imagewidth (px)
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [122.0, 58.0, 193.0, 147.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 156.99899291992188, "gazey": 136.49966430664062, "width": 300, "height": 451 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [208.8, 34.4, 322.2, 192.6]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 269.0010070800781, "gazey": 344, "width": 410, "height": 400 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [217.8, 21.0, 282.2, 112.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 84.00150299072266, "gazey": 153, "width": 450, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [356.2, 142.2, 417.8, 231.8]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 83.27400207519531, "gazey": 314.1839904785156, "width": 600, "height": 800 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [211.0, 10.0, 286.0, 92.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 4.76007604598999, "gazey": 48.7140007019043, "width": 356, "height": 200 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [64.8, 143.6, 143.2, 258.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 284.1107177734375, "gazey": 151.9199981689453, "width": 601, "height": 400 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [107.0, 37.0, 177.0, 122.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 211.50143432617188, "gazey": 114, "width": 413, "height": 400 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [252.0, 23.0, 362.0, 145.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 301.498291015625, "gazey": 87, "width": 379, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [132.8, 16.8, 190.2, 88.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 153.99899291992188, "gazey": 49.50175857543945, "width": 300, "height": 451 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [163.0, 5.0, 247.0, 98.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 96.49752044677734, "gazey": 54.999000549316406, "width": 497, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [314.8, 50.0, 365.2, 120.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 61.50175094604492, "gazey": 108, "width": 425, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [49.0, 22.0, 126.0, 108.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 422.9984130859375, "gazey": 69.9990005493164, "width": 440, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [174.4, 13.8, 255.6, 134.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 443.4998779296875, "gazey": 66, "width": 451, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [68.0, 40.0, 213.0, 217.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 176.00100708007812, "gazey": 134.49783325195312, "width": 300, "height": 447 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [130.0, 5.0, 270.0, 165.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 17.00008773803711, "gazey": 84, "width": 376, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [502.0, 87.0, 620.0, 227.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 115.99574279785156, "gazey": 170.1750030517578, "width": 686, "height": 500 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [48.0, 3.93, 108.4, 85.67399999999999]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 159.30799865722656, "gazey": 155.0581512451172, "width": 200, "height": 393 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [176.0, 29.0, 219.0, 83.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 68.0009994506836, "gazey": 123.50025939941406, "width": 300, "height": 433 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [132.0, 31.0, 249.0, 177.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 192.9759979248047, "gazey": 103.37303924560547, "width": 400, "height": 552 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [176.0, 71.8, 239.0, 171.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 37, "gazey": 108.9990005493164, "width": 400, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [117.8, 139.8, 210.2, 253.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 93.9990005493164, "gazey": 427.4983825683594, "width": 300, "height": 451 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [316.6, 49.8, 382.4, 128.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 221.4996337890625, "gazey": 30.999000549316406, "width": 451, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [125.8, 78.4, 169.2, 138.6]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 53.000999450683594, "gazey": 419.5021667480469, "width": 300, "height": 451 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [94.0, 14.0, 233.0, 205.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 174, "gazey": 103.99871826171875, "width": 300, "height": 438 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [72.0, 150.0, 132.0, 210.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 168, "gazey": 114.9990005493164, "width": 400, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [437.0, 30.0, 675.0, 292.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 1.4545600414276123, "gazey": 147.27000427246094, "width": 800, "height": 600 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [90.0, 53.0, 212.0, 207.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 15.590100288391113, "gazey": 365.82000732421875, "width": 300, "height": 402 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [220.0, 186.248, 382.0, 393.524]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 17.59950065612793, "gazey": 382.87481689453125, "width": 500, "height": 751 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [84.4, 72.8, 123.6, 123.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 293.0009460449219, "gazey": 180, "width": 448, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [93.0, 92.0, 135.0, 137.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 369, "gazey": 123.9990005493164, "width": 400, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [124.0, 65.0, 231.0, 181.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 435.4991149902344, "gazey": 102.9990005493164, "width": 451, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [162.95999999999998, 24.8, 222.88, 91.6]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 85.33280181884766, "gazey": 43.33399963378906, "width": 280, "height": 200 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [306.4, 33.2, 359.6, 101.8]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 113, "gazey": 111.9990005493164, "width": 400, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [127.0, 103.2, 162.0, 150.8]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 24, "gazey": 72.49825286865234, "width": 300, "height": 451 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [137.0, 11.0, 225.0, 120.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 2.5000030994415283, "gazey": 102, "width": 493, "height": 400 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [182.0, 33.0, 295.0, 120.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 249.8159942626953, "gazey": 38.54560089111328, "width": 600, "height": 400 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [223.0, 82.0, 292.0, 150.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 146.4983367919922, "gazey": 15, "width": 451, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [50.0, 16.0, 101.0, 74.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 524.6829223632812, "gazey": 70.18000030517578, "width": 595, "height": 400 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [208.6, 149.0, 281.4, 247.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 126.19999694824219, "gazey": 191.96800231933594, "width": 631, "height": 400 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [240.4, 43.2, 328.6, 160.8]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 186, "gazey": 186.99899291992188, "width": 400, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [169.0, 57.0, 264.0, 158.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 6, "gazey": 53.001258850097656, "width": 400, "height": 494 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [182.0, 58.0, 240.0, 127.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 209, "gazey": 290.0010070800781, "width": 400, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [239.0, 55.0, 282.0, 107.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 447.9984130859375, "gazey": 113, "width": 480, "height": 400 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [73.2, 66.6, 148.8, 167.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 210.50091552734375, "gazey": 81.9990005493164, "width": 387, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [353.2, 54.8, 435.8, 161.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 90.99954223632812, "gazey": 207.99899291992188, "width": 498, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [362.0, 5.0, 445.0, 131.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 171.50177001953125, "gazey": 146.00100708007812, "width": 451, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [198.0, 74.0, 261.0, 152.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 311.9988098144531, "gazey": 119.0009994506836, "width": 444, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [116.6, 96.0, 175.4, 180.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 275.0010070800781, "gazey": 326.50146484375, "width": 300, "height": 451 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [272.0, 88.8, 328.0, 160.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 96.90596771240234, "gazey": 255.66799926757812, "width": 567, "height": 400 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [109.0, 109.0, 187.0, 202.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 290.79901123046875, "gazey": 199.40133666992188, "width": 300, "height": 454 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [135.8, 48.2, 193.2, 123.8]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 473.9980773925781, "gazey": 297.9989929199219, "width": 544, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [262.2, 126.6, 316.8, 206.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 204.99989318847656, "gazey": 126, "width": 434, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [177.6, 34.6, 264.4, 142.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 161.49859619140625, "gazey": 152.00100708007812, "width": 451, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [245.8, 92.4, 289.2, 159.6]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 99.49961853027344, "gazey": 137.00100708007812, "width": 451, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [230.0, 128.0, 362.0, 269.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 230.0020751953125, "gazey": 205, "width": 462, "height": 400 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [339.8, 33.8, 390.2, 105.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 356.5019836425781, "gazey": 54.999000549316406, "width": 451, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [73.0, 2.0, 221.0, 184.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 207, "gazey": 198.50067138671875, "width": 400, "height": 411 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [68.8, 27.4, 126.2, 115.6]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 105.45999908447266, "gazey": 127.16999816894531, "width": 400, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [282.0, 61.0, 324.0, 103.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 304.6891174316406, "gazey": 109.61100006103516, "width": 433, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [92.6, 27.0, 214.4, 195.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 167.5709991455078, "gazey": 121.19895935058594, "width": 300, "height": 398 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [106.0, 17.0, 193.0, 105.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 217, "gazey": 81.501953125, "width": 500, "height": 505 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [450.6, 105.0, 628.4, 329.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 235.91250610351562, "gazey": 239.08999633789062, "width": 750, "height": 500 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [121.8, 41.0, 235.2, 188.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 286.709716796875, "gazey": 161.28900146484375, "width": 451, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [96.6, 24.6, 267.4, 244.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 208, "gazey": 171.0000762939453, "width": 400, "height": 488 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [135.0, 188.0, 332.0, 408.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 473.7564697265625, "gazey": 388.2300109863281, "width": 906, "height": 600 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [188.4, 7.6, 255.6, 108.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 198.66168212890625, "gazey": 74.01000213623047, "width": 504, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [257.0, 118.0, 425.0, 356.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 300.4268493652344, "gazey": 289.5899963378906, "width": 818, "height": 600 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [403.4, 163.6, 449.6, 215.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 310.7882080078125, "gazey": 149.48399353027344, "width": 604, "height": 400 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [90.2, 65.2, 158.8, 168.8]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 189, "gazey": 134.00100708007812, "width": 400, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [266.0, 19.0, 355.0, 132.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 216.498046875, "gazey": 144.99899291992188, "width": 451, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [251.0, 3.0, 404.0, 142.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 225.00108337402344, "gazey": 120.9990005493164, "width": 452, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [92.4, 60.6, 152.6, 147.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 187.9993133544922, "gazey": 147.99899291992188, "width": 402, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [119.0, 36.0, 237.0, 185.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 158.00100708007812, "gazey": 112.501953125, "width": 300, "height": 451 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [105.4, 151.4, 200.6, 267.6]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 243, "gazey": 235.99986267089844, "width": 300, "height": 474 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [202.2, 96.6, 277.8, 190.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 273, "gazey": 161.00100708007812, "width": 400, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [237.0, 10.0, 402.0, 171.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 140.50904846191406, "gazey": 147.56100463867188, "width": 451, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [323.8, 64.6, 402.2, 165.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 315.138916015625, "gazey": 127.76100158691406, "width": 452, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [93.8, 68.8, 221.2, 231.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 215.00100708007812, "gazey": 230, "width": 300, "height": 400 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [59.0, 48.0, 171.0, 157.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 244, "gazey": 165, "width": 500, "height": 400 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [199.0, 77.0, 347.0, 265.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 220.86000061035156, "gazey": 302.27294921875, "width": 400, "height": 601 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [104.0, 39.0, 219.0, 175.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 162, "gazey": 129.00149536132812, "width": 300, "height": 450 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [141.8, 145.2, 255.2, 297.8]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 243.27000427246094, "gazey": 268.2745056152344, "width": 600, "height": 650 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [134.0, 20.0, 272.0, 172.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 117.9990005493164, "gazey": 108.50157928466797, "width": 300, "height": 451 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [78.2, 3.4, 125.8, 77.6]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 63.43199920654297, "gazey": 46.471290588378906, "width": 200, "height": 419 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [89.712, 18.0, 174.084, 106.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 137.49966430664062, "gazey": 83.33399963378906, "width": 267, "height": 200 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [108.8, 43.4, 180.2, 131.6]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 201, "gazey": 115.49854278564453, "width": 400, "height": 499 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [42.8, 0.0, 226.2, 243.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 126, "gazey": 195.49977111816406, "width": 400, "height": 421 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [90.8, 94.0, 183.2, 213.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 190.2989959716797, "gazey": 87.4681625366211, "width": 300, "height": 416 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [126.0, 166.0, 250.0, 316.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 244.72799682617188, "gazey": 282.5459899902344, "width": 400, "height": 600 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [219.0, 19.0, 327.0, 148.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 262.5015869140625, "gazey": 92.0009994506836, "width": 411, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [309.0, 23.0, 399.0, 147.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 326, "gazey": 135, "width": 400, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [72.2, 41.6, 168.8, 156.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 151.00039672851562, "gazey": 122.0009994506836, "width": 454, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [168.0, 31.0, 282.0, 158.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 243.49940490722656, "gazey": 120.9990005493164, "width": 451, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [87.4, 74.4, 168.6, 176.6]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 198, "gazey": 140.99899291992188, "width": 300, "height": 380 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [525.2, 91.4, 740.8, 389.6]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 525.47998046875, "gazey": 360.947998046875, "width": 906, "height": 600 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [48.504000000000005, 16.0, 143.256, 93.6]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 137.66676330566406, "gazey": 52.66600036621094, "width": 282, "height": 200 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [191.4, 108.4, 244.6, 189.6]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 168.49810791015625, "gazey": 152.00100708007812, "width": 451, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [77.0, 59.0, 184.0, 193.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 116.45999908447266, "gazey": 178.16799926757812, "width": 300, "height": 400 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [143.2, 95.0, 246.8, 235.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 150.99899291992188, "gazey": 182.5016632080078, "width": 300, "height": 451 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [92.6, 44.8, 158.4, 144.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 316.000732421875, "gazey": 59.000999450683594, "width": 404, "height": 300 }