stringlengths 1
| binary_name
stringlengths 64
| author_name
stringlengths 2
| project_name
stringlengths 1
| opt
stringclasses 1
value | src
stringlengths 11
| dbg
stringclasses 1
value | codeart
stringlengths 257
| lmpa
stringlengths 619
on_gathering_done2 | f1d5a383f7caf3b86fedff4d859547574d55c652a834ab353cf642c2399608fd | paullouisageneau | violet | NA | static void on_gathering_done2(juice_agent_t *agent, void *user_ptr) {
printf("Gathering done 2\n");
juice_set_remote_gathering_done(agent1); // optional
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_405A6F", "function_addr": 4217455, "binary_name": "f1d5a383f7caf3b86fedff4d859547574d55c652a834ab353cf642c2399608fd.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [5, "lea rdi, aGatheringDone2_4"], [6, "call _puts"], [7, "mov rax, cs:qword_4344F0"], [8, "mov rdi, rax"], [9, "call sub_40788E"], [10, "nop"], [11, "leave"], [12, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[8, 7], [12, 9]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/f1d5a383f7caf3b86fedff4d859547574d55c652a834ab353cf642c2399608fd_f1d5a383f7caf3b86fedff4d859547574d55c652a834ab353cf642c2399608fd.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_405A6F", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 sub_405A6F()\n{\nputs(\"Gathering done 2\");\nreturn sub_40788E(qword_4344F0);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_405A6F,sub_40788E,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_405A6F': 'on_gathering_done2_4', 'sub_40788E': 'juice_set_remote_gathering_done'}"} |
expected_uid_gid | fca229304ed2cb7933fc05adaac8a54a86ce679e55c208e6308c1ac0920212fe | intel | kvm-sgx | NA | static bool expected_uid_gid(int dfd, const char *path, int flags,
uid_t expected_uid, gid_t expected_gid)
int ret;
struct stat st;
ret = fstatat(dfd, path, &st, flags);
if (ret < 0)
return false;
return st.st_uid == expected_uid && st.st_gid == expected_gid;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4157E4", "function_addr": 4282340, "binary_name": "fca229304ed2cb7933fc05adaac8a54a86ce679e55c208e6308c1ac0920212fe.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 0C0h"], [3, "mov [rbp+fildes], edi"], [4, "mov [rbp+filename], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+flag], edx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_B4], ecx"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_B8], r8d"], [8, "mov ecx, [rbp+flag]"], [9, "lea rdx, [rbp+stat_buf]"], [10, "mov rsi, [rbp+filename]"], [11, "mov eax, [rbp+fildes]"], [12, "mov edi, eax"], [13, "call sub_4167A0"], [14, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [15, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [16, "jns short loc_415840"], [17, "mov eax, 0"], [18, "jmp short locret_415868"], [19, "mov eax, [rbp+stat_buf.st_uid]"], [20, "cmp [rbp+var_B4], eax"], [21, "jnz short loc_415860"], [22, "mov eax, [rbp+stat_buf.st_gid]"], [23, "cmp [rbp+var_B8], eax"], [24, "jnz short loc_415860"], [25, "mov eax, 1"], [26, "jmp short loc_415865"], [27, "mov eax, 0"], [28, "and eax, 1"], [29, "leave"], [30, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[8, 5], [10, 4], [11, 3], [12, 11], [14, 13], [15, 14], [16, 15], [20, 6], [20, 19], [21, 20], [23, 7], [23, 22], [24, 23], [28, 25], [28, 27], [30, 17], [30, 28]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/fca229304ed2cb7933fc05adaac8a54a86ce679e55c208e6308c1ac0920212fe_fca229304ed2cb7933fc05adaac8a54a86ce679e55c208e6308c1ac0920212fe.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4157E4", "query": "\n\n\n_BOOL8 __fastcall sub_4157E4(int a1, char *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5)\n{\nstruct stat stat_buf; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-A0h] BYREF\nint v10; // [rsp+BCh] [rbp-4h]\n\nv10 = sub_4167A0(a1, a2, &stat_buf, a3);\nif ( v10 < 0 )\nreturn 0LL;\nreturn a4 == stat_buf.st_uid && a5 == stat_buf.st_gid;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,stat_buf,sub_4157E4,sub_4167A0,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'flags', 'a4': 'expected_uid', 'a1': 'dfd', 'a2': 'path', 'a5': 'expected_gid', 'stat_buf': 'st', 'sub_4157E4': 'expected_uid_gid', 'sub_4167A0': 'fstatat'}"} |
SDCDBcopy | 8b013aca1781d08cc03f74f11cf8dd4d1ffb5732c355bf6e7a191839f6b8b46a | EtchedPixels | FUZIX | NA | VOID SDCDBcopy(char * str)
FILE * xfp;
* Copy .adb file if present and requested.
if (yflag && yfp) {
xfp = afile(str, "adb", 0); //JCF: Nov 30, 2002
if (xfp) {
copyfile(yfp, xfp);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_416F94", "function_addr": 4288404, "binary_name": "8b013aca1781d08cc03f74f11cf8dd4d1ffb5732c355bf6e7a191839f6b8b46a.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov eax, cs:dword_93FEEC"], [5, "test eax, eax"], [6, "jz short loc_416FF9"], [7, "mov rax, cs:qword_9400E8"], [8, "test rax, rax"], [9, "jz short loc_416FF9"], [10, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [11, "mov edx, 0"], [12, "mov esi, 4342B4h"], [13, "mov rdi, rax"], [14, "call sub_40FC1E"], [15, "mov [rbp+stream], rax"], [16, "cmp [rbp+stream], 0"], [17, "jz short loc_416FF9"], [18, "mov rax, cs:qword_9400E8"], [19, "mov rdx, [rbp+stream]"], [20, "mov rsi, rdx"], [21, "mov rdi, rax"], [22, "call sub_41018B"], [23, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [24, "mov rdi, rax"], [25, "call _fclose"], [26, "nop"], [27, "leave"], [28, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 3], [13, 10], [15, 14], [16, 15], [17, 16], [19, 15], [20, 19], [21, 18], [23, 15], [24, 23], [28, 5], [28, 25], [28, 8], [28, 14]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/8b013aca1781d08cc03f74f11cf8dd4d1ffb5732c355bf6e7a191839f6b8b46a_8b013aca1781d08cc03f74f11cf8dd4d1ffb5732c355bf6e7a191839f6b8b46a.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_416F94", "query": "\n\n\nint __fastcall sub_416F94(const char *a1)\n{\nFILE *v1; // rax\nFILE *stream; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\n\nLODWORD(v1) = dword_93FEEC;\nif ( dword_93FEEC )\n{\nLODWORD(v1) = (_DWORD)qword_9400E8;\nif ( qword_9400E8 )\n{\nv1 = sub_40FC1E(a1, (_BYTE *)&off_4342B0 + 4, 0);\nstream = v1;\nif ( v1 )\n{\nsub_41018B(qword_9400E8, v1);\nLODWORD(v1) = fclose(stream);\n}\n}\n}\nreturn (int)v1;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,stream,sub_416F94,sub_40FC1E,sub_41018B,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'str', 'stream': 'xfp', 'sub_416F94': 'SDCDBcopy', 'sub_40FC1E': 'afile', 'sub_41018B': 'copyfile'}"} |
dump | 9126c5cfced5333d58d4ef0b2707ec01960c5b264d956d149dccbfd216fd3ef0 | Jacajack | liblightmodbus | NA | void dump(uint8_t *data, int len)
if (len > 252) len = 252;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
printf("%02x ", data[i]);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40C691", "function_addr": 4245137, "binary_name": "9126c5cfced5333d58d4ef0b2707ec01960c5b264d956d149dccbfd216fd3ef0.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push rbx"], [3, "sub rsp, 28h"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_2C], esi"], [6, "cmp [rbp+var_2C], 0FCh"], [7, "jle short loc_40C6B1"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_2C], 0FCh"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0"], [10, "jmp loc_40C782"], [11, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [12, "movsxd rbx, eax"], [13, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [14, "lea rax, [rdx+rbx]"], [15, "mov rcx, rbx"], [16, "not rcx"], [17, "shr rcx, 3Fh"], [18, "test cl, cl"], [19, "jz short loc_40C6F4"], [20, "cmp rax, rdx"], [21, "jnb short loc_40C6F9"], [22, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_28]"], [23, "mov rdx, rax"], [24, "mov rsi, rcx"], [25, "mov edi, offset off_41AB40"], [26, "call ___ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow"], [27, "jmp short loc_40C6F9"], [28, "cmp rax, rdx"], [29, "ja short loc_40C6DE"], [30, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [31, "add rbx, rax"], [32, "test rbx, rbx"], [33, "jnz short loc_40C714"], [34, "mov esi, 0"], [35, "mov edi, offset off_41AB80"], [36, "call ___ubsan_handle_type_mismatch_v1"], [37, "mov rax, rbx"], [38, "mov rdx, rax"], [39, "shr rdx, 3"], [40, "add rdx, 7FFF8000h"], [41, "movzx edx, byte ptr [rdx]"], [42, "test dl, dl"], [43, "setnz cl"], [44, "mov rsi, rax"], [45, "and esi, 7"], [46, "cmp sil, dl"], [47, "setnl dl"], [48, "and edx, ecx"], [49, "test dl, dl"], [50, "jz short loc_40C747"], [51, "mov rdi, rax"], [52, "call ___asan_report_load1"], [53, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbx]"], [54, "movzx eax, al"], [55, "mov esi, eax"], [56, "mov edi, offset format"], [57, "mov eax, 0"], [58, "call _printf"], [59, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [60, "add eax, 1"], [61, "mov ebx, eax"], [62, "jno short loc_40C77F"], [63, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [64, "cdqe"], [65, "mov edx, 1"], [66, "mov rsi, rax"], [67, "mov edi, offset off_41ABC0"], [68, "call ___ubsan_handle_add_overflow"], [69, "mov [rbp+var_14], ebx"], [70, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [71, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [72, "jl loc_40C6BD"], [73, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [74, "call _putchar"], [75, "nop"], [76, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_8]"], [77, "leave"], [78, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 5], [7, 6], [11, 69], [11, 9], [12, 11], [13, 4], [14, 12], [14, 11], [15, 12], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 18], [20, 14], [20, 13], [21, 20], [22, 4], [23, 14], [24, 22], [28, 14], [28, 13], [29, 28], [30, 4], [31, 12], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 32], [37, 32], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 39], [41, 40], [42, 41], [43, 18], [43, 42], [43, 22], [44, 37], [45, 44], [46, 42], [46, 45], [47, 46], [47, 42], [48, 47], [48, 43], [49, 48], [50, 49], [51, 37], [53, 32], [54, 53], [55, 54], [59, 9], [59, 69], [60, 59], [61, 60], [62, 60], [63, 9], [63, 69], [66, 63], [69, 61], [70, 9], [70, 69], [71, 8], [71, 70], [71, 5], [72, 71], [78, 74]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/9126c5cfced5333d58d4ef0b2707ec01960c5b264d956d149dccbfd216fd3ef0_9126c5cfced5333d58d4ef0b2707ec01960c5b264d956d149dccbfd216fd3ef0.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40C691", "query": "\n\n\nint __fastcall sub_40C691(unsigned __int64 a1, int a2)\n{\nunsigned __int64 v2; // rax\nunsigned __int64 v3; // rbx\nint v5; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-2Ch]\nint i; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-14h]\n\nv5 = a2;\nif ( a2 > 252 )\nv5 = 252;\nfor ( i = 0; i < v5; ++i )\n{\nv2 = a1 + i;\nif ( i >= 0LL )\n{\nif ( v2 >= a1 )\ngoto LABEL_8;\nLABEL_6:\n__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow();\ngoto LABEL_8;\n}\nif ( v2 > a1 )\ngoto LABEL_6;\nLABEL_8:\nv3 = a1 + i;\nif ( !v3 )\n__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch_v1();\nif ( *(_BYTE *)((v3 >> 3) + 0x7FFF8000) != 0 && (char)(v3 & 7) >= *(_BYTE *)((v3 >> 3) + 0x7FFF8000) )\n__asan_report_load1();\nprintf(\"%02x \", *(unsigned __int8 *)v3);\nif ( __OFADD__(1, i) )\n__ubsan_handle_add_overflow();\n}\nreturn putchar(10);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v5,sub_40C691,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'data', 'a2': 'len', 'v5': 'lena', 'sub_40C691': 'dump'}"} |
main | 36b8c918449d6b88f03f0c82a4e068cf1a615a4338aaabc17d60bb58f2299811 | qemu | qemu | NA | int main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct trace_reader *trs;
struct trace_info *ti;
bool no_mmap = false;
struct stat sb;
int fd, opt, i;
poll_msecs = 1000;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "fs:")) != -1) {
switch (opt) {
case 'f':
case 's':
poll_msecs = get_mseconds(optarg);
if (follow && poll_msecs)
/* fallthru */
argc -= optind;
argv += optind;
if (argc < 1)
trs = ezalloc(sizeof(struct trace_reader) * argc);
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
fd = open(argv[i], O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0)
err(1, "Opening %s", argv[i]);
if (fstat(fd, &sb) < 0)
err(1, "Stating %s", argv[1]);
ti = mmap(NULL, sb.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
if (ti == MAP_FAILED) {
no_mmap = true;
ti = ezalloc(sb.st_size);
if (!ti)
err(1, "allocating memory for %s", argv[i]);
if (read(fd, ti, sb.st_size) == -1)
err(1, "reading from %s", argv[i]);
trs[i].tb = &ti->tb;
if (no_mmap) {
fprintf(stderr, "disabling follow mode: can't mmap() OPAL export files\n");
follow = 0;
do {
load_traces(trs, argc);
display_traces(trs, argc);
if (follow)
usleep(poll_msecs * 1000);
} while (follow);
return 0;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "main", "function_addr": 4202480, "binary_name": "36b8c918449d6b88f03f0c82a4e068cf1a615a4338aaabc17d60bb58f2299811.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 0D0h"], [3, "mov [rbp+argc], edi"], [4, "mov [rbp+argv], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_9], 0"], [6, "mov cs:qword_4050F8, 3E8h"], [7, "jmp short loc_40206B"], [8, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 66h "], [9, "jz short loc_402027"], [10, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 73h "], [11, "jz short loc_402038"], [12, "jmp short loc_402066"], [13, "mov eax, cs:dword_4050F0"], [14, "add eax, 1"], [15, "mov cs:dword_4050F0, eax"], [16, "jmp short loc_40206B"], [17, "mov rax, cs:optarg"], [18, "mov rdi, rax"], [19, "call sub_401F7B"], [20, "mov cs:qword_4050F8, rax"], [21, "mov eax, cs:dword_4050F0"], [22, "test eax, eax"], [23, "jz short loc_402066"], [24, "mov rax, cs:qword_4050F8"], [25, "test rax, rax"], [26, "jz short loc_402066"], [27, "jmp short loc_40206B"], [28, "call sub_401FD8"], [29, "mov rcx, [rbp+argv]"], [30, "mov eax, [rbp+argc]"], [31, "mov edx, offset shortopts"], [32, "mov rsi, rcx"], [33, "mov edi, eax"], [34, "call _getopt"], [35, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [36, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [37, "jnz short loc_402019"], [38, "mov eax, cs:optind"], [39, "sub [rbp+argc], eax"], [40, "mov eax, cs:optind"], [41, "cdqe"], [42, "shl rax, 3"], [43, "add [rbp+argv], rax"], [44, "cmp [rbp+argc], 0"], [45, "jg short loc_4020BD"], [46, "call sub_401FD8"], [47, "mov eax, [rbp+argc]"], [48, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [49, "mov rax, rdx"], [50, "shl rax, 2"], [51, "add rax, rdx"], [52, "shl rax, 3"], [53, "mov rdi, rax"], [54, "call sub_40143C"], [55, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [56, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [57, "jmp loc_4022C1"], [58, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [59, "cdqe"], [60, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [61, "mov rax, [rbp+argv]"], [62, "add rax, rdx"], [63, "mov rax, [rax]"], [64, "mov esi, 0"], [65, "mov rdi, rax"], [66, "mov eax, 0"], [67, "call _open"], [68, "mov [rbp+fd], eax"], [69, "cmp [rbp+fd], 0"], [70, "jns short loc_402152"], [71, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [72, "cdqe"], [73, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [74, "mov rax, [rbp+argv]"], [75, "add rax, rdx"], [76, "mov rax, [rax]"], [77, "mov rdx, rax"], [78, "mov esi, offset aOpeningS"], [79, "mov edi, 1"], [80, "mov eax, 0"], [81, "call _err"], [82, "lea rdx, [rbp+stat_buf]"], [83, "mov eax, [rbp+fd]"], [84, "mov rsi, rdx"], [85, "mov edi, eax"], [86, "call sub_402D10"], [87, "test eax, eax"], [88, "jns short loc_40218F"], [89, "mov rax, [rbp+argv]"], [90, "add rax, 8"], [91, "mov rax, [rax]"], [92, "mov rdx, rax"], [93, "mov esi, offset aStatingS"], [94, "mov edi, 1"], [95, "mov eax, 0"], [96, "call _err"], [97, "mov rax, [rbp+stat_buf.st_size]"], [98, "mov rsi, rax"], [99, "mov eax, [rbp+fd]"], [100, "mov r9d, 0"], [101, "mov r8d, eax"], [102, "mov ecx, 2"], [103, "mov edx, 1"], [104, "mov edi, 0"], [105, "call _mmap"], [106, "mov [rbp+buf], rax"], [107, "cmp [rbp+buf], 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh"], [108, "jnz loc_402269"], [109, "mov [rbp+var_9], 1"], [110, "mov rax, [rbp+stat_buf.st_size]"], [111, "mov rdi, rax"], [112, "call sub_40143C"], [113, "mov [rbp+buf], rax"], [114, "cmp [rbp+buf], 0"], [115, "jnz short loc_402217"], [116, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [117, "cdqe"], [118, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [119, "mov rax, [rbp+argv]"], [120, "add rax, rdx"], [121, "mov rax, [rax]"], [122, "mov rdx, rax"], [123, "mov esi, offset aAllocatingMemo_0"], [124, "mov edi, 1"], [125, "mov eax, 0"], [126, "call _err"], [127, "mov rax, [rbp+stat_buf.st_size]"], [128, "mov rdx, rax"], [129, "mov rcx, [rbp+buf]"], [130, "mov eax, [rbp+fd]"], [131, "mov rsi, rcx"], [132, "mov edi, eax"], [133, "call _read"], [134, "cmp rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh"], [135, "jnz short loc_402269"], [136, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [137, "cdqe"], [138, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [139, "mov rax, [rbp+argv]"], [140, "add rax, rdx"], [141, "mov rax, [rax]"], [142, "mov rdx, rax"], [143, "mov esi, offset aReadingFromS"], [144, "mov edi, 1"], [145, "mov eax, 0"], [146, "call _err"], [147, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [148, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [149, "mov rax, rdx"], [150, "shl rax, 2"], [151, "add rax, rdx"], [152, "shl rax, 3"], [153, "mov rdx, rax"], [154, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [155, "add rax, rdx"], [156, "mov rdx, [rbp+buf]"], [157, "add rdx, 28h "], [158, "mov [rax+20h], rdx"], [159, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [160, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [161, "mov rax, rdx"], [162, "shl rax, 2"], [163, "add rax, rdx"], [164, "shl rax, 3"], [165, "mov rdx, rax"], [166, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [167, "add rax, rdx"], [168, "add rax, 10h"], [169, "mov rdi, rax"], [170, "call sub_401242"], [171, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [172, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [173, "cmp eax, [rbp+argc]"], [174, "jl loc_4020EC"], [175, "cmp [rbp+var_9], 0"], [176, "jz short loc_4022FE"], [177, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [178, "mov rcx, rax"], [179, "mov edx, 36h "], [180, "mov esi, 1"], [181, "mov edi, offset aDisablingFollo"], [182, "call _fwrite"], [183, "mov cs:dword_4050F0, 0"], [184, "mov edx, [rbp+argc]"], [185, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [186, "mov esi, edx"], [187, "mov rdi, rax"], [188, "call sub_401BDC"], [189, "mov edx, [rbp+argc]"], [190, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [191, "mov esi, edx"], [192, "mov rdi, rax"], [193, "call sub_401E40"], [194, "mov eax, cs:dword_4050F0"], [195, "test eax, eax"], [196, "jz short loc_402344"], [197, "mov rax, cs:qword_4050F8"], [198, "imul eax, 3E8h"], [199, "mov edi, eax"], [200, "call _usleep"], [201, "mov eax, cs:dword_4050F0"], [202, "test eax, eax"], [203, "jnz short loc_4022FE"], [204, "mov eax, 0"], [205, "leave"], [206, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[8, 35], [9, 8], [10, 35], [11, 10], [13, 15], [14, 13], [15, 14], [18, 17], [20, 19], [21, 15], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 20], [25, 24], [26, 25], [29, 4], [30, 3], [32, 29], [33, 30], [35, 34], [36, 35], [37, 36], [39, 3], [39, 38], [42, 40], [43, 4], [43, 42], [44, 39], [45, 44], [47, 39], [48, 47], [49, 48], [50, 49], [51, 50], [51, 48], [52, 51], [53, 52], [55, 54], [58, 56], [58, 171], [60, 165], [60, 48], [61, 43], [62, 60], [62, 61], [63, 158], [63, 62], [65, 63], [68, 67], [69, 68], [70, 69], [71, 56], [71, 171], [73, 60], [74, 43], [75, 74], [75, 73], [76, 158], [76, 75], [77, 76], [82, 60], [83, 68], [84, 82], [85, 83], [87, 86], [88, 87], [89, 43], [90, 89], [91, 90], [91, 158], [92, 91], [98, 97], [99, 68], [101, 99], [106, 105], [107, 106], [108, 107], [111, 110], [113, 112], [114, 113], [115, 114], [116, 171], [116, 56], [118, 103], [119, 43], [120, 119], [120, 118], [121, 158], [121, 120], [122, 121], [128, 127], [129, 113], [130, 68], [131, 129], [132, 130], [134, 133], [135, 134], [136, 171], [136, 56], [138, 128], [139, 43], [140, 139], [140, 138], [141, 140], [141, 158], [142, 141], [147, 171], [147, 56], [148, 147], [149, 148], [150, 149], [151, 148], [151, 150], [152, 151], [153, 152], [154, 55], [155, 153], [155, 154], [156, 106], [156, 113], [157, 156], [158, 155], [158, 157], [159, 171], [159, 56], [160, 159], [161, 160], [162, 161], [163, 160], [163, 162], [164, 163], [165, 164], [166, 55], [167, 166], [167, 165], [168, 167], [169, 168], [171, 56], [171, 171], [172, 56], [172, 171], [173, 172], [173, 39], [174, 173], [175, 5], [175, 109], [176, 175], [178, 177], [184, 39], [185, 55], [186, 184], [187, 185], [189, 39], [190, 55], [191, 189], [192, 190], [194, 183], [194, 15], [195, 194], [196, 195], [197, 6], [197, 20], [198, 197], [199, 198], [201, 15], [201, 183], [202, 201], [203, 202], [206, 204]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/36b8c918449d6b88f03f0c82a4e068cf1a615a4338aaabc17d60bb58f2299811_36b8c918449d6b88f03f0c82a4e068cf1a615a4338aaabc17d60bb58f2299811.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "main", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall main(int a1, char **a2, char **a3)\n{\nchar **argv; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-D0h]\nint argc; // [rsp+Ch] [rbp-C4h]\nstruct stat stat_buf; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-C0h] BYREF\nint fd; // [rsp+ACh] [rbp-24h]\n_QWORD *v8; // [rsp+B0h] [rbp-20h]\nint v9; // [rsp+BCh] [rbp-14h]\nint i; // [rsp+C0h] [rbp-10h]\nchar v11; // [rsp+C7h] [rbp-9h]\nvoid *buf; // [rsp+C8h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv11 = 0;\nqword_4050F8 = 1000LL;\nwhile ( 1 )\n{\nv9 = getopt(a1, a2, \"fs:\");\nif ( v9 == -1 )\nbreak;\nif ( v9 == 102 )\n{\n++dword_4050F0;\n}\nelse if ( v9 != 115 || (qword_4050F8 = sub_401F7B((const char *)optarg), !dword_4050F0) || !qword_4050F8 )\n{\nsub_401FD8();\n}\n}\nargc = a1 - optind;\nargv = &a2[optind];\nif ( a1 - optind <= 0 )\nsub_401FD8();\nv8 = sub_40143C(40LL * argc);\nfor ( i = 0; i < argc; ++i )\n{\nfd = open(argv[i], 0);\nif ( fd < 0 )\nerr(1, \"Opening %s\", argv[i]);\nif ( (int)sub_402D10(fd, &stat_buf) < 0 )\nerr(1, \"Stating %s\", argv[1]);\nbuf = mmap(0LL, stat_buf.st_size, 1, 2, fd, 0LL);\nif ( buf == (void *)-1LL )\n{\nv11 = 1;\nbuf = sub_40143C(stat_buf.st_size);\nif ( !buf )\nerr(1, \"allocating memory for %s\", argv[i]);\nif ( read(fd, buf, stat_buf.st_size) == -1 )\nerr(1, \"reading from %s\", argv[i]);\n}\nv8[5 * i + 4] = (char *)buf + 40;\nsub_401242(&v8[5 * i + 2]);\n}\nif ( v11 )\n{\nfwrite(\"disabling follow mode: can't mmap() OPAL export files\\n\", 1uLL, 0x36uLL, stderr);\ndword_4050F0 = 0;\n}\ndo\n{\nsub_401BDC((__int64)v8, argc);\nsub_401E40((__int64)v8, argc);\nif ( dword_4050F0 )\nusleep(1000 * qword_4050F8);\n}\nwhile ( dword_4050F0 );\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a2,a3,a1,argv,argc,stat_buf,v8,v9,v11,buf,sub_401F7B,sub_401FD8,sub_40143C,sub_402D10,sub_401242,sub_401BDC,sub_401E40,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a2': 'argv', 'a3': 'envp', 'a1': 'argc', 'argv': 'argva', 'argc': 'argca', 'stat_buf': 'sb', 'v8': 'trs', 'v9': 'opt', 'v11': 'no_mmap', 'buf': 'ti', 'sub_401F7B': 'get_mseconds', 'sub_401FD8': 'usage', 'sub_40143C': 'ezalloc', 'sub_402D10': 'fstat', 'sub_401242': 'list_head_init', 'sub_401BDC': 'load_traces', 'sub_401E40': 'display_traces'}"} |
sanitise_SQ_lines | 46189af39af10ccaca23eefe30c687d1c137b2067e20bf73f79a757c1f387e60 | liulab-dfci | MAESTRO | NA | static void sanitise_SQ_lines(cram_fd *fd) {
int i;
if (!fd->header)
if (!fd->refs || !fd->refs->h_meta)
for (i = 0; i < fd->header->nref; i++) {
char *name = fd->header->ref[i].name;
khint_t k = kh_get(refs, fd->refs->h_meta, name);
ref_entry *r;
// We may have @SQ lines which have no known .fai, but do not
// in themselves pose a problem because they are unused in the file.
if (k == kh_end(fd->refs->h_meta))
if (!(r = (ref_entry *)kh_val(fd->refs->h_meta, k)))
if (r->length && r->length != fd->header->ref[i].len) {
assert(strcmp(r->name, fd->header->ref[i].name) == 0);
// Should we also check MD5sums here to ensure the correct
// reference was given?
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Header @SQ length mismatch for "
"ref %s, %d vs %d\n",
r->name, fd->header->ref[i].len, (int)r->length);
// Fixing the parsed @SQ header will make MD:Z: strings work
// and also stop it producing N for the sequence.
fd->header->ref[i].len = r->length;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_45632A", "function_addr": 4547370, "binary_name": "46189af39af10ccaca23eefe30c687d1c137b2067e20bf73f79a757c1f387e60.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [5, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [6, "test rax, rax"], [7, "jz loc_45650D"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [9, "mov rax, [rax+48h]"], [10, "test rax, rax"], [11, "jz loc_456510"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [13, "mov rax, [rax+48h]"], [14, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [15, "test rax, rax"], [16, "jz loc_456510"], [17, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [18, "jmp loc_4564F7"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [20, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [21, "mov rdx, [rax+40h]"], [22, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [23, "cdqe"], [24, "shl rax, 5"], [25, "add rax, rdx"], [26, "mov rax, [rax]"], [27, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [29, "mov rax, [rax+48h]"], [30, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [31, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [32, "mov rsi, rdx"], [33, "mov rdi, rax"], [34, "call sub_45026D"], [35, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [36, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [37, "mov rax, [rax+48h]"], [38, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [39, "mov eax, [rax]"], [40, "cmp [rbp+var_14], eax"], [41, "jz loc_4564EF"], [42, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [43, "mov rax, [rax+48h]"], [44, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [45, "mov rdx, [rax+20h]"], [46, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [47, "shl rax, 3"], [48, "add rax, rdx"], [49, "mov rax, [rax]"], [50, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [51, "cmp [rbp+var_20], 0"], [52, "jz loc_4564F2"], [53, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [54, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [55, "test rax, rax"], [56, "jz loc_4564F3"], [57, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [58, "mov rdx, [rax+10h]"], [59, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [60, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [61, "mov rcx, [rax+40h]"], [62, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [63, "cdqe"], [64, "shl rax, 5"], [65, "add rax, rcx"], [66, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [67, "mov eax, eax"], [68, "cmp rdx, rax"], [69, "jz loc_4564F3"], [70, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [71, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [72, "mov rdx, [rax+40h]"], [73, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [74, "cdqe"], [75, "shl rax, 5"], [76, "add rax, rdx"], [77, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [78, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [79, "mov rax, [rax]"], [80, "mov rsi, rdx"], [81, "mov rdi, rax"], [82, "call _strcmp"], [83, "test eax, eax"], [84, "jz short loc_456482"], [85, "mov ecx, offset aSanitiseSqLine"], [86, "mov edx, 6F3h"], [87, "mov esi, offset aCramCramIoC"], [88, "mov edi, offset aStrcmpRNameFdH"], [89, "call ___assert_fail"], [90, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [91, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [92, "mov esi, eax"], [93, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [94, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [95, "mov rdx, [rax+40h]"], [96, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [97, "cdqe"], [98, "shl rax, 5"], [99, "add rax, rdx"], [100, "mov ecx, [rax+8]"], [101, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [102, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [103, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [104, "mov r8d, esi"], [105, "mov esi, offset aWarningHeaderS"], [106, "mov rdi, rax"], [107, "mov eax, 0"], [108, "call _fprintf"], [109, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [110, "mov rdx, [rax+10h]"], [111, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [112, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [113, "mov rcx, [rax+40h]"], [114, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [115, "cdqe"], [116, "shl rax, 5"], [117, "add rax, rcx"], [118, "mov [rax+8], edx"], [119, "jmp short loc_4564F3"], [120, "nop"], [121, "jmp short loc_4564F3"], [122, "nop"], [123, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [124, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [125, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [126, "mov eax, [rax+38h]"], [127, "cmp [rbp+var_4], eax"], [128, "jl loc_456379"], [129, "jmp short locret_456511"], [130, "nop"], [131, "jmp short locret_456511"], [132, "nop"], [133, "leave"], [134, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 3], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 3], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 14], [16, 15], [19, 3], [20, 19], [20, 118], [21, 118], [21, 20], [22, 17], [22, 123], [24, 22], [25, 24], [25, 21], [26, 25], [26, 118], [27, 26], [28, 3], [29, 118], [29, 28], [30, 118], [30, 29], [31, 27], [32, 31], [33, 30], [35, 34], [36, 3], [37, 36], [37, 118], [38, 118], [38, 37], [39, 118], [39, 38], [40, 35], [40, 39], [41, 40], [42, 3], [43, 118], [43, 42], [44, 118], [44, 43], [45, 118], [45, 44], [46, 35], [47, 46], [48, 45], [48, 47], [49, 48], [49, 118], [50, 49], [51, 50], [52, 51], [53, 50], [54, 53], [54, 118], [55, 54], [56, 55], [57, 50], [58, 57], [58, 118], [59, 3], [60, 59], [60, 118], [61, 118], [61, 60], [62, 17], [62, 123], [64, 62], [65, 61], [65, 64], [66, 118], [66, 65], [67, 66], [68, 58], [68, 67], [69, 68], [70, 3], [71, 70], [71, 118], [72, 118], [72, 71], [73, 17], [73, 123], [75, 73], [76, 72], [76, 75], [77, 76], [77, 118], [78, 50], [79, 78], [79, 118], [80, 77], [81, 79], [83, 82], [84, 83], [90, 50], [91, 118], [91, 90], [92, 91], [93, 3], [94, 118], [94, 93], [95, 118], [95, 94], [96, 17], [96, 123], [98, 96], [99, 95], [99, 98], [100, 118], [100, 99], [101, 50], [102, 118], [102, 101], [104, 92], [106, 103], [109, 50], [110, 109], [110, 118], [111, 3], [112, 118], [112, 111], [113, 112], [113, 118], [114, 17], [114, 123], [116, 114], [117, 116], [117, 113], [118, 117], [118, 110], [123, 123], [123, 17], [124, 3], [125, 118], [125, 124], [126, 125], [126, 118], [127, 17], [127, 126], [127, 123], [128, 127], [134, 126], [134, 6], [134, 15], [134, 10]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/46189af39af10ccaca23eefe30c687d1c137b2067e20bf73f79a757c1f387e60_46189af39af10ccaca23eefe30c687d1c137b2067e20bf73f79a757c1f387e60.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_45632A", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_45632A(__int64 a1)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nconst char **v2; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-20h]\nunsigned int v3; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-14h]\nint i; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nresult = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 24);\nif ( result )\n{\nresult = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 72);\nif ( result )\n{\nresult = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 72) + 8LL);\nif ( result )\n{\nfor ( i = 0; ; ++i )\n{\nresult = *(unsigned int *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 24) + 56LL);\nif ( i >= (int)result )\nbreak;\nv3 = sub_45026D(\n*(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 72) + 8LL),\n*(char **)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 24) + 64LL) + 32LL * i));\nif ( v3 != **(_DWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 72) + 8LL) )\n{\nv2 = *(const char ***)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 72) + 8LL) + 32LL) + 8LL * v3);\nif ( v2 )\n{\nif ( v2[2]\n&& v2[2] != (const char *)*(unsigned int *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 24) + 64LL) + 32LL * i + 8) )\n{\nif ( strcmp(*v2, *(const char **)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 24) + 64LL) + 32LL * i)) )\n__assert_fail(\n\"strcmp(r->name, fd->header->ref[i].name) == 0\",\n\"cram/cram_io.c\",\n0x6F3u,\n\"sanitise_SQ_lines\");\nfprintf(\nstderr,\n\"WARNING: Header @SQ length mismatch for ref %s, %d vs %d\\n\",\n*v2,\n*(unsigned int *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 24) + 64LL) + 32LL * i + 8),\n(unsigned int)v2[2]);\n*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 24) + 64LL) + 32LL * i + 8) = (unsigned int)v2[2];\n}\n}\n}\n}\n}\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v2,sub_45632A,sub_45026D,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'fd', 'v2': 'r', 'sub_45632A': 'sanitise_SQ_lines', 'sub_45026D': 'kh_get_refs'}"} |
u8g_DrawHBitmapP | afbc915f426c094251076b359394b2f319370d1b13f49ecddb3e0e7ac8910e84 | olikraus | u8glib | NA | void u8g_DrawHBitmapP(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t cnt, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *bitmap)
while( cnt > 0 )
u8g_Draw8Pixel(u8g, x, y, 0, u8g_pgm_read(bitmap));
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_410BE2", "function_addr": 4262882, "binary_name": "afbc915f426c094251076b359394b2f319370d1b13f49ecddb3e0e7ac8910e84.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov eax, ecx"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_20], r8"], [6, "mov ecx, esi"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_C], cx"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_10], dx"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_14], ax"], [10, "jmp short loc_410C3F"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [12, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [13, "movzx ecx, al"], [14, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_10]"], [15, "movzx esi, [rbp+var_C]"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [17, "mov r8d, ecx"], [18, "mov ecx, 0"], [19, "mov rdi, rax"], [20, "call sub_40F017"], [21, "add [rbp+var_20], 1"], [22, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [23, "sub eax, 1"], [24, "mov [rbp+var_14], ax"], [25, "add [rbp+var_C], 8"], [26, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0"], [27, "jnz short loc_410C04"], [28, "nop"], [29, "nop"], [30, "leave"], [31, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 6], [9, 4], [11, 5], [11, 21], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 8], [15, 7], [15, 25], [16, 3], [17, 13], [19, 16], [21, 21], [21, 5], [22, 9], [22, 24], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 7], [25, 25], [26, 24], [26, 9], [27, 26], [31, 23], [31, 4]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/afbc915f426c094251076b359394b2f319370d1b13f49ecddb3e0e7ac8910e84_afbc915f426c094251076b359394b2f319370d1b13f49ecddb3e0e7ac8910e84.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_410BE2", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_410BE2(__int64 a1, __int16 a2, __int16 a3, unsigned int a4, char *a5)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nunsigned __int16 i; // [rsp+Ch] [rbp-14h]\n\nresult = a4;\nfor ( i = a4; i; --i )\n{\nsub_40F017(a1, a2, a3, 0, *a5++);\nresult = (unsigned int)i - 1;\na2 += 8;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,sub_410BE2,sub_40F017,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'y', 'a4': 'cnt', 'a1': 'u8g', 'a2': 'x', 'a5': 'bitmap', 'sub_410BE2': 'u8g_DrawHBitmapP', 'sub_40F017': 'u8g_Draw8Pixel'}"} |
handle_command_complete_event | 1ad2950b740aefe99d7642592eec74f4658f7325067c041bb6e985f6d25ec586 | bluekitchen | btstack | NA | static void handle_command_complete_event(uint8_t * packet, uint16_t size){
uint8_t status = 0;
status = hci_event_command_complete_get_return_parameters(packet)[0];
uint16_t manufacturer;
hci_connection_t * conn;
hci_con_handle_t handle;
le_audio_cig_t * cig;
hci_stack->hci_command_con_handle = HCI_CON_HANDLE_INVALID;
// get num cmd packets - limit to 1 to reduce complexity
hci_stack->num_cmd_packets = packet[2] ? 1 : 0;
uint16_t opcode = hci_event_command_complete_get_command_opcode(packet);
switch (opcode){
if (status) break;
// terminate, name 248 chars
packet[6+248] = 0;
log_info("local name: %s", &packet[6]);
// "The HC_ACL_Data_Packet_Length return parameter will be used to determine the size of the L2CAP segments contained in ACL Data Packets"
if (hci_stack->state == HCI_STATE_INITIALIZING) {
uint16_t acl_len = little_endian_read_16(packet, 6);
uint16_t sco_len = packet[8];
// determine usable ACL/SCO payload size
hci_stack->acl_data_packet_length = btstack_min(acl_len, HCI_ACL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
hci_stack->sco_data_packet_length = btstack_min(sco_len, HCI_ACL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
hci_stack->acl_packets_total_num = (uint8_t) btstack_min(little_endian_read_16(packet, 9), MAX_NR_CONTROLLER_ACL_BUFFERS);
hci_stack->sco_packets_total_num = (uint8_t) btstack_min(little_endian_read_16(packet, 11), MAX_NR_CONTROLLER_SCO_PACKETS);
log_info("hci_read_buffer_size: ACL size module %u -> used %u, count %u / SCO size %u, count %u",
acl_len, hci_stack->acl_data_packet_length, hci_stack->acl_packets_total_num,
hci_stack->sco_data_packet_length, hci_stack->sco_packets_total_num);
if (status == ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){
uint8_t event[5];
event[1] = 3;
(void)memcpy(&event[2], &packet[6], 3);
hci_emit_event(event, sizeof(event), 1);
hci_stack->le_iso_packets_length = little_endian_read_16(packet, 9);
hci_stack->le_iso_packets_total_num = packet[11];
log_info("hci_le_read_buffer_size_v2: iso size %u, iso count %u",
hci_stack->le_iso_packets_length, hci_stack->le_iso_packets_total_num);
/* fall through */
hci_stack->le_data_packets_length = little_endian_read_16(packet, 6);
hci_stack->le_acl_packets_total_num = packet[8];
// determine usable ACL payload size
if (HCI_ACL_PAYLOAD_SIZE < hci_stack->le_data_packets_length){
hci_stack->le_data_packets_length = HCI_ACL_PAYLOAD_SIZE;
log_info("hci_le_read_buffer_size: acl size %u, acl count %u", hci_stack->le_data_packets_length, hci_stack->le_acl_packets_total_num);
hci_stack->le_supported_max_tx_octets = little_endian_read_16(packet, 6);
hci_stack->le_supported_max_tx_time = little_endian_read_16(packet, 8);
log_info("hci_le_read_maximum_data_length: tx octets %u, tx time %u us", hci_stack->le_supported_max_tx_octets, hci_stack->le_supported_max_tx_time);
hci_stack->le_whitelist_capacity = packet[6];
log_info("hci_le_read_white_list_size: size %u", hci_stack->le_whitelist_capacity);
hci_stack->le_maximum_advertising_data_length = little_endian_read_16(packet, 6);
if (hci_stack->le_advertising_set_in_current_command != 0) {
le_advertising_set_t * advertising_set = hci_advertising_set_for_handle(hci_stack->le_advertising_set_in_current_command);
hci_stack->le_advertising_set_in_current_command = 0;
if (advertising_set == NULL) break;
uint8_t adv_status = packet[6];
uint8_t tx_power = packet[7];
uint8_t event[] = { HCI_EVENT_META_GAP, 4, GAP_SUBEVENT_ADVERTISING_SET_INSTALLED, hci_stack->le_advertising_set_in_current_command, adv_status, tx_power };
if (adv_status == 0){
advertising_set->state |= LE_ADVERTISEMENT_STATE_PARAMS_SET;
hci_emit_event(event, sizeof(event), 1);
if (hci_stack->le_advertising_set_in_current_command != 0) {
le_advertising_set_t * advertising_set = hci_advertising_set_for_handle(hci_stack->le_advertising_set_in_current_command);
hci_stack->le_advertising_set_in_current_command = 0;
if (advertising_set == NULL) break;
uint8_t event[] = { HCI_EVENT_META_GAP, 3, GAP_SUBEVENT_ADVERTISING_SET_REMOVED, hci_stack->le_advertising_set_in_current_command, status };
if (status == 0){
btstack_linked_list_remove(&hci_stack->le_advertising_sets, (btstack_linked_item_t *) advertising_set);
hci_emit_event(event, sizeof(event), 1);
reverse_bd_addr(&packet[OFFSET_OF_DATA_IN_COMMAND_COMPLETE + 1], hci_stack->local_bd_addr);
log_info("Local Address, Status: 0x%02x: Addr: %s", status, bd_addr_to_str(hci_stack->local_bd_addr));
if (hci_stack->link_key_db){
hci_emit_scan_mode_changed(hci_stack->discoverable, hci_stack->connectable);
if (status == ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS) {
hci_stack->inquiry_state = GAP_INQUIRY_STATE_PERIODIC;
} else {
hci_stack->inquiry_state = GAP_INQUIRY_STATE_IDLE;
if (hci_stack->inquiry_state == GAP_INQUIRY_STATE_W4_CANCELLED){
hci_stack->inquiry_state = GAP_INQUIRY_STATE_IDLE;
uint8_t event[] = { GAP_EVENT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE, 1, 0};
hci_emit_event(event, sizeof(event), 1);
(void)memcpy(hci_stack->local_supported_features, &packet[OFFSET_OF_DATA_IN_COMMAND_COMPLETE + 1], 8);
// determine usable ACL packet types based on host buffer size and supported features
hci_stack->usable_packet_types_acl = hci_acl_packet_types_for_buffer_size_and_local_features(HCI_ACL_PAYLOAD_SIZE, &hci_stack->local_supported_features[0]);
log_info("ACL Packet types %04x", hci_stack->usable_packet_types_acl);
// determine usable SCO packet types based on supported features
hci_stack->usable_packet_types_sco = hci_sco_packet_types_for_features(
log_info("SCO Packet types %04x - eSCO %u", hci_stack->usable_packet_types_sco, hci_extended_sco_link_supported());
// Classic/LE
log_info("BR/EDR support %u, LE support %u", hci_classic_supported(), hci_le_supported());
manufacturer = little_endian_read_16(packet, 10);
// map Cypress & Infineon to Broadcom
switch (manufacturer){
log_info("Treat Cypress/Infineon as Broadcom");
little_endian_store_16(packet, 10, manufacturer);
hci_stack->manufacturer = manufacturer;
log_info("Manufacturer: 0x%04x", hci_stack->manufacturer);
if (status) return;
hci_stack->synchronous_flow_control_enabled = 1;
handle = little_endian_read_16(packet, OFFSET_OF_DATA_IN_COMMAND_COMPLETE+1);
conn = hci_connection_for_handle(handle);
if (conn != NULL) {
uint8_t key_size = 0;
if (status == 0){
log_info("Handle %04x key Size: %u", handle, key_size);
} else {
key_size = 1;
log_info("Read Encryption Key Size failed 0x%02x-> assuming insecure connection with key size of 1", status);
hci_handle_read_encryption_key_size_complete(conn, key_size);
// assert pairing complete event is emitted.
// note: for SSP, Simple Pairing Complete Event is sufficient, but we want to be more robust
hci_stack->gap_pairing_state = GAP_PAIRING_STATE_IDLE;
// lookup connection by gap pairing addr
conn = hci_connection_for_bd_addr_and_type(hci_stack->gap_pairing_addr, BD_ADDR_TYPE_ACL);
if (conn == NULL) break;
hci_pairing_complete(conn, ERROR_CODE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE);
uint8_t event[67];
event[1] = 65;
(void)memset(&event[2], 0, 65);
if (status == ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){
(void)memcpy(&event[3], &packet[OFFSET_OF_DATA_IN_COMMAND_COMPLETE+1], 32);
event[2] = 3;
(void)memcpy(&event[35], &packet[OFFSET_OF_DATA_IN_COMMAND_COMPLETE+33], 32);
} else {
event[2] = 1;
hci_emit_event(event, sizeof(event), 0);
// note: only needed if user does not provide OOB data
conn = hci_connection_for_handle(hci_stack->classic_oob_con_handle);
hci_stack->classic_oob_con_handle = HCI_CON_HANDLE_INVALID;
if (conn == NULL) break;
hci_pairing_complete(conn, ERROR_CODE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE);
// lookup CIG
cig = hci_cig_for_id(hci_stack->iso_active_operation_group_id);
if (cig != NULL){
uint8_t i = 0;
if (status == ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){
// assign CIS handles to pre-allocated CIS
btstack_linked_list_iterator_t it;
btstack_linked_list_iterator_init(&it, &hci_stack->iso_streams);
while (btstack_linked_list_iterator_has_next(&it) && (i < cig->num_cis)) {
hci_iso_stream_t *iso_stream = (hci_iso_stream_t *) btstack_linked_list_iterator_next(&it);
if ((iso_stream->group_id == hci_stack->iso_active_operation_group_id) &&
(iso_stream->iso_type == HCI_ISO_TYPE_CIS)){
hci_con_handle_t cis_handle = little_endian_read_16(packet, OFFSET_OF_DATA_IN_COMMAND_COMPLETE+3+(2*i));
iso_stream->cis_handle = cis_handle;
cig->cis_con_handles[i] = cis_handle;
hci_emit_cig_created(cig, status);
} else {
hci_emit_cig_created(cig, status);
btstack_linked_list_remove(&hci_stack->le_audio_cigs, (btstack_linked_item_t *) cig);
hci_stack->iso_active_operation_type = HCI_ISO_TYPE_INVALID;
if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){
if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){
// lookup BIG by state
btstack_linked_list_iterator_t it;
btstack_linked_list_iterator_init(&it, &hci_stack->le_audio_bigs);
while (btstack_linked_list_iterator_has_next(&it)) {
le_audio_big_t *big = (le_audio_big_t *) btstack_linked_list_iterator_next(&it);
if (big->state == LE_AUDIO_BIG_STATE_W4_SETUP_ISO_PATH){
if (status == ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){
if (big->state_vars.next_bis == big->num_bis){
hci_emit_big_created(big, ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS);
} else {
} else {
big->state_vars.status = status;
btstack_linked_list_iterator_init(&it, &hci_stack->le_audio_big_syncs);
while (btstack_linked_list_iterator_has_next(&it)) {
le_audio_big_sync_t *big_sync = (le_audio_big_sync_t *) btstack_linked_list_iterator_next(&it);
if (big_sync->state == LE_AUDIO_BIG_STATE_W4_SETUP_ISO_PATH){
if (status == ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){
if (big_sync->state_vars.next_bis == big_sync->num_bis){
big_sync->state = LE_AUDIO_BIG_STATE_ACTIVE;
hci_emit_big_sync_created(big_sync, ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS);
} else {
} else {
big_sync->state_vars.status = status;
// Lookup CIS via active group operation
if (hci_stack->iso_active_operation_type == HCI_ISO_TYPE_CIS){
if (hci_stack->iso_active_operation_group_id == HCI_ISO_GROUP_ID_SINGLE_CIS){
hci_stack->iso_active_operation_type = HCI_ISO_TYPE_INVALID;
// lookup CIS by state
btstack_linked_list_iterator_init(&it, &hci_stack->iso_streams);
while (btstack_linked_list_iterator_has_next(&it)){
hci_iso_stream_t * iso_stream = (hci_iso_stream_t *) btstack_linked_list_iterator_next(&it);
handle = iso_stream->cis_handle;
bool emit_cis_created = false;
switch (iso_stream->state){
if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){
emit_cis_created = true;
if (iso_stream->max_sdu_c_to_p > 0){
} else {
emit_cis_created = true;
emit_cis_created = true;
if (emit_cis_created){
hci_cis_handle_created(iso_stream, status);
} else {
cig = hci_cig_for_id(hci_stack->iso_active_operation_group_id);
hci_stack->iso_active_operation_type = HCI_ISO_TYPE_INVALID;
if (cig != NULL) {
// emit cis created if all ISO Paths have been created
// assume we are central
uint8_t cis_index = cig->state_vars.next_cis >> 1;
uint8_t cis_direction = cig->state_vars.next_cis & 1;
bool outgoing_needed = cig->params->cis_params[cis_index].max_sdu_p_to_c > 0;
// if outgoing has been setup, or incoming was setup but outgoing not required
if ((cis_direction == 1) || (outgoing_needed == false)){
// lookup iso stream by cig/cis
btstack_linked_list_iterator_init(&it, &hci_stack->iso_streams);
while (btstack_linked_list_iterator_has_next(&it)) {
hci_iso_stream_t *iso_stream = (hci_iso_stream_t *) btstack_linked_list_iterator_next(&it);
if ((iso_stream->group_id == cig->cig_id) && (iso_stream->stream_id == cis_index)){
hci_cis_handle_created(iso_stream, status);
// next state
// lookup BIG by state
btstack_linked_list_iterator_t it;
btstack_linked_list_iterator_init(&it, &hci_stack->le_audio_big_syncs);
while (btstack_linked_list_iterator_has_next(&it)) {
le_audio_big_sync_t *big_sync = (le_audio_big_sync_t *) btstack_linked_list_iterator_next(&it);
uint8_t big_handle = big_sync->big_handle;
switch (big_sync->state){
hci_emit_big_sync_created(big_sync, big_sync->state_vars.status);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_41373D", "function_addr": 4273981, "binary_name": "1ad2950b740aefe99d7642592eec74f4658f7325067c041bb6e985f6d25ec586.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push rbx"], [3, "sub rsp, 48h"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_48], rdi"], [5, "mov eax, esi"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_4C], ax"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [8, "add rax, 2"], [9, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [10, "test al, al"], [11, "setnz dl"], [12, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [13, "mov [rax+763h], dl"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [15, "mov rdi, rax"], [16, "call sub_40EE01"], [17, "mov [rbp+var_16], ax"], [18, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_16]"], [19, "cmp eax, 2060h"], [20, "jz loc_413A8F"], [21, "cmp eax, 2060h"], [22, "jg def_41386E"], [23, "cmp eax, 202Fh"], [24, "jz loc_413BAC"], [25, "cmp eax, 202Fh"], [26, "jg def_41386E"], [27, "cmp eax, 200Fh"], [28, "jz loc_413C35"], [29, "cmp eax, 200Fh"], [30, "jg def_41386E"], [31, "cmp eax, 2002h"], [32, "jz loc_413B09"], [33, "cmp eax, 2002h"], [34, "jg def_41386E"], [35, "cmp eax, 1408h"], [36, "jz loc_413FBF"], [37, "cmp eax, 1408h"], [38, "jg def_41386E"], [39, "cmp eax, 1405h"], [40, "jz loc_413A39"], [41, "cmp eax, 1405h"], [42, "jg def_41386E"], [43, "cmp eax, 1009h"], [44, "jg def_41386E"], [45, "cmp eax, 1001h"], [46, "jge short loc_413856"], [47, "cmp eax, 0C2Fh"], [48, "jz loc_413F99"], [49, "cmp eax, 0C2Fh"], [50, "jg def_41386E"], [51, "cmp eax, 0C1Ah"], [52, "jz loc_413D1C"], [53, "cmp eax, 0C1Ah"], [54, "jg def_41386E"], [55, "cmp eax, 42Fh"], [56, "jg short loc_41388A"], [57, "cmp eax, 402h"], [58, "jge short loc_413870"], [59, "jmp def_41386E"], [60, "sub eax, 1001h"], [61, "cmp eax, 8"], [62, "ja def_41386E"], [63, "mov eax, eax"], [64, "mov rax, ds:jpt_41386E[rax*8]"], [65, "jmp rax"], [66, "sub eax, 402h"], [67, "cmp eax, 2Dh"], [68, "ja def_41386E"], [69, "mov eax, eax"], [70, "mov rax, ds:jpt_413888[rax*8]"], [71, "jmp rax"], [72, "cmp eax, 0C14h"], [73, "jnz def_41386E"], [74, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [75, "add rax, 5"], [76, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [77, "test al, al"], [78, "jnz loc_4140C2"], [79, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [80, "add rax, 0FEh"], [81, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [82, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [83, "add rax, 6"], [84, "mov r8, rax"], [85, "mov ecx, 0A87h"], [86, "mov edx, offset aHciC"], [87, "mov esi, offset aSULocalNameS"], [88, "mov edi, 1"], [89, "mov eax, 0"], [90, "call sub_41DE87"], [91, "jmp loc_4140D8"], [92, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [93, "mov eax, [rax+788h]"], [94, "cmp eax, 1"], [95, "jnz loc_4140C5"], [96, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [97, "mov esi, 6"], [98, "mov rdi, rax"], [99, "call sub_405BB1"], [100, "mov [rbp+var_2A], ax"], [101, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [102, "add rax, 8"], [103, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [104, "movzx eax, al"], [105, "mov [rbp+var_2C], ax"], [106, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_2A]"], [107, "mov esi, 69Fh"], [108, "mov edi, eax"], [109, "call sub_406261"], [110, "mov edx, eax"], [111, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [112, "mov [rax+766h], dx"], [113, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [114, "mov esi, 69Fh"], [115, "mov edi, eax"], [116, "call sub_406261"], [117, "mov edx, eax"], [118, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [119, "mov [rax+769h], dl"], [120, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [121, "mov esi, 9"], [122, "mov rdi, rax"], [123, "call sub_405BB1"], [124, "movzx eax, ax"], [125, "mov esi, 0FFh"], [126, "mov edi, eax"], [127, "call sub_406261"], [128, "mov edx, eax"], [129, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [130, "mov [rax+764h], dl"], [131, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [132, "mov esi, 0Bh"], [133, "mov rdi, rax"], [134, "call sub_405BB1"], [135, "movzx eax, ax"], [136, "mov esi, 0FFh"], [137, "mov edi, eax"], [138, "call sub_406261"], [139, "mov edx, eax"], [140, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [141, "mov [rax+768h], dl"], [142, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [143, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+768h]"], [144, "movzx ecx, al"], [145, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [146, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+769h]"], [147, "movzx edx, al"], [148, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [149, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+764h]"], [150, "movzx eax, al"], [151, "mov rsi, cs:qword_488B70"], [152, "movzx esi, word ptr [rsi+766h]"], [153, "movzx edi, si"], [154, "movzx esi, [rbp+var_2A]"], [155, "sub rsp, 8"], [156, "push rcx"], [157, "push rdx"], [158, "push rax"], [159, "mov r9d, edi"], [160, "mov r8d, esi"], [161, "mov ecx, 0A96h"], [162, "mov edx, offset aHciC"], [163, "mov esi, offset aSUHciReadBuffe"], [164, "mov edi, 1"], [165, "mov eax, 0"], [166, "call sub_41DE87"], [167, "add rsp, 20h"], [168, "jmp loc_4140C5"], [169, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [170, "add rax, 5"], [171, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [172, "test al, al"], [173, "jnz loc_4140C8"], [174, "mov [rbp+var_31], 0DEh"], [175, "mov [rbp+var_30], 3"], [176, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [177, "lea rcx, [rax+6]"], [178, "lea rax, [rbp+var_31]"], [179, "add rax, 2"], [180, "mov edx, 3"], [181, "mov rsi, rcx"], [182, "mov rdi, rax"], [183, "call _memcpy"], [184, "lea rax, [rbp+var_31]"], [185, "mov edx, 1"], [186, "mov esi, 5"], [187, "mov rdi, rax"], [188, "call sub_41A0E1"], [189, "jmp loc_4140C8"], [190, "mov rbx, cs:qword_488B70"], [191, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [192, "mov esi, 9"], [193, "mov rdi, rax"], [194, "call sub_405BB1"], [195, "mov [rbx+770h], ax"], [196, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [197, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [198, "movzx edx, byte ptr [rdx+0Bh]"], [199, "mov [rax+76Eh], dl"], [200, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [201, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+76Eh]"], [202, "movzx edx, al"], [203, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [204, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+770h]"], [205, "movzx eax, ax"], [206, "mov r9d, edx"], [207, "mov r8d, eax"], [208, "mov ecx, 0AA8h"], [209, "mov edx, offset aHciC"], [210, "mov esi, offset aSUHciLeReadBuf"], [211, "mov edi, 1"], [212, "mov eax, 0"], [213, "call sub_41DE87"], [214, "mov rbx, cs:qword_488B70"], [215, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [216, "mov esi, 6"], [217, "mov rdi, rax"], [218, "call sub_405BB1"], [219, "mov [rbx+76Ch], ax"], [220, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [221, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [222, "movzx edx, byte ptr [rdx+8]"], [223, "mov [rax+76Bh], dl"], [224, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [225, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+76Ch]"], [226, "cmp ax, 69Fh"], [227, "jbe short loc_413B61"], [228, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [229, "mov word ptr [rax+76Ch], 69Fh"], [230, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [231, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+76Bh]"], [232, "movzx edx, al"], [233, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [234, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+76Ch]"], [235, "movzx eax, ax"], [236, "mov r9d, edx"], [237, "mov r8d, eax"], [238, "mov ecx, 0AB4h"], [239, "mov edx, offset aHciC"], [240, "mov esi, offset aSUHciLeReadBuf_0"], [241, "mov edi, 1"], [242, "mov eax, 0"], [243, "call sub_41DE87"], [244, "jmp loc_4140D8"], [245, "mov rbx, cs:qword_488B70"], [246, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [247, "mov esi, 6"], [248, "mov rdi, rax"], [249, "call sub_405BB1"], [250, "mov [rbx+872h], ax"], [251, "mov rbx, cs:qword_488B70"], [252, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [253, "mov esi, 8"], [254, "mov rdi, rax"], [255, "call sub_405BB1"], [256, "mov [rbx+874h], ax"], [257, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [258, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+874h]"], [259, "movzx edx, ax"], [260, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [261, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+872h]"], [262, "movzx eax, ax"], [263, "mov r9d, edx"], [264, "mov r8d, eax"], [265, "mov ecx, 0ABBh"], [266, "mov edx, offset aHciC"], [267, "mov esi, offset aSUHciLeReadMax"], [268, "mov edi, 1"], [269, "mov eax, 0"], [270, "call sub_41DE87"], [271, "jmp loc_4140D8"], [272, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [273, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [274, "movzx edx, byte ptr [rdx+6]"], [275, "mov [rax+7F4h], dl"], [276, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [277, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+7F4h]"], [278, "movzx eax, al"], [279, "mov r8d, eax"], [280, "mov ecx, 0AC1h"], [281, "mov edx, offset aHciC"], [282, "mov esi, offset aSUHciLeReadWhi"], [283, "mov edi, 1"], [284, "mov eax, 0"], [285, "call sub_41DE87"], [286, "jmp loc_4140D8"], [287, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [288, "lea rdx, [rax+74h]"], [289, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [290, "add rax, 6"], [291, "mov rsi, rdx"], [292, "mov rdi, rax"], [293, "call sub_4061EB"], [294, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [295, "add rax, 74h "], [296, "mov rdi, rax"], [297, "call sub_4067D9"], [298, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [299, "add rdx, 5"], [300, "movzx edx, byte ptr [rdx]"], [301, "movzx edx, dl"], [302, "mov r9, rax"], [303, "mov r8d, edx"], [304, "mov ecx, 0AE8h"], [305, "mov edx, offset aHciC"], [306, "mov esi, offset aSULocalAddress"], [307, "mov edi, 1"], [308, "mov eax, 0"], [309, "call sub_41DE87"], [310, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [311, "mov rax, [rax+28h]"], [312, "test rax, rax"], [313, "jz loc_4140CB"], [314, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [315, "mov rax, [rax+28h]"], [316, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [317, "mov rdx, cs:qword_488B70"], [318, "add rdx, 74h "], [319, "mov rdi, rdx"], [320, "call rax"], [321, "jmp loc_4140CB"], [322, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [323, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+7B9h]"], [324, "movzx edx, al"], [325, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [326, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+7B8h]"], [327, "movzx eax, al"], [328, "mov esi, edx"], [329, "mov edi, eax"], [330, "call sub_41AB00"], [331, "jmp loc_4140D8"], [332, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [333, "mov rdi, rax"], [334, "call sub_40EE20"], [335, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [336, "mov [rbp+var_17], al"], [337, "cmp [rbp+var_17], 0"], [338, "jnz short loc_413D77"], [339, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [340, "mov byte ptr [rax+7BBh], 84h"], [341, "jmp loc_4140D8"], [342, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [343, "mov byte ptr [rax+7BBh], 0"], [344, "jmp loc_4140D8"], [345, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [346, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+7BBh]"], [347, "cmp al, 83h"], [348, "jnz loc_4140CE"], [349, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [350, "mov byte ptr [rax+7BBh], 0"], [351, "mov [rbp+var_34], 1DDh"], [352, "mov [rbp+var_32], 0"], [353, "lea rax, [rbp+var_34]"], [354, "mov edx, 1"], [355, "mov esi, 3"], [356, "mov rdi, rax"], [357, "call sub_41A0E1"], [358, "jmp loc_4140CE"], [359, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [360, "add rax, 6"], [361, "mov rdx, cs:qword_488B70"], [362, "add rdx, 774h"], [363, "mov rax, [rax]"], [364, "mov [rdx], rax"], [365, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [366, "add rax, 774h"], [367, "mov rbx, cs:qword_488B70"], [368, "mov rsi, rax"], [369, "mov edi, 69Fh"], [370, "call sub_410D21"], [371, "mov [rbx+782h], ax"], [372, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [373, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+782h]"], [374, "movzx eax, ax"], [375, "mov r8d, eax"], [376, "mov ecx, 0B0Ah"], [377, "mov edx, offset aHciC"], [378, "mov esi, offset aSUAclPacketTyp"], [379, "mov edi, 1"], [380, "mov eax, 0"], [381, "call sub_41DE87"], [382, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [383, "add rax, 774h"], [384, "mov rbx, cs:qword_488B70"], [385, "mov rdi, rax"], [386, "call sub_410E58"], [387, "mov [rbx+784h], ax"], [388, "call sub_410F5A"], [389, "movzx edx, al"], [390, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [391, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+784h]"], [392, "movzx eax, ax"], [393, "mov r9d, edx"], [394, "mov r8d, eax"], [395, "mov ecx, 0B0Eh"], [396, "mov edx, offset aHciC"], [397, "mov esi, offset aSUScoPacketTyp"], [398, "mov edi, 1"], [399, "mov eax, 0"], [400, "call sub_41DE87"], [401, "call sub_410FD4"], [402, "mov ebx, eax"], [403, "call sub_410FB2"], [404, "mov r9d, ebx"], [405, "mov r8d, eax"], [406, "mov ecx, 0B11h"], [407, "mov edx, offset aHciC"], [408, "mov esi, offset aSUBrEdrSupport"], [409, "mov edi, 1"], [410, "mov eax, 0"], [411, "call sub_41DE87"], [412, "jmp loc_4140D8"], [413, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [414, "mov esi, 0Ah"], [415, "mov rdi, rax"], [416, "call sub_405BB1"], [417, "mov [rbp+var_12], ax"], [418, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_12]"], [419, "cmp eax, 9"], [420, "jz short loc_413F03"], [421, "cmp eax, 131h"], [422, "jnz short loc_413F3E"], [423, "mov ecx, 0B19h"], [424, "mov edx, offset aHciC"], [425, "mov esi, offset aSUTreatCypress"], [426, "mov edi, 1"], [427, "mov eax, 0"], [428, "call sub_41DE87"], [429, "mov [rbp+var_12], 0Fh"], [430, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_12]"], [431, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [432, "mov esi, 0Ah"], [433, "mov rdi, rax"], [434, "call sub_405CB3"], [435, "jmp short loc_413F3F"], [436, "nop"], [437, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [438, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_12]"], [439, "mov [rax+780h], dx"], [440, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [441, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+780h]"], [442, "movzx eax, ax"], [443, "mov r8d, eax"], [444, "mov ecx, 0B21h"], [445, "mov edx, offset aHciC"], [446, "mov esi, offset aSUManufacturer"], [447, "mov edi, 1"], [448, "mov eax, 0"], [449, "call sub_41DE87"], [450, "jmp loc_4140D8"], [451, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [452, "mov rdi, rax"], [453, "call sub_4135FF"], [454, "jmp loc_4140D8"], [455, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [456, "add rax, 5"], [457, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [458, "test al, al"], [459, "jnz loc_4140D1"], [460, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [461, "mov byte ptr [rax+76Ah], 1"], [462, "jmp loc_4140D8"], [463, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [464, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+5]"], [465, "mov [rbp+var_17], al"], [466, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [467, "mov esi, 6"], [468, "mov rdi, rax"], [469, "call sub_405BB1"], [470, "mov [rbp+var_1A], ax"], [471, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_1A]"], [472, "mov edi, eax"], [473, "call sub_40F3DC"], [474, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [475, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [476, "jz loc_4140D4"], [477, "mov [rbp+var_13], 0"], [478, "cmp [rbp+var_17], 0"], [479, "jnz short loc_41403C"], [480, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [481, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+8]"], [482, "mov [rbp+var_13], al"], [483, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_13]"], [484, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_1A]"], [485, "mov r9d, edx"], [486, "mov r8d, eax"], [487, "mov ecx, 0B33h"], [488, "mov edx, offset aHciC"], [489, "mov esi, offset aSUHandle04xKey"], [490, "mov edi, 1"], [491, "mov eax, 0"], [492, "call sub_41DE87"], [493, "jmp short loc_414065"], [494, "mov [rbp+var_13], 1"], [495, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_17]"], [496, "mov r8d, eax"], [497, "mov ecx, 0B36h"], [498, "mov edx, offset aHciC"], [499, "mov esi, offset aSUReadEncrypti"], [500, "mov edi, 1"], [501, "mov eax, 0"], [502, "call sub_41DE87"], [503, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_13]"], [504, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [505, "mov esi, edx"], [506, "mov rdi, rax"], [507, "call sub_413571"], [508, "jmp short loc_4140D4"], [509, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [510, "mov byte ptr [rax+7D0h], 0"], [511, "mov rax, cs:qword_488B70"], [512, "add rax, 7CAh"], [513, "mov esi, 0FDh"], [514, "mov rdi, rax"], [515, "call sub_40F441"], [516, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [517, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [518, "jz short loc_4140D7"], [519, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [520, "mov esi, 5"], [521, "mov rdi, rax"], [522, "call sub_40F7AD"], [523, "jmp short loc_4140D8"], [524, "nop"], [525, "jmp short loc_4140D8"], [526, "nop"], [527, "jmp short loc_4140D8"], [528, "nop"], [529, "jmp short loc_4140D8"], [530, "nop"], [531, "jmp short loc_4140D8"], [532, "nop"], [533, "jmp short loc_4140D8"], [534, "nop"], [535, "jmp short loc_4140D8"], [536, "nop"], [537, "jmp short loc_4140D8"], [538, "nop"], [539, "jmp short loc_4140D8"], [540, "nop"], [541, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_8]"], [542, "leave"], [543, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 5], [7, 4], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [13, 12], [13, 11], [14, 4], [15, 14], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 18], [22, 21], [23, 18], [24, 23], [25, 18], [26, 25], [27, 18], [28, 27], [29, 18], [30, 29], [31, 18], [32, 31], [33, 18], [34, 33], [35, 18], [36, 35], [37, 18], [38, 37], [39, 18], [40, 39], [41, 18], [42, 41], [43, 18], [44, 43], [45, 18], [46, 45], [47, 18], [48, 47], [49, 18], [50, 49], [51, 18], [52, 51], [53, 18], [54, 53], [55, 18], [56, 55], [57, 18], [58, 57], [60, 18], [61, 60], [62, 61], [63, 60], [65, 64], [66, 18], [67, 66], [68, 67], [69, 66], [71, 70], [72, 18], [73, 72], [74, 4], [75, 74], [76, 75], [76, 13], [77, 76], [78, 77], [79, 4], [80, 79], [81, 80], [82, 4], [83, 82], [84, 83], [93, 13], [93, 92], [94, 93], [95, 94], [96, 4], [98, 96], [100, 99], [101, 4], [102, 101], [103, 102], [103, 119], [103, 141], [103, 112], [103, 130], [103, 13], [104, 103], [105, 104], [106, 100], [108, 106], [110, 109], [112, 111], [112, 110], [113, 105], [115, 113], [117, 116], [119, 118], [119, 117], [120, 4], [122, 120], [124, 123], [126, 124], [128, 127], [130, 128], [130, 129], [131, 4], [133, 131], [135, 134], [137, 135], [139, 138], [141, 140], [141, 139], [143, 141], [143, 142], [144, 143], [146, 119], [146, 141], [146, 145], [147, 146], [149, 141], [149, 130], [149, 148], [150, 149], [152, 151], [152, 141], [153, 152], [154, 100], [155, 3], [156, 144], [157, 147], [158, 150], [159, 153], [160, 154], [167, 155], [169, 4], [170, 169], [171, 170], [171, 13], [172, 171], [173, 172], [176, 4], [177, 176], [177, 13], [178, 176], [178, 174], [179, 178], [181, 177], [182, 179], [184, 174], [184, 183], [187, 184], [191, 4], [193, 191], [195, 190], [195, 194], [197, 4], [198, 197], [198, 195], [199, 196], [199, 198], [201, 199], [201, 200], [202, 201], [204, 203], [204, 199], [205, 204], [206, 202], [207, 205], [215, 4], [217, 215], [219, 214], [219, 218], [221, 4], [222, 219], [222, 221], [223, 222], [223, 220], [225, 224], [225, 223], [226, 225], [227, 226], [229, 228], [231, 13], [231, 230], [231, 229], [231, 219], [231, 223], [231, 195], [231, 199], [232, 231], [234, 199], [234, 13], [234, 229], [234, 233], [234, 219], [234, 223], [234, 195], [235, 234], [236, 232], [237, 235], [246, 4], [248, 246], [250, 245], [250, 249], [252, 4], [254, 252], [256, 251], [256, 255], [258, 257], [258, 256], [259, 258], [261, 256], [261, 260], [262, 261], [263, 259], [264, 262], [273, 4], [274, 275], [274, 13], [274, 273], [275, 272], [275, 274], [277, 276], [277, 275], [278, 277], [279, 278], [288, 11], [288, 13], [288, 287], [289, 4], [290, 289], [291, 288], [292, 290], [295, 294], [296, 295], [298, 4], [299, 298], [300, 13], [300, 299], [301, 300], [302, 297], [303, 301], [311, 13], [311, 310], [312, 311], [313, 312], [315, 13], [315, 314], [316, 315], [316, 13], [318, 317], [319, 318], [320, 316], [323, 322], [323, 13], [324, 323], [326, 325], [326, 13], [327, 326], [328, 324], [329, 327], [332, 4], [333, 332], [335, 334], [335, 13], [336, 335], [337, 336], [338, 337], [340, 339], [343, 342], [346, 13], [346, 345], [347, 346], [348, 347], [350, 349], [353, 351], [353, 349], [356, 353], [359, 4], [360, 359], [362, 361], [363, 13], [363, 371], [363, 360], [363, 387], [363, 364], [364, 363], [364, 362], [366, 365], [368, 366], [371, 367], [371, 370], [373, 371], [373, 372], [374, 373], [375, 374], [383, 382], [385, 383], [387, 386], [387, 384], [389, 388], [391, 387], [391, 390], [392, 391], [393, 389], [394, 392], [402, 401], [404, 402], [405, 403], [413, 4], [415, 413], [417, 416], [418, 417], [419, 418], [420, 419], [421, 418], [422, 421], [430, 429], [431, 4], [433, 431], [438, 417], [438, 429], [439, 438], [439, 437], [441, 440], [441, 439], [442, 441], [443, 442], [451, 4], [452, 451], [455, 4], [456, 455], [457, 456], [457, 13], [458, 457], [459, 458], [461, 460], [463, 4], [464, 13], [464, 463], [465, 464], [466, 4], [468, 466], [470, 469], [471, 470], [472, 471], [474, 473], [475, 474], [476, 475], [478, 465], [479, 478], [480, 4], [481, 480], [481, 13], [482, 481], [483, 482], [484, 470], [485, 483], [486, 484], [495, 465], [496, 495], [503, 494], [503, 482], [504, 474], [505, 503], [506, 504], [510, 509], [512, 511], [514, 512], [516, 515], [517, 516], [518, 517], [519, 516], [521, 519], [543, 522], [543, 243], [543, 270], [543, 507], [543, 93], [543, 70], [543, 312], [543, 330], [543, 339], [543, 460], [543, 60], [543, 172], [543, 64], [543, 320], [543, 18], [543, 166], [543, 515], [543, 357], [543, 473], [543, 77], [543, 342], [543, 90], [543, 346], [543, 449], [543, 458], [543, 188], [543, 453], [543, 66], [543, 411], [543, 285]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/1ad2950b740aefe99d7642592eec74f4658f7325067c041bb6e985f6d25ec586_1ad2950b740aefe99d7642592eec74f4658f7325067c041bb6e985f6d25ec586.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_41373D", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_41373D(_BYTE *a1, __int64 a2)\n{\n__int64 v2; // rdx\n__int64 v3; // rcx\n__int64 v4; // r8\nint v5; // er9\n__int64 result; // rax\nunsigned __int16 v7; // ax\nunsigned __int16 v8; // ax\n_WORD *v9; // rbx\n_WORD *v10; // rbx\n_WORD *v11; // rbx\n_WORD *v12; // rbx\nunsigned int v13; // eax\n_WORD *v14; // rbx\nint v15; // er9\n_WORD *v16; // rbx\nunsigned __int8 v17; // al\n_BOOL4 v18; // eax\nint v19; // er8\nint v20; // er9\nint v21; // er9\n__int16 v22; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-34h] BYREF\nchar v23; // [rsp+1Eh] [rbp-32h]\nchar v24[2]; // [rsp+1Fh] [rbp-31h] BYREF\n_BYTE v25[7]; // [rsp+21h] [rbp-2Fh] BYREF\n__int64 v26; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-28h]\nunsigned __int16 v27; // [rsp+36h] [rbp-1Ah]\nunsigned __int8 v28; // [rsp+39h] [rbp-17h]\nunsigned __int16 v29; // [rsp+3Ah] [rbp-16h]\nunsigned __int8 v30; // [rsp+3Dh] [rbp-13h]\n__int16 v31; // [rsp+3Eh] [rbp-12h]\n\n*((_BYTE *)qword_488B70 + 1891) = a1[2] != 0;\nv29 = sub_40EE01((__int64)a1);\nresult = v29;\nif ( v29 == 8288 )\n{\nv9 = qword_488B70;\nv9[952] = sub_405BB1((__int64)a1, 9);\n*((_BYTE *)qword_488B70 + 1902) = a1[11];\nsub_41DE87(\n1,\n(unsigned int)\"%s.%u: hci_le_read_buffer_size_v2: iso size %u, iso count %u\",\n(unsigned int)\"hci.c\",\n2728,\n*((unsigned __int16 *)qword_488B70 + 952),\n*((unsigned __int8 *)qword_488B70 + 1902));\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( v29 > 0x2060u )\nreturn result;\nif ( v29 == 8239 )\n{\nv11 = qword_488B70;\nv11[1081] = sub_405BB1((__int64)a1, 6);\nv12 = qword_488B70;\nv12[1082] = sub_405BB1((__int64)a1, 8);\nreturn sub_41DE87(\n1,\n(unsigned int)\"%s.%u: hci_le_read_maximum_data_length: tx octets %u, tx time %u us\",\n(unsigned int)\"hci.c\",\n2747,\n*((unsigned __int16 *)qword_488B70 + 1081),\n*((unsigned __int16 *)qword_488B70 + 1082));\n}\nif ( v29 > 0x202Fu )\nreturn result;\nif ( v29 == 8207 )\n{\n*((_BYTE *)qword_488B70 + 2036) = a1[6];\nreturn sub_41DE87(\n1,\n(unsigned int)\"%s.%u: hci_le_read_white_list_size: size %u\",\n(unsigned int)\"hci.c\",\n2753,\n*((unsigned __int8 *)qword_488B70 + 2036),\nv5);\n}\nif ( v29 > 0x200Fu )\nreturn result;\nif ( v29 != 8194 )\n{\nif ( v29 <= 0x2002u )\n{\nif ( v29 == 5128 )\n{\nv28 = a1[5];\nv27 = sub_405BB1((__int64)a1, 6);\nresult = sub_40F3DC(v27);\nv26 = result;\nif ( result )\n{\nv30 = 0;\nif ( v28 )\n{\nv30 = 1;\nsub_41DE87(\n1,\n(unsigned int)\"%s.%u: Read Encryption Key Size failed 0x%02x-> assuming insecure connection with key size of 1\",\n(unsigned int)\"hci.c\",\n2870,\nv28,\nv21);\n}\nelse\n{\nv30 = a1[8];\nsub_41DE87(1, (unsigned int)\"%s.%u: Handle %04x key Size: %u\", (unsigned int)\"hci.c\", 2867, v27, v30);\n}\nresult = sub_413571(v26, v30);\n}\n}\nelse if ( v29 <= 0x1408u )\n{\nif ( v29 == 5125 )\n{\nresult = (unsigned __int8)a1[5];\nif ( !(_BYTE)result )\n{\nv24[0] = -34;\nv24[1] = 3;\nmemcpy(v25, a1 + 6, 3uLL);\nresult = sub_41A0E1(v24, 5LL, 1LL);\n}\n}\nelse if ( v29 <= 0x1405u && v29 <= 0x1009u )\n{\nif ( v29 >= 0x1001u )\n{\nresult = (unsigned int)v29 - 4097;\nswitch ( v29 )\n{\ncase 0x1001u:\nv31 = sub_405BB1((__int64)a1, 10);\nif ( v31 == 9 || v31 == 305 )\n{\nsub_41DE87(\n1,\n(unsigned int)\"%s.%u: Treat Cypress/Infineon as Broadcom\",\n(unsigned int)\"hci.c\",\n2841,\nv19,\nv20);\nv31 = 15;\nsub_405CB3((__int64)a1, 0xAu, 15);\n}\n*((_WORD *)qword_488B70 + 960) = v31;\nresult = sub_41DE87(\n1,\n(unsigned int)\"%s.%u: Manufacturer: 0x%04x\",\n(unsigned int)\"hci.c\",\n2849,\n*((unsigned __int16 *)qword_488B70 + 960),\nv20);\nbreak;\ncase 0x1002u:\nresult = sub_4135FF((__int64)a1, a2, v2, v3, v4, v5);\nbreak;\ncase 0x1003u:\n*(_QWORD *)((char *)qword_488B70 + 1908) = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 6);\nv14 = qword_488B70;\nv14[961] = sub_410D21(0x69Fu, (__int64)qword_488B70 + 1908);\nsub_41DE87(\n1,\n(unsigned int)\"%s.%u: ACL Packet types %04x\",\n(unsigned int)\"hci.c\",\n2826,\n*((unsigned __int16 *)qword_488B70 + 961),\nv15);\nv16 = qword_488B70;\nv16[962] = sub_410E58((__int64)qword_488B70 + 1908);\nv17 = sub_410F5A();\nsub_41DE87(\n1,\n(unsigned int)\"%s.%u: SCO Packet types %04x - eSCO %u\",\n(unsigned int)\"hci.c\",\n2830,\n*((unsigned __int16 *)qword_488B70 + 962),\nv17);\nLODWORD(v16) = sub_410FD4();\nv18 = sub_410FB2();\nresult = sub_41DE87(\n1,\n(unsigned int)\"%s.%u: BR/EDR support %u, LE support %u\",\n(unsigned int)\"hci.c\",\n2833,\nv18,\n(_DWORD)v16);\nbreak;\ncase 0x1005u:\nresult = *((unsigned int *)qword_488B70 + 482);\nif ( (_DWORD)result == 1 )\n{\n*(_WORD *)&v25[5] = sub_405BB1((__int64)a1, 6);\n*(_WORD *)&v25[3] = (unsigned __int8)a1[8];\n*((_WORD *)qword_488B70 + 947) = sub_406261(*(unsigned __int16 *)&v25[5], 0x69Fu);\n*((_BYTE *)qword_488B70 + 1897) = sub_406261(*(unsigned __int16 *)&v25[3], 0x69Fu);\nv7 = sub_405BB1((__int64)a1, 9);\n*((_BYTE *)qword_488B70 + 1892) = sub_406261(v7, 0xFFu);\nv8 = sub_405BB1((__int64)a1, 11);\n*((_BYTE *)qword_488B70 + 1896) = sub_406261(v8, 0xFFu);\nresult = sub_41DE87(\n1,\n(unsigned int)\"%s.%u: hci_read_buffer_size: ACL size module %u -> used %u, count %u / SCO \"\n\"size %u, count %u\",\n(unsigned int)\"hci.c\",\n2710,\n*(unsigned __int16 *)&v25[5],\n*((unsigned __int16 *)qword_488B70 + 947));\n}\nbreak;\ncase 0x1009u:\nsub_4061EB((__int64)(a1 + 6), (__int64)qword_488B70 + 116);\nv13 = (unsigned int)sub_4067D9((__int64)qword_488B70 + 116);\nsub_41DE87(\n1,\n(unsigned int)\"%s.%u: Local Address, Status: 0x%02x: Addr: %s\",\n(unsigned int)\"hci.c\",\n2792,\n(unsigned __int8)a1[5],\nv13);\nresult = *((_QWORD *)qword_488B70 + 5);\nif ( result )\nresult = (*(__int64 (__fastcall **)(char *))(*((_QWORD *)qword_488B70 + 5) + 8LL))((char *)qword_488B70 + 116);\nbreak;\ndefault:\nreturn result;\n}\n}\nelse if ( v29 == 3119 )\n{\nresult = (unsigned __int8)a1[5];\nif ( !(_BYTE)result )\n{\nresult = (__int64)qword_488B70;\n*((_BYTE *)qword_488B70 + 1898) = 1;\n}\n}\nelse if ( v29 <= 0xC2Fu )\n{\nif ( v29 == 3098 )\n{\nresult = sub_41AB00(\n*((unsigned __int8 *)qword_488B70 + 1976),\n*((unsigned __int8 *)qword_488B70 + 1977));\n}\nelse if ( v29 <= 0xC1Au )\n{\nif ( v29 > 0x42Fu )\n{\nif ( v29 == 3092 )\n{\nresult = (unsigned __int8)a1[5];\nif ( !(_BYTE)result )\n{\na1[254] = 0;\nresult = sub_41DE87(\n1,\n(unsigned int)\"%s.%u: local name: %s\",\n(unsigned int)\"hci.c\",\n2695,\n(int)a1 + 6,\nv5);\n}\n}\n}\nelse if ( v29 >= 0x402u )\n{\nresult = (unsigned int)v29 - 1026;\nswitch ( v29 )\n{\ncase 0x402u:\ncase 0x404u:\nresult = *((unsigned __int8 *)qword_488B70 + 1979);\nif ( (_BYTE)result == 0x83 )\n{\n*((_BYTE *)qword_488B70 + 1979) = 0;\nv22 = 477;\nv23 = 0;\nresult = sub_41A0E1(&v22, 3LL, 1LL);\n}\nbreak;\ncase 0x403u:\nif ( *(_BYTE *)sub_40EE20((__int64)a1) )\n{\nresult = (__int64)qword_488B70;\n*((_BYTE *)qword_488B70 + 1979) = 0;\n}\nelse\n{\nresult = (__int64)qword_488B70;\n*((_BYTE *)qword_488B70 + 1979) = -124;\n}\nbreak;\ncase 0x40Eu:\ncase 0x42Du:\ncase 0x42Fu:\n*((_BYTE *)qword_488B70 + 2000) = 0;\nresult = sub_40F441((char *)qword_488B70 + 1994, 253);\nv26 = result;\nif ( result )\nresult = sub_40F7AD(v26, 5u);\nbreak;\ndefault:\nreturn result;\n}\n}\n}\n}\n}\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n}\nv10 = qword_488B70;\nv10[950] = sub_405BB1((__int64)a1, 6);\n*((_BYTE *)qword_488B70 + 1899) = a1[8];\nif ( *((_WORD *)qword_488B70 + 950) > 0x69Fu )\n*((_WORD *)qword_488B70 + 950) = 1695;\nreturn sub_41DE87(\n1,\n(unsigned int)\"%s.%u: hci_le_read_buffer_size: acl size %u, acl count %u\",\n(unsigned int)\"hci.c\",\n2740,\n*((unsigned __int16 *)qword_488B70 + 950),\n*((unsigned __int8 *)qword_488B70 + 1899));\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v22,v24,v26,v27,v28,v29,v30,v31,sub_41373D,sub_40EE01,sub_405BB1,sub_41DE87,sub_40F3DC,sub_413571,sub_41A0E1,sub_405CB3,sub_4135FF,sub_410D21,sub_410E58,sub_410F5A,sub_410FD4,sub_410FB2,sub_406261,sub_4061EB,sub_4067D9,sub_41AB00,sub_40EE20,sub_40F441,sub_40F7AD,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'packet', 'a2': 'size', 'v22': 'event_0', 'v24': 'event', 'v26': 'conn', 'v27': 'handle', 'v28': 'status', 'v29': 'opcode', 'v30': 'key_size', 'v31': 'manufacturer', 'sub_41373D': 'handle_command_complete_event', 'sub_40EE01': 'hci_event_command_complete_get_command_opcode', 'sub_405BB1': 'little_endian_read_16', 'sub_41DE87': 'hci_dump_log', 'sub_40F3DC': 'hci_connection_for_handle', 'sub_413571': 'hci_handle_read_encryption_key_size_complete', 'sub_41A0E1': 'hci_emit_event', 'sub_405CB3': 'little_endian_store_16', 'sub_4135FF': 'hci_store_local_supported_commands', 'sub_410D21': 'hci_acl_packet_types_for_buffer_size_and_local_features', 'sub_410E58': 'hci_sco_packet_types_for_features', 'sub_410F5A': 'hci_extended_sco_link_supported', 'sub_410FD4': 'hci_le_supported', 'sub_410FB2': 'hci_classic_supported', 'sub_406261': 'btstack_min', 'sub_4061EB': 'reverse_bd_addr', 'sub_4067D9': 'bd_addr_to_str', 'sub_41AB00': 'hci_emit_scan_mode_changed', 'sub_40EE20': 'hci_event_command_complete_get_return_parameters_0', 'sub_40F441': 'hci_connection_for_bd_addr_and_type', 'sub_40F7AD': 'hci_pairing_complete'}"} |
sl_btmesh_config_client_list_appkeys | d641d4455ba968ec8cdc678803903e8adc4e0f690e4b42f19186ba657d295323 | openthread | ot-efr32 | NA | sl_status_t sl_btmesh_config_client_list_appkeys(uint16_t enc_netkey_index,
uint16_t server_address,
uint16_t netkey_index,
uint32_t *handle) {
struct sl_btmesh_packet *cmd = (struct sl_btmesh_packet *)sl_btmesh_cmd_msg;
struct sl_btmesh_packet *rsp = (struct sl_btmesh_packet *)sl_btmesh_rsp_msg;
if (handle) {
*handle = rsp->data.rsp_config_client_list_appkeys.handle;
return rsp->data.rsp_config_client_list_appkeys.result;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4110DB", "function_addr": 4264155, "binary_name": "d641d4455ba968ec8cdc678803903e8adc4e0f690e4b42f19186ba657d295323.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov eax, edx"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_28], rcx"], [5, "mov edx, edi"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_14], dx"], [7, "mov edx, esi"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_18], dx"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_1C], ax"], [10, "mov rax, cs:off_43E280"], [11, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [12, "mov rax, cs:off_43E288"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [15, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_14]"], [16, "mov [rax+4], dx"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [18, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_18]"], [19, "mov [rax+6], dx"], [20, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [21, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_1C]"], [22, "mov [rax+8], dx"], [23, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [24, "mov dword ptr [rax], 7270628h"], [25, "mov eax, 0"], [26, "call sub_40A2AC"], [27, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [28, "jz short loc_41115B"], [29, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [30, "mov edx, [rax+6]"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [32, "mov [rax], edx"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [34, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+4]"], [35, "movzx eax, ax"], [36, "leave"], [37, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 5], [8, 7], [9, 3], [11, 10], [13, 12], [14, 11], [15, 6], [16, 15], [16, 14], [17, 11], [18, 8], [19, 18], [19, 17], [20, 11], [21, 9], [22, 20], [22, 21], [23, 11], [24, 23], [27, 4], [28, 27], [29, 13], [30, 24], [30, 32], [30, 29], [30, 16], [30, 19], [30, 22], [31, 4], [32, 31], [32, 30], [33, 13], [34, 16], [34, 19], [34, 22], [34, 24], [34, 33], [34, 32], [35, 34], [37, 35]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/d641d4455ba968ec8cdc678803903e8adc4e0f690e4b42f19186ba657d295323_d641d4455ba968ec8cdc678803903e8adc4e0f690e4b42f19186ba657d295323.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4110DB", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4110DB(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, unsigned __int16 a3, _DWORD *a4, __int64 a5, __int64 a6)\n{\nchar *v8; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-10h]\n_WORD *v9; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv9 = off_43E280;\nv8 = (char *)off_43E288;\n*((_WORD *)off_43E280 + 2) = a1;\nv9[3] = a2;\nv9[4] = a3;\n*(_DWORD *)v9 = 119997992;\nsub_40A2AC(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);\nif ( a4 )\n*a4 = *(_DWORD *)(v8 + 6);\nreturn *((unsigned __int16 *)v8 + 2);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,v8,v9,sub_4110DB,sub_40A2AC,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'netkey_index', 'a4': 'handle', 'a1': 'enc_netkey_index', 'a2': 'server_address', 'v8': 'rsp_0', 'v9': 'cmd', 'sub_4110DB': 'sl_btmesh_config_client_list_appkeys', 'sub_40A2AC': 'sl_btmesh_host_handle_command'}"} |
Tcl_ReadCmd | 33451d7c33c0116afa41ae1cb50c24d3d22c0a09c648359d4c9d7653db3908e4 | interkosmos | micropolis | NA | int
Tcl_ReadCmd(dummy, interp, argc, argv)
ClientData dummy; /* Not used. */
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */
int argc; /* Number of arguments. */
char **argv; /* Argument strings. */
OpenFile *filePtr;
int bytesLeft, bytesRead, count;
#define READ_BUF_SIZE 4096
char buffer[READ_BUF_SIZE+1];
int newline;
if ((argc != 2) && (argc != 3)) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0],
" fileId ?numBytes|nonewline?\"", (char *) NULL);
return TCL_ERROR;
if (TclGetOpenFile(interp, argv[1], &filePtr) != TCL_OK) {
return TCL_ERROR;
if (!filePtr->readable) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\"", argv[1],
"\" wasn't opened for reading", (char *) NULL);
return TCL_ERROR;
* Compute how many bytes to read, and see whether the final
* newline should be dropped.
newline = 1;
if ((argc > 2) && isdigit(argv[2][0])) {
if (Tcl_GetInt(interp, argv[2], &bytesLeft) != TCL_OK) {
return TCL_ERROR;
} else {
bytesLeft = 1<<30;
if (argc > 2) {
if (strncmp(argv[2], "nonewline", strlen(argv[2])) == 0) {
newline = 0;
} else {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad argument \"", argv[2],
"\": should be \"nonewline\"", (char *) NULL);
return TCL_ERROR;
* Read the file in one or more chunks.
bytesRead = 0;
while (bytesLeft > 0) {
count = READ_BUF_SIZE;
if (bytesLeft < READ_BUF_SIZE) {
count = bytesLeft;
count = fread(buffer, 1, count, filePtr->f);
if (ferror(filePtr->f)) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "error reading \"", argv[1],
"\": ", Tcl_UnixError(interp), (char *) NULL);
return TCL_ERROR;
if (count == 0) {
buffer[count] = 0;
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
bytesLeft -= count;
bytesRead += count;
if ((newline == 0) && (interp->result[bytesRead-1] == '\n')) {
interp->result[bytesRead-1] = 0;
return TCL_OK;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_42977B", "function_addr": 4364155, "binary_name": "33451d7c33c0116afa41ae1cb50c24d3d22c0a09c648359d4c9d7653db3908e4.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 1040h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_1028], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_1030], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_1034], edx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_1040], rcx"], [7, "cmp [rbp+var_1034], 2"], [8, "jz short loc_4297EB"], [9, "cmp [rbp+var_1034], 3"], [10, "jz short loc_4297EB"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1040]"], [12, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1030]"], [14, "mov r8d, 0"], [15, "mov ecx, offset aFileidNumbytes"], [16, "mov esi, offset aWrongArgsShoul_6"], [17, "mov rdi, rax"], [18, "mov eax, 0"], [19, "call sub_407584"], [20, "mov eax, 1"], [21, "jmp locret_429AC6"], [22, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1040]"], [23, "add rax, 8"], [24, "mov rcx, [rax]"], [25, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [26, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1030]"], [27, "mov rsi, rcx"], [28, "mov rdi, rax"], [29, "call sub_42C0BE"], [30, "test eax, eax"], [31, "jz short loc_42981D"], [32, "mov eax, 1"], [33, "jmp locret_429AC6"], [34, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [35, "mov eax, [rax+10h]"], [36, "test eax, eax"], [37, "jnz short loc_429864"], [38, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1040]"], [39, "add rax, 8"], [40, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [41, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1030]"], [42, "mov r8d, 0"], [43, "mov ecx, offset aWasnTOpenedFor_1"], [44, "mov esi, offset asc_4370F0"], [45, "mov rdi, rax"], [46, "mov eax, 0"], [47, "call sub_407584"], [48, "mov eax, 1"], [49, "jmp locret_429AC6"], [50, "mov [rbp+var_C], 1"], [51, "cmp [rbp+var_1034], 2"], [52, "jle short loc_4298DC"], [53, "call ___ctype_b_loc"], [54, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [55, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1040]"], [56, "add rax, 10h"], [57, "mov rax, [rax]"], [58, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [59, "movsx rax, al"], [60, "add rax, rax"], [61, "add rax, rdx"], [62, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax]"], [63, "movzx eax, ax"], [64, "and eax, 800h"], [65, "test eax, eax"], [66, "jz short loc_4298DC"], [67, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1040]"], [68, "add rax, 10h"], [69, "mov rcx, [rax]"], [70, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_1C]"], [71, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1030]"], [72, "mov rsi, rcx"], [73, "mov rdi, rax"], [74, "call sub_424688"], [75, "test eax, eax"], [76, "jz loc_429969"], [77, "mov eax, 1"], [78, "jmp locret_429AC6"], [79, "mov [rbp+var_1C], 40000000h"], [80, "cmp [rbp+var_1034], 2"], [81, "jle short loc_429969"], [82, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1040]"], [83, "add rax, 10h"], [84, "mov rax, [rax]"], [85, "mov rdi, rax"], [86, "call _strlen"], [87, "mov rdx, rax"], [88, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1040]"], [89, "add rax, 10h"], [90, "mov rax, [rax]"], [91, "mov esi, offset aNonewline"], [92, "mov rdi, rax"], [93, "call _strncmp"], [94, "test eax, eax"], [95, "jnz short loc_42992D"], [96, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [97, "jmp short loc_429969"], [98, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1040]"], [99, "add rax, 10h"], [100, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [101, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1030]"], [102, "mov r8d, 0"], [103, "mov ecx, offset aShouldBeNonewl"], [104, "mov esi, offset aBadArgument_0"], [105, "mov rdi, rax"], [106, "mov eax, 0"], [107, "call sub_407584"], [108, "mov eax, 1"], [109, "jmp locret_429AC6"], [110, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [111, "jmp loc_429A77"], [112, "mov [rbp+var_8], 1000h"], [113, "mov eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [114, "cmp eax, 0FFFh"], [115, "jg short loc_42998C"], [116, "mov eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [117, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [118, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [119, "mov rcx, [rax]"], [120, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [121, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [122, "lea rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [123, "mov esi, 1"], [124, "mov rdi, rax"], [125, "call _fread"], [126, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [127, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [128, "mov rax, [rax]"], [129, "mov rdi, rax"], [130, "call _ferror"], [131, "test eax, eax"], [132, "jz short loc_429A32"], [133, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1030]"], [134, "mov rdi, rax"], [135, "call sub_4079C7"], [136, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1030]"], [137, "mov rdi, rax"], [138, "call sub_42BD9A"], [139, "mov rcx, rax"], [140, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1040]"], [141, "add rax, 8"], [142, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [143, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1030]"], [144, "mov r9d, 0"], [145, "mov r8, rcx"], [146, "mov ecx, offset asc_436E16"], [147, "mov esi, offset aErrorReading"], [148, "mov rdi, rax"], [149, "mov eax, 0"], [150, "call sub_407584"], [151, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [152, "mov rax, [rax]"], [153, "mov rdi, rax"], [154, "call _clearerr"], [155, "mov eax, 1"], [156, "jmp locret_429AC6"], [157, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [158, "jz short loc_429A84"], [159, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [160, "cdqe"], [161, "mov [rbp+rax+ptr], 0"], [162, "lea rcx, [rbp+ptr]"], [163, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1030]"], [164, "mov edx, 0"], [165, "mov rsi, rcx"], [166, "mov rdi, rax"], [167, "mov eax, 0"], [168, "call sub_407584"], [169, "mov eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [170, "sub eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [171, "mov [rbp+var_1C], eax"], [172, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [173, "add [rbp+var_4], eax"], [174, "mov eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [175, "test eax, eax"], [176, "jg loc_429975"], [177, "jmp short loc_429A85"], [178, "nop"], [179, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 0"], [180, "jnz short loc_429AC1"], [181, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1030]"], [182, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [183, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [184, "cdqe"], [185, "sub rax, 1"], [186, "add rax, rdx"], [187, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [188, "cmp al, 0Ah"], [189, "jnz short loc_429AC1"], [190, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1030]"], [191, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [192, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [193, "cdqe"], [194, "sub rax, 1"], [195, "add rax, rdx"], [196, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [197, "mov eax, 0"], [198, "leave"], [199, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 5], [8, 7], [9, 5], [10, 9], [11, 6], [12, 11], [13, 4], [17, 13], [22, 6], [23, 22], [24, 23], [26, 4], [27, 24], [28, 26], [30, 29], [31, 30], [35, 34], [36, 35], [37, 36], [38, 6], [39, 38], [40, 39], [41, 4], [45, 41], [51, 5], [52, 51], [54, 53], [55, 6], [56, 55], [57, 56], [58, 57], [59, 58], [60, 59], [61, 54], [61, 60], [62, 61], [63, 62], [64, 63], [65, 64], [66, 65], [67, 6], [68, 67], [69, 68], [70, 54], [71, 4], [72, 69], [73, 71], [75, 74], [76, 75], [80, 5], [81, 80], [82, 6], [83, 82], [84, 83], [85, 84], [87, 86], [88, 6], [89, 88], [90, 89], [92, 90], [94, 93], [95, 94], [98, 6], [99, 98], [100, 99], [101, 4], [105, 101], [113, 171], [113, 79], [114, 113], [115, 114], [116, 171], [116, 79], [117, 116], [119, 118], [120, 117], [120, 112], [121, 120], [122, 120], [124, 122], [126, 125], [128, 127], [129, 128], [131, 130], [132, 131], [133, 4], [134, 133], [136, 4], [137, 136], [139, 138], [140, 6], [141, 140], [142, 141], [143, 4], [145, 139], [148, 143], [152, 151], [153, 152], [157, 126], [158, 157], [159, 126], [161, 159], [162, 119], [163, 4], [165, 162], [166, 163], [169, 79], [169, 171], [170, 169], [170, 126], [171, 170], [172, 126], [173, 172], [173, 110], [173, 173], [174, 171], [174, 79], [175, 174], [176, 175], [179, 96], [179, 50], [180, 179], [181, 4], [182, 181], [183, 110], [183, 173], [185, 183], [186, 185], [186, 182], [187, 186], [188, 187], [189, 188], [190, 4], [191, 190], [192, 110], [192, 173], [194, 192], [195, 191], [195, 194], [196, 195], [199, 77], [199, 197], [199, 108], [199, 48], [199, 32], [199, 155], [199, 20]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/33451d7c33c0116afa41ae1cb50c24d3d22c0a09c648359d4c9d7653db3908e4_33451d7c33c0116afa41ae1cb50c24d3d22c0a09c648359d4c9d7653db3908e4.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_42977B", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_42977B(__int64 a1, _QWORD *a2, int a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5, __int64 a6)\n{\n__int64 v7; // r9\nsize_t v8; // rax\n__int64 v9; // r9\n__int64 v10; // r8\n__int64 v11; // r9\n__int64 v12; // rax\nchar ptr[4100]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-1020h] BYREF\nint v16; // [rsp+1024h] [rbp-1Ch] BYREF\n__int64 v17; // [rsp+1028h] [rbp-18h] BYREF\nint v18; // [rsp+1034h] [rbp-Ch]\nint v19; // [rsp+1038h] [rbp-8h]\nint i; // [rsp+103Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nif ( a3 != 2 && a3 != 3 )\n{\nsub_407584(\n(__int64)a2,\n(__int64)\"wrong # args: should be \\\"\",\n*(_QWORD *)a4,\n(__int64)\" fileId ?numBytes|nonewline?\\\"\",\n0LL,\na6);\nreturn 1LL;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_42C0BE(a2, *(_QWORD *)(a4 + 8), &v17) )\nreturn 1LL;\nif ( !*(_DWORD *)(v17 + 16) )\n{\nsub_407584((__int64)a2, (__int64)\"\\\"\", *(_QWORD *)(a4 + 8), (__int64)\"\\\" wasn't opened for reading\", 0LL, v7);\nreturn 1LL;\n}\nv18 = 1;\nif ( a3 > 2 && ((*__ctype_b_loc())[**(char **)(a4 + 16)] & 0x800) != 0 )\n{\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_424688((__int64)a2, *(const char **)(a4 + 16), &v16) )\nreturn 1LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nv16 = 0x40000000;\nif ( a3 > 2 )\n{\nv8 = strlen(*(const char **)(a4 + 16));\nif ( strncmp(*(const char **)(a4 + 16), \"nonewline\", v8) )\n{\nsub_407584(\n(__int64)a2,\n(__int64)\"bad argument \\\"\",\n*(_QWORD *)(a4 + 16),\n(__int64)\"\\\": should be \\\"nonewline\\\"\",\n0LL,\nv9);\nreturn 1LL;\n}\nv18 = 0;\n}\n}\nfor ( i = 0; v16 > 0; i += v19 )\n{\nv19 = 4096;\nif ( v16 <= 4095 )\nv19 = v16;\nv19 = fread(ptr, 1uLL, v19, *(FILE **)v17);\nif ( ferror(*(FILE **)v17) )\n{\nsub_4079C7(a2);\nv12 = sub_42BD9A(a2);\nsub_407584((__int64)a2, (__int64)\"error reading \\\"\", *(_QWORD *)(a4 + 8), (__int64)\"\\\": \", v12, 0LL);\nclearerr(*(FILE **)v17);\nreturn 1LL;\n}\nif ( !v19 )\nbreak;\nptr[v19] = 0;\nsub_407584((__int64)a2, (__int64)ptr, 0LL, (__int64)ptr, v10, v11);\nv16 -= v19;\n}\nif ( !v18 && *(_BYTE *)(*a2 + i - 1LL) == 10 )\n*(_BYTE *)(*a2 + i - 1LL) = 0;\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a2,a1,ptr,v16,v17,v18,v19,i,sub_42977B,sub_407584,sub_42C0BE,sub_424688,sub_4079C7,sub_42BD9A,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'argc', 'a4': 'argv', 'a2': 'interp', 'a1': 'dummy', 'ptr': 'buffer', 'v16': 'bytesLeft', 'v17': 'filePtr', 'v18': 'newline', 'v19': 'count', 'i': 'bytesRead', 'sub_42977B': 'Tcl_ReadCmd', 'sub_407584': 'Tcl_AppendResult', 'sub_42C0BE': 'TclGetOpenFile', 'sub_424688': 'Tcl_GetInt', 'sub_4079C7': 'Tcl_ResetResult', 'sub_42BD9A': 'Tcl_UnixError'}"} |
floor | d32d4bd2f9b9b772bb1441c7c711fd76113598226ed441dc3954fcb692053573 | mirage | ocaml-solo5 | NA | OLM_DLLEXPORT double
floor(double x)
int32_t i0,i1,j0;
u_int32_t i,j;
j0 = ((i0>>20)&0x7ff)-0x3ff;
if(j0<20) {
if(j0<0) { /* raise inexact if x != 0 */
if(huge+x>0.0) {/* return 0*sign(x) if |x|<1 */
if(i0>=0) {i0=i1=0;}
else if(((i0&0x7fffffff)|i1)!=0)
{ i0=0xbff00000;i1=0;}
} else {
i = (0x000fffff)>>j0;
if(((i0&i)|i1)==0) return x; /* x is integral */
if(huge+x>0.0) { /* raise inexact flag */
if(i0<0) i0 += (0x00100000)>>j0;
i0 &= (~i); i1=0;
} else if (j0>51) {
if(j0==0x400) return x+x; /* inf or NaN */
else return x; /* x is integral */
} else {
i = ((u_int32_t)(0xffffffff))>>(j0-20);
if((i1&i)==0) return x; /* x is integral */
if(huge+x>0.0) { /* raise inexact flag */
if(i0<0) {
if(j0==20) i0+=1;
else {
j = i1+(1<<(52-j0));
if(j<i1) i0 +=1 ; /* got a carry */
i1 &= (~i);
return x;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_41C91C", "function_addr": 4311324, "binary_name": "d32d4bd2f9b9b772bb1441c7c711fd76113598226ed441dc3954fcb692053573.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "movsd [rbp+var_38], xmm0"], [3, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+var_38]"], [4, "movsd [rbp+var_20], xmm0"], [5, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+var_20+4]"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [7, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+var_20]"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [9, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [10, "sar eax, 14h"], [11, "and eax, 7FFh"], [12, "sub eax, 3FFh"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_C], eax"], [14, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 13h"], [15, "jg loc_41CA30"], [16, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 0"], [17, "jns short loc_41C9B7"], [18, "movsd xmm0, cs:qword_42DB60"], [19, "addsd xmm0, [rbp+var_38]"], [20, "pxor xmm1, xmm1"], [21, "comisd xmm0, xmm1"], [22, "jbe loc_41CADF"], [23, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [24, "js short loc_41C991"], [25, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [26, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [27, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [28, "jmp loc_41CADF"], [29, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [30, "and eax, 7FFFFFFFh"], [31, "or eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [32, "test eax, eax"], [33, "jz loc_41CADF"], [34, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0BFF00000h"], [35, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [36, "jmp loc_41CADF"], [37, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [38, "mov edx, 0FFFFFh"], [39, "mov ecx, eax"], [40, "sar edx, cl"], [41, "mov eax, edx"], [42, "mov [rbp+var_10], eax"], [43, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [44, "and eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [45, "mov edx, eax"], [46, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [47, "or eax, edx"], [48, "test eax, eax"], [49, "jnz short loc_41C9E3"], [50, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+var_38]"], [51, "jmp loc_41CAFA"], [52, "movsd xmm0, cs:qword_42DB60"], [53, "addsd xmm0, [rbp+var_38]"], [54, "pxor xmm1, xmm1"], [55, "comisd xmm0, xmm1"], [56, "jbe loc_41CADF"], [57, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [58, "jns short loc_41CA15"], [59, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [60, "mov edx, 100000h"], [61, "mov ecx, eax"], [62, "sar edx, cl"], [63, "mov eax, edx"], [64, "add [rbp+var_4], eax"], [65, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [66, "not eax"], [67, "mov edx, eax"], [68, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [69, "and eax, edx"], [70, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [71, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [72, "jmp loc_41CADF"], [73, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 33h "], [74, "jle short loc_41CA57"], [75, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 400h"], [76, "jnz short loc_41CA4D"], [77, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+var_38]"], [78, "addsd xmm0, xmm0"], [79, "jmp loc_41CAFA"], [80, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+var_38]"], [81, "jmp loc_41CAFA"], [82, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [83, "sub eax, 14h"], [84, "mov edx, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [85, "mov ecx, eax"], [86, "shr edx, cl"], [87, "mov eax, edx"], [88, "mov [rbp+var_10], eax"], [89, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [90, "and eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [91, "test eax, eax"], [92, "jnz short loc_41CA7C"], [93, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+var_38]"], [94, "jmp short loc_41CAFA"], [95, "movsd xmm0, cs:qword_42DB60"], [96, "addsd xmm0, [rbp+var_38]"], [97, "pxor xmm1, xmm1"], [98, "comisd xmm0, xmm1"], [99, "jbe short loc_41CADF"], [100, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [101, "jns short loc_41CAD0"], [102, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 14h"], [103, "jnz short loc_41CAA5"], [104, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [105, "jmp short loc_41CAD0"], [106, "mov eax, 34h "], [107, "sub eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [108, "mov edx, 1"], [109, "mov ecx, eax"], [110, "shl edx, cl"], [111, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [112, "add eax, edx"], [113, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [114, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [115, "cmp [rbp+var_14], eax"], [116, "jnb short loc_41CACA"], [117, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [118, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [119, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [120, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [121, "not eax"], [122, "mov edx, eax"], [123, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [124, "and eax, edx"], [125, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [126, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [127, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_28+4], eax"], [128, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [129, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_28], eax"], [130, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+var_28]"], [131, "movsd [rbp+var_38], xmm0"], [132, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+var_38]"], [133, "movq rax, xmm0"], [134, "movq xmm0, rax"], [135, "pop rbp"], [136, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[3, 2], [4, 3], [6, 5], [7, 4], [8, 7], [9, 6], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 14], [16, 13], [17, 16], [19, 18], [19, 2], [21, 20], [21, 19], [22, 16], [23, 6], [24, 23], [26, 25], [27, 26], [29, 6], [30, 29], [31, 8], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 32], [37, 13], [39, 37], [40, 38], [40, 39], [41, 40], [42, 41], [43, 6], [44, 42], [44, 43], [45, 44], [46, 8], [47, 45], [47, 46], [48, 47], [49, 48], [50, 2], [53, 2], [53, 52], [55, 54], [55, 53], [56, 48], [57, 6], [58, 57], [59, 13], [61, 59], [62, 60], [62, 61], [63, 62], [64, 6], [64, 63], [65, 42], [66, 65], [67, 66], [68, 6], [68, 64], [69, 67], [69, 68], [70, 69], [73, 13], [74, 73], [75, 13], [76, 75], [77, 2], [78, 77], [80, 2], [82, 13], [83, 82], [85, 83], [86, 85], [86, 84], [87, 86], [88, 87], [89, 8], [90, 88], [90, 89], [91, 90], [92, 91], [93, 2], [96, 95], [96, 2], [98, 96], [98, 97], [99, 91], [100, 6], [101, 100], [102, 13], [103, 102], [104, 6], [107, 106], [107, 13], [109, 107], [110, 109], [110, 108], [111, 8], [112, 111], [112, 110], [113, 112], [114, 8], [115, 114], [115, 113], [116, 115], [117, 6], [118, 113], [119, 118], [120, 88], [121, 120], [122, 121], [123, 8], [123, 119], [124, 122], [124, 123], [125, 124], [126, 117], [126, 34], [126, 27], [126, 6], [126, 70], [126, 104], [127, 126], [128, 35], [128, 71], [128, 25], [128, 125], [128, 8], [129, 128], [130, 129], [131, 130], [132, 131], [133, 132], [133, 78], [133, 80], [133, 93], [133, 50], [134, 133], [135, 0], [136, 133]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/d32d4bd2f9b9b772bb1441c7c711fd76113598226ed441dc3954fcb692053573_d32d4bd2f9b9b772bb1441c7c711fd76113598226ed441dc3954fcb692053573.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_41C91C", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_41C91C(double a1)\n{\nint v1; // edx\nunsigned int v3; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-10h]\nint v4; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-Ch]\ndouble v5; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv5 = a1;\nv4 = ((SHIDWORD(a1) >> 20) & 0x7FF) - 1023;\nif ( v4 > 19 )\n{\nif ( v4 <= 51 )\n{\nv3 = 0xFFFFFFFF >> ((SHIDWORD(a1) >> 20) - 19);\nif ( (v3 & LODWORD(a1)) != 0 )\n{\nif ( a1 + 1.0e300 > 0.0 )\n{\nif ( a1 < 0.0 )\n{\nif ( ((SHIDWORD(a1) >> 20) & 0x7FF) == 1043 )\n{\nHIDWORD(v5) = HIDWORD(a1) + 1;\n}\nelse\n{\nv1 = 1 << (52 - ((SHIDWORD(a1) >> 20) + 1));\nif ( (unsigned int)(v1 + LODWORD(a1)) < LODWORD(a1) )\nHIDWORD(v5) = HIDWORD(a1) + 1;\nLODWORD(v5) = v1 + LODWORD(a1);\n}\n}\nLODWORD(v5) &= ~v3;\n}\ngoto LABEL_26;\n}\n}\nelse if ( ((SHIDWORD(a1) >> 20) & 0x7FF) == 2047 )\n{\na1 = a1 + a1;\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( v4 < 0 )\n{\nif ( a1 + 1.0e300 > 0.0 )\n{\nif ( a1 < 0.0 )\n{\nif ( LODWORD(a1) | HIDWORD(a1) & 0x7FFFFFFF )\nv5 = -1.0;\n}\nelse\n{\nv5 = 0.0;\n}\n}\nLABEL_26:\na1 = v5;\nreturn *(_QWORD *)&a1;\n}\nif ( (0xFFFFF >> ((SHIDWORD(a1) >> 20) + 1)) & HIDWORD(a1) | LODWORD(a1) )\n{\nif ( a1 + 1.0e300 > 0.0 )\n{\nif ( a1 < 0.0 )\nHIDWORD(v5) = (0x100000 >> ((SHIDWORD(a1) >> 20) + 1)) + HIDWORD(a1);\nHIDWORD(v5) &= ~(0xFFFFF >> ((SHIDWORD(a1) >> 20) + 1));\nLODWORD(v5) = 0;\n}\ngoto LABEL_26;\n}\n}\nreturn *(_QWORD *)&a1;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v4,v5,sub_41C91C,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'x', 'v4': 'j0', 'v5': 'i1', 'sub_41C91C': 'floor'}"} |
jsonw_printf | e5c9c8d20ccd38c24e98831a3071d55eb048ec7424cd008d9cfca20a4e22e2e6 | multipath-tcp | iproute-mptcp | NA | __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)))
void jsonw_printf(json_writer_t *self, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vfprintf(self->out, fmt, ap);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_416DE4", "function_addr": 4287972, "binary_name": "e5c9c8d20ccd38c24e98831a3071d55eb048ec7424cd008d9cfca20a4e22e2e6.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 0E0h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_D8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+format], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_A0], rdx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_98], rcx"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_90], r8"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_88], r9"], [9, "test al, al"], [10, "jz short loc_416E3D"], [11, "movaps [rbp+var_80], xmm0"], [12, "movaps [rbp+var_70], xmm1"], [13, "movaps [rbp+var_60], xmm2"], [14, "movaps [rbp+var_50], xmm3"], [15, "movaps [rbp+var_40], xmm4"], [16, "movaps [rbp+var_30], xmm5"], [17, "movaps [rbp+var_20], xmm6"], [18, "movaps [rbp+var_10], xmm7"], [19, "mov [rbp+arg], 10h"], [20, "mov [rbp+var_C4], 30h "], [21, "lea rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [22, "mov [rbp+var_C0], rax"], [23, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [24, "mov [rbp+var_B8], rax"], [25, "mov rax, [rbp+var_D8]"], [26, "mov rdi, rax"], [27, "call sub_416997"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+var_D8]"], [29, "mov rax, [rax]"], [30, "lea rdx, [rbp+arg]"], [31, "mov rcx, [rbp+format]"], [32, "mov rsi, rcx"], [33, "mov rdi, rax"], [34, "call _vfprintf"], [35, "nop"], [36, "leave"], [37, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[10, 9], [21, 9], [22, 21], [23, 21], [24, 23], [25, 3], [26, 25], [28, 3], [29, 28], [30, 19], [31, 4], [32, 31], [33, 29], [37, 34]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/e5c9c8d20ccd38c24e98831a3071d55eb048ec7424cd008d9cfca20a4e22e2e6_e5c9c8d20ccd38c24e98831a3071d55eb048ec7424cd008d9cfca20a4e22e2e6.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_416DE4", "query": "\n\n\nint sub_416DE4(FILE **a1, const char *a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5, __int64 a6, ...)\n{\ngcc_va_list arg; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-C8h] BYREF\n__int64 v8; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-A0h]\n__int64 v9; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-98h]\n__int64 v10; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-90h]\n__int64 v11; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-88h]\n\nva_start(arg, a6);\nv8 = a3;\nv9 = a4;\nv10 = a5;\nv11 = a6;\narg[0].gp_offset = 16;\nsub_416997((__int64)a1);\nreturn vfprintf(*a1, a2, arg);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,arg,sub_416DE4,sub_416997,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'self', 'a2': 'fmt', 'arg': 'ap', 'sub_416DE4': 'jsonw_printf', 'sub_416997': 'jsonw_eor'}"} |
AuConvertUuidToString | 1af1ae2e55417ac009d60b916804817b31888fa80e08f75439dc6c514c24a822 | bitdefender | napoca | NA | ACPI_STATUS
AuConvertUuidToString (
char *UuidBuffer,
char *OutString)
UINT32 i;
if (!UuidBuffer || !OutString)
for (i = 0; i < UUID_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++)
OutString[AcpiGbl_MapToUuidOffset[i]] =
AcpiUtHexToAsciiChar (UuidBuffer[i], 4);
OutString[AcpiGbl_MapToUuidOffset[i] + 1] =
AcpiUtHexToAsciiChar (UuidBuffer[i], 0);
/* Insert required hyphens (dashes) */
OutString[UUID_HYPHEN4_OFFSET] = '-';
OutString[UUID_STRING_LENGTH] = 0; /* Null terminate */
return (AE_OK);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_441628", "function_addr": 4462120, "binary_name": "1af1ae2e55417ac009d60b916804817b31888fa80e08f75439dc6c514c24a822.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push rbx"], [3, "sub rsp, 28h"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_30], rsi"], [6, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [7, "jz short loc_441647"], [8, "cmp [rbp+var_30], 0"], [9, "jnz short loc_441651"], [10, "mov eax, 1001h"], [11, "jmp loc_441714"], [12, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0"], [13, "jmp short loc_4416CC"], [14, "mov edx, [rbp+var_14]"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [16, "add rax, rdx"], [17, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [18, "movsx rax, al"], [19, "mov edx, [rbp+var_14]"], [20, "movzx edx, ds:byte_4FD750[rdx]"], [21, "movzx ecx, dl"], [22, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [23, "lea rbx, [rcx+rdx]"], [24, "mov esi, 4"], [25, "mov rdi, rax"], [26, "call sub_48B7EF"], [27, "mov [rbx], al"], [28, "mov edx, [rbp+var_14]"], [29, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [30, "add rax, rdx"], [31, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [32, "movsx rax, al"], [33, "mov edx, [rbp+var_14]"], [34, "movzx edx, ds:byte_4FD750[rdx]"], [35, "movzx edx, dl"], [36, "lea rcx, [rdx+1]"], [37, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [38, "lea rbx, [rcx+rdx]"], [39, "mov esi, 0"], [40, "mov rdi, rax"], [41, "call sub_48B7EF"], [42, "mov [rbx], al"], [43, "add [rbp+var_14], 1"], [44, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0Fh"], [45, "jbe short loc_44165A"], [46, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [47, "add rax, 17h"], [48, "mov byte ptr [rax], 2Dh "], [49, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [50, "add rdx, 12h"], [51, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [52, "mov [rdx], al"], [53, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [54, "add rax, 0Dh"], [55, "movzx edx, byte ptr [rdx]"], [56, "mov [rax], dl"], [57, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [58, "add rdx, 8"], [59, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [60, "mov [rdx], al"], [61, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [62, "add rax, 24h "], [63, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [64, "mov eax, 0"], [65, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_8]"], [66, "leave"], [67, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 4], [7, 6], [8, 5], [9, 8], [14, 43], [14, 12], [15, 4], [16, 15], [16, 14], [17, 27], [17, 42], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 43], [19, 12], [21, 20], [22, 5], [23, 21], [23, 27], [23, 42], [23, 38], [25, 18], [27, 23], [27, 26], [28, 12], [28, 43], [29, 4], [30, 29], [30, 28], [31, 30], [31, 27], [32, 31], [33, 43], [33, 12], [35, 34], [36, 21], [36, 27], [36, 35], [37, 5], [38, 23], [38, 27], [38, 36], [40, 32], [42, 38], [42, 41], [43, 43], [43, 12], [44, 43], [44, 12], [45, 44], [46, 5], [47, 46], [48, 47], [49, 5], [50, 49], [51, 47], [51, 48], [52, 51], [52, 50], [53, 5], [54, 53], [55, 50], [55, 52], [56, 55], [56, 54], [57, 5], [58, 57], [59, 54], [59, 56], [60, 59], [60, 58], [61, 5], [62, 61], [63, 62], [67, 10], [67, 64]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/1af1ae2e55417ac009d60b916804817b31888fa80e08f75439dc6c514c24a822_1af1ae2e55417ac009d60b916804817b31888fa80e08f75439dc6c514c24a822.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_441628", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_441628(__int64 a1, _BYTE *a2)\n{\n_BYTE *v3; // rbx\n_BYTE *v4; // rbx\nunsigned int i; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-14h]\n\nif ( !a1 || !a2 )\nreturn 4097LL;\nfor ( i = 0; i <= 0xF; ++i )\n{\nv3 = &a2[(unsigned __int8)byte_4FD750[i]];\n*v3 = sub_48B7EF(*(char *)(i + a1), 4LL);\nv4 = &a2[(unsigned __int8)byte_4FD750[i] + 1];\n*v4 = sub_48B7EF(*(char *)(i + a1), 0LL);\n}\na2[23] = 45;\na2[18] = a2[23];\na2[13] = a2[18];\na2[8] = a2[13];\na2[36] = 0;\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_441628,sub_48B7EF,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'UuidBuffer', 'a2': 'OutString', 'sub_441628': 'AuConvertUuidToString', 'sub_48B7EF': 'AcpiUtHexToAsciiChar'}"} |
packed_buffer_queue_prepend | d20d5d136ed82a5a36fdeedd4c3a30a62ee46f8e0365a7e4e8f0c462411d4a2f | smcameron | space-nerds-in-space | NA | void packed_buffer_queue_prepend(struct packed_buffer_queue *pbq, struct packed_buffer *pb,
pthread_mutex_t *mutex)
struct packed_buffer_queue_entry *entry;
entry = malloc(sizeof(*entry));
entry->buffer = pb;
if (!pbq->head) {
entry->next = NULL;
pbq->head = entry;
pbq->tail = entry;
entry->next = pbq->head;
pbq->head = entry;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "packed_buffer_queue_prepend", "function_addr": 4257608, "binary_name": "d20d5d136ed82a5a36fdeedd4c3a30a62ee46f8e0365a7e4e8f0c462411d4a2f.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_20], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdx"], [6, "mov edi, 10h"], [7, "call _malloc"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [10, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_20]"], [11, "mov [rax], rdx"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [13, "mov rdi, rax"], [14, "call sub_40F4BF"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [16, "mov rax, [rax]"], [17, "test rax, rax"], [18, "jnz short loc_40F7BE"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [20, "mov qword ptr [rax+8], 0"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [22, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [23, "mov [rax], rdx"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [25, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [26, "mov [rax+8], rdx"], [27, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [28, "mov rdi, rax"], [29, "call sub_40F4E1"], [30, "jmp short locret_40F7E5"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [32, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [34, "mov [rax+8], rdx"], [35, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [36, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [37, "mov [rax], rdx"], [38, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [39, "mov rdi, rax"], [40, "call sub_40F4E1"], [41, "nop"], [42, "leave"], [43, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 4], [11, 10], [11, 9], [12, 5], [13, 12], [15, 3], [16, 15], [16, 11], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 8], [20, 19], [21, 3], [22, 8], [23, 22], [23, 21], [24, 3], [25, 8], [26, 24], [26, 25], [27, 5], [28, 27], [31, 3], [32, 31], [32, 37], [32, 34], [32, 11], [33, 8], [34, 33], [34, 32], [35, 3], [36, 8], [37, 36], [37, 35], [38, 5], [39, 38], [43, 40], [43, 29]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/d20d5d136ed82a5a36fdeedd4c3a30a62ee46f8e0365a7e4e8f0c462411d4a2f_d20d5d136ed82a5a36fdeedd4c3a30a62ee46f8e0365a7e4e8f0c462411d4a2f.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "packed_buffer_queue_prepend", "query": "\n\n\nint __fastcall packed_buffer_queue_prepend(_QWORD *a1, __int64 a2, pthread_mutex_t *a3)\n{\n_QWORD *v5; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv5 = malloc(0x10uLL);\n*v5 = a2;\nsub_40F4BF(a3);\nif ( *a1 )\n{\nv5[1] = *a1;\n*a1 = v5;\n}\nelse\n{\nv5[1] = 0LL;\n*a1 = v5;\na1[1] = v5;\n}\nreturn sub_40F4E1(a3);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,v5,sub_40F4BF,sub_40F4E1,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'mutex', 'a1': 'pbq', 'a2': 'pb', 'v5': 'entry', 'sub_40F4BF': 'lockmutex', 'sub_40F4E1': 'unlockmutex'}"} |
sib | 5c229dfefdea4b64ebc28f522b4de6dae5f1fcfc51840f029b4341e0ddaca400 | tekknolagi | ghuloum | NA | byte sib(Register base, Index index, Scale scale) {
return ((scale & 0x3) << 6) | ((index & 0x7) << 3) | (base & 0x7);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_401983", "function_addr": 4200835, "binary_name": "5c229dfefdea4b64ebc28f522b4de6dae5f1fcfc51840f029b4341e0ddaca400.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_4], edi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], esi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_C], edx"], [5, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [6, "shl eax, 6"], [7, "mov edx, eax"], [8, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [9, "shl eax, 3"], [10, "and eax, 38h"], [11, "or edx, eax"], [12, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [13, "and eax, 7"], [14, "or eax, edx"], [15, "pop rbp"], [16, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 3], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 7], [11, 10], [12, 2], [13, 12], [14, 13], [14, 11], [15, 0], [16, 14]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/5c229dfefdea4b64ebc28f522b4de6dae5f1fcfc51840f029b4341e0ddaca400_5c229dfefdea4b64ebc28f522b4de6dae5f1fcfc51840f029b4341e0ddaca400.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_401983", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_401983(char a1, char a2, int a3)\n{\nreturn (8 * a2) & 0x38 | (a3 << 6) | a1 & 7u;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_401983,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'scale', 'a1': 'base', 'a2': 'index', 'sub_401983': 'sib'}"} |
net_handle_set_blocking | e21ee1127331112975520015498a17d58c54789e99022cdbe64ddc7645b5d66c | LekKit | RVVM | NA | static bool net_handle_set_blocking(net_handle_t fd, bool block)
#ifdef _WIN32
u_long blocking = block ? 0 : 1;
return ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &blocking) == 0;
#elif defined(F_SETFL) && defined(O_NONBLOCK)
int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);
if (flags == -1) return false;
flags = block ? (flags & ~O_NONBLOCK) : (flags | O_NONBLOCK);
return fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags) == 0;
if (!block) rvvm_warn("Non-blocking sockets are not supported on this OS");
return false;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4385CC", "function_addr": 4425164, "binary_name": "e21ee1127331112975520015498a17d58c54789e99022cdbe64ddc7645b5d66c.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+fd], edi"], [4, "mov eax, esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_18], al"], [6, "mov eax, [rbp+fd]"], [7, "mov edx, 0"], [8, "mov esi, 3"], [9, "mov edi, eax"], [10, "mov eax, 0"], [11, "call _fcntl"], [12, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [13, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [14, "jnz short loc_438605"], [15, "mov eax, 0"], [16, "jmp short locret_438638"], [17, "cmp [rbp+var_18], 0"], [18, "jz short loc_438613"], [19, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [20, "and ah, 0F7h"], [21, "jmp short loc_438619"], [22, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [23, "or ah, 8"], [24, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [25, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [26, "mov eax, [rbp+fd]"], [27, "mov esi, 4"], [28, "mov edi, eax"], [29, "mov eax, 0"], [30, "call _fcntl"], [31, "test eax, eax"], [32, "setz al"], [33, "leave"], [34, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 3], [9, 6], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [17, 5], [18, 17], [19, 12], [20, 19], [22, 12], [23, 22], [24, 23], [24, 20], [25, 24], [26, 3], [28, 26], [31, 30], [32, 31], [34, 15], [34, 32]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/e21ee1127331112975520015498a17d58c54789e99022cdbe64ddc7645b5d66c_e21ee1127331112975520015498a17d58c54789e99022cdbe64ddc7645b5d66c.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4385CC", "query": "\n\n\nbool __fastcall sub_4385CC(int a1, char a2)\n{\nunsigned int v3; // eax\nint v4; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv4 = fcntl(a1, 3, 0LL);\nif ( v4 == -1 )\nreturn 0;\nv3 = v4;\nif ( a2 )\nBYTE1(v3) = BYTE1(v4) & 0xF7;\nelse\nBYTE1(v3) = BYTE1(v4) | 8;\nreturn fcntl(a1, 4, v3) == 0;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v4,sub_4385CC,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'fd', 'a2': 'block', 'v4': 'flags', 'sub_4385CC': 'net_handle_set_blocking'}"} |
lv_obj_get_auto_realign | 19729148c2fecc0159cbd120947156a1f58505e3a7e54d3fb0c2e0bd24f28bc1 | zephray | Fobu | NA | bool lv_obj_get_auto_realign(const lv_obj_t * obj)
return obj->realign.auto_realign ? true : false;
return false;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40D121", "function_addr": 4247841, "binary_name": "19729148c2fecc0159cbd120947156a1f58505e3a7e54d3fb0c2e0bd24f28bc1.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [5, "mov rdi, rax"], [6, "call sub_42D26D"], [7, "xor eax, 1"], [8, "test al, al"], [9, "jz short loc_40D177"], [10, "mov r8d, offset aLvObjGetAutoRe"], [11, "mov ecx, offset aLvObjGetAutoRe"], [12, "mov edx, 996h"], [13, "mov esi, offset aMiddlewaresLvg_2"], [14, "mov edi, 3"], [15, "mov eax, 0"], [16, "call sub_42CE0C"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [18, "mov rsi, rax"], [19, "mov edi, offset aNullPointer"], [20, "call sub_42D3DA"], [21, "jmp short loc_40D175"], [22, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [23, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+7Dh]"], [24, "movzx eax, al"], [25, "and eax, 1"], [26, "test eax, eax"], [27, "setnz al"], [28, "leave"], [29, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 8], [17, 3], [18, 17], [22, 3], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 26], [29, 27]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/19729148c2fecc0159cbd120947156a1f58505e3a7e54d3fb0c2e0bd24f28bc1_19729148c2fecc0159cbd120947156a1f58505e3a7e54d3fb0c2e0bd24f28bc1.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40D121", "query": "\n\n\nbool __fastcall sub_40D121(__int64 a1)\n{\nint v1; // er9\n\nif ( (unsigned __int8)sub_42D26D(a1) != 1 )\n{\nsub_42CE0C(\n3,\n(unsigned int)\"./middlewares/lvgl/src/lv_core/lv_obj.c\",\n2454,\n(unsigned int)\"lv_obj_get_auto_realign\",\n(unsigned int)\"lv_obj_get_auto_realign\",\nv1);\nsub_42D3DA(\"NULL pointer\", a1);\nwhile ( 1 )\n;\n}\nreturn (*(_BYTE *)(a1 + 125) & 1) != 0;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_40D121,sub_42D26D,sub_42CE0C,sub_42D3DA,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'obj', 'sub_40D121': 'lv_obj_get_auto_realign', 'sub_42D26D': 'lv_debug_check_null', 'sub_42CE0C': '_lv_log_add', 'sub_42D3DA': 'lv_debug_log_error'}"} |
has_nehalem_turbo_ratio_limit | deeb0e8feee98a2cccfc162e9490a1324be994d0f76f758884ae45aa64485c1d | OLIMEX | DIY-LAPTOP | NA | int has_nehalem_turbo_ratio_limit(unsigned int family, unsigned int model)
if (!genuine_intel)
return 0;
if (family != 6)
return 0;
switch (model) {
case 0x1A: /* Core i7, Xeon 5500 series - Bloomfield, Gainstown NHM-EP */
case 0x1E: /* Core i7 and i5 Processor - Clarksfield, Lynnfield, Jasper Forest */
case 0x1F: /* Core i7 and i5 Processor - Nehalem */
case 0x25: /* Westmere Client - Clarkdale, Arrandale */
case 0x2C: /* Westmere EP - Gulftown */
case 0x2A: /* SNB */
case 0x2D: /* SNB Xeon */
case 0x3A: /* IVB */
case 0x3E: /* IVB Xeon */
case 0x3C: /* HSW */
case 0x3F: /* HSW */
case 0x45: /* HSW */
case 0x46: /* HSW */
return 1;
case 0x2E: /* Nehalem-EX Xeon - Beckton */
case 0x2F: /* Westmere-EX Xeon - Eagleton */
return 0;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_406157", "function_addr": 4219223, "binary_name": "deeb0e8feee98a2cccfc162e9490a1324be994d0f76f758884ae45aa64485c1d.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_4], edi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], esi"], [4, "mov eax, cs:dword_40D1AC"], [5, "test eax, eax"], [6, "jnz short loc_406172"], [7, "mov eax, 0"], [8, "jmp short loc_4061A2"], [9, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 6"], [10, "jz short loc_40617F"], [11, "mov eax, 0"], [12, "jmp short loc_4061A2"], [13, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [14, "sub eax, 1Ah"], [15, "cmp eax, 2Ch"], [16, "ja short def_406194"], [17, "mov eax, eax"], [18, "mov rax, ds:jpt_406194[rax*8]"], [19, "jmp rax"], [20, "mov eax, 1"], [21, "jmp short loc_4061A2"], [22, "mov eax, 0"], [23, "pop rbp"], [24, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [9, 2], [10, 9], [13, 3], [14, 13], [15, 14], [16, 15], [17, 14], [19, 18], [23, 0], [24, 7], [24, 20], [24, 11], [24, 22]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/deeb0e8feee98a2cccfc162e9490a1324be994d0f76f758884ae45aa64485c1d_deeb0e8feee98a2cccfc162e9490a1324be994d0f76f758884ae45aa64485c1d.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_406157", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_406157(int a1, int a2)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nif ( !dword_40D1AC )\nreturn 0LL;\nif ( a1 != 6 )\nreturn 0LL;\nswitch ( a2 )\n{\ncase 26:\ncase 30:\ncase 31:\ncase 37:\ncase 42:\ncase 44:\ncase 45:\ncase 58:\ncase 60:\ncase 62:\ncase 63:\ncase 69:\ncase 70:\nresult = 1LL;\nbreak;\ndefault:\nresult = 0LL;\nbreak;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_406157,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'family', 'a2': 'model', 'sub_406157': 'has_nehalem_turbo_ratio_limit'}"} |
load_hmmlist_callback | 9b85fa48a868983d7ee8c1ec5b0fcd80355cfe0cf4a097485a7f6533d5af5dbe | hecomi | node-julius | NA | static boolean
load_hmmlist_callback(void **data_p, void *data, FILE *fp)
HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo = data;
HMM_Logical *new;
int len;
char buf[MAX_HMMNAME_LEN];
HTK_HMM_Data *d;
new = (HMM_Logical *)mybmalloc2(sizeof(HMM_Logical), &(hmminfo->lroot));
if (myfread(&(new->is_pseudo), sizeof(boolean), 1, fp) < 1) return FALSE;
if (myfread(&len, sizeof(int), 1, fp) < 1) return FALSE;
new->name = (char *)mybmalloc2(len, &(hmminfo->lroot));
if (myfread(new->name, len, 1, fp) < 1) return FALSE;
if (myfread(&len, sizeof(int), 1, fp) < 1) return FALSE;
if (myfread(buf, len, 1, fp) < 1) return FALSE;
if (new->is_pseudo) {
jlog("Error: sorry, pseudo logical phone saving not implemented yet\n");
return FALSE;
} else {
d = htk_hmmdata_lookup_physical(hmminfo, buf);
if (d == NULL) {
jlog("Error: load_hmmlist_callback: no name \"%s\" in hmmdefs!\n", buf);
return FALSE;
new->body.defined = d;
new->next = hmminfo->lgstart;
hmminfo->lgstart = new;
*data_p = new;
return TRUE;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_45756A", "function_addr": 4552042, "binary_name": "9b85fa48a868983d7ee8c1ec5b0fcd80355cfe0cf4a097485a7f6533d5af5dbe.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 140h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_128], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_130], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_138], rdx"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_130]"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [9, "add rax, 170h"], [10, "mov rsi, rax"], [11, "mov edi, 20h "], [12, "call sub_466E12"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [15, "lea rdi, [rax+8]"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_138]"], [17, "mov rcx, rax"], [18, "mov edx, 1"], [19, "mov esi, 1"], [20, "call sub_468ACA"], [21, "test rax, rax"], [22, "jnz short loc_4575E0"], [23, "mov eax, 0"], [24, "jmp locret_45776D"], [25, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_138]"], [26, "lea rax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [27, "mov rcx, rdx"], [28, "mov edx, 1"], [29, "mov esi, 4"], [30, "mov rdi, rax"], [31, "call sub_468ACA"], [32, "test rax, rax"], [33, "jnz short loc_45760F"], [34, "mov eax, 0"], [35, "jmp locret_45776D"], [36, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [37, "add rax, 170h"], [38, "mov edx, [rbp+var_1C]"], [39, "mov rsi, rax"], [40, "mov edi, edx"], [41, "call sub_466E12"], [42, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [43, "mov [rdx], rax"], [44, "mov eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [45, "movsxd rsi, eax"], [46, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [47, "mov rax, [rax]"], [48, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_138]"], [49, "mov rcx, rdx"], [50, "mov edx, 1"], [51, "mov rdi, rax"], [52, "call sub_468ACA"], [53, "test rax, rax"], [54, "jnz short loc_457660"], [55, "mov eax, 0"], [56, "jmp locret_45776D"], [57, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_138]"], [58, "lea rax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [59, "mov rcx, rdx"], [60, "mov edx, 1"], [61, "mov esi, 4"], [62, "mov rdi, rax"], [63, "call sub_468ACA"], [64, "test rax, rax"], [65, "jnz short loc_45768F"], [66, "mov eax, 0"], [67, "jmp locret_45776D"], [68, "mov eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [69, "movsxd rsi, eax"], [70, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_138]"], [71, "lea rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [72, "mov rcx, rdx"], [73, "mov edx, 1"], [74, "mov rdi, rax"], [75, "call sub_468ACA"], [76, "test rax, rax"], [77, "jnz short loc_4576C2"], [78, "mov eax, 0"], [79, "jmp locret_45776D"], [80, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [81, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+8]"], [82, "test al, al"], [83, "jz short loc_4576E9"], [84, "lea rdi, aErrorSorryPseu"], [85, "mov eax, 0"], [86, "call sub_466AFB"], [87, "mov eax, 0"], [88, "jmp locret_45776D"], [89, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_120]"], [90, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [91, "mov rsi, rdx"], [92, "mov rdi, rax"], [93, "call sub_451113"], [94, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [95, "cmp [rbp+var_18], 0"], [96, "jnz short loc_45772C"], [97, "lea rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [98, "mov rsi, rax"], [99, "lea rdi, aErrorLoadHmmli"], [100, "mov eax, 0"], [101, "call sub_466AFB"], [102, "mov eax, 0"], [103, "jmp short locret_45776D"], [104, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [105, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [106, "mov [rax+10h], rdx"], [107, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [108, "mov rdx, [rax+0A8h]"], [109, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [110, "mov [rax+18h], rdx"], [111, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [112, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [113, "mov [rax+0A8h], rdx"], [114, "mov rax, [rbp+var_128]"], [115, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [116, "mov [rax], rdx"], [117, "mov eax, 1"], [118, "leave"], [119, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 4], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 9], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 14], [15, 11], [16, 5], [17, 16], [21, 20], [22, 21], [25, 5], [26, 21], [27, 25], [30, 26], [32, 31], [33, 32], [36, 7], [37, 36], [39, 37], [40, 38], [42, 13], [43, 41], [43, 42], [45, 44], [46, 13], [47, 43], [47, 46], [48, 5], [49, 48], [51, 47], [53, 52], [54, 53], [57, 5], [58, 53], [59, 57], [62, 58], [64, 63], [65, 64], [69, 68], [70, 5], [71, 68], [72, 70], [74, 71], [76, 75], [77, 76], [80, 13], [81, 80], [81, 43], [82, 81], [83, 82], [84, 74], [89, 73], [90, 7], [91, 89], [92, 90], [94, 93], [95, 94], [96, 95], [97, 93], [98, 97], [99, 92], [104, 13], [105, 94], [106, 104], [106, 105], [107, 7], [108, 107], [108, 106], [109, 13], [110, 109], [110, 108], [111, 7], [112, 13], [113, 112], [113, 111], [114, 3], [115, 13], [116, 115], [116, 114], [119, 78], [119, 23], [119, 87], [119, 34], [119, 66], [119, 102], [119, 117], [119, 55]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/9b85fa48a868983d7ee8c1ec5b0fcd80355cfe0cf4a097485a7f6533d5af5dbe_9b85fa48a868983d7ee8c1ec5b0fcd80355cfe0cf4a097485a7f6533d5af5dbe.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_45756A", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_45756A(_QWORD *a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v4; // rax\nunsigned int v5; // esi\nint v6; // edx\nint v7; // ecx\nint v8; // er8\nint v9; // er9\nint v10; // edx\nint v11; // ecx\nint v12; // er8\nint v13; // er9\nchar v15[260]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-120h] BYREF\nunsigned int v16; // [rsp+124h] [rbp-1Ch] BYREF\nconst char **v17; // [rsp+128h] [rbp-18h]\n__int64 v18; // [rsp+130h] [rbp-10h]\n__int64 v19; // [rsp+138h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv19 = a2;\nv18 = sub_466E12(32LL, a2 + 368);\nif ( !sub_468ACA(v18 + 8, 1LL, 1LL, a3) )\nreturn 0LL;\nif ( !sub_468ACA(&v16, 4LL, 1LL, a3) )\nreturn 0LL;\nv4 = sub_466E12(v16, v19 + 368);\n*(_QWORD *)v18 = v4;\nif ( !sub_468ACA(*(_QWORD *)v18, (int)v16, 1LL, a3) )\nreturn 0LL;\nif ( !sub_468ACA(&v16, 4LL, 1LL, a3) )\nreturn 0LL;\nv5 = v16;\nif ( !sub_468ACA(v15, (int)v16, 1LL, a3) )\nreturn 0LL;\nif ( *(_BYTE *)(v18 + 8) )\n{\nsub_466AFB((unsigned int)\"Error: sorry, pseudo logical phone saving not implemented yet\\n\", v5, v6, v7, v8, v9);\nresult = 0LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nv17 = sub_451113(v19, v15);\nif ( v17 )\n{\n*(_QWORD *)(v18 + 16) = v17;\n*(_QWORD *)(v18 + 24) = *(_QWORD *)(v19 + 168);\n*(_QWORD *)(v19 + 168) = v18;\n*a1 = v18;\nresult = 1LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_466AFB(\n(unsigned int)\"Error: load_hmmlist_callback: no name \\\"%s\\\" in hmmdefs!\\n\",\n(unsigned int)v15,\nv10,\nv11,\nv12,\nv13);\nresult = 0LL;\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,v5,v10,v15,v16,v17,v18,v19,sub_45756A,sub_466E12,sub_468ACA,sub_466AFB,sub_451113,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'fp', 'a1': 'data_p', 'a2': 'data', 'v5': 'data', 'v10': 'fp', 'v15': 'buf', 'v16': 'len', 'v17': 'd', 'v18': 'newa', 'v19': 'hmminfo', 'sub_45756A': 'load_hmmlist_callback', 'sub_466E12': 'mybmalloc2', 'sub_468ACA': 'myfread', 'sub_466AFB': 'jlog', 'sub_451113': 'htk_hmmdata_lookup_physical'}"} |
omac1_aes_128_vector | 673babe0dfa17d5582284983f4ea4bc3b752506a36fd5b6955009a528da3fd89 | vanhoefm | hostap-wpa3 | NA | int omac1_aes_128_vector(const u8 *key, size_t num_elem,
const u8 *addr[], const size_t *len, u8 *mac)
return omac1_aes_vector(key, 16, num_elem, addr, len, mac);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_444FAE", "function_addr": 4476846, "binary_name": "673babe0dfa17d5582284983f4ea4bc3b752506a36fd5b6955009a528da3fd89.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_20], rcx"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_28], r8"], [8, "mov rdi, [rbp+var_28]"], [9, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_20]"], [10, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_18]"], [11, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [13, "mov r9, rdi"], [14, "mov r8, rsi"], [15, "mov esi, 10h"], [16, "mov rdi, rax"], [17, "call sub_444C70"], [18, "leave"], [19, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[8, 7], [9, 6], [10, 5], [11, 4], [12, 3], [13, 8], [14, 9], [16, 12], [19, 17]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/673babe0dfa17d5582284983f4ea4bc3b752506a36fd5b6955009a528da3fd89_673babe0dfa17d5582284983f4ea4bc3b752506a36fd5b6955009a528da3fd89.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_444FAE", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_444FAE(__int64 a1, unsigned __int64 a2, __int64 *a3, _QWORD *a4, _BYTE *a5)\n{\nreturn sub_444C70(a1, 16, a2, a3, a4, a5);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,sub_444FAE,sub_444C70,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'addr', 'a4': 'len', 'a1': 'key', 'a2': 'num_elem', 'a5': 'mac', 'sub_444FAE': 'omac1_aes_128_vector', 'sub_444C70': 'omac1_aes_vector'}"} |
gencode | 52d6428286326c975eaf1801693e24ec80f3dcc477ca21987a78c689c68cce17 | FrozenSand | ioq3-for-UrbanTerror-4 | NA | void gencode(Symbol caller[], Symbol callee[]) {
Code cp;
Coordinate save;
if (prunetemps == -1)
prunetemps = !IR->wants_dag;
save = src;
if (assignargs) {
int i;
Symbol p, q;
cp =>next;
codelist =;
for (i = 0; (p = callee[i]) != NULL
&& (q = caller[i]) != NULL; i++)
if (p->sclass != q->sclass || p->type != q->type)
walk(asgn(p, idtree(q)), 0, 0);
codelist->next = cp;
cp->prev = codelist;
if (glevel && IR->stabsym) {
int i;
Symbol p, q;
for (i = 0; (p = callee[i]) != NULL
&& (q = caller[i]) != NULL; i++) {
if (p->sclass != q->sclass || p->type != q->type)
cp =;
for ( ; errcnt <= 0 && cp; cp = cp->next)
switch (cp->kind) {
case Address: (*IR->address)(cp->u.addr.sym, cp->u.addr.base,
cp->u.addr.offset); break;
case Blockbeg: {
Symbol *p = cp->u.block.locals;
for ( ; *p; p++)
if ((*p)->ref != 0.0)
else if (glevel) (*IR->local)(*p);
case Blockend: (*IR->blockend)(&cp->u.begin->u.block.x); break;
case Defpoint: src = cp->u.point.src; break;
case Gen: case Jump:
case Label: if (prunetemps)
cp->u.forest = prune(cp->u.forest);
cp->u.forest = (*IR->gen)(cp->u.forest); break;
case Local: (*IR->local)(cp->u.var); break;
case Switch: break;
default: assert(0);
src = save;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4051D0", "function_addr": 4215248, "binary_name": "52d6428286326c975eaf1801693e24ec80f3dcc477ca21987a78c689c68cce17.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 60h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_58], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_60], rsi"], [5, "mov eax, cs:dword_442334"], [6, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [7, "jnz short loc_405207"], [8, "mov rax, cs:qword_44D220"], [9, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+1Eh]"], [10, "and eax, 20h"], [11, "test al, al"], [12, "setz al"], [13, "movzx eax, al"], [14, "mov cs:dword_442334, eax"], [15, "mov rax, cs:qword_448100"], [16, "mov rdx, cs:qword_448108"], [17, "mov [rbp+var_50], rax"], [18, "mov [rbp+var_48], rdx"], [19, "mov eax, cs:dword_442330"], [20, "test eax, eax"], [21, "jz loc_405312"], [22, "mov rax, cs:qword_4440B0"], [23, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [24, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [25, "mov rax, cs:qword_4440B0"], [26, "mov cs:off_4440E8, rax"], [27, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [28, "jmp short loc_4052AC"], [29, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [30, "mov edx, [rax+30h]"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [32, "mov eax, [rax+30h]"], [33, "cmp edx, eax"], [34, "jnz short loc_405278"], [35, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [36, "mov rdx, [rax+38h]"], [37, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [38, "mov rax, [rax+38h]"], [39, "cmp rdx, rax"], [40, "jz short loc_4052A8"], [41, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [42, "mov rdi, rax"], [43, "call sub_415E64"], [44, "mov rdx, rax"], [45, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [46, "mov rsi, rdx"], [47, "mov rdi, rax"], [48, "call sub_412BEC"], [49, "mov edx, 0"], [50, "mov esi, 0"], [51, "mov rdi, rax"], [52, "call sub_402B0A"], [53, "add [rbp+var_C], 1"], [54, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [55, "cdqe"], [56, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [57, "mov rax, [rbp+var_60]"], [58, "add rax, rdx"], [59, "mov rax, [rax]"], [60, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [61, "cmp [rbp+var_20], 0"], [62, "jz short loc_4052F4"], [63, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [64, "cdqe"], [65, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [66, "mov rax, [rbp+var_58]"], [67, "add rax, rdx"], [68, "mov rax, [rax]"], [69, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [70, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [71, "jnz loc_405251"], [72, "mov rax, cs:off_4440E8"], [73, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [74, "mov [rax+10h], rdx"], [75, "mov rdx, cs:off_4440E8"], [76, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [77, "mov [rax+8], rdx"], [78, "mov eax, cs:dword_44D230"], [79, "test eax, eax"], [80, "jz loc_4053EB"], [81, "mov rax, cs:qword_44D220"], [82, "mov rax, [rax+0D8h]"], [83, "test rax, rax"], [84, "jz loc_4053EB"], [85, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [86, "jmp short loc_405399"], [87, "mov rax, cs:qword_44D220"], [88, "mov rdx, [rax+0D8h]"], [89, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [90, "mov rdi, rax"], [91, "call rdx"], [92, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [93, "mov edx, [rax+30h]"], [94, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [95, "mov eax, [rax+30h]"], [96, "cmp edx, eax"], [97, "jnz short loc_40537E"], [98, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [99, "mov rdx, [rax+38h]"], [100, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [101, "mov rax, [rax+38h]"], [102, "cmp rdx, rax"], [103, "jz short loc_405395"], [104, "mov rax, cs:qword_44D220"], [105, "mov rdx, [rax+0D8h]"], [106, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [107, "mov rdi, rax"], [108, "call rdx"], [109, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [110, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [111, "cdqe"], [112, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [113, "mov rax, [rbp+var_60]"], [114, "add rax, rdx"], [115, "mov rax, [rax]"], [116, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [117, "cmp [rbp+var_30], 0"], [118, "jz short loc_4053E1"], [119, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [120, "cdqe"], [121, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [122, "mov rax, [rbp+var_58]"], [123, "add rax, rdx"], [124, "mov rax, [rax]"], [125, "mov [rbp+var_38], rax"], [126, "cmp [rbp+var_38], 0"], [127, "jnz loc_405340"], [128, "mov edi, 1"], [129, "call sub_41C52B"], [130, "mov rax, cs:qword_4440B0"], [131, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [132, "jmp loc_4055B8"], [133, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [134, "mov eax, [rax]"], [135, "cmp eax, 9"], [136, "ja def_405414"], [137, "mov eax, eax"], [138, "mov rax, ds:jpt_405414[rax*8]"], [139, "jmp rax"], [140, "mov rax, cs:qword_44D220"], [141, "mov r8, [rax+20h]"], [142, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [143, "mov rdx, [rax+28h]"], [144, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [145, "mov rcx, [rax+20h]"], [146, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [147, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [148, "mov rsi, rcx"], [149, "mov rdi, rax"], [150, "call r8"], [151, "jmp loc_4055AC"], [152, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [153, "mov rax, [rax+20h]"], [154, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [155, "mov rax, cs:qword_44D220"], [156, "mov rax, [rax+28h]"], [157, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [158, "add rdx, 38h "], [159, "mov rdi, rdx"], [160, "call rax"], [161, "jmp short loc_4054D0"], [162, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [163, "mov rax, [rax]"], [164, "movss xmm0, dword ptr [rax+40h]"], [165, "pxor xmm1, xmm1"], [166, "ucomiss xmm0, xmm1"], [167, "jp short loc_40548B"], [168, "pxor xmm1, xmm1"], [169, "comiss xmm0, xmm1"], [170, "jz short loc_4054A7"], [171, "mov rax, cs:qword_44D220"], [172, "mov rdx, [rax+88h]"], [173, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [174, "mov rax, [rax]"], [175, "mov rdi, rax"], [176, "call rdx"], [177, "jmp short loc_4054CB"], [178, "mov eax, cs:dword_44D230"], [179, "test eax, eax"], [180, "jz short loc_4054CB"], [181, "mov rax, cs:qword_44D220"], [182, "mov rdx, [rax+88h]"], [183, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [184, "mov rax, [rax]"], [185, "mov rdi, rax"], [186, "call rdx"], [187, "add [rbp+var_18], 8"], [188, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [189, "mov rax, [rax]"], [190, "test rax, rax"], [191, "jnz short loc_40546D"], [192, "jmp loc_4055AC"], [193, "mov rax, cs:qword_44D220"], [194, "mov rax, [rax+30h]"], [195, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [196, "mov rdx, [rdx+18h]"], [197, "add rdx, 38h "], [198, "mov rdi, rdx"], [199, "call rax"], [200, "jmp loc_4055AC"], [201, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [202, "mov rdx, [rax+20h]"], [203, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [204, "mov cs:qword_448100, rax"], [205, "mov cs:qword_448108, rdx"], [206, "jmp loc_4055AC"], [207, "mov eax, cs:dword_442334"], [208, "test eax, eax"], [209, "jz short loc_405543"], [210, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [211, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [212, "mov rdi, rax"], [213, "call sub_405F65"], [214, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [215, "mov [rdx+18h], rax"], [216, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [217, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [218, "mov rdi, rax"], [219, "call sub_4055E6"], [220, "mov rax, cs:qword_44D220"], [221, "mov rdx, [rax+70h]"], [222, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [223, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [224, "mov rdi, rax"], [225, "call rdx"], [226, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [227, "mov [rdx+18h], rax"], [228, "jmp short loc_4055AC"], [229, "mov rax, cs:qword_44D220"], [230, "mov rdx, [rax+88h]"], [231, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [232, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [233, "mov rdi, rax"], [234, "call rdx"], [235, "jmp short loc_4055AC"], [236, "mov ecx, offset aGencode"], [237, "mov edx, 1D7h"], [238, "mov esi, offset aSrcDagC"], [239, "mov edi, offset a0_0"], [240, "call ___assert_fail"], [241, "nop"], [242, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [243, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [244, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [245, "mov eax, cs:dword_446DF8"], [246, "test eax, eax"], [247, "jg short loc_4055CD"], [248, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [249, "jnz loc_4053FB"], [250, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [251, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [252, "mov cs:qword_448100, rax"], [253, "mov cs:qword_448108, rdx"], [254, "nop"], [255, "leave"], [256, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 5], [7, 6], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [17, 15], [18, 16], [20, 19], [21, 20], [23, 22], [24, 23], [26, 25], [27, 26], [28, 26], [29, 60], [30, 29], [31, 69], [32, 31], [33, 32], [33, 30], [34, 33], [35, 60], [36, 35], [37, 69], [38, 37], [39, 38], [39, 36], [40, 39], [41, 69], [42, 41], [44, 43], [45, 60], [46, 44], [47, 45], [51, 48], [53, 27], [53, 53], [54, 27], [54, 53], [56, 16], [56, 36], [56, 49], [57, 4], [58, 57], [58, 56], [59, 58], [60, 59], [61, 60], [62, 61], [63, 27], [63, 53], [65, 56], [66, 3], [67, 66], [67, 65], [68, 67], [69, 68], [70, 69], [71, 70], [73, 24], [74, 73], [74, 72], [76, 24], [77, 76], [77, 75], [79, 78], [80, 79], [82, 74], [82, 77], [82, 81], [83, 82], [84, 83], [88, 74], [88, 87], [88, 77], [89, 116], [90, 89], [91, 88], [92, 116], [93, 74], [93, 92], [93, 77], [94, 125], [95, 74], [95, 77], [95, 94], [96, 95], [96, 93], [97, 96], [98, 116], [99, 98], [99, 74], [99, 77], [100, 125], [101, 77], [101, 100], [101, 74], [102, 99], [102, 101], [103, 102], [105, 104], [105, 74], [105, 77], [106, 125], [107, 106], [108, 105], [109, 109], [109, 85], [110, 109], [110, 85], [112, 75], [112, 105], [112, 16], [112, 99], [113, 4], [114, 113], [114, 112], [115, 74], [115, 77], [115, 114], [116, 115], [117, 116], [118, 117], [119, 109], [119, 85], [121, 112], [122, 3], [123, 121], [123, 122], [124, 123], [124, 74], [124, 77], [125, 124], [126, 125], [127, 126], [131, 130], [133, 244], [133, 131], [134, 215], [134, 227], [134, 74], [134, 77], [134, 133], [135, 134], [136, 135], [137, 134], [139, 138], [141, 227], [141, 77], [141, 140], [141, 215], [141, 74], [142, 244], [142, 131], [143, 215], [143, 74], [143, 142], [143, 227], [143, 77], [144, 244], [144, 131], [145, 215], [145, 74], [145, 144], [145, 227], [145, 77], [146, 244], [146, 131], [147, 227], [147, 77], [147, 146], [147, 215], [147, 74], [148, 145], [149, 147], [150, 141], [152, 244], [152, 131], [153, 74], [153, 152], [153, 227], [153, 77], [153, 215], [154, 153], [156, 215], [156, 74], [156, 227], [156, 77], [156, 155], [157, 244], [157, 131], [158, 157], [159, 158], [160, 156], [162, 154], [162, 187], [163, 227], [163, 77], [163, 215], [163, 74], [163, 162], [164, 215], [164, 74], [164, 163], [164, 227], [164, 77], [166, 165], [166, 164], [167, 190], [169, 166], [169, 168], [170, 190], [172, 74], [172, 171], [172, 227], [172, 77], [172, 215], [173, 187], [173, 154], [174, 227], [174, 77], [174, 173], [174, 215], [174, 74], [175, 174], [176, 172], [179, 178], [180, 179], [182, 227], [182, 77], [182, 215], [182, 74], [182, 181], [183, 187], [183, 154], [184, 77], [184, 183], [184, 215], [184, 74], [184, 227], [185, 184], [186, 182], [187, 154], [187, 187], [188, 187], [188, 154], [189, 215], [189, 74], [189, 227], [189, 77], [189, 188], [190, 189], [191, 190], [194, 215], [194, 74], [194, 227], [194, 77], [194, 193], [195, 244], [195, 131], [196, 227], [196, 77], [196, 215], [196, 74], [196, 195], [197, 196], [198, 197], [199, 194], [201, 244], [201, 131], [202, 227], [202, 74], [202, 77], [202, 215], [202, 201], [203, 215], [203, 201], [203, 74], [203, 227], [203, 77], [204, 203], [205, 202], [207, 14], [208, 207], [209, 208], [210, 244], [210, 131], [211, 215], [211, 210], [211, 227], [211, 74], [211, 77], [212, 211], [214, 131], [214, 244], [215, 214], [215, 213], [216, 131], [216, 244], [217, 77], [217, 216], [217, 215], [217, 74], [217, 227], [218, 217], [221, 215], [221, 227], [221, 74], [221, 77], [221, 220], [222, 131], [222, 244], [223, 222], [223, 77], [223, 215], [223, 227], [223, 74], [224, 223], [225, 221], [226, 244], [226, 131], [227, 226], [227, 225], [230, 229], [230, 215], [230, 74], [230, 227], [230, 77], [231, 244], [231, 131], [232, 215], [232, 227], [232, 74], [232, 231], [232, 77], [233, 232], [234, 230], [242, 244], [242, 131], [243, 242], [243, 227], [243, 74], [243, 77], [243, 215], [244, 243], [246, 245], [247, 246], [248, 244], [248, 131], [249, 248], [250, 17], [251, 18], [252, 250], [253, 251], [256, 250]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/52d6428286326c975eaf1801693e24ec80f3dcc477ca21987a78c689c68cce17_52d6428286326c975eaf1801693e24ec80f3dcc477ca21987a78c689c68cce17.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4051D0", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4051D0(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)\n{\n__int64 v2; // rax\n__int64 v3; // rax\n__int64 v4; // rdx\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v6; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-50h]\n__int64 v7; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-48h]\n__int64 v8; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-38h]\n__int64 v9; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-30h]\n__int64 v10; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-28h]\n__int64 v11; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-20h]\n_QWORD *v12; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-18h]\nint j; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-10h]\nint i; // [rsp+54h] [rbp-Ch]\n__int64 v15; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-8h]\n__int64 k; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-8h]\n\nif ( dword_442334 == -1 )\ndword_442334 = (*(_BYTE *)(qword_44D220 + 30) & 0x20) == 0;\nv6 = qword_448100;\nv7 = qword_448108;\nif ( dword_442330 )\n{\nv15 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4440B0 + 16);\noff_4440E8 = (void *)qword_4440B0;\nfor ( i = 0; ; ++i )\n{\nv11 = *(_QWORD *)(8LL * i + a2);\nif ( !v11 )\nbreak;\nv10 = *(_QWORD *)(8LL * i + a1);\nif ( !v10 )\nbreak;\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(v11 + 48) != *(_DWORD *)(v10 + 48) || *(_QWORD *)(v11 + 56) != *(_QWORD *)(v10 + 56) )\n{\nv2 = sub_415E64(v10);\nv3 = sub_412BEC(v11, v2);\nsub_402B0A(v3, 0, 0);\n}\n}\n*((_QWORD *)off_4440E8 + 2) = v15;\n*(_QWORD *)(v15 + 8) = off_4440E8;\n}\nif ( dword_44D230 && *(_QWORD *)(qword_44D220 + 216) )\n{\nfor ( j = 0; ; ++j )\n{\nv9 = *(_QWORD *)(8LL * j + a2);\nif ( !v9 )\nbreak;\nv8 = *(_QWORD *)(8LL * j + a1);\nif ( !v8 )\nbreak;\n(*(void (__fastcall **)(__int64))(qword_44D220 + 216))(v9);\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(v9 + 48) != *(_DWORD *)(v8 + 48) || *(_QWORD *)(v9 + 56) != *(_QWORD *)(v8 + 56) )\n(*(void (__fastcall **)(__int64))(qword_44D220 + 216))(v8);\n}\nsub_41C52B(1LL);\n}\nfor ( k = qword_4440B0; dword_446DF8 <= 0 && k; k = *(_QWORD *)(k + 16) )\n{\nswitch ( *(_DWORD *)k )\n{\ncase 0:\nv12 = *(_QWORD **)(k + 32);\n(*(void (__fastcall **)(__int64))(qword_44D220 + 40))(k + 56);\nwhile ( *v12 )\n{\nif ( *(float *)(*v12 + 64LL) != 0.0 || dword_44D230 )\n(*(void (__fastcall **)(_QWORD))(qword_44D220 + 136))(*v12);\n++v12;\n}\nbreak;\ncase 1:\n(*(void (__fastcall **)(__int64))(qword_44D220 + 48))(*(_QWORD *)(k + 24) + 56LL);\nbreak;\ncase 2:\n(*(void (__fastcall **)(_QWORD))(qword_44D220 + 136))(*(_QWORD *)(k + 24));\nbreak;\ncase 3:\n(*(void (__fastcall **)(_QWORD, _QWORD, _QWORD))(qword_44D220 + 32))(\n*(_QWORD *)(k + 24),\n*(_QWORD *)(k + 32),\n*(_QWORD *)(k + 40));\nbreak;\ncase 4:\nv4 = *(_QWORD *)(k + 32);\nqword_448100 = *(_QWORD *)(k + 24);\nqword_448108 = v4;\nbreak;\ncase 5:\ncase 7:\ncase 8:\nif ( dword_442334 )\n*(_QWORD *)(k + 24) = sub_405F65(*(_QWORD *)(k + 24));\nsub_4055E6(*(_QWORD *)(k + 24));\n*(_QWORD *)(k + 24) = (*(__int64 (__fastcall **)(_QWORD))(qword_44D220 + 112))(*(_QWORD *)(k + 24));\nbreak;\ncase 9:\ncontinue;\ndefault:\n__assert_fail(\"0\", \"src/dag.c\", 0x1D7u, \"gencode\");\n}\n}\nresult = v6;\nqword_448100 = v6;\nqword_448108 = v7;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v6,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,j,v15,sub_4051D0,sub_415E64,sub_412BEC,sub_402B0A,sub_41C52B,sub_405F65,sub_4055E6,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'caller', 'a2': 'callee', 'v6': 'save', 'v8': 'q_0', 'v9': 'p_0', 'v10': 'q', 'v11': 'p', 'v12': 'p_1', 'j': 'i_0', 'v15': 'cpa', 'sub_4051D0': 'gencode', 'sub_415E64': 'idtree', 'sub_412BEC': 'asgn', 'sub_402B0A': 'walk', 'sub_41C52B': 'swtoseg', 'sub_405F65': 'prune', 'sub_4055E6': 'fixup'}"} |
remove_devices | 959d22810069c03857b94dcb9cda0932e5010378ad7f314222cc9742670e8313 | jdah | jdh-8 | NA | void remove_devices(struct JDH8 *state) {
FOR_DEVICES(state, id, dev) {
if (dev->id != 0) {
remove_device(state, dev->id);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_404D2F", "function_addr": 4214063, "binary_name": "959d22810069c03857b94dcb9cda0932e5010378ad7f314222cc9742670e8313.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [5, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [6, "mov rax, rdx"], [7, "shl rax, 2"], [8, "add rax, rdx"], [9, "shl rax, 4"], [10, "lea rdx, [rax+10810h]"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [12, "add rax, rdx"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [14, "jmp short loc_404DB5"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [16, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [17, "test al, al"], [18, "jz short loc_404D8C"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [20, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [21, "movzx edx, al"], [22, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [23, "mov esi, edx"], [24, "mov rdi, rax"], [25, "call sub_404C68"], [26, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [27, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [28, "mov rax, rdx"], [29, "shl rax, 2"], [30, "add rax, rdx"], [31, "shl rax, 4"], [32, "lea rdx, [rax+10810h]"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [34, "add rax, rdx"], [35, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [36, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 7Ch "], [37, "jbe short loc_404D69"], [38, "nop"], [39, "nop"], [40, "leave"], [41, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 5], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 9], [10, 5], [11, 3], [12, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [15, 35], [15, 13], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 35], [19, 13], [20, 19], [21, 20], [22, 3], [23, 21], [24, 22], [26, 26], [26, 4], [27, 26], [28, 27], [29, 28], [30, 27], [30, 29], [31, 30], [32, 31], [32, 27], [33, 3], [34, 33], [34, 32], [35, 34], [36, 4], [36, 26], [37, 36], [41, 12], [41, 34]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/959d22810069c03857b94dcb9cda0932e5010378ad7f314222cc9742670e8313_959d22810069c03857b94dcb9cda0932e5010378ad7f314222cc9742670e8313.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_404D2F", "query": "\n\n\nunsigned __int8 *__fastcall sub_404D2F(__int64 a1)\n{\nunsigned __int8 *result; // rax\nunsigned __int8 *v2; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h]\nunsigned __int64 v3; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv3 = 0LL;\nresult = (unsigned __int8 *)(a1 + 67600);\nv2 = (unsigned __int8 *)(a1 + 67600);\nwhile ( v3 <= 0x7C )\n{\nif ( *v2 )\nsub_404C68(a1, *v2);\n++v3;\nresult = (unsigned __int8 *)(80 * v3 + 67600 + a1);\nv2 = result;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v2,v3,sub_404D2F,sub_404C68,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'state', 'v2': 'dev', 'v3': 'id', 'sub_404D2F': 'remove_devices', 'sub_404C68': 'remove_device'}"} |
FindRulePrecedences | ee4951ab71964f7eefaaddd428cb097a4053bb9ee177504542a65f3df8ada2e6 | LumoSQL | archive1-LumoSQL-on-github | NA | void FindRulePrecedences(struct lemon *xp)
struct rule *rp;
for(rp=xp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next){
if( rp->precsym==0 ){
int i, j;
for(i=0; i<rp->nrhs && rp->precsym==0; i++){
struct symbol *sp = rp->rhs[i];
if( sp->type==MULTITERMINAL ){
for(j=0; j<sp->nsubsym; j++){
if( sp->subsym[j]->prec>=0 ){
rp->precsym = sp->subsym[j];
}else if( sp->prec>=0 ){
rp->precsym = rp->rhs[i];
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40241A", "function_addr": 4203546, "binary_name": "ee4951ab71964f7eefaaddd428cb097a4053bb9ee177504542a65f3df8ada2e6.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdi"], [3, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [4, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [6, "jmp loc_402528"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [8, "mov rax, [rax+58h]"], [9, "test rax, rax"], [10, "jnz loc_40251C"], [11, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [12, "jmp loc_4024FF"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [14, "mov rdx, [rax+20h]"], [15, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [16, "cdqe"], [17, "shl rax, 3"], [18, "add rax, rdx"], [19, "mov rax, [rax]"], [20, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [22, "mov eax, [rax+0Ch]"], [23, "cmp eax, 2"], [24, "jnz short loc_4024D1"], [25, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [26, "jmp short loc_4024C3"], [27, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [28, "mov rdx, [rax+60h]"], [29, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [30, "cdqe"], [31, "shl rax, 3"], [32, "add rax, rdx"], [33, "mov rax, [rax]"], [34, "mov eax, [rax+20h]"], [35, "test eax, eax"], [36, "js short loc_4024BF"], [37, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [38, "mov rdx, [rax+60h]"], [39, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [40, "cdqe"], [41, "shl rax, 3"], [42, "add rax, rdx"], [43, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [44, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [45, "mov [rax+58h], rdx"], [46, "jmp short loc_4024FB"], [47, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [48, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [49, "mov eax, [rax+58h]"], [50, "cmp [rbp+var_10], eax"], [51, "jl short loc_402480"], [52, "jmp short loc_4024FB"], [53, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [54, "mov eax, [rax+20h]"], [55, "test eax, eax"], [56, "js short loc_4024FB"], [57, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [58, "mov rdx, [rax+20h]"], [59, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [60, "cdqe"], [61, "shl rax, 3"], [62, "add rax, rdx"], [63, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [64, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [65, "mov [rax+58h], rdx"], [66, "add [rbp+var_C], 1"], [67, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [68, "mov eax, [rax+18h]"], [69, "cmp [rbp+var_C], eax"], [70, "jge short loc_40251C"], [71, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [72, "mov rax, [rax+58h]"], [73, "test rax, rax"], [74, "jz loc_402450"], [75, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [76, "mov rax, [rax+78h]"], [77, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [78, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [79, "jnz loc_402433"], [80, "nop"], [81, "pop rbp"], [82, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[3, 2], [4, 3], [5, 4], [7, 5], [7, 77], [8, 45], [8, 65], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 9], [13, 5], [13, 77], [14, 13], [14, 65], [14, 45], [15, 66], [15, 11], [17, 15], [18, 17], [18, 14], [19, 18], [19, 45], [19, 65], [20, 19], [21, 20], [22, 21], [22, 45], [22, 65], [23, 22], [24, 23], [27, 20], [28, 27], [28, 45], [28, 65], [29, 47], [29, 25], [31, 29], [32, 31], [32, 28], [33, 45], [33, 65], [33, 32], [34, 65], [34, 45], [34, 33], [35, 34], [36, 35], [37, 20], [38, 45], [38, 65], [38, 37], [39, 25], [39, 47], [41, 39], [42, 41], [42, 38], [43, 45], [43, 65], [43, 42], [44, 77], [44, 5], [45, 43], [45, 44], [47, 25], [47, 47], [48, 20], [49, 48], [49, 45], [49, 65], [50, 47], [50, 49], [50, 25], [51, 50], [53, 20], [54, 65], [54, 53], [54, 45], [55, 54], [56, 55], [57, 77], [57, 5], [58, 65], [58, 57], [58, 45], [59, 66], [59, 11], [61, 59], [62, 61], [62, 58], [63, 45], [63, 65], [63, 62], [64, 5], [64, 77], [65, 63], [65, 64], [66, 66], [66, 11], [67, 77], [67, 5], [68, 45], [68, 65], [68, 67], [69, 66], [69, 11], [69, 68], [70, 69], [71, 5], [71, 77], [72, 45], [72, 65], [72, 71], [73, 72], [74, 73], [75, 5], [75, 77], [76, 45], [76, 65], [76, 75], [77, 76], [78, 77], [78, 5], [79, 78], [81, 0], [82, 76], [82, 4]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/ee4951ab71964f7eefaaddd428cb097a4053bb9ee177504542a65f3df8ada2e6_ee4951ab71964f7eefaaddd428cb097a4053bb9ee177504542a65f3df8ada2e6.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40241A", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_40241A(__int64 a1)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v2; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-18h]\nint k; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-10h]\nint j; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-Ch]\n__int64 i; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-8h]\n\nresult = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8);\nfor ( i = result; i; i = result )\n{\nif ( !*(_QWORD *)(i + 88) )\n{\nfor ( j = 0; j < *(_DWORD *)(i + 24) && !*(_QWORD *)(i + 88); ++j )\n{\nv2 = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(i + 32) + 8LL * j);\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(v2 + 12) == 2 )\n{\nfor ( k = 0; k < *(_DWORD *)(v2 + 88); ++k )\n{\nif ( *(int *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(v2 + 96) + 8LL * k) + 32LL) >= 0 )\n{\n*(_QWORD *)(i + 88) = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(v2 + 96) + 8LL * k);\nbreak;\n}\n}\n}\nelse if ( *(int *)(v2 + 32) >= 0 )\n{\n*(_QWORD *)(i + 88) = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(i + 32) + 8LL * j);\n}\n}\n}\nresult = *(_QWORD *)(i + 120);\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v2,i,sub_40241A,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'xp', 'v2': 'sp_0', 'i': 'rp', 'sub_40241A': 'FindRulePrecedences'}"} |
prog_is_subprog | feda8be2137e1ca53e8082ecae6cfbea19ddaf0e7963aa620ad58be1c3aa369b | intel | kvm-sgx | NA | static bool prog_is_subprog(const struct bpf_object *obj,
const struct bpf_program *prog)
/* For legacy reasons, libbpf supports an entry-point BPF programs
* without SEC() attribute, i.e., those in the .text section. But if
* there are 2 or more such programs in the .text section, they all
* must be subprograms called from entry-point BPF programs in
* designated SEC()'tions, otherwise there is no way to distinguish
* which of those programs should be loaded vs which are a subprogram.
* Similarly, if there is a function/program in .text and at least one
* other BPF program with custom SEC() attribute, then we just assume
* .text programs are subprograms (even if they are not called from
* other programs), because libbpf never explicitly supported mixing
* SEC()-designated BPF programs and .text entry-point BPF programs.
return prog->sec_idx == obj->efile.text_shndx && obj->nr_programs > 1;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_411F23", "function_addr": 4267811, "binary_name": "feda8be2137e1ca53e8082ecae6cfbea19ddaf0e7963aa620ad58be1c3aa369b.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [5, "mov rdx, [rax+10h]"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [7, "mov eax, [rax+150h]"], [8, "cdqe"], [9, "cmp rdx, rax"], [10, "jnz short loc_411F5D"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [12, "mov rax, [rax+60h]"], [13, "cmp rax, 1"], [14, "jbe short loc_411F5D"], [15, "mov eax, 1"], [16, "jmp short loc_411F62"], [17, "mov eax, 0"], [18, "and eax, 1"], [19, "pop rbp"], [20, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 2], [7, 6], [9, 5], [9, 7], [10, 9], [11, 2], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [18, 17], [18, 15], [19, 0], [20, 18]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/feda8be2137e1ca53e8082ecae6cfbea19ddaf0e7963aa620ad58be1c3aa369b_feda8be2137e1ca53e8082ecae6cfbea19ddaf0e7963aa620ad58be1c3aa369b.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_411F23", "query": "\n\n\n_BOOL8 __fastcall sub_411F23(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)\n{\nreturn *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 16) == *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 336) && *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 96) > 1uLL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_411F23,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'obj', 'a2': 'prog', 'sub_411F23': 'prog_is_subprog'}"} |
duk_get_prototype | 3eef51aaf1b7c436a69b2722242bd3a427d13d57fe49c5d2c5815175a4745eea | creationix | dukluv | NA | DUK_EXTERNAL void duk_get_prototype(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t index) {
duk_hthread *thr = (duk_hthread *) ctx;
duk_hobject *obj;
duk_hobject *proto;
obj = duk_require_hobject(ctx, index);
/* XXX: shared helper for duk_push_hobject_or_undefined()? */
proto = DUK_HOBJECT_GET_PROTOTYPE(thr->heap, obj);
if (proto) {
duk_push_hobject(ctx, proto);
} else {
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4115CA", "function_addr": 4265418, "binary_name": "3eef51aaf1b7c436a69b2722242bd3a427d13d57fe49c5d2c5815175a4745eea.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_2C], esi"], [5, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [7, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [8, "jnz short loc_4115F7"], [9, "mov esi, offset aAssertionFaile_1007"], [10, "mov edi, 36h "], [11, "call sub_402AA8"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [13, "mov eax, [rax]"], [14, "mov eax, eax"], [15, "and eax, 3"], [16, "cmp rax, 2"], [17, "jz short loc_411617"], [18, "mov esi, offset aAssertionFaile_1008"], [19, "mov edi, 36h "], [20, "call sub_402AA8"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [22, "mov eax, [rax]"], [23, "mov eax, eax"], [24, "and eax, 4000h"], [25, "test rax, rax"], [26, "jnz short loc_411638"], [27, "mov esi, offset aAssertionFaile_1009"], [28, "mov edi, 36h "], [29, "call sub_402AA8"], [30, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [31, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+52h]"], [32, "test al, al"], [33, "jz short loc_411653"], [34, "mov esi, offset aAssertionFaile_1010"], [35, "mov edi, 36h "], [36, "call sub_402AA8"], [37, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [38, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+53h]"], [39, "test al, al"], [40, "jz short loc_41166E"], [41, "mov esi, offset aAssertionFaile_1011"], [42, "mov edi, 36h "], [43, "call sub_402AA8"], [44, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [45, "mov rax, [rax+70h]"], [46, "test rax, rax"], [47, "jnz short loc_41168A"], [48, "mov esi, offset aAssertionFaile_1012"], [49, "mov edi, 36h "], [50, "call sub_402AA8"], [51, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [52, "mov rdx, [rax+78h]"], [53, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [54, "mov rax, [rax+70h]"], [55, "cmp rdx, rax"], [56, "jnb short loc_4116AE"], [57, "mov esi, offset aAssertionFaile_1013"], [58, "mov edi, 36h "], [59, "call sub_402AA8"], [60, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [61, "mov rdx, [rax+88h]"], [62, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [63, "mov rax, [rax+70h]"], [64, "cmp rdx, rax"], [65, "jnb short loc_4116D5"], [66, "mov esi, offset aAssertionFaile_1014"], [67, "mov edi, 36h "], [68, "call sub_402AA8"], [69, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [70, "mov rdx, [rax+88h]"], [71, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [72, "mov rax, [rax+80h]"], [73, "cmp rdx, rax"], [74, "jnb short loc_4116FF"], [75, "mov esi, offset aAssertionFaile_1015"], [76, "mov edi, 36h "], [77, "call sub_402AA8"], [78, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [79, "mov rdx, [rax+78h]"], [80, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [81, "mov rax, [rax+88h]"], [82, "cmp rdx, rax"], [83, "jnb short loc_411726"], [84, "mov esi, offset aAssertionFaile_1016"], [85, "mov edi, 36h "], [86, "call sub_402AA8"], [87, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [88, "mov rdx, [rax+78h]"], [89, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [90, "mov rcx, [rax+70h]"], [91, "mov rax, rdx"], [92, "sub rax, rcx"], [93, "sar rax, 4"], [94, "mov rdx, rax"], [95, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [96, "mov rax, [rax+90h]"], [97, "cmp rdx, rax"], [98, "jz short loc_411762"], [99, "mov esi, offset aAssertionFaile_1017"], [100, "mov edi, 36h "], [101, "call sub_402AA8"], [102, "mov edx, [rbp+var_2C]"], [103, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [104, "mov esi, edx"], [105, "mov rdi, rax"], [106, "call sub_418AC0"], [107, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [108, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [109, "jnz short loc_41178D"], [110, "mov esi, offset aAssertionFaile_1018"], [111, "mov edi, 36h "], [112, "call sub_402AA8"], [113, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [114, "mov rax, [rax+28h]"], [115, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [116, "cmp [rbp+var_18], 0"], [117, "jz short loc_4117B5"], [118, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [119, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [120, "mov rsi, rdx"], [121, "mov rdi, rax"], [122, "call sub_428F21"], [123, "jmp short loc_4117C1"], [124, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [125, "mov rdi, rax"], [126, "call sub_421E36"], [127, "nop"], [128, "leave"], [129, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 3], [6, 5], [7, 3], [8, 7], [12, 3], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 14], [16, 15], [17, 16], [21, 3], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 25], [30, 3], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 32], [37, 3], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 39], [44, 3], [45, 44], [46, 45], [47, 46], [51, 3], [52, 51], [53, 3], [54, 53], [55, 52], [55, 54], [56, 55], [60, 3], [61, 60], [62, 3], [63, 62], [64, 61], [64, 63], [65, 64], [69, 3], [70, 69], [71, 3], [72, 71], [73, 70], [73, 72], [74, 73], [78, 3], [79, 78], [80, 3], [81, 80], [82, 79], [82, 81], [83, 82], [87, 3], [88, 87], [89, 3], [90, 89], [91, 88], [92, 90], [92, 91], [93, 92], [94, 93], [95, 3], [96, 95], [97, 94], [97, 96], [98, 97], [102, 4], [103, 3], [104, 102], [105, 103], [107, 106], [108, 107], [109, 108], [113, 107], [114, 113], [115, 114], [116, 115], [117, 116], [118, 115], [119, 3], [120, 118], [121, 119], [124, 3], [125, 124], [129, 122], [129, 126]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/3eef51aaf1b7c436a69b2722242bd3a427d13d57fe49c5d2c5815175a4745eea_3eef51aaf1b7c436a69b2722242bd3a427d13d57fe49c5d2c5815175a4745eea.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4115CA", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4115CA(__int64 a1, unsigned int a2)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v3; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-18h]\n__int64 v4; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-10h]\n\nif ( !a1 )\nsub_402AA8(54, \"assertion failed: (ctx) != NULL (duk_api_object.c:541)\");\nif ( (*(_DWORD *)a1 & 3) != 2LL )\nsub_402AA8(\n54,\n\"assertion failed: DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_TYPE((duk_heaphdr *) (ctx)) == DUK_HTYPE_OBJECT (duk_api_object.c:541)\");\nif ( (*(_DWORD *)a1 & 0x4000) == 0 )\nsub_402AA8(54, \"assertion failed: DUK_HOBJECT_IS_THREAD((duk_hobject *) (ctx)) (duk_api_object.c:541)\");\nif ( *(_BYTE *)(a1 + 82) )\nsub_402AA8(54, \"assertion failed: ((duk_hthread *) (ctx))->unused1 == 0 (duk_api_object.c:541)\");\nif ( *(_BYTE *)(a1 + 83) )\nsub_402AA8(54, \"assertion failed: ((duk_hthread *) (ctx))->unused2 == 0 (duk_api_object.c:541)\");\nif ( !*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 112) )\nsub_402AA8(54, \"assertion failed: ((duk_hthread *) (ctx))->valstack != NULL (duk_api_object.c:541)\");\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 120) < *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 112) )\nsub_402AA8(\n54,\n\"assertion failed: ((duk_hthread *) (ctx))->valstack_end >= ((duk_hthread *) (ctx))->valstack (duk_api_object.c:541)\");\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 136) < *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 112) )\nsub_402AA8(\n54,\n\"assertion failed: ((duk_hthread *) (ctx))->valstack_top >= ((duk_hthread *) (ctx))->valstack (duk_api_object.c:541)\");\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 136) < *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 128) )\nsub_402AA8(\n54,\n\"assertion failed: ((duk_hthread *) (ctx))->valstack_top >= ((duk_hthread *) (ctx))->valstack_bottom (duk_api_object.c:541)\");\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 120) < *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 136) )\nsub_402AA8(\n54,\n\"assertion failed: ((duk_hthread *) (ctx))->valstack_end >= ((duk_hthread *) (ctx))->valstack_top (duk_api_object.c:541)\");\nif ( (__int64)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 120) - *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 112)) >> 4 != *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 144) )\nsub_402AA8(\n54,\n\"assertion failed: (duk_size_t) (((duk_hthread *) ((ctx)))->valstack_end - ((duk_hthread *) ((ctx)))->valstack) == \"\n\"((duk_hthread *) ((ctx)))->valstack_size (duk_api_object.c:541)\");\nv4 = sub_418AC0(a1, a2);\nif ( !v4 )\nsub_402AA8(54, \"assertion failed: obj != NULL (duk_api_object.c:545)\");\nv3 = *(_QWORD *)(v4 + 40);\nif ( v3 )\nresult = sub_428F21(a1, v3);\nelse\nresult = sub_421E36(a1);\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v3,v4,sub_4115CA,sub_402AA8,sub_418AC0,sub_428F21,sub_421E36,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'ctx', 'a2': 'index', 'v3': 'proto', 'v4': 'obj', 'sub_4115CA': 'duk_get_prototype', 'sub_402AA8': 'duk_default_panic_handler', 'sub_418AC0': 'duk_require_hobject', 'sub_428F21': 'duk_push_hobject', 'sub_421E36': 'duk_push_undefined'}"} |
writer_check_length | 58e6a562662945f042f994db4a1a09d4385ec3f326afd1cec36a469644ee1340 | andikleen | snappy-c | NA | static inline bool writer_check_length(struct writer *w)
return w->op == w->op_limit;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_401FC6", "function_addr": 4202438, "binary_name": "58e6a562662945f042f994db4a1a09d4385ec3f326afd1cec36a469644ee1340.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [4, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [5, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [6, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [7, "cmp rdx, rax"], [8, "setz al"], [9, "pop rbp"], [10, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[3, 2], [4, 3], [5, 2], [6, 5], [7, 4], [7, 6], [8, 7], [8, 6], [9, 0], [10, 8]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/58e6a562662945f042f994db4a1a09d4385ec3f326afd1cec36a469644ee1340_58e6a562662945f042f994db4a1a09d4385ec3f326afd1cec36a469644ee1340.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_401FC6", "query": "\n\n\nbool __fastcall sub_401FC6(__int64 a1)\n{\nreturn *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8) == *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_401FC6,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'w', 'sub_401FC6': 'writer_check_length'}"} |
pj_time_decode | a55437195f8ae7fcbc9fcbc7c4ce7ea2903742f0fcbd5868b140c66600d2ad6c | AonCyberLabs | D-Modem | NA | PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pj_time_decode(const pj_time_val *tv, pj_parsed_time *pt)
struct tm local_time;
localtime_r((time_t*)&tv->sec, &local_time);
/* localtime() is NOT thread-safe. */
local_time = *localtime((time_t*)&tv->sec);
pt->year = local_time.tm_year+1900;
pt->mon = local_time.tm_mon;
pt->day = local_time.tm_mday;
pt->hour = local_time.tm_hour;
pt->min = local_time.tm_min;
pt->sec = local_time.tm_sec;
pt->wday = local_time.tm_wday;
pt->msec = tv->msec;
return PJ_SUCCESS;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4BDAFA", "function_addr": 4971258, "binary_name": "a55437195f8ae7fcbc9fcbc7c4ce7ea2903742f0fcbd5868b140c66600d2ad6c.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 50h"], [3, "mov [rbp+timer], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_50], rsi"], [5, "mov rax, [rbp+timer]"], [6, "lea rdx, [rbp+tp]"], [7, "mov rsi, rdx"], [8, "mov rdi, rax"], [9, "call _localtime_r"], [10, "mov eax, [rbp+tp.tm_year]"], [11, "lea edx, [rax+76Ch]"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [13, "mov [rax+0Ch], edx"], [14, "mov edx, [rbp+tp.tm_mon]"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [16, "mov [rax+8], edx"], [17, "mov edx, [rbp+tp.tm_mday]"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [19, "mov [rax+4], edx"], [20, "mov edx, [rbp+tp.tm_hour]"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [22, "mov [rax+18h], edx"], [23, "mov edx, [rbp+tp.tm_min]"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [25, "mov [rax+14h], edx"], [26, "mov edx, [rbp+tp.tm_sec]"], [27, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [28, "mov [rax+10h], edx"], [29, "mov edx, [rbp+tp.tm_wday]"], [30, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [31, "mov [rax], edx"], [32, "mov rax, [rbp+timer]"], [33, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [34, "mov edx, eax"], [35, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [36, "mov [rax+1Ch], edx"], [37, "mov eax, 0"], [38, "leave"], [39, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 3], [7, 6], [8, 5], [11, 10], [11, 6], [12, 4], [13, 11], [13, 12], [15, 4], [16, 15], [16, 14], [18, 4], [19, 18], [19, 17], [21, 4], [22, 20], [22, 21], [24, 4], [25, 23], [25, 24], [27, 4], [28, 27], [28, 26], [30, 4], [31, 29], [31, 30], [32, 3], [33, 32], [33, 16], [33, 31], [34, 33], [35, 4], [36, 34], [36, 35], [39, 37]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/a55437195f8ae7fcbc9fcbc7c4ce7ea2903742f0fcbd5868b140c66600d2ad6c_a55437195f8ae7fcbc9fcbc7c4ce7ea2903742f0fcbd5868b140c66600d2ad6c.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4BDAFA", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4BDAFA(__int64 a1, int *a2)\n{\nstruct tm tp; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-40h] BYREF\n\nlocaltime_r((const time_t *)a1, &tp);\na2[3] = tp.tm_year + 1900;\na2[2] = tp.tm_mon;\na2[1] = tp.tm_mday;\na2[6] = tp.tm_hour;\na2[5] = tp.tm_min;\na2[4] = tp.tm_sec;\n*a2 = tp.tm_wday;\na2[7] = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8);\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,tp,sub_4BDAFA,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'tv', 'a2': 'pt', 'tp': 'local_time', 'sub_4BDAFA': 'pj_time_decode'}"} |
mbedtls_hmac_drbg_free | dd1bb0f93352aea0ff0f7e0a20f97ad9676f10a40a8c4b9354a3f6316a448e84 | FreeRTOS | coreMQTT-Agent-Demos | NA | void mbedtls_hmac_drbg_free( mbedtls_hmac_drbg_context *ctx )
if( ctx == NULL )
mbedtls_mutex_free( &ctx->mutex );
mbedtls_md_free( &ctx->md_ctx );
mbedtls_platform_zeroize( ctx, sizeof( mbedtls_hmac_drbg_context ) );
mbedtls_mutex_init( &ctx->mutex );
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_44EA1A", "function_addr": 4516378, "binary_name": "dd1bb0f93352aea0ff0f7e0a20f97ad9676f10a40a8c4b9354a3f6316a448e84.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [5, "jz short loc_44EA57"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [7, "mov rdi, rax"], [8, "call sub_44F1C5"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [10, "mov esi, 80h"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call sub_456FCF"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [14, "mov dword ptr [rax+6Ch], 2710h"], [15, "jmp short locret_44EA58"], [16, "nop"], [17, "leave"], [18, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 3], [7, 6], [9, 3], [11, 9], [13, 3], [14, 13], [18, 13]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/dd1bb0f93352aea0ff0f7e0a20f97ad9676f10a40a8c4b9354a3f6316a448e84_dd1bb0f93352aea0ff0f7e0a20f97ad9676f10a40a8c4b9354a3f6316a448e84.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_44EA1A", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_44EA1A(__int64 a1)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nif ( a1 )\n{\nsub_44F1C5(a1);\nsub_456FCF(a1, 128LL);\nresult = a1;\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 108) = 10000;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_44EA1A,sub_44F1C5,sub_456FCF,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'ctx', 'sub_44EA1A': 'mbedtls_hmac_drbg_free', 'sub_44F1C5': 'mbedtls_md_free', 'sub_456FCF': 'mbedtls_platform_zeroize'}"} |
mm_map_frag | 322d5de6bf523aac3fc160e791dac21ebc62bf95dcface1a4051635161b1ea14 | lh3 | minimap2 | NA | void mm_map_frag(const mm_idx_t *mi, int n_segs, const int *qlens, const char **seqs, int *n_regs, mm_reg1_t **regs, mm_tbuf_t *b, const mm_mapopt_t *opt, const char *qname)
int i, j, rep_len, qlen_sum, n_regs0, n_mini_pos;
int max_chain_gap_qry, max_chain_gap_ref, is_splice = !!(opt->flag & MM_F_SPLICE), is_sr = !!(opt->flag & MM_F_SR);
uint32_t hash;
int64_t n_a;
uint64_t *u, *mini_pos;
mm128_t *a;
mm128_v mv = {0,0,0};
mm_reg1_t *regs0;
km_stat_t kmst;
float chn_pen_gap, chn_pen_skip;
for (i = 0, qlen_sum = 0; i < n_segs; ++i)
qlen_sum += qlens[i], n_regs[i] = 0, regs[i] = 0;
if (qlen_sum == 0 || n_segs <= 0 || n_segs > MM_MAX_SEG) return;
if (opt->max_qlen > 0 && qlen_sum > opt->max_qlen) return;
hash = qname && !(opt->flag & MM_F_NO_HASH_NAME)? __ac_X31_hash_string(qname) : 0;
hash ^= __ac_Wang_hash(qlen_sum) + __ac_Wang_hash(opt->seed);
hash = __ac_Wang_hash(hash);
collect_minimizers(b->km, opt, mi, n_segs, qlens, seqs, &mv);
if (opt->q_occ_frac > 0.0f) mm_seed_mz_flt(b->km, &mv, opt->mid_occ, opt->q_occ_frac);
if (opt->flag & MM_F_HEAP_SORT) a = collect_seed_hits_heap(b->km, opt, opt->mid_occ, mi, qname, &mv, qlen_sum, &n_a, &rep_len, &n_mini_pos, &mini_pos);
else a = collect_seed_hits(b->km, opt, opt->mid_occ, mi, qname, &mv, qlen_sum, &n_a, &rep_len, &n_mini_pos, &mini_pos);
if (mm_dbg_flag & MM_DBG_PRINT_SEED) {
fprintf(stderr, "RS\t%d\n", rep_len);
for (i = 0; i < n_a; ++i)
fprintf(stderr, "SD\t%s\t%d\t%c\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", mi->seq[a[i].x<<1>>33].name, (int32_t)a[i].x, "+-"[a[i].x>>63], (int32_t)a[i].y, (int32_t)(a[i].y>>32&0xff),
i == 0? 0 : ((int32_t)a[i].y - (int32_t)a[i-1].y) - ((int32_t)a[i].x - (int32_t)a[i-1].x));
// set max chaining gap on the query and the reference sequence
if (is_sr)
max_chain_gap_qry = qlen_sum > opt->max_gap? qlen_sum : opt->max_gap;
else max_chain_gap_qry = opt->max_gap;
if (opt->max_gap_ref > 0) {
max_chain_gap_ref = opt->max_gap_ref; // always honor mm_mapopt_t::max_gap_ref if set
} else if (opt->max_frag_len > 0) {
max_chain_gap_ref = opt->max_frag_len - qlen_sum;
if (max_chain_gap_ref < opt->max_gap) max_chain_gap_ref = opt->max_gap;
} else max_chain_gap_ref = opt->max_gap;
chn_pen_gap = opt->chain_gap_scale * 0.01 * mi->k;
chn_pen_skip = opt->chain_skip_scale * 0.01 * mi->k;
if (opt->flag & MM_F_RMQ) {
a = mg_lchain_rmq(opt->max_gap, opt->rmq_inner_dist, opt->bw, opt->max_chain_skip, opt->rmq_size_cap, opt->min_cnt, opt->min_chain_score,
chn_pen_gap, chn_pen_skip, n_a, a, &n_regs0, &u, b->km);
} else {
a = mg_lchain_dp(max_chain_gap_ref, max_chain_gap_qry, opt->bw, opt->max_chain_skip, opt->max_chain_iter, opt->min_cnt, opt->min_chain_score,
chn_pen_gap, chn_pen_skip, is_splice, n_segs, n_a, a, &n_regs0, &u, b->km);
if (opt->bw_long > opt->bw && (opt->flag & (MM_F_SPLICE|MM_F_SR|MM_F_NO_LJOIN)) == 0 && n_segs == 1 && n_regs0 > 1) { // re-chain/long-join for long sequences
int32_t st = (int32_t)a[0].y, en = (int32_t)a[(int32_t)u[0] - 1].y;
if (qlen_sum - (en - st) > opt->rmq_rescue_size || en - st > qlen_sum * opt->rmq_rescue_ratio) {
int32_t i;
for (i = 0, n_a = 0; i < n_regs0; ++i) n_a += (int32_t)u[i];
kfree(b->km, u);
radix_sort_128x(a, a + n_a);
a = mg_lchain_rmq(opt->max_gap, opt->rmq_inner_dist, opt->bw_long, opt->max_chain_skip, opt->rmq_size_cap, opt->min_cnt, opt->min_chain_score,
chn_pen_gap, chn_pen_skip, n_a, a, &n_regs0, &u, b->km);
} else if (opt->max_occ > opt->mid_occ && rep_len > 0 && !(opt->flag & MM_F_RMQ)) { // re-chain, mostly for short reads
int rechain = 0;
if (n_regs0 > 0) { // test if the best chain has all the segments
int n_chained_segs = 1, max = 0, max_i = -1, max_off = -1, off = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n_regs0; ++i) { // find the best chain
if (max < (int)(u[i]>>32)) max = u[i]>>32, max_i = i, max_off = off;
off += (uint32_t)u[i];
for (i = 1; i < (int32_t)u[max_i]; ++i) // count the number of segments in the best chain
if ((a[max_off+i].y&MM_SEED_SEG_MASK) != (a[max_off+i-1].y&MM_SEED_SEG_MASK))
if (n_chained_segs < n_segs)
rechain = 1;
} else rechain = 1;
if (rechain) { // redo chaining with a higher max_occ threshold
kfree(b->km, a);
kfree(b->km, u);
kfree(b->km, mini_pos);
if (opt->flag & MM_F_HEAP_SORT) a = collect_seed_hits_heap(b->km, opt, opt->max_occ, mi, qname, &mv, qlen_sum, &n_a, &rep_len, &n_mini_pos, &mini_pos);
else a = collect_seed_hits(b->km, opt, opt->max_occ, mi, qname, &mv, qlen_sum, &n_a, &rep_len, &n_mini_pos, &mini_pos);
a = mg_lchain_dp(max_chain_gap_ref, max_chain_gap_qry, opt->bw, opt->max_chain_skip, opt->max_chain_iter, opt->min_cnt, opt->min_chain_score,
chn_pen_gap, chn_pen_skip, is_splice, n_segs, n_a, a, &n_regs0, &u, b->km);
b->frag_gap = max_chain_gap_ref;
b->rep_len = rep_len;
regs0 = mm_gen_regs(b->km, hash, qlen_sum, n_regs0, u, a, !!(opt->flag&MM_F_QSTRAND));
if (mi->n_alt) {
mm_mark_alt(mi, n_regs0, regs0);
mm_hit_sort(b->km, &n_regs0, regs0, opt->alt_drop); // this step can be merged into mm_gen_regs(); will do if this shows up in profile
for (j = 0; j < n_regs0; ++j)
for (i = regs0[j].as; i < regs0[j].as + regs0[j].cnt; ++i)
fprintf(stderr, "CN\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%c\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", j, mi->seq[a[i].x<<1>>33].name, (int32_t)a[i].x, "+-"[a[i].x>>63], (int32_t)a[i].y, (int32_t)(a[i].y>>32&0xff),
i == regs0[j].as? 0 : ((int32_t)a[i].y - (int32_t)a[i-1].y) - ((int32_t)a[i].x - (int32_t)a[i-1].x));
chain_post(opt, max_chain_gap_ref, mi, b->km, qlen_sum, n_segs, qlens, &n_regs0, regs0, a);
if (!is_sr && !(opt->flag&MM_F_QSTRAND)) {
mm_est_err(mi, qlen_sum, n_regs0, regs0, a, n_mini_pos, mini_pos);
n_regs0 = mm_filter_strand_retained(n_regs0, regs0);
if (n_segs == 1) { // uni-segment
regs0 = align_regs(opt, mi, b->km, qlens[0], seqs[0], &n_regs0, regs0, a);
regs0 = (mm_reg1_t*)realloc(regs0, sizeof(*regs0) * n_regs0);
mm_set_mapq(b->km, n_regs0, regs0, opt->min_chain_score, opt->a, rep_len, is_sr);
n_regs[0] = n_regs0, regs[0] = regs0;
} else { // multi-segment
mm_seg_t *seg;
seg = mm_seg_gen(b->km, hash, n_segs, qlens, n_regs0, regs0, n_regs, regs, a); // split fragment chain to separate segment chains
for (i = 0; i < n_segs; ++i) {
mm_set_parent(b->km, opt->mask_level, opt->mask_len, n_regs[i], regs[i], opt->a * 2 + opt->b, opt->flag&MM_F_HARD_MLEVEL, opt->alt_drop); // update mm_reg1_t::parent
regs[i] = align_regs(opt, mi, b->km, qlens[i], seqs[i], &n_regs[i], regs[i], seg[i].a);
mm_set_mapq(b->km, n_regs[i], regs[i], opt->min_chain_score, opt->a, rep_len, is_sr);
mm_seg_free(b->km, n_segs, seg);
if (n_segs == 2 && opt->pe_ori >= 0 && (opt->flag&MM_F_CIGAR))
mm_pair(b->km, max_chain_gap_ref, opt->pe_bonus, opt->a * 2 + opt->b, opt->a, qlens, n_regs, regs); // pairing
kfree(b->km, mv.a);
kfree(b->km, a);
kfree(b->km, u);
kfree(b->km, mini_pos);
if (b->km) {
km_stat(b->km, &kmst);
if (mm_dbg_flag & MM_DBG_PRINT_QNAME)
fprintf(stderr, "QM\t%s\t%d\tcap=%ld,nCore=%ld,largest=%ld\n", qname, qlen_sum, kmst.capacity, kmst.n_cores, kmst.largest);
assert(kmst.n_blocks == kmst.n_cores); // otherwise, there is a memory leak
if (kmst.largest > 1U<<28 || (opt->cap_kalloc > 0 && kmst.capacity > opt->cap_kalloc)) {
if (mm_dbg_flag & MM_DBG_PRINT_QNAME)
fprintf(stderr, "[W::%s] reset thread-local memory after read %s\n", __func__, qname);
b->km = km_init();
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40E2CB", "function_addr": 4252363, "binary_name": "322d5de6bf523aac3fc160e791dac21ebc62bf95dcface1a4051635161b1ea14.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push rbx"], [3, "sub rsp, 118h"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_F8], rdi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_FC], esi"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_108], rdx"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_110], rcx"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_118], r8"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_120], r9"], [10, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [11, "mov rax, [rax]"], [12, "and eax, 80h"], [13, "test rax, rax"], [14, "setnz al"], [15, "movzx eax, al"], [16, "mov [rbp+var_50], eax"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [18, "mov rax, [rax]"], [19, "and eax, 1000h"], [20, "test rax, rax"], [21, "setnz al"], [22, "movzx eax, al"], [23, "mov [rbp+var_54], eax"], [24, "mov [rbp+var_C0], 0"], [25, "mov [rbp+var_B8], 0"], [26, "mov [rbp+var_B0], 0"], [27, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0"], [28, "mov [rbp+var_1C], 0"], [29, "jmp short loc_40E3BC"], [30, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [31, "cdqe"], [32, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_108]"], [34, "add rax, rdx"], [35, "mov eax, [rax]"], [36, "add [rbp+var_1C], eax"], [37, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [38, "cdqe"], [39, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [40, "mov rax, [rbp+var_118]"], [41, "add rax, rdx"], [42, "mov dword ptr [rax], 0"], [43, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [44, "cdqe"], [45, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [46, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [47, "add rax, rdx"], [48, "mov qword ptr [rax], 0"], [49, "add [rbp+var_14], 1"], [50, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [51, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_FC]"], [52, "jl short loc_40E361"], [53, "cmp [rbp+var_1C], 0"], [54, "jz loc_40F6CA"], [55, "cmp [rbp+var_FC], 0"], [56, "jle loc_40F6CA"], [57, "cmp [rbp+var_FC], 0FFh"], [58, "jg loc_40F6CA"], [59, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [60, "mov eax, [rax+10h]"], [61, "test eax, eax"], [62, "jle short loc_40E409"], [63, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [64, "mov eax, [rax+10h]"], [65, "cmp [rbp+var_1C], eax"], [66, "jg loc_40F6CD"], [67, "cmp [rbp+arg_10], 0"], [68, "jz short loc_40E437"], [69, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [70, "mov rax, [rax]"], [71, "mov rdx, 400000000h"], [72, "and rax, rdx"], [73, "test rax, rax"], [74, "jnz short loc_40E437"], [75, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_10]"], [76, "mov rdi, rax"], [77, "call sub_40CACD"], [78, "jmp short loc_40E43C"], [79, "mov eax, 0"], [80, "mov [rbp+var_58], eax"], [81, "mov eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [82, "mov edi, eax"], [83, "call sub_40CB1E"], [84, "mov ebx, eax"], [85, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [86, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [87, "mov edi, eax"], [88, "call sub_40CB1E"], [89, "add eax, ebx"], [90, "xor [rbp+var_58], eax"], [91, "mov eax, [rbp+var_58]"], [92, "mov edi, eax"], [93, "call sub_40CB1E"], [94, "mov [rbp+var_58], eax"], [95, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [96, "mov rax, [rax]"], [97, "mov r9, [rbp+var_110]"], [98, "mov r8, [rbp+var_108]"], [99, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_FC]"], [100, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_F8]"], [101, "mov rsi, [rbp+arg_8]"], [102, "sub rsp, 8"], [103, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_C0]"], [104, "push rdi"], [105, "mov rdi, rax"], [106, "call sub_40CE4F"], [107, "add rsp, 10h"], [108, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [109, "movss xmm0, dword ptr [rax+0BCh]"], [110, "pxor xmm1, xmm1"], [111, "comiss xmm0, xmm1"], [112, "jbe short loc_40E4EF"], [113, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [114, "mov esi, [rax+0BCh]"], [115, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [116, "mov edx, [rax+0C8h]"], [117, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [118, "mov rax, [rax]"], [119, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_C0]"], [120, "movd xmm0, esi"], [121, "mov rsi, rcx"], [122, "mov rdi, rax"], [123, "call sub_42983F"], [124, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [125, "mov rax, [rax]"], [126, "and eax, 400000h"], [127, "test rax, rax"], [128, "jz short loc_40E55E"], [129, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [130, "mov edx, [rax+0C8h]"], [131, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [132, "mov rax, [rax]"], [133, "lea r9, [rbp+var_C0]"], [134, "mov r8, [rbp+arg_10]"], [135, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_F8]"], [136, "mov rsi, [rbp+arg_8]"], [137, "sub rsp, 8"], [138, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_A0]"], [139, "push rdi"], [140, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_84]"], [141, "push rdi"], [142, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_7C]"], [143, "push rdi"], [144, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_90]"], [145, "push rdi"], [146, "mov edi, [rbp+var_1C]"], [147, "push rdi"], [148, "mov rdi, rax"], [149, "call sub_40D624"], [150, "add rsp, 30h"], [151, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [152, "jmp short loc_40E5BA"], [153, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [154, "mov edx, [rax+0C8h]"], [155, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [156, "mov rax, [rax]"], [157, "lea r9, [rbp+var_C0]"], [158, "mov r8, [rbp+arg_10]"], [159, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_F8]"], [160, "mov rsi, [rbp+arg_8]"], [161, "sub rsp, 8"], [162, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_A0]"], [163, "push rdi"], [164, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_84]"], [165, "push rdi"], [166, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_7C]"], [167, "push rdi"], [168, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_90]"], [169, "push rdi"], [170, "mov edi, [rbp+var_1C]"], [171, "push rdi"], [172, "mov rdi, rax"], [173, "call sub_40DBF7"], [174, "add rsp, 30h"], [175, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [176, "mov eax, cs:dword_45E8F0"], [177, "and eax, 4"], [178, "test eax, eax"], [179, "jz loc_40E75E"], [180, "mov edx, [rbp+var_7C]"], [181, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [182, "mov esi, offset aRsD"], [183, "mov rdi, rax"], [184, "mov eax, 0"], [185, "call _fprintf"], [186, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0"], [187, "jmp loc_40E748"], [188, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0"], [189, "jz short loc_40E667"], [190, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [191, "cdqe"], [192, "shl rax, 4"], [193, "mov rdx, rax"], [194, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [195, "add rax, rdx"], [196, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [197, "mov edx, eax"], [198, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [199, "cdqe"], [200, "shl rax, 4"], [201, "lea rcx, [rax-10h]"], [202, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [203, "add rax, rcx"], [204, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [205, "sub edx, eax"], [206, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [207, "cdqe"], [208, "shl rax, 4"], [209, "mov rcx, rax"], [210, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [211, "add rax, rcx"], [212, "mov rax, [rax]"], [213, "mov ecx, eax"], [214, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [215, "cdqe"], [216, "shl rax, 4"], [217, "lea rsi, [rax-10h]"], [218, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [219, "add rax, rsi"], [220, "mov rax, [rax]"], [221, "mov esi, eax"], [222, "mov eax, ecx"], [223, "sub eax, esi"], [224, "mov esi, edx"], [225, "sub esi, eax"], [226, "jmp short loc_40E66C"], [227, "mov esi, 0"], [228, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [229, "cdqe"], [230, "shl rax, 4"], [231, "mov rdx, rax"], [232, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [233, "add rax, rdx"], [234, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [235, "shr rax, 20h"], [236, "movzx ecx, al"], [237, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [238, "cdqe"], [239, "shl rax, 4"], [240, "mov rdx, rax"], [241, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [242, "add rax, rdx"], [243, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [244, "mov r9d, eax"], [245, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [246, "cdqe"], [247, "shl rax, 4"], [248, "mov rdx, rax"], [249, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [250, "add rax, rdx"], [251, "mov rax, [rax]"], [252, "shr rax, 3Fh"], [253, "movzx eax, ds:byte_457F11[rax]"], [254, "movsx edi, al"], [255, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [256, "cdqe"], [257, "shl rax, 4"], [258, "mov rdx, rax"], [259, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [260, "add rax, rdx"], [261, "mov rax, [rax]"], [262, "mov r10d, eax"], [263, "mov rax, [rbp+var_F8]"], [264, "mov r8, [rax+20h]"], [265, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [266, "cdqe"], [267, "shl rax, 4"], [268, "mov rdx, rax"], [269, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [270, "add rax, rdx"], [271, "mov rax, [rax]"], [272, "add rax, rax"], [273, "shr rax, 21h"], [274, "mov rdx, rax"], [275, "mov rax, rdx"], [276, "add rax, rax"], [277, "add rax, rdx"], [278, "shl rax, 3"], [279, "add rax, r8"], [280, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [281, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [282, "push rsi"], [283, "push rcx"], [284, "mov r8d, edi"], [285, "mov ecx, r10d"], [286, "mov esi, offset aSdSDCDDD"], [287, "mov rdi, rax"], [288, "mov eax, 0"], [289, "call _fprintf"], [290, "add rsp, 10h"], [291, "add [rbp+var_14], 1"], [292, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [293, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [294, "mov rax, [rbp+var_90]"], [295, "cmp rdx, rax"], [296, "jl loc_40E5F3"], [297, "cmp [rbp+var_54], 0"], [298, "jz short loc_40E777"], [299, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [300, "mov eax, [rax+1Ch]"], [301, "cmp [rbp+var_1C], eax"], [302, "cmovge eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [303, "mov [rbp+var_20], eax"], [304, "jmp short loc_40E781"], [305, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [306, "mov eax, [rax+1Ch]"], [307, "mov [rbp+var_20], eax"], [308, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [309, "mov eax, [rax+20h]"], [310, "test eax, eax"], [311, "jle short loc_40E798"], [312, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [313, "mov eax, [rax+20h]"], [314, "mov [rbp+var_24], eax"], [315, "jmp short loc_40E7D2"], [316, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [317, "mov eax, [rax+24h]"], [318, "test eax, eax"], [319, "jle short loc_40E7C8"], [320, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [321, "mov eax, [rax+24h]"], [322, "sub eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [323, "mov [rbp+var_24], eax"], [324, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [325, "mov eax, [rax+1Ch]"], [326, "cmp [rbp+var_24], eax"], [327, "jge short loc_40E7D2"], [328, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [329, "mov eax, [rax+1Ch]"], [330, "mov [rbp+var_24], eax"], [331, "jmp short loc_40E7D2"], [332, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [333, "mov eax, [rax+1Ch]"], [334, "mov [rbp+var_24], eax"], [335, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [336, "movss xmm0, dword ptr [rax+38h]"], [337, "pxor xmm1, xmm1"], [338, "cvtss2sd xmm1, xmm0"], [339, "movsd xmm0, cs:qword_458040"], [340, "mulsd xmm1, xmm0"], [341, "mov rax, [rbp+var_F8]"], [342, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [343, "pxor xmm0, xmm0"], [344, "cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax"], [345, "mulsd xmm0, xmm1"], [346, "cvtsd2ss xmm0, xmm0"], [347, "movss [rbp+var_5C], xmm0"], [348, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [349, "movss xmm0, dword ptr [rax+3Ch]"], [350, "pxor xmm1, xmm1"], [351, "cvtss2sd xmm1, xmm0"], [352, "movsd xmm0, cs:qword_458040"], [353, "mulsd xmm1, xmm0"], [354, "mov rax, [rbp+var_F8]"], [355, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [356, "pxor xmm0, xmm0"], [357, "cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax"], [358, "mulsd xmm0, xmm1"], [359, "cvtsd2ss xmm0, xmm0"], [360, "movss [rbp+var_60], xmm0"], [361, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [362, "mov rax, [rax]"], [363, "and eax, 80000000h"], [364, "test rax, rax"], [365, "jz loc_40E8E1"], [366, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [367, "mov r10, [rax]"], [368, "mov r9, [rbp+var_90]"], [369, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [370, "mov r8d, [rax+34h]"], [371, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [372, "mov ebx, [rax+30h]"], [373, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [374, "mov r11d, [rax+40h]"], [375, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [376, "mov ecx, [rax+28h]"], [377, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [378, "mov edx, [rax+14h]"], [379, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [380, "mov esi, [rax+44h]"], [381, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [382, "mov eax, [rax+1Ch]"], [383, "movss xmm0, [rbp+var_60]"], [384, "mov edi, [rbp+var_5C]"], [385, "push r10"], [386, "lea r10, [rbp+var_98]"], [387, "push r10"], [388, "lea r10, [rbp+var_80]"], [389, "push r10"], [390, "push [rbp+var_30]"], [391, "push r9"], [392, "push r8"], [393, "movaps xmm1, xmm0"], [394, "movd xmm0, edi"], [395, "mov r9d, ebx"], [396, "mov r8d, r11d"], [397, "mov edi, eax"], [398, "call sub_41EB83"], [399, "add rsp, 30h"], [400, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [401, "jmp loc_40E965"], [402, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [403, "mov r10, [rax]"], [404, "mov r9, [rbp+var_90]"], [405, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [406, "mov r8d, [rax+34h]"], [407, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [408, "mov ebx, [rax+30h]"], [409, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [410, "mov r11d, [rax+2Ch]"], [411, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [412, "mov ecx, [rax+28h]"], [413, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [414, "mov edx, [rax+14h]"], [415, "movss xmm0, [rbp+var_60]"], [416, "mov edi, [rbp+var_5C]"], [417, "mov esi, [rbp+var_20]"], [418, "mov eax, [rbp+var_24]"], [419, "push r10"], [420, "lea r10, [rbp+var_98]"], [421, "push r10"], [422, "lea r10, [rbp+var_80]"], [423, "push r10"], [424, "push [rbp+var_30]"], [425, "push r9"], [426, "mov r9d, [rbp+var_FC]"], [427, "push r9"], [428, "mov r9d, [rbp+var_50]"], [429, "push r9"], [430, "push r8"], [431, "movaps xmm1, xmm0"], [432, "movd xmm0, edi"], [433, "mov r9d, ebx"], [434, "mov r8d, r11d"], [435, "mov edi, eax"], [436, "call sub_41C8F1"], [437, "add rsp, 40h"], [438, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [439, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [440, "mov edx, [rax+18h]"], [441, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [442, "mov eax, [rax+14h]"], [443, "cmp edx, eax"], [444, "jle loc_40EB27"], [445, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [446, "mov rax, [rax]"], [447, "and eax, 1480h"], [448, "test rax, rax"], [449, "jnz loc_40EB27"], [450, "cmp [rbp+var_FC], 1"], [451, "jnz loc_40EB27"], [452, "mov eax, [rbp+var_80]"], [453, "cmp eax, 1"], [454, "jle loc_40EB27"], [455, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [456, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [457, "mov [rbp+var_64], eax"], [458, "mov rax, [rbp+var_98]"], [459, "mov rax, [rax]"], [460, "cdqe"], [461, "shl rax, 4"], [462, "lea rdx, [rax-10h]"], [463, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [464, "add rax, rdx"], [465, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [466, "mov [rbp+var_68], eax"], [467, "mov eax, [rbp+var_68]"], [468, "sub eax, [rbp+var_64]"], [469, "mov ecx, eax"], [470, "mov eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [471, "sub eax, ecx"], [472, "mov edx, eax"], [473, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [474, "mov eax, [rax+48h]"], [475, "cmp edx, eax"], [476, "jg short loc_40EA1E"], [477, "mov eax, [rbp+var_68]"], [478, "sub eax, [rbp+var_64]"], [479, "pxor xmm0, xmm0"], [480, "cvtsi2ss xmm0, eax"], [481, "pxor xmm2, xmm2"], [482, "cvtsi2ss xmm2, [rbp+var_1C]"], [483, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [484, "movss xmm1, dword ptr [rax+4Ch]"], [485, "mulss xmm1, xmm2"], [486, "comiss xmm0, xmm1"], [487, "ja short loc_40EA1E"], [488, "jmp loc_40EE4B"], [489, "mov [rbp+var_34], 0"], [490, "mov [rbp+var_90], 0"], [491, "jmp short loc_40EA60"], [492, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_98]"], [493, "mov eax, [rbp+var_34]"], [494, "cdqe"], [495, "shl rax, 3"], [496, "add rax, rdx"], [497, "mov rax, [rax]"], [498, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [499, "mov rax, [rbp+var_90]"], [500, "add rax, rdx"], [501, "mov [rbp+var_90], rax"], [502, "add [rbp+var_34], 1"], [503, "mov eax, [rbp+var_80]"], [504, "cmp [rbp+var_34], eax"], [505, "jl short loc_40EA32"], [506, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_98]"], [507, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [508, "mov rax, [rax]"], [509, "mov rsi, rdx"], [510, "mov rdi, rax"], [511, "call sub_417C09"], [512, "mov rax, [rbp+var_90]"], [513, "shl rax, 4"], [514, "mov rdx, rax"], [515, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [516, "add rdx, rax"], [517, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [518, "mov rsi, rdx"], [519, "mov rdi, rax"], [520, "call sub_4057B1"], [521, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [522, "mov r10, [rax]"], [523, "mov r9, [rbp+var_90]"], [524, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [525, "mov r8d, [rax+34h]"], [526, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [527, "mov ebx, [rax+30h]"], [528, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [529, "mov r11d, [rax+40h]"], [530, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [531, "mov ecx, [rax+28h]"], [532, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [533, "mov edx, [rax+18h]"], [534, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [535, "mov esi, [rax+44h]"], [536, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [537, "mov eax, [rax+1Ch]"], [538, "movss xmm0, [rbp+var_60]"], [539, "mov edi, [rbp+var_5C]"], [540, "push r10"], [541, "lea r10, [rbp+var_98]"], [542, "push r10"], [543, "lea r10, [rbp+var_80]"], [544, "push r10"], [545, "push [rbp+var_30]"], [546, "push r9"], [547, "push r8"], [548, "movaps xmm1, xmm0"], [549, "movd xmm0, edi"], [550, "mov r9d, ebx"], [551, "mov r8d, r11d"], [552, "mov edi, eax"], [553, "call sub_41EB83"], [554, "add rsp, 30h"], [555, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [556, "jmp loc_40EE4B"], [557, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [558, "mov edx, [rax+0CCh]"], [559, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [560, "mov eax, [rax+0C8h]"], [561, "cmp edx, eax"], [562, "jle loc_40EE4B"], [563, "mov eax, [rbp+var_7C]"], [564, "test eax, eax"], [565, "jle loc_40EE4B"], [566, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [567, "mov rax, [rax]"], [568, "and eax, 80000000h"], [569, "test rax, rax"], [570, "jnz loc_40EE4B"], [571, "mov [rbp+var_38], 0"], [572, "mov eax, [rbp+var_80]"], [573, "test eax, eax"], [574, "jle loc_40ECA3"], [575, "mov [rbp+var_3C], 1"], [576, "mov [rbp+var_40], 0"], [577, "mov [rbp+var_44], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [578, "mov [rbp+var_48], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [579, "mov [rbp+var_4C], 0"], [580, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0"], [581, "jmp short loc_40EC0D"], [582, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_98]"], [583, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [584, "cdqe"], [585, "shl rax, 3"], [586, "add rax, rdx"], [587, "mov rax, [rax]"], [588, "shr rax, 20h"], [589, "cmp [rbp+var_40], eax"], [590, "jge short loc_40EBE9"], [591, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_98]"], [592, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [593, "cdqe"], [594, "shl rax, 3"], [595, "add rax, rdx"], [596, "mov rax, [rax]"], [597, "shr rax, 20h"], [598, "mov [rbp+var_40], eax"], [599, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [600, "mov [rbp+var_44], eax"], [601, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4C]"], [602, "mov [rbp+var_48], eax"], [603, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_98]"], [604, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [605, "cdqe"], [606, "shl rax, 3"], [607, "add rax, rdx"], [608, "mov rax, [rax]"], [609, "mov edx, eax"], [610, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4C]"], [611, "add eax, edx"], [612, "mov [rbp+var_4C], eax"], [613, "add [rbp+var_14], 1"], [614, "mov eax, [rbp+var_80]"], [615, "cmp [rbp+var_14], eax"], [616, "jl short loc_40EBA1"], [617, "mov [rbp+var_14], 1"], [618, "jmp short loc_40EC74"], [619, "mov edx, [rbp+var_48]"], [620, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [621, "add eax, edx"], [622, "cdqe"], [623, "shl rax, 4"], [624, "mov rdx, rax"], [625, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [626, "add rax, rdx"], [627, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [628, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_48]"], [629, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [630, "add eax, ecx"], [631, "cdqe"], [632, "shl rax, 4"], [633, "lea rcx, [rax-10h]"], [634, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [635, "add rax, rcx"], [636, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [637, "xor rdx, rax"], [638, "mov rax, 0FF000000000000h"], [639, "and rax, rdx"], [640, "test rax, rax"], [641, "jz short loc_40EC70"], [642, "add [rbp+var_3C], 1"], [643, "add [rbp+var_14], 1"], [644, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_98]"], [645, "mov eax, [rbp+var_44]"], [646, "cdqe"], [647, "shl rax, 3"], [648, "add rax, rdx"], [649, "mov rax, [rax]"], [650, "cmp [rbp+var_14], eax"], [651, "jl short loc_40EC1E"], [652, "mov eax, [rbp+var_3C]"], [653, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_FC]"], [654, "jge short loc_40ECAA"], [655, "mov [rbp+var_38], 1"], [656, "jmp short loc_40ECAA"], [657, "mov [rbp+var_38], 1"], [658, "cmp [rbp+var_38], 0"], [659, "jz loc_40EE4B"], [660, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [661, "mov rax, [rax]"], [662, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [663, "mov rsi, rdx"], [664, "mov rdi, rax"], [665, "call sub_417C09"], [666, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_98]"], [667, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [668, "mov rax, [rax]"], [669, "mov rsi, rdx"], [670, "mov rdi, rax"], [671, "call sub_417C09"], [672, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_A0]"], [673, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [674, "mov rax, [rax]"], [675, "mov rsi, rdx"], [676, "mov rdi, rax"], [677, "call sub_417C09"], [678, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [679, "mov rax, [rax]"], [680, "and eax, 400000h"], [681, "test rax, rax"], [682, "jz short loc_40ED6B"], [683, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [684, "mov edx, [rax+0CCh]"], [685, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [686, "mov rax, [rax]"], [687, "lea r9, [rbp+var_C0]"], [688, "mov r8, [rbp+arg_10]"], [689, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_F8]"], [690, "mov rsi, [rbp+arg_8]"], [691, "sub rsp, 8"], [692, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_A0]"], [693, "push rdi"], [694, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_84]"], [695, "push rdi"], [696, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_7C]"], [697, "push rdi"], [698, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_90]"], [699, "push rdi"], [700, "mov edi, [rbp+var_1C]"], [701, "push rdi"], [702, "mov rdi, rax"], [703, "call sub_40D624"], [704, "add rsp, 30h"], [705, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [706, "jmp short loc_40EDC7"], [707, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [708, "mov edx, [rax+0CCh]"], [709, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [710, "mov rax, [rax]"], [711, "lea r9, [rbp+var_C0]"], [712, "mov r8, [rbp+arg_10]"], [713, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_F8]"], [714, "mov rsi, [rbp+arg_8]"], [715, "sub rsp, 8"], [716, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_A0]"], [717, "push rdi"], [718, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_84]"], [719, "push rdi"], [720, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_7C]"], [721, "push rdi"], [722, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_90]"], [723, "push rdi"], [724, "mov edi, [rbp+var_1C]"], [725, "push rdi"], [726, "mov rdi, rax"], [727, "call sub_40DBF7"], [728, "add rsp, 30h"], [729, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [730, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [731, "mov r10, [rax]"], [732, "mov r9, [rbp+var_90]"], [733, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [734, "mov r8d, [rax+34h]"], [735, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [736, "mov ebx, [rax+30h]"], [737, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [738, "mov r11d, [rax+2Ch]"], [739, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [740, "mov ecx, [rax+28h]"], [741, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [742, "mov edx, [rax+14h]"], [743, "movss xmm0, [rbp+var_60]"], [744, "mov edi, [rbp+var_5C]"], [745, "mov esi, [rbp+var_20]"], [746, "mov eax, [rbp+var_24]"], [747, "push r10"], [748, "lea r10, [rbp+var_98]"], [749, "push r10"], [750, "lea r10, [rbp+var_80]"], [751, "push r10"], [752, "push [rbp+var_30]"], [753, "push r9"], [754, "mov r9d, [rbp+var_FC]"], [755, "push r9"], [756, "mov r9d, [rbp+var_50]"], [757, "push r9"], [758, "push r8"], [759, "movaps xmm1, xmm0"], [760, "movd xmm0, edi"], [761, "mov r9d, ebx"], [762, "mov r8d, r11d"], [763, "mov edi, eax"], [764, "call sub_41C8F1"], [765, "add rsp, 40h"], [766, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [767, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [768, "mov edx, [rbp+var_24]"], [769, "mov [rax+0Ch], edx"], [770, "mov edx, [rbp+var_7C]"], [771, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [772, "mov [rax+8], edx"], [773, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [774, "mov rax, [rax]"], [775, "mov rdx, 100000000h"], [776, "and rax, rdx"], [777, "test rax, rax"], [778, "setnz al"], [779, "movzx edi, al"], [780, "mov r8, [rbp+var_98]"], [781, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_80]"], [782, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [783, "mov rax, [rax]"], [784, "mov r9, [rbp+var_30]"], [785, "mov edx, [rbp+var_1C]"], [786, "mov esi, [rbp+var_58]"], [787, "sub rsp, 8"], [788, "push rdi"], [789, "mov rdi, rax"], [790, "call sub_426941"], [791, "add rsp, 10h"], [792, "mov [rbp+ptr], rax"], [793, "mov rax, [rbp+var_F8]"], [794, "mov eax, [rax+18h]"], [795, "test eax, eax"], [796, "jz short loc_40EEF7"], [797, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_80]"], [798, "mov rdx, [rbp+ptr]"], [799, "mov rax, [rbp+var_F8]"], [800, "mov esi, ecx"], [801, "mov rdi, rax"], [802, "call sub_426C95"], [803, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [804, "mov esi, [rax+60h]"], [805, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [806, "mov rax, [rax]"], [807, "mov rdx, [rbp+ptr]"], [808, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_80]"], [809, "movd xmm0, esi"], [810, "mov rsi, rcx"], [811, "mov rdi, rax"], [812, "call sub_4275F0"], [813, "mov eax, cs:dword_45E8F0"], [814, "and eax, 14h"], [815, "test eax, eax"], [816, "jz loc_40F119"], [817, "mov [rbp+var_18], 0"], [818, "jmp loc_40F10D"], [819, "mov eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [820, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [821, "mov rax, rdx"], [822, "shl rax, 2"], [823, "add rax, rdx"], [824, "shl rax, 4"], [825, "mov rdx, rax"], [826, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [827, "add rax, rdx"], [828, "mov eax, [rax+28h]"], [829, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [830, "jmp loc_40F0BC"], [831, "mov eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [832, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [833, "mov rax, rdx"], [834, "shl rax, 2"], [835, "add rax, rdx"], [836, "shl rax, 4"], [837, "mov rdx, rax"], [838, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [839, "add rax, rdx"], [840, "mov eax, [rax+28h]"], [841, "cmp [rbp+var_14], eax"], [842, "jz short loc_40EFD1"], [843, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [844, "cdqe"], [845, "shl rax, 4"], [846, "mov rdx, rax"], [847, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [848, "add rax, rdx"], [849, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [850, "mov edx, eax"], [851, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [852, "cdqe"], [853, "shl rax, 4"], [854, "lea rcx, [rax-10h]"], [855, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [856, "add rax, rcx"], [857, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [858, "sub edx, eax"], [859, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [860, "cdqe"], [861, "shl rax, 4"], [862, "mov rcx, rax"], [863, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [864, "add rax, rcx"], [865, "mov rax, [rax]"], [866, "mov ecx, eax"], [867, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [868, "cdqe"], [869, "shl rax, 4"], [870, "lea rsi, [rax-10h]"], [871, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [872, "add rax, rsi"], [873, "mov rax, [rax]"], [874, "mov esi, eax"], [875, "mov eax, ecx"], [876, "sub eax, esi"], [877, "mov edi, edx"], [878, "sub edi, eax"], [879, "jmp short loc_40EFD6"], [880, "mov edi, 0"], [881, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [882, "cdqe"], [883, "shl rax, 4"], [884, "mov rdx, rax"], [885, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [886, "add rax, rdx"], [887, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [888, "shr rax, 20h"], [889, "movzx esi, al"], [890, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [891, "cdqe"], [892, "shl rax, 4"], [893, "mov rdx, rax"], [894, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [895, "add rax, rdx"], [896, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [897, "mov r9d, eax"], [898, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [899, "cdqe"], [900, "shl rax, 4"], [901, "mov rdx, rax"], [902, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [903, "add rax, rdx"], [904, "mov rax, [rax]"], [905, "shr rax, 3Fh"], [906, "movzx eax, ds:byte_457F11[rax]"], [907, "movsx r8d, al"], [908, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [909, "cdqe"], [910, "shl rax, 4"], [911, "mov rdx, rax"], [912, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [913, "add rax, rdx"], [914, "mov rax, [rax]"], [915, "mov r10d, eax"], [916, "mov rax, [rbp+var_F8]"], [917, "mov rcx, [rax+20h]"], [918, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [919, "cdqe"], [920, "shl rax, 4"], [921, "mov rdx, rax"], [922, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [923, "add rax, rdx"], [924, "mov rax, [rax]"], [925, "add rax, rax"], [926, "shr rax, 21h"], [927, "mov rdx, rax"], [928, "mov rax, rdx"], [929, "add rax, rax"], [930, "add rax, rdx"], [931, "shl rax, 3"], [932, "add rax, rcx"], [933, "mov rcx, [rax]"], [934, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [935, "mov edx, [rbp+var_18]"], [936, "sub rsp, 8"], [937, "push rdi"], [938, "push rsi"], [939, "push r9"], [940, "mov r9d, r8d"], [941, "mov r8d, r10d"], [942, "mov esi, offset aCnDSDCDDD"], [943, "mov rdi, rax"], [944, "mov eax, 0"], [945, "call _fprintf"], [946, "add rsp, 20h"], [947, "add [rbp+var_14], 1"], [948, "mov eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [949, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [950, "mov rax, rdx"], [951, "shl rax, 2"], [952, "add rax, rdx"], [953, "shl rax, 4"], [954, "mov rdx, rax"], [955, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [956, "add rax, rdx"], [957, "mov ecx, [rax+28h]"], [958, "mov eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [959, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [960, "mov rax, rdx"], [961, "shl rax, 2"], [962, "add rax, rdx"], [963, "shl rax, 4"], [964, "mov rdx, rax"], [965, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [966, "add rax, rdx"], [967, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [968, "add eax, ecx"], [969, "cmp [rbp+var_14], eax"], [970, "jl loc_40EF3D"], [971, "add [rbp+var_18], 1"], [972, "mov eax, [rbp+var_80]"], [973, "cmp [rbp+var_18], eax"], [974, "jl loc_40EF14"], [975, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [976, "mov rcx, [rax]"], [977, "mov r9d, [rbp+var_FC]"], [978, "mov r8d, [rbp+var_1C]"], [979, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_F8]"], [980, "mov esi, [rbp+var_24]"], [981, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [982, "push [rbp+var_30]"], [983, "push [rbp+ptr]"], [984, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_80]"], [985, "push rdi"], [986, "push [rbp+var_108]"], [987, "mov rdi, rax"], [988, "call sub_40E02A"], [989, "add rsp, 20h"], [990, "cmp [rbp+var_54], 0"], [991, "jnz short loc_40F1BD"], [992, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [993, "mov rax, [rax]"], [994, "mov rdx, 100000000h"], [995, "and rax, rdx"], [996, "test rax, rax"], [997, "jnz short loc_40F1BD"], [998, "mov rdi, [rbp+var_A0]"], [999, "mov r9d, [rbp+var_84]"], [1000, "mov edx, [rbp+var_80]"], [1001, "mov r8, [rbp+var_30]"], [1002, "mov rcx, [rbp+ptr]"], [1003, "mov esi, [rbp+var_1C]"], [1004, "mov rax, [rbp+var_F8]"], [1005, "sub rsp, 8"], [1006, "push rdi"], [1007, "mov rdi, rax"], [1008, "call sub_41695D"], [1009, "add rsp, 10h"], [1010, "mov eax, [rbp+var_80]"], [1011, "mov rdx, [rbp+ptr]"], [1012, "mov rsi, rdx"], [1013, "mov edi, eax"], [1014, "call sub_428331"], [1015, "mov [rbp+var_80], eax"], [1016, "cmp [rbp+var_FC], 1"], [1017, "jnz loc_40F28D"], [1018, "mov rax, [rbp+var_110]"], [1019, "mov rdi, [rax]"], [1020, "mov rax, [rbp+var_108]"], [1021, "mov ecx, [rax]"], [1022, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1023, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [1024, "lea r8, [rbp+var_80]"], [1025, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_F8]"], [1026, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1027, "push [rbp+var_30]"], [1028, "push [rbp+ptr]"], [1029, "mov r9, r8"], [1030, "mov r8, rdi"], [1031, "mov rdi, rax"], [1032, "call sub_40E177"], [1033, "add rsp, 10h"], [1034, "mov [rbp+ptr], rax"], [1035, "mov eax, [rbp+var_80]"], [1036, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [1037, "mov rax, rdx"], [1038, "shl rax, 2"], [1039, "add rax, rdx"], [1040, "shl rax, 4"], [1041, "mov rdx, rax"], [1042, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [1043, "mov rsi, rdx"], [1044, "mov rdi, rax"], [1045, "call _realloc"], [1046, "mov [rbp+ptr], rax"], [1047, "mov r9d, [rbp+var_7C]"], [1048, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1049, "mov r8d, [rax+64h]"], [1050, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1051, "mov ecx, [rax+34h]"], [1052, "mov esi, [rbp+var_80]"], [1053, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1054, "mov rax, [rax]"], [1055, "mov rdx, [rbp+ptr]"], [1056, "sub rsp, 8"], [1057, "mov edi, [rbp+var_54]"], [1058, "push rdi"], [1059, "mov rdi, rax"], [1060, "call sub_4292E5"], [1061, "add rsp, 10h"], [1062, "mov edx, [rbp+var_80]"], [1063, "mov rax, [rbp+var_118]"], [1064, "mov [rax], edx"], [1065, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [1066, "mov rdx, [rbp+ptr]"], [1067, "mov [rax], rdx"], [1068, "jmp loc_40F53E"], [1069, "mov edi, [rbp+var_80]"], [1070, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1071, "mov rax, [rax]"], [1072, "mov r8, [rbp+ptr]"], [1073, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_108]"], [1074, "mov edx, [rbp+var_FC]"], [1075, "mov esi, [rbp+var_58]"], [1076, "sub rsp, 8"], [1077, "push [rbp+var_30]"], [1078, "push [rbp+var_120]"], [1079, "push [rbp+var_118]"], [1080, "mov r9, r8"], [1081, "mov r8d, edi"], [1082, "mov rdi, rax"], [1083, "call sub_428896"], [1084, "add rsp, 20h"], [1085, "mov [rbp+var_78], rax"], [1086, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [1087, "mov rdi, rax"], [1088, "call _free"], [1089, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0"], [1090, "jmp loc_40F49A"], [1091, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1092, "movss xmm0, dword ptr [rax+60h]"], [1093, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1094, "mov rax, [rax]"], [1095, "and eax, 20000000h"], [1096, "mov r9d, eax"], [1097, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1098, "mov eax, [rax+64h]"], [1099, "lea edx, [rax+rax]"], [1100, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1101, "mov eax, [rax+68h]"], [1102, "lea r8d, [rdx+rax]"], [1103, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1104, "cdqe"], [1105, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [1106, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [1107, "add rax, rdx"], [1108, "mov rcx, [rax]"], [1109, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1110, "cdqe"], [1111, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [1112, "mov rax, [rbp+var_118]"], [1113, "add rax, rdx"], [1114, "mov edx, [rax]"], [1115, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1116, "mov esi, [rax+54h]"], [1117, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1118, "mov edi, [rax+50h]"], [1119, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1120, "mov rax, [rax]"], [1121, "movaps xmm1, xmm0"], [1122, "movd xmm0, edi"], [1123, "mov rdi, rax"], [1124, "call sub_426F97"], [1125, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1126, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [1127, "mov rax, rdx"], [1128, "add rax, rax"], [1129, "add rax, rdx"], [1130, "shl rax, 3"], [1131, "mov rdx, rax"], [1132, "mov rax, [rbp+var_78]"], [1133, "add rax, rdx"], [1134, "mov r8, [rax+10h]"], [1135, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1136, "cdqe"], [1137, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [1138, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [1139, "add rax, rdx"], [1140, "mov rdi, [rax]"], [1141, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1142, "cdqe"], [1143, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [1144, "mov rax, [rbp+var_118]"], [1145, "lea r9, [rdx+rax]"], [1146, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1147, "cdqe"], [1148, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [1149, "mov rax, [rbp+var_110]"], [1150, "add rax, rdx"], [1151, "mov r10, [rax]"], [1152, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1153, "cdqe"], [1154, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [1155, "mov rax, [rbp+var_108]"], [1156, "add rax, rdx"], [1157, "mov ecx, [rax]"], [1158, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1159, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [1160, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1161, "cdqe"], [1162, "lea rsi, ds:0[rax*8]"], [1163, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [1164, "lea rbx, [rsi+rax]"], [1165, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_F8]"], [1166, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1167, "push r8"], [1168, "push rdi"], [1169, "mov r8, r10"], [1170, "mov rdi, rax"], [1171, "call sub_40E177"], [1172, "add rsp, 10h"], [1173, "mov [rbx], rax"], [1174, "mov r9d, [rbp+var_7C]"], [1175, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1176, "mov r8d, [rax+64h]"], [1177, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1178, "mov ecx, [rax+34h]"], [1179, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1180, "cdqe"], [1181, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [1182, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [1183, "add rax, rdx"], [1184, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [1185, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1186, "cdqe"], [1187, "lea rsi, ds:0[rax*4]"], [1188, "mov rax, [rbp+var_118]"], [1189, "add rax, rsi"], [1190, "mov esi, [rax]"], [1191, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1192, "mov rax, [rax]"], [1193, "sub rsp, 8"], [1194, "mov edi, [rbp+var_54]"], [1195, "push rdi"], [1196, "mov rdi, rax"], [1197, "call sub_4292E5"], [1198, "add rsp, 10h"], [1199, "add [rbp+var_14], 1"], [1200, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1201, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_FC]"], [1202, "jl loc_40F2EC"], [1203, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1204, "mov rax, [rax]"], [1205, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_78]"], [1206, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_FC]"], [1207, "mov esi, ecx"], [1208, "mov rdi, rax"], [1209, "call sub_428F86"], [1210, "cmp [rbp+var_FC], 2"], [1211, "jnz short loc_40F53E"], [1212, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1213, "mov eax, [rax+0B0h]"], [1214, "test eax, eax"], [1215, "js short loc_40F53E"], [1216, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1217, "mov rax, [rax]"], [1218, "and eax, 4"], [1219, "test rax, rax"], [1220, "jz short loc_40F53E"], [1221, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1222, "mov edi, [rax+64h]"], [1223, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1224, "mov eax, [rax+64h]"], [1225, "lea edx, [rax+rax]"], [1226, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1227, "mov eax, [rax+68h]"], [1228, "lea ecx, [rdx+rax]"], [1229, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1230, "mov edx, [rax+0B4h]"], [1231, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1232, "mov rax, [rax]"], [1233, "mov r8, [rbp+var_108]"], [1234, "mov esi, [rbp+var_24]"], [1235, "push [rbp+var_120]"], [1236, "push [rbp+var_118]"], [1237, "mov r9, r8"], [1238, "mov r8d, edi"], [1239, "mov rdi, rax"], [1240, "call sub_415AF9"], [1241, "add rsp, 10h"], [1242, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_B0]"], [1243, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1244, "mov rax, [rax]"], [1245, "mov rsi, rdx"], [1246, "mov rdi, rax"], [1247, "call sub_417C09"], [1248, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1249, "mov rax, [rax]"], [1250, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [1251, "mov rsi, rdx"], [1252, "mov rdi, rax"], [1253, "call sub_417C09"], [1254, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_98]"], [1255, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1256, "mov rax, [rax]"], [1257, "mov rsi, rdx"], [1258, "mov rdi, rax"], [1259, "call sub_417C09"], [1260, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_A0]"], [1261, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1262, "mov rax, [rax]"], [1263, "mov rsi, rdx"], [1264, "mov rdi, rax"], [1265, "call sub_417C09"], [1266, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1267, "mov rax, [rax]"], [1268, "test rax, rax"], [1269, "jz loc_40F6CE"], [1270, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1271, "mov rax, [rax]"], [1272, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_F0]"], [1273, "mov rsi, rdx"], [1274, "mov rdi, rax"], [1275, "call sub_418140"], [1276, "mov eax, cs:dword_45E8F0"], [1277, "and eax, 2"], [1278, "test eax, eax"], [1279, "jz short loc_40F619"], [1280, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_D0]"], [1281, "mov r8, [rbp+var_D8]"], [1282, "mov rdi, [rbp+var_F0]"], [1283, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [1284, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_1C]"], [1285, "mov rdx, [rbp+arg_10]"], [1286, "sub rsp, 8"], [1287, "push rsi"], [1288, "mov r9, r8"], [1289, "mov r8, rdi"], [1290, "mov esi, offset aQmSDCapLdNcore"], [1291, "mov rdi, rax"], [1292, "mov eax, 0"], [1293, "call _fprintf"], [1294, "add rsp, 10h"], [1295, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_E0]"], [1296, "mov rax, [rbp+var_D8]"], [1297, "cmp rdx, rax"], [1298, "jz short loc_40F645"], [1299, "mov ecx, offset aMmMapFrag"], [1300, "mov edx, 16Eh"], [1301, "mov esi, offset aMapC"], [1302, "mov edi, offset aKmstNBlocksKms"], [1303, "call ___assert_fail"], [1304, "mov rax, [rbp+var_D0]"], [1305, "cmp rax, 10000000h"], [1306, "ja short loc_40F67B"], [1307, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1308, "mov rax, [rax+0E8h]"], [1309, "test rax, rax"], [1310, "jle short loc_40F6CE"], [1311, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_F0]"], [1312, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_8]"], [1313, "mov rax, [rax+0E8h]"], [1314, "cmp rdx, rax"], [1315, "jbe short loc_40F6CE"], [1316, "mov eax, cs:dword_45E8F0"], [1317, "and eax, 2"], [1318, "test eax, eax"], [1319, "jz short loc_40F6AD"], [1320, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [1321, "mov rdx, [rbp+arg_10]"], [1322, "mov rcx, rdx"], [1323, "mov edx, offset aMmMapFrag_0"], [1324, "mov esi, offset aWSResetThreadL"], [1325, "mov rdi, rax"], [1326, "mov eax, 0"], [1327, "call _fprintf"], [1328, "mov rax, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1329, "mov rax, [rax]"], [1330, "mov rdi, rax"], [1331, "call sub_417AAF"], [1332, "call sub_417A9A"], [1333, "mov rdx, [rbp+arg_0]"], [1334, "mov [rdx], rax"], [1335, "jmp short loc_40F6CE"], [1336, "nop"], [1337, "jmp short loc_40F6CE"], [1338, "nop"], [1339, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_8]"], [1340, "leave"], [1341, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 14], [16, 15], [18, 17], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 22], [30, 49], [30, 27], [32, 45], [33, 6], [34, 33], [34, 32], [35, 42], [35, 34], [35, 48], [36, 28], [36, 35], [36, 36], [37, 49], [37, 27], [39, 32], [40, 8], [41, 39], [41, 40], [42, 41], [43, 27], [43, 49], [45, 39], [46, 9], [47, 46], [47, 45], [48, 47], [49, 27], [49, 49], [50, 27], [50, 49], [51, 5], [51, 50], [52, 51], [53, 28], [53, 36], [54, 53], [55, 5], [56, 55], [57, 5], [58, 57], [60, 48], [60, 59], [60, 42], [61, 60], [62, 61], [64, 48], [64, 63], [64, 42], [65, 36], [65, 28], [65, 64], [66, 65], [68, 67], [70, 69], [70, 48], [70, 42], [72, 71], [72, 70], [73, 72], [74, 73], [76, 75], [80, 77], [80, 79], [81, 36], [81, 28], [82, 81], [84, 83], [86, 85], [86, 42], [86, 48], [87, 86], [89, 88], [89, 84], [90, 89], [90, 80], [91, 90], [92, 91], [94, 93], [96, 48], [96, 95], [96, 42], [97, 7], [98, 6], [99, 5], [100, 4], [102, 3], [103, 92], [103, 24], [104, 103], [105, 96], [107, 102], [109, 48], [109, 108], [109, 42], [111, 110], [111, 109], [112, 107], [114, 48], [114, 113], [114, 42], [116, 42], [116, 48], [116, 115], [118, 117], [118, 42], [118, 48], [119, 24], [119, 99], [120, 114], [121, 119], [122, 118], [125, 124], [125, 48], [125, 42], [126, 125], [127, 126], [128, 127], [130, 48], [130, 129], [130, 42], [132, 131], [132, 42], [132, 48], [133, 97], [133, 24], [135, 4], [137, 107], [138, 122], [138, 105], [139, 138], [140, 138], [141, 140], [142, 140], [143, 142], [144, 142], [145, 144], [146, 36], [146, 28], [147, 146], [148, 132], [150, 137], [151, 149], [154, 42], [154, 153], [154, 48], [156, 42], [156, 155], [156, 48], [157, 97], [157, 24], [159, 4], [161, 107], [162, 122], [162, 105], [163, 162], [164, 162], [165, 164], [166, 164], [167, 166], [168, 166], [169, 168], [170, 36], [170, 28], [171, 170], [172, 156], [174, 161], [175, 173], [177, 176], [178, 177], [179, 178], [183, 181], [188, 186], [188, 291], [189, 188], [190, 186], [190, 291], [192, 190], [193, 192], [194, 151], [194, 175], [195, 194], [195, 193], [196, 195], [196, 42], [196, 48], [197, 196], [198, 291], [198, 186], [200, 198], [201, 285], [201, 42], [201, 200], [201, 48], [201, 159], [201, 135], [202, 175], [202, 151], [203, 202], [203, 201], [204, 42], [204, 48], [204, 203], [205, 204], [205, 197], [206, 186], [206, 291], [208, 206], [209, 208], [210, 175], [210, 151], [211, 210], [211, 209], [212, 211], [212, 48], [212, 42], [213, 212], [214, 291], [214, 186], [216, 214], [217, 42], [217, 286], [217, 48], [217, 216], [217, 182], [218, 151], [218, 175], [219, 218], [219, 217], [220, 219], [220, 42], [220, 48], [221, 220], [222, 213], [223, 221], [223, 222], [224, 205], [225, 223], [225, 224], [228, 291], [228, 186], [230, 228], [231, 230], [232, 175], [232, 151], [233, 232], [233, 231], [234, 42], [234, 233], [234, 48], [235, 234], [236, 235], [237, 186], [237, 291], [239, 237], [240, 239], [241, 175], [241, 151], [242, 241], [242, 240], [243, 48], [243, 242], [243, 42], [244, 243], [245, 186], [245, 291], [247, 245], [248, 247], [249, 151], [249, 175], [250, 249], [250, 248], [251, 250], [251, 42], [251, 48], [252, 251], [254, 253], [255, 291], [255, 186], [257, 255], [258, 257], [259, 151], [259, 175], [260, 258], [260, 259], [261, 48], [261, 260], [261, 42], [262, 261], [263, 4], [264, 48], [264, 42], [264, 263], [265, 186], [265, 291], [267, 265], [268, 267], [269, 151], [269, 175], [270, 268], [270, 269], [271, 42], [271, 48], [271, 270], [272, 271], [273, 272], [274, 273], [275, 274], [276, 275], [277, 276], [277, 274], [278, 277], [279, 264], [279, 278], [280, 48], [280, 42], [280, 279], [282, 225], [282, 227], [283, 236], [284, 254], [285, 262], [287, 281], [290, 150], [290, 290], [290, 174], [291, 291], [291, 186], [292, 186], [292, 291], [293, 292], [295, 293], [295, 294], [296, 295], [297, 23], [298, 297], [300, 299], [300, 48], [300, 42], [301, 300], [301, 36], [301, 28], [302, 36], [302, 301], [302, 28], [303, 302], [306, 42], [306, 48], [306, 305], [307, 306], [309, 308], [309, 48], [309, 42], [310, 309], [311, 310], [313, 48], [313, 42], [313, 312], [314, 313], [317, 42], [317, 316], [317, 48], [318, 317], [319, 318], [321, 42], [321, 320], [321, 48], [322, 321], [322, 36], [322, 28], [323, 322], [325, 324], [325, 48], [325, 42], [326, 323], [326, 325], [327, 326], [329, 48], [329, 42], [329, 328], [330, 329], [333, 42], [333, 332], [333, 48], [334, 333], [336, 42], [336, 335], [336, 48], [338, 336], [338, 337], [340, 338], [340, 339], [341, 4], [342, 341], [342, 48], [342, 42], [344, 343], [344, 342], [345, 340], [345, 344], [346, 345], [347, 346], [349, 48], [349, 348], [349, 42], [351, 350], [351, 349], [353, 352], [353, 351], [354, 4], [355, 354], [355, 48], [355, 42], [357, 355], [357, 356], [358, 353], [358, 357], [359, 358], [360, 359], [362, 48], [362, 361], [362, 42], [363, 362], [364, 363], [365, 364], [367, 42], [367, 366], [367, 48], [370, 42], [370, 48], [370, 369], [372, 48], [372, 371], [372, 42], [374, 48], [374, 373], [374, 42], [376, 48], [376, 42], [376, 375], [378, 48], [378, 42], [378, 377], [380, 379], [380, 42], [380, 48], [382, 381], [382, 42], [382, 48], [383, 360], [384, 347], [385, 367], [386, 367], [387, 386], [388, 386], [389, 388], [390, 151], [390, 175], [391, 368], [392, 370], [393, 383], [394, 384], [395, 372], [396, 374], [397, 382], [399, 150], [399, 174], [399, 290], [400, 398], [403, 42], [403, 48], [403, 402], [406, 42], [406, 48], [406, 405], [408, 407], [408, 48], [408, 42], [410, 409], [410, 48], [410, 42], [412, 42], [412, 48], [412, 411], [414, 42], [414, 413], [414, 48], [415, 360], [416, 347], [417, 307], [417, 303], [418, 330], [418, 323], [418, 334], [418, 314], [419, 403], [420, 403], [421, 420], [422, 420], [423, 422], [424, 151], [424, 175], [425, 404], [426, 5], [427, 426], [428, 16], [429, 428], [430, 406], [431, 415], [432, 416], [433, 408], [434, 410], [435, 418], [437, 174], [437, 290], [437, 150], [438, 436], [440, 48], [440, 439], [440, 42], [442, 42], [442, 441], [442, 48], [443, 440], [443, 442], [444, 443], [446, 48], [446, 445], [446, 42], [447, 446], [448, 447], [449, 448], [450, 5], [451, 450], [453, 452], [454, 453], [455, 400], [455, 438], [456, 42], [456, 455], [456, 48], [457, 456], [459, 458], [459, 42], [459, 48], [461, 459], [462, 48], [462, 461], [462, 42], [462, 440], [463, 400], [463, 438], [464, 463], [464, 462], [465, 48], [465, 42], [465, 464], [466, 465], [467, 466], [468, 467], [468, 457], [469, 468], [470, 28], [470, 36], [471, 470], [471, 469], [472, 471], [474, 473], [474, 48], [474, 42], [475, 472], [475, 474], [476, 475], [477, 466], [478, 477], [478, 457], [480, 479], [480, 478], [482, 28], [482, 481], [482, 36], [484, 483], [484, 42], [484, 48], [485, 482], [485, 484], [486, 480], [486, 485], [487, 478], [493, 489], [493, 502], [495, 493], [496, 492], [496, 495], [497, 42], [497, 496], [497, 48], [498, 497], [499, 501], [499, 490], [500, 498], [500, 499], [501, 500], [502, 489], [502, 502], [504, 489], [504, 502], [504, 503], [505, 504], [508, 507], [508, 48], [508, 42], [509, 506], [510, 508], [512, 490], [512, 501], [513, 512], [514, 513], [515, 438], [515, 400], [516, 515], [516, 514], [517, 438], [517, 400], [518, 516], [519, 517], [522, 42], [522, 521], [522, 48], [523, 490], [523, 501], [525, 48], [525, 524], [525, 42], [527, 48], [527, 42], [527, 526], [529, 48], [529, 42], [529, 528], [531, 42], [531, 530], [531, 48], [533, 42], [533, 48], [533, 532], [535, 42], [535, 48], [535, 534], [537, 42], [537, 48], [537, 536], [538, 360], [539, 347], [540, 522], [541, 522], [542, 541], [543, 541], [544, 543], [545, 438], [545, 400], [546, 523], [547, 525], [548, 538], [549, 539], [550, 527], [551, 529], [552, 537], [554, 399], [554, 437], [555, 553], [558, 48], [558, 557], [558, 42], [560, 48], [560, 559], [560, 42], [561, 558], [561, 560], [562, 561], [564, 563], [565, 564], [567, 42], [567, 566], [567, 48], [568, 567], [569, 568], [570, 569], [573, 572], [574, 573], [583, 580], [583, 613], [585, 583], [586, 582], [586, 585], [587, 586], [587, 48], [587, 42], [588, 587], [589, 576], [589, 598], [589, 588], [590, 589], [592, 613], [592, 580], [594, 592], [595, 591], [595, 594], [596, 42], [596, 595], [596, 48], [597, 596], [598, 597], [599, 613], [599, 580], [600, 599], [601, 612], [601, 579], [602, 601], [604, 613], [604, 580], [606, 604], [607, 606], [607, 603], [608, 48], [608, 42], [608, 607], [609, 608], [610, 612], [610, 579], [611, 609], [611, 610], [612, 611], [613, 613], [613, 580], [615, 614], [615, 613], [615, 580], [616, 615], [619, 602], [619, 578], [620, 643], [620, 617], [621, 620], [621, 619], [623, 621], [624, 623], [625, 400], [625, 438], [626, 624], [626, 625], [627, 42], [627, 626], [627, 48], [628, 578], [628, 602], [629, 617], [629, 643], [630, 629], [630, 628], [632, 630], [633, 42], [633, 628], [633, 632], [633, 48], [634, 400], [634, 438], [635, 634], [635, 633], [636, 635], [636, 42], [636, 48], [637, 636], [637, 627], [639, 637], [639, 638], [640, 639], [641, 640], [642, 642], [642, 575], [643, 643], [643, 617], [645, 600], [645, 577], [647, 645], [648, 647], [648, 644], [649, 648], [649, 42], [649, 48], [650, 617], [650, 649], [650, 643], [651, 650], [652, 575], [652, 642], [653, 652], [653, 5], [654, 653], [658, 655], [658, 657], [658, 571], [659, 658], [661, 42], [661, 660], [661, 48], [662, 400], [662, 438], [663, 662], [664, 661], [668, 667], [668, 48], [668, 42], [669, 666], [670, 668], [674, 48], [674, 42], [674, 673], [675, 672], [676, 674], [679, 678], [679, 42], [679, 48], [680, 679], [681, 680], [682, 681], [684, 48], [684, 42], [684, 683], [686, 685], [686, 48], [686, 42], [687, 395], [687, 433], [687, 24], [689, 4], [691, 437], [691, 399], [692, 676], [693, 692], [694, 692], [695, 694], [696, 694], [697, 696], [698, 696], [699, 698], [700, 28], [700, 36], [701, 700], [702, 686], [704, 691], [705, 703], [708, 48], [708, 42], [708, 707], [710, 48], [710, 42], [710, 709], [711, 433], [711, 395], [711, 24], [713, 4], [715, 437], [715, 399], [716, 676], [717, 716], [718, 716], [719, 718], [720, 718], [721, 720], [722, 720], [723, 722], [724, 28], [724, 36], [725, 724], [726, 710], [728, 715], [729, 727], [731, 42], [731, 48], [731, 730], [734, 42], [734, 48], [734, 733], [736, 48], [736, 735], [736, 42], [738, 48], [738, 737], [738, 42], [740, 739], [740, 42], [740, 48], [742, 48], [742, 741], [742, 42], [743, 360], [744, 347], [745, 303], [745, 307], [746, 314], [746, 330], [746, 334], [746, 323], [747, 731], [748, 731], [749, 748], [750, 748], [751, 750], [752, 705], [752, 729], [753, 732], [754, 5], [755, 754], [756, 16], [757, 756], [758, 734], [759, 743], [760, 744], [761, 736], [762, 738], [763, 746], [765, 704], [765, 728], [766, 764], [768, 330], [768, 334], [768, 323], [768, 314], [769, 768], [769, 767], [772, 770], [772, 771], [774, 48], [774, 772], [774, 773], [776, 775], [776, 774], [777, 776], [778, 777], [779, 778], [783, 772], [783, 48], [783, 782], [784, 555], [784, 400], [784, 766], [784, 438], [785, 28], [785, 36], [786, 94], [787, 554], [787, 399], [787, 765], [787, 437], [788, 779], [789, 783], [791, 787], [792, 790], [793, 4], [794, 772], [794, 793], [795, 794], [796, 795], [798, 792], [799, 4], [800, 797], [801, 799], [804, 803], [804, 772], [804, 48], [804, 769], [804, 42], [806, 48], [806, 769], [806, 805], [806, 772], [806, 42], [807, 792], [808, 797], [809, 804], [810, 808], [811, 806], [814, 813], [815, 814], [816, 815], [819, 971], [819, 817], [820, 819], [821, 820], [822, 821], [823, 820], [823, 822], [824, 823], [825, 824], [826, 792], [827, 825], [827, 826], [828, 42], [828, 769], [828, 772], [828, 827], [828, 48], [829, 828], [831, 971], [831, 817], [832, 831], [833, 832], [834, 833], [835, 832], [835, 834], [836, 835], [837, 836], [838, 792], [839, 838], [839, 837], [840, 769], [840, 772], [840, 42], [840, 839], [840, 48], [841, 829], [841, 947], [841, 840], [842, 841], [843, 947], [843, 829], [845, 843], [846, 845], [847, 400], [847, 555], [847, 766], [847, 438], [848, 846], [848, 847], [849, 48], [849, 769], [849, 42], [849, 848], [849, 772], [850, 849], [851, 947], [851, 829], [853, 851], [854, 853], [854, 48], [854, 42], [854, 957], [854, 769], [854, 772], [855, 400], [855, 555], [855, 766], [855, 438], [856, 855], [856, 854], [857, 48], [857, 769], [857, 42], [857, 856], [857, 772], [858, 857], [858, 850], [859, 947], [859, 829], [861, 859], [862, 861], [863, 555], [863, 766], [863, 438], [863, 400], [864, 862], [864, 863], [865, 42], [865, 772], [865, 864], [865, 48], [865, 769], [866, 865], [867, 947], [867, 829], [869, 867], [870, 869], [870, 772], [870, 786], [870, 942], [870, 48], [870, 810], [870, 769], [870, 42], [871, 400], [871, 555], [871, 766], [871, 438], [872, 871], [872, 870], [873, 769], [873, 772], [873, 42], [873, 872], [873, 48], [874, 873], [875, 866], [876, 875], [876, 874], [877, 858], [878, 877], [878, 876], [881, 947], [881, 829], [883, 881], [884, 883], [885, 400], [885, 555], [885, 766], [885, 438], [886, 885], [886, 884], [887, 42], [887, 772], [887, 886], [887, 48], [887, 769], [888, 887], [889, 888], [890, 947], [890, 829], [892, 890], [893, 892], [894, 555], [894, 766], [894, 438], [894, 400], [895, 894], [895, 893], [896, 48], [896, 769], [896, 42], [896, 772], [896, 895], [897, 896], [898, 947], [898, 829], [900, 898], [901, 900], [902, 400], [902, 555], [902, 766], [902, 438], [903, 902], [903, 901], [904, 48], [904, 769], [904, 42], [904, 903], [904, 772], [905, 904], [907, 906], [908, 829], [908, 947], [910, 908], [911, 910], [912, 555], [912, 438], [912, 400], [912, 766], [913, 911], [913, 912], [914, 42], [914, 913], [914, 772], [914, 48], [914, 769], [915, 914], [916, 4], [917, 42], [917, 916], [917, 772], [917, 48], [917, 769], [918, 829], [918, 947], [920, 918], [921, 920], [922, 400], [922, 766], [922, 555], [922, 438], [923, 921], [923, 922], [924, 48], [924, 923], [924, 769], [924, 42], [924, 772], [925, 924], [926, 925], [927, 926], [928, 927], [929, 928], [930, 927], [930, 929], [931, 930], [932, 931], [932, 917], [933, 42], [933, 772], [933, 932], [933, 48], [933, 769], [935, 971], [935, 817], [936, 946], [936, 791], [937, 878], [937, 880], [938, 889], [939, 897], [940, 907], [941, 915], [943, 934], [946, 936], [947, 947], [947, 829], [948, 971], [948, 817], [949, 948], [950, 949], [951, 950], [952, 949], [952, 951], [953, 952], [954, 953], [955, 792], [956, 954], [956, 955], [957, 772], [957, 48], [957, 956], [957, 769], [957, 42], [958, 971], [958, 817], [959, 958], [960, 959], [961, 960], [962, 959], [962, 961], [963, 962], [964, 963], [965, 792], [966, 965], [966, 964], [967, 966], [967, 769], [967, 42], [967, 772], [967, 48], [968, 967], [968, 957], [969, 829], [969, 968], [969, 947], [970, 969], [971, 971], [971, 817], [973, 972], [973, 971], [973, 817], [974, 973], [976, 975], [976, 769], [976, 42], [976, 772], [976, 48], [977, 5], [978, 28], [978, 36], [979, 4], [980, 330], [980, 323], [980, 334], [980, 314], [982, 400], [982, 766], [982, 555], [982, 438], [983, 792], [984, 943], [984, 789], [984, 811], [985, 984], [986, 6], [987, 981], [989, 946], [989, 791], [990, 23], [991, 990], [993, 769], [993, 42], [993, 992], [993, 772], [993, 48], [995, 993], [995, 994], [996, 995], [997, 996], [1001, 555], [1001, 400], [1001, 766], [1001, 438], [1002, 792], [1003, 36], [1003, 28], [1004, 4], [1005, 989], [1006, 998], [1007, 1004], [1009, 1005], [1011, 792], [1012, 1011], [1013, 1010], [1015, 1014], [1016, 5], [1017, 1016], [1018, 7], [1019, 772], [1019, 48], [1019, 1064], [1019, 1018], [1019, 1067], [1019, 769], [1019, 42], [1020, 6], [1021, 772], [1021, 48], [1021, 1064], [1021, 1020], [1021, 1067], [1021, 769], [1021, 42], [1023, 1064], [1023, 1022], [1023, 1067], [1023, 769], [1023, 42], [1023, 772], [1023, 48], [1024, 1015], [1024, 978], [1024, 1001], [1025, 4], [1027, 438], [1027, 555], [1027, 400], [1027, 766], [1028, 792], [1029, 1024], [1030, 1019], [1031, 1026], [1033, 989], [1033, 1009], [1034, 1032], [1035, 1015], [1036, 1035], [1037, 1036], [1038, 1037], [1039, 1036], [1039, 1038], [1040, 1039], [1041, 1040], [1042, 1034], [1043, 1041], [1044, 1042], [1046, 1045], [1049, 1067], [1049, 769], [1049, 772], [1049, 42], [1049, 1048], [1049, 48], [1049, 1064], [1051, 772], [1051, 1050], [1051, 48], [1051, 1064], [1051, 1067], [1051, 769], [1051, 42], [1052, 1015], [1054, 48], [1054, 1064], [1054, 1053], [1054, 1067], [1054, 769], [1054, 772], [1054, 42], [1055, 1046], [1056, 1033], [1057, 23], [1058, 1057], [1059, 1054], [1061, 1056], [1062, 1015], [1063, 8], [1064, 1062], [1064, 1063], [1065, 9], [1066, 1046], [1067, 1066], [1067, 1065], [1069, 1015], [1071, 1070], [1071, 48], [1071, 769], [1071, 772], [1071, 42], [1072, 792], [1073, 6], [1074, 5], [1075, 94], [1076, 1009], [1076, 989], [1077, 438], [1077, 555], [1077, 400], [1077, 766], [1078, 9], [1079, 8], [1080, 1072], [1081, 1069], [1082, 1071], [1084, 1076], [1085, 1083], [1086, 792], [1087, 1086], [1092, 48], [1092, 1173], [1092, 769], [1092, 772], [1092, 42], [1092, 1091], [1094, 769], [1094, 772], [1094, 42], [1094, 1093], [1094, 48], [1094, 1173], [1095, 1094], [1096, 1095], [1098, 48], [1098, 1173], [1098, 1097], [1098, 769], [1098, 772], [1098, 42], [1099, 1098], [1099, 772], [1099, 1184], [1099, 48], [1099, 1173], [1099, 1074], [1099, 769], [1099, 42], [1101, 48], [1101, 1173], [1101, 1100], [1101, 769], [1101, 772], [1101, 42], [1102, 769], [1102, 772], [1102, 42], [1102, 1081], [1102, 48], [1102, 1173], [1102, 1101], [1102, 1176], [1103, 1199], [1103, 1089], [1105, 1099], [1106, 9], [1107, 1106], [1107, 1105], [1108, 1173], [1108, 1107], [1108, 42], [1108, 769], [1108, 772], [1108, 48], [1109, 1089], [1109, 1199], [1111, 1105], [1112, 8], [1113, 1111], [1113, 1112], [1114, 769], [1114, 42], [1114, 1113], [1114, 772], [1114, 48], [1114, 1173], [1116, 42], [1116, 772], [1116, 1115], [1116, 48], [1116, 1173], [1116, 769], [1118, 48], [1118, 1173], [1118, 1117], [1118, 42], [1118, 769], [1118, 772], [1120, 48], [1120, 1173], [1120, 769], [1120, 1119], [1120, 42], [1120, 772], [1121, 1092], [1122, 1118], [1123, 1120], [1125, 1089], [1125, 1199], [1126, 1125], [1127, 1126], [1128, 1127], [1129, 1126], [1129, 1128], [1130, 1129], [1131, 1130], [1132, 1085], [1133, 1132], [1133, 1131], [1134, 48], [1134, 1173], [1134, 769], [1134, 42], [1134, 1133], [1134, 772], [1135, 1089], [1135, 1199], [1137, 1131], [1138, 9], [1139, 1138], [1139, 1137], [1140, 1139], [1140, 48], [1140, 1173], [1140, 769], [1140, 42], [1140, 772], [1141, 1089], [1141, 1199], [1143, 1137], [1144, 8], [1145, 1096], [1145, 48], [1145, 1173], [1145, 769], [1145, 42], [1145, 1144], [1145, 772], [1146, 1089], [1146, 1199], [1148, 1143], [1149, 7], [1150, 1148], [1150, 1149], [1151, 772], [1151, 48], [1151, 1173], [1151, 1150], [1151, 769], [1151, 42], [1152, 1089], [1152, 1199], [1154, 1148], [1155, 6], [1156, 1155], [1156, 1154], [1157, 48], [1157, 1173], [1157, 769], [1157, 42], [1157, 1156], [1157, 772], [1159, 48], [1159, 1173], [1159, 769], [1159, 42], [1159, 772], [1159, 1158], [1160, 1089], [1160, 1199], [1162, 1116], [1163, 9], [1164, 527], [1164, 769], [1164, 736], [1164, 42], [1164, 1164], [1164, 372], [1164, 772], [1164, 408], [1164, 48], [1164, 1173], [1164, 1163], [1165, 4], [1167, 1134], [1168, 1140], [1169, 1151], [1170, 1166], [1172, 1198], [1172, 1084], [1173, 1171], [1173, 1164], [1176, 1173], [1176, 1175], [1178, 1173], [1178, 1177], [1179, 1089], [1179, 1199], [1181, 1159], [1182, 9], [1183, 1181], [1183, 1182], [1184, 1183], [1184, 48], [1184, 1173], [1185, 1089], [1185, 1199], [1187, 1165], [1188, 8], [1189, 1188], [1189, 1187], [1190, 48], [1190, 1173], [1190, 1189], [1192, 48], [1192, 1173], [1192, 1191], [1193, 1172], [1194, 23], [1195, 1194], [1196, 1192], [1198, 1193], [1199, 1199], [1199, 1089], [1200, 1089], [1200, 1199], [1201, 5], [1201, 1200], [1202, 1201], [1204, 772], [1204, 1203], [1204, 48], [1204, 1173], [1204, 769], [1204, 42], [1205, 1085], [1206, 5], [1207, 1206], [1208, 1204], [1210, 5], [1211, 1210], [1213, 769], [1213, 42], [1213, 1212], [1213, 772], [1213, 48], [1213, 1173], [1214, 1213], [1215, 1214], [1217, 772], [1217, 1216], [1217, 48], [1217, 1173], [1217, 769], [1217, 42], [1218, 1217], [1219, 1218], [1220, 1219], [1222, 48], [1222, 1173], [1222, 1221], [1222, 769], [1222, 42], [1222, 772], [1224, 769], [1224, 42], [1224, 772], [1224, 1223], [1224, 48], [1224, 1173], [1225, 1205], [1225, 769], [1225, 42], [1225, 1224], [1225, 772], [1225, 48], [1225, 1173], [1227, 769], [1227, 42], [1227, 772], [1227, 1226], [1227, 48], [1227, 1173], [1228, 48], [1228, 1206], [1228, 1173], [1228, 769], [1228, 42], [1228, 772], [1228, 1227], [1230, 769], [1230, 42], [1230, 772], [1230, 48], [1230, 1173], [1230, 1229], [1232, 772], [1232, 48], [1232, 1173], [1232, 1231], [1232, 769], [1232, 42], [1233, 6], [1234, 323], [1234, 334], [1234, 314], [1234, 330], [1235, 9], [1236, 8], [1237, 1233], [1238, 1222], [1239, 1232], [1241, 1084], [1241, 1198], [1242, 26], [1244, 1173], [1244, 1064], [1244, 1067], [1244, 769], [1244, 1243], [1244, 42], [1244, 772], [1244, 48], [1245, 1242], [1246, 1244], [1249, 42], [1249, 772], [1249, 48], [1249, 1248], [1249, 1173], [1249, 1064], [1249, 1067], [1249, 769], [1250, 555], [1250, 400], [1250, 766], [1250, 438], [1251, 1250], [1252, 1249], [1256, 48], [1256, 1173], [1256, 1064], [1256, 1067], [1256, 769], [1256, 42], [1256, 1255], [1256, 772], [1257, 1254], [1258, 1256], [1262, 1067], [1262, 769], [1262, 42], [1262, 772], [1262, 48], [1262, 1173], [1262, 1261], [1262, 1064], [1263, 1260], [1264, 1262], [1267, 772], [1267, 48], [1267, 1173], [1267, 1064], [1267, 1067], [1267, 769], [1267, 1266], [1267, 42], [1268, 1267], [1269, 1268], [1271, 1064], [1271, 1067], [1271, 769], [1271, 42], [1271, 1270], [1271, 772], [1271, 48], [1271, 1173], [1272, 1260], [1273, 1272], [1274, 1271], [1277, 1276], [1278, 1277], [1279, 1278], [1284, 36], [1284, 28], [1286, 1084], [1286, 1061], [1286, 1241], [1286, 1198], [1287, 1280], [1288, 1281], [1289, 1282], [1291, 1283], [1294, 1286], [1297, 1296], [1297, 1295], [1298, 1297], [1305, 1304], [1306, 1305], [1308, 48], [1308, 1173], [1308, 1064], [1308, 1307], [1308, 1067], [1308, 769], [1308, 772], [1308, 42], [1309, 1308], [1310, 1309], [1313, 1067], [1313, 769], [1313, 1312], [1313, 772], [1313, 42], [1313, 48], [1313, 1173], [1313, 1064], [1314, 1311], [1314, 1313], [1315, 1314], [1317, 1316], [1318, 1317], [1319, 1318], [1322, 1321], [1325, 1320], [1329, 1067], [1329, 769], [1329, 772], [1329, 42], [1329, 1334], [1329, 48], [1329, 1173], [1329, 1064], [1329, 1328], [1330, 1329], [1334, 1333], [1334, 1332], [1341, 64], [1341, 1332], [1341, 1309], [1341, 1268], [1341, 1313], [1341, 50]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/322d5de6bf523aac3fc160e791dac21ebc62bf95dcface1a4051635161b1ea14_322d5de6bf523aac3fc160e791dac21ebc62bf95dcface1a4051635161b1ea14.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40E2CB", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_40E2CB(__int64 a1, int a2, int *a3, _QWORD *a4, int *a5, void **a6, __int64 *a7, __int64 a8, char *a9)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nunsigned int v10; // eax\nint v11; // ebx\nint v12; // eax\n__int64 v13; // rsi\nint v14; // eax\nunsigned int v15; // xmm0_4\nunsigned int v16; // xmm0_4\ndouble v17; // xmm1_8\nunsigned __int64 v18; // xmm0_8\n__int64 v19; // rdi\n__int64 *v20; // rbx\n__int64 v27[3]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-F0h] BYREF\n__int64 v28; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-D8h]\nunsigned __int64 v29; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-D0h]\nunsigned __int64 v30[2]; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-C0h] BYREF\n__int64 v31; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-B0h]\n__int64 v32; // [rsp+80h] [rbp-A0h] BYREF\n_QWORD *v33; // [rsp+88h] [rbp-98h] BYREF\n__int64 v34; // [rsp+90h] [rbp-90h] BYREF\nint v35; // [rsp+9Ch] [rbp-84h] BYREF\nint v36; // [rsp+A0h] [rbp-80h] BYREF\nunsigned int v37; // [rsp+A4h] [rbp-7Ch] BYREF\n__int64 v38; // [rsp+A8h] [rbp-78h]\nvoid *ptr; // [rsp+B0h] [rbp-70h]\nint v40; // [rsp+B8h] [rbp-68h]\nint v41; // [rsp+BCh] [rbp-64h]\nunsigned int v42; // [rsp+C0h] [rbp-60h]\nunsigned int v43; // [rsp+C4h] [rbp-5Ch]\nunsigned int v44; // [rsp+C8h] [rbp-58h]\n_BOOL4 v45; // [rsp+CCh] [rbp-54h]\n_BOOL4 v46; // [rsp+D0h] [rbp-50h]\nint v47; // [rsp+D4h] [rbp-4Ch]\nint v48; // [rsp+D8h] [rbp-48h]\nint v49; // [rsp+DCh] [rbp-44h]\nint v50; // [rsp+E0h] [rbp-40h]\nint v51; // [rsp+E4h] [rbp-3Ch]\nint v52; // [rsp+E8h] [rbp-38h]\nint v53; // [rsp+ECh] [rbp-34h]\nchar *v54; // [rsp+F0h] [rbp-30h]\nint v55; // [rsp+FCh] [rbp-24h]\nint v56; // [rsp+100h] [rbp-20h]\nint v57; // [rsp+104h] [rbp-1Ch]\nint j; // [rsp+108h] [rbp-18h]\nint i; // [rsp+10Ch] [rbp-14h]\n\nv46 = (*(_QWORD *)a8 & 0x80LL) != 0;\nv45 = (*(_QWORD *)a8 & 0x1000LL) != 0;\nv30[0] = 0LL;\nv30[1] = 0LL;\nv31 = 0LL;\ni = 0;\nv57 = 0;\nwhile ( 1 )\n{\nresult = (unsigned int)i;\nif ( i >= a2 )\nbreak;\nv57 += a3[i];\na5[i] = 0;\na6[i++] = 0LL;\n}\nif ( v57 )\n{\nif ( a2 > 0 && a2 <= 255 )\n{\nif ( *(int *)(a8 + 16) <= 0 || (result = *(unsigned int *)(a8 + 16), v57 <= (int)result) )\n{\nif ( !a9 || (*(_QWORD *)a8 & 0x400000000LL) != 0 )\nv10 = 0;\nelse\nv10 = sub_40CACD(a9);\nv44 = v10;\nv11 = sub_40CB1E(v57);\nv12 = sub_40CB1E(*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 8));\nv44 = sub_40CB1E((v11 + v12) ^ v44);\nsub_40CE4F(*a7, a8, (_DWORD *)a1, a2, (__int64)a3, (__int64)a4, v30);\nif ( *(float *)(a8 + 188) > 0.0 )\nsub_42983F(\n*a7,\nv30,\n*(unsigned int *)(a8 + 200),\n*(double *)_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 188)).m128i_i64);\nif ( (*(_QWORD *)a8 & 0x400000LL) != 0 )\nv54 = (char *)sub_40D624(\n*a7,\na8,\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 200),\na1,\na9,\n(__int64)v30,\nv57,\n&v34,\n(__int64)&v37,\n(__int64)&v35,\n(__int64)&v32);\nelse\nv54 = sub_40DBF7(\n*a7,\na8,\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 200),\na1,\na9,\n(__int64)v30,\nv57,\n&v34,\n(__int64)&v37,\n(__int64)&v35,\n(__int64)&v32);\nif ( (dword_45E8F0 & 4) != 0 )\n{\nfprintf(stderr, \"RS\\t%d\\n\", v37);\nfor ( i = 0; i < v34; ++i )\n{\nif ( i )\nv13 = (unsigned int)*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i + 8]\n- (unsigned int)*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i - 8]\n- ((unsigned int)*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i]\n- (unsigned int)*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i - 16]);\nelse\nv13 = 0LL;\nfprintf(\nstderr,\n\"SD\\t%s\\t%d\\t%c\\t%d\\t%d\\t%d\\n\",\n*(const char **)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 32) + 24 * ((unsigned __int64)(2LL * *(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i]) >> 33)),\n(unsigned int)*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i],\n(unsigned int)byte_457F11[*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i] >> 63],\n(unsigned int)*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i + 8],\n(unsigned __int8)BYTE4(*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i + 8]),\nv13);\n}\n}\nif ( v45 )\n{\nv14 = *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 28);\nif ( v57 >= v14 )\nv14 = v57;\nv56 = v14;\n}\nelse\n{\nv56 = *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 28);\n}\nif ( *(int *)(a8 + 32) <= 0 )\n{\nif ( *(int *)(a8 + 36) <= 0 )\n{\nv55 = *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 28);\n}\nelse\n{\nv55 = *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 36) - v57;\nif ( v55 < *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 28) )\nv55 = *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 28);\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nv55 = *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 32);\n}\n*(float *)&v15 = (double)*(int *)(a1 + 8) * (*(float *)(a8 + 56) * 0.01);\nv43 = v15;\n*(float *)&v16 = (double)*(int *)(a1 + 8) * (*(float *)(a8 + 60) * 0.01);\nv42 = v16;\n*(_QWORD *)&v17 = v16;\nv18 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(v43).m128i_u64[0];\nif ( (*(_QWORD *)a8 & 0x80000000LL) != 0 )\nv54 = (char *)sub_41EB83(\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 28),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 68),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 20),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 40),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 64),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 48),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 52),\nv34,\n(__int64)v54,\n(__int64)&v36,\n(__int64)&v33,\n*a7);\nelse\nv54 = (char *)sub_41C8F1(\nv55,\nv56,\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 20),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 40),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 44),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 48),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 52),\nv46,\na2,\nv34,\n(__int64)v54,\n(__int64)&v36,\n(__int64)&v33,\n*a7);\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 24) <= *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 20) || (*(_QWORD *)a8 & 0x1480LL) != 0 || a2 != 1 || v36 <= 1 )\n{\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 204) > *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 200) && (int)v37 > 0 && (*(_QWORD *)a8 & 0x80000000LL) == 0 )\n{\nv52 = 0;\nif ( v36 <= 0 )\n{\nv52 = 1;\n}\nelse\n{\nv51 = 1;\nv50 = 0;\nv49 = -1;\nv48 = -1;\nv47 = 0;\nfor ( i = 0; i < v36; ++i )\n{\nif ( v50 < (int)HIDWORD(v33[i]) )\n{\nv50 = HIDWORD(v33[i]);\nv49 = i;\nv48 = v47;\n}\nv47 += v33[i];\n}\nfor ( i = 1; i < (int)v33[v49]; ++i )\n{\nif ( ((*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * v48 - 8 + 16 * i] ^ *(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * v48 + 8 + 16 * i]) & 0xFF000000000000LL) != 0 )\n++v51;\n}\nif ( v51 < a2 )\nv52 = 1;\n}\nif ( v52 )\n{\nsub_417C09(*a7, v54);\nsub_417C09(*a7, v33);\nsub_417C09(*a7, v32);\nif ( (*(_QWORD *)a8 & 0x400000LL) != 0 )\nv54 = (char *)sub_40D624(\n*a7,\na8,\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 204),\na1,\na9,\n(__int64)v30,\nv57,\n&v34,\n(__int64)&v37,\n(__int64)&v35,\n(__int64)&v32);\nelse\nv54 = sub_40DBF7(\n*a7,\na8,\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 204),\na1,\na9,\n(__int64)v30,\nv57,\n&v34,\n(__int64)&v37,\n(__int64)&v35,\n(__int64)&v32);\n*(_QWORD *)&v17 = v42;\nv18 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(v43).m128i_u64[0];\nv54 = (char *)sub_41C8F1(\nv55,\nv56,\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 20),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 40),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 44),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 48),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 52),\nv46,\na2,\nv34,\n(__int64)v54,\n(__int64)&v36,\n(__int64)&v33,\n*a7);\n}\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nv41 = *((_QWORD *)v54 + 1);\nv40 = *(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * (int)*v33 - 8];\nif ( v57 - (v40 - v41) > *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 72)\n|| (HIDWORD(v18) = 0,\n*(float *)&v18 = (float)(v40 - v41),\n*(_QWORD *)&v17 = *(unsigned int *)(a8 + 76),\n*(float *)&v17 = *(float *)&v17 * (float)v57,\n*(float *)&v18 > *(float *)&v17) )\n{\nv53 = 0;\nv34 = 0LL;\nwhile ( v53 < v36 )\nv34 += (int)v33[v53++];\nsub_417C09(*a7, v33);\nsub_4057B1(v54, &v54[16 * v34]);\n*(_QWORD *)&v17 = v42;\nv18 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(v43).m128i_u64[0];\nv54 = (char *)sub_41EB83(\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 28),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 68),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 24),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 40),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 64),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 48),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 52),\nv34,\n(__int64)v54,\n(__int64)&v36,\n(__int64)&v33,\n*a7);\n}\n}\n*((_DWORD *)a7 + 3) = v55;\n*((_DWORD *)a7 + 2) = v37;\nptr = (void *)sub_426941(*a7, v44, v57, v36, (_DWORD)v33, (_DWORD)v54, (*(_QWORD *)a8 & 0x100000000LL) != 0);\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 24) )\n{\nsub_426C95(a1, (unsigned int)v36, ptr, *(double *)&v18, v17);\nv18 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 96)).m128i_u64[0];\nsub_4275F0(*a7, &v36, ptr, *(double *)&v18);\n}\nif ( (dword_45E8F0 & 0x14) != 0 )\n{\nfor ( j = 0; j < v36; ++j )\n{\nfor ( i = *((_DWORD *)ptr + 20 * j + 10);\ni < *((_DWORD *)ptr + 20 * j + 10) + *((_DWORD *)ptr + 20 * j + 1);\n++i )\n{\nif ( i == *((_DWORD *)ptr + 20 * j + 10) )\nv19 = 0LL;\nelse\nv19 = (unsigned int)*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i + 8]\n- (unsigned int)*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i - 8]\n- ((unsigned int)*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i]\n- (unsigned int)*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i - 16]);\nfprintf(\nstderr,\n\"CN\\t%d\\t%s\\t%d\\t%c\\t%d\\t%d\\t%d\\n\",\n(unsigned int)j,\n*(const char **)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 32) + 24 * ((unsigned __int64)(2LL * *(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i]) >> 33)),\n(unsigned int)*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i],\n(unsigned int)byte_457F11[*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i] >> 63],\n(unsigned int)*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i + 8],\n(unsigned __int8)BYTE4(*(_QWORD *)&v54[16 * i + 8]),\nv19);\n}\n}\n}\nsub_40E02A(a8, v55, a1, *a7, (unsigned int)v57, a2, (__int64)a3, (unsigned int *)&v36, (__int64)ptr);\nif ( !v45 && (*(_QWORD *)a8 & 0x100000000LL) == 0 )\n{\nsub_41695D(a1, v57, v36, (_DWORD)ptr, (_DWORD)v54, v35, v32);\nv36 = sub_428331((unsigned int)v36, ptr, *(double *)&v18, v17);\n}\nif ( a2 == 1 )\n{\nptr = (void *)sub_40E177(a8, a1, *a7, *a3, *a4, (unsigned int *)&v36, (__int64)ptr, (__int64)v54);\nptr = realloc(ptr, 80LL * v36);\nsub_4292E5(*a7, v36, (_DWORD)ptr, *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 52), *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 100), v37, v45);\n*a5 = v36;\n*a6 = ptr;\n}\nelse\n{\nv38 = sub_428896(*a7, v44, a2, (_DWORD)a3, v36, (_DWORD)ptr, (__int64)a5, (__int64)a6, (__int64)v54);\nfree(ptr);\nfor ( i = 0; i < a2; ++i )\n{\n*(_QWORD *)&v17 = *(unsigned int *)(a8 + 96);\nv18 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 80)).m128i_u64[0];\nsub_426F97(\n*a7,\n*(unsigned int *)(a8 + 84),\n(unsigned int)a5[i],\na6[i],\n(unsigned int)(2 * *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 100) + *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 104)),\n*(_QWORD *)a8 & 0x20000000LL,\n*(double *)&v18,\n*(float *)&v17);\nv20 = (__int64 *)&a6[i];\n*v20 = sub_40E177(a8, a1, *a7, a3[i], a4[i], (unsigned int *)&a5[i], *v20, *(_QWORD *)(24LL * i + v38 + 16));\nsub_4292E5(*a7, a5[i], (unsigned int)a6[i], *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 52), *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 100), v37, v45);\n}\nsub_428F86(*a7, (unsigned int)a2, v38, *(double *)&v18, v17);\nif ( a2 == 2 && *(int *)(a8 + 176) >= 0 && (*(_QWORD *)a8 & 4LL) != 0 )\nsub_415AF9(\n*a7,\nv55,\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 180),\n2 * *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 100) + *(_DWORD *)(a8 + 104),\n*(_DWORD *)(a8 + 100),\n(_DWORD)a3,\n(__int64)a5,\n(__int64)a6);\n}\nsub_417C09(*a7, v31);\nsub_417C09(*a7, v54);\nsub_417C09(*a7, v33);\nsub_417C09(*a7, v32);\nresult = *a7;\nif ( *a7 )\n{\nsub_418140(*a7, v27, *(double *)&v18, v17);\nif ( (dword_45E8F0 & 2) != 0 )\nfprintf(stderr, \"QM\\t%s\\t%d\\tcap=%ld,nCore=%ld,largest=%ld\\n\", a9, (unsigned int)v57, v27[0], v28, v29);\nif ( v27[2] != v28 )\n__assert_fail(\"kmst.n_blocks == kmst.n_cores\", \"map.c\", 0x16Eu, \"mm_map_frag\");\nif ( v29 > 0x10000000\n|| (result = *(_QWORD *)(a8 + 232), result > 0)\n&& (result = *(_QWORD *)(a8 + 232), v27[0] > (unsigned __int64)result) )\n{\nif ( (dword_45E8F0 & 2) != 0 )\nfprintf(stderr, \"[W::%s] reset thread-local memory after read %s\\n\", \"mm_map_frag\", a9);\nsub_417AAF(*a7);\nresult = sub_417A9A();\n*a7 = result;\n}\n}\n}\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,v27,v30,v32,v33,v34,v35,v36,v37,v38,ptr,v40,v41,v42,v43,v44,v45,v46,v47,v48,v49,v50,v51,v52,v53,v54,v55,v56,v57,sub_40E2CB,sub_40CE4F,sub_42983F,sub_40D624,sub_40DBF7,sub_41EB83,sub_41C8F1,sub_417C09,sub_4057B1,sub_426941,sub_426C95,sub_4275F0,sub_40E02A,sub_41695D,sub_428331,sub_40E177,sub_4292E5,sub_428896,sub_426F97,sub_428F86,sub_415AF9,sub_418140,sub_417AAF,sub_417A9A,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'qlens', 'a4': 'seqs', 'a1': 'mi', 'a2': 'n_segs', 'a5': 'n_regs', 'a6': 'regs', 'a7': 'b', 'a8': 'opt', 'a9': 'qname', 'v27': 'kmst', 'v30': 'mv', 'v32': 'mini_pos', 'v33': 'u', 'v34': 'n_a', 'v35': 'n_mini_pos', 'v36': 'n_regs0', 'v37': 'rep_len', 'v38': 'seg', 'ptr': 'regs0', 'v40': 'en', 'v41': 'st', 'v42': 'chn_pen_skip', 'v43': 'chn_pen_gap', 'v44': 'hash', 'v45': 'is_sr', 'v46': 'is_splice', 'v47': 'off', 'v48': 'max_off', 'v49': 'max_i', 'v50': 'max', 'v51': 'n_chained_segs', 'v52': 'rechain', 'v53': 'i_0', 'v54': 'a', 'v55': 'max_chain_gap_ref', 'v56': 'max_chain_gap_qry', 'v57': 'qlen_sum', 'sub_40E2CB': 'mm_map_frag', 'sub_40CE4F': 'collect_minimizers', 'sub_42983F': 'mm_seed_mz_flt', 'sub_40D624': 'collect_seed_hits_heap', 'sub_40DBF7': 'collect_seed_hits', 'sub_41EB83': 'mg_lchain_rmq', 'sub_41C8F1': 'mg_lchain_dp', 'sub_417C09': 'kfree', 'sub_4057B1': 'radix_sort_128x', 'sub_426941': 'mm_gen_regs', 'sub_426C95': 'mm_mark_alt', 'sub_4275F0': 'mm_hit_sort', 'sub_40E02A': 'chain_post', 'sub_41695D': 'mm_est_err', 'sub_428331': 'mm_filter_strand_retained', 'sub_40E177': 'align_regs', 'sub_4292E5': 'mm_set_mapq', 'sub_428896': 'mm_seg_gen', 'sub_426F97': 'mm_set_parent', 'sub_428F86': 'mm_seg_free', 'sub_415AF9': 'mm_pair', 'sub_418140': 'km_stat', 'sub_417AAF': 'km_destroy', 'sub_417A9A': 'km_init'}"} |
vb2ex_hwcrypto_digest_extend | cbde29e6b8731345dfc11224119de29bba8d1c61157c302bab41853f9d37c8c3 | Telecominfraproject | OpenCellular | NA | __attribute__((weak))
int vb2ex_hwcrypto_digest_extend(const uint8_t *buf,
uint32_t size)
return VB2_ERROR_SHA_EXTEND_ALGORITHM; /* Should not be called. */
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_404852", "function_addr": 4212818, "binary_name": "cbde29e6b8731345dfc11224119de29bba8d1c61157c302bab41853f9d37c8c3.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_C], esi"], [4, "mov eax, 10010002h"], [5, "pop rbp"], [6, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 0], [6, 4]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/cbde29e6b8731345dfc11224119de29bba8d1c61157c302bab41853f9d37c8c3_cbde29e6b8731345dfc11224119de29bba8d1c61157c302bab41853f9d37c8c3.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_404852", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 sub_404852()\n{\nreturn 268500994LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_404852,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_404852': 'vb2ex_hwcrypto_digest_extend'}"} |
gt_misms_set_mismatch | 063ddcb6b93f710a6859e9ff7c9b8b71767c1cbf3d7ad04e0e84f9003001e3af | smarco | gem3-mapper | NA | GT_INLINE void gt_misms_set_mismatch(gt_misms* const misms,const uint64_t position,const char base) {
misms->misms_type = MISMS;
misms->position = position;
misms->base = base;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_417687", "function_addr": 4290183, "binary_name": "063ddcb6b93f710a6859e9ff7c9b8b71767c1cbf3d7ad04e0e84f9003001e3af.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [4, "mov eax, edx"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_14], al"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [7, "mov dword ptr [rax], 0"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [9, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [10, "mov [rax+8], rdx"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [12, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_14]"], [13, "mov [rax+10h], dl"], [14, "nop"], [15, "pop rbp"], [16, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 2], [7, 6], [8, 2], [9, 3], [10, 8], [10, 9], [11, 2], [12, 5], [13, 12], [13, 11], [15, 0], [16, 11]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/063ddcb6b93f710a6859e9ff7c9b8b71767c1cbf3d7ad04e0e84f9003001e3af_063ddcb6b93f710a6859e9ff7c9b8b71767c1cbf3d7ad04e0e84f9003001e3af.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_417687", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_417687(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, char a3)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\n*(_DWORD *)a1 = 0;\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8) = a2;\nresult = a1;\n*(_BYTE *)(a1 + 16) = a3;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_417687,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'base', 'a1': 'misms', 'a2': 'position', 'sub_417687': 'gt_misms_set_mismatch'}"} |
flap_4d | b3a71e09f3ca36c3c8146a8dfb6b70f545aeaac418cb9b3436ce2392b8f5f52a | xiph | daala | NA | void flap_4d(double out[BLOCKSIZE*BLOCKSIZE][BLOCKSIZE*BLOCKSIZE],
const int _f[]){
int i,j,k,l;
double work[BLOCKSIZE*2];
/* [ ][i][j][k] */
double work[BLOCKSIZE*2];
/* [i][ ][j][k] */
double work[BLOCKSIZE*2];
/* [i][j][ ][k] */
/* [i][j][k][ ] */
# error "Need a prefilter implementation for this block size."
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_402432", "function_addr": 4203570, "binary_name": "b3a71e09f3ca36c3c8146a8dfb6b70f545aeaac418cb9b3436ce2392b8f5f52a.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 130h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_118], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_120], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_128], rdx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [7, "jmp loc_4025AF"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [9, "jmp loc_4025A1"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [11, "jmp loc_402593"], [12, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [13, "jmp short loc_4024D3"], [14, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [15, "add eax, 10h"], [16, "cdqe"], [17, "shl rax, 12h"], [18, "lea rdx, [rax-400000h]"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [20, "add rax, rdx"], [21, "mov edx, [rbp+var_C]"], [22, "movsxd rsi, edx"], [23, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [24, "movsxd rdx, edx"], [25, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_8]"], [26, "movsxd rcx, ecx"], [27, "shl rdx, 5"], [28, "add rdx, rcx"], [29, "shl rdx, 5"], [30, "add rdx, rsi"], [31, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax+rdx*8]"], [32, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [33, "cdqe"], [34, "movsd [rbp+rax*8+var_110], xmm0"], [35, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [36, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 1Fh"], [37, "jle short loc_40247F"], [38, "mov r8, cs:off_41E5F0"], [39, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_128]"], [40, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_110]"], [41, "lea rax, [rbp+var_110]"], [42, "mov rsi, rcx"], [43, "mov rdi, rax"], [44, "call r8 "], [45, "mov rcx, cs:off_41E5F0"], [46, "mov rax, [rbp+var_128]"], [47, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_110]"], [48, "lea rsi, [rdx+80h]"], [49, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_110]"], [50, "lea rdi, [rdx+80h]"], [51, "mov rdx, rax"], [52, "call rcx "], [53, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [54, "jmp short loc_402589"], [55, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [56, "add eax, 10h"], [57, "cdqe"], [58, "shl rax, 12h"], [59, "lea rdx, [rax-400000h]"], [60, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [61, "add rdx, rax"], [62, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [63, "cdqe"], [64, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+rax*8+var_110]"], [65, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [66, "movsxd rsi, eax"], [67, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [68, "cdqe"], [69, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_8]"], [70, "movsxd rcx, ecx"], [71, "shl rax, 5"], [72, "add rax, rcx"], [73, "shl rax, 5"], [74, "add rax, rsi"], [75, "movsd qword ptr [rdx+rax*8], xmm0"], [76, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [77, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 1Fh"], [78, "jle short loc_402536"], [79, "add [rbp+var_C], 1"], [80, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 1Fh"], [81, "jle loc_402476"], [82, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [83, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 1Fh"], [84, "jle loc_40246A"], [85, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [86, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 1Fh"], [87, "jle loc_40245E"], [88, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [89, "jmp loc_402708"], [90, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [91, "jmp loc_4026FA"], [92, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [93, "jmp loc_4026EC"], [94, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [95, "jmp short loc_402633"], [96, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [97, "cdqe"], [98, "shl rax, 12h"], [99, "mov rdx, rax"], [100, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [101, "add rax, rdx"], [102, "mov edx, [rbp+var_C]"], [103, "movsxd rsi, edx"], [104, "mov edx, [rbp+var_10]"], [105, "movsxd rdx, edx"], [106, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_8]"], [107, "movsxd rcx, ecx"], [108, "shl rdx, 5"], [109, "add rdx, rcx"], [110, "shl rdx, 5"], [111, "add rdx, rsi"], [112, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax+rdx*8]"], [113, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [114, "cdqe"], [115, "movsd [rbp+rax*8+var_110], xmm0"], [116, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [117, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 1Fh"], [118, "jle short loc_4025E6"], [119, "mov r8, cs:off_41E5F0"], [120, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_128]"], [121, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_110]"], [122, "lea rax, [rbp+var_110]"], [123, "mov rsi, rcx"], [124, "mov rdi, rax"], [125, "call r8 "], [126, "mov rcx, cs:off_41E5F0"], [127, "mov rax, [rbp+var_128]"], [128, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_110]"], [129, "lea rsi, [rdx+80h]"], [130, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_110]"], [131, "lea rdi, [rdx+80h]"], [132, "mov rdx, rax"], [133, "call rcx "], [134, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [135, "jmp short loc_4026E2"], [136, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [137, "cdqe"], [138, "shl rax, 12h"], [139, "mov rdx, rax"], [140, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [141, "add rdx, rax"], [142, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [143, "cdqe"], [144, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+rax*8+var_110]"], [145, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [146, "movsxd rsi, eax"], [147, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [148, "cdqe"], [149, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_8]"], [150, "movsxd rcx, ecx"], [151, "shl rax, 5"], [152, "add rax, rcx"], [153, "shl rax, 5"], [154, "add rax, rsi"], [155, "movsd qword ptr [rdx+rax*8], xmm0"], [156, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [157, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 1Fh"], [158, "jle short loc_402696"], [159, "add [rbp+var_C], 1"], [160, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 1Fh"], [161, "jle loc_4025DD"], [162, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [163, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 1Fh"], [164, "jle loc_4025D1"], [165, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [166, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 1Fh"], [167, "jle loc_4025C5"], [168, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [169, "jmp loc_402861"], [170, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [171, "jmp loc_402853"], [172, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [173, "jmp loc_402845"], [174, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [175, "jmp short loc_40278C"], [176, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [177, "cdqe"], [178, "shl rax, 12h"], [179, "mov rdx, rax"], [180, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [181, "add rax, rdx"], [182, "mov edx, [rbp+var_C]"], [183, "movsxd rsi, edx"], [184, "mov edx, [rbp+var_8]"], [185, "movsxd rdx, edx"], [186, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_10]"], [187, "movsxd rcx, ecx"], [188, "shl rdx, 5"], [189, "add rdx, rcx"], [190, "shl rdx, 5"], [191, "add rdx, rsi"], [192, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax+rdx*8]"], [193, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [194, "cdqe"], [195, "movsd [rbp+rax*8+var_110], xmm0"], [196, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [197, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 1Fh"], [198, "jle short loc_40273F"], [199, "mov r8, cs:off_41E5F0"], [200, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_128]"], [201, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_110]"], [202, "lea rax, [rbp+var_110]"], [203, "mov rsi, rcx"], [204, "mov rdi, rax"], [205, "call r8 "], [206, "mov rcx, cs:off_41E5F0"], [207, "mov rax, [rbp+var_128]"], [208, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_110]"], [209, "lea rsi, [rdx+80h]"], [210, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_110]"], [211, "lea rdi, [rdx+80h]"], [212, "mov rdx, rax"], [213, "call rcx "], [214, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [215, "jmp short loc_40283B"], [216, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [217, "cdqe"], [218, "shl rax, 12h"], [219, "mov rdx, rax"], [220, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [221, "add rdx, rax"], [222, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [223, "cdqe"], [224, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+rax*8+var_110]"], [225, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [226, "movsxd rsi, eax"], [227, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [228, "cdqe"], [229, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_10]"], [230, "movsxd rcx, ecx"], [231, "shl rax, 5"], [232, "add rax, rcx"], [233, "shl rax, 5"], [234, "add rax, rsi"], [235, "movsd qword ptr [rdx+rax*8], xmm0"], [236, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [237, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 1Fh"], [238, "jle short loc_4027EF"], [239, "add [rbp+var_C], 1"], [240, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 1Fh"], [241, "jle loc_402736"], [242, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [243, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 1Fh"], [244, "jle loc_40272A"], [245, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [246, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 1Fh"], [247, "jle loc_40271E"], [248, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [249, "jmp loc_40299D"], [250, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [251, "jmp loc_40298F"], [252, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [253, "jmp loc_402981"], [254, "mov rcx, cs:off_41E5F0"], [255, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [256, "cdqe"], [257, "shl rax, 12h"], [258, "mov rdx, rax"], [259, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [260, "lea rsi, [rdx+rax]"], [261, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [262, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [263, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [264, "cdqe"], [265, "shl rax, 5"], [266, "add rax, rdx"], [267, "shl rax, 8"], [268, "add rsi, rax"], [269, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [270, "cdqe"], [271, "shl rax, 12h"], [272, "mov rdx, rax"], [273, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [274, "lea rdi, [rdx+rax]"], [275, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [276, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [277, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [278, "cdqe"], [279, "shl rax, 5"], [280, "add rax, rdx"], [281, "shl rax, 8"], [282, "add rdi, rax"], [283, "mov rax, [rbp+var_128]"], [284, "mov rdx, rax"], [285, "call rcx "], [286, "mov rcx, cs:off_41E5F0"], [287, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [288, "cdqe"], [289, "shl rax, 12h"], [290, "mov rdx, rax"], [291, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [292, "lea rsi, [rdx+rax]"], [293, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [294, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [295, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [296, "cdqe"], [297, "shl rax, 5"], [298, "add rax, rdx"], [299, "shl rax, 8"], [300, "sub rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFF80h"], [301, "add rsi, rax"], [302, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [303, "cdqe"], [304, "shl rax, 12h"], [305, "mov rdx, rax"], [306, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [307, "lea rdi, [rdx+rax]"], [308, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [309, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [310, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [311, "cdqe"], [312, "shl rax, 5"], [313, "add rax, rdx"], [314, "shl rax, 8"], [315, "sub rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFF80h"], [316, "add rdi, rax"], [317, "mov rax, [rbp+var_128]"], [318, "mov rdx, rax"], [319, "call rcx "], [320, "add [rbp+var_C], 1"], [321, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 1Fh"], [322, "jle loc_40288F"], [323, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [324, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 1Fh"], [325, "jle loc_402883"], [326, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [327, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 1Fh"], [328, "jle loc_402877"], [329, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [330, "jmp loc_402A88"], [331, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [332, "jmp loc_402A7A"], [333, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [334, "jmp loc_402A6C"], [335, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [336, "jmp loc_402A5E"], [337, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [338, "add eax, 10h"], [339, "cdqe"], [340, "shl rax, 12h"], [341, "lea rdx, [rax-200000h]"], [342, "mov rax, [rbp+var_120]"], [343, "add rax, rdx"], [344, "mov edx, [rbp+var_8]"], [345, "lea r8d, [rdx+8]"], [346, "mov edx, [rbp+var_C]"], [347, "lea edi, [rdx+8]"], [348, "mov edx, [rbp+var_10]"], [349, "lea r9d, [rdx+8]"], [350, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [351, "mov ecx, edx"], [352, "shl ecx, 4"], [353, "mov edx, [rbp+var_8]"], [354, "add edx, ecx"], [355, "movsxd rdx, edx"], [356, "mov rcx, rdx"], [357, "shl rcx, 0Bh"], [358, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_118]"], [359, "add rdx, rcx"], [360, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_C]"], [361, "mov esi, ecx"], [362, "shl esi, 4"], [363, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_10]"], [364, "add esi, ecx"], [365, "movsxd r9, r9d"], [366, "movsxd rcx, r8d"], [367, "movsxd rdi, edi"], [368, "shl rcx, 5"], [369, "add rcx, rdi"], [370, "shl rcx, 5"], [371, "add rcx, r9"], [372, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax+rcx*8]"], [373, "movsxd rax, esi"], [374, "movsd qword ptr [rdx+rax*8], xmm0"], [375, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [376, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0Fh"], [377, "jle loc_4029D7"], [378, "add [rbp+var_C], 1"], [379, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 0Fh"], [380, "jle loc_4029CB"], [381, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [382, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0Fh"], [383, "jle loc_4029BF"], [384, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [385, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0Fh"], [386, "jle loc_4029B3"], [387, "nop"], [388, "nop"], [389, "leave"], [390, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[14, 35], [14, 12], [15, 14], [17, 15], [18, 17], [18, 30], [18, 75], [18, 61], [18, 51], [19, 4], [20, 19], [20, 18], [21, 10], [21, 79], [22, 21], [23, 85], [23, 6], [24, 23], [25, 8], [25, 82], [26, 25], [27, 24], [28, 27], [28, 26], [29, 28], [30, 22], [30, 29], [31, 75], [31, 20], [32, 35], [32, 12], [34, 32], [34, 31], [35, 35], [35, 12], [36, 35], [36, 12], [37, 36], [39, 5], [40, 45], [40, 26], [40, 70], [41, 32], [41, 74], [41, 52], [42, 40], [43, 41], [44, 38], [46, 5], [47, 39], [48, 75], [48, 47], [48, 42], [49, 47], [50, 75], [50, 43], [50, 49], [51, 46], [52, 45], [55, 53], [55, 76], [56, 55], [58, 56], [59, 58], [59, 75], [59, 61], [59, 51], [60, 4], [61, 60], [61, 59], [62, 76], [62, 53], [64, 34], [64, 62], [65, 79], [65, 10], [66, 65], [67, 6], [67, 85], [69, 8], [69, 82], [70, 69], [71, 67], [72, 71], [72, 70], [73, 72], [74, 66], [74, 73], [75, 74], [75, 64], [76, 53], [76, 76], [77, 76], [77, 53], [78, 77], [79, 10], [79, 79], [80, 79], [80, 10], [81, 80], [82, 82], [82, 8], [83, 8], [83, 82], [84, 83], [85, 6], [85, 85], [86, 6], [86, 85], [87, 86], [96, 88], [96, 165], [98, 96], [99, 98], [100, 4], [101, 100], [101, 99], [102, 159], [102, 92], [103, 102], [104, 116], [104, 94], [105, 104], [106, 90], [106, 162], [107, 106], [108, 105], [109, 107], [109, 108], [110, 109], [111, 110], [111, 103], [112, 75], [112, 101], [112, 155], [113, 94], [113, 116], [115, 112], [115, 113], [116, 94], [116, 116], [117, 116], [117, 94], [118, 117], [120, 5], [121, 150], [121, 70], [121, 126], [121, 107], [121, 45], [122, 133], [122, 52], [122, 154], [122, 113], [122, 74], [123, 121], [124, 122], [125, 119], [127, 5], [128, 120], [129, 128], [129, 155], [129, 123], [129, 75], [130, 128], [131, 130], [131, 124], [131, 155], [131, 75], [132, 127], [133, 126], [136, 165], [136, 88], [138, 136], [139, 138], [140, 4], [141, 140], [141, 139], [142, 134], [142, 156], [144, 115], [144, 142], [144, 34], [145, 92], [145, 159], [146, 145], [147, 134], [147, 156], [149, 90], [149, 162], [150, 149], [151, 147], [152, 151], [152, 150], [153, 152], [154, 146], [154, 153], [155, 144], [155, 154], [156, 134], [156, 156], [157, 156], [157, 134], [158, 157], [159, 159], [159, 92], [160, 159], [160, 92], [161, 160], [162, 162], [162, 90], [163, 90], [163, 162], [164, 163], [165, 165], [165, 88], [166, 165], [166, 88], [167, 166], [176, 168], [176, 245], [178, 176], [179, 178], [180, 4], [181, 180], [181, 179], [182, 239], [182, 172], [183, 182], [184, 170], [184, 242], [185, 184], [186, 196], [186, 174], [187, 186], [188, 185], [189, 188], [189, 187], [190, 189], [191, 190], [191, 183], [192, 155], [192, 75], [192, 181], [192, 235], [193, 174], [193, 196], [195, 193], [195, 192], [196, 174], [196, 196], [197, 196], [197, 174], [198, 197], [200, 5], [201, 230], [201, 45], [201, 150], [201, 126], [201, 206], [201, 187], [201, 70], [202, 74], [202, 213], [202, 133], [202, 234], [202, 193], [202, 52], [202, 154], [203, 201], [204, 202], [205, 199], [207, 5], [208, 200], [209, 208], [209, 235], [209, 203], [209, 155], [209, 75], [210, 208], [211, 155], [211, 210], [211, 75], [211, 204], [211, 235], [212, 207], [213, 206], [216, 168], [216, 245], [218, 216], [219, 218], [220, 4], [221, 219], [221, 220], [222, 214], [222, 236], [224, 195], [224, 115], [224, 222], [224, 34], [225, 239], [225, 172], [226, 225], [227, 242], [227, 170], [229, 214], [229, 236], [230, 229], [231, 227], [232, 231], [232, 230], [233, 232], [234, 226], [234, 233], [235, 224], [235, 234], [236, 214], [236, 236], [237, 236], [237, 214], [238, 237], [239, 239], [239, 172], [240, 172], [240, 239], [241, 240], [242, 170], [242, 242], [243, 242], [243, 170], [244, 243], [245, 245], [245, 168], [246, 168], [246, 245], [247, 246], [255, 248], [255, 326], [257, 255], [258, 257], [259, 4], [260, 48], [260, 66], [260, 75], [260, 146], [260, 155], [260, 209], [260, 301], [260, 129], [260, 259], [260, 226], [260, 235], [261, 252], [261, 320], [262, 261], [263, 323], [263, 250], [265, 263], [266, 262], [266, 265], [267, 266], [268, 260], [268, 267], [269, 248], [269, 326], [271, 269], [272, 271], [273, 4], [274, 235], [274, 211], [274, 155], [274, 131], [274, 75], [274, 316], [274, 50], [274, 273], [275, 320], [275, 252], [276, 275], [277, 323], [277, 250], [279, 277], [280, 276], [280, 279], [281, 280], [282, 274], [282, 281], [283, 5], [284, 283], [285, 254], [287, 326], [287, 248], [289, 287], [290, 289], [291, 4], [292, 291], [292, 268], [292, 235], [292, 75], [292, 155], [293, 252], [293, 320], [294, 293], [295, 250], [295, 323], [297, 295], [298, 294], [298, 297], [299, 298], [300, 299], [301, 292], [301, 300], [302, 248], [302, 326], [304, 302], [305, 304], [306, 4], [307, 235], [307, 75], [307, 155], [307, 306], [307, 282], [308, 320], [308, 252], [309, 308], [310, 323], [310, 250], [312, 310], [313, 309], [313, 312], [314, 313], [315, 314], [316, 315], [316, 307], [317, 5], [318, 317], [319, 286], [320, 252], [320, 320], [321, 320], [321, 252], [322, 321], [323, 250], [323, 323], [324, 323], [324, 250], [325, 324], [326, 248], [326, 326], [327, 248], [327, 326], [328, 327], [337, 384], [337, 329], [338, 337], [340, 338], [341, 51], [341, 212], [341, 155], [341, 132], [341, 141], [341, 235], [341, 374], [341, 221], [341, 359], [341, 318], [341, 75], [341, 340], [341, 61], [342, 4], [343, 342], [343, 341], [344, 381], [344, 331], [345, 119], [345, 235], [345, 374], [345, 345], [345, 75], [345, 155], [345, 38], [345, 344], [345, 199], [346, 333], [346, 378], [347, 346], [347, 211], [347, 75], [347, 316], [347, 131], [347, 367], [347, 50], [347, 155], [347, 235], [347, 374], [348, 375], [348, 335], [349, 348], [349, 155], [349, 235], [349, 365], [349, 374], [349, 75], [350, 329], [350, 384], [351, 350], [352, 351], [353, 331], [353, 381], [354, 353], [354, 352], [355, 354], [356, 355], [357, 356], [358, 3], [359, 358], [359, 357], [360, 333], [360, 378], [361, 360], [362, 361], [363, 335], [363, 375], [364, 363], [364, 362], [365, 349], [366, 345], [367, 347], [368, 366], [369, 368], [369, 367], [370, 369], [371, 370], [371, 365], [372, 155], [372, 235], [372, 374], [372, 75], [372, 343], [373, 364], [374, 372], [374, 373], [375, 335], [375, 375], [376, 335], [376, 375], [377, 376], [378, 378], [378, 333], [379, 333], [379, 378], [380, 379], [381, 331], [381, 381], [382, 381], [382, 331], [383, 382], [384, 329], [384, 384], [385, 329], [385, 384], [386, 385], [390, 154], [390, 74], [390, 213], [390, 319], [390, 133], [390, 234], [390, 373], [390, 52]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/b3a71e09f3ca36c3c8146a8dfb6b70f545aeaac418cb9b3436ce2392b8f5f52a_b3a71e09f3ca36c3c8146a8dfb6b70f545aeaac418cb9b3436ce2392b8f5f52a.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_402432", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_402432(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v5[16]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-110h] BYREF\n_BYTE v6[128]; // [rsp+A0h] [rbp-90h] BYREF\nint l; // [rsp+120h] [rbp-10h]\nint k; // [rsp+124h] [rbp-Ch]\nint j; // [rsp+128h] [rbp-8h]\nint i; // [rsp+12Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nfor ( i = 0; i <= 31; ++i )\n{\nfor ( j = 0; j <= 31; ++j )\n{\nfor ( k = 0; k <= 31; ++k )\n{\nfor ( l = 0; l <= 31; ++l )\nv5[l] = *(_QWORD *)(((__int64)(l + 16) << 18) - 0x400000 + a2 + 8 * (k + 32 * (j + 32LL * i)));\nsub_409E04(v5, v5, a3);\nresult = sub_409E04(v6, v6, a3);\nfor ( l = 0; l <= 31; ++l )\n{\nresult = k + 32 * (j + 32LL * i);\n*(_QWORD *)(a2 + ((__int64)(l + 16) << 18) - 0x400000 + 8 * result) = v5[l];\n}\n}\n}\n}\nfor ( i = 0; i <= 31; ++i )\n{\nfor ( j = 0; j <= 31; ++j )\n{\nfor ( k = 0; k <= 31; ++k )\n{\nfor ( l = 0; l <= 31; ++l )\nv5[l] = *(_QWORD *)(((__int64)i << 18) + a2 + 8 * (k + 32 * (j + 32LL * l)));\nsub_409E04(v5, v5, a3);\nresult = sub_409E04(v6, v6, a3);\nfor ( l = 0; l <= 31; ++l )\n{\nresult = k + 32 * (j + 32LL * l);\n*(_QWORD *)(a2 + ((__int64)i << 18) + 8 * result) = v5[l];\n}\n}\n}\n}\nfor ( i = 0; i <= 31; ++i )\n{\nfor ( j = 0; j <= 31; ++j )\n{\nfor ( k = 0; k <= 31; ++k )\n{\nfor ( l = 0; l <= 31; ++l )\nv5[l] = *(_QWORD *)(((__int64)i << 18) + a2 + 8 * (k + 32 * (l + 32LL * j)));\nsub_409E04(v5, v5, a3);\nresult = sub_409E04(v6, v6, a3);\nfor ( l = 0; l <= 31; ++l )\n{\nresult = k + 32 * (l + 32LL * j);\n*(_QWORD *)(a2 + ((__int64)i << 18) + 8 * result) = v5[l];\n}\n}\n}\n}\nfor ( i = 0; i <= 31; ++i )\n{\nfor ( j = 0; j <= 31; ++j )\n{\nfor ( k = 0; k <= 31; ++k )\n{\nsub_409E04(((k + 32LL * j) << 8) + ((__int64)i << 18) + a2, ((k + 32LL * j) << 8) + ((__int64)i << 18) + a2, a3);\nresult = sub_409E04(\n((k + 32LL * j) << 8) + 128 + ((__int64)i << 18) + a2,\n((k + 32LL * j) << 8) + 128 + ((__int64)i << 18) + a2,\na3);\n}\n}\n}\nfor ( i = 0; i <= 15; ++i )\n{\nfor ( j = 0; j <= 15; ++j )\n{\nfor ( k = 0; k <= 15; ++k )\n{\nfor ( l = 0; l <= 15; ++l )\n{\nresult = l + 16 * k;\n*(_QWORD *)(((__int64)(16 * i + j) << 11) + a1 + 8 * result) = *(_QWORD *)(((__int64)(i + 16) << 18)\n- 0x200000\n+ a2\n+ 8\n* (l\n+ 8\n+ 32 * (k + 8 + 32LL * (j + 8))));\n}\n}\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,v5,sub_402432,sub_409E04,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': '_f', 'a1': 'out', 'a2': 'in', 'v5': 'work', 'sub_402432': 'flap_4d', 'sub_409E04': 'ne_pre_filter16_double'}"} |
FIO_decompressLz4Frame | 3102570771bc484e2c63375c355a9eb23dfe1d6fb4f034a5e33f72dbe800dd82 | soedinglab | MMseqs2 | NA | static unsigned long long FIO_decompressLz4Frame(dRess_t* ress,
FILE* srcFile, const char* srcFileName)
unsigned long long filesize = 0;
LZ4F_errorCode_t nextToLoad;
LZ4F_decompressionContext_t dCtx;
LZ4F_errorCode_t const errorCode = LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&dCtx, LZ4F_VERSION);
int decodingError = 0;
if (LZ4F_isError(errorCode)) {
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "zstd: failed to create lz4 decompression context \n");
/* Init feed with magic number (already consumed from FILE* sFile) */
{ size_t inSize = 4;
size_t outSize= 0;
MEM_writeLE32(ress->srcBuffer, LZ4_MAGICNUMBER);
nextToLoad = LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, ress->dstBuffer, &outSize, ress->srcBuffer, &inSize, NULL);
if (LZ4F_isError(nextToLoad)) {
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "zstd: %s: lz4 header error : %s \n",
srcFileName, LZ4F_getErrorName(nextToLoad));
} }
/* Main Loop */
for (;nextToLoad;) {
size_t readSize;
size_t pos = 0;
size_t decodedBytes = ress->dstBufferSize;
/* Read input */
if (nextToLoad > ress->srcBufferSize) nextToLoad = ress->srcBufferSize;
readSize = fread(ress->srcBuffer, 1, nextToLoad, srcFile);
if (!readSize) break; /* reached end of file or stream */
while ((pos < readSize) || (decodedBytes == ress->dstBufferSize)) { /* still to read, or still to flush */
/* Decode Input (at least partially) */
size_t remaining = readSize - pos;
decodedBytes = ress->dstBufferSize;
nextToLoad = LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, ress->dstBuffer, &decodedBytes, (char*)(ress->srcBuffer)+pos, &remaining, NULL);
if (LZ4F_isError(nextToLoad)) {
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "zstd: %s: lz4 decompression error : %s \n",
srcFileName, LZ4F_getErrorName(nextToLoad));
decodingError = 1; nextToLoad = 0; break;
pos += remaining;
/* Write Block */
if (decodedBytes) {
if (fwrite(ress->dstBuffer, 1, decodedBytes, ress->dstFile) != decodedBytes) {
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "zstd: %s \n", strerror(errno));
decodingError = 1; nextToLoad = 0; break;
filesize += decodedBytes;
DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\rDecompressed : %u MB ", (unsigned)(filesize>>20));
if (!nextToLoad) break;
/* can be out because readSize == 0, which could be an fread() error */
if (ferror(srcFile)) {
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "zstd: %s: read error \n", srcFileName);
if (nextToLoad!=0) {
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "zstd: %s: unfinished lz4 stream \n", srcFileName);
ress->srcBufferLoaded = 0; /* LZ4F will reach exact frame boundary */
return decodingError ? FIO_ERROR_FRAME_DECODING : filesize;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4C5818", "function_addr": 5003288, "binary_name": "3102570771bc484e2c63375c355a9eb23dfe1d6fb4f034a5e33f72dbe800dd82.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "add rsp, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFF80h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_68], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+stream], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_78], rdx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [7, "lea rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [8, "mov esi, 64h "], [9, "mov rdi, rax"], [10, "call _LZ4F_createDecompressionContext"], [11, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [12, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [14, "mov rdi, rax"], [15, "call _LZ4F_isError"], [16, "test eax, eax"], [17, "jz short loc_4C5894"], [18, "mov eax, cs:dword_4ED3F0"], [19, "test eax, eax"], [20, "jle short loc_4C5888"], [21, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [22, "mov rcx, rax"], [23, "mov edx, 32h "], [24, "mov esi, 1"], [25, "mov edi, offset aZstdFailedToCr_0"], [26, "call _fwrite"], [27, "mov rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh"], [28, "jmp locret_4C5C43"], [29, "mov [rbp+var_40], 4"], [30, "mov [rbp+var_48], 0"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [32, "mov rax, [rax]"], [33, "mov esi, 184D2204h"], [34, "mov rdi, rax"], [35, "call sub_4BCC5D"], [36, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [37, "mov rcx, [rax]"], [38, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [39, "mov rsi, [rax+18h]"], [40, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [41, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_40]"], [42, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [43, "mov r9d, 0"], [44, "mov r8, rdi"], [45, "mov rdi, rax"], [46, "call _LZ4F_decompress"], [47, "mov [rbp+n], rax"], [48, "mov rax, [rbp+n]"], [49, "mov rdi, rax"], [50, "call _LZ4F_isError"], [51, "test eax, eax"], [52, "jz loc_4C5B97"], [53, "mov eax, cs:dword_4ED3F0"], [54, "test eax, eax"], [55, "jle short loc_4C5932"], [56, "mov rax, [rbp+n]"], [57, "mov rdi, rax"], [58, "call _LZ4F_getErrorName"], [59, "mov rcx, rax"], [60, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [61, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_78]"], [62, "mov esi, offset aZstdSLz4Header"], [63, "mov rdi, rax"], [64, "mov eax, 0"], [65, "call _fprintf"], [66, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [67, "mov rdi, rax"], [68, "call _LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext"], [69, "mov rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh"], [70, "jmp locret_4C5C43"], [71, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0"], [72, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [73, "mov rax, [rax+20h]"], [74, "mov [rbp+var_50], rax"], [75, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [76, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [77, "cmp [rbp+n], rax"], [78, "jbe short loc_4C5978"], [79, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [80, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [81, "mov [rbp+n], rax"], [82, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [83, "mov rax, [rax]"], [84, "mov rcx, [rbp+stream]"], [85, "mov rdx, [rbp+n]"], [86, "mov esi, 1"], [87, "mov rdi, rax"], [88, "call _fread"], [89, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [90, "cmp [rbp+var_30], 0"], [91, "jz loc_4C5BA4"], [92, "jmp loc_4C5B71"], [93, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [94, "sub rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [95, "mov [rbp+var_58], rax"], [96, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [97, "mov rax, [rax+20h]"], [98, "mov [rbp+var_50], rax"], [99, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [100, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [101, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [102, "lea rcx, [rdx+rax]"], [103, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [104, "mov rsi, [rax+18h]"], [105, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [106, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_58]"], [107, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_50]"], [108, "mov r9d, 0"], [109, "mov r8, rdi"], [110, "mov rdi, rax"], [111, "call _LZ4F_decompress"], [112, "mov [rbp+n], rax"], [113, "mov rax, [rbp+n]"], [114, "mov rdi, rax"], [115, "call _LZ4F_isError"], [116, "test eax, eax"], [117, "jz short loc_4C5A52"], [118, "mov eax, cs:dword_4ED3F0"], [119, "test eax, eax"], [120, "jle short loc_4C5A3E"], [121, "mov rax, [rbp+n]"], [122, "mov rdi, rax"], [123, "call _LZ4F_getErrorName"], [124, "mov rcx, rax"], [125, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [126, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_78]"], [127, "mov esi, offset aZstdSLz4Decomp"], [128, "mov rdi, rax"], [129, "mov eax, 0"], [130, "call _fprintf"], [131, "mov [rbp+var_14], 1"], [132, "mov [rbp+n], 0"], [133, "jmp loc_4C5B97"], [134, "mov rax, [rbp+var_58]"], [135, "add [rbp+var_20], rax"], [136, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [137, "test rax, rax"], [138, "jz loc_4C5B6A"], [139, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [140, "mov rcx, [rax+30h]"], [141, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_50]"], [142, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [143, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [144, "mov esi, 1"], [145, "mov rdi, rax"], [146, "call _fwrite"], [147, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_50]"], [148, "cmp rax, rdx"], [149, "jz short loc_4C5AD9"], [150, "mov eax, cs:dword_4ED3F0"], [151, "test eax, eax"], [152, "jle short loc_4C5AC5"], [153, "call ___errno_location"], [154, "mov eax, [rax]"], [155, "mov edi, eax"], [156, "call _strerror"], [157, "mov rdx, rax"], [158, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [159, "mov esi, offset aZstdS_1"], [160, "mov rdi, rax"], [161, "mov eax, 0"], [162, "call _fprintf"], [163, "mov [rbp+var_14], 1"], [164, "mov [rbp+n], 0"], [165, "jmp loc_4C5B97"], [166, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [167, "add [rbp+var_8], rax"], [168, "mov eax, cs:dword_4ED3F0"], [169, "cmp eax, 1"], [170, "jle short loc_4C5B6A"], [171, "mov rdx, cs:qword_4ED4B0"], [172, "mov rax, cs:qword_4ED4B8"], [173, "mov rdi, rdx"], [174, "mov rsi, rax"], [175, "call sub_4BC8D2"], [176, "mov edx, 28B0Ah"], [177, "cmp rax, rdx"], [178, "ja short loc_4C5B1A"], [179, "mov eax, cs:dword_4ED3F0"], [180, "cmp eax, 3"], [181, "jle short loc_4C5B6A"], [182, "call sub_4BC702"], [183, "mov cs:qword_4ED4B0, rax"], [184, "mov cs:qword_4ED4B8, rdx"], [185, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [186, "shr rax, 14h"], [187, "mov edx, eax"], [188, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [189, "mov esi, offset aDecompressedUM"], [190, "mov rdi, rax"], [191, "mov eax, 0"], [192, "call _fprintf"], [193, "mov eax, cs:dword_4ED3F0"], [194, "cmp eax, 3"], [195, "jle short loc_4C5B6A"], [196, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [197, "mov rdi, rax"], [198, "call _fflush"], [199, "cmp [rbp+n], 0"], [200, "jz short loc_4C5B96"], [201, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [202, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [203, "jb loc_4C59A8"], [204, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [205, "mov rdx, [rax+20h]"], [206, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [207, "cmp rdx, rax"], [208, "jz loc_4C59A8"], [209, "jmp short loc_4C5B97"], [210, "nop"], [211, "cmp [rbp+n], 0"], [212, "jnz loc_4C594A"], [213, "jmp short loc_4C5BA5"], [214, "nop"], [215, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [216, "mov rdi, rax"], [217, "call _ferror"], [218, "test eax, eax"], [219, "jz short loc_4C5BE3"], [220, "mov eax, cs:dword_4ED3F0"], [221, "test eax, eax"], [222, "jle short loc_4C5BDC"], [223, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [224, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_78]"], [225, "mov esi, offset aZstdSReadError"], [226, "mov rdi, rax"], [227, "mov eax, 0"], [228, "call _fprintf"], [229, "mov [rbp+var_14], 1"], [230, "cmp [rbp+n], 0"], [231, "jz short loc_4C5C18"], [232, "mov eax, cs:dword_4ED3F0"], [233, "test eax, eax"], [234, "jle short loc_4C5C11"], [235, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [236, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_78]"], [237, "mov esi, offset aZstdSUnfinishe"], [238, "mov rdi, rax"], [239, "mov eax, 0"], [240, "call _fprintf"], [241, "mov [rbp+var_14], 1"], [242, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [243, "mov rdi, rax"], [244, "call _LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext"], [245, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [246, "mov qword ptr [rax+10h], 0"], [247, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0"], [248, "jnz short loc_4C5C3C"], [249, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [250, "jmp short locret_4C5C43"], [251, "mov rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh"], [252, "leave"], [253, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[9, 7], [11, 10], [13, 11], [14, 13], [16, 15], [17, 16], [19, 18], [20, 19], [22, 21], [31, 3], [32, 31], [34, 32], [36, 3], [37, 36], [38, 3], [39, 38], [41, 34], [41, 29], [42, 30], [44, 41], [45, 40], [47, 46], [48, 47], [49, 48], [51, 50], [52, 51], [54, 53], [55, 54], [56, 47], [57, 56], [59, 58], [61, 5], [63, 60], [67, 66], [72, 3], [73, 72], [74, 73], [75, 3], [76, 75], [77, 76], [77, 112], [77, 164], [77, 132], [77, 81], [77, 47], [78, 77], [79, 3], [80, 79], [81, 80], [82, 3], [83, 82], [84, 4], [85, 132], [85, 164], [85, 47], [85, 81], [85, 112], [87, 83], [89, 88], [90, 89], [91, 90], [93, 89], [94, 71], [94, 135], [94, 93], [95, 94], [96, 3], [97, 96], [98, 97], [99, 3], [100, 99], [101, 71], [101, 135], [102, 84], [102, 102], [102, 101], [102, 140], [103, 3], [104, 103], [106, 114], [106, 173], [106, 95], [106, 145], [106, 197], [106, 87], [106, 190], [107, 98], [107, 100], [109, 106], [110, 105], [112, 111], [113, 112], [114, 113], [116, 115], [117, 116], [119, 118], [120, 119], [121, 112], [122, 121], [124, 123], [126, 5], [128, 125], [134, 95], [135, 71], [135, 135], [135, 134], [136, 98], [137, 136], [138, 137], [139, 3], [140, 139], [141, 98], [142, 3], [143, 142], [145, 143], [147, 98], [148, 147], [148, 146], [149, 148], [151, 150], [152, 151], [154, 153], [155, 154], [157, 156], [160, 158], [166, 98], [167, 166], [167, 6], [167, 167], [169, 168], [170, 169], [171, 183], [172, 184], [173, 171], [174, 172], [177, 176], [177, 175], [178, 177], [180, 179], [181, 180], [183, 182], [184, 176], [185, 167], [186, 185], [187, 186], [190, 188], [194, 193], [195, 194], [197, 196], [199, 112], [200, 199], [201, 135], [201, 71], [202, 89], [202, 201], [203, 202], [204, 3], [205, 204], [206, 98], [206, 74], [207, 206], [207, 205], [208, 207], [211, 112], [211, 164], [211, 47], [211, 132], [211, 81], [212, 211], [215, 4], [216, 215], [218, 217], [219, 218], [221, 220], [222, 221], [224, 5], [226, 223], [230, 112], [230, 164], [230, 132], [230, 81], [230, 47], [231, 230], [233, 232], [234, 233], [236, 5], [238, 235], [243, 242], [245, 3], [246, 245], [247, 163], [247, 241], [247, 12], [247, 131], [247, 229], [248, 247], [249, 167], [249, 6], [253, 249], [253, 251], [253, 27], [253, 69]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/3102570771bc484e2c63375c355a9eb23dfe1d6fb4f034a5e33f72dbe800dd82_3102570771bc484e2c63375c355a9eb23dfe1d6fb4f034a5e33f72dbe800dd82.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4C5818", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4C5818(__int64 a1, FILE *a2, const char *a3)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nconst char *v4; // rax\nconst char *v5; // rax\nint *v6; // rax\nchar *v7; // rax\n__int64 v8; // rdx\nsize_t v10; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-50h]\nsize_t v11; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-30h]\nsize_t v12; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-20h]\nint v13; // [rsp+6Ch] [rbp-14h]\nunsigned __int64 n; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-10h]\nunsigned __int64 v15; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv15 = 0LL;\nLZ4F_createDecompressionContext();\nv13 = 0;\nif ( (unsigned int)LZ4F_isError() )\n{\nif ( dword_4ED3F0 > 0 )\nfwrite(\"zstd: failed to create lz4 decompression context \\n\", 1uLL, 0x32uLL, stderr);\nresult = -2LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_4BCC5D(*(_DWORD **)a1, 0x184D2204u);\nn = LZ4F_decompress();\nif ( (unsigned int)LZ4F_isError() )\n{\nif ( dword_4ED3F0 > 0 )\n{\nv4 = (const char *)LZ4F_getErrorName();\nfprintf(stderr, \"zstd: %s: lz4 header error : %s \\n\", a3, v4);\n}\nLZ4F_freeDecompressionContext();\nresult = -2LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nLABEL_30:\nwhile ( n )\n{\nv12 = 0LL;\nv10 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 32);\nif ( n > *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8) )\nn = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8);\nv11 = fread(*(void **)a1, 1uLL, n, a2);\nif ( !v11 )\nbreak;\nwhile ( v12 < v11 || *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 32) == v10 )\n{\nv10 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 32);\nn = LZ4F_decompress();\nif ( (unsigned int)LZ4F_isError() )\n{\nif ( dword_4ED3F0 > 0 )\n{\nv5 = (const char *)LZ4F_getErrorName();\nfprintf(stderr, \"zstd: %s: lz4 decompression error : %s \\n\", a3, v5);\n}\nv13 = 1;\nn = 0LL;\ngoto LABEL_30;\n}\nv12 = v11;\nif ( v10 )\n{\nif ( fwrite(*(const void **)(a1 + 24), 1uLL, v10, *(FILE **)(a1 + 48)) != v10 )\n{\nif ( dword_4ED3F0 > 0 )\n{\nv6 = __errno_location();\nv7 = strerror(*v6);\nfprintf(stderr, \"zstd: %s \\n\", v7);\n}\nv13 = 1;\nn = 0LL;\ngoto LABEL_30;\n}\nv15 += v10;\nif ( dword_4ED3F0 > 1 && (sub_4BC8D2(qword_4ED4B0, qword_4ED4B8) > 0x28B0A || dword_4ED3F0 > 3) )\n{\nqword_4ED4B0 = sub_4BC702();\nqword_4ED4B8 = v8;\nfprintf(stderr, \"\\rDecompressed : %u MB \", (unsigned int)(v15 >> 20));\nif ( dword_4ED3F0 > 3 )\nfflush(stderr);\n}\n}\nif ( !n )\ngoto LABEL_30;\n}\n}\nif ( ferror(a2) )\n{\nif ( dword_4ED3F0 > 0 )\nfprintf(stderr, \"zstd: %s: read error \\n\", a3);\nv13 = 1;\n}\nif ( n )\n{\nif ( dword_4ED3F0 > 0 )\nfprintf(stderr, \"zstd: %s: unfinished lz4 stream \\n\", a3);\nv13 = 1;\n}\nLZ4F_freeDecompressionContext();\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) = 0LL;\nif ( v13 )\nresult = -2LL;\nelse\nresult = v15;\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,v6,v8,v10,v11,v12,v13,n,v15,sub_4C5818,sub_4BCC5D,sub_4BC8D2,sub_4BC702,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'srcFileName', 'a1': 'ress', 'a2': 'srcFile', 'v6': 'result', 'v8': 'srcFileName', 'v10': 'decodedBytes', 'v11': 'readSize', 'v12': 'pos', 'v13': 'decodingError', 'n': 'nextToLoad', 'v15': 'filesize', 'sub_4C5818': 'FIO_decompressLz4Frame', 'sub_4BCC5D': 'MEM_writeLE32_4', 'sub_4BC8D2': 'UTIL_clockSpanMicro', 'sub_4BC702': 'UTIL_getTime'}"} |
setup_thread_attr | a8f8276787c4185a93930599d5dfa5aa313096a2f3840107d4eb8b9989b135f3 | LITMUS-RT | cyclictest | NA | int setup_thread_attr(pthread_attr_t *attr, int prio, cpu_set_t *mask)
int status;
struct sched_param thread_param;
status = pthread_attr_init(attr);
if (status) {
error("setup_thread_attr: initializing thread attribute: 0x%x\n", status);
return FAILURE;
status = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(attr, SCHED_FIFO);
if (status) {
error("setup_thread_attr: setting attribute policy to SCHED_FIFO: 0x%x\n", status);
return FAILURE;
status = pthread_attr_setinheritsched(attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
if (status) {
error("setup_thread_attr: setting explicit scheduling inheritance: 0x%x\n", status);
return FAILURE;
thread_param.sched_priority = prio;
status = pthread_attr_setschedparam(attr, &thread_param);
if (status) {
error("setup_thread_attr: setting scheduler param: 0x%x\n", status);
return FAILURE;
status = pthread_attr_setaffinity_np(attr, sizeof(cpu_set_t), mask);
if (status) {
error("setup_thread_attr: setting affinity attribute: 0x%x\n", status);
return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_401A27", "function_addr": 4200999, "binary_name": "a8f8276787c4185a93930599d5dfa5aa313096a2f3840107d4eb8b9989b135f3.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+attr], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_1C], esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+cpuset], rdx"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+attr]"], [7, "mov rdi, rax"], [8, "call _pthread_attr_init"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [10, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [11, "jz short loc_401A6D"], [12, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [13, "mov esi, eax"], [14, "mov edi, offset aSetupThreadAtt"], [15, "mov eax, 0"], [16, "call error"], [17, "mov eax, 1"], [18, "jmp locret_401B55"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+attr]"], [20, "mov esi, 1"], [21, "mov rdi, rax"], [22, "call _pthread_attr_setschedpolicy"], [23, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [24, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [25, "jz short loc_401AA5"], [26, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [27, "mov esi, eax"], [28, "mov edi, offset aSetupThreadAtt_0"], [29, "mov eax, 0"], [30, "call error"], [31, "mov eax, 1"], [32, "jmp locret_401B55"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+attr]"], [34, "mov esi, 1"], [35, "mov rdi, rax"], [36, "call _pthread_attr_setinheritsched"], [37, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [38, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [39, "jz short loc_401ADA"], [40, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [41, "mov esi, eax"], [42, "mov edi, offset aSetupThreadAtt_1"], [43, "mov eax, 0"], [44, "call error"], [45, "mov eax, 1"], [46, "jmp short locret_401B55"], [47, "mov eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [48, "mov [rbp+param.__sched_priority], eax"], [49, "lea rdx, [rbp+param]"], [50, "mov rax, [rbp+attr]"], [51, "mov rsi, rdx"], [52, "mov rdi, rax"], [53, "call _pthread_attr_setschedparam"], [54, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [55, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [56, "jz short loc_401B17"], [57, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [58, "mov esi, eax"], [59, "mov edi, offset aSetupThreadAtt_2"], [60, "mov eax, 0"], [61, "call error"], [62, "mov eax, 1"], [63, "jmp short locret_401B55"], [64, "mov rdx, [rbp+cpuset]"], [65, "mov rax, [rbp+attr]"], [66, "mov esi, 80h"], [67, "mov rdi, rax"], [68, "call _pthread_attr_setaffinity_np"], [69, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [70, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [71, "jz short loc_401B50"], [72, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [73, "mov esi, eax"], [74, "mov edi, offset aSetupThreadAtt_3"], [75, "mov eax, 0"], [76, "call error"], [77, "mov eax, 1"], [78, "jmp short locret_401B55"], [79, "mov eax, 0"], [80, "leave"], [81, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 3], [7, 6], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 9], [13, 12], [19, 3], [21, 19], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 23], [27, 26], [33, 3], [35, 33], [37, 36], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 37], [41, 40], [47, 4], [48, 47], [50, 3], [51, 49], [52, 50], [54, 53], [55, 54], [56, 55], [57, 54], [58, 57], [64, 5], [65, 3], [67, 65], [69, 68], [70, 69], [71, 70], [72, 69], [73, 72], [81, 45], [81, 17], [81, 62], [81, 77], [81, 31], [81, 79]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/a8f8276787c4185a93930599d5dfa5aa313096a2f3840107d4eb8b9989b135f3_a8f8276787c4185a93930599d5dfa5aa313096a2f3840107d4eb8b9989b135f3.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_401A27", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_401A27(pthread_attr_t *a1, int a2, const cpu_set_t *a3)\n{\nint v3; // edx\nint v4; // ecx\nint v5; // er8\nint v6; // er9\n__int64 result; // rax\nint v8; // edx\nint v9; // ecx\nint v10; // er8\nint v11; // er9\nint v12; // edx\nint v13; // ecx\nint v14; // er8\nint v15; // er9\nint v16; // edx\nint v17; // ecx\nint v18; // er8\nint v19; // er9\nint v20; // edx\nint v21; // ecx\nint v22; // er8\nint v23; // er9\nstruct sched_param param; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h] BYREF\nint v26; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv26 = pthread_attr_init(a1);\nif ( v26 )\n{\nerror((unsigned int)\"setup_thread_attr: initializing thread attribute: 0x%x\\n\", v26, v3, v4, v5, v6);\nresult = 1LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nv26 = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(a1, 1);\nif ( v26 )\n{\nerror((unsigned int)\"setup_thread_attr: setting attribute policy to SCHED_FIFO: 0x%x\\n\", v26, v8, v9, v10, v11);\nresult = 1LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nv26 = pthread_attr_setinheritsched(a1, 1);\nif ( v26 )\n{\nerror(\n(unsigned int)\"setup_thread_attr: setting explicit scheduling inheritance: 0x%x\\n\",\nv26,\nv12,\nv13,\nv14,\nv15);\nresult = 1LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nparam.__sched_priority = a2;\nv26 = pthread_attr_setschedparam(a1, ¶m);\nif ( v26 )\n{\nerror((unsigned int)\"setup_thread_attr: setting scheduler param: 0x%x\\n\", v26, v16, v17, v18, v19);\nresult = 1LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nv26 = pthread_attr_setaffinity_np(a1, 0x80uLL, a3);\nif ( v26 )\n{\nerror((unsigned int)\"setup_thread_attr: setting affinity attribute: 0x%x\\n\", v26, v20, v21, v22, v23);\nresult = 1LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nresult = 0LL;\n}\n}\n}\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,v8,param,v26,sub_401A27,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'mask', 'a1': 'attr', 'a2': 'prio', 'v8': 'mask', 'param': 'thread_param', 'v26': 'status', 'sub_401A27': 'setup_thread_attr'}"} |
mimeout_addchar | 2639067df99b88f744e9cfab2902ccbfab4419c98de3b7b00cb98a17fe950843 | nurse | nkf | NA | static void
mimeout_addchar(nkf_char c)
switch(mimeout_mode) {
case 'Q':
if (c==CR||c==LF) {
base64_count = 0;
} else if(!nkf_isalnum(c)) {
base64_count += 3;
} else {
case 'B':
base64_count ++;
case 2:
(*o_mputc)(basis_64[((nkf_state->mimeout_state & 0x3)<< 4) | ((c & 0xF0) >> 4)]);
base64_count ++;
case 1:
(*o_mputc)(basis_64[((nkf_state->mimeout_state & 0xF) << 2) | ((c & 0xC0) >>6)]);
(*o_mputc)(basis_64[c & 0x3F]);
base64_count += 2;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40B42B", "function_addr": 4240427, "binary_name": "2639067df99b88f744e9cfab2902ccbfab4419c98de3b7b00cb98a17fe950843.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_4], edi"], [4, "mov eax, cs:dword_44F620"], [5, "cmp eax, 51h "], [6, "jz short loc_40B473"], [7, "cmp eax, 51h "], [8, "jg loc_40B656"], [9, "cmp eax, 42h "], [10, "jz loc_40B543"], [11, "cmp eax, 42h "], [12, "jg loc_40B656"], [13, "cmp eax, 1"], [14, "jz loc_40B5EA"], [15, "cmp eax, 2"], [16, "jz loc_40B58B"], [17, "jmp loc_40B656"], [18, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0Dh"], [19, "jz short loc_40B47F"], [20, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0Ah"], [21, "jnz short loc_40B49C"], [22, "mov rdx, cs:off_447388"], [23, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [24, "mov edi, eax"], [25, "call rdx "], [26, "mov cs:dword_44F624, 0"], [27, "jmp loc_40B53E"], [28, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 2Fh "], [29, "jle short loc_40B4A8"], [30, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 39h "], [31, "jle short loc_40B51C"], [32, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 60h "], [33, "jle short loc_40B4B4"], [34, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 7Ah "], [35, "jle short loc_40B51C"], [36, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 40h "], [37, "jle short loc_40B4C0"], [38, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 5Ah "], [39, "jle short loc_40B51C"], [40, "mov rax, cs:off_447388"], [41, "mov edi, 3Dh "], [42, "call rax "], [43, "mov rdx, cs:off_447388"], [44, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [45, "sar eax, 4"], [46, "and eax, 0Fh"], [47, "cdqe"], [48, "movzx eax, ds:byte_41156D[rax]"], [49, "movsx eax, al"], [50, "mov edi, eax"], [51, "call rdx "], [52, "mov rdx, cs:off_447388"], [53, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [54, "and eax, 0Fh"], [55, "cdqe"], [56, "movzx eax, ds:byte_41156D[rax]"], [57, "movsx eax, al"], [58, "mov edi, eax"], [59, "call rdx "], [60, "mov eax, cs:dword_44F624"], [61, "add eax, 3"], [62, "mov cs:dword_44F624, eax"], [63, "jmp short loc_40B53E"], [64, "mov rdx, cs:off_447388"], [65, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [66, "mov edi, eax"], [67, "call rdx "], [68, "mov eax, cs:dword_44F624"], [69, "add eax, 1"], [70, "mov cs:dword_44F624, eax"], [71, "jmp loc_40B674"], [72, "jmp loc_40B674"], [73, "mov rax, cs:qword_44F668"], [74, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [75, "mov [rax+18h], edx"], [76, "mov rdx, cs:off_447388"], [77, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [78, "sar eax, 2"], [79, "cdqe"], [80, "movzx eax, ds:byte_412440[rax]"], [81, "movsx eax, al"], [82, "mov edi, eax"], [83, "call rdx "], [84, "mov cs:dword_44F620, 2"], [85, "mov eax, cs:dword_44F624"], [86, "add eax, 1"], [87, "mov cs:dword_44F624, eax"], [88, "jmp loc_40B674"], [89, "mov rdx, cs:off_447388"], [90, "mov rax, cs:qword_44F668"], [91, "mov eax, [rax+18h]"], [92, "shl eax, 4"], [93, "and eax, 30h"], [94, "mov ecx, eax"], [95, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [96, "sar eax, 4"], [97, "and eax, 0Fh"], [98, "or eax, ecx"], [99, "cdqe"], [100, "movzx eax, ds:byte_412440[rax]"], [101, "movsx eax, al"], [102, "mov edi, eax"], [103, "call rdx "], [104, "mov rax, cs:qword_44F668"], [105, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [106, "mov [rax+18h], edx"], [107, "mov cs:dword_44F620, 1"], [108, "mov eax, cs:dword_44F624"], [109, "add eax, 1"], [110, "mov cs:dword_44F624, eax"], [111, "jmp loc_40B674"], [112, "mov rdx, cs:off_447388"], [113, "mov rax, cs:qword_44F668"], [114, "mov eax, [rax+18h]"], [115, "shl eax, 2"], [116, "and eax, 3Ch"], [117, "mov ecx, eax"], [118, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [119, "sar eax, 6"], [120, "and eax, 3"], [121, "or eax, ecx"], [122, "cdqe"], [123, "movzx eax, ds:byte_412440[rax]"], [124, "movsx eax, al"], [125, "mov edi, eax"], [126, "call rdx "], [127, "mov rdx, cs:off_447388"], [128, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [129, "and eax, 3Fh"], [130, "cdqe"], [131, "movzx eax, ds:byte_412440[rax]"], [132, "movsx eax, al"], [133, "mov edi, eax"], [134, "call rdx "], [135, "mov cs:dword_44F620, 42h "], [136, "mov eax, cs:dword_44F624"], [137, "add eax, 2"], [138, "mov cs:dword_44F624, eax"], [139, "jmp short loc_40B674"], [140, "mov rdx, cs:off_447388"], [141, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [142, "mov edi, eax"], [143, "call rdx "], [144, "mov eax, cs:dword_44F624"], [145, "add eax, 1"], [146, "mov cs:dword_44F624, eax"], [147, "nop"], [148, "nop"], [149, "leave"], [150, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 4], [8, 7], [9, 4], [10, 9], [11, 4], [12, 11], [13, 4], [14, 13], [15, 4], [16, 15], [18, 3], [19, 18], [20, 3], [21, 20], [23, 3], [24, 23], [25, 22], [28, 3], [29, 28], [30, 3], [31, 30], [32, 3], [33, 32], [34, 3], [35, 34], [36, 3], [37, 36], [38, 3], [39, 38], [42, 40], [44, 3], [45, 44], [46, 45], [49, 48], [50, 49], [51, 43], [53, 3], [54, 53], [57, 56], [58, 57], [59, 52], [61, 60], [62, 61], [65, 3], [66, 65], [67, 64], [69, 68], [70, 69], [74, 3], [75, 74], [75, 73], [77, 3], [78, 77], [81, 80], [82, 81], [83, 76], [86, 85], [87, 86], [91, 90], [92, 91], [93, 92], [94, 93], [95, 3], [96, 95], [97, 96], [98, 94], [98, 97], [101, 100], [102, 101], [103, 89], [105, 3], [106, 104], [106, 105], [109, 108], [110, 109], [114, 113], [115, 114], [116, 115], [117, 116], [118, 3], [119, 118], [120, 119], [121, 120], [121, 117], [124, 123], [125, 124], [126, 112], [128, 3], [129, 128], [132, 131], [133, 132], [134, 127], [137, 136], [138, 137], [141, 3], [142, 141], [143, 140], [145, 144], [146, 145], [150, 86], [150, 61], [150, 109], [150, 145], [150, 69], [150, 25], [150, 137]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/2639067df99b88f744e9cfab2902ccbfab4419c98de3b7b00cb98a17fe950843_2639067df99b88f744e9cfab2902ccbfab4419c98de3b7b00cb98a17fe950843.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40B42B", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_40B42B(int a1)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nif ( dword_44F620 == 81 )\n{\nif ( a1 == 13 || a1 == 10 )\n{\nresult = off_447388((unsigned int)a1);\ndword_44F624 = 0;\nreturn result;\n}\nif ( (a1 <= 47 || a1 > 57) && (a1 <= 96 || a1 > 122) && (a1 <= 64 || a1 > 90) )\n{\noff_447388(61LL);\noff_447388((unsigned int)byte_41156D[(a1 >> 4) & 0xF]);\noff_447388((unsigned int)byte_41156D[a1 & 0xF]);\nresult = (unsigned int)(dword_44F624 + 3);\ndword_44F624 += 3;\nreturn result;\n}\n}\nelse if ( dword_44F620 <= 81 )\n{\nif ( dword_44F620 == 66 )\n{\n*(_DWORD *)(qword_44F668 + 24) = a1;\noff_447388((unsigned int)byte_412440[a1 >> 2]);\ndword_44F620 = 2;\nreturn (unsigned int)++dword_44F624;\n}\nif ( dword_44F620 <= 66 )\n{\nif ( dword_44F620 == 1 )\n{\noff_447388((unsigned int)byte_412440[(4 * (unsigned __int8)*(_DWORD *)(qword_44F668 + 24)) & 0x3C | (a1 >> 6) & 3]);\noff_447388((unsigned int)byte_412440[a1 & 0x3F]);\ndword_44F620 = 66;\nresult = (unsigned int)(dword_44F624 + 2);\ndword_44F624 += 2;\nreturn result;\n}\nif ( dword_44F620 == 2 )\n{\noff_447388((unsigned int)byte_412440[(16 * (unsigned __int8)*(_DWORD *)(qword_44F668 + 24)) & 0x30 | (a1 >> 4) & 0xF]);\n*(_DWORD *)(qword_44F668 + 24) = a1;\ndword_44F620 = 1;\nreturn (unsigned int)++dword_44F624;\n}\n}\n}\noff_447388((unsigned int)a1);\nreturn (unsigned int)++dword_44F624;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_40B42B,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'c', 'sub_40B42B': 'mimeout_addchar'}"} |
check_port_rx_usable | b6b1d4ce71d46a6bbf8f339f10e3b6ea6476d3eaf56723ba311ef10999c61f75 | cisco | exanic-software | NA | static int check_port_rx_usable(exanic_t *exanic, int port_number)
if (port_number < 0 || port_number >= exanic->num_ports)
exanic_err_printf("invalid port number");
return -1;
if ((exanic->registers[REG_PORT_INDEX(port_number, REG_PORT_STATUS)]
exanic_err_printf("port not supported by hardware");
return -1;
return 0;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_403466", "function_addr": 4207718, "binary_name": "b6b1d4ce71d46a6bbf8f339f10e3b6ea6476d3eaf56723ba311ef10999c61f75.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_C], esi"], [5, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 0"], [6, "js short loc_40348C"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [8, "mov edx, [rax+0A8h]"], [9, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [10, "cmp edx, eax"], [11, "ja short loc_4034A4"], [12, "lea rdi, aInvalidPortNum_0"], [13, "mov eax, 0"], [14, "call sub_4026A7"], [15, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [16, "jmp short locret_40350A"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [18, "mov rdx, [rax+10h]"], [19, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 7"], [20, "jle short loc_4034CC"], [21, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [22, "sub eax, 8"], [23, "shl eax, 4"], [24, "add eax, 2"], [25, "cdqe"], [26, "add rax, 480h"], [27, "shl rax, 2"], [28, "jmp short loc_4034DF"], [29, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [30, "shl eax, 4"], [31, "add eax, 2"], [32, "cdqe"], [33, "sub rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFF80h"], [34, "shl rax, 2"], [35, "add rax, rdx"], [36, "mov eax, [rax]"], [37, "and eax, 81000000h"], [38, "test eax, eax"], [39, "jz short loc_403505"], [40, "lea rdi, aPortNotSupport"], [41, "mov eax, 0"], [42, "call sub_4026A7"], [43, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [44, "jmp short locret_40350A"], [45, "mov eax, 0"], [46, "leave"], [47, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 3], [8, 7], [9, 4], [10, 9], [10, 8], [11, 10], [17, 3], [18, 17], [19, 4], [20, 19], [21, 4], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 23], [26, 24], [27, 26], [29, 4], [30, 29], [31, 30], [33, 31], [34, 33], [35, 27], [35, 34], [35, 18], [36, 35], [37, 36], [38, 37], [39, 38], [47, 43], [47, 15], [47, 45]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/b6b1d4ce71d46a6bbf8f339f10e3b6ea6476d3eaf56723ba311ef10999c61f75_b6b1d4ce71d46a6bbf8f339f10e3b6ea6476d3eaf56723ba311ef10999c61f75.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_403466", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_403466(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5, __int64 a6)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v7; // rdx\n__int64 v8; // rax\n\nif ( (int)a2 >= 0 && (a3 = *(unsigned int *)(a1 + 168), (unsigned int)a3 > (unsigned int)a2) )\n{\nv7 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16);\nif ( (int)a2 <= 7 )\nv8 = 16 * (int)a2 + 2 + 128LL;\nelse\nv8 = 16 * ((int)a2 - 8) + 2 + 1152LL;\nif ( (*(_DWORD *)(v7 + 4 * v8) & 0x81000000) != 0 )\n{\nsub_4026A7(\"port not supported by hardware\", a2, v7, a4, a5, a6);\nresult = 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\n}\nelse\n{\nresult = 0LL;\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_4026A7(\"invalid port number\", a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);\nresult = 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_403466,sub_4026A7,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'exanic', 'a2': 'port_number', 'sub_403466': 'check_port_rx_usable', 'sub_4026A7': 'exanic_err_printf'}"} |
select_invalidate_netlist | 6e348e984bd63ac982d83dafa4e61fb9925c759b418264e141a667eb3a0dba17 | RTimothyEdwards | XCircuit | NA | void select_invalidate_netlist()
int i;
Boolean netcheck = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < areawin->selects; i++) {
genericptr gptr = SELTOGENERIC(areawin->selectlist + i);
switch (gptr->type) {
if (!nonnetwork(TOPOLY(&gptr)))
netcheck = TRUE;
case LABEL:
if ((TOLABEL(&gptr))->pin == LOCAL || (TOLABEL(&gptr))->pin == GLOBAL)
netcheck = TRUE;
if ((TOOBJINST(&gptr))->thisobject->schemtype != NONETWORK)
netcheck = TRUE;
if (netcheck) invalidate_netlist(topobject);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4555BD", "function_addr": 4543933, "binary_name": "6e348e984bd63ac982d83dafa4e61fb9925c759b418264e141a667eb3a0dba17.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_5], 0"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [5, "jmp loc_4556F2"], [6, "mov rax, cs:qword_4E6B90"], [7, "mov rax, [rax+0E0h]"], [8, "test rax, rax"], [9, "jnz short loc_455627"], [10, "mov rax, cs:qword_4E6B90"], [11, "mov rax, [rax+0C0h]"], [12, "mov rax, [rax+20h]"], [13, "mov rdx, [rax+68h]"], [14, "mov rax, cs:qword_4E6B90"], [15, "mov rcx, [rax+0B0h]"], [16, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [17, "cdqe"], [18, "add rax, rax"], [19, "add rax, rcx"], [20, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax]"], [21, "movsx rax, ax"], [22, "shl rax, 3"], [23, "add rax, rdx"], [24, "jmp short loc_455667"], [25, "mov rax, cs:qword_4E6B90"], [26, "mov rax, [rax+0E0h]"], [27, "mov rax, [rax]"], [28, "mov rax, [rax+20h]"], [29, "mov rdx, [rax+68h]"], [30, "mov rax, cs:qword_4E6B90"], [31, "mov rcx, [rax+0B0h]"], [32, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [33, "cdqe"], [34, "add rax, rax"], [35, "add rax, rcx"], [36, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax]"], [37, "movsx rax, ax"], [38, "shl rax, 3"], [39, "add rax, rdx"], [40, "mov rax, [rax]"], [41, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [42, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [43, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax]"], [44, "movzx eax, ax"], [45, "cmp eax, 4"], [46, "jz short loc_45568E"], [47, "cmp eax, 4"], [48, "jg short loc_4556EE"], [49, "cmp eax, 1"], [50, "jz short loc_4556CB"], [51, "cmp eax, 2"], [52, "jz short loc_4556A7"], [53, "jmp short loc_4556EE"], [54, "lea rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [55, "mov rax, [rax]"], [56, "mov rdi, rax"], [57, "call sub_455890"], [58, "test al, al"], [59, "jnz short loc_4556E7"], [60, "mov [rbp+var_5], 1"], [61, "jmp short loc_4556E7"], [62, "lea rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [63, "mov rax, [rax]"], [64, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+26h]"], [65, "cmp al, 1"], [66, "jz short loc_4556C5"], [67, "lea rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [68, "mov rax, [rax]"], [69, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+26h]"], [70, "cmp al, 2"], [71, "jnz short loc_4556EA"], [72, "mov [rbp+var_5], 1"], [73, "jmp short loc_4556EA"], [74, "lea rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [75, "mov rax, [rax]"], [76, "mov rax, [rax+20h]"], [77, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+88h]"], [78, "cmp al, 5"], [79, "jz short loc_4556ED"], [80, "mov [rbp+var_5], 1"], [81, "jmp short loc_4556ED"], [82, "nop"], [83, "jmp short loc_4556EE"], [84, "nop"], [85, "jmp short loc_4556EE"], [86, "nop"], [87, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [88, "mov rax, cs:qword_4E6B90"], [89, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+0AAh]"], [90, "cwde"], [91, "cmp [rbp+var_4], eax"], [92, "jl loc_4555D5"], [93, "cmp [rbp+var_5], 0"], [94, "jz short loc_45572A"], [95, "mov rax, cs:qword_4E6B90"], [96, "mov rax, [rax+0C0h]"], [97, "mov rax, [rax+20h]"], [98, "mov rdi, rax"], [99, "call sub_455575"], [100, "nop"], [101, "leave"], [102, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 8], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [15, 14], [16, 87], [16, 4], [18, 16], [19, 18], [19, 15], [20, 19], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 13], [23, 22], [26, 25], [27, 26], [28, 27], [29, 28], [31, 30], [32, 87], [32, 4], [34, 32], [35, 34], [35, 31], [36, 35], [37, 36], [38, 37], [39, 29], [39, 38], [40, 23], [40, 39], [41, 40], [42, 41], [43, 42], [44, 43], [45, 44], [46, 45], [47, 44], [48, 47], [49, 44], [50, 49], [51, 44], [52, 51], [54, 44], [54, 41], [55, 54], [56, 55], [58, 57], [59, 58], [62, 44], [62, 41], [63, 62], [64, 63], [65, 64], [66, 65], [67, 64], [67, 41], [68, 67], [69, 68], [70, 69], [71, 70], [74, 41], [74, 44], [75, 74], [76, 75], [77, 76], [78, 77], [79, 78], [87, 4], [87, 87], [89, 88], [91, 89], [91, 4], [91, 87], [92, 91], [93, 72], [93, 3], [93, 60], [93, 80], [94, 93], [96, 95], [97, 96], [98, 97], [102, 89], [102, 99]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/6e348e984bd63ac982d83dafa4e61fb9925c759b418264e141a667eb3a0dba17_6e348e984bd63ac982d83dafa4e61fb9925c759b418264e141a667eb3a0dba17.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4555BD", "query": "\n\n\nint sub_4555BD()\n{\n__int64 v0; // rdx\nint v1; // eax\nint result; // eax\nunsigned __int16 *v3; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-10h]\nchar v4; // [rsp+Bh] [rbp-5h]\nint i; // [rsp+Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv4 = 0;\nfor ( i = 0; ; ++i )\n{\nresult = *(__int16 *)(qword_4E6B90 + 170);\nif ( i >= (__int16)result )\nbreak;\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(qword_4E6B90 + 224) )\nv0 = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(**(_QWORD **)(qword_4E6B90 + 224) + 32LL) + 104LL);\nelse\nv0 = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4E6B90 + 192) + 32LL) + 104LL);\nv3 = *(unsigned __int16 **)(v0 + 8LL * *(__int16 *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4E6B90 + 176) + 2LL * i));\nv1 = *v3;\nif ( v1 == 4 )\n{\nif ( !(unsigned __int8)sub_455890(v3) )\nv4 = 1;\n}\nelse if ( *v3 <= 4u )\n{\nif ( v1 == 1 )\n{\nif ( *(_BYTE *)(*((_QWORD *)v3 + 4) + 136LL) != 5 )\nv4 = 1;\n}\nelse if ( v1 == 2 && (*((_BYTE *)v3 + 38) == 1 || *((_BYTE *)v3 + 38) == 2) )\n{\nv4 = 1;\n}\n}\n}\nif ( v4 )\nresult = sub_455575(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4E6B90 + 192) + 32LL));\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[v3,v4,sub_4555BD,sub_455890,sub_455575,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'v3': 'gptr', 'v4': 'netcheck', 'sub_4555BD': 'select_invalidate_netlist', 'sub_455890': 'nonnetwork', 'sub_455575': 'invalidate_netlist'}"} |
main | 0c3ad03f1bf5aa03d5b3922e6908f26941797ad4eb6efabb73b5eb9783420e0a | cyrusimap | cyrus-imapd | NA | int main(int argc, char **argv)
size_t alloc = default_alloc;
char *ptr = NULL;
if (argc > 1) {
alloc = strtoull(argv[1], NULL, 10);
printf("allocating %zu bytes\n", alloc);
/* big allocation to help detect core truncation */
ptr = malloc(alloc);
(void) ptr;
/* never get here */
return 0;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "main", "function_addr": 4198754, "binary_name": "0c3ad03f1bf5aa03d5b3922e6908f26941797ad4eb6efabb73b5eb9783420e0a.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_14], edi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_20], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+size], 0A00000h"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [7, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 1"], [8, "jle short loc_4011A8"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [10, "add rax, 8"], [11, "mov rax, [rax]"], [12, "mov edx, 0Ah"], [13, "mov esi, 0"], [14, "mov rdi, rax"], [15, "call _strtoull"], [16, "mov [rbp+size], rax"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+size]"], [18, "mov rsi, rax"], [19, "lea rdi, format"], [20, "mov eax, 0"], [21, "call _printf"], [22, "mov rax, [rbp+size]"], [23, "mov rdi, rax"], [24, "call _malloc"], [25, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [26, "mov edi, 1"], [27, "call _sleep"], [28, "call _abort"]], "data_dep": [[7, 3], [8, 7], [9, 4], [10, 9], [11, 10], [14, 11], [16, 15], [17, 16], [17, 5], [18, 17], [19, 14], [22, 5], [22, 16], [23, 22], [25, 24]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/0c3ad03f1bf5aa03d5b3922e6908f26941797ad4eb6efabb73b5eb9783420e0a_0c3ad03f1bf5aa03d5b3922e6908f26941797ad4eb6efabb73b5eb9783420e0a.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "main", "query": "\n\n\nvoid __fastcall __noreturn main(int a1, char **a2, char **a3)\n{\nunsigned __int64 size; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\n\nsize = 10485760LL;\nif ( a1 > 1 )\nsize = strtoull(a2[1], 0LL, 10);\nprintf(\"allocating %zu bytes\\n\", size);\nmalloc(size);\nsleep(1u);\nabort();\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a2,a3,a1,size,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a2': 'argv', 'a3': 'envp', 'a1': 'argc', 'size': 'alloc'}"} |
signExtend4Bit | 931c278d0b68437a79e08a32fefeb6df2cef5793afd5fc8cd5672b66592d3d07 | cleanflight | blackbox-tools | NA | int32_t signExtend4Bit(uint8_t nibble)
//If sign bit is set, fill the top bits with 1s to sign-extend
return (nibble & 0x08) ? (int32_t) (int8_t) (nibble | 0xF0) : nibble;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40507B", "function_addr": 4214907, "binary_name": "931c278d0b68437a79e08a32fefeb6df2cef5793afd5fc8cd5672b66592d3d07.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov eax, edi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_4], al"], [4, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [5, "and eax, 8"], [6, "test eax, eax"], [7, "jz short loc_40509B"], [8, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [9, "or eax, 0FFFFFFF0h"], [10, "movsx eax, al"], [11, "jmp short loc_40509F"], [12, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [13, "pop rbp"], [14, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[3, 2], [4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 3], [9, 8], [10, 9], [12, 3], [13, 0], [14, 10], [14, 12]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/931c278d0b68437a79e08a32fefeb6df2cef5793afd5fc8cd5672b66592d3d07_931c278d0b68437a79e08a32fefeb6df2cef5793afd5fc8cd5672b66592d3d07.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40507B", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_40507B(unsigned __int8 a1)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nif ( (a1 & 8) != 0 )\nresult = (unsigned int)(char)(a1 | 0xF0);\nelse\nresult = a1;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_40507B,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'nibble', 'sub_40507B': 'signExtend4Bit'}"} |
outTl | 930347469bac9183375198619f076dc6688ca59a864a7ef93d32908a415faf71 | deadpixi | sam | NA | void
outTl(Hmesg type, int64_t l)
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40B20C", "function_addr": 4239884, "binary_name": "930347469bac9183375198619f076dc6688ca59a864a7ef93d32908a415faf71.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_4], edi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [5, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [6, "mov edi, eax"], [7, "call sub_40B488"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [9, "mov rdi, rax"], [10, "call sub_40B533"], [11, "call sub_40B63D"], [12, "nop"], [13, "leave"], [14, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 3], [6, 5], [8, 4], [9, 8], [14, 11]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/930347469bac9183375198619f076dc6688ca59a864a7ef93d32908a415faf71_930347469bac9183375198619f076dc6688ca59a864a7ef93d32908a415faf71.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40B20C", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_40B20C(unsigned int a1, __int64 a2)\n{\nsub_40B488(a1);\nsub_40B533(a2);\nreturn sub_40B63D();\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_40B20C,sub_40B488,sub_40B533,sub_40B63D,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'type', 'a2': 'l', 'sub_40B20C': 'outTl', 'sub_40B488': 'outstart', 'sub_40B533': 'outlong', 'sub_40B63D': 'outsend'}"} |
combined_mulntt512_rev | 978d1074b6bf2ede5bb1e3064f9fececeb3d153b2dd167a68ee9378cc86b4218 | SRI-CSL | NTT | NA | static void combined_mulntt512_rev(int32_t *a) {
mulntt_ct_std2rev(a, 512, rev_shoup_scaled_ntt512_12289);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40248F", "function_addr": 4203663, "binary_name": "978d1074b6bf2ede5bb1e3064f9fececeb3d153b2dd167a68ee9378cc86b4218.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [5, "mov edx, offset unk_406FC0"], [6, "mov esi, 200h"], [7, "mov rdi, rax"], [8, "call sub_403DA2"], [9, "nop"], [10, "leave"], [11, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [7, 4], [11, 8]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/978d1074b6bf2ede5bb1e3064f9fececeb3d153b2dd167a68ee9378cc86b4218_978d1074b6bf2ede5bb1e3064f9fececeb3d153b2dd167a68ee9378cc86b4218.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40248F", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_40248F(__int64 a1)\n{\nreturn sub_403DA2(a1, 512LL, &unk_406FC0);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_40248F,sub_403DA2,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'a', 'sub_40248F': 'combined_mulntt512_rev', 'sub_403DA2': 'mulntt_ct_std2rev'}"} |
init_parser | d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750 | AonCyberLabs | D-Modem | NA | static pj_status_t init_parser()
pj_status_t status;
* Syntax error exception number.
pj_assert (PJSIP_SYN_ERR_EXCEPTION == -1);
status = pj_exception_id_alloc("PJSIP syntax error",
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
* Invalid value exception.
status = pj_exception_id_alloc("PJSIP invalid value error",
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
* Init character input spec (cis)
status = pj_cis_init(&cis_buf, &pconst.pjsip_DIGIT_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pj_cis_init(&cis_buf, &pconst.pjsip_ALPHA_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_alpha( &pconst.pjsip_ALPHA_SPEC );
status = pj_cis_init(&cis_buf, &pconst.pjsip_ALNUM_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_alpha( &pconst.pjsip_ALNUM_SPEC );
pj_cis_add_num( &pconst.pjsip_ALNUM_SPEC );
status = pj_cis_init(&cis_buf, &pconst.pjsip_NOT_NEWLINE);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str(&pconst.pjsip_NOT_NEWLINE, "\r\n");
status = pj_cis_init(&cis_buf, &pconst.pjsip_NOT_COMMA_OR_NEWLINE);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str( &pconst.pjsip_NOT_COMMA_OR_NEWLINE, ",\r\n");
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_TOKEN_SPEC, &pconst.pjsip_ALNUM_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str( &pconst.pjsip_TOKEN_SPEC, TOKEN);
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_TOKEN_SPEC_ESC, &pconst.pjsip_TOKEN_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_del_str(&pconst.pjsip_TOKEN_SPEC_ESC, "%");
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_VIA_PARAM_SPEC, &pconst.pjsip_TOKEN_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str(&pconst.pjsip_VIA_PARAM_SPEC, "[:]");
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_VIA_PARAM_SPEC_ESC, &pconst.pjsip_TOKEN_SPEC_ESC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str(&pconst.pjsip_VIA_PARAM_SPEC_ESC, "[:]");
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_HOST_SPEC, &pconst.pjsip_ALNUM_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str( &pconst.pjsip_HOST_SPEC, HOST);
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_HEX_SPEC, &pconst.pjsip_DIGIT_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str( &pconst.pjsip_HEX_SPEC, HEX_DIGIT);
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_PARAM_CHAR_SPEC, &pconst.pjsip_ALNUM_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str(&pconst.pjsip_PARAM_CHAR_SPEC, PARAM_CHAR);
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_PARAM_CHAR_SPEC_ESC, &pconst.pjsip_PARAM_CHAR_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_del_str(&pconst.pjsip_PARAM_CHAR_SPEC_ESC, ESCAPED);
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_HDR_CHAR_SPEC, &pconst.pjsip_ALNUM_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str(&pconst.pjsip_HDR_CHAR_SPEC, HDR_CHAR);
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_HDR_CHAR_SPEC_ESC, &pconst.pjsip_HDR_CHAR_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_del_str(&pconst.pjsip_HDR_CHAR_SPEC_ESC, ESCAPED);
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_USER_SPEC, &pconst.pjsip_ALNUM_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str( &pconst.pjsip_USER_SPEC, UNRESERVED ESCAPED USER_UNRESERVED );
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_USER_SPEC_ESC, &pconst.pjsip_USER_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_del_str( &pconst.pjsip_USER_SPEC_ESC, ESCAPED);
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_USER_SPEC_LENIENT, &pconst.pjsip_USER_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str(&pconst.pjsip_USER_SPEC_LENIENT, "#");
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_USER_SPEC_LENIENT_ESC, &pconst.pjsip_USER_SPEC_ESC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str(&pconst.pjsip_USER_SPEC_LENIENT_ESC, "#");
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_PASSWD_SPEC, &pconst.pjsip_ALNUM_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str( &pconst.pjsip_PASSWD_SPEC, UNRESERVED ESCAPED PASS);
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_PASSWD_SPEC_ESC, &pconst.pjsip_PASSWD_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_del_str( &pconst.pjsip_PASSWD_SPEC_ESC, ESCAPED);
status = pj_cis_init(&cis_buf, &pconst.pjsip_PROBE_USER_HOST_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str( &pconst.pjsip_PROBE_USER_HOST_SPEC, "@ \n>");
pj_cis_invert( &pconst.pjsip_PROBE_USER_HOST_SPEC );
status = pj_cis_init(&cis_buf, &pconst.pjsip_DISPLAY_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str( &pconst.pjsip_DISPLAY_SPEC, ":\r\n<");
status = pj_cis_dup(&pconst.pjsip_OTHER_URI_CONTENT, &pconst.pjsip_ALNUM_SPEC);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
pj_cis_add_str( &pconst.pjsip_OTHER_URI_CONTENT, GENERIC_URI_CHARS);
* Register URI parsers.
status = pjsip_register_uri_parser("sip", &int_parse_sip_url);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_uri_parser("sips", &int_parse_sip_url);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
* Register header parsers.
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Accept", NULL, &parse_hdr_accept);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Allow", NULL, &parse_hdr_allow);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Call-ID", "i", &parse_hdr_call_id);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Contact", "m", &parse_hdr_contact);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Content-Length", "l",
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Content-Type", "c",
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "CSeq", NULL, &parse_hdr_cseq);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Expires", NULL, &parse_hdr_expires);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "From", "f", &parse_hdr_from);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Max-Forwards", NULL,
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Min-Expires", NULL,
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Record-Route", NULL, &parse_hdr_rr);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Route", NULL, &parse_hdr_route);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Require", NULL, &parse_hdr_require);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Retry-After", NULL,
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Supported", "k",
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "To", "t", &parse_hdr_to);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Unsupported", NULL,
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
status = pjsip_register_hdr_parser( "Via", "v", &parse_hdr_via);
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, status);
* Register auth parser.
status = pjsip_auth_init_parser();
return status;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_41ECF9", "function_addr": 4320505, "binary_name": "d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CAC00"], [4, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [5, "jz short loc_41ED25"], [6, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [7, "mov edx, 14Fh"], [8, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [9, "mov edi, offset aPjsipSynErrExc"], [10, "call ___assert_fail"], [11, "mov esi, offset dword_4CAC00"], [12, "mov edi, offset aPjsipSyntaxErr"], [13, "call sub_486CC5"], [14, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [15, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [16, "jz short loc_41ED64"], [17, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [18, "jz short loc_41ED5C"], [19, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [20, "mov edx, 152h"], [21, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [22, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [23, "call ___assert_fail"], [24, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [25, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [26, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CAC04"], [27, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFEh"], [28, "jz short loc_41ED88"], [29, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [30, "mov edx, 157h"], [31, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [32, "mov edi, offset aPjsipEinvalErr"], [33, "call ___assert_fail"], [34, "mov esi, offset dword_4CAC04"], [35, "mov edi, offset aPjsipInvalidVa"], [36, "call sub_486CC5"], [37, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [38, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [39, "jz short loc_41EDC7"], [40, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [41, "jz short loc_41EDBF"], [42, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [43, "mov edx, 15Ah"], [44, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [45, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [46, "call ___assert_fail"], [47, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [48, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [49, "mov edi, offset unk_7B32E0"], [50, "call sub_46E649"], [51, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAD20"], [52, "mov edi, offset unk_7B32E0"], [53, "call sub_46E677"], [54, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [55, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [56, "jz short loc_41EE10"], [57, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [58, "jz short loc_41EE08"], [59, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [60, "mov edx, 163h"], [61, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [62, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [63, "call ___assert_fail"], [64, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [65, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [66, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD20"], [67, "call sub_46E8EE"], [68, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAD30"], [69, "mov edi, offset unk_7B32E0"], [70, "call sub_46E677"], [71, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [72, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [73, "jz short loc_41EE59"], [74, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [75, "jz short loc_41EE51"], [76, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [77, "mov edx, 167h"], [78, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [79, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [80, "call ___assert_fail"], [81, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [82, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [83, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD30"], [84, "call sub_46E8B3"], [85, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAD40"], [86, "mov edi, offset unk_7B32E0"], [87, "call sub_46E677"], [88, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [89, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [90, "jz short loc_41EEA2"], [91, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [92, "jz short loc_41EE9A"], [93, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [94, "mov edx, 16Bh"], [95, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [96, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [97, "call ___assert_fail"], [98, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [99, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [100, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD40"], [101, "call sub_46E8B3"], [102, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD40"], [103, "call sub_46E8EE"], [104, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAE50"], [105, "mov edi, offset unk_7B32E0"], [106, "call sub_46E677"], [107, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [108, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [109, "jz short loc_41EEF5"], [110, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [111, "jz short loc_41EEED"], [112, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [113, "mov edx, 170h"], [114, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [115, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [116, "call ___assert_fail"], [117, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [118, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [119, "mov esi, offset asc_496FA3"], [120, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE50"], [121, "call sub_46E913"], [122, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE50"], [123, "call sub_46EAE6"], [124, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAE60"], [125, "mov edi, offset unk_7B32E0"], [126, "call sub_46E677"], [127, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [128, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [129, "jz short loc_41EF4D"], [130, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [131, "jz short loc_41EF45"], [132, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [133, "mov edx, 175h"], [134, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [135, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [136, "call ___assert_fail"], [137, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [138, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [139, "mov esi, offset asc_496FA6"], [140, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE60"], [141, "call sub_46E913"], [142, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE60"], [143, "call sub_46EAE6"], [144, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAD40"], [145, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD50"], [146, "call sub_46E706"], [147, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [148, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [149, "jz short loc_41EFA5"], [150, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [151, "jz short loc_41EF9D"], [152, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [153, "mov edx, 17Ah"], [154, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [155, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [156, "call ___assert_fail"], [157, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [158, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [159, "mov esi, offset asc_496FAA"], [160, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD50"], [161, "call sub_46E913"], [162, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAD50"], [163, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD60"], [164, "call sub_46E706"], [165, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [166, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [167, "jz short loc_41EFF3"], [168, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [169, "jz short loc_41EFEB"], [170, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [171, "mov edx, 17Eh"], [172, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [173, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [174, "call ___assert_fail"], [175, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [176, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [177, "mov esi, offset asc_496FB5"], [178, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD60"], [179, "call sub_46EA76"], [180, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAD50"], [181, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD70"], [182, "call sub_46E706"], [183, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [184, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [185, "jz short loc_41F041"], [186, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [187, "jz short loc_41F039"], [188, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [189, "mov edx, 182h"], [190, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [191, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [192, "call ___assert_fail"], [193, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [194, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [195, "mov esi, offset off_496FB7"], [196, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD70"], [197, "call sub_46E913"], [198, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAD60"], [199, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD80"], [200, "call sub_46E706"], [201, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [202, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [203, "jz short loc_41F08F"], [204, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [205, "jz short loc_41F087"], [206, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [207, "mov edx, 186h"], [208, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [209, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [210, "call ___assert_fail"], [211, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [212, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [213, "mov esi, offset off_496FB7"], [214, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD80"], [215, "call sub_46E913"], [216, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAD40"], [217, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD10"], [218, "call sub_46E706"], [219, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [220, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [221, "jz short loc_41F0DD"], [222, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [223, "jz short loc_41F0D5"], [224, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [225, "mov edx, 18Ah"], [226, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [227, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [228, "call ___assert_fail"], [229, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [230, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [231, "mov esi, offset unk_496FBB"], [232, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD10"], [233, "call sub_46E913"], [234, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAD20"], [235, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD90"], [236, "call sub_46E706"], [237, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [238, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [239, "jz short loc_41F12B"], [240, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [241, "jz short loc_41F123"], [242, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [243, "mov edx, 18Eh"], [244, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [245, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [246, "call ___assert_fail"], [247, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [248, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [249, "mov esi, offset aAbcdefabcdef"], [250, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAD90"], [251, "call sub_46E913"], [252, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAD40"], [253, "mov edi, offset unk_4CADA0"], [254, "call sub_46E706"], [255, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [256, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [257, "jz short loc_41F179"], [258, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [259, "jz short loc_41F171"], [260, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [261, "mov edx, 192h"], [262, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [263, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [264, "call ___assert_fail"], [265, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [266, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [267, "mov esi, offset asc_496FCC"], [268, "mov edi, offset unk_4CADA0"], [269, "call sub_46E913"], [270, "mov esi, offset unk_4CADA0"], [271, "mov edi, offset unk_4CADB0"], [272, "call sub_46E706"], [273, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [274, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [275, "jz short loc_41F1C7"], [276, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [277, "jz short loc_41F1BF"], [278, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [279, "mov edx, 196h"], [280, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [281, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [282, "call ___assert_fail"], [283, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [284, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [285, "mov esi, offset asc_496FB5"], [286, "mov edi, offset unk_4CADB0"], [287, "call sub_46EA76"], [288, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAD40"], [289, "mov edi, offset unk_4CADC0"], [290, "call sub_46E706"], [291, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [292, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [293, "jz short loc_41F215"], [294, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [295, "jz short loc_41F20D"], [296, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [297, "mov edx, 19Ah"], [298, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [299, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [300, "call ___assert_fail"], [301, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [302, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [303, "mov esi, offset asc_496FDE"], [304, "mov edi, offset unk_4CADC0"], [305, "call sub_46E913"], [306, "mov esi, offset unk_4CADC0"], [307, "mov edi, offset unk_4CADD0"], [308, "call sub_46E706"], [309, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [310, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [311, "jz short loc_41F263"], [312, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [313, "jz short loc_41F25B"], [314, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [315, "mov edx, 19Eh"], [316, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [317, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [318, "call ___assert_fail"], [319, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [320, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [321, "mov esi, offset asc_496FB5"], [322, "mov edi, offset unk_4CADD0"], [323, "call sub_46EA76"], [324, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAD40"], [325, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE10"], [326, "call sub_46E706"], [327, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [328, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [329, "jz short loc_41F2B1"], [330, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [331, "jz short loc_41F2A9"], [332, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [333, "mov edx, 1A2h"], [334, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [335, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [336, "call ___assert_fail"], [337, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [338, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [339, "mov esi, offset asc_496FF0"], [340, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE10"], [341, "call sub_46E913"], [342, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAE10"], [343, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE20"], [344, "call sub_46E706"], [345, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [346, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [347, "jz short loc_41F2FF"], [348, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [349, "jz short loc_41F2F7"], [350, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [351, "mov edx, 1A6h"], [352, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [353, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [354, "call ___assert_fail"], [355, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [356, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [357, "mov esi, offset asc_496FB5"], [358, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE20"], [359, "call sub_46EA76"], [360, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAE10"], [361, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE30"], [362, "call sub_46E706"], [363, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [364, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [365, "jz short loc_41F34D"], [366, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [367, "jz short loc_41F345"], [368, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [369, "mov edx, 1AAh"], [370, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [371, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [372, "call ___assert_fail"], [373, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [374, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [375, "mov esi, offset asc_497003"], [376, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE30"], [377, "call sub_46E913"], [378, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAE20"], [379, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE40"], [380, "call sub_46E706"], [381, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [382, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [383, "jz short loc_41F39B"], [384, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [385, "jz short loc_41F393"], [386, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [387, "mov edx, 1AEh"], [388, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [389, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [390, "call ___assert_fail"], [391, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [392, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [393, "mov esi, offset asc_497003"], [394, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE40"], [395, "call sub_46E913"], [396, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAD40"], [397, "mov edi, offset unk_4CADF0"], [398, "call sub_46E706"], [399, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [400, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [401, "jz short loc_41F3E9"], [402, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [403, "jz short loc_41F3E1"], [404, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [405, "mov edx, 1B2h"], [406, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [407, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [408, "call ___assert_fail"], [409, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [410, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [411, "mov esi, offset asc_497005"], [412, "mov edi, offset unk_4CADF0"], [413, "call sub_46E913"], [414, "mov esi, offset unk_4CADF0"], [415, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE00"], [416, "call sub_46E706"], [417, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [418, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [419, "jz short loc_41F437"], [420, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [421, "jz short loc_41F42F"], [422, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [423, "mov edx, 1B6h"], [424, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [425, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [426, "call ___assert_fail"], [427, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [428, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [429, "mov esi, offset asc_496FB5"], [430, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE00"], [431, "call sub_46EA76"], [432, "mov esi, offset unk_4CADE0"], [433, "mov edi, offset unk_7B32E0"], [434, "call sub_46E677"], [435, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [436, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [437, "jz short loc_41F485"], [438, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [439, "jz short loc_41F47D"], [440, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [441, "mov edx, 1BAh"], [442, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [443, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [444, "call ___assert_fail"], [445, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [446, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [447, "mov esi, offset asc_497015"], [448, "mov edi, offset unk_4CADE0"], [449, "call sub_46E913"], [450, "mov edi, offset unk_4CADE0"], [451, "call sub_46EAE6"], [452, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAE70"], [453, "mov edi, offset unk_7B32E0"], [454, "call sub_46E677"], [455, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [456, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [457, "jz short loc_41F4DD"], [458, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [459, "jz short loc_41F4D5"], [460, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [461, "mov edx, 1BFh"], [462, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [463, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [464, "call ___assert_fail"], [465, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [466, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [467, "mov esi, offset asc_49701A"], [468, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE70"], [469, "call sub_46E913"], [470, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE70"], [471, "call sub_46EAE6"], [472, "mov esi, offset unk_4CAD40"], [473, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE80"], [474, "call sub_46E706"], [475, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [476, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [477, "jz short loc_41F535"], [478, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [479, "jz short loc_41F52D"], [480, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [481, "mov edx, 1C4h"], [482, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [483, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [484, "call ___assert_fail"], [485, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [486, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [487, "mov esi, offset asc_49701F"], [488, "mov edi, offset unk_4CAE80"], [489, "call sub_46E913"], [490, "mov esi, offset sub_4213D2"], [491, "mov edi, offset off_496DBF"], [492, "call sub_4200C6"], [493, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [494, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [495, "jz short loc_41F583"], [496, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [497, "jz short loc_41F57B"], [498, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [499, "mov edx, 1CCh"], [500, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [501, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [502, "call ___assert_fail"], [503, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [504, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [505, "mov esi, offset sub_4213D2"], [506, "mov edi, offset aSips_1"], [507, "call sub_4200C6"], [508, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [509, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [510, "jz short loc_41F5C2"], [511, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [512, "jz short loc_41F5BA"], [513, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [514, "mov edx, 1CFh"], [515, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [516, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [517, "call ___assert_fail"], [518, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [519, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [520, "mov edx, offset sub_421F7B"], [521, "mov esi, 0"], [522, "mov edi, offset aAccept_0"], [523, "call sub_41FDA7"], [524, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [525, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [526, "jz short loc_41F606"], [527, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [528, "jz short loc_41F5FE"], [529, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [530, "mov edx, 1D6h"], [531, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [532, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [533, "call ___assert_fail"], [534, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [535, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [536, "mov edx, offset sub_421FB7"], [537, "mov esi, 0"], [538, "mov edi, offset aAllow"], [539, "call sub_41FDA7"], [540, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [541, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [542, "jz short loc_41F64A"], [543, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [544, "jz short loc_41F642"], [545, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [546, "mov edx, 1D9h"], [547, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [548, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [549, "call ___assert_fail"], [550, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [551, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [552, "mov edx, offset sub_421FF3"], [553, "mov esi, offset aI"], [554, "mov edi, offset aCallId"], [555, "call sub_41FDA7"], [556, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [557, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [558, "jz short loc_41F68E"], [559, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [560, "jz short loc_41F686"], [561, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [562, "mov edx, 1DCh"], [563, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [564, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [565, "call ___assert_fail"], [566, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [567, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [568, "mov edx, offset sub_4222E7"], [569, "mov esi, offset aM"], [570, "mov edi, offset aContact_0"], [571, "call sub_41FDA7"], [572, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [573, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [574, "jz short loc_41F6D2"], [575, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [576, "jz short loc_41F6CA"], [577, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [578, "mov edx, 1DFh"], [579, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [580, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [581, "call ___assert_fail"], [582, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [583, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [584, "mov edx, offset sub_4223E3"], [585, "mov esi, offset asc_497057"], [586, "mov edi, offset s2"], [587, "call sub_41FDA7"], [588, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [589, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [590, "jz short loc_41F716"], [591, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [592, "jz short loc_41F70E"], [593, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [594, "mov edx, 1E3h"], [595, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [596, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [597, "call ___assert_fail"], [598, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [599, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [600, "mov edx, offset sub_422465"], [601, "mov esi, offset aC_1"], [602, "mov edi, offset aContentType_1"], [603, "call sub_41FDA7"], [604, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [605, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [606, "jz short loc_41F75A"], [607, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [608, "jz short loc_41F752"], [609, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [610, "mov edx, 1E7h"], [611, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [612, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [613, "call ___assert_fail"], [614, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [615, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [616, "mov edx, offset sub_42256E"], [617, "mov esi, 0"], [618, "mov edi, offset aCseq"], [619, "call sub_41FDA7"], [620, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [621, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [622, "jz short loc_41F79E"], [623, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [624, "jz short loc_41F796"], [625, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [626, "mov edx, 1EAh"], [627, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [628, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [629, "call ___assert_fail"], [630, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [631, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [632, "mov edx, offset sub_422640"], [633, "mov esi, 0"], [634, "mov edi, offset aExpires_0"], [635, "call sub_41FDA7"], [636, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [637, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [638, "jz short loc_41F7E2"], [639, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [640, "jz short loc_41F7DA"], [641, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [642, "mov edx, 1EDh"], [643, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [644, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [645, "call ___assert_fail"], [646, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [647, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [648, "mov edx, offset sub_422789"], [649, "mov esi, offset asc_497084"], [650, "mov edi, offset aFrom_0"], [651, "call sub_41FDA7"], [652, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [653, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [654, "jz short loc_41F826"], [655, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [656, "jz short loc_41F81E"], [657, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [658, "mov edx, 1F0h"], [659, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [660, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [661, "call ___assert_fail"], [662, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [663, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [664, "mov edx, offset sub_422E05"], [665, "mov esi, 0"], [666, "mov edi, offset aMaxForwards"], [667, "call sub_41FDA7"], [668, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [669, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [670, "jz short loc_41F86A"], [671, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [672, "jz short loc_41F862"], [673, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [674, "mov edx, 1F4h"], [675, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [676, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [677, "call ___assert_fail"], [678, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [679, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [680, "mov edx, offset sub_422E66"], [681, "mov esi, 0"], [682, "mov edi, offset aMinExpires"], [683, "call sub_41FDA7"], [684, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [685, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [686, "jz short loc_41F8AE"], [687, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [688, "jz short loc_41F8A6"], [689, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [690, "mov edx, 1F8h"], [691, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [692, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [693, "call ___assert_fail"], [694, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [695, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [696, "mov edx, offset sub_422F55"], [697, "mov esi, 0"], [698, "mov edi, offset aRecordRoute_0"], [699, "call sub_41FDA7"], [700, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [701, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [702, "jz short loc_41F8F2"], [703, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [704, "jz short loc_41F8EA"], [705, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [706, "mov edx, 1FBh"], [707, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [708, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [709, "call ___assert_fail"], [710, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [711, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [712, "mov edx, offset sub_42302B"], [713, "mov esi, 0"], [714, "mov edi, offset aRoute_0"], [715, "call sub_41FDA7"], [716, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [717, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [718, "jz short loc_41F936"], [719, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [720, "jz short loc_41F92E"], [721, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [722, "mov edx, 1FEh"], [723, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [724, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [725, "call ___assert_fail"], [726, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [727, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [728, "mov edx, offset sub_4227ED"], [729, "mov esi, 0"], [730, "mov edi, offset aRequire"], [731, "call sub_41FDA7"], [732, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [733, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [734, "jz short loc_41F97A"], [735, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [736, "jz short loc_41F972"], [737, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [738, "mov edx, 201h"], [739, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [740, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [741, "call ___assert_fail"], [742, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [743, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [744, "mov edx, offset sub_4228BC"], [745, "mov esi, 0"], [746, "mov edi, offset aRetryAfter"], [747, "call sub_41FDA7"], [748, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [749, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [750, "jz short loc_41F9BE"], [751, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [752, "jz short loc_41F9B6"], [753, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [754, "mov edx, 205h"], [755, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [756, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [757, "call ___assert_fail"], [758, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [759, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [760, "mov edx, offset sub_422A42"], [761, "mov esi, offset aK"], [762, "mov edi, offset aSupported"], [763, "call sub_41FDA7"], [764, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [765, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [766, "jz short loc_41FA02"], [767, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [768, "jz short loc_41F9FA"], [769, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [770, "mov edx, 209h"], [771, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [772, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [773, "call ___assert_fail"], [774, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [775, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [776, "mov edx, offset sub_422B11"], [777, "mov esi, offset aT"], [778, "mov edi, offset aTo"], [779, "call sub_41FDA7"], [780, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [781, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [782, "jz short loc_41FA46"], [783, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [784, "jz short loc_41FA3E"], [785, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [786, "mov edx, 20Ch"], [787, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [788, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [789, "call ___assert_fail"], [790, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [791, "jmp locret_41FAD3"], [792, "mov edx, offset sub_422B75"], [793, "mov esi, 0"], [794, "mov edi, offset aUnsupported"], [795, "call sub_41FDA7"], [796, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [797, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [798, "jz short loc_41FA87"], [799, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [800, "jz short loc_41FA82"], [801, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [802, "mov edx, 210h"], [803, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [804, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [805, "call ___assert_fail"], [806, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [807, "jmp short locret_41FAD3"], [808, "mov edx, offset sub_423101"], [809, "mov esi, offset aV"], [810, "mov edi, offset off_4970EA"], [811, "call sub_41FDA7"], [812, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [813, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [814, "jz short loc_41FAC8"], [815, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [816, "jz short loc_41FAC3"], [817, "mov ecx, offset aInitParser"], [818, "mov edx, 213h"], [819, "mov esi, offset aSrcPjsipSipPar"], [820, "mov edi, offset aStatusPjSucces_0"], [821, "call ___assert_fail"], [822, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [823, "jmp short locret_41FAD3"], [824, "call sub_43896A"], [825, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [826, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [827, "leave"], [828, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [14, 13], [15, 14], [16, 15], [17, 14], [18, 17], [24, 14], [27, 26], [28, 27], [37, 36], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 37], [41, 40], [47, 37], [54, 53], [55, 54], [56, 55], [57, 54], [58, 57], [64, 54], [71, 70], [72, 71], [73, 72], [74, 71], [75, 74], [81, 71], [88, 87], [89, 88], [90, 89], [91, 88], [92, 91], [98, 88], [107, 106], [108, 107], [109, 108], [110, 107], [111, 110], [117, 107], [127, 126], [128, 127], [129, 128], [130, 127], [131, 130], [137, 127], [147, 146], [148, 147], [149, 148], [150, 147], [151, 150], [157, 147], [165, 164], [166, 165], [167, 166], [168, 165], [169, 168], [175, 165], [183, 182], [184, 183], [185, 184], [186, 183], [187, 186], [193, 183], [201, 200], [202, 201], [203, 202], [204, 201], [205, 204], [211, 201], [219, 218], [220, 219], [221, 220], [222, 219], [223, 222], [229, 219], [237, 236], [238, 237], [239, 238], [240, 237], [241, 240], [247, 237], [255, 254], [256, 255], [257, 256], [258, 255], [259, 258], [265, 255], [273, 272], [274, 273], [275, 274], [276, 273], [277, 276], [283, 273], [291, 290], [292, 291], [293, 292], [294, 291], [295, 294], [301, 291], [309, 308], [310, 309], [311, 310], [312, 309], [313, 312], [319, 309], [327, 326], [328, 327], [329, 328], [330, 327], [331, 330], [337, 327], [345, 344], [346, 345], [347, 346], [348, 345], [349, 348], [355, 345], [363, 362], [364, 363], [365, 364], [366, 363], [367, 366], [373, 363], [381, 380], [382, 381], [383, 382], [384, 381], [385, 384], [391, 381], [399, 398], [400, 399], [401, 400], [402, 399], [403, 402], [409, 399], [417, 416], [418, 417], [419, 418], [420, 417], [421, 420], [427, 417], [435, 434], [436, 435], [437, 436], [438, 435], [439, 438], [445, 435], [455, 454], [456, 455], [457, 456], [458, 455], [459, 458], [465, 455], [475, 474], [476, 475], [477, 476], [478, 475], [479, 478], [485, 475], [493, 492], [494, 493], [495, 494], [496, 493], [497, 496], [503, 493], [508, 507], [509, 508], [510, 509], [511, 508], [512, 511], [518, 508], [524, 523], [525, 524], [526, 525], [527, 524], [528, 527], [534, 524], [540, 539], [541, 540], [542, 541], [543, 540], [544, 543], [550, 540], [556, 555], [557, 556], [558, 557], [559, 556], [560, 559], [566, 556], [572, 571], [573, 572], [574, 573], [575, 572], [576, 575], [582, 572], [588, 587], [589, 588], [590, 589], [591, 588], [592, 591], [598, 588], [604, 603], [605, 604], [606, 605], [607, 604], [608, 607], [614, 604], [620, 619], [621, 620], [622, 621], [623, 620], [624, 623], [630, 620], [636, 635], [637, 636], [638, 637], [639, 636], [640, 639], [646, 636], [652, 651], [653, 652], [654, 653], [655, 652], [656, 655], [662, 652], [668, 667], [669, 668], [670, 669], [671, 668], [672, 671], [678, 668], [684, 683], [685, 684], [686, 685], [687, 684], [688, 687], [694, 684], [700, 699], [701, 700], [702, 701], [703, 700], [704, 703], [710, 700], [716, 715], [717, 716], [718, 717], [719, 716], [720, 719], [726, 716], [732, 731], [733, 732], [734, 733], [735, 732], [736, 735], [742, 732], [748, 747], [749, 748], [750, 749], [751, 748], [752, 751], [758, 748], [764, 763], [765, 764], [766, 765], [767, 764], [768, 767], [774, 764], [780, 779], [781, 780], [782, 781], [783, 780], [784, 783], [790, 780], [796, 795], [797, 796], [798, 797], [799, 796], [800, 799], [806, 796], [812, 811], [813, 812], [814, 813], [815, 812], [816, 815], [822, 812], [825, 824], [826, 825], [828, 137], [828, 774], [828, 630], [828, 742], [828, 598], [828, 81], [828, 319], [828, 337], [828, 355], [828, 193], [828, 211], [828, 485], [828, 582], [828, 694], [828, 47], [828, 550], [828, 806], [828, 662], [828, 24], [828, 518], [828, 117], [828, 373], [828, 391], [828, 229], [828, 247], [828, 265], [828, 503], [828, 98], [828, 646], [828, 758], [828, 614], [828, 726], [828, 465], [828, 64], [828, 409], [828, 427], [828, 445], [828, 283], [828, 710], [828, 301], [828, 566], [828, 157], [828, 822], [828, 175], [828, 678], [828, 534], [828, 790], [828, 826]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750_d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_41ECF9", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 sub_41ECF9()\n{\nif ( dword_4CAC00 != -1 )\n__assert_fail(\"PJSIP_SYN_ERR_EXCEPTION == -1\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x14Fu, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_486CC5(\"PJSIP syntax error\", &dword_4CAC00) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x152u, \"init_parser\");\nif ( dword_4CAC04 != -2 )\n__assert_fail(\"PJSIP_EINVAL_ERR_EXCEPTION == -2\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x157u, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_486CC5(\"PJSIP invalid value error\", &dword_4CAC04) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x15Au, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E649(&unk_7B32E0);\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E677(&unk_7B32E0, &unk_4CAD20) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x163u, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E8EE(&unk_4CAD20);\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E677(&unk_7B32E0, &unk_4CAD30) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x167u, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E8B3(&unk_4CAD30);\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E677(&unk_7B32E0, &unk_4CAD40) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x16Bu, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E8B3(&unk_4CAD40);\nsub_46E8EE(&unk_4CAD40);\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E677(&unk_7B32E0, &unk_4CAE50) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x170u, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CAE50, \"\\r\\n\");\nsub_46EAE6(&unk_4CAE50);\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E677(&unk_7B32E0, &unk_4CAE60) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x175u, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CAE60, \",\\r\\n\");\nsub_46EAE6(&unk_4CAE60);\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CAD50, &unk_4CAD40) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x17Au, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CAD50, \"-.!%*_`'~+\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CAD60, &unk_4CAD50) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x17Eu, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46EA76(&unk_4CAD60, \"%\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CAD70, &unk_4CAD50) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x182u, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CAD70, (const char *)&off_496FB7);\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CAD80, &unk_4CAD60) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x186u, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CAD80, (const char *)&off_496FB7);\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CAD10, &unk_4CAD40) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x18Au, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CAD10, \"_-.\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CAD90, &unk_4CAD20) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x18Eu, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CAD90, \"abcdefABCDEF\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CADA0, &unk_4CAD40) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x192u, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CADA0, \"[]/:&+$-_.!~*'()%\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CADB0, &unk_4CADA0) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x196u, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46EA76(&unk_4CADB0, \"%\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CADC0, &unk_4CAD40) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x19Au, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CADC0, \"[]/?:+$-_.!~*'()%\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CADD0, &unk_4CADC0) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x19Eu, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46EA76(&unk_4CADD0, \"%\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CAE10, &unk_4CAD40) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1A2u, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CAE10, \"-_.!~*'()%&=+$,;?/\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CAE20, &unk_4CAE10) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1A6u, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46EA76(&unk_4CAE20, \"%\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CAE30, &unk_4CAE10) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1AAu, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CAE30, \"#\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CAE40, &unk_4CAE20) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1AEu, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CAE40, \"#\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CADF0, &unk_4CAD40) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1B2u, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CADF0, \"-_.!~*'()%&=+$,\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CAE00, &unk_4CADF0) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1B6u, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46EA76(&unk_4CAE00, \"%\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E677(&unk_7B32E0, &unk_4CADE0) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1BAu, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CADE0, \"@ \\n>\");\nsub_46EAE6(&unk_4CADE0);\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E677(&unk_7B32E0, &unk_4CAE70) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1BFu, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CAE70, \":\\r\\n<\");\nsub_46EAE6(&unk_4CAE70);\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_46E706(&unk_4CAE80, &unk_4CAD40) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1C4u, \"init_parser\");\nsub_46E913(&unk_4CAE80, \"#?;:@&=+-_.!~*'()%$,/%\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_4200C6(&off_496DBF, sub_4213D2) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1CCu, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_4200C6(\"sips\", sub_4213D2) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1CFu, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"Accept\", 0LL, sub_421F7B) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1D6u, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"Allow\", 0LL, sub_421FB7) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1D9u, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"Call-ID\", \"i\", sub_421FF3) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1DCu, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"Contact\", \"m\", sub_4222E7) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1DFu, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"Content-Length\", \"l\", sub_4223E3) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1E3u, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"Content-Type\", \"c\", sub_422465) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1E7u, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"CSeq\", 0LL, sub_42256E) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1EAu, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"Expires\", 0LL, sub_422640) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1EDu, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"From\", \"f\", sub_422789) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1F0u, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"Max-Forwards\", 0LL, sub_422E05) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1F4u, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"Min-Expires\", 0LL, sub_422E66) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1F8u, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"Record-Route\", 0LL, sub_422F55) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1FBu, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"Route\", 0LL, sub_42302B) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x1FEu, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"Require\", 0LL, sub_4227ED) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x201u, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"Retry-After\", 0LL, sub_4228BC) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x205u, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"Supported\", \"k\", sub_422A42) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x209u, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"To\", \"t\", sub_422B11) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x20Cu, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(\"Unsupported\", 0LL, sub_422B75) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x210u, \"init_parser\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_41FDA7(&off_4970EA, \"v\", sub_423101) )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/pjsip/sip_parser.c\", 0x213u, \"init_parser\");\nreturn (unsigned int)sub_43896A();\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_41ECF9,sub_486CC5,sub_46E649,sub_46E677,sub_46E8EE,sub_46E8B3,sub_46E913,sub_46EAE6,sub_46E706,sub_46EA76,sub_4200C6,sub_4213D2,sub_41FDA7,sub_421F7B,sub_421FB7,sub_421FF3,sub_4222E7,sub_4223E3,sub_422465,sub_42256E,sub_422640,sub_422789,sub_422E05,sub_422E66,sub_422F55,sub_42302B,sub_4227ED,sub_4228BC,sub_422A42,sub_422B11,sub_422B75,sub_423101,sub_43896A,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_41ECF9': 'init_parser', 'sub_486CC5': 'pj_exception_id_alloc', 'sub_46E649': 'pj_cis_buf_init', 'sub_46E677': 'pj_cis_init', 'sub_46E8EE': 'pj_cis_add_num', 'sub_46E8B3': 'pj_cis_add_alpha', 'sub_46E913': 'pj_cis_add_str', 'sub_46EAE6': 'pj_cis_invert', 'sub_46E706': 'pj_cis_dup', 'sub_46EA76': 'pj_cis_del_str', 'sub_4200C6': 'pjsip_register_uri_parser', 'sub_4213D2': 'int_parse_sip_url', 'sub_41FDA7': 'pjsip_register_hdr_parser', 'sub_421F7B': 'parse_hdr_accept', 'sub_421FB7': 'parse_hdr_allow', 'sub_421FF3': 'parse_hdr_call_id', 'sub_4222E7': 'parse_hdr_contact', 'sub_4223E3': 'parse_hdr_content_len', 'sub_422465': 'parse_hdr_content_type', 'sub_42256E': 'parse_hdr_cseq', 'sub_422640': 'parse_hdr_expires', 'sub_422789': 'parse_hdr_from', 'sub_422E05': 'parse_hdr_max_forwards', 'sub_422E66': 'parse_hdr_min_expires', 'sub_422F55': 'parse_hdr_rr', 'sub_42302B': 'parse_hdr_route', 'sub_4227ED': 'parse_hdr_require', 'sub_4228BC': 'parse_hdr_retry_after', 'sub_422A42': 'parse_hdr_supported', 'sub_422B11': 'parse_hdr_to', 'sub_422B75': 'parse_hdr_unsupported', 'sub_423101': 'parse_hdr_via', 'sub_43896A': 'pjsip_auth_init_parser'}"} |
yyl | 79e66e97ce50c2bce4592b3e48d0dcb61467c46b3807de90790b391ab20368d2 | macournoyer | tinyrb | NA | static int yyl(void)
static int prev= 0;
return ++prev;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4044E5", "function_addr": 4211941, "binary_name": "79e66e97ce50c2bce4592b3e48d0dcb61467c46b3807de90790b391ab20368d2.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov eax, cs:dword_40D240"], [3, "add eax, 1"], [4, "mov cs:dword_40D240, eax"], [5, "mov eax, cs:dword_40D240"], [6, "pop rbp"], [7, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[3, 2], [4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 0], [7, 5]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/79e66e97ce50c2bce4592b3e48d0dcb61467c46b3807de90790b391ab20368d2_79e66e97ce50c2bce4592b3e48d0dcb61467c46b3807de90790b391ab20368d2.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4044E5", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 sub_4044E5()\n{\nreturn (unsigned int)++dword_40D240;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_4044E5,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_4044E5': 'yyl'}"} |
UtConvertBackslashes | 1af1ae2e55417ac009d60b916804817b31888fa80e08f75439dc6c514c24a822 | bitdefender | napoca | NA | void
UtConvertBackslashes (
char *Pathname)
if (!Pathname)
while (*Pathname)
if (*Pathname == '\\')
*Pathname = '/';
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_48F82E", "function_addr": 4782126, "binary_name": "1af1ae2e55417ac009d60b916804817b31888fa80e08f75439dc6c514c24a822.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [4, "jz short loc_48F863"], [5, "jmp short loc_48F856"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [7, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [8, "cmp al, 5Ch "], [9, "jnz short loc_48F851"], [10, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [11, "mov byte ptr [rax], 2Fh "], [12, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [14, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [15, "test al, al"], [16, "jnz short loc_48F83F"], [17, "jmp short loc_48F864"], [18, "nop"], [19, "pop rbp"], [20, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[3, 2], [4, 3], [6, 12], [6, 2], [7, 6], [7, 11], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 12], [10, 2], [11, 10], [12, 12], [12, 2], [13, 2], [13, 12], [14, 13], [14, 11], [15, 14], [16, 15], [19, 0], [20, 15]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/1af1ae2e55417ac009d60b916804817b31888fa80e08f75439dc6c514c24a822_1af1ae2e55417ac009d60b916804817b31888fa80e08f75439dc6c514c24a822.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_48F82E", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_48F82E(_BYTE *a1)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n_BYTE *v2; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv2 = a1;\nif ( a1 )\n{\nwhile ( 1 )\n{\nresult = (unsigned __int8)*v2;\nif ( !(_BYTE)result )\nbreak;\nif ( *v2 == 92 )\n*v2 = 47;\n++v2;\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v2,sub_48F82E,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'Pathname', 'v2': 'Pathnamea', 'sub_48F82E': 'UtConvertBackslashes'}"} |
print_result | 11d51f39d967e6c925cbbbf561559e32fec33ac3b7a84b8e1e75a62d16d81f0a | sniperHW | chuck | NA | static void print_result(int alg, int run_no, int count, double time_used)
if (count == -1) {
BIO_puts(bio_err, "EVP error!\n");
mr ? "+R:%d:%s:%f\n"
: "%d %s's in %.2fs\n", count, names[alg], time_used);
results[alg][run_no] = ((double)count) / time_used * lengths[run_no];
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_460AF3", "function_addr": 4590323, "binary_name": "11d51f39d967e6c925cbbbf561559e32fec33ac3b7a84b8e1e75a62d16d81f0a.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_4], edi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_8], esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_C], edx"], [6, "movsd [rbp+var_18], xmm0"], [7, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [8, "jnz short loc_460B2D"], [9, "mov rax, cs:qword_4A1E88"], [10, "mov esi, offset aEvpError"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call _BIO_puts"], [13, "mov edi, 1"], [14, "call _exit"], [15, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [16, "cdqe"], [17, "mov rcx, off_4A00A0[rax*8]"], [18, "mov eax, cs:dword_4A2E04"], [19, "test eax, eax"], [20, "jz short loc_460B4B"], [21, "mov edi, offset aRDSF"], [22, "jmp short loc_460B50"], [23, "mov edi, offset aDSSIn2fs"], [24, "mov rax, cs:qword_4A1E88"], [25, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_18]"], [26, "mov edx, [rbp+var_C]"], [27, "movq xmm0, rsi"], [28, "mov rsi, rdi"], [29, "mov rdi, rax"], [30, "mov eax, 1"], [31, "call _BIO_printf"], [32, "pxor xmm0, xmm0"], [33, "cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rbp+var_C]"], [34, "movapd xmm1, xmm0"], [35, "divsd xmm1, [rbp+var_18]"], [36, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [37, "cdqe"], [38, "mov eax, ds:dword_483720[rax*4]"], [39, "pxor xmm0, xmm0"], [40, "cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax"], [41, "mulsd xmm0, xmm1"], [42, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [43, "movsxd rcx, eax"], [44, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [45, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [46, "mov rax, rdx"], [47, "add rax, rax"], [48, "add rax, rdx"], [49, "add rax, rax"], [50, "add rax, rcx"], [51, "movsd ds:qword_4A2E20[rax*8], xmm0"], [52, "nop"], [53, "leave"], [54, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 5], [8, 7], [11, 9], [15, 3], [19, 18], [20, 19], [25, 6], [26, 5], [27, 25], [28, 21], [28, 23], [29, 24], [33, 5], [33, 32], [34, 33], [35, 34], [35, 6], [36, 4], [40, 38], [40, 39], [41, 40], [41, 35], [42, 4], [43, 42], [44, 3], [45, 44], [46, 45], [47, 46], [48, 45], [48, 47], [49, 48], [50, 49], [50, 43], [51, 41], [54, 50]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/11d51f39d967e6c925cbbbf561559e32fec33ac3b7a84b8e1e75a62d16d81f0a_11d51f39d967e6c925cbbbf561559e32fec33ac3b7a84b8e1e75a62d16d81f0a.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_460AF3", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_460AF3(int a1, int a2, int a3, double a4)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nif ( a3 == -1 )\n{\nBIO_puts();\nexit(1);\n}\nBIO_printf();\nresult = a2 + 6LL * a1;\n*(double *)&qword_4A2E20[result] = (double)dword_483720[a2] * ((double)a3 / a4);\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,a4,sub_460AF3,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'count', 'a1': 'alg', 'a2': 'run_no', 'a4': 'time_used', 'sub_460AF3': 'print_result'}"} |
help | e2618388181add42b7972a736ce8b09648a8c19ffcfdb901da6bb564338ed4d3 | olikraus | u8g2 | NA | void help(void)
printf("bdfconv [options] filename\n");
printf("-h Display this help\n");
printf("-v Print log messages\n");
printf("-b <n> Font build mode, 0: proportional, 1: common height, 2: monospace, 3: multiple of 8, 4: 5x7 mode\n");
printf("-f <n> Font format, 0: ucglib font, 1: u8g2 font, 2: u8g2 uncompressed 8x8 font (enforces -b 3)\n");
printf("-m 'map' Unicode ASCII mapping\n");
printf("-M 'mapfile' Read Unicode ASCII mapping from file 'mapname'\n");
printf("-o <file> C output font file\n");
printf("-k <file> C output file with kerning information\n");
printf("-p <%%> Minimum distance for kerning in percent of the global char width (lower values: Smaller gaps, more data)\n");
printf("-x <n> X-Offset for 8x8 font sub-glyph extraction (requires -f 2, default 0)\n");
printf("-y <n> Y-Offset for 8x8 font sub-glyph extraction (requires -f 2, default 0)\n");
printf("-th <n> Horizontal size of the 8x8 glyphs (requires -f 2, default 1)\n");
printf("-tv <n> Vertical size of the 8x8 glyphs (requires -f 2, default 1)\n");
printf("-n <name> C indentifier (font name)\n");
printf("-d <file> Overview picture: Enable generation of bdf.tga and assign BDF font <file> for description\n");
printf("-l <margin> Overview picture: Set left margin\n");
printf("-g <glyphs> Overview picture: Set glyphs per line (default: 16)\n");
printf("-a Overview picture: Additional font information (background, orange&blue dot)\n");
printf("-t Overview picture: Test string (Woven silk pyjamas exchanged for blue quartz.)\n");
printf("-r Runtime test\n");
printf("map := <mapcmd> { \",\" <mapcmd> }\n");
printf("mapcmd := <default> | <maprange> | <exclude> | <exclude-kerning>\n");
printf("default := \"*\"\n");
printf("maprange := <range> [ \">\" <addexpr> ] Move specified glyph <range> to target code <num>\n");
printf("exclude := \"~\" <range> \n");
printf("exclude-kerning:= \"x\" <range> \n");
printf("range := <addexpr> [ \"-\" <addexpr> ] Select glyphs within specified range\n");
printf("addexpr := <mulexpr> [ \"+\" <mulexpr> ]\n");
printf("mulexpr := <num> [ \"*\" <num> ]\n");
printf("num := <hexnum> | <decnum>\n");
printf("hexnum := \"$\" <hexdigit> { <hexdigit> }\n");
printf("decnum := <decdigit> { <decdigit> }\n");
printf("decdigit := \"0\" | \"1\" | \"2\" | \"3\" | \"4\" | \"5\" | \"6\" | \"7\" | \"8\" | \"9\"\n");
printf("hexdigit := \"a\" | \"b\" | \"c\" | \"d\" | \"e\" | \"f\" | \"A\" | \"B\" | \"C\" | \"D\" | \"E\" | \"F\" | <decdigit>\n");
printf("{ } zero, one ore more, [ ] zero or once, | alternative\n");
printf(" -m '32-255' select gylphs from encoding 32 to 255\n");
printf(" -m '32-255,~64' select gylphs from encoding 32 to 255, exclude '@'\n");
printf(" -m '32,48-57' select space, '1', '2', ... '9'\n");
printf("build modes:\n");
printf(" -b 0: Most compact, glyph bitmap is minimal\n");
printf(" -b 1: Like -b 0, but glyph bitmap is extended to the height of the largest glyph within the selected glyph list.\n");
printf(" Also the width of the gylphs is extended to cover the delta x advance.\n");
printf(" -b 2: Like -b 1, but glyph width is set to the width of the largest glyph within the selected gylph list.\n");
printf(" -b 3: Like -b 2, but width and height are forced to be a multiple of 8.\n");
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_401540", "function_addr": 4199744, "binary_name": "e2618388181add42b7972a736ce8b09648a8c19ffcfdb901da6bb564338ed4d3.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov edi, offset s"], [3, "call _puts"], [4, "mov edi, offset aHDisplayThisHe"], [5, "call _puts"], [6, "mov edi, offset aVPrintLogMessa"], [7, "call _puts"], [8, "mov edi, offset aBNFontBuildMod"], [9, "call _puts"], [10, "mov edi, offset aFNFontFormat0U"], [11, "call _puts"], [12, "mov edi, offset aMMapUnicodeAsc"], [13, "call _puts"], [14, "mov edi, offset aMMapfileReadUn"], [15, "call _puts"], [16, "mov edi, offset aOFileCOutputFo"], [17, "call _puts"], [18, "mov edi, offset aKFileCOutputFi"], [19, "call _puts"], [20, "mov edi, offset format"], [21, "mov eax, 0"], [22, "call _printf"], [23, "mov edi, offset aXNXOffsetFor8x"], [24, "call _puts"], [25, "mov edi, offset aYNYOffsetFor8x"], [26, "call _puts"], [27, "mov edi, offset aThNHorizontalS"], [28, "call _puts"], [29, "mov edi, offset aTvNVerticalSiz"], [30, "call _puts"], [31, "mov edi, offset aNNameCIndentif"], [32, "call _puts"], [33, "mov edi, offset aDFileOverviewP"], [34, "call _puts"], [35, "mov edi, offset aLMarginOvervie"], [36, "call _puts"], [37, "mov edi, offset aGGlyphsOvervie"], [38, "call _puts"], [39, "mov edi, offset aAOverviewPictu"], [40, "call _puts"], [41, "mov edi, offset aTOverviewPictu"], [42, "call _puts"], [43, "mov edi, offset aRRuntimeTest"], [44, "call _puts"], [45, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [46, "call _putchar"], [47, "mov edi, offset aMapMapcmdMapcm"], [48, "call _puts"], [49, "mov edi, offset aMapcmdDefaultM"], [50, "call _puts"], [51, "mov edi, offset aDefault"], [52, "call _puts"], [53, "mov edi, offset aMaprangeRangeA"], [54, "call _puts"], [55, "mov edi, offset aExcludeRange"], [56, "call _puts"], [57, "mov edi, offset aExcludeKerning"], [58, "call _puts"], [59, "mov edi, offset aRangeAddexprAd"], [60, "call _puts"], [61, "mov edi, offset aAddexprMulexpr"], [62, "call _puts"], [63, "mov edi, offset aMulexprNumNum"], [64, "call _puts"], [65, "mov edi, offset aNumHexnumDecnu"], [66, "call _puts"], [67, "mov edi, offset aHexnumHexdigit"], [68, "call _puts"], [69, "mov edi, offset aDecnumDecdigit"], [70, "call _puts"], [71, "mov edi, offset aDecdigit012345"], [72, "call _puts"], [73, "mov edi, offset aHexdigitABCDEF"], [74, "call _puts"], [75, "mov edi, offset aZeroOneOreMore"], [76, "call _puts"], [77, "mov edi, offset aExample"], [78, "call _puts"], [79, "mov edi, offset aM32255SelectGy"], [80, "call _puts"], [81, "mov edi, offset aM3225564Select"], [82, "call _puts"], [83, "mov edi, offset aM324857SelectS"], [84, "call _puts"], [85, "mov edi, offset aBuildModes"], [86, "call _puts"], [87, "mov edi, offset aB0MostCompactG"], [88, "call _puts"], [89, "mov edi, offset aB1LikeB0ButGly"], [90, "call _puts"], [91, "mov edi, offset aAlsoTheWidthOf"], [92, "call _puts"], [93, "mov edi, offset aB2LikeB1ButGly"], [94, "call _puts"], [95, "mov edi, offset aB3LikeB2ButWid"], [96, "call _puts"], [97, "nop"], [98, "pop rbp"], [99, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[98, 0], [99, 96]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/e2618388181add42b7972a736ce8b09648a8c19ffcfdb901da6bb564338ed4d3_e2618388181add42b7972a736ce8b09648a8c19ffcfdb901da6bb564338ed4d3.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_401540", "query": "\n\n\nint sub_401540()\n{\nputs(\"bdfconv [options] filename\");\nputs(\"-h Display this help\");\nputs(\"-v Print log messages\");\nputs(\"-b <n> Font build mode, 0: proportional, 1: common height, 2: monospace, 3: multiple of 8, 4: 5x7 mode\");\nputs(\"-f <n> Font format, 0: ucglib font, 1: u8g2 font, 2: u8g2 uncompressed 8x8 font (enforces -b 3)\");\nputs(\"-m 'map' Unicode ASCII mapping\");\nputs(\"-M 'mapfile' Read Unicode ASCII mapping from file 'mapname'\");\nputs(\"-o <file> C output font file\");\nputs(\"-k <file> C output file with kerning information\");\nprintf(\n\"-p <%%> Minimum distance for kerning in percent of the global char width (lower values: Smaller gaps, more data)\\n\");\nputs(\"-x <n> X-Offset for 8x8 font sub-glyph extraction (requires -f 2, default 0)\");\nputs(\"-y <n> Y-Offset for 8x8 font sub-glyph extraction (requires -f 2, default 0)\");\nputs(\"-th <n> Horizontal size of the 8x8 glyphs (requires -f 2, default 1)\");\nputs(\"-tv <n> Vertical size of the 8x8 glyphs (requires -f 2, default 1)\");\nputs(\"-n <name> C indentifier (font name)\");\nputs(\"-d <file> Overview picture: Enable generation of bdf.tga and assign BDF font <file> for description\");\nputs(\"-l <margin> Overview picture: Set left margin\");\nputs(\"-g <glyphs> Overview picture: Set glyphs per line (default: 16)\");\nputs(\"-a Overview picture: Additional font information (background, orange&blue dot)\");\nputs(\"-t Overview picture: Test string (Woven silk pyjamas exchanged for blue quartz.)\");\nputs(\"-r Runtime test\");\nputchar(10);\nputs(\"map := <mapcmd> { \\\",\\\" <mapcmd> }\");\nputs(\"mapcmd := <default> | <maprange> | <exclude> | <exclude-kerning>\");\nputs(\"default := \\\"*\\\"\");\nputs(\"maprange := <range> [ \\\">\\\" <addexpr> ] Move specified glyph <range> to target code <num>\");\nputs(\"exclude := \\\"~\\\" <range> \");\nputs(\"exclude-kerning:= \\\"x\\\" <range> \");\nputs(\"range := <addexpr> [ \\\"-\\\" <addexpr> ] Select glyphs within specified range\");\nputs(\"addexpr := <mulexpr> [ \\\"+\\\" <mulexpr> ]\");\nputs(\"mulexpr := <num> [ \\\"*\\\" <num> ]\");\nputs(\"num := <hexnum> | <decnum>\");\nputs(\"hexnum := \\\"$\\\" <hexdigit> { <hexdigit> }\");\nputs(\"decnum := <decdigit> { <decdigit> }\");\nputs(\"decdigit := \\\"0\\\" | \\\"1\\\" | \\\"2\\\" | \\\"3\\\" | \\\"4\\\" | \\\"5\\\" | \\\"6\\\" | \\\"7\\\" | \\\"8\\\" | \\\"9\\\"\");\nputs(\n\"hexdigit := \\\"a\\\" | \\\"b\\\" | \\\"c\\\" | \\\"d\\\" | \\\"e\\\" | \\\"f\\\" | \\\"A\\\" | \\\"B\\\" | \\\"C\\\" | \\\"D\\\" | \\\"E\\\" | \\\"F\\\" | <decdigit>\");\nputs(\"{ } zero, one ore more, [ ] zero or once, | alternative\");\nputs(\"example:\");\nputs(\" -m '32-255' select gylphs from encoding 32 to 255\");\nputs(\" -m '32-255,~64' select gylphs from encoding 32 to 255, exclude '@'\");\nputs(\" -m '32,48-57' select space, '1', '2', ... '9'\");\nputs(\"build modes:\");\nputs(\" -b 0: Most compact, glyph bitmap is minimal\");\nputs(\" -b 1: Like -b 0, but glyph bitmap is extended to the height of the largest glyph within the selected glyph list.\");\nputs(\" Also the width of the gylphs is extended to cover the delta x advance.\");\nputs(\" -b 2: Like -b 1, but glyph width is set to the width of the largest glyph within the selected gylph list.\");\nreturn puts(\" -b 3: Like -b 2, but width and height are forced to be a multiple of 8.\");\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_401540,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_401540': 'help'}"} |
WriteTAD | c0bdda158aca46d0badc1243ee55b1fe1912f6e65bb27050c715097b539c99f7 | open-simh | simh | NA | void WriteTAD (uint32 pa, uint32 addr, uint32 decr)
t_uint64 mem;
if (inst_base)
decr |= TRAP_F_BINST;
if (data_base)
decr |= TRAP_F_BDATA;
mem = ReadP (pa) & ~(XMASK | AMASK);
mem |= (((t_uint64) (decr & AMASK)) << INST_V_DEC) |
((t_uint64) (addr & AMASK));
WriteP (pa, mem);
mode_ctrap = 0;
mode_strap = 0;
mode_storn = 0;
mode_user = user_buf = 0;
mode_reloc = reloc_buf = 0;
inst_base = 0;
data_base = 0;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_408DF3", "function_addr": 4230643, "binary_name": "c0bdda158aca46d0badc1243ee55b1fe1912f6e65bb27050c715097b539c99f7.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_14], edi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], esi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_1C], edx"], [5, "mov eax, cs:dword_4FAD40"], [6, "test eax, eax"], [7, "jz short loc_408E11"], [8, "or [rbp+var_1C], 4000h"], [9, "mov eax, cs:dword_4FAD44"], [10, "test eax, eax"], [11, "jz short loc_408E22"], [12, "or [rbp+var_1C], 2000h"], [13, "mov rdx, cs:qword_4FAC80"], [14, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [15, "shl rax, 3"], [16, "add rax, rdx"], [17, "mov rax, [rax]"], [18, "mov rdx, 0FFFFFFFE00038000h"], [19, "and rax, rdx"], [20, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [21, "mov eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [22, "shl rax, 12h"], [23, "mov rdx, rax"], [24, "mov rax, 1FFFC0000h"], [25, "and rdx, rax"], [26, "mov eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [27, "and eax, 7FFFh"], [28, "or rax, rdx"], [29, "or [rbp+var_8], rax"], [30, "mov rdx, cs:qword_4FAC80"], [31, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [32, "shl rax, 3"], [33, "add rdx, rax"], [34, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [35, "mov [rdx], rax"], [36, "mov cs:dword_4FAD00, 0"], [37, "mov cs:dword_4FAD04, 0"], [38, "mov cs:dword_4FAD0C, 0"], [39, "mov cs:dword_4FAD2C, 0"], [40, "mov eax, cs:dword_4FAD2C"], [41, "mov cs:dword_4FAD24, eax"], [42, "mov cs:dword_4FAD30, 0"], [43, "mov eax, cs:dword_4FAD30"], [44, "mov cs:dword_4FAD28, eax"], [45, "mov cs:dword_4FAD40, 0"], [46, "mov cs:dword_4FAD44, 0"], [47, "nop"], [48, "pop rbp"], [49, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 4], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 4], [12, 8], [14, 2], [15, 14], [16, 13], [16, 15], [17, 16], [19, 18], [19, 17], [20, 19], [21, 12], [21, 8], [21, 4], [22, 21], [23, 22], [25, 23], [25, 24], [26, 3], [27, 26], [28, 27], [28, 25], [29, 20], [29, 28], [31, 2], [32, 31], [33, 30], [33, 32], [34, 29], [35, 33], [35, 34], [40, 39], [41, 40], [43, 42], [44, 43], [48, 0], [49, 43]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/c0bdda158aca46d0badc1243ee55b1fe1912f6e65bb27050c715097b539c99f7_c0bdda158aca46d0badc1243ee55b1fe1912f6e65bb27050c715097b539c99f7.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_408DF3", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_408DF3(unsigned int a1, __int16 a2, unsigned int a3)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nunsigned int v4; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-1Ch]\n\nv4 = a3;\nif ( dword_4FAD40 )\nv4 = a3 | 0x4000;\nif ( dword_4FAD44 )\nv4 |= 0x2000u;\n*(_QWORD *)(8LL * a1 + qword_4FAC80) = ((unsigned __int64)v4 << 18) & 0x1FFFC0000LL | a2 & 0x7FFF | *(_QWORD *)(qword_4FAC80 + 8LL * a1) & 0xFFFFFFFE00038000LL;\ndword_4FAD00 = 0;\ndword_4FAD04 = 0;\ndword_4FAD0C = 0;\ndword_4FAD2C = 0;\ndword_4FAD24 = 0;\ndword_4FAD30 = 0;\nresult = 0LL;\ndword_4FAD28 = 0;\ndword_4FAD40 = 0;\ndword_4FAD44 = 0;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,v4,sub_408DF3,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'decr', 'a1': 'pa', 'a2': 'addr', 'v4': 'decra', 'sub_408DF3': 'WriteTAD'}"} |
varfcheck | 6e348e984bd63ac982d83dafa4e61fb9925c759b418264e141a667eb3a0dba17 | RTimothyEdwards | XCircuit | NA | void varfcheck(FILE *ps, float value, objectptr localdata, short *stptr,
genericptr thiselem, u_char which)
oparamptr ops;
eparamptr epp;
Boolean done = False;
for (epp = thiselem->passed; epp != NULL; epp = epp->next) {
ops = match_param(localdata, epp->key);
if (ops != NULL && (ops->which == which)) {
sprintf(_STR, "%s ", epp->key);
done = True;
if (!done)
sprintf(_STR, "%3.3f ", value);
dostcount (ps, stptr, strlen(_STR));
fputs(_STR, ps);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_428AC5", "function_addr": 4360901, "binary_name": "6e348e984bd63ac982d83dafa4e61fb9925c759b418264e141a667eb3a0dba17.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 50h"], [3, "mov [rbp+stream], rdi"], [4, "movss [rbp+var_2C], xmm0"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_38], rsi"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_40], rdx"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_48], rcx"], [8, "mov eax, r8d"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_30], al"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_9], 0"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [12, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [14, "jmp short loc_428B58"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [16, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [18, "mov rsi, rdx"], [19, "mov rdi, rax"], [20, "call sub_461586"], [21, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [22, "cmp [rbp+var_18], 0"], [23, "jz short loc_428B4C"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [25, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+9]"], [26, "cmp [rbp+var_30], al"], [27, "jnz short loc_428B4C"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [29, "mov rax, [rax]"], [30, "mov rdx, rax"], [31, "mov esi, offset aS_29"], [32, "mov edi, offset filename"], [33, "mov eax, 0"], [34, "call _sprintf"], [35, "mov [rbp+var_9], 1"], [36, "jmp short loc_428B5F"], [37, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [38, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [39, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [40, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [41, "jnz short loc_428AFA"], [42, "cmp [rbp+var_9], 0"], [43, "jnz short loc_428B8C"], [44, "pxor xmm1, xmm1"], [45, "cvtss2sd xmm1, [rbp+var_2C]"], [46, "movq rax, xmm1"], [47, "movq xmm0, rax"], [48, "mov esi, offset a33f"], [49, "mov edi, offset filename"], [50, "mov eax, 1"], [51, "call _sprintf"], [52, "mov edi, offset filename"], [53, "call _strlen"], [54, "movsx edx, ax"], [55, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_40]"], [56, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [57, "mov rsi, rcx"], [58, "mov rdi, rax"], [59, "call sub_4288B6"], [60, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [61, "mov rsi, rax"], [62, "mov edi, offset filename"], [63, "call _fputs"], [64, "nop"], [65, "leave"], [66, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[9, 8], [11, 7], [12, 11], [13, 12], [15, 39], [15, 13], [16, 15], [17, 5], [18, 16], [19, 17], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 21], [25, 24], [26, 25], [26, 9], [27, 26], [28, 39], [28, 13], [29, 28], [30, 29], [37, 39], [37, 13], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 13], [40, 39], [41, 40], [42, 35], [42, 10], [43, 42], [45, 4], [45, 44], [46, 45], [47, 46], [54, 53], [55, 6], [56, 3], [57, 55], [58, 56], [60, 3], [61, 60], [66, 63]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/6e348e984bd63ac982d83dafa4e61fb9925c759b418264e141a667eb3a0dba17_6e348e984bd63ac982d83dafa4e61fb9925c759b418264e141a667eb3a0dba17.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_428AC5", "query": "\n\n\nint __fastcall sub_428AC5(FILE *a1, __int64 a2, _WORD *a3, __int64 a4, char a5, float a6)\n{\n__int16 v6; // ax\n__int64 v10; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-18h]\nchar v11; // [rsp+47h] [rbp-9h]\nconst char **i; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv11 = 0;\nfor ( i = *(const char ***)(a4 + 8); i; i = (const char **)i[3] )\n{\nv10 = sub_461586(a2, *i);\nif ( v10 && a5 == *(_BYTE *)(v10 + 9) )\n{\nsprintf(filename, \"%s \", *i);\nv11 = 1;\nbreak;\n}\n}\nif ( !v11 )\nsprintf(filename, \"%3.3f \", a6);\nv6 = strlen(filename);\nsub_4288B6(a1, a3, v6);\nreturn fputs(filename, a1);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,a6,v10,v11,i,sub_428AC5,sub_461586,sub_4288B6,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'stptr', 'a4': 'thiselem', 'a1': 'ps', 'a2': 'localdata', 'a5': 'which', 'a6': 'value', 'v10': 'ops', 'v11': 'done', 'i': 'epp', 'sub_428AC5': 'varfcheck', 'sub_461586': 'match_param', 'sub_4288B6': 'dostcount'}"} |
ble_evt_system_boot | 72c8cd56d86b09997c1f2d27a5a3bcc59ebee4da0683d407b7b81588535d61f9 | paparazzi | paparazzi | NA | void ble_evt_system_boot(const struct ble_msg_system_boot_evt_t *msg)
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_401744", "function_addr": 4200260, "binary_name": "72c8cd56d86b09997c1f2d27a5a3bcc59ebee4da0683d407b7b81588535d61f9.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "nop"], [4, "pop rbp"], [5, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 0]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/72c8cd56d86b09997c1f2d27a5a3bcc59ebee4da0683d407b7b81588535d61f9_72c8cd56d86b09997c1f2d27a5a3bcc59ebee4da0683d407b7b81588535d61f9.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_401744", "query": "\n\n\nvoid sub_401744()\n{\n;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_401744,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_401744': 'ble_evt_system_boot'}"} |
_CustomWriteFunc | c3f4a7f441ca303829131d9a7a23699182b1e72c36b1b2ec18a602e1429bd9aa | DataSystemsLab | hippo-postgresql | NA | static void
_CustomWriteFunc(ArchiveHandle *AH, const char *buf, size_t len)
/* never write 0-byte blocks (this should not happen) */
if (len > 0)
WriteInt(AH, len);
_WriteBuf(AH, buf, len);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_43AC82", "function_addr": 4435074, "binary_name": "c3f4a7f441ca303829131d9a7a23699182b1e72c36b1b2ec18a602e1429bd9aa.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdx"], [6, "cmp [rbp+var_18], 0"], [7, "jz short loc_43ACC9"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [9, "mov edx, eax"], [10, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [11, "mov esi, edx"], [12, "mov rdi, rax"], [13, "call sub_432B14"], [14, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [15, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_10]"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [17, "mov rsi, rcx"], [18, "mov rdi, rax"], [19, "call sub_43A4EA"], [20, "nop"], [21, "nop"], [22, "leave"], [23, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 5], [9, 8], [10, 3], [11, 9], [12, 10], [14, 5], [15, 4], [16, 3], [17, 15], [18, 16], [23, 19]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/c3f4a7f441ca303829131d9a7a23699182b1e72c36b1b2ec18a602e1429bd9aa_c3f4a7f441ca303829131d9a7a23699182b1e72c36b1b2ec18a602e1429bd9aa.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_43AC82", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_43AC82(__int64 a1, const void *a2, size_t a3)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nif ( a3 )\n{\nsub_432B14(a1, a3);\nresult = sub_43A4EA(a1, a2, a3);\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_43AC82,sub_432B14,sub_43A4EA,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'len', 'a1': 'AH_0', 'a2': 'buf', 'sub_43AC82': '_CustomWriteFunc', 'sub_432B14': 'WriteInt', 'sub_43A4EA': '_WriteBuf'}"} |
process_incoming_call | d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750 | AonCyberLabs | D-Modem | NA | static void process_incoming_call(pjsip_rx_data *rdata)
unsigned i, options;
struct call *call;
pjsip_dialog *dlg;
pjmedia_sdp_session *sdp;
pjsip_tx_data *tdata;
pj_status_t status;
/* Find free call slot */
for (i=0; i<app.max_calls; ++i) {
if ([i].inv == NULL)
if (i == app.max_calls) {
const pj_str_t reason = pj_str("Too many calls");
pjsip_endpt_respond_stateless( app.sip_endpt, rdata,
500, &reason,
call = &[i];
/* Verify that we can handle the request. */
options = 0;
status = pjsip_inv_verify_request(rdata, &options, NULL, NULL,
app.sip_endpt, &tdata);
if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
* No we can't handle the incoming INVITE request.
if (tdata) {
pjsip_response_addr res_addr;
pjsip_get_response_addr(tdata->pool, rdata, &res_addr);
pjsip_endpt_send_response(app.sip_endpt, &res_addr, tdata,
} else {
/* Respond with 500 (Internal Server Error) */
pjsip_endpt_respond_stateless(app.sip_endpt, rdata, 500, NULL,
/* Create UAS dialog */
status = pjsip_dlg_create_uas_and_inc_lock( pjsip_ua_instance(), rdata,
&app.local_contact, &dlg);
if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
const pj_str_t reason = pj_str("Unable to create dialog");
pjsip_endpt_respond_stateless( app.sip_endpt, rdata,
500, &reason,
/* Create SDP */
create_sdp( dlg->pool, call, &sdp);
/* Create UAS invite session */
status = pjsip_inv_create_uas( dlg, rdata, sdp, 0, &call->inv);
if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
pjsip_dlg_create_response(dlg, rdata, 500, NULL, &tdata);
pjsip_dlg_send_response(dlg, pjsip_rdata_get_tsx(rdata), tdata);
/* Invite session has been created, decrement & release dialog lock */
/* Attach call data to invite session */
call->inv->mod_data[] = call;
/* Mark start of call */
/* Create 200 response .*/
status = pjsip_inv_initial_answer(call->inv, rdata, 200,
NULL, NULL, &tdata);
if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
status = pjsip_inv_initial_answer(call->inv, rdata,
NULL, NULL, &tdata);
if (status == PJ_SUCCESS)
pjsip_inv_send_msg(call->inv, tdata);
pjsip_inv_terminate(call->inv, 500, PJ_FALSE);
/* Send the 200 response. */
status = pjsip_inv_send_msg(call->inv, tdata);
PJ_ASSERT_ON_FAIL(status == PJ_SUCCESS, return);
/* Done */
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_405900", "function_addr": 4217088, "binary_name": "d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push rbx"], [3, "sub rsp, 0B8h"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_B8], rdi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0"], [6, "jmp short loc_405938"], [7, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [8, "imul rax, 0B88h"], [9, "add rax, 4CCA40h"], [10, "mov rax, [rax]"], [11, "test rax, rax"], [12, "jz short loc_405945"], [13, "add [rbp+var_14], 1"], [14, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CC5E0"], [15, "cmp [rbp+var_14], eax"], [16, "jb short loc_40591C"], [17, "jmp short loc_405946"], [18, "nop"], [19, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CC5E0"], [20, "cmp [rbp+var_14], eax"], [21, "jnz short loc_405996"], [22, "mov edi, offset aTooManyCalls"], [23, "call sub_48D8AB"], [24, "mov [rbp+var_50], rax"], [25, "mov [rbp+var_48], rdx"], [26, "mov rax, cs:qword_4CCA18"], [27, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_50]"], [28, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_B8]"], [29, "mov r9d, 0"], [30, "mov r8d, 0"], [31, "mov rcx, rdx"], [32, "mov edx, 1F4h"], [33, "mov rdi, rax"], [34, "call sub_42AEFA"], [35, "jmp loc_405CB0"], [36, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [37, "imul rax, 0B88h"], [38, "add rax, 450h"], [39, "add rax, 4CC5E0h"], [40, "add rax, 8"], [41, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [42, "mov [rbp+var_28], 0"], [43, "mov rdx, cs:qword_4CCA18"], [44, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_40]"], [45, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_28]"], [46, "mov rax, [rbp+var_B8]"], [47, "mov r9, rcx"], [48, "mov r8, rdx"], [49, "mov ecx, 0"], [50, "mov edx, 0"], [51, "mov rdi, rax"], [52, "call sub_40D1CA"], [53, "mov [rbp+var_24], eax"], [54, "cmp [rbp+var_24], 0"], [55, "jz loc_405A7B"], [56, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [57, "test rax, rax"], [58, "jz short loc_405A4A"], [59, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [60, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [61, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_B0]"], [62, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_B8]"], [63, "mov rsi, rcx"], [64, "mov rdi, rax"], [65, "call sub_42A6A5"], [66, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [67, "mov rax, cs:qword_4CCA18"], [68, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_B0]"], [69, "mov r8d, 0"], [70, "mov ecx, 0"], [71, "mov rdi, rax"], [72, "call sub_42ACE0"], [73, "jmp loc_405CB0"], [74, "mov rax, cs:qword_4CCA18"], [75, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_B8]"], [76, "mov r9d, 0"], [77, "mov r8d, 0"], [78, "mov ecx, 0"], [79, "mov edx, 1F4h"], [80, "mov rdi, rax"], [81, "call sub_42AEFA"], [82, "jmp loc_405CB0"], [83, "call sub_4439C5"], [84, "mov rdi, rax"], [85, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [86, "mov rax, [rbp+var_B8]"], [87, "mov rcx, rdx"], [88, "mov edx, offset qword_4CC628"], [89, "mov rsi, rax"], [90, "call sub_43FF3E"], [91, "mov [rbp+var_24], eax"], [92, "cmp [rbp+var_24], 0"], [93, "jz short loc_405AEC"], [94, "mov edi, offset aUnableToCreate"], [95, "call sub_48D8AB"], [96, "mov [rbp+var_60], rax"], [97, "mov [rbp+var_58], rdx"], [98, "mov rax, cs:qword_4CCA18"], [99, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_60]"], [100, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_B8]"], [101, "mov r9d, 0"], [102, "mov r8d, 0"], [103, "mov rcx, rdx"], [104, "mov edx, 1F4h"], [105, "mov rdi, rax"], [106, "call sub_42AEFA"], [107, "jmp loc_405CB0"], [108, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [109, "mov rax, [rax+30h]"], [110, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_38]"], [111, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_20]"], [112, "mov rsi, rcx"], [113, "mov rdi, rax"], [114, "call sub_406575"], [115, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [116, "lea rcx, [rax+8]"], [117, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_38]"], [118, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [119, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_B8]"], [120, "mov r8, rcx"], [121, "mov ecx, 0"], [122, "mov rdi, rax"], [123, "call sub_40D220"], [124, "mov [rbp+var_24], eax"], [125, "cmp [rbp+var_24], 0"], [126, "jz short loc_405B94"], [127, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [128, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [129, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_B8]"], [130, "mov r8, rdx"], [131, "mov ecx, 0"], [132, "mov edx, 1F4h"], [133, "mov rdi, rax"], [134, "call sub_441A16"], [135, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_40]"], [136, "mov rax, [rbp+var_B8]"], [137, "mov rdi, rax"], [138, "call sub_439B78"], [139, "mov rcx, rax"], [140, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [141, "mov rdx, rbx"], [142, "mov rsi, rcx"], [143, "mov rdi, rax"], [144, "call sub_441CB1"], [145, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [146, "mov rdi, rax"], [147, "call sub_4409CC"], [148, "jmp loc_405CB0"], [149, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [150, "mov rdi, rax"], [151, "call sub_4409CC"], [152, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [153, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [154, "mov edx, cs:dword_4CA620"], [155, "movsxd rdx, edx"], [156, "lea rcx, [rdx+16h]"], [157, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_20]"], [158, "mov [rax+rcx*8+8], rdx"], [159, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [160, "add rax, 0B38h"], [161, "mov rdi, rax"], [162, "call sub_483A51"], [163, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [164, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [165, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [166, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_B8]"], [167, "mov r9, rdx"], [168, "mov r8d, 0"], [169, "mov ecx, 0"], [170, "mov edx, 0C8h"], [171, "mov rdi, rax"], [172, "call sub_40EBEB"], [173, "mov [rbp+var_24], eax"], [174, "cmp [rbp+var_24], 0"], [175, "jz short loc_405C73"], [176, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [177, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [178, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [179, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_B8]"], [180, "mov r9, rdx"], [181, "mov r8d, 0"], [182, "mov ecx, 0"], [183, "mov edx, 196h"], [184, "mov rdi, rax"], [185, "call sub_40EBEB"], [186, "mov [rbp+var_24], eax"], [187, "cmp [rbp+var_24], 0"], [188, "jnz short loc_405C57"], [189, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [190, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [191, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [192, "mov rsi, rdx"], [193, "mov rdi, rax"], [194, "call sub_41052D"], [195, "jmp short loc_405CB0"], [196, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [197, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [198, "mov edx, 0"], [199, "mov esi, 1F4h"], [200, "mov rdi, rax"], [201, "call sub_40D690"], [202, "jmp short loc_405CB0"], [203, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [204, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [205, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [206, "mov rsi, rdx"], [207, "mov rdi, rax"], [208, "call sub_41052D"], [209, "mov [rbp+var_24], eax"], [210, "cmp [rbp+var_24], 0"], [211, "jz short loc_405CAC"], [212, "mov ecx, offset aProcessIncomin"], [213, "mov edx, 2B2h"], [214, "mov esi, offset file"], [215, "mov edi, offset assertion"], [216, "call ___assert_fail"], [217, "cmp [rbp+var_24], 0"], [218, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_8]"], [219, "leave"], [220, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 5], [7, 13], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 5], [13, 13], [15, 5], [15, 14], [15, 13], [16, 15], [20, 19], [20, 5], [20, 13], [21, 20], [24, 23], [27, 24], [28, 4], [31, 27], [33, 26], [36, 13], [36, 5], [37, 36], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 39], [41, 40], [45, 42], [46, 4], [47, 44], [48, 43], [51, 46], [53, 52], [54, 53], [55, 54], [57, 56], [58, 57], [60, 59], [61, 50], [62, 4], [63, 62], [64, 60], [68, 63], [71, 67], [75, 4], [80, 74], [84, 83], [85, 50], [86, 4], [87, 85], [89, 86], [91, 90], [92, 91], [93, 92], [96, 95], [97, 88], [99, 88], [99, 96], [100, 4], [103, 99], [105, 98], [109, 108], [110, 88], [111, 41], [112, 111], [113, 109], [115, 41], [116, 111], [116, 115], [119, 4], [120, 116], [122, 118], [124, 123], [125, 124], [126, 125], [128, 117], [129, 4], [130, 128], [133, 127], [136, 4], [137, 136], [139, 138], [141, 135], [142, 139], [143, 140], [146, 145], [150, 149], [152, 41], [153, 152], [155, 154], [156, 121], [156, 155], [157, 41], [158, 153], [158, 157], [159, 41], [160, 159], [161, 160], [163, 41], [164, 158], [164, 163], [165, 157], [166, 4], [167, 165], [171, 164], [173, 172], [174, 173], [175, 174], [176, 41], [177, 158], [177, 176], [178, 170], [179, 4], [180, 178], [184, 177], [186, 185], [187, 186], [188, 187], [190, 41], [191, 190], [191, 158], [192, 189], [193, 191], [196, 41], [197, 158], [197, 196], [200, 197], [204, 41], [205, 204], [205, 158], [206, 203], [207, 205], [209, 208], [210, 209], [211, 210], [217, 209], [220, 72], [220, 81], [220, 147], [220, 106], [220, 194], [220, 34], [220, 208], [220, 201]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750_d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_405900", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_405900(__int64 a1)\n{\n__int64 v1; // rdx\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v3; // rax\n__int64 v4; // rdx\n__int64 v5; // rbx\n__int64 v6; // rax\nchar v7[80]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-B0h] BYREF\n__int64 v8[2]; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-60h] BYREF\n__int64 v9[2]; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-50h] BYREF\n__int64 v10; // [rsp+80h] [rbp-40h] BYREF\n__int64 v11; // [rsp+88h] [rbp-38h] BYREF\n__int64 v12; // [rsp+90h] [rbp-30h] BYREF\nint v13; // [rsp+98h] [rbp-28h] BYREF\nint v14; // [rsp+9Ch] [rbp-24h]\n__int64 v15; // [rsp+A0h] [rbp-20h]\nunsigned int i; // [rsp+ACh] [rbp-14h]\n\nfor ( i = 0; i < dword_4CC5E0 && *((_QWORD *)&unk_4CCA40 + 369 * i); ++i )\n;\nif ( i == dword_4CC5E0 )\n{\nv9[0] = sub_48D8AB(\"Too many calls\");\nv9[1] = v1;\nresult = sub_42AEFA(qword_4CCA18, a1, 500LL, v9, 0LL, 0LL);\n}\nelse\n{\nv15 = 2952LL * i + 5032504;\nv13 = 0;\nv14 = sub_40D1CA(a1, &v13, 0LL, 0LL, qword_4CCA18, &v10);\nif ( v14 )\n{\nif ( v10 )\n{\nsub_42A6A5(*(_QWORD *)(v10 + 16), a1, v7);\nresult = sub_42ACE0(qword_4CCA18, v7, v10, 0LL, 0LL);\n}\nelse\n{\nresult = sub_42AEFA(qword_4CCA18, a1, 500LL, 0LL, 0LL, 0LL);\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nv3 = sub_4439C5();\nv14 = sub_43FF3E(v3, a1, &qword_4CC628, &v12);\nif ( v14 )\n{\nv8[0] = sub_48D8AB(\"Unable to create dialog\");\nv8[1] = v4;\nresult = sub_42AEFA(qword_4CCA18, a1, 500LL, v8, 0LL, 0LL);\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_406575(*(_QWORD *)(v12 + 48), v15, &v11);\nv14 = sub_40D220(v12, a1, v11, 0LL, v15 + 8);\nif ( v14 )\n{\nsub_441A16(v12, a1, 500LL, 0LL, &v10);\nv5 = v10;\nv6 = sub_439B78(a1);\nsub_441CB1(v12, v6, v5);\nresult = sub_4409CC(v12);\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_4409CC(v12);\n*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(v15 + 8) + 8 * (dword_4CA620 + 22LL) + 8) = v15;\nsub_483A51(v15 + 2872);\nv14 = sub_40EBEB(*(_QWORD *)(v15 + 8), a1, 200LL, 0LL, 0LL, &v10);\nif ( v14 )\n{\nv14 = sub_40EBEB(*(_QWORD *)(v15 + 8), a1, 406LL, 0LL, 0LL, &v10);\nif ( v14 )\nresult = sub_40D690(*(_QWORD *)(v15 + 8), 500LL, 0LL);\nelse\nresult = sub_41052D(*(_QWORD *)(v15 + 8), v10);\n}\nelse\n{\nresult = sub_41052D(*(_QWORD *)(v15 + 8), v10);\nv14 = result;\nif ( (_DWORD)result )\n__assert_fail(\"status == PJ_SUCCESS\", \"../src/samples/siprtp.c\", 0x2B2u, \"process_incoming_call\");\n}\n}\n}\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,sub_405900,sub_48D8AB,sub_42AEFA,sub_40D1CA,sub_42A6A5,sub_42ACE0,sub_4439C5,sub_43FF3E,sub_406575,sub_40D220,sub_441A16,sub_439B78,sub_441CB1,sub_4409CC,sub_483A51,sub_40EBEB,sub_40D690,sub_41052D,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'rdata', 'v7': 'res_addr', 'v8': 'reason_0', 'v9': 'reason', 'v10': 'tdata', 'v11': 'sdp', 'v12': 'dlg', 'v13': 'options', 'v14': 'status', 'v15': 'call', 'sub_405900': 'process_incoming_call', 'sub_48D8AB': 'pj_str', 'sub_42AEFA': 'pjsip_endpt_respond_stateless', 'sub_40D1CA': 'pjsip_inv_verify_request', 'sub_42A6A5': 'pjsip_get_response_addr', 'sub_42ACE0': 'pjsip_endpt_send_response', 'sub_4439C5': 'pjsip_ua_instance', 'sub_43FF3E': 'pjsip_dlg_create_uas_and_inc_lock', 'sub_406575': 'create_sdp', 'sub_40D220': 'pjsip_inv_create_uas', 'sub_441A16': 'pjsip_dlg_create_response', 'sub_439B78': 'pjsip_rdata_get_tsx', 'sub_441CB1': 'pjsip_dlg_send_response', 'sub_4409CC': 'pjsip_dlg_dec_lock', 'sub_483A51': 'pj_gettimeofday', 'sub_40EBEB': 'pjsip_inv_initial_answer', 'sub_40D690': 'pjsip_inv_terminate', 'sub_41052D': 'pjsip_inv_send_msg'}"} |
OLED_DrawBMP | 23b2b6c5746946c0edae4ec99dae456fbbdc1aeaeb75303bd8c8a9bf73a0941c | Embedfire | embed_linux_tutorial | NA | void OLED_DrawBMP(unsigned char x0, unsigned char y0, unsigned char x1, unsigned char y1, unsigned char BMP[])
unsigned int j = 0;
unsigned char x, y;
if (y1 % 8 == 0)
y = y1 / 8;
y = y1 / 8 + 1;
for (y = y0; y < y1; y++)
OLED_SetPos(x0, y);
for (x = x0; x < x1; x++)
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_401A9C", "function_addr": 4201116, "binary_name": "23b2b6c5746946c0edae4ec99dae456fbbdc1aeaeb75303bd8c8a9bf73a0941c.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov eax, ecx"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_28], r8"], [5, "mov ecx, edi"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_14], cl"], [7, "mov ecx, esi"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_18], cl"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_1C], dl"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_20], al"], [11, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [12, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [13, "and eax, 7"], [14, "test al, al"], [15, "jnz short loc_401AD8"], [16, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [17, "shr al, 3"], [18, "mov [rbp+var_6], al"], [19, "jmp short loc_401AE5"], [20, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [21, "shr al, 3"], [22, "add eax, 1"], [23, "mov [rbp+var_6], al"], [24, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [25, "mov [rbp+var_6], al"], [26, "jmp short loc_401B44"], [27, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_6]"], [28, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [29, "mov esi, edx"], [30, "mov edi, eax"], [31, "call sub_401450"], [32, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [33, "mov [rbp+var_5], al"], [34, "jmp short loc_401B31"], [35, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [36, "lea edx, [rax+1]"], [37, "mov [rbp+var_4], edx"], [38, "mov edx, eax"], [39, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [40, "add rax, rdx"], [41, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [42, "movzx eax, al"], [43, "mov edi, eax"], [44, "call sub_401394"], [45, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_5]"], [46, "add eax, 1"], [47, "mov [rbp+var_5], al"], [48, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_5]"], [49, "cmp al, [rbp+var_1C]"], [50, "jb short loc_401B08"], [51, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_6]"], [52, "add eax, 1"], [53, "mov [rbp+var_6], al"], [54, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_6]"], [55, "cmp al, [rbp+var_20]"], [56, "jb short loc_401AEE"], [57, "nop"], [58, "nop"], [59, "leave"], [60, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 5], [8, 7], [10, 3], [12, 10], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 14], [16, 10], [17, 16], [18, 17], [20, 10], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 8], [25, 24], [27, 53], [27, 25], [28, 6], [29, 27], [30, 28], [32, 6], [33, 32], [35, 11], [35, 37], [36, 27], [36, 35], [36, 38], [37, 36], [38, 35], [39, 4], [40, 38], [40, 39], [41, 40], [42, 41], [43, 42], [45, 33], [45, 47], [46, 45], [47, 46], [48, 33], [48, 47], [49, 9], [49, 48], [50, 49], [51, 53], [51, 25], [52, 51], [53, 52], [54, 53], [54, 25], [55, 10], [55, 54], [56, 55], [60, 54]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/23b2b6c5746946c0edae4ec99dae456fbbdc1aeaeb75303bd8c8a9bf73a0941c_23b2b6c5746946c0edae4ec99dae456fbbdc1aeaeb75303bd8c8a9bf73a0941c.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_401A9C", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_401A9C(unsigned __int8 a1, unsigned __int8 a2, unsigned __int8 a3, unsigned __int8 a4, __int64 a5)\n{\nunsigned int v5; // eax\n__int64 result; // rax\nunsigned __int8 i; // [rsp+2Bh] [rbp-5h]\nunsigned int v12; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv12 = 0;\nwhile ( 1 )\n{\nresult = a2;\nif ( a2 >= a4 )\nbreak;\nsub_401450(a1, a2);\nfor ( i = a1; i < a3; ++i )\n{\nv5 = v12++;\nsub_401394(*(_BYTE *)(v5 + a5));\n}\n++a2;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,i,sub_401A9C,sub_401450,sub_401394,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'x1', 'a4': 'y1', 'a1': 'x0', 'a2': 'y0', 'a5': 'BMP', 'i': 'x', 'sub_401A9C': 'OLED_DrawBMP', 'sub_401450': 'OLED_SetPos', 'sub_401394': 'spi_oled_send_data'}"} |
on_syntax_error | d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750 | AonCyberLabs | D-Modem | NA | static void on_syntax_error(pj_scanner *scanner)
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_41E9FF", "function_addr": 4319743, "binary_name": "d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CAC00"], [5, "mov edi, eax"], [6, "call sub_486AFE"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750_d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_41E9FF", "query": "\n\n\nvoid __noreturn sub_41E9FF()\n{\nsub_486AFE((unsigned int)dword_4CAC00);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_41E9FF,sub_486AFE,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_41E9FF': 'on_syntax_error', 'sub_486AFE': 'pj_throw_exception_'}"} |
load_op1_decimal | 9acbc7c1ba7e49eb8c0cc5dd5e3feb9b4a180e4e252c42715e31fa33694bae23 | open-simh | simh | NA | static void load_op1_decimal(DEC *d)
uint32 low, mid, high;
switch (mau_state.op1) {
low = read_w(mau_state.src + 8, ACC_AF, BUS_PER);
mid = read_w(mau_state.src + 4, ACC_AF, BUS_PER);
high = read_w(mau_state.src, ACC_AF, BUS_PER);
d->l = low;
d->l |= ((t_uint64) mid << 32);
d->h = high;
/* Invalid */
mau_exc(MAU_ASR_IS, MAU_ASR_IM);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_417557", "function_addr": 4289879, "binary_name": "9acbc7c1ba7e49eb8c0cc5dd5e3feb9b4a180e4e252c42715e31fa33694bae23.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "movzx eax, cs:byte_532F9D"], [5, "movzx eax, al"], [6, "cmp eax, 6"], [7, "jnz loc_4175FA"], [8, "mov eax, cs:dword_532F94"], [9, "add eax, 8"], [10, "mov edx, 0"], [11, "mov esi, 8"], [12, "mov edi, eax"], [13, "call sub_41C55C"], [14, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [15, "mov eax, cs:dword_532F94"], [16, "add eax, 4"], [17, "mov edx, 0"], [18, "mov esi, 8"], [19, "mov edi, eax"], [20, "call sub_41C55C"], [21, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [22, "mov eax, cs:dword_532F94"], [23, "mov edx, 0"], [24, "mov esi, 8"], [25, "mov edi, eax"], [26, "call sub_41C55C"], [27, "mov [rbp+var_C], eax"], [28, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [29, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [30, "mov [rax+8], rdx"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [32, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [33, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [34, "shl rax, 20h"], [35, "or rdx, rax"], [36, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [37, "mov [rax+8], rdx"], [38, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [39, "mov edx, [rbp+var_C]"], [40, "mov [rax], edx"], [41, "jmp short loc_41760A"], [42, "mov esi, 4000h"], [43, "mov edi, 200h"], [44, "call sub_411FFD"], [45, "nop"], [46, "nop"], [47, "leave"], [48, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [9, 8], [12, 9], [14, 13], [16, 15], [19, 16], [21, 20], [25, 22], [27, 26], [28, 14], [29, 3], [30, 29], [30, 28], [31, 3], [32, 31], [32, 30], [33, 21], [34, 33], [35, 32], [35, 34], [36, 3], [37, 36], [37, 35], [38, 3], [39, 27], [40, 38], [40, 39], [48, 38], [48, 44]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/9acbc7c1ba7e49eb8c0cc5dd5e3feb9b4a180e4e252c42715e31fa33694bae23_9acbc7c1ba7e49eb8c0cc5dd5e3feb9b4a180e4e252c42715e31fa33694bae23.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_417557", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_417557(__int64 a1)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nint v2; // [rsp+14h] [rbp-Ch]\nunsigned int v3; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\nunsigned int v4; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nif ( byte_532F9D != 6 )\nreturn sub_411FFD(512, 0x4000);\nv4 = sub_41C55C((unsigned int)(dword_532F94 + 8), 8LL, 0LL);\nv3 = sub_41C55C((unsigned int)(dword_532F94 + 4), 8LL, 0LL);\nv2 = sub_41C55C((unsigned int)dword_532F94, 8LL, 0LL);\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8) = v4;\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8) |= (unsigned __int64)v3 << 32;\nresult = a1;\n*(_DWORD *)a1 = v2;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v2,v3,v4,sub_417557,sub_411FFD,sub_41C55C,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'd', 'v2': 'high', 'v3': 'mid', 'v4': 'low', 'sub_417557': 'load_op1_decimal', 'sub_411FFD': 'mau_exc', 'sub_41C55C': 'read_w'}"} |
probe_chapter | 47dbb0334d900656507d737fe374672f3140f5fc6d4279824cf09bfea156759f | dm-vdo | vdo | NA | static int probe_chapter(struct volume *volume,
unsigned int chapter_number,
uint64_t *virtual_chapter_number)
const struct geometry *geometry = volume->geometry;
unsigned int expected_list_number = 0;
unsigned int i;
uint64_t vcn, last_vcn = UINT64_MAX;
map_to_physical_page(geometry, chapter_number, 0),
for (i = 0; i < geometry->index_pages_per_chapter; ++i) {
struct delta_index_page *page;
int result = get_volume_page(volume,
if (result != UDS_SUCCESS) {
return result;
vcn = page->virtual_chapter_number;
if (last_vcn == UINT64_MAX) {
last_vcn = vcn;
} else if (vcn != last_vcn) {
uds_log_error("inconsistent chapter %u index page %u: expected vcn %llu, got vcn %llu",
(unsigned long long) last_vcn,
(unsigned long long) vcn);
if (expected_list_number != page->lowest_list_number) {
uds_log_error("inconsistent chapter %u index page %u: expected list number %u, got list number %u",
chapter_number, i, expected_list_number,
expected_list_number = page->highest_list_number + 1;
result = validate_chapter_index_page(page, geometry);
if (result != UDS_SUCCESS) {
return result;
if (last_vcn == UINT64_MAX) {
uds_log_error("no chapter %u virtual chapter number determined",
if (chapter_number != map_to_physical_chapter(geometry, last_vcn)) {
uds_log_error("chapter %u vcn %llu is out of phase (%u)",
(unsigned long long) last_vcn,
*virtual_chapter_number = last_vcn;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_41AE5F", "function_addr": 4304479, "binary_name": "47dbb0334d900656507d737fe374672f3140f5fc6d4279824cf09bfea156759f.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push rbx"], [3, "sub rsp, 58h"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_48], rdi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_4C], esi"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_58], rdx"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [8, "mov rax, [rax]"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0"], [11, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [13, "mov ebx, [rax+3Ch]"], [14, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_4C]"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [16, "mov edx, 0"], [17, "mov esi, ecx"], [18, "mov rdi, rax"], [19, "call sub_4181FD"], [20, "mov ecx, eax"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [22, "add rax, 8"], [23, "mov edx, ebx"], [24, "mov esi, ecx"], [25, "mov rdi, rax"], [26, "call sub_41C38C"], [27, "mov [rbp+var_18], 0"], [28, "jmp loc_41AFD5"], [29, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_40]"], [30, "mov edx, [rbp+var_18]"], [31, "mov esi, [rbp+var_4C]"], [32, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [33, "mov r8, rcx"], [34, "mov ecx, 0"], [35, "mov rdi, rax"], [36, "call sub_419993"], [37, "mov [rbp+var_2C], eax"], [38, "cmp [rbp+var_2C], 0"], [39, "jz short loc_41AEFB"], [40, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [41, "jmp loc_41B069"], [42, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [43, "mov rax, [rax+60h]"], [44, "mov [rbp+var_38], rax"], [45, "cmp [rbp+var_20], 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh"], [46, "jnz short loc_41AF18"], [47, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [48, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [49, "jmp short loc_41AF5A"], [50, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [51, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [52, "jz short loc_41AF5A"], [53, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_38]"], [54, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_20]"], [55, "mov edx, [rbp+var_18]"], [56, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4C]"], [57, "mov r9, rsi"], [58, "mov r8, rcx"], [59, "mov ecx, edx"], [60, "mov edx, eax"], [61, "lea rsi, aInconsistentCh"], [62, "mov edi, 3"], [63, "mov eax, 0"], [64, "call sub_41480B"], [65, "mov eax, 411h"], [66, "jmp loc_41B069"], [67, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [68, "mov eax, [rax+58h]"], [69, "cmp [rbp+var_14], eax"], [70, "jz short loc_41AFA0"], [71, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [72, "mov esi, [rax+58h]"], [73, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_14]"], [74, "mov edx, [rbp+var_18]"], [75, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4C]"], [76, "mov r9d, esi"], [77, "mov r8d, ecx"], [78, "mov ecx, edx"], [79, "mov edx, eax"], [80, "lea rsi, aInconsistentCh_0"], [81, "mov edi, 3"], [82, "mov eax, 0"], [83, "call sub_41480B"], [84, "mov eax, 411h"], [85, "jmp loc_41B069"], [86, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [87, "mov eax, [rax+5Ch]"], [88, "add eax, 1"], [89, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [90, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [91, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [92, "mov rsi, rdx"], [93, "mov rdi, rax"], [94, "call sub_41DED2"], [95, "mov [rbp+var_2C], eax"], [96, "cmp [rbp+var_2C], 0"], [97, "jz short loc_41AFD1"], [98, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [99, "jmp loc_41B069"], [100, "add [rbp+var_18], 1"], [101, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [102, "mov eax, [rax+3Ch]"], [103, "cmp [rbp+var_18], eax"], [104, "jb loc_41AECC"], [105, "cmp [rbp+var_20], 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh"], [106, "jnz short loc_41B00E"], [107, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4C]"], [108, "mov edx, eax"], [109, "lea rsi, aNoChapterUVirt"], [110, "mov edi, 3"], [111, "mov eax, 0"], [112, "call sub_41480B"], [113, "mov eax, 411h"], [114, "jmp short loc_41B069"], [115, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_20]"], [116, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [117, "mov rsi, rdx"], [118, "mov rdi, rax"], [119, "call sub_425D17"], [120, "cmp [rbp+var_4C], eax"], [121, "jz short loc_41B059"], [122, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [123, "mov ecx, [rax+0Ch]"], [124, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_20]"], [125, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4C]"], [126, "mov r8d, ecx"], [127, "mov rcx, rdx"], [128, "mov edx, eax"], [129, "lea rsi, aChapterUVcnLlu"], [130, "mov edi, 3"], [131, "mov eax, 0"], [132, "call sub_41480B"], [133, "mov eax, 411h"], [134, "jmp short loc_41B069"], [135, "mov rax, [rbp+var_58]"], [136, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_20]"], [137, "mov [rax], rdx"], [138, "mov eax, 0"], [139, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_8]"], [140, "leave"], [141, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 4], [8, 7], [9, 8], [12, 9], [13, 12], [14, 5], [15, 9], [17, 14], [18, 15], [20, 19], [21, 4], [22, 21], [23, 13], [24, 20], [25, 22], [29, 34], [29, 20], [30, 27], [30, 100], [31, 5], [32, 4], [33, 29], [35, 32], [37, 36], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 37], [43, 42], [44, 43], [45, 48], [45, 11], [46, 45], [47, 44], [48, 47], [50, 44], [51, 11], [51, 50], [51, 48], [52, 51], [53, 44], [54, 48], [54, 11], [55, 100], [55, 27], [56, 5], [57, 53], [58, 54], [59, 55], [60, 56], [61, 53], [68, 67], [69, 10], [69, 89], [69, 68], [70, 69], [72, 71], [73, 10], [73, 89], [74, 27], [74, 100], [75, 5], [76, 72], [77, 73], [78, 74], [79, 75], [80, 72], [87, 86], [88, 87], [89, 88], [91, 9], [92, 91], [93, 90], [95, 94], [96, 95], [97, 96], [98, 95], [100, 27], [100, 100], [101, 9], [102, 101], [103, 102], [103, 27], [103, 100], [104, 103], [105, 48], [105, 11], [106, 105], [107, 5], [108, 107], [109, 24], [109, 92], [115, 48], [115, 11], [116, 9], [117, 115], [118, 116], [120, 5], [120, 119], [121, 120], [122, 9], [123, 122], [124, 48], [124, 11], [125, 5], [126, 123], [127, 124], [128, 125], [129, 117], [135, 6], [136, 48], [136, 11], [137, 135], [137, 136], [141, 65], [141, 138], [141, 40], [141, 113], [141, 133], [141, 98], [141, 84]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/47dbb0334d900656507d737fe374672f3140f5fc6d4279824cf09bfea156759f_47dbb0334d900656507d737fe374672f3140f5fc6d4279824cf09bfea156759f.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_41AE5F", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_41AE5F(pthread_mutex_t *a1, unsigned int a2, _QWORD *a3)\n{\nunsigned int v3; // ebx\nunsigned int v4; // eax\n__int64 v5; // rcx\n__int64 v6; // r8\n__int64 v7; // r9\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v9; // r9\n__int64 v11; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-40h] BYREF\n__int64 v12; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-38h]\nunsigned int v13; // [rsp+34h] [rbp-2Ch]\n__int64 v14; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-28h]\n__int64 v15; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-20h]\nunsigned int i; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-18h]\nunsigned int v17; // [rsp+4Ch] [rbp-14h]\n\nv14 = a1->__align;\nv17 = 0;\nv15 = -1LL;\nv3 = *(_DWORD *)(v14 + 60);\nv4 = sub_4181FD(v14, a2, 0);\nsub_41C38C(&a1->__align + 1, v4, v3);\nfor ( i = 0; i < *(_DWORD *)(v14 + 60); ++i )\n{\nv13 = sub_419993(a1, a2, i, 0LL, &v11);\nif ( v13 )\nreturn v13;\nv12 = *(_QWORD *)(v11 + 96);\nif ( v15 == -1 )\n{\nv15 = v12;\n}\nelse if ( v12 != v15 )\n{\nsub_41480B(3, \"inconsistent chapter %u index page %u: expected vcn %llu, got vcn %llu\", a2, i, v15, v12);\nreturn 1041LL;\n}\nif ( v17 != *(_DWORD *)(v11 + 88) )\n{\nsub_41480B(\n3,\n\"inconsistent chapter %u index page %u: expected list number %u, got list number %u\",\na2,\ni,\nv17,\n*(unsigned int *)(v11 + 88));\nreturn 1041LL;\n}\nv17 = *(_DWORD *)(v11 + 92) + 1;\nv13 = sub_41DED2(v11, v14);\nif ( v13 )\nreturn v13;\n}\nif ( v15 == -1 )\n{\nsub_41480B(3, \"no chapter %u virtual chapter number determined\", a2, v5, v6, v7);\nresult = 1041LL;\n}\nelse if ( a2 == (unsigned int)sub_425D17(v14, v15) )\n{\n*a3 = v15;\nresult = 0LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_41480B(3, \"chapter %u vcn %llu is out of phase (%u)\", a2, v15, *(unsigned int *)(v14 + 12), v9);\nresult = 1041LL;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v17,sub_41AE5F,sub_4181FD,sub_41C38C,sub_419993,sub_41480B,sub_41DED2,sub_425D17,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'virtual_chapter_number', 'a1': 'volume', 'a2': 'chapter_number', 'v11': 'page', 'v12': 'vcn', 'v13': 'result', 'v14': 'geometry', 'v15': 'last_vcn', 'v17': 'expected_list_number', 'sub_41AE5F': 'probe_chapter', 'sub_4181FD': 'map_to_physical_page', 'sub_41C38C': 'prefetch_volume_pages', 'sub_419993': 'get_volume_page', 'sub_41480B': 'uds_log_message', 'sub_41DED2': 'validate_chapter_index_page', 'sub_425D17': 'map_to_physical_chapter'}"} |
ZSTD_fillDoubleHashTable | 3a105699781685ff9afb4c1b40baa4ba016c4e971590af363956c83af6e4992a | soedinglab | spacepharer | NA | void ZSTD_fillDoubleHashTable(ZSTD_matchState_t* ms,
void const* end, ZSTD_dictTableLoadMethod_e dtlm)
const ZSTD_compressionParameters* const cParams = &ms->cParams;
U32* const hashLarge = ms->hashTable;
U32 const hBitsL = cParams->hashLog;
U32 const mls = cParams->searchLength;
U32* const hashSmall = ms->chainTable;
U32 const hBitsS = cParams->chainLog;
const BYTE* const base = ms->window.base;
const BYTE* ip = base + ms->nextToUpdate;
const BYTE* const iend = ((const BYTE*)end) - HASH_READ_SIZE;
const U32 fastHashFillStep = 3;
/* Always insert every fastHashFillStep position into the hash tables.
* Insert the other positions into the large hash table if their entry
* is empty.
for (; ip + fastHashFillStep - 1 <= iend; ip += fastHashFillStep) {
U32 const current = (U32)(ip - base);
U32 i;
for (i = 0; i < fastHashFillStep; ++i) {
size_t const smHash = ZSTD_hashPtr(ip + i, hBitsS, mls);
size_t const lgHash = ZSTD_hashPtr(ip + i, hBitsL, 8);
if (i == 0)
hashSmall[smHash] = current + i;
if (i == 0 || hashLarge[lgHash] == 0)
hashLarge[lgHash] = current + i;
/* Only load extra positions for ZSTD_dtlm_full */
if (dtlm == ZSTD_dtlm_fast)
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40E0E9", "function_addr": 4251881, "binary_name": "3a105699781685ff9afb4c1b40baa4ba016c4e971590af363956c83af6e4992a.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 78h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_68], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_70], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_74], edx"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [7, "add rax, 0B0h"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [10, "mov rax, [rax+30h]"], [11, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [13, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [14, "mov [rbp+var_24], eax"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [16, "mov eax, [rax+10h]"], [17, "mov [rbp+var_28], eax"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [19, "mov rax, [rax+40h]"], [20, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [22, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [23, "mov [rbp+var_34], eax"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [25, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [26, "mov [rbp+var_40], rax"], [27, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [28, "mov eax, [rax+24h]"], [29, "mov edx, eax"], [30, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [31, "add rax, rdx"], [32, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_70]"], [34, "sub rax, 8"], [35, "mov [rbp+var_48], rax"], [36, "mov [rbp+var_4C], 3"], [37, "jmp loc_40E24E"], [38, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [39, "sub rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [40, "mov [rbp+var_50], eax"], [41, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [42, "jmp loc_40E238"], [43, "mov edx, [rbp+var_C]"], [44, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [45, "lea rcx, [rdx+rax]"], [46, "mov edx, [rbp+var_28]"], [47, "mov eax, [rbp+var_34]"], [48, "mov esi, eax"], [49, "mov rdi, rcx"], [50, "call sub_40DFA1"], [51, "mov [rbp+var_58], rax"], [52, "mov edx, [rbp+var_C]"], [53, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [54, "lea rcx, [rdx+rax]"], [55, "mov eax, [rbp+var_24]"], [56, "mov edx, 8"], [57, "mov esi, eax"], [58, "mov rdi, rcx"], [59, "call sub_40DFA1"], [60, "mov [rbp+var_60], rax"], [61, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 0"], [62, "jnz short loc_40E1F2"], [63, "mov rax, [rbp+var_58]"], [64, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [65, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [66, "add rax, rdx"], [67, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_50]"], [68, "mov edx, [rbp+var_C]"], [69, "add edx, ecx"], [70, "mov [rax], edx"], [71, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 0"], [72, "jz short loc_40E211"], [73, "mov rax, [rbp+var_60]"], [74, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [75, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [76, "add rax, rdx"], [77, "mov eax, [rax]"], [78, "test eax, eax"], [79, "jnz short loc_40E22E"], [80, "mov rax, [rbp+var_60]"], [81, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [82, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [83, "add rax, rdx"], [84, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_50]"], [85, "mov edx, [rbp+var_C]"], [86, "add edx, ecx"], [87, "mov [rax], edx"], [88, "cmp [rbp+var_74], 0"], [89, "jz short loc_40E246"], [90, "add [rbp+var_C], 1"], [91, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [92, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_4C]"], [93, "jb loc_40E18F"], [94, "jmp short loc_40E247"], [95, "nop"], [96, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4C]"], [97, "add [rbp+var_8], rax"], [98, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4C]"], [99, "lea rdx, [rax-1]"], [100, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [101, "add rax, rdx"], [102, "cmp [rbp+var_48], rax"], [103, "jnb loc_40E178"], [104, "nop"], [105, "nop"], [106, "leave"], [107, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 3], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 3], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 8], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 8], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 3], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 8], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 3], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 3], [28, 27], [29, 28], [30, 26], [31, 29], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 4], [34, 33], [35, 34], [38, 32], [38, 97], [39, 26], [39, 38], [40, 39], [43, 41], [43, 90], [44, 97], [44, 32], [45, 67], [45, 87], [45, 70], [45, 54], [45, 84], [45, 44], [46, 17], [47, 23], [48, 47], [49, 45], [51, 50], [52, 90], [52, 41], [53, 32], [53, 97], [54, 87], [54, 53], [54, 70], [54, 45], [55, 14], [57, 55], [58, 54], [60, 59], [61, 90], [61, 41], [62, 61], [63, 51], [64, 56], [65, 20], [66, 64], [66, 65], [67, 40], [68, 41], [68, 90], [69, 67], [69, 68], [70, 66], [70, 69], [71, 90], [71, 41], [72, 71], [73, 60], [74, 56], [74, 69], [75, 11], [76, 74], [76, 75], [77, 76], [77, 87], [77, 70], [78, 77], [79, 78], [80, 60], [81, 69], [81, 56], [81, 74], [82, 11], [83, 82], [83, 81], [84, 40], [85, 90], [85, 41], [86, 85], [86, 84], [87, 86], [87, 83], [88, 5], [89, 88], [90, 90], [90, 41], [91, 90], [91, 41], [92, 91], [92, 36], [93, 92], [96, 36], [97, 97], [97, 32], [97, 96], [98, 36], [99, 29], [99, 86], [99, 99], [99, 74], [99, 87], [99, 98], [99, 70], [100, 32], [100, 97], [101, 99], [101, 100], [102, 35], [102, 101], [103, 102], [107, 101]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/3a105699781685ff9afb4c1b40baa4ba016c4e971590af363956c83af6e4992a_3a105699781685ff9afb4c1b40baa4ba016c4e971590af363956c83af6e4992a.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40E0E9", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_40E0E9(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, int a3)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v5; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-60h]\n__int64 v6; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-58h]\nint v7; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-50h]\n__int64 v8; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-40h]\nint v9; // [rsp+44h] [rbp-34h]\n__int64 v10; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-30h]\nunsigned int v11; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-28h]\nint v12; // [rsp+54h] [rbp-24h]\n__int64 v13; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-20h]\nunsigned int j; // [rsp+6Ch] [rbp-Ch]\n__int64 i; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv13 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 48);\nv12 = *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 184);\nv11 = *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 192);\nv10 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 64);\nv9 = *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 180);\nv8 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8);\nfor ( i = *(unsigned int *)(a1 + 36) + v8; ; i += 3LL )\n{\nresult = i + 2;\nif ( a2 - 8 < (unsigned __int64)(i + 2) )\nbreak;\nv7 = i - v8;\nfor ( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )\n{\nv6 = sub_40DFA1((unsigned int *)(j + i), v9, v11);\nv5 = sub_40DFA1((unsigned int *)(j + i), v12, 8u);\nif ( !j )\n*(_DWORD *)(4 * v6 + v10) = v7;\nif ( !j || !*(_DWORD *)(4 * v5 + v13) )\n*(_DWORD *)(4 * v5 + v13) = v7 + j;\nif ( !a3 )\nbreak;\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,i,sub_40E0E9,sub_40DFA1,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'dtlm', 'a1': 'ms', 'a2': 'end', 'v5': 'lgHash', 'v6': 'smHash', 'v7': 'current', 'v8': 'base', 'v9': 'hBitsS', 'v10': 'hashSmall', 'v11': 'mls', 'v12': 'hBitsL', 'v13': 'hashLarge', 'i': 'ip_0', 'sub_40E0E9': 'ZSTD_fillDoubleHashTable', 'sub_40DFA1': 'ZSTD_hashPtr'}"} |
phc_max_adj | f03938bc28af9ca6426f697165b30c98c7153c483c3d8ccf623632da35ecb675 | nxp-archive | openil_linuxptp | NA | int phc_max_adj(clockid_t clkid)
int max;
struct ptp_clock_caps caps;
if (phc_get_caps(clkid, &caps))
return 0;
max = caps.max_adj;
if (BITS_PER_LONG == 32 && max > MAX_PPB_32)
max = MAX_PPB_32;
return max;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_405C80", "function_addr": 4217984, "binary_name": "f03938bc28af9ca6426f697165b30c98c7153c483c3d8ccf623632da35ecb675.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 70h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_64], edi"], [4, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_60]"], [5, "mov eax, [rbp+var_64]"], [6, "mov rsi, rdx"], [7, "mov edi, eax"], [8, "call sub_405C36"], [9, "test eax, eax"], [10, "jz short loc_405CA7"], [11, "mov eax, 0"], [12, "jmp short locret_405CB0"], [13, "mov eax, [rbp+var_60]"], [14, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [15, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [16, "leave"], [17, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 3], [6, 4], [7, 5], [9, 8], [10, 9], [14, 13], [15, 14], [17, 15], [17, 11]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/f03938bc28af9ca6426f697165b30c98c7153c483c3d8ccf623632da35ecb675_f03938bc28af9ca6426f697165b30c98c7153c483c3d8ccf623632da35ecb675.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_405C80", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_405C80(int a1)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nunsigned int v2[23]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-60h] BYREF\n\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_405C36(a1, (__int64)v2) )\nresult = 0LL;\nelse\nresult = v2[0];\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v2,sub_405C80,sub_405C36,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'clkid', 'v2': 'caps', 'sub_405C80': 'phc_max_adj', 'sub_405C36': 'phc_get_caps'}"} |
packed_buffer_init | 5a31e0d18063429d016b74adb542768dc1c9a0a5c454a56601ac17c8a09820f4 | smcameron | space-nerds-in-space | NA | void packed_buffer_init(struct packed_buffer * pb, void *buffer, int size)
pb->buffer = buffer;
pb->buffer_size = size;
pb->buffer_cursor = 0;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "packed_buffer_init", "function_addr": 4244806, "binary_name": "5a31e0d18063429d016b74adb542768dc1c9a0a5c454a56601ac17c8a09820f4.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_14], edx"], [5, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [6, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [7, "mov [rax], rdx"], [8, "mov edx, [rbp+var_14]"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [10, "mov [rax+8], edx"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [12, "mov dword ptr [rax+0Ch], 0"], [13, "nop"], [14, "pop rbp"], [15, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 2], [6, 3], [7, 6], [7, 5], [8, 4], [9, 2], [10, 8], [10, 9], [11, 2], [12, 11], [14, 0], [15, 11]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/5a31e0d18063429d016b74adb542768dc1c9a0a5c454a56601ac17c8a09820f4_5a31e0d18063429d016b74adb542768dc1c9a0a5c454a56601ac17c8a09820f4.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "packed_buffer_init", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall packed_buffer_init(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, int a3)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\n*(_QWORD *)a1 = a2;\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 8) = a3;\nresult = a1;\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 12) = 0;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'size', 'a1': 'pb', 'a2': 'buffer'}"} |
server_recv_cb | cf98090516d1823435069f863d6162add4b310a6c2befb40995b9d025dff0891 | ptpt52 | natcap | NA | static void server_recv_cb(EV_P_ ev_io *w, int revents)
server_ctx_t *server_recv_ctx = (server_ctx_t *)w;
server_t *server = server_recv_ctx->server;
remote_t *remote = server->remote;
if (remote == NULL) {
printf("invalid remote\n");
close_and_free_server(EV_A_ server);
ssize_t r = recv(server->fd, remote->buf->data, BUF_SIZE, 0);
if (r == 0) {
// connection closed
if (verbose) {
printf("server_recv close the connection\n");
close_and_free_remote(EV_A_ remote);
close_and_free_server(EV_A_ server);
} else if (r == -1) {
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
// no data
// continue to wait for recv
} else {
//perror("server recv");
close_and_free_remote(EV_A_ remote);
close_and_free_server(EV_A_ server);
tx += r;
remote->buf->len = r;
if (server->stage == STAGE_STREAM) {
ev_timer_again(EV_A_ & server->recv_ctx->watcher);
int s = send(remote->fd, remote->buf->data, remote->buf->len, 0);
if (s == -1) {
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
// no data, wait for send
remote->buf->idx = 0;
ev_io_stop(EV_A_ & server_recv_ctx->io);
ev_io_start(EV_A_ & remote->send_ctx->io);
} else {
close_and_free_remote(EV_A_ remote);
close_and_free_server(EV_A_ server);
} else if (s < remote->buf->len) {
remote->buf->len -= s;
remote->buf->idx = s;
ev_io_stop(EV_A_ & server_recv_ctx->io);
ev_io_start(EV_A_ & remote->send_ctx->io);
} else if (server->stage == STAGE_INIT) {
// waiting on remote connected event
ev_io_stop(EV_A_ & server_recv_ctx->io);
ev_io_start(EV_A_ & remote->send_ctx->io);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_402A01", "function_addr": 4205057, "binary_name": "cf98090516d1823435069f863d6162add4b310a6c2befb40995b9d025dff0891.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 50h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_38], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_40], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_44], edx"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [9, "mov rax, [rax+68h]"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [12, "mov rax, [rax+28h]"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [14, "cmp [rbp+var_18], 0"], [15, "jnz short loc_402A5D"], [16, "mov edi, offset aInvalidRemote"], [17, "call _puts"], [18, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [20, "mov rsi, rdx"], [21, "mov rdi, rax"], [22, "call sub_403C4E"], [23, "jmp locret_402CD8"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [25, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [26, "lea rsi, [rax+8]"], [27, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [28, "mov eax, [rax]"], [29, "mov ecx, 0"], [30, "mov edx, 800h"], [31, "mov edi, eax"], [32, "call _recv"], [33, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [34, "cmp [rbp+var_20], 0"], [35, "jnz short loc_402ACA"], [36, "mov eax, cs:dword_407204"], [37, "test eax, eax"], [38, "jz short loc_402A9F"], [39, "mov edi, offset aServerRecvClos"], [40, "call _puts"], [41, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [42, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [43, "mov rsi, rdx"], [44, "mov rdi, rax"], [45, "call sub_403826"], [46, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [47, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [48, "mov rsi, rdx"], [49, "mov rdi, rax"], [50, "call sub_403C4E"], [51, "jmp locret_402CD8"], [52, "cmp [rbp+var_20], 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh"], [53, "jnz short loc_402B1C"], [54, "call ___errno_location"], [55, "mov eax, [rax]"], [56, "cmp eax, 0Bh"], [57, "jz loc_402CD4"], [58, "call ___errno_location"], [59, "mov eax, [rax]"], [60, "cmp eax, 0Bh"], [61, "jz loc_402CD4"], [62, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [63, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [64, "mov rsi, rdx"], [65, "mov rdi, rax"], [66, "call sub_403826"], [67, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [68, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [69, "mov rsi, rdx"], [70, "mov rdi, rax"], [71, "call sub_403C4E"], [72, "jmp locret_402CD8"], [73, "mov rdx, cs:qword_407210"], [74, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [75, "add rax, rdx"], [76, "mov cs:qword_407210, rax"], [77, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [78, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [79, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_20]"], [80, "mov [rax+4], edx"], [81, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [82, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [83, "cmp eax, 6"], [84, "jnz loc_402C9A"], [85, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [86, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [87, "lea rdx, [rax+30h]"], [88, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [89, "mov rsi, rdx"], [90, "mov rdi, rax"], [91, "call _ev_timer_again"], [92, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [93, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [94, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [95, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [96, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [97, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [98, "lea rsi, [rax+8]"], [99, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [100, "mov eax, [rax]"], [101, "mov ecx, 0"], [102, "mov edi, eax"], [103, "call _send"], [104, "mov [rbp+var_24], eax"], [105, "cmp [rbp+var_24], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [106, "jnz loc_402C31"], [107, "call ___errno_location"], [108, "mov eax, [rax]"], [109, "cmp eax, 0Bh"], [110, "jz short loc_402BBC"], [111, "call ___errno_location"], [112, "mov eax, [rax]"], [113, "cmp eax, 0Bh"], [114, "jnz short loc_402BFC"], [115, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [116, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [117, "mov dword ptr [rax], 0"], [118, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [119, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [120, "mov rsi, rdx"], [121, "mov rdi, rax"], [122, "call _ev_io_stop"], [123, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [124, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [125, "mov rdx, rax"], [126, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [127, "mov rsi, rdx"], [128, "mov rdi, rax"], [129, "call _ev_io_start"], [130, "jmp loc_402CD7"], [131, "mov edi, offset aServerRecvSend"], [132, "call _perror"], [133, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [134, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [135, "mov rsi, rdx"], [136, "mov rdi, rax"], [137, "call sub_403826"], [138, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [139, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [140, "mov rsi, rdx"], [141, "mov rdi, rax"], [142, "call sub_403C4E"], [143, "jmp loc_402CD7"], [144, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [145, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [146, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [147, "cmp [rbp+var_24], eax"], [148, "jge loc_402CD7"], [149, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [150, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [151, "mov edx, [rax+4]"], [152, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [153, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [154, "sub edx, [rbp+var_24]"], [155, "mov [rax+4], edx"], [156, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [157, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [158, "mov edx, [rbp+var_24]"], [159, "mov [rax], edx"], [160, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [161, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [162, "mov rsi, rdx"], [163, "mov rdi, rax"], [164, "call _ev_io_stop"], [165, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [166, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [167, "mov rdx, rax"], [168, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [169, "mov rsi, rdx"], [170, "mov rdi, rax"], [171, "call _ev_io_start"], [172, "jmp short loc_402CD7"], [173, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [174, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [175, "test eax, eax"], [176, "jnz short locret_402CD8"], [177, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [178, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [179, "mov rsi, rdx"], [180, "mov rdi, rax"], [181, "call _ev_io_stop"], [182, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [183, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [184, "mov rdx, rax"], [185, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [186, "mov rsi, rdx"], [187, "mov rdi, rax"], [188, "call _ev_io_start"], [189, "jmp short locret_402CD8"], [190, "nop"], [191, "jmp short locret_402CD8"], [192, "nop"], [193, "leave"], [194, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 4], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 14], [18, 10], [19, 3], [20, 18], [21, 19], [24, 13], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 10], [28, 27], [31, 28], [33, 32], [34, 33], [35, 34], [37, 36], [38, 37], [41, 13], [42, 3], [43, 41], [44, 42], [46, 10], [47, 3], [48, 46], [49, 47], [52, 33], [53, 52], [55, 54], [56, 55], [57, 56], [59, 58], [60, 59], [61, 60], [62, 13], [63, 3], [64, 62], [65, 63], [67, 10], [68, 3], [69, 67], [70, 68], [74, 33], [75, 74], [75, 73], [76, 75], [77, 13], [78, 77], [79, 33], [80, 78], [80, 79], [81, 10], [82, 81], [82, 80], [83, 82], [84, 83], [85, 10], [86, 85], [86, 80], [87, 80], [87, 86], [87, 79], [88, 3], [89, 87], [90, 88], [92, 13], [93, 92], [93, 80], [94, 80], [94, 93], [95, 94], [96, 13], [97, 96], [97, 80], [98, 80], [98, 89], [98, 97], [99, 13], [100, 80], [100, 99], [102, 100], [104, 103], [105, 104], [106, 105], [108, 107], [108, 80], [109, 108], [110, 109], [112, 111], [112, 80], [113, 112], [114, 113], [115, 13], [116, 115], [116, 117], [116, 80], [117, 116], [118, 7], [119, 3], [120, 118], [121, 119], [123, 13], [124, 117], [124, 123], [125, 124], [126, 3], [127, 125], [128, 126], [133, 13], [134, 3], [135, 133], [136, 134], [138, 10], [139, 3], [140, 138], [141, 139], [144, 13], [145, 80], [145, 144], [146, 145], [146, 80], [147, 146], [147, 104], [148, 147], [149, 13], [150, 159], [150, 149], [150, 80], [150, 155], [151, 155], [151, 150], [151, 159], [151, 80], [152, 13], [153, 80], [153, 155], [153, 152], [153, 159], [154, 104], [154, 151], [155, 153], [155, 154], [156, 13], [157, 155], [157, 156], [158, 104], [159, 157], [159, 158], [160, 7], [161, 3], [162, 160], [163, 161], [165, 13], [166, 165], [166, 159], [167, 166], [168, 3], [169, 167], [170, 168], [173, 10], [174, 80], [174, 173], [175, 174], [176, 175], [177, 7], [178, 3], [179, 177], [180, 178], [182, 13], [183, 80], [183, 182], [184, 183], [185, 3], [186, 184], [187, 185], [194, 142], [194, 71], [194, 55], [194, 50], [194, 59], [194, 171], [194, 146], [194, 22], [194, 175], [194, 129], [194, 188]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/cf98090516d1823435069f863d6162add4b310a6c2befb40995b9d025dff0891_cf98090516d1823435069f863d6162add4b310a6c2befb40995b9d025dff0891.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_402A01", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_402A01(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nint v3; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-24h]\nssize_t v4; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-20h]\n__int64 v5; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-18h]\n__int64 v6; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-10h]\n\nv6 = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 104);\nv5 = *(_QWORD *)(v6 + 40);\nif ( !v5 )\n{\nputs(\"invalid remote\");\nreturn sub_403C4E(a1, v6);\n}\nv4 = recv(*(_DWORD *)v6, (void *)(*(_QWORD *)(v5 + 8) + 8LL), 0x800uLL, 0);\nif ( !v4 )\n{\nif ( dword_407204 )\nputs(\"server_recv close the connection\");\nLABEL_10:\nsub_403826(a1, v5);\nreturn sub_403C4E(a1, v6);\n}\nif ( v4 == -1 )\n{\nresult = (unsigned int)*__errno_location();\nif ( (_DWORD)result != 11 )\n{\nresult = (unsigned int)*__errno_location();\nif ( (_DWORD)result != 11 )\ngoto LABEL_10;\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nqword_407210 += v4;\n*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(v5 + 8) + 4LL) = v4;\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(v6 + 4) == 6 )\n{\nev_timer_again();\nv3 = send(*(_DWORD *)v5, (const void *)(*(_QWORD *)(v5 + 8) + 8LL), *(int *)(*(_QWORD *)(v5 + 8) + 4LL), 0);\nif ( v3 == -1 )\n{\nif ( *__errno_location() == 11 || *__errno_location() == 11 )\n{\n**(_DWORD **)(v5 + 8) = 0;\nev_io_stop();\nresult = ev_io_start();\n}\nelse\n{\nperror(\"server_recv_send\");\nsub_403826(a1, v5);\nresult = sub_403C4E(a1, v6);\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nresult = *(unsigned int *)(*(_QWORD *)(v5 + 8) + 4LL);\nif ( v3 < (int)result )\n{\n*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(v5 + 8) + 4LL) -= v3;\n**(_DWORD **)(v5 + 8) = v3;\nev_io_stop();\nresult = ev_io_start();\n}\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nresult = *(unsigned int *)(v6 + 4);\nif ( !(_DWORD)result )\n{\nev_io_stop();\nresult = ev_io_start();\n}\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v3,v4,v5,v6,sub_402A01,sub_403C4E,sub_403826,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'loop', 'a2': 'w', 'v3': 's', 'v4': 'r', 'v5': 'remote', 'v6': 'server', 'sub_402A01': 'server_recv_cb', 'sub_403C4E': 'close_and_free_server', 'sub_403826': 'close_and_free_remote'}"} |
testEqualInt8sWhenThereAreDifferencesOutside8Bits | 46f2098509954f9b46a13d7d65487eeec0d3b9bfe0bee64bfb7700b5b7a10d06 | aws-samples | connected-drink-dispenser-workshop | NA | void testEqualInt8sWhenThereAreDifferencesOutside8Bits(void)
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_409BB5", "function_addr": 4234165, "binary_name": "46f2098509954f9b46a13d7d65487eeec0d3b9bfe0bee64bfb7700b5b7a10d06.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov rax, cs:qword_47AB60"], [3, "add rax, 1"], [4, "mov cs:qword_47AB60, rax"], [5, "mov r8d, 11h"], [6, "mov ecx, 1D8h"], [7, "mov edx, 0"], [8, "mov esi, 21h "], [9, "mov edi, 21h "], [10, "call sub_402D35"], [11, "mov rax, cs:qword_47AB68"], [12, "add rax, 1"], [13, "mov cs:qword_47AB68, rax"], [14, "mov r8d, 11h"], [15, "mov ecx, 1D9h"], [16, "mov edx, 0"], [17, "mov esi, 21h "], [18, "mov edi, 21h "], [19, "call sub_402D35"], [20, "mov rax, cs:qword_47AB70"], [21, "add rax, 1"], [22, "mov cs:qword_47AB70, rax"], [23, "nop"], [24, "pop rbp"], [25, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[3, 2], [4, 3], [12, 11], [13, 12], [21, 20], [22, 21], [24, 0], [25, 21]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/46f2098509954f9b46a13d7d65487eeec0d3b9bfe0bee64bfb7700b5b7a10d06_46f2098509954f9b46a13d7d65487eeec0d3b9bfe0bee64bfb7700b5b7a10d06.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_409BB5", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 sub_409BB5()\n{\n++qword_47AB60;\nsub_402D35(33LL, 33LL, 0LL, 472LL, 17);\n++qword_47AB68;\nsub_402D35(33LL, 33LL, 0LL, 473LL, 17);\nreturn ++qword_47AB70;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_409BB5,sub_402D35,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_409BB5': 'testEqualInt8sWhenThereAreDifferencesOutside8Bits', 'sub_402D35': 'UnityAssertEqualNumber'}"} |
main | 2f9d6c3aca3bff4336a031d182aeef1092b0812f64dbaee7870fc59a1b14d034 | LemonBoy | ldm | NA | int
main (int argc, char *argv[])
struct udev *udev;
struct udev_monitor *monitor;
struct udev_device *device;
const char *action;
struct pollfd pollfd[3]; // udev / mtab / fifo
char *resolved;
int opt, got_u, daemon;
int ipc_fd, mtab_fd;
ipc_fd = mtab_fd = -1;
daemon = 0;
got_u = 0;
g_callback_cmd = NULL;
g_mask.fmask = 0133;
g_mask.dmask = 0022;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hdu:p:c:m:")) != -1) {
switch (opt) {
case 'd':
daemon = 1;
case 'u':
if (!map_user_to_id(optarg))
got_u = 1;
case 'm':
char *sep = strchr(optarg, ',');
if (!sep) {
if (!parse_mask(optarg, &g_mask.fmask)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid mask specified!\n");
// The user specified a single mask, use that as umask
g_mask.dmask = g_mask.fmask;
else {
*sep++ = '\0';
// The user specified two distinct masks
if (!parse_mask(optarg, &g_mask.fmask) || !parse_mask(sep, &g_mask.dmask)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid mask specified!\n");
case 'p':
case 'c':
if (optarg[0] == '\0') {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot pass empty argument to -%c\n", opt);
if (opt == 'p') {
g_mount_path = strdup(optarg);
else {
g_callback_cmd = strdup(optarg);
case 'h':
printf("ldm "VERSION_STR"\n");
printf("2011-2019 (C) The Lemon Man\n");
printf("%s [-d | -r | -u | -p | -c | -m | -h]\n", argv[0]);
printf("\t-d Run ldm as a daemon\n");
printf("\t-u Specify the user\n");
printf("\t-m Specify the umask or the fmask/dmask\n");
printf("\t-p Specify where to mount the devices\n");
printf("\t-c Specify the path to the script executed after mount/unmount events\n");
printf("\t-h Show this help\n");
// Falltrough
if (getuid() != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "You have to run this program as root!\n");
if (g_file_test(LOCK_PATH, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ldm is already running!\n");
if (!got_u) {
fprintf(stderr, "You must supply the user with the -u switch!\n");
if (g_callback_cmd && !g_file_test(g_callback_cmd, G_FILE_TEST_IS_EXECUTABLE)) {
fprintf(stderr, "The callback script isn't executable!\n");
g_callback_cmd = NULL;
if (!g_mount_path)
g_mount_path = strdup("/mnt");
// Resolve the mount point path before using it
resolved = realpath(g_mount_path, NULL);
if (!resolved) {
// Print a nice warning if the path doesn't exist
if (errno == ENOENT)
fprintf(stderr, "The path \"%s\" doesn't name an existing folder!\n", g_mount_path);
g_mount_path = resolved;
// Check anyways
if (!g_file_test(g_mount_path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
fprintf(stderr, "The path \"%s\" doesn't name a folder or doesn't exist!\n", g_mount_path);
// Create the ipc socket
if (daemon && !daemonize()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not spawn the daemon!\n");
openlog("ldm", LOG_CONS, LOG_DAEMON);
signal(SIGTERM, sig_handler);
signal(SIGINT , sig_handler);
signal(SIGHUP , sig_handler);
syslog(LOG_INFO, "ldm "VERSION_STR);
// Create the udev struct/monitor
udev = udev_new();
monitor = udev_monitor_new_from_netlink(udev, "udev");
if (!monitor) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, "Cannot create a new monitor");
goto cleanup;
if (udev_monitor_filter_add_match_subsystem_devtype(monitor, "block", NULL)) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, "Cannot set the filter");
goto cleanup;
// Create the hashtable holding the mounted devices
g_dev_table = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify)device_free);
// Load the tables
g_fstab = mnt_new_table_from_file(FSTAB_PATH);
g_mtab = mnt_new_table_from_file(MTAB_PATH);
if (!g_fstab || !g_mtab) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not parse the fstab/mtab\n");
goto cleanup;
g_mtab = mnt_new_table_from_file(MTAB_PATH);
// Setup the fd to poll
mtab_fd = open(MTAB_PATH, O_RDONLY);
if (mtab_fd < 0) {
goto cleanup;
ipc_fd = ipc_init(1);
if (ipc_fd < 0)
goto cleanup;
if (listen(ipc_fd, 1) < 0) {
goto cleanup;
// Register all the events
pollfd[0].fd = udev_monitor_get_fd(monitor);
pollfd[0].events = POLLIN;
pollfd[1].fd = mtab_fd;
pollfd[1].events = 0;
pollfd[2].fd = ipc_fd;
pollfd[2].events = POLLIN;
// Enable receiving now, we're ready to process the incoming events
if (udev_monitor_enable_receiving(monitor)) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, "Cannot enable receiving");
goto cleanup;
syslog(LOG_INFO, "Entering the main loop");
g_running = 1;
while (g_running) {
if (poll(pollfd, 3, -1) < 1)
// Incoming message on udev socket
if (pollfd[0].revents & POLLIN) {
device = udev_monitor_receive_device(monitor);
if (!device)
action = udev_device_get_action(device);
if (!strcmp(action, "add")) {
else if (!strcmp(action, "remove")) {
else if (!strcmp(action, "change")) {
// mtab change
if (pollfd[1].revents & POLLERR) {
// client connection to the ipc socket
if (pollfd[2].revents & POLLIN) {
int client;
client = accept(ipc_fd, NULL, NULL);
if (client < 0) {
if (!ipc_serve(client))
syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not serve a client due to an error");
device_clear_list ();
// Do the cleanup
ipc_deinit (ipc_fd);
syslog(LOG_INFO, "Terminating...");
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "main", "function_addr": 4217132, "binary_name": "2f9d6c3aca3bff4336a031d182aeef1092b0812f64dbaee7870fc59a1b14d034.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "add rsp, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFF80h"], [3, "mov [rbp+argc], edi"], [4, "mov [rbp+argv], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [6, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [7, "mov [rbp+fd], eax"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [10, "mov cs:ptr, 0"], [11, "mov cs:qword_40A460, 5Bh "], [12, "mov cs:qword_40A468, 12h"], [13, "jmp loc_405B86"], [14, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [15, "sub eax, 63h "], [16, "cmp eax, 12h"], [17, "ja def_405995"], [18, "mov eax, eax"], [19, "mov rax, ds:jpt_405995[rax*8]"], [20, "jmp rax"], [21, "mov [rbp+var_8], 1"], [22, "jmp loc_405B86"], [23, "mov rax, cs:optarg"], [24, "mov rdi, rax"], [25, "call sub_4058A2"], [26, "test eax, eax"], [27, "jnz short loc_4059C0"], [28, "mov eax, 1"], [29, "jmp locret_40621A"], [30, "mov [rbp+var_4], 1"], [31, "jmp loc_405B86"], [32, "mov rax, cs:optarg"], [33, "mov esi, 2Ch "], [34, "mov rdi, rax"], [35, "call _strchr"], [36, "mov [rbp+var_50], rax"], [37, "cmp [rbp+var_50], 0"], [38, "jnz short loc_405A3E"], [39, "mov rax, cs:optarg"], [40, "mov esi, offset qword_40A460"], [41, "mov rdi, rax"], [42, "call sub_405753"], [43, "test eax, eax"], [44, "jnz short loc_405A2B"], [45, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [46, "mov rcx, rax"], [47, "mov edx, 18h"], [48, "mov esi, 1"], [49, "mov edi, offset aInvalidMaskSpe"], [50, "call _fwrite"], [51, "mov eax, 1"], [52, "jmp locret_40621A"], [53, "mov rax, cs:qword_40A460"], [54, "mov cs:qword_40A468, rax"], [55, "jmp loc_405B86"], [56, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [57, "lea rdx, [rax+1]"], [58, "mov [rbp+var_50], rdx"], [59, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [60, "mov rax, cs:optarg"], [61, "mov esi, offset qword_40A460"], [62, "mov rdi, rax"], [63, "call sub_405753"], [64, "test eax, eax"], [65, "jz short loc_405A7E"], [66, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [67, "mov esi, offset qword_40A468"], [68, "mov rdi, rax"], [69, "call sub_405753"], [70, "test eax, eax"], [71, "jnz loc_405B86"], [72, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [73, "mov rcx, rax"], [74, "mov edx, 18h"], [75, "mov esi, 1"], [76, "mov edi, offset aInvalidMaskSpe"], [77, "call _fwrite"], [78, "mov eax, 1"], [79, "jmp locret_40621A"], [80, "mov rax, cs:optarg"], [81, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [82, "test al, al"], [83, "jnz short loc_405ADA"], [84, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [85, "mov edx, [rbp+var_14]"], [86, "mov esi, offset aCannotPassEmpt"], [87, "mov rdi, rax"], [88, "mov eax, 0"], [89, "call _fprintf"], [90, "mov eax, 1"], [91, "jmp locret_40621A"], [92, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 70h "], [93, "jnz short loc_405AFB"], [94, "mov rax, cs:optarg"], [95, "mov rdi, rax"], [96, "call _strdup"], [97, "mov cs:qword_40A450, rax"], [98, "jmp loc_405B86"], [99, "mov rax, cs:optarg"], [100, "mov rdi, rax"], [101, "call _strdup"], [102, "mov cs:ptr, rax"], [103, "jmp short loc_405B86"], [104, "mov edi, offset aLdmV07"], [105, "call _puts"], [106, "mov edi, offset a20112019CTheLe"], [107, "call _puts"], [108, "mov rax, [rbp+argv]"], [109, "mov rax, [rax]"], [110, "mov rsi, rax"], [111, "mov edi, offset aSDRUPCMH"], [112, "mov eax, 0"], [113, "call _printf"], [114, "mov edi, offset aDRunLdmAsADaem"], [115, "call _puts"], [116, "mov edi, offset aUSpecifyTheUse"], [117, "call _puts"], [118, "mov edi, offset aMSpecifyTheUma"], [119, "call _puts"], [120, "mov edi, offset aPSpecifyWhereT"], [121, "call _puts"], [122, "mov edi, offset aCSpecifyThePat"], [123, "call _puts"], [124, "mov edi, offset aHShowThisHelp"], [125, "call _puts"], [126, "mov eax, 0"], [127, "jmp locret_40621A"], [128, "mov rcx, [rbp+argv]"], [129, "mov eax, [rbp+argc]"], [130, "mov edx, offset shortopts"], [131, "mov rsi, rcx"], [132, "mov edi, eax"], [133, "call _getopt"], [134, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [135, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [136, "jnz loc_40597C"], [137, "call _getuid"], [138, "test eax, eax"], [139, "jz short loc_405BDA"], [140, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [141, "mov rcx, rax"], [142, "mov edx, 26h "], [143, "mov esi, 1"], [144, "mov edi, offset aYouHaveToRunTh"], [145, "call _fwrite"], [146, "mov eax, 1"], [147, "jmp locret_40621A"], [148, "mov esi, 10h"], [149, "mov edi, offset filename"], [150, "call _g_file_test"], [151, "test eax, eax"], [152, "jz short loc_405C15"], [153, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [154, "mov rcx, rax"], [155, "mov edx, 18h"], [156, "mov esi, 1"], [157, "mov edi, offset aLdmIsAlreadyRu"], [158, "call _fwrite"], [159, "mov eax, 0"], [160, "jmp locret_40621A"], [161, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [162, "jnz short loc_405C43"], [163, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [164, "mov rcx, rax"], [165, "mov edx, 2Dh "], [166, "mov esi, 1"], [167, "mov edi, offset aYouMustSupplyT"], [168, "call _fwrite"], [169, "mov eax, 1"], [170, "jmp locret_40621A"], [171, "mov rax, cs:ptr"], [172, "test rax, rax"], [173, "jz short loc_405C9F"], [174, "mov rax, cs:ptr"], [175, "mov esi, 8"], [176, "mov rdi, rax"], [177, "call _g_file_test"], [178, "test eax, eax"], [179, "jnz short loc_405C9F"], [180, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [181, "mov rcx, rax"], [182, "mov edx, 26h "], [183, "mov esi, 1"], [184, "mov edi, offset aTheCallbackScr"], [185, "call _fwrite"], [186, "mov rax, cs:ptr"], [187, "mov rdi, rax"], [188, "call _free"], [189, "mov cs:ptr, 0"], [190, "mov rax, cs:qword_40A450"], [191, "test rax, rax"], [192, "jnz short loc_405CBC"], [193, "mov edi, offset aMnt"], [194, "call _strdup"], [195, "mov cs:qword_40A450, rax"], [196, "mov rax, cs:qword_40A450"], [197, "mov esi, 0"], [198, "mov rdi, rax"], [199, "call _realpath"], [200, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [201, "cmp [rbp+var_20], 0"], [202, "jnz short loc_405D1D"], [203, "call ___errno_location"], [204, "mov eax, [rax]"], [205, "cmp eax, 2"], [206, "jnz short loc_405D09"], [207, "mov rdx, cs:qword_40A450"], [208, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [209, "mov esi, offset aThePathSDoesnT"], [210, "mov rdi, rax"], [211, "mov eax, 0"], [212, "call _fprintf"], [213, "jmp short loc_405D13"], [214, "mov edi, offset aRealpath_1"], [215, "call _perror"], [216, "mov eax, 1"], [217, "jmp locret_40621A"], [218, "mov rax, cs:qword_40A450"], [219, "mov rdi, rax"], [220, "call _free"], [221, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [222, "mov cs:qword_40A450, rax"], [223, "mov rax, cs:qword_40A450"], [224, "mov esi, 4"], [225, "mov rdi, rax"], [226, "call _g_file_test"], [227, "test eax, eax"], [228, "jnz short loc_405D97"], [229, "mov rdx, cs:qword_40A450"], [230, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [231, "mov esi, offset aThePathSDoesnT_0"], [232, "mov rdi, rax"], [233, "mov eax, 0"], [234, "call _fprintf"], [235, "mov rax, cs:ptr"], [236, "mov rdi, rax"], [237, "call _free"], [238, "mov rax, cs:qword_40A450"], [239, "mov rdi, rax"], [240, "call _free"], [241, "mov eax, 1"], [242, "jmp locret_40621A"], [243, "mov edi, 0"], [244, "call _umask"], [245, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [246, "jz short loc_405DD8"], [247, "call sub_4053F7"], [248, "test eax, eax"], [249, "jnz short loc_405DD8"], [250, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [251, "mov rcx, rax"], [252, "mov edx, 1Ch"], [253, "mov esi, 1"], [254, "mov edi, offset aCouldNotSpawnT"], [255, "call _fwrite"], [256, "mov eax, 1"], [257, "jmp locret_40621A"], [258, "call _getpid"], [259, "mov edi, eax"], [260, "call sub_403DAF"], [261, "mov edx, 18h"], [262, "mov esi, 2"], [263, "mov edi, offset ident"], [264, "call _openlog"], [265, "mov esi, offset handler"], [266, "mov edi, 0Fh"], [267, "call _signal"], [268, "mov esi, offset handler"], [269, "mov edi, 2"], [270, "call _signal"], [271, "mov esi, offset handler"], [272, "mov edi, 1"], [273, "call _signal"], [274, "mov esi, offset aLdmV07"], [275, "mov edi, 6"], [276, "mov eax, 0"], [277, "call _syslog"], [278, "call _udev_new"], [279, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [280, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [281, "mov esi, offset aUdev"], [282, "mov rdi, rax"], [283, "call _udev_monitor_new_from_netlink"], [284, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [285, "cmp [rbp+var_30], 0"], [286, "jnz short loc_405E77"], [287, "mov esi, offset aCannotCreateAN"], [288, "mov edi, 3"], [289, "mov eax, 0"], [290, "call _syslog"], [291, "jmp loc_406185"], [292, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [293, "mov edx, 0"], [294, "mov esi, offset aBlock"], [295, "mov rdi, rax"], [296, "call _udev_monitor_filter_add_match_subsystem_devtype"], [297, "test eax, eax"], [298, "jz short loc_405EAA"], [299, "mov esi, offset aCannotSetTheFi"], [300, "mov edi, 3"], [301, "mov eax, 0"], [302, "call _syslog"], [303, "jmp loc_406185"], [304, "mov ecx, offset sub_40461F"], [305, "mov edx, 0"], [306, "mov esi, offset _g_str_equal"], [307, "mov edi, offset _g_str_hash"], [308, "call _g_hash_table_new_full"], [309, "mov cs:qword_40A470, rax"], [310, "mov edi, offset aEtcFstab"], [311, "call _mnt_new_table_from_file"], [312, "mov cs:qword_40A430, rax"], [313, "mov edi, offset file"], [314, "call _mnt_new_table_from_file"], [315, "mov cs:qword_40A438, rax"], [316, "mov rax, cs:qword_40A430"], [317, "test rax, rax"], [318, "jz short loc_405F04"], [319, "mov rax, cs:qword_40A438"], [320, "test rax, rax"], [321, "jnz short loc_405F27"], [322, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [323, "mov rcx, rax"], [324, "mov edx, 1Fh"], [325, "mov esi, 1"], [326, "mov edi, offset aCouldNotParseT"], [327, "call _fwrite"], [328, "jmp loc_406185"], [329, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [330, "mov rdi, rax"], [331, "call sub_4052FE"], [332, "mov rax, cs:qword_40A438"], [333, "mov rdi, rax"], [334, "call _mnt_free_table"], [335, "mov edi, offset file"], [336, "call _mnt_new_table_from_file"], [337, "mov cs:qword_40A438, rax"], [338, "mov esi, 0"], [339, "mov edi, offset file"], [340, "mov eax, 0"], [341, "call _open"], [342, "mov [rbp+var_10], eax"], [343, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [344, "jns short loc_405F7F"], [345, "mov edi, offset aOpen"], [346, "call _perror"], [347, "jmp loc_406185"], [348, "mov edi, 1"], [349, "call sub_4038DA"], [350, "mov [rbp+fd], eax"], [351, "cmp [rbp+fd], 0"], [352, "js loc_406184"], [353, "mov eax, [rbp+fd]"], [354, "mov esi, 1"], [355, "mov edi, eax"], [356, "call _listen"], [357, "test eax, eax"], [358, "jns short loc_405FB8"], [359, "mov edi, offset aListen_0"], [360, "call _perror"], [361, "jmp loc_406185"], [362, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [363, "mov rdi, rax"], [364, "call _udev_monitor_get_fd"], [365, "mov [rbp+fds.fd], eax"], [366, "mov [], 1"], [367, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [368, "mov [rbp+var_68], eax"], [369, "mov [rbp+var_64], 0"], [370, "mov eax, [rbp+fd]"], [371, "mov [rbp+var_60], eax"], [372, "mov [rbp+var_5C], 1"], [373, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [374, "mov rdi, rax"], [375, "call _udev_monitor_enable_receiving"], [376, "test eax, eax"], [377, "jz short loc_40600E"], [378, "mov esi, offset aCannotEnableRe"], [379, "mov edi, 3"], [380, "mov eax, 0"], [381, "call _syslog"], [382, "jmp loc_406185"], [383, "mov esi, offset aEnteringTheMai"], [384, "mov edi, 6"], [385, "mov eax, 0"], [386, "call _syslog"], [387, "mov cs:dword_40A440, 1"], [388, "jmp loc_406174"], [389, "lea rax, [rbp+fds]"], [390, "mov edx, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [391, "mov esi, 3"], [392, "mov rdi, rax"], [393, "call _poll"], [394, "test eax, eax"], [395, "jg short loc_406050"], [396, "jmp loc_406174"], [397, "movzx eax, [rbp+fds.revents]"], [398, "cwde"], [399, "and eax, 1"], [400, "test eax, eax"], [401, "jz loc_4060FF"], [402, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [403, "mov rdi, rax"], [404, "call _udev_monitor_receive_device"], [405, "mov [rbp+var_38], rax"], [406, "cmp [rbp+var_38], 0"], [407, "jnz short loc_40607C"], [408, "jmp loc_406174"], [409, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [410, "mov rdi, rax"], [411, "call _udev_device_get_action"], [412, "mov [rbp+s1], rax"], [413, "mov rax, [rbp+s1]"], [414, "mov esi, offset aAdd"], [415, "mov rdi, rax"], [416, "call _strcmp"], [417, "test eax, eax"], [418, "jnz short loc_4060AF"], [419, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [420, "mov rdi, rax"], [421, "call sub_404F67"], [422, "jmp short loc_4060F3"], [423, "mov rax, [rbp+s1]"], [424, "mov esi, offset aRemove"], [425, "mov rdi, rax"], [426, "call _strcmp"], [427, "test eax, eax"], [428, "jnz short loc_4060D2"], [429, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [430, "mov rdi, rax"], [431, "call sub_405024"], [432, "jmp short loc_4060F3"], [433, "mov rax, [rbp+s1]"], [434, "mov esi, offset aChange"], [435, "mov rdi, rax"], [436, "call _strcmp"], [437, "test eax, eax"], [438, "jnz short loc_4060F3"], [439, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [440, "mov rdi, rax"], [441, "call sub_4050AC"], [442, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [443, "mov rdi, rax"], [444, "call _udev_device_unref"], [445, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_62]"], [446, "cwde"], [447, "and eax, 8"], [448, "test eax, eax"], [449, "jz short loc_406110"], [450, "call sub_405104"], [451, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_5A]"], [452, "cwde"], [453, "and eax, 1"], [454, "test eax, eax"], [455, "jz short loc_406174"], [456, "mov ecx, 0"], [457, "mov eax, [rbp+fd]"], [458, "mov edx, 0"], [459, "mov rsi, rcx"], [460, "mov edi, eax"], [461, "call _accept"], [462, "mov [rbp+var_44], eax"], [463, "cmp [rbp+var_44], 0"], [464, "jns short loc_406148"], [465, "mov edi, offset aAccept_0"], [466, "call _perror"], [467, "jmp short loc_406174"], [468, "mov eax, [rbp+var_44]"], [469, "mov edi, eax"], [470, "call sub_40548C"], [471, "test eax, eax"], [472, "jnz short loc_40616A"], [473, "mov esi, offset aCouldNotServeA"], [474, "mov edi, 3"], [475, "mov eax, 0"], [476, "call _syslog"], [477, "mov eax, [rbp+var_44]"], [478, "mov edi, eax"], [479, "call _close"], [480, "mov eax, cs:dword_40A440"], [481, "test eax, eax"], [482, "jnz loc_406031"], [483, "jmp short loc_406185"], [484, "nop"], [485, "mov eax, 0"], [486, "call sub_4056FC"], [487, "mov rax, cs:ptr"], [488, "mov rdi, rax"], [489, "call _free"], [490, "mov rax, cs:qword_40A450"], [491, "mov rdi, rax"], [492, "call _free"], [493, "mov eax, [rbp+fd]"], [494, "mov edi, eax"], [495, "call sub_4038B2"], [496, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [497, "mov edi, eax"], [498, "call _close"], [499, "mov edi, offset filename"], [500, "call _unlink"], [501, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [502, "mov rdi, rax"], [503, "call _udev_monitor_unref"], [504, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [505, "mov rdi, rax"], [506, "call _udev_unref"], [507, "mov rax, cs:qword_40A430"], [508, "mov rdi, rax"], [509, "call _mnt_free_table"], [510, "mov rax, cs:qword_40A438"], [511, "mov rdi, rax"], [512, "call _mnt_free_table"], [513, "mov esi, offset aTerminating"], [514, "mov edi, 6"], [515, "mov eax, 0"], [516, "call _syslog"], [517, "mov eax, 0"], [518, "leave"], [519, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 5], [7, 6], [14, 134], [15, 14], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 15], [20, 19], [24, 23], [26, 25], [27, 26], [34, 32], [36, 35], [37, 36], [38, 37], [41, 39], [43, 42], [44, 43], [46, 45], [53, 11], [54, 53], [56, 36], [57, 130], [57, 59], [57, 56], [58, 57], [59, 56], [62, 60], [64, 63], [65, 64], [66, 58], [68, 66], [70, 69], [71, 70], [73, 72], [81, 80], [81, 59], [82, 81], [83, 82], [85, 134], [87, 84], [92, 134], [93, 92], [95, 94], [97, 96], [100, 99], [102, 101], [108, 4], [109, 108], [109, 59], [110, 109], [128, 4], [129, 3], [131, 128], [132, 129], [134, 133], [135, 134], [136, 135], [138, 137], [139, 138], [141, 140], [151, 150], [152, 151], [154, 153], [161, 30], [161, 9], [162, 161], [164, 163], [171, 10], [171, 102], [172, 171], [173, 172], [174, 102], [174, 10], [176, 174], [178, 177], [179, 178], [181, 180], [186, 10], [186, 102], [187, 186], [190, 97], [191, 190], [192, 191], [195, 194], [196, 97], [196, 195], [198, 196], [200, 199], [201, 200], [202, 201], [204, 203], [204, 59], [205, 204], [206, 205], [207, 195], [207, 97], [210, 208], [218, 195], [218, 97], [219, 218], [221, 200], [222, 221], [223, 222], [225, 223], [227, 226], [228, 227], [229, 222], [232, 230], [235, 10], [235, 189], [235, 102], [236, 235], [238, 222], [239, 238], [245, 21], [245, 8], [246, 245], [248, 247], [249, 248], [251, 250], [259, 258], [279, 278], [280, 279], [282, 280], [284, 283], [285, 284], [286, 285], [292, 284], [295, 292], [297, 296], [298, 297], [309, 308], [312, 311], [315, 314], [316, 312], [317, 316], [318, 317], [319, 315], [320, 319], [321, 320], [323, 322], [329, 279], [330, 329], [332, 315], [333, 332], [337, 336], [342, 341], [343, 342], [344, 343], [350, 349], [351, 350], [352, 351], [353, 350], [355, 353], [357, 356], [358, 357], [362, 284], [363, 362], [365, 364], [367, 342], [368, 367], [370, 350], [371, 370], [373, 284], [374, 373], [376, 375], [377, 376], [389, 481], [392, 389], [394, 393], [395, 394], [399, 397], [400, 399], [401, 400], [402, 284], [403, 402], [405, 404], [406, 405], [407, 406], [409, 405], [410, 409], [412, 411], [413, 412], [415, 413], [417, 416], [418, 417], [419, 405], [420, 419], [423, 412], [425, 423], [427, 426], [428, 427], [429, 405], [430, 429], [433, 412], [435, 433], [437, 436], [438, 437], [439, 405], [440, 439], [442, 405], [443, 442], [447, 445], [448, 447], [449, 448], [453, 451], [454, 453], [455, 454], [457, 350], [459, 456], [460, 457], [462, 461], [463, 462], [464, 463], [468, 462], [469, 468], [471, 470], [472, 471], [477, 462], [478, 477], [480, 387], [481, 480], [482, 481], [487, 102], [487, 189], [487, 10], [488, 487], [490, 222], [491, 490], [493, 350], [493, 7], [494, 493], [496, 5], [496, 342], [497, 496], [501, 284], [502, 501], [504, 279], [505, 504], [507, 312], [508, 507], [510, 315], [510, 337], [511, 510], [519, 169], [519, 146], [519, 159], [519, 241], [519, 216], [519, 90], [519, 28], [519, 51], [519, 78], [519, 517], [519, 126], [519, 256]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/2f9d6c3aca3bff4336a031d182aeef1092b0812f64dbaee7870fc59a1b14d034_2f9d6c3aca3bff4336a031d182aeef1092b0812f64dbaee7870fc59a1b14d034.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "main", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall main(int a1, char **a2, char **a3, __m128 a4, __m128 a5, __m128 a6, __m128 a7, double a8, double a9, __m128 a10, __m128 a11)\n{\nint v11; // eax\nconst char *v13; // rax\nunsigned int v14; // eax\ndouble v15; // xmm4_8\ndouble v16; // xmm5_8\nstruct pollfd fds; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-70h] BYREF\nint v18; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-68h]\n__int16 v19; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-64h]\n__int16 v20; // [rsp+1Eh] [rbp-62h]\nint v21; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-60h]\n__int16 v22; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-5Ch]\n__int16 v23; // [rsp+26h] [rbp-5Ah]\nchar *v24; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-50h]\nint v25; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-44h]\nchar *s1; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-40h]\n__int64 v27; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-38h]\n__int64 v29; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-28h]\nchar *v30; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-20h]\nunsigned int v31; // [rsp+6Ch] [rbp-14h]\nint v32; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-10h]\nint fd; // [rsp+74h] [rbp-Ch]\nint v34; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-8h]\nint v35; // [rsp+7Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv32 = -1;\nfd = -1;\nv34 = 0;\nv35 = 0;\nptr = 0LL;\nqword_40A460 = 91LL;\nqword_40A468 = 18LL;\nv11 = getopt(a1, a2, \"hdu:p:c:m:\");\nwhile ( 1 )\n{\nv31 = v11;\nif ( v11 == -1 )\nbreak;\nswitch ( v31 )\n{\ncase 'c':\ncase 'p':\nif ( *optarg )\n{\nif ( v31 == 112 )\nqword_40A450 = strdup(optarg);\nelse\nptr = strdup(optarg);\ngoto LABEL_21;\n}\nfprintf(stderr, \"Cannot pass empty argument to -%c\\n\", v31);\nreturn 1LL;\ncase 'd':\nv34 = 1;\ngoto LABEL_21;\ncase 'h':\nputs(\"ldm v0.7\");\nputs(\"2011-2019 (C) The Lemon Man\");\nprintf(\"%s [-d | -r | -u | -p | -c | -m | -h]\\n\", *a2);\nputs(\"\\t-d Run ldm as a daemon\");\nputs(\"\\t-u Specify the user\");\nputs(\"\\t-m Specify the umask or the fmask/dmask\");\nputs(\"\\t-p Specify where to mount the devices\");\nputs(\"\\t-c Specify the path to the script executed after mount/unmount events\");\nputs(\"\\t-h Show this help\");\nreturn 0LL;\ncase 'm':\nv24 = strchr(optarg, 44);\nif ( v24 )\n{\nv13 = v24++;\n*v13 = 0;\nif ( !(unsigned int)sub_405753(optarg, &qword_40A460) || !(unsigned int)sub_405753(v24, &qword_40A468) )\n{\nLABEL_9:\nfwrite(\"Invalid mask specified!\\n\", 1uLL, 0x18uLL, stderr);\nreturn 1LL;\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( !(unsigned int)sub_405753(optarg, &qword_40A460) )\ngoto LABEL_9;\nqword_40A468 = qword_40A460;\n}\nLABEL_21:\nv11 = getopt(a1, a2, \"hdu:p:c:m:\");\nbreak;\ncase 'u':\nif ( !(unsigned int)sub_4058A2(optarg) )\nreturn 1LL;\nv35 = 1;\ngoto LABEL_21;\ndefault:\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n}\nif ( getuid() )\n{\nfwrite(\"You have to run this program as root!\\n\", 1uLL, 0x26uLL, stderr);\nreturn 1LL;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)g_file_test() )\n{\nfwrite(\"ldm is already running!\\n\", 1uLL, 0x18uLL, stderr);\nreturn 0LL;\n}\nif ( !v35 )\n{\nfwrite(\"You must supply the user with the -u switch!\\n\", 1uLL, 0x2DuLL, stderr);\nreturn 1LL;\n}\nif ( ptr && !(unsigned int)g_file_test() )\n{\nfwrite(\"The callback script isn't executable!\\n\", 1uLL, 0x26uLL, stderr);\nfree(ptr);\nptr = 0LL;\n}\nif ( !qword_40A450 )\nqword_40A450 = strdup(\"/mnt\");\nv30 = realpath(qword_40A450, 0LL);\nif ( v30 )\n{\nfree(qword_40A450);\nqword_40A450 = v30;\nif ( !(unsigned int)g_file_test() )\n{\nfprintf(stderr, \"The path \\\"%s\\\" doesn't name a folder or doesn't exist!\\n\", qword_40A450);\nfree(ptr);\nfree(qword_40A450);\nreturn 1LL;\n}\numask(0);\nif ( v34 && !(unsigned int)sub_4053F7(0LL, 4LL) )\n{\nfwrite(\"Could not spawn the daemon!\\n\", 1uLL, 0x1CuLL, stderr);\nreturn 1LL;\n}\nv14 = getpid();\nsub_403DAF(v14);\nopenlog(\"ldm\", 2, 24);\nsignal(15, handler);\nsignal(2, handler);\nsignal(1, handler);\nsyslog(6, \"ldm v0.7\");\nv29 = udev_new();\nif ( !udev_monitor_new_from_netlink() )\n{\nsyslog(3, \"Cannot create a new monitor\");\nLABEL_78:\nsub_4056FC();\nfree(ptr);\nfree(qword_40A450);\nsub_4038B2(fd);\nclose(v32);\nunlink(\"/run/\");\nudev_monitor_unref();\nudev_unref();\nmnt_free_table();\nmnt_free_table();\nsyslog(6, \"Terminating...\");\nreturn 0LL;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)udev_monitor_filter_add_match_subsystem_devtype() )\n{\nsyslog(3, \"Cannot set the filter\");\ngoto LABEL_78;\n}\nqword_40A470 = g_hash_table_new_full();\nqword_40A430 = mnt_new_table_from_file();\nqword_40A438 = mnt_new_table_from_file();\nif ( !qword_40A430 || !qword_40A438 )\n{\nfwrite(\"Could not parse the fstab/mtab\\n\", 1uLL, 0x1FuLL, stderr);\ngoto LABEL_78;\n}\nsub_4052FE(v29, g_str_equal);\nmnt_free_table();\nqword_40A438 = mnt_new_table_from_file();\nv32 = open(\"/proc/self/mounts\", 0);\nif ( v32 < 0 )\n{\nperror(\"open\");\ngoto LABEL_78;\n}\nfd = sub_4038DA(1);\nif ( fd < 0 )\ngoto LABEL_78;\nif ( listen(fd, 1) < 0 )\n{\nperror(\"listen\");\ngoto LABEL_78;\n}\nfds.fd = udev_monitor_get_fd();\ = 1;\nv18 = v32;\nv19 = 0;\nv21 = fd;\nv22 = 1;\nif ( (unsigned int)udev_monitor_enable_receiving() )\n{\nsyslog(3, \"Cannot enable receiving\");\ngoto LABEL_78;\n}\nsyslog(6, \"Entering the main loop\");\ndword_40A440 = 1;\nwhile ( 1 )\n{\nwhile ( 1 )\n{\ndo\n{\nif ( !dword_40A440 )\ngoto LABEL_78;\n}\nwhile ( poll(&fds, 3uLL, -1) <= 0 );\nif ( (fds.revents & 1) != 0 )\nbreak;\nLABEL_69:\nif ( (v20 & 8) != 0 )\nsub_405104();\nif ( (v23 & 1) != 0 )\n{\nv25 = accept(fd, 0LL, 0LL);\nif ( v25 >= 0 )\n{\nif ( !(unsigned int)sub_40548C(v25, a4, a5, a6, a7, v15, v16, a10, a11) )\nsyslog(3, \"Could not serve a client due to an error\");\nclose(v25);\n}\nelse\n{\nperror(\"accept\");\n}\n}\n}\nv27 = udev_monitor_receive_device();\nif ( v27 )\n{\ns1 = (char *)udev_device_get_action();\nif ( !strcmp(s1, \"add\") )\n{\nsub_404F67(v27);\n}\nelse if ( !strcmp(s1, \"remove\") )\n{\nsub_405024(v27);\n}\nelse if ( !strcmp(s1, \"change\") )\n{\nsub_4050AC(v27);\n}\nudev_device_unref();\ngoto LABEL_69;\n}\n}\n}\nif ( *__errno_location() == 2 )\nfprintf(stderr, \"The path \\\"%s\\\" doesn't name an existing folder!\\n\", qword_40A450);\nelse\nperror(\"realpath()\");\nreturn 1LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a2,a3,a1,fds,v24,v25,s1,v27,v29,v30,v31,v32,fd,v34,v35,sub_405753,sub_4058A2,sub_4053F7,sub_403DAF,sub_4056FC,sub_4038B2,sub_4052FE,sub_4038DA,sub_405104,sub_40548C,sub_404F67,sub_405024,sub_4050AC,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a2': 'argv', 'a3': 'envp', 'a1': 'argc', 'fds': 'pollfd', 'v24': 'sep', 'v25': 'client', 's1': 'action', 'v27': 'device', 'v29': 'udev', 'v30': 'resolved', 'v31': 'opt', 'v32': 'mtab_fd', 'fd': 'ipc_fd', 'v34': 'daemon', 'v35': 'got_u', 'sub_405753': 'parse_mask', 'sub_4058A2': 'map_user_to_id', 'sub_4053F7': 'daemonize', 'sub_403DAF': 'lock_create', 'sub_4056FC': 'device_clear_list', 'sub_4038B2': 'ipc_deinit', 'sub_4052FE': 'mount_plugged_devices', 'sub_4038DA': 'ipc_init', 'sub_405104': 'on_mtab_change', 'sub_40548C': 'ipc_serve', 'sub_404F67': 'on_udev_add', 'sub_405024': 'on_udev_remove', 'sub_4050AC': 'on_udev_change'}"} |
mp_get_memory_functions | dade8a50f9553a2c8d312f40f9e938d800aaeceed2d235843ec2760ee3f4ab45 | Ricardicus | ric-script | NA | void
mp_get_memory_functions (void *(**alloc_func) (size_t),
void *(**realloc_func) (void *, size_t, size_t),
void (**free_func) (void *, size_t))
if (alloc_func)
*alloc_func = gmp_allocate_func;
if (realloc_func)
*realloc_func = gmp_reallocate_func;
if (free_func)
*free_func = gmp_free_func;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40DE2D", "function_addr": 4251181, "binary_name": "dade8a50f9553a2c8d312f40f9e938d800aaeceed2d235843ec2760ee3f4ab45.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdx"], [5, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [6, "jz short loc_40DE52"], [7, "mov rdx, cs:off_45E398"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [9, "mov [rax], rdx"], [10, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [11, "jz short loc_40DE67"], [12, "mov rdx, cs:off_45E3A0"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [14, "mov [rax], rdx"], [15, "cmp [rbp+var_18], 0"], [16, "jz short loc_40DE7C"], [17, "mov rdx, cs:off_45E3A8"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [19, "mov [rax], rdx"], [20, "nop"], [21, "pop rbp"], [22, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 2], [6, 5], [8, 2], [9, 8], [9, 7], [10, 3], [11, 10], [13, 3], [14, 13], [14, 12], [15, 4], [16, 15], [18, 4], [19, 18], [19, 17], [21, 0], [22, 8], [22, 13], [22, 18]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/dade8a50f9553a2c8d312f40f9e938d800aaeceed2d235843ec2760ee3f4ab45_dade8a50f9553a2c8d312f40f9e938d800aaeceed2d235843ec2760ee3f4ab45.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40DE2D", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 (__fastcall **__fastcall sub_40DE2D(__int64 (__fastcall **a1)(), __int64 (__fastcall **a2)(), __int64 (__fastcall **a3)()))()\n{\n__int64 (__fastcall **result)(); // rax\n\nif ( a1 )\n{\nresult = a1;\n*a1 = off_45E398[0];\n}\nif ( a2 )\n{\nresult = a2;\n*a2 = off_45E3A0[0];\n}\nif ( a3 )\n{\nresult = a3;\n*a3 = off_45E3A8;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_40DE2D,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'free_func', 'a1': 'alloc_func', 'a2': 'realloc_func', 'sub_40DE2D': 'mp_get_memory_functions'}"} |
_test_set | 172a2b2342ca5d634b41adc44c9b662352f1c3d83f55ee5a5030612ff100beeb | noporpoise | seq-align | NA | void _test_set(StrBuf *sbuf, const char *str)
strbuf_set(sbuf, str);
ASSERT(strcmp(sbuf->b, str) == 0);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_408365", "function_addr": 4227941, "binary_name": "172a2b2342ca5d634b41adc44c9b662352f1c3d83f55ee5a5030612ff100beeb.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push rbx"], [3, "sub rsp, 38h"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_38], rdi"], [5, "mov [rbp+s2], rsi"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+s2]"], [9, "mov [rbp+s], rax"], [10, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call _strlen"], [13, "mov [rbp+n], rax"], [14, "mov rdx, [rbp+n]"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [16, "mov rsi, rdx"], [17, "mov rdi, rax"], [18, "call sub_403C19"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [20, "mov rax, [rax]"], [21, "mov rdx, [rbp+n]"], [22, "mov rcx, [rbp+s]"], [23, "mov rsi, rcx"], [24, "mov rdi, rax"], [25, "call _memcpy"], [26, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [27, "mov rcx, [rax]"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [29, "mov rdx, [rbp+n]"], [30, "mov [rax+8], rdx"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [32, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [33, "add rax, rcx"], [34, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [35, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [36, "mov rax, [rax]"], [37, "mov rdx, [rbp+s2]"], [38, "mov rsi, rdx"], [39, "mov rdi, rax"], [40, "call _strcmp"], [41, "test eax, eax"], [42, "jnz short loc_408412"], [43, "mov rax, cs:qword_41F218"], [44, "add rax, 1"], [45, "mov cs:qword_41F218, rax"], [46, "jmp short loc_408449"], [47, "mov ecx, offset aStrcmpSbufBStr"], [48, "mov edx, 22Fh"], [49, "mov esi, offset aStrbufTestC"], [50, "mov edi, offset aFailedAssertSI"], [51, "mov eax, 0"], [52, "call warn"], [53, "mov cs:byte_41F1F8, 0"], [54, "mov rax, cs:qword_41F220"], [55, "add rax, 1"], [56, "mov cs:qword_41F220, rax"], [57, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [58, "mov rbx, [rax+8]"], [59, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [60, "mov rax, [rax]"], [61, "mov rdi, rax"], [62, "call _strlen"], [63, "cmp rbx, rax"], [64, "jnz short loc_408479"], [65, "mov rax, cs:qword_41F218"], [66, "add rax, 1"], [67, "mov cs:qword_41F218, rax"], [68, "jmp short loc_4084B0"], [69, "mov ecx, offset aSbufEndStrlenS"], [70, "mov edx, 230h"], [71, "mov esi, offset aStrbufTestC"], [72, "mov edi, offset aFailedAssertSI"], [73, "mov eax, 0"], [74, "call warn"], [75, "mov cs:byte_41F1F8, 0"], [76, "mov rax, cs:qword_41F220"], [77, "add rax, 1"], [78, "mov cs:qword_41F220, rax"], [79, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [80, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [81, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [82, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [83, "cmp rdx, rax"], [84, "jnb short loc_4084D9"], [85, "mov rax, cs:qword_41F218"], [86, "add rax, 1"], [87, "mov cs:qword_41F218, rax"], [88, "jmp short loc_408510"], [89, "mov ecx, offset aSbufEndSbufSiz"], [90, "mov edx, 230h"], [91, "mov esi, offset aStrbufTestC"], [92, "mov edi, offset aFailedAssertSI"], [93, "mov eax, 0"], [94, "call warn"], [95, "mov cs:byte_41F1F8, 0"], [96, "mov rax, cs:qword_41F220"], [97, "add rax, 1"], [98, "mov cs:qword_41F220, rax"], [99, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [100, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [101, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [102, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [103, "add rax, rdx"], [104, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [105, "test al, al"], [106, "jnz short loc_40853D"], [107, "mov rax, cs:qword_41F218"], [108, "add rax, 1"], [109, "mov cs:qword_41F218, rax"], [110, "jmp short loc_408574"], [111, "mov ecx, offset aSbufBSbufEnd0"], [112, "mov edx, 230h"], [113, "mov esi, offset aStrbufTestC"], [114, "mov edi, offset aFailedAssertSI"], [115, "mov eax, 0"], [116, "call warn"], [117, "mov cs:byte_41F1F8, 0"], [118, "mov rax, cs:qword_41F220"], [119, "add rax, 1"], [120, "mov cs:qword_41F220, rax"], [121, "nop"], [122, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_8]"], [123, "leave"], [124, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 4], [7, 6], [8, 5], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 7], [16, 14], [17, 15], [19, 7], [20, 19], [21, 13], [22, 9], [23, 22], [24, 20], [26, 7], [27, 26], [28, 7], [29, 13], [30, 29], [30, 28], [31, 7], [32, 30], [32, 31], [33, 32], [33, 27], [34, 33], [35, 4], [36, 34], [36, 35], [37, 5], [38, 37], [39, 36], [41, 40], [42, 41], [44, 43], [45, 44], [55, 54], [56, 55], [57, 4], [58, 30], [58, 34], [58, 57], [59, 4], [60, 30], [60, 34], [60, 59], [61, 60], [63, 58], [63, 62], [64, 63], [65, 45], [66, 65], [67, 66], [76, 56], [77, 76], [78, 77], [79, 4], [80, 30], [80, 34], [80, 79], [81, 4], [82, 81], [82, 30], [82, 34], [83, 80], [83, 82], [84, 83], [85, 45], [85, 67], [86, 85], [87, 86], [96, 78], [96, 56], [97, 96], [98, 97], [99, 4], [100, 30], [100, 34], [100, 99], [101, 4], [102, 34], [102, 101], [102, 30], [103, 102], [103, 100], [104, 34], [104, 30], [104, 103], [105, 104], [106, 105], [107, 67], [107, 87], [107, 45], [108, 107], [109, 108], [118, 78], [118, 98], [118, 56], [119, 118], [120, 119], [124, 108], [124, 119]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/172a2b2342ca5d634b41adc44c9b662352f1c3d83f55ee5a5030612ff100beeb_172a2b2342ca5d634b41adc44c9b662352f1c3d83f55ee5a5030612ff100beeb.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_408365", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_408365(__int64 a1, const char *a2)\n{\n_BYTE *v2; // rcx\n__int64 v3; // r8\n__int64 v4; // r9\n__int64 v5; // rbx\n__int64 v6; // r8\n__int64 v7; // r9\nsize_t n; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-28h]\n\nn = strlen(a2);\nsub_403C19(a1, n);\nmemcpy(*(void **)a1, a2, n);\nv2 = *(_BYTE **)a1;\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8) = n;\nv2[*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8)] = 0;\nif ( !strcmp(*(const char **)a1, a2) )\n{\n++qword_41F218;\n}\nelse\n{\nwarn(\"failed assert [%s:%i] %s\", (__int64)\"strbuf_test.c\", 559LL, (__int64)\"strcmp(sbuf->b, str) == 0\", v3, v4);\nbyte_41F1F8 = 0;\n++qword_41F220;\n}\nv5 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8);\nif ( v5 == strlen(*(const char **)a1) )\n{\n++qword_41F218;\n}\nelse\n{\nwarn(\n\"failed assert [%s:%i] %s\",\n(__int64)\"strbuf_test.c\",\n560LL,\n(__int64)\"(sbuf)->end == strlen((sbuf)->b)\",\nv6,\nv7);\nbyte_41F1F8 = 0;\n++qword_41F220;\n}\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8) >= *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) )\n{\nwarn(\"failed assert [%s:%i] %s\", (__int64)\"strbuf_test.c\", 560LL, (__int64)\"(sbuf)->end < (sbuf)->size\", v6, v7);\nbyte_41F1F8 = 0;\n++qword_41F220;\n}\nelse\n{\n++qword_41F218;\n}\nif ( !*(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)a1 + *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8)) )\nreturn ++qword_41F218;\nwarn(\"failed assert [%s:%i] %s\", (__int64)\"strbuf_test.c\", 560LL, (__int64)\"(sbuf)->b[(sbuf)->end] == '\\\\0'\", v6, v7);\nbyte_41F1F8 = 0;\nreturn ++qword_41F220;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,n,sub_408365,sub_403C19,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'sbuf', 'a2': 'str', 'n': '_s', 'sub_408365': '_test_set', 'sub_403C19': 'strbuf_ensure_capacity'}"} |
showbn | a836dd0c681d24fb0239eac4ca397d729fcb58f52559f8563d3fe41b594c4984 | sniperHW | chuck | NA | static void showbn(const char *name, const BIGNUM *bn)
fputs(name, stdout);
fputs(" = ", stdout);
BN_print_fp(stdout, bn);
putc('\n', stdout);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4012B2", "function_addr": 4199090, "binary_name": "a836dd0c681d24fb0239eac4ca397d729fcb58f52559f8563d3fe41b594c4984.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+s], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [5, "mov rdx, cs:stdout"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [7, "mov rsi, rdx"], [8, "mov rdi, rax"], [9, "call _fputs"], [10, "mov rax, cs:stdout"], [11, "mov rcx, rax"], [12, "mov edx, 3"], [13, "mov esi, 1"], [14, "mov edi, offset unk_402008"], [15, "call _fwrite"], [16, "mov rax, cs:stdout"], [17, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [18, "mov rsi, rdx"], [19, "mov rdi, rax"], [20, "call _BN_print_fp"], [21, "mov rax, cs:stdout"], [22, "mov rsi, rax"], [23, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [24, "call _putc"], [25, "nop"], [26, "leave"], [27, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 3], [7, 5], [8, 6], [11, 10], [17, 4], [18, 17], [19, 16], [22, 21], [27, 24]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/a836dd0c681d24fb0239eac4ca397d729fcb58f52559f8563d3fe41b594c4984_a836dd0c681d24fb0239eac4ca397d729fcb58f52559f8563d3fe41b594c4984.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4012B2", "query": "\n\n\nint __fastcall sub_4012B2(const char *a1)\n{\nfputs(a1, stdout);\nfwrite(&unk_402008, 1uLL, 3uLL, stdout);\nBN_print_fp();\nreturn putc(10, stdout);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_4012B2,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'name', 'sub_4012B2': 'showbn'}"} |
detect_processor | a1411dfffc66409449a4f96e7d52b170a2434a2acf3714e54e408e363902db7e | deater | perf_event_tests | NA | int detect_processor(void) {
if (processor_type==-2) {
return processor_type;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_404C37", "function_addr": 4213815, "binary_name": "a1411dfffc66409449a4f96e7d52b170a2434a2acf3714e54e408e363902db7e.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov eax, cs:dword_417260"], [3, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFEh"], [4, "jnz short loc_404C4B"], [5, "call sub_4046B8"], [6, "mov eax, cs:dword_417260"], [7, "pop rbp"], [8, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[3, 2], [4, 3], [7, 0], [8, 6]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/a1411dfffc66409449a4f96e7d52b170a2434a2acf3714e54e408e363902db7e_a1411dfffc66409449a4f96e7d52b170a2434a2acf3714e54e408e363902db7e.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_404C37", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 sub_404C37()\n{\nif ( dword_417260 == -2 )\nsub_4046B8();\nreturn (unsigned int)dword_417260;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_404C37,sub_4046B8,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_404C37': 'detect_processor', 'sub_4046B8': 'detect_processor_cpuinfo'}"} |
print_args | decb9d72b93d941cc30c251e69b1ae930ef147e67c065af3feea2db57aca5f08 | khadas | linux | NA | static void print_args(struct print_arg *args)
int print_paren = 1;
struct trace_seq s;
switch (args->type) {
printf("%s", args->atom.atom);
printf("REC->%s", args->;
printf(", %s, ", args->flags.delim);
print_fields(&s, args->flags.flags);
printf(", ");
print_fields(&s, args->symbol.symbols);
printf(", ");
printf("__get_str(%s)", args->string.string);
printf("(%s)", args->typecast.type);
case PRINT_OP:
if (strcmp(args->op.op, ":") == 0)
print_paren = 0;
if (print_paren)
printf(" %s ", args->op.op);
if (print_paren)
/* we should warn... */
if (args->next) {
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4FF20E", "function_addr": 5239310, "binary_name": "decb9d72b93d941cc30c251e69b1ae930ef147e67c065af3feea2db57aca5f08.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_4], 1"], [5, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [6, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [7, "cmp eax, 0Ah"], [8, "ja def_4FF251"], [9, "mov eax, eax"], [10, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [11, "lea rax, jpt_4FF251"], [12, "mov eax, ds:(jpt_4FF251 - 52D9A0h)[rdx+rax]"], [13, "cdqe"], [14, "lea rdx, jpt_4FF251"], [15, "add rax, rdx"], [16, "jmp rax"], [17, "lea rdi, aNull"], [18, "mov eax, 0"], [19, "call _printf"], [20, "jmp loc_4FF4CD"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [22, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [23, "mov rsi, rax"], [24, "lea rdi, aS_134"], [25, "mov eax, 0"], [26, "call _printf"], [27, "jmp loc_4FF4CD"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [29, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [30, "mov rsi, rax"], [31, "lea rdi, aRecS"], [32, "mov eax, 0"], [33, "call _printf"], [34, "jmp loc_4FF4CD"], [35, "lea rdi, aPrintFlags_0"], [36, "mov eax, 0"], [37, "call _printf"], [38, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [39, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [40, "mov rdi, rax"], [41, "call sub_4FF20E"], [42, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [43, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [44, "mov rsi, rax"], [45, "lea rdi, aS_3"], [46, "mov eax, 0"], [47, "call _printf"], [48, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [49, "mov rdi, rax"], [50, "call trace_seq_init"], [51, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [52, "mov rdx, [rax+20h]"], [53, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [54, "mov rsi, rdx"], [55, "mov rdi, rax"], [56, "call sub_4FF19E"], [57, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [58, "mov rdi, rax"], [59, "call trace_seq_do_printf"], [60, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [61, "mov rdi, rax"], [62, "call trace_seq_destroy"], [63, "mov edi, 29h "], [64, "call _putchar"], [65, "jmp loc_4FF4CD"], [66, "lea rdi, aPrintSymbolic_0"], [67, "mov eax, 0"], [68, "call _printf"], [69, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [70, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [71, "mov rdi, rax"], [72, "call sub_4FF20E"], [73, "lea rdi, asc_52D634"], [74, "mov eax, 0"], [75, "call _printf"], [76, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [77, "mov rdi, rax"], [78, "call trace_seq_init"], [79, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [80, "mov rdx, [rax+18h]"], [81, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [82, "mov rsi, rdx"], [83, "mov rdi, rax"], [84, "call sub_4FF19E"], [85, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [86, "mov rdi, rax"], [87, "call trace_seq_do_printf"], [88, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [89, "mov rdi, rax"], [90, "call trace_seq_destroy"], [91, "mov edi, 29h "], [92, "call _putchar"], [93, "jmp loc_4FF4CD"], [94, "lea rdi, aPrintHex_0"], [95, "mov eax, 0"], [96, "call _printf"], [97, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [98, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [99, "mov rdi, rax"], [100, "call sub_4FF20E"], [101, "lea rdi, asc_52D634"], [102, "mov eax, 0"], [103, "call _printf"], [104, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [105, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [106, "mov rdi, rax"], [107, "call sub_4FF20E"], [108, "mov edi, 29h "], [109, "call _putchar"], [110, "jmp loc_4FF4CD"], [111, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [112, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [113, "mov rsi, rax"], [114, "lea rdi, aGetStrS"], [115, "mov eax, 0"], [116, "call _printf"], [117, "jmp loc_4FF4CD"], [118, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [119, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [120, "mov rsi, rax"], [121, "lea rdi, aS_4"], [122, "mov eax, 0"], [123, "call _printf"], [124, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [125, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [126, "mov rdi, rax"], [127, "call sub_4FF20E"], [128, "jmp short loc_4FF4CD"], [129, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [130, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [131, "lea rsi, asc_52CC68"], [132, "mov rdi, rax"], [133, "call _strcmp"], [134, "test eax, eax"], [135, "jnz short loc_4FF470"], [136, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [137, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [138, "jz short loc_4FF480"], [139, "mov edi, 28h "], [140, "call _putchar"], [141, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [142, "mov rax, [rax+20h]"], [143, "mov rdi, rax"], [144, "call sub_4FF20E"], [145, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [146, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [147, "mov rsi, rax"], [148, "lea rdi, aS_5"], [149, "mov eax, 0"], [150, "call _printf"], [151, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [152, "mov rax, [rax+28h]"], [153, "mov rdi, rax"], [154, "call sub_4FF20E"], [155, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [156, "jz short loc_4FF4CC"], [157, "mov edi, 29h "], [158, "call _putchar"], [159, "nop"], [160, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [161, "mov rax, [rax]"], [162, "test rax, rax"], [163, "jz short locret_4FF4F5"], [164, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [165, "call _putchar"], [166, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [167, "mov rax, [rax]"], [168, "mov rdi, rax"], [169, "call sub_4FF20E"], [170, "jmp short locret_4FF4F5"], [171, "nop"], [172, "leave"], [173, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 3], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 6], [11, 9], [14, 10], [15, 14], [15, 12], [16, 15], [21, 3], [22, 21], [23, 22], [28, 3], [29, 28], [30, 29], [38, 3], [39, 38], [40, 39], [42, 3], [43, 42], [44, 43], [45, 40], [48, 47], [49, 48], [51, 3], [52, 51], [53, 51], [54, 52], [55, 53], [57, 56], [58, 57], [60, 59], [61, 60], [69, 3], [70, 69], [71, 70], [73, 71], [76, 75], [77, 76], [79, 3], [80, 79], [81, 79], [82, 80], [83, 81], [85, 84], [86, 85], [88, 87], [89, 88], [97, 3], [98, 97], [99, 98], [101, 99], [104, 3], [105, 104], [106, 105], [111, 3], [112, 111], [113, 112], [118, 3], [119, 118], [120, 119], [124, 3], [125, 124], [126, 125], [129, 3], [130, 129], [132, 130], [134, 133], [135, 134], [137, 4], [137, 136], [138, 137], [141, 3], [142, 141], [143, 142], [145, 3], [146, 145], [147, 146], [148, 143], [151, 3], [152, 151], [153, 152], [155, 4], [155, 136], [156, 155], [160, 3], [161, 160], [162, 161], [163, 162], [166, 3], [167, 166], [168, 167], [173, 169], [173, 162], [173, 6], [173, 15]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/decb9d72b93d941cc30c251e69b1ae930ef147e67c065af3feea2db57aca5f08_decb9d72b93d941cc30c251e69b1ae930ef147e67c065af3feea2db57aca5f08.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4FF20E", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4FF20E(__int64 *a1)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v2; // rcx\nint v3; // er8\nint v4; // er9\n__int64 v5; // rcx\nint v6; // er8\nint v7; // er9\nchar v8[28]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-20h] BYREF\nint v9; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv9 = 1;\nresult = *((unsigned int *)a1 + 2);\nswitch ( (int)result )\n{\ncase 0:\nprintf(\"null\");\ngoto LABEL_16;\ncase 1:\nprintf(\"%s\", (const char *)a1[2]);\ngoto LABEL_16;\ncase 2:\nprintf(\"REC->%s\", (const char *)a1[2]);\ngoto LABEL_16;\ncase 3:\nprintf(\"__print_flags(\");\nsub_4FF20E(a1[2]);\nprintf(\", %s, \", (const char *)a1[3]);\ntrace_seq_init(v8);\nsub_4FF19E((__int64)v8, (__int64 *)a1[4], a1[4], v2, v3, v4);\ntrace_seq_do_printf(v8);\ntrace_seq_destroy(v8);\nputchar(41);\ngoto LABEL_16;\ncase 4:\nprintf(\"__print_symbolic(\");\nsub_4FF20E(a1[2]);\nprintf(\", \");\ntrace_seq_init(v8);\nsub_4FF19E((__int64)v8, (__int64 *)a1[3], a1[3], v5, v6, v7);\ntrace_seq_do_printf(v8);\ntrace_seq_destroy(v8);\nputchar(41);\ngoto LABEL_16;\ncase 5:\nprintf(\"__print_hex(\");\nsub_4FF20E(a1[2]);\nprintf(\", \");\nsub_4FF20E(a1[3]);\nputchar(41);\ngoto LABEL_16;\ncase 6:\nprintf(\"(%s)\", (const char *)a1[2]);\nsub_4FF20E(a1[3]);\ngoto LABEL_16;\ncase 7:\ncase 8:\nprintf(\"__get_str(%s)\", (const char *)a1[2]);\ngoto LABEL_16;\ncase 10:\nif ( !strcmp((const char *)a1[2], \":\") )\nv9 = 0;\nif ( v9 )\nputchar(40);\nsub_4FF20E(a1[4]);\nprintf(\" %s \", (const char *)a1[2]);\nsub_4FF20E(a1[5]);\nif ( v9 )\nputchar(41);\nLABEL_16:\nresult = *a1;\nif ( *a1 )\n{\nputchar(10);\nresult = sub_4FF20E(*a1);\n}\nbreak;\ndefault:\nreturn result;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v8,v9,sub_4FF20E,sub_4FF19E,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'args', 'v8': 's', 'v9': 'print_paren', 'sub_4FF20E': 'print_args', 'sub_4FF19E': 'print_fields'}"} |
sim_tape_wrtmk_a | b3a8b4769bdb267a1562d144bd5416f56584185a8ee940d909e9d5c1f4737051 | open-simh | simh | NA | t_stat sim_tape_wrtmk_a (UNIT *uptr, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback)
t_stat r = MTSE_OK;
r = sim_tape_wrtmk (uptr);
AIO_CALL(TOP_WTMK, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, callback);
return r;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_46641A", "function_addr": 4613146, "binary_name": "b3a8b4769bdb267a1562d144bd5416f56584185a8ee940d909e9d5c1f4737051.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_30], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [7, "mov rax, [rax+78h]"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [9, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [10, "jnz short loc_46645D"], [11, "mov esi, offset aBadAttach"], [12, "mov edi, 65h "], [13, "mov eax, 0"], [14, "call sub_42C99F"], [15, "jmp locret_46662C"], [16, "cmp [rbp+var_30], 0"], [17, "jz short loc_46646F"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [19, "mov eax, [rax+10h]"], [20, "test eax, eax"], [21, "jnz short loc_46647E"], [22, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [23, "mov rdi, rax"], [24, "call sub_4662E0"], [25, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [26, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [27, "mov eax, [rax+10h]"], [28, "test eax, eax"], [29, "jz loc_466610"], [30, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [31, "mov rax, [rax+78h]"], [32, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [34, "add rax, 48h "], [35, "mov rdi, rax"], [36, "call _pthread_mutex_lock"], [37, "mov rax, cs:qword_4DEDA0"], [38, "test rax, rax"], [39, "jz loc_466548"], [40, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [41, "jz loc_466548"], [42, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [43, "mov rax, [rax+0B0h]"], [44, "test rax, rax"], [45, "jz short loc_466548"], [46, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [47, "mov edx, [rax+0B8h]"], [48, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [49, "mov rax, [rax+0B0h]"], [50, "mov eax, [rax+74h]"], [51, "or edx, eax"], [52, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [53, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [54, "and eax, edx"], [55, "test eax, eax"], [56, "jz short loc_466548"], [57, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [58, "mov rax, [rax]"], [59, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [60, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [61, "sub rax, rdx"], [62, "sar rax, 3"], [63, "mov rdx, rax"], [64, "mov rax, 0F83E0F83E0F83E1h"], [65, "imul rax, rdx"], [66, "mov edx, eax"], [67, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [68, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [69, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_28]"], [70, "mov r8d, edx"], [71, "mov ecx, 4"], [72, "mov edx, offset aSimTapeAioCall"], [73, "mov edi, eax"], [74, "mov eax, 0"], [75, "call sub_42D2B9"], [76, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [77, "mov rax, [rax+138h]"], [78, "test rax, rax"], [79, "jz short loc_46655D"], [80, "call _abort"], [81, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [82, "mov dword ptr [rax+100h], 4"], [83, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [84, "mov qword ptr [rax+108h], 0"], [85, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [86, "mov qword ptr [rax+110h], 0"], [87, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [88, "mov qword ptr [rax+118h], 0"], [89, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [90, "mov dword ptr [rax+124h], 0"], [91, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [92, "mov dword ptr [rax+120h], 0"], [93, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [94, "mov dword ptr [rax+128h], 0"], [95, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [96, "mov dword ptr [rax+12Ch], 0"], [97, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [98, "mov qword ptr [rax+130h], 0"], [99, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [100, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [101, "mov [rax+138h], rdx"], [102, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [103, "add rax, 70h "], [104, "mov rdi, rax"], [105, "call _pthread_cond_signal"], [106, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [107, "add rax, 48h "], [108, "mov rdi, rax"], [109, "call _pthread_mutex_unlock"], [110, "jmp short loc_466629"], [111, "cmp [rbp+var_30], 0"], [112, "jz short loc_466629"], [113, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [114, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [115, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_30]"], [116, "mov esi, edx"], [117, "mov rdi, rax"], [118, "call rcx"], [119, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [120, "leave"], [121, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 3], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 9], [16, 4], [17, 16], [18, 8], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 20], [22, 3], [23, 22], [25, 24], [26, 8], [27, 26], [28, 27], [29, 28], [30, 3], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 32], [34, 33], [35, 34], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 3], [41, 40], [42, 3], [43, 42], [44, 43], [45, 44], [46, 3], [47, 46], [48, 3], [49, 48], [50, 49], [51, 50], [51, 47], [52, 32], [53, 52], [54, 51], [54, 53], [55, 54], [56, 55], [57, 32], [58, 57], [59, 58], [60, 3], [61, 60], [61, 59], [62, 61], [63, 62], [65, 63], [65, 64], [66, 65], [67, 32], [68, 67], [69, 3], [70, 66], [73, 68], [76, 32], [77, 76], [78, 77], [79, 78], [81, 32], [82, 81], [83, 32], [84, 83], [85, 32], [86, 85], [87, 32], [88, 87], [89, 32], [90, 89], [91, 32], [92, 91], [93, 32], [94, 93], [95, 32], [96, 95], [97, 32], [98, 97], [99, 32], [100, 4], [101, 99], [101, 100], [102, 32], [103, 102], [104, 103], [106, 32], [107, 106], [108, 107], [111, 4], [112, 111], [113, 5], [113, 25], [114, 3], [115, 4], [116, 113], [117, 114], [118, 115], [119, 25], [119, 5], [121, 14], [121, 119]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/b3a8b4769bdb267a1562d144bd5416f56584185a8ee940d909e9d5c1f4737051_b3a8b4769bdb267a1562d144bd5416f56584185a8ee940d909e9d5c1f4737051.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_46641A", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_46641A(__int64 a1, void (__fastcall *a2)(__int64, _QWORD), __int64 a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5, __int64 a6)\n{\n__int64 v7; // r9\n__int64 v8; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-18h]\n__int64 v9; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-10h]\nunsigned int v10; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv10 = 0;\nv9 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 120);\nif ( !v9 )\nreturn sub_42C99F(101, \"Bad Attach\\n\", a3, a4, a5, a6);\nif ( !a2 || !*(_DWORD *)(v9 + 16) )\nv10 = sub_4662E0(a1, (__int64)a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(v9 + 16) )\n{\nv8 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 120);\npthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)(v8 + 72));\nif ( qword_4DEDA0\n&& a1\n&& *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 176)\n&& ((*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 176) + 116LL) | *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 184)) & *(_DWORD *)(v8 + 8)) != 0 )\n{\nsub_42D2B9(\n*(_DWORD *)(v8 + 8),\na1,\n\"sim_tape AIO_CALL(op=%d, unit=%d)\\n\",\n4LL,\n1041204193 * (unsigned int)((a1 - *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v8 + 8LL)) >> 3),\nv7);\n}\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(v8 + 312) )\nabort();\n*(_DWORD *)(v8 + 256) = 4;\n*(_QWORD *)(v8 + 264) = 0LL;\n*(_QWORD *)(v8 + 272) = 0LL;\n*(_QWORD *)(v8 + 280) = 0LL;\n*(_DWORD *)(v8 + 292) = 0;\n*(_DWORD *)(v8 + 288) = 0;\n*(_DWORD *)(v8 + 296) = 0;\n*(_DWORD *)(v8 + 300) = 0;\n*(_QWORD *)(v8 + 304) = 0LL;\n*(_QWORD *)(v8 + 312) = a2;\npthread_cond_signal((pthread_cond_t *)(v8 + 112));\npthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)(v8 + 72));\n}\nelse if ( a2 )\n{\na2(a1, v10);\n}\nreturn v10;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v8,v9,v10,sub_46641A,sub_42C99F,sub_4662E0,sub_42D2B9,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'uptr', 'a2': 'callback', 'v8': 'ctx_0', 'v9': 'ctx', 'v10': 'r', 'sub_46641A': 'sim_tape_wrtmk_a', 'sub_42C99F': 'sim_messagef', 'sub_4662E0': 'sim_tape_wrtmk', 'sub_42D2B9': '_sim_debug_unit'}"} |
sensirion_i2c_read_words | 9c5b55a08590a1fdd93bf5b08d7d0470dd6bb3449d34a838ce8e7ac3d3e69e6b | Sensirion | embedded-sht | NA | int16_t sensirion_i2c_read_words(uint8_t address, uint16_t* data_words,
uint16_t num_words) {
int16_t ret;
uint8_t i;
const uint8_t* word_bytes;
ret = sensirion_i2c_read_words_as_bytes(address, (uint8_t*)data_words,
if (ret != NO_ERROR)
return ret;
for (i = 0; i < num_words; ++i) {
word_bytes = (uint8_t*)&data_words[i];
data_words[i] = ((uint16_t)word_bytes[0] << 8) | word_bytes[1];
return NO_ERROR;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4014C6", "function_addr": 4199622, "binary_name": "9c5b55a08590a1fdd93bf5b08d7d0470dd6bb3449d34a838ce8e7ac3d3e69e6b.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov ecx, edi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_20], rsi"], [5, "mov eax, edx"], [6, "mov edx, ecx"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_14], dl"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_18], ax"], [9, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_18]"], [10, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [11, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_20]"], [12, "mov rsi, rcx"], [13, "mov edi, eax"], [14, "call sub_4013AE"], [15, "mov [rbp+var_4], ax"], [16, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [17, "jz short loc_401506"], [18, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [19, "jmp short locret_401563"], [20, "mov [rbp+var_1], 0"], [21, "jmp short loc_401554"], [22, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_1]"], [23, "lea rdx, [rax+rax]"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [25, "add rax, rdx"], [26, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [27, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [28, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [29, "movzx eax, al"], [30, "shl eax, 8"], [31, "mov edx, eax"], [32, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [33, "add rax, 1"], [34, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [35, "movzx eax, al"], [36, "or edx, eax"], [37, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_1]"], [38, "lea rcx, [rax+rax]"], [39, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [40, "add rax, rcx"], [41, "mov [rax], dx"], [42, "add [rbp+var_1], 1"], [43, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_1]"], [44, "cmp [rbp+var_18], ax"], [45, "ja short loc_40150C"], [46, "mov eax, 0"], [47, "leave"], [48, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 3], [7, 6], [8, 5], [9, 8], [10, 7], [11, 4], [12, 11], [13, 10], [15, 14], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 15], [22, 20], [22, 42], [23, 22], [23, 9], [23, 36], [23, 41], [24, 4], [25, 23], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 26], [28, 27], [28, 41], [29, 28], [30, 29], [31, 30], [32, 26], [33, 32], [34, 33], [34, 41], [35, 34], [36, 31], [36, 35], [37, 42], [37, 20], [38, 38], [38, 41], [38, 37], [38, 11], [39, 4], [40, 38], [40, 39], [41, 40], [41, 36], [42, 20], [42, 42], [43, 42], [43, 20], [44, 8], [44, 43], [45, 44], [48, 46], [48, 18]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/9c5b55a08590a1fdd93bf5b08d7d0470dd6bb3449d34a838ce8e7ac3d3e69e6b_9c5b55a08590a1fdd93bf5b08d7d0470dd6bb3449d34a838ce8e7ac3d3e69e6b.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4014C6", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4014C6(unsigned __int8 a1, __int64 a2, __int16 a3)\n{\nunsigned __int16 v5; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\nunsigned __int8 i; // [rsp+1Fh] [rbp-1h]\n\nv5 = sub_4013AE(a1, a2, a3);\nif ( v5 )\nreturn v5;\nfor ( i = 0; (unsigned __int16)a3 > i; ++i )\n*(_WORD *)(2LL * i + a2) = _byteswap_ushort(*(_WORD *)(2LL * i + a2));\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_4014C6,sub_4013AE,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'num_words', 'a1': 'address', 'a2': 'data_words', 'sub_4014C6': 'sensirion_i2c_read_words', 'sub_4013AE': 'sensirion_i2c_read_words_as_bytes'}"} |
TF_Accept | 8133ae02f1d68463182c4dda9703638a97776e2304f635f34bbbe2c7956432d3 | MightyPork | TinyFrame | NA | void _TF_FN TF_Accept(TinyFrame *tf, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t count)
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
TF_AcceptChar(tf, buffer[i]);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_401FB9", "function_addr": 4202425, "binary_name": "8133ae02f1d68463182c4dda9703638a97776e2304f635f34bbbe2c7956432d3.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_20], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_24], edx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [7, "jmp short loc_401FF7"], [8, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [10, "add rax, rdx"], [11, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [12, "movzx edx, al"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [14, "mov esi, edx"], [15, "mov rdi, rax"], [16, "call sub_402080"], [17, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [18, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [19, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_24]"], [20, "jb short loc_401FD5"], [21, "nop"], [22, "nop"], [23, "leave"], [24, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[8, 17], [8, 6], [9, 4], [10, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 3], [14, 12], [15, 13], [17, 17], [17, 6], [18, 17], [18, 6], [19, 18], [19, 5], [20, 19], [24, 18]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/8133ae02f1d68463182c4dda9703638a97776e2304f635f34bbbe2c7956432d3_8133ae02f1d68463182c4dda9703638a97776e2304f635f34bbbe2c7956432d3.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_401FB9", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_401FB9(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, unsigned int a3)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nunsigned int i; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nfor ( i = 0; ; ++i )\n{\nresult = i;\nif ( i >= a3 )\nbreak;\nsub_402080(a1, *(unsigned __int8 *)(i + a2));\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_401FB9,sub_402080,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'count', 'a1': 'tf_0', 'a2': 'buffer', 'sub_401FB9': 'TF_Accept', 'sub_402080': 'TF_AcceptChar'}"} |
sim_card_eof | 13f2671241114a962235990a8a53447d965ef69e183b81e214ebbded998f318a | open-simh | simh | NA | int
sim_card_eof(UNIT *uptr)
struct card_context *data = (struct card_context *)uptr->card_ctx;
uint16 col;
if (data == NULL || data->images == NULL)
return SCPE_UNATT; /* attached? */
if (uptr->pos >= data->hopper_cards)
return SCPE_UNATT;
col = (*data->images)[uptr->pos][0];
if (col & CARD_EOF)
return 1;
return 0;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_490979", "function_addr": 4786553, "binary_name": "13f2671241114a962235990a8a53447d965ef69e183b81e214ebbded998f318a.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [3, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [4, "mov rax, [rax+78h]"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [6, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [7, "jz short loc_4909A4"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [9, "mov rax, [rax+1410h]"], [10, "test rax, rax"], [11, "jnz short loc_4909AB"], [12, "mov eax, 41h "], [13, "jmp short loc_490A0C"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [15, "mov edx, [rax+44h]"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [17, "mov eax, [rax+1408h]"], [18, "cmp edx, eax"], [19, "jb short loc_4909C7"], [20, "mov eax, 41h "], [21, "jmp short loc_490A0C"], [22, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [23, "mov rdx, [rax+1410h]"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [25, "mov eax, [rax+44h]"], [26, "mov ecx, eax"], [27, "mov rax, rcx"], [28, "shl rax, 2"], [29, "add rax, rcx"], [30, "shl rax, 5"], [31, "add rax, rdx"], [32, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax]"], [33, "mov [rbp+var_A], ax"], [34, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_A]"], [35, "and eax, 1000h"], [36, "test eax, eax"], [37, "jz short loc_490A07"], [38, "mov eax, 1"], [39, "jmp short loc_490A0C"], [40, "mov eax, 0"], [41, "pop rbp"], [42, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[3, 2], [4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 5], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [14, 2], [15, 14], [16, 5], [17, 16], [18, 17], [18, 15], [19, 18], [22, 5], [23, 22], [24, 2], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 26], [28, 27], [29, 26], [29, 28], [30, 29], [31, 23], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 32], [34, 33], [35, 34], [36, 35], [37, 36], [41, 0], [42, 20], [42, 38], [42, 40], [42, 12]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/13f2671241114a962235990a8a53447d965ef69e183b81e214ebbded998f318a_13f2671241114a962235990a8a53447d965ef69e183b81e214ebbded998f318a.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_490979", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_490979(__int64 a1)\n{\n__int64 v2; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv2 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 120);\nif ( !v2 || !*(_QWORD *)(v2 + 5136) )\nreturn 65LL;\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 68) < *(_DWORD *)(v2 + 5128) )\nreturn (*(_WORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(v2 + 5136) + 160LL * *(unsigned int *)(a1 + 68)) & 0x1000) != 0;\nreturn 65LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v2,sub_490979,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'uptr', 'v2': 'data', 'sub_490979': 'sim_card_eof'}"} |
cc_get_cycles | 1c72a04a1dd358491aed11925783d8d55b8a22eabf8d392581b149406c158a42 | ucb-bar | ccbench | NA | cccycles_t inline cc_get_cycles(double clk_freq)
struct timeval {
long tv_sec;
long tv_usec;
struct timezone {
int tz_minuteswest;
int tz_dsttime;
struct timeval tp;
struct timezone tzp;
double seconds = ( (double) tp.tv_sec + (double) tp.tv_usec * 1.e-6 );
return seconds * clk_freq;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_401E72", "function_addr": 4202098, "binary_name": "1c72a04a1dd358491aed11925783d8d55b8a22eabf8d392581b149406c158a42.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 40h"], [3, "movsd [rbp+var_38], xmm0"], [4, "lea rdx, [rbp+tz]"], [5, "lea rax, [rbp+tv]"], [6, "mov rsi, rdx"], [7, "mov rdi, rax"], [8, "mov eax, 0"], [9, "call _gettimeofday"], [10, "mov rax, [rbp+tv.tv_sec]"], [11, "pxor xmm1, xmm1"], [12, "cvtsi2sd xmm1, rax"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+tv.tv_usec]"], [14, "pxor xmm2, xmm2"], [15, "cvtsi2sd xmm2, rax"], [16, "movsd xmm0, cs:qword_403328"], [17, "mulsd xmm0, xmm2"], [18, "addsd xmm0, xmm1"], [19, "movsd [rbp+var_8], xmm0"], [20, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+var_8]"], [21, "mulsd xmm0, [rbp+var_38]"], [22, "cvttsd2si rax, xmm0"], [23, "leave"], [24, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 4], [7, 5], [12, 10], [12, 11], [15, 14], [15, 13], [17, 16], [17, 15], [18, 17], [18, 12], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 20], [21, 3], [22, 21], [22, 13], [24, 22]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/1c72a04a1dd358491aed11925783d8d55b8a22eabf8d392581b149406c158a42_1c72a04a1dd358491aed11925783d8d55b8a22eabf8d392581b149406c158a42.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_401E72", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_401E72(double a1)\n{\nstruct timezone tz; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-28h] BYREF\nstruct timeval tv; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h] BYREF\n\ngettimeofday(&tv, &tz);\nreturn (unsigned int)(int)((0.000001 * (double)SLODWORD(tv.tv_usec) + (double)SLODWORD(tv.tv_sec)) * a1);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,tz,tv,sub_401E72,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'clk_freq', 'tz': 'tzp', 'tv': 'tp', 'sub_401E72': 'cc_get_cycles'}"} |
pkcs5_parse_pbkdf2_params | 6455e8619308c575139ba376a3fbff14e2036d5af8bad040d3e43a4f91fcf4d7 | mattsta | trade-balancer | NA | static int pkcs5_parse_pbkdf2_params( const mbedtls_asn1_buf *params,
mbedtls_asn1_buf *salt, int *iterations,
int *keylen, mbedtls_md_type_t *md_type )
mbedtls_asn1_buf prf_alg_oid;
unsigned char *p = params->p;
const unsigned char *end = params->p + params->len;
* PBKDF2-params ::= SEQUENCE {
* iterationCount INTEGER,
* prf AlgorithmIdentifier DEFAULT algid-hmacWithSHA1
* }
if( ( ret = mbedtls_asn1_get_tag( &p, end, &salt->len,
salt->p = p;
p += salt->len;
if( ( ret = mbedtls_asn1_get_int( &p, end, iterations ) ) != 0 )
if( p == end )
return( 0 );
if( ( ret = mbedtls_asn1_get_int( &p, end, keylen ) ) != 0 )
if( p == end )
return( 0 );
if( ( ret = mbedtls_asn1_get_alg_null( &p, end, &prf_alg_oid ) ) != 0 )
if( mbedtls_oid_get_md_hmac( &prf_alg_oid, md_type ) != 0 )
if( p != end )
return( 0 );
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4677AB", "function_addr": 4618155, "binary_name": "6455e8619308c575139ba376a3fbff14e2036d5af8bad040d3e43a4f91fcf4d7.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 70h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_48], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_50], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_58], rdx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_60], rcx"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_68], r8"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFF92h"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [10, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [11, "mov [rbp+var_38], rax"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [13, "mov rdx, [rax+10h]"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [15, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [16, "add rax, rdx"], [17, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [19, "mov eax, [rax]"], [20, "cmp eax, 30h "], [21, "jz short loc_467806"], [22, "mov eax, 0FFFFD09Eh"], [23, "jmp locret_467938"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [25, "lea rdx, [rax+8]"], [26, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_10]"], [27, "lea rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [28, "mov ecx, 4"], [29, "mov rdi, rax"], [30, "call sub_41BAF0"], [31, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [32, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [33, "jz short loc_467839"], [34, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [35, "sub eax, 2F00h"], [36, "jmp locret_467938"], [37, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_38]"], [38, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [39, "mov [rax+10h], rdx"], [40, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_38]"], [41, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [42, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [43, "add rax, rdx"], [44, "mov [rbp+var_38], rax"], [45, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_58]"], [46, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_10]"], [47, "lea rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [48, "mov rsi, rcx"], [49, "mov rdi, rax"], [50, "call sub_41BD15"], [51, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [52, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [53, "jz short loc_467885"], [54, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [55, "sub eax, 2F00h"], [56, "jmp locret_467938"], [57, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [58, "cmp [rbp+var_10], rax"], [59, "jnz short loc_467899"], [60, "mov eax, 0"], [61, "jmp locret_467938"], [62, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_60]"], [63, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_10]"], [64, "lea rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [65, "mov rsi, rcx"], [66, "mov rdi, rax"], [67, "call sub_41BD15"], [68, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [69, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [70, "jz short loc_4678C9"], [71, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFF9Eh"], [72, "jz short loc_4678C9"], [73, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [74, "sub eax, 2F00h"], [75, "jmp short locret_467938"], [76, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [77, "cmp [rbp+var_10], rax"], [78, "jnz short loc_4678DA"], [79, "mov eax, 0"], [80, "jmp short locret_467938"], [81, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [82, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_10]"], [83, "lea rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [84, "mov rsi, rcx"], [85, "mov rdi, rax"], [86, "call sub_41C39C"], [87, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [88, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [89, "jz short loc_467904"], [90, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [91, "sub eax, 2F00h"], [92, "jmp short locret_467938"], [93, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_68]"], [94, "lea rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [95, "mov rsi, rdx"], [96, "mov rdi, rax"], [97, "call sub_4579D5"], [98, "test eax, eax"], [99, "jz short loc_467922"], [100, "mov eax, 0FFFFD180h"], [101, "jmp short locret_467938"], [102, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [103, "cmp [rbp+var_10], rax"], [104, "jz short loc_467933"], [105, "mov eax, 0FFFFD09Ah"], [106, "jmp short locret_467938"], [107, "mov eax, 0"], [108, "leave"], [109, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[9, 3], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 3], [13, 12], [14, 3], [15, 14], [16, 13], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 3], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 20], [24, 4], [25, 13], [25, 24], [26, 17], [27, 24], [27, 11], [29, 27], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 32], [34, 31], [35, 34], [37, 11], [38, 4], [39, 37], [39, 38], [40, 11], [41, 4], [42, 39], [42, 41], [43, 40], [43, 42], [44, 43], [45, 5], [46, 17], [47, 43], [47, 44], [48, 46], [49, 47], [51, 50], [52, 51], [53, 52], [54, 51], [55, 54], [57, 44], [58, 17], [58, 57], [59, 58], [62, 6], [63, 17], [64, 57], [64, 44], [65, 63], [66, 64], [68, 67], [69, 68], [70, 69], [71, 68], [72, 71], [73, 68], [74, 73], [76, 44], [77, 76], [77, 17], [78, 77], [81, 62], [82, 17], [83, 76], [83, 44], [84, 82], [85, 83], [87, 86], [88, 87], [89, 88], [90, 87], [91, 90], [93, 7], [94, 86], [95, 93], [96, 94], [98, 97], [99, 98], [102, 44], [103, 17], [103, 102], [104, 103], [109, 22], [109, 35], [109, 74], [109, 60], [109, 55], [109, 91], [109, 105], [109, 107], [109, 79], [109, 100]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/6455e8619308c575139ba376a3fbff14e2036d5af8bad040d3e43a4f91fcf4d7_6455e8619308c575139ba376a3fbff14e2036d5af8bad040d3e43a4f91fcf4d7.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4677AB", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4677AB(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, int *a3, int *a4, _DWORD *a5)\n{\nchar *v9; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-38h] BYREF\nchar v10[32]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-30h] BYREF\nchar *v11; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-10h]\nint v12; // [rsp+6Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv12 = -110;\nv9 = *(char **)(a1 + 16);\nv11 = (char *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) + *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8));\nif ( *(_DWORD *)a1 != 48 )\nreturn 4294955166LL;\nv12 = sub_41BAF0(&v9, (__int64)v11, (unsigned __int64 *)(a2 + 8), 4);\nif ( v12 )\nreturn (unsigned int)(v12 - 12032);\n*(_QWORD *)(a2 + 16) = v9;\nv9 += *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 8);\nv12 = sub_41BD15(&v9, (__int64)v11, a3);\nif ( v12 )\nreturn (unsigned int)(v12 - 12032);\nif ( v11 == v9 )\nreturn 0LL;\nv12 = sub_41BD15(&v9, (__int64)v11, a4);\nif ( v12 && v12 != -98 )\nreturn (unsigned int)(v12 - 12032);\nif ( v11 == v9 )\nreturn 0LL;\nv12 = sub_41C39C(&v9, (__int64)v11, (__int64)v10);\nif ( v12 )\nreturn (unsigned int)(v12 - 12032);\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_4579D5((__int64)v10, a5) )\nreturn 4294955392LL;\nif ( v11 == v9 )\nreturn 0LL;\nreturn 4294955162LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,v9,v10,v11,sub_4677AB,sub_41BAF0,sub_41BD15,sub_41C39C,sub_4579D5,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'iterations', 'a4': 'keylen', 'a1': 'params', 'a2': 'salt', 'a5': 'md_type', 'v9': 'p', 'v10': 'prf_alg_oid', 'v11': 'end', 'sub_4677AB': 'pkcs5_parse_pbkdf2_params', 'sub_41BAF0': 'mbedtls_asn1_get_tag', 'sub_41BD15': 'mbedtls_asn1_get_int', 'sub_41C39C': 'mbedtls_asn1_get_alg_null', 'sub_4579D5': 'mbedtls_oid_get_md_hmac'}"} |
perf_evsel__close_fd | decb9d72b93d941cc30c251e69b1ae930ef147e67c065af3feea2db57aca5f08 | khadas | linux | NA | void perf_evsel__close_fd(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int ncpus, int nthreads)
int cpu, thread;
for (cpu = 0; cpu < ncpus; cpu++)
for (thread = 0; thread < nthreads; ++thread) {
close(FD(evsel, cpu, thread));
FD(evsel, cpu, thread) = -1;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "perf_evsel__close_fd", "function_addr": 4640969, "binary_name": "decb9d72b93d941cc30c251e69b1ae930ef147e67c065af3feea2db57aca5f08.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_1C], esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_20], edx"], [6, "mov rax, fs:28h"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [8, "xor eax, eax"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [10, "jmp short loc_46D14B"], [11, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [12, "jmp short loc_46D13F"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [14, "mov rax, [rax+78h]"], [15, "mov edx, [rbp+var_C]"], [16, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_10]"], [17, "mov esi, ecx"], [18, "mov rdi, rax"], [19, "call sub_46B015"], [20, "mov eax, [rax]"], [21, "mov edi, eax"], [22, "call _close"], [23, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [24, "mov rax, [rax+78h]"], [25, "mov edx, [rbp+var_C]"], [26, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_10]"], [27, "mov esi, ecx"], [28, "mov rdi, rax"], [29, "call sub_46B015"], [30, "mov dword ptr [rax], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [31, "add [rbp+var_C], 1"], [32, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [33, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [34, "jl short loc_46D0FC"], [35, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [36, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [37, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [38, "jl short loc_46D0F3"], [39, "nop"], [40, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [41, "sub rax, fs:28h"], [42, "jz short locret_46D168"], [43, "call ___stack_chk_fail"], [44, "leave"], [45, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 6], [13, 3], [14, 13], [14, 30], [15, 11], [15, 31], [16, 35], [16, 9], [17, 16], [18, 14], [20, 19], [20, 30], [21, 20], [23, 3], [24, 30], [24, 23], [25, 31], [25, 11], [26, 35], [26, 9], [27, 26], [28, 24], [30, 29], [31, 11], [31, 31], [32, 31], [32, 11], [33, 5], [33, 32], [34, 33], [35, 35], [35, 9], [36, 9], [36, 35], [37, 36], [37, 4], [38, 37], [40, 7], [41, 40], [42, 41], [45, 41]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/decb9d72b93d941cc30c251e69b1ae930ef147e67c065af3feea2db57aca5f08_decb9d72b93d941cc30c251e69b1ae930ef147e67c065af3feea2db57aca5f08.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "perf_evsel__close_fd", "query": "\n\n\nunsigned __int64 __fastcall perf_evsel__close_fd(__int64 a1, int a2, int a3)\n{\nint *v3; // rax\nint i; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h]\nint j; // [rsp+14h] [rbp-Ch]\nunsigned __int64 v8; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv8 = __readfsqword(0x28u);\nfor ( i = 0; i < a2; ++i )\n{\nfor ( j = 0; j < a3; ++j )\n{\nv3 = (int *)sub_46B015(*(_QWORD **)(a1 + 120), i, j);\nclose(*v3);\n*(_DWORD *)sub_46B015(*(_QWORD **)(a1 + 120), i, j) = -1;\n}\n}\nreturn v8 - __readfsqword(0x28u);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,i,j,sub_46B015,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'nthreads', 'a1': 'evsel', 'a2': 'ncpus', 'i': 'cpu', 'j': 'thread', 'sub_46B015': 'xyarray__entry_0'}"} |
matrix_product441 | ba484b8c514a0424e5628a5af75b7471cda5bb09ee28adf1191233ccb4cb654f | snavely | bundler_sfm | NA | void matrix_product441(double *A, double *b, double *r)
r[0] = A[0] * b[0] + A[1] * b[1] + A[2] * b[2] + A[3] * b[3];
r[1] = A[4] * b[0] + A[5] * b[1] + A[6] * b[2] + A[7] * b[3];
r[2] = A[8] * b[0] + A[9] * b[1] + A[10] * b[2] + A[11] * b[3];
r[3] = A[12] * b[0] + A[13] * b[1] + A[14] * b[2] + A[15] * b[3];
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4118A4", "function_addr": 4266148, "binary_name": "ba484b8c514a0424e5628a5af75b7471cda5bb09ee28adf1191233ccb4cb654f.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdx"], [5, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [6, "movsd xmm1, qword ptr [rax]"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [8, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [9, "mulsd xmm1, xmm0"], [10, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [11, "add rax, 8"], [12, "movsd xmm2, qword ptr [rax]"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [14, "add rax, 8"], [15, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [16, "mulsd xmm0, xmm2"], [17, "addsd xmm1, xmm0"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [19, "add rax, 10h"], [20, "movsd xmm2, qword ptr [rax]"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [22, "add rax, 10h"], [23, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [24, "mulsd xmm0, xmm2"], [25, "addsd xmm1, xmm0"], [26, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [27, "add rax, 18h"], [28, "movsd xmm2, qword ptr [rax]"], [29, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [30, "add rax, 18h"], [31, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [32, "mulsd xmm0, xmm2"], [33, "addsd xmm0, xmm1"], [34, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [35, "movsd qword ptr [rax], xmm0"], [36, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [37, "add rax, 20h "], [38, "movsd xmm1, qword ptr [rax]"], [39, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [40, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [41, "mulsd xmm1, xmm0"], [42, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [43, "add rax, 28h "], [44, "movsd xmm2, qword ptr [rax]"], [45, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [46, "add rax, 8"], [47, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [48, "mulsd xmm0, xmm2"], [49, "addsd xmm1, xmm0"], [50, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [51, "add rax, 30h "], [52, "movsd xmm2, qword ptr [rax]"], [53, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [54, "add rax, 10h"], [55, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [56, "mulsd xmm0, xmm2"], [57, "addsd xmm1, xmm0"], [58, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [59, "add rax, 38h "], [60, "movsd xmm2, qword ptr [rax]"], [61, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [62, "add rax, 18h"], [63, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [64, "mulsd xmm0, xmm2"], [65, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [66, "add rax, 8"], [67, "addsd xmm0, xmm1"], [68, "movsd qword ptr [rax], xmm0"], [69, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [70, "add rax, 40h "], [71, "movsd xmm1, qword ptr [rax]"], [72, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [73, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [74, "mulsd xmm1, xmm0"], [75, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [76, "add rax, 48h "], [77, "movsd xmm2, qword ptr [rax]"], [78, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [79, "add rax, 8"], [80, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [81, "mulsd xmm0, xmm2"], [82, "addsd xmm1, xmm0"], [83, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [84, "add rax, 50h "], [85, "movsd xmm2, qword ptr [rax]"], [86, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [87, "add rax, 10h"], [88, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [89, "mulsd xmm0, xmm2"], [90, "addsd xmm1, xmm0"], [91, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [92, "add rax, 58h "], [93, "movsd xmm2, qword ptr [rax]"], [94, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [95, "add rax, 18h"], [96, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [97, "mulsd xmm0, xmm2"], [98, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [99, "add rax, 10h"], [100, "addsd xmm0, xmm1"], [101, "movsd qword ptr [rax], xmm0"], [102, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [103, "add rax, 60h "], [104, "movsd xmm1, qword ptr [rax]"], [105, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [106, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [107, "mulsd xmm1, xmm0"], [108, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [109, "add rax, 68h "], [110, "movsd xmm2, qword ptr [rax]"], [111, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [112, "add rax, 8"], [113, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [114, "mulsd xmm0, xmm2"], [115, "addsd xmm1, xmm0"], [116, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [117, "add rax, 70h "], [118, "movsd xmm2, qword ptr [rax]"], [119, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [120, "add rax, 10h"], [121, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [122, "mulsd xmm0, xmm2"], [123, "addsd xmm1, xmm0"], [124, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [125, "add rax, 78h "], [126, "movsd xmm2, qword ptr [rax]"], [127, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [128, "add rax, 18h"], [129, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [130, "mulsd xmm0, xmm2"], [131, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [132, "add rax, 18h"], [133, "addsd xmm0, xmm1"], [134, "movsd qword ptr [rax], xmm0"], [135, "nop"], [136, "pop rbp"], [137, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 2], [6, 5], [7, 3], [8, 7], [9, 8], [9, 6], [10, 2], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 3], [14, 13], [15, 14], [16, 15], [16, 12], [17, 16], [17, 9], [18, 2], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 3], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 23], [24, 20], [25, 24], [25, 17], [26, 2], [27, 26], [28, 27], [29, 3], [30, 29], [31, 30], [32, 31], [32, 28], [33, 32], [33, 25], [34, 4], [35, 33], [35, 34], [36, 2], [37, 36], [38, 35], [38, 37], [39, 3], [40, 35], [40, 39], [41, 40], [41, 38], [42, 2], [43, 42], [44, 35], [44, 43], [45, 3], [46, 45], [47, 35], [47, 46], [48, 47], [48, 44], [49, 48], [49, 41], [50, 2], [51, 50], [52, 51], [52, 35], [53, 3], [54, 53], [55, 54], [55, 35], [56, 55], [56, 52], [57, 56], [57, 49], [58, 2], [59, 58], [60, 59], [60, 35], [61, 3], [62, 61], [63, 35], [63, 62], [64, 63], [64, 60], [65, 4], [66, 65], [67, 64], [67, 57], [68, 66], [68, 67], [69, 2], [70, 69], [71, 68], [71, 70], [72, 3], [73, 68], [73, 72], [74, 73], [74, 71], [75, 2], [76, 75], [77, 76], [77, 68], [78, 3], [79, 78], [80, 68], [80, 79], [81, 80], [81, 77], [82, 81], [82, 74], [83, 2], [84, 83], [85, 84], [85, 68], [86, 3], [87, 86], [88, 87], [88, 68], [89, 88], [89, 85], [90, 89], [90, 82], [91, 2], [92, 91], [93, 68], [93, 92], [94, 3], [95, 94], [96, 95], [96, 68], [97, 96], [97, 93], [98, 4], [99, 98], [100, 97], [100, 90], [101, 99], [101, 100], [102, 2], [103, 102], [104, 101], [104, 103], [105, 3], [106, 101], [106, 105], [107, 104], [107, 106], [108, 2], [109, 108], [110, 109], [110, 101], [111, 3], [112, 111], [113, 101], [113, 112], [114, 113], [114, 110], [115, 114], [115, 107], [116, 2], [117, 116], [118, 117], [118, 101], [119, 3], [120, 119], [121, 120], [121, 101], [122, 121], [122, 118], [123, 122], [123, 115], [124, 2], [125, 124], [126, 101], [126, 125], [127, 3], [128, 127], [129, 128], [129, 101], [130, 126], [130, 129], [131, 4], [132, 131], [133, 123], [133, 130], [134, 133], [134, 132], [136, 0], [137, 132]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/ba484b8c514a0424e5628a5af75b7471cda5bb09ee28adf1191233ccb4cb654f_ba484b8c514a0424e5628a5af75b7471cda5bb09ee28adf1191233ccb4cb654f.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4118A4", "query": "\n\n\ndouble *__fastcall sub_4118A4(double *a1, double *a2, double *a3)\n{\ndouble *result; // rax\n\n*a3 = a2[3] * a1[3] + *a1 * *a2 + a2[1] * a1[1] + a2[2] * a1[2];\na3[1] = a2[3] * a1[7] + a1[4] * *a2 + a2[1] * a1[5] + a2[2] * a1[6];\na3[2] = a2[3] * a1[11] + a1[8] * *a2 + a2[1] * a1[9] + a2[2] * a1[10];\nresult = a3 + 3;\na3[3] = a2[3] * a1[15] + a1[12] * *a2 + a2[1] * a1[13] + a2[2] * a1[14];\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_4118A4,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'r', 'a1': 'A', 'a2': 'b', 'sub_4118A4': 'matrix_product441'}"} |
ignore_elf_section | feda8be2137e1ca53e8082ecae6cfbea19ddaf0e7963aa620ad58be1c3aa369b | intel | kvm-sgx | NA | static bool ignore_elf_section(GElf_Shdr *hdr, const char *name)
/* no special handling of .strtab */
if (hdr->sh_type == SHT_STRTAB)
return true;
/* ignore .llvm_addrsig section as well */
if (hdr->sh_type == SHT_LLVM_ADDRSIG)
return true;
/* no subprograms will lead to an empty .text section, ignore it */
if (hdr->sh_type == SHT_PROGBITS && hdr->sh_size == 0 &&
strcmp(name, ".text") == 0)
return true;
/* DWARF sections */
if (is_sec_name_dwarf(name))
return true;
if (strncmp(name, ".rel", sizeof(".rel") - 1) == 0) {
name += sizeof(".rel") - 1;
/* DWARF section relocations */
if (is_sec_name_dwarf(name))
return true;
/* .BTF and .BTF.ext don't need relocations */
if (strcmp(name, BTF_ELF_SEC) == 0 ||
strcmp(name, BTF_EXT_ELF_SEC) == 0)
return true;
return false;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4102C7", "function_addr": 4260551, "binary_name": "feda8be2137e1ca53e8082ecae6cfbea19ddaf0e7963aa620ad58be1c3aa369b.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+s1], rsi"], [5, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [6, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [7, "cmp eax, 3"], [8, "jnz short loc_4102ED"], [9, "mov eax, 1"], [10, "jmp locret_4103C0"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [12, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [13, "cmp eax, 6FFF4C03h"], [14, "jnz short loc_410305"], [15, "mov eax, 1"], [16, "jmp locret_4103C0"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [18, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [19, "cmp eax, 1"], [20, "jnz short loc_41033D"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [22, "mov rax, [rax+20h]"], [23, "test rax, rax"], [24, "jnz short loc_41033D"], [25, "mov rax, [rbp+s1]"], [26, "mov esi, offset aText"], [27, "mov rdi, rax"], [28, "call _strcmp"], [29, "test eax, eax"], [30, "jnz short loc_41033D"], [31, "mov eax, 1"], [32, "jmp locret_4103C0"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+s1]"], [34, "mov rdi, rax"], [35, "call sub_41029E"], [36, "test al, al"], [37, "jz short loc_410354"], [38, "mov eax, 1"], [39, "jmp short locret_4103C0"], [40, "mov rax, [rbp+s1]"], [41, "mov edx, 4"], [42, "mov esi, offset aRel"], [43, "mov rdi, rax"], [44, "call _strncmp"], [45, "test eax, eax"], [46, "jnz short loc_4103BB"], [47, "add [rbp+s1], 4"], [48, "mov rax, [rbp+s1]"], [49, "mov rdi, rax"], [50, "call sub_41029E"], [51, "test al, al"], [52, "jz short loc_41038A"], [53, "mov eax, 1"], [54, "jmp short locret_4103C0"], [55, "mov rax, [rbp+s1]"], [56, "mov esi, offset aBtf_0"], [57, "mov rdi, rax"], [58, "call _strcmp"], [59, "test eax, eax"], [60, "jz short loc_4103B4"], [61, "mov rax, [rbp+s1]"], [62, "mov esi, offset aBtfExt"], [63, "mov rdi, rax"], [64, "call _strcmp"], [65, "test eax, eax"], [66, "jnz short loc_4103BB"], [67, "mov eax, 1"], [68, "jmp short locret_4103C0"], [69, "mov eax, 0"], [70, "leave"], [71, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 3], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 7], [11, 3], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [17, 3], [18, 17], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 3], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 4], [27, 25], [29, 28], [30, 29], [33, 4], [34, 33], [36, 35], [37, 36], [40, 4], [43, 40], [45, 44], [46, 45], [47, 4], [48, 47], [49, 48], [51, 50], [52, 51], [55, 47], [57, 55], [59, 58], [60, 59], [61, 47], [63, 61], [65, 64], [66, 65], [71, 38], [71, 53], [71, 31], [71, 9], [71, 67], [71, 15], [71, 69]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/feda8be2137e1ca53e8082ecae6cfbea19ddaf0e7963aa620ad58be1c3aa369b_feda8be2137e1ca53e8082ecae6cfbea19ddaf0e7963aa620ad58be1c3aa369b.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4102C7", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4102C7(__int64 a1, const char *a2)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nchar *s1; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-10h]\n\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 4) == 3 )\nreturn 1LL;\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 4) == 1879002115 )\nreturn 1LL;\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 4) == 1 && !*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 32) && !strcmp(a2, \".text\") )\nreturn 1LL;\nif ( sub_41029E(a2) )\nreturn 1LL;\nif ( strncmp(a2, \".rel\", 4uLL) )\ngoto LABEL_17;\ns1 = (char *)(a2 + 4);\nif ( sub_41029E(a2 + 4) )\nreturn 1LL;\nif ( !strcmp(s1, \".BTF\") || !strcmp(s1, \".BTF.ext\") )\nresult = 1LL;\nelse\nLABEL_17:\nresult = 0LL;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,s1,sub_4102C7,sub_41029E,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'hdr', 'a2': 'name', 's1': 'namea', 'sub_4102C7': 'ignore_elf_section', 'sub_41029E': 'is_sec_name_dwarf'}"} |
pj_ioqueue_op_key_init | 0dba2efb1fd115cd7387120e076fb705039c22af79b652ae5d8f057ceac37356 | asterisk | pjproject-archive | NA | PJ_DEF(void) pj_ioqueue_op_key_init( pj_ioqueue_op_key_t *op_key,
pj_size_t size )
pj_bzero(op_key, size);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_459EC8", "function_addr": 4562632, "binary_name": "0dba2efb1fd115cd7387120e076fb705039c22af79b652ae5d8f057ceac37356.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [5, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [7, "mov rsi, rdx"], [8, "mov rdi, rax"], [9, "call sub_458577"], [10, "nop"], [11, "leave"], [12, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 3], [7, 5], [8, 6], [12, 9]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/0dba2efb1fd115cd7387120e076fb705039c22af79b652ae5d8f057ceac37356_0dba2efb1fd115cd7387120e076fb705039c22af79b652ae5d8f057ceac37356.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_459EC8", "query": "\n\n\nvoid *__fastcall sub_459EC8(void *a1, size_t a2)\n{\nreturn sub_458577(a1, a2);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_459EC8,sub_458577,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'op_key', 'a2': 'size', 'sub_459EC8': 'pj_ioqueue_op_key_init', 'sub_458577': 'pj_bzero_13'}"} |
ProcessPlayerInput | 8b39c693ef01bd5cdaa90987e61e4cd7be3ceaaa2ca926e05669749937e737a3 | ryanries | GameB | NA | static void ProcessPlayerInput(X11Window x11)
uint8_t key_map[32];
XQueryKeymap(x11.display, (char *)key_map);
gGameInput.EscapeKeyIsDown = key_pressed(XK_Escape, key_map, x11.display);
gGameInput.DebugKeyIsDown = key_pressed(XK_F1, key_map, x11.display);
gGameInput.LeftKeyIsDown = key_pressed(XK_Left, key_map, x11.display);
gGameInput.RightKeyIsDown = key_pressed(XK_Right, key_map, x11.display);
gGameInput.UpKeyIsDown = key_pressed(XK_Up, key_map, x11.display);
gGameInput.DownKeyIsDown = key_pressed(XK_Down, key_map, x11.display);
gGameInput.ChooseKeyIsDown = key_pressed(XK_Return, key_map, x11.display);
gGameInput.InvKeyIsDown = key_pressed(XK_I, key_map, x11.display);
* TODO: This is taking the "no library approach" to gamepad polling but it has downsides.
* Different controllers report the buttons differently. There is supposed to be a standard for gamepad mappings in the kernel but it's not always followed.
* This is the mapping that my Xbox One S controller has over USB (and even this same controller repots some buttons differently when connected over Bluetooth...)
* It's likely this won't work with other controllers.
* As an example: This controller reports its D-pad as if it were a hat on a joystick (the ABS is generally for analog sticks)
* Other controllers will use the (probably correct) BTN_DPAD* mappings.
* To support more controllers, we will probably need a list of mappings and handle that somehow.
* SDL does a pretty good job at this and presents controllers similarly to how XInput does on Windows.
* We could borrow some of their code (it's zlib licensed) or even just link with it for controller support.
if (gGamepadID != -1) {
unsigned long key_bitfield[BITS_TO_LONGS(KEY_CNT)];
struct input_absinfo x_axis, y_axis;
if (ioctl(gGamepadID, EVIOCGKEY(BITS_TO_LONGS(KEY_CNT) * sizeof(unsigned long)), key_bitfield) == -1
|| ioctl(gGamepadID, EVIOCGABS(ABS_HAT0X), &x_axis) == -1
|| ioctl(gGamepadID, EVIOCGABS(ABS_HAT0Y), &y_axis) == -1) {
gGamepadID = -1;
gPreviousGameState = gCurrentGameState;
LogMessageA(LL_WARNING, "[%s] Gamepad unplugged! Transitioning from game state %d to %d.",
} else {
gGameInput.EscapeKeyIsDown |= test_bit(BTN_SELECT, key_bitfield);
gGameInput.ChooseKeyIsDown |= test_bit(BTN_A, key_bitfield);
gGameInput.InvKeyIsDown |= test_bit(BTN_Y, key_bitfield);
if (x_axis.value == -1) {
gGameInput.LeftKeyIsDown = 1;
} else if (x_axis.value == 1) {
gGameInput.RightKeyIsDown = 1;
if (y_axis.value == -1) {
gGameInput.UpKeyIsDown = 1;
} else if (y_axis.value == 1) {
gGameInput.DownKeyIsDown = 1;
if (gGameInput.DebugKeyIsDown && !gGameInput.DebugKeyWasDown) {
gPerformanceData.DisplayDebugInfo = !gPerformanceData.DisplayDebugInfo;
if (!gInputEnabled) {
goto InputDisabled;
Window focus_window = 0;
int ignored;
XGetInputFocus(x11.display, &focus_window, &ignored);
if (focus_window != x11.window) {
goto InputDisabled;
switch(gCurrentGameState) {
ASSERT(false, "Unknown game state!");
gGameInput.DebugKeyWasDown = gGameInput.DebugKeyIsDown;
gGameInput.LeftKeyWasDown = gGameInput.LeftKeyIsDown;
gGameInput.RightKeyWasDown = gGameInput.RightKeyIsDown;
gGameInput.UpKeyWasDown = gGameInput.UpKeyIsDown;
gGameInput.DownKeyWasDown = gGameInput.DownKeyIsDown;
gGameInput.ChooseKeyWasDown = gGameInput.ChooseKeyIsDown;
gGameInput.EscapeKeyWasDown = gGameInput.EscapeKeyIsDown;
gGameInput.InvKeyWasDown = gGameInput.InvKeyIsDown;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40488B", "function_addr": 4212875, "binary_name": "8b39c693ef01bd5cdaa90987e61e4cd7be3ceaaa2ca926e05669749937e737a3.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 0E0h"], [3, "mov rax, rdi"], [4, "mov rcx, rsi"], [5, "mov rdx, rcx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_E0], rax"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_D8], rdx"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_E0]"], [9, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_20]"], [10, "mov rsi, rdx"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call _XQueryKeymap"], [13, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_E0]"], [14, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [15, "mov rsi, rax"], [16, "mov edi, 0FF1Bh"], [17, "call sub_404838"], [18, "movzx eax, al"], [19, "mov cs:word_447060, ax"], [20, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_E0]"], [21, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [22, "mov rsi, rax"], [23, "mov edi, 0FFBEh"], [24, "call sub_404838"], [25, "movzx eax, al"], [26, "mov cs:word_447062, ax"], [27, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_E0]"], [28, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [29, "mov rsi, rax"], [30, "mov edi, 0FF51h"], [31, "call sub_404838"], [32, "movzx eax, al"], [33, "mov cs:word_447064, ax"], [34, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_E0]"], [35, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [36, "mov rsi, rax"], [37, "mov edi, 0FF53h"], [38, "call sub_404838"], [39, "movzx eax, al"], [40, "mov cs:word_447066, ax"], [41, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_E0]"], [42, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [43, "mov rsi, rax"], [44, "mov edi, 0FF52h"], [45, "call sub_404838"], [46, "movzx eax, al"], [47, "mov cs:word_447068, ax"], [48, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_E0]"], [49, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [50, "mov rsi, rax"], [51, "mov edi, 0FF54h"], [52, "call sub_404838"], [53, "movzx eax, al"], [54, "mov cs:word_44706A, ax"], [55, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_E0]"], [56, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [57, "mov rsi, rax"], [58, "mov edi, 0FF0Dh"], [59, "call sub_404838"], [60, "movzx eax, al"], [61, "mov cs:word_44706C, ax"], [62, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_E0]"], [63, "lea rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [64, "mov rsi, rax"], [65, "mov edi, 49h "], [66, "call sub_404838"], [67, "movzx eax, al"], [68, "mov cs:word_44706E, ax"], [69, "mov eax, cs:fd"], [70, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [71, "jz loc_404B55"], [72, "mov eax, cs:fd"], [73, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_D0]"], [74, "mov esi, 80604518h"], [75, "mov edi, eax"], [76, "mov eax, 0"], [77, "call _ioctl"], [78, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [79, "jz short loc_404A45"], [80, "mov eax, cs:fd"], [81, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_50]"], [82, "mov esi, 80184550h"], [83, "mov edi, eax"], [84, "mov eax, 0"], [85, "call _ioctl"], [86, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [87, "jz short loc_404A45"], [88, "mov eax, cs:fd"], [89, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_70]"], [90, "mov esi, 80184551h"], [91, "mov edi, eax"], [92, "mov eax, 0"], [93, "call _ioctl"], [94, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [95, "jnz short loc_404AA1"], [96, "mov eax, cs:fd"], [97, "mov edi, eax"], [98, "call _close"], [99, "mov cs:fd, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [100, "mov eax, cs:dword_447048"], [101, "mov cs:dword_44704C, eax"], [102, "mov cs:dword_447048, 7"], [103, "mov edx, cs:dword_447048"], [104, "mov eax, cs:dword_44704C"], [105, "mov r8d, edx"], [106, "mov ecx, eax"], [107, "mov edx, offset aProcessplayeri"], [108, "mov esi, offset aSGamepadUnplug"], [109, "mov edi, 2"], [110, "mov eax, 0"], [111, "call sub_4097E9"], [112, "jmp loc_404B55"], [113, "lea rax, [rbp+var_D0]"], [114, "mov rsi, rax"], [115, "mov edi, 13Ah"], [116, "call sub_4038B0"], [117, "movzx edx, cs:word_447060"], [118, "or eax, edx"], [119, "mov cs:word_447060, ax"], [120, "lea rax, [rbp+var_D0]"], [121, "mov rsi, rax"], [122, "mov edi, 130h"], [123, "call sub_4038B0"], [124, "movzx edx, cs:word_44706C"], [125, "or eax, edx"], [126, "mov cs:word_44706C, ax"], [127, "lea rax, [rbp+var_D0]"], [128, "mov rsi, rax"], [129, "mov edi, 134h"], [130, "call sub_4038B0"], [131, "movzx edx, cs:word_44706E"], [132, "or eax, edx"], [133, "mov cs:word_44706E, ax"], [134, "mov eax, [rbp+var_50]"], [135, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [136, "jnz short loc_404B20"], [137, "mov cs:word_447064, 1"], [138, "jmp short loc_404B31"], [139, "mov eax, [rbp+var_50]"], [140, "cmp eax, 1"], [141, "jnz short loc_404B31"], [142, "mov cs:word_447066, 1"], [143, "mov eax, [rbp+var_70]"], [144, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [145, "jnz short loc_404B44"], [146, "mov cs:word_447068, 1"], [147, "jmp short loc_404B55"], [148, "mov eax, [rbp+var_70]"], [149, "cmp eax, 1"], [150, "jnz short loc_404B55"], [151, "mov cs:word_44706A, 1"], [152, "movzx eax, cs:word_447062"], [153, "test ax, ax"], [154, "jz short loc_404B8B"], [155, "movzx eax, cs:word_447070"], [156, "test ax, ax"], [157, "jnz short loc_404B8B"], [158, "movzx eax, cs:byte_446DB0"], [159, "movzx eax, al"], [160, "test eax, eax"], [161, "setnz al"], [162, "xor eax, 1"], [163, "movzx eax, al"], [164, "and eax, 1"], [165, "mov cs:byte_446DB0, al"], [166, "movzx eax, cs:byte_449C78"], [167, "xor eax, 1"], [168, "test al, al"], [169, "jnz loc_404C25"], [170, "mov [rbp+var_28], 0"], [171, "mov rax, [rbp+var_E0]"], [172, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_2C]"], [173, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_28]"], [174, "mov rsi, rcx"], [175, "mov rdi, rax"], [176, "call _XGetInputFocus"], [177, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_D8]"], [178, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [179, "cmp rdx, rax"], [180, "jnz short loc_404C28"], [181, "mov eax, cs:dword_447048"], [182, "cmp eax, 8"], [183, "ja short def_404BE4"], [184, "mov eax, eax"], [185, "mov rax, ds:jpt_404BE4[rax*8]"], [186, "jmp rax"], [187, "call sub_40A33A"], [188, "jmp short def_404BE4"], [189, "call sub_40F857"], [190, "jmp short def_404BE4"], [191, "call sub_40A623"], [192, "jmp short def_404BE4"], [193, "call sub_40AE08"], [194, "jmp short def_404BE4"], [195, "call sub_40BBC2"], [196, "jmp short def_404BE4"], [197, "call sub_40CCA6"], [198, "jmp short def_404BE4"], [199, "call sub_40EF98"], [200, "jmp short def_404BE4"], [201, "call sub_40C8E5"], [202, "jmp short def_404BE4"], [203, "call sub_40F658"], [204, "jmp short def_404BE4"], [205, "nop"], [206, "jmp short def_404BE4"], [207, "nop"], [208, "movzx eax, cs:word_447062"], [209, "mov cs:word_447070, ax"], [210, "movzx eax, cs:word_447064"], [211, "mov cs:word_447074, ax"], [212, "movzx eax, cs:word_447066"], [213, "mov cs:word_447076, ax"], [214, "movzx eax, cs:word_447068"], [215, "mov cs:word_447078, ax"], [216, "movzx eax, cs:word_44706A"], [217, "mov cs:word_44707A, ax"], [218, "movzx eax, cs:word_44706C"], [219, "mov cs:word_44707C, ax"], [220, "movzx eax, cs:word_447060"], [221, "mov cs:word_447072, ax"], [222, "movzx eax, cs:word_44706E"], [223, "mov cs:word_44707E, ax"], [224, "nop"], [225, "leave"], [226, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 3], [7, 5], [8, 6], [9, 5], [10, 9], [11, 8], [13, 6], [14, 12], [15, 14], [18, 17], [19, 18], [20, 6], [21, 18], [22, 21], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 6], [28, 25], [29, 28], [32, 31], [33, 32], [34, 6], [35, 32], [36, 35], [39, 38], [40, 39], [41, 6], [42, 39], [43, 42], [46, 45], [47, 46], [48, 6], [49, 46], [50, 49], [53, 52], [54, 53], [55, 6], [56, 53], [57, 56], [60, 59], [61, 60], [62, 6], [63, 60], [64, 63], [67, 66], [68, 67], [70, 69], [71, 70], [73, 62], [75, 72], [78, 77], [79, 78], [81, 73], [83, 80], [86, 85], [87, 86], [89, 81], [91, 88], [94, 93], [95, 94], [97, 96], [101, 100], [103, 102], [104, 101], [105, 103], [106, 104], [113, 93], [114, 113], [117, 19], [118, 117], [118, 116], [119, 118], [120, 118], [121, 120], [124, 61], [125, 123], [125, 124], [126, 125], [127, 125], [128, 127], [131, 68], [132, 130], [132, 131], [133, 132], [135, 134], [136, 135], [140, 139], [141, 140], [144, 143], [145, 144], [149, 148], [150, 149], [152, 26], [153, 152], [154, 153], [156, 155], [157, 156], [159, 158], [160, 159], [161, 160], [162, 161], [163, 162], [164, 163], [165, 164], [167, 166], [168, 167], [169, 168], [171, 6], [172, 131], [172, 62], [172, 107], [173, 106], [173, 170], [173, 4], [174, 173], [175, 171], [177, 7], [178, 170], [179, 178], [179, 177], [180, 179], [181, 102], [182, 181], [183, 182], [184, 181], [186, 185], [208, 26], [209, 208], [210, 33], [210, 137], [211, 210], [212, 40], [212, 142], [213, 212], [214, 146], [214, 47], [215, 214], [216, 54], [216, 151], [217, 216], [218, 126], [218, 61], [219, 218], [220, 19], [220, 119], [221, 220], [222, 133], [222, 68], [223, 222], [226, 222]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/8b39c693ef01bd5cdaa90987e61e4cd7be3ceaaa2ca926e05669749937e737a3_8b39c693ef01bd5cdaa90987e61e4cd7be3ceaaa2ca926e05669749937e737a3.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40488B", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_40488B(Display *a1, __int64 a2)\n{\nint v2; // er9\n__int64 result; // rax\nchar v4[96]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-D0h] BYREF\nint v5[8]; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-70h] BYREF\nint v6[9]; // [rsp+90h] [rbp-50h] BYREF\nint v7; // [rsp+B4h] [rbp-2Ch] BYREF\nWindow v8; // [rsp+B8h] [rbp-28h] BYREF\nchar v9[32]; // [rsp+C0h] [rbp-20h] BYREF\n\nXQueryKeymap(a1, v9);\nword_447060 = (unsigned __int8)sub_404838(0xFF1BuLL, (__int64)v9, a1);\nword_447062 = (unsigned __int8)sub_404838(0xFFBEuLL, (__int64)v9, a1);\nword_447064 = (unsigned __int8)sub_404838(0xFF51uLL, (__int64)v9, a1);\nword_447066 = (unsigned __int8)sub_404838(0xFF53uLL, (__int64)v9, a1);\nword_447068 = (unsigned __int8)sub_404838(0xFF52uLL, (__int64)v9, a1);\nword_44706A = (unsigned __int8)sub_404838(0xFF54uLL, (__int64)v9, a1);\nword_44706C = (unsigned __int8)sub_404838(0xFF0DuLL, (__int64)v9, a1);\nword_44706E = (unsigned __int8)sub_404838(0x49uLL, (__int64)v9, a1);\nif ( fd != -1 )\n{\nif ( ioctl(fd, 0x80604518uLL, v4) == -1 || ioctl(fd, 0x80184550uLL, v6) == -1 || ioctl(fd, 0x80184551uLL, v5) == -1 )\n{\nclose(fd);\nfd = -1;\ndword_44704C = dword_447048;\ndword_447048 = 7;\nsub_4097E9(\n2,\n(unsigned int)\"[%s] Gamepad unplugged! Transitioning from game state %d to %d.\",\n(unsigned int)\"ProcessPlayerInput\",\ndword_44704C,\n7,\nv2);\n}\nelse\n{\nword_447060 |= sub_4038B0(0x13AuLL, (__int64)v4);\nword_44706C |= sub_4038B0(0x130uLL, (__int64)v4);\nword_44706E |= sub_4038B0(0x134uLL, (__int64)v4);\nif ( v6[0] == -1 )\n{\nword_447064 = 1;\n}\nelse if ( v6[0] == 1 )\n{\nword_447066 = 1;\n}\nif ( v5[0] == -1 )\n{\nword_447068 = 1;\n}\nelse if ( v5[0] == 1 )\n{\nword_44706A = 1;\n}\n}\n}\nif ( word_447062 && !word_447070 )\nbyte_446DB0 = byte_446DB0 == 0;\nif ( byte_449C78 == 1 )\n{\nv8 = 0LL;\nXGetInputFocus(a1, &v8, &v7);\nif ( a2 == v8 )\n{\nswitch ( dword_447048 )\n{\ncase 0:\nsub_40A33A();\nbreak;\ncase 1:\nsub_40A623();\nbreak;\ncase 2:\nsub_40AE08();\nbreak;\ncase 3:\nsub_40BBC2();\nbreak;\ncase 4:\nsub_40CCA6();\nbreak;\ncase 5:\nsub_40EF98();\nbreak;\ncase 6:\nsub_40C8E5();\nbreak;\ncase 7:\nsub_40F857();\nbreak;\ncase 8:\nsub_40F658();\nbreak;\ndefault:\nbreak;\n}\n}\n}\nword_447070 = word_447062;\nword_447074 = word_447064;\nword_447076 = word_447066;\nword_447078 = word_447068;\nword_44707A = word_44706A;\nword_44707C = word_44706C;\nword_447072 = word_447060;\nresult = (unsigned __int16)word_44706E;\nword_44707E = word_44706E;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,sub_40488B,sub_404838,sub_4097E9,sub_4038B0,sub_40A33A,sub_40A623,sub_40AE08,sub_40BBC2,sub_40CCA6,sub_40EF98,sub_40C8E5,sub_40F857,sub_40F658,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'x11', 'v4': 'key_bitfield', 'v5': 'y_axis', 'v6': 'x_axis', 'v7': 'ignored', 'v8': 'focus_window', 'v9': 'key_map', 'sub_40488B': 'ProcessPlayerInput', 'sub_404838': 'key_pressed', 'sub_4097E9': 'LogMessageA', 'sub_4038B0': 'test_bit', 'sub_40A33A': 'PPI_OpeningSplashScreen', 'sub_40A623': 'PPI_TitleScreen', 'sub_40AE08': 'PPI_CharacterNaming', 'sub_40BBC2': 'PPI_Overworld', 'sub_40CCA6': 'PPI_Battle', 'sub_40EF98': 'PPI_OptionsScreen', 'sub_40C8E5': 'PPI_ExitYesNo', 'sub_40F857': 'PPI_GamepadUnplugged', 'sub_40F658': 'PPI_NewGameAreYouSure'}"} |
region_profile_print_benchmark | 2628714fc89bbd06927f17c35c7cc10c3c4f3a82276ea56c58894e172e8f25b3 | smarco | gem3-mapper | NA | void region_profile_print_benchmark(
FILE* const stream,
const region_profile_t* const region_profile,
fm_index_t* const fm_index,
const uint8_t* key) {
REGION_PROFILE_ITERATE(region_profile,region,position) {
* <chunk_length> <chunk_string> <lo> <hi> <steps_perfomed_on_search>
* Eg. 10 ACGTACGTTG 12 134 10
// Chunk length
const uint64_t chunk_length = region->end-region->begin;
// Chunk string
uint64_t i;
for (i=region->begin;i<region->end;++i) {
// Results
uint64_t lo, hi, steps;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_465B1F", "function_addr": 4610847, "binary_name": "2628714fc89bbd06927f17c35c7cc10c3c4f3a82276ea56c58894e172e8f25b3.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 60h"], [3, "mov [rbp+stream], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_50], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_58], rdx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_60], rcx"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [8, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [10, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [11, "mov rax, [rax]"], [12, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [14, "jmp loc_465C50"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [16, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [18, "mov rcx, [rax]"], [19, "mov rax, rdx"], [20, "sub rax, rcx"], [21, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [22, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [23, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [24, "mov esi, offset aLu_4"], [25, "mov rdi, rax"], [26, "mov eax, 0"], [27, "call _fprintf"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [29, "mov rax, [rax]"], [30, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [31, "jmp short loc_465BCB"], [32, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_60]"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [34, "add rax, rdx"], [35, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [36, "movzx eax, al"], [37, "cdqe"], [38, "movzx eax, ds:byte_483400[rax]"], [39, "movsx eax, al"], [40, "mov rdx, [rbp+stream]"], [41, "mov rsi, rdx"], [42, "mov edi, eax"], [43, "call _fputc"], [44, "add [rbp+var_18], 1"], [45, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [46, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [47, "cmp [rbp+var_18], rax"], [48, "jb short loc_465B9B"], [49, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [50, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [51, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [52, "mov rax, [rax]"], [53, "mov rdi, rdx"], [54, "sub rdi, rax"], [55, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [56, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [57, "mov rax, [rbp+var_60]"], [58, "lea rsi, [rdx+rax]"], [59, "lea r8, [rbp+var_40]"], [60, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_30]"], [61, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_38]"], [62, "mov rax, [rbp+var_58]"], [63, "mov r9, r8"], [64, "mov r8, rcx"], [65, "mov rcx, rdx"], [66, "mov rdx, rdi"], [67, "mov rdi, rax"], [68, "call sub_42F092"], [69, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_40]"], [70, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_38]"], [71, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [72, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [73, "mov r8, rsi"], [74, "mov esi, offset aLuLuLu_1"], [75, "mov rdi, rax"], [76, "mov eax, 0"], [77, "call _fprintf"], [78, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [79, "add [rbp+var_8], 38h "], [80, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [81, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [82, "jb loc_465B5B"], [83, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [84, "mov rdi, rax"], [85, "call _fflush"], [86, "nop"], [87, "leave"], [88, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 4], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 4], [11, 10], [12, 11], [15, 79], [15, 12], [16, 15], [17, 12], [17, 79], [18, 17], [19, 16], [20, 19], [20, 18], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 3], [25, 23], [28, 12], [28, 79], [29, 28], [30, 29], [32, 6], [33, 44], [33, 30], [34, 32], [34, 33], [35, 34], [36, 35], [39, 38], [40, 3], [41, 40], [42, 39], [44, 44], [44, 30], [45, 12], [45, 79], [46, 45], [47, 44], [47, 46], [47, 30], [48, 47], [49, 79], [49, 12], [50, 49], [51, 79], [51, 12], [52, 51], [53, 50], [54, 53], [54, 52], [55, 79], [55, 12], [56, 55], [57, 6], [58, 24], [58, 57], [58, 41], [59, 73], [60, 18], [61, 56], [62, 5], [63, 59], [64, 60], [65, 61], [66, 54], [67, 62], [72, 3], [73, 69], [75, 72], [78, 13], [78, 78], [79, 12], [79, 79], [80, 78], [80, 13], [81, 80], [81, 9], [82, 81], [83, 3], [84, 83], [88, 85]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/2628714fc89bbd06927f17c35c7cc10c3c4f3a82276ea56c58894e172e8f25b3_2628714fc89bbd06927f17c35c7cc10c3c4f3a82276ea56c58894e172e8f25b3.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_465B1F", "query": "\n\n\nint __fastcall sub_465B1F(FILE *a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4)\n{\n__int64 v7; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-40h] BYREF\nunsigned __int64 v8; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-38h] BYREF\nunsigned __int64 v9; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-30h] BYREF\nunsigned __int64 v10; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-28h]\nunsigned __int64 v11; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-20h]\nunsigned __int64 i; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-18h]\nunsigned __int64 v13; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-10h]\nunsigned __int64 *v14; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv11 = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 16);\nv14 = *(unsigned __int64 **)a2;\nv13 = 0LL;\nwhile ( v13 < v11 )\n{\nv10 = v14[1] - *v14;\nfprintf(a1, \"%lu\\t\", v10);\nfor ( i = *v14; i < v14[1]; ++i )\nfputc(byte_483400[*(unsigned __int8 *)(a4 + i)], a1);\nsub_42F092(a3, *v14 + a4, v14[1] - *v14, &v8, &v9, &v7);\nfprintf(a1, \"\\t%lu\\t%lu\\t%lu\\n\", v9, v8, v7);\n++v13;\nv14 += 7;\n}\nreturn fflush(a1);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v13,v14,sub_465B1F,sub_42F092,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'fm_index', 'a4': 'key', 'a1': 'stream', 'a2': 'region_profile', 'v7': 'steps', 'v8': 'hi', 'v9': 'lo', 'v10': 'chunk_length', 'v11': 'num_filtering_regions', 'v13': 'position', 'v14': 'region', 'sub_465B1F': 'region_profile_print_benchmark', 'sub_42F092': 'fm_index_bsearch_debug'}"} |
compile_code_with_one_param | 5c229dfefdea4b64ebc28f522b4de6dae5f1fcfc51840f029b4341e0ddaca400 | tekknolagi | ghuloum | NA | TEST compile_code_with_one_param(Buffer *buf) {
ASTNode *node = Reader_read("(code (x) x)");
int compile_result = Compile_code(buf, node, /*labels=*/NULL);
ASSERT_EQ(compile_result, 0);
// clang-format off
byte expected[] = {
// mov rax, [rsp-8]
0x48, 0x8b, 0x44, 0x24, 0xf8,
// ret
// clang-format on
EXPECT_EQUALS_BYTES(buf, expected);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40E740", "function_addr": 4253504, "binary_name": "5c229dfefdea4b64ebc28f522b4de6dae5f1fcfc51840f029b4341e0ddaca400.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 50h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_48], rdi"], [4, "mov edi, offset aCodeXX"], [5, "call sub_4032D6"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [7, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_8]"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [9, "mov edx, 0"], [10, "mov rsi, rcx"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call sub_404E67"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_C], eax"], [14, "mov eax, cs:dword_41C1A4"], [15, "add eax, 1"], [16, "mov cs:dword_41C1A4, eax"], [17, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 0"], [18, "jz short loc_40E7CA"], [19, "mov cs:qword_41C1B0, offset file"], [20, "mov cs:dword_41C1A8, 9EDh"], [21, "mov cs:qword_41C1B8, offset aCompileResult0"], [22, "movzx eax, cs:byte_41C160"], [23, "movzx eax, al"], [24, "and eax, 4"], [25, "test eax, eax"], [26, "jz short loc_40E7C0"], [27, "call _abort"], [28, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [29, "jmp locret_40E9CD"], [30, "mov [rbp+var_1E], 24448B48h"], [31, "mov [rbp+var_1A], 0C3F8h"], [32, "mov eax, cs:dword_41C1A4"], [33, "add eax, 1"], [34, "mov cs:dword_41C1A4, eax"], [35, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [36, "mov rdi, rax"], [37, "call sub_40155D"], [38, "cmp rax, 6"], [39, "jz loc_40E8D2"], [40, "mov rax, cs:stdout"], [41, "mov rcx, rax"], [42, "mov edx, 0Bh"], [43, "mov esi, 1"], [44, "mov edi, offset aExpected"], [45, "call _fwrite"], [46, "mov rax, cs:stdout"], [47, "mov edx, 6"], [48, "mov esi, offset aLd"], [49, "mov rdi, rax"], [50, "mov eax, 0"], [51, "call _fprintf"], [52, "mov rax, cs:stdout"], [53, "mov rcx, rax"], [54, "mov edx, 0Bh"], [55, "mov esi, 1"], [56, "mov edi, offset aGot"], [57, "call _fwrite"], [58, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [59, "mov rdi, rax"], [60, "call sub_40155D"], [61, "mov rdx, rax"], [62, "mov rax, cs:stdout"], [63, "mov esi, offset aLd"], [64, "mov rdi, rax"], [65, "mov eax, 0"], [66, "call _fprintf"], [67, "mov rax, cs:stdout"], [68, "mov rsi, rax"], [69, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [70, "call _fputc"], [71, "mov cs:qword_41C1B0, offset file"], [72, "mov cs:dword_41C1A8, 9F6h"], [73, "mov cs:qword_41C1B8, offset aSizeofExpected"], [74, "movzx eax, cs:byte_41C160"], [75, "movzx eax, al"], [76, "and eax, 4"], [77, "test eax, eax"], [78, "jz short loc_40E8C8"], [79, "call _abort"], [80, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [81, "jmp locret_40E9CD"], [82, "lea rax, [rbp+var_1E]"], [83, "mov [rbp+var_40], rax"], [84, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [85, "mov rax, [rax]"], [86, "mov [rbp+var_38], rax"], [87, "mov [rbp+var_30], 6"], [88, "mov [rbp+var_18], offset off_41C100"], [89, "mov eax, cs:dword_41C1A4"], [90, "add eax, 1"], [91, "mov cs:dword_41C1A4, eax"], [92, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_38]"], [93, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [94, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_40]"], [95, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [96, "mov rdi, rax"], [97, "call sub_413709"], [98, "test eax, eax"], [99, "jnz loc_40E9B1"], [100, "cmp [rbp+var_18], 0"], [101, "jz short loc_40E937"], [102, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [103, "mov rax, [rax]"], [104, "test rax, rax"], [105, "jnz short loc_40E974"], [106, "mov cs:qword_41C1B0, offset file"], [107, "mov cs:dword_41C1A8, 9F6h"], [108, "mov cs:qword_41C1B8, offset aTypeInfoEqualC"], [109, "movzx eax, cs:byte_41C160"], [110, "movzx eax, al"], [111, "and eax, 4"], [112, "test eax, eax"], [113, "jz short loc_40E96D"], [114, "call _abort"], [115, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [116, "jmp short locret_40E9CD"], [117, "mov cs:qword_41C1B0, offset file"], [118, "mov cs:dword_41C1A8, 9F6h"], [119, "mov cs:qword_41C1B8, offset aExpectedBufAdd"], [120, "movzx eax, cs:byte_41C160"], [121, "movzx eax, al"], [122, "and eax, 4"], [123, "test eax, eax"], [124, "jz short loc_40E9AA"], [125, "call _abort"], [126, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [127, "jmp short locret_40E9CD"], [128, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [129, "mov rdi, rax"], [130, "call sub_402656"], [131, "mov cs:qword_41C1B8, 0"], [132, "mov eax, 0"], [133, "leave"], [134, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 3], [10, 7], [11, 8], [13, 12], [15, 14], [16, 15], [17, 13], [18, 17], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 25], [32, 16], [33, 32], [34, 33], [35, 3], [36, 35], [38, 37], [39, 38], [41, 40], [49, 46], [53, 52], [58, 3], [59, 58], [61, 60], [64, 62], [68, 67], [75, 74], [76, 75], [77, 76], [78, 77], [82, 37], [82, 30], [83, 82], [84, 3], [85, 84], [86, 85], [89, 34], [90, 89], [91, 90], [92, 86], [93, 83], [94, 7], [94, 83], [95, 88], [96, 93], [98, 97], [99, 98], [100, 88], [101, 100], [102, 88], [103, 102], [104, 103], [105, 104], [110, 109], [111, 110], [112, 111], [113, 112], [121, 120], [122, 121], [123, 122], [124, 123], [128, 6], [129, 128], [134, 115], [134, 126], [134, 132], [134, 80], [134, 28]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/5c229dfefdea4b64ebc28f522b4de6dae5f1fcfc51840f029b4341e0ddaca400_5c229dfefdea4b64ebc28f522b4de6dae5f1fcfc51840f029b4341e0ddaca400.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40E740", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_40E740(__int64 *a1)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v2; // rax\nint *v3; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-40h] BYREF\n__int64 v4; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-38h]\n__int64 v5; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-30h]\nint v6; // [rsp+32h] [rbp-1Eh] BYREF\n__int16 v7; // [rsp+36h] [rbp-1Ah]\n__int64 (__fastcall **v8)(); // [rsp+38h] [rbp-18h]\nint v9; // [rsp+44h] [rbp-Ch]\n__int64 v10; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv10 = sub_4032D6((__int64)\"(code (x) x)\");\nv9 = sub_404E67(a1, v10, 0LL);\n++dword_41C1A4;\nif ( v9 )\n{\nqword_41C1B0 = (__int64)\"compiling-procedures.c\";\ndword_41C1A8 = 2541;\nqword_41C1B8 = (__int64)\"compile_result != 0\";\nif ( (byte_41C160 & 4) != 0 )\nabort();\nresult = 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\n}\nelse\n{\nv6 = 608471880;\nv7 = -15368;\n++dword_41C1A4;\nif ( sub_40155D((__int64)a1) == 6 )\n{\nv3 = &v6;\nv4 = *a1;\nv5 = 6LL;\nv8 = &off_41C100;\n++dword_41C1A4;\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_413709(&v6, v4, &off_41C100, &v3) )\n{\nsub_402656(v10);\nqword_41C1B8 = 0LL;\nresult = 0LL;\n}\nelse if ( v8 && *v8 )\n{\nqword_41C1B0 = (__int64)\"compiling-procedures.c\";\ndword_41C1A8 = 2550;\nqword_41C1B8 = (__int64)\"expected != (buf)->address\";\nif ( (byte_41C160 & 4) != 0 )\nabort();\nresult = 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\n}\nelse\n{\nqword_41C1B0 = (__int64)\"compiling-procedures.c\";\ndword_41C1A8 = 2550;\nqword_41C1B8 = (__int64)\"type_info->equal callback missing!\";\nif ( (byte_41C160 & 4) != 0 )\nabort();\nresult = 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nfwrite(\"\\nExpected: \", 1uLL, 0xBuLL, stdout);\nfprintf(stdout, \"%ld\", 6LL);\nfwrite(\"\\n Got: \", 1uLL, 0xBuLL, stdout);\nv2 = sub_40155D((__int64)a1);\nfprintf(stdout, \"%ld\", v2);\nfputc(10, stdout);\nqword_41C1B0 = (__int64)\"compiling-procedures.c\";\ndword_41C1A8 = 2550;\nqword_41C1B8 = (__int64)\"sizeof expected != Buffer_len(buf)\";\nif ( (byte_41C160 & 4) != 0 )\nabort();\nresult = 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v3,v6,v8,v9,v10,sub_40E740,sub_4032D6,sub_404E67,sub_40155D,sub_413709,sub_402656,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'buf', 'v3': 'env', 'v6': 'expected', 'v8': 'type_info', 'v9': 'compile_result', 'v10': 'node', 'sub_40E740': 'compile_code_with_one_param', 'sub_4032D6': 'Reader_read', 'sub_404E67': 'Compile_code', 'sub_40155D': 'Buffer_len', 'sub_413709': 'greatest_do_assert_equal_t', 'sub_402656': 'AST_heap_free'}"} |
cp_SetOnBoard | ec8fc937e4ce3fa3c7735a74b6cbc74ff046aa1e3d1bd57a582fccc52f80cf78 | olikraus | u8glib | NA | void cp_SetOnBoard(uint8_t pos, uint8_t cp)
/*printf("cp_SetOnBoard gpos:%02x cp:%02x\n", pos, cp);*/
lrc_obj.board[cu_gpos2bpos(pos)] = cp;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40145A", "function_addr": 4199514, "binary_name": "ec8fc937e4ce3fa3c7735a74b6cbc74ff046aa1e3d1bd57a582fccc52f80cf78.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 8"], [3, "mov edx, edi"], [4, "mov eax, esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_4], dl"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_8], al"], [7, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [8, "mov edi, eax"], [9, "call sub_4013C3"], [10, "movzx eax, al"], [11, "cdqe"], [12, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_8]"], [13, "mov ds:byte_56EE42[rax], dl"], [14, "nop"], [15, "leave"], [16, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 3], [6, 4], [7, 5], [8, 7], [10, 9], [12, 6], [13, 12], [16, 10]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/ec8fc937e4ce3fa3c7735a74b6cbc74ff046aa1e3d1bd57a582fccc52f80cf78_ec8fc937e4ce3fa3c7735a74b6cbc74ff046aa1e3d1bd57a582fccc52f80cf78.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40145A", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_40145A(char a1, char a2)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nresult = (unsigned __int8)sub_4013C3(a1);\nbyte_56EE42[(unsigned __int8)result] = a2;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_40145A,sub_4013C3,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'pos', 'a2': 'cp', 'sub_40145A': 'cp_SetOnBoard', 'sub_4013C3': 'cu_gpos2bpos'}"} |
handle_pending_command | 276536b89cc3e58f9e6dd34cde9d9d4ba21328c5a859320d5e06460e1ec2c7de | LIJI32 | SameBoy | NA | static bool handle_pending_command(void)
switch (pending_command) {
char save_path[strlen(filename) + 5];
char save_extension[] = ".s0";
save_extension[2] += command_parameter;
replace_extension(filename, strlen(filename), save_path, save_extension);
bool success;
if (pending_command == GB_SDL_LOAD_STATE_COMMAND) {
int result = GB_load_state(&gb, save_path);
if (result == ENOENT) {
char save_extension[] = ".sn0";
save_extension[3] += command_parameter;
replace_extension(filename, strlen(filename), save_path, save_extension);
result = GB_load_state(&gb, save_path);
success = result == 0;
else {
success = GB_save_state(&gb, save_path) == 0;
success? "Notice" : "Error");
if (success) {
show_osd_text(pending_command == GB_SDL_LOAD_STATE_COMMAND? "State loaded" : "State saved");
return false;
bool success = GB_load_state(&gb, dropped_state_file) == 0;
success? "Notice" : "Error");
if (success) {
show_osd_text("State loaded");
return false;
return false;
doing_hot_swap = true;
GB_save_battery(&gb, battery_save_path_ptr);
return true;
GB_save_battery(&gb, battery_save_path_ptr);
return false;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_44AA87", "function_addr": 4500103, "binary_name": "276536b89cc3e58f9e6dd34cde9d9d4ba21328c5a859320d5e06460e1ec2c7de.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push r15"], [3, "push r14"], [4, "push r13"], [5, "push r12"], [6, "push rbx"], [7, "sub rsp, 38h"], [8, "mov eax, cs:dword_4730E0"], [9, "cmp eax, 7"], [10, "ja def_44AAB1"], [11, "mov eax, eax"], [12, "mov rax, ds:jpt_44AAB1[rax*8]"], [13, "jmp rax"], [14, "mov rax, rsp"], [15, "mov rbx, rax"], [16, "mov rax, cs:qword_490AA8"], [17, "mov rdi, rax"], [18, "call _strlen"], [19, "add rax, 5"], [20, "mov rdx, rax"], [21, "sub rdx, 1"], [22, "mov [rbp+var_40], rdx"], [23, "mov r14, rax"], [24, "mov r15d, 0"], [25, "mov r12, rax"], [26, "mov r13d, 0"], [27, "mov edx, 10h"], [28, "sub rdx, 1"], [29, "add rax, rdx"], [30, "mov ecx, 10h"], [31, "mov edx, 0"], [32, "div rcx"], [33, "imul rax, 10h"], [34, "sub rsp, rax"], [35, "mov rax, rsp"], [36, "add rax, 0"], [37, "mov [rbp+var_48], rax"], [38, "mov [rbp+var_4C], 30732Eh"], [39, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_4C+2]"], [40, "mov edx, eax"], [41, "mov eax, cs:dword_4730E4"], [42, "add eax, edx"], [43, "mov byte ptr [rbp+var_4C+2], al"], [44, "mov rax, cs:qword_490AA8"], [45, "mov rdi, rax"], [46, "call _strlen"], [47, "mov rsi, rax"], [48, "mov rax, cs:qword_490AA8"], [49, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_4C]"], [50, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [51, "mov rdi, rax"], [52, "call sub_44D268"], [53, "call sub_449677"], [54, "mov eax, cs:dword_4730E0"], [55, "cmp eax, 2"], [56, "jnz loc_44ABED"], [57, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [58, "mov rsi, rax"], [59, "mov edi, offset unk_473400"], [60, "call sub_4333A9"], [61, "mov [rbp+var_34], eax"], [62, "cmp [rbp+var_34], 2"], [63, "jnz short loc_44ABE1"], [64, "mov [rbp+var_51], 306E732Eh"], [65, "mov [rbp+var_4D], 0"], [66, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_51+3]"], [67, "mov edx, eax"], [68, "mov eax, cs:dword_4730E4"], [69, "add eax, edx"], [70, "mov byte ptr [rbp+var_51+3], al"], [71, "mov rax, cs:qword_490AA8"], [72, "mov rdi, rax"], [73, "call _strlen"], [74, "mov rsi, rax"], [75, "mov rax, cs:qword_490AA8"], [76, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_51]"], [77, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [78, "mov rdi, rax"], [79, "call sub_44D268"], [80, "call sub_449677"], [81, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [82, "mov rsi, rax"], [83, "mov edi, offset unk_473400"], [84, "call sub_4333A9"], [85, "mov [rbp+var_34], eax"], [86, "cmp [rbp+var_34], 0"], [87, "setz al"], [88, "mov [rbp+var_35], al"], [89, "jmp short loc_44AC06"], [90, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [91, "mov rsi, rax"], [92, "mov edi, offset unk_473400"], [93, "call sub_430E0A"], [94, "test eax, eax"], [95, "setz al"], [96, "mov [rbp+var_35], al"], [97, "cmp [rbp+var_35], 0"], [98, "jz short loc_44AC13"], [99, "mov edx, offset aNotice"], [100, "jmp short loc_44AC18"], [101, "mov edx, offset aError_0"], [102, "cmp [rbp+var_35], 0"], [103, "jz short loc_44AC25"], [104, "mov eax, 40h "], [105, "jmp short loc_44AC2A"], [106, "mov eax, 10h"], [107, "mov rcx, rdx"], [108, "mov edx, eax"], [109, "mov esi, 0"], [110, "mov edi, 1"], [111, "call sub_4496C3"], [112, "cmp [rbp+var_35], 0"], [113, "jz short loc_44AC63"], [114, "mov eax, cs:dword_4730E0"], [115, "cmp eax, 2"], [116, "jnz short loc_44AC56"], [117, "mov eax, offset aStateLoaded"], [118, "jmp short loc_44AC5B"], [119, "mov eax, offset aStateSaved"], [120, "mov rdi, rax"], [121, "call sub_4437F7"], [122, "mov eax, 0"], [123, "mov rsp, rbx"], [124, "jmp loc_44AD3B"], [125, "call sub_449677"], [126, "mov rax, cs:qword_4730E8"], [127, "mov rsi, rax"], [128, "mov edi, offset unk_473400"], [129, "call sub_4333A9"], [130, "test eax, eax"], [131, "setz al"], [132, "mov [rbp+var_36], al"], [133, "cmp [rbp+var_36], 0"], [134, "jz short loc_44AC9E"], [135, "mov edx, offset aNotice"], [136, "jmp short loc_44ACA3"], [137, "mov edx, offset aError_0"], [138, "cmp [rbp+var_36], 0"], [139, "jz short loc_44ACB0"], [140, "mov eax, 40h "], [141, "jmp short loc_44ACB5"], [142, "mov eax, 10h"], [143, "mov rcx, rdx"], [144, "mov edx, eax"], [145, "mov esi, 0"], [146, "mov edi, 1"], [147, "call sub_4496C3"], [148, "mov rax, cs:qword_4730E8"], [149, "mov rdi, rax"], [150, "call _SDL_free"], [151, "cmp [rbp+var_36], 0"], [152, "jz short loc_44ACE8"], [153, "mov edi, offset aStateLoaded"], [154, "call sub_4437F7"], [155, "mov eax, 0"], [156, "jmp short loc_44AD3B"], [157, "mov eax, 0"], [158, "jmp short loc_44AD3B"], [159, "mov cs:byte_500AF0, 1"], [160, "mov rax, cs:qword_500AD0"], [161, "mov rsi, rax"], [162, "mov edi, offset unk_473400"], [163, "call sub_421C30"], [164, "mov eax, 1"], [165, "jmp short loc_44AD3B"], [166, "mov rax, cs:qword_500AD0"], [167, "mov rsi, rax"], [168, "mov edi, offset unk_473400"], [169, "call sub_421C30"], [170, "mov edi, 0"], [171, "call _exit"], [172, "mov eax, 0"], [173, "lea rsp, [rbp-28h]"], [174, "pop rbx"], [175, "pop r12"], [176, "pop r13"], [177, "pop r14"], [178, "pop r15"], [179, "pop rbp"], [180, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 8], [13, 12], [14, 7], [15, 14], [17, 16], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 19], [25, 19], [28, 27], [29, 19], [29, 28], [32, 30], [33, 29], [34, 7], [34, 33], [35, 34], [36, 35], [37, 36], [40, 39], [42, 41], [42, 40], [43, 42], [45, 44], [47, 46], [49, 32], [49, 38], [50, 37], [51, 48], [55, 54], [56, 55], [57, 37], [58, 57], [61, 60], [62, 61], [63, 62], [67, 66], [69, 67], [69, 68], [70, 69], [72, 71], [74, 73], [76, 49], [76, 64], [77, 37], [78, 75], [81, 37], [82, 81], [85, 84], [86, 85], [86, 61], [87, 84], [87, 86], [87, 60], [88, 87], [90, 37], [91, 90], [94, 93], [95, 94], [96, 95], [97, 88], [97, 96], [98, 97], [102, 88], [102, 96], [103, 102], [107, 99], [107, 101], [108, 104], [108, 106], [112, 88], [112, 96], [113, 112], [115, 114], [116, 115], [120, 117], [120, 119], [123, 15], [127, 126], [130, 129], [131, 130], [132, 131], [133, 132], [134, 133], [138, 132], [139, 138], [143, 135], [143, 137], [144, 140], [144, 142], [149, 148], [151, 132], [152, 151], [161, 160], [167, 166], [173, 7], [173, 123], [174, 6], [175, 5], [176, 4], [177, 3], [178, 2], [179, 0], [180, 155], [180, 164], [180, 157], [180, 122], [180, 172]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/276536b89cc3e58f9e6dd34cde9d9d4ba21328c5a859320d5e06460e1ec2c7de_276536b89cc3e58f9e6dd34cde9d9d4ba21328c5a859320d5e06460e1ec2c7de.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_44AA87", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 sub_44AA87()\n{\nsize_t v0; // rax\nvoid *v1; // rsp\nsize_t v2; // rsi\n__int64 v3; // rdx\n__int64 v4; // rcx\n__int64 v5; // r8\n__int64 v6; // r9\nsize_t v7; // rsi\n__int64 v8; // rdx\n__int64 v9; // rcx\n__int64 v10; // r8\n__int64 v11; // r9\nconst char *v12; // rax\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v14; // rdx\n__int64 v15; // rcx\n__int64 v16; // r8\n__int64 v17; // r9\n__int64 v18; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-60h] BYREF\nchar v19[9]; // [rsp+Fh] [rbp-51h] BYREF\nconst char *v20; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-48h]\nsize_t v21; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-40h]\nbool v22; // [rsp+2Ah] [rbp-36h]\nbool v23; // [rsp+2Bh] [rbp-35h]\nint v24; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-34h]\n\nswitch ( dword_4730E0 )\n{\ncase 0:\nreturn 0LL;\ncase 1:\ncase 2:\nv0 = strlen(qword_490AA8) + 5;\nv21 = v0 - 1;\nv1 = alloca(16 * ((v0 + 15) / 0x10));\nv20 = (const char *)&v18;\nstrcpy(&v19[5], \".s0\");\nv19[7] = dword_4730E4 + 48;\nv2 = strlen(qword_490AA8);\nsub_44D268(qword_490AA8, v2, v20, &v19[5]);\nsub_449677();\nif ( dword_4730E0 == 2 )\n{\nv24 = sub_4333A9(qword_473400, v20, v3, v4, v5, v6);\nif ( v24 == 2 )\n{\nstrcpy(v19, \".sn0\");\nv19[3] = dword_4730E4 + 48;\nv7 = strlen(qword_490AA8);\nsub_44D268(qword_490AA8, v7, v20, v19);\nsub_449677();\nv24 = sub_4333A9(qword_473400, v20, v8, v9, v10, v11);\n}\nv23 = v24 == 0;\n}\nelse\n{\nv23 = (unsigned int)sub_430E0A((__int64)qword_473400, v20, v3, v4, v5, v6) == 0;\n}\nsub_4496C3(1, 0);\nif ( v23 )\n{\nif ( dword_4730E0 == 2 )\nv12 = \"State loaded\";\nelse\nv12 = \"State saved\";\nsub_4437F7((__int64)v12);\n}\nreturn 0LL;\ncase 3:\ncase 4:\ngoto LABEL_18;\ncase 5:\nsub_421C30((__int64)qword_473400, (const char *)qword_500AD0);\nexit(0);\ncase 6:\nsub_449677();\nv22 = (unsigned int)sub_4333A9(qword_473400, (const char *)qword_4730E8, v14, v15, v16, v17) == 0;\nsub_4496C3(1, 0);\nSDL_free();\nif ( v22 )\nsub_4437F7((__int64)\"State loaded\");\nreturn 0LL;\ncase 7:\nbyte_500AF0 = 1;\nLABEL_18:\nsub_421C30((__int64)qword_473400, (const char *)qword_500AD0);\nresult = 1LL;\nbreak;\ndefault:\nresult = 0LL;\nbreak;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[v19,v20,v22,v23,v24,sub_44AA87,sub_44D268,sub_449677,sub_4333A9,sub_430E0A,sub_4496C3,sub_4437F7,sub_421C30,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'v19': 'save_extension_0', 'v20': 'p_save_path', 'v22': 'success', 'v23': 'success_0', 'v24': 'result', 'sub_44AA87': 'handle_pending_command', 'sub_44D268': 'replace_extension', 'sub_449677': 'start_capturing_logs', 'sub_4333A9': 'GB_load_state', 'sub_430E0A': 'GB_save_state', 'sub_4496C3': 'end_capturing_logs', 'sub_4437F7': 'show_osd_text', 'sub_421C30': 'GB_save_battery'}"} |
write_var | 09d399d9f7687b56798848c66ae3e4402861c6695d1af8f3bf9a8d444fb3e3e1 | robimarko | routeros-GPL | NA | static void write_var(int len)
char *pcval; short *psval; int *pival; long long *plval;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
switch (len) {
case 1:
pcval = (char *)&dummy_var[i];
*pcval = 0xff;
case 2:
psval = (short *)&dummy_var[i];
*psval = 0xffff;
case 4:
pival = (int *)&dummy_var[i];
*pival = 0xffffffff;
case 8:
plval = (long long *)&dummy_var[i];
*plval = 0xffffffffffffffffLL;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4013D9", "function_addr": 4199385, "binary_name": "09d399d9f7687b56798848c66ae3e4402861c6695d1af8f3bf9a8d444fb3e3e1.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 40h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_34], edi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [5, "jmp loc_4014A3"], [6, "cmp [rbp+var_34], 8"], [7, "jz loc_40147B"], [8, "cmp [rbp+var_34], 8"], [9, "jg loc_40149A"], [10, "cmp [rbp+var_34], 4"], [11, "jz short loc_40145C"], [12, "cmp [rbp+var_34], 4"], [13, "jg loc_40149A"], [14, "cmp [rbp+var_34], 1"], [15, "jz short loc_401422"], [16, "cmp [rbp+var_34], 2"], [17, "jz short loc_40143E"], [18, "jmp short loc_40149A"], [19, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [20, "cdqe"], [21, "shl rax, 3"], [22, "add rax, 4040E0h"], [23, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [25, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0FFh"], [26, "jmp short loc_40149A"], [27, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [28, "cdqe"], [29, "shl rax, 3"], [30, "add rax, 4040E0h"], [31, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [32, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [33, "mov word ptr [rax], 0FFFFh"], [34, "jmp short loc_40149A"], [35, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [36, "cdqe"], [37, "shl rax, 3"], [38, "add rax, 4040E0h"], [39, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [40, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [41, "mov dword ptr [rax], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [42, "jmp short loc_40149A"], [43, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [44, "cdqe"], [45, "shl rax, 3"], [46, "add rax, 4040E0h"], [47, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [48, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [49, "mov qword ptr [rax], 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh"], [50, "nop"], [51, "call sub_40139E"], [52, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [53, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 3"], [54, "jle loc_4013F0"], [55, "nop"], [56, "nop"], [57, "leave"], [58, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 3], [7, 6], [8, 3], [9, 8], [10, 3], [11, 10], [12, 3], [13, 12], [14, 3], [15, 14], [16, 3], [17, 16], [19, 52], [19, 4], [21, 19], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 24], [27, 4], [27, 52], [29, 27], [30, 29], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 32], [35, 4], [35, 52], [37, 35], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 39], [41, 40], [43, 52], [43, 4], [45, 43], [46, 45], [47, 46], [48, 47], [49, 48], [52, 52], [52, 4], [53, 4], [53, 52], [54, 53], [58, 51]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/09d399d9f7687b56798848c66ae3e4402861c6695d1af8f3bf9a8d444fb3e3e1_09d399d9f7687b56798848c66ae3e4402861c6695d1af8f3bf9a8d444fb3e3e1.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4013D9", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4013D9(int a1)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nint i; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nfor ( i = 0; i <= 3; ++i )\n{\nif ( a1 == 8 )\n{\nqword_4040E0[i] = -1LL;\n}\nelse if ( a1 <= 8 )\n{\nif ( a1 == 4 )\n{\nLODWORD(qword_4040E0[i]) = -1;\n}\nelse if ( a1 <= 4 )\n{\nif ( a1 == 1 )\n{\nLOBYTE(qword_4040E0[i]) = -1;\n}\nelse if ( a1 == 2 )\n{\nLOWORD(qword_4040E0[i]) = -1;\n}\n}\n}\nresult = sub_40139E();\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_4013D9,sub_40139E,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'len', 'sub_4013D9': 'write_var', 'sub_40139E': 'check_trapped'}"} |
mbedtls_pk_init | ce297ee2eb040ae897b55138df396bcca9b0e280a22ead4e0aa5cba0644de078 | dazjo | nxtool | NA | void mbedtls_pk_init( mbedtls_pk_context *ctx )
if( ctx == NULL )
ctx->pk_info = NULL;
ctx->pk_ctx = NULL;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_456362", "function_addr": 4547426, "binary_name": "ce297ee2eb040ae897b55138df396bcca9b0e280a22ead4e0aa5cba0644de078.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [4, "jz short loc_45638A"], [5, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [6, "mov qword ptr [rax], 0"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [8, "mov qword ptr [rax+8], 0"], [9, "jmp short loc_45638B"], [10, "nop"], [11, "pop rbp"], [12, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[3, 2], [4, 3], [5, 2], [6, 5], [7, 2], [8, 7], [11, 0], [12, 7]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/ce297ee2eb040ae897b55138df396bcca9b0e280a22ead4e0aa5cba0644de078_ce297ee2eb040ae897b55138df396bcca9b0e280a22ead4e0aa5cba0644de078.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_456362", "query": "\n\n\n_QWORD *__fastcall sub_456362(_QWORD *a1)\n{\n_QWORD *result; // rax\n\nif ( a1 )\n{\n*a1 = 0LL;\nresult = a1;\na1[1] = 0LL;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_456362,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'ctx', 'sub_456362': 'mbedtls_pk_init'}"} |
convert_to_4k_imsm_disk | 419510bcecc994a3754e5ab47aa58d228bb38fb3eef1e1256af3b83aa3eae934 | neilbrown | mdadm | NA | void convert_to_4k_imsm_disk(struct imsm_disk *disk)
set_total_blocks(disk, (total_blocks(disk)/IMSM_4K_DIV));
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_45C6BE", "function_addr": 4572862, "binary_name": "419510bcecc994a3754e5ab47aa58d228bb38fb3eef1e1256af3b83aa3eae934.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 8"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [5, "mov rdi, rax"], [6, "call sub_45B30D"], [7, "shr rax, 3"], [8, "mov rdx, rax"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [10, "mov rsi, rdx"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call sub_45B4D7"], [13, "nop"], [14, "leave"], [15, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 3], [10, 8], [11, 9], [15, 12]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/419510bcecc994a3754e5ab47aa58d228bb38fb3eef1e1256af3b83aa3eae934_419510bcecc994a3754e5ab47aa58d228bb38fb3eef1e1256af3b83aa3eae934.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_45C6BE", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_45C6BE(__int64 a1)\n{\nunsigned __int64 v1; // rax\n\nv1 = sub_45B30D(a1);\nreturn sub_45B4D7(a1, v1 >> 3);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_45C6BE,sub_45B30D,sub_45B4D7,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'disk', 'sub_45C6BE': 'convert_to_4k_imsm_disk', 'sub_45B30D': 'total_blocks', 'sub_45B4D7': 'set_total_blocks'}"} |
bpf_map__set_ifindex | a8bc40ab8a2f04f68d51205e48e26b53429123dd7cc27bf9a9eee34f42474049 | ev3dev | ev3-kernel | NA | void bpf_map__set_ifindex(struct bpf_map *map, __u32 ifindex)
map->map_ifindex = ifindex;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40852C", "function_addr": 4228396, "binary_name": "a8bc40ab8a2f04f68d51205e48e26b53429123dd7cc27bf9a9eee34f42474049.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_C], esi"], [4, "mov edx, [rbp+var_C]"], [5, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [6, "mov [rax+18h], edx"], [7, "nop"], [8, "pop rbp"], [9, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 2], [6, 5], [6, 4], [8, 0], [9, 5]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/a8bc40ab8a2f04f68d51205e48e26b53429123dd7cc27bf9a9eee34f42474049_a8bc40ab8a2f04f68d51205e48e26b53429123dd7cc27bf9a9eee34f42474049.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40852C", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_40852C(__int64 a1, int a2)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nresult = a1;\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 24) = a2;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_40852C,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'map', 'a2': 'ifindex', 'sub_40852C': 'bpf_map__set_ifindex'}"} |
output_object_code | bff35f3b7ff0bbf5e5e52ae6499ba776520880a991546f99df7df7f4351bfb13 | sunnyxx | quickjs-debug | NA | static void output_object_code(JSContext *ctx,
FILE *fo, JSValueConst obj, const char *c_name,
BOOL load_only)
uint8_t *out_buf;
size_t out_buf_len;
int flags;
if (byte_swap)
out_buf = JS_WriteObject(ctx, &out_buf_len, obj, flags);
if (!out_buf) {
namelist_add(&cname_list, c_name, NULL, load_only);
fprintf(fo, "const uint32_t %s_size = %u;\n\n",
c_name, (unsigned int)out_buf_len);
fprintf(fo, "const uint8_t %s[%u] = {\n",
c_name, (unsigned int)out_buf_len);
dump_hex(fo, out_buf, out_buf_len);
fprintf(fo, "};\n\n");
js_free(ctx, out_buf);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_403C30", "function_addr": 4209712, "binary_name": "bff35f3b7ff0bbf5e5e52ae6499ba776520880a991546f99df7df7f4351bfb13.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 50h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+stream], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_40], rdx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_38], rcx"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_48], r8"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_4C], r9d"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_4], 1"], [10, "mov eax, cs:dword_4BE570"], [11, "test eax, eax"], [12, "jz short loc_403C65"], [13, "or [rbp+var_4], 2"], [14, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_4]"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [16, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_38]"], [17, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_18]"], [18, "mov rdi, [rbp+var_28]"], [19, "mov r8d, ecx"], [20, "mov rcx, rdx"], [21, "mov rdx, rax"], [22, "call sub_4511D7"], [23, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [24, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [25, "jnz short loc_403CA7"], [26, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [27, "mov rdi, rax"], [28, "call sub_494D81"], [29, "mov edi, 1"], [30, "call _exit"], [31, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4C]"], [32, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [33, "mov ecx, edx"], [34, "mov edx, 0"], [35, "mov rsi, rax"], [36, "mov edi, offset qword_4BE530"], [37, "call sub_4038CA"], [38, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [39, "mov ecx, eax"], [40, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [41, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [42, "mov esi, offset aConstUint32TSS"], [43, "mov rdi, rax"], [44, "mov eax, 0"], [45, "call _fprintf"], [46, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [47, "mov ecx, eax"], [48, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [49, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [50, "mov esi, offset aConstUint8TSU"], [51, "mov rdi, rax"], [52, "mov eax, 0"], [53, "call _fprintf"], [54, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [55, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_10]"], [56, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [57, "mov rsi, rcx"], [58, "mov rdi, rax"], [59, "call sub_403B94"], [60, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [61, "mov rcx, rax"], [62, "mov edx, 4"], [63, "mov esi, 1"], [64, "mov edi, offset asc_496189"], [65, "call _fwrite"], [66, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [67, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [68, "mov rsi, rdx"], [69, "mov rdi, rax"], [70, "call sub_405725"], [71, "nop"], [72, "leave"], [73, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 9], [14, 13], [14, 9], [15, 5], [16, 6], [18, 3], [19, 14], [20, 16], [21, 15], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 3], [27, 26], [31, 8], [32, 7], [33, 31], [35, 32], [39, 38], [40, 7], [41, 4], [43, 41], [47, 46], [48, 7], [49, 4], [51, 49], [55, 23], [56, 4], [57, 55], [58, 56], [60, 4], [61, 60], [66, 23], [67, 3], [68, 66], [69, 67], [73, 70]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/bff35f3b7ff0bbf5e5e52ae6499ba776520880a991546f99df7df7f4351bfb13_bff35f3b7ff0bbf5e5e52ae6499ba776520880a991546f99df7df7f4351bfb13.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_403C30", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_403C30(__int64 a1, FILE *a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, const char *a5, int a6)\n{\nunsigned __int64 v9; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-18h] BYREF\n__int64 v10; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-10h]\nunsigned int v11; // [rsp+4Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv11 = 1;\nif ( dword_4BE570 )\nv11 |= 2u;\nv10 = sub_4511D7(a1, &v9, a3, a4, v11);\nif ( !v10 )\n{\nsub_494D81(a1);\nexit(1);\n}\nsub_4038CA((void **)&qword_4BE530, a5, 0LL, a6);\nfprintf(a2, \"const uint32_t %s_size = %u;\\n\\n\", a5, (unsigned int)v9);\nfprintf(a2, \"const uint8_t %s[%u] = {\\n\", a5, (unsigned int)v9);\nsub_403B94(a2, v10, v9);\nfwrite(\"};\\n\\n\", 1uLL, 4uLL, a2);\nreturn sub_405725(a1, v10);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,a5,a6,v9,v10,v11,sub_403C30,sub_4511D7,sub_494D81,sub_4038CA,sub_403B94,sub_405725,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'obj', 'a1': 'ctx', 'a2': 'fo', 'a5': 'c_name', 'a6': 'load_only', 'v9': 'out_buf_len', 'v10': 'out_buf', 'v11': 'flags', 'sub_403C30': 'output_object_code', 'sub_4511D7': 'JS_WriteObject', 'sub_494D81': 'js_std_dump_error', 'sub_4038CA': 'namelist_add', 'sub_403B94': 'dump_hex', 'sub_405725': 'js_free'}"} |
s323 | e7691500f93bbaaebd95d46021255ed975e4aa272477671214427bf176fd55b4 | UoB-HPC | TSVC_2 | NA | real_t s323(struct args_t * func_args)
// recurrences
// coupled recurrence
gettimeofday(&func_args->t1, NULL);
for (int nl = 0; nl < iterations/2; nl++) {
for (int i = 1; i < LEN_1D; i++) {
a[i] = b[i-1] + c[i] * d[i];
b[i] = a[i] + c[i] * e[i];
dummy(a, b, c, d, e, aa, bb, cc, 0.);
gettimeofday(&func_args->t2, NULL);
return calc_checksum(__func__);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_408F73", "function_addr": 4231027, "binary_name": "e7691500f93bbaaebd95d46021255ed975e4aa272477671214427bf176fd55b4.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+tv], rdi"], [4, "mov edi, offset aS323"], [5, "call sub_40D4E3"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [7, "mov esi, 0"], [8, "mov rdi, rax"], [9, "call _gettimeofday"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [11, "jmp loc_409081"], [12, "mov [rbp+var_8], 1"], [13, "jmp loc_409039"], [14, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [15, "sub eax, 1"], [16, "cdqe"], [17, "movss xmm1, ds:x[rax*4]"], [18, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [19, "cdqe"], [20, "movss xmm2, ds:dword_4B4CC0[rax*4]"], [21, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [22, "cdqe"], [23, "movss xmm0, ds:dword_4D40C0[rax*4]"], [24, "mulss xmm0, xmm2"], [25, "addss xmm0, xmm1"], [26, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [27, "cdqe"], [28, "movss ds:dword_4764C0[rax*4], xmm0"], [29, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [30, "cdqe"], [31, "movss xmm1, ds:dword_4764C0[rax*4]"], [32, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [33, "cdqe"], [34, "movss xmm2, ds:dword_4B4CC0[rax*4]"], [35, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [36, "cdqe"], [37, "movss xmm0, ds:dword_4F34C0[rax*4]"], [38, "mulss xmm0, xmm2"], [39, "addss xmm0, xmm1"], [40, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [41, "cdqe"], [42, "movss ds:x[rax*4], xmm0"], [43, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [44, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 7CFFh"], [45, "jle loc_408FB2"], [46, "push offset dword_5928C0"], [47, "push offset dword_5528C0"], [48, "pxor xmm0, xmm0"], [49, "mov r9d, offset dword_5128C0"], [50, "mov r8d, offset dword_4F34C0"], [51, "mov ecx, offset dword_4D40C0"], [52, "mov edx, offset dword_4B4CC0"], [53, "mov esi, offset x"], [54, "mov edi, offset dword_4764C0"], [55, "call sub_40CF03"], [56, "add rsp, 10h"], [57, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [58, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0C34Fh"], [59, "jle loc_408FA6"], [60, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [61, "add rax, 10h"], [62, "mov esi, 0"], [63, "mov rdi, rax"], [64, "call _gettimeofday"], [65, "mov edi, offset aS323"], [66, "call sub_410C61"], [67, "leave"], [68, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 3], [8, 6], [14, 43], [14, 12], [15, 14], [17, 42], [18, 43], [18, 12], [21, 43], [21, 12], [24, 23], [24, 20], [25, 24], [25, 17], [26, 43], [26, 12], [28, 25], [29, 43], [29, 12], [31, 28], [32, 43], [32, 12], [35, 43], [35, 12], [38, 37], [38, 34], [39, 38], [39, 31], [40, 43], [40, 12], [42, 39], [43, 43], [43, 12], [44, 43], [44, 12], [45, 44], [56, 56], [56, 2], [57, 57], [57, 10], [58, 10], [58, 57], [59, 58], [60, 3], [61, 60], [63, 61], [68, 66]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/e7691500f93bbaaebd95d46021255ed975e4aa272477671214427bf176fd55b4_e7691500f93bbaaebd95d46021255ed975e4aa272477671214427bf176fd55b4.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_408F73", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_408F73(struct timeval *a1)\n{\nint j; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\nint i; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nsub_40D4E3(\"s323\");\ngettimeofday(a1, 0LL);\nfor ( i = 0; i <= 49999; ++i )\n{\nfor ( j = 1; j <= 31999; ++j )\n{\n*(float *)&dword_4764C0[j] = (float)(dword_4D40C0[j] * *(&dword_4B4CC0 + j)) + *(&x + j - 1);\n*(&x + j) = (float)(dword_4F34C0[j] * *(&dword_4B4CC0 + j)) + *(float *)&dword_4764C0[j];\n}\nsub_40CF03(\ndword_4764C0,\n&x,\n&dword_4B4CC0,\ndword_4D40C0,\ndword_4F34C0,\ndword_5128C0,\n0.0,\ndword_5528C0,\ndword_5928C0);\n}\ngettimeofday(a1 + 1, 0LL);\nreturn sub_410C61(\"s323\");\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,i,sub_408F73,sub_40D4E3,sub_40CF03,sub_410C61,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'func_args', 'i': 'nl', 'sub_408F73': 's323', 'sub_40D4E3': 'initialise_arrays', 'sub_40CF03': 'dummy', 'sub_410C61': 'calc_checksum'}"} |
getu16_kern | 29e4113bfd3fbc2c21f4909d106aedefdb53a375dcc4b6d32baa2735fcd7a441 | XboxDev | xbox-linux | NA | static inline int getu16_kern(const struct vringh *vrh,
u16 *val, const __virtio16 *p)
*val = vringh16_to_cpu(vrh, READ_ONCE(*p));
return 0;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_405F04", "function_addr": 4218628, "binary_name": "29e4113bfd3fbc2c21f4909d106aedefdb53a375dcc4b6d32baa2735fcd7a441.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 18h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdx"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [7, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax]"], [8, "movzx edx, ax"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [10, "mov esi, edx"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call sub_404341"], [13, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [14, "mov [rdx], ax"], [15, "mov eax, 0"], [16, "leave"], [17, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 3], [10, 8], [11, 9], [13, 4], [14, 13], [14, 12], [17, 15]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/29e4113bfd3fbc2c21f4909d106aedefdb53a375dcc4b6d32baa2735fcd7a441_29e4113bfd3fbc2c21f4909d106aedefdb53a375dcc4b6d32baa2735fcd7a441.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_405F04", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_405F04(_BYTE *a1, _WORD *a2, unsigned __int16 *a3)\n{\n*a2 = sub_404341(a1, *a3);\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_405F04,sub_404341,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'p', 'a1': 'vrh', 'a2': 'val', 'sub_405F04': 'getu16_kern', 'sub_404341': 'vringh16_to_cpu'}"} |
count | e3acda395257961e26e6ab80a6a53057b0e6a1d88575fd9f343683f29d221741 | kevinlawler | kona | NA | K count(K x){R Ki(countI(x));} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_447375", "function_addr": 4486005, "binary_name": "e3acda395257961e26e6ab80a6a53057b0e6a1d88575fd9f343683f29d221741.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [5, "mov rdi, rax"], [6, "call sub_44734F"], [7, "mov rdi, rax"], [8, "call sub_42E113"], [9, "leave"], [10, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [7, 6], [10, 8]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/e3acda395257961e26e6ab80a6a53057b0e6a1d88575fd9f343683f29d221741_e3acda395257961e26e6ab80a6a53057b0e6a1d88575fd9f343683f29d221741.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_447375", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 *__fastcall sub_447375(__int64 a1)\n{\n__int64 v1; // rax\n\nv1 = sub_44734F(a1);\nreturn sub_42E113(v1);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_447375,sub_44734F,sub_42E113,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'x', 'sub_447375': 'count', 'sub_44734F': 'countI', 'sub_42E113': 'Ki'}"} |
MSG_WriteDeltaKey | 65b0a6a66ac7f742f3b62174dd1ff457acc880965e6d65927b21910da8931604 | FrozenSand | ioq3-for-UrbanTerror-4 | NA | void MSG_WriteDeltaKey( msg_t *msg, int key, int oldV, int newV, int bits ) {
if ( oldV == newV ) {
MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 );
MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 );
MSG_WriteBits( msg, newV ^ key, bits );
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_43B9EA", "function_addr": 4438506, "binary_name": "65b0a6a66ac7f742f3b62174dd1ff457acc880965e6d65927b21910da8931604.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "sub rsp, 28h"], [1, "mov [rsp+28h+var_10], rdi"], [2, "mov [rsp+28h+var_14], esi"], [3, "mov [rsp+28h+var_18], edx"], [4, "mov [rsp+28h+var_1C], ecx"], [5, "mov [rsp+28h+var_20], r8d"], [6, "mov eax, [rsp+28h+var_18]"], [7, "cmp eax, [rsp+28h+var_1C]"], [8, "jnz short loc_43BA27"], [9, "mov rax, [rsp+28h+var_10]"], [10, "mov edx, 1"], [11, "mov esi, 0"], [12, "mov rdi, rax"], [13, "call sub_43AB8C"], [14, "jmp short loc_43BA5B"], [15, "mov rax, [rsp+28h+var_10]"], [16, "mov edx, 1"], [17, "mov esi, 1"], [18, "mov rdi, rax"], [19, "call sub_43AB8C"], [20, "mov eax, [rsp+28h+var_1C]"], [21, "xor eax, [rsp+28h+var_14]"], [22, "mov ecx, eax"], [23, "mov edx, [rsp+28h+var_20]"], [24, "mov rax, [rsp+28h+var_10]"], [25, "mov esi, ecx"], [26, "mov rdi, rax"], [27, "call sub_43AB8C"], [28, "add rsp, 28h"], [29, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 3], [7, 4], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 1], [12, 9], [15, 1], [18, 15], [20, 4], [21, 2], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 5], [24, 1], [25, 22], [26, 24], [28, 0], [29, 13], [29, 27]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/65b0a6a66ac7f742f3b62174dd1ff457acc880965e6d65927b21910da8931604_65b0a6a66ac7f742f3b62174dd1ff457acc880965e6d65927b21910da8931604.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_43B9EA", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_43B9EA(__int64 a1, int a2, int a3, unsigned int a4, int a5)\n{\nif ( a3 == a4 )\nreturn sub_43AB8C(a1, 0, 1);\nsub_43AB8C(a1, 1, 1);\nreturn sub_43AB8C(a1, a2 ^ a4, a5);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,sub_43B9EA,sub_43AB8C,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'oldV', 'a4': 'newV', 'a1': 'msg', 'a2': 'key', 'a5': 'bits', 'sub_43B9EA': 'MSG_WriteDeltaKey', 'sub_43AB8C': 'MSG_WriteBits'}"} |
free_object_list | 02948996b20a5d1c862927e298425e088465a29e1a4b179908183c090ba77f5b | dannyvankooten | monkey-c-monkey-do | NA | void free_object_list(struct object_list *list) {
for (uint32_t i=0; i < list->size; i++) {
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40494A", "function_addr": 4213066, "binary_name": "02948996b20a5d1c862927e298425e088465a29e1a4b179908183c090ba77f5b.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+ptr], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [5, "jmp short loc_40497C"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [7, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [8, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [9, "shl rax, 4"], [10, "add rax, rdx"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call sub_40480B"], [13, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [15, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [16, "cmp [rbp+var_4], eax"], [17, "jb short loc_40495F"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [19, "mov rdi, rax"], [20, "call _free"], [21, "nop"], [22, "leave"], [23, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 3], [7, 6], [8, 4], [8, 13], [9, 8], [10, 9], [10, 7], [11, 10], [13, 4], [13, 13], [14, 3], [15, 14], [16, 4], [16, 13], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 3], [19, 18], [23, 20]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/02948996b20a5d1c862927e298425e088465a29e1a4b179908183c090ba77f5b_02948996b20a5d1c862927e298425e088465a29e1a4b179908183c090ba77f5b.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40494A", "query": "\n\n\nvoid __fastcall sub_40494A(_DWORD *a1)\n{\nunsigned int i; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nfor ( i = 0; i < a1[2]; ++i )\nsub_40480B((void ****)(*(_QWORD *)a1 + 16LL * i));\nfree(a1);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_40494A,sub_40480B,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'list', 'sub_40494A': 'free_object_list', 'sub_40480B': 'free_object'}"} |
u8x8_d_st7565_zolen_128x64 | 2b9fe636105b1c217d646f6f505ec5c5841c21218c68c54bdc83f742f945e2b5 | Ai-Thinker-Open | Ai-Thinker-WB2 | NA | uint8_t u8x8_d_st7565_zolen_128x64(u8x8_t *u8x8, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_int, void *arg_ptr)
/* call common procedure first and handle messages there */
if ( u8x8_d_st7565_common(u8x8, msg, arg_int, arg_ptr) == 0 )
/* msg not handled, then try here */
u8x8_d_helper_display_setup_memory(u8x8, &u8x8_st7565_128x64_display_info);
u8x8_cad_SendSequence(u8x8, u8x8_d_st7565_zolen_128x64_init_seq);
if ( arg_int == 0 )
u8x8_cad_SendSequence(u8x8, u8x8_d_st7565_zflip0_seq);
u8x8->x_offset = u8x8->display_info->default_x_offset;
u8x8_cad_SendSequence(u8x8, u8x8_d_st7565_zflip1_seq);
u8x8->x_offset = u8x8->display_info->flipmode_x_offset;
return 0; /* msg unknown */
return 1;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_42A9D3", "function_addr": 4368851, "binary_name": "2b9fe636105b1c217d646f6f505ec5c5841c21218c68c54bdc83f742f945e2b5.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov eax, edx"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_18], rcx"], [6, "mov edx, esi"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_C], dl"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_10], al"], [9, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_10]"], [10, "movzx esi, [rbp+var_C]"], [11, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_18]"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [13, "mov rdi, rax"], [14, "call sub_42A571"], [15, "test al, al"], [16, "jnz loc_42AAB7"], [17, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [18, "cmp eax, 0Dh"], [19, "jz short loc_42AA60"], [20, "cmp eax, 0Dh"], [21, "jg loc_42AAB0"], [22, "cmp eax, 9"], [23, "jz short loc_42AA2E"], [24, "cmp eax, 0Ah"], [25, "jz short loc_42AA41"], [26, "jmp loc_42AAB0"], [27, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [28, "mov esi, offset unk_43CC30"], [29, "mov rdi, rax"], [30, "call sub_42D0C4"], [31, "jmp short loc_42AAB8"], [32, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [33, "mov rdi, rax"], [34, "call sub_42D0F0"], [35, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [36, "mov esi, offset unk_43CD20"], [37, "mov rdi, rax"], [38, "call sub_42267E"], [39, "jmp short loc_42AAB8"], [40, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [41, "jnz short loc_42AA8B"], [42, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [43, "mov esi, offset unk_43CC1C"], [44, "mov rdi, rax"], [45, "call sub_42267E"], [46, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [47, "mov rax, [rax]"], [48, "movzx edx, byte ptr [rax+12h]"], [49, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [50, "mov [rax+42h], dl"], [51, "jmp short loc_42AAB8"], [52, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [53, "mov esi, offset unk_43CC23"], [54, "mov rdi, rax"], [55, "call sub_42267E"], [56, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [57, "mov rax, [rax]"], [58, "movzx edx, byte ptr [rax+13h]"], [59, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [60, "mov [rax+42h], dl"], [61, "jmp short loc_42AAB8"], [62, "mov eax, 0"], [63, "jmp short locret_42AABD"], [64, "nop"], [65, "mov eax, 1"], [66, "leave"], [67, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 6], [8, 4], [9, 8], [10, 7], [11, 5], [12, 3], [13, 12], [15, 14], [16, 15], [17, 7], [18, 17], [19, 18], [20, 17], [21, 20], [22, 17], [23, 22], [24, 17], [25, 24], [27, 3], [29, 27], [32, 3], [33, 32], [35, 3], [37, 35], [40, 8], [41, 40], [42, 3], [44, 42], [46, 3], [47, 46], [48, 47], [49, 3], [50, 49], [50, 48], [52, 3], [54, 52], [56, 3], [57, 56], [58, 57], [59, 3], [60, 59], [60, 58], [67, 65], [67, 62]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/2b9fe636105b1c217d646f6f505ec5c5841c21218c68c54bdc83f742f945e2b5_2b9fe636105b1c217d646f6f505ec5c5841c21218c68c54bdc83f742f945e2b5.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_42A9D3", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_42A9D3(_BYTE *a1, unsigned __int8 a2, unsigned __int8 a3, __int64 a4)\n{\nif ( !(unsigned __int8)sub_42A571((__int64)a1, a2, a3, a4) )\n{\nif ( a2 == 13 )\n{\nif ( a3 )\n{\nsub_42267E((__int64)a1, byte_43CC23);\na1[66] = *(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)a1 + 19LL);\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_42267E((__int64)a1, byte_43CC1C);\na1[66] = *(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)a1 + 18LL);\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( a2 > 0xDu )\nreturn 0LL;\nif ( a2 == 9 )\n{\nsub_42D0C4(a1, &unk_43CC30);\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( a2 != 10 )\nreturn 0LL;\nsub_42D0F0(a1);\nsub_42267E((__int64)a1, byte_43CD20);\n}\n}\n}\nreturn 1LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,sub_42A9D3,sub_42A571,sub_42267E,sub_42D0C4,sub_42D0F0,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'arg_int', 'a4': 'arg_ptr', 'a1': 'u8x8', 'a2': 'msg', 'sub_42A9D3': 'u8x8_d_st7565_zolen_128x64', 'sub_42A571': 'u8x8_d_st7565_common', 'sub_42267E': 'u8x8_cad_SendSequence', 'sub_42D0C4': 'u8x8_d_helper_display_setup_memory', 'sub_42D0F0': 'u8x8_d_helper_display_init'}"} |
tls_connection_set_verify | eee7ae2b1fa6343f62d0787a4b4e729e68108fcf48944de5e880c8604be20f95 | sonic-net | sonic-buildimage | NA | int tls_connection_set_verify(void *tls_ctx, struct tls_connection *conn,
int verify_peer, unsigned int flags,
const u8 *session_ctx, size_t session_ctx_len)
if (conn->server)
return tlsv1_server_set_verify(conn->server, verify_peer);
return -1;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_438F16", "function_addr": 4427542, "binary_name": "eee7ae2b1fa6343f62d0787a4b4e729e68108fcf48944de5e880c8604be20f95.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_14], edx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_18], ecx"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_20], r8"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_28], r9"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [10, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [11, "test rax, rax"], [12, "jz short loc_438F58"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [14, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [15, "mov edx, [rbp+var_14]"], [16, "mov esi, edx"], [17, "mov rdi, rax"], [18, "call sub_448A89"], [19, "jmp short locret_438F5D"], [20, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [21, "leave"], [22, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[9, 4], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 4], [14, 13], [15, 5], [16, 15], [17, 14], [22, 18], [22, 20]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/eee7ae2b1fa6343f62d0787a4b4e729e68108fcf48944de5e880c8604be20f95_eee7ae2b1fa6343f62d0787a4b4e729e68108fcf48944de5e880c8604be20f95.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_438F16", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_438F16(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, unsigned int a3)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 8) )\nresult = sub_448A89(*(_QWORD *)(a2 + 8), a3);\nelse\nresult = 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a2,a1,sub_438F16,sub_448A89,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'verify_peer', 'a2': 'conn', 'a1': 'tls_ctx', 'sub_438F16': 'tls_connection_set_verify', 'sub_448A89': 'tlsv1_server_set_verify'}"} |
ewf_section_is_type_done | 7be2530b2764142c9fc8b29fc7c3e5ea1d63d18b7de5cdea66c87feed7920158 | ntddk | temu | NA | uint8_t ewf_section_is_type_done( EWF_SECTION *section )
return( ewf_section_is_type( section, "done" ) );
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_407E20", "function_addr": 4226592, "binary_name": "7be2530b2764142c9fc8b29fc7c3e5ea1d63d18b7de5cdea66c87feed7920158.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "mov [rsp+var_10], rbx"], [1, "mov [rsp+var_8], rbp"], [2, "mov rbx, rdi"], [3, "sub rsp, 18h"], [4, "mov rbp, rsi"], [5, "mov rdi, rsi"], [6, "call _strlen"], [7, "mov rsi, rbp"], [8, "mov rdi, rbx"], [9, "mov rdx, rax"], [10, "call _memcmp"], [11, "test eax, eax"], [12, "mov rbx, [rsp+18h+var_10]"], [13, "mov rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]"], [14, "setz al"], [15, "add rsp, 18h"], [16, "retn"], [17, "lea rsi, aDone"], [18, "jmp loc_407D60"]], "data_dep": [[7, 4], [8, 2], [9, 6], [11, 10], [14, 11], [15, 3], [16, 14]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/7be2530b2764142c9fc8b29fc7c3e5ea1d63d18b7de5cdea66c87feed7920158_7be2530b2764142c9fc8b29fc7c3e5ea1d63d18b7de5cdea66c87feed7920158.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_407E20", "query": "\n\n\nbool __fastcall sub_407E20(const void *a1)\n{\nsize_t v1; // rax\n\nv1 = strlen(\"done\");\nreturn memcmp(a1, \"done\", v1) == 0;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_407E20,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'section', 'sub_407E20': 'ewf_section_is_type_done'}"} |
Object_nil | 518a2dbcf2aa822ab5e34f398d32cdd6641f6708a7b6bb6cf2eb3278ed9803db | tekknolagi | ghuloum | NA | uword Object_nil() { return 0x2f; } | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_401366", "function_addr": 4199270, "binary_name": "518a2dbcf2aa822ab5e34f398d32cdd6641f6708a7b6bb6cf2eb3278ed9803db.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov eax, 2Fh "], [3, "pop rbp"], [4, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[3, 0], [4, 2]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/518a2dbcf2aa822ab5e34f398d32cdd6641f6708a7b6bb6cf2eb3278ed9803db_518a2dbcf2aa822ab5e34f398d32cdd6641f6708a7b6bb6cf2eb3278ed9803db.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_401366", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 sub_401366()\n{\nreturn 47LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_401366,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_401366': 'Object_nil'}"} |
Tk_NameOfPixmap | d08e849fccddd177d1c140c7984670e0e0a17aec74dfd9249b5e78acd3cac90d | interkosmos | micropolis | NA | Tk_Uid
Pixmap bitmap; /* Bitmap whose name is wanted. */
Tcl_HashEntry *idHashPtr;
TkBitmap *bitmapPtr;
if (!initialized) {
panic("Tk_NameOfPixmap received unknown pixmap argument");
idHashPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&idTable, (char *) bitmap);
if (idHashPtr == NULL) {
goto unknown;
bitmapPtr = (TkBitmap *) Tcl_GetHashValue(idHashPtr);
if (bitmapPtr->hashPtr == NULL) {
/* the bitmap has been un-defined */
return Tk_GetUid("UndefinedBitmap");
return ((NameKey *) bitmapPtr->hashPtr->key.words)->name;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_44F342", "function_addr": 4518722, "binary_name": "d08e849fccddd177d1c140c7984670e0e0a17aec74dfd9249b5e78acd3cac90d.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov eax, cs:dword_501130"], [5, "test eax, eax"], [6, "jnz short loc_44F36B"], [7, "nop"], [8, "jmp short loc_44F35C"], [9, "nop"], [10, "mov edi, offset aTkNameofpixmap"], [11, "mov eax, 0"], [12, "call sub_49C804"], [13, "mov rdx, cs:qword_501060"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [15, "mov rsi, rax"], [16, "mov edi, offset unk_501020"], [17, "call rdx "], [18, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [19, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [20, "jz short loc_44F35B"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [22, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [23, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [25, "mov rax, [rax+20h]"], [26, "test rax, rax"], [27, "jnz short loc_44F3B0"], [28, "mov edi, offset aUndefinedbitma"], [29, "call sub_44C895"], [30, "jmp short locret_44F3BF"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [32, "mov rax, [rax+20h]"], [33, "add rax, 20h "], [34, "mov rax, [rax]"], [35, "leave"], [36, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [14, 3], [15, 14], [17, 13], [18, 17], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 18], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 26], [31, 23], [32, 31], [33, 32], [34, 33], [36, 34], [36, 29]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/d08e849fccddd177d1c140c7984670e0e0a17aec74dfd9249b5e78acd3cac90d_d08e849fccddd177d1c140c7984670e0e0a17aec74dfd9249b5e78acd3cac90d.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_44F342", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_44F342(__int64 a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v7; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h]\n__int64 v8; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\n\nif ( !dword_501130 || (a2 = a1, (v8 = qword_501060(&unk_501020, a1)) == 0) )\nsub_49C804((unsigned int)\"Tk_NameOfPixmap received unknown pixmap argument\", a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);\nv7 = *(_QWORD *)(v8 + 24);\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(v7 + 32) )\nresult = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(v7 + 32) + 32LL);\nelse\nresult = sub_44C895((__int64)\"UndefinedBitmap\");\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v7,v8,sub_44F342,sub_49C804,sub_44C895,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'bitmap', 'v7': 'bitmapPtra', 'v8': 'idHashPtr', 'sub_44F342': 'Tk_NameOfPixmap', 'sub_49C804': 'panic', 'sub_44C895': 'Tk_GetUid'}"} |
StdFunc_memset | cc514aea46329b2bbe7d1ede9a05315966bd71bcf8cc0ff6e5ffa267e88c9796 | reidrac | dan64 | NA | static void StdFunc_memset (FuncDesc* F attribute ((unused)), ExprDesc* Expr)
/* Handle the memset function */
/* Argument types: (void*, int, size_t) */
static Type Arg1Type[] = { TYPE(T_PTR), TYPE(T_VOID), TYPE(T_END) };
static Type Arg2Type[] = { TYPE(T_INT), TYPE(T_END) };
static Type Arg3Type[] = { TYPE(T_SIZE_T), TYPE(T_END) };
ArgDesc Arg1, Arg2, Arg3;
int MemSet = 1; /* Use real memset if true */
unsigned ParamSize = 0;
unsigned Label;
/* Argument #1 */
ParseArg (&Arg1, Arg1Type);
g_push (Arg1.Flags, Arg1.Expr.IVal);
GetCodePos (&Arg1.End);
ParamSize += SizeOf (Arg1Type);
ConsumeComma ();
/* Argument #2. This argument is special in that we will call another
** function if it is a constant zero.
ParseArg (&Arg2, Arg2Type);
if ((Arg2.Flags & CF_CONST) != 0 && Arg2.Expr.IVal == 0) {
/* Don't call memset, call bzero instead */
MemSet = 0;
} else {
/* Push the argument */
g_push (Arg2.Flags, Arg2.Expr.IVal);
GetCodePos (&Arg2.End);
ParamSize += SizeOf (Arg2Type);
ConsumeComma ();
/* Argument #3. Since memset is a fastcall function, we must load the
** arg into the primary if it is not already there. This parameter is
** also ignored for the calculation of the parameter size, since it is
** not passed via the stack.
ParseArg (&Arg3, Arg3Type);
if (Arg3.Flags & CF_CONST) {
LoadExpr (CF_NONE, &Arg3.Expr);
/* Emit the actual function call. This will also cleanup the stack. */
g_call (CF_FIXARGC, MemSet? Func_memset : Func__bzero, ParamSize);
if (ED_IsConstAbsInt (&Arg3.Expr) && Arg3.Expr.IVal == 0) {
/* memset has been called with a count argument of zero */
Warning ("Call to memset has no effect");
/* Remove all of the generated code but the load of the first
** argument, which is what memset returns.
RemoveCode (&Arg1.Push);
/* Set the function result to the first argument */
*Expr = Arg1.Expr;
/* Bail out, no need for further improvements */
goto ExitPoint;
/* We've generated the complete code for the function now and know the
** types of all parameters. Check for situations where better code can
** be generated. If such a situation is detected, throw away the
** generated, and emit better code.
** Note: Lots of improvements would be possible here, but I will
** concentrate on the most common case: memset with arguments 2 and 3
** being constant numerical values. Some checks have shown that this
** covers nearly 90% of all memset calls.
if (ED_IsConstAbsInt (&Arg3.Expr) && Arg3.Expr.IVal <= 256 &&
ED_IsConstAbsInt (&Arg2.Expr) &&
((ED_IsRVal (&Arg1.Expr) && ED_IsLocConst (&Arg1.Expr)) ||
(ED_IsLVal (&Arg1.Expr) && ED_IsLocRegister (&Arg1.Expr)))) {
int Reg = ED_IsLVal (&Arg1.Expr) && ED_IsLocRegister (&Arg1.Expr);
/* Drop the generated code */
RemoveCode (&Arg1.Expr.Start);
/* We need a label */
Label = GetLocalLabel ();
/* Generate memset code */
if (Arg3.Expr.IVal <= 127) {
AddCodeLine ("ldy #$%02X", (unsigned char) (Arg3.Expr.IVal-1));
AddCodeLine ("lda #$%02X", (unsigned char) Arg2.Expr.IVal);
g_defcodelabel (Label);
if (Reg) {
AddCodeLine ("sta (%s),y", ED_GetLabelName (&Arg1.Expr, 0));
} else {
AddCodeLine ("sta %s,y", ED_GetLabelName (&Arg1.Expr, 0));
AddCodeLine ("dey");
AddCodeLine ("bpl %s", LocalLabelName (Label));
} else {
AddCodeLine ("ldy #$00");
AddCodeLine ("lda #$%02X", (unsigned char) Arg2.Expr.IVal);
g_defcodelabel (Label);
if (Reg) {
AddCodeLine ("sta (%s),y", ED_GetLabelName (&Arg1.Expr, 0));
} else {
AddCodeLine ("sta %s,y", ED_GetLabelName (&Arg1.Expr, 0));
AddCodeLine ("iny");
AddCodeLine ("cpy #$%02X", (unsigned char) Arg3.Expr.IVal);
AddCodeLine ("bne %s", LocalLabelName (Label));
/* memset returns the address, so the result is actually identical
** to the first argument.
*Expr = Arg1.Expr;
} else if (ED_IsConstAbsInt (&Arg3.Expr) && Arg3.Expr.IVal <= 256 &&
ED_IsConstAbsInt (&Arg2.Expr) &&
ED_IsRVal (&Arg1.Expr) && ED_IsLocStack (&Arg1.Expr) &&
(Arg1.Expr.IVal - StackPtr) + Arg3.Expr.IVal < 256) {
/* Calculate the real stack offset */
int Offs = ED_GetStackOffs (&Arg1.Expr, 0);
/* Drop the generated code */
RemoveCode (&Arg1.Expr.Start);
/* We need a label */
Label = GetLocalLabel ();
/* Generate memset code */
AddCodeLine ("ldy #$%02X", (unsigned char) Offs);
AddCodeLine ("lda #$%02X", (unsigned char) Arg2.Expr.IVal);
g_defcodelabel (Label);
AddCodeLine ("sta (sp),y");
AddCodeLine ("iny");
AddCodeLine ("cpy #$%02X", (unsigned char) (Offs + Arg3.Expr.IVal));
AddCodeLine ("bne %s", LocalLabelName (Label));
/* memset returns the address, so the result is actually identical
** to the first argument.
*Expr = Arg1.Expr;
} else if (ED_IsConstAbsInt (&Arg3.Expr) && Arg3.Expr.IVal <= 256 &&
ED_IsConstAbsInt (&Arg2.Expr) &&
(Arg2.Expr.IVal != 0 || IS_Get (&CodeSizeFactor) > 200)) {
/* Remove all of the generated code but the load of the first
** argument.
RemoveCode (&Arg1.Push);
/* We need a label */
Label = GetLocalLabel ();
/* Generate code */
AddCodeLine ("sta ptr1");
AddCodeLine ("stx ptr1+1");
if (Arg3.Expr.IVal <= 127) {
AddCodeLine ("ldy #$%02X", (unsigned char) (Arg3.Expr.IVal-1));
AddCodeLine ("lda #$%02X", (unsigned char) Arg2.Expr.IVal);
g_defcodelabel (Label);
AddCodeLine ("sta (ptr1),y");
AddCodeLine ("dey");
AddCodeLine ("bpl %s", LocalLabelName (Label));
} else {
AddCodeLine ("ldy #$00");
AddCodeLine ("lda #$%02X", (unsigned char) Arg2.Expr.IVal);
g_defcodelabel (Label);
AddCodeLine ("sta (ptr1),y");
AddCodeLine ("iny");
AddCodeLine ("cpy #$%02X", (unsigned char) Arg3.Expr.IVal);
AddCodeLine ("bne %s", LocalLabelName (Label));
/* Load the function result pointer into a/x (x is still valid). This
** code will get removed by the optimizer if it is not used later.
AddCodeLine ("lda ptr1");
/* The function result is an rvalue in the primary register */
ED_MakeRValExpr (Expr);
Expr->Type = GetFuncReturn (Expr->Type);
} else {
/* The function result is an rvalue in the primary register */
ED_MakeRValExpr (Expr);
Expr->Type = GetFuncReturn (Expr->Type);
/* We expect the closing brace */
ConsumeRParen ();
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_43530B", "function_addr": 4412171, "binary_name": "cc514aea46329b2bbe7d1ede9a05315966bd71bcf8cc0ff6e5ffa267e88c9796.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push rbx"], [3, "sub rsp, 1B8h"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_1B8], rdi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_1C0], rsi"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_14], 1"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_18], 0"], [8, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [9, "mov esi, offset unk_46CE20"], [10, "mov rdi, rax"], [11, "call sub_43403D"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_88]"], [13, "mov rdx, rax"], [14, "mov eax, [rbp+var_38]"], [15, "mov rsi, rdx"], [16, "mov edi, eax"], [17, "call sub_41308C"], [18, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [19, "add rax, 70h "], [20, "mov rdi, rax"], [21, "call sub_40AAC6"], [22, "mov edi, offset unk_46CE20"], [23, "call sub_43867E"], [24, "add [rbp+var_18], eax"], [25, "call sub_41C8DA"], [26, "lea rax, [rbp+var_130]"], [27, "mov esi, offset unk_46CE60"], [28, "mov rdi, rax"], [29, "call sub_43403D"], [30, "mov eax, [rbp+var_B8]"], [31, "and eax, 20h"], [32, "test eax, eax"], [33, "jz short loc_4353B9"], [34, "mov rax, [rbp+var_108]"], [35, "test rax, rax"], [36, "jnz short loc_4353B9"], [37, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0"], [38, "jmp short loc_4353F3"], [39, "mov rax, [rbp+var_108]"], [40, "mov rdx, rax"], [41, "mov eax, [rbp+var_B8]"], [42, "mov rsi, rdx"], [43, "mov edi, eax"], [44, "call sub_41308C"], [45, "lea rax, [rbp+var_130]"], [46, "add rax, 70h "], [47, "mov rdi, rax"], [48, "call sub_40AAC6"], [49, "mov edi, offset unk_46CE60"], [50, "call sub_43867E"], [51, "add [rbp+var_18], eax"], [52, "call sub_41C8DA"], [53, "lea rax, [rbp+var_1B0]"], [54, "mov esi, offset unk_46CE80"], [55, "mov rdi, rax"], [56, "call sub_43403D"], [57, "mov eax, [rbp+var_138]"], [58, "and eax, 20h"], [59, "test eax, eax"], [60, "jz short loc_435431"], [61, "lea rax, [rbp+var_1B0]"], [62, "add rax, 8"], [63, "mov rsi, rax"], [64, "mov edi, 0"], [65, "call sub_4243FB"], [66, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0"], [67, "jz short loc_43543E"], [68, "mov ecx, offset aMemset"], [69, "jmp short loc_435443"], [70, "mov ecx, offset aBzero"], [71, "mov eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [72, "mov edx, eax"], [73, "mov rsi, rcx"], [74, "mov edi, 100h"], [75, "call sub_413201"], [76, "lea rax, [rbp+var_1B0]"], [77, "add rax, 8"], [78, "mov rdi, rax"], [79, "call sub_42B2B5"], [80, "test eax, eax"], [81, "jz loc_43550C"], [82, "mov rax, [rbp+var_188]"], [83, "test rax, rax"], [84, "jnz loc_43550C"], [85, "mov edi, offset aCallToMemsetHa"], [86, "mov eax, 0"], [87, "call sub_42C8C0"], [88, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [89, "add rax, 68h "], [90, "mov rdi, rax"], [91, "call sub_40AB44"], [92, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1C0]"], [93, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_A8]"], [94, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_A0]"], [95, "mov [rax], rcx"], [96, "mov [rax+8], rbx"], [97, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_98]"], [98, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_90]"], [99, "mov [rax+10h], rcx"], [100, "mov [rax+18h], rbx"], [101, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_88]"], [102, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_80]"], [103, "mov [rax+20h], rcx"], [104, "mov [rax+28h], rbx"], [105, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_78]"], [106, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_70]"], [107, "mov [rax+30h], rcx"], [108, "mov [rax+38h], rbx"], [109, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_68]"], [110, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_60]"], [111, "mov [rax+40h], rcx"], [112, "mov [rax+48h], rbx"], [113, "jmp loc_435C3F"], [114, "lea rax, [rbp+var_1B0]"], [115, "add rax, 8"], [116, "mov rdi, rax"], [117, "call sub_42B2B5"], [118, "test eax, eax"], [119, "jz loc_435831"], [120, "mov rax, [rbp+var_188]"], [121, "cmp rax, 100h"], [122, "jg loc_435831"], [123, "lea rax, [rbp+var_130]"], [124, "add rax, 8"], [125, "mov rdi, rax"], [126, "call sub_42B2B5"], [127, "test eax, eax"], [128, "jz loc_435831"], [129, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [130, "add rax, 8"], [131, "mov rdi, rax"], [132, "call sub_433FA4"], [133, "test eax, eax"], [134, "jz short loc_435583"], [135, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [136, "add rax, 8"], [137, "mov rdi, rax"], [138, "call sub_433F68"], [139, "test eax, eax"], [140, "jnz short loc_4355B9"], [141, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [142, "add rax, 8"], [143, "mov rdi, rax"], [144, "call sub_433F86"], [145, "test eax, eax"], [146, "jz loc_435831"], [147, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [148, "add rax, 8"], [149, "mov rdi, rax"], [150, "call sub_433F0F"], [151, "test eax, eax"], [152, "jz loc_435831"], [153, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [154, "add rax, 8"], [155, "mov rdi, rax"], [156, "call sub_433F86"], [157, "test eax, eax"], [158, "jz short loc_4355EE"], [159, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [160, "add rax, 8"], [161, "mov rdi, rax"], [162, "call sub_433F0F"], [163, "test eax, eax"], [164, "jz short loc_4355EE"], [165, "mov eax, 1"], [166, "jmp short loc_4355F3"], [167, "mov eax, 0"], [168, "mov [rbp+var_1C], eax"], [169, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [170, "add rax, 48h "], [171, "mov rdi, rax"], [172, "call sub_40AB44"], [173, "call sub_4246F5"], [174, "mov [rbp+var_20], eax"], [175, "mov rax, [rbp+var_188]"], [176, "cmp rax, 7Fh"], [177, "jg loc_4356F1"], [178, "mov rax, [rbp+var_188]"], [179, "sub eax, 1"], [180, "movzx eax, al"], [181, "mov esi, eax"], [182, "mov edi, offset aLdy02x_0"], [183, "mov eax, 0"], [184, "call sub_404D58"], [185, "mov rax, [rbp+var_108]"], [186, "movzx eax, al"], [187, "mov esi, eax"], [188, "mov edi, offset aLda02x_0"], [189, "mov eax, 0"], [190, "call sub_404D58"], [191, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [192, "mov edi, eax"], [193, "call sub_40F7BC"], [194, "cmp [rbp+var_1C], 0"], [195, "jz short loc_435697"], [196, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [197, "add rax, 8"], [198, "mov esi, 0"], [199, "mov rdi, rax"], [200, "call sub_42AE6D"], [201, "mov rsi, rax"], [202, "mov edi, offset aStaSY_0"], [203, "mov eax, 0"], [204, "call sub_404D58"], [205, "jmp short loc_4356C1"], [206, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [207, "add rax, 8"], [208, "mov esi, 0"], [209, "mov rdi, rax"], [210, "call sub_42AE6D"], [211, "mov rsi, rax"], [212, "mov edi, offset aStaSY_1"], [213, "mov eax, 0"], [214, "call sub_404D58"], [215, "mov edi, offset aDey_0"], [216, "mov eax, 0"], [217, "call sub_404D58"], [218, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [219, "mov edi, eax"], [220, "call sub_42472C"], [221, "mov rsi, rax"], [222, "mov edi, offset aBplS_0"], [223, "mov eax, 0"], [224, "call sub_404D58"], [225, "jmp loc_4357C7"], [226, "mov edi, offset aLdy00_0"], [227, "mov eax, 0"], [228, "call sub_404D58"], [229, "mov rax, [rbp+var_108]"], [230, "movzx eax, al"], [231, "mov esi, eax"], [232, "mov edi, offset aLda02x_0"], [233, "mov eax, 0"], [234, "call sub_404D58"], [235, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [236, "mov edi, eax"], [237, "call sub_40F7BC"], [238, "cmp [rbp+var_1C], 0"], [239, "jz short loc_435757"], [240, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [241, "add rax, 8"], [242, "mov esi, 0"], [243, "mov rdi, rax"], [244, "call sub_42AE6D"], [245, "mov rsi, rax"], [246, "mov edi, offset aStaSY_0"], [247, "mov eax, 0"], [248, "call sub_404D58"], [249, "jmp short loc_435781"], [250, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [251, "add rax, 8"], [252, "mov esi, 0"], [253, "mov rdi, rax"], [254, "call sub_42AE6D"], [255, "mov rsi, rax"], [256, "mov edi, offset aStaSY_1"], [257, "mov eax, 0"], [258, "call sub_404D58"], [259, "mov edi, offset aIny_0"], [260, "mov eax, 0"], [261, "call sub_404D58"], [262, "mov rax, [rbp+var_188]"], [263, "movzx eax, al"], [264, "mov esi, eax"], [265, "mov edi, offset aCpy02x_0"], [266, "mov eax, 0"], [267, "call sub_404D58"], [268, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [269, "mov edi, eax"], [270, "call sub_42472C"], [271, "mov rsi, rax"], [272, "mov edi, offset aBneS_0"], [273, "mov eax, 0"], [274, "call sub_404D58"], [275, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1C0]"], [276, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_A8]"], [277, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_A0]"], [278, "mov [rax], rcx"], [279, "mov [rax+8], rbx"], [280, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_98]"], [281, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_90]"], [282, "mov [rax+10h], rcx"], [283, "mov [rax+18h], rbx"], [284, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_88]"], [285, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_80]"], [286, "mov [rax+20h], rcx"], [287, "mov [rax+28h], rbx"], [288, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_78]"], [289, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_70]"], [290, "mov [rax+30h], rcx"], [291, "mov [rax+38h], rbx"], [292, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_68]"], [293, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_60]"], [294, "mov [rax+40h], rcx"], [295, "mov [rax+48h], rbx"], [296, "jmp loc_435C3F"], [297, "lea rax, [rbp+var_1B0]"], [298, "add rax, 8"], [299, "mov rdi, rax"], [300, "call sub_42B2B5"], [301, "test eax, eax"], [302, "jz loc_435A14"], [303, "mov rax, [rbp+var_188]"], [304, "cmp rax, 100h"], [305, "jg loc_435A14"], [306, "lea rax, [rbp+var_130]"], [307, "add rax, 8"], [308, "mov rdi, rax"], [309, "call sub_42B2B5"], [310, "test eax, eax"], [311, "jz loc_435A14"], [312, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [313, "add rax, 8"], [314, "mov rdi, rax"], [315, "call sub_433FA4"], [316, "test eax, eax"], [317, "jz loc_435A14"], [318, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [319, "add rax, 8"], [320, "mov rdi, rax"], [321, "call sub_433F2C"], [322, "test eax, eax"], [323, "jz loc_435A14"], [324, "mov rax, [rbp+var_88]"], [325, "mov edx, cs:dword_46E0B0"], [326, "movsxd rdx, edx"], [327, "sub rax, rdx"], [328, "mov rcx, rax"], [329, "mov rax, [rbp+var_188]"], [330, "add rax, rcx"], [331, "cmp rax, 0FFh"], [332, "jg loc_435A14"], [333, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [334, "add rax, 8"], [335, "mov esi, 0"], [336, "mov rdi, rax"], [337, "call sub_42B012"], [338, "mov [rbp+var_24], eax"], [339, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [340, "add rax, 48h "], [341, "mov rdi, rax"], [342, "call sub_40AB44"], [343, "call sub_4246F5"], [344, "mov [rbp+var_20], eax"], [345, "mov eax, [rbp+var_24]"], [346, "movzx eax, al"], [347, "mov esi, eax"], [348, "mov edi, offset aLdy02x_0"], [349, "mov eax, 0"], [350, "call sub_404D58"], [351, "mov rax, [rbp+var_108]"], [352, "movzx eax, al"], [353, "mov esi, eax"], [354, "mov edi, offset aLda02x_0"], [355, "mov eax, 0"], [356, "call sub_404D58"], [357, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [358, "mov edi, eax"], [359, "call sub_40F7BC"], [360, "mov edi, offset aStaSpY_0"], [361, "mov eax, 0"], [362, "call sub_404D58"], [363, "mov edi, offset aIny_0"], [364, "mov eax, 0"], [365, "call sub_404D58"], [366, "mov eax, [rbp+var_24]"], [367, "mov edx, eax"], [368, "mov rax, [rbp+var_188]"], [369, "add eax, edx"], [370, "movzx eax, al"], [371, "mov esi, eax"], [372, "mov edi, offset aCpy02x_0"], [373, "mov eax, 0"], [374, "call sub_404D58"], [375, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [376, "mov edi, eax"], [377, "call sub_42472C"], [378, "mov rsi, rax"], [379, "mov edi, offset aBneS_0"], [380, "mov eax, 0"], [381, "call sub_404D58"], [382, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1C0]"], [383, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_A8]"], [384, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_A0]"], [385, "mov [rax], rcx"], [386, "mov [rax+8], rbx"], [387, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_98]"], [388, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_90]"], [389, "mov [rax+10h], rcx"], [390, "mov [rax+18h], rbx"], [391, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_88]"], [392, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_80]"], [393, "mov [rax+20h], rcx"], [394, "mov [rax+28h], rbx"], [395, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_78]"], [396, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_70]"], [397, "mov [rax+30h], rcx"], [398, "mov [rax+38h], rbx"], [399, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_68]"], [400, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_60]"], [401, "mov [rax+40h], rcx"], [402, "mov [rax+48h], rbx"], [403, "jmp loc_435C3F"], [404, "lea rax, [rbp+var_1B0]"], [405, "add rax, 8"], [406, "mov rdi, rax"], [407, "call sub_42B2B5"], [408, "test eax, eax"], [409, "jz loc_435C12"], [410, "mov rax, [rbp+var_188]"], [411, "cmp rax, 100h"], [412, "jg loc_435C12"], [413, "lea rax, [rbp+var_130]"], [414, "add rax, 8"], [415, "mov rdi, rax"], [416, "call sub_42B2B5"], [417, "test eax, eax"], [418, "jz loc_435C12"], [419, "mov rax, [rbp+var_108]"], [420, "test rax, rax"], [421, "jnz short loc_435A7F"], [422, "mov edi, offset unk_46CBE0"], [423, "call sub_44673E"], [424, "cmp rax, 0C8h"], [425, "jle loc_435C12"], [426, "lea rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [427, "add rax, 68h "], [428, "mov rdi, rax"], [429, "call sub_40AB44"], [430, "call sub_4246F5"], [431, "mov [rbp+var_20], eax"], [432, "mov edi, offset aStaPtr1_0"], [433, "mov eax, 0"], [434, "call sub_404D58"], [435, "mov edi, offset aStxPtr11_0"], [436, "mov eax, 0"], [437, "call sub_404D58"], [438, "mov rax, [rbp+var_188]"], [439, "cmp rax, 7Fh"], [440, "jg loc_435B4B"], [441, "mov rax, [rbp+var_188]"], [442, "sub eax, 1"], [443, "movzx eax, al"], [444, "mov esi, eax"], [445, "mov edi, offset aLdy02x_0"], [446, "mov eax, 0"], [447, "call sub_404D58"], [448, "mov rax, [rbp+var_108]"], [449, "movzx eax, al"], [450, "mov esi, eax"], [451, "mov edi, offset aLda02x_0"], [452, "mov eax, 0"], [453, "call sub_404D58"], [454, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [455, "mov edi, eax"], [456, "call sub_40F7BC"], [457, "mov edi, offset aStaPtr1Y_0"], [458, "mov eax, 0"], [459, "call sub_404D58"], [460, "mov edi, offset aDey_0"], [461, "mov eax, 0"], [462, "call sub_404D58"], [463, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [464, "mov edi, eax"], [465, "call sub_42472C"], [466, "mov rsi, rax"], [467, "mov edi, offset aBplS_0"], [468, "mov eax, 0"], [469, "call sub_404D58"], [470, "jmp loc_435BD4"], [471, "mov edi, offset aLdy00_0"], [472, "mov eax, 0"], [473, "call sub_404D58"], [474, "mov rax, [rbp+var_108]"], [475, "movzx eax, al"], [476, "mov esi, eax"], [477, "mov edi, offset aLda02x_0"], [478, "mov eax, 0"], [479, "call sub_404D58"], [480, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [481, "mov edi, eax"], [482, "call sub_40F7BC"], [483, "mov edi, offset aStaPtr1Y_0"], [484, "mov eax, 0"], [485, "call sub_404D58"], [486, "mov edi, offset aIny_0"], [487, "mov eax, 0"], [488, "call sub_404D58"], [489, "mov rax, [rbp+var_188]"], [490, "movzx eax, al"], [491, "mov esi, eax"], [492, "mov edi, offset aCpy02x_0"], [493, "mov eax, 0"], [494, "call sub_404D58"], [495, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [496, "mov edi, eax"], [497, "call sub_42472C"], [498, "mov rsi, rax"], [499, "mov edi, offset aBneS_0"], [500, "mov eax, 0"], [501, "call sub_404D58"], [502, "mov edi, offset aLdaPtr1"], [503, "mov eax, 0"], [504, "call sub_404D58"], [505, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1C0]"], [506, "mov rdi, rax"], [507, "call sub_42B189"], [508, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1C0]"], [509, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [510, "mov rdi, rax"], [511, "call sub_438C46"], [512, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_1C0]"], [513, "mov [rdx+8], rax"], [514, "jmp short loc_435C3F"], [515, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1C0]"], [516, "mov rdi, rax"], [517, "call sub_42B189"], [518, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1C0]"], [519, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [520, "mov rdi, rax"], [521, "call sub_438C46"], [522, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_1C0]"], [523, "mov [rdx+8], rax"], [524, "call sub_41C930"], [525, "nop"], [526, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_8]"], [527, "leave"], [528, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[10, 8], [13, 12], [15, 13], [16, 14], [18, 17], [19, 18], [20, 19], [24, 7], [24, 23], [26, 25], [28, 26], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 32], [35, 34], [36, 35], [40, 39], [42, 40], [43, 41], [45, 44], [46, 45], [47, 46], [51, 50], [51, 24], [53, 52], [55, 53], [58, 57], [59, 58], [60, 59], [61, 59], [62, 61], [63, 62], [66, 37], [66, 6], [67, 66], [71, 24], [71, 51], [72, 71], [73, 68], [73, 70], [76, 75], [77, 76], [78, 77], [80, 79], [81, 80], [83, 82], [84, 83], [88, 87], [89, 88], [90, 89], [92, 5], [95, 93], [95, 92], [96, 94], [96, 92], [99, 97], [99, 92], [100, 92], [100, 98], [103, 92], [103, 101], [104, 102], [104, 92], [107, 92], [107, 105], [108, 106], [108, 92], [111, 92], [111, 109], [112, 92], [112, 110], [114, 83], [114, 80], [115, 114], [116, 115], [118, 117], [119, 118], [121, 120], [122, 121], [123, 120], [124, 123], [125, 124], [127, 126], [128, 127], [129, 127], [130, 129], [131, 130], [133, 132], [134, 133], [135, 133], [136, 135], [137, 136], [139, 138], [140, 139], [141, 133], [141, 139], [142, 141], [143, 142], [145, 144], [146, 145], [147, 145], [148, 147], [149, 148], [151, 150], [152, 151], [153, 139], [153, 151], [154, 153], [155, 154], [157, 156], [158, 157], [159, 157], [160, 159], [161, 160], [163, 162], [164, 163], [168, 165], [168, 167], [169, 167], [169, 165], [170, 169], [171, 170], [174, 173], [176, 175], [177, 176], [179, 178], [180, 179], [181, 180], [186, 185], [187, 186], [191, 174], [192, 191], [194, 168], [195, 194], [196, 193], [197, 196], [199, 197], [201, 200], [206, 193], [207, 206], [209, 207], [211, 210], [218, 174], [219, 218], [221, 220], [230, 229], [231, 230], [235, 174], [236, 235], [238, 168], [239, 238], [240, 237], [241, 240], [243, 241], [245, 244], [250, 237], [251, 250], [253, 251], [255, 254], [263, 262], [264, 263], [268, 174], [269, 268], [271, 270], [275, 5], [278, 276], [278, 275], [279, 275], [279, 277], [282, 280], [282, 275], [283, 281], [283, 275], [286, 275], [286, 284], [287, 285], [287, 275], [290, 275], [290, 288], [291, 289], [291, 275], [294, 292], [294, 275], [295, 275], [295, 293], [297, 120], [297, 151], [297, 118], [297, 127], [297, 145], [298, 297], [299, 298], [301, 300], [302, 301], [304, 303], [305, 304], [306, 303], [307, 306], [308, 307], [310, 309], [311, 310], [312, 310], [313, 312], [314, 313], [316, 315], [317, 316], [318, 316], [319, 318], [320, 319], [322, 321], [323, 322], [326, 325], [327, 324], [327, 326], [328, 327], [330, 329], [330, 328], [331, 330], [332, 331], [333, 330], [334, 333], [336, 334], [338, 337], [339, 337], [340, 339], [341, 340], [344, 343], [345, 338], [346, 345], [347, 346], [352, 351], [353, 352], [357, 344], [358, 357], [366, 338], [367, 366], [369, 368], [369, 367], [370, 369], [371, 370], [375, 344], [376, 375], [378, 377], [382, 5], [385, 383], [385, 382], [386, 384], [386, 382], [389, 387], [389, 382], [390, 388], [390, 382], [393, 382], [393, 391], [394, 392], [394, 382], [397, 382], [397, 395], [398, 396], [398, 382], [401, 399], [401, 382], [402, 382], [402, 400], [404, 322], [404, 303], [404, 330], [404, 316], [404, 301], [404, 310], [405, 404], [406, 405], [408, 407], [409, 408], [411, 410], [412, 411], [413, 410], [414, 413], [415, 414], [417, 416], [418, 417], [420, 419], [421, 420], [424, 423], [425, 424], [426, 423], [426, 420], [427, 426], [428, 427], [431, 430], [439, 438], [440, 439], [442, 441], [443, 442], [444, 443], [449, 448], [450, 449], [454, 431], [455, 454], [463, 431], [464, 463], [466, 465], [475, 474], [476, 475], [480, 431], [481, 480], [490, 489], [491, 490], [495, 431], [496, 495], [498, 497], [505, 5], [506, 505], [508, 5], [509, 508], [510, 509], [512, 5], [513, 512], [513, 511], [515, 5], [516, 515], [518, 5], [519, 518], [520, 519], [522, 5], [523, 522], [523, 521], [528, 524]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/cc514aea46329b2bbe7d1ede9a05315966bd71bcf8cc0ff6e5ffa267e88c9796_cc514aea46329b2bbe7d1ede9a05315966bd71bcf8cc0ff6e5ffa267e88c9796.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_43530B", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_43530B(__int64 a1, _QWORD *a2)\n{\n__int64 v2; // rsi\n__int64 v3; // rcx\n__int64 v4; // r8\n__int64 v5; // r9\nint v6; // eax\n__int64 v7; // rdx\nint v8; // ecx\nint v9; // er8\nint v10; // er9\nvoid *v11; // rsi\nchar *v12; // rdi\n__int64 v13; // rdx\n__int64 v14; // rcx\n__int64 v15; // r8\n__int64 v16; // r9\nint v17; // eax\n__int64 v18; // r8\n__int64 v19; // r9\nconst char *v20; // rcx\nchar *v21; // rsi\n__int64 v22; // rdx\n__int64 v23; // rcx\n__int64 v24; // r8\n__int64 v25; // r9\nconst char *v26; // rdi\n__int64 v27; // rdx\nint v28; // er8\nint v29; // er9\n__int64 v30; // rbx\n__int64 v31; // rbx\n__int64 v32; // rbx\n__int64 v33; // rbx\nint v34; // ecx\n__int64 v35; // rbx\n_BOOL4 v36; // eax\nint v37; // edx\nint v38; // ecx\nint v39; // er8\nint v40; // er9\n__int64 v41; // rdx\n__int64 v42; // rcx\n__int64 v43; // r8\n__int64 v44; // r9\n__int64 v45; // rdx\n__int64 v46; // rcx\n__int64 v47; // r8\n__int64 v48; // r9\n__int64 v49; // rsi\n__int64 v50; // rdx\n__int64 v51; // rcx\n__int64 v52; // r8\n__int64 v53; // r9\n__int64 v54; // rdx\n__int64 v55; // rcx\n__int64 v56; // r8\n__int64 v57; // r9\n__int64 v58; // rdx\n__int64 v59; // rcx\n__int64 v60; // r8\n__int64 v61; // r9\n__int64 v62; // rdx\n__int64 v63; // rcx\n__int64 v64; // r8\n__int64 v65; // r9\n__int64 v66; // rdx\n__int64 v67; // rcx\n__int64 v68; // r8\n__int64 v69; // r9\n__int64 v70; // rsi\n__int64 v71; // rdx\n__int64 v72; // rcx\n__int64 v73; // r8\n__int64 v74; // r9\n__int64 v75; // rdx\n__int64 v76; // rcx\n__int64 v77; // r8\n__int64 v78; // r9\n__int64 v79; // rdx\n__int64 v80; // rcx\n__int64 v81; // r8\n__int64 v82; // r9\n__int64 v83; // rdx\n__int64 v84; // rcx\n__int64 v85; // r8\n__int64 v86; // r9\n__int64 v87; // rdx\n__int64 v88; // rcx\n__int64 v89; // r8\n__int64 v90; // r9\n__int64 v91; // rbx\n__int64 v92; // rbx\n__int64 v93; // rbx\n__int64 v94; // rbx\n__int64 v95; // rbx\nint v96; // edx\nint v97; // ecx\nint v98; // er8\nint v99; // er9\n__int64 v100; // rdx\n__int64 v101; // rcx\n__int64 v102; // r8\n__int64 v103; // r9\n__int64 v104; // rsi\n__int64 v105; // rdx\n__int64 v106; // rcx\n__int64 v107; // r8\n__int64 v108; // r9\n__int64 v109; // rdx\n__int64 v110; // rcx\n__int64 v111; // r8\n__int64 v112; // r9\n__int64 v113; // rdx\n__int64 v114; // rcx\n__int64 v115; // r8\n__int64 v116; // r9\n__int64 v117; // rcx\n__int64 v118; // r8\n__int64 v119; // r9\n__int64 v120; // rdx\n__int64 v121; // rcx\n__int64 v122; // r8\n__int64 v123; // r9\n__int64 v124; // rbx\n__int64 v125; // rbx\n__int64 v126; // rbx\n__int64 v127; // rbx\n__int64 v128; // rbx\nint v129; // edx\nint v130; // ecx\nint v131; // er8\nint v132; // er9\n__int64 v133; // rdx\n__int64 v134; // rcx\n__int64 v135; // r8\n__int64 v136; // r9\n__int64 v137; // rdx\n__int64 v138; // rcx\n__int64 v139; // r8\n__int64 v140; // r9\n__int64 v141; // rdx\n__int64 v142; // rcx\n__int64 v143; // r8\n__int64 v144; // r9\n__int64 v145; // rsi\n__int64 v146; // rdx\n__int64 v147; // rcx\n__int64 v148; // r8\n__int64 v149; // r9\n__int64 v150; // rdx\n__int64 v151; // rcx\n__int64 v152; // r8\n__int64 v153; // r9\n__int64 v154; // rdx\n__int64 v155; // rcx\n__int64 v156; // r8\n__int64 v157; // r9\n__int64 v158; // rdx\n__int64 v159; // rcx\n__int64 v160; // r8\n__int64 v161; // r9\n__int64 v162; // rdx\n__int64 v163; // rcx\n__int64 v164; // r8\n__int64 v165; // r9\n__int64 v166; // rsi\n__int64 v167; // rdx\n__int64 v168; // rcx\n__int64 v169; // r8\n__int64 v170; // r9\n__int64 v171; // rdx\n__int64 v172; // rcx\n__int64 v173; // r8\n__int64 v174; // r9\n__int64 v175; // rdx\n__int64 v176; // rcx\n__int64 v177; // r8\n__int64 v178; // r9\n__int64 v179; // rdx\n__int64 v180; // rcx\n__int64 v181; // r8\n__int64 v182; // r9\n__int64 v183; // rdx\n__int64 v184; // rcx\n__int64 v185; // r8\n__int64 v186; // r9\n__int64 v187; // rax\n__int64 v188; // rax\n_QWORD *v191; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-1C0h]\n__int64 v192; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-1C0h]\nchar v194[8]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-1B0h] BYREF\n_BYTE v195[32]; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-1A8h] BYREF\n__int64 v196; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-188h]\nint v197; // [rsp+88h] [rbp-138h]\nchar v198[8]; // [rsp+90h] [rbp-130h] BYREF\n_BYTE v199[32]; // [rsp+98h] [rbp-128h] BYREF\nvoid *v200; // [rsp+B8h] [rbp-108h]\nint v201; // [rsp+100h] [rbp-C0h] BYREF\nint v202; // [rsp+108h] [rbp-B8h]\nchar v203[8]; // [rsp+110h] [rbp-B0h] BYREF\n__int64 v204; // [rsp+118h] [rbp-A8h] BYREF\n__int64 v205; // [rsp+120h] [rbp-A0h]\n__int64 v206; // [rsp+128h] [rbp-98h]\n__int64 v207; // [rsp+130h] [rbp-90h]\n__int64 v208; // [rsp+138h] [rbp-88h]\n__int64 v209; // [rsp+140h] [rbp-80h]\n__int64 v210; // [rsp+148h] [rbp-78h]\n__int64 v211; // [rsp+150h] [rbp-70h]\n__int64 v212; // [rsp+158h] [rbp-68h] BYREF\n__int64 v213; // [rsp+160h] [rbp-60h]\nunsigned int v214; // [rsp+178h] [rbp-48h] BYREF\nint v215; // [rsp+180h] [rbp-40h] BYREF\nint v216; // [rsp+188h] [rbp-38h]\nunsigned int v217; // [rsp+19Ch] [rbp-24h]\nunsigned int v218; // [rsp+1A0h] [rbp-20h]\n_BOOL4 v219; // [rsp+1A4h] [rbp-1Ch]\nunsigned int v220; // [rsp+1A8h] [rbp-18h]\nint v221; // [rsp+1ACh] [rbp-14h]\n\nv221 = 1;\nv220 = 0;\nsub_43403D((__int64)v203, (__int64)&unk_46CE20);\nv2 = v208;\nsub_41308C(v216, v208, v208, v3, v4, v5);\nsub_40AAC6(&v215);\nv6 = sub_43867E(&unk_46CE20);\nv220 += v6;\nsub_41C8DA((__int64)&unk_46CE20, v2, v7, v8, v9, v10);\nv11 = &unk_46CE60;\nv12 = v198;\nsub_43403D((__int64)v198, (__int64)&unk_46CE60);\nif ( (v202 & 0x20) == 0 || v200 )\n{\nv11 = v200;\nsub_41308C(v202, (__int64)v200, (__int64)v200, v14, v15, v16);\nsub_40AAC6(&v201);\nv12 = (char *)&unk_46CE60;\nv17 = sub_43867E(&unk_46CE60);\nv220 += v17;\n}\nelse\n{\nv221 = 0;\n}\nsub_41C8DA((__int64)v12, (__int64)v11, v13, v14, v15, v16);\nsub_43403D((__int64)v194, (__int64)&unk_46CE80);\nif ( (v197 & 0x20) != 0 )\nsub_4243FB(0, (unsigned __int64)v195);\nif ( v221 )\nv20 = \"memset\";\nelse\nv20 = \"_bzero\";\nv21 = (char *)v20;\nsub_413201(256, (__int64)v20, v220, (__int64)v20, v18, v19);\nif ( !sub_42B2B5((__int64)v195) || v196 )\n{\nif ( sub_42B2B5((__int64)v195)\n&& v196 <= 256\n&& sub_42B2B5((__int64)v199)\n&& (sub_433FA4((__int64)&v204) && sub_433F68((__int64)&v204)\n|| sub_433F86((__int64)&v204) && sub_433F0F((__int64)&v204)) )\n{\nv36 = sub_433F86((__int64)&v204) && sub_433F0F((__int64)&v204);\nv219 = v36;\nsub_40AB44((unsigned int *)&v212);\nv218 = sub_4246F5((__int64)&v212, (int)v21, v37, v38, v39, v40);\nif ( v196 > 127 )\n{\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"ldy #$00\", (__int64)v21, v41, v42, v43, v44);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"lda #$%02X\", (unsigned __int8)v200, v66, v67, v68, v69);\nsub_40F7BC(v218);\nif ( v219 )\n{\nv70 = sub_42AE6D(&v204, 0LL);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"sta (%s),y\", v70, v71, v72, v73, v74);\n}\nelse\n{\nv70 = sub_42AE6D(&v204, 0LL);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"sta %s,y\", v70, v79, v80, v81, v82);\n}\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"iny\", v70, v75, v76, v77, v78, a2, a1);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"cpy #$%02X\", (unsigned __int8)v196, v83, v84, v85, v86);\nv21 = sub_42472C(v218);\nv26 = \"bne %s\";\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"bne %s\", (__int64)v21, v87, v88, v89, v90);\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"ldy #$%02X\", (unsigned __int8)(v196 - 1), v41, v42, v43, v44);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"lda #$%02X\", (unsigned __int8)v200, v45, v46, v47, v48);\nsub_40F7BC(v218);\nif ( v219 )\n{\nv49 = sub_42AE6D(&v204, 0LL);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"sta (%s),y\", v49, v50, v51, v52, v53);\n}\nelse\n{\nv49 = sub_42AE6D(&v204, 0LL);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"sta %s,y\", v49, v58, v59, v60, v61);\n}\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"dey\", v49, v54, v55, v56, v57, a2, a1);\nv21 = sub_42472C(v218);\nv26 = \"bpl %s\";\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"bpl %s\", (__int64)v21, v62, v63, v64, v65);\n}\nv91 = v205;\n*v191 = v204;\nv191[1] = v91;\nv92 = v207;\nv191[2] = v206;\nv191[3] = v92;\nv93 = v209;\nv191[4] = v208;\nv191[5] = v93;\nv94 = v211;\nv191[6] = v210;\nv191[7] = v94;\nv34 = v212;\nv95 = v213;\nv191[8] = v212;\nv191[9] = v95;\n}\nelse if ( sub_42B2B5((__int64)v195)\n&& v196 <= 256\n&& sub_42B2B5((__int64)v199)\n&& sub_433FA4((__int64)&v204)\n&& sub_433F2C((__int64)&v204)\n&& v208 - dword_46E0B0 + v196 <= 255 )\n{\nv217 = sub_42B012((__int64)&v204, 0);\nsub_40AB44((unsigned int *)&v212);\nv218 = sub_4246F5((__int64)&v212, 0, v96, v97, v98, v99);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"ldy #$%02X\", (unsigned __int8)v217, v100, v101, v102, v103);\nv104 = (unsigned __int8)v200;\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"lda #$%02X\", (unsigned __int8)v200, v105, v106, v107, v108);\nsub_40F7BC(v218);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"sta (sp),y\", v104, v109, v110, v111, v112);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"iny\", v104, v113, v114, v115, v116);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"cpy #$%02X\", (unsigned __int8)(v217 + v196), v217, v117, v118, v119);\nv21 = sub_42472C(v218);\nv26 = \"bne %s\";\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"bne %s\", (__int64)v21, v120, v121, v122, v123);\nv124 = v205;\n*a2 = v204;\na2[1] = v124;\nv125 = v207;\na2[2] = v206;\na2[3] = v125;\nv126 = v209;\na2[4] = v208;\na2[5] = v126;\nv127 = v211;\na2[6] = v210;\na2[7] = v127;\nv34 = v212;\nv128 = v213;\na2[8] = v212;\na2[9] = v128;\n}\nelse if ( sub_42B2B5((__int64)v195)\n&& v196 <= 256\n&& sub_42B2B5((__int64)v199)\n&& (v200 || sub_44673E(dword_46CBE0) > 200) )\n{\nsub_40AB44(&v214);\nv218 = sub_4246F5((__int64)&v214, (int)v21, v129, v130, v131, v132);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"sta ptr1\", (__int64)v21, v133, v134, v135, v136);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"stx ptr1+1\", (__int64)v21, v137, v138, v139, v140);\nif ( v196 > 127 )\n{\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"ldy #$00\", (__int64)v21, v141, v142, v143, v144);\nv166 = (unsigned __int8)v200;\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"lda #$%02X\", (unsigned __int8)v200, v167, v168, v169, v170);\nsub_40F7BC(v218);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"sta (ptr1),y\", v166, v171, v172, v173, v174);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"iny\", v166, v175, v176, v177, v178);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"cpy #$%02X\", (unsigned __int8)v196, v179, v180, v181, v182);\nv21 = sub_42472C(v218);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"bne %s\", (__int64)v21, v183, v184, v185, v186);\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"ldy #$%02X\", (unsigned __int8)(v196 - 1), v141, v142, v143, v144);\nv145 = (unsigned __int8)v200;\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"lda #$%02X\", (unsigned __int8)v200, v146, v147, v148, v149);\nsub_40F7BC(v218);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"sta (ptr1),y\", v145, v150, v151, v152, v153);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"dey\", v145, v154, v155, v156, v157);\nv21 = sub_42472C(v218);\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"bpl %s\", (__int64)v21, v158, v159, v160, v161);\n}\nsub_404D58((__int64)\"lda ptr1\", (__int64)v21, v162, v163, v164, v165, a2, a1);\nsub_42B189(v192);\nv26 = *(const char **)(v192 + 8);\nv187 = sub_438C46(v26);\nv27 = v192;\n*(_QWORD *)(v192 + 8) = v187;\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_42B189((__int64)a2);\nv26 = (const char *)a2[1];\nv188 = sub_438C46(v26);\nv27 = (__int64)a2;\na2[1] = v188;\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_42C8C0(\"Call to memset has no effect\", (__int64)v21, v22, v23, v24, v25);\nv26 = (const char *)&v214;\nsub_40AB44(&v214);\nv30 = v205;\n*a2 = v204;\na2[1] = v30;\nv31 = v207;\na2[2] = v206;\na2[3] = v31;\nv32 = v209;\na2[4] = v208;\na2[5] = v32;\nv33 = v211;\na2[6] = v210;\na2[7] = v33;\nv34 = v212;\nv35 = v213;\na2[8] = v212;\na2[9] = v35;\n}\nreturn sub_41C930((__int64)v26, (__int64)v21, v27, v34, v28, v29);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v104,v26,v194,v198,v203,v217,v218,v219,v220,v221,sub_43530B,sub_43403D,sub_41308C,sub_40AAC6,sub_43867E,sub_41C8DA,sub_4243FB,sub_413201,sub_42B2B5,sub_433FA4,sub_433F68,sub_433F86,sub_433F0F,sub_40AB44,sub_4246F5,sub_404D58,sub_40F7BC,sub_42AE6D,sub_42472C,sub_433F2C,sub_42B012,sub_44673E,sub_42B189,sub_438C46,sub_42C8C0,sub_41C930,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'F', 'a2': 'Expr', 'v104': 'Expr', 'v26': 'F', 'v194': 'Arg3', 'v198': 'Arg2', 'v203': 'Arg1', 'v217': 'Offs', 'v218': 'Label', 'v219': 'Reg', 'v220': 'ParamSize', 'v221': 'MemSet', 'sub_43530B': 'StdFunc_memset', 'sub_43403D': 'ParseArg', 'sub_41308C': 'g_push', 'sub_40AAC6': 'GetCodePos', 'sub_43867E': 'SizeOf', 'sub_41C8DA': 'ConsumeComma', 'sub_4243FB': 'LoadExpr', 'sub_413201': 'g_call', 'sub_42B2B5': 'ED_IsConstAbsInt', 'sub_433FA4': 'ED_IsRVal_1', 'sub_433F68': 'ED_IsLocConst_0', 'sub_433F86': 'ED_IsLVal_3', 'sub_433F0F': 'ED_IsLocRegister', 'sub_40AB44': 'RemoveCode', 'sub_4246F5': 'GetLocalLabel', 'sub_404D58': 'AddCodeLine', 'sub_40F7BC': 'g_defcodelabel', 'sub_42AE6D': 'ED_GetLabelName', 'sub_42472C': 'LocalLabelName', 'sub_433F2C': 'ED_IsLocStack_1', 'sub_42B012': 'ED_GetStackOffs', 'sub_44673E': 'IS_Get', 'sub_42B189': 'ED_MakeRValExpr', 'sub_438C46': 'GetFuncReturn', 'sub_42C8C0': 'Warning', 'sub_41C930': 'ConsumeRParen'}"} |
gz_read | 8344e4f2e71647113a4027b2f26417ee1a42cf3c0de632f9252e1b29c5147f05 | soedinglab | MMseqs2 | NA | local z_size_t gz_read(state, buf, len)
gz_statep state;
voidp buf;
z_size_t len;
z_size_t got;
unsigned n;
/* if len is zero, avoid unnecessary operations */
if (len == 0)
return 0;
/* process a skip request */
if (state.state->seek) {
state.state->seek = 0;
if (gz_skip(state, state.state->skip) == -1)
return 0;
/* get len bytes to buf, or less than len if at the end */
got = 0;
do {
/* set n to the maximum amount of len that fits in an unsigned int */
n = -1;
if (n > len)
n = (unsigned)len;
/* first just try copying data from the output buffer */
if (state.state->x.have) {
if (state.state->x.have < n)
n = state.state->x.have;
memcpy(buf, state.state->, n);
state.state-> += n;
state.state->x.have -= n;
/* output buffer empty -- return if we're at the end of the input */
else if (state.state->eof && state.state->strm.avail_in == 0) {
state.state->past = 1; /* tried to read past end */
/* need output data -- for small len or new stream load up our output
buffer */
else if (state.state->how == LOOK || n < (state.state->size << 1)) {
/* get more output, looking for header if required */
if (gz_fetch(state) == -1)
return 0;
continue; /* no progress yet -- go back to copy above */
/* the copy above assures that we will leave with space in the
output buffer, allowing at least one gzungetc() to succeed */
/* large len -- read directly into user buffer */
else if (state.state->how == COPY) { /* read directly */
if (gz_load(state, (unsigned char *)buf, n, &n) == -1)
return 0;
/* large len -- decompress directly into user buffer */
else { /* state.state->how == GZIP */
state.state->strm.avail_out = n;
state.state->strm.next_out = (unsigned char *)buf;
if (gz_decomp(state) == -1)
return 0;
n = state.state->x.have;
state.state->x.have = 0;
/* update progress */
len -= n;
buf = (char *)buf + n;
got += n;
state.state->x.pos += n;
} while (len);
/* return number of bytes read into user buffer */
return got;
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_406AAB", "function_addr": 4221611, "binary_name": "8344e4f2e71647113a4027b2f26417ee1a42cf3c0de632f9252e1b29c5147f05.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+dest], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdx"], [6, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [7, "jnz short loc_406AD0"], [8, "mov eax, 0"], [9, "jmp locret_406CB9"], [10, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [11, "mov eax, [rax+68h]"], [12, "test eax, eax"], [13, "jz short loc_406B0C"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [15, "mov dword ptr [rax+68h], 0"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [17, "mov rdx, [rax+60h]"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [19, "mov rsi, rdx"], [20, "mov rdi, rax"], [21, "call sub_4069E8"], [22, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [23, "jnz short loc_406B0C"], [24, "mov eax, 0"], [25, "jmp locret_406CB9"], [26, "mov [rbp+n+4], 0"], [27, "mov dword ptr [rbp+n], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [28, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+n]"], [29, "mov eax, eax"], [30, "cmp [rbp+var_28], rax"], [31, "jnb short loc_406B2D"], [32, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [33, "mov dword ptr [rbp+n], eax"], [34, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [35, "mov eax, [rax]"], [36, "test eax, eax"], [37, "jz short loc_406B97"], [38, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [39, "mov edx, [rax]"], [40, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+n]"], [41, "cmp edx, eax"], [42, "jnb short loc_406B4D"], [43, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [44, "mov eax, [rax]"], [45, "mov dword ptr [rbp+n], eax"], [46, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+n]"], [47, "mov edx, eax"], [48, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [49, "mov rcx, [rax+8]"], [50, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [51, "mov rsi, rcx"], [52, "mov rdi, rax"], [53, "call _memcpy"], [54, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [55, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [56, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+n]"], [57, "mov ecx, eax"], [58, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [59, "add rdx, rcx"], [60, "mov [rax+8], rdx"], [61, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [62, "mov edx, [rax]"], [63, "mov ecx, dword ptr [rbp+n]"], [64, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [65, "sub edx, ecx"], [66, "mov [rax], edx"], [67, "jmp loc_406C74"], [68, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [69, "mov eax, [rax+50h]"], [70, "test eax, eax"], [71, "jz short loc_406BC0"], [72, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [73, "mov eax, [rax+80h]"], [74, "test eax, eax"], [75, "jnz short loc_406BC0"], [76, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [77, "mov dword ptr [rax+54h], 1"], [78, "jmp loc_406CB5"], [79, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [80, "mov eax, [rax+44h]"], [81, "test eax, eax"], [82, "jz short loc_406BDC"], [83, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [84, "mov eax, [rax+28h]"], [85, "lea edx, [rax+rax]"], [86, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+n]"], [87, "cmp edx, eax"], [88, "jbe short loc_406BFB"], [89, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [90, "mov rdi, rax"], [91, "call sub_4068C4"], [92, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [93, "jnz loc_406CA9"], [94, "mov eax, 0"], [95, "jmp locret_406CB9"], [96, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [97, "mov eax, [rax+44h]"], [98, "cmp eax, 1"], [99, "jnz short loc_406C2D"], [100, "mov edx, dword ptr [rbp+n]"], [101, "lea rcx, [rbp+n]"], [102, "mov rsi, [rbp+dest]"], [103, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [104, "mov rdi, rax"], [105, "call sub_40628F"], [106, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [107, "jnz short loc_406C74"], [108, "mov eax, 0"], [109, "jmp locret_406CB9"], [110, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [111, "mov edx, dword ptr [rbp+n]"], [112, "mov [rax+98h], edx"], [113, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [114, "mov rdx, [rbp+dest]"], [115, "mov [rax+90h], rdx"], [116, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [117, "mov rdi, rax"], [118, "call sub_40674C"], [119, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [120, "jnz short loc_406C61"], [121, "mov eax, 0"], [122, "jmp short locret_406CB9"], [123, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [124, "mov eax, [rax]"], [125, "mov dword ptr [rbp+n], eax"], [126, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [127, "mov dword ptr [rax], 0"], [128, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+n]"], [129, "mov eax, eax"], [130, "sub [rbp+var_28], rax"], [131, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+n]"], [132, "mov eax, eax"], [133, "add [rbp+dest], rax"], [134, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+n]"], [135, "mov eax, eax"], [136, "add [rbp+n+4], rax"], [137, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [138, "mov rdx, [rax+10h]"], [139, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+n]"], [140, "mov ecx, eax"], [141, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [142, "add rdx, rcx"], [143, "mov [rax+10h], rdx"], [144, "jmp short loc_406CAA"], [145, "nop"], [146, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [147, "jnz loc_406B14"], [148, "mov rax, [rbp+n+4]"], [149, "leave"], [150, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 5], [7, 6], [10, 3], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 3], [15, 14], [16, 3], [17, 16], [17, 15], [18, 3], [19, 17], [20, 18], [22, 21], [23, 22], [28, 27], [29, 28], [30, 130], [30, 29], [30, 5], [31, 30], [32, 5], [32, 130], [33, 32], [34, 3], [35, 143], [35, 115], [35, 60], [35, 112], [35, 66], [35, 34], [35, 127], [35, 15], [36, 35], [37, 36], [38, 3], [39, 115], [39, 60], [39, 112], [39, 66], [39, 15], [39, 143], [39, 127], [39, 38], [40, 27], [40, 33], [41, 40], [41, 39], [42, 41], [43, 3], [44, 127], [44, 15], [44, 143], [44, 115], [44, 60], [44, 112], [44, 66], [44, 43], [45, 44], [46, 27], [46, 45], [46, 33], [47, 46], [48, 3], [49, 48], [49, 112], [49, 66], [49, 127], [49, 15], [49, 143], [49, 115], [49, 60], [50, 133], [50, 4], [51, 49], [52, 50], [54, 3], [55, 66], [55, 15], [55, 143], [55, 54], [55, 127], [55, 115], [55, 60], [55, 112], [56, 27], [56, 45], [56, 33], [57, 56], [58, 3], [59, 55], [59, 57], [60, 59], [60, 58], [61, 3], [62, 60], [62, 66], [62, 61], [62, 127], [63, 27], [63, 45], [63, 33], [64, 3], [65, 63], [65, 62], [66, 64], [66, 65], [68, 3], [69, 115], [69, 60], [69, 112], [69, 66], [69, 68], [69, 15], [69, 143], [69, 127], [70, 69], [71, 70], [72, 3], [73, 60], [73, 112], [73, 66], [73, 143], [73, 127], [73, 72], [73, 15], [73, 115], [74, 73], [75, 74], [76, 3], [77, 76], [79, 3], [80, 115], [80, 60], [80, 112], [80, 66], [80, 15], [80, 79], [80, 143], [80, 127], [81, 80], [82, 81], [83, 3], [84, 15], [84, 143], [84, 127], [84, 115], [84, 60], [84, 83], [84, 112], [84, 66], [85, 66], [85, 84], [85, 15], [85, 143], [85, 127], [85, 115], [85, 60], [85, 17], [85, 85], [85, 112], [85, 142], [86, 33], [86, 27], [87, 86], [87, 85], [88, 87], [89, 3], [90, 89], [92, 91], [93, 92], [96, 3], [97, 127], [97, 115], [97, 60], [97, 112], [97, 96], [97, 66], [97, 15], [97, 143], [98, 97], [99, 98], [100, 27], [100, 33], [101, 33], [101, 140], [101, 27], [102, 4], [102, 133], [103, 3], [104, 103], [106, 105], [107, 106], [110, 3], [111, 27], [111, 33], [112, 111], [112, 110], [113, 3], [114, 133], [114, 4], [115, 114], [115, 113], [116, 3], [117, 116], [119, 118], [120, 119], [123, 3], [124, 115], [124, 60], [124, 112], [124, 66], [124, 123], [124, 15], [124, 143], [124, 127], [125, 124], [126, 3], [127, 126], [128, 27], [128, 125], [128, 45], [128, 33], [129, 128], [130, 5], [130, 130], [130, 129], [131, 125], [131, 45], [131, 33], [131, 27], [132, 131], [133, 4], [133, 132], [133, 133], [134, 27], [134, 125], [134, 45], [134, 33], [135, 134], [136, 135], [136, 136], [136, 26], [137, 3], [138, 112], [138, 137], [138, 66], [138, 15], [138, 143], [138, 127], [138, 115], [138, 60], [139, 27], [139, 125], [139, 45], [139, 33], [140, 139], [141, 3], [142, 140], [142, 138], [143, 142], [143, 141], [146, 5], [146, 130], [147, 146], [148, 136], [148, 26], [150, 148], [150, 24], [150, 8], [150, 108], [150, 94], [150, 121]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/8344e4f2e71647113a4027b2f26417ee1a42cf3c0de632f9252e1b29c5147f05_8344e4f2e71647113a4027b2f26417ee1a42cf3c0de632f9252e1b29c5147f05.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_406AAB", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_406AAB(__int64 a1, char *a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, int a5, int a6)\n{\nunsigned __int64 v7; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-28h]\nchar *dest; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-20h]\nunsigned int n[3]; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-Ch] BYREF\n\ndest = a2;\nv7 = a3;\nif ( !a3 )\nreturn 0LL;\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 104) )\n{\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 104) = 0;\na2 = *(char **)(a1 + 96);\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_4069E8((unsigned int *)a1, (__int64)a2, (__int64)a2, a4, a5, a6) == -1 )\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n*(_QWORD *)&n[1] = 0LL;\nwhile ( 1 )\n{\nn[0] = -1;\nif ( v7 < 0xFFFFFFFF )\nn[0] = v7;\nif ( *(_DWORD *)a1 )\n{\nif ( *(_DWORD *)a1 < n[0] )\nn[0] = *(_DWORD *)a1;\na2 = *(char **)(a1 + 8);\nmemcpy(dest, a2, n[0]);\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8) += n[0];\n*(_DWORD *)a1 -= n[0];\ngoto LABEL_26;\n}\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 80) && !*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 128) )\nbreak;\nif ( !*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 68) || (a3 = (unsigned int)(2 * *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 40)), (unsigned int)a3 > n[0]) )\n{\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_4068C4(a1, (__int64)a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) == -1 )\nreturn 0LL;\ngoto LABEL_27;\n}\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 68) == 1 )\n{\na2 = dest;\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40628F(a1, (__int64)dest, n[0], n) == -1 )\nreturn 0LL;\n}\nelse\n{\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 152) = n[0];\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 144) = dest;\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40674C((unsigned int *)a1, (__int64)a2, (int)dest, a4, a5, a6) == -1 )\nreturn 0LL;\nn[0] = *(_DWORD *)a1;\n*(_DWORD *)a1 = 0;\n}\nLABEL_26:\nv7 -= n[0];\ndest += n[0];\n*(_QWORD *)&n[1] += n[0];\nLODWORD(a4) = n[0];\na3 = n[0] + *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16);\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) = a3;\nLABEL_27:\nif ( !v7 )\nreturn *(_QWORD *)&n[1];\n}\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 84) = 1;\nreturn *(_QWORD *)&n[1];\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,v7,sub_406AAB,sub_4069E8,sub_4068C4,sub_40628F,sub_40674C,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'len', 'a1': 'state', 'a2': 'buf', 'v7': 'lena', 'sub_406AAB': 'gz_read', 'sub_4069E8': 'gz_skip', 'sub_4068C4': 'gz_fetch', 'sub_40628F': 'gz_load', 'sub_40674C': 'gz_decomp'}"} |
AePrintSubError | 1af1ae2e55417ac009d60b916804817b31888fa80e08f75439dc6c514c24a822 | bitdefender | napoca | NA | static void
AePrintSubError (
FILE *OutputFile,
UINT32 Total = 0;
const char *MainMessage;
MainMessage = AeDecodeMessageId (Enode->MessageId);
fprintf (OutputFile, " %s", MainMessage);
if (Enode->Message)
fprintf (OutputFile, "(%s)", Enode->Message);
fprintf (OutputFile, "\n ");
(void) AePrintErrorSourceLine (OutputFile, Enode, &PrematureEOF, &Total);
fprintf (OutputFile, "\n");
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_42145B", "function_addr": 4330587, "binary_name": "1af1ae2e55417ac009d60b916804817b31888fa80e08f75439dc6c514c24a822.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+stream], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_20], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_D], 0"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [8, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+44h]"], [9, "movzx eax, ax"], [10, "mov edi, eax"], [11, "call sub_42AF88"], [12, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [13, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [15, "mov esi, offset aS_12"], [16, "mov rdi, rax"], [17, "mov eax, 0"], [18, "call _fprintf"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [20, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [21, "test rax, rax"], [22, "jz short loc_4214D1"], [23, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [24, "mov rdx, [rax+10h]"], [25, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [26, "mov esi, offset aS_16"], [27, "mov rdi, rax"], [28, "mov eax, 0"], [29, "call _fprintf"], [30, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [31, "mov rcx, rax"], [32, "mov edx, 5"], [33, "mov esi, 1"], [34, "mov edi, offset asc_4D7012"], [35, "call _fwrite"], [36, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_C]"], [37, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_D]"], [38, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_20]"], [39, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [40, "mov rdi, rax"], [41, "call sub_420F13"], [42, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [43, "mov rsi, rax"], [44, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [45, "call _fputc"], [46, "nop"], [47, "leave"], [48, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 4], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 9], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 3], [16, 14], [19, 4], [20, 19], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 4], [24, 23], [25, 3], [27, 25], [30, 3], [31, 30], [36, 31], [36, 5], [37, 6], [37, 32], [38, 4], [39, 3], [40, 39], [42, 3], [43, 42], [48, 45]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/1af1ae2e55417ac009d60b916804817b31888fa80e08f75439dc6c514c24a822_1af1ae2e55417ac009d60b916804817b31888fa80e08f75439dc6c514c24a822.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_42145B", "query": "\n\n\nint __fastcall sub_42145B(FILE *a1, __int64 a2)\n{\nchar v3; // [rsp+13h] [rbp-Dh] BYREF\nint v4; // [rsp+14h] [rbp-Ch] BYREF\nconst char *v5; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv4 = 0;\nv3 = 0;\nv5 = (const char *)sub_42AF88(*(unsigned __int16 *)(a2 + 68));\nfprintf(a1, \" %s\", v5);\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 16) )\nfprintf(a1, \"(%s)\", *(const char **)(a2 + 16));\nfwrite(\"\\n \", 1uLL, 5uLL, a1);\nsub_420F13(a1, (unsigned int *)a2, &v3, &v4);\nreturn fputc(10, a1);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v3,v4,v5,sub_42145B,sub_42AF88,sub_420F13,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'OutputFile', 'a2': 'Enode', 'v3': 'PrematureEOF', 'v4': 'Total', 'v5': 'MainMessage', 'sub_42145B': 'AePrintSubError', 'sub_42AF88': 'AeDecodeMessageId', 'sub_420F13': 'AePrintErrorSourceLine'}"} |
swap_thread_command | c871f77a6084f92164e8dba555bdcdb79f06bcb55774992908b7f32f74327a71 | darwin-on-arm | darwin-sdk | NA | __private_extern__
struct thread_command *ut,
enum byte_sex target_byte_sex)
#ifdef __MWERKS__
enum byte_sex dummy;
dummy = target_byte_sex;
ut->cmd = SWAP_INT(ut->cmd);
ut->cmdsize = SWAP_INT(ut->cmdsize);
} | {"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_41AF19", "function_addr": 4304665, "binary_name": "c871f77a6084f92164e8dba555bdcdb79f06bcb55774992908b7f32f74327a71.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_C], esi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [5, "mov eax, [rax]"], [6, "shl eax, 18h"], [7, "mov edx, eax"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [9, "mov eax, [rax]"], [10, "shl eax, 8"], [11, "and eax, 0FF0000h"], [12, "or edx, eax"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [14, "mov eax, [rax]"], [15, "shr eax, 8"], [16, "and eax, 0FF00h"], [17, "or edx, eax"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [19, "mov eax, [rax]"], [20, "shr eax, 18h"], [21, "or edx, eax"], [22, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [23, "mov [rax], edx"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [25, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [26, "shl eax, 18h"], [27, "mov edx, eax"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [29, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [30, "shl eax, 8"], [31, "and eax, 0FF0000h"], [32, "or edx, eax"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [34, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [35, "shr eax, 8"], [36, "and eax, 0FF00h"], [37, "or edx, eax"], [38, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [39, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [40, "shr eax, 18h"], [41, "or edx, eax"], [42, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [43, "mov [rax+4], edx"], [44, "nop"], [45, "pop rbp"], [46, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 2], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 2], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 7], [12, 11], [13, 2], [14, 13], [15, 14], [16, 15], [17, 12], [17, 16], [18, 2], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 17], [21, 20], [22, 2], [23, 22], [23, 21], [24, 2], [25, 23], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 26], [28, 2], [29, 23], [29, 28], [30, 29], [31, 30], [32, 31], [32, 27], [33, 2], [34, 33], [34, 23], [35, 34], [36, 35], [37, 36], [37, 32], [38, 2], [39, 23], [39, 38], [40, 39], [41, 40], [41, 37], [42, 2], [43, 42], [43, 41], [45, 0], [46, 42]]}
| {"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/c871f77a6084f92164e8dba555bdcdb79f06bcb55774992908b7f32f74327a71_c871f77a6084f92164e8dba555bdcdb79f06bcb55774992908b7f32f74327a71.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_41AF19", "query": "\n\n\nint *__fastcall sub_41AF19(int *a1)\n{\nint *result; // rax\n\n*a1 = HIBYTE(*a1) | ((unsigned int)*a1 >> 8) & 0xFF00 | (*a1 << 8) & 0xFF0000 | (*a1 << 24);\nresult = a1;\na1[1] = HIBYTE(a1[1]) | ((unsigned int)a1[1] >> 8) & 0xFF00 | (a1[1] << 8) & 0xFF0000 | (a1[1] << 24);\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_41AF19,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'ut', 'sub_41AF19': 'swap_thread_command'}"} |
Subsets and Splits