Forty-three patients with a diagnosis of primary or secondary frozen shoulder who had symptoms for an average of 12 months and failed conservative treatment of at least 12 weeks of physical therapy, were treated with an arthrosopic capsular release. On completion of standard shoulder arthroscopy, intra-articular cautery was used to completely divide the anterior-inferior capsule, the intra-articular portion of the subscapularis tendon, and the middle glenohumeral, the superior glenohumeral, and the coracohumeral ligaments. The subacromial space was inspected in all patients. Eighteen patients had extensive subacromial fibrosis that required debridement. Subacromial decompression was reserved for patients with evidence of an acromial spur seen at the time of arthroscopy. Postoperatively, all patients showed substantial gains in shoulder range of motion, as well as diminished shoulder pain. Thirty-five patients completed a telephone survey at an average of 22 months after surgery. The average modified shoulder score was 19 (scale, 13 to 65), with 83% of patients indicating that their shoulder was normal or caused only mild symptoms. In conclusion, the authors believe that arthroscopic capsular release is an effective and safe alternative to manipulation in patients with a recalcitrant frozen shoulder.
This manuscript explores the role of embodied views of language comprehension and production in bilingualism and specific language impairment. Reconceptualizing popular models of bilingual language processing, the embodied theory is first extended to this area. Issues such as semantic grounding in a second language and potential differences between early and late acquisition of a second language are discussed. Predictions are made about how this theory informs novel ways of thinking about teaching a second language. Secondly, the comorbidity of speech, language, and motor impairments and how embodiment theory informs the discussion of the etiology of these impairments is examined. A hypothesis is presented suggesting that what is often referred to as specific language impairment may not be so specific due to widespread subclinical motor deficits in this population. Predictions are made about how weaknesses and instabilities in speech motor control, even at a subclinical level, may disrupt the neural network that connects acoustic input, articulatory motor plans, and semantics. Finally, I make predictions about how this information informs clinical practice for professionals such as speech language pathologists and occupational and physical therapists. These new hypotheses are placed within the larger framework of the body of work pertaining to semantic grounding, action-based language acquisition, and action-perception links that underlie language learning and conceptual grounding.
Female Long Evans and Brattleboro rats were studied while water-replete and after water deprivation sufficient to cause hypovolaemia of similar degree in the two strains. A comparison was made of the blood chemistry and cardiovascular status in the two conditions, and the ability of the renin-angiotensin system, sympathoadrenal activity and (in Long Evans rats) vasopressin to influence blood pressure were assessed by pharmacological blockade of these systems. Under water-replete conditions there were significant differences between plasma variables in the two strains (Long Evans: vol., 3.67 +/- 0.07 ml/100 g b. wt., sodium, 142 +/- 0.3 mmol/l; osmolality, 290 +/- 1 mosmol/kg; Brattleboro: vol., 3.89 +/- 0.07 ml/100 g b. wt.; sodium 148 +/- 0.4 mmol/l; osmolality 304 +/- 2 mosmol/kg). Inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system (with captopril) had a slightly greater hypotensive effect in Brattleboro than in Long Evans rats. In both strains the hypotensive effects of captopril were enhanced markedly in the presence of pentolinium, and, under those conditions there was a vasopressin-dependent recovery of blood pressure in Long Evans rats that was absent in Brattleboro rats. Water deprivation caused a greater proportional reduction in body weight, and increase in plasma sodium and osmolality in Brattleboro than in Long Evans rats, although resting cardiovascular statuses were not markedly different. Despite Brattleboro rats having substantial hypernatraemia (156 +/- 1.0 mmol/l), that should have acted to inhibit renin release, they showed a profound hypotensive response to captopril that was not apparent in Long Evans rats. Thus, the absence of vasopressin in female Brattleboro rats severely affects cardiovascular adaptation to water deprivation. Comparison of the present results with published data obtained from male Long Evans and Brattleboro rats shows marked sex differences in the response to the same water deprivation protocol, and indicates that data obtained from males and females should not be cumulated.
The effects of binary and ternary systems of acetazolamide (ACZ) with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) alone or with triethanolamine (TEA) on the crystalline properties, dissolution and intraocular pressure (IOP)-lowering effect were investigated. It was found that the crystal structure of ACZ powder could be modified by the processing conditions. Freeze-drying ACZ powder affected not only the particle morphology but also its polymorphic form and the starting ACZ was converted to pure form A upon freeze-drying treatment. Results provided by DSC/TGA, XRPD, SEM and FT-IR suggested the formation of inclusion complexes between ACZ with HP-β-CD alone or with TEA, obtained by the freeze-drying method and the conversion of the drug into the amorphous state. Binary and ternary systems of ACZ obtained by freeze-drying exhibited significantly enhanced ACZ dissolution rates. The IOP-lowering effects of ACZ and its complexes with HP-β-CD alone or with TEA were studied in normotensive rabbits. Whereas the maximum IOP-lowering effect (~4 mmHg, ~33%), obtained with these binary and ternary lyophilized ACZ systems occurred at around 90 min, the ternary system exhibited a longer maximum IOP-lowering effect peak compared with that of the binary system. These results are in line with those obtained from the dissolution studies, where the ternary system exhibited longer dissolution times compared to the lyophilized binary one. Results obtained from the dissolution studies, also showed that freeze-drying the native crystalline form of ACZ significantly increased the dissolution rate of ACZ, thus improving the IOP-lowering effect of this drug.
The essential COPI vesicular coat mediates retrieval of key transmembrane proteins at the Golgi and endosomes following recruitment by the small GTPase, Arf1. ArfGAP proteins regulate COPI coats, but molecular details for COPI recognition by ArfGAP proteins remain elusive. Biochemical and biophysical data reveal how {beta}-COP propeller domains directly engage the yeast ArfGAP, Glo3, with a low micromolar binding affinity (KD ~1 {micro}M). Calorimetry data demonstrate both {beta}-COP propeller domains are required to bind Glo3 using electrostatic interactions. An acidic patch on {beta}-COP (D437/D450) interacts with Glo3 lysine residues located within the BoCCS (Binding of Coatomer, Cargo, and SNAREs) region. Targeted point mutations in either Glo3 BoCCS or {beta}-COP abrogate the interaction in vitro, and loss of the {beta}-COP/Glo3 interaction drives Ste2 mis-sorting to the vacuole and aberrant Golgi morphology in budding yeast. Together, these data suggest cells require the {beta}-COP/Glo3 interaction for cargo recycling via endosomes and the TGN, where {beta}-COP may serve as a molecular platform to coordinate binding to multiple protein partners, including Glo3, Arf1, and the COPI F-subcomplex
By feeding of rabbits with cholesterol a hyperlipoproteinaemia (HLP) was created and the changes of the cholesterol and triglyceride (TGL) level were compared with the changes of the portions of the pre-beta- and beta-lipoproteins. The electrophoresis with a gel of agar-agarose are more suitable for the densitometric evaluation than electrophoresis with cellulose acetate films. Tests with Evan's blue of the angiopermeability of rabbits feeded with cholesterol showed that the permeability of the cutaneous vessels decreased strikingly during test period, while a change of the permeability of the aorta was not to be proved under the conditions of our tests. HLP patients had been treated with clofibrinic acid, nicotinic acid derivatives and metabolism basic diet for 3 years. The cholesterol and TGL values as well as the pre-beta-/beta-lipoprotein quotients have been determined before and after treatment. The pre-beta-/beta-lipoprotein quotient has proved as suitable complementary parameter for pursuit of the therapeutic result with HLP patients. The changes of the quotients corresponded well with the found changes of the HLP types. The decrease of the TGL content of HLP patients of the type IV or IIb being treated with metabolism basic diet or clofibrinic acid may be estimated (with nearly constant cholesterol level) from the per cent decrease of the pre-beta-/beta-quotient.
There was a 2% fall in overall renal transplant numbers in 2014, with a significant fall in kidney donation from donors after circulatory death (10%). In 2014, death-censored renal transplant failure rates in prevalent patients were similar to previous years at 2.4% per annum. Transplant patient death rates remained stable at 2.3 per 100 patient years. The median age of incident and prevalent renal transplant patients in the UK was 50.6 and 53.3 years respectively. The median eGFR of prevalent renal transplant recipients was 52.5 ml/min/1.73 m2. The median eGFR of patients one year after transplantation was 57.4 ml/min/1.73 m2 post live transplant, 53.6 ml/min/1.73 m2 post brainstem death transplant and 50.1 ml/min/1.73 m2 post circulatory death transplant. In 2014, 13% of prevalent transplant patients had eGFR ,30 ml/min/1.73 m2. The median decline in eGFR slope beyond the first year after transplantation was −0.48 ml/min/1.73 m2/year.In 2014, malignancy (26%) and infection (24%) remained the commonest causes of death in patients with a functioning renal transplant.
PURPOSE To examine whether modified radical mastectomy (MRM) improves outcomes compared with breast-conserving treatment (BCT) in young women. METHODS AND MATERIALS Women aged 20-49 years, diagnosed with early breast cancer between 1989 and 1998, were identified. Management with BCT or MRM was compared for local (L), locoregional (LR), and distant relapse-free survival (DRFS) and breast cancer-specific survival (BCSS) by age group (20-39 years, 40-49 years). The analysis was repeated for patients considered "ideal" candidates for BCT: tumor size < or =2 cm, pathologically negative axillary nodes, negative margins, and no reported ductal carcinoma in situ. RESULTS A total of 1,597 women received BCT, and 801 had MRM. After a median follow-up of 9.0 years, the outcomes (L, LR, BCSS) were worse for the younger age group; however, the outcomes were not statistically different by type of local treatment. For women aged 20-39 years considered "ideal" for BCT, those treated with BCT had slightly lower LRFS compared with those treated with MRM (p = 0.3), but DRFS and BCSS were similar. CONCLUSIONS A difference in LRFS at 10 years potentially favored MRM among women aged 20-39 years considered "ideal" BCT candidates but was not statistically significant and did not translate into a noticeable difference in DRFS or BCSS. Our data suggest that young age alone is not a contraindication to BCT.
OBJECTIVES This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Porphyromonas gingivalis and nicotine on the in vitro osteogenic differentiation of periodontal ligament (PDL) fibroblasts. MATERIALS AND METHODS PDLs were cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum at 37°C under 5% CO2 and 100% humidified atmosphere. Cells were incubated with various concentrations of nicotine and P. gingivalis extracts, and cell viability was determined by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay. To study cell differentiation, PDLs (5 × 104cells) were treated with the osteogenic differentiation medium containing 10 mM β-glycerophosphate, 10 nM dexamethasone, 50 mg/mL ascorbic acid, 1 μM nicotine, and 50 µg/mL P. gingivalis lysate. mRNA samples were collected at 0, 7, and 14 days. Odontogenic-related gene expression, namely, Runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2), collagen type I (COL1A1), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was determined by reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). Calcified nodule formation was determined on day 28 using Alizarin Red S. Analysis of variance and Tukey's test were used to compare the difference among groups at significant level of p < 0.05. RESULTS It showed that 50 µg/mL of P. gingivalis lysate and 1 µM of nicotine showed no toxicity to PDLs. Runx2, COL1A1, and ALP expression were found to decrease significantly after 7 days of treatment, while osteocalcin expression was found to decrease after 14 days. The nodule formation in the control group was much greater in both number and size of nodules than in experimental groups, which implied a positive sign of calcium deposition in controls. CONCLUSION The results indicated that nicotine and P. gingivalis showed adverse effect on osteogenic differentiation properties of PDLs.
Rare cases of lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) with concomitant epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation and anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) translocation have been reported. However, their clonal and evolutional relationship remains unclear. We report a case of early-stage EGFR-mutated LUAD with a focal concomitant EGFR/ALK alteration. A 63-year-old male underwent lobectomy to remove a 1.9-cm-sized lung nodule, which was diagnosed with EGFR-mutated LUAD. ALK immunohistochemistry (IHC) showed focal positivity within the part of the tumor characterized by lepidic pattern, also confirmed by fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH). Targeted next-generation sequencing was performed separately on the ALK IHC/FISH-positive and -negative areas. EGFR L833V/L858R mutations were detected in both areas, whereas EML4 (echinoderm microtubule-associated protein-like 4)-ALK translocations was confirmed only in the ALK IHC/FISH-positive area, suggesting the divergence of an EGFR/ALK co-altered subclone from the original EGFR-mutant clone. Our study suggests that concurrent alterations of EGFR and ALK can arise via divergent tumor evolution, even in the relatively early phases of tumorigenesis. © 2021 The Korean Society of Pathologists/The Korean Society for Cytopathology
The present study examined the effects of feeding gilts a high fibre diet from the third post-pubertal oestrus until either day 19 of the same cycle or insemination at the following oestrus on oocyte maturity, embryo survival and associated changes in reproductive hormone concentrations. Gilts fed with the high fibre diet had lower circulating oestradiol concentrations on days 17, 18 and 19 of the cycle and increased LH pulse frequency on day 18. More oocytes recovered on day 19 from gilts receiving the high fibre diet were at metaphase II after 46-h culture in medium containing 10% of their own follicular fluid, despite fewer large (>7 mm) follicles in these gilts when compared with control animals. There was no effect of diet on ovulation rate, corpora lutea size or progesterone concentrations on days 10-12 after insemination, but embryo survival on days 27-29 after insemination was higher in gilts that received the high fibre diet. This study demonstrates that a high fibre diet that increases embryo survival also improves oocyte maturity and provides information on endocrine correlates that may shed light on underlying mechanisms.
Introduction: There are currently no specific drugs and universal vaccines for Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), hence urgent effective measures are needed to discover and develop therapeutic agents. Applying peptide therapeutics and their related compounds is a promising strategy to achieve this goal. This review is written based on the literature search using several databases, previous studies, scientific reports, our current knowledge about the antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), and our personal analyses on the potential of the antiviral peptides for the treatment of COVID-19.Areas covered: In this review, we begin with a brief description of SARS-CoV2 followed by a comprehensive description of antiviral peptides (AVPs) including natural and synthetic AMPs or AVPs and peptidomimetics. Subsequently, the structural features, mechanisms of action, limitations, and therapeutic applications of these peptides are explained.Expert opinion: Regarding the lack and the limitations of drugs against COVID-19, AMPs, AVPs, and other peptide-like compounds such as peptidomimetics have captured the attention of researchers due to their potential antiviral activities. Some of these compounds comprise unique properties and have demonstrated the potential to fight SARS-CoV2, particularly melittin, lactoferrin, enfuvirtide, and rupintrivir that have the potential to enter animal and clinical trials for the treatment of COVID-19.
INTRODUCTION There is a paucity of prevalence data for genital angiokeratomas in adults. The objective of this article is to determine prevalence of genital angiokeratomas in adults as a function of sex, age, and race/ethnicity. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted over 11 months during 2013 and 2014 using a convenience sample of adult men and women consenting to genital examination during melanoma screening and surveillance by a senior dermatologist in an outpatient clinic. The analysis was conducted from April through December 2016. RESULTS Of 213 white/European American adults examined (127 men and 86 women), genital angiokeratomas were detected in 30.0% (64/213). Presence of at least one genital angiokeratoma was significantly associated with male sex (odds ratio [OR], 2.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.3-4.5; P < .001) and age older than 50 years (OR, 3.4; 95% CI, 1.7-6.7; P = .008). CONCLUSIONS Genital angiokeratomas are relatively common in adults of white/European American origin and important to recognize because of their benign nature and occasional confusion with other tumors.
Microbial mats developing in the hypersaline lagoons of a commercial saltern in the Salin-de-Giraud (Rhône delta) were found to contain a red layer fully dominated by spirilloid phototrophic purple bacteria underlying a cyanobacterial layer. From this layer four strains of spirilloid purple bacteria were isolated, all of which were extremely halophilic. All strains were isolated by using the same medium under halophilic photolithoheterotrophic conditions. One of them, strain SG 3105 was a purple non-sulfur bacterial strain closely related to Rhodovibrio sodomensis with a 16S rDNA sequence similarity of 98.8%. The three other isolated strains, SG 3301T, SG 3302 and SG 3304, were purple sulfur bacteria and were found to be very similar. The cells were motile by a polar tuft of flagella. Photosynthetic intracytoplasmic membranes of the lamellar stack type contained BChl a and spirilloxanthin as the major carotenoid. Phototrophic growth with sulfide as electron donor was poor; globules of elemental sulfur were present outside the cells. In the presence of sulfide and CO2 good growth occurred with organic substrates. Optimum growth occurred in the presence of 9-12% (w/v) NaCl at neutral pH (optimal pH 6.8-7) and at 30-35 degrees C. The DNA base composition of strains SG 3301T and SG 3304 were 74.5 and 74.1 mol% G + C, respectively. According to the 16S rDNA sequences, strains SG 3301T and SG 3304 belonged to the genus Halorhodospira, but they were sufficiently separated morphologically, physiologically and genetically from other recognized Halorhodospira species to be described as a new species of the genus. They are, therefore, described as Halorhodospira neutriphila sp. nov. with strain SG 3301T as the type strain (=DSM 15116T).
Fuzheng Qingjie (FZQJ) is a polyherbal Chinese medicine that has previously been implemented as an adjuvant therapy for gastrointestinal cancer. The present study investigated whether FZQJ is able to potentiate the anticancer effect of cyclophosphamide (CTX). Hepatoma 22 tumor-bearing mice were randomly divided into a vehicle group, CTX group, FZQJ group and combination (CTX+FZQJ) group. In addition, untreated mice without H22 cells served as blank controls. Seven days post-treatment, the mice were sacrificed and the tumors were weighed. Blood cells were evaluated using an automatic hemocytometer analyzer and flow cytometer. The expression levels of interleukin (IL)-2 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α were evaluated using a radioimmunoassay. Apoptotic cells were observed using a terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-end labeling assay. Alanine transaminase, aspartate aminotransferase, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine were examined using an automatic biochemical analyzer. The results demonstrated that the tumor inhibitory rate and apoptosis index were higher in the combination group, compared with those in the CTX group. Notably, FZQJ was able to alleviate CTX-induced decreases in the numbers of white blood cells and platelets, CD3+ and CD4+ T lymphocyte subsets, and the concentration of hemoglobin, body weight and thymus index, and increase serum TNF-α and IL-2 levels without overt hepatorenal toxicity. These results suggest that FZQJ granules may enhance the anticancer effect of CTX, in addition to alleviating the side effects.
Neural pathways from the submucous plexus to the longitudinal muscle of an adjacent segment of isolated guinea-pig ileum were studied. It was found that electrical field stimulation of a strip of submucosa-submucous plexus produced frequency-dependent longitudinal contractions of an intact segment of intestine lying oral to the point of stimulation. The responses were reduced to less than 10% of control by tetrodotoxin, atropine, morphine and chymotrypsin and by desensitization to substance P (SP). The responses were only inhibited by one-third by hexamethonium and were not affected by desensitization to 5-hydroxytryptamine. The effect of desensitization to SP was reversible, but the effect of chymotrypsin was irreversible. SP-induced desensitization and chymotrypsin did not inhibit the twitch response produced by field stimulation of the whole ileal segment. The same results were observed with preparations made from ileal segments that had been extrinsically denervated. The results suggest that intrinsic neurons with processes in the submucous plexus can excite cholinergic and SP-containing neurons in the myenteric plexus, thereby causing the longitudinal muscle to contract.
Nodulin 26 is an integral membrane protein of the symbiosome membrane of nitrogen-fixing soybean nodules. We expressed a nodulin 26 cDNA in transgenic tobacco (TN26 tobacco) under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter to study subcellular targeting and the physiological effect(s) of its expression. Based on Northern and Western blots, the expression of nodulin 26 mRNA and protein in transgenic plants is high in apical shoot sections, flowers, and stems, low in mature leaves, and absent in roots. Western blot analysis revealed high levels of transgenic nodulin 26 protein in tonoplast membranes. In contrast, nodulin 26 protein was not found in isolated plasma membranes, the soluble fraction, nor in chloroplast and mitochondria-enriched membrane fractions. About 50-60% of the flowers and pods from TN26 tobacco plants abscised prematurely. Seed capsule size and seed fill per capsule from the remainder of surviving flowers were about 50% of that of control plants. Pollen viability was found to be normal, but flowers from TN26 tobacco plants showed shorter anther filaments compared with control plants. Normal seed production and capsule size was restored by manually crossing the stigmas from TN26 plants with isolated pollen from either transgenic or control plants. Thus, the aberrant filament growth could have resulted in the reproductive defects associated with the plants.
We evaluated the toxicity and risk (via toxicity exposure ratio approach - TER) of the insecticide fipronil to collembolan's growth and reproduction in three tropical soils, under increasing atmospheric temperatures. Chronic toxicity tests were performed with Folsomia candida in tropical artificial soil (TAS), oxisol, and entisol spiked with increasing concentrations of fipronil, at three room temperature scenarios: a standard (20 ± 2 °C), a tropical condition (25 ± 2 °C) and a global warming simulation (27 ± 2 °C). Temperatures influenced the fipronil effects on the species reproduction differently between soil types. In TAS and oxisol the highest toxicities (EC50-based) were found at 27 °C (EC50 TAS = 0.81, 0.70, 0.31 mg kg-1; EC50 OXISOL = 0.52, 0.54, 0.40 mg kg-1; at 20, 25, and 27 °C, respectively). In entisol, the toxicity at 27 °C was lower compared to 25 and 20 °C (EC50 ENTISOL = 0.33, 0.24, 0.12 mg kg-1, respectively). Fipronil concentrations also increased the proportion of small juveniles (growth reduction) in all tested soils. However, this effect was greater (EC10-based) at higher temperatures (25 and/or 27 °C), regardless of the soil type. TER approach revealed a significant risk of fipronil in entisol, regardless of the tested temperature, while in other soils the risk was found significant only at the higher temperatures (25 and 27 °C for TAS, and 27 °C for oxisol). These results indicate that exposures to fipronil at high temperatures (e.g., those resulting from climate change) can threaten F. candida populations, depending on the soil type.
Ultratherm Infusion Fluid Warmer Model 3703-1 (Ultratherm) is a disposable device approved by the Food and Drug Administration to warm fluids including blood and nutritional fluids. It has no temperature monitor or audible alarm and uses air-activated chemical heating elements in direct contact with loops of intravenous (i.v.) tubing. We studied the warming of blood and saline by Ultratherm using intratubing thermocouple wire probes. Internal warmer chamber temperature reached 58 degrees C within 40 min of activation, and a plateau of approximately 65 degrees C reached in 1 h was sustained over the next 5 h. Free hemoglobin measurements on 47 degrees C and 53 degrees C blood samples obtained as blood exited the warmer at 30 mL/h demonstrated 0.6% and 7% hemolysis, respectively. Room temperature blood at 500 mL/h and refrigerated blood at 100 mL/h were warmed to approximately 36 degrees C. Refrigerated blood at 500 mL/h was not warmed above 19 degrees C. At flow rates of 500, 100, and 30 mL/h, room temperature saline reached 34 degrees C, 45 degrees C, and 52 degrees C, respectively. The unmonitored, high, internal warmer chamber temperatures preclude the use of Ultratherm with blood or any fluids potentially damaged by excessive heat, and its use should be limited strictly to clear fluids. The utility of the warmer, even with clear fluids, is further limited to room temperature fluids, to a time interval between 1 and 6 h following activation, and to flow rates between 100 and 500 mL/h.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) contains substantial new requirements aimed at increasing rates of health insurance coverage. Because many of these provisions impose additional costs on the states, officials need reliable estimates of the likely impact of the ACA in their state. To demonstrate the usefulness of modeling for state-level decisionmaking, RAND undertook a preliminary analysis of the impact of the ACA on five states-California, Connecticut, Illinois, Montana, and Texas-using the RAND COMPARE microsimulation model. For Texas, the model predicts that, in 2016 (the year that all of the provisions in the ACA related to coverage expansion will be fully implemented), the uninsured rate in Texas will fall to 6 percent; without the law, it would remain at 28 percent, the highest in the nation. The model projects that total state government spending on health care will be 10 percent higher for the combined 2011-2020 period because of the ACA.
Introduction Patients who undergo coronary angiography experience a rather stressful situation. They need information about this invasive procedure which most of the times find either from the internet, their referring physicians, acquaintances or friends with past experience of an invasive procedure. Aim The aim of the study was on the one hand to test the potential beneficial effects of an information brochure on undergoing a cardiac catheterization for the first time and on the other hand to highlight the importance of informing patients before coronary angiography and its beneficial effects on both reducing their fear and anxiety. Methods Patients were randomly assigned to an experimental group receiving the brochure at least 1 day before the cardiac catheterization (N = 44), or to a control group not receiving the brochure (N = 44). The SFQ, ISQ and STAI tools were distributed to both groups. Results All experimental subjects in the intervention group read the brochure. The intervention group had significantly lower scores on both short-term and overall fear compared to the control group. However, the fear of the long-term consequences of cardiac catheterization was similar in both groups. Women had higher fear of the short-term consequences of catheterization than men. The control group experienced a mean satisfaction score of 10.9 points (SD= 2.5 points) while the intervention group had a score of 11.1 points respectively (SD= 2.3 points). In addition, 95, 5% of the control group and 88, 6% of the intervention group patients considered that the provision of information could have been improved. In terms of stress, patients with co-morbidities scored 7.39 points higher, meaning they experienced more symptoms of permanent anxiety, compared to patients who did not have an underlying disease. In addition, the more the patients were satisfied with the information provided, the fewer the symptoms of transient anxiety they experienced. Conclusions Providing information in the form of a brochure regarding cardiac catheterization before the procedure, is of great importance and constitutes an efficient intervention.
δ-tocotrienol (DT3), a member of vitamin E family, has been shown to have a potent radio-protective effect. However, its application as a radioprotectant is limited, at least in part, by its short plasma elimination half-life and low bioavailability. In an effort to increase the metabolic stability of DT3, a deuterium substituted DT3 derivative, d6-DT3, was designed and synthesized. d6-DT3 showed improved in vitro and in vivo metabolic stability compared to DT3. The unexpected lower potency of d6-DT3 in inducing granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) production in mouse revealed that the metabolite(s) of DT3 might play a major role in inducing G-CSF induction.
Costelytra zealandica (White) lives within the soil throughout its life cycle, except for brief, crepuscular excursions to the surface by the adults to mate and feed. Larvae collected more than 18 weeks before 50% field pupation did not pupate unless they were artificially chilled. Such chilling had no significant effect on the percentage pupation of larvae collected after this time; it is assumed that these larvae had received sufficient chilling from their environment to induce pupation. Larger larvae were more likely to pupate than smaller larvae during the period 13-7 weeks before 50% field pupation. It is postulated that larvae remain quiescent until the soil temperature increases in the spring, and pupate only then. Such a process would explain how the adults of a population emerge at about the same time. © 1974 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
We present AceCloud, an on-demand service for molecular dynamics simulations. AceCloud is designed to facilitate the secure execution of large ensembles of simulations on an external cloud computing service (currently Amazon Web Services). The AceCloud client, integrated into the ACEMD molecular dynamics package, provides an easy-to-use interface that abstracts all aspects of interaction with the cloud services. This gives the user the experience that all simulations are running on their local machine, minimizing the learning curve typically associated with the transition to using high performance computing services.
In advanced biomedicine and microfluidics, there is a strong desire to sort and manipulate various cells and bacteria based on miniaturized microfluidic chips. Here, by integrating fiber tweezers into a T-type microfluidic channel, we report an optofluidic chip to selectively trap Escherichia coli in human blood solution based on different sizes and shapes. Furthermore, we simulate the trapping and pushing regions of other cells and bacteria, including rod-shaped bacteria, sphere-shaped bacteria, and cancer cells based on finite-difference analysis. With the advantages of controllability, low optical power, and compact construction, the strategy may be possibly applied in the fields of optical separation, cell transportation, and water quality analysis.
The unfolded protein response (UPR) is fundamental for development and adaption in eukaryotic cells. Arabidopsis has become one of the best model systems to uncover conserved mechanisms of the UPR in multicellular eukaryotes as well as organism-specific regulation of the UPR in plants. Monitoring the UPR in planta is an elemental approach to identifying regulatory components and to revealing molecular mechanisms of the plant UPR. In this chapter, we provide protocols for the induction and analyses of plant UPR at a molecular level in Arabidopsis. Three kinds of ER stress treatment methods and quantitation of the plant UPR activation are described here.
The effect of volume history on forced expiratory flow rates has been reported to differ between patients with asthma and healthy persons, and it has been hypothesized that the peripheral airway inflammation of patients with asthma may underlie this difference. There are no published data, however, on the distribution of such volume history effects or the relation of these effects to airways disease in children. We obtained combined partial and maximal forced expiratory flow-volume curves on 1,834 children, age 10-11 yr, in eight communities in the United States and Canada. The effect of a deep inhalation on forced expiratory flow rates at low lung volumes was quantitated by the ratio of V (30) during a maximal expiratory maneuver (V (30M)) to V (30) during a partial expiratory maneuver (V (30P)). The V (30M)/V (30P) ratio was slightly higher among girls than boys (1.26 versus 1.18, p = 0.0001) indicating that a deep inhalation increased V (30) slightly more among girls than among boys. The V (30M)/V (30P) ratio was related to neither history of asthma nor to maternal smoking. In contrast, most spirometric indices from either the maximal or the partial expiratory flow-volume curve were lower in association with a history of asthma or a report of maternal smoking. The ratio of FEF(25-75)/FVC was particularly consistent as a measurement that discriminated both of these effects in boys and girls. These results suggest that the measurement of volume history effects offers no benefits for epidemiological studies of childhood respiratory disease whereas spirometric indices such as the FEF(25-75)/FVC ratio are quite sensitive to the effects of asthma and environmental tobacco smoke exposure on the airways.
High purity birnessite was synthesized and exfoliated into a negatively charged monolayer structure. A positively charged 5, 10, 15, 20-tetrakis (4-aminophenyl) manganese porphyrin (MnTAPP) was synthesized. Driven by the electrostatic force and the coordination effect of the amino nitrogen on the manganese ion in birnessite, the single-layer birnessite was reassembled with MnTAPP, forming a new sandwich-type catalytic composite MnTAPP@bir. The structure and chemical properties of the composite were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Brunauer-Emmett analysis (BET). Electrocatalytic studies showed that the MnTAPP@bir exhibited an overpotential for water oxidation of 450 mV (at 10 mA cm-2) and a Tafel slope of 121.5 mV dec-1 compared to birnessite with 700 mV (at 10 mA cm-2) and 230 mV dec-1. Impedance spectroscopy results suggested that the charge transfer resistivity of MnTAPP@bir was significantly lower than that of birnessite, suggesting that MnTAPP in the interlayer increased the conductivity of birnessite. Through a chronoamperometry test, the new material also showed excellent stability within 4000 s.
A right cardiac catheterism with a calculation of cardiac output by thermodilution method has been achieved on 40 chronic respiratory failure patients with acute outbreak. The results have been analysed according to the type of chronic pulmonary disease, obstructive (n = 24) or restrictive (n = 16), the number of out asphyxic outbreaks and the necessity of mechanical ventilation (VA). The mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) is high (6.38 +/- 1.58 KPa) systolodiastolo gradient increases with the number of outbreaks (p less than 0.001). The cardiac index is low (2.32 +/- 0.57 and the pulmonary capillary pressure (PCP) is high, specially during the obstructive syndromes. A high level of PAP during mechanical ventilation seems to be of poor prognosis. The authors compare these results to the literature.
Life-table analysis was used to estimate the cumulative risk of breast cancer to various ages for mothers and sisters of breast cancer patients in a population-based series. These cumulative risk estimates were then used to derive a probability of breast cancer diagnosis within each decade between ages 20 and 70 for mothers and sisters, according to age of diagnosis in the patient and whether the disease was unilateral or bilateral. Risks for relatives of premenopausal patients with unilateral disease were no higher than those for relatives of postmenopausal patients. Relatives of premenopausal patients with bilateral disease had higher risk than relatives of patients with unilateral disease, irrespective of age at diagnosis in those with unilateral disease. Sisters were at higher risk than were mothers.
Background: Arm use metrics derived from wrist-mounted movement sensors are widely used to quantify the upper limb performance in real-life conditions of individuals with stroke throughout motor recovery. The calculation of real-world use metrics, such as arm use duration and laterality preferences, relies on accurately identifying functional movements. Hence, classifying upper limb activity into functional and non-functional classes is paramount. Acceleration thresholds are conventionally used to distinguish these classes. However, these methods are challenged by the high inter and intra-individual variability of movement patterns. In this study, we developed and validated a machine learning classifier for this task and compared it to methods using conventional and optimal thresholds. Methods: Individuals after stroke were video-recorded in their home environment performing semi-naturalistic daily tasks while wearing wrist-mounted inertial measurement units. Data were labeled frame-by-frame following the Taxonomy of Functional Upper Limb Motion definitions, excluding whole-body movements, and sequenced into 1-s epochs. Actigraph counts were computed, and an optimal threshold for functional movement was determined by receiver operating characteristic curve analyses on group and individual levels. A logistic regression classifier was trained on the same labels using time and frequency domain features. Performance measures were compared between all classification methods. Results: Video data (6.5 h) of 14 individuals with mild-to-severe upper limb impairment were labeled. Optimal activity count thresholds were ≥20.1 for the affected side and ≥38.6 for the unaffected side and showed high predictive power with an area under the curve (95% CI) of 0.88 (0.87,0.89) and 0.86 (0.85, 0.87), respectively. A classification accuracy of around 80% was equivalent to the optimal threshold and machine learning methods and outperformed the conventional threshold by ∼10%. Optimal thresholds and machine learning methods showed superior specificity (75-82%) to conventional thresholds (58-66%) across unilateral and bilateral activities. Conclusion: This work compares the validity of methods classifying stroke survivors' real-life arm activities measured by wrist-worn sensors excluding whole-body movements. The determined optimal thresholds and machine learning classifiers achieved an equivalent accuracy and higher specificity than conventional thresholds. Our open-sourced classifier or optimal thresholds should be used to specify the intensity and duration of arm use.
OBJECTIVE The authors examined signs of emotionally withdrawn (inhibited type) and indiscriminately social (disinhibited type) reactive attachment disorder in Romanian children enrolled in a randomized trial of foster care compared with institutional care and in a comparison group of never-institutionalized children. METHOD At baseline and when children were ages 30, 42, and 54 months and 8 years, caregivers were interviewed with the Disturbances of Attachment Interview to assess changes in signs of reactive attachment disorder in three groups of children: those receiving care as usual (including continued institutional care) (N=68); those placed in foster care after institutional care (N=68); and those who were never institutionalized (N=72). The impact of gender, ethnicity, and baseline cognitive ability was also examined. RESULTS On the Disturbances of Attachment Interview, signs of the inhibited type of reactive attachment disorder decreased after placement in foster care, and scores were indistinguishable from those of never-institutionalized children after 30 months. Signs of the disinhibited type were highest in the usual care group, lower in the foster care group, and lowest in the never-institutionalized group. Early placement in foster care (before age 24 months) was associated with fewer signs of the disinhibited type. Lower baseline cognitive ability was associated with more signs of the inhibited type in the usual care group and more signs of the disinhibited type in both groups. CONCLUSIONS Signs of the inhibited type of reactive attachment disorder responded quickly to placement in foster care; signs of the disinhibited type showed less robust resolution with foster placement. Lower baseline cognitive ability was linked to signs of reactive attachment disorder.
The potato/tomato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli transmits the bacterium 'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum', also known as 'Ca. L. psyllaurous', which causes zebra chip disease in solanaceous crops. There have been no studies addressing the effect of the bacterial plant pathogen on the biology of its insect vector. We examined several life-history traits, including 7-day fecundity, hatching percentage, incubation time, nymphal survival percentage, nymphal development time, total development time, and sex-ratio of 'Ca. L. solanacearum'-positive and -negative psyllid isofemale lines on tomato, as well as adult mortality index of 'Ca. L. solanacearum'-positive and -negative insects. The only two life-history traits that differed between the 'Ca. L. solanacearum'-positive and -negative psyllid isofemale lines were 7-day fecundity and nymphal survival percentage, which were significantly lower in 'Ca. L. solanacearum'- positive lines. The symbiotic bacteria associated with both psyllid isofemale lines were similar, with the exception of 'Ca. L. solanacearum', which showed 100% infection in the 'Ca. L. solanacearum'-positive lines and was not detected in the negative psyllid lines. These results suggest that 'Ca. L. solanacearum' has a negative effect on population growth rate of its insect vector on tomato.
Trophoblast fusion in placenta is an important event for preservation of a healthy pregnancy. This process takes place throughout the pregnancy and is crucial for the formation of syncytiotrophoblast layer. Syncytin-1 and syncytin-2 are strong candidate regulators of fusion from retroviral origin. Syncytin-A and syncytin-B are other candidates from retroviral origin in Muridae. The active role of syncytin in driving fusion of trophoblast has been identified, but its fusion mechanism is still unclear. As an intact retroviral envelope protein, syncytin-A shares similar structure profiling with other viral envelope fusion proteins, especially in the regions of N- and C-terminal heptad repeats (NHR and CHR, respectively). In this paper, we showed that SynA 1 + 2 of syncytin-A (residues 445-536, including predicted NHR, CHR, and a natural linker) could form trimer and exhibited significant alpha-helix structure and high thermo-stability. Limited proteolysis result identified a stable protease-resistant core of SynA 1 + 2, which was in good agreement with computational modeling data. NHR and CHR could interact with each other in vitro, too. Different from the previous studies, the disulfide-bonded linker was apparently vital to the stability of fusion core structure. By biological assays, NHR was shown to be inhibitive to cell-cell fusion, with IC(50) value about 5.4 microm, but CHR seemed to have no inhibitory activity even at 50 microm. From both biochemical and functional data, we first gave an explanation how syncytin-A mediated cell fusion. The insight into the mechanism of syncytin-A-mediated cell-cell fusion may provide a crucial clue to placental cytotrophoblast morphogenesis.
Irgarol and Diuron are the most representative "organic booster biocides" that replaced organotin compounds in antifouling paints. It cannot be assumed beforehand that their use will have no environmental impact: more ecotoxicological data and a significant environmental monitoring are required. Spermio and embryotoxicities of the biocides Irgarol and Diuron were investigated on Paracentrotus lividus, the dominant echinoid species of the Mediterranean Sea. Spermiotoxicity was studied by assessing the effects of sperm exposure on fertilization rate as well as on the induction of transmissible damages to the offspring. Embryotoxicity was studied by assessing the developmental defects in the exposed larvae. The experimental results show a Diuron EC50 of 2.39 (+/- 0.21) mg/L with a NOEL of 0.25 mg/L for embryos, and of 5.09 (+/- 0.45) mg/L with a NOEL of 0.5 mg/L for sperms, respectively. Data obtained from the embryotoxicity test on Irgarol [EC50 0.99 (+/- 0.69) mg/L] are of the same order of magnitude as the literature data about Japanese urchins. Spermiotoxicity tests show an Irgarol EC50 of 9.04 (+/- 0.45) mg/L with a NOEL of 0.1 mg/L. These data show the different sensitivities of the two tests: embryos are more sensitive than sperms for both the tested chemicals and Diuron seems to be the less toxic one. Moreover, as a major output of the experimental work, tested herbicides exert transmissible damage to spermatozoa evidenced by larval malformations in the offspring, mainly P1 type (skeletal alterations). The comparison of the endpoints results offers an interesting indication of a probable different mode of action (Irgarol seems to interact with calcium homeostasis) of the two biocides.
An Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation system was developed for the production of transgenic plantain [Musa spp. cultivar Agbagba (AAB)]. Apical shoot tips were transformed using Agrobacterium strain EHA105 with the binary vector pCAMBIA 1201, having the hygromycin resistance gene as a selection marker and GUS-INT as a reporter gene. Transient expression of the β-glucuronidase (uid A) gene was achieved in transformed apical shoot tips. The hygromycin resistant shoots were regenerated 4 to 5 weeks after co-cultivation of explants with Agrobacterium. The two step selection procedure allowed the regeneration of shoots which were uniformly transformed. The integration of the uid A gene was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blot analysis. In this study, transformation based on regeneration from apical shoot tips has been demonstrated. This process does not incorporate steps using disorganized cell cultures but uses micropropagation, which has the important advantage that it allows regeneration of homogeneous populations of plants in a short period of time. This study shows the enormous potential for genetic manipulation of Musa species for disease and pest resistance, as well as abiotic factors, using a rapid and non-species specific transformation and regeneration system. © 2005 Academic Journals
The basis for this work was to investigate whether bacteria immobilized on or in a solid substrate resulted in the release of low molecular weight products that act as chemoattractants for other bacteria In the surrounding aqueous phase. Chemotaxis of a marine vibrio was observed microscopically along the gradient of breakdown products generated by a Flavobacterium sp. immobilized in an alginate-agar bead. The chemotactic phenomenon was confirmed by a viable counting technique. The chemoattractant was derived from neither the alginate nor the agar but probably was amino acids produced from protein present as a contaminant in the alginate. © 1991
Oxygen transfer from a gas bubble into the surrounding liquid is examined by measuring oxygen pressure with Po2-needle electrodes at different distances from the bubble. From there, the mass transfer coefficient can be calculated. First measurements yielded results in the range to be expected.
The habit of tobacco use/smoking, which is a major concern of Primary Health Care (PHC), is a serious public health problem and the main avoidable cause of death in the world. The relevance of actions, whose focus is to facilitate the cessation of this habit, motivates the discussion of studies that have different approaches to tackle this issue by seeking to train PHC professionals accordingly. A search was conducted in the Lilacs, MEDLINE and Web of Science databases for recent scientific publications (2010-2015). The key words were combined with Boolean operators and, after analysis of the articles found, 75 are discussed in this article since they have strategies with a higher prevalence in PHC. The conclusion drawn is that the brief or intense individual approach using the 5A method (Transtheoretical Model) is the most widely adopted, as well as bupropion and nicotine replacement patches. The increasing use of hard technology requires new studies that examine their impact on the treatment of smokers. It was clearly revealed that there is a need for health professionals to be better prepared to address the issue with the users, in addition to a lack of stimulus and proper conditions to work in the PHC team directly reflecting scientific advances in clinical practice.
BACKGROUND Pneumocystis pneumonia (PcP), which is caused by Pneumocystis carinii, is a life-threatening infection that affects immunocompromised individuals. Unfortunately, chemoprophylaxis and dapsone are only effective for half of the patients with PcP, indicating that additional preventive methods are needed. We predicated the pneumocystis surface protein A12 sequence 1-85 by DNAStar software and BepiPred, and identified it as a potential vaccine candidate by bioresearch. METHODS We used recombinant A121-85 as antigen to immunized mice and detected serum titer of IgG, expression of inflammatory factors by EILSA, qRT-PCR and flow cytometry. RESULTS Our results showed that immunization with recombinant A121-85 increased the serum titer of IgG, promoted the secretion of T lymphocytes, increased the expression of inflammatory factors, and elevated lung inflammatory injury in mice. CONCLUSIONS Our findings suggest that A121-85 is a potential vaccine target for preventing Pneumocystis carinii. The evaluation of A121-85-elicited antibodies in the prevention of PcP in humans deserves further investigation.
BACKGROUND This article describes the digitization of a series of historical datasets based οn the reports of the 1908-1910 Danish Oceanographical Expeditions to the Mediterranean and adjacent seas. All station and sampling metadata as well as biodiversity data regarding calcareous rhodophytes, pelagic polychaetes, and fish (families Engraulidae and Clupeidae) obtained during these expeditions were digitized within the activities of the LifeWatchGreece Research Ιnfrastructure project and presented in the present paper. The aim was to safeguard public data availability by using an open access infrastructure, and to prevent potential loss of valuable historical data on the Mediterranean marine biodiversity. NEW INFORMATION The datasets digitized here cover 2,043 samples taken at 567 stations during a time period from 1904 to 1930 in the Mediterranean and adjacent seas. The samples resulted in 1,588 occurrence records of pelagic polychaetes, fish (Clupeiformes) and calcareous algae (Rhodophyta). In addition, basic environmental data (e.g. sea surface temperature, salinity) as well as meterological conditions are included for most sampling events. In addition to the description of the digitized datasets, a detailed description of the problems encountered during the digitization of this historical dataset and a discussion on the value of such data are provided.
BACKGROUND The prevalence of patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction (LVD) referred for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is increasing. The aim of the present study was to assess the outcomes of patients with severe LVD undergoing CABG. METHODS Outcomes of 115 consecutive patients with severe LVD (left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF]</= 30%, mean 22 +/- 6%) undergoing isolated CABG between 1995 and 2000 were compared to 2335 patients with LVEF >30% (HEF). To further evaluate the LVD patients, they were divided into three subgroups base on LVEF: 0% to 10%, 11% to 20%, and 21% to 30%. Data were collected prospectively and entered into the departmental database of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons. RESULTS Patients in the LVD group had increased incidence of diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), peripheral vascular disease, prior myocardial infarction (MI), congestive heart failure, and less elective procedures compared to the HEF group. Despite this greater risk profile, operative mortality (LVD 2.6% vs. HEF 1.2%, p = 0.19), the incidence of stroke (2.6% vs. 1.0%, p = 0.13), and perioperative MI (0.9% vs. 0.7%) were not statistically different between the groups. The incidence of respiratory (14.8% vs. 1.9%, p < 0.001), renal (5.2% vs. 1.0%, p < 0.001), and vascular (5.2% vs. 0.5%, p < 0.001) complications was significantly higher in the LVD group, resulting in a longer hospital length of stay (8 +/- 8 vs. 6 +/- 4 days, p < 0.0001). In a multivariate analysis, advanced age was as an independent predictor of hospital mortality. Average follow-up in 108 (94%) LVD patients was 36 +/- 22 months (range 2 to 78 months). Twenty-one patients expired during the follow-up, for nine the causes were cardiac-related. Three- and 5-year survival rates were 91 +/- 3% and 76 +/- 6%, respectively. Independent predictors of mid-term mortality in the LVD group by a multivariate analysis included female gender, renal failure, respiratory complications, and grade I/II mitral regurgitation (MR). At the time of follow-up, 72% of LVD patients were in functional class I/II. There were no statistically significant differences in short- and mid-term outcomes among the LVD subgroups. CONCLUSION CABG in patients with severe LVD can be performed with a low mortality, albeit with higher morbidity and longer length of hospital stay, than patients with LVEF >30%. Low ejection fraction per se was not a predictor of hospital mortality. CABG should be considered a safe and effective therapy for low ejection fraction patients with ischemic heart disease. Mitral valve repair/replacement in the presence of moderate degree of MR should be considered at the time of the initial operation.
In various organisms, thioredoxins are known to be involved in the reduction of protein disulfide bonds and in protecting the cell from oxidative stress. Genes encoding thioredoxins were found by searching the complete genome sequence of the filamentous ascomycete Podospora anserina. Among them, PaTrx1, PaTrx2, and PaTrx3 are predicted to be canonical cytosolic proteins without additional domains. Targeted disruption of PaTrx1, PaTrx2, and PaTrx3 shows that PaTrx1 is the major thioredoxin involved in sulfur metabolism. Deletions have no effect on peroxide resistance; however, data show that either PaTrx1 or PaTrx3 is necessary for sexual reproduction and for the development of the crippled growth cell degeneration (CG), processes that also required the PaMpk1 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Since PaTrx1 PaTrx3 mutants show not an enhancement but rather an impairment in CG, it seems unlikely that PaTrx1 and PaTrx3 thioredoxins participate in the inhibition of this MAPK pathway. Altogether, these results underscore a role for thioredoxins in fungal development.
In an attempt to determine the role in the immune responses of the typhlosole, a hematopoietic tissue along the ventral wall of the larval lamprey Lampetra reissneri, scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations were made on ammocoetes hyperimmunized with sheep red blood cells. Besides including the cells of the erythrocyte series, this tissue also contained the following leucocytes forming an amorphous parenchyma: the cells of the granulocyte series, the most predominant cell type, possessing a markedly lobed nucleus and membrane-bounded granules of various sizes; the macrophages possessing primary and secondary lysosomes and long lamellipodia on the cell surface; the lymphocytes of a large nucleocytoplasmic ratio with a number of long, spiky microvilli, constituting a major type of rosette-forming (antigen-binding) cells; and the plasma cells possessing highly extended cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticula that are characteristic of the higher vertebrates. The immunoperoxidase technique, which employs rabbit antibodies against lamprey immunoglobulin, proved that these plasma cells do contain immunoglobulin. These results strongly indicate that the typhlosole of the larval lamprey, besides functioning as a hematopoietic tissue, is actively involved in the antibody responses. It is also stressed that the plasma cell occurs in the most primitive vertebrates as an immunologically competent cell.
PURPOSE Return to work (RTW) of cancer survivors (CSs) fluctuates in different contexts. This systematic review searched for recent data on the RTW rate of CSs in Europe, investigating associated factors. METHODS Bibliographic search covered the period from January 2010 to February 2018, with no language restrictions. European population-based studies assessing RTW rate after cancer diagnosis were included. We excluded studies focusing on a specific cancer diagnosis. RESULTS Twelve observational studies were selected. The cohorts investigated included 280 to 46,720 individuals from Northwestern and Central Europe diagnosed with cancer from 1987 to 2010. The median interval between diagnosis and documented RTW was 2 years (0.2-23.4 years). RTW rates of CSs ranged from 39 to 77%. RTW of individuals employed at the time of diagnosis ranged from 60 to 92%, the latter registered in a sample with good prognosis. Personal factors, work-related factors, and cancer-related factors were all associated with RTW. Healthcare team interventions facilitated reintegration to work. CONCLUSIONS Data from Mediterranean and Central European countries are urgently needed to understand whether RTW is an issue for CSs there as well and whether socio-rehabilitative interventions are required to mitigate the potential negative impact of cancer on individuals and society.
To determine the proliferative potential of adult ventricular cardiomyocytes, we have generated transgenic mice that express the SV40 large T-antigen oncogene in the heart. A fusion gene comprised of the rat α- cardiac myosin heavy chain promoter and the SV40 early region was used to target oncogene expression to the myocardium. Expression of SV40 large T- antigen was observed in both atrial and ventricular cardiomyocytes in adult transgenic animals. T-antigen expression was associated with hyperplasia in the targeted cells. Immunohistological analysis indicated that the proliferating cells continued to express sarcomeric myosin. Electron microscopic examination demonstrated that cardiomyocytes in various stages of the cell cycle retained ultrastructural characteristics typical of mitotic cardiac muscle cells in vivo. Cardiomyocytes isolated from transgenic tumors were able to proliferate in culture and retained a differentiated phenotype, as evidenced by spontaneous contractile activity. Preliminary studies indicate that these cells can undergo a limited number of passages while retaining this differentiated phenotype. These studies demonstrate that both ventricular and atrial cardiomyocytes from transgenic mice proliferate in response to targeted T-antigen express
Exposure to tobacco carcinogens is the major cause of human lung cancer, but even heavy smokers have only about a 10% life-time risk of developing lung cancer. Currently used screening processes, based largely on age and exposure status, have proven to be of limited clinical utility in predicting cancer risk. More precise methods of assessing an individual's risk of developing lung cancer are needed. Because of their sensitivity to DNA damage, microsatellites are potentially useful for the assessment of somatic mutational load in normal cells. We assessed mutational load using hypermutable microsatellites in buccal cells obtained from lung carcinoma cases and controls to test if such a measure could be used to estimate lung cancer risk. There was no significant association between smoking status and mutation frequency with any of the markers tested. No significant association between case status and mutation frequency was observed. Age was significantly related to mutation frequency in the microsatellite marker D7S1482. These observations indicate that somatic mutational load, as measured using mutation frequency of microsatellites in buccal cells, increases with increasing age but that subjects who develop lung cancer have a similar mutational load as those who remain cancer free. This finding suggests that mutation frequency of microsatellite mutations in buccal cells may not be a promising biomarker for lung cancer risk.
A major challenge in theoretical ecology is understanding how natural microbial communities support species diversity, and in particular how antibiotic-producing, -sensitive and -resistant species coexist. While cyclic ‘rock–paper–scissors’ interactions can stabilize communities in spatial environments, coexistence in unstructured environments remains unexplained. Here, using simulations and analytical models, we show that the opposing actions of antibiotic production and degradation enable coexistence even in well-mixed environments. Coexistence depends on three-way interactions in which an antibiotic-degrading species attenuates the inhibitory interactions between two other species. These interactions enable coexistence that is robust to substantial differences in inherent species growth rates and to invasion by ‘cheating’ species that cease to produce or degrade antibiotics. At least two antibiotics are required for stability, with greater numbers of antibiotics enabling more complex communities and diverse dynamic behaviours ranging from stable fixed points to limit cycles and chaos. Together, these results show how multi-species antibiotic interactions can generate ecological stability in both spatially structured and mixed microbial communities, suggesting strategies for engineering synthetic ecosystems and highlighting the importance of toxin production and degradation for microbial biodiversity.
Using a standard battery of medical surveillance questions, a study was undertaken to determine if an increase in reported neurologic symptoms was resulting from solvent exposure at a pharmaceutical research, development, and manufacturing site. The prevalence of positive responses to 13 interval history questions pertaining to neurological symptoms was compared between those enrolled in exposed surveillance programs (n = 840) and those enrolled in other, non-solvent exposed surveillance programs (n = 1,042). The ratio of positive responders between the exposed and unexposed groups was used to generate a relative prevalence ratio (RPR). No significantly elevated RPRs were seen when the analysis was adjusted for the confounding factors of age, sex, smoking, alcohol use, noise exposure, and number of interval histories. These results suggest that workplace solvent exposures in the employees studied did not appear to result in obvious neurologic symptoms. However, low-level neurotoxic exposures can cause asymptomatic or sub-clinical disorders. Therefore, more sensitive neurotoxic surveillance systems need to be developed.
The APA Awards for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest recognize persons who have advanced psychology as a science and/or profession by a single extraordinary achievement or a lifetime of outstanding contributions in the public interest. The 2016 recipient of the Award for Distinguished Senior Career Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest is Gail S. Goodman. She was selected for her innovative basic and applied research examining the relations between childhood trauma, attachment, memory and suggestibility, and child well-being, which helped shape evidence-based practices and policies. Goodman's award citation, biography, and a selected bibliography are presented here. (PsycINFO Database Record
This paper integrates functional and ecomorphological, paleontological and phylogenetic studies to develop a preliminary hypothesis on avian trophic evolution. Our comparative analysis led to initial conditions for such an hypothesis. The interplay of having feathered flight capabilities on the one hand, and an extremely modifiable trophic system on the other hand, allowed three subsequent avian radiations; a Cretaceous radiation followed by mass extinction, a radiation just beyond the Cretaceous-Tertiary-boundary, and a third one at the Oligocene transition. We propose a hypothesis on trophic evolution comprising 7 steps, that starts from a monophyly in the Coelurosauria. First, a triplet of early cranial transformation events occurred, that led to two alternative designs of the jaw apparatus with increased biting forces; a pre-rhynchokinetic and a pre-prokinetic design. Second an early major transition in the cervical vertebrae - from amphicoelic to heterocoelic joints - allowed a cervical compensation in the feeding mechanism given a transformation of the forelimbs into wings. Third, detachment of the palatal complex led to 3 skull modifications that gave rise to 3 major lineages: (1) Dromaeosaurid/Enanthiornitid/Archeoptery-morphs; (2) Ornithomimid/Hesperornitho/ Ratito-morphs; (3) Troodontid/Neognathomorphs. Fourth, dentate grasp feeding has been deduced as the ancestral mechanism for Dromaeosauridae, Ornithomimidae, Troodontidae and Aves. Three trophic lineages have been distinguished, which parallel the triplet of Coelurosaurian skull modifications just mentioned, making avian trophic evolution as yet triphyletic. Fifth, beaked pecking has been deduced as the ancestral trophic system for Neognathae, in which the statically indeterminate jaw apparatus, the increased biting forces, the amazing plasticity of the keratin, and the highly adaptable touch sense control facilitated an incredible modifiability of the feeding desing. Sixth, 4 trophic ecomorph-gates of the KT-boundary wer
AIM To report on two separate child sedation cohorts; one undergoing propofol intravenous sedation (IVS) and the other, nitrous oxide inhalation sedation (IS) in respect to changes in dental anxiety and subject characteristics. STUDY DESIGN The age, gender, level of social deprivation and amount of treatment performed and observed patient behaviour during treatment, using the Frankl and a VAS scale, were recorded for each subject. Anxiety questionnaires were completed before and after treatment. These were: - Modified Child Dental Anxiety Scale (MCDAS); Children's Fear Survey Schedule- Dental Subscale (CFSS-DS) and two Visual Analogue Scales (VAS). RESULTS AND STATISTICS Participants (36) attended for treatment under IS and 40 attended for treatment under propofol IVS. The IVS cohort was older (p<0.01), by between 1.9 and 4.1 years and had more treatment [p = 0.015, 95% confidence interval for the difference between the cohort medians was (0, 3) units]. The two cohorts were closely matched in respect to pre-operative anxiety as measured by the MCDAS and CFSS-DS scales. There were significant anxiety reductions within each cohort as measured by three of the scales: - MCDAS, CFSS-DS and VAS (1) (p< or = 0.001) but no significant change in the VAS (2) scores. When the two cohorts were compared, there was no significant difference in the reduction of the self-reported anxiety for any of the four scales (p>0.05). The observed behaviour was good for both cohorts. CONCLUSION Propofol target-controlled intravenous sedation and nitrous oxide inhalation sedation were similarly efficacious at anxiety reduction in referred dentally anxious children. Subjects undergoing propofol IVS were older than those undergoing IS. Propofol TCI may offer the opportunity for more treatment at each visit. Further propofol TCI conscious sedation studies are required.
Using a cluster-randomised design, this study analyses the effects of a government-administered skill training programme for social workers in Norway. The training programme aims to improve social workers' professional competences by enhancing and systematising follow-up work directed towards longer-term unemployed clients in the following areas: encountering the user, system-oriented efforts and administrative work. The main tools and techniques of the programme are based on motivational interviewing and appreciative inquiry. The data comprise responses to baseline and eighteen-month follow-up questionnaires administered to all social workers (n = 99) in eighteen participating Labour and Welfare offices randomised into experimental and control groups. The findings indicate that the skill training programme positively affected the social workers' evaluations of their professional competences and quality of work supervision received. The acquisition and mastering of combinations of specific tools and techniques, a comprehensive supervision structure and the opportunity to adapt the learned skills to local conditions were important in explaining the results.
INTRODUCTION Telecytopathology for endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) has been shown to be an alternative to rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE). Gastroenterologists (endosonographers) performing EUS-FNA can be trained to evaluate a specimen for adequacy. This study examined the ability of an endosonographer with focused cytopathologic training to assess the adequacy of pancreatic FNA specimens and transmit diagnostic images to a remotely located cytopathologist as compared to an experienced cytotechnologist. MATERIALS AND METHODS This was a retrospective study of consecutive pancreatic lesions sampled by EUS-FNA reviewed by an endosonographer and a cytotechnologist. The participants were assessed based on their ability to (1) determine adequacy, (2) locate and transmit representative cell groups, (3) provide a preliminary diagnosis, and (4) provide concordance with actual diagnosis. RESULTS 105 consecutive cases of EUS-FNA of the pancreas were analyzed, including: adenocarcinoma (n = 39), cyst (n = 17), neuroendocrine neoplasia (n = 7), pancreatitis (n = 14), benign pancreas (n = 9), other neoplasms (n = 6), suspicious/atypical (n = 3), and nondiagnostic (n = 10). The cytotechnologist demonstrated superiority in accuracy 92.7% versus 70% (P = 0.003) and subcategorization 95.0% versus 76% (P = 0.007). There was no difference in "broad" categorization (benign/malignant) between the endosonographer and cytotechnologist, 98% and 98.2% (P = 0.946), respectively. Also, there was no difference with regard to adequacy assessment (P = 0.29). A steady learning curve for the endosonographer was demonstrated in their cytologic assessment (P = 0.041). The endosonographer was shown to be able to remotely transmit diagnostic images to a pathologist. CONCLUSION An endosonographer with limited training can examine for specimen adequacy, transmit images, and demonstrate representative cell groups. Larger studies are required though preliminary results are encouraging.
This third paper revising the European Brachysira species deals with Brachysira serians and the closely related B. brebissonii–intermedia complex. The morphology of these species is characterised in greater detail than before based on a combination of analyses of original type material and additional historic and modern samples. All taxa in this complex are typically found in oligotrophic, acidic environments. The largest species in this complex are B. serians and B. wygaschii, which both possess a distinct Voigt discordance. Although they often co-occur, differences in their valve outline and dimensions are distinctive. The type material of Brachysira brebissonii is restudied and differs from a widespread use of this species name in Europe. As a result, Anomoeoneis intermedia, described from Denmark, is considered a more recent heterotypic synonym of B. brebissonii. Two new species are described to clarify the taxonomic identity of the B. brebissonii–intermedia species complex: B. elisabethiana Van de Vijver, C.E.Wetzel & Ector, sp. nov. and B. confusa Van de Vijver, R.L.Albert, B.Kennedy & Kusber, sp. nov. The type material of the morphologically similar B. arctoborealis from North America is studied for comparison. The ecological preferences of all the reported taxa are derived from the accompanying diatom flora in the investigated samples. © 2021 Société botanique de Fran
BACKGROUND The changes in ultrastructure, lipid organization, chromatin decondensation, and denaturation of rhesus monkey spermatozoa during epididymal maturation were studied. This study would provide background information that would be useful to evaluate adverse effects, if any, caused by the use of contraceptive agents. METHODS Adult sexually mature rhesus monkeys were castrated under ketamine anesthesia. The epididymis was divided into initial segment, caput, corpus, and cauda epididymides. To study changes in lipid organization of the sperm plasma membrane during epididymal transit, spermatozoa from different epididymal segments and ejaculated spermatozoa were exposed to merocyanine 540 (MC 540). The changes in chromatin denaturation and decondensation were assessed by using the nucleic acid-specific fluorochromes, acridine orange, and ethidium bromide, respectively, prior to and after exposure to dithiothreitol (DTT). RESULTS Testicular spermatozoa (approximately 40%) showed localization of MC 540 mainly in the midpiece, whereas remaining sperm did not localize MC 540. Spermatozoa from the initial segment of the epididymis showed uniform distribution of MC 540 localization in the head and midpiece. A pattern of localization of MC 540 similar to mature caudal and ejaculated sperm in which the staining was restricted to the acrosome and the midpiece first appeared in a small percentage of caput spermatozoa and was completed during transit through the corpus epididymidis. Mature spermatozoa from cauda epididymidis, vas deferens, and ejaculate did not undergo chromatin denaturation even after exposure to 10 mM DTT, unlike sperm from testis, initial segment, and caput epididymidis. Spermatozoa exposed to DTT showed chromatin decondensation; maximum decondensation was seen in testicular sperm and a decrease in the percentage of sperm, showing decondensation, occurred during epididymal transit. Ultrastructural studies showed that spermatozoa undergo structural changes during sperm maturation. CONCLUSIONS The present study shows that rhesus monkey spermatozoa undergo reorganization of the plasma membrane lipids and stabilization of disulfide linkages during epididymal transit. The results would be of use in evaluating the action of potential male contraceptive drugs on epididymal spermatozoa.
We calculate the magnetic-field-dependent nonlinear conductance and noise in a two-dimensional macroscopic inhomogeneous system. If the system does not possess a specific symmetry, the magnetic field induces a nonzero third cumulant of the current even at equilibrium. This cumulant is related to the first and second voltage derivatives of the spectral density and average current in the same way as for mesoscopic quantum-coherent systems, but these quantities may be much larger. The system provides a robust test of a nonequilibrium fluctuation relation.
BACKGROUND Due to perceived medical and surgical risk, patients of advanced age may not be offered free flap breast reconstruction. The purpose of this study was to determine whether complications are actually higher in patients of advanced age. METHODS A review of 1031 muscle-sparing free transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous, deep inferior epigastric perforator, and superficial inferior epigastric artery flaps over 15 years was performed. There were 976 patients younger than 65 years and 55 patients aged 65 and older. Population variables, operative variables, and outcome variables were compared. Statistical analysis included chi-square, Fisher's exact, Mann-Whitney, and two-sample t tests. RESULTS The mean age was 47 years (range, 24 to 79 years). The older group had a higher American Society of Anesthesiologists status (2.1 versus 1.9; p = 0.05), a higher prevalence of hypertension (38 percent versus 18 percent; p < 0.001), a higher average body mass index (30 versus 28; p = 0.039), and lower rates of preoperative (28 percent versus 13 percent; p = 0.016) and postoperative (17 percent versus 2 percent; p = 0.003) chemotherapy. In the older group, more blood transfusions (7 percent versus 2 percent; p = 0.03) were administered and the coupler was used less often (13 percent versus 32 percent; p = 0.009). There was no difference in length of stay (3.5 days), medical complications (4 percent), surgical complications (32 percent), take-backs (1 percent), or revisions (19 percent). CONCLUSIONS Despite higher rates of hypertension, higher American Society of Anesthesiologists status, higher body mass index, and higher rates of blood transfusion, the 65 years and older group had outcomes equal to those of the general population. Thus, free flap breast reconstruction in patients of advanced age is safe, and should be offered when indicated.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, fatal neurodegenerative disease characterized by selective impairment of upper and lower motor neurons. We aimed to investigate the genetic spectrum and variability in Chinese patients with ALS. A total of 24 familial ALS (FALS) and 21 early-onset sporadic ALS (SALS) of Chinese ancestry were enrolled. Targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) was performed in the probands, followed by verification by Sanger sequencing and co-segregation analysis. Clinical features of patients with pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants were present. The mutation frequency of ALS-related genes was then analyzed in Chinese population. In this cohort, 17 known mutations (9 SOD1, 5 FUS, 2 TARDBP and one SETX) were identified in 14 FALS and 6 early-onset SALS. Moreover, 7 novel variants (SOD1 c.112G>C, OPTN c.811C>T, ERBB4 c.965T>A, DCTN1 c.1915C>T, NEFH c.2602G>A, NEK1 c.3622G>A, and TAF15 c.1535G>A) were identified. In southeastern Chinese FALS, the mutation frequency of SOD1, FUS, and TARDBP was 52.9%, 8.8%, 8.8% respectively. In early-onset SALS, FUS mutations were the most common (22.6%). In Chinese ALS cases, p.H47R is most frequent SOD1 mutations, while p.R521 is most common FUS mutation and p.M337V is most common TARDBP mutation. Our results revealed that mutations in SOD1, FUS and TARDBP are the most common cause of Chinese FALS, while FUS mutations are the most common cause of early-onset SALS. The genetic spectrum is different between Chinese ALS and Caucasian ALS.
A variant of the PTPN22-encoded Lyp phosphatase (Lyp620W) confers risk for autoimmune disease, but the mechanisms underlying this association remain unclear. We show here that mice expressing the Lyp variant homolog Pep619W manifest thymic and splenic enlargement accompanied by increases in T-cell number, activation and positive selection and in dendritic- and B-cell activation. Although Ptpn22 (Pep) transcript levels were comparable in Pep619W and wild-type Pep619R mice, Pep protein levels were dramatically reduced in the mutant mice, with Pep619W protein being more rapidly degraded and showing greater association with and in vitro cleavage by calpain 1 than Pep619R. Similarly, levels of the Lyp620W variant were decreased in human T and B cells, and its calpain binding and cleavage were increased relative to wild-type Lyp620R. Thus, calpain-mediated degradation with consequently reduced Lyp/Pep expression and lymphocyte and dendritic cell hyperresponsiveness represents a mechanism whereby Lyp620W may increase risk for autoimmune disease.
Sirtuins (SIRTs) are a class of NAD+-dependent protein histone deacetylases (HDACs) that catalyse the reversible deacetylation of lysine residues in the histones or non-histone substrates. Mammalian sirtuins consist of seven isoforms (SIRT1-7), which show different subcellular localizations and enzymatic functions. Among the seven human sirtuins, SIRT2 predominantly located in the cytoplasm but is enriched in the nucleus during mitosis. Its activity has been found to be modulate the pathophysiology of various diseases such as cancer, metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders. Therefore, selective SIRT2 inhibitors are of growing interest as potentially candidate therapeutic agents to treat SIRT2-driven pathologies as well as valuable tools to investigate and define the biological roles of SIRT2. Herein, in order to identify potent leads against SIRT2, a multi-step pharmacophore based-virtual screening campaign was performed and 31 predicted compounds were subjected to in vitro biological evaluation. Finally, compound 2 and 3 showing better SIRT2 inhibition potency were selected for further in vitro cytotoxic assays against a panel of three human cancer cell lines. This study will hopefully provide a basis for developing potent and selective SIRT2 inhibitors.
BACKGROUND Major depressive disorder is a prevalent psychiatric disorder in primary care associated with impaired patient functioning and well-being. We compared patient utilities for hypothetical depression-related and current health states and to examine differences in utilities by patient demographic and clinical characteristics. METHODS Seventy patients with DSM-III-R major depressive disorder or dysthymia who completed at least 8 weeks of antidepressant treatment were recruited from primary care practices. Patients assessments included the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS), SF-36 Health Survey, and standard gamble interviews to obtain utilities for 11 hypothetical depression-related states, varying depression severity and antidepressant treatment, and the patient's current health state. RESULTS The mean utility for severe depression was 0.30 and 25% of patients rated this state as worse than or equivalent to death. Utilities varied from 0.55 to 0.63 for moderate depression, 0.64 to 0.73 for mild depression, and 0.72 to 0.83 for antidepressant maintenance therapy. Statistically significant differences were observed in mean utilities by level of disease severity and by tricyclic antidepressants compared with the newer antidepressants (i.e., fluoxetine, nefazodone). There were no significant differences in utilities for hypothetical states by demographic variables. Mean patient-assigned utilities for current health varied by depression severity and presence of medication side effects. CONCLUSIONS Health state utility scores can be provided by patients with depression and the utility scores provided by patients for hypothetical states demonstrate differences by disease severity and antidepressant treatment. LIMITATIONS The sample size was small which may limit generalizability and statistical power for detecting important differences. The study findings are limited to patients who have successfully completed 8 weeks of antidepressant treatment. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Understanding patient preferences for depression outcomes is important for economic evaluations of new antidepressants and for understanding patient behavior and adherence to antidepressant treatment regimens.
Purpose. The main purpose is to define more accurately the epileptogenic zone (EZ) with noninvasive methods in those patients with MRI diagnosis of focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) and epilepsy who are candidates of epilepsy surgery. Methods. Twenty patients were evaluated prospectively between 2007 and 2010 with comprehensive clinical evaluation, video-electroencephalography, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and high-resolution EEG to localize the equivalent current dipole (ECD). Key Findings. In 11 cases with white matter asymmetries in DTI the ECDs were located next to lesion on MRI with mean distance of 14.63 millimeters with topographical correlation with the EZ. Significance. We could establish a hypothesis of EZ based on Video-EEG, high-resolution EEG, ECD method, MRI, and DTI. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the EZ in the FCD is complex and is often larger than visible lesion in MRI.
The use of a convolution or differential-pencil-beam (DPB) algorithm has been studied for charged-particle dose calculations as a means of more accurately modeling the effects of multiple scattering. Such effects are not reflected in current charged-particle dose calculations since these calculations rely on depth-dose data measured in homogeneous water-equivalent phantoms and use ray-tracing techniques to calculate the water-equivalent pathlength from patient CT data. In this study, isodose plots were generated from three-dimensional dose calculations using Monte Carlo, DPB, and standard ray-tracing methods for a 4-cm modulated 150-MeV proton beam incident on both homogenous and heterogeneous phantoms. To simulate therapy conditions with charged particles, these studies included cases where compensating boluses were introduced to modify the particle range across the treatment field. Results indicate that multiple-scattering effects, including increased penumbral width as a function of beam penetration and the "smearing" of isodose distributions downstream from complex heterogeneities, are well modeled by the DPB algorithm. The DPB algoirthm may also be used to obtain more useful estimates of the dose uncertainty in regions near the end of the beam's range downstream from complex heterogeneities than can be derived from standard ray-tracing calculations.
A member of the Enterobacteriaceae initially identified as Kluyvera cryocrescens by the MicroScan Gram-Negative Combo 13 panel caused an outbreak of nosocomial infections in four patients (pneumonia, n = 2; urinary tract infection, n = 1; wound infection, n = 1) and urinary tract colonization in one patient. When the strains were tested by the Enteric Reference Laboratory of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, biochemical results were most compatible with Yersinia intermedia, Kluyvera cryocrescens, and Citrobacter farmeri but identification scores were low and test results were discrepant. However, when the biochemical test profile was placed in the computer database as a new organism, all strains were identified as the organism with high identification scores (0.999968 to 0.999997) and no discrepant test results. By 16S rRNA sequence analysis the organism clustered most closely with, but was distinct from, Citrobacter farmeri and Citrobacter amalonaticus. Based on its unique biochemical profile and rRNA sequence, this organism is designated Enteric Group 137. Restriction endonuclease analysis and taxonomic antibiograms of strains causing the outbreak demonstrated a single clone of Enteric Group 137, and antibiotic susceptibility testing revealed the presence of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) resistance. Enteric Group 137 appears to be a new opportunistic pathogen that can serve as a source of ESBL resistance in the hospital
We report the case of a patient with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) who developed renal cell carcinoma (RCC). At birth, this patient presented with macroglossia, diastasis recti, mild gigantism, hepatomegaly and hypoglycemia, and the diagnosis of BWS was made. At 22 months, an intrapelvic rhabdomyosarcoma was detected and resected. At 37 months, computed tomography (CT) demonstrated a small mass with high attenuation in the right kidney, which was surgically confirmed to be RCC.
A 35-year-old woman was referred for treatment of a supraventricular tachycardia. The tachycardia was diagnosed as a slow-fast form of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia. Radiofrequency ablation targeting the antegrade slow pathway was performed at the posterior septum of the right atrium. After the radiofrequency ablation, ventricular extrastimulus pacing was performed to assess the retrograde slow pathway, which was suggested before the ablation. The prolongation of the VA interval with a 10 ms decrease in the S2 pacing interval was 60 ms and retrograde dual pathways were suspected. However, the HA interval did not change and a prolongation of the VA interval was caused by the prolongation of the VH interval and no additional ablation was required.
Provisionalization of dental implants at placement has become more prominent in the field of implantology over the past several years, especially in the esthetic zone. The benefits of this treatment option include immediate tooth replacement, formation and maintenance of esthetic soft-tissue contours, containment for bone-grafting and tissue-regenerative procedures, and an improved sense of the patient's perception of the implant process. The blending together of the surgical and prosthetic/esthetic phase has never been more important as implant systems, abutment options, and surgical techniques have helped optimize procedures that can be accomplished at the surgical visit. This article reviews the guidelines for surgical success first described by the author in 2003 and expands upon those results. This article highlights the results of more than 3200 immediately restored implants placed in edentulous, fresh extraction sockets, and sinus-grafted sites, over an 8-year period, and presents a case for each area of placement.
Chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD) is a major complication of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT) and remains an area of unmet clinical need with few treatment options available. Notch blockade prevents acute GVHD in multiple mouse models, but the impact of Notch signaling on cGVHD remains unknown. Using genetic and antibody-mediated strategies of Notch inhibition, we investigated the role of Notch signaling in complementary mouse cGVHD models that mimic several aspects of human cGVHD in search of candidate therapeutics. In the B10.D2→BALB/c model of sclerodermatous cGVHD, Delta-like ligand 4 (Dll4)-driven Notch signaling was essential for disease development. Antibody-mediated Dll4 inhibition conferred maximum benefits when pursued early in a preventative fashion, with anti-Dll1 enhancing early protection. Notch-deficient alloantigen-specific T cells showed no early defects in proliferation or helper polarization in vivo but subsequently exhibited markedly decreased cytokine secretion and enhanced accumulation of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells. In the B6→B10.BR major histocompatibility complex-mismatched model with multi-organ system cGVHD and prominent bronchiolitis obliterans (BO), but not skin manifestations, absence of Notch signaling in T cells provided long-lasting disease protection that was replicated by systemic targeting of Dll1, Dll4, or both Notch ligands, even during established disease. Notch inhibition decreased target organ damage and germinal center formation. Moreover, decreased BO-cGVHD was observed upon inactivation of Notch1 and/or Notch2 in T cells. Systemic targeting of Notch2 alone was safe and conferred therapeutic benefits. Altogether, Notch ligands and receptors regulate key pathogenic steps in cGVHD and emerge as novel druggable targets to prevent or treat different forms of cGVHD.
We review the recent discovery of multiple populations of the enigmatic, semi-aquatic Sphenomorphus Group skink, Parvoscincus leucospilos Peters, and investigate the morphological and genetic diversity of isolated, allopatric populations of this unique skink. Our investigations support the recognition of four unique evolutionary lineages distributed across Luzon Island in the Philippines, three of which are herein described as new species (P. tikbalangi sp. nov., P. manananggalae sp. nov., and P. duwendorum sp. nov.). All four recognized species are genetically divergent in both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, and morphologically distinct. The description of three new Luzon Island endemic species adds to the growing body of literature suggesting that mechanisms driving the accumulation of vertebrate diversity in the Philippines may vary regionally across the archipelago.
Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC)-infected lung bulla was a rare type of pulmonary non-tuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) infection. A 29-year-old man with a history of tetralogy of Fallot was admitted to our hospital because of a high fever and left chest pain. Chest computed tomography showed two bullae with intrabullous fluid in both the lower lobes and centrilobular small nodular shadow in the right upper lobe and the left lower lobe. Culture of bronchoscopic washing specimen from the right upper lobe bronchus and left lower lobe one and purulent fluid drained from the bulla in the left lower lobe revealed Mycobacterium intracellulare. Percutaneous drainage from the left bulla and anti-NTM treatment were performed. Afterwards, symptoms improved and two intrabullous fluid disappeared. Therefore, a diagnosis of multiple infected lung bullae associated with M. intracellulare was made. This is the first documented case of multiple infected lung bullae associated with MAC.
OBJECTIVE The objective of this study is to assess the efficacy of ossiculoplasty procedures in the paediatric population when the Kurz titanium ossicular prosthesis is used. PATIENTS AND METHODS Data was collected prospectively upon 14 ossiculoplasty cases using Kurz titanium prostheses. Audiological parameters using four frequency average (FFA(0.5, 1, 2 and 4kHz)) were assessed pre- and post-operatively. RESULTS In the case of patients reconstructed using partial ossicular reconstruction prostheses, 7/9 (78%) achieved an air bone gap (<20dB) using FFA criteria. Parameters at 12-month follow-up suggested 4/5 (80%) patients reconstructed using total ossicular reconstruction prostheses achieved an air bone gap (<20dB) using FFA. CONCLUSION The question of age and presence of co-existing cholesteatoma or tympanic membrane perforation does not appear to mitigate against performing ossicular reconstruction in this age group. Consequently, the results of this study suggest that the use of Kurz titanium prostheses is a feasible option to augment hearing in paediatric cases involving chronic otitis media. This is a significant finding especially in view of the added psychological burden of hearing difficulties carried by the paediatric population.
The malformative diaphragmatic hernia are frequently the privilege of the new-born. Their discovery in the adult-hood is a rare eventuality, often in fortuitous way or exceptionally in the formidable complications. The diagnosis is evoked in the pulmonary radiography, confirmed by ultrasonography, digestive opacification and scanography. We report 3 cases, we stress the data of the imaging and their interest in the diagnosis.
BACKGROUND Fragmented QRS (fQRS) marks inhomogeneous activation and asynchronous cardiac contraction. It has been proved that cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) could reverse geometrical remodeling as well as correct electrical dyssynchrony. We aimed to investigate whether fQRS changed corresponding to the therapeutic response to CRT. METHODS Patients who underwent de novo CRT implantation previously and had ≥1 follow-up between August 2012 and September 2013 in our hospital were investigated. Intrinsic electrocardiogram was recorded and fQRS in any lead was calculated. Response to CRT was defined as absolute improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction by ≥10% or by improvement >1 New York Heart Association class and without heart failure hospitalization. RESULTS A total of 75 patients (48 male, mean ages, 61 ± 9 years) were included in this study. At a median follow-up of 13 months, 57 patients had response to CRT. Responders had narrowed QRS (from 167 ± 23 ms to 158 ± 19 ms, P = 0.003) and reduced fQRS post-CRT. Nonresponders had QRS prolonging (from 151 ± 26 ms to 168 ± 16 ms, P = 0.033) and increase in fQRS. Eleven of 12 patients with reduced fQRS were responders and 8 of 12 with increased fQRS were nonresponders. Both changes in QRS and fQRS correlated strongly with CRT response (r = 0.389, P = 0.001 and r = 0.403, P = 0.000, respectively). Reduction of fQRS in ≥1 leads had high specificity (95%) in association to responders, though in low sensitivity (19%). CONCLUSIONS The changes in fQRS associated with therapeutic response to CRT. Regression of fQRS could be a maker of electrical reverse remodeling following CRT.
RNA interference (RNAi) is a critical component of many cellular antiviral responses in plants, invertebrates, and mammals. However, its in vivo role in host protection from the negative-sense RNA virus influenza virus type A (flu) is unclear. Here we have examined the role of RNAi in host defense to flu by analyzing Argonaute 1 and 3 double-knockout mice deficient in components of the RNA-induced silencing complex. Compared to littermate controls, flu-infected double-knockout mice exhibited increased mortality, consistent with more severe alveolitis and pneumonitis. These data indicate that optimal resistance to flu requires Argonaute 1 and/or 3. Enhanced mortality of double-knockout mice was not associated either with increased viral replication or with differential pulmonary recruitment or function of innate and adaptive immune cells. Given the absence of detectable immune defects, our results support the notion that the enhanced flu susceptibility of double-knockout mice arises from an intrinsic impairment in the ability of lung cells to tolerate flu-elicited inflammation.
Themus (Telephorops) davidis species-group is redefined and we present a catalogue, identification key and distribution map for this group. Some previously known species are redescribed and we provide new illustrations of female internal genitalia, abdominal sternite VIII and/or aedeagus. Further, we report new distribution data. A new species, Themus (Telephorops) hainanus sp. nov. from China (Hainan) is described, and Themus (Telephorops) birmanicus Wittmer, 1983 is recorded from China for the first time.
This volume offers an in-depth examination of the role of microbiological processes related to environmental deterioration. It investigates the complex microbial processes involved in the contamination of water, soil, the atmosphere and the stratosphere, and in pollution control. The 15 chapters cover: bacteria in the greenhouse, modeling the role of oceanic plankton in the global carbon cycle; effects of acid deposition on microbial processes in natural waters; effect of acid rain on soil microbial processes; microbial transport of toxic metals; transport of pathogens through soils and aquifers; detection methods for waterborne pathogens; control of enteric pathogens in developing countries; microbial processes in coastal erosion; molecular approaches to environmental management; innovations in biological processes for pollution control; bioremediation of organic contaminants in the subsurfaces; the importance of genetic exchange in degradation of xenobiotic chemicals; microbial control of plant diseases; composting in the context of municipal solid waste management; and microbial desulfurization of coal. -after Publish
Quantitative patterns of expression of the growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) and bone morphogenic protein 15 (BMP15) genes in different development stages of in vivo and in vitro grown ovarian follicles in sheep were studied for the first time. Both GDF9 and BMP15 were expressed in the cumulus cells and oocytes at all the development stages of in vivo and in vitro grown ovarian follicles. Growth differentiation factor 9 and bone morphogenic protein 15 exhibited stage-specific undulations in the expression in the cumulus cells and oocytes isolated from in vivo grown ovarian follicles. These undulations could be related to discrete development events during the ovarian follicle development. The expression of GDF9 and BMP15 was highest (3.38 ± 0.02 and 2.69 ± 0.06, respectively; P ≤ 0.05) in the primordial follicles compared with preantral, early antral, antral, and large antral stages. Similarly, GDF9 and BMP15 expression in the cumulus cells (0 ± 0.16 and 0 ± 0.07) and oocytes (1.47 ± 0.07 and 1.32 ± 0.03) was lowest (P ≤ 0.05) in the in vivo grown antral follicles. In the cultured follicles, the stage-specific undulations observed in the expression of GDF9 and BMP15 in the in vivo grown follicles were either different or abolished. For example, in the oocytes from in vitro grown follicles, the expression of BMP15 did not change as the development progressed all the way from preantral to large antral follicle stage although in the oocytes from in vivo grown follicles BMP15 expression exhibited stage-specific variations. It is concluded that GDF9 and BMP15 follow a stage-specific pattern of expression during the in vivo development of ovarian follicles in sheep, and in vitro culture altered the stage-specific changes in the expression of these two genes.
BACKGROUND The association between serum lipids and diabetic retinopathy (DR) was controversial. Therefore, we performed a meta-analysis to evaluate the relationship between triglycerides (TG), serum total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and DR. METHODS A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies was carried out to explore the association between serum lipids and DR. Studies related were initially indentified by searching PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Elsevier databases through June, 2017. Then a manual retrieval was also performed. RevMan 5.3 software was used to calculate the pooled mean differences (MDs) and related 95% confidence intervals (CIs). To test the stability of the final results, a sensitivity analysis was also performed. RESULTS A total of 7 studies were included in this meta-analysis. When compared with the controls, the DR cases did not show significantly higher TG levels (MD 9.18 mg/dL, 95%CI -4.14 to 22.49, P = .18), higher TC levels (MD 3.77 mg/dL, 95%CI: -2.45 to 9.98, P = .24), as well as lower HDL-C levels (MD -1.14 mg/dL, 95%CI: -2.43 to 0.15, P = .08). But slightly higher LDL-C levels were observed (MD 3.74 mg/dL, 95%CI: 0.13-7.35, P = .04). In addition, whether serum lipids involved in the progression of DR were relatively unexplored, but fenofibrate was confirmed to benefit the DR cases. CONCLUSIONS Based on recent published data, we did not find obvious differences in TG, TC, and HDL-C levels between patients with DR and without DR. However, slightly higher LDL-C levels were observed in the DR cases.
Plants form stress granules made of RNA binding proteins and RNA in response to various stresses. In this issue of Developmental Cell, Zhu et al. identify two RNA-binding proteins, RBGD2/4, that phase, separate, and localize stress granules to promote heat stress tolerance.
The orientation of the agarose gel matrix in pulsed electric fields has been studied by transient electric birefringence. Two types of agarose with different degrees of charge were studied, in addition to agarose solutions and gels containing beta-carrageenan, a stereoisomer of agarose, and polyacrylamide. Agarose gels exhibit normal orientation behavior when short, high voltage pulses are applied to the gel. The sign of the birefringence is positive and the relaxation times are consistent with the orientation of dangling fiber ends parallel to the electric field. When long, low voltage pulses, of the amplitude and duration used for pulsed field gel electrophoresis, are applied to the gel, completely different orientation effects are observed. The amplitude of the birefringence (i.e., extent of orientation) is much larger than expected from the high field results, and the birefringence decay curves contain multiple components of opposite sign. The relaxation times are consistent with the orientation of long agarose chain bundles or fibers, as well as large three-dimensional domains. Chain bundles or fibers of the lengths observed in the agarose gels are also observed in agarose solutions, suggesting that the fibers that are free to orient in the gels had previously formed in the sol phase and are only weakly integrated into the matrix structure. In rapidly reversing low voltage electric fields, the sign of the birefringence of the agarose gels reverses from positive to negative in phase with the reversing electric field. This alternating change in the sign of the birefringence suggests that the agarose fibers "flip-flop" in orientation from parallel to perpendicular every time the electric field reverses its direction. Similar effects are observed for agarose gels with different charge densities. The flip-flop orientation and reorientation of agarose fibers within the matrix in reversing electric fields may decrease the microscopic viscosity of the gel, increasing the mobility of large DNA molecules migrating through the gel during electrophoresis. Polyacrylamide gels do not exhibit an anomalous reversal of the sign of the birefringence in reversing electric fields. Hence, the orienting fibers in these gels do not change their direction of orientation in reversing electric fields. Extensive orientation is observed in beta-carrageenan gels, similar to that observed in agarose gels. However, little orientation occurs in polyacrylamide gels, which are chemically crosslinked.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
Secretory proteins encoded by genes expressed in the oesophageal gland cells of plant-parasitic nematodes have key roles in nematode parasitism of plants. Two venom allergen-like protein cDNAs (designated hg-vap-1 and hg-vap-2)were isolated from Heterodera glycines gland cell cDNA libraries. Both cDNAs hybridised to genomic DNA of H. glycines in Southern blots. The hg-vap-1 cDNA contained an open reading frame encoding 215 amino acids with the first 25 amino acids being a putative secretion signal. The hg-vap-2 cDNA contained an open reading frame encoding 212 amino acids with the first 19 amino acids being a putative secretion signal. Genes of hg-vap-1 and hg-vap-2 contained four introns, which ranged in size from 44 to 574 bp, and five exons ranging in size from 43 to 279 bp. In situ hybridisation analyses showed that mRNAs of both vap genes accumulated specifically in the subventral gland cells of H. glycines during parasitism. The gland cell-specific expression and presence of predicted secretion signal peptides in both VAPs suggest that these proteins are secreted from the nematode and may play a role in the infection of host plants by this parasite. © 2001 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reser
Proteases play a key role in the physiological processes of the small intestine, supporting its normal physiological functions as a part of the digestive system, in which hydrolysis and assimilation of nutrients are implemented. A high concentration of antigens in the intestinal lumen activates immunity and stimulates a chronic weakly expressed inflammatory response in a normal gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Cathepsin G, a serine protease controlling the functional state of immune cells, directly participates in the complicated system for the regulation of balance between physiological and pathological inflammations. To determine the role of cathepsin G in the small intestine, an immunofluorescent investigation of biopsies from the human duodenal mucosa were investigated using the confocal immunofluorescence microscopy method and human antibodies to cathepsin G. It has been shown for the first time that cathepsin G, which was regarded conventionally as one of the effectors of the inflammatory process, is a constitutive enzyme of the human duodenum and is constantly present in its normal mucosa. The new cell sources for the cathepsin G biosynthesis identified: intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs), lamina propria lymphocytes, CD14-positive intestinal macrophages, and Paneth cells, which are specialized epitheliocytes of intestinal glands. Our data on the cathepsin G expression by immunocytes and Paneth cells in the duodenum allow us to attribute cathepsin G to the main proteases of intestinal immunity, which indicates the important role of this enzyme in the regulation of human GIT functions. © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, I
The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education is currently in the process of specialty-by-specialty revision of the Milestones. As a result, the Neuroradiology Milestones 2.0 Workgroup was created to refine a system of competency-based assessments for fellow educational growth and development. Strengths of the new Milestones include decreased complexity and uniformity within a subcompetency as it relates to a specific educational development trajectory. The Supplemental Guide serves to decrease clutter in the Milestones 2.0 document and provides a more practical resource for guidance. This article serves to review the history of the Neuroradiology Milestones, followed by a summary of the timeline of events and discussions of the workgroup for development of Neuroradiology Milestones 2.0 and a synopsis of major changes. The plan is for the updated Neuroradiology Milestones to take effect in 2021 or 2022 based on public commentary.
BACKGROUND There is growing interest in the potential of neuromodulation options in treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Magnetic seizure therapy (MST), is a new treatment intervention in which generalized seizures are induced with transcranial magnetic stimulation. We conducted a pilot study to assess the efficacy and cognitive effects of MST in patients with treatment-resistant OCD. METHODS In an open-label pilot study, participants with treatment-resistant OCD and a baseline Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) scores of ≥16 were treated with up to 24 acute treatments. The primary clinical outcomes were clinical response (Y-BOCS score reduction ≥30%) and remission (final Y-BOCS score ≤8). A neurocognitive battery, the Quick Inventory for Depressive Symptoms-Self Report (QIDS-SR), the Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation (SSI), and the Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire-Short Form (Q-LES-Q-SF) were also completed as secondary measures. RESULTS Ten participants with OCD who had not responded to medications or psychotherapy enrolled in the study and seven completed an adequate trial (defined as ≥8 treatments). MST was associated with minimal cognitive effects except for some decrease in autobiographical memory and no serious adverse effects. Only one participant met the predefined criteria for response, and none for remission. The baseline and endpoint Y-BOCS scores were not statistically different. CONCLUSION Overall, MST was not beneficial in a small group of patients with treatment-resistant OCD. At this time, other studies of MST for OCD are not warranted until different coil placements targeting other brain circuits can be proposed.
Over the past decade, univariate studies have identified peer-rated popularity/sociability as a correlate of individual health practices (e.g., alcohol and drug use, exercise habits). Yet, the relationship between multiple health habits and broader social competencies rarely has been systematically examined. Accordingly, using a multivariate approach, the present study investigated the relative influence of background characteristics (i.e., age, gender, race, family type, and socioeconomic status) and peer status on health-related behaviors (i.e., physical activity, eating habits, smoking, alcohol use, and stress-related behaviors) in 589 junior high school students (ages 11-13). In this sample, peer popularity provided no significant increment in the prediction of health habits over and above the effects explained by demographics. These results are consistent with current perspectives on health and interpersonal behaviors, and have important practical implications for the initiation and maintenance of healthful and risky practices in the natural environment.
Although poor air quality can have a negative impact on human health, studies have shown suboptimal levels of adherence to health advice associated with air quality alerts. The present study compared the behavioural impact of the UK Air Quality Index (DAQI) with an alternative message format, using a 2 (general population vs. at-risk individuals) X 2 (usual DAQI messages vs. behaviourally enhanced messages) factorial design. Messages were sent via a smartphone application. Eighty-two participants were randomly allocated to the experimental groups. It was found that the enhanced messages (targeting messages specificity and psychosocial predictors of behaviour change) increased intentions to make permanent behavioural changes to reduce exposure, compared to the control group (V = 0.23). This effect was mediated by a reduced perception of not having enough time to follow the health advice received (b = -0.769, BCa CI [-2.588, 0.533]). It was also found that higher worry about air pollution, perceived severity, perceived efficacy of the recommended behaviour and self-efficacy were predictive of self-reported behaviour change at four weeks. In response to a real moderate air quality alert, among those with a pre-existing lung condition, more respondents in the intervention group reported to have used their preventer inhaler compared to the control group (V = 0.49). On the other hand, the two message formats performed similarly when intentions were collected in relation to a hypothetical high air pollution scenario, with all groups showing relatively high intentions to change behaviours. This study expands the currently limited understanding of how to improve the behavioural impact of existing air quality alerts.
AIMS We investigated the feasibility of thrombus quantification by frequency-domain optical coherence tomography (FD-OCT) methods in patients with highly thrombotic acute coronary syndrome (ACS) treated by deferred stenting strategy. METHODS AND RESULTS Patients were suitable for inclusion if they presented (i) an ACS that was successfully revascularized by manual thrombo-aspiration and (ii) a large residual thrombus on coronary angiography and initial FD-OCT analysis. These patients underwent a second procedure including FD-OCT analysis after several days of optimal antithrombotic therapy. Serial area measurements within the athero-thrombotic culprit lesion were performed to evaluate the OCT-thrombus score, volume, and length. Sixteen patients (88% men/age = 59.3 ± 4.1 years/94% STEMI) were included in the study. The mean delay between OCT analyses was 3.9 ± 0.3 day. No adverse event was observed during this interval. We observed a reduction of thrombus burden between the two analyses, as assessed by the significant reductions in OCT-thrombus score (22.3 ± 2.6 vs. 10.3 ± 1.3, P < 0.001), OCT-thrombus volume (9.6 ± 2.3 vs. 3.6 ± 0.9 mm(3), P = 0.003), and OCT-thrombus length (11.1 ± 1.4 vs. 7.4 ± 0.8 mm, P = 0.01). The percentages of OCT-thrombus score and volume reduction were highly correlated with the inter-OCT analyses delay (respectively ρ = 0.65 and ρ = 0.84, P < 0.01 for both). CONCLUSION FD-OCT assessment of thrombus volume in selected ACS patients is feasible, safe, and could allow clot regression monitoring in vivo.
To study the long-term local effects of a single balloon catheter deendothelialization of the aorta in the rabbit, the incorporation of [3H]leucine and [3H]thymidine into protein and DNA, respectively, and [14C]acetate and [14C]mevalonate into sterols was measured in incubations of intima-media sections prepared from vessels taken 1 year following the procedure. The uptake of [3H]thymidine by the tissue was essentially the same as in the nonballooned controls, but the incorporation of [3H]leucine and [14C]acetate into tissue residue (proteins and glycoproteins) was approximately nine times and four times control values, respectively. At the same time, sections from the ballooned animals incorporated over six times the amount of radioactive acetate into nonsaponifiable lipids and cholesterol than did controls. In animals ballooned 3 months before sacrifice, when about half of the aortic luminal surface was covered with endothelium, intima-media tissue from both covered and uncovered areas showed increased uptake of labeled precursors into protein, nonsaponifiables, and cholesterol but there was no significant difference in incorporation between reendothelialized and nonendothelialized areas. The persistence of increased metabolic activity in the vessel following the loss of endothelium could be a contributing factor in the atherogenic process.
A PCR-RFLP based method was developed to diagnose and identify the Leishmania species causing American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) in a panel of clinical samples obtained from an endemic region of Brazil. The comparison of the results obtained by PCR-RFLP and PCR-hybridization in the identification of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and L. (Leishmania) amazonensis were highly concordant (kappa=91.5%). The PCR-RFLP method was reliable, fast and easy to conduct on biopsies and presents potential value of utmost importance for the diagnosis and identification of Leishmania in clinical specimens, infected reservoirs and vectors.
Fresh and processed meats offer numerous nutritional and health benefits and provide unique eating satisfaction in the lifestyle of the modern society. However, consumption of red meat including processed products is subjected to increasing scrutiny due to the health risks associated with cytotoxins that potentially could be generated during meat preparation. Evidence from recent studies suggests free radical pathways as a plausible mechanism for toxin formation, and antioxidants have shown promise to mitigate process-generated chemical hazards. The present review discusses the involvements of lipid and protein oxidation in meat quality, nutrition, safety, and organoleptic properties; animal production and meat processing strategies which incorporate natural antioxidants to enhance the nutritional and health benefits of meat; and the application of mixed or purified natural antioxidants to eliminate or minimize the formation of carcinogens for chemical safety of cooked and processed meats.
Concentrated growth factor (CGF) is a newly generated complex that comprises a fibrin matrix incorporating growth factors and plasmatic and leukocyte cytokines. It has been widely used in bone regenerative medicine. However, the effect of CGF on peripheral nerve regeneration had not been previously investigated. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the possibility of using CGF for nerve regeneration by i) investigating the effect of CGF on the proliferation of Schwann cells (SCs) and secretion of neurotrophic factors nerve growth factor (NGF) and glial cell line‑derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in vitro; and ii) analyzing the effect of CGF on functional nerve recovery after nerve injury in vivo. CGF was prepared from venous blood taken from rats, and using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) we noted that it featured a fiber‑like appearance with pore size ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 µm. The soluble component of CGF was used to produce conditioned media with which to treat the Schwann cell line. A cell counting kit-8 assay and cell cycle analysis were both used to study the proliferative effect of CGF on SCs. Reverse transcription-quantitative PCR and western blot analysis demonstrated that there was an increase in the mRNA and protein expression of NGF and GDNF, both of which are markers of SC neurotrophic secretion. A model of sciatic nerve crush injury was established for the in vivo experiment, and CGF was found to increase the sciatic functional index (indicative of nerve function). We noted that CGF increased SC proliferation and secretion of neurotrophic factors in vitro, and promoted functional recovery after peripheral nerve injuries in vivo. These results suggest that CGF is a promising candidate biomaterial for peripheral nerve regeneration, and may potentially be utilized to repair nerve injuries.
Double-hit lymphoma (DHL) is among the most aggressive and chemoresistant lymphoma subtypes. DHLs carry genomic abnormalities in MYC, BCL2 and/or BCL6 oncogenes. Due to simultaneous overexpression of these driver oncogenes, DHLs are highly resistant to the frontline therapies. Most DHLs overexpress both MYC and BCL2 driver oncogenes concurrently. We reasoned that simultaneous suppression of the two driver oncogenes would be more effective in eradicating DHLs than inactivation of single oncogene. XPO1 is a receptor for nuclear cytoplasmic transport of protein and RNA species. Recently, XPO1 inhibition was shown to downregulate MYC expression in several cancer cell lines. We therefore examined the role of XPO1 as a therapeutic target in suppressing MYC function and the potential synergistic effects of simultaneous suppression of XPO1 and BCL2 in the treatment of DHL. Here, we demonstrate that XPO1 inhibition abrogates MYC protein expression and induces massive tumor cell apoptosis. Combined use of XPO1 and BCL2 inhibitors is highly effective in eradicating DHL cells in cell culture. Notably, in a mouse model of DHL bearing primary tumor cells derived from lymphoma patients, combined treatment with XPO1 and BCL2 inhibitors blocks tumor progression, prevents brain metastasis, and extends host survival. Thus, our study confirms the simultaneous targeting of MYC and BCL2 driver oncogenes through the combined use of XPO1 and BCL2 inhibitors as a unique approach for the treatment of DHLs
This paper examines the cobalt-doped ceria/reduced graphene oxide (Co-CeO2/rGO) nanocomposite as a supercapacitor and modeling of its cyclic voltammetry behavior using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Random Forest Algorithm (RFA). Good agreement was found between experimental results and the predicted values generated by using ANN and RFA. Simulation results confirmed the accuracy of the models, compared to measurements from supercapacitor module power-cycling. A comparison of the best performance between ANN and RFA models shows that the ANN models performed better (value of coefficient of determination >0.95) than the RFA models for all datasets used in this study. The results of the ANN and RFA models could be useful in designing the unique nanocomposites for supercapacitors and other strategies related with energy and the environment.
OBJECTIVES Nonpharmacological options to treat pain are in demand, in part to address the opioid crisis. One such option is acupuncture. Battlefield acupuncture (BFA) is an auricular needling protocol currently used to treat pain in the Veterans Health Administration. We aimed to identify the advantages and disadvantages of BFA from providers' perspectives. METHODS We rely on an inductive qualitative approach to explore provider perceptions through thematic analysis of semistructured interviews with 43 BFA providers across the nation. RESULTS We identified the following themes. Disadvantages included: (1) clinical guidelines are insufficient; (2) patients often request multiple BFA visits from providers; (3) BFA can be uncomfortable; (4) BFA may not be an effective treatment option unless it can be provided "on demand"; and (5) BFA can promote euphoria, which can have deleterious consequences for patient self-care. Perceived advantages included: (1) BFA can simultaneously effectively control pain while reducing opioid use; (2) BFA may alleviate the pain that has been unsuccessfully treated by conventional methods; (3) BFA gives providers a treatment option to offer patients with substance use disorder; (4) BFA helps build a trusting patient-provider relationship; (5) BFA can create the opportunity for hope. CONCLUSIONS Providers perceive BFA to have many benefits, both clinical and relational, including ways in which it may have utility in addressing the current opioid crisis. BFA is easy to deliver and has potential clinical and relational utility. Efforts to better understand effectiveness are warranted.
A series of 8-heteroarylthiomethyldipyridodiazepinone derivatives were prepared and evaluated for their antiviral profile against wild type virus and the important K103N/Y181C mutant as an indicator for broad activity. 2,6-Dimethylpyridine derivative 16 was found to have a good pharmacokinetic profile in spite of poor metabolic stability in rat liver microsomes.
OBJECTIVE To compare two strategies of patient recruitment, waiting room (WR) screening and screening after physician referral (PR), for participation in a treatment-outcome study of minor depression and dysthymia in primary care. The influence of demographic factors on patients' refusal to participate in WR screening was also examined. METHOD Of a convenience sample of 3,344 first stage patients, a total of 609 patients were evaluated in a semi-structured manner using a two-stage screening procedure from the mood module of the Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD). RESULTS Male and older patients were more likely to refuse participation in screening than female and younger patients. Waiting room screens yielded a higher number of qualified patients compared to PR screens, but PR screens yielded a higher percentage of patients who qualified for further participation. CONCLUSIONS The recruitment of male and older primary care patients is complicated by their tendency to refuse participation in WR screening for a treatment-outcome study of milder depression. Although each recruitment strategy offers advantages and disadvantages, the simultaneous use of both is recommended to recruit the most patients in the least amount of time.
AIMS/INTRODUCTION The present meta-analysis was carried out to assess the association between exposure to the level of atmospheric particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5; fine particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm) and type 2 diabetes mellitus or gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). MATERIALS AND METHODS We searched the Medline, EMBASE, Cochrane and Web of Science databases to obtain articles according to the responding literature search strategies. Among a total of 279 identified articles, 55 were reviewed in depth, of which 10 articles (11 cohort studies) satisfied the inclusion criteria. Only cohort studies that disclosed the association between PM2.5 and type 2 diabetes mellitus or GDM were included in this article. A fixed-effects model was selected if P > 0.1 and I2 < 50%; otherwise, a random-effects model would be used to calculate the total effect value. Subgroup analysis was further carried out according to the types of diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes mellitus and GDM). The relative risk was used to estimate the association between PM2.5 and diabetes mellitus. RESULTS The positive associations between PM2.5 and the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus were found in the long-term exposure period (relative risk 1.25, 95% confidence interval 1.10-1.43), which showed that with every 10-μg/m3 increase in PM2.5, the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus would increase by 25% in the long-term exposure. Although the significant associations were not identified between maternal exposure to PM2.5 and GDM in the first trimester, the second trimester and the entire pregnancy periods, we could conclude that maternal exposure to PM2.5 in the entire pregnancy period would be more likely to lead to developing GDM (relative risk 1.162, 95% confidence interval 0.806-1.675) than the other two periods. CONCLUSIONS Long-term exposure to PM2.5 would be more likely to lead to developing type 2 diabetes mellitus, but more studies would be required to confirm the association between PM2.5 and GDM. It might be a wise to take effective measures to reduce PM2.5 exposure in vulnerable populations, especially for pregnant women.
Changes in different osmoregulatory and metabolic parameters over time were assessed in gills, kidney, liver and brain of gilthead sea bream Sparus auratus transferred either from seawater (SW, 38 p.p.t.) to hypersaline water (HSW, 55 p.p.t.) or from SW to low salinity water (LSW, 6 p.p.t.) for 14 days. Changes displayed by osmoregulatory parameters revealed two stages during hyperosmotic and hypo-osmotic acclimation: (i) an adaptive period during the first days of acclimation (1-3 days), with important changes in these parameters, and (ii) a chronic regulatory period (after 3 days of transfer) where osmotic parameters reached homeostasis. From a metabolic point of view, two clear phases can also be distinguished during acclimation to hyperosmotic or hypo-osmotic conditions. The first one coincides with the adaptive period and is characterized by enhanced levels of plasma metabolites (glucose, lactate, triglycerides and protein), and use of these metabolites by different tissues in processes directly or indirectly involved in osmoregulatory work. The second stage coincides with the chronic regulatory period observed for the osmoregulatory parameters and is metabolically characterized in HSW-transferred fish by lower energy expenditure and a readjustment of metabolic parameters to levels returning to normality, indicative of reduced osmoregulatory work in this stage. In LSW-transferred fish, major changes in the second stage include: (i) decreased glycolytic potential, capacity for exporting glucose and potential for amino acid catabolism in liver; (ii) enhanced use of exogenous glucose through glycolysis, pentose phosphate and glycogenesis in gills; (iii) increased glycolytic potential in kidney; and (iv) increased glycogenolytic potential and capacity for use of exogenous glucose in brain.
The biological experimental materials comprised of five powdery mildew resistant genotypes RLC-92, Sagar Local, Sabour Yellow, Sakoor and Neela were crossed as per Line × Tester design with four powdery mildew susceptible T-397, Chambal, Neelam and Shekhar genotypes, which was taken from AICRP on Linseed, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, I.G.K.V., Raipur (C.G.), India; during Rabi 2014-15 and 2015-16. In India and Chhattisgarh, it has been observed that major limiting factors for higher production is powdery mildew. Particularly in Chhattisgarh, the yield losses due to powdery mildew may be more than 60% when the disease is severe. Powdery mildew is the major cause in the linseed production during utera cultivation, It lows yield about 40%. The assessment of the disease per plant was obtained by observing the intensity of lesions present on the leaves. Keeping in this view, disease screening studies were made to understand the development of powdery mildew diseases. So, we need a high yielding linseed variety for late sown conditions with resistance to powdery mildew. With this objective, field screening of parents and twenty crosses for resistance to powdery mildew was initiated. Powdery mildew score ranged from 0 (free) to 5 (highly susceptible), 2 genotypes found highly resistant, 3 genotypes showed resistant, 3 genotypes comes under moderately resistant, 3 genotypes shows moderately susceptible, 5 genotypes showed susceptible and 13 genotypes shows highly susceptible. Highly resistant genotype could be utilized as donar parent for powdery mildew resistance breeding programm