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lb1ymoe | 1dsel6l | so biden got mollywhopped by a guy with dementia in a debate? | icemake | 95 | 2024-07-01T00:00:23 | 3 |
lb1ynbf | 1dsf02n | Damn that is sad | EnthusiasmNo1485 | 16 | 2024-07-01T00:00:30 | 5 |
lb1yuvp | 1ds9ifx | So it's elder abuse? | HomeGrownTaters | 18 | 2024-07-01T00:01:57 | 21 |
lb1yw3p | 1dsev5m | I am failing to grasp the end goal here of this conservative movement...
Like I get it is about control and money...but to what end exactly? | IT_Chef | 83 | 2024-07-01T00:02:12 | 25 |
lb1yzsv | 1dsefaf | So if he says Biden withdrawal would be bad for Trump publicly, that must mean Biden withdrawal is actually good for Trump, right? | taisui | 23 | 2024-07-01T00:02:55 | 31 |
lb1z83f | 1dsfecc | Dude really wants a pardon. Will be great seeing him go to prison tomorrow. | gatsby712 | 61 | 2024-07-01T00:04:30 | 41 |
lb1zhdv | 1dsel6l | The [Shrinking Trump]( podcast gives an excellent perspective on Trump's rapidly advancing dementia. | casual_shoggoth | 345 | 2024-07-01T00:06:15 | 56 |
lb1zj6v | 1dsatfs | Democracy on the ballot & Biden is now down in the first polls to come out on this debate.
This is such an unbelievable clown show right now.
If this is going to be the strategy then Biden has to get on the camera as many times as he can, looking coherent to recover from the disastrous impression he has inflicted onto the average American voter as a result of this debate… | Jorgen_Pakieto | 39 | 2024-07-01T00:06:35 | 60 |
lb1zron | 1dsfecc | Go ahead and drop the soap, gin blossom. | CaptainAxiomatic | 11 | 2024-07-01T00:08:10 | 74 |
lb1zttr | 1dsecc3 | We are so fucked lmao | CZ-Bitcoins | 101 | 2024-07-01T00:08:35 | 81 |
lb1zu2j | 1dsev5m | > DeSantis [...] said the legislation had a “fatal infirmity:” It would have taken away responsibility from local governments and given it to the state.
Interesting that when the issue was "water breaks", he said it was the state's responsibility and denied local governments authority. Seems like a major inconsistency, and they are both issues of public health. | tymesup | 48 | 2024-07-01T00:08:37 | 82 |
lb1zzow | 1dsci6o | If Republicans actually cared about children they would work on gun control since guns are the #1 cause of dead children in America. But we all know they don't actually give a shit about children | steiner_math | 11 | 2024-07-01T00:09:42 | 91 |
lb2077r | 1dsel6l | ITT: People who don’t know what dementia looks like. | nerdroc | 96 | 2024-07-01T00:11:10 | 102 |
lb20ac1 | 1dsfecc | He also said he wouldn’t go to jail. | ctguy54 | 37 | 2024-07-01T00:11:46 | 106 |
lb20axm | 1dseas9 | My in laws on the issue are driven by not knowing a goddamn thing about the Israel Palestine conflict if it doesn’t come from their failing southern Baptist church. | SubKreature | 12 | 2024-07-01T00:11:54 | 109 |
lb20bai | 1dsfecc | Go to jail | -404Error- | 13 | 2024-07-01T00:11:58 | 110 |
lb20lbk | 1dsecc3 | “And I said, ‘Look, Joe, we are not going to let 90 minutes define the four years that you’ve been president,’” the first lady recounted, according to reporters in the room.
How about letting the 2024 election of Donald Trump define Biden as a president whose hubris was too great to step aside for the sake of the country? | sartreofthesuburbs | 45 | 2024-07-01T00:13:54 | 135 |
lb20lro | 1dsdr6f | Utterly baffling? Um no, no it's not. The court is unapologetically far right. Six of them were installed for just that purpose and they're going to rule that way regardless. | smokeybearman65 | 32 | 2024-07-01T00:14:00 | 136 |
lb20osl | 1dsa19u | He is right.
Biden's performance sucked. It doesn't really matter. Anyone not decided probably wasn't watching because they don't care or won't care until November. This debate had the lowest ratings in over 50 years. Everyone knows who they are gonna vote for and they have known since 2020. | FindTheTruth08 | 28 | 2024-07-01T00:14:37 | 142 |
lb20p3s | 1dsel6l | Extremely old woman says extremely old man who she doesn’t support is actually the extremely old one while defending the extremely old man she does support as not really being that old.
The simulation is failing. I can’t believe this is real life. | Reince-Priebus | 38 | 2024-07-01T00:14:40 | 143 |
lb20vt2 | 1dsel6l | Trump is also a rapist and convicted felon, and I think that deserves more coverage. | CAESTULA | 28 | 2024-07-01T00:15:57 | 155 |
lb20vxn | 1dsel6l | “No YOUR guy has more mental decline” - 2024 | angry-mob | 104 | 2024-07-01T00:15:58 | 156 |
lb20yn4 | 1dsezd2 | Looked like a mannequin | Medical-Peanut-6554 | 15 | 2024-07-01T00:16:30 | 162 |
lb20z7c | 1dsfmm9 | They need to STFU | oranjemania | 44 | 2024-07-01T00:16:37 | 164 |
lb20zps | 1dsfmm9 | God damn, I guess our only hope is for upcoming polls to be so bad that they can't ignore them. Otherwise they'll just be moderately bad and never really get any better and he'll lose. | Mental_Lemon3565 | 137 | 2024-07-01T00:16:42 | 166 |
lb21214 | 1dsfmm9 | These foolish, vain, shortsighted, greedy and arrogant fools will cost us our country. | Historical_Emotion43 | 341 | 2024-07-01T00:17:09 | 171 |
lb214ff | 1ds6oo2 | I am voting for Biden. | randomnighmare | 94 | 2024-07-01T00:17:37 | 174 |
lb21560 | 1dsdr6f | Am I the only one that finds it insane that a group made up of 9 people can affect the lives of 333m people? | TalonGrip | 71 | 2024-07-01T00:17:45 | 176 |
lb215ty | 1dsfmm9 | I got the vertigo from all the spinning these fools are doing... | Diamondphalanges756 | 100 | 2024-07-01T00:17:53 | 177 |
lb21bhx | 1dsekz2 | Seeing how most people voting democrat are doing it to vote against Trump I don't think this headline is true at all. | Azozel | 21 | 2024-07-01T00:18:58 | 191 |
lb21f0v | 1dsfmm9 | Good. Whatever decision is going to be made needs to be made now. Not at the convention, not in a couple weeks, but now. If his team has any competence, they will get him on as many interviews as feasible this week.
Granted if he can't even do that, then perhaps replacement has more merit than I initially thought | Reddit_guard | 31 | 2024-07-01T00:19:40 | 196 |
lb21gcn | 1dsfmm9 | The strategy of hiding him like they did in 2020 isn't as easy to pull off. There's a rain we have barely seen our president for the last 3 years to begin with.
He's toast man. This guy is going to be front and center and it's going to be amplified and overly scrutinized | clit_ticklerr | 51 | 2024-07-01T00:19:56 | 199 |
lb21jug | 1dsdr6f | > The Supreme Court’s January 6 Decision Is ~~Utterly Baffling~~ **Treason**
I wish news outlets would start calling this shit what it is. | nhepner | 41 | 2024-07-01T00:20:36 | 205 |
lb21jwl | 1dsezd2 | The Biden family is speedrunning a collapse in reputation with this nonsense. | Hopeful-Steak-3391 | 14 | 2024-07-01T00:20:36 | 206 |
lb21kkn | 1dsfmm9 | they shouldnt, this is fucked and the conversation about him bowing out has been headline news everyday for most major national newspapers since thursday. this is head in the sand shit | python_noob_001 | 40 | 2024-07-01T00:20:44 | 207 |
lb21nec | 1ds6n6l | It’s almost like they’re being bribed by billionaires to overturn laws they don’t like. | flux_of_grey_kittens | 13 | 2024-07-01T00:21:17 | 217 |
lb21o18 | 1dsel6l | >Psychiatrists should never provide professional opinions in the media about public figures they have not personally examined, the American Psychiatric Association reiterated in a statement.
How many times does this have to be told to you mindless imbeciles before it gets through your dense fucking skulls? | TaxExtension53407 | 20 | 2024-07-01T00:21:24 | 218 |
lb21rtm | 1ds6n6l | Does this mean I can fly drones over the houses of SCOTUS judges now? | thefastslow | 18 | 2024-07-01T00:22:09 | 224 |
lb21vbi | 1dsfecc | Nope.
It can't be a landslide if you don't win the popular vote, and Trump will lose the popular vote again by millions. If he "wins," it'll be something like 50,000 votes spread out over 3-4 states - like last time. | flyover_liberal | 22 | 2024-07-01T00:22:49 | 235 |
lb2213y | 1dsdr6f | Wow this one really defies logic. Anybody with any common sense has to read the statute as making it a felony to either impair objects used for an official proceeding or to obstruct the official proceeding itself. It's not ambiguous at all.
This supreme court's motto can be summed up as "Call balls and strikes when it works for me, but when it doesn't use discretion."
If they can come away with this decision on this law I have to believe that they will pretty much make up any "textual" rationalization they want to produce the outcome they desire. | jlistener | 37 | 2024-07-01T00:23:56 | 244 |
lb224vy | 1dsfmm9 | It's over | Bighead_Golf | 21 | 2024-07-01T00:24:40 | 253 |
lb22wz3 | 1dsa19u | Since WWII, 80% of incumbent presidents have won re-election. The only exceptions were Hoover (the Great Depression) Carter (a 17% Fed interest rate and 7-14% inflation), and Bush (a strong 3rd-party candidate and no appeal to blue collar families).
Biden has none of these problems, and he's already beaten his opponent in a national presidential election, except now his opponent is also a convicted felon.
The optics were terrible, but Fetterman literally had aphasia from a stroke recovery during his debate and he won his Senate race. | throoawoot | 22 | 2024-07-01T00:30:01 | 294 |
lb230tg | 1dsfmm9 | I think the lede is buried. They’re waiting for polling data before making a final decision.
My guess is may be a few wakes to gauge the polling impact of tomorrow’s SCOTUS ruling on Trump’s immunity claims before any final decision is made. | DannyMacho | 227 | 2024-07-01T00:30:46 | 301 |
lb2398q | 1ds6n6l | Civil War is already being waged on 99.99999% of us. | DamCornelius | 11 | 2024-07-01T00:32:22 | 310 |
lb23shn | 1dsfmm9 | Not super interested in what someone’s family wants them to do. Sorry cnn. | 7nightstilldawn | 60 | 2024-07-01T00:35:59 | 339 |
lb242dj | 1dsfmm9 | And there goes the election once again people clinging to power will screw everyone. | sedatedlife | 15 | 2024-07-01T00:37:49 | 348 |
lb243lm | 1dsfmm9 | The dems need another candidate, in my opinion. I have 2 sons who are between 21 and 25. Both of them and their peir groups would rather either not vote or vote for Trump. When asked why, the most given response was, "The dude is so ancient."
The young folks who get their news at 15 seconds a clip on TickTok or worse, IFunny do not understand the issues. When I try to explain what is really going on, these kids just go blank. | Nervous-Pickle-5379 | 16 | 2024-07-01T00:38:02 | 351 |
lb244mx | 1dsfmm9 | “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command...” | happytoparty | 88 | 2024-07-01T00:38:14 | 353 |
lb24enh | 1dsfmm9 | Its really weird to see people here bitching and moaning about Biden's decline just a few months away from the election. Hasnt this been obvious af the past couple years with the way he walks and talks? | kinshoBanhammer | 19 | 2024-07-01T00:40:07 | 367 |
lb24f5l | 1dsdr6f | stack the court | OrdinaryHair | 11 | 2024-07-01T00:40:13 | 368 |
lb24hbp | 1ds9ifx | He's been a great president. It needs to be said.
I'm voting for him again. His administration has plans and executes them. I wish Democrats would back each other up.
People say he's unfit. Well...he's been a great president. | ThrowAwayAccount8334 | 14 | 2024-07-01T00:40:38 | 373 |
lb24jer | 1dsecc3 | So basically, the advisors made the case that he needs to step aside because his campaign is dead and his family got mad about it. | Brillo137 | 15 | 2024-07-01T00:41:02 | 376 |
lb24kx9 | 1dsecc3 | Pro Tip. When Trump lies do not refute the lie just say. My opponent refuses to accept reality again and again and it is a symptom of the clinically insane. It’s either that or he thinks his supporters disconnected from reality and will believe the lies. It’s either one or the other. Well Donald. , which one is it? Punk.
When he brings up the cognitive test. Say congratulations Donald. You’re not brain dead.
When he says the country is falling apart say no Donald your world is falling apart. The US is doing just fine by any measure.
When he says 19 people say they did not hear him say that it does not mean he did not say means they were not there. | just_the_facts_man | 44 | 2024-07-01T00:41:19 | 379 |
lb24v5d | 1dsatfs | Could also say “Top Democrats Handing Donald Trump election” | DennisdaWorm | 17 | 2024-07-01T00:43:14 | 392 |
lb24va3 | 1dsel6l | This is an argument you make before Thursday happened.
As it stands, this is about the sorriest “no, you” I’ve seen in a while. | KingGoldark | 173 | 2024-07-01T00:43:15 | 393 |
lb25f44 | 1dsel6l | Some? There's 200 highly trained psychologists that have been sounding the alarm for a while. | dballz12 | 347 | 2024-07-01T00:46:59 | 428 |
lb25rzn | 1dsel6l | The few times Biden was able to speak in the debate, he was lying his ass off.
1. Said the Border Patrol Unit endorses him. They claimed after the debate they have never endorsed him and never will.
2. Said no American troops died during his term. 13 soldiers died when he pulled out of Afghanistan.
3. Said Trump called Nazi supporters "fine people" in a statement a while back. Several left wing fact checking sources habe debunked this claim. | Sufficient_Meal4378 | 24 | 2024-07-01T00:49:24 | 449 |
lb25uak | 1dsel6l | The gaslighting is insane | Bigbrown545 | 20 | 2024-07-01T00:49:50 | 451 |
lb25uw4 | 1dsel6l | If Trump has dementia, then wtf does Biden have? | Electronic-Cloud8086 | 62 | 2024-07-01T00:49:57 | 455 |
lb264e1 | 1dseowg | They never supported democracy. They're like Darth Sidious, they're using democracy to seize power, because what they *really* want is a dictatorship. | LordSiravant | 19 | 2024-07-01T00:51:43 | 465 |
lb269f0 | 1dsfmm9 | I'm a liberal for the most part -- I want strong unions, universal healthcare, universal access to abortions including post viability, end the death penalty, dismantle the military industrial complex and end America's role as an imperialist, meddling force of evil in the world. I would love all these things.
However with Biden team and family going down with the boat, I'm going to start buying guns and ammunition this week. This is suicide and there is nothing liberals can do about it.
Strap in for the kamikaze flight plan, y'all. | JohnMcPeeOnMe | 13 | 2024-07-01T00:52:38 | 469 |
lb26shh | 1dseowg | Think Jim Crow south and you'll be right. The MAGAts will regress us back to feudalism and slavery. We're halfway there. | MrWaldengarver | 13 | 2024-07-01T00:56:12 | 489 |
lb26wq7 | 1dsgasf | Oh no, the people gambling on the election will just have to go back to buying NFTs. | DragoneerFA | 25 | 2024-07-01T00:57:00 | 495 |
lb275k6 | 1dsgasf | But, but, but....North Carolina! Read the transcript!!!
No one GAF about reading off a teleprompter in NC and no one is reading the transcript. Biden showed his whole ass on Thursday. Time to end this farce. | The-Real-Number-One | 13 | 2024-07-01T00:58:41 | 506 |
lb27h94 | 1dsgasf | Well, that's concerning...Vegas odds are probably more alarming than polls | SpookyIsAsSpookyDoes | 11 | 2024-07-01T01:00:57 | 532 |
lb27nw9 | 1dsfmm9 | This is insane to me, the country is absolutely screwed. The copium is unreal with these people. | Ekqui | 80 | 2024-07-01T01:02:15 | 546 |
lb27s0l | 1dsekz2 | Bullshit, Newsom would dogwalk trump | Successful_Buyer_118 | 17 | 2024-07-01T01:03:03 | 556 |
lb281ao | 1ds7nfi | Donald Trump admitted to knowing about Putins desire to invade Ukraine while he was president, and that they had spoken about it. Do you really think Trump told Putin not to invade? Of course he didn’t, probably encouraged it.
As hard as it is with Biden and his age, don’t vote for him. Vote for Supreme Court Nominations. Vote for democracy and staying allies with our friends abroad who share our values. Vote for the guy who isn’t a serial liar, racist, and rapist.
It should be an easy decision. The old guy who verbally fumbles but does the right thing for people, or the old asshole scumbag who’s literally a goddamn traitor to this country and tried to overturn the last election, who gave away state secrets to the Saudis and Russians, who calls veterans and POWs losers and suckers.
It should be a goddamn easy choice. | Auerbach1991 | 76 | 2024-07-01T01:04:48 | 569 |
lb28bzn | 1dsgj1l | Fucking dork | atomsmasher66 | 15 | 2024-07-01T01:06:51 | 585 |
lb28dev | 1dsel6l | If Trump has dementia then what the hell does Biden have? | SlapThatAce | 15 | 2024-07-01T01:07:07 | 587 |
lb28lnz | 1dsel6l | ah yes the old "no u" strategy | AdditionalSuccotash | 37 | 2024-07-01T01:08:43 | 598 |
lb29864 | 1ds7nfi | Bidens old, Trump is a tyrant. I’d rather old | Effective_Damage_241 | 42 | 2024-07-01T01:13:03 | 638 |
lb29ps7 | 1dsgqbv | Yes please. | notanNSAagent89 | 22 | 2024-07-01T01:16:27 | 664 |
lb29tkq | 1dsgqbv | She would seemingly shore up mi/wi/pa | Congenitaloveralls | 31 | 2024-07-01T01:17:10 | 674 |
lb29tqg | 1dsg8z0 | it doesn't matter what two journalists think after millions in this nation watched that debate. This is toothpaste out of the tube. The faith is gone already for most people according to a new poll out today: 72% don't believe he is mentailly fit to be President. We cannot win with that number!
Our democracy is at state. The world is leaning far-right, Italy and now France, too. We have to save our Democracy not just for us: for the world right now! | SproutedInBrussels | 18 | 2024-07-01T01:17:11 | 675 |
lb29vor | 1dsgqbv | Big Gretch would deliver a key swing state and flatten Trump. Yes fucking please. | Gliese_667_Cc | 23 | 2024-07-01T01:17:34 | 678 |
lb2a274 | 1dsfmm9 | "You should fire the advisors who let you get on stage in your current state."
"But you should definitely stay in the race and remain the President."
The Biden Family takes cognitive dissonance to a new level. | FaintCommand | 23 | 2024-07-01T01:18:49 | 691 |
lb2a2zi | 1ds9ifx | For the love of all that is good, don’t let your hubris fuck us all over. None of the DC elites will suffer like every regular person will under another Trump presidency | SockFullOfNickles | 97 | 2024-07-01T01:18:59 | 694 |
lb2adj9 | 1dsci6o | tax all churches | mute-ant1 | 14 | 2024-07-01T01:21:00 | 716 |
lb2ajuc | 1dsgj1l | Why are news outlets giving this fascist pig exposure? | Moos_Mumsy | 19 | 2024-07-01T01:22:14 | 728 |
lb2amw3 | 1dsfmm9 | > The family – clearly frustrated with the team that prepared President Biden ahead of his alarming debate with former President Donald Trump – discussed whether any of Biden’s top advisers should be fired and whether campaign staffing changes should be made, one adviser said.
Sure, blame the advisers and not the man who is 81 and shouldn't be running for the highest office in the land and who is clearly in cognitive decline (as is Trump, but that is besides the point since it doesn't matter to Republicans). It is like they are trying to gaslight us into thinking we didn't see and hear what we saw and heard. | I-Might-Be-Something | 172 | 2024-07-01T01:22:49 | 737 |
lb2axtd | 1dsgqbv | Mama Gretch lookin' pretty good | Competitive_Turn_149 | 13 | 2024-07-01T01:24:56 | 758 |
lb2b6of | 1dsgvof | I can't even tune in to what a raging narcissist says anymore, I'm too fucking old.
Mememememe, I'm the best, no one is better then me, blah blah.
Can't listen to that shit anymore, I don't care what Trump thinks says or does about any subject. I don't idolize fucking morons. | ExchangeError5110 | 64 | 2024-07-01T01:26:39 | 771 |
lb2bfuj | 1dsel6l | This is some 1984 "Don't believe your lying eyes" shit... Anyone who watched the debate knows which candidate had the 1000 yard Alzheimer's stare going on all night... | thatdude333 | 35 | 2024-07-01T01:28:27 | 785 |
lb2bl5v | 1dsarjj | "The bedwetting brigade is calling for Joe Biden to 'drop out.' That is the best possible way for Donald Trump to win and us to lose," Biden deputy campaign manager Rob Flaherty argued in the email to supporters."
As a solid Democratic voter in November, let me say clearly:
Fuck you, Rob Flaherty. | Tadpoleonicwars | 15 | 2024-07-01T01:29:28 | 799 |
lb2bxrn | 1dsfmm9 | Oh definitely need to fire the debate prep team. | Low-Abbreviations634 | 11 | 2024-07-01T01:31:58 | 824 |
lb2cc5n | 1dsfby6 | This is a misleading headline.. credit card companies track all items you buy with category tags. The gun lobby has managed to prevent a category for gun sales. Adding the category isn’t special treatment, it’s ending it. | grodyjody | 14 | 2024-07-01T01:34:48 | 848 |
lb2ccwz | 1dsgqbv | "That Woman From Michigan" is my preferred Biden replacement. | mudpiechicken | 26 | 2024-07-01T01:34:57 | 849 |
lb2csol | 1dsgvof | I wonder if the issue is one of expectations where people expect bad behavior of Trump and thus excuse it while punishing competent people who don't live up to expectations. By all standards, I don't think Biden did well, I also think if he ever said or did 1/5 of the insanity Trump said he would be ridden out of town on a rail. | brewstate | 19 | 2024-07-01T01:38:05 | 881 |
lb2cya0 | 1ds9ifx | Look at Ruth Bader Ginsburg. You gotta know when to let go of power to retain your legacy. She didn’t let go when she should have - everything she stood for is wiped out.
Personal hubris over the sake of the nation is not wisdom. | crotalis | 369 | 2024-07-01T01:39:10 | 897 |
lb2d0k8 | 1dsel6l | Girl. | LibraryBig3287 | 13 | 2024-07-01T01:39:36 | 901 |
lb2djmn | 1dsfmm9 | They ain’t watch that debate then | BlunderDef | 19 | 2024-07-01T01:43:21 | 934 |
lb2e5bv | 1dsgvof | Trumps new slogan campaign "Even worse then you can remember" 2024 | Highthere_90 | 14 | 2024-07-01T01:47:36 | 959 |
lb2eqnm | 1dsekz2 | This is pathetic, so from both sides either Trump or Biden are literally the only ones who can save America.
Ffs, one of them should be in prison and the other should be eating ice cream on the beach. | Madogson21 | 12 | 2024-07-01T01:51:48 | 990 |
lb2f1y1 | 1dsdc0m | The NY Post is the new Mad Magazine. | capaho | 12 | 2024-07-01T01:54:00 | 1,001 |
lb2fa2t | 1dsbs1t | The Trump Campaign verified he signed a contract with them. Anyone making excuses for the guy hasn’t seen the GOP tweets, but I’m too lazy to find and link. | SchilenceDooBaddy69 | 20 | 2024-07-01T01:55:37 | 1,010 |
lb2fnl2 | 1dsgv9k | Oh, come on, this guy was an idiot, regardless of whether you agreed with his politics or not. | israeljeff | 32 | 2024-07-01T01:58:12 | 1,027 |
lb2g5tj | 1dshh3g | Cory Booker is about as much of a corporate neoliberal as you can get so the DNC would love him. | brook_lyn_lopez | 14 | 2024-07-01T02:01:41 | 1,053 |
lb2gcpf | 1dsel6l | Say for the sake of argument that they both have dementia. They don’t. But say they do.
Trump is still and always has been a tremendous idiot. | morelikeshredit | 1,807 | 2024-07-01T02:03:02 | 1,062 |
lb2geiv | 1dshl8w | So far the strategy looks weak. At least it's weak to me.
Democrats are going to come back with whatabout-isms about Trump having dementia, in an effort to muddy the waters and create an environment of confusion.
It's a common Intel tactic by spreading misinformation to help your cause
You're already seeing Nancy P trying this and the email from the Biden campaign about how to defend the debates are kind of showing that this might be the strategy...
Good luck lol | clit_ticklerr | 21 | 2024-07-01T02:03:23 | 1,066 |
Subsets and Splits