diff --git "a/grants_file.txt" "b/grants_file.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/grants_file.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,1499 @@ +This project is supported by Scottish Forestry, Woodland Trust +Scotland, Scottish Borders Council, Dumfries & Galloway +Council, National Lottery Heritage Fund and private donations +and is administered by Tweed Forum, Borders Forest Trust and +the Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership. +Its purpose is to encourage the planting of individual or small clumps of +trees which add landscape and biodiversity value to the South of Scotland +countryside for the benefit of people, communities and wildlife. We are losing +trees to disease and old age and we wish to encourage people to plant +more trees. Applications are invited from residents in Scottish Borders and +Dumfries & Galloway only +WHO CAN APPLY? +The Project is open to any organisations +or individuals that can suggest a +planting project less than 0.25ha in size, +that will enhance the landscape and +biodiversity of the South of Scotland +and make a contribution to improved +public amenity. It is designed to be +complementary to other natural heritage +projects that may have conservation or +amenity aims. Please note that hedges +are not eligible. +WHAT ABOUT FUNDING? +We can give assistance in two different +ways to suit the specific project: +Up to 100% of material costs (i.e. for +trees and appropriate shelters, guards, +stakes, fencing, mulch mats, etc) for +private applications from: farmers, +landowners and individuals (excluding +labour and VAT, if reclaimable). +Up to 100% of materials and labour costs +for non-profit making organisations +such as schools and community groups +(including VAT, if not reclaimable). +The maximum grant available is £1000 +per applicant per year.THIS PROJECT IS +SUPPORTED BY +THE FOLLOWING +ORGANISATIONS*CONTACTS +WHERE CAN I APPLY? +The application process is on-line and +forms can be downloaded from the +following websites: +Tweed Forum - +www.tweedforum.org +Borders Forest Trust - +www.bordersforesttrust.org +Galloway Glens - +www.gallowayglens.org +These organisation can give guidance +and advice with the planting designs. +Before submitting your application, you +should: +• Obtain the landowners consent, if you +do not own the land that you wish to +plant. +• Check for presence of services such +as; gas, water pipes or telephone +and electricity cables (tree planting +should not be located within 10m of a +powerline.) +• Obtain the approval of Scottish +Borders Council or Dumfries & +Galloway Council, if planting is +proposed within 5m of the edge of a +public road or highway or might impair +road safety. +• Check for any existing planning +restrictions or site designations such +as those relating to archaeology.Tweed Forum +www.tweedforum.org +Borders Forest Trust +www.bordersforesttrust.org +Galloway Glens +www.gallowayglens.orgAbout the Grant +1 +* including private donationsWHAT TYPE OF PROJECTS +ARE ELIGIBLE? +The site should normally be less than 0.25ha +in size. +Examples of tree planting schemes include: small +copses, field boundary trees, tree lines, parkland +trees and orchards. +The planting will normally be of native species +and be appropriate to the locality (see eligible +tree species list). +Where appropriate, non-native species may +be accepted and planting to maintain a Tree +Preservation Order will also be considered. +WHAT TYPE OF PROJECTS +ARE INELIGIBLE? +• Planting on deep peat or wildflower rich +grasslands +• Within private gardens +• Hedge planting +• Over archaeological sites +• On sites that are designated for existing +conservation or historic interest (unless planting +complements the designated features) +• Schemes where drainage is proposed +• Planting required as a condition of Planning +Consent or other development related planting +• Planting required as a condition of a Felling +Permission or Licence +WHAT ITEMS ARE ELIGIBLE? +• Purchase of plants, tree shelters, stakes and ties +• Protective fencing materials +• Labour costs (for community groups only) +including contract labour or applicants +own labour +• Site preparation (for community groups only) +• Professional fees (no more than 10% of +total cost) +WHAT ARE MY OBLIGATIONS? +It is part of the conditions of the project that you +will maintain and replace trees and shrubs as +necessary for a period of 5 years after planting, +at your own expense. You will need to consider +aftercare and maintenance such as weed control. +Methods of weed control include: Mulching, Hand +weeding & Mechanical cutting. You may need to consider using appropriate herbicides also. +Please seek professional advice prior to use. +The Steering Group reserves the right to visit +the site for inspection purposes. If the planting +fails due to neglect, the Steering Group will take +steps to recover any monies paid. You will need +to supply a photograph of the planting site pre- +commencement and post completion of works. +WHEN SHALL I HEAR IF I +HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL? +Applications will be registered on receipt and +shall be assessed on a first come basis. You +should hear within 4 weeks whether your +application has been successful and when you +can start planting. You must not commence any +works until you receive an offer of grant. We +strongly suggest you speak to an advisor before +you submit an application. +HOW WILL I CLAIM THE GRANT? +Applicants must pay for the works upfront +and claim the grant back from the scheme +administrators. A claim form will be included +with the grant offer letter. Payment of grant is +usually within 4 weeks of the completed claim +form and accompanying paperwork (such as +copy invoices and photographs) being received. +Please return the claim form to your initial +contact/Advisor. Completed claim forms for +applications within Scottish Borders should +be returned to either Tweed Forum or Borders +Forest Trust. Claim forms from within Dumfries +& Galloway, should be sent to Galloway Glens +Landscape Partnership for checking.About the Grant +FURTHER INFORMATION +See contact details below for further details +regarding the scheme- +Tweed Forum, Old Melrose Dairy Steading, +Melrose, Scottish Borders, TD6 9DF +info@tweedforum.org +01896 849723 +Borders Forest Trust, Monteviot Nurseries, +Ancrum, Jedburgh, Scottish Borders, TD8 6TU +enquiries@bordersforesttrust.org +07399 275973 +Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership, 5 St +Andrews Street, Castle Douglas, Dumfries & +Galloway, DG7 IDE +jonathan.barrett@dumgal.gov.uk +07469 571806 +27UHHSODQWLQJDQGKHGJHURZVFDQRIIHUDPXOWLWXGHRIEHQHILWVIRUIDUPVDQGWKHUXUDOHQYLURQPHQWLQFOXGLQJDGGLWLRQDOLQFRPH  +VKHOWHUIRUFURSVEXLOGLQJVDQGOLYHVWRFNDVZHOODVWKHSRWHQWLDOSURGXFHWKDWWUHHFURSVFDQSURYLGHVXFKDVILUHZRRGIU XLWDQG +IRGGHU%XWZKDWVXSSRUWLVRXWWKHUHWRKHOS&URIWHUVWRSODQWWUHHVDQGZKLFKRSWLRQLVEHVWIRU\RXUSURMHFW" +'ƌĂŶƚ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚ&ŽƌƌŽŌtŽŽĚůĂŶĚƌĞĂƟŽŶ͗ŽŵƉĂƌŝƐŽŶ +&ŽƌĨƵƌƚŚĞƌŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶĂďŽƵƚǁŽŽĚůĂŶĚƐǀŝƐŝƚŽƵƌǁĞďƐŝƚĞĂƚǁǁǁ͘ĨĂƐ͘ƐĐŽƚŽƌĐŽŶƚĂĐƚƵƐŽŶϬϯϬϬϯϮϯϬϭϲϭ͘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…KD $QQXDO +PDLQWHQDQFH +SD\PHQW … +KD 7RWDO3D\ +PHQWIRU +\HDUV …KD ,QWLDO3ODQWLQJ +SD\PHQW … +KD $QQXDO +PDLQWHQDQFH +SD\PHQW … +KD 7RWDO3D\ +PHQWIRU +\HDUV …KD +&RQLIHU       +'LYHUVHFRQLIHU       +%URDGOHDYHV       +1DWLYH6FRWV3LQH       +1DWLYH8SODQG%LUFK       +1DWLYH%URDGOHDYHV       +1DWLYH/RZ -GHQVLW\%URDG +OHDYHV       +6PDOORU)DUP:RRGODQG       +1DWLYH%URDGOHDYHVLQ1RUWK +HUQDQG:HVWHUQ,VOHV    QD QD QD :KHUHSORXJKLQJLVWKHDJUHHGPHWKRGRIJURXQG +SUHSDUDWLRQWKH,QLWLDOSODQWLQJSD\PHQWUDWHLV +UHGXFHGE\…KDIRUWKH&RQLIHURSWLRQ…KD +IRUWKH'LYHUVHFRQLIHURSWLRQ…KDIRUWKH +%URDGOHDYHGRSWLRQDQG…KDIRUWKH6PDOORU +IDUPZRRGODQGRSWLRQ &ŽƌĨƵƌƚŚĞƌŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶĂďŽƵƚǁŽŽĚůĂŶĚƐǀŝƐŝƚŽƵƌǁĞďƐŝƚĞĂƚǁǁǁ͘ĨĂƐ͘ƐĐŽƚŽƌĐŽŶƚĂĐƚƵƐŽŶϬϯϬϬϯϮϯϬϭϲϭ͘ &URIWLQJ$JULFXOWXUDO*UDQW6FKHPH &$*6 +6SHFLILFDOO\GHVLJQHGIRUVXSSRUWLQJ&URIWHUVDFURVV6FRWODQGWKH&URIWLQJ$JULFXOWXUDO*UDQWV6FKHPH &$*6 RIIHUVDKXJHU DQJHRIVXSSRUWRSWLRQVWR +FURIWHUVORRNLQJWRDLGDQGGHYHORSDJULFXOWXUDOSURGXFWLRQRQFURIWV7KLVVFKHPHWDUJHWVLQYHVWPHQWVZKLFKKHOSUHGXFHSURG XFWLRQFRVWVDQGIXQGLQJFDQ +VXSSRUWRSHUDWLRQVVXFKDVHUHFWLRQRIDJULFXOWXUDOEXLOGLQJVGUDLQDJHLPSURYHPHQWVHOHFWULFDOVXSSO\ZRUNVDQGRISDUWLFX ODUUHOHYDQFHWRWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ – +WKHSODQWLQJRIVKHOWHUEHOWVDQGSURYLVLRQRIIHQFHVKHGJHVDQGJDWHV +:KLOVWWKH&URIWLQJ$JULFXOWXUDO*UDQW6FKHPHLVQRWVSHFLILFDOO\DZRRGODQGFUHDWLRQJUDQWLWFDQEHXVHGWRGHOLYHUZRRGOD QGFUHDWLRQZKHUHWKLVVHUYHVWKH +REMHFWLYHRILPSURYLQJDJULFXOWXUDOSURGXFWLRQRQDFURIW%RWKOLYHVWRFNDQGFURSSURGXFWLRQFDQEHQHILWIURPVKHOWHUEHOWVL IGHVLJQHGDQGSODQWHGFRUUHFWO\ +DQGDZHOOODLGRXWVKHOWHUEHOWQHWZRUNFDQJUHDWO\LPSURYHDFURIW ¶VSURGXFWLRQ6XSSRUWUDWHVYDU\GHSHQGLQJRQWKHDUHDZKLFKWKHFURIWIDOOVLQWR /HVV +)DYRXUHG$UHDV1RQ -/HVV)DYRXUHG$UHDV DQGLPSURYHGUDWHVRIVXSSRUWH[LVWIRUWKRVHWKDWPHHWWKH 3 hectares) Ghost woodlands are relicts of old, or ancient woodlands, where less than 20% of the canopy cover remains. Although these woods are ‘dying on their feet’, they have a high ecological and conservation value. This option helps land managers to protect and regenerate these special sites. For more information see our Ghost Woodlands Option FAQ. Financial Incentives: • Full cost of developing a Forestry Grant Scheme application. • Funding to top up Forestry Grant Scheme towards actual costs, awarded on a case-by-case basis. • Full cost of developing a WCC application, including Registration and Validation. Woodland Carbon: • Woodland Carbon Code requirements are managed by Future Woodlands until validation1 has been completed (i.e. after planting). • Carbon units generated by the scheme are registered in the name of the land manager. • Land manager is responsible for ongoing Woodland Carbon Code verifications2. Agreements: • Future Woodlands Fund agreement (terminates after WCC validation completed). • Forestry Grant Scheme contract (20 years). FWF options for woodland creation – summary of key features Key features Small Woods Area Payment Option Carbon Ownership Option Forestry Grant Scheme application costs covered Yes Yes Ownership of carbon Future Woodlands Scotland Land Manager Woodland Carbon Code Registration and Validation1 Future Woodlands Scotland Future Woodlands Scotland Woodland Carbon Code Verifications2 Future Woodlands Scotland Land Manager Area payment total £3,500/ha N/A Area payment schedule 75% at commencement 25% on completion N/A Future Woodlands Fund Contract period 55 years Until WCC initial validation is completed Page 4 of 5 Who can apply? Any land manager who has a potential scheme that can meet all of the essential criteria and one or more of the supplementary criteria can apply: Essential Criteria Applications must meet all of these to be eligible for the FWF 1. The application must be for native woodland establishment or restoration of a formerly wooded site1 2. The scheme must meet the minimum and maximum sizes for the Option2 3. It must be a new scheme 4. The land must be registered for Rural Payments with the Scottish Government 5. The planting must not be a legal requirement3 6. The scheme must be eligible for the Woodland Carbon Code and meet the Code’s additionality criteria4 7. The scheme must be eligible for the Forestry Grant Scheme 8. The scheme must meet one or more of the Supplementary Criteria below 9. The applicant must be prepared to sign a FWS agreement Notes: 1. For restoration, the site must: - Be recorded on the Ancient Woodland Inventory. (Find out about your site by checking the Ancient Woodland Inventory layer on Scotland’s Environment Map . Exceptions may be made for sites that are not on the Ancient Woodland Inventory if there is other evidence of ancient status, - Have had less than 20% woodland canopy cover for at least the past 25 years, - Show some evidence of seedling regeneration, - Currently be subject to high browsing impacts from deer and/or livestock. 2. Exceptions may be made for high-quality schemes. 3. See Test 1 (Legal) on this link. 4. See this link for information. Supplementary Criteria These are scored criteria that will be used to assess quality and to rank/prioritise projects Nature Based Solutions for climate change • Improve ecological and habitat robustness - especially woodland habitat networks and connectivity. • Increase carbon stores through halting degradation and loss of native woodland. • Contribute to catchment scale river quality and natural flood management. Woodland Expansion: • Be located within one or more identified target areas for woodland expansion and conservation. • Deliver objectives in regional or local woodland strategies (including National Park woodland strategies). • Contribute to a collaborative or landscape scale projects. Page 5 of 5 Support for farmers: • Help farmers to reduce emissions and adapt practices to tackle climate change. • Integrate woodlands with farming. Provision of Social Benefits: • Promote and offering opportunities for community and corporate engagement • Offer future opportunities for recreation, amenity and landscape How to apply? An on-line application form is available here on our website. Applications can be submitted by land owners/managers, or by agents acting on their behalf Once an on-line application has been received, Future Woodlands Scotland will carry out an initial desk-based assessment. We, or an agent appointed by us, will then visit the site to confirm suitability, and discuss landowner/manager objectives. Stay in touch Please sign up here to our mailing list. Crofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 1 of 23 +Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full +guidance +Date published: 3 February, 2022 +Table of Contents +Introduction +Aims and objectives +Eligibility for grants +Grant rates and limits +Eligible works +Applying for this scheme +Claiming grants +Applicant's responsibilities +Data disclosure +Appeals and complaints +Appendix A – Items eligible for grant aid +Specific restrictions +Appendix B – Examples of how work undertaken can meet scheme objectives +Appendix C – Invoice and evidence requirements in support of grant claims +Appendix D – Contact details +Capital Grant Technical Guidance 2015-2024 +Recent changes +Previous versions +Download guidance +Introduction +The Crofting Agricultural Grants (Scotland) Scheme (CAGS) provides grants to tenant and owner- +occupier crofters, living in the Highlands and Islands Enterprise Area, towards the costs of a range of +agricultural operations. The following guidance covers only applications recieved from January 2021. +The scheme is administered by the Rural Payments and Inspections Division (RPID). +These guidance notes provide information on the types of projects eligible for grants, as well as +explaining the various ways you can access funding and what is expected of you in carrying out the +work. These guidance notes cannot cover all the individual circumstances or all possible permutations of +agricultural operations. +They should not, therefore be looked upon as providing definitive guidance and you should seek further +advice if there is any uncertainty about potential applications or claims. +Aims and objectives +Crofting exists in areas of Scotland where agricultural production and investment costs are traditionally +high. It is widely regarded as a socially, culturally and environmentally important activity, for the sense of +identity it provides, the landscape it produces and the systems of communal working it supports. +This scheme is designed to aid and develop agricultural production on crofting businesses, thereby +sustaining the economic basis of crofting and helping retain people in rural communities. Funding +supports crofters in carrying out individual or collective investments that reduce production costs. +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 2 of 23 +Examples of projects include (but are not limited to): +•improving stock control +•protecting crops from damage by deer +•wintering of livestock +•storing winter fodder +•improving grassland management +Back to top +Eligibility for grants +Q1 As a tenant of a croft, am I eligible for assistance? +Yes, provided you are the tenant of a registered croft or the official sub-tenant (approved by the Crofting +Commission) and the work you are undertaking is one assisted under the scheme see Appendix A. +If your croft is officially sublet then all applications and claims should normally be submitted by the sub- +tenant during the period of the sublease. As the official sub-tenant of a croft, you are advised to obtain the +principal tenant’s permission for any improvement works you intend to carry out, and agree compensation +payable at the end of the sublet. +In addition, your entitlement to major capital improvement works may be restricted by the length of the +sublease approved or remaining. In those instances where the remaining length of the lease prevents the +application being submitted by the sub-tenant, the tenant may make the application in their own right. +A common grazings committee or grazings constable regulated and registered by the Crofting +Commission may apply where the proposed operation is on common grazing. +Q2 As an owner-occupier of a registered croft, am I eligible for assistance? +Yes. Owner-occupier crofters are treated in the same way as tenant crofters. +Q3 As a short-term lease holder of a registered croft, am I eligible for assistance? +Yes. If you lease from an owner-occupier, with the consent of the Crofting Commission, you are eligible in +the same way as sub-tenants of tenant crofters, as detailed in Q1. +Q4 What if I do not live on my croft? +Assistance is not available if you live more than 20 miles (32 kilometres) from your croft. +Q5 If my holding is not a croft am I still eligible for grant? +No. Eligibility is restricted to tenants, owner-occupiers, sub-tenants or short-lease holders of registered +crofts (approved by the Crofting Commission). +Q6 What is a business? +A business is defined as any one agricultural business being undertaken by a tenant or owner-occupier +crofter whether as an individual or in association or partnership with other crofters. A common grazings +committee may also qualify as a business where work is undertaken on the common grazing. +Q7 What other criteria must I satisfy to qualify for assistance? +Aid will only be granted to eligible agricultural businesses which meet the following standards: +Hygiene and Animal Welfare +Improvements must satisfy all statutory requirements and observe the latest relevant codes of practice. +Market Outlets +Produce from crofting agriculture has a well-defined identity mainly due to its traditional production +methods. Marketing of livestock has changed little over the years and continues to be mainly through +local markets or local marketing initiatives. +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 3 of 23 +While no support is provided by this scheme in the marketing of produce, it is a condition under the +scheme that proposals for non-traditional crofting agricultural operations (e.g. horticultural enterprises) will +be assisted only if they are supported by a business plan that identifies market outlets for produce from +the proposed development. Applicants must supply written confirmation from the identified market outlets +that they do intend to take their produce. +Environmental Considerations +If you intend to construct a slurry store you will need a manure and slurry management plan in order to +calculate the amount of storage required. +If an investment is of a nature that requires planning permission, the planning process you must +undertake will ensure that environmental issues are taken into consideration. In addition, for any +investment where planning permission was not required, you will be asked to explain the assessment +you have undertaken to ensure there is no significant negative environmental impact caused by the +investment. +Costs associated with regulatory processes, such as planning permission, are not supported by this +scheme. +Back to top +Grant rates and limits +Q8 What rate of grant will be provided? +Individuals +•80 per cent of approved costs in Less Favoured Areas (LFAs) and 60 per cent of approved costs +in non-Less Favoured Areas (NLFAs) for those applicants who meet the young farmer criteria +below +•60 per cent of approved costs in Less Favoured Areas and 40 per cent of approved costs in non- +Less Favoured Areas for other farmers +Groups +•90 per cent of approved costs in Less Favoured Areas and 80 per cent of approved costs in non- +Less Favoured Areas for those applicants who meet the young farmer criteria below +•80 per cent of approved costs in Less Favoured Areas and 60 per cent of approved costs in non- +Less Favoured Areas for other farmers +Q9 How do I qualify for the young farmer grant rates? +To qualify for the young farmer grant rates you must meet the conditions set out below. To qualify for the +group rates for young farmers, all members of the group need to meet these conditions. +Whether you are applying as sole trader or as part of a group, to be considered a young farmer for the +purposes of this scheme, you must be able to demonstrate that you: +•are under 41 years of age on the date you submit your application – you will need to supply your +driving licence, passport or birth certificate +•have set up as head of the business you are making an application for, during the five years +before the date you submit your application, and supply supporting evidence of this +•the head of the business must also be the occupier of the croft in order for the Young Farmer rate +to be applied +•have adequate occupational skills and competence. This could be a certificate of education or +vocational qualification relating the agricultural activities on your croft or a statement, from an +appropriate source who confirms that you hold the equivalent experience. If you are unable to +provide any of these, you will be expected to provide a declaration of undertaking that you will +obtain the appropriate skills and competence, within 36 months of payment of grant. Supporting +legal agreements must cover a period that ends at least five years after the date the application is +submitted +Charities and trusts cannot benefit from the enhanced grant rate for young farmers. +Q10 Is there a maximum limit on expenditure eligible for grant? +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 4 of 23 +The maximum CAGS grant is restricted as follows: +•the maximum grant available to an individual applicant is £25,000, over a rolling two-year period +•the maximum available to group applicants is £125,000, over a rolling two-year period +In both cases the two-year period is calculated from the date of the most recent application. +Please note that, in order to apply as a group, the business making the application should be registered +by way of BRN, with the land on which the intended CAGS project will be associated. It is not sufficient for +just one business within the group to be registered to the land. +Back to top +Eligible works +Q11 What type of work is eligible for grants? +Eligible work is listed in Appendix A. +Q12 How is the eligibility of the work assessed? +A grant will only be approved if you can demonstrate that the project meets at least one of the following +scheme objectives: +•reduce production costs +•improve and redeploy production +•improve quality +•preserve and improve the natural environment, hygiene conditions and animal welfare standards +•promote the diversification of farm activities* +*This relates to diversification within the agricultural sector, such as changing methods of production (e.g. +organic or horticulture), the introduction of new crops or the introduction of specialist breeds. +Appendix B provides examples of how works undertaken can meet scheme objectives. Support may be +available where it is a first-time improvement, where the improvement is an integral element of a larger +project or where a substantive upgrade is involved +Support will not be available for applications which are solely intended to replace existing improvements +and which are intended to serve the same purpose as the original. +However, where a previous facility is classed as derelict (i.e. no longer serviceable or fulfilling its function +and incapable of being repaired or maintained), then assistance may be available providing you can also +demonstrate that the improvement meets one or more of the scheme objectives. +The operation will also have to be justified on agricultural grounds, be technically sound and represent +value for money. Any actual costs claimed must be consistent with the current rates for such work in the +area. +Q13 How can the work be carried out? +You can either do the work yourself or arrange to have the work done by a contractor. +All work must meet the specifications set out in the scheme’s technical guidance booklet. This is available +from your local area office, or electronically from the Scottish Government’s website. +If the work does not meet the required specifications we may reduce or refuse to pay grant aid to you or +recover any payment that has already been made. +Q14 What costs are eligible? +All operations must be applied for on the basis of the actual costs to be incurred. Where a contractor or +supplier provides goods or services, these should be supported by competitive quotations (see Q15). +Where the work is undertaken by either you or an employee, the labour costs can also be applied for. The +value of your labour will be linked to the Agricultural Wages Board rates. +Where labour costs are claimed they must be supported with completed time sheets which will be issued +to you with your grant offer and claim form. +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 5 of 23 +Costs for architectural drawings or professional advice may be supported where those costs were +necessarily incurred prior to submission of the application and approval subsequently being given. Fees +for building warrant and planning permission may also be considered. +Q15 How many competitive quotations are required? +At least two competitive quotations are required for each application submitted for all operations where +the total costs being applied for is £10,000.00 or less. Where the total costs are over £10,000.00, three +competitive quotations are required. +Applicants living in more remote areas may not be able to obtain multiple quotations. In these +circumstances you should contact your local area office for further advice. +All quotations must be on company-headed paper and must be submitted with your application. +Applications not accompanied by the appropriate number of quotations will be rejected. We reserve the +right to ask for additional quotations at any time. +Q16 Is it possible to combine a CAGS grant with another form of grant? +No. If you apply for assistance from this scheme, you may not apply for grant aid under other publicly +funded grant schemes for all or part of the same work. +Back to top +Applying for this scheme +Your business must be registered with Rural Payments and Services online and have a Business +Reference Number (BRN). +Register your business +Q17 Do I need to obtain prior approval before starting work? +Yes. In no circumstances will grants be paid if you incur costs or start work before receiving our written +approval to do so. +The need for prior approval also applies to proposals to change the agreed operations – refer to Q21. +Q18 How do I apply for approval? +To be considered for a grant you will need to fully complete a CAGS application form. +Forms are available below or from your local area office. +PF08 - Crofting Agricultural Grant Scheme application form +When preparing your proposal for inclusion with your application, you need to make sure you include all +the necessary supporting documentation. This might include: +•maps for land-based options +•architectural drawings for buildings or plans relating to, for example, fencing projects +•planning permission or confirmation from your local authority that planning permission is not +required +•permits where appropriate +•CE marking certificates for structural steel (refer to section “Additional information on eligible +operations - Agricultural Buildings”) +•any relevant specialist advice (local authority or private) +Please check that all appropriate text boxes are completed and contain all the relevant information. The +grant application must be submitted to your local area office where an assessment of your application will +be carried out to determine the following: +•need for the project for which grant aid is sought +•viability of your business and the project +•all-round sustainability of your project and farm business, including the existence of normal +market outlets for the product(s) concerned +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 6 of 23 +•compliance with the specified statutory minimum standards regarding the environment, hygiene +and animal welfare (this may need to be externally verified) +Remember: +•investments which are simply to replace an existing asset will not be eligible +•you must demonstrate that the investment meets one or more of the objectives set out in Q12 of +these notes +Please remember we will reject any application that is not completed with the appropriate detail or +supported by the necessary evidence. +Q19 Can I appoint an agent to act on my behalf? +Yes. You may appoint an agent to act for you. You must fill in form PF05 – Business Mandate to +authorise an agent to act for you. This form is available below or from your local area office. +PF05 – Business mandate form +However, as the eligible applicant you will still be responsible for incurring all the eligible costs, meeting +the other scheme rules, and for any penalties we might apply for rule breaches which may occur. +Q20 What happens next? +Once your application for prior approval has been received, a member of staff from your local area office +may visit you to discuss your proposal in more detail. +All applications will be subject to a scoring system at the assessment stage. This will consider the +merits of each proposal against a number of criteria, which may be subject to refinement as the scheme +progresses. +For example: +•does the proposal match with an agricultural need +•is the proposal proportionate to the size of the agricultural unit +•does the proposed investment provide business efficiency +If your application is successful, you will receive an offer of contract letter from your local area office. Your +contract letter will state the maximum grant you could receive and any special conditions attached to it. +You must sign, date and return the offer of contract letter to your local area office. Once received, an +authority to proceed letter will then be issued, enclosing a claim form. +Applications for grant aid must be approved before costs are incurred and work is started. Please refer to +Q17. +Timescales for claiming grants will be included in your letter but you will normally be expected to +complete the work within 12 months of the date of the authority to proceed letter. The offer of the grant +will be withdrawn if the work is not completed and a claim submitted within these timescales. +The grant subsequently claimed should not exceed the amount set out in the offer letter. Any claims +submitted which include costs in excess of the grant amount approved may be subject to penalties which +will reduce the amount of grant paid by the value of the over-claimed sum. +If you are unsuccessful, you will receive a letter explaining why from your local area office. There is no +right of appeal against the refusal of an application. +Q21 Can I request a change to my grant offer after it has been issued? +Yes. However, any request to vary the offer, including any change to design and / or specification, must +be made in writing and approved by your local area office before the change is implemented. Please also +refer to Q17. +There may be rare occasions where contractors are already on site and have identified additional works +or costs not covered in the original application. In these circumstances, applications to vary can be made +by telephone. However any variations made in such a way must be confirmed in writing within seven days +of notification of the change, should permission to proceed by given. +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 7 of 23 +Failure to adhere to this will result in the costs relating to the variation being treated as unauthorised and +therefore subject to any appropriate restrictions and / or penalties. +Q22 What assistance is available for organic production? +Where organic materials are used in investment in land management operations the full cost of the +materials used can only be claimed if you are registered with an approved organic body. Examples +include: +•Scottish Food Quality Certification Ltd +•Biodynamic Association +•Soil Association Certification Ltd +•Organic Food Federation +•Organic Farmers & Growers Ltd +If you are not registered with an approved organic body your claim will be restricted to the value of non- +organic alternative inputs. +Back to top +Claiming grants +Q23 How do I claim a grant? +A claim form will be enclosed with your authority to proceed letter. Once work has been carried out the +claim form must be completed and sent to your local area office where an assessment will be carried out +to determine that it meets the following conditions: +•claims are accompanied by original receipted invoices confirming that the costs were incurred and +paid by the legal occupier of the croft +•any approved labour costs are claimed at the assessed value as detailed in the written authority +and accompanied by completed timesheets +•a Declaration of Performance Certificate is provided for fabricated structural steelwork - the +steelwork fabricator should issue this to the customer following delivery and payment (refer to +section “Additional information on eligible operations - Agricultural Buildings”) +On satisfactory completion of the works, we will issue a final grant payment providing all the conditions of +the scheme have been met. However, it is possible to submit interim claims for work carried out and costs +incurred and paid at milestones agreed prior to the completion of the project. +Q23.1 Over-claim penalties +There is a requirement by law to apply penalties in cases of over-claiming. This will include taking action +when claims do not conform to the grant offer or the work completed. +We do not have discretion over whether to apply penalties. Any claims submitted where the difference +between the claimed amount and eligible amount determined is greater than 10% will be subject to +penalties that will reduce the amount upon which a grant will be paid. +The simple rule to avoid penalties is don’t claim more than the eligible costs set out in the offer of contract +or the value of the work actually completed, if this is less. +Example one: simple over-claim +Invoice costs +declaredEligible costs +declaredAmount approved Certified eligible +costs (pre-penalty)Amount grant +calculated on +(post penalty) +Item one £1600 £1600 £1400 £1400 £1200 +Total £1600 £1600 £1400 £1400 £1200 +This is an over-claim of more than 10 percent. The amount to be paid is calculated as follows: +Restrict the amount claimed to the value of the original approval, ie £1600 minus £200 equals £400. +Then deduct the penalty amount (this is the same amount as the restriction, ie £1400 minus £200 equals +£1200. +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 8 of 23 +The applicable grant rate - in this case 60% - is applied to this amount, ie £1200 x 60% equals £720 to be +paid. +Q24 What receipted invoices and other supporting documentation am I required to submit with my +claim? +When you submit your claim, you will need to provide us with supporting documentation, such as receipts +and invoices. A full list of what documentation you need to include is listed in Appendix C. +Q25 Can I pay a share of the costs and assign the grant element of the costs to a supplier or +contractor? +No. There is no facility to assign the grant directly to a contractor or supplier. All costs have to be incurred +and paid prior to payment of grant aid. +Q26 How are the payments issued? +We make payments using the Bankers Automated Clearing Services (BACS). +We can only make payments to a bank account which accepts BACS payments. If we do not already +have your business’s nominated bank account details you can do this by registering with Rural Payments +and Services. +Alternatively, you can complete PF03 – Register your Bank Details Form – Sterling and send it to your +area office. Blank PF03 forms can be downloaded below or from your area office. +PF03 - Register your bank details – sterling +Please keep your bank details up to date to avoid payment delays. We are not responsible for delays to +your payments because you or your agent gave us incorrect bank details or did not tell us about a change +to your bank account details before we processed your payments. +Publishing your payment details +We are required to publish data about the payments we make to beneficiaries. The data will be published +for all beneficiaries on a searchable website. That data will be updated annually and remain available +on this website for two years from the date it is published. It will include the name and locality of the +beneficiary, and details of the amounts and schemes for which subsidy has been paid. +However, for those receiving less than the equivalent of £1,113 in grant subsidies, the name of the +beneficiary will be withheld. +You can view the payment data in the CAP Payment section of the DEFRA website +Q27 How does VAT affect my claim? +If your business is not registered with HMRC for VAT purposes at the time of your application, the grant +will be paid on the full cost of the eligible work including VAT, where appropriate. If your business is +registered for VAT purposes at the time of your application, the grant will be paid exclusive of VAT. +If your status changes after approval has been given, you must notify your local area office which will +advise you what effect this change has on any future claim. +Q28 How long will it take for my grant claim to be processed? +We will normally make payments within 90 days of receiving a valid claim. +We would expect claim processing to be completed, in most cases, much quicker than 90 days. However, +the Scottish Government must exercise certain controls and comply with European legislation that +governs schemes such as this one. +These rules require that detailed checks must be carried out on all claims for payment submitted +under the Scottish Rural Development Programme, and that a proportion of these claims must also be +inspected before a payment can be made. +Back to top +Applicant's responsibilities +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 9 of 23 +Q29 What are my responsibilities in terms of participation in the scheme? +29.1 Continuing agricultural use +All items purchased or constructed with the assistance of a grant must remain in use for the purpose for +which the grant was approved, which is normally three years. +If an item is used mainly for non-agricultural purposes, you will be required to repay the money and you +may be charged interest. +29.2 Retention of assets +If you dispose of assets that have been the subject of a grant within three years of receipt of that grant, +we would normally expect you to repay the whole amount of grant with interest. However, if the asset +were to remain in use for the purpose set out in the grant, this recovery could be waived in whole or in +part. +29.3 Insurance +The responsibility for the design and execution of the works and any liability arising from this lies solely +with you. It is advisable for you or your contractor to be insured against all risk of injury, damage or loss +arising, from whatever cause, in the course of the work. Any additional expense which may be incurred +because of failure to insure or inadequate insurance will not be covered by the grant. +29.4 Provision of accurate information +You are responsible for ensuring that all information provided in support of an application or claim is +accurate in all respects. Failure to do so will result in the recovery of any grant paid plus interest. +29.5 Allowing authorised persons access to land or premises +You are required to allow an authorised person, at reasonable hours and on producing authorisation, +access to inspect land and premises relating to an application or claim. If you obstruct an authorised +person in carrying out these duties some or all of the grant may be withheld and / or some or all of the +grant already paid, plus interest, may be recovered. +Q30 What are my statutory responsibilities? +30.1 Approvals, regulations and notification +All approvals, regulations and notifications must be complied with before grant is claimed. These may +include: +•planning permission +•building regulations +•completion certificates +•National Park requirements +•fire certificates +•health and safety +•food hygiene +•Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Consent +•scheduled monuments +•listed buildings +•public rights of way or core paths +•felling licence or tree preservation orders +•conservation areas +•regulations where the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) are the competent +authority +This list is not exhaustive and it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all relevant regulations are +complied with. +30.2 Public Access Rights +As a land manager you must manage your land responsibly for public access purposes. When applying +for any proposed improvement on your holding you must ensure they are not in contravention of Part +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 10 of 23 +1 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 (access rights) by inadvertently restricting or severing an +established access route. +Q31 What if my croft lies within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)? +In an SSSI, additional arrangements apply. You will have received a list of ‘Operations Requiring +Consent’ (ORC) for the site when it was notified as an SSSI. If you wish to apply for a grant for a proposal +that includes carrying out operations listed on the ORC list you must apply to Scottish Natural Heritage for +consent before you intend to begin work. +Additional assessments will also be made by Nature Scot if the land is also within a Special Protection +Area (SPA) or Special Area of Conservation. No work can begin without consent and any subsequent +breach would see any payments restricted or recovered. +Q32 What if my croft lies within a National Nature Reserve (NNR) +You will have agreed in a Management Agreement with Nature Scot how the reserve should be managed +to ensure nature conservation. This agreement will govern your proposals and Nature Scot local staff will +be happy to discuss any uncertainties that you may have. +Q33 Are there any regulations concerning any change of use of croft land? +Yes. The Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations have been in place since February 2002. +Crofters must seek written approval from us before converting unused land to intensive agricultural use +if these works are likely to have significant effect on the environment. Examples include the ploughing of +land not cultivated in the last 15 years and the drainage of wetlands. +For further details please contact your local area office . +Q34 Are there any requirements concerning record keeping? +Yes. You must keep any invoice, account or other document relating to a claim for a grant for a period of +five years, or for such other period as specified in your offer of contract. +If it is discovered that any condition has been breached there is the facility to recover all or part of the +grant with interest. If it is established that any information provided in support of the claim is materially +false or misleading, this will result in the refusal of assistance or the recovery of all the grant paid with +interest, and may also invoke legal proceedings. +Back to top +Data disclosure +We have a legal duty to keep the conditions of: +•the Data Protection Act 1998 +•the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) +•the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (EIR) +It is the policy of Scottish Ministers to share relevant data, including historical data, that is held on your +business with other organisations for legitimate purposes and when required to do so and also to share +relevant data on FOISA and EIR when it is in the public interest. +It is also the policy of Ministers to release information on recipients and grants provided under the +Scottish Rural Development Programme. We will protect other personal data we receive in line with the +Data Protection Act 1998. +We will use the data you have provided primarily for the purpose of processing this application. +However, personal data may also be used subject to the safeguards of the 1998 Act for purposes +connected with, Administration of the Common Agricultural Policy, SRDP and other aid schemes. +Data may be passed (when necessary for these purposes) to other bodies. For example to the Scottish +Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) for environment and water monitoring purposes, or to local +authorities for milk or health purposes. +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 11 of 23 +Data may also be used for statistical purposes, not identifying individuals, which may reduce the need +for some statistical data collection. It may also be used when necessary to comply with the Freedom of +Information Act or the Environmental Information Regulations noted previously. +Back to top +Appeals and complaints +Appeals +The Scottish Government’s Climate Change Plan Update, published in December 2020, commits the +agriculture sector to reducing its emissions by 31% from current levels by 2032. +We may accept that you may have been prevented from meeting certain obligations of your contract +due to a force majeure event. Force majeure relates to exceptional circumstances. Examples of a force +majeure event are: +•the death of the scheme beneficiary +•the long-term incapacity of the beneficiary +•a severe natural disaster gravely affecting the holding +•the accidental destruction of buildings, such as slurry stores +•an epizootic or plant disease affecting part or all of the beneficiary’s livestock or crops respectively +To seek an exception to any withdrawal of support or financial penalty on the grounds of force majeure, +you must write to your RPID area office within 10 working days of the event happening. You should send +us as much evidence as you can to support your case, including proof that the event occurred. Each case +will be considered on its merits. +Complaints +For any complaints about the standard of service you have experienced, please visit our complaints +section +All complaints will be treated seriously by us and you will receive a full response. +Our complaints procedure has two stages: +•Stage one – front line resolution +Frontline resolution aims to quickly resolve straightforward customer complaints that require little or no +investigation. Under this part of the procedure you should direct your complaint to the officer in charge of +the staff you have been dealing with. +This person is likely to be located in your area office or in our Edinburgh office. They may be able to +answer your concerns to your satisfaction. We aim to address your stage one complaint in five working +days. If you are dissatisfied with our response you can ask us to consider your complaint at stage two. +•Stage two – investigation +We will look at your complaint at this stage if you are dissatisfied with our response at stage one. We also +look at some complaints immediately at this stage, if it is clear that they are complex or need detailed +investigation before we can resolve the issue. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within three +working days. +For stage two complaints we will appoint an independent investigating officer who has an in-depth +knowledge of the issue you are complaining about and you will receive a report at the end of the +investigation. We aim to issue this report as soon as possible but no later than 20 working days. +You can obtain further information about our complaint handling procedure by visiting the Scottish +Government website or by e-mailing us at SGComplaints@gov.scot. +If you are not satisfied with the decision reached in the stage two report, you or your representative have +the right to ask the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) to investigate your case. The SPSO +cannot normally look at: +•a complaint that has not completed our complaints procedure +•events that happened, or that you became aware of, more than a year ago +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 12 of 23 +•a matter that has been or is being considered in court for example the Scottish Land Court +You can contact the SPSO at the following address: +Scottish Public Services Ombudsman +4 Melville Street +Edinburgh +EH3 7NS +T: 0800 377 7330 +Further information about the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman is available at their website . +If you are satisfied with the service we have provided, or wish to highlight some exceptional performance, +we would be happy to hear from you. We would welcome your suggestions on how we might build on the +service we provide. +Back to top +Appendix A – Items eligible for grant aid +Principle categories of eligible options +1. Erection or improvement of agricultural buildings, and shelters for the temporary housing and sheltering +of out-wintered livestock. +2. Works associated with agricultural building, including yards, hard-standings, dungsteads, and silos +(excluding grain silos). +3. Investment in land management, including the initial grassland improvement works for the restoration +of degraded land and the control of bracken. +4. Slurry stores. +5. Field drainage. +6. All other forms of general drainage including under drainage, hill drainage and ditching. +7. Provision or improvement of facilities for the organised feeding of out-wintered livestock, including +permanently fixed troughs and feed barriers, and associated concrete bases. +8. Provision or improvement of equipment for the handling and treatment of livestock. +9. Planting of shelter belts and the provision of fences, hedges, walls, gates or stock grids. +10. Provision or improvement of amenities, including water supplies, mains electricity connections or +electricity generators. +11. Provision of electrical equipment. +12. Provision or improvement of access tracks to land improvement areas, roads, bridges, culverts or +boat slips. +13. Assistance of up to £500 towards the establishment of a properly constituted common grazings +committee. +Support may be available where it is a first-time improvement, where the improvement is an integral +element of a larger project, or where a substantive upgrade is involved. Support will not be available for +applications which are solely intended to replace existing improvements and which are intended to serve +the same purpose as the original. +However, where a previous facility is classed as derelict (i.e. no longer serviceable or fulfilling its function +and incapable of being repaired or maintained), then assistance may be available providing the applicant +can also demonstrate that the improvement meets one or more of the scheme objectives. (See Section 4, +Q12) +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 13 of 23 +For additional information on eligible operations and specifications please see the CAGS technical +guidance and supplements . +Agricultural buildings (Relates to eligible operation one – erection or improvement of agricultural +buildings and shelters) +Investment is eligible where it relates to the construction of permanent buildings for agricultural livestock, +including all the usual buildings for keeping livestock and storing crops produced on the unit. Buildings for +general service purposes and buildings for other kinds of livestock kept for the production of meat, milk, +wool, fur or hides, and buildings associated with honey production and stabling for keeping horses used +for agricultural work, can also be supported. The provision of facilities for sheltering out-wintered livestock +are eligible. +All improvements must be durable and not flimsy or makeshift. Buildings must comply with British +Standards where these are appropriate, and, assuming normal use and maintenance, continue to +benefit the agricultural business for a minimum of ten years. Plastic-clad structures for horticulture or +livestock are eligible providing the structure satisfies the structural requirements for the particular site. +The plastic cladding to the frame is not normally eligible for assistance but the structure must satisfy all +other aspects, such as welfare, ventilation or escape. +Also included are ancillary works such as demolition works, pen divisions, feed barriers, water supplies +(including storage cisterns, troughs, bowls and nipple drinkers), electrical wiring to light points, switches, +sockets and starter switches, rainwater disposal system for the building, aprons, screen walling, amenity +planting and penning. +Size of the steading: +Assistance will be limited to the size and type of steading suitable to the actual or potential agricultural +needs of the croft as assessed by the agricultural officer, but the total eligible land held by the applicant +may be taken into account. Seasonal or grazing lets are not taken into account. +The location of the building: +The building must be on the croft. In doubtful cases documentary evidence may be sought. Note that a +separate area that has been added to a croft as an enlargement is regarded as part of the croft. +CE marking of structural steel: +Steel framed buildings are eligible for funding under Scottish Government RPID capital grant schemes +only where structural steelwork is produced by a steelwork fabricator who can provide the following +documents at the application stage. +1. Factory Production Control (FPC) Certificate – issued by a notified body +2. Welding Certificate – issued by a notified body +In addition following should be provided with your claim for steelwork : +3. Declaration of Performance (DoP) – issued by the steelwork fabricator +In cases where the grant recipient decides to use an alternative structural steelwork fabricator, these +three documents must also be submitted along with your grant claim. +Buildings will not be eligible for grant funding if the fabricator of structural steelwork cannot provide these +documents. +Offices and IT equipment (Relates to eligible operation one – erection or improvement of agricultural +buildings and shelters) +Offices may be eligible but only where the planned office space is part of a shed application or within an +existing shed. Office space within the croft dwelling is not supported. +The provision of IT to improve agricultural business effectiveness may be eligible where livestock is +subject to statutory record keeping requirements. +Applications for printers will also be considered. Any software specifically required for managing aspects +of the croft that meet CAGS scheme objectives (see Q12) may be eligible. +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 14 of 23 +In addition, applicants will have to demonstrate an agricultural need for the equipment and that it will be +primarily used for business purposes. We would normally restrict approval of this type of application to +Grazings Committees and other eligible groups. +Computerised components of equipment (e.g. ventilation systems in livestock housing) that are integral to +an approved CAGS project will also qualify for grant assistance. +Investment in land management (Relates to eligible operation three – investment in land management) +Soil analysis is required in all applications submitted for works which come under eligible operation three. +Soil analysis must have been carried out within 12 months of submission of the application. The control of +bracken is exempt from this requirement. +Grants are available to bring about distinct and durable improvement in the quality of permanent pasture. +Before approving applications, checks will be carried out to ensure that the investment is justified on both +agricultural and cost / benefit criteria. +The necessary works may include ploughing, cultivation, herbicide sprays, suitable grass seed mixtures +and appropriate amounts of lime and fertilisers as required to create a new sward. Application of fertiliser +must be determined by the implementation of nutrient budgeting schemes to prevent the over-application +of nutrients. +Degraded land is defined by the condition of the sward. It is considered degraded when improved sown +grasses are no longer present at a reasonable level. The productive indicator species are ryegrass, +cocksfoot, timothy and clover. +If it is required to test the level of sward degradation within a field, a number of metre square test site, +should be randomly selected to whether indicator species are less than 30 per cent. If the test sites +average less than 30 per cent indicator species then the land can be consider degraded and eligible for +grant support. +Soil analysis is eligible for grant aid as part of an acceptable scheme but will not exceed 12 per cent of +the cost of the approved project. +Bracken control can be carried out by approved chemical means. Appropriate follow-up action to prevent +re-colonisation is an essential element of any control programme. Applicants must demonstrate that +appropriate follow-up action will take place in order to qualify for assistance. Failure to implement agreed +measures to encourage useful herbage species or to take appropriate follow-up action by an agreed date +may result in recovery of the grant. +If aerial spraying, your spray operator must have an approved Application Plan from the Health and +Saftey Executive. The Application Plan must be completed by the aerial spraying operator and emailed to +aerial.spraying.permits@hse.gov.uk with the appropriate covering letter and suitable map of the area to +be treated. +Slurry stores and related equipment (Relates to eligible operation four) +The provision of roofed and unroofed silos (excluding grain silos) and other works associated with +agriculture, including yards, hard-standings, dungsteads and slurry stores, are eligible. Stores for all grain +to be used on the croft are eligible, including propcorn, wet grain or distiller’s grain. +Investments relating to items constructed after 1 September 1991 are covered by the The Water +Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2021. +Investments to bring items in line with the 2021 Regulations will be eligible for funding. +If there is a change to the farming system (e.g. from straw bedding to cubicles), the investment could be +considered for grant aid. +•low volume umbilical slurry irrigation systems – fixed equipment such as pumps and pipes are +eligible for grants, but associated mobile elements such as hoses, reelers and applicators are +considered to be routine agricultural machinery items for the disposal of slurry and are not eligible +•earth bank silage pits and earth bank slurry lagoons can receive grant funding provided they meet +all necessary regulations. Where earth bank structures are proposed, guidance must be sought +from SEPA. Advice on silage and slurry storage facilities may be obtained from SEPA +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 15 of 23 +Investment in ditching and field drainage systems (Relates to eligible operation four, five and six) +To help prevent soil degradation, grants are available for the excavation of new ditches and the re- +grading of existing ditches. Installation of new pipe or tile under-drainage systems on previously +improved, enclosed land and the improvement or intensification of existing pipe or tile under-drainage +systems is eligible for assistance. +The installation of suitable permeable backfill above the new drains to improve the permeability of the +drain trench is also eligible. The cost benefit criteria will take into account the quantity of infill used. In +cases of doubt you should consult your local area office. +Eligible ancillary works include: +•sub-soiling +•mole drainage +•provision of gravel-filled mole channels or gravel-filled narrow trenches where the work is an +integral part of installing a new under-drainage system, and provided that permeable infill is +placed above the new pipe drains to act as a connection to the soil treatment works +•provision of any ancillary structures required for effective land drainage, including drain outlets, +inspection chambers, silt traps and inlet grids, as well as drainage pumps, culverts and simple +access bridges +•high-pressure water jetting to remove ochre in certain circumstances when carried out in +association with the installation of a new under-drainage system +Works ineligible for grants include maintenance work and routine replacements. These include: +•pitting and rodding of drains +•jetting and the repair of pipes, culverts or other associated structures +•mole drainage, sub-soiling, gravel-filled mole drainage or gravel-filled narrow trenches not +associated with a new under-drainage system or associated with a new under-drainage system +installed without permeable infill +•repeat sub-soiling, moling, gravel-filled moling or gravel slotting +•piping and filling ditches for land reclamation +The cost of any necessary field exploration may be eligible for grant aid as part of an acceptable scheme, +but will not exceed 12 per cent of the cost of the approved project. +It is your responsibility to consult and obtain any necessary wayleaves or other permissions that are +required and to comply with any statutory requirements, which may apply to the proposed works. +Providing it is for the benefit of your agricultural business, work under this item may be eligible even if it is +to be carried out on land out-with the business. +All claims for grants on field drainage, including ditching, must be accompanied by a plan – drawn to +scale – of the completed work. Plans should be of a suitable scale, preferably 1:2500. +Drain layout must be plotted accurately showing the size and length of each drain laid and the exact +position of junction boxes, inspection chambers etc. The cost of providing the plan is eligible for grant aid. +You may be required to expose short sections of the work at your own expense to allow inspection. +The provision or improvement of equipment for the organised feeding of livestock can be eligible. +Normally we would expect it to be fixed to an existing facility but we would permit the use of mobile +feeding equipment, dependent on the circumstances detailed in your application. +In order to ensure value for money, we envisage mobile equipment being limited to a number of fixed +points where hard standings could be sited on a croft. Operations of this type are also subject to a +minimum retention period of three years. +Eligible items include troughs, feed barriers, concreted or hardcore hard-standings, feed rings and calf / +lamb creeps. In some circumstances eligible facilities may be more appropriate on a township or group +basis. +Cattle crush (Relates to eligible operation eight – provision or improvement of equipment for the handling +and treating of livestock) +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 16 of 23 +A cattle crush could be eligible providing it is fixed (bolted) in one location and preferably is an integral +part of a new handling system (although it could also be part of an existing handling system). In +exceptional circumstances, portable or demountable crushes may qualify as part of a handling system. +Mobile stock handling facilities (Relates to eligible operation eight – provision or improvement of +facilities to handle and treat livestock) +The purchase of a set of pens that can be dismantled and re-erected would not constitute sufficient +justification for grant. However, in a situation where a mobile system is clearly required on a unit with +parcels of land at a distance from one another, the purchase could be considered as such a system could +reduce movements of sheep, with associated benefits to animal welfare. +Inclusion of such a system in an application would have to be supported by a justification that clearly +shows the benefits of a mobile system over and above a fixed location system on a unit that can justify +the capital investment. In the majority of cases, the pens should not be the only item being funded. They +should contribute towards more wide-ranging improvements to the system of husbandry as a whole. +All investments that include mobile equipment will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The case for +a mobile handling system would be strengthened if the applicant is able to identify fixed suitable locations +for use. +Mobile handling systems must also be able to demonstrate one or more of the following: +•animal welfare / environmental benefits (e.g. reduced movements of sheep) +•better efficiency of production (e.g. lambs can be drawn for slaughter more frequently, leading to +premium weights and grades being more regularly achieved) +Fencing, dykes, hedges, gates and shelterbelt (Relates to eligible operation nine – planting of shelter +belts and the provision of fences, hedges, walls, gates or stock grids) +Fencing may be eligible for grant aid where it forms an essential part of a project, contributing to animal +welfare, bio-security, crop protection or traditional field boundaries. Only the most cost-effective and +appropriate type of fencing will be eligible. Assistance is not available for replacement fencing unless the +existing fencing is in a dilapidated state and is no longer fit for purpose. +The establishment of an effective hedge or shelterbelt for the protection of livestock or crops, or essential +ancillaries such as protective fencing and ditching, is eligible. The establishment of windbreaks for +horticultural business is similarly eligible. Ineligible items include commercial forestry. Shelterbelts and +hedges must be designed to fulfil the required agricultural purpose. +For wall or dyke improvements, including flag fencing, recognisable sections normally of not less than five +metres in length must be substantially rebuilt. The existing materials or additional materials from old walls +may be used in the restoration work. +Substantial rebuilding may include setting the upper courses and copingstones of drystone dykes in +cement mortar. Comprehensive pointing of a drystone wall or dyke for the first time or comprehensive +repointing operations are only acceptable where this is common practice in the area, keeping in mind the +amenity consideration. +Piecemeal repointing or minor repairs are not eligible. +Stock grids (Relates to eligible operation nine – planting of shelter belts and the provision of fences, +hedges, walls, gates or stock grids) +Contributions paid to highway authorities towards the capital cost of stock grids on croft or township roads +under a formal agreement made in terms of section 47 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 are also eligible, +as are major reconstruction works to improve an existing grid and associated gates, fencing and by-pass. +Minor repair work to the grid, its approaches, gates and fencing are ineligible, as are works on a grid +which are the responsibility of the Highway Authority. RPID will apply strictly the Agricultural Justification +tests to applications for stock grids. If the installation of a grid is the most realistic way of serving the +agricultural purpose, it may be eligible for a grant. +Amenity services (Relates to eligible operation ten – provision or improvement of amenities) +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 17 of 23 +Assistance can be given for connections for the supply of water and electricity where an agricultural need +is clearly demonstrated. Supplies for domestic use are not eligible. +Electrical equipment (Relates to eligible operation 11 – provision of electrical equipment) +This covers the provision of electrical equipment, for a specific agricultural purpose, that is needed to +promote or complete the production stage of a commodity. +Eligible items include but are not limited to: +•fans for grain and hay drying +•electrically powered augers, bruisers, mixers, etc +•sheep-shearing equipment, including clipper heads +•portable generators required to power eligible equipment. An electrical certificate must be +submitted with any claim for grant aid on an electrical installation +Roads, bridges and culverts (Relates to eligible operation 12 – provision or improvement of access +tracks) +Eligible items include: +•the construction of a new road or bridge where none existed before. This must include the +introduction of suitable base materials +•the substantial upgrading of an existing road, which must include the addition of new materials to +a suitable depth over the whole surface +•grouting and coating with bituminous emulsion and chippings where this is part of making-up a +new road or improving an existing road +•work on an existing road designed to improve drainage by altering the level of the surface, +providing grips, or strengthening steep slopes with more suitable materials (e.g. coated macadam +or concrete). Care should be taken that such work is approved only in places where it is really +necessary +•widening roads and reconstructing bridges and culverts +•where there is a danger or hazard to people or stock as a result of works being done under this +paragraph, safety and protective fences or walls of a permanent kind can be provided as part of +the works and be eligible for grant aid under this paragraph, as are consequential works such as +the re-erection of fences and walls +The cost of constructing a new road can be disproportionate to the agricultural income of the croft and the +other investments that may take place on the croft. Normally roads are justified where agricultural activity +on the croft would be difficult or impossible without road access. +Associated bridges and culverts should be designed and constructed to suit the needs of the agricultural +business, in accordance with good civil engineering practice. Boat slips that are required to improve the +welfare and handling stock may also be eligible. +Investment in access tracks to land improvement areas (Relates to eligible operation twelve – provision or +improvement of access tracks) +The formation of tracks or the hardening of an earth road to give access to previously treated land +improvement areas are eligible works. +Such tracks may be constructed on the existing ground surface or excavated sub-soil without the addition +of any other materials where site conditions are considered to be satisfactory. Works may include +bulldozing, blasting rock, levelling, and consolidating ancillary drainage work. +Access tracks should be constructed to the minimum standards needed to fulfil their intended agricultural +purpose. +Assistance of up to £500 towards the establishment of a properly constituted common grazings +committee (Relates to eligible operation 13) +Assistance to support the setting up of formally constituted Common Grazings Committees that will be +responsible for having oversight and management responsibility for the use of grazing land in shared use +within remote and rural crofting communities. +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 18 of 23 +As well as being responsible for the control of use and maintenance of the common grazing land, +Common Grazings Committees will be responsible for coordinating delivery of joint investments that +result in the improvement of the agricultural land. +This is a one off grant (based upon a standardised cost of £500) to support the engagement of a +consultant to help establish a Common Grazings Committee. Applications of this type must be made to +the Crofting Commission to approve Common Grazings Regulations. +Sections 47 to 52 inclusive of the Crofters (Scotland) Act 1993 set the legal framework within which +common grazings committees operate. +Specific restrictions +Mobile equipment +Mobile equipment can be eligible for support and each case will be assessed in its own right. In order to +ensure value for money, we envisage mobile equipment being limited to a number of fixed points where +hard standings could be sited on a croft. Operations of this type are also subject to a minimum retention +period of three years. +Exceptions are where the equipment is essential and integral to the project (for example, the project could +not go ahead without this equipment or the project could not function or operate properly without this +equipment). Sufficient agricultural justification must also be demonstrated. +The item must not be the only item being funded and must contribute to a wider project aim. The +equipment should provide value over the economic life of the project – a minimum of three years. +Additional conditions regarding mobile equipment: +•the serial numbers of any equipment must be retained along with any documentation relating to its +use +•the applicant must retain a register of all equipment +•the equipment must be available for inspection +•the applicant must advise if there is an intended change to the stated use of the equipment +Purchase of production rights, animals, land or plants +The purchase of production rights, animals, land and plants (or the planting of plants) are not eligible +investments. +Investment in milk, pigs and poultry +Limitations will be applied on assistance given per business for dairy, pig and poultry production, +consistent with the scale of crofting activities. +•fattening / breeding of pigs +Assistance is limited to work related to the provision or upgrading of a maximum of 300 fattening pig +places in one business. A business must have sufficient cereal cropping land to produce 35 per cent of +its pig feedstuff requirements, even if it does not actually produce the feedstuff. Assistance should not be +given to non-land based intensive pig fattening units. +•poultry and egg production +Poultry includes all domestic fowl, turkeys, ducks, geese and game birds for the production of meat or +eggs. Assistance may be given only where the number of birds does not exceed 1,000. If the number of +birds exceeds 1,000 no assistance will be given. +Use of organic materials +Where organic materials are used in investment in land management operations the full cost of the +materials used can only be claimed if the claimant is registered with an approved organic body. Examples +include: +•Scottish Food Quality Certification Ltd +•Biodynamic Association +•Soil Association Certification Ltd +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 19 of 23 +•Organic Food Federation +•Organic Farmers & Growers Ltd +If you are not registered with an approved organic body your claim will be restricted to the value of non- +organic alternative inputs. +Secondhand equipment +European Commission regulations specify that the purchase of secondhand equipment may be regarded +as eligible expenditure when the following four conditions are met severally and jointly. +1. A declaration by the seller of the equipment confirms its exact origin and that the equipment has not +already been the subject of national or community assistance. +2. The purchase of the equipment represents a particular advantage to the project or is made necessary +by exceptional circumstances (e.g. no new equipment is available on time, threatening the execution of +the whole project). +3. A reduction of the costs involved as compared with the cost of the same equipment purchased new, +while maintaining a good cost / benefit ratio. +4. The equipment acquired must have the necessary technical characteristics consistent with the +requirements of the project. +The application should contain the necessary documentation to show that these requirements have been +complied with. +Appendix B – Examples of how work undertaken can meet +scheme objectives +Scheme objectives +1. reduce production costs +2. improve and redeploy production +3. improve quality +4. preserve and improve the natural environment, hygiene conditions and animal welfare standards +5. promote the diversification of farm (croft) activities +Operation Description Outputs Scheme objective +Create capacity to in-winter +(additional) stock (number/type +stock) which will lead to:5 and 3 +_% reduction in fodder wastage 1 +_% reduction in calf mortality. 1 +_% reduction in vet bills 1 +An increase in average calf +weights by _kgs1 +Reduce weekly man hours by +_hrs2Stock housing +Increase grazing period by _ +days5 +To extend production season +by _ days (provide details of +extended season)1 +Increase output (provide +details)2Agricultural buildings – +operation one +Erection of polytunnel +Increase range of crops +(provide examples of increased +range)1 and 2 +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 20 of 23 +Achieve a recognised quality +grade3 +Reduction wastage of hay/ +straw by _kgs1 +Reduce cost of purchased feed +through buying in bulk (provide +amount saved per tonne)1Storage +Reduce cost of purchased hay/ +straw through purchasing in +summer (provide estimate of +cost saved per tonne)1 +Increase fully usable grazing +area by _ha which will lead to:1 +An increase in lambing +percentage (provide estimate)2 +An increase in weaned lamb +weight (provide estimate)2 +An improvement in sheep +and cattle health through a +reduction in bracken poisoning +resulting in overall increased +output3Land management – operation +threeBracken control +An increase in the biodiversity +of _ha currently infested with +bracken4 +Extend grazing period in field +by _ days1 +Increase hay/silage crop output +by _%2 +On average, extend working +period of ground by _ days +(provide estimate of extended +dates)2 +Through improvement in sward +composition, increase quality of +hay/silage crop by _%3Land management – +operations four, five and sixDrainage +_% reduction in damage to land +by poaching and tracking4 +Increase average calf weights +by _kgs (provide full details of +expected improvements)1 +Reduce labour input (provide +details and the estimated +labour savings)1 and 2Feeding of outwintered stock – +operation eightOutdoor feed area +_% reduction in damage to land +by poaching and tracking4 +_ % increase in production +in arable crops by providing +shelter2 +_% decrease in lamb mortality +by providing shelter4 +To protect grass and arable +crops thereby reducing the +need to purchase winter keep +by _%1 +Improve stock control reducing +gathering time by _hrs man +hour per week2Provision of fences, hedges, +walls or gates – operation nineHedges/fencing +To improve health control by +keeping fields clean for grazing +young stock thereby increasing4 +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 21 of 23 +output by _% and reducing +medical/vet costs by _% +Provision of electrical +equipment – operation 11Electrical equipment Reduce labour input (provide +details and the estimated +labour savings)1 and 2 +New access road Provide reasons, details of +machine and estimate of +extended life4 +Allow full vehicular access to +an area of agricultural land for +a particular purpose (provide +full details)1 and 2Road, bridges and culverts – +operation 12 +_% reduction in damage to land +by poaching and tracking4 +Costs incurred in setting up a +regulated common grazings +committee – operation 13Co-operation Co-operation among crofters in +organising joint work processes +and sharing facilities and +resources for the development +of crofting activity.1,2,3,4 and 5 +Back to top +Appendix C – Invoice and evidence requirements in support +of grant claims +The following guidance will help avoid delays in processing claims for payment caused by the submission +of incorrect or incomplete supporting documents. Please remember we will reject any claim that is not +completed with the appropriate detail or supported by the necessary evidence. +All claims in respect of actual costs must be accompanied by invoices and/ or receipts, providing the +following information: +•supplier’s name, address and VAT registration Number (where appropriate); +•claimant’s name, address or in the case of a Grazings Committee or Grazings Constable, the +name of the Clerk or Grazings Constable, for example – Blairmore Common Grazings, per J +Smith (Clerk); +•detailed description of services involved or goods supplied, separately costed to include serial +numbers for any equipment purchased; +•date of supplying the goods and/or services; +•total amount due for payment by the customer with the VAT element clearly detailed; +•amount with the details of any discount awarded which fully explains any difference between the +amount due and amount paid. +In addition cash payments must also be fully receipted with: +•signature or business stamp of the person receiving payment on behalf of the supplier; +•date and method of payment +Additional evidence of payment +You should also ensure you submit some other evidence of payment: +•a cleared cheque, bank giro credit transfer slip, or bank or credit card statement reconciling +invoice details. A print out from an on-line bank account is acceptable but only where the +applicant/claimant(s) name and address are included +•for cash payments a fully receipted invoice is required +Where appropriate, the Scottish Government reserves the right to seek additional information as it deems +necessary in support of an application or claim for grant aid. +Back to top +Appendix D – Contact details +BENBECULA INVERNESS PORTREE +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 22 of 23 +AFRC - RPID +Balivanich +Isle of Benbecula +HS7 5LA +Tel: 0300 244 9600 +Fax: 0300 244 9601 +SGRPID.benbecula@gov.scot +Book an appointment nowAFRC - RPID +Longman House +28 Longman Road +Inverness +IV1 1SF +Tel: 01463 234141 +Fax: 01463 714697 +SGRPID.inverness@gov.scot +Book an appointment nowAFRC - RPID +Estates Office +Portree +IV51 9DH +Tel: 01478 612516 +Fax: 01478 613128 +SGRPID.portree@gov.scot +Book an appointment now +STORNOWAY +AFRC - RPID +10 Keith Street +Stornoway +HS1 2QG +Tel: 01851 702392 +Fax: 01851 705793 +SGRPID.stornoway@gov.scot +Book an appointment nowELGIN +AFRC - RPID +Alexander Fleming House +8 Southfield Drive +Elgin +IV30 6GR +Tel: 01343 569500 +Fax: 01343 569501 +SGRPID.elgin@gov.scot +Book an appointment nowKIRKWALL +AFRC - RPID +Government Buildings +Tankerness Lane +Kirkwall +KW15 1AQ +Tel: 0300 244 9626 +Fax: 0300 244 9625 +SGRPID.kirkwall@gov.scot +Book an appointment now +THURSO +AFRC - RPID +Strathbeg House +Clarence Street +Thurso +KW14 7JS +Tel: 0300 020 1234 +Fax: 0300 020 1258 +SGRPID.thurso@gov.scot +Book an appointment nowLERWICK +AFRC - RPID +Charlotte House +Commercial Road +Lerwick +ZE1 0HF +Tel: 0300 244 9599 +Fax: 0300 244 9598 +SGRPID.lerwick@gov.scot +Book an appointment nowGOLSPIE (Formerly located in Lairg) +AFRC - RPID +The Links +Golspie Business Park +Golspie +KW10 6UB +Tel: 0300 067 6841 +Fax: 01408 634222 +SGRPID.golspie@gov.scot +Book an appointment now +OBAN +AFRC - RPID +Cameron House +Albany Street +Oban +PA34 4AE +Tel: 0300 244 9340 +Fax: 0300 244 9331 +SGRPID.oban@gov.scot +Book an appointment now +Back to top +Capital Grant Technical Guidance 2015-2024 +Please also see the Capital Grant Technical Guidance which accompanies your capital grant application +form. +Capital Grant Technical Guidance 2015-2024 +Recent changes +Section Change +Grant rates and limits We've updated the guidance on the maximum limit on +expenditure eligible for grant +Back to top +Previous versions +Previous versions of this page +Download guidance +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 23 of 23 +Click 'Download this page' to create a printable version of this guidance you can save or print out. +Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyright \ No newline at end of file