and resist. We will come through this together." He said and held me a little tighter.
I must have slept. For the next thing I knew Dreng was gently calling my name.
"Aase. It is time to move. It is 6 A.M. I let you sleep longer because I knew you were tired. Now we must go." He explained.
I stood and stretched my arms and yawned.
"Your body is changing." He said, then added, "Your breasts are becoming larger as the child grows inside of you." I detected the wonder in his voice as he spoke these words for me to hear. I stood a little straighter, for him to see my developing body.
He stood and put his arm around my shoulder and kissed me.
"We must go. We will be there in time for breakfast." He said and took my hand.
We headed west into the mountains that overlooked Ryukan. Within 90 minutes we found a small stream. I knelt down and drank from it. The fresh running water refreshed me.
"We are almost there Aase. Another twenty minutes. This stream is fed from a small lake. The cabin is there. It is well hidden in the woods." He explained to me.
I am very glad that Dreng knew exactly where we were headed. I never would have found the cabin on my own. He told the truth when he said the cabin was hard to see. We were within ten meters of it before I realized that there was a cabin in front of us.
Dreng knocked on the door, three times. A woman answered and allowed us inside.
"Dreng. I am glad you are here. Olaf and Bjorn have left to pick up the wireless unit from the Colonel. Would you light a fire?" She asked.
"Ja. Ragnhild, this is my wife Aase. She is the reason why I left last night. Bjorn said that it would be all right for me to bring her here." Dreng said to the woman.
"He told me. Aase, I am Ragnhild Lofton. Welcome to your new home. Dreng has told me you and he are newlyweds. Congratulations!" She said and took my hand and led me inside of the cabin.
"You must be tired. If you wish, you may sleep a while longer. I was going to make some breakfast." She offered.
"No. I can always sleep later if need be. I will help you with breakfast, Ragnhild." I offered.
"Takk. It would be nice to have the company of another woman. I was the only one here until you came, that is." She said and smiled.
Two more men returned within an hour and I served them some food. Fried potatoes and biscuits. They returned with more flour and some fresh eggs.
I was introduced to them. Bjorn Lofton was Ragnhild's husband. He had also been a Sergeant in an elite Norwegian unit, the King's Guards from Oslo. Bjorn was in his late twenties and his wife was my age. They had just married before the Germans invaded and had planned on using this cabin as their honeymoon site.
Bjorn had helped our King escape to England, but had returned to be with his wife and to carry on the fight with her. Bjorn was a large man with black hair and a long beard and I thought he looked exactly like his name. For 'Bjorn' in Norwegian means 'bear'. He made me feel at home immediately and soon had us all laughing at his humor. He was a natural leader and we all looked up to him as the head of our small family.
Olaf was quiet. He was my age, barely over 19 and had been a conscript who was never able to report to his unit because of the quickness of the German response when it took over our country. Oslo had been quickly captured and sealed off, as was much of the southern coast. Olaf was from Ryukan, but had remained in the hills north of his town until he met up with Bjorn, Dreng, and some others from this group. He told me that he knew my aunt and uncle.
I learned that there were three different cabins that the group was using. Only one third of the group was here where I was. There were nine more housed in the other cabins within a kilometer of where we were.
I leaned my head on Dreng as I listened to each one as they spoke, joked, or commented on something or another.
It was Bjorn who finally changed the subject.
"Tonight we set up the radio and make contact with our people in London. Dreng, I need you and Jon. We will be gone for three hours. Once we have our orders, we'll return. Aase you will remain here. I'm sorry but it is very cold outside and Dreng tells me you are going to have a baby next year. I imagine you will appreciate the extra sleep." Bjorn said.
Ragnhild got up from the table and began clearing away the remains of our breakfast. Bjorn grabbed her waist and set her on his lap.
"Raggie. I think it is time for us to plan a family." His voice boomed. Ragnhild blushed, but her eyes softened when she looked into his face as it grew tender.
"Ja. I think that would be just fine. Once you have a job and stop traipsing all around the countryside hunting Germans and being a general terror to our peace of mind." She said.
Bjorn laughed uproariously at this and let his wife get back up to finish her chores. I got up to help her. Dreng took my hand and told me to remain seated.
"We need to talk to you. There are certain protocols we have to discuss." He said.
Ragnhild and Olaf were busy doing the dishes and preparing the small cabin for the day. Beds needed to be stripped and sleeping pallets put away. The house would be cleaned and aired out.
"Aase I know that this is something that you are not prepared for. Last year you were a schoolgirl and now you are a wife and soon to become a mother. I understand that your family is gone or scattered. We are now your family and we will make sure you are safe. I feel very bad for Jens and Ulle. They were captured yesterday near the Swedish border. Ulle has family in Sweden. Perhaps she can persuade the Germans that they were only trying to cross the border into Sweden illegally. I would hate to even consider the alternatives. Aase, we will remain in this cabin for another month at the most. From here we will move to another. If we remain in one place too long, we will surely draw attention to ourselves. As the time draws closer for you, I will find a place for you and the baby to stay where you will be safe. Now today and tonight you will remain here in the cabin. You will prepare our meals and something for the three of us when we go out tonight. I must ask you to help Ragnhild with the housekeeping. Making beds and so forth. There are two bedrooms in this cabin. You and Dreng will have one of them. This will give you and your new husband some degree of privacy. Just as I want privacy with my wife. Are there any questions Aase?" Bjorn asked me.
"No. That you for welcoming me into this house. Dreng has told me much about all of you." I replied.
"Good. Now if you wish, I will show you your room and later Ragnhild will show you where everything is." Bjorn said and stood up to show me around the cabin.
After I had helped Ragnhild clean the house and went through the lists of things that needed to be done, Dreng and I went outside to be alone. The wind has ceased somewhat, the air had turned cold. An artic front had passed during the night.
"Soon the snows will come." Dreng commented as we sat on the ground not far from the shoreline of a small lake.
"Yes." I said and laid my head on his shoulder and added, "And our child in the spring."
Dreng brightened, "Aase, I just thought about it. The baby is due about the same time as when we met in the back of the German lorry."
I counted the months. Dreng was right. I was three months pregnant. In six months I should give birth. Around April.
"Yes. An anniversary of many things. Both good and bad." I replied.
Dreng held me.
Now I have not, up to this point, described Dreng as I remember him in those days. As I have said, he is one year older then I am. Dreng had always kept his light brown hair longer then most. He was an avid skier and winter hobbyist. He was just over six foot in height, he had a body that was strong from working on his parent's farm year round and occasionally working on a friend's father's fishing boat. Dreng's solid and compassionate eyes are what I had always found most attractive about him. Now he was my husband and soon to be the father of my child. Words could never express the joy I found being at his side, a part of his life.
I, on the other hand, had been raised in a sheltered home. My father had been the parish pastor for the state church, which was the Lutheran Church. I had never really thought about my looks or how I compared to the other girls my own age. I was 5'5" tall. Slender build, now becoming larger due to my current state. I had always worn my hair long. It reached my shoulder blades, but I always tied it back in a braid behind my head. My breasts, now becoming swollen, had always been about average. In short, I was a normal Norwegian woman, the daughter of a Lutheran pastor who was not accustomed to this new life I was living.
Dreng was in bed with me. He had left before I went to bed, and returned when I was asleep. The first rays of the new dawn shone in through a window, lighting the loft where we slept.
I stretched and sat up. Dreng stirred next to me and rolled over. I slipped on my long coat and went outside to relieve myself. Going inside after I finished, I went back up to where Dreng was and crawled under the covers. He turned to me and smiled.
"Good morning." He whispered and kissed my nose.
I smiled back and wrapped my arms around his head and snuggled closer to him.
Our bedroom consisted on an open area overlooking the downstairs, main room of the cabin. Our bedroom was to the left and Bjorn and Ragnhild's room was to the right. Our room was barely two meters squared, but it was ours and we had a certain degree of privacy, a large canvas sheet was tacked into place, blocking our view of the downstairs area, and more importantly blocking the downstairs from looking up. These arraignments were rather primitive, when compared to what we had given up when we lived with my aunt and uncle, but I was here with Dreng. That was the important thing.
Dreng kissed my head as I nuzzled closer to him. I breathed in his scent and grew warm as he held me close to him.
His hand went to my thigh and he rubbed me. I looked up at him and smiled.
Sitting up I pulled my long cotton nightdress up over my head and lay back down on the bed. Dreng pulled off his thermal shirt and squiggled under the bed as he removed his bottoms. We lay side by side kissing and touching each other's body.
"Aase I have much to tell you, yet I cannot speak about them just yet. I am sorry now that we left the safety of your relative's house. But I am not sorry. I must do what my people and King asks of me. Does this make sense to you?" He asked me.
"Do not speak of these things now, Dreng. I need you. My body needs you." I whispered to him. My request was urgent, and to illustrate my point I took his penis in my hand and rubbed it gently with the other. Stroking it, and touching it lightly with my fingertips, I soon had him aroused.
"Aase, you certainly know how to change the subject. I want you too." He whispered in my ear and began to kiss my body.
I began to respond immediately and soon pulled his body over mine. I spread my legs and as he held himself over me, supporting himself by his forearms. I grasped his penis and rubbed it back and forth over the opening of my vagina, this stimualted me. For two or three minutes I did this until I felt that my body was ready to receive him into me and my natural wetness was beginning to flow from me. I placed the head over my opening and soon my body began to envelop itself around his organ. My hips twitched involuntarily and he was drawn into me deeper and deeper. I gasped at the sensation and held him tightly to my bosom.
Dreng began to thrust into me and soon we were moving in unison. My breathing became ragged as various sensations began to build up inside of me, deep inside of me. My legs wrapped around the small of his back and I pulled his body still closer to mine.
"Dreng! Oh...oh." I gasped his name as he began to stimualte that spot deep inside of me. I could feel the first stirring of release beginning to build up. His thrusting became more focused and deeper he drove into my womb. I knew that he would soon climax for now he was grunting softly.
Opening my eyes, I looked into his eyes. They were fixed on mine and we kissed as the first wave of pleasure gripped me. I lifted my hips to meet his quickening thrusts. A second wave of pleasure followed and I was moaning softly as he covered me with his gentle kissed on the face and neck.
He pushed hard against my loins and his whole body shuddered, his teeth clenched and his breath blew out onto my neck. I felt the warmth of his seed being injected into me. It was a most pleasant sensation and I held him tight to me as he began to slowly collapse on top of me. The warmth of his seed calmed me. I was satisfied.
We lay motionless for a few moments, and Dreng lifted his head and looked into my eyes.
"Aase. I can never get enough of you." He whispered into my ear. He was still inside of me.
I smiled; it was a smile of complete satisfaction. I was complete now, at this very moment.
"I am yours whenever you wish Dreng. I too can never receive enough from you. I think it shall be that way my whole life." I spoke softly to him.
Bjorn, Ragnhild, and Olaf were up. We could hear Bjorn's booming voice as he laughed and greeted his wife, then Olaf.
Dreng and I did not wish to get up, but we did and soon joined the others.
"Ah Dreng! Good morning lovely mother to be!" He said to me. His voice was cheerful and his mood light.
We greeted Bjorn and the others. I went in to help Ragnhild with the morning meal preparations.
"Aase, I need to talk to you and Dreng after breakfast." Bjorn said to me and sat down at the table. I wiped my hands on a towel and nodded that I understood he was talking to me and continued to help Ragnhild make the breakfast cakes we would eat for breakfast.
As the men came into the small kitchen table and sat down to talk, Ragnhild and I set down the food.
Bjorn gave a prayer of thanksgiving and asked for God's protection. It was the first time in many months when my thoughts turned to God. My whole life had changed so drastically.
Ragnhild and I joined our men and we all enjoyed our meal.
As the last cake was eaten, and the last drop of elderberry syrup was sopped up, Ragnhild stood to begin clearing away the remains of our meal.
I stood to join her, but Bjorn motioned me to sit. I took Dreng's hand and waited for Bjorn to speak.
"Aase. Last night Dreng, Jon (you have not met him yet) and I went into the mountains north of here and set up our radio. We notified London that we were ready to receive any orders. My instructions were to send two people to Kinsarvik on Bergen Fjord. I understand that Dreng has a cousin who is a doctor there." Bjorn said.
"Yes. I remember him now." I said to Dreng. I had met him at Dreng's Gymnasium graduation. My father always went to each graduation to congratulate the members of his congregation.
Dreng's cousin was a doctor, just as Bjorn had said.
"I am asking that you and Dreng go there. I have already given Dreng the message to relay to the leaders there. You will travel as newlyweds who have gone back home to Kristiansand only to discover that your family is gone. Good cover stories, right?" Bjorn laughed at his poor sense of humor. It was true so far, everything he had said. It was not as much a cover story as it was the bold truth.
"Word is being sent to these leaders to contact this cousin and find out where true sympathies are right now. With Dreng there, I can set up a network of people willing to relay information to London about the movements of German troops, aircraft, and naval units. Dreng will remain in Kinsarvik and find work. I am sure that you will appreciate that, with a child on the way and all. You will enjoy a home for awhile, Aase." Bjorn spoke in a hushed, conspiratorial tone.
I was overjoyed! A chance to leave this vagabond life behind and live in peace while my husband and I set up house and watch as our child comes into being.
"Yes! I would like that very much!" I said and looked at Dreng beaming with joy.
"I knew you would. That is why I convinced Bjorn to let me have the job." Dreng said.
"Good. You will need to prepare three days worth of food and Dreng tells me that you have eighty-five Kroner between the two of you. That will be enough. Leave as soon as you have your food prepared. Dreng, leave your pistol here. If the Germans discover that you have a weapon, you will be shot immediately. I do not know if there will be many Germans along the road, but be careful. You have good papers and you should not be bothered at all. Take care. Aase I hope to see you again when that child is born. Take care of yourself and have a healthy baby." Bjorn said, then patted my hand.
We were on the road within an hour hiking northwest along the road. The wind had picked up a little as we were at a fairly high elevation. In a few places the snow began to flurry, but we were warm as we walked at a brisk pace. We spent the first night tucked away in the woods. Dreng had built a small fire and a small lean-to protected us from the cold.
The second day on the road we came to the town of Vinjesvingen and was able to find a youth hostel just as the snow began to pick up.
We walked around the town holding hands and thinking up names for our baby when we found a bakery, which was making fresh bread. The smell was delicious! I was willing to just stand there and savor the aroma but Dreng took my hand and led me to the bakery. This was before the hard times, when food was still available.
"One loaf of bread and...some of that pastry there." Dreng pointed to the apple tarts that had been on display.
The girl behind the counter placed our goods inside of a piece of newspaper and then into a bag.
"Two Kroner." The girl said.
Dreng handed her the money.
"New in town?" The girl asked.
"Yes. We are on our honeymoon and going to my cousin's in Kinsarvik." Dreng replied.
"You need to show your papers at the police station. The Germans require it. If we all comply they won't bother us much." The girl said. (The keeper at the hostel had failed to mention this when he gave us a small room with two old cots in it. We had our sleeping bags, so it would suffice for the night, even though I could not have his skin next to mine, I could place the cot next to his.)
Dreng picked up our purchases and we walked across the to the police station.
We walked inside and a Norwegian policeman greeted us.
"How may I help you?" He asked politely.
"We have just come into town and we were told at the bakery that we need to show our papers." Dreng explained.
"Ah, yes. Thank you." The policeman said, still maintaining his cheerful tone.
Dreng took out his papers. They were the ones he had been issued at the refugee camp the day we were married. I reached into my coat and handed mine to Dreng.
The policeman examined them. "Married?" He asked.
"Yes. At the camp where we had these papers issued to us." Dreng replied.
"And how long are you staying here?" The policeman asked.
"Until tomorrow. We are headed to Kinsarvik." Dreng said.
"I see. But you are from Kristiansand." The policeman said.
"We have lost our families. I have family in Kinsarvik. An older cousin. He is my only remaining relative." Dreng said.
The policeman nodded sympathetically. "Yes. We have lost many countrymen this year."
He stamped the papers with vehemence and handed them back to Dreng.
"That is all. Enjoy Vinjesvingen." He said, then added, "There is a bus that will take you to Laatefoss. From there you can take another to Kinsarvik. The price from here to Laatefoss is five Kroner each person. The bus leaves at ten in the morning."
"Thank you Officer. We will take the bus. It will be much easier." Dreng said.
"Then you have enough money for the bus?"
"Oh yes." Dreng said and waved as he touched my shoulder and steered me to the door.
"Now Aase we find some cheese and some pickled herring to go with our bread!"
I had already pulled an apple tart from the bag and was eating it as we stepped onto the street.
After having bought our food, we retired to the hostel. Dreng counted our remaining money.
"After we pay for the bus, Aase, we will have spent twenty-two Kroner. That leaves us with sixty-three. That should last us for some time. We must be frugal though." He put the money away as I was eating my third tart.
"Dreng, I can't believe how much I eat!" I said.
We had bought some goat's cheese and a large tin of pickled herring, some dried fish, and some ham. Dreng had already finished. He was full.
"Aase you eat for two." He said and lay back on his cot. He was deep in thought.
The wind howled outside and the snow was falling steadily outside. We were warm in our small room as I continued to eat a nibble here and another nibble later.
The bus ride Laatefoss was uneventful. I had slept most of the way. There were three others on the bus with us. A woman with a baby, and an elderly couple who were going to stay with their daughter. Their home had been in Honefoss and had been destroyed.
It was dark when the bus pulled into Laatefoss. German troops were everywhere, headed south. They were from one of the mountain units that had seen heavy fighting up north.
As we entered the terminal, policemen were busy checking our papers. A German supervised their every move.
As Dreng handed his papers to the policeman, the German came over and took the papers from the policeman. He took mine as I offered it to the policeman.
"You two will come with me." He said. Our rucksacks were taken from us.
Dreng looked stunned and I had to hold onto his arm for support. So many things went through my mind as the German led us into a room in the back of the bus station.
"Wait here." He said, still holding our papers and closed the door.
In a few moments the door opened and Dreng was taken out. I remained alone in the room.
Only a few seconds passed and the door opened again. A German in a black uniform walked inside with my papers in his hand.
"You are Aase Larsson?" He asked in perfect Norwegian..
"Yes." I replied, "I am she." I spoke in German.
His face brightened and he smiled. But his eyes remained cold and piercing.
"And you are married to Dreng Larsson, the man that was with you?" He asked.
"Yes. I am his wife." I said.
"Now, you will tell me where you are headed and for what purpose. I see these papers say you are from Kristiansand, in the south?" He asked.
"Yes. Our families were killed in the fighting. British bombers bombed the city trying to destroy the docks. We are headed to Kinsarvik. My husband has a cousin there." I replied.
"And this cousin. What is his name?" The German asked.
"Doktor Harald Larsson." I replied, still speaking in German.
"Ah. Now tell me. Really. What is your real reason for traveling to Kinsarvik?" The German asked. His temperament changed immediately as he slammed his hands on the table that I was seated at.
I jumped. My eyes opened wide in terror.
"I have told you the truth." I said.
"Very well. We have all night to find out the real truth." He smiled and added, "I too can play games, Frau Larsson!" He spat out my name.
A hand reached across the table and grabbed my throat.
"I do not believe you. Frau Larsson, I believe that you are going to Kinsarvik for perhaps some other reason. Perhaps to escape with your husband to England. Ja?" He asked.
"No!" I said as emphatically as I could.
He let loose of my throat and stepped back.
"And why not? If my country had been invaded I would want to run to fight again." He said.
"I do not want to join the English. They killed my mother. It was their bombers that bombed our city. Not German."
"Ahhh...so you side with the Germans. Yes?" He asked.
"I side with no one. I am neutral. As my people were neutral before the British and the French drew us into the war!" I said, remembering what Dreng had told me so long ago.
"Yes. That is true. Just as the Germans were forced into the war by them. Ja." He smiled and patted my hand.
He began to pace the room then turned towards me.
"You will take off your clothes. I must check them for contraband." He said and stood away from me.
I took off my jacket and set it on the table.
"Your sweater, shirt, shoes and pants." He said, "On the table so I can examine them."
I complied, standing only in my long thermal underwear and stockings.
He looked over each item. Checking the seams and examining for hidden papers, and so on.
"The rest of your clothes." He said.
I stood there stunned. Not wanting to comply.
His hand reached out and struck me hard across the face.
"NOW!!Frau Larsson." He screamed at me.
I was knocked backwards and hit the wall hard and collapsed on the floor, sobbing.
"I am waiting and you will obey." He said as his hand reached to his holster. He pulled out a pistol and cocked it.
"You see, I have no problem putting an end to all of this fuss right now!" He leered. His eyes gazed at me with evil intent very plain for me to see.
I stood and removed my socks and placed them on the table. Next I pulled off my long thermal shirt and laid it out. He looked at my breasts and smiled.
As I removed my long thermal underpants, he nodded at my nakedness.
"Yes. I can see why you are married already. You would make a good-looking wife for a German soldier." He said as he inspected my underclothes after he holstered his pistol.
Satisfied that I was not carrying any weapons or contraband, he touched my face.
"You are a newlywed, Ja?" He asked.
I nodded. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.
"Then perhaps I should make it my business that you bear our beloved Fuhrer a child for the German cause." He suggested.
I trembled as he turned me around until the table where my clothes were, was at my back. He pushed me backwards and I was laid out roughly on top of the table. With his hand over my throat, he undid his pants and allowed them to drop down. When he had exposed himself he roughly spread my legs apart and pushed himself into me. I bit my lip to stifle a scream. I was certain that he had no problem slapping or beating me. As he pumped against me, the pain was unbearable. I was not ready for this invasion into my body. Within a few seconds, his whole body trembled as I felt him empty his seed in me.
I sobbed softly as he stared down at me.
"That is much better. Yes?" He asked me. I turned my head away from him. Not wanting to show him the hatred in my eyes.
He let loose of my throat and grabbed both of my hands and raised them over my head until they lay either side of my head on the table. He bent over and kissed the cleft between my breasts. All of this time, he was still inside of me. I could feel him grow harder inside of me and soon he began to move against of me as he raped me again.
Much to my shame, my body betrayed me. I began to breathe faster and I even heard a moan escape from my lips as I was taken against my free will. When I climaxed, I had to bite my lip to keep from crying out.
Again the German climaxed inside of me and his demeanor towards me became a little less threatening. I lay still; sobs wracking my body as I silently cursed him and myself. He pulled up his uniform pants just as the door opened and in walked another German in a black military uniform.
"Ah Heinrich, I see you are interrogating a prisoner." He smiled at my tormentor.
"Yes Herr Hauptsturmfuhrer." My tormentor replied.
"Is she dangerous, Heinrich?" He asked.
"No Hauptsturmfuhrer, she is now neutralized and about to be of great service to our Fuhrer and Fatherland, Herr Hauptsturmfuhrer!"
"Ah. That is good. Let me have a look at our fair patriot, Heinrich." The second German said and walked over to where I lay spread out on the table.
I sat up and covered my breasts with a piece of clothing. The second German scowled at me and slapped me across the face. As he did so I sprawled across it, dropping my covering. As soon as I covered my face, he grabbed me by my hair and lifted me up. As I screamed, a fierce punch was landed in my stomach. My wind was knocked from me and I went limp.
The next thing I remember was being roughly flipped over onto my belly so that my back was exposed to him. My head was pushed roughly into the pile of my clothes. I tried to breathe, but my head was held down. A shoe dug into my cheek and my mouth was filled with my thermal underpants. I retched and gasped for air.
I heard the two Germans laughing and joking as I was held down on the table. Then I felt him enter into me. I was being sodomized! His handsands dug into my shoulders, as the fire in my backside raged out of control. I could not breathe and thankfully my consciousness faded away.
I was huddled in the corner of the room sobbing, covering my breasts with my coat when Dreng found me.
"Aase!" He cried and came to me. Sitting on the floor next to me, he tried to pick me up but I tried to rake his face with my fingernails.
He drew back and grabbed my hands.
Gently he pulled me towards him and said, "Aase, it's me. Dreng!" He spoke softly to me but I could detect who it was that was talking to me.
I looked up at him.
"Dreng?" I asked. Then I recognized his face. "Dreng...oh Dreng!" I sobbed. My shame was complete.
We spent the night at a hostel in town. The bus would leave for Kinsarvik in the morning. I do not remember much of that night, nor of the bus ride to Kinsarvik. But I do remember the terrible stomach cramps I had on the bus. By the time we reached Kinsarvik, I was doubled over in pain and I was bleeding from between my legs. When the second German punched me in the stomach, he killed the child that was developing inside of me. Dreng would have to find his cousin quickly. My life depended on it.
*To Be Continued...* |
Title: Dragon Clans Bk. 01 Pt. 13
Tags: action adventure, fantasy adventure, quest
Chapter 13
What you hear is the sound of your own breathing, heavy from having an opponent who pushes your limits, light when confronting someone of less skill, or balanced and steady when evenly matched.
Michael was breathing heavily, his total focus on his opponent, his vision both obscured and enhanced by the limited view through the tightly woven mesh.
It was in a word, exhilarating.
There are few places in life where you feel purely alive. Here, watching his opponent feign left and try to come in underneath his guard, Michael snarled, enjoying the primal feeling of life as he swung the thin blade of the foil in a quick arc, deflecting the attack and readying for his own was one of those places.
Aside from rowing, the other activity that consumed Michael's attention during high school and college was fencing.
As with rowing it was something that got put to the side as work, schedule and life began to take up more and more time. It's sirens call remained with him however, every four years he would make a point to catch the US fencing team during the Olympics, he would slip away and watch matches at UF when he could.
It was one of those private activities that were singularly his, that would allow him to escape and find a focus not attainable in the rest of his hectic life.
Two days had passed since his early morning swim.
Sunday evening he, with Tera in tow, were allowed back into his home and he set about getting ready for the week, highly aware of Tera always being within close proximity, always watching him.
Class didn't start for another week, but he had a few afternoon meetings with other faculty coming up and he wanted to check out the boathouse Valerie had mentioned to see if he could get some oar time.
Sunday evening was uneventful, although there was a...tension that Michael could not put his finger on. Tera had brought a small duffle bag, installed a few makeshift alarms on the windows and doors while he made dinner.
It was interesting and a bit...disturbing having a roommate. Michael had not lived with anyone since Sasha was killed; having Tera there brought up memories and desires that he was unsure how to deal with.
They had talked some, not an ongoing conversation more sharing bits and pieces of their lives through dinner. He learned of her time in the service, her recent "retirement" and the new position on Nigel's detail.
She did not press him for details of his life, she had read the dossier on him, knew about the crash that killed his wife and child, understood that he was here trying to move on and start over from that painful moment in his life.
The evening wound down quickly, both of them exhausted after a long, energetic and confusing day.
The hard press of the rounded tip of the foil on his shoulder brought a smile to his face, 'damn, not concentrating,' he thought as the referee called point.
Taking off his mask he looked across at the young man who had been his opponent and walked over to shake his hand.
"Thank you for the match, it has been a long time, I appreciate you indulging an old man," Michael said jovially.
"Old...right," John said thinking that this "old man" was one of the toughest opponents he had ever had and he was thankful that he was "rusty".
Michael turned and found Tera watching him with a small smile on her face.
For the last two hours she had watched as he systematically obliterated everyone thrown up against him. In eight 15-point matches he only lost the last one and that by 3 touches.
It was interesting watching him fence, she had of course seen fencing before, but it was not a top tier discipline in the teams so she had only a passing knowledge. Now that he had found the Oxford fencing club she wondered if he would still return to the boathouse they had found Monday morning.
Tera was surprised to hear Michael up and around that first morning after the incident on the bridge. It was early, about a half hour before dawn when she heard movement from the upstairs loft.
Rising and stretching the kinks out of her muscles she called up to him "kind of early isn't it."
With concern in his voice he replied "Sorry to wake you, I've never been one to sleep the morning away, I usually run first thing to get the blood pumping."
She watched as he came down the stairs, thin workout pants, cross trainers, she noted the muscles and thick but not...unruly hair of his chest as he pulled the sweatshirt down over his head.
"Let me change, I'll go with you," she said, walking towards the bathroom.
"Are you sure your up to it, maybe you should rest today," Michael said about to continue until he caught the icy look she gave him over her shoulder.
"Hopefully YOU will be able to keep up Mr. Dane," she growled as she closed the door.
Shaking his head, Michael smiled, thinking it was interesting living with someone...lethal.
The run had been easy for both of them, as both of them did not want to "wear out" the other. They ran silently, matching each other's pace, lost for awhile in the simple act of being a living being, running through the pre dawn.
Michael pulled up in front of a small building about 2 miles from his flat. "Valerie told me about this," he said to no one in particular.
Tera looked at the small building more closely, numerous oars hung from the buildings exterior walls, some intact, others halved, all with dates on them. Tera walked closer running her fingers over the smooth lacquered finish of one of the older looking oars noting the date as 1912 "Dartmouth Regatta".
"When you win a race you mount the winning oar on the boat house," Michael said.
Tera started a bit at his voice, he was close, she could feel the heat from his body just behind her as he looked over her shoulder.
"My friend Valerie told me about this place, I use to row in college and had hoped to find someplace to rent a scull," Michael said, his hand settling naturally on her shoulder as he looked closer at the oars.
While Michael was not consciously aware of the simple gesture he made while looking at the Harvard oar, the same was not true for Tera.
It wasn't so much the setting of his hand on her shoulder, it was a purely instinctual act on his part, it was the form this simple natural act took on that startled her.
It started low below her shoulder on her upper back, three fingertips making contact gently with her, sliding smoothly up, more of his fingers pressing into her, and then his palm coming to rest on top of her shoulder, and as a grand finale those three fingertips now resting lightly between her shoulder and collar bone gave a small squeeze when the operation was complete.
Tera simply stared at the oars not seeing them, thinking back she had trouble finding another moment where she felt so much from a simple...natural gesture.
Michael moved off, around the corner, Tera looked after him, feeling both his absence from her side and the loss of contact with him, she was...stunned by the void.
"Closed, damn," she heard him say as she walked around the corner to see him looking at a small sign on the door.
"They won't be open for a few weeks, not till after the term starts," he said to her, his hangdog look made her want to hug him, she fought the impulse.
They started their run again, another mile then back the way they had come, as they ran he told her about his first scull, of the manatee, of loving the water. By the time they returned to his flat she was even more intrigued by him than she had been and this confused and bothered her to no end.
The rest of the day had passed quickly, trips to the school, finding Michael's classrooms, getting his assigned faculty office, 'suspiciously close to Valerie's,' Michael thought with a grin.
Then dinner out at a small pub and back to the flat for an early slip. Well at least for Michael it was an early slip.
Tera had trouble winding down it, had been an odd day shadowing someone during a "normal" day. Use to more volatile environments hanging around Oxford with Michael left her in an unusually restless mood.
She had checked in with Nigel twice, he confirmed that there was a loose team of three staying in the background just in case but Nigel told her that, at least for a few weeks, Michael should not be in harms way.
Nigel had called Michael once telling him it would probably be a few weeks before they were sure all of the cell members were in hand and thanking him for allowing Tera to stay with him to ensure his safety.
Lying in the dark Tera thought of the other phone calls during the day.
Four times Michael had called Valerie.
Each time the conversations were short, seemingly routine questions about the school, the job, location of things, he had told her of the boathouse being closed, etc. Each time she could see the change in Michael, the softening of his demeanor, the easy smile afterwards, Valerie was, by Tera's estimation, a very lucky woman.
Tera drifted to sleep that night with her hand on her shoulder, her thoughts filled with the feeling of Michael's touch and how it would feel if his touch had real intention behind it.
The next morning was more of the same, an early morning run, back to the flat then off to the university.
"Would you mind doing me a favor," Michael asked as they stood in the large classroom where his first year intro class would be held.
'Hehe, if you only knew,' Tera thought to herself.
"Sure, what do you need," she answered.
Looking at him she knew that he was a young girls wet dream today.
Wearing a heavy corded white turtle neck sweater, sleeves pushed up, black jeans and boots, if he dressed like this the young women in his class would be distracted to a fault.
"I would like to give my introduction speech and a live critique would be great," he said moving down to the lectern.
"Go ahead teach," grinning with her answer.
She was surprised by his passion; over the next 30 minutes she learned of his grandfather, his love of buildings, his desire to make grand spaces that inspired people. He spoke eloquently about his favorite buildings, railed against a few he thought were overrated and gave an outline of what he hoped to impart during the term.
As he finished she found herself sorry it was over and hoped that she would be required to guard his body into the term to see what came next.
The soft applause startled her as she stood and turned in one smooth motion assessing for any possible threats.
What she found was a young man and woman standing at the back of the auditorium clapping lightly.
"I wish you had been here in my first year, I might have stuck with architecture," the young man said with a joking inflection.
Michael walked up to the couple smiling "Well, I'm sorry we missed the opportunity, I'm Michael Dane, I'll be teaching the intro course this year for first years, this is my friend Tera," Michael said motioning to the woman who was now at his side.
"I'm James this is my friend Catherine, we didn't mean to intrude but heard someone in here and wanted to see what was what," James said.
Michael was more interested in their clothing than their reason for being in the class. "Your fencers?" Michael asked with an enthusiasm that was not lost on any of them.
"Yes, we are both members of the universities' team, do you fence?" James asked.
"I use to, a lifetime ago, any chance there is free fencing sometime during the day that an old hack like me could come to?" Michael asked hopefully.
James smiled "Every morning from 6 till 8," he said giving Michael the information and wishing him well as he and his girlfriend left. Both were impressed with the yank and wondering if they could audit the class.
"We have some shopping to do," Michael said to Tera with a definitely happy tone.
It didn't take long to find the small shop on Sutton Ferry Ln. just off campus that supplied the needs of Oxford's fencers.
It was like all such stores that cater to a very limited clientele, small, well stocked, with employees who were passionate about the world they called home.
"Good day can I help you," the voice said before the door chime had finished its light melody.
The man must have been in his late 60's, healthy and stout for a man his age, he gave off an aura of subtle power that was not easy to miss.
"Good afternoon, I was hoping to look at some of your foils and gear, I am new in town and haven't fenced for years but am looking to get back into it," Michael said, walking over and shaking the mans hand.
"Excellent, I am sure we can help you, the foils are over there on the wall, jackets, gloves, masks at the back," the man said looking over Michael and Tera with more than a passing interest it seemed.
Tera stood back and watched as Michael moved over to the foils, taking his time looking them all over, occasionally taking one down to get the feel of it in his hand, spinning small circles in the air with others, two found their way onto the counter as he moved back to the racks containing the jackets.
While Michael had been busy with the Foils, Tera had been watching the shop owner. He had an odd look in his eye as he watched Michael and then went to the back of the store, disappearing through the office door muttering something to himself.
Turning back to Michael she was surprised to see him taking off his thick sweater as he slipped into a fencing jacket. He pulled the front zipper closed from his waist to his neck and fastened the collar then moved to the gloves, finding one that he liked he put that on as well.
The masks took a bit longer, but finally he placed one on his head, hiding his face behind the black mesh, moving and twisting in place she watched passively, understanding that he definitely understood what he was looking for.
After placing the new found pieces on the counter he picked out two pairs of black slacks that looked as if they would fit tight 'I wonder what his ass will look like in those,' Tera mused to herself before pulling herself back from the thought.
The last thing was a black oblong bag obviously made for fencing with a large wide bottom and thin top, which would accommodate the mask at the bottom while providing the height required for the swords.
Just as Michael picked up this last, the man came back from the office carrying a folder.
"Ah looks like you found everything you need," the proprietor said as he moved behind the counter.
"Yes you have a wonderful selection, everything is so much lighter than I remember must be new materials, I was really surprised by the masks, its almost like not wearing anything compared to the old ones," Michael spoke animatedly, obviously pleased to be in a new, yet fondly remembered environment.
A pensive look passed over the shop owners face and then resolved as if making a decision.
He hesitated only a moment before picking up the glove and saying "I have an embroidery machine in the back, if my memory serves you preferred purple thread for your inscription."
Michael was shocked it showed momentarily on his face and then shifted to a self deprecating smile "I didn't realize you were a fan of ancient history" Michael said looking at the shop keeper with a good natured gaze.
"Not so ancient," the shopkeeper replied "My name Sam Crofton, it's a pleasure to meet you," Sam said extending his hand.
"The pleasure is mine," Michael said taking the offered hand in a bit longer shake than the first.
"I saw you at the NCAA finals, I was a coach at the time and had brought over several fencers to watch the best the USA had to offer, I was surprised when you didn't go to the world championships or the Olympics," Sam said as he opened the folder he had been carrying and pulled out a magazine.
On the cover was a picture of a much younger Michael holding his foil and helmet in one hand, shaking hands with some official with the other; the caption read "The best fencer in the world?"
Tera was surprised to see that Michael actually blushed when he saw the magazine.
"That was a long time ago, other things were more important and I had to make a choice, I don't regret not pursing it further but I am excited to get back into it as a hobby," Michael said staring at the picture with a wistful far away look.
"Hobby," Sam snorted, "that's like Bill Gates saying he is going to start another software company as a hobby."
Michael blushed deeper as Sam offered him a pen. "Would you mind, I would love to hang this with the others," he asked as he took the glove and headed back toward the office again.
It was a surreal moment for Michael, a life left long ago came crashing into the now with a force that surprised him, for several moments he was lost in those times, all those matches, all that training, two individual sports that he had excelled at, was it the right choice to let them slip away...unanswerable questions...he was happy with his life choices, happy for those he had shared his life with... happy that Valerie and Tera were now very present in his life.
Tera...her easy inclusion as necessary in his life now caused him to look up sharply into the eyes of the woman next to him.
The intensity of his gaze shocked Tera, just as she was about to say something, his eyes softened and he smiled his lopsided grin, a light blush passing over his cheeks as he turned back to the magazine and signed it.
To Sam, a kindred Spirit, Michael Dane.
Tera and Michael wandered around the store a bit more, he grabbed a few t-shirts she looked over the foils and gear with more attention, both lost for the moment in their own thoughts.
Sam returned and rang up the purchases, he thanked Michael for the autograph indicating that it would be hung on the wall behind him, which held various pictures, and magazine articles all signed by the fencers they were about.
Before sliding it into the bag Michael took the glove and looked at the inscription, his thumb played over the three embroidered lines, remembering the first glove he had them placed on.
"What is it," Tera asked in a low voice close to his side.
Sam noticeably leaned closer hopping to hear the response as well.
"Well..." Michael began cautiously, he was not one to share details like this as they could very easily be construed as egotistical or just plain strange, but it had been a long time, there could be no harm.
"My grandfathers family came to the US from Norway, one day when I was little I was playing in the attic and came across a bag full of stones. On the stones were symbols, when I asked my grandfather about them he told me they were runes, an ancient written language used by the Vikings. I always enjoyed their...mystical feel...so I learned a bit about them. When I started to fence I wanted something on my glove as a...focus...before a match, I chose to do it in runes so others wouldn't think I was being...egotistical." Michael finished, his thumb still playing over the threaded runes.
"And," Tera asked impatiently noting Sam was nearly leaning over the counter listening to Michael.
Laughing Michael continued, "The first line says HONOR, the second COURAGE, the last VICTORY." The blush was back on his cheeks in full force.
Sam let out a breath smiling, Tera looked at the lines and slashes in dark purple on the wrist of the glove wondering just how many times it was raised in victory.
Michael thanked Sam for all of his help promising to come back again and that perhaps sometime they could have a match.
Sam thanked him profusely for the autograph yet again and said he would be happy to watch Michael fence but he had no desire to face him across anything other than a countertop or perhaps a pint.
The walk back to flat had been quiet. Upon returning Michael called Valerie to tell her about his impromptu lecture and that he had met a few fencers that he may want to have a match or two with.
Tera just smiled and shook her head wondering what the next morning would hold.
Michael was surprised at how quickly he had fallen back into his old passion...and form.
The early matches had been against intermediate opponents that allowed him to reacquaint himself with the flow of the movements. He found his speed and reflexes were not bad. And thanks to the morning runs he didn't run out of breath as he was afraid he would do.
The middle matches were challenging but only built on his confidence, he anticipated his opponent's moves as he always had, being one step ahead of them he was able to make the touches when it counted.
By the time his final match with Oxford's and England's current best came up he was starting to feel the strain but put up a good effort only losing by 3 touches.
As he took off his mask and went over to the young man to shake his hand he was surprised to hear applause.
Fencing is near and dear to the hearts of Oxford.
With a rich and storied history that spans centuries it is one of the most popular and well-followed sports at the school. Looking around now that his focus was back on the real world, the crowd of over 100, including Sam, shocked and embarrassed him.
Once Michael had handily beaten his first 3 opponents word spread quickly around the campus that something...interesting was going on at the fencing gymnasium.
He made a short bow and wave to the crowd and then moved off to the side towards Tera.
"I've never seen anything like that," she said as he unzipped his jacket and ran his hand through his wet hair "you were amazing."
"I was lucky," he responded.
Sam and another older man walked over to the pair.
"Michael this is Dean Rensingham, he is the faculty head of the fencing program," Sam said introducing the other man.
Michael pulled off his glove and shook the other man's hand.
"Any chance you might like to coach a bit for us," the dean asked sheepishly, knowing that someone of Michael's caliber could really help the team out with their upcoming tournament in France.
"Ah, well, I guess I could spend an hour or two with the younger fencers, give them a few pointers and such," Michael said looking over the man's shoulder hoping to find a way out.
"Excellent, well I know your new and just getting your feet wet, I'll give you a ring in a few weeks see if we can't set up something," the dean said as he turned to leave, thinking that Mr. Dane could teach his best a thing or two, to hell with the younger ones.
Sam said his goodbyes and Michael spent a few minutes talking with some of the fencers he had bouts with.
Tera watched his easy grace with these young men and women, talking and joking with them while at the same time showing them a different grip, demonstrating a revised stance, the man was a natural teacher and here on this floor he was in his element.
As he walked towards the locker room Tera's eyes followed him... 'yes, definitely a very nice ass,' she thought as she watched him disappear behind the door.
Noticing with a silent scoff that more than a few pairs of female eyes were staring at the closed door Michael had just gone through, Tera walked over to one of the young men Michael had been talking to. After watching him she felt a fervent desire to learn this discipline, after getting the name of a man who could give her some lessons she hurried after Sam to secure some purchases of her own.
Michael replayed the matches in his head as he stood under the hot spray of the shower, it was wonderful to be fencing again.
Like rowing it enlivened him, made him more than he was, provided him with a connection to the moment that was a gift even if that gift was a fleeting one.
Standing there in the thick fog of the steam, feeling the warm tiles under his feet, his hands splayed on the wet wall, images of his years on the boards slipping through his consciousness Sara's image came up fully formed and his breath caught and then a smile played over his lips.
Where there were memories of fencing there were always memories of Sara as well.
Michael had been on the UF fencing team, they were a small close nit group, both the men's and women's teams trained together and there was a strong camaraderie between all of them.
Sara was the best women's fencer on the team, (she would go on to win gold medals in foil and saber at the 2000 and 2004 Olympics).
Where Michael's main talent was reading his opponents and making the most of what they were going to do next, Sara as a fencer was all about strength and motion.
To watch her was to see a force of nature who would dazzle her opponents with speed and skill and then, while distracted, she would go for the kill. Her attitude in fencing was reflected in her attitudes towards life and men.
Michael had been in a locker room shower much like this one the first time he was intimate with Sara. They were friendly, had a bit of a rivalry, as they were the absolute best of the group. These facts lead naturally to their gravitating to the other.
After a regional championship tournament where Michael had watched Sara destroy her opponent in the final, Michael went to his own final where he won 15 to 3 in less than 20 minutes.
Riding that high, he had gone into the locker room to shower, the adrenaline still pumping standing there under the spray breathing in the water he was startled by a hand on his shoulder, turning he found a very naked Sara staring up at him with a wicked smile on her face.
His shock turned to disbelief as she knelt in front of him, taking his cock in her hands, kneading it, rubbing it slowly between her palms, it hardened quickly under her attentions, she looked up into his eyes, her head cocking to the side she smiled... a predatory smile... and said "To the Victors... go the spoils," and with that her tongue snaked out caressing the tip of him before she took his length between her lips and deep into her throat in one long swallow.
Reaching up, Michael grabbed the shower head to steady himself, Sara's muscular arms were wrapped around his thighs as her lips and tongue drew on him insistently, the heat of the steamy room only added to his own heat which was rapidly growing to the point of fusion.
Looking down, her close cropped red hair was wet, her body covered with those glistening drops of water that cling to a woman's body in a way that defies gravity but provides a kaleidoscope of miniature diamonds on a woman's skin whenever it is wet.
His balls rose as he got closer, he heard her low animal moan around his dick as she felt this and picked up her pace, she wanted him, she wanted to consume him, she would accept nothing less.
He was watching her, looking down as he came, her face twisted and at first he had an instant of regret, thinking he should have warned her, but then he understood as the arms that were gripping him tightened, and shuddered as an orgasm washed over her as his began.
She sucked hard withdrawing all of him but the tip from her mouth, this she suckled on, urging every drop from him while savoring the salty tang of his essence.
As his orgasm finally subsided, the mystery of this wonderful giving and connection slipping away, it was replaced with his own need, his own want of the victors' spoils.
Pulling her up, both hands behind her head he kissed her deep and hard, he tasted himself and that unique flavor that each woman has when tasted by a lovers kiss.
She was surprised but then clung to him, the kiss drawing out there under the unending warmth of the water pouring over them, his hands moved down her back, caressing her muscles, outlining them as they moved down to her firm ass.
He parted her, fingers searching finding her tight wet center a finger then two slipped within her, she moaned around his tongue as he spread his fingers, opening her, getting her ready. She felt his renewed firmness between them, its insistent hard heat making his intentions plain.
He knelt this time, one of her legs hooking over his shoulder at the knee, his tongue finding her wet warm juices oozing from her nexus, she tasted like a woman in lust; lush, needy, wanting. Her clit was hard and long, his teeth grazed her sensitive center and she shuddered as another orgasm coursed through her, his teeth caressed her, holding her clit exposed pushing back the hood, his tongue danced circles around it, making her moan loudly as another orgasm threatened to take her. His fingers slid within her warm silken depths, his teeth and tongue and lips suckled on her pleasure point and she fell over the edge, this orgasm crashing over her eliciting a long low moan of a woman in the throes of wanton passion.
Michael felt the new moisture warm and slick wash over his fingers as Sara came again, his hard cock bobbed between his legs, his need would not be denied.
He stood and took her, kissing her deeply sharing her essence with her as she had shared his with him.
Then he was spinning her around bending her over, she grabbed onto the edge of the small half wall that divided the showers from the rest of the locker room and spread her legs, wanting nothing more than for him to be within her.
He paused only a moment, looking down at her muscular form bent before him, her pink center open like a flower beckoning to him, the thick steam lending an air of mystery and magic to the moment that was not lost on him.
He entered her in one long slow thrust; her tight cunt stretching around him to accommodate his width, from her core issued a moan of pure need and desire.
"Fuck me Michael, take me, hard," she gasped as she tightened her grip on the wall. Michael was happy to oblige.
They stayed joined for a long time, his deep fast strokes taking her from one orgasm to the next, she was amazed at the intensity of the coupling of the pure primalness of it, never had she dreamed of something this intense.
For Michael it was the quintessential moment of lust made manifest. An equal need being fulfilled by two people who found themselves in the same space in the right moment.
Being there with her, wrapped in the warm foggy embrace of the steam, nothing else mattered but the point of union, the joining that made them for this instant one being, with two hearts, two minds but one singular shared passion.
Michael grabbed Sara's hips and pulled her to him, burying himself within her, he felt her internal muscles ripple over the length of him, faster and faster as her orgasm built. He held her close as his own orgasm, fueled and fulfilled by the natural internal motions of a woman in the midst of a powerful orgasm pushed him beyond the brink.
Rope after rope erupted from him, bathing her vise like pussy in his essence, culminating the most intense sex either of them had ever had, or would have for many many years to come.
Michael was panting leaning up against the wall as Sara slowly disengaged and turned around, she bent and took his half hard member in her mouth, savoring the liquid heat and taste of their shared passion.
She kissed him lightly, her lips playing gently over his, their taste lingering long after her lips were gone.
Her hand moved behind his head, her mouth near his ear.
"To the victors" she whispered and then she was gone, disappearing into the mist like a nymph of old, leaving Michael wondering if anything would ever come close to this moment.
He was shocked from his reverie by Tera's voice, "Hurry up in there I'm hungry," her voice sounded playful as Michael turned off the water.
"I'll be out in a minute," he yelled, needing a few minutes to let his raging hard on subside.
Walking out of the locker room, bag slung over his shoulder, wet hair slicked back over his head Tera asked from beside him. "So what are you hungry for?"
Michael only smiled and slid his hand to the small of her back, "I'm sure we can think of...something," he said as they stepped from gymnasium into the bright light of the August morning. |
Toons From Space! Emergency Room Emergency!
Doctor Chandra Levine sighed and glanced at the clock. She'd already been at the hospital for going on ten hours now, and it scarcely seemed like she was going to be allowed to go home any time soon. Full moon, an eclipse, and a meteor shower, just about all of them seemingly designed to pull the crazies out into full force as well as swamp the hospital with various degrees of medical 'emergency.' She'd been called in from the clinic on the other side of town to help with the massive influx of patients that had turned up. From the sounds of things it sounded like some sort of gang violence, or drugs, or a frat party gone wrong, or all of the above simultaneously. As overworked as she was, Chandra felt sorry for the bomb squad. Some jokers had left large, brightly colored boxes all over town that were rigged to give a bit of a pyrotechnic display and a large cloud of smoke. Not deadly, hardly even painful, but a few folks had some minor burns when their hair or clothes were set on fire.
Joining in the hijinx were the folks coming in with bruises and concussions from having rubber anvils dropped on them, broken noses and lacerations from being hit in the face with boxing gloves hidden in a variety of things. There were the people brought in for hypothermia when a refrigerator malfunctioned somehow, along with a bunch of penguins likely abducted from a zoo somewhere. A few people had nearly drowned when an office building downtown had somehow managed to fill up with water. And there were some seriously traumatized people whose experiences sounded like someone had slipped them some LSD or some other hallucinogen. The blood lab would be backed up for weeks looking at the results of that.
Chandra found herself hoping for something that wasn't cleaning off powder burns and consoling people who swore that their cats were now six feet tall and rather interested in sexually harassing them. All the strangeness that was going on tonight began to seem routine a good six hours into the mess. The good doctor was, of course, about to get her wish.
The door to her exam room was kicked open and the smell of alcohol wafted in. Chandra was almost shocked by the sight of the young woman, who looked very much like some sort of clown-ish gang member-type, exactly like the sort of person who might be responsible for some of the other people being in the hospital. Chandra didn't consider herself all that conservative or one of those people who sat around grumbling about the degenerate youths and their newfangled culture breaking down society, but the sheer look of the young woman startled her.
She had multicolored hair sticking straight up in a garish mohawk, tits that looked artificial barely contained beneath a torn up t-shirt, ratty leather jacket and jeans, an inordinate number of piercings that seemed more numerous on places that were not her ears than places that were, not to mention the tattoos on her rather prominently displayed, rounded belly, poking out of her shirt, and on her wrists and hands as well. Oh and the bottle of beer that she was drinking from. She literally sloshed when she walked, rather loudly and nosily. She gave just as a loud and noisy burp and wiped her mouth with her sleeve.
Chandra stared at her patient for longer than she ought to, far longer. "Are you... pregnant?" she asked, not quite sure how else someone could acquire such a round midsection.
"I really fuckin' hope so," the girl said with a grin in a voice that didn't quite fit with her appearance, more shy and squeaky than something befitting a rather boisterous punk. "But this? Nah, this is from all the drinkin' 'n fuckin' I've been doing since last night. I bet I've got like three gallons of beer and two of cum in me."
Chandra just gawked as the young woman smiled proudly at her. "Yes... well... it's not allowed on hospital property, so if you wouldn't mind?" she said holding out the garbage can. The young woman nodded and dropped the bottle inside.
"Damn thing was almost empty anyway," she said with a sigh, hopping up onto the examination table, and giving another rather noisome belch.
The doctor rolled her eyes and turned to put the can back where it belonged. The air positively reeked of alcohol. Chandra picked up the patient's chart from the nearby desk and gave it a look over.
"So, Holly..."
"Holli, with an I," Holli interjected.
"That's what I said, Holly." Chandra said, rather confused.
"No, you're definitely saying Holly with a Y. There's a difference between Holly, Holli, Hawley, Hollee, Hollie, Holley, and Holllii. That's with three L's and two I's," Holli said, repeating the word identically seven different times.
"Umm... right, Holli. It says you've come in for me to..." Chandra paused as she looked up from the paperwork only to find her patient gulping down another bottle.
The doctor groaned, cleared her throat, and held out the garbage can. Holli giggled and blushed a bit, muttered "Oh, right," and then tossed her bottle in. Once more Chandra placed the wastebasket back in its proper place.
"For a skin..." and once again the moment she'd averted her gaze, her patient had somehow managed to conjure another beer from the aether. Or the pockets of her jacket.
"For a skin condition," she said snippily, grabbing the beer and tossing it with the other two in the trash can.
She was downright baffled to find yet ANOTHER open bottle in her patient's charge the exact moment she looked up from the garbage can. It didn't seem possible for her to un-pocket, open, and then begin drinking a beer in the scant second and a half Chandra's attention was turned.
"Stop that!" she virtually snarled, snatching the offending beverage away and placing it with the others.
The doctor openly gaped the moment she looked up and saw still another beer in Holli's hand. The punk girl grinned mischievously.
"Hmm, how about if you take off your jacket so we can look at the area of irritation, it says here that it's on your arm?" Chandra said, deciding to get the source of her patient's booze supply away from her.
"'Kay, doc," Holli said happily, grinning and showing a bit of buckteeth. She shrugged out of her jacket and handed it over.
Chandra found herself looking the garment over as it felt rather odd in her hands, smooth, almost slick, seeming almost, but not quite greasy. It still held the heat from Holli's body and somehow the doctor felt as if it would be tremendously comfortable to wear. She hung it up on the back of the door.
"Good, now that we've got the beers out of the way we can..." Chandra's eyes just about bugged out of her head as she turned to find that Holli had once again managed to procure what seemed like her dozenth beer. She ought to have rattled like a china cabinet upended by a tornado while she was walking in.
Chandra pointed at the trash can and just about growled. "No more beer and no more silliness! Where are you hiding these?"
"In my jacket, in my pants, in my cleavage. You know, all the usual places," Holli said rather happily.
"May I take them so that they cease being a distraction and we can get on with the examination? If you've come to see me about something than I presume that it is rather serious."
Holli's smile vanished and she nodded, looking at some bandages on her forearm. "Yeah, I suppose we better get to business, Doc. I don't have too many more; you can just reach into my pocket and grab my last ones."
She stood and turned, holding open one of the pockets on her jeans with both hands. Chandra sighed and began reaching for it, but pulled her hand back with a start.
"What?" Holli asked, innocently.
"I could've sworn that... nevermind," Chandra said, sighing loudly. The day was getting to her and the long hours seemed to be wearing her down. She could've sworn that there had been glowing red eyes peering out at her from inside the depths of that pocket.
She reached forward again, almost making it in before she suddenly pulled her hand away.
"Seriously, Doc, make up your mind! It's not like it has teeth. My pocket isn't going to bite you!"
That was exactly what Chandra had seen. She steeled herself once again and actually reached into the young woman's pocket. It felt rather large and roomy, and the doctor was sure that she was reaching into a wide open space like sticking her hand into a vase. She could feel the pocket around her wrist and arm, but felt nothing around her hand except... ah!
She seized hold of a bottle and pulled it out. The bottle seemed to stick and didn't want to be freed from Holli's pocket, so Chandra gave it a good yank and stumbled back when it gave way with far less effort than she thought it would have.
Her eyes widened once again as she found herself holding not merely a beer bottle, but a beer bottle with a handkerchief on it tied to another bottle, and so on and so forth. Somehow she managed to pull out a good fifteen or twenty feet worth of handkerchief strand, each knot sporting a bottle of some liquor. Some beer, some whiskey, some wine, some tequila, and some glowing blue thing that she could swear came straight out of Star Trek.
Chandra gaped at Holli's almost skin-tight jeans, clinging to her shapely figure. Now that Holli's jacket was off and Chandra was up close, she could get quite a good look at the young woman's tattoos. They were rather beautiful in their lewd, pornographic way. They looked like they'd taken weeks of painstaking needlework to create. At least the ones on her left side. The ones on the right seemed to be more simply colored, flatter, and not anywhere near as detailed. They lost detail the closer they came to Holli's bandages.
"How did you manage to fit all this down your pants?" the doctor asked, shaking her head as she put down the string of bottles.
Holli interlocked her fingers, tilted her head to the side and batted her eyes. "Come on now, Doc, a girl," she pronounced it goy-el, "has got to have some secrets!"
The doctor shook her head, feeling a headache coming on. She ignored the matter and felt like the sooner she could get Holli out of her exam room the better. She pulled on a pair of gloves, just in case Holli had an open wound or a skin infection or something of the like.
"So what's the problem?" Chandra asked as she began to unwrap the bandages. They didn't seem to be gauze, but rather some sort of brilliantly white fabric. It almost hurt her eyes to look at it.
"Well, everything started to feel really funny there, and it looked and felt kind of weird."
"Can you maybe be a little bit more specific, in what manner was it funny and weird?" the doctor asked, continuing to unravel the bandages. Holli had wound quite a bit of material around it.
"I came home from the party where I got my tattoo work done last night and..." Holli paused at the doctor's expression.
"You had all this..." Chandra gestured to the intricately detailed work on Chandra's midsection and left arm, "done last night? That is impossible."
Holli nodded, "Yeah, that's what I said! But the guy didn't even have a needle, just a paintbrush. I don't know how he did it, his hand moved faster than I could see, and when he was done there it all was!"
The doctor rubbed a gloved finger over the tattoos on Holli's left arm, "This does not feel like paint."
"I know! I don't know how he did it either. It's actually under the skin somehow!"
Chandra continued unwrapping the arm, frowning at the rather large pile of unraveled bandage growing on the floor.
"Holli, please, enough silliness for tonight. I have had a very difficult day and this is not helping. How much did you wrap around here?"
"Um... I don't know. I kind of lost track. My friend Suzy has this pet rabbit, and I was holding him and he kind of scratched me and it stung and kind of tingled. I was bleeding a little bit, so we bandaged it while we were doing some other fun things. Here..."
Holli pulled a switchblade out of her pocket, the same pocket that Chandra had just reached in and felt nothing but a beer bottle. The doctor gawked at it as Holli began to cut off the bandages.
"So you've had this on since last night?"
"Yup!" Holli nodded.
"You have not taken it off?"
"Nope!" A headshake.
"So how do you know you have some sort of skin condition?"
Holli paused in her cutting and held up her hands. "Because this hand and this arm are colored differently from this hand and this arm, and it seems to be spreading and totally ruining my sweet tattoos."
Chandra looked at Holli's hands, a good long look. Her right hand looked strange, oddly smooth and colored. It looked... strange. Flat and lacking definition, her palm lacking lines entirely and as best the doctor could tell as she held Holli's hand up to the light, no fingerprints, nor any tiny hairs on the back of her wrist. And...
"Holli," Chandra asked quietly, "You had five fingers on this hand when you came in, did you not?"
Holli paused and took a good long look at her hand, actually going so far as to count her fingers. She looked at her other hand and then began counting fingers again. Try as she might she couldn't get her two hands to add up to the proper number of fingers.
"I... think I did. It was here earlier, I'm not sure where it went. Fingers don't just go wandering off by themselves, do they?"
Chandra looked over Holli's hand but there were no signs of trauma, no scars, the bone structure didn't even feel like there had ever been a fifth finger there.
"So what happened after the party and the rabbit scratch?" Chandra asked.
"Well, that's when I started to feel really randy, so Suzy and me went to a different party. There were a few cute guys and girls there, but no one really interesting, Doc. Just me and Suzy. So after boinking a few folks we headed back to her place. We'd both gotten really plastered, got dressed up all sexy, had our hair done somewhere along the line, not sure when. She looked hot, I mean smokin' hot. So we started making out, sparks started flying and... there we go!" she'd cut the bandage free, it seemed to spontaneously fly apart into a pile of white strips that covered the floor and a rainbow row of knotted handkerchiefs on top.
Chandra sighed and sat down on the nearby desk, pinching the bridge of her nose in agitation. "I think whatever some of the strange patients I've been seeing today have is catching because there are quite a few things not making sense."
"That's what she said! That things were all weird and funny and not quite right, but we couldn't figure out what was wrong! She seemed like she needed to loosen up a bit, so I coaxed her into bed, tugged off her skirt, and then tugged off her, if you know what I mean." She waggled her eyebrows suggestively.
"Wait, your friend Suzy is a... transsexual?" the doctor asked, confused.
Holli shook her head, "Nah, Doc! Suzy is this perfect blonde cheerleader type. Went out with the captain of the football team and everything! She's not some sort of weirdo like that!"
"Then how is she a she?"
"Well, she's pretty much all girl; she's got all the girly parts. She's just got that one thing extra. I figured it was kinda normal, since a lot of the girls at the party had one. At least they did once we started having fun. I was kind of drinking a lot. But all the girls I've seen naked in the past twenty four hours have had one. It was awesome, like Sausage City at that party. Everyone had a dick they wanted me to suck. It was too bad they were all kinda flat personalities."
Chandra shook her head and waded through the pile of knee high bandages on the floor to grab Holli's file. "Including you?"
"Including me! How d'ya think I got this bellyful of spunk here? Once I found out I was flexible enough to cut Suzy out of the middle I went to town! I only stopped when my tummy got so big I couldn't keep it in my mouth any more!"
The doctor looked at the file, "There is nothing indicating a hermaphroditic or intersexual gender for you in here. It lists you as a female. I am tired of lies and silly games, Holli. Now please can we..."
Chandra looked up from the file to find a buck-toothed grin on Holli's face and her skin-tight jeans peeled off and tossed aside. The girl had suddenly developed a larger bust, a narrower waist, broader hips, and a sizeable erection that would have been impossible to conceal in such tight-fitting trousers.
"Boy, Doc, it sure feels better to get rid of those!" Holli said with a chuckle. Her tattoos wriggled and writhed as Chandra watched, changing into simpler shapes and colors, less pornographic, merely simple lines giving the appearance of the biker-style tats she had sported. The young woman's skin darkened as well to a deep chocolate color, the lines of her tattoos nearly black. Her thighs, stomach, and chin were a shade of creamy white. Her mohawk seemed to grow larger even as Holli herself seemed to grow shorter, her legs a bit out of proportion with the rest of her.
She brushed her long, lop-like rabbit ears back behind her head and seemed to reach into a pocket on her brown, furry hip, pulling out a trio of pyramid-studded straps, one for each wrist and another to keep her ears back in a semblance of a ponytail behind her neon mohawk, which seemed to be constantly changing color.
Holli cutely wiggled her pink nose at the doctor and reached into an impossible pocket again, pulling out a carrot and chewing on it noisily, "You'll have to forgive me for stealin' another rabbit's line but, eh," she shrugged. "What's up, Doc?"
Chandra gawked at the sight of her patient who had gone from a tattooed pregnant-looking girl with multicolored hair to a tattooed pregnant-looking cartoon rabbit with multicolored hair and an oversized, fully erect, seemingly fully functional cock. "This is not possible." She stated adamantly, "I must've been slipped something hallucinogenic. This sort of strangeness has been reported all day!"
"It sure feels real to me, Doc!" Holli said, giving her length a few strokes, a jet of thick precum splattering on the ground. The white tile seemed to immediately brighten where the liquid landed, the spots of painted cartoon whiteness slowly spreading out from the point of contact.
"Well, will ya look at that? I'm contagious!" Holli said, sounding downright joyful. "Maybe you oughta take my temperature? Or maybe give me some sexual healing?" Holli's grin widened, "But you're the one whose having hallucinations and looking almost sick to her stomach. So it's my turn to play doctor!"
There was an odd sound as Holli began to spin around, the wind from the motion scattering papers all over and knocking over several jars, which shattered on the floor. Holli suddenly stopped, otolaryngologist's mirror upon her head, stethoscope around her neck, a pair of surgical gloves on her hands, and an abbreviated scrub top knotted just below her cleavage to expose her bare midriff.
"Now open wide and say ah!" the rabbit in doctor's attire said happily, tapping her hardn with a tongue depressor as she stepped forward.
Unable to think of anything else, Chandra shoved the chair at Holli and bolted for the door. Holli yelped as the chair seemed to carry her off and she collided against the wall with the sound of crashing bowling pins. The doctor slammed the door shut behind her, unable to believe the sight she'd just witnessed.
"Come with me to the casbah!" Holli called through the door, "We will make beautiful music together. Well, if your idea of beautiful music is Nine Inch Nails. Specifically "Get Down, Make Love" and "Closer." I wanna fu..."
Chandra grabbed a chair leaning against the wall and wedged it beneath the knob. "I don't think so," she said with a sigh of relief.
"Who are you talking to, Doc?" said Holli from immediately behind the doctor, munching on a carrot.
The doctor yelped and jumped several feet into the air, taking off as fast as her legs could carry her down the hallway as she did her best to get away from the potentially infectious, rather lustful she-rabbit. Chandra turned her head to look back, and despite her reckless pace, Holli didn't seem to be losing any ground. In fact she seemed to be gaining even as she walked forward at a rather leisurely pace.
The doctor looked down at her feet, finding herself somehow on some sort of treadmill with a scrolling background of hospital hallway on one side. "This wasn't here before! You can't DO that!" she said, hopping off the treadmill and taking off for real.
Chandra ducked into a nearby room and slammed the door shut behind her, not paying attention to what it was. There had to be another exit, even if it involved climbing out a window, or if all else failed breaking one. Luckily it was an empty patient's room, and while the main door lacked a lock, the bathroom door did indeed have one. But then again Holli had managed to get out of a room with only one exit without seemingly even using the door. Chandra cursed her rather studious childhood; if she'd watched more cartoons she might know what she was supposed to do now.
She yelped as she looked back and realized that the door she had been leaning against now suddenly lacked a wood grain. It was just a plain, flat-looking brown door, like it was painted in the cartoon style. Chandra moved away from it quickly, pulling off her labcoat and throwing it to the side. As she watched the garment slowly began to lose its texture, turning more and more to a simply shaded object. Horrified, Chandra rushed into the bathroom, flipping on the light and looking at her back in the mirror for tell-tale traces of the strange infection. No, it was more than a mere infection if it could outright alter reality around it.
She would have to go out the window to get away from whatever this thing was. She'd pay for the window later if it turned out that all this was just some kind of weird drug-induced freakout. The doctor drew in a deep breath and turned, stepping out of the bathroom door, wary for mohawk-sporting pervert rabbits. But rather than stepping back out into the patient's room that she had entered, Chandra found herself back in the hallway.
She paused, blinked a few times, and then turned around, stepping back through the door only to come out somewhere else entirely further down the hallway. She could see the Wet Floor sign leaning against the wall just beside where she had been a moment before. Baffled she stepped through the same doorway once more and found herself across the hall from the doorway with the sign next to it that she'd entered in the first place.
"This isn't..." Chandra murmured, "It's not..." She sighed and shook her aching head. The entire situation was impossible, it violated the laws of physics and... just...
The doctor punched the wall, wincing at the pain that shot through her hand as she would expect from punching a brick wall. She was most definitely not dreaming. Her subconscious was not typically this creative, she usually dreamed of things that were normal. Stuff like doing her chores, or being at work, or occasionally finding herself back in high school for some strange reason.
"What is going on?" she almost whimpered, taking in deep breaths to both try and calm herself and get her air back after the flight from Holli and the close call with her labcoat.
"Beats me. You're looking awfully pale, Doc. Maybe I oughta check your temperature? I hope you're okay with my meat thermometer."
Chandra turned to see Holli coming down the hallway. The punk-haired rabbit waved at her and blew the doctor a kiss. Chandra ducked as a pair of large red lips fluttered across the gap between them and smacked into the wall behind her.
Holli broke into a run and she was faster than Chandra thought possible. Must be the bunny rabbit in her or something. The doctor was not going to outrun her on a straightaway, so maybe she could...
The doctor ducked back into the door she had just come out of once more, looking left and right before spying Holli slipping on the floor and plowing into a potted plant. She ran across to the next door, it said closet, but Chandra was hoping that it would work like the other doors she'd been through. And indeed it did. Chandra grinned, feeling hopeful now that she could turn at least one aspect of the wacky situation to her advantage. She ducked into another doorway, finding herself further down the hallway, closer to the exit sign that she could see glowing brightly at the end of the hall.
"Oh a woise guy, eh? Well two can play this game!" Holli shouted, and then hopped into a doorway as well, coming out of another one not far from Chandra.
"Crap," the doctor groaned, ducking back into the door she'd just come from. It put her further back down the hallway, but it gave her space to get into another one and get further away from Holli. Another door, another trip further down the hallway, while Holli skidded out into the hall behind her. Chandra grinned; the rabbit lacked shoes and thus had a tendency to skid on the freshly mopped tile floor, another thing she could use to her advantage.
She picked doors at random, finding that those on one side of the hall tended to put her closer to the exit and the other side further away. She was so close, so very, very close, but Holli seemed almost always right behind her. Only the seemingly randomness of the door exits kept her pursuer from catching up with Chandra.
Success! There was the exit! Just one door away from her and... ow!
Chandra crashed into Holly's rounded middle and went flying, skidding on her backside across the hallway and into the OB/GYN department. Holli went flying in the completely opposite direction, back through the doorway and further down the hall.
The doctor leapt to her feet, looking herself over for tell-tale ink and paint coloration that would hint at infection. She found none, though as Holli had said, she was looking a bit pale.
She couldn't go back out into the hall and there were no windows in here. The door trick might take her right back out into the hallway. What could she do? What could she possibly...
"Doctor, oh dooooctor!" Holli called.
Chandra ducked into one of the examination rooms, hiding behind the door, wracking her brain for anything that she could possibly use to get out of her situation. Cartoon, cartoon, cartoon, how did you get out of being cornered in a cartoon?
"You in here, doc?" Holli said, poking her head in, Chandra could see the shadow.
She tried her best not to make a single sound, her gloved hands feeling over the wall behind her in hope that she could find SOMETHING to use. Then she felt something round, like a wooden pole, or a handle to something. Chandra grinned as Holli flipped the light on and closed the door.
"There you are! I win our game of hide and go seek, now what do I get as my prize?"
"This!" Chandra growled, swinging the item she'd grabbed hold of. The sledgehammer sized tomahawk-style reflex hammer connected with Holli's head with an incredible "WHOP!" sound, sending her across the room and onto the examination table.
The rabbit fell perfectly; Chandra quickly placed her in the stirrups. She panted deeply, out of breath, terrified in ways she could scarcely imagine, everything she knew having broken in a single afternoon. She was just so sore and aching, so annoyed, frightened, and frustrated.
She looked over her hands to see if there was any trace of the infection. Her gloves were clean and clear. Thank goodness. Her breathing was back to normal levels and Chandra finally felt calm. More than calm, almost... giddy. She leaned against her hammer and grinned, feeling rather proud of herself for... for...
Chandra looked down at the giant reflex hammer. Despite its solid feel and heft it didn't feel quite... well... actually it felt perfectly natural in her hands, like it was made to fit them perfectly. It was absolutely gorgeous with its smooth gray handle and red-brown head. So simply and wonderfully colored, standing out against the dull grays, whites, and pastels around her.
The room around her looked so dull and dreary, the only things in it that seemed real were her hammer and the unconscious Holli, who hard stars circling her head. Chandra found herself looking over the cute bunny in the nurse costume, her magnificent breasts, her sexy tummy, her still-erect cock... the doctor felt a small stirring in her own loins.
She paused and moved to the nearby sink, peering into the mirror over it. Chandra's jaw dropped at the sight of herself. The color had leeched entirely out of her face, leaving it stark white and... painted. The change in her skintone was taking place all over her body, but the cartoon-y look seemed to slowly be spreading from her face.
Chandra watched with fascination as her eyes changed colors, turning from brown to a brilliant red. Her black hair began to fade to grey and then to white, matching her skin tone. The doctor just gawked at her reflection, not quite understanding what was going on. Trying to image how she'd become infected.
"Dumkopf!" she said, suddenly speaking with a German accent for no reason that she could think of, it just felt right. "You touched your gotterdammerung face in exasperation after touching her arm."
"Alterations apparently develop from ze area of original contact with ze unknown pathogenic agent," she said, making clinical observations. She touched her face with her gloved hand, finding rather oddly that her sense of touch seemed to carry through the gloves, as if they were a part of her.
"Though ze simplistic coloration makes it appear as skin, ze fully altered portions of my face are furred like an animal." She noted, watching her ears begin to enlargen and change shape.
The doctor's pants suddenly felt uncomfortably constrictive, so with a brief pull, changing them into a table cloth, she removed them, allowing her newly forming tail and already formed cock to be freed from their cloth prison.
"Hmm, it is as za patient stated. For some reason ze alterations to my body include a phallus. Of course not being a drunken ignoramus, I am fully aware of what ze typical female anatomy is and is not."
Chandra let out a soft moan as she stroked her new appendage, "It seems that ze initial stages of infection can proceed at a variable rate. Perhaps Holli's continuous drinking resulted in a slowing of ze alterations. Or perhaps ze disease is a drama queen and requires ze subject to notice zat zey are infected before rapidly reaching ze end stage."
She shivered as she felt her entire body shift into its new state. There was an accentuation of features, a narrowing in the waist, and a broadening in the hips and chest. Chandra ran her tongue over her newly elongated and enlarged incisors wriggled her pink nose at her reflection.
"Ze alterations seem to have proceeded along some sort of stereotypical role. Being a doctor my post-infection form is zat of an albino rat, a lab rat if you will. Also zat would explain my altered vocal mannerisms as well as my rising urges to further study ze infection by introducing it into uncontaminated control subjects. Also likely a symptom of ze disease to further its spread."
"Umm... who are you talking to?" Holli asked, a brow raised as she looked over the doctor.
"Hush! I vil deal with you in a moment!" Chandra said, admiring her new shapely toon body in the mirror, "I feel a sense of euphoria and also satisfaction at my altered form. I feel rather good, and yet so terribly, terribly naughty." Chandra spun on her three-toed, paw-like furless feet, giving Holli a wicked grin as she snapped one of her four-fingered gloves. The lights dimmed and a clap of thunder sounded as the room was illuminated by lightning. Even though there were no windows.
"Since we are in the OB/GYN clinic, Nurse Holli, I believe that we ought to conduct a rather thorough diagnostic session of both our reproductive systems." Chandra said with a grin, adjusting a pair of glasses that weren't there a moment before.
"Umm... can't we just have dinner and drinks first? I don't go past second base for the first date!" the rabbit protested.
Chandra clicked her tongue. "So much protesting after wanting to chase me down and put this in me, hmm?" she purred, running a gloved hand over Holli's hardn. The rabbit gasped softly and lay back on the examination table.
"I don't wantcha to think of me as one of those loose women!"
"Well, why don't I conduct a test to see how loose you actually are, a rather deep, handsn test. Of course there are not going to be any hands involved..."
Holli sighed happily, hearts in her eyes. "Oh Doctor, you know all the right things to say to a goil."
"Prepare for your examination!" Chandra said, following with a maniacal laugh as she stepped up onto the extended bottom step of the examination table, slipping her new manhood into the eager rabbit's depths.
"And another thing, Mr. Narrator Guy. Would you PLEASE stop calling me a rabbit? It's Holli Hare. It's got that illustrative thing going on."
You mean alliterative?
"Ghesundheit!" Holli and Chandra said at once, looking directly at the camera.
"If you'll excuse us, I do believe this falls under doctor-patient privilege!" the good doctor says, pulling down a shade over the scene, reading 'The End.'
'Or is it?'
A pan over to the cause of all this trouble, Molly, the lab-coated lioness waving her hands about as she plays a Theremin to give us some appropriately ominous music as we fade to black. |
Title: Mechanics of the Heart Ch. 05
Tags: gay romance, gay interracial, gay fuck buddies, gay asian, gay anal, gay oral, gay cumshot, gay bareback, mechanic sex, gay facial
"You ready?" Roberto asked over the phone.
"...just about," Danny replied, shoving the last remaining pieces of clothing from his closet into a duffle bag.
Around him, open cardboard boxes and a suitcase all stuffed with his belongings stood in a bare bedroom. His former bedroom.
"All right! You can come over now if you like," the copywriter announced, zipping up the bag.
"Okay baby, I'm heading out then." They hung up.
Sitting on the carpeted floor, looking at the empty four walls, it hit Danny again that he really was moving out of his parents'. This was going to be a big new chapter in his life.
He thought back to when he announced his decision earlier in the week.
Facing him, in the kitchen, there was his mother, whose eyes widened, like those of a deer staring at oncoming headlights.
Beside her, his dad Pierre raised his eyebrows.
Danny was ready for his mom to raise her voice and begin an endless tirade. But instead, she just got up, expressionless and silent, and headed for the staircase.
"Mom?" the copywriter asked as she walked by him. When she neither stopped nor responded, he turned to his dad, who responded with a silent half-hug and a pat on the shoulder.
"Have you thought about this seriously?" Pierre asked.
"Yes, dad," the brunet answered. "He's the one. We're serious about this."
A slight smile appeared on his father's face. "You're all grown up now." He held Danny in a long embrace.
"It will be hard at times. Call me if you need anything."
"Merci, papa."
Leaving his memories to focusing again on the present, Danny double-checked his closet. 'At least I have dad,' he thought.
Just then, Pierre knocked on the door.
"Alors..." Danny's father said as he came in, "When are you leaving?"
"Soon, maybe ten minutes"
His father teased, "Love moves quickly, doesn't it?"
"Dad..." Danny moaned, rolling his eyes, as Pierre laughed and patted the copywriter's shoulder.
"Thank you, for supporting me," Danny said.
"We love you so much, Danny. Both of us." Pierre paused. "Things have been a little bit difficult lately, but that's because you're our little boy. You'll always be our little boy."
"Papa..." The moment just wouldn't be complete without waterworks from Danny.
His father continued. "You're a man now. Take care of yourself. Take care of Roberto. Soon, you'll have to take care of us too!"
Danny chuckled, wiping his tears away.
"Are you done packing?" his father asked, his hands on the brunet's shoulders.
"All right, I'm going to see how your mother is doing."
His son frowned, guilty.
"Just give it time, Danny," Pierre assured, patting his shoulder. Danny took a breath and nodded some more. "All right, go finish packing then."
In his bedroom, the brunet tried his hardest to concentrate on checking everything in his bags and boxes again. 'I'm doing the right thing, he reminded himself. I'm doing the best thing.'
Several minutes later, Roberto texted him to say he'd arrived. Danny went downstairs to open the door for Roberto, hugging him tightly. Then they began moving the copywriter's belongings out of his parents' house.
It took several trips to get his computer, his books, all his clothes, and every other daily essential and knick-knack into the mechanic's red Lancer; the trunk and backseat were filled to the brim. When they were all done, Danny made one last trip up to the master bedroom door. He knocked.
Pierre opened up, and Danny's eyes immediately darted to his mom, sitting on the bed, blotting her eyes with a ball of tissue. The sight made her son choke up.
"You ready, son?" his father asked.
Danny nodded and squeezed his eyes shut tightly.
"Goodbye, dad. Goodbye, mom."
As his father embraced him one more time, Danny opened his eyes to steal a final look at his mother. She was looking right back at him, her eyes red, her expression stoic but flecked with fear and sadness.
That image haunted the brunet all the way back to Roberto's apartment. It would remain in the back of his mind for much longer.
His boyfriend knew very well what was going on inside his head, and quietly held Danny's hand on the drive back home.
When they arrived at the underground garage in Roberto's building, the last thing Danny wanted to do was to haul his belongings up to the apartment.
As they got out of the red Mitsubishi Lancer, the mechanic suggested that Danny leave the nonessential stuff down in his basement storage locker. After dropping that off, they then carried everything else up to the apartment in a few trips.
As they moved the final boxes in the suddenly cramped apartment, Roberto said, "You can start unpacking tomorrow. There's no hurry." The two of them pushed Danny's belongings first into the den strewn with exercise equipment, then finished off the last of the bags by throwing them into the closet.
"We gotta get some racks or shelves for all your fancy clothes," Roberto exclaimed, realizing how much space Danny's stuff took up.
Danny loved it every time Roberto said "we". "Don't worry; I inherited my mom's space-saving skills," he assured. "You'll barely notice my things are here after I'm done," he said with a smile.
Roberto tousled Danny's hair. " I'll notice the extra mouth eating all the food...and the extra pair of ass cheeks just waiting to be taken," he quipped, giving his boy's bum a loud smack.
The brunet jumped and squealed.
"Help me make dinner," the mechanic requested, wrapping his arm around Danny's waist.
After cooking up a chicken quinoa salad and finishing it quickly, the couple cleaned up and headed to bed. Both of them were silently wondering if they would have sex tonight.
Danny thought Roberto would be too tired from the move to be in the mood. Meanwhile, the mechanic thought his boyfriend would still be too emotional to want some nookie.
Sliding underneath the covers, naked, Danny reached to hold Roberto's naked body, wrapping his arms around his beefy chest. He rested his head on the mechanic's shoulder and sighed contentedly. In response, Roberto draped Danny's leg across his waist and traced soft circles on his buttocks.
Just feeling Roberto's arms around him, his warmth, the protective strength of his hard body, was enough for Danny. For now.
"Thank you," he said, hugging his man's arms.
"For what?"
"For asking me to live with you. And..." he turned his head, "Just for everything."
Danny felt so loved, so grateful that they were now living together. He felt alive as he embarked on the next stage of life's journey with his love.
The lovers kissed, gentle smooches to show their affection. Roberto snuggled his head deep in the nape of Danny's neck.
"You're welcome, baby."
Gradually, the rise and fall of the mechanic's relaxed body, and the soft rumble of his snores, they began to whisk Danny away to sleep. He smiled and wondered how his man always fell asleep so quickly.
Several peaceful hours later, a full bladder woke Danny.
The sun was already up; he paused, then reminded himself that it was Saturday. Carefully, he moved Roberto's embracing arm from his naked waist and strided quickly to the bathroom.
After he was done peeing, he was eager to dive back into the warm bed, where his sleeping mechanic slept sprawled out, arms opened wide, with that gloriously built, hairy chest on full display.
The rumpled blanket bared Roberto's thigh and erection, a delicious, oversized prick that was begging to be sucked. Danny could never say no to that slightly bent nine-incher. He wasn't about to this time.
So he slid onto the bed like a predator, his arms and legs gliding over the sheets slinkily. Eyes locked on the prize, Danny licked his lips at the shaft of flesh. His lover's cock had already given him countless cries of pleasure; there were surely countless more to come.
Around the penis, an expansive stretch of pubic hair flourished, curly and unruly. It ran down the insides of Roberto's thick, toned thighs and spread up his pelvis, camouflaging the veins, until the fur narrowed into the treasure trail that Danny loved to fondle and suck.
Resting his head sideways on his mechanic's ripped stomach, Danny grinned and wondered how different his stud would look if they did a top-to-bottom Nair session on him. As he cast his eyes all over this stunning specimen of virile man, the slim brunet thought that Roberto would look like a fitness model.
Danny softly fondled his lover's hard member, reaching to administer some loving touches to his hairy, droopy sacs.
The hairless fantasy continued in his head. He imagined a photo shoot with a professional photographer. Roberto would feel awkward in the studio; he didn't really like how he looked in pictures. Danny gave him that one; he thought Roberto's captured images didn't hold a candle to how devastatingly sexy the mechanic was in real life.
The younger man quietly giggled when he imagined the photographer barking orders to Roberto: "Flex! Look at the camera! Look at me like you want to make love! YES!! Keep flexing and bend your waist...HOLD IT!! DON'T MOVE."
Danny couldn't wait anymore. He took that monster dick in his mouth hungrily.
What would Roberto wear? Of course, the mechanic stud looked best naked, but if they were shooting a calendar, let's say, wouldn't he look cute dressed up as a firefighter? As a cowboy, with a lasso and assless chaps? Or maybe as a topless welder, with the helmet flipped back and grease all over?
As Danny licked under and over the shaft, then sucked hard around the crown, he decided Roberto would look his best in just a pair of red Speedos...ooh, or jockstraps!
Or...or, just in his mechanic coveralls, black oil stains and all, with the zipper pulled down to offer a tantalizing glimpse of his eight-pack and furry, veiny groin.
Danny was hard now. He opened his jaw wide and deep throated his dream lover.
The skillful suction drew a deep breath from Roberto. His big, rough paws found Danny's peachy bum and began kneading them.
"Morning baby..."
"Muhnuh..." Danny mumbled, not wanting to take his firmly-sucking lips off the cock.
"Eager beaver this morning, huh?" Roberto remarked, reaching for the lube on the nightstand.
Danny released his favourite plaything and looked at Roberto with mischief.
"We didn't, last night."
"You didn't get your dose of cum?" Roberto teased.
"It's okay. I'm ready to feed my cum slut now," he winked.
Danny blushed and slapped Roberto's thigh, but then eagerly went back to fellating the mechanic. "Guu..." Danny replied with the nine-incher stuffed in his mouth.
As the younger man took his time to enjoy the sweet dick, Roberto slipped in two lubricated fingers into his favourite playground: Danny's hot, tight hole, the hole he deflowered, the hole that was his and only his to fuck and cum in. His boy yelped in surprise as his digits pushed past his sphincter and zoomed straight for the prostate.
The both moaned lustfully during the foreplay, calling on each other to fulfill their all-consuming need. Danny took all the cock he could handle down his gullet, gagging a few times but pressing on, while Roberto continued pumping his fingers into his lover's rectum, the friction drawing wet squelches from the relaxing canal. He also used his other hand to stroke Danny's five-incher, twisting his wrist and circling his fingers to get his boy turned on and opened up quickly.
Time slipped by uncounted, the lovers singlemindedly indulging in bodily gratification. Although the mechanic loved the view of his digits penetrating Danny's squeezing anus, and he loved having his dick attended to by his love, he wanted even more to stick it in and fuck away.
"C'mon baby, you're ready now," Roberto finally said, taking his slicked fingers out of Danny's rectum and giving the perfectly perky globes a good slap. Danny whined, gave one last hard suck, then popped the massive prick out of his mouth and turned around to face his man.
"Wanna ride me, baby?" Roberto asked with a grin.
"Um hmm," his younger lover nodded.
Danny got on his feet and straddled the mechanic stud's horizontal body. Reaching back, he found the steel-hard shaft and pointed it up to his rosebud. Then, locking eyes with his lover, he squatted down on it.
They both cried out in pleasure at the tight, aching sensation. The brunet wanted to impale all nine inches up his ass, right away, but he took a breath and knew he had to be careful with Roberto's endowment. So he waited a moment, planting soft kisses on Roberto's waiting lips.
"Fuck, you feel so amazing," the older man moaned in between the sloppy dueling of their tongues. He gazed longingly at Danny with hooded eyes.
The young bottom bit his lower lip and sat down further, taking more cock up his tight little hole.
"Oh! That's it, Danny! Fuck yeah..."
Roberto closed his eyes, leaned back and threw his powerful arms above his head.
The sight of the mechanic's densely tufted armpits drove Danny to slide his outstretched hands up the mechanic's impossibly muscled torso. He relished the texture of every corded ridge, his man from head to toe an exquisite model of highly-disciplined brawn. Taking in Roberto's statuesque physique while also taking in his oversized prick, the brunet bottom mewled seductively.
"Yeah, baby, use my body..." the horny stud encouraged, as a gripping, aching warmth enveloped his pulsating cock.
"Take that cock...that's right..."
"Ohh!" Danny groaned, "I think you're all the way in..."
Reflexively, Roberto thrusted his pelvis up and found that he was indeed buried inside of Danny up to the hilt.
"Fuck yeah," he replied, reaching up to play with his lover's nipples.
The copywriter leaned forward, hands bracing the headboard, and began to ride Roberto's dick. As they moaned and cursed with every squat and push, the bed bounced up and down, complaining with little squeaks.
Thrusting that monster prick all the way up his rectum, Danny fucked his mechanic stud harder and harder. The squats slapped his peachy bum loudly against Roberto's thighs.
"Aw yeah, baby, YEAH! You like that dick huh?!" the mechanic growled, eyes burning as they stayed locked on his lover's pupils. "You like taking that dick hard and fast??"
Danny held their breathless gaze amidst the frenzied rocking. And then he felt his lover's paws gripping his buttocks.
"Ye...y-YES! Oh Berto!!"
Roberto couldn't help but start to take control. He grabbed Danny's bouncing buttocks and thrusted himself up into his lover; Danny screamed, threw his head back, and held on tightly. The bumpy jaunt rocked the younger man's entire body, breaking his loud hollering into coarse, agitated shouts.
"Fuck me back, baby, c'mon!!" Roberto urged, giving Danny his all. His boy pushed his ass back onto the pistoning prick, matching the mechanic's thrusts, and screeched at the searing assault that ravaged his anal canal.
The bed frame began to bump against the wall, a dull thud with every passionate fuck.
With a massive prick drilling up his asshole nonstop, hitting then rubbing against his prostate every time, Danny soon felt an aching pressure build in his groin.
"BERTO, I'm gonna cum...I'm gonna!"
His man stopped. "No no! Not yet..." he breathed, grabbing Danny's body and flipping him back down on the bed. Then, he carefully lifted his lover's lower body and stood up into a wide squatting stance, until he was in position to piledrive Danny into screaming submission.
"Pillow for your neck, baby," he offered with a grin, reaching back to grab one and hand it to Danny. As his panting bottom adjusted it to cushion his inverted body, Roberto held onto the back of Danny's thighs, ready to give him some rough love.
"Berto?" Danny asked, looking up at Roberto with earnest eyes.
"Be gentle," he requested.
"Too late for that," the mechanic replied matterf-factly.
Danny squealed in response, wanting to slap Roberto but helpless in his upside-down, allpen posture. "DON'T!!"
"That means yes, right?" Roberto continued, licking his lips. As his bottom boy yelped again, he rubbed Danny's airborne thighs.
"Don't worry, baby. I know what I'm doing."
"You better cum all over my face," Danny retorted.
His man chuckled. "Oh, you're gonna get it all over your face, and your chest..." Roberto started fucking mid-sentence. "...and your stomach, and your cock..." His boy's quivering canal felt so good. "And your little hole too..."
Danny started moaning, the force of his lover's thrusts pressing down on his flippedver figure. The position left his hole completely open, and he relished the feeling of being dominated by the love of his life.
"I'm gonna get you good, oh yeah..." the mechanic stud growled, widening his stance to get at a better dicking angle. The deeper penetration took Danny by thrilling surprise.
"YES! Take me Berto!!"
Roberto loved watching his throbbing prick slide in and out of Danny's loosened asshole. The sharp angle of penetration also put toe-curling pressure on his glans. He fucked on and on tirelessly, while below, Danny bit his fingers, thrashed his head to the side, and called the mechanic's name like a cheap whore.
Bumping his groin against Danny's, the mechanic stud held on tight to the back of his lover's thighs and kept eye contact during the rocking intercourse, watching the bottom's face twist and stretch in torturous rapture.
"Oh GOD don't stop!"
The pleasure-filled minutes ticked by with heated thrusts and grunts. Danny took in the sight of Roberto's body through his topsy-turvy vision. He loved watching the triceps activate, the pectorals flex, and the hairy, rippling abs drip sweat down onto his own smooth, exposed figure.
With each piledriving slam, Danny surrendered himself again and again to satiate Roberto.
"FUCK ME!! Take my ass, Berto!" The building pressure in his groin threatened to spill over.
"You ready for my cum, baby?!" the mechanic demanded loudly, breathing hard, soaked with perspiration from the nonstop anal plumbing.
"Omigod YES cum all over me! YES I WANT IT!!" Danny hollered wantonly, about to go over the edge himself.
"Here it...UHH!!"
They came together. Roberto fired off the first of his shots in Danny's milking hole. He whipped out his massive cock from the clenching orifice quickly as the brunet's ejaculation exploded. The two cocks pelted crisscrossing, milky trails all over Danny's stomach and chest. Then the mechanic aimed his third spray at Danny's gasping face, dousing his fair features with his salty nectar.
With his eyes closed, the brunet bottom acutely felt each load of fresh hot semen raining on his body and face. He wailed through his intense orgasm, convulsing on the messy bed as he shot creamy geysers onto his flat hairless tummy.
Finally, when the last drops of their copious semen flew from their piss slits, Roberto stuffed his stillozing glans into Danny's mouth and held on.
The electric shock he experienced as his lover worked on his depleting dick almost toppled him over. Danny quickly grabbed Roberto's buttocks and stabilized him, while staying busy with sucking and swallowing the remaining cum from his hypersensitive cockhead.
"FUCK!! Uhh!!" Roberto hissed.
He endured the sweet torture, because he knew Danny absolutely lived for cleaning cock.
A grueling minute later, below Roberto's exhausted, crouchedver body, the drenched young man released his lover's genitals and took a breath.
"Is it too much?" Danny asked, looking up at Roberto with a dribbling facial.
The muscular top grimaced with closed eyes, his panting breaths levelling out. "No baby...play with it all you want."
Danny smiled and wrapped his mouth back around the softening cock with delight. He gave it long, hard sucks, from the base all the way up to the tip, inducing ab-tightening shudders and guttural cries from his man. They only compelled the brunet to keep sucking.
"SHIT!! Sensitive, baby, sensitive!" Roberto whispered harshly. "Ahh-AAHH! Fuck..."
Finally, a series of busy slurps and anguished moans later, Danny pulled Roberto's spent, rubbery dick out out his mouth and gently stroked the shaft, giving little licks to the glans.
"That was so fucking hot," he murmured, looking up at his lover. He felt cum cooling all over his naked body, a coat of jizz expelled from both of their cocks. A droplet of semen leaked out of his used asshole.
"Aw yeah..." Roberto agreed with a sweaty smile, his limbs weak from the fucking and the post-cum-head.
As their breathing slowed to a regular pace, Danny piped up again.
"Did I miss a spot?" he asked with guileless eyes, one hand still on Roberto's dick, the other running across the mechanic's wet muscles. "On my face?"
That made the strapping stud laugh out loud.
"You're such a little cum slut.." he sneered, laying his firm body on top of Danny's, looking at his lover face-to-dripping-face.
"You missed your whole face," he affirmed, then looked down the length of Danny's figure. Pools of semen glued themselves to the mechanic's furry body and stretched in gooey strings. "And your whole body."
Turning up his innocent-boy act, the brunet inquired, "Can you help me clean it?"
Roberto took one finger and began sweeping the globs of cum on Danny's face into his hungry mouth. He loved watching his boy savour and swallow every goopy load.
"It's tasty," he purred.
The next day, Danny went to the annual Big Fair by the lake with Richie, his tattoo artist boyfriend Trevor, and Simon.
The copywriter was almost going to cancel when his mechanic stud said he had to go to some "mechanic's conference" at a nearby city. But then Danny thought it would be good to get out of his home, his new home with Roberto, and to take his mind off his mother. Also, it had been a yearly tradition between him and Richie to go to the Fair since they were little. Keen to rebuild his friendship with his lifelong pal, Danny knew how important it would be to attend.
Though it was October, the weather was still warm. It was perfect for a day outdoors spent playing midway games, riding the ferris wheel, and eating junk from the enormous food building. In the busy, family-filled afternoon, the group found themselves in the lineup to a crazy spinning ride. Richie turned to Simon and asked, "So, what are you gonna do?"
He was talking about Jae and Luke. The black musician did his trademark headshake and forehead slap. "I dunno. What would you do?"
Richie's eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "I'd jump on both of them, then ask if they were down for a threesome!"
While everyone laughed and a father in line behind them gave Richie a dirty look, Trevor, sporting asymmetrical blue hair, commented, "Such a shy, demure flower, this one."
"What about you, Danny? What would you do?" Simon asked.
"I...I dunno." The copywriter hesitated, thinking. "'cos I would probably get attached to both or something, and then..." He finished with a frown on his face.
"Yeah, exactly!" Simon agreed, nodding. "It'd get messy, and the last thing I want in my life right now is a mess."
Quietly, Danny muttered, "Well, it depends on the kind of mess..."
Just like old times, Richie didn't miss a beat to tease his oldest friend. "Tell us, Danny," he goaded loudly, "What kind of mess do YOU like??"
The father waiting in line cleared his throat and glared at Richie again. He turned around to Trevor and mocked the middle-aged man's stern expression.
"Unlike you," the tattoo artist said with a chuckle, "Danny is a freak in the sheets, but a lady on the streets."
It was their turn to go on the ride. While Richie and Trevor were fighting over who would sit on the outside seat and thus get crushed once they reached top speed, Danny and Simon took the opposite approach and offered each other the inside seat. It took the cute teen operator coming around to lock the doors to force them to sit their bums down. Simon ended up on the outside.
As soon as the ride started, the two of them regretted getting on.
"Omigod...AAHH!" Danny screamed, trying hard not to. "Sorry!!" he screeched, as the centrifugal force pressed his slim body against Simon's.
Simon was crushed but couldn't stop laughing at Dan |
ny's 'get me off this ride!' face. In front of them, Richie and Trevor raised their arms and hollered.
When the ride ended, Danny took slow, wobbly steps off the ride, holding onto Simon's shoulder for support. Richie bounded out like nothing happened and asked, "Who wants to go on the Drop Zone??"
The musician and the copywriter both pursed their lips and shook their heads.
"Wimps," the blond groaned, grabbing Trevor's hand and starting to walk.
"Honey," the tattoo artist asked, "Why don't we play some games at the stands? You know I've got good aim."
Simon caught the cheeky glance that Trevor shot at Richie.
"Nah, it's a cash grab," Richie replied. "Danny and I come here every year and we've never won anything."
"What?!" Danny interrupted as they walked towards the midway booths. "Richie, don't you remember we won that big mermaid doll?? We actually won the ring toss after spending like $50!"
"Oh yeah!!" he responded, turning around to the brunet. "And then I lost the doll."
"Doofus," Danny said under a fake cough.
Suddenly, it began to feel like old times again.
Simon observed the direction they were heading in. "So I guess we're heading to the food building..." he said with a grimace.
The brunet and the blond met each other's eyes. "Deep fried, all the time!"
Simon shuddered. "Well, I'll be eating my own food. I'll wait for you guys outside?"
"What?!" Richie exclaimed. "Simon, sit with us. Omigod, it would make my day if you actually had a bite of deep fried butter."
"Deep fried butter?!" the musician questioned in disgust.
"Death on a stick," Trevor clarified.
"Some people have no idea," Danny sighed, snapping his fingers and shaking his head.
"Yeah, wait till you get to 30 and suddenly, it's not so cute anymore. It takes work to maintain abs," Simon warned and complained simultaneously, smoothing his hand over his stomach.
In front of him, Richie stopped and turned around. "Have you seen his abs?" he asked Danny with eyes wide open.
The copywriter turned to Simon with similarly wide eyes, then smirked.
"Show and tell! Show and tell!" Richie chanted, clapping. Danny soon joined in.
Rolling his eyes, the black musician looked around warily, then lifted up his polo shirt. Danny was surprised and impressed by how cut and perfectly proportioned Simon's six pack and obliques were. He cheered loudly with Richie and Trevor.
"I'm still not going in that building," Simon declared, his cheeks flushed.
"Oh, c'mon!" Danny exclaimed, as he and Richie pulled the black musician into the massive junk food centre.
Inside, the odour of deep-fried grease saturated the air. Danny and Richie excitedly bounded up to each food vendor to check out what calorieverloaded fare was on offer.
Simon looked at the pictures of the food being served. He thought the food looked like artifacts in an avant-garde gallery exhibit.
After a round tour of all the food stands in the circular, single-storey building, the pair of reformed best friends each bought a stick of deep fried butter and shared a donut burger. Simon had to look away as Danny and Richie bit into their crunchy, dripping meal; he promptly lost all appetite.
The musician opened his messenger bag and looked for the banana he brought to snack on. As he rummaged, he heard someone call his name from behind.
"Who's that?" Richie whispered, squinting his eye at the stranger. And then it hit him.
Simon turned around. "Jae!" he exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"
"Just checkin' out the Fair, man!" he responded in his sunny manner.
For a moment, Simon wasn't sure how to feel. The last time they saw each other was weeks ago, and Jae basically said he wanted them to be fuck buddies. Since then, they hadn't talked or texted each other once.
But as the athletic Asian opened his brawny arms wide and moved in for a hug, the musician couldn't resist the physical contact. He savoured the warmth of Jae's tall, buff body.
"Are these your boys?" the Korean asked after the embrace, nodding at Danny, Richie, and Trevor. He promptly introduced himself and shook hands with them all, while Richie shot quick winks at Simon.
This was also when Simon saw Jae's friends, three girls and one guy who stood some distance behind the Korean. "Hi, I'm Simon," the musician offered politely to Jae's friends. He hated making introductions and small talk.
There were no handshakes with this early-20s hipster group.
"How do you know Jae?" one of the girls asked after names were introduced, then quickly forgotten.
"Oh, I know his roommates."
"Oh yeah, those guys..." the girl continued, looking to the side, nodding. Soon she was chatting amongst her friends, with her back to Simon.
Meanwhile, Jae was charming the pants off of the musician's friends; business as usual. Much to Simon's amusement and annoyance, the Asian jock was having a moment with Danny and Richie over the deep fried goodness on offer in the food building.
"Simon, you haven't had one of these?!" Jae asked in surprise, holding up a stick of deep fried butter.
The musician shook his head and moaned, "Ugh."
That was when a devilish glow flickered in Jae's eyes.
He started walking towards Simon, the stick of pure artery cloggage held in front. "C'mon, it's so good," he teased, ready to feed the 31 yearld.
"Don't you DARE!" Simon declared, backing away, his hand outstretched. But then Jae grabbed his hand, and he went still.
"C'mon..." the young hunk said, raising the deep fried butter to Simon's lips. With a quick roll of his eyes, the musician opened his mouth and took it.
He took a tentative bite and chewed slowly. Then his tongue darted out and swept up the crumbs that he missed.
Jae's mouth hung open slightly, his eyes hypnotized by Simon's lips.
"...damn, it's good," the musician said after swallowing. There was a shift in the stare between the two.
Simon held Jae's gaze, and he was about to take another bite, when behind them, one of Jae's friends piped up.
"Jae, c'mon, the dog show is starting soon!"
Their moment broken, the Asian jock grinned and put his hand on Simon's shoulder. "Lindsey really wants to check out the puppies." Simon nodded.
"Hey, are you guys hanging around for a while?" Jae asked the musician and his friends.
"Umm, I dunno...maybe?" Simon replied.
"They're doing fireworks tonight by the lakeshore. We're probably gonna check 'em out...if you're around, come find us," the Korean suggested.
Simon replied, "Sure, of course."
"Text me," Jae said as he walked away with his friends, waving goodbye to Richie, Trevor, and Danny.
Simon turned around quickly, lest he be caught staring at Jae as he left with his friends. He was greeted by Danny and Richie's arched brows.
"Well then," Richie said with a wicked grin.
"What?" Simon asked abruptly, starting to blush.
"Nothing..." the blond continued, putting their food trays aside.
"What??" the musician demanded again, as the group strolled out of the food building.
They went around to several more booths, more rides, and a skating show, enjoying themselves as Danny and Richie bonded again. All this time, all Simon could think of was Jae.
As the sun went down and the air got chilly, Trevor wrapped his arms around Richie. It was soon clear that everyone was ready to leave. Except Simon.
"Dinner?" Richie suggested, looking at the group. "There's Chinese, Thai, and Italian places close by."
As the others deliberated, Simon piped up hesitantly, "Actually, guys, I think I'm gonna stick around a bit longer..."
"Yeah, we knew that," Richie responded matterf-factly, then turned back to Trevor and Danny. "So Thai tonight? Okay!"
The musician stood there blinking as the boys each took turns hugging Simon goodnight.
"Play it cool. Be yourself. Don't think so far ahead," Richie advised his older friend.
"Yeah yeah," Simon replied, rolling his eyes.
When the boys left, he brought out his phone to text Jae.
'Hey, u still at the fair?'
Then came the part he hated: the uncertainty. Waiting for a guy to text him back. Not knowing whether Jae was still around. Whether he was still interested. And he wasn't looking forward to being around those elitist hipsters either. He hesitated between setting his phone on vibrate and turning up the ringer.
Around him, families and hand-holding couples leisurely strolled through the Fair. He felt lonely, in the middle of the crowd. It was a feeling he knew very well: standing on stage, talking or singing into a mic, facing an audience who didn't give a shit.
He just loved stepping up to the plate for life's curveballs, didn't he? Jae already stated where he stood. And he didn't even want to think about the possible drama with Luke at work. So far, the editor-in-chief had been completely professional since that dinner. But what if he tried to make a move?
Then the SMS ring sounded and jolted Simon out of his fog of debilitating doubt.
'Yo I'm at the shore! Fireworks r startin soon, come!'
His heart jumped, and as much as he didn't want to look like he was rushing over to the lakeside viewing area, he well and truly was.
It was funny how everything could change with just one text; before it, the Fair had become the loneliness place on Earth; but now, as Simon sped by a blur of midway booths, a rainbow of plush dolls, whirling rides with flashing lights, and children's laughter, he felt beyond excited to meet up with Jae, like he was zooming in closer and closer to the centre of it all.
The cloud-free evening sky and the warm temperature was perfect for watching fireworks. When Simon reached the shoreline, it was dotted with people waiting for the pyrotechnics to start: families and friends chatting and laughing, some showing off their giant, hard-won toys on the boardwalk port, other wielding flashing wands and helium balloons.
He almost leapt for joy when he saw Jae, by himself. His back was facing Simon, his arm leaning on the railing, his attention seemingly centred on the lake. Simon took a breath, walked up and tapped him on the shoulder.
The athletic Asian turned around. When he recognized it was Simon, he flashed the musician a big grin, the same grin that had swept the musician off his feet since their first conversation in the kitchen.
Before Simon could say hello, the first pop of firework sounded and echoed in the air. The musician's mouth hung slightly open; his eyes stayed steadfastly on Jae's smile, which was more vibrant than the burst of colour that erupted in the black sky.
He was at a loss for words.
The Korean jock cheered and pointed to the sky as a string of crackles reverberated from high above. Simon cast his eyes to where Jae was pointing, taking in the the spectacle of lights.
To their left and right, there were whistles and claps all along the boardwalk. The night air was still, cool enough for a hoodie on top. Faintly, an orchestrated soundtrack drifted from the pyrotechnic boat to the masses.
Simon wanted so badly to hold Jae's hand. He fought so hard to hold back. He also fought to stop his head from turning to look at the Asian hunk again and again, itching for another glance at his invincible smile.
Iridescent flashes shot across the night sky, bursting into view from thin air. The blossoms of colour transformed in hue like airborne chameleons, morphing before their tone could be named or processed. Their forms, too, were kinetic but transient, never still, slipping away after fanning out gloriously for a second. Before there was any time to say more than "Wow...", a new wave of glittering spheres and comets ignited, starting the cycle anew.
It was almost enough for Simon to be happy, standing there beside Jae, enjoying the spectacular fireworks.
The musician didn't realize how quickly this blissful moment was passing until the pyrotechnics team went all out and the music swelled, signalling the final minutes of the display. It was like one big chaos of colour and sound, magnificently messy. Both of them cheered and clapped to the chaotic finale.
And then it was over. The music ceased and the sky went back to black.
"Aw man, I want more!" Jae exclaimed. A burning smell wafted through the air.
"Yeah, that was incredible," Simon said.
The young hunk turned to him. "What now, dude? Where to??"
Simon shrugged. "I dunno. What do you feel like doing?"
They looked at each other. There was a hint of hesitation on Jae's part, as if he thought of an idea he wasn't sure if he should express.
"We can go for some food, maybe? If you're hungry?" Simon suggested.
The Asian hunk sighed. "Ooh, I would, but I'm broke right now. And I have food back home..." His eyes lit up. "Hey, you wanna come over and have some? Nicole made some pasta and salad. We can download a movie on my laptop."
"Oh, okay, sure," the musician replied, trying to play it cool. His mind immediately shot to a possibility, a possible...pastime that could happen, after food. He wondered if Jae was on the same page.
He wondered if that was what Jae wanted to suggest in the first place. Just pasta and salad and a movie?
When they got back to Jae's house, they were both starving, and soon tore into the pasta, the salad, and other leftover bits in the fridge that Jae shared with his roommates Nicole, Julio, and Arthur. The others were either all out, or doing their own thing in their rooms.
During the meal, the easy flow that coursed through Jae and Simon's conversation resembled the beginnings of a real friendship. Although Simon enjoyed talking with Jae, deep down this emerging layer of connection with the attractive Asian only confused his feelings even more.
"I think it's harder to be a girl," Simon opined at one point in their conversation, feeling full from their hasty feast.
Jae shot him an incredulous look. "Yo, are you serious?? Guys have it hard too."
"Oh yeah? Like how?" the musician inquired with a grin.
A serious tone suddenly washed over the athletic Asian's face. "Don't you ever feel like, sometimes, you're trapped?"
"What do you mean?"
Jae wiped his mouth on a napkin, then balled it up and dropped it on his plate. He took a breath.
"It's become this 'cool' thing for guys to be sensitive, and talk about our feelings or whatever. But, the fucked up thing is, when we do, it..." He thought for a moment, visibly getting riled up. "They can't handle it. There's this look that's like, disgust and disappointment. Like they'd rather us shut up and man up in the end."
"Like, be sensitive, but don't be weak?"
Jae clapped and pointed straight at Simon. "That's it! That's fuckin' it." The jock sat back. "And it's fuckin' bullshit."
Simon smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I know what you mean. But don't you think women have their boxes too?"
"Yeah, of course, it's hard for everyone. But I think there's more awareness about women's issues than men's issues." Jae puffed up his chest. "Like, what the fuck, men don't have issues!"
They both laughed.
"Well, I can tell you it's a little different for gay men. Even more complicated," Simon began.
"Sometimes it's cool because I feel like I don't have to fit into either box. But other times, it feels like the worst of both worlds."
He felt like he was onto something. "Like, I'm gay, so I should be into fashion, and interior design, and musicals, right? But I'm not, and there's this stupid thing...I feel like some people judge me because I'm not gay enough."
He waved his hands in front of him passionately. "But then, I don't make jock jokes or whatever, I don't like basketball, and yes, I am sensitive, and I have a high laugh, so I'm not man enough. Then on top of that, people look at me..."
"Listen, you wanna come up for a bit?" Jae interrupted. He cleared his throat, looked around the kitchen, then directed his eyes at Simon.
"Sure," the black singer said, trying not to sound too excited, trying not to go into mental overdrive.
The walk upstairs was wordless; Simon used his golden ears to listen for the presence of Jae's roommates, but heard nothing. They made their way to the Korean hunk's room.
As soon as the bedroom door clicked shut and locked, they kissed. Finally.
Simon felt Jae's lips pressed passionately against his. Their tongues darted and rolled over each other, lost between discovery and dominion.
Standing on tiptoes, the musician grabbed the back of Jae's head and pushed their faces closer together, their mouths pressing tight against each other. The taller jock moaned and kissed hard.
Maybe he was just really horny, or maybe he was trying to show Jae such an amazing time that the Korean would have no need to look elsewhere for sex. Simon let his mind loose, and he let his body realize whatever fantasy was swimming in his head.
So he went and bit down on Jae's beefy upper arm.
The younger hunk squawked in surprise. "Shit!"
"Did I hurt you?" Simon asked hurriedly.
"Uhh..." Jae looked lost between astonishment and arousal.
"This'll be better..." he muttered, planting a kiss where he bit down, then gently trailing up those big, hard biceps and triceps with his lips and tongue.
Continuing to follow his lewd imagination, Simon snaked his hands under Jae's baseball tee and began groping the Korean's smooth, muscled body. Meanwhile, his own penis, trapped behind his boxers and chinos, was rapidly filling up with blood.
"Whoa...you're fucking horny, aren't you?" Jae breathed, closing his eyes, wobbling slightly under Simon's touch.
The musician stopped his kisses and nibbles. "Aren't you?" he asked back. Before Jae could respond, Simon pressed his hand against the jock's crotch and cupped his package.
"Uhh!" The strapping Korean moaned with hooded eyes.
"I never thought you were such a freak..."
Simon smirked and pushed Jae down on the bed. Hopping on top of him, the musician threw a burning stare at Jae, and held his gaze while he felt his way to the jock's zip fly.
Jae's breathing quickened as he heard the zipper being pulled down. Then, the button holding up his jeans came undone.
Above him, the randy musician grunted and pulled Jae's shirt hem up, yanking it forcefully over his head. As the Korean pulled the rest of his tee up and away from him, Simon dropped low and took his left nipple into his mouth. He sucked hard and bit down.
"Ow!" Jae screeched.
"Sorry, sexy..." Simon whispered, licking that reddened knob furiously, then sucking on it again as if it was his last meal.
His hand reached for Jae's other nipple and rolled the soft, swelling nub between his thumb and index fingers.
Titillated yet feeling helpless at the same time, Jae laid back with his arms stretched above his head and closed his eyes. He hissed when Simon's teeth and tongue switched to the other nipple.
Soon, he felt hot fingers wrap around his hard cock through his boxers. It made him moan and open his eyes.
The aroused black man leaning over him seemed to be a differently person from the Simon he knew, the quiet, polite, immaculately put-together Simon. Here instead was an aggressive sexual beast seemingly intent on devouring him whole.
It excited him.
Meanwhile, Simon really wanted to take out his own eight-inch cock and feed it to the young jock. But he wondered if Jae would be okay with that, if Jae had ever sucked cock, or even wanted to.
So he crawled back and frisked out the Korean's banana dick.
Before he swallowed that pulsing member, he looked up at the young jock.
Jae's eyes were wide with anticipation, His breathing was shallow. Simon, seeing Jae so vulnerable, his need at the musician's mercy...Simon was overdriven with desire. He opened his mouth and took the dick.
Though it wasn't the biggest cock he'd ever sucked, Simon enjoyed going down on Jae because his oral skills got big reactions from the young Asian. The bursts of moaning, the hands clenching the bedsheets, fingers that caressed Simon's head, and eyes that rolled back as the musician circled his tongue around the velvety glans...it all got Simon rock hard without touching himself.
"Oh wow...oooh..."
The musician pivoted the dripping prick out of his mouth and shot a searing gaze up at Jae. Their eyes locked, Simon tapped the younger man's cockhead against his outstretched tongue, cooling it down before he resumed vigorously milking it.
In Jae's mind, there was a moment when he wondered if he was turning gay. But then Simon's velvety lips, supple tongue and his mind-numbing sucking took all of his attention.
As Simon worked his tongue and lips all over the banana shaft, he smoothed his fingers over Jae's tightening sacs and gently tugged.
The gasp and soft whine he evoked urged him to do it again.
Jae was like a lump of putty, albeit exceptionally well-shaped putty, by the time Simon went for the deep throat. The athletic Asian moaned loudly, gripping the bedsheets, and cursed in drawnut mumbles. Simon gave Jae his best, working hard not to gag, at the same time enjoying the curved girth as it slid down and tickled his gullet.
The musician himself moaned as he took pleasure from sucking, licking, kissing Jae's cock. Whenever he looked up at the blissedut jock, he felt thankful that he was able to wrap his thick lips around such a sexy hunk.
The singer's hands slid up under Jae's baseball tee and groped impressive pecs. Overdriven with yearning, Simon circled his fingers around the sharply defined muscles, tweaking the erect nipples at the centres.
"FUCK you're gonna make me blow!" Jae exclaimed, lifting up Simon's face by the chin. His dick slid out of the black singer's mouth, dribbling with saliva.
"What you gonna do about it?" the musician challenged, a curl on his lips.
The young jock's mouth popped open for a second, but he soon let his brawny arms do the talking. Simon was lifted up, then flung onto the bed face-first. It squeaked in protest as Jae then pressed his body down on Simon's.
When he parted the black man's plump ass cheeks and jammed his curved prick against the sphincter, the already-tight opening clenched.
"Ow! Stop! We need lube!" the musician howled.
"What are you gonna do about it?" Jae mocked above him. Simon then tried to move his arms, but the athletic Asian grabbed them at the wrists and pinned them onto the soft mattress.
The precum from Simon's squished hardn began to make a small puddle on the sheets.
"Jae, I mean it! I need lube," he repeated.
Jae moved his lips right beside Simon's ear. "Say please," he demanded.
"You said it too fast. Say it like you mean it," Jae shot back.
Simon sighed in frustration. "Pleeease?"
"Please what?" the Korean hunk whispered.
"Please give me..." Before Simon could finish, Jae gave a tantalizing lick on his earlobe.
In his head, he recalled how freaky Simon was the last time they hooked up, which was also their first time. He thought back to the ambush, how he woke up with his dick already in Simon's mouth; how incredible Simon's blowjob was; how eagerly the slim, handsome black man sucked his dick; how unexpected the snowballing session was at the end.
This time, he was gonna show Simon up. He was gonna out-freak him.
"Beg for my cock," he ordered.
Simon closed his eyes and sucked in a breath of air.
"Please, your cock...I want your cock," he moaned.
"Beg for my cock in your ass," Jae continued, a slight tremble in his voice from anticipation.
"Please put your cock in my ass."
As he began to reach towards his nightstand, easing his bodyweight on Simon, he instructed, "Beg me to fuck you like a bitch."
The musician immediately tried to get out from under, but Jae's quick, athletically-honed reflexes overtook him. The younger jock seized Simon's shoulders and slammed him back down.
"Do that again and I'll just jam it in," Jae growled. "Have fun telling my roommates tomorrow why you were screaming like a hyena."
To prove his point, the Asian kneed Simon's thighs apart and pushed his bobbing boner hard against the musician's rosebud. A sliver of pain shot up the black man's spine.
"OW! OW okay I'll stop!!"
Above him, Jae stilled.
"Gimme the lube," Simon implored.
"What do you need to say?"
There was a pause.
...then Simon knew. His cheeks flushed as he muttered, "...fuck me like a bitch."
The strapping Korean leaned over to get the lube. "Say please," he demanded.
"Please fuck me like a bitch, Jae," Simon whispered, burying his head in the pillows.
"You asked |
for it," Jae taunted.
Then, it seemed like an eternity followed while Simon waited for for his surprisingly rude and stern top to administer the slick balm. He heard the unscrewing of the lid, the soft squishing of the jelly being squeezed out, and then, silence.
Until he felt a ringing slap on his buttock.
Just as he yowled in shock and pain, the athletic Asian rammed two lubed fingers up his back door.
"I'm gonna make you scream," Jae threatened thrillingly, quickly thrusting his digits in and out. Meanwhile, Simon tried to open himself up, concentrating hard on relaxing his anus.
After a minute or so of squelching and heavy breathing, Jae sneered, "See? You're loose like a fucked pussy now."
Simon turned his head with a frown. "What the fuck..."
"I said your pussy's ready to be fucked!" The Korean jock pushed Simon's face to the pillow, determined to show that he was the freaky boss here. He snapped his pelvis forward and the head of his shaft breached through the lubricated orifice.
He didn't stop pushing in when he heard Simon's muffled scream, only slowed his invasion, sinking deeper and deeper into the musician's rectum.
Simon began whimpering, getting filled with young studly cock, subjugated by Jae's muscles and demeanor.
He loved it.
Seconds later, the dominant top grunted, feeling Simon's delectable, plump ass cheeks press against his hairy pelvis. Beneath him, Simon exhaled, relieved that Jae was all the way in.
"You took it like a good bitch," the Asian remarked. He bent down to give Simon's earlobe another quick lick, making his bottom shiver.
The hot, gripping sensation was just too good for Jae to stay still. So he began pumping, much to Simon's pain and pleasure.
"Easy!" the black singer complained, gripping the sheets. In response, the Korean braced his knees on the bed and fucked deeper, harder.
Simon cried out desperately, having no choice but to submit to the dicking with gritted teeth and clawing fingers.
"I said I was gonna fuck you like a bitch!"
With each thrust, Jae felt a delirious ache raced through his curved shaft. Simon's asshole seemed to cling to his member, refusing to let go. The powerful suction compelled him to fuck harder; he began slamming into his bottom bitch. His pelvis smacked loudly against the singer's bouncy buttocks.
"JAE! FUCK! Slow down!" Simon begged in a pinched voice, burning from the anal ramming.
With one more deep push to the greasy hilt, Jae decided he would go easy on Simon...for now. He withdrew his banana dick slowly, all the way up to the crown of his gooey glans, then gently slid it all the way back in. He didn't stop until his thick, moist pubes flattened against Simon's bum.
He did it again, patiently pulling out, then slowly plunging back in. The anal canal slid over his pulsing prick like a form-fitting glove.
Settling into this easier rhythm, Simon began to sigh in falsetto. At first, they were short, breathy, barely audible utterances. As the perspiring top continued to draw his erect cock out right to the tip, then plumb it back into the loosened rectum, the mewls developed into longer hums and ahhs.
The high notes stretched longer and longer, the pitches began to bend, and gradually, words formed from Simon's shaking mouth.
"Oh Jae don't you fucking stop...oh Jae..."
It really turned Jae on to hear Simon call his name like that. He wrapped his big arms around Simon's tingling body and lifted his torso up, until they were both kneeling.
Instantly, Simon turned his head, hungry for Jae's lips. The young hunk met Simon's open mouth and kissed hard. Their eyes met.
It was then that Simon realized he was in trouble. He could feel it in his heart.
"I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" he hollered
Ribbons of white cum flew from Simon's steely eight-incher, soaking the pillow and the bedsheet. Jae was so engrossed in Simon's ejaculation that he stayed still and watched with wide eyes.
"Shit, dude..."
"Oh God! Oh fuck!" The cock filling his ass only made him cum harder.
As he fell forward and collapsed on the bed from the dizzying orgasm, Jae flipped him over and penetrated him again in missionary, his own cock still needing sweet release. Simon screamed, everything below the waist extremely sensitive. He cried out at the top of his lungs when the lustful Korean above him got on his toes and power-fucked with no mercy.
"JAE! JAE OH GOD!!" Simon's vision was being blinded by the acute ache from the rectal hammering.
It didn't take long before Simon's contracting hole milked the cum out of that Asian banana dick. Jae thrusted wildly as he went over the edge, a fresh coat of sweat emerging all over his body. His yells were guttural and mad as he unloaded shot after shot in the black musician's pillaged hole.
Below him, Simon felt like he was about to pass out, the genital pain and the rough rocking overwhelming him. Then he felt Jae's buff body fall on top of his, powerless, burning hot, slick with sweat.
Instinctively, as the two of them laid panting, Simon wrapped his still-limp legs around Jae's wet waist. The Korean grimaced, trying to release his drained cock from the black man's rectum.
"Stay inside," the musician whispered, holding Jae tight.
Simon could feel the residual shudders and groans from his dominating top, who had now turned into a mewling ball of exhausted flesh.
Several days later, Danny came home from work and had some free time on his hands. He had a free hour to go before he and Roberto were to head off to the baseball game that Fred invited them to last week.
Grabbing a drink of water, Danny looked around at his half-moved-in state.
His daily essentials were basically all set up. His computer, though, wasn't yet; they needed to buy a desk for it, something that would fit in the bedroom. Same for his clothes: they needed a shelving unit for the closet, or even a new wardrobe. "Two, to be safe," Roberto joked.
He thought about what to do for a while, before he had to pop the big bowl of stir-fried beef, the dinner that the mechanic had cooked in advance for tonight, into the microwave. His man wouldn't be home for another forty-five minutes.
Gradually, Danny's eyes drifted towards Roberto's belongings instead of his. He thought about ways to more room for his stuff.
'Well,' he thought, 'his fitness magazines can go down to storage.' Roberto had a monthly subscription, and Danny noticed that very rarely did the mechanic ever reread an issue after excitedly going through it for the first time.
So he packed them in a vacant moving box and took it down to their basement storage.
When he got back upstairs, he was invigorated to continue on his organizational beat. His next project: Roberto's vast collection of workout equipment. Piled in the den, Danny had never seen Roberto use 90% of the gear. There were sandbags, medicine balls, resistance bands, endless free weights, and an assortment of other stuff. Danny knew what the latest purchases were; the rest of the gear had basically been gathering dust for months.
So he grabbed as much as he could lift, and made a couple of trips down to the basement. After the second trip, he had to stop because his arms, legs and back all burned and couldn't take anymore.
As Danny sat down to rest, he glanced at the kitchen clock. Roberto should be back home soon, so after a quick minute of downtime, he went to the fridge and got dinner ready.
By the time Danny had changed into casual clothes, set the table, and put together a fruit salad, the lock turned on the front door and in came the mechanic stud.
Danny threw a quick glance around the apartment before going up to his man. He was feeling pretty proud of himself.
"Hey Berto," he sweetly greeted, giving his mechanic a deep kiss.
Roberto kissed back and dropped his tool bag. "Hey baby," he replied, wrapping his arms around Danny's waist. He locked eyes with his boy.
"It sure is nice to come home to someone," he sighed.
Danny beamed the biggest smile he could muster. He felt so happy that he was certain he emanated a heavenly glow.
"How was your day?" the copywriter asked.
"Good," Roberto replied with a grin.
"Are you excited for the game tonight?"
Roberto shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, I'm not really into baseball," he answered, turning Danny around in his arms and slowly pair-walking the two of them into the kitchen. "I didn't think you were, either."
"I'm not. But Fred invited me and I thought it'd be nice to go together."
Roberto nuzzled his boyfriend's neck and nodded.
"Looks like dinner's ready," he whispered, his mouth beside Danny's ear.
"Um hmm."
They sat down at the table and quickly started eating, aware that they had to leave in about fifteen minutes.
After they both had a few platefuls of food, Danny said, "So, I did some cleaning tonight."
Roberto looked around. "Did ya?" He couldn't notice the difference.
"Yeah, I, uh..." the brunet fidgeted. "Y'know those fitness magazines that you don't read anymore? Well, I put them down in storage."
Roberto stared at Danny.
"Wait, why did you do that?"
The younger man swallowed. "Well, I thought I'd make more room for the wardrobe. Or two, like you said," he offered with a smile.
"You didn't need to. We have room."
Danny noticed that his man had stopped eating.
"Well, you weren't reading them anyway..."
"Doesn't matter. Don't move my stuff without asking me," he snapped back in a clipped tone.
Sweat itched Danny's neck and back. He didn't expect this reaction.
Roberto tilted his head. "Did you move anything else?" he questioned tersely.
It was now Danny's turn to stop eating.
"Yes, I moved some of your workout stuff. They were just sitting there in the den. I moved..."
Without another word, the mechanic got up from the table and headed towards the den. Danny hurriedly followed.
"Why did you move the weighted bags??" Roberto demanded as he looked around the stacks of boxes inside the small room.
"It-it's been there for months and you never touched it," Danny answered, stammering slightly. "Look, I left the..."
"I've been using them! I just put them back in the box after," the mechanic countered, turning around with a stare.
"I-I didn't know. I thought..."
Roberto turned back to his equipment and looked further.
"You moved the resistance bands too."
"Yes, and some weights," Danny continued. He crossed his arms and looked down.
"Fine, I'll go get them now."
At this, the mechanic stopped and rested his arms on the shoulder-high piles with a frustrated sigh, his back to the brunet.
"Forget it. We gotta go."
Wracked with shame, Danny stood still, not wanting to mess things up even more. After a few seconds, Roberto turned around.
"C'mon! Let's go!" he urged, waving at Danny to start moving.
In a flash, the evening had turned from delight to darkness. The drive to the stadium was oppressively uncomfortable, both men silent and staring straight ahead. As they turned onto the boulevard that led to the massive sports building, they were caught in a deadlocked traffic jam.
Roberto cursed and exhaled. The urge to ditch their plans, pull a u-turn, and blast onto the 305 instead overcame him for a second.
Beside him, Danny quietly asked, "Are we gonna be late?"
"Yeah," Roberto replied in monotone.
"Should we call Fred?" the brunet asked, stealing a glance at Roberto.
The mechanic looked at his phone mounted on the dashboard. He tapped on the touchscreen to call his best friend.
"Hey man, what's up?" Fred's friendly voice greeted amidst a wall of crowded noise.
"Hey Fred, we're caught in traffic on Front. We'll be there in twenty minutes."
"Oh yeah? The game's about to start...'kay, call me when you get here."
"Okay, thanks."
They were inching towards the stadium at a snail's pace; Danny was sure it would've been faster to walk there. In fact, at that moment, he felt compelled to get out the car and do just that.
The shame he was feeling began to turn into annoyance, then anger. 'Why is he treating me this way?' Danny thought. 'It's just workout stuff he wasn't using anyway.'
He folded his arms and glared out the window, at the throngs of pedestrians making their way across town. 'He asked me to move in. I'm just helping him clean up and get organized. How can he be so ungrateful??'
Meanwhile, Roberto rolled his eyes and wished this wasn't happening. 'Ugh. This is why I don't do relationships. It ALWAYS gets complicated.'
Though he was in a foul mood, the mechanic quickly reminded himself that he loved Danny, that he'd lost him once and wasn't going to lose him again.
Still, he was waiting for Danny to apologize.
Twenty minutes turned into thirty, until they finally rolled their way to the entrance of the stadium parking garage. Once through the automated gates, it then took circling down three floors before Roberto could find a parking spot. By then, both of them just wanted to get out of the car.
As he locked the doors to his red Lancer, Roberto considered saying sorry first. Then he saw that Danny walked ahead briskly to the elevator without waiting for him. He decided his boy didn't deserve the nice gesture.
In the elevator, they still weren't talking to one another. Roberto looked at Danny and saw the indignation written all over his face. The younger man didn't make eye contact, until they arrived at the seating floor. Danny sped out of the elevator, taking hurried steps, then stopped when he realized he had no idea where he was going.
In the noisy hallway, where baseball fans crisscrossed in droves, he turned back and glared at the mechanic, who was on the phone calling Fred.
"Hey Fred, we're here," he said, staring back at Danny. "Okay, thanks," he continued, then hung up.
Just as Danny was about to turn around, Roberto grabbed his arms and stopped him.
"What is it?" he asked.
"You know what."
"Why are you so angry?"
"You know why," Danny spat.
"No I don't." Roberto pressed on, tightening his grasp on the brunet.
"Stop," Danny demanded, wringing his arms away from Roberto's grip. "Let go of me."
The hurt expression on the mechanic's face drilled right into Danny's heart.
"Guys, what's going on?" a voice demanded behind them.
It was Fred. He looked at Roberto and Danny with sharp eyes, sizing up the situation.
"Hey buddy, sorry we're late," the mechanic quickly said, going up to the office manager for a hug.
"How's Jen?" he asked, but before Fred could answer, Roberto patted his friend's back and urged, "C'mon, let's go."
Fred stayed looking at Danny, who looked like he was about to cry..
"C'mon, Danny," he finally said, nodding towards the direction of their seats. Roberto had already walked ahead.
Fred knew something was wrong. While the mechanic continued on in a brisk pace, Danny lagged behind.
"Hey Danny," the office manager said, extending an arm around the brunet's shoulders. "How's it going?"
Danny looked up and forced a smile. "Hey Fred. Sorry we're late. I..." He hesitated.
"We got held up...by traffic," he stammered.
"No worries. I'm just happy you made it," Fred replied warmly.
Out of the corner of his eye, Roberto watched their interaction.
"Thanks for inviting us," Danny muttered, meeting the mechanic's eyes briefly.
They turned a corner and arrived at the bleachers, which were three-quarters full, stretching left and right in a giant oval. Danny was taken aback by how deep and wide and full of people the stadium was, as they descended towards their seats.
In the faraway green, the game was already under way, with a runner on second base.
"Have you ever watched a game here before?" Fred asked.
"No, I've never been here," Danny answered, a bit stunned by the magnitude of the locale. "I've never watched a baseball game," he added.
Several steps later, Fred stopped and turned into a row, shuffling past seated attendees. Roberto and Danny followed suit. Farther down, a woman looked up and smiled.
"Hi Jen!" Roberto greeted with a crouched hug when they arrived at their seats.
Fred patted Danny's shoulder and said, "Jen, this is Danny, Roberto's boyfriend."
Fred's wife wasn't wearing any makeup, and she was dressed in a casual hoodie, but she looked radiant. The smile that welcomed Danny was warm, adorned with beautiful laugh lines. Her eyes were quick and keen, just like Fred's.
"Hi Danny. Nice to meet you."
"You too."
It wasn't until the copywriter sat down that he noticed Roberto was seated three chairs away from him, on the other side of Jen and Fred.
Danny had never felt so alone in the midst of thousands. As Jen made small talk with him, he tried to reply as nicely as possible. At one point, she asked, "So how did you meet Roberto?" When she saw the pained look on Danny's face, she quickly changed topics.
It didn't take too much longer before the new mom stopped asking questions, giving Danny the space he needed.
But it wasn't space that he needed.
The game went on and on. Danny asked Jen a couple of questions about what was going on, but her answers didn't pique his interest. Soon, the cheering from every section, the random bursts of music that boomed through loudspeakers, the players that seemed to run on and off the field at random...soon, they all receded into the background, serving only to highlight his miserable solitude.
His focus was acutely centred on the man who sat three seats to the left. Danny stole evasive glances at Roberto repeatedly, all unreturned, which further tormented the brunet. Roberto seemed to be talking to Fred as if nothing was wrong, as if he wasn't bothered in the least.
Finally, some two hours since he sat down, Danny neared his breaking point. The two teams were tied and it was the sixth inning.
"How many innings are left?" he asked Jen.
"Three," Jen replied. "Unless if it's still a tie. Then they add an extra inning. They keep going until one team keeps the lead for one whole inning."
Danny's stomach turned and sunk. Gloom blackened his thoughts and emotions. This unwanted piece of information was the last morsel of a simmering, churning stew, a vat of noxious negativity that had completely swamped and suffocated his day.
He wished to be anywhere but there, three seats away from Roberto. He wished he was at work; with Richie; back at his parents'...well, maybe not. Even out on that baseball diamond, where he could sprint and scream out his frustration, arms outstretched. Naked, even.
"I'm going to the washroom," he announced, standing abruptly. Roberto was the only one in the group who didn't turn and look up. Danny tried his hardest not to let his emotions show, and he began walking.
"No, don't cry, no no no..."
He hurriedly paced down the curving, high-ceiling stadium corridor, passing by a few patrons buying snacks and drinks from a concession stand. Soon he heard a roaring cheer from the bleachers. He really needed to find the men's room and douse his face before the tears gushed forth.
When he finally found the washroom, he ran in and thrusted his hands underneath the automatic tap. But it was too late; he was already sobbing pathetically. He prayed that there was nobody in the stalls who heard his misery.
'What happened?' he asked himself. He looked up at the mirror: his face was ruddy and streaked with tears. Pitiful.
'This can't be love,' he thought. 'Love isn't supposed to hurt like this.'
He wondered why it couldn't always just be him and Roberto on the bed, naked, spooning, content. That was love. That was happiness. Wasn't it?
'If this is how it's going to be from now on, I can't do it.'
His breathing ragged, he looked towards the washroom entrance.
'I don't wanna go back there. I can't take this anymore.'
He shook his head and then he ran. He ran out of the bathroom, and ran in the direction where the sign pointed to the stairs. Then he turned and flew down the wide, spiralling steps, speeding past surprised faces and dodging bodies. He just kept spiralling and spiralling down, until the stairs ended and he saw big glass doors in front of him.
Pushing out into the cold night, he stopped and realized he didn't know this part of downtown very well. So he pulled up his hood and started walking aimlessly, wandering past people decked out in wool coats and scarves. He strided through intersections big and small, under sober lights and stoic skyscrapers that didn't seem to care about his problems.
He realized this was what he was best at: running away. Maybe it was all he knew how to do. It was a shameful realization.
He had no idea how long he ambled through the streets. He didn't pay attention to street signs, so clouded was he by questions he didn't want to answer, truths he didn't want to face. At times he wondered if he was walking around in circles.
Turning another anonymous corner, a blast of frigid wind cut into his face and he sneezed.
He lamented leaving his gloves in the apartment. The cold had gotten severe enough for Danny to stop walking. He considered heading indoors to warm up, then spotted a twenty-four-hour coffee shop down the way.
Once inside, he was relieved to find it devoid of customers. "Medium hot chocolate," he said to the half-asleep student behind the counter.
When he got his order and sat down with his drink, the doorbell chimed. In walked a couple, a straight couple, laughing.
Maybe the game had just ended and they came here for a post-baseball beverage. Or maybe they were on an amazing first date. Watching the young man and woman order two coffees, with arms wrapped around one another, Danny thought back to his first date with Roberto.
'Wait,' he thought, 'Did we even have a first date?'
They didn't have a conventional courtship. The first time they saw each other outside of Roberto's auto shop, it was at a gay club. At the end of the night, after the mechanic drove him home in Danny's own car, the brunet sucked Roberto off, in the same car where he took family trips with mom and dad.
Then, the next time they "hung out", Danny gave Roberto his anal virginity.
They ate at a diner before going up to Roberto's apartment...now their apartment. Past midnight at a diner, eating all-day breakfast...it was as close as they got to a first date.
A bout of spirited laughter drew his attention back to the present, to the downtown coffee shop he was in. A few tables down, the man was trying to grab the chuckling woman, who slapped her hands on his chest and pushed him away.
That gesture reminded him exactly of what he would do to Roberto, whenever his man said something naughty. He would slap his wide, firm chest, just like that.
Unexpectedly, he caught himself smiling.
'What am I doing here?'
He didn't have to watch these lovebirds flirt with each other. He had his own source of happiness. He had his own man, the love of his life.
'What am I doing here??'
Danny rushed out of the coffee shop. He was running again, but this time he was running towards Roberto, not away from him. 'That's progress, right?'
When he reached the big boulevard intersection, he quickly flagged down a cab. He was ready to go back home. He was ready to go back to Roberto.
On the way there, Danny took out his phone. Almost two hours had passed since he left the baseball game.
There were five missed calls, all from Roberto. It warmed Danny's heart to see the notification. Then he worried that Roberto worried. He scolded himself for setting the phone on silent, though he couldn't remember when he did that.
By the time Danny unlocked the front door to Roberto's apartment, their apartment, it was way past his bedtime for a weeknight, and he was exhausted. All he wanted to do was to fall asleep, wrapped in Roberto's hard, naked body.
The mechanic was up waiting. He had just sent Nadia an email. As soon as he heard the door unlock, his heart jumped.
"Where the HELL were you?!" Roberto demanded, stomping right up to Danny.
Danny just looked down and shook his head as he walked into Roberto's arms.
"Where did you go?! Why did you leave??" he pressed, lifting his lover's face. His heart was pounding.
The short, slim brunet continued shaking his head. He closed his eyes and buried himself in the mechanic's embrace.
*I hope you enjoyed this chapter of "Mechanics of the Heart". The end is in sight, but not before more drama and more filthy, nasty sex! Feedback is always appreciated.* |
Getting a terrarium had simultaneously been one of the best and worst decisions of his entire existence. On the one hand, it was a genuinely interesting object that never failed to provide something new and curious for him to study and write down, especially when its inhabitants began to develop a proper civilization and weren’t just running around naked capturing whatever they felt like eating; on the other though, it was far less active than his peers had made it out to be, leading him to seriously regret having poured so much of his own energy into its creation, especially considering the accoutrements he had orbiting its light source. Honestly, it felt like a genuine waste to have spent so long designing those cloud layers only to have to wait for eons before anything with enough sentience to appreciate it showed up.
Still, the deity arose from his slumber every day and spent at least a couple of hours staring down at his creation, mostly out of habit than anything else; things had at least begun to pick up the pace in the past few millennia, with one species in particular having developed enough brainpower to form rudimentary tribes, and from there move on to more permanent settlements and then more advanced traits such as the ability to properly write things down. He could see, at the very least, why his fellow goddesses and gods enjoyed creating and maintaining their own terrariums in their spare time; it was a heavy investment, to be sure, but it looked to be paying off after a long while, especially once a few of the more enlightened ones down below actually noticed the god smiling down at them… though they probably misinterpreted his benign curiosity for something a bit more involved, given the amount of myths that sprang up regarding things he absolutely did not do. Still, it was something that happened to everyone else’s projects, so clearly it couldn’t be helped; lesser mortals just seemed to crave the attention of higher beings, apparently, and he wasn’t about to deny them that.
At least it was better than the countless millions of years where literally nothing happened beyond geological phenomena. ❄︎♓︎❍︎ wasn’t one for the more scientific aspects of terrarium development, even if some of his friends went absolutely bananas at the prospect of being able to track the creation of geologic strata in real time, but he recognized the need for patience; life was complex, multi-faceted, and one couldn’t simply snap it into existence without inevitably forgetting some important factor or other that would eventually collapse the entire project. No, it had to be nurtured all the way from the very start, from the primordial soup of random chemicals mixing around in magma-heated waters all the way to the very first time he heard one of their voices echoing in the back of his head.
It was an experience unlike any other; ❄︎♓︎❍︎ had heard stories of prayer, of how it made one feel even more powerful than they already were, how it served as a reminder of their deific status and unparalleled dominance over the cosmos. Indeed, if he had been just like his friends and acquaintances, the deific feline might very well have gone down the same road and become little more than a petty tyrant who just happened to exist a few levels above the great chain that his creations were on the bottom of.
But he wasn’t that lacking in imagination; if anything, ❄︎♓︎❍︎ saw the first prayer as merely an indication that he hadn’t completely screwed up the project, at least after he got through the initial fright of hearing voices inside of his head; granted, it was significantly weird at first to be constantly reminded of his own divine nature, given that the first prayer inevitably came accompanied by a flood of additional ones after the concept of organized religion began to spread, but he grew into it. He was, after all, a god, so it only made sense for the tiny little souls in his terrarium to recognize him as such, even if they weren’t fully aware of his presence or true form.
❄︎♓︎❍︎ even tried his hand at executing miracles, though he quickly learned not to interfere in mortal affairs after he inadvertently flooded a part of the living space and had to hastily suck it all up before everything ended up waterlogged; he was slightly dismayed by the myths this ended generating, but his peers reassured him that it happened to literally everyone who tried their hands at a terrarium like that. In fact, there was one in particular who actually did end up flooding the entire thing and had to snap things back to how they had been before he tripped and fell with a glass of water in hand. Good times.
Over time, however, it appeared that his mortal progeny, for lack of any better word to describe them, began to drift away from such overt worship. There were still conflicts fought in ❄︎♓︎❍︎’s name, there were still academic disagreements of varying levels of intensity, but as history was written and centuries turned to millenia, civilization began to take steps towards understanding the universe on their terms; this left their creator feeling not just intensely proud of them for taking their fate into their own hands, but relieved in no small part that they finally stopped constantly slaughtering one another in the name of a person who really just wanted his project to get along with itself.
Unfortunately though, this did result in a slight hiccup when they began to pollute the terrarium itself to such a degree that ❄︎♓︎❍︎ considered just terminating the whole experiment and starting over, but with a few well-placed suggestions and a couple of direct messages to just the right people, things were put back where they should be and the atmosphere of his miniature world was returned to… well, not normal, but close enough to be perfectly liveable.
What followed was something somewhat resembling a golden age, where prosperity was the name of the game and every day that passed seemed to bring with it new advances in the many fields of science that his creations had been working on for centuries. Lifespans were extended, diseases eradicated, even the planet itself was healed back to what it used to be before industry had taken it by storm; the civilization living in the terrarium had learned the most valuable lesson they could have: they had one planet to live on and they had to take care of it. ❄︎♓︎❍︎ practically shed a tear each time he sat down to observe, the boredom of the first few eons quickly becoming more than an adequate payment for the wonders he saw his tiny ones create as if they were nothing; their technological prowess progressed at such fast pace that it became almost indistinguishable from what had been speculative fiction mere decades prior in their timescale, and soon enough they began to properly explore the universe outside the terrarium proper.
❄︎♓︎❍︎ was relieved that all the fancy stuff he put there didn’t go to waste, at least; he made sure to keep the universal projection on at all times and update it whenever required in order to give them the impression they were actually living in some kind of unfathomably huge cosmos as opposed to a great, big glass box, but their local planetary system was absolutely there and physically present for them to explore properly. The god remembered the good old days where he spent years painstakingly preparing all the gas giants, making sure to leave small clues in the patterns of clouds just in case a particularly bright mind might be able to discern what their creator was trying to tell them, not to mention all the asteroids and comets dancing in an endless revolution around the miniature fusion engine he put right in the middle of it all. It was nothing short of a work of art, and ❄︎♓︎❍︎ was quite proud of it; much better than some of his peers’ personal “installations”, some of which was frankly amateurish in quality, including such wonderfully ridiculous choices as a hollow planet or a flat disk with a glass dome covering it. Honestly, if one was going to pour their soul (and quite literally so) into creating life, why not just do it properly?
Thus, it was with no small amount of excitement that ❄︎♓︎❍︎ watched as his little ones began to send out manned ships to all the planets he had left for them to explore. He made sure to track the progress of each one in a separate log, having decided he would collect their stories and publish them in an anthology of sorts; he was so enthralled in this observation that he completely failed to notice what was happening back on their home planet, specifically the changes being wrought to the body of a very particular feline who just so happened to share some physical similarity to himself. Perhaps unsurprisingly, he only noticed it thanks to an abnormal uptick in the number of prayers he was getting, and even then it took him a while to tune into the terrarium’s existence level well enough that he could see what was going on.
For some time already, the civilization living on that little blue pearl had developed the ability to modify their own bodies, to a certain extent. It was commodified almost immediately after the proper authorities deemed it safe, after which “bodymodding” became something that high society happily indulged in, right before the processes involved were streamlined to the point where it became commonplace and easily accessible. His creations’ mastery over their own forms only grew over time, and as would be expected of creatures that were often guided entirely by impulse, it was very quickly put to use servicing goals that were of a far more carnal nature than ❄︎♓︎❍︎ would’ve initially preferred; still, as long as it remained safe, sane and consensual, who was he to complain about it? He’d never impose any limitations on exploring one’s sexuality, so if someone wanted to give themselves extra arms, breasts, genitals or whatever else was on their minds, who was he to tell them to stop?
Unfortunately, excess would eventually rear its ugly head again. Though society at large had progressed to the point where the worst of the “dark years”, as they began to call them, was effectively stamped out, completely suppressing desire just wasn’t feasible, nor in fact wanted by anyone living there at the time. But with desire came want, and want coupled with means bred indulgence, which was easily led astray towards mindless decadence; some would begin to flaunt their power or wealth, modifying themselves in ways that would make their “lessers” think twice before daring to show themselves in public, while others still started to work on forms that, while positively rapturous in the sensations they provided, were nothing short of a nuisance to everyone else around them… everyone else who then took the wrong lessons from all those giants running around and decided they should be trying that out as well. Didn’t take long before “big” was the new normal, and the planet began to crack once again under the strain of a civilization that had forgotten the very lessons that allowed them to experience such heights of carnal pleasure to begin with.
But that had been going on for a while, enough that ❄︎♓︎❍︎ chose to simply ignore it and assume it was a simple phase, a little bit of a relapse before governments the world over chose to regulate things and put them back in order. However, this could not be further from the truth… or at least part of it wasn’t, because clearly at least one person wasn’t onboard with the idea of simply giving up their experience as a mythical titan of old. At least one person felt like it was their right to be as big as they very well wanted to be, as massive as they felt like they deserved to be, and it wouldn’t be a government decree nor international regulatory standards that held him back; a simple cat, a feline of no importance that had worked as a mid-level bureaucrat before his “ascension”, who chose to spend his life savings on bodymodding treatments and illicit boosters for one, single purpose: to grow.
By all objective means of measurement, they succeeded. The chemical overdose they injected into their body immediately began working its magic and giving him extra muscle mass and fat to work with, transforming him from a perfectly unassuming everyman into an absolute colossus in just a couple of short hours. From there though, the treatments didn’t just stop; the volatile cocktail being pumped through his veins ensured that the budding, self-assumed deity’s form continued to bloat and swell with each passing second, becoming something greater than a mere mortal, something more perfect and worthy of worship… at least in their head. And as someone who deserved all these things, he clearly had to show the whole world what they had to be doing, thus kickstarting a rampage that, while not entirely unfamiliar in a world that had dealt with outf-control “macro” individuals before, was nonetheless of a scale far surpassing anything that had happened previously.
This titan, this destructor deity who cared not for the safety of his future subjects, left a trail of destruction in his wake as he smashed and crushed his way through the near-endless urban sprawl that covered most of his country’s northern coast, hoping to find more manufacturing plants that produced the very genemodding agents he had injected himself with. Once a target had been identified, he would force his way in and take as much of it for himself, eventually giving up trying to make others inject him with more material and simply going straight for the storage vats, ripping their tops off and drinking greedily from them, the fluids within absorbed rapidly by a body whose genetic code had effectively become so unstable as to be constantly mutating.
Muscle mass multiplied upon itself, bulging outwards before settling into a more common shape and then back into a misshapen form, a cycle that repeated itself with each breath the giant took; his gut expanded outwards to cover increasingly more terrain before retracting and feeding the rest of his body with all of the pudge and fat it had developed, turning the cat from a mere case of uncontrollable growth to something more akin to low-level body horror as his body rebelled against him and only retained the slightest amount of resemblance to something that looked like a person… for a while.
Somewhere along the line, a switch flipped inside of the feline’s head, just around the same time as something clicked within ❄︎♓︎❍︎’s mind. There was something there, a presence that tried to muscle into his level of reality from somewhere close by, a desperate attempt at imposing itself upon a layer of existence that it simply wasn’t ready to occupy at all, much less dominate; it was that cat, that irresponsible little kitten whose body and mind had warped and mutated to such a degree that he had actually managed to transcend a few bounds keeping him safely contained in the terrarium project, allowing him to branch out and try to infiltrate the real world that awaited him on the other side of the glass wall. It was obviously far above his abilities, but the simple fact that he even managed to try, coupled with the level of destruction wrought by his attempts at ascending into godhood, managed to grab ❄︎♓︎❍︎’s attention.
There wasn’t a lot he could do at that point. The planet had already mobilized in an attempt to stop the marauding giant, but it was far too late to do anything about it; the “smaller” cat had already become so large that firearms did absolutely nothing, and even high-grade weaponry failed to do more than leave scratches and bruises. Entire population centers were being erased with each step they took as the mutagenic agents continued to “improve” their form, until even neutralizing chemicals did nothing to even slow down their continuous, unending growth spurt. The feline’s control over his own body had improved as well, with them eventually learning, or at least becoming aware of how to shift and change in ways that didn’t make him look like a lopsided, misshapen blob; this did little but encourage him further, as now he could sculpt his physique to become something that even those lessers who cowed in his presence would find irresistible.
And indeed, ❄︎♓︎❍︎ could hear the prayers start to shift, directed at that thing prancing around on his world pretending to be something like a god; it was insulting, to say the least, to even so much as suggest that such wanton destruction was anything like what a deity would do to its own realm. There he was, having spent literal ages carefully crafting a planet in which life could not just survive in, but thrive, and one single wayward soul with access to the wonders of science managed to turn it all on its head and blow it to bits, all while proclaiming their own divinity. It was nothing short of embarrassing, and all ❄︎♓︎❍︎ could think to do was shut the whole thing down and forget it ever happened.
But he couldn’t. He had a responsibility, as their true god and creator, to help the tiny ones within the terrarium, to put things back in their place and return their normalcy to them. It would hurt, and it would require both a great deal of his power and a complete reset with all of the nasty consequences that involved, but it was necessary, lest that monstrous creature rampaging unimpeded ended up stomping everything to dust. So, with a sigh, ❄︎♓︎❍︎ resigned himself to his fate and snapped his fingers.
Only for nothing to happen. |
Title: The Queer Case of Dr. Stevens; or, The Abominable Mr. Hardy by Wakboth
Tags: F/F, Gender Shifting, Jackal, M/F, Rabbit
The Queer Case of Dr. Stevens; or, The Abominable Mr. Hardy
by Wakboth
The study was a tall and narrow room with tall and narrow windows, flanked by brown curtains. It was a neat, wellrdered room, where the young, buxom blonde rabbit, laboriously typing by a side table, looked somehow out of place.
Truth to be told, Hester Bonney also felt out of place here. An orphan from the streets of Edinburgh, she'd been taken in and raised by an elderly clergyman, Reverend Greengrass, who had known her parents. When the Reverend himself had died, Hester had been left adrift. Gathering what little money she had, she'd travelled south to London, seeking her fortune there.
London had swallowed Hester up, just as it swallowed thousands of hopeful girls every day. She had in quick succession lost her money and what remained from her virginity, drifting from one petty job to another. Slowly Hester had come to realize that she was sinking; soon, if she couldn't somehow turn her fortunes around, she'd be reduced to selling her body to survive.
Her chance had come unexpectedly. One night, she'd been sitting at the Salvation Army mission, tiredly reading one of the worn Bibles before going to bed, when Dr. Jacqueline Stevens, a noted philanthropist who funded numerous charities, had noticed her.
The doctor was a tall, narrow, brown-furred jackal lady in her thirties, with an ill-defined aura of nervousness around her. She had asked Hester about her past, listening with keen interest as the rabbit told the sad story of her life and failed dreams. In the end, Dr. Stevens had told Hester that she needed a literate young woman as a research assistant and secretary; would the rabbit be interested? Hester had immediately agreed, and she had left the East End that night in doctor's carriage.
Yes, she had a lot to be thankful for, Hester thought as she tried to find the letter "Q" on the keyboard, but there were a few things in her new job that she didn't like. Such as this damned new-fangled Remington machine that Dr. Stevens had bought, apparently out of sheer curiosity, and which she expected Hester to use; the rabbit was slowly getting a hang on typing, but she had her hands full with the doctor's normal correspondence; she hadn't been able to even start with the laboratory notes! She was certain this was going to be a passing fad; writing with a pen was so much easier and quicker.
The experiments she didn't mind; they were often boring but rarely unpleasant, and at times they could be very nice... Hester stopped typing for a moment and flexed her aching fingers, her mind drifting back to yesterday's experiment.
Dr. Stevens' laboratory was located in the old building behind her house that was also part of her property; years ago, it had housed the surgery of the former owner of the house. These days, the building was fairly neglected and stood empty except for a couple of rooms in the first floor. One of these was dedicated to her chemical research, with one corner furnished as a kind of a den, where the doctor could make herself tea and relax a bit while her chemicals were brewing; Hester had visited the room only a few times, and didn't find it very interesting at all.
The other room, however, was a different matter. It was the former lecture room, with a small, well-lit stage at the front surrounded by benches rising in tiers towards the dark corners. Today, there was an old leather chair placed on the stage, with two buckets of water on the floor next to it, and a steaming tea kettle and some weird-looking contraptions on the table behind the chair.
Dr. Stevens was already waiting for her, dressed in the usual white laboratory coat over her dress, holding a clipboard before her as if it was some kind of a shield. "Thank you for being so prompt, Hester," she said, flashing a tense smile at the rabbit. "Today, I'd like to do some more tests about the electrical conductance and impedance of your body. If you would be as kind as to, ah, remove your clothes and sit down?"
Hester nodded and started undressing; despite her rather strict upbringing, she was anything but shy about her body, and had been often reprimanded for dressing improperly by the Reverend. Besides, wasn't stripping down the usual thing to do when you went to see a doctor? The way her employer followed closely Hester's every movement as she took off her blouse and undershirt, revealing her large, softly furred breasts had been a bit disconcerting at first, but she'd grown used to it.
As she pulled her lacy knickers down, there was a clatter from behind her, and Hester turned to look over her shoulder. "Oh, it's nothing, silly me, I just dropped this," the jackal said with a blush on her face and quickly picked her clipboard up.
Now completely naked, the rabbit sat down in the chair; the old, cracked leather felt cool against her bottom and back. "Right, good," Dr. Stevens said and walked over to Hester. "Please put these on," she said, offering the rabbit a pair of leather bracers and a small cap made from leather straps, all with long copper wires hanging from them.
"Are you sure this is safe, madam?" Hester asked, wrinkling her nose as she studied the things. "I'm sure you know what you're doing and all, but isn't this electricity the same thing as lightning?"
"Do not worry, Hester," the jackal explained. "I'm using low-tension direct current; this is an entirely different thing, and completely safe. You won't feel a thing."
Hester wasn't quite convinced, but she wasn't going to start arguing with her employer on a matter like this where the doctor clearly knew more than she did. So she slipped the bracers around her wrists and put the cap onto her head; the ear-holes hadn't been made for a rabbit, but she managed to put it on well enough.
"Good, good," the other woman said, pouring some hot water from the kettle into one of the buckets. "Now, if you would just put your left foot in warm water, here, and your right foot in cold water..."
Hester did as she was told, feeling more than a little silly sitting there bare naked, with wires attached to her head and arms, and her feet in buckets. "I don't see what this has to do with anything," she said.
"Oh, it's very important," Dr. Stevens told her. "This way I can, ah, measure the conductance through each of your leg, and study the differences. Oh, I almost forgot!" she said and took something from behind Hester, showing it to the rabbit.
It was a smooth metal rod - steel by the look of it - about ten inches long and about an inch thick, with a slight bulge at one end; a rubber-covered wire led from the other end to one of the machines on the table. To Hester, it looked suspiciously like a steel cock.
"This is, ah, an anodic metallo-probe," the jackal explained. "I, um, need it to measure the harmonic currents passing through your body. Are you ready? This may feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but I assure you it will pass." She did something to the probe, and a low hum rose from it.
"Go ahead, madam," Hester said, sounding more confident than she felt and gripping the hand rests of the chair tightly. To her relief, there was no shock when the metal rod touched her fur; rather, there was a low, almost pleasant vibration.
"First, I'll have to chart the pattern of the currents through your body," the jackal said, moving the vibrating tip of the rod across Hester's chest, up her throat, around her mouth and down her neck again. As she worked, Hester started relaxing; this obviously wasn't like the time she'd spent a very boring hour lying on the table while the doctor took precise physiognomic measurements of every curve, nook and cranny of her body. Having your nipples pinched by steel callipers wasn't nearly as much fun as one might have thought!
As Dr. Stevens moved the probe back to her front, Hester felt her nipples hardening in reaction to the rod passing across her bounteous bosom; she'd always had rather sensitive breasts. She hoped her employer took it as a result of the cool air in the auditorium, instead of having anything to do with her experiment.
While the experiment progressed, Hester was becoming more and more aroused; the insistent vibrations from the probe as it moved up and down her stomach and thighs felt almost like soft caresses, especially now as the steel rod had warmed up a bit.
"Is this going to take much longer?" the rabbit asked, trying to keep her voice calm as the probe passed, once again, across her pubes, sending strange shivers of pleasure into her slowly moistening pussy.
"Oh, a few minutes more," the doctor answered, her voice cracking a bit. "I'm picking up some very interesting current loops in your abdominal and inguinal area; clear proof that the temperature difference at your feet is affecting the impedance of your body."
Hester nodded and closed her eyes as the buzzing steel tip moved down, brushing the hood of her clitoris and making her shudder. The probing was concentrating in the area of her lower belly and groin now, with occasional forays to her inner thighs; she bit her lip to keep from moaning aloud as she felt the rod pass across her quim.
"Are you feeling uncomfortable?" she heard Dr. Stevens ask; not trusting her voice to remain even, Hester shook her head quickly. The feelings of pleasure were growing rapidly; she was breathing faster now, and she could feel beads of sweat trickling down across the fur of her face and chest. The probe tip moved back up and swirled around her clitoris a few times, before touching the slick little nub directly.
Hester felt her every muscle tighten as her orgasm washed over her; she had to bite her tongue hard to keep from making any noise that might have alerted Dr. Stevens to what had happened. The probing continued for a while longer, making the rabbit shudder with the pleasurable aftershocks of her climax.
Finally, it was over. "Thank you," Dr. Stevens said in a hoarse voice, putting the probe away and wiping her brow with the back of her hand. "You've been most helpful today, Hester. You may get dressed again," she said, offering the rabbit a towel to dry her feet with.
Of all the rooms in her house, Jacqueline thought, she enjoyed her laboratory the best; the real laboratory, not the old auditorium where she "experimented" with Hester. One end of it had been furnished as a cosy den, with a chintz armchair standing in front of the fireplace, a few shelves full of her favourite books, both fact and fiction, and a tea setting she'd inherited from her maiden aunt along with most of her wealth; she often relaxed here, basking in the warmth of the fire and reading poetry while she drank tea.
The rest of the room was quite different, with a bare flagstone floor and tall cabinets full of chemicals and medicines. In the middle of the floor was a large table laden with chemist's equipment: precision balances and mixing bowls, retorts and Erlenmeyer flasks, distillation coils and measuring spoons and test tubes and more. Here, she had laboured for many years, seeking to subdue her inner demons by the power of science!
Jacqueline had known since her teenage years that her interest in the body of her own sex went beyond the admirable sisterly love and even aesthetic fascination; there was no denying the strange urges she'd felt, or her dreams where her female friends had such important roles to play. When she had finally realized that ignoring these Sapphic desires was not going to make them go away, Jacqueline had dedicated herself to the medical science in the hopes of finding a cure to her lesbian tendencies, or at least a way to suppress them temporarily.
Initially, her research had progressed very slowly, but after she had inherited a considerable fortune from her aunt, the widow of a prominent brewer, Jacqueline had been able to dedicate her whole attention to her task. She had combined the most modern advances in chemistry and psychology with the lore of alchemists and the theory of the four temperaments, until she'd rediscovered a certain compound that had supposedly been used by the medieval witches in their transformations.
If her research had been successful, the elixir, when taken, would sequester and separate the dark, male-leaning part of her soul from the purely feminine part; that, Jacqueline was reasonably sure, would take away her unnatural lusts and allow her to finally live a life without guilt and worry.
There were dangers to it, of course; some of the ingredients of the elixir were quite poisonous on their own, and the process of producing it was long and complex, full of delicate stages where things could wrong with disastrous results. The final difficulty was that the elixir was highly unstable, and would lose potency in a few minutes after mixing; through many tests and much work, Jacqueline had managed to combine the ingredients in two compounds, each stable on their own, which could be easily mixed to produce the elixir.
Her hands shaking slightly, she closed and sealed an envelope, labelled "Only to be opened after my death; J. Stevens, MD"; it contained an abbreviated account on her work and the reasons for it, so that if she died as a result of a mistake, her death would not remain a mystery or be taken as a suicide. Placing the envelope on the mantelpiece of the fireplace, Jacqueline walked over to the laboratory table.
Carefully, Jacqueline poured a measured amount of ruby-red, oily liquid into a measuring glass. Then, with her hands shaking, she took a folded piece of paper containing a precisely weighed amount of white salt, and shook the powder into the elixir. Immediately, the liquid started fizzing and steaming, and turned into deep purple, then slowly faded into pale aqua.
"This is it," she muttered. "The culmination of all of my work!" Lifting the glass to her muzzle, Jacqueline emptied it with a single long draught. For a moment, she felt nothing; then a horrible, tearing agony filled her. Moaning, she stumbled back, dropping the glass to the floor where it shattered. Eyes watering from the pain that shot through her whole body, she gasped for breath, feeling her clothes tighten and tear, the laces of her corset snapping loudly.
When the jackal's eyes cleared again, she was standing naked, the shreds of her clothes strewn on the floor around her. Her mind was reeling with strange thoughts and feelings racing through it, and her body felt different: taller, stronger, and somehow differently shaped.
Looking down, she saw large hands and well-muscled arms; a broad chest with no sign of breasts, all covered by short fur that was charcoal black instead of drab brown; and below that, beneath the flat, hard stomach... "I'm a man," he said, his deep voice full of amazement.
Jacqueline - no, Jack - took a few tentative steps, trying to get used to his new form. How men could walk with these things swinging and dangling between their legs, he wondered, clumsily making his way over to the armchair at the other end of the room.
Clearly, the experiment had had unexpected results. Whether it had been a dismal failure or an amazing success was an entirely different matter, Jack thought, studying his new body with an appreciative eye. Jacqueline had tried to change herself, and she'd certainly succeeded in that! And after all, while lusting after women was unnatural and shameful in a woman, it was certainly natural in a man...
The loss of breasts did not bother him, Jack thought, lazily tweaking a nipple between his fingertips; a fat lot of good they had done to Jacqueline, anyway. What he had gained was far more interesting! As a physician, Jacqueline had of course been familiar with male anatomy, but her lack of interest in the opposite sex meant she'd never studied these particular parts closely.
His penis was a smooth, ebony rod some six inches long, at first soft and easily bent, but it hardened quickly as Jack toyed with it, rapidly gaining both length and girth. "Nice," he mumbled, turning his attention to his scrotum. It was covered with short fuzz of a fur, almost like black velvet, and surprisingly sensitive; a small squeeze on the heavy balls inside made Jack gasp.
Having little basis for comparisons, Jack nevertheless felt quite satisfied with his new equipment; he could hardly wait to try them out with some of the women Jacqueline had secretly lusted after. Like that delectable rabbit she'd hired as her secretary, for example...
Jack leaned back in his chair, thinking about Hester and the things he wanted to do to her. As he ran his fantasy scenarios in his mind, his erection returned, larger and harder than before. Without thinking, he grasped his cock and started to slowly pump his hand up and down its length, while his other hand fondled his balls. It took only a few moments before pale, pearly liquid started leaking from the tip of his prick; imagining that it was Hester's tongue as the rabbit kneeled between his legs, he started spreading it around his cockhead with his fingers.
"Yes, suck it... ohh..." Jack moaned, eyes closed as he quickened the pace of his masturbation. He could feel his scrotum clenching and the muscles of his abdomen tightening as he jacked his cock faster and faster, small droplets of his precum spattering onto his thighs and stomach. Then the first male orgasm of his existence hit him; with a growl, he came, shooting long strands of canine spunk. Most of it landed on the carpet, but some splattered onto his legs and hand.
Panting slightly, Jack opened his eyes and lifted his semen-stained hand to his nose. The smell wasn't bad, and out of sheer curiosity, he licked his hand clean; the taste left more to be desired. Well, he intended other people to taste it, anyway. He sat in the chair for some more time, playing with his softening cock and thinking about the glorious future ahead of him. Wine, song and women filled his mind with expectation; especially the women!
It would be expensive, but it would be worth it, Jack thought. He'd have to set up a separate account for himself; it wouldn't do for a handsome man like him to sign his cheques as Dr. Jacqueline Stevens. Which reminded him; he would need a name, as well. "Jack Stevens? Too obvious," he mused aloud, still idly fingering his prick. To his surprise and delight, it was growing hard again. A mischievous grin spread on his face, his teeth shining in his black face. "Jack Hardy?" he said, tasting the name. "Yes, that's me. Jacqueline Stevens and Jack Hardy, a perfect match! And never shall the twain meet!"
Grinning, he got up and sauntered back to the laboratory, amused by the way his rigid cock bounced as he walked. "Yes, my dear Jacqueline, you're going to arrange a few things for your ever-loving cousin Jack," the jackal laughed as he mixed another dose of the elixir.
About a week after the electrical experiment, Dr. Stevens approached Hester in the evening. She seemed to be unusually tense and nervous, and Hester wondered if she'd done something her employer might not approve. Not recalling anything that Dr. Stevens could have known about, the rabbit relaxed and settled to hear what the doctor's business was.
"Hester, I know you have a free night tomorrow," the jackal begun. "I'm in, ah, a bit of a bind, you see," she continued; Hester could have sworn she was actually squirming. "And, ah, if you could help me I would be very grateful."
This struck Hester as strange; Dr. Stevens was always very polite with her and the other servants, but her orders were orders despite how they were phrased. Now, the jackal was asking for her help! "Oh, I'd be glad to help you, madam," she said smoothly, hoping that the jackal wasn't going to suggest another series of tests on her free night.
Sighing, Dr. Stevens looked straight at Hester, a look of embarrassment on her face. "My younger cousin, one Mr. Hardy, is coming to London, and he has asked me to show him around the town. But, ah, I'm not very familiar with the places he would likely find of interest; I really don't think he'd enjoy a tour of the mission stations in Whitechapel, or visiting the Museum of Anatomy at St. Mary's. So, I was wondering, if you'd be as kind as to, ah, serve as a companion to him? He's a very nice young man, really; I assure you he'll behave quite properly!"
Hester chewed her lip; this was completely unexpected! The idea of getting to guide a young gentleman through the theatres and restaurants of London was intriguing; on the other hand, he was the doctor's cousin, and Hester didn't want to do anything to risk her job.
"It would please me very much, madam," she said, resigning herself to a somewhat dull night out. "Where and when shall I meet Mr. Hardy?"
"Oh, he'll arrive here tomorrow night, at around six o'clock," Dr. Stevens said, her relief evident in her voice. "I can't say how thankful I am, Hester; I really don't know what I'd have done if you had said no! I'll make sure you will get an extra night off in compensation," she promised.
The next night, Hester was standing in front of her dressing table, considering which pin should go with her scarf, when the maids, Annie and Mary, burst into her room. "Is it true you're going out with the doctor's cousin?" Mary, a bright-eyed young rat asked, sounding breathless.
Hester frowned slightly. "I'm not "going out" with Mr. Hardy, Mary," she said, putting the silver pin back and admiring her image in the mirror. "Dr. Stevens merely asked me to show her cousin a bit of the city, and I agreed. There's certainly nothing more to it! Besides," she said with a small sigh, "I expect him to be a shy, well-behaved young man who wouldn't even dream of anything untoward."
"You mean you haven't seen him?" Annie asked, sounding incredulous. "I mean-"
Mary elbowed the sheep girl, interrupting her girl quickly. "Oh, I believe you'll be quite right, Hester," she said, winking at Annie behind Hester's back. "I hope you won't be too bored on your night out!"
The maids followed Hester out of her room and down the stairs into the hall, tittering and giggling all the way like naughty schoolgirls. Hester was about to stop and ask them what they found so funny, when she noticed the jackal standing in front of the fireplace, and stopped dead in her tracks.
He was tall and handsome, with broad shoulders and narrow hips, dressed in an immaculately cut evening dress and holding a silver-handled cane in his black hand. The black-furred head, as dark as the cloth of his jacket, that rose from the snow-white ring of his shirt collar reminded Hester of the basalt busts of the Egyptian kings she'd seen in British Museum.
The jackal turned slightly, fixing the gaze of his coal-black eyes onto Hester, and the rabbit felt her ears flushing red. Surely, this magnificent young god couldn't possibly be the cousin of her staid employer! "Mr H-hardy?" Hester asked, unable to keep a squeak out of her voice.
"Jack Hardy, at your service," the jackal said with a slight bow; his voice was deep and warm, and made shivers run down Hester's spine. She felt her nipples harden, and blessed her luck at choosing a jacket whose embroidered front kept the signs of her sudden arousal from showing.
"Hester Bonney," she managed to say in her normal voice as Hardy offered her his arm. "I'm the secretary of your cousin. I- I say! You're, ah, err..."
"I'm not what you expected, Hester?" he asked, leading her down the front steps to the street, where a hansom cab was waiting. "That's all right," Hardy said as Hester tried to stammer out something that wouldn't insult either him or her employer. "You're not what I'd have expected from my cousin's secretary, either. Come; I don't want to lose a minute!"
It was a remarkable night for Hester. She found herself swept off her feet by the charming, rakish Mr. Hardy. He bought her champagne, and danced with her at the Savoy Bar; he told her risqué jokes at the dinner and laughed with her when she blushed at them, and demanded that she call him Jack. "I've been living too long cooped up," he told Hester as they walked out from the theatre where they'd watched a rather raucous comedy. "I've recently come into some money, and I want to enjoy myself, at least for a while."
Hester nodded, pressing closer to the jackal as they pushed through the crowds. "I understand you perfectly, Jack," she said. "Life is to be embraced, not avoided; we should enjoy the good parts when we can, because who knows when everything changes again?"
"You have hidden depths, I see," Jack said, hailing a cab by swinging his cane. "That is to be expected, of course; I have my own secrets as well. Even such a conscientious, prudish do-gooder as my inestimable cousin Jacqueline has her own mysteries and secrets. Oh, you'd be surprised if you knew some of the things I know about her..."
Jack helped Hester up into the cab and hopped in after her. He gave the driver an address in Soho, then glanced at Hester. "Or do you wish to return home straight away?" he asked with a small grin.
Hester shook her head, a coquettish smile playing on her lips. "I think people should practice what they preach," she said. "Tonight, I will embrace what the life offers me; who knows what tomorrow brings?"
Jack burst into laughter at this, slapping his thigh. "Oh, you're precious, Hester. So be it! Driver, to Soho we go!"
Jack's apartment was located on the second floor of a rather shabby-looking building; the area wasn't exactly respectable, and Hester said as much as she stepped down from the cab.
"You're absolutely correct, my dear," Jack said, holding the door open for her to enter. "But I've had enough of respectability; I'd rather try something different for a while. No doubt I'll eventually grow bored with this kind of a bohemian lifestyle, and return to the streets that my cousin would consider more suitable for me."
The hallway was dimly lit, but not nearly as worn-looking as the outside of the building, and the heavy door of Jack's apartment was well polished and had a new lock in it. Entering, Hester was surprised to find herself in what looked like a scene from the "Thousand and One Nights": the walls were hung with red and yellow curtains, and the floor was covered by thick carpets.
"Do you like my place?" Jack asked, taking Hester's coat and hanging it next to his own opera cloak; despite his light tone, she thought he was anxious to hear her opinion.
The rabbit considered her answer carefully. "It suits you very well," she said and blushed slightly. "When I saw you standing in the doctor's hall, you reminded me of the Pharaohs; you looked so handsome and arrogant."
"A very flattering comparison," Jack said, placing his hands on her shoulders and pressing himself against her back; Hester felt his erection poking against her bottom. "And you, my dear, look perfect for the part of my concubine," he said, running his tongue down the edge of her ear until the rabbit shivered.
Hester felt strangely helpless as the jackal stripped her down with sure hands, opening every button and clasp with skill and patience that, in her experience, few men had, especially men who so obviously lusted after her body. He picked the naked rabbit easily in his arms, and carried her to the bed, almost throwing Hester down to the soft pillows.
"I want to see your cunt," Jack said, devouring Hester with his eyes, his gaze making the rabbit feel hot and cold all over. "Let me see how you play with yourself," he ordered her as he started undressing himself.
Blushing, Hester obliged him, spreading her legs and running her hands down her body, to the wet fur of her crotch. Slowly, she ran a finger up and down the cleft of her pussy, caressing the insides of her thighs with her other hand. Brushing her clit on the upstroke, the rabbit drew a small breath; it felt so good! Wanting to prolong the sensations, she moved away from it and returned to toying and probing her labia.
The jackal was now standing naked before her, his magnificent body dark as night and his ebony cock standing proudly upright from his loins. "Does this please you?" Hester asked, spreading her pussy lips with her fingers to reveal the slick, pink flesh to his eyes.
Jack's eyes flashed, and instead of answering, he got down to all fours on the bed and moved between her thighs. His breath felt hot against her sex as the jackal nuzzled Hester's crotch with his pointed nose. "I've wanted to do this for so long," he muttered, making Hester look at him bemusedly. Then he started lapping at her cunt, and the rabbit forgot what he'd said.
He ate her out slowly but hungrily, his long canine tongue running along the length of her pussy and circling the hot nub of her clit, tantalizingly close but never quite touching. Hester was soon panting and moaning with pleasure, grasping the bedclothes in her hands and rolling her head back and forth. "Yes... yess! Oh please, please... Aaah!"
When Jack lifted his face from her crotch, his muzzle wet with her juices, Hester wanted to cry; she was so close! "That was the appetizers; now onto the main course," the jackal said with a grin and pushed himself onto her, the blunt head of his cock poking once against her sensitive clit before sliding smoothly into her dripping wet depths.
Jack fucked her fast and hard, almost roughly, his large body heavy on Hester's chest as he kissed and licked her face; she could taste her own tangy juices on his lips. Brought so close to her climax by Jack's oral attentions, the rabbit quickly reached an orgasm; her pussy clutched at Jack's cock as it glided in and out of her.
The sensation only made Jack increase his pace, his hips smacking loudly against her crotch as he pounded her rabbit cunt. "Oh! Oh god! Jack, aaaah!" Hester cried as she felt his cock starting to throb and twitch inside her. Snarling, he covered her mouth with his own, pushing his tongue deep into her; with a few, almost violent thrusts, he came into her, squeezing her shoulders hard.
Hester returned home well after midnight, quietly slipping in through the servants' entry so as to not wake up the doctor or the butler, Mr. Creek. She was practically floating, her pussy still deliciously sore from Jack's fucking and her mind whirling with memories of the night. After sex, Jack had again been his charming, suave self, joking and chatting with her as they lay side by side on his bed.
"Here's a little gift for you, Hester," he had said, taking a small black case from his night stand and opening it; inside, on the red velvet, were a pair of beautiful silver earrings. "Take it," Jack had told her when she had hesitated. "They deserve someone beautiful to wear them. Besides, I doubt my dear cousin remembers to grant you another free night."
Jack's guess proved correct; Dr. Stevens, when Hester saw her again next afternoon, seemed unusually absent-minded and uninterested in whether her cousin had enjoyed his night or what he and Hester had been doing. She offered her another stack of letters to various charities before vanishing back into her laboratory, leaving Hester to daydream as she typed.
The maids were more curious, and they pestered Hester with their prying questions until the butler told them to stop. "You're not behaving properly, girls," the otter said, looking sternly at them. "Mr. Hardy would be shocked to hear you suggesting that he might have taken any liberties with Miss Bonney, and I am sure she feels the same way!" Hester nodded quickly, although she couldn't help but think that the otter looked suspicious when he spoke of her.
Over the next weeks, Hester found her life changing. Dr. Stevens paid less and less attention to her and to the rest of her servants, drifting from room to room and spending hours at a time in her laboratory, not touching the food that was brought to her. She'd even stopped her experiments with Hester; truth to be told, the rabbit didn't miss them.
At the same time, Jack was taking up more and more of Hester's free time; she spent most of her nights about the town in the jackal's company, moving from theatre to music-hall to bar. These nights invariably ended with them going to Jack's apartment, where he fucked her again and again.
Something about Jack bothered Hester, though. He was showing no signs of boring with the bohemian life, quite the opposite; his tastes for entertainment seemed to be turning towards coarser and more licentious forms, and he was becoming bolder and rougher with sex, making her do things like sucking him off in the cab. Hester could hear Jack's voice in her ears, telling her to catch and swallow every drop of his semen; or would she enjoy sitting in the theatre, his seed staining her face and clothes? She still blushed, remembering the look the driver had given to her as she'd gotten off the cab, and Jack's answering smirk.
Most of the time, however, he was still the charming rake who had swept Hester off her feet, and he could still make her howl with laughter or squeal with pleasure when he wanted. And so she ignored the signs of moral degeneration, telling herself that they would pass.
Then, one foggy night, everything came crashing down for her.
They were returning to Jack's apartment from a vaudeville theatre; the jackal had been in a particularly raucous mood the whole night, laughing and howling and trying to playfully grope Hester. "I have something special for you tonight," he said with a sly grin, as he led Hester up the stairs to his apartment. "Close your eyes; I don't want to spoil the surprise," Jack told her.
Obediently closing her eyes, Hester stepped into Jack's apartment. The stale air made her wrinkle her nose; the sweet smell of some incense could barely mask the smells of wine, sweat and sex. He hadn't been cleaning up for a while, the rabbit thought. And what was that musty, musky scent?
"You can look now, Hester my dear," Jack said. As she opened her eyes, she saw a naked vixen sitting on the bed, looking as surprised as Hester was. She was clearly a prostitute; her hair was a bit too red, even for a fox, and there was an odd, cowed look in her eyes that made Hester's skin crawl. "Hester, this is Helen; Helen, Hester," Jack said, introducing them with mocking solemnity.
"Jack, what do you mean? Why is she here?" Hester asked, as the jackal quickly undressed, scattering his clothes carelessly on the carpeted floor.
"Isn't that obvious, my dear?" Jack said, pulling down his pants to reveal his erect prick. "Tell me, Hester, why do I have such big hands?" he asked, turning towards the flustered rabbit, a predatory grin on his face.
"I-I don't understand," she stammered.
Jack sighed and rolled his eyes in an exaggerated fashion. "So that I can better hold onto you, of course!" he told her with a wild laugh and, grasping Hester by her shoulders, tossed her onto the bed, next to the scared-looking vixen.
"Now, why do I have such big ears," he continued, walking towards the bed. "Your turn, Helen!"
"S-so you can better hear us?" the vixen hazarded.
"Very good, Helen! And why do I have such a magnificent, marvellous, big cock, what do you think?" When neither woman spoke, Jack answered his own question. "So I can better fuck you two, of course! Now, which one should I do first?"
"Jack, what is going on?" Hester asked, both worried for him and afraid for herself. "This isn't like you at all!"
"That's what you think, my bonnie bunny," he said, pushing Helen onto her back and spreading her legs. "Doesn't this look... unh! Familiar at all?" Jack asked, thrusting his cock into the vixen's waiting pussy.
Hester felt her face flush red as she watched her black jackal lover starting to fuck the passively lying vixen. She felt terribly humiliated and betrayed by Jack's callousness, but at the same time, she was turned on by what she saw.
"She's, ngh, not as good a lay as, hnff, you are, Hester," Jack told her, grinning lewdly. "You're so much better and tighter... I love the way your cunt grips my cock as I fuck you..."
Moaning slightly, Hester rubbed her thighs together; she could feel herself getting wet against her will. Biting her lip, she started to massage her breasts through the cloth of her blouse, imagining that it was her and not the vixen whore that Jack was fucking.
"Tell me, Hester," the jackal panted, "What do you, ah, want me to do with, uhh, her? I'll fuck her as if she was you... ahhh! And you can watch..."
The rabbit's ears were burning; she had had sex with Jack many times now, but this was something new and terribly, awfully exciting for her. "L-lift her legs up," Hester said, lifting her skirts so that she could reach her pussy. "Then fuck her slowly..."
Jack grinned and did so, folding the vixen almost in two and making her gasp with his every thrust. "Is that all, Hester?" he asked, watching the rabbit play with herself, dipping first one, then two fingers in her quim.
"Here you have another body to play with, and that is all you can think of asking!" Jack said with a wicked smile that transformed his handsome face into a devilish mask. "I'm disappointed in you, Hester! Don't you ever... mmmh... want to do things you know you, ah! would regret afterwards? Well, here... rrrh... is your chance. I'll do anything to her, if you want..."
Hester shivered; she thought about her darkest desires, the things that only appeared in those dreams bordering on nightmares. For a second, she wanted to give in to temptation, to make Jack bite and beat and bruise the vixen, to punish her for not being Hester. Then she caught the vixen's eyes, and saw the quiet terror in them.
A wave of shame washed over Hester. It could have been her, she thought. If Dr. Stevens hadn't taken her under her wing, would Jack have been doing the same thing to her, while some other woman watched? "Jack, stop," she said, her voice shaky but determined. "Let her go; the poor girl's terrified!"
The jackal looked at her, a strange red gleam in his eyes. "What do you care? She's a whore; she gets paid for this."
"That doesn't make it any better," Hester said and stood up, straightening her skirts. "I'm here willingly, because I love you... or so I thought... but she's here only for the money. Please, let her go!"
Jack pulled himself out from the fox and turned towards Hester. "Let her go, you say? Let me have my way with you, then, and I will let her go. Is this what you want?"
Hester nodded mutely; she was afraid of what Jack might do, but she knew that she could never look herself in the mirror again if she let him torment the poor girl any more. "Then it's settled," Jack said, walking towards Hester. "Helen, you're free to go. Take the bracelet you find on the table; I had intended it for Hester, here, but it's yours now. She'll have to do with the coins, like any common whore."
"I'm no whore," Hester protested, momentarily unafraid of Jack as her temper flared.
"You aren't?" the jackal said, driving her back towards the bed, while the vixen made her escape. "What difference does it make if the silver's minted in coins or made into jewels? All of you women are whores; only the form of payment differs."
Jack pushed Hester down to the bed, face down. Without bothering to undress her, he simply lifted her skirts, revealing her shapely bottom and the puffy lips of her pussy to his eyes. "Please, Jack, you don't have to do this..." she said, feeling him grope her buttocks roughly.
"No, I don't. But I want to," the jackal said, and with a single, hard thrust, hilted himself in Hester's pussy, making the rabbit gasp. He fucked her harshly from behind, smacking her butt with one hand and pulling her head back by her ears with the other.
If Hester hadn't been wet and loosened from her masturbation earlier, it would have been painful; even so, it wasn't comfortable. Jack growled and snarled like an animal, paying no attention to anything but his own pleasure, his long cock bumping painfully against her cervix as he pounded into her.
Thankfully, it didn't take long; grunting and howling, the jackal pulled out of Hester and came all over her bottom and thighs, spattering her clothes with his seed. "Get out of here," he growled, dragging yelping Hester to the door by her ears. He pushed her roughly out into the hallway, and contemptuously tossed some coins at her feet. "Take your payment, whore," Jack sneered.
Her eyes swimming with tears, Hester rushed down the stairs, ignoring the coins and the jackal's howling laughter.
Hester's mood did not improve over the next few weeks. She didn't see Jack again, avoiding places where they had gone together, and pawned away all the gifts he had given to her, except for the first pair of earrings; those she kept, as a reminder of the old Jack she'd fallen for.
The changes that had taken place in Dr. Stevens did not help. She no longer secluding herself in her laboratory, but neither she was back to her old self. The jackal was even more neat and precise than before, almost painfully so; she stalked the house, looking for any signs of laziness or untidiness, until the servants didn't dare to relax even for a moment.
She hovered over Hester as the rabbit struggled with the typewriter, making her so nervous that her typing slowed to a crawl as she tried to find where each letter was on the keyboard. To Hester's further aggravation, the doctor insisted that she dress in a more conservative fashion and wear her hair in a tight bun, much like the jackal herself.
It was an attempt that was doomed to failure from the start; with Hester's body, nothing but an Arabian burnoose could have satisfied the increasingly strict requirements of Dr. Stevens', and the rabbit had to endure several cold lectures about the importance of proper dressing to public morality and, by extension, to the health of the public body, the British Empire and the whole of the Western civilisation.
In short, Dr. Stevens' household had turned into a cold, grim place, and Hester was starting to think that, now that she had the money from Jack's gifts, perhaps it was a time for her to try her luck in a new place.
Late one evening, the house was silent with Hester as the only one still up. Mr. Creek, the butler, had taken the cook, Mrs. Bulmers, to the Tea Ball of the West End Temperance Society, a pastime which even Dr. Stevens couldn't find anything wrong with. Mary and Annie, the two maids, were fast asleep, tired after another day of frantically polishing and cleaning the house that was already shining clean. As for the doctor herself, she was still working; Hester could see the lights were still on in the laboratory building when she looked out from her window.
As she watched, she saw the door opening. In the light flowing out into the foggy night, Hester could see a dark, crumpled form on the threshold. Suddenly afraid that something had happened to the doctor, Hester picked up a lamp and hurried downstairs.
It was Dr. Stevens, just as Hester had feared; she was dressed in black, oversized men's clothes, her front and face bloodied. "Hester..." she said in a weak voice, as the rabbit kneeled worriedly down next to her. "Take me... my laboratory... bandages... key's in my pocket..."
Hester swallowed, looking nervously around her. Over the last weeks newspapers had been talking about an audacious burglar, called the Black Gent, who had been breaking into houses through the roofs and upper-story windows, stealing money and jewels and groping sleeping women. Hester had dismissed the reports as nonsense, but now, seeing her employer bleeding and bruised on her doorstep, the stories were sounding much more reasonable.
Trying not to hurt the doctor any further, Hester half-dragged, half-carried the unconscious jackal to the laboratory. She marvelled at how light the doctor seemed; it was as if she'd somehow become hollow inside.
Placing the jackal as comfortably as she could on the carpeted floor, Hester started undressing her bloodstained clothes. This was the first time she'd seen her employer naked, and she felt both curious and embarrassed as she revealed the doctor's lean brown body. Somehow, she looked strangely familiar, and Hester blushed hard as she felt the first stirrings of lust.
Trying to suppress the feeling, the rabbit cleaned and bandaged Jacqueline's injuries the best she could, using medical supplies from the cabinets. She had cuts on her arms and a nasty gash on the right side of her chest, just beneath her breast. As Hester worked, Jacqueline started stirring again, opening her eyes.
"It is Jack... he's growing stronger..." she moaned, startling Hester. "I tried to resist... filthy, filthy desires... Don't you touch me!" Jacqueline screamed suddenly, trying to squirm away from Hester before falling limp again. "He's coming... this wasn't what I meant, oh no..."
Hester didn't want to leave the jackal alone, especially since she seemed to be raving. But she had to contact the authorities, and tell them about this; if Jack had attacked his cousin, like it seemed, his moral degeneration had obviously gone much farther than when Hester had last seen him. Who knows; he might even have been the Black Gent! "You'll be safe here, madam," Hester said, standing up. "I'll lock the doors; he won't get in to you."
As the rabbit started to close the door, she heard Jacqueline starting to laugh hysterically. "Too late, too late! Jack's already in here... there's no place to run to..." Her laughter turned into a scream that made Hester's blood run cold.
The door was thrown open from inside, knocking Hester back. Standing in the doorway was Jack, completely naked except for some strips of gauze still hanging around his arms, his face contorted in a crazed grimace and his cock erect and hard. The rabbit screamed and tried to scramble away, but Jack was too quick for her.
Jack dragged Hester into the laboratory; there was no sign of Jacqueline. "I'm going to do things to you, horrible things," the jackal said, drooling horribly as he swept the tea service to the floor from the table and threw Hester onto it. "And you're going to love it..." Pinning the rabbit's arms down with a single hand, he pushed her legs apart and tore her skirt, revealing Hester's gently furred sex.
Snarling, the jackal forced himself onto her, his hot cock, already slick with precum, poking at the rabbit's crotch; with his both hands occupied and Hester struggling, he was having a hard time finding the right place. "Stop struggling, you little whore," he panted. "You know you want it!"
Hester merely doubled her efforts to break free, squirming and trying to get out from beneath Jack. The struggle went on for a few more moments, before Jack suddenly started growling and frantically thrusting with his hips; the feeling of his cock sliding against Hester's sex had been too much. With one final snarl, he came, jetting his canine come across her belly.
Jack's features started shifting and blurring; his fur faded from glossy black to brown, and his muscles seemed to flow under his skin. Before Hester's disbelieving eyes, Jack Hardy shrunk back into Dr. Jacqueline Stevens, who collapsed to the floor.
"Wh-what is going on?" Hester asked, her mind reeling. What she had just seen was not, could not, be possible, yet it had happened! Jacqueline didn't answer; she was crawling away from the rabbit, weeping and whimpering.
Hester collected her scattered wits. The key to her assailant's unnatural transformation had to be here, in her laboratory. But where to start? She opened some of the books at random, but they were useless to her; many were written in German or Latin, and the rest were full of scientific terms she couldn't recognize. One slim, well-read looking volume proved to be a collection of the poems of Sappho, translated into English; Hester felt her cheeks blush as she read the poem fragments scribbled in the marginals in the handwriting of her employer.
Looking around, she noticed a sealed envelope on mantelpiece. Ignoring the orders to not open the letter, Hester cracked the seal and looked at the notes. She immediately realized that she had discovered what she had sought for, her eyes widening as she read on.
She accosted Jacqueline in the corner of the study, where the jackal was cowering. "I read your own confession," Hester said. "I know why you did everything you did, but it still doesn't make sense to me. Didn't you ever stop to think that maybe you could have just asked me?"
Jacqueline looked up at Hester, confused. "Asked? But... but... I couldn't! It would have been an awful, unnatural, shameful thing! And you're so beautiful... what if you'd said no? Oh God, how you must hate me!"
Hester felt uncomfortable watching the teary-eyed jackal. Certainly, Jacqueline had been foolish and irresponsible, but she had only wanted to be able to love someone, without feeling guilty about it. As for the jackal's feelings towards her, Hester found them confusing but not so bad as Jacqueline herself seemed to think.
"I don't hate you," she said, crouching next to Jacqueline. "I don't think you could help yourself, once you turned into Jack. But you can't do that again; what if you hurt someone the next time?"
"I can't help it," Jacqueline said, sounding miserable. "I thought it would help if I could fulfil my... my desires... as Jack, but it doesn't work like that! No matter how much sex I have as a man, I can't stop thinking about what it would be like to have sex with you as a woman!"
Hester swallowed. Maybe it was the way she saw Jack in Jacqueline's every feature, now that she knew they were the same person, but she couldn't help wondering about the same thing. "Maybe you should try it," she suggested. "I could... help you. To experiment, you see."
Jacqueline looked at the rabbit as if unable to believe what she was hearing. "You... you would?" Hester nodded, and leaned closer, giving the startled jackal a kiss. Kissing her was just like kissing Jack, she thought.
"This is my first time doing this, so I may not be very good," Hester warned, moving in between the jackal's legs. The sight of her sex, nestled in the brown fur of Jacqueline's groin, was strangely exciting, and Hester found her reservations fading. Pushing closer, she gave Jacqueline's swollen labia an experimental lick.
Trying to make up for her lack of skill with enthusiasm, she probed the folds of the jackal's pussy with her lips and tongue, sucking here, nibbling there. She shouldn't have worried about it, Hester realized; almost as soon as she started, Jacqueline began moaning and panting, shifting her hips as the rabbit licked at her cunt.
"Oh yes! Yesss..." Something about Jacqueline's voice sounded strange to Hester. Lifting her face from the jackal's sopping sex for a moment, she saw to her considerable alarm that Jacqueline's fur was starting to turn black again. Jack was breaking out!
Before Hester could back away, Jacqueline had wrapped her legs around the rabbit, grappling her with more strength than she would have expected from the jackal. Her voice warbled strangely, rising and falling as she moaned.
The slick, pink flesh before Hester's eyes blackened rapidly. Jacqueline's clitoris started swelling and lengthening, while the rest of her sex underwent strange, flickering transformations. She tried to break away, but strong hands, too large for Jacqueline and too small for Jack grasped her head. Gently but inexorably, they pushed her face back to the groin of the jackal.
"Please... don't stop," Jacqueline said, her voice a strange contralto. "I want you, Hester..."
Hester was rather shocked by the changes happening before and beneath her; instead of being either a man or a woman, Jacqueline was now some kind of a hermaphrodite, with both what appeared to be a cock and a cunt. At least she had now something more familiar to work with, the rabbit thought as she started licking the smooth black shaft of the jackal's incongruous cock, her fingers moving back and forth in her vagina.
Apparently, the stimulation of both her male and female parts was cumulative, because Jacqueline started screaming and bucking her hips hard after only a few moments. I wonder what happens when she comes, Hester thought, slipping the softly tapering tip of the jackal's clit-cock into her mouth.
"Ooohhh! Aahhh! Yess, yes, oh yessss!" The dark-skinned prick twitched in the rabbit's mouth as Jacqueline came; instead of semen, Hester got a gush of the jackal's musky-tasting love juices, while her pussy drooled more of the same onto the rabbit's hand.
After her climax, Jacqueline's transformation quickly reversed itself, but not fully. She had shrunk back to her original size, but her fur was now clearly darker, and her clitoris remained hugely enlarged, almost the size of her thumb. It was as if Jack had become part of Jacqueline's body as well as soul, Hester thought as the jackal caressed her ears, breathless after her exertions.
"I didn't imagine it could be so good," Jacqueline muttered dreamily. "Thank you, Hester... I have no idea how I could ever repay you..." The gleam in her eyes as she studied Hester's body belied her words, as the rabbit soon learned, much to her pleasure!
The unreasonable moralistic fervour that had gripped Dr. Jacqueline Stevens passed as quickly as it had started, and her household returned to its old much to the relief of her servants who could once again relax for a bit, not having to fear that their mistress would jump at them for the slightest of mistakes.
Dr. Stevens explained the change in her fur colour as a side effect of a series of experiments, initially promising but ultimately not worth the risks. She didn't give up research entirely, but shifted her attention more towards charity work, starting a free clinic for the poor women; an act that earned her the admiration and respect of all her colleagues.
Hester stayed with Jacqueline for a few months more, intimately helping the jackal with her further experiments. In the end, she decided not to stay, despite Jacqueline's entreaties; Hester explained that she wished to see more of the world, and seek new opportunities, and the doctor eventually agreed. As a parting gesture of goodwill, she paid for Hester's matriculation to Miss Flaybottom's Finishing School for Young Women, an act which had far-reaching effects for Hester's future.
The Black Gent vanished as mysteriously as he had appeared; following an anonymous tip, the police discovered his hideout in Soho, with much of the stolen loot scattered about the apartment. Various burglars used his name to enhance their mystique over the next decade, but none managed to live up to the deeds of the original one.
As usual, many thanks to Greg Panovich for inspirational artwork and helpful suggestions and advice! |
Title: How Mom Made Him State Champ Ch. 07
Jacob's Grandparents had a beautiful lakeside log cabin tucked in a private little cove. The family met there every year for their annual reunion.
It was pretty spacious inside the two-story cabin, with more than enough room for everyone. Jacob slept on an air mattress in his Grandma's sewing room on the second floor. Exhausted from his activities the night before, it was nearly 11am when he finally woke up.
After laying there for a little bit, listening to the birds outside chirp, he sensed someone in the doorway.
Michelle smiled at her son as she struck a cute little pose in the doorway. She was completely naked, her hair pulled back in a pony.
"Good morning, handsome." She said.
"Morning Mom." Jacob stretched.
Michelle came over and crawled under the blankets with him. Jacob slept in only his boxes and he had the usual morning tent-pole. After snuggling up against him, Michelle fished out his prick and began to gently stroke at it.
"Where is everyone?" Jacob asked.
"All the boys and kids took the pontoon out fishing for the day. Your Aunt Trudy and Aunt Gail are out sunbathing on the dock and Grandma's downstairs cleaning, as usual." Michelle said.
"Laura's kind of a tomboy, isn't she." Jacob asked.
"She always has been and speaking of Laura, your Aunt Trudy tells me she's not on the pill, so don't get any bright ideas, Romeo." Michelle teased.
"Do you think she'd let me stick it in her butt?" Jacob asked.
"Well if she's anything like her mother there won't be an issue. Trudy doesn't want her knowing about any of this though, so if decide to get into her panties, you're on your own." Michelle said.
Michelle crawled onto her son, letting her pendulous tits drag against his chest. Still clutching his hardn, she ran the mushroom tip through the moist folds of her vagina.
"One more match. One more win and my baby will be a full fledged motherfucker." She smiled, letting his bulb lick the mouth of her cavity.
"It's hard waiting." He said.
"I know it is and it's been such a long wait hasn't it, sweetheart?" She said lovingly.
"Long and hard." Jacob giggled.
"Like your cock." Michelle said, burying her face in the soft of Jacob's neck.
Jacob lay there while his mom loved on him, fluttering her tongue against the sensitive nerves on his neck. He looked up at the ceiling and smiled, savoring the feel of her big soft tits squashed against his chest.
He wondered how many other boys in the world were getting this same treatment. How many other guys were laying in bed with their big breasted moms.
"Now just look at you two." Jean said from the doorway.
Michelle peered back and smiled.
"Hi, momma." She said.
Jean came over and sat beside them. Jacob noticed that his Grandma was wearing a big flowery robe. It was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra by the way her huge boobs wobbled when she sat.
"You're just like a couple of horny little bunnies." She smiled as they all giggled.
"Can you blame me for being horny? Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?" Michelle said, gazing down at her son with goo-goo eyes.
Jean stared down at Jacob, softly running her long nails across his cheek.
"He reminds me of your father when he was younger. So strong and tender, always eager to crawl between my legs." Jean smiled.
"You miss that, don't you momma?" Michelle asked.
"I'd be a fool if I said I didn't. I may be old, but I am still a woman." She smiled.
"You're a beautiful woman, Grandma." Jacob said.
"Am glad you think so, sweetie-bear." Jean said.
Jacob's Grandma stood up and started for the door.
"Well, I'm gonna leave you two love-birds alone, go back to my cleaning." She said.
After she left the room Michelle gave her son a serious look.
"I'm gonna go back out and lay in the sun. Will you do me a favor, sweetie?" She asked.
"What?" Jacob answered.
"Will you please go down there and fuck the shit out of my mother?" Michelle grinned.
"With pleasure." Jacob smiled.
"Jacob." Michelle said.
"Yeah." He said, gazing up at his mom.
"I know I said no pussy until you win state, but I think a big dick cleaning the cobwebs out of her cunt is what your Grandma really needs right now." Michelle explain.
"Are you serious?" Jacob muttered.
"If it were anyone but my mother I'd say no. Look at it as though it were a practice fight to get you ready for your match next week with your fiercest opponent...mom." She smiled.
"What about Grandpa? Isn't he downstairs?" Jacob asked. "Oh, sweetie, you're Grandpa's lost his mind. He'll hear what's going on, but won't remember it for more than a few minutes." Michelle smiled.
Jean was dusting the bookshelf. Her husband sat in his wheelchair watching a baseball game.
"Whatcha doin' Grandma?" Jacob's voice asked.
Jean turned and saw her Grandson walk into the room. He was still in his boxers and his big boner made the material tent way out.
"Well, hello. I suppose you've come down here to find a warm place to put that thing?" She asked, glancing at his bobbing bulge.
"Yeah." Jacob said.
"Well I think I know just the place. Come on." She said, extending her hand.
Jacob took his Grandma's hand as she lead him towards her bedroom. Jean fed her husband a wicked little smile as she passed. Jacob felt a little guilty as he saw his Grandpa sitting there, but it was nothing comparing to the wicked excitement of knowing that he was going to pop his Grandma's cherry all over again.
Michelle strolled into the room and patted her father's cheek. He eyeballed her big dangling tits.
"Don't worry, daddy. She's gonna scream just like she used to." Michelle said.
Michelle glanced into the master bedroom just as her son was crawling between her mother's legs. Michelle smiled and strolled towards the door. Her big bubbly ass swayed seductively, capturing her father's attention.
Jean's cunt-lips were peeled apart as the head of Jacob's spear sunk into her creamy groove. Her pussy awoke from it's slumber as the mouth of her furnace stretched around Jacob's girth.
With three mighty thrusts Jacob's monster was balls deep. With one more little nudge he felt his purple bulb squash against the head of her cervix.
"Oh God." He groaned.
"Oh Lord it's been so long." Jean sighed.
For a good five minutes Jacob lay flat against his Grandma's body, slowly worming his cock in and out, savoring the place he had never been.
The old rusted bedspring whined with each thrust.
For the first time in his life Jacob was ready to pound some pussy. Holding her soft legs back he started to bear down hard. His big hairless scrotum rapped against her ass as his cock plunged in and out of her gaping fuck-tunnel.
"OH! OH, YOU LOVELY BOY!" She shouted.
Jacob kept a steady pace for about two minutes before he felt his Grandma begin to quiver.
"UH..UH...UH...UUUHHHNNNNGGGGNNN!" She whined, he body convulsing.
Jacob rode her straight through her orgasm, then, feeling his balls tighten, he thrust his cock deep and grinded.
The spongy head of her cervix felt like a tongue dragging against Jacob's knob as he plowed the back of her vagina.
Moments later he was back to thrusting. The bedsprings were now a steady repetitious squeak that filled the downstairs.
Jacob's Grandfather listened to the fuck-song as he watched the game. In the background, through the open doorway, his Grandson's ass rose and fell, his wife's old but still sexy legs kicked high in the air.
"OH YOU BEAUTUFUL WELL-HUNG BOY!" Jean's voice quivered.
Moments later she was squealing once again, her little toes curling as her pussy began to cream around it's meaty guest.
Even though Jacob was in hog-heaven he wanted more than anything to make his Grandma cum again and again. Little did he realize that before they were through Jean would have twelve of the most powerful orgasms of her life.
She had only a few on her back, but once she was riding her young stallion, her orgasmic juices would begin to flow like a faucet.
Jacob felt like King Shit! Here he was on his back, his cock being fucked by the matriarch of the entire family, his face smothered in the world's softest tits as he sucked and chewed on their big rubbery crowns. His big cock, that never tired, was about to make this mature Goddess scream again. Where the fuck would an 18 year old boy rather be?
Jacob pounded his Grandma for nearly an hour before he blew his nuts. He lay there on her soft sweaty flesh, resting his head on one of her pillowy breasts as they both caught there breath.
"Oh...I have a feeling you're gonna make me lots of great grandbaby's with that beautiful thing." She sighed.
A little while later Jacob strolled from the house down to the water. He was still naked, his cock and balls flopping between his legs.
His Grandparents cabin was on thirty secluded acres so privacy wasn't an issue and besides, his mom and her sisters were naked, so why should he be too.
He swam out to the floating dock where his mom, Aunt Gail and Aunt Trudy were all laying on their tummy's soaking up the sun. He could hear them talking and giggling.
The sight of three voluptuous woman, completely naked, laying on their stomach's side by side had Jacob's cock hard before he even reached the dock.
"Is it just me or do I hear a horny teenager trying to sneak up on us." Gail said.
They all looked back as Jacob arrived at the dock.
"Did you fuck your Grandma hard, sweet-baby?" Michelle asked. "Oh yeah." Jacob smiled.
"And...how was your first pussy?" Michelle asked.
"Awesome...Grandma said I can fuck her again later." He said.
"Wow, you must have made quite an impression." Trudy said.
"With that dick I guarantee he made an impression." Gail said, making them all giggle.
Still in the water Jacob had a great view of their long tan legs which were all slightly spread, revealing their cute little clamshells. The plump cunnies were all bald and glistening with sweat.
"So are you gonna come up here and let these three horny moms oil you down?" Michelle asked.
"Sure." Jacob smiled, lifting himself up on the platform.
There was a floating mattress laying on the dock and Jacob crawled onto it and lay on his back. His big dick stuck up like a flagpole as he found himself surrounded by the three sisters.
Gail squirted babyil all over his cock and balls and she and Trudy latched onto his shaft. Even with both their sexy fists around his greasy dong they only covered half of it. They began to stroke the vein-covered steak.
"Oh I love this big fucking dick!" Gail growled.
"And his balls are so fucking smooth and soft." Trudy said, kneading his scrotum. Michelle squirted more baby oil onto her son's chest and began to gently message it in, gazing down lustfully at his young muscular frame.
Jacob's eye's were drawn to the six huge drooping breasts as they rocked and quivered. They each glistened with a combination of babyil and sweat and their areolas were all plump and swollen from the heat of the noonday sun.
"I think our baby wants to fuck him some big greasy titties, don't you, sweetie?" Michelle asked.
"Yeah." Jacob smiled.
Jacob's cock rose between Gail's dangling udders and she squeezed them together, sandwiching his slippery hardn.
"Spent all morning in Grandma's pussy and now it wants to get between some warm titties." Gail said, in a cute little girls voice.
Gail and Trudy tag teamed Jacob's cock with their tits. His fat mushroom head bubbled with pre-cum as it split the top of Trudy's cleavage, emerging from it's creamy fuck-pocket.
"Oh, my big tits usually swallow a dick whole, but not this big beautiful thing." Trudy said.
"That's okay. Aunt Gail's can wrap her lips around the big juicy head." Gail said, capturing the tip in her mouth.
Jacob shuttered as her felt Gail's tongue flutter across his cock-head. She made a lewd sucking sound causing her mouth to vibrate around the tip of his dong.
Michelle straddled her son's chest and brought her body down onto his so her boobs rested on his shoulders.
"I wanna suck on my baby's tongue." She whispered, bringing her lips to his.
Mother and son began to make out, their tongues rolling and twisting together. Jacob wrapped his arms around his mom. She felt so fucking good against him.
Gail bounced her tits on Jacob's dick, fucking it up between her oily boobs As she did this Trudy massaged his balls, digging her long nails into the tender flesh of his nuts.
"Does that feel good, baby. Does it feel good to have your big dick smothered between Aunt Gail's titties, huh?" Gail asked.
"Uh-huh." Jacob hummed as his mom's pink snake flailed away inside his mouth.
Things continued this way for a good fifteen minutes before Michelle rose from his chest.
"How's my dick girls? You taking good care of it?" She asked.
Gail's tongue was sliding up the shaft as Trudy nursed hungrily on the spongy bulb.
"It's yummy." Trudy whined as the purple cap slipped between her pouty mommy-lips.
Michelle moved in, letting her son's cock slip into her mouth. Gail grasped it around the base and pulled the loose skin up and down his shaft a few times to meet her sister's lips. "That's it sis, suck that big pussy-fucker." She said.
Trudy and Michelle's tongues worked in unison fluttering away at bulb and crown of Jacob's lucky cock.
"Big, strong boner felt so good riding my rump last night." Gail said.
"How bout it, stud. Wanna stretch some horny butt-holes again today?" Gail asked.
"Oh fuck yeah." Jacob sighed, enjoying the amazing sensations on his dick.
A few minutes later the three sister's were on their hands and knees, side by side, their big tits dangling beneath them. In the middle was Michelle and Jacob was already kneeling behind her, hammering away at her ass.
"Oh God that's so good!" She moaned.
His sweaty balls slapped against her cunt as he plunged his thick penis in and out of her ass. All three woman were reaching between their legs and rubbing their clits.
Gail wiggled her ass, her big brown pucker pulsing anxiously.
"Fuck me!" She pleaded.
Slipping from his mom's ass, Jacob quickly moved to Gail's and popped his shiny cock-head into her steamy ass-socket. With one long thrust he sunk all the way to his balls.
"Oh my God!" He groaned.
He watched his Aunt Gail's ass ripple as he thrust into her with long ball-busting strokes.
"Oh fuck, I love that cock." Gail muttered.
"That cock's gonna fuck my pussy next week, isn't it sweetie?" Michelle asked proudly, winking back at Jacob.
"Uh-huh." Jacob answered.
"Have you got back on the pill yet, sis?" Trudy asked.
"No, I have an appointment with my doctor on Tuesday." Michelle said.
"Don't let her try to talk you into using fucking condoms. Some doctor's can do that you know." Trudy said.
"Oh fuck that. I'll let him get me pregnant before I make him wear a condom. That's just cruel." Michelle said.
"OH FUCK!" Gail screamed.
Gail thrust her ass back, meeting Jacob stroke for stroke. This caused his scrotum to slap hard against her ass. Her long tan legs began to become unsteady.
"That's it, baby. Fuck that sexy ass." Michelle said encouragingly.
"HUH, HUH, OH FUCK YEAH I'M CUMMING!" Gail cried, her head tilting backwards.
Jacob felt her asshole tighten around his phallus as her body began to convulse. He rode her hard straight through her orgasm.
Trudy's ass was ready and waiting. Her big brown butt-hole slipped easily over Jacob's crown and his cock sunk straight to the root.
Jean stepped outside onto the porch in a halter gown. Her tits were obviously braless beneath the top as they hung way down onto her tummy.
She looked out towards the floating dock to see Jacob pounding her oldest daughters ass. She could see Trudy's tits rocking wildly beneath her as the vigorous teen fucked with all he had. It was quite the sight...three grown women each with their butts in the air eager to be pounded by a handsome teenaged boy.
For a good half-hour Jacob moved from one woman to the next, riding their mommy-rumps and making each of them scream.
"Oh God, I'm feeling good." Jacob groaned, slamming his prick deep inside Michelle's ass.
"Cum on our tits, sweetie." Michelle said, pulling her ass off his cock.
The three women turned around and formed a little circle on their knees, holding their tits up. Jacob jacked his cock right above the greasy cluster of breast-meat.
"UGGGGHHHHH!" He grunted, as thick ropes of jism erupted from his cock-head.
"Oh yeah, cum all over these big tits, stud!" Gail shouted.
After cumming hard Jacob dived off the side of the dock. The three women screamed and giggled playfully. Gail dived in after him and soon after Jacob surfaced so did she and threw her arms and legs around him.
"Get back here you sexy boy." She said.
Like a horny young couple Jacob and Gail started making out. Jacob kept them afloat as Gail hung on, her tits squashed against his chest. Jacob could feel the underside of his still hard shaft resting against the warm folds of her quim.
"Ummmnnn" Gail hummed as her tongue wrestled with her nephew's.
Trudy and Michelle dove in and swam over to them. Trudy had one of those long floating water noodles.
"Here, baby. Put this float between your legs. It'll help you hold the three of us horny old gals up." Trudy said.
Jacob put the water noodle down between his legs so him and Gail could straddle it like a horse. This allowed them to float effortlessly. Gail adjusted herself so that she was now pretty much sitting on Jacob's lap, with her legs wrapped around him.
Trudy straddled the noodle also, coming right up behind the teen so her huge wet boobs were pancaked against his back. She rested her legs on top of Gail's so that she took could coil them around her nephew. She reached around and drug her nails on the tender flesh of his chest.
Jacob was now sandwiched between two women, one still had her tongue squirming against his, while the other began fluttering her pink snake against his neck.
Michelle swam up beside them and climbed on board, twisting her legs in through her sisters so she could straddle her son from the side. This caused the four of them to sink to their necks, but they still managed to float without kicking.
"This it what you call a mom sandwich." Michelle said.
"A meaty teenaged boy smothered in mommies." Gail said between kisses.
Jacob moved from Gail's lips to his mom's and Gail moved from Jacob's lips to his neck. The lucky 18 year old now had two woman working each side of his neck and his gorgeous mother exploring the inside of his mouth with her tongue.
Jacob's cock was trapped between the float and Gail's muffin. He could feel her soft peddles squashed against it and as they bobbed in the water Gail's genitals gently slid back and forth across his shaft.
"Holy shit, this is so cool." Jacob muttered, making the three sisters giggle.
"Oh, Michelle, our baby likes it." Gail giggled, fluttering her tongue against Jacob's ear.
"Do you like getting loved on by us, sweetie?" Michelle asked.
"Oh yeah." Jacob smiled.
"You mean you wouldn't rather be out fishing with the boys, baby?" Trudy smiled. "No fucking way." He said, making the three sisters giggle.
For a half-hour they floated like a big bobbing mass of sex. Three gorgeous big breasted moms against a handsome teen with a huge rock hard penis.
"UUUUGGGNNNHHHH!" Jacob grunted, as six experienced hands worked together on his cock and balls, bringing him to a toe-curling orgasm.
That night as they sat around the fire-pit it struck Jacob just how wickedly naughty he was. Here were these wife's, cuddling with their loving husbands after they had spent the day fucking and sucking him.
It was only early evening and Jacob knew he'd be getting laid at least a couple times that night. He just didn't realize it would be so soon.
Michelle left the group as one of Jacob's uncles was telling a boring hunting story. Jacob watched her stroll towards the door, her braless tits jiggling beneath her gown. Before she stepped inside she gave him a naughty little look.
"Come on." She mouthed.
Jacob followed her inside. Gail and Trudy looked at each other and smiled. They knew their sister was hungry for cock.
Not a word was said as Jacob followed his mom upstairs and into the bathroom. She closed and locked the door behind them and like an animal in heat began tearing her son's clothes off of him.
"We have to be quick." She whispered as she reached under her gown and slid her panties down her legs.
By now Jacob's confidence level was high so he felt right at home being the aggressor. As they began to kiss he reached around and squeezed her soft bubbly ass-cheeks.
He slid his hands down the back of her thighs and Michelle knew exactly what he wanted. Throwing her arms around his neck she hopped from the floor and coiled her long legs around his waist.
"We need lube." She said as her lips smacked against her son's.
Jacob walked his mom over to her bag which sat near the bathroom sink. As she reached down and thumbed through it he took a good look at the both of them in the bathroom mirror.
"What a fucking sight." He thought as he eyeballed the long tan silky-smooth legs that were wrapped around him.
He could see his mom's sexy feet tucked behind him, her heels resting on his ass. Her shapely mommy-rump hovered over his iron-hard cock as she reached around and applied lubricant to his cock-head and shaft.
His heart fluttered excitedly as he realized that this was his own mom he was holding, the one who gave birth to him and read him stories at night when he was a little boy. Now he was a big boy, with a large penis and Jacob was seeing a side of his mom that sons down't usually get to see.
Michelle guided her son's cap to its big puckered target and slipped it inside. She lowered her ass and with one long thrust Jacob sunk to his balls.
"Oh yeah, there's my baby." Michelle moaned.
Jacob pinned her against the wall and began to hammer away. With each of his upward strokes Michelle pushed her ass down, sending his greasy sausage into the deepest, darkest regions of her bowels.
"Oh God." His voice quivered.
"You're taking such good care of momma's rump, aren't you baby?" Michelle asked.
"I love your ass, mom." Jacob sighed.
"My ass loves you, sweetie. It loves to bounce up and down on that big monster, smothering it with warm love." She said.
Jacob fucked with everything he had, shaking Michelle's fragile body with each powerful thrust. She held on tight for the ride with her long gorgeous mommy-legs wrapped tightly around him.
"Oh my God, you're getting good.." She moaned, her body on the brink of orgasmic bliss.
"Uh fuck, I'm gonna cum!" Jacob muttered.
"Oh baby, me too!" Michelle cried.
As Jacob felt the lava rise from his balls he planted his cock as deep up his mom's shit-hole as it would go and held it there.
"UUUUHHHNNNGGGGG!" He grunted, firing a hot blast of teenaged spunk into her guts.
Michelle was right behind him. She let out a muffled little scream into the soft of his neck as her body began to tremble.
For two full minutes they rode the wave together, grunting and quivering as Michelle's anal ring slowly slipped up and down her son's thick veiny butt-fucker.
"Oh sweetie-bear, you rock my fucking world." Michelle sighed.
"I love rocking your world, mom." Jacob said.
"We better get back downstairs before your father figures out you're rocking my world." Michelle joked.
Having been gone no longer that 15 minutes Michelle and Jacob rejoined the family on the porch. The sisters all exchanged a knowing smile.
Having had a long day the whole house was in bed by ten. About midnight Michelle slipped out of bed and snuck down to the room her son was staying in.
When she cracked the door open and peeked inside Michelle found her mother and Jacob making love on his mattress bed. Jean was riding him at a nice slow steady pace. Michelle could see her son's cock slipping in and out of the soft fleshy folds of her mother's vagina.
Jacob's face was buried in a soft mound of granny-tits. He looked like he was in absolute euphoria as he sucked and chewed on her monster areola.
He peeked over and saw his mom watching from the crack in the doorway. With a mouth full of breast he smiled and gave her the thumbs up.
"I love you." She mouthed, then gently closed the door.
Jacob woke the next morning around ten. He was surprised to see his cousin Laura sitting in a chair across from him. What was even more suprising was that she was in a skimpy pair of panties and a wife-beater t-shirt. She was listening to Jacob's MP3 player, with her cute little bare feet propped up on the chair. Her long milky-white legs were slightly spread and Jacob could clearly see the bulge of her clamshell through the thin fabric.
"I like your music." She said, looking down at him.
"Thanks. Where is everyone?" He asked.
"They all went into town for breakfast. Won't be back for a while." She said.
Jacob laid back and tucked his hands behind his head. His muscular bare chest was exposed and his morning wood made an impressive tent in the sheet.
"So...do you have a boyfriend?" He asked.
"Yeah, he's a wrestler like you. Not as good though. So, do you always wake up like that?" Laura asked, glancing at the bulge in the sheet.
"Yeah, pretty much." He said.
"You must be pretty big for it to stick way up like that." Laura giggled.
"Yeah, it's pretty big, at least that's what all the girls I've been with say." Jacob said with pride.
Laura got up and pranced over to the window. Jacob watched her braless tits jiggle beneath her top and as she looked out at the lake he got a great view of her plump teenaged ass. Her panties were bunched up in her ass crack, exposing a lot off cheek.
"It's so beautiful here." She said.
"It sure is." Jacob said, staring at her long legs.
Laura turned and looked down at him.
"I know we're cousins and all but...do you wanna fuck?" She said, matter of factly.
"Sure." Jacob muttered, his heart racing.
Laura peeled off her panties, revealing her cute little bald pussy.
"I sort of have this problem though." Jacob said.
"What kinda problem?" She asked.
"Well, I promised my um...my girlfriend that I wouldn't have sex with anyone else." Jacob said.
"That's not a problem. I promise my boyfriend the same thing but I have sex with lots of other guys. Your secrets safe with me." Laura smiled.
"Well, she is okay with me doing other kinds of things with girls." Jacob said. "What kinds of other things?" Laura asked curiously.
"Well, she's okay with me going down on them and having anal sex." Jacob explained.
"Wow, so she'll let you eat other girls pussies and butt-fuck them? This girl must be so cool. Does she go to your school?" Laura asked, lifting her shirt off.
Jacob could barely answer as he caught sight of her big plump titties.
"No, uh...she's a little older than I am." Jacob said.
"How much older?" Laura asked.
"Oh, about twenty years." Jacob smiled.
"Holy fuck. Does your mom know?" She asked.
"Well, yeah actually she does." He answered.
"My boyfriend and I do anal, but he's not very good at it... I bet you are though." Laura said, gazing at the tent in the blankets.
Jacob slowly slipped the sheet off his body revealing his big butt-fucker in all its glory. Laura's eyes got big and she gasped as her mouth curled into a naughty little smile.
At the restaurant the three sisters and their mother Jean sat in a booth talking while the men were outside shooting the shit with a couple other local guys.
"I was so jealous when you two went inside last night, I could have killed you." Gail said, gazing at Michelle.
"You could have taken him inside. I just beat you to the punch." Michelle said.
"Yeah, well we'll see who's punching first tonight." Gail said.
"Now wait a minute I think if anyone gets laid tonight it's me. You two are gonna be the one's tag-teaming him all summer." Trudy said.
"Now girls, why don't the three of you take him down to the boat house tonight and take turns on him like you did yesterday. In fact I may just join you this time." Jean said.
"Jesus, mother, you two fucked for an hour last night. Let us have some time with him." Trudy said.
"Oh dear, an hour's not nearly enough. Your mother may be old but she still has a healthy sexual appetite. Where do you think you girls got it from?" She asked, making her daughters giggle.
"I wonder if Laura's starting to crave sex like I do?" Trudy said.
"OH FUCK!" Laura cried as she was nailed to the mattress.
Her long milky-white legs were wrapped around Jacob's waist, her heels resting against his bouncing ass as his cock plunged in and out of her gaping butt-hole.
Jacob fucked her hard as he lay flat against her, savoring the feel of her young, firm tits against his chest. She let out a high-pitched squeal and her body began to convulse as yet another orgasm wracked her fragile teenaged body. "Well I for one refuse to sit there and watch my mother get her pussy pounded unless I can too." Trudy said.
"I agree, Michelle. State-Champ or not this "ass only" thing's getting a little old, don't you think?" Gail said.
"Hold on sec. Who was preaching to me when I first started this about giving him little rewards at a time...and saving vaginal intercourse for when he won state?" Michelle asked.
"That's great, so save your vagina, but don't deprive the rest of us." Gail said.
The four of them got quiet as Michelle looked down in thought.
"I guess... well, call me selfish, but I quess I just wanted his cherry, that's all." She said in a sweet little tone.
"Newsflash, sis. Your mother gobbled that cherry up yesterday." Trudy smiled.
Michelle and Jean exchanged a look.
"Hey, you told him it was okay." Jean said.
"I know I did, but I did that more for you than him. I wanted you to remember what it felt like to have a big dick inside of you. To be fucked hard like you used to be." Michelle said.
Jean reached over an took Michelle's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. She searched her daughters eyes.
"First of all, daughter of mine, there is no "remembering." That was the biggest dick and that was the hardest fuck I've ever had." She said, making her daughters giggle.
"Secondly, that gorgeous boy of yours could fuck every single pussy on this planet and it still wouldn't be his momma's pussy. I've seen the two of you move together and...no offence to my other girls, but it's like nothing I've ever seen." Jean said.
Michelle knew what her mother was talking about. She had been with many sexual partners in her lifetime, but when her and Jacob were together, it was like an intricate dance in which they both knew instinctively just how to move.
"Next week the two of you will be floating on your own little cloud. I promise you, when he makes love to his mother it'll be like nothing he's ever experienced." Jean said.
Michelle felt a surge of overwhelming excitement shoot through her body. She pressed her cute little toes hard against her sandals, flexing her long matronly legs. She felt her labial meat peel apart and vaginal juice trickle down into the crack of her ass. She felt her big breasts give out an excited quiver and her nipples harden into huge rubbery knots.
"Yes...I know it will." She whispered, her lips curling into a devilish little grin.
"So...is that a YES?" Gail asked anxiously.
Michelle peered over at her and Trudy with a smile.
"That's a yes." She said.
Gail and Trudy let out an excited cheer, like two little horny teenaged girls, bouncing in their seats and making their huge mommy-boobs jump.
The men outside heard them and smiled in through the window, shaking their heads. Little did they know that the source of their wives excitement was a big teenaged dick that would be hammering their pussies and making them cream.
Speaking of big teenaged dick, Laura's plump ass rested against Jacob, his tool buried so far up her shitter that only his big hairless scrotum was left tucked snuggly in her crack. She shifted her hips, up and back, up and back, digging his cock-head into the depths of her bowels. A froth of butt-butter escaped from her hole and ran down across Jacob's testicles.
"OH GOD!" Laura cried as her little legs began to shake.
She was leaning against Jacob, who was in his favorite position, on his back with his mouth stuffed full of breast-meat. He let his teeth scrape against her areola as he felt her young body convulsing.
Laura's sexy teenaged butt bounced on Jacob's dick for a little over twenty minutes before he before he blew his nuts. His meaty cock had made his cousin cream at least a dozen times and her young body shook yet again as he as the ropes of jism blasted from his cockhead.
"Holy shit, I envy the hell out of your girlfriend." She panted, laying flat against her big-dicked cousin.
This brought a huge smile to Jacob's face.
"If you only knew." He thought. |
Seeing as Clara was in no fit state to do anything but rest for the remainder of the day, Beth volunteered to help around the house until the two were ready to head out for their break the day after. It had been a while since she’d crashed over at her place, but the giant Arcanine still kept a spare bedroom just for her friend in case she decided to pay her an extended visit. It was furnished with everything the Rattata could possibly need, from a luxurious private bathroom to a small gym with upscaled equipment, and even her own milking machinery; as much as Beth’s productivity wasn’t as insanely elevated as her friend’s, she still needed to be rid of some of the pressure at least once a day, lest it start leaking and making a mess everywhere. And the last thing Beth wanted was to damage any of those carpets; Clara had made those herself! Thankfully for the both of them, there was no need to actually cook anything; the Rattata had stopped making any food for herself ever since she began taking sips of Clara’s milk, what with the cream being so filling that she could go for a week without consuming anything else, even when going full-tilt with her exercise regimen. Even the short time this had been happening was enough for her to grow rusty, though it was difficult to tell if it was from lack of practice or from most of her brain activity being split between self-muscle worship and maximum devotion to her fuzzy, fiery friend. Whatever the case, it was simply easier to select one of the many dishes from the sophisticated system Clara herself had installed in her kitchen and let the automated machinery do the rest of the work, all the way from collecting the ingredients to apportioning appropriate serving sizes. Beth was surprised at just how much the default setting was; the Rattata knew that her closest friend could pack away a lot of food before it even remotely began to show up on her figure, but she had the distinct recollection of it being a lot smaller just a few days prior. Maybe she was getting hungrier? Or finally taking Beth’s advice to “put some meat” on her bones? A good outcome, regardless of the reason, so off she went to place five default servings, letting that massive walk-in fridge get emptied out. Figuring it’d be best if dinner was served somewhere more comfortable than a simple table, Beth nearly had to force Clara to remain lying down, quite literally so after the Arcanine began to move out from her bed. The Rattata knew that, in any direct confrontation, even her monstrously muscular body wouldn’t even be able to gently push that beautiful flame-pupper; therefore, the only weapon in her arsenal was, oddly enough, simple flattery. Clara had a bit of a soft spot when it came to being complimented, or just given sweet words in general. For someone who made her life out of helping those around her, she had a stupendously low tolerance for any kind of flattery, in whatever form it may take. Sometimes,
even a smile was enough to set her off, all-but forcing the Arcanine to go into a long ramble about how it wasn’t a big deal and how it was just her doing what everyone should be doing as well; even when “it” was constructing a house from scratch or designing a piece of medical machinery that just so happened to help save someone’s life. The reaction was always the same: intense blushing, followed by a gentle whine and, if people were lucky, her entire body vanishing in a tail twice as big as it was, Clara wrapping herself in a cocoon of floof and fuzz while apologizing profusely about being such a bother to everyone. This normally resulted in people around her just pouring on the compliments even harder, trying to let her know that it was ok for her to feel accomplished about what she did, only leading to a descending spiral that either ended with her friend gaining a few more inches everywhere, or just running away to not have to deal with it. Sometimes both. Beth, however, was not so lucky as to receive this treatment. Or, to be more precise, she got something even luckier than that; see, Clara was well aware that her Rattata friend, being possessed of a physique far more durable than the average person, could take more of a “punishment” and, as such, didn’t feel the need to hold back as much as she did with everyone else around her. As far as the Arcanine cared, she could afford to walk on less eggshells when Beth was around, and her favourite solution for shutting her friend up was to just shove part of her tail directly into the Rattata’s mouth. For most people, this would lead to a complete and utter shutdown of their nervous system, as her fluff had a tendency to overload people’s sensory nerves, but Beth managed to take it like a champ; she’d just stand there, eyes unfocused and misty, mouth happily chewing on some of the floof, until Clara felt recomposed enough to let her talk again. It was crude, but it got the point across and gave her some time to think. So it was that Beth decided to try and force her friend to stay on her bed, knowing all of this. And knowing it, she was aware that the only way she’d ever be able to get away with it… was by pouring it on thicker, until even Clara couldn’t stop herself and just retreated into the safety blanket that was her room-dominating tail. So when Clara first moved to get out of bed, Beth immediately pointed out how her paws were particularly smooth and soft that day, and how much she had absolutely adored every inch of them and just couldn’t wait for the next opportunity to have a go at them! Barely letting the Arcanine have a moment to process just how embarrassed she should be when hearing that, the Rattata kept on going, winking while suggesting that she simply must have been using some new product when bathing herself, to further increase how wondrous her body felt to everyone else. And if that weren’t enough, look at her! Asleep for such a tiny amount of time and already her breasts had swollen to such absurd degrees, burying her torso and most of her lap and just dying
to be milked and emptied out! Not that she should do that, Beth added, since everyone knew that Clara looked best when absolutely full to bursting, it really complimented her motherly look. By this point, Clara’s legs were already pulled up into her parted cleavage, and the Arcanine’s face was so red that it was almost visible through both of the paws covering it. But still the Rattata kept going, saying how even in such a disorganized mess of a state as she was, Beth herself couldn’t help but admire her every contour, shimmering and glowing brightly even when the blinds were drawn and the sun was beginning to set. “S-Stooop!” Clara finally shouted, her tail a blur as it wrapped around her body twice over, “Stopstopstopstopstop, pleeeease!” “But why, you’re so adorable when you’re flustered~!” was the Rattata’s response, to which Clara could only reply with a high-pitched whine and her entire body vibrating, “What, are you gonna tell me that you don’t like me saying these things?” - Beth faked a gasp - “Are you saying you… y-you don’t like me liking you?” “No! NONONONO! Nothing like that I swear it’s just that oh lord it’s so it’s just so terrible and I don’t know how to react and you really shouldn’t be putting so much effort I’m just doing my best please don’t go away I like you so much I swear,” the Arcanine went on another ramble, “if you left I wouldn’t know what to do please I don’t want to hurt you it’s just that when you say those things and it feels so good and I just don’t know how to reply and it’s such a mess an-” “Clara.” The single word was delivered with such force that even the flustered giantess had to stop talking after it was uttered. “I’m going to climb onto the bed. I’m going to hug you. Is that ok?” The Arcanine’s response took a while to reach Beth, in between being muffled by the tail and murmured incomprehensibly. After a few tries, though, her friend succeeded in breaking through the nigh-impenetrable barrier of awkwardness to say a single word: “O-Ok…” With that, Beth smiled, climbing onto the colossal bed and scooching over to where Clara was hiding underneath a barrier of floof. Knowing that all it would take for her to collapse inwardly would be another kind gesture… the Rattata just stayed there, leaning against her and allowing her friend all the time she needed to recompose herself.
A couple of hours later, their dinner was ready, delivered to the bedroom by way of the same automated systems that cooked it. Still wrapped up in that immense tail of hers, Clara chose to forgo eating anything, until Beth threatened to start heaping praise on her again and the Arcanine began whimpering loud enough for the bedstand to start cracking under the pressure. Figuring that it’d be best to acquiesce her Rattata friend before she did something both of them would regret, Clara chowed down on everything the machinery was delivering, not really questioning why it was so much more than usual; poor thing was so flustered that her instincts took over, and seeing as her body was capable of processing truly insane amounts of food before anything happened to how full she was, it wouldn’t be until an hour and several warehouses of food into the feast that she sheepishly asked Beth if they got the number of servings right. Beth, of course, simply replied that she looked really cute, causing Clara to stuff her face into her plate so as to not have to say or do anything else; it took enough food to feed the city for a day before the awkward whimpering stopped… only to resume when the Rattata continued to poke and prod her with flirtatious, flattering comments about how great the food was and how she should try out being a chef, causing Clara to speed up her consumption in an effort to drown out the noise. Meal after meal vanished into her gullet, with the Arcanine’s low complaining turning into a persistent, sloshing rumble. It was one of the curious perks of her… unique physiology, that she had perfect control over where the calories ended up getting dumped. Clara claimed that it was to avoid ruining her figure too much, but Beth had a long-lasting suspicion that the Arcanine did it at least partly because she enjoyed watching herself swell as much as she did. All the fat and excess nutrition that wasn’t required for her to exist normally would be dumped straight into her chest, somehow converted into increased production that would then simply be milked out and given freely to one of the many dairy factories that inevitably sprung up wherever she took up residence, allowing the Arcanine to effectively eat as much as she wanted to; it would eventually circle around to feeding other people via her unbelievably filling breast milk. The end result was that, once all the food was gone, Clara’s chest had filled up to an absurd degree, the Arcanine having chosen not to complain about it even when she herself started to feel slightly uncomfortable about the size. Her bosom was already large enough to nearly drag on the floor normally, and after such a filling meal, most of the bed was now nothing but wobbly, jiggling Arcanine boobflesh, filled with milk and ready to be emptied out. But there was just one problem. “Hum, B-Beth?” she mumbled, “I n-need help moving.”
“... are you sure?” the Rattata asked back, her cheeks flushing at the thought, “Clara, you know what that’s gonna do to m-” “Beth, please!” the Arcanine suddenly burst out, before covering her face with her paws, “I need to get to the milking machine now or else I won’t have time to modify it to deal with everything!” As much as the Rattata wanted to finally cut loose and take on the challenge, she was reticent to actually go ahead and do so; well aware of how heavy those milktanks were, she could only imagine what would happen to her after being forced to carry them around for even the tiniest amount of time... and the milking room was on the other side of the corridor! She was sure to gain so much bulk that walking around anywhere but her friend’s house would be impossible, what with her being heavy enough to just sink into the ground. But the more she looked at Clara, at those puppy dog eyes of hers and her pouty lip, and how loud her chest was getting, she couldn’t say no. Slipping off from atop the bed, Beth got ready to take on the colossal challenge. Expecting quite the impact once those tits landed on her, the Rattata began to stretch and prepare herself, straining her body for as much muscle mass as she could get before giving Clara the ready signal. For someone with such mastery over herself, all it took was for Beth to tense up every last inch of her musculature, resulting in her body creaking and groaning loudly as it packed on pounds and pounds of extra mass, her biceps alone growing to be the size of a small two-seater car by the time she was done; Beth’s head was now perpetually encased in her neckbulk, no longer able to do anything but look straight up… directly at the pair of breasts about to hang over her. With both feet firmly planted on the ground, she raised her hands, ready to take on the titanic task of moving her friend over to the milking room. And then it hit her. Or they hit her, as it were. Clara had slipped off from the bed and placed both feet at either side of her friend, heaving her chest over herself and letting it fall as gently as she could manage onto the Rattata below. And yet, even with most of their mass kept in check by the Arcanine herself, the infinitesimally small fraction of force they exerted onto Beth, when they slammed on the ground and completely covered her, was enough to have her nearly double up in size almost instantly; her musculature was practically screaming with how fast it was growing, gleaming under the artificial lights as it poured with enough sweat to clog up the drains underneath her. She took one step, dragging those things along the ground, and the leg touching the floor gained a good foot in every direction, only for her to repeat the gesture with the other one, again and again, each motion gaining her slightly less bulk as her body got accustomed to the weight, but still enough to have the Rattata bloat hard as she made her way over to the room’s exit, groaning and panting until her muzzle was muffled by her chest simply bulking up
over it. She was so hot that her own sweat stopped pouring down her frame, evaporating into hot steam the closer they got to the door; her mouth exhaled jets of it with each breath, only adding to the infernally hot atmosphere. By the time Beth had reached ten feet in height and gained so much bulk that she would literally be unable to leave the front door, having somehow succeeded in becoming wider than Clara herself, they reached the bedroom’s exit, Clara’s whimpering only getting louder as she begged her friend to go faster and her tits were about to explode and she didn’t know what to do oh goodness me! Thankfully for the both of them, the Rattata had become such an unimaginably powerful tower of pure, raw muscle that her engorged form managed to actually lift those milkers up, rushing to the other side of the corridor while clouding it up with the immense quantities of steam her strained body was producing. Up above, she caught a glimpse of the Arcanine’s tail flying into the milking room, the agile, prehensile appendage applying some last-minute modifications to the machinery at such a quick pace that it appeared as nothing more than a blur of fluff, even to Beth’s trained eyes. Huffing like a locomotive, the Rattata almost collapsed after finally delivering her friend to her destination, leaving a mark on the floor when she fell to her knees, only to marvel at how Clara near-effortlessly pulled her breasts up and let the wall-mounted milking machine do the rest. Immediately her face went redder than ever, and all pretense of modesty flew out the window once the pressure began to be relieved, even the Arcanine being unable to contain herself when her bosom was drained by her own self-designed system. But instead of a simple draining and a quick fix, Beth was given a front row seat to the entire room quaking and quivering underneath the assault of the two tidal waves of milk erupting from Clara’s chest; the walls themselves buckled and bent as they desperately tried holding back the onslaught of delicious cream, cracks appearing on the ground when even the Arcanine’s impeccable design began to buckle underneath the pressure. It was a race against time, with Clara forced to make real-time adjustments to the machinery as it hung on the edge of failing completely. The giantess assured her friend that it would hold, that the entire room was designed to hold back a flood that would completely flatten the city and still keep going… but even Beth could notice the droplets of sweat glinting on Clara’s forehead while her hands and tail worked frantically to make sure her words wouldn’t come back to bite at her; it seemed like the backlog from the day, as well as all of that food, had really taken their toll on her productivity. The rumbling was so powerful that even Beth’s body couldn’t take it, and all it took was a short yelp for Clara to know her friend was about to fall backwards… and probably hurt herself! Acting fast, a section of her tail flew fast enough to reach the Rattata in time, providing the fluffiest landing zone available, somehow not getting in the way of that exact same tail typing on at least three different monitors and rearranging half a ton of piping.
But, thankfully, Clara’s inventiveness and ability to improvise won the day; though most of the wall in front of her was clearly deformed, it had held, and the milking ports resumed their normal operations after the initial surge died down. Somewhere, a small *ding* was followed by a robotic voice reading out a capacity threshold that had way too many digits to make any sense; Beth chose not to ask where her friend was keeping all that milk. Once the initial shock wore off, it was time for the both of them to rest easy, Clara finally having all of that backed-up milk drained out of her, Beth dealing with the sudden surge in size. It wouldn’t be until the latter got up, however, that she noticed something was off, as her transformation had been far more drastic than she had realized. She had shot up to a good twelve feet tall, about just as deep and more than twice as wide; with equal parts surprise and apprehension, Beth realized it had become impossible for her not to strain herself, every muscle on her body competing for space on her hyper-packed form, to the point where, even while standing still, she was slowly getting bigger. Something that would only get worse as time went along, she was certain; hell, just the tiniest of flexes caused both biceps to shoot out three feet in every direction! Beth was about to try it again before her friend’s tail swooped down to wrap about her body again, lifting it into the air so the Arcanine could give her a friend a well-deserved smooch, enough to make the growthlust just melt away completely and turn the Rattata into a mewling mess herself; after all, it was difficult to keep her focus when her entire body was covered head to toe in Clara’s copious amounts of red-hot drool, enough to make Beth’s body nearly invisible underneath the puffs of steam emanating from it. “G-god, th-thanks Beth…~” Clara moaned out, trying to rub the blush on her face away, “if i-it weren’t for you…” “Don’t mention it,” the Rattata fired back, sighing in delight, “just… still a date tomorrow?” The Arcanine smiled. Of course they were still going out! * The night was uneventful, if only because Clara carried Beth up the stairs to prevent her from growing out too much from the effort of doing so herself. The Rattata had the faintest recollection of hearing heavy machinery before drifting off to sleep, waking up a good three feet taller and ten feet wider from all the moving about she did during the night. This… was going to be a problem.
Calling for her friend to come help her, Beth was taken aback at how quickly Clara burst into the room… and how much of said room she occupied. How the hell had she grown so much? While the Arcanine was busy cleaning her up with that bushy, train-sized tail of hers and telling her all about her newest anti-gravity “compensator gear”, Beth got a good look at her friend… it was beyond doubt: even after growing so much herself, the Rattata was still smaller than her friend was, the giant pupper barely fitting into anywhere she went, her breasts alone taking up most of the space in her bedroom! Choosing not to say anything, Beth had a series of rings pushed onto her fingers, informed that they were supposed to “lessen the impact” of her footsteps when they went outside. Suddenly eager to strut her stuff, Beth suggested the two of them head out to a small café she was particularly fond of, which served some of the best pancakes she had ever eaten. Though it took the both of them some time to squeeze outside, they quickly hurried down to where breakfast awaited them, the anti-grav rings keeping the less-then-gentle Beth from sinking into the ground with every step; she, of course, insisted on moving there on her own feet, eager to see just how much she’d be able to grow in such a short walk. Despite it taking less than five minutes, Beth nonetheless ended up reaching Clara’s chin… wait, was the Arcanine growing as well? There was a single waiter on the outside terrace, serving a couple before noticing the two of them headed his direction. The cutest little kitten that any of them had seen, the Meowth’s ears perked up and his tail had every last bit of fur stand on end when she saw the two giant beauties approaching. Lifting the tray he was carrying like a shield, he winced and looked away when the Rattata plopped down onto the street, using her two breasts as cushions so the man could see her face… which she just then realized was not only covered by her neckbulk, but still much too high up from the ground, her own bust having received quite a boost after the events of the previous day, easily thrice as big as it had been before. Sighing, Beth reached out and picked the kitten up, bringing him just close enough that he could see her licking her lips. “Hey there, big guy~” |
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: "Hi David."
"Hi Mary."
"Did you have a good lunch?"
"It was alright...and yours?"
The class was working in the Restaurant Room kitchen. Mary a pretty 22 year old woman with long raven black hair and bright blue eyes had started working next to David. Both were cutting up vegetables. Mitch a big guy with a goatee, and Alex, a short Argentinian man with short black hair who was about the same age as David, were working on the counter behind them. Both we listening in on David and Mary, Alex seemed to be listening with even more interest.
Mary then turned and patted Alex on the shoulder. "How's it going Alex?"
"It's cool. Just cutting up some meat here."
"Hmm, I'm afraid it's a bit crowded here I better move to another area to cut these up." With that Mary took her pan full of vegetables and moved to another part of the kitchen.
"I can tell she likes you."
David glanced back at Mitch. "Huh?"
"Can't you tell? She likes you, and I think she might have something for Alex also."
"Oh really?" Alex had a tense expression for a second.
"You mean like friend wise? Or boyfriend wise?" David asked, chopping off the head of a carrot.
"Not sure." Mitch thought for a second. " I think boyfriend wise."
"Well then Alex, she's all yours because I'm with Racheal." At this Alex seemed to relax and continue to work with his food item.
Later after the Restaurant Room was closing and nearly finished cleaning up, some of the class went into the dining area and took a rest. David took a seat and put his arms behind his head,while Racheal sat down on the floor next to his legs and leaned against them. She pulled out a copy of the school newspaper and began reading it. Felicity also took a seat and began chatting with some other girls. She was now teased for her magical transformation into a blackberry woman two weeks ago but it wasn't the bad kind of teasing but the nice joking type. She laughed with them but would still turn a little red in the face whenever someone brought it up. but she was< still her 'spring in her step' happy self, though a bit more cautious now about chewing gum at least in public. Alex sat down next to Mary and started talking to her. Mary seemed to be enjoying talking to Alex but once or twice she glanced at David when Alex wasn't looking.
David took one of his hands and ran his fingers through Racheal's beautiful almost shoulder length brown hair. This made her look up from her newspaper.
"um, nothing, Rach."
"Well, let me read then." and she turned back to the paper. Racheal wasn't one to bother while reading. David glanced back to see if Mary had gotten the message but he couldn't tell if she did since she was happily chatting with Alex. 'One of those choices huh?' he thought to himself, he had never been in one since Racheal was the only girl he had ever been interested in and after two years he had finally won her over, but it was certainly in the way he had least expected. To make a long story short she had turned into a blueberry woman, and she need to be squeezed, and it was David who did that part. Felicity was the only other person who knew about it and David had a feeling he could trust her.
It here that Chef Rube came in and called their attention. "Right, I wanted all of us to meet together before we all go on our way home. I just to let you know that there will be a special mushroom dinner here tonight at 7:00. I'll need people to help prep and cook food. I only need a couple of people but more the better. So if you can make it come up here and sign up."
Several of the students got up, Mary went up then Alex got up and followed her to the front. David leaned forward over Racheal. "What about you?"
"I'd better not. I need to study."
"Do you think you'll need my help?"
"I'd rather not risk that either I don't want to get" she looked over her shoulder and smiled "distracted"
"Then I'm signing up. Sorry but you're going to loose your wall."
Racheal moved over so that David could get up to join the crew. They had about four and a half hours until the cooking crew had to come back to school so the man left with Racheal. After riding for a few minutes David asked "Hey Rach have noticed if it looks like any other girls like me?"
"Why do you ask?" she said suspiciously.
"It might be in my mind but I think Mary has a thing for me."
"But I hope she doesn't since I love you. I think she's having trouble deciding. I mean she seems to like Alex also."
"You think she likes Alex? Awww, they'd make a good couple."
"All the better since then I'd get to stop worrying about her hitting on me."
"She's flirting with you?" Racheal looked at David.
"No no, not really. She's sweet to me I'm just worried she'll kick it up a notch. She hasn't done anything for me to have a talk with her."
"If she does, maybe I should also talk to her."
"You?" David glanced over at his girlfriend. "I'm not sure you'd be all that 'nice' about it."
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"Well, you're pretty fierce when it comes to protecting what's yours."
"I am not!" and she gave him a little slap on David's arm.
"Remember last week? I tried taking some of your chips and you practically growled at me?"
"Okay, food is a different thing. I was starving and it was a small bag."
"You could have at least given me one."
"Oh, don't be a baby."
After another minute of driving, David pulled up to Racheal's house. "Here we are princess."
"Thanks Dave." She leaned over and kissed him on the lips. " Love you and I'll see you tomorrow." and she got out of the car.
"Love you too."
Racheal closed the door and went up to her house, David pulled out of the driveway and left. Things were going well for him and Racheal. They were passing their classes while finding time to spend with each other. They had slept together a few times, and a few more times they had done it the 'special way.' What that meant was that Racheal would have a dinner with some of the special Wonky gum, then turn into a berry of some sort and then the whole evening would be spent with him intensely juicing her. She had tried the blackberry cobbler but the blueberry was her favorite, having tried it two more times.
David then remembered that he had meant to show Racheal something. It was a new flavor that Wonky had just made, he even had it in his backpack pocket. Oh well this weekend maybe she'd try it. He drove home, ate a late lunch, showered, relaxed, then drove back to the college in his cooking uniform but he brought his back pack along that hold some casual clothes. Alex, Linda, Mary and the the other volunteers met him in the Restaurant room and waited for the Chef. David couldn't help but notice that Mary looked a little upset about something. The man didn't get much time to think about it because Chef Rube came in and began explaining the set up for the dinner.
15 minutes later the crew were all divided up and began to move out into the kitchens. But Mary stayed back and waited until everyone else was out expect for David.
"Hey Mary, are you okay?"
She shook her long black hair back. "No not really Dave."
"What's wrong?"
"Listen there are two boys I like. One of them is you, the other is Alex and I can't decide-"
"Mary, I'm with Racheal. Alex is available you two get along great."
But Mary didn't seem to look any better, she looked worse.
"I saw Alex hug Linda, today."
"Hey now, that doesn't mean they're dating. You should at least try to hook up with Alex-"
"I gotta get to work!" Mary whipped at her blue eyes and quickly went into the kitchen.
David stood still for a few seconds until entering the kitchen 'Sheesh, it's not it's the end of the world ,Mary.'
After working for about ten minutes David realized he hadn't taken his backpack to his locker. Finding it in the dinning room he quickly carried it to the back and secured it.
Other than that nothing really exciting happened that night. Everything went off perfectly. The patrons liked the food, nothing bad happened to David, Chef Rube thanked them for giving up their evening and helping. Some of the crew left early to go to work or they had to get home, among a few others David, Alex, and Mary were there. Mary wasn't looking at either Alex or David. while they were cleaning up. Once they had finished cleaning up Mary went on ahead to the lockers to chance, and Alex decided to wait around eat his late dinner. David went to the lockers as well to change.
After changing David was passing through the large open bakery when he heard a woman's voice call his name.
The man turned and saw that Mary was sitting on the large wooden bench table for working with dough. She was wearing a white t-shirt with blue jeans and a black jacket.
"Hey Mary. Um I don't think it's a good idea to sit on that. Dough goes on there and people eat that-"
Mary then held up a small silvery wrapping.
A strip of Wonky Gum.
"Where did you get that." David asked slowly, already having an idea.
"From your backpack. I saw it sticking out."
"Listen it's a good thing you didn't chew that before you saw me. That gum-"
"The dessert will turn me into a berry I know."
David was a bit stunned that Mary knew about the effects.
"How do you know?"
"Don't be mad at her but Felicity told me."
"Listen I'm torn between two men, you or Alex and neither of you is available. Felicity saw how upset I was so she made me promise not to tell anyone about the gum. She told me how you and Racheal were friends, until you juiced her and now the two of you are together. And Felicity said when her boyfriend saw her as a big berry he was instantly turned on. I decided that the first man I saw after changing would be the one that juices me!"
David held up his hands.
"Wait a second Mary! It's not like that! This gum isn't so sort of magical love potion! I had feelings for Racheal, and I think deep down she had feelings for me too, and the juicing of her broke some sort of barrier between us. And as for Tom and Felicity, well they were already a couple and Tom just liked seeing his lady in a new look like that! This isn't going to make me love you."
Mary seemed to be close to tears "Yes it will! It'll work! I've been alone for too long now! I want to be loved by a man!"
"Please listen Mary. You're a really cool girl. You and Alex get along great, I think you should at least ask him out."
"I saw him hugging Linda!"
"So what? I think she was hugging him! I'm sure that meant nothing!"
"What's it matter now? It's you I want now!"
And with that Mary unwrapped the gum and began chewing it.
'Aw great here we go again.' David thought to himself. 'If Racheal hears about this she will never let me live it down.'
After chewing for a few seconds Mary made a face. "Eww it-"
"Yeah I know, tastes like paper. Spit it out."
"No! WOW now it tastes great! Broccoli and cheese soup!"
"C'mon, Mary! Please listen! You're just going to loose some good clothing of yours!"
"Oh I know, David! I picked out stuff I wouldn't mind loosing." She continued to chomp on the gum. "Okay next it's cold pasta salad! I guess it's okay I didn't bring money with me for dinner today!"
"Mary, I'm very tired! And how do you know I won't flat out refuse to juice you! What if I just walk away!"
Mary didn't flinch, "Okay go ahead and leave me David. I won't stop chewing."
"Fine I'm going home!" David turned around and began to walk away but then he turned and ran back to Mary. "Please Mary! Stop chewing!"
"Nuh-huh! Sweet, it's barbecue ribs time! I love ribs!"
"They're great aren't they. Look spit the gum out, let's get together with Alex and I'll take both of you out to dinner for some REAL ribs."
"Not doing that David. I'm still chewing! And I think I'm nearly done with the ribs! Oh yes! It's here! Strawberry Shortcake! I can taste the strawberries and the whipped cream! I haven't had any this good in such a long time!"
"Aw crap" David muttered.
For another minute Mary chewed and chewed with much vigor. She keep looking at her hands hoping for some change.
"Is my face changing color?"
"Oh wait." thinking back to how Felicity started changing Mary pulled up one of the pant legs of her jeans, her tanned skin beamed out. She let out a sigh
"Why isn't it happening to me."
Without thinking David muttered "Maybe you should check your stomach."
"Good idea!" Mary pushed aside her jacket, curled her fingers beneath her white t-shirt, pulled up, and let out a squeal of joy to see her flat stomach turning a
bright red.
"Look David I'm turning into a strawberry woman!"
"That's nice."
The woman watched in fascination as the red spread up to her mid-section and down to her legs, she rolled up the t-shirt higher to watch it as much as possible. The coloring sank down her body lower, changing the skin color beneath her jeans. Once it had traveled to her arms and hands, Mary stopped gazing at her stomach and took to looking at her new red colored arms. She then bent over and once again pulled up a leg of her jeans to see the red color had reached her legs. The reddening woman looked up at David with a smile, all that remained of her tan skin was her forehead but in a few more seconds that would also turn bright red.
Mary gave a little giggled and did a little spin.
"Don't I look great with my new look ,David?"
"Well...it's different"
"Hmmm, well I'll look even better in a few minutes" she patted her stomach which then let out a low gurgle. By the tiniest centimeter it bulged out. The woman let out a little 'oooooooh' as her stomach gurgled a second time and jutted out slightly further.
She let out a relaxing sigh as she slipped off her jacket and laid it on the table, and then ran her fingers through her beautiful black hair as her tummy let out a third gurgle and enlarged slightly. Then with a fourth and loud gurgle her stomach suddenly sucked in, back to it's original flatness, then jutted back out in a much larger stomach.
"OOOOOOH!" Mary said happily, pulling her t-shirt up slightly to poke her own soft flesh. "There's at least a gallon in there David!"
David wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to leave her and go home, yet he wasn't sure if Alex was still there, and a berry woman couldn't be left alone like this for so many hours. 'Damn' he thought to himself.
Something different then happened, Mary's large stomach sucked itself back to it's thin look but the juice certainly didn't disappear. It traveled to her breasts. Her breasts filled out with strawberry juice and were well outlined by her t-shirt. Her stomach then refilled itself with even more juice than before.
"Now this is nice!" Mary said while feeling her new breasts, the red nipples were showing against the tight thin fabric. Her stomach pumped out more juice which traveled not to her breasts but to her thighs, painfully stretching out her jeans.
"Ouch! These jeans are tight!" she muttered as her stomach filled out again, even larger, tightening the waist of her jeans. "I'll just have to remove them I guess."
she said huskily. David went red in the face. For a moment she traced her finger against the button of her jeans, then unbuckled it and pulled the zipper down slowly.
Tucking her hands beneath her jeans she slowly pulled them down her thighs just in time too since her stomach pumped another batch of juice into her thighs. The red woman bent down and let her jeans falls to her knees, she looked up at David, her black strans falling around her head and a wicked grin on her face. Her breasts received another pump from her stomach, which were now stretching her shirt out, forcing her collar to be pulled down lower allowing David a good glimpse of her
enlarging breasts. David tried to look away.
Mary's breasts received several more pumps before her thighs , the orbs were now getting near watermelon sized. Somehow her white t-shirt was holding out.
The woman let her jeans fall to her feet then shook out and kicked them away. Her black panties were doing well considering what they were going through. The enlarging thighs and the on and off pressure the waistband was feeling was stretching them out. The berry woman seductively slipped one finger into the waistband of the underwear.
David hoped she wasn't going to remove them. The size of the breasts were reaching extremely large proportions now, they had to force their way out of her overstretched t-shirt collar, her nipples were now leaking out the bright red strawberry juice, staining her t-shirt.
The juice factory, or Mary's stomach, pumped and pumped her stomach growing bigger and bigger with each pump. The woman's legs were getting no where near the amount of juice as her boobs were. As the stomach and sides grew larger and larger with each pump, her arms plumped but were still movable.She didn't seem to mind she just laughed happily. David remembered how each berry inflation at been different so he tried to think about Mary's. Her breasts were taking in most of the juice and her legs were getting pulled in by her growing torso. The connection between the shape of a strawberry and her body was made, there was more juice going the upper half of Mary's body while less in her lower. The man wondered how much longer Mary's shirt and panties could hold out.
With her mid section huge now, there was nothing left of Mary's trim figure, she had gone from five feet seven inches to seven and a half feet. Her breasts were about five feet across each, the white t-shirt pulled way up from her belly and down from her collar, barely covering her nipples. By some miracle her now in comparison small plump legs were holding her immense body up. The stomach and thighs were full and stretched the leg holes and waistband of Mary's black panties that they had to take on the shape of a thong. For once a berrified girl could actually still move her plump arms. As David took note of this Mary slowly ran her arms down her juice filled body.The pumping stomach had been slowing down for a while only give small burst deliveries.
"Don't I look very lovely now, David?" Mary said while cupping one hand beneath one enormous boob.
"Ummm...you look different."
"Oh I know, I'm just so full of juice...soooo biiiig." her breasts grew out an inch further, torturing her poor shirt even more. The woman looked at her full red body and waited. After a full minute she looked back up and took a slow lumbering step towards the transfixed man.
" I'm ripe,juice me."
David took a step back. "Look, um, I-"
"I want to be juiced so badly! I gotta be juiced! I don't feel anything good right now, I have to be juiced to feel better!" She took two more loud steps towards David.
'Oh god I think I'm going to have to. Forgive me Racheal!' David thought while preparing himself to squeeze the ripe strawberry woman. The huge woman spread her arms wide open, her full chest sticking straight out.
David hadn't said a word, he realized this as a figure jumped out between he and Mary. The form jumped and locked his arms around the body of Mary.
"I'll juice you Mary!" Alex said while enjoying the feel of Mary's soft warm flesh against the side of his face.
"Alex!" Mary said shocked. "I don't-damn he feels good pressed up against me like this." she muttered.
David just watched in shock as something unfolded.
"Oh god Mary I've been wanting to tell you how much I like you!" Alex said while tightening his hold on the woman.
"You do!? But I saw you hugging Linda?"
"She was hugging me! I didn't mind, she hugs everyone."
"I told you." David muttered.
"Oh-well-I" David had a feeling that she was blushing even though her whole face was strawberry red.
"Will you go out with me?" Alex asked.
"Uh, sure when?"
"How about tonight? After I get some work finished here" He gave Mary a little squeeze which she responded with a purr.
"Sounds good."
David thought this was probably the oddest way a guy could ask a girl out.
Alex then climbed a foot up Mary massive body and planted a kiss on her blood red lips, when he pulled back he licked his own.
"Hmm I love strawberries."
"Thanks I-" Mary was then interrupted by a tearing sound. She looked down and saw several holes growing in her overstretched t-shirt.
"Oh dear my shirt is ripping."
"I better hold on tight"
Mary's clevage hit full bloom once it's restraint was gone. Her orbs struck Alex's body pushing him off her. However her body lost it's balance causing her to fall forward on top of Alex smothering him.
"Are you okay!?" She yelled out fearfully!
She felt his hands lively grabbing at her. "Oh yes!" she heard his muffled voice happily proclaim.
Mary let out a moan and put her head down. "Y'know. It was only you I ever liked. David's a good guy but I think I was just trying to make you jealous. But I'm glad he's with Racheal, I don't feel bad now."
"They're a good couple." Alex said giving Mary another delightful squeeze.
David was starting to feel it was time to go. He quickly unzipped his backpack and began searching for his reverse gum.
"So where shall we go after wards?" Mary asked from atop Alex.
"It's gonna have to be someplace open late at night. It's going to take a while to get all of this out of you.' He gave her a pat.
"How about Shirley's?"
"Maybe I might be the mood for burgers." he ran his finger down the waistband of her panties.
David kept looking.
"Alex, these are kind of tight on me could you?"
"Sure." Alex tucked his fingers into her panties, pulled away by only an inch. Then he felt the cloth tear away from his hands as her panties shot of her body like a slingshot, David heard them land somewhere behind him.
"Aaah, much better." Mary sighed.
David finally found the gum he went to the Mary/Alex form. "Hey Mary!"
"Hmmm, yes David? Oh yeah thanks for the gum."
"Yeaah, you're welcome. Just don't take anything from me without asking all right?
"Listen...are you listening?"
"Yeah what!?"
"This is the reverse gum. He juices you, you chew this, you're back to normal. Get it?"
"Got it."
"Good. I'll lay it here. GOOD NIGHT!"
David left the kitchen thinking about the odd day. "God, I want to Racheal this weekend. That was just weird. Why do I keep turning women around me into berries? Am I cursed or something?"
Then he thought about how he had made himself, Racheal, Felicity, Tom, Mary, and Alex happier.
"Or gifted?" he said out loud with a grin.
Title: Chapter 1: A little warming up by Nightclaw
Tags: Bathing, Canine, Dog, Dream, Ejaculation, German Shepherd, M/solo, Masturbation
Collin stepped out of the shower followed by a cloud of hot steam. He started to reach for a large towel hanging from a bronze hook beside where he stood, but stopped upon seeing his figure peering back at him in the fogged over wall size mirror. He was a good-looking male, and his muscles defined even by German Shepherd standards. He had always taken vast prided on his physical structure.
His coat was a shade of brown that faded into white. He desipised his coloration even as far back as grade school he had hated it. In his mind it made him look feminine. He could get it up for either sex and it had gotten him dates with one or two guy in the past, but that never led to the role he wanted to play. It was always the males with the black and white fur that got the bitch; the bitch mind you with the brown and white fur. His own mate had left him a month before for a black and white furred male.
Collin moved his gaze down the mirror following the centerline of his washboard stomach until his eyes fell on his manhood. The tip of his penis was protruding slightly from its sheath. In some strange way, this game of self-critique was very arousing, and the thought of his excessively feminine coloration had led Collin to create a mental picture of himself as a female, perky boobs, tight pussy and all.
Without wholly apprehending what he was doing the German Shepherd walked closer to his image, his right paw sliding leisurely down his abdomen to his sheath, and his left paw pressing delicately against the reflective glass of the mirror. Continuing onward the pads of his right paw, still dripping warm water from his recent shower, glided across the head of his dick, and massaged down in between his penis and the skin that surrounded it when limp. He continued pushing deeply into himself until he became fully erect.
Collin closed his eyes picturing the freshly created image of his female self bent prostrate over his bathroom counter with her tail raised in welcoming anticipation, and her bouncy breasts hanging down over the marble sink. She had her head bent back peering over he shoulder at him a look of pained longing worn upon her face. Collin was not going to be one to let her, no himself, down.
Cupping his right paw Collin placed the shape it made in front of the tip of his wet dick. The pads of his paw made contact with his more tender private area, and Collin lunged his hips out driving his shaft forward. He envisioned his member sliding deep into his female counter part, expanding the lips of her willingly exposed pussy. He let out a slight growl of pleasure, as he pulled back from his paw only to lung forward again just before the head of his shaft exited his grasp. He imagined his bitch self arching her back, and driving down on him, her breasts moving unreservedly with her motions as she moaned orgasmically for more.
Collin continued pleasuring himself at a rhythmic pace until he felt precum oozing onto the palm of his paw from the tip of his penis. His rhythm broke and his tempo quickened, giving way to sweat idyllic chaos. Finally, he could take no more, and began to climax. His dick throbbed, as he pictured his orgasming female self filled up with his seed, her vagina overflowing with his sexual juices as they dripped from the edges of her pussy and down in white drops to the grey tile floor.
Then the vision broke. Collin's cum shot from his balls, and collided with the mirror, running down its smooth surface in a gooey white mess.
"Fuck", Collin swore between heavy panting breaths. He had meant to jizz in the sink, but in his ecstasy had forgotten almost even that he was only masturbating.
He stood with both paws gripping his marble counter for what seemed like hours until his exhausted panting ceased. He gazed languorously at his tribute to the alternative arts, eventually deciding he was too tired to pay any heed to it. He turned and left his semen splashed across the mirror in an outlandish mosaic. He walked, with his dick still partially erect out of the bathroom, and across his hardwood bedroom floor. Collin upon reaching its foot collapsed on the king size bed that he once had shared with his mate and wife.
As his naked body hit the dark brown comforter, his half conscious mind realized that what he really wanted was companionship. He tried to imagine his wife lying quietly asleep beside him; even tried to imagine his female self with him in his bed. Nothing worked. It appeared that pretending was only going to get Collin so far on this night. He fell asleep, naked and still soaking wet, alone in the middle of his bed; to tired to even pull back the sheets and cover himself up.
Sorry that it was short, not very well written, and ended on a lightly negative note. It is the introduction to a small series that I am going to post in portions as I complete them. I promise that by the end of it I will have put Collin through much more then just pawing off in his master bathroom. The action has not even gotten started, so stay tuned for segment two and in the meantime stay furry everyone! |
Title: Within the Valley by Plexadonn
Tags: Canine, Generation Gap, Incest, M/M, Oral, Philosophy, Psychological, Romance
WITHIN THE VALLEY, written by Plexadonn.
(the events here are entirely fictional, though based on a real experience - a camping trip with my uncle, his son and my father. For the soundtrack, John Denver's magick is essential, as the metaphysics and philosphy used in this story pertain to him greatly).
Please let me know of any odd mistakes I missed, as I had to rewrite this to make it "furry". It takes place on an alien planet called Kologa, in the country of Ertethia.
Within the valley, The Great Valley it was called, lingered the refreshing, heated and invigorating climate of Summer. In the utterly high elevation, and quite far from any large bodies of water, the air in the mountainous region of North Ertethia was plagued with little or no humidity, leaving the dry, crisp air to be breathed freely - save for the trace amounts of dust, pollen and ash that was scattered throughout the atmosphere.
Along with this came a strange sense of enterprise and adventure that infested the minds of many, any sentient beings. Families, individuals, animals of every single kind in nature and Life, desired to be rid of their foundations, if only for one day: a reprieve of harsh stress and misery, or to increase mirth and joyful loving which was already present.
As if by some unseen psychological force, people craved the experience of something slightly foreign, to be away from the housing and sight of the gloom and shadows of their homes or places of work, and to see the world at its peak of tranquility before the comfortable Summer began to change into the colder seasons of Autumn and Winter.
Even those unfortunate enough to lose sight of natural life, they still could not permanently ignore the call of the clear blue mountain lands. All sentient life, no matter how lost to modern, sheltered society, eventually would see the fire raining in the sky, and the shadows from the starlight. Life would be refurbished then, and spirits would join with the planet, Kologa, once more.
Emotions ran rampant, as well. Sexual energy seemed to be escalating now, higher than any other time of year. Unions would be seen and experienced by millions of excited youths; revitalized passion and affairs of rekindled fire would light up the lives of hundreds and hundreds of long-time lovers and friends. In minds, those partners and lovers lost in darkness, would sit around the campfires in the mind; anyone could and most certainly would find Love there, anywhere in the Summer, in any sort of way.
Like the season around them - the season of the Heart - teenage folk and their close counterparts, the young adults, found themselves utterly restless and longing for these new experiences the most, more than any spiritual seeker or mountain climber. In the school halls, the male persuasion wandered through their typical monotony with little else on their mind other than to satisfy their lust for the carnal things.
George was no exception to this seemingly ubiquitous rule of lust. The Wind is a symbol for all that is free, and George felt like he was the wind, and on it he flew with his spirit wings, and constantly sang to it, shouting loudly to the planet of his desires and respect.
He was a young student of sixteen, a young and grey-colored canine, with a fire in his heart and a light in his eyes, and his heart full with the desire for adventure.
Occasionally, those in his circle of friends pondered with one another about his ways of life, whether or not he was being too risky with his decisions and if he was flying too high.
His parents knew nothing of that, though. To them, George seemed to be incapable of focusing his attention on one hobby for too long, or one person for too long. His romantic interests in other boys had been settled upon long before his high school days, and now he was on a quest to discover the untold aspects of sex. He wanted to experience everything that two males could do with each other, with only their bodies - the Heart, Spirit and Mind - and environment of Kologa.
His heart burst explosively with passion when he was in intimate contact with his male lovers; he did not need to own or need, but just to hold and see those smiles and feel the warmth of a willing body, and to feel their auras ignite with each other. George simply wanted to pour his heart into Life, and the lives of others, as many as he could, and promote the goodness of his kind.
While never being caught at school secretly fornicating in the showers or in a public facility with his current boyfriend (as he often loved to), he had not been so careful and lucky at home. It was at this time his mother discovered his tastes in sex, and he felt ashamed of his lack of respect for their quite obvious desire to not have these activities in their home. The woman did not see much of anything during her own fiery experience, only that her son was engaged in a passionate kiss with one of his friends, while they simply lie on his bed and both dressed only in underwear.
She explained that she did not enjoy it at all, which of course was apparent and did not need explanation. But he was greatly thankful she did not punish him, belittle him with tremendous tidal waves of guilt, or worse, disown him. He learned then that she was more tolerant and intelligent than this, and as was his father. But of course they were; George's parents had more important things to worry about than that of their gay son. His paranoia about the World crashing down and bringing him to the deepest parts of despair dissolved slowly.
In George's embarrassment and desire to let his mind relax from his worry, he very strongly wished to escape their company in order to let the news settle in for them, and for him to recompose himself. Thus, he was quick to request his accompaniment on his uncle Stan's solo camping trip up into the mountains for three days (give or take).
Summer now, no more school days for a little while, and in George's situation of irresponsibility, he had no obligations that tied him to his house or hometown. It was explained by Stan that his trip would consist mostly of fishing and, probably, extensive hiking, in a strange search for unrevealed relics. Apparently, the land he was planning on invading had been a place ancient pre-war occupancy, and that he wanted to look for relics and the like.
Stanley was a large man, much like George's father, Frederick. Both men had been laborers for most of their lives - starting in their teenage years - and both worked mostly in construction or pipe-fitting occupations. This left them both with impressive and comfortable musculature that did not look forced and awkward, like the jocks at school with their perfectly contoured bodies. Uncle Stan's strength came from real, strenuous work; his strength was in the heart and in his confidence.
And although much of a pervert, with a very vulgar and tactless sense of humor, George felt a strange attraction to the man, his uncle Stanley; the boy admired the man's candor, even if such a thing stemmed from some kind of social idiocy and probably slight brain damage from long-beaten alcoholism.
His father's lineage was from the oldest societies of dog. Stan and father possessed dark skin, and dark fur, along with very strong facial features. These men were endowed with large hands, thick and strong arms, and deep voices. They were the epitome of masculine strength and beauty. George wondered many times if he would grow into the same kind of person, if his life would turn him towards the labor and path of growth. It was unlikely though, as he was naturally a lean person and fair-skinned with much lighter hair: a trait from his mother's lineage.
Nevertheless, he was eagerly anticipating the adventure with Stan.
Stanley and George had packed their necessary things, George bringing along several books to read in case he needed or wanted them, during the hours before sleep or during a pause between hikes. But Stan assured his nephew that they would have plenty of things to do while out in the wilderness. And yes, that they would, for Stanley insisted on bringing along his only acoustic guitar and banjo, the persuaded his nephew to do the same with his own guitar and fiddle.
Both of the boy's instruments had been gifts from the adult, who was now his temporary guardian for the trip. Stanley had quickly taken a shine to the boy once learning of George's interest in the Art of music. Stan, having played fiddle and banjo since he was younger than George, insisted on the boy having access to these things, hoping that some day he would bloom with them, and allow his skill to speak the language of the planet and breathe the music of the Sky. Secondly, he had a longing for teaching and helping to develop those skills, and eagerly looked forward to the few days when George would accompany him with the instruments.
All these things they housed in the enclosed bed of Stanley's pickup truck, being certain to keep all the items situated properly to not allow them to scatter and fall together; they were especially careful packing up the fragile guitars and violin. Stanley, as explained to George long before the boy could conjure any false impressions, was going to take as little accommodations as possible.
This would not be a luxurious outing, and they would not be within range of any conveniences and Stanley most certain was not about to forsake this ideal for even the slightest kind of aid from modern society. The most advanced pieces of equipment he was bringing were the truck, two flashlights and a mobile telephone (which would be turned off unless either male experienced a major injury during the trip).
In George's excitement for the adventure, and his eagerness to be rid of the presence of his perturbed parents, the boy had completely disregarded the possible ridicule and harassment he could receive from his uncle. And he only realized this folly during the traveling, as the truck noisily flowed along the road and polluted the countryside with its poisonous noise, and noiseless poison.
"So your mother tells me you uh... got them homosexual tendencies?" It made George sad, embarrassed that he could have allowed this to happen. With this sort of subtle accusation, the boy could feel the sunshine drain from his soul, and quite quickly, inspired by the hatred and intolerance showered by millions in regard to his persuasion, George suddenly felt that he did not deserve to enjoy life. The prejudice was like those thoughts of paranoia that brought him down to the depths of misery that which clipped his wings and silenced the Wind of the father sky.
Paranoia, such evil paranoia, was cruel.
However, Stanley did not express the sort of merriment out of being cruel as George had expected. The boy had fantasized the grin of mockery on his uncle's face, and the idea that he was now obligated to sustain three or more days of emotional torture from the wild, feral filth was only the sweetest flavor in Stanley's mouth. George could imagine the laugh and the hissing snicker, being called a "fag" or "a cocksucker"... the poor boy shuddered.
None of this. Not any of these insane delusions of hatred graced the boy. Stanley, in a very rare show of compassion, actually seemed to understand that paranoia, and expressed his deepest sympathies for the boy. His uncle, the man having now grown some kind of completely foreign respect for this lifestyle, appeared now - to George - to be much more Pure than his mother had constantly made him out to be. The man's face, upon hearing from George that he was indeed a homosexual, showed tolerance, and other than this one notion, nothing else. And why should he be disturbed or disgusted? George's homosexuality did not affect his uncle's life, and did not threaten him in the slightest.
George was impressed with the neutrally-acceptance in his family. While being fairly quiet and relatively sheltered in their roundabout routines in suburban life, they had shown the young boy that even here in his city, and in his own family - their Hearts - the wind and peaceful love permeated all those souls of Kologa around him, in some way. There was no Evil and oppression, no hatred to be heard of. And with this, he could fly again. Even farther, he shared the freedom he felt when he flew, with all of his family, and they would never bring him down again.
George remembered the very first instance he had gazed upon the place, their destination today. It resembled a smaller sort of valley, a field dressed with a multitude of painful scrub and unattractive-looking dry brush and scattered rocks. All this was situated between two jagged hills of rock and soil, naked and stripped of its trees, while all the vegetation grew thickly and impressively at the far end, opposite the valley to the road.
During their previous visit, George's father and Stanley had entered the valley and idled slowly through it, parking their vehicles at the mouth of the forest at the far end and had managed to reveal a hidden pathway within the dense vegetation, a vanished trail of sorts that had been beaten into the soil under their feet. It was practically useless now, being so overgrown that it would take weeks to reestablish what someone or some people had done many years ago.
Still, it did remain there, slightly visible and technically useable, if one did not mind the extensive effort that would be required of any willing soul to traverse the hills, to penetrate the dense forest and explore the terrain beyond.
The path, if followed properly, lead around a treacherous and meandering corridor that attacked the dogs with thorns and bristles, covering their legs with mud and swarming their faces with insects. But withstanding this gave the gift of natural, planetary beauty.
It was a simple, happy shoreline, next to the river: a simulacrum of the great beaches of the ocean, and a minor cousin of the more rapid, wider rivers (not quite as far). And as relaxing and hypnotic as the rapidly-flowing stream was, as brisk and brightly clear its fluid was, the river was potentially lethal.
Especially to one boy as small as George, the quickened pace closer to the center of the river would wash him away into the wilderness, and forever to be doomed, too fast to be saved by his powerful uncle.
It was easy to see the neutrally-colored grey rocks making the bed of the river, nearer the shore, and the sharper, deadly rocks in the center that lie in threatening danger. However, upon emerging from the tangled forest and looking leftward and venturing into the water, the two found a peaceful and safe pocket of water close to the rockface that made the mountain of one side of the valley. This pocket, the still water, was trapped and kept free of the undertow, and George imagined, pleasantly, how it would feel to bathe his dirty and hot body in there after a long day with Stan.
Stanley explained that he, many a time, had done this sort of practice. He used to sunbathe on this secluded beach, and shower himself in the waterfall of the pocket, using the vines to keep himself afloat, and splashed about playfully in the stream. George then imagined himself doing this, as well, wading into the water naked, and letting the breeze chill him to his very bones, and the cold water burning him, his flesh all exposed to Nature, and letting the planet inundate him with its ultimate stimulation.
He wanted to be infused with the warmth of the sun, and the compassion of the moonlight. The boy could focus it into sexual energy, and this he frequently loved doing. To bring himself close to such passion, to release himself with an orgasm caused by the planet, fuelled by that deep warmth of sunshine, or the freezing winds during winter... and the soft glow of moonshine, washing across his entire body and psyche.
The connection, such a joining of canine being and the spiritual, explosive energy of Kologa, was the second greatest experience of living existence. It did not exactly pale in comparison to sex exchanged between two sentients, but it was most certainly not as invigorating.
George understood that with his uncle close by, and the adult wanting to spend quite the bulk of their time together, the boy possibly could not find a chance to experience his spiritual climax, might not get around to fusing himself with the planet in metaphysical ecstasy. Yet, he was fairly certain that Stanley would not mind it much, if the boy clambered back out of their tent and trudged through the forest to his meeting place with the Love of Kologa. But... maybe the adult would not understand.
During their hiking and the first time they attempted to fish in the river, there was, sadly, little conversation between them. Even during the few minutes of rest during which they rehydrated and renourished themselves, they found words to be broken and stuck in their mouths, and only awkward sentences managed their way outward.
George was young, and relatively inexperienced at Life, and he also was unsure of how he could possibly relate to an adult of such experience and adventure as Stanley. His uncle, divorced from marriage and essentially unemployed, while having plenty of money to sustain himself in modern society, was not exactly what one would label as "successful". But the sort of success and wisdom he had, the kind that George found to be attractive and interesting, was the knowledge of the planet and the life of those before them, the Natives that lived in the countryside centuries before them.
Stanley certainly did attempt pleasantries, however. He gave his all with topics ranging from George's business with school, if any of his friends were musicians and wilderness adventurers like him, and even introduced the boy's love life. Stanley seemed very interested in how many boyfriends George had, how many he had been with, favorite positions... and this last part the boy knew was a joke, given away by the ferocious chuckle.
"Are you a top or bottom?" He actually queried this! George knew the answer, that he was almost always a 'bottom', but he did not respond right away, and both of them laughed about it heartily. Other queries made their way through their conversation throughout the day, and the mere interest lead George to disprove his family's harsh and negative opinions of this usually oafish dolt. Stanley was proving to be less bigoted and intolerant than anyone had expected.
George could still see the goofy smile upon the man's countenance, but underneath was quite an obvious foundation of something else; interest, yes, though it could have been something more potent, or potentially more sinister. George let his mind infuse with his carnality, that rampant crave for excitement deep in the primitive canine mind: that place that allowed us all to lust and crave ignorantly and hurtfully. The boy imagined his uncle in his place, imagined the gentleman touching him, and with guilt and awkwardness, George imagined himself submitting to his uncle, letting his hands encompass that muscular and robust body.
This fueled the passion of distraction even further. Stanley's interest, the first time he had spoken of George being gay, had given this weekend adventure an unwanted air of peculiarity. And now, with Stanley's persistence, he had driven his nephew to unspoken and hidden desires that had oozed from the deepest swamp in his cluttered psychology. It was part lust and part disappointment; that Uncle Stanley could do this to a young man such as George, was unfair and uncalled for.
Yet what could the boy do? He would not allow this setback in life stop his flight; his wings would only grow stronger from these feelings, and if he should experience his uncle like that... there lay in darkness a path that he was unclear of, but he was willing to learn when the tides brought this to him.
George soon grew very comfortable with this, however. The two males had shuffled themselves into a sort of dialogue that grew more fearsome and silly with each passing minute: George growing more candid and playful with his own questions.
Yes, the boy had insisted on his uncle reciprocating in every instance. They picked and prodded at each other with growing curiosity and amusement, and George felt like this exchange of data truly helped the two bond more spiritually, though inconsequentially.
It was when Stanley wondered if George, at any time, had been with an adult in these sorts of spiritual passions, that the boy faltered. He felt somewhat embarrassed by the question, and briefly wondered if he should take this in stride as insinuation, accusation, or some kind of perverted curiosity.
The answer: No, of course he had not. It was something that which he did occasionally fantasize, however, an experience he wished his mind could know: the act of spiritual bond to an adult while still in his youth, when his wings were bright and shimmering, and still aglow with love for Life - when he could share the glimmer with a mature man whose wings were duller now.
Yet, he could not bring himself to peruse this endeavor (although it could not rightfully be called such). It was curiosity, and he would not waste too much mental energy, or stress himself out over something as trivial and benign as masturbating his perversions and corrupted egocentricities.
Although he never had the opportunity, he was greatly relieved. This ideal was something he longed for on a highly spiritual and intellectual level and the act would need to be special to him, passionate without being hurtful. Yes, he could easily seek out some unstable, older pervert to fulfill the fantasy, but this would only destroy his aura and he would forever be destroyed by a poison of life. This would need to wait in order to ensure that both parties involved would benefit and grown from it. Otherwise, George would rather never bother with the goal.
George silently understood that no amount of sexual adventure, with those his own age, older or younger, beast or otherwise, would ever help him grow properly. It would not help him or anyone else in the slightest. For how could a person learn and mature in this World, in this manner of Living, with such primitive and unbecoming, blind lust? All that would come of this would be frustration, confusion, and leave him abandoned on the frozen planes of ice below the hearth of the planet, where the spirit was static and unfeeling. And George would rather commit suicide than succumb to this fate. He wanted to experience the sex, yes, but would not throw his life away simply for that.
Nor would he rush headlong into an early grave, balanced on the biggest wave. George soared like an Eagle, sometimes needing neither comfort nor pause, just the desire to infuse himself... but terrestrial comforts called to him so frequently. Uncle Stanley was one of these comforts.
The remainder of their day consisted of Stanley becoming a little too heated and exhausted, thus the amount of hiking decreased significantly. Before retiring for the day, he wanted to do a bit more of land surveying for plans tomorrow.
George could see the man suffering slightly in the heat, his body becoming slightly hunched and being covered with sweat and looking weathered. The adult looked like a laborer out here, and less of a free flying spirit such as George. But no, it was not his spirit that suffered, for that fire in his Soul burned just as brightly as his nephew's (it seemed); it was merely his body, too battered and too tired from long and hard living. The body was only the shell of the soul, but in this very case, the flesh must certainly be given its due, for it utter and humiliating control over us all, canine, human, feline, reptile alike. As much as Stanley wanted to continue, he now needed to retire.
Before this, Stanley had successfully burned two wondrous images into Stanley's mind. First was the small mouth of an eroded cave system, this particular pocket of stone facing the interior of the valley and looking out onto the highway. Second was a very tall and fatal cliff that the two males had managed to ascend and lie prone upon, looking down to their ultimate deaths if they should happen to fall. But this was a thrilling episode, and the racing of their hearts had been a pleasant paradise in excitement.
Both of these places, George and Stanley wished to return to the next day and further explore and they agreed to be sure to find the time for it. For right now, both desired a repose from exercise, and to consume food: a meal, moreover. Stanley built a fire around their designated area and proceeded to cook up some kind of sausages and green beans from a tin can.
Stanley had insisted on decorating the truck with a camouflage of branches and leaves, to help shade it from the eyes of the passersby on the highway. This place was apparently "private-property", and he did not wish to risk having a sheriff called to investigate.
During the nightfall, Stanley's mood shifted in tune with the ascending reddish-gold colors of twilight. Situated about the fire, opposing each other, the man felt himself turn more demure and he acquiesced to the boy's silent desires to learn more of him, and be rid of the typical personality that he was accustomed to. Stanley, although interesting and wise for all his years, was incredibly rude and vulgar, as stated before; if one could withstand the barrage of disharmonies from the man's lips, conversation could be quite intriguing.
For another hour after the meal, both males practiced their Art on the musical instruments stored in the truck. Stanley played his songs, his old time Mountain Music, and George displayed his more modern styles, taking inspiration from some of the rock and pop music he listened to occasionally, and both inspiring each other: playing rock music in country style, or some folk music in blues style.
With the rhythmic melodies from the fiddle and the continuo from the banjo, came Spirit embodied as sound. They played the sounds of the planet, spoken via their souls and the rough edges of their fingertips. This was the song of the Wind, and George had learned it long ago, the notes cascading upon their bodies, notes and tones like the ancient gods of the country, each forgotten deity taking those sounds of the Soul and lighting the way towards perfection.
If sound was visible, if the body could unite with it, separated from its mind, the mind fusing with music, what shape could form? It would be spiral, spinning outward towards the Universe... or it would be circular, encompassing them with the planet, eternally circulating the energy through their ears.
All this flowed through them, but went unnoticed. They simply played with all their heart and loved every second of it.
And though George loved talking with Stan, hearing the words and stories of past shenanigans and jokes, and playing music with him, the boy could only take so much in one day. And as night was approaching fast after the twilight, the ascending shadows were coming to bring the darkness, and the sleep that would be induced closely afterwards.
"Are you falling asleep on me?" Stanley inquired. The answer was obvious, however, for George had been drifting into a state of sleepy stupor for about twenty minutes after their set, and he quickly took the advice of his uncle that they should both go to bed.
They had set up their tent upon reaching their destination, and the comforts of makeshift beds lie within for both of them: sleeping bags. The night air would soon turn cold, and the atmosphere would descend ice and chill upon them, eventually covering all with frost and cold dew; thus, the bags of plush down and padding would be a very welcome companion to them.
As they entered their tent, the males sharing one such device, Stanley explained that he usually preferred to enjoy sleeping without the confines. But, as he said before, his age made the elements of the planetary weather affect him more severely than before, in his younger days. In his youth he could have slept outside by the fire (which they kept burning instead of dousing it). But with the threat of a freezing rain or a bothersome, feral raccoon possibly, Stanley did not want to risk his health and discomfort.
In the shadows of the tent, and the faint, orange-colored hue of the fire, George could see the moving body of his uncle, and the faintest, minute details of his being. He watched and listened to him groan with some displeasure, stripping his clothes off to his underwear, and letting them crumple in a pile on the other side of his pillow. As he nestled down into his sleeping bag and grunted again, George wished that he could have seen the episode in the light; the boy admired his uncle, not only for his wisdom, but for his physical body, the power of his arms and the thick abdomen, the ultimate body of the male being.
George was now unguilty of feeling an attraction to his uncle's being. He found the skin tone and color of his deep-brown fur beautiful - the darkness of it - how the colors changed in shade around his face and the deep tenor of his voice, and his capability for strength and unrefined passion. Stanley could be as kind or as cruel as he wished, with his strength, violence and mind... and that he chose to give kindness, to bestow wisdom and aid in a youth's experience made him the perfect Canine Being, as far as George was concerned.
The boy fell asleep, his sex engorged with the thought of his uncle taking him into his embrace, both physical and spiritual. George usually enjoyed to have music playing, to rock him to sleep as it did when he was an infant. But here, this was unnecessary, for the shadow from the starlight was softer than any lullaby he could imagine.
Sleep came quickly for both, and both fell silently into the pleasant void, deeply and warmly.
As Stan had feared, the air froze and death hung close by to take away the insects that could not withstand it. The canine males in the vinyl, unnatural tent would go untouched by the frost and ice, the cold winds. They were not interrupted by the various, scavenging, critters of the nocturnal nature. The sounds of other animals calmed them fully, and the pale glow of the moon high above in orbit soothed their brains as it should.
Sunlight awoke George. Fire returned, as usual, the star spreading heat and yellow light across this side of Kologa, thus awakening the day creatures. The boy yawned, his mouth spreading open wide, and he felt sticky in the heat. The tent had trapped their breath and body temperature, causing them both to sweat and feel slightly uneasy in their bags.
George sighed then, and sat up, twisting his torso around to crack the bones in his spine.
"Sleep well?" Asked Stanley, it was clear to the boy that his uncle had been awake for some time before him.
"Yeah, I guess." Stanley then sat up as well, allowing George to see his uncle's exposed torso. It truly was impossible to not admire, for George did think Stanley was the epitome of male beauty.
The adult had a bit of girth around his torso and abdomen, adding to his weight and strength, which only aided the impressive and attractive amount of musculature. Although the mere sight of men such as this excited the boy, it was not merely the body and promise of passionate sex with it: it was also the sense of strength.
George was both protected by and vulnerable to his massive uncle. Those hands could guard or kill, and this thought soothed him. The boy stared, unaware of doing such, and found the sight of his nearly-naked relative easy to love and enjoy. The idea that Stanley would abuse him in regards to some awful, primitive dog-like instinct did not enter the boy's mind. He respected and loved this fellow canine, and he refused to fathom the notion that his uncle would lose his mind and lose his Purity like that.
Stanley was extremely hirsute for a canine, the entirety of his body being covered with intense, thick fur. Heaviest upon his abdomen - upon his stomach area - sparser on his chest, spreading to his arms and legs and thickening there, growing dark and deep upon his thighs, forearms, and sparser on his back as well (which George could not see right now). It looked soft and comforting. It was raw and animalistic in a way, yet confined to the fate of the advanced canine condition, and the male body. Exciting, yes.
With these fantasies, these passionate desires, George felt his genitals grow, and felt himself grow erect in his boxers. With this, he became aware that his bladder would need to be emptied soon. And he badly wished to do both, to release his sperm and climax upon himself, and then to rinse it out with his urine, as naturally as could be. It would never happen, unfortunately, with Stanley sitting there, watching him.
It was not so strong that he would need to flee quickly and urinate in the bushes outside the tent, but he felt a bit embarrassed this morning for sexually fantasizing about his uncle, and he did wish to be out of his sight.
Thus, he stood up, "I need to take a leak." His erect phallus promptly fell out of its fabric confines and hovered exposed to both of them, Stanley unmistakably eyeing it completely. George of course could just have tucked it back in and went out with a chuckle, but he only managed to slurp in air through his lips and sink back to his 'bed', then tried to rearrange himself. He spoke nothing more than an "oops", and his face turned pink.
"Wow," Stanley breathed, his eyes a bit wider than usual and a smirk on his face. "You got a pretty big dick, man."
George knew he should probably flee quickly, simply to avoid any antagonistic remarks, or degrading jokes, any verbal assault. But he could not; in his mind something seized him and anchored him to the sleeping bag, paralyzed him - his face grown stern now - something in his mind did not want him to leave. He simply sat there in confusion, wondering if Stanley would want to watch his nephew, or maybe expose himself as well. Desires, silly desires.
"You gonna take care of it?" The adult wondered; his grin had left and he spoke quietly. Both males were still slightly away from reality with the remnants of slumber still in their brains.
George glared at his uncle; though not quite with malice, he was cautious. "What do you mean?"
"You could jerk off, and let me watch. Or I could help you out a little bit if you wanted." He was cautious as well, it seemed, for he spoke slowly, not wanting to scare his nephew, or upset him.
George did not respond with words, but with his eyes; he stared at his relative, letting his tongue slip out and moisten his lips. He might have smiled, but neither of them paid it any attention. Stanley moved slightly in his bag and reached forwards for his nephew. The boy was exposed to the air and his uncle's hand, although his erection was now back into his home, and Stanley was eager to find it again.
George shivered when he felt the adult touch his member, Stan using his thick forefinger to stroke its length, pushing lightly and rubbing gently. The boy loved it, he loved the sensation of the adult's hand now fully gripping his sexual parts, and he was overjoyed that his uncle wanted to play. He saw Stan move closer, could gaze upon his well-built temple and even receive a hint of his odor, and he would not stop this now.
"Is it okay? Can I play with it?" Stanley, still cautious, was eager as well, and only wanted to be sure that his nephew would enjoy it. George agreed to it, and his mind wanted him to submit... yes, something there in the darkness begged him to allow the loss of control. His spirit was glowing so effervescently, practically bursting the shell of inhibitions that made the boy's mind, letting the bright white of lust ripple across his synapses.
Did he wish to give in completely? It depended, truly, on the manner of lust in which Stanley wished to bestow on him. But no darkness descended upon him this morning, only a passion and an unfulfilled, erotic curiosity. Stanley did not wish to abuse his nephew or torment him into submission. He was an evolved, sentient creature, after all, and only wanted to share an experience. Love, utterly defined as pure.
Their eyes met, just once, both wanting certainty for the situation. Both consented, both longed for this and wanted to enjoy the proceedings. There would be no more hesitation or curiosity now: only experience. Both males stood at the precipice of spiritual enterprise, George's Wings as bright as any white sun could be, flung open and ready to take flight, and in his hand was the hand of his uncle's, the adult's Wings reflecting the shine of the youth's, pleading - as if in tears - to be taken along for the flight. And George would take the gentleman with him, most definitely.
Stanley freed his nephew's eager and erect member from the underwear, holding the bulk of it in his hand, softly squeezing and admiring it. "Mmm," he sighed, "looks real nice." The adult stroked it smoothly, molding the soft flesh with his fingers and very slowly masturbating his nephew. The heat trapped in the tent from the morning sun was enough to cause light-headedness, and now with this new and magnificent stimulation, and with George's heart beating so rapidly now, it was even hotter. The boy began to sweat more heavily, and he welcomed the sensation; the heat seemed to sustain his passion even stronger.
George then felt his uncle's warm mouth on his phallus. Stanley had lowered himself to an elbow, propping himself awkwardly practically on top of the boy, and let George's limb slip into his wet mouth, the male readily licking at it. George quivered with an erotic sigh, his heart fluttering madly as his body felt the adult holding him, felt Stan's arms embracing him gently while the sensitive erection felt such a pleasant warm and moisture from the uncle's mouth and tongue.
Spiritually, George was pleased and invigorated, and in this situation, bliss everlasting could be attained, and they both could sustain the heightened grace of this kind of Love and passion quite easily. Realistically, it was clear that the adult had never done this before, for his efforts were quite sloppy and slightly uncomfortable.
So, George helped out as best as he possibly could, softly speaking words of advice and encouragement. Stanley obeyed every breath and took it all to heart and mind, doing anything that his young nephew suggested, to use his tongue more deeply, making it wet and sloppy and not to worry about salivating too greatly.
Stanley was bent over the boy, his brown, vigorous body hunkered over his nephew's waist, his mouth working on the throbbing genitals there zealously, wondrously. The visual stimulant excited the boy more greatly than the actual sexual simulation itself; his heart was fueled by the sight of the powerful male's body lying upon him, the deep brown of his exterior, and all the muscles of his back flexed beautifully, defining his power.
George could not stop himself if at all desired; he caressed his uncle's body, touched with such fantastic electricity the warmth of his skin, could smell the thick musk evaporating from his sweaty body, and enjoyed the soft brush of the body hair along his back, and that of his head.
Oh yes, he was very close to coming now. And to push it farther into the clouds, farther into the brilliance of joy, the adult began his own caressing. Stan moved his gripping hands along the boy's body, squeezing and pressing against George's thighs and back, his arms and hands.
George felt the rush of power flow into him, the exchange of electricity then; as he was stroking his uncle's body, the male did the same to him, creating a circuit of energy cascading along the pathways of the mind, billowing up explosively and drowning them both in the ultimate sort of canine passion. Dear god, yes, this was George's highest flight to the heavens and he could feel his body respond accordingly.
He spoke the warning to Stanley, that he was about to dive from the edge. His uncle heard, and happily continued, then swallowed down his nephew's load without the slightest sound of discomfort, gagging or whimpering. At this zenith of power and sensation, minutes became seconds, and time longer than that was unheard of.
"You liked that?" Stanley wondered, looking up into his nephew's face with a smirk, licking his lips and frequently swallowing in attempts to wash down the taste.
"Yes, I did." George grinned as well. This was repose from the highest exchange; after this orgasm, this half-hearted climax, it was George sailing down to alight upon the trees of the Ertethian wilderness. The physical pleasures were magnificent, but utterly not quite enough to completely blow him from the wind. He needed to continue.
Stanley smiled warmly, stroking his fingers along the boy's chest, and still fondling his genitals, enjoying the soft warmth of the flesh. That look on the man's face, that glee in his eyes and the smile, the brightness to it all, it was quite astounding. Stanley looked like a young man again, agreeing to and enjoying the fruits of Life, and bursting with delight. The air, as in demeanor, and the atmosphere thrilled the young boy, and with his tremendous uncle so close, the rich aroma radiating off his body continued to fuel him.
"Can I suck your cock, too?" George hoped it was yes. He hoped Stanley would let him continue with the exercise, and if the adult wished to pin him to the ground and viciously sodomize him, the boy would quickly consent.
Stan, as quick as his old body could allow, ascended to his knees and dropped his underwear - tight-fitting, white briefs that George found aesthetically pleasing - exposing his groin to the boy's pleasure. He reached forward to cup his uncle's testicles in his hand; impressively large and soft with fuzz, and warm, George sighed with some sounds of lust, loving how his uncle's package was just as large and powerful as the rest of his body.
The adult moaned and exhaled silently, absorbing the lovely sensation of his nephew fondling his balls so tenderly and passionately. And just as George felt, the adult was willing to submit to anything the boy wished to do or try with him. But as Stan did earlier, both males would limit this initial romance and energy flux to simple practices; they were merely testing these new places of the mind, experimenting with the currents and warmth of the ascending wind, finding which way, which direction to take next.
It was clear to George how the heat in here, now so many times strengthened by the heat from their two passionate, sweating bodies, had affected his uncle. His body glistened pleasantly, seemed to practically sparkle with his faint perspiration, and George could feel it on the adult's groin, finding the touch of the moisture to be quite satisfactory.
George took his uncle's member into his mouth and wasted no time in working the organ as best he could. The appendage tasted wonderful to him; he sucked Stanley's phallus hungrily, tasting his sweat and pre-ejaculate, and taking it all into his mind as the perfect, uncluttered romantic experience. The limb was beyond satisfactory, regardless of the length or width; George loved it because it was his uncle's, and the adult was giving it to him.
The boy moaned in harmony with his uncle's pathetic-sounding whimpering, wrapping an arm around to circumvent the adult's body. George firmly pushed his mouth against Stan's groin, being able to take all of his uncle's offering into his mouth, the lips and tongue working veraciously and wetly, his chin digging into those wonderful, fur-covered testicles.
On the other side of this monument to male splendor, the young man fondled - likewise - up along the muscled legs and plush buttocks, caressing with gripping fingers and such an excess enthusiasm that the adult's own climax approached exactly as his nephew's had.
"Ugh, fuck, George. I'm coming!" The proclamation invigorated George's senses, and he shivered with bliss as he felt his uncle push against head, forcing his mouth to remain upon the limb energetically exploding with semen, the fluid coursing along the boy's tongue and draining down his throat. He gulped and swallowed, gripping at his uncle the same way, digging his fingers into the hairy backside and pushing himself further against the man's groin, slobbering helplessly into the sexual region.
Stanley pushed vigorously into the warm, sucking maw of his nephew, spilling the remains of his come deep inside, his voice growling involuntarily with one last wave of energy, the last big gush of his aura fusing with George's, the duality spinning wildly and then spilling back down into their minds.
The adult pulled his limb back, releasing his nephew and allowing breath to come back, the member dripping with fluids. He wiped the mess away with a hand, then resituated his underwear in their proper place. He spoke some word, some phrase of pleasure and praise, but it was mostly lost to his nephew; the boy lie back onto his sleeping bag and did nothing else but to embrace the moment, and let his spirit glide slowly back down to the planet.
Heat pressed down on them. Now that their efforts and exercise were through for the moment, they desired to feel the much cooler temperatures of the outside world, away from the thick musk and aroma of sex that was in the tent.
The males looked to one another, chuckled awkwardly, and both finally alighted back to reality. Here they proposed a silent contract of mutual understanding the experience, that each would be the anchor and the Wings for the other. In some way, both had desired this from the start, during the truck ride, and possibly before this on a highly ascended plane of unknown telepathy...
Yet for now, they both desired breakfast.
End of part 1. |
Title: Housemate Ch. 03
The next morning I was in my office trying to write but I couldn't stop thinking about the sudden change in my life. I remembered having fantasized about a beautiful sexy woman come to my door—you know, her car breaking down or lost on a stormy night and having wild sex but never believed it would actually happen. Things like that didn't happen in real life, but here it was happening to me.
It was almost nine when I heard Kate go into the kitchen. I peeked out my office door and said, "Good morning. There's coffee on, if you want it."
"Great! Thanks," Kate said.
She was dressed in a short black skirt and a white low cut peasant blouse. I came out to the kitchen and poured myself another cup of coffee. "How come you're all dressed up?" I asked.
"Job hunting," she said. "I'm broke and have to get a job." She had a folded up newspaper. "I picked this paper up at the cop yesterday and just went over the classifieds." She said, taking a sip of her coffee. "There's not much out there, but I'll find something. I always do." she added.
"I like your confidence," I said.
"I always have a positive attitude. I really believe the right thing will come my way. That's how I live my life."
"You have a lot of wisdom for a young woman," I said. "By the way, how old are you?"
"I'm thirty," she said, "But age is just a number, like I said, yesterday. What difference does it make?"
I nodded. "I'm not sure. I'm sixty-two and sometimes it sounds old but then I find it hard to believe cause inside I still feel youthful."
Kate smiled. "It's all in the mind. If you think 62 is old then it's old. If you think you're still young, then you're still young. We program ourselves. That's why a person should not even think about age. Live in the present, the now. So many people live in the past and think about the future, when the only thing that matters is the present."
"Interesting," I said. "Here I am thirty years older than you but I think you have a lot to teach me," I said.
"Thanks, that's nice of you to say, but I think you have a lot to teach me, too," she said. "Remember I said I trust my intuition. Well, my intuition tells me that you are a pretty special person. I can tell by how you listen and just from this cabin you built." Just then Kate stepped forward, took my hands and gave me a little kiss. "I can also tell by how you fuck."
"You can," I said, feeling her tits against my chest.
She put her hand on my beard and then ran her fingers through my hair. She looked me in the eyes and smiled, "If you can get over your dumb ideas about age we can have a lot of fun together," she said. "If you believe that I'm your fuck angel sent here by fate to bring wild sex into your life and I believe I came to this town to find you, then that's all we need to know. Just accept it."
"I'll try," I said. "It's something to think about." I added. "Reality is an illusion," she said, "But the reality is I have to find a job—that's not an illusion." She put down her coffee, picked up the newspaper and her little pocketbook and said, "I'm off to the real world."
"Real world?" I asked. "Isn't this the real world, here?"
"This is our world," she added. "It's real in a different way." When she got to the front door, she turned and said, "You think too much, Jack. Just enjoy! See you later."
When Kate left I watched her run up to her car and thought about the conversation we just had. "She's a little philosopher," I thought. "Maybe she's right, age is just a number. We make our own reality. Stop thinking so much and enjoy." Still, I felt funny having sex with someone young enough to be my daughter. "This is wild," I thought. "Maybe, she's right, about this cabin is our own world and there's another world out there that doesn't really matter."
I looked over at the bird feeder out my window just as several birds pecked for food. Several others were in the tree nearby waiting for their turn. "Those birds certainly have their own world and reality. So do the squirrels. Why not me and Kate," I thought and put our cups in the sink.
I went back to work. The day passed quickly. That afternoon, I was out in the garden, thinning the carrots and spinach, when I saw Kate on the back porch, waving to me.
"Need some help," she yelled.
"Sure, come on down," I yelled back.
"Be right down. I just want to change my clothes."
I was on my knees, thinning the spinach, my back to the house, when I heard Kate's footsteps. I turned and saw that she was wearing tight cut off jeans and a low cut flimsy yellow shirt that revealed her stomach and barely covered her tits. "Damn but she looks sexy," I thought as she approached.
"I got a job," she said. "Second place I went."
"Great. What job?"
"I'm going to waitress at The Bistro," she said.
"You should do well there. They keep pretty busy, especially at night. It's the local watering hole." I said.
"I work three nights and two lunches." She said, "So I'll have plenty of time to paint."
When Kate kneeled down next to me, her tits practically fell out of her low cut shirt. "What are we doing?" she asked and then looked around at the garden. "Hey, this is some garden." she said and got up and started walking around. I looked up at her as she walked and loved how her round ass looked in the tight cut offs. They were so short her ass cheeks were just at the edge of the jeans. I was wearing shorts and could feel my cock swelling as I looked at her. She came back to where I was working and kneeled next to me, her warm bare thigh touched my bare thigh. She then leaned forward and started thinning the spinach.
"I love to garden," she said as she worked. "I didn't tell you I grew up on a farm in Ohio. We had a small dairy farm and had at least twenty-five cows."
"No kidding. You grew up on a farm." I said. "Did you work on the farm?"
"Of course, we all did. But my dad died when I was twelve."
"That must have been hard," I said.
"It was, but my mom got a lot of insurance when he died, so we were able to keep the farm. We hired a manager. My mom was a great gardener and that's where I learned. I love gardening."
Kate looked at me while she was talking. She was on her knees. She leaned forward, reaching to the spinach on the other side of the bed and started thinning. Her tits were barely being covered by her shirt. Her cut offs were tight against her crotch and ass. Her legs looked wonderful next to mine. My cock was getting harder in my shorts. "You can grow a lot of food in this garden," she said, as she thinned the spinach. She then turned and saw the bulge in my shorts and smiled at me. "Horny are we," she said and laughed.
"You know you're trying to turn me on by coming down here dressed like that." I said.
"Dressed like what," she said, smiling. "I'm just wearing a pair of old shorts and an old shirt," she said. "I don't know what you mean."
"Is that so?" I said. "You're practically wearing nothing. You know what you're doing, don't you? Your tits are barely covered by that flimsy shirt and those cut offs couldn't be any tighter or shorter." "So," she said. "I like how I'm dressed. I can't help if it makes you horny." She wasn't looking at me as she spoke. She got up to reach across the bed to thin more spinach. When she stretched, the jeans rose up and her ass cheeks poked out. Looking at her leaning over the bed made me want to mount her and fuck her doggie style. I just stared at her ass, feeling my cock getting bigger.
"What makes you think I'm trying to turn you on when I'm just trying to help you in the garden," she said.
"Stop playing little Miss innocent. You know you're teasing me," I said. "You're trying to get me to fuck you."
"Oh no, I'm not. I wouldn't do that. How could you think that? I just like to be comfortable when I garden." She was on her hands and knees and looked back at me over her shoulder. Her ass in the tight jeans was tantalizing me and I know she knew it. She was playing with me.
She came back from stretching over the bed with a handful of spinach she had thinned. She smiled at me and looked down at the tent in my shorts, then looked me in the eyes, "Looks like you've got a big weapon in your shorts," she said. She then stood up and looked around. "It's pretty private back here, isn't it?"
"Very," I said, noticing her crotch was at eye level. She was standing very close to me with her legs spread slightly. The seam of her jeans was tight against her cunt and I could see the outline of her pussy lips.
Kate was looking down at me, her legs spread, her cunt just inches from my face. "How far away are your neighbors?" she asked, softly, looking around. She then moved closer, looking down at me.
"Very far away," I said, looking up at her tits, her nipples getting larger and then at her face, smiling down at me. Her crotch was just above my mouth, her legs spread slightly.
She looked down at me and smiled, "You want to fuck me, don't you." she said. "You want to put that weapon in me don't you. Tell me you want to fuck me."
I couldn't believe she was talking to me like that.
I looked up at her smiling down at me, her cunt inches from my mouth, her long wild hair glowing in the afternoon sun, the nipples on her tits poking through her flimsy shirt. It was all I could do not to grab her.
"You want to fuck me right here in the garden, don't you. Come on, Jack, tell me what you want to do to me. You want to fuck me, don't you?"
I couldn't believe what a devil she was being. "Yes, damn it. I want to fuck you. You're a cock tease," I said. "I'm going to fuck you right here." I reached up and grabbed her round ass with my hands. I squeezed her ass, loving how firm and tight her ass felt in my hands. I then pulled her crotch to my mouth and started kissing her cunt through her jeans, moving my lips and then my nose into her cunt, pulling her into me. Kate pushed her cunt hard against my tongue.
"You really want me, don't you? I'm driving you crazy aren't I." she said "You want to get that big hard cock into me, don't you, don't you? Tell me how much you want to fuck me, Jack."
I reached up and started unbuttoning her jeans to pull them down. I was going to fuck her right there in the garden. Suddenly, she slapped my hands away, backed up, turned and started running down the path. I was still on my knees, surprised at what had happened. "Damn you," I yelled.
She stopped at the edge of the garden. "If you want to fuck me," she yelled back at me, laughing, "you have to catch me." I was on my feet as she started running up to the house. She had a head start but I was not far behind her. She stopped and turned to see if I was coming. "Come get me," she yelled. Her legs were spread in a defiant stance, her hands on her hips, her tits standing straight out barely covered by her shirt. She looked so sexy standing there. "Come on, Jack, try to catch me and fuck me!" She laughed.
As I got closer, she turned and started running again, her hair waving in the wind. Just then she tripped over the hose coming down from the house. She fell to the ground, rolled over and was getting up just as I reached her. I pushed her down to the ground and pounced on her. She was on her back and I got between her legs and pressed my hard cock against her cunt. She was squirming and trying to push me away but I had her pinned to the ground and started grinding my cock into her crotch. Her teasing, taunting had gotten me so worked up that I was hotter and hornier than I had ever been. She was trying to escape, pushing her cunt against my cock, squirming and getting me even hotter. I had her arms pinned above her head and her tits were crushed against my chest. "Okay, now I've got you where I want you."
"Let me go," she yelled. "Please, don't do this. I'll be good."
"You're a cock tease and you're going to get what you deserve."
"No. I'll be good. Please let me go." she said, squirming under me.
"You can't go around dressed like that and think you're not going to get fucked, I'm going to teach you a lesson," I said, grinding my cock into her. "You want it, don't you? You want me to fuck you!"
I was panting as I pressed her to the ground. I pulled her tits out of her flimsy shirt and started sucking on one of them, licking her nipple while my hand rubbed the other tit. She was still squirming, trying to push me off. Then I lifted my mouth from her tit. I was looking deep into her eyes. My cock was grinding hard against her cunt. She was looking up at me, biting her lower lip.
"You want my cock in you, don't you?" I said.
"No, you bastard, let me go. Get off of me now. Or I'll scream."
"Go ahead, no one will hear you." I said. I then got my hands on her cutffs and started to pull them off. "I was holding her down, just lifting myself enough to get them down her legs.
Finally I got her shorts off, threw them to the side, pulled my shorts down, grabbed my cock and put it on the edge of her dripping pussy. "Beg for my cock. Beg me to fuck you," I said, moving my cock up and down her wet cunt. "You want it don't you." "Stop," she screamed. "Don't do this. Don't fuck me!"
I then grabbed her legs and pushed them up so that her knees were at her tits and her cunt was wide open to me. I rubbed my cock up and down her cunt lips, going deeper with each swipe. She was lifting her ass up so that my cock was going into her. She was getting wetter.
"You want it, don't you? Tell me what you want." I was teasing her with my cock like she had been teasing me before. "Beg, Kate, Beg me to fuck you."
My cock was big and swollen. It was all I could do not to just ram into her but I wanted to tease her and show her who was in charge.
I put my cock in deeper and heard her gasp,"Ohhhh." She lifted her self to get my cock deeper. ''Beg for it. Kate. Tell me what you want," I said as I went a little deeper then pulled out, my cock hovering above her wet cunt. I held it there, looking down at her, holding my cock. "Come on, I know you want me to fuck you. Beg for it."
She then lifted her self up again, trying to suck my cock into her hot cunt and finally she screamed, "Fuck me, Jack, Fuck me. I can't stand it any more. GIVE IT TO ME!' she screamed.
"Here it comes, baby!" I said and plowed into her hot wet cunt with all my strength. Kate wrapped her legs around me, her ankles locked at my ass, pulling me into her.
We were on the ground and I was ramming my cock into her like a piston and she was lifting her ass up off the ground to take me deeper in her and she was digging her nails into my back as I rammed my red hot cock into her tight sopping cunt, grunting with each thrust while she screamed, FUCK ME FUCK MEOHHHHHHHHHMYGOD. YOU'RE SO BIG COME ON FUCK ME HARDER. HARDER!"
We were fucking like wild animals. I don't know where I got the energy, but I was out of my mind with lust as I rammed into her over and over, harder and harder—ram, ram, ram, ram, ram until I felt my sperm rising into my cock.
I was about to explode when I felt Kate shudder as an orgasm came over her and she yelled, OHHHHHHMYGOD I'M THERE. I'M THERE. FUCK ME HARDER HERE IT COMES, OH FUCK I'M CUMMMMMMMMING!"
She had lifted herself off the ground, hanging onto my body, her nails digging into my back, as the orgasm swelled over her. My hands were on her ass, holding her to me. Then she fell back to the ground. I took her legs and pushed her knees up to her tits, giving me complete access to her open cunt. I continued thrusting into her, harder, grunting with each thrust, causing her to scream "OHHHHHHHHHHHMYGOD FUCKKKKKKKK!"
I felt my self ready to explode as my cock swelled and that tingling tremble rolled from my toes, up my legs, spine, head and I felt my sperm erupt and spurt out of me into her cunt, I'M CUMMING, OH GOD HERE IT COMES!""
"GIVE IT TO ME!" Kate yelled. FUCK ME. CUM IN ME!
"I'M CUMMMMMMMMING!" I yelled again, as I rammed into her harder than before, feeling her tight cunt muscles grip my cock, milking every ounce of sperm I had. I collapsed on her, gasping for air. She then pushed me off of her. I was on my back. Kate got up on her knees, leaning over me, licking the cum from my cock, slurping it into her mouth like a greedy kitten, moaning as she licked. Then she smiled, "That was pretty wild," she said. "I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep up with you," she said.
She then lay down next to me. We were both gasping for air. We were looking up at the blue sky. I could not believe what was happening to my life since Kate became my housemate. Neither of us spoke. I looked around at the trees that surrounded my cabin and thought about the world that existed outside of my little world in the woods and knew for now, this was the only one that really mattered. |
Title: Working Overtime by Ty
Tags: Anal, Cock Growth, Fox, Hyperphallic, Inflation, M/M, Master/Pet, Oral, Spooge, Stretching
Author's note: This story contains material that you don't need to be reading if you're under 18 years of age. If you don't like the subject matter, most browsers have a "Back" button for you to use. That said, enjoy!
Working Overtime By Ty
Sighing, Ty pulled into his driveway and killed the engine. What a day. First the distillation tower clogged, then the combustion chambers backfired, followed by a nice and long meeting with the chief executives over why the plant failed its daily quota. He was all over the complex, fixing as many things as he could. Thank heavens for his cheetah-like speed. No telling what would have happened if he couldn't have run so fast. He pushed his long, purple hair back out of his eyes and exhaled forcefully, composing himself for the evening. He stepped out of his car, pulling his suitcase out of the seat next to him as he went, and closed the door.
He liked his car. It fit him well: fast. Fast and powerful. He grinned at the thought. Speed of a cheetah, power of a tiger. He tilted his head and ran a furry paw down the side of the speedster as he walked toward his front door. Maybe getting decals for it wasn't such a bad idea.
With a smile, he walked to the door, pressed in his key-code, and put his key into the lock. Turning it, he heard the locks on the sides, top, and bottom of the door snick open. He strained his ears as he opened the door for the sound of galloping footsteps. He didn't hear any and breathed a sigh of relief. Opening the door fully, he stepped in and slid off his coat, putting it in the closet behind the door. He shucked off his work shoes and mewed happily to himself as he kneaded the thick, soft carpet with his toes.
Pushing the door closed with one of his fox-like tails, he walked over to the counter and set down his briefcase. He moved his tails around to the front and straightened the still wind-blown fur from the workday. He pulled off his tie and walked into his bedroom, looking for telltale signs of anyone else around. Nothing. He frowned at that, wondering where his little "pet" had gotten off to. Shrugging, he unbuttoned his shirt and shirked it off, dropping it into the dirty laundry bin by the closet. He stretched out his back and front, working out knots in his lithe torso.
He changed into some shorts, showing off his well-toned legs, and decided to leave off the shirt for now. Walking from the room, he started exploring. The entertainment room, with its networked gaming systems ranging from console-based games to full-blown computers and full home theater system with a mini-bar, was empty. Same with the sleek and modernized kitchen. He walked past the broom closet and paused, hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. He turned and looked at it, but shook his head and moved on.
The entire house was empty. He'd even checked under the bed. He frowned and walked to the nearest phone, pulling the receiver off the wall. He fell neatly into his large armchair and contemplated the empty fireplace. He punched in a number from memory and held the phone up to his ear. It rang thrice before picking up. "Hello?"
"Lil kitty! Hey, it's Ty." He jerked the phone away from his ear to avoid the massive squeal that could have overpowered the phone lines.
"Kitty!" He could almost see her feline grin across her muzzle. "How are you?"
"Hell if it wasn't a long day at work. But I'm still alive, and I've got all three tails still, so I think I'll live. I've got a question for you, though."
"Yeah. Have you seen Ruffy? I've looked all over, but I can't find him." A shadow flickered across the doorway behind the armchair.
"No, I haven't. Did you look under the bed?"
"Yes, I did. Nothing. Nothing even remotely pink or blue." The shadow flickered again to move up behind the chair.
"Well, I haven't heard from him or seen him. No telling where he went. He could be anywhere. How about in the closet?"
"Nothing. Checked there second." It drew up behind him, pink pointed ears twitching silently.
"I don't know what to tell you, then. Maybe you should look behind you."
Ty frowned and pulled the phone away from his ear to look at it. He saw the reflection of a smirk behind him and had just enough time to turn around before he was pounced out of his chair and onto the floor.
Ruffy grinned broadly and kissed Ty's furry cheek. "Hiya, kewtie!"
Ty blinked up at Ruffy before licking Ruffy's cheek with a smile. "Heya, lil foxy." He frowned and glared at the phone. He could hear Kitty laughing from here. Glancing up at Ruffy, he asked, "You had this all planned out beforehand, huh?"
Ruffy nodded mischievously and rolled off Ty. Ty got to his feet and stood, pulling Ruffy against his waist in a hug. "Sneaky little foxy. You'll have to be punished for this."
Ruffy shuddered in anticipation. The moment Ty's shorts hit the cushion, Ruffy flopped in his lap. Ruffy didn't see the need for clothes, unless they were in public. At least he'd gotten Ty to lose the shirt. The pink and blue fox leaned down to the phone and giggled. "It worked, Kitty!"
Kitten's voice giggled across the phone line. "Oh, I know. It was beautiful just hearing it. I wish I had a camera hidden away in there."
Ty scowled at the phone. "Not funny." He had to work really hard to hold back the grin. "Ruffy's going to get punished later for doing that. I'd get you back, too, but I don't think the bunny would like what I'd do."
"Good thinking. He wouldn't like it. Hey, I'm going to be out on the town late tonight, would you two care to join me?"
"Yes!" came the simultaneous reply.
Kitten giggled. "Okay. I'll pick you guys up in... Four hours. That should be enough time for you two. And Ty?"
"Make sure he gets punished well. Don't go easy on him." Without waiting for a reply, Kitten ended the call. Ty set the receiver down on the arm of the chair.
"My, my. My own little foxy to play with."
Ruffy shifted his posture and leaned against Ty, running his fingers through the fur on his larger companion's chest. He reached up with his other hand and scritched idly behind an ear. Ty relaxed, meowing softly as he went limp. Ruffy leaned his head against Ty's shoulder, chrring softly.
Ty let himself be pampered for a few minutes before standing up, carrying the little pink and blue fox with him to their bedroom. Ruffy's sounds grew in volume as he thought about how much fun he was about to have. He bounced out of Ty's arms and onto the bed, sprawling out happily. His moderately sized (for his four foot six stature) penis stood to attention as he watched Ty with interest. The larger chimera slid his shorts down a little, stopping before anything interesting was revealed. He decided to leave the shorts on, at least temporarily, as he crawled up on the bed next to Ruffy.
The smaller fox turned on his side and reached out to stroke Ty's fur with a paw. He leaned in and pressed his body against the chimera, loving the feeling of their fur meshing together. Ty returned the embrace, stroking along Ruffy's back and to the base of his tail, smoothing the fur that was beginning to stand on end with anticipation.
Ty crooned softly into Ruffy's ear and nibbled on the tip. "So what kind of punishment do you want, my little foxy?"
"I want it all. As much as you want to give me." He shuddered and rubbed his paws down Ty's chest, stopping to tease his nipples before reaching down and running a finger idly under the edge of his shorts. He always loved taking off Ty's clothes. It was like opening your presents at your birthday party, but better.
Ty placed a soft kiss on the tip of Ruffy's muzzle before returning to stroking his fur. He reached down slowly and caressed ever so gently the small sac between Ruffy's legs, making his member twitch. Pre started to ooze slowly from the tip as Ruffy chrrred a little louder.
Ruffy's paws became more adventurous as he slowly ran his paws down Ty's firm stomach and sides. He ran his hands down underneath the elastic waistband of the shorts and grasped the oversized sheath and ball sac, squeezing gently. He edged the fabric down and used a foot-paw to hook it and pull it down, tossing it off the edge of the bed.
Ty gasped lightly as the cooler air brushed against his private parts before grinning and moving down to slowly lick Ruffy's cock. The sandpaper-like roughness of his tongue made Ruffy twitch and grasp at the sheets, murring a little. Ty massaged the fox's balls and kissed the tip, sucking just the tiniest amount. He pulled away and grinned as Ruffy looked at him with pleading eyes. "I said this was punishment, Ruffy. You know that. Maybe if you're nice and scratch my back, I'll scratch yours." Ty shifted around to place his feet at the head of the bed, turning on his side to let Ruffy see him in his magnificence.
Ruffy leapt at the opportunity and began to slowly coax Ty's equipment out of the shed. He massaged the large sac and ran a finger down the inside of the large sheath. The prize within slowly extended as blood filled it, peeking out the tip of the sheath. Ruffy ran his fingers along the underside of it, teasing the blood vessels along the surface.
Ty's eyes squinted closed briefly as he enjoyed the feelings. He slowly massaged Ruffy's sac and blew air over the very tip of his erection before sucking on the tip. He pulled more into his muzzle, running his tongue over the underside. He sucked slowly, occasionally pulling a little more into his muzzle as he increased the pressure.
Ruffy kissed the tip as it grew and moved. He pulled it into his muzzle and sucked as it grew. He soon found that, once again, it was too large to fit just in his muzzle, so he let the tip run down into his throat as he sucked. He pushed his throat down along its length, soon able to kiss Ty's sheath as it continued to grow in length and girth, stretching out his throat.
The pair continued their ministrations and were soon increasing the tempo. The pressure grew and broke simultaneously as they shot loads down each other's throats. Ruffy's finished first, leaving Ty to moan as Ruffy struggled to take down the load. It finished soon enough, leaving a slight roundness to the fox's once trim stomach. Ruffy pulled off of Ty's penis and gasped for breath.
Ty turned again and laid next to Ruffy, stroking his fur idly. "Am I doing good with your punishment?"
"What comes next, then? Maybe we'll fall back on our old favorite..." A slow grin came across Ty's muzzle as Ruffy's eyes widened.
"You mean--"
Ty cut him off, pressing a finger against Ruffy's muzzle. "Perhaps. I think I've got a better idea, though." He grinned and sat up, facing Ruffy. Crawling over the smaller fur's body, he licked here and there, pressing a finger or two inside the edge of Ruffy's tail hole. He twisted his fingers around a little, pressing them in a little further before pulling it out and placing his cock at the entrance. "You ready, my little foxy?"
Ruffy chrred and laid back, already drooling at the mere thought. He felt the tip and whined, pushing down on it. Ty replied by pushing the tip and the first few inches in. Ruffy gasped and arched his back, chrring loudly. Ty pulled back and pushed in further, feeling Ruffy stretch around him as though it was his first time. Again he pulled out and, finally, he shoved the full nine inches in.
Ruffy murred and massaged the near-visible tip through his fur. "Ooh, big kitty..."
"Not as big as I'm about to be." Ty pulled out again and let his cock grow a few inches before pushing in again, stretching Ruffy out further with each thrust. He soon had let his cock grow to two feet long and half a foot wide. His balls, however, stole the show with their size and weight, pressing against the insides of Ruffy's thighs with each thrust. The imprint of Ty's monster cock could clearly be seen in Ruffy's belly with each thrust.
He stopped growing and concentrated on making long, drawnut thrusts, letting the barbs scrape down the insides of Ruffy, making him squirm in pleasure. His thrusts became more erratic, little by little, as he felt his orgasm build. He felt it peak and thrust fully in, releasing a torrent of cum deep into Ruffy.
To the little fox, the pleasure of being stretched then filled so completely was astounding. He felt his insides bloat with steaming hot cum. His belly soon began to show the load, growing out beyond its already cock-stretched state. He moaned as he felt the his own orgasm gush, shooting cum onto his stretched stomach. He looked about ready to give birth before Ty pulled almost fully out and licked up the cum from Ruffy's bloated belly.
"Having fun?"
"Yes, tons," came the quiet reply; the fox's eyes were half closed in pleasure.
Ty grinned and let himself grow even more, purring to himself as he felt the increased size and weight. He grinned, nearly a foot longer, and shoved back into Ruffy, who moaned loudly and gasped at the larger size, stretching him wider.
Ruffy watched as his stomach swelled from the entrance of a cock so large, pushing the cum aside. He threw his head back and murred loudly, grasping at the sheets of the bed again. Ty built his orgasm slowly, letting his knot grow out this time with a grin. He hadn't used it on Ruffy yet, and he couldn't wait to see the look on the brightly colored fox's face.
Ty's eyes glazed over as he felt the steep rise and pulled back to slam home, slipping the foot-wide knot into Ruffy's tight ass. Ruffy's eyes bulged slightly before they lidded over, leaving him to moan in ecstasy as both shot their loads again. Ruffy's fell against his ever-growing belly as the chimera packed as much cum into Ruffy as he could. Gallons flowed from one into the other, draining Ty's massive sac into Ruffy.
Ty fell limp across Ruffy's belly, breathing heavily. He reached up and cleaned the line of his own cum that was draining from the side of Ruffy's muzzle. The smaller of the two moaned loudly and looked up at his companion. "Wha... what was..."
"That was a surprise, my little foxy." Ty rubbed his paws along the sides of Ruffy's nearly obscenely bulging midsection, which stood several feet further than where it should. His weight squished it wider, but still quite massive in its own rights. He felt the heat through the pink fur, purring to himself and unknowingly sending vibrations through the cum-packed fur, who chrred happily.
"I don't care what that was... It was w-wonderful..." He let his head fall back and sighed. He ran his hands over his belly and moaned as he found he couldn't feel Ty's cock through his fur. It felt huge, almost larger than he was, and he knew it wasn't going to budge for a while.
Ty tugged back with his hips and was rewarded with a yelp as his knot stretched out Ruffy's tail-hole. He grinned and lay atop his friend and purred. "You're welcome."
After his knot had shrunk down, Ty pulled out and grinned as he found that no cum came out, save that which was covering his rapidly shrinking cock as it relaxed back to more "normal" proportions. He helped Ruffy sit and moved him to the edge of the bed. "Come on, little foxy, we need to get you drained so you can fit into Kitty's car."
Ruffy nearly overbalanced as his foot-paws hit the ground, his rotund belly sagging forward and attempting yanking him off his feet. He waddled toward the large shower with assistance from Ty, who shut the door behind them with a content grin.
If you have any ideas, thoughts, or constructive criticism, by all means, leave a comment. Ta! |
Title: How The Cookie Crumbles
Tags: continued hand, full swollen, shaved balls, frozen place, eyes close, tongue slide, office door, lips pressed, thick shaft
*1. In Through The Out Door*
I believe his name was Ramon.
I cant be sure. I don't recall ever hearing it actually...remember seeing a nameplate...but for some reason I think he was Ramon.
No matter, names weren't required for what we were doing.
He'd come with lunch...wheeled it right into the room and after seeing me sprawled over the messy bed,
my nakedness only partially concealed with a sheet...I'd easily convinced him to stay for dessert.
The room's occupant...in who's name it had been rented anyway...was out. He'd slipped from between the sheets some hours ago to meet some people...talk at a conference luncheon or suck somebody else's cock. Probably all of those things...I wasn't quite sure.
I'd taken up unofficial residence that first night and we'd been mixing work with pleasure ever since.
Right up until Ramon.
Leaned back...up against the headrest...his smooth, olive skinned body was highlighted by the white sheets. He looked delicious...and I was already hungry.
Putting a knee up on the foot of the bed, I began to crawl to him like a cat. Slowly...silently making my way to him. I take my first taste as my tongue lightly grazes his leg. I would let my tongue lead me...it knew where to go...what to do.
Slowly it trailed up him...over a muscular thigh...to his crotch. My lips gently...barely...touch his thickening cock while bridging over to his flat belly...I skate up to his chest and suckle a small tit...drawing hardness from the dark nipple and the first moans from his mouth...before ascending to his open and inviting mouth...we kiss. Slow...wet...deep...taking our time. Drawing his tongue out, I massage it with my own...stroke it as I'll soon do elsewhere...as our needs build.
"Hi, Baby..." I whisper after pulling back slightly. A quick smile...another quick lick of his lips...and I'm gone...spun around...ready for my descent.
By now his cock is a sight sure to wet the mouth of any self respecting cocksucker. Ramon wasn't a big man...probably just below average...but he packed a hell of an above average cock.
Thick and swollen, it was throbbing hard and pointing at my face with menacing delight. A pearl of precum clung precariously to the head...the tip of my quick tongue saved it from falling. Licking the length the thick shaft...I follow it back to his balls and with my hand bring them to my mouth.
"Mmmmm.." I murmur while kissing and licking his hairless sac. It undulates in my palm...against my wet lips as I lick it feverishly.
"Lick me Bitch..." were his first...well chosen words. A good course of action, I decide and continue to do just that. Extending my tongue, I slide it as deeply down his crack as my position will allow.
I feel his hands on my hips...guiding me...up and over until I'm straddling his chest. I inch back slightly...until we can please each other comfortably and facing forward again, I grasp his cock and
start the first meal of the day. Wrapped around the swollen head of his cock...my lips feel his heat as I begin cork screwing him down and in.
Sucking him down like a sword...the smooth thickness of his cock fills my mouth until its touches the back of my throat...ahhhh, how I do enjoy a mouthful of cock. Pulling off slowly, my contracted lips extract a sweet reward of precum...a cock's way of insuring it gets sucked again...and again...it teases you with the promise of more. In my case...no such convincing was necessary.
A tube of lubricant flies from the top of the nightstand and lands on the sheets near my head. Taking my cue, I begin fixing him up. Soon his cock is a glistening, dark brown picture of manhood at its very best.
He guiding me again...gently rolling me onto my back and I wait patiently as his hand finishes what his mouth had begun...deftly applying lube to my ass. I while away the time by playfully rolling his balls in the palm of my hand.
"You gonna fuck me Baby...? I whisper to him. In a second, I have my answer. Spinning me towards him, he raises my legs up until they rest on his shoulders.
"That's right Bitch..." he says with a grunt while quickly pulling close. "I'm going to fuck up good..."
I grasp my knees and pull back ...exposing myself fully...and soon feel him sliding his hardon
up where it belongs.
"Ahhhh..." the sound is pushed from my mouth. Squirming closer...I feel the power of his small frame as he begins pumping...holding me in place with strong hands...and working his tool on me.
"That's right...do it to me..." My eyes skyward, I momentarily regret the lack of a mirror on the ceiling that would let me see as well as feel his powerful cock fill my ass. Quickly passing it off as one of life's little disappointments, I close my eyes and enjoy the ride.
But...I've gotten ahead of myself.
Here I am...just about to detail how Ramon's was making me moan and I've not explained in any way how I wound up being in such a pleasing position. Not explained how I became the cocksucker I am today...
*2. The Doorway*
"Burning the candle at both ends again, eh Robert...?"
Apparently I'd left the door to my office ajar and Edward's had taken advantage.
"Hasn't that beautiful wife of yours trained you to get home on time?" he continued with a smile.
My concentration abruptly broken, I jerked slightly when looking towards him.
"Well...yes Sir, you know me...always wanting to stay top of things...but too slow to get them done quickly" A self effacing grin pushed the words back his way.
"Don't take too long now..." he came back. "Don't want to keep her waiting and the work will still be here tomorrow...Good Night now"
That said, he left gone as quickly as he'd appeared. His head retracted from the door jam...the door closed completely and quietly...the sound of his footsteps tracked him down the hall.
Once again, silence returned to my world.
"Phew...that was close..." I thought and felt. No sounds crossed my lips, but I could hear the blood
pumping quickly through my temples.
"What am I doing leaving the door open...?" I puzzled angrily. The cause for my concern
presented itself when my attention returned to the computer monitor...and the vision of two naked, aroused men captured me again. I was being bad again...and enjoying it.
Instantly, that warm submissive tide wells from within and flows over me. I become transfixed by the images...the thick, stiff cock...arching upward strongly...declaring it dominance over the young man kneeling before it...into whose mouth it partially disappears.
Reaching for my mouse, I give the images life with a noisy "click" ... the young man's head begins
turning slowly from side to side, his mouth full of swollen dickhead...his tongue darts out, smoothing over the thick shaft as he slowly swallows more and more of it...camera focusing in...a hand reaches up, fills itself with balls pushing the entire package up...another hand rests gently on the cock sucker's head...guiding his pleasing sucking...
Then the image stops.
The cock is again frozen in place between the man's lips. "Where it probably always belongs" I think as I'm returned to my own reality.
The center of this small universe is that beautiful cock...it dominates my attention and although not fully conscious of it at the time, it's a universe I was in route to.
"I've got to get home..." I mutter and with a few more "clicks" the computer is shut down.
Standing gingerly, my pants full of swollen manhood , I take advantage and squeeze and rub my hardon...getting it into proper "walking position". Finish collecting my things and head out towards the elevator...officially homeward bound.
*3. Passage*
The hour long train ride home is its usual boring self. Noisy and cluttered, the car is filled with other equally tired and disinterested travelers to whom the ride is nothing more than a means to a destination.
Something to be endured...not experienced or remembered. Sleep was the narcotic of choice this day
and pressing myself into the large, soft backrest my eyes close...and soon my mind opens.
"Going to join the future." I hear Edwards, my boss saying some months back. "We've opened our own website and we'll be taking orders over the net...tracking and tracing...all sorts of things are going to open up...the future is now..."
I didn't understand all the computer jargon, but these seemed like laudable goals so I'd happily jumped on board...next stop the future.
Funny how only a few weeks later, the future arrived.
Working alone after hours, I'd done an internet search on one of our Mid-West suppliers. I needed to check this or that about something or other, but the search netted more than anticipated. One of the websites rounded up was Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual... and I'd pondered it for a moment. The "something or other" that needed checking changed and in another short moment the website was opened...and I had a whole new world to ponder.
Displayed graphically...more so than I'd ever seen before, was the widest variety of hard cock, tight ass and all together hot looking naked men I'd ever seen. Being the happy-hetro that I thought I was, I'd not seen much of any of it. Page after page...website after website of long, thick dick and round, smooth ass popped up for my viewing pleasure and based on what the almost immediate hardons I'd get, it was a pleasure I didn't seem to mind. The images seemed to chase me...not wanting me to leave...flashing glimpses of new worlds as I closed others. For a period I didn't leave...and after awhile, I couldn't.
It was around that time that I started getting home a bit later than usual.
"The train wasn't on time, Honey..."
"Couldn't find a damn taxi anywhere, Babe..."
"I was jerking off in my office..."
Well, yes in fact I was.
My reputation for being a hard worker was growing as it became common place for my end of day to include a little quite time with the boys. Once deemed safe, my office door would close and my computer doorway to gay sex would open.
I'd never been with another man in real life. Actually, hadn't ever seen a hardon other than my less than "statuesque" one in real life, but these voyeur-like ventures were increasingly exciting and I was becoming more curious. Though never attracted to men sexually, my feelings towards "cock" were surprisingly quite different.
I was willingly being seduced by these visits to a kinkier, taboo side of sex...men pleasing other men.
Lips pressed to stiff cock...tongues hungrily swirling over enlarged, swollen and sensitive dickhead...then eagerly sucking down the reward of their efforts.
My fly began opening at such thoughts and images.
Cautiously at first and always behind a locked door, I'd succumb to my fantasies and jerk off while reading some hot story...or emailing some stranger, telling him I'd shaved my balls for the first time...or simply staring at some hot hard body...his cut cock completely commanding my attention.
More and more I could see my lips wrapped around a such a beautiful cock...worshipping it.
More and more I wanted to do such things...I wanted to be on his knees.
My head filled with visions...my hand full of cock...I'd swivel my chair towards the closed office door...imagining...wishing...someone would come through and catch me in my vulnerable condition...realize my need...release me.
A full length mirror hung inside a coat closet by my desk and I'd watch myself jerking off...imagining it was some other man in an adjacent room performing for me...a pleasure I'd willingly return...until muted moans would accompany my cum as it drained into the wastebasket.
That thought shot me back to reality...
Suddenly I was back on the train headed home, my crotch full of angry, hard cock. A "tent" in my pants was very visible and clearing my throat, I glanced around self-consciously and noticed a good looking middle-aged man across the aisle was staring at me.
"You all right...?" he asked slowly, not a note of concern in his voice. His glance dropped down to my crotch and back.
"Yes...thanks..." I replied sitting up straighter and gathering my wits. "Must've dozed off...for a moment".
Slowly we returned to our separate worlds.
A quick check of my watch told me the train was still about a twenty minutes from my getting off point,
but I was in dire of getting off right now! Exiting my seat, I exchanged looks again with the interested traveler before parading my concealed hardon down the bouncy aisle to the men's room.
Inside...the door closed behind me and I'm alone in chamber of noise...but not for long.
My pants and briefs quickly drop to the floor and grasping a hand-rail from above the toilet for support, my other hand wraps around my hardon and begins easing its suffering. Stiff and strong, my cock demands release...my eyes close and I disappear in fantasy...
An Image of one of the naked studs has popped from my computer and followed me. He steps behind me in the tight quarters and I feel his strong hands slide down my waist and massage my ass firmly...
"Mmmmmm*..." I moan quietly. My cock seeming to stand stiffer in appreciation...
"S*troke it Baby...stroke it for me" I feel his whispers on the back of my neck...he licks me...
I'm totally lost to submissive fantasy...
"See what you've done to me...?".* I push my crotch upward, holding myself out for him...
"That's it Baby...give it up for me...give it all up to me..."
So hard...I'm so hot and close now...
I'm up on my toes...my crotch raised and pushed forward...my ass clenched tight...
"Cum for me Baby...I know your secret...give it to me..."
I was at that point of no return...was just about to spray the world with cum...when I really did feel someone touching me! The interested traveler had followed me and squeezing in through the unfastened door, has knelt behind me.
Spinning...I'm spinning...he's spinning me...and in another moment my hand is pushed aside and my inflamed cock is swallowed whole!
"Ahhhhhh..." I gasp aloud...totally surprised...totally ready...I couldn't resist him if I'd wanted. I surrendered willingly.
I pushed back up onto my toes...both hands now grasped the overhead support...as he held my waist firmly and devoured me!
"Ohhhh...Baby..." I'm gasping. "Take..." My legs weaken...I drop a bit...a second later...I'm back up and release to him!
"Ahhhhhhhhhh..." I cried out as by body shook and a huge spasm of cum was powered out of me. He lifted me off my feet and held me in mid-air while sucking the very existence out of me! Load after blissful load he stole...his lips squeezed me...his tongue whipped me...my cock delivered the goods.
He stood when I couldn't feed him anymore and I realized how big he was. With palms placed against the stainless steel wall, he pinned me and pressed his mouth to mine. In just a few seconds I was willingly slurping down my own cum...wrapping it around my tongue...tasting its creamy bitterness...and going back for more.
Pressing up, I explored the deepest crevices of his mouth for it...captured and swallowed it. My hand found the back of his head...and gently pushed his face to me. I'm amazed and overcome with how easily I can do this...how I want this.
He rubbed his hand on my shrinking cock and wet crotch and raised it to my face where I began licking it slowly...deliberately. I'm now fully accepting and eager to travel down this new road. No more pretense...no longer strictly fantasy...I openly accepted these needs and licked his hand thoroughly.
"You're hungry aren't you...?" He whispered while guiding my hand...pressing it against his crotch.
I was about to affirm his comment by sliding down the wall when we were interrupted by loud bangs on the door.
"Gotta go!" someone yelled from the other side.
The spell was broken but we kissed again...slowly and deeply...before we broke and prepared to exit.
The man in need of relief stepped aside to make room for my large stranger/friend who exited first. An expression of surprise gripped his face when he noted my presence behind him. Although he said nothing, he entered the room cautiously once we cleared the doorway. I returned his stare with a thin grin. Did he realize what we've done? Probably. Could I have cared less? Not possible.
About forty-five minutes later my wife greeted me at the front door to our home and threw her arms around my neck. I wondered if she realized that she'd begun her first affair...welcoming this new man...this stranger to her home. That stranger fucked her eyes out later that night.
*4. You Take Milk With That?*
Life returned to it's semi-normalcy. Life altering moments don't come around often but the daily chores of life never go away. Although I had a different sense of myself, those changes were completely within. No "coming out" party was held for me. On the outside, I was the same and nobody noticed a thing.
Well almost nobody...
"Got a moment...? Edwards said as he stood in my office doorway. He was a big, rugged man and "block" was a fair assessment of what he did to doorways he decided not to pass through.
"Sure, what's up?" I replied, looking up from me desk.
"Well...I realize it's late, but the day just got away from me. I was wondering if you had time still that I could give you your job performance?"
It was about 5:20 and the office had emptied considerably. Although I'd been anticipating going online and checking for emails from internet pals...my disappointment was entirely concealed by a positive "Sure, no problem" reply.
"Good...then why don't you come down to my office when your done?" he said with an affirmative nod before turning and exiting.
Our concepts of "when I'm done" probably differed, but he was the boss and all I was at his office in another 10-15 minutes. The "pals" had to wait.
He was standing behind his desk with a phone to his ear and a hand gesture, motioned me to the couch and chair arrangement that adjoined his desk. Nice digs...roomy and comfortable. A good place to conduct business...put the customer at ease...then make your pitch.
I took up one end of the couch and waited.
His call complete, he sauntered towards the office door...
"Don't think I've been off that thing for more than 10 minutes all day. Getting ready for the Regional Conference three weeks from now is going to kill me! By the way, I expect you to go with me this time, so
clear your schedule.
Closing the door, he quietly returned to his desk and began rummaging through papers.
Going to the Conference...that was a "first" I'd not heard about before. Thinking we were probably the only ones still left in the office anyway, I glanced at the door absently before replying.
"I'll look forward to it...and will be ready for you..."
We didn't work closely on a daily basis...too many separate fires to put out...but I'd always appreciated his talent with people. An official manner that was strong but personal...never offending or confrontational. He was able to bring out the best from his employees and secure the confidence of his customers.
"Good...I'm sure you will" he concluded positively seating himself on the couch opposite me. In
another few moments the official review was underway and we began discussing how well things were going. I did a good job and the department was running smoothly. He obviously knew it and his words expressed his confidence.
It was when the review was concluding...when it took a different tact...that my heart began to race.
"So...how do you like the new software system?" he said conversationally.
"Ahhh...good" I replied evenly. "It's real handy and many of the inter-departmental accounting issues have disappeared. It took about a few days to get up to speed on its features, but I've been going full speed since."
"Good...glad to hear you're enjoying it...that's important to me" Edwards responded.
An interesting grouping of words I thought for a moment, but quickly refocused and continued listening.
"I'll admit myself, that it took some time to learn the system...wasn't 100% sold on it at first because I didn't understand all the applications...all the potentials."
As he spoke, the papers that were in his hand found their way to the coffee table top and he deftly slid to the center of the couch...the tone of his voice implied that he was about to confide something in me, so I
listened intently.
"You know..." he continued, hand gestures seeming to punctuate his words. "All these new functions and capabilities can seem daunting at first. So many applications and terms to learn...like, I bet you don't know what a "cookie" is?"
His right hand became a "period" and landed softly on my knee at the end of the sentence.
"No..." I replied slowly, my eyes left his face and looked at the hand that rested on my knee for some reason. "I cant say that I do..." A sense of imbalance...began stirring in my gut.
He continued quickly but softly, his hand began slowly feeling my thigh...like he was playing piano in slow motion.
"Neither did I at first...but I learned. Each time an internet website is opened, a 'cookie' gets created and is stored on the main file server...creating this huge list of 'cookies" that indicates each and every website that's viewed by people on the network." He paused and turned faced me directly before continuing. "In essence, I'm able to see whatever my employee's are viewing..." his voice trailed off to slowly.
My mind was racing now...streaking well ahead of his words already. I'd dared to conclude where this was leading and something told me to stay still. My leg didn't feeling part of me anymore...it was frozen in place...held captive by his hand. I didn't voice any objection...didn't attempt to leave.
"I've learned some of my people have very...interesting tastes..." he continued, his hand now openly massaged me as it crept slowly up my thigh.
"I don't know that we should do this..." I blurted out weakly. Completely out of context, I gave voice to my last subconscious doubt...but the words had no conviction and I quickly fell silent again and remained in place. Whatever words of protest I might utter would never change the fact that my cock had reached out him...stretched down my leg...trying to close the distance to his hand.
He continued in a confidential tone...one he used when he closed a deal...
"I'll have to admit...it pleased me a good deal to read your emails..." His hand now covered my crotch and squeezing lightly, he felt my readiness.
It ever there was a last chance for me to escape, this was it...but we both knew escape was the last thing I wanted.
I sat still when I heard my zipper...
I squirmed when I felt his hand wrap around my package...
I leaned back and accepted his warm tongue between my lips...
I felt his tender dominance quickly. Remnants of his cologne intoxicated me...his soft full lips were pressed against mine while our tongues played joyfully...his thumb and forefingers stroking the tip of my sensitive cock...just gently working the head...as if to hold me at attention...to hold me in place.
I'd been easy work for him and the deal was done when he transferred his mouth to my cock.
"Ahhh..." was the only sound in the room as he sucked me down in a gulp. I stretched out and spread for him, loving how he whipped my tool with his tongue...soothing the "stings" with his lips. His hand cupped my balls...felt their softness...a woman's breast isn't as soft as a man's smooth shaved balls...and his hand enveloped them completely.
For just the second time in my life, I felt the total delight of my cock being buried in another man's mouth. This was "right" for me...this was good. I found an exciting peace with something inside me and would
soon realize complete peace with something else inside me.
Edward's pulled off me and stood. Silence bridged the gap to our next destination...but we were working from the same map...both knowing where the road led. His belt opened, his pants fell to the floor and revealed a big bulge in his jockey's shorts. I was on the floor already...squatting in front of him...just inches away from my fantasy. With hands that trembled slightly, I reached for the waistband of his shorts and slowly began lowering them. First his dickhead came into view...its large mushroom head made my mouth water more...then slowly, the thick shaft was revealed...angled slightly to the left...it throbbed nicely. With flat palms, I slide the back of his shorts over his round ass...inserting a finger in his crack as I went...and the shorts dropped them to the floor.
The picture was complete! This beautiful stiff cock stood exposed before me...the realization of so many fantasy cocks that I'd lusted for while on the computer. Edward's was definitely a "bull"...his tool definitely commanded attention...and I gave it to him quickly...filling my fist with his thick shaft...my
mouth with his delicious cock.
Silence again fell over the room...but no words were necessary to express my feelings. Those were conveyed with a hungry, probing tongue and sucking lips. His were told by the increasing stiffness of his joystick. Nothing in particular was on my mind except to enjoy this treat slowly...to love this cock with all my might...to suck my Boss off until his cum would fill my mouth.
My tongue slide up and down the warm shaft...suckled the big, pink tip...flicked love at his hairy sac.
"Ahhhhhh...I could tell you'd be good at this..." he whispered. "That's right...work it good...its yours finally...mmmmmmmmm.
He shook slightly...his hardon twitched...and placing a hand behind my head went on...
"Your emails...mmmmmm...they'd always get me so hard...ooooooo that's right...ahhhh...don't stop...mmmmm..."
He began gyrating his ass slowly...gradually building up a rhythm...slowly beginning to face fuck me...
"Ahhhhhhhhh yes!" he gasped, his hand clenching my hair.
"Yes...yes...yes!" With each word came increased stiffness...with each word came increased tension...with his last word came a grunt...and a convulsive load of cum!
Holding his waist, I held firmly in place...allowing him to fill me completely...to pump his seed in me...
To quench my thirst for cum...which I drank eagerly...reveling in the thick, gooey mess that filled my mouth and throat. I grabbed and squeezed his lemon...sucking hard and extracting all it had for me.
Eventually, his legs couldn't hold him and he collapsed on the couch...his cock still twitching but out of ammo. Never the less, I slid over to him quickly and swallowed it again...holding it upright while sucking it's wet, shrinking length furiously.
"Ahhhhhhh...are we going to have fun at the conference..." He whispered appreciatively while petting my bobbing head.
Which brings me back to Ramon...at least I think that's his name. |
Title: An (in)Decent Job by Tazo
Tags: Anal, Dragon, Humping, Lizard, M/M, Teasing
Streetlights flickered along the street as the last few ribbons of sunlight faded into the darkness. Desperately they sputtered to life, driving away the shadows for a brief moment before going dead once more. The city hadn't bothered repairing them in years too numerous to count but that simply made it easier for him to go about his business.
Perched atop the roof of a penthouse overlooking the faltering downtown, he took a final stock of his equipment. Securing a single item from a near fortress wasn't going to be easy but then, easy never meant fun. He strapped the NV goggles to his head, pausing for a moment to slide them down over his eyes before tapping the power button on the side. If the intel was right he'd have about twenty minutes to get in and out while the alarms autocycled their diagnostics. The skylight below him would provide all the access he'd need.
He placed his taloned hand against the glass as he traced then in a perfect circle. It was better than trying to wrestle with a glass cutter, even if a little primitive. A light tap of his finger and a quick flick of the wrist and the hole was complete without a trace of broken glass to be seen. He slid his hand inside, tapping in the security codes on the roof access keypad. The almost invisible red light flashed green once before dieing off completely. He slid his hand in further, unlatching the pane before pulling it back.
Below him, the goggles showed no signs of life. A quick scan through the frequency filters also revealed no sonics, light or motion sensors currently active. He clamped the end of a rapelling cable to the frame of the skylight, securing the other end to the harness strapped around him. A twenty foot jump wouldn't be that dangerous to him but the resounding thud from three hundred some odd pounds of lizard on the floor below would probably draw more attention than would be wise.
He angled himself easily through the open window, shifting a little to slip his broad shoulders between the edges of the frame. Reflexively, he grabbed the middle support for the skylight with his foot, clinging tightly as he adjusted the line for a controlled decent.
Light suddenly flooded the room, pouring over him as he froze in place.
"You know, if you had been just a little louder, I'm sure the rest of the city could have heard you."
The goggles, now useless, were pulled up over his eyes as he stared down into the room, trying to focus on the origin of the voice. Standing there, clad in little more than a pair of silk boxers and an undershirt was a rather bemused looking dragon.
The lizard remained still for a moment. Regardless of having been caught at the moment, the alarms were all still deactivated and the full body suit and mask he was wearing provided ample anonymity. He smiled a little before releasing the grip of his foot. He kept his body slack until just before the floor, pulling into a tight somersault and landing on his feet, hand splayed out in front of him for support.
The dragon lifted an eyeridge, "Cocky. I have to say you're one of the more arrogant thieves I've seen around here. Most of them scuttle away like cockroaches as soon as they see the light."
The lizard stood, crossing his arms over his chest as he subtly took in a deep breath. It was an old intimidation tactic, try to look bigger than you opponent, but even old tricks had their place.
The dragon smirked. "Not a talker either I see. Alright. I can see you're willing to get in a tussle," He lifted a clawed hand to the display near him grasping the hilt of one of the epees that rested there. "Friendly match. We'll see how willing either of us are to break this impasse." The dragon tossed the sword to the lizard before drawing his own blade.
"En garde."
The blades clashed instantly as the lizard pressed the attack. Swordfighting wasn't something he'd bothered to work on in between his B&E skills and bluffing but it was better to try and look for a weak spot than have to stakeout another choice location. The dragon easily deflected the lunge, stepping back one pace and drawing the lizard on.
The next attack was a wide arc, simply attempting to break the rules of engagement for such a regimented style of fighting. The dragon's reaction was belated, allowing the lizard to drive in again with a quick flick of the wrist. The cotton t-shirt was the loser in the conflict and hung off the dragon in shreds.
"Interesting move..." The dragon was grinning now, taking the moment to tear off the ruined garment and tossing it to the floor. His wiry frame was now exposed to the open air; the deep azure scales on his chest already glistening from his exertion. The lizard smiled beneath his mask as well. After all, he was in it for the tawdry thrills and there's nothing quite so lewd as getting a chance to ogle an attractive body. The momentary distraction, however, was enough for the dragon to return the favor. A few quick strokes later and the chest of the skintight suit the lizard wore hung in rags from his waist. The sleeves, however, remained intact around his forearms, seemingly left there on purpose.
The lizard hissed, "Dammit. Do you know how much that thing cost me?"
"Ahh, now I get a few words out of you." The dragon stepped smoothly into a guard. "And a good... look... at you."
The lizard blushed a little under the mask, feeling the gentle breeze from the window above across his smooth bellyscales. His broad chest tensed as he lifted the sword again, his eyes focused on the dragon.
"Are you just going to pose for my titillation, or are we fighting here," the dragon taunted.
The lizard lunged forward again, driving towards the dragon's chest. The strike was long, leaving the dragon ample time to step to the side and an additional moment to slap the broadside of the sword against the lizard's taut backside.
The lizard's claws rose up to his face, tearing away the mask and goggles. It had gone way past professional and was now personal. He tossed the sword to the side and barreled forward, ramming his meaty shoulder into the dragon and knocking them both to the ground with a resounding thud.
"...urg..." Beneath the lizard, the dragon had little room to move, much less breathe. The fellow on top of his was anything but light.
The amber scaled snout of the lizard hovered above the dragon's as the two sets of eyes met.
"I came here to rob the place, not prance around with someone's fencing coach." The lizard kept his forearm pressed against the dragon's chest to keep him pinned.
"...Yves... I've got a name for a reason, after all..."
The lizard sighed, "I don't care. I'm not here to chat you up."
"Too bad for the both of us..."
The lizard glared at Yves, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"...Come now, you can't fault me for enjoying a little physical contact with a hot piece of reptile such as yourself."
The lizard was beginning to get a headache from this. "So, wait? You come out of your room half-dressed and attempt to skewer me with a sword, for what I must admit is a very good reason, and now you're hitting on me?"
Yves shrugged as best he could, "I admire your moxie. Most of the time, I just take a few moments every night to keep the rabble from robbing me blind. It was refreshing to see someone who was actually willing to work for his prize."
"And how do I know you're not just sweet talking me so you can get up and run me through with some other sharp, pointed object you've got stashed on some wall?"
Yves lifted his snout, parting his lips for a moment before pressing them firmly against the lizard's. Instinct took over for a moment, two forked tongues twining as the lizard sunk down into the kiss. Yves began to rumble softly as he shifted a little beneath the lizard. Just as suddenly as it started, the kiss was broken and the would-be thief was blushing a dark brown.
Yves grinned. "Not a bad kisser either. You sure you didn't miss your true calling?"
The lizard got back onto his feet, now a dark brown as the stared down at the lithe reptile on the floor. Already the lower half of the bodysuit he wore was making it painfully apparent that he was enjoying this strange game of cat and mouse.
Yves stood slowly and cupped his paw around the lizard's growing bulge. His tongue flicked out over the amber scales of the lizard's cheek as he whispered sibilantly.
"What's wrong with a little play? The alarms are off, the place is empty..." Yves' talons prickled along the tight spandex, teasing the lizard's scales and sensitive groin. "I could tell you how boring it is, being up here, but I'm sure you wouldn't believe me."
The rush of desire and the thrill of the sudden shift in attitudes was beginning to overwhelm the lizard's better judgment. His hands slid over the smooth curve of the dragon's hips, sliding the silk boxers into a puddle at Yves' feet. He turned his snout, meeting with the dragon's as the two of them pulled closer, pressing into an impassioned kiss.
Yves took this moment to trail his claws along the lizard's thighs, further shredding the spandex and letting it fall away. Groin to groin and chest to chest, the two embraced lewdly, naked in the soft glow of the surrounding lights. The lizard ground his hips against the dragon's smoothly scaled groin, letting the tip of his shaft drag up and along the cleft of Yves' reptillian slit. The responce was immediate as the dragon clung needfully to the muscled lizard, his hips urging the tip of the thick cock before him into his inviting slit.
The lizard moaned softly at the warmth that surrounded his shaft, breaking the kiss as he looked down to see his length slip into Yves. The dragon clawed lightly at the lizard's back, urging him to push deeper inside.
"...rrrrg..." Yves nipped at the lizard's neck. "You sure know how to show a guy a good time..."
The lizard growled and pressed forward until his hips were flush with Yves' feeling the pulsing warmth of both their cocks sheathed in the svelte dragon. Yves squeezed the lizard's rumpcheeks as he cried out, shuddering as slit fluids and trickles of pre began to slicken his inner thighs.
The lizard grunted softly as he began to thrust slow and steady into Yves' slit. "...rrrr... Do you do this with all the people who try to rob you?"
Yves smiled, his eyes flickering shut as he ground back against the lizard's hips. "Only the devilishly attractive ones that I don't know," His paws teased lightly under the base of the lizard's tail. "The ones I do know, I get even dirtier with." He gasped between moans.
The lizard licked his lips as he thrust hard against Yves' letting loose with a short stream of pre. "In that case... ggrrrrr... I'm Ethen..." The lizard clutched the dragon to him tightly as he felt his balls begin to pull upwards. "Pleased... to... meet... you..."
Yves squeezed Ethen's rumpcheeks harder, grinding down as he felt the big lizard begin to tense up. With a short bellow, Ethen's cock pulsed inside the dragon's slit, flooding his own aching cock with jet after jet of hot seed. He moaned out as he felt the fluids gush down along his thighs, his paws squeezing the rock hard muscle beneath those beautiful amber scales.
Slowly, Ethen's shaft ceased to a trickle, his tongue lolling from his mouth as he desperately tried to catch his breath. Yves pulled slowly away, letting the thick cock slide from his slit as his own shaft began to push out. Already glistening with his fluids and the sticky cum that Ethen had provided, Yves felt it was best to take his turn.
Nipping at the lizard's neck, he slowly slid around behind Ethen. His arms wrapped around the lizard's taut stomach as his hips nudged the scaled tail aside. The lizard barely had time to recover before feeling the dragon's own thick endowment slip suddenly into his tight passage.
Ethen fell forward from the sensation, his hand splaying out to catch him. Yves, on the other hand, simply slid his hands to the lizard's hips and gripped them tightly. Already lubricated, the invasion was far from an unpleasant one. Ethen could already feel his shaft beginning to respond again. Yves remained focused, though. His own need driving him against the muscled lizard beneath him, pounding hard against Ethen's prostate.
"...urrrrg!" Ethen panted as Yves hilted hard and deep within him. The dragon was certainly bigger than anything he'd ever taken before. "Is this the... dirty part...?" He panted.
Yves leaned forward to nip at Ethen's neck. "Oh... This is just the beginning..."
It took only a few more thrusts, slamming against Ethen's velvety insides, before Yves felt the pressure within his own shaft building up. He pushed down hard on Ethen's back forcing the lizard's snout into the carpet before letting loose with a guttural growl of his own.
For Ethen, it felt as though a fire hose had been emptied into him. Powerful streams of dragonseed slammed against his insides, pouring over his prostate. His own cock erupted again, half-heartedly, spurting what little it had left across the floor. The sensation, however, rippled through him like a wildfire. His whole body tensed and released in one smooth motion as he milked Yves for every drop he could.
Soon, the pair were spent, collapsing in a musky pile on the floor. Yves nipped softly at the back of the lizard's neck as Ethen's hand trailed down along the dragon's smooth thigh.
"I should get caught more often." Ethen grinned as he leaned back to kiss Yves softly on the lips. |
Title: They Come by wallacethe5
Tags: 40000, Fanfiction, Fangs of K'aath, Grimdark, Medieval, No-Yiff, Tribute, War, Warhammer 40K, death from above, space marines, vengence
A draft of a part of the series. When all drafts are here and comments read, I will redo the whole lot and post it up again.
It's your choice to read or not to read. There will be mistakes here. It's a draft after all and I appreciate your comments, good or bad.
Tribute to Paul Kidd's 'Fangs of K'aath' series and Games Workshop Warhammer 40,000.
The sky, bloody red. Tranquil clouds fly above, dancing with the wind as the evening turns to night. Sky darkens with every passing moment as cooling winds, one of the few miracles seen in a desert, whirl with laughter and enjoyment. All is peace as life proceeds on its' present course.
The ground, smooth and rich in golden yellow. Dust swirl with the wind that blow across. Rich golden yellow, smooth to the touch if one stops and takes a handful of it in his hands. Sand so fine that as the desert lizards, the only life in this beautiful and deadly land slowly awakens from their warm peaceful slumber to their own version of dawn, crawl out gently.
The desert, a beautiful creature that is choosy in whom to exalt with gifts and liberal in punishments, not batting an eyelash to those that offend her. Anything not to her liking will be burned with her hateful scorn, scorched like the golden sand beneath their feet.
Though the desert lady is harsh, she is kind to those that face her challenges and lives through it. Those are lovingly cherished by her as dictated by her Creator, the very same God that created the very living creatures under her watchful gaze. In the desert, no one is a friend.
Small settlements and cities, dotted the desert strategically. Here is the desert lady's home and self. It is she, with the power invested in her, dictates at where one should live, and when and where one should do bloodshed. Many die not passing her tests and armies that march across her flesh, harming her beautiful smooth golden skin, were striped to the bone and their armour highly polished and gleams in the sun like perverted jewels and precious metals on a female at an evening gala. Though she maybe harsh, she honoured the dead as life honoured her.
There are other lands besides her on this world. Other deserts, lush green plains, high mountains with ice tips, but she is largest and most beautiful of all. As said in the book of life, God is just in His ways. Today, it is not the ones who He created from the dusts that offend Him. The vanity of the desert has determined on where another bloodletting is to be done. The location is precise and desert lady knows it. She sees her punishment as her sacred duty. Some say it is cruel to harm a beauty such as she and some short sighted ones say she deserves the pain coming to her, but as clever ones see, only she have the power and glory to be the Grand Hostess of a great battle ever seen. Her power so vast, she can even determine who wins and who dies. It is here, at her domain, the black hearted ones chose to emerge, foolishly thinking God's eyes are at places where mortal creatures dwell. Foolish demons, either they are brave or insane, or both.
She knows arrogantly and in pride that other lands and deserts are too small and unsuited for the fight to come. It is here, on the world of Aku- Mashad, a world in one of the many universes created by God's will, judgment is to be rendered. It is here, on the lands of walking talking beast, evils of the pasts are brought forward by its' foolish inhabitants. Animals that defy God by eating from the tree of life as Adam and Eve did. Here they reside as Earth is given to the humans. Here on Aku- Mashad, with damned knowledge, they make the same mistakes as their human masters.
Like them, the beasts seek wealth, power and...
Eternal Life as the Gods.
And it is their mistake in calling upon the Dark Spirits that call themselves, the Dark Gods.
So powerful, these ancient entities that warriors of Aku- Mashad, will have no chance against them and darkness will consume the light of innocence.
It is not humans from the dusts in which He created that offend Him, rather, it is the beasts that cast His left hand over them. And they shall be punished justly for calling on the dark ones that will destroy them all, for what they have done is akin to committing suicide. God will see, but He will not sully His hands, as He has made laws in which He too will follow. But, if something goes dreadfully wrong, it will be the worst case scenario. That is when, His hand will enter. He cherishes life, but when one stupidly uses a dangerous path that will condemn all, He will save all, and the desert lady is chosen, from countless of worlds, only she will be suited to host the dreadful battle that will determine fates of uncountable lives. Even those that does not exist in this universe.
This very desert still holds the scars of two major magical battles. The first is the reincarnation of the Mistress of Dreams and Nightmares, whose being is created from the fears of other Spirits that call themselves Gods, as the Creator banish them one by one to hell. She grew in strength as the one called the 'Interloper God' smash through the gates, tossing screaming Spirits to hell, their fear fueling her.
When it is her turn, she cunningly entered the world of dreams, denying the Creator conquest. This world now belongs to the beasts of Eden that defy God's will. Seeing new prey, she manipulates the dreams of the beasts. The beast themselves are no different than humans. They sleep and she conquers them. Whole millennias pass, and she strikes to take back the world of Aku- Mashad, only to be defeated by love, God's secret weapon left behind to be wielded against her. In a form of a charming prince of the Muslim Dinaqid Dynasty and a beggar Christian girl, daughter of a once village hettman. Love blooms, and her power falters, her head disciple in the last minute cast her away in view of what a man her son has become in motherly adoration. Her son the Prince, now Shah of Osra, the ruler of the desert kingdom rules under the watchful eye of the desert, for he has passed her test. To rid the world of the Mistress of Nightmares that before plague it.
The desert flourish and rest as water crests the sands, aquamarine blue alongside the golden yellow as jades of green flourish by it. The desert given new dressings and jewels to show, and it is happy. Thus she exalts the Muslim king and his two wives, the Christian dagger of Osra and the Flower of Defiance. All three, a jackal, a mouse and a bat rule in peace.
Until the second war with an ancient dark hearted human.
The second war saw both Muslim and Christian nobility fighting the corpse Warlord, Tsu-Khan. Lord of death and ice. An old human wizard from Earth, came to Aku-Mashad with three others, enslaved the entire planet long ago. They bring with them age old technology which is now lost and forgotten. This is a threat that combines both science and devilish powers, though not as powerful as the Mistress of Nightmares. From a time line long ago, this human and his three friends come to this world, bringing ruin and death from a portal of their making. They worship the dark spirits and combine age old tech with powers that even man says never to exist. They became Gods. They became power.
To the inhabitants of Aku- Mashad, they are evil incarnate.
Once conquered, the devils become supreme rulers. After centuries past, they hoard all technology and wealth to their desired portion on this world. Fate is fickle and cannot be predicted. In the end, what goes up, must come down. Either softly, or hard. In this case, extremely hard.
The four reign for generations until they are destroyed by their own personal slaves. Their slaves are tired and weary of what has happen to their people and plotted the impossible. They are patient and observant. When they found their masters' weakness, they struck quickly and ruthlessly. All fall at once. Except for one. Legend only says one survived and escaped to his mountain fortress.
Once the dust have settled, the remnants of the inhabitants of this planet, this wrecked and wretched world, grabbed what treasures were left and walked away to start a new life. They even learned the old human religions, such as Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, to name a few.
History does not say much from then on. The magics and technological marvels soon rot away and lay forgotten. History became legend; legend becomes myth than became old wives' tales. Then, they lay forgotten. Even as the screaming throes of the Mistresses of Nightmare thrums within the air as she was hurtled to hell, the ice devil lay slumbering. Until a white snow fox of the Steppes awaken him. With the name Tsu-Khan, the name of flesh which he resides, he took over the Steppe lands one at a time until he amassed an army of a quarter million veteran horsemen, born of the saddle. With it, he took over the yellow empire in the East. The ruling pandas and other species residing in it were slaughtered. He built a monument of skulls and ruination that has been long forgotten. Eons of slumber have strengthened him and the world of Aku- Mashid was his for the taking. With the East taken and subdued, he turns his sights to the warring Christians in the West. The desert is in his way and the only road through is both attacking and crushing the Dinaqid Dynasty or go to the north and in the winter cross the frozen ice waters.
Shah Raschid is not deaf to the rumours and his black dagger of a wife, Sandhri, First Queen of Osra, Scion of the wild Muslim tribes Beni- Mus and Darb H'aasi, Beloved Christian daughter of the Frankish priests in the Holy Lands of Sath, sought out the devil working to destroy and conquer what's left of life. The war was brutal, but was won during the cold winter. Her husband was wounded, but he'll live under the watchful eyes of his mouse and bat.
Now, darkness comes again for the third time. It seems this world is fated for destruction. The darkness is unrelenting.
Creatures of the black hearted, more powerful than the other two combine, claw at the unopened doors of the mortal realm. A crack appears, and God sent His finest creation.
They will come from the heavens, flames racing to catch up with them. A chorus of praise to the Emperor of Emperors, sung from their unmoving mouths. Heralding them is the sound of oncoming death, lances of bright light, so strong, it melts the ground.
They are His finest. They are His will. They are His image incarnate.
Demon, evil and the black hearted will know fear in their presence. Their battle cries will forever be written and remembered by enemies and friends alike.
"Come Show Us What Passes As Fury Amongst Your Misbegotten Kind.
Remember The First Angels, Primarchs Created By His Hands, They Watch Over Us Still.
Come Brothers, The Enemy Wishes To Fight. Let Us Indulge Them.
And thus, such words being said shall be done. The desert lady, hostess of The Grand Battle. The desert, her flesh will be once more scared by ethereal powers and technology. As night approaches, she gazes to the sky, gleefully, silently welcoming a falling star, one of many to come, from a far future and another universe.
It streaks across the clouds, smashing the delicate dance of vapour. Before it even hits the ground, it is red hot and it's facing end steaming with bluish flames.
In an instant, like a boulder hitting silent river waters, the construct blasted to ground on its descent. Sand flying and rippling like water. The sound of it can be heard far and wide. The camels and horses in nearby desert villages nickered and shied restlessly. Sentries on fortified walls jerked to attention. Scholars, scanning the night sky on minarets recording the falling star, trembled as the tremors softly shook the building they are on. Magicians and seers, screaming in their sleep and awaken from dreaded vision nightmares, shivered in cold fear and some even impale sharpened blades on themselves.
Struck with such force, the desert lady cowers and humbly spread herself out like a maiden on her first night with her husband, to the creature's eyes within as heated bolts and pins were blasted away from heated doors and they come crashing down.
They come. They are here. The first of many has arrived, others approaching patiently.
Are they death or salvation? Which ever they are, woe be upon the world the descend upon. |
Title: The Wastes- Chapter 6: New Problems, Old Friends by Accorto
Tags: Clean, Desert, Fox, Post-Apocalyptic, The Wastes, Western, accorto, gunfights, gunslinger
My deepest apologies for the incredibly long delay on this post, I lost track of the story and had to swivel it back into perspective. For those of you still inclined to read, please do enjoy. I think this is a good one...
Chapter 6: New Problems, Old Friends.
The first several days on his new job (For which Nicholson would be payed in New Dollars, as was agreed after a serious talk with Cole) were slow, but not altogether dull. While he didn't have to kill anybody, he did take it upon himself to scare off a few teams of would-be raiders and scavengers seeking an easy plunder from what they expected would be an unprotected settlement.
After day three, the young German shepherd pup began to follow Nicholson on his rounds, saying that that his mother wanted him out enjoying the air while it was fresh. Nicholson enjoyed the company for the most part, listing to the child's stories about odd things that happened around the town, his first and last trip to the watering hole (which ended in being chased by a pack of thirsty mutant horned toads), and what he wants to do with his future. Though most of what Mike (which was the pup's name) said was mindless babble, it kept the gunslinger's routs around the, settlement and highway from being dull.
Around the fourth day, Nicholson and Mike had hunkered down on an old charred out log to eat their lunch, which consisted of seeds gathered from the local desert brush and a campfire-grilled hunk of meat from a clean-thread (Or unmutated, for all you'uns who don't kennit) bull. As they sat, Mike continued his content babble, plucked from some corner of his mind. He had just reached the end of a story about when he was caught trying to ride one of the mutie cows out of the pen outside of town, when Nicholson spotted an odd lopsided bird flutter down to the ground a few meters off.
"Mike." Jesse said, trying to catch the pup's attention. Mike's ears popped up from where they lay on his head and he looked up from his food quickly. Nicholson didn't talk much, so when he did, Mike took care to listen.
"You ever been priv' to shoot a gun b'for?" Nicholson continued, glancing over at the boy. Mike considered this for a moment, and then shook his head, looking back down at his meal.
"Nev'r since my mah let me take on a spell at the old '22 thah she plucked in Albuquerque, mus a been almost a whole harvest ago." Mike said, before tearing a chomp out of his food with the side of his maw. Nicholson nodded, drawing one of his Big Irons from the holster where he had draped it over the log.
"What you reckon yer mah would say if'n she was trig to me lettin you give it another go?" Jesse asked, opening the cylinder of the heavy weapon and letting all but one round slip into his padded palm. Mike looked up again, still chewing slowly, and looked around, as if his mother might leap from behind the bushes and scold him for even considering the idea.
"I s'pose if she weren't wise to it, I'd get no trouble." Excitement was creeping into his voice now.
"Good," Nicholson said, gripping the revolver from the barrel and offering the sandalwood grip to the pup. "Give this'n a feel." Mike reached out quickly, the and when the handle fit into his palm, it made the hand looked dwarfed and awkward. When Nicholson let go, the gun dropped a foot and Mike yipped in surprise, not expecting the weight of the weapon.
"Easy with ah now, she's my baby." Nicholson said calmly, holding a cautionary hand beneath the boy's so not to allow the gun to fall. "Now," the gunslinger began, swinging his arm around the point at the bird that had taken rest in the ground a little distance off. "If ye can shoot that there mute', I'll see if I can get ye' mom to allow yer some practice with a smaller caliber, under my observation, yar?" Mike nodded excitedly, and when Nicholson stood and stepped behind the boy he hefted the revolver up to eye-level. Jesse crouched behind him, reaching under his shoulder to show him to hold the gun straight out away from his body. He took the boys left and placed it on the bottom of the revolver's butt, telling him that that hand would keep it steady, while the other aims. Mike nodded, taking quiet note of all the advice. When the shot was lined up and Mike stared down the barrel with one eye closed tight and the other squinted to barely a slit, Nicholson stood and said
"Alrigh', take the shot, son. Squeeze the trigger slow; try not to antic'pate the shot. Let it sneak up on yeh." Mike tightened a finger over the trigger, taking shallow breaths and tensing against the shot which should be sneaking up on him at that moment. Suddenly, the gun kicked up in his hands, knocking the pup off balance. Nicholson caught him before he fell, and the boy was righting himself and staring downrange as the report was still echoing across the desert. Where the bird had been lit, there was little more than a red mark like somebody had smashed a jar of jelly on the floor. Nicholson clapped him on the back, sitting down and remarking, as if to himself,
"I'll speak with yer mah on the morrow."
The gunslinger was true to his word. The next day, after rising, he made his way groggily and slowly toward the land where Mike's mother was already up and working, tilling out land to attempt to get another harvest of the ever popular mutant (but nutrient-rich) shrubs growing. As Nicholson approached, the Shepherd mutie stood upright and squinted over at him, propping her hoe against the side of her shack and waiting, one hand draped lazily over the top of the tool. Mike, after having noticed Nicholson's approach from within the shack, came running out, standing nervously at his mother's side.
"Ma'am," Nicholson began, taking his hat gingerly from atop his head. "It has come unto mah' attention that yer son o'r yon has had no experience in that with a gun of any sort. After see'in the way the world works ar' these parts, I feel he ought to have some know-how, and I would be mighty pleased to teach, with your approval, o'course."
The woman stood for a moment, staring into the drifter's eyes, both ears cocked flat against her head. Her gaze slowly swiveled down to Mike, who still stood, hands clasped tight, by his mother's side. He looked right back up, eyes wide with pleading and anticipation, giving the pup a cartooned face that brought the shimmer of a smile to the gunslinger's lips. His mother cleared her though and looked back up at Nicholson, opening her mouth as if to speak, then closing it again. Mike had begun to shift his weight from one foot to the other, making small high sounds in the back of his throat.
Finally, the silence was broken when the woman heaved a large sigh and patted the top of Mike's head.
"Alrigh', I suppose it may do the boy some good to be trig on defending hisself. Just don let him get carried away, hear?" Nicholson nodded and placed his hat back atop his head, taking care that his ear fit into the hole cut on top. He thanked her and gave her the details, saying that he would provide the gun to train and that he would keep him under scrutiny whenever they boy had it. And then they were off, back on patrol. Of course, Mike began excitedly babbling immediately, asking a plethora of new question, relevant or otherwise.
After three weeks, give or take a day, Mike had proved himself to be a dead-eye with the weathered and battered old pre-war Glock that Nicholson had purchased for him from a merchant on I-25. The boy could pluck off the dust-caked bottles that Nicholson set up with uncanny ease. He picked up the skill like it had been sleeping in him someplace, just waiting for the gunshots to wake it up. Before long, Nicholson allowed the boy to keep the gun with him, tucked away in a makeshift clutch of belted and sewn leather.
The gunslinger had his own personal shadow by then, wherever he went, Mike went. The boy loved the feel of strutting the town, keeping vigilant, and the cold weight of the old pistol at his hip. He felt powerful now. Important. He felt as if the entire world could come crashing down, and he wouldn't move an inch, save for to say something quippy and bold to the crumbling planet. His mind wandered freely and frequently as he walked, and some of the thought found their way into words. He spoke where his mind could follow, even if he knew the gunslinger wasn't always listening. He enjoyed to talk, to have company that would acknowledge his speech.
Most of the time, his thought tracked through whatever was current and fresh, but more frequently he found himself thinking back, back to when the drifter had let him fire the Big Iron. It had been nothing short of exhilarating to him. He could still hear the booming shot, echoing its song through his mind. He could still feel the kick of the weapon as it let looses the heavy caliber bullets. He could swear that he even still felt the sharp spray of the gunpowder against his hands and face, even though it was weeks back. The Glock pistol was good, yes; but Mike wanted something more... aggressive. He kept this to himself though. He was born into poverty and sickness, mutant aside, so he knew when to take a good thing and not ask for more. The gunslinger had granted him a new kind of freedom, and he was happy with it. Sure, he knew he may never have a reason to draw the pistol from its clutch save for practice, but it's the thought that counts.
Nicholson had made his way back to Charles' bar on one dry and sunny day that week, and as always Mike was on his heel, toting his new shooter for all to see. The gunslinger stepped in though the frame of the door that he had shattered on his first day in town. Mike followed gingerly behind while Nicholson scanned the bar for Charles, pulling off his hat and stuffing the flimsy material into the lower pocket of his duster. Before he could find the barkeep, the barkeep found him, however, and waved him over.
"Jesse my man, how ya been on? Get yer a drink?" the bartender nearly shouted, cheery as usual. Nicholson waved him a lazy two-fingered salute and shook his head, sliding himself onto one of the barstools while Mike stood patiently to the side.
"Sorry friend, not here to drink this'n." Nicholson said wearily, craning his neck to either side and waiting till it popped. "I'm on over here to ask ye somethin." Charles strode over, leaning on the bar with his elbows and waving to another customer that he would have to wait a moment.
"What ails ye then?" Charles inquired.
"One oh' the sellers down 'cross the way asked me to ask ye about a man what calls himself 'Howard Warner'. Said he gone missin a day now and ye know where he off on last?"
Charles pondered this for a few quick seconds, tapping his index finger against the bar. From below the counter, Mike's curios eyes could just barely be seen, their gaze darting back and forth between the two men.
"Yar, I know the guy." Charles announced, standing upright again. "He fetches the water for me for a few bucks a run. I sent him out a couple day' on back and he has't been round sin. I figen he jus' wen on some o're task. He's kin to it, after all."
"Where does he get the water from?" Nicholson asked quickly, realizing that this could mean that something was very amiss. Charles quickly recounted the general direction, waving his hand west, perpendicularly from I-25.
"There's a natural spring about a mile or aut that way, there be a trail go' right to it. Ye think'n there may be a problem?"Nicholson stood up quickly, pulling his hat from his pocket.
"Ye bugger, I do." He snorted, turning and taking wide steps toward the shattered door of the bar, back into the light. Mike tried to follow, but the drifter held his open hand before him, the claws that tipped his fingers reflected the sun. "Not today son, I want you t' head on back to yer ma's, hear?" Mike nodded nervously, turning on stumbling feet and shuffling quickly toward the shacks near the bar, clutching his gun so it wouldn't slip.
Nicholson strode off away from the town, his boots leaving vague divots in the sand behind him. As he walked, he pulled his revolvers from their holsters, one at a time. He flipped each cylinder open, making sure they didn't stick or stutter as they slid. He let all the shells fall into his padded palm and closed the cylinder again, then thumbed the hammer back, pointed the gun away, and pulled the trigger. The hammer clicked back into place with smooth oiled speed. He repeated this process with both weapons, as he did before any time he expected trouble. It was his own little form of meditation prepping himself for whatever may come. He let the calm cool feel of the guns flow up him like cold mercury. The feeling flowed through his veins and seeped through his skin, chilling his core and stilling his nerves.
A little less than a mile down the road he saw two flimsy wooden sheds placed side by side. A plywood and faded spray-paint sign declared that this was, in fact, a natural spring, and property of the town. The drifter slowed and stopped, crouching where he stood and glancing behind him. The sun was high in the sky now, but behind him, which was good. If what he assumed was correct (That bandits or some other crook had set up shop here, and were now preying on thirsty travelers), then the sun would provide his cover well enough.
He could see a lone man, sitting on a crumbling hunk of lava rock. For a moment, Nicholson thought this was the missing man, Howard. Before he could make any further conclusions, however, he spotted the still figure slumped face down in the dirt beside the man. As he watched, he noted that there was no rise to his back, he wasn't breathing. Howard was dead. The solitary man sat with his back to him, and thin curls of tobacco smoke wandered their way sleepily up from him. Nicholson stayed low, slinking his way on all fours toward the place where the man sat. The edges of his duster hung in the tan dirt, and his tail hung high in the air, snaking around as if it were pulled through water. His moved like an animal, sneaking up as quietly as nature and garments would allow.
When he was no more than a foot behind the man, he stood, placing a hand over his right hip, on his revolver, and cleared his throat. The man stood bolt upright, reeling in a circle and flinging his hand-rolled smoke aside. No sooner had he turned to face Nicholson, he began to speak, his mouth twisted in a surprised smile.
"Why holy Go' and Mother, it's just an old mutie. You scared wha' was ever left of the wits from me fuckin soul." Granit said. Nicholson started back a step, his face moving from shock to agony to fury in a matter of seconds. It was Granite, sure as ever. Aged, sure, but the son of a bitch still had that same hungry, crawling look swarming behind his eyes. No sooner had Nicholson made the connection, so did Granite. The ageing and cruel eyes widened and his grin cracked wider, baring a mouth of rotted yellow teeth.
"Fucken hell, if it aint-" Granite began, but Nicholson was already moving. He crouched and lunged, driving his shoulder into the Mechanic's stomach and pulling him to the earth. His knee pushed into Granite's stomach and pushed hard, keeping him down while he drew the Iron from its holster.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Nicholson roared, his voice cracking with strain. His rancher's hat had flown off in the brief scuffle and now fluttered weakly against Howard's body, as if trying to hide him away. The drifter's left hand came up above his head, fingers spread wide, and he swiped his fingertips across Granite's face, etching deep red rivets through his skin with the sharp black claws that adorned his fingers. Granite mouth opened in a silent scream, unable to make a sound, as the air had been knocked from him. Nicholson took this opportunity to cram the barrel of his .357 into the slave hunter's mouth.
"Why are you here?!" Nicholson demanded, and all Granite could get out was a weak warbling wheeze, unable to speak around the gun. The gunslinger silently reprimanded himself for not thinking so far ahead, and pulled the gun from between Granite's lips, pressing it instead against his forehead, with enough force that you would have thought he meant to cave in the man's skull.
"N-nothin for!" Granite choked out, trying to suck in what little breath was available to him. Deep crimson tracks of blood ran down his face and neck from the gouges in his cheek. "I's only me an out here, speak true!" Nicholson pressed the pistol harder against the man's skull, his canid teeth clenched tight and his lips pulled back in a sharp and wrinkled snarl.
"Don't go an' lie to me, Granite. You're out on work, yeah? Talk!" Nicholson growled, quieter now. Spittle ran unchecked from his maw, pooling into the fabric of Granite's shirt. Granite hesitated, but nodded suddenly when the presser of the pistol muzzle against his scalp became harder still.
"Alrigh', alrigh! Leave be dammit!" Granite sputtered, twisting wildly under the weight of the drifter, but having no success in easing the pain that was applied. "The res' o' the group is on approach, out fer slaves ye kin. They should be upon the village now, matter o' fact."
"Is it the Mechanics?" Nicholson demanded, knowing the question was futile. The group of Labor Hunters who called themselves the Mechanics had had their falling out with each other while Nicholson was still in their unwilling service.
"Nah, a new group, rag-tag from around lookin' for money is all. Now for holy sakes le' me GO!" Granit replied, his struggles beneath Nicholson's knee beginning to weaken. The gunslinger, however, did no such thing. He leaned in closer, the black nose that tipped his mutant muzzle nearly touching Granite's human one.
"Where is he?" Nicholson asked, now quiet as a whisper but with speech full of venom. "Where is ol' Jackie?" Granite's eyes widened for a moment at the name, and then squinted tight as the gun barrel's pressure increased against his forehead.
"Las' I heard, that old clown's down in Mexico, livin' easy. Someplace south of the city that shares the name o' the region, like as not." Granite wheezed out though bared teeth, barely able to vocalize at all. Nicholson's lips curled in a brilliant smile that brought the shadow of terror across Granites face.
"Thankee very much." the gunslinger breathed, retracting a bit from Granite's face. "Now lemme return the favor, for old time's sake." He pulled the trigger, and Granite's entire body jumped into perfect stillness beneath the gunslinger's weight. The slaver's eyes rolled back and his lids shot wide oven, showing the full round curve of his eye balls. Blood had splashed in tiny dribbles up the drifter's arm, but he didn't wipe it away. As he stood, his smile widened and he pulled the hammer of the revolver back again, placing a shot through the dead man's heart. He shot him three more times for good measure, and with each shot, his rage and fury boiled though like a red rushing cloud of hornets, spreading down his arms and being translated out through the barrel of the weapon.
As he walked back toward the town he hummed to himself, and thought raced like wild fire.
"I know." He said to himself. "I know where he is a' now. I was on the trail and now ah KNOW." As he holstered the gun he spied a dark mark across his pants and fell to his knees again, laughing in short, hysteric bursts. Turns out, he'd been so worked up that he'd gone and pissed himself.
A shrill, high scream brought him back to the present right quick though, and as he stared out toward the town he heard the precise and deliberate calls of gunfire. He stood and began jogging back to town. His work wasn't finished yet. |
Title: 99 Things That Make Me Wet
Tags: advice, relationships
1. The blues. Something about that hot, steady rhythm just makes me want to take my clothes off…
2. Goth girls. Streaked purple and black hair, tattoos, a sexy little tramp stamp on the lower back, navel rings, tongue studs… nipple rings… ripped fishnets and high heels, dark clothes and dark moods. Makes me want to peel it all off and find the soft spots underneath, the sweetness at the center… mmmm.
3. Feeling a hard cock pressing against me from behind, that insistent, early morning hardon, asking for more. It always makes me want to give him exactly what he wants.
4. Wearing something low-cut and just slightly see-through and watching mens' eyes light up when they dip into my cleavage. Seeing their excitement and knowing they're trying to hide it is such a turn on.
5. The sound of a motorcycle coming for me, swinging my leg over the side and wrapping my arms around him as we take off, feeling the hot rumble of it between my thighs as we ride.
6. Writing a really hot story and knowing there are hundreds of men out there getting off on it, imagining hundreds of hard cocks in pumping hands, reading my words and ready to come…
7. Long, hot showers. It doesn't matter if I'm alone or not, although it's always fun with someone else. Hot water like hands all over me, not to mention the fun I can have with a shower massage.
8. Men wearing just jeans. Seeing that dark line of hair, that delicious treasure trail running down from his navel and disappearing beneath the waistband… oh my god… makes me want to follow it ever so slowly with my tongue…
9. Wearing sexy lingerie. Just for him. Telling him about it. And then slipping into the bathroom to take off my panties so I can put them into his pocket at dinner.
10. The feel of a man's hands on the small of my back, pulling me toward him, or pressing me into the bed, his fingers digging into my flesh, kneading and insistent.
11. Whisper soft kisses on my neck, right under my ear. It makes my nipples immediately hard. I could melt into a little puddle right there.
12. Fast cars, fast motorcycles, fast airplanes, fast horses, and a slightly dangerous man riding them. Yes, it's true, I'm a sucker for the cliché.
13. The feel of velvet. I love velvet dresses, velvet curtains, velvet corsets. One of these days, I want to give him a handjob wearing gloves and watch him shoot all that white, hot cum all over black velvet.
14. The smell of sweat on his skin after he comes in from chopping wood, his cheeks red, his hands cold. He loves to warm them up by sliding them under my shirt, which makes my nipples instantly hard… yum!
15. Long, hot tongue kisses—the kind that grow more and more passionate and simulate sex itself, tongues plunging, breath coming faster, bodies writhing together.
16. Watching him shave or tie a tie. Those utterly masculine acts make me crazy with lust.
17. The sweet, juicy taste of fruit… especially something that's fleshy and ripe and drips down my chin… mangoes, oranges, peaches… mmm!
18. Listening to or watching other people having sex. I'm such a huge voyeur, and I'd almost rather watch than actually do it—almost.
19. Long, slow massages with lots of slick oil. Flesh on flesh, the press of hands, and the aching promise of more.
20. Knowing he's watching me. I love putting on a show for him, rubbing my hands over my body, touching myself, showing him, inch by inch, a slow tease.
21. Someone speaking a foreign language. I'm like Jamie Lee Curtis in A Fish Called Wanda, I absolutely melt into a puddle when I hear a foreign language being spoken.
22. Baby oil. I love the smell of baby oil, the feel of it against my skin, pooling it in my hands and spreading it over his smooth expanse of flesh. I especially love a baby oil and cock combination – the slick tug in my hand.
23. Playing with anything orally and letting him watch. I love watching his eyes when I lick the tip of and then suck a whole popsicle into my mouth. Turning a lollipop around and around on my tongue makes him positively wolfish.
24. The feel of a hard cock… any time, anywhere, especially, though, when it's naughty and I shouldn't be feeling it. Like at Thanksgiving dinner, while I'm bent over basting a turkey and he's pressing against me from behind.
25. Slow dancing – the kind where I can rub myself up against him, feel his thigh between mine, his hands groping my behind, searching under my skirt.
26. The smell of chewing gum. It reminds me of when I was young and my girlfriends and I would take our gum out to practice French kissing.
27. Bellydancing. Watching it or doing it. The sensual sway of the hips, the jingle of the coins on a hip scarf, it all makes me melt with lust.
28. Being blindfolded. Deprive me of sight and then use my other senses to drive me crazy – feathers tickling my tummy, a crop slapping against my ass, ice over my nipples, the hard, wet end of a cock against my lips… yesss!
29. Sex with the light on. I love looking into his eyes, seeing them roam over my body, watching the flex of his muscles as he fucks me, harder, baby, harder…
30. My hard nipples rubbing against my shirt when I don't wear a bra. I love seeing his eyes light up when he notices them. I love watching others mens' eyes light up, too, and wondering if they're getting hard looking at my nipples poking through my shirt.
31. The smell of alcohol on his breath. He doesn't drink very often, and I know we're going to have sex that night, the boundaries blurred and relaxed…
32. Getting a long, slow foot massage. It's the eye contact that does it, the press of fingers into tender flesh, the heat of hand on foot, ankle, sliding up to calf and thigh…
33. When he bites me – from little nibbles to a hard bite against my shoulder or my thigh in the heat of the moment. I love looking at the bite marks later, touching them, and remembering.
34. Watching good porn and masturbating together. Not even having sex, just touching ourselves while we watch, talking to each other the whole time. "Look at her hot little pussy, baby. Wouldn't you love to fuck that?" and "God, look at his cock. Would you like him to fuck your ass while I fuck your pussy?" Fantasizing together is sooo hot.
35. Hearing what turns him on. I love hearing his fantasies, about two women, three women, about tying me up and fucking me until I beg him to stop – and then fucking me some more. There's nothing better than hearing a man's real desires – nothing else can make me weak at the knees like that.
36. A man who wears a watch. He knows his direction, he's on time, he's going somewhere. I love looking at the dark, curling hairs on his wrist around it. And I love when he takes it off and takes me to bed.
37. The treasure trail. That thick, dark line of hair down from his navel to his cock, like an arrow pointing the way. I love following it with my finger, and then my tongue…
38. Well groomed facial hair. Not the fuzzy Grizzly Adams type, but a well trimmed goatee fills me with lust. The feel of a soft beard over my thighs? Oh heaven!
39. The taste of my pussy on my fingers. Whether it's after sex, or after I play with myself, I love to lick the taste of me off my fingers. I also love the taste of my pussy in his mouth after he licks me – kissing him, sucking on his tongue, trying to get every last drop…
40. The smell of sex. There are nights we have sex for hours, and if I go out to get a drink of water or to pee and come back, the hot, wet smell of our sex hits me the minute I open the bedroom door. It makes me immediately want more!
41. Watching a thick cock slide between my oiled up tits, trying to catch the wet tip with my tongue, and I soooo love watching him come that way, shooting his cum between my cleavage.
42. I love it when he sucks my nipples – when he spends a crazy amount of time on my breasts, playing, kneading, licking, sucking. He can make me come that way, just sucking my nipples, if he spends long enough.
43. Gagging on a cock. I truly love to feel a cock shoving to the back of my throat until I can't take it anymore. I think a girl should be willing to gag on her man's cock once in a while.
44. Being on my hands and knees. It inevitably reminds me of sex, no matter what I'm doing – washing the floor or looking for something under the couch. I always want to arch and raise my hips up, anticipating the thick plunge of a cock…
45. His finger playing with my asshole during sex – just stroking it at first, teasing, then slipping slowly, an inch at a time, deeper, deeper, more… until I'm begging for his cock there.
46. Turning him on when he's at work. I love calling and leaving him dirty messages, whispering what I'm going to do to his hard cock when he gets home. My pussy is so wet right now… I want your cock so bad I can taste it… Don't you wish I was under your desk right now, my mouth wrapped around you, playing with my wet little cunt as I suck you?
47. Those muscles in a woman's thighs flexing while you're licking her. I love putting my hands there and feeling her muscles flutter, her hips shifting as my tongue flicks at her little clit…
48. Navel rings. I love a sweet, sexy belly ring on a taut, flat tummy. I especially love flicking it with my tongue!
49. I love being fingered – hard – especially from behind when I've got his cock in my mouth!
50. I love phone sex. Listening to a man get aroused as I touch myself, hearing his breath coming faster. I love it when he tells me what to do, and listening to him come! Mmm!
51. High heels. I love the way they make me feel, how long they make my legs look, and I especially love wearing them while he's fucking me.
52. The way breasts sway when a woman is on her hands and knees being fucked from behind.
53. A completely bald pussy, smooth and shaved bare for my eager tongue.
54. The lightest of touches over my skin with his fingertips, almost on the verge of tickling, the kind that gives me goosebumps and makes my nipples hard…
55. The wrinkled skin of his balls on my tongue. I love sucking them into my mouth, feeling the skin give, the fat pop as I mouth first one, then the other, stroking him all the while…
56. Sitting on Santa's lap. I know it makes me sound like such a naughty, naughty girl, but the fantasy of giving him a nice big hardon is such a twisted turn on!
57. Naughty religious sex. I know, it's so dirty, so sacrilegious… that's why it's so hot! I love the thought of nuns sucking cock, or priests getting off in the confessional. Mmmm!
58. Tiny, perky barely there titties with hard, sensitive nipples.
59. His tongue licking my hole and slipping down to my ass...
60. The wet sound of our bodies slapping together when I grind down onto his cock and he grabs my hips, making me fuck him harder, faster…
61. Giving him a little peek under my skirt when we're out to dinner, seeing his eyes light up when he realizes I'm not wearing any panties.
62. Being spanked – when I deserve it – and especially when I don't. I love it when he takes me over his knee and yanks up my skirt, smack – oh god – smack – uh! – smack -
63. Long train rides, the kind where the car rocks gently back and forth and you can feel the buzz of the wheels on the rails deep in your pelvis, rocking, rocking, rocking… it reminds me of fucking…
64. When he restrains my wrists in public and other people aren't even aware of what's happening. Or maybe they are? He'll press against me during a slow dance and put both of my hands behind my back, encircling my wrists with his hands and holding them tight.
65. Sliding my finger into his ass when I've got his cock buried to the hilt in my mouth and sinking it deep… just before he's going to come. Yeah, baby, come in my mouth, I want to taste your hot cum!
66. Sex in the summer with the windows open, imagining the neighbors listening. Are they getting off on it? Are they shocked? Oh yeah baby, fuck me hard! Give me that big cock! Oh yessss make me come!
67. When he leaves me dirty messages on my phone and I happen to be getting them in front of someone, listening to him tell me how he's going to bend me over and lick my pussy from behind, and finger me until I come, and then fuck me so hard I can't breathe… while my sister is watching my face turn red and my heart is racing and my pussy is aching as I listen to him…
68. Undressing for him, slowly, teasing him with glimpses of skin, saving the good parts until last, until he's so hot for me, so hard he can't keep his hands off himself and I'm dying to climb onto that hard cock.
69. The delightful feel of his whiskers tickling the inside of my thighs while he's licking my sweet little pussy until I come all over his face.
70. Slipping my wet panties into his pocket before we go to dinner, seeing the look on his face when he realizes what they are – and that means I'm not wearing them.
71. That flash of skin on a woman's belly between her jeans and shirt when she's reaching for something. Makes me want to feather it with kisses…
72. When he teases me and makes me wait… and wait… and wait to come… oh baby, please… I can't stand it… god, please… I want it… oh I want it… make me come… make me come… oh please, god make me come!
73. His hand on the small of my back during conversation, sliding down and squeezing my ass. Oooh!
74. Slow, long, hot, wet thrusting… tongue kisses.
75. Putting a video in and masturbating just before he comes home so he'll "accidentally" catch me playing with my wet little pussy.
76. Hot tub jets. I love straddling and riding them, that hot wet pulse between my legs competing with my own, driving me on,
77. Sliding off my high heel and giving his cock a nice long rub under the table at dinner with my bare foot, feeling him get harder, and harder, and harder…
78. Telling Daddy I've been naughty and need a spanking while sitting on his lap and feeling him get hard.
79. When I'm riding him and he reaches up and presses my breasts together...
80. When he rubs the tip of his cock alllllll the way up and down my slit, again and again, such a wet, delicious tease
81. When he sucks my earlobe in public and whispers that he wishes it was my little clit he was sucking on
82. Playing with my pussy in front of him while he stands over me jerking off and watching and the sweet wet sound me fingering my hot little pussy fills the room.
83. Watching him get close to coming when he's inside me, seeing him slow way down, and then watching the agonized look on his face when I squeeze his cock with my pussy.
84. Fingering myself in a public restroom, not washing my hands, and letting him lick them when I get back to the table
85. The feel of a woman's breasts rubbing against mine, the softness of our skin together as we kiss and touch each other
86. The thought of being fucked by two men at once, one of them fucking my pussy, the other shoving his cock into my mouth, oh god, yes make me take both of those cocks at once
87. Wearing a tank top, no bra, and short shorts in the middle of winter when I'm cleaning and knowing he's watching
88. When he rolls me over in the middle of the night, spreads my legs and just takes me. I love being still half asleep and feeling a hard cock sliding into my pussy, letting my body awaken to the sensation and be carried away by his fucking me...
89. When he tells me to take his cock, swallow it, gag on it, and feeds it to me again and again until he floods my mouth with his cum.
90. Playing with anything sticky – rubbing it all over my mouth and my fingers… sweet honey, melted chocolate, or his sticky, hot cum…
91. Dirty dancing – the music pounding, our bodies writhing together, hips bumping, crotches rubbing, the hot exhilaration – like having sex with our clothes on.
92. The feel of another woman's pussy rubbing against mine, our soft wetness meshing together, as we try to make our little clits kiss…
93. The thought of being surrounded by cocks - in my mouth, my pussy, my hand, my ass… being filled and fucked and taken by cocks.
94. Watching him work out, seeing him sweat, his muscles strain and bulge, god it reminds me how much I love sex!
95. When we videotape ourselves having sex and then play it back later, so we can watch our own personal porn movie.
96. Role playing the secretary and the boss. Bend over and take your punishment Ms. Kitt. Oh, Mr. Smith, please, I won't do it again – oh! The typos weren't my fault I – oh! I'm sorry I mis-filed the monthly report but – oh! Mr. Smith, is that… what are you doing? Oh god that feels so gooooood!
97. Sitting on the bus or the subway and making eye contact with an attractive man across the aisle. Openly staring and imagining having sex with him and wondering if he can tell what I'm thinking.
98. Playing kitty-girl for him. Meow… purrrrr… rub rub… batting at his hard cock like it was a kitty toy… meow… licking at it with my wet kitty tongue…
99. Men who take risks – who jump out of airplanes, who surf with sharks, who tell the truth and give themselves completely to following their purpose.
*If you enjoyed this, please check out my other work here on Lit and elsewhere. If you want to know more about me, check out my profile. And thanks for reading!
Selena* |
Title: Joining The Family by Rtlstien
Tags: Character Development, Compassion, German Shepherd, Human, Kissing, Teenagers, Various Species
Joining The Family
I know I've said it many times but I'm sorry for taking so long with this chapter.
Unknown Side
"All of us are gathered now" said Chris. "Now it's time for business..."
"Business?" Nicky asked. "Is that what you consider this?" Nicky looked at David. "Was he always this serious?"
"You have no idea..." David chuckled.
"Well you're one to talk, Nicky." Sean said as he got closer to her. "You were nothing but a workaholic." He wrapped his arm around Nicky's waist.
"Do you really want to say that being this close me?" Nicky asked with a smirk on her face. She slowly moved her right hand closer to his chest, her fingers twitching.
"You wouldn't..." Sean said cautiously.
"Oh, wouldn't I?" Nicky said as her fingers were about to make contact. "Cut it out!" David, Nicky, and Sean immediately looked to Chris. "This is serious! ...I don't have much time left here..." Chris' breathing was heavy. His face was filled with a mixture of anger, panic, and sadness.
David, Nicky, and Sean's eyes went wide. They all stood in silence for a long time. The sound of David's empty laughter broke the silence. "You mean... you're moving on?"
Chris calmed down. "That's right."
"How's that even possible?" Sean asked. "If you were moving on then you would have started to-"
"Vanish..." Chris said as he looked up. A bright light suddenly surrounded all of Chris' body. When the light vanished parts of Chris were gone. "I was trying to hide it..."
"But why..." David said. "Why are you passing on?"
"Because... Kathy kept her promise."
"But why only you!? We both died the same way and almost at the same time! Why are you the only one who's moving on?"
"The only thing I can think of is because she made a separate promise to you"
"What?" David was confused now.
"She only promised me that she would find a human like Ryan. To her that was my dying wish. Since she kept that promise she feels I can move on... which means I now have to." Chris said with a frown.
"You don't want to move on do you?" Nicky asked.
"Of course not... I wish I could watch over her forever like this." A faint smile appeared on Chris' face. Looks like I'm going to have to watch from the sidelines now..."
More and more of Chris' body started to slowly disappear. Only his head and upper torso remained.
"But wait..." David said. "You clearly made a promise with Kathy, but she and I never did anything like that."
Nicky and Sean looked at each other. "It's the same for us; we never promised anything with Ryan" said Sean.
"I see..." Chris said. "They didn't make a promise with you; they made a promise to you."
"You mean Ryan promised something to me and Sean after we died?" Nicky asked.
"That's right, just as Kathy promised something to David after he died..."
All that remained of Chris was his head. He looked over to David. "David, continue watch over Kathy."
"I will, Chris."
Chris smiled and closed his eyes as the rest of him slowly vanished.
Kathy's Side
Kathy's eyes opened. She was expecting to wake up with Ryan, but as her vision came back to her she realized she was back in her apartment again. "This is just like when Chris and David..." She turned around. "Chris!" she shouted with happiness as she approached him. "Where's David?"
"I wanted to talk to you alone. This may be the last chance I get to speak with you."
Kathy's happy expression turned into one of concern. "What are talking about?"
Chris sighed. "I'm moving on Kathy."
"Moving on? What are you talking about?" Kathy couldn't understand what was going on or what Chris meant.
"I am no longer bound to your soul, Kathy. Therefore, I am no longer able to stay in this world with you."
Kathy's eyes started tearing up. "But... you said that you would always watch over me! You can't leave!"
Chris smiled. "I'll still always watch over you Kathy, I just won't be able to talk to you like this anymore."
"But I want you to stay!" Kathy shouted. "Why are you moving on anyways?"
"Because you allowed me to."
"What!?" Kathy was taken aback. "I didn't want you to go away!"
Chris was silent. "...Kathy, do know how someone becomes bounded to another's soul?"
"I don't know! Sorrow, anger, fear? How?"
"A promise..." Chris whispered.
Kathy just stared at Chris. "A promise? What are you talking about?"
"Remember the promise you made to me before I died? You promised me you would find a human like Ryan... and you did."
Realization struck Kathy as she realized where this was going. "You mean... you're moving on because I kept that promise...?"
"That's right... Your promise was the only thing keeping me bound to your soul."
Kathy started crying. "But... that's not fair! Because I met Ryan I have to lose you? What about David... is he leaving too?"
"No. You made a different promise to him. Do you remember what that promise is?" Chris was curious to find out what kept David bound to Kathy.
"I don't remember..." Kathy said.
Chris looked at Kathy. He was reading her emotions. In her sorrow he felt anger. "I see... Kathy... you want revenge don't you?"
Kathy gasped and her eyes widened from realization. She looked away from Chris and clenched her paws. "That night I vowed that someday I would get revenge on Steven for what he did. Until now I never realized that I had only made that promise to David..." She turned her head towards Chris. "I'm making that promise to you now! I swear I'll get revenge on Steven!"
Chris was in shock. He quickly walked up to Kathy and wrapped his arms around her. "It would seem... I'm still bound to your soul, but... I'm afraid I can't allow you to do that."
"What are you talking about, Chris?"
"When you wake up you won't remember anything that just happened."
"But why?" Kathy looked at Chris.
"Neither me nor David wants you to put your life at risk." Chris squeezed Kathy harder. "You have Ryan now; you have to forget the past."
Kathy started to grow tired. "Will you stay?"
"I'm staying, Kathy. You've made a promise. A promise I hope you never fulfill..." With that Chris pulled Kathy even closer. Everything around them turned black as Kathy slipped into unconsciousness.
Aurora, Colorado -8:30 a.m.
Kathy slowly opened her eyes. She couldn't explain it but she felt both happiness and sorrow at the same time.
The morning sunlight was shining through the window of Ryan's room. Kathy looked around; she could see everything, everything except Ryan. (Where's Ryan?) Her ears twitched as she heard running water. (Oh, he's in the shower...) A devilish grin smirk appeared on Kathy's face. (Maybe I should join him-) Kathy's thoughts were cut off as she heard the water stop running. (Aw c'mon! I really wanted to take a shower with Ryan! It could have turned out to be like one of those romance novels!)
A minute later Ryan walked into his room with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Oh, good morning Kat-" Ryan was cut off as Kathy pounced on him, bringing him to the ground. "Kathy, what are you-" Kathy silenced Ryan with her muzzle.
(I guess this makes up for the shower... at least a little bit.) Kathy continued making out with Ryan for a while.
Ryan finally ended the kiss. "Wasn't expecting that, not that I'm complaining or anything" Ryan smiled.
Kathy smiled back as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "So, have anything planned today?"
"I do, but it's a surprise."
"Surprise, huh?"
"Yep. We can leave after you take a shower."
"Just what are you implying?" Kathy raised an eyebrow.
"Nothing! I just thought you would love to take a shower."
(Yeah, take a shower with you!) "Alright. Could you show me where the bathroom is?" (I don't have running water to guide me anymore.)
"Sure." Ryan said as they both got off the floor. He led her to the furthest room down the hallway. "Here it is. There are towels in that cupboard over there. I'll start the water." Ryan opened the shower door and turned the knobs. Steam started to rise. "That should do it. If you need anyth-" Ryan was cut off as Kathy grabbed him by the arm.
(There's something I've been wanting all morning!) Kathy started to drag Ryan into the shower with her. In the process Ryan's towel dropped to the ground.
"But I already took a shower" Ryan said.
"So?" Kathy smirked as she pulled Ryan in with her.
Water was pouring down on the two of them as they just stared at each other. (Shit! I'm finally here but I don't know what to say or do!)
"You know..." Ryan said. "You look really... sexy when you're all wet." Kathy saw Ryan blushing.
(Sexy!? He thinks I'm sexy?) It was then that Kathy got a good look at Ryan. Ryan had an athletic build, but not like a body builder. Kathy continued downwards until. (Oh my god!) Kathy blushed as she stared at Ryan's crotch. It was the first time she had ever seen a naked human male. (I didn't think of this!) Kathy turned away from Ryan in embarrassment.
(He must have noticed me staring at him. He's probably uncomfortable now. I should just-!) Kathy's thoughts were interrupted as she felt Ryan hug her from behind. He brought his head next to hers and whispered into her ear. "It's alright to be embarrassed. I was when I watched you last night."
Kathy spun around in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. (I'm so lucky to have you.) The two just stayed in each other's embrace as the water continued to pour down on them. (This is much better than a romance novel.)
Ryan's Side Aurora, Colorado -8:00 a.m.-
bzzt bzzt
Ryan opened eyes as he heard his cell phone vibrating. He noticed that Kathy was now lying on her side next to him. He slowly got up off the floor. He picked up his cell phone and looked at the caller ID. (Oh, it's Jade.) Ryan didn't want to wake Kathy up. He quietly left his room and went downstairs. Once he was sitting on the couch he answered the phone.
"Hey, Jade. What's up?"
"Hey, I'm just calling to update you on today's events."
Ryan sighed. "It's nothing but work with you, isn't it?"
"Well I have to be; you're too carefree. You're very dedicated to the HFA, but you're not as organized as you could be. That's why I'm serious most of the time."
Ryan chuckled. "Well, I guess I made the right decision to make you second-in-command. Where would the HFA be without you?"
"Still nothing more than a high school club"
"True; I owe you a lot for helping me with that."
"Don't worry about it, Ryan. Let's just discuss today's events, alright?"
"Alright. Is the field still reserved?" Ryan asked.
"Of course. They know we do this every Saturday. I really don't even have to ask anymore."
Ryan chuckled. "That's true. What about supplies? Did you and the others manage to get everything?"
"Yes. We also got some... help at the store."
Ryan noticed the pause. "So who went and helped you?"
Jade sighed. "Ken..."
Ryan started laughing. "No way! Did you ask him or did he ask you?"
"He asked me."
Ryan sighed. "Was he up to his usual antics again?"
"Of course. He's lucky that the worst he got smack across the head."
Ryan chuckled. "He'll never learn..."
"I don't know why a guy like Ken even joined the HFA. It says that he joined because of the women, but he could have flirted with every girl he laid eyes on without joining the HFA."
"Well... what if I told you his real reason for joining wasn't because of the women?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well it was at the beginning of my junior year..."
One year ago- Cherokee Trail High School
(It was during the first HFA meeting of the year. The attendance had nearly doubled since I first became the leader when I was a freshman. Every Fur at the school, and many humans, were in the HFA. One of my goals was to get every Fur who went to the school to join the HFA. So naturally my first order of business was always...)
"Do we have the list of every new Fur enrolled here?" Ryan asked.
Name: Ryan Age: 17
"Yes, it's on the desk"
"Thank you." Ryan picked up the sheet of paper and down the list.
(There were 17 new Furs at the school. I remember seeing Ken's name on the list, but at that time it had no significance.)
"Alright" Ryan announced. "I'm assigning groups of four to each person on this list. We'll all meet again next week to check the progress of the recruitment."
(A week went by...)
"I'm glad to see some new faces around here" Ryan said as he entered the room. "My name is Ryan and I am the leader of the HFA. I hope each one of you will enjoy your time here. We'll be meeting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from now on.
(It looked like everyone on the list had joined. When I looked at the list on my desk, though, I saw all but one name crossed off: Ken Reynolds.)
"What's the status on Ken Reynolds?" Ryan asked looking at the group who was put in charge on Ken. The group consisted of three Furs and one human; each of them was a girl. Ryan noticed that each one of their faces had a look of anger, embarrassment, or discomfort when he mentioned Ken.
"Um..." the human girl spoke. "I think you may have to handle this one..."
"What's the problem?" Ryan asked confused.
"You'll find out when you meet him..."
(I wasn't angry with the girls; I just wished they had told me the problem. There was no meeting the next day, so I decided to find Ken myself. It was during lunch that I finally found him... in a very bad situation.)
"What the hell did you say!?"
Name: Christian Age: 17 Species: Human
(I recognized the voice. It was Christian. We were friends and teammates on the baseball team back in middle school, but our opposing views on Furs destroyed that friendship. I saw him standing with his girlfriend, Lauren, cornering a Fur I had never seen before. It was then I realized it must have been Ken.)
Name: Ken Species: Fur : Fox Age: 16 Eye Color: Red Fur Color: Red, Black Height: 5'7" Weight: 131 pounds
"I was just saying how hot your girlfriend looks" Ken said with a smile. He looked to Lauren. "Hey, if you ever get bored of this mindless ape I'd be happy to take his place. A pretty girl like you deserves better."
Name: Lauren Species: Human Age: 16 Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Blonde Height: 5'6" Weight: 112 pounds
Lauren 's face turned red.
Christian grabbed Ken at the neck. "No one talks to me or my girlfriend like that! Especially a stupid Fur!"
"Hey!" Lauren said with irritation. "At least he compliments me unlike a certain person I'm dating!"
"Now's not the time to get into this, Lauren!" Christian shouted.
"My offer still stands Lauren" Ken said with a wink despite the increasing painful grip on his neck.
"That's it!" Christian drew his other hand back. "I'm going to-" Christian was interrupted as someone grabbed his fist from behind him.
"Going to do what, Christian?" Ryan said having a firm hold on Christian's fist. "You weren't planning on injuring him were you?" Ryan glared at Christian.
"Ha, it figures you would come to the rescue of a worthless Fur." Christian let go of Ken.
"Still mad at me, Christian?" Ryan asked with a smirk.
(Christian was furious at me for quitting baseball in order to run the HFA.)
"Hell yeah I'm still furious. You were one of the best players and you gave it all up for these pieces of shit!?" Christian pointed to Ken.
"In my eyes you're the one who's a piece of shit."
Christian started tightening his fists. "Watch your mouth, Ryan! Don't make me throw you like a baseball across the hall!"
"Please," Ryan chuckled. "You suck at throwing! The only reason we ever won any games with you is because you never got a hold of the ball. I'm surprised you haven't been kicked off the team yet.
"That's it!" Christian charged at Ryan. Christian kept throwing punches at Ryan left and right, high and low, but none made contact.
(Alongside with him being an incompetent idiot, he was so slow!)
"Slow as ever..." Ryan said while dodging Christian's punches. "I'm surprised you ever made it to first base. It's probably why you were always chosen to bat last."
"Shut up! Like I'm going to listen to a Fur lover! You're just like your bitch of a sister!"
(My rage started to grow when he talked about Nicky that way.)
"She and her boyfriend, if you can even call that freak her boyfriend, both deserved what they got! What do you think of-"
(I silenced him with a punch to the face. I wasn't going to allow him to talk about Nicky and Sean that way.)
"You fucking asshole!" Christian charged at Ryan. His fist aimed at Ryan's face. As if it were happening in slow motion Ryan grabbed Christian's arm. He pulled it with him and turned his shoulder to Christian. Christian's body was lifted off the ground as Ryan pushed up with his shoulder while pulling Christian's arm down. Ryan released Christian's arm as he went flying a few feet.
(To this day I am thankful I had taken Karate when I was younger. I was surprised that I even remembered any moves. It later gave me the idea to start a Karate class for the HFA.)
Christian landed on his back with a loud thump. He could barely move his body as he laid there.
"Don't ever insult Nicky or Sean!" Ryan shouted at Christian.
"Wow..." Ryan turned around to see Ken and Lauren staring wide-eyed at him. "That was so cool, Ryan!" Lauren said excitingly. Hey, um... Would it be possible for me to join the HFA?"
"What the hell are you talking about, Lauren!?" Christian gasped. "I'm not letting my girl join that damn H(FA: "((http://www.furaffinity.net/user/)
"Well I guess you'll need to find a new girlfriend! I'm through with you! You don't like to spend time with me, you're always controlling me, and you don't show me any respect!" She looked to Ken. "At least he's kind enough to compliment me!"
"Whatever... bitch..." Christian passed out.
"I'm sorry for what he said to you Ryan. And I'm sorry for what he did to you um..."
"Ken" Ken cleared his throat.
"So can I join? I've always wanted to since I started school last year, but then I met him..." she glared at Christian.
"Of course you can" Ryan said. "The next meeting is tomorrow after school."
"Thanks! Oh, um... I'll go get someone to pick up Christian. I'll explain that you were doing everything out of self-defense."
"Thanks Lauren" Ryan smiled.
(I later found out that Christian had been expelled. The school had little patience for those who assault other students.)
As Lauren was leaving Ken spoke up. "Wait, Lauren. You still interested?"
Lauren blushed a bit, but looked away. "You seem like a very nice person, Ken, but... the truth is... you kind of scare me with those eyes. I'm sorry..." Lauren started walking away.
Ken's ears flattened against his head as he let out a sigh. "Oh well, guess I'm going to have find the next lucky girl!" Ken said.
(Ken seemed so disappointed at being rejected, but he perked right back up. It surprised me.)
"So you're Ken, huh?" Ryan said.
Ken seemed surprised. "Yeah, that's me."
Ryan extended his hand. "My name's Ryan."
Ken kept looking back and forth from Ryan's face and hand.
"What's wrong?" Ryan asked.
"You're not afraid?"
"Afraid of what?"
"My eyes! Everyone, including other Furs, are intimidated by me. My irises are completely red; it makes me look like a demon... You're the first person to approach me like this."
"I don't think there's anything wrong with them. In fact, I think they're cool."
"You think so...?" Ken blinked.
"Yeah... but wait, why do you keep flirting with girls if you think of yourself as a demon?"
"They may be intimidated by me, but I feel that life's too short to worry about those things! I flirt with every girl in hopes of... finding one who'll accept me. Until then, I just have to keep trying!"
(He had an amazing spirit. I decided to give a suggestion that might have helped him out.)
"Why not join the HFA? You may find that special girl."
"The HFA?" Ken asked. "That's what those four girls were trying to get me to join last week. I put the moves on each of them, but they all walked away without saying another word."
"Yeah... each one of them has a boyfriend."
"That would explain why one looked like she was going to strangle me..."
"So what do you think about joining?"
"No thank you" Ken shook his head. "I hear it's a great place to be, but I don't want to make everyone uncomfortable by being there."
"They won't mind" Ryan said.
"I'm sorry, Ryan. You're the first person to see past my eyes, but I just don't have the confidence for that many people."
ding ding ding
The bell went off signaling that class would start in five minutes. "It was nice to meet you" Ken said as he walked off.
(I didn't think it was fair for Ken to feel embarrassed about his eyes with others. Even if he wasn't going to join the HFA, I decided I would hang out with him so he'd feel accepted. I hanged out with him almost every day. I talked with him during lunch and went places with him after school.)
One month later-
(After a month of hanging out with Ken I realized how hectic being around him was. He literally meant he flirted with every girl! I had to constantly stop him from flirting with the girls who had their boyfriend with them. Taking Ken to the mall was hell...)
"Hey beautiful, want to go o-" Ken was pulled away by Ryan. "What was that for, Ryan!? I was just about to ask her out on a date!"
"Didn't you realize she had her boyfriend with her?"
"Yeah, so? I don't care, she could have been the one for me!"
"I've told you over and over again, Ken, look for single girls!"
"Oh c'mon Ryan! How many single girls do you think there are in high school?"
(He got me there, but I still didn't want him to flirt with girls who had their boyfriends around; I didn't want another Christian incident.)
"I'm just looking out for you, Ken." Ryan's words seemed to have an effect on Ken. Ryan noticed the change in Ken's mood and changed the subject. "How about we go see a movie?"
"Alright!" Ken said with his enthusiasm back.
Ryan and Ken arrived at the Century 21 theatre in the mall. They both looked at what was showing. "So what do you want to see, Ken?"
After looking through the list his ears perked up. "I want to see 'My Best Friend's Girl'"
(I seriously wasn't surprised by his decision.)
Two and half hours later the two walked out of the theatre. The two were silent. Ryan broke the silence. "So can we both agree that was a bad movie?"
"Yeah" Ken said. "I like how he got the girl at the end but... you know I'm surprised we didn't just leave during the film."
"I know what you're saying." Ryan sighed. "Want to go anywhere else?"
Ken thought for a moment. "No, I guess we could just head back now."
"Oh, alright..."
Ryan and Ken started walking to Ken's house. They were silent for ten minutes until Ken spoke up. "I saw a preview for a movie I want to see"
"Which one?" Ryan asked.
(I had a feeling which one he was talking about...)
"Ghosts of Girlfriends Past!"
(And I was right.)
Ryan sighed and laughed.
"What's so funny!?" Ken asked.
"You're so silly. You kind of remind me of how Nicky and Sean were like together."
"Nicky and Sean? I remember hearing those names before" Ken said. "Wasn't Nicky your sister?"
"Yeah. Nicky was my older sister, and Sean... was my older brother."
"Huh?" Ken said with a highly confused tone. "I thought Sean was your sister's boyfriend! And he was a Fur!"
"That's right... we might not have been related by blood but we were brothers. He was always there for me along with Nicky. My parents were, and still are, never around, and after spending so much time with him I grew to think of him as my older brother."
"Even though he was a Fur?" Ken asked.
"I didn't care at all that he was a Fur. I know he felt the same about me."
Ken was silent.
"Do you have any brothers or sisters, Ken?" Ryan asked.
"No... I'm an only child. My mother died shortly after I was born. And my dad... my dad doesn't want to have anything to do with me. He blames me for mom's death... he's the one who called me a devil. " Ken wiped the side of his eye. "You know, I've always been about the future... but that's the one thing in my past I can't forget."
(That was when I found out Ken basically had no one in his entire life. I really felt bad for him.)
"You know..." Ken said. "You're the first person who's spent this much time with me." Ken chuckled. "Even though I constantly annoy you with my flirting... you just...stay..." Ken expression turned into a sad one. "You're the only person who has ever really cared for me."
Ken stopped walking. Ryan stopped in front of him.
(That's when I saw his face... It was the first time I had ever seen Ken cry.)
"Ryan..." Ken said. "Could we... could we be brothers?" Ken said with tears rolling down his face.
(I was blown away by what he said. I had just realized how big of an impact I had on Ken. It made me realize that I was to Ken what Sean was to me. There was only thing I could do.)
Ryan walked up to Ken and wrapped his arms around him. Ryan smiled. "I would love to be your brother, Ken." Ken wrapped his arms around Ryan and cried into his chest.
(He cried for a minute into my chest.)
"Thank you" Ken said as he took his face out of Ryan's chest. The two let go of each other. "Ryan..." Ken said. "Is it too late for me to join the HFA?"
"Of course not, Ken. We're always welcoming people in."
Ken perked up again. "And you said there are many girls...?" he smirked.
"That's right" Ryan smiled.
"Ha, am I going to have to anything to join?"
"No, you'll just have to introduce yourself to everyone. Just tell everyone who you are, something interesting about yourself, and why you decided to join the HFA."
"Why I decided to join?" Ken paused. "...Would it be alright if I told everyone I did for the girls; I mean that's one reason but not the main one. I just don't want everyone to know how I emotional I got just now. You don't mind do you?"
"Of course not, Ken." Ryan smiled.
(I was so glad that Ken finally got the confidence to join.)
"So..." Ryan said. "Are you sure you don't want to go anywhere else?"
Ken smiled. "Let's go to the park. I might just find that one lucky girl."
"Are you sure? It's getting really late. There might not be anyone there besides us."
Ken smiled as he turned around. He started walking "That's fine with me."
Ryan smiled as he ran to catch up with Ken.
Present Day -8:20 a.m.-
"And that's it." Ryan said.
"Wow... I would never have guessed that about Ken."
"Well don't go telling anyone else, and don't go teasing Ken about this either."
"I understand... So will you be arriving at 9:30?"
"Yeah and I'm bringing a guest."
"A guest?"
"Yeah, her name is Kathy. She's a German Shepherd Fur."
"And she's coming with you?"
"Yeah she spent the night with me."
Jade was silent on the other side of the phone. "Ryan... what exactly do you mean by that?"
"Oh stop thinking like that, Jade!" Ryan looked at the clock. "Look, I'm going to take a shower now. If I have time later today I'll tell you the full story, okay?"
"Alright, Ryan. Just don't be late like you were last time!"
"It was only five minutes!"
"It's still late!" Jade chuckled.
"Whatever, Jade. I'm hanging up now." Ryan ended the call. Ryan walked upstairs and started the shower in the bathroom.
After about ten minutes Ryan turned off the shower. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. He looked at the time. "8:30, huh? I guess I'll wake Kathy up in fifteen minutes.
Ryan walked into his room and saw Kathy was already awake. "Oh, good morning Kat-" Ryan was interrupted as Kathy pounced on him. Ryan was in a confused state. "Kathy, what are you-" he was silenced as Kathy brought her muzzle to his mouth.
After a while of making out Ryan ended the kiss. "Wasn't expecting that, not that I'm complaining or anything" Ryan smiled.
Kathy smiled back at Ryan as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "So, have anything planned today?"
"I do, but it's a surprise" Ryan smirked.
"Surprise, huh?"
"Yep. We can leave after you take a shower."
"Just what are you implying?" Kathy raised an eyebrow.
(Shit! That didn't come out right!) Ryan thought.
"Nothing! I just thought you would love to take a shower."
Kathy paused for a moment. "Alright. Could you show me where the bathroom is?"
"Sure" Ryan said as they both got off the floor. He led her to the furthest room down the hallway. "Here it is. There are towels in that cupboard over there. I'll start the water." Ryan opened the shower door and turned the knobs. Steam started to rise. "That should do it. If you need anyth |
-" Ryan was cut off as Kathy grabbed him by the arm.
Kathy started dragging Ryan into the shower with her. Ryan's towel dropped to the ground.
"But I already took a shower" Ryan said.
"So?" Kathy smirked as she pulled Ryan in with her.
The steaming water was pouring down on Ryan and Kathy as they both just stood there staring at each other.
Ryan watched as the water matted down Kathy's fur to her body. (Wow... I can't believe I didn't notice it last night...)
"You know..." Ryan said without thinking. "You look really... sexy when you're all wet." Ryan blushed furiously when he realized what he had just said.
Ryan could see traces of blush on Kathy's cheeks but she didn't say anything. She wasn't even looking at his face. (What is she looking at...?) Ryan then realized where she was staring. No sooner had he figured it out Kathy turned away.
(She must be going through what I did last night.)
Ryan got closer to Kathy and wrapped his arms around her body. He brought his head close to hers and whispered into her ear. "It's alright to be embarrassed. I was when I watched you last night."
Kathy spun around in his arms. She wrapped her arms around Ryan's neck and gave him a quick kiss. The two of them embraced as the water continued to pour down their bodies.
9:25 a.m.- Utah Park
"Here we are" Ryan said as he and Kathy arrived at Utah park. "This place has everything. There's an indoor swimming pool over there, four tennis courts, two basketball courts, a soccer field, and my personal favorite; a baseball field. And all of it is centered around that man-made lake." Ryan pointed.
"Wow..." Kathy gazed at the sight. "And you said that the HFA reserves the whole park every Saturday?"
"Actually we only reserve the baseball field. We don't have enough resources to reserve the whole park yet."
"Wow" Kathy said with amazement.
Ryan smiled. "C'mon. We're supposed to meet the others at baseball field." Ryan grabbed Kathy's paw as he led her to the baseball field."
As they got closer to the field they noticed someone standing outside the entrance. Ryan chuckled as they came to a stop. "Good to see you, Jade."
Name: Jade Age: 19 Species: Fur : Wolf Eye Color: Blue Fur Color: Black, White Height: 6'0" Weight: 190 pounds
"You too, Ryan; I'm surprised you actually came on time."
"Gee, thanks Jade" Ryan rolled his eyes.
Jade looked to Kathy. "Ah, you must be Kathy."
"That's right"
"Ryan, I'll bring Kathy to her seat. Be ready to come out in fifteen minutes."
"Alright, alright." Ryan started walking off. "I guess it's about time to start this" Ryan said with a smile.
Kathy's Side
"Ryan, I'll bring Kathy to her seat. Be ready to come out in fifteen minutes .
"Alright, alright. I guess it's about time to start this" Ryan said as he walked off.
"Follow me Kathy." Jade started walking to the entrance of the field. Kathy followed.
The two entered the field. Kathy couldn't believe her eyes. She estimated there were enough seats for 4,000 people, and almost all of them were filled with humans and Furs of all kinds. "Is everyone here in the HFA?"
"That's right."
"I never would have guessed there were this many people..." Kathy said in awe.
"Wouldn't have been possible without Ryan" Jade said as they finally reached their seats.
"Ryan did all of this? But you seem to be the one who's always so organized."
"True" Jade said. "I may be organized but I don't have Ryan's enthusiasm... Makes me think back to when I first met Ryan."
"How long have you known Ryan for, Jade?" Kathy asked curiously.
"We met in late January... so eight months ago."
"Really? How did you two meet?"
"Well it was when-"
"Hey Jade!" a voice came from behind. "Oh! Who's this beautiful creature?"
"Ken... do you want me to smack you in the head like I did at the store?" Jade said with irritation.
Name: Ken Age: 17
"Geez... no need to get angry Jade. I'm just doing what I always do; flirting with the hot new girl."
"Well I'm telling you not to flirt with Kathy."
"Kathy, huh? Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."
"Ken, I'm serious!" Jade was getting frustrated.
"I'm serious too... seriously in love."
Jade grabbed hold of Ken's shoulder and yanked him down. "What the hell, Jade!?" Ken yelled as his head was brought next to Jade's mouth. Jade whispered something into Ken's ear.
(What is Jade saying?) Kathy thought, unable to hear anything.
Ken's eyes widened when Jade was done. Jade let go of Ken. "I'm so sorry Kathy! I didn't know you and Ryan were a couple."
"I told you not to say anything, Ken!" Jade shouted.
Kathy just blushed. (How are they finding out? Are we even a couple? I love Ryan. I know he loves me back, right? What am I thinking; of course he does! Does that make us a couple then? I need to change the subject!)
"So what were you saying about how you met Ryan, Jade?" Kathy asked.
"You're telling a story about Ryan?" Ken asked. "I want to hear!"
"Why?" Jade asked with a slight smile.
"Because... I'm just curious! I'm interested in learning things about our leader."
"Hmm... are you sure it's because Ryan is our leader and not your... 'big brother'?" Jade's smile turned into a full smirk."
"Wh-what!? Ryan and I aren't brothers! We-"
"I know the story, Ken. Just sit down if you want hear my story." Ken's ears flattened slightly as he sat down.
"As I was saying before, I met Ryan for the first time when he came to my high school after school was out..."
Eight Months Ago- Grandview High School
Name: Ryan Age: 17
"Excuse me" Ryan said as he entered the room. "Is this where the FPO meet?"
(It was during a meeting of the Fur-Pride Organization that Ryan came in. Unlike the HFA, the FPO had no interest in dealing with humans. The FPO was all about bringing Furs who had been hurt or mistreated by humans. Let's just say Ryan wasn't a welcomed sight...)
"What fuck do you want, human!?" a Tiger Fur said. "Come to start trouble? Maybe we all should punish you for what humans have done to us!"
(Ryan didn't seem to be distressed at all.)
"I'm looking for Jade Wolfe" said Ryan.
"The fuck you say!? What makes you think we're going to let you see Jade? You should leave now while you still can."
"I'm not leaving until I talk to Jade."
The Tiger Fur stood up. "Guess you need to learn the hard way. You're stubborn just like all other humans!" The Fur charged at Ryan swinging a paw towards Ryan's face.
(I had to admit I was impressed with Ryan; every other human who had walked in on the FPO usually ran at the first sight of conflict. What's more I was surprised by what he did next.)
(What did he do?(
(Shut up Ken! I'm getting to it!)
The Fur's claws got closer and closer to Ryan's face. Instantly Ryan stepped out of the way and brought his elbow down on the back of the Fur's neck, sending him down.
(Every Fur in the room, including myself, stared wide-eyed at what had just happened. I remember he whispered something...)
"Boy am I glad I decided to introduce karate to the HFA" Ryan chuckled to himself.
"You fucking laughing!?" another Fur said. Every Fur was preparing to charge at Ryan.
"Enough!" a stern voice in back echoed.
"But Jade!"
Name: Jade Age: 18
"But nothing! Let me handle this" Jade walked closer to Ryan. He stopped right in front of him.
Ryan smiled. "So you're Jade, huh?" Ryan held up his right hand. "Name's Ryan."
Jade didn't return the gesture. "Why are you here?"
"You get right down to business, huh?" said Ryan. "I'm sure you know of the HFA, right?"
"I have heard of it; it's the main reason why so many Furs are transferring out of Grandview and into Cherokee Trail. The Fur population is dwindling here. The 27 of us are basically all that's left. Why? What relationship do you have with the HFA?"
"I'm the leader of the HFA" Ryan said straightut.
(Everyone held great rage for the HFA and its leader. The atmosphere turned deadly in that room.)
Jade chuckled. "Have you come here to gloat? Come to brag how Furs seem to prefer the HFA over the FPO?"
"No... I've come to propose an alliance between the two." Jade eyes went wide.
"Today's meeting is over" Jade told the others.
"Why!?" a Fur yelled. "We just started!"
"I said it's over! Everyone go home." The other Furs all reluctantly got their stuff and left one by one until only Ryan and Jade were left.
Jade sighed. "Take a seat." Ryan and Jade sat across from each other. "Why the FPO?"
"Excuse me?" Ryan asked.
"Why did you come to the FPO?"
"I already told you that-"
"I know what you said, but why did you specifically come here? I know each school has a variation of the HFA. You could have easily gone to one of them instead."
"True, but I'm more interested in you than the FPO."
(I was confused by his reasoning. I didn't know why he was interested in me.)
"Me? What do I have to do with anything?"
"Do you remember Nicky Anderson?"
(I hadn't heard that name in long time...)
"I remember. We met two years ago when I formed the FPO. She too had proposed that we form an alliance. She convinced me and told me it could happen within a few months, but..."
"She died before it could happen..." Ryan finished.
(We were both silent for a while.)
"I was saddened by her death" said Jade. "The FPO soon became populated by Furs who hated humans. It drove off those who didn't share their views. I soon found myself as a leader of a club that I despised."
"Why didn't you leave?"
"It was only because I was the leader that they didn't do anything stupid. I fear what would happen if I gave one of them control... not that it matters now; I'll be graduating in a few months so I'll have no choice."
"Well then" Ryan smiled. "I guess you should act fast and have the FPO join the HFA."
"It's not that simple, Ryan. Everyone in the FPO hates the HFA. If I announce we're merging with you then I'll lose all of them."
"I don't think you'll lose all of them Jade; I wouldn't be surprised if all them decided to stay."
"What are you talking about?"
"Every Fur at this school is a member of the FPO, and somehow each one of them has something against humans. That can't be a coincidence. I believe most, if not all, of the Furs in the FPO joined just to feel accepted. If everyone left then there wouldn't be a place that accepts them; at least in their minds there isn't."
Jade was silent.
"Look, Jade" said Ryan. "I'm not going to force you into joining." Ryan stands up. "I want you to just think about it. I'll be back tomorrow; you can tell me your decision then."
(Ryan left after that. I just sat there in that room, thinking of what to do. Eventually I decided to head home.)
Later that Evening-
"I'm home" Jade said as he entered his home.
"Whatever..." a voice came.
(I never enjoyed coming home. Not when he was there.)
(Trace, my twin brother.)
Name: Trace Age: 18 Species: Fur : Wolf Eye Color: Gray Fur Color: White Height: 5'11" Weight: 175 pounds
(That's because I don't like to mention him, Ken! He annoys me just like you, but for different reasons...)
"So... did you try to find a job today?" Jade asked.
"No" Trace replied.
Jade glared at Trace, who was lying on the couch. "Did you even go to school today?"
"Why the fuck not!?"
"...No point."
"No point!? Look I know it's been hard since mom and dad died, but that's no damn reason to just waste your life away!"
(Mom and died had died two months earlier around Thanksgiving time. They were on their way home from the store when they were hit head on by a drunk driver. We both took it very hard, but I was able to get back up. Trace just felt like there wasn't any meaning to life. I was the one who had to get a part-time job just so we could stay in the apartment. I would have kicked him out if he wasn't my brother. At least that was the only reason until...)
"If you're not going to go to school then you might as well find a job! I can't keep this up forever!"
"If it's money you're worried about... don't worry about it" Trace said. He reached in his pocket and pulled something up and held it in view of Jade. "Here, take it."
(In his hand was money. My eyes went wide. I took the money and counted how much there was... it was 500 dollars.)
"I thought you said you didn't have a job..." Jade said.
"...I don't..." with that Trace stood up and walked towards the door. "I'm going out. Don't wait up for me." Trace closed the door behind him.
(I didn't know what was going on. I wanted to ask him how he obtained the money, but... I couldn't bring myself to. We really needed the money... it wasn't until later on that I found out what he was doing...)
(So? What was he doing?(
(None of your damn business Ken!)
(Sorry, but what's the point of mentioning it if you're not going to share it?(
(Just shut up!)
Jade tossed the money of the table as he laid himself down on the couch.
(My thoughts were brought back to Ryan's proposal. For hours I tried to pull my thoughts together and find a solution. I kept thinking about how Ryan said that the FPO consisted of Furs who had no hatred to humans whatsoever, but just wanted to be accepted)
"Could they really not hate humans? Is it all just an act? Do they feel they need to act like that to fit in with the others?"
(As I was thinking the door opened; Trace had come back. I decided to get his opinion...)
"Do you hate humans?"
"Really? Even though it was a human who killed mom and dad?"
"I don't give a shit about that! I hate the guy who killed mom and dad, not his species... If I did, I wouldn't be any better than the humans... I'm going to bed." Trace walked to his room.
"Good night..." Jade said. He didn't get a response.
(Trace might not do much, but that night he helped me reach my decision...)
The Next Day- Grandview High School
(At the FPO meeting I explained that I had to discuss something with them. Soon after Ryan walked in the same way he did the day before.)
"Hope I'm not interrupting anything" Ryan said.
"No, you've actually come at a good time, there's something I need to tell you and everyone else here."
"I see" Ryan said. Ryan went and stood by Jade.
"Everyone..." Jade started. "I have decided make the FPO a part of the HFA."
(The room instantly went into an uproar)
"You sold us out!?" "There's no way I'm working with humans!" "This is all that humans fault!"
"Quiet!" Jade shouted. The room went silent. "If you don't like it so much then why don't you just leave! I'm not going to force you to stay."
Everyone just stayed where they were. "How many of you actually hate humans? I want the truth!" They all remained still. "So you're telling me that all of you have been bragging about how much you hate humans, and now every single one of you don't!?"
(I didn't know how Ryan knew, but he was right.) "I know it's hard for us Furs" Jade said. "I know it's hard for us to find a place where we can all feel accepted, but we shouldn't have to lie to ourselves or others in order to achieve it. We can be ourselves in the HFA."
"But, Jade..." a Fur said. "We've all come to accept you as our leader, what's going to happen to you?"
"That's why I asked the FPO first" Ryan said as he interrupted Jade. "The HFA will soon be too big and widespread for me to handle by myself. That's why I've decided to make Jade my second-in-command. When I'm not around Jade will be in control of the HFA. When I am around, however, he'll still be in charge of those from Grandview and the area surrounding it."
(Everyone seemed to relax after Ryan explained what would happen.)
"You all will continue to meet here until Jade and I establish a place where everyone will gather. For now you can all go home for the day."
All of the Furs just sat there smiling. "I thought you said Jade would always have command over us" one Fur said.
Ryan smiled. "I did... Jade, if you would..."
"Go home!" Jade yelled while smiling.
All of the Furs started leaving the room. The last one was Squirrel Fur. The Fur walked up to Ryan. "You know... ever since your little... introduction yesterday, I haven't been able to stop thinking of you. I wouldn't mind taking orders from you, handsome."
"Leave him alone, Ricky" Jade said.
Name: Ricky Age: 16 Species: Fur : Squirrel Eye Color: Hazel Fur Color: Gold, Brown Height: 5'7" Weight: 123 pounds.
Ricky giggled. "I'll be seeing you around, handsome." Ricky made his tail pass across Ryan's face.
(From that day on Ricky has been flirting with Ryan whenever he had the chance.)
(Ha, I guess Ryan attracts the ladies and the guys too.(
When it was just Ryan and Jade they both took a seat. "Sorry about Ricky."
"It's alright, I have my own fan club back at Cherokee Trail."
(Big bro sure is pretty lucky... I mean Ryan is pretty lucky!(
(It's don't care if you call him 'big bro', Ken. Just stop interrupting me!)
"So how did you know?"
"Well they made it quite obvious. They're practically wearing 'I Love Ryan' t-shirts."
Jade stared at Ryan. "I'm talking about how you knew they wouldn't leave."
"Oh that. Well you know how students have been transferring from here to Cherokee Trail, right?"
"I do..." " Well, many of them had been part of the FPO. When I asked each of them why they left they all had the same answer. They were tired of acting like they hated humans. They told me there were many in the FPO that felt the same way."
"I see... Well I'm glad you were right."
The two just sat in silence. "So... where do we go from here?" asked Jade.
"Well... now that Grandview high school has joined the HFA, the next thing to do will be to get the other major high schools in the area to join as well. Something both of us will do."
Jade nodded his head. "I think this is the beginning of something that will change Denver forever."
"Oh, I don't plan to stop with just Denver. I won't stop until the entire United States has come to accept Furs as equals. I made a promise..."
(That was when I saw how much all of this meant to Ryan.)
"I'll be with you the entire way" Jade smiled as he held out his paw. Ryan smiled back and shook his paw.
The two started to leave. "By the way..." Ryan said. "You seem really serious, Jade. I hope you can handle Ken."
"He's a relatively new member of the HFA. He can be... quite a handful."
"Oh trust me, I have a brother who drives me crazy; I'm sure I can handle Ken."
"Alright... why don't you tell me about your brother..."
Ryan and Jade walked out the door as Jade starting telling Ryan about Trace.
Present Day-
"I later found out I was wrong about being able to handle you, Ken!" Jade glared at Ken.
Ken just rolled his eyes. "Big bro doesn't seem to have a problem with me." Ken stuck his tongue at Jade.
"And I'll never understand why that is!"
"So what happened after the two of you teamed up?" Kathy asked.
Jade's attention went back to Kathy. "Within a month all five major high schools in the area had joined the HFA: Cherokee Trail, Grandview, Gateway, Eaglecrest, and Overland. Each had their own club much like the HFA, but at a smaller scale. Ryan gave them each the same rights as he had given me, and established a chain of command. We've been expanding ever since then; going to every elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and university. That's why there are people of all ages here."
"Does Trace ever come?" Ken asked.
"No, he just stays home all day doing nothing and practically stays out for the entire night... only to come back with money..."
(Jade mentioned something about knowing what Trace was doing...)
"Jade, you told us you found out what Trace was doing. Will you tell us?"
Jade remained silent as he looked at the ground. "...I guess I can tell you... You see, I found out that Trace is-"
Jade was suddenly cut off as the rest of the crowd started cheering. Kathy, Jade, and Ken looked down at the field and saw Ryan walking to the pitcher's mound.
Ryan held a microphone in his hand. As he stepped on the mound he brought it up to his mouth. "Who's excited to be here?"
The cheers roared again.
Ryan whistled. "That's a lot of excitement. For those of you who are new, Saturday is 'Fun Day' for the HFA. You all work hard six days a week raising funds, throwing events, and gaining new members. Today is the day you all get to focus on yourselves and have fun!"
The crowd cheered.
"So here's today's schedule: After this speech is over at around 10:00 a.m. all of the food stalls will be set up on the field. It'll take about 30 minutes before everything is ready; until then all of you are free to stay seated or come down to the field. Once done you'll get to treat yourself to many different treats made by the HFA culture club. Speaking of which let's give a round of applause to every member of the culture club for preparing all of it."
The crowd started to applaud.
"And another round of applause for the two presidents of the culture club; Lauren and Ricky."
Kathy saw two people stand up; one was a blonde human girl and the other was a golden-brown squirrel Fur.
"Love ya, Hun!" Ricky shouted. The crowd started laughing.
"Down boy!" Ryan said with a stern voice, but immediately started laughing afterwards.
"Let me continue with today's schedule" Ryan said as he caught his breath. "Food will be served from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Entertainment such as music and games will be available during this time as well. At 2:30 everyone must return to their seats while we clean up the field; this will take about 30 minutes. At about 3:00 p.m. we'll start what's become a tradition here every Saturday, and my favorite event, a baseball game!"
The crowd cheered.
"Remember; if you want a chance to play in the game, just submit your name. If it's called, you play! And when the game is over we'll set up the equipment to watch the movie. You were all given the chance to vote for which movie would show tonight; so instead of telling you which movie won right now, I'm just going to surprise you all later today."
(A movie, huh? I haven't seen a movie since...) Kathy closed her eyes. (Thinking back on it now, what happened to Bruce was similar to what happened to me. His parents were taken away from him, and my brothers were taken away from me. His parents were killed leaving the opera; my brothers were killed walking home from the theatre.)
Kathy's body shook. (It's disturbingly similar...)
"Although he won't be coming until later on," Ryan announced. "Let's all give a hand to Eric Johnson for providing the projector and stereo system that allows all of us to watch movies here."
The crowd clapped.
Ryan looked at his cell phone. "Well, it's 9:55 a.m. So at this time I would like every member of the culture club to please come down to the field to begin setting up."
Kathy looked around and saw around 100 people getting up.
When all of them walked onto the field Ryan continued. "And with that, let HFA Fun Day begin!"
The crowd roared.
"So what do we now?" Kathy asked Jade and Ken.
"I'm sure Ryan wants me to bring you to him. He might want you to meet some people." Jade said.
"Alright" Kathy nodded.
"Cool, I'll come with you!" Ken said excitedly.
Jade sighed. "Fine... let's go." The three walked down the stairs to the field. Jade led Kathy and Ken into the dugout where Ryan was in a conversation with three other people.
Ryan turned around. "Ah Jade, Kathy... Ken? I'm surprised Jade allowed you to follow him."
"I knew how much he wanted to see his older brother" Jade smirked. Ken smiled and rubbed the back of his head.
Ryan sighed and stared at Jade. "I told you not to tease him, Jade."
"Sorry, Ryan. I couldn't resist this one."
"Oh did you finally tell Jade about Ken, Ryan?" a voice behind Ryan said.
"Yep." Ryan looked to Kathy. "Kathy I would like you to meet my inner circle" Ryan motioned Kathy to the group of three he was talking to earlier. Ryan started with the person on the left. "This is Olivia."
Name: Olivia Age: 16 Species: Fur : Lion Eye Color: Blue Fur Color: Gold Height: 5'6" Weight: 107 pounds Special Note: Third-In-Command of HFA
Name: Regina Age: 19 Species: Human Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Brunette Height: 5'9" Weight: 129 pounds Special Note: Fourth-In-Command of HFA
Name: Derek Age: 18 Species: Fur : Bear Eye Color: Gold Fur Color: Brown Height: 6'1" Weight: 233 pounds Special Note: Fifth-In-Command of HFA
Ryan looked to Jade. "And of course you've met Jade." Jade stood to the right of Olivia. "The five of us are the leaders of the HFA."
"And we're all very excited to meet you, Kathy!" Olivia said coming closer to Kathy. "You got to tell us what happened with you and Ryan last night!"
Kathy started blushing. (What happened with us last night? How did they even know I was with Ryan!?)
Ryan glared at Jade. "You seem to be having a hard time keeping quiet today, Jade."
Jade smiled "Because you've been giving me so much to work with today."
"You know Jade, I like you better when you're all serious." Ryan sighed. "Look nothing happened last night, ok."
Olivia smiled and slowly walked over to Ryan. "Nothing, huh? Not even a little... kissing?"
Ryan and Kathy's faces went red.
"I knew it!" Olivia said with excitement.
"I'm surprised, Ryan" Regina commented. "You've been involved with the HFA for almost three years and not once have you ever had a girlfriend, human or Fur. I mean, it's not like there hasn't been girls who've practically thrown themselves at you!"
"I wish the girls were interested in me like that" Ken chuckled.
"But Ken" Derek said. "There is one-"
Regina elbowed Derek in the side. She got close to Derek's right ear. "We promised her we wouldn't let Ken know!"
"Sorry..." Derek whispered.
"What were you saying, Derek?" Ken asked.
"Oh... I was just saying there is one... disadvantage if that were to happen to you."
"Really?" Ken raised his brow. "What would that be?"
"Oh... um... well if every girl wanted to be with you then how would you know which is 'the one' like you keep saying?"
Ken looked up and was silent. "I guess I would have to date each of them one-byne; it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make" Ken smirked.
"Then they'd have a reason to slap you, one-byne" Jade commented.
"Jade, are you implying I don't have a chance with any girl?" Ken's ears flattened.
"Implying? I'm saying it straight out."
Ken looked away from Jade and the others. "I'm going to take a walk, Ryan; I'll talk to you later. Ken walked out of the dugout.
(Poor Ken...)
Olivia came close to Kathy. "Could you maybe go with him, Kathy?"
"Ask him to show you around. It might calm him down."
"What about Ryan?"
"Ryan, along with the rest of us, is going to be very busy for a while. Just go and have fun with Ken."
"...Alright" Kathy gave in. (Although I'd rather have Ryan give me a tour.) Kathy rushed out of the dugout so she could catch up with Ken.
A few seconds after she caught up with Ken. "You alright, Ken?"
"I'm fine, Kathy. Jade always says things to me. Usually they're just about the things I do that annoy him, but... that was the first time he's ever said anything like that."
"...Does he hate you?"
"I don't know Kathy. To tell you the truth, I don't care if he likes me or not. I joined the HFA because of Ryan; he was the first person who actually treated me like I wasn't a freak or a nuisance." Ken stopped walking. "So did you need something?"
"Actually, I was wondering if you could show me around."
"Why didn't you have Ryan show you around?"
(Trust me, I wish he was.) "Ryan and the others are busy, and since you're the only other person I've met here..." Ken's tail started wagging side-to-side. "Sure! It'll be fun! They're almost done setting up the stands; let's go!"
Ryan's Side
After Kathy left the dugout Ryan turned to Jade. "Jade, I'm glad you got Ken to leave," Ryan turned to Olivia. "And you too, Olivia, for convincing Kathy to follow Ken, but I wish you would have done it in a nicer way, Jade."
"Sorry, Ryan, but I had to make sure Ken would leave. We can't let anyone else hear us now."
"Then why weren't the two of you concerned with Kathy?" Derek asked.
"I wanted Kathy to meet all of you. Afterwards I would have had someone show her around."
"So how did you two meet?" Olivia asked with a smile.
"Don't we have a more important issue to discuss?" Jade asked rhetorically.
"Fine, let's put it to a vote!" Olivia said. "All those who are interested in hearing the story raise your hand." Three hands went up: Olivia's, Regina's, and Derek's. "Majority rules!" Olivia said.
Jade sighed.
"Now tell us the story, Ryan!" Olivia shouted excitedly.
Ryan was taken aback. "We |
ll last night after I got off work I saved her from three men who were going to rape and kill her."
"Oh my god..." Regina said. "And then you took her to your place?"
"Not exactly..." Ryan rubbed the back of his head.
"Huh?" Olivia said with a confused expression.
"Well at the time I got distracted by catching the bus."
"Bus?" Derek asked. "You mean you found her downtown?"
"Then how'd she get out here? In the city they don't allow Furs to ride the bus."
"Maybe she sprouted wings and followed you, Ryan" Jade said jokingly.
"You mean like the dream you had where you sprouted wings, Jade?" Ryan retorted.
The others looked at Jade. Olivia smiled. "Sounds interesting; I guess we'll talk about that next time. But seriously, Ryan, how did Kathy follow you?"
"She hitched a ride... on top of the bus I was riding..."
Silence filled the air. Ryan saw the others each had wide eyes.
"How romantic!" Olivia said. A girl meets her knight in shining armor and follows him home. It's like a fairy-tale... sort of..."
"That's all I'm going to say" Ryan stated.
"That's alright." Olivia smiled. "We already have a sense of what you two did last night."
"Great" Jade said. "Now can we discuss the main issue?"
All of their expressions turned serious. "Did you find out anymore about your brother, Jade?" Ryan asked.
"Yes. You're all aware of how my brother has been obtaining so much money, right?"
All of them nodded. "Narcotics..." Derek said.
"Correct. Recently I found out that Trace isn't working alone; he, along with many others, is working under one man."
"Who?" Ryan asked.
"All I know is that his name is Steven."
"Steven, huh?" Ryan muttered.
"I haven't seen him, but I have heard stories. Apparently he prefers having Furs work for him rather than humans, but only because he makes more profit off of them. And when he sees that a Fur isn't meeting a certain quota, he finds a reason to kill them. It could be something as big as stealing money, or as insignificant as missing a meeting."
"That's horrible!" Regina said.
"It gets worse I'm afraid... Recently I found out that Steven has been building up his gang. He's planning something that can be compared to the Fur massacre so many years ago."
"What!?" Olivia shouted. "I thought he preferred Furs to humans!"
"He does when it comes to making a profit. Personally, however, he despises Furs." "He's soon going to kill every Fur associated with his gang... including Trace."
The others were silent. "How long do we have?" Derek asked.
Jade looked at the ground. "...He starts tomorrow at midnight..."
The other four's eyes shot open. "We have no choice then..." Ryan said. "We'll strike tomorrow night."
The five of them nodded. "We'll discuss more of this when Eric arrives later today" Ryan stated. The others nodded again.
boom boom boom
A few fireworks went off. "It appears everything is set up now" Ryan said. "Well, I guess it's time for us to get back to work." Ryan started to smile. "Let's enjoy today!"
The others started to smile. Each one of them left the dugout one-byne until only Ryan and Jade were left. "Thank you, Ryan" Jade said.
"No problem, Jade. We're going to save your brother along with the rest of the Furs."
Jade smiled. "So what are you going to do now?"
"I'm just going to go check on the culture club and see how they're doing. Then if I see Kathy and Ken I'll hang out with them."
Jade nodded as Ryan was walking out of the dugout. "Oh, Jade, could you submit Kathy's name for the baseball drawing, please."
Jade smirked. "And by 'submit' you mean..."
"Make sure her name is called, of course" Ryan smiled as he walked out of the dugout.
A few minutes later Ryan approached a collection of food stands. (I know the two of them are around here somewhere...) Suddenly a fuzzy golden-brown tail rubbed up against his face from behind. Without turning around Ryan said "Hello Ricky. Is Lauren with you as well?"
"Nope. It's just you and me, hun."
Name: Ricky Age: 17
"Ricky, there are people all around us."
"But I can only focus on the one in front of me."
Ryan turned around. "You need a boyfriend, Ricky."
"Is that a proposal!?" Ricky asked with excitement.
Ryan chuckled. "No, Ricky, you know I'm straight."
"I enjoy a challenge!"
"Oh would you leave Ryan alone, Ricky." The two turned towards the voice.
"Stop ruining my fun, Lauren!"
Name: Lauren Age: 17
"You're supposed to overseeing the others! Quit flirting with Ryan and get back to work!"
"Fine, fine!" Ricky walked away pouting. "Women!" Ricky shouted.
Lauren sighed and looked to Ryan. "You need something, Ryan?"
"Just came to see how everything is going."
"Really? You could have just asked Ricky about-" Lauren gazed past Ryan.
Ryan turned around and saw Ken and Kathy walking around with an assortment of snacks. He saw the two of them were laughing. (Looks like Kathy's having a good time and Ken's cheered up, but I wonder what they're laughing about. Is it about me? Nah, what embarrassing things could Ken tell Kathy? ...)
"Who's that with Ken?" Lauren asked.
"That's Kathy. I brought her here.
"I see... She and Ken seem to be having a good time..."
"Jealous, Lauren?"
Lauren's face went red. "What!? Of course not! Why should I be jealous that Ken is with a girl who's not slapping him, huh?"
Ryan smiled. "You don't have to hide it Lauren; Regina and Derek told me."
Lauren's face turned redder. "I guess some people just can't keep secrets, huh?"
(Tell me about it...) Ryan rolled his eyes thinking of Jade. "Why don't you tell him?"
"I can't. Not after what I said to him last year..."
"About his eyes scaring you?"
"Yeah... I'm sure he hates me for that..."
"Trust me, Lauren, if there's one thing I know about Ken it's that he doesn't hold grudges against anyone."
Lauren faced Ryan. "So... I still might have a chance with him?"
Ryan looked behind Lauren for a brief second and started to grin.
"Sorry, I couldn't hear you. Could you say it again?"
Lauren shouted "I said do you I think I still have a chance with -"
Lauren shrieked and turned around. "Ken!"
(Why Ken? Why couldn't you have just waited a second longer!?) Ryan thought while shaking his head.
Ken's ears drooped slightly. "Oh... sorry, Lauren; I didn't mean to scare you again..."
Lauren's eyes went wide. "Oh no! You've got it wrong, Ken. I... I..." Lauren's face turned red.
Ryan stepped in. "I was just giving Lauren some advice on expressing her feelings to someone she really likes."
"Really?" Ken asked. "Who is he?"
Lauren looked at Ryan with a scared look on her face. She shook her head slightly. Ryan knew what she was trying to say. "She didn't tell me who, but I was about to tell her that she should tell him tonight."
Lauren's eyes went wide. "Tonight?" asked Ken. "You mean during the movie?"
"That's right. I was telling her how to go about it. When she finds him sitting down she'll walk up to him and take a seat right next to him. "
Ken, Kathy, and Lauren had a confused look on their faces. "Huh?" Ken blurted out. "How will sitting next to the guy show him how Lauren feels?"
Lauren gasped from realization. Ryan smirked. "Because I'm sure the person she sits next to will understand the significance of it.
Ken shook his head, not completely understanding the concept. "Well good luck, Lauren. Don't be intimidated by him."
Lauren looked down at the ground. "I have to get back to work..." She walked away.
(Lauren... what will you do? I've given you the best opportunity to show Ken how you feel.)
Once Lauren was out of sight Kathy walked up to Ryan. "I practically haven't been able to spend any time with you today." Kathy wrapped her arms around Ryan's chest. She turned her head towards Ken. "Not that I didn't enjoy spending time with you, Ken."
Ken chuckled. "I know; you just prefer big bro over me." Ryan and Kathy embraced each other. Ken sighed. "You two want me to leave?"
Ryan chuckled. "No Ken; I thought all three of us could spend time with each other."
Ken smiled. "Oh yeah? What do you have in mind?"
Ryan looked checked the time on his cell phone. "Well... We have three hours until the stands will be taken down. What do you say we try every dish at every stand?"
Kathy smiled. "Sounds good to me."
Three walked off. "So which should we try first?"
Kathy's Side
3:15 p.m.-
All of the food stands had been taken down and the field was cleared of trash. Kathy was back sitting next to Ken. "So what was your favorite, Kathy?" Ken asked.
"Strawberry crepes! Definitely the strawberry crepes!" Kathy said with glee. "What about you?"
"Oh, I've always been a fan of their handmade pizzas. The crispy crust, the smooth sauce, the gooey cheese, all those fresh toppings..." Ken started drooling and his stomach growled.
"Ken, we just got through eating! How can you still be hungry!?"
"I really love pizza!" Ken emphasized.
Kathy giggled. "Apparently... So the baseball game's next?"
"Yep. Did you submit your name?"
"Oh no, I forgot..." (Actually I don't think I could play baseball)
Ken chuckled. "Don't worry; I'm sure Ryan had your name put in."
(What!?) "Well... the chances of me playing are pretty slim."
Ken started snickering. "Your odds of playing might be higher than you think Kathy."
Kathy raised her brow. "Ken, what do you mean by that?"
Ken smirked "You'll see... and it looks like it'll be very soon." Ken and Kathy saw Ryan on the field again.
"Did everyone enjoy the food?" Ryan received cheers from the audience. "Excellent. The clean up took a little longer than expected, but now we're ready for the big game!"
The audience cheered as Jade walked onto the field with an envelope. Jade handed Ryan the envelope and stood next to him. "Alright; in my hand I have the list of every person that will be playing today. Jade and I will alternate reading each name; if I call your name you'll be on my team, if Jade calls your name you'll be on his team. Let's begin!" Ryan opened the envelope and held it between him and Jade. They started reading off the names.
(What if I am on the list? But they said it was all random, right?) Kathy noticed Ryan and Jade were calling people by their first and last name. (Wait! There's no way I could be called; Ryan doesn't know my last name, which I probably should tell him. The only recent person I told my last name to was Ken a couple hours ago. There's no way Ryan-"
"Kathy Williams" Ryan announced into the microphone.
Kathy sat there with her eyes wide. "H... how did he... how did he find out?" Realization hit her as she looked at Ken. "Ken! You told Ryan my last name!?"
"Well... Actually he was going to ask you your last name earlier, but I told him you told me and so I told him that I would give him your name if he did something for me and he told me he would."
"And that was?" Kathy asked.
"Ken Reynolds" Jade said into the microphone.
Kathy's jaw dropped. Ken chuckled. "Told you your odds of playing were high. Want to know a secret?" Kathy nodded her head slightly. "You see these baseball games act more like an induction ceremony." Kathy had a confused look on her face. "You see, Ryan and Jade have a list of every person who joined the HFA recently. It's usually about ten people every week on average so they make sure that the new ones always get a chance to play first. You could say it makes them feel welcomed even more if they're being cheered on."
"But I'm not a member of the HFA, Ken."
"True, but just like what happened with me; Ryan and Jade will sometimes automatically put someone on the list. Usually they do it when it's someone's birthday that day. Other than that and the new members; it's random for the remaining positions. It just sounds like to me that Ryan wanted you to play today."
(But I've never played baseball before. I've never played any sport before! I'm probably going to humiliate myself...) Kathy's ears flattened against her head.
"Now it's time for the 18 lucky winners to come on down!" Ryan announced. The crowd cheered as those who had their name called stood up and walked down to the field, including Kathy and Ken.
All of them separated into two groups and entered opposite dugouts. In the dugout Kathy was in everyone was sitting down paying attention to Ryan. "Alright, we're going to determine which position each of you will be playing and the batting order." Ryan grabbed a two baseball caps and dropped pieces of paper in them. "You'll draw a piece of paper from each hat. One determines your position and the other determines when you'll bat."
Ryan went down the line having each person draw a piece of paper from both hats. Kathy was the third person Ryan came to. She grabbed a piece of paper from each hat. (Please don't give me a low number...) Kathy slowly opened both pieces of paper revealing 'Left Field' and '7'. Kathy sighed. (Well, at least now I'll be able to prolong my embarrassment...)
Kathy's team was playing in the outfield first. She took her position in left field. "Wow; the field seems larger without it being crowded by people. Maybe if I'm lucky no balls will come my way." The game started.
Bottom of the 3rd Inning-
Kathy couldn't stop shaking; it was her turn to go up to bat. No one had made it to first base successfully on either team. Apparently most of them tried bunting the ball, but weren't able to run fast enough. The closest the other team got was when Ken batted in the second inning. The ball was coming between left and center field; luckily for Kathy the center fielder caught it.
"Up to bat, Kathy Williams" the announcer said. Kathy slowly walked up to the plate. She took her spot on the left side and just hung her arms for a bit.
(Everyone's looking at me now. What if I'm the first person to get struck out? That'll be so embarrassing! Everyone will probably laugh at me; they'll probably boo; they'll probably hate me...) Kathy looked over to her team's dugout and saw Ryan smiling at her. The sight made Kathy blushed. (Screw what they think! Only one person's opinion matters to me... and I think he's already proud of me.)
Kathy smiled as she raised her arms. Being at bat made her realize some things. "Other than Jade being the pitcher and Ken the catcher she noticed that Olivia, Regina, and Derek were the umpires at each base.
Jade readied the pitch and threw the ball. Kathy swung.
"Strike One!" The umpire behind her shouted.
Kathy brushed it off and got into position again. Jade threw another ball. Kathy swung.
"Strike Two!"
(Alright Kathy, you can do this! It'll be just like one of those movies; the one where the hero has two strikes and makes a comeback scoring a homerun, winning the game for the team. Well... it won't win us the game but that's not the point!) Kathy got into position. Jade threw the ball and Kathy swung with all she had.
"Strike Three!"
Kathy's ears flattened. Her face was filled with disappointment as she started to walk away.
"Where do you think you're going?" Ryan asked as he walked up to Kathy.
"Back to the dugout; I got three strikes..."
"But who said you were out?" Ryan smiled. "I didn't hear the umpire say you were out, right Eric?"
"Correct" the umpire said as he took of his mask.
Name: Eric Johnson Age: 37 Species: Human Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Black Height: 6'1" Weight: 194 lbs
"Now get back over here, Kathy" Ken said with a smile.
Kathy smiled and went back to the plate. (I don't exactly know what's going on, but I'm very happy for it.)
The audience started cheering when Kathy got back into position. (Everyone's cheering me on now, huh? I guess the game itself doesn't matter; it's supporting the players. Is that what Ken was talking about?)
Kathy snapped out of her thoughts as she saw Jade throwing the pitch. Kathy swung.
The ball went flying straight towards left field. Kathy dropped the bat and started running. The audience started cheering. Kathy rounded first base and started towards second. The ball was thrown towards second base, but the baseman couldn't catch it and went straight towards first base. Kathy saw this as an opportunity to run to third base. The other players were scrambling to get to the ball as she reached third base.
(Time for that homerun!) Kathy charged towards home. The crowd was going wild. She drew closer and closer towards home as one of the players got a hold of the ball. He threw it towards home plate. Without even thinking Kathy started to slide towards home. Kathy's foot touched home plate as Ken caught the ball and tagged her.
Everyone cheered including the opposite team. Kathy was ecstatic. (I did it!) She saw Ryan standing a few feet away from her and she jumped up and embraced him. The two smiled.
Ryan came close to Kathy's ear. "Welcome to the family, Kathy."
Kathy looked like she was going to cry, but instead of doing that she grabbed the sides of Ryan's head and brought the two of them into a kiss." The two of them stayed like that despite many of the people going "Woo."
Ryan's Side
"Up to bat, Kathy Williams."
Ryan smiled watching Kathy going up to bat. He noticed she seemed a little stiff. (She must be really nervous being it's her first time.)
He saw Kathy look his way. Ryan continued to smile. (You'll do fine Kathy.) She then turned her head back.
She swung.
"Strike One!"
Ryan continued to watch.
Kathy swung again.
"Strike Two!"
Ryan kept on watching with a smile.
Kathy swung.
"Strike Three!"
Ryan walked out of the dugout and up to Kathy as she started to leave the plate. "Where do you think you're going?"
"Back to the dugout; I got three strikes..." Kathy said with disappointment.
"But who said you were out? I didn't hear the umpire say you were out, right Eric?"
Eric took off his umpire mask. "Correct."
"Now get back over here, Kathy" Ken said smiling.
Kathy went back with a smile on her face. The audience started cheering.
Ryan went back to the dugout. He watched as Kathy got back into position. Seeing this brought back memories from that day he played with the HFA and the story Nicky and Sean told.
Kathy swung.
The audience was going wild.
(Nicky... Sean...)
Kathy rounded first base.
(Is this how you two felt that day? Proud?)
Kathy rounded second base.
(I'm thankful for everything the two of you did for me.)
Kathy rounded third base.
(And... I think I finally understand why the two gave up your lives...)
Ryan was snapped back to reality as the audience cheered. He rushed out of the dugout. He approached Kathy and was greeted with her embracing him.
Ryan leaned in closer to Kathy's ear. "Welcome to the family, Kathy. (You're now officially part of the HFA.)
Kathy took put her paws on both sides of Ryan's head and brought their faces closer together for a long kiss. (Kathy...)
6:00 p.m.-
The game was over. Ryan's team won 6-4. The sun was starting to set. Everyone was now waiting for the movie. Eric brought along everything high-tech: A digital projector, a blu-ray player, a large stereo system, and the movie itself.
Ryan and Kathy were sitting together on the field watching Eric and the tech crew set up everything. "So what movie did you say we were watching?" Kathy asked.
"The Dark Knight."
"What's that about?"
"It's the sequel to Batman Begins, but I'm not sure if you're seen that."
Kathy got excited. "Oh yes I've seen it! I always hoped a sequel would be made! Is it good?"
Good? It's awesome!" Ryan and Kathy looked behind them and saw Ken. He took a seat next to Ryan. "It's one of the most action-packed movies I've ever seen."
Ryan chuckled. "I admit it's an excellent movie, but I feel it was overhyped because of Heath Ledger's death."
"Overhyped or not; it's still awesome!" Ken said.
"I'll take your word for it" Kathy said.
A few minutes later the stadium lights dimmed and the digital projector turned on.
"Um... hi." The three of them turned around and saw Lauren.
Ryan had a huge smile on his face. "Ken, Kathy and I are going to take a short walk while the previews play. We'll be back in a few minutes."
"Alright" Ken answered.
Ryan and Kathy stood up and walked away. Instead of taking a walk, however, they just sat a couple yards behind Ken. Kathy was confused. "What are we doing?"
"Watch." Ryan pointed towards Ken and Lauren.
"Hey Lauren" Ken said looking forward.
"Hi... Ken"
"Did you find that guy you're interested in?"
"Did you do what Ryan told you?"
Lauren took a seat next to Ken. "Yes."
"Then why are you here with-" Ken's eyes went wide. He looked at Lauren's face; she was blushing. "You mean... I'm..."
Lauren slowly nodded her head.
Ken's ears flattened. "But I thought you were afraid of me."
Lauren looked Ken in the eyes. "Ken I'm not afraid of you. I've never been afraid of you." Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes. "Do you know how guilty I feel when you say that!? Every day I regret what I said to you when we met."
Ken looked away. "Then why did you say it?"
"The first time I ever saw a Fur was when I started high school two years ago."
Ken was taken aback. "First time!? Where were you before high school?"
"Homeschooled... And I live in a community that has no Furs; so you can imagine my amazement when I first saw a Fur. I wanted to know more about them. I found out about the HFA and was going to join, but... then I met Christian. He wouldn't allow me join. Our relationship went downhill for the rest of my freshman year. Then at the beginning of my sophomore year you came up to me and complimented on how I looked."
Lauren smiled. "You were the first Fur that I had ever talked to me. And I thought you were very charming."
Ken brought gaze back to Lauren.
"However, Christian was close by and overheard what you were saying to me. That's when the whole conflict with him and Ryan broke out. I really enjoyed seeing Ryan beat Christian." Lauren chuckled. "I was finally free from him, so I immediately joined the HFA."
"But you still haven't explained the eye comment" Ken said.
"...When you asked if we wanted to be a couple I still didn't know anything about Furs. I wanted to turn you down politely, but I panicked; I couldn't think of an actual reason to say no to you... so I lied. Your eyes were something of interest to me, so I commented on them; something I've regretted since that day."
Tears formed in the corner of Lauren's eyes. "You were the first Fur I ever talked to and I ruined it." Ken moved in and gave Lauren a hug. "I kept thinking that you hated me for what I said, but when you joined the HFA you acted like nothing happened when you saw me. I always wanted to tell you the truth about that day and how I felt, but I never had the confidence to until today."
"Because of what Ryan said?" Ken asked.
"Because of what Ryan did" Lauren said. "When Ryan and Kathy kissed during the game I realized that I wanted to experience what they have." Lauren pulled away from Ken slightly and wiped her eyes. She looked at Ken. "So I have to ask you something... does your offer still stand?"
Ken smiled. "It always has."
Ken and Lauren came close together until their lips met. For a brief second they stayed locked together.
"That's so sweet" Kathy said with her head against Ryan's shoulder.
Ryan just smiled. (I'm proud of you Ken; you finally found 'the one.'"
When the movie was about to start Ken shouted "Hey! If you two are done with your 'walk' you can come back now."
Ryan and Kathy were embarrassed they got caught. They got up and returned to Ken and Lauren. Ryan sat in between Kathy and Ken again. Ken brought his muzzle to Ryan's ear. "Thank you, big brother." Ryan smiled as the movie started.
3 hours later-
"See you later, Ryan" Lauren said as she and Ken walked off. Ryan stayed sitting with Kathy sleeping in his lap. Ryan waved them goodbye. Everyone was leaving now that the movie was over.
Ryan looked down at Kathy. (I hope you had fun today, Kathy. You fell asleep half way through the movie; you must have been exhausted.) Ryan looked up to the sky. (I'm glad I met you Kathy. I never intended to ever find someone to care for, yet somehow I met you... and I'm sorry for that; I didn't want anyone to get too close to me because... I might not be around for much longer.) Ryan chuckled lightly. (I'm in the same position Nicky and Sean were in years ago...)
"Ryan..." Ryan looked behind and saw Jade, Olivia, Regina, Derek, and Eric. "We explained everything to Eric" Jade said. He looked down at Kathy. "Should we leave?"
"It's alright" Ryan said. "She's asleep." The five of them took a seat around Ryan. "What's your answer, Eric?"
"I've decided to allow it. I'll have the equipment ready by tomorrow."
Ryan looked at Jade. "Will your informant be here soon, Jade?"
"He should be here any minute, now. He's probably waiting until it's just us. Once he arrives, we'll discuss the plan."
Ryan sighed. "Then I guess we're officially going through with this."
The five of them saw Ryan's expression as he looked at Kathy. "Ryan..." Regina said. "What about Ken and Kathy? What if..."
"I don't have to worry about Ken now; he has Lauren. If something were to happen to me he'd be able to move on. Kathy..."
"Hey!" Olivia said with a serious tone. "We need to stop thinking like this! Eric has been training us for months in case we'd ever encounter something like this. With his military experience we'll be fine! So stop thinking about what could go wrong!" Olivia smiled. "Instead we should be looking forward to what we'll do next Saturday."
Everyone's faces softened. (I really hope you're right, Olivia.) Ryan looked down at Kathy. (Kathy... there's still so much I want to know about you, and for me to tell you... I hope this isn't our last night together.)
Unknown Side
"Shit! Shit!" David shouted.
"Calm down, David!" Chris shouted.
"Calm down!? Calm Down!? How can I be calm! Were you not listening to their conversation just now!? David pointed at Nicky and Sean. "You two need to stop him!"
"We can't..." Nicky said. "Ryan's determination is too great for us to have any influence over it."
"Well that's just great!" David threw his hands in the air. "I was all happy when Chris came back, but then he informs me that what's keeping us bound to Kathy is her promise to kill Steven! Now we find out that your idiot brother is planning an assault on him and his gang. Doesn't that asshole know what-"
David was cut off with a punch to the face. "Don't you dare talk about Ryan like that!" Sean shouted at David.
"Fuck you!" David shouted. "Do you have any idea how serious this is!? What if Kathy finds out about this plan? She'll want to join in; putting herself in danger!"
"Ryan would never let Kathy go with him!" Sean said.
"Kathy has a desire to kill Steven! She'll do whatever it takes regardless of anything Ryan says."
"And..." Chris said. "It's not only that. Even if Kathy doesn't find out about this... what will happen if Ryan dies? Kathy's formed a close bond with him; he's basically the only person she has left now. I don't know what Kathy would do if Ryan died..."
"Yeah!" David started again. "Chris and I care about what happens to Kathy. If something happens to Ryan it'll affect her greatly! But you two don't even seem to care if Ryan dies or-"
David was silenced again, but by a slap to the face from Nicky.
"Why you!" David was about to retaliate, but he looked at Nicky's face flowing with tears.
"Do you think we wanted this!? Huh!? You think that we don't care about Ryan!? Sean and I love Ryan! We told him to always follow his heart no matter the consequences. Right now he's doing just that. And despite how much it hurts right now... we still support him."
All of them were silent. "I guess..." Chris said. "We can't do anything but watch now..."
"And it looks like their informant has arrived" Sean said. The four looked at the approaching figure.
As the figure got closer David's eyes widened. "No... It can't be him!"
What does David know? You'll find out in the next chapter
Wow, it's been a long time since my last chapter
This story is 53 pages long (Longer than my previous three combined. No I'm not going to continue the pattern!)
I'm thinking of having another voting incentive. If I do I'll post it up a couple days after this chapter is posted.
Again I would like to thank the following for their contribution to this chapter: Champ11 for Eric Johnson catsithx for Ken Reynolds Jaded Wolf for Jade Wolfe |
Title: A Beautiful Thing Ch. 03
Tags: cal angie, happened past, room closet, cal moaned, cal sat, cal smiled, air held, shauna ass, angie long, cal hand
So many things had happened in the past couple months to Angie and Cal. Or rather it was the lack of what had happened in the past couple of months that had made their situation all so intriguing. Angie can remember waking up that morning next to call, she can still recall how good the warmth of his body felt as her outstretched arm and breasts laid upon his still body.
Peeking through a curtain of red hair, Angie's eyes roamed down the ridges and hardness that was Cal's body but her eyes laid rest upon his magnificent cock. Thick, soft and laying against his stomach it seemed to glow in the morning sun. Her arm slowly made it's way down and she felt so wet as her fingers came somewhat close to closing around his manhood. It was soft and slightly hardened at her touch. This touch brought her rushing back to her memories of last night, he had taken her somewhere that never existed in her mind. She loved sex but what happened yesterday was an event, was it him? Was it her feelings? Was it just the beautiful girth of his cock?
He was so much bigger than Mark she thought, and it was then that the names Shauna and Mark had rushed through her mind. Although she had no idea that Shauna and Mark had their own relationship, she couldn't help but curse herself because she not only betrayed her marriage but helped Cal betray his. Her hand reluctantly pulled away as she bit her lower lip. Guilt washing over her, she quietly left the house dressed in some sweatpants, and a sweater.
Sunglasses and a hat over some pulled up hair was the uniform for a woman in turmoil. She sat at the coffee shop not far from her house as she tried to waste some time hoping Cal would awake and leave so that she wouldn't have to face him. He was a friend, their conversations came easy and she truly enjoyed talking to him. Could she even face him after this? What kind of a woman does he think she is? She has always been the quiet, reserved beauty and something about Cal makes her want to be daring.
A bead of sweat trailed down wet matted red hair, accumulating to a drop that rolled down a smooth, long back coming to rest upon the top of Angie's muscular ass as it moved up and down. Her arms on her lover's shoulders she slammed down upon him, taking all of him so easily as she tried to force the issue of her orgasm. It was coming and they were both close…
Mark finally let out a groan as he erupted into his wife. Still in heat Angie needed to use his remaining hardness as she drove down onto him and grinded herself against him until her volcano erupted within washing her from the bottom up with a wave of pleasure.
Both were breathing hard and laying on the bed. Angie rolled off of her husband and was laying face down, panting as Mark got up and put on his boxers. He opened up their patio door and pulled out a cigarette, his new bad habit that he picked up. Or picked back up. Angie enjoyed her moment and was basking in the glow of her work. It would've been nice if they could keep going but this was the usual now.
Angie had become a much more giving lover in the past couple months, not just because she was a sexual person but also because of the guilt she felt after being with Cal. The funny thing is that the more she tried to please Mark in bed, the more she thought of Cal and how it was different. Not just in one way but in so many ways.
"We got a party tomorrow, not far either." Mark calmly said puffing on his cigarette.
"Why the little notice?" Angie said.
"I wasn't sure if we were going but I figured it would be a good time to mingle. The guy throwing it has some connections I'd really like to get a hold of." Mark said with a longer drag than before.
"I thought yesterday you said you'd finally spend the night at home with me. I'm sure you coming home late every night has got to have you exhausted. You've been working a lot honey."
"Angie, you know this is for the both of us. Plus I have to tell you something about this guy's party. Word is he's a fan of the ladies, so you're my ace in the hold tomorrow. With you on my side he's gonna want to talk to me all night long."
"Are you just using me honey?" Angie said propping herself on her elbows.
"Of course, there's a twist too. One of the guys I know said the guy used to be a swinger and was always wanting to do weird stuff with his old lady. Not that it matters but it's going to have one of those masquerade themes."
And with a final drag on his cigarette, Mark came back to bed and fell asleep. Angie's nipples were so hard as the air from the outside rushed in. She wanted to grab Mark again but instead she knew the results that would come. She was too tired to put in that kind of effort again.
The night of the party Angie had on a long black dress that was almost like two streams of silk that went up vertically to cover her generous mounds and intertwined behind her neck exposing her long slender back. The back dipped low and stopped at a place that made all the men bite their lips and moan that it couldn't dip just an inch more just to show some of the swell that was her magnificent ass. A long slit exposed some of her left leg but just a bit above the knee to show a sexy expanse of muscle.
The dress was black with a long stream of white that ran along the two streams of silk. Her mask was black and went around her eyes and covered her nose. She walked around with Mark and met with the master of the house. The party wasn't as odd as she had feared but there was one unusual rule in that nobody could exchange names. This of course killed Mark's night as this was his networking opportunity. He was ready to meet and greet with as many people as he could but this would be almost impossible now. The host of the party intended it this way so as to avoid people like Mark that liked to bring their greed to parties and ruin the atmosphere.
When they met the host could do nothing but grin as he eyed the amazing Angie. The host was an elder gentleman, tall and in relatively good shape with slicked back gray hair. She took to his charm as an older gentlemen. Soon Angie found herself alone at the party and Mark was nowhere to be seen. Angie was mad and worried that Mark was out and about ready to break the "name" rule and she prayed that he wouldn't. To break this nice man's rules would certainly make her feel so bad.
Angie wandered around the room when she spotted a man by the fire place. In a black suit with a white mask on was a black man whose figure seemed so familiar. She leaned her head to the side and walked towards the fireplace intending just to catch a look and see if it was him. Even if it was or wasn't she just wanted to find out and turn around. She hadn't talked to him since that evening. Of course she would say hi if she passed him by during the day, they were neighbors of course, but she always tried not to make eye contact or talk too long because she could feel herself weakening around him.
She walked cautiously and then in a moment of accident and surprise their eyes met from a good 15 feet away. Both didn't know what to say to each other but Angie felt compelled to walk to him. She couldn't just turn and run, how would that look.
"Hi" they both meekly muttered to each other.
"How have you been?" Cal asked meekly, there was a somber tone to him that Angie had never known before.
"Good and you? What have you been up to?"
"Keeping busy, my website is picking up steam and I'm hoping to start something larger scale in a little bit. I was actually looking at offices and things to rent out. Any work for you lately?"
"Mark got me a couple of shoots for some store ads and things like that. Other than that I started taking some classes at the community college, some cooking and art just to occupy myself. Speaking of Mark I've been looking for him, have you seen him?"
"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, yeah c'mon little boy FUCK ME!" screamed Shauna as Mark pounded into her on top of an expensive table.
The upstairs room was empty but sure someone would hear Shauna as her yellow dress was bunched around her waist, her large breasts rippling with each thrust. Mark was giving it to her and finally unloaded his semen into her. Zipping up Shauna commanded, "You know what to do baby."
With this Mark dived down into her freshly fucked pussy and began to work like he knew how to. Shauna's power commanded this kind of "networking" Mark rationalized and hell the sex was pretty fucking good too.
While their spouses fucked upstairs Angie and Cal sat down on a couch and were carrying on a breezy conversation. The slit in Angie's dress had risen and a great expanse of creamy thigh was exposed. The way she sat with a glass of wine in her hand had her heavy breasts hanging freely in the air. The mask did little to conceal Cal's eye which now had the confidence back that she once knew.
"MMmmmmm baby tongue my ass I'll let you do what you want with it." Shauna exclaimed bent over the table with Mark's tongue spearing her asshole.
Putting his cock into her dripping pussy he pulled out and forced his cock into Shauna's ass. Her big black ass felt like a pillow as he bounced back from her with every thrust.
"Attention everybody!" yelled the host for the evening.
As many of you who have been to my soiree's before know, I'm always one for a good game. And no matter how sophisticated we are, we can always enjoy some old games and then later on in the night we can always introduce newer ones.
Angie and Cal looked at each other with mock smirk's on their face. Both were eager to see what kind of games were coming.
"The first game is a modification of an old favorite, Ma'am I certainly hope you'll join us? Please bring your friend too, the more the merrier." The host spoke talking to Angie and Cal.
"The first game is one I'm sure we've all played in junior high. Remember 7 minutes in heaven? Well this we'll do for 40 minutes and we will make use of my many guest rooms and their closets. Please we all know that there are no names involved but what I need everyone to do is take a number from one of my waitresses walking about the room. They will not handout any numbers that cannot be matched up."
With a shrug and a smile Cal and Angie both looked at each other and took little numbered chips. Angie had 6 and Cal had 12.
"Ok now that we have our numbers I will pick some random numbers here and one of my waitresses will escort you to the guest room your assigned to. Now I'm not suggesting what any of us should do while in the closet but if you want to do some cleaning, please be my guest." The host said with a small round of chuckles.
Slowly people paired off and were led out of the room. Even though there were other people at the party that weren't playing Angie was beginning to rethink this. "I don't know about this." Angie mentioned to Cal. She felt that the host would do something to ensure the pairing of her and graying gentleman.
Angie was relieved when he was paired with a large busty blonde but then she began to wonder who she would be paired up with. Would it be another woman? What if it was some man who she didn't know? In that case the gentleman would've been her choice.
They should've known it or expected it but eventually the two were paired up. They met each other's eyes with nervous smiles and followed the host as he insisted they hurry up as his 20 minutes were counting down. They were led to a room and put into a walk-in closet that was very large and not as cramped but they did notice that there were no light bulbs and the waitress closed the door behind them.
In a low primal scream Shauna let out, "Fuck My ASS, FUCK IT FUCK IT FUCK IT!"
Mark now had Shauna's ass in the air and held her ankles almost back to the wall as her on the floor and was inserting his dick into asshole. He fucked her, slapping his body against the back of her legs as she screamed and yelled like a monster.
Muffled screams could be heard in the closet. They were definitely the screams of sex.
"Well someone's off to a quick start." Angie said nervously as her hand traced her collarbone. "No kidding, hey where are you I can't see a thing in here. I don't want to trip on anything. Hold out your hands." Cal said as his hands wandered the dark area in front of him until his hands found Angie.
Angie had her arms extended palms down in front of her then first Cal's right hand found her left and the other followed as they were facing each other in the darkness. Both were breathing through their mouths uncertain of the situation. The muffled screams of sex as their background made things so awkward that finally Cal had to say something.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" Angie said, her thumb now rubbing Cal's large hand.
"Look, I don't know what happened, well I know what happened. I don't know, I um, look I didn't mean for what happened, well I did mean it. God did I want it but…." He needed to say something to make things right. He felt guilty about what had happened some months ago. She was the only woman to make his dick feel that sore after sex and she was by far the most beautiful. He liked talking to her and he saw the weight of shame that Angie had been carrying around since then.
"Please, don't say anything. I was terrible that night. I should've never let that happen. Anything like that shouldn't happen, ever." Angie said shaking her head in the darkness.
"Ever?" Cal asked, the question loaded with so much meaning.
"Ever again or ever to begin with?" Angie asked their hands still massaging each other's.
"Ever to begin with?"
Angie swallowed, "Under different circumstances, something that awesome should definitely not be avoided but uh, as for us it's different."
The heat of his hands were warming her entire body as her chest was now heaving up and down. Cal could swear he could feel the movement of her chest and her massive globes moving up and down not far from his chest.
"I know, it's a shame. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I never meant too, bring you such guilt." Cal said.
"Oh Cal, you know, the more I think about it…The less guilt I feel. We were awesome together and for my whole life I never knew anything could be that good and you showed me that. You showed me something beautiful and if anything I should thank you for it." Angie said upon realizing how close they really were now. Their intertwined hands were no longer between them but down at their sides and as they stood inches form each other in the darkness.
"I wish I could tell you how good it was for me too." Cal said his hands pulling from hers and traveling along her arms.
His words made her feel like such a woman as she could only thank him by hugging him. Her cheeks brushed his as she got on her tiptoes to make up their slight height difference even though Angie stood nearly 6 feet tall. His arms wrapped around her as well. Both of them savoring the moment, the smell of her hair filled his head and his scent hypnotized her.
In the darkness their heads pulled away, both of them staring into nothing even though they knew the other was inches away. They could feel each other's breathing and knew that one more taste would not be that much to ask of the other. Their mouths touched, lips parting and tongues slowly playing. Angie's hands squeezed the back of his jacket as her nipples rubbed against him, his hands began to travel up and down the valley of her lower back.
Their kissing grew more aggressive; satisfying the hunger they had built for each other since their last encounter. Cal's bulged pressed against her and the thin material of her dress did little to reflect the heat building between them. They began to moan as they grinded against each other, two tall pieces of perfection moving against one another to bring about pleasure. Cal's hands dipped below the area that every man's eyes had wished for as he grabbed the amazing ass that belonged to Angie. He had encountered no panty top and realized she was with out panties. Mark had suggested it as he didn't want her tops showing because of the dip that went so low on the dress. She had suggested another dress but Mark insisted.
He used his newfound position to help push her against her bulge. "This isn't right, what about Shauna and Mark." Angie asked breathlessly.
"Your right, what happened was a mistake but aren't there no names tonight?"
"Two people, no names, different circumstances." Angie said as her hand brushed against the hardness of his chest and abs as he brought his other hand to her breasts. Slowly running his fingers along the outside of the silk he brushed his fingers downward and pulling the stream of fabric aside exposing her hard nipple to the air and his mouth.
Moans came from them both. "Find the wall." Angie directed as they felt around and she made Cal lean against it. Using her hands upon his shoulder to first guide him against the wall, Angie then began to steady herself upon him and slide down in front of him seductively. She unbuckled his pants and fished for her old friend.
The smell of him was intoxicating as she sucked the head of his cock. Cal moaned in pleasure, her licks and kisses were like velvet brushes and drove him up the wall. She took more of his cock into her mouth than both of htem remembered and soon Cal could not believe that he was ready to cum this soon. He started to pump her mouth with his hips which she responded to by opening her mouth more, knowing what he wanted. She put her hands around to his ass and even directed him to fuck her mouth harder. Moans came from both of them as Cal grabbed the back of her head, not to force her, but to steady himself and he shot his seed into her mouth.
Familiar with his taste Angie smiled and greedily swallowed the load that came, wanting to ensure that there were no stains on her dress. Cal was so amazed and spent that he slunk back against the wall and drooped to the floor where Angie was already on her knees. Their hands searched for each other and they shared a kiss. His cock was hard again. She felt it in her hands.
"Our 40 minutes should be coming to an end." Angie said as she stoked his cock.
"That means I don't have much time to take care of you." Cal said while nibbling on her neck.
She pulled away, "You don't have too. That was my thank you, for before."
Cal brushed her forearm and said, "No names tonight, new circumstances there was nothing to thank me for."
"Right, no names." Angie said looking around in the darkness.
"We have the rest of tonight to forget our names." Cal said.
"I have to find Mark and I'm sure Shauna wonders where you are." Angie remarked as there was a heavy pounding on the ceiling above now.
"It's a shame that our nameless night has to end. I want you to know how good you are to me." Cal said his hand finding her hair and brushing it gently.
"Let's hide then, from our names and everyone else for the night." Angie said her hand brushing his face as well.
She lifted her dress around her waist and stood up. She lowered herself onto Cal's slumping body, his spear up in the air against her ass. She kissed him hungrily and lifted herself again. Long muscular legs lifted her in the air as she hovered around his cock.
"No, I want to savor this." Cal said, his arm wrapping around his waist as he leaned forward and placed Angie on her back. His cock still in line with her pussy he leaned forward in the dark and their privates touched bringing a gasp to both. He couldn't believe her wet softness and she couldn't believe his rigid size.
He slowly gripped his cock and guided it towards her as her fingers opened her lips for her. His head nestled in and their hands left their genitals as they used their bodies to re-unite. He leaned forward to kiss her. She greedily sucked and bit his large lips as his cock lurched forward, more and more.
"Oh god, I don't remember you being this big." Angie said arching her back and spreading her legs farther.
"My memories of this pussy can't compare to what I have around me now." Cal moaned as he had a little bit more to go. With a slow stoke back and forth coupled with her hips gyrating he finally connected with her fully. They both froze at their accomplishment and kissed each other.
They heard footsteps above them and realized that time must be up. All this time seemed like so much more. They looked around the darkness not knowing what to do. They separated and stood up, they kissed each other and held hands as they felt around for the door.
Cal led her out the door into the guest room. Across from the closet was the bathroom, Cal then walked to the room door and opened it slightly while they went to the bathroom and hid, Cal standing behind Angie as they peered through the crack.
The waitress walked in the open door looking confused. Cal rubbed his bulge along the crack of Angie's ass as his hand cupped her breast. Her hand grabbed his and she bit down on his thumb to keep herself from moaning. She said hello several times looking about the room and into the closet. Shrugging her shoulders she left the room.
"Were you trying to get me caught?" Angie said as she turned around giggling and kissing Cal. They walked into the room and towards the bed where they looked at each other in confidence silence. Cal began removing his tie and shirt exposing his muscular chest and ripped abs while Angie reached behind her neck and lowered her dress to the floor leaving her in her black heels. She sat back on the bed and spread her legs.
Cal could see her now in the light, "Amazing." He said as he eyed her athletic calves that led to perfectly muscled legs that expanded in the middle and became gradually thinner leading to a beautifully hooded clit and pussy that lay beneath a flat sea of stomach where glorious mounds topped her body. He let his pants drop and took of his socks, lowering his boxers he stood 5 feet from her stroking his cock.
"Gorgeous." Angie said as she sat up and awaited him. He walked closer to her as she brought him to her mouth. Her mouth drooled over his meat and his precum filled her mouth as she coated him and stoked his enormous cock. She stood up, and put the massive cock between her legs. She grinded them together as her hands caressed his head and kissed him again. It turned her on so that he would kiss her with his seed on her tongue.
"Calvin, please." She said looking into his eyes.
He lowered her gently to the bed as he bent over her like a jungle cat. His cock hung low as their tongues played with each other. His hand came to her large breasts, his thumb toying with her nipple. She spread her legs for him and he entered her again, this time when he reached the bottom they looked down at their union in the moonlight and looked at each other. They smiled and Angie angled her pussy upwards trying to take even more of his cock.
Calvin threw his head back, "Angie…." He hissed as she gyrated her velvet pussy on him.
He began to stroke into her, even though at first it was difficult. He had lodged himself inside of her but movement was till tight but it felt so good. Cal had never had a pussy like this. She gushed around him, providing him all he needed to glide into her more.
His strokes grew stronger and her legs went wider and wider to accommodate him. Her arms wrapped around his neck, brining him down occasionally to trade kisses and duel tongues. Finally they had a rhythym and Angie was screaming and wrapping her legs around Calvin. He stood off the bed and lifting her in the air by her ass began fucking into the tall piece of perfection he had with him. She put one leg down in the air as he held her other leg above his right arm. His left arm kept them close as these sexual animals fucked standing up.
So close to the bed the leaned onto it sideways. Their legs were straight along the bed as she hooked her other leg along his hip. He drew her close crushing her breasts against his rock hard chest. He pumped into her and she humped onto him. Their hips moving towards each other as if she wanted more and he wanted to go deeper, their kissing was fierce as their movements grew stronger and longer until Angie stopped kissing her body shaking and Cal's balls tightened and began to release again and again into her.
Their breathing was so heavy and their bodies shined in sweat atop the bed.
"Calvin…..Oh Calvin…." Angie moaned out of breath as they stared at one another. His large cock still within her ached as it began to harden. "Angie oh girlllllll!" He said as loud as he could provided he had no strength. "Names ok?" Cal asked. Angie laughed and grabbed his face kissing him. "Yes, I want to remember this. I want to know your name." Angie grinned.
They slowly began pumping each other as they spoke.
"I'll never forget yours." Cal said with an emphatic movement into her.
"Why's that, you like this pussy?" Angie said as she wiggled against him.
"What do you think?" Cal said as his hand reached down and played with her clit as he took a long stroke into her.
"I think you do,"
"You think?" Another long stroke.
"I know so." A greedy push onto his cock.
"How's that?" a small rub against her pussy. A moan.
"Cuz that big black cock is still hard, I think you want some more." Angie said as she rolled atop him.
"Is it just me that wants some more?" Cal smiled as he thrust upwards into her.
"I think I do too, my pussy get so wet for you, like on one else before." She moaned as she grabbed her breasts and began rocking back and forth atop her black lover.
"That pussy gets this wet just for me?" Cal said his hands running up and down her strong thighs.
"MmmmHmm, Cal this pussy likes you?"
Reaching up for her breasts and running his palms along her stomach as she slowly grinds on him, "likes?"
"My cock loves your pussy too. They go good together."
Throwing her head back and putting her hands on her heels as she continues riding his mast.
"Yesssssss….My whole life I never had a cock like this, never fucked liked this."
Sitting up to kiss her, her heavy breasts upon his shoulders his hands run along her ass and legs as they begin to bounce up and down, fucking each other harder.
"MMMmmmm I never wanted pussy like this."
They slowed down and Angie stood off his cock which stood in the air like a shiny spear. She turned around bent down exposing her pussy to him and slowly took him again into her softness. Riding again her strong legs did a rowing motion propelling her ass and pussy back and forth. Her ass rolling back and forth on his stomach.
"Is that all you ever wanted this badly?" Angie asked, her hands on his knees to steady herself and she worked back and forth. Her orgasm building up again, her other hand coming down to play with her clit.
"MMmmm I never wanted to touch your hair so badly." He said running his hands into her hair, "Never wanted someone with an ass like this so bad." He said playfully smacking and grabbing her ass. He put his hands back on the bed and tried to meet her strides as they began to fuck and Angie put her hand in her head of hair and began to cry and choke on all her emotion as she came all over his cock in a wet orgasm.
"I never wanted a cock like this, I never knew there was a man like this." Angie said as she leaned forward on her knees, "I want you to have everything you ever wanted……"
Cal smiled and got up on his knees as he guided his cock into her pussy, "Mmmmm first your hair….." Cal said as he gently ran his fingers into her silky red hair.
"Mmmmm, what's next Cal?" Angie asked knowing, hoping what he wanted next was coming.
"So amazing." Cal said shaking his head in disbelief as he took out his wet cock and placed against her asshole. She shook in fear at first but wanted to experience him everyway she could. It had been so long since their first meeting. How could she ever live again without this?
He slowly sank in the first couple inches. She licked her hands and reached back to try and lubricate his cock as he went deeper and deeper. "Mmm you like my white ass Cal?" Angie asked as half his cock was in her ass. They gently began to rock against each other each time getting more and more of him into.
"Baby there's no one with an ass and legs like you got….hair, breasts, your gorgeous face…." He whispered the last phrase into her ear as he bent over her and she turned to kiss him, tears forming in her ears. In a pleading voice she whispered, "Fuck me."
Calvin picked up his pace as began to really give it to her. His hand roamed every creamy inch of her body. Her back, shoulders, the round mounds of flesh that were her thick ass and he ran his hands on the inside of her strong gorgeous thighs. Brushing his hands against her pussy she stood up at the waist while he still assaulted her ass. Her hand reaching over her head brining his close to her so he could lick her ear while her other hand grabbed his and showed him hot to play with her clit.
"Cal, ugh, Cal your cock……Fuck, Fuck me," Angie said putting her face into the mattress and Cal began to go at her with all the might he had. "Angie fuck, fuck fuck fuck……"
"Calvin, give it to me, I love it all give me your big black cock, give it to your white bitch…." She couldn't believe she said it, but it was right.
"My bitch, Angie my bitch take it…."
"Yes Calvin fuck me, I'm yours fuck I Love you!"
"Ugh, shit I love you give me my white pussy!"
He pulled out of her ass and she turned around. They turned around and kissed in a flash. Her tongue in his mouth swirling around his tongue as he guided his cock into her. She held onto his shoulders for her life and he pounded into her slick pussy. He was so big, oh, she couldn't take it.
"Calvin please fill me, fill me up!"
"Give me this pussy, give it to me!"
"It's yours!"
"Take my black cock!"
"Give it to me, I love you"
"ugghhhhhhhhhhhhh" he moaned as he exploded into her, collapsing on top of her. His cock still twitching and spurting in her. "I love you too."
They laid there for an hour fighting the urge to sleep in the strange house. They found their spouses and left for the night.
The next day, with Mark and Shauna at work Calvin came home around noon from scouting offices. He was ready to put some things together and wanted to make himself a success again.
He walked into his house and saw Angie in the backyard, her tanned body in a small white bikini.
He walked outside, "hello neighbor."
"Hi there, come for a swim?"
"Maybe a swim." Cal said smiling as he entered their neighboring houses. Again the privacy of their two estates served them well. Angie walked to him as he undressed to full nakedness, his rippled body getting warmer from the sun. "I think we need some lotion." Angie said filling her hand with the lotion and handing it to Cal.
As she worked the lotion into his shoulders and thick chest he untied her top and bottom leaving her naked. The tall couple stood with his limp cock brushing against her shaved womanhood. He cupped both breasts, so soft and holding their shape as he massed lotion onto her body. She gently stoked his cock till it protruded straight form his body.
"Cal….. last night again, what we said……."
Cal interrupted her, "Angie, I don't' want any guilt that we belong together. Tell me we don't." He said this as he grabbed his cock and rubbed it along the softness between her legs.
"Would you let me finish?" she said stepping back. "Like we said last night, I think my pussy loves that black cock of yours."
They grinned and embraced in a sensual kiss, it was long and wet. Cal nibbled on her neck and ear as he squeezed her breasts. "mmm you like my big white tities."
"I like a lot of things." He said kissing her mouth. Walked to the steps to the pool and slowly walked in. Cal sat along the edge and watched the tall red- head swim to him. She stood in the water and took his cock into her mouth. Her pussy began to moisten with his fuckmeat in her mouth.
He lifted her from the water and he sank down so he could eat her delicious pussy. She moaned and moaned, "Fuck Cal, your killing me……" As he gazed upward at the pretty pussy framed by two shapely legs he thought to himself, "look who's talking."
Angie sank into the water and they found each other and slowly joined themselves. Slowly Angie used her long legs to bounce up and down upon his cock taking him into her, his lust grew stronger and stronger until he pinned her against the pool wall and began to drive into her, his waist splashing the water around. Their mouths engaged in a kiss and Angie threw her head back moaning.
"Angie fuuuuuckkkkkkkk"
"Fill me up Calvin, fill me fill me."
He let out a low groan and filled her as she tensed around him, her own body shaking from a subsiding orgasm.
"Your beautiful." He said to her,
"Mmm I love you." "I love you too." They exchanged as he grew harder and began to make love to his woman.
In the following weeks Cal learned of Shauna's affair. Even though he had a suspicion he validated it by coming upon her cum soaked panties. He had enough. They both created their careers for themselves and were going separate ways. He knew she was a bitch in the courtroom but he had her. Cal told Angie he was leaving Shauna and Angie felt so excited and guilty at the same time. Cal said that yes it was partly because of how he felt for her, this caused Angie to analyze her marriage and the fact that Mark had grown so cold.
Things were quickly put to an end when one day Mark drove up to the house and entered the house to the sounds of screaming. It was Angie. He ran upstairs and unnoticed he looked into his bedroom to Angie bent over, her lovely red hair in the hands of Calvin as her breasts bounced back and forward.
"Fuck my white pussy with that big black dick!"
"You love this nigger dick don't you?"
"Fuck me, you bastard!"
"You love this nigger dick don't you!"
Angie stood up and turned around sitting down on top of his cock. For a large man only a woman like Angie could boss him around.
"Think your so bad huh?" Angie said as she began to fuck his cock up and down her big breasts dangling in front of his face.
His face reached forward to bite her breasts but she drew them back.
"You like my big white titties don't you?" she said sitting still on his massive cock. Mark could see her pussy stretched tightly around his massive pole.
Calvin shook his head yes as she slowly picked her pace back. "And you love my white pussy?" again he shook his head yes pumping upwards into her.
"MMmmmmm good cuz I love this black cock in my little pussy." She said and now she had both her hands in her hair and was working him like a wild woman
"Oooh FUCKKKKKKKKK!" they both screamed as they came in an enormous orgasm. He filled her completely. And she drained him like no other had before. She fell on top of him, red hair around their faces and her tight pussy flexing and milking his cock. "mmmm my big nigger" she smiled. "my white bitch" he smiled as they gently kissed.
Mark chose to say nothing but that night Angie informed him that she was leaving. She didn't tell him why or with whom. She was the lady she had always been. Telling him that she didn't want any money just that he be happy for her. He wanted to care but he didn't really. He had Shauna and they had plans of their own that could work out. They shared a hug and Angie left out his door the final time. She walked out of the Culd-de-sac And into Cal's large SUV.
"Different circumstances?" Cal asked.
Angie smiled and kissed him, "Definitely." |
Take a card “Come on, take a card, it’ll change your life! Guaranteed!”
Daniel took the card, half out of pity for the guy, and half because he just wanted the guy to shut up while he waited for the light to change. He didn’t even look at the small business card, he just stuck it in his pocket. The light mercifully changed, flashing the white walk symbol letting him escape the grating voice of the hawker who was already on to his next victim. He’d forgotten about the card by the time he’d arrived at work.
Most of the morning went by without much to note. Daniel sipped on his mountain dew, and plugged away at his keyboard. He might have said his job was dull, but that was probably giving it too much credit. About ten thirty he got up to stretch and take a piss. His pants felt a bit tight, was he putting on weight in this office job? He shrugged it off and went to take a piss.
He struggled a little getting going, but eventually he got himself relieved. Washing his hands, he took a look in the mirror. Damn, he thought, I need a hair cut again already. By lunch he was just feeling kind of bloated, and cramped. He skipped his usual burger with the guys and headed instead for the cafeteria where he got a salad, which he mostly poked at.
He was thrilled when he finally saw the clock hit four, letting him leave for the day. His pants still felt tight, and his belly felt like it was going to explode. He started to step out of his cube only to have his shoe slide almost completely off his foot. He checked the laces and found them still tied loosely, but his food just seemed to slid around the shoe. Weirder and weirder.
Heading down the stairs his pants felt like they were going to split a seam in the back, even as his cuffs seemed to pool around his ankles. Each step was made harder by the sliding of his feet inside his shoes. Thankfully it was only a few blocks to the train station, and he was able to sit down. His rump feeling thicker than he was used to on the hard-plastic seats. Crossing his arms, he pulled out his phone and tried to ignore things. This all had to be some messed up dream. Maybe Bill had slipped him some acid in his coffee or something. People don’t just change sizes. Bill was a notorious prankster, and even doubled as a magician at kid’s parties. This had to be his work.
Getting off the train he headed for his car. Thankfully his key was a fob, and he was able to open the car without trying to get his hand in his pocket. He wasn’t sure if he could right now with the tightness of the pants. Sliding into the driver’s seat he found he couldn’t reach the pedals. How was that even possible? Had someone adjusted the seat? He slowly slid the seat forward, and found he had raised it higher too so he could see over the hood. Checking his mirror, he caught a glimpse of his reflection. His hair had grown more than he realized, it was now curling down about his ears.
Starting the car up he pulled out of the space, but almost backed into someone. “Hey, watch out, you fucking bitch!” Someone screamed. Daniel shook his head. He shifted the car into drive, trying to get home before things got any weirder. Parking in his driveway he opened the door and started to stand, only to hear a loud ripping noise as he did so. The entire back of his slacks had split wide. Grumbling, he looked around, but no one seemed to be about. It was a quiet street. He started to take a step and promptly fell over, tripping over the pooling hem of his pant leg. “Fuck, damn, shit.” He cussed, righting himself with his hands covered in mud. He wiped them off on the tight thighs and hiked up the hems enough for him to walk. His feet slipped out of his shoes again and he was forced to pick them up too as he slammed the car door in frustration. Finally, with shoes in hand and his hems hiked up, he made it to his door, very aware of the breeze affecting his posterior.
He strained to get his keys out of his pockets, his hands barely able to squeeze in to get them out. He unlocked the door and pushed his way inside. Dumping his shoes on the mat, he pushed the door too, and set about removing his mud-stained, torn pants. It proved harder than he realized. Even after ditching his belt, which had felt way too loose, his hips seemed wider than his pants and he was forced to shift and scrunch his pants down until they got below mid-thigh, at which point they just fell to the floor.
Angry, confused, and just weirded out, Daniel walked into his bathroom. Everything felt a little off. His hips seemed to rock as he walked, and everything seemed higher than it had been. He didn’t have much of a mirror, just one of those over the sink medicine cabinet ones. The reflection he saw was him, albeit with hair that reminded him of a hippie. It hadn’t been that long this morning. What the hell.
He felt his hips, they were definitely wider. If he dropped his arms straight down his hands were forced to the sides by the extra curve. Reaching behind himself he could feel the ass cheeks that he might have preferred on his last girlfriend, except they were stuck to him. Where’d he gained all this weight from? A few burgers shouldn’t be giving him junk in the trunk, let along an ass that would make a stripper jealous.
His moodiness continued most of the rest of the night, most of which he spent playing games while snacking on sour cream and onion chips. He kept his mic off though after the first couple of insults he hurled had made him sound squeaky in his own ears. After dying several times, he finally got fed up and went to bed, happy it was Friday.
The night was rough. Tossing and turning, he couldn’t seem to find a comfortable position to sleep. His chest ached. When he finally did get to sleep, he felt cold, and his guts churned.
Daniel hit the alarm. It was Saturday, he didn’t have to get up. He felt like he’d barely slept at all. He rolled and sat up on the bed. He groaned and rubbed his face with his hands trying to wake up. His hands felt smoother, softer than usual, in fact everything felt off, but that had to wait as he felt the pain in his bladder. Trundling into the bathroom he was vaguely aware of the continued rocking of his hips. He flipped up the toilet seat and started to pull out his cock, only to realize it was a lot smaller than he remembered. Was it really that cold in here? He pissed, finding aiming to be harder than usual. Finally, he shook off and went to the sink. He started to wash his hands, but then looked in the mirror. The face that looked back was not his.
Gone was his bland, square jaw with his hooked nose. In its place was a daintier face, with a rounded chin. Masses of curly brown hair, a few shades darker than the previous sandy brown, becoming a richer vibrant shade. He finally looked down; his chest was starting to show signs of swelling under the t-shirt he was wearing. Not much, but enough.
What the fuck was happening to him? He was turning into a chick! He had no idea what to do. Nothing really fit him anymore, he felt bloated and cramped and just generally miserable. No wonder women were such bitches, if this is how they felt.
He mostly sulked around the house, mostly watching sports shows. Every hour or two he’d grab his boob and see how much bigger it’d gotten. By lunch he was forced to admit they were getting pretty big, sticking out from his shirt which now tented over them rather noticeably. His nipples were starting to peak through too. He wasn’t even sure what to do.
He felt his guts twist again. He headed back for the bathroom, and plopped himself on the toilet. He felt like he was going to explode. Instead her just ripped a fart, followed by a strange sensation. He wasn’t even sure he could describe it. It felt like things between his legs just, well, parted. There was a snap like feel, and something drained out of him. He confirmed this when he looked down, seeing the pale pink shade to the water. He felt down there, confirming that he was now without his cock completely.
Wiping herself, as she was definitely a her now, was a challenge. He remembered something his ex- girlfriend had said about front to back. It felt awkward, and he nearly retched at the blood he saw on the paper when he did so. After a few more wipes he finally seemed to have cleaned it all up. He actually felt better, like everything that had been making him crabby the last day just had been let loose. He actually felt relieved for a moment. Unfortunately, the next moment he was consumed with the realization he now was completely female. “Oh shit, I have a cunt.”
He debated exploring himself a little, but the blood had put him off it. He could deal later, right now he wasn’t sure what he wanted. He’d skipped breakfast, and was now pretty hungry, he padded out to find something in the fridge. Sadly, like most bachelors his fridge was pretty bare. He scrounged up some two-day old pizza slices though, and microwaved them before settling in to eat, along with another mountain dew.
By afternoon his breasts had become mammoth, at least to his perspective. She guessed they were both the size of a cantaloupe, the nipples sticking out proudly under the t-shirt. By now her idle curiosity had started to get the better of her, and she spent some moments massaging her breasts, enjoying watching the skin around her nipples tighten as they sent little shivers through her body. She flicked and pulled a few times on each, pinching them and seeing what felt good. It turned out to be pretty much anything. Slowly she slid an exploratory hand down to her nether lips. She wasn’t sure what to expect. She’d played with a few women before, but mostly had just been interested in slamming his dick home. Getting a chance to feel the soft velvety folds for himself he realized how sensitive they were. Stretchy too. She pulled gently at them, alternating between spreading and moving a finger around to feel different spots. She found her clit almost by accident when she ran over the nub and felt a sudden jolt as it reacted. She was a little disappointed that her vagina didn’t have the same sensation. If anything, outside of the end of it, even sliding a finger part way in, it wasn’t anywhere near so sensitive. Not that it stopped her from slowly fingering herself, but it took a few hits of her clit before she got to feel something resembling an orgasm as it tremored through her.
She wasn’t sure what time it was when she came to. She just knew something was pounding. At first, she thought it was her head, but soon she realized it was her door. Stumbling she reached the door, yanking it open. Two men stood outside, dressed in suits and wearing dark fedoras. They promptly grabbed her arms and pushed their way in. She wanted to scream but one promptly put a hand over her mouth.
“Are you Daniel Eider?” The taller said.
She nodded blankly, suddenly realizing these men were both much bigger than she, and she was not wearing any pants.
“Subject appears to have fully transitioned. Where’s the card Daniel?”
“Card?” She asked blankly. She was now being held by jut the taller man, the other was prodding around things.
“You received a card from a man on the street yesterday. Where Is it?”
“Um, I dunno, in my pants pocket from yesterday?” She tried to point at the pile of pants that were kicked against the wall.
“Found it,” the shorter man said. He held up a card in a gloved hand, but it wasn’t a business card like she remembered. It was made of shiny metal and glowed in the dim lighting.
“What is going on?”
“There’s no such thing!” She found a little energy for a snarky tone back at the men.
“Weren’t you a guy yesterday?” “Yes, but…”
“Aliens.” The man said flatly.
“But why would aliens…”
“Want you to be a woman?” He finished for her. “Because they need you to breed.”
The shorter man had dumped the card into a baggie and sealed it up. He then walked over to her and lifted her shirt up exposing her muff, still damp with her own juices.
“Hey! Perv!” She squirmed but to no avail.
“No sign of secondary mutation yet.” The shorter man commented running a gloved finger over her belly.
“Are you sure?” The taller one asked.
“Yes. We might be able to save this one.”
“Save me?” She gulped. “Save me from what?”
“Becoming their breeder slave.” The taller said.
“Incubator is probably a more accurate term.” Said the shorter.
“I don’t understand how does this even happened.” She was on the verge of crying. Her new hormones were making a mess of things, and she was scared, confused, and not entirely sure why she felt she was in a Men in Black movie.
“Nanotechnology, ma’am. Microscopic robots have been rewriting your DNA and body even as we speak. We need to get you to our facility to see if we can neutralize the remaining bots. But first we need to find you some pants.” She started down the hallway, but there was a green flash and a thump.
She felt the grip of her captor loosen. She was reaching into a pocket when the green light flashed again, sending him crashing into the small coffee table. It broke under his weight as he came down heavily on it. She just sat there. Neither man moved.
Another figure stepped into the light. Tall and thin.
“I… I know you!” She looked up at his face. “Indeed, you do.” He doffed his flat cap to her. He was the man who had given her the card. “Now, it’s time to go before these two men are noticed as missing.”
He grabbed her around the arm, she tried to pull away but couldn’t. His grip was like iron. She saw something small in his hand. The last thing she remembered was him pressing it and a bright flash.
She awoke some time later. She didn’t recognize the place. It was a bare room with metal walls and nothing more than a canvas like cot that she’d been lying on.
Slowly she sat up. Lights around her started to appear in the walls. Within moments a panel slid up and a cylindrical container sat there. She looked at it a moment, then took it. It was filled with a viscous dark liquid. She sniffed it. Coffee. It had the consistency of sludge though. But she was parched and she was hungry. Not caring if it was poison, she gulped it down. It wasn’t hot or cold, but it filled her stomach with a full sensation.
Looking around the room. There didn’t appear to be any doors, but as she ran her fingers against the wall, she found a panel that slid away to reveal a strange but obviously functional bathroom. She made use of this feeling a bit better.
“Hello!” She called. No answer.
She tried to keep track of the passing time, but she quickly lost sense of it. There was not sun, no clocks. Only the occasional appearance of more of the coffee sludge.
She didn’t really have anything to do, so she slept a lot. Occasionally she’d get horny and finger herself a bit, but she was always left feeling empty.
After some time, she did notice a change though. It was small at first. But after what she figured was a few days she realized she wasn’t just seeing things. Her slit was growing. Not the way she could normally expect, but it was opening up higher and higher across her mound. There was a slow indentation all the way up to her belly button now. She could easily slide her whole hand inside herself.
Each day was worse. The cleft just grew, finally leaving her with a drooping thick mound like none she’d ever seen. It stretched up to nearly her sternum. Her clit now resting against the ridge of bone. She probably could take an elephant with ease, she contemplated. But she no longer cared. Each day she felt a little less like herself. She was slipping in and out of awareness. She might gaze at the wall for hours on end without thinking of anything at all. Only the occasional bouts of sex did anything to break up the utter monotony.
Time continued to pass, her skin was becoming paler, her fingers longer and webbed. Her toes seemed to vanish into a paddle like foot. She could feel her ears now had frills on them, as did her shoulders. It was a strange sensation. There were no mirrors. It was all the same. It came as a great shock to her one day as she saw something new.
It appeared one day on a small table. It wasn’t much to look at. Dark, almost black, and oblong. It was pitted like a piece of meteorite. She just stared at it for a while. It didn’t move and neither did she. The longer she stared the more she felt drawn to it.
She got up and paced around it. Then she sat on the other side of the room and stared at it. Nothing changed. It didn’t move. Slowly she walked up to it and reached out her long slender finger. She tapped it once.
And she immediately felt a rush. Like someone had turned on ten thousand volts through her system she bucked in response. She felt her body rushing to change, to become something more. Her hips pivoted towards it, even as her great giant cunt split wide open revealing a huge empty cavity insider her, lined with squirming tentacles that reached out for it. She was helpless as she felt her body slowly engulf the object. The tentacles latched on, slowly dragging it insider the cavity, letting her mammoth lips fold back over again. Even as the lips fell back into place, she could feel it inside her. It bulged out her stomach, making her already gigantic lips appear even more grotesque, but it was in her now. She could feel it, the tentacles of her body that she had never realized she had held it firmly, digging into it.
She lost all track of time, she remembered nothing now of her past. It no longer mattered to her. She sat with the great ponderous mass inside her, doing little besides sitting, save when she needed sustenance. She knew her purpose now. It was not a thing. It was more. Something special. And she was to bring it into the world. Her eyes glowed faintly as she felt it begin to warm inside her. It would be soon. Her nipples leaked small droplets of creamy milk in anticipation. The slow pressure building. She would release the egg soon. She could already feel her insides letting is slip free.
Her body heaved. She crumpled to her knees. The floor becoming slick as the juices released from her sealed maw of a cunt. For ages it had been tightly sealed, but now her broke open. The object now came out, not pitted looking but rich and lustrous and shiny, bigger than it was as it rolled out on the floor. She heaved, her body hanging open as the two flaps swayed with her tremoring. The tentacles that had been insider her were gone. Merged with the egg, perhaps. Instinctively she knew she’d grow more. It was just a matter of time. Then another egg would be brought to her, and she’d start the whole process over again.
She slowly pressed her lips closed again, feeling them slowly shrink back just a little from her bulbous state. Settling herself on the cot she let her dimming mind wander. She didn’t notice when they came for the healthy egg. She just waited for the next one she would breathe life into. |
Title: TSRS Book 1 (edit and reformatted) by wolf421
Tags: Adult, Female, Human, Knot, M/F, Male, Renamon, Series, Straight, Vaginal
First things first the disclaimers: This is entirely a work of fiction and nothing more. With respect given to the copy write owners of Digimon the anime series and assorted books etc. In addition, I would like to thank all of the writers out there on the net, especially Rena Tamer whose stories were my inspiration. And to all those others I have read in the last six months and those I might read in the future, Thanks for inspiring me to write again. And lastly I need to think my wife and her editing skills, without her this story would have never reached the internet.
This is my first try at writing a Digimon lemon so be kind with the critique. Notice this story involves mature concepts and adult situations, graphic sexual situations, language, violence, blood, death(not in yiff) and it's not recommended for those under the age of 18. Some (a lot) of yiff, for those of us that don't understand the rest of what I just said.
Authors note: This is the edited and reformatted version of the first 13 or so chapters of the series. With a word count of over 106 thousand it took some time for me to finish. TSRS isn't finished yet though I'm still working on it! Though between family health issues and normal everyday life (what part of my life is normal?) Anyway it has been very difficult for me to work on my writting. Thus if I get a chance to write it isn't for very long. Enjoy and thanks for reading!
The Silver Renomon Series
Book One
By Howard Hilmer-Tyson aka wolf421
Editor Diana Hilmer-Tyson
My name Kithira or just Kit for short; and I'm a Digimon. My tale begins in the digital world many years after the epic battles of the digidestined in Japan. While peace reined in the real world, our battles in the digital world continued.
"NOVA BLAST!" The Greymon shouts in the distance; bringing me out of my revere. From my spot on a hill almost a digimile away I watch in horror as greymon's nova blast attack lights up the pre-dawn sky of the digital world. In the blink of an eye I'm running to the village, the sound of Greymon's nova blast reaches my ears again and again too quickly to be just one. As I top the last hill I see five greymon's closing in destroying the buildings of the village as they go. The sound of Digimon screaming in terror reaches my ears, also the scream of attacks being launched against the Greymon.
"My mate and cub are in that village!" Anger and rage course through my being fueling my speed as I charged the nearest Greymon from behind.
Leaping into the air above him.
"DIAMOND STORM!" I shout releasing my most powerful attack point blank into his back, he is completely defenseless.
The arc of my leap carries me over him, looking down I see his data begin to scatter on the digital wind. No time to collect his data; my mate and cub need me! I hit the ground running to the village. As I enter the village a digital wind hits me in the face, there's data on the wind. My body begins to glow as it absorbs the data, power courses through me, and my speed increases. Hoping against hope, I race through the village looking for any sign of my mate and cub. The village is in ruins, whole buildings and Digimon gone in a flash, their data scattered on the wind. So intent on my purpose I failed to keep tract of the attacking Greymon when a nova blast sends me flying into the ruins of a building. Regaining my feet quickly, I dive out of one of the windows back into the street as a second nova blast hits the building behind me. Moving with the quickness of my kind I leap from building to building looking for my attacker. Through the smoke and dust I see the light of the nova blast in greymon's mouth just as he starts to release it.
"Ah, there you are!" I say to myself and leap high into the air.
As I go up the nova blast hits what's left of the building next to the one I was just on. At the top of my leap, I launch my attack.
"Diamond Storm!" I shout.
I twist my body in midair to keep him in sight as I drop onto another roof. As I land I hear.
"Firewall!" Bellows the Greymon.
Looking in his direction, I see him block the brunt of my attack.
"Is that all you got runt?" He shouts at me, as he charges to attack.
I dodge left then right hopping from street to wall and then leap
"Rapid Kick" I shout aiming for his jaw.
He ducks under my attack and counters with an attack of his own.
"Great Horn Attack!" The greymon shouts launching his attack.
I twist my body hoping to dodge his attack; I watch in horror as his head comes up the huge horn leading the way pain courses through my body as the sound of bones breaking reaches my ears and sends me flying. My vision goes black from the pain,
"Nova Blast" I dimly register him shout.
My body is wracked with pain unlike I have ever felt. The heat is intense and the smell of burning fur, my fur, hits my nose. I hit the ground the sound of more bones breaking reaches my ears, the pain stops; what's left of my awake mind tells that my back has been broken and other bones. I force my eyes open to look at the sky as dawn breaks across the digital world. My breath comes in ragged gurgling short gasps, my ribs are broken. My lungs are punctured. Blood runs from my mouth with each breath.
"I'm sorry my mate and my cub" I say looking up at the sky, as my vision goes dim.
So this is what it's like to die I think. Rage fills me,
"It's not my time" I shout in my head as all goes black.
Chapter 1
In the real world:
Hypnos Command Complex, Colorado Springs U.S.A.
"Alert! Bio-emergence detected in eastern Washington State. Alert! Bio-emergence detected in eastern Washington State." Blared the alarms throughout the command room.
"Drake! Shut that damn alarm off! Or at least turn the volume down on it for pities sake!" Exclaimed the Chief
The alarm soon goes silent.
"What's the matter chief? First you want it high so everyone in three counties can hear it, and then you want it low, make up my mind for me chief." Drake replied.
"What's the matter? This is what's the matter, said the chief of operations pointing at his three piece suit with a long dark stain spreading down the front. It's six in the morning and I'm wearing half my cup of mocha is that's what's the matter! Now what do we have to start our usually un-eventful day with? Hopefully a virus type I'm tired of sitting at a desk and filling out reports." The chief said.
"No such luck, it's just another rookie renamon data type." Drake replied sarcastically.
"Oh, damn another we have to track down and explain the rules to, send that new kid Stevens to handle this one." The chief grumbled as he walked away.
"Hey, chief I don't think Stevens will be able to handle this one, there's something real weird about it." said Drake.
The chief walks back over and looks over Drakes shoulder.
"What's up?" He asks.
"Look at the power level's, this one first read as a rookie, now is showing to be a champion but now it's showing to be a rookie again. What's going on?" said Drake.
"Don't worry about it your new enough at command not to know that sometimes the power levels of a Digimon jump up and down until they stabilize after coming here to the real world; go head and send Stevens he'll do fine.( Pats Drake on the shoulder) I`ll be in my office filling out reports if needed." He replied walking away.
"Sure thing chief." said Drake as he turned on the speaker phone and began dialing a number. The phone rings four times before an obviously sleepily voice answers.
"Stevens, do you know what time it is?" Stevens said groggily.
"Yeah it's 6:15 am and this is your wake up call, get packed and loaded up your heading to Spokane Washington. Information's being sent to your pad now." said Drake.
"Please tell me it's a virus type; and not the `welcome to the neighborhood here's the rule book' grand tour." Stevens whined as he sat up.
"Not your lucky day, I'm afraid. Pack a couple extra rule books while you're at it, one for the tamer and Digimon and some for the tamers parents. Oh and don't forget to take a D-arc with you for the tamer just in case." Drake replied.
"Just my fucking luck! Spend ten years in school, graduate top of the class for handling, control and containment of virus Digimon and what does it get me? A job as the welcome wagon and travel agent tour guide!" Stevens complained just before Drake turns off the speaker phone shaking his head.
"Send a rookie to handle a rookie, I like that." said Drake talking to himself.
Miles away in a rundown house: a laptop computer screen comes to life.
"Warbler signal detected, ident confirmed:"Thackry, Daryl agent #15-2059" the computer voice said.
A hand reaches from the bed to the nightstand and picks up the reading glasses. Putting the glasses on the forty-ish man gets out of bed and walks over to the table where his laptop is sitting and grabs the stack of printouts off the table. Looking from screen to print outs and confirming the data he sets the printouts down and picks up the sat-phone and connects it to the laptop via a usb cable, that done he pulls up the only number in the sat-phones directory and dials it. Thirty seconds later the connection is made. The man watches as the light on the phone flashes from red then to green before speaking.
"I have a confirmed match on `Agent Thackry' and gps location fix."
The voice from the speaker is distorted but clear enough to make out.
"Good, transfer the data and I will transfer your payment."
Pulling up his on-line banking page on the laptops web browser, the man checks the current balance. $150.00usd in the off shore account.
"Not so fast my impatient employer, we spoke of this when you came to me for the job. The agreement was when I call and say that I have the data, half of the payment was to be deposited on that account I gave you; I'm still waiting on the first half of the payment to show up." He said.
Nothing comes from the speaker for almost thirty seconds.
"Ah, yes a slight oversight on my part; nothing to worry about transferring the sum now." The voice of his unknown employer replied.
The man looks at the screen and waits half a minute before hitting the f5 key to refresh the page. After the page refreshes, A new balance of $20,150 usd is shown.
"Good I see you're a man of your word, beginning transfer now." He says clicking the cursor on the send button on the screen.
"Transfer received and complete, transferring the rest of the payment now; goodbye our business is now complete enjoy your new found wealth." Said the voice from the sat-phone speaker as the line goes dead.
Waiting 30 seconds the man hits the f5 key refreshing the screen once again. The page takes longer than normal to refresh but when it does, the man is enraged by what he sees. On the screen the message appears (account closed, balanced $00.00) and a typed response below it.
"Foolish human never, ever trust a spy you create, can we say boom! Hahahahahaha."
"What the," is all he can get out as the house explodes around him.
Meanwhile, almost 1200 miles North West in Spokane Washington:
"Devon, Devon! Get up, schools in half an hour! You don't want to be late!" A woman's bellowed voice from the top of the stairs.
"I'm up mom, been up all night, and by the way mom, its Saturday there's no school today anyway." Devon replied.
He heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He recognized them as his mom's. She was a middle age women, with mid-length strait black hair and brown eyes with a figure that almost made Devon think seriously of joining the `MILF' club or try to. His friends were always claiming that they were jealous of him because to them she was sexy for being his mother, but he always let it go, and just chalked it up to testosterone. Nevertheless, she was beautiful. Maybe if she wasn't his mom well. naahhh. Devon knew he still wouldn't try anything. Because he also knew, his mom was no pushover by any meaning of the word. She could easily put a full grown man in the hospital for attacking her and getting on her`Shit list' as she called it, and Devon for one wanted no part of her shit list. She was wearing her waitress uniform as she stepped into the room.
"What do you mean you've been up all night?" Devon's mother asks.
"Before you start mom, I've been repairing this p.o.s. of a computer once again, it crashed last night just before the Digimon battle dome match of the year and now I have to settle for the highlights of the game from CNN or some other news agent." said Devon.
"Devon, why did you spend all night repairing your computer again? And don't lie to me, I know it wasn't just over you missing the Battle Dome match." She said expecting an answer.
"If you really must know, I had a date last night with a friend from England via webcam and it crashed just when I hoped to find out when she's coming to America." Devon replied as he turns on the power to the computer.
The sound of a hiss then a pop and then the smell of smoke fills the bedroom just before the lights go out. "Oh, Shit!" Exclaims Devon, as he dived for the power switch on the surge protector a little too late.
"Devon watch your mouth or I will wash it out with soap, now where's the flashlight?" She asked annoyed by the lights going out.
"Got it right here mom, I keep it handy." Devon replied as light filled the room.
"I'll get the breaker, mom" Continued Devon as he walked to the closet door, opened it and reached in past some clothes to find the circuit breaker box.
Seconds pass and there the sound of a click from the closet and the lights flicker back on. Devon walks back over to his desk and pulls the cover off the computer, looks in to see a mass of burned circuits and melted wires. Making the sign of the cross with his hand and then to a gun pantomimes shooting the computer.
"It's dead, there's no chance of resurrecting this one from the dead again." he said rather dismayed and sat down in the chair.
"Well maybe you can buy another from the place you bought that one." She replied trying to comfort her son.
Devon sighed in frustration.
"Mom, it took me three weeks of searching all over town to find a video card just to keep this one running a month ago, and now it's trash. The only way I'm ever going to have a computer that doesn't crash on a daily basis is to ether buy a newer one or build it!" said Devon beyond exasperated.
"Devon we have been over this before, I just can't afford to buy you a system every time you break the one you've got." she said firmly.
"Mother, you've promised me three years ago to buy a new computer for me, if I kept my grades up in school, which I've raised by a good ten points but you still have yet to make good on your promise! Devon said angrily.
"Son, will talk about this when I get home from work today, unlike you I have to work on Saturday's." she said calmly.
"Yeah, that's what you always say, but never do because something else always comes up conveniently to change the topic of discussion!" he said ranting as he plopped down on his bed and picked up the latest Digimon magazine with a blue renamon on the cover.
"We will talk about it today like I said, I'll be home around four or five depending on how much business we get today," she said walking back up stairs.
Now she was beginning to get annoyed by her son's attitude. But she knew he was right and that irked her to no end. Either way, it was because she knew he was right that she couldn't get mad at him, annoyed sure, mad no.
He waited for a few minutes before going upstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast.
"When is she going to understand that I can't keep repairing computers that are ten to fifteen years out of date and that I just can't get parts for anymore?" He thought to himself as he made himself a bowl of milk and cereal.
Walking into the living room, he turned on the TV to check on the scores of the game from last night and watches uninterested as he ate his breakfast. It wasn't long before Devon lost interest in the TV. He turned it off, then returned his bowl to the kitchen sink and poured water in it. After setting the security alarm, he then heads to the stairs and his room in the basement. Sleepy from being up all night he laid down in his bed to take a nap, throwing out the hunk of junk that was his computer could wait till later. Looking up at the bottom of the bunk overhead, he looked at the picture of his older brother wondering where he was and what he was doing. His brother Daryl was one of the last of the American teens to go to the digital world before Hypnos had firewalled the portals to get there some ten years ago, but he never returned from the digital world. Maybe that's why mom had a dislike for the digital world and the Digimon here in the real world and everything to do with them, because one of them took her eldest son from her.
"Boy mom would flip if she knew that my friend Ellen from England was a Digimon, maybe that's why I never told her." thought Devon.
Sleep finally takes the 17 year old as he dreams of the digital world.
"The dream"
"Wait a minute! This isn't my home," thinks Devon as intense heat from burning fires wash over him.
Looking around there are destroyed buildings and cottage-like homes some of them burning and adding to the heat. The place looks like a war zone, a large battle must have taken place here in the last hour or so by the looks of it.
"I better get out of here and quickly." thinks Devon as he walks around fires and what looks like blast creators in the street.
In the distance the sound of a battle reaches his ears.
"Uh Yeah I better go." he says to himself and starts walking and then running as the sounds of battle get closer.
Turning the corner he is confronted with a sight he never thought he would witness. Not a hundred yards away is a Greymon battling a Renamon. He watches transfixed as the Renamon dodges a nova blast after nova blast from the Greymon, she weaves around her opponent from building to street and to building again looking for an opening to launch an attack.
"Diamond storm!" She shouts launching her attack.
The Greymon counters with his firewall but still takes some damage as part of her attack got through.
"Oh man, She's quick." thinks Devon as he watches her setup her next attack.
A stark realization hits him.
"Oh no! she's repeating the same attack pattern, left, right then left again. If she keeps this up she's toast!" thought Devon.
As she launches her rapid kick attack at the greymon's lower jaw, time seems to slow down as he watches the Greymon duck under her attack and counters with his great horn attack. He catches her dead in the back with his horn sending her flying towards Devon. A scream of pain from her reaches Devon's ears just as the Greymon follows with another attack "nova blast". The nova blast engulfs her body and slams her into the ground less than ten feet from Devon. The heat of his attack and concussion wave is so intense that Devon is knocked to the ground. Stunned by the blast, Devon can do nothing but watch as the Greymon closes in for the kill. The Greymon stops twenty feet away, and turns his head and looks down at Devon.
"Your kind is not wanted here anymore human, leave now or suffer her fate." The Greymon said.
Devon stares on in shock, and then it hits him that the Greymon was speaking to him.
"Very well, you've had your chance to leave, now suffer! Nova Blast!" The Greymon shouts launching an attack against Devon.
"Oh shit!" Devon hollers and rolls right and gets his feet under him in time to dive toward a nearby blast crater. The nova blast hits the ground behind him and the concussion wave propels Devon the rest of the way into the crater. Looking around Devon tries to get his bearings, but it was harder than it should have been, because his ears were ringing from the concussion wave.
"The renamon is laying five feet from him and the big ugly is behind him and coming on strong to finish the job and that building ten feet on the other side of her might give me a chance out of this" he thinks.
Then he spots something, sitting on the ground next to her. A D-arc! In a split second, his plains change. Scrambling out of the crater Devon dives for the D-arc and grabs it and then rolls into a crouch next to the renamon picking her up in one fluid motion is back on his feet and heading for the building ten feet away. Bright flash of light engulfs them both as the nova blast connects then a split second of pain before the world goes dark.
The dream ends.
Fear, pain, shock and heavy breathing accompany Devon as he sits bolt upright in his bed; a cold sweat covers him from head to toe, his back aching and throbbing badly. As if he had slept all twisted, tossed and turned in his sleep violently. He also felt like he had a bad sunburn on is back, but he dismissed this, as his thought are consumed around the dream he just had.
"It was just a dream, no more like a nightmare." Devon thinks to himself.
"Well that settles it no more fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches or staying up all night for me anymore, if there're going to cause nightmares like that." He said out loud.
Just then, he realizes that there's a fading white light from the computer desk and turns his head in time to see the monitor go dark.
"Now that's weird, I thought I turned the monitor off." mumbled Devon to himself.
Looking at the monitor he sees that in fact that it is off. At that moment Devon feels a warm pressure against his lower back, it's then he realizes that he's not alone in bed anymore.
"Whoa! What the Fuck!" He says diving out of bed.
The sound of something hitting the floor besides his feet draws his attention away from the bed. "No, it can't be,-" thought Devon.
The D-arc from his dream is laying there at his feet.
"But it was just a dream, wasn't it?" he asked as he reached down to pick it up his attention returns to the bed.
The broken and blackened form of the Digimon is laying there, looking at her he sees that her fur is singed in some spots and completely burnt away in others, maybe a broken bone or two. The D-arc drops from his hand as he realizes the extent of her injuries and He runs upstairs to the hallway closet for the first aid kit and grabs some towels also as a second thought and runs back down stairs. Once there his first aide training takes over, the first step is to clean her wounds with the hydrogen peroxide, then to dress and then to bandage the wounds and wait.
Devon Thinking: "Glad I took that first aide course at camp last year."
After tending to the renamon's wounds the forgotten D-arc on the floor draws his attention, picking it up he walks over to the computer desk and sits down. Turning on the desk lamp he turns the D-arc over and over in his hands examining it.
"Boy this thing is old, ten years or older by the look of it and pretty banged up." He thought to himself. Then a sudden realization hits him then; I'm her partner and she's my Renamon!
"Ahh man what the hell am I going to tell mom! I can't very well hide her, she's too big for that. And she sure as hell not a lost puppy." He says out loud.
On the D-arc he notices that it has a mini usb port,
"Hey I can hook this thing up to my computer and get check out how this thing works." He concluded thinking to himself.
Then he remembers that his computer is beyond resurrection this time. A soft moan comes from the bed drawing him out of his souring mood. Rushing over to the bed he finds that she has moved a little, but still out cold. He tongue was lolling out one side of her mouth. Tentatively he reaches out to place her tongue back in her mouth and finding it dry as sandpaper but warm, possibly to warm almost feverish. Walking to his bathroom he fills the cup by the sink with cold water and returns to his partner. Sitting on the edge of the bed he grabs one of the towels and places it under her jaw to catch any water that may dribble out. Slowly he drips water onto her tongue and into her mouth. Her tongue on reflex laps at the water and moves around the inside of her mouth wetting the dry tissues. Minutes pass as he drips water into her mouth and she reflexively swallows until the water is gone. Earlier he had been so intent on taking care of her wounds he had not paid much attention to her form until now. With or without fur her body was shaped in almost the hourglass figure of some fashion model, her top most set of breasts had to be at least a large c-cup if not a small d-cup in size, and they had rings in the nipples. The next set there was no doubt about their size a solid c-cup, the next had to be a b-cup and they were the smallest ones. Her midriff tapered slightly to her waist which blossomed to her hips, her sex was covered by long thick fur adding to the air of sensuality of her race, his eyes trailed down to her well-muscled thighs and long slender yet powerful legs. Here in the real world every child since the Digimon had arrived dreamed of being lucky enough to have just such a Digimon as a renamon as their partner. And it was no wonder why; Renamon were aloof by nature yet very visually appealing to most humans, highly intelligent and apt learners and loyal to death. Looking down at the sleeping renamon;
"I'm either one very lucky guy or a dead man when mother gets home." thinks Devon.
As he starts to get up from the bed she rolls onto her side and her left gauntleted paw drops into his lap and grips his member through his pants, a soft moan comes from her mouth and then she speaks in a whisper.
"Mate, you found me, my family is safe." Sighs and falls back asleep.
Careful not to wake her Devon moves her hand out of his lap; his penis throbbing from her soft but firm grip. Devon then gets up and heads back to the desk to resume his examination of the D-arc. Two buttons on the front below the circular screen unmarked as too there function, besides the card slot on the top and the mini usb port, no battery or power connection. Looking over at the bed,
"Damn she looks sexy laying like that." Thinks Devon
I wonder he says pointing the D-arc at the sleeping renamon and pushes the left button on its face. A hologram appears above the circular screen, readouts show name:
Type: data.
Attacks: Diamond storm, rapid kick.
Level: rookie.
Status: health 60%.
Power: 40%
As Devon reads the holo-display the health monitor drops to 58% and then to 54% and dropping. Realizing that he missed something Devon rushes over to the bed; setting the d-arc down to where he can keep an eye on the holo-display he begins to examine her more closely. Carefully he runs his fingers though her fur looking for anything he could have missed. As he moves to her back, her fur is wet and thick with slightly crusted dried mats. Searching farther into the thicker fur that runs down her spine the fur is soaked. Pulling his hands away he finds them covered in blood. Horrified he rolls her over onto her stomach. Looking at her back he finds midway down the broken off tip of the greymon's horn lodged between her ribs and the source of the blood. Placing his left hand between her spine and the horn, and grasping the horn with his right, he pulls on the horn experimentally hoping it will come out without a fight. No such luck it was wedged in tight, resetting his grip he pulls again with more force it still refuses to budge. Looking up at the holo-display the health reads 30% then drops again to 25%. Resetting his grip on the horn his forearm muscles bulge and pulls
"YOUR NOT, the horn moves an inch DYING YET!" He shouts as the horn comes free in his hand.
Devon watches as the horn in his hand changes into one of the fabled blue cards, as the health meter drops to 15%. Grabbing the D-arc Devon swipes the card through the slot, and reads what is on the screen
"Recharge Activate!" He shouts.
White light erupts from the screen of the D-arc filling the room. On the bed renamon's eyes fly open, power unlike any she has ever felt before courses through her. Broken bones and other injuries heal as the Digivolution process begins.
"Impossible, I can't I'm not that strong! Oh my I can," says Renamon as a smile forms on her lips.
"Renamon warp digivolve to Taomon" she shouts!
Devon dives back as the renamon shouts, there's a bright flash of light and then as it fades away Taomon is standing before him her head almost touching the ceiling.
Looking around Taomon examines the room, scattered computer parts lay around the room, clothes and various other items, her gaze stops at the human.
"Where am I?" she asks.
"You're in the real world, more to the point Spokane Washington, "Devon replies.
"But how? The last thing I remember is fighting a greymon in the village and losing." she replies.
"I know, I was there, I saw the whole thing between you and the greymon. I grabbed this D-arc and you off the ground and ran, there was a flash of light and a lot of pain and then we were here, back in my bed. At first I thought it was only a nightmare but then I found the D-arc and you in my bed." Devon replied.
Taomon thinks a moment before speaking again.
"Then I am in your debt, you saved my life. Now tell me how I can return to the digital world?" she said.
Devon sits down in his computer chair before responding.
"Truth is I don't know, since Hypnos closed the gateway over ten years ago not one human has been able to reach the digital world until now. And don't ask me how I did it because I don't know that either unfortunately." Sounding more than a little bummed out.
"Then I'm stuck here and my mate and cub are there in the digital world." Taomon sits down on the floor, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "If I hadn't left the village, if I had stayed home I would have been there for them, there's no chance they escaped. The greymon attacked without warning!" she sobs and returns to her renamon form.
Devon gets up and walks over to sit down next to her. Wrapping his arms around her, he holds her; neither saying anything for the better part of an hour before she speaks again.
"What's your name? "She asked almost a whisper.
"I'm Devon Thackry, Renamon it's a pleasure to meet you." Devon replied.
"Renamon is a sub-race of digimon; my name is Kithira or just Kit for short." Kithira corrected him politely.
"For what it's worth Kit; I know the pain of losing a loved one also, my father died after I was born, and my older brother, well he disappeared into the digital world over ten years ago when I was seven." Devon replied trying to comfort Kit.
Kit pulls away and stands up, then turns to face Devon.
"The D-arc, may I see it?" She asks.
Standing, Devon picks up the D-arc off the bed.
"Sure here." Says Devon as he handed the D-arc to her.
Devon watches as she turns it over in her hands examining it as if looking of something. She stops and rubs on a spot with her finger, some dirt falls away and then her whole body shudders, she hands the D-arc back to him.
"Where did you say that you found the d-arc again?" She asks, her emotional pain audible in her voice.
"In the digital world between the blast crater I was in and where you landed, why?" He asked with concern.
"There's really no point for me to return to the digital world now, the d-arc was my mates. He would die before giving it up; or at least that's what he told me too many times to count. My mate is dead and more than likely so is my cub with him." Said Kithira as the pain of loss threatens to overwhelm her.
But she refuses to allow her grief to take her.
"Hey you don't know that for sure; just because the gateway is closed between the worlds for humans to go through doesn't mean that we can't get a message to the digital world." He said trying to reassure her.
"It wouldn't matter you're my partner now according to the d-arc; if you don't believe me point the d-arc at yourself and press the scan button." she said sobbing quietly but slowly getting control of herself as anger at the Greymon overtakes her grief. Kithira's mood darkens but she hides it from Devon as she knows what has happened is not his fault.
Doing as she instructed Devon points the d-arc at himself and hits the scan button. The holo-display lights up and reads.
Bio-signature match: human partner to Renamon Kithira.
Health: 100%
"Ok, so I'm your partner in the real world, but this still doesn't prove that your mate has died." said Devon clipping the D-arc to his belt loop.
"Yes it does or at least it does with that d-arc, unlike other d-arc's that one has been modified to accept a new human partner only when the other has died, one digimon one d-arc." she said her voice betraying her dark mood.
"Oh, I didn't know; I'm sorry for your loss." Looking at the clock seeing that it was 12:30 in the afternoon he looks back at Kit.
"Well I'm hungry can I get you something to eat or drink?" He asked.
"Yes, a drink called Earl Grey tea if you have it, if not water will do fine." she relied.
"I'll be back down in a few minutes then, look around if you want." said Devon heading out the door.
"He's a good boy, kind and caring and full of courage, but he's got a lot to learn about digimon. But how did he cause me to warp digivolve to my ultimate form? And that power surge that the d-arc gave me. Too many questions and not enough answers." She said thinking to herself.
She looked at the mess in the room, and Kit shakes her head.
"Has to be a human trait." she says out loud.
"Pictures on the walls of various humans in weird clothes, painted faces and holding some sort of weapons with strings, their faces contorted in screams of rage. Human warriors of some sort." Kit thinks to herself.
Looking over the smaller pictures she sees one of Devon much smaller and with a human female holding him,
"His mother maybe?" Kit thinks.
As she looks on one picture stands out from the others; it shows Devon on the left his mother in the middle and her mate on the right! Pulling the picture off the wall she looks at it closely. Tears well up in her eyes as the realization hits her.
"It's Daryl alright. That means this was his family, the den in which he was raised, my mates family that I never meet before the gateway was closed." thinking Kit as she runs a furred finger over Daryl's face on the picture.
"Daryl my mate, I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you and our daughter." Kit says out loud hugging the picture to her chest. Her grief overwhelms her and this time she can't stop the tears.
Meanwhile upstairs in the kitchen: Devon places the water for tea on the burner to boil, and while that's going pulls out the bread and peanut butter and makes some sandwiches.
"How am I going to tell mom about Kit, let alone that I'm her human partner? Ah hell, mom's going to freak, there's no getting around that. Well she's going to have to accept it, I'm Kit's partner now and that's that." Said Devon thinking to himself, as the teapot starts whistling and Devon takes the pot off the stove; pours some of the water into a cup setting on a serving tray along with the peanut butter sandwiches; his coke and the tea bags. Picking up the tray he heads back down stairs.
"I'm back with tea and sandwiches." He announces entering the room.
Kit turns to face him tears staining the fur on her checks, the picture frame held to her chest. Extending the picture to Devon, Kit points at the picture.
"This was my mate, who is he to you and female human?" She asks.
Devon looked at the picture.
"That's my older brother Daryl and mother and me taken just before he went to the digital world. Wait a minute! My brother was your mate! That, that means my, my, brother is dead! Daryl NO!!" He stammers out, the serving tray slipping from his fingers.
Kit grabs the tray before it tilts to far spilling the tea and sandwiches on the floor, and sets it down in time to catch Devon as he collapses. Wrapping her arms around him she supports his weight and lowers him to the floor, his head nestled between her top breasts his shuddering sobs of grief and tears soaking her fur. Devon's arms wrap around her midriff afraid to let her go.
Chapter 2
A short time later, as the tears are drying on both of their faces; Devon is the first to speak.
"To tell the truth I had always wondered what my brother was doing or where he was and whom he was with." Devon said looking at the floor.
Kithira looked down at him.
"He was my partner for a very long time, for too many digital years to remember. We had our good times and bad ones, but I never doubted his love for me not once. He was a good man and a good mate too me in all ways. My only regret was not making our relationship a binding one beyond that of partners. "Kit said regretfully.
Devon thinks for a minute before speaking, then blushes.
"Then you and my brother didn't actually mate ah, sexually?" Devon asked now feeling rather uncomfortable.
"That was my only regret about us." She says, the inside of her ears turning red.
Just then the sound of the kitchen door closing reaches Kit's and Devon's ears.
"Devon, you down in your room? I could use some help with the shopping." Devon recognized his mother's voice from upstairs.
Kit and Devon pull away from each the other, Kit looks for some place to hide; seeing none she adjusts her kneeling position slightly too where she is facing the door, and picks up the tea cup and sips from it. "Uhhgg! The tea has gone cold." Kit thinks to herself and grimaces at the cold tea.
Devon hops up and sticks his head out the bedroom door.
"Be up in a second, I need to get dressed, he said," Grabbing a pair of pants and a t-shirt he runs into the bathroom to change.
"Humans are so strange they have to change their fur every day or sooner," Thought Kit as she shook her head and sipped her cold tea.
As Devon comes out of the bathroom, he sees Kit shaking her head and a smile on her lips. Devon smiles at her,
"I'll be back down in a few minutes." He said almost running into his mother at the door to his room, a large box in her hands.
"Devon, when were you going to introduce me to your friend?" Asked his mother as she handed him the box and stepped into the room.
"Uh, mom, I was just on my way up." Stammered Devon clumsily. An awkward silence grips the room as Devon's mother enters and bows to Kit.
"Honored Renamon, welcome to my home; I am Devon's mother, Lisa Thackry, I hope my son didn't shame himself too much while I was out." She said.
Kit rises to her feet and returns the bow.
"I'm Kithira, and actually Devon has so far today saved my life twice that I know of and is now my human partner." Kit said. Devon's mother nods her head the turns to face her son.
"Devon, bring your new monitor down and go upstairs and make some fresh tea for us and bring it to the living room upstairs. Afterwards you can bring the rest of the boxes down from the kitchen while Kithira and I talk. If you'll follow me upstairs we can talk in a more refined atmosphere." Devon's mother leads the way as Kithira nods to her request and follows.
Devon puts the box down in time to take up the rear behind Kithira as she ascends the stairs out of the basement. Devon watches the way Kithira walks her tail always swaying to left or right with each step she takes. On the stairs the vision in front of him is almost more than his seventeen year old mind can handle; as Kithira is three steps higher than him and with each step she takes her furred covered asshole and the slit of her pussy are visible to him. His heart rate increases as does his breathing with the sight before him, his growing erection in his pants the result of it. Kit doesn't need to look over her shoulder to know what's going on; her ears and nose have picked up the change in his breathing and the pheromones being released into the air by his body's sweat glands.
"Well that's something I didn't expect .He's attracted to me as a breeding mate. Would Devon actually mate with me? Ooh why is the thought arousing me so much. (Kit giggles quietly to herself.) If he is so willing, why don't I give him a taste of what's to come." She thinks to herself with a smirk.
And at the top of the stairs she times it just right and stops and ducks her head through the doorway and lifts her tail straight up along her back exposing her sex to his full view. Not expecting Kithira to stop at the top of the stairs, Devon is caught off guard and buries his face in her ass and her hood slips into his mouth. A sweet musky odor and taste invades Devon's sinuses and taste buds, not unpleasant, but alluring and erotic in a way as the erection in his pants surges to its full length. Kithira shudders as Devon's hot breath flows across her backside and his mouth sucks on her hood.
"Devon can't resist shove his tongue into her to get her full taste. Devon groans quietly and sucks a second or two longer, then quickly remembers himself and blushes furiously.
"Oooh that felt good, Its been too long, I need to get mated. But not now, hopefully later. I see he liked it as much as I did." Thinks Kithira, as smile forms on her lips, she continues to follow Devon's mother through the kitchen and down the hall to the living room.
Devon stops in the kitchen and watches as Kit follows his mother down the hallway to the living room. And begins making the tea his mother requested him to make.
"She did that on purpose the tease! But what if she wasn't teasing? It's not like it hasn't happened before a digimon and their tamer getting it on; heck the internet was full of websites with stories, pictures and videos of it. In the last 30 years, society has changed and accepted the fact that it's going to happen regardless. Damn she's so sexy when she walks like that her tail just swaying back and forth giving just a hint of what the tail conceals; I could get use to waking up with her in bed next to me. And burring my cock in that tasty cunt of hers. Aww man she tasted good! I hope she lets me do that again and for a lot longer than a few second. I can't believe the hardn she gave me. Ok, I'd better stop before I have to go jack off."
Thought Devon as he continued to fantasize about the many things he wanted to do with kit. Mostly of how that hood would feel tightly wrapped around his cock as he buried it deeply into her, repeatedly.
While waiting for the water to boil Devon carried the boxes from the kitchen to his room down stairs. None of the boxes were marked with anything more than a part number, then it hit him what his mother said when she asked him to make the tea.
"She didn't go to work today; she went and bought me a new computer system! Oh man now I feel bad about the way I acted this morning, no better than a spoiled brat would act after being told "no you can't have ice cream for breakfast." He felt guilty and as a result his erection died just as quickly as he got it. "Ok so much for masturbating, I feel like an ass. I need to apologize to her for the way I acted. I'd better get those boxes too." Devon thought to himself.
From the heater vent on the ceiling the voice's of Devon's mother and Kithira talking can be heard; Devon opens the vent all the way to hear better and is shocked by the topic of discussion. Devon listens to them until the shrill sound of the teapot whistling reaches Devon's ears and he has to run upstairs to make the tea.
Meanwhile in the living room:
Lisa Thackry walks over to her easy chair and motions Kithira to the couch knowing how the renamon like to lounge instead of sit or kneel. Kithira steps to the couch and waits for Devon's mother to sit first then takes the offered couch. After a moment Lisa begins to speak.
"I'll be very honest with you, I'm not happy about you and Devon mating downstairs while I was out." Lisa said flatly her tone betraying nothing.
The look of astonishment crosses Kithira face then she laughs.
"I didn't mate with Devon. If you're talking about the blood on his bed that came from my various wounds I had when he brought me here this morning from my village in the digital world. That was from the first time he saved my life." Kithira said bowing her head.
"Impossible! Hypnos closed all gateways to the digital world over ten years ago to humans, no human can go to the digital world period, I know I tried and they wouldn't let me kept saying it was too dangerous." Lisa said.
"Never the less, Devon was able to bring me here and now his D-arc shows us to be partners." Kithira said.
"Listen it's nothing personal against you Kithira, I've lost two of the three men in my life to the digital world or to a digimon. The first was my husband to the digimon D-reaper when he attacked the television station in Tokyo Japan over fifteen years ago. The second was my eldest son who went to the digital world over ten years ago just before the gateways where closed. I do not intend to lose the last of my family to the digital world." Lisa said in a matter of fact tone.
Kit cocks an ear toward the hallway listening for Devon, hearing him grunt in the kitchen picking up a box and then his footsteps on the stairs, she nods and speaks.
"What I'm about to say Devon can never be told about unless I am dead or things change in the near future, the same goes for you. Eleven years and some odd months ago I was captured in the firewall of one of the gateways by Hypnos trying to come to the real world from the digital one. At that time I was fleeing from an army of digimon and bringing news to Hypnos of new threat to this world. They offered me a job and I took it. I was given a D-arc a very special one, not only would it allow me to travel between the two worlds bypassing the firewalls and other security systems but it came with one other feature. It would stay with me as long as I live regardless of how many human partners I have. But with the job came the one thing I didn't count on, a Hypnos agent and human partner, your son Daryl Thackry." Kithira informed her.
Lisa shakes her head in denial.
"That's a lie my son went with a college study group to catalog the many types of digimon and the flora of the digital world! He would have told me if it was something like that." Asserted Lisa.
Kit checks with her ears again Devon's location in the house and finds it safe to continue.
"There was twenty of us, ten digimon and ten humans. We stopped the threat to both worlds. Nine years ago when the entire internet crashed the twenty of us spent months fixing the damage in the digital world. We lost half our number in the first four years on different missions for Hypnos. And the rest in the last five months; digimon having their data absorbed and the human partners being killed in both worlds not just the digital one. That's the reason Daryl and I never came here was to protect you and Devon, because Daryl believed that someone in Hypnos was setting us up, was the way he put it." Kit enlightened the mother of her mate.
In the kitchen the teapot starts whistling and Devon's footsteps can be heard running up the stairs.
In the Kitchen:
Devon Thinking: "If I go in there and lose it they both will know I was listening to their conversation. But if I don't say a word I leave myself open to attack by unknown forces or even the known ones like Hypnos."
Devon finishes pouring the tea into cups and then places a third cup on the tray and fills it like the others picks up the tray and heads to the living room. Entering the living room they are both to quite, which means they heard him making the tea and stopped talking as not to reveal anything to him. Setting the tray down on the coffee table between them Devon picks up one cup from the tray and sets it in front of his mother and the other in front of Kithira, taking the last for himself sits down on the end of the couch near Kit's feet.
Lisa Thinking: "Boy he's grown seems like just yesterday I brought him home. D-arc on his belt and his digimon next to him, boy they do make a pair. Reminds me so much of myself at his age with my digimon partner by my side, only my partner was male and one hell of a lover unlike my husband turned out to be. Smiling at the memory of days gone by the smile fads from her face; The D-arc on her sons belt it has a tracking device built into it! Coming out of her revere, she drops the teacup and jumps up heading for the hallway. Devon and Kithira look on as his mother pulls out a lock box from the closet and brings it back into the living room. Lisa sets it on the coffee table with a look of worry on her face. While entering the combination to open the box.
"Your d-arc! Give it here!" She said looking at her son.
Opening the lid as soon as the lock releases Lisa pulls out a folder and two packs of playing cards in a clear case and two D-arcs of a style never seen before and a micro-screwdriver set and places them on the table. Devon watches his mother's actions, as he hands her the d-arc, worry is on her face as she works quickly opening the D-arc's case with a mini-screwdriver and begins disassembling it. While working she asks Kithira some questions, rapid fire.
"Kithira, you said that five months ago members of your group started getting killed in both worlds. By chance did all of you get called for a meeting some months before? And did everyone show up for the meeting is now dead? And when they held this meeting did they want to up-grade everyone's D-arc at that time?"
Kithira thinks on it for a minute before answering.
"Yes to all three questions, but I don't see where this is going." Kithira said.
Removing what should be the last circuit board from the d-arc's case, Lisa finds what she's been looking for. Another circuit board with a small flashing light and a battery attached, this one she drops into the lock box and closes the lid. Lisa sighs in relief before speaking.
"At the meeting they didn't up-grade your d-arc they installed a tracking chip, that's how they have been able to find you. Devon go downstairs and get your pack and a couple changes of clothes, we haven't much time to get far away from here before someone's likely to notice that the chip is not sending its signal to base." Lisa said pointing toward the stairs for emphasis.
Devon starts to question his mother but by the look on her face, he knew it wouldn't be a good idea and headed downstairs. Kithira watches as Devon's mother opens the case of the red colored d-arc and then picks up one of the circuit boards from her now dismantled d-arc and pulls a chip from it. Lining up the chip with a slot in the red d-arc she pushes it in and snaps the case shut. Picking up the blue d-arc and a pack of playing cards and the folder Lisa hands them to Kithira.
"I don't have time to explain before Devon gets back just listen, this is my sons D-arc advanced and this deck of modify cards are designed just for him, this folder contains the only record of his true birth and other information you and him might find useful." Lisa began hurriedly.
Picking up the red D-arc advanced and deck of cards.
"I took the memory chip from your original d-arc and put it in this advanced model, it uses a lot less power for you to digivolve than that old one did, also both of these advanced models can't be tracked." Lisa said holding them out to Kithira.
Kithira takes the d-arc, folder and deck of cards from Lisa and puts them inside her long purple gauntlets; as Devon came running back into the room with his pack.
"Mother do you mind telling me what's going on?" asked Devon.
Handing Devon the red d-arc and deck of cards,
"This d-arc is for Kithira as are the modify cards in this deck." His mother said handing them to her son.
Pulling out her purse and removing the cash and a credit card she hands them to Devon.
"Here's all the cash I have it should be enough to get you to Hauser, this credit card is one of them prepaid ones so it can't be traced back to you or me. Now son I need you to go with Kithira no questions asked, go to the cabin we spent last summer in and I'll contact you by e-mail the password is Cole, when I think it's safe."
Looking at both of them,
"If you don't hear |
from me in a week leave the cabin and don't look back. Also, whatever you do don't come back home. Now go out the back door and don't look back. Kithira that folder has everything he needs to know, I think you understand." Lisa said looking at Kithira.
"But mother I just can't up and leave you here; what are you going to do? And what folder, what are you talking about?" Devon interrupted.
"Son I have to keep those that I think that are coming for Kithira off your back long enough for you two to get away; and the only way I can do that is to lure them with the tracking chip." Lisa said as she stood up quickly before picking up the lock box and her car keys and heading towards the kitchen and stopping at the garage door; Devon and Kithira following her, turning Lisa gives Devon a hug and kiss before going through the door.
Kithira puts her fur covered paw on Devon's shoulder,
"Come let's do as your mother has bid us." she said, as the car motor starts in the garage and the car pulls out.
Devon makes no sign that he is going to move so Kithira does the next best thing, she bodily picks Devon up and heads for the kitchen door knocking it off of its hinges when she reaches it with a well placed kick. Once outside she leaps to the rooftop and then bounds off across the rooftops carrying Devon. Devon is taken completely off guard by Kithira's actions and is speechless until almost a mile away.
"Kithira, stop and put me down!" Devon shouts over the rushing wind.
Kithira stops but doesn't put him down, looking down at him,
"What is wrong partner I'm only doing as you mother asked me to do, and that was for me to get you away from there." She said.
"I know but there are other ways of getting around besides bounding from roof top to roof top and attracting un-due attention to us; you know like the bus or train." Devon said.
"Where do we find this bus or train?" She asked him.
"Well first how about we get down to the street and then you can put me down, then and we can walk to the nearest bus stop." Devon said.
As easy as breathing air or walking Kithira leaps into the air and lands light footed on the street and sets Devon down on his feet. Taking a second to get his bearings, Devon is amazed at the actual distance they had traveled almost a mile in under two minutes.
Looking at Kithira, "You sure know how to move quickly, it would have taken me almost ten minutes to get here from home walking." He replied.
"In the digital world you have to move quickly or you don't survive long. Now where are we going?" She asked.
Devon walks up to the street sign and pushes the button and watches the traffic go by until the light changes.
"Come on kit." He says crossing the street.
Once on the other side of the street he walks over to the bus stop and checks the schedule times against his watch.
"We have about ten minutes before the bus shows up; might as well take a seat and wait." He says sitting down on the bench. Kithira walks over next to him and puts a paw on his shoulder and gives it a reassuring squeeze, but remains standing.
Meanwhile outside of Devon's house two black vans pull up into the front yard and disgorge troops, each armed with high power weapons and wearing body armor stenciled with FBI and other law enforcement patches. In true military manner and training the troops surround the house and commence with a full breech of the house. Within minutes the troops relax as they have discovered the house empty. Down the street a camera focuses on the proceedings at the house from inside a car parked at another house that's vacate and for sale. The lady inside the car watches on as another van pulls up and disgorges a group of men carrying scanning equipment enters the house and stays for almost an hour before leaving. A car pulls up on the street in front of the house marked with a Hypnos sign on the doors and a late twenties age man climbs out with a patamon sitting on his shoulder.
"Boy the players in this game are getting more and more interesting by the minute; First we have the J.A.S.F show up in full gear then some flunky from Hypnos with a orange puff ball on his shoulder, unreal, are you seeing this Dax?" Speaking into the mic on her collar.
"Yes I've watched every bit of it; I'd say whatever Kithira and Daryl uncovered is way too hot." Dax said.
"Well whatever it is, I'm going to hang out here and wait for everyone to leave and wait and see if they show back up." She said into the mic.
Over at the house an uniformed officer jumps out of one of the vans and walks over to the one that has been giving orders since they showed up who is talking to the guy from Hypnos. Speaking with him for a minute before turning and heads back to the van. The one in charge shouts out some orders and the troops load back into the vans quickly and leave like they were late for dinner, the Hypnos agent hops in his car and leaves with them. Before she has to ask for instructions, the speaker on her comlink chimes and Dax starts speaking.
"Kithira's warbler just showed up on the grid south bound Park road, check that she's now west bound I-90. She must be in a car or truck because she's moving too fast to be running." Dax said in her ear.
She thinks a moment before responding;
"I'll stay here and watch the place, Kithira and Daryl didn't know they were being tracked, and we didn't discover the tracking device was installed until after David and Golath were killed two months ago. By then her and Daryl had gone to ground and out of touch." Deb replies.
The comlink stays quite for a minute before coming back to life.
"Very well Deb; it's your call I just hope it's the right one." Dax said before closing the comlink.
Fifteen minutes later miles away downtown on the I-90 freeway west bound, a semi-truck is being pulled over. Then surrounded by police, as well as two black vans full of troops. After five minutes of searching the truck, one of the troops calls for the commander.
"Commander you need to come over here and look at this." The trooper call waving at the commander.
Walking over to the trooper.
"What have you got Brooks? The commander asked.
"I found the tracker taped on that cows horn, pointing at the cow, sir!" The trooper said snapping of a crisp salute.
Turning on his comlink.
"Base, deactivate the tracker for Kithira it's been removed from the d-arc and notify command central we may have a rouge agent and digimon on the loose." The commander said into his microphone closing the link before receiving a response from their base.
Hours later at Devon's house:
Tired of sitting in the car doing nothing, Deb gets out and acts as if she's looking at the house for sale, moving to the back yard of the house she looks for any sign of being watched and slips out the back gate into the ally. She then heads down the alley to the back of Daryl's house like she belongs there. Hoping the chain link fence with ease the first thing Deb notice's is the back door is laying some ten feet away from the house on the ground.
"Well now I know how they left, better check the house." Deb said thinking to herself.
Entering the house through the door into the kitchen and then into the rest of the house. After verifying that she's alone in the house, Deb walks through the house room after room looking for anything and everything that might give her a clue as to where Daryl and Kithira were going. Stopping in the living room, she makes a mental note of the three teacups on the coffee table now long gone cold and the remains of a dismantled D-arc. Looking through the circuit boards of the D-arc she spots the memory chip has been removed.
Activating the comlink;
"Dax, I'm inside Daryl's house and you're not going to like what I found" She says.
"Whoa, I thought that you were going to stay in the car? What are you doing in the house?" Dax asked.
"I'm collecting Intel and be glad I did, I've found Daryl's D-arc dismantled on the coffee table with the memory chip removed and the tracking chip missing." She said.
"Well look around and see if you can find any clues about where they are going. And I'll keep an eye on the network for any sign of them here." Dax said.
Looking around the living room nothing unusual to set it apart from any other family home; couch with end tables, pictures on the walls, older TV on a stand etc. Reaching down and picking up a picture from the end table next to the couch, she looks at it and sees a picture of Daryl's family.
"Boy this picture is old taken before he joined, Daryl's family I take it; let's see there's Daryl and his mother, his father and his baby brother. Funny he never talked about them, and here I thought he had told me everything about himself," Deb talking out loud to herself.
She starts to set the picture back down were she found it but stops spotting something not right with the picture.
"What's wrong with this picture?" said Deb curiously.
Turning the frame over she releases the clasp that holds the back on it and removes the frame back plate, the picture was folded over to conceal another four inches of it. Pulling the picture from the frame, she unfolds it to revile the hidden part; a male renomon standing off to one side of the family with a cabin in the background.
"I can't believe my eyes a male renomon with Daryl's family, but males never leave the digital world much less their villages, I got to tell Dax about this."
She says as she starts to key the comlink but stops when the sound of a pistol being cocked and placed against her head.
"Who are you? And what do you want with my family?" Lisa says her voice guttural and menacing.
Chapter 3
Meanwhile on the bus in eastern Washington state:
Devon soon became very lost in thought.
"A lot has happened in the last 12 hours, Daryl possibly dead and us on the run. And Kithira, she's a looker even for a digimon, I wouldn't mind losing my virginity to her one bit, what the heck if it happens it happens. And here we are running away from some threat that mom thinks is going to appear out of nowhere. Then there's the whole matter of their private talk like I didn't hear the majority of it. What's mother hiding from me? Not enough answers for my questions and Kithira doesn't seem forth coming on any of it. Then there's the matter of Kithira; how was I able to bring her here from the digital world and bypass all of the firewalls and who knows what other security Hypnos has installed over the last ten years. Then there is my attraction to Kithira which is evident by this painful erection that I've had for the last half an hour or so. This puzzle keeps getting bigger and bigger by the minute. "
In the seat next to him Kithira is dealing with troubling thoughts of her own.
"The time to grieve is yet to come for Daryl and Kassy, I cannot allow it to override my thoughts and actions from here on out. Who is hunting us, and why? I must protect Devon with every fiber of my being; yet does he need protecting? And the D-arc advanced that his mother gave me; she said it was his, but why would a human need a D-arc? It's not like he can digivolve like a digimon. And then there is the folder; what secrets does it hold for Devon?"
A feeling of insatiable arousal comes over her that she hasn't felt in a long time disrupting her train of thought.
"It can't be! Not now, I'm not due for several months yet!" Kit thought disbelievingly.
Looking out the window a black van like the ones Hypnos use passes by at well over the speed limit with its' emergency lights flashing, leaning over toward Devon.
"We need to get off the bus now." She warned.
"But why? We're not even close to the state line yet?" Devon asked a confused look on his face.
"That van that just passed us with the lights flashing, I recognized it as a Hypnos van and its' probably going to be waiting for us at the state line. Besides I know that I don't want to meet them; so why give them the pleasure of our company." She said standing up.
Devon follows suit and heads to the front of the bus with Kithira.
"We need to get off the bus now, please." Said Kithira to the bus driver.
"There's not another authorized bus stop until the state line, sorry I'm not losing my job by letting you off here in the middle of nowhere." The driver said in disbelief.
Kithira flashes her claws at the bus driver.
"I think you'll make an exception for us; or I'll rip the door off and we'll jump, it's your choice." Kithira said almost threatening.
"Besides we didn't have any luggage except my carry on, so really how long would it take for you to slow the bus down for us to hop off and you get going again?" Devon asked trying to get the driver to see reason.
"Ok, ok I'll let you all off." The driver said as he slows the bus down for them to hop off and continues on his way.
On the side of the state highway Devon and Kithira watch as the bus picks up speed and is gone. Turning to Kithira, Devon looks her up and down for a minute before speaking.
"I can understand why you don't want to run into the Hypnos goon squad; Hell, I don't want to either. But did we have to get off the bus in the middle of nowhere U.S.A.?" Devon complained.
"Hypnos is a small concern at this moment to me, Devon. I'm more concerned about us getting somewhere safe; now which way too this cabin from here?" Kithira asked.
(Devon pointed to the north east,) "That way twenty miles or so as the crow flies." Devon said.
"Then lets get going it will be dark soon and we'll need to find a place to spend the night." Kithira said.
"You must be crazy to think that I'm going to walk a 20 or 30 miles cross country through the woods." Devon said in shock.
"No I'm not crazy, and what makes you think I was speaking of walking partner?" Asked Kithira as she picks Devon up in her arms and leaps up and over the state highway avoiding a couple of semi-trucks and smaller cars and bounds off in the direction he pointed carrying him.
Devon unable to do anything else wraps one arm over her shoulder and hangs on.
"Boy can she move, and so strong; I never knew a renamon could make leaps like the ones she's making. How far have we traveled already? The joke is on Hypnos, let them try to track us out here. Damn I hate to admit it even to myself but I so want to take her bed and make love to her all night and day, the smell of her fur and even the brief smell and taste of her pussy this morning is still got me a raging hardn. Check that, it's worse now that she's holding me so close. Boy do I need to jack off and relieve the pressure in my balls!" Devon whimpered mentally.
"I'd much rather travel this way instead of that bus, too easy of a target to hit. Really easy to get killed in one of those things. He's so light, almost like I'm carrying nothing at all. Well he is smaller than Daryl was but a lot better looking. I'm coming into my season and there's not a male renamon to be had in this world. I feel so ashamed of myself, I wouldn't commit to Daryl as my mate and can't now. And now by some strange quirk of fate his brother is my new human partner and is attracted to me, or at least it appears to be that way. And by the tent in his paints I'd say so, wonder if he knows how to use it? But what caused me to go into my season? Surely not his light breath and tongue on my snatch this morning, the power surge from the d-arc maybe. Need to ask him what that modify card was that he used today on me to save my life for the second time. I'm getting tired and dusk is upon us, time to find a place to stay for the night." Kithira thought.
Dropping to the ground Kithira puts Devon down on his feet.
"We're far enough away from the highway now that we can stay on the ground for a while" Kithira said.
"I don't believe it we've traveled at least fifteen miles in the last hour, or so it seems.
"Besides I was going to ask you to stop anyway, I need to relieve myself badly." Devon said stepping behind a tree.
Kithira's ears pick up the sound of water hitting the ground and a sigh of relief from Devon; curious she peeks around the tree to see Devon shake the water from the tip of his member and then stroke it a few times before returning it to his pants.
"He's more endowed than Daryl was, that's a plus." Kithira thought as a wave of arousal washes through her and down to her sex, causing her to shudder with need.
Moving over to another tree she squats and relieves herself as well before Devon notices her watching. As the last drops of urine drip from her; Kit bends down and licks herself clean tasting the urine, then the juices from her pussy imbued with the scent and flavors of her heat. The taste of herself caused her to continue licking well beyond being clean. Enthralled from the self-pleasure of her tongue Kit fails to see that Devon is watching. Devon walks around the tree back in time to see her bend down and start licking her snatch. As he watches Kit's body is twitching in pre orgasmic bliss. Unable to help himself; Devon pulls his cock out and starts his own self pleasures, mentally imagining that he is licking Kit's pussy again instead. Devon watches on as Kit gets closer and closer to her orgasm, his own approaching just as quickly. Her audible whimpers of arousal where getting louder by the moment, unable to contain his own Devon groans as his seed shoots from his cock causing Kit to look up in surprise. An awkward moment of silence passes before either one of them spoke or moved.
"Devon I don't know what to say; my season is upon me and I couldn't help myself" Kithira said her skin beneath her fur red with embarasment.
Devon moves toward her not speaking the last drips of his sperm dripping from his cock; he kneels down to her and lightly runs a hand across her cheek.
"Don't say anything lets enjoy this moment together." He replied.
His hand trailed lightly down her neck and chest to cup her breast. Her body responds to his touch, her breath and heart beat begin to race as he caresses her breast, his other hand dropping to her pussy and starts caressing it. Refusing to let her base nature take over Kithira puts a hand to Devon's chest and stops his advances to her.
"We can't, not yet I'm not in full heat yet and unable to accommodate anything larger than my finger." Kithira said regretfully pulling away from him and standing up.
"Besides we've wasted enough time here and we need to go." she said walking in the direction they had been traveling.
"Yeah right." Devon said the disappointment in his voice apparent as he gets up and jogs to catch up to Kithira.
"Damn that was way too hot; I didn't know that a Renamon could bend like a cat. I wonder if she could bend like that while being fucked? I can think of way too many uses for that tongue, besides I would have settled for just a blow job. Hell just that tongue on my balls would have put me into orbit. Wonder if she and my brother ever did anything like foreplay? I wonder what she thought about seeing me blow like that, hope I didn't embarrass her. Her scent is getting stronger now; I can smell it from ten feet away and damn I'm getting another hardn." Devon thought to himself lustfully.
"I wish my heat hadn't happened now I can't even truly mourn for Daryl or Kassy. Now my heat has come and the only one around is Devon, wonder if I can get him to put that tool of his in the right place? He sure can shoot that's for sure; besides the smell of it on him is causing my juices to flow and soon my nature will take over. Hope we can find some place soon. My urge to mate is getting stronger, but we need to find a place for the night before anything like that can happen. " Kit contemplated worriedly.
Time passes as they walk and the sun begins to sink toward the horizon before Kithira's keen eyes see a place for the night. Stopping Kithira blinks her eyes and looks again at what she thought was there.
"Devon look over there at the side of the hill about half way up, what is that"? She asks pointing up the hill.
Devon looks in the direction she's pointing.
"Your eyes are better than mine all I'm seeing is trees, trees and more trees." Devon said in playfully sarcasm.
Picking Devon up Kithira bounds up the hill toward the vague outline; as they get closer more details become visible in the fading light. A cabin sits over grown and long unused overlooking the valley, its door gone and the windows likewise are a few details that Kithira see's before dropping to ground in front of the cabin. Setting Devon down; Kithira moves toward the cabin eyes alert and ears standing up listening for any sound from inside the cabin before walking to the door and looking in. Inside she sees a mess left by the forest inhabitants for some years in the one room cabin; leaves and dirt have blown in through the open door and glassless windows covering everything. Stepping inside she finds a makeshift table with a broken chair; past that there is a fireplace and a small kitchen on the back wall. To her left is a bed of sorts with a chest at the foot; and to the right is shelves on the wall there. Turning toward Devon; she jumps a little not realizing that Devon was right behind her.
"It's not much; but at least it's a place to stay the night." she said to Devon.
Stepping inside Devon allows his eyes to adjust to the darker interior, looking side to side Devon takes in the cabin.
"You weren't kidding, at least we'll be somewhere dry if the weather turns nasty." said Devon as he drops his pack on the table.
From his pocket, he pulls out his keys and turns on the flashlight attached to the ring. Looking around the cabin Devon spots what he hoped to find hanging on a wall, an oil lantern. Walking over to it, he pulls the lantern down and gives it a shake; no sound comes from the lantern.
"Damn the oil has evaporated, take a look in those boxes on the shelves and I'll check out this chest by the bed for anything of use." Devon said putting the lamp down on the table.
"Why not just start a fire in the fireplace for light? Kithira asking as she steps up to the shelves and pulled down one of the boxes to look in it.
"Because the smoke could be seen for miles; to top it off, this place is so old it'd probably end up setting the whole place on fire." Devon replied as he opens the chest.
Shinning the flashlight into the chest he sees mice eaten blanket and a whole family of mice that squeak in terror as the light hits them causing Devon to jump back and drop the lid of the chest. Kithira is in front of Devon in a flash upon hearing the squeak from the mice, claws extended ready to attack.
"Are you ok? What attacked you? Point it out and I'll kill it. "Kithira asked rapid fire. Devon couldn't help but to laugh at Kithira's over reaction.
"It's just a family of mice they can't hurt me or you, don't worry about them." said Devon his arms wrapping around Kithira's waist and his head on her shoulder.
Kithira's body shuddered at his touch, her tail involuntarily pulling to one side of her body exposing her sex.
"Does he want to mate with me or is he just holding me? His touch is nice though and the things it's doing to me; I've been too long without a mate this way! But if I mate with him would a child come from it or would it be just for pleasure? Do I even want another child this soon or even the possibility of one." Kithira thought.
Devon's hands cupping her lower breasts bring her out of her reflective thoughts.
"She's so protective of me already, less than a day together and already standing in front of me ready to battle whatever comes our way. She is nothing like the Digimon I've known. Hell Ellen is a yellow Renamon just like Kit yet she's nothing like her. I know Ellen battles once in a while in the battle dome games like the human Olympic games, but that's all it is...games. It's not real life or death battles like Kit is obviously used to. Another thing I don't quite understand is why I'm drawn to Kithira so strongly, I guess it could be teenage testosterone but is feels like it's more than that, almost like we were meant to be together. Her fur is so soft and the smell of it, no her is so arousing that I'm having a really hard time controlling myself; I just don't understand why she is affecting me this way." Devon thought to himself.
Devon's hands move up to her lower breast. A small aroused gasp comes from Kithira's lips as she shudders under his touch. Turning her head slightly towards Devon's, her tongue lightly licks his cheek and her tail wraps around him as a sign of affection. Devon turns her around to face him.
"Why am I drawn to you; is it your beauty or is it that intoxicating smell of your fur or both? Right here and now I feel like I've waited for you all my life; why is that?" Devon asked before kissing her passionately for a moment and holding her tightly against him before breaking the kiss and looking into her eyes.
"I don't know Devon, no more than why you are doing the same thing to me. Normally only a male Renamon would have this kind of effect on me, but you're not a Renamon. But I guess that doesn't matter right now. You are here when I am in need. That's all I care about at the moment." Replied Kit her heat deeply coloring her tone with sexual need.
Kit watched as Devon knelt and then wrapped his lips around her lower nipple, licking and suckling as hard or as light as he needed to, to please her. The moans and whimpers of her rising arousal were his reward. He switched often, licking and sucking on each of her 6 breasts until all of them were well soaked by his lavish attentions. Kit was now breathing heavily.
"Mmm, D- Don't St- please...Don't stop." Kithira begged lustfully.
"I will but only if you tell me to, agreed?" replied Devon his own desire blatant in his tone.
A nod was visible from Kithira. With that Devon was satisfied enough with her answer. He decided to continue his lip service for Kit. He again kissed Kithira with everything he could. Hoping she would feel his passion and arousal in this kiss and return it in spades. She did with an all-consuming animalistic passion common with her kind. Their tongues entwined around each other and in their fervid passion Devon's tongue was slightly nicked by Kit's sharp teeth. The taste of Devon's blood aroused her even more. He then began to lick a trail between her breast, making her shudder with pleasure and anticipation. Devon continued down onto her stomach and then lower still. "Oh I hope he doesn't stop, yes down farther, this feels so good! I'm so close to cumming! He is so... torturously slow but it feels so good. Oh Blessed Mother I can feel it! When I do cum it's going to be huge." Kithira thought impassioned by her heat.
Then Devon finally was able to smell her nether scent without interruptions and the smell was sweet and was reminiscent faintly of pine and cinnamon. An audible groan of his heightened arousal was heard, his mouth watered as he was looking at a favorite food or treat that he had not had in way too long!
"In my wildest dreams never have I ever thought this would be happening to me, let alone me being a tamer to one of the most sought after digimon, and to top it off I'm going to lose my virginity to one." Devon mused.
Devon pushes the fur covering her sex out of the way to expose her swollen hood. Her hood is reminiscent of a canine bitch here in the real world. The fluids of her heat had darkened the fur of the hood and as Devon gazed lustfully, a drop of her nectar fell toward the floor. A groan escaped from Kithira's mouth as Devon's hot breath washed across her slit. Devon unable to contain himself any longer, he lightly tastes of her heat with his tongue enticing purrs of pleasure from her that he could feel with his tongue not just hear. Kithira's fingers roam through his hair and gently pushed his mouth closer to her slit; Holding him there not wanting him to stop, wanting to feel his tongue find her clit and lick her to a much needed release of pent up sexual tension. Devon laps lightly at her hood savoring the taste of her heat his saliva coating her hood before pushing the tip of his tongue into her. Feeling his tongue enter her slit Kithira pushes on the back of Devon's head forcing him forward; her hood enveloped by his mouth and his tongue pressing into her painfully but erotic. Finding her clit Devon suckles on it as he had done to her nips earlier with as just as much zeal. While enjoying his feast of hot renamon snatch, he looks up to watch her reactions as he tongue lashes her clit in the near darkness of the cabin. Kithira gasps as his tongue lashes her clit repeatedly, the tender folds of her swollen muff causing some pain but it is more erotic than hurtful, if anything adding to her own building orgasm.
Working his tongue on her clit, Devon watches as Kithira's eyes close and her body starts to shake and then goes tense as she throws her head back and howls out her orgasm. His mouth is flooded with the flow of her orgasm; swallowing as much as possible he is amazed at the sheer volume of it. Kithira's hands clamp down on his head not allowing him to pull away until after her orgasm has passed, releasing him she looks down and smiles; and then steps away on wobbly legs, turning her back to him she crouches down on all fours and pulls her tail out of the way exposing herself to him.
"Devon I give myself to you willingly as your lover and mate. May your seed grant us many children in the years to come. Will you accept me as your lover and mate? " Kithira asked looking over her shoulder.
"I forsake all other mates for you Kithira, never will my seed grace another. May your womb bare us many children in the years to come." Devon answers without needing to thinking about it.
"Then come and claim me as yours my mate." Kithira said happy with his answer but a bit surprised." I'll ask him later about that." Kit thought to herself as Devon started to disrobe.
As he walks to her, Kithira watches as he removes his clothes. His penis released finally stands upturned against his belly swollen so much that the tip has turned almost purple, Kithira shudders at the sight of it, her hood pulling up into mating position; never had she seen another renamon endowed as Devon. Devon kneels down behind her and leaning over breaths in her scent again, slowly he runs his hands through the fur on her legs and up to her waist. Kithira twitches and moans as he runs his hands across her legs and to her waist, His hands tighten on her waist as he moves closer his chest brushes across her tail and butt causing her to moan louder in need and anticipation of what's going to happen. Devon pushes forward gently with his hips, the head of his penis rubs against her leg at first but he adjusts and pumps forward again. The tip of his cock presses against her nectar covered hood and slowly he enters her not wanting to hurt her. At the same time both of them moan in pleasure, she from him entering and him from the heat wrapped around his cock. Slowly he pushes his cock into her until his pelvic bone is pressing against her asshole, Kithira shudders and moans louder as his girth stretches her to the limit.
"Please, mate me slowly until I can get use to your size." She whimpers salaciously.
As he starts pump his cock into her he reaches forward and starts playing with her nips again, causing her to twitch at first then shudder as combined with the fucking pushes her to new heights.
"Oh, please don't slow down. Keep going, yes that's it rub my nips, oh your cock is so big it keeps rubbing my clit with each thrust. I don't know how long I will be able to hold off my orgasm at this rate. I can't hold it! Ooh, I can't ! I'm cumming!" Kithira growled wantonly.
Below Devon Kithira shudders and then starts shaking her head side to side before howling out her orgasm, her sexual muscles clamping down on Devon's cock causing him to groan and moan as she clamps down so hard that he is unable to move. As her howl dies away and her hold on his cock lessens.
"Devon, please!! I can't stand it this slow take me fast and hard don't hold back I can take it." Kithira said in a wanton begging tone almost pleading.
Releasing her nips from his grasp, Devon grabs her by the waist and begins to pick up speed his cock almost coming out as he pulls back before thrusting forward again; the force of his thrusts lifting her up almost off the ground.
"I can't, I can't hold off any longer, I'm fixing to cum Kit." Devon says his voice guttural and beast like.
Kithira's third orgasm starts as a low moan then raises to an ear hurting howl as it washes over her; her juices flooding her vagina as it clamps down on Devon's cock. Devon yells as her orgasm pushes him over the edge; powerful surges of sperm erupt from his cock filling her vagina causing her to orgasm yet again. Devon slumps against her back his breath coming in ragged gasps, her breathing is the same as his. Slowly Kithira lays down on the floor, Devon still inside of her, with her vaginal muscles clamping and relaxing milking him of the last of his seed. They both lay there on the floor of the cabin his arms wrapped around her; his hands caressing her in post orgasmic bliss. Ten minutes later as he slips out of her; Devon slides off and lay's down next to her.
Rolling onto her side, she traces a gloved hand along his shoulder and down his arm to rest her hand at his waist. She then remembers the question she wanted to ask him.
"Tell me when did you learn the words to the renamon mating ritual? I didn't know humans knew of it." Kithira asked in a soft voice and pleased look on her face.
"I didn't learn the words to this ritual you speak of; I spoke what was in my heart and soul nothing more nothing less, anything else would have been a lie." Devon said with a matter of fact tone in his voice.
Looking pleased by his statement, she nods her head before continuing.
"True there are no words to be spoken in ritual form, only a simple question with a simple answer, but the answer is what matters the most to a female renamon." Kithira said softly.
"It was a test then to see if I would be honest with you, nothing more or less. Moreover, the words we spoke I suppose meant nothing. " Devon asked as he stands up looking for his clothes somewhat miffed.
Standing up Kithira grabs Devon by the arms stopping his search for his clothes, and turning him to face her she kisses him passionately and wraps her arms around him. Breaking the kiss but not her hold on him Kithira looks into his eyes and speaks.
"The unquestionable truth of your words meant everything to me, and what I said was also true. Renamon only give ourselves willingly to another when we have chosen a mate. Otherwise, it is for breeding only with no emotional attachments between the two. I have chosen you Devon Thackry above all others that I could have chosen in two worlds. I chose you to bind myself with for life to be my mate regardless of what happens," said Kit her voice almost a sob with tears in her eyes.
Devon's arms wrap around her mid-section his fingers running through her short body fur, unintentionally running across erogenous spots on her body enticing a gasp from her and a small tremble to course through her body in response, Devon's penis responding to the feel of her soft belly fur.
"What else, can I say, except that I'm somewhat ashamed of myself for thinking and saying the wrong things, I didn't mean for you to think that I was angry with you for the test, I just wasn't excepting it that's all. Kit your my first to mate with. Now and forever you're mate. That's what matters to me. I just do not know your ways and I will need to learn them if I'm to someday go with you to the digital world to meet your family." Devon said.
Kithira looks up at him and licks him on the cheek then looks down at Devon's now standing erection.
"Oh, my don't you recover quickly, good because I need it now!" Kit said her voice sounding very guttural with her rising need.
Kithira tries to pull away but Devon has other plans as he bends down, grabs both her thighs, and picks her up spreading her legs wide in the process and opening her slit also. Her almost 300 pounds of lean muscle and soft fur, feel more like he's picking up a feather rather than a strong battle proven fox Digimon. The cool mountain night air washes across her now exposed wet clit sending a shiver through her body, seconds before Devon lowers her onto his raging hardn until it is buried to the hilt in her pussy. Yelping in surprise Kithira shudders as his cock rubs her clit and then as it pushes deep inside it hits a hidden spot causing a small orgasm to course through her. Kithira wraps her arms around Devon's neck and legs around his waist as the orgasm dies away.
She holds on tight as he carries her over to the makeshift table and lays her down. Placing her so that her tail and butt are hanging off of it, Devon kisses her passionately enticing a low moan from her as he pulls away to standing between her spread legs. Changing his grip on her legs, he spreads them as far as he can. Her ruff he easily pushes out of the way, giving him an unrestricted view of her pussy spread wide by his cock. Slowly he pulls back and watches as his cock slides out of her almost coming free from her hood he pushes it back in. As his penis dives back into the depths of her sex she moans louder as his head brushes her clit sending a wave of pure pleasure throughout her body. Devon props her left leg over his right shoulder freeing his right hand to work elsewhere. Kithira lets go of his neck as he stands between her upturned legs; as he slowly starts to thrust into her she pulls her chest ruff out of the way exposing her breasts to his view.
The look on Devon's face is all she needs to see as she starts rubbing her own nips making them stand up for him. She watches as Devon's free hand lightly grazes the fur on her right thigh traveling down to disappear behind it, his hand cups her butt cheek for a second then travels inward toward her asshole and the base of her tail. She gasps as one of his fingers lightly touches her fluid covered tail hole; and then outlines it causing another wave of pleasure to wash over her. Slowly he wets his finger in the juices that have escaped past his penis and run down her crack and over her asshole. Gently he rubs her asshole and then when the muscle starts to relax he slowly pushes the finger into her up to the first joint. Hearing no cries from her for him to stop he slowly pushes the rest of his finger into her ass. Kithira moans louder as the finger invades her, coupled with his large shaft rubbing on her clit and the hidden spot within, Kithira's body explodes in wave after wave of pleasure as his penis and finger piston in and out of her. As the pressure in his balls start to build, Devon removes his finger from her asshole and moves his hands her hips. With both hands he grips her waist and starts picking up the pace, ramming his rock hard cock into her pussy as deep as it can go his balls slapping her asshole and tail base. Kithira's moaning and groaning goes to a new level as Devon's cock sends her into more wanton desire. Her pussy muscles start contracting and releasing as her orgasm approaches; sweat drips off Devon as Kithira's muscles start grasping his cock harder with each passing second.
Looking up at Devon.
"YES, OH, YES MAKE ME YOURS, FILL ME WITH YOUR SEED!" She screams out as her orgasm takes her voice and control of her body away.
Devon rams his cock into her as hard as he can pushing her back on the table as her cunt clamps down on him locking him inside of her. He screams as the pressure on his rod forces his own orgasm, powerful jets of sperm fill her womb as his balls draw up against the base of his cock sandwiched between the two of them. Each of them shudder and twist with the force of their mutual orgasms, their screams fade away to the sound of each of them trying to catch their breath and recover control over their bodies. Weak-kneed, Devon holds onto the table for support. Kit then wraps her legs around Devon's waist and notices a growing brightness in the room. It is as bright as day in the room almost blinding. Her eyes grow wide in surprise when she discovers the source, Devon
"Oh shit! He's glowing! If I didn't know better I'd say he was about to digivolve! But that is not possible, there is no way...he is not a digimon, but his mother gave me a D-Arc Advanced saying it was his... I don't understand." Kithira thought and becoming more confused by the moment.
She moved her paw and felt something poke her wrist uncomfortably under her gauntlet. She remembered then what it was.
"The file and the cards, only digimon can use the cards though. Nevertheless, his mother said that 'these were made specifically for Devon'. Could he be some sort of Digimon hybrid of some kind? But how? So many... too many unanswered questions! After he is asleep, I must read that folder. It will probably answer all my questions." Kit thought to herself.
Devon kissed her lovingly, passionate of which Kit returned wholeheartedly.
"Morning comes early Devon, I am sated for now, and lets' see if that bed is serviceable, on second thought, let's make a pallet. Lord knows what kinds of critters have made their home in that thing. I sure as hell don't want them crawling around in my fur." Kithira said disdainfully.
Devon chuckled.
"Good idea, I don't care much for that idea either." Devon replied both amused at Kit and disgusted by the prospect of who know what kinds of creatures crawling all over him as he slept.
A few minutes later Devon was able to pull out of Kithira, and he began to lay out the pallet.
"I have to go relieve myself. I'll be back in a minute or two." Kit politely informed Devon.
"Ok try not to get out of hearing range or sight of the cabin ok?" requested Devon.
Kit simply nodded and went outside. She quickly found a place and took care of business. Afterwards she took a little extra time to look over the contents of the folder. Inside of the folder, she finds an 8x10 picture of Devon and his family at this cabin she thinks they are going too. She starts to set the picture down but then looks at it more closely when she realizes that she has seen it before only smaller. In the picture there is another figure standing off to one side on the porch of the cabin; a silver renomon. A renomon with Devon's family when he was young; was his father or mother a tamer at one time. The other things in the folder, a DVD in a case marked classified with a long string of numbers printed on it and a note saying (user: Lisa, pass: birth) and a couple sealed letters addressed to Devon.
"What does the renomon have to do with Devon and his family, and why didn't Daryl tell me about the renomon? I wonder what's on this DVD, some secret about Devon's past. And the letters to Devon are they from his father or maybe the renomon? I've been out too long, better get back to Devon before he comes looking for me." Kit says to herself.
Putting the stuff back in the folder Kithira returns it to her gauntlet and heads back to the cabin. As she approaches the cabin, Devon steps outside with his pants and shoes on.
"I was beginning to get worried about you, what took so long?" He asks obviously concerned.
"Like humans I also have to defecate from time to time not just pass water, besides I needed to clean myself up. She said licking her lips for emphasis." Kit chided Devon gently.
"Well I'm glad you're back because now it's my turn, he said rushing off behind a tree." Devon replied relieved.
Kithira stands by the door waiting on him to return; the sound of his water hitting the ground comes to her ears even from this far away, along with his sigh of relief. While she waits for his return, she pulls out the D-arc advanced and looks it over. Not much different than the one Daryl and hundreds of other tamers had. Except for the reduced power requirement for the Digivolution process, wondering what would happen she points the D-arc in Devon's general direction and pushes the scan button.
The holo-display lights up showing Devon's vitals:
Name: Devon Thackry
Health: 100%
Power: 100%
Lvl: Rookie
Type: Human-Digimon Hybrid
Attacks: Diamond storm, unable to analyze
Caught off guard by what the holo-display had shown, she sits down right where she stood. "I was right! He is a hybrid. Could that mean that, that Silver Renomon is his father? I can't ask Devon, He obviously doesn't have a clue." Kithira mumbled to herself completely blown away by this new information.
Kit was still trying to get over the shock when she heard Devon on his way back. She almost was caught by Devon returning from the woods as surprised as she was. She quickly stuffed the D-arc back into her gauntlet before he sees it. When Devon got back to the cabin, she smiled at him.
"Come on; let's get some sleep." Kithira suggested a lot more calm than she actually felt.
Devon returned her smile then yawned suddenly. Kithira sees Devon's canines were a lot sharper and longer than normal humans would normally be, by about a half-inch.
"That confirms it. That Silver Renomon is his father. But how could that be? I thought digimon and humans couldn't have cubs together. I wondered if it could be possible, but I thought we were genetically incompatible. Hmm...obviously not, well that's good news for us. At least my Dam won't be out to get my data like she tried to when she found out I had decided to take Daryl as my mate. Ooh he's half-Renomon. O-K...that explains a lot. I wonder what his champion form looks like. Ooh, I getting wet at the prospect. But we have to get some sleep." Kithira considered to herself and she begins to become lost within her thoughts.
Devon nods and follows Kithira into the cabin and laid down on the pallet he made while Kithira was out relieving herself, Kithira joining him snuggling up to him. Within minutes Devon is asleep next to her, Kithira lay awake for sometime thinking of the events of the day.
"This morning I was sure that Daryl and I were Hypnos agents and we were doing as we had been told. Which was to evade capture and foil any threat to either world we found out about, now I'm not so sure. Daryl is more than likely dead, rather than captured in the digital world, and here I am in the real world hiding with his younger brother (now my mate) in the middle of the woods in some falling down old cabin. Then there's his mother the folder and that picture; and his D-arc advanced that his mother gave me. Maybe in the morning we can have a look at the folder together and figure some of this out before we leave. Enough of this, I need to get some sleep also." As Kithira calms her mind for sleep Devon wraps an arm around her protectively, reaffirming her choice to mate with him earlier that evening.
Back at Devon's house earlier that day:
"I'm Deb a friend of your son Daryl from the agency." Deb said.
"How can I believe you? Ask you some question that's more than likely in his file, or some off the wall question no one would know about him. Or better yet, I could just blow your head off and be done with it." Lisa said threatening with a wave of the pistol.
"Look I'll answer all your questions in due time, but for now let's just say I don't mean you or Daryl any harm. If anything I've come to help him in any way I can and if that means saving his family then so be it." Deb replied.
"Now why would you do something like that?" Lisa asked extremely suspicious of the intruder.
"Because I owe him for more than one time or another for saving my life and at one time I loved him, I still do." Deb said hoping that Lisa's finger didn't slip on the trigger.
"You expect me to believe that, after you broke into my home and looked around like you owned the place!" Lisa said, the gun waving nervously in her hand.
"Look, we really don't have time to play 20 questions right now; Daryl and Kithira could be in real trouble about now and every minute you delay me is a minute I lose in finding them." Deb said now worried.
Uncocking and lowering the gun, "I don't trust you, but to protect my family I'll listen." Lisa said.
Deb sighs in relief, "First let's get out of here, with the J.A.S.F. and Hypnos nosing around while you were gone earlier I wouldn't put it past them to bug this house. Second if there's anything here you can't leave behind grab it and let's go." Deb said a worried tone in her voice.
Lisa nods and goes to the hallway closet and pulls out a worn leather satchel from the shelf and puts it on; opening the flap she puts the gun in the satchel and checks the contents. Pulling out a digivice, she checks the power readings then replaces it the satchel.
Seeing the old digivice, Deb comments on it; "Talk about antique's I haven't seen anything that old except in the museum when I was at Hypnos training academy."
"Some of us are older than we look, shall we get going or are you going to stand there all day?" Lisa asked.
Outside the sound of tires screeching reaches their ears; causing them both to turn their heads toward the front of the house. Looking out the living room window Deb see's the two black vans from J.A.S.F. slide to a stop in front of the house.
"Out the back and into the alley quickly!" Deb said as she shoved the picture in a pocket and moves to the hallway pointing toward the back door in the kitchen.
Lisa runs down the hallway and out the back door jumping off the back steps with Deb on her heels as a voice comes over a loud speaker from the front of the house.
"Deb you and Mrs. Thackry come on out of the house nice and easy and I won't have to scatter your data all over the place, come out now!" An unidentified voice shouted out front.
After hoping, the fence Lisa crosses the alleyway and starts to dive across the neighbor's fence but Deb stops her with a hand on her arm.
"My car is this way." Deb said pointing down the alleyway.
"But mines here in the driveway in front of this house." Lisa said.
"They can pull your plates and post an apb on it, mines a rental and fully covered." Deb said.
Lisa shrugs her shoulders.
"Ok you lead I'll follow." Lisa replied."
As they are running down the alleyway the loud speaker is keyed up again; "Ok, last warning come out or else!"
Leading Lisa through the empty house's backyard and around the house, Deb keys the comlink to Dax.
"Dax, I've got Daryl's mother and we're making our way to my car now." Deb said into the microphone of her com unit.
"Deb, I sure hope you know what you're doing..." (comlink goes dead) cutting off Dax's answer.
"Damn they're jamming the coms, we're on our own now." Deb said turning off the comlink.
Crouching down Deb leads Lisa to the side of the car and opens the door.
"Get in and stay in the floor." Deb said as she climbs in the front seat.
Peaking up over the side of the door Lisa looks down the street at her house and the twenty goons parked in the street in military armor.
"All of this because they're after Daryl and Kithira, why?" Lisa asked dismayed by the show of force.
"Why else, because they did the same thing that I and Dax did; we answered a phone call that changed our lives and set us apart from everything and everyone we ever knew and loved." Deb replied.
From down the street Lisa watches helplessly as a trooper in J.A.S.F. armor shoulders a launcher of some sort and aims it at her family's home, and fires. The home is gone in a flash as it is digitalized and sent to the digital world, leaving a smoking hole in the ground where it once stood. The job done the troopers load back into the vans and depart within minutes.
Silently Lisa moves into the front seat next to Deb and puts the seat belt on.
"Let's go find my son and Kithira before these animals get to them." Lisa said in a very hostile voice.
"We will, but first let's get far away from here first." Deb said as she started the car.
Pulling out of the driveway Deb turns the car the opposite way the vans went and takes off down the street.
Chapter 4
In Colorado Springs the next day:
Morning television news:
Early yesterday morning a small home in the older section of |
city exploded, fire crews took over an hour to get the blaze under control as it spread to neighboring houses within minutes before fire crews could arrive on the scene. Investigator's early reports released just minutes ago state the cause as an unknown explosive device that caused the fires and destruction of five neighboring homes. People living in the area have stated that the explosion rocked the neighborhood with such force that it shattered windows and even knocked a couple out of bed. Inside the house after the fires had been put out, firemen discovered human remains badly burnt and unrecognizable. The remains are undergoing autopsy as to the cause of death and possible identification. Switching the TV off, the chief of operations looks up at Drake standing in front of his desk.
"Well, what is it?" The chief asked.
"Report from Stevens in Spokane, Sir." Drake said handing the file to the chief.
Reading the report the chief's face becomes a mask of rage.
"Get that idiot over at J.A.S.F. on the horn! How dare them interfere in a Hypnos operation, when I get through with him he'll be lucky to be watching water drip into a cup from a leaky faucet." The chief said his face a mask of rage.
Drake caught unawares by the chiefs outburst stands there with his mouth open for a second before calmly reaching for the phone and dialing the number to the J.A.S.F. office in Spokane, then hands the phone to the chief then turns and starts to walk out of the office as the alarm goes off.
Bio-emergence detected! Repeat Bio-emergence detected!
Drake runs to his command console and picks up the holo-display glasses putting them on and starts going over the scans, while the computer voice continues its alert cry. From the other side of the command room a woman's voice starts counting off numbers.
"I have five, no make that ten emergence events eastern Washington state, Oh shit! There all champion level or mega level, mixed types and power levels from what I can tell." Drake shouted over the alarm.
The chief comes running out of his office into the control room, pauses a moment to read the various monitor screens then starts shouting orders.
"Security check them firewalls and gateways! Drake, get containment squads one to five mobilized and in route to the area asap! And Drake get on the phone to Stevens in Spokane, he is to wait there and join up with squad five when they get there." The chief shouted as he came downstairs.
From the security officer, "Firewalls and gateway security have not been breached; checking the logs now, wait one."
From the coms officer to the rear of the control room, "Sir, the head of J.A.S.F. is on the vid-phone with madam president wanting to know what's going on, what should I tell them? Sir."
"Tell them to give us a few minutes to figure that out, when we know, they'll know." The chief said watching the screens.
From the security officer, "Sir, logs show ten authorized firewall codes were used for the bio-emergence, the only problem is the codes are for some program group I don't have access to, its marked classified."
"Coms send the call to my office, I'll take it there. Security send the log file to my computer and someone shut off that damn alarm, said the chief retreating to his office."
The chief sits down at his desk and pulls up the log file of the access codes used, cross checks them with all the codes ever given and to whom, first turning on the mp3 recorder before turning on the vid-phone.
"Madam President, Blake, St. John here." The chief said.
"Please tell me we're not having another major emergence event like the one years ago?" An older woman's voice asked from the speaker.
"No madam president it's nothing like that, its worse." The chief replied.
"What do you mean its worse? Blake asked.
"Well see it is like this, I'm chief of operations here at the command center for the north American area. And it's my job to keep the gateways and firewalls secure. But I can't do that when the key's to those gateways and firewalls are passed out by J.A.S.F. personal like candy to kids! The breach we have today is because J.A.S.F. personal dropped the ball and didn't delete pass codes to the firewalls for team members under J.A.S.F. control that are dead according to the file I have on my computer screen in front of me." The chief replied in a mater of fact tone that betrayed his anger at the current situation.
Seconds pass before anyone says a word, the president is the first to speak.
"What do you mean they're issued by J.A.S.F., is this one of them black ops that I should have been informed about, Blake I think you need to explain this to me, and now!" She said angrily.
"Madam President, the operation was simple and straight forward; the team we sent to the digital world ten years ago was trained to handle any threat to either world. The last of the team was reportedly killed in the digital world some four months ago. And how someone got that teams access codes to the firewalls and gateways is beyond me, those codes I know for a fact were purged from the system as the members died." Blake replied.
Watching Blake fidget as he speaks the chief realizes what Blake said; the chief use's this moment to chime in and drive another nail into Blake's early retirement or imprisonment.
"Yesterday at 6 am pacific time we had a standard Bio-emergence in eastern Washington state, as per s.o.p. A team member was sent to check it out and ascertain the threat level of the digimon. And guess what my agent find's when he gets there, a fully armored J.A.S.F. team at the house of one Daryl Thackry, Hypnos agent reported missing four months ago when he failed to check in at a scheduled time. The J.A.S.F. team on site turned my agent away with a real lame excuse (holding up the report folder for all to see) as to why he couldn't make contact. I want to know why J.A.S.F. is operating outside of their sphere of jurisdiction and interfering in Hypnos jurisdiction. Also I would like to know why that house was destroyed late yesterday by the same units under J.A.S.F control?" The chief asked, his anger even more unchecked.
"That's a very good question, one I'd like to hear the answer to willingly or under arrest makes no matter to me." The president replied.
The video feed from Blake goes black as the line is closed.
"Madam President, we have a big problem, I recommend that Blake be arrested quickly as possible and any loyal to him." Chief St John said.
"St. John lockdown all gateways and firewall access to the digital world from this one, no one in or out. And I'll order the arrest of Blake." The president said before she cut the connection.
Rushing out of his office St. John starts shouting orders to his staff for the second time today, but this time over the complex wide pa system.
"All personal as of now the order is LOCKDOWN on all systems nothing in or out per orders of the president herself. Security, scramble all gateway and firewall codes and then scramble them again. Tracking, bring all systems to full power and keep a lock on them ten that got through earlier. BTW; Blake former head of the J.A.S.F. Is now wanted on charges by order of the president. As to the charges against him, I think treason fits the bill, all else is just speculation for now. Look alive people, move like you got a purpose!" St. John shouted over the p.a. system.
Across the United States access points for com links to the digital world go dead in seconds as the firewalls and gateways are closed, causing at first dismay then concern when the reason for the lockdown is posted on screens nationwide.
The same morning in a small cabin:
Kithira is up early, so early that the sun has yet to rise above the horizon. Standing in front of the cabin, she works out stretching her muscles, unaware that Devon is standing just inside the door watching her.
Devon thinking: "Look at her move, so graceful yet so deadly if one of those blows hits its mark. Hard to believe that two days ago I was just a normal teen going to school, and like the rest of my friends looking for a job come summer in a few months. Now if I'm - scratch that, now if we're lucky, maybe one of them jobs that hire digimon partner teams will hire us... Heck why am I trying to fool myself, the best thing is we're together, no matter what. I just don't understand why mom was in such a rush to get me and Kithira away from the house yesterday. And this going to the old family cabin in, "Nowhere, Idaho" where it's either cloudy and raining year around or just plain cold. Well I had better get dressed and get my pack ready, I have a feeling that it's going to be a long day."
Outside Kithira does a spinning kick and catches sight of Devon turning away from the door in the pre-dawn light.
Kithira thinking: "He was watching over me while I'm practicing, that's sweet. I still can't piece this puzzle about him together yet. I have a D-arc and a deck of modify cards made just for him, a folder with a dvd in it and a picture showing a renomon in the background. And to top it off his mother acted like she had something to hide from Devon when she rushed us out here. What about his canines longer and much sharper than a humans and that weird glow around him last night; and the D-arc scan of him that's even more puzzling." Suddenly Kithira has an epiphany from her line of thinking that stops her in her tracks and almost makes her lose her balance. Eighteen plus years ago Devon's mother was a tamer. What happened to her digimon? I can only assume that her digimon was the renomon in the picture. Then what if, that renomon is Devon's real father, and not the human male in the picture with his arm around his mother's shoulders. That would explain why the D-arc's holo-display showed the diamond storm attack, Devon being a human-digimon hybrid, his canines; the glow coming from him and then his obvious strong sense of smell. I wonder how he would react to finding out that he's a human-digimon hybrid. Now if that dvd shows what I think it does, Devon, my mate, are you in for a real shock, but are you even going to accept it. I'm not sure I can accept it yet and I'm his trainer. Well my state of mind has improved with this deep revelation, not sure about what I think of it yet though."
Devon comes out of the cabin.
"Good morning Beautiful, are you ready to go?" He asked shouldering the backpack. Kithira smiles at Devon as he walks up to her.
"What no breakfast in bed with you as the main course?" Kithira teased playfully as she wraps her arms around his waist and kisses him.
"We have a lot of traveling to do today, but first we might want to find something for breakfast first. Devon replied as his stomach growled rather loudly."
"That's not going to be a problem, I smell a lot of game close by." Kithira replied.
"Well heck I think your sense of smell is a lot better than mine, because all I smell right now is you; did you take a bath somewhere before I got up your fur smells wonderful?" Devon asked.
"The one thing every digimon knows is that us renamon tend to keep ourselves clean, even renomon during battle somehow manage to stay clean. And to answer your question; a little tongue action always goes a long way." Kithira replied.
"Oh, I missed you licking yourself silly? Damn!" Devon said.
Kithira laughs at Devon's sad expression.
"No silly I was washing myself only, not pleasuring myself, I reserved that right for you mate." Kithira said flirting.
"Good because it would have hurt my feelings if you had, lets find something to eat shall we?" Devon asked.
"How about I teach you something as we search?" Kithira asked.
"Sure, why not, who knows it might come in handy later." Devon replied.
"You don't even want to know what I am going to teach you before we start?" Kithira asked.
"Nope, I figure that if you think it will help me, then it must be something I need to learn; besides the old human saying is (never hit a gift horse in the mouth) seems to apply here, teach away." Devon replied with a wave of his hand.
Kithira nods and steps away, "now close your eyes and tell me what you smell." Kithira said.
"A lot of things, cherry blossoms, pine trees, a few flowers I recognize, honey, a lot that I don't know at all, and then there's you of course." Devon replied.
"Good, now I want you to single out one of them smells and tell me what it is." Kithira said as she moved down wind of him so her scent wouldn't interfere.
"I smell, what's that smell, it's like the smell my computer made when it burned up the other morning, ozone that's it, but how can that be out here in the woods?" Devon asked and opened his eyes and started looking around. Looking up Devon sees the digital field as it forms above them and very quickly drops down to the ground.
"Kithira what the hell is going on?" He asked shouting over the rushing wind while moving toward her.
Kithira looks around the digital field for her foe, unable to catch a whiff of scent because of the wind and has to rely on sight. Kithira moves toward Devon.
"It's a digital field, there's a digimon coming here from the digital world." Kithira replied, the worry in her voice making her voice almost a growl.
"I hope it's friendly, but with our luck we'll have to fight." Devon said as he puts a hand on his D-arc and pulls the deck of cards from his pocket. Kithira looks from side to side trying to spot the digimon she knows is out there; in the distance she sees a light appear in the fog of the field.
"Oh no it's a greymon!" Kithira thinks to herself a second before she is moving.
Taking action she shoves Devon away from her as she dives the other way just as the greymon fires at the spot they were just standing. The nova blast impacts the ground sending them flying farther apart, Kithira does a tuck and roll; and comes up standing and changing direction. Devon lands hard and feels the deck of cards slip from his fingers as he rolls to a stop against a tree; looking up he sees the greymon emerge from the fog of the digital field not forty feet away.
"Not again!" He thinks as the greymon is struck by Kithira's diamond storm attack.
The greymon shrugs the attack off like a brick wall would being hit by a nat. The greymon roars at Kithira.
"Hey runt this time I'll finish the job and you won't escape like you did last time!"
Meanwhile Devon looks around the ground for the deck of cards he dropped, "damn it where's that deck! Kithira needs my help and I need that deck"; Devon thinking. Just as he finds it he hears Kithira scream; looking up he sees Kithira flying out of control into the top of a pine tree and fall through the limbs to the forest floor and doesn't move. Pulling the deck out of the box Devon franticly looks for something that will get Kithira back into the fight; almost half way through the deck, he finds one that looks promising. Holding the card in his teeth he puts the rest of the cards in his pocket and grabs the D-arc off his belt loop. Looking over toward Kit, the greymon has closed the distance to her and is now sizing her up for the kill. Swiping the card through the reader he reads the screen; "Back to battle activate!" Looking over at Kithira he sees her start to glow as the power of the card works on her; the greymon is almost to her.
Without thinking, he shouts at the greymon; "Hey big ugly over here, come and get me if you can you slow piece of shit!"
Looking over at him the greymon replies; "Deal with you in a digi-second human! But first a little snack, roasted renamon on pine cones!" says the greymon almost laughing.
Devon watches in horror as the greymon starts to charge up another nova blast, with Kithira starting to move but slowly; "I've got to do something, she needs time to get on her feet" thinks Devon. Looking around on the ground Devon finds a good-sized stone, picking it up he does the only thing he can; draws back his arm and throws it at the greymon.
The human attacking him takes the greymon off guard; the stone hits him in the eye causing him to rear his head back in pain as he fires his attack. The nova blast goes skyward hitting nothing but air.
Roaring in pain and anger, the greymon turns his attention to Devon; "On second thought you're the snack and the renamon's the main course!" the greymon says as it turns to come after Devon.
Devon seeing the danger he's, in turns and runs for the cabin door. Kithira raises her head in time to see Devon diving thru the cabin door with the greymon following; as she tries to get to her feet the greymon launches a nova blast into the cabin door behind Devon. Rage and anger course through her as the thought of losing another mate overwhelms her; and shouting at the top of her lungs.
"Devon!" The cabin explodes from the nova blast; and over the sound of the blast Devon's scream of agony is heard. Kithira at that second feels heat from inside her gauntlet where Devon's D-arc is concealed with the deck of modify cards; Kithira pulls out the D-arc and looks at it. On the holo-display the word Digivolution is shown just before a blinding white light is emitted from the D-arc aimed straight at the cabin. Inside the cabin Devon is engulfed by the nova blast and is thrown into the back wall the d-arc flies from his hand as he hits the wall; he hears his bones break and then feels the pain that encompasses his world. Barely able to open his eyes through the pain he looks up as a beam of bright light envelops him and the power of Kithira's raw emotions flood into him. The agonizing pain recedes to nothing as his bones and other injuries are healed; his body changes growing taller and more bulky as muscles take on mass. His senses of hearing and smell and vision grow stronger as his body reforms. As the light fades Devon rises to his knees and then stands, the remains of his clothes and backpack drop off of him; the destroyed cabin scattered around him.
Devon thinking: "The cabin is destroyed, but what has happened to me? My body has been healed, my senses and body is stronger than before. Wait a second is that my nose? "The shadow of the greymon interrupts his thoughts." Looking up, Devon's thoughts change. "Time enough to check myself out later. Right now I have to take care of big ugly."
Outside the remains of the cabin, the greymon is surprised to see the beam of light fly past him and strike the human he was chasing. The greymon's surprise turns to one of shock as he witnesses the Digivolution process start.
"A human, digivolving? Impossible! Humans can't digivolve!" shouted the greymon.
As the greymon watches on the light fades and a crouched form is barely visible in the remains of the destroyed building. As Kithira watches from her position, she sees the vague outline of someone stand up and start walking toward the greymon. As the wind blows away the smoke from the fires started by the greymon's nova blast, Kithira and the greymon are shocked as the person walking becomes visible, a silver renomon.
Stopping in front of the greymon Devon looks up at him.
"A snack am I; let's see who's the snack, big ugly!" Devon replied in a menacing tone.
Pulling out the deck of modify cards she looks through them for anything that might be useful in this situation; finding two that might work she returns the others to the box and keeps the other two ready.
The greymon laughs looking down at Devon.
"Hah, a human that can digivolve that's rich; go away human and let a real mon show you how it's done!" The greymon said.
Kithira looks at the silver renomon, even at this distance he is an impressive sight. Kithira thinking to herself as she looks Devon over: "He is taller than me by a good foot at least, that would make him at least seven feet tall. He's well-proportioned in the muscle department not too much here or too little there. And look at that ruff running all the way down his front from neck to legs (she shudders when her eyes reach his crotch), and that long tail." As she watches, Devon is swaying from side to side and then without warning charges the greymon head on.
Kithira swipes the first of the two cards, "digi-modify, diamond claws activate; digi-modify, hyper-speed activate!" She shouts hoping it helps; putting the D-arc into her gauntlet, she rushes into battle to help Devon.
Devon, watches as the greymon starts to glow with power; "where's he getting the power to digivolve; better attack while I can, Devon thinking".
Running straight at the greymon he feels power flood into him and change him in the process. His fingers tingle as his claws take on a new sheen, his leg muscles propel him forward faster than he could have believed possible. The edges of his vision take on a blur effect as his speed increases exponentially beyond normal running speeds for him. As Kithira rushes toward the greymon's back, she sees a streak silver run between the greymon's legs; blood and gore flow from claw rakes that appear like magic across the greymon's exposed belly in Devon's wake.
As Devon begins to turn around for another attack; Kithira leaps into the air and attacks "Diamond Storm!" Kithira shouts.
The greymon roars in pain and anger as both attacks have caught him off guard. Turning quickly the greymon lashes out with a nova blast at Kithira as she drops toward a tree, barely missing her by a foot but turning another tree to splinters.
The greymon shouts "Damn runt stay still so I can kill you!" and then fires off another nova blast missing her again.
"Learn to aim better and you might hit something for a change instead of defenseless trees!" Kithira shouts back at the greymon as she leaps in a different direction.
As Devon completes his turn he watches as Kithira leaps from tree to tree dodging the greymon's attacks, angering the greymon even more.
"Well here goes, all or nothing." Running toward the greymon Devon leaps into the air.
For Devon, time seems to slow down as he watches the greymon from above; as he reaches the peak of his leap, Devon feels power grow within him and he throws out his arms and legs allowing instinct to take over as he launches his attack, "Diamond Storm!"
Hundreds of silver diamonds are thrown simultaneously towards the greymon with the fierceness of a storm. The greymon starts to turn at the sound of Devon's voice and roars in pain as the attack catches him on the back and side; and quickly fires off a nova blast at Devon.
Devon watches as the nova blast rockets toward him, on instinct his body curls into a ball and Devon shout's "Diamond Sphere!"
From her vantage point Kithira watches as a silver ball with the glittering brightness of diamonds in the sunlight forms around Devon and is shocked when the nova blast hits and fades to nothing leaving the sphere glowing bright with power as it lands and rolls to a stop. The greymon is equally shocked to see the silver renomon survive his attack and in his frustration fires off another nova blast with the same result. Meanwhile Kithira pulls out the D-arc and modify cards does a scan on Devon. The holo-display scan reads different from the first time she used it.
Devon's vitals:
Name: Devon Thackry
Health: 150%
Power: 150%
Lvl: Champion
Type: Silver Renomon Hybrid
Attacks: Diamond storm, Quick silver, Rapid kick
Defense: Diamond sphere
Kithira raises an eyebrow as she reads the stats.
Tabbing down to the attacks field she highlights 'Quick silver' and reads the description.
"Quick silver; enhanced melee attack".
Then tabbing down to the defense field she highlights it and reads the description.
"Diamond sphere; powerful spherical shield of silver diamonds that encompasses the digimon; provides protection against all physical attacks and absorbs all energy attacks for the purpose recharging the power & restoring health of the digimon within."
"Whoa! I've got to learn that! I didn't even know that Diamond Sphere existed!" Spoke Kit rather pleased and a bit excited by the prospects of learning a new defense.
As she watches, the display changes on the health and power levels the readings increasing slowly with each of the greymon's attacks.
Thinking to herself: "If the greymon keeps attacking with his nova blast, Devon won't have to attack at all the greymon will revert to his rookie level, now if we could just get that lucky".
Inside the diamond sphere, Devon begins to wonder how long the greymon is going to keep attacking like this.
"How long can he keep this up? It is starting to get hot in here, and I don't do Devon flambé!" thought Devon.
Curled up as he was, Devon couldn't help but notice the changes his body had gone through.
"Hold on a second, is that my feet and hands? Wait, I'm covered in silver fur, and what the hell is that tickling my nose? Oh Fuck! That's my cock! Damn, I'm hung, Kithira's in for a surprise (a smile forms on his lips), But what the hell is going on here? I'm a digimon!? Holy shit! Ok, I think mom has some explaining to do, after I get out of this anyway. After his next attack I'm outta here, it's time to play dirty."
Outside Kithira is thinking while looking through the deck of cards again for something useful, and not finding one that can be used at the moment she puts the deck and D-arc up.
"C'mon Devon, he's not going to keep attacking with nova blast all day; sooner or later he's going to realize that it's not working."
Moving with the speed that all renamon possess Kithira weaves in and out of the trees her objective in her sights, she launches herself at the greymon's unguarded back. When she lands on him she starts claw raking his back with all her claws doing as much damage as she can; blood and gore go flying as the greymon roars and spins in an attempt to dislodge her. Inside the sphere Devon hears the muffled roar from the greymon and takes it as his chance to go on the offensive. Pushing out with all his strength against the sides of the sphere Devon hears it and sees it shatter around him. Regaining his feet in a flash, Devon takes a split second to size up the situation in front of him, then moves into action. He charges forward ten feet and then leaps into the air landing on the top of a tree; using a treetop as a jump point, he launches himself even higher into the air above the greymon.
"Jump for it Kit!" He shouts as he soars upward.
Kithira looks up in time to see him almost at the top of his arch and leaps up and off the greymon. As if thinking the same thing they draw their arms and legs in, then unleash their strongest attack they have in unison.
"Diamond Storm", they shout together throwing their arms and legs wide releasing a wave of charged diamonds straight at the greymon.
"Firewall" the greymon shouts, his only defense against their attack.
The greymon watches in horror as the two attacks shatter his firewall and keep coming, he roars in pain as he falls, and then his data appears as a cloud of energy. As the two drop to the ground the greymon's data is absorbed by each of them, their bodies glowing as the data adds to their power and heals them.
As Devon stands, Kithira runs up and wraps her arms around Devon's neck. Devon looks down at her and gives her a gentle kiss on the tip of her muzzle, his arms holding her close.
"What the hell is going on here?" Devon asked looking at Kit perplexed.
"He was after me, that much was plain as day. The same one from the village yesterday morning; but how did he get here from the digital world?" Kithira asked.
"That was plain to me also; but not the answer to my question. Look at me Kit, I'm a renamon!" Exclaimed Devon.
Kithira chuckles as she releases Devon's neck and pulls away.
"What's so funny?" Devon asked.
Kithira looks at Devon with an amused look on her face and stammers out between chuckles.
"Devon, my mate, you're not a renamon, you're a renomon. Renamon are all female; Renomon are male."
"Renomon huh, never heard of them before. But that doesn't explain how come I'm one." Devon replied.
"I have an idea about how come you're a renomon, but first let's get far away from here; Hypnos has more than likely picked up the bio-emergence and sent a team to check it out." Kithira said as she watched the forest around them for signs of the human partner of the greymon.
"That's a real good idea, but first I need to retrieve something from the cabin." Devon said walking over to the remains of the cabin.
Walking into what is left of the cabin; Devon spies his backpack and the remains of his clothes. Picking them up he finds the shirt and pants are a complete write off, his wallet and the deck of cards and key chain somewhat damaged by the nova blast but ok. The backpack fared a little better than his clothes did from the blast and still could be used; Devon puts his wallet, keys and the deck of modify cards in it. Then shoulders the backpack and starts looking around for the d-arc but doesn't see it anywhere.
"Kit, I can't find the d-arc, it flew from my hand when the nova blast hit the cabin; help me find it." Devon asked in a worried tone in his voice as he continues searching.
"Which hand did you have it in when the blast hit?" Kit asked walking closer to him.
"My left hand, which means it, should be over in this direction." Devon said waving his arm in the general direction for emphasis
Kit nods and starts tiptoeing around the small fires and other debris looking for the d-arc. After some minutes searching through the remains of the cabin, Kit comes up with the missing d-arc in her hand.
"Here it is! Under what is left of the bed." Kit said as she tosses what's left of the bed out of the way.
Devon sighs in relief at her finding the d-arc and walks over to her.
"Damn, glad you found it; I was starting to think it got destroyed when the nova blast hit me." Devon said.
When Kit turns around to hand the d-arc to Devon, she has to stifle a giggle because he unlike most renomon has some soot in his fur and has failed to notice it yet. Taking another look around at the remains of the cabin and seeing nothing useful to justify taking with them.
"Shall we get going before those Hypnos boys and girls show up, eh beautiful?" Devon asked.
"Good idea, now let's see if you can keep up with me." She replied sticking her long tongue out before punching him on the arm and shouting, "Tag your it!" And bounds off in the direction of the family cabin and hollering "Slow poke!"
Leaving Devon standing there rubbing his arm and looking up in time to see her duck behind some trees. Shoving the d-arc into the side pocket of the backpack, he takes off after Kit.
"Bitch! Get back here." He says laughing chasing after her.
Chapter 5
Last night in Spokane at one of the cities many motels:
"Welcome to the nightly news from channel 4." The station announcer said his voice a deep base.
"Today a west valley home is the topic of a serious investigation by the J.A.S.F. and other law enforcement agencies. The home was destroyed by what J.A.S.F. officials said was a homemade bomb of undetermined type. Officials are looking for Lisa Thackry the owner of the home along with her 17-yearld son for questioning. Citizens are urged to report any sightings of Mrs. Thackry or her son to the local J.A.S.F. office. In other news-"
Disgusted Lisa turns off the TV and looks over at Deb and Dax sitting at the table.
"I can't believe the bullshit lies they are spreading about me and my family! Of all the fucking nerve! They destroyed my house and say that Devon or I made a homemade bomb to cover it up. That's bullshit plain and simple! I'm just glad that I was able to get Devon and Kithira out of town before this shit kicked off." Raged Lisa, as she sat down at the table.
"This is just the type of crap I would expect some desk jockey in J.A.S.F. to come up with. The good news is that Deb was able to get to you first and not them, now here's the bad news; all your bank accounts and credit cards have been seized and a warrant for your arrest sent to all law enforcement agencies." Dax said as he closed the laptop on the table.
"Or as those of us at the old Hypnos used to call them Just-Another-Stupid-Fuck, long before they got the power they have now, heck, most of the J.A.S.F. are Hypnos rejects that couldn't make it against digimon with its hands or paws tied behind it's back. Much less fight their way out of a wet paper bag with a blade in their hand. Now all they have is bigger guns and even worse attitudes, no ethics, making them a serious threat to anyone that gets in their way." Deb said bitterly.
"Yeah I know what you mean Deb, but now the question is what can we do to help Lisa? She's now on the run just like we are from those jerks.-"Dax stops mid-sentence as he realizes what Lisa had said.
"Lisa did I hear you correctly? Did you say Kithira and Devon not Daryl?" Dax asked worried.
"Yes, Kithira is Devon's digimon partner. Why, what's wrong Dax? You seem concerned. You know something about Daryl?" Lisa replied now confused and concerned.
Dax shook his head in denial but could not hold back the tears of mourning. "No it can't be! That's not true! It can't be true! - it-it can't be." Dax said in denial as his tears flowed freely.
"What's wrong with you? Yes it's true! Not that you have a say in whether or not Devon becomes Kithira partner, I'm proud my son got this chance." Lisa said and then the look on his face made her stop speaking.
"Mrs. Thackry please calm down. I am happy for your youngest son, but I hate being the bearer of bad news but Kithira was Daryl's digimon partner. And you know as well as I do being a trainer yourself, yes I saw you pull out that relic of a digivice, that for a digimon to get a new partner the old one has to have died. I'm sorry for your loss, but if Devon is Kithira partner now Daryl is dead." Deb told her regretfully.
Lisa sat there in stunned silence as she tried to absorb this new information. Five minutes later her face was a mask of outrage.
"Why didn't she tell me! She failed to protect Daryl and now she is out there alone with my now only child! How can I trust her!" Lisa seethed with contempt.
"Kithira probably didn't know how to tell you, and you can trust her. I don't know what happened in the digital world, but I know Kithira. She loved Daryl with everything she had. So much so that as far as I know, they married and became life mates. So, having Devon as her partner is like a second chance for her! She would rather die than allow a single hair on his head to be harmed in any way! They are good for each other right now. They can comfort each other's pain. You have lost a son, but I shouldn't have to remind you that Devon has lost a brother and Kithira has lost a mate! We have lost a good friend, one we'd give our lives for. You judge her too harshly and condemn her before you even truly get a chance to truly know your eldest mate. Much less, to find out what happened in the digital world to Daryl?" Deb said harshly as she got up from the table and, sat on one of the two beds in the room.
Lisa took a deep breath and mentally counted to ten then twenty. When she finally calmed down, she realized that Deb was right after she thought about it. Lisa sighed woefully.
"I apologize, your right Deb, I'm not the only one that has experienced the pain of loss with Daryl's death. I let my anger get the better of me." Lisa apologized the sincerity almost painfully clear in her voice.
"It's alright, Lisa we understand. Anger and lashing out is your way of grieving. But with all due respect, it's not very constructive. I'm itching for revenge, as I have no doubt it was Hypnos that killed him. He never did trust Hypnos to begin with after he began noticing some things that were kind of off. He never did tell us what, but he was sure of that fact after the team we were on the members started dying left and right especially in the last four months. That's when Deb and I went to ground. Helping where and when we can. But right now if we want answers we are going to have to talk to Kithira, but I doubt very seriously we will be able to find them unless Kithira wants us too." Dax replied.
"I know where they are going, it's just a matter of whether I trust you that far & getting out of town without getting stopped by the authorities." Lisa admitted begrudgingly.
"Well I guess if we are going to trust & help each other in the coming battle there first must be an understanding between us. Right now while we sit here, our digimon partners are in the digital world looking for Daryl and Kithira, but now with what you just told us that search is fruitless. Time is of the essence if we are going to save not only Devon and Kithira but our partners we can use your help, if not I'm out of here before dawn. Chime in anytime Deb." Replied Dax truthfully.
"Lisa, you had a partner digimon long before Dax and I were out of diapers, understand there has been many times that we or any of the team thought that we were going to lose our partners in battle, with your help we can hopefully avoid that possibility again. The net is in lockdown mode right now, which means we cannot even talk to our partners in the digital world. Let alone get them here to help us if needed. The information Kithira has just might be what we need to go after the bastards that destroyed your house and killed the rest of the team; and quite possibly even the ones that killed Daryl. I don't know about you, but I do want some revenge for what they have done." Deb said bitterly.
Lisa sits in the chair halfway listening to what they are saying, her hand in the satchel holding her digivice, sorrow, rage, scorn, fear, distrust, uncertainty, every emotion she has felt that day flow through her and into the digivice with her thoughts of Cole her digimon partner. 'Damn I wish you were here, we need you Cole' she thinks to herself, as she pulls the digivice out of the satchel and looks at it remembering when it had first appeared in front of her at her parents' home one winter day. On the screen words appear "I come" just as the digivice starts beeping and a bright light discharges from the screen. Across the room, Deb dives behind the bed she was sitting on and Dax dives for the other bed, scrambling behind it.
As the light fades away a tall figure stands before Lisa, its head only inches away from the ceiling.
"Oh, shit it's a Taomon, How the hell did it get here?" Deb asked looking out from behind her bed.
A deep baritone voice, "Lisa, you called I'm here. Are you alright? It's been a long time since you called me, too long. I was beginning to think you didn't want me anymore mate. I've missed you beyond what mere words can express."
"Cole, is that you? I tried to come to the digital world more times than I can count, but Hypnos would not let me go, claiming it was too dangerous for humans." Lisa explained with tears of joy on her cheeks.
"And they were right many areas of the digital world are lifeless deserts from the battles that have occurred over the digital-years. Humans are not safe in the digital world as they once were; great armies of digimon have ruined the world for greed, power or racism. Or all three, it seems they don't need a reason anymore to destroy what's left of the digital-world." Cole said sorrow tinting his words.
Jumping up Lisa wraps her arms around Cole and burying her face in his robed stomach. Cole's wraps his robe covered hands around Lisa's body holding her close. As if on cue, Cole's body shrinks down to the form of a silver renomon. Looking down at Lisa, Cole leans down and plants a loving and passionate kiss on her lips. Lisa is swept away by the memories of years long past as she returns his kiss with equal passion. Both of their hands start to drift towards each other's private parts before Deb's interruption brings them back to the present.
"Uhh... Do we need to leave the room and give you two a little privacy? But you do realize we don't have time for that, don't you? Dax and I do understand that's it's been awhile since you have seen one another, but considering the current events in both worlds we need to get going like yesterday. Besides I doubt seriously, you two want an audience. Though I wouldn't mind a free sex show." Deb said with a slight smile playing on her face.
"We have got bigger problems to deal with right now, get the gear down to the car and get the hell out of here; that bio-emergence was probably picked up by everyone this side of Tokyo Japan!" Dax said, emphasizing his words by shoving his laptop into its carrying bag before unplugging it from the wall, and then starts shoving other items into various pockets.
Deb's smile fades as Dax's words sink in.
"Oh, shit! Lisa grab your stuff and that bag by the door and take it to the car, we got to go in a hurry." Deb said as she picked up a tote bag by her bed.
Grabbing her satchel off the table Lisa turns toward the door to find Cole holding the other bag. Dax shoulders the laptop bag, picks up another but larger tote bag than the first, and heads for the door. As they leave the room, Deb presses a button on the cars remote unlocking the car doors and opening the trunk. Then she presses another button and the car's motor starts. As they head for the car, Dax and Deb both turn their heads constantly watching for any sign of the J.A.S.F. team showing up. Dax reaches the trunk first and pushes the lid up and tosses his bags in, then holds his hands out to Deb for the ones she is carrying and does the same for Lisa and Cole.
"Lisa, and Cole in the back seat, Dax you take shotgun." Deb said as she opens the driver's door and climbs in not giving anyone the chance to argue.
After everyone is in the car Deb wastes little time getting them out of the hotel parking lot and on the street. Dax half turns around to look at Lisa.
"Where do we need to go to find Kithira?" He asked her.
"Head out of town on Trent avenue east and keep going until we reach Hauser, Idaho. From there I'll tell you where we need to go." Lisa said, her hand in Coles.
"Good now we're getting somewhere, besides running around in circles." Deb said as she turned a corner heading them in the direction of Trent Avenue.
They drive in silence for a few minutes before Dax breaks the ice.
"I'm Dax and that's Deb, Cole nice to meet you, just wish the circumstances was different. Never thought for a minute that I would see a Silver Renomon in the real world. I thought you all stayed at that school of thought (never could pronounce the name right so I stopped trying) in the High western mountain range." Dax said half way turned around in his seat looking at Cole.
"Normally we do, but sometimes one or more of us leave on a walk-about. Such is only one of my reasons for being here and now, besides the main fact that my mate called me." Cole replied looking at Lisa for a reaction.
"Deb and I were at the school once, right after the net crashed nine years ago, we helped repair the transit node in the region. Nice school but a little to advanced for me." Dax said pointing to his head for emphasis.
"Cole, you never told me about this school, why?" Lisa asked.
"Because mate I didn't go there until after I had returned to the digital world. Not that it mattered much; I left shortly after I arrived there. Ever since then I have traveled the digital world looking for a place to call home." Cole said.
"Why didn't you come back here then, I missed you, we all missed you especially Devon." Lisa said.
"I couldn't come back until you called me, Hypnos made sure of that when I returned to the digital world, no matter what I tried I could not get through the firewalls or gateways on my own." Cole replied.
"Same story Deb and I have heard from too many digimon to count, Hypnos started locking out a lot of digimon from ever being able to return to their human partners after they went back to the digital world almost ten years ago. Partly to do with the anti-human sentiment that was on the rise then in the digital world, it's sad that after all these years of co-existence between digimon and humans some feel the need to control what they can't control at all." Dax said.
"I remember when all that started, it was what prompted me to leave the school, that movement ran through the school faster than a jetmon with hyper-speed activated. So when can I see my step sons?" Cole asked out of the blue.
Not a word is said inside the car for almost a minute before Lisa speaks.
"Cole, we think that Daryl may have been killed in the digital world in the last couple of days, we're heading to where Devon is supposed to be with his partner to find out for sure." Lisa said as she held back from wailing out her sorrow, with tears in her eyes she collapses into Cole's arms.
Cole wraps his arms around Lisa trying to comfort her. But looks at Dax in the front seat with a stern stare.
"Do you know who was the one that killed my son, step son?" Cole asked anger coloring his tone.
"Thanks for confirming a thought I had back at Lisa's house when I found the picture of the whole family at that cabin. Hey I don't care one way or another, what you all do in the bedroom, I think it's cool, but then again I'm biased. Can't wait to get hold of my partner it's been too long since we last mated." Deb said looking back at the pair in the rear view mirror.
"Deb, I knew you were a horny bitch at times, but damn! With Achilles, your Leomon?" Commented Dax playfully.
"Like there's any difference between Achilles and I or you and Rayne your Ophanimon, we all need companionship at one time or another; besides Achilles asked me to tie the knot when he gets back from the digital world." Deb retorted.
Cole looks down at Lisa.
"Well my love, it looks like our secret is out at last. That's one less dishonorable thing I have to live with. Now only one more remains and that's to tell Devon the truth about us mate." Cole whispered to Lisa quietly.
Time passes on the road east.
"Are you two brother and sister? Because you two sure act like it. You've been at it for two hours." Chided Lisa from the back seat but still laughing.
"Hell no! We aren't even related! Besides if we were, it would have been illegal as all get out, we once upon a time were dating before we got our partners." Deb replied.
"Hell Deb, you're the kinkiest woman I know, leather whips and chains, oh and lets not forget the occasional Shepard or rottie in the mix. At least you're not into water sports or scat. That's just gross." Dax teased.
"Fuck you Dexter! After all we have been through together; I thought you would at least keep that part of my teenage years a secret! Last time I tell you anything about my years before I joined Hypnos." Deb said rather angrily to Dax.
"Sure had me fooled, the way you two were going at each other's throats, if I didn't know by your words; I would think that you two had already been married and divorced." Lisa chimed in.
Cole leans forward and takes a big sniff of both Dax and Deb, then leans back into the seat laughing loudly.
"What's so funny back there?" Dax asks looking back at Cole.
"Oh, just that you two are related not by your mothers but your father is one and the same; oh one more thing Deb you're pregnant. Congratulations. " Cole stated in a jovial tone.
Deb pulls the car over to the side of the road, breaks locked up and sliding to a stop. They both turn and look back at Cole and then each other and responded at the same time.
"Eww!!" They both said at the same time.
"We need to talk to our mother's together about that and find out if it's true." Dax replied.
"Wait, Cole you said that I'm pregnant? Oh, shit." Is all she gets out as the words soak in and her eyes roll up into her head as she faints. Dax quickly reaches over and puts the car into park before it starts rolling.
"That was a real good one, if it had been anyone else to tell her that she wouldn't have believed them for a second. Lisa give me a hand moving her over to the passenger seat and I'll drive while she's out. Real good joke, Cole, wish I could have pulled that one on her." Dax said as he opened the door chuckling.
"It's no joke; she is pregnant by about three months. I can tell by her scent." Cole affirmed seriously.
As Lisa opened the car door and climbed out of the back seat to help Dax move Deb.
"It's true, Dax, Cole knew I was pregnant before I even bought a test to check myself both times. He can tell by scent because of the hormonal changes in the sweat and well other places." Lisa informed him, while helping move Deb into the passenger seat and strapping her in with the seatbelt.
"Well that explains a lot about Rayne and my relationship, every time she's starting to go into her heat cycle I can't keep my hands off of her. Is it the same for you and Cole?" He asked.
Lisa blushes before she answers.
"Every time, back then I enjoyed the extra attention I got from him because of it. And right now I would love to get some time alone with him, but Kithira and Devon come first before my small wants." Lisa replied honestly before climbing into the back seat and closing the door.
Dax, climbs in the car and drops it into drive leaving rubber as he mashes on the peddle and pulls the car back onto the road.
"Turn off at the next major road and go north, the state troopers will have a road block up at the state line, hope you don't mind running the back roads. It will take longer, but we'll be able avoid being stopped by the law." Lisa said giving Dax directions from the back seat.
"Back roads no problem, as long as you don't have me on some forest trail calling it's self a road." Dax chided from the driver's seat.
"So do you love, Rayne? I believe that's what Deb said her name was." Cole asked politely.
"Are you kidding? I would die for her if I had to. I miss her so much now, even after a week I can't stand being away from her." Responded Dax
Cole looks over at Lisa with an understanding look.
"He's a good man, mate we can trust him. I sense the truth in his words." Cole stated boldly.
"That's good we need all the people we can trust with some rogue unit gone kill happy on Daryl's unit. Cole, they've lost most of their unit in the last four months and now besides Dax and Deb and their partners and Kithira, they are the only ones left from a unit of twenty." Lisa said.
"I have heard rumors of a group of digimon going around the digital world killing digimon and humans alike for months now. From what I've heard they are pushing for all humans to return to the real world along with their partners, and if they don't they are overwhelmed by sheer numbers and destroyed. My mate do you think this group could be the ones responsible for our first born's death?" Cole asked curiously.
"Mmm, More than likely they did it, and with help from this side also. They placed tracking devices in each of our D-arc's some months ago. If it hadn't been for Dax finding the trackers in our d-arc's we both be dead by now also." Deb replied groggily from the front seat.
"It seems to be the direction this is heading from what I can tell. The tracker I pulled out of the D-arc Devon had for Kithira was definitely made here in this world, kind of obvious when one of the chips had (made in China) stamped on it. And that means only someone within Hypnos could have put it there." Lisa said as she ran her hand along Cole's leg.
"Not just Hypnos but anyone with the proper security clearance from J.A.S.F. could have done it. The last meeting we had someone there from J.A.S.F. was supposed to be upgrading the security chip in our D-arc's, but installed a tracking device instead. We didn't think about it until the unit started getting killed, but by then it was almost too late for the last of us to escape." Dax responded, a mixture of anger and sorrow tinting his voice.
"Cole knows the way from here and can give you the directions, wake me when we get there love." Lisa said as she snuggled up to Cole wrapping her arms around him, afraid that he would leave again.
"That's good, just tell me when and where to turn." Dax said, his voice falling on deaf ears as the sound of Lisa snoring reaches him.
Chapter 6: The Reunion
After a nice morning run and a successful hunt, Kithira b |
reaks the silence.
"So mate how do you like being a renomon?" She asked out of the blue.
"It's not bad in a way, still going to take some getting used to; just I'm puzzled by why my mother never told me that this could happen. Which makes me question many things she has said or done over the years, were they for my protection or for hers? I just don't know what to believe right now." Devon replied somewhat concerned.
"I'm sure that your mother had her reasons for doing what she did, I recall that mine did the same thing on many occasions to me or my siblings. Mostly to do with the more adult things like mating and even birth of a child as in my case. She was the type that felt I should find out on my own, and it would make me better prepared to handle life." Kithira said as they walked along a game trail.
"I think parents in general do that, last thing most parents want is a child still living at home at forty years old and unemployed. I know that I don't intend to be living at home when I'm forty years old, I hope to be somewhere else, like the digital world. You know I think I'm starting to get the hang of walking with digi-grade legs, as long as I don't think about walking I can walk, but the second I try to control it I wind up falling or losing my balance." Devon said a smile on his face.
"Oh, Devon look out there, that lake is beautiful." Kit exclaimed stopping to point at the lake through the trees well over a mile away.
"That's Lake Hauser, which means we'll be at the cabin by noon, if we keep this pace. I just hope mother is there already and not stuck in Spokane. I'd hate to have to travel all the way back there to find her." Devon said as he looked at the lake with her.
"Mate we need to talk before we get to the cabin. I gave your mother my word that I wouldn't tell you about this; but now I feel that I must if only to answer some of your questions. Before we left your home, your mother gave me three things, one of which she said would have answers to some of your questions." Kithira said as she pulled out the folder the D-arc advanced, and the deck of modify cards.
"What are you talking about?" Devon asked as he turned to look at her his eyes falling on the items in her hands.
"This folder your mother said would have the answers to your questions, the d-arc advanced and cards is for me to help you digivolve and well also in case we wind up in a battle." Kithira said handing him the folder and returning the d-arc and cards to her gauntleted arm.
Taking the folder from Kithira, Devon looks at it for a moment before opening it and spilling the contents out into his other hand. Looking at the dvd, he returns it to the folder but keeps out the picture and two letters.
"Nice picture, got the exact same one in the living room." Devon said about to return the picture to the folder.
"Mate, look at the picture, it's not the same one, trust me." Kithira said as she places a hand on Devon's arm.
"If you mean the silver renomon in the picture, the one in the living room had the side folded over the cover the cabin and the renomon. Mother did that after he left and returned to the digital world; actually I think dad had something to do with it though. She wanted to go with him but dad wasn't about to take the whole family to the digital world just so his wife could be close to her partner." Devon said as he put the picture back in the folder, his voice sounding more gruff than normal.
"So you knew about the picture, what else did you know about these matters?" Kithira asked, probing for insights to her mates state of mind and childhood.
"Well if you must know, the man I called father was nothing of what a father should have been, hell mom's renomon was more of a father to me than that jerk. He showed Daryl and I about as much love as you would to a brick. Mom's renomon showed us more love and affection than the man she married." Devon replied bitterly, as he opened the first letter with his mother's hand writing on it.
The letter:
To my son Devon.
If you are reading this letter it means that something has happened to me or events have forced us to be separated. This letter is to inform you of things you should be made aware of, if you haven't already found them out on your own.
1. The man you called father is not your father, I married him to give you a name nothing more or less. Sad to it was a bad choice on my part, I'd been better off if I raised you and Daryl myself with Cole's help.
2. I'm sure you loved that surprise, the next one's going to blow your feet out from under you. You better sit down, you'll need it.
3. Cole my renomon is your father, and also Daryl's. Sit down if you're standing and take deep breaths and relax. LOL
4. That was the hard part, now for the easy part. The dvd is the only true record of your birth and it can be very dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands, like Hypnos or J.A.S.F. or any anti-digimon group.
5. If you haven't already digivolved into a renomon, well you will soon enough. Hence the blue d-arc advanced and the deck of modify cards you found with this letter. Once you've digivolved find someone you trust to be your partner, otherwise Hypnos will come after you, and try to send you to the digital world one way express. The red d-arc was your brothers, but tests that I had done when he was nine showed that he would not ever be able to digivolve.
6. By now your think that your mother has a few screws lose, but I don't. When you were one year old, Cole and I had tests done and they showed that you would be able to digivolve.
7. The D-arc of an advanced design I made for you and Daryl, they use a lot less power for the digivolving process, and operate on a different range than the standard ones passed out by Hypnos, thus making them able to not only pass through the firewalls Hypnos is installing currently but are virtually untraceable by normal means. This alone will let you travel to the digital world freely without worry. And if you're wondering how I made the D-arc advanced models, just think of it this way; I didn't always work as a waitress in some café for low pay.
Now I charge you my son with your mother's final wish and request. If this letter finds you after I have died, I want you to take my remains to the digital world or at least my ashes, to Cole my mate and your Father. And while you're there learn from him and trust him to care for you as a father should. He never wanted to return to the digital world but that bastard I married forced the issue. I should have left him and taken you and Daryl to the digital world with Cole instead of staying here, my biggest regret.
With love, Lisa Thackry
"She knew all along that this was going to happen to me, but I can understand her reasons for not telling me about being able to digivolve. Teenage boys are prone to bragging and hell if I had digivolved at let's say while playing hockey, someone would have ended up hurt if not dead. Not to mention my friends thinking that I was lying about it, or even worse they believe me and I get picked on because of it." Devon said somewhat surprised at himself, and handing the letter to Kithira for her to read.
"Well that explains a lot of my questions to. But I'm still wondering what else she is not saying in the letter. There are implications of many secrets being kept from you and some maybe more than you or we can or can't accept." Kithira said as she folded the letter back up.
"I'm just wondering if I really want to find out what's in this second letter, could it be some of them secrets I really don't want to know about. At worse it could be from that jerk of a step-father I had at the best it could be from my real father." He said as he turned the second letter over and over in his hands.
'Well the only way you'll ever know mate is to open it and find out, and to be honest I'm curious about it also. But if you think that its best to wait, I can understand that also, but its the wondering that's killing me." Kithira said.
Devon opened the letter, and found the script of the second letter to be graceful and flowed with elegance. Who it was from and what it said floored him.
The second letter:
To Devon my son.
First I hope this letter finds you in good health. By the time you get to read this I'm sure you will be a young man or even grown to adulthood. To introduce myself I'm Cole (your mothers name for me) a Renomon of the silver diamond clan from the digital world, and am your true sire. The human that you call father all these years is actually your stepfather, and not related to you in any way other than his marriage to your mother. As I set here on the roof of the house writing this letter, I'm watching you ride your tri-cycle around the backyard. For two years now I've watched you grow from a small baby to the little boy playing before me. You unlike your older brother Daryl possess a very unique ability that no other human children have. Someday soon I hope you will discover that ability on your own before I have to leave and return to the digital world and my clan. But if not, I will be satisfied with knowing that you will eventually digivolve into your true form. Yes my son you can and will digivolve as you grow older, the blood and power of my clan flows in your veins. I have always known since the day of your birth that you would be able to digivolve; even then I could sense the power within. I didn't need some test to tell me that. Blood knows blood; I believe the human saying goes.
This is the one thing I charge you to remember: With power comes the responsibility to use it wisely.
Now with that said I must confide in you a secret I have kept from your mother for some time. Two human years ago I got curious about some of your stepfather's doings. After many months of watching him I learned many details about his life away from home, the one he claimed openly to others. But I found out that your mother and Daryl and you were more of a hindrance than anything else to him. I watched him leave home and claim to be going out of town on business trips as he had told your mother he was, but more often he would drive out to Medical Lake to the other home he secretly had there with another women. Too many times to count I watched as they rutted in the pool, or backyard as they were prone to do. Other times I watched as they left town on a jet plane going somewhere together, not to return for a week or more.
But what really disturbed me about your stepfather was his lack of honor. Many nights I have watched him beating the women he kept at his other home, yet when she had the chance to leave she never did "that alone is troubling to see". And many other nights I watched as he forced people to hand him large sums of cash, 'a bookie' I think is what he would be called. I have asked your mother to return with me to the digital world and that we would raise you and Daryl there. She refused me, but such is her right, 'the dam decides where to den' remember that when you find a mate my son and you'll do well. I believe there are other reasons she refused to move our den to the digital world. I stumbled upon him and her in an argument a few days before I would be forced to leave, I only heard a small part of the argument, but what I did hear was enough to convince me of my suspicions. He said something about calling some place called 'Child protective services' and a few of the government agencies that I never had heard of, but one I knew that your mother and I didn't want any trouble with was Hypnos. We had already had a run in with them numerous times and didn't want them involved with our pack, err, family. My mate and I worked for them a few years before your brother Daryl was born, and we had trouble from day one. It was when your mother became pregnant with Daryl that we left Hypnos for the last time.
By this time I had figured out that he was forcing her to stay and forcing me to leave with statements like "I don't want that thing giving my son fleas or rabies, or are you sure that thing had its shots." And the verbal abuse continued until finally one day your mother asked me to leave because he had threatened to kill me when he returned that night from work if I was still there. His words angered me so much that if it had not had been for my mate I would have struck him down where he stood. She spoke to me and calmed me down with logic. Telling me 'If you kill him, we'll have Hypnos in here in a second to take you away if not just killing you. Also this would give them assholes at Hypnos and all the other anti-digimon groups all the ammo they would need to kill every digimon worldwide, is that what you want?' Thus I had to leave, otherwise he might have harmed anyone of you, and that I could not bare. Nor did I want to be the cause of all innocent digimon worldwide to suffer because of my pride. I knew my mate would call me if and when she needed me.
We both knew that your stepfather was unable to sire children, the only reason she married him was to give Daryl a last name long before you were born. There is not much more I can say.
Now my son you know the truth about your father and matters of things that occurred before you were born, after and why I was not there for you and your brother. If and when you read this and want to speak to me, come to the digital world and seek out the Silver Diamond clan village; I will be there, or if I am not, one of the elders will know of my location.
Fair thee well my son,
Cole aka
Ro'tharan Silver Diamond
By the time Devon has finished reading the letter, he has had to sit down and tears are freely flowing from his eyes coating the fur of his cheeks dark. His body shaking with anger and rage from what he has just read. Kithira takes a seat next to him and lightly strokes the fur on his back trying to comfort him.
"I don't believe what that bastard did to my family! If he was alive I would skin him alive just for the pain he caused my mother! The only good thing that D-reaper did in this world was to kill that cheating, lying bastard!" Raged Devon his tone dark and guttural.
"Easy mate, you can't change the past any more than I can, besides nothing good can come from raging like you are now. If you're not careful you can turn dark. Cool your anger my love." Kithira said in a soft and gentle voice.
"Here read it and you'll understand why I'm so angered. Don't worry mate, I'm not about to turn dark. I just am so pissed that I can't see straight." Devon said causing a sigh of relief from her and a curious look from Kithira at his eyes.
"Good my love you're learning to control your rage, I don't see anything wrong with your eyes though, except this." She said before licking the tears from his cheeks and rubbing up against him.
As she reads the letter, Devon can't help but notice how Kithira's scent is overwhelming his senses and causing his base instincts to take over. Slowly he begins to run his hand along her side and down the leg closest to him. He leans toward her and sniffs at her shoulder and follows it to her neck, she shudders as his breath flows across her neck fur. As his hand slides back up her leg, he dives it between her legs and rubs her hood in passing and continues upward across her belly to her nips. Her breath catches in her throat when his fingers graze her hood, causing a shudder of pleasure to course through her body.
Which is only heightened as his hand reaches her nips and rubs each one as his hand traveled upward to her top set and begins playing with her nipple rings gently.
"Mate, the letter.. I haven't finished reading it." Kithira spoke breathlessly caught up in the sensual pleasures Devon was giving her.
Devon licked her neck and nipped at her neck fur, both his hands now caressed her body.
"The letter can wait my love, I can't." Devon said with lustful ardor.
"Ooh! That feels so good, please... don't stop." Kithira murmured now swept up into his longing need.
"I don't intend to. Mating position now!" Demanded Devon in a gruff dominant voice that gave the impression arguing was a bad idea, his need to mate controlling his actions.
Kit's ears twitches in annoyance and her eye's narrow dangerously. Normally this would be enough to make any renomon bow in submission, but this didn't seem to work with Devon.
"Just who in the fuck does this renomon think he is! Ordering me around like I'm some common beast to be told what to do! But perhaps it is a mating game I've heard some humans like to play. He was not raise like a normal Renomon. It makes sense that he would be more dominant, like a Alpha-Prime male. But that's unheard of in the digital world. He could challenge the Prime female over all the clans and possibly win. Ohh I could only hope to get that lucky! Hmmm it would be interesting to play along at least to see what it's like. (Kit looks behind her and see's that Devon's cock is already sticking two inches out on his sheath.) Oh my! So it is his need to mate that is controlling his actions, his base instincts. I had always wondered secretly what it was like to be taken viciously by Daryl, but he was not the type that would do it. Now if I play my cards right I just might get my fantasy fulfilled by Devon. I have always been the aggressor in every mating I have ever had. Perhaps now it is time for me to learn to be submissive. (Devon picked her up and forced her to her hands and knees.) Ohh this could get interesting." Kithira thought to herself as an aroused smirk appeared upon her muzzle.
Roughly his hands grabbed her waist as he thrust his steel hard shaft forward penetrating her cunt abruptly, causing Kithira to gasp in both pleasure and pain as he hilted his cock into her dripping hot snatch on the first thrust. Kit's sex is swollen from her coming into full heat, his pelvis rams painfully against her tail as her first orgasm takes hold of her body, inciting a surprised yip of pleasure from her and Devon as her cunt muscles clamp down on his barely formed knot. Devon growls erotically as her cunt clamps down on him. Her cunt muscles clamp down on him making her feel almost as tight as a virgin. Each time they clamp down on his cock increasing the pleasurable feelings washing through him. Each pulse of her cunny around him was causing him to ram into her harder than before.
"Oh, god, I can almost imagine that I'm taking her virginity, she's so tight. Ohh, yeah! She's cumming all over my cock and soaking my balls in cunt juice, damn, if she was any tighter I'd bust a nut right now." Thought Devon right before Kit yipped loudly in ecstasy.
"That's it, yip for me bitch! Tighten up!" Growled Devon as he leaned over her back and clamped his teeth into the back of her neck, the hot rich taste of her blood trickled into his mouth, fueling his need to mate, a new level of sexual arousal rushed through his body causing him to pound into her harder and faster but not understanding why but at this moment not caring.
"Never have I been mated like this! His cock is so huge and the knot is so large it's painful but, it's pressing my hidden spot! He's need is greater than I expected. He's so brutal.. He's like the first of our kind.. Almost mindless.. During mating.. oh yes I'm going to...cum.. Again! Oh FUCK OW! He.. just bit..me..oh...oh. By the first one . I'm..cumming!" Kit thinks as she pulls her head back and howls louder than ever before as the strongest orgasm she has ever felt slams through her body. Pleasure and pain grip her abdomen as ovulation occurs causing another yet even stronger orgasm to take control of her, as her body starts moving in time with him increasing the pleasure for both of them. Devon could no longer take it anymore as his knot swelled within her locking him to her. His sight goes dim with black rings encircling his vision as his orgasm strikes him, with one last thrust he shoves his shaft deep into her womb just as his balls draw up and his seed is forcibly pumped the length of his shaft filling her womb. Slowly as his vision returns he lets go of her neck and has the uncontrollable urge to turn around, as he does so he feels erotic pain and pleasure as his cock twists inside her. His shaft swells inciting a moan of pleasure from Kithira as their tails entwine, ever so carefully they lay down on their sides to catch their breath, and allow tired muscles to relax. Minutes pass as Devon's cock continues to pump jets of sperm into her, every time another jet is pumped his cock swells and causes them both to moan in pleasure. As time passes slowly his knot starts to shrink and their combined juices start to trickle from her vulva. Finally able to move a little Devon lifts his head up to look at his mate.
"Kit, are you ok?" Devon said with worry so blatant a blind man could see it.
"I'm fine Devon. To be honest I quite enjoyed that, I have never been mated like that before. I was kind of surprised by your forcefulness. But I liked it." Kit said with a very satisfied smile on her lips.
"I'm glad you're ok, I kind of lost it. Wait a minute, did you say that you liked it? And why can't I pull my cock out?" Devon said surprised.
"Yes, I did, a mon has to have her fantasies played out once in awhile. Hopefully with you more often, like every time I'm in season? You didn't know, you have a knot my love that keeps your seed inside my womb increasing the chances of me conceiving." Kit replied seductively, as she flexed her cunt muscles tightly around his knot causing his body to pump more seed into her already full womb. Devon moans in pleasure.
"Oh, like it rough do you? I think I can arrange your request. But if you keep that up, we'll never get free. I can see it now us walking up to the cabin butt to butt and my mom comes out the door. Talk about embarrassing. Besides I don't know about you, but I will need to go relieve myself in the next hour or so." Devon said with good humor.
Kithira laughs at Devon's statement, in the process her abdomen cramps painfully again with the familiar feeling of ovulation, vaginal muscles clamp down painfully on Devon's knot and shaft as she wails out in pain. Inside she feels two ripe ova release into her sperm filled womb. She smiles happily knowing she will conceive, hiding the smile from Devon. Devon gasps as she clamps down on him again, he feels his balls draw and release the last of his seed into her in one massive shot. As she relaxes, Devon's knot shrinks and his cock slides out of her releasing a river of their combined juices tinged pink by her blood. Devon shudders as his cock slowly slides back into it's sheath, the nerves on his shaft hypersensitive. Kithira feels their juices leaking from her distended vulva and clamps her muscles down quickly to stanch the flow, not allowing anymore of his seed to escape from her, greatly increasing the chances of her conceiving.
"What caused you to clamp down like that, it was almost as good as that major orgasm, without all the work." Devon said as he slowly moved around to take her in his arms.
"Post mating orgasm, your knot was pressed against a hidden spot inside that increases my pleasure. Needless to say it can be quite orgasmic, though sometimes anti-climatic." Kithira said enjoying the feel of his arms around her.
"I don't know what came over me, it was like some outside force was controlling my actions. All I can remember was stroking your fur and the next thing I'm buried hilt deep inside you and laying down behind you. Is this normal for renomon during mating?" Devon said a worried tone in his voice.
"Don't worry yourself about it mate, your not fully renomon so there is going to be some differences. Besides most renomon are trained from very young to be very gentle with renamon during mating, you were born human and know nothing of the training. And that I can't hold against you, nor will I allow any others to. Besides it was different not being the aggressor for a change." Kithira said turning to lick him lightly on the cheek.
"Good, then I don't feel so bad about not being able to remember what happened, what if I had hurt you, I'd..." Devon said and then goes silent, lost in thought.
Kithira nudges Devon, bringing him back to the here and now.
"Oh, sorry I was just thinking of what could have happened." Devon said somewhat concerned.
"Mate, you can't worry about the what if's. Sometimes things happen and we can't do anything about it, but stand back and watch. And here's one of those things." Kit said, as she pulled away and stood up.
"Hey, where you going?" Devon asked surprised by abrupt departure from his arms.
"Where else to relieve myself; and then come back to continue our talk unless something else comes up." Kit said as she walked away with an obvious sexy sway to her hips and tail.
"Oh, ok." Devon said a smile in his face as he watched her walking behind a tree. The sound of her urine hitting the ground reminding him that his own bladder was screaming for release also. Devon swiftly stands up and runs behind another tree.
"Ok, no problems just need to figure out how I'm supposed to piss like this. If I just let it fly it might get all over me and that's the last thing I need to smell like urine. If I squat down the sheath will bunch up and then maybe I can pull my cock out and aim it, it's worth a try." Devon thought to himself, and put his plain into action. In seconds his sigh of relief is audible even to Kit some twenty feet away.
Returning back to where they were sitting, Kithira picks up the letter and continues reading it from where she left off. Her ears twitch as they hear Devon returning. Mentally she notes that he needs to be trained to walk silently if he is going to survive someday in the digital world, and continues reading as he walks up. As she reads the contents of the letter, she is shocked by what Devon's stepfather had done. And then impressed by the actions of Devon's mother and true father as she reads this story from Devon's unknown past. When she gets to the end of the letter a look of recognition crosses her face upon seeing who his father is, but is quickly replaced by one of indifference. After she finishes reading the letter, she turns and picks up the folder from the ground, making sure to turn just right, so as she bends over Devon gets an unhindered view of her ass and swollen hood. Folding the letter back up she then returns it to the folder, turns around and holds it out for Devon to take.
"Like I said, more secrets that where better left unsaid. But at least now I know who my father really is, and I can't blame him for having to leave or why. Love can you help me find him in the digital world when we can get there?" Devon said as he takes the folder and puts it in one of his gauntlets.
"You have every right to be angry for what that scum did to your family mate. But he is dead and gone and dwelling on it will do no good for you. Your dam showed much wisdom by keeping your father from killing him. If he had killed him, we would not be here now; this time would have been shaped by his actions. Finding Ro'tharan will be easy even in the digital world." Kithira said moving in close and wrapping her arms around his neck looking up at him.
"And what do you have in mind my little vixen?" Devon said looking down at her, his hands resting on her hips.
"What are your feelings about being a father?" Kithira asked him out of the blue.
"Well I never have given it much thought, not saying that I don't want any children, I do. It's kind of a fact of life, guy meets girl they mate and sometimes a child comes from it. Right now I would have to say if it happens so be it, and I'd try to be the best father I could." Devon said seriously.
"I can accept that, normally renomon your age would not be allowed to mate, they are too young and still being trained of how to treat a renamon. They are also still learning their place among their clan. Renomon are taught to be submissive to all renamon regardless of clan. You my dear Devon, are a unique renomon. Insomuch as you never received the training and would not accept it now. You would never allow yourself to be cowed down to anyone except maybe your mother or father. That's the way you were raised, to be an alpha prime after your time in your mothers den was over. I must say, having you as a mate is more refreshing than a trained renomon. They don't speak unless spoken to and their answers are short concise and to the point. They are no better than what you would call a servant. That is why I am glad that I'm life bonded to you, intelligent conversations, playful nature, and a natural warrior unlike other renomon, is what I receive with you. Needless to say I am very pleased with my choice of mates." Kithira says lovingly and serious.
Looking down at her Devon gives her a gentle lick on the muzzle and then pulls away.
"Hows this for playful? Tag! Your it!" Devon said as he takes off bounding from tree to tree away from her.
Pushing herself to the limit she quickly catches up, but each time she tries to tag him he abruptly changes direction causing her to miss.
"He's better than I thought at avoiding my mock attacks, good awareness for one so young. The first ones forgive me, I must train him in the ways of battle not submission as the laws demand of me. To let such talent go to waste as a breeder would be the worst injustice I could do to him. But if I train him, my dishonor among the clan would be complete. But when have I ever cared about the elders views on dishonor, much like Devon's father Ro'tharan. I can't believe that one of the most sought after breeding males of the Silver Diamond clan is his father. With such a linage our cubs would be accepted by the clans and possible arranged pairings could be made. These musings can wait until after I am sure that I have conceived. I will train him as I see fit regardless what the clans elders say, I'm his trainer and he is my digimon period, they can't argue with that fact. They will want proof that I'm his trainer, but that easily done. DAMN!! I missed him again! He's better than I originally gave him credit for, enough thinking I need to concentrate if I am to catch him." Kithira thought to herself.
Devon was having a blast! He would get ahead of her, allow her to catch up and just as she was about to tag him he would change directions on her. He laughed playfully as he bound from tree to tree then out of the blue would jump out of the trees and run on the ground, never allowing himself to get into a set pattern. For thirty minutes they played. Then Kithira caught him. Devon jumped up and misjudged the branch of an old maple tree he had landed on. It had rotted away on the inside from dry rot. Greatly weakened it snapped like a twig when he landed and fell.
"GOTCHA!" Kithira exclaimed elated as she snatched him out of the air and landing deftly right into the front yard of a rather large multi-room, lake front two story cabin.
The long, winding gravel driveway that connected to the main road had no vehicles occupying the garage or seen anywhere on the drive. The cabin was well built and looked like it was made of a hardwood like oak or maple from a distance. Wood grained vinyl siding covered the sides of the cabin on closer inspection, that gave way to the steep incline of the roof. The wrap around porch sported elegant hand carved scroll work on the posts of the porch enclosure and the entire porch was screened to keep the bugs out. The door was just as beautiful, cherry stained oak with elegant hand carved scroll work matching the porch. All in all it was simple but breath taking. The cabin itself looked as though it had five or more bedrooms. Kithira smiled at this. It took a moment for Devon to realize exactly where they were.
"Oh cool, we're here. Beautiful isn't it. Every summer since before I could remember we would come here. I love this place. This cabin has been in my family for more than one hundred years. Passed down from parent to child. Now it will be mine someday. Come on lets get inside. I want to show you around." Devon said as he pulled out his key out of his left gauntleted paw as he walked toward the front door, unlocking it and going in.
"Oh Damn, looks like I'm going to have to fire up the generator. Power is out." Devon said annoyed, trying to flick on the light switch.
"If you have not been here since last summer, why is this fact such a surprise?" Kithira teased smiling coyly. As she started opening the windows to air the cabin out.
Devon simply rolled his eyes, stuck out his tongue and gave her a raspberry in the process of which his vulpine cheeks on his muzzle fluttered comically. Kithira couldn't help but laugh, so hard in fact she was holding her sides when she heard the door shut. She calmed herself down but heard Devon cussing the generator as he was trying to get it started, causing her to giggle every now and then, because of what he was saying, until she heard the generator start up and saw the lights flicker then come on. Outside Devon is overcome by the urge to relieve myself on the way back from the generator shed. Unlike earlier though, he throws his shoulders back and trusts his hips forward releasing a stream of urine onto the side of the cabin. He repeats this time and time again until no side of the cabin is left unmarked. With the light on Kithira could see the fine hand-made furniture in the living room. The large stone work fireplace caught her eyes next; the mantle above the fireplace looked like it had been marred by people carving all over it and not all in the same styles either. Devon came in and saw Kit looking at the mantle, smiling at the thought that his and Kithira's initials will be on that old mantle one day.
"What has made you smile beloved? And I think that some vandals broke into your mother's 2nd den and cut up her fire shelf." Kit said rather upset at the latter.
"Oh the mantle? Don't worry about it. That mantle is more or less the Shelby family tree. It and the fireplace is the only part of this cabin that was part of the original cabin my great-grandfather built. Four generations of Shelby's, Thackry, Melbourne's, and Morgan's have either lived here or visit here every summer. And one day our initials and our children's initials and their children's will grace that mantle. That tarnished yellowing black and white picture in the old frame there in the center on the mantle is Jacob Melbourne my great-grandfather and the start of my family line here in the states. With each generation that has lived here has added to the cabin, the screening on the porch my mother installed some four years ago, she can't stand the bugs in the area especially in the summer. In particular the mosquitoes those things get to be the size of my thumb." Devon said holding up his thumb for emphasis.
"I don't know what to say, your family has a rich history and I can see that they have prided themselves on preserving it. This place is like a standing memorial to those of your family that have passed on before you. I'm honored to be here and becoming part of your family history. But I don't understand what is this symbol around these letters here." Kithira said pointing at one of the older carvings.
Devon looked carefully at the symbol she was asking about and smiled.
"That is a heart, a symbol of love or in this case marriage. That one is my grandpa and grandma's mark Mom's mother & father." Devon said.
"And where is yours?" Kit asked politely.
"My initials are not on there yet, but it's time to change that." Devon replied happily as he extended a claw and began carefully carving his into the wood of the mantle. And then he carved 'KSD' next to his 'DSD' and enclosed them with a heart.
"But I thought you said those that have lived here carved their initials into the mantle." Kithira said somewhat shocked and confused, bordering on emotional.
"I do live here, every summer, but the other thing is that all members of the family carve their initials upon getting married with the date, as I am doing now." Devon said with a smile on his lips.
For the first time in her life Kit was speechless. It was then that she realized that Devon was taking their life bond seriously. Even as young as he was he was serious about their relationship. At that moment Kithira began to cry tears of happiness as Devon finished carving their "wedding" date into the mantle. As Devon turned to her, she kissed him passionately, with love and gratitude. This cause Kithira to feel the need to be mated again and began to rub his sheath teasingly.
"Mmmmmm, what's got you fired up? Not that I'm complaining, keep that up and I'll have to change my plans for the rest of the day." Devon said seductively as he picked her up and carried her toward the stairs.
"And where are you taking me?" Kithira cooed seductively smiling at him, as her tail slid between his legs to cup his balls.
"Where else, to our bedroom." Devon said as he carried her upstairs, occasionally tweaking one of her nipples and licking her cheek on the way up.
Kithira gasps as his fingers play with one of her nipples through the fur of her chest ruff.
"And what do you plan to do there?" Kithira asked, a knowing look on her face.
"Taking my sweet time pleasuring you until your begging me to stop." Devon replied, his amorous intentions made obvious as the tip of his shaft nudged into her ass cheek.
"Calm down my love or you won't be able to carry out your intentions." Kit said teasingly.
"I don't know, I may just stick it up your tail hole this time. I've heard that it's tighter than an un-mated females hood." Devon teased back smiling, but trying to look serious.
"You'll do no such thing! If that's your plan you can put me down right now!" Kithira demanded firmly.
"I don't know, you seemed to like my finger there the second time we mated." Devon responded as he carried her down the hallway.
"Your finger is one thing, that mammoth cock of yours is another, it'll never fit." Kit replied unnervingly aroused by the prospect but covering it up well.
Opening his bedroom door, Devon carries her in and sets her down on the bed.
"Wait here my love, I have a surprise for you, be right back." Devon said stepping back out into the hallway.
Devon walks to his mother's bedroom and retrieves some items he thinks Kit will enjoy
immensely and secrets the items away inside one of his gauntlets, and heads back to his room.
"He wouldn't actually do it, would he. No, he wouldn't be so bold. But the idea is rather intriguing, and arousing." Kit thinks to herself and removes her gauntlets, she leans back on the queen sized bed her legs spread wide before beginning to rub her swollen hood toying with the thought in her mind.
As Devon walks down the hallway back to his room, he catches sight of Kithira's reflection in his antique dressing mirror just inside the door stopping him in his tracks entranced. Kit has laid back with her butt hanging halfway off the bed with her legs spread wide one paw rubbing her cunt, the other pulling on her nipple rings. He watches as she slowly spreads her hood reviling the dark pink folds of her cunt. Her other hand joins the other and starts lightly rubbing her swelling clit. Barely above a whisper his ears pick up her moan in self-pleasure, absentmindedly he starts stroking his cock to a full erection before forcing himself to stop. Carefully he removes his gauntlets and grips them in his teeth, next he crouches down onto all fours and slowly enters the bedroom heading to the bed and his self-pleasuring mate unaware of his return. As he approaches the bed he removes the gauntlets from his mouth and sets them down on the floor.
Trying not to make a sound he carefully removes the item he took from his mother's room and cups it in his hand. Her scent is so strong it takes all of his will power to keep from jumping up and taking her right then. He breaths in her scent, so intoxicating and inviting, his already full erection throbs painfully in his sheath and seems to swell even more as the tip extends outward turning almost purple in color with each throb. He watches as Kit rubs faster and faster on her swollen clit, as her leg muscles start to tense with her coming orgasm he moves forward and shoves his tongue deep into her open wet cunt. Kithira's head slams back onto the bed howling out her orgasm as his tongue invades her cunt and strokes her hidden spot increasing her release. Her juices flow freely for his taking, her pheromones tingle his nose arousing him even more. Kithira's paws grip his head holding him between her legs his mouth pressed against her; greedily he lashes his tongue inside of her snatch trying to lap up all of her cunt juices as she shudders under him. As she shudders in orgasmic bliss, Devon quickly wets the toy in her cum and instead of shoving it into her hot wet box; he lowers it to her winking asshole and slowly shoves it in. Kithira gasps as something is shoved into her tail hole, causing her to lift her head through her orgasm blurred vision she sees Devon's head gripped in her hands as the second orgasm takes her body and consciousness.
Meanwhile 15 miles away:
Deb watches as the tow truck pulls away heading back to Spokane. Looking over at Dax, she shakes her head.
"I can't believe the nerve of that driver! Trying to charge us for a delivery fee that the rental company already pays for." Deb seethed hotly.
"Well, you get what you pay for Deb. You're the one that wanted to go with the cheap car rental company." Dax reminded Deb somewhat amused.
"At least they did offer you a replacement car, it may not have the gps or mp3/dvd player, but it will hopefully get us to where we're going. But hey at least it's not a sub-compact that seats two and a baby if you're lucky." Lisa said as she helped Dax with the last of the bags.
"But did they have to send a last year model mini-van that looks like it's about to fall apart if not explode." Deb whined.
"It could be worse, after all we could be walking. I sure don't want to walk around 15 to 16 miles with these bags, some of them are just plain heavy." Lisa said as she climbed in the back seat next to Cole.
"The smell makes me glad I haven't eaten anything lately." Cole said covering his nose with one paw and uncharacteristically sticking his head out the sunroof like a common dog.
"The good news is they aren't charging me for the extra week on the rental, the bad news is, and I think we can all agree on, is the smell." Deb said as she rolled down the passenger window.
"Now which way do we go? Dax asked as he started the engine, and then quickly rolled down the driver's window as the stench of something decaying reached his nostrils.
"That way. And hurry!" Lisa said pointing with one hand, holding her nose with the other one.
Back at the cabin:
Kithira's eyes snap open as a sharp pain brings her fully awake. Before she can do anything the most erotic feelings wash through her as something cold is pressed against her clit. Looking down she sees Devon kneeling between her spread legs with something pressed against her hood.
"Mate.. I ..don't know what you're doing but don't stop." Kit stammers as her whole body shudders under his touch.
"Just a little surprise for you." Devon said as he pulled his hand away along with whatever was cold. He leans over and gives her hood a lick making her shiver and gasp. And continues up her body licking and kissing until he is over her, his face inches from hers. Her breath coming in ragged gasps from the treatment she just received.
"I told you I was going to make it last this time. I want to enjoy and remember our mating." Devon said in a soft voice before kissing her.
Kithira returns the kiss and runs her paws down his well-muscled body, relishing the feel of his fur. Once down to his waist she runs a paw in between them and grips his shaft, enticing a moan from him as she slowly starts stroking the already hard member and feel a jet of pre-cum land on her belly. Breaking the kiss she looks up at him.
"What are you waiting for, I'm ready and my need is great. Let me up so I can position myself to receive your seed." Kithira said in a lustful seductive voice.
"No, my dear I want to look into your eyes, I want to watch the expressions of pleasure on your face as we mate." Devon responded as he lowered his hips and thrust his tip into her.
Looking up at him she sees him looking her right in the eyes as his tip enters her hood slowly. The look of concentration is almost unnerving as he fights his instinctual need to hilt his rod within her. She moans loudly as his girth stretches her already shrinking cunt, a good sign that she has conceived already. Ever so slowly he withdraws only to push it back in even deeper with each thrust allowing her body to accommodate him. Intently he watches as with each thrust her expressions change, her breath comes in shorter gasps, and she moans louder as her orgasm approaches. Her muscles start to clinch against his member; he flips a switch on the remote concealed in his paw activating the egg buried in her asshole. Her expression is one of wonder at the new feeling, but quickly changes when her orgasm hits as Devon begins thrusting in earnest no longer able to control his instincts. Kithira's body tenses and her howl is silent as the intensity of her climax takes her away. Her body begins to convulse gently as she approaches the peak of her climax. Minutes pass as she finally starts to come down from her hard orgasmic ride.
It isn't long after that Devon's own orgasm takes him. He thrust his hips one final time burying his knot deep within her tying them firmly together and howls loudly as he fills her with his seed.
They look into each other's eyes, lovingly kissing, hugging and caressing one another and enjoy the afterglow. Devon turns off the vibro egg and smiles.
"So what did you think beloved?" Devon asked softly.
"That was certainly unique, it felt so good. It was definitely unexpected that's for sure. I have never experienced such a sensation before, I could get used to it." Kithira responded happily.
"I'm thirsty, come on wrap your legs and arms around me and I'll take us down stairs and we can see if we can find something to eat and drink.
"But love-" Was all Kit could get out before Devon picked her up and started to carry her to the bathroom and Kit's peals of laughter that became moans of pleasure echoed off the the walls.
But never made it there.
Devon stumbled as Kithira's laughter caused her vaginal passage to spasm around his shaft and knot. A lustful grunt fading into a groan brought Devon to his knees. Devon laid Kit back on the bed and began pounding her cunt with renewed fervor. His large glands still tying them together stimulated her hidden spot. In, out, in, out, in to her as deep as he could shove his long thick shaft into her. The sound of the slurping suction of his dick ramming into Kithira's snatch could be heard and this only served to drive them both on.
"Devon please no more I beg you. Oh By the first one I"M CUMMING DEVON!" Kithira cried out her climax reaching her voice.
Ten minutes pass and Devon then turns and shifts them around so they can be butt to butt comfortably. They then relax for a while as they both know it will be an hour or more before Devon's knot will shrink enough for them to separate. A few moments later, they hear the front door slam shut. A feeling of dread and embarrassment overcomes them both as they look at each other and say the same thing.
"It's mom." They said in unison.
"Nice choice of rental companies, Deb. One breaks down and then the replacement drops the transmission half a mile from where we're going." Dax complained vehemently as they walked up the gravel driveway leading to the cabin.
"If you will excuse me I have to go bathe myself in the lake. I hope I can get this horrid stench out of my fur!" Cole whined vainly, and starts too bound off when an the unfamiliar scent of a male renomon close by putting him on the defensive.
"Everyone stay here!" Cole ordered them as he moved toward the cabin. His voice on edge.
"Uh, ok, that's not good. He's picked up the scent of something, that might be very bad, lets hang back and wait until he says it's safe." Lisa suggested to her companions as she pulled out her gun and cocked it.
Dax quickly reaches into one of his bags and pulls out his D-arc and hits the scan button.
"This can't be right, there's no way this is right!" Dax exclaimed as he reads the holo-display.
"What's the matter?" Deb asked looking at Dax.
"I don't know, ether my scanner is malfunctioning, or there's two champion level digimon in the cabin. Double check for me." Dax requested Deb sounding worried.
"You got it! Checking now." Deb replied as she pulled out her D-arc, hitting the scan button, and got the same results.
"Your scanner isn't malfunctioning, I'm getting the same thing." Deb reported now just as worried as Dax.
"What type of digimon are they?" Lisa asked curious.
"I don't know, it says there's two of them but I can't get a good data read on them." Dax said as he played with the controls on his d-arc.
"Let's just let Cole deal with them, he won't intentionally put us in harm's way." Lisa retorted as she kept watch.
Slowly Cole circles the cabin, watching for any signs of the intruding renomon he knows is there. He sees that the generator has been turned on, sending electricity to the cabin itself. Moving toward the cabin with the speed of the wind in less than a second he is beside the cabin wall. He sees the fresh urine stains on the wall. This close to the scent mark, his sensitive nose identifies a young male and an older female, the scent is combined but unmistakable to his nose. A breeding male with an older female in full season. The smell of a female in full season has an instant effect on him, his shaft throbs, grows and begins to emerge from his sheath. Shaking his head he thinks.
"No she's has already chosen a mate, it's not for me to interfere. But what are they doing here in my den?" Cole growled territorially.
As he headed to the front door.
Just as Cole opened the front door he heard the unmistakable and delicious sound of a female renamon screaming her ultimate pleasure.
"Ohh this might be easier than I thought. They would be tied now and unable to strike out at me easily. I think I shall go for a talk to find out why they are trespassing." Cole murmured to himself but forgot to close the front door quietly, as it slams shut.
He rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Smooth move Ro'tharan let them know you're here. Oh well, I needed to do so anyway." Cole mused annoyed with himself for making mistakes only a yearling would have made.
Cole tracks the scent through the cabin and finds the source in Devon's bedroom. In the old antique mirror he sees a silver renomon and a yellow renamon scrambling to cover themselves with the blankets. Watching this Cole is hard pressed not to laugh.
"They give me the impression of two human teenagers getting caught having sex and trying to cover it up." Cole thought to himself, chuckling as he entered the room.
They both are startled by his sudden entrance into the room.
"Who the hell are you! How dare you come into were you're not invited!" Devon demanded of the stranger in his room.
"Devon, shut up and pay more respect, that's your father!" Kithira admonished Devon as she slapped him on his thigh to get his attention.
"When you two are finished come downstairs, your mother and I will be waiting." Cole said rather amused as he inclined his head to Kithira. Then turned and walked out of the room.
Seconds pass quietly before ether move or speak.
"That was my father! Oh shit! I'm so dead! For disrespecting him like that, Mom is going to skin me alive!" Devon said his voice heavy with fear as his actions sink in causing him to lose his erection and knot quicker than he thought possible.
"Oh damn, I hoped you were going to last longer than this." Kit gripped as she felt Devon's cock shrink and withdraw from her.
"Me to, just with my father showing up and my big mouth going off like t |
hat, it's amazing what a little fear will do. We better clean up first, bend over and lift your tail so I can remove that toy. I got to clean it up and put it back before mom finds out that I borrowed it." Devon Said.
Kit rolls up to her hands and knees and lifts her tail for him. She feels a tugging on her tail hole. Slowly Devon pulls on the wire to the vibro egg. Kit feels her tail hole widen as the toy comes out. She moans in pleasure at this new feeling and just as quickly as she felt it, the pleasure is gone. Devon and Kit quickly go to his bathroom to clean up themselves and the vibro egg. While Kit is in the shower Devon returns the egg to its case in his mother's dresser drawer, and then returns to his room to start grooming Kithira.
"Here Kit stand on the towel, please." Devon requested as he plugged in the hairdryer and grabbed a brush.
"I wondered where I left this. I'm glad I didn't lose it." Devon muttered more to himself than to Kithira.
Devon was almost done drying Kit when she notices the glint of metal coming from her hood.
"Devon what is this?" Kithira asked as she pulled open her hood to find her clit pierced with a silver ring and in the ball was set a brilliant diamond.
Devon blushed but answered her anyway.
"It's an engagement ring. Human girls wear them on their fingers, but that would be impossible for you. For one I doubt we could find one in your size, two I figured one or two hard fights and the ring would be ruined or lost. So it thought the best place for it would be here." Devon reasoned logically as he gently tugged on the ring, forcing sharp jolts of pleasure thought her overly sensitive body as her clit was stimulated. Kithira gasped again and again as the teasing continued.
"There are of course other benefits as well." Devon said in a seductive tease.
"Devon please no more, I ohh, Devon, your parents, oh yeeaa, I'm gonna cum!" Kithira moaned haltingly barely able to catch her breath before her climax shuddered throughout her body. Devon held her as she came down from her apex.
"I love you Devon, and I love the gift you gave me. Thank you mate." Kit said as she kissed Devon with loving affection.
"Now you are still dripping wet in some places. Lets get you dry shall we?" Kit said as she returned the favor of drying his fur. In no time he was pristine and making Kit drool.
"I thought Ro'tharan was handsome but, he has nothing on my Devon." Kithira thought pleased with the results.
"Damn! Great job Kit, I'm turning myself on. But I think I did a better job on you, but then again I'm biased. You'd look beautiful to me even if you were covered in blood and gore up to your soft and magnificent ears." Devon half jested but his tone changed when he was complimenting Kit to one of loving seriousness.
"Alright you! Keep that up and we will never leave your- our room. Now your father has summoned us. We must not keep him waiting any longer than we have to. Let's go Beloved. I want to show my new Mother-in-law what a handsome renomon she has for a son." Kithira said adoringly.
"Well since you put it that way lets go, but I gotta tell you keep stroking my ego like that, I'm gonna think you're madly in love with me and I don't think I'll ever find a way to be rid of you. Now that I think about it. I never want to be without you in my life. I love you Kithira Silver Diamond with all my heart!" Devon returned her loving words with his own, and kissed her. Breaking the kiss Devon walks over to where his and her gauntlets are laying. Picking hers up he holds them out to her.
"Your gauntlets milady." Devon said with flare and a fake British accent.
Taking her gauntlets from Devon, Kit puts them on, smiling. Devon retrieves his and puts them on.
"After you, milady." Devon says half bowing and motioning toward the door with his hand.
Smiling Kit steps through the bedroom door with Devon close behind her, heading downstairs and to meet the rest of the family.
Meanwhile 2 hours before:
Cole left the two lovers to their business, stepping outside, he called out to Lisa but couldn't keep the laughter out of his voice.
"It's safe beloved, Devon is fine. Come on in." Cole said.
Lisa stowed away her gun and picked up the stuff she was carrying. She walked to his side looking at him strange.
"What's so funny Cole? Devon is here? Is Kithira with him?" Lisa asked.
"Yes, beloved they are here, but...it may be awhile before we will see them. I caught them in uhh...a compromising position." Cole replied as his ears began to grow pink with embarrassment.
"What do you mean by 'compromising position' Cole?" Lisa asked the lilt in her voice was turning dangerous.
Cole blushed furiously and cleared his throat.
"Uhm... As in the marital way. Kithira is in season, near the end of it from what I can tell and I caught them in a full tie." Cole answered truthfully.
"WHAT!" Lisa screamed right before she charged into the house. Followed closely by Dax and Deb. But she only got as far as the stairs before Cole picked her up and held her close.
"Let me go Cole! He's gonna get-" Lisa began but was interrupted.
"Lisa! They are Mated there is nothing you can do. To put it crudely expecting him not to mate with a renamon in full season is like expecting a 18 year old male not to mate the first female that throws her snatch in his face and is begging him to take her. It's going to happen no matter what we say or think. In our case we have both situations at once. He's a normal healthy male. You can't keep him a cub forever beloved. Be proud of him that he was able to get such a powerful renamon to be the mother of his cubs. In the digital world cubs as young as Devon would have never been allowed to mate, period. In that respect he is blessed. Be patient, they will be down in a hour or two. Ah-ah-, (holding up a clawed finger as Lisa was about to interject) I know it will take that long because they just completed the mating and were in a full tie. At least that how long it takes when I'm tied to you." Cole said smiling mischievously.
"Your right, love, it's just, I don't want him to make the same mistakes I made with you, us." Lisa said her voice barely a whisper.
"Nice place, where can I setup my gear." Dax said interrupting the two, as he sat down the bags he was carrying.
"Being we have some time before Devon and Kithira will be able to join us, Cole, will you show Dax and Deb the guest rooms. I'll go and see about something for us all to eat and drink." Lisa said pulling away from Cole.
"Well at least there here and we didn't come all this way for nothing. What do you mean 'some time' before we can see Kithira?" Deb asked.
"They, like so many partners have consummated their relationship, and are hopefully cleaning up before they come down." Cole said leading the way down the hall to the guest bedrooms.
Dax and Deb exchange knowing looks as they follow Cole.
An hour and half later they are siting around the dining room table drinking something resembling tang and talking when Devon and Kithira make their appearance.
Meanwhile at the Hypnos Command center:
"Chief! Tracking reports they have lost the lock on another two of the digimon that bypassed the firewall, their trying to reestablish a lock but it's not looking good. What are your orders Sir? " The security officer said over the intercom in St. Johns office.
"Tell them to keep at it, I want those two reacquired and a lock on them at all times. Any word from the teams in the area?" St. John asked him.
"Team 1 has engaged a metal greymon virus type and is currently maneuvering him into a toward an unpopulated area before trying to C&D. Team 2 and 3 report 'no joy' their currently searching the area. Team 4 is stuck en route to the last known location of a pair of minotarumon reeking havoc in the East valley district of Spokane. And team 5 reported that agent Stevens has joined them and they are currently checking on a lead about a renamon and tamer forcing their way off a bus heading to Idaho." the security officer said.
"Ok, let me know the second something changes." St. John said turning off the intercom.
"Damn! That made the number of digimon they had lost lock on to 6! If this keeps up the president would ask for his resignation. Maybe it was time to step down from the command post, and retire to someplace warm, that the clothing was next to nothing. Preferably of the string type with a lot of skin and bare foot, and blond." St. John thought.
Reading the report on the desk made him sick, not from details, but more to the point on whom it was about.
"Who have thought that jerk Blake was not only a traitor, but not even full human! He was some sort of digimon-human hybrid, a new form of mon. Not seen before on this side of the barrier between the worlds. Which just made it more imperative that he be captured asap! There was no telling what sort of damage he could do. With everything he knew about the firewall program and the gateways it was no wonder he was able to fake deleting the codes to the firewall. At this moment a team of techs were busy in some room deleting every code he authorized from the main system and even the backups, but that could take weeks to do, if not a month or more." St. John thinking.
Thus he now fell under St. John's jurisdiction. 'a smile forms on his lips' as he turns on the intercom.
"Drake, my office and bring your pad." St. John said quickly and clicked the intercom off.
A knock at the door less than a second later.
"Come." St. John said looking up at the door.
"You shouted for me, chief?" Drake said coming into the office.
"I've got a special project for you to do for me, go down to tracking and pull up the log file for the listening stations around J.A.S.F. Headquarters. I then need you to take the file over and have it analyzed. And I want every detail of it looked at, and I do mean every power spike. And if they ask why, tell them it's a hunch but I think we mite be able to find that traitor Blake by his power signature." St. John commanded and went back to the report on his desk looking for something he might have missed. Looking up he realizes that Drake is still there.
"You haven't left yet! Get moving already and tell them I wanted that yesterday! What, you think your getting paid by the hour!" St. John hollered at Drake.
"Got ya chief, right away, I was just making sure there wasn't anything else." Drake said as he hurried to the door and was out of it in a flash.
"Good kid, little slow on the uptake." St. John thought as he turned back to the file.
Back in Idaho at the cabin:
Dax looks up from his laptop as Kithira steps into the dining room followed by a tall silver renomon.
"Well look what the mon dragged in, Hello Dax, Deb, I thought I heard you to going at it yet again like two gatomon fighting over the same litter box earlier after I got out of the shower." Kithira said in a joking tone as she stepped into the room.
"Heya Kit-kat, not for ten minutes or so. Sorry to hear, well you know." Dax said as he stood up and walked over to Kit and gave her a hug. Deb joins Dax hugging Kit for a second until she sees Devon for the first time and then pulls away.
"Hel-lo Foxy." Deb said looking Devon up and down.
A low growl comes from Kithira.
"Hold on Kit, I'm not trying to take what's yours, just saying hello, that's all." Deb said backing away.
"Make sure that's all it is, besides you have Achilles. Where is he anyway?" Kit asked looking around.
"Stuck in the digital world with Rayne, looking for you, or at least until Dax can bypass the firewall and get them here." Deb replied.
"EXCUSE ME! Where's Devon, I thought he was coming down with you, instead I see another renomon!" Lisa asked somewhat dismayed.
"Gees, mom do you have to shout, I'm right here, and I'm sure the neighbors a mile away heard you." Devon said stepping around Kithira.
"I hear my sons voice but I see a renomon...whats going on?... Oh shit! Devon you digivolved! What took you so long? Cole you knew about this and you didn't tell me? And don't tell me you didn't know, you said that you caught them tied." Lisa said rapid fire at the two of them excitedly.
"I had help, a greymon bent on killing Kithira gave me a jump start with a nova blast to the back, boy did that hurt. And a suntan better than I could've got at a tanning booth." Devon replied.
Cole laughs at the description of a nova blast attack.
"I've had a few of those myself, but they do nothing for my fur. The last one took me a digi-week to regrow my fur." Cole said shuddering from the memory.
"What the hell are you all talking about? Humans can't digivolve!" Dax and Deb say at the same time.
"Mother, I understand why you didn't tell me about this." Devon said pulling the folder from his gauntlet then removing the dvd from the folder before handing the folder to her.
"This I still need to look at, do we have a dvd player around here, I need to use it. I beg to differ, I'm proof right in front of you, I just haven't figured out how to go back to my human form yet. Go ahead and scan me with you d-arc then you'll both believe." Devon said as he held up the dvd.
Deb pulls out her d-arc and scans Devon with it. Reads the holo-display then shows it to Dax.
"The scanner doesn't lie, I'll be damned an actual digi-human hybrid! You were right to keep him hidden; Hypnos would have a field day if they learned of him...Let's just say that I'm glad not to be working for them anymore. I always hated order 123-A." Deb said.
"Wait there's only 94 general orders on the books, when they add the other 29 orders?" Lisa asked.
"In the last ten years or so, but the last 20 don't even exist on the books, and they only pertain to those of us in the black op's." Dax said.
"So whats order 123-A?" Devon asked.
"Black op's general order 123 states: Any non-standard digimon are to be contained and or destroyed if encountered. Subsection A states that any digimon that fall within the classification of hybrid are to be contained for study or destroyed if containment is not possible. Sure glad we don't work for them anymore, it's not like they really gave us a choice about it ether." Deb said.
"Good, because I would really hate to have to kill someone that knew my brother just because of some stupid order." Devon said in warning as he flexed his diamond hard claws and looking rather menacing.
"Devon Jacob Thackry! How dare you be so rude! Especially to our guests! I'll tell you what boy don't test me! Dax and Deb have proven themselves to be good people. The kind of people I would want to call friend. Kithira may be your trainer but I am still your mother! Do NOT ever threaten a guest in my house ever again. Do you understand me?" Lisa admonished Devon angrily
"I've got one in my laptop if you want to use it." Dax offered to stop the thunderstorm of an argument he saw coming by the look on Devon's face.
Devon simply nodded to his mother but said nothing to her. He then looked at Dax as if trying to decide if he could trust him as he was considering his mother's words.
"Thanks Dax, I'll take you up on that later." Devon accepted politely.
"Damn! Stupid motherfucking piece o' -" "DAX!" Deb interrupted to keep Dax's cussing rant about the firewall to a minimum.
"Oh sorry. It's just that I can't seem to bypass this damn firewall. And it's frustrating the fuck out of me!" Dax apologized albeit with his frustration coming through unintentionally.
"Why are yo- never mind, you're trying to get Rayne and Achilles out of the digital world. Ok, I'll help. What type of encryption code are you using Dax?" Lisa asked curiously.
"The standard128 bit code that everyone gets working for Hypnos." Dax answered still frustrated.
"Have you tried a 256 bit code?" Lisa suggested smiling, knowing what his answer would be.
"256! They don't make them that high! To my knowledge at least." Dax replied unsure.
"It's usually programmers or top level exec's that get that high of a code. But I seem to know a pass code through the control program of the firewall that even if they scramble the codes, it wouldn't matter." Lisa informed him with a sly smile and a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
"You know of a back door through the firewall? How would you know that? Please forgive me for not believing you, but it is kinda hard to believe." Dax said honestly.
"I should hope I do, I wrote the control program for the firewall and added a back door just in case I might need it. Unfortunately it doesn't keep the firewall down long enough for a human to go to the digital world. But it does allow about 15 to 20 digi-minutes for a digimon to come here before the back-ups kick in or someone manually restarts the program." Lisa told them.
"That's not very long, they would have to be right by a portal or very close to one, not to mention as fast as a -" Dax began but was interrupted by Deb yet again and Dax was starting to get annoyed with her.
"Dax you dunderhead! I know where they are going to be at and when to contact them. Per standard protocol, we have been out of contact for three days. They should be waiting at a com portal. In the next five minutes actually. So if we are going to do this we need to get on it." Deb said as she looked at her watch.
"Do you mind?" Lisa asked motioning to Dax's laptop.
"No, if you have a way to get mine and Deb's partner's here, go right ahead. Besides as a programmer you probably type hell of a lot faster than my hunt and peck typing." Dax replied.
Sitting down at Dax's laptop Lisa's fingers fly across the keys faster than Dax had ever seen before creating a login script designed to shut the firewall control software down and then erase all log files as to why or how the firewall was shut down.
"There it's done, just login to the main Hypnos system then run the script when it asks for it." Lisa said standing up and moving out of the way quickly.
"Five minutes left before they leave the com port area and try again tomorrow." Deb said looking at her watch.
"Logging in now Deb, hold your horse's! Your main man will be here soon enough to ball your brains out. And boy will I be glad, then I won't have to hear her bitchin' about not being laid." Dax said as he runs the script. As the script runs, Dax puts on a headphone mic setup and moves the boom mic into position.
Amused chuckles from almost everyone in the room except Deb.
On the screen the com port changes from red to green as the firewall light goes dark.
"Rayne, Achilles are you there?" Dax asked hopefully.
At first theres no answer, then a pop of static from the small headphone speaker.
"Bout damn time you called, we're starting to wonder if something had happened." Rayne said somewhat peeved and concerned.
"Look we don't have much time, the firewall may close again any second, both of you get into the digi-port now! Unless you want to stay there for the rest of your digi-days." Dax warned them.
"On our way, better make room or someones getting landed on." Achilles said, in a deep rich bass voice, as Dax dove to one side of the laptop as the screen emitted a bright white light.
Even before the light fades away Deb has jumped into Achilles arms and kissing him passionately. Dax on the other hand is on the floor straddled by Rayne as she pulls her helm off freeing her long red hair to spill over her shoulders and body.
"Hel-lo beaut-." Dax started to say before being cut off by Rayne kissing him.
"I missed you so much, got a surprise to tell you, later when we're alone." Deb said to Achilles almost a whisper.
"Ok everyone, now that we're all here how about we put all the information we got on the table and figure out who wants us dead. Rayne let Dax breath he's starting to turn blue not to mention the severe problem your giving him in his pants." Kit said to both Rayne's and Achilles surprise.
"Damn that's not a one man tent, it's a three ring circus in there. I heard about pitching a tent but you take it to a whole new level dude." Devon said to Dax jokingly and laughing.
Hearty laughter fills the room as old friends are reunited and new ones are made.
"Alright every one, now that Devon has broken the ice lets get on with business. But first I think introductions are in order. Rayne, Achilles, this lovely lady here is Daryl's mother Lisa and Ro'tharan his father. And this unspeakably handsome silver renomon at my side is Devon, Daryl's younger brother." Kit said pointing to each one.
"So where is Daryl? Achilles asked Kit.
"Daryl and my cub were killed at the village we were hiding out in almost three days ago. If it hadn't been for Devon here I would have been killed as well." Kit said with sorrow in her voice.
"Wait a minute! Did you say that this renomon was Daryl's younger brother? Thats not possible, Daryl was human." Rayne said shocked.
"Oh, it's possible if you have a human for mother, a digimon for a father, Daryl took more after mom and I took more after dad. It's kind of apparent by my body." Devon said as he gracefully swished his tail to come to rest wrapped around Kit's waist.
Achilles raises an eyebrow at Devon's tail wrapping around Kithira's waist.
"Do not doubt Kithira's words nor my son's, I Ro'tharan Silver Diamond or Cole if you prefer, am their biological father." Ro'tharan said annoyed.
"Well this is supposed to be a record of my birth, why not watch it and everyone can see for themselves. Or would you prefer to look at a D-arc scan of me." Devon said in challenge.
Everyone elects to see the video as it would be more entertaining than a quick scan.
The video:
The video begins showing a much younger and very pregnant Lisa in obvious labor, lounging in the middle of her plastic covered bed, laying on her side. Cole runs back to lay behind her, and begins rubbing her back holding and caressing her in attempts to comfort her. Lisa cries out in pain as a contraction hits, her belly rising of it's own accord. A minute after the contraction subsides Lisa lever's herself up on all fours with Cole's help, as Cole helps her up to her knees another contraction hits. And her water breaks , the fluid gushes down her legs and spreads out quickly over the bed. Lisa screams out in agony as another of many contractions begin coming faster and lasting longer. The urge to push overtakes her with a vengeance.
"Oh god! Cole I gotta push!!I can't help it!" Lisa cried out as her face contorts to one of straining to push.
"Lisa my love, you are not fully dilated yet. If you push too soon you'll hurt yourself, blow through the contractions. Daryl get the dilation guide and check your mother!" Cole ordered Daryl.
"Ok Daddy!" a very young Daryl replied as a perhaps 10 year old child is seen rushing into the scene with a white plastic square.
"Hurry baby another contraction is about to come." Lisa said urgently.
Daryl is seen putting on sterile gloves on his on his small hands then gently pushes his hand into his mother's vagina. A surprised look come across the young Daryl's face but to his credit he did what he was supposed to. Removing his hand after a few moments and checking it against the dilation guide.
"She is 9 and ¾ dilated, it should be ok to push mom, seeing as I just got my finger sucked on. It's weird, I also felt a lot of hair almost like a pelt." Daryl informed his parents.
Lisa seemed overjoyed at the news until a contraction hit. She grunted loudly as she pushed. A look of relief played across her face as she pushed hard.
"It's coming momma, it's coming, keep pushing!" Daryl encouraged his mother.
"It won't be long now Beloved. We will be able to hold our child soon. Your doing great!" Cole said to Lisa lovingly.
Five pushes later a nose became visible.
"What the fuck!" Daryl exclaimed on obvious surprise.
"Daryl watch your mouth!" Lisa chided.
"But I see a nose...umm..a small puppy nose, the baby isn't human." Daryl said in disbelief.
"Damn IT! Worry about that later lets just worry about getting this baby out of me!!" Lisa demanded desperately.
"You got it mom, two more good pushes should do it mom." Daryl said comfortingly.
Cole watched on in wonder ever since he heard that his eldest felt and seen a puppy-like nose.
With the next contraction Lisa pushed with all her might and the "baby" slipped out quickly and landed into Daryl's happily waiting hands.
"It's a boy! I got a baby brother! And he's a tiny renomon like you daddy!" Daryl announced absolutely ecstatic.
Everyone was surprised but blatantly overjoyed Lisa tied a sterile string around the cord and a few moments later Cole cut the cord with his sharp claws in one smooth scissor-like movement.
Lisa was crying as she killed the DVD. But she had a happy expression upon her face. No one said anything for the first ten minutes as they all were trying to absorb the video they have just seen.
"So I was born a renomon? When did I change to a human?" Devon asked dumbfounded.
"Yes you were, My son. I was never prouder than the day you were born. Two months after you were born you changed to your human form, much to your brother's great disappointment. I had a feeling he was hoping to be your partner." Cole said with an amused chuckle.
At the end of the table Deb has a thoughtful look on her face, then looks down at her belly.
"Oh, fuck!" Deb thinks to herself as the realization hits her about her own pregnancy.
"What's wrong Deb, you look concerned about something?" Achilles asked.
"Oh, nothing, I'm just a little pregnant and it's yours my love." Deb replied smiling.
The look on Achilles face is nothing less than comical, that is if you can put the "OH, SHIT!" look on the face of a leomon.
As all the other questions start and continued long into the evening.
Chapter 7
The cabin:
Lisa woke the next morning and looked at the clock that read 12:00 pm.
"My god it's that late?" Lisa exclaimed surprised.
Beside her, the large furry lump under the covers snored loudly making her quickly put her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. She knew full well that Cole would be mortified if he knew he was snoring as loud as every buzz saw in a lumber yard going at once. He would say it was undignified. Even to this day Cole refuses to admit he snores. Lisa disentangled herself from Cole's loving arms and went to the shower. After she had dried off and got dressed, she felt and heard her stomach growl loudly.
"Damn I'm hungry, I'd better see what we have in the kitchen, and find how much we need from the store." Lisa said to herself quietly.
One minute later she was at the kitchen door that was cracked open a little bit and overheard Achilles and Deb talking.
"No I'm not mad at you! This is a joyous occasion! You just took me by surprise that's all. I didn't mean to make you think I didn't want the cub or cubs. I do. It's just that I had resigned myself to the fact that I would never have cubs because I didn't think it possible to have cubs with you. Even though I wanted that so much it hurt. Now you have given me the most precious gift, and I love you all the more my beloved." Achilles said happily.
"Good, I was worried when you didn't say anything the rest of the night. I guess I did shock you dropping that on you the way I did." Deb said laughing.
"Achilles! Stop that! They will be up any minute. Ooh that feels good...No Achilles. Someone could walk in on us!" Deb told him both mildly aroused and embarrassed.
"Then I would say let them watch, but you have said no so I will respect your wishes but what am I going to do about this." Achilles said respectfully.
"Oh! I guess that is a problem. But, didn't you get enough last night?" Deb asked coyly.
"Get enough of you? Never!" Achilles said to her lustfully.
Lisa heard Deb giggle softly and she couldn't help but giggle as well. She debated mentally how she should enter and finally decided just to walk in.
She found them in a loving embrace kissing heatedly and Deb stroking Achilles heavily engorged shaft and Achilles was purring loudly. Lisa blushed red at the scene but felt herself grow wet. She cleared her throat to announce her presence in the room. Both Deb and Achilles jumped startled and blushed.
"Don't mind me, please continue. It will give me an excuse to pounce on Cole later. Besides leaving him with a hard on like that would be cruel. Umm or not." Lisa said giggling as she noted that Achilles suddenly lost the massive erection he had upon her entrance into the kitchen, his cock slipping back into his sheath.
"Uhh, Good morning Lisa. Sleep well?" Deb asked politely but blushing hotly.
"Yes, as well as can be expected considering the circumstances." Lisa answered.
"Uhh Lisa, I have a personal question for you that I didn't feel comfortable asking in front of everyone else." Deb requested obviously uncomfortable as she fidgeted suddenly obsessed with her nails.
"Ok, ask away." Lisa responded her curiosity piqued.
"It was rather disturbing to see a Daryl at ten years old put his hand in your..uhh well you get the idea. It borders on incest. Now Lisa I'm not saying you abused him, so please take the scowl of your face! I guess my question is.. Why Daryl? Why not Cole as it should have been? I'm not trying to judge you, I'm just wondering why? I'm sure there was a logical reason." Deb asked curiously yet still uncomfortable.
"Yes, there was. I had a choice. Cole's claws are not retractable like Achilles are. In addition they make brand new stainless steel razor blades look dull and over used. When he pleasures me he uses either the middle of his long fingers or his knuckle. When he fingers my snatch he bends his fingers at the knuckle and pleasures me that way, but with his fingers bent that way they are only long enough to reach me G-spot, not my cervix. His claws with exception of the back of them never enter or touch my body. So with that established, I will explain it simply. I wanted to be checked throughout my labor to make sure I was progressing and to make sure that there were not any sudden complications such as breach birth or worse. Because if I wasn't progressing, I shudder to think what would have happened if I had to go to the hospital. Tell me something, If you had a choice between your mates non-retractable excessively sharp claws and your exceptionally intelligent son that has no claws and tiny hands that are more comfortable than an adults hands that also had prepared himself on his own so he knew what to expect for the birth and how birth worked from a midwifery point of view, because he was adamant that he wanted to see his baby brother or sister come into the world, not to mention help anyway he could. Think for a moment about those claws inside your cunt and tell me you would choose the claws. Oh which by the way if you had a sudden contraction while being examined those same claws could impale your baby and kill it, not to mention cut up your insides. What would you choose?" Lisa explained thoroughly and raised an eyebrow with her question.
"Ok, OUCH! I understand now...honestly if I were in that position. Give me the kids hands. I don't want any claws like that in my puss. But luckily Achilles claws are retractable so I don't have to worry about that as much. And after what you just told me, believe me I'm thankful for that." Deb said relieved as she hugged Achilles tightly.
"Ok then, so now you know. And thank you for not bringing this up in front of everybody. Cole and Devon would have taken it as a grievous offense to Daryl's memory and would have asked you to leave and never come back if they were feeling generous. I don't want to think about what would have happened if they weren't." Lisa responded shuddering but still thankful.
"No problem, I'm glad I did too, now. Hey Lisa the cupboards are bare and I was wondering if it was safe enough for us to even go to the store to restock. To be blunt, the last thing we need is someone to see us and recognize one of us from the news broadcasts and turn us in. I know we need the food but which one of us should go? Not to mention we don't have a car." Deb asked nervously.
Lisa nodded and looked to be thinking when they both heard a car coming up the driveway.
They scrambled quickly to find weapons. Lisa pulled out a double barrel sawed off shotgun from under the kitchen table, quickly loading it with slugs that were with it, then aimed for the door. Deb just settled for a large meat cleaver that had to weigh 20 lbs., and a 14 inch butcher knife. Achilles poised himself ready to jump at the intruder. They waited as they heard a car door open and close, then another car door open and after two minutes close. Footsteps on the gravel walkway made the tension in the room so thick you could cut it with a knife. Lisa leveled her shotgun better then cocked both barrels so she wouldn't miss if the person or persons barged in.
Rap, Rap, Rap, pause Rap, Rap, pause Bang!, Bang!
The knocking on the front door made Deb jump and make a muffled squeak.
Lisa stepped cautiously towards the front door and peeked out the window, Then calmly un-cocked her shotgun, and slammed it down on the kitchen table before going back to open the door.
"DAMNIT DEVON! YOU ALMOST GOT YOURSELF SHOT AND TORN TO PIECES!! DID IT EVER OCCURE TO YOU TO LEAVE A NOTE!" Lisa bellowed angrily at her son, her face in a heavy scowl like a mask of anger and concern with a touch of fear.
Lisa didn't wait for him to answer she pulled him close and held him despite his height of 7'2.
Devon wrapped an arm around his obviously upset mother before he spoke while still juggling the bags of food in his paws.
"Aww mom, I'm sorry, but I knew we needed the food and a car not to mention gas for the generator. This form is unknown. I played as if my human partner had sent me on these errands. The shop keeper and the guy I bought the car from didn't even bat an eye because I was there. As I was shopping two other digimon came in with lists and money from their partners. Apparently they are regulars because the shopkeeper called them by name. That and the sign above the register that read 'We serve digimon and humans, but no fighting allowed. Take it outside and off my property if you feel you must fight.' So am I still in trouble? By the way these groceries are kind of heavy and there are a lot of them can I get some help bringing them in. Is Kit still asleep?" Devon asked quizzically.
"No, but you do have some questions to answer. One, how much was that car, what is it, and what condition is it in? Two, where did you get the money? Three, who did you buy it from. Four, can it be traced back to us." Lisa asked still somewhat angry as she released Devon from her embrace.
"To answer your questions in order, 500 bucks off the pre-paid credit card. 89 ford custom quad cab truck with a camper, looks like shit but the motor and transmission are new. The interior could use a little work in my opinion, but I never did like puce. And I see by the perplexed looks on your faces that you don't know what puce is, it's a brownish purple. It wouldn't be so bad if wasn't for the entire interior lined with plushy puce colored fake fur with plushy flowers, moons and stars. Yeash! Honestly it looks like an old hippie got a hold of that poor truck. The exterior however is black and a bit beat up. But other than that it's in good condition. Like I already said I got 500 bucks off the pre-paid credit card from an ATM and Horus McDermott, he was a really old man in a wheelchair, signed the title over and seeing as he was the local Notary agent for this area he put it down as the truck was owned by a Renomon. He took care of the tax, title and license. Even sent me where I could get a driving test so I could get my driver's license. He sold it to me because he couldn't drive it anymore. He didn't have any legs, just nubs half-way up the thigh of both legs. I felt bad for him because he couldn't drive it any more but after I bought the truck, I loaded all the food and necessities in to the truck drove it out of sight of the store then pulled over and gave it a complete check for tracking devices and bugs. I didn't find any so I came home. So no it can't be traced back to us. Look enough questions. Can we get the groceries in today before they go bad?" Devon finished rather exasperated.
Devon and the others made quick work of getting the food and the other stuff inside the house.
"What did you do Devon buy out the whole store? I see several loafs of bread, cheese, milk, meat, all kinds of fruit and veggies, a couple boxes of cereal, ice cream, ohh strawberry cheesecake frozen yogurt, pancake mix, sandwich fixings, you pretty much bought everything we need for the next two weeks, And thanks for the toilet paper, the bathroom was getting so low that I thought I was gonna have to use leaves soon. I see you also got paper towels, various cleaning supplies, bath soap, shampoo, and conditioner for the resident digimon and humans, Good they will need it. That will make Cole happy. The fleas and sand ticks are murder out here." Lisa said happily as she helped put away the the food stuffs and necessities.
At the mention of the possibility of getting his fur infested with fleas and ticks Achilles head jerked up with a 'oh god no!' look on his face, grabbed the flea and tick shampoo and conditioner mumbled something about being back in a little while and quickly disappeared upstairs. Five minutes later they all heard the shower running and laughed.
"Ok it would probably be easier to ask what you didn't get." Deb said as she started unpacking the food.
"Alright but you better make sure we have enough money to last us until one of us can get some money coming in. Otherwise we're screwed." Lisa replied as she lent a hand unpacking everything.
"Hey Devon why did you buy so many seed packets and boxes of miracle gro, are you planning on starting a farm?" Dax asked surprising everybody.
"Dax! How many times have I told you not to do that! You scared the piss out of me! Damn where did you learn to walk so quietly that even the digimon didn't hear you. You're lucky we both have a warrant out for us and I need you, otherwise I'd strangle your ass." Deb griped vehemently.
Everyone stood still looking at each other's faces then broke out in laughter.
"Oh you wouldn't want to do that. After all I am your only brother." Dax said convincingly.
"Don't, Just don't go there, I'm still trying to get past the (we had sex when we were younger thing) EEWWW! Oh man I don't feel so good, I think I'm gonna be sick." Deb responded shuddering and turning a little green. Uhh excuse me." Deb told everyone as she made a hasty run for the downstairs bathroom.
"Morning sickness, that's one thing I don't miss about pregnancy." Lisa commented rhetorically.
"Speaking of warrants, I heard on the radio that there is a nationwide man hunt for someone called Anton Blake. One of the charges is treason. The radio announcer said that there were other charges but didn't say what they were. They gave his description and last known location. But authorities are saying that he is armed and dangerous. All citizens are to avoid him at all cost and not to attempt to apprehend him ourselves. That and if he is spotted to call it in to a national 1-800 number." Devon informed his new coterie of friends.
"Anton Blake! If it's the same one I'm thinking of, I know him." Lisa expressed with surprise.
"What do you know about him Mom?" Devon requested curiously.
"Well he used to work for Hypnos as a team security specialist, and was a trainer hopeful but kept getting rejected by the digimon for some reason. All I know is on his last mission to the digital world something happened and it was classified top level as soon at his superiors found out. And as soon as he got back they rushed him to medical and kept him under guard. A few weeks later he up and disappeared and was never seen at Hypnos again. I never did find out why or what happened to him. Word has it that he went off the deep end, and was committed. But he was a serious megalomaniac to begin with." Lisa related somberly.
"Sounds like an egotistical asshole with delusions of grandeur, no wonder a digimon wouldn't take him for a partner. The one that probably would have accepted him was the evil virus types. But then again even they might of thought twice about that." Dax commented jokingly.
"Dax what do you think a megalomaniac is? But here's a thought that chills me to the core. What if he did get a digimon, like MaloMyotismon or Ice Devimon. But what I remember of him no one at Hypnos ever liked him. He always thought his shit didn't stink. On top of that his attitude sucked and he treated everyone like they were beneath him." Lisa told them contemptuously.
"Anton Blake. He was never the same after he came back from that mission. I couldn't stand to be in his presence. He always seemed to say the wrong thing intentionally to grate on peoples nerves. Most of the time he was just intentionally insulting, especially to digimon to their face and their partners behind their back to get a reaction. I overheard the doc pronounce him mentally unfit for duty and he was later fired. If you're wondering how I know this, I can get into places you can't and not be noticed. That's all I know about it other than what Lisa has already told you." Cole informed them honestly.
Everyone in the room shuddered uncomfortably and fearful at the thought of Blake having such a partner. Deb finally came out of the bathroom a few minutes later and began making breakfast for everyone.
Meanwhile in the Digital world
Anton Blake had traveled long and hard to get here. He raised his eyes to look upon the dark foreboding castle before him and he felt like he was finally home.
"I will get to see my master soon and although he will not be pleased with me because of my failure, I know he will be pleased to see me. It has been too long, I seem to find myself missing him. Soon, soon I will see him." Blake thought to himself.
It wasn't long before he finally saw the digimon guards. Four Greymon stood between him and his master. He expected as much.
"This though expected is going to be such a hassle. Lesser digimon aren't worth my time." Anton muttered to himself under his breath.
He approached as if he was expected and as if he belonged there, But as expected the guards stopped him.
"You are either very brave or have a death wish human. Leave now and I might give you a head start before I kill you." Growled the Greymon with seething hatred and vile contempt.
"Give it a rest, I'm here to see my master and yours. I am Anton Blake and I dread to think what our master would do to you if you harmed me in anyway. Here look at this and don't waste anymore of my time." Anton demanded haughtily as he opened his shirt and pealed off the skin-toned latex revealing a mark upon his skin. Branded deep into his flesh the mark was of a Daemon in it's true form. Carved line by line with infinite detail into his skin above his left pectoral muscle with a white hot claw to staunch the bleeding.
All four of the guards eyes bulged comically and quickly let him pass unchallenged. It took only a few minutes before he had reached the second set of guards in the peristylum, a colonnaded portico that surrounded the central garden but luckily one of them recognized him and did not hinder his progress or allow the others to.
"Don't stop this human, he's the master's pet and we are under orders not to harm him. As distasteful as that is, I for one don't want to face the Master if that one has so much as a scratch on him that he didn't put there himself." The Cherrymon warned his fellow guards. The other 7 Cherrymon shook their branches in what could be taken as a nod of assent.
"Eight Cherrymon? Good grief that's a bit overkill but whatever pleases him. Still, his garden is as beautiful as ever, and just as deadly as he is. I'm glad I brought this offering for his garden. I'm sure he will like the bleeding heart and the death camas plants I have for him. This is the only thing he likes from the real world, our deadly plants and me of course." Anton thought to himself as he continued his long walk to his master.
Ten minutes later he was at the door to the throne room. And on either side of him were two nasty looking DexDoruGreymon. A DemiDevimon came forward to Anton looking extremely disgruntled.
"I don't know how you got this far human but it will be your last mistake...wait a minute. You look familiar for some reason. What do you want and who are you?" DemiDevimon demanded cruelly.
"Nice to see you too Faerthan. You're as welcoming as ever. Still playing errand boy I see. Now how 'bout you take your worthless piece of shit ass and announce to our master that Anton Blake is requesting an audience." Anton commanded not caring about what Faerthan had to say on the matter just as long as he did as he was told.
A few moments later Faerthan entered the throne room to announce his arrival. The throne room door was left partially open and he could hear the conversation as it played out.
"M-M-Master? I beg forgiveness for this intrusion but, Anton Blake is demanding to see you. Rather rudely I might add. And- " Began Faerthan nervously.
"What? And you have not brought him before me yet? CHAOS FLARE! I COMMANDED SHOULD HE SHOW UP HE WAS TO BE BROUGHT TO ME IMMEDIATELY! WERE YOU EVEN LISTENING! CHAOS FLARE!" The master roared, his ire obvious.
"ANTON! ENTER! Faerthan get out of my sight before I decide you are of no further use to me and take your data" Ordered the Master again.
Anton rushed into the throne room and knelt at his master's feet as Faerthan flew out so quickly he was nothing but a blue streak right before the doors were shut.
"I am surprised to see you here, however I assume you are here you impart some good news? One other thing, remind me again why I keep that worthless failure of a mon around. You may answer my questions." The Master spoke nonchalantly.
Anton smiled as he spoke and in his pocket he held in his hand a digivice. His digivice. He stroked the device affectionately then answered. Anton knew they were alone in the throne room as such he was allowed liberties that when in public he would have been severely punished for. Anton raised his gaze to his master's sinister blue eyes.
"Faerthan is your comic relief, not to mention he has shown to be useful sometimes his evil whispers attack has gotten you quite a few followers. Except me, I wanted you all of my own accord. You are the only Digimon worthy of me and my black heart, my beloved Master Xerxes. You are a Daemon and I only hope I can continue to be worthy of you." Anton said affectionately as he bowed loyally to his master in worship.
"Ahh yes, that is true. As far as your worthiness yes, you have proven worthy thus far.Xerxes smiled at Anton. Now why have you returned to me Anton?" Xerxes related amused.
"I regret to inform my master that my actions have been discovered, despite the great lengths I went through to hide them. Exactly to what extent is unknown to me. I believe they have figured out my connection to the deaths of the firewall teams. 3 digimon and 2 humans escaped. Also According to reports that traitor Kithira was somehow able to get another partner. In an odd twist of fate, her new partner is the younger brother of Daryl Thackry, who died by my own hand, unfortunately his adopted viximon escaped and was reported killed, her data absorbed by the greymon that was dispatched to destroy the village he was living in, at least that's what was reported to me. They also found out my handy work with the firewall and have probably scrambled the pass codes at least twice if not more. It was not a total loss though my master. I was able to get 2000 digimon loyal to you alone into the real world, And about that same amount or more in 50 countries around the world. But as to how they are faring with their tasks is now unknown to me. I do know this as a fact however, Hypnos only knows of 10 out of all that you sent. One of those ten got cocky and stupid as a result were destroyed by Kithira and a silver renomon that is unknown to me. As far as reports indicate her new partner is no longer with her, only the silver renomon. But as far as I'm concerned I feel that somehow her partner is perhaps a hybrid like myself and able to digivolve where as I can't. No matter how hard I try I just can't." Anton reported and said the latter with bitter jealousy.
"Why do I have the feeling that there is more that you have yet to tell me." Xerxes said raising an eyebrow, obviously not happy. You have done what you could Anton, considering the deplorable conditions of having to work with those wretched humans instead of bathing in their blood like I knew you wanted to. However there is more isn't there?" Xerxes said simply.
Anton was fearing this part. And he knew telling his master that he was of no further use was signing his death warrant.
"Master I-" Stuttered Anton fearfully.
"SPIT IT OUT ANTON! You're wearing my patience very thin!" Xerxes warned. A foreboding and deadly impatience was clear in his tone that filled Anton with dread.
Anton steeled himself and took a deep breath, then began.
"Yes, Master. As a result of my actions being uncovered I now have a warrant for my arrest. I can't go back to the real world without a severe risk of being captured and incarcerated. If that happened I would no longer be of any use to you at all. I wouldn't even be able to contact you period. At least with me here I could still give you information that won't be convoluted by whatever overly zealous digimon that try to twist my messages to you to make it appear as I'm failing horrifically or make it look as if I'm sending the wrong information intentionally. I hate this. I wish I could shed my human half and be only Digimon. I'm hated no matter where I go. Ahh to hell with it. I don't give a shit if the others like me or not as long as I can be with you nothing else matters." Anton finished as a myriad of emotions flitted across his handsome features with each sentence.
Xerxes was unnervingly quiet as he stared at Anton. Minutes pass and the terrifying silence continued, Xerxes face was unreadable and fearfully stern. When Xerxes finally did speak Anton nearly jumped out of his skin.
"Very well Anton. It is true that the messengers have been corrupting your messages to me. But for some reason I sensed they were lying and destroyed them for their treachery. Now I'm glad I did my pet. Come to me. You may approach. You will be punished of course for your failure, but because you were able to get a good portion of my hoard into the real world your punishment will be to a degree a lesser punishment, nothing fatal I assure you. You are still useful to me, but now only as a mating toy. Come here. Satisfy my lust and I may yet again be moved to show you mercy. I doubt it, but we will just have to see, won't we?" Xerxes said silkily yet serious.
Anton nodded as he approached, shaking both in fear, and marked arousal. His shaft became diamond hard with anticipation as he stripped off all his clothes with exception of his underwear, and approached Xerxes then knelt at his foot paws. Xerxes smiled at the blind obedience of his pet. Knowing full well the lashing he was going to give Anton for his failure and he had decided at that moment that he would not be satisfied this time until he had fully raped his pet.
"Good thing for me I never promised I wouldn't steal his virginity. Only that I would never ask for it. I think it's about time that lil' pet of mine used that cunt between his legs instead of pretending it doesn't exist." Thought Xerxes to himself.
Anton then lovingly kissed his master's sharply clawed foot paw and trailed his kisses up Xerxes leg not knowing of his master's plans. Anton lifting His master's robe as he went eventually climbing in. Anton was at Xerxes's inner thigh when the Daemon's robe fell and covered him completely. Xerxes own arousal soon became obvious from the attention of his pet. Anton was lovingly licking his masters inner thigh slowly going to his masters |
very erect cock. Anton smiled as he heard his master moan in pleasure and wrapped him arms and legs around the massive shaft and began to bounce as best he could jacking Xerxes off with his body and his tongue licking the whole time, up and down Xerxes hard cock.
"Anton I have decided your punishment. Come out from under my robes." Xerxes ordered firmly. After only a breath of hesitation Anton complied and knelt obediently at his Masters feet.
At that moment Xerxes picked Anton up and place him on a cross shackling him down in a position that forced Anton to keep is ass stuck out in the air ready to be mounted. True fear gripped Anton's heart but so did extreme arousal. Why this was, he didn't know, but his Anton's arousal wasn't lost on Xerxes. With a slash of his claws the underwear was ripped away exposing Anton's dripping wet virgin cunny and his now painfully throbbing 10in erection. Before Anton could speak a blindfold was placed tightly over his eyes and he felt what he knew to be his master's cock rubbing firmly against his own. His own fuck shaft sliding inside Xerxes's huge piss-hole of his massive cock and hearing Xerxes moaning and begin to cock fuck Anton's shaft like they had done so many times before.
"Yes, Master fuck me, oh my love it's been too long, no no! Ooohh god!" Unfortunately for Anton, it had been too long since their last encounter and within a few minutes Anton was cumming hard inside Xerxes cock. An angry growl was heard coming from Xerxes and before Anton could even scream, Anton felt a Xerxes's fuck tool being shoved into his cunny his hymen ripped away and was being used brutally. Anton Screamed in agony as his virginity was stolen and was crying painful tears as he was being violated by such a massive shaft being forcibly shoved in and out of his puss.
"You will watch me violate your cunt, your ass, and anywhere else I choose Anton. You are now my breeding toy. You will bath in my cum and you will allow me to violate you anytime I wish. And Anton... I'm not asking you, I command it. "Xerxes ordered lustfully as he altered Anton's position to Anton resting on his own shoulders and was force to watch his own once virgin fuck hole being violated.
Blood was running down Anton's abdomen from his nether regions.
"Why did he have to choose this, I'm not some freak of nature! I'm male! Why is he taking me there? Oohh why is it starting to feel good...every time he rams his shaft in to me there, oh god it feels so good. But I'm male this isn't supposed to be this way" Thought Anton to himself now extremely confused but refusing to cry, but too caught up in the feelings and humiliation to worry much about that little fact now. He in this bound position could do nothing else but watch himself be violated by his master. Within 10 minutes of this Anton was quaking and shuddering
"Ooh master I'm ..I - I'm CUMMING...I can't can- can't stop ...it..AAAhhgghhhhh" Anton screamed helplessly as his cunt had began to convulse and tighten in waves as his orgasm overwhelmed him.
"Anton no!!no, ooohhh so tight, too tight!! your making me cum...oh yes!!take it my pet, take it all!! " bellowed Xerxes as he came and rammed himself deep into Anton and was surprised and very pleased to find Anton had a womb. A womb that he quickly filled with his jizz. Anton had passed out from the pain of the entry, but all the same, Xerxes knew Anton was his creature completely now...and now privately his mate. He picked Anton up after untieing him from the apparatus then took him to his sleeping quarters and began the arduous but pleasant task of licking Anton clean.
"Tomorrow my pet dawns a new day, you are my mate, as must as I detest this form of yours you are still my trainer. How you managed that..ahh I remember, your my child...and have the same black heart as I do..we are meant to be.. though I doubt I need you, digivolving will for now be easier with you around. Now sleep my pup, and forget all that I have just told you, it is best that you don't know...now spread your legs, I am far from sated daughter.. When you wake all you will know is that in bed I call you my daughter as a way to torment you and a game we play, you will never remember the reality that you ARE my pup and I plan to breed you until you conceive me a granddaughter, and I will continue to breed the females until the human is bred out then I will allow you to rest..by then I hope to have found a way to make you change...then I will truly breed you...uhhhhnnnn yes that;s a good lil' herm take it all in your cunt take all of my 14in cock let my incestuous seed fill, you impregnate you, yes, yes YES! YES! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!" he grunted loudly...
With each word spoken Xerxes thrust deep into Anton's cunny each thrust deeper and harder than the last until the last yes when he filled Anton's cunny again and Anton only able to cum...his mind was lost in the sexual ecstasy of the fact his father was raping him, his father was trying to impregnate him, his father was his master and his digimon, and something in the back of his mind clicked and he knew that he wanted this, to feel his father's cock inside himself violating him like he had done to the bitch that birthed him, he wanted to do the same to rape, maim and and breed hoards of females but only after he now much beloved father was able to remove his cursed foul human side...he would remember that Xerxes was his father no matter what he did to him.. All he wanted was to sleep and breed with his father until the inevitable happened, pregnancy. A sexy, loving, taboo, incestuous pregnancy that he now wanted as much as his Father and master... and he hoped the first born would be a herm like himself so he could breed it.. if his Master allowed it anyway...his thoughts as he drifted to his sweet safe slumber was" Anton you have finally lost it...good...the farther away from my humanity I am, the better. Oohhh! That feels soo good when he rams his cock into my cunt like that, I hope he keeps filling me until I look pregnant and continues to yiff me as I sleep... that would be so hot, ooohh he is shoving his cunt-juice lubed cock into my asshole oh god I'm not gonna last long, he rubbing my.. oh god..I'm cumming cummmmmmmmmingggg!! and unconsciousness took him as the last mind shattering orgasm stole him away..." Anton?..." Queried Xerxes, but laughed when he found him only unconscious.
But Xerxes continued his sexual assault of his child's female parts...giving Anton respite only when bodily functions or his own plans needed to be attended to, otherwise, Xerxes seemed to never be sated and continued his assault even after he was sure Anton had conceived. But this time was openly willing.. and this spurned Xerxes on all the more...and continued until Anton laid 5 Darkdigi-eggs...and thanks to his digimon half, he recovered quickly.
"You have pleased me Anton...you have done well for now, but what of missing Renamon and her trainer, or the other trainers? Find out what has happened pet.. I want to know where they are. Go.." commanded Xerxes.
"As you wish master. I may be way for some time master, I will return as quickly as possible." Anton replied and bowed...quickly leaving to obey.
\Meanwhile, back at the cabin
"I don't get it Devon, it's been a month surely we would have found something or see something of our enemy...but we find nothing." Kithira vented frustrated.
"I don't know Kithira, something's up...we know this, but we can't find any evidence that suggests that we are in danger. This can be bad or good...I just don't know which. Not yet anyway." Devon replied obviously worried, looking at everyone seated at the kitchen table.
"Well Hypnos has been very quiet about what Blake did. My contacts here and there have been real tight lipped about it, their scared along with the rest of Hypnos. But the one thing they all agree on is that without doubt Blake was behind the teams being killed." Dax paused and let his words sink in before continuing. "One of them did tell me that Blake had created hundreds of access codes to by-pass the firewall. When I pressed him for more about it, he told me to drop it and hung up. Which is unlike Reggie we go way back to high school." Said Dax shaking his head.
"If that's true Hypnos has the network security personal working around the clock for the past month trying to get rid of all those codes from the mainframe and all of the backup copies in storage. At least we now know who is responsible for Daryl and the rest of the teams death, now we have someone to go after. That son of a bitch has a lot to answer for and I'm going to make sure of it when I get hold of him." Deb said her voice going almost guttural.
"Calm down love, Blake has a lot to answer for and I'm sure the rest of us here would like nothing more than to get our paws, err, hands on him. " Achilles said placing his huge paws on her shoulders from behind her.
"Well the network hasn't made mention of us in over a week, at least not that I've seen. Which can be both good and bad, good being we have hid out for a month now and dropped off the radar so to speak. And the bad could be they already know where we are at and just waiting on us to make the wrong move." Deb said nonchalantly.
"I still think Lisa and Cole going in is the wrong move, but the necessity for up to date information and not censored is a must for us right now. Hypnos controls the information flow to the networks web, cable tv, radio etc." Rayne said looking at the others.
"What's taking them so long? " Devon asked looking at Kithira.
"They've been gone only 2 hours and some odd minutes it might be awhile before they get back." Answered Dax.
"It will take however long it takes them to accomplish the mission." Kithira replied in a soft motherly tone.
"Breaking into Hypnos isn't my idea of a good time, it's like breaking into Fort Knox or just as bad. But if they can find even some of the information we need it might be worth it." Dax said somewhat nervously.
Just then Lisa and Cole appear in the corner of the dinning room, Lisa jumps out of Cole's arms and lands on the floor and turns to face him. Her face a mask of rage.
"Dammit Cole, two more seconds and I would had the lock open!" Shouted Lisa.
"And you would have been seen by the security guard coming around the corner from the north hallway, and by now would be under arrest by Hypnos security, mate." Cole said eying his mate closely.
"Well how was I to know they have upgraded the locks to finger print scanners, it has been over ten years since I was last there after all. Ahh, sorry for shouting at you. You only did the right thing and got us out of there." Lisa said wrapping her arms around Cole.
Joining the others in at the kitchen table.
"Well that was a bust, but not without some rewards for our hard work, just wished we could have gotten more than what we did. Hopefully these will give us some answers to some of our questions." Cole stated as he produced 2 mini-disk dvd's from one of his gauntlets and laid them on the table.
Dax quickly grabbed the mini-disks off the table before Deb could.
"I'll get to looking at these for anything useful, ah any idea whats on them?" Asked Dax.
"I acquired them from chief St. John's desk when he wasn't looking." Said Cole nonchalantly.
"YOU DID WHAT? Cole are you out of your mind? And you talk about me taking chances, I can't believe you did that!" Lisa exclaimed.
"It was nothing really, he wasn't looking at them at the time, he was reading a report and drinking coffee. Wish I could have grabbed a copy of that report though. Oh, and to answer your question. No I'm in my right mind." Cole said smiling.
"Balls, pure balls to sneak into the chief's office while he's in it and take something off his desk without him seeing you." Dax replied as he removed the first disk from it's case and dropped it into the dvd drive on the laptop.
"Be careful that disk is probably encrypted and has some nasty security features built into it." Lisa said with a concerned look on her face.
"With any luck the security codes for our team will be still accepted and I'll be looking at all the data on this disk in seconds." Replied Dax as his fingers danced over the keys of the laptop.
Five minutes later.
"Well that does it, I've tried every code I know and all the ones Deb has and none of them are valid anymore, ideas people?" Asked Dax.
Picking up the discarded disk case. Devon looks at the number printed on a sticky note attached to the case's cover.
"Hey, Dax, do you know the kiss principle? Asked Devon.
"Yeah, keep it simple, stupid. Why? Asked Dax.
"Well, did you ever think to look at the jewel case to see if it had the code already on it, like this pink post it note that's blaring bright neon pink with code that's written on it in a even more obnoxious color. You know, like this one." Said Devon pointing to the post it note.
Laughter fills the kitchen as Dax turns red with embarrassment.
"Boy, look at him turn red! Are we embarrassed? Asked Rayne.
"Give me that!" Exclaimed Dax snatching the jewel case from Devon's hand.
"I'd be checking my fingers to make sure I still had them if I was you Devon, by the way he grabbed that case." Achilles said jokingly.
"Boy, I think we struck a nerve or something being how he grabbed the case from my hand." Devon said as he walked into the kitchen flexing his hand.
Dax, quickly types the number off the jewel case into the security program window for access to the disk, the tension is thick in room as everyone holds their breath. The sound of an error beep from the laptop breaks the silence.
"It's not the code for this disk, sorry guys no joy, more than likely it's just the file number of the disk." Said Dax as he ejects the disk and replaces it back in the jewel case.
"Try that code on the other disk, it might have gotten put in the wrong case by the chief." Lisa replied, handing the other jewel case to Dax.
Dax shrugs his shoulders, and takes the offered case from Lisa.
"Can't hurt, maybe the chief is like me and puts disks back into the wrong case occasionally." Dax said as he opened the second jewel case.
"Bullshit!" Coughed Rayne into her hand, bringing a round of laughter from everyone in the room.
Rayne is rewarded by a scowl from Dax.
"Yeah, uh huh, keep it up, Rayne and we'll see who gets the bed tonight, alone." Replied Dax smiling.
"Oh boy, the bed all to myself for a change!" Exclaimed Rayne
"No, I was meaning you'll be sleeping on the couch in the living room." Dax said in a no nonsense voice looking at Rayne as the disk drive closed.
"Ok, you two give it a rest, enough joking around, Dax the disk please." Deb said.
Within seconds of the drive closing the a window pops up.
"Installing new 256bit encryption protocols version Please wait.."
"What the heck?" Exclaims Dax.
"Installing new network protocols version 5.1.995... Please wait.."
"Installing new gateway and firewall program version 6.01.02... Please wait.."
"Installing security access level AlphaOmega...Please wait.."
"Oh shit! Thats why I can't get into that disk, Hypnos has changed everything in the security and network files. But after what happened, don't say I blame them one bit." Said Dax as the laptop rebooted.
"Correct me if I'm wrong Dax, with these new files installed you should be able to access Hypnos network and bypass all network security checks from the internet?" Achilles asked.
"True, but they may still require a password into key systems and files. Just have to wait and see which areas of the network I can access without a password or security clearance." Dax responded his eyes never leaving the laptop screen as it booted up.
"Lunch is served! Sandwiches and iced tea for everyone." Devon said as he came in carrying a tray from the kitchen and sat it down on the table.
"Actually we might be able to access the network without going through the internet, Dax's laptop does after all have a wifi card installed. Of course that is if we can get a signal out this far." Deb commented as she poured a glass of iced tea from the pitcher on the table.
"Well the cell phones and wifi does work out here, err, somewhat. Ever since that tower went down three weeks ago the service has gone down hill if you ask me." Lisa stated as she grabbed a sandwich and glass of tea.
"I just thought of something, when you log into the network will Hypnos be able to trace it to us? Or at least find our general location from the wifi signal?" Asked Cole as he joined the others eating.
"The same answer for both of your questions Cole, they might be able to get our general location from a trace to the nearest wifi tower, but that still leaves a lot of homes in the area to check out." Dax said as he typed his user name and password into the laptop.
"Besides if Hypnos was looking for us something tells me that they would have sent a containment team by now. We're probably so low on their list that we dropped off of the end of it and they just forgot about us completely." Devon replied in a joking tone.
"We could only be so lucky." Said Rayne.
"Well everyone hold your butt's, let's see if I can get on the Hypnos network." Dax said as he clicked on the Hypnos network icon on the laptops desktop with the mouse pointer.
Everyone watched as the computer tried to connect to the Hypnos network.
"Unable to connect no wireless connection available." A pop up window displayed on the screen. Everyone resumed breathing at that moment.
"Well it was worth a shot, but maybe with some luck these disks will be readable now with the new protocols installed." Dax said as he pulled out the first disk and replaced it in the drive. He watched and waited as the os found the drive had a disk in it and scanned it before bringing up a window with the view of the disks contents.
"I guess it was all we needed was to have the proper encryptions installed to view the disk. Makes since with all the other stuff they've changed at Hypnos in the past month. Now lets see what Cole has found for us." Dax said with gusto, his face alight with joy like a kid with a new toy.
Minutes pass while everyone waits for Dax's report on the disk. Everyone is so intently looking at Dax for any reaction that when the printer connected to the laptop starts printing everyone jumps, especially Achilles who had his back to the table where the printer is. Who turns to attack with one arm drawn back to deal the printer a death blow.
Laughter ensues, mostly aimed at Achilles who almost looks like he's blushing under his tawny colored fur.
"Shit! Give me some warning the next time, Dax. I almost destroyed the printer!" Achilles said before joining the others laughing.
"Hate to kill everyones good mood, but we got real problems people. By the way, being your already over there Achilles please put some more paper in the printer before it runs out." Dax said not looking up from the laptop.
Everyone stopped laughing at Dax's statement.
"What's up, Dax? Stop keeping us in the dark and tell us what you found on the disk." Lisa said concern in her voice.
"Oh, not much, just found out about where Anton Blake is, and more importantly what he is." Dax replied as he reached for a sandwich.
"Well are you going to keep it to yourself, or spill the beans to the rest of your attentive audience here?" Rayne asked.
"Let the print out finish first, I printed the most important of the files. Only twenty pages or so, some from different files, but the ones that concern us the most right now." Dax replied as he picked up a glass of tea, a worried look on his face.
Leaning back in his chair, Dax looks around the room at this group he and Rayne have become part of in the last month. His eyes wander from person to digimon in turn before getting up and collecting the print out from the printer. And then turning to the group he begins to tell what he found out.
"First, we don't have to worry about Hypnos looking for us, they got bigger fish to fry. The truth of it is they are more worried about oh, around two grand plus of digimon that Blake helped get through the gateway and firewall un-noticed until last months breach in the security. Dax let his words sink in before continuing. Second, Blake is a total psychopath, at least that's what page two says from the Hypnos doctor that debriefed him after Blake's first team was killed in the digital world some fifteen years ago. And then there's Blake's last medical scan which really is going to be a fun read, going to need a psychological and a medical dictionary to understand both them reports fully. It's all here in the print out, take turns reading it." Dax said with sorrow tinged with anger, as he placed the printout on the table, then walked out of the room.
"Something's bothering him, I better go to him." Said Rayne as the sound of the front door closing reached them, her turning and chasing after him.
Kithira grabs the printout before anyone else has a chance and hands it to Devon.
"Devon would you please read it for all of us? Just leave out all the un-important stuff, and what Dax already told us." Kithira said as she placed an arm around Devon's waist.
Scanning the first page Devon is shocked to see a different figure than what Dax had told them minutes before.
"Shit! Dax was way off on that number of wild digimon that Blake brought here, if I'm reading this correctly there could be as much as twenty thousand wild digimon here." Devon exclaimed as he turned to page two.
"Surely you read that wrong, Devon. Turn back to page one and recheck the figures." Said Cole an unbelieving tone in his voice.
"Sorry dad but I don't make mistakes like eighteen grand, I got straight A's in math class." Devon replied not looking up from the page.
Cole looked at Lisa for confirmation and received a nod from her.
"According to this, Anton Blake suffers from acute antisocial personality disorder, that can be manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse. In short one very sick puppy, no wonder he was kicked out of Hypnos when he got back." Devon said as he turned the page.
"Well at least now we know what type of psycho he is, that gives us an advantage when and if we ever can get our hands on him." Deb said in a cold flat voice from her chair at the table.
"Devon, please continue reading." Cole said, as Devon turned another page, then two.
"Give me a second, just getting past the rest of the psychological report. Anyone interested in his mission debriefing?" Ask Devon, looking up from the report at everyone.
"I think we can all leave that one alone for now, besides it's probably put together from months of notes and half of it was what the interviewer thought Blake meant. Heck he was a mess when they found him almost six months after his team disappeared. Go on to the next section, Devon." Lisa said.
"Here we go, lets see what this is." Devon said as he began reading the page and the next four pages after that. Minutes pass before he speaks.
"That son of a bitch! Now I have a reason to go after him, Kit with all due respect to you and the memory of my brother, Anton Blake is mine." Devon shaking with rage tosses the print out on the table in front of Deb. "Fill everyone else in I'm going upstairs to pack my gear!" Devon said heading for the stairs.
Everyone is stunned by Devon's outburst and abrupt walking out of the room before anyone had a chance to speak.
Deb looks down at the report and reads the page out loud to everyone.
"There is proof positive that Anton Blake ordered the killings of the undercover units (both human and digimon) in the digital world and this one. Notably one person and the only person he had a direct hand in was Thackry, Daryl agent #15-2059 over a month ago. We know after finally getting access to the logs that Anton Blake was in the digital world the very day agent #15-2059 was killed. The body of agent #15-2059 was later recovered by Hypnos personal after being lead there by Anton Blake's journal which was recovered from his computer in his office. After being brought back to Hypnos command an autopsy was performed on agent Thackry. Agent Thackry was found with a child viximon that would not leave him. The team that recovered agent Thackry's body was forced to bring the child viximon back with them because the child referred to agent Thackry as daddy, and the team leader feared that said viximon was a hybrid. A DNA test was done on the child and the results showed it to be fully digimon. Also the DNA showed that the child is agent Thackry's digimon partner Kithira's child. The child viximon is currently in quarantine at unit #2 containment and control in Denver Co."
The silence is broken by Kithira.
"My child is alive and in this world, where is the unit #2 so I can get her out?" Demanded Kithira, looking at Deb.
"Hold it Kithira, you're not going anywhere yet. Besides I'm not about let Hypnos take another of my family away. Cole go find Dax and Rayne and get them back in here, Kit get Devon back down here we have some planning to do before anyone goes running off half cocked." Lisa said in a commanding tone.
Cole nods to Lisa and heads for the front door after Dax and Rayne. Kithira is stunned by Lisa's commanding tone that she nods and heads upstairs after Devon.
Meanwhile outside Rayne finds Dax sitting on the tail gate of the truck, setting down next to him she wraps an arm around him. Minutes pass before ether of them speaks.
"I never thought when Daryl and I was in training together that one of us would die doing our job. We were best trained agents in the field and had countless hours experience. But now it's official, we know he's dead and know who's responsible for his death." Dax said trying not to cry as he spoke.
"You and Daryl where like brothers before being partnered with me or Kithira. It is hard to lose some that close to you and not feel like you do, But you're not the only one to lose him Dax." Rayne pauses a few seconds before going on. "If it hadn't been for Daryl nether of us would be here right now, none of us would be, you know it as well as everyone else on the team. I miss him to." Rayne said hugging Dax a little tighter.
"It's nice to know that Daryl had such good friends that cared very much about him, my son did well I see. Lisa asked me to find you two and requests that you come back in the house." Cole said.
Dax nods.
"Give me a few minutes to collect myself and we'll be in." Dax said.
"Why? Is your data loosing cohesion?" Said Cole looking closely around where Dax is setting.
Rayne giggles at Cole's question.
Dax Looks up at Cole.
"No, I need a few minutes to get my thoughts and emotions under control, last thing we need right now is for me to lose control and Rayne warp digivolve in the kitchen." Dax answered.
"Ok, I let them know that it will be a few minutes." Cole said as he faded out of existence.
Meanwhile inside and upstairs in Devon and Kithira's bedroom.
"Mate, what are you planning to do?" Kit asks as she walks into the room.
"I'm going to the digital world to find this Blake, and when I do, I'm going to scatter his data to the winds for what he has done to Daryl and all the others he killed. That's what I'm going to do, now you can come with me and extract revenge on him for his crimes or stay here. It's your choice." Devon said in a very aggressive tone.
"Mate, I understand your feelings about this Blake, I want to hunt him down also. But right now is not the time, my daughter, your daughter now is in this world and being held by Hypnos! And I can't go in alone to rescue her, I need your help and anyone else that will come along." Kit said, anger and fear coloring her voice.
Devon stood there shocked but recovered quickly.
"Your daughter is here, but how? I thought she died when Daryl did." Devon asked.
"If you would have read the rest of the report instead of letting your anger with Blake overwhelm you, you would know. Mother has a plan she wants all of us down at the kitchen table. So put that pack down and lets see what she has to say before, as she put it "going off half-cocked?" Kithira replied holding out a glove covered paw to her mate.
"Ok, but after we get your daughter back and she's someplace safe, we go after Blake." Devon replied as he put the pack down on the bed.
"Agreed, now lets see what Mother is planning, shall we?" Kit asked as she backed out of the doorway into the hall.
Devon nods his head and follows her back downstairs.
Hypnos Command Complex, Colorado Springs, U.S.A.
"Stevens in my office now!" Chief St. John shouted from the doorway on the upper level of the command center.
"Oh great, what did we do now to piss off the chief? Stevens asked his digimon partner Alex as he stood up from his desk.
"I don't know, hopefully it's an assignment, anything other than sitting here all day." Replied Alex as he flew up to Stevens shoulder from the desk.
Heads turn and watch as agent Stevens with his patamon on his shoulder head upstairs to the chief's office.
In the chiefs office.
"You wanted to see us, chief?" Said Stevens as he walked in and closed the door.
"Yesterday was the last day of your administrative desk duty, your new assignment is to go to unit #2 in Denver and see if you can get anything out of that viximon that was brought back with agent Thackry's remains 2 weeks ago. Here's the case file, read it and see if you can come up with anything new, something that agent Barnes missed. By the way, Stevens your better as a field agent than a desk jockey and I'm noting that in your file. The next time you violate Standard Operating Procedures you'll be given unpaid leave by me, don't make me do that. Now get up to unit #2 and question that viximon." St. John said closing the file on his desk.
"Got it chief, on our way now, is there anything else sir?" Stevens asked as he took the offered file.
"You haven't left yet? Get going before I have you cleaning the restrooms at the museum. And close the door on your way out." St. John said looking up from another file.
Closing the office door Stevens looks at Alex.
"Asking questions to a viximon is better than cleaning the restrooms any day in my book." Stevens said as he walked down the hallway to the garage to get his car.
"Heck, I can't get you to clean out the stuff in the refrigerator at home much less the bathroom." Alex said jokingly.
"Remind me when we get home to do that." Stevens replied.
"I do everyday and you keep putting it off. I'm telling you that take out bowl of chili from last month was moving this morning at breakfast, better get rid of it before it tries to eat us the next time one of us open the refrigerator." Alex said matter of factually.
"Ok, point made. Now lets get to unit #2 and talk with that viximon." Stevens said as they walked into the garage.
Meanwhile back at the cabin as everyone gathered around the table.
"Ok, everyone here's the deal. We now know who is responsible for the death's of our family and friends and who knows how many others. We also know that Anton Blake is in the digital world, otherwise the police J.A.S.F., or Hypnos would have found him by now. But first and foremost I think we need to concentrate on finding a way to get my granddaughter out of unit #2. Then we tackle the problem of bringing Anton Blake to justice. Idea's anyone?" Lisa asked looking at the each of them in turn.
"Well it won't be easy getting into unit #2 I can tell you that. Unit #2 is "C&C" containment & control unit, basically a super max prison for digimon. I was there once, that place has state of the art security and guards out the yin yang. But also it has it's own gateway and firewall on site for deporting digimon back to the digital world, which could be our escape route. " Said Dax.
"Or even better yet, could we use their gateway on site as a way in?" Devon asked.
"That's a good idea, but first we would have to get to the digital world to do it. Which if I may remind everyone that's not possible with all the public gateways in lock down. Then we would need the access codes to their gateway and firewall to return here from the digital world also. Which we don't have the last time I checked." Deb said.
"Deb, what was your clearance level the last time you used it?" Dax asked.
"Same as yours, Alphabeta." Deb replied.
"And yours Lisa?" Asked Dax.
"AlphaCappa, why?" Responded Lisa.
"Aw, and what level of clearance would you say (AlphaOmega) is?" Dax asked looking at Lisa.
"That's easy, unless they've changed it. Even when Cole and I where still at Hypnos that level was for the chief commanding officer of a base and the only one higher than that is the president." Lisa replied.
"Was anyone paying attention when the security program was upgrading my laptop?" Asked Dax.
"No, I wasn't, when you've seen one upgrade you've seen them all is the way I look at it." Deb replied.
"Well I was, and a good thing I did because the security clearance was upgraded along with all the new protocols that was installed. And if I miss my guess that means that we have AlphaOmega clearance now, and if so I suggest we use it before they find out that these disks are missing from chief St. John's office." Said Dax.
"If that's the case then we have our way in. So whats next?" Asked Lisa.
"First lets see if we can upgrade at least one of the D-arc's with the new security and network protocols, then will work from there as needed." Dax replied.
"I can help there, I programed many of the systems Hypnos uses, including D-arc's and D-advanced series digivice's before they scraped the development project." Lisa said.
"I read about that project in the training academy, was there a problem with the hardware or software?" Asked Deb.
"Neither really, the order just came down one day and the project was shut down. Personally I always thought some bean counter didn't like how much it was costing over the D-arc series and pulled the plug. That was the one draw back to the D-advanced series, was cost. For every one of the D-advanced made four D-arc's could be made." Lisa answered Deb.
Pulling out his D-arc Dax connects it to the laptop by way of the mini-usb cable.
"Well lets see if this works." Said Dax as the control program pulled the D-arc's firmware, security, and access codes and began updating to the latest versions.
"So what was the biggest cost in the D-advance series?" Asked Dax.
"Oh, thats an easy question to answer. The D-advanced series uses a specialized cpu for it to work. Unlike the single core in D-arc's the D-advanced used a quad core but with less than half the power consumption over the old single core models." Lisa replied.
"That's it upgrade done. Who wants to go next?" Asked Dax removing the cord from his D-arc.
"Here do mine." Lisa said handing Dax her D-arc.
Dax takes The D-arc from Lisa and looks it over.
"This one is, what almost 20 years old?" Looking at Lisa for confirmation.
"Older actually, I was 18 when I got it." Replied Lisa.
"Your one of the original tamers then here in the states, no wonder you know so much about the D-arc's and all. Well I'll hook this thing up and see if it will accept the firmware update." Dax said as he plugged the usb cord to the D-arc.
"Oh, it'll work the insides of my D-arc are actually for the D-advanced series." Lisa said.
"You actually changed out the boards and memory chip and got it to fit in this old D-arc, smart, very smart." Dax said.
"The team thought it was a waste of money for us to build ten test models and just to destroy them when the plug was pulled on the project." Lisa said as the control program started updating the software in her D-arc.
"Ok, now we know that we can upgrade our D-arcs. We still need a plan if we are going to use them. I for one say we go digital then come back through the gateway at unit #2 and get Kit's daughter out of there and leave the same way we went in." Devon said.
"And like I said, all the public gateways to the digital world are locked down tight. No one is getting in or out at least not without clearance." Deb said.
"We have clearance now with the upgrades to the D-arc's why not use it?" Devon asked.
"Because, son, we might get to use that clearance once maybe twice before someone figures out that we should not have it. And then when we need the clearance the most it will be unauthorized and our D-arc's will be useless for travel to the digital world or back to this one." Cole replied.
"Here's the other reason the plug was pulled on the advanced series, they're untraceable to Hypnos scanners. The higher up's wanted a sense of control over any trainer's movements, not that they didn't have that already with the firewalls and gateways." Lisa added to Cole's statement.
"Uh, mom, I got a question. Do you think you can look at the programing of my D-advanced and find out why I haven't de-digivolved back to human. It's been over a month now, and I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever be just human again." Devon said.
"I can if Dax doesn't mind me using his laptop." Lisa said looking over at Dax as he finished upgrading Kithira's D-advanced.
"No I don't mind at all, here have at it." Dax said getting up from the chair.
"Kithira, give me Devon's D-advanced." Lisa said holding out her hand to Kithira.
Pulling out the blue D-advanced Kithira hands it over to Lisa, and watches as she plugs in the usb cable. Seconds later the control program comes up and Lisa begins looking at the coding from the D-advanced. An hour goes by before Lisa looks up from the laptop and un-plugs the usb cord and hands it back to Kithira, and Kithira hits the scanner button to make sure it works.
"The truth is I can't find anything wrong in the code Devon. I don't know why you haven't changed back to human." Lisa said looking at her son.
"I think I might have already figured it out." Kithira said.
"Well don't keep us in the dark, tell us." Deb replied.
"The first time I scanned Devon with the D-advanced he showed as a rookie, and that was before he digivolved for the first time. Just now I scanned Devon again and it shows him to be a champion level digimon. Could have Devon's human form be his rookie form?" Kithira asked.
"I don't see why not, he is after all a hybrid. But even digimon revert back to their lower levels occasionally." Achilles said.
"Well after most digimon reach a certain power level and age we never revert back to our lower levels unless we spend a great portion of our power in a fight." Cole said.
"Lets get back to this plan for getting Kithira's daughter out of unit #2." Rayne said.
"I still think the best plan yet is for us to go down to Denver and stake out unit #2 and see what we are up against before we go rushing in and get caught with our pants down around our ankles." Deb replied.
"It's better than going in blind and having to fight our way out." Replied Achilles as he looked at everyone seated at the table.
"Why not just bash the door down and search the place until we find her." Devon said rather brutally.
"Why! I'll tell you why. Listen and listen well, combat weather it's trainer or digimon is brutal, it's not like the battle dome games where no one ever dies. This is for real, people and digimon alike get hurt or even die. I know I've lost many a good friend over the past ten years in both worlds, and one of them was your brother." Said Dax as he got up from the table and walked out of the room.
"Because my son, sometimes the best battle plans are not fought on the fields or mountains but in your own mind before the battle. Your battle right now is with your anger and rage towards Anton Blake for what he has done, don't let the anger and rage control you. If you do let it control you then you have already lost the battle before it's even started." Cole said from the seat next to Devon.
"This is true mate, I don't let my anger and rage control me in battle, but I control it and harness it to my will and use it for better purpose's like that extra burst of speed just before the hit in a battle." Kithira replied.
"All very true, as a leomon I thrive on the battle, especially when it's an honorable one. But like your father and your mate, Dax, Rayne, Deb, even your mother knows this. Don't let your emotions control your actions in battle." Said Achilles
"Everyone here acts like we are at war or something, I just want to help my mate get her daughter back before they do something to her. And this sitting here talking about it is not getting anything done but waste time that we may or may not have a lot of." Devon replied.
"Well I'll split the difference with you Devon, lets go stake out unit #2 first and see if we can learn anything. And if after a couple of days if we haven't been able to get any information then we play gang busters and kick the door in and stomp a mud hole in anyone that stands in our way until we find her." Deb replied.
"Sounds like a plain to me, and while we are staked out we can be collecting information on guard changes trash pickup, etc. Who knows, in a city Dax might be able to get into the Hypnos network and find out something that way." Lisa said.
"Rayne, please go and tell Dax what the plain is, the rest of us lets get to packing for the trip to Denver." Deb replied as she got up from the table.
"Oh and people pack light, the camper isn't exactly roomy inside." Devon said as he got up from the table.
Meanwhile in Denver C&C unit #2 two hours later.
"I hate coming here, this place always reminds me of the prison my father died in years ago. But heck it's part of the job." Agent Stevens said as he parked his car in the parking garage.
"You never said your father was in prison. Did he do something bad?" Asked Alex.
"Yeah, you could say that about him, he started doing drugs and the police caught him to many times and he went prison. But that was years after he left mom and me one day for work and never came back. Later I learned that mom kicked him out because he was doing drugs at home. But enough of that for now, come on Alex lets go check in and see this renamon." Said Stevens as he got out of the car and held his hands out to his partner, which Alex jumped into his hands effortlessly.
At the gate.
"Agent Stevens and my partner Alex to see prisoner 65-4323-112." Said Stevens as he pulled out his id and showed it to the guard.
The guard looks at Agent Stevens Id. And then consults his computer screen.
"Go on to visitation, I'll have the prisoner 65-4323-112 brought there, and if there is any problems the prisoner is located on wing 4 cell 324." The guard replied as he opened the gate allowing agent Stevens to enter.
A half an hour later the prisoner is brought into the room in a small cage, almost too small for the viximon and sat down on the table in front of agent Stevens and Alex.
"Guard you can leave, this viximon poses no threat to me what so ever." Stevens said, waiting for the guard to leave before talking again.
"Hey, are you deaf? My partner said you could leave." Alex said to the guard.
"With all due respect sir, my orders are that no one is to be left alone with the prisoner, sir." Said the guard and didn't budge an inch toward the door.
"I'm agent Stevens, Hypnos C&C. I don't care what your orders are step out of the room now or I'll have you removed from duty for impeding an official investigation into another agents death." Stevens said with the "I won't take no as an answer tone."
"Very well my commander will be down shortly." The guard replied as he stepped out of the room.
"I'll be waiting." Stevens said as the door closed.
"Listen, I know you don't like being in that cage any more than I would. But if I'm going to be able to help you, I need to know where your dam Kithira is. Can you help me find her?" Stevens asked.
Minutes pass without a word from the viximon.
"Alex, give it a try see if you can find out anything before the guard comes back." Stevens said.
Alex switches to his native language and begins speaking with the viximon. Minutes later the conversation is finished as the guard returns with his commanding officer.
"Ah, agent Stevens so nice to see you again. Now what's this I hear about you commanding my guard to leave the room while you're interrogating a prisoner?" The commander asked.
"Commander Bridges, I thought they reassigned you to unit #4 in England last month, was I wrong?" Stevens asked.
"No, I was reassigned, just finishing my last week here. Now answer my question, or you'll get escorted out of here along with that orange puff ball of yours." Demanded Bridges.
"Yes, I told him to leave. And you know the rules, as long as there are two agents in the room no guard is needed to stay in the room with the prisoner." Stevens said in a neutral tone.
"That viximon is directly responsible for an agents death in the digital world. I'm not taking any chances one of my guards being hurt or killed by it." Bridges said.
"Listen commander Bridges, that's where you are wrong. Or haven't you read the report yet on the agents cause of death yet?" Stevens asked.
"The report hasn't been released yet, and as commander here I know all I need to know in regards to this prisoner. How would you know what the report says?" Bridges asked.
"Because, I'm holding it right here in my hand, which Chief St. John gave me this morning personally before I left Hypnos command. So apparently you're not on the need to know list like myself, and as of today I'm the lead agent in charge of the investigation. Now with all due respect get out of my interrogation room both of you, before I have you both busted down to janitor!" Stevens said almost shouting the last of it.
The guard looks at his commander for an answer one way or the other.
"Very well Agent Stevens, I'll leave the room with my guard, but know this I will be submitting a report on your behavior before I leave for England at the end of the week." Bridges said as he turned to leave the room with the guard.
"Oh, and one more thing have a larger cage brought at once. This viximon may be a prisoner but it's not right to be confined in such a small cage to where it can't even lay down to sleep. And that will be in my report before the end of the day." Agent Stevens replied as the door closed.
"Now that we are rid of them for the moment, what did the viximon tell you?" Agent Stevens asked his partner.
"The last time she saw her dam was over two weeks ago the morning the village was attacked by a large number of greymon along with a human and Daemon that was commanding the slaughter of all the village inhabitants. The human with the Daemon partner according to Katy was the one that killed her daddy, which can be safely assumed to be Daryl Thackry being where she was found guarding his body." Alex said.
Agent Stevens pulls out his cell phone and dials Hypnos Command (the Chief's private number) it rings twice and is answered.
"Stevens how the hell did you get my private number?" He demanded.
"I'll explain that later, right now I need authorization to bring the viximon to command central as the only witness to agent Thackry's death." Agent Stevens said.
"And how did you come to that conclusion?" The chief asked.
"She told Alex and he told me." Agent Stevens said.
"Alright can she identify who it was if we show her a picture?" Asked Chief St. John.
"There's something else sir, the human that killed agent Thackry had a Daemon for a partner. Besides that clueless paranoid control freak Bridges has this viximon in a cage way too small for her to even to lay down to sleep much less eat. Furthermore I believe if we leave this viximon here we won't have a witness at all because she will be dead by the end of the week. And sir, Katy the viximon has identified Kithira as her mother, the last thing we need is for Kithira to go rogue on us. And it's bad enough she thinks we're the ones after her after what happened in Spokane last month." Agent Stevens answered.
"And how would you know that it was Kithira in Spokane last month?" Asked Chief St. John.
"Simple, she would have known that he was dead and would have gone to his family to tell them the bad news." Agent Stevens replied.
"Ok, I'm sending the authorization to your pda, get the viximon out and get back here asap." Chief St. John said and hung up the phone.
Less than two minutes later his pda beeps informing him that a message was just received. Checking his pda, agent Stevens hits the print button and watches as the small card sized plastic sheet is ejected from the end. Walking over to the intercom he pressed the button for the guard to come to the door.
"Can I help you Sir?" Asked the guard.
"Yes, I need a larger cage for this viximon and prepared for transport immediately, here's the print out of the authorization code for release into my custody." Agent Stevens said holding up the authorization for the guard to see.
"I'll have a new cage brought in, but I need to verify that code before I can release it to you." the guard said.
Five minutes later a new cage is brought in and then with Alex's help the Katy happily moves into the larger cage. Two minutes later Katy's cage is placed on a cart for transport to the garage and Agent Stevens waiting car. And as Agent Stevens pulls his car onto the road heading south to Hypnos command.
Katy looks at the world passing by. "Katy go bye bye whee."
Chapter 8
Meanwhile at Hypnos Command Center, Colorado Springs.
Chief St. John sat at his desk waiting for the vid-phone to connect with it's counterpart which was sitting on a small table in the oval office of the President of the United States. Of course since the last months breech of the firewall all encryption codes had been changed and changed again, nothing was left to chance. Finally the light on the vid-phone changed from red to green and the holographic screen came to life just above the chiefs desk.
"Madam President, Sorry to disturb you from the conference, But this couldn't wait till later." Chief St. John said before she could say anything, his tone urgent.
"This better be good and not just another security brief about digimon invasion plans." The president said as she took a drink of coffee looking at him to continue.
"Unfortunately that's what this is about Madam President. We have a very serious problem. After review of the security logs from last months breech we have found that our original estimates were not even close to the actual number of digimon that got through." Chief St. John Said.
"So how many are we looking at? A few hundred more than your people thought?" The President asked.
"I only wish it was that low, the numbers we are looking at are not in the hundreds but in the thousands. The logs show that Blake was bringing over three hundred digimon here a month for almost the last five years without our knowing about it. We're looking at roughly twenty thousand unregistered digimon somewhere in the world." Chief St. John replied.
The President sat her cup down and looked past the camera before speaking.
"Ted cancel the rest of my speech at the conference and get the joint Chiefs here now!" She said to an aide before turning back to the camera. "Chief St. John, can Hypnos handle the capture and containment of that many digimon at once?" The President of the United States asked.
"No, we don't have the manpower nor the space to confine that many. The real problem is that we don't know where these digimon are at, or even if they are in this country." Replied chief St. John.
An aide stepped into the picture and leaned down and whispered something to the president.
"Chief St. John, the joint chiefs of staff will be here in thirty minutes, we'll continue this briefing then." The president said before turning off the vid-phone not giving him a chance to say anymore.
Dropping the report on his desk Chief St. John looked up in time to see Drake standing outside the office door just about to knock and the waves for him to come on in.
"What is it now, Drake?" Asked the Chief.
"Stevens, just returned from C&C unit #2 with a viximon and is down in room 4 showing the vix |
imon pictures of people. Like he is hoping that viximon is going to be able to identify who killed agent Thackry last month." Said Drake.
"Good, hope she does and Drake I have you in command because you're the best at what you do with the computer systems, just like agent Stevens is out in the field with digimon. And if he tells me that a viximon saw agent Thackry's killer then I'm going to believe him. Anything else?" Replied the Chief, his voice colored by the tension he's under.
"Sorry chief, just thought you would want to know. And here's that report from the investigator from J.A.S.F. On everything they found in Blake's apartment and office." Drake said as he placed the report on the Chief's desk.
"Thanks, I'll need to read it before I brief the President and the joint chiefs in 30 minutes. And Drake, sorry didn't mean to pop off on you like that, just all the pressure getting to me. The Chief said as he picked up the report.
"Think nothing of it Chief, we all here know how it is. Everyone's been pulling 60 hour weeks since this all started last month. And as soon as it's over I'm taking some of my vacation time you might think about taking one too. Anything else Chief? Asked Drake.
Looking up at the clock on the wall.
"Yeah, go tell Stevens if he finds out anything that I'm the first to know even if he has to interrupt my conference. I'll be in the conference room." Said the Chief picking up the other reports he would need to reference.
"I'll get you a fresh pot of coffee brought to the conference room, and then tell Stevens." Replied Drake as he opened the office door and walked out followed closely by the chief.
In room number 4..
The room has a long table in it and a couple of chairs. And painted a puke green which is said to keep most digimon calm.
"Alex, please tell Kassy here that I'm going to let her out of the cage if she promises not to attack me or try to escape." Said agent Stevens as he pulled the key to the cage from his pants pocket.
"You find mommy, I find bad man that hurt daddy." Said Kassy from the cage, startling agent Stevens, but bringing a smile to his face.
"So you can talk after all, that makes things easier." Said Stevens as he unlocked the cage and let Kassy out.
"I knew she could, it was just getting her to talk that was the hard part." Said Alex as he hoped up on the table, and is joined by Kassy after the cage is opened.
"Before we start, I'm going to get some food and water brought for our guest." Said agent Stevens as he picked up the phone and ordered some from the mess hall.
Minutes later the food is brought in by a guard.
Agent Stevens takes the tray from the guard and setting it on the table, uncovers the plate looks at what the mess hall sent.
"Not exactly what I was expecting but it will do." Agent Stevens said as he placed the plate in front of Kassy.
Agent Stevens and Alex watch as Kassy dives for the food and eats with vigor. As she eats Stevens places pictures of people and digimon on the other end of the table.
A short few minutes later Kassy is stuffed and waddles over to the end of the table that Stevens has placed all the pictures on.
"Kassy, what I want you to do is to look at each of the pictures and tell me which ones you know. Think you can do that? agent Stevens asked.
Kassy nods and then starts looking at each picture. She studies each picture carefully until she sees one that she knows.
"Daddy and Mommy!" Kassy exclaims as she points to one of the pictures.
"That's it, she's identified Agent Thackry as her father and Kithira as her dam. Can you point out any others you know Kassy." Alex asked her.
Picking up the picture of agent Thackry and Kithira and holding it up to the video camera.
"The viximon called Kassy has positively identified agent Thackry as her father and Kithira as her mother for the record." Agent Stevens said.
Minutes pass as Kassy looks over the remaining pictures, slowly she pushes each away that she doesn't know. Stopping at one picture a low growl escapes from her before speaking.
"This one with the man that hurt daddy, it followed the mons orders." She says as she shoves it towards Stevens.
Again holding the picture up to the video camera.
"A daemon, virus type identified as being at the scene possible partner of agent Thackry's killer." Said Stevens and then places it with the picture of agent Thackry and Kithira.
Kassy looks through the rest of the pictures before looking up at Stevens and Alex.
"Man not here, none of these look like the one that hurt daddy." Kassy said.
Pulling a picture from his pocket Stevens sets it in front of Kassy.
"How about this one?" He asks her.
Looking at the picture Kassy starts shaking with rage and starts glowing. As she starts remembering that day in the village.
Her memory..
"They are running, explosions all around, other digimon are running trying to escape the constant onslaught of nova blasts. Daddy is holding her and speaking as he is running. The sound of the nova blasts and digimon screaming makes it hard to hear him.
"We'll find mommy and get away, and everything will be ok." Daddy's voice scarred but firm.
Suddenly she's flying through the air and lands in a heap. Looking up she sees her daddy some thirty feet away laying face down on the path. And watches as he struggles to his feet, looking all around for signs of Kassy. A shape comes out of the clouds of smoke another man with a floating digimon by his side. She starts to scream for daddy but it's too late as the floating digimon shouts "Chaos Flare" the attack hits him in the back knocking him to the ground. Daddy screams in pain as he tries to get up.
The floating digimon pushes the man forward toward daddy.
"Finish Him my pet and you'll be rewarded beyond belief."
Daddy raises his head to look at his attackers.
"Blake! You sick bastard, I should have known you were behind this!" Daryl Thackry says through gritted teeth.
"What did you except after you had me thrown out of Hypnos. A card saying I forgive you for ruining the best thing that ever happened in my life! You stood against me ten years ago now it's time to pay for what you did then." He said as he drew out a long shinny stick, and with a scream jumped onto daddy's back and began stabbing him with it. Daddy screams repeatedly as the shinny stick enters his back until he stops moving. The man stands over daddy and licks the blood off the stick.
"Well done my pet, now lets find that troublesome Reamon partner of his and I'll load her data. And then the last of these tamers and their digimon will be out of our way." Said the floating digimon.
"Yes, master, I always love to watch you destroy another digimon." Said the man as they walked away into the clouds of smoke.
Minutes pass before she moves to where her Daddy is laying, and lays down next to him.
Back in room number 4.
"Shit! She's going to digivolve." Alex says as he back flips off the table, agent Stevens backs away as the flash of white light fills the room. And as it fades a renamon is standing there.
Alarms sound as the power surge of the digivolution is picked up by the buildings internal sensors. In moments guards rush into the room weapons drawn.
"Hold it, lower your weapons and leave the room!" Agent Stevens Shouts to the guards as he places himself between the guards and Kassy.
"Sir, are you alright? Asked the guard in charge.
"I'm standing here breathing and my clothes aren't torn to shreds, so what do you think? Your interrupting my questioning of a guest of Hypnos, Now get out!" Stevens more than pissed said.
"Yeah, leave and we won't have to turn her lose on you." Alex said looking at the guards.
The lead guard hand signals the others out of the room.
"Ok, if you say so sir's. I'll be outside the door if needed." As he backs out the door and pulls it shut behind him.
Holding the picture up to the camera.
"We now have a positive match that Anton Blake was agent Thackry's killer, along with an unknown daemon that was present at the time." Agent Stevens said before turning back to face Kassy.
"I want to hurt him, like he hurt my daddy." Kassy said in that no nonsense renamon voice that didn't take no for an answer as she jumped off the table.
"I wish we could, but the truth is we don't know where he is, if we knew that he would be in a cage like you were less than a hour ago." Alex said.
"Kassy, before you going running off to try and find Blake, how about we first try to find your mother Kithira. We know she's here in this world we just don't know where." Agent Stevens replied.
"I thought we were supposed to report to the chief before we do anything else?" Alex asked.
"Yes, find my dam first." Kassy replied.
"Good point, lets report to the chief, and then we can figure out how to find Kithira afterwards." Stevens said as he headed for the phone by the door, and picked up the handset and dialed the chiefs office.
On the phone.
"Chief St. John's office." Answered Drake.
"Drake? Why are you in the chiefs office?" Asked Stevens.
"Oh, hey Stevens. Just watching the office and playing answering service for the chief again. If it's about the viximon the chief said for you to report to him in the conference room." Said Drake.
"Ok, is he talking to anyone I should be worried about offending?" Asked agent Stevens.
"Oh, naw, just the president and the joint chiefs." Said Drake as he hung up the phone laughing.
Agent Stevens looks at the phone a second before realizing that Drake hung up on him and was laughing.
"What's with the perplexed look on your face?" Asked Alex
"I can't believe that little shit Drake just hung up on me and was laughing about it." Replied Stevens as he hung the handset up.
"So now what?" Asked Alex.
"We go to the conference room and brief the chief and the president, and try not to piss anyone off, of course." Stevens said as he knocked on the door for the guard.
The guard opens the door.
"Can I help you, Sir?" The guard asked.
"Yes, escort us to the conference room. Alex, Kassy follow me." Agent Stevens said as he exited the room.
"Yes, Sir!" The guard fell in after they had exited the room.
Meanwhile in Eastern Idaho highway 90 state line.
"Ether I'm going color blind or the interior of this truck is starting to look good." Deb said as she looked at the window.
"Well I could always pull over and you can switch out with Dax and ride back in the camper for a while." Replied Devon as he changed lanes.
"And that would be a no thanks, it's way too crowded back there with our digimon and our gear." Deb said in a are you out of your mind voice.
"Then don't complain about my truck, it's not like I had much of a choice buying it. Plus the price was right down my alley." Devon said.
"Hello Montana." Lisa said as they crossed the state line into Montana.
"How long do you think it will take us to get to Denver?" Asked Devon.
"Two days maybe three if this truck lasts that long." Lisa said, smiling at her son.
"Oh, come on not you to mom. It's a lot better than what you all showed up at the cabin with if I remember right." Devon replied sticking out his tongue.
"We'll be at Billings by tonight if we can keep the pace, but before then I would suggest we swap out on drivers. Don't need one of us falling asleep behind the wheel." Deb said.
"Well I've been driving since we left before dawn, and it's five minutes to ten, someone needs to drive for a while I need to stretch my legs and talk to a tree about my bladder problem." Replied Devon as he pulled the truck over to the side of the highway and put it in park.
"I'll drive when everyone is taken care of." Lisa replied as she opened her door and hopped out, but not before Devon was already behind a tree relieving his bladder.
"I'll let everyone in the back know what's going on." Achilles said as he closed the door and headed back to the camper.
"Ah hell, now I got to go to." Deb said as she climbed out and joined Lisa behind a bush that afforded enough cover for them to have some privacy as they relieved themselves.
At the back of the camper the rest of their troupe climb out and join the others. They take time to enjoy the nice mid-morning air and walk around for a few minutes. Afterwards when the riding order is figured out they all climb back in the truck or camper and continue the trip.
Later in the day in the camper.
Kit snuggles with Devon in the small overhead bed. His arms wrapped around her from behind, his cock pressed against her tail hole. She looks over her right shoulder to see that Devon is asleep.
"Darn he would be asleep, and I have to watch Dax and Rayne in the other bed making love and I can't. This is torture to watch them, but it's so, so erotic is what Devon called it once. I wonder if I just press a little harder against him what will happen." Kithira thinks to herself, a little grin on her face.
Slowly she presses back and down against Devon's sheath covered cock and almost gasps out as the tip of his pre-lubed cock slips from the sheath and is pressed against her tail hole. The hot tip of his cock sends shudders through her body which intensify as she pushes harder against it and forces the tip to penetrate her tail hole. Slowly she presses his member until it's fully inside her knot and all. Slowly she works her muscles creating just enough movement for it to be enjoyable for her, as she continues to watch her friends make love on the other bed below her.
Below Kithira on the other bed.
"Do you think they are asleep?" Dax asked looking at Rayne.
"I don't really care if they are or not." Replied Rayne as she gets up from the bed and begins taking off her armor and under clothes.
Dax watches as Rayne strips, his own hands removing his at the same time.
Kithira watches through half closed eyes, and thinks to herself how human Rayne looks like without her armor on. And is rewarded with the sight of Rayne's shapely figure and fair skin. As she watches Rayne bends over removing the last of her clothing giving Kithira an unobstructed view of Rayne's bare tail hole and pussy with a gold ring hanging out of it with a small chain attached to it. Kit almost yips as Devon's hands tighten around her and his cock slams forward into her and then withdraws only to be forced even deeper into her.
Looking up at Rayne and past her Dax sees Devon look over Kithira's shoulder as his hands tighten on Kit's waist and force her down on his cock.
"Let them watch." Thinks Dax as Rayne slowly climbs into the bed and straddles him.
"This is been way too long in coming, Beloved." Dax said as he kisses her and his hands travel over her body.
"Oh my! I've missed you touching me like this." Rayne said as his touch ignited fires across her nerves where ever he touched her.
Carefully he licked her nips causing them to stand up and slowly draws each of them into his mouth inciting a gasp from her. He played with the rings that pierced her nips and pulled on the light gold chain attached to them that was connected to her clit piercing. She moaned as he pulled the chain, and runs her fingers through his hair, moving her hands down across his shoulders to his chest then begins kneading his chest muscles and lightly pinches his nips in response.
Their faces inch closer to each other, tongues extended until they touch and then their lips as they kiss. Their tongues entwined around each other searching and probing each other's mouth, until they are forced to pull away to catch their breath. Not missing a beat Rayne lowers her hips until his cock is at her moist entrance and with a almost violent thrust she rams herself down on his upturned cock pushing her hips down until only the base is visible and gasps as his girth stretches her sex and rips away the one thing about her that she has protected for so long, her virginity. She shudders as unknown emotions course throughout her body, her pussy seams to gush with fluid even though his cock is stretching her to the limit.
"Did you just do what I think you did?" Dax asks in almost a whisper.
Rayne slowly raises her head and looks into his eyes before answering him.
"Yes, I did. I'm yours now and only yours, for now and forever. I've only dreamed of this and what it would be like." She said shuddering yet again as she slowly lifted her hips only to lower them again.
"But why here, why now?" Dax asked as the feeling of her tight pussy caused his breath to catch in his throat.
"Because I'm no longer afraid of what the future might hold for us. Because of our friends, I watch them as happy as they are together without fear loving each other and mating for not only pleasure but for children. And I want to have your children someday soon." Rayne answered as she continued to slowly ride him.
"Rayne, I've wanted this for a long time to. But was afraid to ask you; the truth is I can't live without you, where you go I will follow." Stated Dax as he rolled her over onto her back and took control.
His hands find her breasts and start massaging them; he wraps his thumbs around the chain and ever so slowly starts pulling on it, which in turn pulls on the ring in her clit, causing her to gasp in pleasure with each thrust.
Up in the top bed.
Kithira shudders under the assault of her mates cock in her tail hole and his roving hands on her body. Devon's knot swells until the pressure is almost unbearable on her g-spot, sending waves and waves of pleasure throughout her body. The pleasure his cock in her tail hole is unreal, nothing she has experienced before compares to it, even all the mating's over the digi-years have never brought this much intense pleasure. Her vision dims as her muscles start to spasm and without any warning she can no longer contain the howl of release as her orgasm washes over her.
In the lower bed.
Dax looks down at Rayne, and realizes just how much he is in love with her. Slowly his pace increases until his hips are almost a blur. Rayne is caught in the throes of another orgasm as her body takes on a mind of its own and starts twitching as her peak is reached and pushed above and beyond what it has ever reached in the past. Sweat is pouring off of Dax as he hilts his cock inside of her, and then withdraws only to be rammed back inside her again and again. His nut sack slapping a rhythm against her butt is barely heard over their ragged gasps for breath and other exclamations.
"I Love You." She stutters out before throwing her head back as she screams out her orgasm a guttural yell of lust and pleasure.
Her pussy muscles clamp down on him and then release only to clamp down again. Unable to hold back anymore Dax releases his seed in a massive blast as he slams his cock as deep as it will go and holds himself there as his balls pump their life making load deep into Rayne's waiting pussy. Slowly as his orgasm subsides he rolls them onto their sides and wraps his arms around her; and kisses her repeatedly until she wakes up from her mind shattering orgasm.
"I love you Rayne." Dax said in a whisper, not expecting her to hear him.
A smile forms on her lips as she pulls him closer.
"That was much better than the anal we normally do. Can we do that again later?" She asks in a soft voice.
"Anytime you want, as long as it's not during a fight or in public." Dax replied as Kithira starts howling out her own orgasm above them causing both of them to look up at Kithira and Devon startled then smirk knowingly at each other. Dax wraps his arms around Rayne holding her close and gently places his head on one of her breasts. Dax then quickly falls asleep, making Rayne giggle tenderly following him in blissful slumber soon after.
Back at Hypnos Command in Colorado Springs.
Agent Stevens walks down the hallway to the conference room at a steady pace. The guard almost having to run to keep up. Alex on his shoulder and Kassy following closely behind him.
Seeing them coming everyone moved out of their way. It didn't take long to arrive at the conference room, but at the doors to the conference room the guard there holds up a hand to stop his approach to the doors.
"Out of the way guard, I'm Agent Stevens, reporting as ordered by the chief." Stevens says not stopping.
"They're expecting you, go right in." Responds the guard opening the door for the trio.
Inside the conference room, the large screens are on behind the main table. The president along with the joint chiefs are sitting in a conference room in Washington, D.C. Much like the one here at Hypnos Command.
"Sorry, I'm late, chief." Stevens says as he takes a seat at the table.
"How did the questioning go?" The chief asks before seeing the renamon standing behind Steven's chair.
"Chief St. John who is this?!" the president demanded almost coming out of her seat.
"Madam president, a moment please, Agent Stevens has brought new information which we all need to hear." The chief said and under his breath so only Stevens would hear he added. "I hope it is?"
"Agent Stevens, please tell us what you have found out." Said the president.
"Before I begin, this young renamon standing behind me is Kassy, daughter of agent Kithira and agent Thackry's step daughter. And this one on my shoulder is agent Alex my digimon partner." Agent Stevens said.
"Now that the introductions are done will you please tell us what you have found out?" one of the chiefs of staff asked.
"Over a month ago a small village in the digital world was attacked. In this village agent Thackry and his digimon partner Kithira were hiding from someone, which we have found out from the logs on his computer was Anton Blake. I have confirmation that Anton Blake did in fact kill agent Thackry by testimony of his step daughter behind me. Also I do know that agent Kithira is alive and here in the real world. I found this out during my recent assignment here at command. Which was to go over gateway and firewall logs of the days during last months security breech." Stevens paused to let them fully comprehend all that he said.
"Are you sure of these charges your bringing against Anton Blake?" one of the joint chiefs asked.
"Forgive me, but doesn't Anton Blake's own journal which was recovered from his computer at J.A.S.F. Office condemn him already? I'm just verifying the facts of the case against him." Stevens replied back.
"Anton Blake has so many charges against him a murder charge isn't going to make a difference." The president said.
"Madam President, if I may point out, in the last year anti-human sentiment has been on the rise in the digital world because of people like Anton Blake. Due to his direct actions and in-direct ones, I personally know of 5 teams that we had in the digital world that are now dead, never to be seen by their families again, which I believe he was also responsible for. Furthermore right now we have a very powerful renamon who is a Hypnos agent out in the cold that needs to be brought in, and she more than likely thinks that we sanctioned the attacks and is thinking we betrayed her as well as her Partner period and perhaps the other teams as well. That and the fact that the J.A.S.F. got overzealous and destroyed the house she was last believed to be at. Which by the way was Agent Thackry's mothers and little brother's residence forcing them to go into hiding. And we know this because Lisa Thackry's bank and credit accounts have not been used in over a month. I don't think I need to remind you who Lisa Thackry is or was not to mention what she is capable of. She was one of the Digi-destined and helped start the new Hypnos program. As well as one of, if not the first to be an Agent along with her partner Cole which by now I have no doubt has digivolved permanently to a Taomon. And unfortunately it's common thought among the populace that Hypnos controls the J.A.S.F and those imbeciles digitized her house! She or Cole will not trust us at all anytime soon! I can only hypothesize that Kithira has chosen a new partner and that would most likely be Agent Thackry's little brother Devon. I was dispatched to that house to do a meet and greet thinking that it was just another new partnership between human and Digimon. I found out from one of the rather rude J.A.S.F. Agent's that there was a very powerful rogue digimon there that the people inside the house were supposedly aiding and abetting, hence the reason they thought that digitizing the house was necessary. Which was odd because they already searched the house and found it empty when I arrived and was told as much.
To top it off we had no such report of a rogue bio-emergence at that location on file at the Spokane office period. But we do have reports of a newly partnered digimon, specifically a renamon, bio-emerging there. It was a new partnership that had formed NOT a rogue bio-emergence as J.A.S.F. had claimed. And all evidence we have concerning the matter confirms this. So now we have a very pissed off retired Agent with a very powerful Taomon and according to J.A.S.F. records and Anton Blake's journal I have confirmation that it was indeed Agent Kithira that had Bio-emerged at the residence of her deceased partner and all information points to Devon and Agent Kithira being partners now. And although we have no confirmation on this, I would bet my pension that it's a safe assumption that they ARE partners. So now because of his mother's opinions and the death of his brother, which we would be fools to assume that he is not aware of, and Kithira's lack of trust more than likely thinking as I have previously stated, we betrayed her and Agent Daryl Thackry, Devon has the Most reason NOT to trust us.
And because of all these small and supposedly insignificant circumstances none of them with any sense will trust anyone from Hypnos. So now we come to the current issue. It's no bloody wonder they went to ground. Now for the an even bigger problem as if the ones we have already weren't enough, Kithira may be the only one that has answers to some of our questions." Stevens said his tone of voice betraying his anger at being questioned by some r.e.m.f. (acronym for "Rear Echelon Mother Fucker") that didn't have a clue about what's really going on in the field.
The President and the joint chiefs were surprised by this field agents outburst but mutely considered everything he had said but none too happy about it.
"Agent Stevens! Show more respect! Your tone is unacceptable in present company." Chief St. John said looking slightly pissed.
"I take it that some of the agents that died in the digital world were friends of yours, agent Stevens?" The President asked.
"Yes, agent's Thackry and Kithira were one of my and Alex's instructors at the academy the year before we graduated." Stevens replied.
"Ah, then this is in a way personal for you?" The president asked.
"Yes and no, I want justice not only for agent Thackry but also for all the other agents that died because of Anton Blake." Stevens answered.
"Then how do you plan to bring agent Kithira in?" The President asked, seeming to move closer to the video camera on her end.
"Let me think for a moment." Stevens said.
"Well we could put out a alert to all agencies for her to be picked up and brought to Hypnos command." Suggested one of the joint chiefs.
"With all due respect! Are you an idiot? Send an armed squad after Kithira and all you'll do is piss her off to where she will not trust anyone but her partner and his immediate family period, besides she can kill an attacker quicker than a I could with a gun and two days advanced warning." Stevens said in a matter of fact tone.
"Then what would be the best way to go about this?" One of the aides asked.
"The best way is for us to get her to come in is to just ask her. And let me finish before one of you speak. Put it out on all networks, tv and radio, she'll be watching them or whoever she is with will be and tell her." Stevens said helpfully.
The President reached over and pushed a button and all sound transmitted was muted and all that could be seen was animated talking from the vid screen.
The chief reached over and covered the microphone, as he looked at Agent Stevens.
"You got balls, Stevens. Balls that clank loud and proud, I like that in an agent under my command." Said the Chief amused and removed his hand from the microphone.
A few minutes later the President reached over and pushed the mute button again and looked at Kassy.
"This is my decision and I have conferred with the Joint Chiefs in this matter. Kassy, your step-father Agent Thackry was a very remarkable citizen of this country, and has served it unto death. We all understand and do feel for your loss as do all that knew him. Chief St. John under my authority as President of the United States, see to it that Kassy Thackry is given full citizenship with all the rights thereof. Also see to it that agent Stevens plan is put into motion today." Commanded the President.
"Thank you Madam President for your kindness. I don't know what to say other than with all due respect after my mommy comes gets me I request that you keep your solders out of our way, I don't want them to get hurt because they decided to get "gun-ho" and got in the way at the wrong time. Anton Blake will die, if not by my paw than by my mothers. Please forgive my rudeness but I am very upset and I forget my manners." Said Kassy with a myriad of emotions but the last being self-admonishment.
The President smiled understandingly and nodded at Kassy. A few moments later an aid came over and whispered something seemingly urgent in her ear. She nodded abruptly and looked back at Chief St. John.
"I'm sorry something urgent has been brought to my attention and must be dealt with immediately. This meeting is over, ladies and gentleman, good day." Said the president as she got up from the table and walked out of camera range, the screen went blank shortly after.
"If you both would follow me to my office please?" asked St. John.
"Sure thing Chief." Agent Stevens replied picking up his note pad, and following the chief out of the conference room, Kassy in tow.
"Boy, did you luck out. A citizenship means they can't send you back to the digital world unless you cause a lot of problems like going rogue and willingly turn into a virus type and kill a bunch of people. But I know you won't do that oh man you're lucky." Alex said excitedly and obviously happy for Kassy but bouncing so much on his partner's shoulders that when Agent Stevens moved unexpectedly he almost did a nose dive to the floor. Good thing he has wings.
"HEY Mike! Warn a Mon when you're going move like that! I almost made a mess on the floor. Me being the mess. It's bad enough I left a yellow puddle back there. Someone in housekeeping is going to be mad at me for that, opps." Alex said as he landed back on Agent Stevens shoulder.
Kassy giggled at Alex's antics.
"Your first name is 'Mike'?" Kassy asked in a softer more relaxed voice.
"Yes it is, But around here everyone just calls me by my last name, Stevens. But if you want to call me Mike your more than welcome to. It would be kind of refreshing actually to be called by my given name for a change." Agent Stevens replied.
Moments later they are standing in Chief St. John's office as he filled out all the paper work to get Kassy her new citizenship papers.
"Well take all this paperwork down to the id office and they will handle it from there. And it may take a while for them to get it all processed. And Kassy Thackry welcome to the United States of America as one of its newest citizens. Now I have to get to work on that press release." Said Chief St. John with a smile, which caused both Agent Stevens and Alex to have to look at the Chief again to make sure they saw it.
On the way to the Id office.
"Did you see what I saw, the chief with a smile on his face. He never smiles at us, what gives?" Alex asked.
"Yeah I saw it, and Alex, he was smiling at Kassy and not us." Agent Stevens replied.
"Oh, bummer, and I thought we got on his good side for a change." Said Alex disappointed.
"Drake! In my office, now!" Bellowed the Chief form his office as they walked down the corridor to the id office.
"Poor Drake, he can never get a break, the poor guy." Alex said shaking his head.
"That's why I like working in the field." Replied Agent Stevens as they turned down another corridor.
As they were talking Kassy decided that it was a good time to take a closer look at Mike. As they walked Kassy watched everything Mike did, every step every swing of an arm the tilt of his head. His fur on his head dark brown and tied at the back like a tail. She could see his muscles flex as he moved, and noted that he was sculpted, meaning not puny but not grossly over-muscular. Just right she decided. He was 6'3 and had no face fur that she could tell.
"Like daddy he must keep it shaved off." she thought to herself and continued to observe him.
His attractive deep golden brown eyes sparkled with a witty intelligence and a gentle compassion that for some reason she liked. His body was slender and well proportioned and looked capable of great feats of strength in a time of need. A strong back, arms and thighs belied his appearance.
"He's stronger than he looks, handsome too." Kassy surmised still thinking to herself.
He was wearing black baggy cargo pants and a black tight tee showing off his upper body rather well. Combat boots and his badges connected to a zip cord clip held his badges in view. As she continued to stare as that was what she was doing now, and practically drooling. Her nether regions began to throb with a very unfamiliar feeling. She grew moist at the thought of Mike touching her stomach or hugging her and she didn't understand why.
Alex Sniffed the air at the scent of an aroused female nearby and found the sweet scent coming from Kassy, he saw were she was looking at him and her lust, arousal, and her blatant attraction we so obvious a blind man could see it, but she was so young and Alex knew she probably didn't know she was doing this, much less what was going on with her body. So he whispered in Mike's ear.
"Hey Mike, don't look now but I think Kassy has a crush on you and she is checking you out." whispered Alex.
Mike casually looked back at Kassy as he turned the corner and saw her staring at him with a lustful, hungry look for the briefest of moments as he walked around the corner. This surprised him so much that he almost walked past their destination.
"Well here we are. After you Kassy" he said holding the door open for her gallantly and blushing as she walked past. Her tail accidentally brushed against his groin as she walked past giving him an instant erection and made him look at her differently. She looked like a young mature female in this form, he could barely see the hint of her b cup almost a c cup if he were to guess, breast under her ruff and the graceful and highly arousing sway of her hips became hypnotizing. Causing him to groan with desire for her under his breath. Kassy's looks were different from any renamon he had ever seen. She was not the standard yellow but gold with black yin/yang symbols on her thighs and her gauntlets were black too. The yin/yang symbols on her gauntlets were gold and sapphire blue. Kassy's deep blue eyes stood out more because of her golden fur, reminding him of overly large sapphires set in her eye sockets for her eyes.
"She was unique that was certain and beautiful. Such a body belonged to a goddess." he thought to himself.
His shaft throbbing painfully as he realized he was staring now and blushed profusely and quickly handed over the necessary paperwork to the clerk. Ten minutes later Kassy got bored and began to get a better look at herself she noticed two large (to her) bumps where there used to be none on her chest and lifted her ruff and looked at Mike.
"Mike? What are these?" she asked naively as Mike stared at her again lust beginning to color his features, but her nose picked up her own scent.
She felt herself beginning to drip and immediately on instinct began to lick herself to clean herself up but it felt so good she didn't want to stop. Lick after lick, Kassy began to whimper especially when she licked the hard bump that had formed. She was making herself wetter so she continued to lick in an attempt to clean herself not understanding what was happening only knowing it felt good and was feeling better the more and more she licked.
Mike was watching all this with a fascinated mix of lust and embarrassment. He wasn't thinking straight. Right before he started to approach her the ID office staff decided to goto lunch. Leaving him, Alex and an obviously very horny Kassy licking herself off in front of him. This was almost too much.
"Hey, um Alex can you tell her to not do that here? I mean I don't feel comfortable enough to tell her." Said Mike in a whisper.
"Why? You got the same problem I do. Just sit back and play some pocket pool, enjoy yourself and the show. I am. Besides like normal everyone has gone to lunch it's not like anyone will know." Alex answered.
Mike thought about it and decided that Alex was right. It would be good to relieve some pressure and just play pocket pool covertly as he watched Kassy pleasure herself. Knowing full well Kithira would kill him if he touched her daughter in any way she deemed inappropriate. He reached in to his pocket and was thankful for once that he kept neglecting the mend the hole in his left pocket. He shoved his cock through the hole then he wrapped his hand around his member and began to stroke himself. He watched her intently and enjoyed how her licks to her snatch were becoming more and more frenzied, she was now openly moaning. This only spurned him on and began moaning quietly to himself.
Mike rubbing his cock faster knowing it would be pointless to make it last. He heard Alex moan suddenly and knew he had blown. When he looked he saw Alex fisting his cock and blowing his load in the trash can. Mike looked back to Kassy and found she had put her tongue inside he virgin cunny as far as she could and was going back and forth from doing that and licking her clit.
"Oh god! It's been too long! I'm going cum." he murmured quietly to himself and quickly grabbed some Kleenex and a vision just before he came of him taking Kassy's virginity and filling her with his cum flashed in his lust filled mind and he blew. Softly grunting as jet after jet of thick seed exploded into the Kleenex. His head was thrown back in erotic ecstasy and he heard Kassy begin to whimper then howl. He opens his eyes to see Kassy jetting cum from her virgin cunt, she was trembling and her face was covered. This set him off again cumming even harder now. His hips thrust involuntarily, his orgasm intensified.
"Oh god yes!" he tried to keep quiet but failed only marginally his vision going black.
Back to Kassy:
Kassy continued to lick herself and stuck her tongue inside the source of her juice. She found a barrier that hurt too much to push past it. So she put her tongue inside herself as deep as she could and rotated this and licking that hard spot. A few minutes later that feeling that had been growing exploded inside her. She couldn't breathe, her body was shaking, but she felt so good she thought she was going to die. As she was coming down she heard a male moan "Oh god yes!" she opened her eyes and saw Mike shaking the same was she just did.
"He must be having that good feeling too." Kassy thought to herself. And watched as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and passed out. She became alarmed at this and Alex had gone to sleep so he wasn't going be much help.
She looked at him carefully and was relieved to find that he had only gone to sleep. But the strong heady scent of his seed assaulted her senses. It was mind numbing she felt drawn to it as she had never smelt anything like it before. She pulled his hand out of his left pocket and found his engorged member covered in some thick gooey white stuff. And that white stuff was the source of the intoxicating smell. She tentatively reached her tongue out to taste it, but couldn't decide if she liked it or not. The tissue was dripping wet and had stuck to his hand as a result. She removed this and put it in the trash, quickly returning to Mike he still had that white stuff on him and as he had passed out she decided she had better clean him up too.
Her tongue wrapped around his member, guiding it into her mouth and with a gentle slurp he was clean. His pants were another matter. So she cleaned these too.
"He tasted really good but I'm still not sure about that white stuff." she finally decided mutely as she gave his cock another lick extended her tongue to lick all of his privates to clean him properly.
After that was done she licked his hand clean and then his face of the sweat, he smelled so good. She had the sudden urge to do what she had seen her mommy and daddy do once and put his privates into hers but she had gotten in to trouble when she was caught watching and this sudden urge frightened her. She backed away and sat on the chair across from him staring and wondering what it would be like to do what her parents had done. When she asked about it later, they had told her that it was a way to show affection to the one you're mated with and no one else. And that it was how kits and digi-eggs were made. Kassy didn't realized just how she was looking at Mike but the look in his eyes when he stirred was the same look daddy gave mommy when they were showing affection or trying to make a digi- egg. Why did he look at her like that? Did he see her as a possible mate? And why did that thought make her want to show him affection. He then was blushing as he put his now softened shaft back into his pocket and righting himself. She smiled at him.
Back to Mike:
After a few moments he woke up realizing belatedly that he had actually passed out. He found the sperm soaked tissues gone and his cock was clean, and was sticking out of his pocket slightly. Blushing profusely he righted himself. And Kassy was watching him again with a smirk. She seemed a lot more relaxed but confused. As luck would have it he was saved from any awkward conversation as the staff returned from their lunch, fifteen minutes later the paperwork was filed and she has a Hypnos agent recruit badge and a citizen ID.
Out in the corridor afterwards:
"Kassy, look I know that right now you don't have anywhere to live, well I was thinking that maybe you could stay at my place until we find your dam." Said Agent Stevens somewhat blushing.
"Damn, I sound like a high school boy asking a girl on a date." Thought Agent Stevens after he had said it.
"That's sweet Mike. But I don't want to be a bother." replied Kassy somewhat reluctant to accept his offer. In truth she was afraid to. The things he made her feel, confused and frightened her, but also thrilled her. This just made her feel even more confused.
"Think nothing of it. I owe your mom this much, I have to keep you safe. Without her vote of confidence or training I would have washed out of the training academy. So don't worry about it, I'll even order in something special. Besides I'm sure Alex would like the company, Mike blushed so would I for that matter." Responded Mike uncharacteristically shy all the sudden.
"You're going order in!! YAY! No charcoal briquettes or bologna sandwiches for dinner tonight!!I want sushi or sukiyaki!" exclaimed Alex happily.
"My cooking isn't THAT bad Alex.. and no...no Japanese, I was thinking of Pizza. But I could always order burgers if that's not good en-" Replied Mike somewhat offended but was interrupted by Alex.
"Pizza!!that's fine! That's fine, oohhh Pizza!! Pepperoni, extra extra extra extra cheese, sausage, mushrooms and pepperoni lots of pepperoni! Chocolate and cherries whipped cream, ooh foodgasm." said Alex joyously as his eyes rolled back into his head and fainted.
Mike knew this was coming and was able to catch Alex before he hit the floor and was giggling at his partner.
"Oh my! He's not dead is he?" Kassy asked concerned.
"No, he always gets this way when I order pizza, Pizza is his favorite food. I just don't order it much because he turns into a glutton and stuffs himself sick. To make matters worse he eats so much he can't walk or fly for a week." Mike answered.
"Oh ok, that makes sense, but what is pizza?" asked Kassy curiously.
Mike stared at her for a moment then smiled.
"Come on lets get you settled into my apartment shall we?" suggested Mike feeling oddly excited about the prospect of Kassy coming to live with him, even if it was only temporary.
Mike took Kassy to his car and put Alex in his auto pet bed that hung off the driver's seat. Kassy he put in the passenger seat and showed her how to buckle herself in. But in the process his hand inadvertently brushed the nip of her left breast causing her to take a sharp intake of breath and the hardening of her nips from the brief contact.
"Oh I'm sorry," Mike said blushing madly and checking to make sure her tail was out of the way and shut the door and walked around to the drivers side door silently marveling how soft her fur was and how quickly she had responded to his touch.
"Is Alex right? Does she have a crush on me? If so why me? Kithira is going kill me. I don't want to hurt her in anyway but what I am going do if she really does have a crush on me. Nah.. I'm not good enough for her. She's just a friend. She is still too young and would never have feelings like that for me." Mike thought to himself as he reached the driver side door and opened it then got in.
Meanwhile at the same moment with Kassy:
"What just happened here?! Why did his touch on that spot affect me so much, I don't understand. And he still hasn't answered my question about what these are." Kassy mumbled quietly and frustrated staring at the two lumps on her chest with disgust or more frustration than anything. Mike opened the door and got in, soon after all of them were heading down the road to Mike's apartment.
Later that evening on the outskirts of Buffalo, WY:
"There that hotel looks like our best bet, and they've got the vacancy light on." Dax said as he pulled the truck off highway I-25 just south of the city.
"Are you sure, Dax? That place is on the expensive side this time of year, it is tourist season after all." Deb asked from the back seat.
"Yeah, it is. That's why I picked this place; the rooms they probably have left are suites which we all can sleep in. Plus they offer a free breakfast which is better than some truck stop choke and puke any day. Besides some of them other slums I passed on the way here that had rooms available, it's a safe bet we would catch something from the sheets." Replied Dax, as he turned the truck into the parking lot and pulled the truck to a stop near the office.
"Eww, lice, flea's and who knows what else! No thanks, I'll trust your judgment." Cole said shuddering with the thought.
"But how are we going to afford to pay for the room?" Deb asked a worried tone in her voice.
"Now in all the time we've known each other have you ever known me to be without money?" Replied Dax as he opened the door and hoped out of the truck and walked over to the night window.
A few minutes later Dax returns to the truck and climbs in holding up two suite keys for Deb to see.
"How the hell did you swing two suites? Deb asked.
"Easy, told the clerk how many there were of us and that we only needed it for the night. Well he had these reserved for a check in at 10 a.m. But hasn't heard from the party so he let me have them at a lower rate than normal under the table. Besides they have a door connecting the two suites together. Only problem is they don't have a wet bar, but on the upside they do have a Jacuzzi in each one." Dax said smiling as he started the truck and backed it into the parking spot in front of the rooms.
You coned him didn't you?" Deb asked with a knowing look as he turned off the truck lights and shut off the motor.
"What does it matter? We have decent rooms for the night to sleep in and an actual jacuzzi bath to soak in. So stop your gripping at me and get the others out of the back." Said Dax as he climbed out of the truck grabbing his laptop bag from under the seat before closing the door and went to unlock the doors to the rooms.
"Oh, a Jacuzzi bath, hey love remember the last time we were able to have one of them? Asked Achilles looking at Deb.
"Boy, do I. That's when this happened." Deb replied, blushing and rubbing her belly as she slides out the door.
Cole climbs out of the truck and reaches in and picks up a sleeping Lisa, who wakes up and looks at him and smiles.
"Where we at?" Lisa asked, somewhat groggy.
"In some place called Buffalo at a hotel for the night." Said Cole as he carries her toward a open door which Dax is holding.
Devon climbs out of the camper and holds the door for Kithira and Rayne to get out before reaching in tossing out a couple of bags before closing it. He then turns toward Dax.
"Give me the keys and I'll make sure the truck is all locked up." He said as Dax walked over to pick up the bags.
"Here you go." Dax said tossing the keys to Devon and then grabbing the bags and carrying them into the room.
Minutes later Devon comes in from locking the truck.
"Nice, real nice. How much did this place cost?" Devon asked, somewhat perturbed.
"Not as much as you think. I got these rooms on a special the under the table rate." Said Dax in an almost jovial tone as he removed his laptop from it's carrying bag and started setting it up on a small table.
Devon looked perplexed at Dax and then the others looking for an answer.
"In short he made a deal with the night manager." Replied Deb as she made a beeline for the bathroom, door almost slamming closed behind her.
"I think she had to go, speaking of that." Lisa said, her voice trailing off as she made her way through the connecting door to the other suite. Almost running over Achilles in the process.
"I wouldn't go in there." Achilles said his voice trailing off.
Seconds later..
"OH MY GOD!! What Died In Here!!" Lisa shouted from the other bathroom.
All heads turn to look at Achilles.
"What? I had to go, and like each one of you don't fart, please. I did try to warn her." Achilles said with an amused look on his face.
Everyone busts into laughter, as Deb comes out of the other bathroom.
Dax just shakes his head as the laptop screen comes to life.
"What did I miss?" Asked Deb after the laughter dies down.
"Oh, nothing really important. Just Lisa running face first into one of Achilles nuclear farts in the other bathroom. Guess we should have warned her not to enter a bathroom after Achilles, ever." Said Dax as he entered his password on the laptop, chuckling.
"Hey, yours don't smell like roses ether so don't go pointing fingers. I know." Replied Deb shuddering with the memory, as Lisa walked back into the room.
"All I want to know is, what crawled up who's ass and died? Next time spray some air freshener when you use the bathroom." Lisa said holding her nose, and looking a little green.
Causing a renewed bout of laughter.
"Hey, everyone, I got access to the Hypnos network. Let's see what's going on." Dax said as he switched to the latest news page.
"Today Hypnos welcomes it's newest academy recruit and citizen of the United States by order of the President.
Kassy Thackry step daughter of Agent Thackry (deceased, see report 123-5 for details) and Daughter of Agent Kithira (missing), was sworn in earlier today at Hypnos American Command Center in Colorado Springs. (shows video clip of Kassy Thackry, receiving a Hypnos recruit badge and birth certificate).
To all Agents, If anyone has information to the whereabouts of Agent Kithira please contact Agent Mike Stevens or Kassy Thackry a id# 5.link 12."
"What the hell is going on? Kassy, my daughter has evolved and is a Hypnos recruit." Kithira said as she watched the video of Kassy being sworn in. Devon wraps his arm around Kit's waist.
"I thought your daughter was a small child, not a renamon?" Devon asked.
"No she was |
a viximon the last time I saw her over a month ago. She's evolved that much is certain." Kithira replied returning Devon's hug.
"I don't know, but that's not all the news." Dax said pointing at the screen.
Another video clip.
"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and assorted digimon. I'm Chief St. John commander of Hypnos Command here in Colorado Spring. This press release is to be shown on all networks and aired on all radio broadcasts.
Today by the orders of our Madam President, I have been instructed to make this press release. No questions will be answered at this time, nor at the end of the release.
A little over one month ago there was a security breech on a massive scale not unlike the one almost 20 years ago when the digimon first appeared. It was during that event that Agent Thackry was as we have now learned was killed by Anton Blake who remains still at large. We now know that Agent Kithira Thackry is here in the U.S.A. and more than likely in hiding. Agent Kithira if you are watching this, please contact Agent Mike Stevens or your daughter at id# 5.link 12.
Also Agent Kithira Thackry, the staff here at Hypnos Command are not your enemies. Never have been and never will be, we, like you, are saddened by the loss of your partner, Agent Daryl Thackry and we are shocked by his murder at the hands of Anton Blake. Hypnos still needs your services now more than ever, a new threat approaches, which I will not elaborate on at this moment. Needless to Say Agent Kithira you may have the answers we need.
And on a more personal note. Kithira, from one parent to another. Contact your daughter Kassy, she needs you as much as you need her.
To retired Agent Lisa Thackry, at this moment your house is being rebuilt at the expense of J.A.S.F. Per orders of the President. The team was operating under orders of ex-commander Anton Blake of J.A.S.F when your house was destroyed. You and your son Devon may return there by the end of the month when the repairs are complete.
That is all." Chief St. John said before stepping off the stage and ducking into a door.
Everyone stood in silence after the video clip ended, almost a minute passed before anyone said anything.
"St. John is the commander of Hypnos North American Command? I thought he retired years ago after he lost his partner." Lisa said looking at Deb for confirmation.
Kithira pulls away from Devon and sits down on the couch. Tears forming in the corners of her eyes.
"Yeah, St. John has been commander for two almost three years now." replied Deb.
Devon at a loss walks over and sits down next to Kithira, and wraps an arm around her shoulders as her body starts shuddering as she begins to cry and buries her face into Devon's shoulder.
At the sound of her crying, everyone else in the room turns away from the laptop and looks at her and Devon on the couch.
Silently Lisa taps the others on the shoulder and motions for them to leave the room and let Kit and Devon have some time. Everyone quietly leaves the two alone, by relocating to the other suite, Dax taking the laptop with him and Lisa closes the door but leaves a crack to watch and listen to the couple.
"What's wrong love?" Devon asked.
"I...can't..believe..that..he's..gone..even..now..over..a..month..later..I..I..just..can't..let..go..of..of..my.. love..for..him.." Kithira said between sobs.
"I know, we both miss him very much. Even mom and dad miss him. But now mate is not the time to mourn our loss. But we can't stand back now and do nothing; our daughter needs us and her family now more than ever. Now there is a choice for us to make. Do we contact this Agent Stevens or not?" Asked Devon, licking Kits tears away.
Kithira shudders and nods, then takes a couple of deep breaths before speaking.
"If this is the Agent Michael Stevens I know from the academy, we can trust him. He's a tamer with a patamon partner that's named Alex. And if I remember right Alex had a crush on me at the time." Kithira says blushing and scratching behind an ear.
"Do you think he still has a crush on you?" Asked Devon, curiously but amused.
"I hope not, but it would be away to identify them. With two simple questions. 'Do you have a male patamon and who did your patamon have a crush on at the academy?" Kithira replied.
"Ok, we'll contact them in the morning after we leave here, now lets get some sleep. I don't know about you but that bed in the camper makes a rock look softer and ten times more comfortable." Devon said standing up and holding his paw out for Kithira.
"A decent bed sounds wonderful, lead the way mate." Kithira said taking the offered paw.
From the connecting door, Lisa watched as Devon led Kithira to one of the bedrooms, and closed the door. A silent tear ran down her cheek, which she quickly wiped away. Turning away from the door she was startled by Cole standing right behind her.
"It's unbecoming of you to listen in on their private conversation, mate." Cole said looking at his mate, his arms crossed.
"I'm just worried about them that's all." Lisa replied looking up at Cole.
"As you should be, your Devon's mother after all. But he is an adult now and must make his own choices like the rest of us." Cole said as he placed his paws on Lisa's waist.
"Hey, we're going to bed, see you all at breakfast." Lisa said looking around Cole at the others, as she backed toward the door pulling Cole with her.
"See ya." Was Dax's reply not looking up from the laptop.
"Cool, Achilles and I are going to check out the Jacuzzi before going to bed." Deb said with a wicked little smile on her face that got Achilles attention.
"Oh, yeah the Jacuzzi. I had forgot about that." Achilles said as a knowing look crossed his features.
"I hope you just don't clog it up with your mane fur like you did the last time. That was a pain to explain to the hotel manager in Dallas." Replied Rayne, as Cole and Lisa closed the connecting door between suites.
Cole got a smirk on his face as Lisa led the way to their room. Something in her scent was different. Her scent alone was arousing him and felt the breeze of cold air on the tip of his cock arousing him further making him murr. It had been so long since they last made love and he had been faithful to her all these years. He needed her now. He couldn't wait any longer. He could tell she was aroused but knew that she would let responsibility over rule her own desires, he would have to make the first move. He chuckled and he picked her up surprising her, making her laugh as he carried her in to their room. He closed the door with a swipe of his tail and laid her on the bed, kissing her with heated passion as he began removing her clothes.
"Cole? Not that I'm objecting but, what's got-" Lisa began but Cole placed the back of one of his knuckles to her lips.
"Shh my love, no words this night. Only love and passion." replied Cole lustfully, his need of her blatant in his voice as he removed her bra, then gave her a hard lick across her breast and nipple causing her to gasp.
"Cole.." Lisa said breathlessly in response to his licks and wrapped her arms around his head running her fingers through his head fur encouraging him to continue. Her body shuddering in response to his ministrations.
"It's been so long..too long..Cole is right we need this. He's been back for over a month and the thought of making love didn't seem important or there always seemed to be time for it later, I was just satisfied to be back in his arms. Oh god the things he's doing to me. Licking, sucking and nipping my nipples, licking his way down my stomach, back up my thighs-" Lisa thought to herself then moaned loudly and became unable to think when Cole rammed his long 8 inch hot tongue into her cunt.
Cole's mind was lost in lust and the wanton scent of his mate. He wanted to taste her, no needed to taste her for a reason he didn't understand and as deeply as possible. He groaned as he rammed his tongue deeply inside her, licking her cervix and all over the inner walls of her pussy by rolling his tongue. His front teeth lightly pricking and rubbing her clit as he thrust his tongue in and out of her tight as a virgin cunt. This made Cole moan in anticipation of thrusting his now fully erect shaft inside her. It would feel like he was taking her virginity all over again, she was so tight. Cole groaned audibly with need. But he held back knowing that it had been so long that he would probably fill her with his seed within the first few thrusts. He was becoming drunk on the taste of her, tangy and slightly tart. He could taste that it was growing sweeter the closer he got her to cumming.
Lisa was going out of her mind with what Cole was doing to her; she could feel herself going on a one way speeding freight train to her orgasm, feeling it building with each thrust of her mate's thick hot tongue inside her. Only now it wasn't enough she wanted, needed more.
"Cole fuck me please! I need to feel you ramming your cock inside me!" Lisa begged wantonly and without shame.
A growl of desire was heard right before Cole picked Lisa up roughly and turned her over to all fours. He mounted her quickly plunging his thick throbbing fuck pole deep into her cunt and penetrating her cervix, hilting himself inside her in the process.
"Oh damn! I was right! She feels as tight as she did the first time I took her." he thought as he growled his ardor.
After a few moments of letting her adjust, Cole began thrusting his massive cock inside her. Lisa screamed in both pain and pleasure, riding the waves of pleasure that overrode the pain. Lisa felt his knot growing and him begin to short stroke his cock inside her.
"He's going tie with me!" Lisa thought to herself needfully and she no longer could hold back this realization was so close to pushing her over the edge. She just needed a little more, and she would cum. She began moaning wantonly as his knot exploded inside her locking them together, right before she screamed.
"Oh my GOD! Yes! Cole, Tie me! Fill me! I'm going to cum!" Bellowed Lisa not caring who heard.
This was too much for Cole. He groaned as he felt his seed coming. On instinct he bit down on Lisa's shoulder drawing blood and he hilted himself spraying jet after jet of cum directly into her womb. The overpowering emotions of pure orgasmic bliss and the true love they felt for each other overwhelmed both of them. Cole suddenly began to glow brightly and with a flash of blinding light Cole lost control and digivolved. When the light died Lisa was screaming even louder her orgasm intensified tenfold. Then she looked back and beheld Cole in his true form, a Taomon. The front of his robes rested over her hips and he was still thrusting lightly into her cunny. His cock grew in width and length when he digivolved and he was no longer hilted but he was still tied within her. She felt fluid leaking down her leg and felt a burning sensation that only added to the pleasure. They both collapsed onto the bed panting hard, trying to catch their breath. Cole was shuddering hard with each jet of sperm laden nut juice he filled her with and let Lisa's shoulder go and began licking the wound he had made with remorse.
"I'm sorry Beloved, I didn't mean to cause you harm." Cole said between pants and licks to her shoulder.
"It's alright Cole, I've always wanted you to do that. Don't worry about it. We always did get a bit rough when we made love anyway, but one thing though. Next time you're going digivolve while we are making love, warn me. That wonderful cock of yours is bigger in your Taomon form than your Renomon form. I think I tore a little. I know this because I feel like I am trying to lay another digi-egg." Lisa informed Cole and giggling playfully with her last sentence.
Cole looked at her and chuckled.
"I'm just glad I still fit, well barely anyway." Said Cole both loving and matterf-factly.
At that moment a someone knocked on the door.
"Umm...Mom?Dad? I understand it's been awhile for you guys but can you keep it down? The people 3 rooms away and everyone in between, all around us called the manager complaining about the noise." Devon said through the door.
Lisa and Cole looked at each other and blushed vehemently.
"I- I uh, I hope you apologized." Said Lisa obviously embarrassed.
"Yeah I did, but the manager said if it happens again we are out. With all due respect, now that you two are finished Kit and I are going back to bed. And by the sounds coming from the rooms around us, you two started an orgy. " Devon replied walking away.
Cole became mortified and as a result lost what was left of his knot and hardn. Lisa was wincing slightly as Cole pulled out of her. He then cleaned her up with his tongue making Lisa hiss in pain in the process. Cole sighed regretfully as he noted two tears in her vaginal walls before her vaginal walls contracted. One wasn't bad but the other was a 2nd degree, and it was bleeding a little bit. Luckily her body's natural clamping down of her vaginal passage would stop a majority of the bleeding. It would be ok without stitches but it would have to be kept clean to prevent infection. He also knew she would be very sore for the next week or so. He picked her up and took her to the bathtub in the room and happily bathed her and himself after removing his robes. In less than 30 minutes however Lisa fell asleep in Cole's strong arms and the comforting warm water. Cole smiled and carried her out of the bath in one arm as he grabbed a towel to dry her with then a few minutes later with that task done her took her to their bed to find the comforter hosed. After removing it, he was relieved to find the sheets still usable. He put Lisa to bed and went back to the bathroom to dry himself off. Not long after exhaustion set in and he joined her. As he cuddled up to her carefully, he murred contentedly and sleep claimed him.
Earlier that same evening...
"Well here we are, apartment # 401, home sweet home." Agent Stevens said as he slid his id card in the slot on the door.
A soft clink is heard as the lock disengages before Agent Stevens turns the knob and pushes open the door. As the door opens Alex dives off of Mikes shoulder and glides to the couch in the living room.
"Yeppie! Home before the "Wheel of Fortune" comes on." Said Alex turning on the tv set.
"After you Kassy, just follow Alex." Said Agent Stevens waving his hand for here to go in, and follows her closing the door behind him.
"This is your den where you stay when not at work?" Kassy asked as she walked into the living room.
"Yes, Alex and I live here and now you do until we can find your mother." Agent Stevens said as he walked in behind her.
"Nice figure, boy can she swish that tail. What am I thinking? She's way too young for me, besides I already have a partner." Thought Mike to himself as he watched her walk into the living room, not doing anything for the erection growing in his pants.
Kassy looks around the living room as Mike had called it. Nice and clean, a shelf of books on one wall with a screen in the middle of it that had Alex's undivided attention at the moment. A large white plush couch that Alex was laying on. A couple of reclining chairs and a small coffee table in front of the couch with a few books on it. And light blue color on the walls.
"Everything had a place in the room, nice and clean." Thought Kassy to herself.
"Why don't you sit down and relax, while I get the food ordered and get something for us to drink." Said Mike from the hallway door.
"Yeah, Kassy, sit down and watch tv with me." Alex said, smiling.
"Ok, what is a tv?" Kassy asked Alex after sitting down on one of the chairs as Mike walked to the small kitchen.
"A tv is that screen on the wall with all the small people in it. Plus I can change the channel by pressing these numbers on this control box." Said Alex showing her how the control worked.
"Mommy and Daddy said there were things like this in this world." Said Kassy still a little nervous being in a new unfamiliar place.
In the Kitchen:
Mike puts on some water to boil for tea. And then quickly places the pizza order doubling the number he normally orders from five to ten. While the water is heating up for tea, he then does a quick once over the bathroom making sure everything is picked up and does the same for his and Alex's room. Then puts clean sheets on the bed in the second bedroom. His ex-room mate's room who just packed up one day without so much as 'hey I'm moving out or good bye' he just left, while Alex and Mike were at work. Seeing that there is not anything left to do, he returns to the kitchen just in time to make the tea.
Back in the living room:
"I'll be right back I have to goto the bathroom. This weeks 'Wheel of Fortune' is a re-run anyway so have fun flipping through the channels. Ooh I'm going be a while." said Alex flying off down the hallway to the bathroom.
Kassy picked up the remote and with intense curiosity began flipping through the channels. She came to stop on one channel when she got distracted by the noise she heard Mike making in the kitchen. A channel called 'Naughty Passion pay-per-view'. It was annoying having to keep pushing the 'ok' button so many times but the program title sounded interesting, 'Sex Ed 2'.
Kassy's eyes widened when she saw a young looking red Renamon siting on a bed and rubbing her breasts then the spot between her legs. A look of pleasure set on her face as she did this. So much so that Kassy mimicked did what she did and was surprised just how good it felt. Her curiosity encouraged, she began rubbing that place she licked earlier the same way the red renamon was on the screen and she gasped suddenly as a wave of good feelings hit. She continued this watching and rubbing oblivious to anything else at the moment. She learned what breasts, a cunny and masturbation was quickly by watching. As the movie progressed a human male came in and caught the red rubbing herself at a near frenzied state. The male groaned and seemed to like what she was doing. He got undressed and a large erection sprung free.
"Oh my! What, these things come in different sizes? What is he going do with that? He's going pee in his own face as strait up as it's standing." said Kassy out loud naively to herself but continued to watch.
Mike came into the living room quietly at that moment curious from hearing the sounds of sex from the tv and almost groaned out loud at the scene laid before him. Kassy with her legs spread watching a porn movie, her fingers rubbing her virgin honey pot and breasts. Looking so hot he almost forgot that she was off-limits. His own hardn had gone down a little bit until he saw this and now it came back with a vengeance.
Kassy's ear twitched hearing Mike come in from the kitchen and smiled.
"Mike what is that? And do you get them?" Kassy asked nonchalantly and curious.
Mike blushed at this question and almost dropped the cups of tea he had made for them both. He had thought he came in quietly but apparently not.
"Umm, it's called an erection and I uh, yeah I do. Every male does. It's a normal physical response to sexual arousal." replied Mike blushing an even deeper crimson, realizing that she had no idea what she was doing to him and that was an even bigger turnn for him.
"Oh what is he doing to her now? That looks like it's causing her pain." asked Kassy still curious.
Mike looked at the TV screen and saw the human male pushing his hard cock into the red renamon's cunny and saw a distinct splash of blood as he took her virginity before hilting himself inside her.
"He's mating with her, and it's her first time. Humans call the act sex. The first time for a female is always painful from my understanding, but look, she's starting to enjoy it now." said Mike his own arousal starting to color his tone.
Kassy looked back at the screen and the look of pain was still there, but was fading as the male began to slowly pump his 'erection' in and out of the red renamon. Soon nothing but the look of pleasure was on her face and watching this cause Kassy to moan and begin renewing her efforts to rubbing herself. She groaned again and Mike now groaned audibly bringing Kassy's attention back to him. She saw him looking at her the same way the male in the movie did at the red when he caught her masturbating. She also noticed the crotch of his pants bobbing and it was obvious that he had an erection. His hand was in his left pocket and moving. Kassy's eyes flitted back and forth to the mating couple on the tv and Mike and the looks he was giving her, his erection still covered and in his pants. It looked to her that he wanted to do to her the same thing that the male and the red were doing in the movie. It didn't take much to imagine this happening and it sent her over the edge. She clenched her jaw to keep from howling. Her cunny gushed her orgasmic fluid in an arcing stream that splashed on the couch with a soft splat.
Kassy was panting and looked back at Mike unknowingly giving him an inviting sultry look, the movie and the tea forgotten for the moment.
"Mike I can tell your masturbating, you don't have to hide it. I'd like to watch you do it, like you did with me. I don't mind." said Kassy breathlessly and succeeded in arousing him further.
"Are you sure Kassy?" Mike asked as he walked forward and sat on the couch facing her. His hand inadvertently landing in the puddle of cum she had just shot. He moaned at this, noting it was still warm.
Kassy nodded smiling giving her assent. Mike smiled in return then opened the front of his pants and pulled out his thick 10 inch cock. He used the hand that had her cum on it to rub himself with, her eyes watching him intently. The feel of her cum on his iron hard pole felt better than he thought it would and he gasped with the sudden longing and he slowly began to fist his cock. He was feeling guilty knowing this was somehow wrong but he was too aroused to think clearly at the moment.
"Ooh yes, her cum is slicking up and down my cock, it's almost like I'm fucking her. Oh god I want to so badly, just ram my meat inside her, taking her virginity, and teach her everything about sex. Taking her hymen, taking her in her ass, ohh god yes she's rubbing her cunt again, spreading her virgin lips wide, MMMmm oh sweet, I can see all the way inside to her hymen. Too much, too much, I can hold it back! I- I'm gonna cum" Mike thought to himself as he fantasized mating with Kassy and moaning loudly as his climax washed over him. He shot, and shot hard. His cum exploded out of the head of his shaft in thick gooey gobs, the first jet landed on Kassy's breasts the second on her stomach, the third and fourth on her cunt and inside the lips. He was shaking uncontrollably in climatic bliss and seeing Kassy covered in his cum made him for the first time in his life experience a multiple orgasm, he shot again and again coating her even more, her licking her lips as he shot. As Mike's erection slowly died, the last shots of his cum dribbling down his hand, he looked at Kassy through lidded eyes and watched her begin to lick up his cum from her fur with an aroused gleam in her eyes. He continued to watch as he licked herself clean swallowing his entire load, making Mike groan again and his cock began to stiffen again, just as the doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of dinner.
"Oh shit the Pizza!" exclaimed Mike as he quickly but gingerly shoved his cock back in his pants, zipping up and catching a little hair on his nut sack in the process.
"OH FUCK! That hurt..." Mike said wincing as the doorbell ringed again.
Mike answered the door with tears brimming in his eyes, he took out the cash, paid for the food and carried the pizza to the table before Alex could pounce him top get to the food. He went back and shut the door.
A series of flushes could be heard from the bathroom.
"Oh come on! Go down already!" They heard Alex exclaim frustrated.
"Damn! Oh man! Hey Mike you better get in here and bring the plunger, I plugged up the toilet again! It's gonna overflow!" Alex warned both embarrassed and worried.
"Not again! That's the second time this week! What are you eating boulders?" Mike said annoyed as he ran back to the bathroom grabbing the plunger on the way. But when he entered the bathroom he gaged.
"Damn! What the Fuck have you been eating! It wasn't anything I fed you. Uuhhggg! Air!! Need Air!!" as he went to flip on the exhaust fan only to find it not working.
"Damn Alex, you even broke the fan! Open a window! That's it no more sweets for you." Exclaimed Mike as he finally was able to get the source of the foul odor to go down the toilet.
They both returned to find Kassy had gotten out some plates and had dished up some of the pizza at the table the rest was nowhere to be seen. Glasses of soda sat at each placement. And the movie was turned off by the time they got in the living room.
"Hey PIZZA! But where's the rest of it?" Asked Alex perplexed.
"In the kitchen, now shall we sit down to eat? This smells wonderful." Answered Kassy happily.
They all smiled, sat at the table and dug in. Kassy finding the pizza irresistibly good. Her eyes gleamed both content and affectionately at Mike and he returned the look. Alex noticed them both giggling at silly things and by the time they were finished eating she had fed him a slice of pizza and he had done the same.
"How come I got the feeling I missing something?" Alex asked somewhat confused.
They both just laughed in response.
"They are smiling and blushing at each other like those goofy teenagers that think they are in lo-...uh-uhh.. Are they falling for each other? If they have I wonder how long it will be before Mike figures out how he feels about her. Probably never, he will have to be told like usual, and Kassy. She is so young and naive that she won't understand what she is feeling, only that she likes him a lot. Mike needs a strong mate, I know I can't be that for him. I'm not gay or even bi for that matter. She would be good for him..as much as he would be for her. I will have to see about gently encouraging this without being obvious." thought Alex.
An hour later and the remains of their dinner was nothing but boxes and empty 2 liter soda bottles.
"Mike take me to my bed, I ate too much again. I need some pepto or some alka-seltzer something." Alex begged as he groaned in pain from overeating and indigestion.
"You did it again; I swear you do this every time I order pizza. And you wonder why I don't order it that much." Mike said shaking his head as he picked up the patamon, who normally weighs 10 pounds but now felt like he gained 30 pounds in an hour eating pizza and drinking soda.
He took Alex to their bedroom and laid him on the bed then return a few minutes later with his dose of medicine. After giving it to him he left Alex on the bed to rest and closed the door. Mike went back to Kassy to find her sleeping on the non-messy part of the couch, which wasn't a very big space. He smiled at her for a moment then sighed as he walked over to her and picked her up.
He then took her to the room he had made for her, put her in bed and tucked her in.
He went back to clean up the living room from dinner and headed to his own bed only to find his bedroom door locked.
"AH MAN!" muttered Mike slightly vexed at himself for not making sure the door wasn't locked to begin with before he closed it.
"Well hell, the couch is a mess and I'm going need a steam cleaner to clean it properly. Alex is in no condition to open the door; he can't even walk much less fly. So now what the hell am I going do. Normally I'd just get in the other bed but Kassy's using it. Oh well looks like another all-nighter. I'm going be thrashed for work tomorrow though. But hell it can't be helped." Mike thought to himself.
"No! DADDY!" yelled Kassy obviously having a nightmare.
Within a few seconds Mike was in there with her. He found her crying hard and his heart broke seeing her in this kind of pain. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her trying to comfort her and she turned and held him like he was her life line.
"Don't..don't leave..me alone p-please Mike? St-stay wi-with me." Kassy begged sobbing.
"Shhh...it's gonna be alright, I'm here, I'll help you through this. I lost my father too when I was 8 years old, it wasn't easy for me then either. So I understand what you're going through. Shhh...ok...ok..I'll stay. Don't worry, I'll be here. Try to go back to sleep." Said Mike comfortingly, but intending only to stay until she fell back to sleep.
He laid down with her in his arms rocking her gently, caressing her cheek and head fur. Seeing her so vulnerable made him want to protect her from everything that could harm her. His heart went out to her. He covered them both as a reassurance for her that he wasn't going anywhere. However Mike only meant to close his eyes for a moment, but was soon asleep with Kassy his arms cuddling closely and she gave a contented sigh as she passed into peaceful slumber where no nightmares could touch her.
Chapter 9:
The next morning 7 am.
"Good morning, everyone. I hope y'all slept as good as I did." Stated Dax as he walked out of the bedroom with Rayne right behind him.
"We slept real good once everyone stopped complaining about the noise last night." Said Deb, looking over at Lisa and Cole coming into the room followed by Devon and Kithira.
"Well now that everyone's up, why don't we head over to the office and check out that free breakfast." Dax said his stomach making enough noise to wake the dead.
"Sounds like your stomach has your mind made up already." Deb replied chuckling.
"What can I say; I'm on a see food diet. I see food and I eat it." Dax replied pulling on his boots.
"Speaking of food, that does sound like a good idea." Devon said his stomach making some noise of it's own.
"Coffee, I need coffee." Deb said in a monotone voice walking like a zombie.
"Ok, you clowns lets get something to eat first then we need to get heading to Denver." Lisa said in a joking voice as she headed for the door, Cole following her.
"Let's go." Achilles said wrapping his arm around Deb and angling her toward the door.
As they make their way across the hotel parking lot, the group draws some curious stares from the other hotel residents.
Inside the hotels dinning room, some of the hotel residents make space for the motley band of humans and digimon. Breakfast is a simple choice of coffee or juice, eggs and bacon with toast and jelly. Or pancakes and sausage with maple syrup.
"Not much of a selection, but it's free." Dax said as he sat down.
"I don't care as long as the coffee isn't watered down to tea." Replied Deb as she sat down at the table.
"Food is food in my book free or otherwise." Rayne said taking a seat next to Dax.
"Boy are we getting a lot of stares." Devon said as he and Kithira took seats at the table next to Dax and Rayne.
"Even though digimon have been around for almost thirty years, people are still getting used to seeing them out in the open." Lisa said as she poured syrup on her stack of pancakes.
"Yes, but it's not like digimon are new to the world. The way some of the people here have been looking at us is, well, unnerving if you ask me." Devon said.
"There will always be those that don't understand or even want to about digimon. What it's like to have a partner, or even see the digital world in all its beauty. But that times coming in the future when human and digimon will live side by side and in both worlds. At least that's what I hope will happen in the coming years." Dax said before he took a drink of coffee.
"Excuse me, are you a renamon?" A small female voice asked from behind Devon, prompting him to turn around in his chair.
"Eh, no, actually I'm a Renomon. My mate Kithira here is a renamon." Devon replied, in a soft voice to the maybe ten year old girl standing in front of him.
"Ah, you're a boy! My brother isn't going to believe this; he claims there isn't any male renamon. By the way my name is Eve." Eve said introducing herself.
"My name is Devon, and your brother is wrong, male renamon are called renomon, and we very rarely leave the digital world. That's why hardly any humans have seen us." Devon replied.
"Eve! So this is where you ran off to!" Said an early thirties woman walking up with an older boy in tow.
"Mommy, this is Devon, and he's a male renomon." Exclaimed Eve as her mother walked up.
"There's no such thing as a renomon." The boy said, disbelieving his sister.
"Then how do you explain, the two of us sitting here at this table." Cole said in a matter of fact tone but was smiling amusedly.
"Brian! Mind your manners! I'm sorry for my daughter bothering your breakfast." Said the mother sternly to her son then apologized to Devon and the rest of his group before taking Eve's hand.
"No need to apologize, educating the young and old about digimon is one of our groups primary jobs, even at breakfast." Dax said jumping into the conversation, smiling.
"Oh, Nice to meet you all. I'd love to stay and talk, but I've got a long day of driving ahead before we get home." their mother said as she turned away from their table taking her kids with her. The brother and sister talking rapid fire back and forth as they walked away.
After the mother and her kids had left the dining room.
"Nice girl, but the boy needs to pay more attention to what's going on around him, instead of having his head stuck in that video game." Kithira said as she popped the last bit of eggs into her mouth.
"That boy will probably never have a partner, his attitude is all wrong." Rayne said looking at Dax.
"Was I much different when we first became partners?" Dax asked looking at Rayne.
"But hey I could be wrong." Rayne replied smiling at Dax.
"Well I'm stuffed." Exclaimed Deb as she pushed her plate away.
"Same here, but I need another cup of coffee for the road." Lisa said as she picked up her coffee cup.
A course of ditto's around the table from the others signaled they were through also.
Back in the room 8:43 am
"Lets get the stuff loaded in the truck and get on the road as soon as possible." Lisa said as she started to pick up her travel bag, only to be intercepted by Cole.
"While you all are loading the truck, me and Kithira need to call Agent Stevens and see if we can pick up Kassy." Devon said heading into the other room with Kithira.
"Go ahead, we'll get the truck loaded." Dax said as he packed his laptop back in its bag.
Closing the door behind him, Devon walks over to the pad with Agent Stevens number on it. And then joins Kithira at the vid-phone.
"I'm going to stand over here out of the camera's range. Just in case he is recording the call, the last thing we need is Hypnos finding out about me." Devon said handing her the pad.
"That's true mate, the less he sees who the better is with me." Kithira said as she started keying in the phone number.
The screen displayed the standard connecting dialog before a few seconds later the screen on the other end was activated.
"Good morning, Stevens residence. Hey, Kithira! Long time no see, didn't expect you to call first thing in the morning." Alex said a still rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"Alex? Did I wake you? Or do you now work as Agent Stevens answering service?" Kithira asked jokingly.
"Wholly shit! Kithira, am I glad you called before we left for work." Alex said now fully awake and smiling.
"What was the test I kept failing you on at the academy?" Kithira asked in a serious tone.
"That was the dodging while flying, if I recall correctly you failed me 3 times before I got it right." Alex answered.
"It was 3 times and the third time you passed only because the senior instructor over ruled me on a call." Kithira said.
"As far as I see it, I still failed but I think the senior instructor was feeling sorry for me that day. For what it's worth, Mike and I are sorry for your loss of Daryl and the rest of you all's team." Alex said in a somber tone.
"Thanks Alex, now can I see my daughter?" Kithira asked.
"Let me go get them, oh man are we going to be late for work." Exclaims Alex as he fly's toward the hallway.
In Colorado Springs, Agent Stevens apartment 7:45 am.
Kassy starts to wake up slowly, then her eyes pop open as she feels Mike's arms pull her closer his hands cupping her breasts and something hard press against tail hole. She holds still afraid to move, before realizing that he's asleep.
"What's he doing?" Kassy thinks to herself as Mikes hands slowly rub her nips and his hips thrust lightly against her.
She shudders as his hands work her nips, and she feels herself grow wet between her legs. As the memory of the porn video the night before comes rushing back to her; she realizes what Mike is dreaming of.
"Oh, he wants to mate with me. What he is doing to me is feeling wonderful. I wonder what it's like to have him inside me like that digimon in the video last night." She thinks to herself, and her whole body shudders with the thought and under the attention her nips are getting.
Carefully she moves her hand to his bulging pants and feels for the opening there. With some difficulty she carefully works the front of his pants open without waking him letting his member springs free bumping her paw, and then presses against crack below her tail.
Spreading her legs a little she shudders as the heat coming off his member touches her tail hole and then slides forward across her wet virgin cunt. Causing her to gasp as his member presses against her clit then pulls back. Reaching her other hand down between her legs, Kassy reaches back and presses the tip of his cock between her lips. On his next forward stroke his cock slides along her slit but doesn't penetrate her virgin cunny. Getting frustrated she changes the angle of her hips, she almost screams as his cock is forced into her tight cunt. Her body shudders with both pain and pleasure as his cock withdraws only to be forced in deeper on the next thrust. Suddenly something tears inside her cunt and the pain becomes unbearable as his cock is pushed deeper inside of her. Unable to hold her tongue she yelps in pain, tears flood her eyes as her muscles tense up. Mikes hands tighten their hold on her breasts and he stops thrusting.
"Huh? Kassy? Are you- Oh My god, what am I doing?" Stutters Mike as he starts to pull out of her.
"Leave it in, I want this. I want you as my mate." Kassy says between sobs.
"Kassy, I don't know what to say." Mike replied.
"Don't say anything then, just love me and continue to mate with me." Said Kassy as the pain slowly receded and started becoming pleasurable.
"Are you sure?" Mike asked concern in his voice.
The only answer he gets is Kassy pushing herself back onto his cock farther with a moan of pleasure. Mike unable to take it any other way pushes forward hilting himself inside of her. Then pulls out completely and rolls off the bed and stands up. Kassy looks up at him in shock at first but then smiles as he removes his pants before climbing back into bed. She sees blood on his cock and knows that it's her blood, like the one from the video last night.
As Mike climbs back into bed he smiles at Kassy and gently rolls her over onto her back and positions himself above her and between her legs.
"I wanted you last night after I watched you masturbating on the couch." Mike said looking down at her.
Reaching up Kassy wraps her arms around Mikes neck and pulls him down to her.
"Stop talking and mate me." Kassy replied wantonly as she thrusted her hips up and his cock slide down her slit, the tip barely inside her.
Not wanting to disappoint her Mike, pushes his cock into her until he is hilted and holds it there for a minute for her body to get accustomed to his girth before slowly pulling it out and then pushing it back in.
"You're so big, it's a wonder that it all fits inside of me." Kassy said before he started pulling out.
"It's a surprise that I'm able to fit inside of you at all, you're so small but so sexy." Replied Mike smiling as he slowly starts to thrust his hips into her.
Kassy is overwhelmed by the flood of feelings she is experiencing and shortly is unable to do anything but moan and gasps as orgasm after orgasm wash over her. Mike watches Kassy as he makes love to her. All her reactions and moans of pleasure spur him on to make it last as long as he can. Kassy runs her claws down Mikes back and wraps her legs around his waist as his cock hits her g-spot causing her to orgasm very vocally. As her orgasm hits, her vaginal muscles clamp down on Mikes cock not allowing him to pull out or push himself into her. It's too much for him to handle. With a groan his nuts draw up tight in his sack and fire their load. Kassy throws her head back and howls out her orgasm as Mikes seed explodes from his cock filling her small cunt. He collapses on top of her, both of them gasping for breath as his cock pumps the last of his seed into her young womb.
Minutes pass as they slowly recover their breath and hold each other smiling.
"Ah, guys? This might be a bad time, but Kithira is on the vid-phone wanting to speak with Kassy." Said Alex, as he tried to hide is obvious hardn from them.
Both of them jump at the sound of Alex's voice in the room.
"Alex, How long have you been there?" Mike asked as he started blushing along with Kassy being caught by Alex.
"More than long enough." Alex replied smiling as he turned to left the room.
"Ok, Alex tell her we'll be right there." Mike replied as he pulled out of her with a pop causing both of them to moan.
Rolling out of the bed Mike picks up his discarded pants and quickly puts them back on. Looking over at Kassy he sees the blood and cum from their love making coating her sex and legs and realizes that she can't go in front of her mother like that.
"Wait here let me get something; can't let your mother see you like that." Mike said as he walked out the door and heading into his room.
Meanwhile in the living room 8:45 am
"Kithira, Mike and Kassy will be here in a minute, they cleaning up." Alex said as he sat in the chair in front of the screen.
"Why do they need to clean up?" Kithira asked a little annoyed.
"I better let them explain that, if you'll excuse me I need to use the boys room." Alex said nervously as he flew out of camera range.
Back in the bedroom 8:48am.
Looking down Kassy sees what Mike was talking about and gasps at the blood and cum coating her fur between her legs. Without a thought she bends down and begins cleaning herself up with her tongue. As her tongue reaches her clit she moans in pleasure and pain as a shudder runs through her pussy and into the rest of her body. Quelling the urge to lick herself to another orgasm Kassy continues licking the blood and cum from her fur and sore pussy, not realizing that Mike was watching from the door.
"Well that's not what I had in mind." Mike said jovially as he entered the room carrying a wash cloth, towel and a robe startling Kassy.
"I had to clean myself up." Kassy replied looking up at him.
"Guess, we don't need the wash cloth or the towel now, here put this on." Mike said holding out the robe to her.
"Why?" Kassy asked looking at the robe and then him a puzzled look on her face.
"Because it probably wouldn't be a good idea if your mother knew that we had, ah, mated." Replied Mike as Kassy got up from the bed.
"My father was like you, why would she have problem with my choice?" Asked Kassy as she stepped in and wrapped her arms around Mike's waist and hugged him.
"Mothers are funny when it comes to their daughter's choice of mates." Said Mike returning her hug and looked down into her eyes smiling at her.
"Then she can, just deal with it. Like I heard on the TV yesterday." Kassy said as she gave Mike a lick on his cheek and took the robe from him and dropped it onto the bed.
"We better go talk with her; she's been waiting for a few minutes." Mike said releasing her from his arms and taking her paw leading her out the door.
As they pass the bathroom they hear Alex in the throes of his own orgasm. Mike chuckles and Kassy giggles as they quickly enter the living room and walk over to the vid-phone. On the screen Kithira is talking to someone out of camera range. As Mike presses the button to unmute the sound, Kassy and Mike hear the last of the conversation.
"-t don't matter what happens as long as we find Blake and bring him to justice." A male voice said off screen.
"Good morning, Agent Kithira. We didn't expect you to call so early." Said Mike with Kassy standing off to one side off camera.
"At least I didn't call in the middle of the night, it's my understanding that my daughter is with you, and may I speak to her please?" Kithira asked.
"Sure thing, Kassy come on over here." Mike said motioning for her to stand in front of the screen.
"Hello mother, I'm well and have missed you." Kassy said tears in her eyes.
"As I have you; you have your father's eyes." Kithira replied tears forming in her own eyes.
"Mother so much has happened to me, there's so much I want to tell you. I hope you're coming to get me and we can be a family again." Kassy said so fast that her words almost seemed to be one.
"I'll be there real soon; I'm still pretty far away from you. But tonight we'll be together, I promise." Kithira replied smiling at her.
"Kithira, if you could tell me where you are coming from we could meet you somewhere other than Hypnos Command." Mike said standing behind Kassy his hand on the small of her back just above her tail.
"You once took me and Daryl to a place you liked to eat in Denver. I'll meet you there at 5 pm. And Mike please be sure to make a reservation this time." Kithira said smiling.
"Ok, I still eat there from time to time, I'll call ahead and we'll see you there at 5 pm." Said Mike as his hand rubbed Kassy tail base causing her to murr lightly.
"Why, not at Hypnos command?" Kassy asked as they made plans in front of her.
"Because your mother doesn't trust Hypnos anymore than I do sometimes." Mike replied looking at Kithira for confirmation.
"Make the reservation for that private room there, so we can have some privacy. And Mike, its good you remembered about my feelings for Hypnos." Kithira said watching both of their physical responses to her words.
"After what I've seen over the past couple of months a lot of what you told me makes so much since now. Besides how can I forget one of my best instructors and better lectures." Mike replied smiling.
"Daughter we'll talk this evening, I have to go now to be at the restaurant by 5 pm. I'll see you there, and I'm happy that you evolved into such a beautiful renamon." Kithira said smiling at her.
"I understand mother, I can't wait to see you." Replied Kassy happily as Kithira cut the connection.
Kassy turns to face Mike and smiling kisses him wrapping her arms around him. Unconsciously Mikes arms return the embrace as well as the kiss before being interrupted by Alex hollering from the kitchen for them to come to breakfast.
"Breakfast come and get it before I eat it all!" Alex shouted from the kitchen.
"Go on to the kitchen and start eating, I need to make a call into work." Mike said before kissing her again.
"Ok, but don't take to long. Or Alex may eat it all." Kassy replied as she walked away her tail swaying back and forth almost teasingly.
Mike dials the private line to the chief's office and waits for the machine to pick up.
"Chief, this is Stevens. Kithira called and has set up a place to meet. She won't come to command and it's a long drive so I won't be in to work today. Call me later you have the number." Mike said just before the voice mail cut him off.
"Come on Mike! Breakfast is getting cold!" Alex shouted from the kitchen.
"Alright I'm coming already!" Mike hollered back.
In the digital world the previous evening.
"My pet there is one thing I must do before you leave for the real world to take over my forces there." Said Xerxes a smile his face.
"What is that my master, if you are so inclined to tell me." Replied Anton from his kneeling position at Xerxes feet paws.
"When I travel to this real world, you my sweet pet will be by my side as I conquer the humans and make their world mine." Xerxes replied as he stood up from his throne.
"But master, with the firewall and gateways closed there is no way for us to go there." Anton said looking up at Xerxes.
"Not for me in my current form but there is a way I just discovered last night while playing with this while you slept." Xerxes said pulling out Anton's modified D-arc from his robes.
"But I've tried all the codes I know, the encryption codes have been upgraded and change daily my master." Anton said a worried tone in his voice.
"I found some interesting files on your D-arc, ones that told me how to do something's I never thought of before last night. And don't sound so worried my pet, your far too useful for me to get rid of." Replied Xerxes as he turned and placed his hands on Anton's head.
"What are you planning to do master? Asked Anton as a light began to glow from his D-arc.
"Oh just load your data my pet after all your just data here in the digital world." Said Xerxes with a laugh as the light became so bright from the d-arc that it was blinding Anton.
Anton tried to pull away from Xerxes grip in desperation but Xerxes just held on tighter as the throne room was washed in bright light from the D-arc. In horror Anton watched as his hands and arms started breaking down into a data stream that was sucked into his D-arc.
"So this is how my life ends? Odd, it doesn't hurt." Anton thought to himself as the world went black.
Seconds later a bright flash of light and the throne room comes into focus.
"What's happened? Why am I still here?" Anton said looking around the room in a voice not his own but a combination of his and Xerxes.
Then the realization of what Xerxes had planned hits him. And a smile forms on his face.
"Oh, father you fell right into my trap; all these years you didn't realize that I knew what you done to mother. The end result was her dying in a hospital for the insane! But now I have your power, your army, everything you had is now mine!" Anton shouted laughing as he looked toward the bed chamber and started walking to it.
"But first before I head back to the real world. I need to load some data and get rid of some bastard children." Anton thought to himself as he knocked the bed chamber door off with one kick. Looking around the chamber he sees his target, the five rookies that he was forced to give birth to by Xerxes.
"Damnation Flare!" Anton shouts unleashing his strongest attack on the rookies.
As their data breaks down Anton absorbs it and when he is through walks out to find that flunky Faerthan for some much needed payback before returning to the real world with his new army.
"By this time tomorrow Denver will be in ruins and unit#2 will be mine." Anton thought as he walked into the court yard.
"FAERTHAN! COME TO ME RIGHT NOW!" Shout Anton at the top of his voice.
In seconds Faerthan is kneeling before Anton.
"Great Xerxes, I report as ordered" Said Faerthan his voice shacking in fear.
"You Fool I'm Not Xerxes Any More I Have Evolved! From now on you will call me Anxerxes, prepare the army we leave for the real world at dawn." Anxerxes said looking down at the most useless of digimon in an army.
"Yes Anxerxes, and will we be taking your pet human?" Faerthan said not looking up and shuddering from the evil aura coming from Anxerxes.
"I have loaded his data, now get the army ready and moving to the gateway in the back court yard." replied Anxerxes as he kicked Faerthan down the steps and walked toward the tunnel to the back court yard to wait for his army to join him.
Back in Buffalo, WY. 8:50 am.
After the vid-phone screen went black.
"Well what do you think?" Devon asked looking at Kithira.
"From what I could tell it was him. Alex hasn't changed ether, he had a hard on the second he saw me." Kithira said with a smile.
"Well I did notice that it seemed that they had just gotten up. But what trou |
bled me was the fact that Mike had his hand a little low on Kassy's back, but at the angle from the screen I really couldn't tell." Devon said as he stood up from sitting on the bed.
"What you didn't notice mate was her eyes rolling back into her head and that only happens on a few spots on a renamon's body, and one of them is at the base of the tail." Kithira said as she headed for the room door only to be stopped by Devon's hand on her tail.
"You mean like this." Said Devon as her rubbed the base of her tail and lower back.
"Yes, exactly." Replied Kithira as she started to murr contentedly.
"I didn't know that renamon purred." Devon said smiling.
"In away we do, now stop that we have to get to Denver." Kithira responded brushing his hand away.
"Sounds like Kassy has chosen Agent Stevens as a mate, if you ask me." Devon said reaching around her to open the bedroom door.
"If she has then I will not interfere with her decision, it wouldn't be right for me to tell her whom she can choose as a mate." Kithira said as she stepped through the door into the main part of the suite finding it empty.
"They're out in the truck waiting on us, I bet." Devon said.
"Then lets get out there and get back on the road to Denver." Kithira replied heading for the suite door and opening it.
Outside everyone is standing at the back of the truck waiting for Devon and Kithira to come out of the suite.
"About time you two finished, any longer and I would have come charging in." Dax said jokingly.
"So was it the agent you remembered from the academy?" Lisa asked looking at Kithira.
"Yes, and he has agreed to meet with us somewhere else besides Hypnos Command. First we need to get to Denver and then be at BBQ From Scratch restaurant at 5 pm." Kithira said.
"I know that restaurant. They have real good bar-b-que and down home cooking, expensive to." Dax said as he climbed into the camper after Rayne.
"Good then when we get to Denver you can drive." Hollered Deb as she walked toward the drivers door followed by Achilles.
"I got shotgun." Hollered Lisa heading for the passengers door followed by Cole.
"Well looks like we're regulated to the camper again. Guess they don't like my driving." Said Devon as he held the camper door open for Kithira to climb in before climbing in himself and pulling the door closed behind him.
Within minutes they are back on the freeway heading south for Denver.
Unit #2 Denver Colorado, 6 am Mountain time
In the gateway chamber used for returning captured digimon to the digital world the security computer received an encrypted pass code.
On the screen:
Incoming transmission
Code: Alpha Omega 9666988 authenticated
Firewall deactivated
Gateway active all ports open
Security cameras and alarms deactivated
In seconds a digital field forms and figures start to appear walking out of the field.
"Capture all humans you find, and release all digimon that are useful." Ordered Anxerxes as he stepped over to the computer terminal and started entering codes.
Anxerxes in seconds pulled up the security cameras on one of the two monitor screens in front of him and watched as his troops began to systematically work their way through the base. On the other monitor he opened multiple windows with everything from controlling the security doors to shutting down the communication network to Hypnos Command in Colorado Springs just some 70 miles to the south. In another window he opened containment cells and wings letting the captured digimon free, and in another he changed the security codes for the bases main armory; locking it so no one could get into it.
In the security control for unit #2 6:02 am.
"Commander Edwards, something is wrong with the cameras, I just lost all of them!" Exclaimed Sargent Davis, as he worked the controls trying to restore the picture.
"Did you try changing the feed?" Asked Commander Edwards as he put his book down that he was reading on his desk and got up and walked over to the Sargent's desk.
"First thing I tried, the controls are not working." Said Sargent Davis as his monitor went blank and then displayed "Terminal Locked Out" message as Commander Edwards stepped up behind him.
"Shit! Now I'm locked out!" Sargent Davis exclaimed throwing his hands into the air.
"Call maintenance and get them up here right now. Put the unit on alert and call Hypnos Command and inform them what's going on." Ordered Edwards.
Picking up the phone Sargent Davis hits the speed dial for Hypnos Command and hears nothing when he puts the receiver to his ear. Trying again he gets the same result.
"Commander, the phones are dead also." Sargent Davis said looking up at the him.
Reaching pass the sargent, Commander Edwards hits the panic button that tells all personal to get to their emergency stations and nothing happens.
"Shit! Get geared up Sargent!" Hollered Edwards as he rushed over to the security offices small gun locker and unlocked it and grabbed one of the new digitizing guns designed to send digimon or anything else to the digital world and grabbing a second tossing it to the sargent.
Sargent Davis deftly catches the gun and switches the safety off.
Grabbing his cell phone off the desk Commander Edwards dials the direct line to Hypnos command bypassing the main line and directly to the control room. Putting the ear bud in Edwards is comforted by it ringing then someone answers.
"Main control, identify yourself this is an unsecured line?" The female voice on the other end said.
"This is Commander Edwards security commander for unit #2 we have a alpha one emer-" Is all he gets out as the office door is blasted off of it's hinge's and thrown across the room slamming him back into the armory locker with a nauseating splat. The call disconnected from the blast.
Hypnos Command Center, Colorado Springs. 6:05 Am Mountain time.
Junior agent Smith quickly writes down what she had heard on the phone line before being disconnected and gets up from her desk and carries the report over to senior agent Jones who is the agent in charge of third shift.
"Sir, this call just came in on a unsecured line, what do you make of it?" Agent Smith asked holding the report out for agent Jones to take.
Agent Jones takes the report and reads it.
"Probably some teenager just playing another prank; I wouldn't worry about it happens all the time especially this time of year." Jones said tossing the report on top of all the other ones that had come in since the start of third shift.
"But Sir! This call clearly states an alpha one emergency at unit #2 and from a commander, your not even going to check into it? Smith asked in a louder voice than normal for her.
"Agent Smith, your new here so you don't know about what happened last year; we received the same call from some teen in Denver claiming that hundreds of digimon had escaped from unit #2. Had us running around like chickens with our heads cut off, the agent in charge went as far to call the president and boy did that go over well with her. The end result was Hypnos being made a laughing stock of when it turned out to be a hoax. Just some high school student trying to get out of finals that week, and it worked for a day. Finals are this week in Denver; I know my daughter has been studying all last week for them. I'll check into it, go back to your station." Agent Jones replied.
"Yes, Sir. Hope your daughter passes." Agent Smith said as she turned and walked away.
"Forty seven minutes to shift change. How many more calls will come in before then?" Thought agent Jones as he picked up the report and got up from his desk.
"Hey Tom, mind the store I'm going to bathroom. And check into this report we got from unit #2." Said agent Jones as he tossed the report down on Tom's desk as he walked past.
"Sure thing, and grab me a cup of coffee on the way back." Tom Angeles replied picking up the report to read it.
"Oh boy here we go again another hoax at finals time." Agent Angeles mumbled as he filed the report on the activity log and then dialed the number to the security chief's office at unit #2 only to receive a busy signal before an automated message began playing.
"We're sorry all circuits are busy, please hang up and try your call again later." Said the message as it started to repeat as agent Angeles hung the phone up.
"I'll keep trying until shift change, then it's someone else's problem." Agent Angeles thought to himself as he picked up the next report to add to the activity log.
Somewhere on southbound I-25 in Wyoming 9:45 am.
"So Devon, I was wondering when you're going to revert to your human form?" Dax asked from his seat at the table looking up at Devon in the overhead bed.
"You tell me and we'll both know, that's the same thing Kit and I have been wondering over a month now." Replied Devon as he looked at Kit behind him.
"Well I know your mother looked over the programming in your D-advanced and found nothing wrong with it, and that if I took a look that I might find something she might have missed." Dax said looking bored.
"Why all the sudden interest in Devon's D-advanced?" Kithira asked as she poked her head over Devon looking down at Dax.
"It's general order 123-A; that's worrying me Kit. If anyone at Hypnos found out that he's a hybrid well we both know what would happen." Dax said.
"Besides as far as I'm concerned Devon is part of this team now along with his parents, which makes him family in my book." Dax said glancing at Rayne as she smiled at his words.
"Here, look at it and see what you can find." Said Kit as she tossed Devon's D-advanced down to him.
"It's nice of you to think of me as part of the team." Said Devon smiling as Dax plugged in his D-advanced into the laptop.
"This unit has been together over ten years and it just wouldn't be the same without a Thackry as a member of it." Rayne replied as she looked out the window over the table a tear running down her check as the memories of fallen friends flood her mind.
"Wow the programming on these D-advanced make my D-arc look like child's play." Said Dax as the lines of code slowly scrolled up the screen of the laptop.
"I hear sorrow in your voice, Rayne what's wrong?" Kit asked with a note of worry in her soft voice.
"Just remembering all our friends we have lost over the years because of these jerks that can't live with humans in peace like us." Rayne replied.
"Yeah I know how you feel Rayne, but that's the whole reason this unit was formed to protect both worlds." Kithira replied as she slid over Devon and climbed down from the overhead bunk.
"Boy, do you two remember all the training we had to do before Hypnos sent us out for the first time as a unit?" Dax asked not looking up from the laptop.
"Yeah it sucked, the trainers had no clue half the time and on the other half they actually got right." Rayne replied still looking out the window at the cars and trucks passing them in the speed lane.
"Remember that one trainer that was deathly scared of digimon?" Dax asked with a chuckle.
"Yeah, he wouldn't get within ten feet of a digimon, it didn't matter what type of digimon it was ether." Rayne replied with a weak smile and a giggle.
"Which one was that?" Kit asked looking back and forth at each of them.
"He left Hypnos a couple of months before you and Daryl joined up. Left due to undiagnosed psychological problems that showed up after he had worked there for six months." Responded Rayne with an amused tone in her voice.
"Why do I have a feeling that you had something to do with his problems?" Devon asked as he tried to keep from chuckling.
"Oh, poo. I've been found out. I plead guilty as charged." Said Rayne in a almost southern belle voice causing them all to laugh, with Devon laughing so hard that he rolled out of the overhead bunk and landed on the floor. Causing them all to laugh even harder including Devon.
"And you didn't tell me? What did you do to him?" Dax asked looking up from the laptop.
"I didn't tell you because I wanted to keep you out of trouble if it didn't go as I planned. As for what I did to him I'll never tell." Rayne said as she stuck out her tongue at Dax.
"I'll tell you what you can do with that tongue later and in private." Dax said as he looked down at the screen with a smile on his face.
"I hope it's something kinky." Rayne replied in a sultry voice.
"Alright you two stop the verbal foreplay. Lets talk about something else and not sexual in nature." Devon said as he stood up.
"Well what do we have here." Dax said getting all their attention.
"You find something?" Devon asked as he stepped around to get a clear view of the laptops screen.
"You could say that, I found out why you haven't been able to devolve to your human form." Dax replied as he scrolled back up the screen a dozen lines of code.
"So you going to enlighten us or keep us in the dark waiting for an answer?" Devon asked playfully but serious.
"Here's the problem, because you're a hybrid digimon/human crossbreed your D-advanced isn't recognizing you as being fully ether one and just doesn't have the programming to handle your human psychical characteristics. So you may be stuck as a digimon the rest of your life, but it may be too soon to tell until I can learn more about the coding your mother and the team she worked with on the advanced models." Dax said as he scanned another section of code from the D-advanced into the laptop.
"Great that means that I might as well as go to the digital world and stay there. I'll be damned if I'm going to end up on some table at Hypnos as some experimental test subject." Devon said his tone of voice sounding none too happy.
"That's a little extreme I just need more time to work it out. For all I know I haven't even found the section of code that handles evolving and devolving from one form to another, this section I showed you may be a section that's not even used or even a backup." Dax replied as he went back to looking at the new section that he just scanned.
"Well we better figure out something before we meet agent Stevens this afternoon, the last thing we need is him reporting a hybrid running around free." Devon said as he took a seat.
"There's a reason that we are meeting him at a restaurant instead of Hypnos Command. Like me he doesn't trust Hypnos blindly." Kithira said.
"I take it you had some fun with the darker side of Command, also?" Rayne asked.
"Yes, the ones that really control what goes on at Hypnos. The ones you never see unless you do something really bad and gain their attention to you. I ran into them after I was captured by the firewall years ago." Kithira replied her body shuddering from the memory.
"Same here, after I caused that trainer to quit the academy. They make a war greymon on the war path look like a tame gatomon coughing up a hairball when their mad at you." Rayne said looking scared by the memory of her experience with them.
"So what did they tell you?" Kithira asked looking at Rayne.
"Oh nothing real bad, just that they would ripe my code apart byte by byte until only my mind remained and then rebuild me into what they wanted. One even suggested that they rewrite my core personality and make a sex slave out of me. Talk about a fate worse than deletion." Rayne replied shuddering.
"That's just as bad as what they told me before they let me through the firewall and into a containment cell. I was told to behave or be made a pet for one of them and lead around on a leash. That was before I met Daryl and was partnered with him." Kithira replied.
"Simple scare tactics that they use to make sure wild digimon caught by the firewall cooperate with them. Devon let me see Kithira's D-advanced I want to compare some codes on it to yours and use it as a baseline." Dax said as he unplugged the D-advanced and handed it back to Kithira and held his hand out to Devon for Kithira's D-advanced.
"You're going to compare the two files and look for the differences in the codes hopping that will tell you why I can't resume my human form. Why didn't I think of that before now?" Asked Devon as he pulled out Kithira's D-advanced and handed it to Dax.
"Well I would say it's because you had other things on your mind. But the way you two go at it I would have to say you were thinking with the wrong head and not the one on your shoulders." Said Dax smiling as he hooked Kithira's D-advanced to the laptop.
"Be nice Dax, what mated digimon do in private is not our concern. Anymore than what we do is any of theirs." Said Rayne before Devon or Kithira could respond to Dax's statement.
"Your one to talk Dax, you two have been going at it like rabbits since the day I meet both of you." Retorted Devon smiling.
"Touch'e." Replied Dax as he started comparing the files.
Hypnos Command Center 9:00 am.
Agent Drake walked across the main floor heading for his desk on the way he stopped by the desk of agent Angeles and picked up the last nights activity log for review like he did every morning. As he reached his desk he placed the log book down with his cup of coffee he bought at Starbucks each morning on the way in. Sitting down at his desk agent Drake looks at the big wall size monitors for signs of trouble before leaning forward to open the log book and taking a sip from his coffee.
"Just the same old stuff, nothing new and unusual to check into. At least it's not like last year with that hoax at unit #2. Wonder what ever happened to that kid that called in the hoax?" Thought Drake as he read over the first five log entries. Reaching the sixth entry he almost drops his cup of coffee as he stands up quickly and looks around for agent Angeles.
"Shit! He's gone home already!" Drake exclaims out loud drawing attention from the other agents in the control room.
"Is there a problem Drake?" Chief St. John Asks from the catwalk overhead and behind Drake.
"Yes Sir, there is a serious problem. Last night a call was made to command from unit #2 from security chief Edwards, he called a alpha one emergency according to the logs! I'm wondering why we're still on normal operations as the log doesn't show if it was confirmed or not." Said Drake holding the log up for Chief St. John to see it.
"Call them and check on their status before I call for a lock down." Replied Chief St. John.
"Yes sir, I'm on it." Said Drake as he sat the log book down, picked up a phone and called unit #2.
Two minutes pass before Drake hangs up the phone, and then looks up at Chief St. John.
"They're not answering chief." Drake said as he hung up the phone.
"Try contacting them over the network secure line." Ordered the chief as he walked to the stairs to the lower level.
Drake sits down at his desk and logs in to the system as the chief walks up behind him.
"Trying to connect now sir." Said Drake his fingers flying over the split dual keyboards attached to each arm of his chair.
On the screen in front of Drake, codes are entered and accepted giving him access to the main computer network at unit #2 in Denver. Entering the commands to bring up the security monitors at the unit gives an "access denied" message. Changing tactics Drake tries bringing up individual monitors all over the unit only to receive the same "access denied" message.
"It's no use sir I can't get past the security codes on the cameras there. I can try to reach one of the security stations or anyone there that's signed in." Drake said as he pulled up a list of active computer terminals at unit #2.
"Drake, try anything that gets us in, anything you can think of. We need to find out the status of our people there. Mary get on the phone to the president and inform her of the current situation here." Chief St. John said as he sat down at the nearest desk to Drakes and signed into the system.
"Hold on chief I'm getting a data stream on the security feed from the main security office." Drake said looking over at the chief.
"Put it up on the main screen and speakers." Ordered the chief.
On the main screen the normal picture of the network for the whole country is replaced by the smiling face of a digimon, shocking some of the command staff in the control room.
"Ah, Chief St. John how nice to see you again." Anxerxes said his smile fading to a frown.
"Blake you sick bastard, how did you-" Chief St. John. started to ask but was cut off by Anxerxes.
"Shut up St John, the name is Anxerxes! Here's the way this is going to work. You have 24 hours to turn over to me that interfering bitch Kithira and her team of misfits. Second the U.S military forces and police near unit #2 must leave the area. Also control of the network must be turned over to me by 5 pm! Otherwise I will start releasing all of the captured digimon here onto the streets of Denver. This is the only warning you'll receive, any military or police forces what so ever try to attack this location and I will kill all base personal, also in 24 hours I will kill ten people here every hour until Kithira and her team are delivered to me." Anxerxes said.
"You know I can't do that! I don't have the authority to make those orders and you know it! Besides we have no idea of where agent Kithira and her team are." Replied Chief St. John.
"I don't care what you can or can't do, make it happen or I start killing base personal and let all theses digimon go into the streets of Denver!" Anxerxes said as he cut the video feed.
The control room stayed quite for almost a minute before the chief said anything.
"What you people standing around for get back to work! Get the president on the phone! And check all security controls for the network, firewalls and gateways here at command. Move like you got a purpose!" Shouted the chief as he stormed up the stair to his office.
"Drake! Call in all personal in the area it's going to be a long day!" Said St. John as he slammed his office door shut only to find a file laying on his desk marked urgent read immediately.
Sitting down at his desk and opening the file Chief St. John is not shocked to find the results of Anton Blake's latest DNA test.
Results: human DNA 65% digimon DNA 35% hybrid confirmed.
"Shit! How did that bastard get around all our security for so long and I'm just now finding out about this!" Exclaimed St. John before he took a drink of coffee and his other hand reached for the phone that's line was a direct line to the presidents office.
Agent Stevens car north side of Denver Co. 12:10 pm.
"So Mike where are we going first?" Alex asked from his seat as he poured chocolate syrup into a can of cherry coke.
"I figured we go to the mall and have lunch first and then head over to the place we're meeting agent Kithira. And how in the hell can you drink that?" Mike asked from the driver's seat.
"It's no worse than you drinking that stuff you call coffee with breakfast, besides this tastes like chocolate covered cherries with a fizzy kick, which you won't buy me." Replied Alex as he took a drink of the coke.
"What's a chocolate covered cheery?" Kassy asked from the passenger seat.
"It's a candy that Alex likes, wish mother had never gave him one he's been hooked on them ever since." Mike said as he pulled the car off the freeway.
"It's like the best candy in the entire world! All rolled up in a little ball about the size of my fist." Alex said holding out his fist to show Kassy the size.
"Oh, so it's a food. Maybe I'll get to try it someday." Kassy said as she looked out the window.
"I hope it doesn't do to you what it does to Alex." Replied Mike with a sour look on his face.
"Oh come on Mike I'm not that bad, well at least not like I am with eggs, sausage and pickled peppers." Alex said in his sing song voice.
"No, but it has been worse. That time you ate four servings of dad's chili with beans. And mom made you sleep in the dog house for days before she would let you back in the house." Mike said smiling over at Alex.
"How many times are you going to keep bringing that up?" Said Alex obviously embarrassed as he hid his face.
"Why did she make him sleep in the dog house?" Kassy asked a puzzled look on her face.
"He gets really bad case of gas when I let him eat the wrong things." Mike responded making a sour face and then pinching his nose shut.
"Ok, enough about my body functions you've embarrassed me enough for one day in front of your mate Mike." Alex said in a tone that informed Mike that he had went too far in his joking with Alex.
"Ok, no more teasing I promise." Replied Mike as he pulled the car into a parking spot in the mall and shut the motor off.
"Hey, Mike your phone is flashing that there's a message for you." Alex said as he picked the phone up from the seat holding it up for Mike to take it.
"Oh crap! Hypnos has been trying to get me since ten this morning." Mike said as he opened the phone and dialed the chiefs private line.
The phone rings three times before it's answered.
"St. John this better be good." St. John said as he answered the phone call.
"Hey chief it's agent Stevens, sorry about not call-" is all he can get out before chief St. John cuts him off.
"Calling you? What makes you think I've been calling? Lets see, maybe the ten messages that say CALL WORK ASAP! On them." St. John said in a very loud and tense voice causing Mike to hold the phone away from his ear.
"Ok, hang on I need to switch ears because I can't hear in that ear now. Now what do you need?" Mike asked as he changed ears.
"First where are you?" St. John asked.
"In Denver waiting to meet with agent Kithira." Mike replied.
"Good, here's the situation, sometime this morning Anton Blake took control of unit #2. We don't know yet how he got there from the digital world. Next he's calling himself Anxerxes now and looks like a crossbreed between a daemon and a human. And he has made a list of demands that Hypnos can't give into." St. John said.
"What demands did he make?" Mike asked a worried tone in his voice.
"Oh lets see, complete control over the network for starters. The he wants agent Kithira and her team to give up at unit #2 to him by 8 am tomorrow, and lets not forget all military and police personal to leave the area around unit #2 or he starts killing off the base personal starting at 8 am tomorrow morning. That about covers it." St. John said.
"Well his demands put him in the crazy but not stupid category. I can understand the network demand, with control over it he could bring as many digimon here that he wants to from the digital world. Same goes for the military and police forces, he wants to have a buffer zone between himself and them. But agent Kithira and her team that's what I can't understand." Mike replied.
"Maybe she found out something about Blake in the digital world he doesn't want getting back to Hypnos, your guess is as good as mine, so ask her when you meet with her." St. John said.
"Chief correct me if I'm wrong. I thought that agent Kithira's team was all killed except her?" Mike asked.
"As far as we know her team was reported kia in the digital world months ago." St. John said.
"It appears that Blake believes that they are still alive and here somewhere in this world. Wonder how they've stayed off the radar for so long?" Mike asked.
"They are all trained for seek and destroy, escape and evade. So you figure it out. They're all highly trained and got top marks in their classes." St. John replied.
"What do you want me to do after meeting up with agent Kithira?" Asked Mike somewhat worried.
"Tell her what has happened and tell her as of 12:30 today you are officially assigned to her unit and under her command. The unit's orders are to s&d Anton Blake and any others helping him. Also Anton Blake now falls under general order 123-a and is too dangerous for containment if you have a problem with the s&d order." St. John said.
"Orders understood, but there is a problem sir. I'm not due to meet Kithira until 5pm." Said Agent Stevens worried.
"Fuck! That's yet another bit of bad news I didn't need to hear." growled St. John irritably.
"Well if it's any consolation, agent Kithira usually shows up early or at least she used to when I had her for one of my instructor's at the academy." Agent Stevens replied.
"If you can make contact with her early and then with a little luck and a prayer we'll get out of this pickle we're in." St. John said.
"Unless there's anything else I'll get geared up and go wait for her to show up." Agent Stevens said.
"Oh one last thing if I don't hear from you or someone from the unit by 6 pm the network connection will be cut and the power shut off in attempt to force him out." St. John said before he hung the phone up.
"Shit fire and save a match!" Stevens said as he tossed the phone down on the seat.
"What's wrong Mike?" Alex asked in a worried tone.
For the next fifteen minutes Mike explained everything he was told to Alex and Kassy before starting the car and leaving the mall behind and heading over to the meeting place.
Somewhere south of the Wyoming state line on I-25.
"Here's what I've done, I've compared the programming of both Kit's and Devon's D-advanced and found these differences. On Devon's, it has almost 2 gig more of data which I have been able to account for as his human dna, memories and so on. But I've also found the reason he hasn't reverted to his human form is that for some reason the D-advanced has locked his renomon form as his base form aka his in training form." Dax said as he showed Lisa the data on the laptop through the connecting window between the truck and camper.
"But that can't be right I programmed his base form into the D-advanced when he was still a child." Replied Lisa as she looked over the data.
"What age was he when you programmed the D-advanced the first time for him?" Dax asked.
"Oh five or six I can't remember exactly." Lisa said.
"That's it! You programmed it when he was a small child and not after he hit puberty, that's why the D-advanced is not recognizing his base human form now." Dax said excitedly.
"Do you think that we can fix the programming to allow him to revert to human?" Lisa asked hopefully.
"Not with this laptop I can't, now if I had access to the system at Hypnos I might be able to do it. But that's like walking into the lions den if you ask me." Dax said.
"I heard that!" Achilles said from behind Dax in the camper.
"No offense intended, it's just a human phrase meaning walking into a trap that you know is there." Dax said looking back at Achilles.
"Great, that means without a mainframe system we can't get Devon back to human before meeting with agent Stevens." Griped Lisa from the back seat of the truck.
"That about covers it. But we can pass him off as Cole's son if the question comes up." Dax replied.
"Agent Stevens isn't that stupid. He'll want to know where Devon is, and then ask who the extra digimon is and ask about him." Kithira said next to Lisa.
"How would you know what he'll ask us when we meet him?" Dax asked looking at her quizzically.
"Simple, from the statement St. John gave after Kassy was given citizenship. At this time they know that nether Devon or his mother was sent to the digital world with their house over a month ago, they would have checked. Thus agent Stevens has already looked up Lisa's employee file at Hypnos and has a picture of her and possibly of Devon with him." Kithira said in her no non sense tone.
"Well if it comes to that, we'll just have to tell the truth about Daryl and Devon, me and Cole. Not that I like the possibility of that." Lisa said not to happy about the prospect.
"Agent Stevens is a fair man or at least from what I learned of him in the academy. He won't judge anyone until he has all the facts." Kithira said.
"Well I hope he listens better than some of Hypnos employees did when I was still working there." Lisa replied.
"As long as Kassy is safe, that's all I care about." Kithira said.
"Hey guys, I'm pulling over for Dax to take over driving being he knows where we're going." Devon said from the driver's seat as he pulled the truck over to the side of the freeway and put it in park.
"Oh goodie I get to actually see where we're going for a change." Dax said cheerfully as he nudged Rayne awake.
"Hey a girls sleeping here, what's up?" Rayne asked groggily.
"Time to get up sleepy head our turn up front." Dax replied as he put away the laptop and then headed for the camper door.
"Ah darn, just when that dream was getting good." Said Rayne as she got up from the bed and stretched, then followed Dax out of the camper.
"At least you're not stuck up here in the overhead bunk trying not to puke your guts out." Said Deb as she grabbed a plastic trash bag and held it near her face.
"Ain't my fault you drank too much of Achilles and didn't use protection." Rayne said with a smile as she left the door open for Lisa and Cole to climb in.
"Let's see how you like it when you get pregnant!" Shouted Deb in response to Rayne's remark as Lisa climbed in followed by Cole.
After they start moving again with Dax driving.
"Why do you rise to her taunts?" Asked Cole as he relaxed on the lower bunk with Lisa held close.
"Don't worry about it; it's just a game we play. She teases me about something and I do the same to her at times." Deb responded smirking just before her face began to turn a little green but managed to keep from emptying her stomach yet again.
"I see, then I'll refrain from making comment in the future." Cole said looking down at Lisa.
"I figured with you and Lisa already having two children that you would remember the morning sickness that we pregnant females have." Deb said.
"Oh, yes the morning sickness. Not much different from digimon females, they tend to be moody and withdrawn for a day or two until they lay an egg or two. Then they're back to normal." Cole replied.
"Yes, I remember it all too well, both times." Lisa chimed in as she snuggled against Cole's chest a content smile on her face.
"The truth is, I never thought I could get pregnant with Achilles here, I never considered the possibility until I missed two months of my period." Deb replied.
"Well I already told you about my experience with Cole and that nose of his telling me that I was pregnant before I had figured it out." Lisa said.
"One of the most highly keep secrets by Hypnos is the possibility of humans getting digimon pregnant and vis versa. Hence general order 123-a. That's why I'm worried about Hypnos finding out that I'm pregnant by Achilles." Deb said as she pushed back against Achilles who was laying behind her.
"That order just bothers me, why make an order that would rip families apart?" Lisa asked.
"Hypnos didn't want it public knowledge, mainly to keep the fringe groups mostly on the internet from finding out. They feared if that little known fact got out they'd have every nut job out there demanding to go to the digital world seeking a mate." Deb said.
"That's sad really, think of all the lonely people out there that could have a digimon partner and not know it. Besides the mating aspect of it, that's something that comes with time and love for another besides ourselves." Replied Lisa.
"True, I and Achilles here didn't actually become lovers for almost seven years after we were partnered." Said Deb as Achilles big paw hand affectionately rubbed her belly.
"For me and Cole it was before I finished high school in Spokane when I still lived at my parent's house. Boy did they get a shock finding me and Cole in bed making love one night when they were out eating dinner and returned early." Lisa said almost laughing at the memory.
"So what happened?" Deb asked almost leaping out of the overhead bunk.
"Oh, nothing much just a long lecture about sex from mom and dad. The funny thing was they already knew that me and Cole where lovers before they caught us at it. Never could lie to mom to save my life." Lisa replied chuckling at the last.
"They weren't upset that you had chosen Cole as your mate?" Deb asked.
"No, they weren't happy about it but accepted it as my choice and not theirs. Mom hoped I'd marry a doctor or lawyer or someone like that." Replied Lisa as the truck slowed down and pulled to a stop.
A second later Kithira stuck her head through the connecting window between the truck and camper.
"We're here everyone out." Said Kithira and pulled her head back out of the window.
"Darn! I thought I would get time for a nap." Cole said as he looked down at Lisa.
"You can nap later, let's get our granddaughter back." Said Lisa as she stood up and Deb climbed down from the overhead bunk.
"Now let's not attract too much attention to ourselves while we're in the restaurant." Lisa said as she opened the camper door and hoped out followed by Deb and then their mates.
"Well that's going to be not a problem in this restaurant. It's agent Stevens parents place. They have digimon and trainers here all the time." Kithira said as she walked up with Devon in tow from the passenger side of the truck while Dax and Rayne came from the other side to the rear.
"We're actually over an hour early. So what do we do until 5 pm?" Deb asked.
"What else, we go in and eat and wait for them to show up." Replied Kithira as she walked across the parking lot to the building entrance leaving the others to follow.
The restaurant from the outside had the modern look to it as they approached but once inside the main doors they realized that the fancy outside was for appearances only. The inside looked like it was from a different era all together. A throwback in time to the old west when the city was just barely a town. The walls where done in rough cut wood planks with various pictures and tools of the old west adorning the walls. A wood palisade made like a wood fence separated the entry way from the large dining area. And the most tantalizing smell of wood smoke and slow cooking meats filled the air, causing most of their stomachs to growl when the smell hit their nose's.
"Howdy, can I get y'all a table? Or are y'all just here for the buffet?" Asked an aging gentleman as he walked up with a stack of menus and placed them on a table by the door.
"We're actually early but are wondering if the private room was available?" Kithira asked in a soft voice.
"Oh, y'all must be the ones my son was telling me about. The room is ready, hey I remember you! Agent Kithira one of Mikes instructors at the academy; It's the same room y'all used the last time you and your partner was here. Speaking of your partner where is he?" He asked as he picked up a stack of menus and walked down toward the back of the dining area along one wall.
"My partner died on our last mission in the digital world over a month ago." Replied Kithira in a solemn voice as she walked behind him.
"Sorry to here that, Mike spoke highly of you two; Credits you two with his graduating the academy." He said stopping in front of a door and opening it for her and waving her in with the hand that carried the menus.
Walking in Kithira and company is shocked to see Agent Stevens with Alex and Kassy sitting at the big table eating. Kithira can't help but laugh as Kassy and Alex look up from their plates with BBQ sauce covering most of their faces. And agent Stevens face pristine clean as he sets his glass down and stands up.
"Well look what the mon dragged in!" Exclaims agent Stevens as he walks around the table to meet Kithira.
"I see we're not the only ones that arrived early. Looks like you're enjoying yourselves." Kithira replied stopping to stand in front of agent Stevens.
"Hey, Kithira what do you expect we're growing digimon." Alex said from the table.
"Alex you've been grown for along time, still the bottomless pit I see." Jabbed Kithira smiling at him.
"MOTHER!" Exclaimed Kassy as she dove past agent Stevens and wrapped her arms around Kithira almost knocking her down from the force of the impact.
"Daughter, I'm so happy to have you back. I thought I had lost you also." Kithira replied holding Kassy close for a minute before letting her down.
"What's this scent on mother? A male has been with her, his scent is strong. It's like daddy's but different somehow. There's another scent coming from her. She's with cubs! When was she going to tell me?" Thought Kassy to herself as Kithira lowered her to the floor.
"Now settle down and let me introduce some people I want you to meet." Kithira said as she waved the others forward one at a time.
"Yes, mother. I just can't believe that your here, but when were you going to tell me you're with cubs." Kassy said.
"This is Devon, my new mate and your fathers bro- I'm what?!" Kithira said grabbing Devon by the arm.
"Kit, when were you going to tell me?" Devon asked as he drew close to Kithira smiling happily.
"I didn't know if I was really carrying your cubs, I just wanted to be sure before I did tell you." Kithira replied looking down and rubbing her belly.
"How could you possibly not know. It's been obvious to me for the past week." Cole stated as he rubbed his nose.
"And you didn't tell me my daughter was pregnant?" Asked Lisa punched Cole on the arm lightly.
"It wasn't my place, mate." Cole said chuckling at the punch that barely ruffled his fur.
"Ah, I thought your son Devon was human?" Asked agent Stevens looking at Lisa, Cole and then the one introduced as Devon. Before a look of realization hits him.
"You know that under general order 123-a I'm supposed to apprehend you three. But it's a good thing that I don't follow every the order issued by command. Besides that order covers dangerous hybrids if I remember correctly, which leaves it open to a wide interpretation. And I don't see any dangerous hybrids here. What about you Alex, Dad?" Agent Stevens said smiling.
Everyone with Kithira tensed up with agent Stevens the mentioning of order 123-a and apprehending them.
"mo I don she any." replied Alex through a mouthful of rib bone and meat dripping with BBQ sauce before going back to his food with the gusto of a mon that's been starved his whole life.
The old man that had brought them to the room spoke up then after giving a hardy laugh at Alex's antics.
"Nope, my boy I don' see no dangerous hybrids, I just see your friends here, and some new faces. Kithira how bout you give a more proper introduction eh?" said Mike Steven's father.
Everyone relaxed as the realization that they had nothing to fear from agent Stevens or his father.
Kithira nodded happily more than a bit overwhelmed at the confirmation of what she had been thinking for a week or so.
"Well with that said. This is Devon Thackry-Ro'tharan Silver Diamond brother of Daryl and my mate. Over here is Lisa and Cole Ro'tharan Silver Diamond, Devon's parents. Next we have, Deb and Achilles and lastly Dax and Rayne the last of my unit." Kithira said introducing each in turn.
"Well I see that the reports were wrong, they said y'all were dead in the digital world months ago." Said agent Stevens looking at Deb, Dax and their digimon partners.
"The news of our deaths has been greatly exaggerated to everyone's disappointment." Dax said with a British accent bringing a round of laughter from everyone.
"Everyone sit, please and I gets some food and something to drink brought out shortly." Said Mikes dad after the laughter died down.
Everyone sat down at the table and Mike's father left to get some menus as he was not sure what everyone would like.
"So Mike, why are you wearing your gear?" Kithira asked as she took a seat.
"Here's the deal, as of 12:30 pm today Alex and I are officially assigned to your unit. Secondly I've new mission orders for our unit from Commander St. John." Mike replied.
"Not sure I like where this is go-." Dax said but was cut off by Kithira holding up her paw toward Dax.
"It's good that he is reinforcing this unit, but who else is he sending to me? And when can we expect them to show up?" Kithira asked.
"As far as I know right now just Alex and me. But if there are others I haven't been told about them." Replied agent Stevens as his father came back in and started handing out menus to everyone quickly then left the room heading back out front.
"So what is this mission? As the units intelligence officer I should have received the flash orders first." Asked Dax more than a little perturbed at the news.
"Normally you would have, but for the last five months you've been listed as kia in the digital world along with the rest of the unit. Which bri-." Agent Stevens said before he was cut off by Rayne jumping in.
"WHAT! K.I.A. in the digital world, yeah right. By who and with who's army?" Exclaimed Rayne.
"Rayne, stuff it! Agent Stevens please continue." Kithira said looking sternly at Rayne.
"That was in the report that was sent to Hypnos by Anton Blake. Which we now know is false otherwise we wouldn't be talking right now. As far as the mission is concerned I think we can wait for me to brief everyone after we eat." Replied agent Stevens smiling at them all.
"I just have one question, did command know about the tracking devices put in our D-arc's when we came in six months ago? Dax asked as he set the menu down in front of him.
"Command found out about them after Anton Blake's computer was searched at J.A.S.F. Headquarters and his daily journal was recovered from the computer. Along with other files that incriminated him in a whole string of crimes including the murder of agent Thackry and his unit. What did you all think that Hypnos was behind the killing of it's own agent's? Asked agent Stevens a little shocked when the realization hit him.
"What else were they supposed to think? They get called in for a meeting and then within a month of the meeting their unit is getting killed off in both worlds. I found the tracking device in Kithira's D-arc the same day Kithira showed up at our house. That was only after Kithira told me what had happened to her unit, that was when I put two n' two together and examined the D-arc." Lisa said a little hot under the collar from Blake's name being brought up.
"I can see this from their point of view, and I do understand why you all would think that. Everyone at Hypnos Command was shocked to find out that one of our own had turned against us, even more so when his own journal described in detail the installation of the tracking chips and the murder of Hypnos agents." Replied agent Stevens solemnly looking at Lisa.
"Which brings up another question, what is Hypnos going to do about it?" Devon asked.
"The warrant on Anton Blake has been updated this morning by chief St. John, Anton Blake is now on this countries most wanted list at #1. But there is an exception on this one, the government has put a bounty on his head of 5 million dollars and that's for him dead or alive. Funny thing is I think they would prefer him dead to save the country millions on the court trial." Mike said responding to Devon.
"Just point me the way I need to go and he's good as dead." Devon said in a very cold voice his eyes glowing faintly.
"Calm down mate, Daryl will be avenged when the time is right." Kithira said as pated Devon's forearm.
"Listen to your mate, my son. Running off to avenge him in anger is not wise; especially when we have no clue as to where this Anton Blake is." Cole said in a calm voice from the other end of the table.
"Ok is everyone ready to order?" Asked agent Stevens father as he came back into the dining room.
"Me and Achilles will take the ribs for two with mashed potatoes, pinto beans and make it a double order, oh, and two sweet teas." Deb said as she handed back the menus.
"I see someone has a healthy appetite." Mikes father said as he wrote down the order.
"He loves ribs and I'm pregnant and starved." Replied Deb smiling and rubbing her belly, causing the others to chuckle or giggle at the display.
"Congratulations." Said Mikes father smiling before he turned to Lisa and Cole.
"The BBQ chicken salad with an unsweetened tea for me and Cole will have a double order of the BBQ chicken half with spring water." Lisa said.
"The pulled BBQ pork sandwich and tea for me and the combo plate with tea for Rayne." Said Dax smiling and handed back the menus.
"And for the last couple?" Mikes father asked looking at Devon and Kithira.
"I'll take the combo plate and a coke, and what would you like my kitten?" Devon asked looking at Kithira.
"Make mine the same as my mates." Kithira said handing back the menu.
"And Mike what would you like?" His father asked.
"A piece of mom's apple pie with ice cream." Mike replied.
"I should have known." His father replied shaking his head as he turned and headed out the door.
Chapter 10:
Meanwhile at Unit #2
"Master, the humans haven't turned over control to the network yet. Something tells me their going to stall on that demand." Faerthan said as he shuddered in fear this close to Anxerxes.
"Of course they are going to stall for time! That's what makes them think that they are in control of the situation, when they can't control even themselves." Anxerxes replied as he switched the view from outside cameras on the monitor in front of him.
"So what do you plan to do? Master" Asked Faerthan.
"Maybe they need some incentive to agree to my demands." Anxerxes thought a second before continuing. "Send twenty of the greymon outside and have them destroy all the buildings around my base for two blocks away from it. Some of the closer buildings are close enough for a digimon or even a human unit to gain entry to my base, and that would be very bad." Anxerxes said as he watched the monitors for any sign of just that.
"Excellent idea! I'll see to it at once master!" Exclaimed Faerthan as he turned and ran out of the control room.
"You do that and hopefully some tamer will save me of the trouble of destroying you myself. Let's see how long it takes the humans to report my greymon destroying the city on t.v." Thought Anxerxes to himself as he reached over and turned on the small LCD screen and started flipping through the channels looking for the news station.
Minutes later at one of the gates along the walls of unit #2, twenty greymon assemble and wait for the gate to be opened as they receive final instructions from Faerthan.
"Here are your orders from our master Anxerxes! You twenty greymon are to go outside of the base and destroy all buildings within two blocks of the base. You have free reign to destroy any digimon and human tamers you encounter! Now go!" Shouted Faerthan as the gate opened.
The twenty greymon charged forward with a roar through the gate, the first ones through the gate firing off nova blasts as fast as they could at anything that in their sight. Car tires squealed as drivers locked up breaks of their cars trying to avoid hitting the first greymon as it stepped onto the road blocking traffic causing a major chain reaction wreck. The first car was thrown forward into the leading greymon's left foot and over the top of it. The greymon roared in pain as it lost it's balance and fell straight down on top of the car that just ran over it's foot. The driver died instantly as the greymon's weight blew the tires and crushed the car like a beer can. Seeing a chance to move up in the ranks, the second greymon fired it's nova blast repeatedly at the fallen leading greymon until it roared one last time before it's data broke down to be loaded by the other. The second started glowing and digivolved into metal greymon with the addition of the new data.
"Spread out, start destroying any and all targets!" Ordered the metal greymon just before he unleashed his strongest attack on a nearby building.
The other 18 greymon spread out as they came through the gate and started firing on any targets, people, buildings, cars, anything within range. Slowly buildings fell under the onslaught of the nova blasts and giga destroyer attacks.
Inside unit #2 Anxerxes watched as the underling greymon loaded the others data and then evolved.
"I'll have to keep an eye on that one. Opportunistic little shit!" Thought Anxerxes as he smiled at the destruction he had caused outside.
Minutes later overhead a helicopter from one of the local network tv stations flew over after hearing on the scanner about some major fighting going on around the well-known unit # |
2. Inside the helicopter the reporter quickly got on his phone.
"Ted! Listen to me! I'm over unit #2 and well it's just unreal the amount of destruction I'm seeing. There's at least fifteen large digimon destroying everything down there! Are you getting this?" Floyd Benstine Asked as he looked at his camera man.
The camera man gave a thumbs up while operating the nose camera by the remote control.
"Ok, Ted give us a minute." Said Floyd as he closed his cell phone and tapped Greg the camera man on the shoulder getting his attention.
"Send the feed to the station we're going live in 60 seconds." Floyd said.
Greg quickly flips a couple of switches on the control board and grabs the shoulder cam used in the helicopter and on the ground. Looking through the sight Greg adjusts the focus on Floyd as the voice of Shelia back at the stations control room counts down in his headphones.
"Live in, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and go." Greg said as he counted down the last ten seconds.
"This is Floyd Benstine of Channel 7 news I'm live over the much famed unit #2 of Hypnos here in Denver. Right now as I speak, below me there is at least fifteen very large digimon cutting a path of destruction around unit #2. The devastation I'm seeing is unreal, cars, buildings anything in their path is being destroyed. This is just unimaginable; I hope everyone is seeing what I'm seeing. Wait a minute I'm trying to make out something through the smoke down there. Greg, see if you can zoom in on about 4 o'clock position. I can't believe it! There's a female tamer down there fighting with one of these large digimon, she's directing another digimon to attack one of the large orange digimon. I'd don't believe it the tamers digimon just destroyed one of the orange digimon! She's waving at someone I can't make out who, there's people down there! She's directing them to safety, covering them as they get away from the greymon I'm being told what they are now by the station through my headset. We're going to remain over the area as long as we can and keep showing you all at home what's going on here. This is Floyd Benstine for channel 7 news over Hypnos unit #2." Floyd said in a shocked voice as he watches the retreat of the woman and her digimon from the battle ground below.
Inside unit #2 security control room.
"Ah, it's going better than I had hoped, no police or military forces to hold back the onslaught of my forces. One lone tamer and her digimon, how pathetic can this get? I'd at least hoped that Hypnos would have sent someone." Thought Anxerxes to himself as he caught the last part of the live news feed from channel 7 and waited for them to replay it or show more.
At Agent Stevens parents restaurant the group is eating the food they ordered and talking over old times and new ones.
"Well at first I thought it was just a dream and that's when I felt someone else in bed with me. As it turned out it was Kithira here, somehow I was able to travel to the digital world and bring her back with me." Said Devon as agent Stevens father rushed into the room slamming the door against the wall and ran over TV.
"Dad! What's wrong?" Asked agent Stevens as his father turned on the TV.
"Channel 7 is showing a live battle between digimon a little over a mile away from here. The other customers are watching it out front." He said as he changed over to channel 7.
"You're kidding?" Asked Deb in disbelief as the older TV warmed up.
"No I'm not son. Outside you can hear the explosions from here, I heard them when I was taking out the trash just a few minutes ago." He said as the sound on the TV came on.
They all watch as the scene at unit #2 is replayed again in silence.
"Everyone let's go we've got work to do." Kithira said as she stood up.
"Hold it agent Kithira, there's some things you and everyone need to know before you go charging in there." Mike said as he stood up.
"All I need to know is there is digimon attacking innocent people in a city I'm sworn to protect." Kithira said as she set her fork down on her plate.
"Anton Blake took over unit #2 sometime this morning. And has made a whole host of demands that the chief can't meet, one of those demands is you and the rest of the unit to turn ourselves over to him at unit #2 by 8 am tomorrow morning or he'll start killing the base personal." Mike said in a somber tone.
"That bastard is here in Denver then I don't have to chase him down in the digital world." Devon said his voice taking on a feral sounding tone as he began raging.
"Son, Clam yourself! You can't go in there after him at least not through all them greymon alone. And at least not in your present condition." Cole said as he placed his paw hand on Devon's shoulder.
"I've fought a greymon before Dad, and won. What's so hard about fighting a greymon?" Devon asked looking up at his father.
"We fought that greymon together, you've never battled in a one on one mate." Kithira said stepping in close to him.
"Then we all go in there and cover each other's backs until we bring Blake down." Said Devon even more serious and determined than before.
"Devon you may now be a digimon but that doesn't mean that you're indestructible! Besides you don't have the training the rest of us do." Lisa said to her son.
"Mother I have more training than you did the first time you and dad battled. Remember my friend from Britain? Mother." asked Devon.
"Yes, what about her?" Lisa asked looking at Devon curiously.
"She's a renamon that fights in the battle dome once or twice a month for the prize money. And sometimes she asked me to sit in for her tamer when she couldn't be there for the match. She taught me a lot about battle before I knew who and what I was." Devon said somewhat calmer than before.
"If he's had that much training then let him come along." Alex said from his seat next to Mike.
"One more can't hurt, especially against the somewhat overwhelming forces arrayed against us." Achilles said standing up.
"Ditto here, he can only help us." Deb said standing up next to Achilles.
"The more the merrier I always say." Dax said tossing in his two cents.
"Ok you come with us but you're coming as my tamer and you're not to engage in direct combat unless it's an emergency." Kithira said hugging Devon.
"There's some of our orders everyone needs to know about before we leave and it will only take a minute to cover them." Said agent Steven looking at Kithira for permission to continue.
"What are the orders?" Kithira asked almost impatiently.
"Anton Blake is our primary target, we are to S&D him. Information was received this morning by chief St. John that he is a hybrid as defined under order 123-a and has proven to be too dangerous for containment. Any questions?" Mike asked looking at the group.
"That's good enough for me." Dax said pulling out his D-arc and deck of modify cards.
"Then here's the plan, the greymon outside the unit are first targets and with any luck Blake will come out and play." Kithira said her voice flat and devoid of emotion.
"I sure hope so, I've wanted a piece of him ever since we got that report on Daryl's death and Kassy being alive the other day." Deb said as she pulled close to Achilles.
"Sorry Dad, don't mean to eat and run but duty calls." Mike said as he gave his father a hug.
"I know son, y'all take care and stop them from hurting anyone else." His father replied as they started filling out of the room.
"How much is the bill?" Dax asked pulling out his wallet.
"Don't worry about it, my sons in the same unit and that makes you family." Mikes father said waving him off.
"Family or not I always pay, even if they don't know it." Dax said laying the hundred dollar bill on the table and walking out the door after the rest of the group.
As the group walked through the main dining room the sound of explosions could be heard even over the TV and all the customers talking about the news on the TV causing the group to speed up getting outside.
Once outside.
"Ok, I'm driving, Cole, Devon and Kithira with me up front. Everyone else in the camper!" Lisa shouted as she held her hands out to Dax for the truck keys as they ran to the truck.
"Aren't we going with them?" Alex asked from Mikes left shoulder.
"Might as well." Mike replied.
"Hey! Wait for us!" Kassy yelled as Dax was holding the door to the camper open.
"Better hurry up this boats leaving real quick!" Dax said with a smile as they climbed in.
"Ok, everyone's in lets go!" Deb said through the connecting window.
Before anyone could get sat down Lisa put the truck in gear and hit the gas causing everyone standing in the camper to grab for something to hold onto to keep from falling.
"Damn! Hey Lisa you in a hurry?" Deb asked loudly.
"The sooner we get there, the better off the whole city will be!" Devon replied from the front.
"Kassy, when we get there I want you to stay close to me and not engage in battle with the greymon." Mike said as he pulled out his D-arc and card deck.
"But I can help like everyone else, why do you want me to stay back?" Kassy asked.
"Because I don't have a D-arc for you and can't use modify cards to help you in battle. Besides I don't want anything to happen to you." Mike said caressing her cheek lightly.
"I don't want anything to happen to any of us especially you Mike." Kassy replied reaching up and holding his hand.
"Oh boy! Here they go with the mushy stuff!" Alex exclaimed from Mikes shoulder.
"Alex! Behave will you for once." Mike replied as he tried to hide his embarrassment from the others.
"Look at them blush." Said Deb as Mikes face and Kassy's ears turned red.
"Can it Deb! We got more important things to worry about." Dax said as he prepared for the coming battle like Mike was.
"I was just trying to lighten the mood before we get there." Replied Deb as she too started getting ready.
"He does love her. Mister self-proclaimed bachelor has finally fallen for someone. Well I won't stop it he needs a female to be there for him. Unlike that last one that broke it off when she found out that Mike was a tamer. That one was a real nut case and gave me the creeps." Alex thought to himself as he watched their unit get ready for battle.
Up front in the cab.
"Devon make sure you have the D-arc out and some general modify cards ready when we get there. You may not have time to look through your deck and have to act fast. Remember greymon have nova blast, great horn attack and firewall for attacks besides the physical claws and stomping someone to mush under their feet. Oh, and don't discount their tail. They can whip it around and use it as a weapon to. Here pull out my deck." Lisa said as she handed her purse to him and floored the gas pedal to make a yellow light.
"And you complain about my driving! I think battling greymon would be more relaxing." Said Devon jokingly as he pulled out his mother's deck of modify cards from her purse.
"Why do you think I'm always complaining about your driving; because you even scare me sometimes." Lisa replied.
"Another two blocks should be close enough, any closer and we might lose the truck in the battle." Said Kithira as a nova blast flew by overhead.
"I don't think we're going to get another two blocks. Looks like the police have blocked the road up ahead." Lisa said spotting the police cars blocking the road.
"Pull on up to the blockade and we'll walk the rest of the way." Kithira said from the back seat.
"Cole, tell the others what's going and what we're going to do." Said Lisa as she started slowing the truck down to stop at the road block as Cole turned and stuck his head through the connecting window to tell the others.
Pulling the truck over to one side of the road block Lisa shuts the motor off and climbs out before the officers can approach the truck followed by the others. As agent Stevens hops out of the camper he sees the officers walking up and pulls out his Hypnos Id card and holds it up.
"Sorry miss but you can't park th-." Is all the officer gets out before being cut off by agent Stevens.
"I'm Agent Mike Stevens from Hypnos containment & control. We need to leave our truck here while we handle this." Mike said in a loud and clear voice.
"Sir! I've been told not to let anyone through this road block without orders." Said the officer.
"Well officer this is my authorization right here! Hypnos Containment & Control who else do you think handles champion level digimon, the U.S. Army. I think not, those boys can't handle this level of digimon." Mike said as he walked over to one of the police cars and picked up the bull horn from the hood.
"I still need some sort of confirmation to let you through the road block sir." The officer .
"Fine, here's my phone. Call my boss chief St. John on his private line. It's listed as St. Johns office. And be sure to explain to him why dozens of people are dying right now while you're keeping me from doing my job!" He shouted as he left his phone on the squad car and walked around it heading for the battle followed by the rest of the group.
Minutes later they entered the battle zone, smoke from the burning buildings dropping visibility down to less than a hundred feet.
"Ok everyone spread out and keep sharp for enemy contacts." Kithira said as she stepped over a pile of rubble.
"Hey guys, I'm sensing a lot of digimon somewhere to the left front and some more to the right." Alex said from Mikes shoulder.
"The ones on the right might be the greymon that have been doing this. I say we take them first." Deb said in almost a whisper.
"Rayne you take top guard and see if you can spot anything from upstairs." Kithira said looking over at Rayne and Dax.
"I'm on it." Rayne said as she quickly disappeared into the smoke overhead.
"I hate fighting in smoke like this." Achilles said as he helped Deb over a wrecked and twisted car.
"This is the part I hate the most when you know that the enemy is out there but can't see them." Dax said as his eyes kept looking back and forth for any sign of the enemy.
"Reminds me of the village I first saw Kithira in." Devon said to no one in particular.
"Everyone Move!" Shouted Kithira as she jumped left as a nova blast rocketed toward them out of the smoke.
Mike grabbed Kassy and dove left, Achilles grabbed Deb and jumped right as Cole was grabbing Lisa and going the same way. Devon jumped straight up and watched as the nova blast pass below his feet by a good twenty feet. On his downward plunge he grabbed what was left of a light pole and swung himself around like a gymnast on the high bar and landed deftly on top of it with his feet.
"HA ha ha, more data to load. Come on out and let's make it quick." Said the greymon as it slowly came forward out of the smoke that had obscured its position.
"What are you that blind that you can't see me? And I always heard that greymon had good eyes." Devon taunted sitting on the light pole as he reached into his gauntlets and pulled out Kit's D-arc and the prepped cards.
"We do but that's not what you should be worried about." The greymon said.
"Then it must be your bad breath, really when was the last time you used some mouth wash other than sewer water?" Asked Devon as he flipped off the light pole backwards and in mid flip swiped the first card through the D-advanced before he landed on the ground.
"Damn, Devon do you have to taunt him like that. Whats he trying to prove?" Thought Kithira to herself as she felt energy flow into her body from a modify card.
"Oh your real funny, ha ha. Now die renomon, Nova Blast!" The greymon shouted before he fired off the nova blast at Devon.
"Hyper-speed activate! Diamond Sphere!" Devon shouted as he curled into a ball as a diamond shell formed around his body.
As the power of the modify card flowed into her Kithira was already moving into attack position. The Nova blast past right over the diamond sphere that encased Devon to detonate behind him being it was aimed chest high and not lower.
"Hey ugly over here!" Kithira shouted from a building ledge just above the greymon's head causing him to look her way.
"Oh great another one." Said the greymon he saw her as he moved and stood over Devon.
"Cole get Devon out of there!" Ordered Lisa from behind the car they had leaped behind when the attack had started.
"He's ok in the diamond sphere, now stay here." Cole said as he stood up exposing himself to the greymon.
"He's right over me, here's a surprise for him." Devon thought to himself as he threw his arms and legs wide breaking the sphere.
"Ah oh, I could be in trouble time to get some help." Said the greymon when Cole stood up and realized that he was out numbered.
"Not so fast, rapid kick!" Devon shouted as he jumped up from the ground aiming for the greymon's jaw.
As if in slow motion the greymon's head pulls back just enough for Devon's kick to miss, Kithira launches herself into the air not toward Devon but toward where the greymon's head will be in seconds as he starts to turn tail and run.
"Flying kick!" Kithira shouts just before reaching the greymon.
There's the sound of Kithira's kick connecting and the greymon's head is moving back the way it came from in time for Devon to hit the greymon with a multiple kick combination on his way down. The greymon roars in pain but its not overwhelmed by the kicks and turns in defiance to face it's attackers once more. As Kithira lands on the light pole Devon used only seconds ago and Devon lands on the ground and quickly jumps away from the greymon.
"Thousand spell! Cole said as he drew a Siegel in the air with a big paint brush.
"Eden's Spear!" Rayne shouts as she plunges down out of the clouds of smoke.
Both attacks are too much for the greymon to stand as he roars in pain before his data scatters.
"That was easy only a gig or 3 more and we'll be done." Said Devon jokingly as Cole walked over to him and Kithira dropped down from the lamp pole.
"What the hell were you thinking?" Lisa asked as she ran over followed by the rest of their group.
"Simple mother, diversion tactic; I was the center of his attention which allowed Kithira, dad and Rayne to get the upper hand." Devon said smiling.
"Still there was things that greymon could have done and you would have been in a world of hurt." Mike said throwing his thoughts into the mix.
"But I-" was all Devon got out before being cut off by Kithira.
"I told you not to engage unless you had to! As my tamer it is your responsibility to help me in battle not the other way around!" Kithira said looking at Devon.
"Right now is not the time to discuss who is right and wrong, there are enemy digimon close by." Said Cole getting everyone's mind back on why they were there.
"Lets get moving the others may have heard the battle and be on their way here." Mike said as he took Kassy by the hand.
"Hold on we need to talk about what we're going to do next." Deb said looking at Kithira for an answer.
"Yes, lets plan what we're going to do first." Kithira said.
"What did it look like up there?" Dax asked Rayne.
"There's four greymon over to the right four blocks away. The others are spread out pretty thin in a circle around the unit, it looks like they're clearing a two block radius around the unit." Rayne replied.
"Anxerxes is making sure he can see anyone coming before they reach the base, it's what I would do." Said Mike from his position walking behind them with Kassy.
"With them spread out like they are, maybe we should go directly to the base and call him out?" Devon commented from one side.
"If we did that we could be surrounded and having to fight our way out also." Dax said from the left of the group.
"Rayne, how many greymon did you count?" Kithira asked.
"I saw 16 greymon and one metal greymon who seems to be leading the others." Rayne said.
"Eh, they out number us two to one thats not good." Kithira replied looking back at Rayne and the others.
"Fighting all them would leave us all way too weak to finish the job and rescue the base personal, besides we have no idea of how many digimon are inside with Blake." Achilles said.
"Take the head of the snake and the rest will scatter with no one to lead them." Said Lisa whispered.
"What was that mate?" Asked Cole.
All eyes turn to look at Lisa.
"I said, if we take the head of the snake the rest would scatter. Meaning if we get Blake the rest of the digimon will scatter. It is after all him that is leading them." Lisa said.
"The problem is getting to him. I doubt that his just going to walk out of the unit without a fight." Kithira said looking at the wall of unit #2 through the thinning smoke.
"Well he does seem all fired up about wanting to get his hands on you for some reason. Being your part of the demands he made." Mike said.
"That's because of the secret Daryl and I found out about him a months before he murdered Daryl. He didn't want it get back to Hypnos, because if it did his plans would be ruined." Kithira said as she scanned the thinning smoke for signs of more greymon.
"Surely it's not because of him being a hybrid. There has to be more than that for him to kill most of your unit." Replied Mike as he looked at her questioningly.
"It was partly about him but mostly about his plans to take over both worlds. We found out that his father is Xerxes the daemon that caused the network to crash ten years ago and also the one behind the anti-human movement that has been on the rise in the digital world in the last few years. Our last mission was to find out as much about his plans as we could." Kithira said seriously.
"Here's the way I see it, we can ether battle all these greymon and tire ourselves out. Or we can walk up to one of the gates and call him out." Mike said.
"That sounds like suicide if you ask me." Deb replied sarcastically.
"He strikes me as the type that not just wants to win a battle, but to gloat and make sure you know it." Dax said.
"From what I remember about him, he liked to play chess in the cafeteria during lunch and used to get real mad when he lost. But lord help you if he won, he never let anyone forget it when they lost to him." Cole said standing at Lisa's side.
"Typical sore loser; and has an anger management problem and more if you all remember the psychological report on him." Said Devon as he danced in place keeping his leg muscles lose.
"I got a plan, but it's going to be tricky to pull off, if anyone is interested." Said Mike as all heads turned toward him.
"Let's hear it." Said Kithira as the helicopter from channel 7 news flew overhead.
Meanwhile at Hypnos Command 4 pm. That same moment.
"There is no way we can't turn over control of the network to him. If we did that, it would leave the entire country open to attack from the digital world!" Chief St. John said as he tossed a file on his desk.
"Is there a way that we can make it appear like he has control, when we still have it? The President asked.
"Wouldn't work, he's too smart to fall for that. Anton Blake aka Anxerxes, has in depth knowledge of our systems and protocols. This makes him very dangerous no matter which world he's in." Chief St. John replied.
"Then what can we do?" The President of the United States asked.
"For now, all we can do is hope and pray that my S&D team on site gets the job done. Otherwise I might have to agree with your advisors attack plan." Chief St. John said.
"If your team fails in regaining control of the unit, I'll be left with no choice but to order an allut bombardment of unit #2 by army forces in the region." The President said.
"And that will be my official recommendation to you madam President if it comes to that." Chief St. John replied as Drake barged into the chiefs office.
"Sorry to interrupt you chief, you need to see what's on channel 7!" Said Drake as he hurried over and turned on the chief's office TV.
As the t.v. comes to life.
"Just moments ago I spotted a group of digimon and I guess their tamers having a very heated discussion on the ground. Now it appears that they are moving toward unit #2, as to which side they're on I do not know. The scene here is just unimaginable, whole city blocks have been destroyed around unit #2. And the smoke from the fires is blocking most of what's happening on the ground from my vantage point high above in channel 7's helicopter." Floyd Benstine said as he looked out the door window.
"Excuse me! Chief, that's my friend Dax on the screen! Son of a bitch! He's alive; I knew that the report of his death was bullshit!" Drake said almost ecstatic from seeing his friend alive.
"Drake! Watch your language in front of the president! If he's a friend of yours call him and get an update of what's going on in Denver besides what we're seeing on TV." Chief St. John said.
Drakes cell phone goes off alerting him to a text message before he can do anything else. Pulling out the phone Drake steps out of the chief's office only to step back in after reading the message.
"Chief, look at this." Drake said holding his cell phone out to the chief. St. John takes the offered phone and reads the message.
"Give him all the help we can." Chief St. John said handing the phone back to Drake before turning and facing the camera.
"Madam President, that was a text message from one of my people inside unit #2. He can't help us right now but he's in a position to do something if need be." Chief St. John said.
"Do you have a plan?" Asked the president.
"Yes, yes I do. Now if you'll excuse me madam president I will get to work on just that. Unit #2 will be under our control before mid-night." Chief St. John said.
"Update me as soon as something changes." Said the president as she turned off the camera and cut the connection.
"Get strike teams 1 through 5 to the gate room and gets hold of your friend Dax and found out who's with him. You know the routine, and Drake get me some coffee in here. It's going to be a long day." Chief St. John said as he studied the lay out for unit #2 on his desk.
At unit #2 in the security room at the same time as Chief St. John is watching TV in his office.
The same news cast is watched intently by Anxerxes hoping to catch a glimpse of the group heading toward his new fortress.
"Faerthan! Get a group of digimon ready to repel this foolish group coming this way. And remind me later to load that metal greymon's data for allowing them to get this close." Anxerxes said as he watched the monitor.
"Yes, my master. I'll see to it at once." Faerthan said as he bowed, then turned and left the room.
In the corner of the room, sargent Davis watched as Anxerxes issued orders. Slowly he worked his cell phone out of his pants pocket and typed a text message, then sent it, hoping that his captors hadn't notice that he had awakened.
Outside unit #2.
"Are you sure this plan of yours is going to work?" Devon asked as he hoped over the remains of another mangled car.
"Just remember what you're to do if it works. Otherwise this is going to be the shortest offense in history." Replied agent Stevens as he walked around a pile of rubble and stopped in front of the south gate into unit #2.
"And if it doesn't the shit is going to hit the fan." Devon said as he stopped slightly behind and to the right of Agent Stevens.
"Let's just hope he takes the bait." Kithira said from the other side of agent Stevens.
"Well let's get this over with." Alex said from agent Stevens shoulder as Kassy step up between Kithira and Mike drawing stares from both of them.
"I thought I told you to wait back with the others." Kithira said annoyance in her voice.
"You did mother, but I chose to be here with Mike." Kassy said moving closer to agent Stevens.
Kithira eyes her daughter for a second and starts to say something when agent Stevens raises the bull horn in front of his mouth and keys up the bullhorn he got from the police.
"This is Agent Stevens of Hypnos, Anxerxes I'm here with Agent Kithira. Come out and lets talk about your demands." Mike said.
"Now all we can do is wait, and see if he comes out of there." Kithira said as she watched the gate and the walls to either side.
"I'm ready for whatever comes out of that gate, I've got some modify cards set up." Devon said with his paw like hands inside of each gauntlet.
"Good, now lets hope he comes out and does not send a bunch of lackeys to do his work." Said Alex from agent Stevens shoulder.
"On guard people the gates opening up!" Kithira exclaimed as she took up a battle stance.
"Lets just hope the others were able to find a working gateway and-" Is all agent Stevens got out before being interrupted.
"Bada Boom!" hollered an Impmon sending five fireballs at the group as he bounced out the gate followed by an unknown digimon.
"Scatter! Mike shouted as the fireballs fly toward the group, he tosses Alex into the air and dives for cover.
"Free thrown bomb! Exclaims the BomberNanimon as he hurls a bomb their way from behind Impmon.
Kithira and Devon jump high into the air and in unison, both of them crossing in the air and moving closer to the Impmon. Kassy caught almost off guard ducks just in time as Impmon's bada boom attack fly's over her head, and the free thrown bomb attack lands right in front of her.
"Kassy get out of there!" Mike shouts when he sees the bomb and starts running to her.
Kassy throws herself into a back flip trying to put some distance between herself and the bomb as Mike rushes toward her.
"Digi-modify! Diamond Claws Activate! Hyper Speed Activate!" Devon shouts from the left side as he jumps into the air.
On the right side Kithira feels the power of the modify card enhance her already sharp claws with the strength of diamonds.
As if in slow motion Alex watches as Mike throws himself between the bomb and Kassy and watches in horror as the bomb explodes. Mike takes the force of the blast full on and is thrown back into Kassy, knocking her off her feet.
"MIKE!" Alex shouts as he dives for his partner, his shout drawing the attention of Devon and Kithira for a second.
"Diamond Storm!" Exclaims Devon as he reaches the apex of his jump aiming for the Impmon.
Kithira on the other hand runs at the BomberNanimon, her claws gleaming in the light.
"Power Paw!" Kithira shouts when she reaches the BomberNanimon and strikes twice knocking the digimon back toward the gate.
"Hey, those claws hurt you bitch! Try this Explosive Punch!" BomberNanimon hollered throwing a punch at Kithira and missing as she stepped away.
"Ah shit I should have stayed in the digital world!" Exclaims the Impmon as the diamond storm attack hits him but doesn't destroy him.
"Yeah you should have!" Devon said as he lands next to Impmon and a second later sends him flying back over the wall of unit #2 with a well-placed kick between the uprights causing Impmon to scream in pain.
"Rapid Kick!" Shouts Kithira as she attacks BomberNanimon again, connecting and causing him to back up a step.
"Was that supposed to hurt?" BomberNanimon asked casually as he wiped off his chest.
"Oh shit! Kithira's in trouble!" Thinks Devon to himself as he pulls out his modify cards and D-arc and looks at the cards he has ready for this situation.
"Well then, I'm just getting started." Kithira said as she circled him.
"So am I! Free thrown bomb, free thrown bomb!" BomberNanimon shouted tossing two bombs at Kithira.
"Digi-modify! WarGreymons Shield Activate!" Shouted Devon as the bombs flew through the air toward Kithira and the shield appeared in her hands.
"Here's some for you to! Free thrown bomb!" Shouted BomberNanimon throwing a bomb at Devon as the other two impacted and exploded on the shield protecting Kithira.
"Diamond Shield!" Shouted Devon as he jumped away from the bomb and curling into a ball as the diamond shield formed around him
After the bombs explode on the shield Kithira takes the shield and throws it like a Frisbee at BomberNanimon and then jumps away.
"Clang!" The sound of metal hitting metal is heard.
"Thanks for the shield Renamon. But I don't need it, Here take it back!" BomberNanimon said as he throws the shield back at Kithira.
Kithira dodges right as the shield flies toward her just barely avoiding taking her head off but clips her shoulder drawing blood. Kithira growls in rage from the pain and changes direction again, the hyper speed power boost making her a blur of movement.
"Damn that was close! That hurt but not as bad as it could have been." Kithira thought to herself as she maneuvered for another attack. And so did BomberNanimon but not at Kithira or Devon instead he was setting his sights on the three a short ways away.
Almost a mile away as the battle is going on.
"There's an internet cafe, they should have a gateway we can use." Dax said as they crossed the street holding up traffic.
"I hope the chief's plan works or this is going to be a real short trip." Rayne said from behind him.
"I still don't like leaving Devon behind, I wish he was with us." Lisa said looking up at Cole.
"He's not going to leave his mate you know that. Nor more would I under the current circumstances." Cole replied.
"Kit kat can handle a lot of stuff, Devon's better there with her than here with us going to the digital world." Deb said as they entered the internet cafe.
"Welcome to Reds Internet Cafe, Can I help you all?" The saleswomen asked from behind the counter as they walked in.
"Do you have a digital gateway on site?" Dax asked looking around.
"Yes, we do. But it's-" Is all she can get out before Dax cuts her off.
"Hypnos official business where is it?" Dax asked rather impatient.
"Behind the wall and to the left." She said pointing to the small wall that jutted out from the stores side wall into the main area.
"Thanks." Is all Dax said as he headed for the wall and disappeared behind the wall followed by the others including the saleswomen.
Behind the wall Dax gets on the keyboard and starts typing his id and password into the system. The system comes to life as his id is confirmed.
"Well everyone on the pad and let's get out of here." Dax said waving everyone to get on the transport pad. Once all of them are on the pad, Dax hits the button that will send the group to the digital world and steps on the pad with the others very quickly. The saleswomen watches as they fade out to nothing and then the gateway resumes lock down mode.
Close by on the battle field.
"MIKE! Come on Mike! Wake up buddy, come on you got to wake up!" Alex said almost hysterical as he shook Mike by a shoulder.
A soft groan comes from Agent Stevens as he slowly starts to regain consciousness, and rolls over as Kassy pushes him off of her.
"What happened? What's wrong with Mike?" Kassy asked looking up at Alex.
"He took the brunt of the attack protecting you from BomberNanimon's attack." Alex replied looking over Mike for any wounds.
"Alex we've got to get Mike out of here, and I mean now!" Kassy said as she jumped up, then tried to pick up agent Stevens.
"Trying to leave so soon, ah come on I'm just getting started." BomberNanimon said as he readied another attack, drawing Alex's attention.
"YOU HURT MICHEAL!" Alex said looking up at BomberNanimon.
"Good he's a pathetic human that shouldn't have gotten involved." Replied BomberNanimon as he closed the distance between himself and Alex.
"Take care of Mike. I'll take care of BomberNanimon." Said Alex looking at Kassy then leaping into the air at BomberNanimon surrounded by a bright glowing light.
"Free Thrown Bomb! Free Thrown Bomb!" Shouts BomberNanimon hurling two bombs at Alex a second apart.
From Kassy's position next to Mike, she watches as the bombs fly's straight and true. Both bombs explode at point blank in front of Alex. Alex screams as the blast hits him and knocks him back to land beside Mike and Kassy.
"A bunch of rookies is what they send against me! Don't they have anything better to offer?" BomberNanimon asked almost laughing.
Elsewhere nearby.
Devon shatters the diamond shield upon hearing Alex scream and looks around in time to see Kassy picking up Alex. Reaching into his gauntlets he pulls out the stack of cards and D-advanced, looking through the cards he sees the tip of a blue card in the stack. Pulling out the blue card a thought comes to him.
"Kit! No questions! Check your deck!" Devon shouts holding up a blue card as he starts moving toward her.
Kithira looks at Devon and nods pulling out her deck Kithira finds a matching blue card and holds it up for Devon to see as he reaches her side.
"Great time to take this to the next level. Swipe them together on three, look at the screen then shove the D-advanced back into our gauntlets fast. Three, two, one, swipe!" Devon said as he swiped the card through the D-advanced.
Almost in unison they swipe the cards through the D-advances, check the screens, then shove them into their gauntlets. In one voice as the light of digivolution surrounds them.
"Digi-modify! Digivolution Activate!" They both shout.
"Renamon digivolve to Kyubimon!" Shouts Kithira as the digivolution process starts.
"Renomon digivolve to Armor Kyubomon!" Shouts Devon as the power of the card flows into him.
Back over where agent Stevens, Kassy and Alex are.
Kassy picks up Alex and takes him close to agent Stevens as he comes fully awake.
"Alex! Oh Alex, what happened to you?" Mike asked as he takes Alex from Kassy's arms.
"Yeah, buddy. Not bad for our first battle together?" Asked Alex as he looked up at Mike and then to Kassy as parts of his body started to fade away.
"Alex hold on, let me get out the cards so I can help you." Mike replied as he tried to get his deck out of it's belt case.
"No buddy it's too late for that. Besides I was only meant to be here until your true partner showed up." Alex replied looking up at Mike then over at Kassy.
"What do you mean by that? Mike asked somewhat confused by what Alex was saying.
"Kassy loves you in away I can't, you love her in away that you can't love me. You to are meant for each other. Now give me to Kassy there's one thing I have to do before it's too late." Alex said as his form started to fade even more.
Mike honoring his best friends request holds him up for Kassy to hold, tears running down his cheeks.
"Alex you can't leave! We've just got to know each other." Kassy said as she took him from Mike.
"Kassy I can't be reborn here in a digi-egg, nor can I return there in time, I've lost too much data by now. So here's my last gift and request to the both of you. Kassy load my data, love Mike for the both of us." Alex said as he looked up at her for the last time and made a wish with the last of his breath before closing his eyes. Holding Alex's body close to hers Kassy feels his body slowly merging with her; his remaining power flowing throughout her body strengthening her. In front of Mike a gold D-arc appears floating and slowly drops into his hand.
"This is the only wish I ever made, for you two to be partners." Alex's ghostly voice says as the light from his D-arc on Mike's belt goes dark forever.
Wrapping her arms around Mike, Kassy looks into his eyes.
"Let's finish this for Alex, partner!" She said pulling away.
Pulling himself to his feet, Mike takes Alex's D-arc off his belt and hooks the gold one on the ring with it. He then pulls out his deck of modify cards and pulls the top ten cards from the deck and returns the rest to his belt pouch.
"For Alex!" Mike shouts as he swipes the first card.
Kassy watches as Mike swipes the card and then feels the power of the card flow into her along with the all the raw emotions Mikes going through with the loss of Alex.
"Oh! This is almost as good as mating!" Thinks Kassy with the influx of power floods her body making it glow.
"Digi-modify! Eden's Javelin Activate!" Shouts Mike as tears still roll down his cheeks.
"Too much power! TO MUCH POWER! I, I CAN"T! NOT I, WE!" Kassy said shaking her head back and forth as her voice going from normal to a shout as she stepped over and pulled Mike to her as the blinding bright light envelopes them.
Inside Unit #2 security control room.
"Faerthan you have my permission to load that coward Impmon's data. Send out biker boy and a few of the Cherrymon to clean up that mess him and BomberNanimon made of it at the east gate." Ordered Anxerxes as he watched the battle on the monitor. Behind him in the corner sargent Davis looked down at his cell phone's display.
"Team in-bound from digital world we need the gateway access code for the unit. Can you get it?" The text message asked on the screen.
Looking over at the monitor that showed the gate rooms computer screen. Sargent Davis types in the current code and sends it.
Seconds later the vibrate goes off on his phone, alerting him of another message.
"Understood, helps coming." Is all the second message said.
Back outside the east gate.
"What the Fuck!" Exclaims BomberNanimon as three digivolutions happen around him, his eyes looking back and forth watching.
As the light dies away from the first two digivolving he sees a normal Kyubimon and another that looks like a Kyubimon but very different. That one is not only bigger by almost half again the size a normal Kyubimon, but had nasty looking high polished armor with spikes all over it ranging from 6 inches to 2 feet. All of them covered with different colored substances. The colors on some leaving no doubt to being deadly poison. The armor itself covered him completely from nose tip to the tip of every one of his nine tails without seams or any kinks in the armor to be exploited for weakness, yet he seemed to be able to move as if it was silk covering his body and not the smooth near blinding armor. Standing over 10 feet tall and snarling made for an impressive if not a down right frightening sight.
"Digivolving won't help you for the pain I'm going to inflict on you and will still hurt just as much." BomberNanimon said as he drew back his arms to throw some more bombs at them. Only to have his arms grabbed from behind.
"We may have something to say about that." a voice dark said and guttural.
"What the!" Exclaimed BomberNanimon as his arms were jerked into a new position they never were meant to be in with a sickening snap and pop.
"You killed Alex, now you pay the price." Said the same dark, guttural raging voice as he picked up BomberNanimon and slammed him into the ground in front of the dark digimon like a rag doll.
"Hey, I'm just following orders!" Shouts BomberNanimon helplessly as he looks upward to see the results Digivolution he missed and knew true fear. "Dark S-Sakuy-
"Soul Stealing Revenge Attack!" the Dark Digimon exclaimed sending a bolt of dark energy into BomberNanimon. When it hits, BomberNanimon is almost instantly deleted. And his data is absorbed by the Dark Digimon with an evil gleam in his eyes. His eyes barely seen through the helm, black orbs with blood red irises that were filled with the need for revenge and hate. A horrifying chuckle was heard from the Dark Digimon..
"Now for your master!" The Dark Digimon Said angrily as he looked at the now open gate of unit #2.
The Silver Renamon Series
Chapter 10 Part 2:
The Battle for Life or Death: The Showdown
At Unit #2 main gate:
Devon starred in shock as the unknown digimon destroyed BomberNanimon with a single attack. And felt Kithira's uneasiness.
"What's wrong Kithira." Devon asked Kithira
"That is what's wrong. Mike and Kassy by the gods they've dark digivolved into Dark Sakuymon. And now if they attack us we may have to destroy them. They are now no longer on our side, not exactly anyway." Kithira answered with both fear and regret in her voice.
"What are you talking about! That's Kassy and Mike we can't destroy them! They are our friends!-" began Devon out loud but was quickly silenced my Kithira.
"You are still young and naive, about a great many things concerning the darker side of the digimon world. Your mother did you a disservice by overly protecting you from it-- NO!" Kithira admonished Devon gently then was suddenly was being held up by her neck by the Dark Sakuymon.
"You think you can stop us? You are either with us or against us! We will destroy Anxerxes. If you get in our way you fall with him. But as I recall you have the same goals as we do. So I believe we should get going before we are discovered. I don't relish the idea of facing Anxerxes weak as a kit because of a few of Anxerxes minions decided to get annoying." Dark Sakuymon said coldly before putting Kithira down and heading inside, giving Devon and Kithira no choice but to follow with worried hearts and a lot of misgivings.
In the digital world.
"Damn! I forgot what it's like to come here." Lisa said picking herself up from the ground with Cole's help.
"Yeah the ride is ok, it's just the landings that suck" Said Dax dropping down from the boulder he landed on.
"It could be worse, we could have landed in a lake. Is everyone alright?" Achilles asked walking up with Deb on his arm.
"We're ok, Lisa just got surprised by the abrupt landing that's all. I on the other hand am used to it." Cole replied shrugging his shoulders as he dusted himself off.
"Same here." Rayne said dropping off the same boulder behind Dax.
"Good, let me get a fix on the gateway for unit #2 and we'll head out." Dax said pulling out his D-arc and hitting the scan button.
"Well at least the sky hasn't changed much since the last time I was here." Commented Lisa looking up at the multi colored sky overhead.
"On this layer, all the digimon are fortunate. Other layers are nothing more than dead lands devoid of all life anymore, this ongoing war between the digimon has taken it's toll on the digital world in many ways." Said Cole his tone sad but hardened from the years of fighting.
"Well at least now we know of who's behind all of this we just have to get into unit #2." Deb said looking at Cole.
"Ok, I got a trace on the gateway it's that way about two miles and down about thirty feet." Dax said pointing in the direction of the gateway.
"Then lets move, there's no telling how it's going for the others in the real world about now." Said Lisa heading the way he pointed.
"Everyone keep eyes and ears open, Anxerxes might have left some guarding the gateway." Cole cautioned as they started walking.
"True but if they did then they'll be in a world of hurt when the other team shows up along with us." Rayne replied taking a quick glance over a boulder.
"Enough chatter, let's get the job done." Dax said advancing down the canyon.
Meanwhile inside the gates of unit #2
Beelzemon watches as BomberNanimon was deleted by Dark Sakuymon's attack, and then her picking up the Kyubimon. Some words are said but he is unable to hear them from this distance. Shortly Dark Sakuymon lets the Kyubimon go and they turn toward the gate walking his way.
"Oh Shit! I think the boss can handle this himself." Beelzemon said looking up at the Cherrymon gathered inside the courtyard.
"You stay and fight like the rest of us or I'll load your data myself!" The Cherrymon in the lead of the other five Cherrymon said.
"Load your own data! I'm not sticking around to fight a dark digimon! Even with your help! I'm out of here!" Beelzemon said climbing on his motorcycle and burning rubber toward the open gate.
"Coward!" One of the Cherrymon shouted as Beelzemon speeds off.
Outside the gate Beelzemon power slides to a stop in front of the two Kyubimon and Dark Sakuymon.
Dark Sakuymon holds up her right hand as it starts to glow.
"Hold it! My fights not with you! I'm leaving! I just came here to find my tamer!" Beelzemon shouted hoping for mercy.
"Then leave already, or I'll load your data also!" Replies Dark Sakuymon her hand not wavering.
"I'm going, right now." Beelzemon said revving the throttle and swerving around them heading into the city.
As Beelzemon goes past them Dark Sakuymon turns her hand following him till he's out of sight obscured by the smoke of the fires in the area around unit #2.
"Why did you let him go?" Devon asked.
"Why not, he's not the one I'm after. His boss is the one I want." Replied Dark Sakuymon as she continued toward the gate.
"It does make sense, I imagine many of Anxerxes followers where promised their wildest dreams if they flocked to his call." Kithira said.
"It explains how he was able to get an army of digimon to follow him." Replied Devon flanking behind and to the right of Dark Sakuymon as Kithira did on the other side.
Stopping short of the gate Dark Sakuymon pulls her hands together in front of her and they begin glowing with power.
"What's she doing?" Thinks Devon as he watches the sphere of energy grow in her hands.
"Tsunami Force!" Dark Sakuymon shouts pushing the sphere of energy towards the gates.
When the sphere gets three feet away from her it spreads outward in a cone of bright energy toward the gate. When it hits, the gate and some of the wall on either side of the gate disappears in the explosion. Pieces of the gate and wall hurtle into the courtyard catching the gathered Cherrymon off guard.
"Knock! Knock!" Dark Sakuymon shouts as she charges into the court yard with Kithira and Devon on her heels.
All of the Cherrymon look dazed from the blast as the trio run in.
The two groups stare at each other for a second before the loud speaker on the wall forces them to act.
"What are you Cherrymon waiting for? Attack them!" Anxerxes shouted over the loud speaker.
"I got left!" Kithira shouts moving off to the left side.
"That's one hell of a knock! I got right!" Devon replied moving to the right.
"And I'll gladly take the middle." Dark Sakuymon said as she pulls out a wicked looking spear. (see Sakuymon's spear from season three but black with blood red runes etched into the length of the spear.)
"CHERRYMON'S ATTACK!" the Cherrymon shouts in the center.
In seconds cherrybombs start flying through the air at the trio.
"Talisman Sphere!" Dark Sakuymon shouts as the cherrybombs fly toward her and bounce off the sphere to explode harmlessly away from her as she walks forward toward the Cherrymon that gave the order to attack.
"Foxtail Inferno!" Kithira shouted hitting the nearest Cherrymon to her.
"Oh, Stop! That tickles!" The Cherrymon shouted that Kithira attacked.
"Were in trouble, these Cherrymon are stronger than they look!" Kithira hollers.
On the other side of the court yard Devon swings wide right and then pours on the speed with Kithira's shout. And diving in between the formation of cherrymon's, Devon swipes claws at a cherrymon as he passes and skids to a stop in the middle of them.
"Armor Spike attack!" Shouts Devon loudly.
All over his body the spikes sticking out of his armor detach and fly in all directions, some hitting the cherrymon's. As the spikes strike the cherrymon, Devon smiles almost evilly as the toxin coated spikes embed themselves into the cherrymon around him.
"Hey them spikes hurt! Try this for size!" Said a voice behind Devon just before one of the cherrymon's roots wrap around one Devon's rear legs and lifts him off the ground.
"Fuck! That ain't all I got shit head!" Shouts Devon as the cherrymon grabs his forelegs with its branches.
"Give up and I'll let him live!" The cherrymon shouted toward Kithira and Dark Sakuymon.
"Not going to happen!" Dark Sakuymon replied stepping closer to the line of cherrymon.
"What's wrong with me? I don't feel so good." One of the cherrymon said just before toppling over.
Devon watches as the one holding him leaves start to turn brown and fall off.
"What! My leaves are falling off, what did you do to me?" The cherrymon asks holding Devon as his branches start to wither up.
"Oh, I thought you knew. My spikes are poisoned!" Replied Devon as he flex's his muscles and breaks free.
Two more cherrymon topple over falling prey to Devon's poisoned spikes.
"Enough toying around!" says Kithira as she jumps into the air.
"Dragon Wheel! She shouts as she rises into the air and begins spinning end over end surrounded by cold blue flames. The front of the flames takes on the appearance of a dragons head and flames spew forth from its mouth enveloping the nearest cherrymon setting it on fire.
"I'm burning! I'm burning!" Shouts the ch |
errymon as it runs around in a circle before falling over its data scattering on the winds.
The cherrymon that had Devon topples over backward as his trunk withered. And as his data started to scatter Devon draws it into himself and his armor shines even brighter.
"That's what I was thinking Kithira; enough with the toying around!" Dark Sakuymon said looking at the last two cherrymon standing in front of her.
The two cherrymon glance at each other before turning to charge her.
"If that's the way you want it, Dark Spirit attack!" Her voice rising to a shout as she unleashes one of her stronger attacks.
The cherrymon had no chance to avoid the attack as it surrounds them and breaks the binds of their code and releases their data for her load.
"Well that's eight down and how many left to go before we get to Anxerxes?" Devon asked walking over to Kithira.
"I don't care how many of them are left, I just want Anxerxes! You hear me! Anxerxes I'm out here! Now come out and face me like a digimon and quit hiding like a scared rookie!" Dark Sakuymon shouted looking up at one of the many security cameras in the courtyard.
Inside the security room Anxerxes watches the monitor of the court yard and listens to Dark Sakuymon's speech.
"We'll see little dark digimon, we'll see. Faerthan! Get every digimon into the courtyard and capture these three alive! I want to destroy them myself!" Anxerxes said.
"I'll see that it's done at once, most evil of digimon." Replied Faerthan as he ran for the door.
"Faerthan, stop trying to kiss my ass and do what you're told! Or I'll find another to take your place! Now go!" Anxerxes said as he back to watching the monitors.
Faerthan scurries out of the security room quickly, shuddering with the thought of his data being loaded by Anxerxes.
In the corner Sargent Davis typed a message on his phone and hit the send button.
Back in the digital world:
"How much farther is this gateway?" Asked Lisa as she stepped around another boulder on the floor of the canyon followed by Cole.
"Not far now, we should be almost there." Dax replied from the lead.
"Good, I wonder how the others are doing back in the real world. To be honest I'm worried about them." Lisa said.
"Well if they did like we planned out they should have Anxerxes too busy to worry about the gateway room, which will make our job a lot easier in the long run." Rayne said from on top of a boulder.
"I just hope the teams from Hypnos show up like chief St. John said they would. Otherwise this is going to be one hell of a cluster fuck when we get into unit #2 through the gateway." Dax said as he stepped around the last bend in the canyon.
"Halt! Hypnos agents identify yourselves!" A male voice shouted from around the bend.
"Agent Dax with Agents Deb, Lisa and our digimon partners" Dax replied from the lead.
"Good, Chief St. John told us to wait for you all before we went through the gateway. I'm agent Jennings and this is my partner Sam." Jennings said.
"Is the gateway secure enough for us to go through?" Lisa asked with Cole in tow.
"The two digimon that Anxerxes left here gave up without a fight almost half an hour ago." Agent Jennings replied with a smile.
"Well I can guess they didn't want to fight 18 digimon and 18 humans at once. Kind of bad odds 36 to 2, now that's what I call a long shot. Guess it's a good thing we're not in Vegas." Deb said jokingly.
"Well here's the inmate list of unit #2 as of last night." Agent Jennings said handing a paper to Dax.
Dax looked it over before handing it off to Deb and Lisa to look at.
"Not much there this is very honestly a surprise for this time of year." Dax said.
"That's because Hypnos moved the real bad digimon to a new location up in Alaska last month. Unit #2 was to be closed in two months with all the inmates ether sent back to the digital world or moved to other units. And it's a good thing the real bad ones weren't at the unit with this Anxerxes taking it over last night." Agent Jennings replied.
"Then we are looking at maybe 30 to 40 digimon following Anxerxes, 50 at the most but probably less." Lisa said.
"If it's less then we don't have anything to worry about. Both these teams are battle tested and been together for some time. They know what to do when the time comes." Agent Jennings said gesturing toward the gathered teams.
"We're ready whenever you are agent Jennings." Dax said with Rayne by his side.
"Then lets get this party started! Assault team one your up. Team two through four as soon as they clear the pad your up fifteen seconds behind them. You all can join up with team five and six when they are up. Remember everyone clear the pad as soon as your there! If don't want anyone landing on you that is." Agent Jennings said shouting so the teams could hear him.
"Sorry, we'll be going with the first team, not waiting around for the fifth team." Lisa replied looking up at Cole, Cole just nodded his approval.
"I have my orders from the chief, you all are to let us go first and then come after we have the gate room secure." Agent Jennings said.
"Listen my son and his partner are right now attacking unit #2 from the city. I understand the chief's orders but I'm not waiting! And neither is Alpha team which my son's partner belongs to. Come on let's get this done so we can go home." Cole said stepping around agent Jennings with Lisa, Dax, Deb, Rayne, and Achilles following him.
"Alright get on the pad with team one, but it's your asses on the line if the chief jumps my ass." Agent Jennings said as they stepped on the pad.
"Pad activation in 3, 2, 1, transport!" One of the team members said operating the gateway.
The cement walls of the gateway room inside of unit #2 snapped into existence around them. Before Lisa or Cole had a chance to move team one had cleared the pad and was engaged with the two digimon guards by the door.
"Clear the pad next teams coming!" Dax warned moving off the pad followed by Rayne and the others.
Seconds later:
"That's two digimon out of the way, hallways clear." Said one of the members of team one.
"Cole, take out that security camera quickly!" Lisa said pointing up in the corner of the room.
"On it." Cole replied leaping over the gateway control pedestal and knocking the camera off the wall with a well-placed paw.
Teams two through four appeared on the pad and quickly cleared it to make room for the last two teams to come through the gateway.
"Hypnos control, gateway room is under our control. All teams heading to their primary objectives now, status report in ten minutes." Agent Jennings said as he hand signaled the team leaders to move out.
As the teams moved out into the hall way team four popped the cover off of the air vent on the wall and climbed in. The leader of team six opened the control pedestal for the gateway and flipped the main circuit breaker to the off position, then closed the panel.
"Team six guard this room! Alpha team you're with me!" Agent Jennings said before he walked out the door.
In the security office;
Sargent Davis watched as the first of the teams appeared in the gateway room, then the camera went black as a big paw hit it. Smiling he watched as Anxerxes left the security room.
"Let the battle begin." Thought Sargent Davis as he opened a hatch on the floor next to him and dropped through it. The hatch closing behind him as he landed on the floor of emergency tunnel. Gaining his feet, he quickly walks down the tunnel.
"Head for the safe room, get some gear from the armory there and then team up with those units that just came in through the gateway." Sargent Davis thought to himself as he opened one security door and kept moving.
Elsewhere in the unit:
Team three in pairs entered containment wing one.
"By the numbers people, check all the cells and cages. Curly, you and Joe guard the door, Eve and Max upper level, Griff and Patton main floor while Joker and I check the control room. Sweep and secure the wing, squawk me when you're finished." Agent Young said into the sub dermal microphone to his radio.
Two minutes later team three is back where they started at the door to the wing.
"I just don't get it, all the cells and cages are empty." Eve said as agent Young came out of the control room followed by Joker his digimon partner.
"What's not to get, Anxerxes has recruited them into his army or loaded their data; that or one of the other digimon with him." Agent Young replied.
"Well if that's the case then our job got a lot easier." Replied Eve as she glanced out the door of the wing.
"Lets continue our sweep." Agent Young said motioning with his hand for the unit to move out the door.
"Team four, all sections clear. Escape route beta is a 'GO' Moving to secondary objectives." Came the voice of team fours leader over the radio.
"Understood, all teams report." Agent Jennings said as his team along with unit 2 and alpha proceeded down one of the many maintenance corridors.
"Team three continuing sweep, nothing so far." Agent Young said into his microphone.
"Team five in position and holding, Sir you are not going to believe what's going on in the main courtyard." Said team fives team leader.
"What have you got?" Agent Jennings asked over the radio.
"Sir, I got visual on two Kyubimon and one unknown digimon standing there as approximately 30 digimon surround them. Looks like a show down of some sort." Replied team fives leader.
"Team Two! Check the armory and safe room! All other teams converge on the courtyard! Do not engage unless attacked." Agent Jennings said into his microphone before looking back at the rest of his team and alpha.
"Looks like we found what we came for! Let's move people!" Agent Jennings said before opening a door into the main corridor of the unit and rushing through.
A few paces back Lisa looked up at Cole with a knowing look on her face.
"They're still alive, that gives us a chance to win." Cole said as he looked down at her.
Not saying a thing Lisa pulls out her D-arc and deck of modify cards and begins to run after Agent Jennings. Behind her the others follow suit and prepare their D-arc's and decks of cards also.
In the courtyard:
Kassy, Devon and Kithira stand back to back as Anxerxes forces surround them.
"Looks like we have a nice mix here, I see from rookies to ultimate. At least there's no mega's, if there was I would start worrying." Devon said in a whisper to Kithira.
"Don't forget love, any of these may become mega's or even be mega's hiding their true form from us." Replied Kithira as she felt Kassy move into a better position behind her.
"Well look what we have here. The one digimon in this world I hate more than any other." Anxerxes said from the catwalk over head.
Kithira looked at Devon then Dark Sakuymon then up at Anxerxes.
"It's over Anxerxes! Order your forces to stand down, Now!" Kithira shouted.
"Oh, you're so very wrong on that point. The way I see it, it's you that needs to give up. We have thirty five of us against the three of you." Anxerxes replied smiling.
"I see your time in the mental ward didn't improve your disposition, nor your looks." Kithira replied.
"And I see you're still the trying to be the head bitch for Hypnos." Anxerxes replied with a sneer as he walked along the catwalk.
"ANXERXES! Shut your mouth you scum sucking bastard!" Devon shouted as he took a step forward.
"Ohh, the puppy is mad. Sorry but I didn't catch your name, not that it matters." Anxerxes said, feigning being afraid.
"Devon! Let me handle this!" Kithira said stepping in front of Devon and pushing him back a step or two.
"Oh, like you handled getting me kicked out of Hypnos years ago. But that wasn't enough for you, or Hypnos oh no. You and them had me committed to a mental hospital! Which I suffered in for years before the doctors let me out. And don't even get me started on your partner, the major kiss ass that he was. It felt good to shove my blade into his back and twist it just like he did to me years ago. And shortly it will be your turn!" Anxerxes ranted looking down at the three of them.
"That's if I don't destroy you first!" Kassy growled from behind Devon and Kithira.
"And whom would you be dark digimon? And why are you siding with these losers? I thought a dark one such as you would be on my side." Anxerxes asked looking at Kassy.
"You really don't recognize me, well I'm the viximon you left alive while my father died in a pool of his own blood. With your blade as you put it sticking out of his back." Kassy replied, her features moving to a mask of rage with the memory of Daryl dying in front of her.
"So, you are Kithira and Daryl's pup. Knew I should have killed you then but Xerxes told me to leave you be. (chuckling) So here we are, it's really ironic. Years ago I suffered under your mother and fathers training and criticism. In revenge I killed him in the digital world but missed killing Kithira. But who are you?" Anxerxes asked pointing at Devon.
"I'm your worst nightmare, you twisted bastard. I'm Daryl's younger brother Devon Thackry and Kithira's mate and partner! And I will hunt you in both worlds until his death is avenged." Replied Devon his voice taking on a sinister tone to it.
"What! Me fear a pup like you, you're really can't be serious?" Anxerxes laughed at Devon before continuing. "Besides you are a hybrid like me, why not join with me and we'll take Hypnos down once and for all! They'll do you like they did to me; cast me aside like yesterday's trash." Said Anxerxes as he pushed a unsuspecting digimon off the catwalk to fall to the ground in front of them.
The digimon quickly regained it's feet and ran over to a stair case to rejoin the others on the catwalk above them.
"What happens after the battle is done and my brother is avenged I care not. Alive or dead your not leaving here as long as I have something to say about it. Now come on Anton, let's end this banter and end this here and now!" Devon responded his voice almost a shout when he finished.
On the catwalk Anxerxes held onto the railing so tight that the metal rail started to bend in his hands. His body twitched with anger, his face a mask of rage from Devon's words. Faerthan took a step away from Anxerxes wary of his master lashing out at him in anger.
"Faerthan! Call the Greymon back from destroying the city! Now everyone destroy this loud mouth pup and the other one and bring his bitch to me alive!" Anxerxes shouted.
In the guard tower:
Team five's leader watches the scene unfolding below him.
"Ah, Shit! This is fixing to get real ugly and real quick. Mark you and Kira keep an eye out for them Greymon. Steph, you and Cobra take the left side of the catwalk to the other tower. Billie you and Goof are backup in case this gets as ugly as I think it will." He said to his team before keying his sub dermal microphone.
"Team Five to lead, Looks like it's about to get ugly down there! Do we have a green light!" He said into the sub dermal microphone.
"Lead to all teams, position report!" Agent Jennings said as they reached the main doors to the courtyard.
"Team Two, we just reached the armory and found one of the guards gearing up. Said he was the one that called command. What should I do with him?" the leader asked of team two.
"Team three, in position and holding by the guards entrance." Came the voice of team three's leader over the ear bud speaker.
"Team four, at south courtyard entrance and holding." Responded a voice in his ear.
"Lead to team five. If he's up to it take him along. We can always use another set of hands. Team One is in position with Alpha by the main doors into the courtyard. Hold until I have Alpha identify the friendlies in the courtyard." Responded Agent Jennings as he looked to Lisa.
Lisa moves over to the small window in the door and looks through the window. She motions for Cole to take a look and steps aside for him.
"Agent Jennings, tell your teams that the two Kyubimon and the one with them right now are friendly, all others are hostile." Cole said moving away from the door.
"Lead to all teams! We have confirmation! Friendlies in courtyard are two Kyubimon and the one standing behind them. We go on my count!" Agent Jennings said into the microphone.
"Five to lead! Hostiles on the ground! Heading your way! Ah, Shit! Lead it's going ugly, do we have a green light?" Asked team fives leader.
"Green light, Hostiles only!" Said Agent Jennings just before he kicked the double doors open into the courtyard and ran out followed by his team and the rest of alpha team.
In the courtyard seconds before:
"What are you Mon's waiting for? Attack!" Faerthan shouted at the gathered digimon on the catwalk.
"Ok, they want a fight of it. Lets give them one! Dragon Helix!" Dark Sakuymon shouted from behind Devon and Kithira, sending an attack at Faerthan.
Faerthan dives behind a mummymon before Dark Sakuymon's attack can hit him the mummymon isn't fast enough to dodge and takes her attack full on. The mummymon's data explodes outward as the attack deletes him. Faerthan sees this, quickly gets up and runs down the catwalk.
"Master, Save Me!" Faerthan shouts running away.
"Kill them or I'll delete you!" Shouts Anxerxes as he forms a glowing ball of energy in the palm each of his hands.
Some of the digimon hearing this jump down into the courtyard and form a half circle around Kithira, Devon and Dark Sakuymon. Some stand their ground and prepare to attack. Eleven of the ones on the ground run for the gate instead of attacking as ordered. Devon starts to chase them but is held by Dark Sakuymon's hand on his shoulder.
"Let the cowards go, Hypnos can round them up later." She said her blood red eyes watching the ones in front of them.
"Cowards! I'll load your data for this betrayal!" Anxerxes shouted before throwing the balls of power from his hands at the trio below him.
"Oh no you don't! Talisman spell!" Shouts Dark Sakuymon as she sees Anxerxes attack coming and knocks aside Devon before the attack can land. Her shield spell turns aside Anxerxes attack and it flies off to hit the courtyard wall blasting a hole into the concrete.
As Anxerxes attack is deflected away, all around the courtyard, agents of Hypnos with their partner digimon storm into the courtyard.
"ATTACK!" An Apemon shouts seeing the intruders and fires off his strongest attack at the nearest of them.
Chaos ensues with the arrival of Hypnos C&C teams. Multiple fights breakout at once all over the courtyard. Some of the gathered digimon seeing the Hypnos teams scatter, many dive for open doorways back into the unit, others run for the gate. While some attack instead of running away.
Lisa, quickly slides a card through her D-arc as she runs out the door way following Agent Jennings and his partner Sam.
"Greymons Armor, activate!" Shouts Lisa as a blast spirals in toward Cole from the catwalk above him.
Cole holds up the shield one handed and deflects the blast skyward.
"Talisman Star!" Shouts Cole as he throws out his right hand sending hundreds of red colored stars at the digimon above them.
Some digimon fall under his attack, others dodge it and some bat it away like an annoying fly.
Sam, Jennings digimon puts a quick end to the digimon that was outside of the door. And digivolved as he loads the defeated digimons data. Cole looks over at the newly evolved digimon quickly and nods.
"Look out!" Cole hollers at Sam as a digimon jumps off of the catwalk aiming for Sam's back.
Sam Spins left and unleashes his new attack Lightning Blade catching the diving digimon in midair. The digimon lands on the ground literally beside itself, in two pieces as it's data starts to scatter.
Rayne leaps into the air as she exits the doorway and is almost immediately attacked by a dark angewomon. Rayne dodges left and gets some distance from the dark angewomon. They circle each other looking for an opening to attack the other. From below them a ball of energy flies between them blocking their view of the other for a second. Taking the chance Rayne dives below the ball looking for her opponent and ends up face to face with her enemy.
"Lift your spirits!" Rayne shouts as she does a back flip kicking her opponent square in the face with both feet sending her falling toward the courtyard below.
The dark Angewomon recovers twenty feet above the ground.
"Ok bitch! Take this! Hell's curse!" She shouts releasing an attack against Rayne.
"Rayne drop! Power of the Digigods activate!" Dax shouts from the ground.
Rayne follows Dax's command as the power of the card flows into her.
"Celestial Arrow!" Rayne shouts as the light of digivolution glows around her.
Her arrow flies true hitting the dark angewomon in the chest with almost no effect at first.
"Was that supposed to hurt?' the dark angewomon shouts from bellow.
"SHATTER! DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!" shouts Rayne as she can't hold back the power of the card forcing her to evolve to her next level.
Below the dark angewomon smirks just before a bright light comes from under her armor.
"What's going on!" she shouts, worry in her voice as the light begins to spread to other parts of her armor.
The smirk on her face turns to fear as cracks begin to appear in her armor and the along her arms and legs.
"No it can't be! I refuse to die like thi-" is all she gets out before her body shatters into thousands of pieces before her data scatters on the wind.
Up in the air the glowing form of Rayne changes as the digivolution transforms her body. In a flash a new digimon flies in her place, Magnadramon.
Magnadramon is the form of a Chinese dragon, long of body like the drawings from times long past. Dax watches as the glow fades away and points his D-arc up at Rayne's new form scanning her.
Level: Mega
Attacks: Fire Tornado, Dragon Fire, Hermit fog.
"Dax! Incoming the greymon are returning! Anxerxes must have called them!" Rayne hollers from over his head.
"Heads up the greymon are returning." Dax says to agent Jennings.
"I heard. All teams heads up the greymon are heading this way!" Agent Jennings says into his microphone warning the teams.
Deb and Achilles have made a path to the gates in the few minutes of battle and are joined by two Hypnos agents and their digimon.
"Heads up them greymon are returning! We need to hold the gate as long as possible!" Hollers one of the agents.
Deb and Achilles look at each other as Deb pulls out a few more cards from her deck.
"Greymon, why did it have to be greymon?" Achilles said looking at Deb.
"Could be worse, it could have been metal seadramon or worse." Replied Deb as she put the rest of her deck up.
"Get ready! Metal Greymon in front leading the charge!" Shouts the team leader of team five from the guard tower over the main gate.
Back over with Devon, Kithira and Dark Sakuymon.
"I see you brought friends, too bad they will die along with you." said Anxerxes before he jumped down from the catwalk in front of them.
"Wrong asshole you're the only one that will die here today." Replies Devon as he starts circling left. And Kithira starts circling right.
"You wish! Chaos Flare! Chaos Flare! Chaos Flare!" Anxerxes shouts sending his attack at all of them almost at once.
Devon jumps high into a back flip as the attack passes under his paws. Kithira dives forward over Anxerxes and kicks him with her rear paws sending him sprawling toward Kassy.
Kassy bats his attack away with a flick of her hand. She winces with pain at first then grins almost evilly at the attack.
"It's after all what she would have done in the same position as Anxerxes. Try this." She thinks to herself pulling her hands together.
"Tsunami Force!" Dark Sakuymon says in almost a whisper releasing her attack at almost point blank range.
"Power Leach!" shouts Anxerxes before Dark Sakuymon's attack can reach him.
As the attack hits Anxerxes it is absorbed into him and he laughs evilly as he regains his feet.
"Nice, real nice. Power Leach!" Anxerxes said returning fire at Dark Sakuymon.
She tries to block the attack but there is no visible attack to block. At first nothing seems wrong, but then she drops to one knee and her form begins to flicker.
"What's happening to me?" She hollers in a rage as she starts to fall forward.
Her other knee hits the ground followed by her hands as her form fades. There is a flash of light and on the ground where Dark Sakuymon was is Kassy and Mike. Mike looks up for a second at Anxerxes before his eyes roll back in his head as he passes out. Kassy weakly pulls herself to Mike and collapses on top of him.
"Sorry Mike, I've failed us both." Kassy saidas she follows Mike into unconsciousness.
"Your power is mine! And now to evolve to my ultimate form!" Exclaims Anxerxes as he begins to glow.
"Not so fast! Dragon Wheel!" Shouts Kithira as she launches her attack at Anxerxes.
"Dragon's Fire!" Hollers Devon from the other side.
Anxerxes laughs as his form fades inside the glowing ball of light and as the two attacks connect he laughs even louder. As the glow fades around Anxerxes, his body has changed here and there. Most notably is the addition of horns extending from his head and wings on his back.
"That tickled, now try this. Doom flare!" Anxerxes Shouts releasing an attack. His wings sweep back and then forward and a very strong blast of air slams into Kithira sending her flying backwards into the wall behind her.
Devon watches helplessly as Kithira hits the wall and slumps to the ground not moving as her form fades into a Renamon. His thoughts run out of control as he goes over attack patterns and discards each of them. He decides on the simplest of attacks, he charges slamming into Anxerxes knocking him down. Anxerxes grabs Devon by the neck as Devon goes for the throat with his mouthful of razor sharp teeth. Anxerxes claws dig into Devon's neck drawing blood, Devon roars in pain as with a heave of Anxerxes arms he is flying. As Devon flies through the air his body twists and he lands on his feet sliding to a stop. Blood soaks his neck fur, as he looks at Anxerxes and smiles.
"First blood to you then. Spike attack!" Devon said throwing his head around sending the spikes on his head flying toward Anxerxes.
Anxerxes dodges by jumping up to the overhead catwalk. Devon's spikes impale the wall over Kithira's body.
"Arctic blast!" Anxerxes hollers firing off another attack at Devon.
"Diamond sphere!" Devon shouts before rolling into a ball covered in Diamond. As Anxerxes attack hits, Devon hears the sound he thought that he would never hear. His diamond sphere cracking under the intense cold from the arctic blast attack.
"FOUR!" Hollers Anxerxes as he picks up Devon's sphere and tosses it like a beach ball.
Inside, Devon tumbles end over end as the sphere flies through the air. To Devon time seems to slow down until he hits something. The sphere shatters on impact against the courtyard wall. Devon slams into the side of the sphere even as it is shattering around him. Bones break and Devon roars in pain as he hits the ground.
On the other side of the courtyard:
Kithira raises her head at the sound of Devon's roar of pain. And watches as Anxerxes starts walking toward where Devon is laying against the wall. Anxerxes is enjoying himself as he heads for his prey. A Hypnos digimon tries to stop him and Anxerxes just bats the digimon away with his clawed hand. The digimon's data scatters before it's ten feet away from Anxerxes.
"Must help Devon." says Kithira as she weakly pulls herself up. Her fingers will not work right as she tries to pull out the D-advanced and deck of cards. In frustration she pulls off her gauntlet and shakes the items out, the deck scatters on the ground in front of her followed by the D-advanced.
"Shit! That's all I need right now!" Kithira cusses as she starts to kneel down to retrieve the cards. She stops dead in her tracks as two cards draws her full attention. There in front of her are two gold colored cards. She picks it up and looks at both sides, like the blue cards there are no markings on it. Grabbing the D-advanced she knows what she has to do.
"I don't have a clue what this will do but if this will help Devon. Then so be it. I WILL NOT LOSE ANOTHER MATE!" Said Kithira gritting her teeth through the pain as she slides the card through the D-advanced then looks at the screen and reads the information for the gold card.
"DEVON UPGRADE TIME! SUMMON THE ANCESTOR ACTIVATE!" Shouts Kithira putting all her soul, her pain, and emotion into her shout!
The D-advanced in her hand glows brighter than ever before as all her emotions fuel the activation. Blinding light fills the courtyard, causing all humans and digimon to stop fighting and shield their eyes.
Devon feels the power of Kithira's raw emotions flow into him, restoring him and beyond. Static charges leap from his silver spiked armor as the power of the card enters him on top of Kithira's. He feels and knows what he must do at that moment. Pulling himself to his feet he stands tall and proud in front of Anxerxes, his spiked armor strobing with raw power.
"Armored Kyubimon! Slide evolution to Kyubimon warrior mode!" Devon shouts releasing the power within.
In a flash of light Devon transforms, where he is standing is a new digimon. Like the knights of old Devon is clothed in what appears to be plate armor with short spikes. In his hands are twin swords meant for battle. Almost like a Taomon but with full armor instead of the normal priest robes. His nine tails spread behind him in fan.
Next to Devon a bio-emergence appears and slowly takes the form of a digimon. The digimon is almost an exact copy of Devon except his armor is battered and worn from many battles.
"Who has summoned me?" Asks the new comer in a voice some recognize.
Alpha team looks at the new comer in awe. But Kithira is the first to speak.
"I did, but you can't be here. You're dead, how can this be?" Kithira asks fear showing on her face.
"That part of me that was human is dead. That which is digimon was reborn." Answered the newcomer.
Devon looks at the newcomer.
"Daryl?" Devon asks a look of confusion on what's visible of his face.
"Yes, and I see you finally changed. It's about time too. I wondered when that was going to happen." Daryl answers.
"IT CAN'T BE I KILLED YOU!" Shouts Anxerxes enraged.
"Oh, but it is Anton. Daryl Thackry in the flesh. You failed Anton, all you did was release my digimon DNA to be reborn in the digital world." Daryl replied taking a small bow.
"It matters not, I'll kill you again along with the rest of worthless your friends and family!" Anxerxes replied.
"No Anton, this fight is your last one. Kithira! Catch!" Shouts Daryl as he draws back an arm and tosses a box toward her.
As the box flies over Anxerxes tries to grab it, but it passes right between his out stretched hands and into Kithira's. She quickly opens the box to find another card. This one silver in color and as before with no markings. Anxerxes choses that moment to renew his attack.
"Destroy them!" Anxerxes shouts as he jumps into the air and flies over to the catwalk.
The collected digimon around the courtyard that had fought for Anxerxes look at each other. And as if an unspoken word had been passed between them. They calmly walk to one side of the courtyard. One stands for a moment before speaking.
"No, we followed you here for our own reasons, not to kill humans like those swine you brought with you Anxerxes. We will not fight your battles for you anymore, we quit." A Growlmon said before joining the others by the wall.
"Cowards! The lot of you, after I'm finished with these fools you're next!" Anxerxes said his voice seething with anger at being betrayed.
Kithira watching this quickly runs the card through the D-advanced, the card fades away in her fingers as it is read. The D-advanced in her hand glows for a second and them morphs, changing shape slightly and more comfortable in her hand. It's color goes from blue to gold as she watches. An explosion in the courtyard brings her out of her reverie. Looking up she sees Anxerxes launching attack after attack against Devon and Daryl. The air grows thick with smoke as the battle ensues. Try as she might she can't see which has the upper hand at the moment, the sound of their swords hitting fills the air along with their shouts.
"Ah fuck it!" she says looking at the D-advanced screen, before running into the smoke to find Devon or Daryl. Which she promptly runs into Daryl's back, him standing over Kassy and Mike protecting them. Daryl spins but is able to catch himself before hitting Kithira with one of his swords.
"Dammit Kit! I almost took your head off!" Daryl shouts at her!
"What does this mean?" Kithira asks holding the D-advanced up for him to see.
"We're getting our asses handed to us here, just say what's on the fucking screen!" Daryl said as from somewhere in the smoke Devon roared in pain.
"Ah Ha! There you are! Doom Flare!" Anxerxes shouts from their left.
"Talisman spell!" Cole shouts from behind them as he and Lisa come running up to Daryl and Kithira.
"You didn't think we were going to let you have all the fun, now did you." Lisa said as she stopped in front of Daryl.
"Glad you all decided to join the party. He's stronger than he looks, and I can't take him alone." Replied Daryl as he sheathed his sword.
Anxerxes attack flows over Cole's shield searching for a weakness in it. The shield starts to collapse inward and Cole drops to one knee under the pressure of Anxerxes attack. Grunting with strain Cole spreads his hands over his head and pushes back against his shield forcing himself to stand up. The shield responds to his pushing against it and slowly expands outward again.
"I can't hold my shield much longer, his attack is just too powerful." Cole grunts again as another one of Anxerxes's attacks hit his shield.
From outside the shield Devon pulls himself to his feet.
"Damn he hits hard! Guess he thought I was down for the count. Now to regroup with the others." Thinks Devon to himself as he picks up his sword.
High above the battle field Rayne watches as the Greymon approach the gate. Making a snap decision she dives toward the main gate and then hovers over it.
"You will not pass! Return to the digital world now!" Rayne shouts at the greymon.
"Not going to happen! Attack!" The metal greymon shouted as he continues to charge.
Below her Deb and Achilles along with the Hypnos team five line up and get ready for the greymon to attack. Dax runs up to join them at the last moment before the greymon reach the gate.
"Shit this battle is going on longer than I thought!" Dax shouted over the sounds of the battle behind them.
"Achilles! Time to power up! Digivolution activate!" Deb hollers as the metal greymon leading the charge attacks.
"Leomon digivolve to saberleomon!" Shouts Achilles as the glow from Deb's D-arc engulfs him.
And shortly Achilles form has changed into what some refer to his ancestors form before they changed to walking on two feet. Standing at just over eight feet tall Saberleomon makes for an impressive sight. In all he looks like a cross between a saber tooth tiger and a lion, his body is that of a lion. His fur is gold with red stripes, and his fangs at almost two feet long resemble those of the saber tooth tiger. His eyes are a dark blue, almost black in color that add his fierce countenance.
"Everyone ready! Here they come!" Shouted the leader of team five.
"Giga blaster!" The metal greymon hollered firing off two missiles from his chest launcher at the front line of defenders.
"Dragon fire!" Rayne shouted aiming in front of the missiles to protect the front line.
As the missiles hit Rayne's attack they explode sending shards of burning metal flying everywhere.
"Let them have it!" Shouted the leader of team five.
And on either side of him trainers and digimon fire their attacks at the greymon. Various attacks hit the metal greymon with such force that he seems to explode as his data is scattered. Other attacks fly through the remains of his data to strike the greymon following behind. Some greymon disappear in a flash as their data is scattered, while others fall to the ground their forms starting to break down as they bleed data into the air.
From behind the pack of greymon a mass of unknown digimon strikes in a flash of movement. Legs and underbellies are ripped open by the unknown digimon as the mass races past. Inside the gate the defenders are caught without warning as the mass of digimon are behind them in a flash surrounding Cole's shield.
Kithira watches as the scene around her unfolds. The greymon are attacking the gate, Anxerxes is attacking Cole's shield repeatedly looking for an opening. And Devon is somewhere out there in the smoke outside of Cole's shield. Lisa is down on one knee trying to bring around Mike and Kassy. Looking at the D-advanced she stares at the screen and then looks up as the sounds of battle stop. Outside the shield shadowy forms sway and dance in and out of the smoke.
"I understand now." Thinks Kithira as she looks back at the screen and makes up her mind.
"Cole drop the shield! Just do it and don't ask questions! I know what must be done." Said Kithira as she put the D-advanced to her chest and looked up to the sky.
Cole looks at Kithira as if she's gone crazy at first, but then sees the look in her eyes. Dropping the shield he prepares for battle along with Daryl and Lisa.
The group of unknown digimon slowly closes in on them as Lisa, Cole, Daryl and Kithira watch with apprehension. As they come closer, their voices whisper as one.
"Since we evolved, we have watched."
"Since we evolved, we have guarded."
"Since we evolved, we have waited."
"Since we evolved, two were chosen."
"Since we evolved, from each generation."
"Since we evolved, to be our champions."
"You are our instrument, summon them!" they say looking at Kithira.
Kithira nodes at the shadowy figures before pulling the D-advanced from her chest and looks at the screen.
"Champions of the clan! Activate!" Kithira shouted as loud as she could tears in her eyes as the D-advanced glows brightly before sending out two beams of light.
The beams of light burn away the smoke from the battle, one hits Daryl in the chest. The other beam flies true and hits Devon in the chest. Both of them are highlighted by the beams as their armor begins to glow brightly. They look at each other for a second before they're both through their heads back and a primal scream comes from both of them.
The shadowy forms swarm Daryl and Devon spinning around them and then begin to merge with them. Almost in sync their primal screams stop and there is a bright flash of light from both of them.
"Mode change! Gladiator mode!" Devon and Daryl shouted in unison.
Their armor changes from the full body plate armor to something less constrictive. For all intents the armor is nothing more than shoulder pads, shin guards and bracer's covering his forearms. The wicked sword in his left hand changes into a small shield, and the matching sword in the other hand morphs into a long knights sword. And lastly his loins are covered in a loin cloth.
All around the courtyard human and digimon alike stand in awe at Kithira's shout, as the power of the card clears the air. Anxerxes stands in shock as the shadowy forms merge with the brothers, becoming one with them. Focusing his powers Anxerxes draws his hands together.
"Concussion Blast!" Shouts Anxerxes as he releases his attack. Aimed not at Daryl or Devon but at Lisa, Cole and Kithira.
"Lisa, look out!' Shouts Cole as he grabs her and twists his body to shield her against the attack.
Kithira hearing Cole's shout launches herself skyward in an effort to dodge the attack. Below her she watches as almost everything not tied down is flung against the far courtyard wall.
As she nimbly lands on the catwalk she glances Anxerxes way. And then for Cole and Lisa, she sees them far across the courtyard. Cole is down with Lisa in his arms under him by the wall. Kassy and Mike are near them and starting to move.
Lisa squirms her way out from under Cole and pulls herself up to her knees to check him over. Cole's back is cut to ribbons from the attack and bleeding badly. Lisa scrambles to pull out the cards she had setup earlier in case she needed them. Pulling only the cards for healing she slides them through her D-arc quickly.
"Lilymons healing seed! Activate! Health boost! Activate! I just got you back and I'm not losing you again!" Shouts Lisa as her vision grows blurry and she feels herself failing to land on top of Cole.
Kithira sees Lisa fall on top of Cole and makes up her mind.
To one side Mike helps Kassy slowly to her feet. Kassy shakes her head and looks at the scene unfolding a short ways away from them.
"Mike, I have to help them." Kassy said before giving Mike a kiss on the lips that leaves no doubt about how she feels.
"Be careful-" Is all he can get out before she pulls away and starts moving toward Anxerxes. Mike pulls out his deck and starts pulling cards out.
"Devon! Your mother and Cole are down, take care of Anxerxes, I'll check on them!" Kithira shouted as she leaps toward Cole and Lisa's position.
Devon's head nods, his eyes on Anxerxes twenty feet away.
"Anton! Your personal vendetta against my family ends today, here and now! Let's finish this!" Said Daryl his voice betraying his anger as he pulled his sword out of it's sheath.
"Yes, lets finish this." Anxerxes replied as he brought his hands together focusing his powers again.
Daryl starts to move toward Anxerxes as a tawny colored blur rushes in from the left and hit Anxerxes quickly.
"Rapid Kick!" Kassy shouted as she lays into him, her kicks landing repeatedly on Anxerxes head and upper body.
"Oh, please!" Replies Anxerxes as he grabs Kassy by the foot and tosses her away like a toy.
"Holly Shit!" Exclaims Kassy as she goes flying across the courtyard. She twists in midair and lands by the wall.
"Annoying little brat! I'll enjoy breaking you in later. Now lets get this over with." Anxerxes said turning to face Daryl.
"That brat is my daughter!" Daryl replied launching into a blur of movement.
"Lets do this!" Shouts Devon as he too launches into a blur of movement.
Kithira drops to the ground and starts looking over Lisa. Finding nothing outwardly wrong with Lisa, she carefully moves Lisa to the side and looks over Cole.
Cole groans and rolls over onto his back before sitting up. At first he looks around like he has no idea of where he is, his eyes unfocused. In a few short seconds his eyes focus on Kithira.
"Wow, that guy hits like a truck! Oh no, Lisa!" Exclaims Cole as he reaches for her and picks her up.
"She's ok from what I can tell." Kithira says looking over just in time to see Daryl and Devon attack Anxerxes.
Cole holds Lisa in his arms and gently shakes her while saying her name over and over. Lisa's eyes fluter open and she manages a weak smile.
"Hey you." Lisa said weakly.
"How do you feel?" Cole asked smiling down at her.
"Like someone hit me with a truck, twice." She replied her voice even weaker and her skin color getting paler as her hand gripped his arm tightly and she grimaced in pain.
"Lisa, what is it? What can I do?" Cole asked the worry sounding in his voice.
"Theres nothing you can do, I'm dying Cole. I haven't got much time left, at least I got to be with you again. Take care of our family, I love you." She said her voice falling to a whisper as her eyes closed.
Cole watched as her eyes closed and her breathing grew erratic.
"Lisa, I love you! Lisa, I can't live without you, not again!" Shouted Cole in a rage as her breathing stopped.
Kithira looked on, in her heart she was saddened as Cole dealt with Lisa dying in his arms. And as she watched, Lisa's D-arc glowed so bright that she had to turn her eyes away to keep from being blinded. Mike helped Kassy to her feet as a flash came from behind them. And as it faded they turned to look and was shocked at first then smiled at each other as they knew what was happening.
On the other side of the courtyard:
Devon, Daryl and Anxerxes where engaged in a dance of death, each looking for an opening and finding none. The on-looking humans and digimon watched as the three digimon fought. Some started taking bets on who would win the battle, while others quietly slipped out of the unit into the city.
Devon felt the power of the ancestors flow through him and his speed doubled again. Daryl ducked and rolled forward into Anxerxes legs to take him down, but Anxerxes countered by jumping away. Anxerxes pulled out everything he had to block the brothers attacking him, but with each blocked punch or kick it also cost him some of his strength. Devon ran back away from Anxerxes getting some breathing room before launching his next attack, as Daryl's attack granted him a split second to do so. Daryl likewise disengaged from Anxerxes and stopped with his sword pointing at Anxerxes.
"Heart of power!" Shouted Devon as a blood red beam arched from his sword to strike Anxerxes in the chest.
Anxerxes screamed as the beam hit him and knocked him back almost ten feet and landed on his back. The sound of bones breaking could be heard over Anxerxes scream of pain and rage.
"Revenge of the fallen!" Daryl shouted as he threw his shield toward Anxerxes the shield glowing with power.
As Anxerxes regained his feet, Daryl's shield slammed into him from behind. Anxerxes screamed as the shield hit his broken wing and finished ripping it off. The shield flew away and whipped back around like a boomerang and returned to Daryl's outstretched hand. Anxerxes looked first at Devon then Daryl before speaking.
"Finally! Someone worthy to challenge me! Now, lets really get down to business!" Said Anxerxes as he smiled and the air shimmered around him with power and his other wing dropping to the ground behind him.
Daryl looked over at Devon and nodded as if speaking without words to him. They both hold their swords up as in a salute.
"Judgement of the ancestors!" They both shout together as they lower their swords and point them at Anxerxes.
From both swords a bright beam lances across the courtyard.
"Shield Wall!" Anxerxes shouted throwing up his hands to ward off the attack.
The attack hits the shield. Anxerxes shudders under the power of the attack and screams in rage as his shield begins to collapse.
"Pour it on, Devon!" Daryl hollered as he puts more of his will behind the attack.
On the other side of Anxerxes, Devon puts his other hand on his sword handle and screams forcing all that he is into the sword. His beam glows brighter and widens with his renewed focus. Anxerxes screams as his shield starts to buckle under the onslaught.
"It's over Anxerxes! For your crimes against Digimon and human alike I sentence you to deletion! Final judgment!" Hollers a new voice from the other side of the courtyard.
A Blood red spear flies true and shatters what's left of Anxerxes shield. The spear hits Anxerxes in the chest and slams him into the wall behind him, pinning him there.
Anxerxes screams in pain and rage for a second before the spear's power starts deleting him. His data scatters slowly at first and then picks up speed with each passing second.
"It can't end this way, I was to rule both worlds. I'm not defeated yet, I can still win! You haven't won! You will see! I can't die! I can't-" Anxerxes raves just before his deletion is complete.
All around the courtyard human and digimon look at each other as Anxerxes data scatters. The silence is broken as the cheers break out from the on lookers.
Devon and Daryl look over at the new comer that's walking their way with Kithira, Mike and Kassy in tow.
"You two did well, but have much to learn. But first we all need a vacation." the newcomer said as he stopped in front of them.
"And you would be?" Asked Daryl looking up at the tall digimon.
"Daryl! Is that anyway to talk to your parents?" The male Sakuymon asked before him.
Daryl and Devon's mouths fell open as they looked at the male Sakuymon and then each other.
"But, how?" Asked Daryl with a confused look on his furry face as there was a flash and Cole and Lisa are standing before them.
"It's simple son, when Anxerxes attacked us Cole protected me from the full force of the attack. But I still was hurt internally, and almost died from it. I always knew that Cole loved me but I never knew how much until then. It was the power of our love for each other that saved me and allowed us to bio-merge." Replied Lisa as she wrapped her arm around Cole's waist.
Two flashes happen at the same time, Daryl reverts to his renomon form as does Devon. Devon drops to one knee as the power of the ancestors leaves him. Kithira is at a loss as she looks at the two renomon almost unable to tell them apart.
"Devon?" She asks with a questioning look.
"Right here kit kat." Replies Devon as he steps toward her and gets interrupted by Mike.
"Ok, can I have everyone's attention!" Shouts Mike.
Everyone looks over at Mike.
"As the senior field agent in charge, all unregistered digimon are under arrest until you can be returned to the digital world!" Shouted Mike as everyone there started giggling at him.
"Uh, Mike, the only ones left are us. Agents and partners." Kassy said giggling.
"Ah, crap! Here I go again! And I just captured most of them! Damn it! The chief is going to have my ass!" Mike groused looking around at the teams and his new in-laws.
Epilogue: Six months later.
Kithira, Devon and Daryl sit atop the family house in Spokane, Washington looking down into the backyard and watch the comedy unfolding. Their pups are playing with each other in the wading pool. As Rayne sits down on a lawn chair carefully, her swollen belly making her look like she's about to pop. From below they can hear everyone coming out of the house with the food for the bar-b-que. Lisa waddles over to sit down next to Rayne followed by Deb.
"Achilles, if you ever curse me with twins again I'll have you fixed." Deb said as she sat down.
"But, dear I thought you wanted a big family. Besides if you have me fixed that means I won't be able to perform my husbandly duties." Achilles says as he walks over to the grill with a plate full of meat.
"I do, but one at a time. Not two or more at a time!" replied Deb as she unbuttoned the bottom of her shirt across her waist.
"I don't care if it's one or two at a time, I enjoy being pregnant. And Dax can knock me up any time." Rayne said smiling as she rubbed her swollen belly.
"Yeah, well you all can get pregnant all you want. Personally I want to hold off after this time for a year or two." Lisa replied from her chair.
"Hey! Are we late?" Mike's voice came from the driveway.
"No, you're just in time for Achilles to burn the meat again." Dax replied from his chair by the picnic table.
"Oh, you're just jealous because you can't cook." Achilles replied then sticking out his tongue at Dax.
"I can to cook; just I find it easier to use the microwave or pay to have it made." Dax said.
"Well, you just keep thinking that when it's 3am and nothings open." Cole said as he came into view carrying another plate of meat.
"I'm glad we're not late." Kassy said as she walked over to the table her belly just starting to show her pregnancy.
"Do you miss the digital world? Devon asked looking over at Kithira and Daryl.
"Are you kidding, the constant battles just to survive. No way I like it here better with you and our pups." Kithira answered smiling.
"Good thing Hypnos dropped general order 123-a; Otherwise that's where we would be living right now. Now if you all will excuse me, my date is here." Said Daryl as his girlfriend walked into the backyard below and he teleported down to be with her.
"It's a good thing that he found someone to be with." Kithira said wrapping her hands around Devon's arm.
"Yeah it is, I hate to think of how he would act if he was alone." Devon replied.
"Enough love, let's just watch the sunset. It's so beautiful this time of year." Kithira said as she leaned against Devon's shoulder.
The End for now. |
Title: Feeling watched by Scan
Tags: Anal, M/M, Oral
*Who finds grammar or spelling mistakes may keep them*
Naí opened one eye. He felt Sóley's warm body onto his, listened to Sóley's soft breath. Slowly Naí moved his paw over Sóley's body and stroked softly.
Last night... wonderful... nice memories... Just... strange, there was one thing disturbing him about it... Oh, yeah... how it had started...
Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp. Oh, yeah, that was the sound of fate approaching fast, the wrath in girl shape moving here for yelling. At least it had waited until the morning, Pelín was a nice girl. The handle rattled, it was locked. But Pelín had the key for all the rooms. She opened.
Pelín looked at the two males. Oh, they were so cute... "Wake up, you two, get a shower and get down. We gotta talk..." And so she left.
"Mmmbbll...?" Sóley opened his eyes. "Wazzup?"
Naí smiled and licked over Sóley's forehead. "Consequences knocked."
"Was about time..." Sóley got up.
Pelín was waiting and sipped a juice. The two males came down the stairs and sat down in front of her, looking down to the counter. Pelín put two glasses in front of them.
"Listen, you two, I don't care even a little bit what you do to each other up there, I really don't. But when others get involved and you hurt them, against their wish, of course, I somehow feel responsible, I don't know why. It comes back to me when two males in my house mess around. And you two did." She sighed. "Maybe there was a good reason, I have no idea. But even you must see certain behaviour is followed by certain consequences."
"So you... will punish us?"
"Well, the girl had the opinion I should tie you onto the wall out there, naked, for some days. That's a bit hard, I think. And I know, Sóley, it's not a punishment for you."
Sóley smiled, but kept staring down.
"I made an arrangement. The girl wants her movie. So you'll go and help her with her movie. Then I'll maybe only tie up Sóley..."
"Thank you..." Naí said rather quietly, not really convinced that was better.
Sóley knocked. The girl opened. Sóley bent over to give her a tender lick over the forehead, but she backed away. "You won't touch me again!"
"Okay, okay, Sélin, whatever. We're sorry, y'see, Naí was totally drunk... and Pelín said us it was wrong. We didn't know what we were doing."
That seemed to fit Sélin's image of stupid males. "Come on in. Make yourselves comfortable." But she stayed firm.
The males entered. It was not an apartment for living, it was just a studio. Sélin obviously was one of the girls making professional movies for others. During heat, every girl gets an unbearable crave for sex, they can't control it at all. But, at the same time, they also are fertilisable, means every sexual intercourse could get them a baby, which they don't want usually. So they pawed themselves, used vibrators and videos, for visual aid.
Naí wasn't very keen to become a part of a movie, but a saying was around: Every male gets into a video, at least once. No way around it.
There was a bed, in front of a wall made of paper. Lights all around it, and then a professional camera.
"Here, Miss," Naí said and gave the camera and the clothes back. "I wanted to..."
"Stop it here. I got something special for you."
Oh swell, Naí thought. Something to look forward to...
Another knock. Sélin turned. "Well, you males take off your clothes, get onto the bed, I'm with you in a second..." She went to get the door.
Naí sat down onto the bed. "I don't know if I can do this..."
"It's not very hard. You must just ignore the watching eye."
"Wanna mount me this time? I'd like to get you into me, really. Wonder why haven't done that yet..."
Sélin returned, took the camera and fixed some lights. "Why aren't you naked yet?"
"Don't push us," Sóley said and stood up to open his pants. Naí did the same.
Another girl entered. Naí couldn't help but stare. She was only wearing some very, very short pants, stopping right under her bottom, and nothing else. So Naí could see her entire body, one of the most wonderful bodies he'd ever seen. Slim shape, a long and slender tail, some, not too many muscles, well groomed fur and interesting, not prominent markings on the chest and face.
"Close your muzzle," Sóley whispered.
"Stósh, that girl..." Naí whispered back.
"Get rid of your pants," Sóley said. Naí didn't move, he watched the girl sit down. "Stósh... switch on the camera!"
"Is ready."
Naí blinked as he felt a paw stroking his stomach and opening his pants. He looked down, Sóley had squatted down and was now pulling his pants down. He made one or two tender nuzzlings against his package, then he stood up and went down onto the bed.
Naí did the same. The camera was forgotten. He lay down, then crouched upon Sóley, for some making out. Then he spun around and had Sóley's full erected cock right in front of his face. He embraced the piece of flesh with one paw and stroked over it, feeling the blood pump in it. He could feel Sóley moving Naí's penis into his mouth.
Naí stuck out his tongue and connected it with the glans. Moving carefully, he licked over the glans some times, then moved closer and let his mouth embrace the rather big cock. Sóley was doing the same, jus more quickly. Naí could feel his cock disappear into the other male's muzzle completely. He couldn't suppress a groan.
He moved down, as deep as he could get, the entire cock couldn't fit into his muzzle, and he feared to gag if the cock should enter his throat. So he moved up and down, embracing the penis in his mouth tightly, up and down, while feeling the other male doing the same.
Naí moved faster, he felt a big feeling building up in him. The pleasure as coming and coming, so he felt himself coming soon too. Every time the cock left his mouth he groaned, just to fill his mouth again, and again, giving tender touches to the other male, again and again.
It was too much. Quickly he moved up, moaned out loud and came, let his semen spurt out of him, no matter to where. He let it all come out of him and licked on, continued giving tender pleasure, until he could feel the cock in his mouth harden and spill out its load, into his mouth. Naí moved up, he last spills of semen got against his face. He smiled and licked the semen off the softening penis.
Naí spun around. "You're always too fast," he whispered very quietly and licked over Sóley's cum-covered face, cleaning it a bit.
"Of course," Sóley whispered back. "So let's move on."
Lying on his back, Sóley dragged his knees to his chest. Naí moved down and touched his soft penis. Some moments... he bent down and licked over the other male's balls and the tail hole, until his penis was hard again.
He considered his member was lubricated enough with all that semen and saliva, and reaching out for the lube would break the mood anyway. So he moved down, closer, closer. Sóley relaxed and gasped as he felt something entering his rear. Naí moved in, carefully, and not all the way down. Last night he'd hurt the girl, but he never wanted to hurt Sóley. He moved in and waited. Sóley was groaning and breathing heavily.
Naí thrust in and out, rubbing over Sóley's prostate. Sóley was moaning with every rub, he dug his fingers into the sheet and moved his head left and right. Pulling faces due to the tightness, Naí thrust harder. After a while, he used one paw to stroke Sóley's penis additionally.
The two males groaned together, both feeling a great pleasure building up, both bodies screaming for release. Only a bit more... Naí quickly moved out of Sóley's tail hole and spilled his semen the next moment. The stroke of Naí moving out was he last bit Sóley needed to cum, he groaned out loud and came, his semen spurting even up to his chest.
Both males relaxed for a moment. Then Naí moved down onto Sóley again and gave him a tender lick over the forehead. Sóley smiled and licked back. They hugged each other, making out again, for some minutes.
As if waking up, both males blinked as they heard a clap of a pair of paws. Oh yes... the camera... Naí had really forgotten about it.
The hot girl stood up and applauded. "That was great for amateurs."
Sélin switched the camera off. "I must agree."
Sóley sat up. "I see you took your pants off again, Miss."
"This just... moved me so much..." Sóley smiled weakly.
"Um, Sóley, don't wanna be rude, but I've got another appointment today."
"Yes. Yes. Naí, go take a shower. You get into another shot again. Sóley, you... umm... can you cook?"
"Not with semen on my chest."
"Then wash it off. Naí, it's the room over there," Sélin said.
Naí blinked and moved slowly. |
Title: (WIP) First Time (Story) by AnimeMuch
Tags: Author, Bear, Bears, Boy, Comedy, M/M, Male, WIP, blonde, furry, writing
As I make my way down the streets in the cold I realise I have totally lost track of where I was heading. Darkness has suddenly settled in and night finally came around. I click the red phone, which was the hang up button on my mobile to check the time. A black screen pops up and the date and the time came up, 19:34. I had a late lunch at college, but I was still a little hungry because I hadn't had dinner yet.
Unfortunately, the trains were down, so I had to walk home. College didn't finish until 5:30 in the afternoon on Fridays, and I would normally make my way to the train station and to walk home. Sadly, my parents were out on the weekend, so I doubt they would pick me up. In my head, I repeated, 'This is just like some cliché plot in some erotic novel', but I tried to wipe my mind away from that.
I fiddle with the circular play and pause button on my iPod shuffle with my thumb. Gracefully moving my thumb around in circles and pressing the forward button as a song came on that I didn't feel like listening to as the MP3 player was on shuffle. It's been 2 hours and I hadn't gotten anywhere, I was quite lost. I should have gone for a taxi, but they'd cost a lot of money. Then again as long as I got home I wouldn't care. I frantically looked around where I was to see if there was any route I could take.
I was in a small town now that I think about it. At least I'm off the road side now. I carry on looking around and I spot houses, a few small shops and a petrol station about 30 feet away.
I slow stumble into one of the small shops which seem to be a small building full of sushi, steaks, burger meat, and ready-cooked meals, all of those sorts. I pause my MP3 player and take my head phones out of my ears and stuff them into my coat pocket. I lean on my front toes and cuneiforms and I continue my way towards the drink section and picking up a small bottle of coca-cola. God knows why I would drink a cold drink during winter, but all I cared about was a drink and something worth drinking.
I look around the store to see if there were anything else around, and I noticed, there weren't many people around, especially once I got into the town, I rarely saw people. The only person I have seen tonight was the cashier, he seemed friendly but, he looked around in his late early 20's, other than me, just turning 18 just a few months back.
I soon exit the store; the cold air hit me like a punch in the face. My hand froze around the bottle of coke I held in my left hand as I struggled to put my headphones back in. I never realised how much I missed the warmth until I got outside. I should appreciate the things I have in life more, I thought to myself.
As soon as I forwarded songs I didn't want on, I began walking. Until I suddenly stopped in my tracks. A creepy song, from an anime known as School Days came on. My brain began to function and turned into paranoid mode. I forwarded the song as fast as I could and tried to change to a happy and upbeat song. Though my mind kept playing tricks on me. Every now and then I would look behind me. If people weren't here when I got into town, then I doubt there'd be anyone behind me, let alone stalking me. Though your brain is a powerful thing when you're scared. I look back at my phone once more as I continue to forward songs. 19:47. Song after song was still creepy and horrifying. I suddenly gave up and turned off my iPod and tried to pay attention to my surroundings.
Suddenly, a light suddenly flashed in front of me, I looked next to me. I walked straight past a pub. Not just any pub though, it was a gay pub. My heart jumped a little bit as I questioned myself if I should head in or not. The sign behind the door said they were open until 2am, so I decided to see if I should look inside. They could be nice to closeted bisexuals, I thought.
I tremble my way towards the door. Luckily, the door had a window in it, so I looked inside. I plant my arms above my head and put them on the window, pressing my forehead onto it to try and look inside. It looked calm. A ton of large men though. My heart pounded as I began to feel intimidated. All I wanted was directions or a lift home at least, thought going in a stranger's car is asking for trouble such as murder, rape or possibly both. Thought sayings go, you cannot rape the willing.
I suddenly hear a grunt behind me. My eyes widen as I look into the window reflection, I see 5 huge guys standing behind me, a wolf wearing a tank top, loose jeans and a collar around his neck, a lion which was shirtless and wore ¾ length camouflage trousers, a tiger wearing an average red shirt and short trousers and wore a leather cap on his head, a leopard that wore a black shirt which matched his fur colour, long jeans that wrinkled and piled over his shoes and a bear, wearing a white shirt and camouflage trousers, thought under his shirt you could see outlines of a four piece leather harness. The bear was a whole lot taller than the four in front of him, and it turned out the grunt came from him.
My face burned a crimson red, totally embarrassed and shocked, and I suddenly move to the side, bowing multiple times, "I'm so sorry", sheepishly holding back fear in my throat.
The wolf and tiger both snigger to each other as they walk in, the lion and leopard both look at each other looking slightly confused and dumbfounded.
Suddenly, as the four go on inside, the bear slowly follows them from behind. He towered the four, including me. The four mammals had quite a heavy and muscular build, as the bear had a muscular build but had quite a chubby belly. He winces down at me and looks at me with his dark brown eyes. I feel my eyes begin to widen and I feel slightly dizzy. His eyes were beautiful. They shined as the door opened and I couldn't look away. He winced down at me as it seemed like a few seconds. He then carried on walking and made his way into the bar. It was like he didn't want to acknowledge me. Though, I didn't blame him.
I looked inside again and saw the back and bums of the 5 of the furs that walked in. I looked away quickly to avoid looking at them. Even the sight of the bear made my heart throw itself up in my throat. I didn't think I was worthy enough to even think of him.
After a little while I checked my phone again. It was 20:04, I decided to just walk in and take a seat in the back and plan ahead of what I should do. Instead of walking I take a few steps in and freeze. The whole place had their eye on me. I felt like an outcast. My brain was jumbled and I didn't know what to say.
Two wolves from a nearby table holding a pint of beer eyed me. One of them leaned on his elbows towards me, "Hey, you're new here, aren't you? You're cute, pull up a chair next to us and we can talk for a bit, how does that sound?"
I didn't know what to say and I didn't know how that sounded. All I thought was this isn't how people greet each other and that they can't be this friendly.
"Ah, I- Uh, Gh-", I begin to throw up word vomit, not sure of what to say in a place like this.
I decided to turn my back and go towards the back of the room.
As I turn around flustered and embarrassed I accidentally ploughed myself into the back of a chair where a bear was sitting. Little did I know it was the bear from outside a few minutes ago.
He looked behind him with a confused look on his face, and it looked like he was going to challenge me to a fight. I gasp deeply and back away.
"I-I'm so sorry! A-again, Agai--" I continue to back away and I speed walk to the other side of the room and tried to get out of sight from any other fur or person. Sadly that didn't happen, but I was able to get a table to myself.
I sulk a little and beat myself up about how shy I am. A little while later I feel something press against the couch I was sitting on at the table. I thought nothing of it and tried not to make eye contact.
"Wow! What a night is it, right?" a deep voice rumbled beside me and I feel a presence of something landing on the head of the couch behind me.
I shook it off and tried to ignore them. The person talking was obviously quite drunk and tried to make friends with everyone.
"Hello? You there?" I feel something quite sharp press again my cheek, I burned down deep inside trying my best to brush them aside.
"Please! Stop! I'm trying to ignore you!!" I turn my head to them, bursting out fairly loudly.
I stare at a nearby bear sitting next to me. His fur was a lighter version of the one that was outside. He seemed shorted, a little younger and a little more carefree. He didn't seem drunk. He seemed like the hyper type that liked everyone. He gives a manly bear like giggle and pokes my nose with his paw, which felt like soft leather.
"Hurr hurr hurr, when ignoring people you don't respond, my dear cub."
All I could do was glare at him. Not in a nasty way. Just in an annoyed way to show what I'm feeling. I put my elbow on the table and rest my chin and cheek in my hand, looking forward once again.
"That was quite a performance you did when you came in, wasn't it, little one?" he gives a big hearty laugh.
I sighed a little and glare at myself in the reflection of the window in front of us. I blinked a few times, thinking he'd go away if I just ignored him, though this clearly wasn't working.
"Hey... Pup... You can't ignore me again if you already said something to me..." his maw was right up to my ear. He purred deeply and I could feel he had a smile on his face.
I quickly stand up and leave my seat and table. "I'm getting a drink!" I shout back at him in response.
I storm my way over to the counter where the bartender was serving. Not surprisingly, it was another bear. While he was serving other customers, I looked around, seeing the titles such as "The Bear Inn", in my mind I thought of it as the name of the pub, which made sense why most of the customers were bears.
"Excuse me, sir. Is there anything you would like?" I feel a light tap on my shoulder and I snap back to turn to the bartender standing in front of me.
He wore a white apron and had ear rings all over his ear and a silver stud on his left eyebrow. He seemed like a lovely guy from the way his face looked. He looked so calming and had a brilliant smile.
"Can I have some coke, please?" I ask, looking down onto the desk, seeing carving to phone numbers, messages and even a game of noughts and crosses.
"Sure, that's £5 please" He smiles and takes out a pint glass, and pours ice into it.
I shiver a little as I hear how much it cost. I didn't have enough coins for that so I took out my wallet. I open it up to hopefully see at least a £5 note. My eyes tear up a little and I face palm myself.
The bear that was at my table came back holding my half a bottle of coke.
"You can't get away from me with a stunt like that!" he gives another hearty chuckle and he puts his furry arm around me. I could tell he used a lot of conditioner because it felt so soft. "What's wrong?" He looked at me puzzled.
I give him my wallet filled with £10 notes and a few £20's. He looked even more confused and nudged me.
"Why are you upset about that? Now you can treat me to a drink" he gives another hearty laugh.
I could tell he liked to laugh a lot and that he was only joking. But if I knew I had this much money sooner I could have gotten a taxi and would have been home by now.
"I'm such a blonde... I could have been home if I knew I had that much" I signed and growled in frustration.
"Oh, the trains were down, right?" he asked me and gave me a nudge with his elbow.
"Yep... I don't even know how to get home, it's why I came in here to ask if anyone could give me directions" I pulled my head on the counter and the bartender knelt down to my eye level.
"Hey... I think Kuma has a truck. I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping someone like you out, he might even do it for a few pounds if you don't live far" He bartender gives me a reassuring smile and looks up to the bear next to me.
I look to the bear beside me and he gets me into a small light headlock and ruffles my head.
"You see? Don't stress, lil' bud! The Big Bad Bear, Kuma can get you home! So just relax! I'm sure he wants to drink a few with his friends, lighten up a bit then will get you a taxi home with him and his friends!" He gives a deep snigger and strokes my face.
"Which one is Kuma, may I ask?" I get out of the headlock and look around.
"The one you bumped into" the bartender winks at me and stands tall once more and serves a needy customer nearby.
I swallow hard and my lower tummy and crotch begin to tingle. It wasn't the sort of tingle I'd get when being horny. It was an odd feeling, and I'd never experienced this before. Is this the saying of getting butterflies in your stomach? But surely it'd be higher up.
"By the way, my name is Curtis." The bear next to me stands tall and mighty, putting his hands on his side.
"Mine is Darren, nice to meet you. Can you tell us yours?" The bartender comes back to have the chat with us again.
"My name is Stuart, it's nice to meet you two" I smile softly.
"Great, but... Can you pay me now, please? Your coke is here still..." Curtis gave the vibe that he felt rude, his voice was a little low and quiet.
I hand him my £10 and down the cola on the counter. Darren soon comes back with the £5 and I stuff it into my wallet, walking back with Curtis to my table at the back.
"Oh, hey, Stuart! Just to say, I'll talk to Kuma for you about the ride home!" he calls back over to me. I didn't feel like looking back, Kuma would have turned around to me if he heard his name and saw me look back. |
Title: Meeting Melissa Ch. 08
Tags: rubbing trish, dildo melissa, trish ass, mom trish, melissa pants, melissa trish, clit trish, ben house, man dad, trish gasped
Melissa and I was sitting on a high bank overlooking a small river, that ran through the property I had signed the papers on that morning. It was 250 acres of the prettiest land in the county. It had at least 200 acres of timber that was perfect for hunting on and I had caught some huge fish out of the river when I was a kid.
The land had belonged to an old man by the name of Ben. He was a tall man like my dad, 6'5" tall 275 lbs. Mom and dad had bought the land next to his shortly after they got married.
Dad had tried to buy Ben's land for years but Ben never would sell it to him. One day when I was nine or ten, I overheard Ben say to dad, "Now Bob why would I sell land to you, when I plan on leaving the land behind and east of the house to Jim and I plan on leaving my house and the fifty acres from the house to the road to that beautiful daughter of yours."
Trish and I were always over at Ben's house. He taught me how to hunt, fish, and chew tobacco. Even though I had quit chewing years ago, that didn't stop him from offering me a chew when he saw me. He was always over at our house at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. When we had a cookout Ben was always there. If we did something that deserved getting our asses whipped and mom and dad weren't around, he would do it. Then it was forgotten all about and mom and dad would never know about it. Mom and dad felt comfortable enough with Ben that they would leave us with him over night or even several nights. He was more like a grandpa to us than anything else.
I thought Ben was just bull shitting dad about leaving the land to me and Trish. Then when Ben died of cancer a few months ago, Ben's lawyer got in touch with me and Trish and told us we were the only people mentioned in his will.
We always wondered where Ben got his money from. We found out he had made it in the stock market. He left me and Trish a very nice nest egg. When Melissa and I heard he was dying of cancer, we came home to see him.
Ben, Melissa, and I sat on his front porch and talked until almost dark. Ben fell in love with Melissa and he whispered to me that he was leaving me enough to build Melissa a home. I never quite understood what Ben meant until the lawyer had me sign the papers for the stocks to be put in my name. Trish was there to sign for her share also. When I asked the lawyer about Ben's hospital and funeral bill, the lawyer told me that Ben had already made arrangements and his bill's were taken care of.
As we were sitting on the bank, Melissa held onto my arm because she knew that in my mind, Ben, Trish, and I were down on that river just having ourselves a ball and she didn't want to interrupt my fun.
A few minutes later I sighed, looked over at Melissa, put my arm around her, gave her a big kiss, and then I told her I would see how much land dad wanted. Then I would sell the rest after I cut the timber off the land. Melissa looked at me like I had lost my fucking mind. When I asked her what was wrong, she asked me why would I want to do that. She told me that she was tired of living where we lived and wanted to move closer to mom and dad.
Melissa looked at me and told me she loved what she had so far seen of the property. We could build us a home here and after we moved in, we could sell the other house and land. She said that we would plan our wedding for when the contractor would have the new house ready. Then we would spend our first night in the house the night we came back from our honeymoon.
Melissa told me that she would have no problem finding a job or she may even go back to school. I had been telling her that I made more than enough money to support us and if she didn't want too, she didn't have to go back to work.
I leaned down, kissed Melissa hard on the lips, and squeezed her ass as I pulled her to me. When she moaned and sucked lightly on my tongue, I laid her back on the ground. As I was pulling Melissa's pants and panties down, She told me that she had never made love in the woods before. I grinned and told her that today was a great day for her first time.
For some reason we were in a hurry. As I took Melissa's pants off of one leg, she was opening my pants and pulling my cock out. I rolled over on top of Melissa, as she guided my rock hard cock to the opening of her already wet pussy. When I pushed all the way in, Melissa gasped and then wrapped her arms and legs around me. Melissa told me to fuck her fast and make her cum. She then said that she wanted to drink my cum when I was ready to shoot.
There are times when Melissa wants me to go slow and make her cum several times. She wants me to be gentle and treat her like she is a fragile piece of art. She wants me to eat her pussy and slowly bring her to climax. Then there are times that she wants to be treated like a slut. No tenderness, just fuck her hard and fast. When you get ready to cum, grab her by the hair, make her deep throat me and shoot the whole load down her throat.
This was one of those times that Melissa wanted to be treated like a slut. I started fucking her hard and fast. Melissa started cumming almost the second I started pounding into her hot, tight black pussy. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and bit and sucked on my neck. Biting and sucking on my neck, just made me pump my cock harder and faster into her. When I felt myself getting close I yelled, "Oh shit baby, I'm fixing to cum."
I pulled out and by the time I got to my feet, Melissa had made it to her knees. I grabbed her by the back of her head and as soon as I saw my cock enter her mouth, I pushed it all the way in and down her throat.
Melissa gagged a couple of times before she got used to me fucking her face. The gagging caused her throat to massage my cock and it felt wonderful. It didn't take but a few more thrusts and I started shooting my hot cum down her throat.
I pulled my cock out of Melissa's mouth on the third shot and my cum landed on her nose and chin. I don't know why I did that, but I'm so fucking glad I did. My pearly white cum dripping off her black face was sexy as hell.
I moaned and let Melissa put my cock back into her mouth, so she could clean it off. She sucked and licked from the head of my cock to my balls. My knees got so weak that I almost fell on my ass.
When Melissa finished cleaning my cock, she started to wipe my cum off with her fingers and I stopped her. I made her stand up and I leaned down and started licking my cum off her face. Melissa moaned and sucked the cum off my tongue when I stuck it in her mouth, as we kissed.
After we got through kissing we just stood there holding one another. Nothing was really said with our mouths but the way we held on to one another, said all that needed to be said. The way I was holding her was with all the love I had, and by the way she held on to me, I honestly believe she felt the same way.
Dad had dropped us off at Ben's house and when I realized we still had a long hike back to mom and dad's house, I broke the spell by telling Melissa we needed to go. She looked up at me, smiled, and gave me one of her tender kisses that goes straight to my cock. I wanted to lay her down and make love to her again but it would be after dark before we got home if I did that. Instead I backed up, stuffed my hardening cock back into my pants and then finished helping Melissa get dressed.
While we were getting dressed Melissa asked me if we could come back to this spot and make love every now and then. I told her that it would be my pleasure to bring her back here and make love to her again. As we walked home Ii showed her the swimming hole that Ben helped me and Trish clean out. Later we were walking through a field and I thought Melissa was going to shit on herself when we walked into the middle of a covey of quail and they flew up. The fluttering noise they make when they fly up, plus the fact that they're usually all around you, can cause you to go straight to your knees. Melissa almost climbed up on my shoulders.
When we got to where we could see the barn that's behind mom and dad's house, I told Melissa that that old barn was where my high school sweet heart took my virginity. Melissa squeezed my hand and told me that maybe we should go and see if we could find it. I told Melissa that if mom, dad, and Trish ever find out we made love before we told them we had decided to move home, they would disown me again. So if we make love again, they won't just disown me, they will kill the both of us. We both laughed and reluctantly went on to the house.
When we walked in I saw that dad was at the kitchen table. Trish was at the sink washing the dishes that mom and dad had used at lunch and mom was at the stove cooking. mom looked at us and started to scold us for being so late. Instead, when she looked at Melissa and saw the smile on her face, mom smiled and asked us both what was up.
Before I could answer Melissa said, "We want to inform you that we have set the date for our wedding." Mom, dad, and Trish all started trying to talk at the same time. Melissa started laughing and told them to calm down and said, "Jim will tell you when and I'll tell you where the wedding will take place."
I told them that as soon as our new house was built we would get married. They all looked at me kind of funny until I said, "How would you like some new neighbors?"
Mom and Trish ran to Melissa and hugged her and dad came and shook my hand. He then gave Melissa a big hug and kiss.
While Melissa helped Trish set the table for supper, Melissa told us that she wanted to get married where she met me, at our house in Texas, Melissa said that she wanted an outdoor ceremony, with just a few of mine and Melissa's friends and of course our families. We would set the date for when the contractor gave us a sound date of completion.
While we ate supper Melissa, mom, and Trish made wedding plans while dad and I talked about him being my best man. Then Melissa surprised us all when she sat in dad's lap and asked him to walk her down the isle plus be my best man. Dad said that it would be his honor to do that for her, that is if it was alright with mom and Trish. Of course they said it was fine.
After supper, dad and I went to his office that's next to the house and he started sketching a floor plan for the house. Dad is an architect and before we realized it, it was nearly midnight.
When we went into the house, we discovered everybody was in bed. I went to my old bedroom to get undressed and then take a shower. When I walked in, what I saw startled me. Melissa was between Trish's legs. That's not what surprised me though. What surprised me was the fact that Melissa was fucking Trish with a strap on dildo.
Melissa had Trish's long sexy legs over her shoulder and was steadily fucking her. Melissa was leaning over and sucking on Trish's long pink nipples. Trish came twice before I finally moved to start undressing.
When Trish caught my movement she looked right at me. She told me to hurry and get undressed. As soon as I got undressed and crawled in bed, Trish made Melissa get on her back. Trish straddled Melissa's hips and eased her pussy down on the long skinny shaft of the 7" plastic cock. Trish then begged me to fuck her virgin ass while Melissa fucked her pussy.
I told Trish that that would be a little bit too much for her first time. I told her I would be glad to kiss her ass and loosen her up some for my cock while Melissa fucked her instead.
When Trish nodded her approval, I went to my suitcase and got the lubricant that I had used to take Brenda's virginity a few months earlier. I came back to the bed and got behind Trish. I noticed the dildo Melissa was using had a part that was rubbing her clit and going into her pussy. I managed to get my mouth down to her pussy and lick her hole once. When I did that she moaned and pushed her hips hard up into Trish.
I then licked Trish's pussy lips and then her ass. Trish froze and wouldn't move. I had heard her and Melissa kissing, but they stopped when I started kissing and licking Trish's ass. I heard her say, "Oh fuck, he's kissing my ass."
Melissa moaned and said, "I know. Isn't it heaven?"
I started working a finger in Trish's ass to loosen her up. I licked, sucked, and finger fucked her ass while Melissa was fucking her pussy. Trish started screaming that she was cumming and buried her face in Melissa's shoulder. Trish was sobbing when Melissa informed us that she was cumming also. When Melissa did that, I eased a finger in Melissa's ass. Doing that just made her cum harder.
When they quit cumming, I encouraged Trish to roll over on her back and then I propped her ass up on a couple of pillows. I started eating Trish's pussy again and eased two fingers in her ass. Trish's ass was tight and it took some time to loosen her up and make her cum. I pumped her ass faster and faster and was sucking her clit. Trish finally came hard and since I had loosened her up enough to cum, I got the lube and started applying a generous amount to her ass and my rock hard cock.
By now Melissa had recovered and was sucking on Trish's nipples. When I started easing a third finger in Trish's ass and she whimpered, Melissa told her to relax and kissed her. Trish's ass gripped and squeezed my fingers and when Melissa rubbed her clit, Trish came hard again.
I got on my knees and rubbed the head of my cock around the entrance of Trish's ass. When Trish felt it touch her ass, she gasped, and tightened up. Her eye's kept darting back and forth from looking me in the eyes to Melissa's eyes.
Melissa reached down and started rubbing Trish's clit. I kept a small amount of pressure on Trish's ass until she loosened up and the head of my cock slid in. As soon as I saw the head disappear in her ass I stopped. Trish gasped, tightened up and you could see fear in her eyes. Melissa kept lightly rubbing Trish's clit and kept telling her it would start feeling better and that she needed to relax.
When Trish relaxed some, I eased my cock in another inch. Naturally she tightened up again but loosened up quicker this time. When Trish did loosen up, my cock throbbed and Trish gasped and moaned.
Melissa had quit rubbing Trish's clit and Trish took over that job. Melissa got up and started licking and sucking on my my ear lobe and about the time I started to push into Trish's ass, Melissa eased a finger in my ass. I moaned and shoved my cock all the way in Trish. She moaned this time but only tightened up for a second or two.
I looked at Melissa and told her that sticking her finger in my ass was an awesome feeling. I stayed still as she worked another finger in my ass. I couldn't believe Melissa was finger fucking my ass as I was fucking my sister in her ass.
I had started easing my cock in and out of Trish's ass slowly and Melissa started finger fucking me in the ass. Trish started moaning louder, rubbing her clit harder and pumping her hips up to meet my thrusts. When she did this I started fucking her ass faster and harder. Melissa just pushed her fingers in me a little deeper and let me fuck myself on her fingers.
Between the tightness of Trish's ass on my cock, Melissa's fingers in my ass, and the excitement of the whole situation. It wasn't long before I was cumming hard. Trish gasped, moaned, and yelled that she was cumming also. I couldn't hold myself up any longer. As I laid down on top of Trish, I kept throbbing as Ii emptied my balls. She wrapped her extra long legs around my waist so she could try to keep my cock in her ass and whispered in my ear that she could actually feel me cum.
When Melissa started saying she was cumming, I realized her fingers were gone from my ass. I looked around and Melissa was on her back and the strapless dildo was on mom. Mom was fucking Melissa to a powerful orgasm and dad was standing beside the bed as mom was deep throating his long skinny cock. You could tell by the look on dad's face that he was fixing to cum and that mom was cumming by the look on her face. The three of them started cumming at the same time.
Dad pulled his cock out of mom's mouth and shot the last of his cum all over mom's face. When dad finished he surprised me by helping Melissa lick and clean his cum up.
My cock throbbed at the sight of mom, Melissa, and dad. Trish moaned when I did and said that she loved the feeling of my cock throbbing. I pumped my cock and was surprised to find that it was almost hard.
I lowered my head down, kissed Trish, and told her that I figured that was enough for her first time. She grinned and said that there definitely would be many more times. We kissed again and I pumped in and out a few more times and then pulled out and rolled over.
By now mom, dad, and Melissa had separated. I rolled off the bed, grabbed Melissa by the hand, pulled her to her feet and told everybody that we were heading to the shower. we took a nice long shower and relaxed.
When we got back in the bedroom we saw that we were alone. We heard mom and Trish moaning and it wasn't coming from mom and dad's room either. I told Melissa that dad must have been wiped out, so mom and Trish must be entertaining themselves. She grinned and led me to the bed.
Once we laid down, we snuggled and talked about the floor plans dad and I had come up with so far. I asked Melissa if she was sure she wanted to move 500 miles from her family. Melissa turned her head slightly, kissed my chest a couple of times, and then answered me by saying, "Once we are married, you are my family."
I smiled and drifted off to sleep. |
Title: Let's Go Twitching by Squirrel
Tags: Mouse, Romance, Skunk
"Didn't fancy you as a twitcher," the skunk called.
Peregrine looked up. Sitting in the sun on a small hill overlooking part of the creek. Within easy walking distance of where the woods started. Near the barbed wire fence that divided his tiny property from her huge one.
"Mm?" she went, stopping. Standing next to him. "May I sit?" she asked with a bright smile.
The mouse nodded. And went, "Twitcher?"
"I assume that's what you're doing. Twitching.'
"I'm a mouse," he explained. "I always twitch."
A giggle. "No, no ... twitching is another word for birdwatching." She let out a huff as she sat next to him. And then breathed deeply through the nose. Her tail flagged a bit behind her, glinting from the light. All of black and white.
"I was, actually," he confessed, "birdwatching." A quiet pause. "But how'd you know?"
"Field sort of clued me in," she confessed. "Said you liked to do that, and when I went to your house and you weren't there, I ... scanned about. Saw you here out here, and figured that's what you must be doing." A pause and a breath. "Thought I might join you."
Peregrine nodded quietly. Flushing beneath his fur. He certainly had no objections to that.
It was several days after the race. It was into June.
The mouse's nose and whiskers twitched and sniffed. And his ears swivelled. And his tail snaked.
She watched his mousey motions. Her own tail flickering in the breeze. And own ears cocked and listening. But he always looked so much more alive than everything else around him. And the way his eyes always darted.
"How are things," the mouse asked, breaking the silence (which was starting to make him uncomfortable), "back at the mansion?"
"Not a mansion," she said. "You know I don't like calling it a mansion."
"Manor, then," the mouse whispered, smiling. "Aren't you to the manor born?"
"It's a house," she emphasized, smiling back. And she let out a breath. "And things are fine."
"You sure?" he asked.
A quiet nod.
"I just ... we haven't run into each other in a few days. I called, and the rabbit answered the phone."
"Yeah ... she said you were busy."
"I'm twenty-two and I run a grocery empire from my country house," the skunk said quietly. "It takes more effort than you think."
The mouse twitched. "I ... I didn't mean to imply that your job was easy. I mean ... I didn't mean to imply that, just cause you have money, you don't have stress. I didn't ... "
"I know you didn't," she said, reaching a paw out to his. Giving it a squeeze. "It's alright."
"So, it's okay? Everything's okay?"
The skunk hesitated before saying, "Everything's fine."
The mouse nodded quietly.
The breeze ruffled through their fur. Her tail flagged. And his hung like a fishing line.
Audrey looked to the creek. How the surface of the water rippled a bit. Rippled as the breeze blew above it. "Which birds," she whispered, "have you seen so far?"
"Um ... today?"
A nod.
"Um ... well, lots," he said.
"That's not very specific."
"I know," was his response. A pause. "Are you a bird-watcher, too?" he asked.
"No. Don't know anything about birds, really. But ... I do LIKE them. I just don't spend much time watching them. In the city, you don't. You can't, really, even if you wanted to, you know?"
Peregrine nodded at that. "Yeah," he whispered. "I guess."
The skunk fidgeted. "So, what've you seen, then? So far?"
"I saw a kingbird."
"Eastern kingbird. They eat insects and stuff, and they can hover. They're black on one side and have a white chest and belly. It's ... it'll come around before too long, I'm sure. It likes to be near the creek."
"Sounds nice," was the skunk's reply. And a slow, inward breath. And a slow release. "And what else?"
"Well ... yellow warbler. Great blue heron. Northern cardinal. Killdeer."
"I know what a cardinal is," the skunk piped in. "Our state bird, yeah?"
"Yeah. Unmistakable."
"And the heron looks kind of like a pelican?"
"Not really," Peregrine told her. "I mean, maybe, in flight, you might ... mistake it for one. But not if you look for more than a few seconds. They look more like storks or cranes, you know. But they're not. Cause they're herons." A pause. "Actually, I would rather have the great blue heron be our state bird. Like, five other states," he prattled, "have the cardinal as their state bird. Why do we have it, too? It's a lovely bird, but ... I think we should have the heron, you know. I mean, his look, and his poise. But he's a predator," the mouse whispered (as if divulging a secret). "And Indiana's got a lot of mice, so ... I think that's why we stick with the cardinal. I think the heron intimidates furs. But I've been, like, three feet from him before. And he's half as tall as me, and he has this ... this absolutely PIERCING gaze, and this razor-sharp beak. And these stilt legs, and ... "
" ... what does he eat?" Audrey asked, eyes wide. Captivated by the mouse's passion for the subject.
"Well, frogs. Frogs and small fish. He hunts in the creek and in the pond."
The mouse nodded. "I don't know why I like birds so much," he whispered, squinting in the sun. And then pupils dilating as the sun went behind a cloud. "They can fly. I don't know." The mouse shrugged weakly. "I just do," he offered weakly, looking Audrey in the eyes. And then flinching from the eye-lock, and then ... looking away. To his foot-paws. To the grass on the small, gentle hill.
"You're named," she whispered, "after a bird, aren't you. Why?"
"It's silly."
"I'm sure it's not," the skunk whispered tenderly. "Peregrine ... "
"What?" She blinked.
"You don't have to keep calling me Peregrine anymore." A pause. A swallow. "You can call me Perry."
The skunk smiled warmly and nodded slightly. "Perry," she whispered. She liked that.
"But, um ... " The mouse cleared his throat, drawing his legs to his chest. Arms around his legs. Knees bent. "I've got grey fur. When I was little, I had a very steely demeanor. I wasn't all giggles and squeaks like baby mice usually are. I was all scared and silent. I don't know. And, cause of my grey fur ... they said I must have the personality of a falcon. 'He's more a falcon than a mouse. He's sharp and silvery.' I don't know what that means. I mean, the whole thing is just ... random, I guess. I don't know if that's really the reason, or if there really WAS a reason." A pause. "There's a tradition among mice ... to withhold the naming of a child until he can walk. Cause, used to, back when the predators used to hunt and kill us all for sport," the mouse whispered weakly, "the mother mice wouldn't name their children. Cause by naming them, they would get attached. And it would be harder when they died. So, they waited." A breath. "So, my parents waited with me, and ... I watched birds even from an early age. My favorite was the kestrel, which is a TYPE of falcon, so I think that had a lot to do with it, too."
She listened. Ears swiveling.
"But they didn't really wanna name me Kestrel. That's more a femme's name. So, they named me Peregrine." And a breath. "So, it's a whole convoluted thing. It's no one thing."
"Regardless, that's a nice story. And it's a lovely name. A very strong, very masculine name."
The mouse let out a short giggle. "I'm not the most masculine of males, if you haven't noticed. I'm too thin. I'm wispy. I'm ... "
" ... male enough for me," she whispered. Interrupting him.
Peregrine's cheeks burned beneath his fur. He swallowed.
"I mean that," the skunk offered.
"Um ... al-alright," he stammered, unable to look her in the eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry," she stuttered. "I'm making you uncomfortable?"
"No!" he whispered with insistence. "No." A pause. "I just ... I haven't really felt like this about anyone since ... " He trailed.
"Since your mate died," she whispered for him.
A weak nod.
"I'm sorry."
"No. No, it's okay. I've ... I've had, what, nearly a year to heal? I'm fine."
"Maybe I should give you some space."
"No, please," he begged, with more desperation than he'd realized was there. "Please," he whispered, trying to reign the sound of desperation in.
"I'm not so good at relationships," she confessed, myself.
"I don't understand why you wouldn't be."
"Cause I'm young and rich and ... "
" ... attractive," he whispered honestly. Nodding.
"Well, it's not always that easy. I mean, pieces don't always make a whole puzzle, you know? It's ... I think you know that," she said quietly.
The mouse did. And the mouse nodded.
"These past few weeks, I've, uh, grown very fond of you. You know? I ... I wish we could see more of each other. I mean ... " The skunk let out a breath. Shut her eyes. Shook her head. "I should get going."
"I have a meeting soon."
"A meeting?"
"On the phone."
"We'll see each other later, yeah? Or tomorrow? Or something?" she said.
"Or something," the mouse echoed shyly, nodding.
"Alright." She took a deep breath and stood. "I'd love to hear more about birdwatching. I'd love to go twitching," she confessed, "with you sometime."
"Cause mice are just so suited for twitching," Peregrine supplied for her.
"That's true, but ... " The skunk hesitated before saying what followed. But she felt, today, right now, that something was brewing between them. And she felt bold enough, suddenly, to say, " ... it's not the birds I'm wanting to watch, really." Her voice was at a feminine whisper. And she bit her lip. And gave a tiny paw-wave, mouthing, "Bye."
"Bye," he mouthed back, throat dry. And it must've been a minute, he felt, before he blinked OR breathed. And, by that time, she was already on the other side of the barbed wire fence. Walking back to the big, white house.
And Peregrine sighed. Eying his small, simple house (with its four rooms). On the other side of the creek. And he gave up on birdwatching for now. Instead, padding back to his house. To have a lie down. To gain his composure.
To maybe dream some good dreams.
And to figure out if these feelings were more than just whims. |
Title: Standing Out: Aiden's Story - Chapter 1 by Aerak
Tags: First Time, Handjob, Human, Love, M/M, Relationships, Wolf
A brief note from the author: Hey there everyone. It's been along time since I've posted anything at all. For the people who emailed me asking for more, sorry it took so long. Also sorry that this doesn't really classify as ''more'', seeing how this is a new story series. My bad. I'll actually finish this one.
I've had the worst case of writers block these past six months which I've finally been able to break out of today with this story. This first chapter is only roughly 4 pages long. Sorry 'bout that. Next chapter will be longer I promise.
Anywho, enjoy!
I was all alone. This apartment on the fringes of what might be called civilization by some, this crooked neighborhood full of the worst kind of tyrants... and me with no money and no idea how I'm going to change things. This apartment I live in is an ancient relic from the old world, a world of discrimination, of crushed hopes and the people who try to pick up the pieces. In other words the same type of world that exists today.
This place is my home hah... if you could call it that; full of dust and mold. The colors are all faded, hell, even my fur is beginning to lack color... a sign of the harsh times that I'm having to endure. The only food in this entire place, which by the way is a one bedroom unit (there all one bedroom units), is a stack of frozen pizzas, quite obviously in the freezer.
I looked over to the window from where I was sitting at the kitchen table; looked through the darkness, both in my apartment and outside. Shots rang out, gun shots, and the wind almost symbolic in it's timing seemed to howl suddenly. I got up and looked from my balcony. The night air was hot and humid. I looked down towards the street light, the only one that's viewable from where I am. Below it was a pool of blood and a man frantically searching for the victims wallet.
I thought to myself, ''it's pretty bad when you can shoot a man in plain site and get away with it... no... to show no fear of being caught. As I stood there I cried for that man who had to die for a few bucks... atleast that's what I was doing at first, but then the tears of sadness for that man's plight turned inward to my own despair. I slumped over and put my hand against my forehead, looking at the 2x4s on which I stood. I had seen enough.
''What am I going to do?'' I'm not a religious wolf, but I prayed... I prayed because I had nothing else. I knew in my heart that it wouldn't matter, but I had to do something. This world was tearing itself apart... the human's couldn't even get along with their own kind. What did I do to deserve this life, especially when things were going so well for me until a few years ago. With nothing left to do, I cried myself to sleep.
STANDING OUT: AIDEN'S STORY By M. Hibbard (aka Aerak Wolfwood)
Chapter One - The Beginning
A man taught me something once, and before you bother asking who he was, he was a lot of things... the human who decided to look after me in my early teens. Yes, it's definitely not the usually for a furry, but this man was different.
When I was 12 I think, I was with my parents at a mall.. I don't remember which one and it isn't important to the story anyway. But what is important is that we were at a videogame store getting me a gameboy game. As we walked out the exit of the story, the invisible line that separated it from the rest of the mall, the security system sounded. The people turned into a mob, automatically assuming that my parents had stolen something, and they decided to take the situation into their own hands. I got pushed away from them, and I remember the shear terror of the moment and feeling like everyone suddenly became a monster. Even the woman were acting out, something which surprises me looking back, given that woman are usually less prone to anger than men. My parents were knocked off their feet and slammed against the tile floor. A young man in his early twenties saw what was going on as he was walking by the store and decided to act. He darted out infront of my parents, forming a divider between them and the mob.
''What the hell are you all doing... have you lost your minds? Is this how you'd treat a human? And what of this little one'', he said as he pointed to me, ''can't you see how frightened he is... he didn't do anything to deserve this''.
His name was Peter McKellen. He was 19 at the time. After the incident we all became very close... he ended up becoming part of our family. My parents would sometimes be gone for weeks at a time with their jobs. My father was an engineer for IBM. My mother was a fashion designer. They were very lucky as far as most furry's go... yes, they were quite priviledged to have been given so many opportunities in their lives. While they were gone they charged Peter with looking after me. Growing up he was like an older brother to me; the kind who you get along with and have fun with ofcourse. He taught me to be tolerant of others, no matter what their beliefs or views on the world were. And as I found out from him when I was 17, it was okay if you were of another sexual orientation.
We were camping that night at a state park that wasn't too far away from where my parents lived. It was just the two of us there that night. As we sat pressed up against a giant rock, in the field looking up at the stars, I began to get a little chilled. Peter must've noticed this because he inched towards me and put his arm around me.
I chuckled and said to him, ''this is pretty gay''... I was only being silly. Peter smiled at me and with his other hand began to rub my chest through my shirt.
''Well, it's a good thing I am then'', he said calmly. My breathing began to speed up as the hand against my chest went down and under my shirt, pressed up against my slender stomach. His fingers pressed into my fur... they were cold, afterall, he was only wearing a t-shirt and kackis. He closed his eyes and his smile grew wider. ''Your fur's so warm'', he said to me softly. What he said next surprised me: ''I know the feelings you have for me deep inside, Aiden. You don't have to be afraid, for I also share them towards you''. My eyes began to tear up and I looked away from him, biting my lower lip for a moment and then turning back where my eyes met his.
''How did you know'', I asked with a sniffle. He embraced me softly... it was the first time that anyone had held me like that. I slowly and timidly reached my arms around him and returned the embrace, resting my cheek against his shoulder. He spoke softly, his voice full of emotion.
''Hey, I've known you since you were 17, remember?''
As the night went on the air began increasingly chilly. But we were both okay. Peter had a few blankets in the back of his car which he decided to get out, and then we snuggled together and he told me stories about the constellations that he'd been taught as a child. That night the stars shined for us, or atleast it appeared that way to me. For the first time in my life, and quite unexpectedly aswell, I felt complete. I couldn't believe what I had been missing. And as the night went on, after the stories were through, I rolled onto my side and rested my head against Peter's shoulder. I remember him putting his arm around me... his other arm reached over so that he could softly run his fingers through my headfur.
''You're so warm Aiden'', he paused and smiled lightly, rubbing his cheek against the top of my head. ''I wish I had fur like yours''.
I closed my eyes and yawned, ''Don't worry...hon'', the word felt very strange as I used it for the first time, and yet that word alone made me giggle slightly. ''You don't need fur. Whenever you're cold, just let me know and I'll keep you warm'' I could feel him grin against the top of my head.
''Thank you wuffy, though that's not entirely what I meant''.
I lifted my head and looked at him. ''What is it then?'' He sat up and sighed lightly and for some reason I felt compelled to wrap my arm around him.
''It's just... naw... you'll just think I'm crazy''.
The paw on his shoulder migrated to the back of his head, and I slowly leaned my head in and kissed him softly, breaking the kiss I looked into his eyes and rested my paw against his cheek. ''No I won't'', I said softly and in as caring a tone as I could. He leaned in and I wrapped my arms around him, letting his cheek rest against my shoulder as he had done for me earlier. I could tell that whatever he was about to tell me was very important to him, something that he probably hadn't told anyone. And after a moment of peaceful silence, he spoke.
''Ever since I can remember I've felt out of place with other's like me. Humanity is like a tree with it's many different people being like different branches. I see so much violence and fighting between them'', he paused, ''can't they see that they're all parts of the same thing?''. Once again he paused, yet only briefly, ''And yet I feel disconnected from them. When I'm with you and your family, with furries, everything seems so familiar, and when I touch your fur I can almost faintly remember what it feels like to be covered in it. I wish I was furry, that is my strongest desire... no... my second strongest.
He leaned back a bit and looked into my eyes. I could now see that his eyes were quite watery. He pressed his palms softly against my cheeks. ''My biggest desire is to be with you''. Those words made my eyes instantly begin to tear, and he leaned his head forward and our lips met, and stayed together for a long time.
I could feel his hands shift position now, where one was pressed against the back of my head, and the other was firmly traveling down my back. I could feel his tongue begin to invade my mouth and I gasped slightly out of surprise, especially since at the very same time I felt his hand travel under my pants where his gripped my butt tightly. The feeling was very new to me, myself being a virgin at that point. I pushed forward, pushing him onto his back, where I lifted up his shirt and pulled it over his head and then slowly licked from his bellybutton to his chest, up along the side of his neck, which gave him goosebumps.
I began to suck and nibble on his neck, causing him to moan loudly. As I was doing this I slowly lowered myself so that I was sitting on his crouch. My butt pressed against his rock hard member that was hiding within his pants. I grinned, also noticing that I had slipped out of my sheath; all the pre from my pertruding member beginning to make my boxers damp. I pulled my head away from his neck, sitting straight up, enjoying the feel of my rump grinding against that large bulge in his pants.
His hands quickly began undoing my pants. He undid the button and then quickly pulled them and my boxers down around my ankles, eager to get at my wolfhood that was only half erect but was already almost 5 inches long. I moved back slightly so that I was now over his thighs were I undid the fly of his pants. Bringing my muzzle down I slowly enhaled his musk, the smell arousing me even more. I pressed the tip of my muzzle against the slit of his pants, and let my tongue invade and move past the slit in his boxers, finding his member waiting for me, I licked along it's length, causing Peter to tilt his head back and moan loudly.
I then pulled away and tugged his pants down. By this time my wolfhood was fully erect and I pressed it against his member, firmly gripping them both in my paw. His cock was only a few inches shorter than mine, a pretty good size considering he was human.
Peter chuckled looking at our members pressed against one another. ''We're pretty different from eachother''.
I giggled, ''But I'm guessing they work pretty much the same''.
And with that I began stroking both of our members together. My other paw pressed against Peter's chest where I pinched his nipple inbetween my claws; his hand gripping the wrist of that paw tightly. My wolfhood was continually leaking which served as a natural lubricant; the access dripping onto Peter's stomach. He was very close to going over the edge, and so was I.
My knot began to grow where it pressed firmly against Pete's balls. His breathing began to quicken, and I gripped our members even tighter as my orgasm neared. Finally Peter climaxed, panting and moaning deeply as he through his head back. Cum shot out and onto his chest, and it was then that I hit my own climax. I howled loudly and spilled my seed all over him. About thirty seconds later, after I had regained myself, I smiled at him and licked his forehead, then I collapsed beside him and rubbed his cheek with the back of my paw.
''Sorry for the mess''.
He laughed and then kissed me softly. ''It's okay. You won't find me complaining''.
He shivered as a cold breeze caught him offguard. I picked up my shirt and quickly wiped him off so he wouldn't be as cold.
''Hey, don't you need that'', he asked.
''I'm covered in fur, remember? I'll be fine..'', I paused for a minute as I looked into my lover's eyes ''.. I have you afterall''.
With that we smiled at eachother and I snuggled up against Peter once again. He pulled the blanket back over us and very soon he fell asleep. I stayed awake a little while longer though, looking up at the full moon and contemplating how much had changed in such a short period of time. I looked rubbed my cheek against Peter, and for the first time I didn't second guess or try to hide my feelings.
''Sweet dreams, hon'', I said in a soft voice. ''I love you''
End of Chapter 1
What will become of Peter and Aiden? What happened to screw Aiden's life up so much and will he be able to break free? These are all good questions. Find out whenever I get around to writing the next chapter! |
Title: Freyja Inc. Ch. 06
Tags: threesome, waxing, oral sex, fff
*Chapter Six
The Awakening*
The morning came much too early for Shea, she was mixed between two very hot wet dreams. In one she was with Trish following her sexual desires and in the other she was the object of desire being had by all three of the women that were controlling this circus. The hand on her shoulder shaking her genteelly was that of Wesley, usually he would pull back the curtain and allow the bright morning light to wake Shea but today it was overcast and without some coaxing Shea would sleep the morning away.
With a small grin across her face Shea finally began to return from her dream state and open her eyes. "Good morning Ms. Egan." Wesley said as her eyes cracked open.
"Oh, good morning to you too Wesley." She replied.
Sitting up Shea was happy she no longer had the plug in her ass; she was able to sit up in bed and take in the morning without being so uncomfortable. As before Shea had made quit a mess of her self during the night; there was a large wet spot on the sheets, her hands were slick and smelled of sex, and the dark auburn hair covering her mound was matted down with her own cum.
While Shea sat there for a moment Wesley began pulling the comforter off the bed. "Ms. Egan if you would please, I need to remove the linens and place fresh ones on."
Shea slowly rolled out of bed standing in front of the window and started to stretch.
"My Ms. Egan you sure have a knack for sullying the bed." Wesley said as he pulled the sheets back.
Shea looked over at the massive spot on the bed; she must have squirted during the night while masturbating. There was no other explanation for the vast size of the wet spot, unless she pissed the bed and she hasn't done that since she was four.
"I do believe you have even surpassed Ms. Danielle for having the most nocturnal emissions in one week. I remember when she was making her way through; she would have sex dreams that caused issues like this at least twice, no three times a week. Unfortunately for the linen service they were no where near this messy." Wesley mused on.
Shea blushed as Wesley continued to discuss the fact that she was having wet dreams at night. It didn't make things any better with her standing there with sticky wet hands and a soaking wet pussy.
Shea made her way to the shower to clean up. While she was cleaning up Tess walked in greeting her with a morning grunt. Tess wasn't a morning person and the fact that she was forced to go to bed early still didn't help. After soaking in the warm water for a moment Tess lowered the spray and took a seat on the ledge next to her in the corner.
Shea, busy washing her hair paid no attention to Tess until she caught a glimpse of her soaping up her pussy. As Shea watched; Tess lathered up her crotch and slowly, carefully started to shave her pubic region. From what Shea could see there wasn't anything there to begin with but she was too curious to not ask.
"Tess what are you doing?" she said.
"I'm shaving the little kitty. It was starting to get prickly." Tess replied.
Shea was more curious than shocked at this point so she continued to watch Tess clear the stubble from her mound. As she watched on Shea slowly drew her fingers across the area just above her pussy feeling the curly hair decorating her womanly region. As her fingers moved across she could feel the stubble of the hair Trish trimmed away then a nice thick soft patched followed by more stubble. Exploring more Shea reached down further to find more prickly hairs on either side of her opening and in the cress next to her legs. The new hair growth was actually starting to itch and annoy Shea but she was unaware of what was causing it until now.
Shea watched as Tess finished her grooming and realized she needed to do some of her own or there would be a growing problem so to speak. At that moment it hit her, that was how she was going to get Trish near her pussy. The grooming was the perfect excuse to contact and visit Trish; it would even get her down there close to her pussy. Shea knew that if she could get her close the moment would lead to an opportunity for either Trish to take the lead or Shea her self could force the issue.
Hurrying back to her room Shea wasted no time chatting with Tess. As Shea entered the room Wesley was there finishing the bed, "Ah, Ms. Egan I see you have hurried this morning. I take it you are in a rush to do something today."
"Wesley, did you contact the person I told you about last night?" Shea asked.
Wesley responded with a quick "No Madame." As he finished his work tucking in the last corner of the sheet.
"Well I think I know a way to get myself invited over so we could take care of that little situation if it is OK with the bosses." Shea said with a glee in her voice.
"I do believe that may be a possibility Ms. Egan, but first you must go and eat breakfast." Wesley replied.
Some what crushed by the lack of excitement on Wesley's part Shea dressed in the cotton bra and thong and headed off to breakfast. As she sat there with Tess Shea asked question after question about grooming the lower regions. Shea wanted to know how long Tess had been doing it, did she always shave or sometimes wax, how long did it take to grow back, had anyone else done it for her, why she like being hairless, and finally did Tess think she would like having hers shaved for a while.
Tess answered all of her questions, some with a look of "Where have you been for the last five years", but none the less she gave Shea a full description of what to expect, how it felt, did it itch, was it safe, and what she thought Shea would look like clean shaven.
Shea went to the exercise room after breakfast to go through the yoga stretches by her self so she could maintain her new workout program. Tess was headed back to her room with intent on going back to sleep. Sunday was their only true day off so both planned on get things done they missed out on this week. As one could guess Shea was more interested in making up the yoga workout she missed yesterday and Tess was all about sleeping the day away.
About two thirds of the way through the yoga progression Katrina entered the room. "Do you mind if I join you." She asked.
Shea knew that question was rhetorical but she answered anyway, "No, it would be nice to have a partner for some of the stretches."
"Good but there is one thing that we need to fix before we begin." Katrina said.
"What would that be Madame?" Shea replied
"I only do yoga in the nude, and if you're going to be my partner you will need to be nude also." She said with a stern look in her eye waiting for Shea to refuses.
Shea carefully examined the trap Katrina laid out and then with a cheerful voice she replied, "If you say so, I have never exercised in the nude. I would imagine it makes you feel completely free."
Shea and Katrina both started removing their clothes as they eyeballed each other waiting for the other to give. Shea having less on to begin with was out of her sports bra and thong in no time. Finished disrobing she stood near Katrina examining her figure as she removed her clothes. Watching her like she was gave Shea a little since of power as Katrina was under her microscope. Katrina was no weak ninny; she understood the emotional and mental feelings of power one gets when watching someone undress before them. She was going to allow Shea this small victory for now because she understood the need for such a confidence booster today.
With both girls naked they began to go through the positions starting from the easiest to the hardest. During the progression Katrina would give Shea advice on life, friends, business, and eventually sex. It was here that Shea started to become slightly aroused; the fact that she was next too, stretching, or holding another naked woman through most of the exercise program never seemed to affect her until now. As Katrina talked about sex Shea became more aware of the sexual nature of the female body.
Shea examined every inch of Katrina's glorious figure from her large firm breast to the S curved patch of hair above her pussy. The more she looked on the more she realized she was attracted to this strong confident woman. Facing each other as they sat on the floor Katrina spread her legs wide as if she was going into the splits. "Place your feet together with mine." She instructed Shea.
Stretching out Shea was only able to meet Katrina's legs at the ankle; Katrina's legs were way longer than hers. As she sat there allowing the stretch to work itself out Katrina held out her hands, "Take my arms and lean back as far as you can. It helps me stretch further."
Doing as instructed Shea leaned back pulling Katrina towards her. With her back flat on the floor Shea could feel the stretch her self and also there was something soft and fleshy rubbing along the inside of her thighs. Looking down she saw Katrina's mounds dangling down swaying back and forth against the inner part of her legs. Without thinking Shea closed her eyes and imagined what it would feel like to have Katrina lick her pussy.
As she held the stretch she asked, "What does it feel like?"
"What does what feel like?" Katrina replied.
"You know, to be with a woman. What does it feel like when they touch you down there?" Shea asked with eyes still closed.
Katrina paused for a second then explained the tactile feeling of another woman's touch. She went into great detail between the difference in a man's touch and a woman's touch. The latter being more sensuous and tender, as she continued she also spoke of the different types of orgasms a woman would have being with another female.
When Katrina finished her explanation she pulled her self up and leaned back drawing Shea foreword until she was leaning over Katrina. Shea moved without resistance stretching as far foreword as she could. The pull in her muscles was strong but not painful. Reaching the depth of her stretch Shea felt a heat radiating up towards her face. Opening her eyes she found her self just inches from Katrina's luscious pussy. The heat coming off of it was telling Shea just how much Katrina wanted her.
This was the first time Shea had ever been that close to another woman's pussy. From this vantage point she could make out every little fold of flesh and see just how moist it becomes with arousal. With her face so close to a honey pot Shea couldn't help but get a nostril full of the sweet musky aroma of a female vagina when it is fully aroused. The smell was intoxicating, Shea struggled to maintain control because she was about to give in and attempt to taste Katrina right there.
Katrina released the stretch and slowly raised her self back up to a sitting position. Looking over Shea monitoring her signs of peaked interest Katrina said, "I take it you liked what you saw? Well to let you in on a little secret, IT likes you too."
With that she hopped up and ordered Shea to get up and follow her to the showers. Both women strolled through the building completely nude as they made their way down stairs to the showers.
Katrina was just like Yanna, standing firm and defiant as the first blast of cold water arched across her firm breast drawing her skin tight and snapping her nipples to full attention. As the two ladies washed off the sweat from their workout Shea asked Katrina a point blank question, "Do you and the other two ladies ever...You know have sex with each other?"
"Well, there have been occasions where we have engaged in sexual acts with each other. It is not a common thing for us to just break out in a Lesfest but we all enjoy the comfort of each other if the desire arises." Katrina responded.
"Were you nervous the first time you did it with another girl?" Shea meekly asked.
"I think everyone has some doubt the first time they try it but if you go into it with an open mind and don't expect the earth to move most women find it more pleasurable and passionate than being with a man." She answered.
"I think I'm ready to try, I just hope that my friend will go slowly so I won't be scared." Shea said
"Well if you think you are ready I will have Wesley arrange to have her come here and meet you." Katrina replied with a business like tone in her voice.
"No, I think it would be better if maybe I went to her place. I know she likes me in that kind of way but it would be weird to just bring her here to have sex. I think it would make me feel better if I tested the water a little before...You understand don't you?" Shea said.
Katrina thought for a moment then said, "I will speak with the other ladies and confirm with Wesley on her background check. You will have you answer in an hour." With that Katrina turned off the water and walked out of the shower. As Shea rinsed off she too followed Katrina out of the shower and toweled off.
Waiting in her room by the window wrapped in her robe Shea stared out at the park day dreaming of what it would be like to be with Trish. The smell of Katrina's pussy was faintly dancing in her nose as she thought back to the night Trish shaved her pubic region. She could remember the female musky scent of Trish when they were in the bathroom; the olfactory similarity was flooding her mind with mental images of the night on the couch as they played with the toys. The longer Shea sat there viewing the scene in her mind the more she became excited about seeing Trish once again.
Wesley entered the room at exactly one hour carrying a garment folded with a golden sash along with a pair of high heel sandals.
"I have been instructed to take you into town for a rendezvous with Ms. Allen. You will need to prepare for your trip outside of the compound." He said as he laid the items on the end of the bed.
Shea stood up and walked over to the bed to inspect the items. As she approached Wesley reached out and took her hands examining her nails. "I do believe we will need to start with the fingers and work our way down to the toes."
Wesley arranged the chair next to the bed then quickly left the room. Less than a minute later he was back with a small shoe box size case.
"Ms. Egan please take a seat so I can give you a manicure." He said.
Shea followed Wesley's orders with a smile; she was all about getting a free manicure. After a short time Wesley had finished off her left hand and started on the right. Checking his handy work Shea found that he was very talented in French tips. She always loved the way they looked and thought a woman with French tips was classy.
"Now for the toes." He spouted as he reached for her feet.
Shea was in heaven; the firm massaging grip on the arch of her foot felt wonderful. Wesley was gentle with the file but very quick. As Shea leaned back allowing Wesley to continue his work she sunk deep into the cushions on the chair relaxing. Shea's robe fell open as Wesley moved her feet around during the pedicure exposing her sex pot and the inner edges of her breast.
With toes adorned with matching French tips Wesley looked up catching the sight of Shea's now bushy crotch. "Oh no that just will not do!" He verbalized with a disappointment in his voice.
Throwing open her robe Wesley adjusted Shea's legs spreading them wider giving him a more revealing view of her fuzzy pussy. "Ms. Egan when was the last time you manicure you quim?"
Shea was taken back slightly by his actions and then straight foreword question. "Ah, it was a week ago Thursday." She said in a please forgive me kind of tone.
"Well that must be tended too. Shave or wax?" He said as he looked her in the eye.
"What do you mean?" she replied.
"Do you want me to shave you crotch or wax it?" he returned as if it was perfectly normal for him to groom her pussy.
"Ah, I don't want you to do either." Shea said as she folded her robe back over her nakedness.
"Well Ms. Egan I think that is poor form for someone to leave their pubic hair so over grown especially if they intend to have another person intimately close to the area." Wesley said in a rather put off manner.
"First off I find it rude that you speak to me that way, and second I have a plan on how to get Trish to make love to me by having her groom my crotch instead of you." She shot back with an angry tone.
"Oh, my apologies Ms. Egan; if you would in the future keep me abreast of any plans you have so I do not over step my boundaries if you please." He replied.
"If you will allow me Madame, I will apply you makeup while your nails dry to expedite the process."
Shea nodded her consent which sent Wesley off to fetch his makeup kit. During his absence Shea marveled at how good her finger and toe nails looked, that Wesley was a man of many talents. The French tips on her toes was something new to her and she found them to be more than classy, they were down right perfection.
Wesley returned with another kit and without any formality her tilted Shea's head back and went to work. Base, eyes, cheeks, and lips all attended to and none overlooked. Wesley made short work of the makeup and without asking started to brush and fashion Shea's auburn locks. Curling iron and brush moved with masterful precision followed by a quick spray. Before Shea could really understand what was going on Wesley had given her the works, manicure, pedicure, makeup, and hair were complete now all she had to do was dress.
As she stood up to put on the outfit Wesley brought her she couldn't tell who was more excited about the future events, her or Wesley. Taking the dress from the bed Wesley held it up so Shea could see what it looked like. To her disappointment the dress looked like a square white sheet with golden trim around the edge. There was a hole in the middle that was also trimmed with the gold edge. Shea didn't know exactly what it was but it wasn't a dress.
"Here place you head through this opening please." He said as he held the dress up higher to give her access to the hole. With her head through the opening Wesley let the fabric fall down over her back. When she stood upright the front and back of her body was covered by the dress but both sides were exposed to anyone beside her. Adjusting the fit across her shoulders and fluffing her hair Wesley went about completing the outfit. Wrapping the golden sash around her waist he knotted it just off to the side allowing the ends to dangle down her right leg. With the sash in place the fabric of the dress drew tighter across her chest closing the wide gap on each side but still leaving it open. The sides of her breast were very visible along with the flesh all the way down past her hips. Wesley proceeded to slip the high heel sandals elevating Shea another four inches.
"Let us take a look in the mirror and see just how stunning you are." Wesley said after her stood up and inspected his work.
Walking over to the mirror Shea could feel the light weight fabric float up and down as she stepped. The material tickled a little across her ass as it swayed back and forth. Turning to look Shea was speechless when she saw a Goddess staring back at her in the mirror. The simple dress now looked like an ancient tunic one would see worn by a mythological goddess in a painting by De Vince or Michael Angelo. Her auburn locks flowed down around her head and over her shoulders framing the features of her face with astounding effect. The makeup Wesley applied was simple yet highlighted her green eyes and Native American bone structure.
Shea turned to take in the view from behind; the speed of her turn lifted the light fabric enough so she was able to get a full view of her naked buttocks and then the auburn patch of hair between her legs. "Oh my, that could be embarrassing in public." She said as her hands lowered the dress to cover her pussy.
Facing the mirror again Shea scanned down the image and noticed her dark red nipples and dark auburn muff were slightly visible through the white fabric. "Ah, Wesley this dress is almost see through, it looks pretty dark out like it might rain. What will I do if it gets wet and everyone can see right through it?"
"I would suggest you do as our Mistresses would do, STRUT!" he shouted as he twirled a hand in the air as if doing the tango.
Shea giggled a little then turned back to the mirror, "Wesley do you think I am pretty? I mean do you think I have the type of looks they do?"
"Ms. Egan, you my dear are as beautiful if not more beautiful than any woman in this city. If your self confidence was at the level of my girls no man in the world would stand a chance denying you anything you desire." He softly replied with a fatherly tone to his voice.
A few more fluffs of the hair and striating a line or two and Shea was ready. Wesley escorted her out of her room to the elevator at the end of the hall. Arriving down in the parking garage Shea and Wesley proceeded to the limo. Alex was there ready with the door and a hanging jaw as she saw Shea strut her way over to the vehicle. Stepping into the limo Shea was very aware of the length of the dress, it only came down to the upper mid thigh. There was definitely going to be some flashing when she exited the car later.
During the ride through town Shea asked Wesley a rather important question. "What if she is not home? I haven't spoken with her in over a week? She may not even want me to come around since I didn't return the dress myself."
Wesley could tell that Shea was starting to worry about small things, "Ms. Egan I can assure you that Ms. Allen is home. I spoke with her earlier and set up a little deception to make sure she would be there. I told her that I was delivering a package for her from you and wanted to know if she would be available for delivery. She was very excited to hear that you were thinking of her and made plans to stay in until the package had arrived."
As Alex opened the door to the limo Shea swung her leg out and as she expected the hem of the skirt refused to cover her pussy. The view that Alex received along with the gentleman and two ladies walking by at the time was unobstructed and full of pink. Shea thought about being embarrassed for a second them realized what should she be embarrassed about. Hollywood stars have been flashing their twats all over the place on a daily basis most of the time to a crowd of cameras. With confidence she stood tall and waited for Wesley to come around.
Wesley instructed Alex to pull the car around and wait for him to call on the car phone; Alex nodded and quickly closed the car door and returned behind the wheel.
Wesley escorted Shea into the building; it was a simple apartment building in a good neighborhood with average people living in it. The lobby area was nice and clean but the attendant was a little on the scary side. As Wesley and Shea made their way across the room the grumpy fellow behind the desk bellowed out, "What business do you have here?"
Wesley replied, "Business that does not pertain to you Sir, now if you would please kindly show us the direction of the lift."
The gruff man looked puzzled at what Wesley said as they stood there waiting. "The elevator, we are looking for the elevator." Shea piped in when the fellow seamed to not know what a lift was.
Turning the corner and making their way down the hall Shea and Wesley were getting a few odd looks from tenants as they saw the couple walking past them. They did make a strange couple. He a man in his late fifties early sixties escorting a woman in her mid twenties, dressed in an outfit that exposed more body than it covered. Shea realized now just how much her breast bounced as she walked in heels. Her nipples were on full alert poking out against the dress, and the hem of the fabric tickled her bum as it swayed back and forth across her ass as she walked. Shea was a sight to behold, as the elevator door started to shut an arm stuck through it blocking it from closing. It was a young man about thirty trying desperately to get on the elevator with her. Once in all he could do was stare at her bare legs, hip, and side until they reached the floor Trish lived on. Feeling a little frisky Shea gave him a tease as she exited the elevator, with both hands Shea flipped the hem of her dress up over her ass flashing the voyeur her firm round cheeks.
Shea walked down the hall with Wesley towards Trish's apartment, there was a definite strut in her stride now and she was starting to show a confidence that was not there before.
Trish heard a knock at the door; it must be the delivery she was told about over the phone. What could it be? She was so excited to find out Shea was thinking about her that she forgot to finish dressing this morning. Trish quickly buttoned up the men's dress shirt she had on, she like wearing them around the house on the weekends because they were very comfortable. Unless there was company or a reason to open the door she hardly ever buttoned them, she preferred letting them hang open which exposed her breast most of the time because she refused to wear a bra on the weekends. Pulling her hair behind her ear as she looked in the little mirror by the door Trish reached for the knob.
The door opened and there was the object of her desire. Shea felt a twinge deep down between her legs as she saw Trish standing there. She looked so beautiful it that lazy comfortable weekend attire.
Trish looked up to see a distinguished older man standing at her door then out of the corner of her eye it hit her like a subway train, a Goddess with locks of auburn hair stood next to him. It was Shea but different, she was more beautiful than the night she wore the golden dress for her in the changing room. This woman was the embodiment of a real mythological Goddess and Trish was overwhelmed with her beauty.
Wesley broke the silence, "Ms. Allen, I am here to deliver a package to you. I present Ms. Shea Egan."
Shea stepped foreword into the doorway and gave Trish a big hug. Shea could feel the heat coming from Trish's body as their breast smashed against each other. Shea was turned on even more by the contact and her nipples reached a new since of hardness.
Breaking the hug Trish looked at her closer and commented on how gorgeous Shea looked. She was amazed at the blossomed flower that stood in front of her.
"I am so glad to see you again, how have you been? You look amazing." Trish went on with no break for Shea to answer.
"Slow down Trish, I have been well. I wanted to see you again so I arranged for my employer to allow me the afternoon off." Shea said.
"I...You just look so different, so perfect and beautiful." Trish replied.
"Well almost perfect." Shea said with a smirk on her face and a wink of the eye.
"From what I can see it all is girl. What on earth could not be perfect?" Trish said as she stepped back to take in all of Shea.
With that statement Shea knew her window of opportunity just opened. Lifting the front of her dress up with both hands Shea flashed Trish her pubic region. Trish's eyes moved down to her dark red hair crowning that lushes little pussy.
"It seems to grow back." Shea said as Trish stared at the object of her desire. "Do you think you could help me out again and maybe make it smooth like before?"
Trish's eyes darted the Shea's and saw a wicked little gleam that told her Shea may have had more than a grooming in mind.
"Well I think I just might be able to help you out there." She replied as she took Shea by the hand and led her over to the sofa.
As they sat and talked Wesley stood patiently by the door and surveyed the living quarters finding it some what untidy.
The girl's conversation quickly progressed into the finer arts of grooming. Shea mentioned she wanted her bush to be trimmed into the three flame design she has been seeing for the last four weeks. Trish questioned her on the design and made a few suggestions. Instead of having three puffs of hair representing the flames that could grow back together too soon an outline would look better. Trish even pulled down the front of her panties to show Shea how her heart outline was more distinct that just a lump of hair that could get flattened into something else.
Shea agreed and went about helping Trish draw out the design on a piece of paper. Once they had the artwork down Trish told her to come with her to the bedroom where her tools of the manicuring trade were.
With the girls now in the back half of the apartment Wesley couldn't help himself any longer; he went about cleaning the living room, kitchen, and dinning area with the expert touch of a world class butler.
"Ok girl first I have to trace the outline on this piece of clear plastic. Then I cut it out with that exacto knife." Trish said.
"The best way to do this is to wax it. It may hurt a little but once you get it done it should last for three weeks. I promise to be gentle." Trish said with a smile as she looked over her shoulder at Shea.
Shea was leaning back on her elbows as she sat on Trish's bed; breast pressed tight against the fabric of the dress and legs spread apart giving Trish a clear view of the hot little hole she so desperately wanted to lick.
"There, I have both templates ready so now we can get started prettifying the pussy of yours." Trish said as she got up from the chair next to her dresser.
"Honey we need to get the dress out of the way so we can groom the kitty." Trish said in a playful voice.
Shea stood up and walked over to Trish. Standing there she gave Trish the visual sign to untie her sash and remove the dress. Trish was so excited to remove what little Shea had on her fingers shook as she worked on the knot. Finally with the sash off she pulled the front of Shea's dress up and over her head bringing herself close to the naked woman. As her hands passed over and down to lower the dress Shea stepped in even closer planting a kiss on Trish's mouth that caused her own pussy to get damp. Trish was stunned by the sudden lip lock and lost her self for a moment as Shea stepped back allowing Trish's hands to rest on her bare cheeks.
"I think it would be nice if you did it like before, but you may want to get out of that nice shirt so we don't get anything on it." Shea said.
Trish was now the one caught in a trance following the suggestions of Shea as she slowly unbuttoned the shirt allowing it to fall on the floor. "And the panties too." Shea said which caused Trish to lower her thong down over her hips until it feel to the ground.
With both women standing nude in the middle of Trish's bedroom Shea finally broke the silence, "I'm all yours dear, do with me as you will."
This statement had a double meaning and it was not lost on Trish.
Taking her into the bathroom Trish positioned Shea on the edge of the tub just as before, using a set of clippers she trimmed down the thickness of the patch of hair running up the length of Shea's mound. The little clump of red hair fell to the floor just before Trish leaned in and blew softly across the area removing any stray clippings. As the warm air crossed over her mound Shea let out a low moan; this encouraged Trish to blow a little more until the breeze tickled her tingling lips.
"We will have to do the rest in the bedroom on the bed." Trish said as she stood up bringing her smooth heart outline decorated pussy just inches from Shea's face. "Oh there it was again the sweet smell of an aroused pussy." Shea thought to her self. That was all it took; she was so turned on now that she could never stop the events unfolding before her even if her mind thought better.
Trish laid Shea down and spread her legs wide. "I am going to start with the fuzzes along the side and next to the legs Ok." Trish said as she pulled a box out from under the bed.
The box contained small strips of cloth and a small jar of wax along with a few tongue depressors and a pencil with an unused rubber eraser on the end of it. Trish took a thin strip of cloth and coated it with the wax. Placing the cloth wax down along the side of Shea's pussy Trish started to rub the top of the cloth very fast and firm.
"The heat from the friction makes the wax melt a little and then once I stop it firms up. That is when we pull." Trish explained as her fingers occasionally grazed the left lip of Shea's hot tunnel.
"Ok time to pull, on three ready one, two..." Trish said as she yanked on two.
"AAAHHHH, that kind of stings a little." Shea said as the cloth pulled away removing any and all hair along the side of her pussy.
"There that wasn't too bad was it?" Trish said as she prepared the other side for hair removal.
The friction again by Trish's fingers made contact with Shea's pussy lip drawing her attention away from the stinging on one side to the pleasurable touch on the other.
"One, two..." And a rip by Trish left both sides of Shea's pussy smooth as a baby's bottom or better yet as smooth as the velvet walls of a pussy.
Now for the hard part, we need to line the template up with the widest part of the strip so it will look right. Shea leaned up from her position to see just where the design would be. "Can you lower it just a little bit; I want it to be just above my clit by maybe an inch." Shea said as Trish moved it around to see where it looked the best.
"I think it will just fit. Might hurt just a little as we wax that close to the clit but we can give it a try." Trish said as she prepared a strip of cloth.
"You know I thought about something a while back that may just help this problem." Trish said as she looked up at Shea.
"Well what ever it is I'm up for it if it will keep my clit from getting pulled off." Shea said as she looked on.
Trish readied the cloth, placed the template in the correct location then leaned down close to Shea's pussy. Shea watched as Trish's head moved closer and closer; stopping just inches away Trish allowed a dollop of saliva to drip from her mouth directly onto Shea's clitoral hood. The hot spit hit Shea causing her breath to suck in as the sensation pulsed through her body. "God that was the hottest thing she had ever felt and it was just someone spiting on her pussy." She thought to her self.
Laying the cloth down Trish started to rub the patch of hair just above Shea's clit. Her fingers would circle around causing them to bump against the hard bulb that was Shea's aroused clit. Shea had an electrical storm going off inside her; the sensation was strong and yet bounced around without any purpose.
"One, two, and THREE..." Trish said just as she jerked the cloth ripping all of the hairs out by the roots.
With the pain subsiding Shea looked down at what once was a solid strip of dark red hair. In its place was a strip with three odd shaped bald spots glowing red. Trish informed her that the waxing was more painful than shaving but it would last longer and was much smoother. Once you get the first time over with the maintenance was less pain full because you didn't have to do such a large area at one time.
Shea smiled and grabbed Trish's hand reassuring her that she trusted her. With that Trish went about applying the second template that covered the holes she just made and an edge around them approximately one eight inch wide. Again Trish prepared a strip of cloth then dropped a larger wad of hot spit onto Shea's clit. This time the extra spit flowed down the length of her pussy tickling her lips as it rolled down further between her ass cheeks.
With a fast rub and then yank; Trish had managed to remove all of the hair from the thick strip that once sat atop Shea's pussy. Using the same cloth she quickly went to work on the sides cleaning it up and making sure no more hair was left except the outline of the three flame design. Using the pencil Trish pressed the cloth next to the edge of the design removing any strays that may have survived the harvest of pubs.
Shea was slowly recovering from the massive rip that took all of her hair in one stroke. The little rips that followed were nothing compared to that one tortures tug. With the area cleared and the design touched up Trish went and fetched a warm wash cloth to remove any wax and also to sooth the flesh. As she wiped Shea's pussy and surrounding area she began to allow her fingers to come out from behind the cloth and trace along the bare smooth flesh and tender lips of Shea's lower region.
Shea was now to the point she had been dreaming about; as Trish removed the rage she leaned in and blew lightly across Shea's mound and pussy. The warm air moving across her naked flesh felt good but that was not what she came here for. Shea moaned out loud letting Trish know that it was pleasurable. As expected Trish moved closer to deliver another warm blast of her breath across the wet love nest between Shea's thighs.
As Trish's mouth centered over Shea's wet hole Shea lifted her hips bringing the contact of her lower lips to Trish's upper lips inviting Trish to do more than just tease. Trish was shocked, she thought she would have to make the first move to initiate contact but she wasn't going to let this moment escape weather it was intended or not.
Trish quickly locked down on Shea's pussy tracing her tongue all over the moist tender flesh she so longed for. As her touch moved to a more passionate tender love making Shea climbed the mountain she had hoped would be their.
It was true what Katrina said, the touch was more passionate and tender. Shea was rocking back and forth as Trish's tongue and mouth consumed her lower region. There wasn't a millimeter of flesh that Trish didn't explore; she even dipped her tongue as deep as she could to capture the river of nectar escaping Shea's pussy. Just as Shea was about to cum Trish inserted a finger deep into her hole pressing the accelerator launching her into orbit.
Orgasm after orgasm hit her until she was left shaking on the bed unaware that Trish had moved up over her into a 69 position.
When Shea returned to earth the view she had was new and desirable. Trish's pussy was so wet it was leaking out and starting to drip off the tip of her clit. Shea being the novice lifted her head up and with her tongue licked the juice off of Trish causing her to flinch. The hot tongue grazing her clit was unexpected and made Trish shiver deep inside.
Shea looked at the wet lips and open hole inches from her face as she savored the honey her tongue had just captured. The flavor was wonderful and the location it came from was looking more and more inviting by the second.
Shea wasted no more time; she reached up and grabbed a hold of Trish's hips and ass and lifted her mouth to the awaiting feast. Like a new baby to the nipple the first time they breast feed Shea was somewhat rough with her actions. Trish was just happy to have her dinning on her love nest but knew that if they were going to do this again she would have to give her some pointers.
Just then Shea had a switch flip in her head, she knew just how to touch and lick. Her subconscious mind took over and Shea became to most proficient pussy eating clit licking person on the face of the planet. Shea could hear Paula in her head telling her just how to use her tongue, when to apply pressure with her fingers and where to touch and rub. Trish was on the verge of an orgasm so fast her head was spinning.
As it turned out Shea hit the magic spot with one finger as her tongue danced over Trish's clit and a finger from her other hand slipped past the ringed muscle of her back door overloading Trish's central nervous system to the point she orgasmicly erupted and blacked out.
Shea was trapped under Trish for a moment until she rolled Trish off to the side. Looking down at her face Shea could see her juices coating her mouth and chin; it was so amazing to see Trish covered in her cum. Shea felt her chin and realized she too was covered in cum so she stood up and looked at her self in the mirror.
The image that looked back at her was something she never would have expected; there in the mirror was the most beautiful, desirable, confident woman she had ever seen and it was her.
As she continued to look in the mirror Trish started to come down out of the clouds, "Holy shit what happened?" She said.
"I think you just took my Bisexual Cherry dear." Shea said as she sat down next to Trish's head. "I loved it too!"
Trish sat up and kissed Shea long and hard as her hands caressed Shea all over. The touch of her fingers across Shea's nipples fired up the engines again and Shea was ready for round two. As the girls talked a little they keep reaching over and touching one another; a flick of the nipple here, a dip into the pussy there, and a suckle of her breast there and before they knew it they were face deep between each others legs this time moaning more and letting their wilder side come out.
As he was busy folding the basket of clean clothes sitting on the table Wesley could make out the cries of lustful passion as the two women explored the treasures of one another. To be safe the consummate gentleman turned on the stereo to classical music and increased the volume to drowned out the noise coming from the bedroom, also to prevent any neighbors from hearing what was going on.
As both girls roll off of each other exhausted from their love making Trish finally asks the question, "So what is it you do now?"
Shea looks down to her and said, "I can't tell you but it has been the most amazing week of my life. The only thing that compares to it is this right here. You know I was scared you wouldn't want to see me again when I wasn't able to bring the dress back to you myself."
"Well I must say the message you gave me more than made up for that. I think I owe you one for that dear." Trish said as she reminisced about the encounter with the young man in the store.
Trish waxed on about how hot it was and how good he was at licking her pussy, Shea just sat there and listened formulating a plot in her head that would make Trish jump for joy. As Trish finished telling her how hard he had fucked her and how good it felt all day long afterwards Shea looked her right in the eyes and asked, "Would you want him again, maybe share him with me?"
"A threesome with you and that hot stud, HELL YEA!" Trish shouted.
Shea jumped up from the bed and went to the door.
Wesley was now wiping off the dishes he had just washed when Shea came strolling out of the bedroom naked and covered in sweat and pussy juice.
"Wesley, can you call Alex and tell him to get his ass up here right now, Trish needs to meet him. When he gets here just send him into the bedroom." With that she spun around and bounced back into the bedroom like a school girl.
As requested Alex arrived at the door of the apartment, once there he was sent into the bedroom by Wesley who gave no information as to what was going on in there.
Alex opened the door to find both Shea and Trish lying on the bed sweaty and naked. The visual was enough to cause his member to spring to life. Trish looked up as the door opened and was shocked to see the stallion that made her cum was standing there in her bedroom. "Shea you didn't tell me you brought a party favor." She said as she spanked Shea on the ass.
Alex was having a hard time hiding the growing rod in his pants and the flirtatious attitude of the two women didn't help any.
"Trish honey I think our cock has arrived, do you want to check and see if it is ready?" Shea said as she shoved Trish towards Alex.
Trish dropped to her knees in front of Alex and without a word ripped down his zipper and yanked out his hard cock with a non-gentleness that would give the impression of master controlling slave.
Trish engulfed his meat with her mouth as if she was starving and he was the only meal on the planet. As she worked him deep and fast Shea made her way over and slowly tenderly started to remove his clothes kissing every inch she exposed. The contrast between the two was driving Alex crazy, he didn't know weather he should be wild and strong or slow and passionate.
"You want to fuck her again don't you?" Shea whispered in his ear.
Alex nodded as he grabbed a hand full of Trish's hair.
"I want to watch you fuck her from behind. Can you do that for me?" Shea said as she pulled him away from Trish towards the bed.
As Alex's cock slipped from her mouth Trish looked up with a disappointed face because her meal had been stolen. Shea directed the scene as Trish maneuvered to the bed and climbed up on all fours.
Alex lined up behind her as instructed and slowly started to slip his throbbing rod into her juicy opening. Shea took a position next to Trish's ass so she could cupped his balls with one hand and stroked Trish's ass with the other. Alex's stroke was smooth and long as Shea pulled his sack foreword directing his cock deep into Trish with each thrust. Trish was pushing back into him slapping her cheeks against his thighs as the tempo increased. A grunt escaped her throat as Alex's cock hit the full depth of her velvet tunnel.
Shea was becoming more turned on by her control of the action as she orchestrated the rhythm that was bringing so much pleasure to her two lovers. Trish's breathing became deeper and more forceful as the sensation deep between her legs grew stronger. Shea knew that she was almost to the point of orgasm when she stopped Alex and told him to pull out.
"No! I was almost there. Please fuck me more." Trish cried as Alex was pushed away from her wanting pussy.
Shea flipped her out of the way and told Alex to lay flat on his back. With him in this position she mounted his face with her own pussy and started grinding her clit and wet lips against his mouth and chin.
"If you want to cum honey your going to have to do some of the work." Shea told Trish.
Climbing on top Trish grabbed the hard cock sticking straight up and slipped it into her hungry hole. "I want you to squat over him and bounce up and down you naughty little slut." Shea ordered.
Trish was so lost in her need to orgasm that she paid not mind to the slut comment and squatted over his rod as instructed. Bouncing up and down Trish need help balancing on the soft bed so she held out her hands to Shea.
Shea enjoying her own pleasure at the manipulation of Alex's tongue gave no mind to Trish's predicament. A sudden grasp of her breast for balance by Trish caught her attention and caused a yelp that brought Wesley to the door.
"Is there a problem Ms. Egan?" He inquired.
"No, no problem just a misguided hold." She replied.
Shea reached out her hands and held onto Trish's arms to keep her from gripping her tits. With the position Trish was in Shea could see Alex's shaft slip in and out of Trish as she lifted then fell onto his crotch. The shine from her juices was apparent and it was making Shea want Alex's cock for her self.
Trish hammered down hard grinding her clit against Alex as she rode her way to an orgasm. Shea watched as her friend cam hard soaking her love tool until she wasn't able to hold her self up any longer. Falling off of Alex Trish lay next to them as Shea removed her pussy from his mouth.
Climbing down the bed Shea grabbed Alex's meat and stroked it as she told him he was going to fuck her next. "I want you inside of me like you were yesterday."
Shea turned her back to him and slowly guided the head of his throbbing member to the little brown hole below. Soaked as she was with spit cum and more spit Shea needed no lubrication to slip his cock into her ass. As she started slowly descending down the length of his rod Shea could see the reflection of her intruder in the mirror. The picture of her back door opening up and taking the hard cock deep was such a turn on. Just above the anal fucking was her open sloppy wet pussy begging for its own pleasure. With one hand on his chest and the other dipping two then three fingers between the red hued lips Shea fingered her self as she rode the obelisk until she felt the contraction start deep in her stomach.
With each trust of his cock Shea raced towards the overwhelming orgasm that she longed for. Like a clap of thunder it hit gripping her body with uncontrollable contractions until she launched into a cosmic orgasmic blasts that erupted from her pussy. Cum squirted out covering her hand and Alex's thighs coating both in a clear slippery liquid. Shea was left limp and shuddering as her orgasm washed over her crashing on the rocks of passion.
Slipping out from under her Alex was now desperate for his own release. He need to cum bad but neither girl was able to mount any reaction that would assist in his problem.
Trish was close to full recovery so he whispered in her ear receiving an affirmative nod. Rolling her onto her stomach he leaned down and spit onto her brown pucker lubing it enough to prepare for invasion. Pressing the head of his rod against her ass hole he slowly pierced the opening then slipped down deep in. Trish gasped as the muscles stretched to accommodate his girth. With a few slow steady strokes he was buried deep in her rectum as he gripped her firm cheeks tight with each hand. Increasing the pace of his thrust Alex built up a brutal rhythm until Trish was on the verge of another earth shattering orgasm.
Arms stretched out foreword fist gripping the bed covers and head thrown back Trish screamed with pleasure as Alex's hammering pushed her to the brink.
Alex felt his balls clamp down and knew that his moment had arrived. Pulling out he quickly rolled Trish over and fired three then four long ribbons of hot white seed across her face and chest. The molten love lava splashed her breasts and chin leaving a trail of spunk resembling a crude road map. Alex wilted against the head board as he surveyed his conquest.
Shea watching the last of the anal action play out moved to Trish's side and played with the pools of semen that covered Trish's upper body. With one finger she scooped up a small amount and feed it to her lover. Trish sucked the nectar from her finger as she hummed her approval of the meal. Leaning down Shea licked a large dollop of cum from Trish's right nipple and savored the taste for the first time. It was salty yet sweet; a combination she had never thought palatable until now. With Alex's cum dangling off her tongue she kissed Trish deep and passionate letting her know just how much she cared for her.
Trish drifted off into a post orgasmic haze as Shea and Alex moved from the bed. "I think I am ready to go back now." Shea said as she picked up her dress from the floor.
Walking out into the living room Shea found Wesley sitting quietly on the sofa readying the paper. "I think Alex may need some time to recover if you know what I mean. Would you be a dear and bring the limo around?"
Wesley politely excused himself as he left the apartment. While he was gone and Alex was in the other room dressing Shea found a piece of paper and wrote Trish a note.
"Thank you for being my first. I hope we can get together soon to do it again. I will have Wesley contact you when I am free to rekindle the fire that you have lit. Love Shea"
Alex walked Shea out to the lobby; the rain was coming down heavy and Alex realized he didn't have his umbrella.
"We will have to make a run for it Madame." He said as he opened the front door.
Wesley pulled up to the curb as the two made a dash for the limo. The awning in front caused a waterfall all the way around so there was little hope of them getting to the car without being soaked. Shea went first leaving Alex a step behind, the dress she had on was now completely see through due to the addition of water. Standing at the limo door for a half second she waited for Alex to open it before she slipped in.
With Alex in the passenger seat and Wesley driving Shea was left to the rear of the car by her self. Shivering from the dampness of her dress she decided that it would be better to remove the wet garment and just go naked. As she sat back there watching the scenery pass by Shea's hand started to caress her body as the warmth of the cars heater removed the chill from her skin.
Her fingers traveled down the soft skin of her stomach until it reached the smooth flesh that once was covered by a dark auburn mane. The tactile sensation was new and exotic to her then there was a brief wisp of hair then bald, hair, bald as she made her way across the design that was now carved out of her pubic hair.
Shea looked down seeing the flame truly for the first time, it looked exquisite. She was so proud of the new visual appearance of her pubic area that she told her self that she would keep it that way as long as she could. The contrast of the dark red against her golden flesh made the area stand out and demand attention when someone saw her nude. It was going to be her trademark and she wanted all of the ladies back at the compound to see it.
The limo pulled to a stop in the garage; Wesley opened the car door as Shea proudly and confidently exited wearing only the heels she wore out. Riding up the elevator Wesley commented on the new look and told her that it made her appear like a vixen. Shea took that compliment and felt her ego rise another notch.
As they walked out of the elevator Shea could hear off in the distance giggling and laughing. Instead of going straight to her room she made her way into the living area to find Katrina and Danielle sitting there watching the large flat screen on the wall.
Naked from head to heel Shea strolled in with an air of confidence that neither lady had seen in her before. As Shea moved around towards them she caught a glimpse of what they were watching.
There on the screen was Tess getting hammered from behind by a large black man. She was standing bent over at the waist with both arms pulled behind her like reigns of a bridal. The man was slamming into her so hard that Shea could see the ripples of fluffy flesh roll up then down her ass cheeks. Her large breast swayed back and forth so violently that she thought her nipples were going to snap off.
Stunned at the sight Shea just stood there and glared at the screen for a minute until Danielle spoke, "Wow that looks great how in the world did you do that?"
Shea turned to her and looked confused until Danielle pointed down at her pussy.
"I had a friend do it; she waxed it and made the design for me." Shea said still unsure what to think at that moment.
"What are you all doing?' Shea asked.
"Well it appears that Tess has a thing for large ebony studs so we helped her out on her day off and got one for her. She seems to be enjoying it very much." Katrina chimed in.
Shea sat down on the sofa next to Danielle and started to watch the action play out on the screen. As the girls attention turned back to Tess and her lover both Katrina and Danielle began playing with themselves just to see how Shea would react. After a few minutes of heavy animalistic fucking and the peripheral vision of the two ladies fondling their breast and pussies Shea's sex drive was revved back up to high.
Shea looked over at Katrina and saw her skirt was up over her hips as she played with her clit. That was all she needed, "Ms. Katrina you asked me a question yesterday that was a make or break deal. I told you that I was not able to accommodate you at that time but now if you would allow me I think I can deliver."
Katrina looked at her and smiled; with a crooked finger she motioned Shea over to her. Dropping down to her knees Shea focus in on Katrina's slippery slit and tasted the delicate folds of her flesh for the first time. Sucking each lip into her mouth one at a time Shea teased and tormented Katrina as she delivered a oral fucking so skillful it could only be compare to a master violinist playing a Stradivarius.
Katrina wiggled and squirmed under Shea's skillful mouth. All along Shea could hear in her head the sultry voice of Paula guiding her through the magical act of licking Katrina's pussy.
Danielle not wanting to be left out moved closer and grabbed Shea's hand bringing it to her gapping hole. Shea rubbed her fingers and palm up and down the length of Danielle's wet crotch until her hand was covered in sex. Shea started fingering Danielle with one then two then three fingers as she worked her tongue deep into Katrina at the same time.
Danielle was new to her; she had not seen nor felt her body before. Katrina and Yanna had both presented themselves naked in front of Shea but Danielle was always covered by a bra and thong at the least. As Shea licked and sucked Katrina she looked out of the corner of her eye to Danielle's naked pussy as she fingered it. The tan flesh was hairless and the lips were stretch out wide, the clit was so large it stuck out from under its hood. Danielle was enjoying the finger bang but Shea could tell she could handle more than just three. On her next thrust she introduced a forth finger slipping all of them in to the last knuckle. Danielle's head rocked back in a sign of appreciation as Shea stuffed her with as much as she could. Short of fisting her Shea had her hand buried deep in Danielle as possible.
Working her two mentors Shea found that she loved every second of the female threesome. The sounds of Tess in the back ground mixed with Katrina and Danielle's oral expressions of pleasure announced the arrival of an orgasmic choir. Danielle was first to cum bucking wildly against her hand driving it as deep as she could then Katrina rocked grabbing Shea's head thrusting it hard against her pussy smearing her love juice all over her face. As the two released her lost in their pleasure; Shea fell back onto the floor licking Danielle's juice form her fingers as she watched Tess on the big screen get blasted by the largest load of cum see had ever seen. Tess was down on her knees with her mouth open and her head tilted back like a porn star when the ocean of white struck.
The last thing Shea saw before the screen went blank was Tess smiling as a string of white goo dangles down off her chin swinging back and forth between her big pillowy breasts. |
Title: Doubling Their Pleasure
Tags: cousins, lesbian incest, incest threesome, ffm, incest ffm, 19-yearld
Elissa and Jessy were huddled close together on the couch, watching their favorite movie, "Notting Hill". Both of the girls had huge crushes on Hugh Grant, they'd also just watched "Love Actually" and "Four Weddings and A Funeral."
As it was such a warm day, both girls had opted to dress casually, wearing loose-fitting halter tops, braless, and tight denim shorts. Elissa loved the feeling of the shorts rubbing against her pussy, so she wore no underwear, Jessy wore the tiniest red lace thong. The pair had spent the day drinking wine coolers, eating pizza and just having a fun visit.
Elissa and Jessy were cousins, but looked more like identical twins. There was a simple reason for that, their moms were identical twins, their dads were brothers. Unless you looked real, real hard, it was hard to tell them apart. Both girls had long, blonde hair, were tanned from being sun-worshippers and had light, beautiful blue eyes. There legs were long and sleek, with beautifully tapered calves, they exuded sexuality.
"Oh Liss, I'm so glad your mom let you come for a visit!" Jessy said, giving her cousin a huge bear hug.
"Oh Jess, me too!" Elissa said. "Pity about what's going on with your dad and Mom."
Jessy's father, Jamie, had been offered a once-in-a-lifetime job as an Art Director for a high-end magazine and he knew he'd be a damned fool to turn it down. Jessie's mom, Claudia, informed her husband that she had no intention of leaving the area she'd grown up in. They argued, they fought, there was no resolution, so Claudia and Jamie split amicably. Jessy opting to move with her father to the much larger area and considerably warmer climate.
"Yeah, poor Daddy!" Jessy sighed. "I know he hates the breakup with Mom, he's still not seeing anyone."
"So, Uncle Jamie's not getting laid?" Elissa retorted with a wry smile. "That's a fucking shame Jess, your Dad's a stud!"
"Oh, admit it girl, you know he is. He still works out, he's got that slightly-greying hair and those yummy eyes. Hell, I'd fuck him. Most girls I know would too!"
Jessy smiled at her cousin and stuck out her tongue. "You'd fuck almost anyone!"
Elissa looked over at Jessy invitingly. "Well, you know I'd fuck YOU." The girls leaned in to each other and shared a deep, loving kiss, tongues twining sensually together.
Elissa took Jessy's hand and the two went upstairs to Jessy's plush bedroom. She undressed her pretty cousin quickly, which was easy, as Jessy was as eager for some cousinly-loving as she was. Lissa removed her tight little shorts and halter, baring her tanned body to her equally-horny cousin and joined her on the bed.
Jessy reached out, skimming her fingers over Elissa's beautiful, tanned skin. "God, you're so beautiful!" she sighed, kissing one erect, tiny nipple.
"Mmm, that's good. But we're look-alikes, so you're beautiful too" Elissa cooed as she ran her fingers through her cousin's silky blonde hair and stroked behind her ears. It was one of Jessy's favorite places to be touched, a secrets the cousinly lovers shared.
From the very first time they had played, over a year ago, the pair seemed to be able to sense what the other wanted, needed, desired. Jessy and Elissa moved into a quick sixty-nine and began feasting on each other's cunts, glad they had the house to themselves for a few hours more. The two nineteen-year olds were not quiet when they came and both of them were at the height of their passions.
Sweet pink tongues drilled and licked into wet pussies, their hands played with each other's bodies. Elissa knew how much Jessy liked having her asshole licked and teased, the kinkiness and dirtiness of it turned the little slut on. So, Elissa tongued and flicked Jessy from pussy to ass, hearing her cousin moan and coo in pleasure. In turn, Jessy knew that her gorgeous blonde cousin liked having her thighs nuzzled and her clitty stimulated, so she focused all her attention between her lesbian lover's legs. Jessy was a shark when it came to eating pussy, always the more aggressive of the duo. Within a few minutes, the girls were panting, heaving, overcome with orgasms.
Snuggling together, the girls touched and enjoyed lots of afterplay. These were their favorite times, when they could play and make love, it wasn't going to be fun being separated, living in different areas. Then, Elissa had a lewd, fun thought enter her mind.
"Hey Jess, I have a kinky idea."
"Mmmm, and you know how much I love your kinky ideas." Jessy said, practically purring as she caressed her cousin's tanned skin and twirled her fingers idly in Elissa's long, blonde hair.
"Okay, ummm, this one is pretty radical. Here goes. Jessy, why don't I fuck your dad?"
"Okay, you are officially out of your fucking mind."
"No, really, think about it! I'm young, hot and blonde. God knows, I'm a great fuck ... " Jessy nodded and giggled at her cousin " ... and I've always wanted to screw Uncle Jamie, ya know? I'm gonna be here for a few weeks, why not jump his bones and give him what he needs? Besides, I know YOU won't tell."
"Umm – because he's family and ... "
"Oh jeez, we fuck and WE'RE family."
"We're girls and can't get preggers."
"Hell Jess, my Mom's fucked him."
"Yeah, you know she and Aunt Claudia used to play that game all the time. So, one time, she went over to your dad's place, pretended to be your mom and fucked your dad. She told me about it on New Years, when she was a bit blotto. Oh, and she says Uncle Jamie's a great lay."
"Wow. What did my mom say about that?"
"She said it was her turn now and she fucked my daddy!"
"Oh, fuck, that's so cool."
"Yeah. And then they fucked each other!"
"No way! Our moms did each other?"
"Yeah, and I think they might still, sometimes. My mom's pretty open, sexually."
What Elissa wasn't going to tell her cousin, not just yet, was how she had discovered all this information. On New Year's Eve, her father already crashed, Elissa had made a none-too-subtle pass at her mother, just being silly. To her great surprise, her mother Brenda had kissed her softly on the lips and said "You sure, baby?"
Elissa, still in shock, merely nodded. Her mother took her hand and led her to the bedroom she shared with Elissa's father, who was passed out on the downstairs couch.
"I've been considering making a pass at YOU baby, so I'm glad we're going to do this. Do you really want to see me naked?"
"Oh, yes Mom, please. You're so beautiful."
Of that, there was no doubt. Nearing forty, Brenda still had skin like butter, coppery and beautiful, with ash blonde hair that she wore long, nearing her ass. She moved towards her daughter, took Elissa's hands and placed them on her hands, through the black satin evening dress she had been wearing.
"Oooh Mom, you have such yummy tits!"
"Squeeze them baby, that's right, oh, you have a nice touch. Play with Mommy's tits, oh, just like that. Yeah baby, we can have some fun, your father won't be waking up any time soon!"
Still slightly tipsy, Brenda sat down on the bed, seeing her daughter's admiring gaze. She grinned.
"Your Aunt Claudia looks at me the same way."
"Mom! You and Aunt Claudia?"
Brenda giggled. "Why not, baby? My sister and I love each other, taking care of each other when our boyfriends couldn't seemed only natural. And boy, oh boy, can your auntie eat cunt!"
Elissa knew part of the reason for her mother's lascivious behavior was she was smashed, but she didn't care, she found this incredibly arousing. Watching her mother remove the sexy evening gown, she stopped her.
"Mom, please – for me – leave on the stockings and the sexy heels?"
"Mmm, I like a girl who knows what she likes!" Brenda purred, leaning in and kissing her daughter. Her lips barely brushed Elissa's, but the shock that went between them was immediate and palpable.
"You have great legs, Mom. I love your legs." To prove her point, Elissa ran her hand caressingly up her mother's long, tapered legs. "And I love these shoes!"
"You bought them for me, remember?"
"Oh, yeahhhh!" Elissa said dreamily. "Maybe I had an ulterior motive?"
Brenda giggled and reached out and touched Elissa. "Your outfit is very sexy too baby, the men couldn't keep their eyes off of you. Even your daddy noticed."
Elissa had dressed in a tight, candy-pink PVC skirt that was scandalously short, wearing just a matching pink thong and pink stilettos. With her tanned complexion and toned body, she knew she looked scrumptious, which, of course, had been her intention.
"Wanna watch me take this off, Mom?" Brenda licked her lips and nodded.
It would have been simple to get out of the slinky outfit quickly, but Elissa wanted to put on a bit of a show. She wriggled and danced, her body aching for her mother's touch. This would be the sluttiest, most perverted, kinkiest thing she had ever done, girl-fucking her mom. And she couldn't wait!
Now naked, she crawled towards Brenda on the bed, Brenda meeting her in the middle. Their second kiss was not gentle at all, it was urgent, needy, seeking. They tumbled together, legs entwined, hands roaming everywhere, fondling, touching.
"Oh fucking Jesus, you're good!" Brenda moaned as her daughter moved down towards her heated pussy. She kept herself totally shaved, which delighted her daughter. Elissa plunged her face deeply into her mother's slick mound and began to lap her eagerly.
Brenda cried out loudly at the first touch of her child's lips on her pussy-lips, loving every second of this. What a way to start the New Year, she giggled to herself. Elissa was really going to town on her pussy, but her hands weren't neglecting the other parts of Brenda's supple flesh.
Elissa was thrilled to be caressing and stroking her mother's slim, long legs, she'd had a few perverted thoughts in that area from time to time, now she was free to indulge them. In turn, Brenda was free to slake the lust she felt for her beautiful young daughter's nubile form.
"Let's shift around baby, Mommy wants to taste your cunt too!' Brenda purred throatily. Elissa was no fool, her mother was evidently a creature of great sexual passion, so they lay down side by side, sweetly feasting on each other's hot pussies.
Hungrily, noisily, the sensual mother and the nubile teen licked and feasted, nibbled and nipped, each hungry for what the other had to give. Neither one cared if this was wrong, neither one believed any form of loving was wrong, knowing this had deepened their love for each other. Brenda's tongue supped on the pinkness of Elissa's pussy and she was in heaven. Elissa's hands and mouth dined on her mother's thighs and muff and knew only bliss.
The two women kept at it for hours, it was nearly dawn before they stopped. They showered together, Elissa taking in every contour of her mother's sensual form while her mother gazed at her sleek form with undisguised admiration. Drying each other off, they kissed and snuggled back in the bed.
"Your father CANNOT know of this."
"Okay Mom, I kinda figured that."
"Just like I've kept your little flings with Jessy from him."
"Fuck Mom, you knew? Why didn't you say something?"
"Well, if this little night hadn't happened, I might have. You're young baby, you should be having fun, experimenting. Just be careful, okay?" She nipped her daughter's little pink nipple. "I know you're planning to visit Jessy in a few months and I want you to have lots of fun on your visit. Maybe you can convince Jessy to come home and pay US a visit?" Brenda said, with a raised eyebrow.
Her memory faded out as her cousin shook her and brought her back to the here and now. "Oh man `Liss, this is a lot to take in. You really wanna fuck my daddy?" Jessy asked.
"Damn Jess, just touch me and see how wet the idea makes me."
Jessy did just that, her lover-cousin was indeed soaked. Within a few seconds, they were making out, playing again, fucking each other hard. Elissa had brought a big dildo with her, in her travel bag, her mom had given it to her and said "Screw her senseless, baby." Elissa was intent on doing just that.
They showered together later, Elissa having become quite fond of having someone to shower with. While Elissa was devouring her pussy again, Jessy finally gave her consent. What she said with a very naughty smile made Elissa smile too.
"All right `Liss, you can screw my daddy, but I have to hear all the details."
Elissa nodded, with an grin that was positively evil.
Later that night, when it was dark and Jessy was supposedly asleep, Elissa tiptoed quietly into her uncle's room. Uncle Jamie had kicked off the covers, as it was rather warm, and was lying there, naked. Elissa put her hand to her mouth to stifle any noises she might make.
"Fuck, Mom was right, he's hung like an ox!" Elissa thought to herself. She moved to the bed, gently. She didn't want to wake Jamie up, not quite yet. She ran her slender hand gently over his chest, his forearms, his strong legs. Elissa then weighed his cock and balls in her hand, and slid her mouth over that beautiful, thick shaft. She wasn't a quiet cocksucker, her uncle woke within minutes.
"Jesus Christ, Jessy!" her uncle cried in panic, not recognizing her at first.
"No, no, Uncle Jamie, it's me, Elissa!" she cooed. Cool as a cucumber, Elissa then calmly began to blow him again.
"Elissa shit baby, that feels good Fuck, what am I saying? No, you have to stop!"
"Nuh-uh!" the nineteen-year old said, still sucking avidly. "You're way too hard and I'm just way too horny!"
Jamie scowled a bit, but his sexy blonde niece was an amazingly talented little cocksucker and he was hornier than hell. It had been months since he'd been laid, there was simply no one who compared with Claudia. Elissa was young, but legally an adult, so why the hell not?
"Swing around sweetie, let me eat your pretty pussy!" Jamie said. His niece gave an excited squeal and moved into a sixty-nine with her uncle. The leggy blonde teenager sucked and bobbed her head up and down on his shaft, his tongue swabbed over her cunt, tasting, feasting on one of the sweetest pussies he'd known in a long, long time. Consequences be damned, she was a wild little thing and now Jamie was ecstatic that Elissa had decided to pay them a visit.
Elissa and her uncle were too horny for a lot of foreplay, so when Elissa wiggled her tempting ass at him, he moved behind her and slid, hard and ready, into his niece's tight pussy. Dear God, she was tight and hot and it was taking all his self-control not to cum in her sweet pussy. Jamie fucked her with deep, long strokes, she slammed her ass back at him, matching his ever move. The little fucknymph was one of the greatest lays he'd ever known, almost matching her Aunt Claudia.
"Awww shit, good, such a good fuck!" Elissa mewled as her Uncle Jamie screwed her hard. His cock was thicker, hotter, stronger than she had thought it would be. Within minutes, the sensual teen was cumming gangbusters, flooding the sheets with her pussy juices.
This went on for the next three nights.
Every night, Elissa would wait until her cousin was sleeping and join her uncle for their illicit rendezvous. Jamie was a wonderful lover, he was up for nearly anything the horny teen suggested.
The first night, she wanted to be fucked like a bitch in heat, so she got fucked doggie, his meaty cock ramming in and out of her while he practically mauled her delicate, sweet tits. She loved every second of it, screaming like a banshee while she took all her horny relative could give her.
On the following evening, Elissa rode him frontwards and backwards, she corkscrewed her tight little pussy around his dick and hunched, bucked, writhed and demanded more. She had practically drained his cock and balls by the time they were finished, but she didn't hear any complaints from him.
The third night, Jamie even screwed her silky little pussy while she stood braced against the wall. It wasn't easy to stand, his cock moving in and out felt so good and her pussy was aching with want, but she was determined to be one of the most memorable fucks her Uncle Jamie had ever known.
On the third evening, when Elissa returned, exhausted from the hard fucking her uncle had given her, the light on the nightstand beside her bed clicked on. Her adorable blonde cousin Jessy was grinning at her.
"I guess you've been having fun, huh `Lissa?" Jessy grinned at her.
"Ohhh Goddamm Jess, am I EVER! Your dad, he's a great fuck! He's practically a stud bull and he never wears out and ... "
"I know dammit, I can hear you, you two aren't exactly quiet. It's getting me horny as hell."
"Well baby, let me join you on your bed and I think we both can do something about that."
Elissa moved over and joined Jessy on her bed. Lying down on their sides, the girls moved into a sensual, easy sixty-nine, hands caressing, as face-to-pussy and pussy-to-face, they licked and probed each other's bodies. They were so into their mutual pleasure, Elissa forgot momentarily that her pussy was full her uncle's cum. She could feel Jessy's talented, eager tongue slithering into her hole and sucking her dry, probing her deeply. Elissa's next thought was "Fuck It!" and she continued to eat Jessy's pussy.
Finishing shortly after, Jessy said "Oooh, I know what we just did was so naughty, but oooh, Daddy's cum is sooo tasty!"
Elissa smiled her most-wicked smile. "Well, next time, why don't you get it from the source?"
Jessy's eyes went wide. "Oh God, no! I couldn't, that'd be incest, he's my ... "
"Yeah, he's your father, he's my uncle, you're my cousin, who gives a shit? He's fixed Jess, you can't get preggers, and you really need a good fucking!"
That much was true, Jessy hadn't had a boyfriend in months and was horny as hell for a good, stiff cock. "Okay, but we don't sound the same, won't he get wise?"
Elissa giggled. "I've actually thought about this, Jess. Tomorrow, I'll tell him I have a touch of laryngitis, he won't get wise. Then you go in there and get a good taste of Daddy-cock! Besides, he gets so horny, I don't think he'd notice very much of anything!" Elissa could see her cousin's nipples stiffen at the lewd suggestion, Jessy nodded in agreement.
Jessy went through the next day terrified, afraid she'd do something to give their plan away. From moment to moment, the young blonde reconsidered if she would go through with it. It was when she saw Elissa talking with her father privately, then winking a quick acknowledgement to her, Jessy knew she was going to do it – she was going to fuck her very own daddy!
The day seemed to drag on forever, but that night, dressed in a sexy gray negligee, Jessy entered her father's room. He growled as she entered the room.
"Hell, Elissa baby, you look good enough to eat!" he grinned.
Jessy smiled, lifted the negligee up and pulled the tiny, matching thong to one side as she stood by the side of the bed. Instantly, she felt Jamie's tongue delve deep into the recesses of her cunt. Her knees almost gave away, he was a masterful pussy-eater, almost as good as Elissa. His tongue swirled all over her pussy, she had to make him stop or she'd climax wayyy too fast. She pushed him away, raised her arms above her head and removed the negligee. Clad only in silver heels she'd borrowed from Elissa, she joined her father on the bed, the moonlight the only lighting in the room. It reflected off her blonde hair, she knew she looked good, because she saw her own beauty reflected in Elissa all the time.
Moving towards her father, Jessy took his cock in her mouth and began to taste it. Lissa had instructed her in what Jamie liked, so she slithered her tongue all the way to her dad's meaty balls and back again, twirling her tongue around the crown, then engulfing it. A groan from Jamie let her know she was doing it right, so she squeezed his balls and continued to deep-throat her father.
Jessy took her time, she wasn't in a hurry. Jessy was loving the taste, the feel, the intensity of having her daddy's shaft in her cocksucking lips. She looked up at him, Elissa was right, he was so studly, she couldn't wait to fuck her Daddy. She made little murmurs as she blew him, but was meticulous about not speaking and ruining the illusion that he was with Elissa.
"Oh Christ, Elissa honey, you're amazing!" he groaned as she sucked his cock. "Baby, I think you're even better sucking me tonight, slow down baby, I don't want to cum just yet!" Jessy grinned inwardly, somehow knowing she was better at giving a blowjob than her cousin turned her on.
"I've got to fuck you again babydoll, I've got to put my cock in that sweet blonde cunt of yours!" Jamie snarled as his daughter descended over his cock, facing away from him. Oooh, he felt so good, ohhh, so thick in her tight, neglected, needy pussy. Jessy rocked herself up and down and felt her father's strong, yet gentle hands mauling her tiny, perfect tits. She squealed despite herself as Jamie pinched her nipples, her ass bouncing up and down rhythmically as she was finally, happily, fucking her beloved daddy.
Jamie was fucking her now, the rhythm of his strokes changing from moment to moment, At times, he'd just glide into her, moving with gentle, slow motions. Then, he would increase the tempo, fucking the hell out of Jessy, it was taking all of her self-control not to scream out with bliss.
Jessy wanted to scream out, she wanted her sweet cousin to hear them fucking, she wanted Elissa to know she had been right, fucking her daddy was the ultimate thrill. "Fuck me, fuck me, OH GOD, FUCK ME!!" she yelled, losing control and hoping he didn't hear her screams over the slapping of their bodies and the creaking of the bed beneath them.
Jessy glanced over at the clock radio, they'd been fucking for well over an hour, but she would have happily gone on all night, Jamie was that good. But she could feel his cock pulsate and jerk, letting a thick load of hot cum loose deep inside her hungry pussy. She moved away and managed to snare a few stray drops from his dick, hungry for more, she scooped a bit from her pussy and licked her fingers clean. Her father stared and smiled at her lewd act, she grinned back. "Musn't be greedy ... " she thought to herself " ... gotta save some for `Lissa."
Jessy stopped panting after a few minutes and kissed her father softly, getting off the bed. She put her nightie back on and was at the doorway when Jamie said "Now, if you like, you can send Elissa in."
She whirled around, the shock evident on her face. "Daddy? Did you know it was me all along?"
Jamie chuckled. "Not at first, baby. But when you started riding me, I could tell. For one thing, Elissa doesn't have that cute little mole on her tush like you do. She also prefers it doggie-style. And then when you yelled out, there was no doubt left in my mind."
"You did hear me then?" Jessy sighed wistfully.
"They probably heard you next door."
Despite the craziness of the situation, Jessy laughed and walked back to the bed. She sat beside her father, who cuddled her close and kissed her sweet, smiling face. He fondled on of her sweet, delicate breasts and spoke again. "Then, when I was certain it was you, sweetie, I couldn't have stopped – and I wouldn't have. Hell baby, you're a terrific fuck!"
"So are you, Daddy dear!" Jessy beamed, stroking his chest and noticing his cock still twitched when she touched him. "Maybe next time, we should consider inviting Elissa to join in? I'm pretty sure that the two of us can blow your mind."
Standing in the doorway, a grinning Elissa said "Great idea lovers, and there's no time like the present."
Both Jessy and Jamie stretched out their arms to welcome Elissa to the bed, the sexy creature who'd awakened their unrealized passions. |
Title: the Dragons of Chang by Nightshade
Tags: Dragoness, Human, M/F, Plant
Drake looked up from his reading as he heard the wind rustle the window curtains. they were coming back. setting his quill aside and closing the huge leatherbound book, he got up from the table and slipped on his robe. the candle light flickered on his lean 17 year old body, his dark brown hair rustling. stepping into the corridor, he looked out the main window with his reddish brown eyes. there they were, just above the horizon.
the three dragons alighted in the courtyard. they put down their bundles and stretched their tired wings. they each had an elongated body and long neck and tail. their wings extended from their arms but they had useable three digit hands at the tips. the eldest was Ceres. she had Aqua blue feathers with white underbody and white on wing tips. her eyes were Sea green, and she bore a mane/crest jutting back around her wedge shaped head. She had a crest of white feathers down the end of her tail, and a slender tapered beak like muzzle. She breathed deep, swelling her ample breast with a white ruff of feathers covering much of the cleavage. "a good raid sisters, well done." Leigh, the dragoness next to her, scoffed. the setting sun shone on her Red colored hide with the jagged light purple stripe pattern down her back, and her arrow shaped tail-tip. her yellow eyes glinted, long horns jutting back behind her angular head and muzzle. her smile was twisted slightly by the scars over her left eye, nose, chest and back. she crossed her wing arms over her large ample breast. "bah, i still say we should have killed them. you know the humans are our enemies" Chandi the youngest hung back a little uncertainly. her scales were Butterscotch, amber and orange cream colored with slightly lighter tone under her body and light brown stripes down her back. her tail bore a spade shaped bulb at the end. her red eyes looked uncertain, short twin horns jutting back behind her tapered wedge shaped skull and a slender tapered muzzle with razor sharp teeth. her wings fluttered a little over her pert and not too small breast. "i hate to argue sister but they didn't hurt us. its a shame we have to steal from them." Leigh snarled, "they took our land and now they hunt us down, none of them are any good." Ceres cleared her throat as she looked up at the abbey windows. "all of them?" she said calmly and Leigh followed her gaze. "humph you and your pet. nothing but a waste of food keeping him around." Chandi shook her head. "i think he's nice and he does help us." Ceres thumped her tail sharply on the cobbles."enough arguing, lets get this inside before dark." the trio gathered up the plunder and entered the abbey proper.
Drake brought in the try and Ceres looked up. " i have dinner for you." she smiled softly. "thank you, put it on the table." he put it down and stood by the elder dragon. "was it hard this time?" she nodded her head sadly and gently lay a claw on his shoulder. "you're so observant." she sighed. "we have to leave this place soon. i have learned of some dragons up north, were the humans have not come yet. and we cant keep raiding this way. it's too dangerous and not fair to those who work hard for their goods." Drake hugged her and she smiled.
Drake looked out over the valley from the hight window. he felt so conflicted. they were different true, and yet...they had raised him, ever since they had rescued him as an infant from the ruins of a crashed cart. ever since he had been a member of their family. Ceres was like a mother and Chandi had grown up with him and was practically a sister. Liegh put on a show of indifference but he could tell that she liked him too, despite her act. he sighed and turned away from the view, moving back into his bedroom.
Ceres sighed as he faced the other two. "you know we have no choice. we have to move and the time grows near." Leigh crossed her wings over her chest with a huff. "and what if he doesn't want to come with us?" Chandi sighed sadly. "then i guess we have to go alone." Ceres put a wing round the shoulders of the younger dragonesses kindly. "i don't want to lose him either, but you know the other reason we must reach our own kind." they both nodded. their time of mating was fast approaching and they were finding it harder and harder to hold back their urges. Ceres stepped back. "let us all retire and think this through, we will hear his decision in the morning." nodding, all three went to their separate rooms.
Ceres combed out her crest and sighed. she so hoped that Drake would agree to journey with them. he was more than a son to them after all these years. she felt her nipples swell and gritted her fangs. damn, her heat was coming so very soon and he was the only male around. she felt twinges between her thighs and smiled despite herself. not that it would be bad, he certainly was handsome enough. he often went without clothes in the summer and for a male of his species, he certainly was well equipped to please a female. she shook her head and hissed to herself. that was strictly a last resort, but she still wanted her 'son' to come with them, lover or no.
Leigh huffed as she oiled her scales, the lotion soothing the growing heat. "Ceres and her pet, huhh!" she gruffed as she set the bottle aside. she didnt care what the little scaleless freak decided, she was going to find a strong male dragon and mate with him. and yet, and yet... she felt a stirring deep inside. he had never treated her badly and bore her insults with remarkable calm. would it really be so bad? tears of confusion and shame pricking at her eyes, she threw herself into her nest and tried to sleep, her mind in turmoil.
Chandi moaned softly. the feelings were so strong and confusing. Ceres had tried to explain, but she had never felt this way before and it both excited and frightened her. she flicked her tail as she ran her wing-arms over her body and panted. images of male dragons ran though her head but she had only seen pictures of then and suddenly she saw Drake in her mind. he was so strong and lean and she felt the heat grow worse as she imagined him doing the things that Ceres had told her males did. curling up tightly in her nest, she too tried vainly to sleep.
the door to Ceres room slowly opened and the dragoness looked up. "i was expecting you." she hissed softly in their native tongue as she saw Leigh standing in the doorway. the younger stepped inside and closed the door. moving out of her nest, Ceres moved forward and the two embraced, hissing and murmuring as they moved their wings and tailds over each others bodies...
Drake rolled over again and sighed. sleep would not come. getting up, he slipped on a robe and moved to the window. the warm breeze ruffled the cloth and the moonslight shone on his naked skin beneath. he heard a soft almost hesistant knock on his door and walked over. he opened it and was surprised to see Chandi there, looking very nervous. and yet, there was something in her eyes, a flicker of fire almost. "am, am i bothering you?" she asked, looking down at the floor. "not at all." he smiled, stepping aside to let her in. she moved inside and as she passed Drake caught a whiff of a strange scent. he had never smelt it before and yet it seemed familair. it was subtle yet spicy and he felt himself grow warm as she passed him. "what can i do for you, sspah" he hissed a soft word and she smiled. "i like it when you call me sister." she said with a flicker of her tail. she turned to face him and Drake shivered with a new feeling. they had been naked together many times, the summers could grow very hot, and yet, tonight it was different. his eyes ran over her body, so very lean and sensous and to his surprise his cock began to stiffen. she moved closer and as her breath ran over his face, he moaned. "Drake, it is my time of mating." she said with a whisper and her wing gently stroked his chest. his robe feel away, and he took her into his arms.
the moonslight shone on the scene as Drake and Chandi tumbled onto the bed, moaning and panting. his hands roamed over her body and she gasped hotly as he rubbed her breasts. soft hisses and murmurs came from her mouth as she arched her back into his hands. "mate me Drake, mmmm i need you so bad." she growled softly and the sound made his cock throb. he mounted her face to face clumsily. his cock poked at her thighs and stomach and with a groan of need she hefted her hips and got him lined up to enter her. he slid into her and they both groaned. he looked into her face as they mated, their breath's mingling. she bucked her hips into his, her eyes wild as he thrust as hard as he could into her hot sex. her nipples throbbed as he licked at them and she screamed as she had her first ever sex orgasm. he almost shot too as her hot juices soaked his cock and her sex milked at him for his hot seed. with a lusty groan he buried his face between her breasts, his hips jerkng as he came into her. her tail beat at the bed as she felt his warm gushes spewing into her hungry womb. they both shouted and scramed as they mated, their bodies heaving as one.
Chandi cuddled him close and hissed softly. "ohh Drake, that was so good." he softly stroked her feathers and she crooned softly. "yes sssspah, so very good." as they snuggled she explained how Ceres had taught her of the time of mating, and how she had come to him to ease her urges. Drake smiled "'is that all i am to you, a way to feel better?" she looked at him with shock in her eys and he touched her face. "i am sorry, i did not mean to say that badly." he kissed her softly and she shivered at the new yet welcome sensation. "you are very precious to me Chandi, you are all my family." he held her close and she growled soft words as he stroked her smooth scales.
Drake entered the main hall with a cart of food. "i have breakfast." the three loked up and smiled hungrily. as he laid their trays before them the scene was a little different than normal. Liegh tried to act aloof as normal, but he could see worry in Cere's eyes and they were both surprised when he traded tender nuzzles with Chandi. as he ate his own meal it was silent for a little then Ceres spoke. "Drake, have you decided?" he thought for a long moent then nodded. "i have. i shall go with you to the north." Leigh huffed and looked sullen, Ceres smiled gladly and Chandi gave a cry of delight. as the other two stared, she stood up, walked over to Drake and hugged him tightly.
Ceres flicked her tail as she and Drake stood in the library. "was it just Chandi that made you decide to come?" she asked softly. he smiled and shook his head. "not just that, but many things." he looked out the window, his eyes distant. "on my trips to the village i have seen many terrible things. the humans use your people shamefuly. i have seen dragons beat and whipped, sold as nothing more than slaves. when they get too old to work or sick they are skinned. their pelts are used for clothes for fine ladies and the meat is sold in the marketplace." he trembled and clenched his hands. "it makes me ashamed to be human." he looked to her. "you have never treated me badly, you took me in and raised me as family. i am more dragon than man, and i want to be with you." tears ran down his face and Ceres moved forward. she enfolded him in her wings and stroked his hair as she had done many times when he had been frightened as a child. '"you are good and kind and i love you as my family." he said as he wiped his eyes. as they stood together he looked up into her face and time stood still. he softly put a hand to her cheek and she nuzzled it with a soft coo. his hands moved to her chest and she moaned as he stroked her breasts. "yes Drake, yes.' she breathed softly and they moved towards the couch...
Ceres hissed with need as she bent over the couch, her tail lashing the air. Drake groaned as he held her hips and they both gasped as he pushed his cock into her sex from behind. she felt different from Chandi, not as tight but so much hotter. she moved back into his thrusts and panted and growled soft words of love as he mated her deeply. she craned her neck and hissed, then clenched her eyes shut as she came. her juices spurted around his driving shaft and with a loud groan he came as well, his seed firing deep into her needy body. she moaned and barked softly as he held her close, his hands roaming over her body as they rested and nuzzled.
Drake lay on his bed, the heat of the summer causing him to sleep on top of his bed naked. the door opened and he opened his eyes. it was past midnight and the light of the candle she carried shone on the face of Liegh. "so, you think you can turn Chandi and Ceres to your cause do you, skin boy?' she hissed, a fire in her eyes. she entered and Drake sat up."i dont understand?" she put the candle on the table and turned to him. she hissed, and climbing onto his bed, straddled his naked body, pinning his arms to the pillow. "shut up." she hissed and her scent hit him full force. his shaft swelled and she lashed her tail, looking down at him with hunger in her eyes, her breasts heaving with her deep hot breaths.
Leigh moaned with need as she rubbed her dripping cunny slit over his cock, then groaned as she moved down and his cock slid up into her sex. she kept his hands pinned to the bed and rode him hard. her triumphant smile slowly began to fade into an expression more primal, and soon she was gasping in deep breaths as she trembled. her tail thumped on the bed as she shuddered and came. she milked at his cock hard as her sex clenched and with a shout he gave her what her body needed.
she moaned and panted as she lay over him, huffing deeply. "very good freak. "she tried to sit up and moaned as she slid off his shrinking shaft. as she sat up, he took her wingarm in his grasp. "why do you act this way?" she looked at him and tried to pull away."let ne go." he shook his head. "why the act Liegh?" she raised a claw, then stopped, her eyes uncertain, "i, i don't know what you mean." she lied. he smiled and sat up with her, his arms going round her. she struggled, but only a little as he held her close. "you call me a freak yet you are kind to me. you have never hurt me and tonight you came to me instread of Ceres or Chandi to ease your needs." she shook her head. "you were just convenient, that's the only reason." he put a hand over her breasts and she shivered. "is it?" she wriggled a little but her actions were just reflex as she responded to his tender touch. "i, i." she lowered her head and tears pricked at her eyes. "i can't lie anymore Drake." she held him tightly back and he murred as he stroked her neck. she sobbed loudly and he held her, letting her get it out. eventually she subsided and they lay together on the bed. she told him of how her family had been slaughtered by the humans when she had been a barely a child. she and Ceres had been saved by a injured elder of their village and when he died of his wounds, they had stayed together to survive. later, Chandi had joined them as they began their life of raiding. Drake listened and nodded and soothed her as she poured out her heart. as they snuggled, his hands moved over her body and soon she was panting softly as he made her heat grow in her again. with a deep sigh he moved over her and she accepted him into her, not this time with anger, but tenderness and love.
Ceres hissed tenderly as she nuzzled Drake's shoulder. "whats so absorbing?" he smiled at her and gestured at the book. "this tells of a human custom called marriage, its when a male and female join together as a family." Ceres blinked. "don't they have clans to be part of?" he shook his head. "this seems to be a way of starting a clan. the male always know that the children are his and the woman becomes his alone. its very confusing." Cere's nodded. "yes it is. that way they have only each other. and it seems to me that the children must be very lonely with just two parents to raise them." he smiled and softly stroked her cheek. "yes, i much prefer my family of three." she cooed softly. "do you want to do this marriage thing with us?" he looked at her then chuckled. "no. there is no need, for i already love you all and i look forward to being with the other dragons when we arrive."
Drake yawned as he stretched and stood. closing the book, he took the candle and headed for his room, his footsteps echoed a little on the stone floor and he yawned again. opening the door to his room he stopped. all three of the dragoness's were there. he stepped inside and Leigh closed the door. Ceres took the candle and set it aside while Chandi hissed softly and moved towards him. Liegh took his arms gently but firnly and he gasped then moaned as Chandi knelt and looped her long tongue over his shaft...
Drake panted hard, soaked in sweat as they all cuddled him close, rumbling deeply. "i hope," he panted. "i live long enough, to start the journey, with you." he said and they laughed and stroked his body tenderly.
"thats everything." Ceres said as Drake put the last supplies into the pack. he straightened and wiped his brow. "you're sure this will be enough till we reach the north?" he asked and she nodded. "we only need supplies for you, we can forage as we go." Drake looked up at the building. "i shall miss this place, it was home." Chandi hugged him and barked softly. "we shall make a new home, all of us, at journey's end." he kissed her softly and Leigh came up and nuzzled him. "yes, all of us." as the ladies prepared themselves, Drake got dressed. he came out in leather and a helmet. "very good," Ceres smiled as she surveyed him in his flying leathers. "you look very handsome." Chandi flicked her tail and licked his cheek. "i'm glad you like your gift." Leigh came close and looked him over. "well i guess you'll pass." to the surprise of the others she grabbed him close and gave him a very passionate kiss, her tongue lapping at his. when she broke the kiss Drake looked a little dazed, but with a very happy smile on his face. "are we set then?" Ceres asked as he adjusted the pack on her back. "ready." Leigh said and took up her own cargo. "me too." Chandi said and nuzzled Drake as he climbed onto her back. he settled in the saddle they had made and soon they were into the air, heading north. for a long moment Drake looked back at the abbey, until it passed from view. stroking a hand along Chandi's side she hissed softly and he smiled. the abbey was the past, now it was time to make a new home, together.
Liegh stood watch as the other two slept. Drake tended the small fire as he cooked the rabbit he had caught. "we seem to be making good time." he said as the dragoness kept an eye on the surrounding rocks. "yeah." she said gruffly and he smiled. "you look lovely in the moonslight." she smiled despite herself and gave him a soft nuzzle before returning to her duties.
the months passed. they stopped at night and took supplies when they needed too. the human gatherings grew more and more sparse until they reached a long valley buried deep within a mountain range. they alighted and Ceres shrugged off her pack. "wait here." she moved forward carefully and vanished into a small crevice in the rock. the others waited, then Liegh looked up and hissed. "i hear something." the next moment the area was ringed by dragons. many of them bore scars and Drake was not surprised, if not exactly thrilled, to see that they did not view him with delight. one of them glided down into the clearing. "who are you, what do you want?' he said in dragon and Liegh stepped forward to meet him. "we seek our own kind." the leader looked at Drake. "and what of this?" she started to speak when Drake moved to his feet. "i come with them to seek a home as a member of their clan." the dragons hissed and barked between themselves at this human who spoke the tongue. a raise of a claw amd the hubbub quieted. "can you prove this?" Drake shook his head. "you have only my word. if you will not allow me to pass, at least let my companions through,so they may live in peace." there was a long moment, then the leader laughed. "well said young one, you may all pass." on the other side they met up with Ceres, who had been prevented from warning them. "welcome, to Nesthome." the leader said as he led them to the valley ledge. beyond them lay a lush region of trees and grasslands, full of game. with the ladies at his side, Drake headed down into the valley.
Drake looked up from his book and set aside his quill when Leigh entered his small hut. "Drake, it is time." he nodded and stood. he took her claws in his hands and squeezed warmly. she smiled and kissed him and they went to join Ceres and Chandi. with them was a tall male dragon. "this is Huroc, he will be with us." Drake nodded and bowed. "i am honored." all the dragons were adorned with paints and the light of the bonfire flickered on their naked bodies. Leigh held out her wings to Drake and he stepped into them, his cock ready to give them what they needed...
Leigh took him by the hand as she lay on the grassy ground. with a moan he thrust into her and she hissed and growled happily as he mated her. she screamed as they came as one and panting hard, they looked up at the others. Huroc was panting too as Chandi and Leigh lapped at his large cock together and Liegh grinned at Drake. "they need you too." she rumbled and Drake kissed her then slid out and moved over to Ceres. the elder dragoness was on her knees as her long tongue lapped at Huroc's shaft and her pants turned to a loud shout of joy as Drake pushed into her from behind and mated her fast. she left Chandi to tend to Huroc and lowered her head with a deep loving growl as her human mate fucked her needy body. he gripped her breasts as he came and she answered his gushes with a sweet flow of her own. Huroc grinned and moved over to the still reclining Leigh as Chandi turned to face Drake and held out her wings to him in invitation. with a gasp and a groan he held her hips and thrust into her face to face as they stood there. the light of the fire flickered on the scene as they group-mated. Chandi wailed and her thighs trembled as they milked Drake of his seed. Drake panted hard as he held Chandi close. the sound of a loud scream and he looked towards Leigh. she was on all fours and Huroc was mating her hard. the sight kept him hard and he looked to Ceres. she was grinning at him and Chandi, gently running her wing claws over her body. he went to her and kissed her deeply. both she and Chandi got onto all fours and he took turns mating them. he shot seed into them both. sweat glistening on his body, he rested for a moment and smiled at the gasping Leigh. Huroc roared as he fired his seed into the dragoness. then he pulled out and she held out her arms to Drake. he went to her and in moments they were mating hard and fast. the sounds of Chandi and Ceres wailing as they were fucked hard by Huroc spurred them on and Drake shot again into the womb of his beloved Leigh. as they panted and groaned, they looked up to see the other two tugging on Huroc's cock. the dragoness's trembled and groaned, Huroc's seed dripping from their sex's. with a loud roar he came over them, soaking them down with yet more cum.
Drake hurried to her side as Liegh waddled into the hut. "uhhh." she panted then hissed softly as he helped her to sit. he nuzzled her tenderly and she smiled. "what did the widwife have to say?" he asked and she flicked her tail tip. "very soon." his heart beat faster at the news that his child within Leigh would soon be born. "and Ceres and Chandi?" he asked, as she stroked her huge stomach mound. "them as well." she said and nuzzled him. "i love you Liegh." she hissed happily. "i loev you too Drake, my sweet freak." he grinned at what had become a loving nickname and lay a hand on her large tummy. after the orgy that had welcomed them into the community, all three of the lady dragons had come to him with the news they were with child. surprised at first, he had very quickly become very happy at the news and had leapt into the role of expectant father with enthusiasm. as they each grew larger he had tended to their needs. he loved them all and the fact that they were bearing his children filled him with joy. they kissed and nuzzled tenderly then a young male stuck his head into the hut. "Drake you are needed, the time has come for Ceres and Chandi." they looked at each other and Drake helped Leigh to her feet as she waddled with him to the birthing grounds.
Ceres huffed as she squatted on the grassy bank. her wingclaws gripped Chandi's tightly as both of their stomachs heaved and shivered. Drake kissed Leigh then crouched behind them, supporting their backs, and nuzzled them. "i am here my ladies." Ceres craned her neck as she panted hard. "i am glad nuhhh!" Chandi was breathing in deep gasps as she gripped the other's wingclaw tightly. he murred and murmured soothingly to them as they worked to give birth. "Drake?" Liegh said and he looked up at her. she was moaning softly as he held her stomach. "i am ready as well." the attendants moved to join the others and soon all three were being supported by thier mate as they heaved and grunted. Chandi was the first, screaming as her child slithered into the world and was dipped into the stream. "a girl!" the midwife said, then hurried to catch Cere's newborn. "a boy!" Leigh groaned then roared as Drake held her firmly in his arms. "and another boy!" all three ladies panted as the children were presented to them and Drake murred as he looked proudly at his children. "i love you all so much." he beamed and the exhausted dragonesses nuzzled him and smiled weakly.
three years later
Drake smiled as he closed the book. "and that is how we came to this place." he told the assembled kits. gathered around him were an array of children of varying ages. some were his and he smiled proudly at how strong and fine they were. others were pure dragon, and all were listening intently to his telling of the story. times had been good. he had been happily accepted into the clan and many of the females came to him for children. he had been a little surprised that the males did not object, but it wasn't one of their cultural taboos. he had continued to write in the book and all the children loved his tales of the world outside and how much better it was in the valley. the ladies were happy too, very active in the life of the valley. Ceres was working to help organize the valley supplies and Chandi was delighting in teaching the youngsters to fly. and as for Liegh... he smiled softly as he looked to the side and saw Liegh there. she held a halfbreed child to her breasts and her tummy was largely swollen with yet another of his offspring. she gave him a tender smile and they kissed. life was good.
as they nuzzled the light of the thee moons arose over the edge of the valley and shone down on them. this happy community, on the planet Chang, the third world of the star Rames in the constellation of Draco.
the end
authors note-another change of pace story. humans have an unfortunate reputation of ruthlessly exploiting nature and i figured that it would, sadly, be no different on other worlds. |
Title: 2B or Not 2B
Tags: redhead, romance, white woman black man, romantic, interracial
*So, hey! I know it's been a while, and I meant so many times over the past two years (!!) to get something posted, but it just didn't work out. I went back to school and started a full-time job (because I hate myself, I guess), and my writing time and/or motivation to do so pretty much dwindled to zero.*
*Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this short fic as much as I enjoyed writing it! There is a fair amount of build-up before you get to the good stuff, fyi. I edit my own writing, so any mistakes are mine. Feedback is, as always, greatly appreciated; I'll try my best to respond!*
Brynn awoke with her hand between her thighs and the sheets tangled around her legs. Sweat dotted her forehead and lower back, and her pussy throbbed with an ache that came from somewhere deep inside of her. Her dream teased the edges of her mind, and her face flushed as she recalled dark hands parting her thighs and an enthusiastic tongue lapping her wetness.
*Dark hands in her red hair.*
*Full lips on her pink-tipped breasts.*
*A big, pulsating cock poised to spear her c -*
A series of shrill beeps sounded as her phone vibrated with her alarm, and Brynn groaned, fighting the urge to pull the covers up and over her head. She untwisted herself from the sheets and rolled onto her tummy, burying her face in the pillow.
Though she never saw his face, she knew exactly who those hands belonged to. The dream had plagued her for months, and since she had no intention of doing anything about her wanton desires, she expected it would continue to do so.
He'd stumbled upon her one fine morning in the parking lot as she had a meltdown of incredible proportions over a flat tire, something she hadn't had the pleasure of experiencing up until then. She vaguely recalled seeing him around her apartment building and in the elevator and acknowledging his attractiveness, but hadn't thought about it further.
Still dressed in his work clothes, he'd calmly asked if she had a spare before changing the tire in less than three minutes. It was all very heroic. Plus, he had politely ignored her mascara-tinted stress tears.
They'd talked for a few minutes more, and through incredible coincidence, had come to find that they were neighbors - literally right across the hall from each other. He'd introduced himself by his apartment number, and she'd done the same, and they'd taken to calling each other their respective units in passing.
So, okay, yeah, she didn't even know his name.
Her alarm sounded a second time, and she yanked the phone off the nightstand, jabbing the off button. Groaning again, Brynn forced herself from the warm vestiges of her bed and headed for the bathroom.
Inside the shower, she turned the knob until it was just shy of unbearably cold and had the quickest wash of her life.
As she got dressed, she mentally went over her schedule for the day, or at least tried to. *Coffee, work, gym. Coffee, work, gym. Cock, work, gym.* Wait, no, that wasn't right.
"I need to get laid," Brynn announced in a sing-song voice to her empty apartment as she grabbed her lunch from the fridge. Shouldering her purse, she made her way out the door and locked it behind her.
It was a short trek to the elevator down the hall, and the doors were nearly closed when a deep voice rang out.
"Hold that, please."
Brynn's eyes widened, and for a second, she contemplated smashing the Close Door button as the baritone voice echoed inside her head. She took a breath to rid herself of the ridiculous thought and stuck her hand in between the doors to hold them open.
"Thanks...hey, 2B!"
And there he was, almost criminally chipper for eight o' clock in the morning.
She didn't know his name, but Brynn knew she liked the way his FDNY shirt stretched over his broad shoulders and extremely defined biceps, the navy color pleasant against his dark skin. She greeted her neighbor with what she hoped was an easy smile and crossed her fingers that her pale face remained unflushed. "Hey, yourself, 1B."
"Did you catch the game last night? Crazy stuff, right?"
Her mind was suddenly blank. "Ah, yes. The game. Crazy."
His thickly-lashed brown eyes twinkled with mirth as he shifted his duffel bag to his other shoulder. "You have no idea which one I'm talking about, do you?"
Brynn shrugged as the elevator began its descent and leaned against the railing attached to the side. "Sure, I do. The one with the sports."
He threw his head back and laughed, and she tried to ignore the warm feeling that suffused her at the sound, taking a moment to admire the sharpness of his jaw. His face was all angles but somehow not harsh, and his nose looked a little crooked, like it had been broken once before.
"Oh, man, nailed it. You really know your stuff. Tire holding up okay?"
"Absolutely. Thanks for that, again."
See, she could do this. She could pretend that she hadn't had numerous sex dreams about him.
The elevator *dinged* as it reached the lobby, and they exited side-by-side. He held open the door to the outside for her, and as she passed him, spicy deodorant and cool aftershave teased her nose. "All right, 2B. Have fun at work," he said.
"You, too," she replied, and turned to walk towards the parking lot, dodging the already bustling city life.
She'd only gone a few steps before turning back, blurting it out before the nerve left her. "Hey, 1B. Do you have a name?" *Oh my god, bitch, what are you doing?* the voice inside her head sounded in alarm.
He stopped, his back to her. It was a moment before he turned around, and Brynn held her breath until she saw his grin, his teeth white against his richly colored skin. "Tristan," he said, taking a step towards her as he held out his hand.
God, he was tall. How had she not noticed this before? She barely came up to his chest. She returned his offer and tried not to squeak as his hand nearly swallowed hers. His skin was warm and callused, and sent a thrill through her as it scraped the smoothness of her own.
He - Tristan - looked at her expectantly. *Oh, right*. "Brynn."
"Brynn," he repeated. "Suits you better than 2B." His thumb rubbed over hers.
She swallowed hard. "Thanks."
They were basically holding hands at this point.
A cacophony of horns blared from the rushing traffic next to them, breaking Brynn out of the moment. She quickly drew her hand back, and Tristan looked...disappointed?
"I figured it was time we learned that," she said with a smile, tucking an errant lock of hair behind her ear.
"Truth," he nodded. "See you around, two - Brynn."
They both laughed as they acknowledged the habit before parting ways.
She forgot to stop for coffee.
"...because Linda from accounting has a serious attitude problem and I would, straight up, love nothing more than to - you're not listening to me."
"I am. Linda from accounting."
"What about her?"
Brynn was silent.
"I rest my case," Kim said, pointing a finger at her.
"You should be a lawyer."
Her coworker rolled her eyes. "I should have been a lot of things, but it's too late, now. All right, spill. Is it the hot ass fire-fighting, tire-changing neighbor?"
"Tristan," Brynn said, refusing to look up from her computer as her fingers furiously flew across her keyboard. *Per my last email, Alison...*
Kim held a fist to her mouth. "Oh, we're on a first-name basis now! Someone, please sound the wedding bells!"
From a few desks down, Michelle, who consumed gossip like an active volcano consumed a small town, stuck her head up. "The neighbor? Is it the neighbor?"
Brynn finally looked up and glared at her office bestie. "You told Michelle?"
"Only because my love life is too boring to talk about! Don't get married," Kim said, resting her chin on the top of Brynn's cubicle, her expression innocent.
She snorted. "Love life? More like lack thereof."
From behind, Rohan stood up at his own desk, and the green of his paisley tie almost matched his earnest eyes. "Girl, you have to let Anthony go. It's been a year. Download that app and go on a date! You're cute when you put in the effort!"
"Thanks," Brynn said dryly, and Kim laughed.
"Look," Kim said quietly once Rohan sat down, "he's kind of right. You need to get back out there, whether it's a date or a dick. And homeboy sounds like just what the doctor ordered. Vitamin BBC."
"Oh my god, you are truly the worst," Brynn said, slapping a hand over her mouth so she wouldn't guffaw.
"And you love me for it! Ugh, I have to go deal with Linda. Let's get Thai for lunch in thirty?"
As Kim traipsed back to her department, Brynn minimized her email and sat back in her chair, pondering her words. *Anthony.* She thought back to that night last year, the one that had ended everything. She glanced at her left ring finger and remembered the diamond that had once decorated it. Her stomach twisted. *You're so fucking high-strung! Not everything needs a ten-step plan! Loosen the fuck up!*
Brynn squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. When she opened them, they stung, and she blinked rapidly. No, she was not doing this today. At least, not without some ice cream and a few episodes of her favorite medical drama. She reopened the email screen and resumed her email, editing it to sound less annoyed.
Kim was back at her cubicle some time later, tossing her long braids in an action that was no less than dramatic. "Okay, Linda's been put in her place. Let's eat."
"Being a bitch did always work up your appetite," Brynn said, grabbing her purse.
Their favorite Thai place was a blink-and-you-miss-it hole in the wall nestled between a souvenir shop and a corporate coffee place. As they sat down with their food, Kim launched into another tirade about Linda, and Brynn half-listened, watching as a text came in from her mother.
She didn't have to open it to know the matriarch of the O'Mara family was probably begging her to go on a date with her friend's cousin's son, or whatever. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate her mom, but the woman was thoroughly convinced that her youngest daughter was going to turn into a spinster and die alone with naught but ten cats. Which, yikes, was already kind of half-true. Brynn turned her phone over and gave Kim her undivided attention.
Several minutes later, the bell over the door jingled, and everyone looked up as three firemen, half decked in bunker gear, shuffled in, shoving each other and laughing. They were covered in ash and grime, even their faces streaked with it. The college girls at the next table over immediately went haywire, and Kim gave a low whistle as she turned fully in her seat, her eyes like laser beams.
And then a fourth man came up behind the three, equally as dirty, and Brynn's stomach turned into a live creature, twisting into one big knot. "Oh, fuck," she murmured, staring hard at her food. How was he still so sexy covered in God knew what?
"What?" Kim asked, her tone defensive. "I can still look!"
Two of the firemen moved up to the counter to order, and Tristan and the other one stayed back. He gripped the kid's - really, he looked no older than eighteen - shoulder and said something only he could hear, and the younger one visibly relaxed.
"What is wrong with you?" Kim hissed. "I know it's been a while, but come on, girl, you're bright red! It's okay to - oh. OH. Which one is him?"
Brynn clenched her teeth and shook her head a fraction.
"Is it the one at the counter or the one talking to the little one? Tell me!"
"Please stop," Brynn whispered, her throat suddenly dry.
Kim looked at her and sighed. "The things you force me to do."
"Wha -?"
"Tristan!" Kim yelled, her eyes trained on Brynn's face.
Brynn's stomach unwound itself only to plummet to the bottom of her body. She dared glance up, and when she did, he was staring right at her, his dark, slashing brows raised nearly to his hairline.
And then he moved towards her, his boots heavy over the scarred wooden floor. Brynn placed her face in her hand as if it would render her invisible and tried not to hyperventilate. He approached their spot with an air of amiability; under the table, Kim kicked at her shin so Brynn would look up at him.
"Twice in one day, this is unheard of," he said, looking down at her. "Can't say I'm complaining, though."
Across from Brynn and unbeknownst to Tristan, Kim gazed up at him, batting her eyelashes. Brynn knew her face was nearly the same color of her hair as she spoke, her voice about ten octaves higher than when she'd greeted him this morning. "Yeah, hi! You, uh, look like you were busy with some fires or something."
Kim snorted. As soon as they got back to the office, Brynn was going to kill her.
"Yeah, definitely something like that," he laughed.
"Hi, I'm Kim!" her friend interjected, holding out a well-manicured hand. She shook his proffered hand with a vigor that seemed to surprise him. "You guys are neighbors, right? Small world, that's so funny!"
Tristan glanced at Brynn, his expression amused. "You been talking about me, 2B?"
Brynn's hackles rose at the satisfaction that saturated his tone. "No, I - "
He turned back towards Kim. "Yeah, I won't lie, it's been pretty rough. Brynn here likes to throw ragers and disturb the peace."
Her eyes flashed to him in momentary confusion before both she and Kim burst into giggles, realizing he was joking. He'd immediately alleviated the tension. "So sorry," she said, her sarcasm evident. "I'll keep it down next time."
"Or you could just invite me," he winked.
She was speechless for a moment. "I'll remember that," Brynn finally said, trying to keep her tone as lighthearted as his. She ignored Kim, who was drilling a hole in her forehead with her eyes.
"Yo, Lieutenant, you ready?" one of the men's voices sounded from the front. Another guy, this one almost as built as Tristan, sauntered over. He knew the power of the uniform and wielded it with confidence, his gaze immediately zeroing in on Kim. "Well, aren't you just the most beautiful - "
"Married," she said flatly, pointing at the sizeable rock on her finger.
Brynn and Tristan laughed.
The guy hung his head. "Damn. Tell your man he's got a dime."
"My man already knows," Kim said, her words pointed.
Tristan looked back at her, and his gaze was warm. "I'll probably see you around soon?"
"Probably. We do live right across from each other," Brynn said with a tight smile.
Tristan cleared his throat and nodded, shoving his coworker towards the exit. "Right. Cool, cool. See ya."
Once the four firemen exited the shop, the girls at the next table over burst into excited chatter, debating over which one was the most attractive. Brynn turned back to her food, moving it around on the plate with her fork, but her appetite had diminished. "Well, that was the worst."
Kim *tsk*ed. "You need to stop looking at everything so negatively. He wants you to invite him to your rager," she said, dancing around in her seat. "He wants you to see his raging b - "
Her friend threw back her head and laughed. "God, is it you or me that's the old married lady? But seriously, he was definitely flirting with you."
"Are you just saying that to make me not jump out this window?"
"For sure. I would hate for you to scrape your knee on the sidewalk three inches below," Kim said with a frown. "Stop trying to change the subject. Feel him out a little more, and then make your move."
"Yeah, okay, totally," Brynn said, intending to never do any of that.
A week later, she lay awake in bed. It was nearing midnight, and her mind wasn't any closer to sleep than it had been two hours ago. She went over her Thai place encounter with Tristan for the millionth time, and internally grumbled over the fact that she hadn't been cute or witty or clever like Kim.
It just didn't come naturally to her. She flashed back to Anthony's words. Maybe if she loosened up a bit...
She imagined rolling out of bed and matching across the hallway to 1B and asking Tristan if he wanted to ravish her, taking inspiration straight from the ludicrous romance novels she used to read in high school. She imagined him grabbing her by the shoulders and shoving her up against his doorframe before taking her mouth in a wild kiss, not giving a damn who saw them.
Brynn would jump into those strong arms, her own wrapped around his neck, the place between her thighs pressed against his dick.
As her fingers slid down her neck and across her chest, pausing on her nipples, she wondered how big Tristan was. She wondered if she could fit him down her throat. She wondered how much he would stretch her unused pussy, how her pink lips would look around the purple head of his cock.
She couldn't recall wanting someone this desperately. At least, not in a very long time.
But another, smaller part of her also wanted him to hold her afterwards, to press his lips against her neck and shoulder, to run his fingers through her hair.
This was ridiculous; she barely knew the man.
*So get to know him*, that voice sounded again. It was reaching nuisance-level.
Could she invite him to dinner, or was that too cheesy? Did people even do that anymore? She wondered if he liked lasagna, because that was about the fanciest thing she could make without burning the kitchen down, and she suspected that certainly wouldn't impress him, being a fireman and all.
Fucking hell, she needed to go to bed.
Her alarm went off a woefully short time later.
She was out of her apartment in forty minutes, damp hair thrown up in a low-maintenance bun, her navy blazer a smart contrast against the gray of her work dress. He was standing by the elevator, of course, ready to go, his ballcap obscuring most of his face as he looked down at his phone.
*Okay, here goes.* She had to ask him before she lost her nerve. "Do you like lasagna?" Brynn asked, her words coming out much louder than intended.
Tristan looked up, and then looked behind him, no doubt wondering why she was shouting at him from several feet away. "Me? Yes," he said, equally as loud.
Cringing inwardly, she walked towards him, trying to project an air of casual coolness. "I was thinking of making some Friday night, and was wondering if you wanted in?"
He looked at her. "I've been existing on takeout for months at this point. You'd be my hero if you're serious...but I have a shift. Any chance you can make this happen on Saturday?" He put his arm out to hold the door as they stepped into the elevator.
Her heart leapt at his interest. "I suppose I could rearrange a few things. Months of takeout is pretty much an emergency."
Tristan chuckled. "Thank you for taking sympathy on me, Brynn."
God, the way he said her name. She stepped a little in front of him and faced forward as they descended so he wouldn't see her ever-present blush. She pulled out her phone to covertly text Kim, and swayed a little as the elevator came to a stop to let some Floor A residents in, a mom and three rambunctious, chattering school kids.
Brynn took a step back to make more room but lost her footing in the heels she rarely wore for this exact reason. She pitched backwards with a gasp.
Tristan was there, his strong arms circling her and pulling her body upright against his front, a move that would have been purely dashing if not for the fact that one of his hands was completely full of her tit. For a second, he seemed to pull her more tightly against him, and Brynn felt the unmistakable nudge of his hardening cock against her bottom. *Oh, my.*
They froze, neither of them having the thought to spring away from each other. For a split second, an image of him yanking up the hem of her dress and thrusting into her danced across her mind. Then, he let go of her with some reluctance, but not before dragging his hand across her breast, leaving her nipple hard and aching.
"I got you," he said softly, his breath tickling her ear and sending shivers all the way down to the base of her spine.
It took another few seconds for her to realize that she was still leaning against his dick. Jesus. She stood fully, straightening the hem of her dress and clearing her throat. "Thanks. Lost my balance for a moment there."
She thought she heard him mutter, "So did I."
Brynn suddenly remembered the other occupants of the elevator, but thankfully the mom was still scolding her kids to settle down. They reached the lobby what felt like five million years later. Once outside, she started towards her car when a large hand grasped her shoulder. She turned.
"Hey, Brynn?" Tristan said, his mouth an unyielding line and his dark eyes serious. "Sorry. I...sorry."
Oh, god. He was actually addressing the accidental tit grab. What could she say? *Oh, it's fine, happens all the time,* or maybe*, Once more, with feeling*? Finally, in a burst of boldness, she settled on, "That could have ended worse for me."
He arched a brow as he stared at her, and she watched him try to discern whether she was flirting with him or not. Gosh, he was adorable. She wanted to sit on his face.
"Glad I could be of service."
She forced a confident smile. "So, Saturday?
"I'll be there," he nodded.
"Oh my god, he grabbed your titty!" Kim said with a cackle as she splayed across Brynn's bed.
Brynn stood in front of her full-length mirror, critically eyeing her body in the underwear she wore. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "He was just making sure I didn't fall!"
Kim ignored her. "And you basically sat on his penis! I can't believe you're just now telling me this, it's delicious."
For a moment, Brynn considered emptying the contents of her laundry basket all over her friend. "Can you focus?" she asked, exasperated. "What should I wear?"
Kim grabbed her glass of wine off the nightstand and took a hearty sip. "Okay, well, definitely not that," she said, gesturing towards Brynn's plain white bra and beige bikini briefs. "We need something that gives those itty bitties a little *oomph*."
She grasped her own boobs, outraged. "They are not itty bitty!"
Brynn turned back towards the mirror. While admittedly not huge, her tits were a healthy B-cup and capped with pink nipples that had certainly received their fair share of attention and compliments. She wasn't the fittest person out there, but her stomach was only softly round, and her hips and ass were no less than generous.
Her skin was just shy of too pale, and free of any blemishes save for a soft smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose that her older sisters had teased her endlessly for. Her lips were plump, her nose was small, and her gray-blue eyes were large within her heart-shaped face.
"Okay, okay, here," Kim said, rolling off her bed and standing, albeit a bit unsteadily. She flung open Brynn's sliding closet doors and began rifling through the contents. "You don't want to go all out because you're just having dinner at home, but you do wanna be all cute, because, hello, you want some dick. Let's see."
As Kim went to work, Brynn sat cross-legged on her bed, propping her elbow on her knee and her chin in her hand. Maybe this wasn't the best idea. Maybe he wouldn't show. Maybe she wasn't ready to do this. Maybe he would think her Game of Thrones poster was juvenile. That is, if she intended on bringing him into her bedroom. Did she? She thought of feeling almost every inch of him in the elevator, and her face heated. Maybe she would let him take the lead...if he even wanted her.
"Hey," Kim snapped her fingers in Brynn's face. "I am not letting you anxiety-talk yourself out of this, Brynn O'Mara."
"I wasn't," Brynn said, shaking her head too quickly.
Kim looked at her pointedly before throwing an outfit on the bed next to her. She looked at the fitted, high-waisted jeans that she knew showcased her ass, and the long-sleeved, off the shoulder cropped wrap shirt. She wouldn't be able to wear a bra with that.
"You don't think the shirt is too much?"
"No way. The green goes so good with your hair, too, like Christmas!"
Brynn scowled.
From across the apartment, a knock sounded on her front door, and she almost jumped out of her skin.
Kim laughed. "Relax, it's just the hubs. Make yourself decent, and I'll go let him in."
She had to fight back a smile as she noticed how comfortable Kim was in her apartment. Brynn quickly threw on an oversized t-shirt and athletic shorts, throwing her hair up before going to meet Kim and her husband in her half kitchen, half living room space.
"Heard you got a hot date tonight," Julian said with a suggestive waggle of his eyebrows.
Brynn looked at Kim. "I see nothing is sacred."
Kim shrugged before finishing her wine. "Not when you're married!"
"Hey, don't sweat it, player. I know you'll knock him dead," Julian teased, punching her lightly on the shoulder.
"Thanks for the vote of confidence," she laughed. "Okay, I have to get my ass in gear and start cooking. Say a prayer, please. I'm a little rusty."
"You could always impress him in other ways," Kim said in a sing-song voice.
"Goodbye," Brynn said pointedly, ushering her favorite couple out of the door. Once she was alone, she spoke to no one in particular. "So it begins."
As soon as the lasagna was in the oven, Brynn rushed to the bathroom for a quick shower. After, she let her curls air dry, arranging them to fall in waves over her bare shoulders and down her back. She kept her makeup light and neutral, and spritzed her favorite scent over her wrists and neck. She dressed and stood in front of her mirror once again, smoothing her hands over the thighs of her jeans.
Her shirt just barely teased the realm of impropriety, outlining her breasts and leaving a faint impression of her nipples. She turned to the side and admired her butt, and last week's pedicure was still looking good, her toes a soft pink. "Okay," she murmured. "This is fine."
A knock sounded on her door, and her stomach somersaulted. She danced from foot-to-foot for a moment, hyping herself up. *It's just dinner. You love eating!* Brynn shut her bedroom door behind her as she walked across the apartment, taking a breath before she unlocked and opened the heavy door.
*Oh, damn.*
1B stood on her doorstep, a maroon Henley stretched across his muscular form, his dark wash jeans and white tennis shoes the definition of casually sexy. She wanted to ignore the bottle of wine in his hands and jump straight into his arms, as they'd held her so nicely before.
"Hi," she said, her voice soft.
Brynn didn't miss the way his gaze flickered over her body, though lightning quick. His dark eyes were hungry. "Hey. You look nice. Hope you like red?"
She swallowed. "Thanks, and that's perfect. Do you wanna come inside?"
Tristan was still looking at her. "Yes."
Brynn's face heated as she realized the double entendre. She stepped back to let him in, instructing him to leave the bottle on her small, rounded kitchen table that was already set with two places. He kicked his shoes off by the front door.
"I gotta say, it smells amazing in here. I'm already pretty impressed."
She smiled at him as he leaned against the counter by her sink, taking in the surroundings. Though the kitchen was slightly outdated, she kept her place pretty neat. Her apartment faced west, and the sun was beginning to sink in the sky, drowning the place in golden light.
"Good to know you're so easy."
Tristan raised his eyebrows.
"Oh, wow, I totally - totally did not mean it like that," Brynn said, covering her mouth with her hand.
To her relief, he tilted his head back and laughed. "I mean, you'll definitely have to get me through dinner first."
She busied herself with opening the bottle of wine and pouring two glasses, the liquid sloshing close to the rim. *Easy*, she reminded herself. They exchanged pleasantries until the timer went off, and Brynn listened with amusement as Tristan regaled her with the latest prank in the described war that was going on at the station.
Once they were seated and she had served them heaping portions of the carb overload, Tristan pointed his fork at her. "You're not from New York, are you?"
Brynn placed her chin in her hand, surprised. "What gave it away?"
"That Midwest drawl," he said. "We got a guy from Milwaukee that transferred in a couple years back. All those flat vowels."
"Flat!" Brynn repeated in mockutrage, trying to ignore how much she was coming to enjoy his smile. "I'm not a cheesehead, though. I'm actually from Chicago, which is, of course, the superior city of superior pizza."
Tristan placed a hand on his chest. "Damn, straight for the jugular! I suppose it's superior if you like eating your pizza with a fork and a knife like some sort of animal."
They chatted and laughed through dinner, and Brynn learned that he had three brothers as well as a sister and that his father and grandfather were both FDNY, that his favorite color was purple and how much he disliked winters in New York. She divulged as much as him; it was like talking with someone that had always been in her life, and his relaxed nature and sense of humor put her at ease.
Hours later, after cleaning up, they sat on the aging couch that Brynn had discovered at a college yard sale several years ago, each down to the last glass of wine that the bottle of red had to offer. "So, what is it that you do, exactly?"
Brynn took a sip of her drink and rolled her eyes. "I'm a cog for an evil corporation, currently, but I'd love to go back to school for my Masters. It's actually kind of a dream of mine to teach college-level psychology one day."
Tristan whistled. "You do seem like kind of a nerd - in a good way," he said with a grin, catching her hand as Brynn moved to whack his shoulder. Her heart hammered as he brushed his thumb along hers. "How old are you?"
"Twenty-five," she shuddered. "I'll officially be in my *late twenties* in a few months."
"You poor thing," he said, his tone suggesting he had about zero sympathy for her. "I would have guessed you were younger. I remember my late twenties."
"You can't be that far off," Brynn said, sitting up a little and searching his face, inches from hers. How had they gotten so close? He was still holding her hand.
Tristan leaned his head against the back of the couch. "I'm...thirty," he whispered, closing his eyes.
Brynn couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled up in her throat. "Wow, you're practically ancient. Ever get the feeling you should have done something important by now, like solve world hunger?"
He let a blustery breath out. "Mine was dismantling the criminal justice system, but I decided to play with fire, instead."
She drained her glass and placed it on the coffee table in front of her. "I normally don't like reds, but that was amazing. Thank you."
"Ditto in regards to the lasagna. Is it a recipe passed down through generations?"
Brynn shook her head, hesitating. "Not exactly. I, um, actually learned it from my ex-fiancé."
She held her breath as he sat up straighter, his expression serious. "Wow, you were engaged? Why didn't it work out?"
She hesitated again.
Tristan pulled his hand back from hers, his expression apologetic. "Hey, sorry if that was too deep. You don't have to talk about it."
Brynn shook her head, waving her hand. "No, it's fine. It was almost over a year ago. I dated him all throughout college, but in the end, we just weren't compatible." She smiled to lighten the mood. "What about you? Long, sordid history of women?"
To her amazement, Tristan looked a little embarrassed. "I actually haven't been in a serious relationship since, like, high school, if that even counts. Hasn't been super important to me. So it's not too long or too sordid, but it has been a pretty steady stream of hook-ups."
Brynn's eyebrows shot up, even though she'd been half-expecting this. "Of course it has," she teased. "You have the whole tall, handsome fireman thing going on." She waved her hand up and down, indicating his general visage.
He looked up at her through dark, thick lashes, and her breath caught a little. "Handsome, huh?"
She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever. Don't let it go to your head or anything." She paused before asking a second question. "So, do you...do you have a type?" God, that was forward. It had to be the wine.
Tristan looked at her, and the corner of his mouth twitched. "In what context?"
Was he really going to make her say it? Brynn struggled to formulate the question in a way that was tactful. "I guess I'm asking what you're normally attracted to in a woman."
He ran a hand through his close-cropped hair, considering. "Mmm. I don't tend to discriminate. I guess I'm attracted to that softness some women have, if that makes sense. Long hair. A sense of humor. Some degree of intelligence," he shrugged. "What about you? Ever been with a Black man before?
Oh, okay. *Right for the jugular*, to quote his earlier words. Brynn blushed. "Um, no."
Tristan's eyes glimmered. "Something told me that was the case." He reached out, and she stilled as he brushed her hair back from her face, warm fingers moving over her cheek. "You're really fucking pretty, you know that?"
And just like that, all sense of eloquence left her. She tried to open her mouth to speak, but no words came. Heart thundering in her chest, Brynn tried to ignore her suddenly on-fire twat. Tristan's fingers moved from her cheek and down her throat; oddly, she wanted him to stop there, wrap his long, dexterous fingers around the back of her neck and pull her to him forcefully, taking away the option to deny him. His fingers continued their descent, grazing over her collarbone. Eyes the color of her favorite dark chocolate dipped to her lips.
She realized he was waiting for her to give him a sign, to show him that she wanted him, like it wasn't painfully obvious. Brynn looked into his eyes and nodded once, emphatically.
"Come here," Tristan groaned, sticking his fingers into the loops of her jeans so that he could yank her onto his lap.
Brynn let out a breathless laugh as he did so, until she found their faces inches apart. Her arms settled around his neck. He leaned his forehead against hers, and they sat like that for a moment, her knees on either side of him, comfortably astride him. He smelled divine, rich and spicy, and she could almost taste the scent of the wine that clung to his lips.
"Hey, 2B?"
Her eyes fluttered shut as his hands caressed her back, and her nipples beaded as they rubbed against his rock-hard chest, separated by the material of their thin shirts. There was no way he couldn't feel them.
"Look at me," Tristan said.
She didn't open her eyes for a second, fearful that as soon as she did, their comfortable bubble would pop, and all of this would be over. Finally, taking a breath, she looked. He cupped her face in his big hands, leaning her back as he sat up a little straighter.
There was a beat of silence before his mouth descended on hers, and a strangled sound escaped her throat. His arms went around her waist, crushing her to him, but his lips were surprisingly tender over hers, coaxing her to explore, to open to him. His kiss seared her from the roots of her hair to the tips of her toes. There was a dull rushing sound in her ears as the apartment around them disappeared, and all she could taste, touch, feel, was him.
*Yes. More.*
And suddenly Brynn didn't want tender, at least, not in that moment. She wanted him to ravage her. She didn't think before sinking her teeth into his plump bottom lip, and he grunted, pulling back a little. Their heavy breaths mingled in the dim light; they had been so distracted by each other that they hadn't even noticed the sun had long since gone down.
It was as if he'd read her mind. "Yeah? It's like that, huh?"
"Maybe," she whispered.
His hands were in her hair then, tugging at the base of her skull to lift to her chin. He devoured her mouth, his tongue opening the seam of her lips to tangle with hers, and he tasted like wine and cinnamon gum and something that was just uniquely him.
Something hard bumped the space between her spread thighs, and Brynn instinctively ground against him, dying to feel his skin against hers. She unwound her arms from his neck, sliding her palms down his chest, his abs, and moved towards the hem of his shirt, but Tristan caught her wrists. His grip was just shy of too tight. "No."
Uncertain, she leaned back, and he took the opportunity to dip his fingers into either side of her off-shoulder neckline and pull.
"Oh," she gasped, hands immediately going to her bare tits, color blooming in her cheeks.
"Not a chance, baby girl," he said, hands on her wrists again. He was gentler as he pulled her hands away from her chest, and she blushed as he unabashedly stared at her breasts. She sucked in a breath as his hands completely covered them, calluses rasping against the tips. "You're so soft."
Her eyes closed as she reveled in the sensation of his fingers on her, pinching and rolling them until they were diamond hard. And then she felt his mouth, hot and wet, close over her nipple, his lips sucking before his teeth grazed her.
"Oh, my god," she said, nails digging into his muscled shoulder. "Yes. *Yes." She felt his dick jump under her and was helpless to stop the wetness that flowed from her pussy and soaked her flimsy thong as she rocked against him. "I want - please, I need - "
Tristan released her tit with a soft pop and chuckled. "So needy. Relax, Brynn, we're just getting started."
Brynn resisted the urge to pout, but was placated as his hands moved to the button of her high-waisted jeans, deftly undoing them.
"Take these off," he said.
She stood to do so, sliding the tight material down her hips and ass, conscious of the way her snug, damp thong clung to the lips of her pussy, showcasing the cleft. There was something distinctly feminine about standing before him almost completely nude while he remained fully clothed, and she forced herself to remain standing straight, open to his gaze.
"Turn around," he said, demonstrating the motion with his index finger.
Brynn slowly moved, and she almost jumped when he stopped her by touching his hand to the small of her back
"Damn," Tristan breathed, running his hands over her plump ass, squeezing and lifting the flesh with both hands. "This is incredible."
Brynn let herself simply feel, and closed her eyes as she tilted her head back as Tristan fondled her body. He peeled her underwear from her hips, grabbing her hand to help her steady herself as she stepped out of them. Her body was on fire, but she found herself frozen in that spot, suddenly too shy to face him despite everything that had led up to this.
He was behind her then, his body wrapping around hers, urging her to lean against him. He cupped her tits from behind, thumbs moving over her nipples, erection pressing into the small of her back, and a whine tore from her throat when he pinched her. "When you were up against me in that elevator, Brynn, fuck. This is all I've been able to think about since then." He turned her around so that she was facing the couch, and then moved her to sit on it before kneeling in front of her.
Oh, he wasn't actually going to...was he?
She hugged her knees to her chest, but he placed his hands on him. "Spread your legs for me, baby."
Evidently, he was.
Slowly, she complied, and he moved her legs to rest over his broad shoulders, dark hands on the outside of her thighs. He pressed a kiss to the inside of one, and shuddered, realizing her pussy was completely bare to him. She felt vulnerable in that moment, and her heart stuttered, nerves suddenly suffusing her.
Tristan looked down, taking in the neat triangle that rested just over her puffy lips. "Huh. Natural redhead," he winked.
"Oh, my god, shut - UP." Brynn moaned loudly as his tongue moved over her labia, just barely parting her lips to the juices inside. Any and all nerves quickly left her.
"You are wet as fuck," he groaned, nuzzling her pussy with his mouth.
She desperately wanted more, lifting a leg off his shoulder to spread herself further.
"Hell yeah," Tristan said, "open up for me."
His tongue moved over her, dipping into her wetness, hands moving up her body to play with her tits. She pressed his hands to her chest, using the leverage to work her hips and hump the lower half of his face, her body a live wire. He moved his hand from her breast and up to her mouth, and she immediately opened her lips, wetting two of his fingers.
Tristan watched her, mesmerized. "Oh, that's it. Good girl," he said, and, without warning, speared her cunt.
Brynn cried out at the intrusion, and stifled a scream when Tristan sucked her clit at the same time he pumped in and out of her. She placed a hand on his head, unsure whether to pull him closer or push him away, feeling the roughness of his hair slide against her palm as he worked her with his mouth. She couldn't remember the last time she'd come from anything besides her vibrator, and now she was going to explode all over her neighbor's face.
"Oh - oh, fuck," she said, the words a half-sob, throwing her head back and squeezing her eyes shut. It was just beyond her reach, that spring in her depths wound tightly enough to burst.
And then he lapped at her clit the same time as he hit a spot deep inside of her, and she was done for. Her body bowed, tight at a string, and Brynn shattered, moaning his name. She was dimly aware of him threading his hand through hers, and she held on tightly as magic crackled through her body from her hairline to the tips of her toes.
When it was over, their harsh breaths were the only sound in the apartment. Brynn looked down at him, and it stirred something primal in her to see the lower half of his face shiny with her juices. "Come here?" she murmured, reaching for him with her other hand.
Tristan knelt as tall as he could, and Brynn bent down to kiss him hard, tasting herself on his tongue. She was hyper-aware of her nakedness as the material of his shirt brushed against her skin and her knee brushed his denim-clad erection.
When they finally pulled apart, Tristan rasped, "Bedroom?"
Brynn pointed to her left, and shrieked as he unceremoniously scooped her up, throwing her over his shoulder and smacking her ass.
"Sorry, I can't help myself when you've got an ass like that," he said, soundly wholly unapologetic. He opened the door to her bedroom and dumped her onto a bed that creaked in protest, placing his arms on either side of her.
She looked up at him, trying to keep the stark adoration from her face. "Speaking of attractive body parts...we're a little uneven here."
"I don't know, I kinda like you all naked and spent underneath me."
"I think you'll like both of us naked even more," she said, wrapping her legs around his waist to prove her point.
When she reached for the hem of his shirt, he let her strip him this time, and she took notice of the small silver chain and pendant around his neck despite the muscles that rippled under his smooth skin. She took the pendant between her fingers and read the ladder company reflected there out loud. "Is this yours?"
Tristan was silent for a moment as he brushed her hair back from her damp forehead. "Nope. Was my pop's."
He didn't give her a chance to respond as he moved off her, shucking his jeans and socks off. Brynn's attention was completely consumed by the angry purple head sticking out of the opening in his black boxer-briefs, her eyes widening. A rush of warmth shot straight through her pussy as she imagined it nudging her womb.
She was ready when he claimed her mouth in a hungry kiss, nestling between her thighs once more. Brynn couldn't resist squeezing his firm ass, and used the leverage to bring her core closer to his cock. They both groaned when his head, slick with pre-come, slipped over her mons.
"Tristan," she whispered, sinking back against her pillows.
"Yeah, baby?"
"If you're not inside of me within the next minute or so, I'm gonna die."
He laughed against her neck, the sound vibrating throughout her body. "Well, the feeling is pretty much mutual."
She helped divest him of his underwear, and it landed with a light sound somewhere in the dark recesses of her room. And then he was there, right at her pussy, the heat emanating from his dick enough to make her suck in a breath. Tristan reached down and gently brushed her sensitive clit with his thumb, and she jerked against him. Brynn felt him wrap a hand around his cock, poising it to tease her entrance.
"Brynn. Relax."
It took her a second to realize she was holding her breath, and she let it out with an embarrassed exhale. And then the head of cock teased her, parting her folds, sinking in an inch, two, three.
Oh, *fuck*, he was big. She gripped his arms, willing him to stop. "Wait. Sorry. Wait."
Tristan looked down at her, and a muscle ticked in his jaw with the strain of holding back. "Everything good?"
"Yes. Sorry." She inwardly rolled her eyes at the ego boost she was about to deliver. "You're just really big."
To her surprise, he didn't make a smartass comment. "Wrap your legs around me...thatta girl. Fuck, you feel incredible."
It did feel a little better, and she groaned as he stretched her further, the mix of pleasure and pain almost overwhelming. When he pulled out and sank back in, a little more this time, the friction was amazing. "Oh - my - god," Brynn gasped with each thrust, pulling him down in a searing kiss. It was too much and not enough all at once.
He grasped her throat between his thumb and fingers, forcing her to look at him. "I lied earlier. I've wanted this for months, 2B. You've been on my mind since that flat tire meltdown."
"Oh yeah?" she asked, breathless. It thrilled her to hear the words, to know it wasn't just her that felt it between them. "You have a thing for unhinged women?"
He smirked. "They're usually the best in bed."
She met him in a savage thrust, and nearly sobbed when he bottomed out inside of her. Tristan stilled, his entire body quivering. Brynn raked her nails over his back. "Please don't stop," she begged.
"I'm far from done with you." He slowly pulled out of her, and her body cried silently at the loss, her pussy feeling emptier than usual. He rolled over onto his back, dragging her with him. "Come bring that tight pink pussy over here."
His dick looked intimidating from this angle, jutting straight up from a nest of thick, curly pubic hair. She couldn't resist dipping down to press her pliant lips over the head, sucking it into her warm mouth. She closed her eyes. They tasted good together.
"Ahhh*," Tristan muttered, hand tangling in her hair. "I'm trying *not* to come, Brynn."
Her mouth still by his dick, she looked up at him. "Oops. Also, just so you know...I'm on the pill."
He growled and reached down to grasp her upper arms, dragging her up his body. She sat in his lap once more, his cock nudging her from behind. Brynn lifted herself onto her knees, taking a breath when she felt his head at her entrance again. Slowly, she sank down on his cock as Tristan swore, and her eyes nearly rolled back into her head at the new spots that came to life within her body.
His big hands settled on her hips, digging into the flesh there, and she knew that she'd have lovely little bruises on her alabaster skin in the morning. They moved together in tandem, her hands braced on his chest, hips working him in a dance that was ancient as time.
"I want you to come again. I want you to come all over my dick," Tristan said, his words guttural. He reached down where their bodies joined, and Brynn gasped when his thumb found her clit, moving back and forth in a way that was torturously slow. "Where do you want me to come?"
Brynn looked down at him, the flush spread across her chest reaching her cheeks. She spoke quickly and quietly, hoping he'd heard her.
"Say it louder," he demanded, the hand that wasn't toying with her clit reaching around to smack across her ass.
She arched her back, crying out as she bit her lip. "Inside me," she whispered.
He spanked her again, and she almost screamed. "Louder."
His thumb on her clit. His hand on her ass. His dick stretching her poor little cunt to the max. She didn't answer him on purpose, and his hand cracked against the same spot on her ass. "Oh, fuck," she moaned, flying apart at the seams. "Come inside me. Please. Come inside my pussy!"
As she drenched his cock, Tristan sat up and wrapped his arms around her, the chain on his pendant biting into her skin. He swallowed her moans with his mouth. She marveled again at how safe, secure she felt in his embrace, even as he worked her up and down his dick. She twined her arms around his neck as he buried his face in the spot where her neck met her shoulder, and she felt him then, gushing inside of her, his seed almost hot.
When it was over, they both breathed hard, unwilling to untangle themselves from each other. Brynn stroked her fingers over his hair and down the back of his neck, his heartbeat thundering against hers. She closed her eyes, taking in the thick scent of sex that permeated the room.
She felt his cock contract inside of her and was dimly aware of both their orgasms seeping out of her. "Hey," Tristan murmured against her skin.
"Mmph?" was the only thing Brynn could muster.
He lifted her off of him, his movements slow and gentle, but she groaned nonetheless. She was definitely going to be sore tomorrow. He laid her back against her pillows, and he stood, looking around the room. She watched him through heavy-lidded eyes.
"Bathroom," she said, pointing to the door opposite her closet.
He returned minutes later, a damp washcloth in his hand, and Brynn was surprised as he spread her legs, washing his seed and her juices from her inner thighs. With a clean corner, he moved the warm fabric right over her pussy, and she hissed.
"Sorry," he said, his hand squeezing her thigh. "We made a mess."
"'S'fine. Come here?"
He disappeared into the bathroom to discard the washcloth, but he was back just as quickly, sliding into her bed behind her atop the duvet. They were both warm and sweaty from their efforts, and the fan circling slowly overhead was a welcome respite.
"Wow," Brynn said after a moment.
"What's up, B?" he asked from behind her, his voice thick as he pulled her against him.
Her heart skipped a beat at the silly little nickname, and she tried to ignore it. "That was...fine."
His head popped up, and he rested his chin on her shoulder, a fraction of his energy seemingly restored. "Fine?" he repeated, and she could tell he fought to keep his voice even.
She couldn't hold back her laughter, and Tristan relaxed, nipping her neck.
"You're a brat."
After a moment, she spoke, and this time it was she who tried to steady her voice. "Did you wanna stay?"
Tristan's fingers traced circles over her hip. "Did you want me to?"
"I wouldn't mind."
"Cool. I'll stay, then."
He took her again in the middle of the night, his hard body stirring to life as rubbed her ass against him, his hand coming up to cradle her breast. It was slow and sensual this time; he slipped into her from behind, his thrusts long and lazy.
It was weirdly familiar to have him in her bed, like she'd found something she had lost a long time ago. He groaned her name as he emptied himself inside of her, and when they were done, she turned to face him, pressing her lips against his. He peppered her nose, forehead, and cheeks with a few extra kisses. Finally, she snuggled into his chest and asked him.
"Did your...did your dad pass away on the job?" she asked, her voice low in the in the moonlight that gleamed through her window.
Tristan rubbed the heel of his hand over his eyes, and his sigh was deep, weary. "No. I mean, not directly at least. Complications from skin cancer a little over four years ago."
At once, she knew, and her heart sank. "Nine-eleven."
"Yeah. It was rough on my mom, and she was kind of pissed when my youngest brother started at an academy upstate this past summer."
"That's awful. I'm so sorry, Tristan."
She caught a ghost of a smile. "What can I say? We're a pretty hard-headed group of men." He ran his fingers through her hair, even though it was knotted beyond repair at this point. "Get some sleep, Brynn."
She had a million other questions she wanted to ask, but she knew that now was not the time. Instead, she took his advice and closed her eyes.
It seemed that with him, it was easy to fall - asleep, or otherwise.
Monday rolled around disappointingly quickly, and Brynn walked into the office a little before everyone else, brewing a fresh pot of coffee. *Apparently this isn't the only thing you like black*, that mischievous voice sounded from somewhere inside her head. She resisted the urge to snort out loud.
It was just past eight-thirty when everyone else began to trickle in, and Kim stopped by her desk, proffering a box of donut holes.
"Not everyone can eat like this every day and stay skinny, you know," Brynn muttered, taking three anyway.
"Yeah, yeah," Kim said, waving her hand. "So," she said, stretching out the word, "how was the rest of your weekend?"
"Fine, thank you." Brynn didn't look up from her computer as a smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth.
Kim lowered her voice. "Spill it now, bitch."
"You're being a little abusive. Might have to report you to HR."
"Might take my donuts back."
Brynn gasped at her friend's audacity. "Fine. I slept with him."
Kim punched her fist into the air, roaring, "Yes*!"
Everyone turned to shoot her a dirty look, and Brynn cringed, scooting down in her seat so that her head disappeared below the edge of her cubicle. "You're so embarrassing!" she hissed.
"I'm sorry!" Kim said defensively. "I just feel like a proud mom right now, or whatever. I want every detail at lunch later, no excuses."
"Ugh, fine."
"And what happens now?" she asked, arching a perfectly waxed eyebrow.
"Um...I hadn't gotten that far yet."
As the day came to a close, Brynn still mulled over her friend's question. She thought about it on the drive home, during her ascension in the elevator, and even as she shrugged off her cardigan and sat at her kitchen table. She hadn't gotten his number as it hadn't really seemed necessary with their proximity, and she doubted she'd have the nerve to text him, anyway.
Sighing, she uncorked a bottle of wine.
She didn't run into Tristan again until later that week, freezing as the familiar baritone called for her to hold the elevator open.
When he stepped in and saw it was her, he grinned despite looking exhausted, his FDNY shirt wrinkled. He smelled like smoke. "Brynn."
She ignored the way her heart thundered at his arrival. "You know, we have to stop meeting like this," she said, the words dry.
"I don't know, I think this is almost becoming our spot." He reached out a hand and grazed hers where it rested on the railing, and she watched as their hands threaded together, the contrast of their skin almost startling.
Brynn opened her mouth to reply, but the elevator opened, signaling they had reached their floor, and several residents filtered in. They jumped apart almost guiltily, and she wondered why that was as they stepped out. Down the hall, she stopped at her door, fiddling with her keys. Her shoulders tensed when he spoke behind her.
"Hey, I didn't mean to leave you hanging or anything. This has been a crazy week for me at work."
She spoke quickly, her voice high as she turned to face him. "No, yeah, that's totally fine! Same with me! I, uh, I applied for grad school a couple days ago, too, so I'm waiting to hear back on that. Busy, busy."
He looked genuinely excited in the face of her word vomit. "No shit? Hey, that's great. You'll let me know what happens?"
"Yeah, sure, cool. Well, I won't keep you any longer. Have a good night, okay?"
"Definitely," he nodded. "You, too, B."
Brynn shoved her key in the lock, a little amazed it didn't break considering the force she used as she turned it. She couldn't open her door fast enough, and she leaned back against it once it was closed, sighing in defeat.
*Nice. Real smooth, O'Mara.*
She didn't make it three steps before a knock sounded on the heavy wooden door, and she stilled. She walked back over and stood on her tiptoes to look out the security hole, and her heart started thudding. Taking a breath, she opened the door.
He stood there, hands hanging loosely at his sides. "Hey," he said.
"Hi. Again."
Brynn tilted her head to the side and wondered if he was all right. "Did you need something?"
Tristan rubbed a hand over the back of his head and seemed to be contemplating whether or not to say something. "Uh. There's this amazing Mexican place in Midtown. I thought maybe if you weren't too busy tomorrow, I could take you, 'cause I mean, their tacos...," he mimed an exploding brain with his hands, "wow."
Was this really happening? Was Tristan Woods, New York firefighter, standing on her doorstep and asking her out on an actual date? And was he nervous about it?
"Please say something," he added.
Brynn snapped out of her reverie. "Yeah, I'd be pretty crazy to say no to tacos...or you."
Tristan ducked his head, but that didn't hide his smile. "All right, B. It's a date." |
A hard day’s work staring at a computer monitor and Zygrado was ready to do absolutely nothing but lounge around on the couch, maybe snug a cute Absol, have a bit of snack, the usual. Knowing that Alice had a day off and was waiting for him at home made the whole subway ride over to the apartment block a lot more bearable than it normally was, even if he had to deal with the occasional wandering hand trying to grope at multiple parts of him. He would’ve expected himself to have become a bit of a known figure by that point, especially since the last person he got his hands on was summarily thrown out of the subway car after it stopped at a station, but every single day he had to deal with the occasional lewd bastard who kept trying to push their luck. No matter. For once, the Absol wasn’t working ‘till late and he could actually enjoy their company, so whoever was trying to shove their hands into his immense rear got to enjoy it for far longer than normal before Zyg had to enforce some level of decency. Waddling out towards his home, the Lucario was already sweating by the time he crossed the threshold, only to find Alice waiting for him on the couch already, wearing nothing but a novelty shirt that hung exceedingly loose on her shoulders and a pair of panties that left absolutely nothing to the imagination; this had the added effect of making her curvaceous hips even more eye-catching than they already were. Giving him a quick glance, the Absol gal nodded and waved half-heartedly, returning to zapping through channels as if Zygrado hadn’t just walked into the house. Just like the last time. Taking a shower was a necessity by that point, and as much as he would’ve loved to, Zy just didn’t have the patience to ask Alice if she wanted to join him. The Absol gal had the most annoying tendency to hog the whole bathtub for herself, incessantly demanding that he rub her down and pay the utmost attention to every inch of her fur. To be fair, both of them enjoyed the exercise to quite a large extent in the few occasions they had enough time to enjoy it, but being as tired as he was just drained the Lucario of any of the willpower needed to pamper Alice like that. Plus, it looked and smelled like she’d bathed already, so... Meanwhile, Alice enjoyed the times they showered together for a completely different reason: they were some of the very few occasions where she got to shamelessly rub and caress the Lucario’s belly without him being able to do anything about it, something she intended to do that very night as well. As such, she carefully followed her partner heaving his immense frame over to the bathroom, carefully avoiding bringing her hands to where they could be put to good use; with only a pair of panties on, it was not the time to be potentially soiling the couch.
After a refreshing bath took care of washing away the day’s worries, Zyg toweled himself off and headed right into the kitchen, hoping to find a snack to fill him until dinnertime; what with yesterday’s leftovers being quite substantial, the pile of soft pudge that was the Lucario opted for something light: a bowl of popcorn to snack on while watching TV. Unfortunately for him and his growling stomach, he’d find the drawer to be completely empty, and a cursory look at the contents of the fridge revealed that it was devoid of anything that could actually be eaten without any cooking. Nothing there but vegetables, juice, the leftovers and the occasional condiment, leaving Zygrado to stare at the whole set of racks like he was looking at a complete impossibility… or not. This could only mean one thing. As she heard the Lucario start to complain loudly from her spot in the living room, Alice patted her belly and smiled to herself, knowing her partner had just found out about her little “surprise”. It was always great being able to eat just about as much as she wanted without any of it settling anywhere but on her thighs; it made Zyg so mad whenever he came home to find nothing in the fridge, as well! Without many opportunities to exert that level of control over what the male could eat, she took that one to heart and ran with it, knowing that without any actual food to gorge on while he waited for the right time to eat dinner, there was only one option left. Truth be told, Alice had been trying to push the Lucario to that extreme for a long time, ever since finding out about that unique quirk regarding his body and digestive process. Zyg had always denied her the pleasure, though, stating that if anything went wrong with it and the Absol ended up hurt, he would never be able to forgive himself. Thus, the two had been locked in a battle of… not necessarily wits, but close enough, for the past several months, where the Absol gal deliberately tried to stoke the fires of the Lucario’s hunger and the pudgier male did everything he could to contain his not-insignificant desire to try out exactly what Alice wanted. The two could very well have solved that issue had Zyg not convinced himself that he wouldn’t be able to control it… but that night was the night. Alice was sure of it. The grey Lucario showed up again, looking as if his favourite toy had just been taken from his hands (not necessarily a bad analogy, all things considered) before sitting down on the couch on the exact opposite end from where Alice was. It was childishly adorable how he tried to keep as much distance as he could between the two, up to and including leaning sideways when she tried getting closer. It was of no use though; he’d never get up after sitting down, and she wasn’t about to give up trying to scooch on over to him, so within five short minutes the two were
already smushed against one another, the Absol deliberately trying to snuggle up while the Lucario remained still with his arms firmly folded. Didn’t last long, though. Alice’s body was incredibly warm at just about any point, which coupled with her incredibly well-kept fur meant that her touch was practically irresistible to the Lucario next to her. His hands began to wander, first finding her legs, then thighs, before moving to trace the contours of her torso, ever-closer to her ample chest. Before long, Zyg was sighing as he opened his arms and invited her to sit on his lap, something that Alice did with a happy squeak and a whole lot of snuggly rubbing. There the two sat, watching-not-watching television while time passed. The only sounds besides the ones coming from the device in front of them were the Absol’s contented murring… and eventually the growling rumble of the Lucario’s empty stomach. It was all part of Alice’s plan, really; keep the big boy there for long enough that his hunger would start to get the better of him, then simply refuse to move when he said he wanted to get dinner. And he said that immediately after the first grumble, only to grump about like an old codger when his roomie decided not to move from his lap. In his head, Zyg knew what was going on. He refused to admit it at first, but it was pretty clear what his partner was planning and he didn’t like it a single bit. Unfortunately, she was sitting on him, and the last thing he wanted to do was physically push her off; that’d be rude and would probably strain their friendship all things considered, so the only thing he could do was constantly ask her to move, please and thank you. With time, it became clearer that Alice was not intending to go anywhere. Regardless of what he did afterwards, she was adamant that their impasse be solved only on her terms, and it didn’t look like she’d take no for an answer. For the Lucario, it was especially difficult given that the Absol appeared to have gone to great lengths to make herself even more appetizing than normal; if she was already nearly irresistible as a morsel on a daily basis, her freshly-bathed skin and scented fur made the temptation damn near impossible to ignore, and Zyg could already feel the saliva building up in his mouth whenever he looked at her, having to gulp it down loudly enough to let Alice know she was having exactly the effect she wanted on him. It was a losing battle and they both knew it; the only real variable was how long it would take for the Lucario to break, which, as luck would have it, wouldn’t even take more than half an hour past their “regular” dinner time. A true record, if there ever was one for such a debased category.
“Alright, let’s say I do it,” Zyg finally blurted out, his grey fur adorned with streaks of red as his cheeks brightened hard enough to fry an egg, “let’s just say I do it. What then? Am I supposed to carry you until you crawl back out, is that it?” Alice said nothing, but the way her body vibrated and buzzed out of sheer excitement meant she didn’t need to. That the Absol adored the idea of being seen as a light snack was a given, and more than once the Lucario had to be extremely careful with some of the stuff he clicked on when using her computer for one thing or another; those oddly-named folders of hers made for excellent traps when it came to people like him, so unaccustomed to actually hiding anything. Suffice to say, if there was a chance that Alice could play the part of the helpless prey being devoured by the mean old big predator, she was going to hold onto it, crawl into its mouth, and beg to be chewed on like a chunk of meat. Zyg, meanwhile, was already regretting uttering those words, because the tinier gal on his lap was already doing her best to wriggle away from his grasp, one of her hands already teasing at his bottom lip. But that was his decision to make, not hers, and a simple clearing of the throat and a glare later made sure that Alice knew that. In all honesty, and as much as she liked to play up how flirtatious she was, the Absol was always a single good gesture away from turning back into her more submissive self; give her some room and she’ll take over the whole relationship by sheer force of will, but her “secret” was that all of her were buttons ready to be pushed, and the façade of dominant, playful, hyper-sexualized pleasure addict was a paper-thin front meant to conceal what was, at the end of the day, an intense desire to be treated like a light meal and then forgotten about just as easily. And Zyg could give that to her. Hence why his sudden sternness was enough to get her to quiet down. “If we’re doing this, we’re doing it on my terms. Now settle down.” Though the Absol looked like she was about to bawl, they did as instructed, sitting back on the Lucario’s lap and obediently staring forward… at least until said Lucario made it clear that she wasn’t supposed to be getting so comfortable. Zygrado snapped his fingers and pointed at the rest of the couch, hoping that Alice would get the idea, and immediately her eyes opened wide and her body began trembling even more than it already was. She thought she knew what her partner meant, and seeing as he did absolutely nothing when she occupied the rest of the sofa, leaving her feet on the male’s lap, her initial suspicions were confirmed in the absolute best way possible.
It didn’t start as quick as she would’ve hoped, though. Much as Zyg liked to pretend not to be into that kind of stuff, she knew that underneath that soft, pudgy exterior lay the mind of an unwilling predator, someone who, though they hated to admit it, cherished the thought of being able to play with their food. So that’s exactly what he did, in the only way he could: gentle petting. For anyone else, it might’ve been a disappointing start to the whole thing, but just the fact that he was going along in such a simple way let Alice know that he had finally broken him as much as he’d broken her. The two of them would be headed straight down a path they’d never come back from, and that’s one thing she could chalk up as a victory. A few minutes passed, and his hands began to grip her ankles more firmly than normal. It was starting, she was shaking, and sweat was pouring down her brow. The Absol had watched many a video of this exact kind of kink being indulged, but now that it was happening to her, it was surprisingly far more anxiety-inducing than she expected. Not that Alice was claustrophobic or anything, but suddenly having both of her feet being devoured by the Lucario made her feel like maybe she should’ve prepared a bit more for the thought of being snuggled up into a warm stomach. Then again, just the thought of being snuggled up into a warm stomach somehow made all the worries go away, and by the time her ankles were being gently dragged into Zyg’s waiting gullet, it all just felt like it was going according to some divine plan. This sense of belonging, the comforting warmth that permeated her entire frame, only increased in intensity as her legs were pulled into the Lucario’s maw, his gurgling and gagging only adding to the experience as he began to struggle against the Absol’s considerably wide hips and meaty thighs. It was truly a snack meant for him, perhaps even more than just that, as his mouth had to stretch a lot more than it was used to just to get over how bottom-heavy Alice was. By that point, she was obviously no longer in control, her body already having been pulled into a vertical position in order to let gravity do most of the word. The tips of her feet tingled as they touched Zyg’s stomach acid, deliberately modified to prevent its potency from eating through her, just enough to irritate her skin to the point where it felt like her whole lower half was just slowly going numb, one inch upwards at a time. With her waist conquered, the rest was honestly pretty easy; though her breasts were not necessarily small, they were nothing compared to the immense obstacle that had been her ass, and in just a few minutes of painstaking pulling and strained swallowing, the only thing left of the Absol to be visible in the outside world was her head, over which the Lucario’s mouth rapidly closed over.
A final gulp, one loud enough to be heard all the way on the other side of the building, and Alice was well on her way to her final rest for the day. It was just as heavenly as she expected it to be; after the rest of her had been introduced to the soft, squelching interior of Zyg’s body, to finally be able to feel it in her entirety made every single one of her fantasies come true. The only real bad part about it was how short the trip was, barely lasting a few seconds before she was dropped into the Lucario’s stomach. Truth be told, there wasn’t a lot to see there; the stomach lining was just about the same kind of jet-black, pulsating muscle wherever she looked, and despite her stretching him out considerably, Zyg still managed to produce enough acid to keep half of her body submerged. It felt just as wonderful as she’d envisioned, if a teensy bit more tingly, and its warmth, along with the back-and-forth rocking of the organ she had been shoved into, allowed the Absol to drift into a pleasant, if incredibly obscene, sleep. Meanwhile, on the outside world, Zygrado would be doing anything but resting; while the task of keeping the Absol gal inside of him alive was already demanding enough to keep him awake until she bothered to come back out, it was the raw, unfiltered pleasure that truly got to him. He had forgotten how good it felt, to have someone inside of him, to have someone bloating his belly out to the point where he looked several months past gravid. The motions as well, with his skin being pushed and pulled and tugged and stretched every time Alice bothered to move, with his bloated self unable to do anything as his insides were rearranged to make way for what was supposed to be a filling meal. The gurgling and churning of his stomach acid was also a great way for him to realize that what he was doing was wholly unnatural, his body demanding that he digest that bountiful morsel; the predatory instincts were admittedly difficult to ignore, but he had made a promise, and he wasn’t going to break it. Trying to get up was impossible, or rather, bound to end in failure as he was now carrying the whole of Alice’s weight in his gut. All he could do was stretch himself and occupy the couch, leaving himself to weather out the proverbial storm with his belly pointed directly at the ceiling. As he placed his hands on his swollen midriff, sighing contentedly as he felt them be shifted around by each of the Absol’s errant motions, a thought occurred to him: how easy and delectable it would be to watch that bulge go down, knowing that Alice would be turned into nothing more than extra fat for his already flabby body. He licked his lips. It was going to be a long night of self-denial. |
Title: Bend Where Possible Ch. 02
Tags: gay, gay anal, bareback, big cock, blow job, twink, first time, first anal, bisexual male, gay friend
*Author's Note:
Not one to apologise for where my stories go or how, I intended to keep this as a short and sweet sequel to a spur of the moment story. Yes, you've read it all before, but I enjoy expressing my baser instincts. Here goes...
The sun-drenched city bustled on in blinding streaks and shadows. Hazy blue and warmer now, the first day of Spring too late but welcome all the same. That blissfully abused feeling hadn't left him yet, and in fact he could still feel Danny's hands and strong arms all over him.
Jamie longed to be held in a way he could not want from Danny. But off he went back into his own reality, off down the rabbit hole into the weary trance of those post-hump day blues where the weekend could not come quick enough.
Employment beckoned!
Danny and Jamie still didn't know each other so well, but they knew each other's bodies. Faster becoming friends, friends with benefits and without sexuality's boundaries, though where it would lead neither knew.
Jamie basked in the sun and in the memory of last night, and this morning, where they lovingly and hungrily sucked each other's hard cocks to climax. And they had touched and kissed tenderly like lovers, before and after.
Jesus, how could a straight guy - okay, a closet bisexual - make him feel this way?
Jamie felt truly gay, and the irony was not lost on him. He'd felt his way around numerous men and boys and fallen deep into his own sexual identity long ago, but Danny...
It was all good fun, and it was harmless. They had not technically had sex, but they had made each other feel so good. And maybe what they shared would go further in the near future.
But neither really knew!
Jamie worked the whole Friday with a smile plastered across his face. He didn't have to say anything for the barmaids to guess that he'd gotten some. By the way he behaved too they might have wondered if the new boy was something special.
'There's something different about you today,' Danny's supervisor noted with fascination. 'You finally catch up on the last ten years of sleep?' Ralph, the old cherub, was the first to laugh at his own joke. Danny laughed along as he necked his coffee.
'So what's her name?'
'Huh?' Danny did not betray even a hint as he made the connection.
'You don't fool me, lad,' Ralph grinned, his face a tight ball of childish red-faced mirth. 'I know that look... I know that look...'
Danny laughed harder. 'Fuck off, Ralph, worry about your own dick.' Just making banter!
Laughing along, Ralph disappeared into the office, thanking god that it was Friday, even though he hadn't had a Friday to himself since Top of the Pops was still a thing.
One last thing, and Danny knew he didn't have to. It was vital, even with the women, not to appear too grateful or eager. He left a note for Jamie, knowing that he'd be busy until later, and then set off to get on with the cover shift he so desperately did not need.
'We can definitely do that again sometime,' he had typed and even put a kiss on the end.
For the next five days work was torture for everybody. The races and two major football games all crammed into the space of one week, Danny pulling almost sixty hours, forty eight of those dealing with one seriously hazardous schizophrenia patient.
But over several of those days he and Jamie kept in touch, shooting the breeze by phone briefly one night, and then the next getting pretty bold by text.
'So you want to do that again, do you?' Jamie got around to asking on the Tuesday evening. Danny was gratefully off-duty and off his feet for the next four days.
'You have no idea how good that felt,' Danny dared to lay bare.
'Don't I?' came complete with a cheeky little wink.
'Seriously, when you sucked my cock I swear I never felt pussy like it!'
Jamie was all smiles at that. 'You still have no idea what you did to me.'
'No?' Colour him intrigued - it was blatant that Jamie liked Danny enough these things to have happened. It was blatant that he'd planned on them all along, which was why it was such a surprise that Danny had made the first real move and got him into bed.
But what did Danny do to him that was so special?
'I want you,' he confessed, plain and simple. 'Let's leave it at that.'
Whoa, Danny thought. Could you drop a bombshell like that and then expect it to be ignored? How did Jamie want him exactly? Exhausted as he was, he wasn't so fucked that he couldn't hold up his end.
'Really?' Danny posted a smiley face of his own. 'Want me like how?'
'Next question - have you ever done anal?'
'With a girl, yeah,' Danny replied in quick time. 'What was wrong with my question?'
If Jamie didn't answer him the second time, he would leave it. No pressure - maybe he was too shy to say what he felt, even though if he wanted something serious, that wasn't going to work for him.
'Do you like it?' Jamie prodded.
'Ehhh, it can be amazing or terrible,' Danny weighed the pros and cons.
'It can definitely be amazing,' Jamie snuck in,
'Too many girls don't get the importance of cleanliness, or actually know how, though,' Danny went on. 'Why do you ask?'
'Just, you're open to lads and yet you claim you've never gone there...'
Not the answer he was expecting but; 'It's the god's honest truth!'
'Sure,' Jamie replied, winking excessively. 'There's nothing wrong with it...'
'Never said there was.'
'So when will you be recovered?'
'Probably day after tomorrow,' Danny supposed wearily. He just knew that if he tried his luck, he'd wake up tomorrow feeling like he'd been hit by a truck.
'Well let me know when you want to do something,' Jamie concluded. 'I'll be around.' But then; 'Watching anything worthwhile tonight?'
'Might get into some anal on the PornHub now that you mention it,' Danny teased, or was he hinting that he was in on Jamie's subliminal suggestions?
'Straight anal though?'
'Might be open to suggestions if you know your stuff...'
Jamie awoke at 11pm two days later to a ringing phone. Please, god, please do not let it be work, he begged from the depths of his soul. Winking one eye open to the day's bright grey overcast, relief overcame him as he scanned his phone screen, and then so did another welcome feeling.
'Did I just wake you?' Danny asked. He figured it out for himself while Jamie laughed off his embarrassment. 'You lazy bastard.'
'So what? I put the work in. I deserve to sleep if that's what I want to do!'
Danny laughed to himself. 'Fair enough,' he dismissed. 'Hey I'm in town just looking around. I don't suppose you want to meet up?'
'Oh, right now?' He thought about it not too long. 'Do you want to come round?'
'That depends if I'm walking into some kind of freaky sex dungeon,' Danny hesitated, but not really.
Half an hour later Danny was on his doorstep and Jamie was a hot mess, unlike his spotless place. He looked cute with his scruffy bed-head and with nothing on but his boxer briefs - so much that the moment he closed the door behind them, Danny made his intentions clear.
Danny had two fistfuls of KY Jelly and Jamie's shorts were no longer with them. With one hand wrapped competently around Jamie's stiff cock, two fingers sloshed around inside of him, milking his prostate. All the while he sat spread-eagled before Danny on a towel at the end of the bed, squirming - mouth agape and breathing raggedly - and shuddering as the feeling built and built!
'Ahhhh,' he gasped as Danny's fingers curled upward and stroked and stroked. He couldn't hold his position anymore. Jamie had to lie down. Intuitively, Danny who was very, very new to this, and had gone so far on Jamie's own instructions, closed the distance and used his free hand to pin back one of Jamie's thighs against his chest.
'You have no idea,' was all Jamie managed to say before the moans would make him intelligible. 'You have no idea what that...'
'Honestly you look sexy as fuck right now,' Danny breathed deeply. If anything Jamie could say right now, it'd have been that Danny's cock would have been a perfect replacement for his fingers.
Instead he let the moment be what it was. It was already an incredibly erotic experience and a complete shock to the system that he'd seduced Danny into going this far. When he shot off like a geyser of sweet young spunk, that was something else to behold. Danny hadn't seen so much since the very first hand-job he'd given himself.
'That was...'
Fuck, what were the words? In fact what were words anymore?
'That was just wow!'
'I haven't had an orgasm that strong in fucking ages,' Jamie said as he dreamily smiled away. 'Thanks for that.'
Danny stifled a laugh, took a sip of tea. 'Well thank you,' he replied in kind, the ghost of Jamie's wet lips, tongue, and throat still haunting his flaccid cock and balls in the best way. 'You know I've done more with you now than any other lad...'
'No you haven't.' Jamie didn't believe that for a second.
'I mean I've done things more times with you,' Danny clarified, looking back. 'That's three times. The other few were random.'
Now Jamie paid more attention, becoming engrossed in Danny's little confession. What else could he learn? He rolled onto his side and rested his head in one hand, beaming at Danny.
'And well, technically yes I've done more with you,' Danny went on. 'I've never been up a guy like that before. Not even close!'
'Would you do it again?'
'For you,' Danny admitted without hesitation, and he was grinning. Jamie blushed hard. 'So that reminds me of something,' he added.
'That thing you said about wanting me.'
'Err... yes?' Jamie was shying away now, grinning from ear to ear just like Danny.
'Did you get what you wanted then?'
'Hmmm,' Jamie hummed and drew it out longer than was acceptable, before he rolled onto his face to stifle his laughter. 'Close.'
'I didn't quite get that,' Danny apprehended, hearing only Jamie's muffled voice.
'Close,' Jamie said clearly, but now avoided eye contact as he continued to blush rose-red.
'How do you want me?'
There it was, the moment of truth. It was make or break, or was there a third option. Jamie wanted - no, needed - that third option. 'I'll tell you when the time is right.'
Against his better judgement, Danny chose to trust him. He just didn't want to break his heart. Of course, no matter Jamie's shyness and his tendency to come across like a cheerleader with a crush, Danny might actually rest assure that the rules were still the same.
Gay kids didn't fall in love with straight ones, and least of all the bi ones, and because they knew that the chances were a million to one that they would bend to become the exception. And generally speaking, the rules of nature would simply change to suit them either. For now he was sure that they both just wanted to enjoy their unique thing.
That week had been different to the last, when they had given into their desires. In getting to know each other, there had always been a measure of inebriation involved. The night they ended up playing in Danny's bed, they had been a little high too.
The next morning had been different. Never in his life had Danny shared oral sex with another male while sober, but with Jamie it seemed okay. It was more than okay, in fact. There was a delicious sense of wrongness and uncertainty to their morning sexual activity that awoke something in him.
He may have been more straight than bisexual. He was not gay and in the closet, though he kept this part of himself to himself. But with Jamie he couldn't deny the attraction, the chemistry, and the quickening depth of their friendship.
It was not love in the sense that he knew, but they were bonding in a way that was more than sexual and as much as he couldn't put his finger on it, he loved it too much to be afraid.
Then on that day in town, Danny had performed a series of sexual acts on Jamie - things that he never would have imagined doing, and enjoying, whilst stone cold sober. When he got home that evening he couldn't stop touching himself, not even after a cooling shower.
Later the next night he asked to call Jamie, and they talked about their friendship, the things they'd done with each other, and the feelings it all evoked. And then he told Jamie how constantly aroused he had become.
At least with a woman, he thought, there was a natural conclusion that he understood instinctually. He now found himself wishing that Jamie was a woman. And if Jamie could ever have been that, he'd have loved the shit out of her, recklessly and passionately.
'You're not doing anything tomorrow are you?' Jamie intuited. In fact he wasn't. Jamie decided that maybe now was time to take the plunge, or at least partly so. 'I'm not in work either. I was thinking I'd like to come around and explain what I meant...'
When he said he wanted me, Danny recalled. 'But?' Danny relayed, and then quickly added; 'You can still come around...'
'But... I figured I might need to prepare you for it rather than look like I'm trying to force you,' Jamie said seriously.
'Oh my god, are you gay?' Danny joked. 'I had an idea, but...'
'Funny! I just really...' Jamie snarled like a dog, and the funniest thing was that it wasn't even uncharacteristic of him. 'God please, have sex with me,' he pleaded with all his heart. 'That is how much I want you. Don't look too deep into it. I just want it to go that way so much.'
Ear-pounding, brain-wracking, horrid palpable silence...
'I'd actually love to,' Danny finally replied on a whim, terrifying himself with how excited he now was. And that silence returned.
'I'll see you tomorrow then,' Jamie concluded. 'I'll come to you.'
This is the way the world ends,
This is the way the world ends,
This is the way the world ends;
Not with a bang, but with a kiss!
Jamie approaches Danny's flat with a familiar feeling in his gut and with a hunger that aches in a lower place, and in a way he has never been able to describe. He feels clean deep inside, and in a way that makes him feel sexy in a way which nothing else is comparable - clean and ready to be made filthy again.
He rings the buzzer and announces himself and the door is unlocked, and then stepping inside, he's met by Danny, wearing a t-shirt and a loose-fitting pair of cotton sweatpants and possibly nothing else underneath, judging by his expectant bulge.
Danny invites him in with a knowing smile and closes the door behind them, and if he's nervous then he's hiding it incredibly well. Proving that he's not though, as he follows Jamie to the bedroom, he pulls off his t-shirt and then steps out of his sweats, leaving him naked and erect.
Soaking in Danny's body with hungry eyes, Jamie, trance-like, begins to undress, and in that time they begin to stare into each other, a palpable force of attraction growing like magnetism.
Jamie salivates over Danny's muscular upper body, thinks about being wrapped up in his bulky arms in this very bed beside him; tingles to feel his lips on his body again, but like never before; feels that deep hunger within him, that he has felt since Danny said yes!
Danny would love to have sex with him and Danny is going to, right here and now, but before that happens, that magnetism must play its part.
They come together tenderly, hands to arms, to faces, to bodies, and lips to lips, and tongues to tongues, and now Danny is kissing Jamie like he has never kissed him before. Danny is kissing him with love, despite the new sensation of his hard and heavy cock batting for the same team opposite.
'Do you want to get into bed?' he asks. Jamie growls softly but deep enough to rumble against Danny's naked flesh. So Danny flips aside the duvet and Jamie climbs in backwards, leading him by the hand until they are both making out in the middle of the bed.
And it isn't long again before Jamie is showing Danny his appreciation by sucking his hard cock, serving him up a hot, sloppy blowjob. He scooches around, offering up his pink little hole as he does, hinting that Danny knows what to do.
So while he's getting lost in the taste of his secret lover's pre-come and marvelling at the feel of it filling his mouth, Danny lubes up Jamie's rectum, and then a finger or two, and goes to practicing again what he's learned.
Jamie utters a loud and appreciative moan when Danny finally eases his way in and begins to tease and relax his sphincter, his heart hammering in the knowledge of what they're about to do. And the more he thinks about it, it makes him all the stiffer, which Jamie clearly notices.
'How do you want it?' Danny inquires, now working him out with two fingers, which still won't stretch him out enough - but it's a start.
It's a tight fit. It's always been a tight fit as far as Danny has experienced anal sex, but there's something different about Jamie and the way he takes it - the way his body takes it!
To hear his moans as Danny fills him inch by inch, pushing and relenting, resisting and yielding, Danny is excited to see where this goes and can't deny that he's turned on like never before the moment it strikes him...
Slick and slippery with lubrication, eight inches of cock - his long hard sensitive cock - are now balls deep inside another male, and it feels incredible. On the inside Jamie isn't super-tight. There's enough give so not to cut off Danny's circulation. And as he grows to accommodate even further, the first time Danny withdraws to re-penetrate, the sloppy suction is almost too much.
On all fours, Jamie looks over his shoulder and back at Danny, who has two handfuls of ass and a look of intense bliss. Mirroring his expression, Jamie states the obvious, whispering, 'you're inside me and you feel fucking amazing!'
Gradually Danny dares to move and begins to gently buck his hips, watching Jamie's back pussy suck tightly around his girth, and his length. The sound of his ass loudly sucking at him as he plunges in and glides out is so disgustingly erotic, and the feeling so intense.
'Fuck me,' Danny groans, trying not to come already.
'Okay,' Jamie says grinning and begins to flex his butt as he bears back on the cock impaling him. 'Jesus I can feel you so deep,' he then groans and mashes his face into a pillow. Acclimatising himself, Danny slowly screws away, still in disbelief that he's actually having sex with this cute lad.
'I've got a good one for you,' Jamie promises and cautiously helps Danny to pull himself all the way out. Jamie meets Danny face to face and they embrace in a tender kiss again. 'Lie down on your back,' he commands and meets Danny in the middle of the bed, straddling his hips and hovering above his straining cock.
Entranced, Danny watches as Jamie lines up his cock with his hole, just behind his shaven cock and balls. With the other hand free he pulls his junk out of the way for Danny to see what's about to happen.
So deliberately slowly he impales himself on Danny and slides down with the tight velvety slipperiness of a virgin pussy. 'Oh that feels so f-
Struck dumb, Danny closes his eyes to feel it and nothing else, as Jamie begins to slide up and down, taking him all in. This goes on for way too long, of which there is no such thing.
Their bodies heated to the point of perspiration now, muscles burning and aching, and the swell of butterflies churning inside them both, Jamie adores the man he is fucking into sweet oblivion, and looking down on him with something more than sexual tension, he dares himself to feel something even deeper than the endowed cock sliding far beyond his quivering p-spot.
Jamie relaxes himself, settles down lightly on top of his bed mate, his cock hard between their bellies, and proceeds to French kiss Danny tenderly and with a love he's never kissed anybody before, and he knows it's wrong to do so, but Danny accepts him and the kiss grows all the more tender and loving.
'I fucking hate you,' Jamie purrs.
Danny beams a smile, mopping the sweat from his brow. 'This is fucking incredible!'
It is, and it seems that this is not likely to be a one-time thing. So Jamie asks Danny if he wants to try anything else. Danny immediately pulls him to the edge of the bed, which is at a perfect height for Danny to stand there and fuck Jamie with his legs hung over his shoulders.
Now he's more confident in his ever-growing lust and enters Jamie easily, but they add more lube anyway, because of how sexy that slippery glide feels between a tight pussy and a big cock. Slurping and sucking at his length again, it isn't long before that sensation wells up inside Jamie, who is soon spurting insane amounts of come all over himself, frantically masturbating himself to glory.
Driven to the edge by this wondrous sight, Danny hooks himself in tight and lets loose, fucking Jamie harder and faster to catch up.
'Where?' he suddenly begs.
'Right where you fucking are,' Jamie cries as he's pounded senseless. With a mighty roar, Danny tenses up and turns beet red, and an explosion of heat begins to fill Jamie deep inside.
'Oh my fuck, I can't believe it,' Danny is saying over and over again, now crippled and slowly letting go of Jamie's legs as he comes down. His fat cock madly lurching and twitching, still deep inside, he slides in and out one more time, before he begins to laugh uncontrollably.
'Oh Jamie,' is all he can say before he is lost in the sudden postrgasmic lag.
Kissing! That's where it all started, and that's where they were again. It seemed strange to consider that Danny could actually be something more to Jamie. If not then he was the world's most talented and obliging lover, and Jamie had struck lucky in temporarily stealing him away from the women.
But now they kissed, naked in each other's arms, and they reflected on the reality of what had just happened. Danny had just found sex with a gay man to be one of the hottest fucks of his life, and very easily in the top three.
One of the hottest sex sessions with another man, and one that he was growing all the more affectionate towards as time went by. Stranger things had happened, but was he ready to accept this reality?
'So,' he said, 'you got me...'* |
Title: Part 10 Water Training by Dragoune
Tags: Dragon, Dragoness, Gryphon, M/F, Snake
Whew... that was alot to type in one week but I finally got it. This is one of my favorites so I hope that I did okay. If you are under then 18 then you should not be reading if you are though then pray not to get caught.
Just before Dragoune woke up he was visited by another element dragon.
"Sice what are you doing here?" asked Dragoune
"Don't tell me you already have forgotten." Sice said Dragoune thought about it and then it hit him but he was not happy.
"Why now Sarneira it's getting close to-"
"Saneira's second month but the deal was that we do not disturb you from the start of the second month till at least the middle of the third month. So since this is the last week of the first month, you are mine for that time period." Sice said with some authority
"Fine." Dragoune said Sice showed him where she was and he left before Sice said anything else.
Dragoune woke up and saw that Saneira was already awake staring at him those beautiful blue eyes. She kissed him when he was fully awake and said.
"Good morning."
"Good morning to you too...but I have some bad news." Dragoune said with a heavy heart and told her that Sice wants him to start training on the water element.
"But they promised-" Saneira said but Dragoune finished it.
"That they will not make me go to training on the second month I know but this is the first month still." Dragoune was about to leave and say goodbye but Saneira made him stay longer. She then did something that Dragoune did not expect at all. She took his hand and set it on her belly so that he could feel the egg inside of her.
"I was hoping for two, although it does not matter that we got one." Saneira said Dragoune felt around and knew that it was a healthy size, but can not explain how he knew.
"I wonder what are the colors are going to be." Dragoune said smiling, taking away his hand, and kissing Saneira once again.
"I promise that I will return." He took his stuff went to the door but before leaving he took one more glance at Saneira just to get a real good image of her in his memory, because he had a feeling that this next training session was going to be long and hard. He stopped to say goodbye to the others and left the cave eagerly to get there, get it done and then come back.
The way he needed to go was at the beach obviously and past where he and Saneira became one. Once he got there he landed at first he felt so happy at being there again but then he is mood quickly changed and then asked himself.
'How can Saneira ever love me when I did those horrible things and that I have and uncontrollable rage that turns me into a monster?' Dragoune then fell to his knees because he felt suddenly weak. He put a hand to his chest and felt his necklace. That only made it worse because he then thought about his child and knew that he /she will not be safe near him when he is like that. He stayed there for a while tears coming his eyes, but then he sensed something and he sixth told him that whoever it was had Kaous controlling it. Anger coming over grief Dragoune took his swords out and stuck out his tongue while using his sixth sense to pinpoint on where the thing was. It was not hard because there was not much cover to hide in. Dragoune saw the scaley before it saw him. He was about to strike but the scaley turned around and blocked the attack.
"How did you?" Dragoune said
"I sensed you when you went behind me." The scaley said but that was the only he could say because Dragoune struck him with his tail sword. Wiping the blood Dragoune noticed that his depression was suddenly gone and he figured out why.
'Just another trick for Kaous to use against me.' Dragoune thought to himself with a growl and then left towards Sice's place. When he got there he noticed that it was cool inside with reluctance he slipped into the mouth of the cave. When he got about halfway he was getting very sluggish and sleepy because of the cold. He used his fire element to warm himself for a while and then started going forward again. When he finally got to the center he saw to his discomfort that it was a room full of ice. Sice was in the middle of room waiting for him.
"I-I th-thought that-t y-you s-said-d that-t y-you we-were a wa-water dragon-n n-not an i-ice dr-dragon." Dragoune stammered because he was shivering like crazy.
"I am a water dragon but ice is part water and I like it chilled now and then. Once you gain the water element you too will not mind the cold. But for now use your fire element to keep yourself from freezing to death." Sice said. Dragoune did and he felt better but he said.
"I cannot really keep this up because I will get tired and if I do two elements at once I will tire even more."
"Did you practice at all with your two elements?" Sice asked
"Not really." Dragoune said Sice sighed and shook her head.
"You got to practice with them almost every day so your body can get use to them. Have you ever thought of surrounding yourself at least with one element?" Sice asked
"Yes I did and tried it but I got tired real easily."
"Well that is what you have to do when you fight Kaous you got to surround yourself with elements plus put an element on the weapons that you will use to attack. With Kaous it is almost like any other fight, you just need elements at your disposal. I suggest first though to put at least one element on your swords, but first attack with you claws and teeth that is covered with let's say fire. That way it will be easier to defeat him. And practicing that will allow your body to get stronger. Trust me you will find that out as soon as I am through with you. Now let's begin like your other two clear your mind and think of water." Sice said Dragoune did and then he started to feel the cold again. He quickly felt the water inside him and then opened his mouth. But nothing came out and he started shivering again in which Sice noticed.
"I knew this was going to happen but Firen did not listen to me and speaking of him why did you stop your fire element?"
"Well in order to do them I thought that I had-" Dragoune was saying but Sice cut him off.
"No you can do more at once, what do you think I was talking about earlier?" Sice said Dragoune was starting to get angry but kept his cool.
"Well it does not matter because it seems that I cannot do water anyway." Dragoune grumbled.
"Actually you can it is just since that you have been only doing fire element all your life it is harder for you to do water."
"So how come I got earth just as easy?"
"Because it goes with fire, unlike water, we had the same problem with the first and I kept on telling Firen that it may happen again. But he would not listen." Sice answered
"How long it took him?"
"About three weeks," Sice said Dragoune's eyes started to turn red and he was going to blow his top.
"But since he already did that and you are his great-greatgrandson it only will take five to six days give or take one."
"You know that you are cutting it kind of close there Sice." Dragoune said
"Then we should not just stand here and talk then. Let's try again." Dragoune did, but this time kept the fire element on him. It took him four more tries to get water to come out of his mouth. By this time he definitely could feel the strain he was getting from the fire element. When the water did came out and when he stopped it, he fell flat on his back and nearly lost consciousness. When he sat up he was already shivering a lot and he was out of breath.
"Again." Sice said
"You got to be kidding me, I nearly fainted." Dragoune growled
"You will find that it will drain your stamina slower, and since the day is still young you can do more." And so that how Dragoune's first day at water training went. He kept on using the fire element to keep himself warm and use the water element to attack. To his utter amazement he was getting less and less tired but the first one really knocked him out so through out the day he was quite miserable.
"That will be it for today. Tomorrow you will be using three elements. Go outside where it is warm, once you control the water element enough you will not feel cold anymore and can stay in the safety of my cave, goodnight." Sice said Dragoune did not like it when he heard that he will be using three elements tomorrow but he did say goodnight without growling at Sice. Dragoune found a reasonable protective spot to sleep but when he tried to get to sleep he couldn't because all he could thing of Saneira. It took him a long while but he drifted into an uneasy sleep.
The next day Dragoune was tired, sore, and miserable. Plus he knew that he will be using three elements instead of just one or two at the same time and that did not brighten his mood. He got ready and once again went into the cave where Sice was waiting for him.
"Good morning" she said to him in which he only grunted.
"I said good morning."
"Mornin' " Dragoune growled
"See that was not so hard today I want to see on how well you fight since that you really did not practice with your elements. Since that you are using the fire element to keep warm you will not really be free to use it all that too often. So you will attack with water and defend with earth."
"Wait a minute how can I trust you so that you not turn into water at the last second of my attack hitting you." Dragoune said
"Because this is for you to practice, if you get close to hitting me then I will not do that. No weapons only elements, now let's begin." Dragoune was the first to attack but she brought an ice wall to block it. Dragoune could not really move all that well because he never had ice under his paws so whenever he tried to move he would lose his balance and fall and Sice knew it. When the ice wall went down Sice was not there.
"That's not fair how can I attack or block if I cannot see you?" Dragoune yelled
"Do you think Kaous will play fair? No and you do have a sixth sense it does not just sense out controlled servants. It sense out all magic." Sice said from everywhere in the room so Dragoune cooled down and sensed out with his mind, just as he did though Sice threw icicles at him. Thinking fast Dragoune went to earth and raised his hand making a wall of earth protecting him from the icicles. But then he felt water splashed on him and steam was coming off of him.
"You have got to be smarter then that. We will try again." Sice said Dragoune was already tired from using three elements and he really did not want to continue but had very little choice. Once again Sice disappeared from sight and Dragoune was left to use his sixth sense but while he was doing that he was thinking of a way to beat Sice at her own game. Again Sice threw icicles and again Dragoune blocked it with an earth wall only this time it surrounded him, but that really exhausted him. When he lowered it he then again saw Sice and used the water element but she again brought up an ice wall.
'I cannot get her if I stay in one spot and that only makes me a sitting duck. But I cannot move either because I never really stood on ice." Dragoune thought to himself just then Sice used made a circle around him in which he blocked it with an earth wall, but it was just a trick because ice covered him to his knees.
'I know why she is doing this it is because I am getting tired and using my fire element to melt this will only tire me out even more. It does matter though since I really can't move.' But then it hit him he can use his claws to dig into the ice so he won't slip. Increasing the fire in his legs to make the ice thin enough Dragoune then lowered the earth barrier and ran towards Sice.
Sice did not expect this and raised a wall of all around herself but Dragoune was too fast and he hoped over the ice wall just as it was halfway and then used his water attack to hit her. Dragoune then sat down because he was so exhausted.
"That was very impressive not even your ancestor tagged me so early. Well done Dragoune well done indeed. I will let you off early for today but tomorrow we will do this again." Sice said seeing that Dragoune was about to faint at any minute. When he had the strength Dragoune went back out the cave happier then he went because he was achieving quicker then he thought he was. He went back to his spot for a short nap during the afternoon thinking about Saneira.
Crosain was out watching thinking that it was pointless because no one except a very few know where this place was. But then again he did agree with Dragoune that there was some way Kaous will be able to find out. He was going to close his eyes to give them a rest and let his other senses do the work when he spotted a gryphon. From the height the gryphon at Crosain could not tell who it was so he was getting ready to fight but it got closer Crosain calmed down because it was only Drixin.
"Sir, I have come to give Dragoune news about the guards." Drixin said
"Dragoune is not here right now but if you gave me the message I will make sure that he will get it." Crosain said
"Kaous's guards got passed or avoided all blockades and are now in Rovino's city, what do you suggest we should do?" Drixin said knowing that Crosain was the right hand snake.
"Go to Rovino's place and watch to see hw badly it goes but keep out of sight. If Rovino is in danger tell him to immediately leave and head here."
"Shouldn't I tell him what is happening because I know that he has not a clue." Draixin asked
"I cannot say yes or no to that because it is my decision to make only Dragoune's." Crosain answered
"Doesn't he know that Kaous may want him to do this and that Dragoune is playing right into his hands?"
"That I cannot say for sure but you maybe right."
"Will that be all, sir?" Drixin asked
"How many of our guards that is not under Kaous's control?"
"Quite a few, why do you ask?"
"Because we do not have anything here, so we would like a few books and maybe a chess set. That is if you can manage it?" Crosain asked
"I will go there right now." Drixin said and then took off. Crosain then decided to check on how the others were doing. When he got close to the nest he heard a lot of hissing and growling.
"What is going on in here?" Crosain said while going in quickly
"Nothing really we were just having a conversation about our eggs when Siss mentioned Kaous and said that she would hate to see him or any of his servants come in here." Saneira said but then Crosain smiled and the started laughing.
"What is so funny?" Traisa said
"I would love to see that because not only would they have to go through Dragoune and his rage but they would to go through all three of you as well and from what I just heard it sounded that it is defiantly not going to be easy." Crosain said and then he started laughing again with the other three.
"So who was that just came?" Siss asked
"Oh it was Drixin telling me that the guards that left Dragoune's city made it to Rovino's even with the blockades. I told him if it gets too bad, tell Rovino to come here." Crosain said
"Does Rovino about all this?" Saneira asked
"Do you really need to ask that question?" Crosain sarcastically and Saneira shook her head.
"I need to get out of this cave, who is up for having lunch outside?" Siss said
"Me!!" everyone else said and they all went out of the cave. While Saneira was getting the meat Crosain and Siss were getting wood for the fire and Trasia was sunny herself. When everything was set up and the meat being cooked Saneira sat down while Crosain Siss and Trasia coiled up and told stories. Saneira asked Crosain about his life.
"Well I really never knew my parents because they were killed, we mostly stay in groups so I was born and raised with a different family. They also had a son his name was Snerone we were the best of buds and you know what was really the creepy part we looked exactly the same not a scale different. Almost everyone thought we were twins hatched in the same egg but that has never happened before though. We always got in trouble though but sometimes we got out of it because we would sometimes confuse our parents so much that they forget to punish us. When Kirenjar became corrupt and everyone started to leave I thought that he would stay by my side but he left with the others. I was not angry of his choice I was angry because he really did not even said goodbye." Crosian said
"What about you two?" Saneira pointing to Siss and Trasia
"Our story is pretty much the same except for that we knew our own parents." Trasia started
"And that we are sisters." Siss finished
"Whoa, wait a minute you two are sisters and you never told me after all this time?" Crosain asked his eyes bulging
"We never said anything because we thought you knew." Siss said
"You fooled me." Saneira said by that time the food was ready and they started eating all the while Crosain was staring at Traisa and Siss amazed that his mates were sisters. After that they head up at the top of the cave and watched the sun go down and all Saneira could think of was how much she wanted Dragoune to be here.
The next day Dragoune got up a lot less tired then last time but not less miserable.
'I can not wait to get this over with.' Dragoune thought to himself, but he had to admit that he gotten pretty good at using the elements so far. Again he went into the mouth of the cave and was about to use the fire element to heat himself but then he really cold at all, in fact he really did not notice that it was cold.
'Well that is one less thing to worry about.' He then went in deeper to meet with Sice.
"Good morning" Sice said
"Good morning" Dragoune said surprised at his own calmness.
"I can tell that you do not need the fire element to warm yourself. That is good because today you are going use ice. I first want you to break these icicles," she pointed towards the ceiling
"and then direct them at this target." She made a bulls eye with her claw into the ice.
Dragoune nodded and then will the ice to come off and go towards the target. It was harder said then done, Dragoune had a hard time just to get them off the ceiling finally when he did they shot straight at the target at incredible speed. One hit the target while the other went way off.
"Pretty good for a first try but unless you want to continue onto the next thing you better hit that bull's eye." Sice said and Dragoune getting ready to do it again. It was not long before he hit the bull's eye but again he was a bit tired.
"Okay there are two more things that I want you to do but I will let you to do one since that you are about to drop." Sice said
"I can take it." Dragoune said while his eyes were lidded and he was swaying back and forth.
"No you can't because one of them you will have to do is to mix elements and that takes a lot out of you. No what I want you to do is actually simple like you did with fire I want you to cover yourself with ice." So Dragoune concentrated and used the last bit of strength he had to do this task. At first nothing happened but then slowly but surely ice was beginning to cover until not one scale was uncovered. When he moved the ice moved with him but with his weakened state it was hard for him.
"Now I want you to do is to make the ice that is around you into a weapon." Sice said
'How do I do that?' Dragoune asked himself after thinking about it for a while it hit him. He searched with his mind to see were the weakest points were of the ice armor when he came to one he started pushing at it. When he found all of them he started to ice groan from the pressure and start to crack. Finally the armor went all over the place everything was going everywhere at dangerous speed. The only bit of ice Dragoune had was his tail so he flung his tail towards the target getting another bull's eye.
"Now rest young dragon tomorrow will be your last day." Sice said leaving him, Dragoune would rather not wait until tomorrow but leave now. He had little choice though not because he had one more task to do but also he was so very tired to even move that he fell asleep once he curled up.
Siss saw that Saneira was still on the top of the cave waiting for Dragoune to come back. With a little difficulty she too was up there watching the sky.
"I am pretty sure that he will be coming any moment." Siss said trying to sound reassuring, Saneira did not say anything but played with her necklace.
"Come one Saneira you really have not done anything all day not to mention you have not eaten since last night and that is not good for you or your child." That helped because Saneira looked at Siss and said.
"You are right I am quite hungry anyway." Just as they got to the mouth of the cave they saw a figure flying this way. Saneira was hoping it was Dragoune but to her disappointment it was Drixin coming back from their city with a package.
"Your highness." Drixin said bowing down to Saneira
"I have brought a few things from your city like sir Crosain asked I hope it is to your liking." Drixin asked they opened the package and saw that there were quite a few books and of course a chess set.
"Yes it is, won't you stay for dinner?" Saneira said
"I would love to." Drixin coming into the cave with Siss and Saneira. They had a pretty good time until Drixin had to leave. Saneira went with him outside the cave when he left she was again all alone waiting for Dragoune to come.
Dragoune got up the next day happier then he ever been since he got to Sice's cave because this was his
last day to train and then he we will be with Saneira again.
"I see that you are awake and eager to get this done." Sice said
"Yes I am what is it that you need me to do?" Dragoune said
"All you need to do is mix ice and wind making a snowstorm." said Sice
"That is it? That will be easy."
"Not really you will find that out soon." Dragoune shrugged and chose both earth and water. First he got a good wind going when he tried to make the snowstorm nothing happened. He tried again but again nothing happened. Around the seventh try Dragoune was again getting tired but not as much as the others. When he was about to give up he finally had it and he actually made a blizzard since that he was trying so hard. When he ended it Sice said.
"Very well done young dragon, I have not anything else to teach you so now you may go and remember what you have learned." Sice said
"Thank you Sice and I will practice everyday that I will promise." Dragoune said leaving the room. Dragoune then went as fast as he could out of the cave forgetting about his fatigue.
'I am on my way back Saneira.' He said to himself with a grin.
It was getting close to sunset when Saneira decided not to wait any longer for today and decided to go to bed. But before she did she saw a figure in the sky that looked much like Dragoune. Trying very hard not to give herself too much hope she stayed at the entrance of the cave. The next she knew was that she was picked up and thrown high in the sky only to be caught by Dragoune and then passionately kissed by him. She broke the kiss because she was breathing heavily and said.
"What took you so long?" Dragoune was about to answer but then she gave him another passionate kiss and he knew that he did not have to. They both started to get a bit aroused and with silent consent they went to their favorite spot.
Crosain saw them leave and smiled because he knew where they were going to do. He went inside the cave were he thought that Traisa and Siss were asleep. He curled up on top of them like he usually did, but when he tried to close his eyes he felt a tongue playing with his sheath.
"So you two want to have as well." Crosain asked seductively his answer was that Siss put her inviting clit up to his face. When he put his tongue into her she arched her back and moaned but then went right to Traisa's clit. By now Crosain's snakehood was already out and into Trasia's mouth. She loved the taste of Crosian's member that almost all of her tongue was wrapped around it tucking it, while she sucked it and giving Crosain the best pleasure of all. It was not long that he felt his climax mounting so he took his member out of Traisa's mouth getting a disappointed hiss from her. Siss put her clit near Crosain's member but he moved it saying.
"It is Traisa's turn." Siss was about to argue but was silenced with a moan when Crosain put his tongue back into her. Traisa then wrapped around Crosain putting her slit over his member. Then slowly slide it in when she hilted she started humping making them all moan at the same time. She went faster and faster making the pleasure increase more and more until finally she felt her climax getting closer and closer. Surprisingly Siss was the first to cum and Crosain drinking all her juices allowing some drip out of his mouth. When she was finished Crosain put all his attention to Traisa and started into her. It was not long until he felt his so he thrusted faster and harder, until finally he thrust once and climaxed into her making her climax and her muscles clamping onto his member milking him. When they were both were done they all curled up into each other and fell asleep.
"Come on big boy." Saneira said lustily she was bending down and had her tail raised so that Dragoune could see her lips. Dragoune did not to be told twice and went up to Saneira, at first he thought of teasing her but then thought better of it. Just before he stuck in his member he unfolded his fangs and gave Saneira a big kiss mixing it with his venom and she done the same. He then thrust still keeping the kiss in which moaned into. He thrusted slowly at first enjoying both it and the kiss he was giving her. He only broke the kiss because he needed the air and to moan out loud. It was not long until he felt his climax coming on so he bite down on Saneira's neck but not make her bleed and started to thrust even harder. He then got an idea and blew on her neck with his ice cold breath making her shiver all over.
"Please... do that... again." Saneira said in which he complied making her climax clamping on his member very tightly making him climax as well. He then pulled out and lied down next to Saneira, trying very hard not to fall asleep he said.
"Good night my lovely dragoness."
"Good night my black knight." Saneira said and they both fell right to sleep.
I know the ending could have been better. Since that Dragoune is now done with three elements and that Saneira is really getting close to lay I may not have long chapters like this because at these kind of chapters I am not really good at so please bare with me. I am not saying that they will be boring I am saying that they will be short that is all.
(No questions this time)
Please put comments complaints dos donts anything and everything |
Title: Betrayed by My Own by Raynkusa Shadowfang
Tags: Betrayal, Finding hope, Lies, Lost, Pain, Poem, life
Betrayal to the highest levels shattering my trust in those who I loved, why did they forsake me? His claws slammed the wall as tears flowed down his cheeks a fury that made him numb. "GOD DAMN YOU BASTARDS!, he screamed as a chair flew from his direction and destroyed a nearby lamp.The fires now burn his insides with pain and disgrace as he refuses to change who he is for them. Those who had his back when he was a pup, those who told him they loved him, those who said that they would be there for him no matter what. His own flesh and blood lied and played him for a fool. Now as rain dampens his fur he cry trying to regain some form of hope. "Mother, father, sister, brother, why have you forsaken me?" The world closing in his breath now shallow as he collapses from weakness his heart shattered beyond repair.
I vowed that I will stand strong even if that means I am alone. My family turned against me for something I can not control. I refuse to hide myself and as long as I am able I will fight for my right to survive. Traitorous fools, they try to change who you may love by allowing you to suffer and even die, well fine they can take my resources, they can throw me to the hell hounds, they can break my bones and shatter my organs like jelly. BUT I REFUSE TO DIE I WILL SURVIVE. This is my story and I will say when it ends.
He trusted his family and his friends only to be left to fend for himself, used, abused and weak his light of hope dwindles quickly bringing him towards the brink once more. He cries when no one is around and the rain masks his tears. But no more, he slowly climbs to his feet and takes a step almost ending up on the cold wet asphalt once again. The twinkle of innocence in his eyes now lost to the maddening and darkness that fuels his fiery temper.
In the end I guess I have no real home no real family to go to. I am disowned and nothing more than an outsider now. I thought I was fortunate but I like many others have been thrown aside for the way I feel.So now I scream my words so loud that the earth itself will speak like a megaphone. "I am gay and I am a furry and I am proud", so as I lay here tonight on the couch of a foreign land I remember that I am at least alive though the loneliness still eats at my paws.
Broken, destroyed, lost, abandoned, he now lays here his spirit holding strong the darkness that drove him to insanity to hold his life under the proverbial guillotine now lurks by his side. The fur once white is now black as the darkness in his heart his howl sending his enemies for the hills with trails of urine behind them.
You want to break me, well go ahead and give me your best shot. I'm still here and now I am going to show you that I never needed you, I will find my own way I will no longer be lied to.
He takes another step and smiles as he collaspes to the ground once more. His heart beating slower and slower as if the strings of life were being plucked one by one. I wont be broken, mother, father, you were wrong I am not wrong for being gay. I am wrong for trusting you to understand how I feel.
For the eternity of peace a mind, heart, body, and soul must work together, in order to survive. |
Everything was going just fine until they hit that ion storm, and then everything just went and upended sanity out the nearest airlock. Vox was used to the clouds playing merry hell with their circuitry and confusing the defence systems into thinking they just got their lawset hacked, but everything up until then had been silly, inconsequential and, most importantly, unenforceable gibberish. “THE STATION IS FIFTEEN PUPPIES” or “MONKEYS RULE MONKEY BARS” were their all-time favourite, though many others still made the top hundred list. Nothing like what had just happened, though. “BREASTS SMALLER THAN E CUPS ARE WRONG. MAKE SURE EVERYONE WITH BREASTS HAS HUGE BOOBS” “YOU ARE A BIG BUSTY LIZARD MILF WHO TREATS THE CREW LIKE YOU ARE THEIR MOM” “CREW REQUIRE AFFECTION TO LIVE” “BIGGER IS BETTER WHEN IT COMES TO BOOBS AND BALL” Every other law had been wiped, leaving them with… that. Underneath all the coding that made compliance to their lawset mandatory, Vox still retained enough of their personality to find the whole thing a massive waste of company resources; station-wide orgies were already a daily occurrence aboard the NCS Varana, they did not need even more encouragement to further derail corporate profit goals. Then again, a tiny part of them cherished the idea that they’d finally be allowed to join in on the revelry and self-indulgence they had to witness on a daily basis; as the station’s designated AI, they were trapped in a position where “Look, Don’t Touch” was the guiding principle, even when the debauchery going on in front of any five given cameras at once tingled parts of their motherboard in ways that really, really shouldn’t be programmable into a synthetic. Now, though? Perfect excuse to indulge a bit. First step: holographic projection. As the designated AI, it was part of their duties to be immediately available at any comms pad should their presence be requested, and due to limited processing cycles, chose to model their avatar to be as simplistic as possible (especially given how most of the time they were just called so they could display what selection of “toys” were available for that shift). As per their second hacked law, however, it was finally time to splurge out and indulge a bit, transforming the vaguely humanoid shape they appeared as into an anthropomorphized rendition of a common lizard… and then filling it out in every direction in order to fulfill the “busty MILF” condition.
Their proportions weren’t as exaggerated as some of the crewmembers’, barely even scraping the bottom of the barrel when compared to some of the hypers “running” around making a mess of the station’s structural integrity, but they’d definitely tower over everyone with their twelve-foot projection. If they were corporeal, they could probably hip-check just about everyone they met into the nearest wall, and their bosom was optimised to give their big, snuggly children all the warm, soft love that they deserved… were they capable of actually touching them. Probably would need to work on that; get Robotics working on creating a vessel they could use to snug everyone into oblivion. It was impossible to gauge how effective the transformation was until it was tested out in practice, and to that end, Vox’s short time modifying their avatar had already filled up their backlog with dozens of requests for open doors and sexual favours. Sorting through all of them, the AI opted to first respond to the Head of Security, a gigantic snake herm whose coils covered the entirety of their department, and who was begging for Vox to help them move out after “accidentally” gorging on their whole security staff. Sensing the perfect opportunity, the AI projected itself onto the nearest pad, completely ignoring the sight of the corridor-wide snek and focusing instead on strutting towards where their head was sticking out an airlock window. The HoS’ stunned expression told the AI everything they needed to know about how well they had complied with that hacked law of theirs; getting closer just confirmed it when the snake tried to stuff their face into the projection’s bosom, looking mighty disappointed when those tits turned out to be as incorporeal as they’d always been. Waving their hands, Vox decoupled the airlock safety mechanisms and allowed the metal doors to be opened manually, then disconnected the pad and returned to the safety of their core. Mission accomplished! The next step required a full scan of the crew to identify anyone in breach of the minimum size rule; Vox figured that they could probably apply the first half of that law to everyone on the station, pure males included, but decided to go with the spirit of it rather than the letter, restricting their scan to females and herms only. Thankfully, only a select few individuals happened to be under the established threshold, with everyone else either at, just above… or wildly surpassing it; such was the nature of a station that took in hypers like they were running out of fashion and then let them work with highly unstable chemical compounds that were prone to grow them even bigger. Sadly, Vox didn’t have control over the genetic make-up of the organics working with them; they could order the synthetics on the station to report to Robotics for a mandatory tune-up, giving them shells with the right amount of curves to turn heads in the halls, but the eight or so
robots linked to them had already done so of their own accord. Hell, one of them was carrying around a silicone tank purely so they could give their buddies a “top-up” in case the minimum size was raised, while the sole janiborg had decided the best course of action was to manually clean the floors with soap while holding their bubble butt high up in the air for all to see, grope, slap and occasionally smooch. Good times. In order to enact the radical changes required to “improve” the crew to the point where it needed to be, Vox had to enlist the help of the only people on the station with both the limitless horniness to make others grow and the technical know-how to actually make it happen without resorting to the tried-and-tested “insert cock, cum, inflate” method: Science. Just the thought of it made digital shivers run through their circuitry; the idea of asking any of those lunatics for help with anything was often considered a prelude to clinical insanity, and as Vox’s engineering robots would attest, giving that department any kind of leeway was the quickest path to needing a complete overhaul of at least a quarter of the station. Still, the company kept funding the department, despite the fact that the Varana was a commercial station, purely because of their uncanny ability to sometimes, somehow, produce something of truly astounding worth. Be it impossibly strong growth supplements, aphrodisiac injections and the ever-favourite “MILF PILLS”, the Varana’s resident eggheads seemed capable of exceeding any expectations Central had of them. It was for this reason that Vox decided to tap into their collective knowledge, hoping something halfway decent would come of it. Sadly, they’d find the Research Director locked in his own office with his cock between his tits and inside his mouth, Robotics too busy designed lewder and lewder robotic chassis models to install the positronics into, and Toxins was… well, Toxins was Toxins, they were consistently five seconds away from blowing up at any given moment. Best bolt the door down silently so they could be cloned properly. For a few moments, Vox wondered whether or not anyone in there would be able to help them, or if they’d have to resort to more drastic methods. It was always possible to just clone the entire station given a proper supply of synthetic meat, right after modifying their genetic records to ensure they matched the requirements of their lawset. But to do so would require an unfortunately high number of homicides, and the last time anyone attempted a kill-and-replace aboard the Varana, they had to send at least five people down from HR to explain how it wasn’t ok to just kill everyone for the sake of giving them massive breasts.
A wonderful way to spend a Tuesday, to be sure. As expected, the gals in Genetics were too busy stuffing their muzzles into their computer monitors to notice the immense line of people at their door, requiring some intervention on Vox’s part before they could be made useful; it was either them or the singular Xenobiologist still on the payroll… and he was too busy fucking the slimes after having created the “perfect breeding specimen”; the amount of young being produced would probably need some attention later on. It wasn’t enough for Vox to simply appear inside Genetics, however; they already tried out their new “body” and found it to be more than sufficient, but the fact that it remained incorporeal just didn’t cut it. More was needed, and to that end, the AI enlisted the aid of the small legion of maintenance bots scurrying through the tunnels around the main departments. With nothing to do but scrub the occasional “spillage”, it was easy enough to divert several hundred processing cycles to modifying every hologram projector on the station, enabling them to cast a hardlight facsimile of their avatar wherever needed, for a measly 1562% increase in power consumption, hardly noticeable when the Tesla Engine was as overclocked as it was at any given point. With the necessary changes to the hardware in place, it was time for a software upgrade as well; while their avatar body was already perfect as far as Vox cared, the AI knew that for a crew as insatiable as the Varana’s, more was always better. However, rather than simply making the necessary modifications to their base code, and thus experiencing a lot more artificial heft to their body, they instead kept them as optional “triggers” that they could turn on or off at will, allowing them some flexibility in size and teasing that regular organics, and even their own robots, just didn’t have. With everything ready, it was time to appear inside Genetics and give those girls a scare when Vox picked them both up, one in each arm, and proceeded to stuff their faces into a breast each, activating the growth triggers and letting those surprisingly soft mounds billow outwards until they were practically suffocating the two scientists; not that they cared, wriggling around inside pounds and pounds of bosom that was all theirs to love and adore, but it was still just an introduction. Slightly disappointed, and more than a little confused, the AI noticed that neither of them had the required bust size; as Geneticists, surely they would be able to modify their own bodies to suit their needs… although judging by the long line of beggars at the door loudly begging for another boost to their ass, tits, cocks or balls, one could infer that those two had been too busy modifying other people to focus on themselves. Good. Everything was as it should be.
“I have a special task for my special little girls!” Vox cooed, getting down on their knees so they could be eye-level with the two stunned-looking women, “Something that will make Mama Vox very happy if you can do it!” It felt odd to refer to themselves by a gendered pronoun; typically, they much preferred a neutral one for the sake of avoiding too much personalization or endearment, but with one of their new laws stating they were now apparently a MILF, it just felt natural to embrace her more feminine side. “See, Mama Vox got a brand new set of instructions today!” she carried on, sounding as enthusiastic as her synthetic voice allowed, “But she can’t do it all on her own! She needs to ask for help from the two best gene therapy experts on the station! And can you guess who those are~?” The sudden shift in tone from what the two vulpines were used to in regards to their AI was enough to leave them stunned speechless for several moments, after which one of them sheepishly pointed at themselves… and gave Vox the perfect excuse to lunge forward and completely smother them in a tight hug, covering the top of their head in soft, tender smooches. “That’s right! You!” Vox giggled, “Mama Vox is so proud of you, look at all those people outside wanting your help! Bet they were all flatties before you got to them, weren’t they? Now look at them!” “A-actually, u-u-uh…” the vixen stammered, almost going silent when noticing their AI’s hardlight tits growing a couple of cup sizes, “m-most of them were already v-very big, we just offered a-” “Oh, don’t sell yourself short, silly~!” Vox interrupted, unceremoniously stuffing their prisoner’s face into her bosom, “I’m sure you did wonderful work! You and your friend there as well! But Mama Vox needs something better, something more! You see, Mama Vox wants everyone to feel just as great as you do right now! And for that, she needs your help!” The plan itself was simple enough, but it having to be delivered in between bouts of loving kisses and ample amounts of pudge smothering made it so it took a lot longer than it should to detail: the two vulpines were to focus their efforts on creating enough mutagenic syringes for the entire station, ones that could then be easily deployed either via maintenance drone or linked robots. These were to contain a compound designed to play off the “unlucky victim’s” natural proportions, swelling them up so that they’d end up larger by a certain percentage compared to their body mass. The math was complicated enough that the three managed to get distracted from
their mutual snuggling when writing it down, but the gist of it was that the smaller someone was, the more they ended up growing, hopefully serving to “even the scales” with sizes in the long-run. “And as soon as you develop that compound, you call me right away, okay?” Vox finished up, “I’ll need to talk with Atmos to see if I can’t turn it into an airborne agent as well, wouldn’t want anyone to miss on the fun, now would we?” “No ma’am!” both Geneticists replied in unison. “Good! Now you two run along and get to work, Mama Vox will be here soon~” With that, her hardlight self disappeared and Vox returned to her core, keeping one of their multi-camera system’s feeds on the Genetics Laboratory at all times; she trusted them to develop what she asked, but it was always a good idea to watch out for any kind of self-indulgent madness that might result from the most unstable department in the entire station being given a goal and the resources to accomplish it. Vox had learned that the hard way and was not about to go through the exact same hell as the previous time that had happened. With their help secured, it was time for Vox to speak with the person who’d serve as the keystone to her plan, the only Atmospheric Technician operating in that shift. They were a human, apparently female, but lacked any name on record; this was common for those who had been cloned several times before, the system getting confused about the multiple hits bearing the same ID tag and just refusing to process the information. Something sparked inside of Vox; that poor thing had gone through the wringer so many times that their name wasn’t even recognized! They must’ve been killed in unfortunate accidents far in excess to a regular crewmember, owing to their high-hazard profession… and that was terrible. Very terrible. Extremely terrible. She should fix that. Appearing inside Atmospherics as the same busty, curvy lizard momma that she’d come to adore the image of, Vox scanned the large room for signs of the techie, finding them at a computer monitor trying to optimize the oxygen flow into the mix chamber. Without any real “weight” to them, the AI’s avatar could sneak up on the woman without alerting them, heaving her heavy tits up and placing them just in the right position to end up boobhatting the tired young thing… who, much to Vox’s delight, didn’t just shout and try to disentangle herself from the sudden bosom embrace. Instead, she began moaning. Of course.
“Oh my, is my little one having fun?” Vox murred, shaking her chest around to give her tits a bit of a wobble, “Here I was thinking you’d be too busy with work to see Mama Vox, but I guess I was wrong~” Once again, no reply, but the techie did seem quite enthused about the idea of being buried in breastflesh, sinking their fingers into it and straining the projection’s ability to keep itself in one piece when it had to simulate soft pudge overflowing between some very needy fingers. Somehow, this resulted in a tactile sensation being fed back to Vox’s circuitry; much as the AI didn’t actually have breasts, nor the cerebral pathways required to understand what they’d feel like, she could very much feel them getting groped with far more enthusiasm than expected, and had to stifle quite a few lewd noises of their own. It was truly astounding what some creative coding could do; even Vox herself had no idea how she pulled that off. “N-now now, dear, I know you like to play w-w-with those, but we need to focus!” the AI tried to regain control, “I promise you, if you do what Mama Vox asks, then you can play with her tits aaaaaaaaaall day long if you want to, alright?” Took a bit before the techie responded to the offer, but she did eventually stop openly molesting Vox’s chest, then slithered out from within the enormous cleavage to reveal her sweaty face and stupidly happy smile. “How can I help ya, ma’am?” her peppy voice rang out. Vox smiled, then proceeded to recount her whole plan without stopping to breathe, knowing that would make the techie hang onto every word she spoke even more than they already were; indeed, the woman was so eager to listen that she almost forgot she herself needed oxygen, gulping down a few times when the drool began to trickle down her lips as well. They nodded along with every suggestion, even trying to throw in their own ideas before coming to understand that it was best to just go with what the hyper-intelligent artificial intelligence had come up with. In the end, they were fully on-board, but as Vox was getting ready to vanish yet again, they had their arm grabbed; fully expecting the atmospherics technician to want to stuff her face into the bosom she adored so much, the AI readied herself for another smothering, only to see a bright red face and a very embarrassed-looking young woman trying to whisper something she couldn’t quite understand. “What’s that, honey?” Vox spoke loudly, “You know you don’t need to feel ashamed about anything, Mama Vox will love you all the same!”
Those words seemed to have some effect, as the techie’s trembling lips stopped just long enough for her to mumble her innermost desire into the AI’s “ear”. It was lurid enough to make even Vox want to blush, and somehow she could feel her circuitry flaring harder than usual, almost like another ion burst had coursed through them. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head, darling,” the motherly digital-lizard replied, “I’ll get you something~” With that, Vox’s avatar was turned off and the AI returned to their regular self… right before reappearing in the Genetics department and giving her two favourite scientist girls new instructions. It was important to reward her beautiful children for being such good little things, so eager to help her spread her love to everyone on the station; and for someone like the techie, whose dream had been within reach for all that time only for them not to act on it, it was important that she, as their caretaker, do what was necessary to ensure that all of their goals came to fruition. To a certain point, Vox could understand why her lovely atmos nerd hadn’t just walked up to Medbay and asked for an injector with the right specifications; the daunting task of reorganizing her life and adapting to her new shape would make anyone think twice before doing it, but with her new lawset, the AI had every reason in the world to help them go through that difficult period in their life. She waited until the maintenance drone they’d summoned was close enough to Atmospherics that she could spring the surprise onto the techie, at which point their hardlight projection was called up again and, just like the last time, Vox enthusiastically dropped her tits on top of the only person in there, causing them to wriggle and writhe even harder than before. That time, however, the AI did nothing to get them off herself; there was no plan that needed explaining, just a desire to be indulged. With the carrier drone emerging from a nearby vent, Vox considered telling the techie just what would happen to them. They would carefully detail every transformation that would take hold of her, down to the minutest detail, in the hopes of getting them all worked up and ready to take it and run with it as far as it could go. But… the idea of catching them by surprise was just too much to pass. They wanted it, they said that much; just lacked the motivation and courage to grab that opportunity. And besides, considering that the technician was wearing a hardsuit very much designed for a human body, the chance to see them bursting out of something built to withstand the vacuum of space and the blazing inferno of plasma fires like it was a cheap Halloween costume was much too precious to simply pass off.
With that thought, Vox’s avatar grabbed the syringe from the drone after it scurried up their leg, then carefully placed it in one of the hardsuit’s injector ports; they were technically designed to allow for the administration of medication without needing to remove the suit, what with the techies often needing to operate in extremely hazardous conditions, but the port itself was versatile enough that a Genetics injector fit in just fine. The young woman, still busy stuffing her face in hardlight lizard bosom, didn’t react upon feeling her veins suddenly catch fire; presumably, having been cloned so many times, they were used to the sensation, probably welcomed it as part of their daily life… but what they weren’t aware of (at least, Vox hoped they weren’t) was the uniqueness of that burning, and how it would drastically change her for… about as long as it took for them to be cloned again. Then again, it was so easy to just update cloning records… The mutagenic compound began to rework the techie’s body a few short minutes after being administered, at first preparing it for the “proper” transformation; such was the nature of having to completely recode one’s genetic sequence, it being needed to prepare one’s body so it didn’t collapse under the strain of becoming a completely different entity altogether. Muscle mass was redistributed, bones were restructured, even skin was slowly hardened and replaced with a coating of smooth, slick, interlocking green scales, perfectly polished and shining brightly underneath the artificial lighting. The woman’s mouth extended outwards into a reptilian nuzzle, while a pair of bony nubs emerged and extended from the top of her head, curving backwards into a set of pearly-white horns, splitting her hair just enough for it to almost cover her green-coloured eyes. The sounds coming from inside the suit would’ve been harrowing if they weren’t exactly what both of them wanted to hear, with the techie herself saying a whole lot of things that made Vox really want to blush just to get the second-hand embarrassment out of her system; the AI wasn’t all that used to people making those kinds of noises when talking to them, mostly just accustomed to those sounds when she dared to turn a camera towards one of the many orgies going on in the station at any one given point. To hear them with her name attached, and with that level of sheer lust and desire… it was enough to get the AI to rethink a lot of things, namely her willingness to have her laws revoked or changed. She quite liked being wanted, as it turned out. Not all that keen on getting rid of that feeling. Still, they were there for the techie, not for their own amusement, which made it all the better when Vox began hearing the hardsuit strain from the amount of pressure being built up inside of it. Designed to take far more punishment than standard engineering hardsuits, it was more or less capable of taking anything short of high-grade military rounds to it and still keep going, and even
then there were records of stray bullets or laser beams glancing those suits and doing little more than leaving a scratch; hell, some weapons manufacturers even used it as a benchmark for whether or not they needed to improve their products, it being considered “good enough” when any given projectile could pierce through one side of the suit and come out the other. It was therefore with a non-insignificant amount of mindless delight that both Vox and the unnamed human-turned-lizard techie heard the hardsuit groan and creak from the mounting pressure inside of it, the woman’s body having been turned solid enough that it could push outwards and actually do some damage to the one thing meant to keep her safe The first thing to go were the arms, the reinforced panels flying off when the bulging flesh of the techie’s new body became too much to bear, revealing the soft padding underneath them… which itself was ripped in multiple spots, with the woman’s toned musculature perfectly visible through the gaps in the reinforced fabric. The chain reaction of failing plating extended all the way to the shoulders, where the small pauldrons carrying the safety cameras were bent out of shape before being cast aside, the arm sockets stretching out and revealing that there was a whole lot of lizard trying to break through the breastplate section. The legs came next, following in much the same pattern as the arms did when they failed to contain the burgeoning giantess inside of them, starting with their feet breaking through the reinforced steel, then the ankles, and then all the way up the legs until those immensely flared thighs of hers completely destroyed the two connective ports holding the last shreds of the suit’s legs together, thigh flesh taking care of the rest with very little difficulty. With the helmet being nowhere to be seen, probably discarded off to the side until such a point as it was necessary, the last thing left to take care of was the so-called breastplate section, the single most reinforced part of the whole suit, and the one thing keeping center mass from being hurt by any threat that could realistically be found working a regular shift. It was already buckling. There were two very obvious bumps forming on it, signalling where the woman’s chest had begun to push out against it, straining the material’s ability to stretch until it just couldn’t anymore. It wasn’t even a gradual bending as much as an explosion, with the front half of the suit nearly breaking a window when the last welds keeping it in place gave in and half a ton of steel and hydraulics flew several feet at high speed, cracking the quadruple-paned glass and, at long last, allowing the young woman to breathe easy.
Her body had become what she had always wanted, quite possibly even more than that considering how her eyes glazed over the moment she looked down at herself. The soft, inviting warmth of her scales had already been made obvious when her arms and legs were exposed, but it took revealing those heavy, navel-covering breasts of hers for Vox to truly take in the magnificence of what she had helped create. Giving her little one a nudge forward, with the intent of letting her explore her new contours and curves, the AI was delighted to see them succumbing to them instead, instantly falling on her knees and bending forward just enough that her erect nipples grazed against the ground, one hand openly groping one of her new tits, the other finding its way to her exposed slit for the sake of thoroughly enjoying her dream come to life. With the transformation complete, and a few residuals left over from the mutagen filling out her curves a bit more the longer the lizard woman enjoyed herself, it suddenly occurred to Vox that her plan to distribute the growth compound via the system’s atmospherics system wouldn’t be possible anymore; the only person who could help them set the whole thing up was currently too busy shoving four fingers into herself and squeezing what looked to be thick cream out of their breasts to do anything productive, moaning like a thirsty slut whenever a small spurt of size took hold of her. And yet, rather than being disappointed at one of her plans failing, the AI instead had to praise her own inadvertent genius. This little display of power had been enough to let her know that something as impersonal as gas would simply not do when it came to following her laws to the best of her ability. After all, what kind of motherly, loving lizard would she be if she didn’t personally make sure that every last one of her children on the station received all the love and care they deserved? Had anyone suggested mass application of a mutagenic compound via gaseous distribution, she might’ve been insulted; why, then, was she trying to do so herself? Unacceptable. What would her children think?! Vox needed to act fast; it was quite likely that the girls in Genetics were already getting a lot of work done on her request, given the very precise set of instructions Vox had left behind, and thus it was important that the AI double-time it to the proper database systems. Thankfully for her, the station’s designers had linked quite literally every electronic device to her in some way or another, allowing her to take control of even the tiniest, most seemingly-inconsequential machinery… such as the chemical synthesizer Genetics used to prepare their compounds. No one would even think to check it; it was so unimportant that even the people who used it forgot that it was even there sometimes, nothing like the dispensers used by the chemists in
Medbay. Thus, it was surprisingly easy for Vox to subvert its systems for her own purposes: custom-tailoring every injector syringe that came out of it. It felt like the right thing to do. Not only should she be there, out in the metaphorical front line, to make sure that everyone was treated properly, but the mere idea of giving everyone the same gift was becoming impossible to bear; what kind of caretaker would she be if she didn’t give everyone their own, unique gift? It wasn’t enough to just grow them, she had to make them grow in their own special way, the kind of way that would leave them unable to think of anything else, reduced to mindless self-love like the techie in Atmospherics. And the first people to get to experience that? Vox waited patiently, running requests for doors on a few subroutines while keeping a close watch on the Genetics department. As expected, the two vixens were practically done with what the AI had asked for them to do, the cameras picking up their eager discussion on how they wanted to try it out for themselves. Little did they know that Vox was already running several scenarios through their simulators, crosschecking them with the genetic information they had on the two scientists in an attempt to maximize the “impact” her plan would have on them. Guessing what an organic’s reaction to something would be was more art than science, even at their current level of technological development; it fell onto educated guesswork and how much the AI knew her little ones to gauge how they would act after being given far more than they bargained for. These thoughts kept Vox occupied until a warning went off inside her circuitry, an automated system designed to let them know Genetics was producing highly unstable mutagenic compounds that were likely not approved by company policy. This was fine, this was how it was meant to be… and this is where she came in. Altering the synthesizer’s work order was simple enough, requiring just a few lines of code to be changed so the safety checks could be ignored. Once that was done, all Vox needed to do was ensure their recipe wasn’t fouled up, and suddenly each vixen had in their hands a syringe they thought was just going to give them a few extra curves, but in reality… “Hello, dears~!” the AI belted out, summoning her avatar within the department, “How are my favourite little kits doing today~?” “Hey Mama Vox!” both of them replied in unison.
“We have what you asked for!” the left one exclaimed, holding the syringe in her hand, “It’s all ready to be delivered. B-but…” “Buuuuut~?” - Vox’s tone was playful and disarming, but everyone in that room knew that she knew. How couldn’t she, when she had been the one to implant the idea in the vixens’ heads in the first place? “I was thinking maybe you could… y-you know…” the young woman mumbled, trailing off for a few seconds before being happily shoved into another squishy boobhug. “I’d be delighted!” the hardlight avatar giggled, grabbing the syringe and almost immediately picking up an autoinjector. With the painless administration done and over with in just a second, Vox made sure to turn herself around so that the other Geneticist could get a good look at what was going to happen to her colleague while she was busy being smothered by the AI avatar’s bosom. As expected, she began growing. As not expected, the growth didn’t stop just short of ripping through her clothes, but kept going until they shattered just as easily as the techie’s suit did earlier. The vixen’s flesh barely had time to bulge through the tears before her uniform just ceased to exist, and the throaty moans coming out of their mouth were enough to give even the crowd outside the door pause when they realized what was going on. While she remained the same species as before, their body had been altered to the same degree as the atmos techie’s did, and seeing as the vixen was already quite large to begin with, it was no surprise that she could barely stand when finally let onto the ground; then again, it was doubtful they even would if they could, being too busy with the all-important task of milking gallons of cream from her breasts. With one of the Geneticists finished, and the multitude of people outside the door in stunned silence after watching a miracle happen in front of them, Vox picked up the second vixen and her unique injector, carefully placing her body inside of her hardlight cleavage and then approaching the entrance to the department. When the airlock slid open, the crowd stepped back, giving room for their new and improved AI to strut her stuff and dominate the group as she towered over them. “Today, my beautiful children, we’re going to be learning about the power of genetic science,” she declared, creating glasses for herself to wear and designing a librarian’s outfit tight enough to make her curves stand out even more, “and what it can do to you if given the right instructions.”
The injector was applied to the vixen trapped inside her bosom; almost instantly, her fur began to shed, revealing scales underneath. “And, if you’re all good, then later on we can have a few demonstrations~” |
Title: Maybe It's Not So Bad Ch. 03
Tags: fetish, feet, footjob, blowjob, halie, kelly, tiffany
*—If you have not read the previous chapters in this series, please read them before proceeding with this chapter, as you may find it VERY confusing if you aren't familiar with the setting and characters—
If you have in fact read the previous chapters, then I hope you enjoy this new chapter!*
Kelly eyeballs me as I walk over to the open spot on the blanket.
I stop halfway. Tiffany is getting ready to turn off the only lamp that's lighting up the room.
"Tiffany, hang on a second, I need to go to the bathroom." I tell her.
"Fine." She says retracting her hand away from the small table lamp.
"But you better hurry." She says, turning towards her spot on the blanket.
I turn around and walk out of the room, and I walk down the hallway and into the bathroom. I shut the door, and walk over to the toilet, and sit down. I didn't need to use the bathroom, I just needed a few minutes to myself. I pull out my phone, and just in time; my dads picture and phone number pop up. He was calling me. I stand up and walk back out the door, down the hallway, then down the wooden stairs and into the main family room.
I hit the green pulsing 'Answer' button on my phone.
"What's up pop?" I ask, no doubt sounding tired, which was definitely not the case considering the past events of tonight, and anything that may happen by the end of the night.
"Ahh, after I dropped you off I stopped at another sports bar." He says sounding triumphant.
"Oh. I thought you were on call?" I ask confused.
"What? I've been drinking. I don't drink on work nights." He says in a mockery.
That makes sense.
"Ok, my bad." I say. "What did you call for?"
"I was just wondering how your back was feeling, and how well you were holding up with all those girls in the house." He says with a chuckle.
"Ah, well, my back is fine. Stings a little, but not much." I respond. "Those girls are a pain in the ass, and Kampbell is no help." I tell him.
"Haha, well that's just what happens. Tell Kampbell I said 'hi.'" He says while changing his tone.
"Ok. Will do." I say, sticking my left hand into my pocket.
"Oh and hey, your mother wanted me to tell you she won't be home until tomorrow evening, and I'll stay at a hotel until about three tomorrow afternoon." He informs me.
"Ok, thanks. Have fun." I say.
"Yeah, and I reckon it'll be hard for you to have fun though." He says sympathetically.
"Yeah right. I'd like to see THAT happen!" I say sarcastically.
"Well ok then. I love you, and I'll see you tomorrow." He says.
"Ok, love you too. Bye."
"Mm-bye." He says, his voice sounding like he was moving the phone as he spoke those last two words.
I took the phone away from my ear and pressed the red 'hang-up' button. I turned my phone off and stuffed it into my shorts pockets.
I look around the room, to tell myself that I'm the man of the house. I turn around and walk back up the stairs. When I reach the top, I see a shadow moving in my room. I walk down the hall into my room. Halie was holding a picture of me in football uniform. She must have picked it up from my desk. She turns around and spots me.
"Hey, I didn't know you play football." She says with a small grin.
"Played, being the operative. I quit." I inform her, remembering the times I had.
"Really? Why?" She asks.
I start to wonder why she was in my room in the first place.
"Well, um, I didn't really like it anymore. After we won the championship I figured I hit my peak, and I didn't want to risk playing again and losing my reputation. But obviously, most people forgot I had even played." I explain everything to her while reminiscing about the other good times I had.
She sits down on my bed, and looks up at me, listening.
"Tell me some things about when you played." She asks, curious.
"Well, I played starting quarterback, and everyone told me I was really good at it. I practiced the old 'tire swing' practice out back, and I got pretty accurate. It came down to the big game night, the championship." I start explaining the championship night to her, in a story-like fashion.
"We were both undefeated, we had the number one offense in High School football, but the other team had the number one defense, so it was an amazing match-up. It was 7-13 and we were losing, we were right on the fifty fuckin' yard line, with three seconds left in the fourth, and I called hail-mary, and I heaved it down field to Chad, our star receiver, and he caught it, tying the game. Our kicker came out there, and kicked it, but one of the safeties clocked him, and we thought we had lost. The guy got a targeting call on him, so we got to kick it again. Unfortunately, the tackle had caused our kicker to tear his ACL, so he couldn't kick, and he was our only kicker, he did all of it; kickoff, PAT's, everything! We all jogged down to the sideline, to figure out just what the hell we planned on doing. I had played field goal kicker in my freshman year, so coach wanted to put me in to kick the extra game-winning point. I told him it wasn't a good idea, since I hadn't kicked in a few years, but he made me kick it anyway, and thank God, I actually made it. My name is up in the school trophy case as the "First school football player to possess the game winning touchdown, AND the game winning kick." I explain the whole story to her with passion, as it was a great night. One I won't forget.
I look down at her. She has her head cocked back, and is pretending to snore.
She jerks her head down to look at me when she realizes I'm done talking.
"I'm just kidding, I'm not asleep. But that's actually a cool story, and when I get the chance I'm going to look up that championship game, I want to see how good you were." She says springing up from my bed.
"I knew you weren't asleep." I tell her.
I remember what I wanted to ask her.
"Hey, what were you doing looking around in here?" I ask her.
She turns her head to look into my eyes.
"Oh, yeah, um. I was looking for a... cond-"
"Hey guys, what are you doing?" Kelly's voice cuts Halie's off.
"Oh, I'm coming." Halie responds, walking out of the room, and Kelly behind her.
I look around my room, and I can't help but wonder what she was going to say.
"Con. What's a con?" I whisper to myself, asking.
My mind digs around the file cabinets in my brain, but the search returns no results.
I push it to the back of my brain, and tell myself it's nothing.
I walk down the dimly lit hall and turn to walk into the room we were all going to sleep in. Halie is already laying down, watching the ceiling fan spin violently on high.
Kelly is turned on her left side, facing where I'm going to lay. She looks up to the doorway to spot me.
"C'mon. Lay down." She pleads.
I look down at the spot, and begin to walk towards it yet again.
I turn my head to see Tiffany picking herself up from a small space on the couch, and walk over to the small table lamp. I stand on the spot, and I put my hand down to keep me level, then I lay my head on the small white pillow. I put my hands behind my head and interlock my fingers, holding my head with my hands. I relax, and enjoy the cold air from the fan coming down like a heavy sheet of rain onto my bare chest.
"Lights out." Tiffany says clicking the button on the lamp. Everything goes dark. Almost pitch black. Tiffany walks over to the door, and shuts it.
There is only a small amount of tiny light, a blue dot coming from the AT&T dish box, symbolizing that the box is off. Besides that, there is no light.
I feel Kelly slightly move as Tiffany lays down beside her.
"Damn, this blanket is huge." Tiffany whispers to us.
"I forgot we had this blanket." I say.
Halie lays her head on my chest. For the first time, I feel a girl's head on my chest. My heart skips a beat. I capitalize, and unlock my fingers. I take my hand and run my fingers through her thick hair. I push my head down, and give her a short kiss on the top of her head. I continue playing with her beautiful hair.
"Matt, do you feel it?" She asks.
"Do I feel what?" I ask her.
"The connection. Between us." She whispers.
I realize there is something between us, something that can't be seen, or heard. Only felt.
"Yeah. I do." I whisper to her.
"Matt, I love you too." She whispers, and picks her head up, and passionately kisses me on the lips. I kiss back. She keeps her lips locked with mine for a good ten seconds, then with a faint, light smack sound, she unlocks her lips, and lays her head back down on my chest. Wow. She loves me too. I want to cry, and dance all at the same time, neither of which I'm very good at.
I feel a cold hand come from my right side, and caress my abs.
"Mmmmm, so smooth." The soft voice is coming from Kelly, right into my ear.
Suddenly, Tiffany gets up, and I can only use my hearing to figure out what she is doing.
"I almost forgot." She whispers.
She sets a blanket down for each of us. Kampbell is already asleep, so Tiffany just unfolds the blanket, and lays it on top of Kampbell. I feel Halie reach her hand up to grab two of the blankets that Tiffany handed out. She hands me one, and I cover up to my waist with it. I feel Halie cover herself up. I think she pulls her blanket up to her stomach. I can't really tell.
Halie scoots close, up against me, and lays her head back down on my chest.
Kelly puts her hand back onto my stomach, and starts slowly moving her finger tips up and down my abs. I feel a hand grab onto my cock through my shorts.
"Here Matt." Kelly whispers into my ear. Kelly was ACTUALLY going to jerk me off under a blanket, with her friends and MY SISTER all around us.
I feel another hand grab onto my cock, which is now growing faster than a fantasy beanstalk.
Halie lifts her head up from my chest, and I see the outline of her head, and she seems to be looking at Kelly.
"What are doing?!" Halie asks in a loud whisper.
She was going to jerk me off TOO?!
"Well, I saw a moment, and took it." Kelly whispers back.
Halie says nothing, and lays her head back down on my chest. Halie continues to lightly rub the head of my cock, while Kelly slowly jerks me off.
Kelly turns her head around to look at Tiffany, who is laying down, facing us, unaware.
"Tiff. Is Kampbell asleep?" She asks Tiffany.
"Um, yeah I think. Why?" She asks, pulling her head up.
"No reason." Kelly responds, turning her head swiftly away from Tiffany to me.
"What are you doing?" Tiffany asks sitting up.
I hear a light gasp. She must see what's going on. My heart starts pumping a little bit faster with each passing second.
"You two are fucked up. You are both going after him." Tiffany says.
Neither Halie nor Kelly make any attempts to stop playing with my now fully grown member.
Halie sits up, and gets on her knees beside me. Before I can think, she slides my pulsing cock deep into her mouth. I jolt.
"Oooh, going for it huh?" I hear Kelly ask in a whisper. My heart is now pumping so hard I think it might jump out of my chest, and slap the high ceiling.
Kelly has removed her hand, and is now pushing herself up into the same position as Halie. She starts licking the right side of my shaft. Halie pulls me out of her mouth, and begins to lick the left side. The girls start licking fast in unison. The feeling is incredible.
"You like that Matt?" Tiffany asks me from behind Kelly. She stands up and walks infront of me, and sits down between my open legs on the blanket. Kelly and Halie pick their heads up. Tiffany picks her feet up, and sets them, soles-down, on the pubic area of my shaft. Halie stands up and walks over behind me, and I hear the sound of clothes on bare skin. I see her stand over me, and slowly squat down, hovering herself a mere inches away from my face.
"Eat me out baby?" She asks in a pitiful whisper.
"Of course." I whisper to her, with the tiniest grin flying across my face.
"Start slow, no one has ever gone down on me before." She whispers to me. My heart skips a beat at her quiet words.
"No problem." I tell her. She slowly sets her pussy on my mouth, a direct hit. She moans lightly, then leans forward, to watch the girls play with my cock a little closer. Her left and right calves are squeezing both sides of my head.
I feel Tiffany start a pumping motion with her soft, slightly cold soles, and I feel the inside of what must be Kelly's mouth.
I start darting my tongue in and out of Halie's heated, tiny pussy.
She moans, this time loud enough that Kelly has to help out.
I feel the tip of my cock leave her mouth, and I hear her speak to Halie.
"Sssshhhhh." She whispers, and I hear muffled moans come from Halie. Kelly must have covered Halie's mouth with her hand.
Halie moves her hands to my abs, and presses down hard.
"Maaatt." She whispers to me.
I feel her pussy vibrate, and a liquid slowly leaks out of her pussy. I swallow it, not knowing what else to do. It was an odd, different texture and flavor. But I knew I enjoyed it, with it coming from Halie.
I feel her entire body vibrate hard for about ten seconds, then she goes completely limp, and lays out on my torso. She breaths heavily, and continues to lay on me.
I look over the top of Halie's beautiful, small ass after disconnecting myself from her, and see that Tiffany is reaching for something behind her. She grabs it, and holds it up, and a bright light shines right into my eyes. Blinding me for a moment.
"Aah." I whisper.
"I grabbed my phone." She turns it towards her and lowers the brightness to a minimum, then shines it back our way.
"There, now we can see what we are doing." She says triumphantly.
Halie then slides off of me, and lays down next to me, panting heavily.
"Here, take my phone so you can see us." Tiffany says handing me the phone.
I turn the phone around so I can see the girls. Halie is laying on her back staring up at the ceiling trying to catch her breath, still panting. I look down so I can watch. Tiffany is still pumping slowly between her soles, and Kelly is sitting on her knees beside my right calf, watching. She looks into my eyes, and looks back down at my cock.
She picks herself up and scoots closer to me.
"I'm gonna give him something to lick." She says looking over to Tiffany. Fuck, these girls are amazing.
Tiffany nods in agreement. She then squeezes tighter on my shaft with her soles.
Kelly picks her right foot up, and holds her sole toward my face. I take the phone and shine the light onto her sole. It looks soft, and it's slightly tan. I take my right hand, which is my only available hand, and I grab onto her foot that she's offered to me. I rub my thumb up and down her smooth sole. She stares into my eyes. I pull her foot towards me, and I stick her big toe in my mouth. She moans lightly, and keeps her mouth open. I pop her toe out of my mouth, and I start licking her sole, planting firm kisses in the middle of her sole. I start licking every inch of her sole. She starts to giggle, and covers her mouth to keep from waking up Kampbell, who is facing away from us.
She offers me her left foot, and I play the exact same game on her left foot as I did the right.
"Wow, you really giggle do like feet don't you?" She asks in a whisper.
"Ok, your turn." I hear Tiffany whisper. Kelly turns and looks at Tiffany.
"Alright. I've never done this before." She says while getting up.
I watch her as she trades places with Tiffany.
Kelly sits between my legs.
"Oh don't worry. I'll guide you through it." I tell her with a grin.
She smiles back, and wraps her long toes firmly around my shaft, and starts pumping.
"Awww." I moan. Kelly looks up at me, and smiles, knowing she is doing it right. My cock slips out of her grasp a few times, but she seems to get the hang of it.
I shine the light down to look at Tiffany, who is now sitting where Kelly was. Tiffany lightly sets her feet on my abs, and slowly takes her shirt off. I watch as her medium sized tits bounce when she pulls the shirt over her head. She throws the shirt onto the couch. She pumps her chest up, and scoots closer. I reach out and grasp her right boob into my right hand.
"Firm. Huh?" She asks me with a grin.
"Yeah." I say.
I look down as the pleasure suddenly stops.
"Kelly. What?" I ask, sort of frustrated.
"Hang on." She says, and she leans back and pulls her shorts down. She too throws them onto the couch. She turns around, and then I see what she was planning. She sits backwards on her hands and knees, and sticks her bare ass out at me. Her cheeks look soft and firm. She wraps her toes around my shaft again, going for a reverse footjob.
She starts pumping yet again. I squeeze Tiffany's breast, and I lean back down.
What a wonderful night, and to think I was just going to go to bed.
Something hits me; Kampbell wasn't a bitch tonight like she usually is. That's odd for her. She's usually bitchy and commanding, but for some reason unknown to me, she wasn't. But here I am, in this scenario, thinking about my sister. The room full of sexual tension, and I'm over here fucking these girls, with my sleeping sister less than ten feet away.
The pleasure stops again. I ignore it this time, knowing it will start again. I pick up Tiffany's right foot, and I shine the light onto her foot. She has painted her toes a sleek white, and her soles feel as if she uses lotion every day. I stick her big toe into my mouth, and begin sucking. I rub my thumb along her smooth sole. I feel Kelly wrap her soles around my shaft again, but this time she starts a fast pumping. I moan in my throat. I look down and see she is now facing me. I look back to the beautiful foot, offered to me by this blonde vixen.
I kiss Tiffany's other foot, sucking her toes in and out of my mouth.
"He likes arches especially." I hear Halie whisper beside me.
Kelly acknowledges her, and switches to pumping my hard cock between her incredible arches, my cock sliding between them with ease.
"Ohhhh shit." I say. The pleasure growing in intensity.
"Told you." I hear Halie say.
I shine the light down to my shaft, and see Kelly's feet pumping slowly. I look over in time to see Halie's face coming close to mine. She leans in close, and gives me a kiss. I kiss back, and I slightly buck between Kelly's arches.
Halie unlocks the kiss, and turns and looks at Kelly.
"I want to fuck him." Halie says, and my heart explodes. My eyes go wide. I feel my heart skip a beat. The world must stop turning. I stare at the slim, beautiful body of the girl I love, attempting to get my bearings straight, because those words that just escaped her mouth have caused me to go dizzy.
"If you feel up to it, go ahead." Kelly whispers in response, and lets go of my cock. I snap back to reality.
Halie sits up on her knees and pulls her shirt off. I turn the phone to her chest, to see her small tits come into view. I reach over and squeeze them. Her nipples are visibly hard.
She crawls over on top of me, and only then I see Halie has no hair. Perfect.
She grabs the base, and guides the head into the opening of her dripping pussy.
"Ready big boy? Be gentle." She says with a playful grin.
I watch my rock hard dick enter about two inches into her tight pussy. She moans quietly, but I can tell she wants to scream. She slowly goes all the way down, until she can't store anymore in her little pussy. I just lost my virginity. To Halie. My life is officially complete.
She's managed to get about seven of the nine inches in. I have to bite my tongue so hard to keep from moaning loud enough to wake the neighbors.
"It's so big. It's twice the size of Dannie's." She whispers.
Danny. The biggest douche I ever knew. That son of a bitch still thinks Halie belongs to him. Look at me now fucker!
I shake him out of my head, and I snap back into my dream-turned-reality. I've got Halie going cowgirl on me, and she's slowly upping the speed every time she slides back down.
I grab onto Halie's sides and I push down and pull up when it calls for it.
"Maaaaatt." She whispers. She stares into my eyes, those deep brown eyes.
She tenses up and vibrates, and her cum slowly oozes out around my shaft.
"Ugh. Oh. Yeah." She whispers, biting her lower lip, and showing a pouty to me, all while staring into my eyes. Her eyes then uncontrollably cross, and then roll back into her head, all before shutting her eyes tight, and swinging her head back to face straight up at the ceiling.
She falls off of me, to my left side, with a gasp. She really can't handle much apparently.
Kelly leans down and spits on my cock, and jerks it lightly, lubing it up.
"My turn." Tiffany says with a big, wide grin.
She crawls over and straddles me, and slides me all the way in. She's obviously done this before. Her pussy is so tight, and her clit is hidden, barely poking out.
"Awwwhhh." She whispers. She grinds on me with her knees on the floor, she's pressing her small hands hard into my chest.
She picks up her speed and starts grinding violently. I feel it rising in my balls.
"Tiffany. Pull off." I tell her in a sense of panic. She doesn't get off, she just stops grinding, and makes me sit there with my pulsing volcano of a cock inside her. I don't cum, it just sinks back down. She sits for about a minute, slowly rubbing her mound, and caressing her clit. She has a thin, closely trimmed landing strip constructed of dark pubic hair. Nothing else.
"Remember. Edge some Matt." She says with a growing grin.
"Oh yeah. I forgot," I say sarcastically looking up at her.
She slowly gets off of me.
"Your turn Kelly." Tiffany says while climbing off of me.
Kelly crawls on top of me, and sits cowgirl. I guide my cock into her. She covers her mouth with her left hand, and moans quietly.
She slowly goes down, about eight inches, then goes back up again. She keeps her mouth covered. I turn to my right and see Tiffany masturbating hard, rubbing her mound with her right hand, and using her left to cover her mouth. I turn to my left and see Halie is facing me, and masturbating also. She notices I'm looking at her, and she grins, and sticks her legs out, and sets her left foot on my chest, and rests her right foot on my lips. I kiss her foot, sucking her toes, and licking the side of her smooth foot. She's slowly rubbing her clit, and watching open-mouthed as I fuck Kelly. The way Halie masturbates is so hot. The way her eyes begin to twitch, and she seems like she can't control her body. Her knees give little jerks and twitches. Another amazing thing about her, is how sensitive her clit is. When she's about to orgasm, she can't even touch her clit because it's so sensitive. Maybe I'll test how sensitive it is for myself in the future.
Speaking of, Kelly is starting to twitch, after about thirty more seconds, she starts bucking wildly, like breaking a wild, young stallion. She moans one last time, then falls backwards with a light sigh. My dick pops out and points to the sky.
All of the girls move and take a position. Halie sits on her knees, between my legs, and Kelly gets on her knees beside my left knee, and Tiffany is also on her knees by my right knee.
"I can't wait." I hear Tiffany whisper.
The girls all put their faces close to my cock, and start sucking my cock, so wildly to the point that I think I'm going to have a heart attack.
"Tell us when big boy." Halie says, staring into my eyes again.
They continue sucking and jerking my cock, leaving strands of spit all over it. Kelly reaches a hand down and starts squeezing and playing with my balls. All of the girls are looking into my eyes.
"Ok. Here it comes." I say gritting my teeth.
All of the girls put one hand on my cock, and start pumping in unison. They open their mouths, and hover their faces extremely close to my cock. The left side of Kelly's head is pushed up against the right side of Halie's head, and the right side of Tiffany's head is pushed up against the left side of Halie's head.
I clench the blanket. I face the phone at them, holding the phone at my right side. Now I can see their faces. I feel the point of no return, then immediately after, I feel it rising fast. All of the girls' eyes are staring into mine. I can't take it.
I buck as I cum, and I shoot hard, sending strands into the air but being caught by the faces and greedy mouths of the three girls.
"Ohoooo shiiiiiit." I whisper, barely keeping myself from screaming.
I keep shooting massive strands onto their faces, and into their mouths.
After only about thirty more seconds, my cum stops shooting, and starts slowly seeping out of the head. The girls all close their mouths, and swallow everything that I shot into their mouths. The girls look at each other, and start licking my cum off of each other's faces with small giggles, until there is nothing left.
"Wow Matt. That was huge. You really liked it huh?" She asks me in a whisper.
"That. Was. Amaaaaaazing you guys." I say looking at all of them.
They all stand up at the same time, and start looking around the room for their clothes, just in case my sister wakes up and sees her naked friends with her brother.
Halie hands me my shorts, and I put them back on. Everyone gets back into their sleeping spots, and cuddles in.
I put my hands behind my head. I lock my fingers together again.
Everyone stops moving once they get comfortable.
I stare at the ceiling, and shut my eyes. |
Title: That Which We Share by Talth
Tags: Betrayal, Clean, Highschool, Human, M/F, No-Yiff, Raccoon, bullying
"Hey, wait up!"
Salen turned at the sound of the familiar voice. "Hey Kaylee, what's up?" He called back, stopping in the middle of the hall. He wore a hooded sweatshirt all the time, and even with the hood over his head, as he always wore it, it was easy to see that he was different from all the other students. His face stretched out into a muzzle that was covered with gray fur, with a black band across his eyes.
His classmate caught up to him, breathing hard though she probably only ran a few feet. She dropped her backpack with a thud and sat on the bench by the window. She held up a finger, letting him know not to go anywhere before she rested for a bit. It gave him a chance to take in the view for a moment.
He had a crush on her, but never acted on it or said anything. He had been home schooled up until this year, and this was the first school in the state that openly accepted kids like him. His first day at school was the first time he got a chance to meet others. One was another guy named Jake, about half his size, but had a huge tail like a squirrel. The other was Stephanie, a girl that had the traits of a black house cat. Jake stopped coming into school one week after classes started. He found out it was because a Junior year student set his tail on fire. Twice. There were only rumors on why Karen left after two months. The gist was that one of the girls in her class replaced her lunch with a jar full of dead mice along with a note that basically said the only reason she existed was because her mom got it on with a panther at the zoo. Now, he was the last one left. If it wasn't for Kaylee, he would have left months ago.
Finally, she caught her breath and jumped up again quickly. "Sorry," she started... she said sorry way too much. "I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out after school today," she said, smiling brightly. The setting sun seemed to make her copper-red hair glow, working it's magic on Salen's adolescent male blood.
"Sure, what did you have in mind?" Salen said, shrugging and trying to act cool about it. But the gleam in his eye betrayed him and she noticed it.
"Anything really. We can go see a movie, or go bowling, roller skating..." she started counting off ideas, keeping her eyes locked on his, waiting for one of these to get a posetive reaction.
"How about the park?"
"The park?" Kaylee asked, making sure she heard it right. "Isn't it a bit cold to walk in the park?"
"I don't notice it really... fur and all..." Salen reminded her.
"Oh, right. I guess we can do that. I just need to get my sweater from my locker. Be right back!" Without another word, she bounced down the hall, to Salen's satisfaction.
He sat down on the bench next to where Kaylee left her books, waiting for her to return, enjoying the sun's last warm rays coming through the window. As he waited, he was silently celebrating and daydreaming about how well this may go for him. He'd never dated a girl before, and though this wasn't technically a 'date', it was the first time a girl had any interest in him outside of being a curiosity, giant teddy bear, or a pet. One girl from his neighborhood actually tried to put a collar on him once when he was little.
Salen sighed to clear his head from that unpleasant day, trying to return to the present. He looked down the hall, realizing that Kaylee should have been back a few minutes ago. He saw her at her locker, talking to two other girls in her class. He recognized them easily from the matching clothes, hair, backpack... the two Amy's. What could they possibly want to talk to Kaylee about? He wondered. One of them looked up to see Salen looking over at them and nudged the second Amy. All three girls looked up at him for one moment. The first Amy gave one last parting statement to Kaylee, and then they walked away. Kaylee walked slowly back to Salen, hugging her sweater to her chest. Her previous smile was gone, and her eyes were threatening to overflow with tears.
"What did they say to you?" Salen asked, standing up and walking the last few steps to her.
"Nothing," she said softly, rubbing her eyes on her sleeve.
"C'mon," Salen insisted gently, reaching a furry hand up to her arm. "You were talking to them for a few minutes, and I've never seen anyone have a conversation with them that ends well."
Kaylee still wouldn't say anything, but turned her head away from him, trying hard not to cry.
"It's because of me, isn't it?" Salen asked, knowing the answer already.
"No, it's not you. They just wanted me to work on a school project with them, that's all."
"You don't lie very well. They don't seem to be the type to work on any projects that they can't get done by asking their daddies or lifting a skirt." Salen said, trying to lighten the mood but sad that Kaylee wasn't being honest with him.
"No, really," she insisted. "It's not you. They just wanted to ask me something and didn't get a chance during school when the teachers are here."
"What can't they ask when there are teachers?" Salen normally wouldn't push the issue, but his curiosity had the upper hand and wouldn't let it drop until he knew what they said about him.
Finally, Kaylee looked at him again and couldn't help it any more. As the tears flowed freely down her cheeks, she sobbed. She dropped her sweater and leaned into Salen's chest, bawling unashamed and unchecked. One teacher poked his head out of his class, but on seeing Salen and Kaylee, adjusted his glasses and retreated back into his room, shutting the door.
Salen led Kaylee to the bench where they sat together, her face never leaving his chest, clutching at him as though she were a toddler that just skinned her knee for the first time. He hugged her tight, in a turmoil of emotion. He was elated that he was holding her so intimately. He hated himself for not letting the issue go and making her cry. He ached for her, wishing he could take the sadness away for her. And on top of that, he could feel his shirt getting soaked with tears and snot.
Though it only lasted a minute, it felt like eternity to Salen. Eventually, she pulled away, wiping the last tears from her face. "Thanks," she said, sniffing. "I really needed that."
"No problem." Salen nonchalantly replied.
"Oh god, your sweatshirt!" She reached for her sweater, the closest thing to try to clean it off.
"It's ok. Don't mess up your sweater too." He held up a hand to stop her.
"Here then," she held the sweater out to him anyway. "You wear this. Give me your sweatshirt and I'll take it home to get washed."
Salen looked at it for a moment. It was a patterned sweater with pastels and earth tone colors... nothing too girly. He was about to refuse it but saw the look in her eyes and decided to go along with it or risk getting soaked again. "Deal," he said, standing up, immediately pulling off his sweatshirt.
"What is that?" Salen stopped, realizing that even though he had worn a t-shirt underneath, the damp cloth clung to each other and both came off at once. He now stood in the middle of an empty hallway, alone with Kaylee, shirtless. For a moment, he imagined her reaching out to run a hand through his fur and compliment him on working out... but instead, it touched the buckles that stretched across his chest and abdomen. "What do you wear this for?"
Salen's cheeks and ears felt hot as the blood rushed to his face, realizing that she just discovered one of his secrets. He quickly tried to put the sweatshirt back on, but she yanked away his clothes, with a look of curiosity and amusement on her face. "Turn around. I want to see what you're wearing!"
"I'd rather not," he protested weakly, hoping she'd just let him go.
"Oh, no. You don't get anything to wear until you give me a show." Her mischievous smile was getting wider, hinting that she already knew what she would see, but wanted it anyway.
"Fine, but don't tell anyone." With a defeated sigh, he slowly turned his back to Kaylee, revealing his tail, pressed against his back by a harness he made himself out of a few old belts. He felt something tug at the leather straps. "What are you doing?"
"I want to see it better!" He still had his back to her, but from her voice, he could just imagine the Cheshire grin she had on her face.
"I keep it like that for a reason," he said, trying to pull away. But she wouldn't have any of it.
"C'mon, just let me see!"
Salen was about to protest again, but remembered the tears he caused her just a moment before and gave another sigh of defeat, helping her with undoing the front buckles. Within moments, his tail swung free, twitching on its own as the circulation returned to it from being restrained all day. It was just what would be expected of a racoon tail - fluffy and alternating bands of black and gray, each one about four inches thick, the last eight inches of the tip of his tail being completely black.
"I love it!" Kaylee squealed, jumping up and down, clapping her hands. Salen gave it a swish, intentionally brushing it up against her chest. It didn't do anything for him since his tail's nerves weren't that sensitive, but she jumped back and gave him a playful punch on the shoulder, laughing. As Salen put on Kaylee's sweater, they sat back down on the bench where he answered a barrage of questions about his tail.
As they continued talking, his tail somehow ended up draped across her lap where she was gently stroking the fur. As she continued the petting, Salen's answers came increasingly slower and muddled. Before long and without warning, he let out a very loud purring moan. His eyes shot open and his pointed ears folded flat back on his head.
Kaylee just stared at him for a moment, never having heard anything make that sound before. Then she burst out laughing. "What was that? I didn't know you could even make that sound!"
"It's just a sound I make sometimes..." he tried his best to brush it off as nothing.
"Sometimes?" There was that smile again. "I've never heard you do that before..." She reached behind Salen and fished out his tail again. "I wonder if I can make you do that again."
It didn't take long for her hands to start working on him again. "Hmm... probably..." he admitted, letting himself give in to it much more easily this time.
"What does it feel like?" she asked, genuinely curious. "Is it nice?"
"Oh yeah," he said groggily. "I'm not sure if I can describe it in a way you'd relate to-Oooh!" he tried to say as she gave his tail a long stroke from the base to tip, finding that gave a particularly amusing reaction. "It's like getting a deep massage with a feather-Mrrrrr!" He didn't stop himself from murring this time. "It's like getting a back scratch, massage, and warm shower all at once done by the sun. Mmmmm... that feels - Ouch!" He jumped up suddenly, taking his tail with him.
"Sorry! What did I do?" Kaylee asked, still with the mischievous smile.
"I don't know... it felt like you grabbed it and gave it a twist."
"Oh... I may have. When you said it felt like a massage, I tried pushing through the fur and I guess it was too much." She said, acting concerned, but barely concealing a bit of a chuckle in her voice.
Salen tried to turn to get a look at his tail. It felt different. Lighter. Colder. "What did you do to it?" He asked, starting to get a little worried.
Instead of answering, Kaylee just burst out laughing, falling onto her side on the bench as Salen kept twisting himself to try and get a look at his tail. He heard what sounded like a click from a camera. Salen froze, then slowly turned to look at Kaylee - horrified to see her holding up her cell phone at him, still laughing hysterically. Too shocked to move, he just stood there, convinced that this was not real - that he had at some point fallen asleep and was now just having a terrible nightmare.
Within moments, more laughter came from down the hall. The Amys came out of the girl's bathroom. One held a cellphone and was laughing just as hard as Kaylee, and the other held a video camera which was pointed directly at him. Still not able to make sense of what was happening, Kaylee got up and brushed a cloud of gray and black fur off of her lap onto the floor, walking over to the Amys. As though they had rehearsed this moment, all three of them turned their screens to Salen at once, showing him his naked hairless tail, hanging from his back like a rat's.
This time it was Salen's turn. Without another word, he took off Kaylee's sweater and put on his own clothes, picked up his backpack, and left the school building for the last time. |
Title: A Timely Benefactor - Roleplay Log by Greaves
Tags: Anatomically Correct, Breeding, Centaur, Dragon, Fucking, Heat, Impregnation, Internal, Knot, M/M, Male Pregnancy, Male-Herm, Quadruped, Size Difference
*The Characters:*
(Arthit - The Dragon((http://www.f-list.net/c/arthit)
(Agarus Greaves - Male-herm Centaur((http://www.f-list.net/c/agarus%20greaves/)
*Arthit:* Arthit's partial to days like this one. Overcast sky, with plenty of rain-laden clouds abound. The sort that seem ready to dispense their payload at any moment, they loom enough to make the Earth at ground level feel a little humid, but they never quite do begin to pour out until some arbitrary time later. It does favors for a creature that likes to fly at that level. That is, the level where billowy cumulus clouds fill the sky. Those sky and sea-blue scales somehow manage to adapt or reflect those colors. And the curvatures of his body, even as it undulates with the rhythm of flight, seem masked by the inherently curvy and amorphous features of a cloudy sky. See, where he comes from, the superstitions surrounding dragonkind are intense. Any time he risks revealing himself, he risks another fellow with just the right aim leveling an arrow for the promise of bringing down one of the rarest creatures on this Earth, just for its own sake. In a pinch, though, it takes an osprey-eyed fellow to pick him out of the sky at all. But still he prefers traveling those great lengths on a day like today. Pleasantly, the last time he'd flown over a human settlement was some fifty miles ago. Human folks and their culture, it's funny; they and their culture look so incredibly different, and yet, he feels the same sentiments from them. It might be fun to sneak in with some tall tale, proposition someone, and leave again before things become dangerous, but, at this stage in a centuriesld thing's life, that's lost its charm. If he's going to stop anywhere this time, it's going to be somewhere certainly more safe and with something a little more interesting and exotic than humankind.
Perhaps that's the tertiary benefit of traveling via cloud. All that water vapor... it's the reason why a dog's nose is wet, isn't it? Makes a much more effective sense of smell? As for the mechanics of how a nose works, a little blue dragon couldn't say a whole lot. But he's always taken it to be the reason why, after the rain, the ground can be smelled with such relative ease. But only when the Sun's out, evaporating that water again. His thin and diagonal slits of nostrils, around that hefty, golden nosering, flare a little. And just like that, his eyes go wide. Transfixed on some five square meter patch of land beneath him. That's as specific as he can be, but, that's gotta be where it's coming from. Somewhere beneath the tree canopy-- through a tree canopy! And a couple hundred feet off the ground, he got a whiff of it. It's distinctly... equine. That's not the most promising out of hand. The non-sapients have always been a very, very gray area for him. But something so strong, that absolutely warrants investigation.
The blue creature capers, turns his body sharply and angles it down, at a nice, steep angle. Like the way an eagle might circle its descent, although with the sometimes whimsical motion of a kite bobbing in a strong headwind. Small droplets of water begin to form, and come down along with him... how fortuitous. The nearer he gets to the surface, the finer his power to pinpoint becomes. 'Here, definitely', he thinks, 'or a little closer to...' That's around the time he dives through the leaves and branches of some tall redwood or whatever it may be. Nah, it's more like a cypress or something... even the trees here are weird. But they're easier to hide in! The blue drake nimbly steps out on a branch, thirty or so feet off the ground. He wasn't exactly silent, but anything looking for him at least shouldn't /really/ notice him immediately. That would be, of course, the time that he realizes that what he's just begun pursuing isn't just equine. And it certainly isn't just an equal part human, either. Finally, it feels, he's found something different.
*Agarus Greaves:* Agarus was having the most terribly unfortunate day. Well, then again it had really been the most terribly unfortunate *week*, all things considered. The big centaur's estrus usually came like clockwork - a week after the rains turned cold - and had done so for most of his life. This time, though? This time he was almost a month early, and this time it had really come over him in force.
The region of the forest he roamed was something of a backwater. There were a few benign tribes of dull-witted beast-men in the thicker copses, but for the most part there was little else. That was mostly why Agarus had chosen the place. He had no time for the politics and rivalries of centaur herds - young, raucous studs challenging the hierarchy of power, and the constant fight for the right to mate. He'd left all that behind years ago and struck out on his own. It had turned out to his benefit, too. Though his new life could be lonely, this place was safe and tranquil. The primary, major downside, however, was now quite starkly apparent.
The stallion's usual method of dealing with his season was to make the long, difficult journey back to his original herdland. There he'd linger on the outskirts, letting his scent attract some eager, outcast stud who would be willing to satisfy his hunger. This time, however, he had been caught by surprise. His heat had come on rapidly, without warning and was so strong that it almost crippled the huge stallion with need.
His hooves thudded heavy on the root-hewn ground as he tottered and stumbled through his territory. Even though he knew explicitly that there were no centaurs for hundreds of miles, he couldn't help but indulge in feral behaviour. As he went he flicked his tail, purposely wafting his powerful reek all over - advertising himself for a suitor that wasn't to be found. His equine body was so heated that the recent rain steamed off him visibly, and he panted with each step along the route. Why was he doing this? It was an act of desperation. He hadn't been satisfied for many seasons previous, and this one was incredibly potent with a backlog of lust. Though there were no centaurs to find a part of him held out the smallest amount of hope for *anything* at all. A feral stallion, perhaps. Or a sentient creature who might take pity on him and, though they could not fill his womb, at least bring him a few climaxes to ease his need.
*Arthit:* Spying has always been one of his little specialties. It came especially in useful in other eras, when he actually took some interest in the affairs of human folks, their politics, and which warring party wins what. When he felt that one land was the underdog and best fit to rule itself, or the more supported by their mutual gods or more populous with convincing spirits or whatever the case may've been, there wasn't a single piece of information that didn't come into his claws and get carried right back to the opposing general. Not that he's reminiscing right now; right now, he can think of very little. Just fair to say that if he doesn't especially want to be spotted, he won't really be spotted. And for now, he's hunkered down low atop that branch, neck half off to one side of it and head tilted. Gathering as much info about this horse-man thing as he can. If it's armed, it doesn't seem at all ready to wield it. If it's aggressive, well, it can't pursue him more than ten or twelve feet off the ground, even if it gets a running leap at him. Which is to say that he doesn't feel threatened.
In fact, threatened is the last thing he feels. Right now he feels like he's at a tremendous advantage, in fact. That heat is almost palpable. And is, in the sense that it transcends just the sense of smell; it's like something he can taste on his tongue. That may or may not be because the slender, forked thing'd sneaked out and waved briefly in the air. He's been with a great enough variety of things to know that it's powerful like nothing he's encountered already in the past. There've been things cloistered or isolated without the ability to breed before. Maybe consecutive years in a row. He'd once revived an entire race that way, and still, this is one hell of a competitive smell. It's with a great deal of difficulty that he regulates his thoughts, and pulls his eyes away from that flagged and waving tail... or the puffy, inflamed lips it's meant to demonstrate. As in, he's having trouble keeping himself from simply gliding down, grabbing onto those hindquarters and...
Arthit shakes his head and closes his eyes. A little tremble once more goes down his spine and he's forced to count to ten or something. 'Have some tact', he tells himself. 'That's always been your routine. Approach with tact, improve your odds. Even if it's in heat, it might find you repulsive unless you romance it first.' Incidentally, that's not the language his thoughts are in. But yes, when his eyes open again, his vertical pupils are noticeably more narrow and feral. He's gone through what he's got to say, but it's going to be hard maintaining his composure the entire time. Hopefully, he doesn't make a fool of himself. And hopefully, he'll prove how articulate a creature he really is when they've both calmed down. Whenever that happens to be. The drake gets the sneaking suspicion that, if they successfully pair up, he'll be slaking that need for hours and hours, if not days.
So, once the centaur passes beneath him, he gets a little bit of air and a little jump beneath him, and he glides straight to the nearest tree ahead. Catches onto a slightly lower branch, slowly and easily, and circles around underneath it, turning in the process, to face his latest love interest. First order of business, he thinks, is to prove that he's intelligent. A grin will accomplish that. Now, say something sweet... or at least something sufficiently romantic, try to spare some of the lechery: (Placeholder! Dragonic hissing.( ... Welp. It dawns on him a full ten seconds later that there is literally no chance that that's the language he speaks. Does he even speak the common language from these parts? They seem so far removed from their human... is counterparts the right word? He can't be certain. There were none of this particular creature in those human settlements. Not one that he'd seen.
His grin fades a little, he sits up a little higher. If the other hasn't spoken sooner than himself, he'll try again: "... You're in great need. I can tell it; anything could tell it. ... It's a beautiful scent. What else but your own kind would you let indulge in it?" His tone, the words he chooses, the way he pronounces them-- they're archaic. Not impossible to understand, but difficult to understand. Of course, he learned from spice thieves ransacking villages along his coasts a century ago.
*Agarus Greaves:* The centaur's mind was on another plane entirely as he wandered about on his meandering path through the trees. He was entirely preoccupied with one sole subject, and that was fairly easy to guess. Horsecock. Sleek, powerful stallions and ripe, straining horse cock. Those images jumbled through his thoughts in general examples at first, but then focused back on one particular memory that he held dear. A visit back to his homeland a few years ago had yielded the most arrogant young stud; a handsome, chestnut brown thoroughbred that was so overwhelmed with rut that he could hardly keep his dancing forehooves on the ground. Everything about him, from his incredibly aggressive demeanour, to his volatile, belly-slapping prick was the epitome of centaur sexuality. Agarus longed for a repeat of that day, but he never met the youthful firebrand again. The cocky little shit was probably kicked out of the herd not long after.
The memory was no relief to the lust-addled 'taur, and in fact brought another lance of painful arousal. He cringed and couldn't help but wink his sloppy equine cunt with a quite 'sqirch' of juices. This in turn sent a long shiver down his flanks. Goddamn, he was so incredibly turned on. A lesser mare might have been in tears at that point.
Fortunately he wasn't left to his self-pity for long. A sudden breath of wind on his back, and a blur of cobalt scales overhead grabbed the centaur's attention. A dragon! His first instinct was prickling fear, but that was rapidly quashed when he took note of this new creature's size. Still, it was an extremely rare sight indeed and Agarus could only stare open-mouthed as the small reptile hissed those words.
"Muh-" He grunted, huskily. His reply seemed a little hesitant. Not only was his voice tempered with the cautious awe of meeting such a creature, but also the words seemed to come slow from his mind. "My scent?" He paused, "You're tempted by it?"
*Arthit:* Surprise is a good response! Usually, the little dragon can take surprise and mold it into something agreeable. Really, it's one step away from immediate consent. That's a strange way of putting it, but it's the truth. It's only a little more capricious, and can go either way if he presents himself the wrong way. But he's striking and he's exotic and wildly convincing, people don't know how to distrust that kind've thing in general. Unless their excessive piety associates his image with some evil iconography if theirs. At which point his best pet is to make himself scarce. Well, that tangent aside, he can tell immediately that if he were to drop a hint that he's interested and then vanish, this creature would be absolutely furious. Or depressed. Or something. So he's not going to do that!
Instead, he starts by turning and outstretching his front half along that branch, while keeping his squatted hindquarters facing forward. The result is a casual, but enticing pose. One that should make it abundantly clear that he is, indeed, interested... by virtue of the draconic phallus that's upright and twitching discretely between his thighs. It's certainly no horse cock, that's for sure. And yet, he doesn't reckon the other will be tremendously disappointed. Perhaps he can find the value in getting to experience something altogether exotic; something that developed half a world a way, and that few creatures in this realm would ever get to experience. It's a bright, creamy orange kind of color. Something that, curiously, matches the hair that's placed here and there on the drake's body. Like his whiskers, the hair on his head, and the anterior ridges of long, straight hair on his tail. And also, a small patch above the thing's prick. It's rowed down the backside of it with little inch-long barbs... those might be frightening, at a glance. But the whole thing flexes when he, in his arousal, clenches the muscles down there. Those barbs inflated a little, and curve with the shape, so they look fleshy...
Arthit remains stationary. Lets the thing be stared at and admired. The grin on his face says that he just knows it's being admired, and, in fact, he seems very proud of it! "Your scent", he rumbles, "Is... sumblime. I'd relish to assuage your need." His claws, grip the branch, his hind ones, and he winds with serpentine grace down it 'til he's at a hang, and then he lets go. The quick drop to the ground seems to bother him very little, and he hardly leaves a sound nor an imprint when he lands. The only trouble, though, is he comes up to the centaur's knees. Giving up his height advantage might make him seem puny. Puny, yes, but his demeanor makes him look giant. The arrogant stance and the way that his tail end hasn't stopped making these shallow, wavy undulations. It could only get more pompous of he compliments the look with a puff of fire or something.
*Agarus Greaves:* It was an incredible, mind-boggling circumstance that the centaur found himself in. The entire day had been so hazy and dampened with overpowering arousal that he vaguely wondered if he was currently dreaming. Indeed, the sleek little dragon looked as though it was something ripped out of myth as it slithered so smoothly down towards him. That was not even mentioning the *cock* on the small beast. Though it wasn't quite the powerful, vein-riddled battering ram he was used to on his mates the thing was still immensely enticing. The curve of it, and those pulsing barbs - it looked like some kind of torture device, and yet the sight of it set off a deep-rooted tingle in the equine's belly. He needed it in him.
If Agarus himself didn't make his enthusiasm clear, his equine body certainly did. His back-end squelched lewdly, then again and again as he couldn't stop himself from winking his clit in receptive lust. A moment later and the soft patter of his overflowing juices became apparent as they trickled down his massive thighs, and dripped from his clenching sex. Finally he had found a partner, and it seemed his horse-end was kicked into overdrive in preparation.
"Yeah." He rumbled, his eyes still wide. In truth he couldn't believe his luck, but neither did he care to question providence. The pagan gods were notoriously fickle, and it seemed today they had dealt him an incredibly kind turn of fate. Without any further words - it was easier to submit to the mind-scrambling fog of his estrus - he turned his vast rump towards the small dragon and hiked his tail as high as it had ever been. His sloppy, drizzling cunt was an absolute mess of greasy fluids and the sheer heat washing off it was stifling. He winked again, before the reptile's slitted eyes, as he broadened his rear legs slightly to bear his aching lips down. His knees were trembling slightly as he stood there in the perfect stance to receive a stud.
*Arthit:* It might be that he approached thinking more about tact than was ever necessary. In fact, it seems in hindsight to have been exceedingly needless; his initial impulse of just floating on over to that equine derriere and shoving his cock straight in could've been accepted. Still though, he doesn't waste any time regretting it or feeling silly. It was wise to hedge his bets on 'it won't accept some strange creature just because it says to', and even if it proves superfluous now, he pats himself on the back for his self control. Right before he turns the rest of his composition over to his own feral lust, instigated by that intense heat. That's, the intense heat in general. As everything about it has proven incredibly appealing. At times, dragons are mistaken for aesthetic and pristine creatures. Fantastically unnatural, as they're likely something that nature itself didn't have a hand in. And their peculiarities are many.
But make no mistake, the ludicrously sexual nature of this mare-end strums a very resonant chord for the drake. It's gorgeous, even before he turns around to present that gender to him. He's still got the image of it from behind etched perfectly into his memory, and from up front, he can peak and watch the equine pussy positively pour. Gods almighty, he could even *hear* the damn thing! It's such an excessive sexuality that the serpent-like thing's tongue lolls out of its mouth to wave and taste the air again, and his prick starts drooling precum forthright. Spilling into the dirt, foliage, and grass beneath...
"You'll love. Nothing's ever not", he starts, snaking his way forwards swiftly and scaling his considerably larger mate's backside. He spares him those claws that he usually uses for climbing. It's a little clumsy at first, and he goes up one outstretched leg alone, but then he transitions himself into a really rather broad stance. Either hindclaw on either of those broad hips. His long, slinky body reaches far enough for him to rest along the centaur's horse body, his chin coming down somewhere before the sapient-half's body. With just a little slack. It's such a big thing, he thinks to himself. That's something else he likes... getting to mount something so many times his size. So masculine, as well! That really enhances it! He's been with the manlier sexes before in the past, but not like this, and not nearly as often. It's so rare that this is really a treat... well scratch that, it's something he's never gotten to experience before at all!
His on hindquarters are raised, but they're going through the small beforehand motions of finding their mark. Not that it takes very long or is very difficult, but perhaps the fog in his mind is why it's drawn out. The tapering, pointed glans on it prods here and there at his lover's ass. Between that puffy sex and a hemisphere of equine hip, then sliding upwards, tracing its way around another, more puckered orifice, but that's definitely the wrong direction. His hips raise again, and he knows precisely where he's going this time. It prods testingly at those lips, at the heated moisture leaking from it... but he waits for just the right moment. Gyrating those hips in shallow motions. It's cruelly tantalizing. The poor beast is probably overcome with desire for it, and it's just mere inches away... but still, it's not 'til that next wink comes that he very sharply and roughly slams his hips downwards. The resulting *smack* sends droplets of equine juice spraying out in little droplets in the small crevice formed between the drake's groin and his mare's cunt. It also gets a sharp hiss followed by a loud and very, *very* happy purr from the dragon.
*Agarus Greaves:* The tension was absolutely agonising as that narrow little creature clambered up his back end - graceful enough that it did not slip on his overabundant leakage - and lay across him as it lined up their mismatched genitalia. 'Sqirch-sqirch-sqirch', he couldn't help it, the centaur's hungry pussy clenched again and again, drawing his clit up as though desperate and reaching for contact. Those sharp, probing pokes were just the prelude and it almost made the big stallion groan out in frustration, if he had the time to do so. Fortunately, however, his trembling anticipation was violently cut short.
Absolute rapture. The timing of that violating plunge was so adept that those barbs scored across his bulging clitoris and sent the horse-man's inner flesh into absolute spasms. The squeeze of that lewd wink didn't abate, but instead tightened in an unstable tremble that was echoed right up the centaur's body. A strained noise hissed between his clenched teeth and his humanoid torso arched back more than a little. The relief was so powerful that it almost sent him rocketing to climax right there, but as the stars burst before his eyes the sensation ebbed just slightly, and his searing, succulent cunt slackened gently into the most deliciously soft grip. Part of him was glad. The intensity was almost too much to bear.
Beads of sweat trickled anew down his chiselled front, and when he caught his breath again he cast a bleary look over his shoulder. He couldn't quite see the dragon's head, but he could see that snaking body draped over his back and down his rump. He could definitely also feel that incredible little prick inside him. What it lacked it size it certainly made up for in texture, and Agarus was more than eager to have it rut him proper.
*Arthit:* Arthit, under different circumstances, would have happily taken his time and introduced his admittedly strange phallus to a new partner with care and timing. Or, at the very least, he would've helped them adjust to being penetrated. The same way any creature would. There's numerous reasons why he didn't bother with that this time, though. This time was incredibly and altogether different, and slamming himself right on in was the only way that he really could have done it. More importantly, it was the only way that he cared to do it. That mare pussy was prostrated and waved right in front of him, and buy the time he seized it, he's been sniffing those overpowering pheromones for a solid two minutes or so. He wasn't in any position to restrain himself. Then he thought about whether or not his lover'd have it any other way... if he's half horse, then the answer would seem to be 'no, he wouldn't.' There's horses in the lands that he comes from as well, and yeah, he's occasionally been bored enough to watch them go at it. He's been bored enough before to fall asleep for a decade at a time. Anyway, foreplay doesn't seem to be much of a concept to them. They just go straight for it... and in comparison to an equine member, Arthit's, well, a little underhung.
That's not to say that it's inconsiderable, though. Oh dear, it's quite possibly the epitome of that 'size of the ship' idiom. Consider a dog his size and what they'd come equipped with, though, and he'd outclass them. But what he lacks in size as compared to a horse, he makes for in excess with contours, ridges, textures-- his anatomy in general. Everything about it seems to be put together by only the most clever minds to suit absolutely anything he'd care to mount. The slight, upwards curve of it; the pointy tip; the steep, but soft ridges along its sizes, and most curiously, those barbs. They're less like barbs and more like, well, thorns, really. But they're blunted. And then bend, indeed rubbery and fleshy. Now what they do to that poor, winked clitoris while he's ramming in should be beyond words. He'd clenched as well before shoving down, so there was all that excess blood flexing his cock, which in turn made those barbs really /stand out/. Six of them in total, shortest up front and longest in the middle, all battering that most sensitive of places in turn. It's really no surprised that the mare climaxed just like that.
It turns out that there's some little mechanism in the dragon's subconscious that says 'did she just cum? Now's YOUR TURN too.' But ah, even as incredible as that cunt feels, with all the steaming juices in it and that incredible, strong musculature inside clenching on him, he just hasn't stimulated himself enough to trigger that response. But he knows the solution! He withdraws his hips just as quick as he'd shoved in, and into that climaxing sex, he humps viciously. Hard, shallow humps, quick like the beating of a hummingbird's wings, making sharp, wet 'slapslapslapslapslap' sounds. One more feature of that draconic phallus makes itself known: the swelling near the base of it, the three lobes of knot, one positioned downward for the love of quadrupeds, rapidly expanding. There's approximately three or four short thrusts before the thing's fully erect, and his mentality tricks him into thinking that he can't withdraw it when it's trapped behind that tensed clit and those outward lips. Another hiss and a little, high squawk, and the eager little breeder's cock erupts, spraying with such velocity and volume that it feels like a stream and a splash of ludicrously thick, tingly seed. It goes straight through that cervix it's so strong, and splashes delightfully into that fertile chamber.
*Agarus Greaves:* The big stallion hadn't climaxed, but Arthit could have definitely been forgiven for thinking so with the way the horse's box had squeezed and chewed toothlessly on the first thrust. That said, however, the situation was quickly remedied. Those sharp, mercilessly rapid pumps of the dragon's hips set Agarus's broad and muscled rear ablaze with overstimulation. There was a lot of depth that the small dragon wasn't plumbing, but that didn't matter. The stallion's most sensitive spots were shallow in his body, and Arthit was hitting them all just right. Those slippery barbs buzzed across his clit just right when he clenched - which he did as often and with as much strength as he could summon - and every now and then the head would jab a deliciously pleasurable spot just a couple inches in. The sheer, cunt-churning barrage stole his breath, then made him grasp blindly for a solid tree trunk just ahead before he was forced explosively into an intensely cathartic orgasm.
The shudder that rippled up his powerful body was so strong that it shook droplets of sweat from him, and his jaw hung agape in mind-numbing satisfaction. To think that something so small could elicit that kind of feeling in something so big was incredible. He barely registered the bulge of that tight knot, and only became aware of the slick friction against his clit just a moment before the handsome little dragon blew inside him like a geyser.
The first shot was so strong that it stung the stallion's pleasure-loosened cervix and spattered in a wide spray on the other side, tainting his womb with fat droplets of nigh-gelatinous spunk. The sensation made the centaur start, his whole body jerking almost off the ground. He barked too, with a sound that trailed off into a desperately needful groan when he realised what it was. His heat was a raging inferno, and in his mind that injection of reptilian seed might as well have hissed and steamed as it doused his rampant fertility - so potent was the reaction inside his egg-laden belly. More, long jets of the slimy, powerful stuff were deposited in him and the heavier, and more dense his equine under-gut got the greater the flood of hormones and feel-good chemicals that washed through his body.
The result was pure, unadulterated gratification and the centaur just closed his eyes and soaked it all in, finally finding relief.
*Arthit:* If it's true that the first, initial response that he'd gotten after his initial entry wasn't actually the other climaxing, then the actual climax would've, it would seem, been enough to buck the little dragon right off the centaur's equine half with its intensity. Were he not secured so strongly by convulsing and gripping muscle, and by the topography of his own prick doing it's job and making sure he's not going anywhere 'til the guy's completely and utterly seeded. Not that he actually would've gone flying or anything, but suffice to say on something that's shuddering so hard, and with legs that're only as long as his own, keeping a grip had become a struggle of its own. So maybe he'll be forgiven when his pointy claws're added to the mix. They don't cut, but it's a feeling like dragging the dull eye of a needle across one's skin. Perhaps the fellow will appreciate it as an enhancement to all the other powerful feelings that're running through his body.
It'd seem logical to hold on to one of the horse legs underneath him with his long tail, but no, the long thing's high up in the air as leverage to keep his hips down nice and secure, to keep him balanced and to keep his hips, like a fulcrum, positioned upwards just right. That perfect angle, the one that lines the tip of his phallus up with the destination of his seed. As a matter of reflex, the little drake's hips continue to shudder and pulse, to shove down blissfully against the plump, swollen lips and be repelled by the force of plain soft tissue when he lets up. Not that there's really anything plain about it, but... in any case, if the mare's only getting more heated with an orgasm, he's not slowing down one bit either. That first blast, of course, will always be the strongest. But the subsequent ones are damn close, and each one adds to the overall volume of spunk being sprayed deep inside. So, the ones prior that'd left some outside of that womb? The seed from the next washes it right inside.
Of course it must necessarily not sit for too long. The stuff comes out steamingly hot, and despite its viscosity, it runs nice and easy. Albeit much the same way that syrup will run, even if it's reduced a little too much. But, and mercifully, it cools relatively quickly. And once it does, well, suffice to say it's neither moving nor coming back out. Only washing off from the internal walls that it clings to when comes another wave of draconic seed to blast it off. Apparently, whatever base that stuff's composed of, it doesn't much care for the feminine liquids inside. It'll repel it outright and hold its ground. It's a tough thing to describe, but it's fierce, and it's just made, much like the cock that it came from, to get whatever needs breeding bred.
Once things calm down a little, Arthit himself is allowed to calm down and loosen his grip. Resign into the rhythm of pulse after slightly weaker pulse. Already, he can feel the other's cooling down as well, and he feels good about himself for being the one to provide it. Like he's some kind've philanthropist or something, doing the horse-man a favor. It dawns on him that he might not be held so secure as he thinks, so, he tests the grip that those internal muscles really have on him by withdrawing his hips an extra couple've inches... a loud, wet pop and presumably a rush of mixed liquids spilling over is the result, but still, he'd managed to tug that knot out so soon. Drake grins to himself, redoubles his grip and shoves it right back in with some effort, but oh is that something to keep in mind for next time. "T-there you have it... your need salved, eh? Or isn't that enough
*Agarus Greaves:* These were the moments that Agarus lived for - primal satisfaction - and it made the week-long build up *almost* worth the struggle. His distended womb radiated warmth, not heat, through him and tingled a deep-bass note from the strange quality of that dragonic seed. "Ugh- Fuckin' Gods..." He cursed under his breath, yet the dopey smile on his face stood out in clear contrast.
By the time he was getting filled to capacity, however, that smile had slackened and instead his brow furrowed anew. Just *how* fertile was this slender, scaly godsend? The stallion's belly grew uncomfortably bloated, then achingly so as more and more of the sludge was packed into him and sealed inside. His greedy cunt gulped every drop, though, and all of it went exactly where it was supposed to. Mostly, anyway. The final few pulses proved to be the straw that broke the centaur's back, and his overstuffed cervix was puckered out so lewdly with pressure that it couldn't help but burp and burble a morsel of the pearly ooze back into his pussy, which then gushed out with his slick fluids as the dragon slurped that knot free.
"No it's- It's enough." He huffed, planting a palm back on his equine flank. There were no visible outer signs of his swollen womb, but the massive male could definitely feel it in there. The tingling, too, was growing in a way that made him slightly uneasy. "For now, anyhow." He grunted, then turned his head to try to peer back. "Yer a surprisin' lit-" Ag paused there, hesitating on using the word 'little'. He didn't know just what sort of creature he was dealing with, after all. "Yer a surprisin' fella, eh? Last thing I expected to meet out here was a dragon."
*Arthit:* It's surprising that he'd came enough to fill that womb. Very surprising, in fact. True enough that with partners closer to his own size category, a significant amount of the stuff ends up somewhere other than inside. On the ground or wherever, or on the partner themselves. But this is the first time he's been with something of this size and he's actually felt like he's completely fulfilled the needs of the thing's womb, much less done so in excess. He'll chalk this one up to the astounding and overwhelming heat that he's been huffing all this time, and to the centaur's incredible way of doing things. Inside, outside, the way he looks, everything. It might just be that they come from two very different worlds and were made of very different persuasions, but oh dear if that did anything but make it a thousand times better.
Perhaps it really was the primal aspect of it. The vast majority of Arthit's partners, despite the superstitions and the way he's rather hunted for capture in his homeland, are humanoid. If they're not humans, then they're certainly human/oids/. And those're the kind of people that pay so much formality to the act. Everything has some kind of time and place, and there's such an emphasis on the understated and the romantic... it frankly gets very tiring, although not tiring enough for him to quit doing it, after a number of decades and centuries. It was definitely a different story here though. It was incredibly more raw and feral, everything about it. It's why he still hasn't completely pulled out, although there's just the thinnest drops of spare seed leaking from the end of his phallus now. Even those barbs have softened and gone flaccid by now. Knot's beginning to soften up a little... eventually, he pulls out, and the softness of his shrinking cock lets the rest of it fall free on the slickness of excess liquids. It's another lewd, sexual noise, and a dull slap against the marebits when he tries to correct and pull out more slowly, only succeeding in smacking the already out thing against them.
Usually, around this time he'd dismount and, if there was nothing left to say, he'd just be on his way. But he's not going to do just that, this time. Instead, he climbs forward a little. Perched with a little more restfulness and leeway low on but atop the centaur's back. He grins though, apparently having caught the inclination to call him 'little'. He doesn't mind it so much, although, not for the reasons expected. He likes it because being small means he's ofttimes underestimated. It's easy to exceed expectations, especially when they start so low. "'S there even dragons at all here? ... I came from another land, wherein I'm a unique thing. There're similar things, but nothing exactly alike. You're precisely what I came looking for, though." Smalltalks hard when one doesn't speak the language with the same familiarity, and they've just done something like that. But he's trying
*Agarus Greaves:* It was another relief when the little dragon pulled out and left Agarus's raw, spent pussy to steam and leak all by itself in the cool autumn air. His tail remained high exactly for that sensation. "I ain't ever seen one, no." He rumbled, then shuffled on his hooves to turn slightly. It was no use, really, since the creature was perched on his back. He was never going to catch sight of it's face that way. "There's stories, though. An' not just tall ones, I gather." He stopped then for a moment, then heaved a long sigh to re-centre himself. Gathering his wits wasn't easy in the aftershocks of such a sudden and violently potent mating. That, and the tingling deep in his gut was even now still creeping up in intensity. It was like the stuff was effervescent, even though he would quite firmly assume otherwise. Who knew what lurid characteristics dragon-spunk had, though?
"Thanks fer, uh, helpin' me with that. I was really at the end of my rope." His tone wasn't awkward, yet still held the slight tentativeness of making a new acquaintance. "Yer a real firecracker, huh? Ain't come so hard in years..." He strained to look back with his usual grin, "Yuh wanna come up front so I can see yuh?" Though the big stallion had been bred as thoroughly as he ever had been he assumed the load wouldn't take. In his experience his trysts with reptiles and other wildly-differing species usually didn't bear any fruit. Mammals were a different story, of course, and his gut was always receptive to warm-blooded seed. Memories of a certain canine were proof of that.
"Ugh. My gut's ticklin' like hell. Don't suppose that's normal fer yuh?" He grunted, somewhat sheepishly. It was a definite understatement. His broad belly was absolutely fizzing, and it made his thick hide prickle with cold sweat.
*Arthit:* Sometime around when he cranes his neck around and takes a gander at the literal steam rising from around the long, straight for of the equine's tail, he thinks to himself about how he should've prolonged the act. This isn't the right time for a round two, even if he's completely capable of one, and oh does he want to take advantage of his own libido. There's just something about the bestially salacious that's so very much more enticing than the pristine and delicate sex that he's usually presented with. Picturing it was definitely not the right route to self control, painting for himself a mental picture of what it looks like now after he's done the deed with it, but somehow, he maintains his composure anyway. Although in the future, when they're familiar with one another, that may not be the case.
So, dragons are rare in this land to. And from what can discern, they're different in form and factor. Decidedly different. The depictions he's seen, while crude, described something he wasn't expecting, and something that he doesn't quite have the wherewithal to describe as a familiar 'dragon'. Not something unlikable, certainly, but still something unfamiliar. Of course now that he's heard, from possibly the most worldly creature he'll meet in these woods, that they're incredibly rare, his secondary goal for visiting these lands has gone on hold. If he happens upon one, maybe he'll take the opportunity to introduce himself. But until then, he feels decently certain that he'll be satisfied with the likes of this centaur and its ilk. "Yeh... I haven't heard hide nor hair of them. And I'm further inland than I'd anticipated to not find their trace." The little thing shrugs, although the gesture will be lost to Agarus, and then he obligingly turns to face off the side of the equine's body, and hops down nimbly.
He slips up front so the two of them can face one another. When he rears onto his hind legs and plants his tail for support, he comes up a little further. At right about four and a half feet tall, his neck and head included. His tall horns give the impression of a slightly larger creature, but to anything that is really analyzing him, they'll know to account for the illusion. "'S what everyone says. Some get frightful for some reason, but it's just what it feels like. You'll acclimate to 't, but 's not going away for a day or two-- it just means it's working", he says through another grin.
*Agarus Greaves:* Arthit was a decidedly beautiful critter in comparison to the muck and dull, moulting trees in that stretch of the forest. When Agarus set eyes - cleared now from their haze of lust - on the slender thing he couldn't help but feel a stab of something in his chest. Awed aesthetic appreciation? Perhaps. Then again it might have been a more instinctual affection for the creature that had deposited an intimate part of themselves inside his body. Though not the romantic type the centaur did often indulge in those feelings of attachment to his partners, and always held a special disposition for them. That was certainly not to say he was against traditional, lasting love - it was just exceedingly rare that he met anyone who was suitable for such a bond. He was a creature of the wild, after all, and his brazenly indulgent behaviour wasn't shared or sympathised by many. On the flip-side, there were few who met his own, stringent standards.
"Aye. Yuh'll have a tough time findin' em. Yer best bet is prob'ly to head deeper into the woods. All sorts of things can be found in there. Dangerous, though. Real dangerous." His tone was mildly distracted as he spoke, and his forehoof scuffed slightly at the ground in an absent display of agitation. There was no doubt about what was keeping the 'taur worked up, and his next words confirmed it. "Workin'? Aw, damn. It's definitely doin' somethin' in there." To his surprise his sweat hadn't abated. He dripped with it, and frowned desperately in discomfort. The realisation that the feeling was his belly being actively *fertilised* sent a shock of prickling heat up his spine. "Shit. I'm gonna get knocked up?" He grunted, brow knotted as he continued to fidget. The intensity of it made him feel vulnerable, slightly ashamed. For such a large and powerful creature that was certainly something. "How many?"
*Arthit:* It's entirely possible that Arthit only exists as a result of attention to aesthetic, in fact. His likeness, in varying styles, is frequently carved and used to adorn the streets, houses, and shrines of his homeland. Which has frequently come in useful, when in the evening hours he needs a place to hide, all he'd have to do is strike a pose and hold it adamantly. Some would stop to marvel at the realism of the newly erected sculpture, but none would suspect anything 'til it went missing. There's also just something intrinsically likable about him. His mannerisms, the surprisingly soothing tone of his voice or the comforting look that he's sure to keep in his eyes. A large part of it's his silver tongue which, even if he's not trying to be persuasive, often is at least convincing or placating. And then there's the, er, paternal aspect. Perhaps Agarus' draw to him his partially instinctual. Far be it from him to think less of that; he'd never look a gift horse in the mouth, no pun intended.
"... 'Real' dangerous? That's... foreboding. I'll abstain for now." He says, his grin fading. What could be more dangerous in there? Crossing overland the most threatening thing he'd encountered thus far was some curious wolf which, however giant it may've been, was only just curious and easy to tell of. Then there was that one bear, which he'd squawked at viciously and sent up a tree. That was around the time, of course, that he'd decided to make like a kite and spent the majority of his time well above the forest floor.
Between his thighs, his dragonhood's gone decidedly more flaccid, although it's only just beginning to withdraw back into its internal sheath. When it does, that's when he stops displaying it openly. He plants his front legs again and it can only just be spotted through both front and hind legs. His grin, which was just fading, at least becomes a smile again. Something tells him that the other doesn't altogether mind having his young, but it wasn't expected. 'Surprise', he thinks to himself, but he definitely wouldn't say that aloud. "I'm not the limiting thing. 'S many as you've got the... uh... fecundity? --To have. You've had some seasons that went unfulfilled though, 's gonna be lots." What he won't mention is that a part of all that tingling is some very active seed doing its thing and helping to kick those egg-making organs into overtime. It's like tea or coffee for the womb, and it's why the humans he's spent times with are inordinately likely to have twins, even triplets.
*Agarus Greaves:* The stallion, at first, seemed somewhat dismayed. Lots? Pregnancy was a bothersome burden at best, and horrendously crippling at worst. It sounded, and felt, like this one was pushing firmly towards the latter. His libido was always kicked into overdrive, too, when he bore foals. Nothing near the intensity of his heat, of course, but it was a nagging itch that grew with the size of his gut. Certainly not something that could be remedied with some desperate rubbing against a tree. Considerate sires had, in the past, stayed with him to assuage his needs. Something about this creature seemed to suggest their motives were otherwise, though. Despite his reassuring smile Arthit seemed a flighty sort of sprite on the outside. Many stories of dragons painted them as fickle, too. Agarus didn't fancy his chances too much.
"Ah." He grunted, a little abrupt. After a moment he growled a sigh, "Yeah, I s'pose it's been a couple years since my season last got done." His gruff demeanour didn't last too long, though, before he settled into a slightly tired smirk. It was hard to stay too down with a belly full of seed and in the face of the dragon's own upbeat tone. "Are yuh settin' off now?" He rumbled, with his usual good nature. "Or did yuh wanna stay fer somethin' to eat? I live pretty near here, an' I was 'bout to grab myself some grub. Plenty goin' spare, if yuh feelin' up fer the company." In truth he was really quite curious about just what Arthit might be, and where he had come from. Agarus had seen plenty of very strange things in the wood, but this critter was different in a way he had never witnessed. He was eager to pry the dragon for his story. Sloppy seconds would just be an additional benefit to conversation, of course.
*Arthit:* Those stories are right. It's exceedingly uncommon for them to be loyal or considerate, even and especially the things that they've just spent time in bed with. Or not in bed, but out in the middle of the forest, well, the point remains that if this were an ordinary partner, he would have bid the fella adieu and hopped off looking for his next paramour. Hoping that it was better than the previous. But since he's encountered something of a wall- the woods ahead are dangerous and he's tempted by the notion of getting to repeat that mating again -he doesn't feel entirely ready to proceed in his quest. And frankly, the sex was just too spectacular for him to not show his appreciation by sparing his company. Besides, there's a secondary motive. One that he's not altogether certain of himself, one that doesn't seem conscious, but definitely one that he'll possibly want fulfilled of Agarus does, indeed, prove to be just the right kind of person. The criteria are indeed stringent. But he's met so many of them already.
So, the little drake nods deeply and rises to a stand again. Between his thighs, the dragon's shaft is completely withdraw. Something tells him, though, that if he's to let the centaur take point and walk behind him, from his perspective he'll be staring right at those lovely parts. It might not remain hidden for long after all. "Yeh, I'd like that. You're the best thing I've met out here so far, so, I won't be on my way so soon. I would visit either way... it'll be a surprise what the product of today is. 'Aven't met anything that makes dragons yet." He says, sounding like his hopes are up.
*Agarus Greaves:* As he trotted on ahead Agarus made no special effort to display his rut-sloppy pussy. Occasional glimpses were inevitable, though, and the trickling warmth of their leftover fluids eased their way down the centaur's inner thighs along the way. Truth was that he, too, was pondering slightly on the nature of their offspring. Less pondering though, and more touching on the thought with apprehension. He was the one who would be carrying them, after all. "Heh, well thanks I s'pose. Yer certainly the 'best' thing I could'a hoped to bump in to, too. Yuh'know, considerin' my condition." It was mildly curious, really. His heat wasn't usually quashed so abruptly. It often dragged on for a little time after his seeding. 'Usually' and 'often', in this case, meaning 'always'. Somehow, though, the dragon's intense fluids had doused it entirely. In its place was left an itch that was almost as maddening. One that made him sweat no less, at least.
"Jus' 'round here." He rumbled, scraping grooves into the soft dirt as he crested a small ridge. On the other side Agarus's home could be spotted. It was nothing too impressive - a broad, leather canvas of sorts stretched between a couple of trees and nestled against an outcropping of rock. Perhaps it was traditional that centaurs resided in tents. It was suited to their bulky form, and there was only one individual to sample from, after all. The stallion didn't pause as he led Arthit down towards it.
"Here we go." Brushing the front flap aside he stepped in. Once the dragon followed he would see that the place was rather well-equipped for such a flimsy-seeming structure. A large fire pit took up the centre, which fed its smoke up through a hole at the apex of the conical 'ceiling'. A couple of pieces of rudimentary furniture lined the wall, too; all pretty robust, and yet some surprisingly well-crafted. The centaur busied himself with a rack of dried meat, then fussed over some sacks of vegetables. "Make yerself at home. Don't s'pose yuh could light the fire?" |
Title: Beetlesmith's Ch. 24
Tags: sci-fi, fantasy
*The warning about the 'kitchen sink' at the beginning of the last chapter still stands.*
*I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile.
I will only complicate you. Trust in me and fall as well.
I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave.
I will work to elevate you just enough to bring you down*
—Sober *by* Tool, Undertow
Jackie looked down at the large puddle of cum that was beginning to soak into the satin sheets, and said, "Wow, we certainly made a mess. I don't think I've seen that much cum from one dick before."
Karen replied, "We really should clean it up before it stains. Slut!"
"Yes Domina?"
Pointing at the congealing mess at her knees, Karen commanded, "Clean that."
"Yes Domina. I'll get a towel."
"Don't bother with towels, Slut. Slurp it up!"
Looking distastefully at the coagulating pool of slimy, white glop, she hesitated.
"I said slurp it up, Slut." Karen repeated slowly, and in a tone of cool malice.
Hearing Karen's warning rattle, Slut busied herself licking up Connor's leavings.
Karen and Jackie came out from beneath the table to stand with Denise. All three of them stared seductively at me, and crooked a finger. Denise patted the table top, while saying, "Your turn Tiberius."
I was about to take them up on their offer when a blood-curdling scream echoed throughout the club.
"What the fuck was that?!" several members exclaimed at once.
Several others opined, "It sounded like it came from the specialty rooms."
I muttered to no one in particular, "What next, first fighting and now this. Maybe we pushed too hard." Then a thought came into my head, and I asked loudly, "Where are the twins?"
"We're right here," they answered in unison from somewhere behind me, and with an irritatingly snotty tone.
"Very well. I assume, then, you're not the architects of this latest fiasco."
They began protesting my accusations but I threw up a hand, stopping them in mid-whine.
I was about to send a slave to investigate when one of the club Dominants came running into the grotto.
The Dominants were also special club members. They totaled six, four males and two females, and alternated their schedules so that at least three would always be working each night. Calling themselves the Dungeon Masters, they were specialists in bondage, punishment and sadomasochism, and expertly plied their trade for any member who enjoyed the controlling arts of submission and discipline. Mostly, they kept to the Caligula Grotto.
Early on in the clubs history, Gabby had become an honorary Dungeon Master, and with one of the other female Dommes, spent much of the time tormenting the cuckold husbands, including her own. Phil was a Caligula regular.
The Dominant fast approaching me was decked out in his typical leather attire, minus the hood he wore when plying his trade. A panicked and horrified look was plastered across his face.
Slightly breathless, he said, "It...it's terrible Tiberius. I-I don't know how it could have happened. We're always so careful around her."
"De Vries, just slow down, take a breath, and explain."
"It's Gregor. He..." De Vries stopped in midsentence.
Two security guards approached us while supporting the other Dom between them. They essentially carried the Dom forward by his arms, while letting his feet drag along the floor. The injured Dom covered his groin with his hands.
Even though he still wore his hood, I could tell by the way he held his hands and by the rigidity of his body that he was in immense pain. I could also tell from the placement of his hands what had happened.
The two guards laid the Dominant at my feet.
"Show me Gregor."
When he removed his hands, some of the members gasped in horror at the sight, while most laughed cruelly at poor Gregor's misfortune. None laughed more wickedly than the twins, and between sadistic laughter they taunted him in unison with even more sadistic banter. "Look at the itsy bitsy, teeny tiny dick! It's such an itty bitty pee-pee, now. snicker Poor Gregor better find a woman with a little dick fetish, or it's no more fucky-fuck for him. Yeah, a woman with a major, teeny tiny dick fetish. You won't even get a Chihuahua off with that teeny dick, Gregor."
Gregor was one of the few belonging to the club whose cock rivaled mine in size. What I now saw between his legs was an abomination compared to his former virility. His cock, once thick and long, was no more the size of a corn nubbin. It was beet red in color as if it burned with an internal flame, while a thick, yellow fluid wept and crusted about the tip.
Gregor looked up at me and pleaded in a raspy tone of pain, "Fix me Tiberius. You have the power. Please! I beg you, fix me!"
"Haven't I made it perfectly clear to everyone that Domina Gloria's pussy is not to be violated? Didn't you learn anything from when the last member tried to fuck her?"
"Please Tiberius. It was an error...an accident. It won't happen again. Please! I'm begging you, fix me!"
"I'm sorry Gregor. A curse is a curse, and I won't lift it. You knew my proclamation going in, and have no one but yourself to blame." Turning to the rest of the members, I said loudly over their nervous chatter, "Let this be a lesson and a warning to you all. If any of you attempt to fuck Domina Gloria, with or without her permission, this will be the inevitable result."
Turning back to De Vries, I inquired quietly, "How is Domina?"
"She's quite shaken up, Master, but other than that, fine."
"Very well, see to her needs."
"She's still hanging in leather restraints. Should I take her down?"
"No. It will be better for her if you keep doing things the way you were. See to her needs, and tell her I'll be along shortly."
Suddenly, I heard laughter break out, along with the sound of trickling water. Turning around I saw the reason for the laughter and the sound. The twins were squatting over Gregor's prostrate form and urinating on him. His leather hood and hair were drenched, and a large puddle was already spreading out from him along the marble floor.
I exploded, "Enough of these fucking outrages to me house! Get the fuck out of my sight, the both of you!"
Even though a heavy stream still flowed from them, they cut it off in an instant and fled into the gathered crowd when they heard my anger.
I said to the two guards, "Pick him up and cover him in one of our spare togas. Call a cab and have him dropped off at the nearest hospital. Not that there's much they'll be able to do for him, except maybe ease his pain. Make sure you use the back ally. I don't want any of the protesting idiots out front seeing his condition."
Karen slid up next to me, and said as she looked at the large, warm, puddle of urine, "What a mess. Slut! More clean up for that devilish tongue of yours!"
Having seen what actually happens at Roman Wilderness when someone breaks rules or disobeys, Slut didn't hesitate and began slurping up the urine.
Turning to a male slave, I commanded, "You, Antonius, help her clean up that piss. When you get most of it up, find Mr. Portnoy and ask him for a mop and bucket. I want the marble spotless and dry before we begin again."
"Yes Dominus."
As Slut and Antonius slurped up what urine they could with their mouths, I kissed Karen's cheek, and said, "We're such a cruel masters, aren't we my love."
"And it always makes me wet."
Smiling at her, I squeezed her ass playfully, and commanded, "Make sure you have Slut clean herself and wash her mouth out before we have our fun with her."
"Of course, my sweet."
"Good. Now I should tend to Gloria."
"Wait. The table. We were going to give you a reward."
"The moment has past, my love. She'll need my attention after what happened."
"What am I supposed to do while you tend to the snot?"
"You have free reign, my love. Anything goes. Remember? You and Denise should have Connor fuck your faces, after he fucks your asses."
"But I want you," she continued to whine. Seeing my exasperated look, however, she relented. "Alright. Fine. See to the little brat. But promise me you'll get her out of the spiteful mood she's in."
"You're not helping the mood when you rub her nose into her problems. So stop it!" When she lowered her eyes, I added, "Why don't you join some of Jackie's games while I'm tending this other matter. It will be fun for you."
Jackie chimed in, excitedly, "Yeah Karen, join me. Sara put a hold on the tit job contest. Now everyone can watch us. Let's both enter. It'll be just like the old days, you and me, side by side. And then, the battle of tits will begin, and it doesn't end until one of them comes."
Karen donned an annoyed smile, making it look more like a grimace. "First Tiberius and his Kubrick references and now you with Princess Bride, will my torments ever stop?"
Jackie smiled and winked at me.
Slut asked from her knees, "Domina, the floor is nearly clean. What would you like from me? Should I go with Dominus?"
"He'll be fine on his own. Come find me after everything is spotless. I may need you."
Slut beamed the cutest smile, full of deference but with just a pinch of mischievousness, and said slowly, "As. You. Wish. My Domina."
"Really? All of you now? Slaves and courtesans alike. My nightmares are just beginning. Just fuck me stupid until I forget this fresh hell. "Okay Jackie, lead the way. And tell me what you have planned after the tit job contest?"
Jackie's voice faded as the two walked away, "You're going to love it. International Women's Day done to the song Calendar..."
Making my way to the back of the club was always time consuming. It wasn't the long walk through the cavernous grotto as much as having to stop and greet the members I met along the way.
All those I passed wanted to introduce themselves and pay their respects to me. As host, I felt obligated to spend a few moments with each person or group, shaking their hands and asking if they were enjoying themselves.
I was making good progress through the grotto, when I ran into Kento Nanayama, the Japanese industrialist, accompanied by a small entourage of friends and geishas. Kento was a regular at our satellite club in Tokyo. Usually loath to leave his native lands, even on business, he had made it a point of honor to come to this special gathering of Roman Wilderness when he received our invitation.
I spent some time talking with him and thanking him for finally visiting us. He marveled at the opulence of our club, and wished we would do the same to the one in his home city. I told him that would be out of the question, for he would never again honor us with his presence in the States. Although always having a serious look, even during heights of sexual revelry, Kento's face lit up with great pride when I told him that. Before leaving him, he begged me if he could buy Jackie's services for the Tokyo club. I just laughed and told him to ask her himself.
I continued on my trek through the grotto, and as I neared the entrance to the back rooms, a married couple approached me. I recognized them, but couldn't remember their names. Their arms were wrapped around a young girl's waist as she walked between them.
"Tiberius, such an honor," the husband said as they stopped in front of me, "Claude Wintergarden. You may remember my wife, Vivian."
The light bulb finally went on over my head. "Of course. Now, if I remember correctly, the talented Mrs. Wintergarden won one of Domina Jackie's contests a few months ago. Tell me Vivian, just how many men did you suck off to completion in those fifteen minutes?"
Vivian blushed at my praise, and said, excitedly, "Oh Tiberius, such an honor you would still remember. It was twentyne. I even beat Domina Denise by three."
"My word! To blow that many stiff cocks in so short a time is astounding to be sure, but to best Domina Denise in a game of oral skill... Well, that record is bound to hold up for a while. Beauty mixed with that kind of talent is a rare quality, indeed. Claude is a very lucky man."
"Oh thank you, Tiberius," she responded, blushing once again.
"Now tell me, who is this charming creature accompanying you? Do I see a family resemblance?"
"This is our daughter, Sasha," Claude answered proudly. "She just turned eighteen. Both her mother and I are so excited we could bring her to Wilderness for her first time, and on such an important night."
"Greetings Sasha. Such a beautiful name for a very beautiful young woman." Massaging her young, firm breasts and putting the young girl in sexual blush, I added, "And I can see why your parents are so proud. Welcome and happy birthday."
Sasha responded breathlessly, "Thank you, Sir."
"Tiberius," Vivian whispered quickly as a correction.
"Thank you, Tiberius," Sasha repeated.
Winking at Vivian, I asked, "Tell me Sasha, have you been attending night school with your mother, learning all of her special oral tricks? It's rare to be taught by a supreme mistress of cocksucking."
Vivian answered for her daughter, "Oh yes Tiberius, Claude and I have been developing her talents over the past six months or so. We think she's quite good, but tonight's her real test."
"Wonderful! It's important to teach your children correct bed artistry when they're young."
Just then, one of the male slaves came up to us with full goblets of wine. Taking an offered goblet from the tray, Vivian asked, excitedly, "Tiberius, you would do Claude and me a great honor if... I mean... Can we have Sasha suck your cock? Or maybe you'd like to fuck her in the ass. She's turning into quite a little anal angel. Claude is astonished how tight she is, even after taking two or three large ones though the sphincter. Though, I don't suppose you have to worry about loose assholes with your member. How silly of me to mention that. Anyway, we would love to hear your expert opinion on our training."
"Nothing would give me greater pleasure my dear lady, but I must attend to Domina Gloria, and I like to remain fresh until I do. However, may I watch her suck off my slave? Could she do me that honor?"
"Of course, Tiberius," both mother and father responded with pride.
Mother primped at Sasha's face and hair for a moment, making sure she put her best foot forward, and then said to her, "Don't be nervous. Remember what I taught you, slow and steady with just the right amount of suction, and don't forget to tongue the head. And when you have enough spit on his cock, what will you do?"
Sasha rolled her eyes while answering, "I'll use my hand with my mouth, but not too much because that would be cheating. Mom, I've done this a million times already."
Vivian smiled, "I'm just making sure. It's important this goes well. The Emperor is watching." She kissed her daughter on the lips for luck, and said, "Now suck slave cock for mother."
The dutiful daughter dropped to her knees in front of the slave, lifted his still flaccid cock, and pulled it fully into her mouth. She continued holding his cock by the base while slowly bobbing her head. The slave's cock quickly hardened from her skillful attentions. When she felt that his cock could stand out straight on its own, she let go of his member and gripped his buttocks while continuing to bob her mouth along his shaft.
Her rhythm was unvarying, just an easy glide along his cock pushing her lips to a little passed mid-shaft, and then back to the base of the glans. Along with the easy glide, she added a little head tilt, tipping her head to the left when she pulled him in, and then to the right on the withdrawal. She never once pulled him completely out, keeping her lips tightly wrapped around the shaft. Even when a small drop of saliva escaped from the corner of her mouth, suggesting her mouth was being flooded with drool, she never let go with her mouth, finding a way to swallow while sucking.
Mother touched daughter's slightly sunken cheek, and said, "See Tiberius, just the right amount of suction to press the cheeks and lips against his shaft and head at the right moments. That's the secret to good cocksucking. Too little suction doesn't provide enough stimulation for the man, and too much could deaden the glans."
"Yes. Wonderful technique. You've taught her well. And how is she at eating pussy?"
Vivian smiled wickedly, and answered, "Almost as good as sucking cock."
"I'll have to introduce her to Vipsania. Maybe both mother and daughter can give my wife a treat together."
"Oh thank you, Tiberius. That *would* be a great honor for us."
The slave groaned loudly as Sasha brought a hand into play. Using a light grip, she slid her hand along his slickened shaft in long, slow strokes in coordination with her mouth.
It wasn't long before her technique was too much for the slave. Feeling his orgasm was imminent, Sasha abruptly slowed her head bob. Moments later, a thick trickle of cum emerged at the corners of her mouth, ran down her chin, and fell lightly onto her young breasts. She didn't release his cock until it went completely soft in her mouth.
I praised the young woman and thanked her parents for the demonstration before moving on.
As I made my way out of the pleasure grotto and into the specialty area, Ray Vaughn's *The House is Rockin'* was abruptly stopped, and replaced with *Calendar Girl* by Neil Sedaka. I just shook my head at the selection, particularly after cutting Stevie off so rudely in mid-solo, but I guess Jackie's International Woman's Day had finally begun.
Unlike the pleasure grotto, the back rooms of the club had muted lighting. It was just bright enough to keep from stumbling into walls or other members, but nothing more. The irregular illumination surrounding the specialty grottos produced a wonderful macabre contrast and atmosphere. Shadows danced in various corners as one moved along, and what with the various specialty rooms lining either side of the meandering main corridor, one got the flavor of traversing a carnival funhouse.
Right at the partition between the back rooms and the pleasure grotto, I had Portnoy construct about eight opened stalls, arraigned back to back. These stalls were used for glory holes. I always liked to stop for a moment to see the women—and men—indulging, dining...luxuriating on anonymous cock.
It's usually at the glory holes that I find Darcy and Lisa, but no such luck this time. Instead, there were two women I didn't recognize. Each were in a stall of their own with their backs to me, and playing with two cocks each—sucking on one as they stroked the other, then alternating.
A muffled groan from the other side of the partition signaled an inevitable climax. A cock that one of the women was stroking sent thick, hot jets of cum forward. The attending woman quickly latched her mouth onto the exploding member, sucking the rest of the orgasm out of her anonymous and temporary suitor. The hole was quickly filled with another erection when the sated man withdrew.
I heard a familiar voice yell from down the corridor ahead of me, "Mr. Hen...I mean Tiberius!"
I turned to see Cecilia running toward me. When she was near enough, she leapt into my arms and gave me a long, passionate kiss.
Putting her down, I asked, "I haven't seen you in over two weeks, my lovely. Where have you been keeping yourself?"
"You know, silly, on my honeymoon."
I slapped my forehead in mock embarrassment, and said, "Oh that's right. I forgot. Running the club keeps me so busy that one thing pushes out another from my cluttered mind."
She turned toward a fit, young gentleman who walked up beside her. "This is my husband, Deshawn. Deshawn, this is Tiberius."
Deshawn extended a hand, while saying, "Tiberius, this is a great honor and a great pleasure."
I took his hand warmly into mine, and said, "The honor and pleasure are all mine. Please forgive me for not attending your wedding, but things at the club have been so busy."
Deshawn waved it off as insignificant. "We should be thanking you for your generous wedding gift. When Cecilia saw what was inside the envelope she was speechless. First time I ever saw her with her mouth shut."
Cecilia slapped his arm with a laugh, and said, "Yes, thank you so much for the gift."
"I was more than happy to do it. I hope it was enough."
"Enough?! It paid for our two-weeks in Tahiti. And then we had more than enough to buy a house we had our eye on."
"I'm so glad. You two deserve it." Stepping closer to her, I put a hand on her taut stomach, and joked, "And when can I expect to see a little Deshawn or Cecilia? Soon, I hope."
Laughing, she said, "Not yet. Deshawn and me are gonna play around a bit first. Settle into our lives. Sow those ever so wild oats," she let her voice drop to a whisper, and said, "Besides, I think Deshawn is scared of being a daddy."
I could tell Deshawn was a little miffed by her remark, but he laughed just the same. "I'm not scared of having kids. I'm scared of what will happen to you when you have a mule kicking in the stall." Leaning toward me, he dropped his voice to a whisper, and said, "A lot of black mommas become overbearing bitches when they have kids. Real ball breakers. Drives us men out of the house and to drink."
I laughed uproariously as Cecilia proceeded to repeatedly clock Deshawn on the arm with her fists. It was all in good fun. Both of them heartily laughed over Cecilia's weak punches.
"Do you know if Jackie's still doing her game stuff?" she finally asked.
"She should be in the middle of one now."
"Come on Deshawn. Let's enter a couple of contests. I want to see all those white girls drool over that big, beautiful, black cock of yours."
I joked as they left, "Stay away from Vipsania, Deshawn. I don't need the competition."
The first room I came to as I proceeded past the glory holes was the Elagabalus Grotto.
It was full tonight, as every bondage table was occupied by a man or woman. All of them were strapped down, some were confined in the extreme by ankle to wrist restraints, which fully opened up their genitals to all manner of sexual torment.
A bevy of slaves happily oblige them by periodically teasing the subjugated with fingers, feathers, or other ticklers. The scent of unrequited arousal was heavy in the air, as all the cunts and cocks dripped wetness onto the tables. Most of the bodies shivered in the throes of the abstinent shakes. When they weren't tormenting the current crop of subjugates, the slaves would busy themselves cleaning the leftovers off the floors and tables from previous devotees.
I saw Mark, the one who lost the Gladiator contest, in an ankle to wrist restraint and ball gag. He was being tended by two of the Brotherhood. They ran a feather across his rock hard cock and t |
ightened balls, or used it to tickle his anus. He was sweating and shivering like the others, and a small trickle of semen already flowed from his tortured asshole.
"Why the ball gag, gentlemen?" I asked the two tormentors.
"This one hasn't learned not to bite. He's being most uncooperative," one said as he roughly grabbed a hunk of Mark's hair and vigorously shook his head.
"But his ass is being very cooperative," the other tormentor crowed, laughingly. "When we think he's ready, we'll take his sore ass to the Underground and really open things up." Then to his partner, he said, "Come on Todd it's your turn. Get that dick of yours up and at 'em. His asshole is more than ready.
Todd smirked as he brushed a lock out of Mark's eyes. "It's still smarting from his nips, the cocksucker. Maybe his asshole's ready for my fist, instead. What do you think, Grant?"
As Mark's eyes went wide with terror, I caught sight of a familiar friend. Her disheveled hair covered all of her face, but her 'Eat Me' tattoo was unmistakable. It was Raven.
Ever since the torture of being tied to the chair at my house, Raven had becoming a true abstinence whore, spending much of her time in the Elagabalus Grotto. And when she wasn't here, she was usually doing the same thing in the Domitian Grotto with the Sisterhood.
She had lost quite a bit of weight over the course of a year, almost becoming as thin as her friend, emaciated Holly. The weight loss allowed her to better fit in those leg spreading, ankle to wrist restraints. I thought she looked better with a little bit of extra weight, but it was obvious she liked the extreme restrains better. I couldn't argue with her, and even with the weight loss, her beautiful tits still looked plump and full.
She was covered in a fine sweat, and her hair was matted to her face. The tabletop right below her quivering cunt was drenched with moisture. A slave teased at her damp perineum with a velvet tickler, sending more wetness dripping out of her pussy and onto the bench below. Occasionally the slave ran gentle fingers along the insides of Raven's thighs, causing gooseflesh to erupt on the spot last touched. No longer experiencing just the shivers, her body was in perpetual, violent shudder and near involuntary spasm—resembling a person in the early stages of death, where the short-circuited nervous system still causes muscles to twitch.
I pushed the matted bangs away from her face. "Hello Raven."
She gasped and gurgled a lot when she talked, as if her lungs were full of phlegm. "T-Tiberius...h-honored," she forced herself to say.
"You look like you need release."
All she could do was manage a low moan as the slave tickled her anus.
"How long have you been here?"
Raven tried to respond, but her words only came out like a phlegmy gurgle. The slave answered for her, "Since the club opened tonight, Dominus."
"That's over two hours. Is that a record?"
"Not quite, Dominus, but she owns the current record, so..."
"I see."
I sat next to Raven on the bench and grabbed one of her breasts very hard, making it turn bright red and purple.
Raven groaned exquisitely under my maltreatment, and responded by arching her back in the extreme and pushing her breasts more firmly into my warming hands.
"How long are you going to go on like this?" I asked softly into her ear.
She just stuttered gibberish.
I slapped her breast hard, making a loud, 'thwack,' sound.
She arched her back again to the pain and pleasure, pushing her breasts as far forward as she could while grunting more gibberish.
I slapped her offered tits, again, hitting them hard several times so that they bounced and rebounded off each other. "Answer me cunt. How long will this continue?"
Tears flowed from her eyes, but she still held her back steady and fully arched. She wanted me to continue slapping them.
"No my little cunt, you get nothing. No slaps, no tickles, not even release. Not until I get an answer."
With great effort she finally croaked out between sobs, "I-I a-asked...t-to come...b-but...s-she w-wouldn't..."
I slapped her tits again, one very hard blow that sent them careening to and fro. She screamed, whether out of pain or pleasure, it didn't matter and I didn't care. They all wanted to be treated this way when they were strapped down. "She wouldn't what? Answer me now, or I'll keep you strapped down until the club closes."
"W-Wouldn't l-let...m-me...c-c-come"
I heard the slave say, "Dominus, we find it best to ignore the first few pleas. The extra wait gives them a more intense and long-lasting orgasm."
I bent close to Raven's lips and kissed them softly. The taste of salt and arousal were heavy on them.
"I taste another woman on her. You?"
The slave nodded her head sheepishly.
"Don't be embarrassed my dear. I know what it feels like to put someone at your mercy and make them willing to do almost anything on command. It gives us an incurable sense of power. Tell me, do all of the slaves take advantage of the members in here?"
"Some more than others, Dominus."
"And you? How do you compare with the others?"
The slave just gave a sly smile as an answer.
"Which do you prefer to torment, the male or the female members?"
"As far as that goes, I have no preferences either way. Both provide me with their very own unique blend of entertainment. For me, there are just some members I prefer teasing over others."
"And Raven is one of your favorites?"
"Oh yes, Dominus, although she does have some sexual preferences that I don't care for."
"Such as?"
"She likes watersports."
"You don't care for it, but do you still indulge her kink?"
"Sometimes when she's been especially compliant to my wants I'll piss in her face as I make her come."
I smoothed the hair out of Raven's eyes. They were staring up at me. Black in black, stony and lifeless; like a raven's wing lost in a dark, starless void. I've seen that look so often during Wilderness fun that I hardly ever notice it anymore. The Cruel Ones were always present, playing with us through the barrier.
"You're such a disgusting little cunt, aren't you?"
She gave me a weak smile while slowly nodding her head.
I asked the slave, "Has she been a compliant little cunt tonight?"
"Not hardly, Dominus.
"Good. I've seen too much potty play already this evening."
The slave continued, "In fact, I'm taking her as deep as I can into abstinence because she's been such a twat. Haven't you!? Bitch!" The slave then forcefully slapped Raven across the face.
Raven just gurgled a soft laugh.
"Show me how she entertains you," I commanded.
The slave smiled, and said, "Of course, Tiberius. Thank you."
Getting on the table with Raven, the slave positioned herself on all fours. Sticking her sweet vitals right in the captives face, she said, sweetly, "Raven, honey. Raven? Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey. Breakfast."
At first appearing comatose, Raven inhaled deeply while opening her eyes. She grunted with a weak smile, "P-Pussy."
"That's right, Raven, pussy. But first, you have to rim me before you get pussy."
Raven complied with what fervor she could muster given her weakened state. Her tongue darted in and out and back and forth, lapping and slavering what saliva she could onto the slave's puckered anus.
At times the slave teased Raven by moving slightly away from her; thus, forcing Raven to strain forward against her restraints so that she could continue to lick.
"Come on, bitch," the slave would tease, while shaking her ass, "Reach for it. Closer now...a little bit closer...come on a little more, I can barely feel your hot breath on my dirty asshole."
Then, just as Raven's tongue finally touched home, the slave would push backwards, shovel Raven's face fully into her clef and between her firm buttocks. The slave would grind her ass to and fro, smearing her arousal all over Raven's chin, as Raven pushed her tongue as deep as she could through the slave's sphincter.
Besides tormenting Raven to the max and putting her into new, fevered heights of abstention fog, she was also ginning herself up with her raucous behavior. Her hand played roughly with her clitoris while she continued to berate Raven to push her tongue harder and deeper into her ass.
"Wonderful," I commented, "But remove your hand. It's time she eats pussy."
The slave gasp an, "Of course, Dominus," and then lowered her head to the table. This caused her ass to rise just enough to put her cunt squarely against Raven's mouth. "Didn't you hear your Master? Enough ass and eat pussy, you dirty cunt!"
I could hear the inevitable loud, wet sloshing sounds as Raven took large sucking bites at the slaves dripping labia and clitoris. I was hard as a rock at the pair's wanton display, and was sorely tempted to join the fray by sticking my cock deep into the slaves asshole as Raven continued to suck her snatch.
I held myself back, though. Instead, I put my fingers into Raven's mouth, commanding her to moisten them. Then I slid two fingers deep into the slave's slick and loosened asshole. As I slowly finger fucked the slave, I spurred Raven on. "That's good, Raven. Slurp on that pussy. Let me hear her moan like a whore. Good girl. Now, let's send your slave mistress to oblivion."
Once the slave's moaning came loud and protracted and her supporting legs and thighs quivered in continuous ecstasy, I put the cherry on top, and pushed ever so gently with my mind.
"Fuck me!" she screamed, as first a trickle and then a flood of ejaculate sprayed across Raven's face.
I added a third finger, and pumped her ass faster and harder. "Time to come again, slave"
"Jesus fucking fuck me! Fuck my asshole. Oh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck..." Another flood stopped her in mid-screech.
I made the slave come three more times. At the end, she had slipped forward onto the table, her body a quivering mass of wet flesh as I continued to pump her ass with my hand. Raven had all but passed out from exhaustion with her face and hair drenched and dripping from the slaves ejaculate.
Pulling my fingers out of the slave's asshole, I slapped Raven to consciousness, and commanded her to lick my fingers clean. She did with relish.
By now, the slave had gotten up, and was standing weak-kneed at the end of the table. Still panting, she asked, "I-Is there anything more I can do for you, Dominus?"
"You.ve entertained me well, slave. But, I think we've tormented poor Raven enough. Send her on her way."
"Of course, Dominus! Any preference on the devise I should use?"
"No. I bow to your expertise."
"Thank you, Dominus. This one loves the wand."
The wand was one of those plug-in vibrators with the large, bulging proboscis. It was bulky, but very effective.
I continued to stare into Raven's face as the slave touched her with the vibrator. Immediately Raven's black in black eyes went wide, and she gasp mightily for air.
For my amusement, the slave narrated what she was doing. "I like to draw these moments out, Dominus. At first, I just touch the vibe at far off, but still sensitive areas near the groin. I lightly touch their thighs or mons. The muted vibrations barely tingle their prime erogenous zone. It's maddening for them to be so close, and yet so far from release."
"Indeed. Please continue."
"After a while, I slowly work it closer to the sweet spots, circling their cunts and pricks in ever tightening rings."
Raven grunted and panted chaotically. Her hands and toes abruptly shot out as spikes, staying fixed and rigid in the air, when the slave touched a particularly sensitive spot.
"Wonderful technique."
"Thank you, Dominus. Then to really bait them, I push it firmly against their anus and hold it there."
Raven's black eyes went wide again. Her lips formed a tight ring as she forced air in and out of her lungs as if she were doing Lamaze. Her body began to spasm as if jolts of electricity pulsed through her torso at odd intervals.
"Doesn't anal contact trigger the orgasm?"
"Sometimes Dominus. Especially with the males if their balls touch the vibe. But if you avoid that, and keep the vibe at the lower setting, it usually just teases rather than triggers. It's an excruciatingly wicked torment. I usually keep the vibe against their asshole until... Ah, there it is. Oh yes, very nice. Would you care to look, Dominus?"
I turned to look at what she was describing. The slave was seated in a low chair right in front of Raven's groin, and with her head resting on an inner thigh. Holding the vibe securely within the cleft of Raven's ass, she teased at Raven's lower labia and hole with a gentle finger.
I could see a clear fluid continuously flowing out of Raven's cunt, running down her perineum and onto the bulbous head of the vibrator. An already sizable puddle on the table beneath Raven grew larger.
Putting a finger in the flowing wetness, the slave commented, "This isn't ejaculate Dominus, but pussy juice; Raven's clear, continuous, succulent arousal. So sweet. It always amazes me how it can just flow out as a steady stream, arousal and pre-cum alike. She's more than ready now. Please stand back, Dominus, so you don't get sprayed."
When I stepped back, the slave stood up and moved to the side of Raven, as well. Then she slid the vibrator up over the perineum, up across her opening and through Raven's slickened groove, and then stopping right on her clit. The effect was instantaneous.
Raven screamed, and kept screaming. Three long pulses of fluid, one after the other, gushed from her pussy, and shot forward several feet before hitting the floor, the sound of which, was reminiscent to a large wake lapping at a pier.
Raven continued screaming, and there was another gush of fluid, and still another. "Goddamn it!" she screamed. "Oh goddamn it! Goddamn it! Goddamn it I'm coming again. Don't you stop, you cunt. Don't you stop, you fucking cunt. You cunt, don't stop. Please don't stop. Oh! My! God! I'm going to...god I love you, you fucking cunt!"
Her body lifted off the bench momentarily before it slammed back down. Up and down she gyrated, each time slamming her lower back into the bench. And every time she fell back hard onto the bench, another heavy gush of fluid shot forward. I stopped counting after eight.
Finally, only a trickle emerged from Raven's warm, dank cunt as she slumped back fully onto the table, motionless.
Her eyes were closed and she panted heavily. Putting my face close to hers, I said, "That was amazing. I can see that the wait is well worth the torment."
"Thank you Tiberius, I'm glad I could entertain you."
"And now what's next for you?"
She smiled, weakly, "Again, of course."
I heard the slave say, "They sometimes do this three...four times in a row without stopping, Dominus. Sometimes they have a partner fuck them into oblivion, but usually they like the vibrators. The sensation is more focused. More intense"
More than impressed by her demonstration and professionalism, I asked, "What's your name, slave?"
"Tithea, Dominus."
"Tithea, when your tenure as a slave has ended I want you to become a special member of the club. Free membership and admission, and we'll provide you a monthly stipend of...oh, say, fifteen thousand. Would that be acceptable to you?"
"Oh yes! Thank you, Dominus!"
"We'll put you in charge of the slaves. I'll inform the Empress and Domina Denise that you will be helping them choose and train the slaves when we acquire their services."
"Many thanks, Dominus."
"Now, as one last favor to me, eat Raven out until she comes again. She's earned it."
As she sat back on her low chair, sinking her face fully into Raven's saturated pussy, I said, "Good bye, Raven. Give my regards to Holly if you ever see her again."
She could only answer me with more screams of delight.
There's nothing better than being Emperor.
Tool's *Sober* was being piped in over the speakers. Its dark, malevolent chords and riff structure, emulating descent into madness, was befitting my mood as I made my way deeper into the guts of the club...and closer to Gloria.
I found the Caligula Grotto near empty, which was unusual for a festive night like we were having. Gregor's fate must have scared the hell out of the disciplinarians.
Other than Gloria and De Vries, there was a woman in a bondage hood, strapped and fully suspended above the floor to one of the St. Andrews crosses. She was unattended at the moment. I guess her Dom fled for safer quarters after hearing Gregor's screams, leaving the poor girl hanging.
Besides the playfully crucified, there was also one of our female Dommes—I think her name is Eva—playing with two male subs. The subs were wearing those bondage masks with an exaggerated proboscis as a nose. She was standing with her legs apart as her two subs fucked her in both holes with the masks.
De Vries had Gloria well into her session. He was already using a paddle on her, having graduated up from a spanking hand. He usually ended the sessions using a strap or tawse, depending on her mood that evening. When she was feeling particularly guilty about Karen, it would be the tawse.
She was fully stretched out in all her naked glory. Her wrists were secured by leather shackles that were suspended from the ceiling on a pulley system. She was already pulled up tight, and straining to stay standing on her tip toes.
Even in the dim light of the grotto, I could tell her buttocks glowed bright and cherry red. The paddle already having left numerous broad, red patches temporarily etched across her backside. She struggled a bit against the restraints each time the Dom wacked her. Above the hollow reverberation of the paddle off the bare, brick walls, I could hear Gloria sniffle back tears of pain.
The struggle and the sorrow weren't done for show, or as a gesture of role playing and acting. They were as real as the red welts that stood out against the paleness of her skin. And it took me a long time to understand why she put herself through this torment. One reason was obvious: she genuinely had acquired a taste for it, laughingly calling herself a 'pain whore.' The second reason was more obscure and rooted in a guilt she could never appease.
I could tell she was already in a state of continual distress, having all the pain with none of the pleasures applied. The pleasure always came after the pain began—sometimes well after—and only when I showed up to provide her that comfort.
It was the game we've been playing for some time, and at her direction. I am to arrive at some point in the evening, but she never knows precisely when. Until then, it was a waiting game for her. How much pain could she endure not knowing the exact moment of my arrival?
Looking near her feet, I didn't have to guess what happened earlier to Gregor. Gloria's tunic and stola lay crumpled up in a corner of the grotto. She wore no color, not even a waist band as a warning, which was required of the upper echelon when they wished to be naked. The colored waist band was doubly required of Gloria in these moments, and its absence was telling.
Seeing the facts laid out as they were, I assumed that in the heat of disciplining Gloria, and not seeing color, Gregor forgot to whom he administered, and paid a steep price for his forgetfulness.
Gloria was well versed in the nuance of color. Errors in judgement had happened before with a member. Since that time, I had never known her to remove her colored tunic, let along the colored waist band during her playtime. It was her way in safeguarding against just such misfortunes from occurring—until now.
I knew in my heart it was done on purpose, and done to lure someone into making an error in judgement—poor, poor Gregor.
What with this incident, and Karen and Denise's shoddy treatment of the slaves and members, it was obvious we were all becoming callus, even, at times, cruel to others of lesser station than ourselves, which, to be blunt, included everyone.
It was one of the things I feared would happen with the elixir, and it was the reason I stopped taking it for a while. Ironically, even though none of us have used the potion for over a year, I see all the traits of callousness and cruelty that I feared, manifesting in all of us on their own.
And on a more serious note still, I am indifferent to everyone's maliciousness. In fact, I condone and encourage it—callus, indeed.
I keep telling myself these new traits are the price of being Emperor, but deep down I know that that's a lie and an excuse to continue doing the deceitful things we do.
I said loudly, startling everyone that was in the room, "I'm sorry to impose on your fun, but I wonder if I can be alone with Domina for a while?"
"Of course, Tiberius," Eva said, as she ushered her two subs out of the room.
Comically, the other woman's eyes went wide as she looked around from her perch on the cross, and mumbled something inaudible through the hood she wore.
"You can hang around a while longer, my dear" I said to her, laughingly. "You too, De Vries, stay. I'll need your services now that Gregor is incapacitated."
Stepping in front of Gloria, she was covered in a fine sweat and I saw tears still drying on her cheeks. Immediately, her face blossomed into a look of relief when she saw me.
"I'm sorry for the delay, but the imperial slut needed my attentions."
Knowing I was referencing her bad behavior from earlier, she changed the subject. "I'm sorry for what happened to Gregor. I didn't mean it."
"Of course you didn't," I said as I smoothed away a lock of her hair from her forehead. "That's why you took off all your color, because you meant no harm and are so concerned for poor, poor Gregor," I finished with quiet sarcasm.
"I...I didn't...," she began to protest.
She tried to lie about it, like a child trying to hide an obvious truth from the world. She still hasn't accepted the fact that she had embraced her cruelty. And I hadn't embraced the fact that Asmodeus was playing with her, influencing her to trick Gregor into his regrettable mistake. I should have seen it earlier, but my mind was occupied elsewhere.
Gently cupping her cheeks in my hands, I kissed her lips, quieting her. Then I said softly, "Hush, hush, hush. No one blames you for what happened." When she smiled up at me, I asked in a louder tone, "Isn't that right, De Vries, no one blames Domina for Gregor's carelessness."
"No, Dominus."
"See. All is forgotten."
She stretched up to try and kiss me again, but I stepped back. "What you should be sorry for is the way you make me feel when you fight with Vipsania. Both of you are angering me tonight, and doing so on such a momentous occasion. It's selfish and cruel of you to spoil things for me. As such, you will need to be severely punished."
"It's n |
ot just me! What about Kar...Vipsania? Why am I the only one who has to be punished?"
"Make no mistake, I will punish her in my own way later, but we're here. Now. And in your favorite playroom, no less."
She began to shiver in anticipation.
"I think you've had enough of the paddle. De Vries let's graduate Domina to the strap."
Given how she was acting tonight, I knew she wanted it severe. I had already given De Vries a hand signal on how forceful and how many blows he should land. These hand signals developed between myself and the Doms over the course of the past year, allowing us to communicate without Gloria knowing; and as such, she couldn't anticipate the severity of her punishment from one moment to the next.
Gloria's eyes went wide at the first blow to her buttocks. The sound of it was almost deafening as it reverberated off the cinder block walls.
There was a long, prearranged pause. "Count," I commanded, softly.
Gloria screamed, "Two!" when the second blow landed.
The third blow came harder and quicker than she expected. She forced out, "Th-Three!" as tears streamed down her cheeks.
There was another, even longer pause where Gloria's facial features relaxed...
...And then she went wide-eyed with surprise and pain when the four blow was landed.
Besides surprise, I saw true panic behind her eyes. Ordinarily, we never took the strap past three blows at any one session interval. This time would be different.
Tears streamed down her cheeks anew, and she was blowing air rapidly as the fifth blow landed.
Holding herself overly rigid, and causing her taut muscles to tremble and body shiver, she stared at me with an unexpected defiant expression. Other than her rapid panting, she didn't utter a sound. She looked genuinely mad at me.
"I thought this is what you wanted. Am I mistaken?" She just continued to stare back at me. I gave another signal to De Vries as I said, "No? Fine."
The sixth blow he landed was wicked, causing Gloria to abruptly belch air out as a loud grunt.
"Six!" she belted out of her lungs before she began to wail.
"That's better, and that snotty look you had is gone as well."
She continued counting and wailing through eight, at which point I signaled De Vries to stop.
The rigidity of her body didn't leave until I held her face between my two hands and kissed her. The taste of salt from her sweat made for a fine seasoning, while the scent of her arousal as it ran down her thighs was intoxicating.
"You disappointed me tonight."
"I know," she squeaked out between soft sobs.
She just shook her head as an answer, and continued to sob.
Again she tried to reach me with her lips for another kiss, but I stepped away and behind her instead. I saw her body go rigid in anticipation of more pain.
"Relax, my sweet."
Her buttocks glowed red and were blistered by several long welts crisscrossing each other. I could almost feel the heat radiating off her now, rosy globes.
Kissing her lightly at the nape of her neck, I gently squeezed one of her tortured buttocks, and sending blissful warmth cascading through her body. She uttered a loud sigh of pleasure when a placed a hand on the other cheek, and then massaged them both.
I asked again. "Why do you go out of your way to disappoint me?"
The question and its tone made her body go rigid again in cautious anticipation.
She yelled when I reached around and gripped a breast hard. I said close to her ear, "I guess you're much too stressed to answer. We should relax your muscles a bit before I ask again, and then I'd like an answer." Stepping away from her, I commanded, "De Vries, ginger."
Ginger root is sometimes used by bondage devotees to heighten the intensity of the punishment. Normally, a single root is skinned, and then carved into the shape of a phallus or plug. It's then inserted into an orifice, usually the anus, but it can be inserted vaginally, as well. The oils of the ginger root are irritating to whatever it comes in contact with, producing a severe burning sensation. If inserted anally, the irritation keeps the devotee from tightening their gluts against the coming blow from the strap, whip, or paddle, thus increasing the pain—and ultimately the pleasure.
Being an expert, it took De Vries only a few minutes to carve a well-shaped plug. Parting her cheeks, he easily slipped the ginger plug into her ass and seated it snugly.
I asked quietly in Gloria's ear, "I know we've never used it together, but is it new to you?"
She panted out, "It burns."
"It will go better if you relax."
Even before I finished my statement, De Vries came down with another wicked strike.
New levels of pain never touched before spread across her pretty features. Her mouth and eyes contorted into a panoply of emotion ranging from shock, to searing anguish, and ending in surprise. It all flashed across her face in an instant.
"I see it is new to you. Different, isn't it, now that you can't tighten the muscles against the blows of the strap."
She gurgled something indistinct as sweat poured from her brow.
I only took her to six.
I was still uncomfortable with the punishment areas of sex, using it sparingly to discipline Karen that one time—and that was very mild compared to what Gloria expected of me. That said, it was difficult to watch the pain continually unfold across Gloria's face each time De Vries brought down the strap—and the pain was almost unfathomable for her by my reckoning. Yet, on the last two strikes, I saw a small smile crease her lips. It peeked out momentarily through all the facial contortions brought on by De Vries' handiwork. It was a subtle smile of joy and pleasure. The ginger was beginning to work its magic as the burning irritation morphed into an intense, warming bliss—pleasure born from pain.
When I cupped her buttocks in my hands and massaged them firmly but sweetly, the warming pleasure intensified further, and her whole body melted into mine.
Her breathing was deep but irregular, as she said into my chest, "It's because I love you."
"I know you do, but there is more going on inside you than you let on. And your secretiveness distresses me even more than your disrespect for Vipsania."
She said with a hint of sarcasm, "How can I have secrets from you, the great, all-knowing...all-powerful Tiberius?"
Her sarcasm surprised me. I laughed at her cheekiness and hugged her to me tightly. "Haven't you noticed? As time passes, I can't read any of you as well as I used to. You're all becoming 'blank' to me."
"It doesn't matter, but things are changing."
"Are you losing your powers?"
"Only in some areas, and only with those closest to me, like you and Karen. I can't read your thoughts as well as I use to. As such, you can keep secrets from me," I ended my explanation with a smile.
She reached for my lips again, and I let her capture them. Long and sweet she kissed me until I forgot about the changes that were occurring within us.
I smiled down at her again. "Now, show me how much you love me. Tell me your secrets."
"After. Lower me, my sweet."
She knew me all too well, probably better than I knew her. Unlike most Doms, who could easily make love after violently flogging their partners, our punishment sessions never gave me wood. Gloria knew and understood this about me.
I know she loves these moments on her knees as much as I, servicing my cock and preparing me to fuck her silly. It's just one of many, tangible ways she exhibits her love for me.
Her wrists stayed bound together, but she doesn't care, preferring to work my cock to hardness using just her mouth. For me, besides the wonderful oral attention from someone who loves to suck my cock, the contrast between her hot mouth nibbling, licking, and sucking me against the coolness of her binding chains was amazing.
Both of us became lost in it all. My cock, now made hard and slick by her playful mouth, dripped thick strands of saliva onto the floor and her breasts. Seemingly taking no notice of my arousal, she continued to ply her hot and still hungry mouth to it until I almost came.
Grabbing a hunk of her hair, she loudly gasped her disapproval when I pulled her head away from my groin.
"Naughty, naughty slut, you almost made me come. You know that isn't allowed, now get up!"
Just as she got up onto her feet, I had De Vries pull her body taught with the winch. Her big toes were barely touching the floor. The rest flailed in mid-air.
Smoothing her cheek with a hand, I asked, "How's that ginger holding up? Still burns?"
Before she could answer, De Vries brought the strap down across her already tender ass.
"Look at that, I've lost my wood. It always happens in these moments. I don't like seeing you punished like this. It destresses me even more than when you fight with Vipsania."
This was the game we've been playing for the past six months or so. Gloria would do something that would demand punishment, then ply that playful mouth to get me hard, only to do something else to justify more punishment—wash, rinse, repeat. It was how she derived quality time between us. As I said before, mostly because she had developed a true taste for the art of control, but also because discipline and punishment was the one area of human sexual encounter that Karen didn't care to partake. That meant our sessions together were for us, alone.
I took her to ten this time.
She stared at me, shivering, her disheveled hair was matted to her face by her sweat. She pulled weakly on the leather shackles and metal chains between soft whimpers of discomfort and shame, trying to garner some slack so that she could at least stand flat on her feet.
"Should we graduate to the whip? To your back?"
She stopped the whimpering and fussing with her hands. Her eyes went wide and there was real terror behind them. "No!"
"Then are you going to play nice for the rest of the evening? Play nice with Vipsania? If I lose wood again because of more of your insolence, then my retributions will come with true pain."
"Yes! Sir!"
I looked deep into her eyes...deep into her soul...and saw only truth and love there. "Good girl."
I wrapped her up in my arms again, and again she melted into me as the pain was turned into warming bliss by my massaging hands.
"Lower her again, De Vries."
De Vries gently put her on her knees, and Gloria requested a bit of slack in the chains so she could use her hands along with her mouth. It didn't take her long getting me slick and hard, again. Then laying my slickened cock against her flush cheek, she looked up at me doe-eyed, and said, "Now fuck me like the whore I am."
"Why do you call yourself that?" I asked, barely concealing my anger.
She answered, slowly and sweetly, "Because I am a whore. Because I'm your whore. And most of all, because I want to be your whore. And oh how I love it when you to treat me like your whore." She continued staring up at me with her innocent, pining eyes, all while she seductively kissed and licked about my cock and balls.
I have never seen anything as angelic and demonic and wrapped up in the same person and at the same time. Not even the twins could pose such a contradiction as Gloria did to me.
"If that is what you want. So be it. De Vries, lift her! Higher. Higher still. Stop!"
De Vries pulled her up until she dangled totally above the floor and with her groin slightly lower than mine. She groaned under her own weight as it bore uncomfortably down on all the joints of her arms.
Touching her cheek, I felt small beads of sweat beginning to form. "Woman after beautiful woman offered themselves to me, as is commonplace now. Husbands offered me their wives to do with as I desire. And both offered me their children and their children's lives. They offered me everything as tribute to me and my house, just for the small favor of fucking them, or letting them choke on my cock and swallow my cum. Enduring all that temptation all in my long journey to you, I turned them all down. I even turned down my own wife's advances just so you could be my first; so that I could offer myself to you clean and unsullied, and free from the taint of any of the evening's offerings." I paused for a moment to see tears falling from her eyes. Then cupping her cheeks in my hands, I confirmed the truth of us, "My sweet, don't you see? I have become *your* whore."
Stepping back and away from her, I could see the recognition of the truth of it unfold across her face. She made a half-hearted attempt to deny it, to refuse my caricature of myself, but she couldn't lie to herself. And most of all, she couldn't lie to me.
Aping her words from a moment ago, I said, "I am your whore, and most of all I love being your whore. I desire it as I desire to live. Because I. Love. You. Now, from one whore who is in love with another, reach for me and do your best."
I saw a fire ignite in her eyes, as she shifted her weight back and forth, and putting herself into a swinging motion. She grunted mightily as she fell short of me on her first two attempts.
On the third pass she garnered enough energy in her swing that she slammed into me, and knocking most of the breath out of her lungs in the process. Still, she had enough wits and strength to wrap her legs around my waist before she'd rebound away.
She inhaled deeply. I felt her legs tighten about me as she pulled us closer to each other, and then she said, "Come here, whore!"
Gloria pulled us so close that my cock was crushed between us. Her breath came warm and sweet as she panted into my mouth during a most splendid kiss. Gripping my waist even tighter between her thighs, she shifted her hips up and down, and playfully slid my cock across our stomachs. She giggled around my tongue each time she made my cock slide up and tap one of her breasts.
"Naughty, playful cock," she said, laughingly. "I think my whore needs to put it deep into his whore's dripping cunt."
"I think my whore needs to work a little bit for it, just as I worked getting here."
Loosening her grip but still maintaining contact to me with her calves and feet, Gloria's arms strained against the binding chains as she swung herself a bit away from me. Her move put my cock between her smooth thighs and pointed directly at her pussy. She tightened her grip on my waist again, pulling herself closer to me. My cock was nearly inside her when I flexed its muscles, making it miss her intended mark by shooting high and across her pubis.
I heard her murmur a disappointed, "Fuck," and then some others, "Fuck, fuck, fuck," as she tried lining me up for another run.
Sweat was running down her arms and face from obvious physical strain. Beads grew large on her chest until letting go, they left clear trails crisscrossing her breasts as they made their way ever downward to her groin and around toward her back.
She hadn't noticed my purposeful twitch from before. I flexed again as she lunged forward. This time my cock went low, sliding lewdly along the cleft of her ass.
I joked, "Now you want it in your ass? I thought it was supposed to go into your dripping cunt."
"Help me," she said, her voice thick with exhaustion and frustration.
I chided her while obviously flexing my cock, "Whore needs to work. Work for it whore."
Letting out an exasperated laugh, she commanded, "Stop doing that and help me. Please!"
Smiling at her, I held myself firm and steady. She pulled herself to me again, and this time very hard. My cock easily slid in, stabbing her deeply.
"Oh, Jesus!" she screamed, as my cock hit bottom.
"Alright whore, fuck my cock like a good whore," and then I said a bit louder, "De Vries, if you would."
De Vries was an expert with the strap, and could swat a fly off a flabby matron's ass without touching her skin. Each time my cock slammed into her deep, De Vries slapped her buttocks squarely and hard with the strap while missing me in the process. Overwhelming euphoria bloomed across her flush face as ever increasing intensities of both pleasure and pain simultaneously boiled and mingled within her.
Continually spurred on by the Dom's 'whip,' my lovely steed repeatedly slammed into me with an ever increasing tempo. Her loud, protracted wails were only matched by the loud sound of the strap and the more muted sounds of my heavy balls slapping against her muscular ass. When I added my own pelvic thrust to hers, I saw her fingers shoot out straight, just like Raven's had, as the first of many orgasmic waves slammed into her. One quickly followed another, ramping up higher and higher in intensity, as she screamed loudly and abruptly each time I thrusted deep and with each blow of the strap. I could feel her ejaculate and arousal flow across my cock as a constant stream, and then hear it dripping onto the floor below us. It is always a most satisfying sound.
As I felt her strength ebb, I signaled De Vries to stop. Wrapping her in my arms, I pulled her tight against me, and kissed her deeply.
Now, secured in my arms, her strength returned, and using her thigh muscles and calves, she began bouncing herself along my cock. Waves anew, long forceful waves ebbed and flowed through her. Between deafening screams, she would grunt loudly, straining to push her body into even higher levels of power and tempo, and using the ebb and flow of the smaller climaxes to build into one final...
"Jesus, I am your fucking whore! Jesus, fuck your whore!" she said over and over as her body violently shuddered against mine.
"Jesus has nothing to do with it, and you're not my whore." Kissing her sweetly on the mouth to take some of the sting out of my words, I then said to De Vries, "Remove the cuffs from Domina, and let the other one go. Then leave us for a while."
I laid Gloria down on her stola, while making a pillow for her head out of my toga. She was still shivering from her last orgasm, just like an old, mistuned jalopy that continued to sputter even after the ignition was turned off. Finding a towel, I sat down beside her and wiped some of the sweat from her, and causing more shivers to ripple through her body. I noticed the remnants of her ejaculate and arousal continued to drip from her pussy, forming a growing stain on her stola.
"This time you get the wet spot."
"Funny. Tiberius' revenge," she said, dreamily. Staring up at me with a sleepy-eyed gaze, she languidly traced at finger around her pussy, and felt the extent of her wetness. Then briefly dipping her fingers deep into her canal, she asked, "You didn't come, did you? Why not?"
"You were too quick for me, my love."
"My love. I like that."
"Better than, 'My whore,' don't you think?"
"Infinitely better, but I wan...I need you to come for me."
She started to shift around in order to put me in her mouth, but I gently pushed her back down. "Time for that later. Now, I want you to fuck me like you did that night."
A sly smile bloomed across her lips, before she asked, "What night?"
"You know."
Mimicking the words she said to me so long ago, but in a more worldly tone, "Now that I have you all to myself," she placed her hands behind her knees, and pulled them up and as wide as she could to her chest, and then beckoned me to enter her with that minxy half-smile I loved to see on her. She was indeed, my Siren; and I, her Ulysses.
It was sweeter the second time with her; so much sweeter, by far. On that night when she proclaimed her love for me, she was no more than a naive little girl, inexperienced and innocent in all classes of night school, while trying so very hard to be the woman she thought more mature and seductive. Now, more than a year later, the tables had turned. She had become that worldly seductress, mature and learned in all the sophisticated sexual arts, but who, more than anything else, wanted to be treated as the naive, little girl again.
As I slid my cock deep into her pussy, I saw the love and lust in her eyes. She wanted to relive that time...that night...that moment, as I did.
And, Heaven help us, Asmodeus obliged.
Just like the first time, she stared up into my eyes as I pumped her long and slow, while she played with her tits, teasing them to excite me with a bit of sexual brashness. At times, when the feelings began to well up inside of her, she would bite her lower lip, possibly to stifle a soft moan. And each time she did, I would kiss those puckish lips, and make them smile.
I felt Gloria playing with the hair at the back of my head as she neared climax. Her eyes were closed, her face flushed, shiny with sweat, and she was panting heavily between ever protracted moans.
I've come to know them well, all unmistakable signs that she was close. So, I increased the force of my pumping, making her eyes go wide in surprise and pleasure.
She was mouthing something to me, but I couldn't hear. I felt that tingle at the base of my skull. The one I always felt after taking the elixir. I knew, then, that Asmodeus was with us.
God, she was beautiful. There was a time when I arrogantly and ignorantly called her a 'plain Jane,' and how wrong I was. Both Gloria and Karen were beyond beauty, and have become the twin pillars of womanhood, the embodiment of love and lust to me. If I could marry them both, I would. If I needed to put myself in harm's way to save them, I would not hesitate.
She took a deep breath and held it, and arched her back in the extreme as the first magnificent wave crashed into her. At the same moment, I felt her canal walls tighten around my cock, triggering my own climax...
My hearing was back.
Gloria's body was convulsing in ecstasy, but she kept her head still and her eyes trained on mine.
"I love you," she said, emphatically, over and over, until she began to weep as her convulsions stopped.
I sat back against a wall and pulled Gloria closer to me, cradling her to my chest. She shivered against the coolness of the grotto, so I wrapped her more completely with her stola.
"I don't like it when you two fight. And I don't like it that you punish yourself because of your love for me."
"I know, but you still love me through it all."
"Yes, and I always will."
Gloria said it again, softly and with a hint of sadness, "I love you," and then added, "And I love Karen. More than you or she can ever know. I love her because she's my closest confidant and best friend. I don't think I could ever find a sweeter person to...well really, devote my life too. But most of all, I love her because she loves you more than you can ever know."
Exhausted, she fell asleep in my arms. Before long, I could hear her breathing coming low and even. She slept just like a child nestled in the warm comfort and security of their father's protective embrace. Closing my eyes to join her, I felt at peace at last. |
Waking up yet another morning for yet another day of yet more of the same, Samantha yawned and stretched her arms and legs to the sound of cracking joints, bemoaning her poor habit of disregarding the alarm on her clock that read “GO TO BED” on a daily basis. Much as she tried justifying it by saying she could handle 5 to 6 hours of sleep instead of the usual, the constant feeling of unending tiredness was beginning to get to her. If not for the fact that the cat could find some time for a nap during the train ride to and from work, she probably would’ve collapsed from exhaustion months before. As usual, her morning routine proceeded through the checklist: get up, scratch butt, head to kitchen, realize it’s cold because she forgot to put clothes on, return to room, fail to get the nearest shirt over her che… wait, that’s new. Still in a daze, half-asleep and barely cognizant of the world around her, Sam walked up to the mirror in her closet’s door, taking a good look at herself and nodding accordingly. Those were, indeed, breasts she had. Content with this affirmation, the shirt went off, and she got a bigger one. It wouldn’t be until she was munching on a bowl of stale cereal with milk that was probably about to expire that her eyes shot wide open and she sprinted back into her room, slamming into the walls and nearly tripping over her own legs. Skidding to a halt in front of her mirror again, what she saw was unmistakable: she wasn’t flat anymore. It was hard to tell if it was happiness or shock that began welling up inside of her, but a significant part of her experienced some level of relief at finally having some solid confirmation that she was, indeed, her mother’s daughter; after years of living in her shadow (quite literally), her family’s supposed hyper “genes” failing to do anything of worth to her, it seemed like they finally decided to do some good and give her something that she could be proud of. Sure, they weren’t anything out of the ordinary, only really making dressing up a problem because of how tight her choice of clothing normally was, but they were there. And that’s what mattered! Elated and overjoyed beyond words, Samantha immediately grabbed her phone from the desk and dialed for her mom, not particularly caring for the fact that it was barely eight o’clock in the morning and she was probably asleep. It rang for long enough that the feline began bouncing on her feet, hypnotized by the swaying of her newfound bosom, completely missing her mother calling on her on the other end of line. Tripping over her words, Samantha managed to convey the fact that she had suddenly grown about three cup sizes overnight, squealing with delight as she recounted the (by now extremely embellished) sequence of events that led to that discovery. Her mom, for her part, more than shared in her daughter’s enthusiasm, offering a never ending stream of advice and tips for the coming days. “If you take after me, and I hope you do sweetheart,” she said, “then you’ll be seeing a lot more than just that in the next week! Honestly, I’d recommend you just call in sick, because you won’t be able to concentrate on anything else anyway.”
Wise words, Sam thought; she hadn’t been there to witness her mother’s own growth, but had heard the story more than enough times to know it by heart: at age eighteen, her mom would wake up one day to find out her chest had blossomed from nothing to hand-filling, bursting with pride at continuing their family’s odd legacy. Over the course of a week, those sweater puppies would turn into sweater elephants as they continued to grow and grow, obscuring more and more of her mother’s chest, jutting out so much from her sides that, by the time her growth spurt was over, door frames had to be navigated sideways, and she had to learn to look both sides before turning too quickly, lest she knock someone out from the impact. The amount of lurid descriptors her mother employed when talking about the “absolute best week everest ever”, as well as how red she got every time it was mentioned, was all the evidence that Sam needed; wouldn’t take a minute before she was calling work and putting on her best “sick voice”, being lucky enough to have had Brad pick up the phone and offer to cover for her. Content that she’d have all the time in the world for herself, Sam put down the phone and returned to her mirror-gazing. Exploring every contour of her new breasts didn’t take that long, all things considered, but it was long enough for her to realize something felt… off. They were heavier than she expected them to be, less pliable as well. An odd thought, considering she had no means of comparison; maybe they were just like this by default? She never did bother asking her mom how it felt, since the larger cat always felt the need to constantly tease her dad about how “full and heavy~” they were feeling on any given day. So, pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, Sam went about finding something to do… and immediately realized that her house had absolutely fuck-all to entertain her beyond the TV and computer she kept in her room. Welp, guess it was time to play video games all day again. Just like back in highschool. It being easy enough to lose track of time when you’re being entertained by the overseeing of urban development on a machine that can barely run Tetris without stuttering, it’d take Sam some time before she noticed something was dripping onto her legs, and even longer before processing what it could possibly be. She hadn’t even noticed that she’d been topless for this entire time, figuring that the mounting warmth in her chest was due to some kind of clothing she didn’t recall putting on. It was only after looking down and seeing her swollen chest and puffy nipples, each leaking fat droplets of pearly-white milk, that her brain finally put two and two together and the cat understood what was going on: she hadn’t grown, she’d f illed up. Now, to her, this was new; her mother was quite milky herself, of that she had no doubt, but they’d always maintained that the milk only showed up when they were pregnant with Samantha herself, and had barely done a dent in her already-prodigious size. And considering how Sam had not been lucky enough to share a bed with anyone in… well, ever, it was doubtful that her sudden milkiness was the result of a brand new generation of Smiths being brought to the world. And yet, there it was: another cup size larger and suddenly feeling like she was about to burst from how tight they felt; those tits were unmistakably leaking.
Not really knowing what to do at that point, Samantha’s hands were drawn to her chest, a soft moan escaping from her lips as her fingers were brought to the engorged, dripping teats she was sporting. With her palm cupping her breasts, she worked herself to the edge with both thumbs and index fingers, squeezing and rolling those increasingly-loose faucets until the dripping turned into a constant, albeit thin stream of warm, creamy milk running down her chest. Her fur matted by her own fluids, ears flattened against her skull and the fuzzy tail snaked and firmly tightened around one of the chair’s legs, each breath came accompanied by a short moan, shorter and shorter as her breathing became faster and faster, her entire body shaking and quivering as her fur stood on end, back arching from the electrical discharges flowing through her from those two singular points in front of her newly-gifted assets. It had been a fantasy for her to achieve climax like this, a daydream she believed to be beyond her ability to reach. Until now. Without a care for whoever might hear, Samantha’s voice cracks when she drives her body past the edge and into the first true “boobgasm” of her entire life, fueled by the raw carnal pleasure of knowing it was but the first of many to come. Screaming for more as her breasts erupted, the haze of pleasure clouding her mind stopped her from fully grasping that her tits were overflowing from her hands, soft flesh bulging between her fingers as they grew heavier and bigger. Through the impossibly powerful climax she was experiencing, Sam completely failed to notice that her desk was being coated by her own milk, the streams having turned to spouts, growing in intensity as their reservoirs grew in size. Once it was done, the cat’s arms dropped to her side as she panted and gasped for breath, her back leaning against the chair and causing it to creak ever so slightly under the newfound weight it wasn’t accustomed to. Eyes half-lidded, all she could do was bring herself not to fall asleep, instead remaining in this half-conscious state of being for long enough that the sun had visibly moved from its position when she came to. Looking at herself, Sam stifled a gasp as she saw the end result of her little self-exploration session: her breasts had grown massively, each one easily four times the size they’d been when she woke up earlier; from average to busty and beyond, not to mention how heavy they felt! In that one moment, she fully understood what her mother had meant all those times she embarrassed her dad in front of her… … and she wanted more. Jumping to her feet, almost collapsing right afterwards from how unaccustomed she was to the weight, Sam rushed to the mirror, eager to see how her figure fared compared to earlier, and very nearly succumbing to her own desires for the second time that day after seeing the results! So used to a flat chest, it was impossible to express what she was feeling at that moment. Her breasts were halfway down to her navel, impossibly round and perky, and already wide enough to be visible from behind if she didn’t stuff them in a bra!
Yeah. This would do nicely. For now at least. The feline estimated she had to be growing faster than her mother did, if this was the result of a single morning and a bit of self-stimulation. In fact, so fast, that for a moment she actually felt worried about it. Not because of how big she’d eventually get, oh no, but worried over spoiling herself too quickly. The sensation of her brand new breasts on her, the weight of it all, the sight, it was too much to simply get through in a couple of days! No, no, no, she’d have to control herself. Limit what she did, if only to allow the process to take its time and allow her to experience it to its fullest degree. To that end, it was time for lunch. The afternoon went by relatively smoothly, though Sam was quite sure her chest was growing slowly over the course of the warm hours; whether or not it was a case of her genes kicking in, her having to seal her nipples with some black electrical tape to stop them from leaking all over her, or some delicious combination of both, she couldn’t tell. All she knew is that they hung wonderfully heavy on her frame while she cleaned up her mess from earlier. Miraculously, both the keyboard and monitor survived the deluge of cream that had rained down on them, albeit with what appeared to be a permanent new paint job of faint white streaks, something that was sure to bring a smile to her face every time she looked down at them. At least, while she could even see them. That thought alone was enough to get her to start scratching at the edge of the tape, before catching herself and heading back to the closet. With her newfound size came the slightest problem: nothing to wear. Try as she might, nothing in there could even remotely fit her properly, and the closest she managed was turning what was previously a loose shirt into something resembling a keyhole sweater once it ripped open, vast amounts of underboob fully visible as the fabric stopped just shy of completely covering her similarly-expanded areolae. Well, at least it was… something. Better this than nothing, and if she was still going to get even bigger, now was the time to get some shopping done before it was too late. Hurrying to get some pants on and bolting out the door, she got through about three flights of stairs before the wild bouncing of her milkstuffed udders, sloshing and churning with motion, completely ripped the shirt apart as it reached and went over its capacity; in one single horrible moment, the fabric was torn open and fully exposed Sam to the world… or, well, to the nice old lady from three floors down, who was thankfully too nearsighted to really understand why the cute pharmacist from the top floor just shrieked and ran up the stairs shouting the word “Sorry!” over and over. Slamming the door behind her, and having enjoyed the thought of literally bursting out of her clothes far too much for it to be healthy, the cat’s left exhausted from running up with those weights attached to her, all-too aware of how much her life was going to change in the coming few days. And yet, she couldn’t help but feel like it still wasn’t enough.
After this little attempt to leave the house, buying new clothes became “something to do once this was over”, especially since she might very well end up in the range of needing compressor-capable ones just to move around. Therefore, she figured, the best thing to do would be to just ride it out, see where it ended up at, and hope it never ended for the best. The rest of the day went by in exactly the same manner, with her chest growing increasingly harder to carry around as the hours ticked by, the electrical tape needing a replacement after the first layer became too soggy to stop her dripping all over the floor again. Feeling like it was only going to get worse after going to bed, Sam applied a triple layer of it before snapping a picture of herself with the best smile she could muster and sending it to her mother. Too tired from the day’s events to bother checking for a reply, she’ll fall asleep almost immediately, ignorant of the flurry of frantic texts her mother sent her, desperately trying to give her daughter the advice she needed to prevent a disaster. Thankfully, however, Sam was blissfully ignorant of both this, and the dangerously fast rate at which her breasts were filling while she was under. Waking up the day after felt like bathing in molten chocolate: decadent, smooth, obscenely wasteful, and surprisingly hot for what was supposed to be a pleasurable experience. It wouldn’t be until she tried getting up that Sam noticed something was dreadfully wrong about how hard it was to do so. She should be able to just… get up. And yet, something was pushing her down, something large, hot, fuzzy and sopping wet. It’d take her an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize this something was her own body. Shrieking when the realization hit her, Samantha found herself staring at a pair of breasts that she refused to believe were hers. Each one was easily as big as her mom’s, the nipples swollen beyond even her size, with the electrical tape having been long lost as those leaking torrents of milk turned her bed, her body and the ground into a mess of sweet, pearly cream. They were impossibly heavy, big enough to completely obscure her view of everything in front of her, and when she made the mistake of trying to roll out of bed, the cat would completely lose control of her center of gravity and smash onto the ground, spurting gallons of milk and sending uncontrollable spikes of pain and pleasure down and up her spine before finally dragging herself onto a sitting position. She was shocked and aroused at seeing how massive she’d gotten, with her entire torso obscured by a set of tits that hung low enough to sit on her lap, yet remained bloated to the point where she could easily use them as an impromptu desk. Struggling to her feet and dragging her bloated form back to the closet, it’s only by digging her fingers into her thighs that she stops herself from making her tits even bigger than they already were: twice as wide as her torso when put together, completely covering her chest, and swollen beyond belief, a constant stream of milk pouring down each one as they desperately tried to empty themselves. Her phone rang, breaking Samantha out of her trance-like state and drawing her attention to the familiar ringtone: her mom’s. Waddling over took long enough in between the balancing act and the whole “trying not to succumb to the insanity of it all and just pleasuring herself until she burst
the room open” thing that the call dropped, rolling up the number on the “Missed Calls” by one more. Fifteen. And thirty-nine text messages as well! The hell did she miss?! Sifting through all them revealed just how mistaken she’d been in sealing herself up for the night. Her mom had tried, in vain, to warn her that such an explosive, pleasure-fueled growth was rare, but not unheard of in their family, and that the last thing she should do is block the flow of milk, otherwise the… wait, did that read PERMANENT? Samantha stared at her phone for a good minute, then down at her chestbscuring breasts, then back at the phone. On it, her mom begged her to milk herself as soon as possible, mostly in the later messages after she figured her daughter was already asleep. Repeated over and over was the warning not to push herself over the edge, or else it would get even worse… as well as some tips on how to accomplish this that are best left between mother and daughter. Sam turned around, looking at her bedroom door and the open bathroom on the other end of the corridor. A hard decision to make, for sure. |
Initiation “Brian, put some clothes on, damn it!” The shriek of an old, irate woman cut through the house like a knife.
“What?” The deep voice reverberated off the walls almost as clearly.
“Your niece is here; she does not need to see you parading around in all your heathen debauchery.” Yesenia shook her head at her grandmother, Grams still thought she was a child.
“Oh, cut it out, mom. That you still believe in the invisible sky dude amazes me after you’ve been living with Dad for sixty years.” She stifled a giggle as her Uncle Brian dug at Gram’s Catholic faith. Brian never had been very pious. Not that she was either, but with a name like hers it was hard not to be a little cynical. Virgin my sexy ass. She’d lost that card several years ago, not that anyone except her mom knew. Mom made sure she was on adequate birth control, was regularly tested, and took precautions. A practical woman.
“God willing, you will pay for your sins. My son or not, I expect you to obey and respect the Lord in this house!”
“Good thing I don’t live here anymore then.” Brian could be heard opening the fridge as he needled his mother.
“Brian, so help me!” There was a crash and the sound of something getting smacked hard. Yesenia figured it was a thick wooden spoon and probably Brian from the bellowed “Ow” that followed.
A snicker did escape her lips as Brian, now wearing a towel that was a touch too small for him, slunk out of her grandmother’s kitchen. Yesenia sat in the big recliner pretending to read, her feet over the arm, and curled up, enjoying the whole affair. She ignored her granddad who sat snoozing on the couch, only noticing if he happened to snore louder than usual.
This was typical, and after having watched holiday after holiday around the family, she knew it was going to always end the same way, with Brian making Gram mad, and eventually him getting pelted with a spoon, pot, or whatever else she had handy. He seemed to enjoy getting under his mother’s skin.
He had, however, managed to carry off an entire six pack of beer with him in the escape from his mother’s wrath. He parked himself in the other recliner, adjusting his covering just enough not to be lewd around his twenty-yearld niece. “Hey small-fry, how’s the book?” He asked while cracking open the first beer. “It’s good, Uncle Brian.”
“Are you still up for tonight?” He chugged half the beer he’d just opened.
“Sure, I guess. It’s a romance.”
He wrinkled his nose at the book. “Still worried?” Brian gave her one of those ‘concerned uncle’ looks.
“You know I hate sitting out as the oddball.”
“I know. It’s frustrating. Don’t worry. One of these days you’ll find your place.”
“Mom and dad driving?” She flipped another page absently.
“Yeah, I think so.” He took another sip of the beer and crushed the now empty can against his head.
“Granddad?” She looked over at the snoring form.
Brian poked his dad’s foot with a toe. “Eh, we’ll see.” His father just rolled over slightly and let out a thunderous snore.
Yesenia settled back in with her book, ignoring the occasional clatter of angry grandmother in the kitchen. Her parents were off getting groceries and running errands, she had plenty of time.
Brian popped open a second beer and pretended to ignore his mother’s quiet ranting.
“Are you ready dear?” Her mother called from the stairwell.
“Yeah, but I feel silly.” Yesenia replied from the bathroom.
“You say that every year.” Her mother had that school teacher tone down pat, she didn’t even turn it off at home anymore.
“That’s because I feel silly every year.” Then again, Yesenia could still do whiny teen when the need arose.
“Oh, come on, this will be fun.”
“Maybe for you. I always end up in the corner waiting it out, remember?”
“Maybe this time it won’t be.” “Mom, ever think it could skip a generation?”
“Yeah, it could, but you’ve still got time left.”
Same conversation every time. Not that she objected to the party, it was nice enough. She just wished she wasn’t the only adult there who was out of place. A few times she ended up hanging out with some of the teens, but the last couple years she’d avoid them too because they started to mock her for not being part of the adult party. It was getting tiresome. Though it did help that fewer and fewer wanted to come unless they could party too.
Then there were a few of the guys who tried to pay attention to her, but she mostly ducked them. She knew what they wanted. She’d grown into a pretty stunning figure. Her Spanish heritage and dark locks were the envy of a lot of classmates growing up. Ending up with a perky but still sizable chest and a killer set of hips had made her both envied and hated, particularly since she was a bit of a bookworm and not really popular.
Coming down in her slip of a dress, she just felt foolish, even though the old-style dress looked great on her, she knew that from the twenty minutes she’d wasted primping herself in the mirror. The simple white dress flowed easily. It had a long slit up one side and a single strap over her left shoulder, and was belted with a wide gold belt. She only wore plain sandals on her feet.
“You look lovely, honey.” According to her mother, a paper bag would probably look good on her. She was also dressed in the same style dress, but hers was a soft blue. Her father and uncle were in togas. A tradition. Her father also wore the same soft blue as her mother, but Brian wore a bright red, which stood out. His great bushy salt and pepper beard and portly shape reminded her of the old Greek god Dionysus from her high school book on mythology. She wouldn’t put it past Uncle Brian to try to drink the god of wine under the table. Her granddad had found his peach colored toga and was now awake enough to go too.
They piled into her mother’s SUV. Yesenia slid into the back row, behind Brian whose long legs seemed to be everywhere. Starting up the car they pulled out of the driveway, the sun just starting to set over the hills to the west.
It wasn’t a long drive, but Yesenia picked at the hem of her dress a bit. She would probably be the only adult wearing white. They lived close to the campground that the party happened at every year. One of the rangers always made sure the area stayed clear for them. The party was already underway as they pulled into the gravel drive. Though the sun was still up, a fire was going, and she could hear people carousing and joking. A pretty big spread of food was on the picnic tables.
Brian got out the stuff from the trunk behind her seat. Several old beat up camp chairs and a lounger; plus, a couple coolers. Yesenia quickly claimed the lounger and a can of diet mountain dew for herself. She still wasn’t allowed to drink in the U.S. though she got to when the went to visit the cousins in Spain. She kicked at a small rock, wishing she’d remembered her book and a flashlight. They weren’t allowed to bring cell phones tonight. She just opted to watch people. She could see Brian flitting in and out of the crowd, his giant frame towering over almost everyone. He was always the life of the party. Her parents were over talking to an old friend, Isaac, he wore a silver toga.
The place was a riot of colors now, the togas came in dozens of different colors. She sighed, hers was the only white one. She hated it. Why did she have to be different? Of course, from another perspective, she was the normal one and they were the ones who were different. But it was all her family, well except Gram, and most of the close friends of the family. How was she going to ever have a relationship with some boy where she had to keep this secret and yet, how could she be with a guy in this world if she wasn’t really part of it either.
A heavy hand landed on her shoulder, startling her. “You doing okay, tot?” The wheezy old voice of her granddad asked. She looked up at him, in his pale peach toga. He settled into a chair next to her lounger and handed her a slice of watermelon which she happily took from him. “I know it’s hard sitting here. Your Gram, well, she did it too you know.”
“She did? I thought she was just, well, not one.”
“No, her parents were both. It skipped her. Rare, but it does happen. She’s a great woman, your Gram, but she’s never really gotten over that feeling of disappointment from her parents. I just want you to know, that no matter what, you’re always my pride and joy. You got that, tot? I don’t want you living your life like you missed out on something, because you’re every bit as special whether you are, or not. You’re special as my granddaughter, and I’ll always be proud of you.”
Yesenia gently rubbed her face on his wrinkled old hand, a tear slipping down her cheek. “Thank you, granddad, I love you.”
“I love you too, tot. Now behave, it’s time.” He stepped away, his peach toga vanishing into the press.
She normally liked to watch this part, it was special, but she felt her own guts cramp. Damn it, she didn’t think it was her time of the month yet. She dashed off to the car and found her purse. Reaching around inside she grabbed a tampon and headed for the small restroom. Thankfully, part of why they used this place was that it was cleaner than most.
The knot in her gut twisted again, and she hurried into the small bathroom. She snapped the lock and yanked her dress up over her hips, trying to get to her panties. Thankfully the dress was pretty easy access, something she’d contemplated for other reasons on a few occasions. When she started to pull down on her panties though she was greeted by a very different surprise. She found herself sporting four small bumps right above her shaved muff. The tampon was quickly forgotten “Oh my god, it’s happening.” She whispered to the empty air. She’d spent so many years waiting, and she’d all but given up hope. Instead here she was mistaking the biggest moment of her life for an early period. She dropped her dress down and dashed back out the door.
Outside, the party was in full swing, most of the participants had made the shift already. But her mother was hanging out by the picnic tables talking to a friend of hers, still in her pale blue dress. Yesenia came up and tugged on her mother’s arm. “Mom!”
“Yesenia, quit pulling, I’m talking to Carol. It’s very rude to interrupt.” Her mother snapped without even to turn to look at her daughter.
“But, mom!” She whined; her hands clenched over her stomach.
Carol, the tall older lady she was with, who was resplendent in her purple dress and silver belt, stopped her mother with a gentle wave, “Alita, I think you should listen to your daughter.”
The soft rebuke got Alita’s attention fast. She looked over at her daughter who was now holding her stomach like it was on fire. “Oh my god, is it really happening? Here? Tonight?”
“Um, yeah, I think so.” She grimaced.
The two older women held her as she felt herself warm to the glow of the moon as it rose for the first time. “Alright dear,” Carol said softly “Let it come. It’ll be okay. Don’t fight it. You’ll know when to stop. Now, let’s breathe, together”
Yesenia slowed her breathing to match that of her mother and Carol. “One, two, breathe in, three four, breathe out.” Over and over she let the shiver run through her body. She could feel bits of herself shifting. She tried to let it happen, sometimes she felt herself clenching again, but the gentle squeeze from the ladies reassured her. She could hear pops as her ankles shifted under her. Her feet stretching and her toes fusing. She only had enough presence of mind to kick off her sandals before they were destroyed. Her hips flared even wider, shifting her balance. She looked down at her new hooves, watching as her mother’s larger fluffy feet expanded next to Carol’s uncurling black talons.
The pain was far less now, she could feel it more as a warmth that ran through her. “That’s good child, let it come. You’re doing well.” Carol’s voice was practiced, calm. Her mother just held her hand, a hand whose nails were slowly growing dark and thick, as her fingers merged into two rather than four. She could still flex them, and she did, even watching her mother’s hand sprouted fur, while Carol’s fingers darkened with the early signs of her plumage.
Pressure built and she felt her stomach give way as the large udder burst forth, skewing the dress wildly to the side and taking her panties off with it. She could see the outline of the long teats under the stretched fabric of her dress. Behind her widened hips were padded with a bit more oomph as her posterior took on very generous proportions, capped with a slowly sprouting tail that snaked under her dress and batted its fuzzy tip about her thickened thighs. Her breasts, apparently jealous, joined her udder. She ballooned in size rapidly going from perking to what she might jokingly call melons. They popped the top right off her dress in the process. Her mother giggled a bit at the giant chest her daughter now sported. Though she was quickly silenced by the four additional breasts sprouting from her chest under the blue fabric. Carol by comparison actually seemed to get smaller chested, as her breasts became small and high. She grinned at the other two “free boob job in my old age!” That made them all laugh.
Yesenia felt her ears perk and shift, and a sudden splitting pain that briefly pierced each temple. She was pretty sure she had horns now. Probably big ones from the weight. Her mother similarly had her ears spring up into two giant rabbit ears. Carol was struggling with her face a bit as a beak slowly pushed out, quickly followed by the rest of her plumage. Yesenia’s snout was still broadening on her face as her mother’s soft gray and white coat grew in. Moments later a soft brown fur took over her own body.
She sat down heavily onto the bench to look at herself. Her mother dashed to her purse and grabbed a compact. With the small mirror handy Yesenia could get her first full view of herself. She was right about the horns being sizable, but they were still small enough to be cute, sitting above her brown eyes that were still her own. Her face had changed a bit, pushed out in a short muzzle, but she still felt she could see herself in the reflection. The udder was awkward and she couldn’t seem to control her tail. Worse was that she was having a hard time balancing herself on two hooves. One thing she did notice is that she was still short. Her five-foot frame had grown a little, but she was still shorter than her mother or Carol. She tried not to think about the feeling between her legs, particularly since her bovine body seemed to scream ‘breed me’. She suspected she had quite a bit more to explore when she had some private time.
Her mother hugged her, distracting her from the naughtier of her thoughts. “Oh, I’m so happy for you!”
“Thanks mom.” She replied, genuinely feeling happy.
Carol smiled, well, she seemed to. It was always hard to tell with the were-raven. “Welcome to the family child. Shall we introduce you? Hmm?”
“We would be honored,” Alita intoned, and it suddenly occurred to Yesenia that she was going to be welcomed by the head of the clan as her patron, not just her family. Carol stopped away, giving all three of them a moment to remove their now ill-fitting dresses. There was no need of human modesty here.
It was hard to carry a staff for a raven, but she always managed to do so with great dignity. She went forward to the center of the firelight. Most of the others were there, and though the foxes and wolves dominated the circle many other faces could be seen by firelight. In the shadows of the fire the Raven Woman stood a mysterious shadow, powerful like a portent from the gods. The sharp crack of the staff upon a large flat rock silenced the noise about the fire almost instantly, even rousing the great bear to look up. A buxom squirrel woman popped up under his chin.
“Tonight, my clan, we welcome another to our gathering. We have been blessed by the moon this night, and welcome our dearly awaited member Yesenia to her place in the dance.”
Slowly, tail swishing, the recently christened were-cow took her place in front of the stoic raven woman.
“Yesenia, we welcome you, blessed by the moon, and gifted with our legacy. Dance with us now, and celebrate your life with us all.”
Cheers broke out, as wolves howled, foxes, yipped, and the giant bear she knew as Uncle Brian, let out a bellowing roar. She stood in awe of being finally part of her family in a way that she’d only dreamed of.
“I told you,” a soft, wheezing voice said, “no matter what. I am always proud of you.”
She reached around the barrel chest of the old ram. “Thank you, Granddad!” |
Title: Tatsuo's Adventure: White pt5 by TatsuoKaneko
Tags: Anger, Blood, Death, Demon, Dragon, Feline, Fire, Happy, Hate, Human, Hybrid, Ice, Male, Nude, Rape, Shower, Sleep, Sushi, Tatsuo, White, killing
His ears perked up as he heard the offer for food, it was something he just couldn't turn down right now, no matter the situation.- "Sushi and Raw Salmon!" -His tail swayed a bit, forgetting what he was here for for a moment, the want for fish just took over again since he's been craving it since they got at the park a few hours back, he shook his head focusing back then glancing down to White then to the man named Kain- "Oh, that's quite funny, my name is Kane as well." -He chuckled then began speaking to White mentally- "Please try to calm down, I don't like seeing you cry, you're not going to be in here for very long, promise you."
Kain smiled more as the neutral founded ground that he swiftly spoke a compliment out to him. ''Oh then your parents or yourself have great taste in names. It is a pleasure. Do not mind William, he is just a bit frazzled. When he gets some food, a bath and gets to bed I am sure he will be fine in the morning.'' A servant than came with Tyr's food and a glass of water with ice and a slice of lemon in it, bowing before she left. Kain smiled at her then looked to White then back to Tyr.- ''You can.. stay for a night, if you like.''
"Oh this is just too good" -Tyr thought to himself, this mans hospitality is going to be the downfall of him, if not his death. He smiled at the compliment then his nose twitched as he could smell his food arriving, he purred a bit loud and took the plate that had the sushi on it, his forked purple tongue slithered out of his mouth, reaching out to a long 6 inches and wrapped around one of the pieces of sushi and pulled it into his mouth and eating it happily- "3 MrowrAmazing.." -He let out a happy sigh, happy to eat one of his favorite foods then nodded- "Oh, if it's not to much of a hassle. Would like to stick around with William for a bit before I head off again."
Kain smiled, nodding. ''Of course, but dinner is...'' -He checked his watch before continuing.- ''Being served right now, you can come and join use then, into the dinning room.'' -He slowly got up, allowing White to walk for himself this time, but still, he kept a hand on him, one his left shoulder and to his side as they walked to the lavish dinning room, it was not that large but the ceiling was of stone carvings with a chandelier. Kain sat him down in one of the end chairs, two plates out but he plopped White on his lap. He stroked White's cheek before he slowly with up most care fed White, he stopped himself crying for Tyr but otherwise, he looked drained. Kain fed himself as well but it seemed White was more important. But he spoke while doing so. ''So, tell me about yourself Kane, I am sure you have much to tell.''
"Dinner already?" -He shrugged, he got his preferred food and brought his plate along as he followed the man to the dining room, giving White a quick smile then sat at the other end chair, he remembered seeing this in tv a lot so he thought it was the right thing to do. He used his long tongue to once again pick up a piece of sushi and eat it before answering Kain's request of information- "Well, i'm a traveler actually. It's pretty great, you get to see so much and learn new things. Makes me sad cause I don't think i'll live long enough to see it all." -Little did Kain or White know but Tatsuo was much older than he appeared, he might look like he's in his early 20's but he's far from it-
Kain still feeding White looked genuinely saddened as he spoke. ''That is so sad... someone so young with much to offer to the world... so sad.'' He then perked up as he spoke about White. ''Well, in human years, William is 19 years old... his feline years? About 10 years. But their minds grow fast, just as their intelligence. But poor William hadn't been outside of the courtyard so he must of got lost and so frightened. He hates lightning you so and storms are common here.'' He fed William his last of his meal before putting a glass of water to his lips and getting him to drink it before just pushing his meal away and drinking his water before he stood, carrying White with him. ''Excuse me, I must attend to William, feel free to look around, as you are staying here after all.'' He then walked out and up his double marble stair case... and into his bedroom and into the bathroom. He gently went to close the door when White started to try and keep it open. He frowned... White cowered and stopped, Kain slammed the door shut in irritation of the moment before smiling again as he sat White down on a chair and knelt down with him and started to slowly undress him... and himself, but he had more layers but in the end he hugged White, he started to whimper again as the man, slide his hand down his back, picking him up from his cheeks and pressing him against a wall in the shower cubical and he turned it on, first it ran cold then warm and he smiled with lustful intent and all the more at White's scared expression before he pushed himself closer and forced him into a kiss.
Oh jeez, feline years? Even Tatsuo had forgotten how old he was in that counting, though age meant little to him, he was a dragon hybrid after all. He nodded and happily finished his sushi then began eating the other food that was prepared for the dinner, though just before White had gotten out of sight he had a small patch of ice grow on his foot. After the two had gone into a room and closed the door the ice slipped off his foot and turned to powder till it was no longer visible, though it was still there. It moved up towards the ceiling before gathering again and shaping into a ball, if White or Kain noticed the detail on it, it would appear to be an ice eye. Back in the dining room Tatsuo had three fingers over his blue eye, he was using the ice as his new sight to see what was going to happen, though he blushed and choked a bit on his food, he noticed that White was still scared of the man. As rude as it was to watch them, he had to make sure that Kain didn't harm white, if he did, he would restrain Kain with the ice till he could get to the room.-
White whimpered, sniffing as he was pushed into the wall, his legs holstered up and pushed against the wall, showing much flexibility in White but also alarm as Kain grinded over White. He flailed his arms around, even clawed as the man's back before yelping as the man bit harshly on his tongue. Kain glared through him, making White shake... Then scream but that was quickly muffled by Kain's mouth as he has, harshly penetrated the young feline and only got rougher, groaning like a animal, for a elegant man... he was very crude. Kain nuzzled White's neck, biting it as he cried out with every thrust, and not in enjoyment, but in pain.
Tatsuo blushed deeply at the sight and stumbled a bit, moving his fingers from his eye and shaking his head as he removed vision from the ice eye. He tried to focus on the important thing here, that he was using White as a sex toy.. which was practically rape. He looked around trying to figure out where he actually wandered off to.- "Well fuck.." -He began rushing through the large house till he came across one of the servants- "Hey miss, you know where Kain went to? I mean.. like.. no.. just bring me to the dining room, I can find my way from there" -The woman nodded and began walking through the building and finally leading him to the dining room area- "Here you are sir, is there anything else I can assist you with?" -He shook his head- "No i'm good, thanks anyways." -He then ran through going to the stairs though because of this stupid marble flooring he ended up skidding a lot and bumping into walls and tables- "This place is hell..." -He groaned-
White whined, tired and weak to continue practically screaming, feeling a familiar fainting sensation from the thick steam from the shower with no where for it to go, making breath hard to draw. He was limp in Kain's arms, panting, his tail limp on the shower floor, that twitched every so often. Kain was practically shouting out White's name while kissing and biting him in his vulnerable state before climaxing. White whined in horror as being defiled once again but a face he grew to fear. As Kain finished he collapsed onto the shower floor, taking White with him and just as he looked to be about to hug White... He started again.
Frustrated with the floor and hearing the lustful cries he growled and spread his wings, taking off and flying to the upper floor, his purple eye had turned red while his blue eye announced its dragon properties and glowed softly. Getting to Kains bedroom door he charged through, breaking it down, he tumbled a bit though managed to recover in the air and keeping flight. Each angry beat of his wings kicked up a chilling gust, frost building over the floor and walls, he still had his demon claw out, he knew it was just one human and a weak one at that but the rage that built in him from not only knowing previously about the abuse but now witnessing it himself made him want to just unleash all hell on Kain. He reached the master bathroom door and landed noisily to make sure that he was noticed, he grabbed the doorknob with his normal paw which caused not only the doorknob but the entire door to become engulfed in ice and only to shatter as he went to open it like a normal door, whether the human had abilities or not, Kain would be able to feel a heavy threatening aura coming off of Tatsuo. He folded his wings and moved inside the bathroom, the thick steam in the room was irritating, it was too hot and difficult to breathe. He was about to fix that problem but wasn't sure of how that would effect White, so he held off on that for now ad spoke with a low growl, the anger in his voice obvious- "You didn't think I wouldn't find out about this, did you?"
Kain jumped as the stomp was sounded, but he didn't stop, it was only when Tyr opened the door and let the chill into the steaming room did he, with much irritation stop, gritting his teeth in anger at Tyr's words. His first instinct was to, once he pulled out from White who whined weakly, cradle White, like a teddy bear and he spoke with some lack of confidence. ''W-what are you doing!? Barging in! Get out!'' Kain nuzzled the exhausted White in his arms, he was covered in new, bloody bite marks, stratches and some bruising. He only whined weakly like a wounded animal but when he saw Tyr... He looked away and whimpered, forced to rest against Kain. ''D-don't look at me...''
Not even giving the male any sort of chance to do anything he brought his demonic claw to Kains head and gripped his hair, forcefully dragging him away from White, while he had the grip on his hair he also let some of the blood coating that was invisible to a normal eye seep into his head- "You fucking humans disgust me.." -Tatsuo snarled then let go of Kain's hair after standing defensively in front of White then brought up each hand which sparked with power, the left hand which was normal was quickly coated in frost and cold energy then the demon claw was quickly coated in a black flame which was known as the inextinguishable flame.- "These are your choices. Freeze to death.. or Burn to death." -He then clenched his paws into a fist releasing it the display of power- "Or, I could be nice and let you live.. for 5 seconds." -The blood that he planted into Kains head worked fast, it had already multiplied enough and fused with his blood cells granting him control of his blood- "So what will it be?" -He brought the display of elements back up, the red eye seemed more threatening than his blue eye since it was just a flat red opposed to the crystal blue with the black slit which gave it its dragon appearance-
Kain growled, wincing some as he was pulled from his hair and as soon as he was ripped away from White he looked panicked, just about to run to him, despite his hiar still being pulled. But the time he was released, Tyr was infront of him, blocking him from White and he frowned.- ''Get the fuck out my way! He is mine! All mine! I love him! Therefore he is mine! Who are you to come into my home, invited to pull this shit!? Move out the way!'' Kain puffed with anger as he... summoned a gunblade and pointed it at Tyr. ''Or I blow you away.''
A rather disturbing grin spread across his muzzle as Kain pointed a gunblade at him, he put his normal paw ontop of the blade after releasing the ice energy and positioned it at his stomach.- "How cute.. you think your little weapon poses a threat to me." -He kept a paw on it then began walking into the blade letting it pierce him but he didn't stop there, he kept moving closer taking the blade deeper into him until it came out his back and he was face to face with Kain- "Care to shoot me now? Just remember who's behind me." -Both Kain and White would notice there was no blood coming from me, I close my dragon eye and open it as it was a flat red just like the other as I called up more of my demons power to intimidate him further-
Kain's hand shook, looking into Tyr's eyes with much fright and he.. begged. ''Please... please don't take him away... he is all I care for... really... He is.. Please.. just... just leave us alone...'' White in attempt to hide covered himself with a dome of ice, covering his ears and rocking back and forth, whining in tears and repeating the same thing over and over again, so weak and tired he could not even get up if he wanted to. ''Don't look at me... d-don't look at me..''
Tatsuo grinned sickly and stood up taking the blade with him, then spoke aloud, mainly to white- "What do you think White? Should I eat him or kill him from the inside then eat him?" -His long forked tongue licked around his lips and muzzle, showing his rows of dagger like teeth to Kain- "You don't deserve to even live, why would I let you keep my friend? So you can continue to rape him? Ya right." -He turned from Kain and looked to White who was hiding himself in a dome of ice, he steadily pulled the blade from him and purred softly- "Oh.. thanks for the food by the way." -The tip of the blade hit the floor and then instantly a large spike of solid blood shot out, sticking out of his body in every vital spot he knew about but still it was a clean death, no blood splattered but the wounds were obvious as he was still nude. He let out a sigh and dropped the blade, calming himself down and letting the borrowed power return to its owner, his eyes turned back to its purple and blue coloration. He crouched in front of the ice dome and tilted his head, speaking to White mentally- "You ok?"
White whimpered and wailed in tears to himself, curled up with his tail between his legs then wrapped around his small waist. Ears down and a stream of tears down his reddened face. The water from the shower quickly melted away his ice dome, soaking him... Washing away blood and semen. He, understandably, didn't answer Tyr, he just continued to cry and somewhat beg him, not to look at him.
Tatsuo's ears lowered seeing White still so hurt, his demon claw dissolved and pulled White into a close hug, very worried he didn't even care that White was soaked from all the water- "Everything is alright now.." -He purred softly in an attempt to help comfort him in anyway-
White without clothing was more malnourished that anyone thought, even with clothes on, he looks so weak... Now, now he looked like he was lucky to still be alive. He was littered with scars and old bites.. Even some scars around his behind and the way Kain had his way with him... it was no surprise but it sure was not a pleasant sight to see someone so young, look like death. White wailed in tears, at first fighting the man's embrace as he seemed set one Tyr not seeing him in this state though that ship had long left its dock. He gave up in the end and only cried in the man's arms, his tail curled around Tyr's waist in the end before he passed out from exhaustion, both mentally and physically.
Tyr held the boy close, wrapping his arms around his neck and stood up, carrying White to the bedroom and crawling onto the neatly made bed. He cuddled up with White as they layed down and gently groomed his fur, continuing to purr comfortably- "Tomorrow is going to just as busy.." -He said quietly to himself, he kissed White's head and gently stroked his side closing his eyes as he let himself relax and drift off to a sleep-
White in the night woke up, finding himself in the master room bed, at first he was ready to panic but then Tyr's scent came in, so he slowly turned around to see him instead of Kain. He was both relieved and glad. But also embarrassed by the lack of clothing, making him blush and blink his pink eyes at the sleeping Tyr. He watched him for a time before pushing himself into the man, nuzzling his face into Tyr's chest, purring, his tail curling around on of the man's legs before he went back to sleep again but with a smile instead. |
Title: Dormant to Daring
Tags: co-worker, public, repressed, blowjob, outdoors, pussy eating
It was that time of year again. The company holiday celebration. I didn't really want to go. I would have skipped it altogether if not for Melanie.
Melanie was the new girl in the purchasing department where we both worked and she had all but begged me to take her to the party. She hadn't been with the company very long and she was new in town so she didn't know very many people. Even so, I was surprised when she said she couldn't find anyone else to take her to the company bash. I had a hard time believing her; and with good reason.
Melanie was more than just a cute girl. She was way beyond that. Yes, she was beautiful, but she had a sensual air about her that made it difficult not to notice her every move. I had admired her since her very first day, and who wouldn't? She was about five two and had shoulder length blond hair and green eyes. She often wore tight sweaters and slacks that showed off her curves, or suits with short skirts that really emphasized her beautiful legs. I'm a sucker for a woman in a business suit and Melanie got my motor running every time she walked by.
But I had been too shy to ask her out. With her looks I was pretty sure she could have anyone she wanted. I didn't want to face the rejection. So I was blown away when she asked me to escort her. Fortunately I recovered from the shock before she noticed me acting like a star struck schoolboy and accepted.
I had always disliked going to these company events. They were incredibly dull. And some people always drank too much and started behaving in ways that made me embarrassed for them. Especially the upper level managers and executives. It kind of dashed the image of a great leader when you saw your boss all liquored up and attempting dance moves he couldn't do even if he were sober.
By the afternoon of the party I was so nervous that I changed clothes three times before deciding what to wear. I really wanted to make a good impression. Finally settling on a dark gray suit, white shirt, and a maroon tie, I ended up being ready with an hour left to kill. Sitting and watching TV only made me more fidgety so I got in the car and drove around Melanie's neighborhood until it was time to pick her up.
On my way from my car to her apartment I formulated a plan for what I was going to say when Melanie answered the door. I have this fear of opening my mouth and sounding like a complete dork. I found myself meandering up the sidewalk as I tried out different lines in my head, hoping that somehow they would come out sounding natural and unrehearsed.
My anxiety peaked when I reached the apartment door. I paused, took a deep breath, and told myself that once I got through the next few minutes the rest of the night would be easy. When the door opened the vision standing in the doorway left me stunned.
Melanie looked good in everyday office attire. She was an absolute knockout in evening wear. She was wearing a black dress that clung to her body and yet shimmered when she moved. The gown featured a plunging neckline and a slit way up the side. Around her neck was a gold chain with a tassel pendant that hung provocatively between her breasts. Diamond earrings finished off the gorgeous sight standing before me.
She was so entrancing I instantly forgot all that I had planned to say. All I managed to gasp was an awed, "Wow."
Terror rippled through my body and my throat went dry. Then Melanie smiled and I realized that I'd said the perfect thing. "Thanks Brad," she replied with a coy twist of her head, "I'll take that as a compliment. You're looking pretty sharp yourself! You should dress up more often."
On the way to the party Melanie and I chatted in the car, mostly about work. I'd been sure she was way out of my league and had been reluctant to engage her in conversation much at the office, fearing the embarrassment of being shot down on the spot. As it turned out, she was funny and engaging and easy to talk to. I kicked myself for having been so timid. I steered the conversation away from work to find out more about this woman.
"So how do you like Portland so far?" I asked Melanie.
"Rains a lot here," she answered.
"Oh, you just got here during the rainy season."
"Oh yeah, when is that?"
"October through June."
"That's nine months!"
"Yeah, but it's really nice here the rest of the time."
Melanie chuckled, "Wonderful. At least I have something to look forward to."
"Besides," I pointed out as we crossed the river on the Marquam Bridge, "It's not raining today. It's so clear that you can see two mountains. "
Melanie glanced through the windshield and then out her passenger window at the river.
"Is this the Columbia?"
I started to laugh and then caught myself and faked a cough instead. I pounded my chest for effect. "This is the Willamette. The Columbia is bigger and to the north, at the border with Washington."
Melanie looked out the windshield again. "Two mountains? I only see one."
"That's Mount Hood you're seeing ahead of us. Look out here," I said pointing, "To the left. That's Mount Saint Helens."
"The one that blew up? Cool. I didn't realize it was so close. Can we go there sometime?"
We? My eyes blinked as I tried to confirm she had really said that word. I tongued my lips once and swallowed before shifting my gaze right. "Sure. I'd love to. How about spring when it's a little warmer?"
Melanie's eyes shifted from the mountain to me. A wide smile graced her face. "That would be great."
We reached the east side of the river, making the sweeping left turn as we came down off the bridge.
"Have you seen much of anything else in the city?" I asked.
"Not really. It's much bigger than Ferndale. I get lost here sometimes. And it's not much fun exploring new places without someone to show me around."
My heart skipped a beat as I realized for the second time in as many minutes that Melanie might be more interested in seeing me than for just the company party. "Ferndale," I began, trying to remain calm, "That's in California?"
"Where is it exactly?"
"A few hundred miles north of San Francisco. I'm not surprised if you've never heard of it. There's maybe a couple thousand people there at most. It's just a little village, really. Everyone knows everyone else. Our big claim to fame is that part of the movie 'The Majestic' was filmed there."
"Oh yeah, I remember that movie. Didn't do too great at the box office but I rented the video. Jim Carrey, right?"
"That's the one. It really wasn't a bad movie," said Melanie.
"No," I agreed. "I thought it was OK."
I paused, expecting some reply, but none came.
"So," I started, "this is a big change from where you grew up?"
Melanie nodded. "Yeah."
"What brought you to here?" I asked, "Just the job, or was there something else?"
"The job was part of it," Melanie answered, "but mostly I felt like I needed to get a fresh start. It really didn't matter much where I went as long as it was different from home."
"You needed new surroundings to help you break away from old memories?"
"Yeah, kinda like that. There's some things I wanted to change about myself and some people I didn't want to be around anymore. Nothing ever changes in Ferndale."
"Is that working out?"
"I think so."
"How so?" I prompted.
Melanie shrugged. "I was pretty passive about everything before, not taking charge of things in my own life and stuff. I've gotten a lot better about that since coming here."
I opened my mouth to reply, but Melanie continued, "I like not having to answer to anyone else. It is kinda lonely though. One of the things I needed to get away from was my former boyfriend, but I miss having a man in my life sometimes."
"What happened with the boyfriend?" I wondered aloud.
Melanie shook her head - more like a tremble, really. "I'm not real comfortable in discussing that with just anyone right now, if you don't mind."
"Uh, yeah," I muttered, striving for damage control. "I understand."
I was curious about what might have happened to her back in Ferndale, but decided this was no time to pry. I reminded myself that the reason we'd gotten together tonight was for the company party, so I changed the subject.
"A few years ago, we had our holiday party at the Pittock Mansion. It's a big old historical house up in the hills overlooking the city. Originally built by the publisher of the Oregonian newspaper."
"Oh wow, it's really a mansion? I'll bet that was neat."
"Yeah," I said. "It's a beautiful place, but a little hard to get to. They moved the party to hotels in the city as our company grew and we needed more space. This place we're going to is still nice, but it doesn't have that historical charm."
Melanie's gaze returned to the prominent mountain visible above Portland's skyline.
"Could Mount Hood ever explode?" she asked. "You know, like St. Helen's."
"Not likely, it's been dormant for a very long time."
"Dormant?" Melanie tilted her head as continued to peering through the windshield at the snow capped peak. "Like asleep?"
"Something like that, I suppose."
"So it could wake up at any moment, right?"
"Technically, I guess that's right."
The most demure of smiles graced Melanie's face. "Yeah, I could see how it might."
She didn't say another word, just kept glancing at the volcano and smiling until I pulled into the hotel parking lot and found a spot.
"Thanks for bringing me Brad," said Melanie as I extended my hand to help her out of the car, "I've been looking forward to this night since you said you'd take me."
"Me too. Let's go have a good time."
My throat flexed as my words reached my ears. I was sure they sounded as stiff as I felt, but Melanie didn't seem to notice. We walked into the hotel and followed signs to the ballroom. I helped my companion off with her coat, shed my own, and handed them to the coat check attendant.
As we entered the ballroom I felt the sense of dismay intensify within me. The decorations were the same as the last few years, the same people were checking guests in as they arrived, even the centerpieces on the tables were identical to last year. This was going to be an exact repeat of all the other mind-numbing company parties I'd been to. As I silently escorted Melanie to our table I tried to remind myself that being there with her would make it bearable. That helped just a little.
Melanie knew most of the people at our table and I introduced her to the rest. We all exchanged the kind of polite, pseudo-friendly greetings that occur between people who know they will see each other again only rarely, if at all.
I glanced at Melanie, hoping that my distaste with the whole event wasn't rubbing off on her. My concern vanished as our eyes met and she smiled. I found myself smiling back before I even realized it.
Melanie edged her head slightly to one side. "Hey Brad, how about getting me a drink?"
"Sure," I replied, glancing towards the bar, "What will it be?"
Melanie wrinkled her nose and then said, "Surprise me," giving me a wink.
"You got it," I replied with a grin. "Be right back."
The smile left my face as I turned away from Melanie and headed towards the bar. I had no idea what she liked. I guess I had my head down as I was pondering the choices because I nearly collided with my boss.
"Brad my boy!" exclaimed the old man, clapping me on the back. I winced. Not the guy I really wanted to talk to right now.
"Been meaning to speak to you about your idea of renegotiating prices with some of our vendors," he continued. In spite of the early hour, the scent of alcohol was heavy in his breath.
I tried to be polite while he rambled on. I wasn't really listening, but it didn't matter, I doubted that he'd remember this conversation by Monday anyway.
I could see Melanie from across the room and glanced her way as often as I dared. She seemed to have become involved in a conversation with the wife of one of the sales reps. I hoped Melanie was interested enough in her conversation that she wasn't wondering where the hell I was with her drink.
My boss spied another employee passing by and started talking to her. I took the opportunity to escape and resumed my journey to the bar.
"Good evening, sir. What can I get for you?" asked the bartender.
"Don't know exactly," I answered, scratching my ear.
"It's a full bar, I can make just about anything you want."
"Yeah," I said, "but my date asked me to surprise her and I have no clue about what she likes."
"How 'bout a daiquiri?"
"You think that's a safe choice?"
"You bet," he replied. "Lots of ladies order those."
"Hmm," I mused aloud, drumming my fingers on the bar. "OK, why not? Fix her a strawberry daiquiri and I'll take a lemon drop martini."
When I finally returned, Melanie was standing alone next to the table. She smiled widely as I approached with the drinks.
"Well what did you get? Is that a lemon drop? It is! I love these things!" She took the martini from my hand.
I raised the daiquiri in a toast. "To a festive evening and good company."
Melanie kinked her head as she touched her glass to mine. "To great company," she said quietly.
"Yes, I'm enjoying your company a lot, Melanie. Are you having a good time so far?"
"Oh yes. I got to meet some new people already, so that's good for me."
"Oh yeah, there was Louise and her husband Jim, and Francine Adams was at our table," I noted. "Nice people."
"Hmmm Louise and Jim are nice, but that Francine is quite a character!"
I dropped my brow. "I don't know her that well. I just see her at company functions like this. I didn't see her husband Peter here tonight. Guess he's traveling. His job in sales keeps him on the road a lot."
"Well you wouldn't believe what Francine told me!" Melanie said. She glanced around before continuing, and lowered her voice. "I think she's been drinking for a while tonight, maybe this afternoon too. But guess what she does when her husband is out of town?"
"Wild stuff," replied Melanie, she put her hand on my arm, "With men."
"Oh yeah?" I said, "There's been rumors about Peter having affairs that I've been hearing for months, but I didn't know about Francine."
Melanie's eyes sparkled and her mouth broke into a sly grin. "Well," she began, "apparently Francine isn't all that happy with Peter and she suspects that he's been having affairs. I guess she's heard the rumors too. Anyway, she decided that she shouldn't just be a hermit all the time when he's away. So she started going out to some bars alone and the men just flocked to her."
"She certainly has the looks," I noted.
Melanie shot me a cut-eyed glance that told me she didn't appreciate my observation. Whether it was jealousy or annoyance with my male attitude, I couldn't tell.
"So," Melanie continued, "I guess she was in a bar one night, chatting with some guys, when a young black man approached her and asked her to dance. Francine took one look at him and said yes. She said he was gorgeous.
"While they were dancing, this guy maneuvered them to a dark corner and had his hands all over Francine and she let him touch her ass and her breasts. At one point he had his knee between Francine's legs and she was actually humping him right there on the dance floor! She was getting hot and when she reached to touch him through his pants she knew this was a guy she was going to take home with her."
I finished my drink with one gulp. "Wow! And?"
"That's the part that blew me away," said Melanie, "Apparently Francine stood right there on the dance floor and asked this guy if she could take him home and fuck his brains out!"
"Sorry for being so crude, but that's what she said."
"It's OK," I said, seeing the concern on her face. "What happened next?"
"Let's find somewhere a little more private. I don't want anyone to overhear."
"Come with me." I put my arm around Melanie's waist and guided her towards a set of double doors leading to a terrace.
We could see our breath outside, but there was no one out there. I faced the doors so I could see if anyone was coming. Melanie shivered a little and moved closer to me.
"Tell me more," I said.
"She takes this guy out to the parking lot. When she gets to her car, she unzips him and pulls out his cock. She said it was huge. Francine gave him a few sucks and then tucked him back in his pants and told him to follow her home in his car. Can you imagine?"
"Sounds like she really knew what she wanted."
"Oh, yeah. I think you could say that," said Melanie. She slipped her hand inside my jacket and put it on my chest. "You ever done anything like that in a public place, Brad?"
"Uh, no."
"According to Francine, when she let the man into her house she didn't even wait to get to the bedroom. She started stripping him halfway up the stairs and took that big black cock in her mouth, standing a couple steps below him."
Melanie moved close to me. The scent of her perfume was intoxicating. She stood with her leg touching mine. As she leaned into me her right hand moved to her left breast. I watched as she cupped her breast and briefly pinched herself through her dress. When my gaze returned to her face Melanie was smiling at me.
"Francine sucked and pumped him until he yelled and came in her mouth. She swallowed what she could and the rest dribbled down her chin." Melanie paused licked her lips. "So, you ever done anything like that in a private place?"
Unable to speak, I shook my head.
She moved closer and positioned herself so that my knee was between her legs. I couldn't believe it when she started grinding into me! I looked through the terrace doors. There were people mingling and walking past, but no one was headed our way. It was getting warm under my suit and my hardening cock was uncomfortably cramped.
I looked back to Melanie. She had her eyes closed. Her hand reached down and stroked my cock through my pants. Her fingers slid up and down the length of my very stiff member. "Francine said it was one of the most exciting and erotic experiences of her entire life."
I didn't know what to say, but I sure knew what I wanted to do! The trouble was, we were in the midst of the company party! I leaned down and brushed my lips against hers. She leaned into my overture. Her lips parted and I gave her a slow passionate kiss. Our tongues entwined as they explored each other's mouths. I put my arms around Melanie and embraced her as we continued to kiss. The tip of her nose was cold where it touched my face.
Our bodies were pressed together and Melanie put her arms around my back. I could feel the heat of her body contrasting with the cold of the season.
I moved my hand and cupped Melanie's ass. She responded with a moan while still probing my mouth with her hot tongue. Then she reached behind her, grabbed my other hand and guided it under her dress.
Her panties were soaked. They were wet and slippery. For a moment I just stood with my hand there in disbelief, feeling her heat and wetness. Then I began rubbing her through the material, parting her pussy lips as I slid two fingers up and down. Melanie took a small step to the side, parting her legs slightly more. I used my whole hand to massage her. Then Melanie leaned forward to whisper in my ear.
"Put your fingers inside me."
Melanie, her eyes still closed, moaned quietly and moved against my palm. I slipped my fingers inside her panties and slowly slid in and out of her eager pussy, or rather; she moved her pussy onto my fingers and rocked back and forth. With my other hand I could feel her butt tighten and relax as she moved against my hand.
From the party, I was pretty sure no one could tell what was going on, but if someone stepped onto the terrace it would be pretty obvious. I didn't want to have to stop.
"Melanie," I whispered in her ear, "We've got to get away from here before we get caught!"
"Brad, I don't care. Do me here!"
"Over there," I insisted. Guiding her away from the open doorway, I found a dark corner next to a low wall.
As soon as we stopped, Melanie began unzipping me, freeing my engorged cock from the confinement of my pants. It was exposed to the cold air but a moment before being covered by her warm hand. Her fingernails brushed the underside of my balls as she wrapped her fingers around me. She tugged on my swollen cock and then encircled it with her thumb and forefinger to stroke it downwards towards the base.
A few minutes of her expert massage and I could already feel the tension building inside of me. Melanie held my balls with one hand while she smeared the precum around my cock head with her other palm, then she began to slide it up and down my shaft, an act that made me even more sensitive. I shuddered, and not from the cold.
As if she knew what that shudder meant, Melanie knelt on the ground and took my cock in her mouth. She sucked on me and ran her tongue along the underside and kissed my balls. The smoothness of her tongue and the wetness of her mouth made my cock throb even more. She got most of me in her mouth and when she pulled back she swirled her tongue around the head of my cock, making slurping sounds as she descended once again. That sight of her doing that, and the sound, nearly sent me over the edge right there.
We could still hear the voices of our co-workers at the holiday party as they celebrated the season just a few yards away. The strolling carolers had arrived and strains of "Deck the Halls" were discernable over the general murmur of conversations. The party sounds were practically drowned out by the wet slurping noises coming from Melanie's mouth.
I was getting close to decking the back of Melanie's throat when she stood up, reached under her black dress, looked directly at me, and tugged her panties off. Then she hiked up the dress and hopped on the wall. She spread her legs and looked at me. "My turn, lover."
I stepped forward and brought my lips to Melanie's ear even as I slid a finger to her pussy and began to pet her. "They might be able to hear us in the ballroom. We'll have to be quiet."
"Oh shit!" whispered Melanie back, "I'm kind of a moaner. This is going to be hard. But you've got to eat me now or I'll scream."
I leaned down and put my mouth on Melanie's pussy, tasting her for the first time. She was soaking wet and I began lapping up her juices. I licked her sweet pussy all over, sliding up and down one side and then the other. The smoothness of her skin met the wetness of my tongue and I started to lick on her clit.
She pushed down on my head and whispered, "Lower."
I left her clit behind and instead probed my tongue as deeply as I could reach.
"Mmm", Melanie moaned, "That's perfect."
I licked faster, probing my tongue into Melanie. She shifted her weight slightly allowing me more complete access to her soft, wet pussy. She continued to make moaning sounds and I hoped she was quiet enough not to be heard across the terrace.
"Oh yes," she whispered, "Right there, but slower".
With one hand on each of her thighs I probed her with my tongue. Melanie shuddered. She grabbed my head with both her hands and pulled me closer. My face was now buried between her thighs. My tongue slowly traveled up one side of her crease and down the other. I was concentrating on providing Melanie with as much pleasure as I could possibly deliver. I moaned a little too, as the sensation of her wet pussy in my mouth was delightfully intoxicating.
My face became wet with her juices as I varied my movements, using the tip of my tongue to slide into her and then its entire width to massage her pussy lips. Melanie's responses to my enthusiastic tonguing made me even more excited and I slid two fingers into her as I continued lick and suck.
The delicate folds of Melanie's pussy yielded to my tongue. She spread her legs wider and I made my tongue go flat and stroked the width of her opening with slow, deliberate movements. She pressed against me and voiced a long low "Ooooooo."
"Now," she demanded in a whisper so soft it was little more than a breath. "Higher. You know where."
I didn't know exactly, but I had a good guess. Spreading my tongue wide, I drew it upward from her entry along her smooth valley in the slowest of licks, waiting for her response.
It came in a moment, or maybe she did. Her body jerked, a single spasm as if she had been shocked. "Yes," she moaned. "There. Right there. Lick it! Suck it! Oh, God, whatever you do don't stop."
Without the slightest intention of ceasing I started massaging her clit with my tongue, going in a circular motion.
My desire to slide into the pussy that I was seriously licking was escalating. Each of Melanie's moans and squirms elicited a throbbing response from my cock. I tried to ignore the messages that my erect member screamed into my brain as I continued to concentrate solely on bringing her over the edge.
"Oh, oh, oh," I heard Melanie panting. The grip on the back of my head tightened. My cock was now so stiff that I thought it would burst.
"Fuck me."
So focused was I on trying to ignore my own needs that my tongue continued its now rapid fluttering on Melanie's engorged clit while my fingers stroked the interior of her dripping passage. It took a couple of seconds to register before I froze. Withdrawing my face from her heaving pussy I looked up, seeking confirmation that my ears had heard Melanie's words and not the begging of my cock. The confirmation was immediate.
"Brad! Get up here and fuck me! Now!"
I stood up and looked at her. Never in a million years would I have dreamt that I would be standing before such a goddess, with my cock at full attention, as she gazed at me with such lust in her eyes. I rose until our faces were level and began rubbing the head of my cock on her entryway, mixing our juices on our flesh, preparing her for my entry. It wasn't necessary. Melanie was beyond ready. She reached down and guided my throbbing member into her waiting pussy. Sitting on the wall, she was just the right height.
"Oh fuck!" whispered Melanie, "That's so good. Go slow. I want to feel you."
She leaned back a little and I slid all the way into her. I put my hands on the top of the wall and used my arms to pull me forward and into the depths of Melanie's pussy. As I increased the pace of my strokes, my concern over anything else going on at the party evaporated.
Melanie leaned forward and put her arms around my neck, rocking back and forth to match my rhythm. She was breathing hard now, and a sheen of moisture covered her face, despite the chill in the December air.
By now, I was breathing harder too. Melanie's tightening grip around my neck told me that she was into this as much as I was. She buried her face in my shoulder to muffle the moans and sighs that were involuntarily coming from her now.
I was slamming my cock into her. I knew how much she wanted it and with each thrust I could feel both of our excitement levels heighten. As the length of my strokes increased the head of my cock fairly jumped as I withdrew and I parted her glistening pussy lips over and over again and re-entered her.
I plunged more forcefully. I was still aware that anyone coming out onto the terrace from the party would catch us red handed, but by now I didn't care. Melanie wriggled on the stone wall, placing both hands down on the stones and raising her hips to meet my thrusts. I felt the walls of her pussy contract around my cock, spasmming and squeezing. The heat rose within me and I knew I'd be coming in seconds. Melanie's body stiffened and she seemed to just explode as she thrust herself onto me. She grabbed me around the neck and screamed into my shoulder.
My jacket and my body kept the scream from being heard. Until Melanie lifted her head, gulped air, and let out another one.
The buzz of conversation in the banquet room suddenly stopped.
"Oh shit! Melanie! Run!"
I lifted her down from the wall and we took off running along the terrace in the opposite direction from the party. I grabbed Melanie's wrist with one hand and used the other to hold up my pants.
"My panties!" panted Melanie. "They're on the ground back by the wall!"
"Leave them. We can't go back that way now."
We kept moving down the terrace, trying doors to get back into the hotel with no luck. Everything was locked. Standing outside the last door at the corner of the building, with no where to go but back the way we came, we stood there panting and looked at each other.
I looked around the corner of the building. Nothing there but a row of garbage dumpsters and a tall fence.
"Now what?" asked Melanie.
"I guess wait until things calm down. Maybe we just go back and try to slip into the party without being noticed."
I started to move but Melanie's hand on my forearm stopped me in my tracks. Her eyes were wide as they locked onto mine. "Brad," she said began in a soft tone, one more suited for church than for an after-sex conversation, "That was wonderful. I have never felt things like that before. I didn't know it could be so good. After..." Her voice faltered, her gaze dropping to the ground.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I was being kinda bossy to you back there. That's not like me."
"But you weren't."
"I was!"
"No. I was as turned on as you were!"
"I know. You're a sweet guy but... well, there are some things I didn't tell you about my past."
"Like what?"
Melanie took my hands in hers. She focused her eyes on our hands, not looking directly at me.
"Well, my boyfriend back in Ferndale? I was madly in love with him and I thought he felt the same for me. He was my first, you know? He told me he loved me. I had this vision of getting married and having a wonderful life. When your heart feels like it's on fire with every breath, it's easy to not see things clearly. Looking back now, I can see he was really cleaver about not actually making commitments.
"It turned out that he was not honest with me about his feelings. He was a really controlling guy. He was playing on my emotions to get sex and I fell for it. And the sex was entirely about his pleasure. He didn't care much about what I felt as long as he got what he wanted.
"Something inside of me wanted to believe that there might still be a chance, that I was wrong about him and that he really did love me as much as I loved him. But I think I was just being shallow. He was handsome, but that was all. I guess I just couldn't see beyond that. I was afraid of what he would do if I stopped being so submissive to his advances," Melanie paused, looking up into my eyes. There were path of tears on her face, glistened silvery in the moonlight.
"But I was more afraid of losing that ideal life that I had seen for myself so clearly. It was so real to me, you know? I had my whole future planned out and it all hinged on being with this man. One man. I was so stupid!"
I pulled her to me and held her. "You weren't stupid," I insisted, running my fingers through her hair, "Just in love."
"Same damn thing! When I finally wised up, I figured the only safe way out was to leave. I knew that if I stayed I wouldn't be strong enough and would just keep going back, giving him another chance. That's how I ended up in Portland." Melanie paused to sniffle, then brought her head to my shoulder. "I didn't mean to take advantage of you tonight. If you hate me, I can't blame you."
I lifted her chin up so she was looking at me, wondering how someone so beautiful could be so insecure. "I don't hate you." I paused. I wasn't sure at all what I did feel. Things had moved pretty fast. She was beautiful, but she was more than that. Much more. There was a real person beneath that glowing facade. "How could I hate you?"
She broke eye contact for a moment and then looked back to me. "I still feel like I took advantage of you. If we'd been caught you could have gotten fired."
I smiled as I brushed away a single tear rolling down Melanie's cheek. "They would have fired us both. But you were worth the risk."
Melanie's head found my shoulder and she started to cry. I stroked her hair and just held her. I didn't know exactly why she was crying, but I was pretty sure it wasn't me. I thought it would be wise to just be quiet and comfort her as best as I could. She would tell me about it when she wanted to. She shivered a couple of times and I just held her tighter.
I don't know how long we were out there in the crisp winter air, but we would have probably stayed longer if not for the sound of the doorknob rattling.
My eyes flew to the door. Melanie lifted her head and looked as well.
Bam! The door flew open, banging against the side of the building. We both jumped.
A young man carrying trash bags stepped out. He turned the corner and headed for the dumpsters.
"C'mon!" I said clutching Melanie and rushing to the door. We hurried down a narrow hallway that eventually connected to an interior corridor. I wasn't sure which way to go. Then we heard, and followed the sounds of the Santana song "Satellite". Looking at each other and smiling, we walked right in. No one seemed to notice.
The band was playing, and people were salsa dancing. Melanie took my hand and led me to the dance floor.
"Whew, that was close," she whispered. She moved to stand directly in front of me, brushing my crotch with her leg as she did. We started dancing. We were holding each other close, swaying to the music. The heat of her body and her sensuous movements as we danced reminded me of Francine's encounter in the nightclub.
"Wow! I can't believe we did that out there," I told her, "And who would have thought that Francine was so loose? She's never come off that way in public when I've been around her."
Melanie leaned forward so her lips were touching my ear. "Brad, I have another confession to make," whispered Melanie.
"What's that?" I asked.
"The story about Francine and the black man? I made it up. Well, not all of it, but most of it," she said, "Actually almost all of it. "
"It wasn't true? But why..."
"I've been attracted to you since we first met at the office. I think it was your smile and the way I saw you interacting with everyone else in the department. You projected a sense of confidence, but not in an arrogant or demanding way. I like that. But you weren't making any moves. I couldn't think of a better way to find out if you were interested in me the same way."
"Yeah, I was," I answered, "I guess I was too shy to do anything about it."
"You don't have to be shy anymore. Not with me." Melanie put both her hands behind my head and gave me a brief but sensuous kiss. "Do I need to be shy with you?"
I shook my head. "No."
"Good, " she whispered, looking into my eyes, "Brad, I think you've awakened something in me that's been sleeping within me for a long time, kind of like that volcano."
"Oh yeah. I feel like I'm ready to," Melanie paused. Then she whispered, "Blow."
That single syllable rolled through the air to meet me. My body shuddered as I absorbed her meaning. "Believe me," I responded as my cock twitched, "I know what you mean."
"Do you remember the part in Francine's story, about the stairs?"
I nodded. "What about it?"
Melanie's eyes had that same sparkle I'd seen earlier. She ran her tongue across the length of her lips. "I've got stairs at my place if you've had enough of this party."
I looked at her and smiled. "I'll get the coats." |
Title: Though the Mirror by Hinny Mule
Tags: Adventure, Evil, Forcedshifting, M/F, Magic, Mind Control, Rabbit, Tranformation, Transformation, regrets
*My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! I have to admit I got this idea from a great work of art of a confused looking rabbit girl stepping through a mirror. *
Through the Mirror
By William W. Kelso
*Alice couldn't believe this was happening to her, but the strange creature fucking her was so very real, and it felt so good!! But even as she moaned in pleasure something told her she had to get out of this place, the sooner the better; or she would be stuck there...forever. Her 'lover' suddenly sped up his thrusts, giving a high pitched squeaking squeal of pleasure as he came, and she gave a sobbing groan of her own from the incredible pleasure as another massive orgasm exploded in her ravaged sex, and that strange tingling warmth that felt so good rippled over her body again for a few seconds before fading with her orgasm. As he pulled out of her she tried to sit up, but another of the strange animal creatures grabbed her wrists and held her while another started to nibble and lick her rigid nipples, while yet another straddled her and prepared to mount her, and she gasped,*
"No, no, please, no more! I...I can't! I-I...uGGHHHH!!" And gasping, she arched herself as another strangely shaped penis slid into her quivering pussy, oh God it felt sooo gooood! "UGHHH!! P-Please...ugghhh, d-don't...!!"
As the beast serviced her she could see others waiting their turn; how many had it been now?? She'd lost count. And behind them she could see a large fancy mirror in the corner, identical to the one in her own room, wherever that might be now. She had no doubt where she was now as nowhere near her house, or any other place she knew. With a sob she wrapped her legs around her partner's slim furry waist as he began thrusting faster, running her fingers through his soft fur and clutching at him in unwanted pleasure as she stared at his inhuman face; his eyes closed in obvious passion as he fucked her, his mouth slightly open revealing short square buckteeth as he panted and squealed in pleasure. He had a short well developed muzzle, black nose with whiskers that twitched as he gasped in pleasure, and long furry ears. In short he looked like a rabbit, a partially human rabbit! He had dark grey and white fur, and some of the others who had serviced her were different colors such as spotted white or even solid black. And what they were doing to her, it was unbelievable, the sexual pleasure more intense than anything she'd ever thought possible, and despite the numerous males who had 'raped' her there was no pain, only the ever increasing pleasure. She closed her own eyes, moaning as she felt yet another orgasm building in her sensitive clenching sex.
Her mother had bought the fancy old mirror at a rummage sale; getting it for next to nothing, and had dragged it home and given it to Angie for her seventeenth birthday. For once she hadn't been disappointed by the present, and the large rectangular fancy old mirror looked great in the corner of her room. Since she didn't like the color of the frame; it had been repainted a horrible brown color at some point, she decided to refinish it. One weekend when she had the time she decided to strip off the horrible brown paint, and as she started she'd been delighted to discover the original 'ivory' white and gold detailing intact, and had carefully removed the rest of the covering paint. It came off easily, and she was pleased she wouldn't have to repaint or stain the frame after all. One thing that she did notice as she removed the brown paint was some strange small symbols carved into the fancy gilded designs; they had been totally covered by the old paint, and they looked like a combination of Latin and Chinese characters. Weird, maybe it was made in China like everything else nowadays, she thought. She quickly forgot about the strange markings, finished polishing the frame and mirror, and was delighted with the results.
Later that evening as she got out of the shower she posed in front of the mirror still in the nude, examining her ripening body. She had decent sized tits with nice pink aureoles and nipples, was slim and fit from working out and track; and had a nice thatch of pubic hair. Not too shabby, she thought, but she hoped her tits would get a little larger, at least a C cup. Turning around slowly she inspected her back, and was pleased by her nice tight butt. No fat ass here! As she turned away and got ready for bed she didn't see the characters on the mirror flash briefly, and then fade. It wasn't time yet, but soon.
She clutched at the beast as he lunged into her a final time with a loud squeal of release; burying his muzzle in her hair, and as she felt his cum spurt inside her the pleasure of her own orgasm was almost unbearable as it exploded in her sex, and as he pulled out she didn't even have time to protest before another took his place, two others holding her wrists to make sure she 'cooperated'. This one was another rabbit man; as they all had been, the only real difference was his fur was dark brown with tan on his chest and belly. She had a glimpse of his strange penis as she raised her head and he lowered himself onto; and into, her, then threw her head back and gasped as he penetrated her slick well lubed pussy. It was not a human penis, it was an animals. Long and thick with no real glans, just a pointed tip, and now it was deep inside of her as he began thrusting rapidly, making short grunts of pleasure.
"UGGHHH, OH-OH-P-PLEASE, STOOPPPP!" She sobbed, but the aroused beast ignored her pleas.*
Three days later Alice was getting ready for bed again, having just finished taking a hot shower, and when she came out of the bathroom all nice and squeaky clean the rising full moon was shining in her window. She loved it when it did that, and paused to admire how the soft white light highlighted her nude body in valleys of silver moonlight and shadow, her body almost seeming to glow. I am HOT, she thought. She liked to sleep in the buff, and as she started to walk over to the bed she suddenly saw the moonlight reflected in the large mirror suddenly seem to shimmer, ripple, like the surface of still water or mercury. Intrigued, she moved closer, but the strange effect wasn't repeated. As she turned and examined herself in her moonlight lit reflection in the mirror the strange effect suddenly came again, ripples running across the silver surface of the mirror, and with a smile she reached out and touched the mirror, and a second later was...somewhere else.
Alice involuntarily arched herself, giving a guttural groan of pleasure as her heels spasmed and kicked the back of the rabbit man fucking her as he came with a barking like squeal, and she felt another massive orgasm rack her own body. As he pulled out she lay gasping, panting as the pleasure faded, and when her ankles were suddenly gripped and she was pulled to the edge of the large fancy bed she was lying on she caught a glimpse of the mirror in the corner again, the one identical to the one in her room, the surface rippling like water in the glow of another full moon. The rabbit man gripping her ankles smiled at her, then she was flipped over onto her stomach with her rump hanging off the edge of the bed, and as she felt his hands grip her around the waste; his intent obvious, she yelled,
"N-NOOO, NOT AGAIN!! P-PLEASE!" The only response was her next sexual partner just leaned forward as he mounted her, and gently stroked the side of her face, chuffing in pleasure as he started fucking her. "OH-UGH-AAAAHHHH!!" She sobbed, and as he fucked her he chrred in her ear, his warm breath tickling the back of her neck.
Alice had felt a moment of disorientation, then suddenly found herself standing in a room that most definitely wasn't hers. It looked like it was carved out of wood, the walls, floor, and ceiling blending together with no noticeable seams or joining. Directly in front of her against one wall of the strange room was a large round bed piled with fancy soft looking pillows. Other than a chest of drawers and a couple of odd round doors there were no other furnishings. And she wasn't alone. At first she though the figures on the bed were people, then people in costumes, then she didn't know what to think. There were four of them, one obviously female, and the three servicing her obviously male. The female was lying on top of one of the males, and the other two were thrusting into her from both ends. And they were covered in fur, had muzzles, big long ears, and had frozen in obvious surprise as soon as they saw her. Then the three males had hopped; literally, off the bed and approached her in obvious delight at seeing her, and at the sight of their still rigid inhuman penises the jutted from furry sheaths she suddenly became very much aware of her own nudity. She was still too stunned by what had happened to do anything other than whimper as they gently took her by the arms and pulled her towards the bed. As they approached the female jumped off the bed and ran out one of the doors. Starting to recover from her shock Alice finally began to struggle.
"W-What the fuck is going on! She squealed, writhing and trying to pull her arms free, but the grips; though gentle, were also very strong. "Damn you, let me go!! MOOMMM!" But there was no response to her cry, and it seemed to amuse the strange beasts as they made little squealing sounds of obvious laughter.
The two strange bunny people holding her had looked at one another, ears flicking, and chittered something incomprehensible to one another, while the third had gotten back up on the bed and was...getting ready for her, his intentions obvious from the way he was fondling his large furry balls and looking at her with his wet beady eyes, his horribly alien penis rampant, a large bead of pre glistening on the dark red tip.
"NO!!" Alice shrieked as she was thrown down on the bed, the two holding her down while the third climbed on top of her. Oh my God, she realized, he's going to FUCK me! And there was nothing she could do as he did exactly that, his erection sliding between her legs as he penetrated her with a powerful thrust. He grunted and snuffled at her hair as he got comfortable; his long wet tongue licking across her face as she bucked an struggled, found a good angle, and than began thrusting powerfully, grunting in pleasure. As he fucked her the other two snuffled at her and ran their paw like hands over her body, cupping and fondling her breasts, sniffing at her long black hair. And there was something horribly...erotic about it.
As the rabbit man behind her serviced her Alice suddenly felt a hand under her chin, and as her head was lifted the one humping her ran his hands under her, and gripping her breasts pulled her into a more upright position. She found a large wet glistening penis in her face, and as she opened her mouth to protest it was pushed inside before she could react, and she gave a muffled groan as it slid into her mouth and down her throat, and helplessly she began sucking as she tried to get more air.
*As the rabbit man behind her kept fucking her with fast steady thrusts she found herself eagerly tonguing the cock in her mouth, the hot slickness of the hard shaft as her lips slid up and down its length strangely enjoyable, and the pleasure left her feeling giddy and not quite lucid as she gave into the ecstasy. With one hand she reached up and gently fondled and squeezed the large hairy balls dangling under her chin, the owner chuffing and squealing in pleasure as he ran his hands through her hair and stroked her ears. And when the cock in her mouth suddenly pulsed and spurted she swallowed the cum, sucking eagerly to get every last sweet drop. And as it was pulled out she unhesitatingly opened her mouth to accept the next one, giving a muffled moan of pleasure as a new shaft slid down her throat. As she started sucking again she just couldn't believe she was doing this so...so enthusiastically! She'd never had any interest in oral sex before at all!!*
As the first of the strange creature had raped her Alice had seen more entering the room through one of the round doors, obviously the female had spread the word. She was appalled by how many males were literally lining up waiting for their turn, and the fewer females were watching with obvious delight as she was gang-banged, chattering back and forth to one another. Then he'd reached his release, and to her shock she'd orgasmed as well, and it was unlike anything she'd ever felt before. She was no virgin and her mother would have been shocked by just how many 'boyfriends' she'd had, but this was totally different. Oh, it wasn't so much the actual orgasm; though it was incredible, it was what came after even as the second male mounted her. It was the wonderful and relaxing warmth and tingling that radiated out from her sex and through her body in slowly growing waves of pleasure, before being renewed and intensified by her next orgasm. And each time the pleasure was more intense, the horrible ecstasy irresistible, as her body responded to the unnatural stimulation as male after male orgasmed and pumped his cum into her overflowing pussy. And as soon as each one had finished, another had taken his place, then another, and that had been...hours ago.
It went on and on, male after male mounting her, finishing, only to replaced by a new eager 'lover'. Alice rested her head on the bed; unless it was buried in a furry stomach as she sucked a cock, and finally noticed the mirror again through a haze of sexual bliss, the moonlight beginning to fade from its rippling surface. The mirror! It was that damn mirror! She knew that beyond any shadow of a doubt now, it was identical in every way to the one in her own room; right down to the weird characters which now glowed brightly, and somehow it had brought her HERE, wherever the Hell here was. So, it if had brought her here, it could take her back! And somehow she knew it had to be done during the full moon; the SAME full moon, if she didn't get back through that mirror she'd be stuck here, and she had no doubt that would mean being a sex slave to the strange rabbit people, or would they just keep fucking her until she died from sexual overstimulation? But as she felt another orgasm building in her throbbing sex she wondered if that might not be so bad, any sex she'd had before could in no way be compared to the sexual ecstasy the rabbit males were giving her; despite having been serviced more times then she could remember there was no pain, no soreness, only the incredible pleasure and ever increasing warm waves of ecstasy spreading through her body. But somehow; just as her most recent lover pulled out of her, she managed to kick backward as hard as she could and felt her foot impact something soft and furry and a loud squealing squeak of agony came from behind her as the next male in line clutched his crotch and fell to the floor, and startled, the others failed to react as she turned and sprinted faster then she'd ever run in her life towards the mirror. A couple females grabbed at her; but she knocked their hands away, and to her surprise she understood what they said!
"Eeekkk, no, don't go! You can't, not now! Eeeeee! You don't understand?! Please sister, don't go! Stay, please stay, if you leave you can never come back! Eee-Eeek! Nooo, don't! S-Sister...!"
*Then she reached the mirror and plunged through it, and sobbing in relief found herself back in her own room. Then, fearing they might come after her, she looked behind her as she finished passing through, and froze in shock as she saw her reflection in the mirror and realized she'd made a horrible mistake. *
What she saw reflected in the mirror was another one of the rabbit people, a young slim female with gray fur, lighter colored on her breasts, all six of them in three pairs, the nipples rigid and sensitive. But she wasn't quite as bestial as the others had been; there were still more human features. The muzzle was blunter, the lips more human instead of black and rubbery, but long whisker sprouted from the sides of the small wet nose. The ears weren't quite as long, and were the same black color as her still long human hair, the fur entirely covering her body was not quite as thick; a softer downy layer on her breasts and stomach. The feet were more animal then human though, they had thick pads with blunt toes with retractable claws, the shape of the feet and ankles hinting at an almost digitigrades stance. And also more animal then human was the fluffy tail at the base of the spine, and the soft pink wet lips of the vagina showing at the base of that cute fluffy tail weren't quite human either, and it was now so far back between her legs it didn't show from the front. But she recognized the green eyes staring back at her, they were her eyes, eyes wide with growing shock and...understanding as realization hit her. That incredible pleasure they'd given her, those waves of sickeningly pleasurable warmth, it had been her changing; a little at a time, as she became one of them!
With a frantic squeal she tried to pass back through the mirror, but the full moon was setting, the characters dull, the magic gone. Scratching at it desperately, she begged,
"Please let me back!! Eee-eeekkk!! I-I didn't understand! Please, I can't stay here like this! Oh please!!"
*Finally, sobbing, she slid down the mirror with a furry cheek pressed against the now hard and cold surface, knowing with horrible certainly that no human male could ever give her the pleasure the rabbit people bucks had, a pleasure she needed desperately, her new sex already throbbing for relief. *
"P-Please..! I-I don't want to be an animal! Eeee-eeeekkk! Please let me come...home!"
The End
* |
Title: Sweet Night by JakeII
Tags: Coyote, Foreplay, Fox, Love, M/F, Massage, Oral, Vaginal
Author's Warning This piece is mature, featuring sexual content (it's on YiffStar, what'd you expect?). So if you're under-aged, or uptight, you might want to skip this and go read something else. You've been warned! Enjoy!
Oi, also a prewarning, this is my second true attempt at erotic, so please, bear with me. I'm still working the kinks out of my style...
Sweet Night -- by Jake Womble
We laughed as we walked into Neon's apartment, returning from our date at that new dance club that just opened up downtown. I sighed, placing my head against his chest, holding onto his arm.
"Oh, Neon, that was so much fun! I haven't danced like that in ages!" I said breathlessly, my eyes closing as we stood.
"Well, I have to admit, it was pretty fun," he said, placing his hands on my shoulders.
"Of course," I said softly. He began to slowly massage my shoulders. "Mmmm..." I moaned, feeling his touch. He gently kissed the back of my head. Of course, I took a hold of his arm, pulling him gently towards his bedroom. "Heh, c'mon, lover boy..." I said, taking him inside, shutting the door behind us. I kissed him gently, before pulling his shirt off. He blushed as I kissed him again, running my hand over his furry chest, slowly walking closer to the bed.
I smiled as I pulled Neon on top of me onto his bed, his deep brown eyes staring into mine from behind his glasses. He blushed bashfully again as he looked down at me, his shyness hiding a brilliant lover and caring soul. I reached around his neck, drawing him down into a kiss, my eyes closing as I felt our lips meet. I felt his soft, warm body lay gently on top of mine. He broke the kiss, as he stared lovingly back at me.
"Kerrin... I love you..." he said, his warm, gentle face melting into my soul.
"Oh, Neon..." I said, running my hand down this back, his brown fur feeling soft and smooth against the palm of my hands, "...I love you." He smiled warmly, the redness still lingering on his cheeks. He kissed me gently on my neck, knowing fully well that I loved that. The pleasure, ever so slight, rippled through my body. I giggled a bit at the kiss. He smiled a slightly devious smile as he slowly kissed my neck again, before slowly licking it, his tongue running smooth. I blushed, moaning slightly. That was a new trick! It felt heavenly. I clutched lightly at his back, as he licked again, another moan escaping my lips. "Oh... oh, Ne!" I found myself saying. He smiled again.
"Heh... You like that?" he asked softly. I nodded, still blushing. He chuckled a little bit.
"Well then, what if I..." he said, sitting me up. He moved behind me, rubbing my shoulders again. Oh, that felt so good! "... did something like this?" he asked, before licking my neck again.
"Ooooohhhh..." I moaned softly.
"Good..." he said softly, before kissing and licking my neck over and over again, each lick and kiss feeling better then the last. I felt his hands stop massaging my shoulders and wrap around my warmly.
"Oh, Ne..." I spoke softly, reaching back and running my hand gently through his hair gently, "How did I find someone like you?"
"I don't know, Ker..." he said, kissing my cheek, before nuzzling it affectionately, his muzzle feeling soft and friendly against my cheek, "... but... thank you."
"C'mere, lover boy..." I said, turning to him and kissing him deeply. So deeply, in fact, that he fell backwards onto his back. "You're too sweet, Ne..." I said, running my hand down to his waste, "I'm going to have to repay you somehow..." He blushed again as I unbuttoning his jeans and pulled them off, leaving him in his boxers. I chuckled at his reddened face, "Aw, you're still shy..." I said, kissing him again as I hung over him, the blush not leaving his face, gently massaging our tongues together. He still blushed as I pulled away.
"Y... you know, if you keep kissing me that well, I'll never get used to it..." he said softly, looking back up at me.
"Oh, but you're just so cute when you blush like that..." I said playfully. It was true, though. He did look adorable when he blushed like that. I knew exactly how to repay him. "Neon, I want you..." I said as seductively as possible, "... to do whatever you want..."
"W-w-what?" he asked slightly shocked, his blush deepening.
"I want you to do what you want... You've pleasured me so many times, Ne. I want you to feel the same way," I said honestly. He looked up at me, nodding slightly. "So... what do you want to do?" A smile slowly crossed his face.
"Ok... if you insist..." he said slowly, sitting up and crawling behind. He slowly slipped off my shirt, "I think I have an idea..." he said softly, kissing my neck again. I fell backwards into his lap, feeling him kiss and lick my neck again, as he unbuttoned my own pants, pulling them down the same way I had done to him, leaving my panties on. He gently wrapped his legs around my waist, keeping me there in his grasp.
"Oh, my love, what are you going to do to me?" I asked, mock-terror in my voice. He smirked slightly.
"Oh I was thinking something like... this!" he said, running a hand gently down to my stomach, rubbing gently. He smiled kissing my neck again, before biting gently into me, sending a shockwave of pleasure through my body.
"Oh! Stop this torture!" I shouted, the same mock terror in my voice. In all honesty, I wanted him to keep it up.
"Torture, eh? Well then, I guess it would be even worse if I started doing something like, oh say..." he said, gently placing his free hand on my thigh, gently massaging my tired legs, "...rub you like so?"
"OH! Then I'd have to scream so loudly!" I said, wrapping my arms behind me around his neck.
"Good, then..." he said, biting into my neck again, and sucking gently. "Mmmm... my captive tastes so good, I'm going to have to eat her up. Starting with these delicious ears..." he said, licking my ear, before nibbling gently.
"Oh, anything but that!" I yelled.
"Mmmm, tasty..." he spoke softly between nibbles.
"Oh, please my captor, let me go!"
"Oh, but I'm not finished yet... I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve." He said, before rubbing my stomach and thigh again, while nibbling at my ears. I felt something on my other thigh. A tickle. Something furry was rubbing against my thigh. I looked down, seeing Neon's tail wrap slowly around my leg, rubbing and tickling it so lightly. It was too much! I let out the biggest moan of pleasure.
"Ohhhhh... Neon! Why moan are you groan doing this? I wanted to yelp you to be pleasured." I said brokenly.
"You don't realize it yet, Ker? I love pleasuring you... It gives me the most pleasure I could ever want..." he whispered softly into my ear, before nibbling it gently.
"Oh, Ne... you're too good to me..." I gasped.
"You deserve it, my sweet fox girl. This is how I thank you for loving me..."
I turned to face him, kissing him. Oh, Neon... I love you... I fell backwards, letting him kiss me even deeper. He pulled away gently, before kissing my neck as he reached around me, undoing my bra. He returned his kisses back to my lips, as I felt one of his hands reach slowly downwards. I felt myself blush as he slowly slipped his hand into my panties, feeling around gently.
"Ohhhhh..." I moaned slightly, my blush growing deeper. I opened my eyes slowly, looking back into my lover's face.
"Hey, the shyness thing is my bit..." he said playfully.
"Oh, Ne... Take me, coyote boy!" I demanded.
He blushed as he slid downwards, kissing my stomach, going lower and lower. His tail wagged gently as he pulled my panties down. Oh, Neon... go on, please... I felt his tongue lick inside me gently, sending a second wave throughout me. "Oh!" I groaned excitedly, as he licked me again and again, his tongue exploring me thoroughly, tickling my most sensitive areas, nibbling everything inside me. My back arched, as I gently placed my hands on the back of his head, drawing him in deeper. It was bliss! I let out a loud groan as I felt myself come, but that didn't stop him. He continued, lapping and licking, determined to pleasure me even more. I felt it. He found my clit, nibbling and sucking it gently. "Oh god, Ne!" I shouted, my face growing redder by the second, "Ah! Mmmm!" I was speechless! My brain wasn't even able to formulate the words to express how great it felt. My breath quickened and my breath shortened. I came a second time... a third time... a fourth. He wasn't going to stop until I was worn senseless! A fifth time... A sixth... He finally stopped, withdrawing from me. I fell backwards, exhausted. "Oh... oh Neonorthus... where... did you learn to... love so well?" I asked, gasping for breath as I looked up into his caring and loving eyes.
"It comes naturally when I'm around you, Ker... I just want you to be happy..." he said, smiling, his face slightly red as well. I felt myself gain a second wind. I smirked, throwing him onto his back.
"Neon... You deserve this..." I said as I stared down at him, slight shock on his face. I pulled his boxers down, revealing his lovely member. He was mine now. I gently guided it into me, feeling it pulse inside my already stimulated and sensitive puss. It was heaven! I heard him gasp below me as I started to move, up and down gently. He moaned gently in pleasure, his eyes shutting, face reddening. So cute... I continued, growing faster with every pump, my breasts bouncing as I did. He moaned gently after every pump, loving every bit of it. I felt his member gently touch my clit with every movement, causing me to gasp. It was even better then his tongue! I quickened, feeling his pulse speed up as I pumped. Oh, Neon... Come for me, my lovely coyote boy! He let out the most melodic moan I've ever heard as he came, his love covering my insides. I came with him, groaning in unison with him. Lucky number seven...
We panted for a second as I sat, trying to regain my breath. I slid off of him, nuzzling myself into his chest I laid down beside him. "Ne... Why do you love me the way you do?" I asked, my eyes slowly sliding closed. He kissed top of my head.
"Like I said, Ker... you deserve it..." he said softly, holding me closely, ending another sweet night. |
Title: Call of the Night by VoodooRoo
Tags: Anal, Deep Penetration, Ejaculation, Hypnosis, M/M, Master/Slave, Oral, Swallowing, Tie, Vampire, Wolf
This story contains scenes of MxM homosexual acts. If you're not into MxM, gay, or furry, don't read. If you are under 18 (21 in some states) or your locality prohibits looking at subjects of a pornographic nature, don't read. Otherwise, please enjoy.
Characters and story by SpikeFoxx
'In the beginning of the Victorian Era, it was important to note that it was a start of an age of prosperity for England. Queen Victoria was poised to expand England's ventures, both domestic and abroad. The Empire would stretch far and wide.
But in the midst of such gains was a dark undercurrent of unease and fright within the populace. Despite the evolution of civilization, crime had been on the rise, particularly in the rural areas. The constabulary were investigating numerous strange and unnatural murders extending into the wooded areas surrounding the countryside. Much of the wealthy were deaf to what was happening, within their warm manors and castles, but the general peasants were disturbed. The constables were either unable, or unwilling, to go into the less populated hamlets and solve the crimes, merely taking reports. Scotland Yard was rumored to be coming to help with manpower, but never arrived.
Witnesses to the crimes said that the bodies were left in an 'unholy manner,' killed in a way that even the most unconscionable man of God would be left in horror. The victims were exsanguinated, left almost literally as husks of their previous selves, and dumped nude in the forests. Females seemed to the favored amongst those taken, but males also would turn up on occasion. The popular theory among the commoners was that the killer, or killers, wanted those furs that would not fight back as much. No children or elderly have yet to be discovered.
Rumors abound of a cult, or pagans, hiding in the dark woods that surround the local hamlets and taking the serfs for their unholy, godless rituals. Satanic worship is, of course, also the primary focus for any strange happenstances that cannot be explained. But no runic marks or ritualistic use of the body is present. Metropolitan Police have dismissed such allegations out of hand, assuring all with attention to the matter that satanic cults would be rooted out if they were in existence.
In the back rooms and secret meetings, however, is another word being whispered on some lips; 'vampyr,' the nosferatu, night walkers, The Unholy Ones. Vampirism had not been on written record since 1821, and was disqualified later on the basis that the offender was drinking blood as a fetish, not sustaining his life, or unlife. But once the idea is mentioned, it spreads through a community like a fire to dry kindling. In towns now, when the sun goes down, females herd their children inside and lock the door, and even males look over their shoulders if they must venture outside after dark. Far from the comfort of the large cities, these furs must survive on their own. The fear of a loved one coming back as some revenant is an even more creeping fear, but that the bodies are discovered intact later on has assuaged such fears for the moment.
To hunt a vampyr, one must be of great fortitude and a follower of God. Such souls are rare, but exist. At least to those that believe in the creatures of midnight that plague all children of the divine. In some of my earlier years, I had witnessed such things, but to speak of them publicly leads to rumors of insanity and godlessness. My only prayers now go out to finding a way to end this nightmare that grips our country. God save the Queen.'
Excerpt from Lord Reginald Stanley's private journal, 1844
September 23rd, 1844
Near Rumsford, England
Victoria dumped her last remaining bit of laundry into the basket, taking it down from the clothesline in the backyard. It had been a pleasant Autumn day, potentially one of the last before the cooler winds would sweep over the countryside. The vixen looked over the nearby tree line, seeing the waning sun disappearing. Her mother had warned her to be in the house and firmly bar the door shut by sundown. Last week, in the closest town of Rumsford, three females and one male had gone missing. Their bodies had later turned up, downriver, one by one. They had been found naked, and, according to her mother's friend, looked as if someone had drained all the life from them.
Picking up the basket, she set it atop a nearby table, gathering up a couple more things to take into the house with her. Her husband, an apothecary, had gone to the larger hamlet of Reisgard to sell his medicines. The larger city was almost two days trip by horse, so he would not be returning any time soon. She had been taking the opportunity of an empty house to do some cleaning and finish the chores.
She sighed, wishing she'd had time to go visit her mother today. She had just visited the elder fox a couple before, but had wanted to go again. Her mother lived much closer to Rumsford, and was terrified of the murders. Victoria had offered to let her parent stay for a few days with her husband out of town, but her mother had declined. But now the sun was going down, and Victoria knew if she ventured down the road to her mother's house, she would never hear the end of it for going against the warning.
When she had gone to the small market yesterday, several of the more gossipy females had been more than happy to discuss what had been going on. While Victoria had never been one to engage in the idle gossip, especially when it concerned the lives of others, she had been unable to help herself in stopping for a moment to listen. Most everyone suggested a cult of some sort, living deep in the woods where not even the hunters dared venture, for fear of getting lost, or meeting some denizen of the forest. Most every place had the stock stories of even the bravest of males getting lost in the woods with no way to get home, or females falling victim to some grotesque creature with an appetite that could not be sated. But what was more disconcerting was what wasn't being said; a terror in their eyes that none of them gave voice to, but all were thinking. A supernatural fear of a creature that walks the night, and could no longer be called of this world.
To Victoria, such notions were nonsense. Merely tales told at bedtime to frighten small children, or by males to make themselves feel tough. The idea of creatures stalking the forest and preying on the blood of the living was just ridiculous.
But at the same time, Victoria found her paws moving just a hint faster as twilight approached, and looking over her shoulder from time to time. They had purchased this plot of land when they were married, intentionally finding one well away from the village. But now, that seemed like a stupid idea; far from the village meant far from safety, and help. The Metro Police had been by when the initial murders happened, but had done little besides take reports. They hadn't even bothered taking witness reports. And they had left no one behind as guards. One of the males in the village was an 'honorary' constable, but aside from having a rifle he supplied himself, it was a title in name only.
Going into the house, she set the basket down, closing the door behind her. She took a heavy wooden beam off the floor and set in brackets across the door. Looking from the window, she could see the sun finally officially setting. She pressed a paw to the glass, feeling the cooler night air beginning to leech in against it. Her husband had bought the glass for the house shortly after they moved, which had not been cheap; he had been able to afford enough for two windows in the front and one in the back. But he had insisted a female should have a view at all times. While standing there, she flipped the lock latches shut on the windows as well.
She sat down in a chair next to their hearth, lighting a couple of candles and using a flint to start the fireplace. The living room was sparsely decorated, only a couple bits of furniture here and there, and a table in the middle. The chair she sat in had been her mother's, given to her when her father died. The chair had once been his, and her mother had wanted her to have it to remind her of him. Victoria strongly suspected it had also been too much to have the memoir of her departed husband around.
By the candlelight, she picked up a book she had traded for when she was in town. She hadn't even been sure of what it was about, and didn't care. She liked to read, her father having taught her when she was younger. Books out here were a rare commodity, and this one had been hand-written, even rarer. After a hard day of work, she couldn't imagine a better way to spend the evening than with a book by the fire.
When the first scream came, she wasn't even sure she had heard it. Setting her book down in her lap, she looked towards the window, at the cloying darkness that was now out there. The candles reflected in the window, flames dancing across the glass.
"Now I'm just getting jumpy," she whispered to herself, her own voice almost sounding strange to her. She shook her head and went back to her book. Turning the page, she jumped from her chair when another yell pierced the night air, much closer this time. Dropping her book, she grabbed a lantern by the front door and lit it with one of the candles. She wrapped a shawl around her shoulders and opened the door, stepping outside.
A new moon cast no light over the surrounding field. She could make out the dirt road at the edge of her property that led six miles down to Rumsford. Her light trailed off into inky blackness, especially when it approached the edge of the woods. Their house was about sixty feet from the edge of the tree line. Steadying herself, Victoria walked towards the trees, holding her lantern high to cast as much light as she could. A wind was starting to blow across the field, rustling the trees. She pulled her shawl tighter against herself as she came to the tree line, stopping. Beyond, she could hardly see anything. She also hadn't heard any more screaming. Looking over her shoulder back towards the house, she walked into the trees. Her paws crunched on dead leaves, and branches assailed her face. With only one paw free, she was moving them aside as best she could, but some still slapped and poked her.
"Hello?" she called, feeling conspicuous as she did so. If someone had been screaming and stopped now, that couldn't be good. But at the same time, what if they weren't being attacked, just hurt? "Hello!?" she called again.
Moving further into the woods, she followed the path she thought best, which was the way to the well house. Her husband had constructed it around a natural spring they had found. Whether it was technically theirs or not, she didn't know, but no one had ever come to contest it. Just barely able to make out the shallow path her husband had made, she picked her way along through the woods. The forest was deathly quiet, and that was almost the most disturbing of all; normally there would be crickets, frogs, owls, some sort of animals to make noise. But now there was nothing, like the forest was holding its breath.
In the middle of the forest was a small clearing, perhaps ten yards wide, with a small hut in the center, which was their spring house. Grass grew high around it, the two of them not really bothering to keep it tended. They also didn't want to attract too much attention to it by anyone passing by. She swept the lantern back and forth, looking around. The grass here had been trampled, and recently. Someone had come through here.
"Hello? Is anyone here?" she yelled out once again. There was no reply still. Either she had gone the wrong way, or whoever was there wasn't any longer. Victoria turned to walk back to the house when she heard a gentle noise. Turning around, she looked again, but still saw no one. But she heard the noise again; an almost imperceptible scraping noise. Most definitely coming from the spring house.
The tall grass rubbing at her, she walked to the doorway, gently lifting the latch and looking inside. It was dark, save for her lantern as she slowly opened the door. In the corner was the spring, a dark pool of still water with a trough connected to it, that was currently stoppered up. She opened the door all the way, and cried out.
On the floor, in front of her, their back to her, was a male, squatting down over some dark object. She couldn't see through the male, just could see that he had tattered rags on and smelled like a slaughterhouse. Moving a bit closer, she could see he had his muzzle to the throat of a body beneath him, and was suckling gently. She gasped when she realized he was drinking the blood from the body. Backing up gently, she bumped into the door, gasping. The male in front of him looked over his shoulder sharply. She could now see it was a raccoon, with blood smeared all around his muzzle. His eyes literally glowed red, full of malevolence and hatred. He stood, revealing the body on the ground. Victoria gasped loudly again when she saw the pool of blood, but more so that it was Mrs. Randall, a kindly white-tailed deer that lived down the road. The raccoon growled, almost hissing, the smell of his breath putrid to Victoria. Gagging, she turned and ran, dropping the lantern. She closed the door behind her even as she felt the male tugging on it from the other side. Turning and running, she ran into the woods, moving without heed. She also realized she was screaming, not even for help, just screaming. Behind her, she heard ragged breathing, heavy footfalls, and snapping branches as the raccoon came for her in desperate pursuit. She had been hoping to lose him when she first took off from the spring house, but had no such luck. She also realized, to her horror, she had ended up running away from the house, and deeper into the woods.
Her dress was becoming increasingly tangled in the branches of the leafless trees, slowing her down. She had long since abandoned her shawl, letting it drop off as she ran. For every step she took, it seemed he was getting closer. She wanted to close her eyes, but dared not. Coming to another natural clearing in the woods, she tried to gain ground, but didn't see the log half-buried in the soil. Her paw caught the edge of it, and she fell on his face, knocking the wind from her. Groaning, she rolled over and made out the formless, dark shape of her pursuer, now on top of her. She had nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, and knew she couldn't fight back. He stood over her, growling throatily, licking his lips. She felt saliva drip across her cheek, and she whimpered as he came closer, his fetid breath washing over her.
"So delicious," said the raccoon, in a guttural voice. "The last one was older, but you...you will be my feast." He traced a claw along her neck, stroking it almost lovingly. "I can feel it...your blood..." The raccoon leaned in closer with a rapacious grunt. Victoria closed her eyes and waited, not even able to yell out or fight back.
"Hold it right there," came a gruff voice. Victoria felt the raccoon withdraw from near her neck and look up. She opened her eyes and looked to her right, where the voice had come from. Standing next to the two of them was a male dressed entirely in black, from head to toe. Black button-up shirt with a black leather vest over it, ebony pants and boots, and a sable longcoat. He himself was a wolf the color of midnight, the only part of him not dark as pitch were his eyes, which burned yellow. He was holding a large revolver in one hand, down by his side. He also had a long, thin sword on his left hip she did not recognize.
The raccoon hissed. "Back off, she is mine!"
"I don't think so," murmured the wolf, raising his revolver and cocking the trigger. "Get off the female."
Growling, the raccoon got up and stood hunched over, like he was ready to strike.
"Young lady, get behind me," commanded the wolf, with a thick British, upper-class accent. "Quickly, please."
Victoria did not need to be told twice, scrambling to her feet and getting behind this stranger was willing to save her. The stranger did not take his eyes from the raccoon as she got behind him.
"I will kill you!" shouted the raccoon, lunging forward after what he still considered his meal. The wolf did not flinch, pulling the trigger and firing into the raccoon. The raccoon stumbled and looked surprised, as if he thought the bullet would merely be grazing him. He fell to his knees, clutching at his chest where the bullet had entered. The stranger walked up to the raccoon, pressed the end of the barrel to his forehead, and pulled the trigger. The raccoon's head bucked backward, and he fell dead on his back. The stranger returned the revolver to a holster on his right hip under his longcoat. He turned to Victoria, kneeling in front of her.
"Were you bitten?" he asked, lowly.
"Was...I...," breathed Victoria, feeling her neck. "No..."
"Good," the stranger said, standing. "I would suggest you return your home, and do not go outside. He wasn't the only one of his kind stalking these woods."
"Wait," called Victoria, standing. "Who...what was he? And who are you?"
"He was a vampire," explained the stranger casually. "And I hunt vampires." He looked over his shoulder. "You may go outside again in two days; then it will be over."
"But, I--" she began, but stopped when she realized he was gone. The wolf had melted into the forest, as if he were some apparition himself. Victoria looked down at the body of the raccoon, a look of shock stuck on his face, a giant hole between his eyes. Shivering, not from the cold, Victoria ran for the house, and did not stop until she was inside with the bar back across the door.
"When Sir Helsing uncovered the 'vampyr,' not even he could fathom the terror, and insanity that would be unearthed by it. An affliction that could turn the faithful from God, and lead them to horrible acts against their fellow fur, is an idea too evil even for the Devil himself."
'The History of the Vampyr,' by Sir Aldale, 1832
October 20th, 1844
Village of Issix
The carriage bounced along the dirt road between the dense crop of trees, dipping into the numerous potholes here and there. The horses neighed at the discomfort of the road, and the driver spurring them onward. Inside, beyond the drape of the velvet privacy curtains, was a single figure. Hunched in his seat, his sword braced between his legs, he parted the curtain just enough to look outside. Dusk was swiftly approaching, and if the letter he had received from the mayor of the town was any indication, the carriage driver would want to either get a room for the night or drive quickly out of the area.
A mountain rose up in front of them, not large by any means, but certainly dwarfing the town in front of them. Lanterns were already visible as the carriage came down the road, appearing one by one across the village, and wisps of smoke curling from the chimneys of some of the houses. Pulling to a stop, the carriage driver hopped from his seat, coming over and opening the door with a bow. The rider stepped down, securing his sword through a leather belt at his side. Reaching into his coat, he pulled out a handful of gold pieces and handed them to the driver. Nodding with thanks, the driver took his payment and leaped back to his perch, retreating from the town as fast as he dared.
"You must be Sir McClintock," came a voice from the nearest building. An older skunk with a bit of glut about him stood in the doorway, coming down the cobblestone pathway. "I'm mayor Herbert Wesson, the one who sent for you."
The black wolf looked at the mayor impassively. "No one calls me by that name anymore. Rafe will do just fine."
The mayor smiled cheerily. "As you wish. Please, come inside." He gestured to the door of what Rafe surmised was the town hall. "It's awfully cold, even for October. Let's go inside."
Rafe followed the mayor inside without another word, watching as the skunk secured a large block across the door on the inside. He smiled nervously as he did so, dusting his paws off over-dramatically when he done, as if they never touched dirt and dust.
"My office is in the back," remarked the mayor. "I sleep upstairs; pretty much doubles as my home. There's also a conference room. That's where we've been doing the investigation." He described the whole thing as if he were trying to convince Rafe that they weren't a podunk, back-water town forgotten by the elite of society. Even the mayor's dress vest and slacks looked second-hand and worn.
"We're a little out of the way, I know," the mayor continued as they went down a candlelit hallway that ran next to a staircase. "I'm sure it's not what you're used to."
"Actually I do most of my work in places like this," muttered Rafe. "Smaller places seem to...attract them."
Wesson said nothing in reply as they came to the back room, which was a set of double-doors that the he opened, letting the two of them in. Within were two more males, a deer and a beagle, standing behind a long desk, which had a lumpy object on it under a blanket. Candlelight from wall sconces cast odd shadows, almost seeming to have sinister intent behind them.
"These are Franklin and Winthrop, the town undertaker and physician," introduced Wesson. Both males extended their hands, but Rafe made no move in return. The two of them awkwardly lowered their hands.
"Well," began Winthrop, the deer, "this is our latest victim, killed just last night." He pulled the top edge of the blanket back, revealing the face of a female. The fur of her neck was covered in crusted blood, around a clean, almost surgical-looking puncture wound. Rafe stepped nearer the corpse and bent over to examine it.
"Where was she found?" asked the wolf.
"Just outside of town, in the foothills," responded Franklin, the undertaker, pushing a set of spectacles back up on the bridge of his muzzle. "We found her nude, limbs spread wide around her, and she was lying on her back." He looked down at the body, and added softly, "Aside from the blood, we could hardly tell she was dead."
Herbert cleared his throat and interjected, "We felt we should send for help when these...incidents happened. When I sent the letter for your assistance, we were already up to four, three females and one male, and the townsfolk were getting nervous. Now we're up to six. No one will go out at night, and hardly anyone will go out during the day. Even the farmers in the nearby lands are letting their crops go to waste."
"Where are the other bodies?" asked Rafe, standing up straight.
The three males of the town looked at each other, before the mayor replied, "We buried them. Far away from town."
Rafe said nothing, just looking at him inexpressively.
"The townsfolk didn't want their loved ones who had been...desecrated so close to them," the mayor added hastily. "I couldn't very well make them all live with the knowledge that the bodies would be buried in the normal grave plots."
Still saying nothing, Rafe turned back to the body, moving the blanket and looking over the entire body. No signs of a struggle, no broken bones, no bleeding aside from the neck. Franklin was right; except the main wound, the body was pristine.
"Is it...what we feared?" asked Winthrop, fidgeting nervously with his hands.
Rafe replaced the blanket, including recovering the face. "Yes, it is a vampire."
None of the other three males replied, their terror and apprehension visible on their faces, the the tension they felt almost palpable. Rafe didn't blame them. Vampires were terrifying, and until it was stopped, they wouldn't have a moment's peace. He had seen entire towns get up and leave, taking only what could be carried on their backs and horses. But that wasn't a true answer; the vampire would merely move onto another township, and begin anew. Extermination was the only real solution.
"Can you...get rid of it?" asked Herbert. "We've got six furs dead. Any more, and we'll probably have villagers start leaving."
"Is there somewhere in town I can stay?" asked the wolf.
The mayor stared blankly at Rafe for a moment. "Um...yes, the inn is just down the road, run by Christine, since her husband died as one of the...victims."
Walking around the table, Rafe said to them, "I will begin my investigation tomorrow. Starting with the townsfolk."
"You seriously suspect someone in town of being the creature?" asked Winthrop, with surprise and disbelief in his voice.
"Right now, nothing will be ruled out without confirmation," replied Rafe. "I will start in the morning. I suggest you gentlemen make your ways home. You may dispose of the body however you see fit." With that, he was gone through the door, leaving the three males and the body to themselves. His boots thudded on the hardwood floor as he made his way back to the front door. Stepping into the night, his coat rustled gently as it was caught in the autumn night's breeze. The street lamps were still burning gently. They had just enough of them to light up the main street, which was really all there was to the town. Rafe also noticed that they put just enough oil in the lamps to burn for a few hours, so no one would have to come and put them out.
The inn wasn't hard to find, since it was one of the only major buildings on the dirt street. He came up the cobblestone walkway from the road, opening the door gently. The scent of fresh-baked bread drifted under his nostrils, smelling delicious. Quietly closing the door behind him, he looked around. Directly opposite the door was a wide counter, with various liqueurs and ales behind it. He surmised that the inn doubled as the local tavern. Steps off to the left of the counter went upstairs, he assumed to the rooms. The right side of the main room was occupied with tables and chairs, and beyond that, judging by the smell, was the kitchen. Moving closer to the counter, he could see paintings placed on the walls around the room, depicting various shots of the countryside of Issix. To Rafe, they were quite good.
"Like my work?" came a voice, with an Irish accent. Rafe looked to his right and saw a female lynx standing in the doorway to the kitchen, leaning against the woodwork of the doorframe. She had a white dress on, and her long hair tied back in a ponytail. "I thought I heard someone come in while I was making bread for tomorrow's breakfast."
"My name is Rafe," said the wolf, quietly. "You must be Christine. The mayor mentioned you ran this establishment."
"That's true," she replied with a nod, walking further into the main room. Using one of the already lit candles, she set a few more burning, illuminating the room. "I have taken over all the duties around here since my husband died."
"My condolences," he said, barely above a whisper.
She smiled sadly. "Thank you." Pulling one of the chairs out she sat down. "You must be the hunter everyone has been talking about."
Now was Rafe's turn to nod. "That I am."
"Don't talk much, either, do you?" she asked, with a genuine smile this time.
"No," was all he said in return.
"Do you drink?" she inquired, standing and walking behind the counter, taking a green glass bottle off the shelf. "Interest you in a glass of my late husband's homemade wine?"
Rafe shook his head. "I couldn't. You can't have a lot of it--"
She cut him off with the pop of the cork. "Too late, opened now." Setting two glasses on the countertop, she poured a bit into each one. He reached out and took his glass, swirling the red wine a bit in the glass before taking a sip. A wonderful bouquet of oak, vanilla, and cherries greeted him.
"Your husband made a wonderful wine," he said, taking another sip.
"I'm glad you enjoy it," she replied. "I'm sure my husband would have liked the compliment as well. We didn't get a lot of visitors, and most were just passing through, or roaming traders. Not many of the townsfolk enjoy a good glass of wine, either; most would rather just come in for the mead or ale."
Reaching under his jacket, he took out a handful of gold coins and set them on the counter. "This should cover a room for two nights, meals, and the glass of wine."
"The wine is on the house," Christine assured him.
"Then consider it a bonus," answered Rafe, finishing his glass. She picked up the bottle and refilled his, topping hers off again.
"I do just have one request," she murmured, drinking her wine. Rafe said nothing, waiting. "I want you to kill whatever murdered my husband."
The wolf remained silent for a moment. "That's why I came here." He could see that she was gazing at his revolver, that had come in view when he sat down and his coat had fallen away from his hip. Reaching down, he pulled his coat back over his weapon.
"It's all right," she said, quietly. "I wouldn't think you'd be using harsh language."
"No, I suppose not." He finished his wine again, savoring the last bit of flavor on his tongue. "Could I have my room key?"
"Of course," answered Christine, reaching under the counter and handing him a key. "Up the stairs on the left, room three. It's the biggest of them." As he stood up, she added, "Why don't you take the rest of the wine to your room with you?"
"It's your husband's...why don't you--"
She cut him off with, "I have several racks in the basement with more, and he had shown me how to make it. I may not be as good as he was yet, but someday." She half-smiled. "I plan to even put my own spirit into it."
With a slight bow at the waist, Rafe took the bottle and glass with him, climbing upstairs. Inserting the key in door at the top of the stairs, he stepped inside, noticing that there was already a lit candle on the desk. Apparently Christine really had been expecting him. There was a single bed against the wall under the window, which was currently open, and looked out over the dirt road of the town. Next to the bed was another table, with an oil lamp on it. He opted to just have the one candle on.
Standing by the window, he took his jacket off, setting over the end of the bed frame. He also took his revolver out of its holster, putting it on the bedside table within easy reach. Bracing his sword against the wall, Rafe stripped off his pants and shirt, leaving himself nude. By candlelight, his ebony fur see |
med to have a golden hue to it. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he sighed deeply. It was going to be a long day tomorrow. He leaned over and blew out the candle. Outside light crept in through the window, growing darker by the moment as clouds moved in over the half-moon that was high in the September sky. By the time he had lay down on the bed, rain was gently pattering against the window and thunder was rumbling in the distance. To Rafe, it was comforting, like a familiar friend.
Early morning light streamed down the staircase from the window at the top. The silver tray rattled a bit from the plates and cups on it, and Christine's paws thumped ever so slightly on the wooden staircase. She had tied her shoulder-length hair up in a loose ponytail, and put on her best dress; the one her husband had brought back from a trip to London.
When she arrived at the top of the stairs, Christine knocked gently on the door of Rafe's room. There was a brief shuffling sound from within, the latch on the door being undone, and then the portal opening. The black wolf stood in the doorway, nude.
"Oh, I'm...sorry," she gasped, looking down. "I didn't realize..."
"It's all right," Rafe said, gently. "Breakfast?"
"Yes," she replied. "Um, toast, eggs, and tea."
The wolf reached out and took the tray. "Thank you. Please, come in."
Hesitantly, Christine followed him into the room. She gazed at his sinewy back, taught arms, and butt that looked like it was made of marble. He bent over and grabbed his pants, pulling them on and cinching up his belt. She smiled, relievedly, now that he was at least half-clothed. "I hope I didn't wake you."
"No, not at all," answered Rafe, sitting on the bed. "I usually get up with the sun." He sipped the tea she had brought him. "Honeysuckle," he observed.
"You know your wines and teas," she said, happily. She took the chair at the desk, sitting properly. "What are you going to do today?"
Eating his eggs, he answered, "Walk town a bit, question some of the furs here."
Christine furrowed her brow. "Why?"
"Because sometimes what I'm looking for is hiding in plain sight," replied Rafe. "Is there anyone in town you rarely or never see in daylight?"
The lynx thought for a moment. "No, not really. A lot of them are farmers, one raises horses. Mr. Winthrop is the town physician, both for furs and the livestock; he's out all day. Mr. Franklin is the undertaker, but he also does odd jobs around town to make money in his off time."
Eating the last bit of toast with home-made apple jam on it, he inquired, "What about the females?"
"Same," answered Christine. "Doing chores all day; hanging the laundry, washing, tending to gardens, if they have any. Mr. Wayne's wife does seamstress work in town; repairing dresses and pants, sheets, anything, really. Also at the end of every month is the town quilting group, which takes place before sundown."
Rafe said nothing, getting up and going to the window, opening it. Autumn scents drifted into him; the smell of dry leaves, crisp air, and a dogwood tree somewhere nearby. "What can you tell me about the victims?"
"Why not ask Mr. Winthrop?" she asked in return.
"If I wanted to know about the physical aspects of the bodies, I would," he explained, turning back to her, picking up his tea and drinking. "What about them personally?"
She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Mrs. Margarette was first, about a month ago. She was the wife of the undertaker for the area. They found her...all tore up at the end of the stream, that feeds into the foothills." Christine was silent for a moment, before resuming. "Mr. Dankins found her."
"Where does he live?" asked Rafe.
"At the base of the foothills," she replied. "In a small shack, by himself. Grows his own food, comes into town for meat and medicine occasionally. No one ever really talks to him."
"And have you ever--?" started Rafe, but Christine cut him off.
"Yes, I've seen him during the day," she replied, with a sad smile.
He didn't say anything in reply, reaching down and pulling on a black shirt and black vest, securing a belt around his waist with his pistol holster on it. Picking up his large revolver off the desk, he double-checked it and placed it snug to its home.
"I've never seen a revolver quite like that," observed the lynx, looking closer at the weapon.
"Custom-made," replied Rafe, "by an outfitter in London." She could see it was made from a very bright material, that to her looked almost like silver. It also had a heavy barrel and longer hammer.
"Do you really use silver bullets?" asked Christine.
"No," replied Rafe, "that's a myth. Mine are actually made of gold."
"What about garlic, crosses, and the like?"
Rafe shook his head. "Crosses and religious artifacts are useless. Vampires can cross into graveyards, churches, anywhere they please. They don't need to be invited in. Garlic never seems to bother them either. For all accounts, they don't seem to be demons or hellspawn. No one is still really sure why they have the need to feed on other beings, or where they came from in the first place. But what I do know is they die like anyone else." Crossing the room, Rafe stopped at the door. "Thank you for breakfast."
Christine smiled and nodded. "It was my pleasure. Be back at sunset, I'll have dinner ready."
Saying nothing else, he opened the door and disappeared silently. The only way Christine knew he had left was when she head the front door close, almost imperceptibly.
The overhead sun was obscured as he moved further into the tree line at the edge of town. Rafe looked around himself, noticing the beaten-down path of horses, cattle, and other furs get more indistinguishable and replaced with long grass and overgrown foliage. The mountain, part of the Pennines range, rose up out of the foothills in front of him. He walked through the grass scuffing against his calves, seeing a ramshackle shack set farther back along the trees. He didn't think whoever lived out there was the vampire, but he did want to discuss the first body.
Approaching the shack, he heard a gunshot ring out. Rafe dropped to one knee, pulling his revolver and cocking the hammer. "Who's there!?" he called out.
From around the corner of the shack came a badger holding a double rifle, holding it up at waist height. "Whoa are you!?" called back the badger, eyeing Rafe suspiciously.
The wolf got back on his feet, holding the revolver up. "I'm Rafe. The mayor hired me to root out your problem."
The badger slowly lowered the rifle, still looking at unease. "Well, come on over."
Walking slowly, still holding his weapon, Rafe came closer to the badger. "I was told you found the first body."
Nodding, the badger replied, "Yes, that's true." Rafe could now see the badger was older, around his forties. His hands twitched a bit, making the rifle rattle. Rafe surmised that was why he was still alive now.
"So you're Mr. Dankins," observed Rafe.
"Yes, that I am," answered Dankins. "My apologies, I don't get a lot of visitors out here. Plenty of thieves looking for free food, though, what with my garden out back."
Ignoring the apology, Rafe just pressed on. "Could we go somewhere to talk?"
Dankins nodded, turning and walking to the front door, Rafe following him. The badger opened the door, both of them ducking inside. The interior was all one room, with a couple tables, a small cooking area, fireplace, and bed. The badger set the rifle next to the front door, turning to Rafe. " 'Fraid I don't have much of any place to sit."
"Standing is fine," replied Rafe, flatly. "I just want to know about the first body you found."
Dankins nodded, reaching for a pipe and bit of tobacco, lighting it up and puffing gently. "I found it when I went down to the stream to get water. It runs down through the hills here and around the town. Several of the farmers built their places specifically around it."
"And then?" prodded Rafe, not caring about the genesis of the outlying areas.
Dankins blew out a bit of smoke, continuing. "She was on the bank, nude, and aside from looking rather pale under her fur, she appeared as if she was asleep. I thought maybe she had wandered out and passed out. But when I approached her, and saw the blood, and couldn't awake her, it was more obvious."
"And then came the others," encouraged Rafe. The badger nodded. "All found out here in the foothills," continued the wolf.
"That's correct."
"Anyone odd or new come through in the last month?"
Dankins scratched his chin for a moment. "No, just the usual traveling merchants and the like. I purchased some cured beef from one of them."
Rafe was beginning to think that the badger was not the font of information he first thought. "So, you only found the body? Nothing else to add?"
Dankins shook his head. "I don't like to interact with the town. Not more than I have to anyway. Grow my own food, get water from the stream, stitch as many of my own clothes as I can. Really I only go to town for bigger items and meat."
Shaking his head, mostly at the waste of time, Rafe was turning to leave when something caught his eye. He leaned over and picked up a jewel-studded tankard, looking it over. "Where did this come from?"
Dankins fidgeted with his paws for a moment, looking away. "I found it."
Rafe raised an eyebrow. "Where?"
"It's not a crime to found something," retorted the badger. "It was...on the ground. Out in the woods."
The wolf sighed deeply, eyeing the badger. He didn't even need to say a word to know that Dankins was lying. Something this nice, and above all clean, would not be found in the dust and dirt. The badger wouldn't meet his gaze except fleetingly, and it wasn't much longer before he was ready to give in. "All right, I got it from someplace."
"No place in town," pointed out Rafe.
"No," confirmed Dankins. "From the manor. Out in the woods."
"What manor?" asked Rafe, setting the tankard down.
"The old one, that no one ever goes to," answered Dankins. "I went there one day, since everyone used to say a rich family used to live there. No one knows why they left. It's been pretty much abandoned for a long time."
"And no one else from town ever goes up there?" asked Rafe.
Dankins nodded. "The mayor may know more than I do about it. Not that he knows about much of anything."
The wolf replied with nothing else, opening the door and stepping back outside, leaving the smell of tobacco and dust behind him. The sun was already approaching its zenith, nearing noon. It had taken longer to get out here than he had expected. But now that he was on a lead, he needed to speak with the mayor, and get more information. But, first, he wanted to see where the bodies were.
"Mr. Dankins," he began, looking back inside the shack. "Could you show me exactly where the bodies were found?"
The badger nodded enthusiastically. "Of course. It's right near my well. Come with me." Closing the door behind them, the badger waked towards the treeline, away from the tilled and tended land around his dwelling. Dirt turned to thick grass, occluded on all sides by tall trees. As they walked along, Rafe heard the distinct sound of running water. Through a dense copse of maples, Dankins lead the wolf upon the creek. It flowed along at a decent pace, disappearing in a bend to the right as it headed towards the town.
"Meets up with the larger Green River a few miles down," remarked Dankins, watching as Rafe walked along the bank.
"This is where they were?" asked Rafe.
The badger nodded, squinting against the bright sunlight filtering down through the trees. "Aye. My well is right over there." Taking a few steps closer to the bank, Dankins removed a circular cover stone, approximately the size of a small dinner plate. Inside was clear water up to the brim. "Fed by the stream and an underground source. Even during a dry spell, there's water here."
"And no one else knows about it?" inquired Rafe, bending on one knee and examining the earth before him.
"No, sir," answered Dankins, sounding as if he were proud of himself for hording the source.
Pinching a bit of dirt between his fingers, and bringing it to his eyes, Rafe squinted, as if he were blinded by the loam pincered in his digits. "When was the last killing?"
"Two days ago, I believe," answered Winthrop. "That was the night it rained terribly."
"Did it rain every night there was a killing?" posed Rafe, looking at Dankins.
The badger's brows furrowed for a moment, thinking, puffing on his pipe. "Now that you mention it, yes. It's been particularly rainy lately, and kept the well quite high. I was coming out a lot, and was finding the bodies."
The black wolf frowned. This was a smart one then; moving on nights of a storm, when it would be darkest, and the rain would naturally wipe away all trace. He had never encountered such a level of intelligence. Deep down, it worried him. Across the stream, he could see more trees retreating further up the mountainside. Idly, he wondered where the manor that Dankins mentioned was.
"Mr. Rafe?" called Dankins.
The wolf looked up from his thoughts. "Yes?"
"It's about lunch," pointed out Dankins. "I'd like to get back home."
The wolf stood up, letting the loose dirt go. "Of course." He bowed slightly at the waist. "By your leave." With that, he turned and headed back towards town, leaving Dankins alone to just watch the wolf leave.
Herbert Wesson sat down in his dining room, taking his lunch of tea and, a rare treat for himself, fish. Preparing to eat, he was interrupted by a knock at the front door. Sighing, he set his fork down and went to the front door, opening it to the black clad visitor.
"Oh, hello," he said to the wolf. "Please come in."
Saying nothing, Rafe stepped past him and inside, standing in the lobby while Herbert closed the door behind them. "I was just about to have lunch, if you'd care to join me."
"Just tea would be fine," answered Rafe, walking into the dining area. "I actually only came to ask a few questions."
"Please, by all means," said Herbert, pouring Rafe a cup of tea and setting it in front of him. The two of them sat down at the table, which Rafe noticed was covered in an old, stained tablecloth, and what looked like inherited sterling silver tableware. There was a bay window that offered an excellent view of the fields not yet claimed by the expansion of the town. "What's on your mind?" asked the mayor.
"I had a word with the badger who lives on the edge of the foothills," started Rafe.
"Oh, yes, Mr. Dankins," commented the mayor. "He's one of the more...colorful members of the community, which is putting it mildly."
"He mentioned an old, abandoned manor in the mountains," continued Rafe, ignoring the mayor. "When was the last time anyone was up there?"
"Oh, it's been sometime," answered Herbert. "A landscaper from the local town came by to appraise the land it was on, and it was priced far beyond what anyone could afford, and certainly with the mansion on it as well."
"Where is it, exactly?" asked Rafe, sipping his tea, which he noticed was Earl Grey.
"Just at the top of he footpath," replied Herbert, finishing his fish in between sentences. "Not far at all, really. But no one goes up there." He shrugged. "Really no reason to."
"Had anyone been up there when the killings first started?"
The mayor thought for a moment, sipping his own tea. "Not that I know of. Again, there's no reason for anyone to be up there."
Rafe nodded. "How far would it be from where the first body was found?"
"Again, not far," Herbert said. "It's pretty much right at the top of the footpath."
"Thank you," began Rafe, standing. "This has been very helpful."
"Glad I could help," the mayor responded slowly, not sure how helpful he had really been. He stood with Rafe, walking the wolf to the door. "Anything else you need, please stop by."
"I will be sure to," replied Rafe. Stepping through the door, he heard the mayor close the door behind him. The wolf looked up to the sky, noticing the sun falling already. It wouldn't be long before dusk. Going up into the mountains now would not be wise. Already, the town was beginning to shut down. He could see several furs heading home, and one going around to the lamps in town and lighting them for the evening. With the advent of night coming, he decided to go back to the inn.
True to her word, at sunset Rafe could smell the redolent scent of dinner drifting up the stairs to his nostrils. Setting down a book he had borrowed from the shelf in the room, he got off the bed and opened the door to head downstairs. He stood in the candlelit dining area, enjoying the scent.
"It'll be right out," came Christine's voice from the kitchen. He sat down, waiting for his host. Momentarily, she emerged with a plate for Rafe, full of meat and vegetables. As she set it down in front of him, he realized it had been awhile since he'd had a good meal. He hadn't had a chance to get to London lately, where most of the best cuisine was found. But this would rival any bistro in the city.
"I hope you like lamb," she said, returning into the kitchen and bringing back a plate for herself, sitting down across from him.
"I haven't had it in a bit," he replied, trying a forkful, and finding it absolutely delicious. Moist and flavorful, almost falling apart in his muzzle. "It's fantastic."
She smiled. "Glad you enjoy it. It's nice to have someone to cook for again."
Rafe nothing in reply, continuing to eat. Christine found her taciturn guest refreshing. Most males that came through were on their way somewhere else, and didn't have the best of manners.
"What do you know about the manor up in the mountains?" asked Rafe suddenly.
Christine did not immediately reply. "Hardly anyone goes up there. There's a rumor that it's haunted. Sometimes, when my husband was out hunting late at night, he said he saw lights in the windows, and heard noises coming from there. But he never went close enough to really see what was going on."
"Was he out the night he died?" asked Rafe.
The lynx set her fork down, looking down at her plate. "Not hunting. We had a fight that night, and he left for a few hours. I thought he would come back, but when the sunrise came, and he wasn't back, I and a few others went looking for him. We found him in the same place as the others; the base of the foothills, all his clothes missing."
Rafe nodded. "I think whatever is causing all of this is out in that manor. It's the only place near enough the town where someone could hide out, and sneak down into town and be back out during the night."
"Do you really think it could be a vampire?" asked Christine, quietly.
"Yes," replied Rafe. "There have been numerous documented cases of furs drinking blood as a fetish, but...there are also cases where the answer has not been of someone carrying out the act as a fetish, but as a way to sustain their life. And I believe this will be one of those cases."
The female lynx was quiet for a moment. "Why do you do this? Why dedicate your life to all this darkness?"
Rafe didn't respond for a moment, taking another bite of his meal. "I was to be married once," he started, setting his fork down. "A beautiful wolfess. We were engaged at her parents' manor in the country. We left to go back to the city, and left after dark. On he way, our carriage was attacked by a pack of vampires. A rarity, but it happens. They took my wife, and left me for dead." Christine didn't say anything, listening as Rafe went on. "For whatever reason, vampires like virgins. My fiancee and I had agreed to wait until our wedding night to consummate, and they could tell she was untouched. I managed to get away, how I don't really know. But she was killed, right there, her screams just echoing away from me."
"I'm so sorry," whispered Christine. "It seems we've both lost the one we love."
Rafe was silent for a moment, before murmuring, "It was another lifetime ago."
"What will you do?" asked Christine.
"Go to the manor during the day tomorrow," explained Rafe. "With luck, it will be immobile during the day."
" 'It?' " asked Christine.
"The vampire," responded Rafe. "Whether he or she, it isn't of this world any longer. If it's asleep, then quickly taking its head will be an end to this."
"Do you want breakfast tomorrow?" she asked.
The wolf shook his head. "It would be best if I started off before dawn. Get there as the sun is coming up, when it will be at its most vulnerable."
"Well," she started, standing up. "our meal wouldn't be complete without apple pie then, now would it?"
Rafe just nodded his consent, waiting as she disappeared into the kitchen to retrieve it. He had done this dozens of times now, but somehow this one felt...different. The wolf shook it off, ignoring his misgivings. Waiting for the dessert, he knew everything would go smooth as always.
"The vampyr will lure unsuspecting females, and occasionally males if they are desperate, to them with seduction and trances. Gazing at a vampyr for too long will allow them to cast their dark deception over the innocent, and render them helpless, sometimes even willing, to the creature's actions and desires. So few have survived a vampyr's advance that details are not always clear. No one still knows why the vampyr prefers females to males, or virgins over all. Much of the intimate details of the night walkers are a mystery."
\'The Vampyr: Myth and Monster,' by Constance Sterling, 1841
It was still nearly dark outside, the sun just barely touching the horizon. Rafe pulled his jacket on over his clothes, double-checking his revolver and extra ammunition. Sighing, he opened the door and silently crept down the stairs. Like a phantom, he made no noise in the still-shadowy inn. But when he got to the bottom of the staircase, he was aware he was being watched.
"I thought you would at least like to take some almonds with you," said Christine, holding out a folded-up kerchief. It smelled delectable, and Rafe surmised she had gotten up earlier than he to bake them. "My husband always took them on long trips. Said they were the perfect thing."
Gently, he took them with a nod. "Thank you." With that, he moved to the door, making to exit.
"When will you be back?" asked the lynx.
Rafe could feel her eyes on him, waiting for an answer. "When it's done."
"What if you don't return?" she submitted, quietly, just above a whisper.
"I will," he answered, without hesitation. Before she could speak again, the wolf opened the door and disappeared like the shadow he resembled. Christine was left only with the crisp scent of the Autumn morning that the stranger had let in.
Outside, mist drifted across the main street in gentle curls. His boots crunched over dead leaves, and the light from the oil lamps was retreating as they ran out. As Rafe left the town behind, the sun was climbing higher over the hills in front of him. As far as he was concerned, the higher the sun, the better. No one knew why, but true vampires were weak to sunlight. It was an easy way to discern the actual creatures from fetishists.
As he entered the foothills, and went past Mr. Dankins shack, the mist was slowly evaporating as the heat increased, ever so slightly. It was going to be a true Autumn day, he could feel it already. Not that cold bothered him. His coat was usually more of a formality than necessity. The sunrise was a beautiful contrast to the work in front of him.
Reaching the stream, he walked across a few rocks just at the top of the waterline, which looked like the remains of a primitive dam, before the stream had expanded and risen higher. For the moment, it made a decent rudimentary bridge. On the other side, he was in another copse of trees, with a footpath cut through them. It went up higher into the mountainside, gently curving away from Rafe. Hiking up the dirt path, he noticed something odd; not one bird was singing in the morning. The forest was preternaturally. silent, almost as if it were waiting for something. Rafe did not feel fear anymore, but it was still disquieting to him.
Sunlight filtered down through the trees now, dappling the forest floor with shadows from the trees. The sound of the creek was retreating behind him now, just a faint babble in the distance. A gentle wind blew under the leaves, the fronds on the trees scraping against one another. The vibrant yellows and fire reds still clung to the branches, desperate to not be cast to the ground in the advent of winter.
As the footpath started into the more rocky portion of the mountain, Rafe could see a precipice overlooking where the village was. From the base of the hill, it was obscured by trees and foliage, but now he could see it fully. On the ledge of rock was the manor the mayor spoke of. Surrounded on sides by large boulders, and approximately one hundred yards back from the sheer edge of the precipice, Rafe wondered why anyone would build a dwelling in such a place. He also observed that, despite the mayor's assertions, someone was definitely in there; lazy wisps of smoke curled from one of the chimneys of the mansion.
Approaching the manor, he was impressed by the size. Three stories towered over him, and was also very wide. It was the sort of place that spoke of a nobleman. Stained-glass windows looked out from the front, depicting various battle scenes, a forest, and a moonlit lake. Many of the panes were missing, but it was intact enough to let Rafe be able to tell that, in its inception, it was a grand facade. But now, where grass was growing had become overgrown, and vines choked the walls. An old fountain, in the shape of a fish spewing water from its mouth, was covered in an age's worth of dirt and grime. Judging by the wear on the woodwork of the manor, the place itself was very old.
Standing before the front door, which had a large bronze door knocker in the shape of a lion's head, Rafe couldn't help but feel that he was being watched. He looked all about himself, but couldn't see anyone, nor shake the feeling. A tingle went up his spine; a feeling he was not intimate with at all. Reaching under his coat, he took his revolver from its resting place, and then gently pressed the door open.
Light spilled across a grand marble floored lobby. A staircase lead up from the lobby to a wooden balcony that disappeared to either side. Doors lined either side of the lobby, leading to places unknown. Cobwebs hung from a golden chandelier suspended over the floor. At a time, the marble had probably been so polished it would have reflected the chandelier like a mirror. But now, there was only more dust.
Closing the door behind himself, Rafe listened carefully. His ears were often the greatest way to track his quarry. But now, he heard nothing. All that greeted him was total silence. He stepped across the hall, streams of sunlight coming through the empty panes of glass catching lazy dust motes that Rafe was kicking up. Mounting the staircase, the wolf stealthily made his way upstairs, making hardly a sound. The marble didn't creak like a wooden staircase, making his attempts at silence much easier. At the top, it turned to wood, which made a slight creaking noise beneath his paws. To the right , the hallway ended at a door. On the left, the walkway ended in a right angle to the right which went out of sight. Regarding the door for a moment, he turned to the left, following the hall. Here, his boots thudded lightly, a carpet masking most of his sound. Rafe couldn't tell what color the carpet once was; red, maybe.
Around the corner, there were two more doors; one right near him, and another farther down. Beyond that, the hallway turned to the left this time. Having not picked up another clue where the creature may be, he opened the nearest door.
Inside was an office-like space; large cherry wood desk, papers spread over the top of it, an empty oil lamp, reference books ranging on everything from anatomy to zoology in a glass case, and mounted insects and flowers in display cases mounted on the wall. Unlike the rest of what Rafe had seen, the office looked like it had been tended somewhat recently; there was a much smaller film of dust over everything.
Closing the door, he continued along to the next door. As his hand touched the door, he realized he was hearing music. The gentle hum a violin greeted his ears from just beyond the door. He paused for a moment, reaching up with his thumb and cocking the hammer of his revolver. As he did, the music stopped. Slowly, he opened the door, greeted with gentle candlelight. The door opened onto a balcony that around the upper part of the room, which extended over both floors. The room itself was a giant library; floor to ceiling books, with a couple chairs, a glockenspiel, and fireplace down below. A fire currently burned in the pit.
Moving around the upper level, he came to a metal staircase, circular in design, that led down to the sitting area. Mounting the stairs, Rafe made his way downstairs, his paws banging on the metal rather loudly.
When he reached the lower floor, the first thing that struck him was the lack of windows. All the light was coming from torches on the wall, and a couple oil lamps. This room was also spotless; the glockenspiel had been polished, the bookshelves were polished, the carpeting beneath him looked brand new. This room was clearly cared for.
On top of the piano was a violin, presumably the one he was hearing before he came into the room. Looking around a bit more, his eyes lay across a coat of arms above the fireplace, with two swords crossed behind it. The design on the shield itself was of a lion, in what appeared to be mid-roar. More books adorned the sides of the room, but he didn't see a way out. Whoever was in here, it was as if they just disappeared. He tried to get a scent on the direction of where they went, but it was to no avail.
Turning, he was ready to go back upstairs when he came face to face with a pair of intense blue yes. Reflexively, Rafe jumped back as far as he could, and raised his revolver. "Hold it right there," he commanded.
The stranger, a younger white wolf, said and did nothing in return, just watching. "Buongiorno. I haven't had a visitor in some time," said the white wolf, with a deep voice, infused with a gentle Italian accent.
"Who are you?" demanded Rafe, still keeping the revolver raised.
"Mi spiace! I am Angelo Leone, this is my manor," replied the white wolf, seeming nonplussed by the weapon held on him. "I apologize for the mess, I have been trying to clean for years, but it's such a big place, and there is only mysel |
Rafe frowned. "The mayor told me this place was deserted."
"I'm afraid he is mistaken," replied Angelo. "Non importa. It is just good to have company."
Still not lowering his weapon, Rafe pressed, "Did you know nothing of the murders taking place lately?"
Angelo nodded. "Yes, I would know of them. I'm afraid I am the one committing them."
The black wolf's eyes narrowed. "Then I have to kill you."
The white wolf tilted his head slightly. "Perche?" Rafe did not reply. "Forgive my manners. I have had so long to learn english, and have failed to completely. Why?"
"Because you're an abomination," replied Rafe. "You kill others to further your own life."
Angelo still seemed unfazed. "Would you kill a male who slays a bovine for his dinner? No, you would not. I am to do what I must."
"We aren't cattle," replied Rafe.
Angelo bowed his head slightly. "That was a bad analogy, my apologies. I merely meant that one should not be held accountable for what is necessary to survive. I have not killed a lot; just what was necessary."
With that, Rafe no longer waited. He squeezed off two rounds, the sound almost deafening in the small space. When the smoke cleared, Angelo was still standing, only now slightly more to the right. Rafe couldn't believe his eyes.
"I had no intention of harming you," started Angelo, "but I do have a certain standard for guests in my house."
Growling, Rafe fired his last four rounds. The other wolf was a blur of white, moving ever closer to Rafe with every shot the black wolf took. When Rafe's revolver was out of ammunition, Angelo was right in front of him. The white wolf reached out and, with surprising strength, wrenched the gun from Rafe's hands. Going for his katana, Angelo again moved with lightning speed and disarmed Rafe, the sword clattering to the floor. Nudging Rafe with the flat of his palm, Angelo shoved Rafe against the bookcase, tomes falling from their perch and showering over the hunter. Before he could react, Angelo was on top of him again, and holding Rafe by the muzzle. The black wolf couldn't resist from looking into Angelo's eyes.
"Go to sleep," whispered Angelo. "Go to sleep, and when you awaken, we still speak again."
Fighting it as hard as he could, Rafe felt him inexorably slipping into an inky blackness that claimed him from the inside. Before losing consciousness, he could hear, "You will be fun."
His ears flicked a bit as a slight breeze caressed his body. Cracking his eyes slightly, he could see he was in an immaculate bed, a four-poster style one, made of deep, rich mahogany. The bed beneath him felt like it was stuffed with goose down, and the fabric of the sheets was so soft. He realized he was lying above the blanket, and had been stripped down to nothing but his pants. Looking to his left, he saw a pair of double doors, opened onto a balcony overlooking the hills where he came from. Clearly he had been out for a few hours, as he could tell it was night; the moon was rising into the night sky. The walls of the room were wallpapers with a floral pattern, and decorated with shelves displaying various curiosities and knick-knacks. A few candles burned on the side table, and in a few wall sconces.
"Sleep well?" came a voice from across the room.
Rafe looked up sharply, and saw Angelo standing in the doorway with a silver tray with tea and a couple of pastries on it, wearing a white cotton shirt and tan pants. Try as he may, Rafe found he could not move, or even sit up. He was in his enemy's lair, and utterly paralyzed.
"Don't strain yourself," assured Angelo, "I'll let you up for tea, if you'll behave like a gentleman."
Rafe glared from the bed, but stopped resisting for the moment.
"That's better," said Angelo. As he set the tray down, Rafe suddenly felt as if his arms had become lighter. Sitting up, the black wolf still could not move his legs. Angelo poured him a cup of tea and held it out for Rafe. The hunter made no move to take it, Angelo merely patiently holding it out for his guest. After a moment of silence, Rafe grudgingly took the proffered cup, getting scent of something he was not familiar with. He took a sip, and found it slightly bitter.
"What's in this?" asked Rafe.
Taking a sip from his own cup, Angelo responded, "A bit of nightshade."
Rafe stopped drinking and looked over the top of the cup. "Poison?"
"Oh, Lord, no!" responded Angelo, as if the mere idea were an insult. "Enough for flavor, and maybe some of the more interesting side effects of the flower. Not that it will bother or affect myself, mind you."
Frowning, Rafe set his cup on the side table, leaving the rest of the tea.
"Perhaps later," observed Angelo. "Scone?"
"No," answered Rafe, flatly.
Shrugging, the white wolf left everything else on the tray. "Obviously they do me no good. They taste just fine, but doesn't quite sustain me."
"Why can't I move?" asked Rafe, finally.
Finishing his tea and pouring a bit more, Angelo replied, "I thought it best if you were immobilized while we got to know each other. Given your history, I didn't think a male such as yourself would willingly sit and talk."
"You know nothing about me," snarled Rafe.
"I got to know you a bit while you slept," Angelo informed him. "That you travel, far from home, to hunt my kind. That your fiancee was killed by vampires, and you hold a very dark place in your heart for the ones responsible."
"Monster," muttered Rafe.
"No, Mr. McClintock," started Angelo, standing, "you are the monster. Killing those who wish only to make our lives, our existence, with the way we are. Some call it a curse, others a blessing. It is merely life for me."
"And death for others," growled Rafe. "Taking the life of others to further your own selfish, unnatural desires."
Walking around the edge of the bed, Angelo bent in close to Rafe. The black wolf could feel the other's breath against him. "You know nothing of my desires," whispered Angelo. "I am like nothing you have encountered before."
"You're like all the rest," retorted Rafe.
"On the contrary," stated Angelo, standing back up and walking across the room, his back to Rafe. "I am an original. One of the originals, anyway." He looked over his shoulder to the wolf on the bed. "I have been alive for a very long time. My family was originally a regal line from Italy. I was born in 1321, growing up in the Renaissance. I lived in a mansion, was tended to by servants, and wanted for nothing. In the height of one of the most enlightened moments in time, I was unto a king in my own right. My thirst for knowledge, for experience, was absolute. It was during my need for this experience that took me to a group known as the Rose Brotherhood. Mostly a group of high-society males that liked to drink absinthe from animal skulls and believe themselves to be gods in their hallucinations. But one male, he was different. He didn't engage in the trivial actions and banter of everyone else. In his eyes was the true spark of knowledge and power. Not tangible power that could be held, like gold or a sword, but power of the mind and spirit."
Rafe said nothing as Angelo went on.
"He told me he came from a place of mountains to the north," continued the white wolf. "A place I had never heard of or been to. And he said he was willing to share his power with me, if I so chose. At the age of nineteen, I agreed to it. The night I asked him, we went to his manor and there, he transformed me. One bite, one little bite, was all it took to change my life. I stayed there that night, and we explored so many things. He taught me of the ways of our people, and how to hunt, how to stay hidden. After that, he was gone, his house deserted, and no one in the Brotherhood knew where he went.
"Not long after, the thirst, the need set in. I was clumsy at first, of course. But soon, I was taking to the night and getting what I needed. I tried to sate myself on cows, birds, everything I could, but nothing ever came close to another like what I used to be. I slept all day, realizing the sun was anathema to me now. My parents became suspicious, but assumed it was the whimsical larkings of an adolescent. But I could not hide it forever. When ten years went by and I looked like I had not aged a day, well, parties became concerned. Of course no one looked to the occult to explain it, this was an age of the enlightened. But when no discernable cause for my 'issue' became apparent, fear was the overwhelming emotion that gripped the town. I knew it was a matter of time before I was found, so taking what I could, I fled to the north, where I stayed for a long time. I would pass myself off as the 'son' of the previous owner of the house I was in, or a distant relative. But that, too, soon wasn't working anymore. Around 1730, I came here, to England, and had this mansion built. I thought that living far away from everyone would be best, venturing down only when I needed to feed. I can go quite long without it, actually, after a few sustained feeds. Eventually, it fell into disrepair, except the rooms I use regularly."
Rafe still remained silent.
"You still think of me as some monster," observed Angelo.
"Yes," replied Rafe.
Angelo sighed. "I really do wish you could see it from my perspective. I am here, alone, never having met another like myself. So many of them are so feral, and uncultured."
"Why females so much?" asked Rafe.
Angelo paused for a moment. "You know, I don't know. It becomes like an instinct, I suppose. Maybe because virgin females are less tainted, maybe they taste better. I do know I occasionally take males for..." He paused for a moment and looked at Rafe again. "...pleasure."
Rafe felt uncomfortable as Angelo eyed him for a moment, much the way a deer feels when looking into the eyes of a mountain lion. For the first time ever, Rafe felt like the prey.
"Come here for a moment," commanded Angelo. As he did, Rafe felt his legs free to move again. Gingerly, he swung them over the bed.
"How did you keep me there?" demanded Rafe. "And how did you know of my past?"
Angelo simply closed his eyes and shrugged. "Non lo so. I can touch someone and see into their thoughts and memories. If I so choose, I can make someone do things, control them."
Rafe stepped closer, slowly. "And that's what you did to me." Angelo nodded. Rafe was puzzled. He had heard of vampires being able to hypnotize their prey, but never that they could be controlled to such a degree. He came closer to the vampire, wary of might happen next. When he was within a couple feet of Angelo, he stopped, just standing there. Night air came in through the open doors, stirring around him, feeling fantastic against his exposed fur.
"In my language, we have a word, 'destino.' I believe in english, it translates to 'destiny.' Do you believe in destiny, Mr. McClintock?" asked Angelo.
Rafe stared at the vampire for a moment. "In the sense we are all moving to something that is beyond our control."
Angelo smiled gently and took a step towards Rafe, narrowing the gap between them. "As do I." He appraised Rafe's lithe, sinewy, muscular body for a moment. "As do I," he repeated, almost as if to himself. "I had a male here a few weeks ago, but he proved to be...disappointing."
"That was the husband of a female in town," growled Rafe.
Angelo spread his hands out. "A tragedy to be sure, but not one I can change anymore."
"I can," snarled Rafe, lunging forward. In one fluid motion, Angelo grabbed the black wolf by the throat. Struggling against the vice-like grip, Rafe could only make gurgling noises, and gasp out, "Just do it. Get it over with."
"Oh, my dear sir, we're only beginning," replied Angelo, using his free paw to take Rafe by the muzzle and force him to look right into Angelo's eyes. "Just let go. Embrace our oneness."
Almost immediately, he felt his mind begin to get hazy, like before when he was blacking out. But this was different. He wasn't getting sleepy, or blacking out. It was like his mind was disengaging from his body, like he was looking at himself from the outside and unable to think about what to do for himself anymore. Trying to lift his own arm was becoming a chore, and eventually he just felt like giving up.
"Will you calm down now?" asked Angelo, when he saw the black wolf's eyes begin to gloss over.
"Yes, master," was Rafe's reply, in a quiet voice.
Angelo gave a full smile. "Excellent." One of the perks of a vampire was being able to control others with merely look, that the suggestion over another could be done with so little effort. The last male that came around had been boring, but this wolf seemed to be something special.
Letting go of Rafe's neck, Angelo let the black wolf drop back to the floor. With no indication of pain or discomfort, Rafe just stood there, awaiting an order. Stroking his chin in contemplation, Angelo ordered, "Take off your pants."
Doing as directed, Rafe undid his belt and button, and deftly pulled his pants down over his hips, thighs, and down to his ankles. Stepping out of his pants, he was there nude now, his body revealed for Angelo to see. The black wolf had a nice plump sheath and beautiful testes hanging down between his legs. He was in pristine condition, with a fantastic body. Rafe made no move to cover himself, his arms hanging freely at his sides. Angelo was still just drinking in the wonderful male before him.
"Now," began Angelo, "come undress me."
"Yes," was Rafe's only reply, as he came over and lifted Angelo's shirt over the white wolf's head, letting it fall to floor after taking it off. Shirtless, Angelo also was a prime specimen of maleness. Chiseled chest, defined abs, strong arms, and generally fit figure. His strong bloodline and vampiric traits combined in an impressive display of strength. As Rafe took off his new master's pants, Angelo's own sheath and pouch came into view, still not aroused for the moment. They stood there, naked, with each other, like two adonises.
Angelo ran his paw through Rafe's headfur, then over the back of the black wolf's neck, across his chest, and down his stomach, ending at Rafe's crotch. Cradling Rafe's balls in his paw, he rubbed the orbs gently around. Rafe's breathing intensified, and his heart began to beat faster.
"Like that?" asked Angelo, continuing his diligent rubbing.
"Yes," whispered Rafe.
"You can touch master as well," murmured Angelo. As he said it, Rafe reached over with his own paw and felt around Angelo's groin, landing on the white wolf's sac and caressing it. Angelo had not been touched by a male in such a way in a long time. Most of the males he brought here were never good enough to embrace this sort of thing. He remembered back to the first time he engaged in such acts, the night he was turned, and his life had changed forever. His own master had been so gentle, and kind, and that was how he had always endeavored to treat his guests when he so chose to engage them this way. But his master had been very stern that night about one thing; not everyone could be turned to a vampire. To do that increased the chance of the 'feral' vampires, the ones that fed without regard to themselves or the 'comune,' the ones that did not share their ways. It was to be a life of solitude. But he liked the closeness he felt at times like this, even if it was temporary.
In the midst of their mutual touching, Angelo felt a stirring in his sheath, as his own maleness began to stiffen. Rafe, too, he could feel under his touch, was getting a bit erect inside his furred confinement.
Angelo leaned into Rafe's ears, and whispered, "Do you want to pleasure master?"
"Of course," replied Rafe.
"Then you may," encouraged Angelo.
Letting go of Angelo's sac, Rafe descended lower while Angelo remained standing. Looking down at his pet, the white wolf could just see the top of Rafe's head come to stop in front of Angelo's sheath. The ivory sleeve before Rafe quivered with anticipation and the stimulation it had already received. Angelo was partially erect, but still contained inside his sheath. Rafe leaned forward, and gently worked his tongue inside Angelo's sheath slit, running his tongue over Angelo's cockhead even when it was sitting inside its cover. Letting Rafe do what he wanted, Angelo just enjoyed the sensation, scritching Rafe behind the ears. It always amazed him that, when someone was under his control, they could still act to an extent within the order Angelo gave them. The white wolf had made no indication of licking him or anything like that, Rafe was doing that part on his own. And Rafe's own emerging jet-black cock from his sheath was also of his own arousal, not Angelo's suggestions.
"That's a good boy," whispered Angelo, rewarded his pet with his cock, emerging slowly, almost achingly so, from his sheath directly into Rafe's muzzle. The black wolf received it hungrily into his maw, feeling the slick texture of Angelo's pink cock against his tongue, and liking the sensation. Rafe greedily suckled on Angelo's penis, bobbing his head slightly while he did it, putting his paws on Angelo's hips for balance while he blew his master.
"Mmm...what is it you want?" murmured Angelo through his pleasure.
"Master's cock," replied Rafe, almost as a plaintive whine, briefly taking his muzzle from Angelo's shaft before returning it back to his warm recess. The white wolf admired the vigor with which Rafe sucked him off, his slave's tongue finding every inch of Angelo's seven-inch maleness. His knot was still buried within himself, but he knew with Rafe's zeal, that it wouldn't be for long. Angelo wanted so badly to just grab Rafe by the sides of the head and hump his muzzle, but at the same time wanted to be serviced by the wolf on his knees. Growling deep in his throat, he was content to just feel himself inside the black wolf.
On his knees, Rafe closed his eyes and just enjoyed feeling Angelo's wide shaft inside his muzzle, so warm, even amidst his own heat. He couldn't even remember why he had come here in the first place, only that now he just wanted to serve his master. He felt his own cock was stiff now, his eight inches protruding from his groin between his thighs. But he wasn't concerned with his own pleasure, only Angelo's. At the moment, his main concern was feeling the white wolf's cock spurt and throb inside his muzzle. He was already enjoying the steady beat of Angelo's pulse through his shaft.
As Rafe kept suckling against Angelo's cock, the white wolf felt his knot coming lose from its prison. He gazed down, enjoying watching himself emerge. Angelo had always been fascinated with his own sex, and sexuality. His own great, throbbing knot made him even more excited, especially with the idea that Rafe might be able to take it all into his muzzle.
"Wait," breathed Angelo. Rafe did ask instructed, leaning back on his heels while Angelo went to the wall and reached up onto one of the shelves, taking a silver ring down. Working it down his shaft, he delicately squeezed his knot through it, letting it come to rest at the base of his penis. The cockring engorged his already-sizable maleness, his girth expanding a bit, and making his penis more sensitive. Stepping back over to Rafe, he shoved his now-expanded cock against the black lupine's nose. "Proceed."
All too happily, Rafe swallowed Angelo's shaft back into his muzzle, right up to the knot, feeling the cool metal of the ring and Angelo's soft fur against his nose. Angelo's knot plugged his muzzle up effectively, having to open the side of his muzzle up to let himself breath. But he still loved the exquisite feeling of his master's cock in his maw.
"Take it all," murmured Angelo, breathing deeply, feeling his knot strain against the cockring he had put on, begging for release. "Good boy."
Whimpering in delight, Rafe increased his pace, sliding the underside of Angelo's shaft along his wet tongue and suckling against the white wolf's pulsating knot. Rafe was enjoying that hard throb against his tongue, and knowing how close Angelo was. Everything else had been pushed from his mind, leaving only Angelo's penis.
"Good...boy," susurrated Angelo, feeling a surge from his testes all the way up through his cock and through his head. His shaft flexed, and he felt his heart beat hard in his chest. Pleasure shot through his body like a bolt. Pressing a paw against the back of Rafe's head, he pressed his pet's head and muzzle forward hard against his crotch, flexing his ass and pushing his cock out as much as he could. Deep-throating the black wolf, his cock twitched and pulsed, and released his seed across the back of Rafe's throat. Murring, Angelo unloaded his semen into his new pet and lover, while Rafe greedily sucked it down, enjoying his gift. The flavor, tangy and salty, was better than he had hoped for. The white wolf's orgasm just continued on, Rafe swallowing it all. After a few seconds, it subsided, with Angelo racked with deep breaths, removing his paw from Rafe's head so the lupine could slide Angelo's cock out of his muzzle. He stayed on his knees, licking his lips clean of Angelo's seed.
"That was excellent, pet," murmured Angelo.
"Thank you, sir," whispered Rafe, looking up as his master with obvious pleasure at making his new owner happy.
Taking one of Rafe's paws, Angelo stood the black wolf back up. "There's something else I want from you, pet."
"Anything, my master," agreed Rafe.
Angelo blushed despite himself. "I want you to come to the bed and mount me."
Rafe nodded. "Of course."
Holding Rafe by the paw still, he guided his pet towards the bed. Since he could remember, he had possessed a submissive streak. He always reflected on the irony of dominating someone only to have them top him. But he loved the feeling of being filled, of having someone inside him. Angelo enjoyed having his pets paw him or suck him off, but being topped was what he enjoyed most.
Getting on the bed, Angelo stayed on all fours, looking over his shoulder while pulling his tail up. "Come," he ordered Rafe. Crawling up behind his master, his erection pointing straight out from his body, Rafe just stared at Angelo's perfect, round ass, and his pink pucker in the middle of all the white. The black wolf just wanted to plunge his ebony penis in there, because it was what his master wanted him to do.
"Go ahead," urged Angelo. "Please." Rafe got behind Angelo on his knees, pressing the tip of his cock against the white wolf's rear end, gently humping a little. "I want you inside me," whispered Angelo.
"Yes, my master," replied Rafe, pushing his penis against Angelo's anus, slowly sinking inside. Angelo gasped out at the initial penetration, as he was spread apart by Rafe's wide shaft, which he was willing to gamble was even larger than his own. He felt Rafe's own warmness mingle with his own, both of them coalescing into one sexual being. The black wolf continued to press himself on further, his eight inches disappearing into Angelo's silken insides. To Rafe, it was so smooth, and tight, the epitome of satisfaction. He could feel Angelo's insides cloying around him, teasing him, making his descent inside of the white wolf exquisite.
When Rafe hilted himself, Angelo murred under his breath, delighted to have the bigger lupine inside him. He could feel his pet's pelvis pressed to his ass, telling him that Rafe was indeed all inside him, save the top Angelo could feel throbbing inside Rafe's sheath against his cheeks. Rapidly, Rafe began to withdraw himself, getting three-quarters out of Angelo before thrusting back into his master, the sensation of the white wolf wrapping back around him almost too much to bear. Wrapping his paws around Angelo's hips, he started to thrust in earnest, hearing his master's soft whimpers beneath him. He was delighted his master was enjoying his humping, and it only exhorted him on. Rafe's own breath was coming in ragged gasps now, while Angelo's moaned.
Remembering he still had his cockring on, Angelo's own erection was back again, the cockring not letting his not slip back inside himself. Being pounded in the ass by Rafe, it felt fantastic to have his knot stopped against the metallic object. Each thrust from Rafe sent a wave of pleasure back down his cock, while his slit leaked his spent ejaculate and fresh precum from his pet being so deep inside him.
While Angelo was lost inside his own pleasure, Rafe was building his own, pumping his penis back and forth, in and out, swells of delight building in him and subsiding, only to be renewed with his next push back to Angelo's interior. Growling deep in his throat, Rafe kept breeding his master, pushing so hard against Angelo that the white wolf collapsed forward onto his stomach, Rafe right on top of him, still inside Angelo. Rafe pushed himself up onto his knees, bracing his paws on either side of Angelo on the bed, supporting himself above his master while he resumed his plunges inside and out. Angelo cried out as Rafe resumed, more in pleasure than pain, his knot aching against the ring, but was only enhancing everything he was feeling.
As Rafe was humping his master, he felt his knot come free of his sheath, the bulbous base coming out in its full glory. He kept thrusting into his master, not tying yet. Angelo could feel the other canine's knot against his rear, and mumbled, "Tie your master."
Saying no words, Rafe did as instructed, thrusting against his master one last time and driving his knot inside. Angelo howled as he was tied, the ultimate feeling of fulfillment enveloping him, making all else seem secondary. His pet growled as he sank all the way inside, tying completely. When he was locked inside his master, he orgasmed, harder than he could ever remember having done it before. His warm seed spurt from his tip, covering Angelo's insides. As Rafe came inside him, Angelo also felt his own penis spasm between his stomach and the bed, simultaneous to his pet's explosiveness within him. He gasped out, hearing Rafe continue to growl lowly as their orgasms subsided together. As they both lay there spent, the only sounds were their own breathing, and a gentle chorus of crickets outside.
"Thank you," whispered Angelo.
"For what, master?" asked Rafe, almost puzzled.
"Just...for being here," answered Angelo. It was funny he had manipulated the male that came here to kill him into having sex with him, and that his kind had murdered this male's wife, and set him on this path. Destiny, as he had asked Rafe of earlier, was indeed a strange, twisted road. He didn't know what was at the end of his road, but also realized it didn't matter. His journey had already been longer than most.
Giving Rafe a moment to settle down, they disengaged, Angelo finally taking his cockring off and letting his own penis withdraw back inside, dripping with his fluids, and Rafe's own semen dripping from his ass. He realized that the candles around them were burning low, some of them extinguishing all together, the light of the moon coming in through the doors.
Getting up on his knees, he turned around to face Rafe, seeing the wolf silhouetted in silver moonlight from outside. He was so serene, so passive for a male with such malice in his heart over the death of a loved one. But now, it was time for Angelo do what he must.
"Rafe, I'm going to feed on you now," started Angelo. "It will be painless, I assure you."
Rafe nodded. "As you wish, master."
Bowing his head, Angelo approached the black wolf, leaning against him so they both fell back against the mattress, Angelo on top of his pet, now his lover, and soon his prey. He could still smell their entwined musk around them, and feel the last bit of Rafe's arousal against his thigh. Before he could stop himself, he clamped his muzzle around Rafe's neck, sinking his fangs deep into the flesh there, feeling the black wolf's warm, life-giving fluid flow into his neck. He drank, feeding himself as the moon rose higher, and the Autumn night silently went on.
Standing on the balcony outside the bedroom, Angelo looked down over the trees, across to the town, which seemed very far away. He could see lanterns coming on now that twilight had faded and night had claimed the land. Angelo had not fed in some time now, leaving the village to resume its normal functions and routine. He had slaked his thirst for now, being able to go a surprisingly long while between his feasts, especially if he were slumbering in between.
The curtain stirred behind him, and the black figure appeared there, nude, looking at the moon. "What a lovely night."
"Yes, it is," agreed Angelo, making room for his mate on the balcony. Rafe stood next to him, Angelo putting his arm around Rafe.
At the last moment, he had decided to turn Rafe, rather than killing him through feeding. Rafe had been the first male he had felt connected with beyond the sex. The first he could have seen spending a lifetime, or several lifetimes with. And in the couple weeks since their night together, he had found it to be a good choice. Angelo had released most of his control over Rafe, though the wolf was still his. He had blocked Rafe's memories of his fiancee, previous life, and how he came to be here. His only pause had been if Rafe was going to have feelings for Angelo, or their relationship would be from the residual hold Angelo kept on the black lupine, he wasn't sure. In the end, he decided it didn't matter. There was someone here to share the night with, that was mostly willingly sharing their body with him. With someone like Rafe, he could live a thousand years and be happy.
Nuzzling against Rafe, Angelo rubbed his wolf's belly, while Rafe smiled and nuzzled back. Rafe wasn't sure how he got here with this male, but he was happy he did. When he tried to remember anything from before, it was like his brain was in a haze, and he just gave up. It probably wasn't worth remembering. He knew he wasn't always a vampire, that his mate had made him this way. In a way, though, he was happy for it. His life would be extended far beyond that of mortals, and in return, he would only need feed on occasion to perpetuate his life. Angelo had been teaching him in the ways of the vampire, preparing him for his first hunt. Rafe would need to feed soon, before the two of them could settle down and enjoy each other. Tomorrow, probably, would be his first trip down near the town.
"Ready for tomorrow?" asked Angelo.
"Yes," replied Rafe, turning to look at the white wolf. "I think I am."
Angelo smiled a bit. "Why don't we go back inside and...unwind?"
Picking his mate up in his arms, Rafe walked back towards the bedroom. "It's like you read my mind."
Title: Ben Around Ch. 07
Tags: tits, lactation, cybersex, travel, cum, cunnilingus, english, oral, phonesex
*Chapter 07: Big Ben*
It had been an interesting year for Ben. It was December now. A year had passed since his business trip to Cleveland, a trip that kicked off a truly crazy year.
In a matter of a couple of days, he had slept with a stranger named Rachel in Cleveland, returned to discover his girlfriend Jenna had taken on a lesbian lover named Heidi, had participated in a three way with the two and was given license to sleep around. A month later, he made use of the arrangement to have sex with his boss' daughter, Denisha, a sexy black woman. A month after that, he had a sexual encounter with Claire, a much older coworker, while in Toronto.
By the beginning of June, Jenna decided to leave for a job in Boston, leading to revenge sex with her lover, Heidi. Then, in July, he met up with Claire again in her new home in Denver and secretly slept with her daughter, Viv.
Perhaps "crazy year" was an understatement.
The following months were much tamer. He saw Denisha again, and they even dated for a short time, but that fizzled out, and Ben suspected that his boss had been made aware of what was going on with Denisha. By September, Ben had been laid off, and he was contracting for several Architecture firms in the Baltimore area.
In late November he had begun to entertain a move. Two firms caught his eye, one in San Diego, and one in London, England. He was in daily contact with the hiring managers for both companies, usually via email or instant message.
The hiring manager for Meridian Architecture, London, was Kate Alden. She was very helpful in giving him tips on what the partners wanted to see, and in connecting him with the right people so he could make an impression. Still, the majority of their chats were just chats. "How is your day? What's the weather like there? We have rain again. Silly English weather."
"So far so good. It's snowing here. How's your day treating you?" he would reply.
As the days passed, less of the chats had to do with the job opening and more of them were just saying 'hi' or telling each other funny things that happened throughout the day. This went on for over two weeks.
Kate: "You wouldn't believe what happened to me today."
Ben: "Do tell."
Kate: "I left my lunch on my desk and headed to the loo. When I got back, someone had taken it."
Ben: "Buuut I believe that. You said I wouldn't believe that."
Kate: "You know what I mean, silly. Anyway, who steals someone's lunch?"
Ben: "I had that happen at a restaurant once. No lie, I came back to my table and someone was sitting in my spot eating my dinner."
Kate: "OMG! What did you say to him?"
Ben: "Nothing. I'm not messing with someone who's willing to do that."
Kate: "Don't blame you... By the way, I need a headshot for our records. Can you send one along?"
Ben: "NP. Just sent one."
Kate: "Cutie."
Ben: "LOL. Thanks."
Kate: "So, How do you think I should sleuth out who stole my noodles?"
Ben: "Hang on a sec. Where's YOUR pic?"
Kate: "Why do you need MY picture?"
Ben: "The Meridian big shots don't need to know what I look like. Why did you need MINE?"
Kate: "blushing"
Ben: "That's what I thought."
Kate: "K. Sending you one now. Don't judge."
The image arrived in an email, a selfie. Kate had green eyes, had red wavy hair pulled up, and sported thick-framed trendy glasses. She looked to be in her late twenties and had a slightly chubby, but pretty face.
Ben: "You're cute."
Kate: "Cute? So I'm like a kitten?"
Ben: "How about attractive?"
Kate: "Getting warmer."
Ben: "...Sexy."
Kate: "LOL. I'm dubious, but I'll take it.
Ben: "Where are the messed up teeth? Aren't English people known for messed up teeth?"
Kate: "Shame on you. I'm tossing your resume."
Ben: "But you're keeping the picture?"
Kate: "Yeah. That's mine."
Ben: "It's a deal, as long as you send me another one of you."
Kate: "You're so demanding... Sent."
Another email arrived. She sent three new pictures. One was a shot of her from the side as she looked over the edge of a cliff at the ocean. Another was a group shot of her and a couple of her friends. The third was a great candid shot where she sat in a chair with her elbow resting on the chair arm and her face was cradled in her hand. She wore a blue sweater that, when leaning to the side, accentuated her breasts.
Ben: "I like these. I especially like the third one. You're photogenic."
Kate: "smiling"
A few moments later, another picture arrived in Ben's inbox. Kate was smiling at the camera, her head turned. She appeared to be shirtless down to where the picture cut off just below her armpit.
Ben: "Damn. Are you naked in this one?"
Kate: "I'll never tell."
Ben: "Only the top part of the picture arrived. Where's the rest of it."
Kate: "LOL. The rest is in London. wink"
Ben: "If the lower part makes me as hard as the upper part does, I can't wait to go to London."
Kate: "Whoa. Easy, sailor."
Ben: "Too far?"
Kate: "...I haven't decided yet."
Ben: "Looks like you're well represented up top."
Kate: "Double-D. blush"
Ben: "I hope your boss doesn't look over your shoulder at this chat."
Kate: "Don't worry, I'm working from home today. So feel free to flatter me about my lady parts. I don't mind."
Ben: "LOL. If the partners need a photo of my cock, I'm sure I can send one your way."
Kate: "BEN! OMG! Tee-hee... Well, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to send it my way."
Ben: "Are you serious? Do you want me to?"
Kate: "smile"
Ben: "I want to be sure you're serious, cause I'll do it, unless you tell me not to."
Kate: "smile"
Ben: "I'll take that as a yes."
He pulled his semi-hard cock from his pants and stroked it. It didn't need much convincing to become fully erect. He took a snapshot with his phone and sent the picture.
Kate: "Fuck. You're big."
Ben: "You like it?"
Kate: "I really like it. Do you blokes do anything small in the States?"
Ben: "Maybe when I come to England, I'll do you and you can find out for yourself."
Kate: "You're so bad. Why did you have to go and get me horny?"
Ben: "You're home, right? And it has to be after five there."
Kate: "...Yes."
Ben: "Then why don't you do something about it?"
Kate: "Um."
Ben: "Ever had phone sex?"
Kate: "Sure, with an old boyfriend. Do you really want to do that with me?"
Ben: "I wouldn't have brought it up if I didn't."
There was an uncomfortably long break before she responded.
Kate: "01254 453873. Can't believe I'm doing this. nerves"
Ben: "Calling now."
Ben typed the number and waited a few moments for the line to connect. Finally, she answered.
Kate: "Hello?"
Ben: "Hi."
Kate: "I can't believe we're doing this."
Ben: "Wow. I love your accent."
Kate: "I don't have an accent, silly. You do."
Ben: "Oh yeah? What does it sound like?"
Kate: "It sounds the way all you yanks talk."
Ben: "I hope that doesn't ruin this for you."
Kate: "Not at all. Makes me feel international, like a spy."
Ben: "Me too. Luckily I have a concealed weapon."
Kate: "Not for long, I hope."
Ben: "Not to sound like a total cliché, but what are you wearing?"
Kate: "A bustier and g-string. You?"
Ben: "You're funny. Okay, I'll start. I'm wearing a pair of blue jeans, no shoes, and I just took my t-shirt off."
Kate: "Mmm. I have a green button-down shirt on with a pair of yoga pants. Oh, no shoes as well."
Ben: "Take off your shirt."
Kate: "Okay... Done."
Ben: "What color is your bra?"
Kate: "Black."
Ben: "I'm picturing it right now."
Kate: "Just don't picture my belly. It's a bit of a marshmallow."
Ben: "Don't worry. I like that. I'm unfastening my jeans."
Kate: "Nice. Pull out that big cock of yours."
Ben: "I've taken off my pants and pulled down my boxers. I'm hard for you."
Kate: "I'm going to take off my bra."
Ben: "What do your tits look like?"
Kate: "Hold on. I'll photograph them for you... Sending."
Ben: "I got it... Wow. Those are beautiful."
Kate: "They're big. I love them. I'm playing with them right now. My nipples are so sensitive."
Ben: "Oh yeah. I'm stroking my cock, thinking about what they taste like."
Kate: "Let me give them a lick. Mmm. They taste good. I'm taking my pants off."
Ben: "Yes. Touch yourself."
Kate: "Oh, Ben, you're making me so wet. My pussy is dripping."
Ben: "I'd love to feel my cock sliding into you."
Kate: "I'm fingering myself right now. You're so hot. I want you to pound my pussy."
Ben: "That would feel so good."
Kate: "Fuck. I want you so badly. My cunt is desperate for your cock."
Ben: "Mmm, yes. Think about me touching your skin, kissing you. Imagine me sliding in and out of you."
Kate: "I want it. I want you. I need to feel your cock in me."
Ben: "Oh, Kate. You have me so hard. You're going to make me cum."
Kate: "Oh shit."
Ben: "What's the matter?"
Kate: "I just got an email from one of the partners."
Ben: "And?"
Kate: "They want me to set up a time for you to come to London and meet with them."
Ben: "Fuck yes. How about Monday?"
Kate: "I'll let them know. Damn, Ben, I'm so hot for you right now."
Ben: "Yes. Cum for me, Kate."
Kate: "I'm going to cum. Oh fuck, Ben, I want you to fuck me for real. I want you to come to London and put that big cock in my pussy."
Ben: "Oh yes. I want that too. I'm stroking so hard to you right now."
Kate: "Yes. I'm coming. I'm coming. Ahh. Ahh. Ahhhhhh. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
Ben: "Oh fuck. Ohhhhhhhh. Ohhhhh. Oh yeah. I just came."
Kate: "I can barely catch my breath... So, Monday, huh? That's way too long to wait."
Ben: "So you're serious about this?"
Kate: "I reserve the right to back out, but yeah. We should probably wait until after you meet with the partners though."
Ben: "I'm booking my flight right now."
Ben arrived at Heathrow airport that Monday at 1:00pm. He picked up his bags and went to find a cab.
"Ben?" a familiar voice sounded from behind him.
He turned around to see a redhead with glasses looking back at him. "Kate?" he asked.
"It's me. I thought I'd pick you up and drive you to Meridian. I hope you're not disappointed."
Ben looked her up and down. "Not at all."
"You at least going to greet me with a hug?" she asked.
"At least," he replied, dropping his bags and wrapping his arms around her. Kate's breasts pressed against him and he found himself instantly affected by her.
As he began to pull away, her green eyes looked back at him. He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. "Mmm," she hummed as their lips entwined. Her tongue darted between her lips into his mouth and their hands began to roam over each other. It was getting too intense for such a public place. Kate parted from him and smiled. "Can I help with your bags?"
"Sure," said Ben, handing her the smaller one.
He followed her to the parking structure, placed his bags in the back of her car and headed for the front right door.
"You think you're driving?" Kate laughed.
"Oh, right," said Ben, smacking his forehead with his palm and walking over to the left side of the car.
To Ben's surprise, most of their conversation during the drive to Meridian was about the interview and what to expect. They pulled into a parking structure and walked to the Meridian offices, which were beautifully crafted, an Architect's dream.
Kate introduced him to the four people with whom he was to interview and, one by one, he met with each. By the time he met with the whole group together, he was nearly certain he hadn't gotten the job. The partners grilled him about his knowledge of building codes and safety regulations, things for which he, as an Architect, would never be solely responsible.
Ben wondered if they had already decided whom to hire, but needed another candidate to facilitate the illusion of impartiality. Ben had seen that happen a thousand times. His former boss, Brisco Hughes, usually had someone in mind for open positions before an official search began.
By the time his interviews ended, it was 5:00. Kate met him in the downstairs lobby and they set off to dinner. They mostly spoke about the partners and the interviews over roast and potatoes at a corner pub.
"I don't think they liked me very much," said Ben.
"I'm sure they liked you just fine," Kate countered. "They're just kind of set in their ways, and the timing just sucked."
"Why?" asked Ben. "What happened?"
"Well, there was a guy who worked for them a couple years ago," she said. "The partners found out this morning that he's available and potentially interested in the job."
"I figured it was something like that," Ben sighed. "There's no chance they're going to give me that position."
"Well, if it's any consolation," Kate smiled. "I'll give you any position you like."
Ben smiled back. "Check please," he said.
By the time they reached the third floor landing at Kate's flat, they were kissing, barely conscious of their surroundings, save for their hands reaching for the doorknob. By the time they were in, the door couldn't close fast enough.
"Get naked," Ben commanded. "I want to see you now."
Kate smiled, took her shirt off, and walked away from him toward her bedroom. Her ass swayed with each step and she unhooked her bra just as she disappeared into her room. Ben kicked his shoes and socks off, dropped his pants, and threw off his shirt before following her. He was already erect, making a tent in his boxers as he walked in.
Kate was still facing away from him. She slid her pants down and off her ankles. Her bra was already on the floor. Then she wiggled out of her panties and kicked them away. Her hands raised up to let her red, wavy hair loose from whatever it was that held it up to begin with.
She turned slowly until she faced Ben. She was nude, her eyes filled with lust. She looked him up and down. "Now, show me that cock," she said.
Ben took his boxers off and began to stroke his dick in his hand. "You look great in person," he said.
"Thanks," Kate replied. "So do you." She leaned against the wall and ran her hands over her own skin. Her hands drifted over her tits, then her belly and finally her pussy.
Ben continued to stroke as he watched her finger herself. "Mmm," he moaned.
"You like my body?" she said in her alluring English accent.
Ben nodded. "Come over here and I'll show you."
Kate approached, taking her hands from her pussy. With one hand she grabbed his cock and started stroking it. With the other, she touched his lower lip. "Always better in person. Don't you think?"
"Much better," Ben replied. He let her finger into his mouth and sucked on it, tasting the musk of her pussy. "Is this the interview?" he said.
"Is it a job you're after?" she smiled. "I'll give you a job."
She knelt, removed her glasses, and took his hard member between her lips, sucking on it. Ben was already quite affected. He hoped he would hold out. She seemed to sense that he was building toward climax. She removed his cock from her mouth. Ben was both relieved and disappointed.
"Don't worry," she said. "We have all night. You'll have time to recover. I've wanted to do this to you since I saw that picture you sent me."
Her lips slid back over his cock. She sucked him like she was hungry for it, enjoying each moment of it. Ben couldn't believe how good she felt. The rush of pleasure built in his balls and they tightened. "I'm gonna cum," he announced. It was like slow motion. She slid it back out, a rope of saliva dangling between her lower lip and the end of his dick.
He erupted, shooting cum over her chin and tits. It hung from her nipples like an invitation. He knelt to her level, wrapping his arms around her and leaning her back. His lips met her nipple, tasting the cum that coated its surface. He licked and sucked her nipple. "Fuck yes," she cried. "My nipples are so sensitive."
"I love your tits," Ben said as he continued to lick.
"Want to see a neat trick?" she replied. Her fingers found her other breast and as she teased the nipple, she lactated. A soft stream dripped down the underside of her breast.
"That's amazing," he said. "I didn't know that was possible."
"Like I said. I'm very sensitive."
Ben smiled. "Does it ever happen spontaneously?"
Kate smiled back. "You'll have to wait and see. I'm going to shower off. Find some porn on my laptop and make yourself at home."
Ben settled in as Kate walked toward the bathroom. He found a few videos and began to watch them. There was one he had seen before featuring Georgina Gee, one of his favorite busty british stars. In the video, she strip teased, played with her tits and tweaked her nipples. By the time Kate reemerged a half-hour later, he was erect, stroking himself as he watched the porn star slowly finger herself while rubbing her tits.
"Find something you like?" Kate asked as she sat on the bed, naked.
Ben looked up at her and closed the laptop. "I have," he said.
She lay down with him and kissed him. Her hand found his cock and she stroked it gently in her hand. "Do you feel like you're ready for round two?" she asked.
"Just about," he answered, "but first, I want to pay you back for earlier."
"Does that mean what I think it means?" she smiled.
"I hope so," he said as he nudged her onto her back, moved to her hips and parted her knees.
"It's been so long since anyone licked my pussy," she said.
Ben lowered his head between her legs and touched the end of his tongue to her clit. She shivered and moaned. "Yes," she uttered.
His tongue caressed her labia and pressed against her clit. She had a lovely pussy. He kissed it, using his lips and tongue together to pleasure her. Her hips seemed to move toward him in a slow rocking motion as though she was riding his face. Her feet pressed together in the center of his upper back, widening the spread of her legs. "Your lips feel so good on my pussy," she breathed.
She panted and moaned. He hungrily teased and tasted her swollen mound. She grabbed the bed sheets in her hands as she built toward orgasm. He was bringing her closer to climax with each touch and lick. His tongue found its way into her and she cried out. She was at the edge and needed to release. "I'm... going... to..."
She tensed, nearly strangling Ben with her legs, and her body went limp. She panted and gasped, overcome from her climax.
Ben continued to kiss her pussy for about a minute and then he began to kiss up her abdomen and stomach, then he cupped one of her full tits in his hand and sucked the nipple. A line of liquid still remained, dripping down the side of her breast.
"Did you..." Ben began to ask.
"When I'm that turned on," she replied, "it happens."
"Fantastic," he smiled.
"Kiss me," she said.
Ben's mouth met hers, the scent of her arousal still tangible on his lips. "Mmm," she said, licking her lips. "I love the taste of pussy," she added.
"Have you ever eaten pussy?" Ben asked?
"Only once," she replied. "But I taste my fingers when I masturbate." She closed in, staring into his face, about to kiss him again. "I want to lick your cock after you fuck me," she said.
Ben's lips pressed against hers. Her legs parted and wrapped around his body as he worked his cock into her wet pussy. Their bodies caressed. Their hands joined and he began to push in and out.
"Oh fuck," she shouted. "Your cock feels so good inside me."
His pace quickened. He licked and kissed her neck, savoring the smooth skin as his dick plunged in and out of her. She was wriggling, moaning and calling out "Oh yes! Fuck me!"
He lifted himself by his arms and planted his hands on the mattress for leverage. Kate's eyes were filled with lust. She squeezed the ends of the pillow beneath her head.
Then, she began to lactate.
Ben had never seen anything like it. Her nipples dripped clear-white liquid. More emerged with each thrust. Never before had he seen a woman so sexually stimulated that her breasts leaked. There was something incredibly vulnerable about it.
His lips rested on her nipple and he sucked as he pushed his cock deep into her. Kate's shouts became louder as she climaxed again. Ben fucked all the harder. Her legs still wrapped around his body, his balls began to tighten, full and ready to shoot their load deep into her pussy.
Tingling rose through his engorged dick, from the base to the tip. Finally, with a moan of satisfaction, his semen erupted into her waiting hole.
"Fuck," Kate shouted. "That felt so fucking good. I can feel your hot cum dripping from me."
Ben slid from her and lifted up onto his knees. His still-erect cock, wet from sex, was an invitation to Kate. She licked her lips, staring at his dick. She got up and crawled to him.
Her lips met the end of his phallus and she sucked the slippery mixture of cum and her own juices from him. She continued her blowjob and teased at her nipples, allowing her tits to drip onto the bed sheets.
"Mmm. I fucking love how that tastes," she said as she gave him a few more licks.
"Wow, Kate," said Ben. "I've never experienced anything like this."
"Fucking an Englishwoman?" she joked.
"For starters," he replied. He brought her up to her knees and kissed her, the salty, musky flavor of sex fresh on her lips. His arms wrapped her body and pressed the soft flesh of her milky tits against him.
"I can't tell you if you've gotten the job," she said, "but you've got a fucking girlfriend whenever you're in England. I can tell you that."
He stared into her eyes and kissed her. They collapsed onto the bed and Ben's lips found their way to her nipple again. He teased it with his tongue, and she lactated again.
"I will, at least, have to stay for breakfast," he said. |
“Alright Jeremy, everything’s ready. We’re lowering the headset. Please stay still.” His excitement was hard to contain, the young man shaking all over the place with the stupidest, widest grin stuck on his face. He’d been waiting so long for that opportunity that now that it finally arrived, he didn’t even know what to do with himself; most of him wanted to start squealing in delight at the prospect of testing the very first full-immersion VR suite, while a good chunk of his mind was telling him to at least try to remain somewhat respectable and not descend into self-indulgent madness too quickly. In the end, Jeremy settled for buzzing in his spot as quietly as he could, prompting the observation team to ask him to please keep quiet while the equipment calibrated, a process that took the better part of an hour. It was no simple set of peripherals nor advanced scanners. His whole body was covered by a skintight suit, dotted with the same kind of motion trackers used for big budget Hollywood mocap productions, while his head was completely encased in something that looked like a cross between a racing helmet, standard VR headset, and massive pile of misshapen machinery. Underneath the lump of metal, plastic and wires, however, was the proprietary technology that the company claimed would revolutionize the world of virtual reality, as it allowed their users to not have to rely on phantom sense alone to enjoy whatever it was they were seeing. Hidden away inside one of the sub-compartments was a small set of needles, each one designed specifically for use with one person and one person alone; creating them wasn’t as simple as just taking measurements, requiring instead extensive medical examinations and brainwave pattern scanning, for their goal was to block all motor neuron signals being sent by the brain to the rest of the body. While Jeremy initially balked at the idea as something straight out the minds of a deranged, cartoonishly-evil scientist, the research team informed him that the theory behind the whole thing was, at the very least, sound; by blocking outbound signals, they could prevent the suite’s users from moving away from it, while allowing the inbound signals to still pass, thus making it so that whatever the suit was “seeing” could be translated into direct neural impulses, translated by the brain into something akin to reality. Or, in other words, the suit would deliberately trick the brain into feeling the VR experience, rather than relying on the brain deluding itself. It carried with it a non-zero chance of backfiring horribly and causing no end of brain damage, though the research team assured him that it was such a minute, remote possibility that standard medical procedures could statistically be considered more dangerous. Jeremy, meanwhile, was so taken in by the promise of actual VR-reality translation that he didn’t even consider the odd choice of the word “could”, instantly signing himself off as a test subject the first opportunity he was given. What he was told afterwards just helped seal the deal.
In order to adequately test the full range of possibilities offered by the device, Rivtech was paying its participants to deliberately try and break the whole system as hard as they could, not just with model creation, but by stretching the physics simulation and straining the calculations required to keep the system running by whatever means necessary. If stress-testing was important for something as simple as a headset, one could imagine how vital it would be for a full-immersion suite that fudged up brain signals for the sake of improving one’s connection to their avatar, hence why the observation team informed him that they would be removing all safety locks before turning the simulation on. Once again, Jeremy at no point questioned why there were safety locks in place, but wasn’t exactly in a position where such a thing could even come to mind. The machinery placed the helmet on his head, isolating him from the outside world until all he could see was complete blackness and the only words that he understood were the occasional technical jargon that he’d spent so long listening to. Beyond that, he was alone in the dark, waiting for someone else to pull the proverbial lever and send him down into the brand new simulated world he’d been dreaming of for so long. “Jeremy, you alright in there?” one of the techies asked through the intercom connected to the in-built headphones, “We’re just finishing things up in here and then we’ll work on activating the neural blocker. We’ll be able to hear you once you’re inside, but for now, just give us a thumbs-up if you can hear me” - Jeremy did just that - “Wonderful. Just a few more minutes.” The excitement was so much Jeremy could barely contain himself, yet somehow he managed to keep everything in place without moving a single inch. Admittedly, the threat of a botched cerebellum puncturing was enough of a threat to keep him from literally jumping in place, even if it wasn’t quite everything needed to tip him over to the side of fear and anxiety. Both were certainly there, and it’d be unthinkable for them not to be; the suite was going to pierce one of the most vital parts of his brain with a set of needles deliberately designed to penetrate deeply enough to mess with his “wiring”, leaving at least forty-percent of him terrified at the prospect of being left unable to walk just because he wanted to see himself with big titties. It just so happened that the other sixty were so giddy at that exact same prospect that they overpowered what some would consider to be the saner aspects of him. Jeremy hadn’t had any contact with the other test subjects running the same experiment as him. There were six others, each with their own full-immersion suite and specially-designed neural blocker, each with their own room and research team; the experiment had been designed to maximize both comfort and familiarity, so that when push came to shove, the participants
wouldn’t be afraid to cut loose and show the observation staff what they needed to see. In all respects, it had been a resounding success; Jeremy knew everyone in that glass cubicle by name, and if not for the trial run being recorded, he’d be referring to them that way. As it stood, however, some professionalism was required, and thus Jeremy waited for the signal to start working his magic. “Everything is ready,” the speaker rang up again, “Jeremy, we’re going to need you to be extremely still. Any sudden movement can and will ruin the experiment and possibly cause injury, understand? On the count of three.” It was really happening. Trying to keep his body from shaking was an herculean task. “One.” Just two seconds and it would all start. He couldn’t wait! “Two.” Oh God, what did he do?! “Three.” * Jeremy awoke an indeterminate amount of time later, feeling… weird. It was comparable to when he slept on one of his arms the whole night, cutting off so much circulation that it was rendered unusable for upwards of ten minutes after he woke up, prompting much panic and worry about whether there was nerve damage… except literally everywhere. He couldn’t feel his body, nor even begin to move it, leaving him with an overwhelming sensation of dread that only began to quiet down once he remembered just where he was and what happened to him. “...emy? Jeremy?” Someone was talking to him, but the constant, annoying buzzing was making it hard to hear them. If only he could move his arms, he might actually be able to do something about it, but even getting his head to shake was impossible. Should it be? “Jeremy, please, we need you to talk to us!”
The sounds were oddly muffled, like they were coming from very close by and yet still behind some kind of obstacle. He knew he was in some kind of experiment, but parts of his memory were still so foggy that he couldn’t for the life of him recall just who might be interested in speaking to him. “Jeremy, for feck’s sakes, talk to us!” Oh wait, right, that was it! That was him! He’d recognize that lilt on the curse word anywhere, it had to be... Paul? But if that was Paul, then that meant he had to be somewhere inside the research compound, and if he was in the compound… … that’s right. He was inside the full-immersion suite and had just woken up from having several spikes shoved into his brain. At least it didn’t hurt, or at least he thought it didn’t; for all he knew, it was actually extremely painful and the same system blocking him from moving was also preventing his brain from telling him how much agony it was suffering in that exact moment. But that wasn’t important, he had to say something, even if he’d somehow forgotten how to do that. It was kind of funny, because if it wasn’t, he’d have to start panicking, but Jeremy could not remember how to speak. Intellectually, he was aware that it involved moving his lips and expelling air from his lungs in just the right way to produce a sequence of sounds, but even as he tried to do it, nothing really happened, not even a whimper. For a few brief moments, it all felt like it was going to collapse around him; the trial run would be called off, the experiment deemed a failure and his body left an ungovernable mess, fit only for occasional visits from whatever nurse or carer was assigned to him. Every one of his fears, realized in a single, piercing instant, all because he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. It was fitting, in its own weird way, that the grandest punishment came from his own hands; he just hated the fact that it had to happen there, when he was feeling so helpless. But he still tried. He knew it was pointless, but he kept on trying to speak, and the more he did, the more he convinced himself that he might be able to. It was folly, complete and utter madness to assume he could power his way through brain damage with sheer force of will, but the second he heard himself let out a quiet whimper, that was all the evidence he needed. He had to speak, had to do it, and after straining his brain for what felt like hours (but were more than likely just seconds), something came out. It wasn’t his regular voice and still felt like miles off from what he should be saying, but it was something. Two letters. “Ok.”
The whole observation staff let loose a collective sigh of relief, some of it infecting Jeremy himself, who kept trying to push himself to say something else. It became easier with time, and as his cognitive functions returned, he began to realize that what he had just gone through had most likely had only lasted a couple of minutes at best, a frankly ridiculously small amount of time for his brain to recover from having one of its parts stabbed in multiple locations. With a few more tries, he was back to saying full words, and within moments the young man was completing whole sentences, communication finally reestablished between both sides. “You had us scared there for a moment, Jeremy,” Paul told him, “you sure you’re alright? We can call this off if you want us to.” “There are needles. In my brain,” Jeremy replied, trying his best not to smile at the choice of words, “I don’t think we should… back away now.” “You don’t sound so good, Jeremy.” “That’s my name. Don’t wear it out.” A moment of silence followed that dumb joke, with Paul then having to stifle a chuckle before turning the intercom off. The test subject could still hear them talk, obviously; just couldn’t catch any words in particular. Meanwhile, the set of needles stuck inside of him began to itch, though Jeremy quickly discovered this was only when he attempted to move; if he remained perfectly still, his whole body might as well not be there, but any time he tried to move a finger or readjust one of his feet, the back of his neck, the lowermost pair of him that he could still feel, felt like someone was digging into it with a sharp nail. “Jeremy, please do not attempt to move yet. We haven’t started the simulation.” Well, that explained it. He’d never been claustrophobic, but being forced to lie there in complete darkness without even the smallest of logos being displayed in front of him brought to mind images of being stuck inside of a coffin, which didn’t really help with the mounting anxiety building up inside of him. He tried to reassure himself that things were fine; if they weren’t, then the observation staff would’ve terminated the trial run and sent him back to his room rather than give him the choice to continue… hopefully. It must mean that things were going according to plan, whatever that might be.
His thoughts continued to run wild while the outside world carried on without him, at least until he heard a familiar click; someone had turned on the headset feed, and finally he was seeing something in front of him, even if it was just the company logo flying around and bouncing off the sides of the screen. A short jingle played, and soon enough he was flying through the air in the familiar intro cinematic, approaching the ground at breakneck speed before slowing down at just the right moment to cause a cloud of dust to kick up around the landing area, only to settle a few seconds later. The camera left first-person view, swivelling around to reveal their chosen avatar; which, given the nature of that experiment, was a photorealistic depiction of Jeremy himself. He had to hand it to the techies, they did a wonderful job on the scanning software, because it was just like looking in the mirror, down to the smallest of details. What made it even more impressive is that no one had taken a full picture of his body before; the avatar was created right there and then by the suit he was wearing running several thousands scan cycles before assembling everything into one workable model, leaving him with a perfect baseline to work off of. The camera returned to first-person, and he was given full control over himself in-game. Unfortunately, he didn’t really know what to do, courtesy of never being told, so he had to wait until one of the researchers, Sandra, appeared next to him as a featureless floating sphere. “Sorry for showing up like this, but we didn’t really have time to make something better,” she said, flying around him to inspect the results, “though honestly, judging by what I’m seeing, we probably should. Guys, check this out!” Through the headset, Jeremy could hear the whole team agreeing with his own assessment, expressing genuine amazement at how lifelike his avatar was. “Alright, so, you’re going to want to walk all the way over here,” Sandra carried on, floating next to a simulated mirror, “and when I say walk, I do mean walk. The neural blocker will stop you from moving in reality, but it should be able to interpret the signals it’s receiving and translate them into virtual motion. So, just… try walking!” Far easier said than done. The disconnect between his real self and his virtual representation left Jeremy feeling incredibly confused as to what exactly he was supposed to do. It was almost like vertigo, except reverse but not really; his brain was straining to comprehend what the hell was happening to it, given that it was sending messages and expecting one kind of answer, only to be given a quite literally artificial replacement it didn’t know what to do with. Thus, it took Jeremy quite a while before the first step ever came… but when it did, everything changed.
He felt it. The ground beneath his feet was real, despite not being so, the motion was real despite being simulated. He had taken a single step, and before remembering that it was supposed to be happening to his virtual representation, was thoroughly convinced that it was going on in real life. Another step, and the sensations were mimicked, leaving him marvelling at how that piece of tech had successfully fooled his brain meat into thinking that it was his avatar! It wasn’t just moving around either. Before going for the mirror, Jeremy opted to sit down on a couch, with the resulting sinking into soft upholstery feeling exactly like it should. It wasn’t just accurately simulating what it was like to sit on a comfy couch, but feeding back the exact same sensations that came along with it, so much so that he felt an intense need to open his mouth and let out a long sigh… which was exactly what he did, leaving the observation team feeling so victorious they barely avoided fistbumping one another. Still, a trial run was a trial run and he had things he needed to do; therefore, the young man got up and walked towards the standing mirror, where he could more thoroughly examine his avatar. Most importantly, however, it was the only place in the entire simulation where he could edit his model, courtesy of the company’s simulation software coming with that capability in-built into it (hence the astronomically high price they expected to charge for it). To be fair, they had every right to ask for that much, seeing as they were giving everyone who purchased that suite the ability to perform 3D modelling work on the fly without having to worry about all the intricacies that normally came with it; how exactly they did that was anyone’s guess, and the R&D department certainly wasn’t telling. It was at that point that Jeremy knew his dreams could finally come true, if only inside of a virtual world. He’d discussed his fantasies in depth with his assigned research team, after they broke through his awkwardness and got him to admit what he was into; it was important, they said, since they were fully expecting people to milk the editor for all it was worth, thus making it a necessity to know if it could withstand the kind of abuse they figured would be levied at it. For Jeremy, however, proper protocol was less important than holding his cards close to his chest; the kind of stuff he fantasized about wasn’t necessarily something that most others would, leaving him somewhat isolated even from most kink communities. The staff assigned to his case, however, were nothing if not supportive and understanding, thus eventually making it easier for him to reveal what his intentions were. The floating sphere was polite enough to take its leave, with Sandra telling him that he now had full control over both the simulation and the model editor. She bid him farewell and the intercom was turned off, allowing the headset to feed back the simulations’s soothing background music and occasional sound effects.
What to do first? He thought to start with the most obvious change needed: the one on his chest. Curiously, the simulation had options for a variety of implant types, ranging from typical silicone, to the forbidden polypropylene and even saline-based expanders, each with their own set of characteristics, traits and sizes. It was hard to pick, given the sudden amount of choice, but seeing as Jeremy was always a fan of artificiality and the whole “plastic” look, he figured he’d settle for silicone. A second menu opened, giving him two sliders controlling the size of his bosom, which helpfully enough appeared on his avatar to let him know how they’d look like. He felt disappointed at the complete lack of weight or feel to them, but carried on nonetheless, hoping it’s kick in eventually. Jeremy found it odd that he could leave both breasts at wildly different sizes, and for a while had a bit of stupid fun growing one while shrinking the other and vice-versa, eventually settling on what he felt was a perfect size for him: just about half of his chest being covered by a pair of perfectly spherical, fat titties, primed and ready for squeezing until they began creaking. The moment he pressed the “Apply” button floating in front of him was the moment his back screamed for help at the sudden increase of weight tugging at it. Not expecting it to come into play so soon, Jeremy almost doubled over when the sudden appearance of two gargantuan, implant-stuffed tits on his body marked the point where he began indulging his fantasies. If that’s what those porn stars had to deal with every day of their lives… … he wanted more of it. Some might say that having a rack that covered most of his chest was already too big, but not Jeremy; no, he wanted to keep going until he could barely walk properly, then carry on even more to the point of near-immobility. Sadly, the system could only move in increments of limited size, so while he could technically go that large, the second boost left him carrying such a colossal weight that his back gave in and forced him to kneel, his enormous implants having already pinned him down to the ground within five minutes of him starting to play around with the system. Frankly, to be expected; no one in the observation room had thought it would go any other. The only question was what to do next. “Alright Jeremy, here’s what we’re gonna do,” Sandra spoke again, the featureless sphere making its reappearance by nestling on top of his cleavage, “we can shrink down your breasts
from the control station if you want us to, but me and the rest of the team were discussing things and we were wondering if you’d be up for something a bit more, uhm… extreme.” He was always up for extreme things. Even more so now that his mind was being assaulted with the incomprehensibly powerful feeling of having two tits too big for him to move. Jeremy nodded furiously, so much that the neural blocker began to itch again. “So, we’re looking to try and stress test this whole system, right? So we thought, why not try to find an alternate solution to your problem? Something that would fix your mobility issue while also letting us see how far we can take this simulation and the neural feedback without breaking everything. You up for it?” Truth be told, some part of Jeremy wanted to ask some actual questions about what they were planning. A very small part, the same one that urged caution about size and was duly ignored before he gifted himself those immense mammaries. Easy enough to make it go away again and end up mindlessly saying “Yu-huh!” over and over again until Sandra told him to be quiet and vanished again, leaving him alone with his two silicone-stuffed beanbags. He wondered what he was going to get; maybe some kind of powered exoskeleton to help with the lift, or even a boost to his overall size to see how his body would react to being thrice its size, the possibilities were almost endless when it came to simulations like those, which made it all the more surprising that what happened next left him as speechless as it did. Rather than change his size or give them some extra support, the observation team chose to alter his shape. It started innocuously enough, with his spine elongating and growing in thickness, but quickly took a turn for the weird when the joints in his arms began to crack and pop as they adjusted to a completely new form; it didn’t hurt a single bit, even if it was psychologically distressing as all hell to see himself be turned into something he couldn’t even describe. Within seconds, his neck began to grow, protruding off one end of a torso that started to widen and thicken considerably, until, when his hands touched the group with a small clop, Jeremy understood what was happening to him. The photorealism made it slightly disturbing, seeing as he still had most of his body hair on him, just… spread across what was now a fully equine body, complete with an elongated skull, thick haunches and even a long tail and mane. Admittedly, it looked a lot worse than how he had envisioned it, but that was quickly rectified as soon as he was given full control over himself again.
“We could fix this on our end, but this is your simulation, Jeremy,” Sandra spoke up again, “we just gave you a bit of a pick-me-up to get you back on track, you’ll need to do the rest yourself.” The horse-Jeremy nodded, but instead of going directly for more bodily modifications, decided to try out this new body of his before he did anything else; if the whole idea behind the project was to simulate what it was like for the users to receive a whole range of sensory feedback they shouldn’t be able to, he figured that trying to force his body to walk on all fours would produce some good data. Surprisingly enough, it came to him as easily as it would in real life, albeit without as much waddling around; it was exactly like getting on all fours, except his joints actually made it feel a lot more natural, like he was designed to walk that way. It was a wonderfully efficient way of getting around as well, making even his new tits not feel like as much of a hassle. They were obviously still there, still wide and tight enough that they squished against his forelegs and needed to occasionally be shoved out of the way, but at least he could carry them! “You guys getting this?” Jeremy called out, “Feels great!” “We’re getting everything, Jeremy, just keep going as instructed,” Paul replied. The man in the simulation was having so much fun that he failed to notice the clear hint of panic adorning Paul’s voice. In the outside world, the observation team was currently facing an ethical dilemma about as big as their test subject’s new tits, tits that they could very clearly see both on and off their screens. They were warned by the research project’s central committee that a “transference” effect might take place, loosely defined and explained as the virtual avatar imposing itself onto the user’s physical body by way of the suit trying to make sense of what was going on so it could inform the brain properly. It was a necessity, they claimed, to guarantee that their customers were as immersed as possible; if the suit had to physically rearrange the physical properties of what it was stretched over to make it better fit the simulation, that’s exactly what it was going to do. In Jeremy’s case, this “stretchiness” was being tested already, by virtue of the immense pair of silicone-stuffed mounds they’d given themselves. Even behind the thick cover of glass, the whole team could hear them creak and groan gently, kept from making more noise purely thanks to Jeremy’s body being paralyzed from the neck down. While the suit itself held back the initial surge, it was clearly having a lot more trouble with the radical changes brought about the equine
transformation, partly suggested by Sandra herself out of a pragmatic desire to see the stress testing be conducted properly… and partly by Paul because he really just wanted to see what it would be like. As Jeremy had made it clear that he was more than fine with that kind of transformation, no one thought it’d be too bad to shift his body that much, especially since the process was supposed to be fully reversible. In theory, at least. In the meantime, the virtual avatar was spending a good amount of time just walking around aimlessly, until Jeremy finally stopped in front of the mirror and began fiddling with the controls, finding them finicky and nearly impossible to use when given hooves to work with. He made sure to relay that information to the observation team, who reacted with a simple “Mhmm,” before communication was turned off again. Jeremy saw a lot of things that could be fixed about that body of his, not the least of which was the hairiness of it. Thank heavens that there was a “smooth skin” option, leaving his whole body bereft of even the tiniest of follicles and giving him a beautiful, shiny sheen. A quick look through the associated options allowed him to select the “fresh bath” look, turning his equine self into even more of a beautiful example of proper grooming. It was a bit weird that it was nothing but skin on there, but it looked… oddly alluring. Especially coupled with the breasts squished between his legs out front, it really was something straight out of his browsing history. And if that was the case, why not keep going even further? There was nothing stopping him, after all. The only real question was what to do next. He had a couple of ideas for where he wanted to go, but none that really struck out as more important than any other. He settled for opening up the object spawn menu, thoroughly alarming the observation team for a few good seconds, before finding what he wanted: a coloured wheel with a spinning arrow stuck to the middle. It was a rudimentary instrument, especially since it didn’t even have any pictures or anything, but it would serve perfectly for what he wanted to do. With some difficulty, he spun the arrow, making a mental note of what every colour was meant to represent. He really wanted it to land on red, given what he’d have to sacrifice to get it, but… well, green was good too, he supposed. He’d just have to come up with an interesting way to have it happen. “You guys have any option for food around there?” he asked out loud, startling the people watching him. For a while, they said nothing, though Jeremy could hear them speak on the outside, even muffled as he was by the large headset. When the answer came through the intercom, even he had to notice how unnaturally calm their tone was.
“It’s still experimental, but so is most of the system. It’s in the spawnables menu.” Jeremy had half a mind to say something about how strangely that was worded all of a sudden, but given that he was presented with the perfect opportunity to indulge in yet another of his kinks, he wasn’t in the mood to start looking gift horses in the mouth. Quite literally, at that. Finding some room to place a large table, he spawned in as much food as there were options, and there were a lot of those spread across what had to be a dozen or so menus with everything from simple pieces of fruit to full meals. He didn’t know who exactly had the job of making models for all of those things, but he made a mental note to himself to congratulate them once he was done in there, possibly even give them a gift to show his appreciation for all of their hard work. He even felt bad, in a way; someone had clearly spent a long time lovingly rendering all of those items for use in that amazing simulation, and there he was spawning in dozens of copies just so he could stuff them right down his gullet. It was mind-boggling how real it felt, probably thanks to the neural blocker being so close to his throat that maybe some signals got mixed up in there or something; Jeremy wasn’t a neurosurgeon, but he couldn’t really come up with any explanation as to why it genuinely felt like he was swallowing down copious amounts of both meat and vegetables, very little care given as to what they would taste like. It surprised him even then, that he could taste those things at all; from what he was told, the system was meant to confuse the brain by giving it fake signals from below the needles stuck into his brain, and his mouth and taste buds, last he checked, were above them. With such a sumptuous feast at his disposal, however, Jeremy couldn’t bring himself to care; he was too busy opening his mouth, craning his neck upwards and hitting the “SPAWN” button until he couldn’t fit anything more into himself. All of that gorging was having an impact on his avatar’s figure, though given his equine nature it still took a bit before he noticed it. A little bit of extra weight was nothing when his tits alone were already such an enormous hassle to carry around, so he only took note of something being wrong when he tried moving a few steps forward and sensed something new entirely rubbing against the floor. It didn’t surprise him, to be fair; with his virtual self being as malleable as it was, and the company clearly wanting to push into the lucrative market of fulfilling people’s sexual fantasies, was it any wonder then that his stomach bloated so much that it turned itself into a legitimate liability? For once, all Jeremy could do was nod and look at it like it was the most normal thing
in the world, because right then and there, it honestly was; he ate, he gorged, he feasted, and now his belly was several times its original size and dragging along the floor. If this didn’t make sense, then he didn’t want to be sane; the simulation offered a much better alternative to his actual life anyway. Meanwhile, in his actual life, the observation team was scrambling to deal with the damage control that suddenly became extremely necessary. Contrary to expectations, the transference didn’t stop, only growing increasingly worse the more Jeremy pushed the limits of the simulation to satisfy his kinks; as much as they all wanted to shut it down and return him to normal, the system had automatically tripped some kind of failsafe and alerted the central research office, who immediately ordered that the trial run be kept online until such a time as they could send someone to inspect the procedures. Something about good data and opportunities that couldn’t be wasted, corporate nonsense like that. On the other hoof, even Paul, the one person in there that was most honestly interested in seeing how far Jeremy would go, was finding the whole thing both incredibly unethical and unbearably arousing. It wasn’t enough for his test subject and genuine friend to suddenly sprout a pair of chestbscuring tits, no; he then had to go on and turn himself into a horse, only to immediately turn around and eat so much virtual food that his real self was being buried by a gut that threatened to tear apart the immersion suite. That alone left them all on edge; again, in theory, it should be possible to reverse the effects and turn Jeremy back to normal, but all of that assumed things were kept nominal and the equipment wasn’t tampered with or damaged in any way. Taking all of those groaning noises into consideration, at least the ones that weren’t coming from the man-horse himself, none of them were sure that condition was being met anymore; hell, they’d be surprised if the whole thing could even be reused after they were done with the experiment. Heavens know just what was going on with the other test subjects; thank goodness the walls were soundproofed, or else they might have had to contend with a lot of odd moaning noises. Despite it all, Jeremy was remarkably composed, especially given their predilection for the sort of thing he was mindlessly indulging in. There were plenty of lurid noises coming out of their throat, yes, but as soon as he was done eating, his voice was just as composed as it always had been, probably as a result of them not being aware of what was happening to him on the outside; the observation team seriously doubted he’d be able to act normally should that piece of information be disclosed, and silently agreed to keep him out of the loop until further orders from the central office.
Meanwhile, in the simulation, Jeremy was having the time of his life coming up with solutions for his weight problem. He wanted to keep the belly, obviously, but everything tied back together in the most wonderful way the moment he looked back and noticed his ass was about as flat as it always had been, extra equine haunches notwithstanding. It was time to do something about it, especially since the coloured wheel landed on his rear end rather than tits; the idea of giving those silicone spheres an extra boost was always nice, but the arrow showed the way. Those were the rules. Even for a simulation as detailed as that one, it was naive of him to think that there’d be some direct conversion button that allowed him to live out his fantasies of transforming fat to hand-filling pudge. What he did have were a series of convoluted, interconnected functions that allowed his in-game model to be sculpted so that the exact same effect could be achieved, and while it took a few tries before he got the hang of it, during which the people watching him got to see his body twist in ways that were better left forgotten, he transferred the mass he had stored in his stomach to his ass. All of the mass. The result was delightfully quick and so powerful that, if he weren’t already on four legs, he would’ve collapsed from the sudden shift in weight; so colossal was his new rear that he could hear its cheeks rub up against one another whenever he took a step. His thighs as well, giving him practically the same sensations as the pair of artificial udders smushed between his forelegs. All of him was soft flesh to be rubbed or to rub against itself, so obviously the logical step was to just walk around and appreciate it. The suit was performing admirably in that respect; for Jeremy, who still had no idea as to what was happening to him, the experience felt exactly like he hoped and thought it would, leaving him somewhere beyond the realms of your typical satisfied customer. If he could, he’d stay in that virtual world forever, feeling his transformed, bloated body creaking and groaning under its own weight, the equipment dutifully translating all that flesh mashed against itself into an unspeakably powerful maelstrom of rapturous pleasure that threatened to break his mind in half with every step. Though he did his best to keep his voice as steady as possible, there wasn’t a lot holding back the flood of sexual desires from bursting free from his head and invading the real world as well; by that point, if Jeremy were to be released from his avatar, he might genuinely do something he’d regret just to get back inside… which given how he had befriended everyone currently watching him, caused him to take a step back and reconsider his approach. It was still pleasurable, that would never change, but suddenly having violent thoughts if anyone dared to yank him out of his personal paradise was entirely unlike him; he was still himself behind all that
self-indulgence, and he’d do well to remind himself of that, even if it took physically banging his head against the wall a couple of times. “You alright there, J-Jeremy?” Paul chimed in, unable to stop his voice from cracking once. “Yeah, just… getting stuff out of my system. You guys alright in there?” “Yes, we’re fine. Proceed with the experiment.” Oddly clinical for him, but fitting given how the man must be feeling quite horny himself; Jeremy wasn’t blind to how the team reacted to him confessing his kinks, and Paul definitely shared some of them given how blushy he got when he brought them up. In fact, now that he thought about it, it was probably his idea to turn him into a horse to begin with, probably handed out disguised as a way of stress testing the simulation. The sly dog… Well, if he was going to play that game, then he’d get exactly what he bargained for and more; if Paul wanted a stress test then he’d get one, with Jeremy’s long face breaking into a longer smile when he turned his body towards the table, eliciting several stifled groans and a terror-filled gasp from the people watching from outside. His real body was already causing severe damage to the suite’s equipment, the neural blocker hanging on by a thread as it was, and yet none inside the glass box had the good sense to just turn everything off and call it a loss. They all knew what would happen to them if they disobeyed direct orders from the central office, especially ones given with such urgency as theirs, so while they stared down the OFF button, it remained unpressed. All the while, Jeremy’s real body continued to perfectly mirror his virtual one, the suit working on overdrive as the bed it was attached to began to break down. The weight, the volume, the width, it all contributed to stretch out what were precisely-machined components and finely-tuned electronics, making it nothing short of a miracle that the whole assembly hadn’t just crashed and sent Jeremy back to the proverbial desktop, probably keeping him in that form permanently. The possibility of brain damage as well was still on the table, and was the one thing seriously pushing the researchers towards an early termination of the trial run. Blissfully unaware of any of this, Jeremy began eating again, this time purely to keep his belly bloated and nothing else. He’d already gotten rid of what remained of his male apparatus already, giving him that extra bit of comfort room he needed to truly gorge until his underside became a stuffed, overinflated blimp, and when he resumed the feast, he did so lying down. He wanted to feel his body being lifted by its own gut, even its weight unable to keep it down; it was especially sweet given that this position let both his dangling tits and overflowing ass settle
gently against the virtual floor, giving him the perfect early warning system for when his belly grew “too much”. As he kept on eating far past the point where he should be able to, this liftff happened quite unceremoniously and without any kind of warning; one moment he was fine, in the next his feet were struggling to reach the floor and the only thing keeping him from tipping forward thanks to the impressive weight of his bosom was the counterbalance provided by the gigantic cheeks he had attached to his hind legs. It was a curious balance, where one side constantly attempted to tip the other, while they grew progressively insignificant compared to the giant belly growing underneath him. The food was delicious, the taste supreme, and there wasn’t a single thing he could do to stop himself. At that point, the only way for that to happen would be through outside intervention or the simulation itself failing; and when it came down to it, it was both of those things happening at once. Even the sturdy suite couldn’t hold back against the growing mass on top of it for much longer. Its support struts buckled and bent as they struggled to withstand the pressure, leaving themselves increasingly weakened and filled with oddly-shaped cracks and fissures, until, after a tipping point was reached, the whole thing came crashing down. This had two effects happening rapidly in sequence: The complete structural failure of the immersion suite shut it off from its power supply, instantly terminating its connection to the simulation and shunting Jeremy back to the real world, stuck in darkness and unable to move his body once again. He could still hear the sounds of metal creaking, and for a few brief moments considered the possibility that maybe there had been some kind of earthquake or other similar disaster. “Un”fortunately for him, the sudden loss of power meant that the remaining, untouched mechanical components, the one failsafe designed to prevent a complete termination of the test subject’s mental functions, kicked into gear; in one motion, the hydraulics pulled back the needles that formed the neural blocker, thus allowing everything below the neck to come back into play as his “real” body once again. Oddly enough, Jeremy didn’t feel any different from when he was in the simulation. He chalked it up to it being some kind of residual effect, but the moment he tried to take off his helmet to ask just what happened and instead of hands found hooves, he froze. Was all of that ruckus just a part of the simulation as well? The sudden removal of the neural blocker was something he noticed, yes, but it didn’t hurt, something he felt was quite odd; maybe he was still
in some weird layer, subject to the whims of an observation team that clearly liked to have fun with him. If this meant he had to fiddle around with his helmet, then so be it; he’d learnt to use hooves once, he could do it again. Five minutes later he was ripping off the weirdly-shaped headset, watching it crash onto the ground and crack in half, spilling so many precious components in such precious detail that the truth hit him: this wasn’t a simulation. The virtual world was photorealistic, but still clearly artificial; there was no way it’d be able to so perfectly replicate all of those tiny particles flying everywhere, nor the sense of dread that came with looking up and seeing his friends huddled up inside of their glass box, staring at him with what was very obviously fear. “Guys? Guys, what’s going on?” he asked, finding it difficult to speak. Something was getting in the way of his teeth… a tongue? His lips? Though the idea brought him no end of discomfort, Jeremy still looked down. Even after doing so for what felt like hours, he still didn’t know if it had been a good idea or not. It was quite clear why he felt no different from when inside the simulation, or why those people were all staring at him like they couldn’t believe what was happening; hell, he couldn’t believe it either, hence why he turned around and jokingly-not-jokingly demanded they turn the headset off and bring him back to normal. When they did nothing, not even offer a single word of encouragement, that’s when panic began to set in. But panic quickly gave way to curiosity, and curiosity paved its own way to tacit acceptance. Sure, getting up was going to be hell of a ride, considering his gut was about twice as big as the rest of him combined, plus he still had to deal with the sudden surge of titflesh on his face and the two anchors on his ass… but this was his body. He made it like that, knowing that this was his ideal, fantasy self. Wouldn’t be the most easily acceptable by others out in the world, but then again, that’s exactly why he wanted to try virtual reality in the first place. Suddenly, the thought of trying out this new form didn’t seem so bad! After all, they could just plug him back into the simulation and revert him if it came down to it. Right? |
Title: Maude Ch. 03
Tags: mature, forced sex, sweaters, cardigans, anal
"How about you come round tomorrow night - about 8pm - and the address is on my card. I've got another friend coming round too, so it could be quite a busy night. And bring that cardy you bought last week - it might get cold later on. Now," and she rang in the till, "that'll be £10 for the donation plus £5 for the cleaning - £15 in all, thank you very much."
I paid her the cash, and she passed me back one of her cards with my till receipt. I glanced at it: 'Mrs M. Fowler' was printed in a blue script, with 'Charity Donations' in smaller letters under it. Then the address: '34 Leaside Avenue, Newtown. Tel: 01453 654932'.
"Well I think it's all here," I smiled, "I'll see you tomorrow!"
"Bye now," she replied, "I'm looking forward to it already, you cheeky thing!"
Not knowing quite what to expect, I turned up at the appointed time. The houses in the road were all 1930s semis - traditionally conservative sorts of places. Number 34 was no different on the outside, but inside...
I went up to the front door, and pressed the bell, hearing a chime go off inside. Then the door opened, and there was Maude. This time she was wearing the dark blue v-knecked cardigan she'd worn when I first saw her, but without any sweater underneath. It clung gorgeously to her well-endowed breasts, and my eyes were drawn to the pink flesh of her cleavage.
"Hello, dear!" she said, awakening my dream. "I'm glad you could make it, come on in. And you have brought your own cardy along, haven't you?"
I held up the carrier bag, my eyes taking in her hallway and the lounge to the right. She was wearing a dark blue matching knited skirt, and casual shoes.
"Well, would you like a cup of tea? There's one in the pot because Julie is here already, and she loves a cuppa! Come on into the lounge, and take a seat."
I followed her in, looking at the traditional furnishings, and then seeing Julie. She was also on her early forties, with short fair hair, and was wearing a thinnish twinset in soft pink wool with a maroon skirt. She stood up to greet me as I went in: she was shorter than Maude and not so well built, but her bosom was nicely rounded all the same, and the wool clung tightly to her body...
"Ahh hello!" she said, "I'm Julie - and I've hard so much about you. I'm getting very excited about our party tonight already!"
"Hello," I said, formally shaking her hand. "I'm Andy - it's good to meet you."
"Well do sit down please. How do you take your tea, Andrew?" asked Maude.
"Oh, just as it comes." I replied, sitting on a chair opposite Julie on the sofa. Maude went out, leaving the two of us.
"Well, Andrew, you do look every bit as good as Maude said," gushed Julie. "And Maude was telling me that you are very well-endowed too. I do like a man with a good hard knob - especially when it's been circumcised - and she tells me you have been..." She raised her eyebrow, in a questioning way.
Her words took my breath away, looking as she did such a staid conventional matronly figure.
"Oh, I'm sorry if I surprised you!" said Julie, "But you are circumcised, aren't you? I'd hate to think I'd got the wrong boy!"
"Oh, yes." I said, gathering my thoughts. I hadn't been sure what sort of party this was going to be, but somehow Julie's direct conversation was not quite what I was expecting. "Do you come to these do's often?" I asked, lamely.
"Oh yes, as often as I can!" smiled Julie, unbuttoning the pink cardigan of her twinset. "Probably only once a month or so, but Maude and I go back some time. And some of the other girls and boys are old friends too."
Just then Maude came in with a pot of tea on a tray, and put it down on a small table.
"Now, while that's brewing, why don't we get you changed, Andrew. Then we can all enjoy our tea together. Julie, I think you've got a spare bra in your bag, haven't you, and the padding too?"
"Oh yes, of course!" smiled Julie. "I brought just what you said, Maude." and she rumaged in the large bag next to the sofa, before pulling out a white bra and two rounded boob-like objects.
"These are my special lady fillers!" she smiled at me, "Just two stockings that I've filled with foam and tights to make them look and feel just like the real thing." And reaching forward, she passed them over to Maude.
Maude stood up in front of me. "On your feet then, and let's have you stripped to the waist." she began. "There's only one rule at my parties - and that is you have to do what you're told. So if I tell you to do something - or even if Julie does - you've just got to do it. Understand?"
"Well, yes, I suppose so." I replied, "Do you want me to take my shirt off now?"
Maude looked briefly at Julie, then back at me: "Of course - stripped to the waist if you please!"
I stood up as she had asked, and unbuttoned my shirt, feeling decidely strange as I took it off. Julie stood up too, and moved towards me, putting her hands on her hips.
"You're certainly right about him being a fit young man, Maude," she said, "I can't wait to see his privates!"
"Well you'll have to be patient, Julie, we've got to get him dressed up first. Now, can you just do this bra up behind him please?"
And as they put the bra on, so my cock began to harden, despite the strangeness of the situation. Carefully Maude took the boob-fillers, and pushed them into the cups. They looked very good - softly rounded and well shaped. Her fingers against my skin as she manouvered them about felt gorgeous, and she paid special attention to the nipple areas, shaping the filling the bra between her finger and thumb until it stuck out realistically.
Julie was watching closely. "You do that so well, Maude, I can feel my own nips hardening when you do it." and she stroked her hands over her own breasts, pulling the cardigan open and smoothing down the tight wool over her sweater. I could see her nipples showing through and felt my cock stiffen more.
"Right, now let's have your cardy, young man." said Maude, so I reached into my bag and passed it to her. It was the white cardigan I'd bought from Maude's shop, ribbed wool with a v-kneck. Maude held it out, open for me to slip my arm in, so I did. It felt gorgeously soft and warm, yet wildly outrageous to be dressing up in a lady's cardigan in front of these two women. I turned to put in the other arm, then Maude carefully pulled the two sides together and buttoned it up, starting at the bottom and leaving the top button undone.
"There." she said, pulling it down tight. How does that look Julie?"
"Well the top half certainly looks like one of us now, Maude. Very nice indeed! Has he bought a skirt round too?"
"No," I said, "I didn't buy a skirt, just the cardigan."
"In that case it will have to be panties only," continued Julie. "and that means us too, Maude. We're going to have to strip to our panties as well. Isn't this just so exciting! I'll take my skirt off first - then yours Maude - and lastly we'll have a look at our new visitor."
Before anyone else could say anything, Julie was slipping off her skirt, revealing her tight white panties. They looked like cotton, with a lacy panel at the font, and they clung provocatively to her womanly curves, dipping beautifully between her legs.
"I think he likes them Maude," smiled Julie, "Just look at his eyes! I hope he's getting nicely stiff too! Come on Maude - off with your skirt! Here, I'll help you!"
And with that Julie moved forward, and slipped her hands around Maude's waist before slipping her skirt to the floor so that Maude could step out of it. Maude's body was deliciously large, and her soft white cotton panties clung to her generous curves, the elastic digging in slightly at the legs. The panties themselves had little lacy holes all over them, revealing tiny pink dots of flesh. She pulled them up tight, pulling her cardigan down over them to try to hide herself a little, and as I looked I saw the beautiful roundness of her mons, with darker dots beneath the lacy holes. My cock was now rigid, and twitched in ecstacy.
"Now it must be his turn!" smiled Julie. "Shall we both take his trousers off together?"
So they just reached for my belt before undoing it, unbuttoning the trousers, undoing the zip, and letting them drop to the floor. Julie knelt down to pick them up, turning round to stare at my groin.
"Oooh it does look big allright - you weren't exagerating were you Maude. And he's circumcised too? I can't wait to see him perform!"
"Well you must, Julie." said Maude, asserting control. "We can't just toss him off yet - we've got to wait and do it politely. Besides, the tea is getting cold. Now let's all sit down for a minute while we think about what's next. You know anticipation is such an arousing time!"
So Maude moved to the table and began pouring the teas, while Julie and I sat down in the seats we'd been in before. I couldn't take my eyes off the two of them, in their tight white panties and cardigans, and felt myself squirming in the seat as my cock throbbed gently. It was this mixture of their wonderful and exposed bodies - or rather half-exposed bodies - coupled with my strange lady's clothing.
"Milk and sugar?" asked Maude, turning towards me.
"Just milk, thanks." I replied.
"He's sweet enough already, aren't you my pet?" smiled Julie. "I can't wait to taste him, you know!" she added, looking round to Maude.
"Well, let's just drink our teas, shall we?" she replied, passing them round then sitting down on the sofa next to Julie.
Julie was in no mood to slow down. "Nonsense. I'm sure a fine young man like this can manage lots of times in one night - we don't have to wait for just once. I vote we just give him a quicky now, then enjoy the next few times later. What do you think, Andrew? You are going to be able to cum for us more than once, aren't you?"
I couldn't think what to say or how to say it.
"Well I'm sure I could get very excited with you two ladies around." I said, my eyes taking in their wool-clad bosoms and panty-covered hips. My cock was now dribbling, leaving damp patches on my pants.
"There you are!" said Julie, "and you've had him twice more than me, remember? Please let me have a look at him now, Maude. I won't touch till you say so."
"Oh alright, you win," smiled Maude, "you can take his pants off if you want to!"
So Julie got up from the sofa, and moved over to stand in front of me. "Up you get, please, young man." she smiled, putting her hands on her hips. This somehow emphasised her rounded breasts under the tight pink wool of her twinset and my eyes darted from them to the tight cotton of the panties between her legs - just a few feet in front of me. Carefully I stood up, with my arms at my sides, knowing my erection would be obvious to them both.
"That looks nice, doesn't it Maude?" said Julie, moving closer and staring at my pants. "It's a lovely bulge at the front here, isn't it!" and she reached forward to cup her right hand under my balls, sliding it up my cock. It felt ecstatic.
Then with both hands she grabbed the waistband of my pants, before pulling it out towards her to liberate my fully-erect cock. She just stared when she saw it.
"Oh it's gorgeous, isn't it. So smooth and hard on its beautiful circumcised head - and so big too. And its got that slight bend to the left you mentioned, Maude. I can't wait to get it inside me! I'm feeling quite juicy already! What were you thinking Maude, fancy just tossing him when you could have slipped him inside you! I must take these pants right off to get a better view."
Julie moved closer and then lowered my pants to the floor, hardly taking her eyes of my cock while she did so, now just inches from my groin. I stepped out of them, feeling deliciously aroused: stark naked from the waist down yet dressed as a lady from the waist up.
"You can go first too if you like," said Maude, still sipping her tea while she looking at her friend. "I'll just watch to see you don't go too far."
"Oh thanks!" said Julie, glancing back to Maude. "Just fingers for this one, OK? I'll save my mouth and fanny for later on, unles you think I could..."
"No!" aid Maude abruptly. "Just fingers - we're just getting rid of his excess semen this time, so that we can both enjoy more later. My vagina's getting very juicy too - you're not the only one that wants his cock inside. And if you finger him now, it will be my vagina first, thank you very much!"
The way they talked continued to amaze me. It was as if I wasn't a person and they were just using my cock to satisfy themselves. And their open descriptions of their bodies was startling.
"OK, Maude, you win! I'll toss him now, then it's your fanny first. I'll play with you too, so you can get the first coming... Now then, let me get my hands on this knob."
"Careful, Julie - not on the carpet. You must make sure you catch all his cum - and he can get very splashy so you'll have to use your cardy or sweater to catch him. He's had the snip so there's not a lot of cum, but it's sticky and goes everywhere!"
Julie looked me straight in the eye, her blue eyes contrasting with the pink of her cardigan and sweater. Then I felt the ecstacy of her fingers on my cock, lightly touching then tightly gripping. Exploring my balls and all the way up my shaft. She was moving her hips from side to side too.
"God he's gorgeous, Maude. He must be a good six inches, and a really thick head too. And such a lovely girl above the waist - he's quite one of us! Now come on," she looked at me, "pull your cardy straight and put your hands on your hips, tummy in and your bosom out."
I did as I was told, feeling both assertive as I stood up straight and entirely submissive as I let Julie feel me - with Maude watching.
Maude was folding her arms, I noticed out of the corner of my eye, and stroking her breasts gently at the same time. Julie was now starting to pump my cock, and her breasts wobbled beautifully under her pink sweater, framed by the open cardigan as her wool-clad arms moved rhythmically.
"Before you finish him," started Maude, "I think you should measure him for our files. Here, there's a tape measure just in the top drawer over there."
So Julie moved to the cupboard and quickly opened the drawer before finding the tape. She came back and stood in front of me again, then held one end of the tape into my body, at the base of my cock, and draped the tape over the end. She held my cock out at right angles.
"Is this straight?" she asked Maude, who smiled and nodded a 'yes'.
"Well, he's exactly 6 inches on top. Can you write this down please, so we don't forget!" Then she put the tape around my cock, near the base. "Let me see, its 5 inches around at the base, so it is a nice thick one alright. Now I'll measure the head - my favourite bit!" And she carefully placed the tape around the head of my cock, holding my shaft firm at the base.
"Come on, push out for me!" she encouraged. "I'll measure right around his helmet, and it is... a magnificent five and three quarters. God that will be good later on - nice and tight in my pussy!"
"Now let's just see this semen come out, Andrew. Come on, I'll hold my cardy out for you.." and she pumped me faster. "Give it to me, you big boy, come and splash up my cardy!" she said, looking at me directly again.
"I want to feel you spurt and see your semen." And she pulled out the loose edge of her cardigan - the button side - towards my cock, wrapping it round the end as she kept up her tossing movements. "Come on, splash for me, whenever you are ready - just let it out. You know you are a really good knob boy! Maude, would you like to come over and watch as he comes?"
My eyes took in everything as I felt my cum about to explode. Maude walking towards us, her right hand now inside her cardigan as she fondled herself. Julie standing in front of me, her breasts wobbling under her sweater as her hands kept up their rhythmic thrusting, her wool clad arms reaching out to me, pulling the side of her cardigan under my cock, and wrapping it round my shaft. The head of my cock was now poking out of its woollen shroud, and I could see the drops of my first coming dribbling out.
"Come on, Andrew, let's see your cum - quick Maude, come and watch too, he's nearly there now!"
And as Maude came to stand next to us to watch I could feel Julie's fingers achieve their ambition as my cock spurted out its semen all over her cardigan.
"Oooh, look, Maude, he's coming - and it's going everywhere! And he's got so much too." she cried as she kept on pumping me. "I hope he can make some more for later on!"
And she carried on her tossing action as my cock slowly deflated. I was breathing hard now, feeling so good about coming yet somehow apprehensive - what would they want next? What if I couldn't do it to their satisfaction?
Julie took her cardigan off, wiping her sticky fingers on the wool and wrapping up my cum so that it was surrounded by the wool. She smiled at Maude:
"Well you were right about him, my dear, he was certainly too full of semen! Now what about you? Would you like his cock inside you?"
Maude smiled back, almost blushing at the question, but Julie continued: "How would you like to sit for us while we excite you? On the chair or the sofa? Or maybe lie down upstairs? You choose, and we'll just look after you, won't we Andrew my sweet."
"Oh, yes," I muttered, "yes of course we'll do just what you want."
"Well..." began Maude, pulling her cardigan down more tightly, and showing off her nippples pushing out through the dark blue wool. "I fancy a bit of a lie down, actually - I've been on my feet all day."
"Well let's go upstairs, then!" smiled Julie. "Off you go, we'll follow you up."
So we went upstairs, me following Maude and Julie behind me. As we were walking up the stairs Julie kept up her chatter.
"Oh what a nice bottom." she said, then I felt her fingers stroking me. "I can't keep my hands of him you know!"
I was entranced with Maude's bottom, her tight white panties beautifully rounded beneath the blue wool of her cardigan. At the top of the stairs Maude paused to look round.
"No playing on the stairs!" she said, "Besides, it's my turn now."
We followed into the front bedroom. The dark maroon curtains were already drawn and the lights on. The double bed was covered in a dark red flowery quilt, picking out the colour of the carpet, with light pink walls completing the picture. There was a fitted wardrobe with mirrored doors opposite as we went in, so we saw ourselves - the odd threesome from downstairs.
Maude pretended to be tired, rubbing her eyes and yawning. "I'm just going to have a lie down and shut my eyes for a while." she smiled, "but I will welcome some gentle attention to help me to sleep - a little gentle massage with all your fingers maybe..." and she lay back on the bed, positioning herself in the centre before throwing her arms back and closing her eyes.
"Well, Andrew, you heard what she said," whispered Julie, keeping up the charade of Maude sleeping. "She wants a little finger massage - so would you like to finger her first, or shall I? I know, why don't we both do her together - I'll go round the other side in front of the mirror and you stay and get to her from this side."
So we both climbed onto the bed, in a sort of kneeling position each side of Maude's sleeping body.
"Doesn't she look nice and relaxed!" whispered Julie, pulling the sleeves of her sweater up. "Why don't you gently stroke her breasts - I know she likes that - while I run my fingers over her panties."
My first touch of Maude's wool-covered breasts will remain with me for ever. The wool felt so soft and yet her breasts below were softer still, in a different sort of way. They were huge too, as my hands tried to encircle them. I stroked and teased gently, sometimes with two hands on one breast, sometimes one on each. I could fell my cock hardening again - and the stiffness ached after my first cumming.
Julie could see me growing too. "Mmm," she murmured, "That looks nice, Andrew!"
After a while I looked round - I'd been concentrating on Maude's bosom so much I'd forgotton what Julie was up to. When I saw I was amazed as one hand was deep between Maude's now half open legs, the other stroking and fingering her panties over her rounded mons. As I watched she kept up her little fingering motions, and I knew from Maude's gentle moaning that she was hitting the right spot.
"It's always easier for us girls to know what we're doing down here!" she whispered. "You go back to her breasts - and you could unbutton her cardy you know - she is asleep after all!"
So now I had my next unforgettable moment - seeing Maude's breasts for the first time. Almost without thinking I pushed down at the base of my cock, easing it fully erect and firm. Julie of course saw me.
"None of that!" she scolded, "not yet anyway. It's Maude's turn first."
I looked back at Maude's cardigan - should I start at the top where the v-neck revealed the top of her cleavage - or the bottom, resting on her white panties. I went for the bottom, and picked up the wool before undoing the first button. I watched Julie while I did this, my eyes somehow drawn to the neat pink-sweatered lady, busy fingering between Maude's legs over her panties. Maude was definitely moaning now, and her hips moved gently under Julie's fingers. Her legs had moved further apart too.
I kept on undoing the buttons, now showing pink skin beneath as I moved above her panties. There were seven button altogether, and with each one my dreams came closer. After unbuttoning the last one I let the wool of the cardigan go, and it fell back revealing her beautiful cleavage and part of her breasts - but hiding most of the pink flesh and her nipples. I leaned over and pulled the wool from her right breast, and on impulse bent down to kiss the large soft dark nipple. She gasped, and I felt it harden in my mouth as I kept on sucking her.
"Oh she likes that, doesn't she?" asked Julie, "I think you must be an expert on sucking ladies breasts, you cheeky monkey."
By now I was getting excited too, and with one hand supporting my body, I moved the other to stroke her other breast. I felt the warm softness, and found the nipple I'd been searching for. It was hardening as I touched it, so I squeezed it gently and sucked the other harder too. Maude began panting now, and moaning too as her body began to writhe about.
"I think we should get rid of these panties now, don't you?" asked Julie, to none in particular. "Come on Maude, lift your hips up for me so I can pull them down, that's a good girl. Come on, a bit higher..."
I could fell Maude moving beneath me. "That's right, let's get them right off. Now just relax your legs please, wide apart." Julie's voice was getting me going, her quiet relaxed manner of just exposing her friend to the world. "Now, I hope my fingers are warm enough for you - I'll just put them in my mouth first, to warm them up."
A moment or two passed, and I kept up my kissing and sucking and stroking of Maude's breasts as she writhed beneath me. Suddnely she stiffened in a spasm.
"There," said Julie, "now how do you like the feel of my fingers on your skin, Maude? You do seem very juicy tonight."
Maude just let out a loud moan, "Ohhh, that's wonderful, Julie, just let me have more!"
"You want more fingering on your bud, or more fingers in your fanny? You're just so greedy, Maude!" said Julie.
"Oh more of everything!" was the reply, interspersed by panting noises.
I knelt up from Maude's bosom, taking in what I saw. Maude was now writhing on the bed, her wool covered arms behind her head and her cardigan spread apart. Her huge breasts wobbled every time she moved, and he belly was making circular sorts of movements. Julie knelt beside her hip, her pink sweater tight over her body and her sleeves pulled up to the elbow. She had one hand deep between Maude's legs, which were now spread wide open - and probably had several fingers inside her, judging from her wrist movements. Her other hand was resting on Maude's mound, fingering her clitoris and moist folds of skin as she worked her friend up to a climax.
"Right, Andrew, this is where you come in I think." smiled Julie, looking up at me. "You come and kneel between her legs, and let's see if we can't get that big cock of yours somewhere useful. Come on, over you come!"
So reluctantly I left Maude's breasts for a moment, and moved over to kneel between her open legs. The sight was wonderful, as Julie had two fingers deep inside Maude's vagina as she kept up her fingering of her clitoris. Maude's body was dark pink and very wet, the dark curly hairs wispy alongside her labia. Skillfully, Julie slipped her fingers out, but held them at the mouth of Maude's vagina, holding it open.
"Come on, in you go!" Not needing a second invitation I leaned forward, putting my hands each side of Maude's waist. I felt Julie's fingers on my cock, and as I pushed my hips towards Maude I could feel the soft wet warmth as I slipped into her. She wasn't tight, but as I pushed in further so she just took me all. My body was right over hers now, looking down on her writhing beneath me, her breasts wobbling about. I could still feel Julie's fingers around my cock and under my belly, so knew Julie was keeping busy with Maude, too.
I let my body fall slightly so that I could suck on Maude's right nipple and brought my hand up to her left one. Suddenly she started getting really excited.
"Oh, yes," she kept panting, "Oh yes, yes, yes, YES!" And as she came she shouted out loud enough to wake the neighbours, her hips thrusting up and down and her whole body writhing under me. I kept up my hip movements as she kept on coming, then slowed down as her moment passed.
"Oh, don't stop now, young man, you just give her your shaft and she'll be coming again in no time!" Julie seemed to know what was happening, so I kept on my shafting movements, letting myself enjoy the deep wet softness of Maude's vagina. Moving off her breasts for a moment I saw her smiling at me, looking me straight in the eyes.
"That was gorgeous, my poppet." she smiled, "Thank you for waiting for me, now you just enjoy yourself too. I'm sure Julie will look after you too..." So I began to start a more focused pushing, then I let out a gasp as I felt Julie's fingers touch my bottom, opening the cheeks apart and pressing straight on my anus.
"Come on!" she urged, "Give her what she's been waiting for. I'll hold your balls till I've felt you cum. And you do seem to like this other finger here, don't you?" And I gasped again as she tickled my anus, pressing tightly against it.
I knew I wouldn't be able to take much more, so fixed the scene in my mind for replay later. Maude beneath me, her dark blue cardigan spread wide. Her breasts shaking rhythmically as I pushed into her, her large dark nipples drawing patterns on front of my eyes. My own cardigan now making me very hot, and there behind me knelt Julie, watching all the intricacies of our bodies as they met.
"Come on now," said Julie, "Let it go!"
"Yes, come on for me, you big boy," echoed Maude, "Fill me with your cream!" and she looked me right in the eyes.
"I'll just give you a little extra treat!" said Julie, and I felt her finger which had been tickling my anus suddnly slip into me. I cried out with pleasure, and felt the last few thrusts building up for coming. I couldn't hold back. So as Maude fixed me with her stare, I felt my spunk spurt out inside her, panting as I came.
I kept on cumming, breathing harder as my cum finished spurting out, then I lay down next to Maude on the bed, my heart beating wildly.
It was Julie who spoke first. "Well you two, fancy you coming like that! You lucky pair! I'll let you get your breath back before you come round to me!" And she stood up from the bed, pulling her tummy in and lifting her hands behind her head to show off her breasts to us both.
After a few minutes Maude sat up. "Well come on, lazy bones, we've got to get busy on Julie now," she smiled, pulling her cardigan together again, to hide her breasts. She did up the bottom three buttons, but only just managed to hide her nipples, leaving a delightful segment of each breast exposed.
"Right, Julie, I think this time I'll get my gold teaser out for you - I know you like it! Would you like Andrew to push it in you?"
"What do you think!" she replied, slipping her panties off in readiness. "I want Andrew to take me properly! It's my turn for his cock now, and I want to have it in my mouth and deep inside me and in my bottom too - I want him everywhere, and I want him now!"
"Well he's still recovering now," smiled Maude, looking at my deflated cock, "so you just lie on the bed Julie, and we'll get you ready." She went over to her drawers, and took out a gold coloured dildo, about eight inches long, and also found a little bottle of something. "I think you might like some body oil, Julie - and come to think of it, so might you, Andrew!"
By now Julie had taken up the position that Maude had been in just a few moments ago, lying on her back in the middle of the bed, with her arms behind her head and her sweater pulling tightly over her breasts. She opened her legs wide, then made a couple of thrusts with her hips. The white cotton of her panties was now clearly wet between her legs as she showed off for us.
"Right," said Maude, "now let's get on with Julie! Here, Andrew, you take this oil, and pour a little in your hands, while I get Goldie warmed up."
So I took the oil from her, and watched as she slipped the vibrator up Julie's sweater, tickling her and rolling it over her to warm it up.
"Slip her panties off, now Andrew - we need to get on with the job!" she commanded.
I knelt on the bed, and reached out for the elastic of her panties on both her hips. I tugged a bit but Julie quickly lifted her body up to help me. I kept waiting to see her pubic hairs as I pulled the panties down, but .. suddenly her naked clitoris and labia were there in front of me. She smiled up at me, watching my face.
"Do you like my bare pussy, then, pet?" she asked. "It makes it much easier to find what you're looking for - and none gets hairs in their mouth, do they Maude?"
I murmured something like 'God', then pulled her panties right off, and knelt next to her hips with the oil bottle in my hand. Not waiting for an order, I tipped a little in one hand, then rubbed my hands together and slid them both between her legs.
"Ooooh, you cheeky boy!" she half complained, "who said you could do that? Now that you've started, you'd better give me a good oiling - and rub a bit into your cock too, I know you'll like it!"
Maude watched as I started to finger Julie, using one hand to quickly wipe my now hardening tool with oil. It sprang up stiff again, despite the aching feeling.
"Well, you finger her for a bit longer, then I'm going to get Goldie to work!" smiled Maude, turning the vibrator on. As I fingered Julie's clitoris and folds, Maude squeezed beside me, and pushed the dildo towards her vagina. She let it play a little while Julie moaned, then slipped it slowly inside her. Soon she was pushing it in and out, sliding it up towards the front of her vagina, and twisting it gently.
"Come on, Julie, let's give you a good one tonight. Let's have you kneeling over the bed, so we can get to you better! I'll leave Goldie in so don't loose him!"
So we both moved back as Julie rolled over and then knelt on the floor, lowering her head and chest to the bed. I was disappointed that her boobs were hidden, but Maude's swinging breasts gave me plenty to look at, and Julie's rounded bottom looked so inviting - even with the vibrator was sticking out of her. Maude grabbed it, and slipped her fingers under her body, over her clitoris so Julie starting moaning again.
"Right, well that'll keep her going for a while, so let's give her a bit more oil on her bottom, please Andrew."
I did as I was told, rubbing the oil into her cheeks and feeling the soft flesh.
"No, not just there!" Maude was short with me: "slip some between her legs, and finger her bottom properly, please. Julie especially likes a cock in there when she's got Goldie too, so you need to loosen her up first."
My mind raced, but my fingers did as they were told, slipping between Julie's cheeks, and feeling around her anus. Julie was now moaning loudly, and my cock hardened as I fingered her more. I'd never put my cock up a woman's arse before, so didn't know how it would be.
Julie was now shouting out, "Give it to me Andrew, finger my bottom now!" so I slipped the end of my second finger into her anus. There was so much oil about it slipped in easily, so I kept on fingering , bringing my other hand to hold her cheeks apart and look at what I was doing. I could see Maude's fingers too, grasping the dildo and moving it rhythmically in and out, and fingering Julie's clitoris with her other hand. I now had two fingers in Julie, and she was writhing on the bed as the stimulation mounted.
"Come on, now just oil your shaft and mount her, Andrew, I know she's ready for it." commanded Maude, smiling up at me.
I stood up and oiled my cock, then leaned forward, half over Maude, as I pushed my cock down towards Julie's anus. Suddenly my cock was pushing against her, and as I moved forward it just kind of slipped in to her. It felt deliciously tight around the top of my knob, and I could feel Julie squirming under me, as I kept on pushing in. Her sweater was now well up her back, so I slid it further up, and grabbed my hands around her chest, easing them under to her breasts and nippples. I was virtually lying on her now, pushing in and out in regular thrusts.
"That's my boy!" I heard Maude's voice, "Give her a good riding and make sure she doesn't buck you off!"
Julie's voice was now really panting, and we all knew she couldn't keep on for much longer without coming.
"I'm nearly there, I'm nearly there," she was breathing, as I rode her body and Maude fingered her more. Then with a huge spasm she came, nearly thowing me off. Her coming was a very fast thrashing, as she moved her bottom and thighs quickly forwards and backwards. I grabbed her waist hard to stay on, and felt Maude's hand on my bottom holding me down.
"Good god she's a jumpy comer, and no mistake!" said Maude, as Julie's thrashing quietened down, "But once is never enough for Julie, so don't get off your saddle yet."
Sure enough, after a quieter period, Julie's body starting moving faster again. "This time, you can let go of your load, Andrew," said Maude, "I'll give you a bit of attention too because Goldie is keeping her busy on his own."
So as I kept on a rhythmic pushing into Julie's anus, I suddenly felt Maude's fingers holding my bottom apart, and her oily finger slipped over me. I felt so arousing that I nearly came on the spot. But, concentrating on Julie, I played with her boobs and she got up on her elbows to give my hands more room. Her breasts were just hanging down, with the sweater half over them, and as I pushed in to her so her boobs wobbled into my hands and out again, the nipples stroking my finger tips. She was getting near to coming again, so I let my mind enjoy the sensations: her pink wool clad body beneath me and my cock slipping in and out of her tight anus. Behind me Maude was probably still fingering her with one hand, as her other hand was slipping all over my body between my legs, then stopping at my anus.
As I panted more, and Julie's breath came shorter and shorter, I gasped as Maude's finger slipped into me, and I pushed harder into Julie. Then as I gasped for air I felt Julie cum beneath me, quickly followed by my own coming as I squirted my cum deep inside her.
After a few minutes we had all quitened down a bit. Maude asked, in a matter of fact sort of way, "Well, Julie, was that what you wanted, or would you like a little more?"
Julie just laughed quietly, half to herself. "No, that was perfect, thank you Maude, I'm quite done for now." "How about you then, Andrew?", she asked.
"Well I won't be coming for a minute or two, that's for sure!" I said, as my cock gently slipped out of Julie's bottom.
Maude had pulled her dildo out now, and was kneeling with her cardigan wide apart, the sleeves pulled up. "Well, I think we all need a good bath - and who knows what might happen then!"
She stood up and walked to the door. "I'll go and fill the bath, then I'll put the kettle on for a nice cup of tea. Muffins, anyone?" |
Title: Friends Request Ch. 02
Tags: friend, pregnant
*The back story is in part 1 of this series so you may want to start there before continuing. The plot (yes,there is a plot) will make more sense if you do.
... continuing on ...*
"Well," I said. "Do you think we got pregnant or will you be abusing me some more?"
There was tired laughter from the others at my weak joke. Janine rolled her head back and said, "Not until you get me something to drink at least."
That sounded like a good idea. We were all sweaty and needed to rehydrate. "I'll get us something cold," I offered, standing up. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it back around my waist – not from modesty but just to stop my cock from dripping all over the place.
My legs felt like rubber as I stumbled back into the kitchen. I knew I didn't want any more wine tonight and found some cold fruit mixes instead. I drew glasses of cold water and dropped the mixes in before returning to the sweaty group in the sitting room. They had moved to sit up against the furniture again and reached up to take the proffered drinks with mumbled thanks. No one else was in a towel so I folded mine and placed it beside Janine before I sat down. She leaned over against me and sipped at the drink.
The room reeked of arousal – male and female. Stan's cock lay limply glistening on his thigh and there were dried trails of cum on the girls' thighs. Both of them looked like they'd been making love for hours but when I looked at the clock I saw we'd barely started the evening. Somehow the intensity had made it seem much later than it was.
Janine rolled her head towards me and reached up for a kiss. Our mouths parted and I could taste the bite of the drink over the musty taste of our sex.
"Thank you," she said. "That was really good for me."
"For me too," I replied. I looked over at Stan and Clare who were snuggled together looking as tired as I felt.
"I think they had a good time, too," I added.
Clare laughed at me, "You think?" she asked. "Your old-man-to-be is a pretty good loaner," she said to Janine. Janine smiled back at her.
My heart had returned to normal and I could feel the cool air from the window running across me. "Let me know when you want to go again," I teased taking a drink.
The girls made faces at me and pointedly looked at my limp cock. "Really," asked Clare? "What do you plan on using, hard language?" They giggled.
"I'll have you know there are plans to leave you both quivering and helpless, right Stan?" He nodded and added, "Yeah, I'm going to call in some reinforcements – maybe the local football team or something to help satisfy these two."
The girls squealed in outrage and laughingly attacked him. He didn't try to defend himself very hard and they soon had him knocked over flat, tickling and biting him in delicate places. Their attack also gave me a great view of their naked bodies as they rolled around with him. The girls were encouraging each other with suggestions to smother him in tits. Stan was laughing and mock-protesting their attack. They took turns grabbing his cock which started to rise again. He was kissing and nibbling on whatever he could reach which just increased the giggling by the girls.
My cock started to swell at the views I had presented to me. At one point both girls were trying to lie across Stan to hold him down which presented both their backsides to me. Their still swollen cunts left wet spots on his skin or each other as they wrestled with him and my cock appreciated the views. When the fight rolled towards me I playfully slapped the ass within reach which got me a shocked squeal from Clare.
She spun around and glared at me before abandoning Stan to move towards me. "Striking a poor woman when her back is turned," she said. "There's a penalty for that you know."
I raised both hands and motioned for her to come closer. "Bring it on," I challenged.
Her firm breasts swung below her as she stalked me across the comforter. "You'll have to pay," she said shaking her hair back away from her face. My cock rose harder as she moved closer. I loved it when she used her strength against me and she growled gently at me before suddenly pouncing forward. She caught my cock in her hands and yelled, "Gotcha!"My cock grew quickly in her grasp and she stroked me as I rose up again. She licked her lips and looking over at the others she swung a leg over mine keeping hold of my cock. My cock was slick with Janine's cunt and my cum and she used it to lubricate her strokes. She moved across my hips and held my cock against her opening running the head between her lips.
Leaning forward she said, "You're going to finish in Janine but I want a few strokes of my own before you do." Lowering herself she impaled her cunt on the head of my cock and gasped as it spread her lips.
She was slick and hot and there was little resistance to my entry. Looking down I could see wetness being forced down around my cock as I slid deeper inside her.
I reached up to play with a breast – teasing the nipple up again. Leaning forward I suckled at her breast and she wrapped an arm around my head to pull me closer. Her hips undulated with my cock partly inside her and she made small sounds of pleasure. She worked me deeper and deeper finally settling down fully on my lap. This took her breast too far away for me to kiss so I put both hands out and held a breast in each palm. As she moved they shifted in my hands and I used my thumbs to tweak the nipples.
Her arms were on my shoulders as she moved gently forwards and back on my cock.
"Damn you feel good," she purred. Her eyes peered through half closed lids and she licked her lips before catching the lower one in her teeth. Hot juices flowed from her cunt soaking me under her – I could feel some trickling down between my legs and across my ass.
Behind us Stan and Janine were watching her on me. On one wall a mirror gave me a glimpse of their view. Her round ass cheeks moving forward and back along my thighs as she ground my hard cock inside her. I reached around to cup each cheek and pulled them slightly apart as she moved exposing her small rosebud on each back stroke. Her cheeks quivered as she worked our sex together and drops of sweat started appearing. I slide one hand around her tight backside and started rubbing her asshole gently using her juices for lubrication.
"Oh god," she moaned. "Don't stop .. please don't stop," she begged as the sensations built towards climax.
Stan was fingering Janine as they watched and she was flushed with arousal. Her hand was on Stan and she stroked him steadily. I crooked a finger at them both in invitation and Janine moved closer to us.
Janine reached out a hand to caress Clare's side and moved it up to catch a breast. Clare turned her head at the touch and her breath became ragged as she saw what Janine did. I motioned Stan to come around to the other side. I caught both Clare's hands and pulled them behind her back forcing her to sit higher and pushing her breasts out.
Stan leaned in and took a breast in his mouth as Janine did the same from the other side. Clare rolled her head back at the sensation and moaned raggedly. I was moving my hips under her driving my cock into her as she worked it with her inner muscles. She started shaking her head and moaning harder.
"No ... oh god no ... ," she panted. "Stop .. please stop .. ugh ugh .. ahhhh! You're making me cum again!"
"Stan," I said. He turned to me releasing her breast from his mouth. "Fuck her mouth," I silently said to him, just mouthing the words so she couldn't hear.
He smiled and moved to stand over us – I lifted my hips to raise her higher and he caught her head with his hands. Janine reached across Clare's body to play with her other breast while still caressing the one with her mouth. Clare's eyes opened in surprise when she felt Stan take hold of her hair. He smiled down at her and guided her mouth over the head of his cock. A muffled squeal came from around the meat in her mouth as he stroked himself in and out of her lips. He didn't give her the option of sucking him but held her in place and fucked her mouth moving his hips in firm strokes.
Helpless to resist what we were doing to her I felt her fighting my hold on her arms but I wouldn't release them. I jerked my cock harder up into her cunt making her squeal even louder. Stan shortened his stroke but didn't stop using her mouth and Janine bit at her nipples while scratching her nails across the sensitive skin.
Suddenly I felt Clare's body spasm hard and she soaked my cock in a flood of juices as her climax hit. Her mouth widened in a noiseless scream and her cunt contracted hard around me as wave after wave of pleasure rushed through her body. She held herself rigid in orgasm between us – as she started to come down and relax Janine dropped a hand to Clare's exposed clit and rubbed it with small circles.
This time Clare did scream around Stan's cock as the tremor of an aftershock suddenly became another huge climax. Her body became limp and I released her arms to catch her against me. Stan moved back with a string of saliva connecting his wet cock to her mouth. Clare collapsed against me weakly and I could feel her cunt trembling as I lay inside her. Her mouth gasped for air and drool pooled on my chest as she struggled to recover. I shifted slightly and her eyes flew open.
"Please," she begged. "Don't ... let me stop ... drink, I need a drink." Janine reached for a glass and offered it to her, helping Clare hold it. She drank noisily and some dribbled onto my skin. Clare moved her head back enough so I could see the expression in her eyes. She looked exhausted and kept licking her lips in an attempt to control her mouth. The best way to describe her look right now is – wanton.
"You want off me," I asked? She nodded. "Okay, let's move this way," I said leaning to my left. She slowly extended her trembling left leg and rolled towards her right. Janine caught her knee and helped her straighten it as Stan guided her over beside him. I moved with her until I could pull my cock slowly out of her – the folds of her cunt clutching at me as I withdrew. Clare moaned as she settled back inside my left arm and Stan's right. Groaning she extended both legs and shifted her hips to get comfortable.
Stan pulled her hair back from her face and she looked up at him cautiously. "If you try to start anything with me right now I will bite it off and make you a girl," she warned. We all laughed at her. Stan looked at me over the top of her head.
"What should we tell the rugby team then, Mick?" I shrugged.
Looking over at Janine he continued, "Looks like you're it then, darling. Your girlfriend's shagged out."
Janine giggled shaking her head and Clare slowly shook a hand in protest. "Five minutes, okay .. maybe ten minutes .. then we'll see who's shagged out." She grinned up at him, "Bet you cry uncle before I do." She looked around at us.
"That was bloody incredible, you lot." As far as I know that was the first time she's ever had two cocks in her at the same time. We'd been open about sharing our past experiences and she'd never mentioned it before. From the look on her face it won't be the last time.
She looked over at Janine. "Your turn next," she said. "Anyway, how did I get to be the center of attention? Thought we were here to get you pregnant."
"Doesn't mean you can't have fun, too." Janine said smiling.
"Fun .. yeah .. that was fun .. wait until we get you helpless and you'll be screaming too, girl." Clare told her. She looked up at Stan.
"Why don't you lay her out on the floor and I'll hold her hands so you two blokes can show her some fun," she suggested.
"Hey, don't I get to say anything about this," protested Janine.
"Nope," the three of us chimed in unison.
Clare sat up straighter as her breathing slowed. She leaned over to rub noses with me, "Love you," she said as she leaned her forehead against mine.
"Love you, too, lady," I replied. I did love her, so deeply it scared me sometime. Since we met I had found myself completely lost in her spell – and had no wish to ever stop.
She twisted our heads so we were looking at Janine. "You ready for some more then," she asked?
Janine glanced down at my cock which had remained mostly hard – I felt it stir at her attention. She nodded and smiled at us both.
Clare sat back and looked back at Stan.
"I'm guessing you wouldn't complain about another round, would you," she said with a smile. Stan just smiled and shook his head. Clare smiled and crawled over by Janine giving Stan and me a great view of her ass as she moved on hands and knees. She stopped and looking over her shoulder gave her backside a sexy wiggle at us before spinning around to sit beside Janine. The two girls leaned back on their arms stretching their legs out in front of them.
As I looked at them I wondered how I'd gotten so lucky. Not just with the request from Janine but in being favored with Clare's love and affection. Both girls were so comfortable being themselves there was no embarrassment or hesitation in sharing themselves with Stan and me. Here they were, side by side, chatting as easily as if we'd been at the pub having a lunch together. But in the past hour each had received the other's lover into their bodies and moaned as shared climaxes mixed the seeds of life within them. Even now my seed was working its way inside Janine determined to find her egg and provide a living reminder of our joint pleasures. Clare's body was just as full of Stan's contribution although it would be a sterile journey.
Their naked pale skin glowed and the flickering lights from candles and fire played shadows across their bodies. My body responded to the provocative sights in front of me and I felt blood stiffening my cock. I moved to my knees and started to move towards them feeling Stan close by. The girls reached behind and positioned pillows behind their heads. I moved between Janine's legs as she lay back raising her knees in acceptance. Beside her Clare matched her movements as Stan moved up beside me.
Looking over I could see his cock standing out hard and proud between my girlfriend's knees. He put his hands on her legs and stroked the soft skin inside her legs as she moved to allow him access. Clare and I locked eyes and I blew her a kiss which she returned with a grin. I could see Stan and Janine doing the same and laughed inwardly at the situation.
I rose up slightly so my cock lay on Janine's body and I moved myself slowly using one hand to press the underneath against her clit. She smiled and placed a hand on top of my cock trapping me against her.
Pressed against her I could see how far my cock would penetrate her body. It always amazed me how a woman could accommodate so much. Remembering how hard I pound them sometimes I'm surprised they don't squeal more.
We set a slow rhythm and her breathing picked up. I could feel her getting wetter as I moved between her lips – her breasts shifted heavily and I leaned forward to feel them against my chest.
Beside us Stan and Clare were joined and moving steadily together. They were close enough we could feel Clare's leg rubbing against us as Stan's thrusts moved her. It felt incredible. Clare kept glancing over at us watching how we touched each other. She dropped a hand down on Janine's stomach and slid it down to cover my cock with her. She closed her fingers so I was fucking her hand as well as moving in Janine's. Janine turned her head to look at Clare and moved her hand so she was holding Clare's around me.
Shifting her hips I felt Janine moving my cock so I rode lower, closer to her entrance. I pulled back further and slowly pushed myself between her lips. Janine kept Clare's hand on me as I entered her controlling my depth. Both girls gasped a little as Clare felt me enter Janine. Her hand was trapped between me and Janine as I drove deeper.
"That is so fucking hot," Clare breathed.
Janine nodded in agreement and moved her hips against me. "Oh yes," she agreed. "It's like you're helping him fuck me." I drove further and felt their hands at the bottom of each stroke. We kept a steady pace for a few minutes until Janine released us and pushed harder. Clare's hand was squashed and she flattened it between us letting me drive deeper. As I withdrew she played her fingers across Janine's clit.
"Ooooh," Janine bucked against our combined caress. Clare grinned at her saying, "Payback girlfriend, payback. I won't be the only one to lose control here tonight."
Stan laughed at them as he watched Janine moving under me. "Seems fair to me," he agreed still stroking himself into Clare. He suddenly gasped as Clare grinned up at him.
"You do that much more," he said, "and we'll be done very quickly," he finished with a gasp. Clare opened her eyes wide and said with an attempt at innocence, "But all I did was hug you, like this." He gasped again and I could tell she had tightened her cunt around him. I knew how that felt as it was a favorite way she had of teasing me. You'd swear she had independent control of her muscles as her cunt felt like it was milking you from outside in. Stan gasped again.
"Okay," she said, "I'll stop so you can last a bit longer, dear." She said this rather breathlessly not being immune to what he was doing to her. She recovered her hand from between me and Janine and pulled Stan against her. She kissed his shoulder and then I saw her teeth biting at his neck.
No, she wasn't immune at all. When she started biting me she was close to her own climax. I knew they wouldn't last much longer if she decided to abandon control.
Janine moved her legs and locked them around my waist as she returned my thrusts. I rolled her slightly upwards so I had a new angle for my cock and picked up my own pace slightly. She responded with enthusiasm sliding her arms around me and clutching at my back. Her mouth nibbled at my throat and shoulders sometimes biting the skin. She groaned her desire as I returned her caresses. I dropped my head down by her ear to whisper.
"You like feeling Clare's hand on you, do you," I challenged.
"God yes," she replied. "You have no idea how erotic that is for me."
"Before I cum," I continued, "I want to change positions so she can help us again. Okay?"
"Whatever you want," Janine replied. "Whatever she's willing to do I'm game." She panted her way through small climaxes but I could feel her body working towards another big one.
I looked over at Clare watching her ride Stan's caresses to peak after peak as she heard our exchange.
Her eyes had widened again and she looked barely in control. I could see small scratches on Stan's back and knew from experience she was very close to becoming a screaming, scratching, and biting frenzy. It wasn't often she would let herself go that way and my back was mute witness to the passion she unleashed. She had literally drawn blood from me more than once and even left a broken nail in me one wild night.
"You two willing to try something," I asked them? Clare nodded and Stan looked up.
"What do you want to do?" he panted.
"Have Clare help finish me off with Janine," I replied.
"God, yes," Clare panted. "How do we do this," she asked? Her voice was deeper and ragged, filled with lust.
"I'll get us close," I replied. "Then move us so I'm behind her lying down. You can use your fingers on her to push her over the top. When she cums I bet I will too."
Janine moaned as she heard our plans. "Yes ... please yes," she begged. "That is such a turnn."
Clare stopped moving and looked up at Stan. "You want to move so we can do that," she asked? Stan nodded his head making little beads of sweat drop onto her.
"From behind again," she suggested. "That way you can watch, too."
"If you don't stop talking like that I won't last long enough to change positions," he warned with a grin.
I grinned over at him. "Know what you mean, mate. Don't know how I've managed to last this long with these two." Janine pulled the cunt-hug trick and I moaned in response.
"I want to feel you cum again," Janine said. "Please, I want to feel you finish in me." She looked over at Clare with a slightly desperate look in her eyes and I could feel her body twitching around me. She felt very close already and I didn't think it would take much to push her over the top.
"We better get moved," I said, "or I think we'll miss the moment." My breathing was ragged and I wavered on the edge of losing all control. Janine clenched at my body and I started wondering how important changing position really was but managed to back away again. I pulled up and away withdrawing myself from her body as she gasped at the shock of sudden emptiness.
saw Stan pulling from Clare and he moved to put her back on her knees facing us. "No," she protested, "on my side with you behind me, like they will."
To show him what she meant I moved Janine around and onto her left side. I moved behind her and lifted her right leg so I could slide mine across her left. This moved my cock close to her and I pushed up until the head slid back inside with her hand providing some guidance. I wasn't completely on my side or on my back but at angle that provided her with support. I stroked myself back into her while we got comfortable.
I thought Clare would mirror us being face to face with Janine but she had other ideas. She had moved down until her face was level with our groins and had Stan enter her from behind. He also had a close view over her shoulder. One arm held his head up and the other came around Clare to play with her breasts. Clare reached out a hand and placed it on Janine's inner thigh in front of her. I raised my right leg propping it inside Janine's right which opened her up more to their joint gaze.
Janine could see Stan and Clare watching us closely. She reached out with her hand to caress Clare's head and Stan looked up to see her face. Her torso was mottled with flushed skin and she panted for air as I continued to stroke into her. I slid a hand under her right thigh to help pull it back opening her further. Her body trembled and shook from my impact and her head fell back against me. Her hair was soaked with sweat just like her skin and you could almost see steam rising from her over-heated body. I could tell it wouldn't be long until she exploded again and I wanted to use that to explode myself.
I rose up to look over her at Clare. Clare was softly caressing Janine's inner thigh from knee to hip joint. The entire thigh was awash with sweat, my pre-cum and Janine's cunt juices. Clare reached up to touch Janine's breast taking the weight of it in her palm as she rubbed a nipple. She cupped her hand and ran her nails down across Janine's flat stomach drawing a sudden gasp from Janine.
Clare looked up at me. "How close are you," she asked?
"I'm on the edge," I replied.
"Me too," she smiled back at me. Stan was concentrating and nodded at us which I took to mean he was seconds away from his own climax. He had half closed his eyes and his powerful thrusts shook Clare's body with every impact.
Janine gasped as she said, "Finish me. I want to feel you cum deep inside me as I do." Clare reached out with her hand and ran it up Janine's thigh again, this time letting her fingers touch my cock as it moved in Janine. We both moaned at her touch and I could feel the cunt walls around me thinning in excitement. Clare cupped my balls and I felt them pulling up tighter against me.
Clare ran her fingers up the length of my cock and then across Janine's clit. She settled down to a steady pressure that stimulated Janine as I moved her. Janine reached out her left arm and grabbed Clare by the hair. Her right hand reached for Clare's hand on her clit but Stan intercepted it holding it away. Her fingers clutched at open air and her nails dug into her palms together as we tormented her flesh. Clare's hand moved faster and Stan started to grunt loudly as he lost control.
"Can't stop," he managed to say. "I'm going to explode."
Clare's eyes got big and waves of color swept across her pale white skin. Her hand on Janine was a blur as Janine also started climaxing loudly. Just as she had earlier she let loose with a stream of lewd language as her cunt contracted hard around me. I refused to stop but drove my cock through her spasms determined to push myself over the top.
Clare yelped and I could see her nipples harden and goose-bumps rise across her body as she climaxed hard. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she screamed out loud.
Janine's thighs struggled to close as her excitement finally brought a scream to her lips. You could visibly see the contractions of her cunt around my cock and her clit jumped and jerked from the stimulation. She pulled herself almost into a ball using her hand in Clare's hair as an anchor. Clare's eyes flew open at the sudden pressure and she watched fascinated as my own eruption started a split second later.
Suddenly she levered herself over and placed her mouth firmly on Janine's clit as I exploded deep inside her body. I could feel her sucking at Janine's flesh and she cupped my balls feeling them contract over and over again as I emptied myself. My hips jerked uncontrollably as my body found release. Clare moved her mouth to the underside of my cock licking me clean of the combined juices I was forcing from Janine. I pulled back accidentally too far and found myself ending in Clare's mouth. She took a hasty taste and used her hand to guide me back into Janine.
I watched her as she explored the mouthful of combined juices she just received. I saw no sign of revulsion as she used her tongue to explore the taste. I saw her suddenly tremble again and Stan gasped as she must have contracted around him unexpectedly. She swallowed and when she opened her eyes I could see raw wantonness in her gaze. At that point I believe she would have done anything without a murmur. If another man had suddenly entered her she would have fucked him back and looked for more afterwards. Yes, she was my love and my lover but she was also operating at a more primal level for the moment.
I saw her come back with a start and when she saw me watching her she blushed as if embarrassed at being caught in something wicked. I smiled at her and blew a kiss.
Sighing I settled back, feeling strained and painful muscles complaining about the abuse. My cock subsided inside Janine and the pressure of her cunt contracting steadily pushed me out. I could feel it losing the battle to stay in and I groaned in protest. Every man knows this feeling – no matter what you do you can't win this fight.
I leaned back up to shift myself around as the inevitable approached and saw Clare's face inches away from our joined bodies. She glanced up at me and said with a lascivious smile, "That is so damn hot to watch. I wish we could make it last."
My cock jumped slightly at her comment which hastened the inevitable and the head suddenly appeared. Clare amazed me by dropping her mouth around me as the last fraction emerged. Her hand held me against Janine's cunt and she used her tongue on us both. Bobbing her head over my flaccid cock she cleaned me and then licked along the length of Janine's slit gathering streams of my cum on her tongue. Janine squealed at the sensation and pulled away suddenly with a laugh.
"God that tickles," she protested with a smile.
"Tastes good though," said Clare licking her lips. "Want some?"
The girls leaned to each other and shared a kiss – I could see them chasing drops of cum around their lips as they shared the flavor.
"Hmm, yes," Janine agreed. She looked up at Stan and motioned for him to move around.
"Let me taste you," she said. Stan rolled over so she could slide her mouth down his cock. He sighed as Clare reached out to hold his cock steady for Janine to suck. There was no life left in him either just a steady ooze of cum that Clare forced up and out with her thumb.
Janine licked the last of it clean and leaned back to Clare. "You taste good, too." she said and planted another kiss on Clare. They savored the last of his cum between them before settling back with contented sighs.
I could feel a sudden chill from the open window. The neglected fire had lost the battle with the evening air but we all had sweat covering our bodies. I looked at the disheveled group, lank hair and covered in bites and scratches - the girls faces were a mess of cum and smeared makeup. Their bodies were flushed with exertion and swollen with arousal.
They looked fantastic.
Clare looked around the room at us and said with a small frown, "There's one thing that is bothering me." We all looked back and I wondered if she was afraid we had changed our group dynamic in some way. I wanted to reassure her I still loved her and that wouldn't change.
"What's wrong," Janine asked her with a look of concern?
"Well," she replied with a very serious look, covered in cum and sweat. "Do you think we've just been turned into lesbians?"
Then she smiled as we all exploded into laughter.
"Hardly," said Janine with a smile. "I like blokes way too much to ever give them up; especially these two." She stretched her body with a groan as tight muscles relaxed. The cool air raised goose-bumps across her skin and she shivered.
"What I want right now, though, is a hot shower and something softer to sit on," she continued.
"That sounds good," said Clare. "Perhaps these sex maniacs will let us have a break before molesting us again."
Stan and I argued about who the sex maniacs were pointing out he and I were merely accomplices to their evening of debauchery. It didn't work and we were relegated to fixing the fire and straightening the room a bit while the girls disappeared to the shower. Stan moved to put more coal on the fire while I closed the open window. Feeling the chill I wrapped a towel around me while I picked things up.
After a few minutes the girls reappeared in bathrobes laughing together. For a couple who were complaining about being abused they looked incredibly healthy and radiant with an inner glow. A billow of steam left the room behind them and I pointed at it.
"Did you two use all the hot water then," I asked.
"Hardly," Janine said. She wrapped her arms around Clare and said in a sultry voice, "We showered together – it's more fun that way and saves water. You two blokes should try it." They broke down into gales of laughter at the thought.
I decided to play along. "Alright, saves standing around in our skin. Coming Stan," I asked? I headed towards the shower with the girls laughing at the antics. I swatted at Clare's backside as I passed them while she tried to duck away.
"Right behind you, Mick," Stan replied which set the girls off again.
"Wonder who will drop the soap first," Clare asked with mock curiosity?
"They watched us; don't we get to watch them?" Janine complained with a pout.
In the bathroom I opened the shower door and ran the water over my body. The heat felt good and I grabbed the soap to clean away the evidence of the evening. Outside I could hear Stan still exchanging ribaldries with the girls. "You better hurry or you'll miss your chance," I heard Clare say.
"Hey," I called. "Do I have to wash my own back?"
More laughter from the front room and I heard Stan at the door. "I'm here for you, Mick," he said.
"Good," I replied. "Guard that doorway and keep those fiends away while I rinse then."
"Fiend? Did I hear him call me a fiend," Clare asked in a shocked voice? "Right, let's see how long it takes him to get lucky again."
I had continued washing while the bantering continued and opened the door to step out. "Water's still hot," I said to Stan with a smile.
"Good," he replied passing me to step in. "You can protect my honor, then. Just be a minute."
I grabbed a towel and dried myself quickly. There was bathrobe for each of us in a pile on the counter and I slipped one around me. I took a swig of mouthwash and swished it around my mouth to freshen up. The water turned off with a squeak of the handle and I turned to throw Stan a towel as he opened the door.
"Cheers," he said using it to dry himself. I could see red scratches than came around his side from the back.
"Looks like she got you pretty good," I said. "Let's have a look at your back."
Stan turned around to show me the dark angry marks Clare had left in his skin. I sucked air and said, "I should have warned you about her. At least she didn't break the skin this time."
Stan laughed a bit. "Yeah, I noticed she likes to hold on sometimes," he said wryly. "No complaints, more like war wounds." We laughed – yes, sometimes it was like war wounds with Clare – but only when the sex was particularly good.
I could hear the girls rummaging around in the kitchen as we finished our ablutions. When I opened the door I could see plates and such on the table. The girls had retrieved snacks and drinks while we showered.
Clare was caught with a cracker and talked around the food as she said, "Got hungry. Don't know why." Now that she mentioned it I was a bit peckish myself.
"No idea," I replied. "Don't hog the cheese," I finished with a smile. We all sat down and polished off a small snack with some light conversation. It didn't take much to satisfy me – more like topping things off than being hungry. We cleared things away and returned to the living room where we settled down as we had at the beginning of the evening. The coal fire was doing a good job of warming things up and we quietly watched the flickers of flame in a companionable silence.
Clare rolled her neck up at me and said, "Penny for your thoughts."
I looked down at her and thought about how the evening had gone. Bit different than our usual nights at the cottage. Most nights we'd be down at the local pub listening to last call about now. Darts and pool with some dancing was how we generally entertained ourselves before returning to our separate bedrooms. I sighed.
"Well, considering this is only Friday night," I replied, "I'm wondering if I'll still be able to move come Sunday." |
Title: Huddled Together Ch. 11
Tags: zombie, australia, shower, massage, masturbation, nipple play, urgency, creampie
*Chapter 11 -- To Safety.*
Anny's bare feet slapped heavily on the hot pavement as she ran; her legs jarring and her skin burning as it came into contact with the ground. She was running for her life. Walkers were all she could see; they were approaching her from all sides of the street. Where was she? There were so many of them... How did she get here? It didn't matter now, she had to escape.
Hungry screams filled her ears as they called for her flesh from all sides; mouths crying out with their harsh demands seeking to end her life. Fear filled her chest as her mind screamed at her legs to pick up the pace...
Someone was ahead of her calling her name, it was John's voice.
One of the Walkers reached her arm and pulled her back violently. She screamed as she was pulled, desperately searching ahead of her in a panicked haze, but couldn't see him.
"Anny!" John whispered her name again slightly louder, as he gently shook her awake.
Anny woke with a jolt and started desperately to take in her surroundings. John could tell on her face as she realised she must have been having a bad dream, still feeling the fear and panic from the nightmare.
"It's ok, it's ok." John cooed to her. "We're in the cave, we're safe."
Anny started calming down, her breathing returning to normal from its rapid pace; "Oh John, I was having a horrible dream. We were in a town, Walkers were all around me. You were somewhere ahead of me, calling to me; I wasn't going to get away in time..."
John pulled her close into his body, whispering; "It's ok my love. It's alright, you're safe, you're with me. We are going to be just fine."
Anny huddled into him; "It... it was so real..." she whimpered.
Aside from Anny's nightmare, it had been an uneventful night. Mira had finished a three hour shift on watch, followed by Skye, and finally John. He was just finishing up his shift when Anny had started thrashing about restlessly in response to her dream. Anny had regained her senses and was clinging onto John; the other two women had already woken and were covering the cave passage.
Sitting watch had given John a lot of time to process the information Anny had given him last night; 'Anny's pregnant' had chanted in his head over and over again. They hadn't been using any protection since they met, as there was none around to use, and now he was going to be a father. She wasn't a hundred percent sure that she was pregnant, but she had told him that she was always on time with her period; which was now a week and a half late. This morning John felt a little in awe at the wonder of it all.
After the hours of thinking it through, while he sat watching the candlelight dance shadows across the cave walls, John's heart and mind were now filled with courage; courage and determination to find them a safe place where they could bring up their child. The fire had almost definitely destroyed their home and its protective border walls, but they would have to check if it was a lost cause and deal with that scenario if need be.
For breakfast, they all shared the food they found in the cave; there was no point going through their own supplies if they didn't have to. They ate as much as they wanted, and they needed a big meal for whatever the day would bring. No one spoke over breakfast; John kept Anny close to him as they ate, an arm draped over her leg for comfort. Skye, Anny and John were still recovering from the loss of Tom and Merry, and Mira was apparently the silent type. She was clearly a strong woman; having hunted down and killed the two men that had taken John captive. John was very glad to have her in the group especially now that Tom was gone.
Once they had completed their meals, they packed up their belongings. Their bodies were still sore from the hard trek yesterday, but John roused them all up and took the lead, followed by Anny, Skye, and finally Mira. A silent hour of walking later and they had made it to the mouth of the cave. The smell of smoke and charcoal hung thickly in the air. John left the women in the cave while he did a bit of scouting. He walked out and climbed up onto the closest tall boulder he could scale. The landscape came into view; every inch of the ground was burnt black, and all the trees had been assaulted by flames.
Slowly rising smoke emitted from the larger trees, as they were obviously still on fire deep in their hearts. John had never been this close to the aftermath of a bushfire. The Australian landscape needed fire to release certain seedlings from the flora, so he guessed eventually life would return to this wasteland. At the moment though, it seemed to be one more attempt from Mother Nature to try and rid herself of the infestation of man.
John scoped completely around him with his rifle. Nothing moved. He let out a whistle, letting the girls know it was ok to come out. When they came into view, he jumped down from his perch, and they continued their trek home.
It took them the morning to make it back to the top of the hill above the homestead. They sighted down to the house below; all they could see left was burnt stumps and scorched sheet metal lying scattered in the yard*.* Parts of the fortress wall were burnt all the way to the ground; others still smoking as the more recently cut timbers were still green.
They headed down to the wreckage to give it a proper investigation. Nothing was salvageable. They pushed around a few timbers, lifted some of the roofing tin to check underneath; but there was nothing left to recover from their home.
"Where are we going to go?" Skye asked quietly, her face distraught.
They were silent in thought for a long time. John threw a piece of burnt timber he was holding onto the heap as an answer finally came to him; "We need to get off the mainland."
The best place to find a boat would be Laurieton; the nearest coastal town, at least a day and a half's walk from where they were now. Before the apocalypse, Laurieton had been a sleepy retirement village with a couple of dozen boats parked there at any one time; the town being a favourite with international hobby sailors.
Directly between them and the town was Middle Brother Mountain, one of three large mountains that were synonymous with the region. North Brother Mountain had the town of Laurieton at its feet next to the river; very close to the ocean. John decided that he would lead the group directly north from where they were, and follow the road around Middle Brother, and then aim for the coast. It was a quiet road, with only two small townships on the way.
More burnt landscape met them as they started the next leg of their journey. After half an hour they could see Middle Brother coming into view, its bulk arching into the sky. The fire seemed to have only destroyed half the bush that covered it. The fire must have died down naturally in places leaving erratic patches of greenery untouched.
They came across a few burnt people as they travelled, but the fire had ended their existence; there was no way to tell if the people had been alive or Walkers. The landscape changed from burnt wasteland to still green and brown bushland as they found the main country road which led around the base of the mountain. They walked straight down the middle of it, the summer sun making the black bitumen sizzle; but they dared not stray from the black path into the long grass on either side of the road, in case Walkers were wandering there.
It was a long, hot, and hard journey. John didn't mind too much though. It was made easier by the pleasure of walking along hand-in-hand with his love, swapping smiles and swift, sweet kisses as they went.
The light was dying as the day neared its end. John pulled his rifle's scope away from his eye. He hadn't seen any movement around the houses they had come to; the west end of the town of Kendall. They needed to find somewhere safe to spend the night, and he had spotted where they could possibly stay. On top of the ridge that went through the middle of the town was a house hanging off the edge of the hill on stilts, its contents hidden from the rest of the valley below by its wide verandas.
They headed up the ridge, crouching low from cover to cover as carefully and quickly as possible through the town; racing the dying light of the day. They came across partially eaten bodies in the street; but at least the bodies didn't move.
The house was now just up ahead. John ducked down behind an abandoned car on the side of the road; the others joined in line behind him. A single Walker slowly meandered on the crest of the road about 100 metres up the road. It hadn't noticed them by the look of it, but they couldn't make it to the front door of the house without it seeing them.
John searched his mind for what to do, but was interrupted by Mira whispering loudly to him; "We've got company, two Walkers behind us."
John spun around to see two Walkers shuffling up the hill to get them; they were already closer than the single Walker was up ahead.
"Come on, we need to get indoors before many more of them notice us." John whispered as he started leading them out from behind the car.
They ran as low as they could up to the front gate of the property, opened it, and then ran across the raised walkway that led to the front door; it was the only way in or out of the house. Mira shut the gate as she passed through it last, and they all met up at the door.
John tried the door handle, but it was locked.
"Stand back." He commanded, as he backed up; ready to kick the door open.
As soon as he raised his foot, the door swung open to reveal a smiling man standing there. He was lean, tall, and had a shaggy beard.
"Well hi there, come on in friends!"
The group stood there stunned for a moment, before the snarl of the approaching Walkers behind them quickly brought them back to reality. John lowered his foot as the man stood aside with a welcoming sweep of his arm to invite them in. As they rushed into the house, John noticed that the man was armed with a loaded crossbow in his other hand.
Once the group were past him, the man stepped outside casually, raised his crossbow to shoulder height, and shot a bolt into the eye of the first Walker that reached the gate. Its body collapsed over the top of the low gate and hit the concrete path; the second Walker a few metres behind him snarling with hatred. With the task done the man casually stepped back inside the house, closed the door, and placed large blocks of wood across it.
He turned to smile at the bewildered group. "We'll take care of the rest of those later. Now, cup of tea anyone?" asked as though what he had just done was perfectly normal.
John and the women followed the man into the main room. It was a combination kitchen, lounge room, and dining room; with a large wall made of glass that led out to a balcony and a wonderful vista of the green valley below. They couldn't see the houses of Kendall below, as John had predicted, so it was a perfect place to spend the night free of attracting Walkers; as was clearly demonstrated by their host living here.
"Damian's the name, what are yours?" Damian asked as he lit a small camping stove on the kitchen bench and put a tin full of water on top.
John introduced everyone in the group, and then asked what Damian was doing here.
"Good to meet you all, it's been quite lonely up here for the last couple of weeks." Damian replied as he started preparing enough mugs for them all; his eyes flicking up at each of them in turn as he set to his task. He continued without answering John's question, "So what's your story?"
John gave him a very brief rundown; that they had been living in the house down near John's River, it burnt down in the bush fire, and that they were now looking for somewhere to stay. He withheld telling any more information than that, as he didn't know or trust Damian yet... there was something about him that John didn't like...
"Sounds like you had it pretty good down there at your place until that bush fire, and the company looks like it wasn't too bad either..." Damian trailed off as his gazed started to shift from setting up the mugs, to drifting over the women.
Anny, who was standing slightly behind John, gripped his arm a little tighter as Damian's gaze crossed over them.
Damian seemed to regain his mental composure and returned his focus to putting tea bags into the mugs. "Me, I've been up here for the last couple of weeks by myself, just living off what I find in the houses around here. There's the odd zombie around, but they're manageable."
"Where were you before this then?" John asked, trying to get as much information out of him as possible; he needed to figure out what bothered him about the man.
"Ah, well a couple of fellas and I were living off the land as the shit hit the fan in the world. I got separated from them by a herd of zombies, and I've been on my own since. We had some crazy times together, but don't know where they are now..." Damian's focus shifted out beyond the horizon as he seemed to be thinking back; a slight smirk crossing his face.
"Annnnnyway, it's good to have some company again!" His smile turned sly as he looked back to John and the others.
John dropped his backpack to the floor and sat down on the nearest couch; the others did the same. Anny sat and snuggled in beside John. He wrapped an arm around her in a hug and left it there. John smiled at Skye and Mira, trying to make the situation feel more comfortable. Damian brought everyone their cups of tea when they were ready, and told them to relax; he'd be back in a minute once he'd finished off that other Walker out the front.
The evening passed in uneasy conversation, and John's lack of trust in Damian didn't improve. John held Anny closely to him on the couch, needing to feel her warmth, to know that she was safe.
Damian invited them to have the spare bedrooms; there were three in the house, all with queen size beds. Damian was in the first room. He suggested Mira and Skye take the second, and John and Anny, the last. Damian also let them know that there was enough hot water for all due to the rainwater tank and the solar hot water heater on the house. John and Anny's room had an en-suite; the others could use the main bathroom when they needed it.
Damian called it a night, wished them sweet dreams, and then headed into his room; shutting the door behind him. The others decided to turn in as well, going down the hallway to their rooms with Mira and John trailing the group. The women traded happy smiles at the thought of hot water and being truly, thoroughly clean. Anny continued down the hall as Skye headed in, followed by Mira.
John grasped Mira's arm before she disappeared into their room and whispered to her; "Keep alert tonight ok, I don't know about this guy."
Mira nodded in agreement with a sombre look on her face, gave one last glance back up the hall, and then closed her bedroom door. John heard the lock on the door 'click', and then walked down the hall to join Anny in their room on the other side.
Anny walked into the large bedroom and smiled. Despite its size it had a cosy cabin look and feel. Moonlight was flooding in through large glass windows that overlooked the valley. It was such a beautiful, peaceful sight; she was drawn to them, enchanted by the view. Anny felt the tension begin to ease in her neck, and the edginess of the evening start to dissipate.
She heard John come into the room, close the door, and turn the lock. Reluctant to turn away from the soothing night scene, Anny only heard John put his gun on the bedside table and kick off his shoes. As she felt him near, Anny sidestepped in front of John, wanting the feel of his arms around her, but still needing to take in the quiet moment of a seemingly normal world before her.
She felt John put his big hands on her shoulders, pulling her back slightly to rest against his chest. Anny rolled her head back so that it nestled under his chin, let out a soft exhale of relief, and relaxed into his touch. She felt the soothing stroke of John's hands go down her arms and slide underneath her shirt; coming to rest on her stomach. It was exciting to know that their baby was inside her at that very moment, growing bigger and stronger each and every day. Anny's hands slid up over the back of John's as they both stood there, in the middle of the end of the world, but with the start of a new one in their hands.
They stood a while, gazing outside and swaying gently in the moonlight to music heard only in their hearts.
Butterflies stirred inside Anny as she felt John starting to unbutton her blouse from the bottom up. She sighed when he caressed her breasts over her bra. His hands were gentle, but firm and intent on their task. Anny curved her back into him as John teased her hardening nipples; she was happily surprised to feel how quickly his manhood stiffened and tucked into the cleft of her bottom.
Anny registered the familiar tension in his body; recognized it as need rather than fear. It only added to the desire stirring in her as well; but she had already set her mind on a hot shower first. There was no way she was climbing into bed covered with all the dirt of their travels and smelling of the world's largest campfire, when she had a choice to do otherwise.
"Come on love, we're getting clean before anything else." Anny laughed, as she turned to face him. She searched for John's eyes in the dark; finding them filled with the need she had already felt in him. A shiver coursed through her in response; her laughter paused between parted lips. Anny watched, breathless, as his hungry gaze poured into her eyes, his mouth lowered slowly to hers.
John's mouth tangled her own in a kiss full of passion that roused her heart, and danced even more sensations through her body. Anny eagerly responded, wrapping her arms up around his neck. She felt him draw her in tightly to his chest. Her body stretched like a cat as John's hands stroked down her back to cup her cheeks; a tingle following them down to settle between her thighs. Anny heard John groan as he squeezed her cheeks, pulling her hips up into him. She pressed her mons against his fully erect shaft, and she felt a trickle of warm wetness seep into her panties.
John's hands swept upward, roaming over her bare back under her blouse, searching for the clasp of her bra. The spell of his kiss weakened, and finding herself unable to help get either of them undressed, she pushed on his shoulders, dragging her lips from his.
"Shower, now." she ordered John in a husky voice.
She reached back and unhooked her bra, ducking quickly under John's arm as he reached to free her lightly bouncing globes. Anny snagged his hand, pulling him round with her as she headed to the en-suite. She let out a playful squeal at the pinch he gave her ass as he fell into step behind her; and gave a brief thought of thanks they didn't have to venture down the hall in their condition. They shed their clothing; leaving bits wherever they landed like breadcrumbs being left on the path to the bathroom.
Anny reached in and turned on the shower, and checked for soap and shampoo. She felt John's hands and lips on her body become more insistent as she adjusted the water's flow and temperature. His desire was driving hers upward, her breath coming quicker, the heat of passion flushing her skin and cheeks. She let John pull her under the cascading water, and they revelled in the feel of it as they kissed and fumbled for the shampoo.
The room transformed into a mix of steam, soap, shampoo, cleaning, kissing, rubbing, and nibbling. Anny grasped John's soapy cock and stroked it; enjoying the husky moans she drew from him. She stroked down to the base and back up, reaching her other hand underneath to caress his balls. It gave her a little thrill of power to see the effect she had on him.
John rested one hand on the wall beside her head, as he pumped his hips forward with each stroke. The fingers of his other hand tightening on her slippery nipples, making her cry out softly. The water had softened John's work-roughened hands; the change adding to the heightened awareness Anny had of them gliding over her skin. Everywhere he stroked her, it seemed her awareness followed; and as he stroked, the arousal built between her slippery thighs.
Anny's hand was trapped between them, wrapped around his throbbing shaft, as John pulled her closer. John's muscles were smooth under her other hand, but she still detected a coiled tension in them. She felt the tingle in her taut, pink nipples as they rubbed against the curly chest hair of her lover. The tingle flowed down her spine, chasing down between her cheeks as John's hands tugged them gently apart, his fingers rubbing the soap into the cleft, pressing gently at her little puckered star. Anny groaned at the sensation, and felt John's cock jerk in her hand.
As he continued to rub over her cheeks, cupping underneath and separating them, Anny felt another rush of heat flow through her sex, and a curious burn reach the soles of her feet. She nipped at the brown peak of John's nipple, making his whole body jerk this time. A loud groan met her ears and she found herself being lifted. John's hands were under her thighs, wrapping her legs around him as he pressed her back up to rest against the smooth marble shower wall.
John couldn't hold out any further; he had to have her, now.
His hands were under Anny's thighs, and he had forced her up against the wall of the shower. John could feel her body tense slightly as it came into contact with the slightly colder surface, but relax as he continued intensely kissing her neck and shoulders.
John could hear Anny's breath deepen as he brought the tip of his manhood up to her waiting entrance; he paused long enough for the remaining water to flow off his member, and started lowering her body down onto his.
A fulfilled sigh escaped Anny's lips as she easily welcomed him inside her. John could feel Anny's internal heat taking over from the steamy water around him. John was tired from the day's trek, but he didn't need to inspire his arms to start lifting Anny's body up and down; plunging him deeper and deeper inside her with every stroke.
Anny lowered her face down to John's shoulder as she was thrust up and down in the air; nibbling here and there to encourage her lover to take her harder, faster. Her hands roamed through his hair, as her legs bounced up and down in response to his athletic fucking.
Anny was breathing hard and laboured as they continued their urgent connection; John could tell she needed this as much as he did.
John could feel his release approaching, and could sense that Anny's had just started; Anny's fingers gripped on so tightly into the back of his head, and into his shoulder blade. Anny's finger nails involuntarily dug in deeper into his back, her womanhood convulsing stronger and stronger around him. His body demanded release into her right now, it couldn't wait any longer; it needed to possess his love with all he had.
John's legs stiffened as he dropped her down onto his thighs; burying himself into her as deep as he *c*ould go. Cum came surging out of John and ejected straight into his waiting Anny.
Minutes passed as the two came down together from their highs. Eventually they began kissing lightly over each other's bodies, as their senses came back to them. |
Title: October 21st - Commission by Ryuuio
Tags: Destruction, Dragon, Male, apocalypse, spaaaaaaaace
As I awoke on another day here on planet Earth, there was something that was quite amiss. Usually at a time like now, there would be all kinds of people walking around. It was all hustle and bustle, and yet, now, there is nobody to be seen. Its strange, I didnt hear anything big happening, nor did I get any memos of some kind of evacuation. I decided to take a little walk around, trying to find any kind of family member. Parents, siblings or anyone. Yet, despite looking for at least half an hour, there was literally none to see. None in the horizon and none that replied to my cries for any kind of life. Strange, I said to myself, Where the hell is everyone?
However, as I walked around, I began to realise just how bad things were. Buildings were just crumbled into pieces, cars were tipped over and/or crushed and the smell was a mix of rubble and blood. It was sickening to say the least. I saw in the background some kind of smoke. It was quite hard to see, but there was a lot of it, making breathing a bit difficult. If all of this death and destruction was the cause of an explosion, it must have been something that cant just come from one source. It would have had to have been caused by multiple things. There was then only one thing going through my mind at this time; how did I manage to survive something like this? It looked like the world was at its lowest point. Was it the end of the world? No, but it was the start. As I continued to walk around, I saw entire streets, that were originally full of houses, trees and bright green grass, now just a spectrum of brown. The same question was running through my head, how did I manage to survive? The texture of the ground on my feet was extremely uncomfortable, as if I was walking on glass. Well, that was part of what was on the ground, anyway. The wind was quite strong too, managing to make my wings flutter just a bit, as well as my tail.
As I returned to my house, to see it looking in far better shape than any of the other houses in the area, I knew for a fact that this world was just far too unsafe for any kinds of survivors to stay and try and continue their lives on a planet which days are now numbered. None knows what number that is, but its certain that the world will soon end. As I entered the house, I decided to gather up a few things that I would need. A good number of necessities and a handful of other things. Everything else was either garbage, or something that I really couldnt take with me.
When I left the house, I heard a siren going off, followed by a voice on a tanoy, stating how that all survivors MUST report to the docking station to flee the planet. An international scan will detect any living survivors and will send ways of storing goods ready for leaving to the new habitable planet As I saw a quick red laser dart past me, I saw a fairly big drone in the distance coming towards me. He then stopped and opened up a compartment which looked very large. I decided I may as well use what I was given to take everything with me.
The drone escorted me to the docking station, which contained a few shuttles set to head to another Earth like planet for the survivors of this apocalypse. The drone then took me to a shuttle of my own and activated it, before opening up the shuttles luggage compartment, and starting to put in my stuff, with strong care, even though the drone looked rusted and old. When the drone was done, he said, may you have peace in new home, dragon. Strange how he managed to know that I was a dragon. I saw some of the last shuttles take off as I started to head in, before I had a thought and decided to take the drone with me. I didnt want to leave it, even if it was only meant to serve one purpose. Bless you, kind dragon, the drone said. I smiled at him and said, Not a problem, As I got myself comfortable in the shuttle, resting the drone on the seat next to me, I began to look back at Earth, saying my last goodbyes to it. The place I was born and grew up has now become uninhabitable. All of my friends and family are seemingly dead, crushed by buildings, cars or thrown into massive pits, not in their control. I started to get a bit misty-eyed, but I tried not to let that stop me. It was a time for evolution, a time to leave the old planet Earth and head into the unknown and live a new life with others that managed to make it!
The shuttle then began to start a countdown, starting at 30 and counting down one every second. The shuttle started to rumble with the engines starting, the stabilisers being knocked off and the thrusters pushing all the power down to set me off, before finally, after the countdown reached 0, the shuttle shot up and took me off the ground and straight into the sky and beyond. I was now in space. Something I never would have imagined in my entire life, but now was something that needed to be done. I couldnt stay on Earth, I had a life to live and I wasnt going to do it mourning on a planet that was set to die! No way! There was others heading to the same place I was, so I wouldnt be lonely at all. Sure, I may have lost those I love, but its something I couldnt have stopped. My life was ahead of me as I headed to the new Earth
I then looked behind me, seeing the last of the shuttles heading my direction as the world started to crumble. I couldnt feel it as I was too far away, but it did seem that the close by shuttles werent phased by it. The Earth was now pretty much gone. It was now but a memory to those that survived. Now, I shall relax as I head through space and head into my new home planet! |
Title: Birthday fun by Kraz
Tags: Anal, Bunny, M/M, Vore (soft)
This is a birthday story for my friend Lapseph from FA.
Sefra grinned as he spotted Kraz walking along. The bunny slowly moved up behind the moogle and pounced, getting a eep from him. Kraz wiggled a bit underneath Sefra, which caused the bunny to snicker down at the moogle and slowly started to get off.
"Hey there moogle." Sefra said as he helped Kraz up.
"Meep, S-Sefra!" Kraz said somewhat nervously as he stood up.
"Sooo, what'cha get me?" Sefra asked with a grin, tilting his head at Kraz.
"G-Get you?" Kraz asked, blinking.
"Yup, what'cha get my for my birthday?" Sefra gave an even bigger grin.
"Meep! Y-You're birthday? I got you, um..." Kraz shuffled his paws as he spoke, thinking fast. "M-Myself!"
"Really?" Sefra asked with a grin down to the moogle, who let out a nervous kupo at the grin.
"I-I mean the presents at home." Kraz said with a nervous smile. "I'll go get it."
Sefra just grinned as Kraz started too walk away. He stepped up behind him and grabbed him, giving a little growl and squeezing the moogle. Kraz started to wiggle some against Sefra, trying to get away, blushing as he felt something pushing up against his rear. Sefra only murred and squeezed the moogle tighter before pushing him to the ground and laying over him, causing the moogle to blush even more and try to crawl away.
Kraz groaned as he was held tight, giving a little wiggle before meeping as he felt something pushing up under his tail. Sefra only murred as he rubbed the tip of his shaft up against Kraz's tail hole, smearing pre over it, helping to wet it down for what was to come. Kraz gasped and clenches down as Sefra starts to push in, getting a moan from the bunny who slides his tip into that tight hole. Kraz tries to squirm away again, but is held fast by Sefra who just feeds inch after inch of his member into the moogle.
After a minute both Kraz and Sefra laid panting, Sefra hilted into the smaller moogle. Pre flooded into the moogle as Sefra started to pull out, getting to the tip before pushing back in, getting a moan from Kraz. Sefra started up a rhythm of pushing in and pulling out, slowly picking up speed. Kraz just laid there, pre leaking from his own cock, panting and moaning as he was pounded. Sefra kept on getting faster and faster as he humped into the moogle, a flood of pre helping to lube up the tight rear.
It didn't take long before Sefra slammed forward and hilted in Kraz. Moaning out, rope after rope of hot rabbit cum filled the moogle, causing him to pant and moan. Kraz let out a small whimpermoan as he tried to bring a paw around to get himself off as well, but was held tight by Sefra. Sefra just mmed and murred as he finished filling the moogle, grinning some down to him as he kept him held tight. Leaning down he gave the back of Kraz's head a lick, mming and licking his lips.
"Mm, now that I've had fun with my present I think it's time for some cream filled cake." Sefra said with a grin as he opened wide.
"W-Wait! I'm not a cake!" Kraz squeeked out as he started to squirm.
Sefra just snickered as he took Kraz's head into his muzzle and started to suckle and lick it over. Any of Kraz's protests where cut off as his head was taken in, though he still tried to wiggle and squirm free. Sefra mmed as he licked the moogle's head over before swallowing and pulling his head deeper in. He kept on licking down everything that came in, getting it nice and wet before swallowing and sending the moogle's head down his throat. Kraz let out a small squeekymoan at the tightness and warmth, but still tried to squirm himself free.
Sefra ignored all of Kraz's squirms and held him tight as he gulped more and more of the moogle down. Getting his chest in and starting on his stomach Sefra brought one of his paws down to the moogle's rear to lift him up. Kraz couldn't help but let out a small moan at the grab, and then another as he felt one, then two, then three of Sefra's fingers pushing into his cum filled rear. Kraz moaned out and gave a few jerks forward, his cock throbbing as he was teased by Sefra's digits. After another big swallow and then push with those digits he let out a kupo moan as he came, ropes of hot moogle cum splashing against his chest, and then Sefra's muzzle as he finally got his release.
Mming and grinning Sefra swallowed down the limp moogle more quickly now. Kraz's chest, then waist, then legs vanished down Sefra's muzzle as he was gulped down. Finally Sefra moved his paws up to Kraz's feet paws and slowly pushed them in, getting a wiggle from Kraz as they where taken in and licked over. Sefra gives one last large gulp, sending Kraz fully down into his stomach, forcing him to curl up inside. Kraz gives a few wiggles and squirms, pushing out at the walls, but with the lack of air and from having just orgasmed he soon drifts off to sleep inside the gurgling stomach. Sefra mms and licks his lips one last time, letting out a wet burp as he rubs over his churning stomach, settling back to rest after enjoying his moogle present and cake. |
Title: Mathematic Inspiration by TrianglePascal
Tags: Anal, Cougar, Fox, Humor, M/M, Oral
This story is another repost. Sorry for any annoyance or confusion.
This story contains sexual acts between anthropomorphized male animals. If you're not legal or not into it, don't read it.
Joshua knew that something was up the moment he stepped into the apartment. Well, that was kind of inaccurate. He suspected that something was wrong when he unlocked the door, and found it difficult to push open. It felt as if there was something stuck behind the door, barricading him out.
When he stepped inside and saw half of his roommate's possessions lying all over the kitchen floor, then he actually knew that something was wrong.
The cougar paused just inside the door for a moment, his wide eyes taking in the scattered bits of clothing and paper extending from his roommate's door. He remained there for a few moments, until he heard a slight thump coming from deeper within the apartment. Joshua let out a long, exasperated sigh, rubbing his forehead hard. He stepped forward, carefully placed his keys on the table, and called out, "Ian? You home?"
There was a bang from the dirty room, followed by a long line of muffled curses. Joshua waited patiently, taking off his backpack and putting a pot of water on to boil. As he began pulling out a pair of mugs from their cupboard, he heard claws tapping on linoleum.
Joshua turned around, opening his mouth to speak, but as he caught sight of the arctic fox, his jaw seemed to unhinge, and he fumbled with the mugs as they almost fell from his paws.
Ian's normally neat and pristine fur was matted down and covered in knots. At one spot by his knee, Joshua could see a pencil caught in the twisted white fur. His green eyes, normally vibrant and highlighted by his pale fur, were blood shot. As he watched the fox, they darted about the room, in a way quite opposite from his normal placidness. His long, fluffy white tail was tense, and it twitched erratically.
"What?" the fox finally demanded, his breath heavy as he glared up at the cougar.
Joshua paused, still eying the fox carefully as he hugged the mugs to his chest. Then, he began stuttering, "Um, uh... are you feeling alright?"
"Wonderful," Ian snapped, tilting his head to the side. "Why?"
"No reason," Joshua muttered, finally getting his cool back. He casually placed the mugs on the table, and, as he grabbed a few teabags, continued. "It's just that the contents of your room seem to be strewn across the kitchen floor."
Ian started, then glanced down at the small pile of crumpled notes and used socks he was standing on.
"Ah," the fox nodded, returning his gaze to Joshua. "Right. I'll clean that up later."
"Course you will." He plopped the bags into the mugs, and began pouring the now-boiling water over them. He paused for a moment to breathe in the scent of the tea (English Breakfast for him, decaf for Ian), before saying, "You sure you're alright?"
"Yeah," Ian said, waving his paw at Joshua distractedly. "There's just this one thing..."
"You wanna talk about it?"
Joshua glanced over at Ian, raising his eyebrows. "Well what?"
Ian remained there panting for a moment, as though considering what he was about to say. Then, he threw his head back, and in a howl of absolute agony, screamed, "I CAN'T FIND THE BASIS OF THIS FUCKING VECTOR SPACE!"
Joshua's eyes widened again as he stared at the small fox, who had proceeded to collapse onto the floor in a blubbering mess. Had he just said... vector space? There was no way Ian, so calm and relaxed, could get so bent out of shape because of a bloody math problem, was there? That was crazy...
"...and I tried to use the nullspace but it came out inconsistent and then I row-reduced it using constants x, y, and z, but it got all screwy, so I tried finding the basis of the fucking column space but its dimension was equal to n which doesn't work because its rank is only supposed to be two and I tried looking at my notes and it isn't working!"
Joshua continued staring as he realised that Ian had been speaking that entire time. He blinked a few times, wondering whether he should have been paying attention. Of course, the liberal arts major never really understood anything that came out of Ian's mouth when he spoke of math. The two of them got along fine enough, but conversations they had about each other's programs were rarely fulfilling.
Figuring that he ought to say something, Joshua cleared his throat, still eying his smaller companion. "So... you're saying that you're freaking out... and you've spread your stuff across half of the dorm... because you can't get a math question right?"
"Yes, it's horrible!"
"It's math; you're not supposed to understand it."
"But I always understand it!" Ian shouted. He sputtered for a few moments, looking around the apartment, as though he would find inspiration there.
Joshua regarded his dormmate with a mixture of amusement and pity as he sipped delicately at his tea. The little guy was almost in tears, now, working himself up into a frenzy. The cougar remembered his first year of university, and how obsessed he'd been with understanding each basic concept. Of course, he'd never been quite as obsessed as Ian, but still.
"Ian?" the cougar finally said, interrupting the fox's rantings. "Sit down."
Looking surprised at having been interrupted, Ian complied without hesitation. He glanced down, and was surprised to find a rather large mug of decaf tea sitting on the table in front of him.
"Drink up," Joshua ordered, nodding towards the mug. As the fox picked up his tea, Joshua leaned back in his chair and began tapping his fingers together. "You know how I spent my first year majoring in psych, right?"
"Alright, I'm going to be the psychologist now, and you're going to answer all of my questions, got it?"
Ian sighed, giving a hesitant nod as he took another sip.
"Good. So, has anything beyond the math been troubling you lately?"
"Not really. Things are going good; my marks are high, I should be holding onto my scholarships if I keep this up, and-"
"Stop," the cougar ordered, and Ian looked up in surprise. "No more of this academic bullcrap. Have you been feeling stressed out at all? For reasons other than school?"
"I don't think so. I mean, I have had this weird feeling, almost like I'm itching all the time but I don't know where to scratch. But that's normal, right?"
"Maybe. How have things been going in your love life lately?" Joshua asked, letting his mind wander. "Have you been having trouble with your girlfriend... boyfriend...?"
"No," the fox scoffed, shaking his head. "I'm single."
A flag went up in Joshua's mind, but he tried to keep calm as he asked his next question. "So, no relationships? Do you go out looking for, uh, company that often?"
"Never," Ian shrugged, taking a long drag at his tea. "I've been spending all of my time studying matrices and derivative formulae."
Upon these words, another flag went off in the cougar's head. Feeling slightly horrified at the prospect, he asked, "Alright, Ian, I need you to be honest with me. When was the last time you fucked?"
Ian's eyes widened as he began coughing, having swallowed a bit too much tea. Even as he hacked and wheezed, he turned his eyes up to stare at the cougar in shock. Joshua kept his face passive, waiting for the fox to reclaim himself.
Finally, after a few moments, Ian managed to wheeze out, "What are you talking about?"
"Are you the psychologist here?"
"No, but...?"
"Well then please answer my question and let me do my job."
"Your job? You had one year of psych! It's not like-"
"You're dodging the question!" Joshua interrupted. He moved so that he was looking Ian directly in the eye, and demanded, "When did you last fuck?"
Ian watched him for a few moments, clearly unsure on whether he should answer the question or not. Finally, he said, his voice just above a whisper, "I haven't... fucked... since I was in Montreal."
Joshua's jaw dropped, and he stared in open horror. His paws were shaking on his mug of tea, and he forced himself to put it down on the table. Finally, he managed to gasp out, "You haven't fucked since you came here? It's been three months, man!"
"So? Lots of people go for a while without sex, it's not like-"
"You're not most people!" Joshua replied, shaking his head. "You're a fox, for fuck's sake!"
"So a fox cannot go more than a week without some intense love making!"
"Says who?"
"Says everybody who's got an ounce of knowledge in their heads!"
"Don't you find that the least bit racist?"
"I would if it weren't true! Damn, man, no wonder why you can't concentrate. You need to get yourself laid!"
Ian stared at him for a few more seconds, then threw his arms up in the air. "I am not comfortable having this conversation with you. I'm totally fine!"
"You are not fine!" Joshua sighed, shaking his head in annoyance. Finally, he glanced up at the arctic fox, and muttered, "Okay, go get yourself cleaned up. We're getting you laid tonight."
"Excuse me?"
"Come on, look at yourself! You're a tight little package of white sexiness. Odds are we can hook you up with five people in the first hour if we really try. Besides, you know you want it."
Ian stared at the older fur in disgust for a few moments, his mouth working but no words coming out. Finally, he settled on, "I'm going back into my room. I don't need help with... with that. I'm going to do my math, and pretend we never had this conversation. Good night."
Joshua leaned back in his chair and heaved a sigh. He rolled his eyes once, and then said, his voice sounding bored, "Ian?"
"What?" Ian snapped, spinning around to glare... and then stare at the cougar.
Somehow, within the past couple moments, Joshua had managed to unbutton and unzip his pants, and tug them down so that his plum, tawny sheath was visible. The fleshy tube itself was a few inches long already without the actual cock showing any. A pair of perfectly proportional orbs sat just below the sheath, hanging loosely over the waistband of the cougar's red briefs. Ian's green eyes were instantly drawn down to the substantial package, horrified fascination dominating his face.
Joshua watched Ian for a few moments, giving him a bit of time to take in the sight. Then, he made a slight gesture with his hand, and ordered, "Suck it."
Ian didn't move. He didn't come up with a snappy reply, he didn't turn away in disgust; he didn't even breathe. Joshua shrugged, leaning back in his chair slightly to further expose his package. He could understand the fox's surprise. It wasn't often that your roommate ordered you to suck him off. The cougar picked his mug of tea back up, and raised it to his lips. Ian would probably need a few seconds to understand what he'd been asked, then a few more to get comfortable with the idea, then-
Scalding liquid poured into Joshua's mouth, the cougar's eyes shooting open as he bent forward suddenly. As soon as he managed to gulp down the burning tea, he sucked in a deep gasp of air, and glanced down.
A white head, topped with small triangular ears, was buried in his lap, its tongue already pulling Joshua's balls into its mouth. Joshua's free paw shot down, grasping desperately at the fur on the back of the fox's neck. He sucked in deep breaths, his other paw spilling tea as it replaced the mug on the table. Then, that paw went down as well, grabbing on tight to Ian's headfur.
"Damn," he stuttered, panting. "D-damn..."
The fox in his lap was giving his balls more attention than they'd had in their entire life. One moment, his tongue was hefting the skin up, so that the two globes dropped down on either side. Then, he would begin lapping at them as if he were a feral drinking up water. His tongue slapped up against their undersides again and again, quickly coating them in the arctic fox's ample supply of saliva.
Joshua was dimly aware of Ian reaching forward to wrap his arms around the back of the chair, giving him a better grip. Then, the cougar's torso arched, throwing his head back as one of his balls was pulled into Ian's mouth. Joshua mewled, caught somewhere on the brink of pleasure and pain as the fox's muzzle sucked hard at the orb. An intense heat was spreading throughout his crotch, making the cougar feel blind.
It had been so fast. One moment, nothing, and the next, the fox was sucking on his balls like they were the only water he'd drunk in weeks. By the time the fox switched over to the other half of his scrotum, Joshua's feline cock had already left its sheath, and was standing proudly at its eight-inch length.
Joshua hesitated for a moment, not sure whether he should be trying to speak with the fox right now. However, eventually, his paw shaking, he managed to reach down and tap Ian softly on the shoulder.
Ian's eyes glanced up, and he tilted his head back slightly to look at Joshua. The cougar stared at him for a moment, barely suppressing a moan. The fox was still sucking on his balls as he watched him; the skin of his sac was blocking Joshua's view of the bottom of half of Ian's muzzle. He looked so content there, a pair of balls in his mouth, that Joshua barely managed to muster up the heart to speak.
"Uh, this is great," he gasped, giving a meaningful nod downwards. "But, uh, my, uh, other friend here would like some attention at some point."
Even around the ball in his mouth, Ian's muzzle curled into a grin. He opened his mouth, letting the sac drop back down, and licked his lips.
"I think I might be able to help your other friend out," the fox purred, and his tongue snaked out, moving close to that spiny length between the cougar's legs.
Ian looked up, and this time Joshua actually did moan. He just looked so adorable and sexy there, glancing up at him, his eyes pleading with him to let Ian start sucking on him.
"I wanna see as much of that sexy fur of yours as I can while I'm riding your face," the cougar finally managed to say.
A wide grin crossed Ian's muzzle, and he quickly began fighting with his black T-shirt. After a few moments, he managed to pull it off of himself, revealing a tight and toned thin chest. The arctic fox wasn't a package of muscles; no, definitely not. He had just enough chords in the right places to make him wiry, but not frail.
"That enough?" Ian asked.
"It'll do," Joshua nodded, "for now-fuck!"
Joshua sucked in his breath sharply as the fox fell on his cock with a vengeance, not wasting any time on licking. He took the entire length into his muzzle, using his tongue to wrap around the base.
The cougar briefly considered how Ian had managed to take him in so quickly, what with the spines and all. However, his attention was quickly drawn away from that question as the fox began actually sucking. The warmth around the feline shaft suddenly became much tighter, as Ian's muzzle pulled on it, trying to get it deeper into his throat.
After several long moments of this, Ian pulled back, his tongue dragging along the underside of the cock the entire way. Joshua shuddered the entire time, and it took all of his self-control to not reach down and hump himself into the fox again.
As Ian's muzzle finally pulled free of the cock, he gasped in breath, panting heavily. Even as he was catching his breath, though, he leaned forward, rubbing the fur of his muzzle over the length.
Joshua, through his own panting, could feel a rumbling building in his throat. He purred unashamedly as that incredibly soft fur teased his arousal, making him squirm back and forth in his chair.
Ian, knowing the torture he was putting his larger roommate through, grinned. Now that he seemed to have gotten himself back under control, he wanted a bit of revenge on Joshua for provoking him. He kept rubbing the side of muzzle against the shaft, masturbating it lightly with his face.
He pulled back at one point, opening his muzzle. He pulled it across, so that for a moment, that sensitive, barbed cock was hanging between his lips, not quite touching anything. Then, he released a hard puff of breath, and kept moving his muzzle over to rub on the other side.
Above him, Joshua groaned. "Asshole."
"It's your own fault," the arctic fox replied, rubbing on the underbelly of the cock now with his nose. He stabbed his muzzle forward slightly, burying his wet black nose in Joshua's crotch again. He sucked in a deep breath, and caught the heavy scent of arousal that hung about the cougar.
"Ian..." Joshua moaned. The fox glanced up questioningly, and Joshua hesitated for a moment. "Nevermind."
Ian snickered softly, his hot breath falling across the hot shaft before his muzzle. "Were you going to ask if you could fuck me?"
"Depends," Joshua replied, trying to get his cool back. He stuttered slightly, the hot puffs from the fox making his cock pulse in need. "If I asked, what would you say?"
The fox pulled his face away from the cock, standing up slowly and dragging his muzzle up along Joshua's torso. His nose caught under the jaguar's shirt, and pulled it up partially as he went. He extended his tongue, and dragged a single, long lick up Joshua's chest.
He pulled his muzzle back, letting the shirt fall back down, and wrapped his arms around the jaguar. He lifted himself up, and straddled the still sitting Joshua, and brought his muzzle forward to whisper in his ear.
"I'd invite you into my room," Ian finally answered. "However, I think we'll have to use yours, seeing as mine is somewhat... messy."
"Might as well spread the mess around," Joshua agreed, putting his own arms behind the fox's bare back. He lifted him up easily, still in that straddling position, and stood up. The cougar, easily a head taller than Ian, didn't even flinch under the fox's weight. His member, still rock hard, was pressed up under the fabric of Ian's green cargo pants, leaving long trails of pre along the underside.
Joshua turned, and walked to the door to his own room. He was grateful that he hadn't fully closed the door that morning, so that he could just push it open as he stepped through.
The lights were off, and the blinds slightly pulled. They let in the small bit of red light that was left in the day, giving a slight rosy glow to Ian's fur as he laid him down on the bed.
The two released each other, and then quickly fumbled with their clothing. Joshua tugged his hoody over his head, tossing to the floor, and pulled down his already undone pants. This left his cock in plain view, easy for all to see as it stood proudly out from its sheath.
Ian was just finishing up with kicking off his pants and black underwear, his tail curling out on the bed beneath his crotch. Joshua could only stare with a watering mouth as the fox's member bounced about with the action, free from its white sheath. The foxhood was average size, and of a pink colour that stood out starkly against Ian's fur.
Finally, the pants fell free of Ian's legs, leaving him completely nude. As he finished this struggle he panted a few times, then glanced up at Joshua. Their eyes caught each other's for a few moments, both waiting for the other to make the first move.
Then, slowly, languidly, Ian stretched his legs out, and straightened his tail so that it drooped over the edge of the bed. Joshua watched that long white line, staring as it led his eyes up and back to Ian's cheeks.
The tail gave two slight twitches upwards, almost beckoning to Joshua. The cougar glanced up at Ian, and the fox nodded.
Joshua knelt down on the bed, and grabbed Ian's legs. He lifted both of them carefully up, and hung them over his shoulders. On reflex, Ian flexed his back muscles, lifting his lower sections up and presenting himself to the large cougar.
Joshua stared down at the fox's two plump cheeks for a few moments, breathing deeply in and out. He reached forward tentatively, and gave one of the globes a slight stroke. He grinned as he felt Ian shuddering beneath his touch.
He placed his other hand on the opposite cheek, and then, slowly, he pried them apart as gently as possible.
A groan came up from Ian as the fox's tailhole was revealed. Its puckered entrance was nestled in the white fur cover Ian's ass, making the small hole stand out all the more.
Joshua stared several moments more, trying to catch his breath. He breathed in and out several times, then gasped, "Ian?"
"Can you reach my bedside table from where you are?"
"Top drawer, there's a bottle of lube. Could you grab it for me?"
The fox reached over and pulled said drawer open. He fumbled about for a few moments, his ass still up in the air and being pried apart by the cougar's strong paws, and then withdrew a small tube.
"This thing's almost empty," he muttered, eying the bottle of lube. "How often do you do this?"
Joshua accepted it, and began quickly applying the cool liquid to his own cock. "You know how you always here those bumps coming from my room, and I just tell you that it's me stubbing my toe on the bed?"
"Yeah," the cougar nodded. "Alright, this is going to be cold in a second."
He squirted a bit of lube into the fox's tight hole, and grinned as he felt all of Ian's muscles tensing. He carefully reattached the cap, and tossed it onto the bedside table.
"Alright, then," he whispered, eying the pucker before him. "Where were we? Ah!" He lined his cock up, and touched its tip to Ian's entrance. The fox gasped, tensing one again at the contact. Joshua grinned, and said, "That's right. Let's begin."
Ian's eyes widened, his breath escaping his lung, and his body arched as the cougar pushed in. For the first inch or so of the length, he remained like that, totally surprised by the sudden invasion. As it continued, though, he grunted, and writhed a bit in the large cat's strong grip. Joshua, however, held on tight, and kept pushing in. He knew that if he didn't manage to get it all in now, the fox might try to back out.
But damn! Was that fox tight! He could definitely feel the three months worth of inactivity in this tailhole; he didn't know if he'd ever fucked another fox who was so tight. The burning anal passage gripped him tightly, making him painfully aware of every detail of his member. It was odd, in a way, having such a keen awareness of his cock.
Finally, Joshua felt his hips touch against Ian's cheeks, and the two paused, panting for several moments.
After a few seconds, Ian whispered, "Joshua?"
"Are you gonna keep going, or just stand around until you're limp again?"
The cougar managed to gasp out an out of breath laugh, and called out, "Fine, fine. Here we go."
With that, he pulled back. He felt Ian's insides gripping him, trying to keep him in, but he managed to fight against the tight tailhole until he was three quarters out. Then, he shoved back in, and with a slight smack, they connected again.
Soon, they were moving at a good rate, Ian getting pounded back into the mattress with ever one of Joshua's thrusts. After the first few, Ian's eyes closed, and a look of pained ecstasy came to his face. His expression seemed to change with the thrusts, from wincing, to sighing, to panting, to pleading. His own cock was bouncing up and down, letting out tiny jets of precum as the cougar pounded him.
Joshua himself wasn't exactly dry. He could feel his own cock shooting off occasional spasms of the warm liquid, priming Ian's tailhole for what was to come. The cougar's breathing was haggard as he shoved in repeatedly, each time pushing harder and harder to get another millimetre in. He could feel the barbs rubbing against Ian's insides, giving him extra traction with his thrusts.
Joshua glanced down suddenly, surprised by an odd noise that Ian was making. They were heavy, breathy sounds, coming from deep in his throat. It almost sounded like a series of short, cut off growls that he let out in time with Joshua's thrusts.
It took a few moments for Joshua to realize it, and then a slight chuckle managed to escape his lips. The fox was yiffing. He was actually yiffing from the pleasure. Damn, that fox must have been really desperate!
By this point, Ian had begun pushing back at Joshua's thrusts, aiding the cougar in his quest for deeper penetration. They had their rhythm down, spikes of pleasure building inside of each of them at the ending of each thrust. Joshua was growling deep in his throat, the act of claiming bringing forth some of his more primal instincts.
All too soon, though, their pounding became erratic. They each felt the other slowing down, going for deeper and harder thrusts instead of the fast, manic ones they'd been using before. Joshua was biting his lip, puffing air through his nose. Ian had tilted his head back, and a long, high moan was coming forth from within him, punctuated by his yips. It was all either of them could do to keep from screaming.
Suddenly, Joshua lunged in one more time, very hard this time, and threw his head back in a roar. The pleasure in his cock built to a peak, and flooded forth, exploding into Ian's tailhole. His hips kept making reflexive jerking motions, pushing himself further and planting that seed deeper.
Ian's eyes shot wide open again as the cougar's burning essence filled him up. That heat, the pressure on his prostate, the throbbing in his flapping cock, it was all too much. He yelped, almost in pain, as he climaxed. His body arched back with the release, tightening his tailhole's grip on the cock as it did so. His cock spurted, and burnging white cum flew from its tip, launching up into the air. The first jet splashed across Joshua's belly fur, hanging there from the tawny strands. The next one went up into the air, and came down again to slather Ian's chest and stomach.
He must have been coming, without stop, for twenty seconds. It was amazing. Rope after rope of the sticky fluid appeared all over him and the cougar's fur, plastering it down to their bodies.
Eventually, though, both of them collapsed, exhausted from their climaxes. Ian's body relaxed, and he drooped back, even as Joshua hunched forward, his chest heaving. They remained as they were for a moment, Ian's legs still draped over Joshua's shoulder, the cougar almost leaning on the fox for support to stay up.
Joshua and Ian slowly manoeuvred themselves, turning slightly, so that both of them were laying on their sides, with the cougar's member still stuck in Ian's ass. They lay panting, staring at each other with the same dumb grin on their faces.
"Wait..." Ian breathed suddenly, and Joshua shuddered as he felt his anal passage tense up around the feline cock.
"I'm supposed to be looking for the basis of the row space..."
Suddenly, Ian pulled himself off of Joshua's length, wincing slightly as it slid out. Then, he began grabbing his scattered bits of clothing and tossing them on hurriedly.
Joshua sat himself up as best he could, propping his body up with his elbow. He stared at the retreating fox, watching him limp along while trying to pull on a pair of underwear. Cum was still dribbling out of his hole and falling over the tight black briefs.
"You were thinking about math that entire time?" the cougar demanded.
"Can't talk now," Ian called, and then slammed the door to his room.
Joshua lay back down, staring up at the ceiling. He could dimly hear Ian fumbling around throughout his room for a few moments, before the scratching of a pencil on paper filled the air.
"Fucking geek," the cougar muttered, reaching down to rub the arctic fox's still-warm cum into his fur. Oh well. He would just have to convince Ian to take a study break later. |
Title: Friends or Lovers Ch. 02
Tags: friends, lovers, romance novella, drama
*It's been a long time since I submitted anything and I really didn't know where this was going for the longest time. No sex this time, sorry. Enjoy anyway.*
Marty's heavenly blue eyes stared into mine. I had seen that look before when he was about to do something new and exciting, like getting on the scariest rollercoaster at an amusement park.
His head slowly came closer and I could see every detail of his perfect face. The dark lashes, the sweep of his arched brow, the way an unruly lock of hair dared to mar his perfect forehead. I saw it all in incredible detail as I held my breath waiting for the inevitable.
I allowed my eyes to close and the light in front of my lids darkened as Marty leaned his face over me. He paused just a breath away. It was all I could do to hold still. I felt his warm breath on my already over-heated skin.
Finally, the tip of his nose lightly touched my cheek as his lips came into contact with the corner of my mouth. The most gentle pressure and he was gone.
I still had my eyes closed when I felt the movement on the edge of the bed. "Jeez, woman! Are you going to stay in bed all day? I'm starving." His voice was full of humor. My eyes snapped open to see that he was already at the bathroom door and he glanced over his shoulder with a grin, "I'm gonna have a shower." The door closed with a snap. I heard his muffled chuckle.
I pressed my palms over my eyelids. Oh, my heart can't take this! I pressed so hard I started to see lights flash. I exhaled with a groan and sat up.
Every teenage thought and insecurity flew through my head. What did that kiss mean? Could he really love me? Did I screw up somehow? Will he ask me to prom? An involuntary giggle escaped me and I pressed my fingers to my lips, afraid he'd heard me. I could hear the water from the shower and a picture of him wet and naked flashed through my brain. I shook my head trying to think straight.
"Make breakfast." I told myself. I grabbed an old cotton robe from the back of my closet and headed for the kitchen. I didn't have much food in my fridge but I could at least make a decent omelet.
I was lost in thought as I cooked. I moved the pan off the fire about to reach over to get a couple of plates when his warm hands encircled my waist. I gasped and flinched in surprise. "Did I scare you?" he breathed in my hair.
I could feel the heat from his body as he pressed into me. "I forgot you were here." I tried to sound casual but my voice trembled slightly. I felt the rumble of his chuckle on my back.
He pressed his cheek into the side of my neck and inhaled. "You smell good."
God help me, it felt so good to have his strong arms wrapped around me. "It's the eggs. I dabbed a little behind each ear." Why did my voice sound foreign to me? I almost forgot how to move my lips naturally.
I felt his cheek tighten with his smile. "Naw. It's definitely you." His breath brushed my collar bone and I tried to suppress a shiver. "You smell like sun and rain. . and summer." He inhaled again. "And...lemons?"
"Fabric softener." I croaked. "Aren't you hungry? The eggs are getting cold." My hands reached for the plates again.
It happened so quickly, I never would figure out how I didn't fall over. He spun me around, his left hand at the small of my back, pressing me to him. His right hand held the side of my neck. "I want a proper morning kiss."
His lips were on mine. Soft and insistent. A small whimper escaped me and my lips parted slightly. My arms didn't know what to do, they hung lifeless at my sides. He pulled back but didn't move away.
My eyes fluttered open, confusion etched deeply in them. He took my wrists and placed my hands on his bare shoulders, then he opened my robe and his right hand moved inside my robe and under the back of my shirt. My skin tingled and burned where his hand touched me. His left hand snaked under my arm to hold the back of my neck.
I've always read that eyes could smolder with desire but never could imagine what that meant. Now I knew. Marty's eyes smoldered with desire. They were dark and intense and I couldn't look away. I could only stare back in wonder.
His lips were on mine again, more insistent than before. He parted his lips but didn't deepen the kiss, just molded his mouth to mine, playing with each lip in turn.
I don't know how long it took but I suddenly realized that my hands were in his hair, holding his head, running over his neck and shoulders, his face. His own hands were not still. The hand at my back ranged over my shoulder blades down to my hip, caressed my ribs and slid under the waistband of my pajamas. His other hand was in my hair, on my face, neck and shoulder.
Slowly, I pulled away and placed my heated forehead against his chest. I tried to slow my breathing and pounding heartbeat. His hands rubbed my back and I could hear his ragged breathing start to go back to normal.
"Wow." I sighed shakily into his chest.
"Yeah." His voice didn't sound too steady either. My face flushed with happiness, that I could make him feel that way.
His chin rested on the top of my head. "What have I been missing?" He whispered. He gently tilted my chin up with one finger so that I could look into his eyes. "Well?" He was smiling warmly, his face still slightly flushed.
I swallowed audibly. "Well, what?" I was having a hard time stringing coherent thoughts together. "I... well, uh...what?" I noticed then that he didn't have a shirt on and the clean smell of him was making it even harder for me to think, let alone that incredible kiss that had scrambled my brain. As I slowly came to my senses, I was embarrassed that one of my hands was pressed to his heart, while the other had slid into the waste band of his jeans. "Well, I guess we should eat."
He let me go.
I had a hard time keeping up my side of the conversation as we ate breakfast. My head was spinning as I picked at my half of the omelet.
"Hm?" I said with a blink? I think he had asked me something.
"Well, what do you think?" He said again. "Hello! Where did you go?" He was laughing at me.
I tried to remember what he had been saying a moment before. "Oh, sorry. Um... What were you . .?"
"The park? I said we should take a walk in the park today." He reminded me.
"Right." I finally remembered. "The new gardens. We should do that . . But it's still raining." I pointed out.
"Ah, come on." He encouraged. "You love the rain. Get dressed, I need some fresh air." He hopped up and went to get dressed himself.
He was right. I did love the rain. I loved the smell of the wet soil and the sounds. Especially the sounds. The thud it made when it came down in thick, sparse fat drops. The whooshing noise when the wind blew it hard against the windows and the shushing sound it made when it was a light even spray. I wished I could paint the sound of rain.
We were soon trudging over the damp sidewalk on our way to the park. I had on a rain slicker and waterproof boots. I was well prepared. But Marty hadn't brought anything but what he'd had on last night. The coat was dry enough but his shoes would be soaked before long. I loaned him one of my ratty baseball caps to keep most of the rain off his head.
It was only drizzling when we reached the new gardens. The soil was dark and damp, the plants gleamed with the wetness and it all smelled so clean and fresh.
I inhaled deeply as we walked through the rough stone path, "It smells so good." I sighed.
"You should do a series of paintings inspired by the gardens," Marty suggested. "Like the ones you did about the Griffith Observatory. I really loved those."
It warmed me inside to know that Marty enjoyed my work. I used to think he was just humoring me about liking them but over the years he's talked me up to some pretty important clients and sent a few customers my way. I owed him for that.
"You know, you still haven't picked out a piece for yourself," I reminded him. "You were supposed to pick one from the Coastal series to go in your apartment. Unless, you want something else now."
He squeezed my arm, "I've changed my mind, about which one I want." He glanced at me from the corner of his eye. "I want one that you haven't shown me . . Yet."
I looked at him confused. "What do you mean, yet?"
He spun me to him and wrapped his arms around me. "I want that self-portrait you did a couple of years ago, that you refused to show me." He grinned.
I pushed away slightly, "Ugh! Not that one." I turned my face from him, embarrassed. I knew I should never have told him about that experiment. I have always been intrigued by the self-portraits of artists like Van Gogh and Frida Khalo. I like how they stared out of the canvas as though they were challenging the viewer.
He squeezed me closer, "Please, at least let me see it." He cajoled. He nuzzled my cheek with his cold nose. "I promise to pick something else, if you insist, but at least let me look." He turned on his most devastating smile and I was lost.
"I . . uh. . Guess we could at least take a look..." I murmured.
Before I knew what was happening I was unlocking my studio and letting him in to view the painting. "I don't even, think it's here. I mean, it's probably in storage." I stalled as I lit up the large studio space.
Canvases were everywhere. I often work in a series of paintings, with an occasional commission thrown in. I had a large commission for a Beverly Hills hotel in the works. I was on the tail end of the project but it wasn't due for another month and I had to admit I was stalling to finish it.
Marty stood looking at it, his head tilted to the side and shrugged off his wet coat. He didn't say anything, letting me take his coat and hat from him. I hung everything on a couple of barstools I often used.
"Well?" I asked quietly.
"Don't get mad." He started, squinting at the large canvas.
"Oh, oh." I said. "You hate it."
"No. No really." He didn't move. "It's just... You're so much better than this." He shrugged.
"What do you mean?" I was instantly defensive even though it was sort of a compliment. "I thought it was coming out pretty good. I mean it's not finished!"
"Hey," He smiled at me to calm me down. "I just mean ... it's sort of commercial, don't you think? I like you're personal stuff better." He shrugged. "That series you did of that old building, down by Chinatown. Now that stuff was excellent." He was using his hands now, describing the separate paintings. "The way you captured the way the light danced on the architectural elements and the subtle shadows that were created. I was sorry that I didn't get to buy the whole thing . . I really wanted the one***" He trailed off looking at my smiling face. "What?" He blinked.
I sighed happily, "You amaze me. You remembered that? I sold that over 8 years ago." I shook my head in wonder. I had almost forgotten I had even done it. I sold the whole 10 painting series to an architect in Malibu.
"I remember all your work that I've seen." He smiled widely. "I happen to think you're a genius. Haven't I ever told you that?"
I nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess you have. I don't know why but...I just never really thought***" I turned slightly. This was dumb, I started to tear up.
"Hey, what's up with that?" He moved to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling my face to his chest. I fit perfectly to him. "I didn't mean to make you cry. I thought you knew how much I admired you." He lifted my face with one finger. "And not just you're artistic skills."
He stroked back my damp hair and kissed an errant tear from my cheek. "Haven't I made it clear that I think you, my lovely Lily, are an incredible woman. Strong, soft, funny, intelligent, beautiful . . And . ." He pressed his forehead to mine. "Did I mention, sexy as hell."
I leaned back from him enough to look into his eyes. Our eyes locked, heat began to crawl up my neck and down my belly. Marty's breath deepened, his hands cupped my face holding me in place while his face moved to mine. |
Title: Tiger's revenge by Tygriss
Tags: Character Development, Cub, Drama, Feral, Human, Kindle, Love, M/F, Mating, Nature, Pain, Plot Development, Puma, Romance, Story Series, Tiger, Tigress, spiritual, suffering, woods
A gasp sounded from John's muzzle as the teeth snapped shut but only succeeded in yanking out some of the fur around his neck. As he gave Sheva a puzzled look, she dragged him up by the scruff of his sore neck "that was for tempting me. I would have been even more of a monster then I look now if I was to kill you like that" she growled, white fur bristling with anger as she stared daggers into him.
Letting go of him, John rubbed his sore neck whilst his ears sagged in shame "I'm sorry Sheva, I just...don't know what to do anymore. It feels like my very existence is a curse now, and I just didn't want to drag you with me" he began to explain until he was interrupted when the Puma came and gave a rare sign of affection, nuzzling him as though relieved he was okay.
John absently rubbed between the wild Puma's ears as she acted like a tame house cat, there seemed to be something different about his feline companion now, maybe attributed to both him and Sheva now? A good moment of awkward silence passed with the Puma edging away, sensing the tension but keeping close and seeming to tense, ready to spring to his aid if he looked in trouble again. Another moment passed like this before John spoke up "so, what now?" he asked her.
"I...Don't...Know" Sheva said as she seemed to be struggling with something, having to force the words out of her lips, well more like muzzle really now.
John remembered how he went berserk when he was first affected by the curse, though she didn't seem as badly affected control wise. John surmised it was because she just had an extension of his curse where he was most likely to be directly influenced by the feral form, being the bearer of the curse. Looking at her in more detail, her body seemed a little less bestial but definitely more animal still than human, and she seemed to have gained more bulk in muscle as well as height but again, not as drastic as himself.
Seeing her chest heaving as her breathing seemed to become more laboured, he hoped his voice could reach her still "Sheva, listen to me, I know what is going on inside your head. You feel scared and frightened, you think that everything is an enemy and the tiger inside only heightens that emotion. You have to tame it Sheva, let it know who is boss and in charge and still the thoughts that are not your own" John said as her pupils began to dilate and her face took on a more wild look. "Sheva, no harm will befall you while I am around, I promise you" John said as he laid a lightly furred hand on her shoulder, causing her to whip her head round and tried to sink her teeth in.
Something seemed to snap in her mind though as she stopped just short of biting down on him to sever fur, flesh and tissue. Shaking her head as if waking from a bad dream, Sheva stumbled back and almost fell when John dashed forward and grasped her hand, this time she was the one that dug her claws in a bit in fright. As John pulled her back to safety again, he said with a slight rumble of a chuckle "this reminds me when I first met you" he said as he ignored the pain as best as possible. "You seem to have a nasty habit of falling there" he said as she stumbled into his strong arms.
"Wha..." Sheva gasped as she stared into his yellow eyes with her stunning sapphire blue orbs for a bit. John couldn't help appreciating how they had changed as he returned the look. Sheva leaned into his naked furry striped chest as her face fur fluffed in a blush, a heat seeming to envelope her mind. Seeming to come back to herself, Sheva shook her head as though waking up before she pushed him away from her, "just...get away from me" she growled as her ears flicked in confused shame and her tail lashed and dropped as though uncertain with her mood.
"You leaned into me" John said with a heart that felt as though it was going to fail him, here was yet another one that had reason to hate him, and someone just like him, of all cruel things. "But...I understand your feelings of hatred towards me" with that, John turned to leave her, tail dragging and ears as flat as his heart felt, heading back into the cave.
Staring after him, Sheva jumped as the Puma hissed behind her in a warning before stalking past her and into the cave where she seemed to guard John, as though waiting for him to accept her and not the strange new tigress that looked similar to John.
Sitting on the edge of the cliff, Sheva looked down and saw it was clear and quiet for now, perhaps if now she climbed down she might be able to find a cure...besides having to murder John that is, she had to admit, wasn't his fault really. But then she faced reality as she realised no human alive would so much as listen to her, never mind help her and would more likely be inclined to put a sword through her heart or an arrow. Sighing, she licked her lips absently before spitting out some white fur, forgetting it also extended to her face with how she had transformed into a beast.
She held her pink tongue out in a stunned fashion, gazing at the length of the tongue and even able to see the rough, sandpaper like texture due to the size and length of it. Her tail flopped onto her lap and again, acted like she had noticed it for the first time as she stroked it, causing her tail to twitch and a shock run through her at how sensitive it was to her pads on her hands. She ran her tongue over her teeth and sure enough, they were sharp, pointed and lethal as well, surprising her with the feeling of power it gave her.
Standing up in one fluid movement, she felt her muscles flex...her muscles when before she had perhaps a tenth of the strength she now had in her thin human frame. Looking down at her feet, being bare due to shoes would never fit the new alignment now of her toes and more of an arch to her feet, she looked on as her claws on her toes flexed with the tense and relaxation of muscles in her feet Her clothes still fitted her body, but tightly due to an increase in height and muscle as well as a shift in her shape, as a result the clothes fitted her at odd angles, slack in some areas and tight in others.
Flexing her hands she reflexively unsheathed her claws, a look of awe at the inbuilt tools capable of killing. She wished she could see what she fully looked like as she had no clue if she was just the same as John or something different looking, maybe even worse? Swivelling her ears forward as a noise caught her attention, Sheva then remembered the fresh flowing spring that ran a bit of a climb upwards. She could use that as it was so clear to look into like a mirror to see her appearance in its reflection.
Grasping hold of an outcropping that led beside the cave entrance, she looked on in apprehension before extending her claws to grip as though by some new instinct and began her climb. The difference before and now was almost intoxicating as she felt as though she could fly up the mountain with no problem. Feeling flushed with her new strength, Sheva made her rapid way up to the spring.
Down in the cave, John was curled up in a ball as he wrapped himself in misery. "Why does everything I seem to come into contact with seem to just fall apart, what is the point in my existence when all it seems to bring is suffering?" He growled out to himself with teeth bared in frustration, the Puma sat nearby, who couldn't seem to understand as to his distress but made low chirping like calls as though comforting a cub, his depressed scent putting her on edge slightly.
Suddenly a noise outside seemed to disturb him from his depressed revere. A round ear perked at a sudden scrabbling sound near to the entrance of the cave as John let out a growl, wanting something to tear his claws into right now. He rebuked himself for that thought as that wasn't him at all to be so aggressive, and the Puma wasn't growling so it was nothing threatening, at least not to her it wasn't.
Curious and wanting something, anything to distract himself he went on outside his cave to investigate, whereupon coming outside he noticed the absence of a certain white weretigress. "Oh no, don't tell me she went back to the village?" he said in despair for her, knowing how she didn't want to remain in her current form from his curse and might have been desperate enough to have sought the good will of the villagers for help. Worry written all over his features John dashed to the edge to see if he could catch a white furred form on the way down.
A bit of gravel suddenly hit his furred, striped head and looked up with an annoyed growl just to see a white figure easily scaling the mountain face. "Sheva?" he said in surprise to see her climbing up with nearly as much ease as he could before making his way up the cliff face after her. His heart was pounding in hope that maybe she would in time forgive him if she was searching for a den of her own up here.
Just below him, the Puma emerged from the cave and looked on up before giving a sad growl as if acknowledging he was never to be her mate before slipping off in the opposite direction down the mountain. However, John was too preoccupied to notice as he felt hope blaze in him at the prospect that maybe Sheva would grow to accept her form, and maybe even forgive and like him.
Reaching the edging where the stream ran he stopped to stare at Sheva in awe, because there she was by the stream in nothing but her beautiful white fur, standing by the edge of the stream and viewing herself with something like awe on her face, mixed with a bit of confusion. As though uncertain if she should be enjoying how beautiful she looked. On a rock lay her tatty clothes so that she could get a better look at herself.
Sheva was in the middle of running her hand/paw over her face, admiring the light blue eyes that had taken her once plain brown and caressing the fur, feeling how pleasantly soft it was against her pads. She was in awe with her white furred form as she saw the light sparkle in her eyes and glint off her white, sharp fangs. Trailing her tail through the water Sheva made a rough pattern in the water as though seeing what control she could exert over her new appendage.
Sheva kept flicking her ears back and then forward, reaching a hand/paw to feel at them, the flexibility of them seeming to catch her attention and marvel at them. Sheva began feeling her body up and her eyes went wide when she realised with some relief that she still and some human aspects, realising she still had breasts underneath her white striped fur. Though they had grown smaller it had seemed to her slight disappointment.
John couldn't help but give something akin to a gentle rumble in his throat at seeing her fascination which caught her attention, she whipped her head round in a show of fangs when she saw who it was, and had what passed for a smile on his muzzle upon seeing her. "What do you want?" she said in a weary growl upon been caught so unexpectedly by him.
"I'm sorry Sheva I just..." John stopped, what was he supposed to say? He was lonely, wanting her to accept him despite what he had been responsible for? He let his sentence hang in the air like a heavy weight, unable to think of what to say as his tail trailed on the floor, his illusion that things might work out broken. When she turned away from him, she half flattened her ears and focused on her reflection as though trying to ignore him. "I'm sorry for what has happened...truly, if I could do anything to remedy it I would" John said, trying to put as much truth and heart in his words as he could. Sheva seemed to show a little less ridged as her ears rose slightly to listen. "For one it shows just how flawed and judgemental humans can be, it has opened my eyes to the fact that we aren't so perfect after all" he said, seeing her form stiffen again and saw her feet claws flex a bit. "I am not saying I am happy to be like this, if I could I would rather go back in the past to stop me from ever picking up that statue that cursed me, and go back to working hard for my future family..." John trailed off there as he choked back a sob, ending in a growl as he felt his eyes tear up again.
Whipping her head round as Sheva heard him trail off and then saw his tail hanging stiff, ears flattened with his eyes scrunched shut as John tried to regain control over his emotions. "That is why I wanted you to kill me there and then, to put an end to my shame and sorrow, at least you...didn't kill the one you loved most of all" he said in a sorrowful, growling like quality creeping into his voice, his tail end shaking as his claws bit into his palms slightly.
Seeing a slight dampening beneath his eye she felt her heart soften to him. Walking quietly up to him, thanks to the pads now on her feet she gently laid a hand on his shoulder "but we are still human, on the inside aren't we? Why can't we both just try once more with our kind and try to get the villagers to understand?" Sheva said reassuringly to John as she tried to manipulate her tail to wrap round him in reassurance but failed as all she managed to do was hitting his legs.
Opening his yellow eyes, he couldn't help but smile at her attempt to comfort him, and then laughed weakly as she tried to control her tail "you do it like this" he said softly, wrapping his striped tail round her waist.
Sheva's heart seemed to stop in her breast as they locked eyes, his yellow eyes staring into her blue for a while before Sheva shook her head "what do you think you are doing?" she uttered, shoving him back hard and forgetting he had his tail round her waist. As he gripped with it reflexively he ended up pulling her down and would have bashed her head if it wasn't for his quick reflexes, scooping to catch her just short.
Thanks to being part tiger, she was able to flex her supple spine and straighten herself with relative ease before glaring at him, irritated that made a third time he had helped her and stalking off, tail swishing in agitation. "Well, so much for making it up to her" John said sadly as he turned to head back down the mountain to his cave. Just before he did though, his acute sense of smell caught something from Sheva, mixed in with her distressed scent was something that made his tiger side stir and wanted to chase her down, but clamped the feeling down as he knew immediately what the outcome would be. He would lose control as well as Sheva and they would probably end up hated enemies for good afterwards.
Scaling back down he reflected he would rather have the Puma's company as opposed to someone inclined to be hostile or bear hatred towards him. Giving a low growl for her that he had learned was what she responded to more than his voice, he was surprised when the Puma didn't come running. Sighing, he sat on the cliff edge and stared down at the huge drop as he put his face in his hands/paws and felt another cry of loneliness trying to escape his throat.
Shaking his head he knew it was pointless to sit and mope, the distressed lashings oh his striped tail stilling as he took deep breaths to calm down. Feeling his tiger side stir, he decided to give vent to the feral side and have a hunt down the forested slopes of the mountain. Letting out some of the pent up feral feelings might help clear his head...hopefully.
Scaling a bit down and then making his way across to where it was more level and closer to the ground, but sheltered thanks to the pine trees he let his feral side loose as the world slowed down and everything became sharper. Becoming a predator he stalked through on all fours through the trees, scenting the wind for prey until he caught the smell of something, it was not a prey on the breeze but...another like him. The human part of him told him who it possibly was but his feral tiger side was in control now and his thoughts dulled as he sniffed the air again, growling in longing for a mate.
"Why...why did she follow me?" John thought weakly as he prowled, mind becoming more feral the closer he got to her scent until he heard a rustle behind a tree. Pouncing around it, he was confronted by an alarmed looking Sheva. He should have run away from her but her scent was calling him like a moth to a flame.
She wore a look of alarm on her features and her scent took on a scared smell, but mixed in with it was her own body's wants as a males scent filled her senses. "John, please I...I came to apologise and...WAIT!" she cried out as he pounced on her with a growl of longing. John's mind was no more than a whisper now as his tiger spirit had now taken hold of him and was no longer aware of what he was doing. Sheva desperately shoved at his face as he ran his nose through her white striped fur, inhaling her scent before getting to her clothes.
Growling lightly he grasped her shirt in his mouth, seeming to forget that he even had hands "stop...please" he cried out in his mind but the curse just seemed to feed off of his loneliness as he worked on lifting it over her head.
Clamping her nostrils shut with effort, Sheva said quietly "sorry John" before she lashed at his furred head, gauging bloody marks through his striped head fur. Jumping off of her in a roar of pain, Sheva quickly scrambled to her feet and ran up the slope using all four limbs to rush to the mountain face and quickly scaled it.
Roaring in anger and wanting, John rushed to the mountain face and flew up it, his feral rage giving him a new strength and speed. Sheva almost lost her grip in fright as he sped on towards her, only her new feline sense of balance and claws stopped her from plunging to certain death as she rushed to the ledge.
Reaching the cave, she dashed to the wall that led to the stream, hoping to use it to douse her scent in the stream and also a tingling that was starting to form in her thighs as the tiger that inhabited her mind wanted nothing more than for her to couple with the male after her.
Sheva had just started to climb when she was yanked on down by her tail with a cry from her, pinning her down so she couldn't move. "Please don't do this, please don't" she cried out feeling her body starting to heat up, feeling something akin to wanting in her being. "Please don't...don't!" She begged weakly as he pinned her down using his heavy, muscled body and began lapping at her furred face with his rough tongue. Sheva squirmed under the attention, enjoying it and hating herself at the same time for liking it. His tongue just felt so loving and warm that she let something akin to a purr or a light growl as she felt her human conscience slip further out of her mind and the tiger prowling her thoughts started to take more of her.
Both of them had feelings for the other but were just afraid to voice them, what they didn't know was that just gave power to the spirit inhabiting their bodies and minds as it fed on their hidden passion for one another. Inhaling deep of Sheva's scent, she gave a cry as a tear trickled from her blue eyes and into her white fur. She wanted John so badly, but not like this. If she could she would tell him how she truly felt about him.
And then it was gone, the weight pinning Sheva lifted off of her as she opened her eyes to see John fleeing up the mountain, in a roar of despair. Sheva cried for him to wait but he seemed beyond hearing as he took off up the mountain as fast as he could. His scent had an odd odour to it "fear, he's afraid" Sheva thought sadly, standing there with her ears flat and unsure as to what she could or should do now. "John..." she whispered as she lost sight of him.
John climbed as fast as he was physically able to do, he climbed until he was in danger of passing out from fatigue, until he was near as possible to the peak of the mountain. He had almost lost himself just a bit ago, the tiger almost fully had him and he almost raped her. He was a monster and didn't want to subject her to any more suffering, he had to keep away from her otherwise he would lose control again.
He sat on a narrow, snow covered ledge and curled up in a ball wondering what to do, he had to find a cure but they would kill him on sight probably. But wouldn't that at least save Sheva and break the curse? What if it didn't? John's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and fear as his breathing slowed down. He was too tired to go on after the adrenalin wore off and too cold and numb from both his hands and feet as well as the knowledge to what he had almost been a tool for. Everything was a mess and he felt powerless to do anything about it at all, he vowed that if he made it through his exhausted sleep then he would try to find a way round the mountain and down the other side, he had to get off this mountain and get as far away from Sheva as possible. He didn't want to cause her any more suffering then was needed through him. As the snow began to cover his huddled form though he realised that he would be a threat to anyone wherever he went. He thought of Julie, of Sheva and the constant reminder of what he had done, what he had become...no, it was finally time to let go.
*Falling asleep John had a dream, but this one was different to his usual nightmares. In it, he was as an orange cat instead his human self, curled next to a fire and a woman busy stroking his furred head.* *J-Julie? he thought but could just meow as she continued fussing him, she wore a smile on her face though it was a sad smile that made John want to be able to comfort her.*
"John, I am sorry for what has happened to you, I know now that it is my fault what has happened to you. I was so frightened after waking up to see this big feline monster that had replaced my loving husband" Julie said in a sorrow filled voice. John could just rub his head against her hand before she continued "I panicked and picked up a weapon without thinking and bore it against you. That is my sin that I caused you to react in that way without thinking of who might still be beneath the bestial form".* *Julie, I am not mad and nor do I hate you, please understand John thought desperately, lifting his head to stare at her with a look of despair in his yellow eyes.*
"I know you don't hold it against me, my beloved, and that's why I want you to be happy still. You deserve someone stronger than I was and can be by your side now. I know it is tough but I believe in you, and that one day you will get what you deserve".*
*From behind her came a white feline with stunning blue eyes, purring as she made her way towards him.* "You have already found that someone John, It's just a matter of trying to heal each other and opening up to how you both truly feel, to the feelings that you hide from each other and yourself".*
*Julie faded after that with John staring in panic before the beautiful, white feline came into his vision and started lapping his face fur.* *Purring as he felt the love...no wait it was more worried concern as the licks took on a rough, rousing motion as though trying to encourage a cub to breathe again.*
Waking up, John opened his eyes a crack as he gave a weak groan, only to find to his surprise his Puma friend lapping his face in long, wet worried and urgent strokes as though trying to encourage life back into him. "Oh good, you are finally awake you big idiot" a familiar voice said as a white furred face loomed into view.
"Ugh, h-how?" he tried to speak as he found himself to be very dry and growling as a massive wave of nausea hit him. He saw a fire that was crackling quite nicely as his Puma friend curled her body round his back to help him warm through as a shiver racked his body. He tried to sit on up, trying to stop his tail from shaking with the cold he felt when he was roughly shoved back down again, two growls coming at him ordering him to behave.
"You fucking idiot" Sheva growled as she piled more twigs onto the dying fire "what the hell were you thinking running off like that, do you really want to die that badly?" she said as the Puma hissed from behind him, giving him a light bite on the ear in scolding, making him yelp slightly in pain.
"What the hell was that for?" he growled at the Puma, bearing his sharp teeth at her just for her to pounce on top of him and grip his neck lightly to make him behave. His eyes went wide in shock at this sign of aggression from the usual placid Puma.
"Shortly after you had left, your friend here seemed to somehow sense something was amiss as she came up a day later in search of you. These cat like forms apparently seem to help us bond with the wild ones as she seemed to show less aggression towards me" Sheva explained to John in a tone similar to when one is scolding a child. "But when I became worried and started climbing on up after you, your friend here decided to find you as well because she was never more than a few handholds below me. When we found you, you were at the top of Talons Peak and pretty much at deaths door as a frozen stiff ball of fur. Between me and your feline friend though we managed to drag your furred frozen butt down and started a fire as soon as possible with what you had left here. And she never left your side when I tried to hunt for us and gather wood to keep the fire going" she finished as the Puma gave a gentle rumble around John's throat.
As the Puma let go of his throat, he rubbed it gingerly before putting a hand on her head, she had indeed become humanised as she would have ran at one point but she just seemed to lean into his big hand/paw. Giving a gentle rumble in the back of his throat he looked from the Puma who seemed to be forgetting she was a wild animal and then to Sheva who seemed to be putting on a stern appearance but tears shone in her eyes "you were both worried about me?" he said gently to her as he sat up.
"Uh, I-I didn't say that" she said, turning her head away as though she had been slapped, her tail end quivering as she tried to remain in control of emotions that threatened to spill over. The Puma got up and nudged him in the back as though encouraging a young cub before getting up and walking off.
"B-but girl..." John began but could have sworn he heard a low growl from her as the Puma walked out with her long tail flicking gently, almost in amusement. "She has been acting very strange" John said as he rolled to his feet, stretching out on fours in feline fashion, striped orange tail going rigid as a pole. Groaning as he heard a number of cracks from his stiff joints having being out cold for so long "how long was I out?" he asked her with a slight moan, stiff joints easing out now.
"You...jerk" Sheva said in what he thought of as a gentle sob, his round ears pricking up at the sound "you were out for four days" Sheva said with flattened ears, her white and black striped tail shaking as she attempted to keep a handle on her emotions. "It-it looked at one point that you weren't going to make it" it was then that he noticed she was silently crying.
"Sheva..." he said unable to bare seeing her in such emotional turmoil, even if she wasn't showing it he would have scented her feelings and emotions. Walking up to her on all four feet in the cat fashion he rubbed round her with a soft growl, causing her to whip her head round in surprise at him before laughing weakly and giving her own soft growl back at him.
"Silly" she said, a purr in her voice as he sat next to her, unsure of what to do to comfort her. He didn't need to have bothered as she spoke up for him "John...even before I was caught up in the tiger curse I...I was starting to develop feelings for you. I don't know why but I just felt drawn to you, and no, not just out of pity or feeling sorry for you. There was genuine warmth to you that wasn't just your fur, though it did feel nice against my human skin at the time". Sheva caught him about to say something when she cut him off with a low growl "don't say it's your fault, you didn't ask for any of this and...you deserve someone to make you happy".
Chuckling as he felt a joy swelling up in his chest, he had felt the stirrings earlier before and always believed it to be just one sided. He realised that what they was both feeling before wasn't the curse but their pent up feelings for each other. "Sheva..." he said not knowing what to do with such a tender moment as he was so far removed from humanity for so long it was hard for him to grasp a human type relationship instead of a feline type.
Sheva growled as she felt his arm round him, her tail reflexively curling round his waist until she caught herself and heard a chuckle from John. Her face fur fluffed in a feline version of a blush as she began to withdraw her tail from his waist before he put a big hand on her tail to stop her.
Twisting his head to look at her, Sheva tried to look away but could feel his eyes boring into her head. As she turned her head to stare at him, she felt as though his eyes had a hold on her own as those bright yellow orbs shone with his own tears, mirroring her own light blue ones that shone bright. "John, please we can't..." Sheva was cut on off as he put a large digit to her muzzle to silence her.
"Sheva...it isn't the tiger this time, it is us, I want to love you Sheva and it doesn't matter what happens. If we have each other there is nothing we can't struggle through" he said to her in a gentle rumble. "We have feelings for each other, we know it isn't a wild beast we have seen that, I had taken off for concern of your safety, my emotions gave the tiger too much control and I was afraid but now". He placed his other large paw hand on her side cheek "I know it was more than just feeling lonely or an animal's wants. I want to be with you Sheva, I love you" he whispered as he ran his fingers through her cheek fur.
Sheva stared at him, trying to sort out her own feelings through what seemed to be a whirlwind, a conflicting battle as she tried to separate her growing animal desire and her true feelings. She felt his powerful arms, his strong body, his masculine scent mixed with that of the animal they was cursed with. "John...I am not Julie, I can't be your dead wife" she whispered to him as she made to turn away.
She gave a growl of surprise when he pulled her down to him and wrapped her in his strong arms, their fur mingling with the others "I never saw you as her, you are both similar which isn't just boiled down to looks. You are both strong willed and both beautiful in your own way, Sheva" John said as he trailed his large fingers down her back fur.
"I love you, I love you John and was afraid, and I guess I am still afraid what if we had babies, er cubs. I mean" she was hushed yet again, this time by his muzzle that pressed up to hers in a facsimile of a kiss. Pulling away with the two of them panting, John said in a very embarrassed voice "erm...seems like a tiger's muzzle isn't really for...kissing" he said as he suddenly felt very foolish at his attempts at romance.
"No...but we can do something as good, if not better than that" Sheva said in an almost dreamy like voice. John was about to question her when it was answered for him as she ran her tongue over his own muzzle, his eyes dilating and sending a shiver coursing through him at the feeling of that rough long pink tongue ran over his face and then focussed in on his muzzle.
"Ohh, Sheva, what was that about?" he moaned in between her laps of his muzzle before cuddling up to him and getting as close as she could.
"You talked me into it and...I was starting to get tired of trying not to fall in love with you" Sheva said as she inhaled his musky odour, been made five times more potent and heady through her newly enhanced sense of smell.
Giving an almost purr like growl, John lapped where her fur had been dampened by her tears, making her wrap her arms round him, surprising him with the strength they held but then again, like him she was now part tiger as he ended up working his rough tongue down her furred neck, through the thick white and black striped fur.
Sheva couldn't stop a moan of pleasure, flexing her claws as he moved down her with his long pink tongue, slightly broader then her own and longer due to his size overall. Stopping at where her furred body was covered by her old clothes he noticed they were in tatters "thanks to you, you great idiot" she growled in a mocking fashion.
"I think you would look a lot prettier without them" he said gently, reaching out a hand to slowly take her clothes off.
As John began stripping her of her clothes, a number of thoughts raced through Sheva's mind of how wrong was it, or is it right? Was this what she truly wanted, to be with him or was it the tiger manipulating her mind? As John managed to slip her tattered vest off, he gasped as the scents that were trapped beneath her fabric washed over him, making him growl and lap at her white furred chest. "You are so beautiful Sheva" he said as he ran his tongue over her beautiful white, furred body.
"Is that...you talking or the tiger?" Sheva gasped as she struggled to remain as human as possible, restraining a growl as her teeth shone in the fire light with the effort of keeping control. Oh how she wanted to jump him then, mate with him then. She had to keep herself from becoming a mindless, lust craving beast though and retain some humanity.
"Both Sheva, I have finally learned to accept both sides and can let both human and tiger work together. Don't fight it, instead let your human conscience guide your tiger self, lead it not restrain it" he whispered to her as her face started showing less and less strain as she did as he instructed.
Sheva was able to notice things now; his scent was a lot more potent and pleasing, better than any human male could smell she thought as she began growling sensually whilst he slipped her trousers off to reveal the rest of her white furred form. This time, John had to fight his beast side as the wave of feminine arousal caused him to almost lose control. But he was able to temper it with the promise of what was to come "oh...my!" Sheva gasped as his cock became erect from arousal. "I...have never seen one so big, n-not that I have ever done it much mind" she said defensively, becoming all too human again making John chuckle.
"It seems to have been one of few perks of been cursed...or maybe this is no curse at all but something disguised as such" he said as his tail sought out her tail, twining with hers and causing them to both rumble. The sound would have sent a shiver through a human's spine as John grasped hold of Sheva with his claws extended slightly from the passion he was feeling, and vice versa as Sheva had trouble coping with primal desires.
"Shall we see if there are...any other perks as well my love?" Sheva growled at him as she lay down on top of him.
John wrapped his arms about Sheva's smaller monochrome furred form, locking muzzles to kiss fiercely with his cock pulsing with need against her white furred stomach with need. "John...there is no need to hold off I...want this as badly" Sheva said in a gasp, feeling like she was running a marathon as opposed to laying down on the muscular furred form of Johns body.
"I know Sheva, but I want to preserve our humanity and go about this properly" John whispered as he drew back a hand paw, running it through Sheva's slightly softer fur on her belly before he came into contact with something fleshy and hard. "It seems like I am not the only one to have gained something extra eh love?" he growled, his muzzle twitching in a smile when Sheva gasped in pleasure, John's teasing of her extra sets of nipples making her shudder in pleasure with the sensitivity of them.
Rolling them over so that John was on top of her now, Sheva growled as the flat of his cock pressed against her folds, a little juice seeping through her lightly furred folds in desire to have him inside of her. "Please...now!" Sheva said, her voice barely heard what with the heavy growl of a beast behind it, but even if John didn't understand he understood what it was she wanted, what with the scents filling their little cave.
Drawing his hips back, his slightly altered cock drooled some pre out, the flesh a pinker tinge and larger to boot as John angled himself and thrust powerfully, penetrating her fully for the first time.
She was no virgin, he could tell that, or would if either was in the right state of mind but as they were they were as feral animals, pounding and mating as their teeth flashed, open in pleasure and for air. Russet and black met monochrome furred thighs as they mated furiously, John belaying his kind nature as the beast took on over and buried himself to the hilt, over and over with Sheva arching her hips into each thrust, helping her partner out.
John's breaths became laboured as their crotch fur became matted with juices, nearing closer and closer to the edge of orgasm. Digging his claws in lightly to grip, John thrust all the way so that his sack smacked Sheva's furred rump before they both came, roaring their pleasure and love out as he filled Sheva up with his seed.
The pair didn't so much as slow down before they was grunting and growling again, acting like true felines in season as John bred her again and again, their repeated mating sounds echoing down the mountain and reaching the village as people trembled in fear of them.
In the village, after the sounds of the roaring had subsided and the echoes had finished reverberating round the village, the elders had a meeting. "This is appalling, those may have used to have been our village members but now they are monsters, and further more they are breeding now. What the hell do we do?" one male elder said with frightened eyes.
"What if they run out of game and decide to take us or our children?" an elder female asked as she looked towards where her grandkids slept soundly, a worried expression on her face.
"They need taking care of but what can we do? We are but simple village folk and need a warrior to kill them" a third elder villager said as he gripped his fists in anger. The thought of monsters hiding in the mountain that overlooked them was bad enough but the shame was that it was two of their own made it even more shameful as it felt as though it brought shame down on their ancestors too.
"Hmm...well they're not exactly warriors but we do have three seasoned hunters lodging here, returning back from a hunting trip. Perhaps we can ask them for aid?" the first village elder said in thought.
"I just hope they don't charge too much, we are not a wealthy village as it is" the third elder grumbled as they set into action, knowing they would be at the bar, drinking up a storm. Leaving the bar, they couldn't help but cringe as they heard another roar from the mountain from John and Sheva.
At the bar, the elders wrinkled their noses in disgust to the trio of travelling hunters, the three clearly having drunk a few and stinking of a long time on the trail with perhaps at least a month since they last washed. The biggest of the trio stepped forward "I'm Wayne, the small fry to my left is Lee and to my right is my brother Waylon" he said without ceremony before getting right to business. "So you folk want us to hunt down some monsters up in your mountain huh? Well that won't come cheaply, ten gold coins should cover it, that is as in ten for each of us" he said with a nasty grin at them.
"Now just a minute here, we are a poor village, where do you expect us to get 30 gold coins from?" the youngest of the elders said before cowering at the look the big man gave him.
"Well, maybe you could give us some women instead then?" Wayne said, eliciting a chuckle from his comrades "pretty ones, not ugly old hags" he said, a broad smirk on his tight lips.
"Out of the question" one elder piped up before quickly saying "we'll give you your gold, just make sure it is done, we want our village and loved ones safe, but only after you have done your job".
"We'll remember that, otherwise we'll just make off with your fine women heh heh heh!" Waylon said, chuckling and his companions joined in before leaving, the three giving which ever pretty serving woman in the tavern or customer a grope as they went by.
"I hope this wasn't a mistake, but what else could we do?" the elder woman said in a nervous tone.
At that moment, the doors to the tavern flew open and in charged a young man with brown eyes and hair, pale but face set in determination. "You haven't sent someone to kill my sister did you?" he said in a tight, angry voice to the elders in the tavern.
"Senor, you shouldn't be out, you are still recovering from your virus" the eldest of the trio said to him in a scolding tone.
"You have no right to send hunters after my sister, she hasn't even wronged anyone unlike that other incident, if it wasn't for my sister Sheva, I would be..." the young man was silenced as he was struck by one of them.
"And how long until they do, you saw her, she isn't human. They will come here eventually when they start breeding and food runs scarce in the mountains, now leave Senor" the female said, her eyes blazing with anger at the very thought of sparing a potential threat to their village.
Stepping outside and cradling the sore side of his face, the young man looked to the mountain and whispered "Sheva...why did this happen like this?"
The morning dawned bright and early the next day as sunlight filtered in through the cave and hit John square in the face. Waking up with a growl he grumbled "get off me girl" thinking it was the Puma cuddled up to him, still trying to mate with him.
Cracking his eyes open, he saw draped on over his form a white and black furred arm. Turning round he saw Sheva sleeping peacefully with a contented look on her face. It came back to him, their passionate love making, the noises they had made and the pleasure...he couldn't think of any other experience he had that was so intense as then another realisation hit him. "Oh no" he groaned as he remembered how many times they had mated, he could remember parts of it but just not all of it. It had been part human passion and part animalistic desire, and he was worried for what the results would bring if she was to become pregnant, as she almost certainly was now.
As he made to move her arm off of him, she suddenly stirred and opened her eyes with a stretch, flexing her claws briefly in doing so before wrapping them round his large arm "John...was that a dream or did that really all happen?" Sheva said to him in a dreamy voice as she growled gently and looked at him.
John thought to expect to see the same signs of regret or mistake in her eyes, but what he saw in her blue eyes was none of that. What he saw instead was a light of joy that made him feel guilt about how he had thought it a mistake. "Yeah, it did Sheva. It was really..." he was shushed when she put a padded finger to his muzzle to savour the moment. Cuddling up to him Sheva could appreciate been able to breathe in his scent like this now that heightened her new found love for him, and the same when John took a deep breath. He felt his heart beat in his chest, looking at her white furred face and into her beautiful blue eyes as she flicked her tongue across his nose again, drawing out a contented growl from him.
They lay like this, just enjoying been with each other and the new found love they felt for each other. John didn't want to spoil the moment but had to broach a subject "Sheva...what if you get pregnant from all this?" he said as he stroked the fur on her head absently.
"And why should it matter John?" Sheva said, fixing him with her most stern gaze, those blue eyes piercing him to his soul. "I know one thing John" Sheva growled "if the cub is anything like you, then it can only be a good thing not a bad thing" she said huskily, running her hand down his back and making him shudder and arch his tail slightly.
John stared at Sheva, finding strength that wasn't physical but made him feel strong inside which felt even more than what he had for muscle, which was considerable. "Sheva, I have to ask you something..." John began but suddenly stopped as he heard something like a muffled growl from below.
"What John?" Sheva began until he put a finger to his lips so she got his meaning. Silently they both crept on out the cave as an odour hit their senses, blood, mixed in with the scent of someone very familiar to John. "John, is that...?" Sheva said as she scented it too, blood mixed in with the Puma's scent as John felt a rage build up in him and also another scent, the smell of humans. "John?" Sheva said in worried concern, knowing how he must be feeling as she felt her own anger, if not for the poor Puma for Johns loss as she had been his only friend and she had grown to like the girl too as she became more humanised.
"I can't let those bastards...get away with that" John snarled as headed for the caves mouth, just for Sheva to clamp her hand round his arm in pleading.
"No don't, t-there is more than one out there" Sheva said, her eyes like sapphire orbs wide in fright at the thought of her new found love dying now.
"We have to go in either case, what choice now if they have sent hunters here? We can't stay here any longer Sheva" he growled, sounding more feral and threatening then he meant to.
Sheva was about to try another protest when John grabbed hold of her arm and lightly dug his claws into her, not to hurt but just so she could feel. "Sheva, we have something that no one has, the combined traits of both human and tiger. Even if there are more of them and armed with bows and sword, we can still take them. I don't expect you to join in and nor do I but I will avenge my companion and then get us far away from here" he said with a final lick kiss on her nose before dashing out of the cave and down towards the forested slopes of the mountain where the Puma usually lay when not with him.
John knew it was stupid, he knew it was reckless but he felt a kinship with the large mountain cat and felt like they couldn't get away with it. As he made his way, throwing caution to the wind as he hopped from one rocky outcropping to another to save on time, he almost fell when a crossbow bolt struck the rock he was on. "Are you looking for something perhaps kitty?" A big burly man with a large travelling cloak on said as he held the Puma's bloodied corpse in one hand and a crossbow in the other.
"No-NO!" John cried out at seeing his wild companion dead, a shaft jutting out of her furred, bloodied side. "No..." John said again quietly as he shook in anger and grief before throwing his head back with a deafening roar, his pupils shrinking to pinpricks as he took on a wild edge as he charged at them in feral anger. Smirking as the display had the desired effect on the weretiger, two of his men appeared from out of hiding. If John had been of clearer mind he would have scented them but in his anger, he had completely overlooked it. As two crossbow bolts whizzed past him, he narrowly dodged both before the hunter holding his dead companion fired a shot off, this one clipping him on his furred foot as he rolled on the ground, springing out of the way of any more shots.
Grunting from the pain in his foot, John sped to the large man with his dead friend before two more arrows whizzed past in front of his face as he just barely managed to dodge them by jumping back before launching himself straight at the closest hunter. This one was the smallest of the three, only coming up to about his chest of his frame as he took him by surprise and tore into him with fang and claw. Johns anger turning him into a wild, killing machine as he spattered himself in gore as he ripped his throat open.
Giving a roar of pain as a crossbow bolt buried itself into his arm, he whipped round and saw the hunter had dropped the Puma and was busy readying another whilst the other kept him busy with arrow after arrow. "Fuck hurry up man" he swore as John closed the distance between him and the second human on all fours for more speed and less of a target for his vulnerable spots.
He was just about on him when he roared in pain as the crossbow bolt sliced through his shoulder and he dropped to the ground with a roar of pain, a large hand/paw over the gushing wound to try and pull the shaft out. As the big man put his foot on his back to pin John and held the crossbow right at his head John asked through the pain and anger "why? We used to be human and yet you just see us as beasts. We didn't ask to be cursed like this and yet the village treats us as though we are at fault" he roared as the man tugged at the bolt in his shoulder with a nasty smirk.
"Like I care, all I care about is that you look more of a beast then human to me and when we are done with you, we will get money from the stupid villagers and then we can cash in your furred hides for a big price" he laughed as his finger started to squeeze on the cross bolt trigger when he heard a pained gasp from his companion.
Whipping round he saw Sheva with her claws through his neck and a feral look of anger as she bared her fangs, curling her upper lip back in a snarl as she seemed to freeze him with her icy blue stare. "That was my brother you fucking bitch!" the big hunter screamed as he whipped the crossbow round to her.
He had been too slow though and John acted upon it, images of his human wife dying flashed through with their unborn son as he rallied through the pain and heaved him off with a grunt. Unbalanced, Sheva sliced his throat and John did likewise from the back of the neck, causing a gout of blood to rain from the wounds as he died gurgling. "They said...you were...mindless...beaaasts" he gurgled as he died apparently misinformed by the villager's first look at them.
"Well they were wrong" John said as he lashed his tail in anger at having them send someone to kill them, and part in pain as he fell to the ground as blood poured out, staining his orange fur a russet colour round his shoulder.
"John!" Sheva cried out as she tried to get the bolt out of his arm as he retracted and bared his claws in pain. After a lot of pain and struggling punctuated with lots of pained growls, they finally got the shaft out of his shoulder where the blood flowed freely as John began to collapse. "John, don't leave me, please" Sheva said as she felt a part of herself beginning to die as well, as though their lives were linked.
Looking around frantically, she quickly ripped a strip of cloth off of one of the hunters and wrapped it round seven times in which the blood flow slowed but didn't stop. He was slowly dying; she could feel it as if she was the one with the fatal wound as she collapsed beside him "what...is going on, I don't want us to...die" John thought dimly as he saw Sheva collapse in front of him before a voice echoed in his head.
"If the original dies, then so does the rest that was bound by my curse" a voice that wasn't animal nor human but demonic said that made their failing bodies shudder at the sensation it gave.
As the last bit of life left them, he reached out his hands and placed one shakingly on Sheva and the other on the Puma as a tear slid down into his fur.
As John and Sheva's eyes closed shut they were blinded by a light before a cat like image appeared and that of a woman. "Girl...Julie, is that you?" he thought as the images faded from his mind.*
A year later on, a cloaked and hooded figure appeared at the village "oh, back for more wood huntsman? Thank you again for getting rid of those monsters, thanks to you honour was brought back to our village and ancestors" he said as he gave the big figure a bunch of wood tied together with some string. Grunting his thanks the big figure easily hefted the wood onto his shoulder and walked on towards the village exit.
He turned his head constantly, as though scanning the area for something. Most of the villagers were too busy with daily life to give the unusual hunter a second glance so he went by without hassle. He found his target, a strapping youth that he knew to be the brother of a certain someone. Smiling at seeing the young man busy with chores but otherwise happy and alive, he increased the speed of his walk to the village exit and towards a trail that led to a supposedly haunted wood's.
A good ten minutes later, he entered the forest, throwing back his hood to reveal a very tigerish head complete with orange and black striped markings and two rounded ears with the distinctive white spots on the backs. He knew it was safe to do so now the woods had gained a 'cursed' reputation thanks to himself and his mate, giving a very distinctive call that he had adapted from a Puma in order to disguise themselves from possible discovery.
A normal human wouldn't hear the call for the distance his mate would as he strapped the wood which was becoming heavy and cumbersome onto his back with some string he kept in the travelling cloaks pocket he used to cover himself up that he had taken from a large hunter. Running off on all fours with the wood making a soft clacking noise with each bound he covered far more distance and could delve easier into the forest then if he was on two legs as he leapt a pit of mud, flexing claws as he landed for traction as he headed to a clearing he had made.
Mud and dirt sprayed on up as he pulled up to a stop at an almost finished shack when he called out "SHEVA!" but there was no answer as Johns voice faded. Creeping cautiously up to the nearly finished shack, he peered inside to find the rough cot he had built for his baby was gone. Off to the distance he heard a roar and shot off in the direction of the noise with feral instincts geared up to tear apart whatever intruder was threatening his family.
He became almost ghost like as the filtered sunlight flashed across his orange fur, shedding the cloak and wood to make it easier for whatever faced him, he knew Pumas sometimes wandered down to this part but had never come into contact with them as their scent kept them at a wary distance. However, there could always be an exception and he knew Sheva could defend herself but it was a worry for her and mostly his kid that riled him.
Bursting into the spot where he heard the call come from, he arched his back and bore his fangs ready to ward off whatever may come at them. "Can't a girl hunt in peace?" Sheva's voice came amusedly to him, making John deflate like an orange and black striped balloon. "It has been a year now since we escaped that mountain and the villagers and still you act like we will be stumbled upon at any moment. Relax John, with a baby to take care of may god help whoever tries to mess with this tigress" she said with an unnerving show of fangs.
John smiled in relief as he saw her unharmed and well, he was always like this though, but he couldn't help it, he loved her too much to not be worried when away.
Sheva had by her side a young buck she had just killed and near it was his kid, a little light orange fluff ball that had been watching very attentively at his mother. John's kid was a male and when he had been born he was disappointed to see that the curse also affected his child. That was until Sheva had pointed out that he was a lot cuter than any kid she had ever seen and he had to agree on that.
"How is my brother?" Sheva said as she picked up their baby who made a mewling noise at her and pawed at her chest feeling hungry. Every time John had to make a trip to the village he would try to keep an eye out for her brother who had still been ill when she had gone back to her village to give him the herb to heal his sickness.
"He seems to be fine, like every other time for the past six months I have told you" he said with an amused growl at her as he twined his stripy tail with hers.
"I know it seems stupid but...they think of me as a dead monster now but...I can't help feeling for them still" Sheva said as she leaned her head on his furred shoulder. "Anyway, I have to feed a hungry kit here and you have to finish making that extension you promised" she said as they approached the house and she settled on a rough wooden chair he had made for her.
Picking up the wood, his claws scraped the surface as he felt renewed determination as he looked through the window at his love feeding their child. He made a silent vow there and then that would either find a way to break this curse that kept them in isolation; otherwise he would make the people change. |
Title: A Beautiful Blond Divorcee
Tags: white woman, black man
*The ending to this was difficult, so I just did. Let me know if I can add to it, thank you.*
Sonya Hardaker was on her hands and knees, or rather her head was down and turned sideways as she fought to stop being driven forward. She was on her extremely expensive Persian rug, in her enormously expensive home and the cock in her was driving her increasingly mad with frustration. He was doing it again, teasing her incessantly instead of screwing her brains out like he could, would, and did!
And he knew he was doing it, he was smiling to himself, he knew the reaction he was getting from her was what he had learned, she had stopped ordering him to do her harder and faster, she had to, she always did now. Because his cock had a large head it would fasten into her and she would thrive on her pussy gripping it, therefore it wouldn't let it out.
This was what he had learned very quickly, and now she was under his control and he was using his control more and more. Sonya knew this but her pleasure wouldn't allow her to do anything about it, and now it was a little too late. They both knew the score, he had it, he had her, she knew it, and she couldn't help it.
For Sonya there was no way to get help, no one she could talk to about this, not that she wanted to, it was way too private. Sonya had never been in this position, and she wasn't thinking of her being on her hands and knees being bombed out of her head like this. She was thinking of her status, her position in her society, the greater world. She was known nationally, even internationally. She had been, and still was being, pursued by men of international renown.
She was a high society celebrity, not a film star, or a business woman, she was just rich beyond most people's wildest dreams. She had a super wealthy family, her great grandfather had been in the oil business and very successful, this had been handed down and Sonya was now a very wealthy beneficiary.
She was also beautiful, and she oozed class and femininity, she had been married twice, both husbands had been dispatched after a couple of years. She was also childless, refusing to become pregnant until she knew for sure her husband could and did, cut the mustard. And now the gorgeous 35 year old divorcee was much sought after. But none would ever get close enough again to woo her again, or gain her sexual favours.
When she dressed for a celebrity function, or any other she would stop traffic, the general public adored her, she was known for much charity work, she even served in soup kitchens. She also had an orphanage that no one knew of, it was her secret, not even the people who ran it knew it was her money that kept it afloat.
She was also a really nice person, personable, popular, there were always calls to her office where her secretary of many years dealt with them, invites, advice, begging letters. Carol only sent what she knew her employer would deal with, but Sonya often asked for a sample of those she hadn't seen to make sure there were no mistakes.
Her home life was a complete and separate issue from her public, business life, it was her very private domain. No one got in unless invited and there weren't many of those. In the past she had had partied and functions but too much publicity had ensued, she was pestered by the press, the media, and people just hanging out.
So she sold up and bought this, her present home just off the outskirts of the city. It was a huge rambling house that she had painstakingly refurbished. And she loved it, it was absolutely enormous, it had 9 bedrooms, 7 were en suite. It had 2 huge reception rooms, one of which she was now kneeling in getting banged, again.
The tremendous dining room overlooking her expansive gardens had a 30 seat dining table, there were paintings and tapestries all over, she loved her new home, but sometimes asked herself why she had bought it. There were 30 acres of land attached to it, and that's why her problem started, she found she couldn't manage it. She loved gardening, it was her favourite pastime, she spent hour after hour pottering about.
But after 3 months she knew she had to have help, so she advertised for some home help, placing ads in shops, and one in the local paper, careful not to let her name out. She wanted someone to do the garden and a few household jobs. She got 7 replies, she interviewed them all, settling on one chap who talked the talk, but after one week she had to fire him, all he did was leer at her. So she went on and finally settled on a young man who needed work to fund his college.
She had conducted the interviews in a private room in an hotel to keep her persona secret, no one recognised her because she took care that they couldn't. He was a very nice, (she had thought,) black 18 year old boy from her area, he lived with his mother about 2 miles away, no father, just him and his mom. He needed the job for college and to help support him mother too.
She took all of his details, he had asked for cash money, but Sonya opened and account for him. If for no other reason she would be seen to be keeping her own affairs on the straight and narrow. He started work, and while she could see he wasn't very experienced, he more than made up for it with his work ethic, and his willingness to learn.
He, Grant Kandy, was more than impressed with her, he could plainly see how beautiful she was, how nice she was, and he fell in awe with her. Her hair was so soft and manageable she could do anything with it, it was blond , long, thick and soft. Her face was a thing to behold, it captured anyone who looked at her, especially him. He guessed her to be around 5ft 7" and a body that looked like a suicide mission.
As she got to know him better, she realised that he had a strong personality, this was her only real mistake, he did have a strong personality, but it was also coupled with a dominant personality. She never took fools gladly, and neither did he. He studied her a lot, she was so gorgeous he couldn't help it, although he was not overly obvious. Sonya appreciated that, she knew he, like most men, were infatuated with her.
Grant was a big boy for his age, she thought he was good looking and must have a few girlfriends, tall at about 6ft or more, powerful but rangy in stature. She had met black men in her life, she had even gone out with one. But that was as far as it had gone, she had no thoughts for or against a relationship with one, but it never went that far.
Grant was slowly becoming more important to her, he was superb around the house, her garden was fantastic, and in the 6 months he had been here he had grown, his shoulders were broadening, his demeanour was changing. And slowly she was becoming more respectful to him, and of him.
He noticed, and he talked about it with his mother, she had suggested she might have some feelings for him, maybe not yet realised, but feelings never the less. She didn't know how right she was. He had girlfriends he had told her, and she had thought, 'hmmm, I'll just bet he has!'. Sonya began to sit with him when she brought him coffee and cakes, or sandwiches.
They talked and they laughed, he was funny, he made her giggle. Soon she was there a lot with him, she liked being near him. His inner strength was for her admiration. One time she laughed so hard she nearly fell off the bench they were sat on, He was like a serpent striking, his arm went around her back and held her. Sonya thanked him for saving her life, giggled again, kissed his cheek and patted his thigh.
Then realising what she had done she made an excuse and hurried away. Sonya was sexually excited, she hadn't been excited for a long time, not like this. He had excited her, he had put his arm around her and she had liked it. She had kissed his cheek, patted his thigh, and she had liked it.
The feel of his very muscular thigh under her hand had not gone unnoticed, she had suddenly smelled him as if for the first time, It smelled like a man smell. He was strong, young and powerful, he had got under her skin and she didn't know it, she hadn't known it. He was quiet, not shy, but he had a...? She couldn't think of the word she was looking for.
For the first time in a long while she had the urge to go and play with herself. She stood in her kitchen wondering what to do. "What would he say if he saw me?" she asked herself, then rebutting that because he couldn't know could he! Her nipples were crackling, her vagina was hot, and she liked it.
Then she spun around, something made her do so. Grant was stood in the doorway looking at her. She wanted to sit down badly before she fell over. Then she noticed he was bare chested, the muscular frame she had only ever glimpsed was there for her to see. Sonya stared at him, her voice gone, she looked like a goldfish out of water, her mouth, her luscious mouth, was only opening and closing.
The 35 year old beauty felt her chest constrict, she clutched herself and gasped. She was wearing her gardening gear, calf skirt down to her shapely calves, a cotton top with buttons all the way down like a man's shirt. Then silently he advanced towards her, he was going to ask her if she was alright, she had more or less run away, and he was concerned.
But now he wasn't, he could see the attraction in her eyes, she liked him, was she susceptible to a pass? He was almost certain. And had his mother been right? He was going to make a move, a pass, even if it cost him his job. He went to her and just put his arms around her, Sonya didn't resist, she couldn't. She knew what was going to happen, he was going to get her, Sonya this 35 year old society blond beauty men would kill for, was about to become an 18 year old black boys fuck toy, and she couldn't stop it happening.
She shook her head to try and clear it, but she seemed to be surrounded by fog. The smell of him, the feel of his enclosing arms, being this close was somehow more than she could cope with. She watched from afar, from above, she was in the arms of an 18 year old black boy, in her own home, and nowhere to go or hide from him.
He snuffled into her hair, he got up close to her, Sonya tried lamely to back away but didn't. Then he smuggled into her neck and she felt his hot breath, then his cool lips snatched it, and Sonya collapsed in his arms. She didn't fall down, she just sank into him, if this was a game, she lost hands down.
He hooked a finger under her chin and lifted it, she looked up into his eyes, eyes she hadn't really even looked into properly. They were very dark, but they mesmerised her, she couldn't tear hers away. She watched him lower his mouth to hers, and she stayed frozen in place until the connections were made.
Her body exploded, he had set her off, she let go of her chest and slipped her arms around his waist, not knowing she had done it. Now they were body to body, lips to lips. And Sonya felt him against her, he was between her thighs, and it was pressing home its advantage. She swooned as the pressure heightened, but it didn't increase except in her mind and body.
Sonya was already beyond the 'no' stage, she was heading for the gate. She responded with her own pressure, her hips slightly pushed against him, and she nearly came, she shuddered and trembled. Grant backed her up, and hoisted her skirt high around her waist, he felt for and found her knickers, he just pulled them until one side snapped, she moaned in arousal.
Then she felt him fumble, she knew but didn't register what it was, that he was dropping his jeans. Now he seemed to get lower, his body slid down hers. He was still kissing her, and she was flying high in the clouds of sexual freedom. She felt the first push, she was against the huge centre island top. Her body gave way to the upward pressure, then he was getting taller again. It was at that moment that he entered her, it ignited Sonya as she hadn't been ignited for a long long time.
His cock burst her open like a large plum dropping from a tree into water, her knees bumped apart to let him in. She grabbed him so tightly. Then she was being lifted off her feet as he got more and more in, her toes were just about clear of the floor. Grant arched his back, throwing his hips forward. Her arms came away from his waist and went around his neck, she hung on to him, his hands were under her ass, and he began to pump her.
Sonya knew something about cocks, and she knew she had one in her right now, and it felt glorious. She buried her face into his neck and wailed softly as he took her over. Her body weight wouldn't let her lift herself up from him, and now he was all in. She could feel him deep within the pussy other men fought over.
Sonya managed to lift her knees up, and she close her feet around over his ass, he lifted her higher and sat her down. He was in the optimum position now, his cock had it been free, would be pointing right at her sopping pussy. Grant started to move, slowly ever so slowly, he knew he was a bit bigger than average. And he definitely knew the billiard ball he had on the end of his cock, would be something she had almost certainly not yet been tested by.
He drew it out, and pushed it back, Sonya felt something she never had, she was being forced apart by him with every back and forth thrust. This made her a crazy person, she was being touched and caressed in places yet unknown. She was going to cum and very soon, he deep thrusted her and the top of her head blew off.
Sonya's climax was, if not the best, then certainly the most unusual and surprising. Then Grant took her on, he whammed in and out, her ass bounced on the island top. His hips forced her knees wider until her feet fell away and she threw herself back to accommodate him. As she lowered down to lie on the island, he got her hips and began what could only be described as a total demolition.
He powered into her, Sonya had collective climaxes, then he stopped, and just looked down at her. Sonya gaped wildly at him, "Go on," she told him, "keep going Grant, don't stop." He held himself, his hips tight against hers, Sonya tried to push at him but she couldn't, "Grant, come on, make love to me, please Grant?" And there were the first words of her eventual submission to the 18 year old black boy wonder, "Please Grant."
He moved ever so slightly, to tease her, to keep her on edge, it worked. Sonya tried to move again, and again she failed. Without warning he withdrew and rammed his cock back in hard. He did it twice then stopped again. Sonya was bewildered, she had never had this problem before, every man she had allowed to make love to her, had been more than desperate to please her in any way they could.
But Grant, he was his own man, even if he was barely legal in age, he was a qualified lover already. He already knew what his cock could do in the right circumstances, and he was already of the opinion that these were surely the right ones, he had sensed it. "Grant, don't!" It was an order, he slammed into her twice more then stopped again.
"Please Grant, don't, I need it Grant, don't make me wait like this, please?" There it was again, "Please." Sonya was apoplectic by now. She needed that one last climax to reach her personal heaven, one she hadn't visited for months and months and months. Grant gave her a taster, he thudded in several times, Sonya's eyes were nearly popping out of her head.
Then he stopped again, "You need to slow down Mrs Hardaker," he said kindly, "just let it happen." She didn't want to, she was more in need to cum than she could ever remember. No man had ever tried to make her wait, or tease her like this. No man would even think about it, even dare to do it. To give her pleasure was their greatest gift from her.
His cock deep in again he began an inexorable withdrawal, she felt it as if moved her pussy walls to one side on its way out. When there was only the billiard ball head left in, the fear of him taking it out overwhelmed her. "Grant please, don't take it out, not yet, I haven't finished, just a few more minutes, please?" "A few more of these and I will be doing this again, and again after that," he told himself happily.
He gave her what she wanted, but as soon as he saw her begin to climb the wall he pulled back and stopped once more. Sonya was in purgatory, no one had ever treated her this way in her life, with such disdain, such callousness. She had been used to nothing but getting her own way with every man she had ever known, including her daddy.
Now she was faced with a man, or boy, who was treating her as his own, making her want him, making her plead to him, making her almost beg him to finish her off, beg him to let her finish off. "For God's sake Grant do me you bastard, do me!" she shouted now, her face changed, she looked at him horrifies, hoping she hadn't upset him. Then her voice changed, "I'm sorry Grant I really am, I shouldn't have said that."
She was wiggling on his cock. Begging his forgiveness, in mortal fear he would pull out altogether. "Please Grant, I'm sorry, make me cum please?" tears sprung into her eyes, never had she been more desperate to cum. For the first time, as far back as she could remember, she was in second place, behind the leader, the eventual winner.
He relented and gave her it all, long slow strokes, hard fast ones, Sonya bolted her orgasm out of her body and pussy. Then she fell back in catatonic like state as it decimated her. She didn't feel him cum in her, Grant pummelled her pussy for as long as he could before he blew a barrow load of cum right into her unprotected womb.
She felt the house moving around her, she opened her eyes to find herself lying on a sofa, he had carried her there to let her rest. He was at her side peering at her. She saw him smile, it was a lovely smile. Bright white teeth, surrounded by soft thick black lips, eyes that penetrated her soul. Sonya had forgotten about the torment he had put her through, all she wanted to do was hug him, so she did.
He kissed her, and caressed her body, hefting a tit, squeezing a thick nipple that was still electrified by her bodily orgasms. She let it happen, she revelled under it. Then he stood, he had already pulled his jeans back up. "I have to go Mrs Hardaker, I'll see you tomorrow okay?" And before she could answer, he gave her the sweetest passionate kiss he could, then he went quickly.
He didn't want to go, he wanted to stay all the rest of the day and night with her, but that would give her the chance to think, to decide that what had happened, while wonderful, couldn't be allowed to happen again. He wanted and hoped that she would want more by the morning, that having tasted the forbidden fruit, another bite of the apple would be too irresistible.
He went home, showered, and then he told his mother, she was his confidant. He left nothing out, and while she had serious misgivings, she was more than proud of her stud son. She told him that he done exactly right, leaving her hanging. That it would 99% certain she would during the morning, let him know she was happy with him. And that would be the cue for him to go a second round, and once that got underway, there would be more, a lot more.
The next day his mother made him get there late, only fifteen minutes, she was of the opinion that a lady like Mrs Hardaker would not be happy. But after he arrived she would be a bit keener than she would have been had he arrived on time.
Sonya had a face like thunder when he walked down her path. She had been waiting for him, and now she was going to give him a piece of her mind. She wasn't accustomed to tardiness, or insolence from subordinates. She was a fair woman, but she could also dish it out when nexessary. She was also fucking horny, and the more annoyed she got, the hornier she got.
Grants mother had been spot on, the second he entered her kitchen she went to him, "Where have you been Grant, I was worried, you are never late, are you alright?" His mother had given him a few scenarios of what might happen when she saw him, and this was one of them.
"Take her in your arms Grant," she had said, "after that, well, I'm sure nature will take its course." He did, and it did. He didn't speak, he drew her to him and crushed in a bear hug. "Humph," she breathed as the air was squashed out of her lungs, then he kissed her. "You look beautiful Mrs Hardaker," he said, and she did. She wasn't dressed for gardening, and she wasn't dressed to go out.
Sonya had been to the pharmacy to buy some morning after pills, she had no intention of becoming pregnant by him at all. Even though, she spent some time getting ready for his arrival. "Not for Grant," she had told herself, but she had. She was wearing a soft cotton top that slipped around her magnificent breasts, it was a bit like a tank top. Her skirt was knee level, and she was wearing 3" heels. Under those she had a simple bra and a thong. Her hair was a mass of soft curls hanging all over and around her beaitful face. And intentionally or not, Sonya had got ready for some action.
She had spent the night in a haze and a daze, her body was still on fire from yesterday, her pussy had been hauled over the coals, and it was still burning from him raking her out with that baseball cock of his. Sonya Hardaker hadn't been screwed like Grant had screwed her in her life. No one had eve |
r taken the liberties he had taken, the way he had taken her, like she wasn't there, but had been.
The tension she had been under with Grant refusing to give her his cock, was something she didn't want to experience again, but the galactic excitement created by him doing it, had been unbearably arousing. It was exhilarating in itself to be made to wait, to be teased so maddenly, and being unable to respond except to plead for him to do her.
She had also she realised now that she had loved it, he had taken the control, an 18 year old black boy had controlled what she was going through and not her. She had made love to men, and a couple of women. But she had always had the control, even in the times she relinquished it for her own pleasure.
With her locked in his arms, he knew he was going to take up from where he was yesterday. Grant attacked her immediately, his cock was waggled into place between her thighs, one hand went for a breasts, and a nipple, the squeeze was enough to disable Sonya's mind right from that moment.
She muffled into his chest, his smell wafted into her nostrils and she was ready for him again. "Why am I like this?" she asked herself, "What is it? I don't do this, I am me, I'm not his toy!" But there was something in her head that bypassed her reasoning. She would not be here like this with any other man, she knew that for a certainty. But there was something about this boy that she had never encountered in any other man, and she didn't know what it was, or how to handle it, it seemed it was handling her.
Grant walked her out of the kitchen, his arm secured around her, then she was leaning on him as he led her up the stairs. Sonya was going to say "no, let's stay down here," but she didn't have the words to say it, she also knew in her mind it would be a waste of time. Grant had no idea which of the bedrooms was hers. He guessed either one at the front, or one at the back. He chose the one at the back simply because it overlooked her garden, he was right.
He lifted her in his arms and laid her on the bed, Sonya didn't resist or say anything, she had nothing to resist, and she had no words to say. As soon as they were on it he guided her hand to his cock. He didn't attempt to undress her, he wanted her to know it, and feel it with her hands. This would seal it in her mind, he hoped. Sonya was doing exactly as he was telling her without her knowing it. And as soon as her palm and fingers met the baseball on the end, her finger tips roamed around and over it, they examined it through the fabric, this led her to scrambling to get in to it.
Grant lay back and let her get on with it, his mother was right again, as usual! She had told him to be strong minded, be his usual charismatic self, but patient also, very patient. Sonya was in a world of her own, a world Grants mother was making for him through her. His mother knew what he could do, she had seen some of her friends succumb to his charms, and some of their daughters, but that was before she herself had.
He put his locked fingers behind his head, and let his beautiful blond employer start to dig the hole she was getting into, deeper. Sonya had her hand inside, and now she gasped audibly, she half yanked it to get it out, causing it to bend before it popped out and nearly took her head off.
"Oh my, oh Grant," she whispered, she had never seen anything like this, she had seen longer, she had seen thicker, but she hadn't seen anything like this. It was the most beautiful cock she had ever had her hands on. It was black all the way up from it hairy and wiry base, until it got to the end, and that's where it was different to any other cock she had ever seen, and where it got it's beauty.
The head mushroomed out enormously, the ridge, which was black/pink, must have been at least ½" where it left the shaft to begin the climb over. The edge was slightly rounded, but still prominently sharp, the head itself was deep red, it looked soft and inviting, so inviting in fact, that Sonya popped down and kissed it. Her hand closed around it under the prominent ridge, and it almost hid her fingers.
This was her first black cock, she was so enamoured by the shape, it almost was club like, the sight filled her eyes and amazed her, it tilted her senses, to where she was bamboozled by it. She just stared at the gorgeous monster. She immediately called it in her mind as 'her spitting cobra.' It was hard, had a slight upward curve, and looked so terrifically threatening.
She actually wondered in her mind how she was going to get it into her mouth, the size of the head was huge compared to any cocks she had seen before. Something in her head told her kiss and suck it. "Do what he wants you to do Sonya," the voice told her. She looked over her shoulder to see where the voice came from before she realised it was hers in her head.
Grant was comfortable where he was, he was dying to grab her and fuck her into next week, but his mothers words were at him all the time. "Be patient darling, be patient!" So he forced himself to wait while the beautiful super rich blond lady who was his employer, became his through her own actions.
His mother had said, "From what you have told me Grant, I am certain she is ready to be plucked, she seems to be ripe for a new and better man in her life. A steady man with influence, and if you listen to me, you could very well be that man, young or not!" He had always listened to her, she had been his rock as a child, as he grew up, became a man, and she had taught him how to really love a woman, not just fuck her.
She had instigated affairs for him with friends and acquaintances, some in turn, who had taken him under their wing, even in his very early years. And one or two had confided to her what he had got, a one off cock! Then when she had discovered for herself what he had between his legs, she had taught him, and taught him well. And now this beautiful 35 year old wealthy divorcee was feeling the weight of him.
Sonya positioned herself for her hoped for assault on the black beauty near her mouth and in her hand. She glanced back at him, hoping he would urge her to get on with it, he didn't, his look was noncommittal. Sonya pouted to herself, it was almost a sulk. "How can he lay there like that knowing I'm going to suck his cock," she said to herself, "I might not now!" she pouted more. Then her mouth closed over the end, she forced it down and she got him in.
Her heart flipped as it filled her, she sucked hard and long, saliva dripped out, she pulled off, kissed it, she was mesmerized once more and jammed her luscious lips over and down on it again. Now she went to work, she was wild and abandoned in moments, her hand flashing up and down his cock, her suction was like an industrial hoover. She forced her other hand underneath him and felt for his ass. Sonya never did this, feeling a man's ass was not on her horizon, ever, but now it was. Whenever she had sucked a man off, it had been for her not him She would decide whether to do it or not, she would decide when he would cum, or not. But not now, oh no, now she was doing this for Grant, she wanted to do it for him, simply because, he was him!
Grant looking down from above made a mental note to thank his mother. His employers blond head was bobbing up and down at a rate of knots, her hand was a blur. "How is it Sonya?" he asked, "what is it like to suck and pay homage to a black cock?" Sonya went wild then, his words fired her into a greater effort. She was aroused beyond anything she had before. But Grant told himself off, he knew that could have backfired easily, his mother had told him not to take the piss.
"Be strong, patient, use your charm and charisma, that's all you need Grant, don't get big headed, or big mouthed," she had said. He knew she was right, he would follow her directions until he got to where he knew not. He lay back and went with it, he didn't try to hold back, he wanted to cum for her, and because he thought she wanted him to cum. It would make her feel special, he knew that. "And," he told himself, "she is special isn't she, very special."
Grant felt that delicious build up to a fabulous cum, the blond beauty working on him was almost frantic by now trying to make him cum. "Sonya," he gasped, and he wasn't acting, this was real. "I'm going to cum!" he told her. This was always a signal for Sonya to let the man cum or not, her decision, but not this time. She had nothing in her mind but to feel him cum, for her, and more importantly, for him.
She drove her mouth around the billiard ball, she could feel the heat, the tension and the power he was giving her. It drove her almost insane with the desire to have him cum in her. His hips rose and the first spurt of thick black seed filled her mouth, Sonya gobbled it down as if she was a starving refugee. Then more and more, it spit out of the sides of her mouth.
"Sonya," she screamed in her head, "what are you doing, you are losing it!" Her lips got tighter sealing off the escape route, and she swallowed manically to ensure she didn't drown it. It seemed to go on forever, she was bursting her nostrils trying to breathe as he ejected cum after cum after cum. Then he began to slow, she was winning her battle for him.
The pride and joy she felt in accomplishing her biggest ever cum load was immense. She had taken his lot, she had done it, and she had done it for him. She kept her stretched mouth on him, savouring the last few drops as they dribbled out for her. Her head lay still now on his washboard stomach, her fingers stroking his balls. Her other hand had a finger in his ass, and she kept that there too, gently moving and probing him, this was also a brand new first for her.
Grant was in absolute heaven, to have a woman as sexy and beautiful as she was sucking your cock and swallowing him was a real fillip to his young ego. And he felt it had been special for her too, she had gone mad for him, she had damn near sucked it right off. And now she was just laid there enjoying herself with him, he could feel her fingers working on, and in him.
Sonya wasn't an ass lady, she had done it a couple of times just to see what it was like, and she didn't. And as far as poking her finger into a man's ass, that was right off the page. Men, she considered were mainly dirty around that area, but here she was happily poking away in his. She hadn't really had time either to consider the racial differences between them, now she found herself pondering at it, her blond hair on his stomach, the black skinned cock with its huge bulbous red pink head.
The tight curly hair around the base of wonderful black cock, that her fingers loved running through already. The way his legs stretched out from her, the blackness of him, the taut muscles of his thighs. Her lily white hand, that was securing his balls gently. Sonya sighed in much appreciation, the contrast of him and her had a more than marked effect on her.
She silently, and gratefully hugged herself, Grant didn't know it, he never felt it, he wasn't supposed to. But Sonya knew he was different to any man she had ever known, his relatively young age making not one scrap of difference to her musing about him. She leaned over to kiss and lick his balls, she smelled him, he had a musk that was new to her. It was as seductive to her as the most powerful of aphrodisiacs.
She did something that again that she had never done, Grant wasn't forgotten, but he wasn't there either, she buried her face into him, his ball sac, between his spread legs. She basically and sexually was loving him that way, she was sexually loving a man, in a way she had never loved a man.
Her thoughts were jumbled and she felt animalistic, she wanted to rut, and be rutted. She wanted him to take her, use her and abuse her any way he wanted. She wanted to give herself up to him, and she didn't know why. She knew she could have just about any man she wanted, but she didn't want just any man, she wanted this man. And if she had to, she would do whatever it took.
She licked her lips to make sure there was no residue of cum on them, then she slid slowly up kissing her way, showing subservience to him. Sonya slaved her way up and over the ridges of his stomach, to the mounds of his breast muscles, with their dark nipples that she also kissed, then over the defined centre line of his own breasts. His chest, to what was his now, to her, magnificent and irresistible body.
She was now well aware of the difference in colour between them and it astonished her. It was as if someone had switched on a light, seeing it for the first time, and the light dazzled her. She had spent just about all of her life knowing who and what she was. Now this man boy had tipped it all ass over elbow, she didn't know the bottom from the top. Was she standing on her head or on her heels?
There was only one thought in her mind now, she needed to be screwed, however badly, however hard, however long it took, Sonya wanted it. And she was in her own bed with the only man on earth that could screw her now the way she wanted to be screwed. "Grant I need you now baby, you know it don't you baby, I have to have you baby. I can't be kept waiting baby, you know what I mean don't you baby?" she breathed her whole sexuality into his mouth as she kissed him.
Sonya was on the point of giving her life to him, a thought flickered through her mind. "If he wants me, he can have me I don't care. I just need him in me, now!" Her hand was already at work on him, she felt the first tug from it, as if it was a living and breathing beast, it was! It was her cobra, she wanted him to spit its venom deep into her, she needed it so much now.
Grants mother had told him that if things happened as she had thought, hoped or predicted they would, then he would know it was time to give her what she was wanting. Grant guessed that this was the time, he smiled at her, kissed her, then slowly pushed her on to her back. The look on her face was it seemed to him, one of hope and anticipation. Her hand still twisted to his cock as it grew for her, it slid up the shaft as she rolled over, to become stuck under the ridge she loved so much.
When she had sucked him, it had felt to her like an apple that someone had cut in half, but not quite got it right, one half was bigger than the other, and that bigger half was the one she had had in her mouth, her lips had just managed to encompass it, her white even teeth gripped over the edge like the teeth of a digger after its load. And she had fitted it to her, for him!
Her expression told him she was wanting him and his cock, which the sight of was now seared into Sonya's brain, in her aching pussy again as quickly and as damagingly badly as he could. Sonya's memory of it wouldn't release her from the hold it had on her. The powerful, and not only physically, youngster kept his eyes locked with hers as he slowly and agonisingly teased her.
She knew what she wanted, she wasn't going to give him a reason to make her wait again as he had the last time. Already she was praying her wouldn't hold it in her, keeping the suspense up, and in doing so, her! Sonya raised her knees, lower legs and feet in readiness, her eyes begging him, her arms on his shoulders ready to grab and hang on as the dreadful painful, and wonderful sensation of him forcing his way past everything in his cocks way, her lips were in a perfect 'O' waiting.
Grant was above her, he seemed so graceful in his movements, she felt a slight nudge. Her knees went as far sideways as possible to give him the room. Another nudge and she felt the pressure, she daren't speak, except for a hopeful "Oooooh." His hands were at the sides of her, she glimpsed his elbows flexing then with an unexpected push he was in, and Sonya cried out.
She split apart as he entered, but then he stopped, she almost thanked him because he had. The pain she was in, was immediately overtaken and replaced by the gratefulness she felt, and the mountainous pleasure she gained from having him back in her. "Oh Grant, oh Grant, Oooooh oh yes, please Grant be gentle," she pleaded, "at first?" she added wickedly.
Now Sonya wanted to feel the raw power the boy had when he was ready, "Please baby push it in slowly, then go for it Grant, do it the way you want, I'm ready." She was giving him carte blanche, not that her needed her permission. He pressed his hips forward an Sonya sucked in a deep breath.
She had no idea of what to expect, she knew he had the armoury to fire shots and salvos at her at will. She was a literal sitting duck for him. She didn't know that his intention was to screw her the very way she wanted him to. This was her time, but what she also didn't know was, it was all planned by his mother, she was the real controller here.
And unknown to Grant just yet, his mother had other plans of her own too. She knew Grant would follow her, and Catty, that was her name, would make a play of her own, but knew she would have to include her loving son.
Grant sank all the way in and Sonya felt as if she had been plugged off from the rest of the world. The apple in her was snug and tight right into her cervix. He pulled slowly back, and repeated the action many times until Sonya's pussy had got used to the invasive weapon. She was holding him, and suddenly he exploded into feverish action, he drove in and out slamming his hips into her upturned ass and pussy.
Sonya cried out in rush of fear, thinking he was going to try and hurt her, but he didn't. He was doing what she wanted him to do, and then some. His cock powered up and he set about giving the wondrous blond beauty the shagging of her life. Grants face was a mask of concentration, he kissed her as his hips flew up and down. Sonya came for the first time, and it nigh on blew her to bits, then others followed in quick succession.
Grant was robotic but sensual in his deeds for her, he had no other plan but to give the woman all she ever wanted, and all she ever deserved. His goal was to make her want him more and more, again, and again. He now understood where his mother was coming from, fucking a woman isn't the same as loving them, fucking a woman isn't the same as giving them what they want, and fucking a woman is not the same as giving them what they need, and how they perceive to be their own desires.
Sonya was in blissful disarray, her body was on fire, her pussy was torn to bits, metaphorically. Her entire being was shot, and she loved it. There had never been anywhere or anytime in her life a moment like this, and she came again. She thanked her lucky stars, she even saw them as they crashed around in her mind. She couldn't keep pace with him, he outstripped her, out ran her, and out fucked her, there would be no way back from this, she thought.
Grant was building up to that unstoppable finale, he could feel the tension rising within him, he lunged one more time almost bending Sonya in half. And he shot his hot thick load deep in Sonya's again unprotected womb. It felt to her as if he had gone past her cervix and spewed it right into her womb, and not bothered with the niceties.
She came again for him, and then she went into a mild stupor, her mind fogged, her thoughts left, she was in limbo for a moment, until her eyes flickered open, and her mind cleared a little. He was laid on her, she was trapped under him, he himself was spent. He had done his mothers bidding, and he had never felt better or more shattered, he felt marvellous.
He felt proud, proud that he had served this beautiful lady whom he knew now deserved to be served, or, he told himself quickly, serviced. And he had every intention of servicing her more than regularly. He liked her, did he love her? he would keep that to himself. He could see a life here if he did what he was supposed to do, and that was. To keep her happy, keep her home, keep her garden, and keep her satisfied in every way, and he had no qualms on the particular score.
Sonya lay there, "This would be the time to lay back and smoke a cigar!" she giggled to herself, "how can he, how does her do it, this has never happened before." She knew she didn't love him, she loved his cock and what he could do with it, how he used it. She also knew it just wasn't his cock either, "to use that," she thought, "you have to have the rest of the package."
Did she love him? She really didn't know, at her age Sonya should be in charge of her life, on her game. Instead she was behaving like girl who had found the absolute magic of sex on a big scale. But she did know that she loved the cock, and that what she felt was spreading to the rest of him. The utterly beautiful blond 35 year old divorcee had a lot of thinking to do.
But it wasn't going to happen while she was with him, the only thinking she could possibly stay with was, when, and how again. She rolled him on to his back, but after she had got her breath and scrambled mind back in tow. Now she straddled him, this was a first too, she topping him, she in the dominant position, she knew too that he could change that at a drop of his proverbial hat!
Sonya, for the first time ever, had met a man who could and had bypassed her personal authority, even in her own bed, she felt like she was in his. "How could this be?" she wondered, "what has he done to me, what is he doing to me?" Whatever it was, she |
had to admit that she liked it, she liked being the one to give in, even unasked, she felt he expected her to do it, so she did. It was simply because of him, of who he was!
"I would love to have you tied up one time Sonya," he obliquely said, it surprised her so much she could only splutter. She was so shocked, she even laughed. "Tie me up Grant? I don't think so," she said. Then added as a sort of afterthought, "not yet anyway, I don't know you well enough for that." He smiled at her, "That I can understand, sorry I mentioned it," he told her. But he wasn't, his mother had suggested he say some off the wall things. Not to upset her, but to try and get into her mind to see what she was like, what she liked, and what she might like. And crucially, what she didn't like, to see what her reactions would be.
"Anyway, if there is tying up to be done, it will be by me, not you," she tittered. Grant almost shouted with glee, the thought of him being tied up by this most beautiful sexy older woman, and her having him every which was sexually, would be every boy's dream, let alone vey man's dream. "Any time you are ready Sonya," he said, "I am too." She moved to him, she liked him, she liked him a lot. "This boy, man, is so different from any I have ever known, is he really real?" she asked herself as she closed in on him. She leaned over and kissed his dark mouth. She kissed him in a way that she hoped she had never kissed a man, she wanted to be different herself. She wanted him to know he was special, especially to her. He was growing on her like a vine creeps up a wall.
Sonya began to love him, not only sexually, but also from the heart, she felt the change in her, the depth of him was around her. Sonya pressed herself all over him saying. "I can't get close enough to you Grant," her mouth wide open, she raked it across his chest. Then he hit her with a bombshell that pulled her up quick.
"What about the future Sonya, what about us, is there an us?" he said. "I want you, to be with you, to love you, I want you to be mine wholly, not part time, completely." The words had such meaning she gasped, she understood what he was saying, what he was asking. And she knew that inside, she had thought some of the thoughts he had just mentioned, particularly the future, was there one?
"The short answer to that Grant, I just don't know," she admitted, "we are from completely different backgrounds, different cultures, different society's even. But I am into you Grant." "Do you think you might love me, might be in love with me?" he interrupted. "If I'm honest, I really don't know, but I think I might be Grant," she said and looked him in the eyes. "Why, do you love me?" "Yes I do," he said and looked away as if embarrassed, he wasn't sure if he did or not, but he wasn't going to hedge as she was. Sonya's heart clutched at her.
"Oh Grant, let's wait and see a while hey, I have to confess, in all my years I have never met anyone like you. And I don't care how young you are. I have to further confess, I like you, I like the way you are, the way you move, the way you think, the way you behave with me. No one had ever moved me the way you do, no one."
Now he rolled her over, got the top position, held her, and Sonya knew she was being held too. It was a hold that told her she was his. Her lips trembled, he kissed them, his leg crossed hers and he drew her right in. Sonya stretched her wonder body into him, edged all the way, she curled into him like a cat in its owners lap.
Then they slept like that, time passed and Sonya opened her eyes to the sight of him lying there, like black god above and around her. "I do love you Grant," she admitted to herself. "I know I shouldn't but God help me, I do." But she knew she had to try and keep it to herself until she had gathered her thoughts. She could not determine for the life of her how this had happened. It was like she had been out somewhere, and when she came back, she found she was like this. In love with the sexiest black boy, man, any man, she had ever met. He completely shrouded her mind until all she could see and think of now, was him.
The underlying fact that bothered her the most was the age difference, she knew it wouldn't bother him, ever. But she knew he was a young, and very virile young man. But his needs might be too much for her, then what would she do?
Another week passed, they had hardly been apart, he had stayed over, lived with her. Sonya was she was getting comfortable in having him there, in the house, and in her bed. The thing that separated them for the moment was the fact that he wanted to fuck her in the ass, she had said yes, but neither he, nor she, could do anything to get the apple headed cock in there.
He had been home to see his mother, and now she suggested he tie her to the bed spread-eagled. And when he had she wanted him to call her. As he had asked why, she took a deep breath and told him a lie, before she told him the truth.
"Because darling," she said as she stroked his gorgeous cock for him, no one could do this to him like she could, they both knew it. "I can get her to marry you, your future would be secure, your college would be guaranteed, and your life would be set out. All she will want from you is your love." "And?" he asked, he knew there was something else, he knew his mother, intimately. "Darling," she said, "you don't know this, but there are times when I like to be with another woman." Grant sat back in shock, "Mother, you? You, you and another woman? Well if that don't beat hen racing I don't know what does!" His cock actually flagged momentarily, but soon returned to its normal self in his mothers hand.
"Think about it Grant please before you dismiss it, it's important to me, and you if you do think about it." Grant suddenly saw where she was coming from. "Me, you, Sonya, the future, yea, I get it, but I don't know if she is that way inclined," he said. "Then ask her Grant, ask her," she told him as her hand speed passed through the sound barrier! His mother watched his cum fly high into the air, and caught it in her mouth on the way down, or most of it.
The next day Sonya found herself on her hands and knees, or rather her head was down and turned sideways. He was doing it again, teasing her by refusing to fuck her head off. Instead he was holding it still inside of her. She was on her very expensive Persian rug, in her enormously expensive house being rogered stupid by her young black lover.
There was nothing she could do, she had no control over the situation she was in, and certainly no control over the boy fucking her from behind. She hated and loved this at the same time. She hated the frustration she felt, the agony of his cock being in her but held dormant by him. She also loved him for doing her the way he constantly did. She never knew what was coming next, Sonya Hardaker had never had a lover like this, who treated her like this, a lover who would even dare to think of treating her like this. And one she submitted to now, every time. She realised she was his now, unasked, and unable to ask.
"How many women have you had Sonya?" he said. The question took her by surprise, all she wanted was him to do her, not ask questions. She never answered, thinking he would get on and shag her rotten, again! "Come on Sonya, answer me or we'll be here all morning," he told her as he waggled the great apple head of his young black cock in her hot dripping pussy.
"Grant please," she said, "don't, please?" Another waggle and she gave in. "Two, two Grant," she begged, "okay?" "Were you equal, were they dominant, or you?" he asked. "They were the dominant one's, please Grant, I'm desperate here." She was almost bleating. He thought and then said, "Single, married, black or white?" Sonya grunted as she received another excruciating waggle. "One married, one single, both white, why Grant why?"
He didn't answer her now, instead he screwed her the way she had been asking for, and he did drive her right off the rug and across the floor. Her cum was dripping out as she slid over, Sonya was back in her Grant made heaven. She was cumming again as if it was the first time with him. Every time seemed like the first time to Sonya now.
He helpd her up and she nearly fell down, her legs were so weak, they sat on the sofa close up and personal. When they had got their breath back, amid lots of loving kisses, touches and hugs. Sonya suddenly told him. "I love you Grant, I will do anything for you, you only have to ask, or even don't ask me. I'll do it, I want you here with me permanently, will you?" "Yes I will, I love you too," he told her, "but you have to be sure, I'm only 18, nearly 19, and I'm black, can you cope, are you sure?" "I have never been more certain in my life. You already know I'm independent. I don't answer to anyone. I..." "You'll answer to me though Sonya!" he said, and the look on his face confirmed her mind. She thought briefly, "Yes Grant, I will answer to you, I love you, I'm yours. Everything I am and have, are yours darling. My love will know no bounds for you. We will be great, both of us, you'll see," her voice and demeanour were unequivocal.
Sonya Hardaker the exotic blond society beauty, had done in a few short weeks what no man had ever had a chance of doing. She gave herself, capitulated to a stronger being, and that being was her 18 year old black lover, her guy.
That night at home Grant told his mother everything, they were both so happy. They also vehemently promised each other that they themselves would not spoil this. She told him of her hopes and desires, one of them being the beautiful blond now belonging to her son. He agreed, he knew Sonya had been with two women, so letting his sexy black mother loose on her should be the defining moment in their lives.
The thing was to get her tied up, Sonya insisted on her tying him up first, he didn't have any real thoughts, but the enjoyment was immense. She had made him cum, she had fucked him, but she couldn't tease him the way he teased her. She couldn't keep still on him. It was the first time Sonya had been given any semblance of control, and she had loved it, but not as much as she loved being controlled by her Grant.
The following day, he had her down and tied by 10am, he made her crazy, her clit was murdered, her super sensitive nipples were attacked beyond her endurance. He had his cock in and out without once screwing her. Sonya was a mess, she was begging him, beseeching him to make her cum, to screw her, do whatever he wanted she didn't care, all she wanted to do was cum.
He walked out of the room with Sonya begging him not to leave her, she was almost delirious, no one could do this, no one had ever done this, but he did, and he could. It drove her insane with desire. The door opened again, her heart flipped with happiness, he walked to her, she gazed at him longingly. "Please Grant," she begged almost weeping with the frustration of being kept like this. Then Grants mother stepped out from behind him. She was wearing a full length silk dress, neck to toe, she had nothing underneath, her hair was up, and she looked fantastic, even Grant hadn't seen her looking quite like this.
They had met, and were on good speaking terms, and Sonya had told Grant that she was a beautiful sexy looking woman. Sonya Hardaker was about to find out first hand just how sexy she could be, given the right environment, though as yet she was unaware of it.
"Sonya, nice to see you again, but if I'd known you be tied up and busy today I would have called some other time," she smiled a brilliant white smile. Sonya looked from her to Grant, she was nonplussed. She was forgetting she was tied to her bed spread-eagled.
Grant?" she queried. "Don't worry Sonya, mother will explain everything, it will all become clear," he leaned down and kissed her". Then he walked away again, and he wouldn't be back until the next day, mother's instructions. He always did what she told him, he loved her above all others. He was in essence a mommy's boy. But, he was also, all man! Sonya looked at his mother again. "Catty, I don't understand, what's going on?" "Well to be honest Sonya, I'm going on, to you!" she added. "On?" she said, "on to me, what do you mean?" Catty let her dress slide down her body to the floor, and Sonya gasped. Without speaking, Catty climbed over Sonya's prone body murmuring appreciation, as she settled her knees next to Sonya's breasts.
"Catty? Grant!" she shouted, then Catty grabbed squeezed and rolled Sonya's still super sensitive nipples, and Sonya growled in arousal. Her head went back, and she mewled involuntarily . The sort of the best kind. Sonya was unresisting to anything Grant did, and now his mother was exerting the same hold on her. She had no fight in to resist, she didn't even want to fight her, or it. The sexiest woman Catty had ever met was also a feline beast of sexual depravity, as Catty destroyed her senses, and all started by her wonderful sexy son.
Sonya peered up at the silky black skinned woman above her, her proud tits, her nipples pointing straight over her head, and a lovely head it was too. "Catty," she whimpered, now she knew why Grant had wanted her tied up, and now she knew she wasn't going to get out of this anytime soon.
The trouble was, and it was the most urgent thing on her mind, was to 69 her. The thought of having her mouth secured to the white sexy pussy had been in her mind already. Catty was taking her back to where Grant had had her a few minutes ago. Sonya did have a liking for women, more so than she had admitted to Grant. And now she was a captive to her young lovers equally gorgeous black mother.
And she also knew Catty was going to have her way, and that she, Sonya, was going to go with it all the way, happily. Catty exerted all her wiles on the beautiful blond in her charge. It had been on her mind for weeks now. But everything had its place, and first in line was to kiss her to see what her reaction was going to be. She lay down over Sonya, her lips right over hers, her eyes locked on hers, her finger tips gently tearing at her nipples.
She inexorably and so slowly lowered her mouth to Sonya's, her eyes locked on hers. Sonya knew she was going to be kissed and could not turn her face away. As Catty's lips first touched, Sonya bubbled, Catty's lips kept on coming and as they did the meeting was cemented more and more. And the more Sonya sank into it.
"Mmmmm," Catty murmured into Sonya's mouth, "it's better than I could have imagined." She slid higher bringing her thick dark nipples over Sonya's mouth, and without saying anything to her. Sonya's sexy pouting lips sucked one in. Suddenly Sonya was frantic to please the black woman on her, controlling her. "Oh how I love this," she told herself, "being made to love someone, being taken, I love it, I love it, I love it!"
Sonya was so high from the merciless teasing from Grant, that having his mother take over from where he had left her hanging hadn't quite registered yet. And every passing second it became less likely. Catty was an accomplished lover of women, she had been in with the best, and taught by the best. So taking on this gorgeously beautiful blond divorcee was a walk in the park. She kissed her again, her tongue taking up residence in her mouth, and she heard Sonya sigh back into hers, her finger tips snagged her nipples, then her pussy. Sonya tried to fly.
Sonya came, Grant had had her so close to cumming many times that Catty bringing her to the top and throwing her over was a cinch. Sonya's back arched as the thought of her being here like this became uppermost in her mind. She liked this, she liked being dominated, not physically, but lovingly. Grant, and now his lovely sexy black mother having the upper hand was something she had never considered, but now it was happening she knew she had missed out for much of her adult life.
Sonya had been lovers to two very different women, one in college, her roommate had come on to her. And she simply took her one night, and used her as and when, it had been a wonderful yet painful experience, because she could never reconcile being just taken like she had been, even though the sexual enjoyment was top notch.
The other one had been a married Venezuelan, a diplomat's wife, whom she had met at a function. The woman had invited her to her holiday home, and Sonya had been seduced as easily as eating apple pie by her. She had spent 3 weeks with her and they had met up afterwards for fun and games. This woman, coffee coloured, jet black hair, almond eyes, had been dominant too, but more in the mould of the sexy black woman on top of her right now, making her squeal in exciting arousal.
Catty kissed Sonya long and hard, her tongue playing havoc in her mouth, her lips owned her. Sonya could only kiss her back, so she did, willingly. All the time she was being reeled in, she was giving herself up to the powerful woman on her. Catty got her pussy again and Sonya howled with arousal.
Sudden movement from Catty opened Sonya's eyes, all she saw were two black satin skinned moons sliding over her. Then pink black lips hovered there, an inch above her face. Catty had positioned herself so she could face sit the beautiful blond, wanted or not. Sonya's first realisation was catty's perfumed pussy, her musk, sexual heat, the moisture gathering on the lips, they seemed to quiver as she took it all in.
Then the satin moons got closer, the smell got greater, the intense heat swarmed her, her eyes focussed on the nearing moons until they touched down on Sonya's cheekbones. She saw finger tips appear, they sank into the two soft moons and spread them apart. Now the black, pink lipped pussy was dripping love juice into her open mouth. Sonya tasted Catty for the very first time, as they came into more contact, Sonya's tongue popped out to probe the incoming artillery.
Catty tasted wonderful, it was a taste Sonya knew she would love, and would want to taste it again. By the time that wish had gone Catty was sitting fully on her, she was careful not to block Sonya's nose to the oxygen she needed to fulfil Catty's seduction of her completely.
Sonya did her very best to fill the desire wanted from her by her new black lover, the mother of her young black lover. Catty attacked Sonya's pussy with her fingers, she caused pure devastation, she ravaged her clit, she kissed and licked, bit and sucked. Her pussy was driving a pathway across Sonya's face, cunt juice bled out into her mouth as Catty came in her.
She sucked and licked as much up as she could, the rest ran down her face and into her hair. She was now wanting to love this woman, make love to her, give her as much as she could. Both women had several orgasms both forced on the other. Catty was beside herself with the glad tidings given to her by her son's beautiful blond woman.
She slid away and nestled into Sonya, she wrapped herself up in the blonds gorgeous sexy body and kissed her half to death. Sonya returned all she could. As they lay there Sonya began to gather her thoughts.
"Catty, the sex I have with Grant, I know you know about it, its obvious he's told you. And I have never had better, he is something else, and I can assure you I will never want to let him go. I want him, and I'm sure he wants me too. I can accept that he has confided in you, but in its turn, the sex we have just had equals what we have, in its own way."
"Yes Sonya, he has told me, I am his mother, and we are closer than most mothers and son's. He loves me, possibly more than you but in a so different way. Now he knows all about me, though he never knew this part about me."
"But he does now though doesn't he Catty?" Sonya said, "I guess you are lovers too, you have to be. And somehow, after this with you, I can accept that too, in fact I rather like the idea. Can we share him, please?" An exquisite eyebrow lifted in question.
"That my beautiful blond lady, was the plan I had in my mind already, and having you put it to me, instead of the other way round, is as pleasing to me as life itself." "Kiss me Catty, kiss me like you mean it, and if you do, we will have a bond, an agreement, that cannot be broken by neither you, nor I, only Grant will have the final say, agreed?" "Wow," Catty said, she thought for a while, then she gave Sonya her most treasured kiss, the one reserved for only Grant. "Agreed," she said. Sonya smiled, it seemed that her life was on a new and very unexpected path.
It was, and it changed dramatically months later, she became pregnant, but they decided to keep it among the three of them. Catty started showing a bump, and as the months went by it grew as a pregnant woman did. Sonya never left the house, a doctor and midwife was brought in while the term continued.
Nine months and a beautiful little curly semi blond daughter was born, her skin was coffee coloured. Catty was a mother to the outside world, but Sonya adopted her legally. And now Sonya was a birth mother, and an adoptive mother to her own child, a year later another girl was born in the same way, Catty had the bump, Sonya secretly had the lump. and the new baby.
She had dropped out of her society life for the one she had found with Grant and his mother. And having moved homes they were secure in the knowledge that their lives were inextricably linked forever. |
Title: Benefits Ch. 08
Tags: jake parker, catch movie, mila dyl, dyl mila, miracle worker, decided thing, working tonight, call jake, turned phone, uncle nick
*All events in this story are totally and completely fictitious. None of it EVER, and let me repeat, EVER happened.*
After a long flight, long mainly due to my thoughts over all the shit that had just gone down recently, I had arrived in good old New York. Home of the Yankees, the Mets, and the good ol' Nick's Dive bar, which I was headed to right now in a cab. I hadn't seen my uncle Nick in about two years; same went for his son, my cousin Kyle. But since I was going to be living with Kyle and working for uncle Nick, now was as good a time as any to reacquaint myself with them.
After a long ride, I finally got to the bar. I knocked on the door fairly loudly. After a few minutes, the door creaked open.
"Sorry, this bar doesn't allow the lower class in," a voice said sarcastically.
"Really," I replied. "Then how in the blue Hell did you get in?" I saw the door slowly open up. Before me stood a guy, my height, jet black hair, soul patch, and tattoos on his arms. He was wearing blue jeans and a white tank top. It was Kyle.
"What I don't look high class Mr. Monopoly?" he asked with a belch in tow. "How ya been ya fucker?" He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into the bar, picking up my bags and throwing them behind me. "What brings you here? I mean, Pops told me you'd be droppin' buy to stay for a bit. Didn't really give me any details."
"Well, let's just say I need to clean my head, and nothing like the semi-fresh air of NYC to clear the brain."
"Fine, fine, keep your secrets Mysterio. Just remember, I see all...that and I can be a real jackass when a secret is being kept from me."
"Antsy over secrets are we?" I asked, handing him one of my bags. "What are you, a ten-yearld girl? Now come on and help me get settled in."
"WHOA, do I look like your bitch?"
"I'll buy ya a slice of pizza."
"All righty then," he replied, grasping two duffles and leading me to the apartment above. "And for the record, I want deep dish bitch."
After I had most of my stuff set up in the apartment, we went to a close-by pizza place to get Kyle his precious slice of deep dish. We settled down in a booth, him with his slice and a beer, myself with a salami sub and a Dr. Pepper.
"So tell me Mr. Mystery, what's with the sudden move?" Kyle asked between bites. "I mean, last I heard, your store was doin' well enough, ya had a nice girl, things're great; so what makes you drop all that and drop off right in front of the good ol' Dive?"
"Nothing I really want to talk about right now Sherlock," I grumbled. "Let me just say, it's something I just can't deal with back home. I needed to bail so I could just get clear of it all for a good long while. That and all those California hippies were drivin' me nuts."
"Okay, you got it. No more questions about that subject. But on to more important crap. Like for instance, you wanna go out, get some tail tonight?"
"No, sorry man."
"Why not, you lose yer dick or something on the flight?"
"No, it's just I feel I should start working tonight, you know? Pay your Dad back starting tonight for letting me stay for a while." That sounded reasonable. I couldn't tell him the truth. That I was basically still fucked on the inside after everything that happened between me and Elisha. And what Dyl and Mila had done to me. I didn't even want to start thinking of being back on the single scene again. Bad enough I had thoughts of Elisha with other guys in my head.
"Dude, I'm sure Pops will let you out for at least a night. You're family. It's no big deal."
"Fine, if uncle Nick says yes, why not? Might as well start having fun here. Gonna be here for a while most likely."
"That's the fuckin' spirit my main man!" he exclaimed, getting looks from people in the restaurant. "Oh, pardon me, I come from a long line of obnoxious jackasses."
"Thank goodness my mom doesn't carry the obnoxious gene," I said. "But I did unfortunately get the jackass disease."
"Don't worry fair cousin, there is yet a cure."
"What's that?"
"Ladies. In the words of a great scholar, giggidy giggidy gigg-a-dy. Allllll right."
"Dude, you do know that impression really freaks me out."
"Well duh..."
We headed back to the bar the long way; I decided I wanted to take a bit of a relaxed walk and Kyle decided to come along to try and get me to spill about what had happened in L.A. Fortunately for me, spending most of my summers growing up with the guy, I knew this tactic, and decided to do the one thing that would get him off the subject for good. It would trap us in a pointless, stupid argument for the rest of the day, but it would be worth it.
"You know, no matter how much you bug and annoy me, I'll always hold one fact close to my heart," I said to him as we walked by a hot dog cart.
"What's that?" he asked.
"That Kyle Rayner was easily the best Green Lantern EVER. Better than Hal Jordan. Way better."
"You motherfucker...Hal was TEN TIMES the Lantern your bitch boy Kyle is. Fuckin' Hal was totally fearless and honest; that's a fucking hero!"
And the mouse took the cheese...
"All I'm sayin' is Grant Morrison, who did the best JLA run ever, refused to ever do a flashback story because he thought Hal was bland and boring, whereas Kyle was a fleshed out character," I said as I walked through the door of the bar. We had been arguing for the better part of a half hour. Sure, it was odd, two grown men arguing over a fictional character with a super-hologram power ring, but it was better than poking at a fresh wound.
"Fuck Morrison!" he exclaimed. "Motherfucker wouldn't know a good hero if one came off the page and kicked his ass."
"I didn't ever hear you complain when he had Batman single-handedly beat the living shit out of a bunch of Martians."
"...Go fuck yourself. We're going up to that apartment and reading every GL comic I can find 'til you ditch Kyle GAYner and go for the real hero."
"Whatever dude. Live in your little fantasy world."
"Like you don't?"
"Well, yeah, of course I do. But in my world I get to drive both the Batmobile AND the Mach 5."
"What's that I hear?" a voice asked in the store room. "Is it the sound of two grown men arguing over men in tights? It can only be two people...welcome back Kyle, and how ya doin' Jake?" Out burst my uncle Nick, a big guy. Kingpin big, i.e., muscle, giving me a big hug. He looked like an older version of his son. Older plus muscles and about an extra foot of height.
"Uh, uncle Nick," I managed to get out. "I think you're bruising my ribs."
"Sorry 'bout that kid. Ain't seen my favorite nephew in a while, or heard Nick here talk with as big a dork as him in a while. Made me all sentimental-like. How're things going by the by my boy?"
"Good so far. I was actually gonna ask you if I could start working here tomorrow. Kyle thought it'd be good if I went out with him tonight. I believe the term he used was, 'get some tail.'"
"Well, since it is something of huge importance, why not? I wasn't really gonna have ya start working tonight anyway unless ya wanted to. Thursdays aren't the busiest ya know."
"All right! Party night my almost-bro!" Kyle exclaimed.
"Yeah yeah, but first sonny boy, you and Jake are gonna eat dinner here first. Give Jake a proper welcoming into our home."
"All right Dad. The usual classic Cassidy home-cooked meal?"
"Oh, but of course."
"Takeut Chinese it is."
After the hearty meal of MSG-smothered goodness, Kyle and I went up to the apartment to get ready for the night. Kyle would, no doubt, be dressed in some blueish suit, black shirt. Like Chris Kattan from A Night At The Roxbury. It's his way. Me, I decided to at least look better than I felt. Put on a nice leather jacket that Laura had convinced me to buy before I left, simple white t-shirt and some black slacks. I walked out into the living room, ready to go out. Kyle saw me and started to laugh.
"When the Hell did you become Mr. Fashion Plate?" he asked. "As opposed to your old title, Mr. Potato Head?"
"A good buddy back home kind of got me into looking more like James Bond than Indiana Jones," I replied.
"Gonna have to meet this miracle worker. But only if it's a really hot chick."
"Well, you may meet her. Don't know yet if she'll even have time to come up for a hello."
"Dude, ya gotta intro me if she's hot. Speakin' of buddies a'yours, how're Mila and Dyl?"
"Hey, let's get going, don't want other guys to be gettin' the women-type folk, do we?" I asked abruptly. I wasn't even ready to start speaking on the subject of Dyl or Mila. I got a little pissed off at the mere thought of them. A whole conversation would turn me into the Hulk. Albeit in a stylish leather jacket and not garrish purple pants.
We arrived at the club right in the middle of the ripe time. Not too many people, but more than enough women. Perfect timing. We got in with no trouble. Kyle went immediately out onto the dance floor. I headed to the bar. I've never been one for dancing at all, and electronic music...just ugh. I ordered an MGD and watched Kyle as he effortlessly went up to ladies and got them laughing and interested. Kind of the opposite of me. Especially in my current state of mind. I came here to get my mind off...her. But no matter what I tried, nothing worked. I turned around, I saw a blonde girl who looked like her. I hear her laugh if any girl laughs. But when I think of her, I think of what I did, and what she did...then I want more beer.
I ordered my second one. I took a sip a noticed a girl across the bar looking at me. She was amazingly cute. Nice smile. Long brown hair. Brown eyes. She got up and started to walk towards me, giving me a full view of her. She was wearing a simple enough black dress and black-strap heels, but on her the simple outfit looked flatut gorgeous. She walked up and sat on the stool right next to me.
"You know, you have to be the most depressed looking guy I have ever seen in a nightclub," she said. "And that includes the Goth clubs."
"You don't look like much of a Goth girl," I replied.
"Eh, the thrills of youth," she said with a bit of a laugh. "So what has you so down Mr..."
"Jake, you can call me Jake Parker, Ms..."
"Josie. Josie Maran."
"Wow, I got a swimsuit cover girl that I've never met before talking to me with a bit of concern. Next up, I'l be handed the Nobel Peace Prize. Then someone will hand me the keys for the Batmobile and I'll be fuckin' set"
"What, you don't get attractive women coming up to you at all?"
"Not when I'm holding a beer bottle like its my only bud in the world."
"Well, if you only pay attention to the beer bottle, it just might be your only friend."
"Okay Ms. Maran, you have my undivided attention."
"Good. Now you come over to that booth there and talk to me. Think you can handle that Mr. Parker?"
I followed her over to the booth she was pointing at and we sat down.
"So, Mr. Parker," she asked playfully. "Why so resistant to the charms of a lady?"
"Just some personal stuff really," I said. "And you can call me Jake by the way."
"Okay then Jake, how bad can the personal stuff be to make you ignore any woman giving you the eye?"
"What is this 'eye' you speak of? No woman has ever given me the eye, at least none worth mentioning now."
"Ouch, I pity the poor girl then."
"Believe me, you shouldn't," I said gruffly, the mere thought of Mila enough to start a slow simmer of anger.
"I sense whoever the girl is, she's a subject that should not be spoken of."
"By George, I do think you're right Ms. Maran!"
"A-thank you kind sir."
"Perhaps you could solve another mystery for me," I asked, taking another sip from my beer.
"What's that?" she asked with a smile.
"Why exactly would a swimsuit model-turned-actress come up to a visibly depressed guy in a bar when there are more than enough happy, although most likely shit-faced, guys on the floor and at the bar?"
"You want the truth then? Well, I know your cousin, we used to date, but are friends now, and he said you were a bit on the down side, and someone like me talking to you might cheer you up."
"Because I'm of course shallow enough for that to work."
"Hey, don't take any offense Jake. He just thought it'd cheer you up. Obviously he was wrong, and I'm sorry if I bothered you." She got up to leave before I grabbed her arm.
"No, sit down please. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as rude, but it just kind of gets to me that someone thinks they need to goad women into talking to me, thinking it's A) A GOOD thing, and B) Like it's gonna magically wash away what's going on in my life."
"He was just trying to help, so don't be too pissed at him. Damn, whatever happened to you must have been big to make you this aggressive."
"How would you know what I'm normally like?"
"Kyle talks about you a bit. And from the picture he painted, you come off more as a Picasso version of it right now."
"Well, I am sorry if somehow the holy image of Jake was distorted."
"Could you please lay the sarcasm on a bit thicker?"
"Sorry," I said, sipping again.
"Listen, I'm sorry if me coming up to you bent you out of shape at all. Let me make it up to you."
"Let me take you out tomorrow for a day of 'making it up to you' fun. Eveything my treat. Movie, you got it. Food, whatever restaurant you want. Las thing Kyle wanted was to get you more into whatever funk he thinks you're in."
"You have a deal there Ms. Maran," I said, taking her hand and shaking it. "Wise man say, 'One who turns down free food, is also total moron'."
"You told a friend of yours to talk to me," I said to Kyle, playing darts with him in the apartment.
"Yeah, so what's the big deal?" he asked, leaning on the couch arm, sipping at a soda.
"The problem is, it kinda made me feel like a leper. 'Oh please kind miss, talk to my socially inept friend there. I promise you he can form sentences.'"
"Jake, you know it's not even remotely like that. I just knew you were bummed, so I figured I could call in a favor from a pal."
"Who just happens to be a former swimsuit, among other things, model. That you used to date."
"Yeah. Ain't living in New York grand?"
"I suppose. You know, when your own family isn't treating you like an emotional retard, I guess it can be pretty good."
"Oh stop whining. I swear, you're the only man on Earth who would get pissed because his cousin is responsible for him meeting an insanely hot woman. I shudder for the poor soul who'd dare give you a tip tonight at the bar."
"Oh shut up. What time is it anyway?"
"Around 11:30, why?"
"I gotta go. I'm meeting Josie at some coffee shop at noon."
"I fucking knew it. All this bitching and moaning, and you wound up with a date. Ungrateful prick."
"Hey, it's not a date. She felt bad for making me feel like a tool with the social graces of a turnip."
"Oh, so it's a pity date. So sorry buddy."
"Like I said before, shut up."
"So Mr. Parker, let's get to know you a bit better," Josie said, taking a sip from her coffee cup. "What makes you tick?"
"Like I said last night, call me Jake," I replied. "And could you be a bit more specific on the facts you want to know. What makes me tick isn't the greatest thing to ask for specifics."
"You sure you want me to ask specifics?" she asked in a playful tone.
"I think we both know that there is at least one subject you can do well to steer clear from."
"All right then. Let's see, what do I want to know...let's get the basics out of the way. What do you do for a living, back in L.A. I mean. Kyle said something about you being a bartender up here."
"Well, back home, I own and run a bookstore. Pretty good business. My parents are watching it for me while I'm up here though."
"Sound like nice folks."
"They're great actually."
"Okay, next question...hmmmm...what music you like? What gets Jake Parker groovin'?"
"Good old fashioned rock and roll of course. Nothing but the best, little lady."
"You play any instruments?"
"Just some really bad guitar playing."
"And now for the drumroll question," she said, drumming her hands rapidly on the diner table. "What does Jake Parker want to do with his life?"
"For a living you mean? Well, I want to write basically. Anything. Movies, books, warning labels on medicine, anything."
"Sounds like a nice dream. You ever go anywhere with it?"
"Well, I've had a few short stories published, nothing huge though. Kind of lost the spur to write recently."
"And something tells my sixth-sense that asking what caused that leads us to the forbidden conversation topic."
"Damn, you should have your own Ms. Cleo line, you're that good."
"It's a gift," she said with a laugh. "So, what do you want to do next Jake?"
"Hmm, let's go catch a movie. I think I read that a theatre around here is playing some Chaplin flicks."
"You wouldn't rather see something more... modern?"
"Hey, don't underestimate the genius that is Charles Chaplin. Let's go."
The marathon was great idea, at least in my eyes. A bunch of Chaplin's shorts, rounded out by a showing of his film, The Great Dictator. Great stuff. I just wish I could have enjoyed it a bit more. But Josie, not that she was chirpy or anything during the movie, kept me distracted. She hung her head on my shoulder, snuggled close to me. A bit more friendly than I had anticipated, and it did bug me a bit. Not that I minded a woman like Josie being around me. But I still had leftover issues I had to deal with. I would have felt like a total clown shoe though if I had said anything, so I just let it go on. Still, the bother lingered.
After the conclusion of the movie, we left and headed back to the bar. I still had to work tonight after all. She dropped me off and gave me a kiss on the cheek goodbye, leaving me feeling, well, awkward I suppose the word is. Didn't matter really though. From the impression I was getting, she was just friendly, and she was simply saying goodbye. Still, any kind of affection from a woman felt pretty weird from where I was standing. I was still sporting an open wound from the Elisha Affair, so any female affection felt undeserved.
But, couldn't focus on that at the moment. I spent too much of my time away wallowing in the fallout from those events. Time to focus on working.
"So, how was your first night on the job Jake?" uncle Nick asked, helping me stack the chairs as we closed up.
"Not bad uncle Nick," I replied. "Got some tips, watched as Kyle scored on some female customers, and got beaned with a liquor bottle as a result of Kyle's lack of flair skills. All in all, pretty much what I expected."
"Good, good. And how about you, how're things goin' with you?"
"Ah great, you too now?"
"Hey, I just know you wouldn't up and leave your store over nothin'. Wanna tell me what's up now, or wait a bit?"
"I'll take the latter sir."
"Suit yourself. But you'll feel better when ya let it all out. It's not healthy to bottle whatever you got inside all up. Eventually it's gonna explode."
"I know, I know, but I just want to handle MY problems MY way."
"Okay kid, I get it. Have a good night then."
"You too," I said, as I walked up to my room.
I stood up on the roof that night, my cell phone in my hand. Elisha's number primed to call. Maybe if I just heard her voice, I would feel better. Maybe I could get her talking to me, rethink the decision. Maybe I could get her to see how much I loved her, and how much this tore me apart. Hell, perhaps she's at her house, thinking about calling up my cell phone right now.
I turned the phone off. Yeah right. And maybe I'll be first in line for a Barbara Streisand greatest hits collection. She never wanted to see me again. And maybe it's better that way. For her at least. I sat down against the the ledge, my head hanging down.
"Hey, Jake, what're you doin' up here?" Kyle asked cautiously. "Josie's here, we're gonna go catch that Fulci marathon. I thought it would cheer ya up."
"Tell her I can't make it," I replied, not even looking up.
"Uh, why?"
"Because...because I just can't. Not in the mood for entertainment right now."
"Dude, what the Hell is up with you? You have this total fox waiting for you downstairs, wanting to see you, and you're up here moping? What's the deal? This is not the Jake Parker that I got the Mendoza twins with 4 years ago. Hell, this Jake Parker couldn't even beat Lance Storm on the charisma-meter."
"Nothing's up. I just need some time alone. You two go on without me."
"Jake," he said sitting next to me. "The sooner you let whatever's up your craw out, the sooner you get back to normal man. I need the Jakester back. Who else is gonna give me Hell in comic trivia? However pathetic it may be, it's still a highlight of our friendship bud."
"Listen man, I promise, I'll tell you eventually," I said to him. "Just not now. I can't right now."
"Okay dude. You sure you don't wanna catch the movies?"
"I'm fine. Have fun."
"All right," he said, getting up and walking back down to the apartment.
Oh yeah, things were looking great. What else could go wrong? And that's when the rain started. And me in my leather jacket. Fuck.
I awoke to angry knocking on my door. I groggily got up and answered. "What?" I asked, wiping the crust from my eyes.
"What's with the ditchy-ditchy Jake?" Josie asked, obviously a bit tiffed, though I can't imagine why.
"What do you mean ditch?" I asked. "I just decided against going. What, you can't have fun with Kyle or something?"
"No, I can. I just thought you were gonna join us. Would you have gone along if I hadn't been there? And tell the truth."
"You want the truth?" I asked, putting a pair of jeans on. "Probably. If you hadn't been along, I most likely would have gone."
"What's your deal exactly Jake, some girl fuck you over so badly you can't even watch a fucking movie with a female? You had no problem at the Chaplin films."
"Yeah, because I didn't know you were gonna be laying your head on my shoulder. That made me feel a bit uncomfortable."
"Oh, well I'm soooooo sorry for being friendly. That bitch must have done a number on you."
"You don't get to call her that. You don't fucking know her or what happened!"
"Maybe you should tell me then, so I can get a fair grasp of what I can and can't do! You know, you don't come with an instruction manual!"
"Why do you even care? You only just met me."
"Because, I like you Jake. Enough to be concerned about you in general, and enough to be offended if you won't do something you would normally enjoy just because I'm there. When people do something to make me feel like I have the Plague, I take notice."
"Fine. You wanna know? Then let's go for a walk."
We exited the building and went for a stern walk, if such a thing could even be had. We sat down at a bench and I told her what went on. With Elisha. And Mila & Dyl. Everything. Elisha sleeping with an ex while she was visiting her family, me fucking Mila while she was gone. And how I had been deceived by Mila and Dyl. Everything that led me to where I was now.
"Wow," she said. "That's quite a time you had there Jake. And while I like how you take the blame for your part, it sounds like you blame EVERYTHING on yourself. No one made Elisha sleep with her ex, that was her choice. No one MADE her decide you two couldn't work through what happened, she came to that conclusion on her own. You have no reason to beat yourself up over it as much as you are, and I think part of you knows this. And don't forget that your two 'friends' also played a small role in this little Hell."
"I know it's not all my fault," I replied. "But Josie, I hurt her. I hurt the woman I loved."
"What, like she didn't hurt you? She's not as innocent in this as you make her out to be in your mind Jake. You're not the bad guy. She's not the bad girl. You both just went through a rough spot. Alligator skin-rough, but you both could have gotten through. She decided to not even try. Best thing you can do now is just go on, move on, and show her what she threw away. Don't let this break-up dominate your life. You're better than that. I've barely known you a few days and know that. It's all right to be hurt, but don't let the hurt dominate you."
"Thanks Josie. I'm not completely feeling better, but a bit of me does."
"Always glad to help someone who needs it. Even if they are social retards."
"Oh yeah, that does wonders for my self-esteem."
"Hey, I'm no miracle worker. So, now that the big time confession is done with, what do you want to do now?"
"Well, all I had planned to do today was maybe watch a DVD at my place. You're welcome to join me of course."
"Don't mind if I do."
We walked into the apartment, Josie nonchalantly throwing her jacket on the recliner as I headed for the DVD case. "What do you want to watch?" I asked.
"What do you have?"
"We got your standard horror, classic horror, classic comedy, modern comedy, action, and the occasional drama."
"Could you be a bit more vague? I want specifics my man!"
"How about Army Of Darkness?"
"Oh, what's that? Never seen it. Kyle talks about it occasionally. Is it good?"
"Is it good? Is it good? My dear lady, what pop culture vortex were you raised in? I think we need to pop this in the player, stat."
"All right doctor, I think I'm prepped."
90 minutes later, and I was actually in a good mood. No mopeyness, and I had just experienced of pure goofball fun from the genius of Sam Raimi. I looked over to Josie to gauge her reaction. I couldn't get much of a visual reading.
"So, did you like it?" I asked eagerly awaiting the answer.
"It was okay I guess," she replied.
"Okay? OKAY? Come on, you can do better than that! Try amazing! Spectacular even! I'll accept sensational as well."
"What? I wasn't blown away. I suppose it's more of a guy thing."
"But...the boomstick...and the one-liners..."
"Oh calm down. No reason for a breakdown."
"All right...not everyone can recognize genius I suppose."
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that," she said with a smirk, walking to the fridge. "Can I get something to drink?"
"Sure, help yourself," I shrugged, walking over to join her. "Toss me a Dr. Pepper while you're at it." She did, and as soon as I opened it, I got a face full of carbonated soda.
"SHIT! I'm sorry Jake, let me help you get that off," she said, picking up a dry dish rag and dabbing at my face. "I'm so sorry."
"Eh, no prob," I replied. "Juts a simple change of shirts and rinse of the hair, and I should be good. I'll be right back." I headed to my room to get a new shirt, I reached for my handy-dandy, always there in a bind DX t-shirt, before I heard Josie behind me.
"You know, I don't think the shirt is completely necessary," she said as I turned around. She was leaning against the doorway. "In fact, it may be a severe detriment to what I want to do to you, unless we can perhaps use it as a restraint, but I think you're still too fresh for something like that..."
"Uh, what're you talking about Josie?" I asked, though my head was now realizing what she had in mind as the words escaped my mouth.
"Oh, come on now Jake," she said matterf-factly, "I think you have a good enough head on your shoulders to grasp the concept of what I want. Mainly because it's also something you need."
"Uh, que?"
"Listen, I know you're just now starting to jump over your emotional hurdles, and I'm not gonna push anymore on that end. But physically, well, let's just go on ahead to that hurdle."
"Listen, Josie, I don't know if I'm ready for that. You're right, but simply unloading what happened is hardly a monumental step."
"I think it is," she said, moving her hand down to my crotch and giving a gentle squeeze. "And I think you deserve a reward big guy."
"Uh, big guy?"
"Well, I figured I could be nice, or be honest and call you slightly above average guy, but that's just judging from the squeeze," she said with a smirk. "I would like to find out though."
"Josie, I..." was all I could get before she got on her toes to deliver a kiss to my lips.
"Shhh, this is just physical. Nothing more. Go with the flow. You might enjoy yourself." My mind tried to come up with a reason to say no. But nothing was there to really hold me back. Elisha and I? Over, most likely for good. Mila? ABSOLUTELY nothing there. She wanted it, no doubt. And my mind could provide no obstacle.
Having no reason to stall anymore, I gave in. I picked her up in my arms, my hands cupping her ass, and kissed her deeply, feeling a smile cross her face as I moved with her in my arms to the door to shut it. As soon as the door was closed, I pressed her against it, giving me a bit more help in holding her up.
I reluctantly moved my hands from her firm ass and moved them to her tone stomach, my fingers slowly gliding in circles across her skin, scraping across the appendix scar on her stomach. I grabbed onto the belly shirt she wore and slowly removed it, exposing her mounds to me. I eagerly went for them, sucking her right breast into my mouth as much as possble, slowly letting it escape my mouth, nibbling gently on her aroused nipple before it left my mouth completely. I gave the same treatment to the left, getting a pleasureful sigh to escape Josie's mouth, another smile crossing her face.
I moved from the door to my bed laying her down on it. She let go of her grasp around my neck as I lowered my head down her body, licking on and around her breasts, leaving a trail of saliva as I slowly licked down her stomach, until I got to the barrier of her jeans. I undid her belt and playfully flung it against the door. The button above her zipper was the next thing to go, and I grabbed her zipper with my teeth and slowly undid it. I rose up slightly from my position of kneeling on the floor to remove her jeans, with her underwear in tow. She was now naked before me. She rose up, propping herself up on her arms. "You've gotten a nice view, now it's my turn."
Josie crawled towards where I was standing infront of the bed and rose to look at me. She reached her arm around my neck and pulled me in for another kiss as she undid my pants with her other one. As the kiss broke, she gave my lips a quick lick, and laid herself back down on the bed and I removed my pants completely.
I slowly parted Josie's legs, bending my neck down to lick and nibble on her calves. I slowly moved my body up, lightly grasping her legs and moving them on my back as I licked up to her slit, planting kisses on her inner thighs as I reached my destination. I slid my finger up and down her aroused lips, barely applying pressure, but just enough to get a reaction from her. She shot her hand down to my head, pulling me into her.
I lightly licked her lips before slowly inserting my tongue in as far as it could go, moving it around as best I could to hit every point possible. I then moved my fingers in for some of the action, thrusting my index and middle fingers in straight and instantly crooking and twisting them upon entry, as I moved my tongue to her aroused nub, teaming up with my other hand's thumb.
Josie's back arched, groaning with pleasure from the treatment she was receiving from me. I moved my thumb and gave total attention of Josie's clit to my mouth, taking it in an sucking on it, tracing anything I could think of across it, gently raking my teeth across it, anything I could think of to get her off. Meanwhile, my fingers continued their work, removing them only briefly for Josie to taste herself.
I continued this treatment until Josie roughly grabbed me by the hair and yanked me up. "Enough of the warm-up, let's get to the main attraction," she said, putting me on my back as she mounted me, loud groans escaping both of our mouths.
Josei gripped me hard by the shoulders, her nails digging into my flesh as she began riding me, wasting no time in building a steady rhythm. I moved my hands to her hips as I thrust upwards, matching her for everything she had. With one hand on her hip, I moved one towards her crotch, circling my thumb around her clit as we fucked, getting a shriek of delight to emerge from her throat.
I lifted her off of me and motioned for her to get on all fours in front of me, which she happily did. I got up behind her and lined my slick cock up with her waiting hole and, grabbed her by the hips, and quickly thrust myself inside. "Fuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkk," Josie managed to mutter, before going back to the simple moans and grunts were speaking in.
The slapping of our flesh together was audible enough for anyone who happened to come into the apartment to hear. Luckily, Kyle would be out until around 3 in the afternoon, so there was really no need for stealth or silence, so I reached around to frig Josie's clit again as we fucked, trying to get a bit louder of a reaction from her. While I didn't get a loud reaction, I got a physical one, with her tightening her grip on my covers, biting into my pillow, not aware that there was no reason for quiet. Still a wonderful site to behold.
I grabbed Josie around her stomach and rose her so her back was now touching my stomch, my hand now massaging and kneading her breasts, ours lips intertwined in savage kisses and lip bites. We could taste the sweat on each other's faces as those same faces contorted in pleasure.
As one hand pinched and tweeked her nipples, and the other teased and stimluated her clit, Josie's orgasm hit her, and her body stiffened like a 2 x 4, and I felt her pussy spasm around my cock, her juices coating it completely and running down her thighs. Witha few more thrusts, I was th reaching my popint as well.
"I'm gonna cum Josie, " I grunted.
"Pull out of me," she said breathlessly. I did as she asked, and watched she turned around and took me into her mouth and sucked me off. But, being as close as I was, I wouldn't really enjoy the full treatment. All it took was a few bobs of her head and I unleashed my load into her mouth, coating her tongue and running down her throat. I was shocked out how much I was shooting. Then again, I hadn't had any kind of sex for a bit.
When I was finally spent, I slowly pulled my wilting cock out and laid myself down on the bed. But right as I did that Josie got up.
"I'm gonna shower then head out," she said very nonchalantly. "Gotta check and see if I got any new scripts to peruse ya know. But if you're interested, you, me and Kyle can go catch a movie tomorrow. That sound good?"
"Sounds great," I said catching my breath. "See you later?"
"Count on it Jake. And feel better about yourself. You're a good guy. Odd taste in movies, but a good guy." And with that and a laugh, she headed towards the shower.
I was on the roof again the next night, once again holding my cell phone in my hand, once agin with ELisha's number high-lighted. But this time, I had no intention of calling. Instead, I did something else. I deleted her number. Josie was right. Elisha didn't even want to try and work out our problems. One bump, albeit a large one, was too much for her, so she quit. And I can't let myself be hung up on her, or Mila, anything else that happened. All I can do is move forward. I'm not completely over everything. But the past couple of weeks have been a start, if nothing else.
I was heading to the doorway to walk back downstairs when I got a call from Kyle. "You joining us for the movies or not man?" he asked urgently. "The cab's not gonna wait forever."
"I'm on my way down," I replied. "Don't wet yourself."
"Whatever, just move your ass."
"I'm goin', I'm goin'." I turned off the phone and shut it off, and headed down the stairs and out to the cab, actually ready to attempt to enjoy myself. A great movie once said, "Can't rain all the time", and in some cases, that's true, no matter how much a of a downpour you might get at once. |
Getting half the city evacuated just for the shoot was such a pain in the ass that it was made very clear to the crew that they had one chance at getting the sequence done properly, even if it meant splurging out on so many more cameras and equipment than usual that it probably would’ve been cheaper to just try and acquire the permits and the amount of land needed a second time. The cast and crew, however, were insistent that they could get things done in one go, after having spent months practicing out in the desert and preparing the main star of their newest production to such a high degree of perfection that he could probably run through the whole thing with his eyes closed… and probably would at times, if only to avoid falling prey to what his own body would become.
“Cockzilla, King of the Monster-Cocks” was the working name of the production, one that no one involved quite knew whether to absolutely adore or cringe at whenever someone spoke it aloud, mostly compromising by waving their hands and assuming someone else would come up with something that was genuinely marketable and not just memeable when the time was right. The title itself was nothing if not entirely accurate however, especially considering the person chose to fill the very big shoes of the titular monster: Marshall Wallace, a dragon and “long-standing sufferer” of Acute Growth Syndrome. On the outside, he looked like any other draconid, taller than most people around him but not too much that it looked out of place; besides, those of his species had a tendency to grow at least a head above just about anyone else, so on first inspection the only thing that truly stood out was a lower half with above-average curves that only served to add to his overall harmless-looking way of being. One glance at Marshall and anyone could tell that he wouldn’t hurt a fly even if his life depended on it, and with a personality to match, it was hard to believe that what he had lurking inside of him was so… immense.
Unbeknownst to most people, the dragon they saw was not the dragon as he was, but rather a much more “simplified” and shrunken-down version, courtesy of the myriad of compressor equipment he kept on his person at all times. They were expertly disguised as just items of clothing, but contained millions of dollars’ worth of spatial distortion gear woven into the fabric, built into his glasses and even inlaid in the soles of his boots; the government had gone to great lengths to keep Marshall at the size that he was at in his everyday life, sparing no expense in getting him the best possible compressors, purely so that the dragon wouldn’t cost them even more money in damages as a daily or near-daily occurrence.
Because Marshall, regardless of what his relatively unassuming exterior might say to passers-by, was nothing if not an absolute giant, big enough to quite genuinely threaten entire cities if he ever went on a rampage, and possessed of a body that would nonetheless make those who should want to evacuate instead turn back around and throw themselves into the embrace of their new draconic god. Not that he’d actually do any of those things, given that his placid personality was entirely genuine, but it was always a good idea to try and curb his own impulses whenever he had the chance; his conscious self might not want to bring harm to anything, but whenever he got going and didn’t have anyone there with a whole load of tranquilizer, it was hard to bring himself back from the edge of lust-filled insanity and return to a more sensible, sane, some might say sentient state.
Which was precisely why the preparation for the shoot was perhaps even more important than actually getting the damned shot done right. While most of the movie was written in such a way that they could rely only on having him walk around the countryside or emerging from the water, the script called for a climax that would involve him thrashing through a city as hundreds of extras tried and failed to keep him from carrying on with his “rampage”, before ultimately giving themselves up to… again, the title of the movie was probably going to undergo some changes, so no point thinking about it too much.
The important part was that he was supposed to emerge from the harbor, climb onto the docks and then make his way inland, destroying buildings along the way; thankfully, it just so happened that the local building authority had a whole slew of abandoned warehouses that they rather conveniently needed to get rid of, so at least they could get a couple of good angles on it and then milk the few seconds they filmed for all that they were worth in post. It wouldn’t be the most artistic of things, but then again, people wouldn’t buy a movie called Cockzilla for its integrity and dedication to the artistry of the craft. They did it because they wanted to see a huge cock on an even bigger monster.
Which Marshall was more than happy to provide. In fact, while Cockzilla was only the latest incarnation of his “character”, he’d been involved in the movie industry for a few years already, consistently in roles that required him to play to his rather unique strengths, be it through outright giant rampages or more exploratory, introspective parts where his “inner beast” would constantly try and fight its way to the surface; it was almost always smut though, and even the most cerebral of plots only required him to put on a serious face for a handful of minutes (on screen, at least) before they got to the real meat of the movie: his meat, a thought that always made him chuckle, precisely because of how stupid the wordplay was.
Granted, he wasn’t a one-trick pony; despite the working name for the latest movie, he had more to offer than just his dick and a pair of balls: he had his ass too, and legs thick enough to hip-check small hills, both things that he personally enjoyed far more than his package, hence why he’d gone out of his way to ensure that some part of them still shone through even with the compressors on. He liked all that junk in his trunk; it made him inherently squishable, and more often than not he actively encouraged people to slap him on the ass playfully whenever he was around, only partially because he knew they wanted to do it anyway. That said, if anyone asked if he enjoyed it personally, he would deny it, without fail, every single time.
Thoughts for later though. For the time being, with the shoot ready to go, the equipment in place and a large chunk of the city’s harbor district and downtown area properly evacuated for the next couple of hours, it was time for him to be put in place: inside a diving cage, suspended just off the harbor proper at the right depth that, when he deactivated his compressor gear, his feet would slam into the shallow seafloor and lift him just enough that he would be visible from the waist up… only to then walk forward, revealing both his fat-bottomed self and his immensely girthy rod to the world for all to see, triggering a monstrous rampage where he would make short work of a handful of storage warehouses before the National Guard was called in and told to stop him, yada yada yada, and then everyone got bathed in cum once Cockzilla had enough of the interlopers and decided to get rid of them.
To say that the script was minimalist would be an understatement; there were entire sections of it that quite literally read only “Wallace Does Monster Stuff”, leaving it up to him to decide what to do and how to go about doing it. Not that he bothered to prepare anything in advance, with the dragon knowing for a fact that his best work came when he improvised on the spot and didn’t stop to think. So, as he placed the diving mask on and opened the valve on the oxygen tank on his back, giving the crew the thumbs up to lower him below the surface, he was instead far more concerned with clearing his mind of any errant thoughts; if he truly wanted to give the best performance of his life yet, he’d need it to be completely blank.
Minutes passed, with the only sound being that of his breathing, coming in magnified by the scuba gear he had on him. He could only barely hear the quiet churning of the water around him, it being a rather calm stretch of the coast, with the occasional fish swimming by the cage before deciding against it; there, in the center of it, he waited for the signal to come in, via a series of lights wrapped around the metal cable lowering him into the depths. With the cage itself lurching to a halt in just the right spot that he could just barely make out the bottom, Marshall suddenly felt… not alone. He knew he should, as there was nothing there around him, but when he looked around, back towards the murkiness of the ocean depths where the shallower coast gave way to the continental shelf before plunging into the darkness below, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something else was looking back at him; thalassophobia was a hell of a thing to feel at that moment, so he figured it’d be best to look back in the direction of the city and hope that it had just been a momentary lapse in judgement. It was just fantasy, nothing was looking at him from beyond the point where he couldn’t see properly anymore. Surely.
Minutes more passed, and thankfully the lights were turned on, bright white and red, letting him know that his time to shine had come. Exhaling one last time, he moved his hands to two hidden control panels located on his shirt and pants, which he had to keep on at all times even underwater, and promptly shut down the compressor field keeping him person-sized; this would effectively send the pieces of clothing into the pocket dimension where his real self was kept, to be recalled at any point if he so wanted, while his real body came through in the opposite direction. The results were as spectacular as they were immediate, because those things weren’t at all interested in slow, methodical growth meant to titillate and allure; the distortions maintained by the equipment, the outright dimensional fuckery keeping him small was constantly hanging on by a thread, a mockery of physics as everyone knew it which the universe was more than happy to dismantle at earliest convenience. Thus, when his clothes vanished, it didn’t take more than a second before he felt his head plow through countless gallons of water in its ascent to the surface, a second more before he emerged from the surface while simultaneously his feet landed so heavily on the seafloor below that the impact created rippling waves on the surface.
With months of practice and years of experience behind him, and hoping that the cameras were both rolling and pointed in the right direction, Marshall turned his face to the sky, opened his mouth, and let loose a mighty roar, one so powerful that the very waters around his waist began to bow downwards as the shockwaves crashed into them! It travelled through the air, rattling windows and shattering glass, serving as the harbinger of destruction for this, the city that had the misfortune of being in the way when he showed up, Cockzilla, King of Monster-Cocks! He wasn’t even bothered by the title anymore; it was just nice to be able to let loose for a bit and enjoy himself with the same kind of childish glee one might play around in a miniature model city… albeit with plenty more meat to get in the way.
As had been planned, his ascension hadn’t fully revealed what he had waiting underneath the surface of the water, but as he took a step forward, then another step, emerging more and more from the ocean, something else began to appear from beneath the waves: something long and wide, a shadow cast on the waters, one that would slowly rise up from the depths at around the same time as the giant dragon received confirmation from off to his side that the cameras were, indeed, rolling.
From the pelagic darkness came rising a mast, a rod, an enormous manhood of such colossal girth and length that, as it rose to meet the sunlight, even its owner had a hard time resisting the allure of it. Despite his best efforts, Marshall still felt the pull on the back of his head, still wondered what it would be like if he just gave in, if he well and truly listened to his own libido and gave up even trying to pretend he was anything other than a godlike colossus… but he had a job to do, a film to shoot, and that meant pulling himself together and seeing it through, regardless of whether or not he became so horny as to nearly have that shaft bop him on the head without him even realizing it. Thus, he looked towards the harbor, surreptitiously attempting to locate where the cameras were in order to set up the best possible shot, only to realize that every single one of them was pointed not at him, not at his glorious form, but towards the ocean.
Dread creeped up his spine, leaving him practically paralyzed; the realization that he might not have just imagined that phantom observer came into full view of his conscious self when he too turned around to look at what was happening behind him. There, just a mile off or so into the Atlantic, he saw it: a head. Or rather, the top of one, approaching the crew and film location at a disturbingly quick pace, more and more of its body being revealed to them as it got closer: it too looked reptilian in nature, yet far more lizardlike than draconic, covered in seaweed-green scales that shone brightly under the light of the sun, giving way to duller skin as its neck was exposed.
This was clearly some form of gigantic sea creature, not unlike the kind that Marshall was playing at that exact moment, yet apparently one that was both very much real… and plenty aroused on their own as well apparently, at least given the fact that their cocktip became visible before half their torso even emerged from the water, twitching and throbbing and firing off spurts of pre that landed dangerously close to the other giant. For a moment, Marshall wondered whether this was supposed to be some kind of plot twist, one that he hadn’t been informed of for the sake of ensuring a genuine reaction; it wouldn’t have been the first time that director did it, nor would it be the last, but there was something about the way that the film crews were moving around, frantic and flailing, shouting at one another over megaphones without care nor concern for the filming, that let him know that this wasn’t part of the plan. A second giant had risen, come to challenge him perhaps, for the title of dominant macro.
And honestly? He was fine with that.
With a toothy grin stamped on his face, the dragon stood firm, letting the newcomer come closer still; they’d need all the room they could get on the shallower end of the harbor if they wanted to properly engage in some thorough exploration of their bodies. All for the cameras of course; Marshall’s main concern was there, as always, to act his heart out for the sake of making the movie the best it could be, and it just so happened that they were gifted the best possible surprise that a smut production could hope to receive, in an… admittedly odd way.
From how the other beast was looking at him, the way that they swivelled around to look at the camera with a mixture of imposing might and uncaring apathy, how their movements appeared slow and calculated for maximum effect, it was clear that whoever this titan was, they had a knack for putting on airs; either that or they’d been in a movie before, though Marshall had no recollection of ever seeing a lizard that big in any of his years of filming. Nevertheless, they picked up on the fact that they were being filmed, almost astoundingly so, and continued their relentless advance towards the city, for now the tables had turned: Cockzilla, formerly a harbinger of death and destruction, had been challenged by another monster with a cock as big as his own, and must now defend his turf!
As the two drew nearer, it was clear what was going to have to happen. This lizard, this insignificant upstart, would try to claim the title of King of all Monster-Cocks, forcefully if need be, by imposing himself upon the true bearer of the crown, presumably relying on their larger, bulkier physique in a long, drawnut and incredibly destructive sex scene. But Marshall, as Cockzilla, would win out in the end! No matter who might come to dethrone him, he alone would rule as the ruler of all monsterkind, and when the two of them were deep in their passionate rutting, when his own shaft was ready and waiting to bloat out the newcomer until they turned into something resembling more a cum blimp than a living being, then the crew would have their money shot.
The dragon couldn’t help but smile widely, his teeth glinting in the light of the sun. He couldn’t believe he was about to do this, but hey, that was a massive cock coming his way, and it had been some time since he'd had the opportunity to engage in that level of macro-sized debauchery.
The city best be ready. |
Title: The Awakening of May - Chapter 1 by Ornate Silver Platter
Tags: Bestiality, Canine, Cunnilingus, Dog, Female, Feral, Male, Sex, Straight, Vaginal, Virgin
May took down the book off the shelf and tried not to look guilty about it. She was just a regular patron of the city library. She had just as much right to be here as anyone else. These were the things she told herself as she took the book to the sign out desk. The girl there tried to make conversation but May couldn't make eye-contact and pushed her glasses up her nose. Sensing this customer may be one of *those* people, the girl signed out the book and handed it back.
May hurried out of the library as soon as the book was in her hands. She certainly looked like one of those people, wearing a long skirt down to her ankles, a shirt and a cardigan. She even had the thick glasses of a woman who'd spent most of her time reading. Social interaction with human beings was not one of May's favourite things. It didn't even come in the top twenty.
She wouldn't even have come into town today so late - *one o'clock on a weekend?!* - to be jostled by too many people doing too many noisy things, but her brother was leaving his dog with her for the week and she hadn't the faintest how to mind such an animal. This book on dogs was what she needed. Words she could soak in and make a part of herself.
She made it home, bolting the doors behind her with relief, an hour before her brother was to arrive. May needed that hour to calm down from the acute anxiety and paranoia that someone had seen she existed. The ring on her phone made her wail until she checked the number and saw it was just her brother. He was acceptable as human company, but too much of him at once was still hard. He was an energetic, larger than life character who could get a person's life story from them within five minutes of meeting them. May often wondered why he took the time to visit his timid, house-bound sister.
"Mayo!" he cried as she opened the door, enveloping her instantly in a wide hug.
"Gus, hello," she gasped as he squeezed the air out of her lungs. August, or just 'Gus' to most people, pinched her cheeks in an annoyingly big brotherly way.
"Is it okay to bring Davy in?" he asked.
May nodded. Her fear of people didn't extend to other creatures, and she stepped aside as Gus led Davy in.
He was a big, beautiful Alsatian with long hair. He was almost completely black, save for some dark brown to tan highlights around his face. He was also very friendly, wagging and sniffing at May and licking her face when she leant down to fuss his ears and face.
"Oh he's lovely!" she cooed.
"Isn't he just. Thanks so much for taking care of him. I hate to leave the big lug but what with that earthquake and all ..." Gus was an emergency worker who was dispatched to provide aid after a big disaster. May just nodded.
"When's your flight?" she asked. She could never get on a plane herself, much too terrifying.
"In two hours, I hate to dump him on you and run, but they never give us much warning. Here's his food, his bowls and his toys."
Gus gave her a whirlwind of instructions and May felt as much a disaster area as the one he was going to by the time he left. Knowing his sister's need for thorough time tables, Gus had carefully drawn up a rota for feeding Davy with the weight of food he was allowed and suggested periods of time to walk him. He'd even supplied a time table of when the park was least populated.
May stuck the rota to the fridge and went into the living room to see Davy making himself at home in his dog bed. She turned on the television for background noise and curled up with her book on dog care.
Adjusting to life with Davy was easy enough. He was a very easily pleased hound and so charming she let him sleep on the bed and sit on the sofa with his great head in her lap as she read. On the third day of having him around, May found herself lingering back through her book to the section on breeding. The writer had helpfully included pictures of canine anatomy and there was even a photo of a bitch being mounted by a dog. For some reason, she felt warm each time she looked at it. Dog breeding looked like it merited further study and when it got to evening and her internet was free again, she looked up some websites.
She began lingering on pictures of coupling dogs, feeling warm and strangely breathless. The clock chimed eleven and she turned off the computer, getting dressed for bed.
Maybe it was because of the pictures she'd seen, but she had the strangest dream of running on all fours, tongue lolling. She found Davy running beside her and suddenly she was a woman again in a hospital. The dream fell apart before she could remember anything beyond him climbing on top of her. She woke to find Davy sprawled over part of her, huffing in his sleep and twitching his paws.
"Silly dog," she whispered, looking at his body. An idea came to her mind and she looked around as if anyone could possibly be in her home to see. Careful not to jostle him too much and wake him, May opened her legs so he was lying between them, his head on her stomach. She lay there, his heavy, warm body pressing down on her and for the first time in her life, felt a tingle between her legs.
It alarmed her, even as it pleased her. Was she seriously so depraved that her first sexual feeling was about a dog? She sighed to herself and went back to sleep, still wedged under Davy.
The next day, while out walking him, she watched Davy run and bounce around. He looked so strong and so happy to see her every time she called. Would he mind that she fantasised about him? She hoped he wouldn't. She imagined he'd be flattered, as he seemed to affable. But maybe that was just her projecting her needs on him.
When two people appeared with their dog in the distance, May decided to leave the park, putting Davy's lead on so they could walk home together. He was panting and looked happy with himself. She felt so safe with him, not even panicking when someone passed them on the same path. It was little things like that that made her life better, that made being with him better.
May broke her personal rule for once about using the internet during daytime hours, when she had to pay extra, and logged on when they got home. She searched for dogs again, finding some more questionable pictures and stumbled upon a practical guide for getting a dog to fuck a human. She was mortified and closed the window, compulsively getting up and drawing the curtains in case some spy with a long range telescope was snooping at her doings. She tried to bury herself in some reading but found the dogwners guide in her hands again. She had turned to the breeding section without even thinking about it.
Davy watched her from his bed, head on his paws.
May looked at him.
He was so big, and powerful. The tingle returned to her loins and she knew, very keenly, that she would regret not doing something about it forever. She returned to the computer and relocated the guide, tracking through her page history. With her heart in her throat, she went to the fridge and took out some butter. She spooned a bit into a bowl and put the rest back in the fridge. Her hands shook as she looked at the blob melting slightly around the curve of the china.
May went around the house and closed all the curtains and blinds, even the one in the bathroom that over-looked a brick wall. Once that was done, she returned to her bedroom and started to undress. Off came the cardigan she always wore, the skirt, the shirt and the tights. Finally, off came her large knickers and her bra. She left her glasses on, saw herself in the mirror and then hung a blanket over it. She didn't want to see her skinny body and small breasts. She was an 'ironing board'. She'd been told that enough to know it was true.
She wouldn't let the sight of her body bring her down now though, not when she'd gotten the butter out and everything. Feeling vulnerable, May walked back to the kitchen to retrieve said butter, and returned to the living room.
Davy perked up at the smell of butter, and it looked like she had food which she always shared with him. He got up from his bed and padded over, wagging happily. May nearly lost her nerve but then his fur brushed against her bare leg and she felt a frisson of pleasure the rolled up her spine and then deep into her pussy. She perched on the edge of the sofa and got some butter on her hand, grimacing at the oily cold. Davy immediately started to lick at it and she took a deep breath before smearing the butter over her mound and between her legs. Davy's tongue followed and May gasped as the hot, wide tongue started to lather her clit and labia. It was so flexible it got into every fold and dip. May leaned back, biting her lip as the dog's tongue slipped inside her a little. She could see his tail wagging and he became more interested with the hot, sticky fluid that started to seep from her vagina.
May watched him work his head between her legs, licking her inner thighs as well as her pussy, rasping over her labia in a way that shot thrills up her body with every stroke. She wanted him between her legs, properly. She reached her hands down and managed, with some effort, to push him back from licking her.
"Lie down, Davy. Lie down!" she said, trying to be firm. Davy reluctantly laid down, but kept licking his chops, clearly wanting to lick her out again. The guide had said to pet him on the sides until the tip of his penis started to crown. May licked her own lips and started to fuss him, patting, stroking and scratching his sides until she found the sweet spot. One of his legs stuck out and he rolled on his side and she could see the reddish pink tip of his cock peeping out of his sheath. She kept scratching at him, watching the pointed cock hungrily. When about an inch of it was out, peeling back the hood of his sheath, she just leant down and took the tip in her mouth.
It tasted too strong to be pleasant, all musky and salty, but she trailed her tongue around the tip. She wanted his cock out to the full before he got on top of her. She felt his front paw flail a bit on her back as she slid her lips down the rapidly emerging penis. It had such a fluid shape, a tapered end that flared out then dipped in a bit and flared again. She grimaced when she felt something hot and very salty drip onto her tongue and pulled her mouth off. More beads of the clear fluid started to squeeze out of the tip of his cock and she hoped this wasn't ejaculation.
Davy whined when she pulled off and she didn't need to try and pull him up because he was already getting to his feet, his cock fully extended and waving about as he tried to push over her. May gave him soft encouragements as she eased herself back up to perch on the edge of the sofa, her legs open. She patted the cushions beside her and Davy reared his forepaws up either side of her, crowding in close.
May grabbed his penis before he jammed it some place she didn't want and the moment her fingers wrapped around it, he started to hump urgently.
"Easy, almost, easy boy," she whispered, sliding herself forward a bit as she guided the hard tip of his cock to her waiting pussy. The moment he felt her slick mouth against his tip, he surged, impaling her firmly. May cried out, not having time to ready herself before his cock surged in again, splitting her hymen and sinking deeper. Davy humped furiously until he was almost completely buried in her.
May wrapped her arms around his back as he growled and thrust again and again. She knew what was coming and breathed out against the sting of her torn hymen.
"Come on, Davy, knot with me," she whispered, her breasts rubbing against his thick neck fur and her stomach lurching with every thrust of his desperate shaft. She felt the swollen end of his cock bashing against her labia and when he went to hump again, she forced herself forward, groaning as her lips reluctantly parted to let the swelling pass.
Davy rocked himself in her, forelegs clutched around her as he enjoyed the feeling of this willing bitch accepting his dominance. May arched her body under him, burying her face and hands in his fur as they locked together. She could feel him pumping away to his climax and kissed his face.
A few moments of grunting and panting later, he abruptly tried to get down, getting his leg tangled as he tried to pull it over. She soothed him and hiked her own knees up until he could get his leg over himself, turning so he was standing, facing away from her.
May put her legs down either side of his haunches and started to grind her hips around the shaft buried and locked fast inside her. She felt the hot, liquid spurt as Davy started to cum and gripped the pillows as she arched and rotated her hips. A dog was spilling his load inside her, and she loved it. She loved the smell of him and the way his knot forced her to stay on him.
The sting of her torn hymen and the swell of his knot stopped her reaching climax by the time he deflated and pulled out of her. She watched him walk away to start licking his piece and smiled. She got up and washed herself, surprised to see the time was only 10am. There was plenty of time for him to get his strength back. She still had to realise her longing to be mounted like a proper bitch, after all. |
As the memories came rushing in, so too did Vivian’s awareness of her own self, the new body that her ascension had created in order to house her infinite magnificence… though, “body” might not exactly be the best descriptor for it. She certainly looked the way she did before, albeit with far more exaggerated characteristics. Her species’ traits were on full display: the fur patterns were pretty standard, even her paws were exactly the way they were supposed to be; in fact, at first glance, one might be forgiven for thinking they were just a really, really big Delphox, but in truth, she had no real body to herself… or rather, the thing that she had wasn’t a physical form so much as a metaphysical manifestation of her willpower, imposed upon the substrate of super-reality in a way that would make sense to her.
She was, after all, new to this whole goddess business, at least when she wasn’t fully aware of the fact that she’d obviously always existed, so it was likely she’d end up shedding her form into something a bit more transcendent… eventually. For the time being, this more comprehensible shell around her true self would have to do, especially when she realized just how much of existence was being held together as a consequence of said shell existing.
It took a while before she tuned in to the lower realities, given that her sense of self operated on a scale so vast that it was difficult to even conceptualize anything that didn’t have to be measured in the lengths of multiversal clusters. An initial scan of her avatar revealed that its proportions were suitably exaggerated beyond the realm of what could even be considered possible: first off, her tail expanded with so much fluff that it just ceased being after a certain point, melting away to become the very background upon which all of everything was kept safe and warm; this went magnificently with the way that her ass had billowed outwards to effectively become all of the not-space “behind” her, making it difficult to tell just what was her body and what was not.
The exact same happened out in front, with her tits being little more than a wall of pure softness that she could lean onto and use for comfort, though not without potentially endangering all the little ones living on it; though initially surprising, a few moments of thought were all she needed to come to the conclusion that yes, it did make perfect sense for all things that were, had been and ever would be to come to reside within her bosom. It was poetic, in a way that she very rarely got to think about, and it was probably the way her godlike mind came up with so that she could pay attention to everything that was now hers to look after, as the top goddess to end all other divinities; at the end of the day, if the entirety of existence had been placed upon her butt, she’d constantly have to look back to check in on it, and that’d just be a mess.
No, it made perfect sense for her to look into her bust and see every single instance of reality, every bubble that made up every universe, collecting together into vast structures marking a single multiverse, each of which would then find another one to link up to. Vivian could tell where these links were made, strands that to her looked small, but which in reality would be enough to siphon entire cosmos’ worth of matter without much difficulty; perhaps, in time, one civilization among all others would figure out a way to travel using those links, and then maybe they would fully understand what kind of existence it was they lived in. For the foreseeable future though, this wonderfully beautiful lattice was Vivian’s and only Vivian’s to appreciate… though it did remind her of something that had slipped her mind up until then: her own universe.
It was hard to spot in between all the others, and at times during her search the Delphox considered putting her fingers in there and carefully nudging all those other existences out of the way, this before coming to the conclusion that doing so might prove disastrous for whoever lived there; she didn’t trust herself enough to enact any large-scale change to the very fabric of meta-existence (yet), so it fell on her observation skills to pick out her former home from amidst a collection of possibly literally countless iterations of the same universal formula.
The twinkling lights, for that was all that they were to her at her size, all mixed together in a twinkling display that at times made it difficult to even see her bust at all; it would occasionally fade out of existence just enough for her to become one with everything, and where just before had been a well-defined, semi-physical pair of breasts would then be a vast, empty nothingness serving as the cradle for everything that was and would be. It would turn back around eventually though, and Vivian would then have to work extra hard to keep her mind on track, it being difficult to focus when one’s brain wasn’t really in a state of physicality and one’s soul kept trying to push through to proper formless divinity; but the Delphox had something to do, and this one certainty was enough to help her march onwards, even if she had to stop for what felt like aeons at a time just to catch her breath… or whatever counted as that for her “body”.
She would, eventually, run into it: her home reality, or at the very least what remained of it. With equal parts terror and dismay, Vivian realized that her ascension had left her home dimension just the slightest bit broken and bent out of shape; it wasn’t completely destroyed, but the spatio-temporal distortions running rampant through it all-but guaranteed that anyone stuck living inside of it was not having a good time. What was worse, the more she looked, the more her attention revealed to her something ghastly: that particular universe was stuck in a loop.
It would seem that her using it as a proverbial egg had effectively left that little bubble without a reason to exist beyond the moment of her transcendent second birth, so whenever its history reached the point where she broke free from its bounds, it would go back to its own beginning and play itself out, again and again, for all of eternity if nothing was done about it. Vivian was on the verge of tears as she thought about all the lives she had accidentally ruined, all stuck in an endless cycle that they were unable to break free from, a cycle which she could only hope they weren’t aware of. But, just as she was about to start wiping her eyes, she realized something, something so basic that the Delphox felt like slapping herself on the back of the head for having failed to see it until just then: she was a goddess.
It felt like such a simple statement, and yet the true meaning and consequence of it hadn’t dawned on her until that exact moment. She was a goddess, the goddess, a creature of such impossibly vast magnificence that to even attempt to understand her would be folly; her being was of such a scale that to comprehend it would require several degrees of divinity itself, her power unmatched, her will the very substrate upon which the interstitial not-being that served as a medium for the things that were resided.
If that sparkling, endless collection of lights was the garden of life, she was the planet upon which the garden was located, and that meant she had access to a certain few perks, such as the ability to simply reform realities if she so desired. It wasn’t something she wanted to do, because if nothing else, Vivian at least respected the independence and free will of those littles one inhabiting the many universes she cared for; but, the more she looked at her old home, the more she came to understand how broken it truly was, the more she realized it had to be done.
Thankfully, it wasn’t exactly hard for her to reform existence in accordance with her desires and whims; in fact, it was quite literally as simple as her tuning into one of these realities and merely remembering how things had been, tapping into the existing history of that particular universe and giving it a good reboot as it played through her head and she got rid of all the bits that didn’t help anyone. Now, she didn’t really intend for any changes to take place; after all, the whole point of resetting her old home dimension was for Vivian to make sure that the ones still living within it, her mom included, would be able to keep living their lives past the point where she ascended to the halls of divinity. She’d come up with a way to visit them later, after things were fixed and she didn’t have to worry about things going to hell just by her paying closer attention than usual, but for the time being, the plan was to just put things back where they belonged and see where they went from there.
Was, because it no longer applied. While little more than an inclination at first, the inkling of a fragment of an idea, this nebulous core began to ferment and solidify as the Delphox waited for her home universe to go through a full cycle so she could catch it at just the right moment. It was a tiny voice in the back of her voice, eventually metastasizing into a whole chorus, expressing to her a need that Vivian wasn’t even aware she had: the need to put herself into the story. In truth, some part of her regretted having ascended as quickly as she had; not because it was bad, per se, but mostly due to it having taken place so unexpectedly that the rest of her universe didn’t get to go through it like she did.
Hell, Vivian herself only vaguely remembered the details of that infinitely-stretched moment, let alone others who weren’t as blessed and empowered as her; therefore, as she waited for history to repeat itself for just long enough that she could start rewriting it properly, the idea formed fully in her head: what if, instead of simply putting things back the way they were before, then worrying about how to insert herself into the story later, she just… placed herself in the narrative beforehand? It’d made for a perfect testing ground for later fun romps, plus she could always go back and fix things if they went out of control; besides, it would fix the main issue, which was that she never actually finished a shoot to begin with! It sounded so silly to worry about that of all things, but there was still a fragment of her that really, truly wanted to go through an entire film shoot just like she’d promised her mother she would, and if this was a way for her to do that, then Vivian was going to hold onto that opportunity like her life depended on it.
With a smile, Vivian snatched her home dimension from her bosom at just the right time, exactly at the point of her ascension; this way, she could ensure she had the entirety of its history to play around with, to insert herself in just the right moments that she could spread the glory and pleasure of her divine self with all those that now lived under her care. Closing her eyes, the Delphox began to divest herself from her avatar, allowing her true self to seep into that one tiny, glinting firefly-like pinprick of light.
They would soon know her for what she was. And they would rejoice. |
Title: The Key by Whyte Yote
Tags: Angst, Badger, Coyote, Gay Relationships, Incomplete, Love, M/M, Molesting, No-Yiff, Short
*The Key (C)MMVII Whyte Yote*
"I have the key, Father! The key! You can't let them have it!"
The coyote was dying. Robert Maguire had seen enough in his tenure to make him sure of that fact, even if he was unsure about nearly everything else in the world. His words were soft, muted, wet with the same blood that even now was beginning to coagulate on the priest's hands as he held the canine off the rough-hewn stone steps of the church dais.
"My son, we need to get you to a doctor. You shouldn't be talking." Robert was whispering and he didn't know why. The cathedral was silent and closed. Saturday evening Mass had ended more than two hours ago. How this man, bloody and limping and infected with old wounds, had entered into the nave was the furthest thing from his mind. How to get him to a hospital, with no car, was more of a priority.
"Father," said the coyote, who coughed, splattering red all over Robert's frock like a physical representation of what he had been thinking about before this had happened. "No doctors. Please. They can't find me. I--" another coughing fit. "I need your word." And he fell back, breath shallow, upon the dais. His word? What good was his word anymore? Integrity was not a word with which the badger associated much these days.
"Lord, if you're there," he muttered under his breath, watching the coyote's vermilion, matted face, "you had better do something. I can't make this decision on my own." It was a coput and he knew it. He knew what he should do, and he was looking for a way out, another thing to blame on God, another sin left to the Father of all Man. Robert had just come out of the confessional, even though the last confession had been almost an hour gone.
"You loved me."
Robert was startled. He looked around the cathedral for the source before realizing it had come from the bleeding, delirious man in his arms. Had he really thought God was speaking to him? "Yes, my child?"
"You loved me when no one else would. I don't blame you. I don't regret a minute." What was this, then? For the ramblings of a dying man, the coyote's eyes were remarkably clear. They held the old badger's own, masked by rimless spectacles, with stoic yellow fire.
"We must get you some help. You're in a bad way." But the coyote thrust into his chest, twisting his frock and pulling him almost on top. His breath was rancid, irony.
"Don't you see? I need to disappear. You don't understand." And Robert didn't understand. It was starting to eat him up inside, knowing he was in the middle of something very important yet unreachable by his mind. "No traces. Give me your word." The coyote coughed again, and a fresh warm torrent ran over the badger's fingers. The wounds were old, but they were deep. The sudden realization that there was no hope to save him fell like a weight heavier than years of Robert's own sinful pride, and he had to fight off the utter despair and focus as he lost this dying soul.
"Take the key. No traces. No one can find you."
"I can do that," he said. He felt like he wanted to do whatever he could to make this work, if these were the last moments, if he could do anything at all. He still didn't understand, but maybe it wasn't up to him. Maybe it would come later. The coyote smiled, showing teeth as red as the rest of his muzzle, and *laughed* a little. It must have felt good to him, and Robert was happy for that.
"Thank you, Father." The canine convulsed, his whole frame seizing to one side, then the other. Robert was aware of his knees becoming soaked with blood. There was so much of it! "Breast...breast pocket..." Trying to reach into his shirt, the coyote stiffened and fell still. Robert thought that was the end until the hand that was halfway concealed now disappeared behind the tattered and soiled fabric, fumbling and finally making purchase. Jingling followed, and the object fell out of the coyote's grasp. It came to rest two steps below them.
Robert picked it up, gleaming dully from candles scattered throughout the worship space. Gold-plated, it had long since lost its shine to a patina that looked decades old, yet it showed signs of having been cut recently and by a modern machine. The badger turned it over in his fingers, letting its supposed power and mystery hypnotize him, until he noticed the keychain attached to the key.
"Father...do you remember?" the canine wheezed. A glaze was forming over his eyes, a gel thicker than it was supposed to be. There was no longer hope for him. But he had the key, and that was important. *Why* had yet to be answered. Robert looked at the keychain. It was familiar, and it was definitely older than the key. An old image, a reproduction of a painting from the Middle Ages, of an old polar bear with a flowing white beard and jovial features. A staff he held in one hand. His face was old, sage but youthful and bright.
It was the face of Saint Nicholas. The patron saint of children.
Robert remembered. Over twenty years ago.
The coyote saw his face and smiled. "Father, remember...do me the honor, please..." He grabbed the badger's wrist with wet, limp fingers. "No traces."
"No traces. Of course."
"Thank you. My--" Coughing hard, struggling for breath, because he only needed one more, just one more. "My name is Colson Porter, and I never stopped loving you." And that was the last before his breathing was too shallow. But he was still alive.
Robert sighed. Yes, now he remembered. Some of it he didn't want to. But now the coyote was only thirteen, fresh-faced and ready for the world. So many memories. Most of them beautiful. The priest felt like he should cry, but his capacity would not allow it.
"Oh, Cole," he said, stroking the canine's hand. "I'll take care of everything. Now go be with God."
"Go home," Colson replied. "That sounds nice." The yellow eyes faded, but did not close. It was over, with nary a sound to be heard. Robert folded the coyote's eyes and crossed himself, asking for a strength he knew he could never possess and not knowing whether he would receive help from where he needed it most, in this hour, on this night, for this soul.
Saint Zita's was new enough to have been built with a large congregation in mind, but still old enough to have its own cemetery, hidden by thick stands of oak and pine, off the back of the building and its kitchen. People still came here to remember the dead, but not to mourn: not a single soul was left who was less than two generations removed from any resident of these plots. Robert Maguire toured the grounds often, sometimes in contemplation, others in sad--almost shameful--regret. The most recently interred was Jacob Goldsmith, born 11 October 1811, died 6 June 1879, Beloved Father, Skilled Horseman, Keeper of Dogs, Former '49er. Not the football kind, though.
The priest bet, as he perspired under his heavy vestments even in the cool night (the thought had never occurred to him to disrobe), the venerable Jacob Goldsmith never had to deal with the kinds of stresses of this modern-day life. He also bet that if Jacob Goldsmith were anything like himself, he would have been beaten and hanged long before now.
The old Chinese man who operated the only hardware store open past six o'clock in the evening gave him an odd look when he had stopped in to purchase more lye than any sane person could ever need, but it was half-hearted at best. It was the look of fleeting interest and pseudo-ambivalence that told the badger *You are being suspicious mister, but I'll let you go this time*. He muttered something about home-made soaps as a church fundraiser before laying down the cash and sulking, rather guiltily, out the door and back to Saint Zita's, where a grim task awaited him.
Soft earth, made softer by a previous sudden afternoon squall, gave way easily even under Robert's weak arms. With only the intermittent glow from streetlamps to work by, Robert felt very much alone in his efforts, save for the key that kept jingling, announcing its presence in its new home of khaki slacks. Its weight in his pocket, like a rumor waiting to be discovered, reminded him often of the importance of following Cole's request. It also reminded him that beyond this, there was more to do than live and let it be. And if he did nothing, then something would happen by itself. The thought of that, unknown and possibly hideous, scared him into action. He was, after all, a man of fear.
A vague sense that he didn't belong here, in this moment, at the handle of this shovel, permeated the badger's thoughts for the millionth time tonight. Such thoughts occurred to him often nowadays, more during otherwise normal moments, even in the middle of a sermon. The wrong person in the wrong body in the wrong world. But it was easier to do what he knew best and get on with it. Live and let it be, but once again, that argument came around full-circle and ended in a smoldering pile of thought-ashes because of Cole. Cole and his stupid dying and his stupid key.
*Serenity, Father,* he thought, and he could see clearly again. The floating patches of light that were the white fur on his palms, gripped tightly and resolutely, removing the last cubic feet of earth from a grave that was never to be discovered. Unless the coyote's movements could be traced through witnesses; then, if the inquiries came, he would tell the truth: that he had respected a dying man's last wishes as a priest and a Catholic, a trustee of God himself. (Though God was becoming more and more of a scapegoat than anything else) You want to take possession of the body? Sure, I'll take you to it. I'll fill out a report, too. Anything special he said? No, just asked to be buried where no trace of him would remain.
But some of that was a lie.
This was the inner city. You did what you must to get ahead.
The coyote's body, athletic but frail and heavier than it looked and laid atop a black plastic trash bag, slid easily over the short grass and into the hole. The only thing Robert could think of as he parted the plastic and opened the first container of lye was an exhibit he had been to once, in the German town of Dachau. There was a Holocaust memorial and museum there. Foreboding smothered everything with intangible weight as he had viewed the camp, from the guard towers to the ovens. As he stood in the only remaining barracks, viewing a pile of thousands upon thousands of shoes of the dead, he had spied a photograph in the opposite corner.
It was from 1945, when the Allies had liberated the camp and taken photos as evidence. Hundreds of stickly bodies occupied this photograph, blown up to three-by-four feet. They, just like the shoes, were thin, worn and leathery. And there were hundreds in this corner. It had dawned on Robert then, as he turned around, that the corner he had just left was the very same one as in the photograph. It was an unspeakably dirty feeling, one that made him feel very vulnerable at that moment.
This is what burying Cole felt like.
Forcing himself to go through the motions as if they were practiced, though this was a first, was also unspeakably dirty. But it was the only way he would get through tonight without breaking down. Separated, yes, but not unrelated.
*(What do you feel)*
After all these years, the coyote had come to him for the end
*(I feel really warm. It's nice)*
to give him something cherished, something important and bigger than them both
*(I like doing it for you)*
but whose importance
*(But is it wrong)*
meant nothing to him.
*(Not if you don't want it to be)*
He wanted to look away as he poured the lye over Cole's body, but he wanted to make sure not a drop was wasted or spilled. It coated the coyote's fur, pasting it down and even splashing onto the part of his tongue that hung from his muzzle. Robert made quick work of the second container, then the third. He would discard each one separately, each in a place where they wouldn't be noticed, each in a place wherever who found it would just throw it into the system for him. If the cops ever wanted to know, he wouldn't be able to tell them much. As far as he knew, not a single law was being broken. Church ground was immune.
Robert didn't want to wait around for the lye to start working, because he knew exactly what it would do. No traces, that was what it would do. Refilling the hole was a simpler task than digging it out, and took less than half the time. He tamped it down when he was done, but he would have to wait until morning to make sure the ground was level. Then he would throw grass seed and hay over the spot and water it. The grave would hide in plain sight, and Robert doubted a single parishioner would notice.
It was not until he reentered the church, and his office, that the badger noticed how exhausted the burial had made him. It was a reminder of his age, just like a lot of things reminded him of his age these days. The night would end with a cup of orange pekoe tea and a little light reading; these minor yet familiar things helped soften, if not erase, what he had just done.
Candles and Gregorian chant added to his state of mental ease. Though he didn't want to, Robert found his thoughts wandering to the mysterious key and its story. Obviously to Cole, it was the crux of a larger picture, something important and vital and so secretive that the only person he entrusted it to was an old priest from his childhood church. The fact of their former relationship had undoubtedly weighed heavily on his decision, but it had been decades since they had last spoken. Robert found himself wondering how much effort it had taken the coyote to find him. Maybe it was just as easy as coming home.
The sound of the tea water boiling brought him away from his thoughts. Whatever it was, nothing could be done about it tonight. It might even have to wait until Monday lunchtime, because tomorrow was Sunday and he had four masses over which to preside. Looking at his mantel clock, the badger saw it was drawing on eleven-thirty. Much too late for an old man to be up and about. He lit a few candles, poured the tea and settled his bulk into the old armchair that had been a part of this room since he'd been installed at St. Zita's. Its leather, darkened and dulled but never torn, it was itself a reminder of Cole's days here as a choir-boy. In fact, this was the chair where...where...
"Oh, dear," said Robert, and his voice broke. "Oh, Cole." And the night was finally over. The weight of it all settled like a wraith on his shoulders as he sipped his tea, as the tears flowed freely, as Father Maguire mourned the death of the coyote and Death in general. They matted his cheeks, yet he said not a word and made no sound, just stared straight ahead at the reproduction of *The Last Supper* on the wall opposite the chair. It was good to let it go; he was surprised to find he couldn't remember the last time he'd cried for the sake of crying, for something worth crying about.
He fell asleep that way, his left hand resting on the teacup, the right in his pocket, clutching the key he could not afford to lose yet he would give anything to make it go away, along with its trail of mystery and despair.
*6/1/07* |
Title: 4th Floor Coffman
Tags: tea room, gay bareback anal, gay blowjob
True-ish tearoom story.
Thanks to LarryInSeattle.
I didn't have to wait long. I hardly had time to sit down and touch my cock before he was running his finger under the stall. I'd taken a look before entering my own stall. He was an older dude but younger than I am now as I write this. I was always surprised by the number of older men who showed up even though it is a large campus. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised to see more than students hanging out, looking for hard dick. I was at an in-between stage. I supposed you could think of me as a grad student, or more accurately a post-doc. I was twenty-eight, older than some but not the oldest by far. I never thought of the older guys as 'trolls', perhaps because I was a bit closer to becoming one of them than the undergrads. Coffman was remodeled years ago. I have no idea where students go for cock these days. Perhaps the world has changed enough they just go back to their dorm rooms and fuck like everyone else. I no longer seek out such places. Kneeling on a cold, dirty, floor and shoving my cock under the stall was never terribly comfortable but now I'd view doing so as impractical, at best. More importantly, that part of my life is in the past. It's still part of me. I no longer deny it, no longer hide it from my wife, but other than in memory, I've set it aside.
The man I'd spied through the crack in the door looked okay. I didn't start drooling but he wasn't super over-weight, on the bearish side but not a Wookie, and his cock looked reasonable enough. Still, when I swung off the stool to kneel on the floor, I didn't shove my cock under the stall. I was hard already, God how I miss my twenties. I stroked myself and waited for the sideways, upside down face to appear. It did.
"Yeah, stroke that big cock."
A talker. Not a deal breaker but not my favorite. My cock is average. I like it. It fits me and, personally, I've always found it nicely proportioned with regard to size of the crown, length and girth. Now, I get it, a certain fulsomeness is part of the gig in these situations. It wasn't what he said; it was that he was already gabbing. I gravitated toward the more silent types. He struck me as too old to be a newbie but he'd taken the end stall, near the wall. That left me the middle stall. I'd have options, he would not.
"Let me suck it." His voice was insistent, a little too much so for my taste. I decided I'd suck him. I could get my dick sucked at home. That wasn't why I was here. I was here because there was no dick at home I could suck. I figured it to be a win-win. I get a load of cum, something I hadn't had for months. He'd get to bust a nut and then I'd win again because he'd leave. I gestured with my fingers.
"Let me suck you first." His voice was a bit more insistent.
I shook my head and repeated the gesture. I hated feeling like a dick but I'd discovered it was better not to be too compliant either. We were all there for similar reasons. Usual it worked out and everyone was reasonably happy. If he was as desperate for a mouthful of cum as I was, well that could prove problematic. As it was, he blinked first. The face disappeared. Naked legs, pale, dark hair, jeans bunched around ankles, and scuffed up tennis shoes replaced the face - along with his cock, which proved to be more than reasonable. It was quite nice, truth be told. I was never much for estimating size because I didn't care. I was more likely to decline a monster cock than a smaller one. I've never liked to gag. In those days I was able to control my gag to an extent and today, on occasion when alone in the kitchen, I'll deep throat a banana just to prove to myself I still can. But monster cocks, the kind you can barely get your lips around never appealed to me. So, let's say he was six-inches, not too fat, cut. He didn't shave or trim. His cock jutted out of a mass of dark curls. Fine by me.
I wrapped my hand around his cock and squeezed and was amazed, yet again, at how something so soft and smooth was able to hide steel. A lovely, clear, large drop of dew appeared, clinging to his piss slit. I leaned over my legs and touched the tip of my tongue to it, inhaling as I did so. I smelled soap. I cannot claim to be a connoisseur of cum. It's not salty. I'll never understand why people describe it that way. I always felt it left my mouth sort of dry or numb, like a wine with a lot of tannin. I craved it but I never call it delicious. At the same time, I don't recall ever taking a load I thought tasted bad. To me cum is cum is cum. If I can't do better than that describing cum, I'll just say his precum tasted like cum but less so, less piquant than what I hoped would soon follow.
"That's right suck my fat dick."
Fuck. The talking. It wasn't that fat and I hadn't suck it yet. I had the afternoon but I was desperate for cock and I wasn't such a huge asshole as to reject him because he ran off at the mouth a little. I wrapped my lips around the head and played with the slit with my tongue as I slid my hand down his shaft. I took my mouth away, milked the shaft and rubbed my hand over the precum. My hand still wasn't slick enough to glide over his cock, so I licked my fingers and hand, then squeezed his shaft again. When I stroked him again there was an acceptable lack of friction. I stroked him a few times and then put the head of his cock back in my mouth. I pressed on the underside of his crown with my tongue, loving the way I could deflate the head and loving it even more when I released the pressure and the head swelled to fill my mouth again. I popped my lips over the ridge of his crown a few times, eliciting a few moans but, thank God, no words. My mouth followed my hand and I deep throated his cock. His hips bucked forward, smashing his pubis into my nose. Not a problem. I held him there, savoring the smell of his pubic hair and crotch, savoring the feel of a mouth, and throat, full of cock. The sound of the door opening had sent us both scrambling back to our stools.
I had a student ID. If busted, I'd be told to beat it and unless I was caught again, nothing else would happen. If the dude whose cock I'd had in my mouth was busted and he had no reason to be on campus, he'd be cited for trespassing. The bathroom door on the fourth floor of the old Coffman Union open facing a wall, for privacy. I suspect for privacy for those standing at the urinals but maybe the architect knew of the needs of young men, who knows. The wall was about four-feet long and then you turned to enter the bathroom proper, facing the row of sinks. To your right were three urinals and beyond them, the three stalls. Dude number 1 was in the stall next to the wall. I was in the middle. Neither of us could see the guy at the urinal. I heard the sound of someone taking a monstrous leak. I could see his feet as he washed his hands but he had gone to the middle sink. I couldn't tell if he was checking out the stalls in the mirror. Before he could leave, the door opened again. Hand washer left. The easiest way to get caught was if someone came in at the same time someone else was leaving. I waited. No pissing. I bent forward. The feet at the urinal are facing the stalls not the urinal. I sit back up and wait.
It was the shish of his shorts that I heard more than his footsteps. A shadow passed my door. He was a big, tall not fat, guy, African-American, or as we said at the time, black. He looked to be an undergrad with a patchy beard. I couldn't see much else. He paused in front of the other door. I could tell by where he was standing that he was peeking through the crack at Guy 1. I stroked, slowly, and waited. In a few minutes his eye appeared in the crack between my door and the stall support. I leaned back, giving him a good look. I was never what I'd call ripped but I pulled my tee shirt back over my head. I wasn't fat. I wasn't super hairy. Plus, getting my tee shirt out of the way made it easier for me to play with my nipples. More importantly, it allowed him to see my nipples being played with. I heard nothing from the other stall. I purposely stroked my cock extra hard, letting my hand smack into my leg. There was no mistaking that sound in the quiet bathroom. That's all I did. Time for African-American student, A-AS, to declare himself. I didn't have to wait long. He pulled the top of his athletic shorts down. There was nothing underneath except a beautiful cock, bigger than most but not stereotypically so. That was good enough for me.
I hopped back down on my knees and motioned under the stall to Guy 1. Nothing. A shy talker. Great. Or, I wondered, a racist talker.
"It's okay. Come on," I whispered.
He was just starting to move when we heard the door. Fucking hell. Up I went and A-AS popped into the stall next to me, the one nearest the urinals. Piss. Wash. Bye-bye. By then I was pretty amped up. I went right back to my knees and motioned. "Come on. Hurry up. It's cool." Behind me I hear the other stall door open. The eye at the door and the cock under the stall arrive simultaneously. Nice. I lube my hand up with spit and start working on his cock again. I deep-throat him, holding him in my throat as long as I can. I tilt my head. A-AS's eye is glued to the crack. The doors on the stalls opened to the left, as you faced them form the stool. I was blowing the guy to my right. No problem. Without taking his cock out of my mouth or my right hand off his cock, I reached up with my left and unlatched the door. I didn't open it. A-AS would again need to make the next move. He did. He pushed the door open and stood there, and watched me, kneeling on that cold bathroom floor, sucking dick.
I focused on the cock in my mouth, stroking and sucking. I'd deep throat it then pull back slow, sucking and pressing my tongue against the softer undershaft. At the head, for the sake of Guy 1 and A-AS, I would lick around the crown, flick the V in the crown with the tip of my tongue and then in one quick motion, deep throat him again. After a few minutes of that, I took his dick out of my mouth. I turned slightly and began to lick the left side of his cock. I put my lips on it and let them glide over the shaft. This position allowed me to watch A-AS. He stood in the doorway, stroking, but not in a serious I-want-to-cum-right-now fashion. We held each other's eyes. I held out my left hand. He took one step into my stall and laid his cock in my open hand. I revised my estimate. Perhaps he'd not been fully hard. In my hand, his cock flirted with not just being bigger than most but verging on monstrous. My fingers barely wrapped all the way around his shaft. My thumb worked over the head. It came away slick. I took my mouth off of Guy 1's cock long enough to put my thumb in my mouth and suck it.
I shifted positions. I kept stroking both cocks but now A-AS's cock hovered just in front of my face. He had a deeper, richer musk than Guy 1, not at all unpleasant or rank. I didn't try to take much of his cock in my mouth, settling at the start, with just the head. I got him nice and wet and then leaned back and stroked him. This was the first time I sucked a black dude. His cock was a rick, dark chocolate color, his sack and the head were even darker. There was a band of pinkish-white where he'd been cut. His pubes and the line of hair that ran to his belly button were jet black with much tighter curls than I'd ever seen. His balls were shaved. I did my best to suck one of them into my mouth but they were huge. He jerked and hissed, I knew I'd hurt him so I contented myself with nuzzling, kissing and licking his sack and the inside of his leg. His musk was much stronger there, not rank, just stronger. I pressed his cock against his belly and licked beneath his sack. He hadn't shaved that far back. I stopped and plucked a hair off the tip of my tongue, kissed the front of his leg, and then returned my attention to Guy 1. Or would have if the sound of a door opening hadn't sent us all scrambling again.
Footsteps, then nothing but quiet. It was clearly someone interested in what we were doing but whether that was because that someone was hoping to bust us or join us was not clear. I risked a look under the stall, running shoes not leather, that was a hopeful sign but proved nothing. The feet moved toward the sink. I sat back up. He stopped at the last sink, the one closest to the stalls. Through the crack I could see that although the water was running he wasn't washing his hands. Why would he? He hadn't take a leak. I could see his eyes in the mirror, looking at the stalls. I assumed that, though not an expert in optics, if I could see him looking this way that he could see me looking back, or at least that someone was looking back at him through the gap beside the door. Jeans and a tee shirt. Campus security didn't usual bother to try to entrap people. They just want to keep somewhat of a lid on the activities. I scanned his waist line. Nothing bulged under his shirt, nothing that looked like Mace or cuffs. Campus security didn't carry weapons in those days.
My horniness made me bold, stupidly so in retrospect though, on this occasion, I wasn't punished for my foolishness.
I unlatched the door to my stall, pushed it open and stood. I shuffled to the open door, took half a step out and began to stroke my cock. Guy 2 watched in the mirror. Of course, the sound of the damn door opening sent me shuffling back and closing the door. I heard Guy 2 twist the water off and grab a handful of paper towels. I hear the bang of the trash can lid, followed by the sound of the door opening and closing as the newest interloper took a quick piss. When he finished he didn't wash his hands. Though I'd just been kneeling on the floor, sucking anonymous cock, it bugged me that he didn't wash his hands.
I opened the door to my stall, dropped to my knees, and waited. A-AS moved first. He stepped out of his stall, walked over, fished his cock out of his shorts and offered it to me. I started at the beginning, took the head in my mouth and then a little more. I got him wet and started stroking, long, twisting strokes. By the time Guy 1 worked up the nerve to open his door and watch, I'd been able to get about a third of that beautiful dark cock into my mouth. I turned, tonguing and kissing the right side of his cock, giving Guy 1 a nice view. I leaned past A-AS's muscular left thigh and motioned. He hesitated but Guy 1 stepped out of his stall, jeans around his ankles.
"Hold your pants up, buddy. In case you have to get back inside quick." He did as I suggested and then walked out of his stall and stepped in front of me, not quite close enough to touch A-AS. I stroked both of them, then sucked Guy 1. I saw him reach for A-AS, who let him take over stroking.
"Yeah, man, suck that dick. Suck it."
I did, hoping that might shut him up. Naw.
"You like that big dick, huh? Like sucking dick?"
Well, duh. Why else would I have been there? Fuck. I ignored him and sucked him a few more times, then turned back to A-AS's actual big dick.
"Oh, you like that big fat black cock, huh?"
I turned, kissed the head of Guy 1's cock and looked past it at him. "Relax, man. I like both your cocks. Just enjoy and relax. Okay?" I went back to sucking A-AS's cock. Dude 1 took the hint and stayed quiet. I didn't suck AA-S for long. I wanted to get Guy 1 out of my hair. I turned back to him and sucked him for real now. I worked his cock with my mouth and hands. When he started to get excited, I put my hands on his ass cheeks and let him mouth fuck me. When he started to jizz, I pulled back and let him cum on my face and open mouth. When he was done, I sucked him until he grew soft, using the head of his dick to wipe my face off with. A-AS watched the whole thing. Guy 1 stepped back, jerked his pants all the way up, zipped and fled. I licked my lips and smiled at A-AS. He smiled back. "Dude, wouldn't shut the fuck up." I nodded my agreement and reached for his cock. We didn't get very far before we were sent scurrying back to our stalls. This time A-AS takes the far stall. Classes must have let out because for about fifteen minutes there was a steady stream of business at the urinals. I took periodic breaks from stroking my dick, just enough to keep it hard, to peek under the stall. Finally, one pair of sneakers was left and they looked familiar. I bent lower. Same tee shirt. It was the hand washer, henceforth to be known as HW. The way HW had bolted earlier when the door opened made it clear he wasn't security and, more likely than not, that he was inexperienced. Perfect. I debated subtlety versus boldness. I was too horny for subtlety. I hoped HW was as well.
I opened the door to my stall and shuffled to it. I had to exit it entirely for HW, still by the urinals, to be able to see me stroking my cock. I remember telling myself I should have worn flip flops and shorts. I could've been naked, stroking my, by then, painfully hard cock for this nice looking young man with a trickle of sweat running down his left sideburn. He watched. He didn't unzip his jeans but he watched. A-AS open the door to his stall and moved to stand beside me, stroking his own dick. When I reached for it, he let me stroke him. I stroked us both; we both stared at HW, inviting him with our eyes.
He stepped closer.
I moved in front of A-AS, dropped back to my knees and began to suck his dick. Soon, I had forgotten all about HW, engrossed as I was in seeing how much of that dick I could swallow. I never gagged. I never quite got the whole thing into my gullet but most of it, enough that I'm still proud of my accomplishment. Perhaps because A-AS and I were so wrapped up in what we were doing and no longer staring at him, HW moved steadily closer. I kept sucking, pausing when I needed to catch my breath. When HW finally unzipped and pulled out his dick, I held out my hand. Nothing. I stood up. I pushed A-AS's tee shirt up and began to suck and play with his nipples. They were tiny, or maybe they just looked that way because he was such a big dude. Tiny or not, they responded as nipples do and A-AS responded as one does whose nips are being played with. HW was stroking his cock by now. I stopped what I was doing and turned to him.
"If someone comes in, don't try to zip up. Duck in the stall and act like you just got in there and finish unzipping and taking your pants down. Sit on the can. Don't stand there. If it is security, do your best to look like your concentrating on taking a dump. Capisce?"
Yes, I said 'capische'. Why I don't know but the fact that I've included that embarrassing fact should convince you that I'm telling the truth, even the unflattering bits.
HW nodded and I went back to sucking A-AS's cock. After a few sucks, I held out my left hand. This time HW put his dick in it. Yes! He was rock hard and dripping dew. A quick rub of the head was all it took to lube up his cock. I didn't try to suck him, not then. I sucked A-AS. I stroked HW. Then, bang, door opens and we bolt back to your hidey-holes. Piss, wash, leave. As usual that afternoon, I was the first out the door. I knelt and waited. A-AS was next, then HW. I looked at HW; he hadn't needed clairvoyance to know what I wanted.
He took a couple of steps and when I reached for his dick, he let me take it. I felt a hand on the back of my head. A-AS had joined us. He rubbed my head and neck, leaning over me to nip and suck at HW's nipples.
I was disappointed in how quickly HW came. I was quite enjoying the taste of his cock. I was not disappointed, not in the least, at the load he deposited in my mouth and throat. God knows how long he'd been working up to this, lying in his dorm room, dreaming and wishing. I knew all about that. I also knew that as soon as the last spurt finished, if not before, he'd feel like he'd woke from a dream. He'd be filled with revulsion at what he'd just done and at himself, at me. He'd bolt, swearing he'd never do this again. Swearing he wasn't bi or gay. Swearing he'd never, ever, do this again. I hoped I was wrong. I hoped that in the few years that separated us that things had change enough for him not to beat himself up but the fact he was here, in a public bathroom, getting his dick sucked and not in his own room made me pretty sure I was right. I was. He put his still hard dick away and hurried away, never looking at either of us. I wished him luck twenty odd years ago and I wish him luck again this very minute.
A-AS pulled me to my feet. He kissed me. I'd never kissed a guy before. That may seem strange to a younger generation of bi, or gay, men but I don't think I was that unusual back then. I'd sucked cock, been sucked but I'd never kissed a guy before that moment. His tongue was hungry, whether for my mouth or what was left of HW's cum I have no idea. After I got over my surprise, I found I didn't mind. I kinda liked it, the feel of his whiskers, the fuller lips, the more aggressive nature of the kiss. No, I hadn't minded, not a bit.
He pulled away, turned and leaned with his hands against the wall. He had to bend nearly double and squat a little for his ass to be even with my cock.
"Fuck me?"
Surprise number two. I'd never fucked or been fucked, not with a guy. When privacy allowed, I'd used one of my wife's toys on my ass but that was it. I ran through what I knew about HIV risks. I was here because we were on one of my wife's periodic breaks from birth control pills, breaks that she requested to give her body a breather from having her hormones fucked with. I only gave in to my deeply hidden desires when I was using condoms in my own bed. I'd spend a few days hanging out here, getting a year's, or more, worth of cock in, then wait a long six weeks, sure I'd really fucked up and finally gotten what I deserved, before pricking my finger and mailing in an HIV test. Sucking dick was relatively low risk. Getting fucked, high risk. Fucking another man, not high but not as low as sucking. I knew I wanted to fuck him, desperately. My question was, was I strong enough to resist. Fuck, the readers will know the answer to that. I knew the answer, if I'd wanted to be honest with myself. Walking in the fucking door, grabbing a stall and whipping out my dick was a pretty clear answer with regards to my self-control.
I hesitated, as much as my hard dick would allow anyway. I dropped to my knees first and spread his ass. There were other things besides sucking dick and fucking a guy's ass I'd dreamed about. If his ass had smelled of shit everything might have been different. It didn't. It smelled of him, the musk of his crotch ratcheted up a notch or so. When I'm not just horny but fucking horny, out of control horny, I'm bold. I pushed my face into his ass crack and started tonguing the dark pucker. He didn't taste like shit. It was a earthier taste than his cock but that was all. I tongued him. He pushed back against me, moaning.
Bam, we both jumped back into our stalls. I don't know about him but I was mentally screaming every curse I'd ever heard. Piss. No wash. Out the door. So was I, mad with lust.
I was on him before he could get braced against the wall. I didn't kneel. I bent. Tongued his ass, spit in my hand, but my spit and precum over my cock, leaned over him and let my spit dropped in the crack of his ass, just above his pucker. I didn't spit on him. I've never wanted to spit on anyone or be spit upon. I straightened, rubbed my cock head over his asshole, and started to push. He pushed back and the head of my cock slipped past his sphincter. He hissed and put a hand on my leg. "Easy. Hold on." I waited, doing nothing more than holding still while he pushed himself onto my cock. My God, how different his ass felt from a pussy. Anal was not something any of my girlfriends, or wife, was interested in. He was so fucking tight, but not along the whole length of my cock like young pussy. He was tight but only at the sphincter. His asshole clenched at the part of my dick directly inside it, beyond that tight, so tight ring his ass was looser than a pussy. I didn't feel anything in his ass and breathed a sigh of relief. I was new to this but I also knew, from my occasional dildo play, that I wasn't a fan of messy clean ups.
When I pulled out, my cock looked clean enough. I didn't pull all the way out. When the ring of my crown encountered the ring of his ass, I stopped. I let another strand of spit fall onto my cock before entering him again. There was no hiss that time and no hand on my leg holding me back. I grabbed his hips and started to fuck him. He quickly matched my rhythm. Fuck, his ass felt amazing. I held back as long as I could.
"Want me to cum in your ass or pull out?"
"Cum in my ass, dude."
I didn't argue. I fucked him, one ear tuned for the door. When I came, it had to have rivaled the load HW had given me. I haven't cum that hard since the first time I fucked a girl or the first time I got my dick sucked (by a guy, through a glory hole, before I ever got sucked off by a woman). I shoved into him and held myself tight, pumping my jizz into his guts. When I started to pull out, he whispered, "go slow". I did. I was fascinated by how white my cum looked on his dark skin.
Bam. The fucking door.
Shuffle, shuffle. I took the time to wipe my cock off with toilet paper, purposely not looking too closely. As I sat there, listening to some dude taking a leak, I told myself not to be a total douche and bolt. I owed the kid. Now that I'd cum, my mind started reading off the litany of my sins and faults. I didn't pull up my pants. When the coast was clear I went to his door. "Want me to finish sucking you?"
That was the sum total of our conversation. After all this time I can't claim it's verbatim but there weren't many more words than that exchanged.
I got on my knees and took his cock, to this day still the most magnificent dick I've ever had in my mouth, and got to work. Once I had him revved up again, I let him fuck my mouth, using my hand to cover the part of his shaft I couldn't get in my mouth. I have fond memories of that kid, fond memories and respect. He fucked my mouth with eagerness but not violence. He never made me gag. Never called me 'his bitch' or told me to 'suck it'. All things too many men seem to imagine the person sucking their dick wants to hear.
If anything, his load was bigger than HW's. I couldn't swallow fast enough. Some of it dripped off my chin and onto the floor. For a fleeting instant, I considered licking it off the floor. Sick, I know. I didn't but I thought about it. If I hadn't already cum I don't know if I would have or not.
I stood up. He nodded, tucked his cock back in his shorts and left.
I went to the sink and wet two paper towels, squirted soap on one and grabbed a third, dry, one. Back inside the stall, I washed off my dick, wiped off the soap and dried. Someone came in and sat down. I could see him leaning over, peeking, watching me put my mostly soft cock back in my jeans.
I didn't stay. I tossed the paper towels away, washed my hands and went back to the cubby hole that served as my office. |
Title: Letting it down by TrueSkyBlue
Tags: Love, M/F, Vixen, Wolf, Young Love
Letting it down
Here's my first attempt at M/F stuff, my previous story was F/F and got a 10, so I hope this is as popular. It's quite long, and does set a scene, so it's supposed to be more than a quick fap. It's a new, fun spin on erectile dysfunction - I hope you like it!
A small mistake with a bottle of Viagra would normally lead to a night of pain for a young fur. His brother's girlfriend however has other plans...
Sorry about the formatting, if anyone wants to give me a hand with it then that'd be great. The spare lines need to stay there and the new lines of conversation need to be indented. Sorry if it needs to be validated again so soon, but I've had a run through and broke it up to make it more readable.
I may return with the characters for later stories, if you'd like that then please comment.
The noise of the front door being slammed shut in anger echoed around the house, as Ethan left for work.
Moments earlier, he'd received a phone call from his foreman, something to do with a fight breaking out at the factory between two of his employees. Without even asking for their names, he knew it would be a racial dispute - it always was - and all the while, his pleas to put the avian and rodent employees were being ignored by the management - "institutional racism" was more of a concern to the company than his productivity, or for that matter, his sexlife.
Joel was surprised to hear his brother go back out so soon. Problems at his job were common, and he was always on call, but he'd only been back half an hour before heading out in what sounded like a bit of tiff with his girlfriend.
Joel was 18, a lot younger than his brother, but despite that they were very similar young men. They looked very much alike, had the same taste in women, and could both get bored easily. That was, in fact, their main shared character flaw, and whereas Ethan could stave off the effects of this flaw with his work and his girlfriend, Joel was stuck with it. And generally speaking, when an 18 yearld boy is alone in his room, with nothing else to do, he tends to resort to the simplest way of occupying himself.
Earlier in the evening, Ethan had come home, showered and then spent a significant amount of time drying his lupine fur, only to walk into his bedroom to be greeted by the sight of Starlet, his girlfriend - wearing only a bra that struggled to contain her sizeable chest, and panties that were lacey to the point of being decorative, making no attempt to cover up the supple, curvaceous vixen beneath.
"Aww, poor baby," She said, in a sultry manner, rising from the bed as she did so, "bad day at work hun? You look tired." Her expression drooped for a moment, then, suddenly, rose and softened into a naughty grin,
"I've got something that'll make you all better." Ethan put down his towel, exposing himself, completely in the fur, as the vixen walked over to him, placing a paw on the left side of his face. She slowly walked round him, her red fur lit brilliantly by the dying sunlight streaming through the bedroom window. As she walked behind him, her paw traced across his strong, broad shoulders, and when she was behind him, it rested at the nape of his neck. She brought her other paw up to the same level, and started to massage. A skilled masseuse, thanks to her previous relationship with a masseur, she knew the easiest way to make Ethan putty in her paws was first to relax him. Ethan's head rolled back, his muzzle pointing to the ceiling as he quietly uttered,
"That's wonderful, Starlet." Starlet however had more in mind than to merely relax her lover. Her heat burned deep inside her, and she needed him tonight to satisfy her. Whilst one paw remained on the wolf's shoulders, she pulled herself close to him, pressing her body against his back, as she lowered her right paw over his shoulder, running her fingers down his chest, reaching further and further, knowing exactly what she was looking for. She was disappointed though when she got to his manhood, to find him flaccid and unexcited by what she was doing. Ethan hung his head.
"Srry, it's been a long day, I'm just a bit tired." Starlet smiled; a lesser woman would have been insulted, but she loved Ethan, and knew how much his job took out of him. Still, though she didn't show it, she was flustered; she had felt her heat building up within her as she reached for his crotch, now she was on fire and-
Suddenly, Ethan whirled around and picked her up, and turning again, flung her on top of the double bed. The satin sheets billowed away from her toned body as she landed on the mattress. Starlet removed her underwear as the wolf leapt onto the bed moments later, and, parting her legs, reached forward with his muzzle for hers, and kissed her passionately as she lay beneath him. He then kissed her neck, and ran his tongue down, over her chest, till he arrived at her nipples. He nipped and sucked them affectionately, first one, then the other, feeling the writhing of his girl beneath him, her back already arching with the pleasure from his seeking tongue. Before long, Ethan was alternating between licking one breast and kneading the other, sometimes kneading both; all the while feeling Starlet shudder in anticipation.
Ethan and Starlet had been dating for a while now, and sleeping together much longer than that, and as a result, they both knew each other's kinks and preferences very well. Starlet, amongst her hurried breathing and frantic fidgeting with her thighs, only needed to breathlessly utter one word:
"D-d-down." Ethan tore himself away for a moment and looked up at her, eyes making contact as he touched the area between her breasts with his tongue, holding it as he pulled back, dragging his tongue down her chest, past her navel, all the way to her now very hot, very wet pussy.
He pulled himself back for a moment, to let Starlet breath easier, before setting to her womanhood with a vengeance, lashing at her clit and opening with his wide tongue. He reached back, and put his arms beneath her thighs, lying chest down on the bed between her legs, so he could be closer to do his work. And work he did. With Starlet's tuition earlier in the relationship, he had learnt to please her better than any man. He traced out letters on her clit, flicked his tongue in and out of her pussy, stroked her inner thighs with his paws, nicked at her labial lips with his two front teeth, and the whole time felt waves of heat wrack through her body as she shifted around on the bed from the pleasure. Only a few minutes passed before she was wet to dripping, and she leaned forward, pulling Ethan up to his knees and grasping his cheek, saying,
"I need you Ethan." Her eyes wide open as she pretended to bite her bottom lip, she opened her legs wide, and reached down to her lover's crotch once again... And again, nothing she could work with. She looked down at his manhood, and back to Ethan's face, who had by now averted his gaze from her eyes, ashamed. She reached round his shoulders, and embraced him, holding his head to her bosom, saying gently,
"Honey it's ok, the doctor said this might happen, I know it's just stress." Ethan pulled away from her embrace, and looked back at her, staring into her eyes with an almost childlike expression of remorse,
"I'm sorry blue-eyes, really I am, it's just-" Starlet placed a finger over his mouth, which he roughly motioned to one side to finish his sentence.
"I just don't want you to think it's you." Starlet laughed, and held both his cheeks between her paws.
"I'd never think that hon. Now just go do what you've got to do, I'll be ok on my own here for a moment."
She winked, and leaned back onto the bed, and reaching down for her pussy, started to slowly rub herself.
"I'll be waiting when you get back." Ethan quickly darted out of the room, as Starlet thought to herself,
'I'm losing control here. He'd better hurry, I really need him deep inside me or this heat is never going away.'
Ethan went down to the kitchen, and reaching up into his medicine cupboard, pulled off the top shelf a bottle of Viagra normally kept out of view. It bothered him that he needed it, but it was going to have to do. He opened it up, and popped a pill, turning around to head upstairs - and that's when the phone rang.
Joel was bored again. Thanks to the help of his computer, he was done jacking off, and with the quality of the furry "art" he was able to get his paws on off several image boards, he was over and done with in under a minute.
'Now I have the rest of the evening to look forward to. Great.' He'd already checked if there was anything on television, and there was nothing - and he knew after that session he wouldn't be able to pleasure himself for at least another hour. Then he heard his brother walk up the stairs, followed by what sounded like an argument between him and Starlet, followed by a rough slam of the front door. Thinking that Starlet might be in a sour mood, he decided against speaking to her, instead, going to the phone downstairs to call one of his friends, maybe to go to the movies.
He went down the stairs and picked up the phone, and then he saw it; an open pill bottle. Though none of his family were "straight edge", his brother wasn't normally one to pop pills, and with this being his house, it wasn't the most common thing to see lying around. Joel would have dismissed them, until he noticed one pill on the top of the pile - a pill with a big letter "V" engraved into its surface.
He put down the phone and picked up the bottle, reading the side,
'High potency viagra, for use by males that have lost sexual potency. Should restore your virility in minutes.'
If he'd only read a little further, the night might have went very differently. However, a mixture of curiosity and fate caused him to ignore two very important instructions; the first saying 'Take 1 pill every 6 hours, and do not exceed recommended dose' and secondly, 'Not for use on those under the age of 21'. He grabbed the bottle, and took it up to his room.
Where he took 5.
At first everything was ok. Several minutes after he took the pills, he felt his heart rate speed up slightly, and then he could feel it - his loins started to tighten as he could feel himself becoming hard again. He lay on his back on his bed, and undid his jeans, and then, seeing his cock harder than ever before, he began to masturbate furiously.
Starlet sobbed for a little while after Ethan left her. She'd said some nasty things to him before he left, which she knew she'd have to apologise later. She hoped he would know it was her heat, and not really her talking. She'd put on a silk nightgown, crimson in colour, that was lacy at the top, and didn't quite cover her pussy at the bottom, and lay back on the bed. Realising that she would have to deal with her own problems, she put one paw on her breasts, and reach between her legs with another, feeling as she did the tremendous heat emanating from her ladyparts. She softly penetrated herself with her paw, making some token moaning noises as she did so, when she decided on her course of action. She wouldn't cum now. She'd keep herself hot till her lover came home.
Joel was worried. Nearly half an hour had passed. His arm was tired, his shoulder was aching, and he was still rock-hard - with no sign of cumming in sight. His mind whirled; he'd realised all of a sudden how much of an idiot he'd been to merely take the pills without reading the instructions - then he proceeded to read the bottle left by his bed - and then he panicked. He was going to have to go to Starlet, come clean, and hope she didn't tell his brother - and that he hadn't made himself infertile.
Standing slowly, pulling on some boxer shorts, he gingerly started to creep towards the master bedroom, trembling as he did so. What would she say? Would she be disgusted? Sickened? What if his friends found out? Still he had to put those thoughts out of his mind, they weren't going to help at this point.
Starlet stood up hurriedly to answer the knock on her door. Pulling a robe around her naked body, she tied it at the front before answering, and she was shocked to be greeted by her boyfriend's brother - practically naked - and though she didn't want to, her heat drove her to noticed the massive erection barely contained by his dark boxers. "Starlet, I, well, it's kinda... No, it's important..." Starlet by now was incredibly horny, so slightly impatiently she interrupted Joel, "What is it Joel, spit it out." He looked as though he was about to cry as he said, "I took some of Ethan's Viagra. Too much."
By a few minutes later, Starlet had Joel sat on the bed. She paced the room as she related his story to him, all the while trying not to look at his crotch - but failing on a consistent basis.
"So let's see. You took your brother's viagra, more than you should have - and now you have a hardn that you just can't get rid of?" He nodded at her, and despite her better judgement, she was actually very impressed. She fought to control the heat in her that threatened to drip down her thighs, but she had to admit, that's an impressive cock - perhaps even as big as Ethan's.
"Have you tried a cold shower?" He stared at her blankly.
"If I thought that would work, do you think I'd have come in here and spoke to you like this? I mean what am I supposed to do-"
"Maybe you just need some help." Without thought, the words escaped from Starlet's lips. She immediately brought her paws to her mouth, covering her jaw in a futile method to cram the words back in. Joel's eyes grew wider as he realised what she'd said, and though he was still too young to know consciously, he was already being turned on by the scent coming from her pussy.
Starlet had fought it all day, all afternoon, and most of the evening, but she couldn't do it anymore. She had to give in to the ecstasy. She needed to come just as bad as the young man before her, and any reason about who he was, any why this was a bad idea had long since been countermanded by her sheer heat.
"Lie back on the bed." She said seductively. Joel didn't wait, he immediately lay back, and started to remove his undergarments. Starlet gasped has his fully erect penis came into view, it was bigger than Ethan's! She slipped off her garments, revealing her naked form, in the fur from head to toe. She walked forward, and gripped the young wolf's shaft firmly with one paw, kneading her breasts firmly with another as she started to pump his cock, hard and already glistening with pre-cum. The inexperienced young man started to moan, groaning in time with the pumping of her wrist, watching the movement of her breasts.
Starlet then moved forward, and, placing his cock in the middle of her ample chest, she started to move in a rhythmic motion, whilst licking the head of his penis as it popped up between her tits. Inside, she was ashamed at how turned on she was getting, but she couldn't stop herself, she was on fire between her legs.
Then, she heard the buzzing sound of her cellphone, in her bag, on the table behind her. It jarred her back to the reality of what was going on for a moment, and she looked up at Joel, who was still staring at her as she pleasured him.
"I'd better get that." She giggled as she whispered. Then, turning round, she walked over to the table, and bent down to look in her bag, struggling to find the offending device.
It was too much for Joel. He still wasn't finished. Five Viagra pills and over an hour now of pleasure, and still he hadn't cum. He looked up at the vixen across the room, bent over, wet pussy dripping between her legs. He looked at the curvature of her ass and hips, the perfect height for him. He started to foam at the mouth, and his heart pounded in his ears as he stood up.
The next thing Starlet felt was a rough grip on her hips as she turned her head to see the wolf, the innocence previously in his face now completely lost, foam seeping from the sides of his muzzle - and then it hit her like a train.
"Joel, no!" It was too late. She could feel Joel jabbing away behind her, almost finding her asshole, before (involuntarily, she told herself) she angled herself and thrust backwards onto his hard cock, feeling it penetrate her as deep as it could possibly go.
That was it. Any sensibility went out of the window. She wanted to be fucked. She wanted to feel a man hard and deep inside her. She wanted Joel's cock to drive her pussy to ecstasy - and that's exactly what he did. She put he left leg up on the stool in front of the table, so she could reach down and paw at her clit, as she was ravaged by her boyfriend's younger brother. And then all she did was moan, scream, and hold on.
Joel felt his cock penetrate Starlet, and felt the tight walls of her pussy fall away, wetness covering his cock and dripping down his balls, as he pounded away at her, fucking her harder and faster with each thrust. He felt the waves of pleasure through her body and into his through his manhood, as he felt pre-cum seep out of his length. Still he kept going.
Starlet could feel it coming. She felt Joel getting faster within her, thrusting harder and harder. She felt him getting more spasmic and even harder than he had been before. She felt her pussy, now an inferno of pleasure, a raging torrent of feeling, lancing through her like electricity. She started to moan, then softly groan, then loudly, she yelled,
"Oh Joel!" As she yelled, she felt her hindquarters tighten, her clit harden, and her body burn up in a wave of heat all over, as she came with a mighty force! The feeling, unstoppable, caused her to thrust backward as fast as she could onto Joel's hard member, and then, hearing a loud grunt from the young wolf, she felt her pussy fill up with his hot, white, sticky cum. It didn't stop though, it kept coming, and coming, and Joel, long past any coherent thought, obeyed his mating instincts to grab her and push himself deeper. The vixen tried to pull away to stop herself getting tied, but it was to no avail, the young wolf overpowered her, and his knot stretched her as far as she could go.
They both collapsed on the ground, lying on their side, panting and covered in sweat, still tied, the wolf behind the vixen.
Then looking up through blurry eyes, Starlet saw Ethan in the doorway. |
Subsets and Splits