"""PMC Open Access Subset enriched from XML.""" |
import datetime |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
from itertools import compress, chain |
from collections import defaultdict |
import re |
from lxml import etree |
import json |
import datasets |
from datasets.tasks import LanguageModeling |
_CITATION = "" |
The PMC Open Access Subset includes more than 3.4 million journal articles and preprints that are made available under |
license terms that allow reuse. |
Not all articles in PMC are available for text mining and other reuse, many have copyright protection, however articles |
in the PMC Open Access Subset are made available under Creative Commons or similar licenses that generally allow more |
liberal redistribution and reuse than a traditional copyrighted work. |
The PMC Open Access Subset is one part of the PMC Article Datasets |
This version takes XML version as source, benefiting from the structured text |
to split the articles in parts, naming the introduction, methods, results, |
discussion and conclusion, and refers with keywords in the text to external or internal |
resources (articles, figures, tables, formulas, boxed-text, quotes, code, footnotes, chemicals, graphics, medias). |
""" |
_HOMEPAGE = "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/tools/openftlist/" |
_LICENSE = """ |
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/about/copyright/ |
Within the PMC Open Access Subset, there are three groupings: |
Commercial Use Allowed - CC0, CC BY, CC BY-SA, CC BY-ND licenses |
Non-Commercial Use Only - CC BY-NC, CC BY-NC-SA, CC BY-NC-ND licenses; and |
Other - no machine-readable Creative Commons license, no license, or a custom license. |
""" |
_URL_ROOT = "https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/pmc/" |
_URL = _URL_ROOT+"oa_bulk/{subset}/xml/" |
_SUBSETS = { |
"commercial": "oa_comm", |
"non_commercial": "oa_noncomm", |
"other": "oa_other", |
} |
_BASELINE_DATE = "2022-03-04" |
REFS_KEYS = ["pmid_ref", "unknown_pub_ref", "figure_ref", "table_ref", "formula_ref", "box_ref", "code_ref", |
"quote_ref", "chem_ref", "supplementary_ref", "footnote_ref", "graphic_ref", "media_ref"] |
CONTENT_KEYS = ["introduction", "methods", "results", "discussion", "conclusion", |
"front", "body", "back", "figure", "table", "formula", "box", |
"code", "quote", "chem", "supplementary", "footnote"] |
begin_doc_rgx = re.compile("""<!DOCTYPE.*""") |
def clean_raw(xml_text): |
""" |
Fixes the formating of xml of files and returns it. |
Some have bad formating but they can be fixed/improved |
""" |
begin_doc = begin_doc_rgx.search(xml_text) |
xml_text = xml_text[begin_doc.start():] |
return xml_text |
TAG_DIC = {"fig":(" ##FIG## ","figure_ref"), "table-wrap":(" ##TAB## ","table_ref"), |
"array":(" ##TAB## ","table_ref"), "boxed-text":(" ##BOX## ","box_ref"), |
"graphic":(" ##GRAPH## ","graphic_ref"), "inline-graphic":(" ##GRAPH## ","graphic_ref"), |
"media":(" ##MEDIA## ","media_ref"), "inline-media":(" ##MEDIA## ","media_ref"), |
"disp-formula":(" ##FORMU## ","formula_ref"), "inline-formula":(" ##FORMU## ","formula_ref"), |
"table-wrap-foot":(" ##FOOTN## ","footnote_ref"), "fn-group":(" ##FOOTN## ","footnote_ref"), |
"code":(" ##CODE## ","code_ref"), "chem-struct-wrap":(" ##CHEM## ","chem_ref"), |
"disp-quote":(" ##QUOTE## ","quote_ref"), "speech":(" ##QUOTE## ","quote_ref"), |
"supplementary-material":(" ##SUPPL## ","supplementary_ref"), |
"inline-supplementary-material":(" ##SUPPL## ","supplementary_ref")} |
def get_ref_indexes(ref_el_l, refs_pmid, refs_nonpmid_keys): |
""" |
For all the element found as xref, give them an index to be later found in their corresponding section. |
Also sort them into the different types of references (eg <array> and <table-wrap> are both |
labeled as table_ref). |
""" |
count_ref_d = defaultdict(lambda:0) |
reference_d = {} |
for k, v in refs_pmid.items(): |
reference_d[k] = (v, " ##REF## ", "pmid_ref") |
for i, k in enumerate(refs_nonpmid_keys): |
reference_d[k] = (i, " ##UREF## ", "unknown_pub_ref") |
refs_key_l = [] |
for el in ref_el_l: |
keyword, ref_name = TAG_DIC[el.tag] |
idx = count_ref_d[ref_name] |
key = el.attrib["id"] if "id" in el.attrib.keys() else f"{el.tag}{idx}" |
reference_d[key] = (idx, keyword, ref_name) |
refs_key_l.append(key) |
count_ref_d[ref_name]+=1 |
return reference_d, refs_key_l |
def parseout_el_refs(el, rids): |
""" |
Extract the text from the tag opening to its closing, discarding the tail's text. |
Removes xml namespace from the text for storage savings, such as: |
- xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" |
- xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" |
Extract then from the text all the references founds to the rids dictionnary, |
and replace them by keywords of the corresponding family (eg " ##FIG## " for a figure, |
" ##TAB## " for a table, or " ##MATHS## " for mathematical formulas) |
Returns the parsed text, the identifiers for the references and the references text that |
were replaced by the keywords. (eg, "Figure 2" was a hypertext reference and got replaced by " ##FIG## ") |
""" |
res_rid = defaultdict(list) |
res_reftext = defaultdict(list) |
for xref in el.xpath(".//xref[not(ancestor::xref)]"): |
rid = xref.get("rid") |
if rid in rids.keys(): |
ref_idx, ref_kword, ref_class = rids[rid] |
res_rid[ref_class].append(ref_idx) |
res_reftext[ref_class].append("".join(xref.itertext())) |
parent = xref.getparent() |
tail = xref.tail if xref.tail else "" |
prev_el = xref.getprevious() |
if prev_el is None: |
parent.text = "".join([(parent.text if parent.text else ""), ref_kword, tail]) |
else: |
prev_el.tail = "".join([(prev_el.tail if prev_el.tail else ""), ref_kword, tail]) |
parent.remove(xref) |
text = etree.tostring(el, with_tail=False, encoding='unicode', method='xml') |
tag_start = text.find(">")+1 |
tag_txt = text[:tag_start] |
for k, v in el.nsmap.items(): |
tag_txt = tag_txt.replace(f' xmlns:{k}="{v}"', "", 1) |
text = "".join([tag_txt, text[tag_start:]]) |
return text, res_rid, res_reftext |
def get_references(article_tree): |
""" |
Retrieve two dictionnaries of the bibr references for that article. |
The first has the references' PMID for those having one. |
The second contains the <ref> tag fields, that could be identified to retrieve the |
referenced documents (some have PMID that could be found from the title and authors of a document). |
""" |
references_pmid = {} |
references_nonpmid = [] |
references_nonpmid_keys = [] |
refs = article_tree.find(".//ref-list") |
if refs is None: |
return {}, [], [] |
refs = refs.findall("ref") |
for i, ref in enumerate(refs): |
pmid = None |
for pubid in ref.findall(".//pub-id"): |
if pubid.get("pub-id-type") == "pmid": |
pmid = int(pubid.text) |
break |
if pmid is not None and pmid<100000000: |
references_pmid[ref.attrib["id"]] = str(pmid) |
else: |
ref_key = ref.attrib["id"] if "id" in ref.attrib.keys() else f"URef{i+1}" |
citation_d = defaultdict(list) |
for el in ref.iterdescendants(): |
if isinstance(el.text, str) and isinstance(el.tag, str): |
citation_d[el.tag].append(el.text) |
references_nonpmid.append(dict(citation_d)) |
references_nonpmid_keys.append(ref_key) |
return references_pmid, references_nonpmid, references_nonpmid_keys |
def construct_datadict(article_tree): |
""" |
Where the magic happens. A long script that: |
- Get the external references (from pmid if present) |
- Get glossary and remove it from the document |
- Find internal references (figures, tables, ...) and build a xref dictionary |
- Extract paragraphs and titles with their path in the document |
- Titles are used to identify ["introduction", "methods", "results" and "discussion"] |
- The path are then used to group paragraphs and titles into corresponding content. |
- Remaining p and title are put in three other section: front, body, back |
Returns: |
- content_d: Dictionnary with the content result |
- reference_d: The references of each kind (figure, table, ...) for each content type (intro, figure caption, ...) |
- reference_text_d: The replaced text by the keywords of the references, with keys matching reference_d. |
- reference_count: The count of unique external-document references. |
Useful information about the tags can be found here: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/archiving/tag-library/1.3/ |
""" |
res_content_d, res_reference_d, res_reference_text_d = {}, defaultdict(dict), defaultdict(dict) |
refs_pmid, refs_nonpmid, refs_nonpmid_keys = get_references(article_tree) |
reference_count = len(refs_pmid)+len(refs_nonpmid) |
res_content_d["unknown_pub"] = json.dumps(refs_nonpmid) |
refs_el = article_tree.find(".//ref-list") |
if refs_el is not None: |
refs_el.getparent().remove(refs_el) |
glossary = {} |
def search_def(el): |
for item in el.findall(".//def-item"): |
abbrev = item.find(".//term") |
if abbrev is None: |
continue |
k = "".join(abbrev.itertext()) |
definition = item.find(".//def") |
definition = "".join(definition.itertext()) if definition is not None else "" |
glossary[k] = definition |
for el in article_tree.findall(".//glossary"): |
search_def(el) |
el.getparent().remove(el) |
for el in article_tree.findall(".//def-list"): |
search_def(el) |
el.getparent().remove(el) |
res_content_d["glossary"] = glossary |
ref_el_l = article_tree.xpath(".//fig|.//table-wrap|.//array|.//supplementary-material\ |
|.//inline-supplementary-material|.//disp-formula\ |
|.//inline-formula|.//graphic|.//inline-graphic\ |
|.//media|.//inline-media|.//boxed-text\ |
|.//table-wrap-foot|.//fn-group|.//chem-struct-wrap\ |
|.//code|.//disp-quote|.//speech") |
rids, key_l = get_ref_indexes(ref_el_l, refs_pmid, refs_nonpmid_keys) |
text_l_d, refs_l_d, refs_text_l_d = defaultdict(list),defaultdict(list),defaultdict(list) |
for el, key in zip(ref_el_l[::-1], key_l[::-1]): |
new_text, new_xref_id, new_xref_text = parseout_el_refs(el, rids) |
ref_class = rids[key][2] |
text_l_d[ref_class].insert(0, new_text) |
refs_l_d[ref_class].insert(0, new_xref_id) |
refs_text_l_d[ref_class].insert(0, new_xref_text) |
repl_xref = etree.Element("xref", attrib={"rid":key}) |
repl_xref.tail = el.tail |
el.addprevious(repl_xref) |
el.getparent().remove(el) |
for ref_k in REFS_KEYS[2:]: |
res_content_d[ref_k[:-4]] = text_l_d[ref_k] |
if ref_k in ["graphic_ref", "media_ref"]: |
continue |
for ref_k2 in REFS_KEYS: |
tmp_l = [refs_d[ref_k2] for refs_d in refs_l_d[ref_k]] |
res_reference_d[ref_k[:-4]][ref_k2] = list(chain(*tmp_l)) |
tmp_l = [refs_d[ref_k2] for refs_d in refs_text_l_d[ref_k]] |
res_reference_text_d[ref_k[:-4]][ref_k2] = list(chain(*tmp_l)) |
def add_part_to_dics(part, text_l, refs_l, ref_texts_l): |
"""Repeated code to add various parts to the document""" |
res_content_d[part] = text_l |
for ref_k in REFS_KEYS: |
tmp_l = [refs_d[ref_k] for refs_d in refs_l] |
res_reference_d[part][ref_k] = list(chain(*tmp_l)) |
tmp_l = [refs_d[ref_k] for refs_d in ref_texts_l] |
res_reference_text_d[part][ref_k] = list(chain(*tmp_l)) |
path_l, text_l, refs_l, refs_text_l = [], [], [], [] |
t_paths, t_texts_lowcase = [], [] |
for part in ["front", "body", "back"]: |
tmp_path_l, tmp_text_l, tmp_refs_l, tmp_refs_text_l = [], [], [], [] |
tmp_t_paths, tmp_t_texts_lowcase = [], [] |
part_el = article_tree.find(".//"+part) |
if part_el is None: |
res_content_d[part] = [] |
for target_key in REFS_KEYS: |
res_reference_d[part][target_key] = [] |
res_reference_text_d[part][target_key] = [] |
continue |
for el in part_el.xpath(".//p[not(ancestor::p) and not(ancestor::title)]| .//title[not(ancestor::p) and not(ancestor::title)]"): |
new_text, new_xref_id, new_xref_text = parseout_el_refs(el, rids) |
tmp_path_l.append(article_tree.getelementpath(el)) |
tmp_text_l.append(new_text) |
tmp_refs_l.append(new_xref_id) |
tmp_refs_text_l.append(new_xref_text) |
if el.tag=="title": |
tmp_t_paths.append(tmp_path_l[-1]) |
tmp_t_texts_lowcase.append(new_text.lower()) |
if part=="body": |
path_l, text_l = tmp_path_l, tmp_text_l |
refs_l, refs_text_l = tmp_refs_l, tmp_refs_text_l |
t_paths, t_texts_lowcase = tmp_t_paths, tmp_t_texts_lowcase |
else: |
add_part_to_dics(part, tmp_text_l, tmp_refs_l, tmp_refs_text_l) |
mask_intro = np.array(["introduction" in t_text or "background" in t_text for t_text in t_texts_lowcase]).astype(bool) |
mask_metho = np.array(["method" in t_text for t_text in t_texts_lowcase]).astype(bool) |
mask_resul = np.array(["result" in t_text for t_text in t_texts_lowcase]).astype(bool) |
mask_discu = np.array(["discussion" in t_text for t_text in t_texts_lowcase]).astype(bool) |
mask_concl = np.array(["conclusion" in t_text for t_text in t_texts_lowcase]).astype(bool) |
processed_mask = np.zeros(len(text_l), dtype="bool") |
for mask, name_section in zip([mask_intro, mask_metho, mask_resul, mask_discu, mask_concl], |
["introduction", "methods", "results", "discussion", "conclusion"]): |
if not np.any(mask): |
res_content_d[name_section] = [] |
for target_key in REFS_KEYS: |
res_reference_d[name_section][target_key] = [] |
res_reference_text_d[name_section][target_key] = [] |
continue |
filtered_path_l = list(compress(t_paths, mask)) |
levels = np.array([len(path.split("/")) for path in filtered_path_l]) |
root_path = filtered_path_l[np.argmin(levels)] |
root_path = root_path[:root_path.rindex("/")] |
mask_contents = np.array([path.startswith(root_path) for path in path_l]).astype(bool) |
processed_mask |= mask_contents |
add_part_to_dics(name_section, list(compress(text_l, mask_contents)), |
list(compress(refs_l, mask_contents)), list(compress(refs_text_l, mask_contents))) |
processed_mask = ~processed_mask |
add_part_to_dics("body", list(compress(text_l, processed_mask)), |
list(compress(refs_l, processed_mask)), list(compress(refs_text_l, processed_mask))) |
res_reference_d = dict(res_reference_d) |
res_reference_text_d = dict(res_reference_text_d) |
return (res_content_d, res_reference_d, res_reference_text_d, reference_count) |
class OpenAccessXMLConfig(datasets.BuilderConfig): |
"""BuilderConfig for the PMC Open Access Subset.""" |
def __init__(self, subsets=None, **kwargs): |
"""BuilderConfig for the PMC Open Access Subset. |
Args: |
subsets (:obj:`List[str]`): List of subsets/groups to load. |
**kwargs: Keyword arguments forwarded to super. |
""" |
subsets = [subsets] if isinstance(subsets, str) else subsets |
super().__init__( |
name="+".join(subsets), **kwargs, |
) |
self.subsets = subsets if self.name != "all" else list(_SUBSETS.keys()) |
class OpenAccessXML(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): |
"""PMC Open Access Subset enriched from XML files.""" |
VERSION = datasets.Version("1.0.0") |
BUILDER_CONFIGS = [OpenAccessXMLConfig(subsets="all")] + [OpenAccessXMLConfig(subsets=subset) for subset in _SUBSETS] |
def _info(self): |
return datasets.DatasetInfo( |
description=_DESCRIPTION, |
features=datasets.Features( |
{ |
"accession_id": datasets.Value("string"), |
"pmid": datasets.Value("string"), |
"introduction": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"methods": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"results": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"discussion": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"conclusion": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"front": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"body": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"back": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"figure": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"table": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"formula": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"box": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"code": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"quote": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"chem": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"supplementary": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"footnote": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"graphic": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"media": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), |
"unknown_pub": datasets.Value("string"), |
"glossary": datasets.features.Sequence( |
{"acronym": datasets.Value("string"), "definition": datasets.Value("string")} |
), |
"references": {k_cont:{k_ref:datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string" if k_ref=="pmid_ref" else "int32")) for k_ref in REFS_KEYS} for k_cont in CONTENT_KEYS}, |
"references_text": {k_cont:{k_ref:datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")) for k_ref in REFS_KEYS} for k_cont in CONTENT_KEYS}, |
"n_references": datasets.Value("int32"), |
"license": datasets.Value("string"), |
"retracted": datasets.Value("string"), |
"last_updated": datasets.Value("string"), |
"citation": datasets.Value("string"), |
"package_file": datasets.Value("string"), |
} |
), |
homepage=_HOMEPAGE, |
license=_LICENSE, |
citation=_CITATION, |
task_templates=[LanguageModeling(text_column="content")], |
) |
def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): |
incremental_paths = { |
"incremental_file_lists": [], |
"incremental_archives": [] |
} |
baseline_package_list = dl_manager.download(f"{_URL_ROOT}oa_file_list.csv") |
baseline_file_lists = [] |
baseline_archives = [] |
for subset in self.config.subsets: |
url = _URL.format(subset=_SUBSETS[subset]) |
basename = f"{_SUBSETS[subset]}_xml." |
baselines = [f"PMC00{i}xxxxxx.baseline.{_BASELINE_DATE}" for i in range(9)] |
for baseline in baselines: |
baseline_file_list_url = f"{url}{basename}{baseline}.filelist.csv" |
baseline_archive_url = f"{url}{basename}{baseline}.tar.gz" |
try: |
baseline_file_list = dl_manager.download(baseline_file_list_url) |
baseline_archive = dl_manager.download(baseline_archive_url) |
except FileNotFoundError: |
continue |
baseline_file_lists.append(baseline_file_list) |
baseline_archives.append(baseline_archive) |
baseline_file_list_url = f"{url}{basename}{baseline}.filelist.csv" |
date_delta = datetime.date.today() - datetime.date.fromisoformat(_BASELINE_DATE) |
incremental_dates = [ |
(datetime.date.fromisoformat(_BASELINE_DATE) + datetime.timedelta(days=i + 1)).isoformat() |
for i in range(date_delta.days) |
] |
incrementals = [f"incr.{date}" for date in incremental_dates] |
for incremental in incrementals: |
incremental_file_list_url = f"{url}{basename}{incremental}.filelist.csv" |
incremental_archive_url = f"{url}{basename}{incremental}.tar.gz" |
try: |
incremental_file_list = dl_manager.download(incremental_file_list_url) |
incremental_archive = dl_manager.download(incremental_archive_url) |
except FileNotFoundError: |
continue |
incremental_paths["incremental_file_lists"].append(incremental_file_list) |
incremental_paths["incremental_archives"].append(incremental_archive) |
return [ |
datasets.SplitGenerator( |
name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, |
gen_kwargs={ |
"baseline_file_lists": baseline_file_lists, |
"baseline_archives": [dl_manager.iter_archive(archive) for archive in baseline_archives], |
"baseline_package_list": baseline_package_list, |
"incremental_file_lists": incremental_paths["incremental_file_lists"], |
"incremental_archives": [dl_manager.iter_archive(archive) for archive in incremental_paths["incremental_archives"]], |
}, |
), |
] |
def _generate_examples(self, baseline_file_lists, baseline_archives, baseline_package_list, incremental_file_lists, incremental_archives): |
oa_package_list = pd.read_csv(baseline_package_list, index_col="Accession ID") |
oa_package_list = oa_package_list[["File"]] |
oa_package_list.sort_index(inplace=True) |
for baseline_file_list, baseline_archive in zip(baseline_file_lists, baseline_archives): |
try: |
baselines = pd.read_csv(baseline_file_list, index_col="AccessionID") |
baselines = baselines.join(oa_package_list).reset_index().set_index("Article File") |
baselines = baselines.to_dict(orient="index") |
for path, file in baseline_archive: |
data = baselines.pop(path) |
content = file.read() |
try: |
text = content.decode("utf-8").strip() |
except UnicodeDecodeError as e: |
text = content.decode("latin-1").strip() |
text = clean_raw(text) |
try: |
article_tree = etree.ElementTree(etree.fromstring(text)) |
except etree.XMLSyntaxError: |
continue |
content_d, reference_d, reference_text_d, n_ref = construct_datadict(article_tree) |
glossary = np.array([[k,v] for k,v in content_d["glossary"].items()]) |
pmcid = data["AccessionID"] |
data = { |
"introduction": content_d["introduction"], |
"methods": content_d["methods"], |
"results": content_d["results"], |
"discussion": content_d["discussion"], |
"conclusion": content_d["conclusion"], |
"front": content_d["front"], |
"body": content_d["body"], |
"back": content_d["back"], |
"figure": content_d["figure"], |
"table": content_d["table"], |
"formula": content_d["formula"], |
"box": content_d["box"], |
"code": content_d["code"], |
"quote": content_d["quote"], |
"chem": content_d["chem"], |
"supplementary": content_d["supplementary"], |
"footnote": content_d["footnote"], |
"graphic": content_d["graphic"], |
"media": content_d["media"], |
"unknown_pub": content_d["unknown_pub"], |
"references": reference_d, |
"references_text": reference_text_d, |
"glossary": {"acronym":glossary[:,0], "definition":glossary[:,1]} if len(glossary)>0 else {"acronym":[], "definition":[]}, |
"n_references": n_ref, |
"pmid": data["PMID"], |
"accession_id": pmcid, |
"license": data["License"], |
"last_updated": data["LastUpdated (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)"], |
"retracted": data["Retracted"], |
"citation": data["Article Citation"], |
"package_file": data["File"], |
} |
yield pmcid, data |
except FileNotFoundError: |
continue |