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"fi, yifei lin, sylvain bouix, alex pitt, stephane chretien, robin liu, bian li, adam jones, marcin świerkot, tommy löfstedt, eugen hotaj, fernando flores-mangas, tony polichroniadis, pietro monticone, rohan deepak ajwani, menashe yarden einy, robert gevorgyan, thilo stadelmann, gui jiemiao, botao zhu, mohamed elabbas, satya krishna gorti, james elder, helio perroni filho, xiaochao qu, jaekangshin, joshuaevans,robertdobson, shibowang,edoardozorzi,stanisławjastrzęb- ski, pieris kalligeros, matt hewitt, zvika haramaty, ted mavroidis, nikolaj kuntner, amir yorav, masoud mokhtari, xavier gabaix, marco garosi, vincent schönbach, avishek mon- dal, victor s.c. lui, sumit bhatia, julian asilis, hengchao chen, siavash khallaghi, csaba szepesvári, mike singer, mykhailo shvets, abdalla ibrahim, stefan hell, ron raphaeli, diogo tavares,aristotelissiozopoulos,jianruiwu,jannikmünz,pennmackintosh,shawnhoareau, qianang zhou, emma li, charlie groves, xiang lingxiao, trivikram muralidharan, rajat bi- naykiya,germándelcachosalvador,alexeybloudov,paulcolognese,boyang,janimonoses, and adenilson arcanjo, matan golani, emmanuel onzon, shenghui yan, kamesh kompella, julius aka, johannes brunnemann, varniethan ketheeswaran, alex ostrovsky, daniel bur- bank,gavriephilipson,roozbehehsani,lenspek,christophbrune,mohammadnosrati,and bian li. i’mparticularlygratefultodaniyarturmukhambetov,amedeobuonanno,andreapanizza, markhudson,andbernhardpfahringer,whoprovideddetailedcommentsonmultiplechapters ofthebook. i’dliketoespeciallythankandrewfitzgibbon,konstantinosderpanis,andtyler mills, who read the whole book and whose enthusiasm helped me complete this project. i’d alsoliketothankneillcampbellandözgürşimşek,whohostedmeattheuniversityofbath, whereitaughtacoursebasedonthismaterialforthefirsttime. finally,i’mextremelygrateful to my editor elizabeth swayze for her frank advice throughout this process. draft: please send errata to [email protected] contents chapter 12 (transformers) and chapter 17 (variational autoencoders) were first published as blogs for borealis ai, and adapted versions are reproduced with permission of royal bank ofcanadaalongwithborealisai.iamgratefulfortheirsupportinthisendeavor. chapter16 (normalizing flows) is loosely based on the review article by kobyzev et al. (2020), on which i was a co-author. i was very fortunate to be able to collaborate on chapter 21 with travis lacroixfromdalhousieuniversity, who wasbotheasyand funtoworkwith, and whodidthe lion’s share of the work. attribution • chessboardimageinfigure1.13adaptedfromhttp://tinyurl.com/yc2d54d4. • cogsimageinfigures1.2,1.4,1.10adaptedfromhttp://tinyurl.com/2c7tttr8. • penguinimageinfigures19.1–19.5and19.6–19.9adaptedfromhttp://tinyurl.com/ycx9je56. • fishimageinfigures19.2–19.5,19.7,19."