[ { "context": "The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task is an alternative method for creating document sequences.", "qas": [ { "id": "01102", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this a alternatives methods making create documents sequences?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: You can load data to the payment requests interface tables using predefined templates and the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01159", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll loads information take which payments requesting interfaces tables?", "answers": [ { "text": "Using predefined templates and the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process.", "answer_start": 11 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Additional reasons that you can't cancel an invoice are as follows: \u0095 You applied a prepayment to the invoice. \u0095 Canceling the invoice reduces the billed quantity on the purchase order less than zero. For partially paid invoices, you can create a credit memo and then reconciliate it with the invoice to turn this invoice into a fully-paid invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00141", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I cancel an invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The invoice is: \u0095 Fully or partially paid \u0095 On hold \u0095 Selected for payment \u0095 Matched to a purchase order with a status of Finally closed \u0095 Already canceled \u0095 Corrected by a credit or debit memo", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can solve this issue by removing access granted to specific business units for the General Ledger job roles and the specific data access sets for the Payables job roles.", "qas": [ { "id": "01004", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What can you do to resolve issues with the report?", "answers": [ { "text": "Remove access granted to specific business units for General Ledger job roles, and specific data access sets for Payables job roles.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task is an alternative method for creating document sequences.", "qas": [ { "id": "00002", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is an alternative method for creating document sequences?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "With the document sequences document editing task Manage Payables, you can: Create a document sequence for the applicable determinant type : ledger or legal entity. Assign the sequence to one or more document sequence categories.", "qas": [ { "id": "00576", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What functions are provided by the Manage Payables Document Sequences task?", "answers": [ { "text": "Create a document sequence for ledger or legal entity, assign the sequence to document sequence categories, and specify the ledgers or legal entities for the assignment.", "answer_start": 12 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can use the Payables Invoice Register to review detailed information about invoices.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01533", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What reports able not using take reviewing detail source than invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payables Invoice Register.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Terminate payment process request Always. Anyone. Terminates the payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "00339", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the purpose of the \"Terminate payment process request\" action?", "answers": [ { "text": "To terminate the payment process.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Centralized payment processing allows you to implement a shared payment service model.", "qas": [ { "id": "00874", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does centralized payment processing do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Implement a shared payment service model.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This is the budget date for the payment. It\u0092s the same as the payment date.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00265", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's the budget date?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment date.", "answer_start": 12 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Submitting a Payment Process Request... 1. Sign in as a transaction user. 2. On the Home page, click Payables > Payments... 14. Click Submit.", "qas": [ { "id": "00376", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do I submit a payment process request in Oracle Fusion?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sign in as a transaction user, navigate to Payables > Payments, and follow the steps to specify the selection criteria, payment attributes, processing options, and then submit the request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Denying the option causes the payment process to apply credits when the credits reduce the payment amount to less than zero\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01928", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which \"Apply outstanding down take mean amounts payment\" options do?", "answers": [ { "text": "It applies credits when they reduce the payment amount to less than zero.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The section \"Considerations for Closing a Payables Period\" provides a list of activities to consider before closing a Payables period.", "qas": [ { "id": "00439", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What should be done before closing an Oracle Fusion Payables period?", "answers": [ { "text": "Complete and approve all transactions and payment files, reconcile payments to bank statements, transfer all approved invoices and payments to the general ledger, submit the Unaccounted Transactions and Sweep process, close the current Payables period, reconcile Payables activity for the period, and open the next Payables period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Voiding of payment also triggers funds reservation but with a negative payment amount.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00271", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens when a payment is voided?", "answers": [ { "text": "It triggers a negative funds reservation.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Consider enabling this option for spontaneous payment runs...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00244", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can immediate payment file creation benefit spontaneous payment runs?", "answers": [ { "text": "It completes the process without waiting for a scheduled process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Withdraw approval Only when the payment process request status is Payments Approval Initiated.", "qas": [ { "id": "01436", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When able \"Withdraw approval\" actions not taken?", "answers": [ { "text": "When the payment request status is Payments Approval Initiated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This process repeats until all approvals are complete. Note: Approvers can respond from the email notification, the Worklist notifications page, the Invoices landing page,\nor the Edit Invoice page. Invoice Header Approval\nThe Approval workflow can be configured at the invoice header level.", "qas": [ { "id": "01273", "is_impossible": false, "question": "At the levels able which Approval visualization not configured?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Approval workflow can be configured at the invoice header level.", "answer_start": 32 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The amount paid for the invoice with the distribution amount is made approximately", "qas": [ { "id": "00816", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The budget amount is determined.", "answers": [ { "text": "Prorated based on distribution.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This report can only be run for the Primary ledger and for non-adjustment periods. To view the report, you must select a ledger and request name...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01564", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which requirement making run which Payables take Ledger Reconciliation report?", "answers": [ { "text": "It can only be run for the Primary ledger and for non-adjustment periods. A ledger and request name must be selected.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can use the online ERP integration service for importing transactions to achieve automated processing.", "qas": [ { "id": "00607", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you process transactions?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the ERP Integration web service.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text lists several locations and associated navigation and actions related to payment document numbering of electronic payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00415", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can you take actions that affect payment document numbering of electronic payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Actions can be taken in various locations such as the Create Payment Document page, Create Payment Process Profile page, Create Electronic Payment Files submission page, and the Submit Payment Process Request page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"If any errors occur, payment void action terminates, and the payment remains in negotiable status.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00273", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if a payment void action errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment remains in negotiable status.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A single payment business unit provides payment services to multiple invoice business units.", "qas": [ { "id": "01975", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this provide also another double payments industry unit?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment services to multiple invoice business units.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This is the budget date for the payment. It\u0092s the same as the payment date.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00250", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does cash budgeting handle the budget date for payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "It uses the payment date as the budget date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text provides a table describing what is stamped on electronic payments when paper document numbering is enabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "00413", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is stamped on electronic payments when paper document numbering is enabled?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment document numbering and payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you set this option and bank charges apply, the payment process request rejects the installments because they might reduce the payment amount less than zero.", "qas": [ { "id": "01292", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not 'll sets which 'Apply outstanding down take mean amounts payment' options well banks charged apply?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment process request rejects the installments because they might reduce the payment amount less than zero.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Mentioned in the \"Considerations For Setting Up for Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation\" section.", "qas": [ { "id": "01546", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which Payables take General Ledger Reconciliation preparations step well report?", "answers": [ { "text": "To simplify reconciliation and reduce the amount of manual reconciling activity required.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After changing applicable setups, you can return to the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00310", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What do you need to do after changing setups to resolve validation errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "Return to the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Oracle Financials Cloud uses AI models to provide discount recommendations for single payments.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00781", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does the cloud help with discounting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Uses AI for discount recommendations.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Dynamic offers are helpful when managing an ad hoc early payment request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00765", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does the financials cloud give discounts for single payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "It uses AI models to suggest discount rates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text explains the presence of mandatory grouping options for SEPA and CGI on a specific page in Oracle Payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00425", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the mandatory ISO 20022 grouping options for SEPA and CGI?", "answers": [ { "text": "The mandatory ISO 20022 grouping options for SEPA and CGI are available on the Grouping tab on the Create and Edit Payment Process Profile page and tell Payments how to group transactions within a payment file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Credit liability amounts are reported as positive amounts because they represent outstanding balances, while balances of interest decrease in quantity.", "qas": [ { "id": "02134", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Credit well atm malpractice amount other treating differently.", "answers": [ { "text": "Credit liability amounts are reported as positive amounts because they represent outstanding balances. Debit liability amounts decrease the outstanding balance.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following options affect payment processing: Create a Payment Process Request Template page and Submit payment process request page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00839", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where are settings affecting the maximize credits option?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment Process Request Template and Submit Payment Process Request pages.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can only void a payment file after voiding all the payment parts of the file\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01925", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take absolute another payments file?", "answers": [ { "text": "After voiding all its payment parts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Creating a bank is the first step in the bank account creation.", "qas": [ { "id": "01602", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which second steps from which banks accounts creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Creating a bank.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text lists several locations and associated navigation and actions related to the numbering of payment documents for electronic payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00965", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can you take actions that affect payment document numbering?", "answers": [ { "text": "Actions can be taken in various locations such as the Create Payment Document page, Create Payment Process Profile page, Create Electronic Payment Files submission page, and the Submit Payment Process Request page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Bank Statements \u0095 If conversion rate isn't defined for a specific bank statement date or booking date, the application searches going back up to 1 year to find the closest conversion rate to use. \u0095 For converting the bank account amount to the ledger amount, the application uses the Accounting Conversion Rate Type (GL_CUR_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE) defined in the bank account setup for the corresponding bank account. \u0095 For converting the bank account amount to the reporting amount, the application uses the default conversion type defined at Currency Rates Manager.", "qas": [ { "id": "01639", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other converting rate handling making Bank Statements from Oracle Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "If a conversion rate isn't defined for a specific bank statement date, the application searches going back up to 1 year to find the closest conversion rate. The application uses the Accounting Conversion Rate Type for converting bank account amount to ledger amount, and the default conversion type defined at Currency Rates Manager for converting bank account amount to reporting amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text specifies that payment reference numbers are transmitted to the payment system or bank.", "qas": [ { "id": "01512", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other payments refers number transmitted?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment reference numbers are transmitted to your payment system or bank.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If there are errors during import, the errors can be corrected and re-uploaded using the Correct Import Errors spreadsheet...", "qas": [ { "id": "00526", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can errors during the Import External Transactions ESS job be corrected?", "answers": [ { "text": "Errors can be corrected and re-uploaded using the Correct Import Errors spreadsheet available from the Bank Statement and Reconciliation page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In the Essbase you have visibility of a variety of sources such as invoices, receipts and payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "02186", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What typically which source other provided from which Essbase?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sources such as invoices, receipts, and payment are available.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "On the Payment Validation error - Resolve page, you can resolve payment validation errors by removing one or more payments with validation errors from the payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00893", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why do you remove payments from the request?", "answers": [ { "text": "To resolve payment validation errors.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The video Submitting a Scheduled Process is a narrated visual overview of the process.", "qas": [ { "id": "00182", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the video 'Submitting a Scheduled Process' provide?", "answers": [ { "text": "A narrated visual overview of the process.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\nHow Invoices Are Approved\nYou can configure predefined workflows to manage invoice approvals.", "qas": [ { "id": "00170", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can invoice approvals be managed?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can configure predefined workflows to manage invoice approvals.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "These points are detailed in the section \"Considerations for setting up for payable to general ledger reconciliation\".", "qas": [ { "id": "00997", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What should be considered when setting up Oracle Fusion Payables?", "answers": [ { "text": "Consider points like reconciling by Business Unit or Ledger, assigning the Financial Category, setting the Reconciliation Data Purge Frequency Profile Option, and configuring User Security.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Approve payment Only when the payment process request status is Payments Approval Initiated. Approvers only. Allows the payment", "qas": [ { "id": "01433", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which changes which which \"Approve payment\" action?", "answers": [ { "text": "Allows the payment process request to continue.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you specify a payment business unit, the selection process finds installments for the invoice business units that the payment business unit services.", "qas": [ { "id": "00187", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does specifying a payment business unit affect the selection process?", "answers": [ { "text": "The selection process finds installments for the invoice business units that the payment business unit services.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Imaging specialists can check the quality and proper formatting of images sent by email.", "qas": [ { "id": "00619", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What can the specialists look for in the images sent by email?", "answers": [ { "text": "Quality and proper formatting.", "answer_start": 5 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The names are different because you are paying a third party. The supplier or party column displays the invoicing supplier...", "qas": [ { "id": "02006", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There other these list making which Payee well which Supplier before which payments step requested pages.", "answers": [ { "text": "The names are different because you're making a third-party payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To ensure that you have the most recent suppliers and purchase orders on your test platform, request a P2T\n(Production-to-Test) environment refresh. Refer to Oracle Applications Cloud Service Definition - Environment\nRefresh (Doc ID 2015788.1) for instructions. Note: A P2T refresh request can take up to 3 weeks to complete.", "qas": [ { "id": "00158", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How long can a P2T refresh request take?", "answers": [ { "text": "A P2T refresh request can take up to 3 weeks to complete.", "answer_start": 37 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment approval process allows management to control payments by prioritizing available funds.", "qas": [ { "id": "00879", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the process for approving payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Control payments by prioritizing available funds.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can void the individual payments or the entire payment file.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00272", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can you void individual payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, or the entire payment file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If your business process is to receive invoice images from your suppliers, communicate to them your imaging requirements, which the suppliers then send directly to the designated email.", "qas": [ { "id": "00614", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Suppliers can send invoice images.", "answers": [ { "text": "By sending the invoice images directly to the designated email.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For each payment processing request, you can specify selection criteria, payment attributes and processing options.", "qas": [ { "id": "01833", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What able 'll know u.s. than which payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Selection criteria, payment attributes, and processing options.", "answer_start": 8 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Payments are built into the fewest number of payment files...\".", "qas": [ { "id": "01889", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There this another benefits take slated payments files creation.", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments are built into fewer files, irrespective of the originating payment process request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When you are revalidated the payment is activated by any setup changes you made.", "qas": [ { "id": "01953", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen then 'll changes setups?", "answers": [ { "text": "Any setup changes are activated when payments are revalidated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The first step is to set up a payment process profile that contains all the necessary details to manage the payment process. You will create an ISO payment process profile. ... On the Manage Payment Process Profiles page, in the Search Results section, click Add... From the Payment File Format choice list, search and select the ISO20022 Common Global Implementation Format... Select the Usage Rules tab... Select the Payment System tab... Select the Payment tab... Select the Grouping tab... Select the Reporting tab...", "qas": [ { "id": "00371", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do I create an ISO Payment Process Profile in Oracle Fusion?", "answers": [ { "text": "Begin by signing in as a setup user, then navigate to the \"Manage Payment Process Profiles\" page under Financials. From there, add a new profile, specify its attributes, and complete the setup.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Standing offers use a combination of AI recommendations with manual overrides that you specify...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00222", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the role of AI recommendations in Standing Offers?", "answers": [ { "text": "Standing offers use a combination of AI recommendations with manual overrides specified by the user.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Distributions are used to create accounting entries and include information such as accounting date, distribution combinations and project information.", "qas": [ { "id": "00593", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the main role of distributions?", "answers": [ { "text": "To create accounting entries.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Enter the party name to limit the report to a single supplier or party.", "qas": [ { "id": "02130", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll limits which reports take another supplier?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enter a party to limit the report to a single supplier or party.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": " Processing Early Payment Discounts for Dynamic Offers... Discount amounts and payment amounts. ", "qas": [ { "id": "00767", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Dynamic offers can be used to create a payment.", "answers": [ { "text": "1. Retrieve the AI data science-driven discount recommendations. 2. Accept or override the AI discount recommendations. 3. The accepted discount rate combined with the days paid early determines the discount and payment amounts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To create payment files through a scheduled process, accept the default setting...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01912", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How take schedules which created which another payments file?", "answers": [ { "text": "Accept the default setting, then schedule processes.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An incomplete invoice is an invoice created from an invoice image that has invalid or missing data.", "qas": [ { "id": "00136", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's an incomplete invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "An incomplete invoice is an invoice created from an invoice image that has invalid or missing data.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following example describes how to manually load and import an electronic bank statement. 1. Obtain a bank statement file: bai2.txt, from the bank...5. Check for any processing errors from the Bank Statements and Reconciliation Overview page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00518", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can one manually load and import an electronic bank statement?", "answers": [ { "text": "Obtain the bank statement file, compress it into a .zip file, transfer the .zip file to the Web Center document repository, run the Load and Import Bank Statement process, and check for any processing errors.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Payments stops the payment process when both are missing.", "qas": [ { "id": "00845", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if the bank account and profile are missing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments stops; manual assignment needed.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To enable payment approval, navigate to Setup and Maintenance, search, and select Manage Disbursement System Options.", "qas": [ { "id": "00334", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where do you enable payment approval?", "answers": [ { "text": "Setup and Maintenance.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Invoice As-of Date Specify the date for the liability account.", "qas": [ { "id": "01029", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the purpose of the liability account?", "answers": [ { "text": "Specify the date for the liability account.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"By default, the budget date for void action for an invoice payment is same as the Void Accounting Date.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01374", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's which defaults spending dates making another absolute action?", "answers": [ { "text": "Same as the Void Accounting Date.", "answer_start": 13 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To cancel such an invoice, you'll need to: Import daily exchange rates, Run the Apply Missing Conversion Rates process, Confirm the exchange rate, Cancel the invoice again.", "qas": [ { "id": "01245", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I postpone a 25-cent but recently another any rates hold?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can\u0092t cancel this invoice because it's missing conversion rates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can use the Apply credits up to zero amount payment option... to offset credit amounts against standard invoices of your supplier \"", "qas": [ { "id": "00831", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the \"Apply credits up to zero amount payment\" option do?", "answers": [ { "text": "It offsets credit amounts against standard supplier invoices.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "How to Test To test your existing IDR implementation: \u00e2 enable IDR 24 hours before testing begins, navigate to setup and maintenance > Financials > Payables > Manage Intelligent Recognition Options and click save. \u00e2 Use the Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report to track the status of IDR processed invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "00710", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to track the status of IDR processed invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report.", "answer_start": 32 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can set the following ledger options: Sequencing By: Enables document sequencing for the ledger or legal entities associated with that ledger. Enforce Document Sequencing: When set to Payables, indicates that invoices and payments require voucher numbers. Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date: Checks the accounting date on the invoice header when you save an invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00015", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What ledger options can be set in the system?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sequencing By, Enforce Document Sequencing, and Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Record Print Status page is used to mark payment documents as skipped or spoiled, renumber subsequent payment documents, review results and report payments as dated.", "qas": [ { "id": "00942", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The Record Print Status page is used to handle payment documents.", "answers": [ { "text": "It is used to mark payment documents as skipped or spoiled, review renumbered documents, and report payments as issued.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can set the following ledger options: Sequencing By: Enables document sequencing for the ledger or legal entities associated with that ledger. Enforce Document Sequencing: When set to Payables, indicates that invoices and payments require voucher numbers. Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date: Checks the accounting date on the invoice header when you save an invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01103", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What walters option able not sets from which system?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sequencing By, Enforce Document Sequencing, and Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When the approvers respond, notifications are sent to the next set of approvers, until all approvals are complete.", "qas": [ { "id": "01822", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able approvers responding take approved notifications?", "answers": [ { "text": "Approvers can respond from the email notification, the Worklist notifications page, the Invoices landing page, or the Edit Invoice page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A stop payment request records the dates of the order that a stop payment was placed with or release from a financial institution.", "qas": [ { "id": "01996", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this another stopping payments request?", "answers": [ { "text": "A stop payment request records the dates that a stop payment order was placed with, or released from, a financial institution.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can create invoices via a spreadsheet using the create invoice in spreadsheet task and also submit the import process of the invoice in the spreadsheet.", "qas": [ { "id": "00570", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you use a spreadsheet to create invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can create invoices through the Create Invoice in Spreadsheet task and then submit the invoice import process from the spreadsheet.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": " Project number task number Expenditure type Expenditure Organization ", "qas": [ { "id": "00654", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What attributes are required for project-related invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You must use the following details when creating a project-related invoice: \u0095 Project Number \u0095 Task Number \u0095 Expenditure Type \u0095 Expenditure Organization", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Payments enables the selection of documents payable for inclusion in a payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00836", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the requirements for each document?", "answers": [ { "text": "Assignment of a disbursement bank account and a payment process profile.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The default setting includes all pay groups, but you can specify one or more pay groups.", "qas": [ { "id": "01286", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which defaults set making paying organizations from which selected criteria?", "answers": [ { "text": "The default setting includes all pay groups.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"For a more efficient reconciliation, don't allow general ledger sources other than Oracle Fusion Payables to post to Payables accounts.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00465", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is recommended for a more efficient reconciliation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Do not allow general ledger sources other than Oracle Fusion Payables to post to Payables accounts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Before running this report, the following steps will be taken Validate invoices to reduce the number of unvalidated invoices on the report Create payables accounting entries If you use payables, submit the Check Accounts for the Status Update method.", "qas": [ { "id": "01050", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How should the Payables Unaccounted Transactions and Sweep Report be run?", "answers": [ { "text": "Validate invoices, create payables accounting entries, and if using bills payables, submit the Update Matured Bills Payable Status process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Within each stage, a request can have a different status.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00199", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can a request have different statuses within a stage?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, within each stage, a request can have a different status.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Lists the type of transaction, such as standard invoice, debit memo, credit memo, prepayment, withholding invoice and payment request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01037", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the types of transactions that are listed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment, Withholding Invoice, and Payment Request.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can resolve payment validation errors by terminating the entire payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01418", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll terminating another payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"Click the Terminate Payment Process button in the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Before merging, review invoices to avoid duplicates. The merge process has implications for transferring all invoices and unpaid invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "01249", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen take a 25-cent then I merging another supplier?", "answers": [ { "text": "When you perform the Merge Suppliers task, you have the option of transferring all invoices or only unpaid invoices.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To change details on the payable documents, you must remove the payment or the document payable from the payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00862", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you make changes to the documents?", "answers": [ { "text": "Remove them from the payment process request and then edit.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To set up these connections, follow the steps described in the AI Implementation Workflow topic...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01333", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able 'll how mode step making Early Payment Discount Offers?", "answers": [ { "text": "AI Implementation Workflow topic.", "answer_start": 11 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If the bank name/alternative bank name or branch name/alternative branch name associated with the bank code/branch number changes, the data will be updated.", "qas": [ { "id": "01058", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If the bank name or branch name changes, what is the new information?", "answers": [ { "text": "The data associated with the bank code/branch number will be updated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Parameters section under \"Payables Cash Requirement Report\".", "qas": [ { "id": "01536", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What variables other require making which Payables Cash Requirement Report?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment Business Unit, Template, Pay Through Date, Payment Date, Summary Option, and Include Unvalidated Invoices.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Payables is integrated to the document repository for processing scanned invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "01106", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this Oracle Payables systems making materials digitized invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It is integrated to the document repository.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An invoice header defines common information about an invoice, such as invoice number, invoice amount, supplier and payment terms.", "qas": [ { "id": "00591", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does an invoice have to say?", "answers": [ { "text": "Common information about an invoice.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"If you have multiple payables accounts, you can limit the process to specific accounts [...] If the financial category in the account chart is not assigned to any natural account values, the process fails.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01009", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The reconciliation report requires accounts to be included.", "answers": [ { "text": "The natural account segment values must have a Financial Category of Accounts Payable.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "From the landing page of the invoices, click the Create Recurring Invoices task to open the Create Recurring Invoices sheet", "qas": [ { "id": "01657", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll using which creating recurrent phony feature?", "answers": [ { "text": "From the Invoices landing page, click the Create Recurring Invoices task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Payables improves security by limiting access to invoices and payments by business unit. You can access invoices and payments for viewing or processing only for business units that you have permission to do.", "qas": [ { "id": "01677", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if Oracle Fusion Payables improving 25-cent well payments security?", "answers": [ { "text": "By limiting access to invoices and payments by business unit and allowing access only to those business units for which a user has permission.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Rounding differences between the original invoice liability amount and the sum of the payment liabilities are automatically written off.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01573", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other outs differing handling from properly pay invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "Rounding differences are automatically written off when the final payment or prepayment application is accounted.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A spoiled payment document can't be used : blank payment documents do not have the document or check number already printed on them.", "qas": [ { "id": "02037", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must I ca and another box payments document?", "answers": [ { "text": "A spoiled blank payment document cannot be used and should be destroyed.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After you send the images to the email account, the imaging solution retrieves them for further processing. The solution checks for new images every minute and creates invoices from the images.", "qas": [ { "id": "01165", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen take which imagery sending take which designation email?", "answers": [ { "text": "The imaging solution retrieves them for further processing, checks for new images every minute and creates invoices from the images.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Distributions are used to create accounting entries and include information such as Accounting date, Distribution combinations, and Projects information.", "qas": [ { "id": "00043", "is_impossible": false, "question": " What is the main role of distributions in relation to invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "To create accounting entries.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For a negative amount correction, create a credit or debit memo. For a positive amount correction, create a standard invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01226", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's a amounts correction?", "answers": [ { "text": "An amount correction is a supplier invoice that adjusts the amount of either an unmatched invoice, or an invoice that's matched to a services-based purchase order or receipt.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"By default, the budget date for void action for an invoice payment is same as the Void Accounting Date.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00274", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's the default budget date for a void action?", "answers": [ { "text": "Same as the Void Accounting Date.", "answer_start": 13 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can also pay a prepayment in a currency that is different from the invoice currency and must ensure that both the invoice and the prepayment are the same invoice currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "01730", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take using these currency making 25-cent well prepayment?", "answers": [ { "text": "Both the invoice and the prepayment must have the same invoice currency.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An invoice group is a collection of invoices that the application uses as: A parameter for the Validate Payables Invoices process, A parameter for some payables reports, One of the selection criteria for a payment process request. If you enable the Require invoice grouping option on the Manage Invoice Options page, you must associate each invoice with an invoice group.", "qas": [ { "id": "00101", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's an invoice group?", "answers": [ { "text": "An invoice group is a collection of invoices that the application uses as: A parameter for the Validate Payables Invoices process, A parameter for some payables reports, One of the selection criteria for a payment process request. If you enable the Require invoice grouping option on the Manage Invoice Options page, you must associate each invoice with an invoice group.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can't change details of the documents payable or invoices, such as amounts or currencies, during the payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01404", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can detail which papers deferred not however since validation?", "answers": [ { "text": "No, they are locked.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The solution routes invoices with exceptions to accounts payable personnel for review and completion.", "qas": [ { "id": "01712", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other exception handled?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are routed to accounts payables personnel for review and completion.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment was made to a third party, you can view the third party payment setup in the Third-Party Payment Relationship section...", "qas": [ { "id": "02000", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The manufacturer referred before which pay 25-cent this these in which smartlink referred before which payment.", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment was made to a third party.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The list of values in the Receipt field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of receipts.", "qas": [ { "id": "00107", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I find a specific receipt to match to an invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The list of values in the Receipt field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of receipts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can resolve this issue. Remove the access granted to specific business units for the General Ledger job roles, and the specific data access sets for the Payables job roles.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01554", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll resolving issue and needless preliminary from which Payables take Ledger Reconciliation report?", "answers": [ { "text": "Remove access granted to specific business units for General Ledger job roles, and specific data access sets for Payables job roles.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Payables Open Items Revaluation Report lists changes in the value of open items, such as unpaid invoices and credit memos, due to conversion rate fluctuations.", "qas": [ { "id": "00497", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the Payables Open Items Revaluation Report list?", "answers": [ { "text": "Changes in the value of open items due to conversion rate fluctuations.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Check the status of the failed transactions found in the ValidationErrors.txt log file. 2. Enter the conversion rates for failed transactions. 3. Submit the Cash Position Extraction Job process. 4. Review the status for the Cash Position Data Extraction and Cash Position Data Transfer processes. 5. Review Log Files for any further warnings or errors.", "qas": [ { "id": "02188", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When faced another warnings status, why action must not taken?", "answers": [ { "text": "Review failed transactions in the ValidationErrors.txt log file, correct the conversion rates, resubmit the Cash Position Extraction Job process, and review the status and log files for further warnings or errors.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text describes two actions that can lead to the generation of payment document numbers for electronic payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "01517", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other payments documents number making digital payment generated?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment document numbers can be generated by selecting a payment document when submitting a payment process request or the Create Electronic Payment Files submission page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Failure handling for validation failures for documents: Specifies processing instructions for handling document validation failures.", "qas": [ { "id": "01846", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which options making methodology handled making documents?", "answers": [ { "text": "Processing instructions for handling document validation failures.", "answer_start": 8 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can fix payment validation errors on the page Resolve payment validation errors.", "qas": [ { "id": "00855", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why would you want to remove payments from a request?", "answers": [ { "text": "To resolve validation errors.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The accounts that record invoice distributions and related variance distributions depend on the accrual method and item type.", "qas": [ { "id": "01190", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other probability account sources with?", "answers": [ { "text": "The accounts that record invoice distributions and related variance distributions depend on the accrual method and item type.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Those are locked during the payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01411", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can 'll changes which amounts instead currencies which papers deferred since validation?", "answers": [ { "text": "No.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "At the Payment File Level, you don't have the option to remove individual documents from a payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "02050", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take removing equal papers opened which payments files level?", "answers": [ { "text": "You cannot remove individual documents payable from a payment at the payment file level.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Demand the payment process always - no one will - terminates the payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01989", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which \"Terminate payments step request\" action?", "answers": [ { "text": "To terminate the payment process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To set up sequences for invoices and payments, perform the following tasks: Specify document options, Manage Payables Document Sequences, (Optional) Manage Invoice Options, (Optional) Manage Payment Options", "qas": [ { "id": "01673", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which task but needs take not doing take sets down which sequences making phony well payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Specify Ledger Options, Manage Payables Document Sequences, Manage Invoice Options (optional), and Manage Payment Options (optional).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Report the payment on the record status page after printing the document on a new numbered invoice", "qas": [ { "id": "00940", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do I report a payment after it's been printed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Report the payment as issued on the Record Print Status page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Search for Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report. If you test the same invoice multiple times, change the invoice account number in Payables to avoid duplicate invoice number errors. Note : Oracle recommends that you do not repeat an invoice during testing.", "qas": [ { "id": "00712", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Does the same invoice need to be tested repeatedly?", "answers": [ { "text": "No, Oracle recommends that you don't repeat an invoice during testing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In Oracle Fusion Payables, a prepayment is a type of invoice that you can apply to an outstanding invoice to reduce the invoice amount.", "qas": [ { "id": "00072", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is a prepayment defined in Oracle Fusion Payables?", "answers": [ { "text": "In Oracle Fusion Payables, a prepayment is a type of invoice that you can apply to an outstanding invoice to reduce the invoice amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Before running this report: \u0095 Validate invoices to reduce the number of unvalidated invoices on the report. \u0095 Create payables accounting entries. \u0095 If you use bills payables, submit the Update Matured Bills Payable Status process.", "qas": [ { "id": "00500", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What steps should be taken before running the Payables Unaccounted Transactions and Sweep Report?", "answers": [ { "text": "Validate invoices, create payables accounting entries, and if using bills payables, submit the Update Matured Bills Payable Status process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment business unit groups standard invoices, prepayments, and credit memos for the same supplier", "qas": [ { "id": "01428", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other phony consist from payments processing?", "answers": [ { "text": "By supplier name and site.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can void a payment file only after voiding all the payment parts of the file.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01375", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When able 'll absolute another payments file?", "answers": [ { "text": "After voiding all its payment parts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To change details on the bills payable, you must remove the payment or the payment document from the payment request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00873", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you make changes to the documents?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"Remove the payment or document payable from the payment process request and then make changes in the Edit Invoice page.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Negative Balances Only Select Yes to limit the report to suppliers with negative balances.", "qas": [ { "id": "00481", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does selecting 'Yes' for Negative Balances Only do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Select Yes to limit the report to suppliers with negative balances.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: Oracle recommends that you don't repeat an invoice during testing. You should only test with as many\nunique invoices as possible. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Choose at least 25 suppliers and process 2-3 invoices for each of these suppliers.", "qas": [ { "id": "01263", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How some manufacturers must 'll choosing making tests well why some phony 50 supplier?", "answers": [ { "text": "Choose at least 25 suppliers and process 2-3 invoices for each of these suppliers.", "answer_start": 23 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If banks and/or branches are present in both the Zengin file and Oracle ERP Cloud, then they will be ignored.", "qas": [ { "id": "00506", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What actions are taken if banks and/or branches are present in both the Zengin file and Oracle ERP Cloud?", "answers": [ { "text": "They will be ignored.", "answer_start": 16 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The application notes the spoiled numbering of the payment document, associates the new number with that payment, and reprints the new numbered payment document.", "qas": [ { "id": "00939", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When a payment document is reprinted, what happens to the original number?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application associates the new number with that payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use this report to forecast immediate cash needs for the payment of invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "02085", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which report?", "answers": [ { "text": "To forecast immediate cash needs for invoice payments.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Immediate payment file creation precludes grouping of similar payments that originated in different payment process requests into a single payment file.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01356", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When 'll creating payments file immediately, why could not another drawback?", "answers": [ { "text": "Grouping of similar payments from different requests into a single file might be precluded.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Cash Management Cash Position Import process to upload the cash positioning data of external systems into the Essbase Cash Position Cube.", "qas": [ { "id": "02193", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which information export process?", "answers": [ { "text": "To upload the cash positioning data from external systems into the Essbase Cash Position Cube.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text lists several locations and associated navigation and actions related to the numbering of payment documents for electronic payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "02065", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able 'll come action but affecting payments documents numbering?", "answers": [ { "text": "Actions can be taken in various locations such as the Create Payment Document page, Create Payment Process Profile page, Create Electronic Payment Files submission page, and the Submit Payment Process Request page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Business Unit: Use this parameter to reconcile by a specific organization... Don't specify a business unit if you implemented centralized payment processing using the service provider model.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01558", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must not regarded then specify which Business Unit formula_4 from which peace process?", "answers": [ { "text": "Explicitly map business units to balancing segment values; do not specify a business unit if using centralized payment processing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you choose to reprint, perform the following steps: 1. Reprint the payment to a new numbered payment document on the Reprint Payment Documents page, 2. Report the payment as issued on the Record Print Status page... If you choose not to reprint, mark the numbered payment document as spoiled on the Record Print Status page and then destroy the paper document.", "qas": [ { "id": "02032", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca I agreement and another lucky payments document?", "answers": [ { "text": "If you choose to reprint, reprint the payment onto a new numbered payment document and report the payment as issued. If you choose not to reprint, mark the document as spoiled and destroy the paper document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Invoice types: The application provides several types of invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "01689", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which application's offering from implies take 25-cent categorization?", "answers": [ { "text": "It provides several types of invoices.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task is an alternative method for creating document sequences.", "qas": [ { "id": "01114", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this a alternatives methods making create documents sequences?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Those are locked during the payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "00311", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can you change the amount or currency of documents payable during validation?", "answers": [ { "text": "No.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Reissue of payment involves voiding of the original payment and issuing a new payment in place of the old one.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01376", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this payments reissuing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Voiding the original and issuing a new one.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To achieve this, you assign paper document numbering values, which are check numbers, to electronic formats.", "qas": [ { "id": "00405", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are paper document numbers assigned to electronic formats?", "answers": [ { "text": "Paper document numbering values, which are check numbers, are assigned to electronic formats.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Navigate to the menu > Payables > Payments > Tasks > Submit Payment Process Request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01934", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able I how which \"Submit Payment Process Request\" page?", "answers": [ { "text": "Navigator > Payables menu > Payments link > Payments Tasks pane > Submit Payment Process Request link.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the FBDI template for Import Payables invoices process to generate invoices from invoice records in the Oracle Fusion Payables open interface tables.", "qas": [ { "id": "01681", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which templates must not using making which Import Payables Invoices process?", "answers": [ { "text": "The FBDI template.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Payments are built into the fewest number of payment files, without being limited by which payment process request the payments were created in.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01357", "is_impossible": false, "question": "In slated payments files creation, why other payment grouped?", "answers": [ { "text": "Into the fewest number of files, without limitation from their originating request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Run the Apply Missing Conversion Rates process when the Require conversion rate entry option on the Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement page is disabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "01467", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must I ca not which \"Require converting rate\" enter options this handicapped though I those dead converting rates?", "answers": [ { "text": "Run the \"Apply Missing Conversion Rates\" process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An installment can meet the selection criteria of a payment process request, but not be selected for payment for one or more reasons...", "qas": [ { "id": "01997", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why didn't this getting chosen making payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "An installment can meet the selection criteria but not get selected for various reasons.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can resolve payment validation errors by terminating the entire payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00309", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When might you decide to terminate an entire payment process request?", "answers": [ { "text": "When encountering validation errors.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Use the dynamic offers when creating a payment for a single supplier. When you create the payment, you have the following options available: You retrieve the AI data science driven discount recommendations.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00226", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you retrieve AI-driven discount recommendations when creating a payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the dynamic offers option when creating a payment for a single supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Review installments: Stops the payment process request after selecting the installments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00743", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What can you do with the 'Review installments' option?", "answers": [ { "text": "Review installments, add or remove installments, edit payment and discount amounts, specify user conversion rates, and calculate withholding and interest.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The immediate creation of a payment file excludes the grouping of similar payments that originated in different payment processing requests into a single payment file.", "qas": [ { "id": "00806", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What might be a disadvantage when you create payment files immediately?", "answers": [ { "text": "Grouping of similar payments from different requests into a single file might be precluded.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can create accounting entries for invoice and payment transactions using Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting Subledger Accounting creates the final accounting for the subledger journal entries and transfers the accounting to the Oracle Fusion General Ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "02014", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other phony well payment accounted?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are accounted using Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting which creates the final accounting for subledger journal entries and transfers the accounting to Oracle Fusion General Ledger.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Details are provided in the section \"Complete and approve all transactions and payment files\".", "qas": [ { "id": "00990", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What processes should be used to complete and approve transactions?", "answers": [ { "text": "Run processes like Import Payables Invoice, Update Matured Bills Payable Status, Apply Missing Conversion Rates, and submit payment process requests and invoice and payment registers.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Social link on the Review Installments page to invite your manager to a conversation about adding installments to a payment process request...", "qas": [ { "id": "01453", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I using education messaging take getting approved making added instalments take another payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Social link on the Review Installments page to invite your manager to a conversation.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "How to Test To test your existing IDR implementation: \u00e2 enable IDR 24 hours before testing begins, navigate to setup and maintenance > Financials > Payables > Manage Intelligent Recognition Options and click save. \u00e2 Use the Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report to track the status of IDR processed invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "01810", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take tracks which recognized which IDR shipped invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report.", "answer_start": 32 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The data imported to Cash Management are Bank Statement Headers Bank Statement Lines System Transactions ", "qas": [ { "id": "01094", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What data is imported into Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "Bank Statement Headers, Bank Statement Lines, and System Transactions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can resolve some payment validation errors by changing the setup to allow the payments to pass validation.", "qas": [ { "id": "01420", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able particular methodology error not address any remove payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"By leaving the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page and changing the setup of remittance bank accounts, third party payees, payment methods, or payment formats.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The account, fin/cashmanagement/import is created on the Web Center for the Oracle Fusion Cash Management users.", "qas": [ { "id": "01067", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What account is created for users of the Web Center?", "answers": [ { "text": "The account fin/cashManagement/import.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Different outcomes for the status being \"Initiated\" and other than \"Initiated\" like Ends existing approval processes, Updates the approval status, etc.", "qas": [ { "id": "00148", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if I force approve an invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The outcome depends on whether the invoice approval status is Initiated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When this action is taken, Payments removes the payment and associated documents from the Payment Process Request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00865", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When payments are removed, what happens to the documents?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"Payments removes the payment and associated documents payable from the payment process request.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Specify payment details with attributes, such as payment date and payment process profile.", "qas": [ { "id": "01290", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What ca payments traits specify?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment details with attributes, such as payment date and payment process profile.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Those with the Accounts Payable Supervisor role may cancel invoices of unsubmitted supplier portal.", "qas": [ { "id": "02145", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Unsubmitted manufacturer portals phony able not canceled.", "answers": [ { "text": "Users with the Accounts Payable Supervisor role.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For each document payable, Payments selects parameters and calls an API.", "qas": [ { "id": "00291", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is a missing bank account derived?", "answers": [ { "text": "Using the CE_BANK_AND_ACCOUNT_UTIL.get_internal_bank_accts API.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For invoices requiring budget control, the cancellation of an invoice also reverses the expenditure expenditure funds consumed and restores the previously obligated funds for the purchase order for matched invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "00692", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If I cancel an invoice, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "Canceling an invoice sets invoice and installment amounts to zero, reverses invoice distributions, and reverses matches to purchase order schedules and distributions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Like the cash budgeting, the cash account ensures that it has sufficient funds before clearing the supplier payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00818", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Cash budgeting ensures what?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sufficient funds before payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "-", "qas": [ { "id": "00704", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When does invoice matching include freight and other lines?", "answers": [ { "text": "Freight and miscellaneous lines aren't supported during the tolerance setup for invoice matching.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In the Essbase you have visibility of a variety of sources such as invoices, receipts and payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "01086", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What types of sources are available in the Essbase?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sources such as invoices, receipts, and payment are available.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The first step is to set up a payment process profile that contains all the necessary details to manage the payment process. You will create an ISO payment process profile on the page Manage Payment Process Profiles, in the search results section, click Add... Search and select the ISO20022 Common Global Implementation Format... Select the Payment System tab... Select the Payment tab... Select the Grouping tab... Select the Reporting tab...", "qas": [ { "id": "02021", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca I creating a ISO payments process?", "answers": [ { "text": "Begin by signing in as a setup user, then navigate to the \"Manage Payment Process Profiles\" page under Financials. From there, add a new profile, specify its attributes, and complete the setup.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document. You can sequence invoices and payments by assigning them voucher numbers.", "qas": [ { "id": "01100", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other documents sequence from implies take phony well payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Sequencing by: Enables document sequence for the ledger or legal entities associated with that ledger. When set to Payables, indicates that invoices and payments require voucher numbers.", "qas": [ { "id": "00575", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What options can be set in the system?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sequencing By, Enforce Document Sequencing, and Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "From the landing page of the invoices, click the Create Recurring Invoices task to open the Create Recurring Invoices sheet", "qas": [ { "id": "00557", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you use the create recurring invoices feature?", "answers": [ { "text": "From the Invoices landing page, click the Create Recurring Invoices task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Document validation Pending action to address document validation errors Validation failed for some installments and the value of the option for handling document validation failures is Stop process for review. Requires a manual review.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01304", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When able documents methodology error requiring users action?", "answers": [ { "text": "When validation fails for some installments and the value of the option for handling document validation failures is \"Stop process for review\".", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A prepayment invoice can be paid partially, but can't be applied to a standard invoice or expense report until it has been paid to the full.", "qas": [ { "id": "00701", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why was the prepayment invoice's status displayed as not paid?", "answers": [ { "text": "Though prepayment is paid partially the status is shown as unpaid on the invoice workbench.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can download the spreadsheet template to prepare your cash position data. The template contains an instruction sheet to help guide you through the process. To access the template, complete the following steps: 1. Navigate to the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Financials Cloud guide. 2. In the Table of Contents, click File-Based Data Imports. 3. Click Cash Management Cash Position Data Import. 4. In the File Links section, click the link to the Excel template.", "qas": [ { "id": "01645", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll provide which templates making prepare my money determined data?", "answers": [ { "text": "Navigate to the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Financials Cloud guide, click File-Based Data Imports, click Cash Management Cash Position Data Import, and click the link to the Excel template in the File Links section.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To create payment files through a scheduled process, accept the default setting...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01362", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How take schedules payments files creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Accept the default setting, then schedule processes.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To achieve this, you assign paper document numbering values, which are check numbers, to electronic formats.", "qas": [ { "id": "01505", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other printed documents number command take digital formats?", "answers": [ { "text": "Paper document numbering values, which are check numbers, are assigned to electronic formats.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Payables Posted Payment Register to review accounting lines for payments that were transferred to the general ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "01593", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which central using which Payables Posted Payment Register?", "answers": [ { "text": "To review accounting lines for payments transferred to the general ledger.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After preparing the data in the spreadsheet : 1. Click the Generate CSV File button on the Instructions and CSV Generation tab to generate a ZIP file with 3 CSV files. 2. Transfer the generated ZIP file to the web center document repository (UCM) ; select fin$/cashManagement$/import$ account ; 4. Select the name of the ZIP file transferred to the fin$/cashManagement$/import $ repository in the UCM ; 4. The data from the ZIP file will be loaded to", "qas": [ { "id": "02197", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this which money determined information imported?", "answers": [ { "text": "Generate a ZIP file containing 3 CSV files, transfer the ZIP file to WebCenter document repository, submit the ESS job Load Interface File for Import process, select Cash Position Data Transfer for the Import Process and the name of the ZIP file for Data File, and the data will be loaded to the specified interface tables. After that, the Cash Position Data Transfer ESS job will be automatically invoked to import the data into the Cash Position Transaction Cube.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"When you submit a payment process request the request passes through different stages of processing\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00748", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When you submit a payment request, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "The request passes through various stages of processing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"the cash budgeting ensures that the cash account has sufficient funds before clearing the supplier payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01368", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if money rationalization ensure?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sufficient funds before payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A third-party payment is a payment that you make to a supplier on behalf of another supplier - An office supply company sells their receivables to a collection agency for cash -", "qas": [ { "id": "01999", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this another plug-ins payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "A third-party payment is a payment that you make to a supplier on behalf of another supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you need to route incomplete invoices based on other rules, you can modify the routing rule or add new routing rules. You can use the Approval Management extensions (AMX) of the Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Human Workflow to add\nnew rules. The Oracle Business Process Management (BPM) Worklist application provides the interface to administer\nthe rules for users with Financial Application Administrator job roles.", "qas": [ { "id": "00167", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which application provides the interface to administer the rules for users with Financial Application Administrator job roles?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Oracle Business Process Management (BPM) Worklist application provides the interface to administer the rules.", "answer_start": 43 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can also create a template on the Create Payment Process Request Template page and schedule the template to send the payment request later.", "qas": [ { "id": "00730", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What can you do with the template?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can create a template and schedule the template to submit the payment process request later.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Whether the supplier matches the invoice to a purchase order or consumption advice determines the resulting invoice type in Oracle Fusion Payables. A matched invoice becomes a standard invoice or credit memo. An unmatched invoice becomes an invoice request, which must be approved using the Invoice Approval workflow. Once approved, the invoice request then becomes a standard invoice or credit memo.", "qas": [ { "id": "01202", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's another kiosk invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-service invoice is an invoice that a supplier enters through Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Payments enables selection of documents payable for inclusion in a payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00286", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is required for each document payable?", "answers": [ { "text": "Assignment of a disbursement bank account and a payment process profile.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Additional reasons that you can't cancel an invoice are as follows: \u0095 You applied a prepayment to the invoice. \u0095 Canceling the invoice reduces the billed quantity on the purchase order less than zero. For partially paid invoices, you can create a credit memo and then reconciliate it with the invoice to turn this invoice into a fully-paid invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01210", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I postpone a invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The invoice is: \u0095 Fully or partially paid \u0095 On hold \u0095 Selected for payment \u0095 Matched to a purchase order with a status of Finally closed \u0095 Already canceled \u0095 Corrected by a credit or debit memo", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You should arrange the creation of payment file as part of a business process where payment selection is local or decentralized...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01896", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why could 'll do take schedules payments files creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "When payment selection is local or decentralized, and processing is centralized.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Specify the ledger : You can choose a primary or secondary ledger or a reporting currency ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "01025", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What ledgers can be specified?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can select a primary or secondary ledger, or a reporting currency ledger.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you have made a prepayment as inclusive then choose the Included option when you apply the prepayment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00628", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can a prepayment be inclusive?", "answers": [ { "text": "By selecting the Included on Invoice option when applying the prepayment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Prepayments categorize available prepayment that can be applied to invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "00598", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the prepayments in the infotile?", "answers": [ { "text": "Available prepayment that can be applied to invoices.", "answer_start": 2 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To derive the budget account, overlay the distribution natural account with the natural account segment value...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01917", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The spending accounts this derived.", "answers": [ { "text": "Overlaying distribution with cash account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To submit a payment process request... 4. On the Submit Payment Process Request page, select the Selection Criteria tab. 5. In the Name field, enter ISO_PPRXXX. Tip: In place of XXX, enter the appropriate number.", "qas": [ { "id": "00377", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can I name a payment process request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enter \"ISO_PPRXXX\" in the Name field, where \"XXX\" is the appropriate number.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You or the application can perform steps to ensure the assignment of bank account and payment process profile.", "qas": [ { "id": "01937", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When 'll submitted another payments request, why able 'll choose?", "answers": [ { "text": "Disbursement bank account and a payment process profile.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If more than one payment process profile is found, you must manually select the correct profile.", "qas": [ { "id": "01393", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What actions this require not another recent this missing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Manually select the correct profile.", "answer_start": 11 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Mass onboarding of suppliers... access to additional short-term working capital for suppliers\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01877", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which disadvantages which which Payables Early Payment offers?", "answers": [ { "text": "Mass onboarding, one-click offers, automated processing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you're the last user, then you're expected to provide the missing distribution amount to complete the task. Alternatively, you can assign this task to another user by using the Reassign action or you can return the invoice back to the initiator by using the Return action.", "qas": [ { "id": "01231", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I full which command tasks from which Account Coding visualization consent not which fraction 50 which which product amounts this more more which lines amount?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, if the sum total of the distribution amount is less than the sum of the invoice, provided you're not the last user in the workflow.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Pay Through Date: Enter a date to determine which invoices to select for payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01537", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if which Pay Through Date formula_4 affecting which Payables Cash Requirement Report?", "answers": [ { "text": "It determines which invoices to select for payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The invoice validation is also initiated only if the invoice has a distribution variance hold and does not have the following demands: Line variance Duplicate invoice matching required Invoice cancellation Inactive distribution set Cannot generate distributions Invalid default distribution combination Invalid PO PO not approved Final matching Incomplete invoice", "qas": [ { "id": "01779", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When ca phony getting started?", "answers": [ { "text": "Only invoices that have gone through the Invoice Validation process are initiated automatically for the invoice account coding workflow.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An invoice header defines common information about an invoice, such as: Invoice number, Invoice amount, Supplier, Payment terms.", "qas": [ { "id": "00041", "is_impossible": false, "question": " What does an invoice header typically define?", "answers": [ { "text": "Common information about an invoice.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"When you subject a payment to cash budgeting, the following attributes impact it: Budget date, Budget amount, Budget account.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01355", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What traits significant another payments torture take money budgeting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Budget date, budget amount, and budget account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You must assign the financial category of accounts payable to all your liabilities natured accounts values\"", "qas": [ { "id": "02100", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When assign another banking category, why must not done?", "answers": [ { "text": "Assign the financial category of Accounts Payable to all liability natural account values on the Manage Values page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Described in the \"Open the Next Payables Period, Run Interface Processes, and Run Reports\" section.", "qas": [ { "id": "01545", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must not doing before set which start Payables period?", "answers": [ { "text": "Run Payables interface processes and various tax and withholding tax reports.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"When you submit a payment process request, the request passes through various stages of processing.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01298", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen then 'll submitted another payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "The request passes through various stages of processing.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Payables provides an inbound flow for receiving invoices from suppliers electronically in industry standard XML. Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework (CMK) is used to set up business to business (B2B) messaging between customer and suppliers.", "qas": [ { "id": "01193", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other digital phony shipped from Oracle Fusion Payables?", "answers": [ { "text": "Oracle Fusion Payables receives invoices electronically in industry-standard XML using Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework (CMK).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: If issues arise during the payment processing that require your input, the processing pauses regardless of how the processing options are set.", "qas": [ { "id": "01847", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not all other problem and payments processing?", "answers": [ { "text": "The process pauses, regardless of how the processing options are set.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Withdraw approval only when the payment process request status is approved.", "qas": [ { "id": "00886", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When can withdrawal approval be taken?", "answers": [ { "text": "When the payment request status is Payments Approval Initiated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: You can load data using predefined templates and the Interface File to the payment requests interface tables for the scheduled process to import.", "qas": [ { "id": "00609", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Data can be loaded to the payment requests interface tables.", "answers": [ { "text": "Using predefined templates and the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A spoiled payment document can't be used. Blank payment documents don't have the document or check number already printed on them.", "qas": [ { "id": "01483", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this another lucky box payments document?", "answers": [ { "text": "A spoiled blank payment document is a ruined payment document that cannot be used, and it doesn't have the document or check number already printed on it.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This application provides the dashboard to identify suitable suppliers for dynamic discounting.", "qas": [ { "id": "01882", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which applications identifying suppliers?", "answers": [ { "text": "AI Apps for ERP.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An invoice can have one or more installments and include information such as due dates, due amounts, discount dates and payment method.", "qas": [ { "id": "01687", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How some instalments able a 25-cent have?", "answers": [ { "text": "One or more.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The names are different because you're making a third-party payment. The Supplier or Party column displays the invoicing supplier...", "qas": [ { "id": "01456", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why ca I come these list making which Payee well which Supplier instead Party before payments step requested pages?", "answers": [ { "text": "The names are different because you're making a third-party payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An invoice header defines common information about an invoice, such as invoice number, invoice amount, supplier and payment terms.", "qas": [ { "id": "01691", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if a 25-cent those take say?", "answers": [ { "text": "Common information about an invoice.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Payables Posted Payment Register to review accounting lines for payments that were transferred to the general ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "00493", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the main use of Payables Posted Payment Register?", "answers": [ { "text": "To review accounting lines for payments transferred to the general ledger.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"If the Financial Category isn't assigned to any natural account values in the chart of accounts, the process fails.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01560", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not which Financial Category this be command take not abundant accounts values?", "answers": [ { "text": "The reconciliation process fails.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"The original payment is unreserved and marked as voided.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00277", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens to the original payment when reissuing?", "answers": [ { "text": "It's unreserved and marked as voided.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": " Banks could reject payment files due on a weekend or a holiday. ", "qas": [ { "id": "00757", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If payment files are due on a weekend or a holiday, what will happen?", "answers": [ { "text": "Banks might reject the payment files, and the payer might incur extra charges when the payment date changes.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Various issues are listed under \"Differences between transactional and accountable Amounts\" section.", "qas": [ { "id": "02118", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other many particular issue but able causes differing in journaling well excluding amounts?", "answers": [ { "text": "Unaccounted transactions, transactions with subledger accounts outside the report's account range, discrepancies in transaction and subledger journal line amounts, journals not from Payables, and untransferred or unposted subledger journals.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Installments are grouped first by the invoicing supplier and then by the third-party payee.", "qas": [ { "id": "00358", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's the impact on grouping of installments for third-party payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Installments are grouped first by the invoicing supplier and then by the third-party payee.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If the same value is used for multiple transactions, the application creates just one party and uses the name of the first row.", "qas": [ { "id": "01839", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If which . Party Original System Reference amount this using making types transactions, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application creates just one party and uses the name from the first row.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Consider enabling this option for spontaneous payment runs...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00236", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why might you enable immediate payment file creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "For spontaneous payment runs without waiting for a scheduled process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For the synchronization of invoices and payments, perform the following tasks: Specify information entry options, Manage Payables Document Sequences, (Optional) Manage Invoice Options, (Optional) Manage Payment Options", "qas": [ { "id": "00551", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the tasks that need to be done to set up the sequence for invoices and payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Specify Ledger Options, Manage Payables Document Sequences, Manage Invoice Options (optional), and Manage Payment Options (optional).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The application deletes the existing intraday bank statement and imports the cumulative statement.", "qas": [ { "id": "00520", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the procedure for handling Intraday Bank Statements: Cumulative?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application deletes the existing intraday bank statement and imports the cumulative statement.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To run\nthe report, navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes and then click Schedule New Process. Then search for\nInvoice Document Recognition Tracking Report. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 If you're testing the same invoice repeatedly, change the invoice account number in Payables to avoid duplicate\ninvoice number errors.", "qas": [ { "id": "01261", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must 'll ca not tests which . 25-cent responded take avoiding errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "Change the invoice account number in Payables to avoid duplicate invoice number errors.", "answer_start": 31 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Defining a Transaction Calendar... Save the calendar.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00208", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do you define a transaction calendar?", "answers": [ { "text": "1. Navigate to My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance > Offering: Financials > Functional Area: Financial Reporting Structures, and select the Manage Transaction Calendars task. 2. Enter a calendar name and select the default business days. 3. Click Generate Calendar. 4. Select a date that's a holiday and deselect the Business Day check box for it. 5. Save the calendar.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Cash Positioning and Forecasting Solution Components The following is used to create your cash position and forecast: \u0095 Essbase cube: This component stores the actual transaction data sources such as AP payments, AR receipts, and Payroll payments... \u0095 SMART View and Excel: Is used to view the generated cash positioning and forecasting reports... \u0095 Interface tables: Are created to allow the extraction of data from the various sources before transferring them to the Essbase cube. \u0095 ADF User Interface: The Bank Statement page enable view both intraday and prior-day bank statements. \u0095 ESS Job: The program is created to support loading of data from different sources to the Essbase cube...", "qas": [ { "id": "01641", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What component other utilizing take creating money determined well forecasts from Oracle Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "Essbase cube, SMART View and Excel, Interface tables, ADF User Interface, and ESS Job are used.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payment approval is automatically triggered when it reaches the stage of the proposed payments review.", "qas": [ { "id": "00881", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The Review Proposed Payments stage has a status after payment.", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments Approval Initiated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "How invoices are approved You can configure predefined workflows to manage invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "00720", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can invoice approvals be managed?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can configure predefined workflows to manage invoice approvals.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Ideally, the transactions amount and the accounted amount should be the same on the summary of the report.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01017", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What should the relationship between payables be?", "answers": [ { "text": "They should be the same.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Within each stage, a request can have a different status\".", "qas": [ { "id": "01849", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can another requested those these statuses?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, within each stage, a request can have a different status.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Document sequences are unique numbers which are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document.", "qas": [ { "id": "01650", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which documents sequences from implies take phony well payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Import Payables Payment Requests process to create payment requests from data in the Payment Request interface table.", "qas": [ { "id": "00058", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is Payables Payment Request Import Data processed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Import Payables Payment Requests process to create payment requests from data in the Payment Request interface table.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If a payment is mistakenly applied to an invoice, you can unapply the prepayment, which then is available for application to another invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00631", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When you apply a prepayment to an invoice, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can unapply the prepayment, making it available for application to another invoice.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This application provides the dashboard to identify suitable suppliers to target for dynamic discounting.", "qas": [ { "id": "01874", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which central applications making identify suppliers?", "answers": [ { "text": "AI Apps for ERP provides the dashboard to identify suitable suppliers to target for dynamic discounting.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After you open the Oracle Fusion Payables period, run the validation process to release the hold.", "qas": [ { "id": "01247", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not I creating recurrent phony making another Payables periods and another recognized which Never Opened?", "answers": [ { "text": "The process that creates the recurring invoices automatically places the invoices on a closed period hold.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Invoice lines record details of goods and services including tax, freight and other charges and can be generated by matching an invoice to a purchase order, receipt or consumer advice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00592", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the details captured by the invoice lines?", "answers": [ { "text": "Details of the goods and services including tax, freight, and miscellaneous charges.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Recommended Setup for Early Payment Discount Offers... Get started with your Financials Implementation Guide.", "qas": [ { "id": "01866", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this require making late payments premium offers?", "answers": [ { "text": "You must set up connections that integrate with AI Apps for ERP.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The names are different because you're making a third-party payment. The Supplier or Party column displays the invoicing supplier...", "qas": [ { "id": "00363", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why are there different names for Payee and Supplier or Party on payment pages?", "answers": [ { "text": "You're making a third-party payment.", "answer_start": 5 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The calculation of the invoice price variance follows a specific formula.", "qas": [ { "id": "01800", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which mean in another prices adjustment well matched another sale order?", "answers": [ { "text": "A price correction offsets the invoice price variance without adjusting the billed quantity. An invoice or credit memo match updates the billed quantity without offsetting the invoice price variance.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Banks are identified with the bank code and branches are identified with the branch number.", "qas": [ { "id": "00505", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are banks and branches identified in this process?", "answers": [ { "text": "Banks are identified with the bank code and branches are identified with the branch number.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Manage banks and banks branches automatically by comparing the bank master file shared by the Japanese Bankers Association (Zengin) with Oracle ERP Cloud Data.", "qas": [ { "id": "01053", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is the maintenance of banks and branches done in Japan?", "answers": [ { "text": "By comparing the bank master file shared by the Japanese Bankers Association (Zengin) with Oracle ERP Cloud data and updating it monthly based on the Zengin file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To bulk upload banks and bank branches in Japan, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes. 2. Click Schedule New Process... 8. Click Submit.", "qas": [ { "id": "01609", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca 'll quantities uploads bank well banks smaller from Japan?", "answers": [ { "text": "Navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes, click Schedule New Process, select Upload Banks, Branches, and Accounts from the Name choice list, and follow the subsequent steps to submit the process with the Japan Zengin File.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Oracle Financials Cloud uses AI models to provide discount recommendations for single payments.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01323", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if Oracle Financials Cloud assistance from interaction discounting?", "answers": [ { "text": "It uses AI models to provide discount recommendations for single payments, allowing users to accept or override the suggested APR.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you choose Yes, include invoices payable accounts in the account parameter if they differ from the accounts payable accounts.", "qas": [ { "id": "02112", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When bill other including from which reconciliation, why must not considered?", "answers": [ { "text": "Include bills payable accounts in the Account parameter if they differ from accounts payable accounts. Select Yes if the bills payable liability account is the same as the regular liability account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For each payment processing request, you can specify selection criteria, payment attributes and processing options.", "qas": [ { "id": "00733", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What can you tell us about the payment process request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Selection criteria, payment attributes, and processing options.", "answer_start": 8 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When Payment approval is enabled, all payment process requests go through the payment approval process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01430", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen then payments approved this enabled?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments go through the payment approval process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Use the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report to facilitate the reconciliation of the payables data to the general ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "02113", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which report?", "answers": [ { "text": "To facilitate the reconciliation of payables data to the general ledger, providing summarized and detailed reconciling data for review.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you choose to reprint, perform both of the following steps: 1. Reprint the payment onto a new numbered payment document on the Reprint Payment Documents page. 2. Report the payment as issued on the Record Print Status page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01486", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I hardcover another lucky numbering payments document?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, you can reprint a spoiled numbered payment document onto a new numbered payment document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Use the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report to facilitate the reconciliation of payables data to the general ledger.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01563", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which Payables take Ledger Reconciliation report?", "answers": [ { "text": "To facilitate the reconciliation of payables data to the general ledger, providing summarized and detailed reconciling data for review.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Cash Management Data Positioning and Forecasting provides solutions to accurately report cash balances and position, which enables managers to make cash flows decisions such as investing and borrowing in a timely manner.", "qas": [ { "id": "01085", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the purpose of Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "To accurately report cash balances and position, enabling managers to make timely cash flows decisions like investing and borrowing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Tip: Before you merge, review invoices for both the old and new supplier to find and resolve duplicate invoices. The merge process doesn't transfer invoices if the merge results in a duplicate invoice for the new supplier. \u0095 All invoices: In addition to transferring all invoices, this option also transfers associated payments. \u0095 Unpaid invoices: This option excludes partially paid invoices and partially applied prepayments. If you have such invoices and prepayments, you must transfer all invoices. As an alternative, you can complete the payments and apply the prepayments before merging. Note: Once the merge has completed, it can't be undone.", "qas": [ { "id": "00118", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens to an invoice when I merge a supplier?", "answers": [ { "text": "When you perform the Merge Suppliers task, you have the option of transferring all invoices or only unpaid invoices.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Apply Missing Conversion Rates process uses conversion rate information from the Manage Daily Rates page to apply the conversion rates. The next time you validate the invoice, the No rate hold is automatically removed.", "qas": [ { "id": "01468", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other dead converting rate applying take phony from Oracle Fusion?", "answers": [ { "text": "The \"Apply Missing Conversion Rates\" process uses conversion rate information from the \"Manage Daily Rates\" page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Test existing implementation Test your existing IDR implementation on regular intervals to ensure the best recognition rates.", "qas": [ { "id": "00706", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How often should you test the implementation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Test your existing IDR implementation on regular intervals to ensure the best recognition rates.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Party Name Enter a party to limit the report to a single supplier or party.", "qas": [ { "id": "01580", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll limits which reports take another double supplier?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enter a party to limit the report to a single supplier or party.", "answer_start": 2 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Then immediately create payment files : Creates payment files for the submitted request, instead of waiting to combine payments from other requests into payments files.", "qas": [ { "id": "00745", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the 'create payment files immediately' option do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Creates payment files for the submitted request instead of waiting to combine payments from other requests into payment files.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The results of the Bank Statement Processing program are displayed in the Bank Statements and Reconciliation work area if a problem is encountered.", "qas": [ { "id": "00522", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where are the results of the Bank Statement Processing program displayed if a problem is encountered?", "answers": [ { "text": "In the Bank Statements and Reconciliation work area.", "answer_start": 10 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments removes the payment and associated documents payable from the payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01397", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen then payment other removed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments and associated documents are removed from the request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In case the conversion rate for a specific bank statement date or booking date isn't defined, the application searches back up to a year to find the closest conversion rate. For converting the bank account amount to the ledger amount, the application uses the accounting conversion rate type (GL_CUR_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE) defined in bank account setup for the corresponding bank account. For converting the bank account amount to the reporting amount, the application uses the default conversion type defined in", "qas": [ { "id": "01089", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are conversion rates for bank statements handled?", "answers": [ { "text": "If a conversion rate isn't defined for a specific bank statement date, the application searches going back up to 1 year to find the closest conversion rate. The application uses the Accounting Conversion Rate Type for converting bank account amount to ledger amount, and the default conversion type defined at Currency Rates Manager for converting bank account amount to reporting amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To create payment files immediately, select the Create payment files immediately option...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01359", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How take enabling possible payments files creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Select \"Create payment files immediately\".", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following protocols are supported for connecting and retrieving a file from bank server: ? Secure File Transfer Retrieval Protocol for Static File Names (SFTP_GET): The bank provides the SFTP server details including SFTP server host/ip, port, credential details.", "qas": [ { "id": "00513", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What protocols are supported for connecting and retrieving a file from a bank server?", "answers": [ { "text": "Secure File Transfer Retrieval Protocol for Static File Names (SFTP_GET).", "answer_start": 14 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If a prepayment is mistakenly applied to an invoice, you can unapply the prepayment. The prepayment is then available for application to another invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00081", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens when you mistakenly apply a prepayment to an invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can unapply the prepayment, making it available for application to another invoice.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Create a new payment process - Request - Template based on this Transaction Date and payment date by Date. \"", "qas": [ { "id": "01859", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca 'll assistant another transactions calendars and another payments step requested template?", "answers": [ { "text": "Create a new payment process request template or edit an existing one and select the transaction calendar you defined in the Transaction Calendar field.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Invoices landing page to perform various tasks when processing invoices. You can focus on invoices that require your attention through one of the 6 info tiles displayed on the Invoices landing page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01132", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which central purposes which which Invoices landed page?", "answers": [ { "text": "To perform various tasks when processing invoices.", "answer_start": 5 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The list of values in the Consumption Advice field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of consumption advice documents.", "qas": [ { "id": "01208", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I how another certain decrease answers take matches take a invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The list of values in the Consumption Advice field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of consumption advice documents.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can create accounting entries for invoice and payment transactions using Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting Subledger Accounting creates the final accounting for the subledger journal entries and transfers the accounting to the Oracle Fusion General Ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "00914", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are invoices and payments accounted?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are accounted using Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting which creates the final accounting for subledger journal entries and transfers the accounting to Oracle Fusion General Ledger.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A skipped numbered payment document scenario is where the payment is printed onto a payment document with a different number than you intended.", "qas": [ { "id": "00380", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is a skipped numbered payment document?", "answers": [ { "text": "A skipped numbered payment document occurs when the payment is printed onto a payment document with a different number than intended.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A prepayment invoice can be paid partially but it can't be applied to standard invoice or expense report. In order for you to apply a prepayment to a standard invoice or expense report it must be fully paid. Until it's fully paid, the status of the prepayment remains as unpaid.", "qas": [ { "id": "01220", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why never which recognized which another drop-out 25-cent not displaying also unpaid?", "answers": [ { "text": "Though prepayment is paid partially the status is shown as unpaid on the invoice workbench. This is intended behavior.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If a default third party payments relationship for the invoice date is defined, the third party information is copied to the invoice...", "qas": [ { "id": "02001", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not I creating a 25-cent making another manufacturer but this sets down making plug-ins payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "If a default third-party payment relationship is defined, the third-party information is copied to the invoice.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Later when the multiperiod accounting process is submitted, a portion of the total expenses is recognized. It is then moved from the accrual account to the actual expense account.", "qas": [ { "id": "00084", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens when the multiperiod accounting process is submitted?", "answers": [ { "text": "A portion of the total expenses is recognized and moved from the accrual account to the actual expense account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To enable payment approval, navigate to Setup and Maintenance, search, and select Manage Disbursement System Options.", "qas": [ { "id": "01984", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where ca 'll allowing payments approval?", "answers": [ { "text": "Setup and Maintenance.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "So you cant turn a Prepayment invoice to temporary after it is permanent, but you can cancel the Prepayment invoice and create a new one for the same purpose.", "qas": [ { "id": "00672", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to change a permanent prepayment invoice to a temporary one?", "answers": [ { "text": "The classification of a prepayment invoice as permanent isn\u0092t reversible.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This application provides the dashboard to identify suitable suppliers to target for dynamic discounting.", "qas": [ { "id": "00774", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the main application for identifying suppliers?", "answers": [ { "text": "AI Apps for ERP provides the dashboard to identify suitable suppliers to target for dynamic discounting.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment approval process allows management to control payments by prioritizing available funds.", "qas": [ { "id": "00329", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the payment approval process for?", "answers": [ { "text": "Control payments by prioritizing available funds.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Payables is integrated to the document repository for processing scanned invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "00006", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is Oracle Payables integrated for processing scanned invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It is integrated to the document repository.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The process that creates the recurring invoices automatically places the invoices on a closed period hold. After you open the Oracle Fusion Payables period, run the validation process to release the hold.", "qas": [ { "id": "01216", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not I creating recurrent phony making another Payables periods and another recognized which Never Opened?", "answers": [ { "text": "The process that creates the recurring invoices automatically places the invoices on a closed period hold. After you open the Oracle Fusion Payables period, run the validation process to release the hold.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Payables Posted Invoice Register to review accounting lines for invoices that were transferred to the general ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "01591", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which central purposes which Payables Posted Invoice Register?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Payables Posted Invoice Register to review accounting lines for invoices that were transferred to the general ledger.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can submit a payment batch for direct processing or you can stop and review the payment process at different stages...", "qas": [ { "id": "00909", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payment status bell notifications are displayed.", "answers": [ { "text": "You receive a payment status bell notification when the payment batch stops for required action or when the payment processing is complete.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Various issues listed under the \"Differences Between Transactional and Accounted Amounts\" section.", "qas": [ { "id": "00468", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What common issues can cause differences between transactional and accounted amounts?", "answers": [ { "text": "Unaccounted transactions, transactions with subledger accounts outside the report's account range, discrepancies in transaction and subledger journal line amounts, journals not from Payables, and untransferred or unposted subledger journals.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "By using a template, you can minimize date entry for frequently used payment processing settings, identify cash requirements by running the Payables Cash Requirement report against the template before submitting the template for processing, and schedule payment process requests to run on a regular basis.", "qas": [ { "id": "00181", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the benefits of using a template for payment processing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Minimize date entry for frequently used payment processing settings, identify cash requirements by running the Payables Cash Requirement report, and schedule payment process requests to run regularly.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\nAn incomplete invoice is one created from an invoice document that has invalid or missing data.", "qas": [ { "id": "00164", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is an incomplete invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "An incomplete invoice is one created from an invoice document that has invalid or missing data.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can manage the section headers and columns on the report.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01532", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll managed which reports exports which which Payables Invoice Audit also Voucher Number Listing report?", "answers": [ { "text": "By managing the section headers and columns, such as changing column sorting or converting a section header to a column or parameter.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Use the Reconciliation Data Purge Frequency profile option to specify the number of days to keep reconciliation data.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00451", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the Reconciliation Data Purge Frequency profile option used for?", "answers": [ { "text": "To specify the number of days to keep reconciliation data.", "answer_start": 8 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The approvers can either approve or reject the entire invoice. Approval flow This table describes steps in the approval flow. Step description Enable invoice approval Enable the invoice approval option on the Manage invoice options page to allow approvals for a business unit.", "qas": [ { "id": "01824", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll approved phony making another industry unit?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enable the Invoice Approval option on the Manage Invoice Options page to enable approvals for a business unit.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Remaining Amount Nets credits and debits booked to the liability account for the invoice, with an accounting date before or on the liability account date.", "qas": [ { "id": "00490", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is Remaining Amount calculated?", "answers": [ { "text": "Nets credits and debits booked to the liability account for the invoice, with an accounting date before or on the liability account date.", "answer_start": 2 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An invoice for a 3-month lease is entered on Jan. 10, and the total expense is 12,000 USD and covers the rental period from Jan. 1 to Mar. 31.", "qas": [ { "id": "01737", "is_impossible": false, "question": "In which provide scenario, why this which 50 expenses well rentals period?", "answers": [ { "text": "The total expense is 12,000 USD and covers the rental period from Jan. 1 to Mar. 31.", "answer_start": 12 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An incomplete invoice is an invoice created from an invoice image that contains invalid or missing data.", "qas": [ { "id": "01755", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this a incorrect invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "An incomplete invoice is an invoice created from an invoice image that has invalid or missing data.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You or the application can perform steps to ensure assignment of disbursement bank account and payment process profile.", "qas": [ { "id": "00287", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What can you select when submitting a payment request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Disbursement bank account and a payment process profile.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "With the Manage Payables document sequences task, you can: Create a document sequence for the applicable determinant type: ledger or legal entity, assign the sequence to one or more document sequence categories, and specify the ledgers or legal entities to which assignment applies.", "qas": [ { "id": "01666", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What function other provide also which Manage Payables Document Sequences task?", "answers": [ { "text": "Create a document sequence for ledger or legal entity, assign the sequence to document sequence categories, and specify the ledgers or legal entities for the assignment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An invoice for a 3-month lease is entered on Jan. 10th. The total expense is 12,000 USD and covers the rental period from Jan. 1 to Mar. 31.", "qas": [ { "id": "00087", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the total expense and rental period in the provided scenario?", "answers": [ { "text": "The total expense is 12,000 USD and covers the rental period from Jan. 1 to Mar. 31.", "answer_start": 11 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The account, fin/cashManagement/import, is created on the Web Center for the users of Oracle Fusion Cash Management.", "qas": [ { "id": "01617", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What accounts this creation before which Web Center making user which Oracle Fusion Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "The account fin/cashManagement/import.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To derive the budget account, overlay the distribution account natural account with the natural account segment value of the cash account\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00802", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The budget account for reserving funds is derived.", "answers": [ { "text": "By overlaying the distribution natural account with the cash account's natural account segment value.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Related Topics: Invoice Line Types, Invoice Distributions, Invoice Installments.", "qas": [ { "id": "01138", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other many topic cases take which central content?", "answers": [ { "text": "Invoice Line Types, Invoice Distributions, and Invoice Installments.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The HTTPS_GET protocol supports https connection, but does not support the exchange of any dynamic tokens.", "qas": [ { "id": "01064", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the protocol used for the request?", "answers": [ { "text": "HTTPS_GET protocol.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The application checks if there is a manual intraday statement within the same date range... a new intraday statement is created.", "qas": [ { "id": "01071", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are the bank statements handled?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application checks for manual or imported intraday statements within the same date range, appends statement lines if an imported statement is found, or creates a new intraday statement if none is found.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Run the \"application missing conversion rates\" process when the Require conversion rate entry option on the Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement page is disabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "02017", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If which \"Require converting rate\" enter options this disabled, why must I do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Run the \"Apply Missing Conversion Rates\" process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Review installments: Stops the payment process request after selecting the installments. You can review installments, add or remove installments, edit payment and discount amounts, specify user conversion rates, and calculate withholding and interest.", "qas": [ { "id": "01293", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which 'Review installments' options allowing 'll take do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Review installments, add or remove installments, edit payment and discount amounts, specify user conversion rates, and calculate withholding and interest.", "answer_start": 13 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For a price increase correction, create a standard invoice; for a price decrease correction, create a credit or debit memo. Note : A price correction does not change the billed price on a purchase order or consumption advice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01774", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this another prices correction?", "answers": [ { "text": "A price correction is a supplier invoice that adjusts the unit price of an invoice that's matched to a purchase order, receipt, or consumption advice.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"The Payables Begin Balance accounting amount should agree with the Payables Trial Balance report for the last day of the previous period. The Payables End Balance accounting amount should agree with the Payables Trial Balance report for the last day of the period being reconciled.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01569", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll reconciling which Payables Begin well End Balance audit amounts?", "answers": [ { "text": "They should agree with the Payables Trial Balance report for the respective periods.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Selection criteria, such as invoice business unit, payment business unit, and payment priority determine which installments are selected for payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "01284", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What determining the instalments other chosen making payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "Selection criteria such as invoice business unit, payment business unit, and payment priority.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Automated Processing of Early Payment Discounts... options in the Select Early Payment Invoices list.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01318", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll step late payments purchases before manufacturers agree them?", "answers": [ { "text": "Select all applicable early payment invoices while initiating payments on the Submit Payment Process Request page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can't change details of the documents payable or invoices, such as amounts or currencies, during the payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01954", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take changes which detail which papers deferred since validation?", "answers": [ { "text": "No, they are locked.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Because payment processing is centralized, you can exercise better control of supplier payments and reduce", "qas": [ { "id": "00327", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why use centralized payment processing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Better control of supplier payments and reduced cost.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Consider enabling this option for spontaneous payment runs...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01360", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When this possible created useful?", "answers": [ { "text": "For spontaneous payment runs.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Described in the \"Transfer All Approved Invoices and Payments to the General Ledger\" section.", "qas": [ { "id": "00442", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are approved invoices and payments transferred to the General Ledger?", "answers": [ { "text": "By running create accounting with the Transfer to General Ledger option set to Yes, and running the Post Journal Entries to General Ledger process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Navigate to the menu > Payables > Payments > Tasks > Submit Payment Process Request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00834", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can I find the \"Submit Payment Process Request\" page?", "answers": [ { "text": "Navigator > Payables menu > Payments link > Payments Tasks pane > Submit Payment Process Request link.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you remove a payment from the payment file that has a payment file or formatting validation error, the validation error is no longer applicable.", "qas": [ { "id": "01499", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able remove payment in which payments files resolving methodology errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "If removing a payment makes the validation error no longer applicable, the error is resolved.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Banks are identified with the bank code and branches are identified with the branch number.", "qas": [ { "id": "01055", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are banks and branches identified?", "answers": [ { "text": "Banks are identified with the bank code and branches are identified with the branch number.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This option is only available when the total credit amount for a payment processing request is greater than the standard invoice amount.", "qas": [ { "id": "00832", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The \"Apply credits up to zero amount payment\" option can be used.", "answers": [ { "text": "When the total credit amount is greater than the total standard invoice amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text explains the presence of mandatory grouping options for SEPA and CGI on a specific page in Oracle Payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "01525", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which requirement ISO 20022 bloc option making SEPA well CGI?", "answers": [ { "text": "The mandatory ISO 20022 grouping options for SEPA and CGI are available on the Grouping tab on the Create and Edit Payment Process Profile page and tell Payments how to group transactions within a payment file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Regardless of how you set the Require conversion rate entry option, a payment requires a conversion rate if...", "qas": [ { "id": "00348", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why did the payment require a conversion rate when the option to require a conversion rate is disabled?", "answers": [ { "text": "A payment requires a conversion rate if it's in a foreign currency or if it has an invoice that's subject to automatic withholding.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can set the following ledger options: Sequencing By: Enables document sequencing for the ledger or legal entities associated with that ledger. Enforce Document Sequencing: When set to Payables, indicates that invoices and payments require voucher numbers. Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date: Checks the accounting date on the invoice header when you save an invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01125", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What walters option able not sets from which system?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sequencing By, Enforce Document Sequencing, and Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Create Workflow Rules Using a Spreadsheet\nThe Simplified Workflow Rules Configuration feature is a spreadsheet-based alternative to creating rules in Oracle\nBusiness Process Management (BPM). Use this feature to create workflow rules for Payables Invoice Approval and\nGeneral Ledger Journal Approval workflows. You can download the spreadsheet templates from the Manage Workflow Rules in Spreadsheet page to create and\nmanage rules according to your approval policies.", "qas": [ { "id": "00177", "is_impossible": false, "question": "From where can you download the spreadsheet templates to create and manage workflow rules?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can download the spreadsheet templates from the Manage Workflow Rules in Spreadsheet page.", "answer_start": 42 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Statement ID should be unique in a bank account within a calendar year.", "qas": [ { "id": "01619", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must which Statement ID not making Prior Day Bank Statements?", "answers": [ { "text": "Unique in a bank account within a calendar year.", "answer_start": 5 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Payables is integrated to the document repository for processing scanned invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "01128", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this Oracle Payables systems making materials digitized invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It is integrated to the document repository.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Document validation Action in progress to address document validation errors Validation failed for some installments and the value of the option to handle document validation failures is Stop Process for review Requires manual review. \"", "qas": [ { "id": "01854", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When able methodology error not documented?", "answers": [ { "text": "When validation fails for some installments and the value of the option for handling document validation failures is \"Stop process for review\".", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This example demonstrates how the accounting entries are created across more than one accounting period for a single accounting event.", "qas": [ { "id": "00086", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the significance of the scenario described?", "answers": [ { "text": "It demonstrates how accounting entries are created across more than one accounting period for a single accounting event.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the FBDI template for the import payment invoices process to create invoices from invoice records in open interface tables Oracle Fusion Payables.", "qas": [ { "id": "01671", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which templates must not using making which Import Payables Invoices process?", "answers": [ { "text": "The FBDI template.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Open items include invoices, payment slips, credit memos and debit memos that are unpaid as of the last day of the revaluation period that you specify.", "qas": [ { "id": "02148", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What typically which trades other open?", "answers": [ { "text": "Invoices, prepayments, credit memos, and debit memos that are unpaid.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Default \"if you don't use the option and the total credit amount is greater than the standard invoice total amount, no invoices are selected for payment and the payment process requests terminate.", "qas": [ { "id": "01933", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If 'll don't using it option, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "No invoices are selected and the payment request terminates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Prepare Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation Parameters\" section provides these details.", "qas": [ { "id": "00457", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What parameters are available for the Prepare Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation process?", "answers": [ { "text": "Request Name, Ledger, Business Unit, and Accounting Period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Mass onboarding of suppliers... access to additional short-term working capital for suppliers\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00777", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the advantages of the Payables Early Payment offers?", "answers": [ { "text": "Mass onboarding, one-click offers, automated processing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can save skipped numbered payment documents for a future single payment, save them for a manual payment, or destroy the paper document and void it in Oracle Fusion Cash Management on the Edit Bank Account page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01493", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I saving another skipping numbering payments documents making change use?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, you can save it for a future single payment, a manual payment, or destroy it and void it in Oracle Fusion Cash Management.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you use the workflow for the invoice approval, you can select from the following actions : Initiate \u00e2 Withdraw \u00e2 Hold \u00e2 Force approve \u00e2 Resubmit", "qas": [ { "id": "00642", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What should be considered when approving actions?", "answers": [ { "text": "Actions like Initiate, Withdraw, Hold, Force Approve, and Resubmit should be considered.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Done the Prepare Payables to general - Ledger reconciliation process to select data for the summary of the payables to data reconciliation report.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "02105", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which preparing which crotchets take chief walters peace step do?", "answers": [ { "text": "It selects data for the Summary section of the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Report.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The transactions are validated automatically after they're imported.", "qas": [ { "id": "00054", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When are the transactions validated?", "answers": [ { "text": "Automatically after they're imported.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Reject payment Only when the payment process request status is Payments Approval Initiated. Approvers only. Terminates the payment", "qas": [ { "id": "01435", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's which due which \"Reject payment\" action?", "answers": [ { "text": "Terminates the payment process request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Add the name of the defined hold of the currently available list of lookup codes, which restricts the inclusion of invoices into the automatic initiation of the invoice account coding workflow.", "qas": [ { "id": "01780", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take restricting phony and users i.e. holds?", "answers": [ { "text": "Add the user defined holds as a lookup code to the lookup type: ORA_AP_ACCOUNT_CODING_HOLDS.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If a payment is mistakenly applied to an invoice, you can unapply the prepayment, which then is available for application to another invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01731", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When 'll applying another drop-out take a invoice, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can unapply the prepayment, making it available for application to another invoice.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Payables provides an inbound flow for receiving invoices from suppliers electronically in industry standard XML. Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework (CMK) is used to set up B2B messaging between customers and suppliers.", "qas": [ { "id": "00643", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are electronic invoices processed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Oracle Fusion Payables receives invoices electronically in industry-standard XML using Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework (CMK).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can also create a template on the Create Payment Process Request Template page and schedule the template to submit the payment process request later.", "qas": [ { "id": "01280", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What able 'll ca before which Create Payment Process Request Template page?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can create a template and schedule the template to submit the payment process request later.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates, A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates, An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "01198", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's another self-billed invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates, A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates, An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can also initiate invoices for the invoice account coding workflow based on a specific account coding status.", "qas": [ { "id": "00677", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can I initiate invoices in bulk?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can initiate invoices for the account coding workflow in bulk mode by submitting the Initiate Invoice Account Coding workflow Job. This job by default processes all invoices requiring accounting information.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Campaign Management... Responses to these early payment offers are automatically processed and applied in your payment process requests.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00221", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What functionalities does the Campaign Management feature offer?", "answers": [ { "text": "It allows you to identify suppliers for early payment discount campaigns, define offer terms, and automatically process responses to these offers.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can cancel multiple invoices at the same time by using the Cancel Invoice action.", "qas": [ { "id": "00113", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can I cancel multiple invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can cancel multiple invoices at the same time by using the Cancel Invoice action.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The amount recognized depends on the number of accounting periods for which recognition has to be done and the recognition formula used in the accounting rules.", "qas": [ { "id": "01185", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this which amounts recognised from which multiperiod audit step determined?", "answers": [ { "text": "The amount recognized depends on the number of accounting periods for which recognition has to be done and the recognition formula used in the accounting rules.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment date: Enter a date to determine which invoices to select for payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00987", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does the Pay Through Date affect the Payables Cash Requirement Report?", "answers": [ { "text": "It determines which invoices to select for payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This is the amount reserved for payment and dividing the amount paid for the invoice in the ratio of the distribution amount and the total invoice amount...", "qas": [ { "id": "01892", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The spending amounts this determined.", "answers": [ { "text": "By prorating the amount paid for the invoice in the ratio of distribution amount to total invoice amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Assuming the rental expenses are split evenly over the 3 months and the monthly accounting calendar is used.", "qas": [ { "id": "01196", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other which rentals payments divided from which scenario?", "answers": [ { "text": "The rental expenses are split evenly over the 3 months.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The approvers can either approve or reject the entire invoice. Approval Flow\nThis table describes the steps in the approval flow. Step Description\nEnable invoice approval\nEnable the Invoice Approval option on the Manage Invoice Options page to enable approvals for a\nbusiness unit.", "qas": [ { "id": "00174", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you enable invoice approval for a business unit?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enable the Invoice Approval option on the Manage Invoice Options page to enable approvals for a business unit.", "answer_start": 26 } ] } ] }, { "context": " Processing Early Payment Discounts for Dynamic Offers... Discount amounts and payment amounts. ", "qas": [ { "id": "01867", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Dynamic offering able not using take creating another payment.", "answers": [ { "text": "1. Retrieve the AI data science-driven discount recommendations. 2. Accept or override the AI discount recommendations. 3. The accepted discount rate combined with the days paid early determines the discount and payment amounts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Invoice types: The application provides several types of invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "00589", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the application's offer in relation to invoice categorization?", "answers": [ { "text": "It provides several types of invoices.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Various issues are listed under \"Differences between transactional and accountable Amounts\" section.", "qas": [ { "id": "01018", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are some common issues that can cause differences between transactional and accounted amounts?", "answers": [ { "text": "Unaccounted transactions, transactions with subledger accounts outside the report's account range, discrepancies in transaction and subledger journal line amounts, journals not from Payables, and untransferred or unposted subledger journals.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"When you submit a payment process request the request passes through different stages of processing\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01848", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When 'll submitted another payments request, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "The request passes through various stages of processing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Payables is integrated to the document repository for processing scanned invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "00018", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is Oracle Payables integrated for processing scanned invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It is integrated to the document repository.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text describes CGI and its role in promoting ISO 20022.", "qas": [ { "id": "00423", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is CGI?", "answers": [ { "text": "CGI is an organization that provides a forum to promote wider acceptance of ISO 20022 as the common XML standard used between corporate enterprises and banks.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Upload Banks, Branches and Accounts process will match an uploaded.csv file with the existing bank and branch data and find the differences between the two, then the Oracle ERP Cloud inserts or updates the bank and branch data based on the differences found.", "qas": [ { "id": "02154", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which account process?", "answers": [ { "text": "To match an uploaded .csv file to the existing bank and branch data, find the differences, and then insert or update the bank and branch data based on the differences found.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To enable the maximize credits option, select the Apply credits up to zero amount payment check box on the Payment and Processing Options tab of the Submit Payment Process Request page.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00285", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you enable the maximize credits option?", "answers": [ { "text": "Select the \"Apply credits up to zero amount payment\" check box on the Payment and Processing Options tab.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Oracle Financials Cloud uses AI models to provide discounts for one payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01873", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if which clouds helping and interaction discounting?", "answers": [ { "text": "It uses AI models to provide discount recommendations for single payments, allowing users to accept or override the suggested APR.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text explains that Oracle Payments performs validations on ISO 20022 SEPA and CGI credit transfer messages.", "qas": [ { "id": "00428", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What validations does Oracle Payments perform for ISO 20022 SEPA and CGI credit transfer messages?", "answers": [ { "text": "Oracle Payments attaches validations to verify that required data is present in the credit transfer messages formats.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The list of values in the Consumption advice field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order number. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of Consumption advice documents.", "qas": [ { "id": "01789", "is_impossible": false, "question": "I can't how another certain decrease answers take matches which invoice.", "answers": [ { "text": "The list of values in the Consumption Advice field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of consumption advice documents.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Subledger Accounting uses predefined accounting event classes and accounting event types. You can modify your accounting setup to create accounting for some events and not for others.", "qas": [ { "id": "01466", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other Payables Event Classes well Types from Oracle Fusion?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are predefined accounting event classes and accounting event types used by Subledger Accounting.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A invoice or credit memo matching to a purchase order increases the billed amount on the purchase order without compensating the invoice price variance for the amount previously billed.", "qas": [ { "id": "00669", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the difference between a price correction and matching a purchase order?", "answers": [ { "text": "A price correction offsets the invoice price variance for the amount previously billed without adjusting the billed quantity on the purchase order.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the FBDI template for Import Payables Invoices process to create invoices from invoice records in the Oracle Fusion Payables open interface tables.", "qas": [ { "id": "00031", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which template should be used for the Import Payables Invoices process in Oracle Fusion Payables?", "answers": [ { "text": "The FBDI template.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: The original invoice amount is only provided when you run the report for the primary ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "02126", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When this which originally 25-cent amounts given?", "answers": [ { "text": "The original invoice amount is only provided when you run the report for the primary ledger.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When the approvers respond, notifications are sent to the next set of approvers, until all approvals are complete.", "qas": [ { "id": "00722", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can approvers respond to approval notifications?", "answers": [ { "text": "Approvers can respond from the email notification, the Worklist notifications page, the Invoices landing page, or the Edit Invoice page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "During setup, for payment method setup you can assign predefined validations or create user-defined validations, for payment formats setup you can assign predefined validations.", "qas": [ { "id": "00951", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payment method and format setup can help resolve validation errors.", "answers": [ { "text": "Assign predefined validations or create user-defined validations during setup.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Specify the business unit or leave blank to include all business units.", "qas": [ { "id": "01578", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll specifying which industry unit?", "answers": [ { "text": "Specify the business unit or leave blank to include all business units.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To derive the budget account, overlay the distribution natural account with the natural account segment value from the cash account.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01343", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this which Budget Account derived?", "answers": [ { "text": "By overlaying the distribution natural account with the natural account segment value from the cash account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Standing Offers... early payment discounts based on standing offers.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00214", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are standing offers?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are a set of criteria for recurring offers over an agreed time period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Expense budgeting enforces approved limits... cash budgeting ensures sufficient funds before supplier payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01364", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Difference in money well expenses budgeting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Expense enforces limits; cash ensures funds.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "How the data is imported into Bank Statement Reconciliation After you've prepared the data in the spreadsheet, follow these steps: 1. Click the CSV file generate button to generate a.zip file containing the CSV file...", "qas": [ { "id": "01083", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The bank statement reconciliation data is imported.", "answers": [ { "text": "After preparing the data in the spreadsheet, a .zip file containing the CSV file is generated by clicking the Generate CSV File button. The ESS job Load Interface File for Import is then submitted to load the CSV file. The process automatically imports the reconciliation data from the .zip file into the interface table CE_EXTERNAL_RECON_INT and automatically reconciles the grouped transactions. The automatic reconciliation output is reviewed to check the successfully reconciled groups and the exceptions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If the bank name/alternative bank name or branch name/alternative branch name associated with the bank code/branch number changes, the data will be updated.", "qas": [ { "id": "02158", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If which banks referred instead central referred changes, why this which for information?", "answers": [ { "text": "The data associated with the bank code/branch number will be updated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following ESS programs are used to create your cash position: Cash Position Data Extraction: This program simplifies the extraction of data from all relevant sources... Cash Position Data Transfer: This program automatically runs after a successful extraction... Cash Position Data Deletion: Use this program to delete the cube before making changes to the dimensions or reporting options...", "qas": [ { "id": "02187", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What program other using take creating money positions?", "answers": [ { "text": "ESS programs: Cash Position Data Extraction, Cash Position Data Transfer, and Cash Position Data Deletion.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Processes invoices from multiple invoice business units and generates a consolidated payment for a", "qas": [ { "id": "00326", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the designated payment business unit generate?", "answers": [ { "text": "A consolidated payment for a given supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Invoices landing page to perform various tasks while processing invoices. You can focus on invoices that require your attention through one of the 6 info tiles displayed on the Invoices landing page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00560", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the purpose of the Invoices landing page?", "answers": [ { "text": "To perform various tasks when processing invoices.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Campaign Management... Responses to these early payment offers are automatically processed and applied in your payment process requests.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01313", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca 'll identifying manufacturers making a late payments premium campaign?", "answers": [ { "text": "By applying selection criteria on the Payment Discounts page in Oracle AI Apps for ERP.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The calculation of the invoice price variance follows a specific formula.", "qas": [ { "id": "00700", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the difference between a price correction and matching a purchase order?", "answers": [ { "text": "A price correction offsets the invoice price variance without adjusting the billed quantity. An invoice or credit memo match updates the billed quantity without offsetting the invoice price variance.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Credit liability amounts are reported as positive amounts because they represent outstanding balances, while balances of interest decrease in quantity.", "qas": [ { "id": "01034", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Credit and debit liability amounts are treated differently.", "answers": [ { "text": "Credit liability amounts are reported as positive amounts because they represent outstanding balances. Debit liability amounts decrease the outstanding balance.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Payments are built into the fewest number of payment files without being restricted by what payment process the payments were created in.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01907", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other which payment grouped?", "answers": [ { "text": "Into the fewest number of files, without limitation from their originating request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Terminate payment process request Always. Anyone. Terminates the payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "00341", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's the result of \"Terminate payment process request\"?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment process is terminated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After you open the Oracle Fusion Payables period, run the validation process to release the hold.", "qas": [ { "id": "00147", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if I create recurring invoices for a Payables period with a status of Never Opened?", "answers": [ { "text": "The process that creates the recurring invoices automatically places the invoices on a closed period hold.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The source product then unlocks the documents payable and resets their status.", "qas": [ { "id": "01406", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen take papers deferred before remove payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "They're unlocked and their status is reset.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If there are errors during system transactions import, the errors can be corrected and re-loaded to the cube using the Correct Transaction Import Errors spreadsheet: 1. From the Cash Balances Dashboard page, go to the task pane, and click on Correct Transaction Import Errors. This opens the Cash Position Transactions spreadsheet. 2. The worksheet is -populated with rows that failed import. 3. Review and correct the errors in the spreadsheet. 4. Once the errors have been corrected, click the Upload and Import button. 5. Click the Download button to see if there are any rows returned. If the spreadsheet is empty, then all rows have been successfully imported.", "qas": [ { "id": "01649", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able error since systems trades export not corrected?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Correct Transaction Import Errors spreadsheet to review, correct the errors, and click the Upload and Import button.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text explains the consequences of not selecting a payment document when submitting a payment request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00966", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When you submit a payment process request, what happens if you don't select a payment document?", "answers": [ { "text": "If no payment document is selected, Payments refers to the default payment document selected in the payment process profile setup. If no default payment document is provided, Payments doesn't generate a payment document number.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "It doesn't adjust the billed quantity on a purchase order or consumption advice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00155", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's a price correction?", "answers": [ { "text": "A price correction is a supplier invoice that adjusts the unit price of an invoice that's matched to a purchase order, receipt, or consumption advice.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For example, you may decide to take this action when one or more payments exceeds a defined amount limit.", "qas": [ { "id": "01414", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When could 'll removing payment in another payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"When one or more payments exceeds a defined amount limit.\"", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "So, you can\u0092t turn a prepayment invoice to temporary after it is made permanent. However, you can cancel the prepayment invoice and create a new one for the same purpose. To do so, cancel all payment workflows before you cancel the prepayment invoice. When you create the new prepayment invoice, enable the Allow prepayment application option.", "qas": [ { "id": "01222", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I changes another temporary drop-out 25-cent take temporary?", "answers": [ { "text": "The classification of a prepayment invoice as permanent isn\u0092t reversible.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following : An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a contract that has the option of Pay on Use enabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "01784", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this another self-billed invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: \u0095 An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates \u0095 A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates \u0095 An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After changing applicable setups, you can return to the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01410", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What ca 'll needs take ca before change configurations take resolving methodology errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "Return to the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the FBDI template for the Import Payables invoices process to create invoices from invoice records in Oracle Fusion Payables open interface tables.", "qas": [ { "id": "01659", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which templates must not using making which Import Payables Invoices process?", "answers": [ { "text": "The FBDI template.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can resolve payment validation errors on the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page by removing one or more payments with validation errors.", "qas": [ { "id": "01413", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able methodology error not resolved?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"By removing one or more payments with validation errors from the payment process request.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text introduces ISO 20022 as a global standard in the context of financial messages.", "qas": [ { "id": "02070", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which ISO 20022 standard?", "answers": [ { "text": "ISO 20022 is a global standard for the development of all financial messages.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\nAn incomplete invoice is one created from an invoice document that has invalid or missing data.", "qas": [ { "id": "01264", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this a incorrect invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "An incomplete invoice is one created from an invoice document that has invalid or missing data.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text provides a table describing what is stamped on electronic payments when paper document numbering is enabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "02063", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When printed documents numbered this enabled, why this affixed before digital payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment document numbering and payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can use the Payables Invoice Register to review detailed information on invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "02083", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What reports able not using take reviewing invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payables Invoice Register.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Specify the ledger : You can choose a primary or secondary ledger or a reporting currency ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "02125", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What dodgy able not specified?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can select a primary or secondary ledger, or a reporting currency ledger.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": " Consider enabling this option for the spontaneous payment runs...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01910", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Immediate created able not useful.", "answers": [ { "text": "For spontaneous payment runs.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If your printer skips a numbered payment document, mark the payment document on the Record Print Status page as skipped, the application lists subsequent payment documents and displays results to review on the Record Print Status page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00938", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does the application deal with skipped payment documents?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application renumbers subsequent payment documents and presents the results for review.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Expense budgeting enforces approved limits... cash budgeting ensures sufficient funds before supplier payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01914", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There this another mean in money well expenses budgeting.", "answers": [ { "text": "Expense enforces limits; cash ensures funds.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A stop payment request records the dates that a stop payment order was placed with, or released from, a financial institution. For example: A supplier tells you that they didn't receive a payment...", "qas": [ { "id": "00346", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's a stop payment request?", "answers": [ { "text": "A stop payment request records the dates that a stop payment order was placed with, or released from, a financial institution.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Setups in Functional Setup Manager Specify Cash Positioning and Forecasting Options You define the extraction duration of the transaction data in Essbase. You can also define reporting options such as: \u0095 the currency for cash balances. \u0095 the balance code to use from the bank statement in cash balances. Manage Cash Positioning and Forecasting Transaction Grouping Setup You create transaction grouping (transaction cube dimensions)...", "qas": [ { "id": "01642", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What able not applicable from which Functional Setup Manager concerning Cash Positioning well Forecasting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Extraction duration of the transaction data in Essbase, currency for cash balances, balance code to use from the bank statement in cash balances, and transaction grouping (transaction cube dimensions) can be specified.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following steps are executed by the automatic reconciliation process: 1. The automatic reconciliation process first completes the reconciliation of the regular transactions using the reconciliation matching rule set...", "qas": [ { "id": "02178", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The Automatic Reconciliation step this using take reconciling rejecting payments.", "answers": [ { "text": "The process first completes reconciliation of regular transactions, identifies unreconciled reversal statement lines, looks back at 6 months of data to retrieve the original bank statement line, and then unreconciles the original statement line to automatically reconcile the rejected statement line with the original statement line.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A skipped numbered payment document scenario is where the payment is printed onto a payment document with a different number than you intended. A spoiled payment document is ruined during printing and can't be used.", "qas": [ { "id": "00385", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the difference between a skipped and a spoiled payment document?", "answers": [ { "text": "A skipped payment document is printed with a different number than intended, while a spoiled payment document is ruined during printing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You must use the following details when creating a project-related invoice: \u0095 Project Number \u0095 Task Number \u0095 Expenditure Type \u0095 Expenditure Organization", "qas": [ { "id": "01204", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What traits other require from which spreadsheets making project-related invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You must use the following details when creating a project-related invoice: \u0095 Project Number \u0095 Task Number \u0095 Expenditure Type \u0095 Expenditure Organization", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For invoices requiring budgetary control, canceling an invoice also reverses the expenditure funds consumed, and for matched invoices, restores the previously obligated funds for the purchase order.", "qas": [ { "id": "01242", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not I postpone a invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "Canceling an invoice sets invoice and installment amounts to zero, reverses invoice distributions, and reverses matches to purchase order schedules and distributions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To derive the budget account, overlay the distribution natural account with the natural account segment value from the cash account.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00243", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is the Budget Account derived?", "answers": [ { "text": "By overlaying the distribution natural account with the natural account segment value from the cash account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An invoice can have one or more installments. Installments include information such as Due dates, Due amounts, Discount dates, and Payment method.", "qas": [ { "id": "01137", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How some instalments able a 25-cent have?", "answers": [ { "text": "One or more.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you choose to reprint the payment, you should perform the following steps: 1. Reprint the payment on a new numbered payment document on the page Reprint payment documents 2. Report the payment on the page Print Status", "qas": [ { "id": "00936", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I make a new payment document?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, you can reprint a spoiled numbered payment document onto a new numbered payment document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following : An invoice that creates the Pay on Receipt process, A debit memo that creates a return transaction to the supplier, An invoice that creates the Consumption Advice process from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "01748", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this another self-billed invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates, A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates, An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To change details on the documents payable, you must remove the payment or document payable from the payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00312", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you modify details on documents payable?", "answers": [ { "text": "Remove them from the payment process request and then edit.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Payables Open Items Revaluation Report lists changes in the value of open items, such as unpaid invoices and credit memos, due to conversion rate fluctuations.", "qas": [ { "id": "02147", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which lists which set items?", "answers": [ { "text": "Changes in the value of open items due to conversion rate fluctuations.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text mentions that the selection of the payment document choice list is optional.", "qas": [ { "id": "00968", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it mandatory for the payment document number to be selected?", "answers": [ { "text": "No, the selection of a payment document number is optional.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Additional reasons you can't cancel an invoice are as follows: You applied a prepayment to the invoice; Canceling the invoice reduces the billed quantity to less than zero on the purchase order. For partially paid invoices you can create a credit memo and reconcile it with the invoice to turn this invoice into a fully paid invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00660", "is_impossible": false, "question": "I can't cancel an invoice.", "answers": [ { "text": "The invoice is: \u0095 Fully or partially paid \u0095 On hold \u0095 Selected for payment \u0095 Matched to a purchase order with a status of Finally closed \u0095 Already canceled \u0095 Corrected by a credit or debit memo", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To cancel an invoice, follow the following steps : 1. Import the daily exchange rates for the missing rate. 2. Run the Application Missing Conversion Rate process. 3. Confirm the exchange rate reflected in the invoice table. 4. Cancel the invoice again. After applying the missing conversion rates, you can successfully cancel the invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01764", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take postpone a 25-cent and another any rates hold?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can\u0092t cancel this invoice because it's missing conversion rates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can account for cross-currency payments individually or through the Create Accounting process. The accounting entries for the payment relieve the liability account in the invoice currency with an offset to the cash or cash clearing account in the payment currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "00370", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can I account for cross-currency payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Either individually or through the \"Create Accounting\" process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "With the Manage Payables document sequences task, you can: Create a document sequence for the applicable determinant type: ledger or legal entity, assign the sequence to one or more document sequence categories, and specify the ledgers or legal entities to which assignment applies.", "qas": [ { "id": "00566", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What functions are provided by the Manage Payables Document Sequences task?", "answers": [ { "text": "Create a document sequence for ledger or legal entity, assign the sequence to document sequence categories, and specify the ledgers or legal entities for the assignment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To create payment files through a scheduled process, accept the default setting...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01888", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payment file able not creation into another slated process.", "answers": [ { "text": "Accept the default setting for \"Create payment files immediately\", then schedule the Create Printed Payment Files and Create Electronic Payment Files processes.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "By default, the budget date is the same for an void action for an invoice payment as the void accounting date.", "qas": [ { "id": "00824", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the default budget date for a void action?", "answers": [ { "text": "Same as the Void Accounting Date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can manage the headers and columns on the report\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00982", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you manage the report output of the Payables Invoice Audit by Voucher Number listing report?", "answers": [ { "text": "By managing the section headers and columns, such as changing column sorting or converting a section header to a column or parameter.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can create invoices through a spreadsheet using the Create Invoice in Spreadsheet task. From the spreadsheet you can also submit the invoice import process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01120", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll creating phony from Oracle Fusion Payables used another spreadsheet?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can create invoices through the Create Invoice in Spreadsheet task and then submit the invoice import process from the spreadsheet.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Payments are built into the least number of payment files...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00813", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The benefit of scheduled creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Fewer payment files.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"The discounts decrease with time, depending on the annual percentage rate (APR)...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00778", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The Payables Early Payment offers feature has discounts that decrease.", "answers": [ { "text": "Based on agreed-upon APR.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Create a bank is the first step in the creation of a bank account.", "qas": [ { "id": "01052", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the beginning of the bank account creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Creating a bank account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To enable the maximize credits option, select the Apply credits up to zero amount payment check box on the Payment and Processing Options tab of the Submit Payment Process Request page.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01385", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll enabling which maximizing outstanding option?", "answers": [ { "text": "Select the \"Apply credits up to zero amount payment\" check box on the Payment and Processing Options tab.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Use the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report to facilitate the reconciliation of the payables data to the general ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "01013", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the purpose of the report?", "answers": [ { "text": "To facilitate the reconciliation of payables data to the general ledger, providing summarized and detailed reconciling data for review.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can control the automation level of a payment process request. Achieve this by setting the following options on the Submit Payment Process Request and the Create Payment Process Request Template pages:\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01301", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll controlled which computing levels which another payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "By setting options on the Submit Payment Process Request and the Create Payment Process Request Template pages.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following example describes how to manually load and import an electronic bank statement. 1. Obtain a bank statement file: bai2.txt, from the bank...5. Check for any processing errors from the Bank Statements and Reconciliation Overview page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01618", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able another mechanically loads well export a digital banks statement?", "answers": [ { "text": "Obtain the bank statement file, compress it into a .zip file, transfer the .zip file to the Web Center document repository, run the Load and Import Bank Statement process, and check for any processing errors.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For a negative amount correction, create a credit or debit memo. For a positive amount correction, create a standard invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00126", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's an amount correction?", "answers": [ { "text": "An amount correction is a supplier invoice that adjusts the amount of either an unmatched invoice, or an invoice that's matched to a services-based purchase order or receipt.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Resubmit for approval only when the payment process - request is withdrawn from payment approval and there is error in payments approval", "qas": [ { "id": "00887", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the \"Resubmit for approval\" action do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Reinitiates the payment approval process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The section \"Prepare Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation Parameters\" provides these details.", "qas": [ { "id": "01007", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There are parameters available for the prepare payables to general ledger reconciliation process.", "answers": [ { "text": "Request Name, Ledger, Business Unit, and Accounting Period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payee is the party who receives payment. These attributes default on the invoice from the payee setup...", "qas": [ { "id": "00355", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the changes in the payment attributes flow when I create third-party payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "These attributes default on the invoice from the payee setup and come from the payee setup when making a payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can also initiate invoices for the invoice account coding workflow based on a specific account coding status.", "qas": [ { "id": "01777", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I initiating phony from bulk?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can initiate invoices for the account coding workflow in bulk mode by submitting the Initiate Invoice Account Coding workflow Job. This job by default processes all invoices requiring accounting information.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The invoice is: Canceled Partially or fully paid, and the option Allow adjustments to paid invoices is not enabled Selected for payment An interest invoice A prepayment that is partially or fully applied In the process of approval The invoice line is: Canceled A prepayment application A manual withholding line Matched to a purchase order or receipt A corrected line A tax line A freight or other item", "qas": [ { "id": "00682", "is_impossible": false, "question": "I don't understand why I can't create a manual distribution.", "answers": [ { "text": "The invoice is: \u0095 Canceled \u0095 Partially or fully paid, and the Allow adjustments to paid invoices option isn't enabled \u0095 Selected for payment \u0095 An interest invoice \u0095 A prepayment that's partially or fully applied \u0095 In the process of getting approved The invoice line is: \u0095 Canceled \u0095 A prepayment application or unapplication \u0095 An automatic withholding line \u0095 A manual withholding line \u0095 Matched to a purchase order or receipt \u0095 A corrected line \u0095 A tax line \u0095 A Freight or Miscellaneous line that's allocated to other item lines", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "7. Open the workflow FinApincompleteInvoiceHold with a double-click, with predefined Incomplete Invoice Routing Rule. The finApIncompleteInvoiceHold task includes a rule set called IncompleteInvoiceRuleSet.", "qas": [ { "id": "01818", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this including from which task?", "answers": [ { "text": "The FinApIncompleteInvoiceHold task includes a rule set called IncompleteInvoiceRuleSet. This rule set includes a rule called JobRoleAssignmentRule.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments selects parameters for each payable document and calls an API.", "qas": [ { "id": "01941", "is_impossible": false, "question": "A dead banks accounts this derived.", "answers": [ { "text": "Using the CE_BANK_AND_ACCOUNT_UTIL.get_internal_bank_accts API.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Run the report from the Reports and Analytics Workspace or from the following pages: Manage Scheduled Processes, Manage Payment Process Requests, Create or Edit Payment Process Request Template\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00984", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can I find the Payables Cash Requirement Report?", "answers": [ { "text": "From the Reports and Analytics work area, Manage Scheduled Processes, Manage Payment Process Requests, or Create or Edit Payment Process Request Template pages.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: You can load data using predefined templates and the Interface File to the payment requests interface tables for the scheduled process to import.", "qas": [ { "id": "01709", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Data able not loading take which payments requesting interfaces tables.", "answers": [ { "text": "Using predefined templates and the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To use this feature you must create and enable the following: 1. Lookup Type: ADD_DUPLICATE_INV_CHECK 2. Lookup Code: DUPLICATE_INVOICE_CHECK", "qas": [ { "id": "00140", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can I find duplicate invoices without considering the invoice number as the only check?", "answers": [ { "text": "When the duplicate invoice check feature is enabled, it performs checks based on the combination of the supplier, invoice type, amount, currency, and date. This check includes all the invoices received and processed from a supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Reissue of payment involves voiding the original payment and issuing a new payment in place of the old one\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01926", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payment reissuing, why this it?", "answers": [ { "text": "Voiding the original and issuing a new one.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Negative Balances Only Select Yes to limit the report to suppliers with negative balances.", "qas": [ { "id": "01581", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if choosing 'Yes' making Negative Balances Only do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Select Yes to limit the report to suppliers with negative balances.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "-", "qas": [ { "id": "01254", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When if 25-cent matched addition rail well sundry line also the which which tolerance?", "answers": [ { "text": "Freight and miscellaneous lines aren't supported during the tolerance setup for invoice matching.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Ideally, the transactions amount and the accounted amount should be the same on the summary of the report.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "02117", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must which relationships in crotchets be?", "answers": [ { "text": "They should be the same.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If there are errors during the import of bank statements, the errors can be corrected and re-uploaded using the correct bank statement import errors spreadsheet : 1. From the Cash Balances Dashboard page, go to the task pane and click correct bank statement import error for the spreadsheet. 2. The worksheet is pre-populated with rows that failed to import 3. Review and correct errors in the spreadsheet. 4. Once errors are corrected, click the Upload and Import button. 5. Click the Download button to see whether the spreadsheet has been imported properly.", "qas": [ { "id": "02198", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able which banks comments not changed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Correct Bank Statement Import Errors spreadsheet to review, correct the errors, and click the Upload and Import button.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following options affect payment processing: Create Payment Process Request Template page and Submit Payment Process Request page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01389", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where other modes affected which maximizing outstanding options found?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment Process Request Template and Submit Payment Process Request pages.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The application notes the spoiled numbering of the payment document, associates the new number with that payment, and reprints the new numbered payment document.", "qas": [ { "id": "02039", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When another payments documents this reprinted, why happen take which originally number?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application associates the new number with that payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To run the report, go to Tools > Scheduled Processes and then click on Schedule New Process and then search for Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report. If you are repeatedly testing the same invoice, change the invoice account number in Payables to avoid duplicate invoice number errors.", "qas": [ { "id": "00711", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If you test the same invoice multiple times, what should you do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Change the invoice account number in Payables to avoid duplicate invoice number errors.", "answer_start": 33 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To use the integrated invoice imaging solution, you must have a designated email to send the invoice images. You get one when you sign up for the Oracle Cloud Application Service.", "qas": [ { "id": "01163", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able another starting used which systems 25-cent optical solution?", "answers": [ { "text": "By having a designated email to send the invoice images, which is provided upon signing up for the Oracle Cloud Application Service.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To change details on documents payable you must remove the payment or document payable from the payment process request and then make changes in the Edit invoice page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01990", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll making n't which papers other pay before time?", "answers": [ { "text": "Remove the payment from the payment process request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Invoices landing page to perform various tasks when processing invoices. You can focus on invoices that require your attention through one of the 6 info tiles displayed on the Invoices landing page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00010", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the main purpose of the Invoices landing page?", "answers": [ { "text": "To perform various tasks when processing invoices.", "answer_start": 5 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Payables improves security by restricting access to invoices and payments by business unit : Invoices and payments can only be seen or processed for business units that you have permission to do so.", "qas": [ { "id": "01655", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if Oracle Fusion Payables improving 25-cent well payments security?", "answers": [ { "text": "By limiting access to invoices and payments by business unit and allowing access only to those business units for which a user has permission.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If the same value is used for multiple transactions, the application creates just one party and uses the name from the first row.", "qas": [ { "id": "01289", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not which . Party Original System Reference amount this using making types transactions?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application creates just one party and uses the name from the first row.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Document validation Action in progress to address document validation errors Validation failed for some installments and the value of the option to handle document validation failures is Stop Process for review Requires manual review. \"", "qas": [ { "id": "00754", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When can validation errors be documented?", "answers": [ { "text": "When validation fails for some installments and the value of the option for handling document validation failures is \"Stop process for review\".", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An example of a temporary payment is a catering deposit to a hotel.", "qas": [ { "id": "00626", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is an example of prepayment?", "answers": [ { "text": "A catering deposit to a hotel.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Dynamic Offers... Dynamic discounts are helpful when managing an ad hoc early payment request.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01315", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if Oracle Financials Cloud providing premium guidelines making double payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "It uses AI models to suggest discount rates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Additionally, the invoice validation is initiated only if the invoice has a distribution variance hold and doesn't have the following holds: \u0095 Line variance \u0095 Duplicate invoice matching required \u0095 Invoice cancel \u0095 Inactive distribution set \u0095 Cannot generate distributions \u0095 Invalid default distribution combination \u0095 Invalid PO \u0095 PO not approved \u0095 Final matching \u0095 Incomplete invoice", "qas": [ { "id": "00129", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When do invoices get automatically initiated for the invoice account coding workflow?", "answers": [ { "text": "Only invoices that have gone through the Invoice Validation process are initiated automatically for the invoice account coding workflow.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If more than one payment process profile is found, you will manually select the correct profile.", "qas": [ { "id": "00843", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What should be done if a profile is missing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Manually select the correct profile.", "answer_start": 11 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To change details on the documents payable, you must remove the payment or document payable from the payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00323", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you edit details on documents payable?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"Remove the payment or document payable from the payment process request and then make changes in the Edit Invoice page.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you specify a payment business unit, the selection process finds installments for the invoice business units that the payment business unit services.", "qas": [ { "id": "01287", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if specify another payments industry units affecting which selected process?", "answers": [ { "text": "The selection process finds installments for the invoice business units that the payment business unit services.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task is an alternative method for creating document sequences.", "qas": [ { "id": "00014", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is an alternative method for creating document sequences?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Invoices landing page to perform various tasks while processing invoices. You can focus on invoices that require your attention through one of the 6 info tiles displayed on the Invoices landing page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01660", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which Invoices landed page?", "answers": [ { "text": "To perform various tasks when processing invoices.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Dynamic Offers... Dynamic discounts are helpful when managing an ad hoc early payment request.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00215", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does Oracle Financials Cloud provide discount recommendations for single payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "It uses AI models to suggest discount rates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A matched invoice becomes a standard invoice or credit memo. An unmatched invoice becomes an invoice request, which must be approved using the Invoice Approval workflow. Once approved, the invoice request then becomes a standard invoice or credit memo.", "qas": [ { "id": "01233", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's another kiosk invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-service invoice is an invoice that a supplier enters through Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal. Whether the supplier matches the invoice to a purchase order or consumption advice determines the resulting invoice type in Oracle Fusion Payables.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A spoiled payment document can't be used. Blank payment documents don't have the document or check number already printed on them.", "qas": [ { "id": "01487", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must I ca and another lucky box payments document?", "answers": [ { "text": "A spoiled blank payment document cannot be used and should be destroyed.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You must assign the financial category of Accounts Payable to all of your liability natural account values.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01550", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What should not doing then assign which banking category?", "answers": [ { "text": "Assign the financial category of Accounts Payable to all liability natural account values on the Manage Values page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For example, you may decide to take this action when one or more payments exceed a defined limit of sum.", "qas": [ { "id": "00864", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payments may be removed from a payment process request.", "answers": [ { "text": "\"When one or more payments exceeds a defined amount limit.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the document repository of Oracle Web Center Content Management to manually load and import bank statement files.", "qas": [ { "id": "00516", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is Manual Bank Statement File Import conducted through Oracle Web Center?", "answers": [ { "text": "By using the document repository of Oracle Web Center Content Management to manually load and import bank statement files.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The approve infotile displays invoices pending, others pending and rejected approvals.", "qas": [ { "id": "00597", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What types of approval statuses are displayed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Pending, others, and rejected approvals.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Create payment files immediately: Creates payment files for the submitted request instead of waiting to combine payments from other requests into payment files.", "qas": [ { "id": "00195", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the 'Create payment files immediately' option do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Creates payment files for the submitted request instead of waiting to combine payments from other requests into payment files.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you don't use the maximize credits option and credit exceeds invoices, no invoices are selected.", "qas": [ { "id": "00288", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if credit exceeds invoice amount without the option?", "answers": [ { "text": "No invoices are selected; request terminates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "At the Payment File Level, you don't have the option to remove individual documents from a payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00950", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to remove individual documents at the payment file level?", "answers": [ { "text": "You cannot remove individual documents payable from a payment at the payment file level.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you need to assign attributes individually, use the Assign Attributes at Document Payable Level page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01394", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How take assigning traits take another document?", "answers": [ { "text": "Navigate to the Assign Attributes at Document Payable Level page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Exceptions are classified as the following: \u0095 Ambiguous: This exception occurs when either there is more than one application transactions that could match to the line or the transaction could match to more than one statement line...", "qas": [ { "id": "01629", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What typically which peace exception other there?", "answers": [ { "text": "The types are Ambiguous, Date, and Amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If there are errors during system transactions import, the errors can be corrected and re-loaded to the cube using the Correct Transaction Import Errors spreadsheet: 1. From the Cash Balances Dashboard page, go to the task pane, and click on Correct Transaction Import Errors. This opens the Cash Position Transactions spreadsheet. 2. The worksheet is -populated with rows that failed import. 3. Review and correct the errors in the spreadsheet. 4. Once the errors have been corrected, click the Upload and Import button. 5. Click the Download button to see if there are any rows returned. If the spreadsheet is empty, then all rows have been successfully imported.", "qas": [ { "id": "00549", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can errors during system transactions import be corrected?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Correct Transaction Import Errors spreadsheet to review, correct the errors, and click the Upload and Import button.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\nTest Existing Implementation\nTest your existing IDR implementation on regular intervals to ensure the best recognition rates.", "qas": [ { "id": "00156", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How often should you test the IDR implementation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Test your existing IDR implementation on regular intervals to ensure the best recognition rates.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text provides a definition and purpose of a credit transfer message.", "qas": [ { "id": "00419", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is a credit transfer message?", "answers": [ { "text": "A credit transfer message is a payment initiation format sent by an initiating party to a forwarding agent or debtor agent to request the movement of funds from a debtor account to a creditor.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The first step is to set up a payment process profile that contains all the necessary details to manage the payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "00922", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why do I want to create an ISO Payment Process Profile?", "answers": [ { "text": "ISO is a global standard for financial payment formats and messages, accepted by most banks. There are versions like SEPA for European countries and CGI for non-European countries.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Base amounts for transactions are stored only in the currency of the primary ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "00477", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are base amounts for transactions stored in?", "answers": [ { "text": "Base amounts for transactions are stored only in the currency of the primary ledger.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A prepayment invoice can be paid partially but can't be applied to standard invoice or expense report until it's fully paid.", "qas": [ { "id": "01251", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why never which recognized which another drop-out 25-cent not displaying also unpaid?", "answers": [ { "text": "Though prepayment is paid partially the status is shown as unpaid on the invoice workbench.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can set the following ledger options : Sequencing By: Enables document sequencing for the ledger or the legal entities associated with that ledger. Enforce document sequence: When set to Payables, indicates that invoices and payments require voucher numbers. Enforce chronological order on the invoice header: Checks the invoice date when you save an invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00553", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What options can be set in the system?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sequencing By, Enforce Document Sequencing, and Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Report the payment as issued on the Record Print Status page after reprinting onto a new numbered payment document.", "qas": [ { "id": "00390", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do I report a payment as issued after reprinting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Report the payment as issued on the Record Print Status page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Payables is integrated into the document repository to process scanned invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "00578", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is Oracle Payables used to process scanned invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It is integrated to the document repository.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Since you are creating an ISO payment process profile, you must select transaction grouping rules on the tab Grouping. Grouping is based on the ISO standardized method of grouping transactions in each transmission file.", "qas": [ { "id": "02023", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When create a ISO payments step profile, why this which significance which which \"grouping\" tab?", "answers": [ { "text": "You must select transaction grouping rules as grouping is based on the ISO standardized method of grouping transactions in each transmission file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Consider these points when using the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report. \u0095 Differences Between Transactional and Accounted Amounts \u0095 Differences Between Summary and Detail Amounts \u0095 Differences Between the Reconciliation Report and Other Payables Reports \u0095 Differences Due to Rounding \u0095 Variances Due to Transactions not Validated\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01566", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must not regarded then used which Payables take Ledger Reconciliation report?", "answers": [ { "text": "Differences between transactional and accounted amounts, summary and detail amounts, the reconciliation report and other Payables reports, due to rounding, and due to transactions not validated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Payments stops the payment process when both are missing.", "qas": [ { "id": "01945", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not which banks accounts well recent other missing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments stops; manual assignment needed.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Payments are built into the fewest number of payment files...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00820", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payments are grouped in a way.", "answers": [ { "text": "Into the fewest files.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The section \"Prepare Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation Parameters\" provides these details.", "qas": [ { "id": "02107", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There other variables provided making which preparing crotchets take chief walters peace process.", "answers": [ { "text": "Request Name, Ledger, Business Unit, and Accounting Period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"The process must run successfully for the most current summary information and before you can run the payroll to ledger reconciliation report.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01006", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When should the prepared payables to general ledger reconciliation process take place?", "answers": [ { "text": "Before running the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Report and for the most current summary information.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Additional reasons that you can't cancel an invoice are as follows: \u0095 You applied a prepayment to the invoice. \u0095 Canceling the invoice reduces the billed quantity on the purchase order less than zero. For partially paid invoices, you can create a credit memo and then reconciliate it with the invoice to turn this invoice into a fully-paid invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01241", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I postpone a invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The invoice is: \u0095 Fully or partially paid \u0095 On hold \u0095 Selected for payment \u0095 Matched to a purchase order with a status of Finally closed \u0095 Already canceled \u0095 Corrected by a credit or debit memo", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To cancel an invoice, follow the following steps : 1. Import the daily exchange rates for the missing rate. 2. Run the Application Missing Conversion Rate process. 3. Confirm the exchange rate reflected in the invoice table. 4. Cancel the invoice again. After applying the missing conversion rates, you can successfully cancel the invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00664", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to cancel an invoice with a no rate hold?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can\u0092t cancel this invoice because it's missing conversion rates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you are the last user, then you will be expected to provide the missing circulating amount to complete the task Alternatively, you can assign this task to another user by using the Reassign action or you can return the invoice back to the initiator by using the Return action.", "qas": [ { "id": "01781", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If which product amounts this more more which lines amount, able I full which command task?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, if the sum total of the distribution amount is less than the sum of the invoice, provided you're not the last user in the workflow.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For invoices requiring budgetary control, canceling an invoice also reverses the expenditure funds consumed, and for matched invoices, restores the previously obligated funds for the purchase order.", "qas": [ { "id": "00142", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if I cancel an invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "Canceling an invoice sets invoice and installment amounts to zero, reverses invoice distributions, and reverses matches to purchase order schedules and distributions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The non-recurring start balance on the report summary is that portion of the General Liability Account starting balance that did not originate from paying transactions.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "02120", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which Non-Payables Begin Balance mean?", "answers": [ { "text": "The portion of the general ledger liability account beginning balance that didn't originate from Payables transactions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Payments stops the payment process when both are missing.", "qas": [ { "id": "01395", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not well banks accounts well recent other missing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments stops; manual assignment needed.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text mentions the two versions of the credit transfer message format provided by Oracle Fusion Payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00421", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What versions of credit transfer message formats does Oracle Fusion Payments provide?", "answers": [ { "text": "Oracle Fusion Payments provides two versions of the credit transfer message format: one for SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area) and one for CGI (Common Global Implementation).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The cash budgeting helps to ensure that the cash account has sufficient funds before the supplier payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00799", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does cash budgeting differ from expense budgeting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Cash budgeting ensures funds before payment, while expense budgeting enforces budget limits.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After you send images to the email account, the imaging solution fetches them for further processing, checks for new images every minute and creates invoices from the images.", "qas": [ { "id": "00615", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens to the images that are sent?", "answers": [ { "text": "The imaging solution retrieves them for further processing, checks for new images every minute and creates invoices from the images.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Payments stops the payment process when both are missing.", "qas": [ { "id": "00295", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if both bank account and profile are missing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments stops; manual assignment needed.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "During setup, for payment method setup, you can assign predefined validations or create user-defined validations. For payment formats setup, you can assign predefined validations.", "qas": [ { "id": "00401", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can payment method and format setup help in resolving validation errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "Assign predefined validations or create user-defined validations during setup.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Assuming the rental expenses are split evenly over the 3 months and the monthly accounting calendar is used.", "qas": [ { "id": "00088", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are the rental expenses split in the scenario?", "answers": [ { "text": "The rental expenses are split evenly over the 3 months.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Intercompany Transactions include or exclude.", "qas": [ { "id": "02111", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Inter firm trades able not including instead legally from which reconciliation.", "answers": [ { "text": "By selecting the appropriate option for Include Intercompany Transactions and possibly restricting the account range.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The process performs the following tasks:? Connects with the bank and retrieves the bank statement file? Processes and loads the bank statement file into the application?", "qas": [ { "id": "02165", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which task doing also which Schedule Process Electronic Bank Statement Request?", "answers": [ { "text": "It connects to the bank, retrieves the bank statement file, processes, and loads the bank statement file into the application.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you're the last user, then you're expected to provide the missing distribution amount to complete the task. Alternatively, you can assign this task to another user by using the Reassign action or you can return the invoice back to the initiator by using the Return action.", "qas": [ { "id": "00131", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I complete the assigned task in the Account Coding workflow notification if the sum total of the distribution amount is less than the line amount?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, if the sum total of the distribution amount is less than the sum of the invoice, provided you're not the last user in the workflow.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Perform the following steps to set up automatic bank statement file import: 1. Set up Payment System: Represents the financial institute or bank in Oracle Fusion Payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "01612", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which second steps take sets down gear banks saying files import?", "answers": [ { "text": "Set up Payment System which represents the financial institute or bank in Oracle Fusion Payments.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Centralized payment processing enables you to implement a shared payment service model.", "qas": [ { "id": "01424", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if centralised payments materials enable?", "answers": [ { "text": "Implement a shared payment service model.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Lists the payment status, such as Unpaid, Partially Paid, and Canceled.", "qas": [ { "id": "01588", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What referents other list which Payment Status?", "answers": [ { "text": "Unpaid, Partially Paid, and Canceled.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: A quantity correction does not adjust the unit price on a purchase order or consumption advice . You can allocate purchase order distributions for quantity corrections.", "qas": [ { "id": "01775", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this another quantities correction?", "answers": [ { "text": "A quantity correction is a supplier invoice that adjusts the quantity of an invoice that's matched to a purchase order, receipt, or consumption advice. Create a credit or debit memo for a quantity correction.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The approvers can either approve or reject the entire invoice. Approval flow This table describes steps in the approval flow. Step description Enable invoice approval Enable the invoice approval option on the Manage invoice options page to allow approvals for a business unit.", "qas": [ { "id": "00724", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you approve invoices for a business unit?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enable the Invoice Approval option on the Manage Invoice Options page to enable approvals for a business unit.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You must specify a payment process profile when submitting the payment process request.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01345", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What should 'll specifying then submit a possible payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "A payment process profile.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"When you subject a payment to cash budgeting, the following attributes impact it: Budget date, Budget amount, Budget account.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00269", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What impacts cash budgeted payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "Budget date, amount, account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If the bank name/alternate bank name or branch name/alternate branch name associated with the bank code/branch number changes, then that data will be updated.", "qas": [ { "id": "01608", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What source this update not which banks name/alternate banks referred instead central name/alternate central referred changes?", "answers": [ { "text": "The data associated with the bank code/branch number will be updated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Run the \"application missing conversion rates\" process when the Require conversion rate entry option on the Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement page is disabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "00917", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If the \"Require conversion rate\" entry option is disabled, what should I do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Run the \"Apply Missing Conversion Rates\" process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The accounts that report invoice distributions and related variance distributions depend on the accrual method and item type.", "qas": [ { "id": "01740", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which account sources with?", "answers": [ { "text": "The accounts that record invoice distributions and related variance distributions depend on the accrual method and item type.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Prepare Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation Parameters\" section provides these details.", "qas": [ { "id": "01557", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What variables other provided making which Prepare Payables take General Ledger Reconciliation process?", "answers": [ { "text": "Request Name, Ledger, Business Unit, and Accounting Period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In the Separate Remittance Advice section, from the Format choice list, select Separate Remittance Advice Format. 28. Select these check boxes: Automatically submit when payments are confirmed and Allow multiple copies for payment file. 29. From the Condition choice list, select All payments. 30. From the Delivery Method choice list, select E-Mail. 31. Click Save and Close.", "qas": [ { "id": "00375", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can I set up a Separate Remittance Advice section?", "answers": [ { "text": "Choose \"Separate Remittance Advice Format\" from the Format choice list, select the check boxes for \"Automatically submit when payments are confirmed\" and \"Allow multiple copies for payment file\", set the Condition to \"All payments\", and the Delivery Method to \"E-Mail\". Then save your changes.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Approve payment Only when the payment process request status is Payments Approval Initiated. Approvers only. Allows the payment", "qas": [ { "id": "00333", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the effect of the \"Approve payment\" action?", "answers": [ { "text": "Allows the payment process request to continue.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Prorating the amount paid for the invoice in the ratio of distribution amount...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01366", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How's which spending amounts determined?", "answers": [ { "text": "Prorated based on distribution.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text explains the consequences of not selecting a payment document when submitting a payment request.", "qas": [ { "id": "02066", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When 'll submitted another payments step request, why happen not 'll don't selecting another payments document?", "answers": [ { "text": "If no payment document is selected, Payments refers to the default payment document selected in the payment process profile setup. If no default payment document is provided, Payments doesn't generate a payment document number.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Payables is integrated to the document repository for processing scanned invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "01118", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this Oracle Payables systems making materials digitized invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It is integrated to the document repository.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The bell notification appears when the payment batch stops for a required action or when the payment processing is complete...", "qas": [ { "id": "00910", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payment status bell notifications are when they appear?", "answers": [ { "text": "The bell notification appears when the payment batch stops for a required action or when the payment processing is complete.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"When creating a payment for a single provider, use dynamic offers, you have the following options available: You get AI data science-driven discount recommendations.", "qas": [ { "id": "00776", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When creating a payment, how can you retrieve discount recommendations?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the dynamic offers option when creating a payment for a single supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "It is possible to solve some payment validation errors by changing the setup to allow the payments to pass validation.", "qas": [ { "id": "01970", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There other particular methodology error but able not address any remove payments.", "answers": [ { "text": "\"By leaving the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page and changing the setup of remittance bank accounts, third party payees, payment methods, or payment formats.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment business unit groups standard invoices, prepayments, and credit memos for the same supplier", "qas": [ { "id": "00328", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are invoices grouped in payment processing?", "answers": [ { "text": "By supplier name and site.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Search for Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report. If you test the same invoice multiple times, change the invoice account number in Payables to avoid duplicate invoice number errors. Note : Oracle recommends that you do not repeat an invoice during testing.", "qas": [ { "id": "01812", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Does which . 25-cent needs take not tests repeatedly?", "answers": [ { "text": "No, Oracle recommends that you don't repeat an invoice during testing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document. You can sequence invoices and payments by assigning them voucher numbers.", "qas": [ { "id": "00012", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are document sequences in relation to invoices and payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An installment can meet the selection criteria of a payment process request, but not be selected for payment for one or more reasons...", "qas": [ { "id": "00897", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why didn't it get selected for payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "An installment can meet the selection criteria but not get selected for various reasons.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\nHow Invoices Are Approved\nYou can configure predefined workflows to manage invoice approvals. When the invoice approval process starts, a workflow builds the list of approvers based on the defined rules.", "qas": [ { "id": "00171", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does the invoice approval process work?", "answers": [ { "text": "When the invoice approval process starts, a workflow builds the list of approvers based on the defined rules. Approval notifications are sent to the first set of approvers on the list. When the approvers respond, notifications are sent to the next set of approvers. This process repeats until all approvals are complete.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Consider enabling this option for spontaneous payment runs...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00260", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When is immediate creation useful?", "answers": [ { "text": "For spontaneous payment runs.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Because payment processing is centralized, you can exercise better control of supplier payments and reduce", "qas": [ { "id": "01427", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why using centralised payments processing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Better control of supplier payments and reduced cost.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document.", "qas": [ { "id": "01672", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which documents sequences from implies take phony well payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If a default third party payments relationship for the invoice date is defined, the third party information is copied to the invoice...", "qas": [ { "id": "00901", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if I create an invoice for a supplier that is set up for third-party payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "If a default third-party payment relationship is defined, the third-party information is copied to the invoice.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"When you enable cash budgeting, payment processing happens only when there is sufficient balance in the funds account.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00258", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does the cash budgeting system handle payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Only when there is a sufficient balance in the funds account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you need to assign attributes individually, use the label attributes at the document-payable level.", "qas": [ { "id": "00844", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the best way to assign attributes to a document?", "answers": [ { "text": "Navigate to the Assign Attributes at Document Payable Level page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The list of values in the Receipt field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of receipts.", "qas": [ { "id": "00138", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I find a specific receipt to match to an invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The list of values in the Receipt field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of receipts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments then informs the source product that none of the documents payable in the payment process request are being paid.", "qas": [ { "id": "00319", "is_impossible": false, "question": "After termination, what status are the documents payable set to?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"The source product then unlocks the documents payable and resets their status.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To ensure that you have the most recent suppliers and purchase orders on your testing platform, request a refresh of the P2T environment (Production to Test ). Refer to Oracle Applications Cloud Services Definition Environment Refresh (Doc ID 2015788.1) for instructions.", "qas": [ { "id": "01808", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How short able another synchronize requested take?", "answers": [ { "text": "A P2T refresh request can take up to 3 weeks to complete.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A payment process request can have a status of Missing cross-currency rates for multiple reasons...", "qas": [ { "id": "01452", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I fixes another payments step requested that's dead cross-currency rates?", "answers": [ { "text": "Depending on the reason, selecting the action icon on the Manage Payment Process Requests page opens the page where you can resolve the issue.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Payments enables selection of documents payable for inclusion in a payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01386", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this require making only documents payable?", "answers": [ { "text": "Assignment of a disbursement bank account and a payment process profile.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can create invoices through a spreadsheet by creating the Invoice in Spreadsheet task, and also submit the invoice import process from the spreadsheet.", "qas": [ { "id": "00558", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you use a spreadsheet to create invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can create invoices through the Create Invoice in Spreadsheet task and then submit the invoice import process from the spreadsheet.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The list of values in the Consumption Advice field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of consumption advice documents.", "qas": [ { "id": "00139", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I find a specific consumption advice to match to an invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The list of values in the Consumption Advice field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of consumption advice documents.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can't cancel an invoice if any of these conditions apply to it. \u0095 Invoice is validated. \u0095 It's matched to a purchase order or receipt. \u0095 It's updated with a tax calculation. \u0095 It's undergoing approval and doesn't have an approval status of Required or Not required.", "qas": [ { "id": "00112", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I delete an invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can't cancel an invoice if any of these conditions apply to it. \u0095 Invoice is validated. \u0095 It's matched to a purchase order or receipt. \u0095 It's updated with a tax calculation. \u0095 It's undergoing approval and doesn't have an approval status of Required or Not required.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Manual bank statement reconciliation involves selecting bank statement lines and system transactions to be reconciled together... Oracle Fusion Cash Management supports manual reconciliation for all matching scenarios; one to one, one to many, many to one, and many to many...", "qas": [ { "id": "00531", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is manual bank statement reconciliation performed in Oracle Fusion Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "Manual reconciliation involves selecting bank statement lines and system transactions to be reconciled together. During reconciliation, if a system transaction hasn't been cleared, the process clears the transaction first, and then reconciles it. Oracle Fusion Cash Management supports all matching scenarios like one to one, one to many, many to one, and many to many, across bank statements from the same bank account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This application provides the dashboard to identify suitable suppliers to target for dynamic discounting.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00224", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the primary application for identifying suppliers suitable for dynamic discounting?", "answers": [ { "text": "AI Apps for ERP provides the dashboard to identify suitable suppliers to target for dynamic discounting.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note that this process repeats until all approvals are complete. Approvers can respond by email notification, the Worklist notification page, the Invoices landing page or the Edit Invoice page. Invoice header approval", "qas": [ { "id": "00723", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which level can the approval process be configured?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Approval workflow can be configured at the invoice header level.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A skipped numbered payment document scenario is where payment is printed with a different number than you intended.", "qas": [ { "id": "02035", "is_impossible": false, "question": "A lucky payments documents this these in another skipping payments document.", "answers": [ { "text": "A skipped payment document is printed with a different number than intended, while a spoiled payment document is ruined during printing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This example illustrates how Accounting entries are created for a single accounting event in more than one accounting period.", "qas": [ { "id": "01736", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which importance which which scenario?", "answers": [ { "text": "It demonstrates how accounting entries are created across more than one accounting period for a single accounting event.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A single payment business unit provides payment services to multiple invoice business units.", "qas": [ { "id": "00325", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does a single payment business unit provide?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment services to multiple invoice business units.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If your printer skips a numbered payment document, mark the payment document as skipped on the Record Print Status page. The application renumbers subsequent payment documents and presents the results to you for review on the Record Print Status page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01488", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if which applications need skipping numbering payments documents?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application renumbers subsequent payment documents and presents the results for review.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The approve infotile displays invoices pending, others pending and rejected approvals.", "qas": [ { "id": "01697", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What typically which approved referents other displayed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Pending, others, and rejected approvals.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An incomplete invoice is created from an invoice document that has invalid or missing data.", "qas": [ { "id": "00714", "is_impossible": false, "question": "An incomplete invoice is what it is.", "answers": [ { "text": "An incomplete invoice is one created from an invoice document that has invalid or missing data.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can solve payment validation errors on the page Resolve payment validation errors.", "qas": [ { "id": "00846", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payment validation errors can be resolved.", "answers": [ { "text": "By removing payments with validation errors.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Review installments: Stops the payment process request after selecting the installments. You can review installments, add or remove installments, edit payment and discount amounts, specify user conversion rates, and calculate withholding and interest.", "qas": [ { "id": "00193", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the 'Review installments' option allow you to do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Review installments, add or remove installments, edit payment and discount amounts, specify user conversion rates, and calculate withholding and interest.", "answer_start": 13 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To set up sequences for invoices and payments, perform the following tasks: Specify document options, Manage Payables Document Sequences, (Optional) Manage Invoice Options, (Optional) Manage Payment Options", "qas": [ { "id": "00573", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the tasks that need to be done to set up the sequence for invoices and payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Specify Ledger Options, Manage Payables Document Sequences, Manage Invoice Options (optional), and Manage Payment Options (optional).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To resolve payment file validation errors, you can choose from overriding the validation error, removing payments from the payment file or changing the setup of payment methods or format.", "qas": [ { "id": "00946", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There are options for resolving payment file validation errors.", "answers": [ { "text": "You can override the validation error, remove payments from the payment file, or change payment method or format setup.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Manage banks and bank branches automatically by comparing the bank master file shared by the Japanese Bankers Association (Zengin) with Oracle ERP Cloud data.", "qas": [ { "id": "00503", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is the bulk maintenance of banks and branches conducted in Japan via Oracle ERP Cloud?", "answers": [ { "text": "By comparing the bank master file shared by the Japanese Bankers Association (Zengin) with Oracle ERP Cloud data and updating it monthly based on the Zengin file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can use the Apply credits up to zero amount payment option... to offset credit amounts against standard invoices issued by your supplier.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01381", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which \"Apply outstanding down take mean amounts payment\" options do?", "answers": [ { "text": "It offsets credit amounts against standard supplier invoices.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Enabling the option causes the payment process to apply credits when the credits reduce the payment amount less than zero.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01378", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which \"Apply outstanding down take mean amounts payment\" options do?", "answers": [ { "text": "It applies credits when they reduce the payment amount to less than zero.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After receiving the electronic invoice from suppliers, CMK transforms the payload from the external document format to the Payables invoice format and inserts the transformed payload into the Payables Invoices interface tables, and imports the invoices into the base tables.", "qas": [ { "id": "00645", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens when you receive electronic invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "CMK transforms the payload to the Payables invoice format, inserts it into the Payables Invoices Interface tables, and the Import Payables Invoices process imports the invoices into the base tables.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can set the following ledger options: Sequencing By: Enables document sequencing for the ledger or legal entities associated with that ledger. Enforce Document Sequencing: When set to Payables, indicates that invoices and payments require voucher numbers. Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date: Checks the accounting date on the invoice header when you save an invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00003", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What ledger options can be set in the system?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sequencing By, Enforce Document Sequencing, and Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Subledger Accounting uses a set of predefined account rules to create accounting, but you can define your own detailed accounting rules.", "qas": [ { "id": "01465", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I defining your their audit regulations from Oracle Fusion?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, you can define your own detailed accounting rules.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Ideally the payables transactional amounts and the accounted amounts on the report summary should be the same.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00467", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What should be the relationship between payables transactional and accounted amounts?", "answers": [ { "text": "They should be the same.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Payables improves security by limiting access to invoices and payments by business unit. You can access invoices and payments for viewing or processing only for the business units to which you have permission.", "qas": [ { "id": "00005", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does Oracle Fusion Payables enhance invoice and payment security?", "answers": [ { "text": "By limiting access to invoices and payments by business unit and allowing access only to those business units for which a user has permission.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Bills Payable Set whether to include bills payable invoices in the report.", "qas": [ { "id": "02132", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What ca which addition bill deferred variables do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Select whether to include bills payable invoices on the report.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After you finish preparing the data in the spreadsheet: 1. Click the Generate CSV File button, on Instructions and CSV Generation tab, to generate a ZIP file containing 3 CSV files. 2. Transfer the generated ZIP file to WebCenter document repository (UCM). Select fin$/cashManagement$/import$ account. 3. Submit the ESS job Load Interface File for Import process. 4. In the Process Details screen, for the Import Process, select Cash Position Data Transfer and for Data File, select the name of the ZIP file that was transferred to the fin$/cashManagement$/import$ repository in the UCM. The data from the ZIP file will be loaded to the interface tables CE_CP_STMT_HEADERS_INT, CE_CP_STMT_LINES_INT and CE_CP_SYS_TRX_INT. 5. The data from the ZIP file will be loaded to the interface tables CE_CP_STMT_HEADERS_INT, CE_CP_STMT_LINES_INT and CE_CP_SYS_TRX_INT. After the ESS Job Load Interface File for Import is completed successfully, the Cash Position Data Transfer ESS job will be automatically invoked. This process imports the data from the interface tables into the Cash Position Transaction Cube.", "qas": [ { "id": "00547", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is the Cash Position Data Import Processed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Generate a ZIP file containing 3 CSV files, transfer the ZIP file to WebCenter document repository, submit the ESS job Load Interface File for Import process, select Cash Position Data Transfer for the Import Process and the name of the ZIP file for Data File, and the data will be loaded to the specified interface tables. After that, the Cash Position Data Transfer ESS job will be automatically invoked to import the data into the Cash Position Transaction Cube.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"The discounts decrease over time, depending on the annual percentage rate (APR)...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00228", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do discounts decrease in the Payables Early Payment Offers feature?", "answers": [ { "text": "Based on agreed-upon APR.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following protocols are supported for connecting and retrieving a file from the bank server : Secure File Transfer Retrieval Protocol for Static File Names (SFTP_GET) The bank provides the server details including SFTP server host / IP, port, credentials.", "qas": [ { "id": "01063", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What protocols are used for retrieving a file from a bank server?", "answers": [ { "text": "Secure File Transfer Retrieval Protocol for Static File Names (SFTP_GET).", "answer_start": 15 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Setups in Functional Setup Manager Specify Cash Positioning and Forecasting Options You define the extraction duration of the transaction data in Essbase. You can also define reporting options such as: \u0095 the currency for cash balances. \u0095 the balance code to use from the bank statement in cash balances. Manage Cash Positioning and Forecasting Transaction Grouping Setup You create transaction grouping (transaction cube dimensions)...", "qas": [ { "id": "00542", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What can be specified in the Functional Setup Manager regarding Cash Positioning and Forecasting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Extraction duration of the transaction data in Essbase, currency for cash balances, balance code to use from the bank statement in cash balances, and transaction grouping (transaction cube dimensions) can be specified.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This is the amount reserved for the payment. Prorating the amount paid for the invoice in the ratio of distribution amount and total invoice amount...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00242", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is the Budget Amount determined?", "answers": [ { "text": "By prorating the amount paid for the invoice in the ratio of distribution amount to total invoice amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Regardless of how you set the Require conversion rate entry option, a payment requires a conversion rate if...", "qas": [ { "id": "00898", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When the option to require a conversion rate is disabled, why did the payment require a conversion rate?", "answers": [ { "text": "A payment requires a conversion rate if it's in a foreign currency or if it has an invoice that's subject to automatic withholding.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To create payment files immediately, select the Create payment files immediately option...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01335", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll sets down another payments step requested making possible files creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Select the \"Create payment files immediately\" option on the template or submission pages.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Create the payment requests by completing the following steps: 1. Prepare the data using the predefined XLSM template. 2. Generate the CSV file. 3. Transfer the data. 4. Load and import the data. 5. Reload the corrected data as necessary.", "qas": [ { "id": "01160", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which step take creating which payments requests?", "answers": [ { "text": "1. Prepare the data using the predefined XLSM template. 2. Generate the CSV file. 3. Transfer the data. 4. Load and import the data. 5. Reload the corrected data as necessary.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text explains the presence of mandatory grouping options for SEPA and CGI on a specific page in Oracle Payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "02075", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which option making ISO 20022 grouping?", "answers": [ { "text": "The mandatory ISO 20022 grouping options for SEPA and CGI are available on the Grouping tab on the Create and Edit Payment Process Profile page and tell Payments how to group transactions within a payment file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When you apply a prepayment, the invoice is updated to reflect the amount paid and the prepayment amount available for application is reduced.", "qas": [ { "id": "01727", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen take which 25-cent before prepayment?", "answers": [ { "text": "The invoice is updated to reflect the amount paid and the prepayment amount available for application is reduced.", "answer_start": 5 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For each payable document, Payments attempts to match the payment method, business unit, etc.", "qas": [ { "id": "00842", "is_impossible": false, "question": "A missing payment profile is derived.", "answers": [ { "text": "By matching several parameters from the document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Different outcomes for the status that is \"initiated\" and other than \"initiated\" like terminates existing approval processes, updates the approval status, etc.", "qas": [ { "id": "01798", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility making i take approved a invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The outcome depends on whether the invoice approval status is Initiated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"More payment files might be created than necessary.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01361", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Drawback which possible creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "More files might be created.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Reissue of payment involves voiding of the original payment and issuing a new payment in place of the old one.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00276", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is payment reissuing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Voiding the original and issuing a new one.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For invoices requiring budget control, cancellation of an invoice also reverses the expenditure funds consumed, and for matched invoices restores the previously obligated funds for the purchase order.", "qas": [ { "id": "00661", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If I cancel an invoice, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "Canceling an invoice sets invoice and installment amounts to zero, reverses invoice distributions, and reverses matches to purchase order schedules and distributions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: You may choose to change setups to resolve payment validation errors; however, you can't change details of the documents payable.", "qas": [ { "id": "01422", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can detail which papers deferred not however since which payments process?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"No, they are locked during the payment process.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For example, you may decide to take this action when one or more payments exceeds a defined amount limit.", "qas": [ { "id": "00314", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When might you remove payments from a payment process request?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"When one or more payments exceeds a defined amount limit.\"", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Other reasons for whether you can't cancel an invoice are as follows : You applied a prepayment on the invoice Canceling the invoice reduces the billed amount less than zero On partially paid invoices, you can create a memo and then reconcile it with the invoice to turn this invoice into a fully-paid invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00691", "is_impossible": false, "question": "I can't cancel an invoice.", "answers": [ { "text": "The invoice is: \u0095 Fully or partially paid \u0095 On hold \u0095 Selected for payment \u0095 Matched to a purchase order with a status of Finally closed \u0095 Already canceled \u0095 Corrected by a credit or debit memo", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The invoice is: Canceled Partially or fully paid, and the option Allow adjustments to paid invoices is not enabled Selected for payment An interest invoice A prepayment that is partially or fully applied In the process of approval The invoice line is: Canceled A prepayment application A manual withholding line Matched to a purchase order or receipt A corrected line A tax line A freight or other item", "qas": [ { "id": "01782", "is_impossible": false, "question": "I don't how know I can't creating another 6-speed distribution.", "answers": [ { "text": "The invoice is: \u0095 Canceled \u0095 Partially or fully paid, and the Allow adjustments to paid invoices option isn't enabled \u0095 Selected for payment \u0095 An interest invoice \u0095 A prepayment that's partially or fully applied \u0095 In the process of getting approved The invoice line is: \u0095 Canceled \u0095 A prepayment application or unapplication \u0095 An automatic withholding line \u0095 A manual withholding line \u0095 Matched to a purchase order or receipt \u0095 A corrected line \u0095 A tax line \u0095 A Freight or Miscellaneous line that's allocated to other item lines", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text describes the three levels of the ISO 20022 credit transfer message format.", "qas": [ { "id": "00424", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is the ISO 20022 credit transfer message format structured?", "answers": [ { "text": "The ISO 20022 credit transfer message format has a three-level XML message structure, including group header, payment information, and supplementary data.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Scanned invoices are arranged in aging buckets. When you click any of the numbers, the invoices are displayed in a table.", "qas": [ { "id": "00594", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are scanned invoices arranged?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are arranged in aging buckets.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Exceptions are classified as : Ambiguous: This exception occurs when either there are more than one application transaction that could match the line or the transaction could match more than one statement line...", "qas": [ { "id": "02179", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There other many peace exceptions.", "answers": [ { "text": "The types are Ambiguous, Date, and Amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In Oracle Fusion Payables a prepayment is a type of invoice which you can apply to an outstanding invoice to reduce the invoice amount.", "qas": [ { "id": "00622", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is a prepayment defined?", "answers": [ { "text": "In Oracle Fusion Payables, a prepayment is a type of invoice that you can apply to an outstanding invoice to reduce the invoice amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"An invoice for 200 USD and a credit memo for 125 USD are due for payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01379", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen then which 25-cent amounts this increasing more which loans amount?", "answers": [ { "text": "The option setting has no effect; the payment amount is still positive.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: \u0095 An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates \u0095 A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates \u0095 An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "01234", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's another self-billed invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: \u0095 An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates \u0095 A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates \u0095 An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Mass onboarding of suppliers... Access to additional short-term working capital for suppliers.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00227", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What advantages does the Payables Early Payment Offers feature have?", "answers": [ { "text": "Mass onboarding, one-click offers, automated processing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Mass onboarding of suppliers... Access to additional short-term working capital for suppliers.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01319", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which disadvantages which which Payables Early Payment Offers feature?", "answers": [ { "text": "Benefits include mass onboarding of suppliers, a one-click process to extend offers, automated processing of accepted offers, higher return for buyers, and access to short-term working capital for suppliers.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Imaging specialists can check for quality and proper formatting for images sent by email.", "qas": [ { "id": "01169", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What able optical experts checks making from which imagery sending also email?", "answers": [ { "text": "Quality and proper formatting.", "answer_start": 5 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The application deletes the existing intraday bank statement and imports the cumulative statement.", "qas": [ { "id": "01620", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which procedures making handled Intraday Bank Statements: Cumulative?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application deletes the existing intraday bank statement and imports the cumulative statement.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If the bank code is available in Oracle ERP Cloud, but not available in the Zengin file, then those banks and the associated branches will be marked with the prefix 'Deleted'.", "qas": [ { "id": "01607", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen take bank well smaller be provided from which Zengin files though same from Oracle ERP Cloud?", "answers": [ { "text": "They will be marked with the prefix 'Deleted'.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If any exceptions occur during automatic invoice creation, the solution marks the invoices as incomplete. It then routes the incomplete invoices to the accounts payable personnel for review and completion.", "qas": [ { "id": "00066", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are exceptions during automatic invoice creation handled?", "answers": [ { "text": "The solution marks the invoices as incomplete and routes them to the accounts payable personnel for review and completion.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task is an alternative method for creating document sequences.", "qas": [ { "id": "00024", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is an alternative method for creating document sequences?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You must use the following details when creating a project-related invoice: \u0095 Project Number \u0095 Task Number \u0095 Expenditure Type \u0095 Expenditure Organization", "qas": [ { "id": "01235", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What traits other require from which spreadsheets making project-related invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You must use the following details when creating a project-related invoice: \u0095 Project Number \u0095 Task Number \u0095 Expenditure Type \u0095 Expenditure Organization", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can cancel multiple invoices at the same time by using the Cancel Invoice action.", "qas": [ { "id": "00144", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can I cancel multiple invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can cancel multiple invoices at the same time by using the Cancel Invoice action.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You have visibility to a variety of sources available in the Essbase, such as invoices, receipts, and payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00536", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What kind of sources are available in the Essbase for the Oracle Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sources such as invoices, receipts, and payment are available.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"More payment files are likely to be created than necessary.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00811", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The back of creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "More files might be created.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment approval process generates and routes payments approval notifications to approvers.", "qas": [ { "id": "01982", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Approvers able ca everything in e-mail notifications.", "answers": [ { "text": "Approve or reject payment process requests.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The amount recognized depends on the number of accounting periods for which recognition has to be done and the recognition formula used in the accounting rules.", "qas": [ { "id": "00085", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is the amount recognized in the multiperiod accounting process determined?", "answers": [ { "text": "The amount recognized depends on the number of accounting periods for which recognition has to be done and the recognition formula used in the accounting rules.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Explained under the \"Differences Between the Reconciliation Report and Other Payables Reports\" section.", "qas": [ { "id": "01572", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why could information before which Payables take Ledger Reconciliation reports differing in are Payables reports?", "answers": [ { "text": "Differences in the inclusion of intercompany transactions and the date ranges used for the reports.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The task Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities and Business Units in Spreadsheet is an alternative method of creating document sequences.", "qas": [ { "id": "01674", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this a alternatives so take creating another documents sequence?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "By default, all users\nwith the Accounts Payable Specialist and Accounts Payable Supervisor job roles receive incomplete invoices routed to\nthem for review and completion. For AP Supervisor and AP Manager roles, these incomplete invoices appear in the\nScanned Information tile, grouped by creation date. If you need to route incomplete invoices based on other rules, you can modify the routing rule or add new routing rules.", "qas": [ { "id": "01266", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll modifying instead combine alignment regulations making incorrect invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "If you need to route incomplete invoices based on other rules, you can modify the routing rule or add new routing rules.", "answer_start": 45 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Credit liability amounts are reported as positive amounts because they represent outstanding balances. Debit liability amounts decrease the outstanding balance.", "qas": [ { "id": "00484", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are credit and debit liability amounts treated?", "answers": [ { "text": "Credit liability amounts are reported as positive amounts because they represent outstanding balances. Debit liability amounts decrease the outstanding balance.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Standing offers use a combination of AI recommendations with manual overrides...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01880", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca stood offering using technology?", "answers": [ { "text": "They combine AI recommendations with manual overrides.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Typically, General Ledger users are secured by data access sets... Payables users are secured by business units.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "02102", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this users military configured?", "answers": [ { "text": "General Ledger users are secured by data access sets, while Payables users are secured by business units.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The results of the Bank Statement Processing program are displayed in the Bank Statements and Reconciliation work area if a problem is encountered.", "qas": [ { "id": "01622", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where other which preliminary which which Bank Statement Processing programs displaying not another problems this encountered?", "answers": [ { "text": "In the Bank Statements and Reconciliation work area.", "answer_start": 10 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Invoices landing page to perform various tasks during the processing of invoices. You can focus on invoices which require your attention through one of the 6 Info tiles displayed on the Invoices landing page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01683", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Users able focusing before certain phony before which Invoices landed page.", "answers": [ { "text": "Through one of the 6 info tiles displayed.", "answer_start": 23 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can access Oracle Fusion Payments reports by clicking links on the UI so you don't have to navigate to the scheduled processes area to retrieve them...", "qas": [ { "id": "00362", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How Payment Reports Are Displayed?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can access Oracle Fusion Payments reports by clicking links on the UI.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you subject a payment to cash budgeting, the following attributes affect it: Budget date, Budget amount, Budget account.", "qas": [ { "id": "01905", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What traits affecting another payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "Budget date, budget amount, and budget account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"When you enable cash budgeting, payment processing happens only when there is sufficient balance in the funds account.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01358", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if which money rationalization systems need payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Only when there is a sufficient balance in the funds account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: The original invoice amount is only provided when you run the report for the primary ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "01026", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When is the original invoice amount given?", "answers": [ { "text": "The original invoice amount is only provided when you run the report for the primary ledger.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Enter the party name to limit the report to a single supplier or party.", "qas": [ { "id": "01030", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you limit the report to one supplier?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enter a party to limit the report to a single supplier or party.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can submit a payment batch for straight through processing or you can stop and review the payment process at various stages...", "qas": [ { "id": "01459", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How Payment Status Bell Notifications Are Displayed?", "answers": [ { "text": "You receive a payment status bell notification when the payment batch stops for required action or when the payment processing is complete.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Banks, branches, and accounts fit together on the premise of the Bank Account model. The model enables you to define and keep track of all bank accounts in one place and explicitly grant account access to: \u0095 multiple business units \u0095 functions \u0095 users", "qas": [ { "id": "01601", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca Banks, Branches, well Account Components working together?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Bank Account model enables tracking of all bank accounts in one place and grants account access to multiple business units, functions, and users, eliminating redundant bank account setups.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "7. Open the FinApincompleteInvoiceHold workflow with a double-click. Predefined Incomplete Invoice Routing Rule\nThe FinApIncompleteInvoiceHold task includes a rule set called IncompleteInvoiceRuleSet.", "qas": [ { "id": "01268", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which FinApIncompleteInvoiceHold tasks include?", "answers": [ { "text": "The FinApIncompleteInvoiceHold task includes a rule set called IncompleteInvoiceRuleSet. This rule set includes a rule called JobRoleAssignmentRule.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "3. On the supplier page, go to the Sites tab, click on the Supplier site link, then go to the Invoicing tab. 5. Define the payment currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "00665", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to pay an invoice with a withholding tax?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can pay an invoice that has auto-generated withholding tax amount if you enter the payment in a valid currency.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can create accounting entries for invoice and payment transactions using Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting. Subledger Accounting creates the final accounting for subledger journal entries and transfers the accounting to Oracle Fusion General Ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "00364", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are invoices and payments accounted in Oracle Fusion?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are accounted using Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting which creates the final accounting for subledger journal entries and transfers the accounting to Oracle Fusion General Ledger.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The list of values in the Consumption Advice field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of consumption advice documents.", "qas": [ { "id": "01239", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I how another certain decrease answers take matches take a invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The list of values in the Consumption Advice field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of consumption advice documents.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When you apply a prepayment, the invoice is updated to reflect the amount paid and the prepayment amount available for application is reduced.", "qas": [ { "id": "00077", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens to the invoice after applying a prepayment?", "answers": [ { "text": "The invoice is updated to reflect the amount paid and the prepayment amount available for application is reduced.", "answer_start": 5 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Payables improves security by limiting access to invoices and payments by business unit. You can access invoices and payments for viewing or processing only for the business units to which you have permission.", "qas": [ { "id": "00027", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does Oracle Fusion Payables enhance invoice and payment security?", "answers": [ { "text": "By limiting access to invoices and payments by business unit and allowing access only to those business units for which a user has permission.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payees, parties and bank accounts are created automatically when transactions are imported into the application.", "qas": [ { "id": "01703", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When trades other exported through which application, why entity other created?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payees, parties, and bank accounts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "How Cash Management External Transactions is Processed Once the external data has been prepared, proceed with the following steps: 1. Click the Generate CSV File button to generate a ZIP file containing the CSV file. 2. Transfer the generated ZIP file to WebCenter document repository...", "qas": [ { "id": "00525", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is data prepared for Cash Management External Transactions Import?", "answers": [ { "text": "Data is manually entered into the External Transactions Import Template or extracted from an external application into a temporary spreadsheet, then transferred into the template. Following this, a ZIP file containing the CSV file is generated and transferred to WebCenter document repository, and the ESS job Load Interface File for Import process is submitted.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Approval invoice invoice Initiate the invoice action or schedule the Initiate Invoice Approval Workflow process to run on a regular basis. Approve invoice document Respond to the approval notification for the invoice Predefined rules Invoices having amounts greater than or equal to 1000 require approval on the invoice from the immediate supervisor of the requester.", "qas": [ { "id": "00725", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the rules in the invoice approval process?", "answers": [ { "text": "The invoice approval workflow includes predefined rules such as invoices having amounts greater than or equal to 1000 requiring approval by the immediate supervisor of the requester on the invoice, and invoices having amounts less than 1000 being automatically approved.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Only invoices with the type: Payment Request can be entered into this FBDI spreadsheet.", "qas": [ { "id": "00055", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What type of invoices can be entered into the FBDI spreadsheet?", "answers": [ { "text": "Only invoices with the type: Payment Request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Assuming rental expenses are evenly divided over 3 months and the monthly account calendar is used.", "qas": [ { "id": "00638", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the split of the rental expenses?", "answers": [ { "text": "The rental expenses are split evenly over the 3 months.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Change the setup of remittance bank accounts, third party payees, payment methods, or payment formats.", "qas": [ { "id": "00302", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can some validation errors be resolved?", "answers": [ { "text": "By changing the setup of various accounts and methods.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "7. Open the workflow FinApincompleteInvoiceHold with a double-click, with predefined Incomplete Invoice Routing Rule. The finApIncompleteInvoiceHold task includes a rule set called IncompleteInvoiceRuleSet.", "qas": [ { "id": "00718", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is included in the task?", "answers": [ { "text": "The FinApIncompleteInvoiceHold task includes a rule set called IncompleteInvoiceRuleSet. This rule set includes a rule called JobRoleAssignmentRule.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "On the Manage Invoice Options page you can set payment options, such as whether to show available prepayments during the bill entry.", "qas": [ { "id": "00624", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can you modify prepayment settings?", "answers": [ { "text": "On the Manage Invoice Options page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "From the Invoices landing page, click the Create Recurring Invoices task to open the Create Recurring Invoices spreadsheet.", "qas": [ { "id": "00007", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you access the Create Recurring Invoices functionality in Oracle Fusion Payables?", "answers": [ { "text": "From the Invoices landing page, click the Create Recurring Invoices task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The balance used for reserving the budget amount is the distribution of the invoice which is paid determines the account combination for reserving funds.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00803", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What account is used to set the budget amount?", "answers": [ { "text": "The account determined by the distributions of the invoice being paid.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can run this report from the Scheduled Process Work Area Payables Unaccounted Transactions and Sweep Report Identify and check all unaccounted invoice and payment transactions and the reasons why they can't be reported.", "qas": [ { "id": "01049", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What can you do with the Payables Unaccounted Transactions and Sweep Report?", "answers": [ { "text": "Identify and review all unaccounted invoice and payment transactions and specify to sweep unaccounted transactions to another period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Withdraw approval Only when the payment process request status is Payments Approval Initiated.", "qas": [ { "id": "00336", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When can \"Withdraw approval\" action be taken?", "answers": [ { "text": "When the payment request status is Payments Approval Initiated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Approvals infotile displays invoices pending, others, and rejected approvals.", "qas": [ { "id": "00047", "is_impossible": false, "question": ". What types of approval statuses are displayed in the \"Approvals\" infotile?", "answers": [ { "text": "Pending, others, and rejected approvals.", "answer_start": 5 } ] } ] }, { "context": " Project number task number Expenditure type Expenditure Organization ", "qas": [ { "id": "01754", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What traits other require making project-related invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You must use the following details when creating a project-related invoice: \u0095 Project Number \u0095 Task Number \u0095 Expenditure Type \u0095 Expenditure Organization", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: If you enable the Require invoice grouping option on the Manage Invoice Options page, you must associate each invoice with an invoice group.", "qas": [ { "id": "00106", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's an invoice group?", "answers": [ { "text": "An invoice group is a collection of invoices that the application uses as: \u0095 A parameter for the Validate Payables Invoices process \u0095 A parameter for some payables reports \u0095 One of the selection criteria for a payment process request", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A third-party payment is a payment that you make to a supplier on behalf of another supplier. An office supply company sells their receivables to a collections agency for cash...", "qas": [ { "id": "00349", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's a third-party payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "A third-party payment is a payment that you make to a supplier on behalf of another supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Exceptions are classified as : Ambiguous: This exception occurs when either there are more than one application transaction that could match the line or the transaction could match more than one statement line...", "qas": [ { "id": "01079", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There are some reconciliation exceptions.", "answers": [ { "text": "The types are Ambiguous, Date, and Amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To create payment files through a scheduled process, accept the default setting...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00238", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do you create payment files through a scheduled process?", "answers": [ { "text": "Accept the default setting for \"Create payment files immediately\", then schedule the Create Printed Payment Files and Create Electronic Payment Files processes.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Campaign Management... Responses to these early payment offers are automatically processed and applied in your payment process requests.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00213", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do you identify suppliers for an early payment discount campaign?", "answers": [ { "text": "By applying selection criteria on the Payment Discounts page in Oracle AI Apps for ERP.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Scanned invoices are arranged in aging buckets, when you click any of the numbers those invoices are displayed in a table.", "qas": [ { "id": "01144", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other digitized phony separately making viewing?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are arranged in aging buckets.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Submitting a Payment Process Request... 1. Sign in as a transaction user. 2. On the Home page, click Payables > Payments... 14. Click Submit.", "qas": [ { "id": "01476", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca I submitted another payments step requested from Oracle Fusion?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sign in as a transaction user, navigate to Payables > Payments, and follow the steps to specify the selection criteria, payment attributes, processing options, and then submit the request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This is different from the expense budgeting where... cash account has sufficient funds before clearing the supplier payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01340", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's which mean in expenses rationalization well money budgeting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Expense budgeting enforces approved limits, while cash budgeting ensures sufficient funds before supplier payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To derive the budget account, overlay the distribution natural account with the natural account segment value from the cash account\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00793", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The Budget Account is derived.", "answers": [ { "text": "By overlaying the distribution natural account with the natural account segment value from the cash account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Follow these guidelines when preparing your data in the worksheet Enter the required information for each column, use the tool tips on each column header for detailed instructions Do not change the order of the columns in the template You can hide or skip columns you do not use, but not delete them.", "qas": [ { "id": "01096", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the guidelines for the data preparation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enter the required information for each column, do not change the order of the columns, and hide or skip columns you do not use without deleting them.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A payment processing request can have a status of missing cross-currency rates for multiple reasons...", "qas": [ { "id": "02002", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I fixes another payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Depending on the reason, selecting the action icon on the Manage Payment Process Requests page opens the page where you can resolve the issue.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The data imported to Cash Management are Bank Statement Headers Bank Statement Lines System Transactions ", "qas": [ { "id": "02194", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What information this exported through Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "Bank Statement Headers, Bank Statement Lines, and System Transactions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Standing offers a combination of AI recommendations with manual overrides that you specify...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01872", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which roles which guidelines from stood offers?", "answers": [ { "text": "Standing offers use a combination of AI recommendations with manual overrides specified by the user.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Because payment processing is centralized, you can gain better control of supplier payments and reduce their impact.", "qas": [ { "id": "01977", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why ca 'll using centralised payments processing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Better control of supplier payments and reduced cost.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "External cash transactions are transactions related to cash activity that haven't been recorded in the applications. The sources of external transactions are: \u0095 Manual Entry \u0095 Import \u0095 Balancing Transactions...", "qas": [ { "id": "00523", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the sources of external cash transactions?", "answers": [ { "text": "The sources are Manual Entry, Import, Balancing Transactions, Bank Statement, Bank Account Transfer, Ad Hoc Payment, and Reversal Reconciliation.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This application provides the dashboard to identify suitable suppliers for dynamic discounting.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00232", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which application identifies suppliers for dynamic discounting?", "answers": [ { "text": "AI Apps for ERP.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework (CMK) provides a simplified way to set up B2B communications within the procure to pay business flow.", "qas": [ { "id": "00644", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the role of the CMK?", "answers": [ { "text": "CMK provides a simplified way to set up B2B communication within the procure-to-pay business flow.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An incomplete invoice is an invoice created from an invoice image that has invalid or missing data.", "qas": [ { "id": "01786", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this a incorrect invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "An incomplete invoice is an invoice created from an invoice image that has invalid or missing data.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "How Bank Statement Reconciliation Data Import Is Processed After you finish preparing the data in the spreadsheet, complete these steps: 1. Click the Generate CSV File button to generate a .zip file containing the CSV file...", "qas": [ { "id": "00533", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is the bank statement reconciliation data import processed?", "answers": [ { "text": "After preparing the data in the spreadsheet, a .zip file containing the CSV file is generated by clicking the Generate CSV File button. The ESS job Load Interface File for Import is then submitted to load the CSV file. The process automatically imports the reconciliation data from the .zip file into the interface table CE_EXTERNAL_RECON_INT and automatically reconciles the grouped transactions. The automatic reconciliation output is reviewed to check the successfully reconciled groups and the exceptions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment approval process allows management to control payments by prioritizing available funds.", "qas": [ { "id": "01979", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which step making proposing payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Control payments by prioritizing available funds.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payees, parties and bank accounts are created automatically when transactions are imported into the application.", "qas": [ { "id": "00603", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When transactions are imported into the application, what entities are created?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payees, parties, and bank accounts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When payments are revalidated, any setup changes you made are activated.", "qas": [ { "id": "01421", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen then payment other revalidated?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"Any setup changes you made are activated.\"", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For the 1-1 reconciliation matching type of payments and receipts, reconciliation differences can be automatically split into the exchange gain or loss and bank accounts defined on Business Unit Access Level for the bank account.", "qas": [ { "id": "01074", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can the amount of reconciliation differences be handled?", "answers": [ { "text": "The reconciliation differences amount can be automatically split into the exchange gain or loss and bank charges accounts defined at business unit access level for the bank account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"If you don't implicitly map primary balancing segment values to business units, you must reconcile based on ledger...You must also reconcile by ledger if you centralize payment processing using the service provider model.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01549", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When should 'll reconciling company before ledger?", "answers": [ { "text": "When primary balancing segment values are not implicitly mapped to business units, or when centralizing payment processing using the service provider model.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Create the payment requests by completing the following steps: 1. Prepare the data using the predefined XLSM template. 2. Generate the CSV file. 3. Transfer the data. 4. Load and import the data. 5. Reload the corrected data as necessary.", "qas": [ { "id": "00060", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the steps to create the payment requests?", "answers": [ { "text": "1. Prepare the data using the predefined XLSM template. 2. Generate the CSV file. 3. Transfer the data. 4. Load and import the data. 5. Reload the corrected data as necessary.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The application notes the spoiled numbered payment document, associates the new number with that payment, and reprints the new numbered payment document.", "qas": [ { "id": "01489", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen take which originally numbers which another lucky numbering payments documents then this this reprinted?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application associates the new number with that payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you're using the invoice approval workflow, you can select from the following actions: \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Initiate \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Withdraw \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Hold \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Force approve \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Resubmit.", "qas": [ { "id": "00092", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What considerations should be made for approval actions?", "answers": [ { "text": "Actions like Initiate, Withdraw, Hold, Force Approve, and Resubmit should be considered.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The process that creates recurring invoices automatically places the invoices on a closed period hold. After you open Oracle Fusion payables period, run the validation process to release the hold.", "qas": [ { "id": "00666", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If I create recurring invoices for a Payables period, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "The process that creates the recurring invoices automatically places the invoices on a closed period hold. After you open the Oracle Fusion Payables period, run the validation process to release the hold.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Early Payment Discount Offers... You can pay invoices early in return for discounts with the Payables Early Payment Offers feature.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01310", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which benefits which which Payables Early Payment Offers feature?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can pay invoices early in return for discounts.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The amount paid for the invoice with the distribution amount is made approximately", "qas": [ { "id": "01916", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The spending amounts this determined.", "answers": [ { "text": "Prorated based on distribution.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"An invoice for 200 USD and a credit memo for 225 USD are due for payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00280", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if the credit amount is more than the invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment amount becomes negative if credits are applied.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Standing Offers... early payment discounts based on standing offers.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01314", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other stood offers?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are a set of criteria for recurring offers over an agreed time period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can submit a payment batch for straight through processing or you can stop and review the payment process at various stages...", "qas": [ { "id": "00359", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How Payment Status Bell Notifications Are Displayed?", "answers": [ { "text": "You receive a payment status bell notification when the payment batch stops for required action or when the payment processing is complete.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Standing offers use a combination of AI recommendations with manual overrides...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01330", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca Standing Offers using AI?", "answers": [ { "text": "They combine AI recommendations with manual overrides.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Once you make a permanent payment invoice, you can not set that one to temporary. But you can cancel and create a new one.", "qas": [ { "id": "01803", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take changes another temporary drop-out 25-cent take another permanent one?", "answers": [ { "text": "The classification of a prepayment invoice as permanent isn\u0092t reversible.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments removes the payment and associated documents from the request for the payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "00847", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When payments are removed, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments and associated documents are removed from the request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: If you enable the Require invoice grouping option on the Manage Invoice Options page, you must associate each invoice with an invoice group.", "qas": [ { "id": "01206", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's a 25-cent group?", "answers": [ { "text": "An invoice group is a collection of invoices that the application uses as: \u0095 A parameter for the Validate Payables Invoices process \u0095 A parameter for some payables reports \u0095 One of the selection criteria for a payment process request", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following steps are performed by the Automatic Reconciliation process: 1. The automatic reconciliation process first completes the reconciliation of the regular transactions using the reconciliation matching rule set...", "qas": [ { "id": "01628", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What step other performing also which Automatic Reconciliation step then materials rejecting payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "The process first completes reconciliation of regular transactions, identifies unreconciled reversal statement lines, looks back at 6 months of data to retrieve the original bank statement line, and then unreconciles the original statement line to automatically reconcile the rejected statement line with the original statement line.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Additional reasons that you can't cancel an invoice are as follows: \u0095 You applied a prepayment to the invoice. \u0095 Canceling the invoice reduces the billed quantity on the purchase order less than zero. For partially paid invoices, you can create a credit memo and then reconciliate it with the invoice to turn this invoice into a fully-paid invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00110", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I cancel an invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The invoice is: \u0095 Fully or partially paid \u0095 On hold \u0095 Selected for payment \u0095 Matched to a purchase order with a status of Finally closed \u0095 Already canceled \u0095 Corrected by a credit or debit memo", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Invoice lines record details of the goods and services including tax, freight, and miscellaneous charges. They can be generated automatically by matching an invoice to a purchase order, receipt, or consumption advice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00042", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What details are captured by invoice lines?", "answers": [ { "text": "Details of the goods and services including tax, freight, and miscellaneous charges.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: \u0095 A quantity correction doesn't adjust the unit price on a purchase order or consumption advice. \u0095 You can allocate purchase order distributions for quantity corrections.", "qas": [ { "id": "00125", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's a quantity correction?", "answers": [ { "text": "A quantity correction is a supplier invoice that adjusts the quantity of an invoice that's matched to a purchase order, receipt, or consumption advice. Create a credit or debit memo for a quantity correction.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Document validation Pending action to address document validation errors Validation failed for some installments and the value of the option for handling document validation failures is Stop process for review. Requires a manual review.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00204", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When can document validation errors require user action?", "answers": [ { "text": "When validation fails for some installments and the value of the option for handling document validation failures is \"Stop process for review\".", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can import, update, approve, and pay transactions and get the status update for payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00052", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What actions can you perform on the imported transactions?", "answers": [ { "text": "Import, update, approve, and pay transactions and get the status update for payments.", "answer_start": 2 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can download the spreadsheet template to prepare your cash position data. The template contains an instruction sheet to help guide you through the process. To access the template, complete the following steps: 1. Navigate to the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Financials Cloud guide. 2. In the Table of Contents, click File-Based Data Imports. 3. Click Cash Management Cash Position Data Import. 4. In the File Links section, click the link to the Excel template.", "qas": [ { "id": "00545", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you access the template for preparing your cash position data?", "answers": [ { "text": "Navigate to the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Financials Cloud guide, click File-Based Data Imports, click Cash Management Cash Position Data Import, and click the link to the Excel template in the File Links section.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Based on agreements with your suppliers, you might receive paper invoices at your bill-to locations, or you might receive images by email.", "qas": [ { "id": "00068", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you receive invoices from your suppliers?", "answers": [ { "text": "Either as paper invoices at your bill-to locations or as images by email.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To create payment files through a scheduled process, accept the default setting...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01338", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca 'll creating payments file into another slated process?", "answers": [ { "text": "Accept the default setting for \"Create payment files immediately\", then schedule the Create Printed Payment Files and Create Electronic Payment Files processes.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In using a template, you can minimize the date entry for frequently used payment processing settings, identify cash requirements by running the Payables Cash Requirement report against the template before submitting the template for processing, and schedule payment processing requests to run on a regular basis.", "qas": [ { "id": "01831", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which benefit which used another template?", "answers": [ { "text": "Minimize date entry for frequently used payment processing settings, identify cash requirements by running the Payables Cash Requirement report, and schedule payment process requests to run regularly.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For each payment process request you can specify selection criteria, payment attributes, and processing options.", "qas": [ { "id": "00183", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What can you specify for each payment process request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Selection criteria, payment attributes, and processing options.", "answer_start": 8 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: If you enable the Require invoice grouping option on the Manage Invoice Options page, you must associate each invoice with an invoice group.", "qas": [ { "id": "00137", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's an invoice group?", "answers": [ { "text": "An invoice group is a collection of invoices that the application uses as: \u0095 A parameter for the Validate Payables Invoices process \u0095 A parameter for some payables reports \u0095 One of the selection criteria for a payment process request", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A third-party payment is a payment that you make to a supplier on behalf of another supplier - An office supply company sells their receivables to a collection agency for cash -", "qas": [ { "id": "00899", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is a third-party payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "A third-party payment is a payment that you make to a supplier on behalf of another supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You should arrange the creation of payment file as part of a business process where payment selection is local or decentralized...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00796", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why would you want to schedule payment file creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "When payment selection is local or decentralized, and processing is centralized.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The invoice is: \u0095 Canceled \u0095 Partially or fully paid, and the Allow adjustments to paid invoices option isn't enabled \u0095 Selected for payment \u0095 An interest invoice \u0095 A prepayment that's partially or fully applied \u0095 In the process of getting approved The invoice line is: \u0095 Canceled \u0095 A prepayment application or unapplication \u0095 An automatic withholding line \u0095 A manual withholding line \u0095 Matched to a purchase order or receipt \u0095 A corrected line \u0095 A tax line \u0095 A Freight or Miscellaneous line that's allocated to other item lines", "qas": [ { "id": "00132", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I create a manual distribution?", "answers": [ { "text": "The invoice is: \u0095 Canceled \u0095 Partially or fully paid, and the Allow adjustments to paid invoices option isn't enabled \u0095 Selected for payment \u0095 An interest invoice \u0095 A prepayment that's partially or fully applied \u0095 In the process of getting approved The invoice line is: \u0095 Canceled \u0095 A prepayment application or unapplication \u0095 An automatic withholding line \u0095 A manual withholding line \u0095 Matched to a purchase order or receipt \u0095 A corrected line \u0095 A tax line \u0095 A Freight or Miscellaneous line that's allocated to other item lines", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can also pay a prepayment in a currency that's different from the invoice currency. If you choose to do so, you must ensure that both the invoice and the prepayment have the same invoice currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "00080", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Under which conditions can you use different currencies for invoice and prepayment?", "answers": [ { "text": "Both the invoice and the prepayment must have the same invoice currency.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After you override the error, the payment process formatted and then prints or transmits the payment file.", "qas": [ { "id": "02048", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen then another payments files methodology errors this ignored?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment process formats and then prints or transmits the payment file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note that this process repeats until all approvals are complete. Approvers can respond by email notification, the Worklist notification page, the Invoices landing page or the Edit Invoice page. Invoice header approval", "qas": [ { "id": "01823", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which levels able which approved step not configured?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Approval workflow can be configured at the invoice header level.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Cash Positioning and Forecasting Solution Components The following is used to create your cash position and forecast: \u0095 Essbase cube: This component stores the actual transaction data sources such as AP payments, AR receipts, and Payroll payments... \u0095 SMART View and Excel: Is used to view the generated cash positioning and forecasting reports... \u0095 Interface tables: Are created to allow the extraction of data from the various sources before transferring them to the Essbase cube. \u0095 ADF User Interface: The Bank Statement page enable view both intraday and prior-day bank statements. \u0095 ESS Job: The program is created to support loading of data from different sources to the Essbase cube...", "qas": [ { "id": "00541", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What components are utilized to create cash position and forecast in Oracle Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "Essbase cube, SMART View and Excel, Interface tables, ADF User Interface, and ESS Job are used.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Consider enabling this option for spontaneous payment...", "qas": [ { "id": "01886", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why could 'll allowing possible payments files creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "For spontaneous payment runs without waiting for a scheduled process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can use the Payables Invoice Register to review detailed information on invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "00983", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What report can be used to review invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payables Invoice Register.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\nAn incomplete invoice is one created from an invoice document that has invalid or missing data. By default, all users\nwith the Accounts Payable Specialist and Accounts Payable Supervisor job roles receive incomplete invoices routed to\nthem for review and completion. For AP Supervisor and AP Manager roles, these incomplete invoices appear in the\nScanned Information tile, grouped by creation date.", "qas": [ { "id": "00165", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where do incomplete invoices appear for AP Supervisor and AP Manager roles?", "answers": [ { "text": "For AP Supervisor and AP Manager roles, these incomplete invoices appear in the Scanned Information tile, grouped by creation date.", "answer_start": 41 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"When you enable cash budgeting, payment processing happens only when there is sufficient balance in the funds account.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00248", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens when cash budgeting is enabled?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment processing occurs only with sufficient balance in the funds account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Oracle Financials Cloud uses AI models to provide discount recommendations for single payments.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01331", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if Oracle Financials Cloud assistance from discounting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Uses AI for discount recommendations.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Mentioned in the \"Considerations For Setting Up for Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation\" section.", "qas": [ { "id": "00446", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the purpose of the Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation preparation process and report?", "answers": [ { "text": "To simplify reconciliation and reduce the amount of manual reconciling activity required.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To derive the budget account, overlay the distribution natural account with the natural account segment value from the cash account.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01352", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this which spending accounts making marinade fund derived?", "answers": [ { "text": "By overlaying the distribution natural account with the cash account's natural account segment value.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments informs the source product that the documents are not due.", "qas": [ { "id": "00858", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the impact of removing a document from a payment process request?", "answers": [ { "text": "It's not being paid and is ready for re-selection.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To submit a payment process request... 4. On the Submit Payment Process Request page, select the Selection Criteria tab. 5. In the Name field, enter ISO_PPRXXX. Tip: In place of XXX, enter the appropriate number.", "qas": [ { "id": "01477", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I referred another payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enter \"ISO_PPRXXX\" in the Name field, where \"XXX\" is the appropriate number.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A self-service invoice is an invoice that a supplier enters through Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal. Whether the supplier matches the invoice to a purchase order or consumption advice determines the resulting invoice type in Oracle Fusion Payables. A matched invoice becomes a standard invoice or credit memo. An unmatched invoice becomes an invoice request, which must be approved using the Invoice Approval workflow. Once approved, the invoice request then becomes a standard invoice or credit memo.", "qas": [ { "id": "00097", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's a self-service invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-service invoice is an invoice that a supplier enters through Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal. Whether the supplier matches the invoice to a purchase order or consumption advice determines the resulting invoice type in Oracle Fusion Payables. A matched invoice becomes a standard invoice or credit memo. An unmatched invoice becomes an invoice request, which must be approved using the Invoice Approval workflow. Once approved, the invoice request then becomes a standard invoice or credit memo.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This report can only be ran for the primary ledger and for non-adjustment periods. To view the report, select a ledger and request name...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "02114", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which requirement making which report?", "answers": [ { "text": "It can only be run for the Primary ledger and for non-adjustment periods. A ledger and request name must be selected.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you subject a payment to cash budgeting, the following attributes affect it: Budget date, Budget amount, Budget account.", "qas": [ { "id": "00805", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What attributes affect a payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "Budget date, budget amount, and budget account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When you specify a payment business unit, the selection process finds installments for the payment business units that the payment business unit services.", "qas": [ { "id": "00737", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does specifying a payment business unit affect the selection process?", "answers": [ { "text": "The selection process finds installments for the invoice business units that the payment business unit services.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can take the following action with skipped numbered payment documents: Save them for a future single payment, save them for a manual payment, destroy the paper document and void it in Oracle Fusion Cash Management on the Edit Bank Account page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01481", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What action able I come and another skipping numbering payments document?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can save it for a future single or manual payment, or destroy the paper document and void it in Oracle Fusion Cash Management.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Whether the supplier matches the invoice to a purchase order or consumption advice determines the resulting invoice type in Oracle Fusion Payables. A matched invoice becomes a standard invoice or credit memo. An unmatched invoice becomes an invoice request, which must be approved using the Invoice Approval workflow. Once approved, the invoice request then becomes a standard invoice or credit memo.", "qas": [ { "id": "00102", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's a self-service invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-service invoice is an invoice that a supplier enters through Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Run the report from the Reports and Analytics work area or from the following pages: Manage Scheduled Processes, Manage Payment Process Requests, Create or Edit Payment Process Request Template.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00434", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can you run the Payables Cash Requirement Report?", "answers": [ { "text": "From the Reports and Analytics work area, Manage Scheduled Processes, Manage Payment Process Requests, or Create or Edit Payment Process Request Template pages.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "On the Manage Invoice Options page, you can set prepayment options, such as whether to show available prepayments during invoice entry.", "qas": [ { "id": "00074", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can you configure prepayment settings?", "answers": [ { "text": "On the Manage Invoice Options page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Payables improves security by limiting access to invoices and payments by business unit. You can access invoices and payments for viewing or processing only for business units that you have permission to do.", "qas": [ { "id": "00577", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does Oracle Fusion Payables improve invoice and payment security?", "answers": [ { "text": "By limiting access to invoices and payments by business unit and allowing access only to those business units for which a user has permission.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To change details on the documents payable, you must remove the payment or document payable from the payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01412", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll modifying detail before papers payable?", "answers": [ { "text": "Remove them from the payment process request and then edit.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A skipped numbered payment document scenario is where the payment is printed onto a payment document with a different number than you intended.", "qas": [ { "id": "01480", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this another skipping numbering payments document?", "answers": [ { "text": "A skipped numbered payment document occurs when the payment is printed onto a payment document with a different number than intended.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Add the name of your used defined hold to the existing list of lookup codes. This restricts the inclusion of invoices into the automatic initiation of the invoice account coding workflow.", "qas": [ { "id": "01230", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I restricting phony and users i.e. represents making Automatic ritual take which Invoice Account Coding workflow?", "answers": [ { "text": "Add the user defined holds as a lookup code to the lookup type: ORA_AP_ACCOUNT_CODING_HOLDS.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The application of the missing conversion rates process uses conversion rate information on the page Manage Daily Rates to apply the conversion rates The next time you validate the invoice the No Rate Hold is automatically removed.", "qas": [ { "id": "00918", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are conversion rates applied to invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "The \"Apply Missing Conversion Rates\" process uses conversion rate information from the \"Manage Daily Rates\" page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Use the dynamic offers when creating a payment for a single supplier. When you create the payment, you have the following options available: You retrieve the AI data science driven discount recommendations.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01326", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll locate AI-driven premium guidelines then create another payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the dynamic offers option when creating a payment for a single supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "12. In the Validation Failure Handling Subsection select Stop Process from the Document Choice List For Review, 12. Select Stop Process From the Payment Choice List For Review", "qas": [ { "id": "02029", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If which payments step requested methodology fails, why must I do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Set both the Document and Payment choice lists to \"Stop process for review\".", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Resubmit for approval only when the payment process - request is withdrawn from payment approval and there is error in payments approval", "qas": [ { "id": "01987", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which \"Resubmit making approval\" actions do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Reinitiates the payment approval process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment date is the same as the date of the payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "01915", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which spending date?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Here are three ways you can use early payment discount... (on an ad hoc basis) for single payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00762", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can early payment discounts be used?", "answers": [ { "text": "1. Through campaigns and automated processing of offer responses. 2. Through enrollment in standing offers. 3. Through dynamic offers for single payments.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The section \"Considerations for Closing a Period of Payables\" provides a list of activities to consider before closing a period of payables.", "qas": [ { "id": "00989", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What should be done before the period ends?", "answers": [ { "text": "Complete and approve all transactions and payment files, reconcile payments to bank statements, transfer all approved invoices and payments to the general ledger, submit the Unaccounted Transactions and Sweep process, close the current Payables period, reconcile Payables activity for the period, and open the next Payables period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If your printer skips a numbered payment document, mark the payment document as skipped on the Record Print Status page. The application renumbers subsequent payment documents and presents the results to you for review on the Record Print Status page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00388", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does the application handle skipped numbered payment documents?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application renumbers subsequent payment documents and presents the results for review.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To create payment files immediately, select the Create payment files immediately option...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00235", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you set up a payment process request for immediate file creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Select the \"Create payment files immediately\" option on the template or submission pages.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You should use the following details when creating a project-related invoice: Project Number Task Number Budget Type Expenditure Organization", "qas": [ { "id": "01785", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What traits other require making project-related invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You must use the following details when creating a project-related invoice: \u0095 Project Number \u0095 Task Number \u0095 Expenditure Type \u0095 Expenditure Organization", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To derive the budget account, overlay the distribution natural account with the natural account segment value...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00267", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How's the budget account derived?", "answers": [ { "text": "Overlaying distribution with cash account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Campaign Management... Responses to these early payment offers are automatically processed.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01329", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if Campaign Management offer?", "answers": [ { "text": "Supplier identification and automated offer processing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The first step is to set up a payment process profile that contains all the necessary details to manage the payment process. You will create an ISO payment process profile. ... On the Manage Payment Process Profiles page, in the Search Results section, click Add... From the Payment File Format choice list, search and select the ISO20022 Common Global Implementation Format... Select the Usage Rules tab... Select the Payment System tab... Select the Payment tab... Select the Grouping tab... Select the Reporting tab...", "qas": [ { "id": "01471", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca I creating a ISO Payment Process Profile from Oracle Fusion?", "answers": [ { "text": "Begin by signing in as a setup user, then navigate to the \"Manage Payment Process Profiles\" page under Financials. From there, add a new profile, specify its attributes, and complete the setup.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If the status is Initiated, force approving an invoice: \u0095 Ends existing approval processes \u0095 Cancels pending notifications \u0095 Updates the approval status to Manually approved \u0095 Records this information in the invoice approval history If the status is other than Initiated, force approving an invoice: \u0095 Updates the approval status to Manually approved \u0095 Records this information in the invoice approval history", "qas": [ { "id": "00117", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if I force approve an invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The outcome depends on whether the invoice approval status is Initiated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The application checks if there is a manual intraday statement within the same date range... a new intraday statement is created.", "qas": [ { "id": "02171", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other which banks comments handled?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application checks for manual or imported intraday statements within the same date range, appends statement lines if an imported statement is found, or creates a new intraday statement if none is found.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "During the tolerance setup for invoice matching the freight and miscellaneous lines are not supported.", "qas": [ { "id": "00673", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When does invoice matching include freight and other lines?", "answers": [ { "text": "Freight and miscellaneous lines aren't supported during the tolerance setup for invoice matching.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"In contrast, the cash budgeting ensures that the cash account has sufficient funds before clearing the supplier payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00249", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does cash budgeting differ from expense budgeting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Cash budgeting ensures funds before payment, while expense budgeting enforces budget limits.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After the octave the Oracle Fusion Payables period, run the validation process to release the hold.", "qas": [ { "id": "01797", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If I creating recurrent phony making another Payables period, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "The process that creates the recurring invoices automatically places the invoices on a closed period hold.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Follow these guidelines when preparing your data in the worksheet Enter the required information for each column, use the tool tips on each column header for detailed instructions Do not change the order of the columns in the template You can hide or skip columns you do not use, but not delete them.", "qas": [ { "id": "02196", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which recommendations making which information preparation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enter the required information for each column, do not change the order of the columns, and hide or skip columns you do not use without deleting them.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework (CMK) provides a simplified way to set up B2B communication within the procure-to-pay business flow.", "qas": [ { "id": "00094", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the role of the Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework (CMK)?", "answers": [ { "text": "CMK provides a simplified way to set up B2B communication within the procure-to-pay business flow.", "answer_start": 5 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The business unit for the invoice is different from the business unit for the payment and you don't have access to that invoice business unit...", "qas": [ { "id": "01454", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why ca I getting another clearances errors then I clicking before a 25-cent numbers links in which Manage Payments page?", "answers": [ { "text": "The business unit for the invoice is different from the business unit for the payment and you don't have access to that invoice business unit.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Invoices landing page to perform various tasks when processing invoices. You can focus on invoices that require your attention through one of the 6 info tiles displayed on the Invoices landing page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00033", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can users focus on specific invoices on the Invoices landing page?", "answers": [ { "text": "Through one of the 6 info tiles displayed.", "answer_start": 21 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text explains that Oracle Payments performs validations on ISO 20022 SEPA and CGI credit card transfers.", "qas": [ { "id": "02078", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What ca Oracle Payments ca making ISO 20022 SEPA well CGI loans transfers messages?", "answers": [ { "text": "Oracle Payments attaches validations to verify that required data is present in the credit transfer messages formats.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To change details on the bills payable, you must remove the payment or the payment document from the payment request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01973", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll making change take which documents?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"Remove the payment or document payable from the payment process request and then make changes in the Edit Invoice page.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This benefit is mentioned in the \"Reconciling by Business Unit or Ledger\" subsection.", "qas": [ { "id": "00448", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can reconciling by Business Unit or Ledger be beneficial?", "answers": [ { "text": "It allows employees from different business units to balance their respective accounting activity.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "By default, all users with the roles of Accounts Payable Specialist and Accounts Payable Supervisor receive incomplete invoices for their review and completion. For AP Supervisor and AP Manager roles, these incomplete invoices appear in the Tiled Information grouped by creation date. If you need to route incomplete invoices based on other rules you can modify the routing rule or add new routing rules.", "qas": [ { "id": "00716", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you change the rules for incomplete invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "If you need to route incomplete invoices based on other rules, you can modify the routing rule or add new routing rules.", "answer_start": 42 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Report the payment as issued on the Record Print Status page after reprinting onto a new numbered payment document.", "qas": [ { "id": "01490", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca I reports another payments also letter before reprinting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Report the payment as issued on the Record Print Status page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To run the report, go to Tools > Scheduled Processes and then click on Schedule New Process and then search for Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report. If you are repeatedly testing the same invoice, change the invoice account number in Payables to avoid duplicate invoice number errors.", "qas": [ { "id": "01811", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If 'll tests which . 25-cent types times, why must 'll do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Change the invoice account number in Payables to avoid duplicate invoice number errors.", "answer_start": 33 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document. You can sequence invoices and payments by assigning them voucher numbers.", "qas": [ { "id": "00000", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are document sequences in relation to invoices and payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The data imported into Cash Management are: \u0095 Bank Statement Headers \u0095 Bank Statement Lines \u0095 System Transactions", "qas": [ { "id": "01644", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What types which information this exported through Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "Bank Statement Headers, Bank Statement Lines, and System Transactions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To set up sequencing for invoices and payments, perform the following tasks: Specify Ledger Options, Manage Payables Document Sequences, (Optional) Manage Invoice Options, (Optional) Manage Payment Options.", "qas": [ { "id": "01101", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What task other responsible from set down genome making phony well payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Specify Ledger Options, Manage Payables Document Sequences, Manage Invoice Options (optional), and Manage Payment Options (optional).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can create invoices through a spreadsheet using the Create Invoice in Spreadsheet task. From the spreadsheet you can also submit the invoice import process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01108", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll creating phony from Oracle Fusion Payables used another spreadsheet?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can create invoices through the Create Invoice in Spreadsheet task and then submit the invoice import process from the spreadsheet.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Terminate payment process request Always. Anyone. Terminates the payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01441", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's which due which \"Terminate payments step request\"?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment process is terminated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A multiperiod invoice has two accounts on the lines and distributions. The existing expense account or distribution set continues to be used to capture the account that the expenses have to be booked.", "qas": [ { "id": "00082", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is a multiperiod invoice characterized by?", "answers": [ { "text": "A multiperiod invoice has two accounts on the lines and distributions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text mentions that the selection from the Payment Document choice list is optional.", "qas": [ { "id": "01518", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is which selected which another payments documents numbers mandatory?", "answers": [ { "text": "No, the selection of a payment document number is optional.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Create a credit or debit memo for a negative quantity correction, and a standard invoice for a positive amount correction.", "qas": [ { "id": "00676", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is an amount correction?", "answers": [ { "text": "An amount correction is a supplier invoice that adjusts the amount of either an unmatched invoice, or an invoice that's matched to a services-based purchase order or receipt.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Based on agreements with your suppliers, you might receive paper invoices at your billing locations or receive images by email.", "qas": [ { "id": "01718", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take receiving phony in my suppliers?", "answers": [ { "text": "Either as paper invoices at your bill-to locations or as images by email.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A payables supervisor can identify incomplete Supplier Portal invoices for cancelation using the following methods : Query the invoices on the Manage Invoices page Run the Close Exception report", "qas": [ { "id": "01046", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can a Payables supervisor identify incomplete invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "By querying the invoices on the Manage Invoices page or running the Period Close Exception Report.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The discounts decrease over time, depending on the annual percentage rate ( APR ) that the supplier and you have agreed to take from the discounts.", "qas": [ { "id": "00770", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are the discounts determined over time?", "answers": [ { "text": "The discounts decrease over time, based on the annual percentage rate (APR) agreed upon between the supplier and the buyer.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment approval process allows management to control payments by prioritizing available funds.", "qas": [ { "id": "01429", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which payments approved step for?", "answers": [ { "text": "Control payments by prioritizing available funds.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text explains that paper document numbers for electronic payments can be sent to the payment system or bank for printing on outsourced checks.", "qas": [ { "id": "01509", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other printed documents number using making from digital payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Paper document numbers are used for electronic payments and can be sent to your payment system or bank to be printed onto outsourced checks.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The discounts decrease over time, depending on the annual percentage rate ( APR ) that the supplier and you have agreed to take from the discounts.", "qas": [ { "id": "01870", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other which purchases determine while time?", "answers": [ { "text": "The discounts decrease over time, based on the annual percentage rate (APR) agreed upon between the supplier and the buyer.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "3. On the supplier page, go to the Sites tab, click on the Supplier site link, then go to the Invoicing tab. 5. Define the payment currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "01765", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take paying a 25-cent and another withhold tax?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can pay an invoice that has auto-generated withholding tax amount if you enter the payment in a valid currency.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When paper document numbering for electronic payments is disabled, only payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00404", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens when paper document numbering for electronic payments is disabled?", "answers": [ { "text": "Only payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To resolve payment file validation errors, you can choose from overriding the validation error, removing payments from the payment file or changing the setup of payment methods or format.", "qas": [ { "id": "02046", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There other option making resolve payments files methodology errors.", "answers": [ { "text": "You can override the validation error, remove payments from the payment file, or change payment method or format setup.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Parameters section: \"Business Unit\", \"Sequence\", \"Voucher Number\".", "qas": [ { "id": "01531", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What variables other require making which Payables Invoice Audit also Voucher Number Listing report?", "answers": [ { "text": "Business Unit, Sequence, and Voucher Number.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Include Bills Payable Select whether to include bills payable invoices on the report.", "qas": [ { "id": "01582", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which Include Bills Payable formula_4 do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Select whether to include bills payable invoices on the report.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You must use the following details when creating a project-related invoice: \u0095 Project Number \u0095 Task Number \u0095 Expenditure Type \u0095 Expenditure Organization", "qas": [ { "id": "00104", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What attributes are required in the spreadsheet for project-related invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You must use the following details when creating a project-related invoice: \u0095 Project Number \u0095 Task Number \u0095 Expenditure Type \u0095 Expenditure Organization", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The list of values in the Receipt Field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order you must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of receipts.", "qas": [ { "id": "00688", "is_impossible": false, "question": "I can't find a specific receipt to match an invoice.", "answers": [ { "text": "The list of values in the Receipt field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of receipts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The \"Submit the Unaccounted Transactions and Sweep Process\" section provides this information.", "qas": [ { "id": "01543", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which Unaccounted Transactions well Sweep step do?", "answers": [ { "text": "It transfers unaccounted transactions from one accounting period to another, and can change the accounting date of transactions to the next open period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Reissue of payment involves voiding the original payment and issuing a new payment in place of the old one\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00826", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payment reissuing, what is it?", "answers": [ { "text": "Voiding the original and issuing a new one.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To use this feature you must create and enable the following: 1. Lookup Type: ADD_DUPLICATE_INV_CHECK 2. Lookup Code: DUPLICATE_INVOICE_CHECK", "qas": [ { "id": "01240", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I how duplicates phony any consider which 25-cent numbers also which same check?", "answers": [ { "text": "When the duplicate invoice check feature is enabled, it performs checks based on the combination of the supplier, invoice type, amount, currency, and date. This check includes all the invoices received and processed from a supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The solution routes invoices with exceptions to accounts payables personnel for review and completion.", "qas": [ { "id": "00062", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are invoices with exceptions handled?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are routed to accounts payables personnel for review and completion.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Refine your selection process by adding business units and currencies to the internal bank account as selection criteria.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01305", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll calibrate which instalment selected process?", "answers": [ { "text": "By configuring your payment process file and your internal bank account to filter installments based on business unit, currency, payment method, and ensuring their values match the usage rules defined in the payment process profile.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Change the setup of remittance account, third party payees, payment methods or payment formats.", "qas": [ { "id": "00852", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can validation errors be fixed?", "answers": [ { "text": "By changing the setup of various accounts and methods.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can run this report from the Scheduled Processes work area. Payables Unaccounted Transactions and Sweep Report Identify and review all unaccounted invoice and payment transactions and the reasons why they can't be accounted.", "qas": [ { "id": "01599", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which Payables Unaccounted Transactions well Sweep Report allowing 'll take do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Identify and review all unaccounted invoice and payment transactions and specify to sweep unaccounted transactions to another period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Then search for\nInvoice Document Recognition Tracking Report. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 If you're testing the same invoice repeatedly, change the invoice account number in Payables to avoid duplicate\ninvoice number errors. Note: Oracle recommends that you don't repeat an invoice during testing.", "qas": [ { "id": "01262", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Does Oracle recommending tests which . 25-cent repeatedly?", "answers": [ { "text": "No, Oracle recommends that you don't repeat an invoice during testing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Oracle Financials Cloud uses AI models to provide discount recommendations for single payments.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00223", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does Oracle Financials Cloud assist in dynamic discounting?", "answers": [ { "text": "It uses AI models to provide discount recommendations for single payments, allowing users to accept or override the suggested APR.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To cancel such an invoice, you'll need to: Import daily exchange rates, Run the Apply Missing Conversion Rates process, Confirm the exchange rate, Cancel the invoice again.", "qas": [ { "id": "00145", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I cancel an invoice that has a no rate hold?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can\u0092t cancel this invoice because it's missing conversion rates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Check the status of the failed transactions found in the ValidationErrors.txt log file. 2. Enter the conversion rates for failed transactions. 3. Submit the Cash Position Extraction Job process. 4. Review the status for the Cash Position Data Extraction and Cash Position Data Transfer processes. 5. Review Log Files for any further warnings or errors.", "qas": [ { "id": "01088", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When facing a warning status, what actions should be taken?", "answers": [ { "text": "Review failed transactions in the ValidationErrors.txt log file, correct the conversion rates, resubmit the Cash Position Extraction Job process, and review the status and log files for further warnings or errors.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Since you're creating an ISO payment process profile, you must select transaction grouping rules on the Grouping tab. Grouping is based on the ISO standardized method of grouping transactions in each transmission file.", "qas": [ { "id": "00373", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's the importance of the \"Grouping\" tab when creating an ISO payment process profile?", "answers": [ { "text": "You must select transaction grouping rules as grouping is based on the ISO standardized method of grouping transactions in each transmission file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Scanned invoices are placed in aging buckets - when you click on any number the invoices are displayed in a table.", "qas": [ { "id": "01684", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other digitized phony arranged?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are arranged in aging buckets.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Invoice lines record details of the goods and services including tax, freight, and miscellaneous charges. They can be generated automatically by matching an invoice to a purchase order, receipt, or consumption advice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01142", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What detail other capture also 25-cent lines?", "answers": [ { "text": "Details of the goods and services including tax, freight, and miscellaneous charges.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use this parameter to reconcile by a specific organization... Don't specify a business unit if you have implemented centralized payment processing using the service provider model.", "qas": [ { "id": "02108", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When specify which Business Unit, why must not considered?", "answers": [ { "text": "Explicitly map business units to balancing segment values; do not specify a business unit if using centralized payment processing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Yes, and the invoice to which you apply the prepayment must have at least one line matched to the same purchase order as the prepayment.", "qas": [ { "id": "01771", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take matches another drop-out take another sale order?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, and the invoice that you apply the prepayment to must have at least one line matched to the same purchase order as the prepayment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The approvers can either approve or reject the entire invoice. Approval Flow\nThis table describes the steps in the approval flow. Step Description\nEnable invoice approval\nEnable the Invoice Approval option on the Manage Invoice Options page to enable approvals for a\nbusiness unit.", "qas": [ { "id": "01274", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll enabling 25-cent approved making another industry unit?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enable the Invoice Approval option on the Manage Invoice Options page to enable approvals for a business unit.", "answer_start": 26 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\nAn incomplete invoice is one created from an invoice document that has invalid or missing data. By default, all users\nwith the Accounts Payable Specialist and Accounts Payable Supervisor job roles receive incomplete invoices routed to\nthem for review and completion. For AP Supervisor and AP Manager roles, these incomplete invoices appear in the\nScanned Information tile, grouped by creation date.", "qas": [ { "id": "01265", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where ca incorrect phony be making AP Supervisor well AP Manager roles?", "answers": [ { "text": "For AP Supervisor and AP Manager roles, these incomplete invoices appear in the Scanned Information tile, grouped by creation date.", "answer_start": 41 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To derive the budget account, overlay the distribution natural account with the natural account segment value from the cash account\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01893", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The Budget Account this derived.", "answers": [ { "text": "By overlaying the distribution natural account with the natural account segment value from the cash account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following options affect payment processing: Create a Payment Process Request Template page and Submit payment process request page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01939", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where other modes affected which maximizing outstanding option?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment Process Request Template and Submit Payment Process Request pages.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the FBDI template for Import Payables Invoices process to create invoices from invoice records in the Oracle Fusion Payables open interface tables.", "qas": [ { "id": "00009", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which template should be used for the Import Payables Invoices process in Oracle Fusion Payables?", "answers": [ { "text": "The FBDI template.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"If you don't implicitly map primary balancing segment values to business units, you must reconcile based on ledger...You must also reconcile by ledger if you centralize payment processing using the service provider model.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00449", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When must you reconcile based on ledger?", "answers": [ { "text": "When primary balancing segment values are not implicitly mapped to business units, or when centralizing payment processing using the service provider model.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To ensure that you have the most recent suppliers and purchase orders on your testing platform, request a refresh of the P2T environment (Production to Test ). Refer to Oracle Applications Cloud Services Definition Environment Refresh (Doc ID 2015788.1) for instructions.", "qas": [ { "id": "00708", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How long can a refresh request take?", "answers": [ { "text": "A P2T refresh request can take up to 3 weeks to complete.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"When you subject a payment to cash budgeting, the following attributes impact it: Budget date, Budget amount, Budget account.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00255", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What attributes impact a payment subjected to cash budgeting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Budget date, budget amount, and budget account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment approval process generates and routes payments approval notifications to approvers.", "qas": [ { "id": "00882", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Approvers can do things from email notifications.", "answers": [ { "text": "Approve or reject payment process requests.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The application notes the spoiled numbered payment document, associates the new number with that payment, and reprints the new numbered payment document.", "qas": [ { "id": "00389", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens to the original number of a spoiled numbered payment document when it is reprinted?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application associates the new number with that payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Use the Reconciliation Data Purge Frequency profile option to specify the number of days to keep reconciliation data.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01551", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which Reconciliation Data Purge Frequency recent options using for?", "answers": [ { "text": "To specify the number of days to keep reconciliation data.", "answer_start": 8 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Installments are first grouped by the billing provider and then by the third party payer.", "qas": [ { "id": "00908", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What impact does grouping of installments have on third-party payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Installments are grouped first by the invoicing supplier and then by the third-party payee.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can click the links provided on the Payment File page to access the payment reports. These links give direct access to the Separate Remittance Advice Report, the Positive Pay Report and the Payment File Register Report", "qas": [ { "id": "00924", "is_impossible": false, "question": "After generating a payment file, how can I access the reports?", "answers": [ { "text": "Click the links on the \"Payment File\" page to access the payment reports.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Cross-currency payments are payments in a currency that is different from the currency on the respective invoices. The accounting process records entries for cross-currency payments in the invoice currency and the payment currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "02019", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other cross-currency payment excluding for?", "answers": [ { "text": "Cross-currency payments are payments in a different currency than the invoice's. Accounting records entries in both the invoice and payment currencies.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An installment can meet the selection criteria of a payment process request, but not get selected for payment for one or more reasons...", "qas": [ { "id": "01447", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why didn't a instalment getting chosen making payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "An installment can meet the selection criteria but not get selected for various reasons.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"If the Financial Category isn't assigned to any natural account values in the chart of accounts, the process fails.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00460", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if the Financial Category is not assigned to any natural account values?", "answers": [ { "text": "The reconciliation process fails.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text describes the process of assigning paper document numbering values to electronic formats to generate paper document numbers.", "qas": [ { "id": "02060", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Paper documents number able not using making digital payments.", "answers": [ { "text": "You can generate paper document numbers by assigning paper document numbering values, which are check numbers, to electronic formats.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Subledger Accounting uses predefined accounting event classes and accounting event types that you can modify your accounting setup to create accounting for some events and not for others.", "qas": [ { "id": "02016", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which typically which Payables events classes?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are predefined accounting event classes and accounting event types used by Subledger Accounting.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Based on agreements with your suppliers, you might receive paper invoices at your bill-to locations, or you might receive images by email.", "qas": [ { "id": "01168", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll receiving phony in my suppliers?", "answers": [ { "text": "Either as paper invoices at your bill-to locations or as images by email.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payment process profile page. Navigation: Setup and Maintenance > Define Invoicing and Payments Configuration > Define Disbursements > Manage Payment Process Profiles task > Manage Payment Process. Action: Select a default payment document from the choice list.", "qas": [ { "id": "00958", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do you set up a default payment document?", "answers": [ { "text": "On the Create Payment Process Profile page, select a default payment document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Banks, branches, and accounts fit together on the premise of the Bank Account model. The model enables you to define and keep track of all bank accounts in one place and explicitly grant account access to: \u0095 multiple business units \u0095 functions \u0095 users", "qas": [ { "id": "00501", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do Banks, Branches, and Account Components work together?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Bank Account model enables tracking of all bank accounts in one place and grants account access to multiple business units, functions, and users, eliminating redundant bank account setups.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If the same value is used for multiple transactions, the application creates just one party and uses the name of the first row.", "qas": [ { "id": "00739", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If the same Party Original System Reference value is used for multiple transactions, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application creates just one party and uses the name from the first row.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following table describes each invoice type.", "qas": [ { "id": "00040", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the purpose of the mentioned table?", "answers": [ { "text": "To describe each invoice type.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payment validation errors can be solved by terminating the entire payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "00868", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you stop the payment process?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"Click the Terminate Payment Process button in the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In using a template, you can minimize the date entry for frequently used payment processing settings, identify cash requirements by running the Payables Cash Requirement report against the template before submitting the template for processing, and schedule payment processing requests to run on a regular basis.", "qas": [ { "id": "00731", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the benefits of using a template?", "answers": [ { "text": "Minimize date entry for frequently used payment processing settings, identify cash requirements by running the Payables Cash Requirement report, and schedule payment process requests to run regularly.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Bank Statements \u0095 If conversion rate isn't defined for a specific bank statement date or booking date, the application searches going back up to 1 year to find the closest conversion rate to use. \u0095 For converting the bank account amount to the ledger amount, the application uses the Accounting Conversion Rate Type (GL_CUR_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE) defined in the bank account setup for the corresponding bank account. \u0095 For converting the bank account amount to the reporting amount, the application uses the default conversion type defined at Currency Rates Manager.", "qas": [ { "id": "00539", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are conversion rates handled for Bank Statements in Oracle Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "If a conversion rate isn't defined for a specific bank statement date, the application searches going back up to 1 year to find the closest conversion rate. The application uses the Accounting Conversion Rate Type for converting bank account amount to ledger amount, and the default conversion type defined at Currency Rates Manager for converting bank account amount to reporting amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An invoice group is a collection of invoices that the application uses as: A parameter for the Validate Payables Invoices process, A parameter for some payables reports, One of the selection criteria for a payment process request. If you enable the Require invoice grouping option on the Manage Invoice Options page, you must associate each invoice with an invoice group.", "qas": [ { "id": "01201", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's a 25-cent group?", "answers": [ { "text": "An invoice group is a collection of invoices that the application uses as: A parameter for the Validate Payables Invoices process, A parameter for some payables reports, One of the selection criteria for a payment process request. If you enable the Require invoice grouping option on the Manage Invoice Options page, you must associate each invoice with an invoice group.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Payments are built into the fewest number of payment files...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01339", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's another benefits which slated payments files creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments are built into fewer files, irrespective of the originating payment process request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After the octave the Oracle Fusion Payables period, run the validation process to release the hold.", "qas": [ { "id": "00697", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If I create recurring invoices for a Payables period, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "The process that creates the recurring invoices automatically places the invoices on a closed period hold.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can avoid payment validation errors by eliminating one or more payable documents from a payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "01948", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca 'll agreement and methodology error from documents?", "answers": [ { "text": "Remove them from the payment process request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An self-billed invoice can be one of the following : An invoice that the pay on receipt process creates A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates An invoice that creates a consumption advice process from a contract that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "01753", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this another self-billed invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: \u0095 An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates \u0095 A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates \u0095 An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Voiding of payment also triggers funds reservation but with a negative payment amount.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01371", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen then another payments this voided?", "answers": [ { "text": "It triggers a negative funds reservation.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Recent invoices that were updated or created in the last days are displayed.", "qas": [ { "id": "01145", "is_impossible": false, "question": "same What this which when frames making which phony displaying from which \"Recent\" category?", "answers": [ { "text": "Invoices that were updated or created in the last days.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Negative balances only Select Yes to limit the report to suppliers with negative balances.", "qas": [ { "id": "01031", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What do you think about selecting 'Yes' for Negative Balances Only?", "answers": [ { "text": "Select Yes to limit the report to suppliers with negative balances.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The first step is to set up a payment process profile that contains all the necessary details to manage the payment process. You will create an ISO payment process profile. ISO is a global standard for financial payment formats and messages, which is accepted by most banks.", "qas": [ { "id": "00372", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why would I create an ISO Payment Process Profile?", "answers": [ { "text": "ISO is a global standard for financial payment formats and messages, accepted by most banks. There are versions like SEPA for European countries and CGI for non-European countries.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If the status is Initiated, force approval an invoice : Ends existing approval processes Cancels pending notifications Updates approval status to Manually Approved records this information in the invoice approval history If the status is other than Initiated ", "qas": [ { "id": "00667", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible for me to approve an invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The outcome depends on whether the invoice approval status is Initiated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payment approval is automatically triggered after it reaches the Review Proposed Payments stage. The status", "qas": [ { "id": "01431", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which recognized before payments enters which Review Proposed Payments stage?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments Approval Initiated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Regular testing also keeps IDR aware of newly updated supplier and purchase orders. Here are a few things to remember before you start testing :", "qas": [ { "id": "01807", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll making n't 'll those which many latest manufacturers before my platform?", "answers": [ { "text": "Request a P2T (Production-to-Test) environment refresh.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payee is the party who receives payment. Whether the payee is a third-party or the invoicing supplier, validations on payee attributes perform the same way.", "qas": [ { "id": "00357", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens to payment validations when I create a third-party payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "Validations on payee attributes perform the same way.", "answer_start": 18 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text describes two actions which can lead to the generation of payment document numbers for electronic payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00967", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payment document numbers are generated for electronic payments.", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment document numbers can be generated by selecting a payment document when submitting a payment process request or the Create Electronic Payment Files submission page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To set up these connections follow the steps described in the AI implementation workflow topic...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00783", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can I find the setup steps for early payment discount offers?", "answers": [ { "text": "AI Implementation Workflow topic.", "answer_start": 11 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Pay thru date: Last date of payment for an installment. ", "qas": [ { "id": "00735", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the meaning of the 'Pay through date' selection criteria?", "answers": [ { "text": "Latest due date for an installment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This is the account used for reserving the budget amount. The distributions of the invoice that\u0092s getting paid determines the account combination for reserving the funds.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01353", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What accounts this using making marinade which spending amount?", "answers": [ { "text": "The account determined by the distributions of the invoice being paid.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Open Balance Adds the credits to the liability account, such as invoices and refunds, and subtracts the debits, such as credit memos and payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "01035", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is Open Balance calculated?", "answers": [ { "text": "Adds the credits to the liability account, such as invoices and refunds, and subtracts the debits, such as credit memos and payments.", "answer_start": 2 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text introduces ISO 20022 as a global standard in the context of financial messages.", "qas": [ { "id": "00970", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the ISO 20022 standard?", "answers": [ { "text": "ISO 20022 is a global standard for the development of all financial messages.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For the 1-1 reconciliation matching type of payments and receipts, reconciliation differences can be automatically split into the exchange gain or loss and bank accounts defined on Business Unit Access Level for the bank account.", "qas": [ { "id": "02174", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able which amounts which peace differing not handled?", "answers": [ { "text": "The reconciliation differences amount can be automatically split into the exchange gain or loss and bank charges accounts defined at business unit access level for the bank account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can cancel multiple invoices at the same time using the Cancel Invoice Action.", "qas": [ { "id": "01763", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take postpone types invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can cancel multiple invoices at the same time by using the Cancel Invoice action.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text mentions two versions of the credit transaction message format provided by Oracle Fusion Payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "02071", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What versions which loans transfers messages format this provide also Oracle Fusion Payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Oracle Fusion Payments provides two versions of the credit transfer message format: one for SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area) and one for CGI (Common Global Implementation).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Campaign management... Responses to these early payment offers are automatically processed and applied to your payment processing requests\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01871", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which feature which which Campaign Management feature?", "answers": [ { "text": "It allows you to identify suppliers for early payment discount campaigns, define offer terms, and automatically process responses to these offers.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following ESS programs are used to create your cash position: \u0095 Cash Position Data Extraction: This program streamlines the extraction of data from all relevant sources... \u0095 Cash Position Data Transfer: This program automatically runs after a successful extraction takes place... \u0095 Cash Position Data Deletion: Use this program to delete the cube prior to making changes to configure the dimensions or reporting options...", "qas": [ { "id": "01637", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What program other using take creating money determined from Oracle Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "ESS programs: Cash Position Data Extraction, Cash Position Data Transfer, and Cash Position Data Deletion.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "It does not adjust the chargeable quantity on a purchase order or consumption advice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01805", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this another prices correction?", "answers": [ { "text": "A price correction is a supplier invoice that adjusts the unit price of an invoice that's matched to a purchase order, receipt, or consumption advice.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"The discounts decrease over time, depending on the annual percentage rate (APR)...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01328", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca purchases increases from which Payables Early Payment Offers feature?", "answers": [ { "text": "Based on agreed-upon APR.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A Payables supervisor can identify incomplete supplier portal invoices for cancellation by these methods: \u0095 Query the invoices on the Manage Invoices page. \u0095 Run the Period Close Exception Report.", "qas": [ { "id": "01596", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able another Payables sheriff identifying incorrect manufacturer portals phony making cancellation?", "answers": [ { "text": "By querying the invoices on the Manage Invoices page or running the Period Close Exception Report.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If the status is Initiated, force approval an invoice : Ends existing approval processes Cancels pending notifications Updates approval status to Manually Approved records this information in the invoice approval history If the status is other than Initiated ", "qas": [ { "id": "01767", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility making i take approved a invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The outcome depends on whether the invoice approval status is Initiated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A single payment business unit provides payment services to multiple invoice business units.", "qas": [ { "id": "01425", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if another double payments industry units provide?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment services to multiple invoice business units.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can create accounting entries for invoice and payment transactions using Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting. Subledger Accounting creates the final accounting for subledger journal entries and transfers the accounting to Oracle Fusion General Ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "01464", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other phony well payment excluding from Oracle Fusion?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are accounted using Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting which creates the final accounting for subledger journal entries and transfers the accounting to Oracle Fusion General Ledger.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For each payable document, Payments attempts to match the payment method, business unit, etc.", "qas": [ { "id": "01942", "is_impossible": false, "question": "A dead payments recent this derived.", "answers": [ { "text": "By matching several parameters from the document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Yes, and the invoice that you apply the prepayment to must have at least one line matched to the same purchase order as the prepayment.", "qas": [ { "id": "01252", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I matches another drop-out take another sale order?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, and the invoice that you apply the prepayment to must have at least one line matched to the same purchase order as the prepayment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Installments are first grouped by the billing provider and then by the third party payer.", "qas": [ { "id": "02008", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What significant if bloc which instalments those before plug-ins payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Installments are grouped first by the invoicing supplier and then by the third-party payee.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A spoiled payment document can't be used, because blank payment documents have never had the document or check number printed on them.", "qas": [ { "id": "02033", "is_impossible": false, "question": "A box payments documents this spoiled.", "answers": [ { "text": "A spoiled blank payment document is a ruined payment document that cannot be used, and it doesn't have the document or check number already printed on it.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An incomplete invoice is an invoice created from an invoice image that has invalid or missing data.", "qas": [ { "id": "01236", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's a incorrect invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "An incomplete invoice is an invoice created from an invoice image that has invalid or missing data.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Reject payment only when the payment process is in progress with payment approval. Approve only. Terminates the payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00885", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happened after the \"Reject payment\" action?", "answers": [ { "text": "Terminates the payment process request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If a prepayment is matched to a purchase order, purchase order quantities are updated during prepayment application.", "qas": [ { "id": "00079", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What changes occur in purchase order quantities when a prepayment matched to a purchase order is applied?", "answers": [ { "text": "Purchase order quantities are updated during prepayment application.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In Oracle Fusion Payables, a prepayment is a type of invoice that you can apply to an outstanding invoice to reduce the invoice amount.", "qas": [ { "id": "01172", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this another drop-out i.e. from Oracle Fusion Payables?", "answers": [ { "text": "In Oracle Fusion Payables, a prepayment is a type of invoice that you can apply to an outstanding invoice to reduce the invoice amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Expense budgeting enforces approved limits... cash budgeting ensures sufficient funds before supplier payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00814", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There is a difference between cash and expense budgeting.", "answers": [ { "text": "Expense enforces limits; cash ensures funds.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text provides a table describing what is stamped on electronic payments when paper document numbering is disabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "01514", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this affixed before digital payment then printed documents numbered this disabled?", "answers": [ { "text": "Only payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Yes, and the invoice to which you apply the prepayment must have at least one line matched to the same purchase order as the prepayment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00671", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to match a prepayment to a purchase order?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, and the invoice that you apply the prepayment to must have at least one line matched to the same purchase order as the prepayment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An incomplete invoice is created from an invoice document that has invalid or missing data.", "qas": [ { "id": "01814", "is_impossible": false, "question": "An incorrect 25-cent this why this is.", "answers": [ { "text": "An incomplete invoice is one created from an invoice document that has invalid or missing data.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can use the ERP Integration web service for importing transactions to achieve automated processing.", "qas": [ { "id": "00057", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you achieve automated processing for importing transactions?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the ERP Integration web service.", "answer_start": 2 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A matched invoice becomes a standard invoice or credit memo. An unmatched invoice becomes an invoice request, which must be approved using the Invoice Approval workflow. Once approved, the invoice request then becomes a standard invoice or credit memo.", "qas": [ { "id": "00133", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's a self-service invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-service invoice is an invoice that a supplier enters through Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal. Whether the supplier matches the invoice to a purchase order or consumption advice determines the resulting invoice type in Oracle Fusion Payables.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following table describes each invoice type.", "qas": [ { "id": "01140", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which referred table?", "answers": [ { "text": "To describe each invoice type.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A spoiled payment document can't be used, because blank payment documents have never had the document or check number printed on them.", "qas": [ { "id": "00933", "is_impossible": false, "question": "A blank payment document is spoiled.", "answers": [ { "text": "A spoiled blank payment document is a ruined payment document that cannot be used, and it doesn't have the document or check number already printed on it.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The financial and payment records for the invoices paid are automatically reversed if the following transactions are also performed...", "qas": [ { "id": "01995", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not I don't pay?", "answers": [ { "text": "The accounting and payment records for the invoices that were paid are automatically reversed.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"If any errors occur, payment void action fails and payment remains in the negotiable status.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00823", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if a payment is void?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment remains in negotiable status.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment approval process generates and routes payment approval notifications to approvers. Approvers can", "qas": [ { "id": "01432", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What able approvers ca in e-mail notifications?", "answers": [ { "text": "Approve or reject payment process requests.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following protocols are supported for connecting and retrieving a file from bank server: ? Secure File Transfer Retrieval Protocol for Static File Names (SFTP_GET): The bank provides the SFTP server details including SFTP server host/ip, port, credential details.", "qas": [ { "id": "01613", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What protocol other support making connects well retrieve another files in another banks server?", "answers": [ { "text": "Secure File Transfer Retrieval Protocol for Static File Names (SFTP_GET).", "answer_start": 14 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To cancel such an invoice, follow these steps: 1. Import daily exchange rates for the missing rate. 2. Run the Apply Missing Conversion Rates process. 3. Confirm the exchange rate that reflects in the invoice table. 4. Cancel the invoice again. After applying the missing conversion rates, you can successfully cancel the invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01214", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I postpone a 25-cent but recently another any rates hold?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can\u0092t cancel this invoice because it's missing conversion rates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Upload Banks, Branches, and Accounts process will match an uploaded .csv file to the existing bank and branch data and find the differences between the two. Oracle ERP Cloud then inserts or updates the bank and branch data based on the differences found.", "qas": [ { "id": "00504", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the purpose of the Upload Banks, Branches, and Accounts process?", "answers": [ { "text": "To match an uploaded .csv file to the existing bank and branch data, find the differences, and then insert or update the bank and branch data based on the differences found.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "External cash transactions are transactions related to cash activity that haven't been recorded in applications. The sources of external transactions are: Manual entry Import Balancing Transactions...", "qas": [ { "id": "02173", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which central source which cash?", "answers": [ { "text": "The sources are Manual Entry, Import, Balancing Transactions, Bank Statement, Bank Account Transfer, Ad Hoc Payment, and Reversal Reconciliation.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An installment can meet the selection criteria of a payment process request, but not get selected for payment for one or more reasons...", "qas": [ { "id": "00347", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why didn't an installment get selected for payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "An installment can meet the selection criteria but not get selected for various reasons.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you choose to reprint, perform both of the following steps: 1. Reprint the payment onto a new numbered payment document on the Reprint Payment Documents page. 2. Report the payment as issued on the Record Print Status page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00386", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I reprint a spoiled numbered payment document?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, you can reprint a spoiled numbered payment document onto a new numbered payment document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "On the summary of the report, the payables end balance and commence balance amounts only include validated transactions, unvalidated transactions are included in the beta of payables.", "qas": [ { "id": "01024", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is included in the report summary?", "answers": [ { "text": "Unvalidated transactions.", "answer_start": 18 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Navigate to: Navigator > Payables menu > Payments link > Payments Tasks pane > Submit Payment Process Request link.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01384", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able 'll how which \"Submit Payment Process Request\" page?", "answers": [ { "text": "Navigator > Payables menu > Payments link > Payments Tasks pane > Submit Payment Process Request link.", "answer_start": 2 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you enable the option Create interest invoices but don't define a rate for the day after the invoice is due, interest isn't calculated and an interest invoice isn't created.", "qas": [ { "id": "00894", "is_impossible": false, "question": "I don't know what will happen if I don't define an interest rate.", "answers": [ { "text": "Interest isn't calculated and an interest invoice isn't created.", "answer_start": 21 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Denying the option causes the payment process to apply credits when the credits reduce the payment amount to less than zero\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00828", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the \"Apply credits up to zero amount payment\" option do?", "answers": [ { "text": "It applies credits when they reduce the payment amount to less than zero.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the paid payments registration to examine the logged financial lines for payments that have been transferred to the general ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "02143", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which central using which which payments register?", "answers": [ { "text": "To review accounting lines for payments transferred to the general ledger.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Specify the ledger. You can select a primary or secondary ledger, or a reporting currency ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "00475", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What ledgers can be specified?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can select a primary or secondary ledger, or a reporting currency ledger.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you use the workflow for the invoice approval, you can select from the following actions : Initiate \u00e2 Withdraw \u00e2 Hold \u00e2 Force approve \u00e2 Resubmit", "qas": [ { "id": "01742", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must not regarded then proposing actions?", "answers": [ { "text": "Actions like Initiate, Withdraw, Hold, Force Approve, and Resubmit should be considered.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If your business process is to receive invoice images from your suppliers, communicate to them your imaging requirements, which the suppliers then send directly to the designated email.", "qas": [ { "id": "01714", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Suppliers able sending 25-cent images.", "answers": [ { "text": "By sending the invoice images directly to the designated email.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A alternate method is the sheet that creates a chart of accounts, control, legal entities and business units in a spreadsheet.", "qas": [ { "id": "01652", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this a alternatives so take creating another documents sequence?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Whether the supplier matches the invoice with a purchase order or consumption advice determines the resulting invoice type in Oracle Fusion Payables. A matched invoice becomes a standard invoice or credit memo, an unmatched invoice becomes an invoice request, which must be approved using the invoice approval workflow. Once approved, the invoice request becomes a standard invoice or credit memo.", "qas": [ { "id": "00652", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is a self-service invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-service invoice is an invoice that a supplier enters through Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When the approvers respond, notifications are sent to the\nnext set of approvers. This process repeats until all approvals are complete. Note: Approvers can respond from the email notification, the Worklist notifications page, the Invoices landing page,\nor the Edit Invoice page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00172", "is_impossible": false, "question": "From where can approvers respond to approval notifications?", "answers": [ { "text": "Approvers can respond from the email notification, the Worklist notifications page, the Invoices landing page, or the Edit Invoice page.", "answer_start": 22 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can click the links provided on the Payment File page to access the payment reports. These links give you direct access to the Separate Remittance Advice report, the Positive Pay report, and the Payment File Register report.", "qas": [ { "id": "01474", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I provide payments report before generate another payments file?", "answers": [ { "text": "Click the links on the \"Payment File\" page to access the payment reports.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Payments infotile displays the total amount due for invoices in the next days.", "qas": [ { "id": "01149", "is_impossible": false, "question": "same What timetable if which \"Payments\" infotile focusing before making result payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "The next days.", "answer_start": 11 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Related Topics: Invoice Line Types, Invoice Distributions, Invoice Installments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00038", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are some topics related to the main content?", "answers": [ { "text": "Invoice Line Types, Invoice Distributions, and Invoice Installments.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: Oracle recommends that you do not repeat an invoice during testing. You should only test with as many unique invoices as possible. \u00e2 Select at least 25 suppliers and process 2-3 invoices for each of these suppliers.", "qas": [ { "id": "00713", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How many suppliers should you use for testing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Choose at least 25 suppliers and process 2-3 invoices for each of these suppliers.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The accounts that record invoice distributions and related variance distributions depend on the accrual method and item type.", "qas": [ { "id": "00090", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are variance accounts associated with?", "answers": [ { "text": "The accounts that record invoice distributions and related variance distributions depend on the accrual method and item type.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "By default, all users\nwith the Accounts Payable Specialist and Accounts Payable Supervisor job roles receive incomplete invoices routed to\nthem for review and completion. For AP Supervisor and AP Manager roles, these incomplete invoices appear in the\nScanned Information tile, grouped by creation date. If you need to route incomplete invoices based on other rules, you can modify the routing rule or add new routing rules.", "qas": [ { "id": "00166", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you modify or add routing rules for incomplete invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "If you need to route incomplete invoices based on other rules, you can modify the routing rule or add new routing rules.", "answer_start": 45 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An incomplete invoice is an invoice created from an invoice image that has invalid or missing data.", "qas": [ { "id": "01205", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's a incorrect invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "An incomplete invoice is an invoice created from an invoice image that has invalid or missing data.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A single payment business unit provides payment services to multiple invoice business units.", "qas": [ { "id": "00875", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is provided by a single payment business unit?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment services to multiple invoice business units.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment date: Enter a date to determine which invoices to select for payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "02087", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if which Pay Through Date affecting which Payables Cash Requirement Report?", "answers": [ { "text": "It determines which invoices to select for payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Approve payment only when the payment process status is notified Payments Approval is only allowed.", "qas": [ { "id": "01983", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The \"approve payment\" actions recently really take ca and it.", "answers": [ { "text": "Allows the payment process request to continue.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Before running the report, you must: transfer accounting entries to the general ledger, activate the Export Journal References option for the Payables Source on the Manage Journal Sources page.", "qas": [ { "id": "02142", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Before run which report, why should not done?", "answers": [ { "text": "Transfer accounting entries to the general ledger and enable the Import Journal References option for the Payables source on the Manage Journal Sources page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Cash Management Cash Position Import process to upload the cash positioning data of external systems into the Essbase Cash Position Cube.", "qas": [ { "id": "01093", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the purpose of the data import process?", "answers": [ { "text": "To upload the cash positioning data from external systems into the Essbase Cash Position Cube.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Only invoices with the type: Payment Request can be entered into this FBDI spreadsheet.", "qas": [ { "id": "01155", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What types which phony able not returned through which FBDI spreadsheet?", "answers": [ { "text": "Only invoices with the type: Payment Request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This application provides the dashboard to identify suitable suppliers to target for dynamic discounting.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01324", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which secondary applications making identify manufacturers useful making interaction discounting?", "answers": [ { "text": "AI Apps for ERP provides the dashboard to identify suitable suppliers to target for dynamic discounting.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Set up the following entities in Cash Management: \u0095 Bank Account \u0095 Balance Codes: The ISO 20022 balance codes... \u0095 Transaction Codes \u0095 Parsing Rules: Parsing Rules setup is optional but relevant to Bank Statement Reconciliation.", "qas": [ { "id": "01610", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What entity needs take not sets down from Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "Bank Account, Balance Codes, Transaction Codes, and Parsing Rules.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This is the budget date for the payment. It\u0092s the same as the payment date.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01350", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if money rationalization need which spending dates making payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "It uses the payment date as the budget date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Set up the following entities in Cash Management: \u0095 Bank Account \u0095 Balance Codes: The ISO 20022 balance codes... \u0095 Transaction Codes \u0095 Parsing Rules: Parsing Rules setup is optional but relevant to Bank Statement Reconciliation.", "qas": [ { "id": "00510", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What entities need to be set up in Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "Bank Account, Balance Codes, Transaction Codes, and Parsing Rules.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can run this report from the Scheduled Processes work area. Payables Unaccounted Transactions and Sweep Report Identify and review all unaccounted invoice and payment transactions and the reasons why they can't be accounted.", "qas": [ { "id": "00499", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the Payables Unaccounted Transactions and Sweep Report allow you to do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Identify and review all unaccounted invoice and payment transactions and specify to sweep unaccounted transactions to another period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "By default, the budget date is the same for an void action for an invoice payment as the void accounting date.", "qas": [ { "id": "01924", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which defaults spending dates making another absolute action?", "answers": [ { "text": "Same as the Void Accounting Date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Prorating the amount for the invoice in the ratio of the amount of distribution and the total invoice amount gives the amount for each distribution.", "qas": [ { "id": "01901", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How even this which spending making only distribution?", "answers": [ { "text": "By prorating the amount paid for the invoice based on distribution amount and total invoice amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text provides a definition and purpose of a credit transfer message.", "qas": [ { "id": "01519", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this another loans transfers message?", "answers": [ { "text": "A credit transfer message is a payment initiation format sent by an initiating party to a forwarding agent or debtor agent to request the movement of funds from a debtor account to a creditor.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you don't use the option, and the total credit amount for a payment process request is greater than the total standard invoice amount, no invoices are selected for payment", "qas": [ { "id": "00338", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if you don't use the centralized processing model?", "answers": [ { "text": "No invoices are selected for payment.", "answer_start": 24 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can solve payment validation errors on the page Resolve payment validation errors.", "qas": [ { "id": "01946", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payment methodology error able not resolved.", "answers": [ { "text": "By removing payments with validation errors.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Assuming the rental expenses are split evenly over the 3 months and the monthly accounting calendar is used.", "qas": [ { "id": "01188", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other which rentals payments divided from which scenario?", "answers": [ { "text": "The rental expenses are split evenly over the 3 months.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Payables is integrated to the document repository for processing scanned invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "00028", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is Oracle Payables integrated for processing scanned invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It is integrated to the document repository.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Details are provided in the \"Complete and Approve All Transactions and Payment Files\" section.", "qas": [ { "id": "01540", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What mechanisms must not running take full well approved those trades well payments files?", "answers": [ { "text": "Run processes like Import Payables Invoice, Update Matured Bills Payable Status, Apply Missing Conversion Rates, and submit payment process requests and invoice and payment registers.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If the status is Initiated, force approving an invoice: \u0095 Ends existing approval processes \u0095 Cancels pending notifications \u0095 Updates the approval status to Manually approved \u0095 Records this information in the invoice approval history If the status is other than Initiated, force approving an invoice: \u0095 Updates the approval status to Manually approved \u0095 Records this information in the invoice approval history", "qas": [ { "id": "01217", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not I military approved a invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The outcome depends on whether the invoice approval status is Initiated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"For a more efficient reconciliation, don't allow general ledger sources other than Oracle Fusion Payables to post to Payables accounts.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01565", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this recommend making another than efficiency reconciliation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Do not allow general ledger sources other than Oracle Fusion Payables to post to Payables accounts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Consider enabling this option for spontaneous payment runs...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00794", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can a payment file be created quickly?", "answers": [ { "text": "It completes the process without waiting for a scheduled process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payment file validations are rules that check the validity of payment files. If a payment file fails validation, it is always stopped for review.", "qas": [ { "id": "00945", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If a payment file fails validation, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "If a payment file fails validation, it is always stopped for review.", "answer_start": 12 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After receiving the electronic invoice from suppliers, CMK transforms the payload from the external document format to the Payables invoice format and inserts the transformed payload into the Payables Invoices interface tables, and imports the invoices into the base tables.", "qas": [ { "id": "01745", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen then 'll receiving digital invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "CMK transforms the payload to the Payables invoice format, inserts it into the Payables Invoices Interface tables, and the Import Payables Invoices process imports the invoices into the base tables.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Predefined Incomplete Invoice Routing Rule\nThe FinApIncompleteInvoiceHold task includes a rule set called IncompleteInvoiceRuleSet. This rule set\nincludes a rule called JobRoleAssignmentRule. It routes incomplete invoices to users with the Accounts Payable\nSpecialist and Accounts Payable Supervisor job roles.", "qas": [ { "id": "00169", "is_impossible": false, "question": "To whom does the JobRoleAssignmentRule route the incomplete invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It routes incomplete invoices to users with the Accounts Payable Specialist and Accounts Payable Supervisor job roles.", "answer_start": 22 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Pay thru date: Last date of payment for an installment. ", "qas": [ { "id": "01835", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which word which which 'Pay into date' selected criteria?", "answers": [ { "text": "Latest due date for an installment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A self-service invoice is an invoice that a supplier enters through Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal. Whether the supplier matches the invoice to a purchase order or consumption advice determines the resulting invoice type in Oracle Fusion Payables. A matched invoice becomes a standard invoice or credit memo. An unmatched invoice becomes an invoice request, which must be approved using the Invoice Approval workflow. Once approved, the invoice request then becomes a standard invoice or credit memo.", "qas": [ { "id": "01197", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's another kiosk invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-service invoice is an invoice that a supplier enters through Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal. Whether the supplier matches the invoice to a purchase order or consumption advice determines the resulting invoice type in Oracle Fusion Payables. A matched invoice becomes a standard invoice or credit memo. An unmatched invoice becomes an invoice request, which must be approved using the Invoice Approval workflow. Once approved, the invoice request then becomes a standard invoice or credit memo.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Described in the \"Transfer All Approved Invoices and Payments to the General Ledger\" section.", "qas": [ { "id": "01542", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other approve phony well payment subsequently take which General Ledger?", "answers": [ { "text": "By running create accounting with the Transfer to General Ledger option set to Yes, and running the Post Journal Entries to General Ledger process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can't turn a prepayment invoice to temporary after making it permanent, but you can cancel and create a new one.", "qas": [ { "id": "01253", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I changes another temporary drop-out 25-cent take temporary?", "answers": [ { "text": "The classification of a prepayment invoice as permanent isn\u0092t reversible.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "With the task Manage Payables Document Sequences you can make a document sequence for the relevant determinant type: ledger or legal entity, assign the sequence to one or more document sequence categories, and specify the ledgers or legal entities that applies to the assignment.", "qas": [ { "id": "01654", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What function other provide also which Manage Payables Document Sequences task?", "answers": [ { "text": "Create a document sequence for ledger or legal entity, assign the sequence to document sequence categories, and specify the ledgers or legal entities for the assignment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can access Oracle Fusion Payments reports by clicking links in the UI so that you do not have to navigate to the scheduled processes area to retrieve them...", "qas": [ { "id": "00912", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payment reports are displayed.", "answers": [ { "text": "You can access Oracle Fusion Payments reports by clicking links on the UI.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Payables Posted Invoice Register to review accounting lines for invoices that were transferred to the general ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "00491", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the main purpose of Payables Posted Invoice Register?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Payables Posted Invoice Register to review accounting lines for invoices that were transferred to the general ledger.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When paper document numbering is enabled for electronic payments, both payment document numbers and payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00953", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When paper document numbering is enabled, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment document numbers and payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "answer_start": 10 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After preparing the data in the spreadsheet : 1. Click the Generate CSV File button on the Instructions and CSV Generation tab to generate a ZIP file with 3 CSV files. 2. Transfer the generated ZIP file to the web center document repository (UCM) ; select fin$/cashManagement$/import$ account ; 4. Select the name of the ZIP file transferred to the fin$/cashManagement$/import $ repository in the UCM ; 4. The data from the ZIP file will be loaded to", "qas": [ { "id": "01097", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is the cash position data imported?", "answers": [ { "text": "Generate a ZIP file containing 3 CSV files, transfer the ZIP file to WebCenter document repository, submit the ESS job Load Interface File for Import process, select Cash Position Data Transfer for the Import Process and the name of the ZIP file for Data File, and the data will be loaded to the specified interface tables. After that, the Cash Position Data Transfer ESS job will be automatically invoked to import the data into the Cash Position Transaction Cube.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Bills Payable Set whether to include bills payable invoices in the report.", "qas": [ { "id": "01032", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What do the include bills payable parameters do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Select whether to include bills payable invoices on the report.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An invoice can have one or more installments and include information such as due dates, due amounts, discount dates and payment method.", "qas": [ { "id": "00587", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How many installments can an invoice have?", "answers": [ { "text": "One or more.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can use the Payments Overview page to view and act on payment request requests.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00750", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can you see and act on payment process requests?", "answers": [ { "text": "On the Payments Overview page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The list of values in the Receipt field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order - you must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of receipts.", "qas": [ { "id": "00657", "is_impossible": false, "question": "I can't find a specific receipt to match an invoice.", "answers": [ { "text": "The list of values in the Receipt field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of receipts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Use the dynamic offers when creating a payment for a single supplier...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00234", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How to retrieve AI-driven discount recommendations?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use dynamic offers when creating a payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The video \"Submitting a Scheduled Process\" is a narrated visual overview of the process.", "qas": [ { "id": "00732", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The video 'Submitting a Scheduled Process' has some questions.", "answers": [ { "text": "A narrated visual overview of the process.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Setups in Functional Setup Manager Specify Cash Positioning and Forecasting Options You define the extraction duration of the transaction data in Essbase and you can also define reporting options such as cash balances currency balance code to use from the bank statement in cash balances.", "qas": [ { "id": "02192", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What able not applicable from which Functional Setup Manager?", "answers": [ { "text": "Extraction duration of the transaction data in Essbase, currency for cash balances, balance code to use from the bank statement in cash balances, and transaction grouping (transaction cube dimensions) can be specified.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\" A 200 USD invoice and a 125 USD credit memo are due for payment\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01929", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When which 25-cent amounts this increasing more which loans amount, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "The option setting has no effect; the payment amount is still positive.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can create a Payment Process Request (PPR) template by selecting a specific source, so that One Time Payments can be processed separately.", "qas": [ { "id": "01156", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able One Time Payments not processed?", "answers": [ { "text": "By creating a Payment Process Request (PPR) template by selecting a specific source.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Tax rate variance is calculated from the nonrecoverable portion of the tax in the following cases: There is a difference between the tax amount of the PO and the invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01741", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if which hartree-fock methods affecting which tax?", "answers": [ { "text": "Tax rate variance is calculated from the nonrecoverable portion of the tax in cases of a difference between the tax amounts of the PO and the invoice or a difference in the computed taxes.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following table describes each type of invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01690", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which table?", "answers": [ { "text": "To describe each invoice type.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can void individual payments or the entire payment file.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01922", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take absolute equal payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, or the entire payment file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If your printer skips a numbered payment document, mark the payment document on the record print status page as skipped. If you choose not to reprint the numbered payment document as spoiled on the record print status page and then destroy the paper document.", "qas": [ { "id": "00934", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to mark a payment document as skipped or spoiled?", "answers": [ { "text": "Mark the payment document as skipped or spoiled on the Record Print Status page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To use this feature you must create and enable the following: 1. Lookup Type: ADD_DUPLICATE_INV_CHECK 2. Lookup Code: DUPLICATE_INVOICE_CHECK", "qas": [ { "id": "01209", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I how duplicates phony any consider which 25-cent numbers also which same check?", "answers": [ { "text": "When the duplicate invoice check feature is enabled, it performs checks based on the combination of the supplier, invoice type, amount, currency, and date. This check includes all the invoices received and processed from a supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The process performs the following tasks:? Connects with the bank and retrieves the bank statement file? Processes and loads the bank statement file into the application?", "qas": [ { "id": "01065", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the tasks done by the Schedule Process Electronic Bank Statement Request?", "answers": [ { "text": "It connects to the bank, retrieves the bank statement file, processes, and loads the bank statement file into the application.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The list of values in the Consumption Advice field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of consumption advice documents.", "qas": [ { "id": "00108", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I find a specific consumption advice to match to an invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The list of values in the Consumption Advice field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of consumption advice documents.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Predefined rules The invoice approval workflow includes the following predefined rules: \u00e2 Invoices having amounts greater than or equal to 1000 require approval by the immediate supervisor of the requester on the invoice \u00e2 Invoices having amounts less than 1000 are automatically approved.", "qas": [ { "id": "01826", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which simpler regulations configuration?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Simplified Workflow Rules Configuration feature is a spreadsheet-based alternative to creating rules in Oracle Business Process Management (BPM).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Payables is integrated to the document repository for the processing of scanned invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "00568", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is Oracle Payables used to process scanned invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It is integrated to the document repository.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The incomplete invoices appear in the Scanned information tile on the Invoices landing page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01167", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where ca incorrect phony appear?", "answers": [ { "text": "In the Scanned information tile on the Invoices landing page.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "On the Manage Invoice Options page, you can set prepayment options, such as whether to show available prepayments during invoice entry.", "qas": [ { "id": "01174", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able 'll customize drop-out settings?", "answers": [ { "text": "On the Manage Invoice Options page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Location: Create Payment Document page. Navigation: Setup and Maintenance > Set Up Banks, Branches, and Accounts > Manage Bank Accounts task > Create Payment Document page. Action: From the Format choice list, select an electronic payment file format.", "qas": [ { "id": "01507", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able 'll selecting a digital payments files formats making printed documents numbering?", "answers": [ { "text": "On the Create Payment Document page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Record Print Status page is used to mark payment documents as skipped or spoiled, renumber subsequent payment documents, review results, and report payments as issued.", "qas": [ { "id": "01492", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which roles which which Record Print Status pages from handled payments documents?", "answers": [ { "text": "It is used to mark payment documents as skipped or spoiled, review renumbered documents, and report payments as issued.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To change details on documents payable you must remove the payment or document payable from the payment process request and then make changes in the Edit invoice page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00890", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you make sure the documents are paid on time?", "answers": [ { "text": "Remove the payment from the payment process request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To resolve payment file validation errors, you can override certain errors and then provide override justification", "qas": [ { "id": "00947", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can I get rid of the payment file validation error?", "answers": [ { "text": "Acknowledge the error, provide a justification, and override the error.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Open items include invoices, payment slips, credit memos and debit memos that are unpaid as of the last day of the revaluation period that you specify.", "qas": [ { "id": "01048", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What types of transactions are open?", "answers": [ { "text": "Invoices, prepayments, credit memos, and debit memos that are unpaid.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Open items include invoices, prepayments, credit memos, and debit memos that are unpaid as of the last date of the revaluation period you specify.", "qas": [ { "id": "01598", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What typically which trades other regarded also set items?", "answers": [ { "text": "Invoices, prepayments, credit memos, and debit memos that are unpaid.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The application checks if there is a manual intraday statement within the same date range...a new intraday statement is created.", "qas": [ { "id": "01621", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other Intraday Bank Statements: Incremental handled?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application checks for manual or imported intraday statements within the same date range, appends statement lines if an imported statement is found, or creates a new intraday statement if none is found.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To use the integrated invoice image solution, you must have a designated email to send the invoice images - a digital one that you get when you sign up for Oracle Cloud Application Service.", "qas": [ { "id": "01713", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able another using which solution?", "answers": [ { "text": "By having a designated email to send the invoice images, which is provided upon signing up for the Oracle Cloud Application Service.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To enable payment approval, navigate to Setup and Maintenance, search, and select Manage Disbursement System Options.", "qas": [ { "id": "00884", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where do you allow payment approval?", "answers": [ { "text": "Setup and Maintenance.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment business unit organizes standard invoices, prepayments and credit memos for the same supplier.", "qas": [ { "id": "01978", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Invoices other consist from payments processing.", "answers": [ { "text": "By supplier name and site.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To upload banks and branch branches in Japan, following these steps: 1. Navigate to Tools > Scheduled processes. 2. Click Schedule New Process... 8. Click Submit.", "qas": [ { "id": "02159", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Banks well banks smaller from Japan other quantities uploaded.", "answers": [ { "text": "Navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes, click Schedule New Process, select Upload Banks, Branches, and Accounts from the Name choice list, and follow the subsequent steps to submit the process with the Japan Zengin File.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you need to route incomplete invoices based on other rules, you can change the routing rule or add new routing rules, the Approval Management Extensions (AMX) of the Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Human Workflow can add new rules, the Oracle Business Process Management ( BPM ) Worklist application provides the interface to administer the rules for users with Financial Application Administrator job roles.", "qas": [ { "id": "01817", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which applications makes which interfaces take administering which regulations making user and banking applications superintendent jobs?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Oracle Business Process Management (BPM) Worklist application provides the interface to administer the rules.", "answer_start": 40 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Click the Terminate Payment Process button to terminate a payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00850", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you stop the payment process?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Terminate Payment Process button.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Lists the type of transaction, such as Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment, Withholding Invoice, and Payment Request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01587", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which typically which trades list which Transaction Type?", "answers": [ { "text": "Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment, Withholding Invoice, and Payment Request.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Remove one or more documents payable from a payment that's included in the payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01407", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll addressed certain documents issue entire another payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Remove problematic documents payable.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Selection criteria such as invoice business unit, payment business unit and payment priority determine which installments are selected for payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00734", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which installments are selected for payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "Selection criteria such as invoice business unit, payment business unit, and payment priority.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you need to route incomplete invoices based on other rules, you can change the routing rule or add new routing rules, the Approval Management Extensions (AMX) of the Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Human Workflow can add new rules, the Oracle Business Process Management ( BPM ) Worklist application provides the interface to administer the rules for users with Financial Application Administrator job roles.", "qas": [ { "id": "00717", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which application gives the interface to administer the rules for users with financial application administrator jobs?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Oracle Business Process Management (BPM) Worklist application provides the interface to administer the rules.", "answer_start": 40 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can resolve this issue. Remove the access granted to specific business units for the General Ledger job roles, and the specific data access sets for the Payables job roles.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00454", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you resolve issues with unintended results in the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report?", "answers": [ { "text": "Remove access granted to specific business units for General Ledger job roles, and specific data access sets for Payables job roles.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Expense budgeting enforces approved limits... cash budgeting ensures sufficient funds before supplier payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00264", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Difference between cash and expense budgeting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Expense enforces limits; cash ensures funds.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Allow prepayment application option indicates that the prepayment is available for application and classifies the prepayment as temporary.", "qas": [ { "id": "00075", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do you make a prepayment available for application in Oracle Fusion Payables?", "answers": [ { "text": "By selecting the Allow prepayment application option.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To change details on the payable documents, you must remove the payment or the document payable from the payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01962", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll making change take which documents?", "answers": [ { "text": "Remove them from the payment process request and then edit.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This is suggested in the \"Reconcile Payables Activity for the Period\" section.", "qas": [ { "id": "00444", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you reconcile Payables activity for a period?", "answers": [ { "text": "Using reports like Payables Trial Balance, Payables Posted Invoice Register, Payables Posted Payment Register, Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report, and Payables Open Items Revaluation report.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payment file validations are rules that check the validity of payment files. If a payment file fails validation, it is always stopped for review.", "qas": [ { "id": "00395", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if a payment file fails validation?", "answers": [ { "text": "If a payment file fails validation, it is always stopped for review.", "answer_start": 12 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Predefined Rules\nThe invoice approval workflow includes the following predefined rules:\n\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Invoices having amounts greater than or equal to 1000 require approval by the immediate supervisor of the\nrequester on the invoice. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Invoices having amounts less than 1000 are automatically approved. Create Workflow Rules Using a Spreadsheet\nThe Simplified Workflow Rules Configuration feature is a spreadsheet-based alternative to creating rules in Oracle\nBusiness Process Management (BPM).", "qas": [ { "id": "00176", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the Simplified Workflow Rules Configuration feature?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Simplified Workflow Rules Configuration feature is a spreadsheet-based alternative to creating rules in Oracle Business Process Management (BPM).", "answer_start": 49 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Before running the report, you must: transfer accounting entries to the general ledger, activate the Export Journal References option for the Payables Source on the Manage Journal Sources page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01042", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Before running the report, what must be done?", "answers": [ { "text": "Transfer accounting entries to the general ledger and enable the Import Journal References option for the Payables source on the Manage Journal Sources page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When paper document numbering is enabled for electronic payments, both payment document numbers and payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "02053", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When printed documents numbered this enabled, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment document numbers and payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "answer_start": 10 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can create invoices through a spreadsheet by creating the Invoice in Spreadsheet task, and also submit the invoice import process from the spreadsheet.", "qas": [ { "id": "01658", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll using another spreadsheets take creating invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can create invoices through the Create Invoice in Spreadsheet task and then submit the invoice import process from the spreadsheet.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To use this feature, you must create the following and enable it: 1. Lookup Type: ADD_DUPLICATE_INV_CHECK 2. Lookup Code: DUPLICATE_INVOICE_CHECK", "qas": [ { "id": "01790", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take how duplicates phony any consider which 25-cent number?", "answers": [ { "text": "When the duplicate invoice check feature is enabled, it performs checks based on the combination of the supplier, invoice type, amount, currency, and date. This check includes all the invoices received and processed from a supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When you specify a payment business unit, the selection process finds installments for the payment business units that the payment business unit services.", "qas": [ { "id": "01837", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if specify another payments industry units affecting which selected process?", "answers": [ { "text": "The selection process finds installments for the invoice business units that the payment business unit services.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Recent invoices that were updated or created in the last days are displayed.", "qas": [ { "id": "00595", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the time frame for the invoices in the recent category?", "answers": [ { "text": "Invoices that were updated or created in the last days.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The integrated invoice imaging solution for Oracle Cloud provides scanned image import, intelligent character recognition, and automatic invoice creation.", "qas": [ { "id": "00061", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the integrated invoice imaging solution for Oracle Cloud provide?", "answers": [ { "text": "Scanned image import, intelligent character recognition, and automatic invoice creation.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Validation failure handling for documents: Specifies processing instructions for handling document validation failures.", "qas": [ { "id": "01296", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which 'Validation result handled making documents' options specify?", "answers": [ { "text": "Processing instructions for handling document validation failures.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note : You may choose to change setups to resolve payment validation errors, but you can't change the details of the documents payable.", "qas": [ { "id": "00872", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to change the details of documents during the payment process?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"No, they are locked during the payment process.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The process that creates recurring invoices automatically places the invoices on a closed period hold. After you open Oracle Fusion payables period, run the validation process to release the hold.", "qas": [ { "id": "01766", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If I creating recurrent phony making another Payables period, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "The process that creates the recurring invoices automatically places the invoices on a closed period hold. After you open the Oracle Fusion Payables period, run the validation process to release the hold.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Required Setup for Early Payment Discount Offers... Getting Started with Your Financials Implementation guide.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00216", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What setup is required for Early Payment Discount Offers?", "answers": [ { "text": "You must set up connections that integrate with AI Apps for ERP.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Enabling the option causes the payment process to apply credits when the credits reduce the payment amount less than zero.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00278", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the \"Apply credits up to zero amount payment\" option do?", "answers": [ { "text": "It applies credits when they reduce the payment amount to less than zero.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This benefit is mentioned in the \"Reconciling by Business Unit or Ledger\" subsection.", "qas": [ { "id": "01548", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able reconcile also Business Unit instead Ledger not beneficial?", "answers": [ { "text": "It allows employees from different business units to balance their respective accounting activity.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For each document payable, Payments attempts to match the Payment Method, Business Unit, etc.", "qas": [ { "id": "01392", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this another dead payments recent derived?", "answers": [ { "text": "By matching several parameters from the document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Holds infotile indicates the types of holds placed on the invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00036", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What information does the \"Holds\" infotile provide about the invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It indicates the types of holds placed on the invoice.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To cancel such a invoice you will need to: Import daily exchange rates, run the Apply missing conversion rates process, confirm the exchange rate, cancel the invoice again.", "qas": [ { "id": "01795", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take postpone a 25-cent and another any rates hold?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can\u0092t cancel this invoice because it's missing conversion rates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The invoice is validated. It's matched with a receipt or purchase order. It's updated with a tax calculation. It is undergoing approval and doesn't have an approval status of required or not required.", "qas": [ { "id": "00662", "is_impossible": false, "question": "I can't remove an invoice.", "answers": [ { "text": "You can't cancel an invoice if any of these conditions apply to it. \u0095 Invoice is validated. \u0095 It's matched to a purchase order or receipt. \u0095 It's updated with a tax calculation. \u0095 It's undergoing approval and doesn't have an approval status of Required or Not required.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Mentioned in the section on \"The Considerations For Setting Up for Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation \".", "qas": [ { "id": "02096", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which chief walters peace process?", "answers": [ { "text": "To simplify reconciliation and reduce the amount of manual reconciling activity required.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The integrated invoice image recognition solution for Oracle Cloud provides scanned image import, intelligent character recognition and automatic invoice creation.", "qas": [ { "id": "01711", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which process do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Scanned image import, intelligent character recognition, and automatic invoice creation.", "answer_start": 10 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text stipulates the availability of optional ISO 20022 grouping options for SEPA and CGI.", "qas": [ { "id": "00977", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the options for ISO 20022 grouping?", "answers": [ { "text": "Optional ISO 20022 grouping options for SEPA and CGI are available on the Grouping tab on the Create and Edit Payment Process Profile page and tell Payments how to optionally group transactions within a payment file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Various reasons listed under the \"Differences Between Summary and Detail Amounts\" section.", "qas": [ { "id": "01571", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What could causes inconsistencies in 0800 well details amount from which peace report?", "answers": [ { "text": "Data modification after running the preparation process, accounting activities in the subledger or general ledger after running the preparation process, and security rules restricting data view.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Submitting a payment process request... 1. Sign in as a transaction user. 2. On the home page, click Payables > Payments... 14.", "qas": [ { "id": "02026", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca I submitted another payments request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sign in as a transaction user, navigate to Payables > Payments, and follow the steps to specify the selection criteria, payment attributes, processing options, and then submit the request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The original party system reference is a unique identifier for the party in the source application.", "qas": [ { "id": "00738", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the Party Original System reference?", "answers": [ { "text": "A unique identifier for the party in the source application.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The processing options for a payment process request determine the level of automation for that request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00191", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What determines the level of automation for a payment process request?", "answers": [ { "text": "The processing options.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Cross-currency payments are payments in a currency that is different from the currency on the respective invoices. The accounting process records entries for cross-currency payments in the invoice currency and the payment currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "00919", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are cross-currency payments accounted for?", "answers": [ { "text": "Cross-currency payments are payments in a different currency than the invoice's. Accounting records entries in both the invoice and payment currencies.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"The process must run successfully for the most current summary information and before you can run the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Report.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00456", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When should the Prepare Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation process be run?", "answers": [ { "text": "Before running the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Report and for the most current summary information.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can resolve payment validation errors on the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page by removing one or more documents payable.", "qas": [ { "id": "01417", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll removing papers deferred in another payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"By removing one or more documents payable from a payment that's included in the payment process request.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: A quantity correction does not adjust the unit price on a purchase order or consumption advice . You can allocate purchase order distributions for quantity corrections.", "qas": [ { "id": "00675", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is a quantity correction?", "answers": [ { "text": "A quantity correction is a supplier invoice that adjusts the quantity of an invoice that's matched to a purchase order, receipt, or consumption advice. Create a credit or debit memo for a quantity correction.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Early payment discounts have been emailed back... With the Payables Early Payment Offers feature, you can pay invoices early in return for discount offers.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00760", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There is a feature called Payables Early Payment offers.", "answers": [ { "text": "You can pay invoices early in return for discounts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "These points are detailed in the section \"Considerations for setting up for payable to general ledger reconciliation\".", "qas": [ { "id": "02097", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must not regarded then set down Oracle Fusion Payables?", "answers": [ { "text": "Consider points like reconciling by Business Unit or Ledger, assigning the Financial Category, setting the Reconciliation Data Purge Frequency Profile Option, and configuring User Security.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Consider enabling this option for spontaneous payment runs...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01894", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able another payments files not creation quickly?", "answers": [ { "text": "It completes the process without waiting for a scheduled process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A payment process request is a group of payments submitted for payment. You can submit a payment process request on the page Submit payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00728", "is_impossible": false, "question": "A payment process request is what it is.", "answers": [ { "text": "A payment process request is a group of installments submitted for payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments removes the payment and associated documents from the request for the payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01947", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When payment other removed, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments and associated documents are removed from the request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments removes them from the payment process request and informs the source product.", "qas": [ { "id": "01399", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What actions this they then papers other removed?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are removed from the request and their status is reset.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text specifies that payment reference numbers are transmitted to the payment system or bank.", "qas": [ { "id": "00412", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are payment reference numbers transmitted?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment reference numbers are transmitted to your payment system or bank.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If there are errors during the import of bank statements, the errors can be corrected and re-uploaded using the correct bank statement import errors spreadsheet : 1. From the Cash Balances Dashboard page, go to the task pane and click correct bank statement import error for the spreadsheet. 2. The worksheet is pre-populated with rows that failed to import 3. Review and correct errors in the spreadsheet. 4. Once errors are corrected, click the Upload and Import button. 5. Click the Download button to see whether the spreadsheet has been imported properly.", "qas": [ { "id": "01098", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can the bank statements be changed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Correct Bank Statement Import Errors spreadsheet to review, correct the errors, and click the Upload and Import button.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text explains the consequences of not selecting a payment document when submitting a payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01516", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not 'll don't selecting another payments documents then submit another payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "If no payment document is selected, Payments refers to the default payment document selected in the payment process profile setup. If no default payment document is provided, Payments doesn't generate a payment document number.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text describes the three levels of the ISO 20022 credit transfer message format.", "qas": [ { "id": "01524", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this which ISO 20022 loans transfers messages formats structured?", "answers": [ { "text": "The ISO 20022 credit transfer message format has a three-level XML message structure, including group header, payment information, and supplementary data.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can only void a payment file after voiding all the payment parts of the file\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00825", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to void a payment file?", "answers": [ { "text": "After voiding all its payment parts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "During the tolerance setup for invoice matching the freight and miscellaneous lines are not supported.", "qas": [ { "id": "01773", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When if 25-cent matched addition rail well are lines?", "answers": [ { "text": "Freight and miscellaneous lines aren't supported during the tolerance setup for invoice matching.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If any exceptions occur during automatic invoice creation the solution marks the invoices as incomplete and then routes the incomplete invoices to the accounts payable personnel for review and completion.", "qas": [ { "id": "00616", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is there any exceptions during automatic invoice creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "The solution marks the invoices as incomplete and routes them to the accounts payable personnel for review and completion.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To cancel such an invoice, follow these steps: 1. Import daily exchange rates for the missing rate. 2. Run the Apply Missing Conversion Rates process. 3. Confirm the exchange rate that reflects in the invoice table. 4. Cancel the invoice again. After applying the missing conversion rates, you can successfully cancel the invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00114", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I cancel an invoice that has a no rate hold?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can\u0092t cancel this invoice because it's missing conversion rates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text describes two actions that can lead to the generation of payment document numbers for electronic payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00417", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are payment document numbers for electronic payments generated?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment document numbers can be generated by selecting a payment document when submitting a payment process request or the Create Electronic Payment Files submission page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Manage banks and banks branches automatically by comparing the bank master file shared by the Japanese Bankers Association (Zengin) with Oracle ERP Cloud Data.", "qas": [ { "id": "02153", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this which repair which bank well smaller doing from Japan?", "answers": [ { "text": "By comparing the bank master file shared by the Japanese Bankers Association (Zengin) with Oracle ERP Cloud data and updating it monthly based on the Zengin file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "How Cash Management External Transactions is Processed Once the external data has been prepared, proceed with the following steps: 1. Click the Generate CSV File button to generate a ZIP file containing the CSV file. 2. Transfer the generated ZIP file to WebCenter document repository...", "qas": [ { "id": "01625", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this information prepare making Cash Management External Transactions Import?", "answers": [ { "text": "Data is manually entered into the External Transactions Import Template or extracted from an external application into a temporary spreadsheet, then transferred into the template. Following this, a ZIP file containing the CSV file is generated and transferred to WebCenter document repository, and the ESS job Load Interface File for Import process is submitted.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text provides a definition and purpose of a credit transfer message.", "qas": [ { "id": "00969", "is_impossible": false, "question": "A credit transfer message is what it is.", "answers": [ { "text": "A credit transfer message is a payment initiation format sent by an initiating party to a forwarding agent or debtor agent to request the movement of funds from a debtor account to a creditor.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The transactions are automatically validated after they are imported.", "qas": [ { "id": "00604", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When are the transactions valid?", "answers": [ { "text": "Automatically after they're imported.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If the bank code is available in Oracle ERP Cloud, but not in the Zengin file, then these banks and associated branches will be marked with the prefix 'Deleted'.", "qas": [ { "id": "02157", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen take bank well smaller but other be from which Zengin file?", "answers": [ { "text": "They will be marked with the prefix 'Deleted'.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Steps for multiperiod accounting: 1. Create an invoice. 2. Validate the invoice. 3. Submit the accounting of the invoice. 4. At the end of each accounting period, submit the Multiperiod Accounting Program. 5. View the basic accounting and multiperiod recognition entries.", "qas": [ { "id": "00089", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the steps for multiperiod accounting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Create an invoice, validate the invoice, submit the accounting of the invoice, submit the Multiperiod Accounting Program, and view the basic accounting and multiperiod recognition entries.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can avoid payment validation errors by eliminating one or more payable documents from a payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00848", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do you deal with validation errors in documents?", "answers": [ { "text": "Remove them from the payment process request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A prepayment invoice can be paid partially, but can't be applied to a standard invoice or expense report until it has been paid to the full.", "qas": [ { "id": "01801", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why later which drop-out invoice's recognized displaying also be paid?", "answers": [ { "text": "Though prepayment is paid partially the status is shown as unpaid on the invoice workbench.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If banks and/or branches are present in both the Zengin file and Oracle ERP Cloud, they are ignored.", "qas": [ { "id": "02156", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What action other they not bank e.g. smaller other same from which Zengin file?", "answers": [ { "text": "They will be ignored.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Installation selection Pending installment review Requires manual review because the option to review installments is active.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00753", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The \"Installment selection\" stage has a \"Pending installments review\" status.", "answers": [ { "text": "It requires a manual review because the option to review installments is active.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Open items include invoices, prepayments, credit memos, and debit memos that are unpaid as of the last date of the revaluation period you specify.", "qas": [ { "id": "00498", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What types of transactions are considered as open items?", "answers": [ { "text": "Invoices, prepayments, credit memos, and debit memos that are unpaid.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Predefined Rules\nThe invoice approval workflow includes the following predefined rules:\n\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Invoices having amounts greater than or equal to 1000 require approval by the immediate supervisor of the\nrequester on the invoice. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Invoices having amounts less than 1000 are automatically approved. Create Workflow Rules Using a Spreadsheet\nThe Simplified Workflow Rules Configuration feature is a spreadsheet-based alternative to creating rules in Oracle\nBusiness Process Management (BPM).", "qas": [ { "id": "01276", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which Simplified Workflow Rules Configuration feature?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Simplified Workflow Rules Configuration feature is a spreadsheet-based alternative to creating rules in Oracle Business Process Management (BPM).", "answer_start": 49 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To set up these connections, follow the steps described in the AI Implementation Workflow topic from the Getting Started with Your Financials Implementation guide.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01325", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able 'll how step making set down which require connected making Early Payment Discount Offers?", "answers": [ { "text": "In the AI Implementation Workflow topic from the Getting Started with Your Financials Implementation guide.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For each one to one automatic reconciliation rule, exceptions are looked for in the following order: 1. Ambiguous 2. Date 3. Amount...", "qas": [ { "id": "01630", "is_impossible": false, "question": "In why must other exception seemed making from another take another gear peace rule?", "answers": [ { "text": "The order is Ambiguous, Date, and Amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Invoices landing page to perform various tasks when processing invoices. You can focus on invoices that require your attention through one of the 6 info tiles displayed on the Invoices landing page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00011", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can users focus on specific invoices on the Invoices landing page?", "answers": [ { "text": "Through one of the 6 info tiles displayed.", "answer_start": 21 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To resolve payment file validation errors, you can choose from overriding the validation error, removing payments from the payment file, or changing payment method setup or format setup.", "qas": [ { "id": "00396", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the options for resolving payment file validation errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can override the validation error, remove payments from the payment file, or change payment method or format setup.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Navigate to: Navigator > Payables menu > Payments link > Payments Tasks pane > Submit Payment Process Request link.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00284", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can you find the \"Submit Payment Process Request\" page?", "answers": [ { "text": "Navigator > Payables menu > Payments link > Payments Tasks pane > Submit Payment Process Request link.", "answer_start": 2 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can run this report from the Scheduled Process Work Area Payables Unaccounted Transactions and Sweep Report Identify and check all unaccounted invoice and payment transactions and the reasons why they can't be reported.", "qas": [ { "id": "02149", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What able 'll ca and which Payables Unaccounted Transactions well Sweep Report?", "answers": [ { "text": "Identify and review all unaccounted invoice and payment transactions and specify to sweep unaccounted transactions to another period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Oracle Web Center Content Management document repository to manually load and import bank statements.", "qas": [ { "id": "01066", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is manual bank statement file import done?", "answers": [ { "text": "By using the document repository of Oracle Web Center Content Management to manually load and import bank statement files.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Tax rate variance is calculated from the nonrecoverable portion of the tax in the following cases: \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 There\u00e2\u0080\u0099s a difference between the tax amounts of the PO and the invoice. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 There\u00e2\u0080\u0099s a difference the computed taxes.", "qas": [ { "id": "01191", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if hartree-fock methods affecting nonrecoverable tax?", "answers": [ { "text": "Tax rate variance is calculated from the nonrecoverable portion of the tax in cases of a difference between the tax amounts of the PO and the invoice or a difference in the computed taxes.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To change details on the documents payable, you must remove the payment or document payable from the payment process request and then make changes in the Edit Invoice page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01440", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll corrected detail before papers deferred since payments processing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Remove the payment from the payment process request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Before running this report: \u0095 Validate invoices to reduce the number of unvalidated invoices on the report. \u0095 Create payables accounting entries. \u0095 If you use bills payables, submit the Update Matured Bills Payable Status process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01600", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What step must not they after run which Payables Unaccounted Transactions well Sweep Report?", "answers": [ { "text": "Validate invoices, create payables accounting entries, and if using bills payables, submit the Update Matured Bills Payable Status process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To achieve this, you assign paper document numbering values, which are check numbers, in electronic formats.", "qas": [ { "id": "02055", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Paper documents number other command take digital formats.", "answers": [ { "text": "Paper document numbering values, which are check numbers, are assigned to electronic formats.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When paper document numbering is disabled for electronic payments, only payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "02054", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When printed documents numbered this disabled, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "Only payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment was made to a third party. You can view the third-party payment setup in the Third-Party Payment Relationship section...", "qas": [ { "id": "01450", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why this which smartlink referred before which payments these in which manufacturer referred before which pay invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment was made to a third party.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To use this feature, you must create the following and enable it: 1. Lookup Type: ADD_DUPLICATE_INV_CHECK 2. Lookup Code: DUPLICATE_INVOICE_CHECK", "qas": [ { "id": "00690", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to find duplicate invoices without considering the invoice number?", "answers": [ { "text": "When the duplicate invoice check feature is enabled, it performs checks based on the combination of the supplier, invoice type, amount, currency, and date. This check includes all the invoices received and processed from a supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The original payment is unreserved and marked as voided.", "qas": [ { "id": "01927", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When re-issuing which originally payment, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "It's unreserved and marked as voided.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Various issues listed under the \"Differences Between Transactional and Accounted Amounts\" section.", "qas": [ { "id": "01568", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What particular issue able causes differing in journaling well excluding amounts?", "answers": [ { "text": "Unaccounted transactions, transactions with subledger accounts outside the report's account range, discrepancies in transaction and subledger journal line amounts, journals not from Payables, and untransferred or unposted subledger journals.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In case the conversion rate for a specific bank statement date or booking date isn't defined, the application searches back up to a year to find the closest conversion rate. For converting the bank account amount to the ledger amount, the application uses the accounting conversion rate type (GL_CUR_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE) defined in bank account setup for the corresponding bank account. For converting the bank account amount to the reporting amount, the application uses the default conversion type defined in", "qas": [ { "id": "02189", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other converting rate making banks comments handled?", "answers": [ { "text": "If a conversion rate isn't defined for a specific bank statement date, the application searches going back up to 1 year to find the closest conversion rate. The application uses the Accounting Conversion Rate Type for converting bank account amount to ledger amount, and the default conversion type defined at Currency Rates Manager for converting bank account amount to reporting amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The list of values in the Consumption advice field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order number. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of Consumption advice documents.", "qas": [ { "id": "00689", "is_impossible": false, "question": "I can't find a specific consumption advice to match the invoice.", "answers": [ { "text": "The list of values in the Consumption Advice field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of consumption advice documents.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments informs the source product that none of the documents that are required in the payment process are paid.", "qas": [ { "id": "00851", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When a payment request is terminated, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "None of the documents in the request are paid.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After you override the error, the payment process formats and then prints or transmits the payment file.", "qas": [ { "id": "01498", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen before overarching another payments files methodology error?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment process formats and then prints or transmits the payment file.", "answer_start": 5 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Collect invoices for training. Tip: Ensure that these invoices represent a sample of regularly processed invoices, and cover at least 5\ninvoices from your top 25 suppliers. How to Test\nTo test your existing IDR implementation:\n\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Enable IDR 24 hours before testing begins.", "qas": [ { "id": "00159", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When should you enable IDR before testing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enable IDR 24 hours before testing begins.", "answer_start": 38 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The financial and payment records for the invoices paid are automatically reversed if the following transactions are also performed...", "qas": [ { "id": "00895", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if I don't pay?", "answers": [ { "text": "The accounting and payment records for the invoices that were paid are automatically reversed.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Standing Offers... based on standing offers,\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01864", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which stood offers?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are a set of criteria for recurring offers over an agreed time period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Payments are built into the fewest number of payment files, without being limited by which payment process request the payments were created in.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00257", "is_impossible": false, "question": "In scheduled payment file creation, how are payments grouped?", "answers": [ { "text": "Into the fewest number of files, without limitation from their originating request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Reject payment Only when the payment process request status is Payments Approval Initiated. Approvers only. Terminates the payment", "qas": [ { "id": "00335", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's the result of \"Reject payment\" action?", "answers": [ { "text": "Terminates the payment process request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Lists the type of transaction, such as standard invoice, debit memo, credit memo, prepayment, withholding invoice and payment request.", "qas": [ { "id": "02137", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which typically which trades but other listed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment, Withholding Invoice, and Payment Request.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you submit the report for the primary ledger, it lists the amount originally booked to the liability account when the invoice was entered.", "qas": [ { "id": "01039", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the original amount?", "answers": [ { "text": "If you submit the report for the primary ledger, lists the amount originally booked to the liability account when the invoice was entered.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The process performs the following tasks: ? Connects to the bank and retrieves the banks statement file ? Processes and loads the bank statement file into the application", "qas": [ { "id": "00515", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What tasks does the Schedule Process Electronic Bank Statement Request perform?", "answers": [ { "text": "It connects to the bank, retrieves the bank statement file, processes, and loads the bank statement file into the application.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"When you enable cash budgeting, payment processing happens only when there is sufficient balance in the funds account.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01348", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen then money rationalization this enabled?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment processing occurs only with sufficient balance in the funds account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Use other General ledger sources than Oracle Fusion Payables to post payroll accounts for a more efficient reconciliation.", "qas": [ { "id": "01015", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the best way to reconcile?", "answers": [ { "text": "Do not allow general ledger sources other than Oracle Fusion Payables to post to Payables accounts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In the selection of Early Payment Invoices list \"Automated Processing of early payment Discounts...\".", "qas": [ { "id": "00768", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do you process early payment discounts after suppliers accept them?", "answers": [ { "text": "Select all applicable early payment invoices while initiating payments on the Submit Payment Process Request page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The HTTPS_GET protocol supports https connection, but does not support the exchange of any dynamic tokens.", "qas": [ { "id": "02164", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which protocols using making which request?", "answers": [ { "text": "HTTPS_GET protocol.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This is suggested in the \"Reconcile Payments to Bank Statement Activity\" section.", "qas": [ { "id": "00441", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can payments be reconciled to bank statement activity?", "answers": [ { "text": "In Oracle Fusion Cash Management, ensuring that payments are cleared if accounted for at clearing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This is suggested in the section on \"Reconcile Payables Activity for Period\".", "qas": [ { "id": "02094", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll reconciling Payables activity?", "answers": [ { "text": "Using reports like Payables Trial Balance, Payables Posted Invoice Register, Payables Posted Payment Register, Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report, and Payables Open Items Revaluation report.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "They are calculated as a daily average annual percentage that the supplier and you have agreed to for taking discount offers.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00761", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are early payment discount offers calculated?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are calculated daily based on the number of days paid early, and the discounts decrease over time depending on the APR agreed upon between the supplier and the buyer.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Follow these steps: Navigate to Procurement > Suppliers > Manage Suppliers, Use the advanced search, Go to the Sites tab, Click on the supplier site link, Define the payment currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "01246", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I paying a 25-cent and another withhold tax?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can pay an invoice that has auto-generated withholding tax amount if you enter the payment in a valid currency.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: \u0095 An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates \u0095 A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates \u0095 An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "01203", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's another self-billed invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: \u0095 An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates \u0095 A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates \u0095 An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Steps for Multiperiod Accounting: 1. Create an invoice. 2. Validate the invoice. 3. Submit the accounting of the invoice. 4. At the end of each accounting period, submit the Multiperiod Accounting program. 5. View the basic accounting and multi-period recognition entries.", "qas": [ { "id": "01739", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which step making multiperiod accounting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Create an invoice, validate the invoice, submit the accounting of the invoice, submit the Multiperiod Accounting Program, and view the basic accounting and multiperiod recognition entries.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To set up sequencing for invoices and payments, perform the following tasks: Specify Ledger Options, Manage Payables Document Sequences, (Optional) Manage Invoice Options, (Optional) Manage Payment Options.", "qas": [ { "id": "01123", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What task other responsible from set down genome making phony well payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Specify Ledger Options, Manage Payables Document Sequences, Manage Invoice Options (optional), and Manage Payment Options (optional).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The application checks if there is a manual intraday statement within the same date range...a new intraday statement is created.", "qas": [ { "id": "00521", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are Intraday Bank Statements: Incremental handled?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application checks for manual or imported intraday statements within the same date range, appends statement lines if an imported statement is found, or creates a new intraday statement if none is found.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document. You can sequence invoices and payments by assigning them voucher numbers.", "qas": [ { "id": "00022", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are document sequences in relation to invoices and payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The names are different because you're making a third-party payment. The Supplier or Party column displays the invoicing supplier...", "qas": [ { "id": "00356", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why do I see different names for the Payee and the Supplier or Party on payment process request pages?", "answers": [ { "text": "The names are different because you're making a third-party payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Create Workflow Rules Using a Spreadsheet\nThe Simplified Workflow Rules Configuration feature is a spreadsheet-based alternative to creating rules in Oracle\nBusiness Process Management (BPM). Use this feature to create workflow rules for Payables Invoice Approval and\nGeneral Ledger Journal Approval workflows. You can download the spreadsheet templates from the Manage Workflow Rules in Spreadsheet page to create and\nmanage rules according to your approval policies.", "qas": [ { "id": "01277", "is_impossible": false, "question": "From in able 'll downloads which spreadsheets template take creating well managed visualization rules?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can download the spreadsheet templates from the Manage Workflow Rules in Spreadsheet page.", "answer_start": 42 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Here are three ways you can use early payment discounts:... (on an ad hoc basis) for single payments.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01312", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll using late payments discounts?", "answers": [ { "text": "1. Through campaigns and automated processing of offer responses. 2. Through enrollment in standing offers. 3. Through dynamic offers for single payments.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Oracle Cash Management Cash Positioning and Forecasting provide solutions to accurately report cash balances and position. This enables managers to make cash flows decisions such as investing and borrowing in a timely manner.", "qas": [ { "id": "01635", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which Oracle Cash Management Cash Positioning well Forecasting?", "answers": [ { "text": "To accurately report cash balances and position, enabling managers to make timely cash flows decisions like investing and borrowing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment business unit contains standard invoices, prepayments and credit memos for the same supplier name and site.", "qas": [ { "id": "01992", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payments other consist from centralised processing.", "answers": [ { "text": "By supplier name and site.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To change details on the documents payable, you must remove the payment or document payable from the payment process request and then make changes in the Edit Invoice page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00340", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you correct details on documents payable during payment processing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Remove the payment from the payment process request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Parameters section: \"Business Unit\", \"Sequence\", \"Voucher Number\".", "qas": [ { "id": "00431", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What parameters are required for the Payables Invoice Audit by Voucher Number Listing report?", "answers": [ { "text": "Business Unit, Sequence, and Voucher Number.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Rounding differences between the original invoice liability amount and the sum of the payment liabilities are automatically written off.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00473", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are rounding differences handled in fully paid invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "Rounding differences are automatically written off when the final payment or prepayment application is accounted.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Processing Early Payment Discounts for Dynamic Offers... discount amounts and payment amounts.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00217", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What options are available when using dynamic offers for creating a payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "1. Retrieve the AI data science-driven discount recommendations. 2. Accept or override the AI discount recommendations. 3. The accepted discount rate combined with the days paid early determines the discount and payment amounts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can click the links provided on the Payment File Page to access the payment reports...", "qas": [ { "id": "00911", "is_impossible": false, "question": "After a payment file is generated, how can I access the reports?", "answers": [ { "text": "Click the links on the Payment File page to access the payment reports.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can also initiate the invoices for the Invoice Account Coding workflow based on a specific account coding status.", "qas": [ { "id": "01227", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I initiating phony making which Invoice Account Coding visualization from quantities mode?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can initiate invoices for the account coding workflow in bulk mode by submitting the Initiate Invoice Account Coding workflow Job. This job by default processes all invoices requiring accounting information.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"More payment files may be created than needed\".", "qas": [ { "id": "01887", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Immediate payments files created recently drawbacks.", "answers": [ { "text": "More payment files might be created than necessary.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Intercompany Transactions include or exclude.", "qas": [ { "id": "01011", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Inter company transactions can be included or excluded in the reconciliation.", "answers": [ { "text": "By selecting the appropriate option for Include Intercompany Transactions and possibly restricting the account range.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Location: Create Payment Document page. Navigation: Setup and Maintenance > Set Up Banks, Branches and Accounts > Manage Bank Accounts task > Create Payment Document page. Action: Choose an electronic payment file format from the option list.", "qas": [ { "id": "00957", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can you find an electronic payment file format?", "answers": [ { "text": "On the Create Payment Document page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Payables provides an inbound flow for receiving invoices from suppliers electronically in industry standard XML. Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework (CMK) is used to set up business to business (B2B) messaging between customer and suppliers.", "qas": [ { "id": "00093", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are electronic invoices processed in Oracle Fusion Payables?", "answers": [ { "text": "Oracle Fusion Payables receives invoices electronically in industry-standard XML using Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework (CMK).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use this parameter to reconcile by a specific organization... Don't specify a business unit if you have implemented centralized payment processing using the service provider model.", "qas": [ { "id": "01008", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When specifying the Business Unit, what should be considered?", "answers": [ { "text": "Explicitly map business units to balancing segment values; do not specify a business unit if using centralized payment processing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The application deletes the existing intraday bank statement and imports the cumulative statement.", "qas": [ { "id": "01070", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the procedure for handling bank statements?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application deletes the existing intraday bank statement and imports the cumulative statement.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Setups in Functional Setup Manager Specify Cash Positioning and Forecasting Options You define the extraction duration of the transaction data in Essbase and you can also define reporting options such as cash balances currency balance code to use from the bank statement in cash balances.", "qas": [ { "id": "01092", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What can be specified in the Functional Setup Manager?", "answers": [ { "text": "Extraction duration of the transaction data in Essbase, currency for cash balances, balance code to use from the bank statement in cash balances, and transaction grouping (transaction cube dimensions) can be specified.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you need to assign attributes individually, use the label attributes at the document-payable level.", "qas": [ { "id": "01944", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which good so take assigning traits take another document?", "answers": [ { "text": "Navigate to the Assign Attributes at Document Payable Level page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Defining a Transaction Calendar... Save the calendar.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01308", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca 'll defining another transactions calendar?", "answers": [ { "text": "1. Navigate to My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance > Offering: Financials > Functional Area: Financial Reporting Structures, and select the Manage Transaction Calendars task. 2. Enter a calendar name and select the default business days. 3. Click Generate Calendar. 4. Select a date that's a holiday and deselect the Business Day check box for it. 5. Save the calendar.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Follow these steps : Navigate to Procurement > Suppliers > Manage Suppliers, Use the advanced search, Go to the Sites tab, Click on the supplier site link, Define the payment currency", "qas": [ { "id": "00696", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to pay an invoice with a withholding tax?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can pay an invoice that has auto-generated withholding tax amount if you enter the payment in a valid currency.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the FBDI template for Import Payables Invoices process to create invoices from invoice records in the Oracle Fusion Payables open interface tables.", "qas": [ { "id": "01109", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which templates must not using making which Import Payables Invoices step from Oracle Fusion Payables?", "answers": [ { "text": "The FBDI template.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Mentioned in the section on \"The Considerations For Setting Up for Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation \".", "qas": [ { "id": "00996", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the purpose of the general ledger reconciliation process?", "answers": [ { "text": "To simplify reconciliation and reduce the amount of manual reconciling activity required.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Installments are grouped first by the invoicing supplier and then by the third-party payee.", "qas": [ { "id": "01458", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's which significant before bloc which instalments making plug-ins payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Installments are grouped first by the invoicing supplier and then by the third-party payee.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "From the Invoices landing page, click Create Recurring Invoices task to open the Create Recurring Invoices spreadsheet", "qas": [ { "id": "01679", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll using which creating recurrent phony feature?", "answers": [ { "text": "From the Invoices landing page, click the Create Recurring Invoices task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can't turn a prepayment invoice to temporary after making it permanent, but you can cancel and create a new one.", "qas": [ { "id": "00153", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I change a permanent prepayment invoice to temporary?", "answers": [ { "text": "The classification of a prepayment invoice as permanent isn\u0092t reversible.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If there are errors during system transaction import, errors can be corrected and re-loaded to the cube using the Correct Transaction Import Errors spreadsheet : 1. Go to the task pane, and click on Correct Transaction Import Errors. This will open the Excel spreadsheet with a spreadsheet with failed rows. 3. Review and correct the errors in the spreadsheet. 4. Once the errors have been corrected, click the Upload and Import button. 5. Click the Download button to see if the spreadsheet is", "qas": [ { "id": "01099", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can errors be fixed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Correct Transaction Import Errors spreadsheet to review, correct the errors, and click the Upload and Import button.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you choose to reprint the payment, you should perform the following steps: 1. Reprint the payment on a new numbered payment document on the page Reprint payment documents 2. Report the payment on the page Print Status", "qas": [ { "id": "02036", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I making another for payments document?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, you can reprint a spoiled numbered payment document onto a new numbered payment document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If there are errors during system transaction import, errors can be corrected and re-loaded to the cube using the Correct Transaction Import Errors spreadsheet : 1. Go to the task pane, and click on Correct Transaction Import Errors. This will open the Excel spreadsheet with a spreadsheet with failed rows. 3. Review and correct the errors in the spreadsheet. 4. Once the errors have been corrected, click the Upload and Import button. 5. Click the Download button to see if the spreadsheet is", "qas": [ { "id": "02199", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able error not fixed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Correct Transaction Import Errors spreadsheet to review, correct the errors, and click the Upload and Import button.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Payments are built into the fewest number of payment files...\".", "qas": [ { "id": "00789", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There is a benefit to scheduled payment file creation.", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments are built into fewer files, irrespective of the originating payment process request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can create invoices through a spreadsheet using the Create invoice in the spreadsheet task, and you can also submit the invoice import process from the spreadsheet.", "qas": [ { "id": "00580", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you use a spreadsheet to create invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can create invoices through the Create Invoice in Spreadsheet task and then submit the invoice import process from the spreadsheet.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can account for cross-currency payments individually or through the Create Accounting process. The accounting entries for the payment relieve the liability account in the invoice currency with an offset to the cash or cash clearing account in the payment currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "01470", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I accounts making cross-currency payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Either individually or through the \"Create Accounting\" process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Once you make a permanent payment invoice, you can not set that one to temporary. But you can cancel and create a new one.", "qas": [ { "id": "00703", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to change a permanent prepayment invoice to a temporary one?", "answers": [ { "text": "The classification of a prepayment invoice as permanent isn\u0092t reversible.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can't cancel an invoice if any of these conditions apply to it. \u0095 Invoice is validated. \u0095 It's matched to a purchase order or receipt. \u0095 It's updated with a tax calculation. \u0095 It's undergoing approval and doesn't have an approval status of Required or Not required.", "qas": [ { "id": "01212", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I deleting a invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can't cancel an invoice if any of these conditions apply to it. \u0095 Invoice is validated. \u0095 It's matched to a purchase order or receipt. \u0095 It's updated with a tax calculation. \u0095 It's undergoing approval and doesn't have an approval status of Required or Not required.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Create payment files immediately: Creates payment files for the submitted request instead of waiting to combine payments from other requests into payment files.", "qas": [ { "id": "01295", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which 'Create payments file immediately' options do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Creates payment files for the submitted request instead of waiting to combine payments from other requests into payment files.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When payments are revalidated, any setup changes you made are activated.", "qas": [ { "id": "01971", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When payment other revalidated, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"Any setup changes you made are activated.\"", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "How to Test\nTo test your existing IDR implementation:\n\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Enable IDR 24 hours before testing begins. To do so, navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Financials >\nPayables > Manage Intelligent Recognition Options and click Save. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Use the Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report to track the status of IDR processed invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "01260", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll tracks which recognized which IDR shipped invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report.", "answer_start": 35 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Lists the type of transaction, such as Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment, Withholding Invoice, and Payment Request.", "qas": [ { "id": "00487", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the types of transactions listed under Transaction Type?", "answers": [ { "text": "Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment, Withholding Invoice, and Payment Request.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For the 1-1 reconciliation matching type of payments and receipts, the reconciliation differences amount can be automatically split into the exchange gain or loss and bank charges accounts defined at business unit access level for the bank account..", "qas": [ { "id": "01624", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able peace differing amounts not handling from 2-2 peace matched type?", "answers": [ { "text": "The reconciliation differences amount can be automatically split into the exchange gain or loss and bank charges accounts defined at business unit access level for the bank account.", "answer_start": 10 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the FBDI template for the Import Payables invoices process to create invoices from invoice records in Oracle Fusion Payables open interface tables.", "qas": [ { "id": "00559", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which template should be used for the Import Payables Invoices process?", "answers": [ { "text": "The FBDI template.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An invoice header defines common information about an invoice, such as: Invoice number, Invoice amount, Supplier, Payment terms.", "qas": [ { "id": "01141", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if a 25-cent crossbar usually define?", "answers": [ { "text": "Common information about an invoice.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you decide not to reprint, mark the date coded payment document on the document list as unprintable and then destroy the paper document.", "qas": [ { "id": "02044", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must I ca and which printed document?", "answers": [ { "text": "Destroy the paper document.", "answer_start": 20 } ] } ] }, { "context": "From the Invoices landing page, click the Create Recurring Invoices task to open the Create Recurring Invoices spreadsheet.", "qas": [ { "id": "01119", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll provide which Create Recurring Invoices interface from Oracle Fusion Payables?", "answers": [ { "text": "From the Invoices landing page, click the Create Recurring Invoices task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Prorating the amount for the invoice in the ratio of the amount of distribution and the total invoice amount gives the amount for each distribution.", "qas": [ { "id": "00801", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How much is the budget for each distribution?", "answers": [ { "text": "By prorating the amount paid for the invoice based on distribution amount and total invoice amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Perform the following steps to set up automatic bank statement file import: 1. Set up Payment System: Represents the financial institute or bank in Oracle Fusion Payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00512", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the first step to set up automatic bank statement file import?", "answers": [ { "text": "Set up Payment System which represents the financial institute or bank in Oracle Fusion Payments.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The other account is used to allocate expenses to the interim account until the entire expenditure is recognized, this account is called the multi-period accrual account.", "qas": [ { "id": "00633", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The multiperiod accrual account has a role to play.", "answers": [ { "text": "It is used to assign the expenses in the interim account until the entire expenditure is recognized.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Whether the supplier matches the invoice with a purchase order or consumption advice determines the resulting invoice type in Oracle Fusion Payables. A matched invoice becomes a standard invoice or credit memo, an unmatched invoice becomes an invoice request, which must be approved using the invoice approval workflow. Once approved, the invoice request becomes a standard invoice or credit memo.", "qas": [ { "id": "01752", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this another kiosk invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-service invoice is an invoice that a supplier enters through Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The chart of accounts, spreadsheet, legal entities and business units in a spreadsheet is an alternative method for creating document sequences.", "qas": [ { "id": "01664", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this a alternatives so take creating another documents sequence?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you choose Yes, include invoices payable accounts in the account parameter if they differ from the accounts payable accounts.", "qas": [ { "id": "01012", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When bills are included in the reconciliation, what should be considered?", "answers": [ { "text": "Include bills payable accounts in the Account parameter if they differ from accounts payable accounts. Select Yes if the bills payable liability account is the same as the regular liability account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can submit a payment process request on the Payment Process Request page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01829", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able 'll submitted another payments request?", "answers": [ { "text": "On the Submit Payment Process Request page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The One Time Payments feature enables you to import transactions from external systems as payment requests.", "qas": [ { "id": "01150", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which One Time Payments features enabling 'll take do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Import transactions from external systems as payment requests.", "answer_start": 8 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This is different from the expense budgeting in which the cash account has sufficient funds to clear the supplier payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00790", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the difference between cash and expense budgeting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Expense budgeting enforces approved limits, while cash budgeting ensures sufficient funds before supplier payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The process that creates the recurring invoices automatically places the invoices on a closed period hold. After you open the Oracle Fusion Payables period, run the validation process to release the hold.", "qas": [ { "id": "00116", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if I create recurring invoices for a Payables period with a status of Never Opened?", "answers": [ { "text": "The process that creates the recurring invoices automatically places the invoices on a closed period hold. After you open the Oracle Fusion Payables period, run the validation process to release the hold.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To resolve payment file validation errors, you can override certain errors and then provide the override justification.", "qas": [ { "id": "01497", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I overrides another payments files methodology error?", "answers": [ { "text": "Acknowledge the error, provide a justification, and override the error.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Specify payment details with attributes such as the date and payment process profile.", "qas": [ { "id": "00740", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the payment attributes?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment details with attributes, such as payment date and payment process profile.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The business unit for the invoice is different from the business unit for the payment and you don't have access to that business unit for the invoice...", "qas": [ { "id": "02004", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why ca I getting another clearances errors then I clicking before which 25-cent numbers link?", "answers": [ { "text": "The business unit for the invoice is different from the business unit for the payment and you don't have access to that invoice business unit.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Manual bank reconciliation involves selecting the bank statements lines and system transactions to be reconciled together... Oracle Fusion Cash Management supports manual reconciliation for all matching scenarios : one to one, one to many, many to one, and many to many.", "qas": [ { "id": "01081", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is manual bank statement reconciliation performed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Manual reconciliation involves selecting bank statement lines and system transactions to be reconciled together. During reconciliation, if a system transaction hasn't been cleared, the process clears the transaction first, and then reconciles it. Oracle Fusion Cash Management supports all matching scenarios like one to one, one to many, many to one, and many to many, across bank statements from the same bank account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "From the Manage External Transaction page, search for the transaction you want to discuss, in the search results, click on the transaction number to review in the conversation: 1. Click Social to open Oracle Social Network. 2. Click the Share button...", "qas": [ { "id": "01627", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able another money owner discussed internal trades and which chief audit owner used education networking?", "answers": [ { "text": "They can use the Social link on the View External Transaction page to invite the general accounting manager to a conversation to discuss external transactions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For payment, \"An invoice for 200 USD and a credit memo for 225 USD are due\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00830", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if the credit amount is more than the invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment amount becomes negative if credits are applied.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An invoice or credit memo match to a purchase order updates the billed quantity on the purchase order without offsetting the invoice price variance for the amount previously billed. Note: The calculation of the invoice price variance follow this formula: (invoice unit price - purchase order line unit price) * invoiced quantity.", "qas": [ { "id": "00119", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's the difference between performing a price correction and matching to a purchase order?", "answers": [ { "text": "A price correction offsets the invoice price variance for the amount previously billed without adjusting the billed quantity on the purchase order.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: If you enable the option Require invoice grouping on the Manage Invoice Options page, you must associate each invoice with an invoice group.", "qas": [ { "id": "00656", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is an invoice group?", "answers": [ { "text": "An invoice group is a collection of invoices that the application uses as: \u0095 A parameter for the Validate Payables Invoices process \u0095 A parameter for some payables reports \u0095 One of the selection criteria for a payment process request", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After changing the applicable setup, you can return to the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01960", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must 'll ca before change mode take resolving methodology errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "Return to the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The cash budgeting ensures that the cash account has sufficient funds before the supplier payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "01904", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if which systems making n't which fund other provided making payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "It ensures the cash account has sufficient funds before clearing the supplier payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Create a bank is the first step in the creation of a bank account.", "qas": [ { "id": "02152", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which early which which banks accounts creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Creating a bank.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The amount recognized depends on the number of accounting periods for which recognition must be done and the recognition formula used in the accounting rules.", "qas": [ { "id": "00635", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is the amount determined in the multiperiod accounting process?", "answers": [ { "text": "The amount recognized depends on the number of accounting periods for which recognition has to be done and the recognition formula used in the accounting rules.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Cross-currency payments are payments in a currency different from the currency on the respective invoices. The accounting process records entries for cross-currency payments in both the invoice currency and the payment currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "00369", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are cross-currency payments accounted for in Oracle Fusion?", "answers": [ { "text": "Cross-currency payments are payments in a different currency than the invoice's. Accounting records entries in both the invoice and payment currencies.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"the cash budgeting ensures that the cash account has sufficient funds before clearing the supplier payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00268", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does cash budgeting ensure?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sufficient funds before payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An incomplete invoice is an invoice created from an invoice image that contains invalid or missing data.", "qas": [ { "id": "00655", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is an incomplete invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "An incomplete invoice is an invoice created from an invoice image that has invalid or missing data.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A skipped numbered payment document scenario is where payment is printed with a different number than you intended.", "qas": [ { "id": "00935", "is_impossible": false, "question": "A spoiled payment document is different from a skipped payment document.", "answers": [ { "text": "A skipped payment document is printed with a different number than intended, while a spoiled payment document is ruined during printing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can void individual payments or the entire payment file.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00822", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to void individual payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, or the entire payment file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments then informs the source product that the documents are paid out in the payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00866", "is_impossible": false, "question": "After removing payments, what does the source product do?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"The source product then unlocks the documents payable and resets their status.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Holds infotile indicates the types of holds placed on the invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00046", "is_impossible": false, "question": ". What information does the \"Holds\" infotile provide about the invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It indicates the types of holds placed on the invoice.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"If any errors occur, payment void action terminates, and the payment remains in negotiable status.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01373", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not another payments absolute actions errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment remains in negotiable status.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In the Separate Remittance Advice section, from the Format choice list, choose Separate Remittance Advice Format 28. Select these check boxes: Automatically submit when payments are confirmed and Allow multiple copies for the payment file 29. Select all payments from the Condition choice list 30. Select delivery method e-mail list 31. Click Save and Close.", "qas": [ { "id": "02025", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is all another so take sets down another several inflow answers section?", "answers": [ { "text": "Choose \"Separate Remittance Advice Format\" from the Format choice list, select the check boxes for \"Automatically submit when payments are confirmed\" and \"Allow multiple copies for payment file\", set the Condition to \"All payments\", and the Delivery Method to \"E-Mail\". Then save your changes.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This is suggested in the section \"Reconcile payments to the bank statement activity\".", "qas": [ { "id": "00991", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payments can be reconciled with bank statement activity.", "answers": [ { "text": "In Oracle Fusion Cash Management, ensuring that payments are cleared if accounted for at clearing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Processes invoices from multiple invoice business units and produces a consolidated payment for a.", "qas": [ { "id": "00876", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the business unit do?", "answers": [ { "text": "A consolidated payment for a given supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Oracle Financials Cloud uses AI models to provide discounts for one payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00773", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does the cloud help with dynamic discounting?", "answers": [ { "text": "It uses AI models to provide discount recommendations for single payments, allowing users to accept or override the suggested APR.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An invoice or credit memo match to a purchase order updates the billed quantity on the purchase order without offsetting the invoice price variance for the amount previously billed. Note: The calculation of the invoice price variance follow this formula: (invoice unit price - purchase order line unit price) * invoiced quantity.", "qas": [ { "id": "01219", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's which mean in performed another prices adjustment well matched take another sale order?", "answers": [ { "text": "A price correction offsets the invoice price variance for the amount previously billed without adjusting the billed quantity on the purchase order.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "With the Manage Payables Document Sequences task you can: Create a document sequence for the applicable determinant type: ledger or legal entity. Assign the sequence to one or more document sequence categories. Specify the ledgers or legal entities that the assignment applies to.", "qas": [ { "id": "01126", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What functionality other provide also which Manage Payables Document Sequences task?", "answers": [ { "text": "Create a document sequence for ledger or legal entity, assign the sequence to document sequence categories, and specify the ledgers or legal entities for the assignment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "With the Manage Payables Document Sequences task you can: Create a document sequence for the applicable determinant type: ledger or legal entity. Assign the sequence to one or more document sequence categories. Specify the ledgers or legal entities that the assignment applies to.", "qas": [ { "id": "00004", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What functionalities are provided by the Manage Payables Document Sequences task?", "answers": [ { "text": "Create a document sequence for ledger or legal entity, assign the sequence to document sequence categories, and specify the ledgers or legal entities for the assignment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Run the report from the Reports and Analytics Workspace or from the following pages: Manage Scheduled Processes, Manage Payment Process Requests, Create or Edit Payment Process Request Template\"", "qas": [ { "id": "02084", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able I how which Payables Cash Requirement Report?", "answers": [ { "text": "From the Reports and Analytics work area, Manage Scheduled Processes, Manage Payment Process Requests, or Create or Edit Payment Process Request Template pages.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If business units and balancing segment values aren't intentionally or implicitly mapped, the report could show the following unintended results.", "qas": [ { "id": "01003", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If business units and balancing segment values are not mapped, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report could display unintended results.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Centralized payment processing allows you to implement a shared payment service model.", "qas": [ { "id": "01974", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if centralised payments materials do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Implement a shared payment service model.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Record Print Status page is used to mark payment documents as skipped or spoiled, renumber subsequent payment documents, review results and report payments as dated.", "qas": [ { "id": "02042", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The Record Print Status pages this using take need payments documents.", "answers": [ { "text": "It is used to mark payment documents as skipped or spoiled, review renumbered documents, and report payments as issued.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Payments are built into the fewest number of payment files...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00263", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Benefit of scheduled creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Fewer payment files.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Set a Transaction Calendar... Save the Calendar!", "qas": [ { "id": "01858", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What ca 'll means also another transactions calendar?", "answers": [ { "text": "1. Navigate to My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance > Offering: Financials > Functional Area: Financial Reporting Structures, and select the Manage Transaction Calendars task. 2. Enter a calendar name and select the default business days. 3. Click Generate Calendar. 4. Select a date that's a holiday and deselect the Business Day check box for it. 5. Save the calendar.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The solution routes invoices with exceptions to accounts payable personnel for review and completion.", "qas": [ { "id": "00612", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are exceptions handled?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are routed to accounts payables personnel for review and completion.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The \"Submit the Unaccounted Transactions and Sweep Process\" section provides this information.", "qas": [ { "id": "00443", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the Unaccounted Transactions and Sweep process do?", "answers": [ { "text": "It transfers unaccounted transactions from one accounting period to another, and can change the accounting date of transactions to the next open period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Typically, General Ledger users are secured by data access sets... Payables users are secured by business units.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01002", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is user security configured?", "answers": [ { "text": "General Ledger users are secured by data access sets, while Payables users are secured by business units.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "From the page Manage External Transactions search for the transaction that you want to discuss, click on the transaction number from the search results to review in the conversation : 1. Click Social to open the Oracle Social Network. 2. Click the Share button...", "qas": [ { "id": "01077", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The general accounting manager uses social networking to discuss external transactions with a cash manager.", "answers": [ { "text": "They can use the Social link on the View External Transaction page to invite the general accounting manager to a conversation to discuss external transactions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You or the application can perform steps to ensure the assignment of bank account and payment process profile.", "qas": [ { "id": "00837", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When you submit a payment request, what can you choose?", "answers": [ { "text": "Disbursement bank account and a payment process profile.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you are the last user, then you will be expected to provide the missing circulating amount to complete the task Alternatively, you can assign this task to another user by using the Reassign action or you can return the invoice back to the initiator by using the Return action.", "qas": [ { "id": "00681", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If the distribution amount is less than the line amount, can I complete the assigned task?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, if the sum total of the distribution amount is less than the sum of the invoice, provided you're not the last user in the workflow.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After you send images to the email account, the imaging solution fetches them for further processing, checks for new images every minute and creates invoices from the images.", "qas": [ { "id": "01715", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen take which imagery but other sent?", "answers": [ { "text": "The imaging solution retrieves them for further processing, checks for new images every minute and creates invoices from the images.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can't change details of the documents payable or invoices, such as amounts or currencies, during the payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "00304", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can details of documents payable be changed during validation?", "answers": [ { "text": "No, they are locked.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This is the budget date for the payment. It\u0092s the same as the payment date.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01365", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's which spending date?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment date.", "answer_start": 12 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Supposed payments are reviewed before the payment process request is stopped after grouping installments into payments and before building payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "01844", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If 'll choosing which 'Review proposal payments' option, then would which payments step requested stop?", "answers": [ { "text": "After grouping installments into payments and before building the payments.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can resolve payment validation errors on the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page by removing one or more payments with validation errors.", "qas": [ { "id": "00313", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can validation errors be resolved?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"By removing one or more payments with validation errors from the payment process request.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Before merging, review invoices to avoid duplicates. The merge process has implications for transferring all invoices and unpaid invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "00149", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens to an invoice when I merge a supplier?", "answers": [ { "text": "When you perform the Merge Suppliers task, you have the option of transferring all invoices or only unpaid invoices.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Prepayments categorize available prepayment that can be applied to invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "01148", "is_impossible": false, "question": "same What ca which refinancings from which \"Prepayments\" infotile represent?", "answers": [ { "text": "Available prepayment that can be applied to invoices.", "answer_start": 2 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can cancel multiple invoices at the same time by using the Cancel Invoice action.", "qas": [ { "id": "01213", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I postpone types invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can cancel multiple invoices at the same time by using the Cancel Invoice action.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The task Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities and Business Units in Spreadsheet is an alternative method of creating document sequences.", "qas": [ { "id": "00574", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is an alternative way to create a document sequence?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle's Imaging Solution offers cutting-edge intelligent recognition capabilities for extracting invoice attributes from scanned images. Unlike other solutions that use supplier-specific templates to extract information, Oracle can locate data intelligently within the invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01721", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca 'll extracting 25-cent traits in digitized images?", "answers": [ { "text": "By using cutting-edge intelligent recognition capabilities to locate data within the invoice, regardless of its location on the image and whether it has processed invoices from that supplier before.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Related topics: Invoice Line Types, Invoice Distributions, Invoice Installments", "qas": [ { "id": "01688", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There other many topic cases take which central content.", "answers": [ { "text": "Invoice Line Types, Invoice Distributions, and Invoice Installments.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The One Time Payments feature enables you to import transactions from external systems as payment requests.", "qas": [ { "id": "00050", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the One Time Payments feature enable you to do?", "answers": [ { "text": "Import transactions from external systems as payment requests.", "answer_start": 8 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The original party system reference is a unique identifier for the party in the source application.", "qas": [ { "id": "01838", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which Party Original System reference?", "answers": [ { "text": "A unique identifier for the party in the source application.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Predefined rules The invoice approval workflow includes the following predefined rules: \u00e2 Invoices having amounts greater than or equal to 1000 require approval by the immediate supervisor of the requester on the invoice \u00e2 Invoices having amounts less than 1000 are automatically approved.", "qas": [ { "id": "00726", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the simplified rules configuration?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Simplified Workflow Rules Configuration feature is a spreadsheet-based alternative to creating rules in Oracle Business Process Management (BPM).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Default \"if you don't use the option and the total credit amount is greater than the standard invoice total amount, no invoices are selected for payment and the payment process requests terminate.", "qas": [ { "id": "00833", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If you don't use this option, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "No invoices are selected and the payment request terminates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"The original payment is unreserved and marked as voided.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01377", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen take which originally payments then reissuing?", "answers": [ { "text": "It's unreserved and marked as voided.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can set the following ledger options: Sequencing By: Enables document sequencing for the ledger or legal entities associated with that ledger. Enforce Document Sequencing: When set to Payables, indicates that invoices and payments require voucher numbers. Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date: Checks the accounting date on the invoice header when you save an invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01115", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What walters option able not sets from which system?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sequencing By, Enforce Document Sequencing, and Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If any exceptions occur during automatic invoice creation, the solution marks the invoices as incomplete. It then routes the incomplete invoices to the accounts payable personnel for review and completion.", "qas": [ { "id": "01166", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other exception since gear 25-cent created handled?", "answers": [ { "text": "The solution marks the invoices as incomplete and routes them to the accounts payable personnel for review and completion.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"The Non-Payables Begin Balance on the report summary is that portion of the general ledger liability account beginning balance that didn't originate from Payables transactions.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00470", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the Non-Payables Begin Balance represent?", "answers": [ { "text": "The portion of the general ledger liability account beginning balance that didn't originate from Payables transactions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text mentions two versions of the credit transaction message format provided by Oracle Fusion Payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00971", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What version of credit transfer message formats is provided by Oracle Fusion Payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Oracle Fusion Payments provides two versions of the credit transfer message format: one for SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area) and one for CGI (Common Global Implementation).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An self-billed invoice can be one of the following : An invoice that the pay on receipt process creates A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates An invoice that creates a consumption advice process from a contract that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "00653", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is a self-billed invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: \u0095 An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates \u0095 A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates \u0095 An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you remove a payment from the payment file that has a payment file or formatting validation error, the validation error is no longer applicable.", "qas": [ { "id": "00399", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can removing payments from the payment file resolve validation errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "If removing a payment makes the validation error no longer applicable, the error is resolved.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can load and import bank statements in Oracle Fusion Cash Management by any of the following methods: \u0095 Automatic Bank Statement File Import \u0095 Manual Bank Statement File Import through Oracle Web Center", "qas": [ { "id": "00511", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can bank statements be loaded and imported in Oracle Fusion Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "Through Automatic Bank Statement File Import or Manual Bank Statement File Import through Oracle Web Center.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"When you enable cash budgeting, the payment processing happens only when there is enough balance in the funds account.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01898", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When money rationalization this enabled, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment processing occurs only with sufficient balance in the funds account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can resolve some payment validation errors by changing the setup to allow the payments to pass validation.", "qas": [ { "id": "00320", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can certain validation errors be addressed without removing payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"By leaving the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page and changing the setup of remittance bank accounts, third party payees, payment methods, or payment formats.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "From the Invoices landing page, click the Create Recurring Invoices task to open the Create Recurring Invoices spreadsheet.", "qas": [ { "id": "00019", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you access the Create Recurring Invoices functionality in Oracle Fusion Payables?", "answers": [ { "text": "From the Invoices landing page, click the Create Recurring Invoices task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following : An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a contract that has the option of Pay on Use enabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "00684", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is a self-billed invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: \u0095 An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates \u0095 A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates \u0095 An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Recent invoices that were updated or created in the last days are displayed.", "qas": [ { "id": "00035", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the time frame for the invoices displayed in the \"Recent\" category?", "answers": [ { "text": "Invoices that were updated or created in the last days.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A payment processing request can have a status of missing cross-currency rates for multiple reasons...", "qas": [ { "id": "00902", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can I fix a payment process request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Depending on the reason, selecting the action icon on the Manage Payment Process Requests page opens the page where you can resolve the issue.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Review invoices assigned sequential voucher numbers.", "qas": [ { "id": "02079", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which audit?", "answers": [ { "text": "To review invoices with assigned sequential voucher numbers.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The original payment is unreserved and marked as voided.", "qas": [ { "id": "00827", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When reissuing the original payment, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "It's unreserved and marked as voided.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For the 1-1 reconciliation matching type of payments and receipts, the reconciliation differences amount can be automatically split into the exchange gain or loss and bank charges accounts defined at business unit access level for the bank account..", "qas": [ { "id": "00524", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can reconciliation differences amount be handled in 1-1 reconciliation matching type?", "answers": [ { "text": "The reconciliation differences amount can be automatically split into the exchange gain or loss and bank charges accounts defined at business unit access level for the bank account.", "answer_start": 10 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Location: Create Payment Document page. Navigation: Setup and Maintenance > Set Up Banks, Branches, and Accounts > Manage Bank Accounts task > Create Payment Document page. Action: From the Format choice list, select an electronic payment file format.", "qas": [ { "id": "00407", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can you select an electronic payment file format for paper document numbering?", "answers": [ { "text": "On the Create Payment Document page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can account for cross-currency payments individually or through the Create accounting process, the accounting entries for the payment relieve the liability account in the invoice currency with an offset to the cash or cash clearing account in the payment currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "00920", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to account for cross-currency payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Either individually or through the \"Create Accounting\" process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following ESS programs are used to create your cash position: \u0095 Cash Position Data Extraction: This program streamlines the extraction of data from all relevant sources... \u0095 Cash Position Data Transfer: This program automatically runs after a successful extraction takes place... \u0095 Cash Position Data Deletion: Use this program to delete the cube prior to making changes to configure the dimensions or reporting options...", "qas": [ { "id": "00537", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What programs are used to create cash position in Oracle Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "ESS programs: Cash Position Data Extraction, Cash Position Data Transfer, and Cash Position Data Deletion.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Set a Transaction Calendar... Save the Calendar!", "qas": [ { "id": "00758", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What do you mean by a transaction calendar?", "answers": [ { "text": "1. Navigate to My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance > Offering: Financials > Functional Area: Financial Reporting Structures, and select the Manage Transaction Calendars task. 2. Enter a calendar name and select the default business days. 3. Click Generate Calendar. 4. Select a date that's a holiday and deselect the Business Day check box for it. 5. Save the calendar.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In this FBDI spreadsheet, only invoices with the type: payment request can be entered.", "qas": [ { "id": "01705", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What typically which phony able not returned through which spreadsheet?", "answers": [ { "text": "Only invoices with the type: Payment Request.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Banks, branches and accounts fit together on the premise of the Bank Account model, which enables you to define and keep track of all bank accounts in one place and allows you to explicitly grant account access to : multiple business units functions users", "qas": [ { "id": "02151", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca banks, branches, well accounts component working together?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Bank Account model enables tracking of all bank accounts in one place and grants account access to multiple business units, functions, and users, eliminating redundant bank account setups.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Perform the following steps to set up the automatic import of bank statement file: 1. Set up Payment System: Represents the financial institute or bank in Oracle Fusion Payments", "qas": [ { "id": "01062", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do I set up automatic bank statement file import?", "answers": [ { "text": "Set up Payment System which represents the financial institute or bank in Oracle Fusion Payments.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You must use the following details when creating a project-related invoice: Project Number, Task Number, Expenditure Type, Expenditure Organization.", "qas": [ { "id": "01199", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What traits other require from which spreadsheets making project-related invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You must use the following details when creating a project-related invoice: Project Number, Task Number, Expenditure Type, Expenditure Organization.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You must specify a payment process profile when submitting the payment process request.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00245", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must you specify when submitting an immediate payment process request?", "answers": [ { "text": "A payment process profile.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments then informs the source product that the documents payable in the payment aren't being paid.", "qas": [ { "id": "01416", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which sources products ca before remove payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"The source product then unlocks the documents payable and resets their status.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Payables improves security by limiting access to invoices and payments by business unit. You can access invoices and payments for viewing or processing only for the business units to which you have permission.", "qas": [ { "id": "01127", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if Oracle Fusion Payables strengthen 25-cent well payments security?", "answers": [ { "text": "By limiting access to invoices and payments by business unit and allowing access only to those business units for which a user has permission.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Use dynamic offers when creating a payment for a single supplier...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00784", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How to get discount recommendations?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use dynamic offers when creating a payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can resolve payment validation errors by terminating the entire payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01409", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When could 'll deciding take terminating a part payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "When encountering validation errors.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you submit the report for the primary ledger, lists the amount originally booked to the liability account when the invoice was entered.", "qas": [ { "id": "00489", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the Original Amount parameter display?", "answers": [ { "text": "If you submit the report for the primary ledger, lists the amount originally booked to the liability account when the invoice was entered.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "-", "qas": [ { "id": "00154", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When does invoice matching include freight and miscellaneous lines as part of the tolerance?", "answers": [ { "text": "Freight and miscellaneous lines aren't supported during the tolerance setup for invoice matching.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document. During this process, you can assign credit cards and invoices as voucher numbers.", "qas": [ { "id": "01662", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which documents sequences from implies take phony well payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text mentions that the application generates a unique payment reference number for each payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00961", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the unique identification for each payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "A unique payment reference number is generated for each payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The infotile Holds indicates the types of holding on invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "01686", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which source than which invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It indicates the types of holds placed on the invoice.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When you are revalidated the payment is activated by any setup changes you made.", "qas": [ { "id": "00853", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens when you change setups?", "answers": [ { "text": "Any setup changes are activated when payments are revalidated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"These discount offers are calculated each day... APR that the supplier and you have agreed upon for taking discounts.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01311", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other late payments premium offering calculated?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are calculated daily based on the number of days paid early, and the discounts decrease over time depending on the APR agreed upon between the supplier and the buyer.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The option to allow prepayment application indicates that the prepayment for application is available and classifies the prepayment as temporary.", "qas": [ { "id": "00625", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do you make a prepayment available?", "answers": [ { "text": "By selecting the Allow prepayment application option.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An incomplete invoice is one created from an invoice document which has invalid or missing data. By default, all users with the roles of account payable specialist and account payable supervisor receive incomplete invoices routed to them for review and completion ; for AP Supervisor and AP Manager roles, these incomplete invoices appear in the Scanned Information Tile, grouped by the creation date.", "qas": [ { "id": "01815", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where ca incorrect phony going making AP Manager roles?", "answers": [ { "text": "For AP Supervisor and AP Manager roles, these incomplete invoices appear in the Scanned Information tile, grouped by creation date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You should use the following details when creating a project-related invoice: Project Number Task Number Budget Type Expenditure Organization", "qas": [ { "id": "00685", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What attributes are required for project-related invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You must use the following details when creating a project-related invoice: \u0095 Project Number \u0095 Task Number \u0095 Expenditure Type \u0095 Expenditure Organization", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can use the Payments Overview page to view and act on payment request requests.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01850", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able 'll come well acts before payments step requests?", "answers": [ { "text": "On the Payments Overview page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "From the Invoices landing page, click Create Repeating Invoices to open the Recurring Invoices spreadsheet.", "qas": [ { "id": "00569", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you use the create recurring invoices feature?", "answers": [ { "text": "From the Invoices landing page, click the Create Recurring Invoices task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can set the following leadger options: Sequencing By: Enables document sequencing for the ledger or legal entities associated with the ledger. Enforce document sequence: If set to Payables, indicates that invoices and payments require voucher numbers.", "qas": [ { "id": "00565", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What options can be set in the system?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sequencing By, Enforce Document Sequencing, and Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The list of values in the Consumption Advice field on the Match invoice lines page depends on the purchase order - you must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of consumption advice documents.", "qas": [ { "id": "01758", "is_impossible": false, "question": "I can't how another certain decrease answers take matches which invoice.", "answers": [ { "text": "The list of values in the Consumption Advice field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of consumption advice documents.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "By default, all users with the roles of Accounts Payable Specialist and Accounts Payable Supervisor receive incomplete invoices for their review and completion. For AP Supervisor and AP Manager roles, these incomplete invoices appear in the Tiled Information grouped by creation date. If you need to route incomplete invoices based on other rules you can modify the routing rule or add new routing rules.", "qas": [ { "id": "01816", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll changes which regulations making incorrect invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "If you need to route incomplete invoices based on other rules, you can modify the routing rule or add new routing rules.", "answer_start": 42 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Payables improves security by limiting access to invoices and payments by business unit. You can access invoices and payments for viewing or processing only for the business units to which you have permission.", "qas": [ { "id": "00017", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does Oracle Fusion Payables enhance invoice and payment security?", "answers": [ { "text": "By limiting access to invoices and payments by business unit and allowing access only to those business units for which a user has permission.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can also initiate the invoices for the Invoice Account Coding workflow based on a specific account coding status.", "qas": [ { "id": "00127", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can I initiate invoices for the Invoice Account Coding workflow in bulk mode?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can initiate invoices for the account coding workflow in bulk mode by submitting the Initiate Invoice Account Coding workflow Job. This job by default processes all invoices requiring accounting information.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Consider scheduling payment file creation as part of a business process where payment selection is local or decentralized...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01346", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why could 'll should schedules payments files creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "When payment selection is local or decentralized, and processing is centralized.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can submit a payment process request on the Submit Payment Process Request page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01279", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able 'll submitted another payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "On the Submit Payment Process Request page.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Banks often make mistakes by depositing or withdrawing incorrect amounts to bank accounts... Reconciling corrections and adjustment of bank errors The correcting of bank errors using the reverse and adjustment method is described in the following example...", "qas": [ { "id": "02182", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca bank resolving errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "Banks resolve errors using two methods: reversal and adjustment. In the reversal method, the bank reverses the entire error transaction amount so that the error entry and the reversal entry net out to zero, and then makes another transaction entry for the correct transaction amount. In the adjustment method, the bank creates an additional transaction entry to make up for the difference between the original transaction amount and the error entry.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To submit a payment processing request... 4. On the page Submit payment process request select the selection criteria tab. 5. In the name field, enter ISO_PPRXXX. Tip: In lieu of XXX, enter the appropriate number.", "qas": [ { "id": "00927", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can I remember a payment process request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enter \"ISO_PPRXXX\" in the Name field, where \"XXX\" is the appropriate number.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can run this report from the work area report and analytics.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00980", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can I find the Payables Invoice Audit by Voucher Number listing report?", "answers": [ { "text": "From the Reports and Analytics work area.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To derive the budget account, overlay the distribution natural account with the natural account segment value from the cash account.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00252", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is the budget account for reserving funds derived?", "answers": [ { "text": "By overlaying the distribution natural account with the cash account's natural account segment value.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Specify payment details with attributes, such as payment date and payment process profile.", "qas": [ { "id": "00190", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What do payment attributes specify?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment details with attributes, such as payment date and payment process profile.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Invoice Types: The application provides several types of invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "01139", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which applications offering from implies take 25-cent categorization?", "answers": [ { "text": "It provides several types of invoices.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In the section \"Transfer All Approved Invoices and Payments to the General Ledger\".", "qas": [ { "id": "00992", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Invoices and payments are transferred to the general ledger.", "answers": [ { "text": "By running create accounting with the Transfer to General Ledger option set to Yes, and running the Post Journal Entries to General Ledger process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Before merging, examine invoices to avoid duplicates - the merge process has implications for transferring all invoices and unpaid invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "00699", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When I merge a supplier, what happens to my invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "When you perform the Merge Suppliers task, you have the option of transferring all invoices or only unpaid invoices.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Those are locked during the payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01961", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take changes which amounts which papers deferred since validation?", "answers": [ { "text": "No.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For a payment process request (PPR) template you can select a specific source, so that one-time payments can be processed separately.", "qas": [ { "id": "00606", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can one time payments be processed?", "answers": [ { "text": "By creating a Payment Process Request (PPR) template by selecting a specific source.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can also create a template on the Create Payment Process Request Template page and schedule the template to submit the payment process request later.", "qas": [ { "id": "00180", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What can you do on the Create Payment Process Request Template page?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can create a template and schedule the template to submit the payment process request later.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments informs the source product that none of the documents payable in the payment process request are being paid.", "qas": [ { "id": "00301", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens when the payment request is terminated?", "answers": [ { "text": "None of the documents in the request are paid.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A Payables supervisor can identify incomplete supplier portal invoices for cancellation by these methods: \u0095 Query the invoices on the Manage Invoices page. \u0095 Run the Period Close Exception Report.", "qas": [ { "id": "00496", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can a Payables supervisor identify incomplete supplier portal invoices for cancellation?", "answers": [ { "text": "By querying the invoices on the Manage Invoices page or running the Period Close Exception Report.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can click the links provided on the Payment File Page to access the payment reports...", "qas": [ { "id": "02011", "is_impossible": false, "question": "After another payments files this generated, why able I provide which reports?", "answers": [ { "text": "Click the links on the Payment File page to access the payment reports.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Specify the business unit or leave blank to include all business units.", "qas": [ { "id": "02128", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What able 'll believe than which industry unit?", "answers": [ { "text": "Specify the business unit or leave blank to include all business units.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments then informs the source product that the documents are paid out in the payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "01966", "is_impossible": false, "question": "After remove payments, why if which sources products do?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"The source product then unlocks the documents payable and resets their status.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text explains SEPA and its benefits.", "qas": [ { "id": "02072", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this this called?", "answers": [ { "text": "SEPA is a system that provides a standardized process for credit transfers and a cheaper way for individuals and firms to make transactions within European member countries or regions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you do not use the option to maximize credits and credit exceeds invoices, no invoices are selected.", "qas": [ { "id": "01938", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If loans exceeding 25-cent amount, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "No invoices are selected; request terminates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The account, fin/cashManagement/import, is created on the Web Center for the users of Oracle Fusion Cash Management.", "qas": [ { "id": "00517", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What account is created on the Web Center for users of Oracle Fusion Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "The account fin/cashManagement/import.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can resolve payment validation errors on the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01396", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll resolving payments methodology errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "By removing payments with validation errors.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The statement ID should be unique within a calendar year in a bank account.", "qas": [ { "id": "01069", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the Statement ID for bank statements?", "answers": [ { "text": "Unique in a bank account within a calendar year.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: The original invoice amount is only provided when you run the report for the primary ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "00476", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When is the original invoice amount provided?", "answers": [ { "text": "The original invoice amount is only provided when you run the report for the primary ledger.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Regular testing also\nkeeps IDR aware of updated supplier and purchase orders. Before You Start\nHere are a few things to remember before you begin testing. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 To ensure that you have the most recent suppliers and purchase orders on your test platform, request a P2T\n(Production-to-Test) environment refresh.", "qas": [ { "id": "00157", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you ensure having the most recent suppliers and purchase orders on your test platform?", "answers": [ { "text": "Request a P2T (Production-to-Test) environment refresh.", "answer_start": 43 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can't cancel an invoice if any of these conditions apply to it. \u0095 Invoice is validated. \u0095 It's matched to a purchase order or receipt. \u0095 It's updated with a tax calculation. \u0095 It's undergoing approval and doesn't have an approval status of Required or Not required.", "qas": [ { "id": "01243", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I deleting a invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can't cancel an invoice if any of these conditions apply to it. \u0095 Invoice is validated. \u0095 It's matched to a purchase order or receipt. \u0095 It's updated with a tax calculation. \u0095 It's undergoing approval and doesn't have an approval status of Required or Not required.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After receiving the electronic invoice from suppliers, CMK transforms the payload from the external document format to the Payables invoice format. The transformed payload is inserted into the Payables Invoices Interface tables. The Import Payables Invoices process imports the invoices into the base tables.", "qas": [ { "id": "01195", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen before received digital phony in suppliers?", "answers": [ { "text": "CMK transforms the payload to the Payables invoice format, inserts it into the Payables Invoices Interface tables, and the Import Payables Invoices process imports the invoices into the base tables.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "With the Manage Payables Document Sequences task you can: Create a document sequence for the applicable determinant type: ledger or legal entity. Assign the sequence to one or more document sequence categories. Specify the ledgers or legal entities that the assignment applies to.", "qas": [ { "id": "00016", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What functionalities are provided by the Manage Payables Document Sequences task?", "answers": [ { "text": "Create a document sequence for ledger or legal entity, assign the sequence to document sequence categories, and specify the ledgers or legal entities for the assignment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Use this report to forecast immediate cash needs for invoice payments.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01535", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which Payables Cash Requirement Report?", "answers": [ { "text": "To forecast immediate cash needs for invoice payments.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If a problem occurs in the Work Area Bank Statements and Reconciliation, the results of the Bank Statement Processing program are displayed.", "qas": [ { "id": "01072", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If a problem is encountered, where are the results of the Bank Statement Processing program?", "answers": [ { "text": "In the Bank Statements and Reconciliation work area.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "How mass reconcilion of bank statement lines and system transactions is handled You can perform mass reconciliation by selecting a large volume of system transactions... Import the reconciliation data into Oracle Cash Management Once you have reconciliation details added to the statement lines, you can upload it using the load interface file for import utility...", "qas": [ { "id": "02184", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Mass peace which banks saying line well systems trades able not done.", "answers": [ { "text": "Mass reconciliation is performed by selecting a large volume of system transactions and bank statement lines, grouping and reconciling them using a spreadsheet. The unreconciled transactions are exported into a spreadsheet. The reconciliation data is prepared in the spreadsheet and imported into Oracle Cash Management using the FBDI template for Bank Statement Reconciliation Data Import. The Load Interface File for Import utility is used to upload the reconciliation details.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Follow these guidelines when preparing your data in the worksheet \u0095 Enter the required information for each column. Refer to the tool tips on each column header for detailed instructions \u0095 Do not change the order of the columns in the template. \u0095 You can hide or skip the columns you do not use, but do not delete them.", "qas": [ { "id": "00546", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the guidelines for preparing data in the worksheet?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enter the required information for each column, do not change the order of the columns, and hide or skip columns you do not use without deleting them.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The section \"Considerations for Closing a Payables Period\" provides a list of activities to consider before closing a Payables period.", "qas": [ { "id": "01539", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must not doing after closed a Oracle Fusion Payables period?", "answers": [ { "text": "Complete and approve all transactions and payment files, reconcile payments to bank statements, transfer all approved invoices and payments to the general ledger, submit the Unaccounted Transactions and Sweep process, close the current Payables period, reconcile Payables activity for the period, and open the next Payables period.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The list of values in the Consumption Advice field on the Match invoice lines page depends on the purchase order - you must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of consumption advice documents.", "qas": [ { "id": "00658", "is_impossible": false, "question": "I can't find a specific consumption advice to match the invoice.", "answers": [ { "text": "The list of values in the Consumption Advice field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of consumption advice documents.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Payments are built into the fewest number of payment files...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01920", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payments other consist from another way.", "answers": [ { "text": "Into the fewest files.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Depending on how you set these options, a payment request might require your input before processing can complete.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01852", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Does set particular option leads take computerized processing?", "answers": [ { "text": "No, depending on how you set these options, a payment process request might require your input before processing can complete.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The amount of payables starting balance should match the balance of the Payables trial balance report for the last day of the previous period, while the balance of the Payables ending balance should comply with the balance of the Payables trial balance report for the last day of the period being reconciled.", "qas": [ { "id": "01019", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you reconcile the Payables Begin and End Balance accounting amounts?", "answers": [ { "text": "They should agree with the Payables Trial Balance report for the respective periods.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can resolve payment validation errors on the page Resolve payment validation errors by removing one or more documents payable.", "qas": [ { "id": "01967", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What able 'll ca take removing papers in another payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"By removing one or more documents payable from a payment that's included in the payment process request.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When paper document numbering for electronic payments is disabled, only payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "01504", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen then printed documents numbered making digital payment this disabled?", "answers": [ { "text": "Only payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text explains that paper document numbers for electronic payments can be sent to the payment system or to the bank for printing on outsourced checks.", "qas": [ { "id": "00959", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Paper document numbers are used in electronic payments.", "answers": [ { "text": "Paper document numbers are used for electronic payments and can be sent to your payment system or bank to be printed onto outsourced checks.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In Cash Management Setup the following entities : Bank Account Balance Codes: The ISO 20022 balance codes... Transaction Codes Parsing Rules: The setup of Parsing Rules is optional but relevant for Bank Statement Reconciliation.", "qas": [ { "id": "02160", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What entity needs take not sets up?", "answers": [ { "text": "Bank Account, Balance Codes, Transaction Codes, and Parsing Rules.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"If you don't use the option, and the total credit amount for a payment process request is greater than the total standard invoice amount, no invoices are selected for payment and the payment process request terminates.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00283", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if you don't use this option and credit exceeds invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "No invoices are selected and the payment request terminates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Banks sometimes make mistakes by depositing or withdrawing incorrect amounts to bank accounts... Reconciling Corrections and Adjustments to Bank Errors Correcting bank errors using the reversal and adjustment method are described in the following example...", "qas": [ { "id": "01632", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What techniques ca bank using take resolving errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "Banks resolve errors using two methods: reversal and adjustment. In the reversal method, the bank reverses the entire error transaction amount so that the error entry and the reversal entry net out to zero, and then makes another transaction entry for the correct transaction amount. In the adjustment method, the bank creates an additional transaction entry to make up for the difference between the original transaction amount and the error entry.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"The decision on which invoices to pay is made on business needs such as cash flow and discounts...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00797", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The system decides which invoices to pay.", "answers": [ { "text": "Based on business needs like cash flow and discounts, not just payment method.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Voiding payment also triggers funds reservation, but with a negative payment amount.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01921", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When another payments this voided, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "It triggers a negative funds reservation.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To set up these connections, follow the steps described in the AI Implementation Workflow topic from the Getting Started with Your Financials Implementation guide.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00225", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can you find steps for setting up the required connections for Early Payment Discount Offers?", "answers": [ { "text": "In the AI Implementation Workflow topic from the Getting Started with Your Financials Implementation guide.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "With the Manage Payables Document Sequences task you can: Create a document sequence for the applicable determinant type: ledger or legal entity. Assign the sequence to one or more document sequence categories. Specify the ledgers or legal entities that the assignment applies to.", "qas": [ { "id": "00026", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What functionalities are provided by the Manage Payables Document Sequences task?", "answers": [ { "text": "Create a document sequence for ledger or legal entity, assign the sequence to document sequence categories, and specify the ledgers or legal entities for the assignment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text describes the three levels of the format of the ISO 20022 credit transfer message.", "qas": [ { "id": "02074", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The ISO 20022 loans transfers messages formats this structured.", "answers": [ { "text": "The ISO 20022 credit transfer message format has a three-level XML message structure, including group header, payment information, and supplementary data.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Before merging, examine invoices to avoid duplicates - the merge process has implications for transferring all invoices and unpaid invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "01799", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When I merging another supplier, why happen take your invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "When you perform the Merge Suppliers task, you have the option of transferring all invoices or only unpaid invoices.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Pay Through Date: Enter a date to determine which invoices to select for payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00437", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does the Pay Through Date parameter affect the Payables Cash Requirement Report?", "answers": [ { "text": "It determines which invoices to select for payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If a problem occurs in the Work Area Bank Statements and Reconciliation, the results of the Bank Statement Processing program are displayed.", "qas": [ { "id": "02172", "is_impossible": false, "question": "If another problems this encountered, in other which preliminary which which Bank Statement Processing program?", "answers": [ { "text": "In the Bank Statements and Reconciliation work area.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you don't use the maximize credits option and credit exceeds invoices, no invoices are selected.", "qas": [ { "id": "01388", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not loans exceeding 25-cent amounts any which option?", "answers": [ { "text": "No invoices are selected; request terminates.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Campaign Management... Responses to these early payment offers are automatically processed.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00229", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does Campaign Management offer?", "answers": [ { "text": "Supplier identification and automated offer processing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An invoice can have one or more installments. Installments include information such as Due dates, Due amounts, Discount dates, and Payment method.", "qas": [ { "id": "00037", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How many installments can an invoice have?", "answers": [ { "text": "One or more.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Distributions are used to create accounting entries and include information such as accounting date, distribution combinations and project information.", "qas": [ { "id": "01693", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which central roles which distributions?", "answers": [ { "text": "To create accounting entries.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Within each stage, a request can have a different status\".", "qas": [ { "id": "00749", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can a request have different statuses?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, within each stage, a request can have a different status.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Those with the Accounts Payable Supervisor role may cancel invoices of unsubmitted supplier portal.", "qas": [ { "id": "01045", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Unsubmitted supplier portal invoices can be canceled.", "answers": [ { "text": "Users with the Accounts Payable Supervisor role.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can resolve payment validation errors by removing one or more documents payable from a payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "01398", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll need papers and methodology errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "Remove them from the payment process request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"The Payables Begin Balance accounting amount should agree with the Payables Trial Balance report for the last day of the previous period. The Payables End Balance accounting amount should agree with the Payables Trial Balance report for the last day of the period being reconciled.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00469", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you reconcile the Payables Begin and End Balance accounting amounts?", "answers": [ { "text": "They should agree with the Payables Trial Balance report for the respective periods.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The immediate creation of a payment file excludes the grouping of similar payments that originated in different payment processing requests into a single payment file.", "qas": [ { "id": "01906", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What could not another disadvantages then 'll creating payments file immediately?", "answers": [ { "text": "Grouping of similar payments from different requests into a single file might be precluded.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payer is the party who receives payment, whether the payee is a third-party or the invoicing supplier, the validations performed on the payee attributes in the same manner.", "qas": [ { "id": "02007", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When I creating another plug-ins payment, why happen take payments validations?", "answers": [ { "text": "Validations on payee attributes perform the same way.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Manual bank reconciliation involves selecting the bank statements lines and system transactions to be reconciled together... Oracle Fusion Cash Management supports manual reconciliation for all matching scenarios : one to one, one to many, many to one, and many to many.", "qas": [ { "id": "02181", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this 6-speed banks saying peace performed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Manual reconciliation involves selecting bank statement lines and system transactions to be reconciled together. During reconciliation, if a system transaction hasn't been cleared, the process clears the transaction first, and then reconciles it. Oracle Fusion Cash Management supports all matching scenarios like one to one, one to many, many to one, and many to many, across bank statements from the same bank account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: If you enable the invoice grouping option on the Manage Invoice Options page, you must associate each invoice with an invoice group.", "qas": [ { "id": "00687", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is an invoice group?", "answers": [ { "text": "An invoice group is a collection of invoices that the application uses as: \u0095 A parameter for the Validate Payables Invoices process \u0095 A parameter for some payables reports \u0095 One of the selection criteria for a payment process request", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If banks and/or branches are present in both the Zengin file and Oracle ERP Cloud, they are ignored.", "qas": [ { "id": "01056", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What actions are taken if banks and/or branches are present in the Zengin file?", "answers": [ { "text": "They will be ignored.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Steps for Multiperiod Accounting: 1. Create an invoice. 2. Validate the invoice. 3. Submit the accounting of the invoice. 4. At the end of each accounting period, submit the Multiperiod Accounting program. 5. View the basic accounting and multi-period recognition entries.", "qas": [ { "id": "00639", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the steps for multiperiod accounting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Create an invoice, validate the invoice, submit the accounting of the invoice, submit the Multiperiod Accounting Program, and view the basic accounting and multiperiod recognition entries.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A skipped numbered payment document scenario is where the payment on a payment document is printed with a different number than you intended.", "qas": [ { "id": "02030", "is_impossible": false, "question": "A skipping numbering payments documents this why this is.", "answers": [ { "text": "A skipped numbered payment document occurs when the payment is printed onto a payment document with a different number than intended.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Tip: Before you merge, review invoices for both the old and new supplier to find and resolve duplicate invoices. The merge process doesn't transfer invoices if the merge results in a duplicate invoice for the new supplier. \u0095 All invoices: In addition to transferring all invoices, this option also transfers associated payments. \u0095 Unpaid invoices: This option excludes partially paid invoices and partially applied prepayments. If you have such invoices and prepayments, you must transfer all invoices. As an alternative, you can complete the payments and apply the prepayments before merging. Note: Once the merge has completed, it can't be undone.", "qas": [ { "id": "01218", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen take a 25-cent then I merging another supplier?", "answers": [ { "text": "When you perform the Merge Suppliers task, you have the option of transferring all invoices or only unpaid invoices.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Import Payables Payment Requests process to create payment requests from data in the Payment Request interface table.", "qas": [ { "id": "01158", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this Payables Payment Request Import Data processed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Import Payables Payment Requests process to create payment requests from data in the Payment Request interface table.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When this action is taken, Payments removes the payment and associated documents payable from the payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01415", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen take which papers deferred then payment other removed?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"Payments removes the payment and associated documents payable from the payment process request.\"", "answer_start": 5 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text mentions the availability of optional ISO 20022 grouping options for SEPA and CGI.", "qas": [ { "id": "01527", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which trim ISO 20022 bloc option making SEPA well CGI?", "answers": [ { "text": "Optional ISO 20022 grouping options for SEPA and CGI are available on the Grouping tab on the Create and Edit Payment Process Profile page and tell Payments how to optionally group transactions within a payment file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you enable the option Create interest invoices but don't define a rate for the day after the invoice is due, interest isn't calculated and an interest invoice isn't created.", "qas": [ { "id": "01994", "is_impossible": false, "question": "I don't why why would happens not I don't defining a credit rate.", "answers": [ { "text": "Interest isn't calculated and an interest invoice isn't created.", "answer_start": 21 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can use the Payments Overview page to view and act on payment process requests.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01300", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able 'll views well acts before payments step requests?", "answers": [ { "text": "On the Payments Overview page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"The process must run successfully for the most current summary information and before you can run the payroll to ledger reconciliation report.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "02106", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When must which prepare crotchets take chief walters peace step come place?", "answers": [ { "text": "Before running the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Report and for the most current summary information.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This is the budget date for the payment; it is the same as the payment date.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00800", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Cash budgeting handles the budget date for payment.", "answers": [ { "text": "It uses the payment date as the budget date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Manage banks and bank branches automatically by comparing the bank master file shared by the Japanese Bankers Association (Zengin) with Oracle ERP Cloud data.", "qas": [ { "id": "01603", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this which quantities repair which bank well smaller conducting from Japan link Oracle ERP Cloud?", "answers": [ { "text": "By comparing the bank master file shared by the Japanese Bankers Association (Zengin) with Oracle ERP Cloud data and updating it monthly based on the Zengin file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "How to Test\nTo test your existing IDR implementation:\n\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Enable IDR 24 hours before testing begins. To do so, navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Financials >\nPayables > Manage Intelligent Recognition Options and click Save. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Use the Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report to track the status of IDR processed invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "00160", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you track the status of IDR processed invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report.", "answer_start": 35 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The transactions are automatically validated after they are imported.", "qas": [ { "id": "01704", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When other which trades valid?", "answers": [ { "text": "Automatically after they're imported.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments also generates a unique reference number for each payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00956", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Paper document numbers are generated for electronic payments.", "answers": [ { "text": "A unique payment reference number is generated for each payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Fusion Payables provides an inbound flow for receiving invoices from suppliers electronically in industry standard XML. Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework (CMK) is used to set up B2B messaging between customers and suppliers.", "qas": [ { "id": "01743", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other digital phony processed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Oracle Fusion Payables receives invoices electronically in industry-standard XML using Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework (CMK).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This example demonstrates how the accounting entries are created across more than one accounting period for a single accounting event.", "qas": [ { "id": "01186", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which importance which which scenarios described?", "answers": [ { "text": "It demonstrates how accounting entries are created across more than one accounting period for a single accounting event.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Voiding payment also triggers funds reservation, but with a negative payment amount.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00821", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When a payment is voided, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "It triggers a negative funds reservation.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If a prepayment is matched to a purchase order, the purchases ordered quantities are updated during the prepayment application.", "qas": [ { "id": "01729", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When another drop-out this applying take another sale order, why change occur?", "answers": [ { "text": "Purchase order quantities are updated during prepayment application.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments always terminate process request. anyone. Terminates payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01991", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which due which theinate payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment process is terminated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Because payment processing is centralized, you can gain better control of supplier payments and reduce their impact.", "qas": [ { "id": "00877", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why do you use centralized payment processing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Better control of supplier payments and reduced cost.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The following attributes impact a payment to cash budgeting: budget date, budget amount, budget account.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01919", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which significant before money spending payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "Budget date, amount, account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The names are different because you are a third-party payment, the supplier or part column shows the invoice supplier...", "qas": [ { "id": "00913", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There are different names for the Payee and Supplier on the payment page.", "answers": [ { "text": "You're making a third-party payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Use dynamic offers when creating a payment for a single supplier...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01884", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How take getting premium recommendations?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use dynamic offers when creating a payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Yes, and the invoice that you apply the prepayment to must have at least one line matched to the same purchase order as the prepayment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00152", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I match a prepayment to a purchase order?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, and the invoice that you apply the prepayment to must have at least one line matched to the same purchase order as the prepayment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates, A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates, An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "00098", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's a self-billed invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates, A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates, An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text stipulates the availability of optional ISO 20022 grouping options for SEPA and CGI.", "qas": [ { "id": "02077", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which option making ISO 20022 grouping?", "answers": [ { "text": "Optional ISO 20022 grouping options for SEPA and CGI are available on the Grouping tab on the Create and Edit Payment Process Profile page and tell Payments how to optionally group transactions within a payment file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To bulk upload banks and bank branches in Japan, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes. 2. Click Schedule New Process... 8. Click Submit.", "qas": [ { "id": "00509", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do you bulk upload banks and bank branches in Japan?", "answers": [ { "text": "Navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes, click Schedule New Process, select Upload Banks, Branches, and Accounts from the Name choice list, and follow the subsequent steps to submit the process with the Japan Zengin File.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Recent invoices that were updated or created in the last days are displayed.", "qas": [ { "id": "01135", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which when frames making which phony displaying from which \"Recent\" category?", "answers": [ { "text": "Invoices that were updated or created in the last days.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The calculation of the invoice price variance follows a specific formula.", "qas": [ { "id": "01250", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's which mean in performed another prices adjustment well matched take another sale order?", "answers": [ { "text": "A price correction offsets the invoice price variance without adjusting the billed quantity. An invoice or credit memo match updates the billed quantity without offsetting the invoice price variance.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Reject payment only when the payment process is in progress with payment approval. Approve only. Terminates the payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "01985", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen before which \"Reject payment\" action?", "answers": [ { "text": "Terminates the payment process request.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To set up these connections, follow the steps described in the AI Implementation Workflow topics of the guide Getting started with your financial implementation\".", "qas": [ { "id": "01875", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able I how which step making set down which require connections?", "answers": [ { "text": "In the AI Implementation Workflow topic from the Getting Started with Your Financials Implementation guide.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: \u0095 An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates \u0095 A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates \u0095 An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "00103", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's a self-billed invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: \u0095 An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates \u0095 A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates \u0095 An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The accounting and payment records for the invoices that were paid are automatically reversed. If applicable, the following transactions also occur...", "qas": [ { "id": "01445", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not I absolute another payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "The accounting and payment records for the invoices that were paid are automatically reversed.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can resolve payment validation errors on the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page by removing one or more payments with validation errors from the payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01443", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why could another removing payment in which payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "To resolve payment validation errors.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If there are errors during bank statements import, the errors can be corrected and re-uploaded to the cube using the Correct Bank Statement Import Errors spreadsheet: 1. From the Cash Balances Dashboard page, go to task pane, and click on Correct Bank Statement Import Errors. This opens the Cash Position Bank Statements spreadsheet. 2. The worksheet is pre-populated with rows that failed import 3. Review and correct the errors in the spreadsheet. 4. Once the errors are corrected, click the Upload and Import button. 5. Click the Download button to see if there are any rows returned. If the spreadsheet is empty, then all rows have successfully been imported.", "qas": [ { "id": "01648", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able error since banks comments export not corrected?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Correct Bank Statement Import Errors spreadsheet to review, correct the errors, and click the Upload and Import button.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The infotile Holds indicates the types of holding on invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "00586", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the information about the invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It indicates the types of holds placed on the invoice.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When you apply a prepayment, the invoice is updated to reflect the amount paid and the prepayment amount available for application is reduced.", "qas": [ { "id": "00627", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens to the invoice after prepayment?", "answers": [ { "text": "The invoice is updated to reflect the amount paid and the prepayment amount available for application is reduced.", "answer_start": 5 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If more than one payment process profile is found, you will manually select the correct profile.", "qas": [ { "id": "01943", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must not doing not another recent this missing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Manually select the correct profile.", "answer_start": 11 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Hold Infotile indicates the types of holds that are placed on the invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01696", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What source if which Holds infotile take than which invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It indicates the types of holds placed on the invoice.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Distributions are used to create accounting entries and include information such as Accounting date, Distribution combinations, and Projects information.", "qas": [ { "id": "01143", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which central roles which cyclic from implies take invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "To create accounting entries.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payees, parties, and bank accounts are created automatically when transactions are imported into the application.", "qas": [ { "id": "00053", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What entities are created automatically when transactions are imported into the application?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payees, parties, and bank accounts.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A prepayment invoice can be paid partially but can't be applied to standard invoice or expense report until it's fully paid.", "qas": [ { "id": "00151", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why did the status of a prepayment invoice be displayed as unpaid?", "answers": [ { "text": "Though prepayment is paid partially the status is shown as unpaid on the invoice workbench.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When paper document numbering for electronic payments is enabled, both payment document numbers and payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00403", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens when paper document numbering for electronic payments is enabled?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment document numbers and payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "answer_start": 10 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The transactions are validated automatically after they're imported.", "qas": [ { "id": "01154", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When other which trades validated?", "answers": [ { "text": "Automatically after they're imported.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Banks might reject the payment files that are due for processing on a weekend or a holiday.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00207", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What might happen if payment files are due for processing on a weekend or a holiday?", "answers": [ { "text": "Banks might reject the payment files, and the payer might incur extra charges when the payment date changes.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can also use this report and the following reports to reconcile balances between Oracle Fusion Payables and the general ledger: Payables Posted Invoice Register Payables Trial Balance Report Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation Report", "qas": [ { "id": "02144", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What report able not using take reconciling balances?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payables Posted Invoice Register, Payables Trial Balance Report, Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation Report.", "answer_start": 21 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Invoices landing page to perform various tasks when processing invoices : you can focus on invoices that require your attention through one of the 6 info tiles displayed on the Invoices landing page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01682", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which Invoices landed page?", "answers": [ { "text": "To perform various tasks when processing invoices.", "answer_start": 5 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document. You can sequence invoices and payments by assigning them voucher numbers.", "qas": [ { "id": "01122", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other documents sequence from implies take phony well payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\nTest Existing Implementation\nTest your existing IDR implementation on regular intervals to ensure the best recognition rates.", "qas": [ { "id": "01256", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How sometimes must 'll tests which IDR implementation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Test your existing IDR implementation on regular intervals to ensure the best recognition rates.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can create invoices through a spreadsheet using the Create Invoice in Spreadsheet task. From the spreadsheet you can also submit the invoice import process.", "qas": [ { "id": "00008", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you create invoices in Oracle Fusion Payables using a spreadsheet?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can create invoices through the Create Invoice in Spreadsheet task and then submit the invoice import process from the spreadsheet.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This report can only be ran for the primary ledger and for non-adjustment periods. To view the report, select a ledger and request name...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01014", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the requirements for the report?", "answers": [ { "text": "It can only be run for the Primary ledger and for non-adjustment periods. A ledger and request name must be selected.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Details are provided in the section \"Complete and approve all transactions and payment files\".", "qas": [ { "id": "02090", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What mechanisms must not using take full well approved transactions?", "answers": [ { "text": "Run processes like Import Payables Invoice, Update Matured Bills Payable Status, Apply Missing Conversion Rates, and submit payment process requests and invoice and payment registers.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In Cash Management Setup the following entities : Bank Account Balance Codes: The ISO 20022 balance codes... Transaction Codes Parsing Rules: The setup of Parsing Rules is optional but relevant for Bank Statement Reconciliation.", "qas": [ { "id": "01060", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What entities need to be set up?", "answers": [ { "text": "Bank Account, Balance Codes, Transaction Codes, and Parsing Rules.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Typically General Ledger users are secured by data access sets... Payables users are secured by business units.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00452", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How is user security configured for the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report?", "answers": [ { "text": "General Ledger users are secured by data access sets, while Payables users are secured by business units.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Sequencing by: Enables document sequence for the ledger or legal entities associated with that ledger. When set to Payables, indicates that invoices and payments require voucher numbers.", "qas": [ { "id": "01675", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What option able not sets from which system?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sequencing By, Enforce Document Sequencing, and Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This is the account used for reserving the budget amount. The distributions of the invoice that\u0092s getting paid determines the account combination for reserving the funds.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00253", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What account is used for reserving the budget amount?", "answers": [ { "text": "The account determined by the distributions of the invoice being paid.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Mass onboarding of suppliers... Access to additional short-term working capital for suppliers.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01327", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What disadvantages if which Payables Early Payment Offers features have?", "answers": [ { "text": "Mass onboarding, one-click offers, automated processing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A stop payment request records the dates of the order that a stop payment was placed with or release from a financial institution.", "qas": [ { "id": "00896", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is a stop payment request?", "answers": [ { "text": "A stop payment request records the dates that a stop payment order was placed with, or released from, a financial institution.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To make electronic payments, you can create paper document numbers that can be sent to your payment system or bank, so they can be printed on your outsourced checks.", "qas": [ { "id": "02052", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Paper documents number able not using making digital payments.", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, paper document numbers can be generated for electronic payments.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When Payment approval is enabled all payment process requests go through the payment approval process.", "qas": [ { "id": "00880", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When payment approval is enabled, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments go through the payment approval process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Users with the Accounts Payable Supervisor role can cancel unsubmitted supplier portal invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "01595", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Who able postpone unsubmitted manufacturer portals invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "Users with the Accounts Payable Supervisor role.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Payables Posted invoice register to review accounting lines for invoices that were transferred to the General Ledger.", "qas": [ { "id": "02141", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which central purposes which which 25-cent register?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Payables Posted Invoice Register to review accounting lines for invoices that were transferred to the general ledger.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You must pay the prepayment full before you can apply it.", "qas": [ { "id": "00623", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Before a prepayment can be applied, what must be done?", "answers": [ { "text": "You must fully pay a prepayment before you can apply it.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The accounting and payment records for the invoices that were paid are automatically reversed. If applicable, the following transactions also occur...", "qas": [ { "id": "00345", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if I void a payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "The accounting and payment records for the invoices that were paid are automatically reversed.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The application of the missing conversion rates process uses conversion rate information on the page Manage Daily Rates to apply the conversion rates The next time you validate the invoice the No Rate Hold is automatically removed.", "qas": [ { "id": "02018", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other converting rate applying take invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "The \"Apply Missing Conversion Rates\" process uses conversion rate information from the \"Manage Daily Rates\" page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: If you enable the invoice grouping option on the Manage Invoice Options page, you must associate each invoice with an invoice group.", "qas": [ { "id": "01787", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this a 25-cent group?", "answers": [ { "text": "An invoice group is a collection of invoices that the application uses as: \u0095 A parameter for the Validate Payables Invoices process \u0095 A parameter for some payables reports \u0095 One of the selection criteria for a payment process request", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To create payment files through a scheduled process, accept the default setting...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00262", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How to schedule payment file creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Accept the default setting, then schedule processes.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "How Mass Reconciliation of Bank Statement Lines and System Transactions Is Processed You can perform mass reconciliation by selecting a large volume of system transactions... Import the Reconciliation Data into Oracle Cash Management Once you have the reconciliation details added to the statement lines, you can upload it using the Load Interface File for Import utility...", "qas": [ { "id": "01634", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able demonstration peace which banks saying line well systems trades not processed?", "answers": [ { "text": "Mass reconciliation is performed by selecting a large volume of system transactions and bank statement lines, grouping and reconciling them using a spreadsheet. The unreconciled transactions are exported into a spreadsheet. The reconciliation data is prepared in the spreadsheet and imported into Oracle Cash Management using the FBDI template for Bank Statement Reconciliation Data Import. The Load Interface File for Import utility is used to upload the reconciliation details.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Campaign Management... Responses to these early payment offers are automatically processed and applied in your payment process requests.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01321", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What functionality if which Campaign Management features offer?", "answers": [ { "text": "It allows you to identify suppliers for early payment discount campaigns, define offer terms, and automatically process responses to these offers.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you don't use the option, and the total credit amount for a payment process request is greater than the total standard invoice amount, no invoices are selected for payment", "qas": [ { "id": "01438", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not 'll don't using which centralised materials model?", "answers": [ { "text": "No invoices are selected for payment.", "answer_start": 24 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The calculation of the invoice price variance follows a specific formula.", "qas": [ { "id": "00150", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's the difference between performing a price correction and matching to a purchase order?", "answers": [ { "text": "A price correction offsets the invoice price variance without adjusting the billed quantity. An invoice or credit memo match updates the billed quantity without offsetting the invoice price variance.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments then informs the source product that none of the documents payable in the payment process request is being paid.", "qas": [ { "id": "01969", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What recognized other which papers deferred for?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"The source product then unlocks the documents payable and resets their status.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Explained under the \"Differences Between the Reconciliation Report and Other Payables Reports\" section.", "qas": [ { "id": "00472", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why might data on the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report differ from other Payables reports?", "answers": [ { "text": "Differences in the inclusion of intercompany transactions and the date ranges used for the reports.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Processes invoices from multiple invoice business units and produces a consolidated payment for a.", "qas": [ { "id": "01976", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which industry units do?", "answers": [ { "text": "A consolidated payment for a given supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Yes, and the invoice you apply the prepayment to must have at least one line to the same purchase order as the prepayment.", "qas": [ { "id": "01802", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take matches another drop-out take another sale order?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, and the invoice that you apply the prepayment to must have at least one line matched to the same purchase order as the prepayment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The accounts that report invoice distributions and related variance distributions depend on the accrual method and item type.", "qas": [ { "id": "00640", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the accounts associated with?", "answers": [ { "text": "The accounts that record invoice distributions and related variance distributions depend on the accrual method and item type.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When payments are revalidated, any setup changes you made are activated.", "qas": [ { "id": "00871", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When payments are revalidated, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"Any setup changes you made are activated.\"", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Remaining amount Nets credits and debits credited to the liability account for the invoice with an accounting date before or on the liability account date.", "qas": [ { "id": "02140", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this which six amounts calculated?", "answers": [ { "text": "Nets credits and debits booked to the liability account for the invoice, with an accounting date before or on the liability account date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Document sequences are unique numbers which are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document.", "qas": [ { "id": "00550", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the document sequence in relation to invoices and payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can run this report from the work area report and analytics.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "02080", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able I how which Payables Invoice Audit also Voucher Number listed report?", "answers": [ { "text": "From the Reports and Analytics work area.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can resolve payment validation errors by terminating the entire payment process request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01959", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When could 'll stopping which part payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "When encountering validation errors.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "On the Payment and Processing Options tab, you can specify payment attributes and processing options... 8. From the Disbursement Bank Account selection list, search and select BofA-204... 11. Check the processing options box: Check payment installments, Review proposed payments and Create payment files immediately.", "qas": [ { "id": "00928", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payment attributes and processing options can be specified when submitting a payment process request.", "answers": [ { "text": "Select the \"Disbursement Bank Account\", \"Payment Process Profile\", \"Payment Conversion Rate Type\", and various processing options.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Lists the payment status, such as Unpaid, Partially Paid, and Canceled.", "qas": [ { "id": "00488", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What statuses are listed under Payment Status?", "answers": [ { "text": "Unpaid, Partially Paid, and Canceled.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Review installments: Stops the payment process request after selecting the installments.", "qas": [ { "id": "01843", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What able 'll ca and which 'Review installments' option?", "answers": [ { "text": "Review installments, add or remove installments, edit payment and discount amounts, specify user conversion rates, and calculate withholding and interest.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When the multi-period accounting process is later submitted, a portion of the total expenses is recognised and is then transferred to the actual expense account from the accrual account.", "qas": [ { "id": "01734", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When which multiperiod audit step this submitted, why happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "A portion of the total expenses is recognized and moved from the accrual account to the actual expense account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you do not implicitly map the primary balance of the segments values to business units, then you must also reconcile based on ledger if you centralize payment processing using the service provider model.", "qas": [ { "id": "02099", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When should 'll reconcile?", "answers": [ { "text": "When primary balancing segment values are not implicitly mapped to business units, or when centralizing payment processing using the service provider model.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle's Imaging Solution offers cutting-edge intelligent recognition capabilities for extracting the invoice attributes from the scanned images. Unlike other solutions that use supplier-specific templates to extract information, Oracle's Imaging Solution can intelligently locate data within the invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01171", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if Oracle's Imaging Solution extracting which 25-cent traits in which digitized images?", "answers": [ { "text": "By using cutting-edge intelligent recognition capabilities to locate data within the invoice, regardless of its location on the image and whether it has processed invoices from that supplier before.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Follow these steps: Navigate to Procurement > Suppliers > Manage Suppliers, Use the advanced search, Go to the Sites tab, Click on the supplier site link, Define the payment currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "00146", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I pay an invoice with a withholding tax?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can pay an invoice that has auto-generated withholding tax amount if you enter the payment in a valid currency.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can account for cross-currency payments individually or through the Create accounting process, the accounting entries for the payment relieve the liability account in the invoice currency with an offset to the cash or cash clearing account in the payment currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "02020", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take accounts making cross-currency payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Either individually or through the \"Create Accounting\" process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Withdraw approval only when the payment process request status is approved.", "qas": [ { "id": "01986", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When able pullout approved not taken?", "answers": [ { "text": "When the payment request status is Payments Approval Initiated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"When you subject a payment to cash budgeting, the following attributes impact it: Budget date, Budget amount, Budget account.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01369", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What impact money outlays payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "Budget date, amount, account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can generate paper document numbers for electronic payments. Paper document numbers can be sent to your payment system or bank so they can be printed onto your outsourced checks.", "qas": [ { "id": "00402", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can paper document numbers be generated for electronic payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, paper document numbers can be generated for electronic payments.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Banks are identified with the bank code and branches are identified with the branch number.", "qas": [ { "id": "02155", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other bank well smaller identified?", "answers": [ { "text": "Banks are identified with the bank code and branches are identified with the branch number.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When paper document numbering is disabled for electronic payments, only payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00954", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When paper document numbering is disabled, what happens?", "answers": [ { "text": "Only payment reference numbers are stamped on electronic payments.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A positive number corresponds to a balance outstanding, and a negative number is an overpayment to the supplier.", "qas": [ { "id": "02136", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Open Balance recently another negative well another positive number.", "answers": [ { "text": "A positive number corresponds to an outstanding balance and a negative number represents an overpayment to the supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To use this feature, you must create and activate the following: 1. Lookup type: ADD_DUPLICATE_INV_CHECK 2. Lookup code: DUPLICATE_INVOICE_CHECK", "qas": [ { "id": "00659", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to find duplicate invoices without considering the invoice number?", "answers": [ { "text": "When the duplicate invoice check feature is enabled, it performs checks based on the combination of the supplier, invoice type, amount, currency, and date. This check includes all the invoices received and processed from a supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "By using the Cancel Invoice action, you can cancel multiple invoices at the same time.", "qas": [ { "id": "01794", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take postpone types invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can cancel multiple invoices at the same time by using the Cancel Invoice action.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can void the individual payments or the entire payment file.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01372", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can 'll absolute equal payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, or the entire payment file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Use the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report to facilitate the reconciliation of payables data to the general ledger.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00463", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the purpose of the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report?", "answers": [ { "text": "To facilitate the reconciliation of payables data to the general ledger, providing summarized and detailed reconciling data for review.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"In contrast, the cash budgeting ensures that the cash account has sufficient funds before clearing the supplier payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01349", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if money rationalization differing in expenses budgeting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Cash budgeting ensures funds before payment, while expense budgeting enforces budget limits.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The default setting includes all pay groups, but you can specify one or more pay groups.", "qas": [ { "id": "00186", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the default setting for pay groups in the selection criteria?", "answers": [ { "text": "The default setting includes all pay groups.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Approvals infotile displays invoices pending, others, and rejected approvals.", "qas": [ { "id": "01147", "is_impossible": false, "question": "same What typically which approved referents other displaying from which \"Approvals\" infotile?", "answers": [ { "text": "Pending, others, and rejected approvals.", "answer_start": 5 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For a price increase correction, create a standard invoice. For a price decrease correction, create a credit or debit memo. Note: A price correction doesn't adjust the billed quantity on a purchase order or consumption advice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01224", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's another prices correction?", "answers": [ { "text": "A price correction is a supplier invoice that adjusts the unit price of an invoice that's matched to a purchase order, receipt, or consumption advice.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Import Payables Payment Requests process to create payment requests from data in the Payment Request Interface Table.", "qas": [ { "id": "00608", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the process for processing Payables Payment Request Import Data?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Import Payables Payment Requests process to create payment requests from data in the Payment Request interface table.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can't cancel an invoice if any of these conditions apply to it. \u0095 Invoice is validated. \u0095 It's matched to a purchase order or receipt. \u0095 It's updated with a tax calculation. \u0095 It's undergoing approval and doesn't have an approval status of Required or Not required.", "qas": [ { "id": "00143", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I delete an invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can't cancel an invoice if any of these conditions apply to it. \u0095 Invoice is validated. \u0095 It's matched to a purchase order or receipt. \u0095 It's updated with a tax calculation. \u0095 It's undergoing approval and doesn't have an approval status of Required or Not required.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can control the automation level of a payment process request, by setting the following options on the Submission Payment Process Request and the Create Payment Process Request Template pages :", "qas": [ { "id": "00751", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you control the level of automation?", "answers": [ { "text": "By setting options on the Submit Payment Process Request and the Create Payment Process Request Template pages.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Run the report from the Reports and Analytics work area or from the following pages: Manage Scheduled Processes, Manage Payment Process Requests, Create or Edit Payment Process Request Template.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01534", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able 'll running which Payables Cash Requirement Report?", "answers": [ { "text": "From the Reports and Analytics work area, Manage Scheduled Processes, Manage Payment Process Requests, or Create or Edit Payment Process Request Template pages.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "For payment, \"An invoice for 200 USD and a credit memo for 225 USD are due\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01930", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What not which loans amounts this than more which invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment amount becomes negative if credits are applied.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Parameters Section: \"Business Unit\", \"Email Sequence\", \"Voucher Number\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00981", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The Payables Invoice Audit by Voucher Number listing report requires parameters.", "answers": [ { "text": "Business Unit, Sequence, and Voucher Number.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: If issues arise during payment processing that require your input, the process pauses, regardless of how the processing options are set.", "qas": [ { "id": "00197", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if issues arise during payment processing?", "answers": [ { "text": "The process pauses, regardless of how the processing options are set.", "answer_start": 11 } ] } ] }, { "context": "How Bank Statement Reconciliation Data Import Is Processed After you finish preparing the data in the spreadsheet, complete these steps: 1. Click the Generate CSV File button to generate a .zip file containing the CSV file...", "qas": [ { "id": "01633", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this which banks saying peace information export processed?", "answers": [ { "text": "After preparing the data in the spreadsheet, a .zip file containing the CSV file is generated by clicking the Generate CSV File button. The ESS job Load Interface File for Import is then submitted to load the CSV file. The process automatically imports the reconciliation data from the .zip file into the interface table CE_EXTERNAL_RECON_INT and automatically reconciles the grouped transactions. The automatic reconciliation output is reviewed to check the successfully reconciled groups and the exceptions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Approve payment only when the payment process status is notified Payments Approval is only allowed.", "qas": [ { "id": "00883", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The \"approve payment\" action has something to do with it.", "answers": [ { "text": "Allows the payment process request to continue.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Early payment discounts have been emailed back... With the Payables Early Payment Offers feature, you can pay invoices early in return for discount offers.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01860", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There this another features as Payables Early Payment offers.", "answers": [ { "text": "You can pay invoices early in return for discounts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"An invoice for 200 USD and a credit memo for 125 USD are due for payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00279", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens when the invoice amount is greater than the credit amount?", "answers": [ { "text": "The option setting has no effect; the payment amount is still positive.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If more than one payment process profile is found, you must manually select the correct profile.", "qas": [ { "id": "00293", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What action is required if a profile is missing?", "answers": [ { "text": "Manually select the correct profile.", "answer_start": 11 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Recommended Setup for Early Payment Discount Offers... Get started with your Financials Implementation Guide.", "qas": [ { "id": "00766", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is required for early payment discount offers?", "answers": [ { "text": "You must set up connections that integrate with AI Apps for ERP.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "At the payment file level, you don't have the option of removing individual documents payable from a payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00400", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the limitation of removing individual documents payable at the payment file level?", "answers": [ { "text": "You cannot remove individual documents payable from a payment at the payment file level.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "So, you can\u0092t turn a prepayment invoice to temporary after it is made permanent. However, you can cancel the prepayment invoice and create a new one for the same purpose. To do so, cancel all payment workflows before you cancel the prepayment invoice. When you create the new prepayment invoice, enable the Allow prepayment application option.", "qas": [ { "id": "00122", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I change a permanent prepayment invoice to temporary?", "answers": [ { "text": "The classification of a prepayment invoice as permanent isn\u0092t reversible.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The list of values in the Receipt field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of receipts.", "qas": [ { "id": "01207", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I how another certain withholding take matches take a invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The list of values in the Receipt field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of receipts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Depending on how you set these options, a payment process request might require your input before processing can complete.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00202", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Does setting certain options always lead to automated processing?", "answers": [ { "text": "No, depending on how you set these options, a payment process request might require your input before processing can complete.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can access Oracle Fusion Payments reports by clicking links on the UI so you don't have to navigate to the scheduled processes area to retrieve them...", "qas": [ { "id": "01462", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How Payment Reports Are Displayed?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can access Oracle Fusion Payments reports by clicking links on the UI.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To enable the option of maximum credits, select the Apply credits up to zero amount payment box on the Payment and Processing Options tab of the Submit Payment Process Request page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00835", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The maximize credits option can be enabled.", "answers": [ { "text": "Select the \"Apply credits up to zero amount payment\" check box on the Payment and Processing Options tab.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Consider scheduling payment file creation as part of a business process where payment selection is local or decentralized...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00246", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why might you consider scheduling payment file creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "When payment selection is local or decentralized, and processing is centralized.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Terminate payment process request Always. Anyone. Terminates the payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01439", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which \"Terminate payments step request\" action?", "answers": [ { "text": "To terminate the payment process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The other account is used to allocate expenses to the interim account until the entire expenditure is recognized, this account is called the multi-period accrual account.", "qas": [ { "id": "01733", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The multiperiod hartree-fock accounts recently another roles take play.", "answers": [ { "text": "It is used to assign the expenses in the interim account until the entire expenditure is recognized.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Recent invoices that were updated or created in the last days are displayed.", "qas": [ { "id": "01695", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which when frames making which phony from which latest category?", "answers": [ { "text": "Invoices that were updated or created in the last days.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can submit a payment process request on the Payment Process Request page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00729", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can you submit a payment request?", "answers": [ { "text": "On the Submit Payment Process Request page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can use the online ERP integration service for importing transactions to achieve automated processing.", "qas": [ { "id": "01707", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll step transactions?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the ERP Integration web service.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Lists the payment status, such as incomplete, partially paid and cancelled.", "qas": [ { "id": "02138", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payment Status recently another lists which why referents other listed.", "answers": [ { "text": "Unpaid, Partially Paid, and Canceled.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payees, parties, and bank accounts are created automatically when transactions are imported into the application.", "qas": [ { "id": "01153", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What entity other creation allows then trades other exported through which application?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payees, parties, and bank accounts.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can use the invoice landing page to perform various tasks when processing invoices: You can concentrate on invoices that require your attention through one of the 6 info tiles shown on the invoice landing page.", "qas": [ { "id": "01661", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Users able focusing before certain phony before which Invoices landed page.", "answers": [ { "text": "Through one of the 6 info tiles displayed.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Processes invoices from multiple invoice business units and generates a consolidated payment for a", "qas": [ { "id": "01426", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which designation payments industry units generate?", "answers": [ { "text": "A consolidated payment for a given supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If your printer skips a numbered payment document, mark the payment document as skipped on the Record Print Status page... If you choose not to reprint, mark the numbered payment document as spoiled on the Record Print Status page and then destroy the paper document.", "qas": [ { "id": "00384", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do I mark a payment document as skipped or spoiled?", "answers": [ { "text": "Mark the payment document as skipped or spoiled on the Record Print Status page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Different outcomes for the status being \"Initiated\" and other than \"Initiated\" like Ends existing approval processes, Updates the approval status, etc.", "qas": [ { "id": "01248", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not I military approved a invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The outcome depends on whether the invoice approval status is Initiated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To use this feature, you must create and activate the following: 1. Lookup type: ADD_DUPLICATE_INV_CHECK 2. Lookup code: DUPLICATE_INVOICE_CHECK", "qas": [ { "id": "01759", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take how duplicates phony any consider which 25-cent number?", "answers": [ { "text": "When the duplicate invoice check feature is enabled, it performs checks based on the combination of the supplier, invoice type, amount, currency, and date. This check includes all the invoices received and processed from a supplier.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can't change details of the documents payable or invoices, such as amounts or currencies, during the payment process.", "qas": [ { "id": "00854", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to change the details of documents payable during validation?", "answers": [ { "text": "No, they are locked.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you submit the report for the primary ledger, lists the amount originally booked to the liability account when the invoice was entered.", "qas": [ { "id": "01589", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which Original Amount formula_4 display?", "answers": [ { "text": "If you submit the report for the primary ledger, lists the amount originally booked to the liability account when the invoice was entered.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Tax rate variance is calculated from the nonrecoverable portion of the tax in the following cases: There is a difference between the tax amount of the PO and the invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "00641", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does the accrual method affect the tax?", "answers": [ { "text": "Tax rate variance is calculated from the nonrecoverable portion of the tax in cases of a difference between the tax amounts of the PO and the invoice or a difference in the computed taxes.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To set up sequencing for invoices and payments, perform the following tasks: Specify Ledger Options, Manage Payables Document Sequences, (Optional) Manage Invoice Options, (Optional) Manage Payment Options.", "qas": [ { "id": "00001", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What tasks are involved in setting up sequencing for invoices and payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Specify Ledger Options, Manage Payables Document Sequences, Manage Invoice Options (optional), and Manage Payment Options (optional).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Different outcomes for the status that is \"initiated\" and other than \"initiated\" like terminates existing approval processes, updates the approval status, etc.", "qas": [ { "id": "00698", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible for me to approve an invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The outcome depends on whether the invoice approval status is Initiated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You have visibility to a variety of sources available in the Essbase, such as invoices, receipts, and payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "01636", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What sort which source other provided from which Essbase making which Oracle Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "Sources such as invoices, receipts, and payment are available.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The processing options for a payment process request determine the level of automation for that request.", "qas": [ { "id": "01291", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What determining which levels which computing making another payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "The processing options.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "This benefit is described in the subsection \"Conciling by Business Unit or Ledger \".", "qas": [ { "id": "02098", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able which Business Unit not reconciled?", "answers": [ { "text": "It allows employees from different business units to balance their respective accounting activity.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text introduces ISO 20022 as a global standard in the context of financial messages.", "qas": [ { "id": "01520", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which ISO 20022 standard?", "answers": [ { "text": "ISO 20022 is a global standard for the development of all financial messages.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Installation selection Pending installment review Requires manual review because the option to review installments is active.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01853", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The \"Installment selection\" stages recently another \"Pending instalments review\" status.", "answers": [ { "text": "It requires a manual review because the option to review installments is active.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Holds infotile indicates the types of holds placed on the invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01136", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What source if which \"Holds\" infotile providing than which invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It indicates the types of holds placed on the invoice.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Bases of transactions are only stored in the primary ledger in the currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "02127", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which bases amount making transactions?", "answers": [ { "text": "Base amounts for transactions are stored only in the currency of the primary ledger.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Manual bank statement reconciliation involves selecting bank statement lines and system transactions to be reconciled together... Oracle Fusion Cash Management supports manual reconciliation for all matching scenarios; one to one, one to many, many to one, and many to many...", "qas": [ { "id": "01631", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this 6-speed banks saying peace performing from Oracle Fusion Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "Manual reconciliation involves selecting bank statement lines and system transactions to be reconciled together. During reconciliation, if a system transaction hasn't been cleared, the process clears the transaction first, and then reconciles it. Oracle Fusion Cash Management supports all matching scenarios like one to one, one to many, many to one, and many to many, across bank statements from the same bank account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Regardless of how you set the Require conversion rate entry option, a payment requires a conversion rate if...", "qas": [ { "id": "01998", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When which options take requiring another converting rates this disabled, know never which payments requiring another converting rate?", "answers": [ { "text": "A payment requires a conversion rate if it's in a foreign currency or if it has an invoice that's subject to automatic withholding.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can cancel multiple invoices at the same time using the Cancel Invoice Action.", "qas": [ { "id": "00663", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to cancel multiple invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can cancel multiple invoices at the same time by using the Cancel Invoice action.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A matched invoice becomes a standard invoice or credit memo, whereas an unmatched invoice becomes an invoice request which must be approved through the invoice approval workflow, once approved the invoice request becomes a standard invoice or credit memo.", "qas": [ { "id": "00683", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is a self-service invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-service invoice is an invoice that a supplier enters through Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal. Whether the supplier matches the invoice to a purchase order or consumption advice determines the resulting invoice type in Oracle Fusion Payables.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Regular testing also\nkeeps IDR aware of updated supplier and purchase orders. Before You Start\nHere are a few things to remember before you begin testing. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 To ensure that you have the most recent suppliers and purchase orders on your test platform, request a P2T\n(Production-to-Test) environment refresh.", "qas": [ { "id": "01257", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll ensuring being which many latest manufacturers well sale ordered before my tests platform?", "answers": [ { "text": "Request a P2T (Production-to-Test) environment refresh.", "answer_start": 43 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can resolve payment validation errors on the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page by removing one or more documents payable.", "qas": [ { "id": "00317", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you remove documents payable from a payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"By removing one or more documents payable from a payment that's included in the payment process request.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following : An invoice that creates the Pay on Receipt process, A debit memo that creates a return transaction to the supplier, An invoice that creates the Consumption Advice process from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "qas": [ { "id": "00648", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is a self-billed invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "A self-billed invoice can be one of the following: An invoice that the Pay on Receipt process creates, A debit memo that a return to supplier transaction creates, An invoice that the Create Consumption Advice process creates from a consignment agreement that has the Pay on Use option enabled.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To enable payment approval, navigate to Setup and Maintenance, search, and select Manage Disbursement System Options.", "qas": [ { "id": "01434", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where ca 'll enabling payments approval?", "answers": [ { "text": "Setup and Maintenance.", "answer_start": 6 } ] } ] }, { "context": "12. In the Validation Failure Handling subsection, from the Document choice list, select Stop process for review. 13. From the Payment choice list, select Stop process for review.", "qas": [ { "id": "01479", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What actions must I come not which payments step requested methodology fails?", "answers": [ { "text": "Set both the Document and Payment choice lists to \"Stop process for review\".", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": " Collect invoices for training. Tip: Ensure that these invoices represent a sample of regularly processed invoices and cover at least 5 invoices from your top 25 suppliers.", "qas": [ { "id": "00709", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Before testing, when should IDR be enabled?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enable IDR 24 hours before testing begins.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The video Submitting a Scheduled Process is a narrated visual overview of the process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01282", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which videos 'Submitting another Scheduled Process' provide?", "answers": [ { "text": "A narrated visual overview of the process.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Tip: Before you merge, review invoices for both the old and new supplier to find and resolve duplicate invoices. The merge process doesn't transfer invoices if the merge results in a duplicate invoice for the new supplier. All invoices : This option also transfers invoices, all or partially paid, and paid prepayments. As an alternative, you can complete the payments and apply prepayments before merging.", "qas": [ { "id": "01768", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When I merging another supplier, why happen take your invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "When you perform the Merge Suppliers task, you have the option of transferring all invoices or only unpaid invoices.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text explains SEPA and its benefits.", "qas": [ { "id": "00972", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is it called?", "answers": [ { "text": "SEPA is a system that provides a standardized process for credit transfers and a cheaper way for individuals and firms to make transactions within European member countries or regions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Provide a business calendar on the Payment Process Request template so that holidays can be excluded while scheduling payment processing.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01306", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why must 'll providing another industry calendars before which Payment Process Request template?", "answers": [ { "text": "To exclude holidays while scheduling payment processing and to skip weekends and holidays while calculating pay through days and payment date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To terminate a payment process request, click the Terminate Payment Process button.", "qas": [ { "id": "01400", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll terminating another payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Use the Terminate Payment Process button.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payments informs the source product that the documents payable aren't being paid.", "qas": [ { "id": "01408", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What's which significant which remove another documents in another payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "It's not being paid and is ready for re-selection.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To resolve payment file validation errors, you can choose from overriding the validation error, removing payments from the payment file, or changing payment method setup or format setup.", "qas": [ { "id": "01496", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which option making resolve payments files methodology errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can override the validation error, remove payments from the payment file, or change payment method or format setup.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If your printer skips a numbered payment document, mark the payment document on the Record Print Status page as skipped, the application lists subsequent payment documents and displays results to review on the Record Print Status page.", "qas": [ { "id": "02038", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if which applications agreement and skipping payments documents?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application renumbers subsequent payment documents and presents the results for review.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Review invoices with assigned sequential voucher numbers.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01529", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which which Payables Invoice Audit also Voucher Number Listing report?", "answers": [ { "text": "To review invoices with assigned sequential voucher numbers.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To set up the sorting for invoices and payments, perform the following tasks: Specify Ledger Options, Manage Payable Document Sequences, (Optional) Manage Invoice Options, (Optional) Manage Payment Options", "qas": [ { "id": "01663", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which task but needs take not doing take sets down which sequences making phony well payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Specify Ledger Options, Manage Payables Document Sequences, Manage Invoice Options (optional), and Manage Payment Options (optional).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"the cash budgeting ensures that the cash account has sufficient funds before clearing the supplier payment.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01354", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if which systems ensuring which fund making payments from money budgeting?", "answers": [ { "text": "It ensures the cash account has sufficient funds before clearing the supplier payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A payables supervisor can identify incomplete Supplier Portal invoices for cancelation using the following methods : Query the invoices on the Manage Invoices page Run the Close Exception report", "qas": [ { "id": "02146", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able another Payables sheriff identifying incorrect invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "By querying the invoices on the Manage Invoices page or running the Period Close Exception Report.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can load and import bank statements in Oracle Fusion Cash Management by any of the following methods: Automatic Bank Statement File Import Manual Bank Statement File Import by Oracle Web Center ", "qas": [ { "id": "02161", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able banks comments not imported?", "answers": [ { "text": "Through Automatic Bank Statement File Import or Manual Bank Statement File Import through Oracle Web Center.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the Cash Management Cash Position Data Import process to upload the cash positioning data from external systems into the Essbase Cash Position Cube.", "qas": [ { "id": "01643", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which Cash Management Cash Position Data Import process?", "answers": [ { "text": "To upload the cash positioning data from external systems into the Essbase Cash Position Cube.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Banks, branches and accounts fit together on the premise of the Bank Account model, which enables you to define and keep track of all bank accounts in one place and allows you to explicitly grant account access to : multiple business units functions users", "qas": [ { "id": "01051", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do banks, branches, and account components work together?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Bank Account model enables tracking of all bank accounts in one place and grants account access to multiple business units, functions, and users, eliminating redundant bank account setups.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When submitting a payment request, you must specify a payment process profile.", "qas": [ { "id": "00795", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When you submit an immediate payment process request, what must you specify?", "answers": [ { "text": "A payment process profile.", "answer_start": 8 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Payables Open Items Revaluation Report lists changes in the value of open items, such as unpaid invoices and credit memos, due to conversion rate fluctuations.", "qas": [ { "id": "01597", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which Payables Open Items Revaluation Report list?", "answers": [ { "text": "Changes in the value of open items due to conversion rate fluctuations.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Predefined Incomplete Invoice Routing Rule The task of FinApIncompleteInvoiceHold includes a rule set called IncompleteInvoiceRuleSet, which includes a rule called JobRoleAssignmentRule, which routes incomplete invoices to users with the roles Accounts Payable Specialist and Accounts Payable Supervisor.", "qas": [ { "id": "01819", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Who if which JobRoleAssignmentRule highway incorrect phony to?", "answers": [ { "text": "It routes incomplete invoices to users with the Accounts Payable Specialist and Accounts Payable Supervisor job roles.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "In Oracle Fusion Payables a prepayment is a type of invoice which you can apply to an outstanding invoice to reduce the invoice amount.", "qas": [ { "id": "01722", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this another drop-out defined?", "answers": [ { "text": "In Oracle Fusion Payables, a prepayment is a type of invoice that you can apply to an outstanding invoice to reduce the invoice amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "While another account is used to assign the expenses in the interim account until the entire expenditure is recognized. This account is called the multiperiod accrual account.", "qas": [ { "id": "01183", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which roles which which multiperiod hartree-fock account?", "answers": [ { "text": "It is used to assign the expenses in the interim account until the entire expenditure is recognized.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To upload banks and branch branches in Japan, following these steps: 1. Navigate to Tools > Scheduled processes. 2. Click Schedule New Process... 8. Click Submit.", "qas": [ { "id": "01059", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Banks and bank branches in Japan are bulk uploaded.", "answers": [ { "text": "Navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes, click Schedule New Process, select Upload Banks, Branches, and Accounts from the Name choice list, and follow the subsequent steps to submit the process with the Japan Zengin File.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "System Transactions \u0095 If the conversion rate isn't defined for a specific transaction date, the application searches going back, up to 1 year to find the closest conversion rate. \u0095 For converting the transaction amount to the bank account amount the applications uses the Bank Conversion Rate Type (BANK_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE) from the bank account that corresponds to the transaction used. \u0095 For converting the transaction amount to the ledger amount, the application uses the conversion rate defined for the transaction. \u0095 For converting the transaction amount to the reporting amount, the application uses the default conversion type defined in the Currency Rates Manager.", "qas": [ { "id": "00540", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are conversion rates managed for System Transactions in Oracle Cash Management?", "answers": [ { "text": "If the conversion rate isn't defined for a specific transaction date, the application searches going back up to 1 year to find the closest conversion rate. Various conversion rate types are used for different conversions like from transaction amount to bank account amount, ledger amount, or reporting amount.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Oracle Payables is integrated into the document repository to process scanned invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "01678", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this Oracle Payables using take step digitized invoices?", "answers": [ { "text": "It is integrated to the document repository.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The list of values in the Receipt field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order - you must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of receipts.", "qas": [ { "id": "01757", "is_impossible": false, "question": "I can't how another certain withholding take matches a invoice.", "answers": [ { "text": "The list of values in the Receipt field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of receipts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"If any errors occur, payment void action fails and payment remains in the negotiable status.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01923", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not another payments this void?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment remains in negotiable status.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After receiving the electronic invoice from suppliers, CMK transforms the payload from the external document format to the Payables invoice format. The transformed payload is inserted into the Payables Invoices Interface tables. The Import Payables Invoices process imports the invoices into the base tables.", "qas": [ { "id": "00095", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens after receiving electronic invoices from suppliers?", "answers": [ { "text": "CMK transforms the payload to the Payables invoice format, inserts it into the Payables Invoices Interface tables, and the Import Payables Invoices process imports the invoices into the base tables.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The non-recurring start balance on the report summary is that portion of the General Liability Account starting balance that did not originate from paying transactions.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01020", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the Non-Payables Begin Balance mean?", "answers": [ { "text": "The portion of the general ledger liability account beginning balance that didn't originate from Payables transactions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To set up the sorting for invoices and payments, perform the following tasks: Specify Ledger Options, Manage Payable Document Sequences, (Optional) Manage Invoice Options, (Optional) Manage Payment Options", "qas": [ { "id": "00563", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the tasks that need to be done to set up the sequence for invoices and payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Specify Ledger Options, Manage Payables Document Sequences, Manage Invoice Options (optional), and Manage Payment Options (optional).", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can solve payment validation errors on the page Resolve payment validation errors by removing one or more payments with validation errors.", "qas": [ { "id": "00863", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can validation errors be fixed?", "answers": [ { "text": "\"By removing one or more payments with validation errors from the payment process request.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If your printer skips a numbered payment document, mark the payment document as skipped on the Record Print Status page... If you choose not to reprint, mark the numbered payment document as spoiled on the Record Print Status page and then destroy the paper document.", "qas": [ { "id": "01484", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca I jones another payments documents also skipping instead spoiled?", "answers": [ { "text": "Mark the payment document as skipped or spoiled on the Record Print Status page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Oracle Financials Cloud uses AI models to provide discount recommendations for single payments.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01881", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if which clouds helping and discounting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Uses AI for discount recommendations.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Lists the payment status, such as incomplete, partially paid and cancelled.", "qas": [ { "id": "01038", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payment Status has a list of what statuses are listed.", "answers": [ { "text": "Unpaid, Partially Paid, and Canceled.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Provide a business calendar on the Payment Process Request template so that holidays can be excluded while scheduling payment processing.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00206", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why should you provide a business calendar on the Payment Process Request template?", "answers": [ { "text": "To exclude holidays while scheduling payment processing and to skip weekends and holidays while calculating pay through days and payment date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The Record Print Status page is used to mark payment documents as skipped or spoiled, renumber subsequent payment documents, review results, and report payments as issued.", "qas": [ { "id": "00392", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the role of the Record Print Status page in handling payment documents?", "answers": [ { "text": "It is used to mark payment documents as skipped or spoiled, review renumbered documents, and report payments as issued.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "It is possible to solve some payment validation errors by changing the setup to allow the payments to pass validation.", "qas": [ { "id": "00870", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There are certain validation errors that can be addressed without removing payments.", "answers": [ { "text": "\"By leaving the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page and changing the setup of remittance bank accounts, third party payees, payment methods, or payment formats.\"", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To resolve payment file validation errors, you can override certain errors and then provide the override justification.", "qas": [ { "id": "00397", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can I override a payment file validation error?", "answers": [ { "text": "Acknowledge the error, provide a justification, and override the error.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Use other General ledger sources than Oracle Fusion Payables to post payroll accounts for a more efficient reconciliation.", "qas": [ { "id": "02115", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which good so take reconcile?", "answers": [ { "text": "Do not allow general ledger sources other than Oracle Fusion Payables to post to Payables accounts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Specify the business unit or leave blank to include all business units.", "qas": [ { "id": "01028", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What can you say about the business unit?", "answers": [ { "text": "Specify the business unit or leave blank to include all business units.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "A skipped numbered payment document scenario is where the payment is printed onto a payment document with a different number than you intended. A spoiled payment document is ruined during printing and can't be used.", "qas": [ { "id": "01485", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which mean in another skipping well another lucky payments document?", "answers": [ { "text": "A skipped payment document is printed with a different number than intended, while a spoiled payment document is ruined during printing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text describes the process of assigning paper document numbering values to electronic formats to generate paper document numbers.", "qas": [ { "id": "00960", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Paper document numbers can be used for electronic payments.", "answers": [ { "text": "You can generate paper document numbers by assigning paper document numbering values, which are check numbers, to electronic formats.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"The Non-Payables Begin Balance on the report summary is that portion of the general ledger liability account beginning balance that didn't originate from Payables transactions.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01570", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which Non-Payables Begin Balance represent?", "answers": [ { "text": "The portion of the general ledger liability account beginning balance that didn't originate from Payables transactions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When submitting a payment request, you must specify a payment process profile.", "qas": [ { "id": "01895", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When 'll submitted a possible payments step request, why should 'll specify?", "answers": [ { "text": "A payment process profile.", "answer_start": 8 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The cash budgeting ensures that the cash account has sufficient funds before the supplier payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00804", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How does the system make sure the funds are available for payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "It ensures the cash account has sufficient funds before clearing the supplier payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "An invoice group is a collection of invoices that the application uses as: A parameter for the Validate Payables invoices process, A parameter for some payables reports, One of the selection criteria for a payment process request. If you enable the Require invoice grouping option on the Manage Invoice Options page, you must associate each invoice with an invoice group.", "qas": [ { "id": "01751", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this a 25-cent group?", "answers": [ { "text": "An invoice group is a collection of invoices that the application uses as: A parameter for the Validate Payables Invoices process, A parameter for some payables reports, One of the selection criteria for a payment process request. If you enable the Require invoice grouping option on the Manage Invoice Options page, you must associate each invoice with an invoice group.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Creating a bank is the first step in the bank account creation.", "qas": [ { "id": "00502", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the first step in the bank account creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Creating a bank.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Campaign Management... Responses are automatically processed to these early payment offers.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00779", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Campaign Management has something to offer.", "answers": [ { "text": "Supplier identification and automated offer processing.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Campaign Management... Responses to these early payment offers are automatically processed and applied to your payment processing requests.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01863", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca 'll how manufacturers making a late payments premium campaign?", "answers": [ { "text": "By applying selection criteria on the Payment Discounts page in Oracle AI Apps for ERP.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can use the Payments Overview page to view and act on payment process requests.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00200", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can you view and act on payment process requests?", "answers": [ { "text": "On the Payments Overview page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Summary option: Select the level of invoice information to report.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "02088", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What if which 0800 options do?", "answers": [ { "text": "It determines the level of invoice information to report, either listing unpaid or partially paid invoices, or just listing the payment amount due.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Follow these steps : Navigate to Procurement > Suppliers > Manage Suppliers, Use the advanced search, Go to the Sites tab, Click on the supplier site link, Define the payment currency", "qas": [ { "id": "01796", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this possibility take paying a 25-cent and another withhold tax?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can pay an invoice that has auto-generated withholding tax amount if you enter the payment in a valid currency.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "On the Payment and Processing Options tab, you can specify payment attributes and processing options... 8. From the Disbursement Bank Account choice list, search and select BofA-204... 11. In the Processing Options subsection, select these check boxes: Review installments, Review proposed payments, and Create payment files immediately.", "qas": [ { "id": "00378", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can I specify payment attributes and processing options when submitting a payment process request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Select the \"Disbursement Bank Account\", \"Payment Process Profile\", \"Payment Conversion Rate Type\", and various processing options.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text mentions that the selection from the Payment Document choice list is optional.", "qas": [ { "id": "00418", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is the selection of a payment document number mandatory?", "answers": [ { "text": "No, the selection of a payment document number is optional.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Prepayments categorize available prepayment that can be applied to invoices.", "qas": [ { "id": "01698", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other which refinancings from which infotile?", "answers": [ { "text": "Available prepayment that can be applied to invoices.", "answer_start": 2 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you choose not to reprint, mark the numbered payment document as spoiled on the Record Print Status page and then destroy the paper document.", "qas": [ { "id": "00391", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What should I do if I decide not to reprint a spoiled numbered payment document?", "answers": [ { "text": "Mark the document as spoiled on the Record Print Status page and destroy the paper document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text explains SEPA and its benefits.", "qas": [ { "id": "01522", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this SEPA?", "answers": [ { "text": "SEPA is a system that provides a standardized process for credit transfers and a cheaper way for individuals and firms to make transactions within European member countries or regions.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The solution routes invoices with exceptions to accounts payables personnel for review and completion.", "qas": [ { "id": "01162", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other phony and exception handled?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are routed to accounts payables personnel for review and completion.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payment file validations are rules that check the validity of payment files. If a payment file fails validation, it is always stopped for review.", "qas": [ { "id": "01495", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not another payments files fail validation?", "answers": [ { "text": "If a payment file fails validation, it is always stopped for review.", "answer_start": 12 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To submit a payment processing request... 4. On the page Submit payment process request select the selection criteria tab. 5. In the name field, enter ISO_PPRXXX. Tip: In lieu of XXX, enter the appropriate number.", "qas": [ { "id": "02027", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I maybe another payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Enter \"ISO_PPRXXX\" in the Name field, where \"XXX\" is the appropriate number.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can import, update, approve, and pay transactions and get the status update for payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "01152", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What action able 'll performing before which exported transactions?", "answers": [ { "text": "Import, update, approve, and pay transactions and get the status update for payments.", "answer_start": 2 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To derive the budget account, overlay the distribution natural account with the natural account segment value...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01367", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How's which spending accounts derived?", "answers": [ { "text": "Overlaying distribution with cash account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If your business process is to receive invoice images from your suppliers, communicate to them your imaging requirements. The suppliers can then send the invoice images directly to the designated email.", "qas": [ { "id": "00064", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can suppliers send invoice images?", "answers": [ { "text": "By sending the invoice images directly to the designated email.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text specifies that payment reference numbers are transmitted to the payment system or bank.", "qas": [ { "id": "02062", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Payment refers number other transmitted.", "answers": [ { "text": "Payment reference numbers are transmitted to your payment system or bank.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can also pay a prepayment in a currency that's different from the invoice currency. If you choose to do so, you must ensure that both the invoice and the prepayment have the same invoice currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "01180", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Under the due able 'll using these currency making 25-cent well prepayment?", "answers": [ { "text": "Both the invoice and the prepayment must have the same invoice currency.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Before running the report you must: Transfer accounting entries to the general ledger. Enable the Import Journal References option for the Payables source on the Manage Journal Sources page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00492", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What must be done before running the report?", "answers": [ { "text": "Transfer accounting entries to the general ledger and enable the Import Journal References option for the Payables source on the Manage Journal Sources page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "12. In the Validation Failure Handling subsection, from the Document choice list, select Stop process for review. 13. From the Payment choice list, select Stop process for review.", "qas": [ { "id": "00379", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What action should I take if the payment process request validation fails?", "answers": [ { "text": "Set both the Document and Payment choice lists to \"Stop process for review\".", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Campaign Management... Responses to these early payment offers are automatically processed and applied to your payment processing requests.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00763", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do you find suppliers for an early payment discount campaign?", "answers": [ { "text": "By applying selection criteria on the Payment Discounts page in Oracle AI Apps for ERP.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": " This is the budget date for the payment ; it is the same as the payment date. ", "qas": [ { "id": "00791", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The budget date is unknown.", "answers": [ { "text": "It's the same as the payment date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Any errors during import can be corrected and re-uploaded using the correct import errors spreadsheet...", "qas": [ { "id": "01076", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can errors be corrected?", "answers": [ { "text": "Errors can be corrected and re-uploaded using the Correct Import Errors spreadsheet available from the Bank Statement and Reconciliation page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment business unit organizes standard invoices, prepayments and credit memos for the same supplier.", "qas": [ { "id": "00878", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Invoices are grouped in payment processing.", "answers": [ { "text": "By supplier name and site.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Resubmit for approval Only when the payment process request status is Withdrawn from payments approval and Error in payments approval. Reinitiates the payment", "qas": [ { "id": "00337", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the effect of the \"Resubmit for approval\" action?", "answers": [ { "text": "Reinitiates the payment approval process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Consider these points when using the reconciliation report of the payables to the general budget Differences Between Transactional and Accounted Amounts Differences Between the Summary and Detail Amounts Differences Between the reconciliation report and the other Payables Reports Differences Due to Rounding Variances Due to Transactions not validated\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01016", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What should be considered when using the report?", "answers": [ { "text": "Differences between transactional and accounted amounts, summary and detail amounts, the reconciliation report and other Payables reports, due to rounding, and due to transactions not validated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Submit invoice approval\nInitiate the approval invoice action or schedule the Initiate Invoice Approval Workflow process to run\non a regular basis. Approve invoice document\nRespond to the approval notification for the invoice. Predefined Rules\nThe invoice approval workflow includes the following predefined rules:\n\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Invoices having amounts greater than or equal to 1000 require approval by the immediate supervisor of the\nrequester on the invoice.", "qas": [ { "id": "01275", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What other many pre-defined regulations from which 25-cent approved workflow?", "answers": [ { "text": "The invoice approval workflow includes predefined rules such as invoices having amounts greater than or equal to 1000 requiring approval by the immediate supervisor of the requester on the invoice, and invoices having amounts less than 1000 being automatically approved.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Run the Prepare Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation process to select data for the Summary section of the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Report.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00455", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the Prepare Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation process do?", "answers": [ { "text": "It selects data for the Summary section of the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Report.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The payment date is the same as the date of the payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00815", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the budget date?", "answers": [ { "text": "The payment date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Described in the section \"Open the next payable period, Run Interface Processes and Run Reports\".", "qas": [ { "id": "00995", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What should be done after the Payables period?", "answers": [ { "text": "Run Payables interface processes and various tax and withholding tax reports.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Payment approval is automatically triggered when it reaches the stage of the proposed payments review.", "qas": [ { "id": "01981", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The Review Proposed Payments stages recently another recognized before payment.", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments Approval Initiated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"You can control the automation level of a payment process request. Achieve this by setting the following options on the Submit Payment Process Request and the Create Payment Process Request Template pages:\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00201", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you control the automation level of a payment process request?", "answers": [ { "text": "By setting options on the Submit Payment Process Request and the Create Payment Process Request Template pages.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To run\nthe report, navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes and then click Schedule New Process. Then search for\nInvoice Document Recognition Tracking Report. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 If you're testing the same invoice repeatedly, change the invoice account number in Payables to avoid duplicate\ninvoice number errors.", "qas": [ { "id": "00161", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What should you do if testing the same invoice repeatedly to avoid errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "Change the invoice account number in Payables to avoid duplicate invoice number errors.", "answer_start": 31 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Liability Account As-of Date Specify the date for the liability account.", "qas": [ { "id": "01579", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which purposes which Liability Account As-of Date?", "answers": [ { "text": "Specify the date for the liability account.", "answer_start": 4 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Yes, and the invoice you apply the prepayment to must have at least one line to the same purchase order as the prepayment.", "qas": [ { "id": "00702", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is it possible to match a prepayment to a purchase order?", "answers": [ { "text": "Yes, and the invoice that you apply the prepayment to must have at least one line matched to the same purchase order as the prepayment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "At the payment file level, you don't have the option of removing individual documents payable from a payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "01500", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which limitations which remove equal papers deferred opened which payments files level?", "answers": [ { "text": "You cannot remove individual documents payable from a payment at the payment file level.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "From the Invoices landing page, click the Create Recurring Invoices task to open the Create Recurring Invoices spreadsheet.", "qas": [ { "id": "01129", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll provide which Create Recurring Invoices interface from Oracle Fusion Payables?", "answers": [ { "text": "From the Invoices landing page, click the Create Recurring Invoices task.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Various reasons are listed under the section of \"Differences Between Summary and Detail Amounts\".", "qas": [ { "id": "01021", "is_impossible": false, "question": "There are discrepancies between summary and detail amounts in the reconciliation report.", "answers": [ { "text": "Data modification after running the preparation process, accounting activities in the subledger or general ledger after running the preparation process, and security rules restricting data view.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Open Balance Adds the credits to the liability account, such as invoices and refunds, and subtracts the debits, such as credit memos and payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "01585", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this Open Balance calculated?", "answers": [ { "text": "Adds the credits to the liability account, such as invoices and refunds, and subtracts the debits, such as credit memos and payments.", "answer_start": 2 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can fix payment validation errors on the page Resolve payment validation errors.", "qas": [ { "id": "01955", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why could 'll do take removing payment in another request?", "answers": [ { "text": "To resolve validation errors.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Scanned invoices are arranged in aging buckets, when you click any of the numbers those invoices are displayed in a table.", "qas": [ { "id": "00034", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How are scanned invoices arranged for viewing?", "answers": [ { "text": "They are arranged in aging buckets.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"To set up these connections, follow the steps described in the AI Implementation Workflow topics of the guide Getting started with your financial implementation\".", "qas": [ { "id": "00775", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where can I find the steps for setting up the required connections?", "answers": [ { "text": "In the AI Implementation Workflow topic from the Getting Started with Your Financials Implementation guide.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "On the Payment and Processing Options tab, you can specify payment attributes and processing options... 8. From the Disbursement Bank Account choice list, search and select BofA-204... 11. In the Processing Options subsection, select these check boxes: Review installments, Review proposed payments, and Create payment files immediately.", "qas": [ { "id": "01478", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I specifying payments traits well materials option then submit another payments step request?", "answers": [ { "text": "Select the \"Disbursement Bank Account\", \"Payment Process Profile\", \"Payment Conversion Rate Type\", and various processing options.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Disbursement bank accounts and payment process profiles are assigned in a sequence including parameters, defaults, and derived values.", "qas": [ { "id": "01390", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How other banks account well graphic assigned?", "answers": [ { "text": "Using parameters, defaults from templates, and derived values.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you submit the report for the primary ledger, it lists the amount originally booked to the liability account when the invoice was entered.", "qas": [ { "id": "02139", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which originally amount?", "answers": [ { "text": "If you submit the report for the primary ledger, lists the amount originally booked to the liability account when the invoice was entered.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Payments are built into the fewest number of payment files...\"", "qas": [ { "id": "01363", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Benefit which slated creation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Fewer payment files.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "#NAME?", "qas": [ { "id": "02041", "is_impossible": false, "question": "I don't why why take ca not I don't hardcover which payments document.", "answers": [ { "text": "Mark the document as spoiled on the Record Print Status page and destroy the paper document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"This is the budget date for the payment. It\u0092s the same as the payment date.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00241", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the Budget Date?", "answers": [ { "text": "It's the same as the payment date.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text mentions that the application generates a unique payment reference number for each payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "02061", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which particular identifying making only payment?", "answers": [ { "text": "A unique payment reference number is generated for each payment.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The One Time Payments feature allows you to import transactions from external systems as payment requests.", "qas": [ { "id": "00600", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What do you get from the One Time Payments feature?", "answers": [ { "text": "Import transactions from external systems as payment requests.", "answer_start": 8 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: If issues arise during payment processing that require your input, the process pauses, regardless of how the processing options are set.", "qas": [ { "id": "01297", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen not issue arising since payments processing?", "answers": [ { "text": "The process pauses, regardless of how the processing options are set.", "answer_start": 11 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text mentions that the selection of the payment document choice list is optional.", "qas": [ { "id": "02068", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Is this requirement making which payments documents numbers take not selected?", "answers": [ { "text": "No, the selection of a payment document number is optional.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Assuming that rental expenses are evenly divided over the 3 months and that the monthly accounting calendar is used.", "qas": [ { "id": "00646", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the split of the rental expenses?", "answers": [ { "text": "The rental expenses are split evenly over the 3 months.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text explains that Oracle Payments performs validations on ISO 20022 SEPA and CGI credit transfer messages.", "qas": [ { "id": "01528", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What subject-specific if Oracle Payments performing making ISO 20022 SEPA well CGI loans transfers messages?", "answers": [ { "text": "Oracle Payments attaches validations to verify that required data is present in the credit transfer messages formats.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you need to route incomplete invoices based on other rules, you can modify the routing rule or add new routing rules. You can use the Approval Management extensions (AMX) of the Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Human Workflow to add\nnew rules. The Oracle Business Process Management (BPM) Worklist application provides the interface to administer\nthe rules for users with Financial Application Administrator job roles.", "qas": [ { "id": "01267", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which applications provide which interfaces take administering which regulations making user and Financial Application Administrator getting roles?", "answers": [ { "text": "The Oracle Business Process Management (BPM) Worklist application provides the interface to administer the rules.", "answer_start": 43 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The cash budgeting helps to ensure that the cash account has sufficient funds before the supplier payment.", "qas": [ { "id": "01899", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How if money rationalization differing in expenses budgeting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Cash budgeting ensures funds before payment, while expense budgeting enforces budget limits.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document. During this process, you can assign credit cards and invoices as voucher numbers.", "qas": [ { "id": "00562", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the document sequence in relation to invoices and payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If the same value is used for multiple transactions, the application creates just one party and uses the name from the first row.", "qas": [ { "id": "00189", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if the same Party Original System Reference value is used for multiple transactions?", "answers": [ { "text": "The application creates just one party and uses the name from the first row.", "answer_start": 9 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Test existing implementation Test your existing IDR implementation on regular intervals to ensure the best recognition rates.", "qas": [ { "id": "01806", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How sometimes must 'll tests which implementation?", "answers": [ { "text": "Test your existing IDR implementation on regular intervals to ensure the best recognition rates.", "answer_start": 3 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text explains the presence of mandatory grouping options for SEPA and CGI on a specific page in Oracle Payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "00975", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the options for ISO 20022 grouping?", "answers": [ { "text": "The mandatory ISO 20022 grouping options for SEPA and CGI are available on the Grouping tab on the Create and Edit Payment Process Profile page and tell Payments how to group transactions within a payment file.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To resolve payment file validation errors, you can override certain errors and then provide override justification", "qas": [ { "id": "02047", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able I getting trying which which payments files methodology error?", "answers": [ { "text": "Acknowledge the error, provide a justification, and override the error.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Banks often make mistakes by depositing or withdrawing incorrect amounts to bank accounts... Reconciling corrections and adjustment of bank errors The correcting of bank errors using the reverse and adjustment method is described in the following example...", "qas": [ { "id": "01082", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How do banks resolve errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "Banks resolve errors using two methods: reversal and adjustment. In the reversal method, the bank reverses the entire error transaction amount so that the error entry and the reversal entry net out to zero, and then makes another transaction entry for the correct transaction amount. In the adjustment method, the bank creates an additional transaction entry to make up for the difference between the original transaction amount and the error entry.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"On the report summary, the Payables Begin Balance and Payables End Balance amounts include validated transactions only. Unvalidated transactions are included in the Payables Variance amount.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00474", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What does the Payables Variance amount include on the report summary?", "answers": [ { "text": "Unvalidated transactions.", "answer_start": 17 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Note: If issues arise during the payment processing that require your input, the processing pauses regardless of how the processing options are set.", "qas": [ { "id": "00747", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens if there are problems with payment processing?", "answers": [ { "text": "The process pauses, regardless of how the processing options are set.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Use the FBDI template for Import Payables Invoices process to create invoices from invoice records in the Oracle Fusion Payables open interface tables.", "qas": [ { "id": "00021", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Which template should be used for the Import Payables Invoices process in Oracle Fusion Payables?", "answers": [ { "text": "The FBDI template.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"If you have multiple payables accounts, you can limit the process to specific accounts...If the Financial Category isn't assigned to any natural account values in the chart of accounts, the process fails.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00459", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What is the requirement for accounts to be included in the reconciliation report?", "answers": [ { "text": "The natural account segment values must have a Financial Category of Accounts Payable.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Later when the multiperiod accounting process is submitted, a portion of the total expenses is recognized. It is then moved from the accrual account to the actual expense account.", "qas": [ { "id": "01184", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happen then which multiperiod audit step this submitted?", "answers": [ { "text": "A portion of the total expenses is recognized and moved from the accrual account to the actual expense account.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "To achieve this, you assign paper document numbering values, which are check numbers, in electronic formats.", "qas": [ { "id": "00955", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Paper document numbers are assigned to electronic formats.", "answers": [ { "text": "Paper document numbering values, which are check numbers, are assigned to electronic formats.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can follow these steps to define a payment currency: 1. Navigate to Procurement > Suppliers > Manage Suppliers. 2. Use the advanced search feature with the supplier\u0092s name. 3. On the Supplier page, go to the Sites tab. 4. Click on the supplier site link and then go to the Invoicing tab. 5. Define the payment currency.", "qas": [ { "id": "01215", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Can I paying a 25-cent and another withhold tax?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can pay an invoice that has auto-generated withholding tax amount if you enter the payment in a valid currency.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The text lists several locations and associated navigation and actions related to payment document numbering of electronic payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "01515", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Where able 'll come action but affecting payments documents numbered which digital payments?", "answers": [ { "text": "Actions can be taken in various locations such as the Create Payment Document page, Create Payment Process Profile page, Create Electronic Payment Files submission page, and the Submit Payment Process Request page.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Mass onboarding of suppliers... access to additional short-term working capital for suppliers.\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00769", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What are the benefits of the Payables Early Payment offers?", "answers": [ { "text": "Benefits include mass onboarding of suppliers, a one-click process to extend offers, automated processing of accepted offers, higher return for buyers, and access to short-term working capital for suppliers.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Recent invoices that were updated or created in the last days are displayed.", "qas": [ { "id": "01685", "is_impossible": false, "question": "The phony other displaying from which \"recent\" category.", "answers": [ { "text": "Invoices that were updated or created in the last days.", "answer_start": 1 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Add the name of your used defined hold to the existing list of lookup codes. This restricts the inclusion of invoices into the automatic initiation of the invoice account coding workflow.", "qas": [ { "id": "00130", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can I restrict invoices with user defined holds for Automatic initiation to the Invoice Account Coding workflow?", "answers": [ { "text": "Add the user defined holds as a lookup code to the lookup type: ORA_AP_ACCOUNT_CODING_HOLDS.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Open Balance Adds the credits to the liability account, such as invoices and refunds, and subtracts the debits, such as credit memos and payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "02135", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How this Open Balance calculated?", "answers": [ { "text": "Adds the credits to the liability account, such as invoices and refunds, and subtracts the debits, such as credit memos and payments.", "answer_start": 2 } ] } ] }, { "context": "If you choose to reprint, perform both of the following steps: 1. Reprint the payment onto a new numbered payment document on the Reprint Payment Documents page. 2. Report the payment as issued on the Record Print Status page... If you choose not to reprint, mark the numbered payment document as spoiled on the Record Print Status page and then destroy the paper document.", "qas": [ { "id": "01482", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How ca I need another lucky numbering payments document?", "answers": [ { "text": "If you choose to reprint, reprint the payment onto a new numbered payment document and report the payment as issued. If you choose not to reprint, mark the document as spoiled and destroy the paper document.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "When Payment approval is enabled, all payment process requests go through the payment approval process.", "qas": [ { "id": "00330", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What happens when payment approval is enabled?", "answers": [ { "text": "Payments go through the payment approval process.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The list of values in the Receipt field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of receipts.", "qas": [ { "id": "01238", "is_impossible": false, "question": "Why can't I how another certain withholding take matches take a invoice?", "answers": [ { "text": "The list of values in the Receipt field on the Match Invoice Lines page depends on the purchase order. You must first enter the purchase order number to see the list of receipts.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "\"Consider these points when using the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report. \u0095 Differences Between Transactional and Accounted Amounts \u0095 Differences Between Summary and Detail Amounts \u0095 Differences Between the Reconciliation Report and Other Payables Reports \u0095 Differences Due to Rounding \u0095 Variances Due to Transactions not Validated\"", "qas": [ { "id": "00466", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What should be considered when using the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report?", "answers": [ { "text": "Differences between transactional and accounted amounts, summary and detail amounts, the reconciliation report and other Payables reports, due to rounding, and due to transactions not validated.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "The statement ID should be unique within a calendar year in a bank account.", "qas": [ { "id": "02169", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What this which Statement ID making banks statements?", "answers": [ { "text": "Unique in a bank account within a calendar year.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Warning Status: 1. Review the failed transactions reported in the ValidationErrors.txt log file. 2. Enter or correct the conversion rates for the failed transactions. 3. Resubmit the Cash Position Extraction Job process. 4. Review the status for the Cash Position Data Extraction and the Cash Position Data Transfer processes. 5. Review log files for any further warnings or errors.", "qas": [ { "id": "01638", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What action other recommend then faced another Warning Status from Cash Positioning well Forecasting?", "answers": [ { "text": "Review failed transactions in the ValidationErrors.txt log file, correct the conversion rates, resubmit the Cash Position Extraction Job process, and review the status and log files for further warnings or errors.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Download the spreadsheet template to prepare cash position data. The template contains an instruction sheet to help guide you through the process. 3. Click Cash Management Cash Position Data Import. 4. Click the link to the Excel template in the File Links section.", "qas": [ { "id": "01095", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How can you use the template to prepare your cash position data?", "answers": [ { "text": "Navigate to the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Financials Cloud guide, click File-Based Data Imports, click Cash Management Cash Position Data Import, and click the link to the Excel template in the File Links section.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "You can create invoices through a spreadsheet using the Create Invoice in Spreadsheet task. From the spreadsheet you can also submit the invoice import process.", "qas": [ { "id": "01130", "is_impossible": false, "question": "How able 'll creating phony from Oracle Fusion Payables used another spreadsheet?", "answers": [ { "text": "You can create invoices through the Create Invoice in Spreadsheet task and then submit the invoice import process from the spreadsheet.", "answer_start": 0 } ] } ] }, { "context": "Review proposed payments: Stops the payment process request after grouping installments into payments and before building the payments.", "qas": [ { "id": "01294", "is_impossible": false, "question": "When if which payments step requested stopping not 'll choosing which 'Review proposal payments' option?", "answers": [ { "text": "After grouping installments into payments and before building the payments.", "answer_start": 8 } ] } ] }, { "context": "After changing the applicable setup, you can return to the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page.", "qas": [ { "id": "00860", "is_impossible": false, "question": "What should you do after changing setup to resolve validation errors?", "answers": [ { "text": "Return to the Resolve Payment Validation Errors page.", "answer_start": 7 } ] } ] } ]