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**SHULE \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JINA LA
**SEHEMU "A"**
**Chagua jibu sahihi katika 1 --10**
1. Serikali ya kijiji/mtaa inaundwa na watu wangapi? (a) 25 (b) 30 (c)
40 (d) 16 **( )**
2. Ofisa mtendaji waserikali ya mtaa/kijiji hupatikna kwa njia ya (a)
kuchaguliwa (b) kuteuliwa (c) kuajiriwa na serikali (d) kupendekezwa
na watu **( )**
3. Katika wimbo wa Taifa kuna maombi ya kuibariki nchi gani? (a)
Zanzibar (b) Tanganyika **( )**
4. Alama ya Taifa inayoashiria uhuru na umoja wa Taifa ni
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Bendera ya Rais (b) Nembo ya Taifa (c) fedha
zetu (d) shule zetu **( )**
5. Tanganyika ilipata uhuru wake kutoka kwa watu gani? (a)
Wajerumani (b) Wareno (c) Waingereza (d) Waitalia **( )**
6. siku ya mapinduzi ya Zanzibar huadhimishwa kila kila mwaka tarehe
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) 12 January (b) 15 December (c) 26 April (d) 25
November **( )**
7. mahala ambapo ni kikomo cha kitu na mwanzo wa kingine huitwa
\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) upande (b) mpaka (c) sehemu (d) kipande **( )**
8. Mambo ambayo binadamu anastahili kupata kwa mujibu wa sheria huitwa
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) haki za binadamu (b) demokrasia (c) utawala
bora (d) rushwa **( )**
9. Tanzania ni nchi inayofuata mfumo upi wa sisa\_\_\_\_\_ (a)
kidikteta (b) kidemokrasia (c)kihimla (d) kiholela **( )**
10. Chama kinachounda serikali huitwa \_\_\_\_ (a) chama pinzani (b)
chama tawala (c) chama shindani (d) chama sikivu **( )**
**SEHEMU "B"**
**Andika "ndiyo" au "hapana" katika maswali haya yafuatayo**
11. Watoto hawana wajibu wa kufahamu haki zao
12. Si lazima mtoto kutunza usafi wa nyumba na matandiko
13. Usalama ni kuwepo kwa hali ua hatari au matatizo
14. Mwalimu mkuu n katibu wa vikao vyote vya kamati ya shule
15. Nembo ya Taifa hupatikana kwenye nyaraka za serikali
**SEHEMU "D"**
**Oanisha sehemu "A" na "B" Ilikuleta maana kamili**
| **SEHEMU "A"** | **SEHEMEU "B"** |
| 16. sifa za utawala bora **( )** | A. Makini |
| | |
| 17. chama cha haki na ustawi **( | B. Uwajibikaji, uwazi, |
| )** | uelewekaji. |
| | |
| 18. uongozi **( )** | C. Chausta. |
| | |
| 19. wajibu **( )** | D. Jambo linalomlazimu mtu |
| | kulitimiza |
| 20. mkuki **( )** | |
| | E. Usimamizi katika kazi au |
| | shughuli Fulani |
| | |
| | F. Silaha za jadi |
| | |
| | G. Huwakilisha wakulima |
21. Mlima mrefu kuliko yite Afrika na nifaharu ya Tanzania ni
22. Sikukuu ya Muungano hufanyika kila mwaka tarehe
23. Sababu ya kuwa na mfumo wa vyama vingi vya sisa nchin ni
24. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ni namna ya
kujilinda au kujikinga na maadui.
25. Fedha zetu Tanzania huanzia shilingi
**SHULE \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JINA LA
**SEHEMU "A" Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi**
1. Uwezo wa mwili kupambana na magonjwa huitwa? (a) chanjo (b) kinga ya
mwili (c) nguvu ya mwili (d) kuzuia **( )**
2. Dawa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ pamoja na
chakula. (a) zisiwekwe (b) ziwekwe (c) zichanganywe (d) zihifadhiwe
**( )**
3. Hali joto hupimwa kwa kutumia \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a)
Mizani (b) kipima joto (c) lita (d) rula **( )**
4. Saiti ya betri iliyounganishwa kwa kuelekea upande mmoja huitwa? (a)
sakiti mfuatano (b) sakiti umeme (c) sakiti sambamba (d) sakiti ya
seli **( )**
5. Fueli huitaji hewa ili \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) ziwake (b)
zilipuke (c) ziyeyuke (d) zigande **( )**
6. Mahitaji makuu matatu ya viumbe hai vyote ni
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) takwimu (b) data (c)
taarifa (d) habari **( )**
7. Mahitaji makuu matatu ya viumbe hai vyote ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a)
chakula, mavazi na makazi (b) Hewa, maji na chakula (c) chakula hewa
na mavazi (d) chakula mavazi burudani **( )**
8. Nini hutokea maji yanapofikia nyuzi joto 100^0^C
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. (a) hupoa (b) huchemka (c) huganda (d)
hubadilika kuwa mvuke **( )**
9. Kitendo cha kubadilishana na kupeana habari huitwa? (a)
teknolojia (b) mawasiliano (c) huduma (d) mazungumzo **( )**
10. Nini hutokea pale mwanga unaposhindwa kupenya kwenye kitu. (a)
mwangwi (b) sura (c) kivuli (d) mwanga **( )**
11. Kazi ya jokofu nini? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) kutunza nguo (b) kuhifadhi
nguo (c) kuvipa ubaridi vyakula visiharibike (d) kuvipa joto vyakula
**( )**
12. Umuhimu wa side katika tumbo la binadamu ni \_\_\_\_\_\_ (a)
kuongeza radha (b) husaidia kuua vijidudu vya magonjwa (c)
kulainisha chakula (d) kufanya vyakula visiharibike **( )**
**SEHEMU "B"**
**Kuoanisha fungu "A" na fungu "B" ilikuleta maana kamili**
| **FUNGU "A"** | **FUNGU "B"** |
| 13. Majani, shina na mizizi **( | A. Kupima joto |
| )** | |
| | B. Kasoro za mmeng'enyo wa |
| 14. Kuvimbiwa **( )** | chakula |
| | |
| 15. Uwezo wa kufanya kazi **( )** | C. Virusi |
| | |
| 16. Kizingiti cha mgando wa maji | D. Protini |
| **( )** | |
| | E. 0^0^C |
| | |
| | F. Sehemu za mmea |
| | |
| | G. Sauti iliyoakisiwa |
| | |
| | H. Nishati |
**SEHEMU "C"**
17. Mimea na wanyama ni viumbe hai\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
18. Usafi wa mazingira ya nyumba na shuleni hutusaidia kujiepusha na
magonjwa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
19. Huduma ya kwanza hutolewa zahanati na hospitali
20. Njia kamili ya umeme huitwa sakiti
**SEHEMU "D"**
21. Chanzo kikuu cha asili cha nishati duniani ni
22. Maji katika hali ya gesi huitwa
23. Kuakisiwa kwa sauti huitwa
24. Kifaa kinachotumika kuwasiliana na mtu aliembali kwa maongezi ya
sauti huitwa\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
25. Baada ya kumpatia huduma ya kwanza mgonjwa, inapaswa apelekwe
**SHULE:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JINA
1. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
2. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
3. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
4. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
5. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
**SEHEMU "B"**
6. Mama yangu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ chakula kizuri jana jioni. (a) anapika (b)
alipika (c) atapika (d) amepika**( )**
7. Endapo \_\_\_\_\_\_ mtihani nitashangilia. (a) nilifaulu (b)
nitafaulu (c) nikifaulu (d) nimefaulu **( )**
8. Kulwa na doto \_\_\_\_\_ mpira kilasiku. (a) wanacheza (b)
kucheza (c) hucheza (d) walicheza **( )**
**SEHEMU "C"**
**Andika neno moja lenye maana ya maneno yafuatayo**
9. Bakuli, kijiko, sufuria, kisu
10. Soda, chai, togwa, juisi, kahawa
11. Kalamu, rula, karatasi, penseli, kitabu
**SEHEMU "D"**
**Vitendawili, Methali na Nahau**
12. Ubwabwa wa mwana mtamu
13. Kilembachake haazimishi
14. Pita huku nipite kule tukutane katikati
15. Tega ni kutege
16. Jungu kuu
17. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
18. Mcheza kwao
19. Toa maana ya nahau "piga mafufuku
20. Andika maana ya nahau "Pigambizi"
**Soma shairi lifuatalo kishajibu maswali yafuatayo.**
Kuku kapewa uwe[zo,]{.underline} kutaga na kuatamia,
Yai iache mizo[zo,]{.underline} kuangua wajisifia,
Unageuka uo[zo,]{.underline} jalalani kuingia,
Yai wewe ni mtoto, kuku kwako ndiye mama.
21. Silabi zilipangw mstari zinaitwaje
22. Ubeti huu una mishororo mingapi?
23. Kila mstari wa ubeti una mizani mingapi?
24. Kituo katika shairi hili ni
25. Shairi hili lina beti ngapi?
1. **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_**
2. **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_**
3. **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_**
4. **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_**
5. **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_**
6. A person who cuts people hair is called
7. A person who makes chairs, tables and desks is
8. Those men fly an aeroplane. They are
9. Where does a teacher work? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
**(at the church/at the hotel/at school/in class)**
10. Where do sick people go to be treated?
**(to their home/to the shop/to the hospital/to the market)**
11. My mother \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ugali last night
12. These boys \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ football daily
13. We \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ some water now.
**(**is drinking/are drinking/was drinking/were drinking**)**
14. The day after Monday is\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
15. We \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to the market yesterday
**Use the words in the box provided to fill the blanks**
**MWANISENGA** **24/11/2019** **YOUR LOVING **MBEYA** **DEAR
---------------- ---------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------
Vwawa Primary School
P.O. box 258,
16\. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
17\. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
It's my hopes that you are fine, you and the whole family. Back to my
side, I am fine also. We are going to complete our standard four
National Examination and looking forward for our holiday in December. I
will see you then.
**SECTION "E" Study the following time table and answer the questions**
DAY 8:00 -- 10:00 10:00 -- 11:00 4:00 -- 4:45
-------------- ------------------ ----------------- --------------------
21\. At what time does the school meeting
22\. At what time do games and the sports end?
23\. At what time does a school club begin? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
24\. At what time does the school meeting end?
25\. At what time do games and sports begin?
**SHULE:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JINA
1. Mfumo wa uchumi wa UMWINYI ulipatikana zaidi katika jamii.
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(a) Pwani (b) Iringa (c)
Wachaga **( )**
2. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ni siu ya Uhuru wa Tanganyika. (a)
9, Novemba (b) 9, Disemba (c) 7, Agosti (d) 26, April **( )**
3. Binadamu aligungua moto katika zama za mawe. (a) mwisho (b) kale (c)
kati (d) mwanzo **( )**
4. Sikukuu ambayo hufanyika tarehe 26 April kila mwaka ni
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. (a) mapinduzi ya Zanzibar (b) Meimosi kuzaliwa
kwa TANU (c) kuzaliwa kwa TANU (d) Muungano wa Tanganyika na
Zanzibar **( )**
5. Chimbuko la ukoo ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Kusini (b) Babu na
bibi (c) bibi (d) Mama **( )**
6. dira ikitulia mshale wake huonyesha \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a)
Kusini (b) kaskazini (c) Mashariki (d) Magharibi **( )**
7. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ni mila, asili, jadi na desturi
za kundi fulani. (a) Mavazi (b) Utamaduni (c) Lugha (d) Desturi **(
8. Moja kati ya shughuli zifuatazo husababisha uharibifu wa mazingira
kwa kiasi kikubwa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) upandaji miti (b) ufugaji kuku
kwa wingi (c) ukataji miti ovyo (d) kilimo cha mpunga **( )**
9. Binadamu huweza kufanya shughuli zake za maendeleo kwa kuwezeshwa na
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) hali ya hewa (b) mazingira (c) uoto (d)
mito **( )**
10. Matokeo yanayodhihirisha hali ya hewa ya mahali kwa muda fulani
huitwa\_\_\_\_\_ (a) mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa (b) vipengele vya
hali ya hewa (c) mvua (d) upepo **( )**
**SEHEMU "B" Oanisha kifungu "A" na "B" kuleta maana**
| * | | | | * | | | |
| *FUNGU | | | | * | | | |
| "A"** | | | | F | | | |
| | | | | U | | | |
| | | | | N | | | |
| | | | | G | | | |
| | | | | U | | | |
| | | | | " | | | |
| | | | | B | | | |
| | | | | " | | | |
| | | | | * | | | |
| | | | | * | | | |
| 11 | | | | A | | | |
| . Mkus | | | | . | | | |
| anyiko | | | | | | | |
| wa | | | | | | | |
| | | | | A | | | |
| maji | | | | n | | | |
| | | | | e | | | |
| 12. | | | | m | | | |
| Majira | | | | o | | | |
| ya | | | | m | | | |
| | | | | e | | | |
| mwaka | | | | t | | | |
| | | | | a | | | |
| 1 | | | | | | | |
| 3. Vip | | | | B | | | |
| engele | | | | . | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| vya | | | | | | | |
| | | | | M | | | |
| hali | | | | i | | | |
| ya | | | | t | | | |
| | | | | o | | | |
| hewa | | | | , | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| 14 | | | | | | | |
| . Mgan | | | | | | | |
| damizo | | | | | | | |
| wa | | | | m | | | |
| | | | | a | | | |
| hewa | | | | z | | | |
| | | | | i | | | |
| 15. | | | | w | | | |
| Upepo | | | | a | | | |
| | | | | , | | | |
| uvumao | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| kasi | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | b | | | |
| | | | | a | | | |
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| * | **10** | **11** | **1 | | **13** | **14** | **15** |
| *FUNGU | | | 2** | | | | |
| "A"** | | | | | | | |
| * | | | | | | | |
| *FUNGU | | | | | | | |
| "B"** | | | | | | | |
**SEHEMU "C" Andika "Kweli" au "Si Kweli"**
16. Faida ya mvua ni kulainisha ardhi, kustawisha mimea na kuleta maji
17. Kiongozi mkuu wa wahaya alijulikana kama Omukama
18. Ushirikiano haujali mahusiano katika jamii
19. Dr. Leaky na mke wake Mary Leaky ndio waligundua fuvu la binadamu
20. Kiongozi wa dola la utemi aliitwa Mwinyi
**SEHEMU "D" Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi**
21. Makabila ambayo bado yanaishi maisha ya kijima Tanzania ni
Wahadzabe, Watindiga na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
22. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ni mfumo wa kiuchumi wa utawala ambao
msingi mkuu wa mahitaji mali ardhi umiliki na watu wachache.
23. Taja rangi nne za bendera ya Taifa
<!-- -->
a) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
b) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
c) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
d) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
<!-- -->
24. Kifaa kinachotumika kupima joto la binadamu ni
25. Zifuatazo ni aina za ukabila nchini Tanzania
<!-- -->
i) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
ii) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
iii) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
iv) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
**SHULE:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JINA
| 1. 9 + 117 + 1018= | 18. Saa dakika |
| | |
| 2. 1340 -- 685 = | 6 45 |
| | |
| 3. 314 × 14 = | \+ 2 59 |
| | |
| 4. Andika 13 kwa namba za | 19. Saa dakika |
| kirumi. | |
| | 8 00 |
| 5. Andika kwa namba za kawaida | |
| XLVII | - 4 50 |
| | |
| 6. Andika thmani ya namba (8) | 20. Andika muda ufuatao kwa |
| 19867 = | tarakimu saa kumi na dakika |
| | kumi na tano. |
| 7. $\frac{1}{12} | |
| + \frac{6}{12} + \frac{4}{12} =$ | 21. Sh st |
| | |
| 8. $ | 2680 30 |
| \frac{11}{14}\ - \ \frac{8}{14}$ | |
| = | 130 60 |
| | |
| 9. Andika sehemu iliyotiwa | 22. Sh st |
| kivuli | |
| | 1850 00 |
| 10. Kuna mistari minyoofu mingapi | |
| katika mchoro ufuatao. | \- 99 25 |
| | |
| A B C | 23. Sh st |
| | |
| 11. Urefu wa mstatili ni mita 50 | 120 30 |
| na upana wake ni mita 40. | |
| Tafuta eneo lake. | × 4 |
| | |
| 12. Tafuta eneo la mraba ambao | 24. 17 1734 |
| urefu wake wa upande mmoja ni | |
| meta 30. | 25. Tafuta mzingo wa mraba wenye |
| | urefu was m 10 na upana wa |
| 13. Tafuta mzingo wa mraba ambao | sm 5. |
| upande wake n ism 4. | |
| | |
| 14. M30 + M45 = | |
| \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | |
| | |
| 15. Badili mm20 kuwa sentimeta. | |
| | |
| 16. Badili kiligramu kuwa gramu. | |
| | |
| 17. Mama anahitaji lita 2 za | |
| maziwa. Je atanunua paketi | |
| ngapi za maziwa za lita | |
| $\frac{1}{2}$ lita? | |
**[TIME: 2 Hours Tuesday, 30^th^ November 2021 a.m.]{.underline}**
- This paper consists of section A, B, and C
- Answer all questions in section A and B and one question from
section C
- Write your name on every page of your answer sheet
1\. For each of the items (i) -- (x), choose the correct answer from
among the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided
i\. Unicellular organisms are
A. Paramecium and amoeba B. Paramecium and dog
C. Elephant and dog D. Plasmodium and mushroom
ii\. The part of the microscope where specimen placed
A. Eye piece B. Mirror C. Stage D. Diaphragm
iii\. The site of a cell in which food of plant is made
A. Mitochondria B. Chloroplast C. Ribosome D. Lysosome
iv\. Used for cutting dressing materials in the provision of first aid
A. Scissor B. Gauze C. Liniment D. Safety pins
v\. Substance going in and out of the cell are controlled by
A. Cytoplasm B. Cell membrane C. Vacuole D. tonoplast
vi\. The organism that cause malaria is known as
A. Schistosoma B. Plasmodium C. Mosquito D. Amoeba
vii\. If you are asked to prepare a first aid kit with its components,
which of the following will not be included?
A. Iodine tincture B. Medicine to cure disease
C. Pair of scissor D. Sterilized cotton wool
viii\. The cell that transport oxygen and carbon dioxide gas in the body
A. Red blood cell B. White blood cell C. Sperm cell D. Root hair cell
ix\. The instrument used to measure length of an object
A. Thermometer B. Ruler C. Beam balance D. Spectrometer
x\. The poison produced by snake is called
A. Antigen B. antibody C. Venom D. toxic
2\. Write **TRUE** for correct statement and **FALSE** for the statement
which is not correct in the space provided
i\. Sterilized gauze is used for bandaging to allow enough air to get to
wound \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
ii\. Organ is a group of tissues that perform the same function
iii\. Strong acids are corrosive substances
iv\. Panadol and Asprin are painkillers
v\. Snake and mouse are unicellular
vi\. Hand lens makes the substance and specimens smaller
vii\. Stings is caused by bee bite
viii\. Antiseptic used for washing wound
ix\. Dressing properly is a good manners
x\. Carbon dioxide gas is a environmental waste
3\. Match the phrases in List A with responses in List B by writing the
letter of correct response
| **LIST A** | **LIST B** |
| i\. The part of a cell that found | A. Prokaryotes |
| in only plant cell | |
| | B. Eukaryotes |
| ii\. It controls all cell | |
| activities | C. Rabies |
| | |
| iii\. The part of cell that | D. Mitochondria |
| produce energy | |
| | E. Cytoplasm |
| iv\. They have bounded nuclear | |
| membrane | F. Malaria |
| | |
| v\. The disease that caused by | G. Nucleus |
| dog bite | |
| | H. Chloroplast |
| | |
| | I. Cell membrane |
LIST A i ii iii iv v
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
4\. Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct
answer in the space provided
i\. The tools and equipments needed in the laboratory for conducting an
experiments \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
ii\. The poison produced by snake
iii\. The practice of keeping the body and environment clean
iv\. The waste that can transmit infections and diseases
v\. The method of waste disposal where by wastes are putting into ground
and covered by soil \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
Answer **all** questions in this section
5\. What do you understand by the following?
a/ Botany b/ Mycology c/ Biologist d/ Cytology
6\. Mention six stages of scientific methods of studying Biology in
orderly form
7\. a/ What is a waste disposal?
b/ Name three basic principles of disposing waste
8\. a/ Give four requirements needed in personal hygiene and good
b/ Give four activities that maintain personal hygiene
9\. By examples and drawings, explain the following warning signs
a/ Corrosive b/ Toxic substance c/ Flammable
10\. a/ Give four importance of first Aid
b/ List four components of First Aid Kit
11\. a/ List down those common accidents that occur at home and school
b/ Mention four activities that help to prevent accidents at home and
12\. Explain, how can you help a person who drink poison
Answer only **one** question in this section
13\. Explain, five effects of poor waste disposal
14\. Explain, six characteristics of Living things
**TIME: 2:30 Hours**
**Wednesday, 1st December 2021 a.m.**
### Instructions
i. This paper consists of **ten (10) compulsory** questions.
ii. Each question carries **ten (10)** marks.
iii. Whenever necessary use $\pi = \frac{22}{7}$.
### 1.
(a) Evaluate $4200 - (2100 + 1100) \div 80 + 75$ [5 marks]
(b) Divide the LCM of numbers $420,\ 264,$ and $180$ by their GCF. [5 marks]
### 2.
(a) There are $323$ students at Wishiteleja Secondary School. Round off this number to the nearest hundreds. [2 marks]
(b) Round off each of the following numbers as instructed in brackets:
i. $529$ (to hundreds) [2 marks]
ii. $0.325$ (to tenths) [2 marks]
iii. $0.213$ (to two significant figures) [2 marks]
Hence, find the approximate value of $\frac{529 \times 0.213}{0.325}$. [2 marks]
### 3.
(a) Evaluate $\frac{2}{3} + \left( \frac{2}{5} - \frac{1}{6} \right) \div \frac{1}{3}$ [5 marks]
(b) Write a fraction for the shaded and unshaded parts in the figure below:

[2 marks]
(c) Find $\frac{2}{3}$ of the number of days in September. [3 marks]
### 4.
(a) Subtract $0.8$ of 120 from $28\%$ of $900$. [2 marks]
(b) Change $1.3\dot{5}$ into fractions. [5 marks]
(c) $0.6$ of Form I students come from the town center. What percentage does not come from the town center? [3 marks]
### 5.
(a) Write $3.15\ pm$ using the $24$-hour clock. [2 marks]
(b) Convert $24$ hours into seconds. [3 marks]
(c) Write $750g$ as a fraction of $5kg$. [5 marks]
### 6.
(a) Give names of the following polygons:
(i) ………… (ii) ………… [2 marks]
(b) State two properties of an isosceles triangle. [2 marks]
(c) The second angle ($x$) of a triangle is double the first angle ($y$). The third angle ($z$) is $40^\circ$ less than the first angle ($x$). Find the value of the three angles. [6 marks]
### 7.
(a) Find the value of $\frac{3(x + 2)}{y(w - 1)}$ where $x = 3,\ y = -1,$ and $w = -2$. [3 marks]
(b) The age of Mr. Kobe is twice that of Mr. Jojo. If the sum of their ages is 87 years, find their respective ages. [4 marks]
(c) Find the solution of the inequality $|y| \leq 2$. Hence, show it on a number line. [3 marks]
### 8.
(a) Matiku bought a book for Tshs. $120,000$. A year later he sold the book at a profit of $20\%$. What was the selling price of the book? [5 marks]
(b) Find the time in which Tshs. $300,000$ will earn Tshs. $60,000$ at an interest rate of $10\%$ per annum. [3 marks]
(c) Simplify $777:147:273$. [2 marks]
### 9.
(a) Find the equation of the straight line passing through points $A(5,5)$ and $B(-1,2)$. [4 marks]
(b) Solve the following simultaneous equations by using the graphical method:
0.1x + 0.1y = 0.1 \\
0.2x + 0.1y = 0.3
[6 marks]
### 10.
(a) The area of a rectangular floor is $1125m^{2}$. If its length is five times the width, find its perimeter. [5 marks]
(b) Find the total length of a semi-circular metal whose radius is $77cm$. [5 marks]
**End of Examination**
HISTORY (copy).md | # HISTORY
1. List all Western Sudanic States that you have read.
2. What are centralized states?
3. Define non-centralized states.
4. What do you understand about matrilineal clan organization?
5. An organization in which the heritage was based on the father's line is called ..................
6. What are the functions of the clan head?
7. What is Trans-Saharan trade?
8. List all the methods of obtaining salt.
9. What is industry?
10. Define handcraft industry.
11. What are the impacts of local trade?
12. List down examples of regional trade.
13. What are the impacts of using iron tools in East Africa? (List 5)
14. List down 8 effects of fire to man during the Middle Stone Age.
15. When did man start using iron?
16. List down five impacts of using iron tools.
17. Explain in one sentence, "how fire was discovered."
18. Ape, Gorilla, Monkey, and Chimpanzee are commonly known as ................................
19. Who is **Homo sapiens sapiens**?
20. List two theories of the evolution of man.
i. Define two theories of the evolution of man.
ii. Which theory of the creation of man is narrated through the Bible?
iii. List down two Australopithecus African family members.
21. How many sources of historical information do you know?
i. List down all the sources of historical information that you have read.
ii. What is meant by the term "sources of HISTORY"?
Biology | BIOLOG





# Table Of Contents
| FORM FOUR …………………………………………………………..…………………… | 60 |
| FORM THREE ……………………………………………………………...…………..…... | 35 |
| FORM TWO …………………………………………………………………….……..…… | 12 |
| FORM ONE ………………………………………………………………………………..… | 2 |
1 Biology

Biology- is the scientific study of life and living things
## 1: Waste Disposal
Pollutant - A substance present in a large enough quantity in the environment to be harmful to living things Recycling - The reuse of waste paper, metal, glass or other raw materials to conserve raw materials and reduce pollution Proper ways of disposing of waste -
Recovery, recycling, reduction, safe disposal Recovery - Turning materials considered to be waste into something useful (ex. changing cow dung into biogas)
Recycling - Bringing items to a secondary processing place where they are turned into other useful items Reduction of Use - Reducing waste production by buying more durable, less toxic materials which use less packaging Safe Waste Disposal - Disposal of waste in a safe area or a landfill which is designed to hold waste Safe Disposal Site - A site to dump waste which has been approved by the appropriate authorities in Government
## 2: Health
Immunity - The body's ability to prevent an infection by having antibodies which fight against pathogens.
It is the ability of the body to resist diseases Types of Immunity -
Naturally Acquired Immunity - A type of immunity developed by an organism's body against particular disease after exposure to the microorganism causing the disease Artificially Acquired Immunity - A type of immunity in which an organism develops after being vaccinated against an infection Diseases against which children are immunized -
Polio, tuberculosis, diphtheria, measles, tetanus, pertusis (whooping cough), small pox, hepatitis B, mumps
## Infections And Diseases
Disease - An abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism Endemic - Diseases which occur in one region only Epidemic - Occurs when a diseases rapidly spreads through a large portion of a population Pandemic - Occurs when an epidemic spreads across whole continents (ex AIDS)
Non-communicable Diseases - Diseases which are not infectious and are caused by factors like malnutrition, inheritance, environment or hormones Examples of Non-communicable Diseases -
Sickle-cell anemia, lung cancer, diabetes, marasmus, kwashiorkor, scurvy, rickets, night blindness, anemia CAUSES, TRANSMISSION AND PREVENTION OF VARIOUS DISEASES -
Causes - Microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria or fungi Transmission - Direct contact with an affected individual or sharing of utensils Symptoms - Swelling of the spinal and brain tissues Prevention -
Vaccination avoiding contact with infected individuals use of preventive antibiotics CHOLERA -
Causes - Bacteria called V. cholera found in water contaminated by feces from diseased carriers Transmission - Through direct contamination of food or water by feces as a result of poor hygiene Symptoms -
Watery diarrhea vomiting excessively body weakness fast pulse loss of body weight severe dehydration tightening of muscles with cramps in hands and feet Prevention -
Provision of clean and safe drinking water heating food to high temperatures keeping food/drinks covered washing hands before eating wash fruits/vegetables in safe water proper sewage treatment and sanitation improve personal and public hygiene proper use of toilets treating carriers of the disease to break the cycle vaccination Effects -
Severe diarrhea damage to cell lining in intestine delay in treatment can lead to death MALARIA -
Causes - Four parasites of the genus plasmodium (*P malaria, P vivax, P ovale, P falciparum*) Transmission - Mosquitoes carry the plasmodium and infect humans by biting them Symptoms -
High fever dizziness joint pain sometimes vomiting Prevention -
Attacking the source -
Drain unwanted ponds and pools clear bushes and grass around a living environment introduction of animals which eat mosquitoes do not leave standing water Interrupting Transmission -
Sleep under mosquito nets use mosquito repellents and insecticides burn mosquito coils to expel mosquitoes Protect the Host -
Effective treatment when sick, malaria prophylaxis like chloroquine or mephaquine BILHARZIAS **(Schistomiasis) -**
Occurs in the abdomen or urinary tract Causes - Caused by flatworms in the large and small intestine or urinary bladder Transmission - The worm lives in a snail until it produces larva which swim in a body of water and infect a human who is swimming there. They enter the water when a person with the worm urinates in the water Symptoms -
Pain and blood during urination due to the ulceration of the bladder and urethra, nausea loss of appetite blood in feces Prevention -
Killing host snails introduction of ducks to eat snails destroy breeding places of snails treat patients so the life cycle is broken educating people on the importance of latrines and boiling water RICKETS -
Causes -
Lack of vitamin D, common in children without access to vitamin D
Symptoms -
Bone tenderness dental problems skeletal deformity Prevention -
Dietary supplements or more exposure to sunlight SHOCK -
Is a sudden loss of consciousness arising from the failure of blood to circulate properly to all body parts, especially the brain Causes -
Emotional stress low blood pressure illness (malaria or anemia)
severe injury/blood loss SYPHILIS -
Transmission - Sexually transmitted disease Effects -
Death of an unborn baby if syphilis is transmitted to the baby deafness of the baby a person with syphilis can become blind or have heart disease TYPHOID -
Causes - Ingestion of contaminated water or food by the feces of an infected person which contain the salmonella bacteria Symptoms -
High fever sweating diarrhea inflammation of the GI tract Prevention -
Sanitation and hygiene to prevent people from eating or drinking contaminated food or water HEART BURN -
A burning sensation in the chest caused by the regurgitation of gastric acid Prevention of hearth burn -
Use of medicine to stop the regurgitation of gastric acid
## Diseases Caused By Bacteria -
| Tuberculosis | pneumonia | syphilis |
| cholera | gonorrhea | throat infection |
| diphtheria | salmonella (food poisoning) | |
| tetanus (lockjaw) | meningitis | |
| leprosy | botulism | ringworm |
| AIDS | | measles |
| rubella | influenza (the flu) | |
Diseases caused by Viruses -
| Malaria | bilharzias |
| dysentery | sleeping sickness |
polio smallpox herpes mumps Diseases caused by Parasites - Diseases caused by Fungi -
Ringworm athlete's foot thrush Diseases transmitted by Polluted Water -
Cholera typhoid fever schistosomiasis bacterial dysentery amoebiasis (amoebic dysentery)
## Diseases Associated With Uncooked Food -
All types of bacterial, viral and worm infections Cause of fainting - Sudden drop of blood pressure Anorexia Nervosa - An obsessive desire to lose weight by eating very little food Emphysema - Thinning of the lung tissue leading to the rupture of alveoli. Caused by smoking Hypothermia - The cooling of the body until it is well below the normal 37°C
Meningitis - Inflammatory condition Pathology - The scientific study of the effects on the body of disease Vaccine - A suspension of dead, inactivated or harmless germs which when introduced to the blood stream stimulates the production of antibodies and makes the body immune to attack from that disease
## Hiv/Aids And Stds
HIV - The virus which causes AIDS. It is transmitted by unsafe sex with an infected person, blood transfusion, sharing of needles by drug users AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) - A disease caused by a virus which damages the immune system so that humans are unable to fight disease Ways to contract HIV -
Unsafe sex sharing of needles breast milk transmission by mother to baby at birth Ways not to contract HIV -
Hugging touching kissing mosquitoes swimming with an infected person How to care for those with HIV/AIDS -
Clinical Care -
Preventative care with antibiotics insecticide treated nets improving quality of drinking water good hygiene practices nutritional counseling Social Care -
Avoiding segregation of HIV victims, provide counseling, family support groups encouraging them not to spread HIV encourage physical exercise Ways to care for HIV/AIDS patients -
Avoiding stigmatization provide balanced diet support them mentally/physically/socially/financially love them clean their living environment send them to health centers for treatment and ARVs
## 3. Cell Structure And Organization
Main parts of a cell -
Cell Membrane - Made of living material. Its function is to enclose and protect the inner parts of the cell by selectively allowing certain substances to pass through while preventing others making it selectively permeable Nucleus - Is a spherical or oval body which is seen when cells are stained. It is composed of a fluid called nucleoplasm and is surrounded by a membrane called the nucleo-membrane.
The nucleus controls the life processes of a of a cell such as growth, respiration and synthesis of materials. The nucleus also controls the hereditary characteristics of an organism Cell Wall - Is made up of non living material called cellulose. The major function is to give shape and support to the cell. The cell wall is freely permeable to water and gases Cytoplasm - Is composed of a mixture of chemicals and water whose role is to store food Chloroplasts (Plants Only) - Small bodies within cytoplasm containing chlorophyll. It is the where photosynthesis occurs producing carbohydrates for the plant Cell Vacuole - Cavity within cytoplasm filled with sap and enclosed by a membrane called vacuolar membrane. The accumulation of water in the vacuole creates pressure to exert on the cytoplasm and the cell wall to make plant cells firm and strong


Examples of cells in the Human Body -
The longest cell - Nerve cell (neuron) A motile cell - Sperm A cell with strong contractile ability - Muscle cell A cell which moves and feeds like an amoeba - White blood cell Cell - A unit of living matter consisting of a nucleus, cytoplasm and a cell membrane Cell Membrane - The semi-permeable membrane which forms the outer surface of all cells Cell Wall - Outer membrane surrounding a cell which is made of cellulose and controls the flow of particles in and out of the cell through osmosis Cytoplasm - All of the contents of a cell except its nucleus Internal Environment - The tissue fluid that bathes every cell of the body and supplies all of their food and oxygen requirements Mitochondria - Rod-shaped organelles in the cytoplasm of cells which is concerned with respiration Nucleus - Part of the cell which contains chromosomes and controls cell metabolism and division Wall Pressure - A cell taking in water by osmosis inflates until its cellulose wall cannot be stretched further, this restraining force is called wall pressure Cholesterol - A substance found mainly in animal fats which form part of the cell membranes. Excessive cholesterol in ones diet can lead to blocked arteries Cilia - Small hair-like strands on the surface of certain cells i.e. paramecium. They flick back and forth allowing for movement in fluids Differentiation - The process by which cells become specialized to perform a particular function Semi-permeable Membrane - A membrane which allows certain substances to pass through but prevents others e.g. the cell membrane Tissue - A collection of similar cells which work together to perform a particular function Organ - Part of a living organism formed when different tissues work together to perform a general function Characteristics of all Living Things -
| Nutrition | respiration | |
| excretion | response | |
| reproduction | growth | movement |
## 3. Classification Of Living Things
Classification - The process of grouping animals by similar characteristics or heritage Advantages of scientific name of organisms -
Avoids repetition of names makes it easier for scientists to study organisms based on features of organisms universally agreed upon system Reason that humans of all races are the same species (Homo Sapiens) -
All have similar genetic constitution and morphology can interbreed freely to give fertile offspring Advantages of classification -
Makes it easier to identify an organism easier to describe organisms in a group helps predict characteristics present in organisms creates a standard system for classifying organisms provides organized system provides supporting evidence for evolution Binomial Nomenclature - The process of giving living things two scientific names. The first name belongs to the genus and the second name belongs to the species in which an organism belongs Pedigree - A record of ancestral history of an individual shown in the form of a chart, table or diagram Differentiate between homologous and analogous structures -
Homologous Structures - Structures performing different functions but having the same or similar origin
(e.g. limbs can be used for swimming, flying, running or grasping)
Analogous Structures - Structures performing the same function but having a different evolutionary history (e.g. bats and birds can fly with wings but they originated separately)
## Types Of Classification Systems
Artificial Classification - A method of grouping organisms by their physical characteristics together (ie all animals with wings)
Advantages -
Stable system easy to identify organisms less expensive doesn't consume time Disadvantages -
Unrelated organisms are grouped together has no predictive value Natural Classification - A method of grouping organisms by biological similarities showing the real relationship between organisms Advantages -
Has predictive value more information about members in each group evolutionally closely related organisms are placed together in the same group Disadvantages -
Expensive requires more experiments time consuming difficult to identify organisms only organisms with many features will be easily identified MAJOR GROUPS OF LIVING THINGS
Characteristics of Viruses -
Require nutrients reproduce (inside a living cell)
grow by producing a new protein coat lacks respiration and production of energy no true cell structure, no evidence of sensitivity does not feed/excrete/grow/respire Differences between Viruses and Bacteria -
Viruses have only DNA or RNA but not both bacteria have both RNA and DNA
outer layer of a virus is covered in protein material called a capsid the outermost surface of a bacterium is covered by a slime capsule viruses have no cell walls bacteria possess cell walls viruses do not have chromosomes bacteria possess chromosomes viruses do not have structures for locomotion like flagella viruses do not have food granules for food storage Major basic structures of a virus -
Core (Head) - Contains genetic material (DNA/RNA)
Endplate - What the virus uses to attach to a cell Capsid (Coat) - A protective coat of protein surrounding the core Envelope - The additional layer of protein around the capsid found in viruses like HIV
and influenza KINGDOM MONERA
Characteristics of Monera -
Single celled have no nucleus have a single circular chromosome Functions of Antibiotics -
Kill microorganisms prevent multiplication of microorganisms Examples of antibiotics - Penicillin, streptomycin Nitrifying Bacteria - Bacteria in the soil which convert the decaying remains of organisms into soil nitrate Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria - Bacteria in the soil and root nodules which convert nitrogen in the air to soil nitrates Prokaryote - A group of organisms lacking a cell nucleus (ex bacteria)
Economic importance of Bacteria -
Positive -
Decomposition of pollutants i.e. urea/carbon dioxide decomposition of dead organic matter nitrogen fixing in soils to be used by plants increasing soil fertility manufacture vinegar/lactic acid/citric acid manufacturing certain kinds of medicine production of cattle feed creation of hormones Negative -
Causes diseases spoils food/vegetables denitrification KINGDOM PROTOCTISTA
Eukaryote - A group of organisms with a cell nucleus (ex plants, animals)
Characteristics of Protoctista -
Mainly aquatic single celled one nucleus move by pseudopodia cilia or flagella some parasitic Examples of Protozoa - Amoeba, paramecium, plasmodium Flagellum - A tail like projection that protrudes from a cell body whose function is locomotion Importance of Protozoa -
Positive -
Algae release oxygen for animals to breathe carbon dioxide absorption is carried out by algae form the base of food chains seaweed can be used as fertilizer Negative -
Cause diseases like malaria dysentery sleeping sickness 1. CLASSIFICATION OF LIVING THINGS
Hyphae - Fine hollow threads which make up the body of many fungi, their purpose is to digest and absorb nutrients by secreting enzymes outside of the cells and absorbing the products of this digestion Mycelium - A collection of hyphae Rhizoids - Hair-like structures of mosses or fungi that absorb water and nutrients Decomposers - Fungi and certain bacteria which breakdown (decompose) dead organisms into humus and minerals Chitin - The main component of cell walls of fungi, exoskeletons of arthropods and insects Saprotrophs - Organisms which feed on organic matter such as the dead remains of animals and plants by releasing enzymes that digest the food externally, reducing it to a liquid which is absorbed into the saprotroph's body (e.g. certain types of bacteria and fungi/mushrooms)
Economic importance of Fermentation -
Breweries manufacture alcoholic drinks like beer and wine baking bread (leavening of bread by fermentation)
fermentation of tobacco leaves to make cigarettes Characteristics of Fungi -
Mainly terrestrial no chlorophyll saprophytic mycelium consisting of filaments called hyphae cell wall of fungal cellulose sexual reproduction Examples of Fungi -
Rhizopus, mushroom, penicillium, mucor Characteristics of Ascomycota (kingdom Fungi) - Reproduces asexually Examples of Ascomycota - Yeast Economic importance of yeast -
Alcohol production bread production Importance of Fungi -
Positive -
Yeast is used for fermentation used to manufacture penicillin production of citric acid used in research Negative -
Causes decomposition of natural materials like leather and wood can spoil food can cause disease KINGDOM PLANTAE
Characteristics of kingdom plantae -
Have cellulose in their walls capable of photosynthesis body is differentiated into tissues organs and systems Characteristics of Algae -
Aquatic possess chlorophyll body not differentiated into root stem or leaf sexual reproduction by swimming gametes Examples of Algae -
Green, red and brown seaweed, spirogyra Epiphyte - A plant that grows upon another plant (ex. tree) non-parasitically Hydrophytes (Aquatic Plants) - Plants that have adapted to living in or on aquatic environments Mesophytes - Terrestrial plants which are adapted for neither dry nor wet environments Xerophytes - Plants that can survive in an environment with little available water (e.g. cacti)
Division Bryophyta (Mosses)
Bryophyta - A plant body not differentiated into root, stem and leaves such as mosses Characteristics of Bryophyta -
Terrestrial may have stem and leaf like structures well defined sexual reproduction has chlorophyll plant body not differentiated into root stem and leaves no vascular tissues live in damp shady places Examples of Bryophyta - Mosses Characteristics of Hepatica (Liverworts) -
Rhizoids are unicellular simple sporophyte with no chlorophyll Examples of Liverworts - Pellia Division Filicinophyta (Pteridophyta) (Ferns) Characteristics of Pteridophyta -
Terrestrial highly differentiated with body and stem leaf and root structures high degree of internal tissue differentiation possess chlorophyll well defined sexual reproduction found in water arid country or as epiphytes in trees Examples of Pteridophyta - Ferns 2. NUTRITION Autotrophs - An organism that produces its own food by photosynthesis (ex plants, producers)
Heterotrophs - An organism that gets its nutrition from other animals or plants or from the environment
(ex. animals, fungi, bacteria)
Balanced Diet - A diet which contains all types of food nutrients at the right proportions for a healthy human Constituents of a Balanced Diet -
Carbohydrates proteins fats and oils vitamins (A, B, C, D, K) mineral salts water roughage (fiber)
Carbohydrates - Energy source for living things (ex glucose, sucrose) Sources of carbohydrates - Wheat, maize, cassava Proteins - Used as building blocks of tissue and muscle in the body. All proteins contain nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen Sources of proteins - Beans, meat Fats and Oils - Provides energy to the body and insulates it from heat loss Sources of fats and oils - Peanuts, cashews, coconuts Vitamins - Essential for normal health in a variety of roles Vitamin A - Necessary for normal growth in children and for proper functioning of eyesight Vitamin B - Strengthens the muscles of the body Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) - Strengthens the gums and is involved in fighting disease Vitamin D - Helps strengthen bones Vitamin K - Essential for the process of blood clotting Mineral Salts - Used in the development and maintenance of bones (iodine, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium)
Water - The main solvent in the body Roughage (Fiber) - Encourages peristaltic movement
## Malnutrition -
Deficiency disease caused by overfeeding or underfeeding as a result of an unbalanced diet Causes of malnutrition -
Poverty ignorance diseases religious beliefs or taboos crop failure war early weaning lack of access to different types of foods Kwashiorkor - Caused by a lack of proteins Symptoms -
Retarded growth swelling of limbs due to excess body fluids loss of appetite loss of weight anemia change in the colour of hair from black to light brown Treatment -
Providing a child with a balanced diet containing protein Marasmus - Caused by a lack of carbohydrates providing energy Symptoms -
Crying often wrinkled skin loss of weight good appetite present Treatment -
Provide a balanced diet with carbohydrates Obesity - Occurs when a person eats too many carbohydrates Symptoms -
Person becomes overweight or obese due to body fat depositions in their body Treatment -
Exercise more eat less carbohydrate rich foods maintaining a balanced diet Vitamin E is produced by humans Effects of Mineral Deficiency -
Iodine - Goiter Calcium - Weak bones and teeth Iron - Anemia Sodium - Muscle cramps
## Digestive System In Humans
Why a person can swallow something while standing on their head -
Once food enters the esophagus a series of wave-like muscular contractions in the walls of the esophagus (peristalsis) start and the food is pushed towards the stomach and other parts of the alimentary canal Metabolism - All of the chemical and physical processes necessary for life Anabolism - The chemical reactions of metabolism that build up complex substances from simple materials, they require energy which comes from catabolism Catabolism - A chemical reaction of metabolism which breaks down complex substances into simple ones and release energy Biological importance of Saliva -
Contains the digestive enzyme salivary amylase which digests starch to maltose, lubricates food for easier swallowing Importance of Bile -
Salts in bile break down fats through emulsification reacts with fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) to make them water soluble salts in bile neutralize HCl Autolysis - Refers to the destruction of a cell through the action of its own enzymes i.e. self digestion Lipase - An enzyme which digests fats and oils Catalysts - Substances that increase the speed of a chemical reaction and are used up in the reaction i.e. enzymes Deanimation - The breakdown of unwanted amino acids in the liver by removal of nitrogen containing part of the nucleus Distase - An enzyme which digests stored starch in seeds Emulsification - Breakdown of fats into droplets Protease - An enzyme which digests protein Trypsin - An enzyme produced by the pancreas which digests proteins converting them to amino acids Enzymes which digest protein cannot digest starch because different enzymes can only break down specific types of substrates Absorption - The movement of digested (soluble) food through the walls of the alimentary canal into the blood stream Amylase - A type of enzyme which digests carbohydrates, Alimentary Canal (Gut) - A tube running from the mouth to the anus inside which digestion and absorption take place Assimilation - Utilization of digested food to build cells in the body Bile - A greenish-yellow liquid made in the liver which is passed into the duodenum where its function is to aid in the digestion of fats Cecum - A part of the intestine at the junction between the ileum and colon, serves no function in man but is used for digestion of cellulose in herbivores Chyme - The semi-fluid mass of partly digested food expelled by the stomach into the duodenum Cilium - An organelle found in eukaryotic cells which help to move nutrients or other cells along in the organism Colon - Part of the large intestine, its function is to absorb water and mineral salts from feces Digestion - The process by which food is made soluble by the action of digestive juices (enzymes)
Dormancy - A resting, inactive condition in which metabolism almost stops Duodenum - The part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the ileum Esophagus - The tube through which food passes from the mouth to the stomach Fatty Acids - Chemical components released when fats are broken down during digestion
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM IN HUMAN **Fermentation -** The breakdown of sugar by

organisms such as yeast and bacteria which takes place under anaerobic condition Gastrointestinal Tract - Refers to the stomach and intestines Gall Bladder - A small bladder inside the liver where bile is stored Glycogen - A carbohydrate similar to starch. It is stored in the liver and muscles of mammals and then is converted into glucose as the body requires energy for metabolism Hepatic Portal Vein - Vessel in which blood containing absorbed food is carried from the intestine to the liver Lacteal - Part of the lymphatic system which extends through the centre of the villus. Its purpose is to absorb digested fat from the ileum Larynx - The voice box Mucus - A sticky fluid produced by goblets cells Pepsin - An enzyme produced by the stomach which begins the digestion of proteins Peristalsis - A wave-like contraction of the tubular organs such as the alimentary canal (gut) which propels the contents of the tube in one direction Pharynx - An area at the back of the mouth immediately above the trachea and esophagus Rectum - The last part of the alimentary canal Saliva - Fluids produced and released into the mouth by three pairs of salivary glands in response to food. Contains the enzyme salivary amylase, mucin and minerals. Saliva is alkaline so the pH will be lowered Sphincter - A ring of muscle found in the walls of tubular organs such as the alimentary canal whose contraction slows or stops movements of substances through the tube Stomach - A bag like organ at the end of the esophagus Trachea - The wind pipe Villi - Minute finger-like structures on the inner surfaces of the duodenum and ileum. These occur in the millions greatly increasing the surface area available for absorption Liver - Detoxifies poisonous substances in the body such as alcohol, performs deamination to break down amino acids and form urea
Functions of the Liver -
Helps regulate blood sugar levels stores fat to prevent starvation deamination storing vitamin A and D
stores iron from broken down erythrocytes (red blood cells)
Ileum - The region of the alimentary canal between the duodenum and colon where digestion is completed and absorption takes place, small intestine. It also secretes intestinal juice Intestinal Juice (Succus Entericus) - Juice containing proteins which help to break down food substance as it passed through the ileum
## Contents And Roles Of Intestinal Juice -
Mucus - Helps to lubricate the intestinal wall and prevents autolysis Mineral Salts - Produced in order to neutralize the acid chyme from the stomach and to provide a more suitable pH for the action of enzymes in the intestine Enzymes -
Protease - Convert peptides into smaller peptides and amino acids and hydrolyses dipeptides into amino acids Enterokinase - A non-digestive enzyme which activates the trypsinogen produced by the pancreas Nucleotidase - Converts nucleotides into sugars, organic bases and phosphoric acid Carbohydrases -
Amylase - Completes the hydrolysis of starch to maltose Maltase - Hydrolyses maltose into glucose Lactase - Hydrolyses lactose (the sugar in milk) into glucose and galactose Sucrase - Hydrolyses sucrose into glucose and fructose
## Factors Affecting The Absorption Of Digested Food In The Ileum -
-Being well supplied with blood capillaries to ensure digested food substances are absorbed into the blood -must have a thin epithelial lining which is permeable to molecules like glucose which will increase the rate of diffusion of the digested food substances
-the epithelial cells must be rich in mitochondria to provide energy for their activities since the absorption of some nutrients must be forced since absorption is taken against their concentration gradient
-must possess a large surface area for absorption Efficient absorption in the ileum through a large **surface area is achieved in the following ways -**
It is long (almost 6m in humans) its walls are folded to provide large internal projections the folds themselves have numerous villi the epithelial cells lining the villi are covered with minute projections called microvilli Tubers - Various types of plants with modified structures that are enlarged to store nutrients Root Tubers - A modified root whose purpose is as a storage organ (ex. cassava, sweet potatoes) Stem Tubers - A plant with a modified stem whose purpose is as a storage organ (ex. Irish potatoes) Uses of elements in plants -
Phosphorus -
Source - Phosphate Role - Synthesis of proteins, nucleic acid and ATP Deficiency - Stunted growth, particularly of roots Nitrogen -
Source - Nitrates and ammonium Role - Protein synthesis, nucleic acid and chlorophyll synthesis Deficiency - Stunted growth, chlorosis Calcium -
Source - Calcium Role - Formation of middle lamella of cell walls Deficiency - Stunted growth Iron -
Source - Intermediate in chlorophyll synthesis Role - Chlorophyll synthesis Deficiency - Strong chlorosis particularly in young leaves Trace Elements - Minerals which are essential for the healthy growth of plants but which are required only in minute quantities e.g. boron Carbohydrates - Compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen which are the main source of energy for metabolism, i.e. starch/sugar Vitamins - Chemicals required in small amounts to maintain health Proteins - Compounds used in the building and repair of muscles and tissues as well as the creation of catalysts Enzymes - Protein substances which act as catalysts and control the rate of chemical reactions in cells, speeding them up Hydrolysis - A chemical reaction where molecules of water are split into hydrogen cations (H+) and hydroxide anions (OH-)
## Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis - The process by which plants use light energy trapped by chlorophyll to form sugar out of carbon dioxide and water Necessary conditions for photosynthesis -
Presence of chlorophyll and sunlight Raw materials of photosynthesis -
Water, carbon dioxide Products of photosynthesis -
Glucose, oxygen Roles of photosynthesis -
Produces food used by plants and animals produces oxygen used for respiration in animals reduces carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere Chloroplasts - Small bodies within cytoplasm containing chlorophyll. It is the where photosynthesis occurs producing carbohydrates for the plant Chlorophyll - Green substance in plants which absorbs light energy for use in photosynthesis Importance of chlorophyll - To trap sunlight energy and keep it available in leaves as chemical energy Compensation Point - The point at which photosynthesis and respiration in a plant are exactly balanced, and one process uses up the products of the other Variegated Leaves - Is the appearance of different coloured zones on leaves, such as white on the outer rim and green in the middle. This is because the green parts of the leaf contain chlorophyll for producing energy and the white parts do not contain chlorophyll (so they do not provide energy)
Requirements for the formation **of Carbohydrates in Plants -**
Sunlight carbon dioxide water chlorophyll
## Food Processing, Preservation And Storage
Methods of Food Preservation -
Refrigeration **(cold)** - Inactivates microbes by freezing the water used in cell activity and prevents their enzymes from being active Drying Food (dehydration) - Removal of moisture from foods which inhibits microbial activities by blowing hot air over food or by drying food over a fire or smoking Heat - Cooking or sterilization by heat kills microbes by destroying their cell walls and other proteins Canning - After heat has killed all microbes, the food is placed in a can which prevents new microbes from entering Pasteurization - Food or milk is heated up to about 60°C and abruptly cooled too kill microbes Control of pH - Microbes grow in acidic conditions, so vinegar or lactic acid can be used to prevent growth Salting **(Osmolarity)** - Salted foods lose water so microbes cannot grow, sugar can be used Irradiation - Use of radiation to kill microbes, commonly used for medical supplies or drugs chemical preservatives - Chemicals are used to kill microbes Advantages of local food preserving methods -
No chemicals are added to foods less expensive does not require much knowledge keeps a variety of foods for future use excess food can be stored allows for transportation and storage of food
## 3. Balance Of Nature
Balance of Nature - A situation where losses in the ecosystem are equal to replacements and the materials present are reused again and again Environment - Is a natural unit consisting of living (biotic) components and non-living (abiotic) that interact with each other Ecosystem - All the interaction between the members of a community and its environment Habitat - A region of an environment containing its own particular community of organisms Ecology - The study of interrelationships between living things and nonliving things in an environment Community - A group of independent organisms which share a common environment Colonization - The movement of animals and plants into a newly formed habitat Niche - The place filled by an organism in an environment based on how it eats, lives or mates Population - The number of organisms of a certain species living in an area at a time Succession - The process by which one set of organisms gives way to another within a community Water Cycle - Circulation of water between water vapour in the air and the water on and under the ground Nitrogen Cycle - The circulation of nitrogen from the atmosphere to soil bacteria, soil nitrates, plants, animals and back to the atmosphere Carbon Cycle - The continuous circulation of carbon atoms between atmospheric carbon dioxide and the bodies of living organisms
## Interaction Of Organisms In The Environment
Carnivore - A flesh (meat) eating animal (ex. lion, tiger)
Consumers - Organisms in a food chain which live by consuming (eating) other organisms Detritus - The decaying remains of dead animals and plans Herbivore - An animal that eats only plants i.e. horse, sheep Host - An organism in or on which a parasite lives i.e. a lion or human being Parasite - An organism which feeds on the nutrients of another organism, generally feeding on their blood (ex. fleas, lice, ticks)
Omnivore - An animal that eats both animals and plants e.g. man Species - A group of organisms which can mate together and produce fertile offspring Symbiosis - A close association between two different organisms in which both benefit What would happen if…
All predators were removed from an ecosystem - The system would collapse because it would result in a huge increase in the numbers of prey. Since prey primarily eat vegetation, they would end up eating all of the vegetation leading to massive starvation from the lack of food All bacteria were removed from an ecosystem - The system would collapse because the important processes of recycling nutrient elements by decomposition would not be done which would end the cycling of nutrients through the ecosystem Types of Relationships between Organisms -
Commensalism - A relationship between two organisms in which one organism benefits, but the other is unaffected Mutualism - The way two organisms biologically interact benefits both organisms Competition - An interaction where the fitness of one organism is lowered in the presence of another by limiting the access of a particular resource by one organism Parasitism - A type of symbiotic relationship between organisms of different species where the parasite benefits at the expense of the host Difference between Parasite and Vector -
Parasite - A living thing which obtains food from a living body of another organism called the host Vector (Carrier) - It is an organism which carries a parasite to its primary host Factors affecting the population of a species -
Disease predators limitations of the food supply
## Food Chain And Food Webs
Food Chain - A sequence of organisms through which energy is transferred. The first organisms are producers (usually green plants) and the succeeding links are the consumers Food Web - A number of interconnected food chains Trophic Levels - The position that a certain organism occupies in a food chain Trophic levels in an Ecosystem -
Producers - Organisms like green plants that produce food; starting point of food chains Primary Consumers - Zooplankton Secondary Consumers - Small fishes Tertiary Consumers - Large fishes Quaternary Consumers - Humans General food chain structure -
Trophic level 4 - Tertiary consumer (top carnivore, ex hawk) - Top Trophic level 3 - Secondary consumers (carnivores, ex small birds)
Trophic level 2 - Primary consumers (herbivores, ex snails and earthworms) Trophic level 1 - Producers (plants) - *Bottom* Difference **between food chain and food web -**
Food chains show a single path of animals consuming each other, from the producers at the bottom to the highest consumers at the top Food webs show how animals and plants are connected through different paths showing how life in an ecosystem is connected Green plants are known as producers because they make food from simple substances
## 4. Transport Of Materials In Living Things
Osmosis - Passage of molecules through a semi-permeable membrane from a weak to a strong solution Diffusion - The movement of molecules of liquids or gases in regions where they are highly concentrated until they are equally distributed Osmotic Potential - The pressure which molecules could diffuse from a solution if it were separated from another solution by a semi-permeable membrane Concentration Gradient - Represents the difference in concentration of a substance between two places Plasmolysis - The shrinking of a cells cytoplasm due to the loss of water by osmosis Mass Flow - The movement of fluids through a vessel or tube without passing through a membrane Difference between osmosis and diffusion - Osmosis involves the movement of water molecules from a low concentration to a highly concentrated region, whereas diffusion is the movement of molecules of from a highly concentrated region to a lowly concentrated one Hypertonic Solution - A solution which has more solute in concentration and less water molecules Effects on a cell - It will lose water by osmosis and as a result will undergo flaccidity Hypotonic Solution - A solution which has more concentration of water molecules and less solute Effects on a cell - The solution is more diluted, so it will absorb water from its surrounding resulting in the cell undergoing turgidity
## Transport Of Materials In Mammals
Structure of the Mammalian Heart Aorta - The largest artery in the body which originates from the left ventricle and extends down the abdomen distributing oxygenated blood to all parts of the body Coronary Artery - Maintain blood flow in the heart muscle Diastolic Blood Pressure - Causes blood from contracting auricles to flow into ventricles Inferior *(Posterior) Vena Cava-*

A large vein which carries deoxygenated blood from the posterior half of the body to the right atrium of the heart Pulmonary Artery - Arteries which carry blood from the heart to the lungs Pulmonary Vein - A large blood vessel which carries blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart Semi-lunar Valve - Pocket like valves in the main arteries at the point where they leave the heart whose purpose is to stop blood from flowing back into the ventricles Superior Vena Cava - The vein which carries deoxygenated blood from the upper half of the body to the right atrium of the heart Systolic Blood Pressure - Causes blood from contracting ventricles to flow into pulmonary arteries and the aorta Vena Cava - The main vein of the body Ventricle - One of the large thick walled lower chambers of the heart that pumps blood into arteries Four chambers of the heart -
Right Atrium - Receives deoxygenated blood from the superior and inferior vena cava and pumps it into the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve Left Atrium - Receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins and pumps it into the left ventricle Left Ventricle - Receives oxygenated blood from the left atrium vial the bicuspid (mitral) valve and pumps it into the aorta via the aortic valve Right Ventricle - Receives deoxygenated blood from the right atrium via the tricuspid valve and pumps it into the pulmonary artery via the pulmonary valve Types of heart valves -
Atrioventricular (AV) valves, semilunar (SL) valves Atrioventricular Valves - Valves between the atria and the ventricles Types of Atrioventricular Valves -
Tricuspid Valve - A valve on the right side of the heart between the right atrium and right ventricle Bicuspid (Mitral) Valve - A dual-flap valve in the heart which lies between the left atrium and the left ventricle Semi-lunar (Heart) Valve - Allows blood to flow through in one direction leaving the heart Types of Semi-lunar Valves -
Aortic Valve - The valve which lies between the left ventricle and the aorta Pulmonary Valve - The valve which lies between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery Heart Attack - A sudden stoppage of the heart beat which is commonly caused by a blockage of a coronary artery due to thrombosis
## The Blood
Mammalian blood consists of -
Plasma - The liquid part of the blood Contains - Water, proteins, minerals, end products of digestion, hormones Functions of plasma -
Transports carbon dioxide, waste matter, hormones, digested food, heat, ions and water, white blood cells and platelets Blood Cells - Red, white, platelets Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes) - Disc shaped cells containing hemoglobin which transport oxygen from the lungs to the body tissue White Blood Cells (Leucocytes) - The name for a number of colourless cells in blood e.g. phagocytes and lymphocytes, they attack and engulf bacteria and produce antibodies Platelets (Thrombocytes) - Particles in the blood which are used in the formation of blood clots to stop bleeding of wounds
Difference between Arteries and Veins -
| - Transports blood away from the heart | - Transports blood towards the heart | |
| - Composed of elastic and smooth muscle tissue - No semi-lunar valves (except when leaving the heart) - Pressure of the blood is high and has a pulse - Blood flow is rapid - Lower blood volume •Carries oxygenated blood (except in the pulmonary artery) | - Only slightly muscular with a few elastic fibres - Semi-lunar valves at intervals along the - Pressure of the blood is low and no pulse is detectable - Blood flow is slow - Higher blood volume than arteries or capillaries - Carries deoxygenated blood (except in the pulmonary vein) | |
## Functions Of Blood -
-Transports oxygen
-continuous circulation of blood lowers body temperature -distributes food from intestines throughout the body
-waste products such as carbon dioxide/mineral salts and urea are transported to organs responsible for their excretion
-hormones are distributed -white blood cells defend against bacteria
-maintains water levels in the body -formation of cloths over injured parts to prevent excessive blood loss Blood Proteins -
Albumins - Create pressure in the blood and transports other molecules Immunoglobulins - Participate in the immune system Fibrinogens - Are essential for blood coagulation (clotting)
Blood protects against diseases in the following ways -
Blood clotting by platelets and fibrinogen to prevent excessive blood loss and entry of pathogens into the body, immunity by antibodies and lymphocytes, engulfing of bacteria present in the blood performed by white blood cells
## Factors Affecting Blood Pressure -
-Resistance to blood flow by blood vessels (peripheral resistance) due to fat deposition in blood vessels -diseases such as diabetes
-stress or emotional distress
-strength of the heart heat
-stroke volume -eating salted food
-infections -emotions Hemoglobin - A red substance in a red blood cell whose purpose is to combine with oxygen to transport it to tissues Importance of hemoglobin -
Transportation of gases from lungs to body tissues and back to the lungs Tissue Fluid - A fluid which is forced through capillary walls and moves between all cells of the body, providing them with food and oxygen and removing their waste products Fibrinogen - A protein in blood which is transformed into fibres of fibrin which block damaged blood vessels and forms a blood clot Capillaries - Small blood vessels which form a connection between arteries and veins Capillary Narrow - A thin walled blood vessel which sends blood from arteries to veins. Exchanges of gaseous or dissolved substances between the blood and body cells takes place through capillary walls Oxyhemoglobin - Hemoglobin which has combined with oxygen in the red blood cells Pulmonary Circulation - The system of vessels that transport blood from the right ventricle to the lungs and back to the left atrium Thrombosis - The formation of blood clots which may block an artery and stop the blood flow to vital organs Vascular System (of mammals) - The heart and blood vessels Hemophilia - An inherited blood disorder where blood from wounds clots very slowly or not at all
## Blood Groups And Blood Transfusion
Donor - A person who donates blood voluntarily Universal Recipient - A person with blood type AB can receive blood from all other groups without being killed (except if there is a rhesus factor problem)
Universal Donor - A person with blood type O which can be given to all other groups without killing them Agglutination - The clumping together of red blood cells which block small blood vessels leading to death.
This is determined by the plasma and red blood cells of the recipient and donor during a blood transfusion
| O | No antigen | Antibody A and B |
| A | Antigen A | Antibody B |
| B | Antigen B | Antibody A |
| AB | Antigen AB | No antibodies |
## How Blood Donation Is Determined -
If the blood of the donor possesses the antigen of the antibody of the recipient, it will result in agglutination and death. For example, if a recipient of blood group A gets blood from a donor with blood group B, the antibody will attack the antigen, causing the agglutination Rhesus Factor Positive (Rh+) - Refers to people who possess the rhesus antigen Rhesus Factor Negative (Rh-) - Refers to people who do not possess the rhesus antigen Why a person of blood group AB is not always considered a universal recipient -
The presence of rhesus factors can still lead to an antigen-antibody reaction causing blood agglutination. For example if a patient is given Rh+ blood, he will survive the first transfusion, but the second transfusion results in an antigen-antibody reaction and agglutination because antibodies were made after the first transfusion in response to the presence of the rhesus antigen
## Precautions Taken During Blood Transfer -
The blood group of the donor must be compatible with that of the recipient, the rhesus factor of the donor and recipient should be considered to determine if they are a match or not, the donor's blood should be safe from infections disease such as HIV

## Blood Circulation
Two-circuit circulatory systems (in Pulmonary circulation, systemic circulation Pulmonary Circulation -
Circulation of blood between the heart and lungs Circulation of blood in the rest of the body (excluding the lungs)
Types of circulatory systems -
Open, closed The flow of blood from the heart to the body's tissues and back to the heart without passing through the blood vessels. Blood moves through a series of spaces Closed Circulatory System - The flow of blood coming from the heart passes through different parts of
animals) -
Systemic Circulation -
Open Circulatory System -
the body through vessels and passes back to the heart Spleen - An organ immediately below the stomach which produces white blood cells and destroys old worn out red blood cells Systemic Circulation - The series of vessels which carry blood from the left ventricle around the body and back to the heart at the right atrium Hepatic Portal Vein - The abdominal cavity that drains blood from the gastrointestinal tract to the spleen and liver Hepatic Artery - Blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the liver duodenum and pancreas
## The Lymphatic System
Antibodies - Chemicals made by the body in response to parasites or antigens that destroy them Antigens - Bacteria, viruses or foreign substances in the body which stimulate the production of antibodies Toxin - A poisonous substance Antitoxin - A type of antibody which neutralizes poisonous substances, particularly those produced by parasites Lymph - A liquid derived from tissue fluid after it has passed between the cells of the body and drained into the lymphatic system Lymphatic System - A system of vessels that transport lymph from the tissues to the circulatory system Lymph Node - A part of the lymphatic system which contains phagocytes which remove germs and dead cells from the lymph Lymphocytes - White blood cells produced in the lymphatic system which make antibodies to destroy antigens Phagocytes - White blood cells that engulf and digest germs
## Ways The Body Prevents Infection Of Diseases -
First Line of Defense -
The Skin - Acts as a barrier against pathogens and produces sweat as a mild antiseptic Acid and digestive enzymes in the stomach - HCl is secreted to kill most pathogens in food and water which was ingested, beyond the stomach digestive enzymes in the gut kill them Respiratory System - Surfaces contain mucus to trap pathogens and cilia to sweep them away Second Line of Defense -
White Blood Cells (Leucocytes) - Pathogens can be killed by WBCs by phagocytosis Antibodies - Chemical substances which protect the body by destroying the pathogens and by neutralizing their toxins Factors affecting the formation and flow of lymph -
High blood pressure decrease in plasma proteins blockage of lymph vessels Ways the body can remove or destroy bacterium -
In the eye - Tears, on the hands - By washing, in **the bronchus -** By sneezing, in the stomach - By producing hydrochloric acid
Differences between Lymphocytes and Phagocytes –
| | - Destroy germs by engulfing microbes | |
| - Secrete antibodies which fight germs - Secrete anti-toxins - Made in the lymphatic system - Have large oval shaped nuclei and no granules in their cytoplasm | - Do not secrete antitoxins. Instead they gather at wounds to destroy bacteria before they can enter the body - Made in the bone marrow - Have a bi-lobbed (divided) nuclei and have granular cytoplasm | |
## Transport Of Materials In Plants
Lignin - A hard rigid substance which forms in the walls of cells which make up the xylem tissue Vascular Bundle - Strands of xylem and phloem tissues running from the roots into the leaves which transports food and water throughout the plant and supports softer tissues Vascular System (of plants) - Xylem and phloem tissues Vein (of plants) - A strand of xylem and phloem tissue Structure of a plant - Leaves, roots, stems, buds, nodes, xylem, phloem Xylem - A plant tissue which transports water and dissolved minerals from the soil to the leaves and also supports the softer plant tissues. It consists of the xylem vessels and fibres Translocation - The movement of substances within a plant such as sugar moving through phloem Transpiration - The evaporation of water from plant cells and out of their stomata, cooling effect Root Hair Cells - Their function is to absorb water and minerals from the soil Root Hairs - Hair like outgrowth from single cells in the epidermis of a root in a zone near the root apex Root Nodules - A swelling on the roots of certain leguminous plants (e.g. peas/clover) which contain nitrogen fixing bacteria Root Pressure - Pressure causing water to pass up the xylem from the living cells of the root Petiole - A leave stalk Phloem - A plant tissue that transports the products of photosynthesis from the leaves to the growing points and food storage organs. It consists mainly of sieve-tubes and companion cells Pedicel - A flower stalk Pericycle - A cylinder of cells that lines inside the endodermis in plants
## Importance Of Water For Plants -

1. Major component of protoplasm 2. Solvent for organic compounds 3. Transport fluid 4.Basic raw material for photosynthesis 5. Supports plants by keeping the shoots turgid (stiff) 6. For cooling plants through evaporation from leaves Significance of transpiration -
Water transport salt transport temperature control Problems resulting from transpiration -
Under dry conditions the plant may lose too much water and begin to wilt or even die
## Leaf Structure -
Spongy Mesophyll - A layer of cells in a leaf immediately below the palisade which contains large intercellular air spaces Palisade Mesophyll - A layer of cylindrical cells at right angles to the upper epidermis of leaves which contain more chlorophyll than other plant cells and are the main cells concerned with photosynthesis Chloroplasts - Organelles in plant cells which contain chlorophyll Guard Cells - Crescent-shaped cells in the epidermis of plants which control the opening and closing of the stoma. Contains chloroplasts and are able to photosynthesize carbohydrates

Stomata - Pores in the epidermis of plants through which air enters and leaves and water evaporates during transpiration, used for excretion of waste materials by plants Epidermis - The outer layer of cells in an animal or plant (skin), its function is to protect inner tissues from physical damage. In plants they give rise to the development of root hair cells Meristem - Tissue in plants consisting of undifferentiated cells found in zones where plant growth takes place (ex. cambium)
Cambium - A region of unspecialized cells between the xylem and phloem of vascular bundles. Cell division in the cambium produces newvascular tissue and increases the diameter of the stem Cellulose - A carbohydrate made of ling fibers which forms the rigid cell wall surrounding all plants Lamina - The flat part of a leaf on either side of the mid-rib Mid-Rib - The rigid rib in the centre of a leaf which contains the xylem and phloem Adsorption - A force which holds water in a thin film around the surface of soil particles Capillarity - Force that draws water upwards through narrow spaces such as those between particles of soil Turgidity - Is when a plant cell becomes full of water. This is necessary because it supports plants and causes the growing tissues to extend and grow Vacuole - A fluid filled space in the cytoplasm of a plant cell containing sap which creates turgor pressure Turgor Pressure - The pressure within plant cells which results from the absorption of water by osmosis A tree can die if you remove a ring of bark because the phloem tissues are destroyed blocking translocation of food from leaves Functions of Roots -
Anchors plant to the soil absorbs water and mineral salts and transports them up to the stem can be a storage organ used for support Functions of Stems -
Continuous conduction of water and mineral salts upwards to the leaves supports leaves and holds them out to receive sunlight supports flowers can serve as a storage organ Functions of Leaves -
Absorbs carbon dioxide for photosynthesis contains chlorophyll stomata allow for transpiration Functions of Flowers -
Organ of reproduction ovary forms the fruit which contains seeds
Difference between Roots and Stems -
| - Have chlorophyll | - Usually have no chlorophyll | |
| - Have nodes and internodes | - Do not have nodes and internodes | |
| - Braches at nodes | - Branches irregularly | |
| - Produce leaves, flowers and fruits | - Do not produce leaves, flowers or fruits | |
| - Are covered by a cuticle or bark | - Do not have a cuticle | |
| - Have no stem cap | - Have a root cap | |
| - Have no root hairs | - Have root hairs | |
32 Biology
## 5. Gaseous Exchange And Respiration
Gas Exchange - The process by which an organism absorbs oxygen from the air in exchange for carbon dioxide, takes places in respiratory organs like lungs Gaseous Exchange - Is the exchange of gases between the blood and respiratory surface or between the blood and respiring cells

Respiration - The exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen in animals Requirements for respiration in animals to occur - Medium for the gases (ex air or water), a large moist respiratory system which can dissolve the gases before they diffuse into our out of the cells, a transport system to move the dissolved gases around the body to all of the cells and to collect gases which need to be eliminated
## Gaseous Exchange In Mammals
Structures concerned with gaseous exchange -
-Mammal - Lungs
-Young Tadpole - External gills -Insect - Tracheal system -Earthworm - Whole body through diffusion Spider - Book lungs Adaptations of lungs for gaseous exchange - Alveoli, moist, supplied by blood vessels, well ventilated Large surface area - Alveoli increase the surface area for maximum contact with the air Moist - The surfaces of alveoli are moist to enable easy diffusion of gases Blood Supply - Blood supply ensures maximum absorption of oxygen Ventilation - Well ventilated to receive a steady flow of new air
Differences between Villi (digestion) and Alveoli (respiration) -
| | - Found in the respiratory system (lungs) | |
| - Found in the digestive system (alimentary canal) - Deal with absorption of food materials - Increase the surface area of the gut for the absorption of food materials | - Deal with exchange of gases between the blood and environment - Increase the area of the lungs for gaseous exchange | |
Factors governing gaseous exchange at alveoli -
Concentration of gases (oxygen & carbon dioxide) in the blood and alveoli walls of capillaries and alveoli are very thin to allow for easy diffusion of gases blood pressure in the blood capillaries surrounding the alveoli is high alveoli surfaces are moist and aid in rapid diffusion of gases Ventilation - The movement of air or water across a respiratory surface such as a lung or gill which enables gaseous exchange to take place Breathing - Is the process whereby the air is exchanged between the environment and a multi-cellular Organism
## Order Of Respiratory Components -
Nasal Cavity > Pharynx > Trachea > Bronchi > Bronchioles > Alveoli Alveoli - Bubble-like air pockets at the ends of the air passages in the lungs, they are surrounded by blood vessels and are concerned with gaseous exchange Bronchi (Bronchus) - Major pathway of air entering the lungs from the trachea Bronchioles - Smaller branches of the Bronchi that end with alveoli Diaphragm - Dome shaped sheet of muscle at the base of the thorax, part of the mechanism that ventilates the lungs Intercostal Muscles - The muscles between the ribs that raise the ribcage during inspiration (breathing in)
Pharynx - Part of the throat where both food and air pass through leading to either the stomach or lungs Pleural Cavity - The fluid filled space between the outer surface of the lungs and the inner surface of the rib cage Respiration - A sequence of chemical reactions which release energy from food Trachea -The airway through which respiratory air passes in organisms Thorax (of mammals) - The cavity in the chest which contains the lungs, heart and main blood vessels Oxygen Debt - Occurs during strenuous aerobic exercise. It happens because there is not enough oxygen in the body to oxidize the excess lactic acid produced. This is resolved by increasing the rate of breathing during and after exercise to oxidize all of the lactic acid The process by which carbon dioxide passes from the blood to the alveoli in the lung is diffusion
## Gaseous Exchange In Plants
Lenticel - An airy aggregation of cells with structural surfaces of the stems, roots and other parts of vascular plants which functions as a pore for direct exchange of gases between internal tissues and the atmosphere Why it is not healthy to sleep in a closed room **with many potted plants -**
-Plants are unable to produce oxygen without sunlight because photosynthesis requires sunlight
-plants continue to respire which releases carbon dioxide into the environment -the room would lose all of its oxygen and only have carbon dioxide which will cause a person to suffocate RESPIRATION Aerobic Respiration - A type of respiration where oxygen is consumed (ex humans)
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) - A chemical that transfers energy released by respiration to other reactions in the body which absorb energy Why metabolic activities use ATP instead of glucose as a source of energy -
The high energy phosphorus bonds of ATP easily release the energy for a cell to use, but the energy stored in glucose requires more time and effort to process (it is a three step process). ATP stores chemical energy from glucose at a high rate of efficiency Mitochondria - Rod-shaped organelles in the cytoplasm of cells which is concerned with respiration Anaerobic respiration Anaerobic Respiration - A type of respiration in which oxygen is not consumed (ex yeast)
Denitrifying Bacteria - Anaerobic bacteria in soil which break down nitrates into nitrogen and oxygen Fermentation is an example of anaerobic respiration
Difference between Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration-
| Place it occurs | Mitochondria | Cytoplasm | |
| Substrates | Glucose and oxygen | Glucose | |
| Products | Carbon dioxide and | Alcohol and carbon dioxide in | |
| water | | plants, lactic acid in animal cells | |
| Energy | 38 molecules of ATP | 2 molecules of ATP | |
| produced | | | |
1. CLASSIFICATION OF LIVING THINGS Kingdom plantae Characteristics of Gymnosperma (Conifers) -
Trees and shrubs

 flowers are cones seeds are naked evergreen do not shed leaves regularly soft wood Examples of Gymnosperma - Redwood trees and other conifers Advantages of conifers -
Grow fast used to produce softwood used in building/paper/furniture used as telephone poles Disadvantages of conifers -
Demands greater use of preservatives prone to termites plantations use a lot of land Division angiospermophyta (angiosperms)
Characteristics of Angiosperma -
Wide variety of forms including trees shrubs and herbaceous plants xylem acts as a vessel flowers are common hermaphrodite with seeds enclosed in a fruit hardwoods shed leaves regularly Examples of Angiosperma - Maize, beans, oak trees, onions, grass Uses of angiosperms -
Timber (hardwood)
medicine paper cotton sisal fiber crop
## Groups Of Flowering Plants -
Monocot (Monocotyledon) - A group of flowering plants (angiosperms) whose seed has one embryonic leaf (one cotyledon). (ex. grains, rice,maize, wheat, sugar cane etc)
Dicot (Dicotyledons) - A group of flowering plants (angiosperms) whose seed has two embryonic leaves

called cotyledons (ex. roses, magnolias etc)
| - Has one embryonic leaf | - Has two embryonic leaves | | |
| - Tap roots | - Fibrous roots | | |
| - Vascular bundles spread around the middle | - Vascular bundles in a ring | | |
| - Floral parts are arranged in three parts of | - floral parts are arranged in fours or | | |
| | multiples of threes | | fives or multiples of fours or fives |
| - Leaves are long and ribbon-like with veins | - Leaves are different shapes and | | |
| arranged in a pattern parallel to the long axis of | | veins are arranged in a net pattern | |
| the leaf | | | |
## 2. Movement
Locomotion - The ability of the whole body of an organism to move from one place to another Types of locomotion -
Amoeboid - Movement is caused by extending cytoplasm in a certain direction Ciliary - The surface of organisms is covered by thousands of small hair like cilia which are coordinated to beat backward and forward causing the organism to move Flagellar - Movement is caused by whipping a large cilia like tail in water, causing the organism to rotate and move forward Muscular - Movement is caused by the force generated by the contraction of muscles Movement - The action of changing positions whereby a part of the body or the whole body of an organism moves from one place to another Pseudopodia (Fake Feet) - Projections from the cytoplasm of certain cells like amoeba that are used for locomotion and feeding Importance of movement to Living Organisms -
It enables living things to obtain necessary things like food, shelter or mates for their survival from the environment around them Types of movement used by the following organisms -
Amoeba - Amoeboid movement Euglena - Flagellar movement Paramecium - Ciliary movement Birds - Muscular movement
## The Human Skeletal System
Types of joints -
Hinge - A joint which can be lifted up or down similar to a door opening and closing (ex. knee and elbow joints)
Ball and Socket Joints - Characterized by allowing movement in many directions including rotation (ex. shoulder and hip joints)
Pivot - A joint which allows a pivot to turn in a socket (ex. joint between axis and atlas vertebrae)
Gliding - found where two bone surfaces move over each other (ex. joints between vertebrae and wrist joints)
Fixed - A type of joint formed by the fusing of bones which does not allow for movement (ex.skull)
Hydrostatic Skeleton - A structure found in many cold blooded organisms and soft bodied animals consisting of a fluid filled cavity (coelom), surrounded by muscles which allow the organism to change shape and produce movement (ex. jellyfish, earthworms, nematodes)
Humerus - A long bone in the arm that runs from the shoulder to the elbow Articular Cartilage - Prevents surfaces or articulating bones from being worn out by function. Its cells actively divide miotically to make he bone grow Endoskeleton - A skeleton which forms inside the body of an organism Exoskeleton - A skeleton which forms on the outside of an organism Hydrostatic Skeleton - Support which comes from water in the cells of an organism Synovial Fluid - Minimizes friction in a joint when bones move due to bending or straightening of the limbs Synovial Joint - Any freely moveable joint in the skeleton e.g. elbow Synovial Membrane - Is the soft tissue that lines the non-cartilaginous surfaces with joints and cavities
(synovial joints)

Tendons - A strong band of fibres which attaches muscles to bones There are 7 vertebrae in the neck
(cervical vertebrae)
Atlas - The first cervical vertebra of the spine, connects the skull to the spine Axis - The second cervical vertebra of the spine, forms the pivot where the atlas rotates
## Muscles And Movement
Types of Muscle -
Skeletal Muscle - Is muscle which is attached to bone and is concerned with locomotion Cardiac Muscle - Is muscle found only in the heart Smooth Muscle - Is found in the walls of organs in the body like the gut and bladder and is concerned with movement of materials through them Examples of Smooth Muscle -
Small arteries, veins, lymphatic muscles, urinary bladder, uterus, male and female reproductive tracts, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, ciliary muscle, iris Antagonistic Muscle System - Two sets of muscles which oppose each other on either side of a joint one side flexes (bends) and the other extends (straightens)
Insertion (of a muscle) - The end of a muscle attached to the bone which moves when the muscle contracts Motor Endplate - Part of a motor neuron which is embedded in a muscle Motor Neuron - A neuron which sends an impulse from the central nervous system to a muscle or gland Origin (of a muscle) - The anchorage point of a muscle i.e. the end which does not move during contraction Oxygen Deprivation - Occurs in muscle tissue during strenuous exercise when oxygen is consumed faster than it can be supplied by the blood
## Adaptations Of Motor Neurons -
Cell body is located at one end of the axon and is pointed towards the central nervous system to help carry the action potential from the central nervous system, has short dendrites to ensure that a fast response occurs, has a myelin sheath to ensure that the nerve impulse is traveling in only one direction without any interference, has a node of ranvier to help increase the speed of conduction of the nerve impulses (salutatory movement)
## Difference Between A Ligament And Tendon -
A ligament is a tissue which connects *bone to bone* at the joint, whereas a tendon is a part of a muscle which attaches the *muscle to the bone* Femur - Thigh bone which gives vertebrates the ability to walk or jump Hyaline Cartilage - Its function is to reduce friction between bones during movement and to absorb shock Joint - The junction point where two bones meet Ligament - A band of fibres around a joint of a skeleton which holds the bones in place preventing dislocation, joins bone to bone at the joint Vertebral Column - The backbone or spine. A chain of small bones called vertebrae that support the body, protects the spinal cord and permits bending movements Biceps and triceps are antagonistic muscles in a mammal's arm, meaning when one contracts the other relaxes
## Teeth
Dentine - A substance similar to bone which forms in the inner part of the tooth beneath the enamel Diastema - The gap or space between teeth Enamel - The extremely hard, white substance which forms the outer surface of a tooth Incisor - Chisel-shaped teeth at the front of the jaws Molars - Large teeth with four cusps, situated at the back of the jaw which are used to crush and grind food
## 3. Coordination
Coordination - The linking together of the activities of different organs so that they work at an appropriate time and rate required by the body Components of coordination - Stimulus, receptor, coordinator, effector, response Stimulus - Anything which produces a response in an organism (ex. a painful burn on the skin) Receptor - A part of an animal's body which detects a change in the environment (ex. eyes, ears, nose, skin, tongue)
Coordinator - An organ which receives messages as sensory nerve impulses from receptors and then coordinates them to bring about a response Effector - An organ which receives motor nerve impulses from the coordinator and brings about an appropriate response (ex. glands and muscles)
Response - An activity provoked by a stimulus (ex. pulling hand away from a hot object)
Condition - A behaviour which has to be learned Effector Organ - A muscle or gland that contracts or secrets in response to nerve impulses Pathway from a stimulus to a response -
Stimulus inside a sense cell nerve impulse by a sensory neuron central nervous system nerve impulse by a motor neuron effector-gland or muscle response

## Neurons
Axon - The nerve fiber of a neuron which conducts nerve impulses away from the cell body Chemoreceptor - A receptor which detects certain chemical stimuli in the environment Dendrites - Short numerous fibres which receive impulses and conduct them towards the cell body Ganglion - A biological tissue mass, most commonly as a mass of nerve cells Proprioceptor - A sensory nerve ending which picks up stimuli originating inside the body e.g. a stretch receptor in a muscle Myelin Sheath - A fatty material that insulates and protects the axon and speeds up the transmission of impulses Neuron - A nerve cell consisting of a cell body and nerve fibres which conducts nerve impulses Node of Ranvier - Gaps formed between myelin sheaths of different cells Receptors - The regions of sensory nerve fibres where stimuliare received and converted into nerve impulses e.g. rods and cones of the eye Synapse - Microscopic gap which the nerve impulses pass when moving from one nerve cell to the next Synaptic vesicles - Contain the neurotransmitters which carry the impulses when one neuron is associated with another Threshold - The level of stimulation at which nerve impulses begin to pass from a sense organ, or to cross over a synapse Nerve Impulse -
How a nerve impulse is propagated across a synapse -
The arrival of nerve impulses in the presynaptic knob causes the synaptic vesicles to move and fuse with the presynaptic membrane. Then the vesicles burst to release chemical transmitters which diffuse across the gap to the postsynaptic membrane of the other neuron. Then they are received by the post-synaptic membrane causing the depolarization of the post- synaptic neuron and the nerve impulse proceeds to travel to the post-synaptic neuron until its destination Characteristics of a nerve impulse -
Have high conductivity and high excitability Why the nerve impulse travels only in one direction - This is because the neurotransmitters are found only on the presynaptic knob meaning that impulses can only travel from the presynaptic neuron to the post-synaptic neuron

## Central Nervous System
Medulla Oblongata - The lower half of the brainstem which deals with breathing, heart rate and blood pressure Pituitary (Master) Gland - An endocrine gland that secretes hormones regulating homeostasis. It is said to be the master gland because it secretes hormones which control the function of other glands Central Nervous System - The brain and spinal cord Cerebellum - The part of the brain which controls balance and muscular coordination Cerebral Cortex - Gray matter which forms the outer layer of the cerebral hemispheres, controls voluntary movements and is concerned with memory, thinking and learning Cerebrum - Responsible for thought, memory, intelligence and judgment Cerebral Hemispheres - Two swellings in the front of the brain which form the largest region in the human brain and are concerned with consciousness, learning and memory Gray Matter - Nervous tissue in the brain and spinal cords consisting mainly of neuron cells Hypothalamus - The reflex centre concentrated with mechanisms like temperature control, water balance and carbon dioxide levels in the blood Olfactory Lobes - Receives sensory impulses from the organ of smell and is connected to the cerebrum Optic Lobes - Receives sensory neurons from the eye Sensory Neuron - A neuron which conducts impulses from a receptor (e.g. sense organ) to the central nervous system Spinal Cord - A long thin tubular bundle of nervous tissue and support cells from the brain which makes up the central nervous system White Matter - Nervous tissue in the brain and spinal cord which consists of nerve fibers
## Reflex Action
Orientation Behaviour - The behaviour which allows animals to move in a particular direction depending on a received direction Irritability - The ability of an organism to respond to stimuli Reflex - A response that does not have to be learned and occurs very quickly without conscious thought e.g. withdrawing from a painful stimulus Conditioned Reflex Action - The fast automatic response to a stimuli resulting from learning Importance of conditioned reflex actions in living organisms -
Helps change the animals behavior so that it will behave in a way that allows them to survive produces responses which are favorable (ex. a child responding to their parents voice) helps keep animals away from predators and to escape them
## Types Of Action -
Reflex Action - A fast automatic response to a stimuli which is not controlled by will power Voluntary Action - An action performed by an individual which is controlled by will power Order of a simple reflex in the body -
Receptor organ stimulated Impulse travels in sensory fiber Impulse crosses synapse Impulse travels in motor fiber Effector organ stimulated
| - Occurs quickly | - Occurs slowly | | |
| - Short term response | - Long term response | | |
| - Conducted through nerve impulses | - Conducted by hormones secreting to the point | | |
| | through neurons | of cell elongation by diffusion | |
Difference between a Reflex Action (animals) and Tropism (plants) –
## Sense Organs
| Stimulus | Light | Sound | Chemical | Gravity | Temperature | Texture | Pressure | |
| Receptors | Eyes | Ears | Nose | and | Ears | Skin | Skin | Skin |
| | tongue | | | | | | | |
Receptors used in mammals for each type of stimulus –
## The Process Of Image Formation -
Light rays from an object enter the eye through the cornea, and then they pass through the aqueous humour to the pupil to the lens to the vitreous humour and finally reach the retina. As the light passes through the lens, cornea and aqueous humour, a partial refraction of the light occurs with the greatest amount of refraction occurring through the lens. The refraction directs light rays towards the centre of the eye which fall on the retina forming an image of the object. The image formed is real, inverted and smaller than the object. When the light rays fall on the retina, they stimulate photoreceptors which set up an action potential which is then sent to the brain through the optic nerve. The cerebrum interprets the impulses to create the real object in terms of orientation and size

## Defects Of A Mammalian Eye -
1. Myopia (Short-sightedness) - A defect of the eye whereby a person cannot focus on distant objects properly, but can focus on nearby objects properly Causes - It is caused by the extension of the eyeball which results in an increase in the distance between the lens and the retina Correction - It is corrected by using a biconcave lens (glasses) to diverge the light rays so they can be focused on the retina 2. Hypermetropia (Long sightedness) - A defect of the eye whereby a person cannot focus on nearby objects properly, but can focus on distant objects properly Causes - It is caused by the compression of the eyeball, resulting in the shortening of the normal distance between the lens and the retina Correction - It is corrected by using a biconvex lens (glasses) to focus light on the retina Accommodation - Is the reflex mechanism by which light rays from an object are brought to focus on the retina. It is the ability of the eye to focus an image of near or distant objects Blind *Spot* - The point at which the optic nerve leaves the retina of the eye. It is not sensitive to light Ciliary Muscles - Muscles in the eye which change the shape of the lens during accommodation Cones - Cone-shaped, light sensitive cells in the retina of the eye which work only in bright light and are sensitive to colour Conjunctiva - The transparent skin which covers and protects the front of the eye Cornea - Transparent, circular window at the front of the eye which focuses light Fovea - Region of the retina immediately opposite the lens which consists of densely packed cones and provides the clearest vision Iris - The coloured part of the eye which consists of the radial and circular muscles which alter the size of the pupil and control the amount of light entering the eye Myopia - Short sightedness which usually results from an abnormally elongated eyeball Presbyopia - A condition resulting from old age in which the lens loses its ability to change shape during accommodation Pupil - The hole in the iris of the eye through which light enters Retina - A layer of light sensitive cells at the back of the eye on which images are formed Rods - Rod shaped light sensitive cells found in the retina that work in dim light but do not respond to differences in colour Suspensory Ligaments - Fibers which hold the lens in position within the eye Vitreous Humor - The jelly-like substance that fills and supports the chamber of the eye Sclerotic Membrane - The outer membrane of the eye
## The Ear
Parts of the ossicles -
Malleus (the hammer), incus (the anvil), stapes (the stirrup)
Malleus - Hammer shaped bone which is connected to the incus and the eardrum. Its function is to transmit vibrations from the eardrum to the incus Incus - Anvil shaped bone which connects the malleus to the stapes transmitting vibrations Stapes - Stirrup shaped

bone which is attached to the incus and whose function is to transmit vibrations from the incus to the membrane of the inner ear
## Functions Of The Ear -
1. Used for hearing 2. Used to balance the body 3. Detects gravity and motion
44 Biology
Ossicles - Small bones in the middle ear which amplify sound waves Auditory Canal (Ear Canal) - Is a tube running from the outer ear to the middle ear Cochlea - Auditory portion of the inner ear, it is the sensory organ of hearing Eardrum (Tympanic Membrane) - Thin membrane that separates the external ear from the middle ear, whose function is to transmit sound from the air to the ossicles inside the middle ear Pinna (Auricle) - The visible part of the ear which is outside of the head Eustachian Tube (Auditory Tube) - Is the tube that links the pharynx to the middle ear Auditory Nerve (Cochlear Nerve) - The nerve that carries signals from the cochlea to the brain
## The Skin
Functions of the Skin -
Prevention of water loss prevention of damage of interior parts of the body protection against radiation vitamin D production energy storage (fats) detects touch stimuli detects pain stimuli Adipose Tissue (Body Fat) - Loose connective tissue composed of fats whose purpose is to store fat, cushion and insulate the body Sebaceous Gland - Microscopic glands of the skin which secrete an oil matter to lubricate the skin and hair of mammals Dermis - The layer of skin beneath the epidermis consisting of connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves, hair roots and filled with fat Malpighian Layer - A region of rapidly dividing cells beneath the epidermis of the skin which replaces cells worn away from the skin surface Sebaceous Gland - A gland in the hair follicles of the skin which secretes sebum which is an oily substance that makes skin supple, waterproof and mildly antiseptic Sweat Gland - A gland in the skin which produces water which evaporates into the air and cools the body
## Nose
Functions of the Nose -
-Detects chemicals in the air (sense of smell is dependent upon the concentrationof molecules in the air) -it is used with the tongue for tasting food
## Tongue
Functions of the Tongue -
Detects chemicals through four primary tastes (sweet, sour, salt and bitter)
Taste Bud - A collection of sensory nerve endings in the tongue which respond to certain chemicals in food producing the sensation of taste DRUG ABUSE Drugs - Are chemical substances that when taken will have psychological and physiological effects Drug Abuse - Non medical use of a drug that interferes with health and productive life Causes of Drug Abuse -
Social pressure experimentation escaping problems poverty employment (selling drugs)
Types of psychoactive drugs -
Stimulants - Drugs which stimulate or excite the nervous system, stimulating brain activity and body processes (ex. cocaine, nicotine)
Sedatives - These are sleep-inducting drugs which slow down brain activities (Ex. alcohol, valium)
Hallucinogens - Drugs which distort the way the brain interprets impulses from sensory organs producing hallucinations (Ex. LSD, mushrooms)
Narcotics - Dull the senses and relieve pain by suppressing the cerebral cortex of the brain (ex.
heroin, opium)
Differentiate between drug addiction and drug tolerance -
Drug Addiction - The excessive use of drugs without consideration of their side effects and without the ability to stop using them Drug Tolerance - As a result of excessive use of a particular drug, a person requires large amounts of a drug in order to get the effects of a small dose Measures used to control drug abuse -
Avoid taking any drugs without a prescription from the doctor avoid peer pressure to use drugs avoid people who use drugs inform the police if you see someone using drugs engage in creative activities during leisure time if you become addicted to drugs you should seek medical help Ways to control drug addiction -
Choose friends who make good decisions commit to not using drugs avoid areas where drugs are present work hard and focus on education drug treatment programs control supply through illegalization of drugs discuss drug abuse Effects of drug abuse on society -
Drug users resort to theft/prostitution/selling drugs, poor work performance drug offenders crowd jails and the court system Effects of drug abuse on individuals -
Legal and illegal drugs can have harmful effects (e.g. alcohol can damage the liver)
cocaine can cause high blood pressure sharing needles can spread HIV/hepatitis turning to crime to get money for drugs malnutrition Reasons drugs (inhibitory or antagonistic drugs) can temporarily stop pain after an injury -
They inhibit synaptic transmission so that impulses are not processed in the brain stimulate cholinesterase which distort neurotransmitters signals they also bind to receptors blocking the sensation of pain Socioeconomic hazards of drug abuse -
Excessive spending on drugs means little is spent on basic necessities (i.e. food/clothing)
violence in families or community poor work performance loss of employment dangerous roads due to intoxication from alcohol or drugs
## Hormones And Glands
Enzymes used to break down proteins -
Pepsin -
Site of Production - Gastric gland in the stomach Substrate - Protein Product - Peptide Trypsin -
Site of Production - Pancreatic gland Substrate - Protein Product - Peptide Properties of enzymes -
They are proteins specific to their functions catalysts activity is affected by pH/temperature/substrate concentration/enzyme concentration they lower the activation energy of the reactions which they catalyze possess active sites where the reaction takes place (sites have specific shapes)
they are very efficient (a small amount of catalyst can bring about a big change to the substrate)
Enzymes found in the Human Gut which break down Carbohydrates –
| Enzyme | Site of production | Substrate | Product |
| Salivary Amylase | Salivary glands | Starch | Maltose |
| Pancreatic Amylase | Pancreas | Starch | Maltose |
Secondary Sexual characteristics of Females -
Enlargement of mammary glands (breasts) appearance of pubic hair under arm pits experiencing monthly menstruation (bleeding) high pitched voice Secondary sexual characteristics of females are controlled by estrogen Difference **between Endocrine Glands and Exocrine Glands -**
Endocrine Glands - Ductless glands which release hormones directly into the blood stream by diffusion Exocrine Glands - Glands with ducts which secrete their contents to the internal or external surface of the body (ex. sweat glands, pancreas)
Hormone - A chemical produced in small amount in one part of the body which helps to coordinate processes such as metabolism, growth and reproduction in other parts of the body Properties of hormones (as a chemical messenger) -
Travels in the blood small soluble organic molecule effective in low concentrations affects a site different from where it was made (target site)
fits precisely into a certain receptor like a key in a lock specific to the target area
## Functions Of Hormones -
Assuring that growth occurs properly ensuring that development and maturation occur properly and on time ensuring that reproduction occurs at the best possible time Changes brought about by sex hormones -
Women - Widening of the hip girdle Men - Deepening of the voice Examples of hormones -
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) lutenizing hormone (LH)
Adrenal corticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
growth hormone FSH - Stimulates the development of a graafian follicle in the ovary LH - Causes ovulation in females ACTH - Stimulates the adrenal cortex to release adrenocortical hormones which control ionicbalance, especially of sodium and potassium ions Growth Hormone - Stimulates the growth of tissues, especially muscles and the skeleton Conditions associated with undersecretion or oversecretion of growth hormone -
Dwarfism - Results from undersecretion of the growth hormone at a young age Gigantism - Results from the oversecretion of the growth hormone at a young age Acromegaly - Results from the oversecretion of growth hormone in adults
## Similarities Between Nervous And Endocrine Control -
-Both systems provide a means of communication and coordination within the body
-both involve the transmission of an impulse which is triggered by a stimulus which produces a response
-target organs are similar to effector organs in that they give the response
| - | Messages travel faster and have a rapid effect | | |
| - Usually a short lived response - Very localized as the impulse is transmitted to individual effector cells •Relatively few neurotransmitters (acetylcholine and adrenaline are most common) - Linked through the nervous system and nerves - Effectors are muscles and glands •Stimulated through receptors, eyes, nose | | - Messages and transported slower and take longer to take effect - Often a long lasting response - Effects are often widespread due to the hormone being carried through the body in the blood stream •Variety of hormones produced by different organs, each with a specific effect - Linked through the blood and circulatory system - Effectors are organs and the whole body - Stimulated through internal or external receptors | |
| based on light,sound etc | | | |
Difference between Nervous and Endocrine Control –
Adrenalin - A hormone secreted by the adrenal glands which prepares the body for instant action by increasing the heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar levels Endocrine System - A system of organs which produce hormones Estrogen - The female sex hormone which controls conditions in the uterus before and during pregnancy which is secreted by the ovary Gland - A group of cells which manufacture and release enzymes or hormones in the body Insulin - A hormone produced by the pancreas which helps control the amount of sugar in the blood Islets of Langerhans - Regions of the pancreas containing endocrine cells which produce the hormone insulin. A deficiency causes diabetes Pancreas - An organ situated between the stomach and duodenum which produces insulin, trypsin, amylase and lipase Secretion - The production by glands of substances such as enzymes which are useful to the body Testosterone - The male sex hormone which controls the growth of pubic hair, muscular development, deepening of the voice. It is secreted in the testis of men Thyroid - An endocrine gland in the neck which produces a hormone called thyroxin which effects physical and mental development. A deficiency causes dwarfism and mental retardation, overproduction causes increased metabolism Diabetes is associated with under-secretion of insulin in the blood
## Tropic And Nastic Responses
Auxin - A hormone produced by plants which controls the rate of cell growth in roots and shoots and is responsible for tropic responses Hydrotropism - The growth movement in plants in response to water Nastic Movements - Non-directional responses to stimuli (e.g. humidity, temperature) Phototropism - Growth movement of a plant in response to the direction of light, plant moves towards the light source Tropism (Tropic Responses) - A movement in plants where the direction of the root and show growth alters according to the direction of a stimulus Geotropism - Growth movement of a plant in response to gravity, roots grow down and the stem grows up
## 4. Excretion
Excretion - Removal from the body of waste produced by metabolism and excess substances from the system Faeces (Feces) - The indigestible material which remains in the colon after digestion has taken place

## Excretion In Humans Urinary System
Urea - The main nitrogenous product excreted by a mammal Ureter - A tube which carries urine from a kidney to a bladder Urethra - A tube which carries urine out of the body as well as allowing the passage of sperm Urine - Liquid containing waste materials removed from the blood by the kidneys which consists of water/urea/minerals Nitrogenous waste products removal with water - Ammonia, uric acid Ammonia - Requires a large amount of water to excrete because it is toxic and soluble in water, commonly excreted by aquatic organisms due to the high availability of water Uric Acid - Requires less water because it is less toxic and less soluble in water, commonly excreted by land organisms due to the low availability of water How the fluid in the proximal convolute tubule differs from that in the collecting duct in a nephron-
The proximal convolute tubule contains -
Glucose (this is where glucose is mainly reabsorbed), nutrients from food, minerals, amino acids in greater amounts The collecting duct contains -
No glucose, no food nutrients and others in less amounts Effects of longer or shorter and the loops of Henle -
Longer - More water would be reabsorbed. This is an adaptation of many desert animals Shorter - Less water would be reabsorbed
## Why People Do Not Urinate Frequently On A Hot Day -
Mammals have different ways of reducing the amount of excess water in the body like sweating, urination,breathing and defecation. Since it is hot the mammal will sweat meaning that there is less excess water in the body to urinate Processes involved in urine formation -
-Ultra filtration at the glomerulus

-reabsorption occurs at tubules
-secretionoccurs at the second coiled tubule Bowman's Capsule - A cupshaped structure in a kidney which contains a glomerulus and leads to a kidney tubule Proximal Convoluted Tubule -
The coiled part of the tubule next to the Bowman's capsule and is located in the cortex Distal Convoluted Tubule -
Coiled part next to the open end of the tubule which joins with a collecting duct Glomerular Filtrate - A fluid which results from the filtration of blood in Bowman's capsule. It consists of urine and many useful substances such as glucose. Proteins and blood cells do not diffuse into it Glomerulus - A group of capillaries inside a Bowman's capsule in a kidney. Blood is filtered as it passes through the glomerulus and Bowman's capsule walls into the kidney tubule Henle's Loop - Portion of the nephron that leads from the proximal straight tubule to the distal convoluted tubule Kidney Tubule - A narrow tube leading form a Bowman'scapsule in the kidney which reabsorbs water/glucose,Na+/Cland other useful substances from the glomerularfiltrate Nephron - The basic structural unit of the kidney whose function is to regulate the concentration of water and soluble substances by filtering the blood by reabsorbing what is useful and excreting waste as urine Renal Artery - The artery that supplies blood to the kidney Renal Vein - The vein that takes blood away from the kidney

## Complications And Disorders Of The Excretory System
Nephritis - An infection or inflammation of the kidneys due to the failure of glomeruli to allow protein to filter through into the tubules Kidney Stones - Small stones that form in the pelvic region of the kidneys which can obstruct the flow of urine Cystitis - An inflammation of the bladder caused by an infection which causes frequent painful urination Kidney Failure - A condition where one or both kidneys no longer function and can be fatal if untreated Dialysis - The use of semi-permeable membrane to separate large molecules from small ones, used in kidney dialysis machines to remove urea from blood
## Excretion In Plants
Transpiration - The process by which plants lose water in the form of vapour by evaporation Importance of transpiration to plants -
-Brings a cooling effect to the plant when environmental emperatures are high
-water and minerals are drawn up from the soil solution up the plant in the transpiration stream which are then used for photosynthesis
-regulates water levels in the plant Harmful effects of transpiration -
Loss too much water due to transpiration can lead to wilting serious desiccation eventually death Factors affecting the rate of transpiration -
Environmental factors (temperature/wind/humidity/vapour/pressure/light/air movement)
leaf surface area and surface are to volume ratio, cuticles, stomata number of stomata per unit of area
## 5. Regulation
Regulation - The processes in an organism which keep levels of required conditions at appropriate levels Homeostasis - Maintenance of constant internal environment Homoeothermic (Warm blooded) Organisms - Organisms which are able to maintain a constant body temperature Poikilothermic (Cold blooded) Organisms - Organisms which cannot maintain a constant body temperature and vary according to the temperature of their surroundings Hydrocele - An accumulation of fluid in the body Mechanisms which affect the internal environment of a body -
Breathing/gaseous exchange temperature control water and ionic control (excretion)
How water levels are kept constant in body fluids -
Too Low - When water levels fall as a result of dehydration, the hypothalamus is stimulated which signals to the pituitary gland to secrete the hormone vasopressin to increase the permeability of distal convoluted tubules resulting in more water being reabsorbed in the blood stream and osmotic pressure is reduced to the optimal level Too High - When water levels are too high it causes a reduction in the secretion of vasopressin from the pituitary glad leading to a decrease in the permeability of the distal tubules resulting in less water being absorbed and large volumes of water being excreted as dilute urine
## Temperature Regulation In Animals
Physiological activities which contribute to temperature regulation in mammals under -
Hot Conditions -
Vasodilation reducing rate of metabolism sweating hairs lie flat to the skin surface Cold Conditions -
Vasoconstriction metabolism increased hairs become erect shivering occurs Shivering - Shaking when an animal is cold. Its function is to generate heat when body temperature is low Vasodilation - Refers to the widening of blood vessels resulting from the relaxation of smooth muscles in the vessel walls Vasoconstriction - Refers to the constricting of blood vessels resulting from the tightening of smooth muscles in vessel walls Poikilotherms - Animals which cannot control their internal temperature, so they must wait in the sun or shade to regulate their temperature (ex lizards)
Homoiotherms - Animals which control their temperature by the actions of the hypothalamus in the brain
(ex humans)
Adaptations of Homoiotherms -
In cold environments -
Posses fat and fur small ears and short noses to minimize surface area (to prevent heat loss) hide in burrows or nests hibernation (metabolic processes are reduced to a minimum)
migrating to warmer environments In hot/dry environments -
Little fur or fat large ears and long noses to maximize surface area hide in nests during hot periods aestivation (hibernation in hot, dry environmental conditions)
Methods used by mammals to lose heat -
Production of sweat evaporation of saliva leading to panting immersing their body in water to cool down hair is lowered making a thinner coat which allows heat to escape more easily molting occurs metabolism decreases so that less heat is produced Methods used by mammals to gain heat -
Decrease in production of sweat jaws kept closed and breathing is slow through the nostrils to prevent evaporation of saliva stays out of the water at night thicker fur is grown metabolism increases to produce more heat, shivering A dog panting is an example of a cooling effect in hot conditions Osmoregulation Osmoregulation - The control of the movement of water in and out of the cells by osmosis How glucose is kept at constant levels in body fluids -
Glucose is regulated by two hormones: insulin and glucagon Too Low - When the level of blood sugar falls, it stimulates the release of glucagons which convert glycogen into glucose, which increases blood sugar levels Too High - When the amount of glucose rises, the receptor centers for glucose are stimulated the insulin is released to convert glucose into glycogen so that it can be stored in the liver
## 6. Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction - Reproduction involving one parent, with the fusion of gametes Sexual Reproduction - Reproduction involving two parents who produce gametes. These gametes fuse together making a zygote which develops through an embryo stage to become a new organism Binary Fission - The process of a parent cell splitting to become an independent organism (done by ameba, paramecium and other bacteria)
Fertilization - The process of fusion between male and female gametes Zygote - A fertilized Ovum which eventually develops into a new organism Gametes - Male and female reproduction cells (eggs and sperm)
Hermaphrodite (Bisexual) - Occurs when an organism posses both male and female reproductive structures
Difference between Asexual Reproduction and Sexual Reproduction -
| - No genetic variation between offspring - Requires one parent only - No gametes are involved | - There is genetic variation between offspring - Usually requires two parents - Involves fusion of two gametes | |
## Reproduction In Flowering Plants
Anther - Terminal part of a stamen which produces and releases pollen Stamens - The male reproductive organs of a flower. The anthers of stamens produce pollen grains, consists of anthers and filament Stigma - The part of the carpel where pollen grains become attached during pollination Style - Surrounds the pollen tube of a plant, between the stigma and the ovary Spore - A microscopic reproductive cell released from an organism during asexual reproduction commonly found in fungi/mosses/ferns. For bacteria a spore is a resting or dormant stage of the life cycle usually formed when conditions are unfavorable Pollen - Male gametes of flowering plants Pollination - Transfer of pollen grains from stamens to stigmas Endosperm - The tissue produced under the seeds of flowering plants around the time of fertilization to surround the embryo and provide nutrition Germination - The transformation process of seeds turning into seedlings Nectary - An organ in a flower that produces nectar and aids in pollination by attracting insects Carpel - The female sex organ of a flower Sepals - Leaf like structures at the outer region of a flower which protect the flower when it buds Calyx - The collective name for the sepals of a flower Coleoptile - Sheath-like protective covering over the first formed leaves of grasses and other cereals Pathenocarpic - Plants that can form a fruit without being fertilized (e.g. bananas)
REPRODUCTION IN MAMMALS Human ovaries produce -
Ova, estrogen, progesterone

## Female Reproductive System
Uterus - A bag like organ of the female reproductive system which contains,protects and nourishes the developing embryo Cervix - The lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of the vagina. During menstruation it opens slightly to allow the endometrium to shed Ovary - An organ which produces female gametes (ova or ovules) Fallopian Tube - The tubes which connect the ovaries to the uterus Endometrium - Inner membrane of the mammalian uterus. During menstruation it grows thick so that a blastocyst can implant in the uterus Blastocyst - The structure formed in the early stage of mammals Graafian Follicle - A fluid filled space in mammalian ovaries containing a cell which develops into a female gamete (ovum)
Factors affecting Pregnancy in Females -
Releasing of ova in a normal monthly cycle blocking or twisting of fallopian tubes implantation of an embryo in the uterus antibodies which destroy sperm
## Male Reproductive System
Prostate - An exocrine gland of the male reproductive system Vas Deferens (Sperm Duct) -Transports sperm from the epididymis before ejaculations Epididymus - Stores sperm and ejaculant Testes - The male reproductive organ of animals which produce gametes called sperm and testosterone Gamete Formation and Fertilization Ways a zygote differs from other **cells in the body -** Has the ability to differentiate when it divides forming new cells that are specialized for MALE REPRODUCTIVE SESYTEM

different functions like tissues or organs. The division of a zygote leads to the formation of a complete organism which grows and develops to a stage where it is able to reproduce Zygote - The cell which results from the fusion of a male and female gamete (a fertilized egg)
Ovum (Ova) - Female gametes of animals Oviduct - A tube leading from a funnel-shaped opening near an ovary to the outside of the body Ovulation - The release of an ovum (egg cell) from a ripe graafian follicle Ovule - The part of a carpel containing the female gamete or egg nucleus. Ovules develop into seeds after fertilization Menopause - The age at which women lose their ability to have children (infertility)
Menstruation - The breakdown and removal from the body of the lining of the uterus, which occurs if an ovum has not been fertilized Gametes - Cells involved in sexual reproduction i.e. pollen grain, ova. Gametes fuse together at fertilization forming a zygote which develops into an embryo Gametogenesis - Is a process by which diploid or haploid cells undergo cell division and differentiation to form mature haploid gametes creating eggs or sperm Semen - Fluid produced by the testes of mammals which consists of sperm and chemicals which nourish them and stimulate their swimming movements Sperm - The male gametes of animals Gestation - A period of growth and development of a fetus in the uterus of a mammal Embryo - The stage of development between the fertilized egg (zygote) and the newly formed organism Factors affecting fertilization by males -
Few sperm produced in one ejaculation a high proportion of sperm are abnormal
## Disorders Of The Reproductive System
Artificial Insemination - The process of introducing sperm at the time of ovulation which have been kept frozen by liquid nitrogen Test Tube Baby - A baby produced from an ovum fertilized outside its mother's body then returned to her womb to develop Vasectomy - A surgical operation in which men are made sterile by cutting or blocking the sperm ducts Hermaphrodite - An organism which possesses both male and female reproductive organs Fertility Drugs - Substances used to stimulate the development and release of ova from the ovaries of women who are infertile because ovulation has stopped Conditions affecting **the Reproductive System -**
Cancer fibroids prostate gland infection impotence Complications of the Reproductive System Abortion - The termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of a fetus or embryo from the uterus resulting in its death Still Birth - Occurs when a fetus has died in the uterus and the mother gives birth to the dead fetus, generally happening after 20 weeks gestation Miscarriage - Occurs when the embryo or fetus is incapable of surviving and dies, generally happening prior to 24 weeks gestation Ectopic Pregnancy - Occurs when pregnancy occurs outside of the uterus (in the fallopian tube) causing internal bleeding of the mother and possibly her death Non-communicable reproductive tract infections (RTIs) -
Gonorrhea, syphilis Non-communicable reproductive tract diseases (RTDs) -
Urinary tract infection (UTI), candidiasis
## Sexuality, Sexual Health And Responsible Sexual Behaviour
Responsible Behaviours - Are actions which do not lead to health problems and require making good decisions Risky Behaviours - Actions or practices which lead to the development of health problems i.e. HIV
infection Delaying Sex - An individual does not engage in sexual intercourse until they and their partner are ready Advantages of abstaining from sex during adolescence - Eliminates risk of STDs, reduces risk of HIV
infection, avoids pregnancy, gives time to finish school Assertive Behaviour - When someone stands for their rights no matter what the circumstances are Importance of assertive behaviour -
Avoids unsafe sexual behavior to avoid contracting HIV avoiding drug use avoiding early pregnancy Passive Behaviour - When someone is silent and takes no action for their rights Venereal Disease (VD) - A disease passed from one person to another during sexual intercourse e.g.
syphilis and gonorrhea Ways to prevent infections of the reproductive system -
Use of condoms avoiding irresponsible sexual behavior abstinence faithful to one partner Consequences of STD infections -
Death deafness blindness hearth diseases insanity loss of economic productivity Behaviours which lead to Risk of contracting STDs -
Drug/alcohol abuse multiple sexual partners prostitution unprotected sex Lead to Drug Abuse -
Peer pressure choosing bad friends laziness stress or depression Lead to Unplanned Pregnancies -
Premarital sex unprotected sex drug/alcohol use prostitution promiscuity sexual abuse i.e. rape social/cultural practices Family Planning and Contraception Family Planning - The planning of when to have children by using birth control, abstinence, fertility management, education Types of birth control -
Birth control pills condoms sterilization emergency contraceptive pill rhythm method abstinence abortion use of spermicide Maternal and child care Prenatal Care - Care of a pregnant woman before delivery Postnatal Care - Care of a woman after delivering a baby
## 1. Growth
Types of Growth - Localized, diffuse Diffuse Growth - Growth occurs all over the body, found in kingdom animalia Localized Growth - Growth occurs in a certain region only, found in kingdom plantae Factors influencing growth -
Access to food (carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins), water, light and temperature (plants)
growth hormone genetic factors diseases accumulation of toxins in the body
## Mitosis And Growth
Mitosis - Type of cell division resulting in cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell, type of division used when an organism grows or a colony of bacteria multiplies Stages of Cell Division -
Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, interphase

Prophase - Is a stage of mitosis where the chromatin condenses into a chromosome Diplotene - Stage of meiosis where the exchange of genetic material takes place, occurs during prophase I
Zygotene - Stage of meiosis where chromosomes line up with each other in homologous pairs, occurs during prophase I
Metaphase - The stage of mitosis where chromosomes align in the middle of a cell before being separated into each of the daughter cells Anaphase - The stage of mitosis when chromosomes separate. Each chromatid moves to the opposite ends of the cell at opposite ends of the mitotic spindle Telophase - Is a stage of both meiosis and mitosis where two daughter nuclei form in the cell as the nuclear envelope forms around each pair of chromatids Interphase - The phase a cell spends the majority of its time in. Most cell function is done during this phase as well as preparation for cell division Importance of Mitosis to Organisms -
Cell replacement growth regeneration asexual reproduction genetic stability

Reasons meiosis is needed in the life cycle of sexually reproducing organisms 1. Brings about a reduction in the number of chromosomes from diploid to haploid during the formation of gametes. This preserves chromosome numbers in the species, since gametes must fuse during fertilization forming diploid zygotes which will contain the species character number of chromosomes 2. Crossing over and independent assortment of chromosomes during this process brings about an exchange of chromosomal material between homologous chromosomes and also in the genetic makeup of the offspring. Both events lead to variations which natural selection acts upon
## Significance Of Mitosis -
1. Can occur in damaged parts of an organism to repair certain parts 2. Dividing cells carry hereditary materials 3.Growth occurs as a result of cells dividing producing more and more cells
## Significance Of Meiosis -
Helps bring about a reduction in the number of chromosomes from diploid to haploid which is necessary during fertilization when gametes must fuse, crossing over occurs during this process which brings about an exchange of chromosomes which introduces variations in the genetic makeup of the offspring. Natural selection acts upon these variations
## Similarities Between Mitosis And Meiosis -
DNA replicates once involves nuclear division they follow through the same steps (interphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase)
paired homologues align at the metaphase
| - One nuclear division | - Two nuclear divisions | |
| - Homologous chromosomes pair but do not undergo crossing over - A single cell divides into two daughter cells | - Homologous chromosomes pair and undergo crossing over during prophase I - A single cell divides into four daughter cells - The daughter cells are not genetically identical to each other or the parent cells - Daughter cells are haploid | |
| - The daughter cells are genetically identical to each other and the parent cell - Daughter cells are diploid | | |
Analogous Chromosomes - Chromosomes with the same function but have different origins Cancer - A disease in which fast growing abnormal cells invade and destroy healthy organs Chromatid - One of the two identical strands of chromosomes, which separate during cell division and moves to the opposite ends of the cell Chromatin - Is the combination of DNA and proteins that makes up chromosomes Crossing Over - A process during which meiosis where chromosomes exchange material with one another. This increases the chances of variation within species Diploid - A cell having the full number of chromosomes (e.g. organisms with paired chromosomes like humans)
Haploid - A cell having half of the number of chromosomes created through meiosis Heterozygous - The state of an individual which has different alleles in corresponding loci on a pair of homologous chromosomes (i.e. Tt or Bb)
Homologous Chromosomes - The two chromosomes of each pair during meiosis which are identical in shape and size Meiosis - Type of cell division that produces gametes and results in cells with half the number of chromosomes found in the parent cell Recessive Characteristic -
One that does not appear in the phenotype when crossed with a dominant characteristic Rapid mitotic cell division is seen in embryonic tissues Chromosomes form pairs at the early stage of meiosis
## Growth And Developmental Stages In Humans
Cultural practices affecting reproductive health in Tanzania -
Female Genital Mutilation - Surgical removal of the clitoris, labia minora, and labia majora from a female for religious or ritualistic purposes which is often done as a part of initiation rites Early Marriage - Marriage of women under 18 which can lead to delivery complications from lack of physical development of the mother Advantages of placental development for a developing fetus –
-Supplies food nutrients to fetus (e.g. glucose, amino acids, vitamins)
-supplies oxygen/water/mineral salts
-removes waste from fetus
-protects fetus against the mother's immune system and changes in mother's blood pressure
-provides physical attachment of the fetus to the wall of the uterus Functions of the umbilical cord - *Transports the following:*
Food materials from the placenta to the embryo oxygen from the placenta to the developing embryo carbon dioxide from the embryo to the placenta (e.g. urea) wastes from the embryo to the placenta mineral salts from the placenta to the embryo Substances which pass from the mother's blood to the blood of the fetus -
Oxygen, food (e.g. glucose, amino acids), mineral salts, water Possible consequences of Early Pregnancy -
Miscarriage abortion premature delivery mother leaves school financial and emotional stress Birth control methods which suppress the formation or release of gametes -
Contraceptive pills (chemical method), sterilization Prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg - Intrauterine devices Prevent the union of gametes in fertilization -
Rhythm method (use of menstrual cycle calendar), barrier method which involves the use of a condom, diaphragm or female condom, spermicides Puberty - The stage of development where men and women become sexually mature and are able to reproduce
## Pregnancy
Is the period during which a female mammal carries a developing embryo in her uterus Placenta - The organ through which the fetus of a mammal obtains food and oxygen from its mother's blood and passes waste into the mothers blood Umbilical Cord - A tube containing blood vessels connecting a developing embryo with its placenta Fetus - The embryo of a mammal at the stage of development in which the mean features aren visible Amniotic Fluid - Its function is to protect the developing embryo from physical damage as a kind of shock absorber Amnion - The fluid-filled sac that surrounds and protects embryos of reptiles, birds and mammals

## Growth In Flowering Plants
Factors which cause difference in height **among plants -**
Light, water, soil fertility Limiting factors for plant growth -
Nutrients, light, carbon dioxide, water Germination Types - 1. Epigeal - Cotyledons are brought above theground along with the shoot 2. Hypogeal - Cotyledons remain below the surface of the soil and the shoot grows outward Purpose of starch stored in beans to a developing plant -
It is used to release energy to the young plant when it undergoes anabolism which is used for cellular activities like cell division Factors required for the formation of carbohydrates in plants -
Sunlight, carbon dioxide, water, chlorophyll
## Structure Of A Seed -
Cotyledon - After germination the cotyledon becomes the embryonic first leaves of a seedling Hypocotyl - Part of the germinating seedling of a seed, which grows up with embryonic leaves
Radicle - Part of the seed which grows into the root system Seed Coat (Testa) - Outer protective covering of a seed Plumule - Consists of the first true leaves of a young plant Coleorhiza - The cover on the radicle in a monocot seed Coleoptile - The cover of a cotyledon in a monocot seed

## 2. Genetics
Alleles - One of a pair (or more) of alternative forms of a gene Back Cross - The mating of a hybrid organism with one of its parents Centromere - A part of a chromosome without genes which the chromosome uses to become attached to the spindle Chromosomes - Rod-like structures visible in the nucleus of a cell during cell division which consist of genes and contain the hereditary information of the cell Crossing Over - Is the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis (diplotene)
Dominant Gene - One which appears in the phenotype when crossed with a contrasting recessive character Gene - A part of a chromosome which controls the appearance of a set of hereditary characteristics Genetics - The scientific study of genes Genotype - The genetic makeup of an organism, the set of genes which it possesses Heterozygous - Is when an organism has alleles (two genes) which control a characteristic and are opposite in nature, the two alleles are different Homozygous - When the two alleles are the same Inbreeding - Is the reproduction from the mating of two genetically related parents which increases the chances of the offspring being affected by recessive traits Key - A sequence of statements about the characteristics of a group of organisms which can be used to identify an organism belonging to that group Mutation - A sudden unpredictable change in a gene or chromosome which alters its characteristics Phenotype - The visible hereditary characteristics of an organism as opposed to the genotype which is the genetic characteristics Recessive - Refers to the trait or gene which cannot express itself due to the presence of a dominant trait or gene. It is only expressed when it exists alone Recessive Gene - A gene which is not expressed when paired with a dominant gene, but can be expressed if paired with another recessive gene. This can lead to genetic diseases Segregation - The separation of genes which are called alleles of each other at meiosis and their environment into separate gametes Spindle - An arrangement of fibres between the poles of a cell which the chromatids (or chromosomes)
move during mitosis or meiosis Test Cross - Is a test used to determine if an individual exhibiting a dominant trait is homozygous or heterozygous for that trait X Chromosome - A chromosome which when present in a zygote either along with another X
chromosome cause the zygote to develop into a female organism Y Chromosome - A chromosome which when present in a zygote results in that zygote developing into a male organism
## Genetic Materials
Amino Acids - Organic compounds that consist of chemical units liked together in long chains to form protein molecules, they separate from one another when the protein is digested Differentiate between DNA and RNA -
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) - A chemical within chromosomes which contains the hereditary information of the cell RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) - A molecules which assists in the building of proteins, is formed by a single helix, and is involved in the process of regulating which genes are expressed
## Concept Of Inheritance
Inheritance - The passing on of traits to offspring from parents or ancestors Mendelian inheritance Mendel's First Law - Each of the two alleles of one gene may combine randomly with either of the alleles of another gene independently Bb - Heterozygous BB - Homozygous dominant bb - Homozygous recessive Selective Breeding - Choosing to mate animals with desired characteristics so that future generations will possess them (ex breeding cows for better milk or meat)
Monohybrid Cross - A cross between organisms which show contrast variations of only one characteristic P Generation - The parental generation. This is where the original genes come from F1 Generation - The first filial generation. Organisms produced by crossing animals or plants which form the starting point of genetic expression F2 Generation - The second filial generation. Organisms produced by crossing or self crossing members of an F1 generation 1. In cattle the hornless trait is dominant and the horned trait is recessive. If a pure horned bull is mated with a pure hornless cow, what kind of offspring are expected and it what ratio at the F1 and F2 generations?
| | | | |
| Gametes | A | A | |
| | a | Aa | Aa |
| | a | Aa | Aa |
F1 **Generation**

| | F2 Generation | |
| A | a | |
| A | AA | Aa |
| a | Aa | aa |
In the F1 generation we can see that all offspring will be heterozygous horned condition Aa

In the F2 generation, we can see that the genotypic ratio is 1:2:1 between AA:Aa:aa. This means that there will be 1 pure horned : 2 heterozygous horned : 1 hornless. The phenotypic ratio will be 3:1 meaning there will be 3 with the horned condition and 1 with the hornless condition
## Non- Mendelian Inheritance
Complete Dominance - This is when a dominant gene is seen in the phenotype of an organism and the recessive gene is not Incomplete Dominance - This is when one gene does not completely dominate the phenotype of an organism and a blending between the two traits occurs (ex a red flower gene and a white flower gene combine to create a pink flower)
## Sex Determination And Inheritance
Sex Determination - Sex in humans is determined by chromosome pairs. XY is male, XX is female; fertilization is a matter of chance i.e. whether the outcome will be XX or XY
Sex Influenced Trait - Phenotype is caused when an allele is recessive in one sex but dominant in the other Sex Limited Character - Is a character which is restricted to one sex only (ex. baldness in males, enlargement of breasts in women)
Sex-linked Characters - Characters carried in the X chromosome Sex Linked Inheritance - Traits which are inherited together with the sex chromosome e.g. hemophilia and colour blindness
## Variation Among Organisms
Variation - Is any difference which exists between members which belong to the same species Continuous Variations - Do not have clear cut differences (ex. height in a population)
Discontinuous Variations - Clear distinctions are present (ex. males/females, blood type)
Causes of variation - Genes and their properties
## Genetic Disorders
Mutagens - Factors that cause genetic mutation (ex gamma rays, chemicals)
Genetic Disorders -
Hemophilia - Impairs the body's ability to control blood clotting (coagulation) to stop bleeding Colour Blindness - The inability to see differences in colours that others are able to distinguish Turner Syndrome - Occurs when all or part of one chromosome is absent causing physical abnormalities like being short, swelling of the body, having a board chest, low hairline, low ears Down's Syndrome (Mongoloid) - Occurs when there is all or part of an extra 21st chromosome
## Application Of Genetics
Biotechnology - The harnessing of biological processes to make useful substances, i.e. microbes that can be used to make food/fuel/medicine/hormones Genetic Engineering - A technique for altering an organisms genetic makeup by inserting a gene from another organism into its chromosome
## 3. Classification Of Living Things
KINGDOM ANIMALIA Characteristics of mammals (kingdom animalia) -
Presence of mammary glands typically covered with hair have internal fertilization have a four chambered heart functioning as a double pump possess well eveloped senses of smell and hearing. In 20% of mammal species hearing is more important than vision Examples of mammals -
Humans, bats, mice, lions, elephants Characteristics of Molluscs -
Unsegmented soft body often with a shell large single muscular foot Examples of Molluscs -
Snails, slugs, mussels, octopi Differentiate between homologous and analogous structures -
Homologous Structures - Structures performing different functions but having the same or similar origin (e.g. limbs can be used for swimming, flying, running or grasping)
Analogous Structures - Structures performing the same function but having a different evolutionary history (e.g. bats and birds can fly with wings but they originated separately)
Characteristics of Platyhelminthes -
Flattened segmented worms alimentary canal but no mouth body composed of three layers of cells no body cavity Examples of Platyhelminthes -
Planarians, flukes, tapeworms Characteristics of Cestoda (kingdom animalia) -
-Possess hooks used for attachment in the gut to prevent being washed away by undigested food materials
-possess suckers for attachment to the gut wall -possess a cuticle with mucus to prevent digestion by the host's enzymes Examples of Cestoda - Tapeworms Diseases caused by tapeworms or flukes -
Schistosomiasis (bilharzias), teniasis
## Phylum Aschelminthes (Nematoda)
Characteristics of Nematodes -
Unsegmented worms pointed at both ends gut with mouth and anus three layers of cells many parasitic Examples of Nematodes -
Hookworms, roundworms, threadworms Diseases caused by nematodes -
encylcostomiasis (hookworm infection)
PHYLUM ANNELIDA Characteristics of Annelids -
Segmented worms body composed of three layers of cells but with mouth and anus Examples of Annelids -
Earthworms, lugworms, ragworms, leeches
## Phylum Arthropoda
Characteristics of Arthropoda -
Segmented body with a hard exoskeleton jointed limbs segmentally arranged three layers of cells true body cavity bilaterally symmetrical Examples of Arthropoda -
Scorpions, spiders, millipedes, centipedes, cockroaches
## Types Of Metamorphosis
Complete Metamorphosis - A type of metamorphosis where an insect develops through four stages Egg larvae pupa adult. e.g. butterfly Incomplete Metamorphosis - A type of metamorphosis where an insect develops through three stages egg nymph adult. e.g. cockroach Antennae - Long, narrow sense organs on the heads of insects which contain receptors for touch, taste, smell, humidity and temperature Larva - An early stage in the life cycle of certain organisms which bears little or no resemblance to the adult Ecdysis - Shedding of the outer exoskeleton of an insect exposing the new soft exoskeleton e.g.
| | Beneficial to Man | Harmful to Man |
| | - Pests destroy crops - Destruct human property (timber/clothes/etc) - Vectors of diseases | |
| - Used as food - Tourism to view beautiful insects (colourful beetles) - Used in biological control of pests - Useful in recycling organic matter - Production of fibres | | |
Ways which insects are harmful or beneficial to man - PHYLUM CHORDATA Characteristics of Chordata -
Notochord present in adults tubular dorsal hallow nerve cord closed blood system post-anal tail Characteristics of Pisces (Fish) -
Paired fins gills for gaseous exchange external scales lateral line system Examples of Pisces -
Tilapia, carp, dagaa Characteristics of Amphibia -
Paired limbs gills present in tadpole stage lungs in adult soft skin no scales no outer ear Examples of Amphibia -
Frogs, lizards, toads Characteristics of Aves (Birds) -
Paired limbs forelimbs are wings for flight lungs for gaseous exchange feathers on the body eggs with a calcareous shell no larval stage warm blooded Examples of Aves -
Eagle, heron, stork Characteristics of Mammalia -
Paired limbs lungs for gaseous exchange sebaceous and sweat glands hair warm blooded possess outer ear Apes, humans, elephants, lions, mice, dogs, monkeys
## 4. Evolution
Evolution - The sequence of gradual changes over millions of years in which new species arise
## Theories Of The Origin Of Life
Natural Selection -
A theory which explains how evolutionary change occurred. It says that certain mutations of a living organism allow it to compete for resources better than those without the mutation, meaning that over a long period of time that characteristic will become dominant in the species and stay as a part of their phenotype
## Survival Of The Fittest -
The statement that only organisms with the best characteristics will survive over a long period of time, those with weaker characteristics will become extinct. This is partially true because animals with weaker characteristics can still survive due to there being enough resources in the environment, a lack of predators in the ecosystem or by filling a specific niche in the ecosystem
## Theories Of Organic Evolution Lamarckism
The theory by Jean Baptiste de Lamarck which said that traits acquired by parents during their lifetime where passed on to offspring. This has been proven to be incorrect Weaknesses of Lamarckism -
Traits are not acquired during an animals lifetime, genetics has shown that genes determine the characteristics of offspring Darwinism Theory proposed by Charles Darwin which states that new species arise as the result of genetic changes over time which causes members of a species to no longer be capable of reproducing with one another, creating two separate but genetically related species (ex. humans and apes share the same common ancestor, however the ancestors split into two groups, one evolved into humans, the other evolved into apes over the course of millions of years, man did not evolve from apes)
## Evidence Of Organic Evolution
Anatomy - Groups of living animals resemble each other based on common ancestry Embryology - There is a great deal of similarity during the development of embryos among widely different animals (ex. all vertebrates share common features during embryonic development even though in adult stages they are very different, like humans and birds)
Histology - Tissues and cells of related organisms are very similar Biochemistry - The biochemical processes among all animals work the same as eukaryotic cells, showing that animals developed from eukaryotic cells (ex cell respiration and the use of ATP)
Genetics - Study of DNA clearly shows the genetic heritage which is shared by similar animals as well as broadly among classes, phylums and kingdoms (ex mice and humans are genetically similar even though they seem very different when you look at them. Their similar genotype means that we can use mice to study diseases found in humans)
Paleontology - The study of animals and plants from millions of years ago shows that they were very different than animals and plants today, yet they show a long term slow change in phenotype over time towards animals and plants we see today, or showing lineages which no longer exist Geography - This causes plants and animals to develop differently given different geographic locations.
For example marsupials and Australia carry their young in pouch, which is not done by similar animals on other continents because they developed separately from the other groups


Charles Darwin Jean Baptiste de Lamarck |

(For both School and Private Candidates)

TIME: 2:30 **HOURS Monday,** 2 nd **August 2021 a.m**
## Instructions
1. This paper consists of **two (2)** questions. 2. Answer **both** questions. 3. Each question carries 25 marks. 4. Except for diagrams which must be drawn in pencil, all writing must be blue or black ink. 5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the Examination room. 6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s) 1. You are provided with specimen P. Follow the following procedures to carry out the experiment and answer the questions that follow:
(i) By using a pair of forceps, dip/submerge the specimen P in a boiling water for three (03) minutes.
(ii) By using a pair of forceps, remove the specimen from the boiling water both and dip it in boiling test tube half full of ethanol for about five (05) minutes.
(iii) Gently remove the specimen from the boiling test tube and place it on a white file. (iv) Release a few drops of iodine solution on the specimen observe and record your findings. (a) What was the aim of this experiment? (b) Why was the fresh specimen dipped/submerged in boiling water? (c) State the reason behind dipping the specimen in a boiling test tube half full of ethanol?
(d) What was the colour change when dilute iodine solution was added to the specimen on the white file?
(e) What does the final observation in (i) (d) above? Justify? (f) What are the roles of the food sample identified? (3 points) (g) (i) What biological process is involved in the formation of identified food sample? (ii) Write down a balanced chemical equation representing the above process in (1) (g)( i).
2. You are provided with specimen Q. Carefully study it and answer the questions that follow: (a) (i) Identify specimen Q by using common name.
(ii) Classify specimen Q up to class level.
(iii) What are the features of the class in which specimen Q belongs?
(Give 4 points)
(iv) Mention three (03) female parts of specimen Q.
(b) (i) Name the agents of pollination of specimen Q and give four (4) reasons to justify the named agents.
(ii) Outline at least four (4) economic importance of the division in which specimen Q belongs.
(iii) Draw the diagram of specimen Q and label the male parts only.
## Wabillah Tawfiiq
BIOLOGY - F4. | <table>
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<col style="width: 8%" />
<col style="width: 9%" />
<tr class="header">
<th colspan="2"><blockquote>
<th colspan="2"><blockquote>
<th colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="5"><ol type="i">
<li><p>i. Students to make appropriate use of Biological knowledge
concepts and principle in</p></li>
<p>solving various problem in daily life.</p>
<p>ii. Student to perform practical activities in growth
<td colspan="2" rowspan="5"><blockquote>
<p>i. Students to acquire basic knowledge, skills, concepts, principles
and mechanics of physiological process in plants and animals.</p>
<p>ii. Students to develop practical skills in studying growth
<td colspan="2" rowspan="5"><p>J</p>
<td rowspan="5"><p>3</p>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="5"><p>G</p>
<td rowspan="2"><p>1.1</p>
<p>Concept of Growth.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2">2</td>
<li><p>To lead students to</p></li>
<p>discuss the meaning and importance of growth.</p></td>
<p>To discuss the</p>
<p>meaning and importance of growth in groups.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<li><p>Charts /</p></li>
<p>diagrams/pictures showing developmental stages of plants and
<td rowspan="4"><ul>
<p>Fundamental of Biology form 4, students Book. J.M Mwaniki, G.G
Geofrey Delah Education publishers Ltd. Biolo gy Forms 3 &4 students
Book Tanzania Institute of Education Longman.</p>
<td rowspan="3"><ul>
<li><p>Is the</p></li>
<p>student able to explain the concept of growth 2?.</p>
<li><p>Can the</p></li>
<p>student investigate internal and external factors affecting growth in
plants and animals?</p></td>
<td rowspan="5"></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>through questions and answers to mention internal and external
factors affecting growth in plants and animals.</p>
<li><p>To make reflection of</p></li>
<p>the experiments and clarify main points.</p></td>
<p>To carry out</p>
<p>experiment to investigate external and internal factors affecting
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3"><p>1.2</p>
<p>Mitosis and Growth</p></td>
<td rowspan="3">6</td>
<td rowspan="3"><ul>
<li><p>To guide students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss the concept of mitosis.</p>
<li><p>To make clarification</p></li>
<p>and conclusion after students presentation.</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"><ul>
<p>To discuss the</p>
<p>concepts of mitosis and present their tasks.</p>
<td rowspan="3"><ul>
<p>models photographs diagrams slides showing stages of
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<li><p>Is the</p></li>
<p>students able to explain the concept of mitosis?</p>
<tr class="odd">
<p>A frictional Approach 3<sup>rd</sup> Edition M.B.V Robert Thomas
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="4"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>J</p>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="4"><p>G</p>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To guide students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss stages of mitosis.</p>
<li><p>To reflect on the</p></li>
<p>drawings and make necessary clarification.</p></td>
<p>To discuss in</p>
<p>groups and illustrate stages of mitosis diagrams and present their
groups tasks plenary discussions.</p>
<p>slides of mitosis.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2">Biology Book. Ritter et al Nelson Canada</td>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<p>stages of mitosis?</p>
<p>significance of mitosis on growth?</p></td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To guide the students</p></li>
<p>in groups to discuss the significance the significance of mitosis in
<li><p>To reflect on the</p></li>
<p>presentation and make clarifications.</p></td>
<p>To present their group tasks in the plenary discussion.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>F</p>
<td rowspan="2">1</td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>1.3</p>
<p>Growth and Development stages in Human</p></td>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss the meaning of diffuse growth in groups.</p>
<li><p>To culminate the</p></li>
<p>discussion by highlighting the meaning of diffuse growth.</p></td>
<p>To discuss the</p>
<p>meaning of diffusion growth in groups and present their tasks.</p>
<li><p>To use the</p></li>
<p>highlights to deduce the meaning of diffuse growth and distinctive
<td>Charts/diagrams /pictures showing development stages in man.</td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Is the students able to explain;</p>
<li><p>Concept of</p></li>
<p>growth and development in human being?</p>
<li><p>In the stages</p></li>
<p>of human post-natal growth and development?</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To lead the students in</p></li>
<p>groups to observe the displayed charts and discuss the stages ad
changes during human growth and development.</p>
<li><p>To clarify on the</p></li>
<p>psychological and physical and behavioural changes associated with
each stage of human growth and development.</p></td>
<p>To observe the</p>
<p>displayed charts and discuss the stages and changes during human
growth and development.</p>
<p>phs charts showing stages of human growth from infancy to old
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>F</p>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>G</p>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To guide the students</p></li>
<p>in small groups to discuss physiological , physiological and
behavioural changes associated with growth and development in childhood,
adolescence, reproductive age, middle and old age.</p>
<li><p>To culminate the</p></li>
<p>discussion and clarify the major points.</p></td>
<p>To discuss</p>
<p>physiological and behavioural changes associated with growth and
development in childhood, adolescence reproductive age, middle and old
<li><p>Charts on</p></li>
<p>nutrition shelter and other basic needs.</p></td>
<td>Is the students able to:- - explain physiological psychological and
behavioural changes associated with growth and development?</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss the factors affecting the rate of physical
deterioration of human body and services required to meet the needs of
individual at each stage.</p>
<li><p>To clarify on the study</p></li>
<p>findings and emphasize that improve to reduce factors which affect
the rate of physical deterioration of human body and services required
to required to meet the needs of an individual at each stage will
enhance the quality of human life.</p></td>
<p>To discuss the factors affecting the rate of physical deterioration
of human body and services required to meet the needs of individual at
each stage.</p>
<p>phys/charts/diagrams showing human developmental stages.</p>
<li><p>Charts /</p></li>
<p>pictures of varieties of food.</p>
<li><p>A variety</p></li>
<p>of food substances.</p></td>
<td><p>Is the student able to outline the factors which affect the rate
of physical deterioration of human body?</p>
<p>Services required to meet the needs of individual at each
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"><p>F</p>
<td rowspan="3"><p>2</p>
<p>& 3</p></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3">Growth in flowering plants</td>
<td rowspan="3">8</td>
<li><p>To guide the students to</p></li>
<p>explain the concepts of localized growth in plants.</p>
<li><p>To lead the students in</p></li>
<p>groups to experiment and observe the germinating seeds and growing
seasons of a plant for 5-7 days.</p>
<li><p>To culminate by</p></li>
<p>highlighting the concept of localized in flowering plants.</p></td>
<p>To explain the</p>
<p>concept of localized growth in plants.</p>
<p>In groups to</p>
<p>experiment and observe the germinating seeds and growing seasons of a
plant for 5-7 days.</p>
<li><p>Indian ink</p></li>
<li><p>Petri dishes</p></li>
<li><p>Hand lens</p></li>
<li><p>Young plant</p></li>
<td>Is the student able to explain the concept of seed of
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To lead the students to</p></li>
<p>discuss the changes which occur during seed germination.</p></td>
<p>To discuss the</p>
<p>changes which occur during seed germination.</p>
<p>texts on the changes which occur during seed germination.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Can the student outline changes which occur during
seed germination?</p>
<p>How accurately can the student be able to investigate condition
necessary for seed germination experimentally?</p>
<p>Explain the concept of localized growth and germination?</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To guide the students</p></li>
<p>to perform an experiment to investigate the conditions necessary for
germination and discuss their findings.</p>
<li><p>To guide the students</p></li>
<p>to deduce from the findings the conditions necessary for germination
and present their task in a class discussion.</p>
<li><p>To reflect on the</p></li>
<p>presentations and point out the conditions necessary for seed
<p>To perform an</p>
<p>experiment to investigate the conditions necessary for germination
and discuss their findings.</p>
<li><p>To deduce from</p></li>
<p>the findings the conditions necessary for germination and present
their task in a class discussion.</p></td>
<li><p>Cotton wool</p></li>
<li><p>Indian ink</p></li>
<li><p>Textual material.</p></li>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to carry out experiments on equal and hypogeal germination and
report their experiment findings in plenary discussion.</p>
<li><p>To reflect on students</p></li>
<p>responses and make necessary clarifications.</p></td>
<p>To carry out experiments one pigeal and hypogeal germination and
report on their experiment findings in plenary discussion.</p>
<p>/ drawings on seed germination.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<li><p>Carry out</p></li>
<p>practical activities to demonstrate on epigeal and hypogeal
<p>regions of</p>
<p>a root</p>
<p>and a shoot</p>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to perform experiments to examine the growing regions of a
radical and a plumule (most and shoot spices)</p>
<li><p>To lea students to take</p></li>
<p>measurement of the growing shoot and root periodically and discuss
their findings.</p></td>
<p>To take</p>
<p>measurement of the growing shoot and root periodically and discuss
<p>To make reflection</p>
<p>of the experiment and clarify main points.</p>
<li><p>Germating seeds.</p></li>
<li><p>Petri dishes</p></li>
<li><p>Indian ink</p></li>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<li><p>Students to make appropriate use of biological knowledge concepts
and principle in solving various problem in daily life.</p></li>
<li><p>Perform practical activities in genetic.</p></li>
<p>appropriate use of genitio principle to improve animal, reproduction
and resolve socio -cultural conflicts.</p></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><ul>
<p>basic knowledge skills, concepts, principles and mechanism of
physiological success in plants and animals.</p>
<p>practical skills in studying genetics.</p>
<p>knowledge skills and principles of genetics in improving plant and
animal seeds as well as solving socio cultural conflicts (e.g. Marital
conflicts and child rejection)</p></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>F</p>
<td rowspan="2">4</td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>G E N E T I C S</p>
<td rowspan="2"><p>2.1</p>
<p>Concept of Genetics</p></td>
<td rowspan="2">2</td>
<li><p>To lead the students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss the meaning of genetics, variations and resemblance
which exists among members of the same family.</p>
<li><p>To give conclusion by</p></li>
<p>formulating definitions of interface and genetics.</p></td>
<p>To discuss the meaning of genetics, variations and resemblance which
exists among members of the same family.</p>
<p>/ pictures showing members of the same family.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<li><p>Fundamental of Biology Form 4 students Book J.M Mwaniki, G.G.
Geoffrey Delah Educational Publishers Ltd. Biology forms 3&4
students Book TIE –Longman.. Biology – A fundamental approach
3<sup>rd</sup> edition</p></li>
<p>M.B V. Roberts Thomas Nelson.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<li><p>Is the</p></li>
<p>students able to explain the concept if genetics.</p>
<p>correctly can the student state common terms used in
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To display all common</p></li>
<p>terms used in genetics.</p>
<li><p>To lea students to</p></li>
<p>discuss on the meaning of each term.</p>
<li><p>To make clarification</p></li>
<p>and conclusion on the common terms used in genetics.</p></td>
<p>To discuss on the meaning of each terms.</p>
<td>Charts showing common terms used in genetics.</td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>2.2</p>
<p>Genetics materials.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2">4</td>
<li><p>To lead students to</p></li>
<p>discuss on the meaning of genetic material.</p>
<li><p>To make clarification</p></li>
<p>and conclusion.</p>
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to observe models/pictures/photographs of DNA and RNA
molecules and discuss its structure and composition.</p>
<li><p>To lead students to</p></li>
<p>and label the structure of DNA and RNA molecule.</p>
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the structure of DNA and RNA molecules and clarify the
students responses.</p></td>
<p>To discuss on the</p>
<p>meaning of genetic materials.</p>
<p>To observe</p>
<p>Models/pictures/photographs of DNA and RNA molecules and discuss its
structure and composition.</p>
<p>To draw and label</p>
<p>the structure of DNA and RNA molecules.</p>
<p>To discuss on the</p>
<p>structure of DNA and RNA molecules.</p>
<p>charts pictures showing genetic materials.</p>
<li><p>Models/diagrams/pictures/photographs of DNA molecules.</p></li>
<li><p>Plasticise / day soil leads for moulding DNA molecule
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<p>Bob. Rutter al Nelson Canada</p>
<p>Illustrate Human and soil Biology B.S Beckett Oxford University
<td rowspan="2"><p>The student able to explain the concept of genetic
<p>Can the student describe the structure and composition of genetic
<p>Is the student able to differentiate DNA from RNA?</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to observe models/pictures/diagrams of DNA and RNA and discuss
their differences.</p>
<li><p>To clarify on the</p></li>
<p>differences between DNA and RNA and make conclusions.</p></td>
<p>To observe</p>
<p>models/pictures / diagrams of DNA and RNA and discuss their
<li><p>Models /</p></li>
<p>Pictures / diagrams of RNA and DNA molecule.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<p>Principles of Inheritance</p>
<p>Concept of inheritance</p></td>
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss observable features of members of the same
<p>To discuss</p>
<p>observable features of members of the same family.</p>
<li><p>Pictures /</p></li>
<p>photographs of members of the same family.</p>
<p>and leaves of plants of the same family. E.g. Okra, Hibiscus, Cotton
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<td>Can the student explain the concept of inheritance?</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>Mendelian inheritance.</p></td>
<li><p>To organize a study visit</p></li>
<p>at school form a nearby peas/bean farm.</p>
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to observe and discuss different parts of the plant (i.e steam
length flower colour, pod colour and shape)</p>
<li><p>To use students findings</p></li>
<p>to lead a class discussion on the characteristics features used to
investigate members first law of inheritance.</p></td>
<p>To visit a school</p>
<p>farm or nearby peas/bean farm.</p>
<p>To observe and</p>
<p>discuss different parts of the plant.</p>
<p>To summarize</p>
<p>major points and state Mendel’s first law of inheritance.</p>
<li><p>Mature pea or bean plant.</p></li>
<td>Is the student able to state the Mendel’s first law of
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>MAR</p>
<td rowspan="2">1 & 2</td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To lead students to</p></li>
<p>discuss the meaning of monohybrid crosses and ratios.</p>
<li><p>To guide the students to</p></li>
<p>illustrate using generic diagrams the monohybrid crosses and
<p>To discuss the</p>
<p>meaning of monohybrid crosses and rations.</p>
<p>To illustrate using</p>
<p>genetic diagrams the monohybrid crosses and rations.</p>
<li><p>Pods of</p></li>
<p>fresh green peas beans.</p>
<li><p>Pictures /</p></li>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>How accurately can</p>
<li><p>The student illustrate monohybrid crosses and ratios.</p></li>
<li><p>Can the</p></li>
<p>student accurately to interpreted monohybrid cross ( and ratios?</p>
<li><p>Can the student to interpret data from monohybrid experiment to
demonstrate Mendel’s first law of inheritance experimentally?</p></li>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To lead the students in</p></li>
<p>group using guidelines to interpreted data from monohybrid
experiments to demonstrate Mendel’s first law of inheritance and discuss
that interpretation findings.</p>
<p>To use students findings to make clarifications and conclusion.</p>
<p>In groups using</p>
<p>guidelines to interpret data from monohybrid experiments to
demonstrate Mendel’s firs law of inheritance and discuss their
interpretation findings.</p>
<li><p>Peas /</p></li>
<p>bean seeds</p>
<li><p>Beads of</p></li>
<p>two different colours</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2"><p>M</p>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To guide students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss the patterns of inheritance of albinism, tongue
rolling, ABO and Rhesus factors, blood grouping and sickle cell
<li><p>To reflect on the</p></li>
<p>presentation and make clarification.</p></td>
<p>In groups to</p>
<p>discuss the patterns of inheritance of albinism tongue rolling, ABO
an Rhesus factors, blood grouping and sickle cell anaemia.</p>
<p>To present group</p>
<p>tasks in a plenary discussions.</p>
<li><p>250gm of bean or pea seeds.</p></li>
<li><p>50-100 of two different colours.</p></li>
<td><p>Inheritance experimentally?</p>
<p>Is the student able to illustrate patterns of inheritance that follow
Mendel’s first law of inheritance?</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>A</p>
<td colspan="9"><strong>MID TERM TESTS</strong></td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="9"><p>MIDTERM BREAK</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="10"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>A</p>
<td rowspan="2">3</td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>2.3.3</p>
<p>Non-Mendelian inheritance.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2">6</td>
<li><p>To lead the students to</p></li>
<p>discuss in groups the meaning of incomplete dominance and
co-dominance .</p>
<li><p>To use students</p></li>
<p>responses to clarify on the meaning of incomplete dominance and
<p>To discuss in</p>
<p>groups the meaning of incomplete dominance and co-dominance.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<p>pictures and photographs showing members of the same family.</p>
<p>Photographs showing animals with different colours black, white brown
and dotted cow, cat, goat, or hen.</p>
<li><p>Chart, /</p></li>
<p>pictures photograph.</p>
<li><p>Beads of</p></li>
<p>different colours.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Is the student able to explain incomplete dominance
and co-dominance?</p>
<p>How well can the student illustrate – patterns of inheritance that
deviates from Mendel’s first law f inheritance?</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To lead the students to</p></li>
<p>discuss on the patterns of inheritance that deviates from Mendel’s
first law of inheritance.</p>
<li><p>To organize students</p></li>
<p>responses and use to describe using genetic diagrams the patient of
inheritance that deviates from the Mendel’s first law of
<p>To discuss on the</p>
<p>pattern of inheritance that deviates from Mendel’s first law of
<p>To describe the</p>
<p>patterns of inheritance using genetic diagrams.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2"><p>A</p>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"><p>2.4</p>
<p>Sex determination and inheritance.</p></td>
<td rowspan="3">8</td>
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups using genetic diagrams to describe the mechanisms of sex –
determination and inheritance.</p>
<li><p>To make clarification</p></li>
<p>and conclusion on the mechanism of sex determination and
<p>In groups using</p>
<p>genetics diagrams to describe the mechanisms of sex determination and
<p>phs / pictures showing different animals.</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td>Can the students describe the mechanism of sex determination and
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>MA</p>
<td rowspan="2">1 & 2</td>
<li><p>To lead the students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss the meaning of sex linked sex limited and sex
influenced characters.</p>
<li><p>To lead the students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss the observable features of animals of different sex
(e.g long hair of lion, big comb and plumage of hen, long horns of goat
and cow.</p>
<li><p>To make clarifications</p></li>
<p>and conclusion on the concepts of sex linked, sex limited and sex
influenced characters.</p></td>
<p>In groups to</p>
<p>discuss the meaning of sex linked, sex limited and sex influenced
<p>In groups to</p>
<p>discuss the observable features of animals of different sex (eg. Long
hair of lion, big comb and plumage of hen)</p>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<p>/pictures photographs showing animals of different sex.</p>
<p>of study report on socio-cultural factors</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Is the student able to explain the concept of sex
linked sex limited and sex influenced characters?</p>
<p>Is the students able to explain consequence of sex preference and
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To lead the students to</p></li>
<p>discuss on the consequences of sex preference and sex
<p>To discuss on the</p>
<p>Consequences of sex preference and sex selection.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="4"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="4"><p>MA</p>
<td rowspan="4">3</td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="4"></td>
<li><p>To invite a guest speaker</p></li>
<p>to table on sex preference and sex selection and its
<p>To make points</p>
<p>from the guest speakers presentation that will lead them to explain
consequences of sex preference and sex selection.</p>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td>Is the student able to explain the concept of sex linked sex limited
and sex influenced characters?</td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3"><p>2.5</p>
<p>Variation among organisms</p></td>
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to observe discussion record variations existing among members
of the same family.</p>
<li><p>To lead class discussion and make clarification.</p></li>
<p>To observe,</p>
<p>discuss and record variations among members of the same family in
<td rowspan="3"><ul>
<li><p>Pictures /</p></li>
<p>photographs of members of the same family.</p>
<p>/texts on variations among organism.</p>
<li><p>Pictures /</p></li>
<p>photographs of members of the same</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"><p>Can the students correctly explain the concept of
<p>How accurately can the student identify variations among
<p>Is the students able to give the meaning of continuous and
discontinuous variations?</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>through questions and answers to identify variations among
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to carry out simple experiments on variations among organisms
and record their findings.</p>
<li><p>To lead students in groups</p></li>
<p>to discuss different types of variations.</p></td>
<p>To answer and ask</p>
<p>questions to identify variations among organisms.</p>
<p>To carry out simple</p>
<p>experiments on variations among organisms and record their findings
in groups.</p>
<p>To discuss the</p>
<p>different types of variations.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To lead students to</p></li>
<p>discuss on the meaning of continuous and discontinuous
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To assign group tasks to</p></li>
<p>students to observe and discuss different types of variation existing
on organisms around the school surroundings.</p>
<li><p>To lead students to</p></li>
<p>discuss the differences between continuous and discontinuous
<li><p>To clarify on the</p></li>
<p>differences between continuous and discontinuous variations.</p></td>
<li><p>To observe and</p></li>
<p>discuss different types of variations existing in organisms around
the school surrounding.</p>
<li><p>To discuss the</p></li>
<p>differences between continuous and discontinuous variation.</p></td>
<li><p>Variety of</p></li>
<p>organisms around the school surroundings.</p></td>
<td>Can the student differentiate continuous from discontinuous
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To lead students to</p></li>
<p>discuss and suggest the possible causes of variation among
<li><p>To jot down the</p></li>
<p>students response on the chalk – bond and give comments on the causes
of v variations among organisms.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss and suggest the possible causes of variations among
<li><p>Variety of organisms showing different variations.</p></li>
<td>Is the student able to explain causes of variations among
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2"><p>MA</p>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<p>Genetic Disorders</p></td>
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to observe the DNA molecules model and discuss the arrangement
of bases.</p>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>the sequence of bases of the DNA molecule model and discuss its
consequences.(genotypically and phenotypically)</p>
<li><p>To summarize students responses and guide them to formulate
proper meaning of genetic disorders.</p></li>
<li><p>To observe the DNA molecules model and discuss the arrangement of
bases in groups.</p></li>
<p>of DNA molecule</p>
<p>photographs showing individuals with different genetic
<td>Can the student give the meaning of genetic disorders?</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2"><p>J</p>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss various types of genetic disorders. (e.g. turner’s
syndrome, Down’s syndrome an Mongolia)</p>
<li><p>To lead plenary</p></li>
<p>discussion on the various types of genetic disorders.</p>
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss causes and effects of genetic disorders.</p>
<li><p>To lead plenary</p></li>
<p>discussion and give comments and clarification on the causes and
effects of genetic disorders.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss various</p></li>
<p>types of genetic disorders (Turners syndrome, down’s syndrome and
<li><p>to discuss causes</p></li>
<p>and effects of genetic disorders in groups and present their groups
tasks for plenary discussion.</p></td>
<li><p>Charts /</p></li>
<p>photographs/sickled red blood cells</p>
<p>photographs showing people with different types of genetic disorders
(eg. Turner’s syndrome, Down’s syndrome Mongolia) super males, super
females haemophilia and colour blindness</p>
<li><p>Samples of</p></li>
<p>chemicals such as caffeine, nicotine.</p></td>
<li><p>Is the</p></li>
<p>students able to cite examples of genetic disorders?</p>
<p>How accurately can the student explain the causes, and effects of
genetic disorders?</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<li><p>Charts /</p></li>
<p>showing the effect of x-rays germa valleys and ultra v video light to
organisms .</p>
<p>metal e.g mercury</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>Application of genetics</p></td>
<li><p>To lea students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss on the application of genetics in livestock and
crop production.</p>
<li><p>To organise students</p></li>
<p>responses and use them to lead a class discussion on the application
of genetics in livestock and crop production.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss on the</p></li>
<p>application of genetics in livestock and crop production in
<p>photographs/charts showing crops and livestock hybrids.</p>
<p>photographs showing genetically modified organism.</p>
<li><p>A sample</p></li>
<p>genetically modified food.</p></td>
<td>Is the student able to explain the importance of genetics in
biological science and related fields?</td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss the importance of genetics in biological science
and related fields.</p>
<li><p>To use student</p></li>
<p>responses to discuss and make clarification on the importance of
genetics in biological science related fields.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss the</p></li>
<p>importance of genetics in biological science and related fields in
<p>/photographs and charts showing crop and livestock hybrid.</p>
<p>Photographs showing genetically modified organisms.</p>
<p>of genetically modified food.</p></td>
<td>Is the student able to explain the importance of genetics in
biological science and related fields?</td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="9">03/6 – 08/06/2013</td>
<td colspan="5">TERMINAL EXAMINATIONS.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="9">08/06 – 15/07/2013</td>
<td colspan="5">VACATIONS</td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2">JULY</td>
<td colspan="3">2</td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="5">MARKING AND COMPLING OF MARKS</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<p>appropriate use of biological knowledge concept and principles in
solving various problem in daily life.</p>
<p>practical activities in classification of living things.</p></td>
<td colspan="2"><ul>
<p>basic knowledge skills, aspects, principles and mechanism of
physiological processes in plants and animals.</p>
<p>organisms in their respective kingdoms, phylum and class.</p></td>
<td colspan="2"><p>J</p>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Kingdom Animalia.</p></td>
<li><p>To display live/preserved</p></li>
<p>animal specimens and lead students to group according to their
similarities and differences.</p>
<li><p>To give guiding</p></li>
<p>questions to students to observe the collect and displayed organisms
identify and record their common characteristics.</p>
<li><p>To lead students in a</p></li>
<p>class discussion on the general and distinctive features of the
kingdom animalia and make clarifications.</p>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>observe and group organisms according to their similarities and
<li><p>To clarify on students microrceptions.</p></li>
<li><p>To group</p></li>
<p>live/preserved animal specimens and group then according to their
similarities and differences.</p>
<li><p>To observe the</p></li>
<p>collected and displayed organisms, identify and record their common
<li><p>To discuss on the</p></li>
<p>general and distinctive.</p>
<li><p>Features of the</p></li>
<p>kingdom Animalia.</p>
<li><p>To classify</p></li>
<p>organisms to their respective phyla.</p></td>
<li><p>A variety</p></li>
<p>of animals.</p>
<p>and charts of organisms in the kingdom Animalia.</p>
<li><p>Charts of</p></li>
<p>characteristics of kingdom Animalia.</p></td>
<p>amental of Biology Form 4 students Book J.M Mwaniki, G.G Geoffrey
<p>Form 3&4 students Book TIE Longman</p>
<p>of fundamental approach 3<sup>rd</sup> edition M.B V. Roberts THOMA
<td>Is the student able to explain correctly the general and distinctive
features of the kingdom Animalia?</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"><p>3.1.1</p>
<p>Phylum platyhelmithes</p></td>
<td rowspan="3">2</td>
<li><p>To guide students using hand lenses to observe preserved
specimens of flatworms and record their physical features.</p></li>
<li><p>To lead a class discussion on the general and distinctive
features of phylum plathelmothes and make clarifications.</p></li>
<li><p>To observe</p></li>
<p>preserved specimens of flatworms and record their physical features
using hand lens.</p>
<li><p>To discuss on the</p></li>
<p>general and distinctive features of phylum flathelinthes</p></td>
<p>specimens preserved tapeworms lives fluke.</p>
<p>/pictures of flatworms e.g. plandria, liver fluke, tapeworms</p>
<li><p>Hand lenses.</p></li>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"><p>How accurately can the student describe the structure
of tapeworm (<u>Taenia</u>)</p>
<p>Is the students able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of
Taenia (Tapeworm)</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To lead students</p></li>
<p>using hand lenses to observe the tapeworm <u>Taenia</u> and record
its distinctive features.</p></td>
<p>observe the tapeworm <u>Taenia</u> and record its distinctive
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<p>of flatworms (Taenia)</p>
<p>, liver fluke, plandria</p>
<li><p>Charts of</p></li>
<p>the general and distinctive features of phylum platyhelimthes</p>
<p>specimen of flatworms</p>
<li><p>Charts for</p></li>
<p>the general and distinctive features of Taenia (tapeworm)</p>
<p>preserve specimen of Tapeworm</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To lead a plenary</p></li>
<p>discussion about the structure and general and distinctive features
of tapeworm (<u>Taenia</u>)</p>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>describe the structure of <u>Taenia</u> (Tapeworm)and give
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>draw a well labelled diagram of a tapeworm.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss about</p></li>
<p>the structure and general and distinctions feature of tapeworm
<li><p>To describe the</p></li>
<p>structure of <u>Taenia</u> (Tapeworm) and give clarifications.</p>
<li><p>To draw a well</p></li>
<p>labelled diagram of a tapeworm.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"><p>J</p>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<li><p>To lead students to</p></li>
<p>discuss the advantages and disadvantages of flatworms.</p>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>outline the advantages and disadvantages of tapeworms.</p></td>
<li><p>Discuss the</p></li>
<p>advantages and disadvantages of flatworms.</p>
<li><p>Outline the</p></li>
<p>advantages and disadvantages of tapeworms.</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"><p>Is the student able to explain correctly the general
and distinctive features of the phylum Ascheminthes (Nematoda)</p>
<p>Can the student describe accurately the structure of Ascaris (round
<p>How correctly can the student outline the advantages and
disadvantages of round worms?</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"><p>3.1.2</p>
<p>Phylum Aschelminthes (Nematode)</p></td>
<td rowspan="2">4</td>
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to observe preserved round worms or pictures and diagrams of
round worms and record their distinctive characteristics.</p>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss in a plenary the distinctive features of round worms and give
<li><p>To observe in</p></li>
<p>groups preserved rounds worms or pictures and diagrams of round worms
and record their distinctive characteristics.</p>
<li><p>To discuss in a</p></li>
<p>plenary the distinctive features of round worms .</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<p>d specimen of round worms (Ascaris)</p>
<p>charts or photograph of round worms.</p>
<p>specimen of Ascaris.</p>
<p>pictures and diagrams of Ascaris.</p>
<li><p>Charts of</p></li>
<p>phylum Aschelminthes.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To lead students using</p></li>
<p>hand lenses to observe and identify posterior and anterior ends of a
round worms.</p>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>identify anterior and posterior ends of Ascaris and describe then
distinctive features.</p></td>
<li><p>To observe and</p></li>
<p>identify had lenses anterior and posterior ends of <u>Ascaris</u> and
describe their distinctive features.</p>
<li><p>To draw and label</p></li>
<p>a diagram of the roundworms (<u>Ascaris).</u></p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of phylum
Ascheminthes and present their word in a plenary session.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss in groups advantages and disadvantages of phylum
Ascheminthes and present their work in a plenary session.</p></li>
<td rowspan="2">.</td>
<td rowspan="5"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="5"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To reflect on the</p></li>
<p>presentations giving comment.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"><p>AUGUS</p>
<td rowspan="3">1</td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"><p>3.1.3</p>
<p>Phylum Annelida</p></td>
<td rowspan="3">4</td>
<li><p>To lead students to</p></li>
<p>observe organisms under the phylum Annelida (earth worm and leeches)
and discuss their characteristics.</p>
<li><p>To lead plenary</p></li>
<p>discussion on the general and distinctive features of the phylum
<li><p>To observe</p></li>
<p>organisms under the phylum Annelida (earthworm and leeches) and
discuss their characteristics.</p>
<li><p>To discuss on the</p></li>
<p>general and distinctive features of the phylum Annelida.</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"><ul>
<p>and pictures of leads and earthworm.</p>
<p>specimens of annelida.</p>
<li><p>Charts to</p></li>
<li><p>show the</p></li>
<p>structure of leeches and earthworm</p>
<li><p>Live or</p></li>
<p>preserved earthworm hand lens.</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"><p>Is the student able to explain accurately the general
and distinctive features of the phylum Annelida?</p>
<p>Is the student able to explain the advantages & disadvantages of
Lubricous (earthworm)?</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To guide students using</p></li>
<p>hand lens to observe preserved and live specimens of earthworms to
identify body parts.</p></td>
<li><p>To observe</p></li>
<p>preserved and live specimens of earthworms to identify body parts
using had lens.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>Students in groups</p></li>
<p>to discuss advantages and disadvantages of Lubricous
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="16"><strong>MOCK EXAMINATIONS</strong></td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"><p>AUGUS</p>
<td colspan="3" rowspan="3"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="3"><p>3.1.4</p>
<p>Phylum Anthropoda</p></td>
<td rowspan="3">4</td>
<li><p>To lead a plenary discussion on general and distinctive features
of phylum Arthropoda.</p></li>
<li><p>In groups using</p></li>
<p>guiding questions to observe and record the distinctive and general
features of the collected displayed specimens of Arthropods.</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"><ul>
<p>diagrams of arthropods.</p>
<p>d or live specimens of varieties of Arthropods</p>
<li><p>Hand lens</p></li>
<p>and photographs of variety of arthropods</p>
<li><p>Chart of</p></li>
<p>classes of arthropods</p>
<li><p>Hand lens</p></li>
<li><p>Variety of</p></li>
<p>organism of each class of the phylum arthropods.</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"><ul>
<p>accurately can the student explain the general and distinctive
features of the phylum Arthropod?</p>
<p>Can the</p>
<p>student accurately mention the classes of the phylum Arthropoda?</p>
<p>accurately can the student cite examples of organism under each class
of the phylum Arthropoda?</p>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to observe variety of arthropods and groups them according to
their similarities and differences.</p>
<li><p>To lead a plenary</p></li>
<p>discussion and make necessary clarifications.</p></td>
<li><p>To observe variety</p></li>
<p>of arthropods and group them according to their similarities and
<li><p>To discuss and</p></li>
<p>make necessary clarification</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>collect variety of organisms belonging to each class of the phylum
<li><p>To led students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss the characteristic features of organisms under each
class and cite. Example of organisms belonging to each class.</p></td>
<li><p>To collect variety</p></li>
<p>of organisms belonging to each class of the phylum Arthropoda.</p>
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups the characteristic features of organisms under each class and
cite examples of organisms belonging to each class.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>AUGUS</p>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss the general and distinctive characteristics of one
of the five classes of phylum Arthropoda .</p>
<li><p>To guide the students in</p></li>
<p>their groups to discuss and came up with the correct general and
distinctive characteristics of the respective class.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups the general and distinctive characteristics of one of the five
classes of phylum Arthropoda.</p>
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups and come up with the correct general and distinctive
characteristics of the respective class.</p></td>
<li><p>A variety</p></li>
<p>of Arthropods (live or preserved specimens)</p>
<p>pictures, photographs showing variety of Arthropods.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<li><p>Is the</p></li>
<p>student able to explain distinctive features of each class of phylum
<li><p>Can the</p></li>
<p>students describe the structures of representative organisms under
each class?</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To guide the students in</p></li>
<p>groups to observe organism of each of the phylum Arthropoda and
discuss their characteristic features.</p>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>draw well labelled diagrams of representative organisms under each
class of the phylum Arthropoda.</p>
<li><p>To lead a plenary</p></li>
<p>discussion and reflect on students responses to make general comments
and clarifications.</p></td>
<li><p>To observe</p></li>
<p>organisms of each of the phylum Arthropoda and discuss their
characteristic features.</p>
<li><p>Students to draw</p></li>
<p>well labelled diagrams of representative organisms under each class
of the phylum Arthropoda.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2"><p>AUGU</p>
<td>3 & 4</td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To guide students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each class of
the phylum Arthropoda.</p>
<li><p>To lead students to</p></li>
<p>present their group tasks in a plenary session and reflect on the
students responses and give clarification.</p></td>
<li><p>Students in groups</p></li>
<p>to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each class of the
phylum Arthropoda</p>
<li><p>To prevent group</p></li>
<p>tasks in a plenary session.</p></td>
<p>showing advantage and disadvantages of each class of phylum
<li><p>A variety</p></li>
<p>of arthropods (live or preserved species)</p></td>
<p>accurately can the student explain the advantage and disadvantages of
each class of the phylum Arthropoda?</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<p>Phylum Chordata</p></td>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>observe a variety of common chordates and record their
<li><p>To guide students in a</p></li>
<p>class discussion to</p>
<p>outline the general and distinctive features of phylum
<li><p>To observe a</p></li>
<p>variety of common chordate and record their observations.</p>
<li><p>To present their</p></li>
<p>in plenary to outline the general and distinctive features of phylum
<li><p>Pictures, charts, photographs showing varieties of common
chordate. E.g mice, frog, hazard, buds, fish, snake, mouse and rats.
Live a preserved specimens of chordates eg. Frog, fish, lizard, rats
& birds</p></li>
<td>Is the students able to explain the general and distinctive
characteristics features of the phylum chordate?</td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<li><p>To lead students using</p></li>
<p>questions and answers to identify different groups within the phylum
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss on different classes of the phylum chordata.</p>
<li><p>To lead plenary</p></li>
<p>discussion and give necessary clarifications.</p></td>
<li><p>To identify</p></li>
<p>different groups within the phylum chordata.</p>
<li><p>To discuss on</p></li>
<p>different classes of the phylum chordata.</p></td>
<p>pictures/ photographs of different chordates in their respective
<p>of chordates (live in preserved specimen)</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td>Can the student mention the classes of the phylum chordata?</td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To organize students</p></li>
<p>into groups and assign each group a task of collecting information
from relevant textual materials about classes of phylum
<li><p>To collect</p></li>
<p>information from relevant textural materials about classes of phylum
<li><p>To present their</p></li>
<p>findings in a plenary session.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<p>ctures/photographs of different chordates in their respective
<p>of chordates (live in preserved specimen)</p>
<li><p>Live on</p></li>
<p>preserved specimens of different chordates, e.g birds, frog/toad
& lizard.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2">Can the student correctly explain the distinctive
characteristics of each class of phylum chordata.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>describe the features of some common chordates draw and label them to
show their external features.</p></td>
<li><p>To describe the</p></li>
<p>features of some common chordates draw and label them to show their
external features.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss in groups the advantages of each class of the phylum chordata
and tabulate for each class of phylum chordata.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups the advantages of the phylum chordata.</p>
<li><p>To tabulate the</p></li>
<p>advantages and disadvantages of each class of phylum
<li><p>Live a</p></li>
<p>preserved specimen of different chordates.</p>
<p>ctures/photographs showing different chordates.</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>S</p>
<td rowspan="2">1</td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>4.0</p>
<p>Concept of Organic Evolution</p></td>
<li><p>To lead students</p></li>
<p>through questions and answers to give the meaning of organic
<li><p>To lead students to</p></li>
<p>discuss the meaning of organic evolution.</p></td>
<li><p>To give the</p></li>
<p>meaning of organic evolution.</p>
<li><p>To discuss the</p></li>
<p>meaning of organic evolution.</p></td>
<li><p>VIPP cards on the concept of organic evolution.</p></li>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<p>entals of Biology form 4 students Book. J.M Mwaniki, G.G Geoffrey
Delah Education Publishers LTD. & Biology Form 3&4 students Book
Tanzania Institute of Education Longman. Biology of functional Approach
3re edition BV Roberts Thomas</p></td>
<td>Is the student able to explain the concept of organic
<tr class="odd">
<p>Theories of the origin of life.</p></td>
<li><p>To prepare cards on</p></li>
<p>texts on the basic ideas about origin of life.</p>
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion, give general comments and make conclusion.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss in small</p></li>
<p>groups the basic ideas about the origin of life and present their
task using the prepared cards or texts.</p></td>
<p>excreted from various sources on the basic ideas about the origin of
<td>To what extent can the student outline the basic ideas about the
origin of line.</td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"><p>S</p>
<td rowspan="3">2</td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<li><p>To lead student discuss in small groups the theories of the
origins of life.</p></li>
<li><p>To guide the students in summarizing the major ideas.</p></li>
<li><p>To discuss in small</p></li>
<p>groups the theories of the origins of life such as special creation,
spontaneous generation and steady state theories using guiding
<li><p>To present group</p></li>
<p>tasks in plenary discussion.</p></td>
<p>extracted from various sources explaining theories of the origin of
<p>gy of Ritten et. Al Nelson Canada.</p></td>
<td>Can the student state the theories of the origin of life?</td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"><p>4.3.1</p>
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the major ideas of the Lamarck’s theory of
<li><p>Discussion on the</p></li>
<p>major ideas of the Lamarck’s theory of evolution.</p>
<li><p>To summarize the</p></li>
<p>major ideas of Lamarck’s theory of evolution.</p></td>
<p>cards on the major idea of Lamarck’s theory</p></td>
<td>How correctly can the student state Lamarck’s theory of
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To lead students using</p></li>
<p>questions and answers to point out the Lamarck’s observation and
<li><p>To joint out the</p></li>
<p>Lamarck’s observation and deductions.</p>
<li><p>To summarize</p></li>
<p>their responses on the Lamarck’s observations and
<li><p>Chart on</p></li>
<p>the Lamarck’s observation and deductions.</p></td>
<td>Is the student able to explain Lamarck’s observation and
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>brainstorm on the merits and demerits of Lamarck’s theory of
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>organize and summarize their responses on the merits and demerits of
Lamarck’s theory of evolution.</p></td>
<li><p>To brainstorm on</p></li>
<p>the merits and demerits of Lamarck’s theory of evolution.</p></td>
<td>Can the student outline the merits and demerits of Lamarck’s theory
of evolution?</td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">3</td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>4.3.2</p>
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the major idea of Darwin’s theory of
<li><p>To discuss on the</p></li>
<p>major idea of Darwin’s theory of evolution.</p>
<li><p>To summarize the</p></li>
<p>major ideas in order to state Darwin’s theory of evolution.</p></td>
<p>Cards on the Darwin’s theory of evolution.</p></td>
<td>Is the student able to state Darwin’s theory of evolution?</td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To guide students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss Darwin’s observations and deductions using guiding
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>summarize their responses and make conclusion.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss Darwin’s</p></li>
<p>observations and deductions using guiding questions.</p>
<li><p>To present group tasks in plenary discussion.</p></li>
<li><p>A chart</p></li>
<p>showing summary of Darwin’s observation and deductions.</p></td>
<td>To what extent is the student able to outline Darwin’s observation
and deductions?</td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<li><p>To lead students to</p></li>
<p>discuss in groups and make presentations on the major ideas in the
theory of natural selection in relation to the mechanisms of
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups and make presentation on the major ideas in the theory of
natural selection in relation to the mechanics of evolution.</p></td>
<li><p>A chart showing major ideas of the theory of natural
<td>How accurately can the student explain the theory of natural
selection in relation to the mechanisms?</td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To lead plenary</p></li>
<p>discussion and guide students to summarize major ideas, make
discussions and conclusion.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To lead students to</p></li>
<p>discuss in groups the merits and demerits of Darwin’s theory of
evolution using guiding questions.</p>
<li><p>To guide them to</p></li>
<p>summarize and record major points on merits and demerits of Darwin’s
theory of evolution.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups the merits and demerits of Darwin’s theory of revolution using
guiding questions.</p>
<li><p>To present in</p></li>
<p>plenary their groups tasks.</p></td>
<li><p>A manila</p></li>
<p>sheet showing tabulation of merits and demerits of Darwin’s theory of
<td>Is the student able to explain the merits and demerits of Darwin’s
theory of evolution?</td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="4"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="4"><p>4.4</p>
<p>Evidence of organic Evolution</p></td>
<td rowspan="4">6</td>
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>through questions and answers to list down sources of evidence of
organic evolution.</p></td>
<li><p>To list down</p></li>
<p>sources of evidence of organic evolution.</p></td>
<p>of remains of plants and animals in rocks.</p></td>
<td>Can the student mention sources of evidence which support organic
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the sources of evidence of organic evolution.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss on the</p></li>
<p>source of evidence of organic evolution.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To guide students in</p></li>
<p>groups to observe pictures or photographs and discuss the evidences
of organic evolution.</p>
<li><p>To guide students to summarize major points and make
<li><p>To observe</p></li>
<p>pictures or photographs and discuss the evidences of organic
<li><p>To present group</p></li>
<p>tasks in plenary discussion.</p></td>
<p>pictures of fossils in the rock strata.</p></td>
<td>Can the student adequately explain the evidence of organic
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To organize a study tour</p></li>
<p>to the archives historical sites which show the evidence of organics
<li><p>To lead plenary</p></li>
<p>discussion guide students to summarize their findings and make
<li><p>To make a study</p></li>
<p>tour to the archives historical sites which show the evidence of
organic evolution.</p>
<li><p>To discus in groups</p></li>
<p>the major findings from the study tour, prepare a report and present
in plenary discussion.</p></td>
<p>pictures of follies in the rocks</p></td>
<td>How correctly can the student investigate evidences and application
of organic evolution in real life situation?</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>OC</p>
<td rowspan="2">1&2</td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>5.0 HUMAN IMMUNO DEFFICIENCY VIRUS (HIV)
<td rowspan="2"><p>5.1</p>
<li><p>To guide students to brainstorm on the differences between HIV,
AIDS and STIs.</p></li>
<li><p>To guide students to record the correct responses and tabulate
the differences between HIV, AIDS and STIs.</p></li>
<li><p>To brainstorm on</p></li>
<p>the difference between HIV, AIDS and STDs.</p>
<li><p>To record the</p></li>
<p>correct responses and tabulate the differences between HIV, AIDS and
<p>from UNAIDS, NACP and TACAIDS.</p>
<p>on AIDS in Africa.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Biology</p>
<p>form 3 & 4 students book TIE Longman.</p></td>
<td>Is the student able to distinguish between HIV/AIDS and STIs?</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on relationship between HIV and STIs focusing on
similarities, differences, Mode of transmission and effects.</p>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>record and summarize major ideas on the relationship between HIV and
<li><p>To discuss on</p></li>
<p>relationship between HIV and STIs focusing on similarities,
differences, mode of transmission and effects.</p>
<li><p>To record and</p></li>
<p>summarize major ideas on the relationship between HIV and
<p>on HIV/AIDS and STIs.</p>
<li><p>Charts on</p></li>
<p>AIDS in Africa would /Tanzania.</p></td>
<td>Is the student able to explain the relationship between HIV and
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To prepare guideline for</p></li>
<p>students to investigate the impact of HIV/AIDS and STIs in the
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>analyze their findings and present study reports in a plenary session
and clarify where necessary</p></td>
<li><p>To investigate the</p></li>
<p>impact of HIV/AIDS and STIs in the community.</p>
<li><p>To carry out an</p></li>
<p>investigation on the impact of HIV/AIDS and STIs in the community to
analyze findings and present study reports in a plenary
<p>of study reports on impacts of HIV/AIDS/STIs.</p></td>
<td>Can the student investigate the impact of HIV/AIDS and STIs in the
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<p>Management and control of HIV/AIDS and STIs.</p></td>
<li><p>To lead students to</p></li>
<p>discuss ways of management and control of HIV/AIDS and STIs in the
<li><p>To guide student to</p></li>
<p>present their tasks in plenary discussion and make necessary
<li><p>To discuss ways of</p></li>
<p>management and control of HIV, AIDS and STIs in the community.</p>
<li><p>To present task in</p></li>
<p>a plenary discussion.</p></td>
<p>on management HIV/AIDS and STIs.</p>
<p>on HIV/AIDS and STIs.</p>
<p>texts on HIV/AIDS and STIs.</p></td>
<td>Is the student able to outline ways of managing and controlling
HIV/AIDS and STIs?</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To prepare</p></li>
<p>extracts/texts from magazine on books on the management of
<li><p>To guide students in</p></li>
<p>groups to role play how to use different life skills in the
management and control of HIV/AIDS and STIs.</p>
<li><p>To lead students to</p></li>
<p>reflect on role plays and summarize major ideas in the management and
control of HIV/AIDS/STIs.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups life skills needed for management and control of HIV/AIDS and
<li><p>To role play how</p></li>
<p>to use different life skills in the management and control of
HIV/AIDS and STIs.</p>
<li><p>To reflect on role</p></li>
<p>plays on the management on the HIV/AIDS /STIs.</p></td>
<p>skill manual. Extra ts/texts on life skills for management of
HIV/AIDS and STIs. FLE Biology Teachers guide Form 3&4</p></td>
<td>Can the student mention the appropriate life skill needed for home
based care for PLWHA</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To guide student to</p></li>
<p>discuss on the necessary precautions when handling HIV infected
people and those with STIs/STDs.</p></td>
<li><p>Discuss on the</p></li>
<p>necessary precautions when handling HIV infected people and those
with STIs/STDs.</p>
<li><p>To share group</p></li>
<p>work in a plenary session.</p></td>
<p>es and fliers on method of handling people living with HIV/AIDS.
Charts on HIV/AID/STIs in Africa/World /Tanzania.</p></td>
<td>Can the student mention the appropriate the life skills needed for
management and control of HIV/AIDS and STIs.</td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>prioritize the mentioned precautions for handling people with STIs
and those living with HIV/AIDS.</p></td>
<li><p>To prioritize the</p></li>
<p>mentioned precautions for handling people with STIs and those living
with HIV/AIDS</p></td>
<p>Biology Teachers Guide for Form 3&4</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"><p>5.3</p>
<p>Counselling and voluntary Testing (CVT)</p></td>
<li><p>To lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss the meaning and importance of CVT.</p>
<li><p>To give clarifications</p></li>
<p>where necessary of the presentation.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss the</p></li>
<p>meaning and importance of counselling and Voluntary Testing.</p>
<li><p>To present group</p></li>
<p>tasks in a plenary discussion.</p></td>
<p>on HIV/AIDS/STIs.</p></td>
<td>Is the student able to explain the concept of CVT?</td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To lead students</p></li>
<p>through questions and answers to outline the significance of CVT in
the control of HIV/AIDS/STIs.</p>
<li><p>To lead student to</p></li>
<p>discuss in groups the significance of CVT in the control and
prevention of HIV and STIs.</p>
<p>To give clarifications on the presentations.</p>
<li><p>To outline the</p></li>
<p>significance of CVT in the control of HIV/AIDS/STIs.</p>
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups the significance of CVT in the control and preventation of HIV
and STIs.</p>
<li><p>To present their</p></li>
<p>tasks in plenary session.</p></td>
<li><p>manual on CVT.</p></li>
<p>on CVT</p>
<td>Can the student outline the significance of CVT in control and
prevention of HIV and STIs?</td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To provide guidelines on</p></li>
<p>the procedures and techniques of CVT.</p>
<li><p>To guide students in the</p></li>
<p>discussion and make a clarification of the findings and observations
in the plenary discussion.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups the procedures and techniques of CVT and record the main
<li><p>To share findings</p></li>
<p>and observations in plenary session.</p></td>
<p>on CVT for HIV/AIDS/STIs.</p>
<p>/texts on procedures and techniques of CVT.</p></td>
<td>Is the students able to explain the procedures for CVT?</td>






SOMO: KISWAHILI MUDA: SAA 1:40 APRIL. 2024 Jina la Mtahiniwa: _________________ Shule: _____________________

1. Mtihani huu una maswali 6 katika sehemu **A, B na C.** 2. Jibu maswali yote kama ulivyoelekezwa katika kila sehemu. 3. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwenye nafasi ziliachwa wazi katika karatasi hii 4. Epuka kufutafuta. 5. Simu za mkononi haziruhusiwi katika chumba cha mtihani.
1. **Sikiliza kwa makini habari itakayosomwa na msimamizi, kisha jibu swali**
i-v **kwa kuandika herufi ya jibu lililo sahihi kwenye mabano.**
i. Mtunzi amejaribu kueleza mtazamo wake kuhusu mzigo wa lawama.
Anasema kwa kawaida mzigo wa kutofaulu hutupiwa nani?
(a) Mzazi (b) Jamii (c) Serikali (d) Mwanafunzi (e)Mwalimu.
ii.____Neno darasani kama lilivyotumika katika habari hii ni aina gani ya neno? (a) Nomino (b) Kielezi cha nafsi (c) Kihisishi
(d) Kitenzi (e) Kielezi cha mahali.
iii. Mtunzi ametoa nasaha kwa wanafunzi.Nini mwandishi amezungumza kuhusu elimu wanafunzi.
(a) Kusoma kwa bidii (b) Kumlaumu mwalimu. (c) Kuangalia matokeo yao ya mtihani (d) Kurundikana kwenye mbao za matangazo (e) Mitihani hushushwa kwa miujiza.
iv. Mtihani wa kuhitimu darasa la saba hutungwa na Baraza la Mitihani la Tanzania kwa kufuata ____ (a) muhtasari unaotumika kufundishias (b) kushushwa kwa miujiza (c) nukuu ambazo walimu wanatumia kufundishia (d)Mapendekezo ya wazazi (e) Matakwa ya jamii. v. Kifungu cha habari hii kilipaswa kuwa na Kichwa cha habari kinachosema ___
(a) Matokeo ya Darasa la saba (b) Umuhimu wa elimu
(c) Wa kulaumiwa ni nani (d) Hatuna budi kujifunza
(e) Mbao za matangazo.
2. **chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi kisha iandike kwenye mabano uliyopewa.**
i. Kati ya maneno yafuatayo lipi halilandani na mengine
(a). sketi (b). gauni (c). shuka (d). shati (e). kaptura ii. Mtu anayebeba mizigo kwa malipo hujulikana kwa jina lipi?
(a). Topasi (b). Utingo (c). Kondakta (d). Mpagazi (e). Toashi iii. Neno "**Mmomonyoko**" lina silabi ngapi?
(a). Tano (b). Nne (c). Kumi (d). Sita (e). Saba iv. Mtoto **mtundu** ametoroka shuleni. Neno **mtundu** limetumika kama:
(a). Kiwakilishi (b). Kivumishi (c) Kielezi (d). Kitenzi (e). Nomino v. Wingi waneno "Jiko" ni: (a). Meko (b). Jiko (c). Vijiko (d).
Mijiko (e). Vijijiko vi. Neno linalotumika kuonesha msisitizo wa jambo linalo kanushwa:
(a) abadani (b). buheri (c). akifikisha (d). boshoa (e). chachamua vii. Maji yalibomoa ukuta. Wingi wa sentensi hii ni:
(a). Maji yalibomoa nyuta (b). Maji yalibomoa vyuta (c) Maji yalibomoa kuta (d). maji yalibomoa ukuta (e) Maji yalibomoa vikuta viii. Upi ni uyakinishi wa sentensi isemayo "Mimi huwa siogi ziwani?"
(a). Mimi naogaga ziwa (c) Mimi naoga ziwani (e) Mimi huoga ziwani (b). Mimi huwa naoga ziwani (d). Mimi ninaoga ziwani ix. Kinyume cha **vita** ni: (a). salama (b). amani (c). majanga
(d). usalama (e). ulinzi x. Sentensi ipi kati ya zifuatazo iko katika kauli taarifa?
(a). Amempiga kofi, Majani alisema (b). Majani alisema nimempiga kofi (c). Majani alisema kuwa amempiga kofi (d). Majani amempiga kofi (e). Majani alitaka kujua kama amempiga kofi
| | ( | ) |
| | ( | ) |
| | ( | ) |
| | ( | ) |
| | ( | ) |
| i. | "Hasara humfika mwenye mabezo | |
| ii. | Tahadhari kabla ya hatari | |
| iii. | "amevaa miwani" | |
| iv. | "ametutupa mkono" | |
| v. | "Shangazi yangu ni mrefu sana lakini hafikii tumbo la kondoo. | A. Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu B. mpanda ngazi hushuka C. Alisema njoo hapa D. Njooni haraka E. Kulewa pombe F. Ngoja ngoja yaumiza matumbo G. Aga dunia H. Njia |
# Sehemu B (Alama 20)
4. Andika majibu sahihi katika sehemu wazi i. Mbwa wetu ni mkali sana. neno lilopigiwa mstari ni aina gani ya maneno? ________________________
ii. Nini jibu la kitendawili hiki? "Chungu cha mwitu hakipiki wapishi wake wakaiva." ___________________ iii. Nitasoma sana ili nifaulu mtihani wangu. Sentensi hii ipo katika nafsi ipi? ________________________ iv. Mwanafunzi aliyechelewa shuleni amefukuzwa. Hii ni aina gani ya tungo? ________________________ v.Je, kamusi ina sehemu kuu ngapi? _______________________________
5. **Soma ngonjera ifuatayo kasha jibu maswali utakayoulizwa.**
Nimepitakilakona, watuwengiwasifia.
Wazee pia vijana, wenginimewasikia.
Vitendawilikutega, faidazakesioni.
Katotowewekatoto, unataniahakika.
Wakubwanaowatoto, wotewanajuafika.
Vitendawilinijoto, la akilikutumika.
Hutufanyakufikiri, jibutunapotafuta.
Waungwanakaribuni, tuteguenakutega.
Shuleni pia nyumbani, vitendawilikutega.
Mafunzotuyapateni, uwezotutaujenga.
Ni nyingifaidakwetu, vitendawi/ikutega MASWALI:
i. Ngonjera hii inasisitiza kuhusu nini? ii. Vina vya kwanza na vya mwisho katika ubetiwa kwanza ni iii. Mstari wa pili katika ubeti wa pili unamizani mingapi? iv. Kichwa cha ngonjera hii cha faa kuwa v. Ubeti wa pili katika ngonjera hii una mishororo mingapi?
6. **Panga sentensi zifuatazo kwa kuzipa herufi A, B, C, na D ili ziwe katika**
mtiririko unaoleta mantiki i. Baadhi ya kazi hizo ni pamoja na Rosa Mistika, Nagona, Dunia uwanja wa fujo, Gamba la nyoka na nyinginezo.
ii. Hakika ni vigumu kusahau mchango wake katika kukuza na kuendeleza fasihi ya Kiswahili.
iii. Ephrase Kezilahabi ni Mtanzania aliyezaliwa miaka 75 iliyopita katika kisiwa cha Ukerewe.
iv.Amesaidia kukuza fasihi pendwa ya Kiswahili kupitia kazi mbalimbali za kifahisihi alizoziandika.
v. .Alipata elimu yake katika Shule ya msingi Nakasayenge iliyoko kata ya Namagondo wilayani Ukerewe.
HABARI HII ISOMWE NA MSIMAMIZI KWA AJILI YA SWALI LA 1 (i-v) Sikiliza kwa makini habari ifuatayo kisha jibu swali la i hadi v **kwa** kuchagua jibu sahihi. Ni jambo la kufurahisha sana, siku ile ambayo watu wengi hurundikana kwenye mbao za matangazo kuangalia matokeo yao ya mtihani wa darasa la saba. Je, utajisikiaje siku hiyo iwapo utakuta jina lako ni miongoni mwa waliochaguliwa kujiunga na kidato cha kwanza? Je, endapo hutaliona jina lako utajisikiaje? Lawama utamtupia nani? Daima lawama za kutofaulu hutupiwa Mwalimu. Kama Mwalimu angewakusanya wanafunzi wote darasani baada ya matokeo kutoka na kupitia madaftari kuona waliyojifunza, nani angeliumbuka? Mimi sijui. Ninachofahamu ni kwamba mtihani haushushwi kwa miujiza bali hutungwa kufuata muhtasari ambapo pia walimu wanatumia kufundishia. Sasa iweje wewe umlaumu Mwalimu? Kuanzia leo nakusihi anza kusoma kwa bidii kwa kuzingatia yote uliyofundishwa na kuyaweka kichwani. Hapo utakuja kuniambia kutofaulu ni kosa la Mwalimu au lako? Acha kupambana na mambo ya anasa yanayokuzunguka mtaani. Kufaulu masomo kunahitaji kujisomea kwa bidii na nidhamu ya hali ya juu.

TIME: 1:40 APRIL. 2024 Pupils name: _______________________school name: ________________________
1. These examinations contain 7 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section.
3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions 5. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms SECTION A: (15 MARKS)
1. Choose the correct answer of the following.
i. Who has responsibility to help the special need group …………………………
A)Government only B)Government and all people in the sociality C)the specific family D)president.
ii. …………….. is the group of people who are related to each other which can be parents and their children A)mothers B)clan C)family D)societies.
iii. In the order to help the family with special need. The first stage is ………………..
A)to identify their needs B)to know their names C)to give them things D)stop visiting them iv. Act of respect enable a person …………..
A)to segregate the disabled and elderly according to their sex B)to bring chaos in a society C)to live peacefully with his or her family member D)not to e valued by a society v. Some of the acts the show other people including talking politely, greeting other with kindness apologizing and expressing appreciation for eservice or help given is known as …………………… A)obedience B)libel C)love D)respect vi. Law are enacted and being to be used after being signed by ………
A)the speaker b)attorney general c)president d)the principle judge of Tanzania vii. Which of the following is kind of risky behavior?....................
A) working hard B) roaming around at midnight C)participating in sport activates D)Eating and singing viii. Head teacher …………..
A)Elected by district Education officer B)Appointed by district educational officer C)Appointed by citizen D)elected by parents ix. ……………. Is used to introduce a specific school A) dressing B)school song C)building D)school band.
x. The multiparty system in Tanzania was established in ………
A)1995 B)992 C)1961 D)2002 2. Match the item in Colum A with the correct item in colum B . write the letter of the correction answer in your working papers.
i. To use public resource for self interest ii. Child labour iii. resources iv. National security v. International Workers day
| your working papers. COLUM A | COLUM B | | |
| i. | To use public resource for self interest | | |
| ii. | Child labour | | |
| iii. | resources | | |
| iv. | National security | | |
| v. | International Workers day | A. | Is responsibility of all citizen |
| | B. | Selfishness | |
| | C. | The use of children in industrial or business | |
| | D. | Is responsible of all citizen | |
| | E. | May mosi 1 st may | |
| | F. | He/ She serves the people who elected him or he | |
| | G. | School dissertation | |
| | H. | Mountain, valley, and national parks | |
3. **Complete the following question by selecting the answer in the following box**
Prime minister, president, the national electoral committee, national examination council, parliament, human right, judiciary, police, all people in country i. **To interprets the laws that are enacted by parliament and administers**
ii. Every person has a right to life and education **_______________** iii. Appointed the president and approve by parliament _____________________ iv. The institution responsibly **for announcing the winner of a presidential**
v. The pillar of the state responsible to make law__________________________
4. **Arrange the following composition in chronological order from (A-E)**
i. He was a first black people in our country to become a prime minister during the colonial rule ii. Mwl. Julius K. Nyerere he become a first president of Tanganyika after fighting against colonial rule iii. Although during the colonial rule he was educated because he was a son of chief iv. During that period he was in a process of fighting for independence without tired v. Finally he become a first president of the united republic of Tanzania after Tanganyika and Zanzibar union.
5. fill in the blanks with a correct answer i. The security agency which is responsible to protect citizens with their properties is know as
ii. Mention any two groups which are responsible to get special needs i)……………………………...
iii. The blue color in the national flag is represent ……………………………. iv. …………………. Is the chief executive in the school v. It refers to the effort of each one of us to love and promote our country is known as……………………………………….
## Section C (10 Marks )
 6. Read The Following Map And Answer The Following Questions
i. How many members are there in east Africa community (EAC)? _________________________ ii. Which letters represent two countries which joined (EAC) in 2007? ________________________ iii. Which letter represents the head quarter of EAC? ___________________________________ iv. Mention the last country to join EAC
(a) ______________________________________ (b) ______________________________________
v. When was the formation of new EAC? _________________________________

TIME: 1:40 APRIL. 2024 Pupils name: ______________________________school name: ___________________________
1. These examinations contain 7 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms
# Section A: Listening Skills Passage ( 20 Marks)

1. Listen carefully to a passage read by the invigilator and answer ONLY questions NUMBER 1 to 5.
i. How many children are in Mr. Mtoka mbali's family? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 6 ii. How many people are collectively make up Mr. Mtoka mbali's family: (a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 3 (e) 2 iii. How old is first born of Mr. Mtoka mbali? (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 4 (e) 5 iv. Which fuel was used by the family of Mtokambali to start fire?
(a) kerosene (b) firewood (c) jerry (d) petrol (e) diesel v.What is another meaning of the word "prohibit" as used in the passage. (a) forbid (b) allow (c)break (d) prevent (e) surpass 2. Choose the correct answer on the following question and answer on the space provided i. The pupils used to...a song during break time
(a) singing (b)sung (c)sang (d)sing (e) sings ii. We have been….in this house since 1990. (a) lived (b) live (c)living (d)will live (e) lives iii. Jackson.…many prizes last year after winning the last competition (a) gets (b)getting (c) did get
(d)has gotten (e) got iv. This dog is healthy because it…… good food. (a) eat (b)eats (c) eating (d)eaten (e) is eat v. Every day Jessica…. banana and sell them to us
(a) pick (b)picks (c)is picking (d)will pick (e) picking 3. choose the correct answer for question i-v in this question to fill the space provided from the following in order to make the sentence correct *Will elect, shall, fell, The, Some, Neither, If, since, to* i. ……… …. you coming with me to watch the football match? ii. They……….. a new school government next Sunday.
iii. Their father……….. asleep after eating his dinner. iv. Our teacher has worked with this school………………………
v. Would you prefer tea………………
4. match the following items from the table given from LIST A corresponding to LIST B by writing the letter on the space given
| the space given LIST A | ANSWER | LIST B | | | |
| ( | ) | A. | cemetery | | |
| ( | ) | B. | butchery | | |
| i. | Ali's son lived abroad for many years. The bolded word means | | | | |
| ii. | The plural of the word 'equipment' is | | | | |
| iii. | The place where meat is sold is called: | | | | |
| iv. | The daughter of your sister is called | | | | |
| v. | A place where many dead people are buried is called: | ( | ) | C. | outside |
| ( | ) | D. | equipment | | |
| ( | ) | E. | exile | | |
| | F. | grave | | | |
| | G. | niece | | | |
# Section B: 10 Marks
5. By using A- **E arrange the following mixed sentences to make a good composition**
i. The dog said to the cat, "Let us go and sleep near the door" ii. When the cat was asleep the dog went into the house and ate the meat. iii. One day Mrs Peter put some meat in the cupboard and went out. iv. A dog and a cat lived with Mrs Peter.
v. When Mrs Peter came back he did not find the meat in the cupboard.
## Section C:
6. Read and Complete the followings sentences by Writing the correct answer in the space left on this question (i-v)
i. A man who translate english is called_____________________________ ii. The honomyn of the word male is called___________________________ iii. A brother of your father is called________________________________ iv. The evening meals is called______________________________________
v. Maize, millet and wheat are example of ____________________________
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below James opened the door of the church. At the other end he saw Father Gashle. In front of him were Jenny and Moses. "Father Gashle. Help me. I stole the money this morning. Here it is. Please take it back," James ran to Father Gashle. He put the bag in his hands. Just then all the people arrived at the church door. Miriam shouted, "There he is. That's the thief steal my bag. He stole my money." Two big men held James by the arms. "Is this true, my son? asked Father Gashle. "Yes," answered James. "I stole her bag. But she stole the bride price from Jenny's uncle. I saw her. Look in her bag. You'll see." Father Gashle opened the bag. Inside was a lot of money. Then he found the low cards. James told the story of the card game. "You are a bad woman. Why did you steal from an old man? You are the thief, not James." Father Gashle took the money out of the bag. "How much was the bride price?" he asked. "A hundred dollars," answered Moses. "Where is Jenny's uncle?" asked Father Gashle. "Here I am," said the old man. "Here is the bride price - a hundred dollars." The old man took the money. Questions:
i. Who were opened the door at the church? __________________________________________ ii. Who stole money from an old man? ________________________________________ iii. Who took the money to church?_______________________ iv. Who is a thief ______________________________________ v. Who is an old man to Jenny? ________________________
# Listening Skills Class Six 2024
Mr. Mtokambali had a wife and two children. His first born was nine years old, while the second born was six years old. They were poor. They lived in a mud-walled and grass-thatched house. They normally used firewood or charcoal as their source of energy for cooking. Whenever they wanted to cook anything, they lighted charcoal and firewood using kerosene. The kerosene was kept in a jerry can in the kitchen. One day, Mr. Mtokambali and his wife went to the farm. Before going to the farm, his wife prepared food for the children. Then she told the children to care of the house and prohibited them from touching the matchbox or making a fire in the kitchen. She said, "nowadays there are many thieves, so don't play far from our home." They then, went to the farm and returned later on that day.

SUBJECT: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TIME: 1:40 APRIL. 2024 Pupils name: ______________________________school name: ___________________________
1. These examinations contain 7 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms SECTION A: (20 MARKS)
1. choose the correct answer and shade its corresponding letter in the space provided i. Normally when light rays pass from one medium to another they are:
(a). bending (b). Reflected (c). Refracted (d). Separated (e).
Transforming ii. The main three parts of blood system are: (a). blood, tissue and valve
(b). Blood, blood tissue and heart (c). artery , veins and capillaries (d) heart, aorta and artery (e).blood , heart and lungs iii. Letter Y in the diagram below represents:
Y (a). Chloroplast (c). Nucleus (e). Cell wall
(b).vacuole (d).cytoplasm iv. Which one among the following is a chemical symbol for Lead?
(a). Na (b). Ca (c). Pb (d). Ld. (e). Mg v. Saliva has the secretion which convert starch food into: (a). fat acids
(b) Amino acids (c). Simple sugar (d) glycogen (e) monosaccharide vi. If base reacts with acid the products formed are: (a).salt and water
(b).salt and base (c) acid and oxygen (d) water only (e) water and oxygen vii. In female human reproductive system the part known as oviduct does the same function as ___in male reproductive system: (a). scrotum
(b). prostate (c). Urethra (d). Testes (e). Vas deference viii. Rust is the result of chemical reactions between iron , oxygen and:
(a). Nitrogen (b). Carbon dioxide (c) Moisture (d). Electrons (e). Hydrogen ix. A very small particle of matter which make elements responsible for chemical bonding: (a). Protons (b). Electrons (c). Neutrons (d). Molecules (e). Atom x. Which of the following statements is correct about HIV and AIDS?
(a). Having HIV is the same as having AIDS (b). The source of HIV and AIDS is viral diseases (c). It is easy to prevent AIDS than HIV
(d). Avoiding transmission of HIV will also avoid AIDS (e). A person with HIV has no white blood cells
| | A. | Data analysis | |
| | B. | Experiment | |
| | C. | Amoeba | |
| | D. | Plasmodium | |
| LIST B by writing the letter on the space given LIST A ANSWER | LIST B | | |
| i. | The scientific investigation stage that proves the hypothesis is known as: | | |
| ii. | The disease caused by this organism is called | | |
| iii. | Find the work | done by | |
| a girl who pushes a wheelbarrow using a force of 0.9kg through a distance of 8m: | | | |
| iv. | Which of the following diseases are hereditary? | | |
| v. | The part of the flower that is like a female reproductive organ in the human body is called | E. | 72 J |
| | F. | 4.0 J | |
| | G. Albinism and sickle cell anemia H. Diabetes and elephantiasis I. Ovule J. Ovary | | |
3. Complete the following sentences by selecting the answer on the box provided
Spiracles, ovary,energy, power, effort, 15cm3, pituitary, effert, work.
i. One of the characteristics of organism which belongs to the class of insects

is to breathe by_____________________________________________
ii. The electric current in dry cell is___________________________ iii. The gland that activates other glands is the_________________________________-
iv. When a person pushes a wheel barrow his/her hands and the wheelbarrow handle makes ___________________________
v. Study carefully the figure below and then answer the question that follows: What is the volume of the stone after immersing in water?
4. Fill the space from the following given questions a. Energy that can be converted into electrical energy by solar panel is:
b. What will happen if the female gamete x merge with the male gamete x?
c. The hormone which is found in females only is called:____________________________________________
5. Complete the following questions a. The Chemical substance in the body that regulate body processes and growth activity is called:__________________________________________________--
b. If a load of 66N moved upwards by an effort of 11 N which moved downwards in a pulley, what is its mechanical advantage? __________________________________________________
c. Vacuum in a thermos flask prevent heat energy to escape by the process known as: _________________________________
6. Answer the following question by proving the answer in the space given a. If a load of 66N moved upwards by an effort of 11 N which moved downwards in a pulley, what is its mechanical advantage? _____________________________________________
b. Vacuum in a thermos flask prevent heat energy to escape by the process known as: (c). Conduction and radiation
c. At which stage is a woman menstruation stop:________________________________________
d. The type of cell that fight against germs that attack the body is_____________________________
7. Answer the following question by filling the answer in the space provided.
i Briefly explain the meaning of photosynthesis………………………………………..…
ii What gas played a major role in the process of photosynthesis…………………..
iiiWhat gas is released during the process of photosynthesis………………………..
8. Observe the following Figure and then answer the questions that /ollow.

a. What are the junctions performed by the parts labelled A and B?__________________________
b. What is the relationship of the part labelled C and the one labelled D in performingtheir junctions?

TIME: 1:40 APRIL. 2024 Pupils name: ______________________________school name: ___________________________
1. These examinations contain 7 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions 5. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms SECTION A: 15Marks Multiple choice questions 1. **Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the brackets provided** i. Planets use different time to complete their revolution around the sun. How many days does the earth take to complete its revolution around the sun?_______
A. One-day B) 24 days C) 366 days D) 360 days E). 180 day ii. The people of Kibaigwa village have cut down all trees around their village in order to make charcoal and firewood without replacing other trees. Which of the following environmental hazards might affect the people of Kibaigwa?______
A) Heavy rainfall B) Drought C) Earthquakes D) Tsunami E) Volcanic eruption iii. Land is a resource that if not well preserved endangers the life of living organisms and other resources. Which of the following is a proper way to preserve that resource?_______
A) To encourage people to use industrial fertilizers B) To encourage livestock keepers to increase the number of livestock C) To provide education on the proper use of land D) To stop planting trees in the bare lands E) To increase the numbers of peasants in farms iv. Standard six pupils were asked to mention advantages of planting trees in our environment. If he provided the following answers, which letter shows **incorrect** response?_________
A) To get shades for animals and people B) To attract rain formation C) To increase soil fertility D) to prevent soil erosion E) to get minerals v. Wind speed is measured by an instrument called anemometer, which unit among the following determines atmospheric pressure?________
A) Millibar B) Percentage C) Km/h D) Degrees centigrade E) Millimeters vi. Bugayambelele villagers attended the village meeting which aimed at providing education about the best methods of protecting water sources. Do you think which will be the incorrect method of protecting water sources as given by the moderator during the meeting?________
A) Recycling water B) Planting trees C) Using poison in fishing D) Purifying water E) Not cultivating near water sources vii. As an environmentalist club leader, what advice would you give to a person cutting trees frequently to obtain fire wood as a source of energy?________
A) Using alternative energy sources B) Cutting down trees at the middle of the forest not to be known C) Selling firewood and charcoal to generate income D) Keeping properly the remains of the cut trees E) Hiding from environmental management authorities viii. Grade six pupils measured and recorded the amount of water humidity in the atmosphere.
Which one among the following represents the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere?________
A. 67% B) 29°C C) 500Mm D) 150 Mb E) 90Km/h ix. There are different winds blowing from one area to another on the earth's surface. What type of winds blow from the south to the northern direction?________
A) Warm wind B) Western wind C) Dry wind D) Northern wind E) Southern wind x. Class three pupils learned that, there are eight planets on the solar system of which some are far away while others are closer to the sun. Which of the following is the nearest planet to the sun? _______
A) Jupiter B) Neptune C) Venus D) Mercury E) Earth xi. Tanzania has many tribes with both good and bad customs. Which custom has negative impacts to the society?________
A) Allowing pregnant women to eat eggs B) Circumcision of boys C) Female genital mutilation D) Giving women equal right as men E) Teaching boys and girls about ethics xii. Standard six pupils of Buhangija Primary School are planning for a study tour to see the remains of the earliest agricultural irrigation system used in the past. Which historical sites in Tanzania would you advise them to visit?_______
A) Kondoa Irangi B) Isimila C) Engaruka D) Amboni E) Olduvai gorge xiii. Mwl. Julius Kambarage Nyerere is recognized as "the father of the Nation" who willingly retired from powers in 1985. How many years did he serve as the president of Tanzania? _______
A) 19 B) 21 (C) 20 D) 22 E) 18 xiv. A tourist arrived in Tanzania via Kilimanjaro International Airport, and directly went to Ngorongoro National Park without the assistance of any person. Which of the following tools assisted him to reach his destination? _______
A) Scale B) Atmospheric C) Map D) Sun direction E) Photograph xv. My friend travelled to Europe to visit his aunt during holidays. It was very **cold** and the day time was shorter when compared to the night. Which season is represented by the condition?________
A) Summer B) Spring C) winter D) Autumn E) Rainy 2. Match the terminologies in LIST A with their right facts from LIST B and write its letter in the space provided in the middle of the table. (5Marks)
| i. | Keeping large number of animals in | A. Deforestation | |
| small piece of land | | | |
| ii. | Cutting down tree without replanting | B. Overgrazing | |
| others | | | |
| iii. | Planting trees in the area where | C. Drought | |
| there was no trees | | | |
| iv. | Replanting trees after cutting the | D. Afforestation | |
| previous ones | | | |
| v. | The removal of the top soil from one | E. Reforestation | |
| place to another | F. Soil erosion | | |
## Section B: 20Marks @2 Marks _________________________________________________________ 3. Short Questions
Write your answer in the space provided by using a blue or black ink pen i. Teacher Brian was explaining to class three pupils about the planet which supports life.
That planet has two movements namely rotation and revolution. Which planet was explained by the teacher? ____________________________
ii. After the great struggling for the colonies in Africa, chancellor **Otto von Bismarck** from Germany decided to call the meeting of dividing Africa. When was that conference occurred? ___________________________________
iii. Gabriella is a class six pupil from little Treasures School. One day she was discussing with her friend about various types of scale. She mentioned a type of scale used in drawing large areas such as continent or country. Which type of scale is that? _________________________________
i. A class five pupil drew a map in which his fellow pupils failed to identify where it belongs and the size of the area. Which essentials of the map were not obeyed?
a).__________________________ b)______________________________
ii. One day Happy traveled to greet her grandparents who are residing in Zanzibar. On the Way, she heard people discussing about various economic practices including agriculture. Which cash crop do you think is grown to the area where Happy was going? iii. Tanzania is a country blessed with a wide range of minerals.In which Region we found Gold minerals? ________________________

## 5. Answer The Questions According To The Instructions.
i.a). Name the crop shown in the diagram below______________________

b).Name two regions that produces crop mentioned above_____________and_____________
ii. What economic activity do you think is being carried out in the following photograph?

Answer: _____________________________________________
6. i) The situation of planting trees where there were trees at the beginning but they were cut down is called **__________________________________**
ii).Forced marriage, early marriage and female circumcision are among the bad traditions and customs in the society. List down (2) ways of fighting against bad traditions and customs._____________________________________________________
SECTION: C (10 Marks) @2 marks 7. Read the passage below then answer the questions that follow Rainfall is the water droplets that fall down onto the ground surface from the sky. The amount of rainfall on the earth is measured by an instrument known as rain gauge. The standard unit for measuring rainfall is millimeters.
Rain condition varies from time to time in a year. In some months of the year, the heavy rains are experienced, while in some other months of the year little rains are experienced. For example, in Tanzania the long rainy season is experienced between March and May, while the short rainy season is experienced between September and December. Furthermore, Tanzania experienced hot and dry season between January and March. Rain is very important because it supports the growth of plants. It also adds water to the rivers, lakes and dams. On the other side heavy rainfall can lead to floods, which destroy people's property.
Too much rainfall also can lead to the spread of disease like cholera and malaria.
## Questions ______________________________________________
i. The water droplets that fall down on to the ground from the sky is called ii. Which instrument is used to measure the amount of rainfall on the earth surface
iii. What is the standard unit of rainfall? __________________
iv. In which months does Tanzania experience the short rain season?
________________________ and __________________________
v. Tanzania experiences hot and dry season between the months of
________________________ and ____________________

TIME: 1:40 APRIL. 2024 Pupils name: ______________________________school name: ___________________________
1. These examinations contain 7 questions with section **A, B na C.**
2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions 5. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms
# Section A; Multiple Choice Questions
1. **Choose the most correct answer and fill its letter in the box provided**
i. The situation of ensuring neatness and smartness of the body is termed as
_____________ (A) good manner (B) good work (C) good art (D) good grooming (E) good smartness ii. Which of the following materials cannot be used when cleaning the teeth? ________
(A) a tooth brush (B) a tooth paste (C) a jug (D) cotton pads (E) clan water iii. Pinch method of modeling clay is also known as _________ (A) coil method (B) short method (C) thumb method (D) finger method (E) slab method iv. How do we call a woman who earns her living in the sewing trade? ______ (A) a tailor
(B) a seamstress (C) a draper (D) a business woman (E) a barber v. The stage of growth when the body experiences great changes from childhood to adolescent is called _________ (A) menstruation (B) fertilization (C) puberty (D) growth (E) reproduction vi. How do we call the skill of preparing and cooking food? __________ (A) cookery (B)
cooking (C) cooker (D) crockery (E) food making vii. When we hear music, we react to it by ___________ (A) playing (B) dancing (C)
running (D) laughing (E) jumping viii. ________ is the highness or lowness of sound
(A) pitch (B) rhythm (C) vocal (D) melody (E) song ix. A machine which used for burning waste materials is called _________
(A) incinerator (B) refrigerator (C) incinerator (D) calculator (E) sewing machine x. What is the type of line shown below? 

(A) Zigzag line (B) wavy line (C) spiral line (D) vertical line (E) horizontal line SECTION B: MATCHING ITEMS
2. **Choose the correct answer from colum B to colum B to complete a meaningful**
statement in colum A and write its letter
| COLUM A | COLUM B | | | | | | | |
| i. | Capital | | | | | | | |
| ii. | Dirty toilet | | | | | | | |
| iii. | Staking | | | | | | | |
| iv. | Neatness | | | | | | | |
| v. | Gluttony | A. | Method | of | taking | care | vegetables | by |
| | supporting them with sticks B. Taking bath regularly C. The amount of money used to start a business D. Attraction of insect such as cockroaches E. the habit of eating or drinking too much F. Hazardous wastes | | | | | | | |
3. Answer the following question by selecting the answer in the box provided Entrepreneurial, drawings, recycling's, frying, modelling, capital , dancing i. An act of making the shape by using a clay soil is called __________ ii. ____________ is an individual ability to turn ideas in to action iii. __________ is an art of making sketching pictures to express ideas and Feelings by using lines iv. The best method for cooking eggs is _________ v. The act of collecting and treating rubbish or wastes to produce useful Materials which can be used again is called __________
## Section B:
4. **Answer the following question by filling the collect answer in the space provided**
below i. The instrument which worn on the finger during sewing process to Avoid the tailor being hurt by the sewing needle is called ________
ii. The mat below is made through a process called _________
 iii. Chapatti is a type of food which prepared by a means of _________ iv. A rope that is used to tie shoes is called ___________________________ v. _________________________ involves washing and ironing clothes 5. Answer the following question by filling the correct answer in the space provided i. A type of shoes that does not washed by water and soap is known as
ii. A single shape or mark that can be made on stencil or block for use in print making to form patterns is called __________________________
iii. The main reason why leather shoes are stuffed with rugs and news papers after cleaning is ___________________________
iv. Under wears and socks must be washed frequently in order to avoid diseases Such as
6. **Fill in the blanks with the correct answer**
i. A group of people who sing together is known as ______________________ ii. ___________________ is a plan or good arrangement of sound iii. A person who judge in the football match is called _________________
iv. ______________ is the study of creative things v. Photographing is the action of taking photos using a _________________ |
1. Choose the most correct answer
<!-- -->
i) A process by which people from one community come into contact with
one another\...\.....
\(a\) Communication (b) Union (c) intention (d) Interaction ( )
ii) The economic factors for the interaction of people of Africa
were\...\...\...\..... (a)Migration, trade and language (b) War,
migration and music (c) Intermarriage, medicine and religion (d)
Trade, agriculture and metal work ( )
iii) One of the causes of the Ngoni migrations was\...\...\.... (a) Land
scarcity (b) Conflict among the Ndebele and Hehe (c)
Exploration (d) Hunger ( )
iv) In Tanzania Maseko Ngoni group settled in \...\...\.... (a)
Morogoro (b) Kahama (c) Songea (d) Tabora ( )
v) One of the leaders who led Ngoni people to East Africa was
\...\...\...\... (a) Shaka (b)Dingiswayo (c) Mzilikazi (d)
Zwangendaba ( )
<!-- -->
2. Define the following terms
<!-- -->
(i) Mfecane
(ii) Ngoni migration
(iii) Scorched -- earth technique
(iv) Intermarriage
<!-- -->
3. Study the following picture below and then answer the questions
<!-- -->
i) What do you see on that
ii) Mention the event that is on going on that
iii) What is the name of the technique of the event that is on going on
the picture\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\....
iv) Who are said to use such kind of technique while conducting that
v) According to that picture, which part of Africa that you suggest it
might have been referred
<!-- -->
4. Study the photo below and answer the questions that follow.
<!-- -->
i) What is this man on the picture holds on his
ii) What symbolizes on the picture above?
iii) Where does this man said to have been originated in
iv) What is the other name of the thing that the man hotlds on his left
v) Comment on the picture shown
5. Match the years in column A with the corresponding historical facts
in column B.
| **COLUMN "A"** | **COLUMN "B"** |
| (i) 1835 | A. The death of Zwangendaba |
| | |
| (ii) 1818 | B. The collapse of Shaka's |
| | Kingdom |
| (iii) 1845 | |
| | C. The death of Dingiswayo |
| (iv) 1820s | |
| | D. The weapon was introduced |
| (v) 1840s | into east Africa by the |
| | Ngoni. |
| | |
| | E. Zwangendaba and his people |
| | crossed river Zambezi |
| | |
| | F. The rise of Zulu state. |
| | |
| | G. Mzilikazi colluded with the |
| | Boers in the Transvaal |
| | region. |
| | |
| | H. Mfecane |
| | |
| | I. The Boer trek |
| | |
| | J. The Maseko Ngoni settled in |
| | Songea |
| | |
| | K. The Maseko Ngoni settled in |
| | Unyanyembe |
| | |
| | L. The beginning of the Ngoni |
| | migration. |
**COLUMN "A"** **i** **ii** **iii** **iv** **v**
------------------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
**COLUMN "B"**
**DARASA: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ KIPINDI CHA:
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, TAREHE:
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_MUDA: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_**
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**DARASA: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ KIPINDI CHA:
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, TAREHE:
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_MUDA: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_**
--------------------- -------------- ----------- ------------------- -------------- ----------- ------------------- -------------- -----------
| | DA | | | |
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**[MUDA: SAA 2:30 Alhamisi, 2 Disemba 2021 mchana]{.underline}**
- Mtihani huu una sehemu A, B, C, D na E
- Jibu maswali yote kutoka sehemu A, B, C na D na jibu swali moja
kutoka sehemu E
- Zingatia maagizo ya kila sehemu na kila swali
- Andika jina lako katika kila ukurasa wa karatasi lako la majibu
> **SEHEMU A (Alama 15)**
> 1\. Soma kifungu cha habari kifuatacho, kisha jibu maswali yafuatayo.
> Pamela alikuwa ni binti apataye miaka saba alipokuwa anaanza kusoma
> darasa la kwanza katika shule ya msingi Maji Moto. Alikuwa na tabia,
> sura na umbo zuri. Pia alikuwa na uwezo mkubwa darasani na ndoto ya
> kusoma mpaka chuo kikuu na kuishi maisha mazuri baadaye. Kutokana na
> tabia yake na uwezo wake mzuri darasani, walimu walimpenda sana na
> kumtia moyo mara kwa mara katika masomo yake.
> Tabia ya Pamela ilianza kubadilika siku hadi siku alipofika darasa la
> sita baada ya kufikisha umri wa [kuvunja ungo]{.underline}. Kwani
> alianza [kunawili]{.underline} na umbo lake likazidi kuonekana vizuri.
> Mabadiliko hayo yalitokana na yeye kujiingiza katika suala la mapenzi
> ambapo alifuatwa na wavulana wengi kwa sababu ya umbile lake la
> kuvutia.
> Baada ya kuhitimu elimu ya msingi, Pamela alijiunga na elimu ya
> sekondari na hapo ndipo suala la mapenzi kwake lilizidi kupamba moto
> zaidi mpaka kufikia hatua ya kutojali kitu chochote duniani. Yeyote
> yule ambaye angejitokeza kumueleza habari za mapenzi hakuweza kukataa.
> Kutokana na tabia hiyo watu walimfananisha na daladala ambayo hupandwa
> na kila mtu, ATM mashine ambayo kila kadi huingia na
> [dampo]{.underline} ambapo kila uchafu hutupwa. Raha ilipanda mpaka
> chuo kikuu ambapo alifikia hatua ya kutoa mimba hovyo hovyo bila
> kuwaza njia zitumikazo kuzuia, na washauri waliomshauri aliwaona kama
> takataka (hawafai).
> Hatimaye Pamela alihitimu masomo yake na sasa amepata mchumba na ndoa
> ikatangazwa kanisani siku hiyo [halaiki]{.underline} ya watu
> walihudhuria kwenye sherehe hiyo na ilikuwa ni vifijo, nderemo na
> shangwe. Baada ya miezi mitano Pamela alipata homa kali na kukimbia
> Hospitali kupima afya yake. Daktari alibaini kuwa ana ugonjwa unaoitwa
> UKIMWI pia alipoteza uwezo wa kubeba mimba.
> Maskini Pamela alisikitika sana alivyopata taarifa hizo na mwisho
> daktari alimshauri ameze dawa, ale matunda, afanye mazoezi, apumzishe
> mwili wake, aishi kwa mienendo iliyo bora ya kusali na kumrudia au
> kumwabudu mwenyezi Mungu.
> \(i\) Andika kichwa cha habari uliyosoma
> \(ii\) Eleza maana ya maneno yaliyopigiwa mstari
> \(iii\) Daktari alimshauri nini Pamela baada ya kupima? (Taja hoja
> mbili)
> \(iv\) Ni sababu ipi iliyopelekea tabia ya Pamela kubadilika?
> 2\. Fupisha habari hii kwa maneno yasiyopungua 80 na yasiyozidi 90.
> **SEHEMU B (Alama 15)**
> 3\. (a) Sarufi ni nini?
> \(b\) Taja aina nne za sarufi
> 4\. (a) Taja hoja tano za umuhimu wa kutumia lugha kwa ufasaha katika
> mawasiliano
> \(b\) Bainisha dhima tano za lugha katika mawasiliano
> **SEHEMU C (Alama 20)**
> 5\. Ainisha aina za maneno katika sentensi zifuatazo
> \(i\) Wanafunzi wetu wanacheza uwanjani
> \(ii\) Kiti chetu ni kizuri
> \(iii\) Mwalimu ameingia darasani
> \(iv\) He! Simu yake inaita mara kwa mara
> \(v\) Ndizi za Kigoma zimeiva vizuri sana
> 6\. (a) Eleza maana ya kielezi
> \(b\) Orodhesha aina nne za vielezi
> 7\. (a) Eleza maana ya kamusi
> \(b\) Taja matumizi manne ya kamusi
> \(c\) Taja taarifa tano zinazohusu [neno]{.underline} zinazoingizwa
> katika kamusi
> **SEHEMU D (Alama 40)**
> 8\. Taja tanzu nne za fasihi simulizi na uorodheshe vipera vinne kwa
> kila utanzu ulioutaja
> 9\. (a) Eleza kwa kifupi maana ya maneno yafuatayo
> i/ Uhakiki ii/ Fasihi iii/ Maudhui iv/ Sanaa v/ Hadhira
> \(b\) Taja vipengele vitano vinavyounda fani
> \(c\) Bainisha tofauti tano zilizopo kati ya fasihi simulizi na fasihi
> andishi
> **SEHEMU E (Alama 10)**
> Jibu swali **moja** tu katika sehemu hii
> 10\. Andika barua ya kirafiki kwa kuzingatia kanuni za uandishi wa
> barua, ukimweleza shangazi yako kuwa atume hela ya nauli kwa sababu
> shule itafungwa tarehe 10/12/2021. Na kila mwanafunzi anatakiwa
> aondoke shuleni tarehe hiyohiyo ya kufunga shule. Anuani yako iwe
> Shule ya sekondari Mwanamalundi, S.L.P 140, Ngalitu. Huku jina lako
> liwe Furaha Karunguyeye.
> 11\. Andika insha inayohusiana na mada mojawapo kati ya hizi
> zifuatazo. Elezea hoja nne tu.
**TIME:1:30 HRS**
1. She always \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_to school on foot. A) going B) goes C)
go D) went E) gone \[ \]
2. Yesterday Ali \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_me in town. A) sees B)
seen C) seeing D) saw E) see\[ \]
3. John and Anna\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_written me a letter. A)have B)
has C) is D) are E) will\[ \]
4. James \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_me now. A) am expecting B) expected C)is
expecting D)expects \[ \]
5. Joyce is always \_\_\_\_\_to town by her teacher. A)send B) sends C)
sending D) sends\[ \]
6. Mr. Hamisi is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_with CRDB Bank now.
A)working B) work C) work in\[ \]
7. Mrs. Othman has already\_\_\_\_\_\_\_his work. A) doing B) did C)
done D) does E) do \[ \]
8. The sun \_\_\_\_\_\_ in the East and sets in the west. A) rose B) is
rising C) rises D) risen\[ \]
9. My sister \_\_\_ for her family yesterday. A) cooks B) is cooking C)
cooked D) cook \[ \]
10. The \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_near our school makes good furniture. A)
plumber B) mason C) carpenter D) driver \[ \]
11. Usually we \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_to school on Sunday. A) don't go B)
goes C) went D)going \[ \]
12. It\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ been raining for 6 hours. A)
have B) has been C) has D) as \[ \]
13. Many people \_\_\_\_\_\_\_killed during the 1990 in Somali. A)
Are B) is C) has D) have\[ \]
14. I\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_eating ugali now. A)
am B) was C) were D) is \[ \]
15. He \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_his shoes yesterday A) Clean B)
cleaned C) cleanes D) cleant
16. Your dress is\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_beautiful
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_mine. A) B) may be
C)So...........that D)Unless \[ \]
17. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Children are these? A) Whose B) Whom C)
Which D) When \[ \]
18. Your letters are \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_from mine. A) Same
as B) Same C) Different D) as
19. This hospital has \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_medicine to give a patient.
A)a lot of B) different from C) same as D) as \[ \]
20. He was feeling ill \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_he got to school. A) when B)
which C) if D) whose \[ \]
21. Have you clean your teeth today? A) Yes we has B) Yes, I will C)
Yes, I have D) Yes you have \[ \]
22. My parent always advice me to work hard \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_do
well in life. A) in order to B) although C) so that D) if \[ \]
23. Omary and Shaban slept \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_all the night. A)
himself B) themselves C) her selves D) ourselves \[ \]
24. These pens belong to us. They are \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A) yours B)
my C) ours D) theirs \[ \]
25. Parents spend \_\_\_\_money for our education. A) same B) many C) in
to D) much \[ \]
26. We prepared some tea\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A) our self B)
myself C) us selves D) I self \[ \]
27. The doctor asked \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ was sick. A) whose B)
where C) who D) which \[ \]
28. The guests wer introducing us to start from the ferst to the
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A) second B) last C) third D) lastly \[ \]
29. You have worked \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ten hours. A) if B)
since C) for D) on \[ \]
30. Ali's hand writting \_\_\_\_\_\_from her brother's. A) the same B)
that C) different D) like\[ \]
31. Hard work lifted them from poverty to riches.
32. Mzee madevu's sons are very rich.
33. They are able to buy items that cost a lot of money.
34. They have a billion in the bank.
35. They have more millions in the bank than Mchapakazi.
| 3 | A quarter | A\) The young one of a dog. |
| 6. | | |
| 3 | School boy | B\) 1 may. |
| 7. | | |
| 3 | Labour day | C\) A buys who goes to school. |
| 8. | | |
| 3 | Already | D\) Before now or sooner. |
| 9. | | |
| 4 | Puppies | E\) Fifteen minutes. |
| 0. | | |
| | | F\) The young ones of a pig. |
| | | G\) 26 April. |
The most killing disease in tropical countries is Malaria. Malaria is
caused by a female mosquito known as Anomfeles there are also some other
species such as Qulex while doesn't cause Malaria. The female Mosquito
Anopheles one bites/stings on a human body transmit a monocellular
living organism known as Plasmodium. Plasmodium ones enlist human blood
destroys white blood cell which there after a person start feeling head
ache, joint pains and high fever as well as vomiting all these are
symptoms of Malaria. Malaria is aired by Ant -- malaria dose but we can
prevent ourselves from Malaria by using Mosquito net.
41.\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_is the most kill disease in tropical countries. A)
Qulex B) Malaria C) Ant -- Malaria C) Anopheles \[ \]
42\. Malaria is caused by \_\_\_\_\_\_. A) female mosquito B) male
mosquito C) qurex D) malaria\[ \]
43.A bacteria that cause Malaria is \_\_\_. A) Qulex B) Plasmodium C)
Anopheles D) Ant -- malaria \[ \]
44.We can prevent our self from Malaria by:- A) using Ant -- malaria
always B) Using mosquito C) Using Mosquito Net D) Qulex \[ \]
45\. The heading suitable for the passage can be:- A) ANT MALARIA B)
Malaria The Tropical Disease C) Prevention of Malaria D) Malaria and
Africa \[ \]
KISWAHILI KIDATO CHA 3(1).md | <table style="width:100%;">
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<tr class="header">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td>Kuhakiki kazi za fasihi andishi kwa kuzingatia vigezo vya
<td>Kusoma na kuelewa maandiko mbalimbali na kuhakiki kazi za fasihi
<p><strong>MACHI FEBRUARI JANUARI</strong></p>
<p>Uhakiki wa kazi za fasihi andishi.</p>
<td><p>Fasili ya uhakiki</p>
<p>Uhakiki wa riwaya</p>
<p>Uhakiki wa tamthiliya</p></td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kueleza dhana za uhakiki.</p>
<p>-Mhakiki na umuhimu wake.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kufasili na kujadili vipengele vya fani na
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kusoma vitabu teule na kuchambua fani na
maudhui ya</p>
<p>i)Watoto wa Mama Ntilie.</p>
<p>ii) Takadini.</p>
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kusoma kwa sauti na kuhakiki tamthiliya
<td><p>-Kueleza maana ya uhakiki, Mhakiki, na umuhimu wake na kuonesha
uhusiano wa mhakiki na mwandishi asilia.</p>
<p>-Kujadili na kubainisha misingi ya uhakiki kwa kuzingatia misingi ya
uhakiki wa fani na maudhui.</p>
<p>Kusoma vitabu teule na kuvihakiki.</p>
<p>-Kusoma tamthiliya teule.</p></td>
<td>TAHOSSA KIDATO CHA 3 mwaka 2012.</td>
<td>Vitabu teule</td>
<td>Katika makundi wanafunzi waweze kufasili kuonesha uhusiano na sifa
za mhakiki.</td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="9"><strong>MITIHANI PAMOJA NA LIKIZO FUPI.</strong></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<td>Kuzungumza na kuandiak Kiswahili sanifu<strong>.</strong></td>
<td>Mawasiliano kwa mazungumzo</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>A P R I L I & M A C H I</strong></p>
<td rowspan="2"><p><strong>3</strong></p>
<td><p>Fasili ya ngeli</p>
<p>Mikabala ya uainishaji ngeli za nomino.</p></td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kueleza fasili ya ngeli kwa mifano.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili mkabala wa kimapokeo kwa kutunga
sentensi anuai.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza kujadili mkabala wa kisasa kwa kutumia riwaya ya
uapatanisho wa kisarifu</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kutaja na kupanga nomino zilizo katika ngeli
kisha kujadili mapungufu ya kila mkabala.</p></td>
<td><p>-Kueleza fasili ya ngeli kwa mifano,</p>
<p>-Kujadili mkabala wa kimapokeo kwa kutunga sentensi.</p>
<p>-Kujadili mkabala wa kisasa kwa kutunga sentensi.</p>
<p>-Kutaja na kupanga nomino katika makundi na kujadili mapungufu ya
kila mkabala.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Chati</p>
<td rowspan="2"><p>SAMIKISA</p>
<p>Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 3.</p>
<p>Kiswahili sekondari na vyuo.</p>
<p>Kiswahili kidato cha 3-Oxford.</p></td>
<td><p>Kwa njia ya maswala na majibu mwanafunzi aweze kufafanua
upatanisho wa kisarufi.</p>
<p>Kusoma na kuandika tungo zenye upatanisho wa kisarufi.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>Maana ya</td>
<td>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kueleza maana ya tungo</td>
<td>Kueleza maana ya tungo</td>
<td>Waweze kutofautisha tungo.</td>
<tr class="even">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<td><p>VITENDO VYA</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<p>na kuandika</p>
<p><strong>JUNI & MEI & APRILI</strong></p>
<p>1 -</p>
<p>2 - 3 - 4</p>
<td><p>Aina za tungo</p>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini tungo anuai</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kueleza dhima za tungo.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubainisha tungo virai.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kufafanua dhana ya virai kimuundo na
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubainisha virai kulingana na dhima.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wananfunzi kuchunguza matini na kubaini virai.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubainisha aina za vishazi na kutunga sentensi
zenye vishazi.</p></td>
<td><p>Kubainisha aina za virai na tungo nyingine.</p>
<p>-Kujadili na kueleza dhima ya tungo.</p>
<p>-Kuchunguza matini na kubaini virai mbalimbali vilivyojitokeza.</p>
<p>-Kujadili katika makundi na kubainisha tungo vishazi.</p>
<p>-Kutumia vishazi katika sentensi.</p></td>
<td>Chati ya aina za tungo.</td>
<p>-Kiswahili sekondari na vyuo.</p>
<p>-Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 3.</p></td>
<p>ya mazoezi mwanafunzi</p>
<p>aweze kubainisha</p>
<p>na kutofautisha</p>
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>AGOSTI JULAI ...........................................
<p>1 & 2</p></td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kueleza fasili na kutunga sentensi
<p>-Kwa kuzingatia kigezo cha maan na muundo, kuwaongoza wanafunzi
kueleza aina zake.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili maana, hatua zake na njia 4 za
uchanganuzi wa sentensi.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini misingi ya kuandika insha za wasifu,
hoja an za kisasa.</p>
<p>- Kuwaongoza wanafunzi namna ya kuandika insha za fasihi
<td><p>-Kueleza fasihi ya sentensi anuai.</p>
<p>-Kujadili aina tofauti za sentensi.</p>
<p>-Kujadili maana hatua 5 na njia nne (04) za uchanganuzi wa
<p>-Kubainisha misingi ya uandishi wa insha.</p>
<p>-Kuandika insha za hoja wasifu na za kisanaa.</p>
<p>-Kuandika insha za fasihi andishi.</p></td>
<td><p>Chati ya aina za tungo.</p>
<p>Chati ya Ngoe & Jedwali.</p>
<p>-Kiswahili Kitukuzwe kidato cha 3.</p>
<td><p>-Kwa njia ya maswali mwanafunzi achanganue sentensi kwa njia ya
ngoe na jedwali</p>
<p>-Kuandika insha.</p>
<p>Waweze kujibu maswali ya vitabu teule.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<td><p>VITENDO VYA</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">MAENDELEO YA KISWAHILI</td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>ASILI YA KISWAHILI</p>
<p>KUKUA NA KUENEA</p></td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili kwa kifupi dhana za chimbuko la
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini kuwa Kiswahili ni kibantu kwa ushahidi
wa kiisimu (msamiati, Muundo, na kihistoria kwa mifano.</p></td>
<td><p>-Kujadili na kubaini asili ya lugha ya Kiswahili.</p>
<p>-Kubaini ubantu wa Kiswahili kwa ushahidi wa kiisimu na kihistoria
kwa mifano toka lugha za kibantu.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>-Kiswahili sekondari na vyuo.</p>
<p>-Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 3.</p>
<p>-Kiswahili kidato cha 3 (TIE)</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Kwa kuchunguza lugha za kibantu mwanafunzi aweze
kufananisha msamiati, miudo wa Kiswahili na wa kibantu.</p>
<p>-Mwanafunzi aweze kueleza ukuaji na ueneaji wa kiswahili enzi za
Waarabu na Wajerumani.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili sababu za kukua na kuenea kwa
Kiswahili kwa ujumla.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili, mchango wa Wakoloni, Waarabu,
Wajerumani an Waingereza katika kukua na kuenea lugha.</p></td>
<td><p>-Kutaja na kujadili sababu za kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili.</p>
<p>-Kutaja Wakoloni waliotawala Tanzania na kujadili mchango wao katika
kukuza, kueneza na kudumaza Kiswahili.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="9"><strong>MITIHANI YA KUMALIZA MUHULA WA TATU (3) NA
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"><p>Kubainisha na kutunga kazi za fasihi
<td rowspan="2"><p>Utungo wa kazi za fasihi andishi.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>NOVEMBA OK TOBA</strong></p>
<td>Utungaji wa fasihi andishi.</td>
<td><p>Utungaji wa hadithi.</p>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kufasili hadithi na kubainisha mikondo ya
hadithi. Mfano ujasusi, upelelezi, mahaba na kuandika riwaya fupi.</p>
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kufasili na kueleza dhima ya tamthiliya.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini misingi ya utungaji tamthiliya.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kutunga tamthiliya.</p></td>
<td><p>-Kufasili hadithi</p>
<p>-Kujadili mbinu za uandishi na kuandika.</p>
<p>-Kujadili fasili na dhima ya tamthiliya.</p>
<p>-Kubaini misingi ya utungaji tamthiliya.</p>
<p>-Kutunga tamthiliya.</p></td>
<td><p>Matini zenye hadithi</p>
<p>Matini yenye tamthiliya</p></td>
<td><p>Misingi ya Hadith i fupi (Mbunda Msokile)</p>
<p>Kiswahili kidato cha tatu.</p></td>
<td><p>Mwanafunzi aweze kupambanua mikondo ya hadithi na kutunga
<p>Waweze kutunga tamthiliya.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="9"><strong>MARUDIO TAHOSSA & LIKIZO</strong></td>
04 | Namba ya Mtahiniwa___________________
Jina la Shule_________________________
04 HISABATI Muda: Saa 2:00 Mwaka:2024 Maelekezo 1. Karatasi hii ina sehemu A, B na C zenye jumla ya maswali **nane (8)**. 2. Jibu maswali **yote**. 3. Onesha wazi njia zilizotumika kujibu maswali yote katika nafasi iliyotolewa kwenye karatasi ya maswali.
4. Majibu **yote** yaandikwe kwa kalamu yenye wino wa bluu au **mweusi,**
isipokuwa katika michoro ambapo ni lazima kutumia penseli.
5. Vifaa vya mawasiliano visivyoruhusiwa **havitakiwi** katika chumba cha mtihani.
| katika kila ukurasa sehemu ya juu upande wa kulia. KWA MATUMIZI YA MTAHINI TU NAMBA YA SWALI ALAMA SAHIHI YA MTAHINI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 JUMLA SAHIHI YA MHAKIKI |
Ukurasa wa 1
SEHEMU A (Alama 10)
Katika kila kipengele, jibu maswali **yote** katika sehemu hii.
Kokotoa maswali yafuatayo ukionesha wazi njia iliyotumika katika kupata jibu sahihi katika
nafasi iliyotengwa.
Na. Swali Sehemu ya Kazi na Jibu
1. (a) 36,457 + 53,442 =
(b) 9,878,784 - 4,768,670 =
| nafasi iliyotengwa. Na. | Swali | Sehemu ya Kazi na Jibu |
| 1. | (a) 36,457 + 53,442 = (b) 9,878,784 - 4,768,670 = (c) 212 × 25 = 1 2 (d) 9 ÷ 4 = 3 3 (e) 80,000 ÷ 50 = (f) 50.025 - 25.997 = (g) 4 1 2 × 51 3 = 1 1 (h) 7 - 2 = 4 2 (i) ( -5) + ( -8) = (j) 0.456 + 270.975 = SEHEMU B (Alama 30) | Jibu maswali yote katika sehemu hii. |
| Na. | Swali | Sehemu ya Kazi na Jibu |
| 2. | (a) Tarakimu ipi ina thamani ya mamia elfu katika namba 7,340,581? (b) Thamani ya nafasi ya tarakimu "6" katika namba 764,293 ni ipi? (c) Ujira wa Baraka ni shilingi 3,560,518 kwa mwezi. Andika kiasi hicho katika maelfu yaliyo karibu. (d) Tafuta jumla ya namba mbili zinazofuata katika mfululizo ufuatao: 2, 4, 6, ____, ___. (e) Shule ina jumla ya ng'ombe 840 ambapo kati 1 yao ni ndama. Je, kuna ndama wangapi? 6 (f) Nini tofauti kati ya 200,000 na 20,000? | |
| 3. | (a) | Jane, Asha na Elia waligawana tunda kama |
| ifuatavyo: Jane alipata 1 3 | , Asha alipata 4 na 15 | |
| ya tunda hilo. Panga sehemu hizo | | |
| Elia alipata 2 5 kuanzia ndogo hadi kubwa zaidi. (b) Umri wa Ethan, Lina, Abdallah, Natalia na Nadia ni miaka 3, 8, 15, 7 na 25 mtawalia. Watoto gani ambao umri wao ni namba tasa? | | |
Ukurasa wa 2
| Na. | | Swali | Sehemu ya Kazi na Jibu |
| 3. | (c) Andika namba nne zinazofuata katika mfululizo ufuatao: 50, 45, 40, _____, ____, ____, ____. | | |
| 4. | (a) Elisha alinunua redio kwa sh 25,000 na kuiuza kwa sh 20,000. Je, alipata hasara ya asilimia ngapi? (b) Bibi alianza kumwagilia bustani yake saa 1:30 asubuhi na kumaliza baada ya dakika 40. Je, alimaliza kazi hiyo saa ngapi? (c) Siku 5 ni sawa na saa ngapi? | | |
| 5. | (a) Tafuta tofauti kati ya gramu 15 miligramu 900 na gramu 100 miligramu 100. (b) Urefu wa barabara ni meta 45,000. Je, barabara hiyo ina urefu wa kilometa ngapi? (c) Kiwanda huzalisha kilogramu 22,400 za sukari kwa siku. Ikiwa sukari itafungwa katika mifuko 320 yenye uzito sawa, je, mfuko mmoja utakuwa kilogramu ngapi? | | |
| 6. | (a) Shule ina wavulana 465. Ikiwa wavulana hao ni 1 3 ya wanafunzi wote, je, shule hiyo ina wavulana wangapi? (b) Ikiwa a = 1, b = 2 na c =3, tafuta thamani ya mtajo 5a+ =2b - c. (c) Ikiwa N = 3k - 1, ambapo k ni namba nzima. Tafuta thamani ya namba N ikiwa k=300. SEHEMU C (Alama 10) Jibu maswali yote katika sehemu hii. | | |
| 7. | (a) Grafu ifuatayo inaonesha kiwango cha mvua zilizonyesha kuanzia mwezi Septemba hadi Disemba katika wilaya ya Kyerwa. Wastani wa mvua iliyonyesha kwa miezi yote ilikuwa kiasi gani?Ukurasa wa 3 kati ya 4 | | |
| Na. | Swali | Sehemu ya Kazi na Jibu |
| 7. | (b) Jedwali lifuatalo linaonesha kimo alichokuwa nacho Juhudi kuanzia umri wa miaka 8 hadi 13. Umri 8 10 12 13 (Miaka) Urefu (sm) 98 111 154 156 Je, alifikisha urefu wa meta 1.3 kati ya umri wa miaka mingapi? | |
| 8. | (a) Mchoro ufuatao ni trapeza: A sm 13 | B |
| E | F | |
| C | D | |
| sm 7 | 2 | |
| . | | |
| Ikiwa eneo la trapeza ni Sm2 80, tafuta urefu wa DF. (b) Katika mchoro ufuatao, ABC ni pembetatu sawa: C 250 x DA B Ikiwa AD=BD, je, x ina thamani ya nyuzi ngapi? (c) Umbo la mcheduara lina kipenyo cha sm 28. Ikiwa kimo chake ni sm 50, je umbo hilo lina 22 sentimeta ngapi za ukubwa? (Tumia 𝜋 = ) 7 | | |
Phone: 0754 071178 Phone: 0754 071178 0754 071178/ 0766 179519, Email: mwaduilutheransec@ 0766 179519, Email: mwaduilutheransec@gmail com 0766 179519, Email: mwaduilutheransec@gmail com gmail com
INSTRUCTIONS: INSTRUCTIONS: Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday,13th May 2020 May 2020
- Answer **all** questions.
1. Explain how to administer first aid to the following victims:-
(a) Shocked victim
(b) A victim experiencing excessive bleeding from a cut.
(c) Burns
(d) Fainted victim 2. Chemical apparatus can be classified or grouped according to their uses. With good diagrams, explain the uses of the following apparatus.
(a) Holding apparatus
(b) Taking measurements
(c) Heating purposes
(d) Chemical purposes
(e) Drying, collecting and storing purposes.
3. One of the chemistry teachers of Mwadui secondary school forgot fo fix hazards on the containers with the following chemical susbstances.
(a) Petrol
(b) Hydrogen Liquid
(c) Concentrated sulphuric acid
(d) Chlorine Page 1 of 2
(e) Medicated soap containing mercury (eg RICO) (f) Mosquito spray (g) Hydrogen peroxide (h) Pesticides (DDT) What hazard label do you think was right for each container and why should they be labeled?
4. Write True for the correct statement and false for incorrect statement.
(i) The hazard label for petrol is normally a flammable sigh which means catches fire easily____________ (ii) Fuels and chemicals such as plastics, pesticides, perfumes, detergents and asphalt are products made from soil and neutral gas____________
(iii) Gasoline, like petrol should be kept in air conditioned kitchen____________
(iv) Never keep toxic materials within the children reach since they may poison themselves__________
5. (a) Mention four (4) common types of burners used in our laboratories.
(b) Why is the Bunsen burner the best of all burners? |

MARCH, 2024 TIME: ...
| Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials |
| number | | | |
| 1 | | | |
| 2 | | | |
| 3 | | | |
| 4 | | | |
| 5 | | | |
| Total | | | |
DICTATION 1. **____________________________________________** 2. **____________________________________________** 3. **____________________________________________** 4. **____________________________________________** 5. ____________________________________________ Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the box provided.
6. There are ________ consonant sounds.
a. Twelve b. Five c. Twenty one

7. The word **Swallow** has _________ Syllables.
a. One b. Two c. Three 8. Do you __________ a pen?
a. Have b. Has c. Is 10. She is ________ amazing singer.
a. A b. An c. The

Make the **first letter capital.** 11. september _____________________ 12. tomorrow ______________________ 13. kilimanjaro______________________ Use a or an then fill in the gaps 14. This is ____________pen. 15. She has ___________apple. 16. Bring me __________pencil and ruler. Arrange in ABC order.
9. I _______ in class two this year.
a. Is b. Am c. Are

17. Queen Kitchen Table Ruler _______________________________ _________________________________ 18. Uncle Leaf Sister Father Fill in the missing letters. 19. Sh ___lf 20. Kn__ves Unjumble these words. 21. nepho ______________________ 22. wofler ______________________ Read the paragraph then answer questions. A GOOD BOY Paul is a class two boy. He is seven years old. He is short and brown. Though he is short, he has good behavior. He feels good to help others. A good thing about Paul is greeting. He greets everyone he meets. That behavior should be learned by all children. Questions. 23. What is the name of the boy in the story? ________________ 24.What is the good thing about him? __________________ 25. How old is he?___________________________


| Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials |
| number | | | |
| 1 | | | |
| 2 | | | |
| 3 | | | |
| 4 | | | |
| 5 | | | |
| Total | | | |
SECTION A: Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the box provided 1. Which one is a living thing?
A. Book B. Spider C. Towel 2. The sensory organ used to taste bitter thing is known as:
A. Tongue B. Mouth C. Skin 3. Human being limbs are divided into two parts , namely ____
A. Legs and hands B. Arm and abdomen C. Arm and leg 4. If we share ____ we can get HIV/AIDS
A. Food B. Sharp objects C. Shoes 5. Toes, upper arm, arm and heel are found on the _____
A. Limbs B. Abdomen C. Hands 6. We should be smart always. One of the materials to clean our nose is__ A. Towel B. Handkerchief C. Sponge 7. Anything which surround us is_____
A. House B. Environment C. School 8. Hand, upper arm, elbow and fingers are parts of the _____
A. Hand B. Body C. Arm 9. The part of the body that join limbs and abdomen is____
A. Wrist B. Waist C. Stomach 10. _____ are virus that cause AIDS A. Malaria B. HIV C. HIV/AIDS SECTION B: MATCHING ITEM Match the items in List A with their correct answer in List B then write its letter in the space provided.
| List A | Answers | List B | |
| 11. | Abdomen , head and limbs | A. Sense organs | |
| 12. | Shoulders , navel and back | B. | Parts of the head |
| 13. | Upper arm , Wrist and elbow | C. Three main parts of the body | |
| 14. | Eyes , nose , ears , skin and tongue | D. Parts of the abdomen | |
| 15. | Chin, hair, and forehead | E. Parts of the arm | |

 Choose the correct answer from the box and fill in the blank spaces Abdomen, sensory organs, wind, legs, dog, external 16. The second part of the human body is ____________________ 17. A moving air is called _______________ 18. An animal that is used for security is _________________ 19. We move one place to another place by using _____________ 20. ___________ are parts of the body that found outside the human body.
| Draw the following 21. | 22. |
| Toothbrush | Broom |

23. _______________________________ 24. _______________________________ 25. ______________________________

CONTACT:0754 579 723
MARCH, 2024


| Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials |
| number | | | |
| 1 | | | |
| 2 | | | |
| 3 | | | |
| 4 | | | |
| 5 | | | |
| Total | | | |

Write these numbers in word. 1. 615 _____________________________ 2. 209 _____________________________

Write the following numbers in figures.
3. Seven hundred and nineteen __________ 4. Three hundred and four ___________
Write the missing numbers.
5. 219, _____, 221, 222. 6. 398, 399, ______. 8. 8 1 2 __________________
7. 7 8 6 __________________
Arrange these numbers in ascending order.
9. 42 112 456 12
What is the total value of the underlined number?

10. 941 179 218 152 Arrange the following numbers in descending order.


Write the following numbers in short form. 15. 900 and 30 and 4= ____________ 16. 400 and 0 and 40 = ___________
Work out 17. 99 + 8 ꞊ 18. 12 + 33 + 42 ꞊
 Name these shapes.
23. __ _______________


........ DATE ..

| | Score | Checker's Initials |
| Question | Examiner's Initials | |
| number | | |
| 1 | | |
| 2 | | |
| 3 | | |
| 4 | | |
| 5 | | |
| Total | | |
SECTION A: Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the box provided 1. A shallow hole on the ground is used when playing __________
A. Hopscotch B. Mdako C. Kombolela teachers
 4. What is the name of this tool?
6. Nyamanyama game helps pupils to increase ability in A. Playing B. Thinking C. Singing 7. In which game does the leader mention edible and non-edible meat.
A. Ukuti B. Nyamanyama game C. Hop scotch 8. The other name of who sit first is ___________
A. Rope skipping B. Chair game C. Struggling for a chair 9. Which game played when going home? ___
A. Kidali Po! B. Good bye game C. Rede 10. We play mdako by putting our______in the hole.
A. Pebbles B. Sand C. hands SECTION B: MATCHING ITERMS
Match the items in List A with their correct answer in list B then write its letter in the space provided
| 11.Hopscotch | ( | ) | A. Rope | |
| 12. | Mdako | ( | ) | B. Chair |
| 13. | Musical Chair | ( | ) | C. Shallow hole and lime |
| 14. | Tug of war | ( | ) | D. Stone |
| 15. | Kombolela | ( | ) | E. Bottle |
| Choose the answer from the box | then fill in the blanks | | | |
Pebbles, Bottle stoppers, Bao **game, types of lines, Musical**
instruments 16. Spiral, Vertical, horizontal, Zigzag _________________ 17. Items used when playing Rugs _____________________
| 18. | Guitar, Piano, Shakers ___________________________ | |
| 19. | The game that must be played by two players _________ | |
| 20. | The other name of small stone is ______________ | |
| Fill in the missing letters. | | |
| 21. | 22. | 23. |
| Goal Post | Shakers | Whistle |
| 24. Rope ski___ ping | | |



MARCH, 2024 TIME 1:00HR
| Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials |
| number | | | |
| 1 | | | |
| 2 | | | |
| 3 | | | |
| 4 | | | |
| 5 | | | |
| Total | | | |
Dictation 1. __________________________ 2. __________________________

Use words in the box to fill in the blanks an **a are is**
11. We saw______________ostrich in Tarangire 12. He has _____________bag with__________onion 13. A boat _____________crossing the bridges 14. My Mumy will buy__________vest for me 15. We____________reading our books i). Skills of reading words 16. Money, giraffe 17. Mother, family 18. Cat, dog 19. Fruit, tree 20. Table, sun ii) Skills of reading sentences 21. My father is a strong man 22. Jimmy drives the bus 23. My sister has two children

24. My brother is watering flowers 25. Masanja is playing volleyball




| MACHI, 2024 | TIME: | | |
| Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials |
| number | | | |
| 1 | | | |
| 2 | | | |
| 3 | | | |
| 4 | | | |
| 5 | | | |
| Total | | | |
Jibu maswali yote

9. _______ masweta 10. Gauni __________
Andika maneno yafuatayo kwa mwandiko wa kuunga 11. Mama = 12. Chakula = 13. Redio =

21. Mwandiko wa _____________ 22.Mwandiko wa _____________
**Andika majina matatu ya wanafamilia**
23. ___________________________ 24. ___________________________ 25. ___________________________


| Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials |
| number | | | |
| 1 | | | |
| 2 | | | |
| 3 | | | |
| 4 | | | |
| 5 | | | |
| Total | | | |
Jibu maswali yote IMLA
1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________ 
11. Makofi _________
12. Kinu __________ 13. Silaha __________ 14. Macho __________
15. meza __________
Ujuzi katika kusoma maneno 16. Kichwa, samaki 17. Pandwa, punda 18. Dhamana, thelathini 19. theluthi, thamani 20. Kondoo, kinda Ujuzi katika kusoma sentensi

21. Mwalimu anafundisha vizuri.
22. Asha ni mwanafunzi wa darasa la pili. 23. Kuku ametaga mayai. 24. Baba ana mbuzi kumi.
25.Shule yetu imepandwa maua.

Sikilizakwamakinihabariitakayosomwanamsimamizi, kasha
1. Kijiji cha Mwendokasikipokaribunahifadhigani?
A. Mlomazi B. Mkomazi C. Mikumi D. Saanane E. Ngorongoro \[ \]
2. BusaranabibiyakewalikwendawapisikuyaJumamosi?
A. Porini B. KwenyehifadhiC. Shambani D. Njiani E. Kijijini \[ \]
3. Nanialikuwawa kwanza kuwaonatembo? A. Bibi B. Busara C. Ng'ombe D.
Wote E. Shaibu
4. Kisawe cha tembokamailivyotajwakwenyehabariuliyosikilizani:
Shibli B. Nyati C. Ndovu D. Ngamia E. Kangaroo \[ \]
5. Maneno "amepigwanabutwaa"kamayalivyotumikakwenyekifungu cha
habariyanamaanagani? A. Huzunika B. Shangaa C. Pigwanamchecheto D.
Fukuzandovu E. Takasa \[ \]
6. Nenolipilinakamilishasentensihii?
A. umeadhiriwa B. umeathiliwa C. umeasiliwa D. umesailiwa E. umeathiriwa
\[ \]
7. "Wasifu wake
A. kutendwa B. kutendewa C. kutendana D. kutenda E. kutendeka \[ \]
8. Kisawe cha neon "Kilembwekeza" nikipikatikamanenoyafuatayo?
A. Kinying'inya B. Mjukuu C. Kitukuu D. Kilembwe E. Kijukuu \[ \]
9. Mwanzowamethali "\_\_\_\_ndiyomlanyama"niipi?
A. Mvuvihodari B. Mwindajihodari C. Simbamwendapole D. Mwenyekisukikali
E. Mwenyebucha \[ \]
10. "Njiambilizilimshindafisi".Methaliyenyemaanasawanahiyoniipi?
A. PolepolendiyomwendoB.Ukionavyaeleavimeundwa C. Bandubanduhuishagogo
D. Mtakayotekwa pupa hukosayote E. Penyeniapananjia \[ \]
11. Sentensiipiikokatikakaulitaarifa?
A. Njoohapa B. Nendakule C. Pole sana D.
AmekuambiakuwauendeE.Nendanausiruditenahapa \[ \]
12. Nenolipilinakamilishasentensihii? Ni lazimakila
A. ijitemegee B. ijitegemee C. ijimetegee D. ijetegemee E. ijitemee \[
13. Hali yakuwamasikini Zaidi huitwa \_\_\_\_
A. Mashaka B. Ukosefu C. Uchumi D. Ukwasi E. ukata \[ \]
14. Lipikatiyamanenoyafuatayohalihusianinamengine? \_\_\_\_
A. Kemea B. Adhiri C. Gombeza D. Hamaki E. Karipia \[ \]
15. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ unywemajiyaliyochemshwailikujikinganamaradhi.
A. Inakupasa B. Endapo C. Usipopenda D. Kiwakilishi E. Ili \[ \]
16. Walibananakuingiaukumbini. Sentensihiiikokatikakauligani? \_\_\_
A. Kutenda B. Kutendwa C. Kutendeka D. Kutendana E. Kutendeka \[ \]
17. Maanayakitendawili, Nimesafishauwanjawangukajamiguumirefukuchafuani
A. Mvua B. Ukame C. Jua D. Mwanga E. Upepo \[ \]
18. Nahauisemayo "ungamkono" maanayakeni\_\_\_
A. kosauaminifu B. tibumeno C. kubaliana D. katalia E. shikamana \[ \]
19. Ili kufaulumtihaniwakesho \_\_\_\_\_ nisomemasomoyasayansi.
A. sinabudi B. budi C. sibudi D. kunusuru E. nibudi \[ \]
20. Nenolipinikinyume cha neon saza? \_\_\_\_A.toshekaB.maliza C.
21. Lipikatiyamanenoyafuatayohalihusianinamengine? \_\_\_\_
A. Chai B. Togwa C. Kahawa D. Soda E. Pombe \[ \]
22. Tabiayakutotakakutoakitukumpamwinginehuitwa? \_\_\_\_
A. Upendo B. Ulafi C. Uchoyo D. Chukizo E. Chuki \[ \]
23. WatafitiwalifanyauvumbuziwahaliyajuumpakakuvumbuaMadinihayo.
Nenouvumbuzilimetumikakamaainaipiyaneno? \_\_
A. Nomino B. Sifa C. Kivumishi D. Kielezi E. Kiunganishi \[ \]
24. Maanayakitendawili. Aduitumemzingiralakinihatumweziniipi?
A. kukokamoto B. kuzimamoto C. kuzingiramoto D. kuotamoto E. kuwashamoto
\[ \]
25. Nahauisemayo "fujamali" maanayakeniipi?\_\_\_\_
A. ongezamali B. tumiamalivibaya C. gawamaliovyo D. tumiamalikwamakini
E. sambazamaliovyo\[ \]
26. BibiyakeJumaanaumriwamiakamiamoja. Kwaumrihuo \_\_\_\_\_
A. anakaribiakufa B. nikibogoyo C. amekulachumvinyingi D.
hajuiafanyalo\[ \]
27. Ipinimaanasahihiyakitendawili "kuliakwakenikichekokwetu"?
\_\_\_\_\_ A. maji B. mafuta C. machozi D. mvua\[ \]
28. "Upelehumwotaasiyenakucha". Methaliipikatiyahiziinamaanasawanahiyo?
A. damunzitokulikomaji B. penyemitihakunawajenzi C. mwenda pole hajikwai
D. dau la mnyongehaliendijoshi\[ \]
29. Elezamaanayanahau "anamkonowabirika". \_\_\_\_\_
A. mchoyo B. wizi C. mpole D. mkonowachuma\[ \]
30. Usowasamakihausikii \_\_\_\_\_ A. maji B. viungo C. harufu D.
vipodozi\[ \]
31. Dirayabinadamuni
**Soma shairilifuatalokishajibumaswaliyafuatayo**
Ni njaakuondolewa, ukawahunamshiko
Watuoukafiwa, ukasalianayako
Sikuukijatolewa, msiwenamwenziwako
Hapoutaonamwako, utakulizaukiwa
Utakulizaukiwa, likupatalosumbuko
Wakatiumelemewa, sipokitandanimwako
Hunaunayemjuwa, mbalinakwenuuliko
Hapoutaonamwako, utaulizaukiwa
32. Shairiulilosomalinabetingapi?
33. Vinavyakatinavyamwishokatikashairihilini
34. Jina la mstariwamwishokatikakilaubetihuitwakituo, kitoshelezo au
35. Katikamstariwa kwanza wakilaubetiunamizaningapi?
36. Andikakitoshelezo (kituo) cha shairihili.
**Zipangesentensizifuatazoziletemtiririkowenyemantikikwakuzipaherufi A,
B, C, na D**
37. Dakikachachebaadayetulionamsafarawamagariukiingia. \[ \]
\[ \]
38. Mbeleyamsafarahuokulikuwanapikipikinnezilizofuatananagari la
king'ora. \[ \]
39. Ilikuwanisikuyaalhamisitulivu, tulikuwatumeketikibarazani. \[ \]
**Soma habariifuatayokishajibumaswaliyanayofuata**
Katikandegewanaofugwanabinadamujogoonimojawapo, ndegewengineni kuku,
bata, gegedunanjiwa.
40. **N**degemuungwanakulikowotewafugwaoni
41. Gegedunidume
42. Neno**"kujizatiti"**kamalilivyotumikalinamaanaya
43. Tajafaidamojawapoyandegewafugwaonabinadamu\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
44. Kichwakifaacho cha habarihiini
la sabakatikashuleyamsingiTumaini. Anaishinabibiyakekatikakijiji cha
Mwendokasi. KijijihichokipokaribunahifadhiyawanyamayaMkomazi.
SikumojaJumamosi, Busaranabibiyakewalijihimukulekeashambani.
Alimshikabibiyakemkonokwawoga, hukuakisema, "bibi! Bibi! Unawaona wale
ng'ombe?" bibialiwaangalia wale
wanyamahukuakiwaamepigwanabutwaaakamwambia wale sing'ombebalinitembo
**SEHEMU "A"**
Chagua jibu sahihi kihsa liandike kwenye karatasi yako ya kujibia
1. Huruka juu kwa mabawa yenye manyoya. (a) Ndege (b) Popo (c) Mbu (d)
Kipepeo ( )
2. \...\...\...\...\...\.... hutaga mayai majini hatakama yeye huishi
nchikavu. (a) Kobe (b) Kasa (c) Chura (d) Mamba ( )
3. \...\...\...\...\...\.... husishi majini lakini hutaga mayai yake
nchi kavu. (a) Papa (b) Kobe (c) Mjusi (d) Kasa ( )
4. \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... ni mamalia lakini hana tezi
za jasho. (a) Popo (b) Nyangumi (c) Mbwa (d) Panya ( )
5. \...\...\...\...\.... ni mfano wa mamalia. (a) Kobe (b) Ndege (c)
Binadamu (d) Kinyonga ( )
6. Oanisha maneno katika sehemu "A" na maelezo sahihi kutoka sehemu "B"
| **SEHEMU "A"** | **SEHEMU "B"** |
| (i) Mende | (a) Hulea kwa kunyonyesha watoto wao. |
| | |
| (ii) Samaki | (b) Hali joto la mwili hubadilika kulingana na |
| | halijoto ya mazingira. |
| (iii) Mbwa | |
| | (c) Mahindi na maharage. |
| (iv) Ndege | |
| | (d) Tembe |
| (v) Kasa | |
| | (e) Mbegu zenye ghala moja. |
| (vi | |
| ) Paikilothemia | (f) hutumia matamvua kwaajili ya kupumua. |
| | |
| (vii) Nyoka | (g) Mbegu zenye ghala mbili. |
| | |
| (viii) Amphibia | (h) Mmoja kati ya wanyama wasio na uti wa mgongo. |
| | |
| (ix) | (i) Hupumua kwa ngozi yenye unyevu. |
| Monokotiledoni | |
| | (j) Kundi pekee la wanyama wenye manyoya. |
| ( | |
| x) Daikotiledon | (k) Reptilia wasio na miguu. |
| | |
| | (l) Mmea usiotoa maua. |
| | |
| | (m) Huishi majini lakini hutaga mayai nchikavu. |
7. Andika "kweli" kwa sentensi iliyo sahihi na Si kweli kwa sentensi
isiyo sahihi
<!-- -->
(a) Wanyama wa aina ya ndege ndio pekee wenye damu baridi
(b) Chura akizibwa pua anakufa
(c) Binadamu na panya wote wapo katika kundi moja
(d) Mamba yupo katika kundi la mamalia
(e) Popo ni ndege kwa kuwa anaruka
(f) Ndege wote wana manyoya
(g) Kuna aina ya chura wanaozaa watoto hai bila kutaga mayai
(h) Reptilian a Amfibia wanadamu baridi
(i) Minyoo na mbu huwa na uti wa mgongo
Sehemu "D"
Jibu maswali yafuatayo
8. Taja wanyama watano jamii ya mamalia.
9. taja sifa za mamalia.
10. kwanini popo huwekwa kwenye kundi la Mamalia?
11. Hali joto ya mwili ya mamalia haibadiliki kufuatana na halijoto ya
mazingira. Kitendo hiki huitwaje?
12. Taja mamalia wawili wanaoishi kwenye maji.
13. Wanyama wapo kwenye makundi ya pokilothemia na homeothemia:-
<!-- -->
(a) Eleza maana ya poikilothemia.
(b) Eleza maana ya homeothemia.
(c) Taja mifano ya wanyama katika kila kundi.
<!-- -->
14. Orodhesha mifano ya mimea jamii ya daikotiledoni.
15. Eleza maana ya daikotiledoni.
16. Viumbe hai wamegawanyika katika makundi mangapi? yataje.
17. Chora mchoro ukionesha sehemu za mmea.
18. orodhesha wanyama wane wasio na uti wa mgongo.
19. Taja sifa tano za viumbe hai.
20. Chora kasha onyesha sehemu za mbegu ya daikotiledoni.
1. Mtaalamu wa maabara alifungulia gesi na kuielekeza kwenye moto, moto
uliwaka sana. Je, unafikiri mtungi ulikuwa na gesi gani? (a)
Kabonidayoksaidi (b) Kaboni (c) Oksijeni (d) Upepo ( )
2. Mkulima alipanda mimea jamii ya kunde iliarutubishe ardhi ya shamba
lake. Ni seti ipi ya mimea hiyo alipanda? (a) Mahindi, kunde na
maharage (b) Kunde, maharage na karanga (c) Kunde, ulezi na
nyanya (d) Kunde, maharage na karanga ( )
3. Wanafunzi wa darasa la sita walifanya jaribiao la kubaini aina za
udongo. Matokeo ya jaribio yalionesha kwamba ainafulani ya udongo
iliruhusu maji mengi kupenya kwa haraka. Je, hii ilikuwa aina gani
ya udongo? (a) Tope (b) Tifutifu (c) Mfinyanzi (d) Mfinyanzi ( )
4. Gnisi alisogeza maada Fulani karibu na sumaku. Ghafla maadahiyo
ilivutwa na sumaku. Maada hiyo ilikuwa ni ipi kati ya
zifuatazo?\...\...\...\..... (a) Chuma (b) Shaba (c) Almasi (d) Rubi
( )
5. Kitendo cha mmea kujitengenezea chakula huwezesha wanyama kujipatia
gesi muhimu kwaajili ya maisha yao. Ni gesi gani inatolewa na mimea
ambayo ni muhimu kwaajili ya maisha yao? (a) Oksijeni (b)
Haidrojeni (c) Naitrojeni (d) Mvuke ( )
6. Wanfunzi wa shule ya Msingi Jitegemee walifanya ziara ya kutembelea
msitu wa Mwadui wakati wa kiangazi, walishangaa kuona miti mingi
imepukutisha majani. Kipi kati ya vifuatavyo vilisababisha tendo
hilo? (a) Kuruhusu umajani mapya kuota (b) Ili iweze kuota (c)
Iliogopa jua (d) Kuhifadhi maji ( )
7. Bwana afya alialikwa na mwalimu wetu wa sayansi kama mgeni wakati wa
kipindi cha somo hilo, tulimwomba mwalimu amwalike mgeni huyo aje
atusaidie virutubisho katika mbolea ya NPK alisema kuwa mbolea ya
NPK ni mchanganyiko wa \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... (a)
Naitrojeni, potasiam na kalsiam (b) Naitrojeni, potassium na
fosforas (c) Naitrojeni, fosforas na kalisiam (d) Naitrojeni, salfa
na fosforasi ( )
8. Mmea hujipatia maji na chumvichumvi za madini kwa kutumia mizizi
yake ambayo hufyonzwa kutoka ardhini kwanjia ya
\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.... (a) Transipiration (b)
respiresheni (c) Uyeyushaji (d) Uvukizaji ( )
9. Katika gesi zifuatazo, ipi hutumika kuzimia kitu kinachowaka? (a)
Manganizi, chuma na zinki (b) Naitrojeni, fosforasi na potassium (c)
Magnesiam, kaboni na haidrojeni (d) Naitrojeni, oksijeni na
${Co}_{2}$ ( )
10. Katika gesi zifuatazo, ipi hutumika kuzimia kitu kinachowako? (a)
Oksijeni (b) Naitrojeni (c) Kaboni dayoksaidi (d) Kabonimonoksaidi (
11. Ni nishati ya aina gani hupatikana kama matokeo ya vitu kugongwa na
kupulizwa? (a) Nishati ya sauti (b) Nishati ya joto (c) Nishati ya
mawingu (d) Nishati ya mwanga ( )
12. Afisa kilimo wa kata ya mapambano alikuwa akishauri wananchi wa kata
hiyo kujiepusha na shughuli zinazoathiri ubora wa udongo. Je,
shughuli ipi miongoni mwa hizi wananchi hao walishauriwa
kuiepuka? (a) Kupanda miti (b) Kilimo cha matuta (c) Kufuga wanyama
wengi eneo dogo (d) Matumizi ya mbolea ya asili ( )
13. Gesi hutumika kwa namna mbalimbali. Je, ni aina gani ya gesi kati ya
hizi zifuatazo hutumika kusindika vinywaji viwandani? (a)
Naitrojeni (b) Agoni (c) Helium (d) Kabonidioksidi ( )
14. Hewa ni mchanganyiko wa gesi mbalimbali, gesi hizo ni pamoja na
oksijeni, kabonidioksidi na Naitrojeni. Je gesi ya kabonidioksidi
ipo katika hewa kwa asilimia ngapi? (a) 0.17 (b) 0.3 (c) 20.9 (d)
0.03 ( )
15. Wanakijiji wa Kishapu walikuwa wanajiandaa kwa ajili ya msimu wa
kilimo 2024. Ikiwa kama mtaalamu wa sayansi, utawashauri kulima
mazao kwenye aina gani ya udongo? (a) Tifutifu (b) Mchanga (c)
Mfinyanzi (d) Kichanga ( )
16. Mwalimu Mtambo aliwauliza wanafunzi darasani, "ni sehemu gani yam
mea ambayo inafanyakazi ya kusanisi au kutengeneza chakula cha mmea?
Lipi lilikuwa jibu sahihi kati ya yafuatayo? (a) Shina (b)
Mizizi (c) Majani (d) Maua ( )
17. Wanafunzi wa darasa la tano walichukua jani na kulitumbukiza katika
kimiminika fulani. Jani lilibadilika rangi na kuwa na rangi nyeusi.
Ni kimiminika gani kilitumika? (a) Ayodini (b) Pombe (c)
Tindikali (d) Mafuta ( )
18. Google, Yahoo, Bina na Yandezi humaanisha nini katika
mawasiliano? (a) Visakuzi (b) Tovuti (c) Wavuti (d) Injini pekuzi (
19. Yohana, alipanda mmea chumbani, mmea ulipoota alishangaa kuona
majani yake yanaelekea dirishani kadri ulivyozidi kukua. Je, kitendo
hicho kinaitwaje Kisayansi? (a) Jeotropizimu (b) Fototropizimu (c)
Haidropizimu (d) Kemotrotopizimu ( )
20. Rehema ambaye ni mwanafunzi wa darasa la Tano alimuuliza Baba yake
ni sehemu gani ya tarakilishi huonesha picha? (a) Spika (b)
Kicharazio (c) Kiteuzi (d) Skrini ( )
21. Ukienda hospitali kwaajili ya uchunguzi wa mwili, joto, mapigo ya
moyo na uzito hupimwa kwanza. Je, kiminika kilichomo katika mashine
ya kupima joto la mwili ni
\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... (a) Maji safi (b) Zebaki (c)
Ayodini (d) Petrol ( )
22. Mwalimu aliwaagiza wanafunzi kuanisha vifaa vya tarakilishi ambavyo,
kipi kati ya vifuatavyo ni kifaa ambacho hutumika kuingiza data
kwenye tarakilishi? (a) Kicharazio (b) Kasha mfumo (c) Printa (d)
Skrini ( )
23. Joakimu alimuuliza mwalimu wa sayansi, "namba au neno siri
inayotumika kudhibitisha utambulisho wako katika kutumia huduma
Fulani huitwa \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.... (a) Pau (b)
Sanikisha (c) Nywila (d) Kasha mfumo ( )
24. Kwanini unahisi kutoa huduma ya kwanza kwa majeruhi ni muhimu? (a)
Unapata pesa (b) Kusaidika kuimarisha utu (c) Kusaidika kupata mlo
kamili (d) Kuokoa maisha kwa mnanga ( )
25. Ni badiliko gani litatokea iwapo mtu atachoma karatasi na kuwa
majivu? (a) Kikemikali (b) Kiumbo (c) Kimakanika (d) Kisaikolojia (
26. Sophia alidondosha sindano kwenye mchanga, atatumia kifaa gani
ilikupata sindano hiyo? (a) Kipande cha mbao (b) Sumaku (d) Lenzi
mbonyeo (e) Lenzi mbinuko( )
27. Si vizuri kuweka mmea wa kijani katika chumba cha kulala. Je,
unafikiri nini kitatokea? (a) Kuzidi kwa naitrojeni (b) Kuzidi kwa
mvuke (c) Kupungua kwa kabonidioksidi (d) Kupungua kwa oksijeni ( )
28. Zifuatazo ni njia za kuzuia mmomonyoko wa udongo isipokuwa (a)
Kukata miti (b) kupanda miti (c) Kulima kwa matuta (d) Kutandaza
nyasi ( )
29. Hewa ni mchanganyiko wa gesi mbalimbali ambazo ni muhimu kwa
matumizi ya binadamu. Ni wataalamu gani kati ya hawa hawatumii hewa
ya oksijeni? (a) Wachomeleaji (b) Zimamoto (c) Wapiga mbizi (d)
Madaktari ( )
**SEHEMU "B"**
30. Nani anayehusika na jinsi ya mtoto katika
31. Kamilisha mlinganyo huu wa usanishaji chakula katika mmea "W"
huwakilisha [w]{.underline} + maji
$\frac{mwanga\ wa\ jua}{umbijani}\ wanga + oksijeni$
32. Wanafunzi wa darasa la tano waliweka mbegu ndani ya kopo lililokuwa
na udongo wenye unyevunyevu, kasha kufunikwa wakati huohuo,
walochukua mbegu zingine na kuziweka katika kopo darasa la tano
waliweka mbegu ndani ya kopo lililokuwa na udongo wenye unyevunyevu,
kisha kufunikwa wakati huohuo, walochukua mbegu zingine na kuziweka
katika kopo lenye udongo wa unyevunyevu na kuliacha bila kufunika
kwa baada ya wiki moja walirudi kuchunguza wakakuta mbegu iliyokuwa
katika kopo ilifunikwa haijaota. Wakati ile iliyokuwa katika kopo
lisilofunikwa iliota. Andika jina la gesi iliyokosekana na
kusababisha mbegu zilizokuwa katika kopo lililofunikwa zisiote
33. Nini maana ya hewa?
1. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
2. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
3. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
4. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
5. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
6. Mtoto wa shangazi yako unamwitaje? \_\_\_\_\_ a) Baba b) Binamu c)
7. Mama alinipa \_\_\_\_baada ya kufaulu kwenda sekondari a) Adhabu b)
Zawadi c) Adabu
8. Katika darasa letu mimi \_\_\_\_\_ mwanafunzi mrefy zaidi a)
ndiyo b) ndio c) ndiye
9. Juma \_\_\_\_\_\_ Aisha ni marafiki wa siku nyingi sana a) ni b)
lakini c) na
10. Chungwa, Pera, Nanasi naembe kwa pamoja tunaitaje? \_\_\_\_ a)
matunda b) chakula c) vinywaji
11. Nje \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
12. Shuka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
13. Wahi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
14. Meza \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
15. Nenda \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
16. Kifaa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
17. Kiatu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
18. Begi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
19. Duka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
20. Mvua \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
21. Mchagua jembe si \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
22. Haba na haba \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
Andika maneno haya katika wakati ujao
Mfano: Analima -- Atalima
23. Anaondoka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
24. Alimeza \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
25. Wanacheza \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
1. Shuleni kwetu tumepanda maua
2. Mama anapika ugali
3. Najivunia kuitwa mwanafunzi
4. Nitafurahi nikifikia ndoto zangu
5. Nitafauli mitihani yangu
CIVICS .md | # President'S Office

Time:3:00 HRS Tuesday **22-SEPT-2020 PM**
## Instructions
1. This paper consists of Section A,B, and C 2. Attempt all questions from section A and B, and only three questions from section C 3. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room. 4. Write your name on every page of your answer sheet provided.
# Section A: (15 Marks) Answer All Questions In This Section.
1. For each of the following alternatives (i - x) choose the most correct answer and write its letter on the space provided.
i) In life skills the ability of a person to appreciate himself /herself is known as .
A. Self services B. Assertive ness C. Self esteem D. Empathy E. Copying with emotion ii) At what time the President is the Chairperson of the Cabinet?
A. When the President acts as the head of state B. When the President is the head of the executive C. When the President act the commander in chief D. When the President act as the head of government. E. When the President is the head of Parliament.
iii) The following is not among of the accessions which lead National anthem to be sing.
A. When a head of a state of another country is visiting Tanzania. B. At the funeral of prime minister C. When the National flag is being hosted. D. When the president is about to inspect the guard of honour. E. At the opening of international events.
iv) I always attend classes and preparations in the evening still get 50% in examination, I have now decided to adopt a new learning strategy, group discussion, this is a part of A. Creative thinking B. Critical thinking C. Hard work D. Decision making E. Problem solving technique v) The chief advisor of the government who is also the cabinet member is A. Prime minister B. Judges C. Attorney general D. Magistrate E. Vice president vi). Two types of work includes:-
A. Labour tools and intellectual work B. Work labour and material work. C. Material work and intellectual work D. Instruments of labour and land work E. Land work and material work vii). According to the constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania the parliament consist of two parts which are:-
A. Cabinet and Shadow cabinet B. Union parliament C. Uniun parliament and house of representative in Zanzibar. D. Member of parliament and ministers.
Viii). Funds that are donated and do not required repayment are known as D. Income Tax E. Assistance A. Grants B. Loan C. Taxes ix) The economic sectors that follows strict rules and ways laid down by the Government is called. A. Informal sector B. Formal sector C. Individual sector D. Formal Intuitions E. Formal Government x) One of the social demerits of globalization is A. Increase employment in the public sector. B. Accelerated number of foreign investors C. Reduced poverty worldwide. D. Accelerated drug abuse. E. Expanded communication network.
| corresponding response beside the item number. LIST A | LIST B | | |
| i) | By - election | | |
| ii) | Polling station | | |
| iii) | Voting chamber | | |
| iv) | Election observers | | |
| v) | Electoral commission | A. | Is a selected place where voters marks the ballot paper. |
| | B. | It is held once in five years. | |
| | C. | Election to fill vacancy in a certain constituency | |
| | D. | The institution authorized supervise elections | |
| | E. | They are also knowns as electorates | |
| | F. | The special box for casting votes | |
| | G. | A person who is contesting to hold a political post. | |
# Section B (40 Marks)
Answer all questions in this Section.
3. i). What is socio cultural practices?
ii). Give four (4) negative socio- cultural practices that affects women in Tanzania.
4. i). Define the concept traffic signs ii). List two (2) causes of road of road accident iii). Mention two (2) preventive measures of road accident.
5. Mention five (5) responsibilities of Citizens to special groups. 6. Explain five things to explore during courtship 7. i) What is human rights abuse?
ii). Point out four (4) effects of human rights abuse.
8. i) Define a) Promotion of life skills b) Problem solving techniques ii) There are several Techniques of solving problem, mention at least three. 9. i) What is human behaviour?
ii) Outline four (4) factors which affects human behaviour 10. i). Define the term trade liberalization.
ii). Mention four (4) importance of trade liberalization
## Section C (45 Marks) Answer Three (03) Questions From This Section 11. With Critical Examples Analyse The Election Procedures In Democratic Countries Like
Tanzania.(06 points)
12. With vivid examples examine socio - economic effects of globalization in Tanzania (06 points) 13. With examples discuss the importance of preventing and maintaining personal and public properties in a community. (06 points)
14. To what extent does Covid 19 can be Transmitted and show the ways towards the preventation of this killer disease.(06 points) |
BIOLOGY 1 FORM | # Tanzania Heads Of Islamic Schools Council
 Form Four Inter Islamic Mock Examination

(For both School and Private Candidates)
TIME: 3 HOURS Thursday, 29th July **2021** pm
## Instructions
1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of 15 questions. 2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C of which question 13 is **compulsory**.
3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B sixty (60) marks and section C carries twenty five (25) marks.
4. All writings should be in blue or **black** ink, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the Examination room. 6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)
# Section A: (15 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section 1. For each of the following items (i) - (x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided:
(i) When the first day of menstruation was 8th April on which date is a woman of 28 days cycle most likely to ovulate?
A. 26th March B. 22nd April C. 5 th May D. 16th April E. 21st April.
(ii) Its cell body is located within the central nervous system:
A. Sensory neurone B. Spiral neurone C. Motor neurone D. Inter neurone E. Cranial neurone.
(iii) Tonoplast is the membrane found in:
A. Nucleus B. Chloroplast C. Mitochondrion D. Vacuole E. Cell membrane.
(iv) Which of the following organism may have the same nutritional value with plants:
A. Amoeba B. Euglena C. Paramecium D. Yeast E. Plasmodium.
(v) The plant which bears one of the reproductive structures only (Stamen/Pistil) is referred to as: A. Complete flower B. Incomplete flower C. Monoecious D. Dioecious E. Hibiscus.
(vi) A process of formation of chiasmata occur in:
A. Prophase I of meiosis I B. Prophase I of meiosis II C. Prophase of mitosis D. Metaphase I of meiosis I E. Metaphase of mitosis.
(vii) The type of immunity that can prevent a young individual against measles is called: A. Active artificial immunity B. Artificial passive immunity C. Active natural immunity D. Natural passive immunity E. Natural immunity.
(viii) A concave notch of kidney where renal artery, renal vein, ureter, nerve lymphatic vessel converge is called: A. Renal pelvis B. Hilum C. Hilium D. Hillum E. Hillium.
(ix) Why was Lamarck's theory of "use and disuse" criticized?
A. People didn't like his ideas B. Phenotypically acquired characteristics are not inheritable C. Went against many religious beliefs D. He was not the father of evolution E. He was not real scientist.
(x) Which of the following sets include characteristic that is not for living things?
A. Feeding, irritability and growth B. Reproduction, death and definite shape C. Excretion, locomotion and feeding D. Growth, movement and respiration E. Movement and gaseous exchange.
2. Match the response in list B with the phrases in list A by writing the letter of the correct response from list B beside the item number of list A in your answer booklet provided:
| | LIST A | LIST B |
| (i) | A structure the nucleus that contains DNA | A. F1 : 3:1 |
| (ii) | Offspring from genetically unlike parents | B. F1 : 1:2:1 |
| (iii) | Specific site of a gene | C. Dominant gene |
| (iv) | Parental genotype Tt x Tt | D. DNA |
| (v) | A gene that conceals the expression of another gene | E. Locus F. Hybrid G. Heterozygote H. Gene |
# Section B: (60 Marks) Answer All Question In This Section
3. (a) How do the following blood components contribute to our life processes?
(One point for each)
(i) Thrombocytes (ii) Plasma (iii) Leukocytes
(b) State three (3) structural differences between a red blood cell and white blood cell.
4. (a) Define the following terms as used in growth:
(i) Germination
(ii) Seed dormancy
(iii) Seed viability
(b) A maize garden was observed to have plants of different height and size despite being of the same age and receiving/equal treatment. Give reasons for such observation. (Any three (3) points)
5. (a) What is digestion?
(b) Explain the following biological observations:
(i) Unpolished cereals are more important in women than men. (ii) "Pancreas is the site for secretion only but not digestion". Justify.
6. (a) Differentiate between excretion and regulation. (b) State parts of the body where the following excretory products are formed
(i) Bile (ii) Sweat
(c) Excessive intake of sugary food stuffs may not affect the healthy body. Explain 7. Highlight two differences for each of the following:
(a) Ball and socket and hinge joints (b) Skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle 8. The rate of respiration varies from one person to another. Give three (3) reasons. 9. (a) Write down the genotypes of the following individuals:
(i) Haemophilic male (ii) Haemophilic female (iii) Normal male (iv) Normal female (v) Normal but carrier female
(b) What will be the percentage of haemophilic girls in F1 when haemophilic male marries a carrier female for the trait.
10. Clearly explain what will happen if the following parts as the brain will be severely damaged. (a) Medulla oblongata (b) Hypo thalamus (c) Cerebellum 11. (a) Define the term cell differentiation as used in Biology. (b) Use at least two (2) examples to prove that plant cells are specific in their functions.
12. All living things share common characteristics. Briefly explain by using three (3) points.
## Section C: (25 Marks)
Answer **two (2)** questions in this section. Question 13 is **Compulsory**.
13. Life on Earth would have been impossible without the presence of bacteria. Justify. 14. Write an essay on communicable diseases and how they are transmitted from one person to another (give one (1) example for each mode).
15. In our society, many people believe that it is only couples who are planning to get married should seek VCT services. Use your Biology knowledge to impart them with proper understanding on "who should seek VCT services". (5 points).
Wabillah Tawfiiq |


1: Karatasi hii ina sehemu A, B na C zenye jumla ya maswali 8, 2: Jibu maswali yote 3: Majibu yote yaandikwe kwenye nafasi ulizopewa katika karatasi ya maswali 4: Majibu yote yaandikwe kwa kutumia Kalamu ya wino wa bluu au nyeusi 5: Onesha wazi njia itakayotumika katika kukokotoa swali pale itakapolazimika 6: Simu za mkononi haziruhusiwi katika chumba cha mtihani 7: Andika namba yako ya mtihani sehemu ya **juu upande wa kulia kwenye kila kurasa**
| 1 2 3 4 | | |
| | Namba ya mtahiniwa . |
| 5 | |
| 6 | |
| 7 | |
| 8 | |
| JUMLA | |
# Sehemu A: ( Alama 10)
1. Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi kwa kuandika jibu kwenye mabano i) Damu imeundwa na chembechembe mbalimbali . Je ni chembechembe hai zipi husaidia mwili kupambana na maradhi? ( )
A. Chembe hai nyekundu, B. Seli hai nyeupe, C. Chembe sahani, D. Plazma, E. Seli za damu ii) Chembe uzi ya kike X ikiungana na chembe uzi ya kiume Y, atapatikana mtoto wa jinsia gani? ( ) A. mapacha B.Mapacha wanaofanana C. Mapacha wasiofanana D. Mtoto wa kiume E.Mtoto wa kike iii) Tafuta manufaa ya kimakanika ikiwa jitihada ya 30N ilitumika kunyanyua mzigo wa 20N.
A. 2 B. 4 C.3, D. 6 , E. 10. ( )
(iv)Ni ugonjwa upi kati ya magonjwa yafuatayo huathiri zaidi wanaume?
A. Anemia Selinundu, B. Hemofilia, C. Uzeruzeru, ( )
D. HIV/AIDS E. Pepopunda. (v) Kipindi ambacho mwanamke anakosa hedhi kutokana na umri kinaitwa:-
( )
A.Kubalehe, B. Kukoma hedhi, C. utasa, D. Kujitambua, E. Ukeketaji.
( v) Chunguza kielelezo kifuatacho kisha jibu swali;

(vi) Mchoro hapo juu ni nyenzo daraja la ngapi?
( )
A. Nyenzo daraja la kwanza, B. Nyenzo daraja la pili. C. Nyenzo daraja la tatu, D. Nyenzo daraja la nne, E. Nyenzo daraja la tano,
(Vii)Mionzi ya jua hufika katika uso wa dunia kwa njia ya :
A. Mpitisho B. Mnuururisho C. Kuvukiza D. Msafara E. Difyusheni ( )
Viii) Ipi kati ya zifuatazo huonesha muunganiko sahihi kati ya oksijeni na haidrojeni?
A.HcL, B. H2 C. H2O, D. Co2 E. OH. ( )
(ix) Kokotoa ükinzani katika jiko la umeme ikiwa mkondo wa umeme ni 6A, na tofauti ya potenshali ni 120V.
A. 4 ohms B. 3 ohms C. 20hms D. 0.2 ohms E.200hm ( )
(x)Kuna aina nyingi za udongo. Udongo unaofaa zaidi kwa kilimo ni A. Udongo wa kichanga, B. Udongo tifutifu, C. Udongo wa Mfinyanzi, D. Mbolea, E. Udongo wa kichanga na mfinyanzi ( )
2. Oanisha dhana za kisanyasi kutoka orodha A na maana zake kutoka orodha B. kwa kuandika herufi ya jibu sahihi katika nafasi ya jibu iliyotengwa
| herufi ya jibu sahihi katika nafasi ya jibu iliyotengwa Na Orodha A | Orodha B | | | |
| | B | C | D | X |
| i | Alama ya umeme inayowakilisha umeme wenye mkondo mkubwa | A | | |
| ii | Mimea hufyonza maji kupitia mizizi kwa | A.Osmosis B.Transpiration C.Uchavushaji | | |
| njia ya | D. Difyusheni E. Fotosinthesis. A. Data B. Kitabu kazi C. Programu D. Torakishi E. Seli | | | |
| Mkusanyiko wa mkeka kazi mmoja au zaidi huitwa | | | | |
| iii | A. Daraja A, B. Daraja B, C. Daraja C, D. Daraja F | | | |
| iv | | Daraja la moto linalosababishwa na | | |
| kuungua kwa gesi zinazowaka kama | vile | | | |
| butani, propani, methani na | asetilin | | | |
| | | | | |
| v | Hewa ni mkusanyiko wa gesi mbalimbali. | A. Oksijeni B. Kabonidayoksaidi. C. | | |
| Je, gesi inayowezesha vitu kuwaka ni | Nitrojeni D. Argoni E. Haidrojeni. | | | |
| 3. Kamilisha sentensi kwa kuandika jibu sahihi kutokana na maelezo ya swali yaliyotolewa | | | | |
(i) Jotoridi la mwili wa ndege ni 40°C. Badili jotoridi hilo kuwa Fahareinheit (0F).....................
(ii) Umeng'enyaji wa chakula huanzia mdomoni hadi kwenye utumbo mwembamba, Chakula ambacho humengenywa mdomoni (kinywani) ni ...........................................................................
(iii) Njia ya asili mawasiliano iliyotumika na watu mbalimbali ni................................................
(vi) Fuatilia mlishano ufuatao SIMBA SWALA MAJANI. Nini kitatokea endapo Simba atatoweka?
(v) Moja kati ya tabia za viumbe hai ni kutoa Uchafu. Taja viungo ambavyo vinahusika na utoaji wa taka mwili : ..............................................................................................................
## Sehemu B: ( Alama 20 )
4. Jaza nafasi, zilizoachwa wazi katika swali la 4-6. kwa kueleza kwa ufupi 4)i) Wanafunzi wa darasa la tano walichuma jani la mmea (kijani) na kulitia katika kimiminiko fulani, Matokeo yake jani lilibadilika rangi kuwa nyeusi . Kimiminika kilichotumika ni
ii) Jiwe lina uzito wa 100N likiwa hewani ikiwa kanielezi ndani ya kimiminika ni 20N.Tafuta uzito wa jiwe likiwa ndani ya kimiminika .....................................................................................
5 i) Mwalimu Anna alitumia kifaa fulani kuingiza alama za somo la hisabati katika tarakilishi . Taja jina la kifaa alichotumia kuingizia alama ...............................................................................
(ii) Mwajuma amejifungua mtoto leo, Chakula cha asili cha mtoto wake mchanga ni ..........................................................................................................................................................
5iii) Bahati alifunika mshumaa kwa hutumia glasi Baada ya muda mshumaa ukazimika. Nini kilisababisha mshumaa kuzimika?......................................................................................................
6i)Hewa ni mchanganyiko wa gesi mbalimbali kama vile oksijeni kabonidayosaidi na nitrogeni .
Je kabonidayoksaidi inachukua asilimia ngapi ya gesi zote ?.............................................................
ii) Chunguza mchoro ufuatao kisha tambua herufi inayowakilisha kuyeyuka kwa maada:

iii) ASIDI + BASI = CHUMVI + MAJI . Je, mpambano huu wa kikemikali huitwa........................
## Sehemu C ( Alama 10)
Chunguza picha, michoro na kokotoa kwa huonesha njia kujibu maswali yafuatayo:
7.(i)Densiti ya kitu ni kg 80m³ Ikiwa tungamo la kitu ni kg 240, Tafuta ujazo. wa kitu hicho. (ii) Kwa nini baiskeli ni mashine tata? iii) Ikiwa gesi ya haidrojeni itaungana na gesi ya okisijeni nini kitatokea?
8 i) kani inayosababishavitu kuelea huitwa............................................................................. (ii) Kifaa ambacho hunasa na kusambaza mawimbi Sumaku umeme katika vifaa kama redio, simu na runinga huitwa ............................................................................................................... |
PHYSICS 2A - | # The United Republic Of Tanzania President'S Office, Regional Administration And Local Government

(i) A pendulum bob. (ii) A metre rule. (iii) Two plane mirrors. (iv) A glass block. (v) Four optical pins. (vi) An ammeter (0 - 1) A. (vii) A voltmeter. (viii) Five plain papers. (ix) Four drawing pins. (x) Two dry cells ABC super electric, size D,1.5V each. (xi) A spiral spring. (xii) Standard masses 50g, 100g, 150g, 200g and 250g. (xiii) Knife edge. (xiv) Stop watch. (xv) A cotton thread 120cm./a real of cotton thread /string. (xvi) A glass blocks. (xvii) Plasticine. (xviii) Two pieces of wooden blocks. /Two wood pads (xix) Constantan wire SWG 28, SWG 26. (xx) Resistance box. (xxi) Rheostat. (xxii) Triangular glass prism. (xxiii) Protractor. (xxiv) Micrometer screw gauge. (xxv) Vernier calipers. (xxvi) Slotted masses of 50g,100g and 200g. (xxvii) Retort stands with its accessories. |
> \(v\) 2. (i)
> \(ii\)
> \(v\) 3. (i)
> \(ii\)
> \(iv\)
> \(v\) 4. (i)
> \(ii\)
> \(iii\)
> \(iv\)
> \(v\) 5. (i)
> \(ii\)
> \(iii\)
> \(iv\)
> \(v\)
> **MADA: SAA 1**
1. Upimaji huu una sehemu A,B,C, na D zenye jumla ya maswali
###### matano (5).
2. Jibu maswali yote
3. Soma kwa umakini maelekezo yote uliyopewa katika kila sehemu na
kisha jibu maswali **kwa kufuata maelekezo** husika.
4. Hakikisha umeandika **majina yako na namba yako** ya mtihani katika
nafasi uliyopewa
5. Tumia kalamu ya wino mweusi au blue kujibu maswali yote
6. Simu za mkononi **haziruhusiwi** katika chumba cha upimaji
sm 15
> sm 20
> sm 25
> NA
> Badili 1200 kuwa mita
> 45
> 30
> **Mei**
> **June Julai Agost**
iv. Mwajuma alinunua kilo 9 za mchele. Je, alinunua gram ngapi za
v. Andika sehemu ya umbo iliyotiwa kivuli
> 5\. i) John alikwenda sokoni n ash. 2500/= kununua vitu vifuatavyo.
> Nyama kg 2 @ 600/= Vitunguu kg 3 @ 150/= Nyanya kg 2 @ 350/= Je
> alibakiwa na shilingi ngapi?
###### Grafu ifuatayo inaonyesha idadi ya wagonjwa walioathirika na kipindupindu katika Mkoa wa Dar es Salaa kwa muda wa miezi 5. Itumie kujibu swali (ii) hadi (iv)
> ii). Je ni mwezi upi ulikuwa na idadi kubwa ya wagonjwa?
iii) Tafuta tofauti ya wagonjwa wote waliomwa ugonjwa wa kipundupindu
kuanzia mwezi Aprili -- Agosti
iv) Tafuta tofauti ya wagonjwa wa mwezi Agosti na Mei
###### Chunguza mchoro huu
> **kisha jibu swali lifuatalo**
> Maembe
> Ndizi
v) Iwa jumla ya matunda yote ni kg 2000. Je, ndizi zitakuwa na jumla ya
kilogramu ngapi?
<!-- -->
5. **SEHEMU E:**
> **Soma shairi lifuatalo kwa umakini na kasha ujibu maswali
> yanayofuata.**
1. Yako mengi manufaa, yatokanayo na shule. Ujinga una balaa, tena ni
> mambo ya kale. Ajira zitatufaa, tuzipe kipaumbele.
> Haki ya sisi watoto, ni kupata elimu.
2. Tupelekeni awali, tusome hadi kidato. Tutakapofika mbali, tutapata
> vipato. Tutaepuka kauli na ajira za mkato Haki ya sisi watoto, ni
> kupata elimu.
3. Haki yetu tupate, shuleni tupelekeni, Shuleni tujiendeleze, tusibaki
> mtaani. Urithi tufurahie, hizo siku za usoni Haki ya sisi watoto,
> ni kupata elimu.
4. Haki yetu ni elimu, wazazi zingatieni.
> Ni suala la muhimu, walezi changamkieni. Bure msingi elimu, walezi
> tusikilizeni.
> Haki ya sisi watoto, ni kupata elimu.
##### Maswali
> i\) Shairi lina beti ngapi?
> ii). Nani atakiwa kumpa motto elimu?
> iii\) Mwandishi wa shahiri hili anasisitiza nini?
> iv). Shahiri hili linahusu nini? v). Andika kibwagizo cha shairi hili
> **MADA: SAA 1**
1. Upimaji huu una sehemu A,B,C, na D zenye jumla ya maswali
###### matano (5).
2. Jibu maswali yote
3. Soma kwa umakini maelekezo yote uliyopewa katika kila sehemu na
kisha jibu maswali **kwa kufuata maelekezo** husika.
4. Hakikisha umeandika **majina yako na namba yako** ya mtihani katika
nafasi uliyopewa
5. Tumia kalamu ya wino mweusi au blue kujibu maswali yote
6. Simu za mkononi **haziruhusiwi** katika chumba cha upimaji
> Mtihani huu una kurasa 4 zilizochapwa
> 1\. i). ii). iii). iv). v).
##### SEHEMU B:
> **Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi**
i. "Mnyama mkali amekamatwa leo" Katika sentensi hii neno mkali ni aina
gani ya neno? \[ \]
a. Kielezi (b) Kivumishi (c) Kitenzi (d) Kiwakilishi
ii. "Mwalimu anapenda kufundisha Kiswahili darasani" katika sentensi hii
kitenzi kisaidizi ni kipi? \[ \]
a. Anapenda (b) Kufundisha (c) Darasani (d) Mwalimu
iii. Huyu si mwanafunzi wangu. Neno lipi katika sentensi
> hii linaonyesha ukanushi? \[ \]
a. Wangu (b) Huyu (c) Mwanafunzi (d) Si
<!-- -->
iv. Tutafanya mtihani wa Taifa mwezi Novemba, Sentensi hii inaonyesha
wakati gani ? \[ \]
a. Uliopita (b) Uliopo (c) Mazoea (d) Ujao
v. Kwa kawaida chura hutaga mayai majini. Wingi wa sentensi hii ni upi?
\[ \]
a. Kwa kawaida vyura hutaga yai majini
b. Kwa kawaida vyura anataga mayai majini
c. Kwa kawaida vyura hutaga mayai majini
d. Kwa kawaida vyura hutaga mayani maji
##### SEHEMU C:
> **Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi kwa kuchagua jibu sahihi kutoka katika
> maneno uliyopewa kwenye kisanduku.**
> i). Malizia methali hii "Asiye na mwana" \[ abebe jiwe, aelekee jiwe,
> ajibebe \]
> ii\) Baada ya kushindwa mtihani wao waliamua **kupiga moyo konde** na
> kurudia tena mwaka uliofuata. Neno lililopigiwa mstari limetumika kama
> \[ nahau, methali, kitendawili \]
iii. Babu alitusimulia hadithi iliyotupendeza sana. "Ama kweli jungu kuu
halikosi ukoko" Sentensi jungu kuu halikosi ukoko limetumika kama
\[ nahau, methali, kitendawili \]
iv. Nini maana ya nahau isemayo mtu mwenye ndimi mbili \[ mwongo,
kilimilimi, kigeugeu, mropokaji \]
v. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho. "kamba yangu ndefu lakini haiwezi
kufunga kuni"
##### SEHEMU D:
> **Panga sentensi hizi katika mpangilio ulio sahihi ili kuleta
> mtiririko wa mawazo kwa kuzipa majina ya herufi A, B, C, D, na E
> katika nafasi uliyopewa**
##### SECTION E:
5. **Read the passage then answer the question that follow after**
> The name of our dog is Brown. It is four years old, black in colour,
> short and strong. It looks very beautiful, we like it very much. Brown
> can ran very fast and when a stranger comes to our house, it barks
> very loudly. During the day we keep in kennel. At night we let loose.
i. What is the name of dog?
ii. What is the colour of the dog?
iii. During the day time we keep the dog in a
iv. How old is the dog!
> **TIME:1 HOUR**
1. This paper consists of questions in sections A,B,C, and E
2. Answer all questions in all sections as instructed in each question
3. Write your Name and Your Examination number in the space provided
4. Use a blue or Black ink pen to answer all questions
<!-- -->
v. At night we let the dog
> **This paper consists of 4 printed pages**
> 1\. i). ii). iii). iv). v).
##### SECTION B:
2. **Choose the correct answer and then write its letter in the
brackets provided.**
i. Juma and Jamila going to school now. \[ \]
a. Was (b) Were (c) Are (d) Can
##### SECTION C:
3. **Choose the correct words in the bracket to complete the sentences
<!-- -->
i. He reported the accident. \[ immediate, immediately, immediates \]
ii. An elephant is than a lion \[ big, bigger, biggest \]
iii. Mr. Adam goes to school foot \[ by, on, in \]
iv. This is umbrella that I wanted. \[ a, the, an \]
<!-- -->
ii. Write in words 910
> \[ \] v). The toy belongs to Suzan, it is
a. Nine hundred ten (b) Ninety hundred and ten
> \(c\) Nine ten hundred and one (d) Nine hundred and ten
iii. A person keeps bees is called \[ \]
a. Hive (b) Apiary (c) Beekeeper (d) Bee hive
iv. Please don't put Salt in my soup. \[ \]
a. Many (b) Much (c) Few (d) any v). What is
the time?
> It is
> \[ his, her, hers \]
##### SECTION D:
4. Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks
| Farm, | > big, | > doctor, | beans |
| Food, | > biggest, | > alone, | maize |
> My parent are farmers. Their farm is not (i) They grow (ii) and (iii)
> . Last year they got very little (iv) .
> This because father became sick and mother worked
> \(v\) on the farm.
###### Maswali
i) Andika kichwa cha habari uliyosoma
ii) Magonjwa mangapi ya utapiamlo yametajwa kwenye habari uliyosoma
iii) Kutokana na habari uliyosoma magonjwa gani husababishwa na upunguvu
wa Vitamini D
iv) ni mtu anayeelimisha jamii juu ya madhara ya chakula na afya.
v) {width="0.81in"
height="0.9899989063867016in"}Upungufu wa karibia virutubisho vyote
vya lishe hasa wanga husababishwa
<!-- -->
5. i\) Mchoro huu unawakilisha
> Chunguza mchoro ufuatao kwa makini kasha jibu maswali yaliyowakilishwa
> kwa herufi W, Y, na Z
> **MADA: SAA 1**
1. Upimaji huu una sehemu A,B,C, na D zenye jumla ya maswali
###### matano (5).
2. Jibu maswali yote
<!-- -->
ii) W
iii) Y
iv) Z
> W 3. Soma kwa umakini maelekezo yote uliyopewa katika kila
Y. {width="1.5958595800524935in"
height="1.6648862642169728in"}sehemu na kisha jibu maswali **kwa
kufuata maelekezo**
> husika.
Z. 4\. Hakikisha umeandika **majina yako na namba yako** ya mtihani
katika nafasi uliyopewa
5. Tumia kalamu ya wino mweusi au blue kujibu maswali yote
6. Simu za mkononi **haziruhusiwi** katika chumba cha upimaji
<!-- -->
v) Katika mkondo wa umeme ufuatao unawakilisha
> Mtihani huu una kurasa 4 zilizochapwa
###### SEHEMU A:
1. **Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi kasha uandike katika kisanduku**
i. ni baadhi ya vitu visivyoruhusu miale ya mwanga kupenya. \[ \]
a. Vikinza huru (b) angavu (c) kioo bapa (d) kifaa giza
ii. Kubuni dhanio ni \[ \]
a. Inaelezea uhalisia wa tatizo (b) Hitimisho tatizo
<!-- -->
(c) Kutafsiri taarifa zilizokusanywa
###### KUNDI B:
> A: Kipindupindu, Surua, Ebola
> B: Hutokea kwenye mfumo wa mmengenyo wa chakula C: Kuua vijidudu
> vinavyopatikana kwenye tumbo
> D: Hushika moto kwa urahisi
> E: Umeme hautiririki kwenye sakiti F: Kukata umeme
> G: Kisukari, kansa, kwashakoo
###### 3. Chagua jibu sahihi na uandike kwenye nafasi uliyopewa
(d) Kupata jibu linaloweza kuwa sahihi kulingana na tatizo
i. Umuhimu wa kufanya usafi katika sehemu zinazotuzunguka
> ni \[ \]
a. Kufanya mazingira yavutie.
b. Kuua baadhi ya viumbe hai.
c. Kufukuza baadhi ya wanyama wakali.
d. Kuvihifadhi baadhi ya viumbe muhimu.
<!-- -->
ii. ni uwezo wa mwili kujikinga dhidi ya magonjwa na maambukizi. (a)
Kujamiiana (b) Upungufu wa Kinga
> \(c\) Maambukizi (d) kinga \[ \]
iii. Ipi ni hatua ya kwanza katika uchunguzi wa kisayansi
a. Hitimisho (b) Kubainisha tatizo
> (c)uchunguzi (d) Kukusanya data \[ \]
###### Oanisha vifungu vya maneno kutoka Kundi "A" kwenda Kundi "B"
> **KUNDI "A"**
i. Swichi \[ \]
ii. Vidonda vya tumbo \[ \]
iii. Asidi \[ \]
iv. Magonjwa ya mlipuko \[ \]
v. Mafuta ya petroli \[ \]
<!-- -->
i) Baridi na joto hutambulika kwa njia ipi?
ii) Hutokana na mitetemo ya vitu
iii) Kiasi cha joto kinachobadili barafu kuwa kimiminika
iv) Kupata haja kubwa iliyo katika hali ya ugumu
v) Njia itumikayo kuthibitisha uhalisia wa dhanio ni
###### SEHEMU B:
4. **Soma kwa makini habari ifuatayo kisha jibu maswali yaliyo chini
> Lishe ni elimu inayohusu virutubisho vinavyopatikana kwenye chakula.
> Mtu mwenye afya njema anahitaji kula vyakula vyenye virutubisho.
> Baadhi ya virutubisho vinavyopatikana kwenye chakula ni; Protini,
> Wanga, Vitamani na Madini.
> Lishe isiyobora husababisha matatizo ya Utapiamlo kama; Kwashakoo,
> Unyafuzi, Matege na n.k. Watu wanahitaji kupewa elimu inayohusu
> umuhimu wa kula vyakula vyenye virutubisho ili kuzuia magonjwa ya
> utapiamlo. Wataalamu wa tiba ni lazima waelekeze jamii juu ya masuala
> yanayohusiana na madhara ya chakula.
5. ###### ANGALIA MICHORO IFUATAYO KISHA JIBU MASWALI
i. hii ni picha ya nini?
ii. Hii ni picha ya nini?
iii. {width="1.09in"
height="0.7516666666666667in"}Hii ni picha ya nini?
iv. {width="0.9259251968503937in"
> height="0.7240135608048994in"}Hii ni picha ya nini?
> Mtu mtiifu mwaminifu na mkweli katika jamii yake, kila wakati hufanya
> vitu kwa usahihi, hata kama hakuna mtu anayemuongoza. Kuwa mtiifu ina
> maana, unakuwa mkweli na mwaminifu hata kwako wewe mwenyewe kama mtu
> akitaka kufanikiwa katika maisha yake, anatakiwa awe mwaminifu na
> mkweli.
###### Maswali
i. ni mtu anayefanya vitu kwa usahihi wakati wote
ii. Kichwa cha habari chafaa kiwe (Jibu moja)
iii. Umejifunza nini kutokana na habari hii
iv. Ili uweze kufanikiwa katika jamii unatakiwa kuwa
> **MADA: SAA 1**
1. Upimaji huu una sehemu A,B,C, na D zenye jumla ya maswali
###### matano (5).
2. Jibu maswali yote
3. Soma kwa umakini maelekezo yote uliyopewa katika kila sehemu na
kisha jibu maswali **kwa kufuata maelekezo** husika.
4. Hakikisha umeandika **majina yako na namba yako** ya mtihani katika
nafasi uliyopewa
5. Tumia kalamu ya wino mweusi au blue kujibu maswali yote
6. Simu za mkononi **haziruhusiwi** katika chumba cha upimaji
> Mtihani huu una kurasa 4 zilizochapwa
| > **SEHEMU A:** | | **FUNGU |
| | | "B"** |
| > **1. Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi kasha | | A: Umeme |
| > uandike katika kisanduku** | | |
| i) Ni madhara yapi ambayo mwanafunzi anaweza | > | > B: 1964 |
| kuyapata ikiwa atatumia muda mwingi | \] | > |
| kuangalia Televisheni na mitandao ya | | > C: Waya |
| kijamii? \[ | | > |
| | | > D: 1962 |
| a. Itamsaidia kujifunza mambo mbalimbali | | > |
| | | > E: 1961 |
(b) Mionzi kuathiri uwezo wa kuona
(c) Hudumisha mila na desturi
(d) Hujenga uwezo wa kujiamini
<!-- -->
ii) Serikali hutimiza majukumu yake kuanzia ngazi ya chini z ambayo ni
\[ \]
a. Mtaa (b) Kata (c) Jimbo (d) Wilaya
iii) Wimbo wa Taifa ni mojawapo ya \[ \]
a. Rasilimali za Taifa (b) Urithi wetu
> \(c\) Alama za Taifa (d) Ngao ya Taifa
iv) Hatua ya mwanzo ya maendeleo ya kiuchumi ya mwanadamu ilikuwa \[ \]
a. Ukabaila (b) Ujamii (c) Ubepari (d) Ujima
v) Mojawapo ya majukumu ya kamati ya shule ni \[ \]
a. Kupanga na kutekeleza maendeleo ya shule
b. Kufundisha wanafunzi
c. Kutembelea mazingira ya shule
d. Kukusanya fedha kwa ajili ya mahafali
> F: Chama cha waandishi wa habari wanawake Tanzania
> G: Chama cha wanasheria wanawake Tanzania
3. ###### Jaza nasi zilizoachwa wazi
i. Kumbukumbu ya Rais Mstaafu Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere huazimishwa
> kila tarehe
ii. Taja jina la Rais wa Jamhuri wa Muungano wa Tanzania wa awamu ya
> tano
iii. Bendera ya Tanzania ina rangi ngapi?
> v\) Mtu anaeipenda nchi yake huitwa
###### SEHEMU B:
4. **Tumia maneno yaliyopo katika kisanduku kujibia maswali
> yafuatayo.**
i. Mtu anayewakilisha nchi yake katika nchi nyingine anaitwa
> **KIFUNGU "A"**
i. Uhuru wa Tanganyika \[ \]
ii. Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar \[ \]
iii. Tanesco \[ \]
iv. CWWT \[ \]
<!-- -->
ii) Vitu vinavyotuzunguka ni
iii) Mwakilishi wa wananchi ngazi ya Kata anaitwa
iv) Radio, Simu, Televisheni ni
> vii\) Sehemu ya nchi kavu inayozungukwa na maji pande zote huitwa
###### 4. Jibu maswali yaliyoachwa wazi
(i) Mimi naitwa mwanga wa jua,ninapimwa na kifaa kinachoitwa kampleli
> stock Je,kipimio changu ni
(ii) {width="1.4271248906386702in"
> height="1.5047080052493438in"}Taja jina la picha hapo juu
> {width="3.33494750656168in"
> height="1.3787489063867016in"}
(iii) {width="1.8409022309711287in"
> height="1.5121937882764653in"}Kipimio changu ni milimita
> ninapimwa na kifaa kinachoitwa kipima mvua . Je mimi ni nani ?
(iv) Mimi ninaitwa mgandamizo wa hewa , kipimio changu ni milibaa. Je,
> ninapimwa na kifaa kiitwacho?
> **MADA: SAA 1**
1. Upimaji huu una sehemu A,B,C, na D zenye jumla ya maswali
###### matano (5).
2. Jibu maswali yote
3. Soma kwa umakini maelekezo yote uliyopewa katika kila sehemu na
kisha jibu maswali **kwa kufuata maelekezo** husika.
4. Hakikisha umeandika **majina yako na namba yako** ya mtihani katika
nafasi uliyopewa
5. Tumia kalamu ya wino mweusi au blue kujibu maswali yote
6. Simu za mkononi **haziruhusiwi** katika chumba cha upimaji
> Mtihani huu una kurasa 4 zilizochapwa
###### SEHEMU A
1. **Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi**
i. Mali ya familia inatakiwa kulindwa na \[ \]
a. Kila mwanafamilia (b) Baba na watoto
> \(c\) Watoto na mama (d) Baba na mama
ii. Katika jamii ya kimasai ulinzi na usalama wa jamii ni jukumu la
nani? \[ \]
a. Laiboni (b) Morani (c) Wanaume (d) Layoni
iii. Rais wa awamu ya pili wa Jamnhuri ya Muungano wa
<!-- -->
2. ###### Oanisha maneno ya kifungu "A" yaoane na Kifungu "B" KIFUNGU "A"
i. Anemometa \[ \]
| > ii\) Mtemi Isike | > \[ | \] |
| > iii\) Dira | > \[ | \] |
| > iv\) Dr. Leakey | > \[ | \] |
| > v\) Ardhi, mito na madini | > \[ | \] |
| > vi\) Vyanzo vya asili vya maji | > \[ | \] |
###### KIFUNGU "B"
> A: Rasilimali
> Tanzania aliitwa
> \[ \] B: Bomba, Dawasco
a. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete (b) Ali Hassan Mwinyi
> \(c\) Benjamini Wiliamu Mkapa (d) Julius Kambarage Nyerere
iv) Katika Serikali ya Tanzania uchaguzi wa Rais na Wabunge hufanyika
kila baada ya miaka \[ \]
a. Mitano (b) Minne (c) Miwili (d) Mitatu
v) Mojawapo ya sababu zilizowafanya wajerumani kuvamia
> C: Mito, Ziwa, Mabwawa na Bahari D: Kupima kasi ya upepo
> E: Kupima joto
> F: Chombo kitumikacho kuonesha uelekeo wa mahali G: Alivumbua fuvu la
> binadamu wa kale
> H: Tabora
> I: Yao
###### SEHEMU B:
1. **Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi**
> Tanganyika ilikuwa
> \[ \] i) Taja jina la sayari ambapo binadamu anaishi
> \(a\) Kuimarisha misingi ya uzalendo (b) Kueneza dini
(c) Kutafuta masoko ya bidhaa zao
(d) Kuendeleza Tanganyika
<!-- -->
vi) ni mpangilio wa sayari zinazolizunguka jua. \[ \]
a. Mwezi (b) Dunia (c) Nyota (d) Mfumo wa Jua
vii) Ufugaji wa wanyama wengi katika eneo dogo husababisha
a. Utajiri wa watu (b) Uboreshaji wa mazingira \[ \]
> \(c\) Rutuba kwenye udongo (d) Uadilifu wa mazingira
viii) Mlima mrefu kuliko yote Afrika ni \[ \]
a. Kilimanjaro (b) Meru (c) Elgon (d) Evaristi
<!-- -->
ii) Korosho, Pamba, Mkonge, Alizeti ni aina gani ya mazao
iii) Mahali ambapo nyimbo simulizi na mashairi na taarifa mbalimbali za
kihistoria zinahifadhiwa huitwa
iv) Jua huchomoza upande wa wa dunia
> ii\) Kipindi cha zama za mawe kimegawanyika katika sehemu kuu ngapi?
> vi\) Kiongozi wa kisiasa ngazi ya kata anaitwa
1\. (i)
> \(iv\)
(v) 4\. (i)
> \(iv\)
> \(v\) 2. (i)
> \(ii\)
> \(iii\)
> \(iv\)
> \(v\) 3. (i)
> \(ii\)
> \(iii\)
> \(ii\)
> \(iii\)
> \(iv\)
> \(v\) 5. (i)
> \(ii\)
> \(iii\)
> \(iv\)
> \(v\)
> **TIME:1 HOUR**
1. This paper consists of questions in sections A,B,C, and E
2. Answer all questions in all sections as instructed in each question
3. Write your Name and Your Examination number in the space provided
4. Use a blue or Black ink pen to answer all questions
###### This paper consists of 4 printed pages
i. ASuggest the best heading ob the above passage
ii. How many malnutrition dieses are mentioned in the passage
iii. From the passage, which disease is caused by lack of Vitamin D
iv. is a person who advices the society on matters of food and impacts
on health.
v. {width="0.81in"
height="0.9916666666666667in"}Deficiency of nearly all nutrients
especially carbohydotes causes
<!-- -->
5. i\) What does this diagram represent?
> {width="1.5942311898512687in"
> height="1.6648425196850394in"}**Study the diagram below carefully then
> label organs which are presented by letters**
> **TIME:1 HOUR**
1. This paper consists of questions in sections A,B,C, and E
2. Answer all questions in all sections as instructed in each question
i. W
ii. Y
iii. Z
> W 3. Write your Name and Your Examination number in the
Y. space provided
Z. 4\. Use a blue or Black ink pen to answer all questions
i. In electric circuit, the diagram below
###### This paper consists of 4 printed pages
> **SECTION A:**
1. ###### From the options that you are given in each question, choose the right one and write write its letter in the space provided
i. are materials which can not allow light to pass through \[ \]
a. Opaque Materials (b) Transparent Materials
> \(c\) Translucent Material (d) Dumping plastic materials
ii. Hypothesis is \[ \]
###### GROUP B:
> A: Cholera, Measces, Ebola
> B: Occur in the elimentary canal
> C: Killing germsfound in the stomach D: Easily catching fire
> E: Conduct electricity F: Breaks the circuit
> G: Diabetics, cancer, kwashiorkor
3. ###### Choose the correct answer
a. The facts about a problem (b) Conclusion about a problem
<!-- -->
(c) The interpretation of the data collection
(d) The possible answer to a problem
> i\) Coldness and warmth can be detected through
i. The importance cleanliness of environment is
a. Making environment attractive
b. Killing some living things
c. Keeping away dangerous annimals
d. To keep some important living things
> \[ \]
ii) Vibration of substance or objects in air causes
iii) is a temperature which changes ice to liquid form.
iv) The ability of the body to resist infections and disease is
a. Immunity (b) Immune deficiency
> \(c\) Infections (d) Immunity \[ \]
v) The first step in doing a scientific investigation is
a. Drawing conclusion (b) Identification of problem
> \(c\) Experimentation (d) Data colllection \[ \]
2. ###### Matching item from Group "A" to Group "B" GROUP "A"
i. Switch \[ \]
ii. Ulcers \[ \]
iii. hrdrochloric acid \[ \]
iv. Infections disease \[ \]
v. Flammable \[ \]
<!-- -->
iv) The production of a hard and dry stool is
v) The procedure carried out to support or validate hypothesis is
###### SECTION B:
4. **Read the passage below then answer some questions**
> Nutrition is the study of nutrients in food. A health person need to
> eat a balanced diet. Some of the major food nutrients are protein,
> carbohydrates, Vitamins and minerals.
> Poor nutrition causes malnutrition problems such as Kwashiorkor,
> marasmus, and bowed legs et.c. People need to be educated on the
> importance of eating proper food nutrients inorder to control
> malnutrition dieses. Nutritionists should guide the community on
> matters related to food and its impacts.
5. ###### Name the following pictures below correctly
i. This is
ii. This is
iii. {width="1.09in" height="0.75in"}This is
iv. {width="0.9259251968503937in"
> height="0.7225798337707786in"}This is
6. ###### Read the passage below, then answer the questions that follow
> A person of intergrity honest and truthful in the society. This
> intergrity person always does the right thing even if no one is
> watching over him or her. By having intergrity, it means you are true
> and honest to your self . If a person wants to be successful in life
> he/she has to be faithfull and trusfworthy.
###### Question
i. always does the right things.
ii. What is the best title for the story you read?
> **TIME:1 HOUR**
1. This paper consists of questions in sections A,B,C, and E
2. Answer all questions in all sections as instructed in each question
3. Write your Name and Your Examination number in the space provided
4. Use a blue or Black ink pen to answer all questions
i. What have you learnt from the story?
ii. If a person wants to be succesfull in life, he / she must be
###### This paper consists of 4 printed pages
> **SECTION A:**
1. ###### From the options that your are given in each question, choose the right one and write its letter in the space provided
i. What is the negative effect of spending too much time on socieal
media? \[ \]
a. Help a learner in learning
b. Sight dissability caused by by radiations
c. Promotes traditions and culture
d. Greate confidence
ii. The lowest unit of Government that help the central government
to fulfill its responsibilities is called \[ \]
###### PART "B"
> A: Electricity B: 1964
> C: Wires
> D: 1962
> E: 1961
> F: Tanzania Media Women Association G: Tanzania Women Lawyers
> Association
3. ###### Fill in the blanks with correct answer
i. The Nyerere memorial day takes place every year on
ii. What is the name of the fifth president of Tanzania?
a. Streets (b) Ward (c) Province (d) District
iii. National anthem is one of \[ \]
a. Natural resources (b) Nation inhe
> \(c\) National symbols (d) Cout of arms
iv. The first stage of human economic development was
a. Feudalism (b) Socialism
> \(c\) Capitalism (d) Communalism \[ \]
iii) How many colours does a Tanzania National flag have?
iv) A person who loves his/her counry is called?
###### SECTION B:
4. **Use the words in the box below to fill the gaps**
<!-- -->
v) The school commitee is responsible for \[ \]
a. Planning and implementing school development
b. Teaching the pupils (c) Visiting school environment
> \(d\) Collecting money for graduation
2. ###### Match question in List "A" with their answers in List "B" PART "A"
i. Tanganyika Independence \[ \]
ii. Zanzibar revolution \[ \]
iii. Tanesco \[ \]
iv. TAWLA \[ \]
<!-- -->
i) A person who represent his/her country to another counry
ii) All things that sorround us
iii) The representative of citizen in the ward is called
iv) Radio, Simu, Televisheni ni
> vii\) Part of the land which is sorrounded by water in all sides is
> called
(i) I am knows as sunshine, An instrument used to measure sunshine is
> called recoder. What is the measurement of the sunshine
> {width="1.5642027559055118in"
> height="1.27875in"}
(ii) Name the picture above
{width="3.6059109798775153in"
(iii) A measurement of rainfall is expressed in millimetres and an
instrument to measuring is called rain gauge. What is my name
{width="1.6259492563429572in"
(iv) My name is air pressure. My standard unit of measure for pressure
is millibars. An instrument to measure air pressure
> know as
> **TIME:1 HOUR**
1. This paper consists of questions in sections A,B,C, and E
2. Answer all questions in all sections as instructed in each question
3. Write your Name and Your Examination number in the space provided
4. Use a blue or Black ink pen to answer all questions
###### This paper consists of 4 printed pages
> **SECTION A:**
1. ###### Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the space provided.
i. Who is responsible for protecting family property? \[ \]
a. Family members (b) Father and childen
> \(c\) Childern and mother (d) Father and mother
ii. In Maasai society, security and defence is doneby
a. Laibon (b) Moran (c) Men (d) Layon \[ \]
iii. The election of the president and members of parliament of the
United Republic of Tanzania is conducted in every
a. Five years (b) Four years
> \(c\) Two years (d) Three years \[ \]
iv. Who wa the second president of the United Republic of Tanzania \[ \]
a. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete (b) Ali Hassan Mwinyi
> \(c\) Benjamini Wiliamu Mkapa (d) Julius Kambarage Nyerere
v. What made Germary invade Tanganyika during the colonial era
a. To creat patrialism foundation (b) Evangelism
<!-- -->
(c) Market for their commodities \[ \]
(d) To develop Tanganyika
i. is the arrangement of the planets around the sun \[ \]
a. The moon (b) The earth (c) The star (d) MSolar system
ii. What will happen when overgrazing is done in a small area?
a. People become rich (b) Enviroment development
> \(c\) RSoil fertilization (d) Environmental destruction \[ \]
iii. Which of the following is the highest mountain in Africa?
###### Match items in Part "A" with their answer in Part"B" PART "A"
| > i\) Anemometer | \[ | \] |
| > ii\) Mtemi Isike | \[ | \] |
| > iii\) Compass | \[ | \] |
| > iv\) Dr. Leakey | \[ | \] |
| > v\) Land, river and minerals | \[ | \] |
| > vi\) Natural sources of water | \[ | \] |
> **PART "B"**
> A: Resources
> B: Water tap, Dawasco
> C: Rivers, Lakes, Dams and Oceans D: To measure wind speed
> E: To measure temperature
> F: An Instrument which is used to a locate particular place G:
> Discovered the early man's skull
> H: Tabora
> I: Yao
###### SECTION B:
3. **Fill t he blanks with the correct answers**
i. What is the name of the planet that human being linves
ii. Cashewnuts, cotton, Sisal and Sunflower are which types of
iii. is a place where poems, stories, songs and historical
information are kept.
iv. Normally the sun rises in the side of earth
v. The stone age was divided into stages
vi. Who is the representative of citizen in ward level
a. Kilimanjaro (b) Meru (c) Elgon (d) Everest \[ \]
CHEMISTRY - F1.(1).md | Name of teacher: HASSAN YUSUFU Name of School: **[SHAMSIYE SECONDARY
Year: **2016** TERM: **1 & 2**
Class/Stream: **FORM ONE** Subject: **CHEMISTRY**
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<tr class="header">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2">Using chemistry skills and knowledge in daily life.</td>
<td rowspan="2">To explain the concept of chemistry in daily life.</td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>J</p>
<td rowspan="2">3</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>The concept of Chemistry</p></td>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss the meaning of chemistry.</p>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss how materials and objects are made by application of
chemistry e.g. soap, petrol, ethanol etc.</p></td>
<p>To explain the</p>
<p>concept of chemistry.</p>
<p>To name the</p>
<p>substance made by applying chemical methods.</p>
<p>charts & pictures showing different chemical activities &
industrial chemical process.</p>
<p>Detergents, soft, drinks medicine etc.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<li><p>To give</p></li>
<p>the meaning of chemistry.</p>
<p>mention any other four objects made by application of chemistry.</p>
<li><p>In groups</p></li>
<p>to mention area where chemistry is applied.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<p>The importance of chemistry in life.</p></td>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss how chemistry is applied in industrial and at home.</p>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss the importance of chemistry in daily life by giving examples
on production of drugs and medicine, soap fertilizer and
<p>To mention area</p>
<p>where chemistry is applied.</p>
<p>To state the</p>
<p>importance of chemistry in daily life, by giving examples.</p>
<p>charts & pictures of industrials, chemical hospital, pharmacy,
domestic, kitchen, fertilizer, insect sides, hard drinks.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Working safely in a chemistry laboratory.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Carrying out chemistry activities safely and efficiently.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td>4 & 1</td>
<p>Rules and safety precautions in chemistry laboratory.</p></td>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss every laboratory rule and establish its importance.</p>
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss the laboratory safety measures.</p></td>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To prepare a list of</p></li>
<p>ten safety rules in chemistry laboratory.</p>
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>To explain the</p></li>
<p>safety measure to a chemistry laboratory.</p></td>
<li><p>Chemistry laboratory manual.</p></li>
<li><p>Wall charts of written laboratory rules.</p></li>
<li><p>Wall charts showing safety measure for a chemistry
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&2, Oxford. ii) O-level
CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p>
<p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN. iv)You tube( for
video clips)</p>
<li><p>To mention and</p></li>
<p>explain the safety measure needed to avoid accidents in chemistry
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>First aid and first aid kit.</p></td>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To guide students to discuss activities which are likely to
accidents in a chemistry laboratory.</p></li>
<li><p>To guide students to name every item found in a first aid
<p>iii) To guide students to</p>
<p>stimulate a mock use of each item in a first aid kit.</p></td>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To identify</p></li>
<p>possible causes of accidents in chemistry laboratory.</p>
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>To name the items</p></li>
<p>found in a first aid kit.</p>
<ol start="3" type="i">
<p>demonstrate how each first aid kit item is used.</p>
<p>iv) To use the</p>
<p>first aid kit to provide first aid to an accident victim.</p></td>
<li><p>Wall chart pictures showing possible laboratory
<li><p>First aid kit containing all of its items.</p></li>
<p>possible causes of accidents I a chemistry laboratory.</p>
<p>Name all</p>
<p>The items found in a first aid kit.</p>
<p>Demonstrate how</p>
<p>you can provide First aid.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<p>Basic chemistry laboratory apparatus with their uses.</p></td>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>names of different pieces of apparatuses used in chemistry
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>To summarize the</p></li>
<p>names of pieces apparatuses used in chemistry laboratory.</p>
<ol start="3" type="i">
<li><p>To guide students to categorize laboratory apparatus into
apparatus for;</p></li>
<li><p>taking measurements;</p></li>
<p>volume and temperature</p>
<li><p>heating purposes</p></li>
<ol start="4" type="i">
<li><p>To guide students to practice the uses of apparatus for
<li><p>volume of liquids</p>
<li><p>volume of gases</p></li>
<li><p>masses of solids</p></li>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To name the different</p></li>
<li><p>pieces of</p></li>
<p>apparatuses used in chemistry laboratory.</p>
<ol start="3" type="i">
<li><p>To copy the</p></li>
<ol start="4" type="i">
<li><p>To categorize</p></li>
<p>chemistry laboratory apparatus according to their uses.</p>
<ol start="5" type="i">
<li><p>To use apparatus</p></li>
<p>to measure volume, mass and temperature.</p></td>
<p>names of</p>
<p>apparatuses used in a chemistry laboratory.</p>
<p>chemistry apparatus according to their uses.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Treating and purifying water with environmental consideration.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>To purify and use water while conserving the environment.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td>4. Warning signs</td>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>draw a simple diagram of the following warning signs;</p>
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss the meaning of different warning signs.</p></td>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To draw and</p></li>
<p>label the basic chemistry warning signs.</p>
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>To explain the</p></li>
<p>meaning of different warning signs.</p></td>
<p>KMnO<sub>4</sub>, H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>,</p>
<li><p>Corrosive; H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub></p></li>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&2, Oxford. ii) O-level
CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p>
<p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN. iv)You tube( for
video clips)</p>
<td>Draw and label the basic chemistry warning signs.</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<p>Heat sources</p></td>
<td><p>To discuss with students about how to use the following heat
sources in a chemistry laboratory;</p>
<li><p>spirit burner</p></li>
<li><p>corrosive burner (kibatari)</p></li>
<li><p>charcoal burner</p></li>
<ol type="i">
<li><p>To discuss with students about how Bunsen burner works.</p></li>
<td><p>i) To discuss with</p>
<p>teacher about how to use the heat sources in a chemistry
<p>To explain how a Bunsen burner works.</p></td>
<li><p>Kerosene burner (kibatari)</p></li>
<li><p>Charcoal burner</p></li>
<li><p>Bunsen burner</p></li>
<p>different kind of heat sources that can be used in chemistry
<p>the working function of a Bunsen burner.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Applying the scientific procedures in carrying out investigations in
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Types of flames</p></td>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>use different types of burners to produce luminous and non-luminous
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss how different flames are used.</p>
<li><p>flame test of elements</p></li>
<li><p>production of light</p></li>
<li><p>production of heat</p></li>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To produce</p></li>
<p>luminous and non-luminous flames from different fuel burns.</p>
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>To state the uses</p></li>
<p>of different types of flames.</p></td>
<li><p>Spirit burner</p></li>
<li><p>Kerosene burner (kibatari)</p></li>
<li><p>Charcoal burner</p></li>
<li><p>Bunsen burner</p></li>
<li><p>Kerosene fuel</p></li>
<p>luminous and non-luminous flames from different burners.</p>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>1. Significance of the scientific procedures.</td>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss about the measuring of the scientific procedures.</p>
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>To discuss with</p></li>
<p>students about how the scientific procedures are used in carrying out
systematic investigations.</p></td>
<td>To explain the concept of scientific procedure.</td>
<p>charts showing the steps of scientific procedures.</p>
<p>of chemists working in laboratory</p>
<p>the concept of chemists.</p>
<p>the importance of scientific procedures.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<p>The main steps of scientific procedures.</p></td>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To discuss with</p></li>
<p>students about the following steps of scientific procedures;</p>
<li><p>Observation of the</p></li>
<li><p>Statement of the</p></li>
<li><p>Formation of</p></li>
<li><p>Observation and</p></li>
<p>collection of</p>
<li><p>Data analysis and</p></li>
<li><p>Making inference and</p></li>
<li><p>To describe</p></li>
<p>each step of scientific procedures.</p>
<td><p>- Wall</p>
<p>charts showing the steps of scientific procedures.</p></td>
<p>each step of scientific procedures.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3"><blockquote>
<p>Dealing with nature and properties of matter.</p>
<td rowspan="3"><blockquote>
<p>Explaining the nature and properties of matter.</p>
<td rowspan="3"><p>A</p>
<p>P R</p>
<p>I L</p></td>
<td>3. Application of the scientific procedures.</td>
<td>To supervise the students’ projects.</td>
<td>To apply the scientific procedure in carrying out a project on a
chemistry problem.</td>
<td rowspan="3"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&2,
<p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p>
<p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p>
<p>iv)You tube( for video clips)</p></td>
<td>Apply the scientific procedure in carrying out a project on a
chemistry investigation.</td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">2-5</td>
<td>5. MATTER</td>
<p>Concept of matter.</p></td>
<td>To guide students to discuss the meaning and definition of
<td>To explain the concept of matter.</td>
<td>Solid, liquid and gases.</td>
<td>Explain the meaning of matter with examples.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>2. States of matter.</td>
<td><p>i) To guide students to</p>
<p>apply the kinetic nature of matter to explain the existence of matter
in three states; solids, liquids and gases.</p>
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>demonstrate the change of matter from one state to another.</p>
<ol start="3" type="i">
<li><p>To discuss with</p></li>
<p>students the advantages of changing one state of matter to
<p>Distillation to form pure</p>
<p>components of a mixture.</p>
<li><p>Evaporation of dry things.</p></li>
<p>formation of ice in refrigerator</p>
<ol start="4" type="i">
<li><p>Melting of metal to form alloy.</p></li>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To describe the three states of matter.</p></li>
<li><p>To explain the importance of changing one state of matter to
<td>Demonstrate how you can change one state of matter to another and
explain their importance.</td>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3"><blockquote>
<p>Differentiate physical from chemical properties of matter.</p>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td>2. Physical and chemical changes.</td>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To discuss with</p></li>
<p>students about the meaning and characteristics of physical
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>carry out experiments on physical change, to include;</p>
<li><p>melting of ice</p></li>
<li><p>boiling of water</p></li>
<li><p>condensation of steam</p></li>
<li><p>formation of ice</p></li>
<li><p>magnetization of iron</p></li>
<li><p>sublimation of solid</p></li>
<li><p>grinding of chalk</p></li>
<li><p>dissolving sugar or salt</p></li>
<p>in water</p>
<ol start="3" type="i">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>carry out the following chemical changes;</p>
<li><p>decomposition of solid carbonate</p></li>
<li><p>burning of any fuel</p></li>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To describe the</p></li>
<p>characteristics of physical change.</p>
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>To carry out</p></li>
<p>experiments on physical changes of matter.</p>
<ol start="3" type="i">
<li><p>To describe the</p></li>
<p>characteristics of chemical changes.</p>
<ol start="4" type="i">
<li><p>To carry out</p></li>
<p>experiments on chemical changes.</p></td>
<li><p>heat source</p></li>
<li><p>pestle and mortal</p></li>
<li><p>solid iodine</p></li>
<li><p>Pb(NO3) solution, CuSO4 solution, Zn metal, CuCO3,</p></li>
<li><p>Aluminium foil</p></li>
<li><p>Magnesium ribbon</p></li>
<p>characteristics of physical change.</p>
<p>the characteristics of chemical changes.</p>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="8"><strong>MIDTERM TESTS</strong></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="8"><strong>MIDTERM BREAK</strong></td>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td>4. Elements and symbols.</td>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss the meaning of an element as compared to other
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>To discuss with</p></li>
<p>students on how to use alphabetical letters and their combinations to
form the symbols of elements.</p>
<ol start="3" type="i">
<li><p>To guide students on</p></li>
<p>how to use the periodic table to differentiate metals from
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>To explain the</p></li>
<p>meaning of element.</p>
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>To assign names and symbols to;</p>
<li><p>Monoatomic elements. eg: Al, K, etc.</p></li>
<li><p>Polyatomic elements; O<sub>2</sub>, Cl<sub>2</sub>,
<li><p>Special elements</p></li>
<p>which carry Latin names; Na, Fe, Ag, etc</p>
<ol start="3" type="i">
<li><p>To assign names</p></li>
<p>and symbols to chemical compounds.</p>
<ol start="4" type="i">
<li><p>To differentiate</p></li>
<p>metals elements from non-metals.</p></td>
<li><p>periodic table.</p></li>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<p>examples explain the meaning of element.</p>
<p>- Assign names and symbols to different elements.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td>5. Compounds and mixtures.</td>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>Leading students to</p></li>
<p>discuss the impossibility of destroying or creating energy.</p>
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>Guiding students to</p></li>
<p>perform experiments on the conservation of energy from one form to
another and to discuss the results obtained.</p>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>Discussing the</p></li>
<p>impossibility of destroying or creating energy.(law of conservation
of energy)</p>
<ol start="2" type="i">
<li><p>Performing experiments on the conservation of energy from one
form to another and to discuss the results.</p></li>
<td>Wall charts showing energy change, voltaic cell, electric cell, bar
magnets, iron fillings, water, source of heat, Cu foil,
H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>(1M), lamp bulb, beaker, Mg ribbon, Abrasive
paper, Fe fillings.</td>
<td><ol type="i">
<p>to explain the law of conservation of energy.</p>
<ol start="2" type="i">
<p>to performing experiments on the conservation of energy from one form
to another.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td>A P R I L</td>
<li><p>To guide students to demonstrate the changes of mater from one
state to another.</p></li>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<p>To explain the importance of changing one state of matter to
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<li><p>Demonstrate how you can change one state to another and their
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Differentiate physical from chemical properties of matter.</p>
<td rowspan="2">MA Y</td>
<li><p>To discuss with students the advantage of changing one states of
matter to another.</p></li>
<p>- Distillation of form pure components of mixtures.</p>
<p>- Evaporation of dry things</p>
<p>- Formation of ice in refrigerators.</p>
<p>- Melting metal to form alloys.</p>
<tr class="even">
<p>Physical and chemical changes.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss with students about the meaning and characteristics of
physical change.</p></li>
<li><p>To guide student to carry out the experiments on physical change
and to include</p></li>
<li><p>Melting of ice</p></li>
<li><p>Boiling of water</p></li>
<li><p>Condensation of steem</p></li>
<li><p>Formation of ice.</p></li>
<p>To describe the characteristics of a physical change.</p>
<p>To carry out experiments on physical changes of matter.</p>
<li><p>Table salt</p></li>
<li><p>Heat source</p></li>
<li><p>Pesth and mortar</p></li>
<li><p>Magnet solid iodine</p></li>
<li><p>Describe the characteristics of physical change.</p></li>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>Magnetization of iron</p></li>
<li><p>Sublimation of solid iodine</p></li>
<li><p>Grinding of chalk</p></li>
<li><p>Dissolving sugar or salt in water</p></li>
<li><p>To guide students to carry out the following chemical
<p>-Decomposition of solid carbonate</p>
<p>-Burning of and fuel</p>
<p>To describe the characteristics of chemical change.</p>
<p>To carry out experiments on chemical change.</p>
<li><p>Cuso<sub>4</sub> solution</p></li>
<li><p>Zu metal</p></li>
<li><p>Aluminium foil</p></li>
<li><p>Magnesium ribbon</p></li>
<li><p>Describe the characteristics of chemical change.</p></li>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="13"><strong>1 – 06- 2013 – TERMINAL
<tr class="even">
<p>Elements and Symbols</p></td>
<li><p>To guide students to discuss the meaning of an element as
compared to other substances.</p></li>
<p>To explain the</p>
<p>meaning of elements.</p>
<p>To assign names</p>
<p>and symbols to</p>
<p>- Mono atomic elements e.g Al, K, Na, Cu, pb etc.</p>
<p>elements e.g O<sub>2</sub>, Cl<sub>3</sub>, N<sub>2</sub>,
S<sub>8</sub>, P<sub>4</sub></p>
<p>Special elements</p>
<p>K, Na, Fe, Ag, An, Hg, Pb, Sn, Sb, Cu which carry latin names</p>
<li><p>With example explain the meaning of element.</p></li>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="4">Applying a different methods to separate mixtures into
pure components.</td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<li><p>To discuss with students</p></li>
<p>on how to use alpha be trial letters and their combinations to form
the symbols of elements.</p></td>
<p>To assign names</p>
<p>had symbols to chemical elements.</p></td>
<p>names and symbols to differentiate element.</p></td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To guide students on</p></li>
<p>how to use the periodic table to differentiate metals elements from
non-metals elements.</p></td>
<p>To differentiate</p>
<p>metals elements and non-metals elements.</p>
<p>the meaning and give example of compounds and mixtures.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"><p>AUGUS</p>
<td rowspan="2">1-3</td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>5.</p>
<p>Compounds and mixtures.</p></td>
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss the differences between compounds and mixtures by referring
to their characteristics properties.</p></td>
<p>To differentiate</p>
<p>between compounds and mixtures by referring to their characteristics
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>prepare binary compound such as iron II sulphide (Fes) from a mixture
of solid iron fillings and awarded sulphur by heating.</p></td>
<p>To prepare a binary compound.</p>
<p>bring using Fe and Sulphur powder.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="3"><p>AUGUS</p>
<td rowspan="4"><p>4-5</p>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<li><p>To discuss with students about the properties of compounds in
compassion to the properties of its constitute elements.</p></li>
<p>To compare the</p>
<p>properties of a compound with those of its constituents elements.</p>
<p>the properties of compound with those of its constituent
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To discuss with students</p></li>
<p>the meaning of mixtures and its examples.</p></td>
<p>To explain the</p>
<p>meaning of mixture with example.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To discuss with students</p></li>
<p>about properties of solutions suspension, and emulsions.</p></td>
<p>To classify</p>
<p>mixtures into solutions, suspensions, and emulsions.</p>
<li><p>Clarify a</p></li>
<p>mixtures into solutions, suspensions an emulsions.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<p>Separation of mixture</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss with students</p></li>
<p>about the procedures for carrying out the following separation</p>
<li><p>Simple distillation</p></li>
<li><p>Fractural distillation</p></li>
<li><p>Layer separation</p></li>
<li><p>Solvent extractric</p></li>
<p>To carry out the different methods used to separate mixture.</p>
<li><p>Colour flower</p></li>
<li><p>Black ink</p></li>
<li><p>Crystal sugar</p></li>
<li><p>clay soil</p></li>
<li><p>Filter paper</p></li>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To guide students to discuss the importance of obtaining separate
components of the mixtures.</p></li>
<p>To explain the significance of separating different mixtures.</p>
<li><p>To explain</p></li>
<p>common methods of separating mixture.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="13"><strong>MID – TERM EXAMINATION</strong></td>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"><p>OC</p>
<td rowspan="3">2</td>
<td rowspan="3"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="3"><p>1.</p>
<p>Composition of air.</p></td>
<td rowspan="3">2</td>
<li><p>To guide students to discuss the proportions of different gases
in air.</p></li>
<p>To name the gases present in air and their proportions.</p>
<p>/Charts showing composition of air.</p></td>
<p>the gases present in air and their proportion.</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To facilitate students to</p></li>
<p>demonstrate the presence of the following gases in air.</p>
<p>- Carbon dioxide</p>
<p>To demonstrate</p>
<p>the presence of different gases in air.</p>
<li><p>Line write</p></li>
<li><p>Bell jar</p></li>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<li><p>Carry out</p></li>
<p>experiment to demonstrate the presence of oxygen in air.</p>
<p>a proportion of oxygen in air.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To facilitate student to carry out an experiment to determine the
percentage of oxygen in air.</p></li>
<p>To determine the percentage of oxygen in air experimentally.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="5"></td>
<td rowspan="5"></td>
<td rowspan="5"></td>
<td rowspan="3">3</td>
<td rowspan="5"><blockquote>
<p>2. COMBUSTION</p>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3">3</td>
<li><p>To discuss with students</p></li>
<p>the meaning and significance of combustion in real life.</p></td>
<p>To explain the</p>
<p>meaning of combustion and their significance in real life.</p>
<p>Piece Of Paper Candle Charcoal Kerosene Spirit.</p>
<td rowspan="5"></td>
<p>the meaning of combustion?</p></td>
<td rowspan="5"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>determine the product of complete combustion of the following
substance in air.</p>
<li><p>Kerosene, charcoal,</p></li>
<li><p>Candle, spirit</p></li>
<p>To demonstrate</p>
<p>the combustion of different substances in air and analyse the
<p>the product obtained when different substance burned in air.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To discuss with student</p></li>
<p>the application of combustion in real life for explain to mobile</p>
<li><p>Burners to get heat and light.</p></li>
<p>To describe of</p>
<p>application of combustion if real life.</p>
<p>the application of combustion in real life.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2">4 - 5</td>
<p>Fire fighting</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss with students</p></li>
<p>about the fire caused by</p>
<li><p>Petroleum products</p></li>
<li><p>Wood and charcoal</p></li>
<p>To classify the types of fires according to their causes.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<li><p>Foam fire</p></li>
<li><p>Soda acid</p></li>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<li><p>Classify types of fire according to their sources.</p></li>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To discuss with students</p></li>
<p>about the reasons why specific types of fires should be extinguished
by specific types of fire extinguisher.</p></td>
<p>To identify different types of fire extinguishers used different
types of fire.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<li><p>To lead discussion about the parts played by fuel and oxygen in a
<p>To state the</p>
<p>components needed to start fire.</p>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To discuss with students</p></li>
<p>about the classification of fire extinguishers into:</p>
<p>Soda – acid type</p>
<p>Foam type</p>
<p>Water types</p>
<p>Blanket types.</p>
<p>To classify</p>
<p>extinguishers according to the chemicals they contain.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<li><p>Foam fire</p></li>
<p>Sand bucket.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><ul>
<li><p>State the</p></li>
<p>chemical present in different extinguisher.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>prepare a small fire carefully e.g. Burning a small paper or a
candle, and extinguish it.</p></td>
<p>To prepare a small</p>
<p>fire extinguisher of the soda-acid types and use to extinguish a
small fire.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"><p>NOV</p>
<td rowspan="3">1&2</td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"><p>4.</p>
<li><p>To discuss with students</p></li>
<p>about the meaning of rusting and economic importance.</p></td>
<p>To explain the concept of rusting.</p>
<td rowspan="3"><ul>
<li><p>Iron filing</p></li>
<li><p>Mg ribbon</p></li>
<li><p>HCl solution</p></li>
<td rowspan="3"><ul>
<p>with example the meaning of rusting.</p>
<li><p>Carry out</p></li>
<p>Experiment to demonstrate condition necessary for rusting.</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To guide students to</p></li>
<p>design an experiment to demonstrate the eruditions necessary for iron
to rust.</p></td>
<p>To demonstrate</p>
<p>the erudition necessary for iron to rust.</p>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>Summarize and discuss</p></li>
<p>the experimental findings.</p></td>
<p>To carry out</p>
<p>experiments on different methods of preventing iron from rusting.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="13">ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS.</td>
**[TIME: 3 Hours Wednesday, 1^st^ December 2021 p.m.]{.underline}**
- This paper consists of section A, B and C
- Answer all questions from section A and B and three (3) questions
from section C
- All drawings should be in pencils
- Write your registered name on every page of your answer sheet(s)
> **SECTION A (20 Marks)**
> 1\. For each of the following items (i) -- (x), choose the most
> correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter
> beside the item number in your answer sheets.
> i\) The Berlin conference of 1884/85 was a result of:-
> a\) The development of capitalism into imperialism b) Influence of
> Bismark of Germany
> c\) Neo -- colonialism d) The development of colonialism into
> mercantilism
> ii\) Societies which were purely pastoralist in East Africa were:
> a\) Maasai, Barbaig, Pokot and Karamajong b) Pokot, Gogo, Sukuma and
> Gikuyu
> c\) Nyakyusa, Safwa, Haya and Pokot d) Nandi, Gikuyu, Sambaa and
> Maasai
> iii\. The use of ideology as an instrument to mobilize the oppressed
> economically is evident in one of the following historical events in
> Africa
> a\) The Great Boer trek b) The maji maji war of 1905 -- 1907
> c\) Mkwawa war against the Bena and Sangu d) Nama and Herero
> resistance
> iv\) In most parts of pre -- colonial Africa, the ruling classes
> appropriated surpluses through:
> a\) Wars of conquest b) Tribute and labour services
> c\) Taxation d) Agriculture and domestication of animals
> v\) Before the 15^th^ century Africa was called a "Dark continent"
> because
> a\) It was not known to European capitalists b) Its people were black
> c\) There was all demand raw -- materials d) It had no development
> vi\) The colonial imperial chartered companies failed in the mission
> to rule Africa colonies because:-
> a\) Other European companies were against them
> b\) African chiefs refused to work with the company administrators
> c\) The colonies were producing less and therefore were not profitable
> d\) They had little capital and skilled man power to run chartered
> companies
> vii\. What made the African continent a focus of most capitalists in
> Western Europe during the 19^th^ century?
> a\) Commercial capitalism b) The growth of industrial revolution
> c\) The opening of the Suez Canal d) Improvement of maritime
> technology
> viii\. Cultural practices through which historical information can be
> obtained include
> a\) Archeology, museum and archives b) Museums, archives and religion
> c\) Archeology, funerals and riddles d) Superstitions, religion and
> riddles
> ix\. The most crucial changes in the evolution of man were:-
> a\) Bi -- pedelism and development of the brain b) Domestication of
> crops and animals
> c\) Division of labour and expansion of agriculture d) Establishment
> of settlements and domestication of crops
> x\. The method of making salt through boiling and evaporating under
> ground water was common in:
> a\) Katanga b) Tanga c) Bunyoro d) Uvinza
> 2\. Matching items
| **LIST A** | **LIST B** |
| i\. Carl Peters | a\) Used a large number of closely unskilled |
| | labour who were supervised by foremen |
| ii\. Ludwig Krapf | |
| | b\) Maasai worrior |
| iii\. Military | |
| techniques | c\) It was fought between Boers and Xhosa in |
| | S. Africa |
| iv\. Kings African | |
| riffles | d\) Signed bogus treaty |
| | |
| v\. Settler | e\) Used against the societies which neither |
| agriculture | signed bogus treaties nor allied with colonial |
| | invaders |
| vi\. Williamson | |
| Diamond Limited | f\) A missionary and explorer |
| | |
| vii\. Moran | g\) K. A. R |
| | |
| viii\. Clan | h\) Introduced by whites farmers in African |
| organization | continent |
| | |
| ix\. Plantation | i\. Formed in 1940 at Shinyanga |
| agriculture | |
| | j\. Formed by several related family |
| x\. Kaffir wars | |
> **SECTION B (35 Marks)**
> 3\. Draw a sketch map of East Africa and show the following historical
> sites: Olduvai Gorge, Fort Ternan, Rusinga island, Kondoa and
> Nsongezi.
> 4\. Write short notes on the following historical terms
> a\) History b) Assimilation policy c) Colonial economy d) Colonial
> military institutions
> e\) Collaboration
> 5\. why African resistance failed in pre colonial societies?
> 6\. Why colonialist leaving out industrialization in Africa?
> 7\. How colonial transport and communication helped the colonial
> economy in Africa?
> **SECTION C (45 Marks)**
> 8\. Discuss the characteristics of colonial education.
> 9\. With examples, explain six effects of colonial agriculture in
> Africa
> 10\. How was migrant labour beneficial to the capitalists during the
> colonial period?
> 11\. Explain the motives for application of indirect rule system in
> Africa.
**chagua jibu sahihi**
1. Mti \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ hauna matunda A. hule B. ule C. ile
2. Mtoto wa shangazi yako ni A. Binamu B. Kaka C. Dada
3. Mwezi wenye siku chache katika mwaka A. agosti B. febuari C. mei
4. Kamwe\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ darasa la nn A. nitarudi B. sitarudi C.
5. Mtihani \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ni rahisi sana A. huyu B. huu C. yote
6. Watoto \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_wanapendeza. A. huyu B.wale C. sisi
7. Mimi nina akili\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_A. zote B. timamu C nusu
8. \\usifanye \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_kwenye biashara. A. zaidi B.
mzaha C. salio
9. Kabla ya kuanza biashara ni lazima uwe na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_A.
faida B. mtaji C. kiasi
10. Ni vizuri kufuata \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ya shule A. haki B.
ratiba C. nidhamu.
**Nahau, Methali na Vitendawili.**
11. Kuku mgeni\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
12. Mkono wa birika \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
13. Bwana afya wa porini\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
14. Mama hachoki kunibeba\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
15. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_hujaza kibaba.
Amina na Maganga wanapernda shule kila siku wanaamka mapema na kujiandaa
kwenda shule. Kabla ya kwenda shule wanakunywa chai. Baada ya chai
wanachukua mifuko yao na kuondoka. Wakifika shule wanafanya usafi pamoja
na wenzao, kasha wanaingia darasani na kuanza masomo,
Walimu wanawapenda sana Amina na Maganga kwa sababu ni watoto watiifu.
16. Kabla ya kwenda shule Amina na Maganga wanafanya
17. Kwanini walimu wanawapenda sana Amina na
18. Maganga na Amina wanapofika shuleni wanafanya
**Andika Umoja na Wingi wa maneno.**
Umoja wingi
19. Mjukuu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
20. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ mambo
21. Chupa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
**Pigia mstari neno tofauti**
22. Dada, mama, baba, Ajuza
23. Dereva, fundi, kipofu, mvuvi.
24. Samba,chui, kondoa,ndovu
25. Mia.tisini,kumi,namba.

031/1 PHYSICS-1 Time:3:00 HRS Friday **25-SEPT-2020 AM**
1. This paper consist of three sections A, B & C with four printed pages 2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and any two questions in C 3. Non programmable calculators and mathematical table may be used in examination room 4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s) given 5. Where necessary the following constants may be used
(i) Acceleration due to gravity, g =10ms-2
(ii) Density of water= 1gcm-3
(iii) Specific heat capacity of water = ⁄
(iv) Specific heat capacity of copper= ⁄
# Section A (15% Marks) Answer All Questions In Section
1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the booklet or answer sheet provided i. In order to minimize zero error of an instrument the pointer should be adjusted to:
A. At zero mark B. Before zero mark C. At the meddle mark D. After zero mark E. At the end mark ii. The Lenz's law is applied to describe.
A. Magnitude of the back efm in a circuit B. Magnitude of induced current in a circuit C. Direction of induced efm in a circuit D. Direction of applied efm in circuit E. Change of magnetic field iii. The SI Unit of spring constant is A. Ns B. ⁄ C. ⁄
D. ⁄
iv. When a car is driven for some time, the air in the tyres has a higher temperature.
This is because the Air molecules A. Occupy smaller volume B. Make more collisions with each other C. Gain heat from the road D. Have greater speeds E. Have greater volume v. When ultra-violet light falls on the metal surface electrons are emitted, This effect is known as:-
A. Spontaneous emission B. Thermionic emission C. Photoelectric emission D. Electron emission E. Metal surface emission vi. A wire of uniform cross section area has length of 10m a resistance of 2mΩ and resistivity of 0.2 µ Ωm. Then the cross section area in m2is A.
C. D.
E. 10 x 10-3 vii. The images formed by plane mirror are always.
A. Real, magnified and Laterally inverted B. Virtual, Laterally inverted and same size as an object C. Magnified , Virtual and erect D. Erect, real and magnified E. Diminished, real and laterally viii. The part of human eye that correspond s to film in a camera is A. Retina B. Pupil C. Lens D. Cornea E. Iris ix. The property which distinguish longitudinal wave from transverse wave among the following is:-
A. Relative direction of vibration and propagation B. Speed of propagation C. Need of material medium D. Possession of wave length E. Ability to be refracted x. The magnitude of friction force existing on a moving car depends on :
A. Speed of a car B. Surface area of a car C. Wheel speed D. Weight of a car E. Applied force
# Section B (60 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section 2. Match the items in List A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer in the answer sheet provided.
| LIST A | LIST B | | |
| i) | Tsunami | | |
| ii) | Earthquake | | |
| iii) | Constellations | | |
| iv) | Geocentric theory | | |
| v) | Heliocentric theory | A. | The Earth is at the center while other heavenly bodies revolve around it. |
| | B. | The sun is at the center while other heavenly bodies revolve around it. | |
| | C. | Cause water waves to rise or to fall | |
| | D. | Shaking of the earth's surface | |
| | E. | Resembles with familiar animals and objects in the earth. | |
3. (a) (i) Why ship made of steel float on surface of water while are steel rim sink?
(ii) Why does a solid body weigh more in air than when immersed in a liquid?
(b) A piece of cork with volume 100cm3is floating on water, if the density of cork is 0.25g/cm3
(i) Calculate the volume of the cork immersed in water ( ii) What force is needed to immerse the cork completely? (Assume mass of 1g has a weight 0.01N).
4. (a) Explain three points how x-rays differ to the cathode rays
(b) With aids of diagram explain how x - rays are produced.
5. (a) Explain briefly any two physical factors of a conductor how do they affect Ohm's law if they could not be kept constant.
(b) You are provided with the resistors of 5Ω, 10Ω and 20Ω. What are the maximum and minimum resistances obtained by connecting those resistors?
6. (a) Explain why it is not advisable for soldiers to match across the bridge in rhythm.
(b) A string A is 2m long and linear mass density of 9gcm-3. A string B has linear mass density twice that of A. If the tension in both strings is the same, how long must string B be for it to be at resonance with string A?
7. (a) Explain why air condition system are placed at high point in the house?
(b) A piece of copper of mass 40g at 2000C is immersed into a copper Calorimeter of mass 60g containing 50g of water at 250C. What will be the final temperature of the mixture?
8. (a) Explain why it is easy to cut a meat with a sharp knife than a blunt knife?
(b) Explain any two (2) applications of hydraulic press in a daily life. (c) The pistons of hydraulic press have their areas given as 0.0003m2 and 0.02m2respectively.The 120N is required to push down the small piston, Find the force required to push a large pistons.
## Section C (25 Marks) Answer Any Two Questions From This Section.
9. (a) Give reason why a diode is a suitable device for converting sinusoidal waveform into unidirectional waveform of electricity?
(b) Transistors are said to be base elements of modern electronics, identify any Four applications of transistors. (c) With supportive diagrams, explain how analogue and digital signals do They differ.
10. (a) The half-life of material x is 50hours. Explain the meaning of this statement.
(b) With examples explain how nuclear fission differs from nuclear fusion? (c) A particular radioactive has a half - life of 2hours. A sample gives a count of 2400 per second at 11.00 a.m. When will the count have dropped to Approximately300 per second in the same counting system 11. Explain why most vehicles have their engines directly over the driver wheel
(b) A rectangular box of mass 1okg rests on an inclined plane with coefficient of static friction of 0.55and coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.25 (i) At what angle will the box begin to slide? (ii) If the incline is kept at the angle after the box begin to slide, what will be box's acceleration? |
KISWAHILI KIDATO CHA 4(1).md | <table style="width:100%;">
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<tr class="header">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td>Kuhakiki kazi za fasihi andishi kwa kuzingatia vigezo vya
<td>Kusoma na kuhakiki kazi za fasihi andishi.</td>
<p><strong>FEBRUARI JANUARI</strong></p>
<p>Uhakiki wa kazi za fasihi andishi.</p>
<p><strong>16 4</strong></p>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoz wanafunzi kwa kutumia majadiliano na kufafanua vigezo
vya uhakiki wa ushairi n akubainisha aina za ushairi.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kuhakiki fani na maudhui katika vitabu teule
vya ushairi yaani:-</p>
<p>‘’Mashairi ya Chekacheka’’</p>
<td><p>-Watataja nakufafanua vigezo vya uhakiki wa mashairi na aina za
<p>-Wanafunzi katika vikundi watahakiki fani na maudhui ya ‘’Mashairi ya
chekacheka’’ na ’Wasakatonge’</p></td>
<p>Vitabu teule</p>
<p>‘’Mashairi ya chekacheka</p>
<p>Mukulu P (na wenzake) 2009 Kiswahili kitukuzwe 4 Longman press. -TUMI
(1988) Kiswahili sekondari</p>
<p>-Taasisi ya elimu (1996) kiswahili kidato cha nne.Oxford press.</p>
<td>Kutumia mbinu ya maswali na vikundi kuhakikii fani na maudhui katika
vitabu teule vya ushairi ili kupima uelewa wao.</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td>Kukuza msamiati wa lugha</td>
<td>Kuwasiliana kwa mazungumzo na maandishi na watu katika muktadha
<td>Kuongeza msamiati.</td>
<td><p>(i)Uundaji wa maneno</p>
<p>(ii) Njia mbalimbali za kuunda maneno.</p></td>
<td>-Kuwaongoza kufafanua maana ya uundaji wa maneno na kuchunguza
mazingira yanayosababisha kuundwa kwa maneno mapya.</td>
<td>-Watafafanua maana ya uundaji wa maneno na kuchunguza mazingira
yanayosababisha kuundwa kwa maneno mapya.</td>
<td>-Matini yenye maneno yaliyoundwa kwa njia tofauti.</td>
<td>Kutumia mbinu ya maswali ili kupima uelewa kwa wanafunzi.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<td>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kwa kutumia maswali na majibu kuelezea njia za
kuunda maneno.</td>
<td>-Watataja njia za kuunda maneno na kuunda maneno kwa kutumia njia
<td>-Vipande vya maneno, silabi na herufi (Kwa ajiliya kuunda maneno
<td><p>Kutumia mbinu ya maswali ili kupima uelewa kwa wanafunzi</p>
<p>-Kutumia mbinu ya vikundi kuunda maneno.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2">Kuelezea kukua na kuenea kwa kiswahili baada ya uhuru
nchini Tanzania.</td>
<td rowspan="2">Kuelewa na kueleza kukua kwa kiswahili baada ya uhuru
nchini Tanzania.</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>M A C H I</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td>Ukuaji na ueneaji wa kiswahili baada ya uhuru.</td>
<td>Kuwaongoza katika majadiliano na bungua bongo wanafunzi kueleza
shughuli mabalimbali zinazowezesha ukuaji na utendaji wa kiswahili.</td>
<p>wataeleza kwa</p>
<p>mifano shughuli</p>
<p>za kijamii, kisiasa,</p>
<p>zinazowezesha kuenea kwa kiswahili.</p></td>
<td>Chati ya asasi zinazokuza kiswahili na dhima zake.</td>
<p>MUKULU, P (na wenzake) 2009 Kiswahili kitukuzwe</p>
<p>4 Longman & TUMI (1988) Kiswahili sekondari Short Prinit Dar es
salaam & Taasisi ya elimu (1996) Kiswahili ekondari 4 Oxford
<td>Kuuliza maswali kuhusu njia za kukuza na kueneza kiswahili.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">Kubainisha na kutunga kazi za Fashih Andishi.</td>
<td rowspan="2">Kutunga kazi za kifasihi na za kiadi kwa kutumia
kiswahili sanifu katika miktadha mbalimbali.</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>A P R I L I</strong></p>
<td>-Kutumia maswali na majadiliano na kuchunguza chati za asasi
zinazokuza na kueneza kiswahili nchini k.m vile BAKITA, TATAKI, UKUTA,
<p>katika vikundi</p>
<p>watajadili na</p>
<p>kubaini dhima</p>
<p>za kila asasi.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>Utungaji wa mashairi</td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini taratibu za uandishi katika
mashairi kwa kutumia mifano mbalimbali ya mashairi ya kimapokeo.</p>
<p>-Kutunga mashairi, tenzi na ngonjera kwa kuzingatia kanuni za
utungaji wa mashairi ya kimapokeo.</p></td>
<td><p>Wanafunzi katika vikundi wajadili na kubaini vipengele
vinavyofana au kutofautiana katika mashairi.</p>
<p>-Kutunga mashairi tenzi, ngonjera wakizingatia mada kama vile elimu
ya kilimo, jinsi ya kumhudumia mgonjwa wa UKIMWI.</p></td>
<td>-Matini zenye ushairi yenye maudhui mbalimbali kanda za sauti zenye
mashairi tenzi na ngonjera zilizoibwa na kugigizwa.</td>
<td>Kuwapima kwa kuwapa kazi za kutunga mashairi ya kimapokeo.</td>
<tr class="even">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3">Kuandika habari ndefu kiasi kwa kuzingatia taratibu za
<td rowspan="3">Kuwasiliana kwa mazungumzo na maandishi na watu katika
miktadha mbalimbali.</td>
<p><strong>A P R I L I</strong></p>
<td>(i) Kuandika insha za kiada.</td>
<td>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi katika majadiliano ya kubaini vidokezo muhimu
vya uandishi wa insha na muundo wa insha kwa kutumia matini kadhaa zenye
insha mbalimbali.</td>
<td><p>Wanafunzi katika vikundi wasome, kazi jadili na kubaini muundo wa
insha hizo na vidokezo muhimu vya uandishi wa insha.</p>
<p>-Kuandika insha zenye maneno yasiyo pungua 250.</p></td>
<td>Matini zenye insha zenye maudhui mbalimbali.</td>
<p>MUKULU, P (na wenzake) 2009 Kiswahili kitukuzwe</p>
<p>4 Longman & TUMI (1988) Kiswahili sekondari Short</p>
<p>Prinit Dar es salaam & Taasisi ya elimu (1996)</p>
<p>Kiswahili sekondari 4 Oxford Press</p>
<td>Kuwapima kwa kuwapa kazi za kuandika insha.</td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>M E I</strong></p>
<td>(ii) Uandishi wa hotuba</td>
<td>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini taratibu za uandishi wa hotuba na
kuwaongoza kuandika hotuba.</td>
<td>Wanafunzi kubaini taratibu za uandishi wa hotuba kwa kujibu maswali
na kuandika hotuba.</td>
<td>Matini mbalimbali za hotuba mbalimbali na kinasa sauti.</td>
<td>Kupima kwa kuwapa kazi ya kuandika.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>(iii) Uandishi wa risala</td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini muundo wa risala kwa kuchunguza
matini walizopewa na taratibu za uandishi wa risala.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza kuandika risala zenye hoja za ushawishi.</p></td>
<td><p>Wanafunzi katika vikundi wazichunguze, wajadiliane na kubaini
muundo wa risala walizopewa.</p>
<p>-Kuandika risala zenye hoja za ushawishi.</p></td>
<td>Matini za risala anuai, kanda za sauti zenye risala na kinasa
<td>Kuwasilisha risala darasani kwa njia ya maigizo.</td>
<tr class="even">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"><p>Kusoma na kuelewa habari ndefu kiasi cha
<p>-Kusikiliza na kuelewa kwamakini taarifa na habari zinazohusu
masualia ya ndani ya jamii.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2">Kusikiliza na kuelewa mazungumzo yaliyopo katika lugha
ya kiswahili.</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>M E I</strong></p>
<td>(iv) Uandishi wa kumbukumbu</td>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini na kujadili muundo wa
<p>-Kuwaongoza kuandaa igizo la mkutano na kuandika kumbukumbu za
<td><p>-Watajadili kubaini muundo wa kumbukumbu.</p>
<p>-Kufanya igizo la mkutano na kuandika kumbukumbu za mkutano.</p></td>
<td>Matini mbalimbali za kumbukumbu za mikutano.</td>
<td>Kuwasilisha risala darasani kwa njia ya maigizo.</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td>(i) Ufahamu wa kusikiliza.</td>
<td>Kuwasomea matini mbalimbali na kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujibu maswali
kutokana na matini walizosikiliza.</td>
<td>Kusikiliza matini na kujibu maswali kutokana na matini
<td>Matini zenye habari mbalimbali, taarifa kanda za kunasia sauti.</td>
<td>MUKULU, P (na wenzake) 2009 Kiswahili kitukuzwe 4 Longman & TUMI
(1988) Kiswahili sekondari Short Prinit Dar es salaam & Taasisi ya
elimu (1996) Kiswahili sekondari 4 Oxford Press</td>
<td>Kuwauliza maswali darasani kutokana na ufahamu waliosikiliza.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<p>JULAI - JUNI</p>
<p>1-2 & 1-4</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td>-Kusoma na kuelewa habari ndefu kiasiza kiswahili. -Kusikiliza na
kuelewa mazungumzo yaliyopo katika lugha ya kiswahili</td>
<td>Kusikiliza na kuelewa kwa kina taarifa na habari mbalimbali kutokana
na vyanzo vya habari zinazohusu maisha.</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>AGOSTI J U A I</strong></p>
<td>Ufahamu wa kusikliza</td>
<td>Kuwapa wanafunzi matini mbalimbali wazisome na kuwaongoza kujibu
maswali kutonan na matini walizosoma.</td>
<td><p>Kuwoma na</p>
<p>kutokana na</p>
<td>Matini zenye habari mbalimbali</td>
<td>Kuwauliza maswali darasani kutokana na matini walizosoma.</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td>Kuhakiki kazi za fasihi andishi kwa kuzingatia vigezo vya
<td>Kusoma na kuhakiki kazi za kifasihi Andishi.</td>
<td>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kuhakiki fani na maudhui katika vitabu
<td><p>Kusoma na</p>
<p>kuhakiki fani</p>
<p>na maudhui</p>
<p>katika vitabu</p>
<td>Vatabu teule.</td>
<td>Kutumia mbinu ya vikundi kuhakiki fani na maudhui ya vitabu
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="9"><p><strong>MTIHANI WA UTAMILIFU</strong></p>
<p><strong>MARUDIO NA MAANDALIZI YA NECTA</strong></p>
Andika namba zifuatazo kwa kifupi
1. 9000 + 300 + 70 + 1 =
2. 3000 + 800 + 00 + 0 =
Andika namba zifuatazo kwa tarakimu
3. Elfu tisa mia tisa themanini na
4. Elfu saba na moja\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...
5. Andika kwa maneno 5796
6. 3459
\+ 4252
7. 2346
\+ 4252
8. Sh. 580
+Sh. 320
9. Sh . 900
+sh 57
10. Sh. 6779
+Sh. 4125
11. 1 5
× 3
12. 4 4
× 2
13. Lori lilibeba mbao 2724 siku ya kwanza na mbao 2428 siku ya pili
lori ilibeba jumla ya mbao ngapi?
14. Duka la salme lina simu za mezqani na mkononi 2972 .Ikiwa simu za
mkononi ni 1235 simu za mezani ni ngapi?
15. Siku moja una msaaa mangapi ?
16. Mwaka mmoja una miezi mingapi?
> Andika sehemu iliyotiwa kivuli katika maumbo yafuatayo
Andika katika sehemu
19. Theluthi =
20. Robo tatu =
Soma tarakimu kwa picha kasha jibu maswali yanayofuata
Mwaka Idadi ya magunia ya mahindi
21. Mwaka 2019 yalipatikana magunia
22. Mwaka 2018 yalipatikana magunia
23. Mwaka gani magunia yaikuwa idogo
24. Idadi ya magunia ya mwaka 2019 inazidi ya magunia ya mwaka 2018 kwa
25. Jumla ya magunia yote ni
**Jina la shule: ..........................................., Jina La
Mwalimu: ....................................................**
**Somo: .....................................................Darasa:
**Muda: .......................................... Kipindi cha
.......................... Tarehe .................................**
--------------------- -------------- ----------- ------------------- -------------- ----------- ------------------- -------------- -----------
**Wasichana** **Wavulana** **Jumla** **Wasichana** **Wavulana** **Jumla** **Wasichana** **Wavulana** **Jumla**
**Umahiri Mkuu:
**Shughuli Kuu:
**Shughuli Mahususi:
| **H | ** | **Vitendo vya | **Vitendo vya | **Viashiria vya |
| atua** | Mud | ufundishaji** | ujifunzaji** | ujifunzaji** |
| | a** | | | |
| ** | | | | |
| Utangu | | | | |
| lizi** | | | | |
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| | | | | |
| | | | | |
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| | | | | |
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| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| **Kuj | | | | |
| enga** | | | | |
| | | | | |
| **uma | | | | |
| hiri** | | | | |
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| ** | | | | |
| Kuimar | | | | |
| isha** | | | | |
| | | | | |
| **uma | | | | |
| hiri** | | | | |
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| isho** | | | | |
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**Tathmini ya ujifunzaji
**Tathimini ya ufundishaji
Fafanua namba zifuatazo
1. 26713
2. 41023
3. 129567=\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.....
4. 129567=\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...
Andika namba hizi kwa maneno,
5. 411,000 =
6. 61345 + 32134=
7. 82071 + 7928 =
8. 48507
9. 7 5 5 4 3
\+ 4 3 2
10. 68549 -- 25127
11. 81505 -- 61426
12. 243 + 4 =
13. 104 × 100
14. 7 49000
15. 6 82
16. 3 457
Andika namba za kirumi kwa tarakimu
18. C =
19. Andika namba tasa inayokosekana 31, 37.........
20. Jaza vigawo vinavyokosekana katika ngoe.
21. $\frac{13}{17}\ $+ $\frac{4}{17}$ =
22. $\frac{4}{10}$ + $\frac{1}{10}$ =
23. $\frac{2}{5}\ $+ $\frac{3}{9}$ =
24. $\frac{7}{8}$ ×$\frac{1}{5}$ =
25. Badili kuwa desimali $\frac{1}{2}$
26. Jaza nafasi wazi
625 = x 25
27. Tafuta kipeuo cha pili cha 256
28. Tafuta kipeuo cha pili cha $\sqrt{676}$
29. Saa dakika
4 10
× 2
30. Badili kg 45 kuwa gramu
31. Tafuta eneo la mstatili huu
> Sm4
32. Tafuta eneno la mraba.
> Sm 7
> Sm 7
33. Tafuta eneno la pembetatu hii
SM 6
> SM 8
kiswahili drs 5 (copy).md | # HALMASHAURI YA WILAYA KISHAPU
**JINA LA MWANAFUNZI: .............................................................**
1. Wazazi wanawahimiza watoto wao kusoma kwa bidii. Sentensi hii ipo katika kauli ipi?
(a) halisi (b) taarifa (c) kutenda (d) kutendwa ( )
2. Ninyi ni wanafunzi. Neno "ninyi" liko katika nafsi ya ngapi?
(a) kwanza (b) tatu (c) pili (d) nne ( )
3. Mahali anaposimama mshitakiwa mahakamani huitwa _______
(a) jela (b) mahabusu (c) kizimbani (d) mahakama ( )
4. Mtoto wa mjomba ninamwita _______
(a) kaka (b) shangazi (c) rafiki (d) binamu ( )
5. Samaki, dagaa na nyama kwa neno moja huitwaje?
(a) kitoweo (b) mboga (c) mchuzi (d) chakula ( )
6. "Sikuiba kitu chochote" alikanusha Asha. Sentensi hii ni kauli _______
(a) kutendewa (b) taarifa (c) halisi (d) kanushi ( )
7. "Yeye anapenda kucheza." Sentensi hii iko katika nafsi ipi?
(a) ya tatu umoja (b) ya kwanza wingi (c) ya pili wingi (d) ya pili umoja ( )
8. Neno lipi linafaa kukamilisha sentensi ifuatayo: "Hiki _______ kitabu chetu."
(a) ndio (b) ndicho (c) ndiyo (d) ndivyo ( )
9. Malipo yaliyotolewa kwa kumwoza binti ni _______
(a) mahali (b) fahari (c) mahari (d) fahali ( )
10. Neno lenye maana sawa na neno utajiri ni _______
(a) ukiritimba (b) ufura (c) ukwasi (d) upole ( )
11. Mtu anayeongoza meli huitwa _______
(a) dereva (b) nahodha (c) rubani (d) kiongozi ( )
12. Kinyume cha neno "Baraka" ni kipi?
(a) balaa (b) Baraka (c) laana (d) huruma ( )
13. _______ ni mtu anayeipenda nchi yake.
(a) mtumwa (b) gaidi (c) mzalendo (d) hasidi ( )
14. Andika neno moja lililotofauti na mengine kati ya haya:
(a) umeme (b) jua (c) mawingu (d) taa ( )
15. "Wewe ni kijana mdogo." Neno "wewe" katika sentensi hii liko katika nafsi gani?
(a) nafsi ya pili (b) nafsi ya tatu (c) nafsi ya kwanza (d) nafsi ya tatu umoja ( )
16. Ungelikubali kuondoka na sisi _______ ukumbini.
(a) Usingechelewa (b) Usingachelewa (c) Usingelichelewa (d) Usingalichelewa ( )
17. Neno lipi ni kinyume cha neno "kumbuka"?
(a) sahau (b) tafakari (c) fikiri ( )
18. Ukuta wa nyumba yetu umeanguka. Wingi wa sentensi hii ni _______
(a) kuta za nyumba zetu zimeanguka (b) ukuta wa nyumba zetu umeanguka (c) kuta za nyumba yetu zimeanguka ( )
19. Kule _______ alikuwa akiishi mjukuu wako.
(a) Ndiko (b) Ndipo (c) Ndimo (d) Ndiyo ( )
20. Wingi wa neno "kiti" ni _______
(a) Maviti (b) Kiti (c) Viti (d) Vyeti ( )
21. Miwani ni ya macho _______ ni ya shingo.
(a) bangili (b) mkufu (c) urembo (d) hereni ( )
22. Alijitahidi kukimbia _______ hakuweza.
(a) hivyo (b) basi (c) kwahiyo (d) lakini ( )
23. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho: Nikimwita huitika nikienda simkuti.
(a) mwangwi (b) sauti (c) umeme (d) kisogo ( )
24. "Damasi ni mtoto wa watu." Nahau hii ina maana kuwa Damasi ni _______
(a) mpole (b) mkarimu (c) tajiri (d) mvivu ( )
25. "Kuandika meza" ni _______
(a) kuandika juu ya meza (b) kuleta chakula mezani (c) kula chakula mezani (d) kuandika chakula mezani ( )
26. "Nasuka mkeka lakini siku zote nalala chini." Maana ya kitendawili hiki ni _______
(a) mkeka (b) mti (c) mbaazi ( )
27. "Mgaagaa na upwa _______ "
(a) mwishowe huwa mganga (b) hali wali mkavu (c) huishia ufukweni ( )
28. "Mimi nyumba ya udongo _______ "
(a) siogopi vishindo (b) nyufa hutokea (c) sifanani na sakafu (d) sihimili vishindo ( )
29. "Chakubanga ana mkono mrefu." Nini maana ya nahau "mkono mrefu"?
(a) tapeli (b) mwizi (c) mlemavu ( )
30. "Heri kufa macho kuliko _______"
(a) kufa mwili (b) kufa moyo (c) kufa mdomo wazi ( )
### SEHEMU C: Kamilisha muundo wa barua ifuatayo
31. _______________________
32. _______________________
Salamu za mwanzo
33. _______________________________________________
34. ____________________________
35. _______________________________________________
36. Huo ni muundo wa aina ipi ya barua __________________________
Panga sentensi zifuatazo kwa kuzipa herufi A, B, C, na D ili zilete mtiririko mzuri wa habari:
37. Baadhi ya mambo yanayochangia kuenea kwa gonjwa hatari la UKIMWI ni kuchangia vifaa vya kutogea masikio, vifaa vya kutahiria, ngono isiyo salama na kutoka kwa mama mjamzito kwenda kwa mtoto wakati wa kujifungua na kunyonyesha.
38. Dalili ya gonjwa hili ni homa za mara kwa mara, kupungua uzito, upungufu wa damu mwilini, ukurutu, kuvimba matezi na kuharisha.
39. Ili kuzuia gonjwa hili la hatari lisienee, hatuna budi kuepuka kuchoma sindano za mitaani zisizochemshwa, kutochangia vifaa vya kutogea masikio na kutahiria, kuwa waaminifu na kusubiri, hivyo Tanzania bila UKIMWI itawezekana.
40. UKIMWI ni ugonjwa hatari usiokuwa na tiba wala kinga ambao huleta madhara makubwa kama kudidimia kwa uchumi na kuongezeka kwa watoto yatima.
Soma shairi kwa kina kisha jibu maswali yafuatayo:
1. Wanafunzi mashuleni, kuweni wenye nidhamu,
Masomo zingatieni, ulegevu uwe sumu,
Yamana jifunzeni, kutoka kwao walimu,
Nidhamu kwa wanafunzi, ni msingi wa Elimu.
2. Wengi wenu hawajali, darasani kucheza tu,
Mafunzo maadili, anayostahili si kitu,
Hataki kubadili tabia hiyo ya kutu,
Nidhamu kwa wanafunzi, ni msingi wa Elimu.
3. Elimu mnayopata, siyo mwisho kujifunza,
Masomo yakikupita, dunia itakufunza,
Utakuwa ukipita, mtaani wakufyonza,
Nidhamu kwa wanafunzi, ni msingi wa Elimu.
41. Vina katika ubeti wa pili ni ________________________
42. Mshororo katika ubeti wa mwisho una mizani ___________________
43. Shairi hili lina beti ________________________
44. Nidhamu kwa wanafunzi ni Msingi wa Elimu. Sentensi hii ina maana kuwa ________________________
45. Kichwa cha shairi hili kinafaa kiwe ________________________
**SEHEMU "A" Andika namba zifuatazo kwa maneno**
1. 59
2. 60 --
3. 101 --
4. 500 --
5. 758 --
**SEHEMU B : Andika kwa tarakimu.**
6. Elfu moja = ..............................
7. Arobaini na mbili =.....................................
8. Mia tatu na tatu =.....................................
9. Kumi na tisa =............................
10. Mia nne na ishirini =...........................
**SEHEMU C: Famya hesabu zifuatazo:**
11. 471
12. 555
\- 234
13. 426
14. 654
15. 782
SEHEMU D : Andika kwa namba sehemu iliyotiwa kivuli
**SEHEMU "E" : Andika majina ya maumbo yafuatayo**
23. =
**SEHEMU F :Chora fedha zifuatazo**
24. 200 =
25. 1000 =
One day the two friends walked to a desert. On their way passed through
rocks, stones and camels found in a desert.
It was very hot and sandy. So they [took]{.underline} out their bottle
of water, but the other boy realized he forget to pick his bottles of
water to their journey. So he suddenly snatched the empty bottle.
His friend slapped him because of anger as he was also thirty. The
friend realized his mistake took a piece of paper and wrote "I am sorry"
then placed it on a rock.
**Sikiliza kifungu cha habari kwa makini kasha jibu swali la kwanza**
Sungura alipokuwa amejipumzisha kichakani kutokana na jua kali, mara
akamwona kobe akipita karibu na kile kichaka kwa mwendo wa taratibu sana
kuelekea mtoni kuogelea. Sungura aliamua kumchokoza kobe kwa kumcheka na
kumdhihaki kwa kumwambia "Miguu yako ni mifupi sana na unatembea
polepole sijui kama utafanikiwa kufika mtoni leo".
Kobe alijisikia vibaya kiasi japo alijiamini kuwa utembeaji wake uko
vizuri na atafika mtoni salama. Kobe akatabasamu na kumjibu Sungura
"Unaweza kudhani unatembea haraka lakini nikuhakikishie mimi ni zaidi
yako kwa mbio na huwezi kunishinda kamwe". Sungura alicheka kwa dharau.
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Idhini |


| Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials |
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# Instructions
1. This paper consists of section A, B, C, D and E with total of five questions 2. answer all questions in each section in a space provided 3. write your names on the question paper provided 1. **Choose the best correct answer and write it's letter in the box provided**
(i) Living things has the following characteristics, which is not a characteristics of living things?
A. reproduction B. Growth C. Crying D. Breathing
(ii) Sound that is reflected and heard at a second time is called ___
A. Music B. Noise C. Echo D. Image
(iii) What will happen if light passes through different media?
A. refraction B. Reflection C. Shadow D. echo
(iv) Which device is a modern communication device?
A. Telephone B. Drum C. Horn D., Messenger
(v) Things that make environment dirty are called _____

A. Pollutants B. Pollution C. Radiation D. Respiration
2. Answer **items I-V by matching statements about parts of a radio in LIST**

A with their corresponding functions in LIST B 
A. used to search radio stations
 B. pick signals or waves from broadcasting station C. area where dry cells are placed D. turn ON or OFF a radio E. produce sounds 3. answer items i-v by choosing the correct word from the box and write in a space provided Photosynthesis, pollution, carbon dioxide, hydroelectric power, Horn
(i) ___________is an example of traditional tools of communication
(ii) The introduction of harmful things to the environment is called (iii) Electricity generated from running water is called ____________ (iv) The gas required by plants during the day is called __________
(v) The process whereby plants make their own food is called ______
4. **You are given steps of brushing your shoes. Arrange these sentences**
by giving them letters A-E (i) Apply shoe polish evenly to the shoes _____ (ii) Collect materials necessary for polishing shoes like shoe brush, shoe polish and shoes_____
(iii) Brush the whole shoes using a shoe brush _____ (iv) Leave the polished shoes to the sunlight for at least five minutes ____ (v) Take shoes and wear it____

(ii) Give the name of the part labeled by letter "y" _____________________ (iii) The part that conduct electricity from one point to another is labled by letter
(iv) What is the name of the part labeled by letter W _______________________ (v) Give one sources of electricity that you know _________________________


MARCH, 2024
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| 1.(a) | Our mathematics teacher asked us a question to write the following number in word 40040. Who was the most correct answer? | | |
| (b) | The homework given by the teacher was as follows" write 29264 in expanded form" What is the most correct answer? | | |
| (c) | Cocacola company produced "sixty thousand and sixteen" Bottles of soda. Write the number of bottles of soda in numerals | | |
| (d) | Write the number whose ten thousands is 1, thousands 7 hundred is 1 tens 2 and ones 8 | | |
| (e) | Juma, Ali and Rose were completing in mathematics. One day the teacher came and gives them a question. "Which number was expanded to 80000 +600+4+1000 if all got the question what was the answer? | | |
| 2.(a) | Which digit of the number 78421 has the place value of thousands? | | |
| (b) | Find the total value of 8 in the number 48065 | | |
| (c) | Oscar volleyball team is 49 years old since its establishment. Write those years in roman numbers | | |
| (d) | My brother has thirty nine hens. Write his number of Hens in Roman numbers | | |
| (e) | Find the missing number in the following sequence IV, VIII, XII, __, XX | | |
| 3 (a) | Arrange the numbers below from the smallest to largest 212, 202, 97, 300,200,210 | | |
| (b) | Fill the missing number in the following sequence 10, 20,30,40 _____ | | |
| | (c) | In the sequence below, what is the next number? 472, 372, 272, 172, ______ |
| (d) | A businessman bought 64 oranges 42 pawpaw, 100 mangoes and 98 bananas. Rearrange the name of fruits according to quality from the largest to smallest quantity | |
| (e) | Write the missing numbers in the following sequence of roman numbers X, XV, XX,XXV, ________,XXXV | |
| 4 (a) | Kambarage primary school elects its leader after five years. If the last election was done in the year 2020, in which year the next election done? | |
| (b) | My padlock needs a combination of four digits to open t. If it is opened by the smallest number formed by the digit 8, 6, 0 and 7, what is the key to open the padlock? | |
| (c) | Joseph has five children whose ages differ by 5 years from each other. If the first born is 35 years old. How old is the fourth child? | |
| (d) | Leonard thought of a number he obtained the next number by adding 5 to the previous number. If the first number he thought is 20, what will be the fifth number in that pattern? | |
| (e) | Anna's score increased by 10 marks every year. If she got 40 marks in the first year, what will be her score in the fourth year? | |
| 5(a) | Mrisho had 9823 goats and sold 9797 goats. How many goats did he remain with? | |
| (b) | In Masanja's farm there are 846 goats, 8076 sheep and 405 chickens. What is the total number of animals in the Masanja's farm? | |
| (c) | Maweni primary school has 8365 pupils. If the school has 3082 Girls. How many boys are there in the school? |
| (d) | Calculate the value of Y 2 4 7 5 + 789 32Y4 |
| (e) | Find the missing number represented by letter "W" 9 8 4 3 - 6 2 w 9 3 6 1 4 |




TIME: 1:30 HRS
MARCH, 2024
| | Score | Checker's Initials |
| Question | Examiner's Initials | |
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# Instructions
1. Attempt all questions SECTION A: DICTATION
1. Listen carefully to the sentences read in (i) to (v) and then write them in the spaces provided
(i) ________________________________________________________ 
2. Choose the correct answer and in (i) - (v) and then write its letter in the box provided (i) The sister of your mother is your ___
A. Aunt B. sister –in law C. Mother D. uncle
(ii) The newly born dog is called a ________

A. Calf B. puppy C. chick D. kitten
(iii) My brother makes all wooden materials like chairs, tables and beds.
This means he makes __________ A. Timber B. furnitures C. furniture D. trees
(iv) A place where food is cooked is called __________
A. Dinning B. Chicken C. Market D. Kitchen
(v) The day after today is called ______________
A. Yesterday B. Monday B. Tomorrow D. weekend 3. **Fill in the blank spaces with the correct word provided in the brackets**
(i) Shaban and Anna ______ to school yesterday (go, went, goes) (ii) That car belongs to Oscar. It is ___________ (his, him, them) (iii) My house is _______.___ than yours. (big, bigger, biggest) (iv) We ________________ eating now. (are, was, were)
(v) Magreth is the ________________ girl in our class ( beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful )
## Section C: Composition
4. Re- arrange the following jumbled sentences in a good order by giving them letters A, B, C, D and E (i) Then she goes to school at seven o'clock (ii) She wakes up at ahalf past six (iii) Dina has ten years old (iv) She greets parents and gets breakfast (v) She is in class four

5. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions. (i)
to (v) by writing the answers in the spaces provided. Joyce and Janeth are twins, they live in Sikonge. They are in class four at Majengo primary school. Their sister Gloria is in class five at Mbirani primary school, it is a boarding school One day Joyce and Janeth decided to write a letter to their sister. They wanted to tell her about their progress in studies QUESTIONS (i) What are twin's name? ____________________________________ (ii) What is their sister's name? ________________________________ (iii) Where dothe twins live? __________________________________ (iv) What is the name of their school? ____________________________ (v) What is Gloria's school name? _______________________________

CONTACT:0754 579 723 NAME

| Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials |
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| 1 | | | |
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# Attempt All Questions
## Section A
1. Answer item (i) - (v) by choosing the correct answer and write its letter in the brackets provided.
i. Which of the following activities leads to the destruction of the Environment?______
A. Slashing the grasses B. Watering gardens C. careless cutting of the trees D. The use of farm yard manure ii. The way of expressing feelings, ideas, or information to

Another person or group is called_____
A. Communication B. Speaking C. Talking D. Whispering iii. Which of the following leads to the Pollution of water sources?_______
A. The modern way of keeping animals B. Harvesting rainwater C. Drawing water from the river D. Bathing in the rivers.
iv. T h e leaders of the pupil's government are:______
A. Head teacher and discipline teacher B. Parents and prefects C. Head prefects, assistant head prefects, and prefects D. Head teacher and parent v. Why are children advised not to receive money and gifts from unknown people?_______
A. To free them from laziness B. To free them from temptation C . To prevent poverty D. To prevent richness 2.Match the questions in List A with the answer in List B then write the letter of the correct answer in the grid **provided;**
| i. | Integrity | A. | The act of pretending to believe something but acting in a different |
| S | | | |
| ii. | Resilience | ma B. nA neprroblem that someone faces when performing a particular activity | |
| iii. Hypocrisy | C. The natural ability of a person to do things well |
| iv. Challenge | D. The ability to withstand and face life challenges E. A good example of a patriotic |
3. Answer the following questions (i) - (iv) by choosing the correct answer from the choices given in the brackets and writing it in the blank spaces **provided.**
i. The act of someone doing the duty assigned to them is known as ______________
(Responsibility, right, being faithful) ii. Which among the following is the responsibility of children?
(to be loved, to get food, to do simple and light duties or work)
iii. For children to get immediate help when they need it, they Should be ______________ (honest, negligent, hypocrites)
iv. The act of children participating in decision-making is known as ___________
(Maturity of the child, child's rights, child's responsibility)
| | done for you. Actions | Right | Responsibility |
| i. | To be educated | | |
| ii. | To play different games | | |
| iii. | To help your younger brothers and sisters and elders | | |
| iv. | To be loved and given all basic needs | | |
| v. | To do your school work and to follow school rules | | |
4. Answer question questions (i) - (iv) by showing the actions that **show rights**
and responsibilities by putting ( ) in the correct place. The first one has been done for you.
5. Study the following picture and then answer the questions below.
i) What is the name of the picture above? _____________________
 ii) What does shield and spear represent on the national symbol above? __________ iii) Who composed the symbol above? __________________
6. **Short questions**
i) Our national flag has _______________ colours. ii) _________________is the books that has rules and regulations for governing an organization or a country.
iii) Who supervises pupils' behaviour at school? __________________________ iv) Tanzania national currencies are in form of notes and coins. Which organ is responsible for controlling our national currency? _____________________



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MARCH, 2024
# Attempt All Questions
1. Answer item (i) - (viii) by choosing the correct answer and write its letter in the brackets provided.
i. Everything that surrounds us is known as:- [ ]
a) vegetation b) the environment c) physical features d) a map ii. Which of the following is NOT a food crop?
a) beans b) sisal c) yams d) cassava [ ]
iii. Cutting down trees without planting others is one way of _____ the environment.
a) conserving b) destroying c) polluting d) maintaining[ ]
iv. Which of the following is NOT a way of controlling the effects of arming on the environment? [ ] a) deforestation b) crop rotation c) land fallowing d) contour pouching vi. The fourth planet in the solar system is :-
a) mercury b) Earth c) Neptune d) mars [ ]
v. Mercury, Venus, Earth, mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn and Neptune are all a) asteroids b90 meteoritesc) planets d) stars [ ]
vii. Transportation, trade, mining, and fishing are referred to as:- [ ]
a) Economic activities b) business activities c) social activities d) Political activities viii. One of the causes of soil erosion is a) Keeping manageable livestock in an area b) Planting trees where there is non. [ ] c) Keeping many livestock in a small area d) Use of environmental laws effectively
| 2. | Match the items of list A with those in list B LIST A | LIST B | | | |
| i) | Extended family | A | Hearing, reading, observing Explains symbols of the map. | | |
| | | B | | | |
| ii) | Mulching | C | Fought with Germans. | | |
| iii) | Kinjekitile Ngwale | D | Applying cover to prevent soil erosion | | |
| iv) | Ways of obtaining information. | E | Made up of mother, father, children and other relative | | |
| v) | A key. | Tradition | | | |
| | | F G | Made of one parent | | |
| Question | i | ii | iii | iv | v |
| Answer | | | | | |

2. Read the following passage and answer questions that follow There are more than 120 tribes in Tanzania. All these tribes live peacefully with one another in the community. Peace prevails because of tolerance that they have for one another. Second, all people are united by one National language Kiswahili. They share resources like Land, water and other things peacefully.
i. Tanzania National Language is _________________________________ ii. There are how many tibes in Tanzania ___________________________ iii. All people are _______________by one National language Kiswahili. iv. The tribes of Tanzania live __________________________ with one another in the community.
4. Study the following picture below and **answer the questions which follow** Questions i. Name the former president of Tanzania in the picture above ___________________
ii. Before a person in the picture above became a president of Tanzania was a prime minister of which country? ___________________________
iii. The former president in picture above is also known as the father of ______________
5. Fill in the blank space i. ______________is the total way of life of given people. ii. ______________is one of the importance of the sun. iii. A day to day of a condition of atmosphere is called _____________________ iv. Two advantages of clean environment are:
a) _________________________________________________ b) _________________________________________________
v. A type of family made up of children who have no parents is called



| Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials |
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1. **sikiliza kwa makini sentensi zinazosomwa na mwalimu kisha andika**
kwa usahihi.
i) ______________________________________________________ ii) ______________________________________________________ iii) ______________________________________________________ iv) ______________________________________________________ v) ______________________________________________________
2. **Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi.**
i) Mpunga, Mahindi na Mtama ni mazo ya:

ii) Mtu anayetengeneza samani anaitwa: iii) Kwaheri, ninakwenda zangu_________


 iv) Kinyume cha amka ni:
 v) Napenda chai yenye sukari__________tu.

## Sehemu C: Lugha Ya Kisanii
3. **Oanisha sehemu A na B ili kukamilisha methali**.
| i) | ii) | iii) | iv) | v) |
| i) | Chanda chema | A. | Hondoa maarifa |
| ii) | Prrr prr hadi maka | B. | Lewa pombe |
| iii) | Akili nyingi | C. | Huvikwa pete |
| iv) | Bandubandu | D. | Huisha gogo |
| v) | Vaa miwani | E. | Utelezi |
## Sehemu D: Utungaji
4. Chunguza jedwali lifuatalo kisha andika vinjwaji vitano visivyo na kileo.
| B | I | A | J | U | I | S | I | T |
| M | A | Z | I | W | A | F | S | O |
| A | S | A | L | I | B | CH | O | G |
| J | O | T | O | K | A | A | D | W |
| I | K | O | M | O | N | I | A | A |
i) ___________________________________
 ii) ___________________________________ iii) ___________________________________ iv) ___________________________________ v) ___________________________________
## Sehemu E: Ufahamu
5. **Soma shairi lifuatalo kisha jibu maswali.**
Kusahau ni kubaya, kwa kwa niletea majuto, Leo kwanitoa haya, ukweni kama mtoto, Nimepoteza hidaya, mwisho ni masikitiko, Nimelitafuta shoka, wakati liko begani. Niliivunja safari, kuuliza majirani, Mwenyewe sina habari, nahema barabarani, Moyoni natafakari, nimesahau nyumbani, Nimelitafuta shoka, wakati liko begani.
i) Taja matatizo matatu ya kusahau.


iii) Kwa nini mtunzi anasema aliivunja safari?______________________ iv) Wakati mwandishi analitafuta shoka alikuwa ameliweka wapi?____________________ v) Andika neno moja linalofaa kuwa kichwa cha shairi hili.__________________________

i) Askari walitembea polepole.
ii) Dada anapenda kuvaa nguo fupi. iii) Wageni walipofika walipewa maji. iv) Shangazi amemkodolea macho utingo. v). Vijana wanacheza mpira.


i. My mother. ii. Likes cooking food. iii. She cook delicious food. iv. Examples of food cooked by her. v. Are rice and meat |
**Jibu Maswali yote uliyopewa**
**Chagua jibu sahihi**
1. Rangi ......................... Husharabu joto haraka.(a) Nyeupe (b)
njano (c) nyeusi { }
2. Vitundu vidogovidogo kwenye majani ya mimea huitwa..... .......
<!-- -->
(a) Spirako (b) stomata (c) matamvua . { }
<!-- -->
3. Aina ya lenzi inayotawanya miale ya mwanga ni ................ . { }
<!-- -->
(a) Mbonyeo (b) mbinuko (c) msawazo
<!-- -->
4. Vyura hupumua kwa kutumia..................... . { }
<!-- -->
(a) Spirako (b) Matamvua (c) Mapafu
<!-- -->
5. Simba ni mnayama ambaye yupo kwenye kundi la ................... { }
<!-- -->
(a) Hebivorasi (b) Kanivorasi (c) Omnivorasi
<!-- -->
6. ................... Ina sifa ya kuvuta vitu vyenye asili ya chuma. {
<!-- -->
(a) Sumaku (b) Mashine (c) Nyenzo
<!-- -->
7. Mimea hutengeneza chakula kwa kutumia nishati ya mwanga wa jua,
umbijani, maji na Gesi ya .......................... . { }
<!-- -->
(a) Oksijeni (b) Kabonidayoksaidi (c) Amoniamu
<!-- -->
8. Mbung'o hueneza ugonjwa wa ............................ . { }
<!-- -->
(a) Malale (b) Malaria (c) UKIMWI
<!-- -->
9. Damu ndani ya mwili husukumwa na ........................... { }
<!-- -->
(a) Moyo (b) Kongosho (c) Mapafu
<!-- -->
10. Chanzo kikuu cha asili cha mwanga ni ....................... { }
<!-- -->
(a) Jua (b) Mashine (c) Umeme
<!-- -->
11. Gamete ume huhifadhiwa kwenye ..................... . { }
<!-- -->
(a) Ovary (b) Uterasi (c) Korodani
<!-- -->
12. Kitu chochote kinachorahisisha kazi hufahamika kama ......\... { }
<!-- -->
(a) Nyenzo (b) Mashine (c) Metamofosisi pungufu
<!-- -->
13. Mtoto wa Panzi hufahamika kama....................... { }
<!-- -->
(a) Tunutu (b) Lava (c) Kiwavi
<!-- -->
14. Mchanganyiko wa gesi mbalimbali zisizoonekana na zinazozunguka anga
hufahamika kama ......................... . { }
<!-- -->
(a) Hewa (b) Maada (c) Unajimu
<!-- -->
15. Mimea hufyonza maji na virutubisho ardhini kwa kutumia......\... { }
<!-- -->
(a) Shina (b) mizizi (c) majani
<!-- -->
16. Muungano kati ya gamete ume na gamete uke hufahamika
<!-- -->
(a) Metamofosisi (b) utungisho (c) Ikolojia { }
<!-- -->
17. Gesi inayochukua kikubwa cha hewa angani kwa kiasi cha 78%
hufahamika kama ...................... (a) Kabonidayoksaidi (b)
Oksjeni (c) Naitrojeni { }
18. Mchanganyiko wa maji, chuma na hewa ya Oksijeni tunapata
<!-- -->
(a) Mbolea (b) kutu (c) Uchavushaji { }
<!-- -->
19. Hali ya mwili kushindwa kugandisha damu pindi mtu anapopata jeraha
hufahamika kama ......... { }
<!-- -->
(a) Hemofilia (b) Haimogrobini (c) Pangusa
<!-- -->
20. Mashine ambazo huundwa na mashine rahisi mbili au zaidi........ { }
<!-- -->
(a) Tata (b) Rahisi (c) Ngumu
<!-- -->
21. Uwiano kati ya uzito wa mzigo na Jitihada iliyotumika kunyanyua au
kusogeza mzigo huo hufahamika kama ................ { }
\(a\) Mashine (b) Manufaa ya kimakanika (c) umeme
22. Iwapo kani ni Nyutoni 20 na umbali ni meta 50, kazi ni
.............. { }
<!-- -->
(a) Joule 1000 (b) Joule 2.5 (c) Nyutoni 1000
<!-- -->
23. Sm 10 x
Thamani ya **x** ni ............. { }
\(a\) Meta 5 (b) sm 5 (c) meta 200
24. Waya mwembamba unaoruhusu kupitisha kiwango Fulani cha umeme katika
sakiti hufahamika kama ....................
<!-- -->
(a) Ampia (b) Fyuzi (c) Amita { }
<!-- -->
25. Chuma kikipata joto kina tabia ya .....................
<!-- -->
(a) Kusinyaa (b) kutanuka (c) kuganda { }
<!-- -->
26. Kitu chochote chenye uzito na kinachochukua nafasi hufahamika kama
...............{ }
<!-- -->
(a) Maada (b) Sayari (c) Taswira
<!-- -->
27. Sumu inayopatikana katika sigara hufahamika kama .......... { }
<!-- -->
(a) Alkoholi (b) Nikotini (c) Thiodani
<!-- -->
28. Alama ya H~2~0 hufahamika kama ......................... { }
<!-- -->
(a) Maji (b) Gesi (c) Mazingira
<!-- -->
29. Ogani inayochuja mkojo ni ..................... { }
<!-- -->
(a) Mapafu (b) Figo (c) Moyo
<!-- -->
30. Mmeng'enyo wa chakula huanzia mdomoni na kuishia ..... { }
<!-- -->
(a) Utumbo mpana (b) utumbo mwembamba (c) Tumboni
<!-- -->
31. Tunapoota moto joto hutufikia kwa njia ya .............. { }
<!-- -->
(a) Mnunurisho (b) Mpitisho (c) myeyusho
<!-- -->
32. Sayari kubwa kuliko zote ni .................... { }
<!-- -->
(a) Mekyuri (b) Jupita (c) Dunia
<!-- -->
33. Virusi vya UKIMWI (VVU) hushambulia chembe chembe ..................
za damu . (a) Nyekundu (b) Nyeupe (c) Nyeusi { }
**[TIME: 2:30 Hours Thursday, 2^nd^ December 2021 a.m.]{.underline}**
- This paper consists of section A, B and C
- Answer all questions in section A and B and only one question in
section C
- All drawing should be in pencils
1\. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives
i\. Group I elements burn in Oxygen to form \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
A. Hydrogen B. Non -- metals Oxide C. Metal Oxides D. Carbondioxide
ii\. The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
is called \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
A. Valency number B. Atomic number C. Molecular number D. Mass number
iii\. What number of Faradays of electricity are required to deposit 4g
of Calcium from molten Calcium Chloride
A. 0.1 B. 0.2 C. 0.4 D. 0.3
iv\. A Nitrogen molecule forms covalent bonds. How many electrons are
shared between Nitrogen atoms?
A. 2 electrons B. 3 electrons C. 6 electrons D. 4 electrons
v\. Which of the following gases forms the highest percentage in the
A. Noble gas B. Nitrogen C. Carbon dioxide D. Oxygen
vi\. The molar mass of Sulphuric acid H~2~SO~4~ is
A. 9.8g B. 7.8g C. 10.8g D. 98g
vii\. Which of the following gases is insoluble in water?
A. Ammonia B. Carbon dioxide C. Hydrogen D. Sulphur dioxide
viii\. Which name is given to the uniform mixture of metals?
A. Alloys B. Compounds C. Ores D. Salts
ix\. What is the molar concentration of solution containing 1.75 moles
of the solute in 3litres of solutions?
A. 5.25M B. 1.71M C. 0.583M D. 1.75M
x\. What mass of solid Potassium Chloride is needed to prepare 250cm^3^
of 0.235M solution? (Use K= 39, Cl = 35.5).
A. 9.23g B. 31.1g C. 15.6 D. 4.38g
2\. Fill the blank spaces in each of the following sentences
a/ The strength or quantity of a chemical substance in a solution is the
b/ The reaction between acid and base is
c/ Ammonia is an example of
d/ The Avogadro's constant is
e/ Standard solution is
f/ End point in volumetric analysis is
g/ Water of crystallization is the
h/ Electrolyte is
i/ Electrolysis is
j/ Calcination is
3\. For each of the following reactions, write down a balanced chemical
equation that represents each case.
a/ The reaction between Calcium Carbonate and dilute Hydrochloric acid
b/ Neutralization reaction between Potassium Hydroxide and dilute Nitric
c/ The precipitate reaction that involves the mixing of Copper (II)
Sulphate and Sodium Hydroxide solution
d/ Combination reaction between Nitrogen gas and Hydrogen gas to form
Ammonia gas
e/ Displacement reaction between Zinc metal and dilute Sulphuric acid
4\. a/ Define the following terms
i/ Cathode ii/ Electroplating
b/ A current of about 25 amperes flowed through three electrolytic cells
of Copper Sulphate, dilute Sulphuric acid and Silver Nitrate solutions
which were connected in series for 1hour, 4minutes and 20seconds.
i/ The volume of Hydrogen and Oxygen liberated
ii/ The masses of Copper and Silver deposited
5\. The diagram below shows the process of extraction of Iron. Study it
and answer the questions that follow

(a)(i) Write the chemical equations for the reaction that takes place at
stages I, II and III
\(ii\) Fill the gaps A, B and C
\(b\) Comment on the temperature changes at each stage
\(c\) How can the metal be extracted
6\. a/ Define the following terms
i/ Empirical formula ii/ Molecular formula
b/ Compound L has a molecular mass of 84g. It has the following
percentage composition by mass; 28.6% Magnesium, 14.3% Carbon and the
rest is Oxygen.
i/ Find the molecular formula of compound L
ii/ Write the chemical name for compound L
7\. Write the Ionic equation for the following reactions
a/ Pb(NO~3~)~2(aq)~ + 2KI~(aq)~ PbI~2(s)~ + 2KNO~3(aq)~
b/ Zn~(s)~ + CuSO~4(aq)~ ZnSO~4(aq)~ + Cu~(s)~
8\. Indicate whether the following are physical changes or chemical
changes against each of the following statements
a/ Adding water to sugar to make a solution
b/ Burning Magnesium ribbon in the air to form Magnesium Oxide
c/ Melting of ice at 0${^\circ}$
d/ Sublimation of ammonium Chloride
e/ Neutralization reaction between caustic soda and dilute Sulphuric
acid \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
Answer only one question
9\. A solution of Hydrogen Sodium Carbonate was titrated with 1.68M
Nitric acid solution. 30cm^3^ of the solution required 28.75cm^3^ of the
Nitric acid for complete reaction. If the solution was prepared by
dissolving 120.56g of Carbonate to make 600cm^3^ of the solution,
determine the molecules of water of crystallization in the hydrated
Sodium Carbonate.
10\. A compound consists of Calcium 40%, Carbon 12% and Oxygen 48% by
mass. Calculate the empirical formula of the compound.
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<tr class="header">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td>Kuhakiki kazi za fasihi andishi kwa kuzingatia vigezo vya
<td>Kusoma na kuhakiki kazi za fasihi andishi.</td>
<p><strong>FEBRUARI JANUARI</strong></p>
<p>Uhakiki wa kazi za fasihi andishi.</p>
<p><strong>16 4</strong></p>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoz wanafunzi kwa kutumia majadiliano na kufafanua vigezo
vya uhakiki wa ushairi n akubainisha aina za ushairi.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kuhakiki fani na maudhui katika vitabu teule
vya ushairi yaani:-</p>
<p>‘’Mashairi ya Chekacheka’’</p>
<td><p>-Watataja nakufafanua vigezo vya uhakiki wa mashairi na aina za
<p>-Wanafunzi katika vikundi watahakiki fani na maudhui ya ‘’Mashairi ya
chekacheka’’ na ’Wasakatonge’</p></td>
<p>Vitabu teule</p>
<p>‘’Mashairi ya chekacheka</p>
<p>Mukulu P (na wenzake) 2009 Kiswahili kitukuzwe 4 Longman press. -TUMI
(1988) Kiswahili sekondari</p>
<p>-Taasisi ya elimu (1996) kiswahili kidato cha nne.Oxford press.</p>
<td>Kutumia mbinu ya maswali na vikundi kuhakikii fani na maudhui katika
vitabu teule vya ushairi ili kupima uelewa wao.</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td>Kukuza msamiati wa lugha</td>
<td>Kuwasiliana kwa mazungumzo na maandishi na watu katika muktadha
<td>Kuongeza msamiati.</td>
<td><p>(i)Uundaji wa maneno</p>
<p>(ii) Njia mbalimbali za kuunda maneno.</p></td>
<td>-Kuwaongoza kufafanua maana ya uundaji wa maneno na kuchunguza
mazingira yanayosababisha kuundwa kwa maneno mapya.</td>
<td>-Watafafanua maana ya uundaji wa maneno na kuchunguza mazingira
yanayosababisha kuundwa kwa maneno mapya.</td>
<td>-Matini yenye maneno yaliyoundwa kwa njia tofauti.</td>
<td>Kutumia mbinu ya maswali ili kupima uelewa kwa wanafunzi.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<td>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kwa kutumia maswali na majibu kuelezea njia za
kuunda maneno.</td>
<td>-Watataja njia za kuunda maneno na kuunda maneno kwa kutumia njia
<td>-Vipande vya maneno, silabi na herufi (Kwa ajiliya kuunda maneno
<td><p>Kutumia mbinu ya maswali ili kupima uelewa kwa wanafunzi</p>
<p>-Kutumia mbinu ya vikundi kuunda maneno.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2">Kuelezea kukua na kuenea kwa kiswahili baada ya uhuru
nchini Tanzania.</td>
<td rowspan="2">Kuelewa na kueleza kukua kwa kiswahili baada ya uhuru
nchini Tanzania.</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>M A C H I</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td>Ukuaji na ueneaji wa kiswahili baada ya uhuru.</td>
<td>Kuwaongoza katika majadiliano na bungua bongo wanafunzi kueleza
shughuli mabalimbali zinazowezesha ukuaji na utendaji wa kiswahili.</td>
<p>wataeleza kwa</p>
<p>mifano shughuli</p>
<p>za kijamii, kisiasa,</p>
<p>zinazowezesha kuenea kwa kiswahili.</p></td>
<td>Chati ya asasi zinazokuza kiswahili na dhima zake.</td>
<p>MUKULU, P (na wenzake) 2009 Kiswahili kitukuzwe</p>
<p>4 Longman & TUMI (1988) Kiswahili sekondari Short Prinit Dar es
salaam & Taasisi ya elimu (1996) Kiswahili ekondari 4 Oxford
<td>Kuuliza maswali kuhusu njia za kukuza na kueneza kiswahili.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">Kubainisha na kutunga kazi za Fashih Andishi.</td>
<td rowspan="2">Kutunga kazi za kifasihi na za kiadi kwa kutumia
kiswahili sanifu katika miktadha mbalimbali.</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>A P R I L I</strong></p>
<td>-Kutumia maswali na majadiliano na kuchunguza chati za asasi
zinazokuza na kueneza kiswahili nchini k.m vile BAKITA, TATAKI, UKUTA,
<p>katika vikundi</p>
<p>watajadili na</p>
<p>kubaini dhima</p>
<p>za kila asasi.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>Utungaji wa mashairi</td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini taratibu za uandishi katika
mashairi kwa kutumia mifano mbalimbali ya mashairi ya kimapokeo.</p>
<p>-Kutunga mashairi, tenzi na ngonjera kwa kuzingatia kanuni za
utungaji wa mashairi ya kimapokeo.</p></td>
<td><p>Wanafunzi katika vikundi wajadili na kubaini vipengele
vinavyofana au kutofautiana katika mashairi.</p>
<p>-Kutunga mashairi tenzi, ngonjera wakizingatia mada kama vile elimu
ya kilimo, jinsi ya kumhudumia mgonjwa wa UKIMWI.</p></td>
<td>-Matini zenye ushairi yenye maudhui mbalimbali kanda za sauti zenye
mashairi tenzi na ngonjera zilizoibwa na kugigizwa.</td>
<td>Kuwapima kwa kuwapa kazi za kutunga mashairi ya kimapokeo.</td>
<tr class="even">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3">Kuandika habari ndefu kiasi kwa kuzingatia taratibu za
<td rowspan="3">Kuwasiliana kwa mazungumzo na maandishi na watu katika
miktadha mbalimbali.</td>
<p><strong>A P R I L I</strong></p>
<td>(i) Kuandika insha za kiada.</td>
<td>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi katika majadiliano ya kubaini vidokezo muhimu
vya uandishi wa insha na muundo wa insha kwa kutumia matini kadhaa zenye
insha mbalimbali.</td>
<td><p>Wanafunzi katika vikundi wasome, kazi jadili na kubaini muundo wa
insha hizo na vidokezo muhimu vya uandishi wa insha.</p>
<p>-Kuandika insha zenye maneno yasiyo pungua 250.</p></td>
<td>Matini zenye insha zenye maudhui mbalimbali.</td>
<p>MUKULU, P (na wenzake) 2009 Kiswahili kitukuzwe</p>
<p>4 Longman & TUMI (1988) Kiswahili sekondari Short</p>
<p>Prinit Dar es salaam & Taasisi ya elimu (1996)</p>
<p>Kiswahili sekondari 4 Oxford Press</p>
<td>Kuwapima kwa kuwapa kazi za kuandika insha.</td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>M E I</strong></p>
<td>(ii) Uandishi wa hotuba</td>
<td>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini taratibu za uandishi wa hotuba na
kuwaongoza kuandika hotuba.</td>
<td>Wanafunzi kubaini taratibu za uandishi wa hotuba kwa kujibu maswali
na kuandika hotuba.</td>
<td>Matini mbalimbali za hotuba mbalimbali na kinasa sauti.</td>
<td>Kupima kwa kuwapa kazi ya kuandika.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>(iii) Uandishi wa risala</td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini muundo wa risala kwa kuchunguza
matini walizopewa na taratibu za uandishi wa risala.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza kuandika risala zenye hoja za ushawishi.</p></td>
<td><p>Wanafunzi katika vikundi wazichunguze, wajadiliane na kubaini
muundo wa risala walizopewa.</p>
<p>-Kuandika risala zenye hoja za ushawishi.</p></td>
<td>Matini za risala anuai, kanda za sauti zenye risala na kinasa
<td>Kuwasilisha risala darasani kwa njia ya maigizo.</td>
<tr class="even">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"><p>Kusoma na kuelewa habari ndefu kiasi cha
<p>-Kusikiliza na kuelewa kwamakini taarifa na habari zinazohusu
masualia ya ndani ya jamii.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2">Kusikiliza na kuelewa mazungumzo yaliyopo katika lugha
ya kiswahili.</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>M E I</strong></p>
<td>(iv) Uandishi wa kumbukumbu</td>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini na kujadili muundo wa
<p>-Kuwaongoza kuandaa igizo la mkutano na kuandika kumbukumbu za
<td><p>-Watajadili kubaini muundo wa kumbukumbu.</p>
<p>-Kufanya igizo la mkutano na kuandika kumbukumbu za mkutano.</p></td>
<td>Matini mbalimbali za kumbukumbu za mikutano.</td>
<td>Kuwasilisha risala darasani kwa njia ya maigizo.</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td>(i) Ufahamu wa kusikiliza.</td>
<td>Kuwasomea matini mbalimbali na kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujibu maswali
kutokana na matini walizosikiliza.</td>
<td>Kusikiliza matini na kujibu maswali kutokana na matini
<td>Matini zenye habari mbalimbali, taarifa kanda za kunasia sauti.</td>
<td>MUKULU, P (na wenzake) 2009 Kiswahili kitukuzwe 4 Longman & TUMI
(1988) Kiswahili sekondari Short Prinit Dar es salaam & Taasisi ya
elimu (1996) Kiswahili sekondari 4 Oxford Press</td>
<td>Kuwauliza maswali darasani kutokana na ufahamu waliosikiliza.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<p>JULAI - JUNI</p>
<p>1-2 & 1-4</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td>-Kusoma na kuelewa habari ndefu kiasiza kiswahili. -Kusikiliza na
kuelewa mazungumzo yaliyopo katika lugha ya kiswahili</td>
<td>Kusikiliza na kuelewa kwa kina taarifa na habari mbalimbali kutokana
na vyanzo vya habari zinazohusu maisha.</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>AGOSTI J U A I</strong></p>
<td>Ufahamu wa kusikliza</td>
<td>Kuwapa wanafunzi matini mbalimbali wazisome na kuwaongoza kujibu
maswali kutonan na matini walizosoma.</td>
<td><p>Kuwoma na</p>
<p>kutokana na</p>
<td>Matini zenye habari mbalimbali</td>
<td>Kuwauliza maswali darasani kutokana na matini walizosoma.</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td>Kuhakiki kazi za fasihi andishi kwa kuzingatia vigezo vya
<td>Kusoma na kuhakiki kazi za kifasihi Andishi.</td>
<td>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kuhakiki fani na maudhui katika vitabu
<td><p>Kusoma na</p>
<p>kuhakiki fani</p>
<p>na maudhui</p>
<p>katika vitabu</p>
<td>Vatabu teule.</td>
<td>Kutumia mbinu ya vikundi kuhakiki fani na maudhui ya vitabu
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="9"><p><strong>MTIHANI WA UTAMILIFU</strong></p>
<p><strong>MARUDIO NA MAANDALIZI YA NECTA</strong></p>

1.0. **IMPORTANT.**
The following specimens, chemicals and apparati should be provided to the centre. 2.1. **SPECIMENS.**
Cactus stems....................................................1 per 4 candidates Crabs................................................................1 per 4 candidates
Honey bee ......................................................1 per 4 candidates
Tibia bone........................................................1 per 4 candidates Hibiscus flower.................................................1 per candidate Tilapia fish.........................................................1 per 4 candidates Bean seedling ................................................1 per 4 candidates
Butterflies. .......................................................1 per 4 candidates
Orange fruit ....................................................1 per candidate
Mushrooms. .....................................................1 per 4 candidates
Lemon fruits.......................................................1 per candidate Dry grinded tea leaf........................................1 per 4 candidates
Spider................................................................1 per 4 candidates
| | Earthworm 1 per 4 candidate | s |
| | Sisal leaves 1 per 4 candidate | s |
| | Cassava medium size 1 per candidate | |
| | Carrot medium size 1 per 4 candidat | es |
2.2. **Chemicals.**
Iodine solution.
Benedict's solution.
Dilute hydrochloric acid solution.
1% copper (11) sulphate solution.
Sudan 111 solution. Distilled water.
Dilute sodium hydroxide solution.
Sucrose. Egg albumen powder. Starch powder. Glucose powder.
| 2.3. | APPARATI. |
| | test tubes …………………………………………….4 per candidate |
| | test tube rack ……………………………… ………1 per candidate |
| | Test tube holder …………………………… ………1 per candidate. |
| | Test tube brush ……………………………… ……. 1 per candidate. |
| | Petri dishes 5 per candidates |
| | Hand lens ……………………………………………..1per candidate. |
| | Source of heat ……………………………………….Bunsen banners. |
| | Beakers ………………………………………………...1 per candidate. |
| | Droppers ………………………………………………1 per candidate. |
| | Scalpel/knife…………………………………….……1 per candidate. |
| | Mortal and pestle……………………………………1 per candidate. |
| | Source of heat………………………………….……1 per candidate. |
| | Scalpel/knife |
Motor and Pesto |
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<tr class="header">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td>Kuhakiki kazi za fasihi andishi kwa kuzingatia vigezo vya
<td>Kusoma na kuelewa maandiko mbalimbali na kuhakiki kazi za fasihi
<p><strong>MACHI FEBRUARI JANUARI</strong></p>
<p>Uhakiki wa kazi za fasihi andishi.</p>
<td><p>Fasili ya uhakiki</p>
<p>Uhakiki wa riwaya</p>
<p>Uhakiki wa tamthiliya</p></td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kueleza dhana za uhakiki.</p>
<p>-Mhakiki na umuhimu wake.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kufasili na kujadili vipengele vya fani na
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kusoma vitabu teule na kuchambua fani na
maudhui ya</p>
<p>i)Watoto wa Mama Ntilie.</p>
<p>ii) Takadini.</p>
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kusoma kwa sauti na kuhakiki tamthiliya
<td><p>-Kueleza maana ya uhakiki, Mhakiki, na umuhimu wake na kuonesha
uhusiano wa mhakiki na mwandishi asilia.</p>
<p>-Kujadili na kubainisha misingi ya uhakiki kwa kuzingatia misingi ya
uhakiki wa fani na maudhui.</p>
<p>Kusoma vitabu teule na kuvihakiki.</p>
<p>-Kusoma tamthiliya teule.</p></td>
<td>TAHOSSA KIDATO CHA 3 mwaka 2012.</td>
<td>Vitabu teule</td>
<td>Katika makundi wanafunzi waweze kufasili kuonesha uhusiano na sifa
za mhakiki.</td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="9"><strong>MITIHANI PAMOJA NA LIKIZO FUPI.</strong></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<td>Kuzungumza na kuandiak Kiswahili sanifu<strong>.</strong></td>
<td>Mawasiliano kwa mazungumzo</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>A P R I L I & M A C H I</strong></p>
<td rowspan="2"><p><strong>3</strong></p>
<td><p>Fasili ya ngeli</p>
<p>Mikabala ya uainishaji ngeli za nomino.</p></td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kueleza fasili ya ngeli kwa mifano.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili mkabala wa kimapokeo kwa kutunga
sentensi anuai.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza kujadili mkabala wa kisasa kwa kutumia riwaya ya
uapatanisho wa kisarifu</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kutaja na kupanga nomino zilizo katika ngeli
kisha kujadili mapungufu ya kila mkabala.</p></td>
<td><p>-Kueleza fasili ya ngeli kwa mifano,</p>
<p>-Kujadili mkabala wa kimapokeo kwa kutunga sentensi.</p>
<p>-Kujadili mkabala wa kisasa kwa kutunga sentensi.</p>
<p>-Kutaja na kupanga nomino katika makundi na kujadili mapungufu ya
kila mkabala.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Chati</p>
<td rowspan="2"><p>SAMIKISA</p>
<p>Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 3.</p>
<p>Kiswahili sekondari na vyuo.</p>
<p>Kiswahili kidato cha 3-Oxford.</p></td>
<td><p>Kwa njia ya maswala na majibu mwanafunzi aweze kufafanua
upatanisho wa kisarufi.</p>
<p>Kusoma na kuandika tungo zenye upatanisho wa kisarufi.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>Maana ya</td>
<td>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kueleza maana ya tungo</td>
<td>Kueleza maana ya tungo</td>
<td>Waweze kutofautisha tungo.</td>
<tr class="even">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<td><p>VITENDO VYA</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<p>na kuandika</p>
<p><strong>JUNI & MEI & APRILI</strong></p>
<p>1 -</p>
<p>2 - 3 - 4</p>
<td><p>Aina za tungo</p>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini tungo anuai</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kueleza dhima za tungo.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubainisha tungo virai.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kufafanua dhana ya virai kimuundo na
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubainisha virai kulingana na dhima.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wananfunzi kuchunguza matini na kubaini virai.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubainisha aina za vishazi na kutunga sentensi
zenye vishazi.</p></td>
<td><p>Kubainisha aina za virai na tungo nyingine.</p>
<p>-Kujadili na kueleza dhima ya tungo.</p>
<p>-Kuchunguza matini na kubaini virai mbalimbali vilivyojitokeza.</p>
<p>-Kujadili katika makundi na kubainisha tungo vishazi.</p>
<p>-Kutumia vishazi katika sentensi.</p></td>
<td>Chati ya aina za tungo.</td>
<p>-Kiswahili sekondari na vyuo.</p>
<p>-Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 3.</p></td>
<p>ya mazoezi mwanafunzi</p>
<p>aweze kubainisha</p>
<p>na kutofautisha</p>
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>AGOSTI JULAI ...........................................
<p>1 & 2</p></td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kueleza fasili na kutunga sentensi
<p>-Kwa kuzingatia kigezo cha maan na muundo, kuwaongoza wanafunzi
kueleza aina zake.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili maana, hatua zake na njia 4 za
uchanganuzi wa sentensi.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini misingi ya kuandika insha za wasifu,
hoja an za kisasa.</p>
<p>- Kuwaongoza wanafunzi namna ya kuandika insha za fasihi
<td><p>-Kueleza fasihi ya sentensi anuai.</p>
<p>-Kujadili aina tofauti za sentensi.</p>
<p>-Kujadili maana hatua 5 na njia nne (04) za uchanganuzi wa
<p>-Kubainisha misingi ya uandishi wa insha.</p>
<p>-Kuandika insha za hoja wasifu na za kisanaa.</p>
<p>-Kuandika insha za fasihi andishi.</p></td>
<td><p>Chati ya aina za tungo.</p>
<p>Chati ya Ngoe & Jedwali.</p>
<p>-Kiswahili Kitukuzwe kidato cha 3.</p>
<td><p>-Kwa njia ya maswali mwanafunzi achanganue sentensi kwa njia ya
ngoe na jedwali</p>
<p>-Kuandika insha.</p>
<p>Waweze kujibu maswali ya vitabu teule.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<td><p>VITENDO VYA</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">MAENDELEO YA KISWAHILI</td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>ASILI YA KISWAHILI</p>
<p>KUKUA NA KUENEA</p></td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili kwa kifupi dhana za chimbuko la
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini kuwa Kiswahili ni kibantu kwa ushahidi
wa kiisimu (msamiati, Muundo, na kihistoria kwa mifano.</p></td>
<td><p>-Kujadili na kubaini asili ya lugha ya Kiswahili.</p>
<p>-Kubaini ubantu wa Kiswahili kwa ushahidi wa kiisimu na kihistoria
kwa mifano toka lugha za kibantu.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>-Kiswahili sekondari na vyuo.</p>
<p>-Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 3.</p>
<p>-Kiswahili kidato cha 3 (TIE)</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Kwa kuchunguza lugha za kibantu mwanafunzi aweze
kufananisha msamiati, miudo wa Kiswahili na wa kibantu.</p>
<p>-Mwanafunzi aweze kueleza ukuaji na ueneaji wa kiswahili enzi za
Waarabu na Wajerumani.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili sababu za kukua na kuenea kwa
Kiswahili kwa ujumla.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili, mchango wa Wakoloni, Waarabu,
Wajerumani an Waingereza katika kukua na kuenea lugha.</p></td>
<td><p>-Kutaja na kujadili sababu za kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili.</p>
<p>-Kutaja Wakoloni waliotawala Tanzania na kujadili mchango wao katika
kukuza, kueneza na kudumaza Kiswahili.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="9"><strong>MITIHANI YA KUMALIZA MUHULA WA TATU (3) NA
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"><p>Kubainisha na kutunga kazi za fasihi
<td rowspan="2"><p>Utungo wa kazi za fasihi andishi.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>NOVEMBA OK TOBA</strong></p>
<td>Utungaji wa fasihi andishi.</td>
<td><p>Utungaji wa hadithi.</p>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kufasili hadithi na kubainisha mikondo ya
hadithi. Mfano ujasusi, upelelezi, mahaba na kuandika riwaya fupi.</p>
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kufasili na kueleza dhima ya tamthiliya.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini misingi ya utungaji tamthiliya.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kutunga tamthiliya.</p></td>
<td><p>-Kufasili hadithi</p>
<p>-Kujadili mbinu za uandishi na kuandika.</p>
<p>-Kujadili fasili na dhima ya tamthiliya.</p>
<p>-Kubaini misingi ya utungaji tamthiliya.</p>
<p>-Kutunga tamthiliya.</p></td>
<td><p>Matini zenye hadithi</p>
<p>Matini yenye tamthiliya</p></td>
<td><p>Misingi ya Hadith i fupi (Mbunda Msokile)</p>
<p>Kiswahili kidato cha tatu.</p></td>
<td><p>Mwanafunzi aweze kupambanua mikondo ya hadithi na kutunga
<p>Waweze kutunga tamthiliya.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="9"><strong>MARUDIO TAHOSSA & LIKIZO</strong></td>
MTIHANI WA URAIA NA | # Jamhuri Ya Muungano Wa Tanzania

MUDA: **SAA 1:30**
## Maelekezo
1. Mtihani huu una sehemu A, B NA C zenye jumla ya maswali 6 yenye vipengele 35 vyenye jumla ya alama 50.
2. Jibu maswali yote katika kila sehemu kama unavyoelekezwa kwa kila swali.
3. Soma kwa makini maelekezo katika kila sehemu.
4. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwa kalamu ya wino, bluu au nyeusi kwenye nafasi uliyopewa. 5. Andika jina kamili/Namba ya mtahiniwa na taarifa zingine katika nafasi zilizoachwa wazi.
## 1. Chagua Herufi Ya Jibu Sahihi
(i) Je ni mbinu ipi kati ya zifuatazo inaweza kutumika kuitangaza shule yako? ________
A. Usafi wa Madarasa B. Ufaulu wa wanafunzi C. Utajiri wa wanafunzi D. Wingi wa walimu E. Uchangamfu wa wanafunzi
(ii) Ni kwa namna gani unaweza kushiriki kuhamasisha jamii kusaidia watu wenye uhitaji?_______ A. Kuwaomba kuwatumia wanasheria B. Kuwatangaza hadharani C. Kufanya majadiliano na vyama vya upinzani D. Kutoa taarifa kupitia mitandao ya kijamii E. Kuomba misaada na mikopo.
(iii)Mambo yafuatayo yanaweza kutumika kuitangaza nchi yetu isipokuwa________
A. Michezo B. Mihadhara ya dini C. Matanganzo katika vyombo vya Habari D. Maonyesho ya kibiashara E. Mambo ya kisiasa
(iv)Jinsi na jinsia ni maneno mawili yenye maana tofauti. Je, ipi ni maana sahihi ya neno jinsi_______ A. Mgawanyo wa majukumu B. Tofauti ya kimaumbile C. Uhusiano kati ya wanaume na mwanamke D. Madaraka E. Wadhifa
(v) Zifuatazo ni tunu za Taifa letu isipokuwa_______
A. Uwajibikaji B. Lugha ya Kiswahili C. Mshikamano D. Ubinafsi E. Uzalendo
(vi)Jeshi la zima moto na uokoaji lilianzishwa mwaka 2007. Je, unafikiri ni lipi kati ya majukumu haya si jukumu la jeshi hilli? _______A. Kufanya uchunguzi na ukaguzi wa kina na hadhari kwa lengo la kujua chanzo cha moto B. Kutoa elimu ya zimamoto na uokoaji C. Kuzima moto D. Kukagua michoro ya ujenzi wa miundombinu E. Kutoa elimu ya usafi wa mazingira.
(vii)Mahali penye uhusiano mzuri jamii hushirikiana na huwa na maendeleo. Jambo lipi kati ya haya huharibu uhusiano mzuri_______
A. Mshikamano B. Uvivu C. Uwazi D. Kuheshimiana E. Kujitolea
(viii) Lipi kati ya yafuatayo ni kundi la watu wenye uhitaji wa kuhudumiwa kwa haraka__________ A. Viongozi, Watoto na walimu B. Viongozi , Watoto na wazee C. Walemavu, Watoto na wajawazito D. Wagonjwa, viongozi wa dini na Watoto E. Watoto, vijana na wazee
(ix)Tunawezaje kuwasaidia wenzetu kutohatarisha usalama wao_____ A. Kwa kuwasifia ubaya wa tabia zao B. Kwa kuwa mfano bora kwa matendo yetu C. Kwa kuwaacha waendelee na uzembe wao D. Kwa kuwaingiza katika matumizi ya mihadarati
(x) Ni kwa namna gani mwanafunzi anaweza kupata ufafanuzi wa jambo linalomtatiza wakati wa vipindi darasani?_________ A. Kuuliza maswali B. Kuwasilisha maoni C. Kuandika nukuu za somo D. Kusoma kwa bidii E. Kusikiliza upya
| 2. Oanisha sehemu a na sehemu b ili kupata maana kamili Na. SEHEMU A SEHEMU B i. ii. iii. iv. v. Rasilimali ________________ Madhara ya rushwa__________ Uzalendo _________________ Kuanzishwa kwa sheria ya mtandao___________ Kutumia mali za umma kwa maslahi binafsi_____________ A. Ukosefu wa huduma bora kwa jamii B. Wanyama, madini, milima na fedha C. 2015 D. Ufisadi E. Kujitoa kufanya kazi kwa juhudi na maar | ifa | |
| | kwa manufaa ya nchi. | |
| | F. | Usalama wa nchi |
| | G. | Ufanisi. |
3. Chagua maneno sahihi kwenye jedwali kukamilisha sentensi (i) –(v)
Jeshi la Polisi, 25.04.2015, Muda, Udadisi, Raisi wa Jamhuri wa Muungano wa Tanzania, Waziri Mkuu. (i) __________________________ ni rasilimali adimu kuliko zote duniani. (ii) Tabia ya kuhoji kitu wakati wa kujifunza darasani na nje ya darasa _________________ (iii)Kuidhinishwa kwa sheria ya makosa ya mtandaoni_______________________________ (iv)Chombo kinachohusika na ulinzi na usalama wa watu na mali zao.__________________ (v) Huchaguliwa na wananchi na kuapishwa na jaji mkuu wa Tanzania._________________
4. Umepewa vipengele vya mpango kazi wa kujitoloea, tumia herufi A - E kuzipanga
sentensi hizo kwa kuandika herufi ya jibu kando ya I hadi V:- A. Malengo B. Muda C. Mahitaji D. Utekelezaji E. Tathimini
(i) Je, mwanafunzi ameweza kufaulu mtihani kwa alama za juu? __________________ (ii) Vitabu, madaftari, penseli na kalamu______________________________ (iii)Kufaulu mtihani kwa alama za juu. ______________________________ (iv)Kufikia mwezi wa nane mwanafunzi aweze kufaulu mitihani ya ndani kwa alama za juu. ______________________________
(v) Kufundishwa darasani, Pamoja na kujisomea muda wa ziada. _________________
5. Katika kipengele (i-v) Andika jibu kwa maelezo mafupi
(i)Ni muhimu kila shule kufanya vikao vya kamati ya shule ili kamati ya shule iweze kusimamia shule vizuri. Je, ni nani katibu wa vikao vya kamati ya shule? _______________________________________
(ii) Mapambano dhidi ya vitendo vya rushwa yamekuwa na changamoto mbalimbali.
Zitaje tunu mbili za Taifa ambazo zinaweza kutumika katika mapambano hayo _______________________________ na _____________________________
(iii)Kwa mujibu wa katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania ya mwaka 1977, Mamlaka yote yenye kutekeleza Madaraka ya kutawala, kutunga sheria na utoaji wa haki, yatakuwa mikononi mwa mihimili ya dola, Je, kuna mihimili mingapi ya dola___________________________________
(iv)Moja ya majukumu ya Bunge ni kutunga sheria. Taja sehemu mbili za bunge
____________________________ na __________________________________
(v) Kwa nini mwanasheria mkuu wa Serikali ni mjumbe wa baraza la mawaziri wakati yeye si Waziri? ______________________________
## Sehemu C


6. Chunguza kwa makini picha ulizopewa kisha tumia picha hizo kujibu kipengele cha I –V (i) Picha hizi zinawakilisha baadhi ya vitu ambavyo hulitambulisha Taifa letu kwa

mataifa mengine. Je, kwa jina moja huitwaje ______________________________
(ii) Ni alama ipi kati ya hizo hutumika kama mhuri wa nyaraka za Serikali?
(iii)Mwenge wa uhuru hukimbizwa nchi nzima kila mwaka kwa lengo la kukagua miradi yote inayotekelezwa na Serikali. Je, kilele cha mbio za mwenge huo huwa ni tarehe ngapi? ______________________________
(iv)Ikiwa umeona shuleni kwenu bendera ya Taifa inapepea nusu mlingoti
(a) Je, inakuwa inaashiria nini? ______________________________ (b) Ni nani mwenye tamko la kutoa tamko la kupepea nusu mlingoti?
(v) Je, picha ya Twiga huashiria uwepo wa nini nchini? ___________________________ |
- **Answer all questions.**
1. Choose the correct answer among the given alternatives.
<!-- -->
i. The movement of people on a permanent basis is called..........
<!-- -->
(a) Temporary migration
(b) Migration ( )
(c) Shifting
<!-- -->
ii. Feudal system that existed in coastal regions of East Africa is
called ..........
<!-- -->
(a) Umwinyi
(b) Unyanyembe ( )
(c) Ubugabire
<!-- -->
iii. Assegai was the name of short stabbing spear which was used by
<!-- -->
(a) Wanyamwezi
(b) Hehe ( )
(c) Ngoni
<!-- -->
iv. One of the course of the Ngoni migration was....................
<!-- -->
(a) Land scarcity
(b) Conflicts among the Ndebele and Hehe ( )
(c) Hunger
<!-- -->
v. Which of the following was the first pre-colonial exploitative mode
of production?
<!-- -->
(a) Feudalism
(b) Capitalism ( )
(c) Slavery
<!-- -->
vi. Trader from the middle East and the Far East came to east Africa
through the Indian ocean with the help of....................
<!-- -->
(a) Ocean current
(b) Monsoon winds ( )
(c) Local winds
<!-- -->
vii. ................... Was a system of private ownership of land in
<!-- -->
(a) Batwazi
(b) Nyakabanga ( )
(c) Nyarubanja
<!-- -->
viii. In Tanzania the Maseko Ngoni group first settled in
<!-- -->
(a) Morogoro
(b) Kahama ( )
(c) Songea
<!-- -->
ix. The mode of production in which the major means of production were
owned and shared by all members of particular society
<!-- -->
(a) Communism
(b) Communalism ( )
(c) Capitalism
<!-- -->
x. The major trade item which were brought to the East African coast
from Asia during the early contact were.........................
<!-- -->
(a) Gold, copper, iron and jar
(b) Sugar, flour, porcelain and spices ( )
(c) Guns, gold, spears and porcelain
<!-- -->
2. Match the years in column A with the corresponding historical facts
in column B
| **COLUMN | **COLUMN "B"** |
| "A"** | |
| (i) 1835 | A. The death of Zwangendaba |
| | |
| (ii) 1818 | B. The collapse of Shaka's kingdom |
| | |
| (iii) 1845 | C. The death of Dingiswayo |
| | |
| (iv) 1820s | D. The weapon was introduced into East Africa by |
| | the Ngoni |
| (v) 1840s | |
| | E. Zwangendaba and his people crossed the river |
| | Zambezi |
| | |
| | F. The rise of the Zulu state |
| | |
| | G. Mzilikazi colluded with the Boers in the |
| | Transvaal region |
| | |
| | H. *Mfecane* |
| | |
| | I. The Boer Trek |
| | |
| | J. The Maseko Ngoni settled in Songea |
| | |
| | K. The Maseko Ngoni settled in Unyanyembe |
| | |
| | L. The beginning of the Ngoni Migrations |
3. Write the short notes on the following groups of the factors for
interactions between societies in pre -- colonial Africa.
<!-- -->
(i) Social factors
(ii) Economic factors
<!-- -->
4. Outline the ways in which a person became a slave
5. Write short notes on the following:-
<!-- -->
(i) Monsoon winds
(ii) Coastal city states
(iii) Intermarriage
<!-- -->
6. Mention the causes and effects of Mfecane
7. Explain the different between the forms of feudal feudalism
practiced in Buhaya and Rwanda
8. Define the following:-
<!-- -->
(i) Mfecane
(ii) Ngoni migration
(iii) Scorched earth technique
(iv) Cow-horn technique
<!-- -->
9. Define the following:-
<!-- -->
(i) Instrument of labour
(ii) Human labour
(iii) Objects of labour
(iv) Productive forces
(v) Relation of production
(vi) Mode of production
<!-- -->
10. Describe how the trader from Asia travelled to and from East Africa.


| Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials |
| number | | | |
| 1 | | | |
| 2 | | | |
| 3 | | | |
| 4 | | | |
| 5 | | | |
| Total | | | |
This paper consists of three sections A, B&C Answer all Questions SECTION: A (10Marks): Mathematical operations
| 1. i. | 9727 + 880 = | | |
| | ii. | 109991 - 1077 = | |
| iii. | 4414 x 45 = | | |
| iv. | 5555 ÷ 55 = | | |
| v. | 7 1 /2 + 4 3 /5 = | | |
| vi. | 103 /6 - 7 2 /10 = | | |
| vii. | 8 3 /6 x 2 2 /4 = 9 /4 ÷ 2 /3 = | | |
| vii. viii. | 8.26 x 2.0 = | | |
| ix. | (- 160) x (- 12) = | | |
| x. | 3.0880 + 6.2036 = | | |
| 2. | SECTION:B Word problems (6 Marks) | | |
| i. | | | |
| | Write 787 in roman numbers | |
| ii. | Change 73 /4% into a decimal | |
| iii. | Write 60 cm as a percentage of one metre. | |
| iv. | Find the sum of prime numbers between 12 and 22 | |
| v. | How many odd numbers are there from 21 to 29? | |
| vi. | Find the least common multiple (LCM) of 9, 20 and 50 | |
| 3. i | (6 Marks)@ 2marks What percentage of 40 is 20? | |
| | ii. | Find the missing fraction in the following sequence: |
| iii. | Calculate the square root of 529 | |
| 4. i | (6 Marks)@ 2marks Find the product of sum of even numbers between 27 and 37 and the sum of prime numbers between 38 and 48 | |
| ii. | In the football ground MCMIX were fans of Amos FC and DCCXVII were fans of Nuru FC. | |
| Write the sum of fans in Arabic numerals | | | |
| iii. | A bookseller bought a mathematics book for sh 1200. After six weeks he sold the same book at sh 1600. What percentage profit did he make? | | |
| 5. i | (6 Marks)@ 2marks Write the next number in the following sequence 3, 2, 0, - 3, - 7 __________ | | |
| ii. | Amina will sell her chicken at a price of 5,000/= she will get a loss of 2,000/=. How much is she supposed to sell to get a profit of 2,000/= | | |
| iii. | Find the square 51 /3 | | |
| 6.i | (6 Marks)@ 2marks Linda contested for prefect position at her school If she got 0.893 of total votes, what percentage of votes did she get? | | |
| | ii. | What is the difference between 91 /2 kg and 9350 grams? Give your answers in grams | |
| iii. | How many odd numbers between 10 and 30 are also prime numbers? | GEOMETRICAL | |
| 7. | SECTION:C | (10 Marks) | @ 2marks STATISTICS |
| AND | | SHAPES | |
| | i | What time will it be after converting 1940 hours into 12 hours by reading and writing in words? | |
| ii. | Mr. Ramadhani bought a radio for sh 550,000/= and sold for 445,000/=. Find the loss incurred | | |
| 8.i | The area of the figure below is 240m2 , if it base is 20m. find the height of the following figure h 20m | | |
| ii. | What should be the area of trapezium below 8cm S R 6cm P 6cm 3cmQ |
| iii. | Find the area of the figure below. If its perimeter is 63cm 15cm 15cm 10cm |


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## Answer All Questions
SECTION A: 15Marks Multiple choice questions 1. Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the brackets provided i. Planets use different time to complete their revolution around the sun. How many days does the earth take to complete its revolution around the sun?_______
A. One-day B) 24 days C) 366 days D) 360 days E). 180 day ii. The people of Kibaigwa village have cut down all trees around their village in order to make charcoal and firewood without replacing other trees. Which of the following environmental hazards might affect the people of Kibaigwa?______
A) Heavy rainfall B) Drought C) Earthquakes D) Tsunami E) Volcanic eruption iii. Land is a resource that if not well preserved endangers the life of living organisms and other resources. Which of the following is a proper way to preserve that resource?_______
A) To encourage people to use industrial fertilizers B) To encourage livestock keepers to increase the number of livestock C) To provide education on the proper use of land D) To stop planting trees in the bare lands E) To increase the numbers of peasants in farms iv. Standard six pupils were asked to mention advantages of planting trees in our environment. If he provided the following answers, which letter shows **incorrect** response?_________
A) To get shades for animals and people B) To attract rain formation C) To increase soil fertility D) to prevent soil erosion E) to get minerals v. Wind speed is measured by an instrument called anemometer, which unit among the following determines atmospheric pressure?________
A) Millibar B) Percentage C) Km/h D) Degrees centigrade E) Millimeters vi. Bugayambelele villagers attended the village meeting which aimed at providing education about the best methods of protecting water sources. Do you think which will be the incorrect method of protecting water sources as given by the moderator during the meeting?________
A) Recycling water B) Planting trees C) Using poison in fishing D) Purifying water E) Not cultivating near water sources vii. As an environmentalist club leader, what advice would you give to a person cutting trees frequently to obtain fire wood as a source of energy?________
A) Using alternative energy sources B) Cutting down trees at the middle of the forest not to be known C) Selling firewood and charcoal to generate income D) Keeping properly the remains of the cut trees E) Hiding from environmental management authorities viii. Grade six pupils measured and recorded the amount of water humidity in the atmosphere. Which one among the following represents the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere?________
A. 67% B) 29°C C) 500Mm D) 150 Mb E) 90Km/h ix. There are different winds blowing from one area to another on the earth's surface.
What type of winds blow from the south to the northern direction?________
A) Warm wind B) Western wind C) Dry wind D) Northern wind E) Southern wind x. Class three pupils learned that, there are eight planets on the solar system of which some are far away while others are closer to the sun. Which of the following is the nearest planet to the sun? _______
A) Jupiter B) Neptune C) Venus D) Mercury E) Earth xi. Tanzania has many tribes with both good and bad customs. Which custom has negative impacts to the society?________
A) Allowing pregnant women to eat eggs B) Circumcision of boys C) Female genital mutilation D) Giving women equal right as men E) Teaching boys and girls about ethics xii. Standard six pupils of Buhangija Primary School are planning for a study tour to see the remains of the earliest agricultural irrigation system used in the past. Which historical sites in Tanzania would you advise them to visit?_______
A) Kondoa Irangi B) Isimila C) Engaruka D) Amboni E) Olduvai gorge xiii. Mwl. Julius Kambarage Nyerere is recognized as "the father of the Nation" who willingly retired from powers in 1985. How many years did he serve as the president of Tanzania? _______
A) 19 B) 21 (C) 20 D) 22 E) 18 xiv. A tourist arrived in Tanzania via Kilimanjaro International Airport, and directly went to Ngorongoro National Park without the assistance of any person. Which of the following tools assisted him to reach his destination? _______
A) Scale B) Atmospheric C) Map D) Sun direction E) Photograph xv. My friend travelled to Europe to visit his aunt during holidays. It was very **cold**
and the day time was shorter when compared to the night. Which season is represented by the condition?________
A) Summer B) Spring C) winter D) Autumn E) Rainy
# 2. Match The Terminologies In List A With Their Right Facts From List B And Write Its
| i. | Keeping large number of animals in | A. Deforestation | |
| small piece of land | | | |
| ii. | Cutting down tree without replanting | B. Overgrazing | |
| others | | | |
| iii. | Planting trees in the area where there | C. Drought | |
| was no trees | | | |
| iv. | Replanting trees after cutting the | D. Afforestation | |
| previous ones | | | |
| v. | The removal of the top soil from one | E. Reforestation | |
| place to another | F. Soil erosion | | |
letter in the space provided in the middle of the table. (5Marks)
## Section B: 20Marks @2 Marks
3. Short questions
**Write your answer in the space provided by using a blue or black ink pen**
i. Teacher Brian was explaining to class three pupils about the planet which supports life. That planet has two movements namely rotation and revolution. Which planet was explained by the teacher? ____________________________
ii. After the great struggling for the colonies in Africa, chancellor **Otto von**
Bismarck from Germany decided to call the meeting of dividing Africa. When was that conference occurred? ___________________________________
iii. Gabriella is a class six pupil from little Treasures School. One day she was discussing with her friend about various types of scale. She mentioned a type of scale used in drawing large areas such as continent or country. Which type of scale is that? _________________________________
## 4. Answer Questions According To Instructions Given
i. A class five pupil drew a map in which his fellow pupils failed to identify where it belongs and the size of the area. Which essentials of the map were not obeyed?
a).__________________________ b)______________________________
ii. One day Happy traveled to greet her grandparents who are residing in Zanzibar. On the Way, she heard people discussing about various economic practices including agriculture. Which cash crop do you think is grown to the area where Happy was going?
iii.Tanzania is a country blessed with a wide range of minerals.In which Region we found Gold minerals? ________________________
5. Answer the questions according to the instructions.
i.a). Name the crop shown in the diagram below______________________

ii. What economic activity do you think is being carried out in the following photograph?

Answer: _____________________________________________
6. i) The situation of planting trees where there were trees at the beginning but they were cut down is called **__________________________________**
ii).Forced marriage, early marriage and female circumcision are among the bad traditions and customs in the society. List down (2) ways of fighting against bad traditions and customs.
SECTION: C **(10 Marks) @2 marks**
7. Read **the passage below then answer the questions that follow** Rainfall is the water droplets that fall down onto the ground surface from the sky. The amount of rainfall on the earth is measured by an instrument known as rain gauge. The standard unit for measuring rainfall is millimeters.
Rain condition varies from time to time in a year. In some months of the year, the heavy rains are experienced, while in some other months of the year little rains are experienced. For example, in Tanzania the long rainy season is experienced between March and May, while the short rainy season is experienced between September and December. Furthermore, Tanzania experienced hot and dry season between January and March. Rain is very important because it supports the growth of plants. It also adds water to the rivers, lakes and dams. On the other side heavy rainfall can lead to floods, which destroy people's property. Too much rainfall also can lead to the spread of disease like cholera and malaria. QUESTIONS
i. The water droplets that fall down on to the ground from the sky is called
ii. Which instrument is used to measure the amount of rainfall on the earth surface
iii. What is the standard unit of rainfall? __________________
iv. In which months does Tanzania experience the short rain season?
________________________ and __________________________
v. Tanzania experiences hot and dry season between the months of THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA


MARCH, 2024
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This paper consists of three **sections A, B&C** Answer all Questions SECTION A: (20 Marks)
1. Choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter i).Mtalemwa was asked to mention the animals which live part of their life in water and part on land. Which animals were Musa's answer _____
A. A. reptile B. Mammalian C. Fish D. Amphibians E. Aves ii).A farmer was wondering to see bees and butterfly moving from one flower to another in his garden, what was the intention of the insects to move from one flower to another flower? _ iii).Witness dreams to be an electrical engineer. She knows the meaning of all symbols basing in electricity. What does this symbol drawn by Witness mean ___
A. Resistor B. fuse C. Bulb D. Wire E. capacitor





iv).Teacher Beatrice asked pupils to give an example of fire extinguishers. Which one was the correct answer? ___________
A.Oxygen B. carbondioxide C. Petrol D. Animal dung E. Nitrogen v).Makrina used 10N. to push a wheelbarrow through a distance of 2m. find the work done?
A. 20J B. 0.0J C. 2000N D. 2000J E. 200J
vi).During the experiment an properties of light, our subject teacher dipped a pen in clean water, then a pen appears bent, why a pen appears bent when is in a glass containing clean water? _______
A. Because of refraction B. Because of reflection C. Because of fracture on a pen D. Water was broken E. The glass was broken vii).Our science and technology teacher insisted us not to wear black clothes during hotday what was his reason?_____
A. Black clothes reflect light B. Black clothes are shining C. Black clothes refract light D. Black clothes absorbs light rays E. is good in cold weather viii).Peter was asked by his father to mention an organism that undergoes four stages of growth. Which organism among the following insects did Peter mention? _____
A. Housefly B. cockroach c. Grasshopper D. Ant E. Crickets ix).Kelvin Erick kept an ice out of room at the sunlight. After ten minutes ice changed into water. What process took place to change that ice into water? ____
A. Evaporation B. Freezing C. Sublimation D. Steels E. Melting x).Rabani was guided to mention a gas which occupies a large percentage in air. What gas did he mention? _____
A. Oxygen B. carbon dioxide C. Nitrogen D. Argon E. Other gases
| 2. Match the question in List "A" with corresponding answer in List "B" LIST A LIST B i).Luminous objects A. Examples of liquid state ii).The speed of light B. 300,000 Km/s iii).Optics C. Is the energy that is in motion iv).Water, Milk and blood D. The study of light v).Kinetic energy E. The sun, electrical bulb and firef | lies |
| | F. Mirror, glass and the moon |
## 3. Fill In The Blanks _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
For question (i)-(v), write the answer in the space provided i).Emmanuel used a force of 50N to move through a distance of 5M. Find the work done of Emmanuel. ii).Why we consider a bat as a mammal? (two reasons) iii).If you were given a magnet with unknown pole, what would you do to determine the north or south pole? iv).Carbon dioxide gas exhaled by animals, plants uses it in photosynthesis. Mention two elements which form carbon dioxide
(a) _____________________________________________________________ (b) ______________________________________________________________
v).Miss Jacklin sells seedling and flowers in Mara town using plastic water bottles, paint cans and other by similar wastes. How do the people doing the same work contribute to waste management?
SECTION B: (20Mark) 
i. Identify the food provide carbohydrate in the body_____________ ii. Identify the food provide protein___________________________ iii. Identify the food provide fats and oil in the body_____________
5 i). In the circuit diagram below, letter K represents __________________
 ii).If a current of 5A was passed through the circuit, the resistance will be__________

iii).The part of the ear that detects sound waves is called_____________________
6. i).Mr. Rweikiza Mtalemwa had a farm which loses water easily, the farm has which type of soil?
ii). Health care is very important in maintaining healthy community. Name any



two groups of people who need special health services a. _____________________________________________


iii).Name the two parts that form stamen a.___________________________________________ b.___________________________________________
iv).Write any two materials needed to start fire a._______________________________________ b.________________________________________
v).A certain machine was used to raise a load of 80kg to a height of 10m using the effort of 10kg that moved a distance pf 10m. What is the efficiency of this machine?
SECTION C: (10 Marks) 7. **Answer these questions according to the instructions given**
i).What is the name of the part indicated by letter E? ________________

iii).What type of seed is shown by the diagram below? ________________________

iv).An electronic device used for receiving transmitted sound waves from a long distance is called: _____________________________
v).What is the name of the symbol shown below?



MARCH, 2024
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## Answer All Questions
SECTION A: 20 Marks ( 1 @ Mark)
1. Choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter i. Alex united with Stella as husband and wife respectively. This union is termed as
a) relationship b) marriage c) gender d) clan e) pregnancy ii. Kihanga village government posted the revenues and expenditures of the village on the notice board. Which quality of leadership is demonstrated by the Kihanga village government?_______
a) integrity b) democracy c) transparency d) hypocrisy e)
embezzlement iii. The wellbeing of a passenger within a bus is guaranteed by___________
a) music system in the bus b) air condition in the bus c) passengers' seatbelts d) staff carriers e) attractive bus tickets iv. Which letter shows tools of communication used during accident times?_________
a) horns and drums b) cell phones and trumpets c) smart phones and computers d) rattles and xylophones e) horns and phones v. The amount of money borrowed to finance different development projects is referred to as _____
a) grants b) subsidies c) revenues d) taxes e) loans vi. Which of the following sentences gives the correct meaning of a woman?_____
a) a female person under 18 years of age b) a female leader c) a female person married to two husbands d) an adult female person e) an intelligent schoolgirl vii. Which letter shows the **CORRECT** list of social services that are provided by the government?_______
a) clean and safe water, electricity and hospitals b) hospitals, national parks and touristic hotels c) roads, schools and water bodies d) oceans, rails and shops e) water bodies, electricity and education viii. Which event takes place when our president is hosting the president from another country?_______
a) our national football team plays b) we standstill c) our national flag is hoisted half mast d) the national assembly is dissolved e) our national anthem is sung ix. Maasai, Sukuma and Iraq are famous tribes for __________
a) cattle rearing b) entrepreneurship skills c) carvings d) weaving e) lumbering x. We can get correct information by _____________
a) Proving b) lying c) searching different resources d) probing e) hiding 2. Match **the terminologies in LIST A with their right facts from LIST B** and write its letter in the space provided in the middle of the table.
| i | Ten thousand note | A. Rhinoceros |
| ii | Five thousand note | B. Lion |
| iii | Two thousand notes | C. Mwl. Julius K. Nyerere |
| iv | One thousand note | D. Elephant |
| v. | Five hundred coin | E. Sheikh AbeidA.Karume F. Buffalo |
3. **Fill in the blanks by writing the correct answer**
i). What happened on the 7th April, 1972 in the history of our country? ____________
ii).Mention any two healthy problems likely to be caused by Female Genital Mutilation a).________________________________________________________________ b).________________________________________________________________
iii).Write any two benefits of globalization
 b).________________________________________________________________
iv.)Mention the other two members of the former East African Community apart from our country a).________________________________________________________________ b).________________________________________________________________
v).Write the long form CCM _____________________________________________
SECTION: B 20 Marks **(@ 2 Marks)**
4. Study the pictures below and answer the questions which follow.

A. B. C.
i. Name special group shown in picture A above___________________ ii. Name the letter indicated by disabled person above________________ iii. Which letter shows aged person above__________________________ iv. Write two reasons that led to the increase number of picture A in cities v. List two effects of street children in town
a).____________________________ b)._______________________

5. Use **the words provided in the box below to answer the questions.**
Bantu, Clushites, Village Executive Officer, Tanzania, Abeid Amani Karume, Village Chairperson, Amani Abeid Karume, talent
(i) Our nation is known as __________________________________ (ii) Iraq and Gorowa are the tribes that originated from which ethnic group? _______ (iii) What is the name of the leader found at the front side of 500 Tanzania shilling notes? __________________________________
(iv) The main supervisor of all activities of the village is called __________________ (v) The natural ability of a person to do something is called______________________
## Section: C 10 Marks
6. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow The leader of tomorrow needs to have good morals. A child is the leader of tomorrow. He or she should get all the necessary support in order to live up to his or her dreams. A Child has the right to basic needs, right to education, right to worship and right to be protected among many other rights. Most important, a child has to be listened to. If not listened to, a child may hate parents. All people should stand together to protect the leader of tomorrow. Questions.
i. Who is the leader of tomorrow according to the passage?

ii. According to the passage, the leader of tomorrow needs all the necessary support



MARCH, 2024
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Answer all Questions SECTION A: (20 Marks)
1. Listen to the passage read by the invigilator then answer the questions iv Questions i. How old was Mazengo?
A. 9 years old B. 7 years old C. 5 years old D. 10 years old E. 8 years old
( )
ii. Where did Mazengo live?
A. With his parents C. In a prison E. Disability B. In Dodoma D. In Arusha
( )
iii. Whom did he live with?


A. His parents C. The neighbours E. The teachers B. His uncle D. His sister
( )
iv. Why couldn't Mazengo walk properly?
A. Because he was sick C. Because he lived with his parents E. He was very young B. Because he had a disability D. Because he was nine years old
( )
v. Where was he hidden?
A. In Dodoma C. Out E. In the village B. In a dark room D. At school
( )
2. Choose **the letter of the correct answer.**
i. Amina ________________to school every day.
A. Go B. goes C. gone D. went E. going
( )
ii. My uncle has a car. The cark belongs to:
A. Her B. him C. them D. hers E. ours
( )
iii. In a sentence, "We go to school every day" the underlined word is the:
A. Pronoun B. Noun C. Verb D. Adverb E. Adjective
( )
iv. Anamary lives __________ Bukoba.
A. For B. on C. in D. from E. under
( )
v. My uncle is a good ______________
A. Cook B. cooker C. coock D. cooking E. cocker
( )
3. Choose the correct word from the box to complete the following passage.
| riding | homework | medicine | years | china |
My name is Job. I am nine i_____________ old. I am in grade three. I live at Kabini village. I have a friend. His name is Bob. He is also in grade three. My friend and I go to the same school. It is Kabini Primary school. My friend Bob has a bicycle. It was made in ii.___________. He rides it every evening after doing his iii.________________. On weekends, he visits me and I ride it too. One day I fell down when I was iv _________________ it. I fell because I was over speeding. I was hurt on my leg. My father took me to hospital. The doctor gave me v.__________. He
| 4. Matching items NO. LIST A | ANSWER | LIST B |
| i. | Aunt | A. A building along the roadside where motorists pay to stay in and have meals |
| ii. | Motel | B. A person who mends shoes |
| iii. | Cobbler | C. Your uncle's wife is your |
| iv. | a herd | D. Another meaning for the word "purchase" |
| v. | Buy | E. A group of buffaloes or cattle |
advised me not to over speed next time.
SECTION B: (20 Marks) 5. Fill **in the blanks according to the instructions** i).A dentist cares for our ________________ ii).Write the indirect speech for the sentence "Salim will be here tomorrow" James said. __________________________________________________
iii).A cow gives birth to a _______________________________________
iv).The citizen of China is a ____________________
v).One who goes on holiday to visit different places is called a _____________ COMPREHENSION 6. Read **the passage and answer the questions below.** In the past people used to eat raw food. As years went on, they discovered fire by friction between sticks. This helped them to burn things and roast meat. As the years went by, new methods were discovered such as the use of match boxes. Nowadays people are using different kinds of cookers such as kerosene cooker, gas cooker and charcoal cooker Fire also can be obtained from electricity. This is done in urban areas. Fire has negative effects if not properly used. It can burn buildings and machines. People lose their property due to fire. Questions i).Suggest a suitable title for the passage __________________________ ii).Why did ancient people eat raw food? _________________________ iii).Gas cooker uses fire obtained from ___________________________ iv).What was the early benefit of discovery of fire? _________________ v).Which method was used to discover fire? _______________________
## Section C: (10 Marks)
This section has five sentences (i-v) arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letters A, B, C, D and E. i).When he was playing he fell down and shouted _______ ii).He took him to the hospital._______ iii).He cried loudly and loudly.________ iv).His mother came and found that his hand was broken.______ v).One day Musa was playing near their house.________
## Story For Question I - V
Mazengo was nine years old. He lived with his parents in Dodoma. Mazengo could not walk without help. He was a child with disability. His parents hid him in a dark room. The neighbours did not see him. He lived like a prisoner.
He rarely went out. His younger brother, Joel was in school



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Jibu maswali yote SEHEMU A: **ALAMA** 20 1.Sikiliza kwa makini habari utakayosomewa na msimamizi, kisha jibu swali la (i) hadi (v)
Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi i). Mwl JK Nyerere alizaliwa wapi?______ (a). Musoma (b). Butiama
(c). London (d). Uingereza (e). Arusha ii).Itikadi ya ujamaa na kujitegemea iliasisiwa wapi?______ (a). Arusha (b). Mara (c). Butiama (d). Dar es salaam (e). London iii).Mwl J.K nyererea alifariki lini? ______ (a). 13 April 1922 (b). 14 septemba 1999 (c). 14 octoba 2021 (d). 14 April 1999 (e).14Octoba 1999 iv).Mwl Nyerere alikuwa waziri mkuu wa kwanza wa Tanganyika mwaka____ (a).1994-1998 (b).1964-1985 (c). 1961 -1964
(d).1964-1999 (e). 1922-1999 v).Azimio la Arusha liliasisi itikadi gani?__________ (a). Ukoloni (b). Ubepari
(c). Ujamaa na kujitegema (d). Elimu kwa wote (e)soko huria.
2.Katika swali la (i )hadi (v) chagua herufi ya jibu **sahihi**
i). Andika neno moja lenye maana sawa na majengo walimu, wanafunzi ,madawati, meza, mazingira, chaki,ubao vitabu na madaftari_____
a) darasa b) jofisi c) shule d) mazingira e) elimu ii).Andika neno la Kiswahili kutokana na herufi MPACAHA_____
a) chapana b) pakacha c) mchakamchaka d) mapacha e) mpaha iii).Andika neno lenye maana karibu sawa na ng`ombe ,njiwa, mbwa,paka, mbuzi, kuku____
a) mifugo b) wanyama c) vitoweo d) mboga e) wanyama wakali iv).Moja kati ya maneno yafuatayo halina uhusiano na mengine _____
a) watu b) mbwa c) miti d) mawe e) samaki v).Mkusanyiko wa miti mikubwa na midogo,mirefu na mifupa katika sehemu kubwa na pana huitwa______
a) tingatinga b) kichaka c) msitu d) shamba e) nyika
## 3. Oanisha Sehemu A Na B:
| i. | Gwiji | A. Mnafiki | |
| ii. | Hasidi | B. Mahiri au hodari | |
| iii. | Opoa | C.Vitenzi visaidizi | |
| iv. | Alikuwa,atakuwa | D. Hazai | |
| v. | Mficha uchi | E. Ondoa mwili au mtu majini | |


 4.Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi kulingana na maelekezo ya kila swali i.ʺSiku za mwizi ni arobaini'' ina maana gani ?_____________________ ii. ʺUkitaka cha uvunguni shariti uiname" maana yake_______________ iii. Nyumba yangu ina nguzo moja ( tegua)________________________ iv. Penye miti hapana wajenzi. Methali pacha na hii ni __________________
v.Nyumba ya ndege ni kiota, ya ng`ombe ni zizi, je nyumbani ya mchwa huitwaje ?______________________________________
## Ushairi
5.Soma shairi lifuatalo kwa makini kisha jibu maswali yanayofuata **(i)-(v)**
Ndoa ni kitu lahaula, kama mithili dhahabu, Kuipata ni fadhira, ni baraka na thawabu, Na kuikosa madhila, ni wakidhifu wa babu, Ndoa ni kitu lahaula, ujane ni kitu duni.
i. Shairi ili lina beti ngapi ?_________________ ii. Kulingana na mshairi ndoa imelinganishwa na kitu gani ?_____________ iii. Ubeti wa shairi hili una mishororo mingapi ?___________________ iv.Vina katika shairi hili ni ____________ na _____________ v. Shairi hili linazungumzia umuhimu wa __________________


SEHEMU C: UTUNGAJI. Sentensi zifuatazo hazikuandikwa kwa kufuata mtiririko, Zipange kwa kutumia herufi A,B, C, D na E ili zilete maana .
i. Baadhi ya kazi hizo ni pamoja na Rosa Mistika, Nagona, Dunia uwanja wa fujo, Gamba la nyoka na nyinginezo. _______
ii. Hakika ni vigumu kusahau mchango wake katika kukuza na kuendeleza fasihi ya Kiswahili. _________
iii. Ephrase Kezilahabi ni Mtanzania aliyezaliwa miaka 75 iliyopita katika kisiwa cha Ukerewe. _________
iv. Amesaidia kukuza fasihi pendwa ya Kiswahili kupitia kazi mbalimbali za kifahisihi alizoziandika. _________
v. .Alipata elimu yake katika Shule ya msingi Nakasayenge iliyoko kata ya Namagondo wilayani Ukerewe._________
Mwalimu Nyerere alizaliwa Butiama ,Mkoani Mara ,13 April 1922 na kufariki 14 Oktoba 1999 akiwa London ,Uingerza ambako alipelekwa kwa ajili ya matibabu.Alikuwa Rais wa kwanza wa Tanzania na pia baba wa Taifa hili.Ndiye mwasisi wa itikadi ya ujamaa na kujitegemea iliyotangazwa hasa katika Azimio la Arusha .
Kabla ya kuingia kwenye siasa alikuwa ni mwalimu .Kazi hiyo ndiyo iliyompatia jina la MWALIMU ambalo lilimkaa maisha yake yote.
Kwanza aliiongoza Tanganyika toka mwaka 1961 hadi 1964 kama waziri mkuu wa kwanza baada ya uhuru,halafu kama Rais wa kwanza baada ya 
01 | *Namba ya Mtahiniwa
*Jina la
> **01 KISWAHILI**
> **[Muda: Saa 1:30 Mwaka, 2024]{.underline}**
## Maelekezo
1. Karatasi hii ina sehemu A, B na C zenye jumla ya maswali **sita
2. Jibu maswali **yote** kwenye nafasi ulizopewa.
3. Sehemu A na B zina alama **ishirini** **(20)** kila moja na sehemu C
ina alama **kumi (10)**.
4. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwa kalamu yenye wino wa **bluu** au
**mweusi**, **isipokuwa** katika michoro ambapo ni lazima kutumia
5. Vifaa vya mawasiliano visivyoruhusiwa **havitakiwi** katika chumba
cha mtihani.
6. Andika **Namba yako ya Mtihani** na taarifa zote muhimu katika kila
ukurasa sehemu ya juu upande wa kulia.
| > **KWA MATUMIZI YA | | |
| > MTAHINI TU** | | |
| > 1 | | |
| > 2 | | |
| > 3 | | |
| > 4 | | |
| > 5 | | |
| > 6 | | |
| > **JUMLA** | | |
| > **SAHIHI YA MHAKIKI** | | |
## SEHEMU A (Alama 20)
> Jibu maswali **yote** katika sehemu hii.
1. Sikiliza kwa makini hadithi utakayosomewa na msimamizi, kisha jibu
> kipengele cha
> \(i\) -- (v), **kwa kuchagua herufi ya jibu sahihi** na kuandika
> katika kisanduku.
i. Kwa nini mfalme alikuwa anavaa kilemba kinachofunika kichwa na
> masikio?
A. Alikuwa na masikio kama ya punda. B. Alikuwa na nywele ndefu
> zenye mvi.
<!-- -->
C. Alikuwa na kichwa kama cha punda. D. Alikuwa na kipara kama
> ngoma.
E. Alikuwa na kichwa kidogo kama mpira. \[ \]
ii. Kinyozi aliyemnyoa mfalme alikuwa anaitwa nani? \[ \]
A. Nguvumali B . Askari C. Punda D.Roporopo E.Hekaheka
iii. Mfalme alimwambia nini kinyozi kabla ya kuanza kumnyoa? \[ \]
A. Asicheke wala kusema atakachoona. B. Acheke ila asiseme
> atakachoona.
<!-- -->
C. Atangaze atakachoona. D. Atakachoona aseme kwa watu.
E. Atakachoona asisema popote.
i. Kipi kilisababisha siri ya mfalme Nguvumali kufahamika kijijini? \[
> \]
> A . Sauti kutoka katika mti B. Mfalme mwenyewe alitoa siri
> C. Wanakijiji wa hekaheka D. Upepo mkali E. Dunia kutokuwa na siri
ii. Mfalme alifanya nini baada ya wanakijiji kujua kuwa ana masikio kama
> ya punda?
A. Aliwaadhibu askari wake B. Alimfunga kinyozi wake \[ \]
> C Aliamua kuvua kilemba D. Alimuua kinyozi wake E. Alisikitika sana
2. {width="2.020138888888889in"
> height="1.0958333333333334in"}Katika kipengele cha (i) - (x),
> **chagua jibu sahihi** kisha andika herufi yake katika kisanduku
> ulichopewa.
i. Kitendawili kipi kati ya vifuatavyo kinateguliwa na picha
> ifuatayo? \[ \]
A. Ana miguu kama msumeno. B. Hujihami bila silaha.
C. Ana mdomo lakini anauma kwa mkia.
D. Mama hana miguu lakini mtoto anayo.
E. Rafiki yangu mpole lakini adui wanamhara.
ii. "Wanakijiji wa Kilolo hufanya kazi kwa kushirikiana." Ni methali ipi
> kati ya zifuatazo inaweza kutumika kuwashauri wanakijiji hao
> kuendelea na ushirikiano? \[ \]
A. Dhahabu hupewa aliyeshinda. B. Umoja ni nguvu, utengano ni
> udhaifu.
<!-- -->
C. Damu nzito kuliko maji. D. Lakuvunda halina ubani.
E. Haraka haraka haina Baraka.
i. {width="1.370482283464567in"
> height="0.8637587489063867in"}Kitendawili kipi kati ya vifuatavyo
> kinateguliwa na kiumbe aliyeko kwenye picha ifuatayo? \[ \]
A. Kila niendapo hunifuata. B. Anajenga ingawa hana mikono.
<!-- -->
C. Hana adabu wala staha kwa watu.
D. Bibi yangu hutembea na nyumba yake.
E. Daima hunifuata nyuma, nikimfuata hukimbia.
i. "Mwanafunzi amechelewa darasani." Sentensi ipi inakanusha sentensi
> hiyo? \[ \]
A. Mwanafunzi hatachelewa darasani. B. Mwanafunzi hajachelewa
> darasani.
<!-- -->
C. Mwanafunzi hachelewi darasani. D.Mwanafunzi huwa hachelewi darasani.
> E. Mwanafunzi hakuchelewa darasani.
i. **"Wao wanapenda kucheza mpira**". Sentensi hiyo inaonesha nafsi
> gani kati ya zifuatazo?
A. Nafsi ya tatu wingi B Nafsi ya pili umoja C Nafsi ya pili wingi
> D Nafsi ya tatu umoja E Nafsi ya kwanza wingi \[ \]
ii. Soma mazungumzo yafuatayo kisha jibu swali linalofuata:
> **Tumbo**: *Kadiri unavyoendelea kuishi hapa ninaanza kukuchoka.*
> **Legelege**: *Ninaona hutaki kusema kwa uwazi. Unataka niondoke?*
> Methali ipi kati ya zifuatazo inahusiana na kauli iliyotolewa na
> Legelege? \[ \]
A. Umdhaniaye ndiye kumbe siye. B. Akufukuzaye hakwambii toka.
> C. Mtaka yote kwa pupa hukosa yote. D. Chanda chema huvikwa pete.
> E. Akupigaye shavu moja mgeuzie la pili.
iii. "Watoto watukutu hufitiniana." Kauli gani ya matendo
> inayojidhihirisha katika sentensi hiyo? A. Kutendwa B.
> Kutendana C. Kutendea D. Kutenda E.Kutendeka \[ \]
iv. Mwalimu alituambia, "Ingieni darasani." Kauli taarifa ya sentensi
> hii ni ipi kati ya zifuatazo? \[ \]
> A. Mwalimu aliwaambia tuingie darasani. B.Mwalimu alisema mmeingia
> darasani
C. Alituambia mwalimu tuingie darasani. D.Mwalimu alituambia kuwa
tuingie darasani. E.Mwalimu aliwaambia kuwa waingie darasani.
v. Chunguza jedwali lifuatalo, kisha uchague neno la Kiswahli
> linalopatikana katika jedwali hilo. \[ \]
| > V | > Z | > W | > G | > U |
| > P | > R | > D | > H | > F |
| > K | > U | > K | > U | > J |
| > B | > S | > V | > T | > N |
| > H | > G | > I | > Z | > M |
A. Bata B Kuku C Meza D Kiti E Giza
<!-- -->
vi. Sokomoko alitaka kununua samaki lakini alisahau kutembea na pesa.
> Kauli ipi inaeleza hali hiyo? A. Sokomoko angesahau pesa angenunua
> samaki. \[ \]
B. Sokomoko asingesahau pesa angenunua samaki.
C. Sokomoko angelisahau pesa asingelinunua samaki.
D. Sokomoko asingelisahau pesa asingelinunua samaki.
E. Sokomoko angelisahau pesa angelinunua samaki.
3. Oanisha maana ya aina za maneno zilizopo **Orodha A** na aina za
maneno kutoka **Orodha B**, kwa kuandika herufi ya jibu sahihi
katika nafasi ya majibu.
| * | > **Orodha A** | **M | > **Orodha |
| * | | ajibu** | > B** |
| N | | | |
| A | | | |
| * | | | |
| * | | | |
| \ | > Hutoa taarifa zaidi kuhusu kitenzi na | \[ \] | A. |
| ( | > kivumishi. | | Kihusishi |
| i | | | |
| \ | | | B. K |
| ) | | | iunganishi |
| | | | |
| | | | C. Nomino |
| | | | |
| | | | D. |
| | | | Kihisishi |
| | | | |
| | | | E |
| | | | . Kielezi |
| | | | |
| | | | F |
| | | | . Kitenzi |
| | | | |
| | | | G. |
| | | | Kivumishi |
| \ | > Husimama peke yake na kutoa taarifa | \[ \] | |
| ( | > iliyokamilika. | | |
| i | | | |
| i | | | |
| \ | | | |
| ) | | | |
| ( | > Hufanya kazi ya kuhusisha maneno | \[ \] | |
| i | > katika tungo au sentensi. | | |
| i | | | |
| i | | | |
| \ | > Hutoa taarifa za nyongeza kuhusu | \[ \] | |
| ( | > nomino au kiwakilishi. | | |
| i | | | |
| v | | | |
| \ | | | |
| ) | | | |
| \ | > Huonesha hisia za watu kama vile | \[ \] | |
| ( | > mshangao, huzuni, huruma, hasira na | | |
| v | > furaha. | | |
| \ | | | |
| ) | | | |
## SEHEMU B (Alama 20) Jibu maswali yote katika sehemu hii.
4. Taja visawe vya maneno yafuatayo kwa kuandika jibu katika nafasi
iliyoachwa wazi.
i. Pasua
> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
ii. Idhini\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
iii. Mtoto\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
iv. Bibi\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
v. Kanuni\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
5. Soma kwa makini shairi lifuatalo kisha jibu maswali katika kipengele
cha (i) - (v)
> **kwa kuandika jibu sahihi** katika nafasi iliyoachwa wazi.
> Binti yangu nisikie, dunia hii dunia, Tatiwa korokoroni, ulofa
> kiendekeza,
> Wengi wasikitikie, imewaua tamaa, Serikali makini, maovu kutokomeza,
> Mali sipapatikie, utakufa kwa tamaa, Taishia gerezani, tamaa
> ikikumeza,
> Yakikukuta madhara, majuto ni mjukuu. Yakikukuta madhara, majuto ni
> mjukuu.
> Kataa vijizawadi, kutoka kwa vijibaba, Wino unaishilia, hayo yatie
> moyoni,
> Kujichunga huna budi, kuepuka ukahaba, Jina langu Vumilia, mzee wa
> msituni,
> Mwili usije unadi, maradhi yakakukaba, Vijana nawalilia, msijisweke
> motoni,
> Yakikukuta madhara, majuto ni mjukuu. Yakikukuta madhara, majuto ni
> mjukuu.
> Nawe njemba wa kiume, sione dunia tamu,
> Maradhi hayana shime, ukipenda vya haramu,
> Bangi nayo usiseme, imeshashika hatamu,
> Yakikuta madhara, majuto ni mjukuu.
> **Maswali**
(i) Katika shairi ulilosoma, mshairi anasisitiza jambo gani kwa binti
yake? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
(ii) Binti anaweza kupata madhara gani endapo ataendekeza tabia
zilizotajwa kwenye ubeti wa pili?
(iii) Mshairi anampa kijana wa kiume tahadhari gani katika ubeti wa
> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
(iv) Mshairi anamaanisha nini anaposema "msijisweke motoni?"
(v) Mshairi anatoa ujumbe gani katika shairi ulilosoma?
## SEHEMU C (Alama 10) Jibu Swali la Sita (6).
6\. Mwandikie Mwalimu Janeth Matesha kadi ya mwaliko wa kuhudhuria
tafrija ya kumpongeza dada yako Eliza aliyehitimu masomo ya chuo kikuu.
Familia yenu ni ya Bwana na Bibi John Samweli. Tafrija hiyo itafanyika
tarehe **22/11/2024** kwenye Bwalo la Polisi, Lushoto, kuanzia saa
**7:00** mchana hadi saa **12:00** jioni.
KISWAHILI KIDATO CHA 1 (1).md | <table style="width:100%;">
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<tr class="header">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="13"><strong>KUANZIA JANUARY WIKI 2 HADI FEBRUARY WIKI 4
<tr class="even">
<p>kama chombo cha mawasiliano</p>
<p>na lafudhi ya Kiswahili</p>
<td><p>Maana ya Lugha</p>
<li><p>Dhima za lugha</p></li>
<li><p>Tanzu za lugha</p></li>
<li><p>Umuhimu wa lugha</p></li>
<p>Ubainishaji wa aina za maneno</p></td>
<p>wanafunzi kwa mbinu ya maswali na majibu ili waweze kuelezea maana ya
<p>Kuongoza mjadala kuhusu dhima za lugha na umuhimu wa kutumia lugha
kwa ufasaha.</p>
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi ili waweze kubainisha aina za maneno kulingana
na matumizi yake kwenye tungo.</p>
<td><p>Watashiriki kwenye somo.</p>
<p>Wataandika dondoo muhimu kwenye madaftari yao.</p>
<p>Watajadiliana kwa lugha fasaha.</p>
<p>Watashiriki kubainisha aina za maneno.</p>
<p>Watafafanua dhima za aina za maneno.</p>
<p>Wataandika dondoo kwenye madaftari yao</p></td>
<td><p><strong>TU</strong>MI (1998) <u>Kiswahili Sekondari</u></p>
<p>TUMI DSM</p>
<p>Ndilime na wenziwe (2009)</p>
<p><u>Kiswahili Kitukuzwe</u> - I</p>
<p>Longman DSM<strong>.</strong></p></td>
<td><p>Mwanafunzi aweze kufafanua dhima za lugha katika mawasiliano.</p>
<p>Mwanafunzi aweze kutumia lugha fasaha</p>
<p>Mwanafunzi aweze kufafanua aina za maneno na kuzitumia kwenye
miktadha fofauti.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"><p>Kuwasiliana</p>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Kuwasilinana</p>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2"><p><strong>1</strong></p>
<td rowspan="2">KUTUMIA KAMUSI</td>
<td>Ufafanuzi wa aina za maneno</td>
<td><p>Kufafanua aina tatu za nomino.</p>
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kutumia aina tatu za maneno.</p></td>
<td><p>Watashiriki katika somo.</p>
<p>Watajifunza kutumia aina mbalimbali za maneno.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p><strong>TU</strong>MI (1988) <u>Kiswahili
<p>TUMI DSM</p>
<p>Ndilime na wenziwe (2009)</p>
<p><u>Kiswahili Kitukuzwe</u></p>
<p>Longman DSM<strong>.</strong></p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Mwanafunzi aweze kutumia aina mbalimbali za maneno
kwenye muktadha wa tungo</p>
<p>Kutumia aina saba za maneno.</p>
<p>Mwanafunzi aweze kutumia kamusi ili kupata taarifa
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><p>Matumizi ya aina za maneno.</p>
<p>Matumizi ya kamusi</p>
<p>Aina za kamusi</p>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kutumia aina mbalimbali za
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kutumia kamusi.</p>
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kubaini aina za kamusi, mpangilio wa
taarifa zilizomo kwenye kamusi.</p></td>
<td><p>Kutumia sentensi mbalimbali ili kuonesha miktadha ya utumizi wa
aina za maneno.</p>
<p>Watajadiliana ili kubaini mpangilio wa maneno kwenye kamusi,</p>
<p>Aina za Kamusi na taarifa za kamusi.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<p>kwa Kiswahili.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2"><strong>1</strong></td>
<td><p>Dhima za fasihi</p>
<p>Aina za fasihi</p></td>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kueleza maana ya fasihi aina za
fasihi na dhima za fasihi.</p>
<p>Wanafunzi waweze kutofautisha kazi za fasihi na zizizo za
<td><p>Watashiriki kwenye somo.</p>
<p>Wataandika dondoo mbalimbali.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Njogu</p>
<p>na chimerah (1999)</p>
<p><u>Nadharia na mbinu , Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Nairobi.</u></p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Wanafunzi waweze kufafanua dhima mbalimbali za
<p>Mwanafunzi aweze kubainisha tanzu za fasihi simulizi.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>Ubainishaji wa Tanzu za fasihi simulizi.</td>
<td>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kubaini tanzu za fasihi simulizi na pia
waweze kubainisha tofauti kati ya fasihi simulizi na andishi.</td>
<td><p>Watashiriki kwenye somo.</p>
<p>Watazipanga tanzu za fasihi simulizi kwa kuzingatia kigezo cha maumbo
ya tanzu.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td>Kubaini kuhakiki na kutunga kazi za fasihi simulizi.</td>
<td>Kubaini kuhakiki na kutunga kazi za fasihi simulizi kwa
<p><strong>M A Y</strong></p>
<td><p>Ufafanuzi wa vipera vya Tanzu za fasihi simulizi.</p>
<p>(sanaa za maonesho)</p></td>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kubainisha vipera vya tanzu za fasihi
simulizi kwa kuzingatia maudhui.</p>
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi wakusanye kazi mbalimbali za fasihi simulizi
kama vile hadidhi, semi, maigizo na ushairi.</p>
<p>Kuwelekeza kuzipanga kazi hizo kwa kuzingatia usawa wa muundo kwa
kila kipera.</p></td>
<td><p>Wataainisha tanzu na vipera vya Fasihi simulizi kwa kuzingatia
<p>Watakusanya kazi mbalimbali.</p>
<p>Watazipanga kazi</p></td>
<p>na chimerah (1999)</p>
<p><u>Nadharia na mbinu ,</u> Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Nairobi</p>
<p>Ndilime na wenziwe (2009)</p>
<p><u>Kiswahili Kitukuzwe</u></p>
<p>Longman DSM<strong>.</strong></p></td>
<p>tanzu na</p>
<p>vipera vya</p>
<p>simulizi kwa</p>
<p>chati za</p>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="13"><strong>MAY WIKI 3 HADI JULAI WIKI 1 MTIHANI WA MUHULA
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<td>Kubainisha kuhakiki na kutunga kazi za fasihi simulizi kwa
<td>Kubainisha kuhakiki na kutunga fasihi simulizi kwa Kiswahili.</td>
<p><strong>J U L A I</strong></p>
<td>Uhakiki wa kazi za fasihi simulizi.</td>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kubainisha vigezo vya uhakiki kwa
kuzingatia fani na maudhui.</p>
<p>Kuainisha vipengele vyoe vya <u>fani</u> na <u>maudhui.</u></p>
<p>Kuhakiki hadithi na semi.</p></td>
<td><p>Watashiriki kwenye somo kuhusu vigezo vya uhakiki kwa kuzingatia
fani na maudhui.</p>
<p>Watahakiki hadithi na semi kwa kuzingatia fani na maudhui.</p></td>
<td>Wanafunzi waweze kuhakiki kazi za fasihi simulizi darasani.</td>
<td><p>Ndilime na wenziwe (2009)</p>
<p><u>Shule za sekondari kidato cha kwanza.</u></p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>Kusikiliza na kuelewa mazungumzo yaliyoko katika lugha ya
<td>Kusikiliza na kuelewa taarifa au mazungumzo yanayolingana na kiwango
chake cha Kiswahili.</td>
<p><strong>A G O S T I</strong></p>
<td><p>Usimulizi wa</p>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kusimulia hadidhi za kwenye matini au
<p>Hadithi zizingatie elimu ya mazingira athari za ajira kwa watoto,
UKIMWI, Nakadhalika.</p></td>
<td><p>Watasimulia hadithi kwa kuzingatia mbinu za utambaji matamshi
sahihi ya Kiswahili na kiimbo.</p>
<p>Watajadili kufaa kwa mafumbo yanayopatikana.</p></td>
<td>Oxford University Press DSM.</td>
<tr class="even">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td><p>Kuandika habari fupi kwa</p>
<p>kuzingatia taratibu za uandishi.</p></td>
<p><strong>S E P T E M B A</strong></p>
<td>Insha za wasifu</td>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kwakutumia insha isiyokuwa na mpangilio
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kupanga insha hiyo katika mpangilio mzuri kisha
kubaini umbo la insha.</p>
<p>Kuwapa insha ya kisanaa na isiyo ya kisanaa kisha kuwaongoza ili
kubaini tofauti zilizomo.</p></td>
<td><p>Watafanya mazoezi ya kuipanga insha katika mtiririko mzuri kisha
kubaini umbo la insha.</p>
<p>Utangulizi – Kiini - Hitimishao</p>
<p>Watabainisha tofauti zilizomo kisha watatunga na kuwasilisha kwa
mdomo na maandishi mbele ya darasa.</p></td>
<td><p><strong>TU</strong>MI (1988) <u>Kiswahili Sekondari</u></p>
<p>TUMI DSM</p></td>
<td>Mwanafunzi aweze kutunga insha za wasifu kwa mbinu mbalimbali.</td>
<tr class="even">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<td>Barua za kirafiki.</td>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kuelezea dhana ya barua muundo wake
na umuhimu.</p>
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kuhakiki taratibu za uandishi wa barua.</p>
<p>Bahasha na stempu.</p></td>
<td><p>Wataeleza dhara ya barua muundo wake umuhimu wake.</p>
<p>Wataandika barua kwa kuzingatia vigezo vyote
<td><p><strong>TU</strong>MI (1988) <u>Kiswahili Sekondari</u></p>
<p>TUMI DSM</p></td>
<td>Wanafunzi waweze kuandika barua za kirafiki.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">Kusoma na kuelewa maandiko mbalimbali ya Kiswahili</td>
<td rowspan="2">Kusoma na kuelewa maandiko mbalimbali ya vitabu vya
Kiswahili vyenye taarifa fupi na rahisi ili kupata ujumbe mahsusi.</td>
<td>Ufahamu wa kusikiliza na kusoma kwa sauti</td>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi wasome kimyakimya kwa sauti, kwa
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kujibu maswali na kubaini mawazo
<td><p>Watasoma kwa sauti kimyakimya na kwa burudani kwa kuzingatia
lafudh i sahihi ya Kiswahili.</p>
<p>Watajibu maswali baada ya kubain mawazo makuu.</p></td>
<td><p><strong>TU</strong>MI (1988) <u>Kiswahili Sekondari</u></p>
<p>TUMI DSM</p></td>
<td>Mwanafunzi aweze kufahamu mawazo kutoka kwenye vifungu vya
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>O K T O B A</strong></p>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kufupisha habari kwa kuzingatia
mawazo makuu.</p>
<p>Ufupisho usizidi theluthi mona (1/3) ya habari.</p>
<p>Kuwaongoza waweze kutoa taarifa muhimu za kitabu – mwandishi,
mchapaji, mhariri, mwaka.</p></td>
<td><p>Watafupisha habari kwa kuzingatia mawazo makuu.</p>
<p>Watabainisha taarifa muhimu za itabu kama vile jina la mwandishi,
mchapishaji, mhariri, mwaka nk.</p></td>
<td>Mwanafunzi aweze kufupisha habari kwa kuzingatia mawazo makuu ukubwa
(1/3) na kupata taarifa.</td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="13"><p><strong>NOVEMBA & DESEMBA - MARUDIO YA MADA
<p><strong>LIKIZO YA MWISHO WA MWAKA.</strong></p></td>

MSIMBO: 021 MUDA: SAA 3:00 Jumatatu 21/SEPT/2020 ASUBUHI
Maelekezo 1. Karatasi hii ina sehemu A, B na C zenye jumla ya maswali **kumi na mbili(12).** 2. Jibu maswali yote kutoka sehemu A, B na maswali matatu kutoka sehemu C. 3 Simu za mkononi na vitu vyote visivyoruhusiwa **havitakiw**i katika chumba cha mtihani. 4. Andika **Namba yako ya mtihani** katika kila ukurasa wa karatasi zako za kujibia.
1. Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi katika vipengele (i) hadi (X), kisha andika herufi ya jibu hilo katika kijedwali cha kujibia.
i. Maneno mwanakwaya, mitimingi na mwendapole yamezalishwa kwa kutumia njia gani?
a) Urudufishaji b) Uambatano c) Kufananisha umbo,sauti na tabia d) Kufupisha maneno ii. "Amekata mguu hapa" maana yake ni nini?
A. Ameumia mguu hapa.
B. Amejigonga hapa.
C. Haji tena hapa. D. Yupo hapa.
iii. Kama nikipata ……………….. nitakuja ili tuzungumze.
A. Wosia B. Wasaa C. Saa D. Majira iv. Wema ulionitendea mkubwa hivyo ………………………… kukushukuru sana; A. Nina budi B. Sina budi C. Lazima D. Si budi v. Mtoto alikuwa hapa. Neno **alikuwa** katika sentensi hiyo ni aina gani ya neno?
A. Kitenzi kisaidizi B. Kitenzi kishirikishi C. Kitenzi kikuu D. Kishazi tegemezi kivumishi vi. Vina ni …………………
A. Silabi za mwisho zinazofanana katika kila kituo cha ubeti wa utenzi B. Silabi za mwisho katika nusu mstari wa shairi C. Silabi ya mwisho katika ukwapi na utao wa kila mstari D. Silabi zinazofanana zilizopo mwisho wa kila mstari wa mashairi vii. Makosa ya kisarufi hujumuisha makosa ya; A. kimantiki, kimuundo,kimaana na kimatamshi B. kimuundo, kimatamshi, kimaana na kisemantiki C. kimuundo, kimaana, kimtindo na kimatamshi D. kimuundo, kisemantiki, kimatamshi na kimsamiati viii. Fasihi simulizi huweza kuhifadhiwa sehemu zote isipokuwa ;
A. Vinasa sauti B. Kichwani C. Televisheni D. maandishi ix. Utata katika lugha unaweza kujitokeza katika sehemu kuu mbili ambazo ni; A. Mazungumzo na maandishi B. Neno na sentensi C. Mazingira na muktadha wa mazungumzo D. Kiima na kiarifu x. Zifuatazo ni aina za tungo isipokuwa; A. Neno, kirai, kishazi na sentensi B. Kirai,kishazi, tungo na neno C. Neno, kishazi, kirai na sentensi D. Kirai, kishazi,sentensi na neno 2. Oanisha maana za dhana zilizo katika **Orodha A** kwa kuchagua herufi ya dhana husika katika **Orodha B** kisha andika herufi husika katika kijitabu chako cha kujibia.
| Orodha A | Orodha B |
| (i) Aina ya mashairi. (ii) Hadithi, semi, ushairi na maigizo (iii) Mtindo, muundo, mandhari na wahusika. (iv) Hadithi fupi zinazosimulia matukio muhimu ya kihistoria. (v) Mashine. | A. Fani B. Tarihi C. Neno lililotoholewa. D. Mapingiti au masivina E. Visasili F. Maudhui G. Tanzu za fasihi simulizi H. Neno la kilahaja. I. Bahari J. Mavina |
## Sehemu B (Alama 40)
3. Kwa kutumia mifano, eleza maana ya istilahi zifuatazo; A. Mofimu B. Silabi C. Irabu D. Kirai 4. Kwa kila sentensi zifuatazo, andika ngeli inayohusika; i. Uasi umeenea nchini mwetu.
ii. Kule kwenye mlima kuna miti mingi.
iii. Kucheka kwake kumenifurahisha sana.
iv. Kipofu huyu anaishi hapa.
5. Kwa mfano mmoja kwa kila sababu, onesha sababu **nne** za kutokea kwa utata katika tungo.
6. Kwa ufupi na ufasaha, jadili mchango wa waingereza katika kukuza na kueneza lugha ya kiswahili nchini Tanzania .Toa hoja **tano.**
7. Wewe ni mkuu wa shule ya sekondari Kilangalanga. Andika barua kwa Mkurugenzi mtendaji wa wilaya yako ukimweleza juu ya kupokea vifaa vya michezo shuleni kwenu. Jina la mkurugenzi ni Sekai Makwati, S.L.P 2017 Longido na jina lako ni Chivero Masasa, S.L.P 1310.
8. Soma habari ifuatayo kisha jibu maswali yanayofuata. Kwa muktadha huu, shairi lisilokidhi mambo haya litakuwa limelemewa. Litakuwa na dosari ambayo washairi bulibuli huita guni. Yapo mashairi guni ya aina nyingi. Kuna guni ambalo vina vyake vimebanangwa; kuna guni lililopungukiwa mizani; kuna guni lililokosa muwala au maudhui yake hayaeleweki au hayakutoshelezwa. Kadhalika
,kuna guni ambalo lugha yake imepwaya, iko chapwa yaani si lugha ya kishairi. Shairi guni hutokana na ama kwa bahati mbaya mshairi kapitiwa tu au hawezi vizuri utunzi wa mashairi ya kiswahili. Mshairi aliyepea hawezi au huwezi kamwe kukuta shairi lake lina kasoro kama hizo na kama utazikuta, basi ni kuwa zimetokea kwa bahati mbaya. Vina na mizani wala havimpi taabu kuvitafuta, lugha na msamiati autumiao hujipangilia vyenyewe kulingana na maudhui.
(i) Mwandishi anazungumzia mada ipi? (ii) Taja sifa nne za shairi:
(a) ______________________________________
(b) ______________________________________ (c) ______________________________________ (d) ______________________________________
(iii) Mwandishi anataja aina ngapi za mashairi guni? zioneshe. (iv) Je unakubaliana na mwandishi kuhusu fasihi ya ushairi? Kwanini?
## Sehemu C (Alama 45)
9. Tunga shairi la kimapokeo lenye beti sita kuhusu ugonjwa wa **Korona**
10. "Msanii ni askari ambaye hupambana na maovu yaliyomo katika jamii". Jadili wasanii wawili wa riwaya ulizosoma walivyosadifu sifa hiyo.
11. "Lugha ni nyenzo muhimu katika kazi yoyote ya fasihi". Kwa kutumia diwani mbili ulizosoma, thibitisha ukweli wa kauli hii.
12.Vikombe vikiwekwa kabatini haviachi kugongana. Thibitisha usemi huu kwa kurejelea tamthiliya mbili teule ulizosoma.
USHAIRI Wasakatonge M. S. Khabitu (DUP) Mashairi Ya Chekacheka T. A. Mvungi (EP & DL LTD)
Malenga Wapya TAKILUKI (DUP) RIWAYA Takadini Ben Hanson (MBS)
Watoto wa Mama ntilie E. Mbogo (H.P)
Joka la Mdimu A. J. Safari (H. P)
TAMTHILIYA Orodha Steve Raynolds (MA)
Ngoswe Penzi Kitovu Cha Uzembe E. Semzaba (ESC) Kilio Chetu Medical Aid Foundation (TPH) |
Muda: Saa 1:30 Agosti, 2024
## Maelekezo
1. Karatasi hii ina sehemu **A, B** na C zenye jumla ya maswali **saba** (7). 2. Jibu maswali **yote** kwenye nafasi ulizopewa. 3. Sehemu A na B zina alama **ishirini (20)** kila moja na sehemu C ina alama **kumi (10)**. 4. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwa kalamu yenye wino wa bluu au **mweusi, isipokuwa** katika michoro ni lazima kutumia penseli.
5. Vifaa vya mawasiliano **havitakiwi** katika chumba cha mtihani. 6. Andika Namba yako ya Mtihani na **Jina la Shule yako** katika kila ukurasa sehemu ya juu upande wa kulia.
| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | | |
Ukurasa wa 1 kati ya 4
## Sehemu A: (Alama 20) Jibu Maswali Yote Katika Sehemu Hii.
1. Kwa kila kipengele (i) - (x), chagua jibu sahihi kisha andika herufi ya jibu hilo kwenye kisanduku i. Afsa mazingira wa Mji aliwashauri wananchi kuchukua tahadhari dhidi ya uharibifu wa mazingira. Unafikiri ni hatua gani wananchi hawakushauriwa kuchukua? (A) Kutumia vyanzo mbadala vya nishati (B) Kupanda miti na nyasi ili kuzuia mmomonyoko wa udongo
(C) Kuwa na mpango Mji endelevu
(D) Kuziba mifumo ya maji taka katika maeneo ya makazi (E) Kutumia njia bora za kilimo ii. Moses hutokwa na jasho jingi wakati wa jua kali. Je, unamshauri avae nguo za rangi gani ili kuepusha tatizo hili? (A) nyeupe (B) nyeusi (C) njano (D) bluu (E) kijana iii. Mashaka alimuliza rafiki yake kutaja neno ambalo linaeleza vitu vyote ambavyo vinamzunguka binadamu. Ni chaguo lipi kati ya yafuatayo linaweza kutoa tafsiri sahihi? (A) angahewa (B) mazingira (C) ardhi (D) angajoto (E) tabia nchi iv. Fikiria umeulizwa kutaja mfumo wa mlima wa volcano mfu katika nchi ya Tanzania. Je, ni mlima upi ungeutaja? (A) Kilimanjaro (B)Meru (B) Rungwe (D) Oldonyo Lengai (E) Uluguru v. Kuna aina kuu mbili za kipimajoto. Ni aina ipi inatumika kupima jotoridi la chini linalopimwa kwa siku. (A) kipimajoto cha juu (B) kipimajoto cha Aneroidi
(C) kipimajoto cha chini (D) kipimajoto cha wastani (E) kipimajoto cha mekyuri vi. Daudi alikuwa anashangaa kuona jinsi vipande vikubwa vya miamba na udongo vikishuka chini ya mteremko mkali karibu na kijiji chao. Ni janga gani la asili lilikuwa linatokea? (A) Tsunami (B) Ukame (C) Maporomoko ya ardhi (D) Mlipuko wa volcano (E) Tetemeko la ardhi vii. Mwalimu Bala alifundisha Kilimani shule ya Msingi kwa miaka kumi. Je, kipindi hicho tunakiitaje? (A) Mlongo (B) Milenia (C) Karne (D) Jubilei (E) Kumbukumbu viii. Ni upi kati Miji ya Pwani ifuatayo uliokuwa maarufu kwa kuwa wa kwanza katika Afrika Mashariki kutengeneza na kutumia sarafu yake? (A) Bagamoyo (B) Zanzibar (C) Kilwa (D) Mombasa (E) Pangani ix. Jotoridi hupungua kadri mwinuko unavyoongezeka. Ni mikoa ipi katika nchi ya Tanzania huwa na jotoridi la chini kutokana na kuwa na mwinuko wa juu? (A) Dar es Salaam, Tanga, Lindi na Mtwara (B) Dodoma, Morogoro, Dar es Salaam na Tanga (C) Kilimanjaro, Lindi, Mtwara na Tanga (D) Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Iringa na Njombe
(E) Kilimanjaro, Iringa, Lindi, na Pwani x. Bonde la Oldivai ni sehemu maarufu Tanzania na duniani kutokana na kuwa chimbuko la binadamu wa kale. Ni nani kati ya wanahistoria wafuatao waligundua fuvu la binadamu wa kwanza mwaka 1959?
(A) Dkt Louis Leakey na John Speke (B) Dkt Mary Leakey na Dkt David Livingstone Ukurasa wa 2 kati ya 4
(C) Sir Richard Turnbull na Dkt Louis Leakey (D) William Macknon na Johan Rebman (E) Dkt Mary Leakey na Dkt Louis Leakey xi. Matukio ya kihistoria yanaweza kupangwa kwa mpangilio kutoka tukio la kwanza hadi la mwisho. Ni lipi kati ya matukio yafuatayo litakuwa la mwisho katika historia ya Tanzania mnamo karne ya 20? (A) Ajali ya treni Dodoma (B) Kupatika kwa uhuru wa Tanganyika (C) Kuanzishwa kwa mfumo wa vyama vingi (D) Vita vya Kagera (E) Kifo cha Mwl. J. K. Nyerere xii. Kwa nini ni muhimu kusuuza nguo kabla ya kuanika ili zikauke?
(A) Kurahisisha ukaukaji (B) Kuzuia mikunjo (C) Kurahisisha unyooshaji
(D) Kuakisi mwanga wa jua (E) Kuondoa mapovu ya sabuni xiii. Uwezo wa kubadili wazo katika kitu halisi huitwa Sanaa. Zipi kati ya zifuatazo inahusisha Sanaa za ufundi? (A) Uchoraji, upambaji na uchongaji (B) Uimbaji, uigizaji na kucheza (C) Ufinyanzi, ususi na kuimba (D) Ususi, kuimba na kuigiza (E) Ushonaji, uigizaji na ushairi xiv. Kwa nini haishauriwi kupika mbogamboga kwa muda mrefu?
(A) Kuandaa chakula ambacho hakijaiva(B) kutunza virutubisho katika chakula (C) kuua vijidudu (D) kutumia kiasi kidogo cha maji (E) kutunza mafuta ya kupikia xv. Amina na Asha wanamiliki kiwanda cha kuchakata vyakula chenye wafanyakazi 39 na mtaji wa shilingi za Kitanzania Milioni 100. Hili ni kundi lipi la wajasiriamali? (A) Wasajiriamali wadogowadogo (B) Wasajiriamali wadogo (C) Wasajiriamali wa kati (D) Wasajiriamali wakubwa (E) Wajasiriamali wafanyabiashara 2. Oanisha fungu A na fungu B katika kipengele (i-v) ili kuleta maana sahihi FUNGU A MAJIBU **FUNGU B**
i MKWAWA A: Aaliongoza mapambano dhidi ya Waitaliano nchini Ethiopia B: Aliongoza mapambano ya kudai uhuru dhidi ya Wajerumani nchini Zimbabwe C: Aliwaongoza Wanyamwezi kupinga uvamizi wa Wajerumani D: Aliwaongoza Wahehe kupinga uvamizi wa Wajerumani E: Aliongoza mapambano ya kudai uhuru dhidi ya Waingereza nchini Zimbabwe F: Alisaini mikataba ya Ulaghai na Carl Peters G: Aliongoza Wazigua kupinga uvamizi wa Wajerumani
| 2. | Oanisha fungu A na fungu B katika kipengele (i-v) ili kuleta maana sahihi FUNGU A MAJIBU FUNGU B | |
| i | MKWAWA | A: Aaliongoza mapambano dhidi ya Waitaliano nchini Ethiopia B: Aliongoza mapambano ya kudai uhuru dhidi ya Wajerumani nchini Zimbabwe C: Aliwaongoza Wanyamwezi kupinga uvamizi wa Wajerumani D: Aliwaongoza Wahehe kupinga uvamizi wa Wajerumani E: Aliongoza mapambano ya kudai uhuru dhidi ya Waingereza nchini Zimbabwe F: Alisaini mikataba ya Ulaghai na Carl Peters G: Aliongoza Wazigua kupinga uvamizi wa Wajerumani |
| ii | ROBERT MUGABE | |
| iv | ISIKE | |
## Sehemu B: (Alama 20)
3. Jibu maswali yafuatayo kwa kuandika majibu mafupi i. Sayari hutumia muda tofauti kukamilisha mzunguko wa kulizunguka jua. Je, Sayari ya dunia inachukua siku ngapi kulizunguka jua?_________________________________
ii. _______________________________ ni jumla ya mambo yote yanayohusu na kufuatwa na jamii Fulani ili kukidhi utashi wake.
iii. Eleza kwa kifupi faida mbili za kunyoosha nguo Ukurasa wa 3 kati ya 4
(a) __________________________________________________________ (b) __________________________________________________________
4. Andika jibu sahihi
i. Ni kitu gani muhimu umwezesha msomaji wa ramani kuelewa maana za alama
zilizotumika katika ramani _____________________________________________
ii. Watu hucheza ngoma za asili katika matamasha ya michezo na harusi ili kuenzi
tamaduni zao. Ngoma inayochezwa na kabila la Wazigua huitwa ___________________________________________________________________
iii. Ni zao gani la biashara linalolimwa katika mikoa ya Lindi, Mtwara na Pwani ambalo
huipa Tanzania umaarufa ni ___________________________________________
5. Andika jibu sahihi
i. Mkusanyiko wa matone madogomadogo ya maji au barafu yanayoelea angani huitwa
ii. Kamba zinazotumika kufungia viatu huitwa _________________________________
6. Andika majibu sahihi
i. Madini ya Tanzanaiti ni madini pekee yanayopatikana nchini Tanzania katika mkoa wa
Manyara. Je, madini hayo huchimbwa sehemu gani mkoani humo __________________________________________________________
ii. Chama kilichofanikisha kupatikana kwa uhuru wa nchi ya msumbiji ni
__________________________________________________________ SEHEMU C: **(ALAMA 10**)
7. Chunguza kwa makini taarifa zifuatazo katika kielelezo X, kisha jibu maswali yafuatayo
Miezi J F M A M J J A S O N D
(mm) 1800 1400 2300 1900 1200 2400 2500 1800 750 1700 1800 1800
(℃)27 25 26 26 25 25 25 25 26 26 27 25
i. Tafuta utofauti wa kiwango cha mvua kwa mwaka kwa kutumia kielelezo hapo juu

ii. Ni nini wastani wa jotoridi kwa mwaka katika kielelezo X
iii. Ni mwezi upi ambao mvua ilinyesha kwa wingi kuliko miezi mingine?
iv. Vifaa hivyo hapo juu vinaitwaje?
v. Je, vifaa hivyo hutumika kupima nini?
___________________________________________________________ |
CHEMISTRY 2A - | # The United Republic Of Tanzania President'S Office,
 Regional Administration And Local Government
1.1 great care must be taken not to divulge these instruction to both candidates and to unauthorized person either direct or indirect 1.2 note that you will not be allowed to open the envelope containing the question paper before the of commencement of the examination 2.0 in addition to the normal laboratory fitting and reagent in chemistry practicals examination, each candidates will require the following 2.1 apparatus 1 pipette (20cm3or 25cm3)
1 burette (50cm3)
3 titrating flask (250cm3)
4 beaker (250cm3)
1 beaker (100cm3)
1 spatula 1 petridish/watch glass 2 boiling tubes 2 test tube holders 1 test tube rack 1 white tile 1 qualitative analysis guide sheet 1 thermometer 1 beaker (300cm3or 400cm3)
1 source of heat for sharing 1:4 2 measuring cylinder (50cm3) 1 measuring cylinder (10cm3)
1 stopwatch
2.2 chemicals 2g of H2SO4 2g of oxalic acid 3g of ZnCO3 3g of NH4Cl 3g of KOH
3g of NaOH
3g of Na2S2O3 sodium thiosulphate 2g of nitric acid Potasium ferrocyanide (hexanoferate II) 3g of copper sulphate 10 cm3 methyl orange (MO)/ phenolphalein (POP)
Barium chloride Ammonium solution Distilled water 2g of HCL
3g of sodium carbonate 3g of iron(ii)sulphate 200 cm3 Distilled water |
CHEMISTRY 2A .md | # President'S Office
 Regional Administration And Local Government
032/2A **CHEMISTRY 2A**
Time:2:30 HRS Wednesday 23-SEPT-2020 AM
## Instructions
1. This paper consists of two questions. 2. Answer all questions 3. Each question carries twenty 25 marks. 4. Write your Examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s) 5. You may use the following constants:
Atomic masses:
H=1, C=12, N=14, O=16, Na=23, Cl=35.5 S = 32 1Litre =1dm3= 1000cm3 1. You are provided with the following:
Solution AA containing 3.65g/dm3of hydrochloric acid.
Solution BB containing 7.15g of hydrated sodium carbonate Na2CO3.XH2O in 0.5dm 3of solution.
Methyl orange indicator
## Procedure:
Pipette 25cm3or 20cm3 of solution BB into the conical flask. Add two or three drops of Methyl orange indicator and titrate it against solution AA from the burette to the end point. Note the burette reading. Repeat the procedure to obtain three more readings and record your results.
a. Tabulate the results and write the burette readings.
b. i. The volume of the pipette used was -------- cm3 ii. The volume of the burette used was -------- cm3 iii. ------ cm3of solution BB required ------- cm3of solution AA for complete neutralization c. Write a balanced chemical equation between solution AA and BB d. Calculate:
i. The concentration of AA in moldm-3 ii. The molarity of solution BB
iii. The value of X ( number of molecules of water of crystallization of hydrated sodium carbonate Na2CO3.XH2O )
2 You are provided with the following solutions Solution FF: A solution containing 0.13M sodium thiosulphate Solution EE: A solution containing 0.1M nitric acid, stop watch and thermometer Procedure i. Use 50cm3 measuring cylinder, measure 30cm3of solution FF put into the boiling tube ii. Use different measuring cylinder to measure 30cm3of solution EE put into another boiling tube.
iii. Prepare a water bath using a 250cm3or a 300cm3 iv. Put those boiling tubes into a water bath, warm up to 300C
v. Place a 100cm3beaker on a piece of paper marked X
vi. Pour solution FF into a small beaker above (iv above) then add solution EE
immediately start the stop watch, swirl three times vii. Look down vertically through the mouth of the beaker until the mark X disappear, record the time taken viii. Repeat the above procedure for the following experiments
| a) | Fill the following table Temperature ( OC) 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 |
| Time (sec) Rate ( sec-1 ) | | | | | |
b) Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction of FF and EE. c) What substance was produced during reaction which obscured letter X d) Write the electronic configuration of the product which cause letter x to disappear e) Plot the graph of temperature against rate.
f) Draw a conclusion from the graph above. g) List down four (4) factors which affect the rate of chemical reaction |
FORM | The National Examinations Council of

Certificate of Secondary Education This is to certify that SALOME NDILANHA MAJEBELE
Index No. P0605-0113 sat for the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination at UHURU SECONDARY SCHOOL CENTRE
and qualified for the award of a in NOVEMBER 2017 CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION
in Division TWO
after attaining the following performance:-
| Subject | Grade | |
| CIVICS | (PASS) | |
| HISTORY | (PASS) | |
| KISMAHILI | в | (PASS) |
| PHYSICS | D | (PASS) |
| BIOLOGY | (PASS) | |

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CS17 000287245 |
- The following exam consist of section **A, B** and **C**
- Answer all questions from sections A and B and only three questions
from section C
- Cellular phone and other communication devices are not allowed
- Write your name in every page of your answer sheets.
- Well arranged and clean work will be awarded.
Answer all questions correctly as instructed
1. Choose the letter of a correct answer from the given multiples and
write its letter in a space provided.
<!-- -->
(i) To defend themselves against their enemies, the Portuguese built
fort and garrison on the East African Coast. The important for was
that of ......................
<!-- -->
(a) Fort Jesus
(b) Kilwa fort ( )
(c) Mombasa fort
(d) Elimina fort
<!-- -->
(ii) In ...................... The Portuguese under Vasco da Gama
reached East Africa.
<!-- -->
(a) 1488
(b) 1498 ( )
(c) 1478
(d) 1468
<!-- -->
(iii) One of the earliest European power that established contacts with
Africa was.........
<!-- -->
(a) England
(b) Chinese ( )
(c) Portuguese
(d) Scandinavian
<!-- -->
(iv) Christopher Columbus from Spain reached America in
<!-- -->
(a) 1592
(b) 1942 ( )
(c) 1494
(d) 1492
<!-- -->
(v) In 1840 sultan Seyyid said of Oman shifted his capital from Muscat
-- Oman to Zanzibar with one big aim
<!-- -->
(a) Establishing slave trade in the area which was more needed by the
(b) Cultivation of clove from Zanzibar and export them to Oman ( )
(c) To control East African coastal city states in which trade was
rapidly increasing
(d) To establish Islamic religion in the area
<!-- -->
(vi) In which capitalism mode of production one of the characteristic
<!-- -->
(a) Strengthening of bank systems
(b) Establishment of slave trade ( )
(c) Escaping challenges from other capitalist nation
(d) Killing the local industries and established the mechanized one
<!-- -->
(vii) According to scientist the first primates ancestors appeared in
two groups namely
<!-- -->
(a) Drypithecus Africanus and Ramapithecus
(b) Zinjanthropus and Homo habilis ( )
(c) Homo sapiens
(d) Australopithecus
<!-- -->
(viii) Collection of families with the same or common ancestor is
<!-- -->
(a) Kinship
(b) Age set ( )
(c) Ntemi system
(d) Social organization
<!-- -->
(ix) The combination of different economic activities which uses skills,
with hands and artistic ability on making thing is
<!-- -->
(a) Industries
(b) Economic activities ( )
(c) Handcraft
(d) Mining activities
<!-- -->
(x) The following activities are included in handcraft industries except
<!-- -->
(a) Iron smelting
(b) Cloth making ( )
(c) Salt making
(d) Mixed farming
<!-- -->
2. Matching items in the list **"A"** by writing the letter of the
correct match of the list **"B"**
| **LIST "A"** | **LIST "B"** |
| (i) Creation theory | a. Domestication of animal |
| | |
| (ii) Moresby treaty | b. Built schools, hospitals and churches |
| | |
| (iii) Mistaken identity | c. Earliest ancestor of true man |
| | |
| (iv) Regional trade | d. Hand craft |
| | |
| (v) Chwezi people | e. Mwanza and Arusha |
| | |
| (vi) basketry | f. Fairfax Moresby |
| | |
| (vii) Missionaries | g. Trans Saharan trade |
| | |
| (viii) Pastoralism | h. Timeline |
| | |
| (ix) Homo habilis | i. Based on Koran and Holly Bible |
| | |
| (x) Dating historical | j. Babito dynast |
| events | |
| | k. Rwanda and Burundi |
| | |
| | l. Discovering of fire |
3. Match the years in column **"A"** with the corresponding historical
facts in Column **"B"**
| **COLUMN "A"** | **COLUMN "B"** |
| (i) Formation of ant slavery society in Britain | A. 1822 |
| | |
| (ii) Establishment of Dutch settlement at the | B. 1833 |
| Cape | |
| | C. 300AD and 400 |
| (iii) Capture of Fort Jesus | AD |
| | |
| (iv) Moresby treaty | D. 1502 |
| | |
| (v) Begin of trans Saharan trade | E. 1779 |
| | |
| (vi) Zinjanthropus | F. 1922 |
| | |
| (vii) Emergence of state in East Africa | G. 1790 |
| | |
| (viii) First Kaffir war | H. 1823 |
| | |
| (ix) Vasco da Gama sailed again to the coast of | I. 1960 |
| East Africa | |
| | J. 1698 |
| (x) Slave trade was declared illegal | |
| | K. 1959 |
| | |
| | L. 1652 |
| | |
| | M. 1500AD |
4. Write **TRUE** for the correct sentence and **FALSE.**
<!-- -->
(i) The Ngoni originated from Natal region in South Africa
(ii) History tells us about what will happen in the
(iii) The technology that man develops during the late Stone Age is
called Microlithic...........
(iv) Industries are places used in production of goods from raw
(v) In the system of Ntemi, the leader known as Ntemi had no religious
power to his area.........................
(vi) Communalism occurred in the very fertile areas with much rain
(vii) The clan was simplest social unity in the early agricultural
(viii) The Ngoni migration was the results of population growth and the
scarcity of food...................................
(ix) European capitalist nations wanted the Africa not to be source of
raw material for their
(x) Shikamoo, kitabu, sala and darasa are some of the Arabic words
borrowed to be used in Swahili language......................
<!-- -->
5. Re-arrange the following sentences in correct order.
<!-- -->
(i) The concentrated their trading activities along the East African
(ii) However, agricultural production was minimal compared to the volume
of trade.
(iii) After conquering the east African coast the Portuguese began to
exploit the region.
(iv) They did not intend to engage in agricultural production.
(v) It was only in Mozambique that they intended to grow cassava and
<!-- -->
6. Write short notes of the following historical concepts.
<!-- -->
(i) The two theories of the Evolution of man.
(ii) Archaeology
(iii) The types of agriculture applied in pre-colonial Africa.
(iv) The outbreak of the Boer trek
(v) Triangular trade
(vi) Agents of industrial capitalism
(vii) The need of industrial capitalism
(viii) Importance of Oral tradition in development of history.
(ix) Stages of abolition of slave trade.
(x) Social and economic factors for interaction
**SECTION "C" (Essay question 30 marks)**
Answer three questions only
7. Analyze the problems which the British encountered in their efforts
to abolish the slave trade in East Africa.
8. \(a\) Define industrial capitalism
\(b\) Explain the characteristics of industrial capitalism.
\(c\) Explain the needs of industrial capitalism.
9. Compare and contrast the East African Slave trade with the
Trans-Atlantic slave trade
10. Explain the techniques used to obtain slave trade.
11. Give reasons for Dutch settlement at the cape.
01 KISWAHILI - | # Jamhuri Ya Muungano Wa Tanzania Baraza La Mitihani La Tanzania Sampuli Ya Mtihani Wa Kumaliza Elimu Ya Msingi
## Maelekezo Kwa Msimamizi
Zingatia yafuatayo **kabla ya kusoma maelekezo** kwa watahiniwa:
(i) Hakikisha unasoma hadithi kwa sauti na **taratibu** kwa mara ya kwanza huku ukizingatia alama zote za uandishi zilizopo katika hadithi hiyo. Unaposoma kwa mara ya pili ongeza kidogo kasi ya usomaji.
(ii) Muda utakaotumika kuwasomea watahiniwa hadithi ni **dakika tano** (05) na muda utakaotumika kwa watahiniwa kujibu maswali ni **dakika tano** (05). Sehemu hii itafanyika kwa **dakika kumi** (10).
(iii) Wakati utakapokuwa unasoma hadithi, hakikisha kuwa watahiniwa hawafungui karatasi yenye maswali ya mtihani.
(iv) Soma kwa sauti maelekezo kwa watahiniwa (1 hadi 4).
## Maelekezo Kwa Watahiniwa
1. Nitasoma kwa **sauti** hadithi mara mbili, hivyo kila mmoja asikilize kwa makini. 2. Nitakapokuwa nasoma hadithi hakikisha kuwa karatasi yako ya maswali haijafunguliwa.
3. Nikisoma hadithi kwa mara ya kwanza, sikiliza bila kujibu maswali na nikimaliza kusoma kwa mara ya pili, jibu swali la 1 (i) hadi (v) kisha endelea kujibu maswali mengine (2 hadi 6).
4. Naanza kusoma hadithi sasa hivyo sikiliza kwa **umakini**.
## Siri Hadithi
Hapo zamani za kale palikuwa na Mfalme aliyeitwa Nguvumali katika nchi ya Hekaheka.
Mfalme aliwapenda sana raia. Hata hivyo, Mfalme huyo alikuwa hana raha kwa kuwa alikuwa na siri moyoni. Ukweli ni kwamba, Mfalme alikuwa na masikio kama ya Punda.
Hali hii ilimfanya avae kilemba kila siku kinachofunika kichwa na masikio. Siku moja Mfalme alimuita Roporopo ili amnyoe nywele. Roporopo alipofika alikaribishwa na askari na kuingia katika chumba cha mfalme. Kabla ya kuanza kumnyoa mfalme, aliambiwa na mfalme kuwa atakachoona asiseme popote. Baada ya kumaliza kumnyoa, Roporopo aliondoka na kwenda porini. Alipofika huko alichimba shimo refu kisha akaingia mle na kusema kwa sauti, "Mfalme Nguvumali ana masikio kama ya Punda." Baadaye mti uliota kwenye lile shimo na kurefuka.
Upepo mkali ulipovuma miti ilitikisika. Ndipo ule mti ulitoa maneno kwa sauti kuelekea kijijini, yalisikika maneno yakisema, "Mfalme Nguvumali ana masikio kama ya Punda."
Mfalme aliposikia yale maneno alisema, "Ama kweli dunia haina siri." Mwishowe, Mfalme aliamua kuvua kilemba na kukubali watu wajue kuwa ana masikio kama ya Punda. |
**[TIME: 2 Hours Monday, 29^th^ November 2021 a.m.]{.underline}**
- This paper consists of section A and B
- Answer all questions in both sections
- All drawings should be in pencils
> 1\. Choose the correct answer from the given choices
> i\. Units used to measure amount of cloud cover is:-
> A. Oktas B. Hectometers C. Decameters D. Decimeters
> ii\. Lines joining places with same pressure are known as:-
> A. Isohels B. Isobars C. Isonephs D. Isotherms
> iii\. Pressure is measured by an instrument known as:-
> A. Anemometer B. Barometer C. Hygrometer D. Mercury
> iv\. Sleet is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
> A. Frozen snow B. Snow and rain C. Small balls of ice D. Droplets of
> water
> v\. Cyclonic rainfall is formed when
> A. Formed when moist winds are forced to rise over mountain
> B. Formed as a result of heating the Earth's surface
> C. Formed when large masses of warm moist air meet with cool dry air
> vi\. Wind speed is measured by an instrument known as:-
> A. Wind vane B. Anemometer C. Barometer D. Wind gauge
> vii\. The equatorial climate is characterized by
> A. Selva forest B. Savannah vegetation C. High diurnal temperature
> viii\. The climate of a place influences the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ of
> that place
> A. Temperature B. Weather C. Humidity D. Natural vegetation E.
> Landscape
> ix\. Altitude influences \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ of a place
> A. Temperature B. Clouds and sunshine C. Humidity and precipitation
> D. Wind speed and wind direction E. Longitude and latitude
> x\. Planetary winds refer to:-
> A. Wind blowing for short time B. Wind that affect the large part of
> the Earth's surface
> C. Wind occurring regularly D. Wind blowing from the land to the sea
> 2\. Match each statement in column A with its corresponding response
> in column B
| **COLUMN A** | **COLUMN B** |
| i\. Isotherms | A. Lines joining same amount of cloud |
| | cover |
| ii\. Isohyets | |
| | B. Decrease in temperature with increase |
| iii\. Sea breeze | in latitude |
| | |
| iv\. Lapse rate | C. Lines joining same places with same |
| | temperature |
| v\. Land breeze | |
| | D. The boundary between one drainage and |
| vi\. Isonephs | the next |
| | |
| vii\. Watershed | E. Part of the land entering the ocean |
| | and sea |
| viii\. Peninsula | |
| | F. A narrow and deep steep sided |
| ix\. Rift valley | depression |
| | |
| x\. Largest lake in the | G. Caspean sea |
| world | |
| | H. Superior lake |
| | |
| | I. Wind blows from sea to the land |
| | |
| | J. Wind blows from land to the sea |
| | |
| | K. Lines joining same places with same |
| | amount of rainfall |
> 3\. a/ What is weather forecasting?
> b/ Give four importance of weather forecasting to the people
> 4\. a/ What is the meaning of the word "Temperature"
> b/ Salome is a form one students studying at Tabora girls high school.
> She experiences a very low temperature and cloud covered atmosphere.
> Which instrument is Salome can use to measure that situation?
> c/ Convert 33$℃$ into degree Fahrenheit
> 5\. Carefully study the climate data in the table below and answer the
> questions that follow:-
----------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- ----
TEMP $℃$ 22 23 22 19 16 13 12 13 14 16 18 22
RAINFALL mm 8 8 17 43 124 167 162 142 83 53 20 15
a/ Calculate the annual range of temperature
b/ Calculate the annual rainfall
c/ Calculate the mean annual temperature
d/ Draw the climograph graph representing both temperature and rainfall
e/ What was the hottest and coldest months?
6\. Masabuda is always asking questions on himself on how does rain
occur and he does not get answer to that question. As a form one student
give five points to help Masabuda on how rain is formed or occurs.
7\. With the help of diagrams discuss three types of rainfall
8\. a/ Name two most common Great circles
b/ Its 4.15 am in a town located at 20${^\circ}$E, Calculate the local
time mean time of a town located at 50${^\circ}$F
9\. a/ The earth's shape is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
b/ Discuss factors which verify the earth's shape
10\. a/ What is the sun?
b/ Give four results of the earth's rotation
**TIME: 2HRS**
## SECTION ''A''
### 1. Multiple Choices
i. Chemistry is the study of:
(a) The composition, structure, and properties of matter
(b) All scientific process
(c) Experiments carried out in schools **( )**
(d) The chemicals used in the laboratory
ii. Halima wants to grind the granules of a certain chemical into fine powder. The apparatus she will use is:
(a) Mortar and pestle
(b) Round bottomed flask **( )**
(c) Pestle and filter paper
(d) Bunsen burner
iii. Masanja saw the flammable sign on a box. He made the following interpretation. Which is correct?
(a) The box contained spirit used in lamps
(b) The box contained firewood **( )**
(c) The box contained paper
(d) The box had radioactive material
iv. Which is the hottest part of a non-luminous flame?
(a) The tip of the outer zone
(b) The outer zone **( )**
(c) The inner zone
(d) All of the above
v. The first step in scientific procedures is:
(a) Problem identification
(b) Hypothesis **( )**
(c) Data interpretation
(d) Data analysis
vi. Which of the following is a physical change?
(a) Salt dissolves completely in water
(b) Fruits are fermented to produce wine **( )**
(c) Forest fire burns all the trees
(d) Milk turns sour
vii. The best way of separating iron filings from sulfur powder is by:
(a) Evaporation
(b) Magnet **( )**
(c) Separating funnel
(d) Winnowing
viii. Heat, fuel, and .......................... are the three components of fire.
(a) Oxygen
(b) Carbon **( )**
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Hydrogen
ix. The chemical symbol of sodium is:
(a) Na
(b) K **( )**
(c) S
(d) SO
x. Under normal conditions, approximately, what percentage of air is oxygen?
(a) 21%
(b) 2.1% **( )**
(c) 78%
(d) 7.8%
### 2. Match the items in List A with responses in List B by writing the letter.
| **LIST A** | **LIST B** |
| i. Luminous flame | a) Fire resulting from fats and oils |
| ii. Rust | b) Coating of iron or steel with zinc |
| iii. Combustible materials | c) Materials that produce heat when burning |
| iv. Galvanizing | d) Greenish coating of iron when exposed to moisture |
| v. Class F Fire | e) Produce less heat |
| | f) Produce more heat |
| | g) Chemical change |
| | h) Non-luminous flame |
| | i) Fire caused by firewood |
### 3. (a) By giving one example, name the three states of matter:
(i) ................................................. Eg: ....................
(ii) ................................................. Eg: ....................
(iii) ................................................. Eg: ....................
(b) Briefly explain the conditions affecting rusting:
(i) ...........................................................................................................
(ii) ...........................................................................................................
(iii) ...........................................................................................................
### 4. (a) Define the following terms:
(i) Laboratory:
(ii) Apparatus:
(iii) Compound:
(b) Mention five laboratory rules:
(i) ...........................................................................................................
(ii) ...........................................................................................................
(iii) ...........................................................................................................
(iv) ...........................................................................................................
(v) ...........................................................................................................
### 5. (a) Name the process that can be used to separate the following substances:
(i) Iodine and sand:
(ii) Kerosene and water:
(iii) Oil from water:
(iv) A mixture of sulfur and iron filings:
(b) Outline four portable fire extinguishers:
(i) ...........................................................................................................
(ii) ...........................................................................................................
(iii) ...........................................................................................................
(iv) ...........................................................................................................
### 6. (a) Mention four places where chemistry is applied:
(i) ...........................................................................................................
(ii) ...........................................................................................................
(iii) ...........................................................................................................
(iv) ...........................................................................................................
(b) Briefly list four careers in which chemistry is an important subject:
(i) ...........................................................................................................
(ii) ...........................................................................................................
(iii) ...........................................................................................................
(iv) ...........................................................................................................
### 7. Complete the following table (10 marks):
| **APPARATUS** | **ITS DIAGRAM** | **USES** |
| (I) Thistle Funnel | | |
| (II) Bunsen Burner | | |
| (III) Tripod Stand | | |
| (IV) Spatula | | |
| (V) Retort Stand | | |
### 8. (a) Draw a well-labeled diagram of a non-luminous flame.
(b) Differentiate between luminous and non-luminous flame:
| (i) ............ | (i) ............ |
| (ii) ............ | (ii) ............ |
| (iii) ............ | (iii) ............ |
| (iv) ............ | (iv) ............ |
| (v) ............ | (v) ............ |
### 9. (a) Briefly mention three components needed to start a fire:
(i) ...........................................................................................................
(ii) ...........................................................................................................
(iii) ...........................................................................................................
(b) Briefly explain five methods through which rusting can be prevented:
(i) ...........................................................................................................
(ii) ...........................................................................................................
(iii) ...........................................................................................................
(iv) ...........................................................................................................
(v) ...........................................................................................................
KISWAHILI KIDATO CHA 2(1).md | <table style="width:100%;">
<col style="width: 7%" />
<col style="width: 9%" />
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<col style="width: 7%" />
<col style="width: 2%" />
<col style="width: 14%" />
<col style="width: 10%" />
<col style="width: 8%" />
<col style="width: 7%" />
<col style="width: 7%" />
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<tr class="header">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Kuzungumza na kuandika kwa Kiswahili.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Kusikiliza na kuelewa mazungumzo yaliyo katika lugha ya
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>J A N U A R I</strong></p>
<td rowspan="2"><p><strong>3</strong></p>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2"><p>(a) Mofimu</p>
<p>(b) Uambishaji</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p><strong>4</strong></p>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kutoa fasihi ya mofimu.</p>
<p>-Kutumia mifano kuwaongoza wanafuni waweze kubaini aina a
<td><p>-Kueleza fasihi ya mofimu.</p>
<p>-Kujadili aina za mofimu.</p>
<p>Kujadili dhima za mofimu.</p></td>
<td>Chati za mofinu</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili dhima za mofimu.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili kwa mifano.</p>
<p>i)Maana ya uambishaji, Viambishi.</p>
<p>ii) Aina za viambishi</p>
<p>iii) Dhima za viambishi</p></td>
<td><p>-Wanafunzi washiriki kujadili .</p>
<p>(i)Maana ya Uambishaji & Uambishi</p>
<p>(ii) Aina za viambishi.</p>
<p>(iii) Kueleza dhma za viambishi.</p></td>
<td>Chati yenye mifano ya viambishi.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<td>(c) Mnyambuliko</td>
<td>-Kwa njia ya majadiliano kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili fasihi na
dhima ya mnyambuliko.</td>
<td>-Kueleza fasihi na dhima ya mnyambuliko wa kubainisha kategoria za
<td>Chati yenye maneno ya mnyambuliko.</td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3">Kusikiliza na kuelewa mazungumzo yaliyo katika lugha ya
<td rowspan="3">Matumizi ya Kiswahili katika miktadha Mbalimbali</td>
<td rowspan="3"><blockquote>
<p><strong>F E B R U A R I</strong></p>
<td rowspan="3"><p>1&2</p>
<p>& 5</p></td>
<p>Lugha ya mazungumzo & Maandishi</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>a) Rejesta</p>
<p>b) Misimu</p></td>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza kufasili rejesta na kufafanua dhima za rejesta.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongozo wanafunzi kukusanya kazi za rejesta</p></td>
<td><p>-Kueleza fasli ya rejesta</p>
<p>-Kujadili dhima za rejesta</p>
<p>Kukusanya rejesta anuai.</p></td>
<td>Matini za rejesta</td>
<td rowspan="3">Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 2.</td>
<tr class="even">
<td>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kwa mifano ili waweze kueleza maana ya misimu
chanzo na dhima za misimu au matumizi ya misimu</td>
<td>Kujadili maana ya misimu, chanzo na dhima za misimu.</td>
<td>Chati ya misimu mbalimbali</td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>Lugha ya mazungumzo & Maandishi</p>
<p>Matini na lafudhi katika mawasiliano</p></td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini lugha ya mazungumzo na
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kufafanua dhima kisha kutofautisha lugha ya
mazungumzo na Maandishi.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kutumia lafudhi sahihikatika
<td><p>-Kujadili dhima za lugha ya maandishi na mazungumzo.</p>
<p>-Kutofautisha lugha ya mazungumzo na Maandhishi.</p>
<p>-Kwa kutumia vikundi waweze kubuni matamshi na lafudhi ya
<td><p>-Matini za lugha ya mazungumzo na maandishi.</p>
<p>-Vinasa sauti vyenye mazungumzo.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3"><blockquote>
<p>Kusikiliza na kuelewa mazungumzo katika lugha ya Kiswahili</p>
<td rowspan="3"><blockquote>
<p>Kubaini Matumizi ya Kiswahili katika miktadha Mbalimbali</p>
<td rowspan="3"><blockquote>
<p><strong>M A C H I</strong></p>
<td rowspan="3"><p><strong>3</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td>d) Utata katika mawasiliano.</td>
<td>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini maana tofauti za tungo kutokana na
vipengele vya sarufi maana, maumbo, miundo na matini.</td>
<td>-Kujadili namna ya kuondoa utatakwa kuzingatia sarufi ya lugha</td>
<td>-Chati yenye maneno yenye utata.</td>
<td rowspan="3"><p>Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 2</p>
<p>& Kiswahili sekondari (TUMI 1988)</p>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>e) Makosa ya Kisarufi</td>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini / kutafiti makosa mbalimbali ya
kisarufi nay a kimantiki.</p>
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kuainisha makosa ya kisarufi.</p></td>
<td><p>-Kubaini /kutafiti makosa ya kisarufi na kusahihisha.</p>
<p>-Kuainisha makosa ya kisarufi.</p></td>
<td>-Tungo mbalimbali zenye makosa.</td>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"><p>Kuandika habari fupifupi za</p>
<td rowspan="2">Kuandika insha, barua na simu</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>A P R I L I</strong></p>
<td rowspan="2"><p><strong>1</strong></p>
<td rowspan="2"><p>U</p>
<td>a) Insha</td>
<td>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini mambo ya kuzingatia katika uandishi wa
<td>-Kushiriki mjadala wa insha ya hoja na wasifu kisha kuzitunga.</td>
<td>Vipengele vya insha.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>b) Barua rasmi</td>
<td>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili lengo na muundo wa barua rasmi.</td>
<td><p>-Kubaini malengo na muundo wa barua rasmi.</p>
<p>-Kuandika barua rasmi.</p></td>
<td>Chati /matini za barua rasmi</td>
<td>Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 2</td>
<tr class="even">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>A P R I L I</strong></p>
<td rowspan="2"><p>2</p>
<td rowspan="2"><p>U</p>
<td rowspan="2"><p>c) Simu</p>
<p>d) Kadi za mwaliko</p>
<p>e) Uandishi wa dayalojia</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>4</p>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kuandika simu ya Maandishi na tararibu za
<p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kueleza maana na umuhimu wa kadi za
<p>-Kuwaongoza kubaini muundo na taratibu za uandishi wa kadi za
<td><p>-Kuchunguza kielekezo cha simu ya maandishi .</p>
<p>-Kubaini muundo na taratibu uandishi.</p>
<p>Kukusanya kadi mbalimbali za mialiko.</p>
<p>Kuandika kadi za mialiko kwa kuzingatia muundo na taratibu
<td><p>Vielelezo vya simu ya Maandishi.</p>
<p>Kadi anuai za mialiko.</p></td>
<td><p>Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 2</p>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kusoma dayalojia,</p>
<p>kuigiza na kuchunguza mbinu za uandishi wa dayalojia.</p></td>
<td><p>-Kusoma dayalojia</p>
<p>-Kuchunguza mbinu za uandishi na kutunga dayalojia.</p></td>
<td>Matini zenye dayalojia.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="3"><blockquote>
<p><strong>M E I</strong></p>
<p>Uhakiki wa maigizo</p></td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kusimulia matukio mbalimbali kwa kuzingatia
lafudhi ya Kiswahili.</p>
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kuhakiki maigizo kwa kuzingatia vipengele vya
fani na maudhui.</p></td>
<td><p>-Kusimulia matukio mbalimbali kwa kuzingatia lafudhi ya
<p>-Kuhaiki maigizo</p>
<p>-Kuigiza kazi zilizorekodiwa kwa kuzingatia fani na maudhui</p></td>
<td><p>Magazeti na matangazo</p>
<p>Matini ya maigizo</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"><p>Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 2.</p>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2">Kukusanya na kuhifadhi kazi za fasihi simulizi</td>
<td rowspan="2">Kukusanya na kuhifadhi kazi za fasihi simulizi</td>
<td>Uhifadhi wa kazi za fasihi simulizi</td>
<td>a)Njia za uhifadhi wa kazi za fasihi simulizi</td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kutaja njia za kukusanya na kuhifadhi
fasihi simulizi.</p>
<p>-Kufafanua ubora na udhaifu wa njia hizo.</p></td>
<td><p>-Kutaja njia za kukusanya na kuhifadhi fasihi</p>
<p>Kueleza faida na hasara za njia hizo.</p></td>
<td>Matumizi na matini za fasihi simulizi</td>
<tr class="even">
<td>b) Umuhimu wa kuhifadhi kazi za fasihi simulizi</td>
<td>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kujadili umuhimu wa kuhifadhi kazi za
fasihi simulizi.</td>
<td>-Kujadili umuhimu wa kuhifadhi fasihi simulizi.</td>
<td>Chati ya fasihi simulizi.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<p>MADA KUU</p>
<p>ZANA /</p>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>J U L A I</strong></p>
<td>Utunagaji wa kazi za fasihi simulizi</td>
<td><p>a)Kanuni za utungaji mashairi.</p>
<p>b) Kanuni za utungaji maigizo</p></td>
<td><p>Kuwaongoza kusoma mashairi ngonjera na kuwaonesha hatua za
utungaji wa ushairi.</p>
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kuigiza mada anuai na kuandika maigizo mbali
<td><p>-Kusoma mashairi ngonjera na kuchunguza mbinu za utungaji
<p>-Kutunga na kuiga maigizo mbalimbali.</p></td>
<td>Matini za maigizo.</td>
<tr class="even">
<td>Kusoma na kuelewa habari fupi za Kiswahili.</td>
<td>Kusoma na kuelewa maandiko yenye ujumbe mbalimbali .</td>
<p><strong>OKTOBA & SEPTEMBA & AGOSTI</strong></p>
<td><p>a) Ufahamu wa kusoma</p>
<p>b) Matumizi ya kamusi</p></td>
<td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kusoma habari kwa ufasaha na kujibu maswali
kutokana na ufahamu na ufupisho wa habari.</p>
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kutumia kamusi.</p>
<p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini maana ya istilahi tofauti zitumikazo
kwenye kamusi. Mfano: Matini, Visawe n.k</p></td>
<td><p>-Kusoma kimya na kwa makini na kujibu maswali.</p>
<p>-Kufupisha habari.</p>
<p>- Kusoma kwa sauti kwa lafudhi ya Kiswahili.</p>
<p>Kujifunza na kutumia kamusi.</p></td>
<td><p>-Matini mbalimbali.</p>
<td><p>Kiswahili kitukuzwe.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="13"><strong>MARUDIO & MTIHANI WA TAIFA</strong></td>
HIST - FORM | <table>
<col style="width: 7%" />
<col style="width: 9%" />
<col style="width: 3%" />
<col style="width: 2%" />
<col style="width: 7%" />
<col style="width: 6%" />
<col style="width: 2%" />
<col style="width: 15%" />
<col style="width: 13%" />
<col style="width: 8%" />
<col style="width: 5%" />
<col style="width: 10%" />
<col style="width: 8%" />
<tr class="header">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2">Demonstrates on the causes of the major causes of crisis
in the capitalist countries and ability to assess their impact on
<td rowspan="2">Develop understanding of the causes of the major crisis
in capitalist countries and asses their impact on Africa.</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>First World War causes and impact on Africa.</p></td>
<td><p>Guide students or groups to read, discuss and summarize the long
and short term causes of WW1</p>
<p>Lead the students to present their findings in the class for further
discussion and clarification.</p></td>
<td><p>Listening carefully and participating in the lesson</p>
<p>Discuss on the group about the impact of WW1</p></td>
<td><p>Written sources on the short form & long term of WWI.</p>
<p>Written sources on the factors lead to the spread of WW1.</p></td>
<td><p>African History from 19<sup>th</sup> C up to the 21<sup>st</sup>
<p>The History of Africa 1880 to 1945.</p></td>
<td>Analyse the short term and long term causes of WW1</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td>(b)Great depression its causes and impact on Africa.</td>
<td><p>Using the question and answer to guide the student to explain the
meaning of the Great Depression.</p>
<p>Leading the students on the impact of Great depression.</p></td>
<td><p>To explain the meaning of Great depression.</p>
<p>Participating fully in exploring the impact of Great
<td>Written sources on the causes and impact of Great depression in
<td>To analyse the causes and impact of Great depression.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td>(c) Second World War: Causes and impact on Africa.</td>
<td><p>Guide students in groups to conduct library research on the
causes of the WWII and each group to summarize them.</p>
<p>Guiding students in groups to present their findings for further
discussion and clarification.</p></td>
<td><p>Assessing the impact of WWII on Africa.</p>
<p>Analyse the main causes of the WWII on Africa.</p></td>
<td>Written materials on the causes and impact of WWII.</td>
<td><p>World crisis in 19<sup>th</sup> C:</p>
<p>African History from 19<sup>th</sup> C up to 21<sup>st</sup>
<td>Assess if the students are able to explain the causes and impact on
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>Demonstrate knowledge on the motives of the struggle for independence
and ability to evaluate the strengths weakness and contribution of the
efforts made and strategies used by the African people to achieve
political independence.</p>
<p>Nationalism in Africa.</p></td>
<td><p>Guide students to brainstorm the meaning of nationalism and its
<p>Leading the students on the findings the rise and role of
<p>Guide students in group to carry out library research on the
importance of nationalism in Africa.</p></td>
<td>Participate fully in the discussion on the meaning, causes and
important of Nationalism.</td>
<td>Written sources on the features for the rise of African
<td>Assess the students to explain meaning and importance of African
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<p>The rise of social & Welfare Association</p></td>
<td><p>Guide students to brainstorm the meaning of social and welfare
<p>Guide students to carryout discussion on the reason for the rise of
social and welfare associations.</p>
<p>Guide students on finding the strengths, weakness and contribution of
social and welfare associations during the struggle for
<td>Students and teachers must fully participate in discussing the
meaning reasons for the rise of social and welfare associations as well
as strengths, weakness and contribution of social and welfare
associations during the struggle for independence.</td>
<td>Written sources on the factors for the rise of social and welfare
<td>Assess the students to give meaning of social and welfare
associations, reason, weakness, strengths and contribution of social and
welfare associations.</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<p>The rise of protest & religious movements.</p></td>
<td><p>Guide students on group to conduct research on the meaning of
protest and religious movements.</p>
<p>Guide students in question and answer methods to explain the causes
of the rise of protest and religious movement.</p>
<p>Guide students in groups to carry out a library research and assess
the strengths, weakness and contribution of protest and religious
movement during the struggle for Independence.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<p>The rise of mass Nationalism and political parties in
<td><p>Guides students to read written sources on the mass
<p>Guide students to explain the meaning and causes of the rise of mass
nationalism in Africa after 1945.</p>
<p>Guide students in discussion of the strengths, weakness n and
contribution of the mass nationalism and political parties in
<td>Engaging fully in discussion concerning the mass nationalism in
<td><p>Major Events in African History</p>
<p>African History from 19<sup>th</sup> C up to the 21<sup>st</sup>
<td>Analyse the causes of protest and religious movement.</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>Decolonisation through Constitutional means.</p></td>
<td><p>Guide students to read written sources on the decolonisation
through constitutional means.</p>
<p>Guide students to explain conditions which facilitated constitutional
struggle for independence.</p>
<p>Guide and participate in discussion with students problems
experienced during the struggle for independence through constitutional
<td>Presents their findings in groups for further clarification.</td>
<td>Written source on the mass Nationalism in decolonisation through
constitutional means.</td>
<td><p>Decolonisation on African continent after WWII.</p>
<p>Major event in African History.</p></td>
<td>Analyse the problems experienced during decolonisation though
constitutional means.</td>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="13"><p><strong>31<sup>ST</sup> March – 9<sup>th</sup>
<p><strong>MID TERM TEST AND BREAK</strong></p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<p>Decolonisation through armed struggle.</p></td>
<td><p>Through questions and answer method guide students to explain the
meaning of armed struggle.</p>
<p>Guide students to find facts on reasons using armed struggle.</p>
<p>To guide students to asks the conditions of strengths weakness and
contributions of armed struggle towards the road to independence in
<td>Explain the meaning of decolonisation by armed struggle.</td>
<td>Written sources on the decolonisation by armed struggle.</td>
<td>Major events in African History.</td>
<td>Explain the reason for armed struggle.</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>Decolonisation through Revolution.</p></td>
<td><p>Through discussion students to explain the meaning of
Decolonisation through Revolution.</p>
<p>Guide students in groups to discuss the reasons, weaknesses,
strengths and contribution of the Revolution in decolonisation of
African continent.</p></td>
<td>Explain the meaning of decolonisation through Revolution students to
presents their findings on the reasons, weakness, strengths and
contribution of decolonisation through Revolution. Students should
discuss reason for variation of decolonisation means.</td>
<td>Written sources on the decolonisation through Revolution.</td>
<td>Major events in African History.</td>
<td>Analyse the reasons for the decolonisation by Revolution.</td>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3">Demonstrates knowledge on the efforts made to bring
about society and economic development in Africa after independence an
shows ability to assess their strengths and weakness.</td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Changes in political ideological and administrative systems.</p></td>
<td>Guide the students in groups to ready, identify, discuss and
summarize factors and conditions which led to the changes in political
and economic system after independence.</td>
<td>Participate fully in discussion on the factors which led to the
changes in political ideology and administrative system.</td>
<td>Written sources on the political and economic changes after
<td>To explain the factors for the changes in political ideology and
administrative system.</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<p>Changes in economic and development policies after
<td><p>Guide students individually to ready written sources on the
factors which led to the changes in economic policies and
<p>Guide students in groups to discuss and make summary of their
<p>Guide the students to present their findings in class for further
<td><p>Listening attentively and discuss the changes in economic and
development policies after independence.</p>
<p>Participating fully in leading lesson as planned.</p></td>
<td>Written sources in economic and development policies after
<td>Explain the factors for the changes in economic and development
policies after independence.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="9"><p><strong>TERMINAL EXAMINATIONS</strong></p>
<p><strong>LONG VACATION</strong></p></td>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<p><strong>J U L Y</strong></p>
<td>(c)Provision of Education in Africa after Independence</td>
<td>Guide the student in group to read the written sources discuss and
summarize them.</td>
<td>Explaining the provision of education and the changes in the
provisions of social services.</td>
<td>Written sources on provision of social services in Africa after
<td>Major Events in African History.</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><p>(a)Continental cooperation.</p>
<p>(b)African Regional cooperation</p>
<p>(c)Africa in International Affairs.</p></td>
<td><p>Guide students to analyse the objectives of continental
<p>Guide students to read written sources, discuss and summarize
objectives of different regional cooperation in Africa.</p>
<p>Guide students to discuss the objectives of African participation in
international affairs such as UNO, EEC, NAM etc.</p></td>
<td><p>Listening carefully, discuss and take notes on the African
continental cooperations.</p>
<p>Research and documents on Regional cooperation.</p>
<p>Case studies review on international affairs.</p></td>
<td><p>Written documents on continental cooperation.</p>
<p>Written document on regional cooperation.</p>
<p>Written documents on international affairs.</p></td>
<p>Major Events in African History.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="13"><p><strong>END OF SYLLABUS</strong></p>
<p><strong>MOCK EXAMS & PRE NECTA</strong></p>
**[MUDA: SAA 3 Alhamisi, 2 Disemba 2021 mchana]{.underline}**
- Karatasi hii ina sehemu A, B na C zenye jumla ya maswali kumi na
mbili (12)
- Jibu maswali yote katika sehemu A na B na maswali matatu kutoka
sehemu C
- Zingatia maagizo ya kila sehemu na kila swali
- Andika jina lako katika kila ukurasa wa karatasi lako la majibu
**SEHEMU A (Alama 15)**
Jibu maswali yote katika sehemu hii
1\. (i) Ni neno lipi linatoa taarifa kuhusu nomino?
A. Kitenzi B. Kielezi C. Kivumishi D. Kiwakilishi E. Kiunganishi
\(ii\) Katika Lugha ya Kiswahili kuna aina ngapi za vitenzi?
A. Mbili B. tano C. sita D. tatu E. nne
\(iii\) Kati ya sababu zifuatazo ni ipi si sahihi kuhusu matumizi ya
A. Kujifunza lugha ya kigeni B. Kusanifisha maneno mapya C. Kubaini
kategoria ya neno
D. Kujua maana za maneno E. Kujua tahajia za maneno
\(iv\) Kiswahili enzi za waarabu kilikua na kuenea kutokana na sababu
zifuatazo, isipokuwa
A. Biashara B. Jeshi la K.A.R C. Utawala D. Dini E. Elimu
\(v\) Upi kati ya seti zifuatazo ni muundo sahihi wa tungo?
A. Neno, kirai, sentensi, tungo na mofimu B. Mofimu, kirai, neno,
kishazi na tungo
C. Kishazi, tungo, sentensi, kirai na neno D. Mofimu, neno, kirai,
kishazi na sentensi
E. Herufi, silabi, kirai, neno na sentensi
\(vi\) Ngeli za nomino huweza kujipambanua katika msingi wa upatanisho
wa kisarufi. Kupitia kigezo hiki neno "Maji" linaingia katika ngeli
A. I -- ZI B. U -- YA C. A -- WA D. YA -- YA E. LI -- YA
\(vii\) Jozi ipi ina vipengele sahihi vinavyounda umbo la nje la kazi za
fasihi simulizi?
A. Lugha, Falsafa, Mtindo, Dhamira B. Ujumbe, Mtazamo, Migogoro, Dhamira
C. Dhamira, Maudhui, Lugha, Mtindo D. Muundo, Mtindo, Lugha, Falsafa
E. Mtindo, Muundo, Matumizi ya lugha, Wahusika
\(viii\) "Waandishi wa fasihi huzungumzia watu wenye mienendo
isiyokubalika katika jamii ili kukemea mienendo hiyo". Katika tamthiliya
ulizosoma, ni wahusika wapi kati ya wafuatao wana mienendo
A. Joti, Ngoswe, na Mama Furaha B. Padri James, Ngoswe, na Baba Anna
C. Mazoea, Mama Furaha, na Joti D. Ngoswe, Baba Anna, na Suzi
E. Ngoswe, Joti, na padri James
\(ix\) Mathna ni muundo wa mistari mingapi?
A. Mitatu B. minne C. miwili D. mitano E. sita
\(x\) Ni sentensi ipi kati ya zifuatazo haipo kwenye upatanisho wa
A. Chumba kina madirisha B. Tunda limeiva C. Gari imeharibika
D. Njia zina majani E. Majani yamekauka
2\. Oanisha orodha A na orodha B ili kujenga dhana iliyokamilika na
| **ORODHA A** | **ORODHA B** |
| \(i\) Baadhi ya misimu | A. Ambaa, oyaa, mshikaji, |
| | misheni, dingi. |
| \(ii\) Mazingira ya jambo husika | |
| | B. Lugha ya mazungumzo |
| \(iii\) Mojawapo ya tanzu za | |
| lugha | C. Muktadha |
| | |
| \(iv\) Mtindo wa lugha | D. Rejesta |
| inayozungumzwa kulingana na | |
| muktadha na kusudi maalumu | E. Sarufi maumbo |
| | |
| \(v\) Taaluma inayoshughulikia | F. Silabi |
| maumbo au mjengo wa maneno katika | |
| tungo | G. Tanbihi |
ORODHA A i ii iii iv V
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
**SEHEMU B (Alama 40)**
3\. Taja sifa nne zinazokibainisha kishazi tegemezi
4\. Onesha dhima za mofimu katika vitenzi vifuatavyo
\(i\) Analima (ii) Walivyolima (iii) Hucheza (iv) Utaondoka
5\. Eleza maana mbili kwa neno katika maneno yafuatayo
\(i\) Tupa (ii) Kaa (iii) Buni (iv) Panda
6\. Kwa kutumia riwaya ya Takadini, iliyoandikwa na Ben J. Hanson (MBS),
Eleza kwa kifupi mambo manne ambayo mhusika Sekai aliyafanya na
kukumbukwa sana na jamii kwa kufanya mambo hayo mazuri, na jamii
ikajifunza kupitia kwake.
7\. (a) Barua ya maombi ya kazi inahitaji uangalifu sana katika sehemu
ya barua yenyewe. Taja mambo makuu manne ya kuzingatia kuelezwa katika
barua hii hasa kwenye sehemu ya barua yenyewe.
\(b\) Andika barua ya mwaliko kwa rafiki yako ukimwalika kwenye sherehe
ya harusi ya dada yako aitwaye Pendo Karunguyeye.
8\. Soma shairi lifuatalo kisha jibu maswali yafuatayo
1\. Ulimi ninakuasa, nisemayo usikie,
Mwenzio sijenitosa, nafasi sijijutie,
Ninachokuomba hasa, unifanye nivutie
Ewe ulimi sikia!
2\. Usijenipa machungu, na watu hawarukia,
Sitengane na wenzangu, na wao kunichukia,
Hayo yapo juu yangu, usemapo yaso njia,
Ewe ulimi sikia!
3\. Usiropoke ropoke, kwa wenzio kwanza sema,
Usipachike pachike, maneno yasiyo mema,
Useme wanufaike, kwa kauli yako njema
Ewe ulimi sikia!
\(i\) Je ni fundisho gani ulilolipata baada ya kusoma shairi hili?
\(ii\) Je shairi hili ni la muundo wa namna gani?
\(iii\) Je shairi hili ni la mtindo gani?
\(iv\) (a) Onesha vina katika ubeti namba tatu
\(b\) Onesha mizani katika ubeti namba tatu
\(v\) Onesha kibwagizo katika shairi hili
**SEHEMU C (Alama 45)**
Jibu maswali **matatu (3)** kutoka katika sehemu hii
9\. Kwa kutumia mifano, eleza mambo matano yaliyosaidia kuenea kwa lugha
ya Kiswahili enzi za utawala wa Wajerumani
10\. Waandishi wengi wa fasihi wamejikita katika kuhakikisha upatikanaji
wa usawa pamoja na ustawi watu kwa ujumla. Kwakutumia diwani mbili
miongoni mwa ulizojifunza, onesha namna walivyofanikiwa kutekeleza
wajibu wao wa ujenzi wa jamii mpya. (Hoja tatu kwa kila kitabu)
11\. "Jamii ya kitanzania inakabiliwa na matatizo mbalimbali ya kijamii
yanayokwamisha mendeleo" Thibitisha kauli hii kwa kutoa hoja tatu kwa
kila riwaya kati ya riwaya mbili ulizosoma.
12\. "Waandishi wa tamthiliya wameshindwa kufikisha ujumbe kwa jamii
iliyokusudiwa" Kanusha kauli hii kwa kutumia hoja tatu kwa kila kitabu
kutoka katika tamthiliya mbili ulizosoma
- Wasakatonge - M.S. Khatibu (DUP)
- Malenga Wapya - TAKILUKI (DUP)
- Mashairi ya chekacheka - T.A. Mvungi (EP & DLTD)
- Takadini - Ben J. Hanson (MBS)
- Watoto wa mama N'tilie - E. Mbogo (HP)
- Joka la mdimu \` - A. J. Safari (HP)
- Orodha - Steve Reynolds (MA)
- Ngoswe penzi kitovu cha uzembe - E. Semzaba (ESC)
- Kilio chetu - Medical Aid Foundation (TPH)
Basic Mathematics for Secondary Schools Form | # Basic Mathematics For Secondary Schools
Student's Book

Tanzania Institute of Education


for Secondary Schools Student's Book Form One

Tanzania Institute of Education
© Tanzania Institute of Education, 2021 Published 2021 ISBN: 978-9987-09-290-1 Tanzania Institute of Education P. O. Box 35094 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania ONLY
Mobile numbers: +255 735 041 168 USE
+255 735 041 170 E-mail: [email protected] ONLINE
Website: FOR
All rights reserved. No part of this textbook may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means whether electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded or otherwise, without prior written permission of Tanzania Institute of Education.
# Table Of Contents
| Acknowledgements . |
| Preface |
| Chapter One: Concept of mathematics |
| Meaning of mathematics . |
| Branches of mathematics |
| Relationship between mathematics and other subjects |
| Importance of mathematics |
| Chapter Two: Numbers I . |
| Base ten numeration |
| Place value of a digit in a number . |
| Total value |
| Writing numbers in words and in numerals . |
| Natural and whole numbers. |
| Even, odd, and prime numbers . |
| Operations on whole numbers |
| BODMAS . |
| Factors and multiples of numbers . |
| Operations on integers . |
| Chapter Three: Fractions . |
| Fractions |
| Types of fractions . |
| Equivalent fractions . |
| Comparison of fractions |
| Operations on fractions |
iii છ છે
: Mathematics Form છ FOR ONLINE USE ONLY
| Chapter Four: Decimals and Percentages . |
| Decimals . |
| Types of decimals |
| Operations on decimals . |
| Percentages |
| Chapter Five: Metric units . |
| Metric units of length . |
| Metric units of mass . |
| Metric units of time . |
| Metric units of capacity . |
| Chapter Six: Approximations. |
| Rounding off numbers . |
| Approximations in calculations |
| Significant figures |
| Decimal places . |
| Chapter Seven: Introduction to geometry |
| Points, lines, rays, line segments, and planes . |
| Angles . |
| Perpendicular lines |
| Transversals . |
| Polygons and polygonal regions . |
| Triangles_ |
| Quadrilaterals . |
| Circles |
c Mathematics Form O
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| do not duplicare |
| Chapter Eight: Algebra |
| Algebraic expressions |
| Algebraic equations |
| Simultaneous equations . |
| Inequalities with one unknown |
| Chapter Nine: Numbers II . |
| Rational numbers . |
| Irrational numbers . |
| Real numbers . |
| Absolute value of a real number |
| Chapter Ten: Ratios, profit, and loss |
| Ratios . |
| Proportions |
| Profit and loss |
| Simple interest |
| Chapter Eleven: Coordinate geometry |
| Coordinates of a point . |
| Gradient of a straight line |
| Equation of a straight line |
| Graphing straight lines |
| Solving linear simultaneous equations graphically |
| Chapter Twelve: Perimeters and areas . |
| Perimeters of polygons . |
| Circumference of a circle |
Mathematics Form 4
| Area . |
| Areas of rectangles and squares |
| Area of a triangle . |
| Areas of parallelograms and trapezia |
| Area of a kite |
| Area of a circle . |
| Answers to Odd-Numbered Questions |
| Glossary . |
| Bibliography . |
| Index. |
Mathematics Form C
Acknowledgements The Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) would like to aknowledge the contributions of all the organisations and individuals who participated in designing and developing this textbook. In particular, TIE wishes to thank the University of Dar es Salaam
(UDSM), University of Dodoma (UDOM), Ardhi University (ARU), Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE), Catholic University College of Mbeya (CUCoM), Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), and The State University of Zanzibar (SUZA), The National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA), school quality assurance offices, teacher colleges, and secondary schools. Besides, the following individuals are also acknowledged:
Writers: Ms Emaline J. Ndelwa (TIE) & Mr Elikana E. Manyilizu (MoEST).
Editors: Dr Makungu S. Mwanzalima (UDSM), Dr Ahmada O. Ali (ARU),
Dr James P. Mpele (DUCE), Dr Augustino I. Msigwa (UDSM),
Dr Maombi J. Mkenyeleye (UDOM), Dr Andongwisye J. Mwakisisile (UDSM), & Mr Hezron Swilla (CUCoM).
Designer: Mr Halifa Halifa ONLY
Illustrators: Mr Halifa Halifa & Mr Godlove Kyando Coordinator: Ms Emaline J. Ndelwa ONLINE
TIE also appreciates secondary school teachers and students who participated in the trial phase of the manuscript. Likewise, the Institute would like to thank the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology for facilitating the writing and printing of this textbook.

Dr Aneth A. Komba Director General Tanzania Institute of Education vii FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
Preface This textbook, *Mathematics for Secondary Schools* is written specifically for Form One students in the United Republic of Tanzania. The book is prepared in accordance with the 2005 Basic Mathematics Syllabus for Ordinary Level Secondary Education Form I-IV, issued by the then, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT).
The book consists of twelve chapters, namely Concept of mathematics, Numbers I, Fractions, Decimals and percentages, Metric units, Approximations, Introduction to geometry, Algebra, Numbers II, Ratios, profit, and loss, Coordinate geometry as well as Perimeters and areas. In addition to the contents, each chapter contains activities, illustrations, and exercises. You are encouraged to do all the activities and attempt all questions in the exercises. This will enhance your understanding and development of the intended competencies for this level.
Tanzania Institute of Education ONLY

# Chapter One Concept Of Mathematics
## Introduction
Mathematics is all around us. Almost everything we do involves mathematics.
Mathematics is applied in various fields and disciplines such as science, engineering, social studies, economics, and many other applications. Numerous devices such as mobile phones, computers, television sets, and satellites are designed and manufactured on the basis of mathematical knowledge. In this chapter, you will learn about the meaning of mathematics, branches of mathematics, relationships between mathematics and other subjects, and importance of studying mathematics. The competencies developed through learning mathematics will enable you to apply mathematics knowledge and skills to solve daily life problems related to various things including food, soil, sports and games, saving money, and entrepreneurship.
## Meaning Of Mathematics
The word 'mathematics' comes from the Greek word '*mathema*', meaning 'which is learnt' or 'science, knowledge or learning'. Numbers, measurements, shapes of physical objects, and equations form a small part of it. Mathematics can be thought of as the science of the structures, orders, patterns, and relations that has evolved from elementary practices of counting, measuring, and describing the shapes of objects. Mathematics can also be thought of as a language of science because by using mathematical reasoning, one can develop an insight and be able to predict nature. It has the ability to provide precise expression for every concept that can be formulated using mathematical symbols and structures.
Mathematics is termed as the 'Queen of science', 'the science of all sciences', and 'the art of all arts'. The knowledge and skills of mathematics play a crucial role in understanding the contents of other subjects, both sciences and arts.
Branches of mathematics Mathematics can be categorized into different branches depending on the level of the learners. At a lower secondary level, the following are some of the branches of mathematics: (a) Arithmetic (b) Algebra (c) Geometry
## (A) Arithmetic
Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics that deals with properties and manipulations of numbers. Manipulation of numbers is achieved through the use of basic mathematical operations, namely: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
## (B) Algebra
Algebra is a branch of mathematics in which arithmetic operations are applied to symbols rather than specific numbers. The symbols or letters in algebra represent quantities with no fixed values, commonly known as variables.
## (C) Geometry
The word geometry was derived from the Greek word 'Geo', which means 'earth' and 'metry', which means 'measurement'. Geometry is, therefore, a branch of mathematics which deals with the study of the sizes, shapes, positions, angles, and dimensions of different physical objects. In geometry, properties of points, lines, planes, similarities, congruence, and shapes of different regular objects are studied.
## Activity: The Concept Of Mathematics In Daily Life
Perform the following tasks individually or in groups: 1. Identify ten activities which use the concepts of mathematics in daily life. 2. Identify any ten daily life activities which do not involve mathematics.



3. Write T for a true statement and F for a false statement:
(a) Some activities like cooking do not involve mathematics concepts.

 (b) When you want to cross a road, you have to do some mathematics. (c) Language subjects do not need mathematical knowledge at all.

## For Online Use Only
Relationship between mathematics and other subjects Mathematics is related to other subjects in a very unique way. The relationship between Mathematics and other subjects is briefly discussed below:
## Mathematics And Agriculture
Agriculture is closely related to mathematics. For example; when farmers want to buy seeds, they need to understand the ratio of seeds that is sufficient per piece of land. Similarly, the determination of the number of bags of fertilizers needed per acre requires one to do some calculations. In these two examples, mathematics enables farmers to avoid wastage of financial resources by purchasing only the required amount of inputs. Mathematics is also used in agriculture to determine the suitable amount of water to be used in irrigation, and the spacing between seedlings to get optimal yields. Similarly, mathematics is used to determine the investment, expenditure, and savings in cultivating a specific crop, dividing a piece of land, calculating the cost of labour, and so forth.
## Mathematics And Biology
There is a direct relationship between mathematics and biology. For example; normal animal weights, calorific value, rate of respiration, nutritive values of food, and transpiration are few quantities in biology that can be calculated using mathematical concepts. Mathematics can also be applied to estimate the number of blood cells present in the body, measurement of blood pressure, and counting sex chromosomes, among many others.
## Mathematics In Business And Commerce
Mathematics lies at the heart of business and commerce as all the commercial principles depend on the understanding of the ways numbers work, how they interact with reality, and how certain equations would normally have simple solutions. If a business person wants to succeed in any business, he or she must understand the mathematics behind the investment he or she wants to make. All banks and other financial institutions operate using some well-established models which primarily involve the concepts of mathematics.
## Mathematics And Chemistry
With the concepts and skills from mathematics, the molecular weights of organic compounds can be calculated. Mathematics is also used to measure the constituents of mixtures and chemical compounds, calculate empirical or molecular formulas, balance chemical equations and electronic configurations of atoms of elements, and many others.

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Mathematics and geography Geography requires mathematical calculations to find the distance from one place to another, to find gradients, and to find altitudes of hills and mountains. Through mathematical calculations, the layout of areas can be predicted. Geographical locations of different places are determined using latitudes and longitudes, which can be measured and manipulated using the concepts of mathematics. There are so many other concepts in geography that need mathematics for easy understanding and computation.
## Mathematics And History
In history, mathematics helps in determining and calculating historical dates. For example; the duration of different colonial rules in Tanganyika and Zanzibar, and the time taken for the first and the second World wars. Also, mathematics is used in history to determine or estimate dates and ages of fossils by using some mathematical principles, such as carbon-14.
## Mathematics In Information And Communications Technology
The information and communications technology (ICT) is strongly related with mathematics. Computer programs, application, softwares, and different computer languages are impossible without mathematics. All the computer and mobile parts are assembled using advanced mathematics techniques.
## Mathematics And Literature
Literature might be seen as a far cry from mathematics. But, mastering basic arithmetic can enable a student to better understand fiction. For instance, determining the number of words per sentence, the number of sentences per paragraph, and the number of paragraphs per page require the knowledge of mathematics. The linear and logical thinking used in mathematical problems can also help a student to write more clearly and logically.
## Mathematics And Music
In music, mathematics can be used to develop, express and communicate ideas. Mathematics can help to explain how strings vibrate at certain frequencies, and how sound waves are produced to give desired beats.
## Mathematics And Physics
Physics involves the study of laws, principles, and theorems which are expressed by mathematical formulas. In order to understand how to apply the formulas to solve
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some physical problems, the knowledge of mathematics is needed. All the quantities in physics are expressed in numbers, and units which have to be manipulated using the concepts and skills of mathematics. For example; to determine the velocity of a moving object, one has to measure the units of displacement and time, by using the knowledge of mathematics. Also, the understanding of complex numbers is a pre-requisite to learn many concepts in electronics.
## Mathematics In Sports And Games
Mathematics is important in all forms of competitive sports and games organized to improve physical abilities and skills while providing entertainment to participants and fans. Examples of such sports and games include football, netball, playing cards, athletics, and golf. The winners are determined by counting the scores written in numbers. Also, the positions of players in some games such as football are determined by numbers.
## Importance Of Mathematics
The following are some importance of mathematics: (i) Mathematics for brain development Mathematics provides an effective way of building mental discipline and encouraging logical reasoning and mental vigour. It is scientifically proved that, students who solve mathematics problems in their daily life have higher logical thinking skills than those who do not solve mathematics problems.
(ii) Mathematics in finance Using mathematics, it is easy to make financial budget by calculating how much money you have and how much you can spend. You can also calculate expenses, profit, loss, and loans.
(iii) Better problem-solving skills Problem-solving is one of the most important skills in life. Mathematics is one of the most effective ways to increase analytical and logical thinking, which helps us to become better problem solvers.
(iv) Mathematics in food and human nutrition In food and human nutrition, mathematics can be used to estimate the quantity of food varieties to be consumed for a proper balanced diet. With the concept of mathematics, we can determine the amount of food required daily in order to get enough fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins, among many other nutrients. Mathematics can also be used to determine the amount of each ingredient required in a meal.
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(v) Professions and occupations In most careers, employers want to employ people who can solve complex problems. If someone is good at mathematics and has a keen ability to solve complex problems, he or she is at a better chance of being employed for many good jobs ranging from engineers, medical doctors, bankers, scientists, and economists, to mention a few.
(vi) Time management Time management is a key to success for everyone. Therefore, we have to be more careful in time management. Mathematics helps us to calculate the time that we spend in every activity so as to make wise decision on how we can manage time effectively.
## (Vii) Money Saving
Mathematics helps us to calculate how much money we can lose by buying some stuff or how much money we can save by avoiding buying unnecessary stuff. To become a successful business person, one has to take and calculate financial risks before investing money in a certain project.
## (Viii)Entrepreneurship
Mathematics skills encourage problem-solving, self-reliance, and empowering individuals to solve their problems so as to enhance entrepreneurial skills.
For example; people who deal with financial transactions and money transfer need mathematical skills. These include people who work in banks, mobile money transactions, kiosks, stores and other businesses.
# Chapter Two
Numbers I

## Introduction
In the early stages, numbers were introduced to refer to objects, symbols as well as words. In this chapter, you will learn about base-ten numeration, natural, and whole numbers. You will also learn about operations on whole numbers, factors and multiples of whole numbers, and integers.
The competencies developed in this chapter can be applied to count and measure in a variety of situations. For example; a carpenter uses numbers in measuring lengths of the pieces of wood while a class teacher uses numbers to process examination results and attendance of students in the class. Furthermore, the competencies developed will enable you to label and order objects.
## Base Ten Numeration
Base ten numeration or decimal system of numeration is the system where a group of ten symbols which are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are used to represent numbers. These symbols are called numerals. A single symbol in numeral form is called a digit. A numeral is formed by one or more digits. For example; the number 46 468 408 has digits 0, 4, 6, and 8. There are only ten digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 which can be used to represent any number. The numeral for the number ten is 10.
## Place Value Of A Digit In A Number
Each digit in a number has a different value depending on its position in that number. This position is called the place value of a digit. The place value of a digit in numerals which is used for counting, including zero, starts with a small value in position from the right of a numeral to a large value in position to the left of a numeral.
The values in position start with ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands and so on. Consider the number 154 396 728. We can write this numeral as; 154 396 728 = 1 × 100 000 000 + 5 × 10 000 000 + 4 × 1 000 000 + 3 × 100 000 + 9 × 10 000 + 6 × 1 000 + 7 × 100 + 2 × 10 + 8 × 1. This is called the expanded form of the number 154 396 728. The place values of the digits in the number 154 396 728 are as follows: 1 is in hundred millions 5 is in ten millions 4 is in millions 3 is in hundred thousands 9 is in ten thousands 6 is in thousands 7 is in hundreds 2 is in tens 8 is in ones
Write 987 543 124 in expanded form.
Solution 987 543 124 = 9 × 100 000 000 + 8 × 10 000 000 + 7 × 1 000 000 + 5 × 100 000 + 4 × 10 000 + 3 × 1 000 + 1 × 100 + 2 × 10 + 4 × 1.
Write 700 000 000 + 80 000 000 + 4 000 000 + 900 000 + 50 000 + 2 000 + 600 + 10 + 3 in short form.
Answer 700 000 000 + 80 000 000 + 4 000 000 + 900 000 + 50 000 + 2 000 + 600 + 10 + 3 = 784 952 613.
1. Write each of the following numbers in expanded form:
(a) 285 176 932 (b) 862 554 917 (c) 306 940 681 2. For each of the following numbers, write the place value of the digit in the brackets. For example; 762 891 016; (9) Ten thousands.
(a) 281 724 956; (8) (c) 978 152 347; (9) (b) 190 172 865; (7) (d) 462 587 913; (5)
3. Write the following numbers in short form:
(a) 9 × 100 000 000 + 7 × 10 000 000 + 8 × 1 000 000 + 2 × 100 000
+ 4 × 10 000 + 1 × 1 000 + 7 × 100 + 6 × 10 + 5 × 1
(b) 500 000 000 + 40 000 000 + 9 000 000 + 800 000 + 40 000 + 7 000
+ 500 + 40 + 9
(c) 200 000 000 + 0 + 5 000 000 + 0 + 80 000 + 0 + 400 + 90 + 5 4. Write the following numbers in expanded form:
(a) 254 946 104 (c) 368 100 097 (b) 954 625 817 (d) 755 556 156 ONLY
5. Write the following numbers in short form:
(a) 700 000 000 + 40 000 000 + 8 000 000 + 400 000 + 70 000 + 9 000
+ 700 + 60 + 8
(b) 900 000 000 + 0 + 7 000 000 + 0 + 90 000 + 8 000 + 0 + 50 + 4 (c) 400 000 000 + 80 000 000 + 0 + 900 000 + 90 000 + 9 000 + 900 + 0 + 9 USE
## Total Value
The product of the place value and its digit is called total value. When a number is written in an expanded form, the total value of each digit is given. For example; the expanded form, place value, digit, and total value of a numeral 517 029 864 is as shown in the following table.

| Digit | Place value | Expanded form | Total value |
| 5 | Hundred millions | 5 × 100 000 000 | 500 000 000 |
| 1 | Ten millions | 1 × 10 000 000 | 10 000 000 |
| 7 | Millions | 7 × 1 000 000 | 7 000 000 |
| 0 | Hundred thousands | 0 × 100 000 | 0 |
| 2 | Ten thousands | 2 × 10 000 | 20 000 |
| 9 | Thousands | 9 × 1 000 | 9 000 |
| 8 | Hundreds | 8 × 100 | 800 |
| 6 | Tens | 6 × 10 | 60 |
| 4 | Ones | 4 × 1 | 4 |
The position of each digit determines the total value of that digit in the number.
Note that: The total value of a digit in a number increases from the right-hand side to the left-hand side of the number. Numerals with more than three digits can be written by grouping in threes from the right-hand side. For example; 982406215 can be written as 982 406 215. A space separates the groups.
Write the total value of the underlined digit in each of the following numbers: (a) 758 629 142 (b) 916 207 158 USE
Answer (a) The total value of 8 in 758 629 142 is 8 000 000. (b) The total value of 2 in 916 207 158 is 200 000.
| SolutionFOR Place value | Hundred | millions | Ten millions | Millions | Hundred | thousands | Ten | thousands | Thousands | Hundreds | Tens | Ones | |
| Digit | | 3 | 0 | 0 | | 4 | 6 | 9 | | 8 | | 3 | 7 |
| Total value | 300 000 000 | 0 | 0 | 400 000 | 60 000 | 9 000 | 800 | 30 | 7 | | | | |
Construct a table of place values and total values of 300 469 837. Solution
Writing numbers in words and in numerals It is simple to write a number in words if you know the place value of each digit of the given number in numerals. A number in numerals shows all the digits forming the number and their place values. For example; number 3 041, can be written in words as three thousand and forty-one.
The following table shows numbers in words and in numerals:
| Numbers in words | Numbers in numerals |
| Forty-six million four hundred sixty-eight thousand four 46 468 408 hundred and eight Eight hundred forty-six million six hundred ninety 846 690 445 thousand four hundred and forty-five | |
Write the following numbers in numerals: (a) Four hundred thirty-two million two hundred thirty-five thousand three hundred and fifty-seven.
(b) Six hundred forty-five million five hundred twenty-four thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.
(c) One billion.
Answer USE
(a) 432 235 357 (b) 645 524 832 (c) 1 000 000 000
Write the following numbers in words: (a) 281 423 865 (b) 230 403 104 FOR
Answer (a) 281 423 865 in words is two hundred eighty-one million four hundred twenty-three thousand eight hundred and sixty-five.
(b) 230 403 104 in words is two hundred thirty million four hundred three thousand one hundred and four.
# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare
1. Write the following numerals in words:
(a) 672 190 854 (c) 68 775 146 (e) 415 982 704 (b) 230 403 204 (d) 80 690 400 (f) 900 000 000 2. Write the total value of the underlined digit in each of the following numbers:
(a) 465 957 164 (c) 104 725 098 (b) 684 312 506 (d) 117 948 245 3. Write down the largest four-digit number. 4. Write down the largest four-digit number when the digits are not repeating. 5. Write down the smallest three-digit number without using a zero. 6. Change the order of the digits in 47 986 to make:
(a) The largest possible number. (b) The smallest possible number.
7. Write the following numbers in words and in numerals:
(a) Smallest number of six digits (b) Largest number of six digits (c) Smallest number of nine digits (d) Largest number of nine digits USE
8. Write the place value of the underlined digit in each of the following numbers:
(a) 264 182 911 (c) 142 914 628 (b) 300 624 945 (d) 817 216 125 ONLINE
9. Write the following numbers in numerals:
(a) Three hundred forty-eight million seven hundred forty thousand eight hundred and thirty.
(b) Nine hundred five million eight hundred ninety-nine thousand five FOR
hundred and seventy-two.
(c) Three hundred forty-six million eight hundred fifty thousand eight hundred and forty-seven.
(d) Forty-nine million two hundred six thousand and fifty-one.
Natural and whole numbers Natural numbers are part of the number system which include all positive numbers from 1 and increase by one to infinity. These numbers are also used for counting.
They do not include zero (0). Therefore, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, . . . are called natural numbers or counting numbers, and they are denoted by the symbol ℕ.
When these numbers are shown on a horizontal number line they appear as shown in the following figure.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 This line is called a ray. Natural numbers are represented by points 1, 2, 3, . . . on the number line. When zero is included in the set of natural numbers, another set of numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . called whole numbers is formed. Whole numbers are denoted by the symbol . Therefore, the set of natural numbers ℕ is 1, 2, 3, . . . and the set of whole numbers is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . .
Whole numbers can be shown on a ray as shown in the following figure.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A number line is a line consisting of negative and positive numbers including zero.
Numbers can be represented on a number line as follows.
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5

(i) A ray is a part of a line which extends without an end in one direction only. (ii) A number line is a line which extends without an end in both directions. (iii) Every natural number is a whole number; 0 is a whole number, but it is not a natural number.



 DO NOT DUPLICARE
Show the following numbers on the number line: 4, 5, 7. Solution

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



## Even, Odd, And Prime Numbers
An even number is a number which is divisible by 2. For example; 2, 4, 6, 8, . . .
are even numbers. All even numbers end with any of the digits 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8. An odd number is a number which is not divisible by 2. For example; 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, . . .
are odd numbers. All odd numbers end with any of the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9. A prime number is a natural number which is divisible by itself and one only. For example; 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, . . . are prime numbers.
Note: Number one (1) is not a prime number because it is divisible by one only.
Number two (2) is both even and prime.
1. Consider the following list of numbers: 2, 9, 15, 17, 25, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70.
From the given list, write the numbers which are:
(a) Even (b) Prime (c) Odd 2. Write the prime numbers between 70 and 90. 3. Write a number which is both even and prime. 4. Write all odd numbers between 140 and 160. 5. Show even, odd, and prime numbers less than 10 on separate number lines. 6. Among the numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 which number is not prime?
## Operations On Whole Numbers
There are four operations that can be performed on whole numbers. These are: addition (+), subtraction (–), multiplication (×), and division (÷).
 DO NOT DUPLICARE
Addition and subtraction of whole numbers Activity: Recognising addition and subtraction of whole numbers Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks:
3 250 5 200 1 950

In the diagram above, the number in the box equals the sum of the two numbers in the circles on both sides. 1. Complete the following questions in the same way:
 
2. Arrange the whole numbers from 1 to 9 in the following 3×3 grid so that each row, column, or diagonal adds up to the same total.

## Addition Of Whole Numbers
When two or more numbers are added, a sum is obtained. The symbol used for addition is '+', and is read as plus. Addition can be done by arranging the numbers horizontally or vertically. Recall that, in order to add two or more numbers you have to consider the place value of each digit in the given numbers. Also, you can add whole numbers by regrouping or without regrouping. When adding whole numbers, start by adding ones, followed by tens, hundreds up to the highest place value of the given numbers.
Addition of whole numbers arranged horizontally Example Find the value of each of the following: (a) 432 651 987 + 565 346 012 = (b) 627 582 174 + 281 629 728 = Solution (a) 432 651 987 + 565 346 012 = 997 997 999 (b) 627 582 174 + 281 629 728 = 909 211 902
## Addition Of Whole Numbers Arranged Vertically
When adding numbers, align the numbers vertically by considering the place values of each digit in each number.

## Subtraction Of Whole Numbers
When two or more numbers are subtracted, a difference is obtained. The symbol used for subtraction is '−', and is read as minus. When subtracting numbers, remember to consider the place value of each digit in the number. Also, you can subtract numbers when arranged horizontally or vertically by regrouping or without regrouping.
When subtracting whole numbers, remember to start by subtracting ones, followed by tens, hundreds, up to the highest place value of the given numbers.
Subtraction of whole numbers arranged horizontally Example Find the value of each of the following: (a) 876 954 264 - 653 842 152 = (b) 884 549 167 - 759 467 893 = Solution (a) 876 954 264 - 653 842 152 = 223 112 112 (b) 884 549 167 - 759 467 893 = 125 081 274 Subtraction of whole numbers arranged vertically Example Find the value of each of the following:
(a) 758 936 125
− 416 824 014
(b) 648 752 087


− 499 827 968
758 936 125
− 416 824 014
342 112 111
Find the value of each of the following:
1. 624 123 715 + 234 865 183 = 8. 765 462 168 2. 287 364 116 + 819 756 295 = + 154 679 324 3. 862 175 954 - 598 658 476 =
4. 891 654 875 - 789 587 169 =
5. 712 151 423 - 132 248 369 =
6. 625 168 365 + 169 564 192 - 609 514 078 =
7. 426 112 367 + 263 763 231 FOR


648 752 087

148 924 119
9. 967 684 724 10. 984 364 102
− 352 572 623 − 679 897 651
## Multiplication Of Whole Numbers
The result obtained after multiplying two or more numbers is called a product. The symbol used for multiplication is '×', and is read as times. When multiplying numbers, consider the place value of each digit in the number. Also, align the numbers vertically to correspond to the place value of each digit. When multiplying, you can either multiply the number by starting with the lowest place value of the multiplier towards the left-hand side or you can start with the highest place value of the multiplier towards the right-hand side. The number used in multiplying is called a multiplier and the number which is multiplied is called a multiplicant.

| Therefore, the product is 889 121 664 | . |
Division of whole numbers The result obtained after dividing two numbers is called the quotient. The symbol for division is '÷', and is read as divide. Division of large numbers becomes easy when the long division method is used.
When a number cannot be exactly divided by another number, the left over number is called a remainder.
Find the quotient of each of the following:
(a) 311 106 912 ÷ 85 728 =
(b) 9875 9 3 6 8 1 1 6 5 3 ___

| Solution 8 5 7 2 8 3 1 1 1 0 6 9 1 2 __ 3 6 2 9 ⟌ | Solution 9875 9 3 6 8 1 1 6 5 3 ___ 9 4 8 6 7 ⟌ ONLY | | |
| | − 2 5 7 1 8 4 | | |
| | 5 3 9 2 2 9 | | |
| | − 5 1 4 3 6 8 | | |
| | 2 4 8 6 1 1 | | |
| | − 1 7 1 4 5 6 | | |
| | 7 7 1 5 5 2 | | |
| | − 7 7 1 5 5 2 | | |
| | - | - | - |
| 311 106 912 ÷ 85 728 = 3 629. | − 8 8 8 7 5 4 8 0 6 1 − 3 9 5 0 0 8 5 6 1 6 − 7 9 0 0 0 6 6 1 6 5 − 5 9 2 5 0 6 9 1 5 3 − 6 9 1 2 5 2 8 | | |
| USE | | | |
Therefore, the answer is 94 867 remainder 28.
Find the value of each of the following:
2. 65 841 × 12 145 × 2 215 10. 129 115 455 543
3. 871 293 176 ÷ 3 698
1. 323 156 × 2 895 7. 352 864 9. 89 542 584 082 466
4. 210 634 × 1 957 8. 2 352 864 5. 660 204 696 ÷ 96 324 × 415 6. 938 725 467 ÷ 35 847
## Mixed Mathematical Operations
In some questions, there is a combination of more than one mathematical operation.
If there are no brackets ( ), start by division, followed by multiplication, then addition, and finally subtraction.
Evaluating an expression depends on the operations used in the expression. If an expression has two or more similar operations, the order of that operation is from left hand side to right hand side.
Find the value of 69 875 × 12 + 789 852 ÷ 12.
Solution 69 875 × 12 + 789 852 ÷ 12 = 69 875 × 12 + 65 821 (Division operation) = 838 500 + 65 821 (Multiplication operation) = 904 321. (Addition operation)
Therefore, 69 875 × 12 + 789 852 ÷ 12 = 904 321.
Find the value of 134 048 ÷ 568 - 96 045 + 279 455 × 18.
134 048 ÷ 568 - 96 045 + 279 455 × 18 = 236 - 96 045 + 279 455 × 18 (Division operation) = 236 - 96 045 + 5 030 190 (Multiplication operation)
= 236 + 5 030 190 - 96 045 (Re-arrange)
= 5 030 426 - 96 045 (Addition operation) = 4 934 381. (Subtraction operation)
Therefore, 134 048 ÷ 568 - 96 045 + 279 455 × 18 = 4 934 381.
State whether each of the following statements is True or False: 1. 432 604 ÷ 74 - 4 989 = 857 2. 695 × 64 - 29 645 + 18 676 = 33 511 3. 895 × 726 + 96 856 ÷ 8 = 746 626 ÷ 8 4. 92 146 148 - 58 085 112 × 9 + 64 957 = - 430 619 860 + 64 957 5. 886 442 ÷ 2 - 368 165 = 443 231 - 368 165 ONLY
Find the value of each of the following:
6. 178 485 ÷ 489 + 62 958 × 25 7. 865 236 - 58 972 × 6 +89 762 8. 58 620 145 + 42 095 814 - 16 × 80 892 ÷ 963 9. 46 292 ÷ 71 × 14 - 3 975 + 82 142 10. 965 841 × 25 + 4 762 148 - 3 164 987 ONLINE
## Bodmas
BODMAS rule explains the order of operations to be observed when evaluating or simplifying a mathematical expression with mixed operations. An expression is evaluated or simplified by following the order of precedence of operations given in the BODMAS rule.

Remember, the order of operations is in accordance with the priority given in the BODMAS rule. The word BODMAS stands for:
BO Brackets Of D Division M Multiplication A Addition S Subtraction
Find the value of 155 × (98 654 168 - 92 652 149). Solution 155 × (98 654 168 - 92 652 149) = 155 × 6 002 019 (Opening brackets) = 930 312 945. (Multiplication operation).
Therefore, 155 × (98 654 168 - 92 652 149) = 930 312 945.
Find the value of (65 680 + 12 879) × (72 191 - 72 099).
Solution (65 680 + 12 879) × (72 191 - 72 099) = 78 559 × 92 (Opening brackets) = 7 227 428. (Multiplication operation)
Therefore, (65 680 + 12 879) × (72 191 - 72 099) = 7 227 428. Example 3 Find the value of 2 618 954 + (45 260 ÷ 365) × 68 - (1 614 312 - 1 594 069).
2 618 954 + (45 260 ÷ 365) × 68 - (1 614 312 - 1 594 069) = 2 618 954 + 124 × 68 - 20 243 (Opening brackets) = 2 618 954 + 8 432 - 20 243 (Multiplication operation) = 2 627 386 - 20 243 (Addition operation) = 2 607 143 (Subtraction operation). Therefore, 2 618 954 + (45 260 ÷ 365) × 68 - (1 614 312 - 1 594 069) = 2 607 143.
Find the value of each of the following:
1. 248 × (29 168 147 - 29 097 489) = 2. (98 655 + 42 144) - (196 486 ÷ 3) = 3. 895 + ( 5 894 325 ÷ 85 425) - 794 = 4. (42 865 - 38 169) × (19 179 + 11 615) = 5. (64 824 ÷ 4) + 32 163 × 15 = 6. 82 645 + 24 165 - (16 672 - 9 658) = 7. 689 × 15 + (144 642 - 81 692) - 49 161 = 8. (62 464 + 14 179) + 16 × (89 162 - 81 160) = 9. 82(187 584 ÷ 32) + 292 864 × 32 =
## Word Problems Involving Whole Numbers
You can use the four basic arithmetic operations to solve word problems on whole numbers.
In a school garden, there are 4 rows of cabbage seedlings with 12 cabbage seedlings in each row, and 6 rows of tomato seedlings with 8 tomato seedlings in each row. How many seedlings of each kind are there?

Each row has 12 cabbage seedlings. 4 rows have 12 cabbage seedlings × 4 = 48 cabbage seedlings. Thus, there are 48 cabbage seedlings. Each row has 8 tomato seedlings. 6 rows have 8 tomato seedlings × 6 = 48 tomato seedlings. Thus, there are 48 tomato seedlings. Therefore, there are 48 tomato seedlings and 48 cabbage seedlings.
Two thousand four hundred Tanzanian shillings are deposited in a bank account each month. How much money will be deposited after two years? Solution The deposit per month = Tsh 2 400. There are 12 months in a year. Total deposit after one year will be:
× 12
+ 2400 28800


After one year, the deposit is 28 800 Tanzanian shillings.
After two years, the deposit = 28 800 Tanzanian shillings × 2.
= 57 600 Tanzanian shillings. Therefore, after two years, the deposit will be 57 600 Tanzanian shillings.
Dar es Salaam Rapid Transport bus can carry 150 passengers in one trip. If it makes 16 such trips a day,
(a) how many passengers will it carry for 5 days?
(b) how much money will be collected for 16 days when each passenger pays a fare of 1 050 Tanzanian shillings?
(a) Number of passengers in one trip = 150.
Number of passengers in 16 trips = 150 × 16 = 2 400 passengers.
Thus, for one day it will carry 2 400 passengers.
For 5 days it will carry 2400 × 5 = 12 000 passengers.
Therefore, the Rapid Transport bus will carry 12 000 passengers for 5 days.
(b) The amount of money to be paid by one passenger = Tsh 1 050.
1 day = 2400 passengers 16 days = 16 × 2400 passengers = 38 400 passengers The amount of money to be paid by 38 400 passengers = Tsh 38 400 × 1 050 = Tsh 40 320 000.
Therefore, 40 320 000 Tanzanian shillings will be collected for 16 days.
During the construction of a community market, a constructor set aside 231 671 350 Tanzanian shillings for paying 258 day workers equally. (a) How much money did each day worker get? (b) How much money did the contractor remain with?
(a) The total amount of money = 231 671 350 Tanzanian shillings. Number of day workers = 258. Divide using a long division method as follows:
258 2 3 1 6 7 1 3 5 0 ___

(a) Every day worker got 897 950 Tanzanian shillings.
(b) The contractor remained with 250 Tanzanian shillings.
The population of a city is 13 984 765 people. There are 5 679 482 men and 4 947 652 women, and the remaining ones are children. How many children are there in the city?
Adding the number of men and women in the city: 5 679 482
+ 4 947 652 10 627 134 To get the number of children, subtract the total number of men and women from the population of the city as follows: 13 984 765 − 10 627 134 3 357 631 ONLY
Therefore, there are 3 357 631 children in the city.
1. Richard sold 495 copies of *The Guardian* newspaper for 1 000 Tanzanian shillings each, 355 copies of *Uhuru* newspaper for 1 000 Tanzanian shillings each, and 214 copies of *Champion* magazine for 800 Tanzanian shillings each. How much money did he collect?
2. Each day, a school shop collects 756 550 Tanzanian shillings from the customers. If the collection was made for 92 days, and 18 650 950 Tanzanian shillings of the collected money was used to build a fence for the school, how much money was left?
3. A school collects 2 685 eggs from its poultry farm each day. The price of one egg is 500 Tanzanian shillings. How much money does the school earn per day by selling the eggs?
4. Jim's school is 13 000 metres from his home. If he goes to school daily, how many kilometres does he travel in 196 days?
## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare
5. A bakery sells 98 655 loaves of bread every week. If each loaf of bread is sold at 2 500 Tanzanian shillings, find the total amount of money the bakery earns every week.
6. A school with 2 485 students has decided to make uniforms for all students.
If a shirt and a pair of trousers need 2 metres and 1.5 metres, respectively how much of each material of cloth will the school need to make uniforms for all the students?
7. In a school garden, there are 452 rows of carrot seedlings with 65 carrot seedlings in each row. How many carrot seedlings are there?
8. Two hundred and forty-six students were given 21 069 900 Tanzanian shillings to share equally among themselves. How much money did each student get?
9. The cost of one kilogram of sugar is 2 500 Tanzanian shillings. If Deborah buys 655 kilograms of sugar, how much does it cost her?
10. The government provided tree seedlings to 895 villages for reforestation.
If each village got 96 857 tree seedlings, how many tree seedlings did the government distribute to all villages?
11. A school decided to buy 724, 985, and 1 389 textbooks for three subjects
(i.e. history, biology and basic mathematics) respectively. If each textbook costs 9 000 Tanzanian shillings. How much money did the school spend on the textbooks?
12. A woman deposited 2 654 550 Tanzanian shillings in her bank account on Tuesday, and withdrew 1 115 250 Tanzanian shillings on Thursday. If she deposited again 870 900 Tanzanian shillings on Saturday, how much money was in her account?
13. A total of 366 310 560 iron sheets were bought for roofing 5 565 family houses. If each family received an equal number of iron sheets, how many iron sheets did each family receive?
14. A factory made 58 675 sieves in a year. The sieves were sold for a total of 906 528 750 Tanzanian shillings. What was the price of each sieve?
15. In a certain region, a funding agency donated 705 687 500 Tanzanian shillings for renovating primary schools. The money was equally distributed among 1 250 schools. How much money did each school get?
## Factors And Multiples Of Numbers
Remember that, 3 divides 36 leaving a remainder of 0. We say that, 3 divides 36 exactly or that, 36 is divisible by 3. In this case, we say that 3 is a factor of 36 and 36 is a multiple of 3.

Thus, when a number divides another number exactly then, the divisor is called a factor of the dividend, and a dividend is called a multiple of the divisor.
| Example 1 | | Example 2 | | | | | | |
| Find all the factors of 36. | | Find all the factors of 54. Solution We can write 54 as a product of two factors as follows: | | | | | | |
| Solution We can write 36 as a product of two factors as follows: 36 = 1 × 36 | | 54 | = | 1 | × | 54 | | |
| = | 2 | × | 18 | | = | 2 | × | 27 |
| = | 3 | × | 12 | = | 3 | × | 18 | |
| = | 4 | × | 9 | = | 6 | × | 9. | |
| = | 6 | × | 6. | | | | | |
| Therefore, the factors of 36 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 36. | | Therefore, the factors of 54 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, and 54. | | | | | | |
Factors of a number are presented by a listing method as shown in the examples above.
## Prime Factorization
The process of writing a number as the product of prime factors is called prime factorization of the given number. The following are the steps for prime factorization of a number: 1. Divide the given number by the smallest prime factor.
2. Keep dividing each of the subsequent quotients by the smallest prime factor until the last quotient is 1.
3. Express the given number as the product of all these prime factors.
Write 42 as a product of its prime factors. Solution We can write 42 as a product of its prime factors as follows:
2 42 3 21 7 7 1 Therefore, 42 = 2 × 3 × 7.
Use a factor tree to write 36 as a product of its prime factors. Solution 36 can be factorized by using a factor tree as follows:

From a factor tree, 36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3.
Therefore, 36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3.
Write 420 as the product of its prime factors. Solution
2 420 2 210 3 105 5 35 7 7 1
Therefore, 420 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 × 7.
Use a factor tree to write the prime factors of 8. Solution A factor tree for 8 is:

From a factor tree, 8 = 2 × 2 × 2.
Therefore, the prime factor of 8 is 2.
# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare
Write each of the following numbers as the product of its prime factors:
1. 256 3. 343 5. 25 088 7. 129 600 2. 5 467 4. 168 6. 24 8. 2 000 9. Use a factor tree to find the prime factors of each of the following numbers:
(a) 48 (b) 72 (c) 96 (d) 27 (e) 36 (f) 42 10. Is there a number which is a factor of every number? If so, what is the number?
In question 11 to 15, each of the given products represents a number. List all the factors of each number.
11. 2 × 3 × 5 13. 3 × 3 × 5 × 7 15. 2 × 2 × 3 12. 3 × 3 × 3 14. 3 × 5 × 5
## Listing Of Multiples Of Numbers
The lowest common multiple (LCM)
LCM is the short form of the lowest common multiple or the least common multiple.
The lowest common multiple of two or more numbers is the smallest natural number that is exactly divisible by all given numbers. Since division of natural numbers by zero is undefined, the definition has a meaning only when the given numbers are not equal to zero. For example; consider the numbers 3 and 7.
Multiples of 3 are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, . . . Multiples of 7 are 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, . . .
Common multiples of 3 and 7 are 21, 42, . . .
We observe that, the least common multiple of 3 and 7 is 21. Therefore, the LCM of 3 and 7 is 21.
Find the first three common multiples of 3 and 5. Solution Multiples of 3 are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, . . . Multiples of 5 are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 , . . .
Therefore, three common multiples of 3 and 5 are 15, 30, and 45. There are two ways of finding the least common multiple of the given numbers:
1. By listing the multiples of each of the given numbers, and selecting the smallest common multiple.
2. By prime factorization of each of the numbers.
Use the listing method to find the least common multiple of 8 and 12.
Multiples of 8 are 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48 , . . .
Multiples of 12 are 12, 24, 36, 48 , . . .
Therefore, the LCM of 8 and 12 is 24.
Find the LCM of 140, 252, and 240 by prime factorization. Solution 140 = 2 × 2 × 5 × 7 252 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 7 240 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 LCM = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 × 7 = 5 040.
Therefore, the LCM of 140, 252, and 240 is 5 040.
## Altenatively,
Prime factorization can be used to find the LCM of the numbers 140, 252, and 240 as follows:
1. Arrange the given numbers in columns.
2. Divide the numbers by a prime number which exactly divides at least two of the given numbers, and carry forward the numbers which are not divisible by that prime number.
If there is no common prime number to divide the given numbers, work on the given numbers one by one.
3. Repeat the process in step 2 until no two of the numbers are divisible by the same number other than 1.
4. The product of the divisors and the undivided numbers is the required LCM of the given numbers.
| 2 | 140 | 252 | 240 |
| 2 | 70 | 126 | 120 |
| 2 | 35 | 63 | 60 |
| 2 | 35 | 63 | 30 |
| 3 | 35 | 63 | 15 |
| 3 | 35 | 21 | 5 |
| 5 | 35 | 7 | 5 |
| 7 | 7 | 7 | 1 |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | |
LCM = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 × 7. = 5 040. Therefore, the LCM of 140, 252 and 240 is 5 040.
Note: If the number is not divisible by the given prime number, leave it as it is, and go to the next step.
Find the smallest number of sweets that can be put into bags which can either contain 9 or 15 or 20 sweets with none left over. Solution There are three bags. They can either carry 9 or 15 or 20 sweets, respectively.
9 = 3 × 3 15 = 3 × 5 20 = 2 × 2 × 5 LCM = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 5
= 180.
Therefore, the smallest number of sweets which can be put in the three bags with none left over is 180.
In question 1 to 6, find the LCM of the given numbers by listing:
1. 18, 20, 30 2. 72, 108 3. 15, 18, 24 4. 16, 72 5. 25, 45, 75 6. 48, 64, 120 Find the LCM of the following numbers by prime factorization:
7. 36, 48, 288 8. 124, 240 9. 36, 48, 24 10. 164, 248 11. 45, 90, 125 12. 128, 256, 360 Find the LCM of the following numbers by using either listing or prime factorization method: 13. 2 × 3, 3 × 5, 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 ONLY
14. 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 7 × 7, 2 × 5 ×
5 × 7, 2 × 5 × 7 × 7 × 11 15. 3 × 3, 2 × 2 × 3, 3 × 7 16. An electronic device beeps after every 25 minutes. Another device beeps after every 45 minutes. If they beep together at 6 am, at what time do they beep together again?
17. Three bells ring together at a certain starting point of time.
Then, they ring at the intervals of 20, 25, and 50 minutes, respectively. After what interval of time will they ring together again?
18. Find the smallest number of oranges which can be divided to three people in the amounts of 10 oranges, 15 oranges, and 18 oranges, respectively.
The greatest common factor (GCF) The greatest common factor (GCF) or the highest common factor (HCF) of two or more natural numbers is the largest number that divides the numbers exactly. For example; the greatest common factor of 36 and 90 can be found as follows:
Step 1: List all the factors of each number.
All the factors of 36 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 36. All the factors of 90 are, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 18, 30, 45, and 90.
Step 2: Use an arrow to match the same factors from the top list and the bottom list as shown.


The factors common to 36 and 90 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 18. The largest factor is 18, which is the greatest common factor (GCF) of 36 and 90.

GCF = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 24. Therefore, the GCF of 120 and 192 is 24.
Square tiles are used to build a floor measuring 12 metres by 16 metres. If the tiles are of different sizes, and only whole ones are used, what is the greatest size of the tile?
Different sizes of tiles can be used, but here the biggest size of these is needed.
The product of prime factors of 12 m = (2 × 2 × 3) m.
The product of prime factors of 16 m = (2 × 2 × 2 × 2) m.
The product of common prime factors are (2 × 2 ) m = 4 m. Therefore, the greatest length of each tile is 4 metres.

Use the method of listing to find the GCF of each of the following:
1. 18, 45 2. 425, 200 3. 210, 56 4. 12, 16, 20 5. 66, 108, 136 6. 35, 420, 245 FOR
Use the prime factorization method to find the GCF in questions 7 to 12.
| 7. | 16, 56 |
| 8. | 36, 162 |
| 9. | 16, 72, 104 |
| 10. | 24, 156, 180 |
| 11. | 12, 42, 72 |
| 12. | 30, 40, 50 |
13. Find the largest number which divides:
(a) 63 and 105 (b) 36 and 72 (c) 240 and 360 14. A boy walked 120 paces while a girl walked 100 paces from the same home to the market. If they started walking at the same time, and used the same speed, how many times did they step together?
15. Equal squares as large as possible are drawn on a rectangular board measuring 54 centimetres by 78 centimetres. Find the size of each square.
## Integers
Integers include whole numbers and opposite of positive whole numbers.
The order of the size of the numbers 0,
+1, + 2, + 3, + 4, . . . can be represented as points on the number line starting from zero onwards to the right. Other points on the same number line with the same distance from zero, can be represented in the opposite direction as –1, –2, –3, –4, . . .

This is illustrated in the following figure:
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 0 The numbers , . . . –5, –4, –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … are called integers and the set of integers is denoted by ℤ. The numbers with a minus '–' sign are called negative integers and those with plus '+'
sign are called positive integers. From the number line, we observe the following:
1. 0 lies to the left of every positive integer, thus, 0 is less than every positive integer.
2. 0 lies to the right of every negative integer, thus, 0 is greater than every negative integer.
3. Every negative integer lies to the left of the positive integers, thus, every negative integer is less than every positive integer.
Consider the following number line with fixed points corresponding to some numbers:
a *b c d e f* Consider two points d and e. Since e is to the right of d, then e is greater than d.
On the other hand, if a and b are numbers such that a is less than b, then the point corresponding to a is to the left of the point corresponding to b.
The expression a is greater than b means that the point corresponding to a is to the right of the point corresponding to b.
The sign '≠' is the opposite of '='.
Consider three points a, b, and c on the following number line:
For any three integers a, b, and c, if a is less than b and b is less than c, then a is less than c.

## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare Example 2
Use a number line to represent each of the following integers:
(a) –1 is less than x and x is less than 4.
(b) 2 is less or equal to x and x is less than 6.
(a) –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 6 0

(b) –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 6 0
1. Use an appropriate sign


(>, <, or =) between each of the following pairs of integers to make true statements:





2. If Mary is not older than Margaret, and also not younger than Margaret, what conclusion can be made about Mary's and Margaret's ages?
3. If John is taller than Joseph, and




Joseph is taller than James, what conclusion can you draw about John and James?
4. In each of the following integers,

which is greater, and by how much?
(a) –5 or –3 (b) +2 or –7 USE
5. Represent the following integers on a number line:
(a) 3 (d) 0
(b) –3 (e) –4
(c) –5 (f) 4
## Operations On Integers (A) **Addition Of Integers**
A positive symbol '+' is considered as a command to 'move to the forward direction' , while a negative symbol '–' is considered as a command to 'move to the backward direction'.
Consider the addition of integers on the number line. The integers 2 and 3 are indicated on the number line by arrows:
–1 1 2
2 0 3 –1 1 2 3 0 3
The addition of 2 and 3 can then be performed as shown in the following figure.
**Can then be performed as shown in** \begin{tabular}{c c c c c} $0$ & $1$ & $2$ & $3$ & $4$ \\ \cline{2-3} & $1$ & $2$ & $1$ & $3$ & $4$ \\ \cline{2-3} & $2$ & $1$ & $3$ & $1$ & $3$ \\ \end{tabular}

2 + 3 = 5
The addition of one positive integer and another positive integer is done by moving to the right along the number line. Arrows for positive numbers move to the right while arrows for negative numbers move to the left. For example; 5 + (– 2) can be computed as follows: Using an arrow, indicate 5 units on a number line:
–1–2 1 3 4
$$\begin{array}{c c c c}{{0}}&{{}}&{{1}}&{{}}&{{2}}\\ {{+}}&{{}}&{{+}}&{{}}&{{+}}\end{array}$$
0 2 5

On the same number line, indicate –2 using an arrow.
The arrow that corresponds to –2 has the same length as that for 2, but goes to the opposite direction.
The arrow indicating –2 is drawn starting at the point where 5 ends and moves two units to the left as shown in the following figure:

–1–2 1 3 4
$$\begin{array}{c c c c}{{0}}&{{}}&{{1}}&{{}}&{{2}}\\ {{+}}&{{}}&{{+}}&{{}}&{{+}}\end{array}$$
0 2 5



5 –2


The point corresponding to 5+ (–2) is found by starting at 0, moving 5 units to the right, and then 2 units to the left. The result of 5 + (–2) = 3, as shown in the following figure:
–1–2 4 6 1 3 5 –2 0 2 5 7 3 Therefore, 5 + (–2) = +3. In the same way, 3 and - 4 can be added as follows:
0 2 1 3
–1–2–3 3
- 4
–1 Therefore, 3 + (– 4) = –1.

FOR ONLINE USE ONLY 
Therefore, - 2 + 2 = 0.
## Note:
1. When both numbers are positive, the sum is positive as in 5 + 3 = 8. 2. When both numbers are negative, the sum is negative as in –5 + (–3) = (–8). 3. When one number is positive and the other number is negative, it is the number further from 0 that determines whether the sum is positive or negative. If the numbers are at the same distance from 0, the sum is 0.
Find the value of each of the following: (a) (+ 64) + (+ 52) = (b) (– 146) + (+ 98) = (c) (– 91) + (– 112) = (d) (+ 194) + (– 76) =
Solution (a) (+ 64) + (+ 52) = +64 + 52 = +116 (b) (– 146) + (+ 98) = - 146 + 98 = - 48 (c) (– 91) + (– 112) = - 91 - 112 = –203 (d) (+ 194) + (– 76) = + 194 - 76 = +118 39 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
Find the value of each of the following without using the number line:
1. +5 + (+6) =
2. –57 + (+62) =
3. +101 + (+57) =
4. +9 + (–9) =
5. –12 + (–20) = 6. +15 + (–16) = 7. –192 + (–56) = 8. +4 + (+8) = 9. –8 + (+8) = 10. +20 + (–10) =
11. +107 + (–110) = 12. +25 + (+40) = 13. +3 + (+6) = 14. –13 + (+14) = 15. –81 + (+53) =
16. Use the number line to find the value of each of the following:
(a) 9 + (–5) = (b) –7 + 5 = (c) 10 + (–7) = (d) 5 + (–10) =
(e) –5 + (–2) =
(f) 3 + (–7) =
## (B) Subtraction Of Integers
In order to subtract an integer from another integer, we change the sign of the number to be subtracted, and replace the subtraction operation with an addition operation.
Use a number line to find the value of 7 - 4 Solution 7 - 4 = 7 + (– 4 ). A number line can be used as in addition.
–2 –1
0 1 2 3




4 5 6 7




Therefore, 7 - 4 = 3. When the sum of two numbers is zero, one of the numbers is the opposite of the other.
Find the value of each of the following: (a) (+ 15) - (+ 12) = (c) (+ 64) - (– 36) = (b) (– 18) - (– 16) = (d) (+ 116) - (+ 142) = Solution (a) (+ 15) - (+ 12) = +15 - 12 = + 3. (b) (– 18) - (– 16) = –18 + 16 = - 2. (c) (+ 64) - (– 36) = +64 + 36 = +100.
(d) (+ 116) - (+ 142) = +116 - 142 = - 26.
Use the number line to find the value of each of the following:
1. 6 - 4 = 3. 4 + (–3) = 5. 7 - (+4) = 2. 7 - 8 = 4. 6 + (– 4 ) = 6. 7 + (–8) =
Find the value of each of the following without using the number line:
7. (+117) - (–117) = 10. (– 68) - (+76) = 13. (– 48) - (– 59) = 8. (+18) - (–34) = 11. –8 - (+10) = 14. (+ 214) - (+298) = 9. (+118) - (+72) = 12. (+49) - (+31) = 15. (– 63) + (–81) =
## (C) Multiplication Of Integers
Multiplication of integers can be of + and +, - and –, - and + or + and –. In multiplying integers on a number line, you must consider the signs of the multiplicant as well as that of the multiplier e.g. –4 × +3.
–4 × +3 Sign of the multiplicant Sign of the multiplier FOR
Step 1: Check the sign of the multiplicant: If the sign is positive, face to the right side of 0. If the sign is negative, face to the left side of 0.
Left hand side Right hand side
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 Step 2:
Check the sign of the multiplier: If the sign is positive, move to the positive direction. If the sign is negative, move to the negative direction.
Use the number line to find the value of 4 × 3. Solution 4 × 3 = 4 + 4 + 4 = 12.

4 × 3 is the same as, starting from 0, then adding 4 three times to the positive direction.
Therefore, 4 × 3 = 12.
Use the number line to find the value of - 4 × 3.
Solution Starting from 0, add 4 at a time to the negative direction 3 times: - 4 × 3 = (– 4) + (– 4) + (– 4) = –12.

Therefore, - 4 × 3 = - 12. If the integers to be multiplied are large, use multiplication rules.
Multiplication rules 1. A product of integers with the same sign is positive, that is,
| Solution (a) (+5) × (+7) = (+ 35). (b) (– 4) × (– 6) = (+24). |
| Find the value of each of the following: (a) (+5) × (+7) = (b) (– 4) × (– 6) = |
(+) × (+) = (+) or (–) × (–) = (+).
2. A product of integers with different signs is negative, that is,
(–) × (+) = (–) and (+) × (–) = (–).
| Example |
| (a) (– 364) ÷ (+ 4) = - 91. (b) (+ 1 728) ÷ (+ 48) = + 36. (c) (– 12 250) ÷ (– 98) = + 125. (d) (+ 4 644) ÷ (– 172) = - 27. |
| Find the value of each of the following: (a) (– 364) ÷ (+ 4) = (b) (+ 1 728) ÷ (+ 48) = (c) (– 12 250) ÷ (– 98) = (d) (+ 4 644) ÷ (– 172) = FOR |
## (D) Division Of Integers
Division is the reverse of multiplication. It cannot be illustrated on a number line, but the following rules apply: 1. The quotient of two integers with different signs is negative. That is,
(+) ÷ (–) = - or (–) ÷ (+) = –.
2. The quotient of two integers with the same sign is positive. That is,
(–) ÷ (–) = + or (+) ÷ (+) = +.
| Find the value of each of the following: (a) (–116) × (+5) = (b) (+20) × (– 4) = Solution (a) (–116) × (+5) = - (116 × 5) = –580. (b) (+20) × (– 4) = - (20 × 4) = - 80. |
## (E) Mixed Operations On Integers
Sometimes, two, three, or four types of arithmetic operations are used in the same expression with integers. In this case, the BODMAS rule has to be applied.
| Example | | Exercise 15 |
| Find the value of each of the following: (a) 464 - 148 + 1 620 ÷ 45 = (b) 49 × 18 - 260 ÷ 4 = (c) 195 + 68 × 72 - 720 ÷ 36 = Solution (a) 464 - 148 + 1 620 ÷ 45 = 464 - 148 + 36 = 464 + 36 - 148 | | Use the number line to find the value of each of the following: 1. 3 × 2 = 2. - 4 × 3 = 3. –3 × 2 = 4. 4 × (–2) = 5. - 2 × - 3 = 6. 6 × (–3) = Find the value of each of the following without using the number line: 7. - 4 × (–3) = 8. - (– 4) × 3 = 9. - 8 ÷ (– 8) = 10. –2 × (–3) × (–2) = 11. - 8 ÷ 4 = 12. –9 ÷ (–3) = 13. 324 - 148 + 765 × 8 = 14. 61 × 15 - 1 550 ÷ 5 = 15. 275 + 162 × 9 - 252 ÷ 9 = |
| | = 500 - 148 | |
| | = 352. | |
| Therefore, 464 - 148 + 1 620 ÷ 45 = 352. (b) 49 × 18 - 260 ÷ 4 = 49 × 18 - 65 | | ONLY |
| = 882 - 65 = 817. | | |
| Therefore, | | USE |
| 49 × 18 - 260 ÷ 4 = 817. (c) 195 + 68 × 72 - 720 ÷ 36 = 195 + 68 × 72 - 20 ONLINE = 195 + 4 896 - 20 = 5 091 - 20 = 5 071. FOR Therefore, 195 + 68 × 72 - 720 ÷ 36 = 5 071. | | |
## Chapter Summary
1. A base ten numeration or a decimal numeration system is a method of writing numbers using 10 symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
2. Digits are the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
3. A place value means a position of a digit in a numeral. 4. Natural numbers are counting numbers starting with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . 5. Whole numbers are natural numbers which include digit 0. 6. An even number is a number which is exactly divisible by 2. 7. An odd number is a number which is not exactly divisible by 2. 8. A prime number is a positive number, except one, which is divisible by itself and one only.
9. A sum is obtained by adding together numbers.
10. The difference is an answer obtained after subtracting two numbers.
11. A product is an answer obtained by multiplication of two or more numbers.
12. A quotient is an answer obtained by dividing two numbers. 13. The least common multiple (LCM) of two or more natural numbers is the smallest natural number that is a multiple of each of the given numbers.
14. The greatest common factor (GCF) of two or more natural numbers is the largest number which is a factor of all the given numbers.
15. Integers are whole numbers and their opposites. The set of integers is denoted by ℤ.
16. A number line is a straight line marked with equal intervals, and labelled with numbers.

## Revision Exercise
1. Each of the 2 458 students in a certain school drinks a litre of milk every day. If a litre of milk costs 500 Tanzanian shillings, how much money does the school spend per day?
2. How many prime numbers are there between 1 and 20? 3. How many prime factors does the number 225 have? 4. What is the greatest common factor of 672 and 490? 5. If each digit in the number 289 413 756 is used once, rearrange this number by writing in a numeral:
(a) The largest possible number formed (b) The smallest possible number formed 6. Put an appropriate sign (>, <, or =) between each of the following pairs of numbers to make true statements:
(a) If –5 is less than 8, then –5 × (–3) 8 × (–3). (b) If 13 is greater than 7, then 13 × (–2) 7 × (–2).
(c) If 8 is greater than –2, then 8 × (–5) –2 × (–5).
(d) If 6 is greater than –3, then 6 × (– 4) –3 × (– 4). (e) If a is greater than b, then a × (–9) b × (–9).

7. Calculate the value of each of the following:
(a) 4 372 (c) 896 561 × 298 =
× 75 (d) 12 347 062 ÷ 9 854 =
(b) 396 125
× 2 114 ONLINE
8. Put an appropriate sign (>, <, or =) between each of the following pairs of numbers to make true statements:
(a) +4 ____ +2 (c) +4 ____ +4 (e) –6 ____ –8 (b) –3 ____ –2 (d) –11 ____ –1 (f) –9 ____ 0 FOR
9. How many packets of cigarettes are left over when 5 292 129 of them are packed into boxes which hold 897 packets each?
10. Find the value of (–5 + 9) × (8 - 19).
11. Find the value of each of the following:
(a) 12 ÷ (2 + 2 × 1) = (b) 7 × (3 + 48 ÷ 8) = (c) 4 × (2 + (3 × 5 - 7) × 2) = (d) (5 - 3) × 6 + (20 - 2) ÷ 9 =
Find the value of each expression in questions 12 and 13: 12. (a) 12 × (–14) × (–8) ÷ (–3) × (–4) × (–7) × (–2) = (b) –3 × 8 × (–5) × (–2) ÷ 4 × (–6) × (–10) = 13. (a) 15 × (–12) + 5 × (–12) =
(b) (–7) × 5 - 13 × 5 =
(c) 12 × (–4) - 18 (–4) = 14. Find the prime factors of the following numbers: 20, 40, and 42. 15. Find the HCF of each of the following numbers: (a) 30, 45
(b) 115, 375, 525 ONLY
16. Find the LCM of each of the following numbers: (a) 24, 60
(b) 90, 120, 720 USE
17. When two different signs are multiplied, a product is obtained. Multiply the product obtained with a negative sign. Give the last sign you will obtain.
18. Draw a number line, and show the counting numbers 5, 7, 8, and 9.
19. Find the value of each of the following:
(a) (+147) + (–121) = (b) (–261) - (–109) = (c) (+265) - (–104) =
20. Use a number line to find the product of –3 and –2.
 DO NOT DUPLICARE
## Project 1
1. Look at the following triangle made of circles. Write number 1 to 6 in the circles so that each side of the triangle adds up to the same number.
(a) In how many different ways can this problem be done? Show the different solutions.
(b) Explain how you could get the sides of the triangle to add up to the smallest number.
(c) Explain how you would get the sides of the triangle to add up to the largest number.
(d) Write down a problem that is similar to this one.
2. Find the prime numbers between 1 and 100 by using the following instructions:
Step 1: Write down the numbers from 1 to 100 in rows of ten.
**Step 2:** Cross out 1.
**Step 3:** Circle 2 and cross out the remaining multiples of 2, that is, 4, 6, 8, 10, . . . **Step 4:** Circle 3 and cross out the remaining multiples of 3, that is, 6, 9, 12, 15, . . .
**Step 5:** Circle 5 and cross out the remaining multiples of 5, that is, 10, 15, 20, . . .
**Step 6:** Circle 7 and cross out the remaining multiples of 7, that is, 14, 21, 28, . . .
**Step 7:** Now, circle all the remaining numbers, and count all the
circled numbers to obtain the total number of the prime numbers between 1 and 100.
| | Step 2: | Cross out 1. |
| | that is, 4, 6, 8, 10, . . . | |
| | that is, 6, 9, 12, 15, . . . | |
| | that is, 10, 15, 20, . . . | |
| | that is, 14, 21, 28, . . . | |
| ONLINE | | |

Question: How many prime numbers are there between 1 and 100?
# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare Chapter Three

## Introduction
The word 'Fraction' comes from the Latin word 'Fractio', which means 'to break'. The first known fractions were used by the Egyptians in the early 1800's BC, though they used pictures to describe fractions. A fraction represents a part of a whole or, more generally, any number of equal parts. When spoken in daily life, a fraction represents the number of parts of a certain size. In this chapter, you will learn about fractions. The competencies gained will help you to allocate resources, divide space and time, as well as develop a foundation for more complex mathematical theories. Hence, you will be able to make parts of objects in real-life activities such as building houses and farming.
## Fractions Use Activity 1: Recognising Fractions
Take an orange and perform the following tasks individually or in groups: 1. Cut the orange into two equal pieces. 2. Draw diagrams of the two pieces. 3. Cut each of the two pieces into two equal pieces to get four equal pieces. 4. Draw diagrams of the four pieces. 5. Cut each of the four pieces into two equal pieces to get eight equal pieces. 6. Draw diagrams of the eight pieces. 7. Write the fraction of:
(a) One piece obtained in task 2. (b) Three pieces obtained in task 4. (c) Three pieces obtained in task 6.
8. Share your findings with the rest of the class through presentation.
A fraction is a part or portion of a whole thing. It represents equal parts of the whole.

Consider the following figures:

Figure ABCD is divided into 4 equal parts. The shaded part is 1 part out of 4 equal parts, written as
_14 . It is read as a quarter or one fourth or one over four.
## (B)

In figure EFGH, the shaded part is 2 out of 5 equal parts, written as _25 . It is read as two over five or two fifths.
In figure LMNO, the shaded part is 1 out of 2 equal parts, written as _12 . It is read as one half or one over two.

In figure PQR, the shaded part is 1 out of 3 equal parts written as _13 .
It is read as one third or one over three.
A fraction has two parts, namely, a numerator and a denominator. The numerator and the denominator are separated by a horizontal bar. The number at the top is called the numerator and the number at the bottom is called the denominator.
For example; in the fraction
, 2 is a numerator and 5 is a denominator. The horizontal bar separating the numerator and the denominator of a fraction represents the division sign.
For example; in the fraction _58
, the horizontal bar means 'divided by', and the fraction is read as 'five divided by eight'.
The number _ab represents a fraction, where a and b are integers, and b is not zero.
This is because, if b = 0, the fraction _ab will be undefined.
1. Draw a diagram to represent each of the following fractions:
(a) _16
(c) _15
(e) _35
(g) _38
(b) _12
(d) _14
(f) _34
2. In each of the following diagrams, write the fraction of:
(a) Unshaded regions. (b) Shaded regions.

Types of fractions There are three types of fractions: proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed fractions.
## Proper Fractions
A fraction whose denominator is larger than the numerator is called a proper fraction.
For example; _25
, and _11 12are proper fractions.
## Improper Fractions
A fraction whose denominator is smaller than the numerator is called an improper fraction.
For example; _52
, and _16 15are improper fractions.
Mixed fractions (mixed numbers) A fraction consisting of a whole part and a proper fraction part is called a mixed fraction (mixed number).
For example; 1
, –3
$\frac{5}{6}$, 6.
are mixed fractions (mixed numbers).
Improper fractions can be converted into mixed fractions and vice versa.
Steps for converting improper fractions into mixed fractions:
1. Divide the numerator by the denominator. 2. Write down the quotient as a whole number.
3. Write down the remainder as the numerator and the divisor as the denominator.
Example 1 FOR
Convert the following improper fractions into mixed fractions:
(a) _52
(b) _695
(a) (b)
Divide the numerator by the denominator:
Divide the numerator by the denominator:
2 5 2
- 4 1 Therefore,
_52 = 2 _12 .
Convert the following mixed numbers into improper fractions: (a) 3
(b) 145 _712 Solution Multiply the whole number by the denominator, and add the numerator to the product as follows:
(a) 3
_34 =
(_3 × 4) + 3 4
(b) 145 _712 =
(145 × 12) + 7 _____________ 12
b) $+$ ?

12_ + 3 4
= _154 .
= _1740 + 7

Therefore, 3
_34 = _154 .
Therefore, 145 _712 = _1747 12 .
1. Use the following fractions to answer the questions that follow.
(i) _70 99 (iii) _230 73 (v) _925 104 FOR
(ii) _32 51 (iv) _115 59
(a) Which fractions are proper? (b) Which fractions are improper?
5 69 13
- 5 19
- 15 4 Therefore, _695 = 13 _45 .
(a) _85
(d)_104 9
(g)_123 10 2. Convert the following improper fractions into mixed numbers:
(b) _89
16 (e)_863
140 (h)_978
18 (f)_1465
3. Convert the following mixed fractions into improper fractions:
(a) 3
(d) 962 _316 (g) 18 _17 19
(b) 7
(e) 94 _724 (h) 364 _19 25
(f) $152\,\underline{\frac{16}{21}}$.
(c) 475
(f) 152 _16
4. (a) What type of fraction is 5 _19
? Why?
$\dfrac{1}{5}$ 2.
(b) Which of the following fractions are improper fractions? Give reasons.
, _32
, _238
, 7
## , _167
. Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent fractions are the fractions with different numerators and denominators that represent the same value of proportion of the whole.
In order to obtain a fraction equivalent to another fraction, multiply or divide the numerator and the denominator of the given fraction by the same non-zero number.
For example; _12
, _918 , and _27 54are equivalent fractions. Also, _32
, _94
, and _36 16 are equivalent fractions.
Observe that
_36 is obtained by multiplying both the numerator and the denominator of _12 by 3. Similarly, _918is obtained by multiplying both the numerator and the denominator of _36 by 3. All subsequent equivalent fractions can be obtained in the same way.
Give four fractions which are equivalent to _13
= _1 × 2
= _1 × 3
= _1 × 4
= _1 × 5
Therefore, the four fractions equivalent to _13 are _26
, _39
, _412 , and _515 .
Rule: Let _ab and _cd be two fractions.
The two fractions are equivalent if _ab
= _cd
, that is, *ad = bc*. Otherwise, they are not equivalent.
Determine whether the fractions _610 and _915 are equivalent.
Solution Cross multiply the given fractions: 6 × 15 = 9 × 10. Thus, 90 = 90.
Hence, _610 and _915are equivalent fractions.
Lowest term of a fraction (simplification of a fraction) A fraction is in its lowest term if the GCF of the numerator and the denominator is 1. Simplification of a fraction into its lowest term is done by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by the same number.
To reduce a fraction to its lowest term, divide both the numerator and the denominator by their GCF.
(a) _918 (b)_750 1250 (c)_648 1244 Simplify each of the following fractions to its lowest term: Solution Divide the numerator and the denominator by the GCF.
(a) The GCF of 9 and 18 is 9.
_918 = _9 ÷ 9 18 ÷ 9
_648 1244 = _648 ÷ 4 1244 ÷ 4
$\downarrow$ .
(c) The GCF of 648 and 1244 is 4.
= _162
311 .
Therefore, _918 =
Therefore, _648 1244 = _162 311 .
(b) The GCF of 750 and 1250 is 250.
_750 1250 = _750 ÷ 250 1250 ÷ 250
Therefore, _750 1250 =
Representing fractions on a number line Fractions can be represented on a number line.
Example 1 Represent _13 on a number line.
_13 means one divided by three.
This means that, _13 lies between 0 and 1. Divide the length from 0 to 1 into three equal parts. The first part from 0 represents the fraction _13 as shown in the following number line.

Represent _35 on a number line.
means three divided by five.
This implies that, _35 lies between 0 and 1. Divide the distance from 0 to 1 into five equal parts, then count the first three parts from 0 which represent _35 as shown in the following number line.

Two or more fractions can also be represented on the same number line. Example 3 FOR
Represent _14 and _23 on a number line.

 DO NOT DUPLICARE
Given the fractions _14 and
_23 with different denominators. Find the LCM of their denominators. The LCM of 4 and 3 is 12. The LCM shows that you can divide the length from 0 to 1 into 12 equal parts as shown in the following number line.
Each part represents _112 . Thus, moving three steps from 0, you arrive at _14
and moving eight steps from 0, you arrive at _23
| (a) _5 7 | (f) _2 6 | |
| (b) _13 17 | (g) _8 24 | (l) _153 |
| (c) _4 5 | (h) _3 4 | |
| | (i) _14 | |
| (d) _4 3 | (j) _16 | |
| (e) _6 5 | | |
(e) _65
(j) _16
48 (o) _57
93 2. Write the following fractions in words:
(a) _34
(e) _910
(b) _12
(f) _14
1. Which of the following are proper fractions, improper fractions or mixed fractions? List four equivalent fractions for each of the given fractions.
(a) _57
(f) _26
(k) _15 19 (p) 3


(c) _13
(g) _15
(d) _56
(h) _23
 DO NOT DUPLICARE
3. Write the name of the fraction of the shaded part in each of the figures

4. Simplify each of the following fractions to its lowest term:
(a)_456 88 (b) _4645 37160 (c)_985 5910
5. Show whether the fractions _124 270 and _1488 3240are equivalent or not.
6. Represent each of the following fractions on the same number line:
(a) _12 and _34
(b) _17
, and _67
7. Represent _910 and _35 on the same number line.
8. What is the condition for a fraction to be called improper? 9. Convert each of the following improper fractions into mixed numbers:
(b) _98
12 (d)_3674

10. Convert each of the following mixed numbers into improper fractions:
(a) 3
(c) 24 _15 23
(b) 172 _16 25 (d) 1640 _12 17 FOR
## Comparison Of Fractions
It is possible to compare two or more fractions, and arrange them in either ascending or descending order. If fractions have the same denominator, then the numerator determines the sizes of the fractions. The larger the numerator, the larger the fraction, and vice versa. For example; in the fractions
, and
_89 is the largest and _39 is the smallest.

The following are the steps for determining the sizes of fractions having different denominators:
Step 1: Find the LCM of their denominators. Step 2: Multiply the LCM by each fraction to form whole numbers. Step 3: The greater the whole number the greater the fraction.
Compare _13 and
Solution The LCM of 3 and 5 is 15. Multiply each fraction by the LCM, that is,
× 15 = 5 and _15
× 15 = 3.
Observe that, despite the fact that 5 is greater than 3, the product of _13 and 15 gives 5, while the product of _15 and 15 gives 3. Therefore, _13 is greater than _15
Alternatively, the comparison of _13 and _15 can be shown on a number line as USE
_13 and
_15 lie between 0 and 1. Divide the length from 0 to 1 into 15 equal parts
(since 15 is the LCM of 3 and 5). Then, count the first three parts from 0 which represent _15
and count the first five parts from 0 which represent _13 as shown in the following number line.

Which one is greater between _15 24 and _772 ?
Solution Find the LCM of the denominators of the given fractions. The LCM of 24 and 72 is 72. Multiply each fraction by the LCM.
_15 24 × 72 = 45 and _772 × 72 = 7.
We observe that, 45 is greater than 7.
Therefore, _15 24 is greater than _772 .
1. Write each of the following fractions in increasing order of their values:
(a) _34
(c) _18 25 , _71 75 , _84 93
(b) _64 91 , _81 93 , _16 41 (d) _16 30 , _740 , _11 55
2. Insert the words 'is greater than' or 'is less than' between each of the following pairs of fractions:
(a) _19
(c) _45
(e) _14
(g) _89
(b) _23
(d) _56
(f) _15 20
(h) _25
3. In each of the following pairs of fractions, determine which one is greater:
(a) _81 94 , _3 564 (b)_48 155 , _30 465 FOR
4. Arrange the following fractions in descending order:
, 2
, _197
, 4
, and
5. In each of the following pairs of fractions, which one is smaller than the other?
(a) 3
_12 or 1
? (b) _15 or 2
6. Use ʻ<' or ʻ>' sign to compare each of the following pairs of fractions:
(a) _29
_314 (b) _712 _59
(c) _141 350 _61 555
## Operations On Fractions
Activity 2: Recognising multiplication of fractions Perform the following tasks individually or in groups: 1. Draw a circle on a manila sheet. 2. Divide the circle into three equal parts.
3. Multiply the fractions obtained in task 2 by _12
4. What did you observe in task 3? 5. Illustrate the answer obtained in task 3 by drawing.
6. Share your findings with your fellow students in the class through presentation.
## Addition Of Fractions
Fractions can be added to get another fraction.
(a) Addition of fractions with the same denominators Addition of fractions with the same denominator is done through the following steps:
Step 1: Take the denominator of one fraction as common.
Step 2: Write the sum of the fractions as sum of numerators _____________________ common denominator .
## For Example
Find the value of each of the following and simplify the results:
(a) _37
(b) _19 48 + _748 + _14 48 (c) 9
+ 3_38
+ 11_78
## Solution (a) $\frac{3}{7}+\frac{2}{7}=\frac{3+2}{7}$
= _3 + 2
(b) $\frac{19}{48}+\frac{7}{48}+\frac{14}{48}=\frac{19+7+14}{48}$
= _40
Therefore, $\frac{19}{48}+\frac{7}{48}+\frac{14}{48}=\frac{5}{6}$. (c) $9\frac{5}{8}+3\frac{3}{8}+11\frac{7}{8}=9+3+11+\frac{5}{8}+\frac{3}{8}+\frac{7}{8}$ (adding whole numbers first )
= 23 + _5 + 3 + 7
(c) 9$\frac{5}{8}+3\frac{3}{8}+11\frac{7}{8}=24\frac{7}{8}$. Therefore, 9$\frac{5}{8}+3\frac{3}{8}+11\frac{7}{8}=24\frac{7}{8}$.
(b) Addition of fractions with different denominators Addition of fractions with different denominators is done through the following steps:
Step 1: Find the LCM of the denominators.
ind the $\mathbf{LCM}$ of the
Step 2: Divide the LCM by the denominator of each fraction. Step 3: Multiply the numerator of each fraction by the respective value obtained in step 2.
Step 4: Add the products obtained in step 3.
Step 5: The sum of the given fractions is equal to the value obtained in step 4 LCM of the denominator .
Note: When performing operations on fractions, mixed fractions should first be converted into improper fractions.
Find the value of each of the following and simplify the results:
(a) _35
(b) _723 + _11 46 + _31 92 (c) 5
+ 3_18
+ 4_512
Since the denominators of the fractions in (a), (b), and (c) are not the same, find the LCM. Divide the LCM by the denominators, and multiply by the numerator of each term.
(a) _35
(3 × 3) + (5 × 2) ______________ 15 (LCM of 3 and 5 is 15)
= _9 + 10
= _19 15
= 1_415 .
Therefore, $\dfrac{3}{5}$ .
= 1 _415 .

$\models$ 1.
$\mathbf{i}$ 4.
$\frac{7}{23}+\frac{11}{46}+\frac{31}{92}=\frac{(7\times4)+(11\times2)+(31\times1)}{92}$ (the LCM of 23, 46, and 92 is 92)
(7 × 4) + (11 × 2) + (31 × 1) ________________________ 92

28 + 22 + 31 ___________
= _81
92 .
Therefore, _723 + _11
46 + _31
92 = _81
92 .
$\square$ d.
(c) 5
+ 3_18
+ 4_512 = _(5 × 6) + 1 6
+ _(3 × 8) + 1 8
(4 × 12) + 5 12
= _316
+ _258
+ _53 12
124 + 75 + 106 _____________
= _305
= 12_17
Therefore, 5_16
+ 3_18
= 12 + _4 + 3 + 10
$$\begin{array}{l}{{\mathrm{all~very},}}\\ {{\mathrm{~g~}\frac{1}{8}+4\frac{5}{12}}}\end{array}$$
Alternatively, 5
+ 3_18
+ 4_512 = 5 + 3 + 4 +
+ _512
= 12 + _17
= 12_17
Therefore, 5_16
+ 3_18
+ 4_512 = 12_17 24 .
| Find the value of each of the following and simplify the answer where necessary | : | | |
| | + _22 | | |
| 1. _3 8 + _1 8 | 7. _3 7 + _2 7 + _5 7 | 13. _12 3 + _18 6 | 12 |
| ONLINE | | | |
| 2. _2 21 + _9 21 + _11 | + _7 10 | | |
| 42 | 8. 1 _1 2 + 5_1 3 + 3_1 4 | 14. _2 5 + _3 4 | |
| 3. 3 _2 7 + 2 _4 7 | 9. 4 _2 7 + 8_2 5 | 15. _3 18 + _4 9 + _1 3 | |
| 4. 2 _1 18 + 7_5 18 | 10. 4 | + 2_5 12 | 16. _1 8 |
| | _1 6 + 3_5 8 | + _1 6 + _1 4 | |
| FOR | | | |
| 5. _8 22 + _12 22 | 11. _1 6 + _3 4 + _1 4 | 17. 2 _1 3 + _5 7 | |
| 6. 2 _21 100 + 4 _19 100 + 3 _8 100 | 12. _7 20 + _3 10 + _1 5 | 18. 1 _1 5 + 3_2 9 | |
## Subtraction Of Fractions Activity 3: Recognising Subtraction Of Fractions
Take a watermelon and then, perform the following tasks individually or in groups: 1. Cut it into eight equal pieces.
2. Take two pieces and give them to your first friend. Write down the fraction of the two pieces.
3. Take one more piece and give it to another friend. Write down the fraction of the piece.
4. Write the remaining fractions after giving the three pieces to your friends.
5. Write a formula you can use to get the answer obtained in task 4.
6. Share your findings with your fellow students in the class through presentation.
Fractions can be subtracted to get another fraction. When subtracting fractions, use the same steps as those used for adding fractions.
For example; when subtracting _35 from _45
, remember that the denominators are the same.
Thus, _45
= _4 − 3 5
Find the value of each of the following:



= _47
(b) _17 35 − _11 35 − _135 =
___________ 17 − 11 − 1 35
= _535
= _5 ÷ 5 35 ÷ 5
Therefore, _17 35 − _11 35 − _135 =
Example 2 Find the value of each of the following:
(a) _29 45 − _715 − _130 (b) 4
− 1
(c) 4
− 2

Solution (a) _29 45 − _715 − _130 = (29 × 2) − (7 × 6) − (1 × 3) ________________________ 90 (the LCM of 45, 15, and 30 is 90) = ___________ 58 − 42 − 3 90 = _13 90 . ONLY Therefore, _29 45 − _715 − _130 = _13 90 . = 3 + _4 − 5 6 (the LCM of 3 and 6 is 6) USE (b) 4 _23 − 1 _56 = (4 − 1) + ( _23 − _56 ) = 2 + 1 + _4 − 5 6 (since 4 is less than 5, split the whole number 3 as 2 + 1). But, 1 = _66 ONLINE 4_23 − 1 _56 = 2 + _66 + _46 − _56 since a_c − _bc = a −_ b c = 2 + _106 − _56
= 2 +
= 2_56

Therefore, 4
− 1
= 2_56
Alternatively, $4\frac{2}{3}-1\frac{5}{6}=\frac{(4\times3)+2}{3}-\frac{(1\times6)+5}{6}$ $=\frac{14}{3}-\frac{11}{6}$
= _(4 × 3) + 2
− _(1 × 6) +5
= _28 − 11
6 = _176 = 2_56 . Therefore, 4_23 − 1 _56 = 2 _56 . = 2 + _2 − 3 6 (the LCM of 3 and 2 is 6) (c) 4_13 − 2 _12 = (4 − 2) + ( _13 − _12 ) = 1 + 1 + _2 − 3 6 (since 2 is less than 3, split the whole number 2 into 1 + 1). ONLY But, 1 = _66 4 _13 − 2 _12 = 1 + _66 + _2 − 3 6 = 1 + ( _66 + _26 ) − _36 since a_c − _bc = a −_ b c
$\begin{array}{c}\mbox{\bf3}\\ \mbox{\bf28}-11\\ \mbox{\bf6}\end{array}$ (the LCM of 3 and 6 is 6) $\begin{array}{c}\mbox{\bf17}\\ \mbox{\bf6}\end{array}$
$$4\frac{1}{3}-2\frac{1}{2}=1+\frac{6}{6}+\frac{2-3}{6}$$ $$=1+\left(\frac{6}{6}+\frac{2}{6}\right)-\frac{3}{6}\text{since}\frac{a}{c}-\frac{b}{c}=\frac{a-b}{c}$$ $$=1+\left(\frac{8}{6}-\frac{3}{6}\right)$$ $$=1+\frac{5}{6}$$ $$=1\frac{5}{6}.$$ Therefore, $4\frac{1}{3}-2\frac{1}{2}=1\frac{5}{6}$. Alternatively,
$$\begin{array}{r}{{\frac{1}{3}}-{\frac{(4\times3)+1}{3}}-{\frac{(2\times2)+1}{2}}}\\ {={\frac{13}{3}}-{\frac{5}{2}}}\end{array}$$
= _(4 × 3) + 1
− _(2 × 2) +1
= _26 − 15 6
= 1
Therefore, 4 _13
− 2
= 1
Find the value of each of the following, and simplify the answer where necessary:
1. _15
16 − _316 9. 6
− 3
| 1. _15 16 − _3 16 | | 9. 6 − 3 _1 2 _1 4 | |
| 2. _59 107 − _15 | | _1 5 − 2 _2 3 − 2 _2 5 | |
| 107 | | 10. 7 | |
| − | | 11. 9 − 5 | |
| 3. _7 8 | _2 5 | _3 4 | _7 8 |
| | | − 3 _11 | |
| 4. _5 12 − − _1 36 | | 12. 8 | 14 − 2 _1 28 |
| _1 3 | | _5 7 | |
| 5. _7 8 − _2 3 | | 13. 13 − 2 _1 3 _1 5 | |
| 6. _17 100 − _1 10 | | 14. 4 _1 6 − 2 _3 4 USE | |
| 7. 3 _5 7 − _6 7 | | 15. 9 _2 9 − 5 _2 3 | |
| − _7 18 | | | |
| 8. 5 _2 3 − _5 6 | | | |
## Multiplication Of Fractions
To multiply fractions, first multiply their numerators and then, multiply their denominators. For mixed numbers, change them into improper fractions and then, multiply accordingly.
Rule: Product of fractions = product of numerators ______________________ product of denominators .
a_× c × e b × d × f
ace_bdf .
2. If a
_bc , d
, and g
_hi are mixed numbers, where c ≠ 0, f ≠ 0, i ≠ 0 then, Generally, 1. If _ab
, and
_ef are fractions, where b ≠ 0, d ≠ 0, f ≠ 0 then, a
_bc × d
× g
ac_ + b c × _df + e f
× _
gi + h i
(ac + b) × (df + e) × (gi + h) ________________________ c f i .
3. If two fractions are such that their product is 1, then each fraction is called the reciprocal of the other. This means, _cd
_dc = _c × d d × c
= _cd*dc =* 1. This shows that, _cd is the reciprocal of _dc and vice versa.
A reciprocal of a fraction is obtained by interchanging the numerator and the denominator.
Find the value of each of the following:

(a) _25
(b) _30 51 × _245 (c) _49
× _710 ×



(a) _25
= _2 × 3 5 × 5
.$\vdash\equiv$ .

= _625 .
= _625 .
(b) _30 51 × _245 = _30 × 2 51 × 45
$$\left[\begin{array}{c}\mbox{\small$\frac{1}{2}$}\\ \mbox{\small$\frac{1}{2}$}\end{array}\right]\tag{1}$$


$\underline{\underline{30}}$ $\times$ .

(c) _49
× _710 ×
= _4 × 7 × 7 9 × 10 × 2
= _196 180
= _49 45
= 1_445 .
× _710 ×
= 1_445 .
Find the value of each of the following, and simplify the answer where necessary:
(a) 1_34
× 9 (b) 3
× 9_45
(c) _18
× _415 × 6_25
(a) 1_34
× 9 = _(4 × 1) + 3 4
× 9

× 9
= _7 × 9
= _634
$$={\frac{63}{4}}$$ $$=15$$
(b) 3_37
× 9_45
= _(3 × 7) + 3 7
× _
(9 × 5) + 4 5
= 15_34
Therefore, 1_34
× 9 = 15_34
= _247
× _495
= _24 × 7 1 × 5
= _168
= 33_35
Therefore, $\,3\frac{3}{7}\times9\frac{4}{5}=33\frac{3}{5}\,$.
× _415 × _(6 × 5) + 2
= _1 × 4 × 4
$$={\frac{1}{8}}\times{\frac{4}{15}}\times{\frac{32}{5}}$$ $$={\frac{1\times4\times4}{1\times15\times5}}$$
= _18
= _16
× _415 × 6_25
Find the reciprocal of each of the following fractions:
(a) _23
(b) _15
(c) _47
(a) Interchanging the numerator and the denominator of _23 gives _32
Therefore, the reciprocal of _23 is _32
(b) Interchanging the numerator and the denominator of _15 gives _51
= 5.
Therefore, the reciprocal of _15 is 5.
(c) Interchanging the numerator and the denominator of _47 gives _74
Therefore, the reciprocal of _47 is _74
Find the value of each of the following:
1. _25
_23 3. _34
2. _16 45 × _55 72 4. _11 15 × _910 72
| × _3 28 | 11. 5 | |
| 5. _7 9 | _1 4 × 2_2 3 | |
| 6. 8 _1 21 × 2_5 18 | 12. 7 | × 3_14 |
| | _1 2 × 4_4 7 | 15 |
| × _14 | × _9 10 | |
| 7. _5 9 | 15 × _3 7 | 13. 7 _1 2 × 1_1 3 |
| 8. _7 20 × | × _18 7 | |
| _1 6 | | 14. 4 _1 2 × 1_1 7 × 2_1 3 |
| × _25 21 × _14 5 | × 1_1 10 × 12 | |
| 9. _9 5 | | 15. _5 9 |
| 10. _7 18 × _3 49 × _25 27 | | |
## Multiplication Of Fractions By Using Illustrations
Activity 4: **Recognising multiplication of fractions by using illustrations** Perform the following tasks individually or in groups: 1. Draw two different rectangles of the same size.
2. Construct five equal rows for the first rectangle, and then shade two rows. 3. Construct nine equal columns for the second rectangle, and then shade USE
seven columns.
4. Combine the shaded rows in task 2 and the shaded columns in task 3 in ONLINE
one rectangle.
5. Using task 4, explain with reasons how you can obtain the solution for _25 × _79 .
Two fractions can be multiplied by using illustrations.
Example FOR
Find the value of _13
_25 by using illustrations.
Solution The solution can be obtained through the following steps:
Step 1: Draw two different rectangles of the same size.

× _25

Step 2: Construct 3 equal rows for the first rectangle (3 is the denominator of the first fraction).

 DO NOT DUPLICARE
Step 3: Shade 1 row of the first rectangle (1 is the numerator of the first fraction).
Step 4: Construct 5 equal columns for the second rectangle (5 is the denominator of the second fraction).

Step 5: Shade 2 columns of the second rectangle (2 is the numerator of the second fraction).

 DO NOT DUPLICARE
Step 6: Combine the two shaded rectangles of step 3 and step 5 in one rectangle.
Step 7: The total number of small rectangles formed in step 6 stands for the denominator. The total number of small rectangles shaded twice stands for the numerator.
Therefore, _13
= _215 .
Find the value of each of the following by using illustrations, and then simplify the answer where necessary:
1. _13
_34 3. _45

2. _35
_57 4. _23
Division of fractions In order to divide a fraction by another fraction, we multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.

= _121
dividend ↗ ↖ divisor
= _481
= 48.
Therefore, 12 ÷
= 48.
Dividing 12 by _14
is the same as finding the total number of quarters in 12.
Thus, there are 48 quarters in 12.
Division of fractions is done through the following steps:
Step 1: Find the reciprocal of the divisor.
Step 2: Find the product of the dividend and the reciprocal of the divisor obtained in step 1.
Step 3: Simplify the answer to its lowest term where necessary.
Find the value of each of the following, and simplify the answer where necessary:
(a) 6 ÷
(b) _748 ÷ _14 25 (c) _75
÷ 21 USE
Solution (a) 6 ÷
= _61
= _2 × 5 1 × 1
= 10. Therefore, 6 ÷
= 10.
= _7 × 25 48 × 14
= _25 96 .
Therefore, _748 ÷ _14 25 = _25 96 .

(b) _748 ÷ _14

25 = _748 × _25 14
(c) _75
÷ 21 =
÷ _211
= _7 × 1
× _121

$=\;\;1$ .
= _115 .
Therefore, $\dfrac{7}{5}\div21$ ?
÷ 21 = _115 .
When dividing fractions involving mixed numbers, first change the mixed numbers into improper fractions.
Find the value of each of the following, and simplify the answer where necessary: (a) 4
÷ 7_23
(b) 5
÷ _14 27 (c) 9
_17 divide by 1_11 21 ONLY
(a) 4_15 ÷ 7_23 5 = _21 × 3 5 × 23 = _215 ÷ _233 = _63 115 . (b) 5_49 ÷ _14 27 = _ (5 × 9) + 4 9 ÷ _14 27 ONLINE Therefore, 4 _15 ÷ 7_23 = _63 115 .
= _(4 × 5) + 1
÷ _(7 × 3) + 2

= _499
÷ _14
= _49 × 27 9 × 14



= _7 × 3

= _212
= 10_12
Therefore, 5
(c) 9_17
21 = _(9 × 7) + 1
(1 × 21) + 11 ____________
= _64 × 21
= 2 × 3 = 6.
= _647
$\underline{\hphantom{a}}$ .
Therefore, 9
÷ 1_11 21 = 6.
Find the value of each of the following, and simplify the answer where necessary:
| | ONLY | | | | |
| 1. | 6 | | | | |
| 18 | 7 | | | | |
| ÷ | 8 | 4 | | | |
| 8. | ÷ | | | | |
| | 25 | 5 | 15. | 3 | 5 |
| | 9 | 1 | | | |
| | 4 | 8 | | | |
| | ÷ | | | | |
| 2. | 8 | | | | |
| 40 | 9 | | | | |
| ÷ | 9 | 12 | | | |
| 9. | ÷ | | | | |
| | 26 | 13 | 16. | 5 | 1 |
| | Divide 10 | by 3 | | | |
| | 6 | 4 | | | |
| | USE | | | | |
| 3. | 7 | | | | |
| 14 | 8 | | | | |
| ÷ | 49 | 7 | | | |
| 10. | ÷ | | | | |
| | 50 | 10 | 17. | 4 | 1 |
| | Divide 15 | by 3 | | | |
| | 15 | 5 | | | |
| ÷ | | | | | |
| 4. | 9 | | | | |
| 72 | 10 | 11. | 3 | 15 | |
| | 3 8 | 4 | | | |
| | ÷ | 18. | 2 | 7 | |
| | Divide 8 | by 5 | | | |
| | 3 | 9 | | | |
| ONLINE | | | | | |
| ÷ | | | | | |
| 5. | 5 | | | | |
| 35 | 7 | ÷ | | | |
| 12. | 2 | 9 | | | |
| | 2 7 | 14 | 19. | 2 | 1 |
| | Divide 4 | by 1 | | | |
| | 3 | 6 | | | |
| FOR 23 3 ÷ | | | | | |
| 6. | 32 | 4 | 13. | 1 | 7 |
| | 7 | 1 | | | |
| | ÷ | | | | |
| | 5 | 20 | 2 | 7 | |
| | 10 | 1 | | | |
| | ÷ | | | | |
| | 20. | 3 | 9 | | |
| 27 | 3 | | | | |
| ÷ | | | | | |
| 7. | 25 | 5 | 5 | 1 | |
| | 5 | 6 | | | |
| 14. | ÷ | | | | |
| | 8 | 4 | 4 | 3 | |
| | 8 | 3 | | | |
| | ÷ | | | | |
| | 21. | 5 | 10 | | |
.$\dfrac{4}{15}$ by .
$\mathbf{\hat{\hat{\ }}}$ bv.
Mixed operations on fractions Example 1 Find the value of _38
× 1_12
÷ _12 16 .
Solution Change the mixed number into improper fraction, that is, 1_12 to
Change _12 16 to _16 12and change ÷ into ×, that is,
× 1_12
÷ _12 16 =
÷ _12 16
× _16 12
Therefore, _38
× 1_12
÷ _12 16 =
Find the value of each of the following:
(a) 4
× 2 _13
÷ 1 _14
(b) _78
÷ (1
× 1 _59
) (c)
+ (
) ÷
_13 USE




(a) 4_12
× 2_13
÷ 1_14
= _9 × 7 × 4

2 × 3 × 5
= _3 × 7 × 2











× 2_13
÷ 1_14
= 8_25
(b) _78
÷ (1
= _1 × 9
= _1 × 3
$$={\frac{1\times3}{4\times2}}$$ $$={\frac{3}{8}}.$$
Therefore, $\dfrac{7}{8}\div2$.
(c) _23
+ ( _25 − _19 ) ÷ _13 = _23 45 ) ÷ _13 = _23 + _13 45 ÷ _13 = _23 + _13 × 3 45 × 1 = _23 + _13 45 × _31 = _23 + _39 45
+ (_18 − 5

Note: When working out with mixed operations, remember the rules of BODMAS.
Find the value of each of the following, and simplify the answers where necessary:
| 1 | 1 | 1 | |
| 1. | 3 | 4 | 6 |
| | - | + | |
| 2. | 5 | 3 | 1 |
| 1 | 6 | | |
| 8 | 4 | 2 | |
| 7 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 8 | 1 | | |
| 8 | 2 | 6 | 4 |
| ÷ | ´ | + | |
| 5 | 3 | 3 | |
| 3. | 6 | 10 | 16 |
53 3 6 10 16
´ - 8.
2 7 41 25 10 7 3
æ ö -´ - ç ÷ è ø 8.
| 9 | 1 | 2 | | |
| æ | ö | | | |
| ÷ | + | | | |
| ç | ÷ | | | |
| è | ø | | | |
| 7. 7. | 10 | 6 | 3 æ | ö |
| - | ´ | - | | |
| ç | ÷ | | | |
| è | ø | | | |
| 8. | 2 | 7 | 4 | 1 |
| 2 5 | 10 | 7 | 3 | |
| 4 | 1 | 4 | | |
| 3 | | | | |
| æ | ö | | | |
| + | ´ | | | |
| ç | ÷ | | | |
| è | ø | | | |
| 9. | 7 | 3 | 5 | |
| 7 | 2 | 4 | 3 | |
| æ | ö | | | |
| ÷ | + | ´ | | |
| ç | ÷ | | | |
| è | ø | | | |
| 10. | 10 | 5 | 15 | 5 |
- ´ 6.
51 4
83 7
æ ö - ´ ç ÷ è ø 9.
41 4 3
73 5
æ ö + ´ ç ÷ è ø 9.
2 63 1 3
9 94 7
æ ö + ÷ ´ ç ÷ è ø 10.
7 24 3
Word problems involving fractions
A piece of cloth 37_12 centimetres long was cut into equal pieces; each was 1_12 centimetres long. How many pieces were obtained? Solution Length of the cloth is 37_12 cm FOR
Length of each piece is 1 _12 cm 82
* [16] M. C.
$$={\frac{(37\times2)+1}{2}}\;\mathrm{cm}\div{\frac{(1\times2)+1}{2}}$$ $$={\frac{75}{2}}\;\mathrm{cm}\div{\frac{3}{2}}\;\mathrm{cm}$$
cm ÷ _(1 × 2) + 1
cm Thus, the number of small pieces = length of the cloth ÷ length of one piece
= 37 _12 cm ÷ 1_12 cm
= _752
= _752
= 25.
Therefore, 25 pieces were obtained.
A bag of rice weighs 2 _12 kilograms. What is the mass of 16 such bags?
Solution 1 bag weighs 2_12 kilograms 16 bags weigh?
_12 kilograms × 16 bags _____________________ 1 bag = _52 kilograms × 16
= _5 × 16 2 kilograms ONLY
= _802 kilograms
= 40 kilograms.
$\downarrow$ .
Therefore, 16 bags weigh 40 kilograms.
A man gave _725of his money to his son, _29 of the remaining amount to his daughter, and the remaining amount to his wife. If his wife got 11 990 300 Tanzanian shillings; (a) how much money did the man have in total?
(b) how much money did his daughter get?
(a) Fraction given to the son = _725 . Fraction that remained = 1 − _725
= _25 25 − _725 Fraction given to the daughter = _18 25 ×
= _425 .
Fraction given to the son and the daughter = _725 + _425 ONLINE
= _25 − 11

Fraction left = 1 − _11 25 Thus, the fraction given to his wife = _14 25 .
_14 25 × total amount of money
= Tsh 11 990 300. By cross multiplication, we have;
=Tsh 11 990 300 × 25 _______________ 14
= Tsh 21 411 250.
Total amount of money Therefore, the man had 21 411 250 Tanzanian shillings in total. (b) The amount of money given to the daughter
= _425 × Tsh 21 411 250 ONLY
= 4 × Tsh 856 450 USE
= Tsh 3 425 800.
Therefore, the daughter got 3 425 800 Tanzanian shillings.
Linda spent
_79 of her income, and remained with 88 100 Tanzanian shillings. What was her income? Solution If she spent
_79 of her income, then she remained with 1 −
_29 of her income.
_29 of Linda's income is Tsh 88 100.
_79 of Linda's income is?
= (
× Tsh 88 100) ÷
×Tsh 88 100 × _92
× Tsh 88 100
= 7 × Tsh 44 050
= Tsh 308 350.
| Therefore, Linda's income was |
| 396 450 Tanzanian shillings. |
Thus, she spent 308 350 Tanzanian shillings. Her income = income spent + the amount that remained.
= Tsh 88 100 + Tsh 308 350
= Tsh 396 450. Altenatively, Let Linda's income be Tsh a.
She spent _79 of Tsh a, which equals USE
Tsh _79 a.
Remaining amount = a −
_79 a.
_29 a.
Thus, _29 a = Tsh 88 100 FOR
2a = Tsh 88 100 × 9 a =

Tsh 792 900 2
a = Tsh 396 450.
Therefore, Linda's income was 396 450 Tanzanian shillings.
1. If a piece of wire is 43 1_2 centimetres long, find the total length of 24 such pieces of wire.
| Exercise 11 |
2. Doto had 45 kilograms of sugar.
If 15
kilograms were sold, find the mass of sugar that remained.
3. Mosi bought 8
_12 kilograms of beans and 5
_14 kilograms of peas.
Find the total mass of the beans and the peas.
4. In a mixed school, _57 are boys.
If there are 1 842 girls in the school, find the total number of students in the school.
5. How many packets of sweets, each weighing
_34 kilograms, can be made from a packet weighing 138 kg?
6. Beatrice had some money. She spent _18 of it on transport, and _37 of the remainder on clothes. She spent the rest of the money on food. If the amount spent on food was 2 085 750 shillings, how much money did she have in total?
7. An empty bottle weighs 112 grams. If 56 tablets each weighing
_14 grams are put in the bottle, what is its total mass?
8. Mponi's bag contains 5 books weighing
_37 kilograms each. If Mponi removes 3 books from the bag, what is the mass of the remaining books?
9. The area of a rectangle is 420 square centimetres. If its width is 10
_12 centimetres, find its length.
10. A car travels 483_12 kilometres in 8
_23 hours. How far does it go in two hours?
## Chapter Summary
1. A fraction describes parts of a given quantity, usually written as _ab
, where b is not equal to 0.
2. A numerator is the top number of a fraction. 3. A denominator is the bottom number of a fraction. 4. A proper fraction has the denominator greater than the numerator. 5. An improper fraction has the numerator greater than the denominator. 6. Mixed numbers consist of whole numbers, and proper fractions.
7. Equivalent fractions have the same value. 8. A reciprocal of a fraction is obtained by interchanging the numerator and the denominator.
9. To divide the fractions, multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor. 10. In order to multiply, or divide mixed fractions, transform them into improper fractions.
## Revision Exercise
In question 1 to 14, find the value of each expression and simplify the answer where necessary:
9 4
10 5
## 8. Divide 1 $\frac{5}{6}$ by 2 $\frac{5}{6}$
$\uparrow$ .
÷ 14.
113 742
384 - ÷
15. Four boxes weigh 21 _23 kilograms, 25
_12 kilograms, 18
_34 kilograms, and 17
_12 kilograms respectively. If a porter can carry all the four boxes, what is the total mass carried by the porter?
16. Three sisters shared some money. If the eldest got _415of the money while the middle sister got _730of the remainder, what fraction of the money did the youngest sister get?
17. A painter can paint a door for 1_14 hours. How long will the painter take to paint 18 doors of the same size?
7 1
11 2 - 9. (
1 2 4 2
6 3 - 10. Compare _925 and _415
611 862
+ - 11.
2 7 41 23 10 7 3
æ ö -´ - ç ÷ è ø
3 5 14
5 3 15
´ + 12.
51 3
## 10. Compare $\frac{9}{25}$ and $\frac{4}{15}$
| 5 | 1 | 3 |
| æ | ö | |
| - | ´ | |
| ç | ÷ | |
| è | ø | |
| 11 | 3 | 8 |
$\frac{1}{2}$ 2.
6. 121 632
´ ´ 13.
1 13 4 2
3 64
÷ +
18. A tank is full of water. When 78 litres are drawn off, it is _23 full. What amount of water will the tank hold when it is full?
19. In a certain class, 8 students take chemistry, 15 take history, 12 take french, and 19 take biology. If 5 students from each subject are selected to represent their fellows in a tour, find the fraction of the students represented by their fellows in that tour from each subject.
20. An 80 metre long rope was cut into four pieces. The four pieces were distributed among Form One, Form Two, Form Three, and Form Four students. In this distribution, Form One got 15 metres, Form Two got 20 metres, Form Three got 40 metres, and the rest of the piece was given to Form Four.
(a) Write the fraction of the piece of rope distributed to each class. (b) Which fraction is the largest of all the fractions? (c) Find the difference between the largest fraction and the smallest fraction.
# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare Chapter Four Decimals And Percentages
## Introduction
Many numeral systems of ancient civilizations used ten and its power to represent numbers. It was difficult to represent very large numbers in these old numeral systems, and only best mathematicians were able to multiply or divide large numbers. These difficulties were completely solved with the introduction of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system for representing integers.
This system has been extended to represent some non-integer numbers called decimals for forming the decimal numeral system. In ancient Rome, long before the existence of the decimal system, computations were often made in fractions in the multiple of _1 100. Computation with these fractions was equivalent to computing percentages. In this chapter, you will learn about converting fractions into different types of decimals, expressing quantities as percentages, and converting fractions and decimals into percentages, and vice versa. The competencies developed will help you to measure accurately weight, length, and other quantities. Also, you will be able to calculate an increase or decrease of price or various quantities in percentage over time. This will enable you to report the changes in quantities in percentage over time.
Decimals FOR
Activity 1: Recognising decimal numbers Perform the following tasks individually or in groups: 1. Write the masses of any two students in your group. 2. Add the masses of the students in task 1.
3. Write the mass of each student in task 1 as a fraction of their total masses. 4. Write the fractions in task 3 in decimals. 5. Which of the decimals in task 4 is greater than the other?
A decimal is a fraction whose denominator is a multiple of 10, 100, 1 000, 10 000, and so on. When a number cannot be divided exactly by another number, what is left over is called a remainder. The remainder determines the presence of a decimal.
The decimals are also considered as fractions which are not written in the form of a numerator and a denominator.
Decimals have two parts separated by the decimal point (⋅). These two parts are known as whole part and fraction part. The fraction part is also known as the decimal part. The two parts are shown in the decimal number 8.405. Whole part Fraction part 8 405 ONLY

The fraction part is a place where you can get the number of decimal places. The first decimal place is the tenths, the second decimal place is the hundredths, the third decimal place is the thousandths, and so on.
8 4 0 5 First decimal place Second decimal place Third decimal place ONLINE
The digits representing the fractional part of the decimal are always read one by one. For example; 8.405 is read as ̔ eight point four zero five̕ and not as ̔ eight point four hundred and five̕.
The positions occupied by digits in a decimal number after the decimal point are called decimal places. For example; 8.405 has 3 decimal places. Any whole number can be written as a decimal. For example; 6 = 6.0, 3 = 3.0, and so on.
Decimals can be shown by illustrations as shown in the following figure.
The shaded section is one out of 10 sections. This is written as _110in fraction form.
It is also written as 0.1 in decimal form, which is read as zero point one. The shaded rectangle can again be divided up into 10 other equal parts.
Every digit of a number, written in a decimal form has its own place value.
For example; in 672.543, the place values can be determined as shown in the following table.
| Hundreds | Tens | Ones | Point | Tenths | Hundredths | Thousandths |
| 6 | 7 | 2 | . | 5 | 4 | 3 |
5 is in tenths, which means _510 .
4 is in hundredths, which means _4 100 .
3 is in thousandths, which means _3 1000 .
Decimals can be expressed in expanded form depending on the place value of each digit.
For example; 0 . 543 = (0 × 1) + (5 × _110 ) + (4 × _1 100 ) + (3 × _1 1000 ).
Alternatively, the expanded form of 0.543 is given by ONLINE
0.543 = 0 × 1 + 5 × 0.1 + 4 × 0.01 + 3 × 0.001 = 0 + 0.5 + 0.04 + 0.003.
Note: Fractions can be converted into decimals and vice versa.
Exercise 1 1. Write each of the following decimals in words:
(a) 4.128 (b) 367.01 (c) 43.4568 91 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
2. Write the place value of 5 in each of the following decimals:
(a) 8.725 (b) 23.518 (c) 0.0508 (d) 50.461 3. Write each of the following decimals in expanded form:
(a) 23.105 (b) 4.5201 (c) 0.72 (d) 7.4 4. Write the place value of each digit in the following decimals:
(a) 0.04 (b) 2.761 (c) 51.4 Conversion of fractions into decimals To convert a fraction into a decimal, we divide its numerator by its denominator.
Convert the following fractions into decimals:
(a) _25
(b) _58

= 0.625.
Convert the following mixed fractions into decimals:
(a) 2
(b) 3
Solution (a) Write the mixed fraction as an improper fraction. That is, 2
Divide the numerator by the denominator as follows:
3⟌_8.000 2 . 666...
− 6 20 −18 20
−18 20 − 18 2 Therefore, 2 _23
= 2.666...
(b) 3
= _175
Divide the numerator by the denominator as follows:

5 17 . 0 _
3 . 4
− 15 20 − 20 −−
Therefore, 3
_25 = 3. 4.
1. Convert the following fractions into decimals:
(a) _18
(c) _417
(b) _56
(d) _14
2. Convert the following fractions into decimals:
(a) 1
(c) 7
(b) 4
(d) 11
3. Convert the following fractions into decimals:
(a) _19
(c) _17
(b) 3
(d) 5 _310 4. Convert the following fractions into decimals:
(a) _17 19 (b) 2 _15 17 (c) _32 15 (d) _227
## Types Of Decimals
There are different types of decimals. (a) **Terminating decimals**
A terminating decimal is a number with a finite number of digits after a decimal point.
For example; the decimals 0.25, 0.625, and 0.4 are terminating decimals. They are obtained by converting the fractions
, and
_25 into decimals, respectively.
## (B) **Recurring Or Repeating Decimals**
A repeating decimal or recurring decimal is a decimal representation of a number whose digits are periodic (repeating its values at a regular interval) and the infinitely repeated portion is non-zero.
For example; 1
= 1.666. . ., _13
= 0.333. . ., and _71 111 = 0 . 639639639 . . . , are the recurring or repeating decimals. When writing a repeating decimal, dots or bars are placed over the repeating part.
For example; the decimal 1.6666666. . . can be written as 1.6
· or 1.
_6. This means that, 6 is infinitely repeating. The decimal 0.474747474. . . is written as 0.4
· 7
· or 0.‾47. This means that, 47 is infinitely repeating. The decimal 2.135353535. . . is written as 2 . 1 3
· 5
· or 2 . 135‾.
This means that, 35 is infinitely repeating. The decimal 0.639639639. . . is written as 0.6
· 3 9
· or 0.‾639. This means that, 639 is infinitely repeating.
Note: If a group of digits is repeating, a dot should be put over the first and the last repeating digits.
(c) **Non-terminating and non-recurring decimals**
A non-terminating and non-recurring decimal is a decimal number in which the digits after the decimal point continue endlessly without a defined pattern of numbers. These decimals cannot be represented as fractions, but they can be approximated to fractions. For example; 0 . 235294 . . . , 2.3127613. . . , and 0.368421. . . are non-terminating and non-recurring decimals. Conversion of decimals into fractions The process of converting a decimal into a fraction depends on the type of the decimal.
Step 1: Write down the decimal divided by 1. That is, _decimal 1
## (A) **Terminating Decimals**
To convert terminating decimals into fractions, use the following steps:
Step 2: Multiply both top and bottom by the multiple of 10 for every digit after the decimal point. That is, if there is one digit after the decimal point, then multiply by 10; if there are two digits multiply by 100; if there are three digits, multiply by 1 000, and so on.
Step 3: Simplify the resulting fraction if necessary.
## For Example 1
Convert the following decimals into fractions: (a) 0.25 (b) 1.06 95 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
(a) Write down the decimal divided by 1, that is,
(b) Write down the decimal divided by 1, that is, 1.06 = _1.06 1
0.25 = _0.25 1
_0.25 1
= _0.25 × 100 1 × 100 Since the decimal has two decimal places, multiply both top and bottom by 100, that is,
= _25
_1.06 1
= _1.06 × 100 1 × 100
= _106 100
= 1 _350 .
Since decimal has two decimal places, multiply both top and bottom by 100, that is, Therefore, 0.25 =
Therefore, 1.06 = 1_350 .
Convert the following decimals into fractions: (a) 0.48 (b) 0.255 (c) 1.046 USE
_0.48 1
= _0.48 × 100 1 × 100 0.48 = _48 100
= _12 25 .
(a) Multiply both top and bottom by 100.


Therefore, 0.48 = _12

25 .
(b) Multiply both top and bottom by 1000.
_0.255 1
0.255 × 1000 ___________
1 × 1000
= _255
= _51
200 .
Therefore, 0.255 = _51 200 .
(c) Multiply both top and bottom by 1000.
_1.046 1
1.046 × 1000 ___________
1 × 1000
= _1046

= 1_46

Therefore, 1.046 = 1_23


500 .
## (B) Recurring Or Repeating Decimals
Conversion of the fraction such as _23 into a decimal gives 0.666666… which is a repeating or recurring decimal. The decimal 0.666666… can also be converted into a fraction. A repeating decimal can be converted into a rational number (fraction)
using the following steps: 1. Choose any variable to represent the repeating decimal. 2. Identify the repeating digits next to the decimal point by multiplying both sides USE
of the equation by multiple of 10.
3. Subtract the equation in step 1 from the equation in step 2.
4. From the equation obtained in step 3, solve for a chosen variable in step 1. 5. Simplify, if possible.
Example FOR
Convert the following decimals into fractions: (a) 0. 3
· (c) 0. 8
· 3 5
(b) 0. 8
· 3
· (d) 0.8 3
(a) 0. 3
Let x = 0.3
· (1)
Since the repeating digit appears at the tenths place, multiply both sides of equation (1) by 10 to obtain 10x = 3.3
· (2)
Subtract equation (1) from equation (2). That is, 10x − x = 3.3
· − 0. 3
9x = 3.0 x =
But, x = 0.3
Therefore, 0. 3
· =
(b) 0. 8
· 3
Let x = 0.8
· 3
· (1)
Since the repeating digits appear at the tenths and hundredths, multiply both sides of equation (1) by 100 to obtain 100x = 83.8
· 3
· (2)
Subtract equation (1) from equation (2). That is, 100x − x = 83.8
· 3
· − 0. 8
· 3
99x = 83.0 x = _83 99 .
But, x = 0.8
· 3
Therefore, 0. 8
· 3
· = _83 99 .

(c) 0. 8
· 3 5
Let x = 0.8
· 3 5
· (1)
Since the repeating digits appear at the tenths, hundredths, and thousandths, multiply both sides of equation (1) by 1000 to obtain the following equation:
1000x = 835. 8
· 3 5
· (2)
Subtract equation (1) from equation (2) 1000x − x = 835.8
· 3 5
· − 0. 8
· 3 5
999x = 835 x = _835 999 .
But, x = 0.8
· 3 5
Therefore, 0. 8
· 3 5
· = _835 999 .
## (D) 0.8 3
Let x = 0.83
· (1)
Since the repeating digit occurs only at the hundredth place, multiply both sides of equation (1) by 10 to obtain the following equation: 10x = 8.33
· (2)
Subtract equation (1) from equation (2) 10x − x = 8.33
· − 0.8 3
9x = 7.5 ONLY
x = _7.59
= _7.5 × 10 9 × 10
= _75 90 x =
But, x = 0.83
· .
Therefore, 0.8 3
· =
Alternative to part (d) Let x = 0.83
· (1)
Since the repeating digit occurs only at the hundredth place, multiply both sides of equation (1) by 10 and by 100 to obtain the following equations: 10x = 8. 3
· (2)
100x = 83.3
· (3)
Subtract equation (2) from equation (3). That is, 100x − 10x = 83.3
· − 8. 3
90x = 75 x = _75 90 x =
But, x = 0.83
· .
Therefore, 0.8 3
· =
(c) Non-terminating and non-recurring decimals Non-terminating and non-recurring decimals cannot be converted into fractions, unless the decimals are approximated to a certain number of decimal places to make them terminate.
Exercise 3 ONLINE

In question 1 to 6, convert the given decimals into fractions:
1. (a) 0.475 (c) 11.01
(b) 1.007 (d) 0.35
2. (a) 1.0 2


· (c) 80. 2
· 1 7
(b) 3.1 1
· 2
· (d) 13.0 1
· 5

3. (a) 0. 8

· (c) 0. 7
· 2 3
(b) 0.3 4
· (d) 2. 4
| · | (c) 10. 3 · 1 · | (e) 10. 1 · | | |
| 4. | (a) | 0.7 5 · 3 · | (d) 10.00 1 · | |
| (b) 5. 1 | | | | |
| 5. | (a) 0.45 | (c) 0.93 | (e) 0.97 | |
| (b) 0.34 | (d) 0.215 | (f) 0.1034 | | |
| | · 6 7 | | | |
| 6. | (a) 0. 2 · 1 · | (c) 0. 5 | · | (e) 0. 2 · 1 9 · |
| (b) 0 . 9 3 · | (d) 0. 1 · 35 2 · | (f) 0. 1 · 8 6 · | | |
7. Convert the following fractions into decimals. If the decimal repeats, write it by using dots.
(a) _13
(c) _412 (e) _713
(b) _56
(d) _19
## Operations On Decimals
Decimals can be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided. Since decimals have a decimal point, we use it as a guide when performing these mathematical operations on decimals.
Addition and subtraction of decimals The following steps are used when adding or subtracting decimals:
Step 1: Arrange the digits of the decimals vertically according to their corresponding place values.
Step 2: Add or subtract by starting from the right to the left.
Example 1 FOR
Find the value of 3.5 + 0.08 + 10.75.
Solution Arrange the digits of the decimals vertically, then find their sum. That is, 3.50 0.08
+10.75 14.33 Therefore, 3.5 + 0.08 + 10.75 = 14.33.
Find the value of 3.84 − 2.45. Solution Arrange the digits of the decimals vertically, then find their difference. That is, 3.84
- 2.45 1.39 ONLY
Therefore, 3.84 − 2.45 = 1.39.
Find the value of each of the following:
1. 4.48 + 3.09 4. 98.1 + 89.35 7. 8.07 − 4.06 2. 6.8 + 2.003 5. 75.8 − 66.67 8. 49.001 + 4.06 3. 45.05 + 1.978 6. 6.43 − 3.78 9. 0.504 + 0.8 FOR
10. Find the difference between 0.72 and 0.24.

Multiplication and division of decimals The following steps are used when multiplying decimals:
Step 1: Ignore the decimal point. Step 2: Multiply the digits as it is usually done when multiplying whole numbers.
Step 3: Add the resulting products.
Step 4: Count the total number of decimal places of the multiplied decimals.
Step 5: Starting from the right end of the product obtained in step 3, move to the left the same number of decimal places obtained in step 4, and insert the decimal point.

Find the value of 0.43 × 5.208.

Solution 5208 × 43 15624
+20832 223944 ONLINE

The total number of decimal places is five (two from 0.43 and three from 5.208). Hence, count 5 decimal places from the right of 223 994 to the left, and then, FOR
insert a decimal point after the fifth decimal place to obtain 2.23944. Therefore, 0.43 × 5 .208 = 2.23944. Division of decimals can be done between decimals by decimals, decimals by whole numbers, and whole numbers by decimals.

When dividing decimals by other numbers, or decimals by decimals, the following steps are used:
Step 1: Compare the number of decimal places of the numerator with that of the denominator.
Step 2: Take the highest number of decimal places (that is, if it is one, then multiply by 10 on both the numerator and the denominator. If the number of decimal places is two, then multiply by 100 on both the numerator and the denominator, and so on). Step 3: Use an appropriate division method to divide the resulting fraction.
Find the value of 0.8 ÷ 0.25. Solution 0.8 ÷ 0.25 = _0.8 0.25 ONLY
The numerator 0.8 has 1 decimal place, and the denominator 0.25 has 2 decimal places. Thus, multiply by 100 both the numerator and the denominator, because the highest number of decimal places is 2. That is,
_0.8 × 100 0.25 × 100 = _80 25
= 3 . 2.
Therefore, 0.8 ÷ 0.25 = 3. 2.
Example 3 Find the value of 1.8 ÷ 6.
Solution 1.8 ÷ 6 = _1.8 6
= _1 . 8 × 10 6 × 10
= _18 60
= 0.3. Therefore, 1.8 ÷ 6 = 0.3.
Find the value of each of the following:
1. 38.05 ÷ 0.005 7. 0.34 × 6.28
2. 0.6 ÷ 0.02 8. (2.4 × 3.2) ÷ 2.4
3. 0.15 ÷ 0.3 9. 32.4 × 4.21 ÷ 2.5
5. 0.21 × 0.5 11. _0.1
0 . 01 + _0.04
0.02 + _2
0 . 2
4. 49.03 × 0.54 10. (0.62 ÷ 0.2) × (2.04 ÷ 0 . 2)
| 0 . 01 + _0.04 0.02 + _2 0 . 2 ONLY |
6. 8.55 ÷ 0.2 12. 23.4 −2 × (5 . 3 × 5.2) ____________________ 1 . 2 × 3.2 .
Representation of terminating decimals on a number line A terminating decimal with few decimal places can be represented on a number line.
Activity 2: Representing terminating decimals on a number line ONLINE
Perform the following tasks individually, and then, share your results with other students in groups. 1. Choose a decimal number with 2 decimal places, and a positive whole part not exceeding 5.
2. Draw a number line using appropriate intervals. 3. Represent the decimal number chosen in task 1 on the number line drawn in step 2.
4. Discuss your results with other members of your class under your teacher's guidance.
Represent 2.34 on a number line. Solution The number 2.34 lies between 2.3 and 2.4. It can be represented on a number line as follows.
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4



1. From (a) to (d), find the value of each expression:
(a) 0.4 + 1.2 (b) 4 × 1.23 (c) 3.478 - 1.243 (d) 1.26 ÷ 0.2 (e) Represent the answers from (a) to (d) on a number line.



2. Represent 0.7 and 2.5 on the same number line.
## Word Problems Involving Decimals
Word problems involving decimals are very important because in our daily life experiences, we encounter some tasks which involve decimals. For instance, a rate at which a chemical substance dissolves in water, scores in examinations, and so on.
A car uses 7.25 litres of petrol to travel 98.6 kilometres. How many kilometres does it travel using 1 litre of petrol?
Let x be the number of kilometres travelled using 1 litre. A car uses 7 . 25 litres for 98. 6 km A car uses 1 litre for x km x =
1 litre × 98.6 km ________________ 7.25 litres
98. 6 km × 100 ______________ 7.25 × 100
= _9860 km 725 x = 13.6 km. Therefore, the car travels 13.6 kilometres using 1 litre of petrol.
_25 of the population in a village are children, write this fraction as a decimal.
Solution Divide the numerator by the denominator. That is,
= 2 ÷ 5.
Using a long division method, we have 0.4 2 5
= 5 2
- 0 20
- 20


Therefore, _25
= 0.4.
Exercise 7 1. A patient lost _18 of his average mass. How much mass did the patient lose in a decimal form?
2. Out of 24 hours, a student spends _512of the hours for sleeping, _13 of the hours for studying, _16 of the hours for playing, and the remaining fraction of the hours for watching cartoons.
(a) Find the fraction of hours that the student spends for watching cartoons.
Give your answer in a decimal.
(b) Find the total fraction of the hours that the student spends for sleeping and studying. Write your answer in a decimal.
3. Suppose that, _38 of a basket was full of tomatoes, and _58 of the basket was full of oranges;
(a) Write the fraction of tomatoes in a decimal. (b) Write the fraction of oranges in a decimal. (c) Find the sum of the decimals obtained in (a) and (b).
4. If _7100of 2 500 people in a certain village did not attend secondary education, how many people attended secondary education in that village?
5. Out of 2 400 people who tested for COVID-19 in a certain country,
_18 were found COVID-19 positive. How many people tested positive?
6. Suppose that maize was planted on _25 of a farm, cassava on _18 of the farm, ONLY
and beans on _14 of the farm;
(a) Write each fraction in a decimal. (b) Which crop occupied the largest piece of land? (c) Add all the decimals obtained in (a) above.
## Percentages
A percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is denoted by a symbol %.
For example; _20 100is 20 percent, and it is written as 20%.
_34 100is 34 percent, and it is written as 34%.
The word percent means per hundred.
## For Conversion Of Fractions Into Percentages
Fractions can be converted into percentages by multiplying the given fraction by 100%, or by dividing the numerator by the denominator, and then multiplying the resulting decimal by 100.

Example Convert _18 into a percentage.
or8 100_

× 100% = _100
| 12.5 ⟌ | | |
| % | | |
| 8 | | |
| | = 12.5%. | −8 20 −16 40 − 40 |

Therefore, _18 = 12.5%.
Conversion of decimals into percentages Decimals can be converted into percentages by multiplying the given decimal by 100%.
| Example |
Convert 0.065 into a percentage.
Solution Multiply 0.065 by 100%. That is, 0.065 × 100% = 6.5%. Therefore, 0.065 = 6.5 %.
Conversion of percentages into fractions A percentage can be converted into a fraction by expressing it as a fraction with a denominator of 100. The resulting fraction is simplified to its lowest term (if possible).
Convert 0.026% into a fraction. Solution Write the percentage as a fraction as follows:
0.026% = _0.026 100
= _0.013 50 Since the numerator has 3 decimal places, multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 1 000. That is, 0.026% = _0.013 50
= _0.013 50 × _1 000 1 000
= _13 50000 .
Therefore, 0.026% = _13 50000 .
Conversion of percentages into decimals Percentages can be converted into decimals by expressing them as fractions of hundreds, and then converting them into decimals.
Example Convert 26.4% into a decimal.
Solution Write 26 . 4 % as a fraction of hundredths, that is, 26.4% = _26.4 100 FOR
Since the numerator has 1 decimal place, multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 10. That is, 26.4% = _26 . 4 100 × _10 10 109 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
Convert the resulting fraction into a decimal. That is, 125 33 _
- 0 330 - 250 800 - 750 500 - 500 - –
Therefore, 26.4% = 0.264.
1. Convert the following fractions into percentages:
(a) _35
(e) _24 25 (i) 8
(b) _15 30 (f) _63 60 (j) _49
(c) _14
(g) 3
(d) _12
(h) 5
2. Convert the following decimals into percentages:
(a) 0.48 (d) 6.05 (b) 0.95 (e) 0.87 (c) 3.42 (f) 0.76 ONLINE
3. Convert the following percentages into (i) fractions (ii) decimals:
(a) 35% (d) 16% (g) 2%
(b) 60% (e) 15% (h) 3
(c) 25% (f) 3% (i) 98%
4. Write 0.26 as a percentage. 5. If
_34 of water in a tank is split, what is this amount of water in percentage?
6. If 85% of Juma's oranges have been sold, what is the number of the sold oranges in a decimal.
7. Convert the following numbers into percentages:
(a) 78.2 (c) 4 (b) 3
(d) 0.75 8. A certain secondary school has a total of 440 Form One students. If 150 students are day scholars;
(a) What fraction of the students are hostelers? (b) Express the number of the day scholars and hostelers in percentage.
## Applications Of Percentages
Percentages are used in many different activities in our everyday life such as in schools, hospitals, businesses, and agriculture. For example; the prices of most quantities increase or decrease by a percentage over time. Profit, loss, discount, rates, commission, and rates of interest can all be expressed as percentages.
The cost of a book has increased from 9 000 Tanzanian shillings to 12 000 Tanzanian shillings. By what percentage did the cost increase?
 The increase in cost price = Tsh (12 000 - 9 000) = Tsh 3 000.


Percentage increase in cost price = _3000 9000 × 100%
× 100%


≈ 33 . 3%.

Therefore, the cost increase in percentage is ≈ 33.3%.
If 81% of passengers in a bus were men, what percentage of the passengers were women? Solution Number of all passengers in percentage is 100 Percentage of men = 81 Percentage of women = 100 − 81 = 19 Therefore, 19% of the passengers were women.
Dotto scored 55 out of 80 marks in a basic mathematics test. What is his score in percentage? Solution Dotto's score = _55 80 Multiply the fraction by 100%. That is, Dotto's score = _55 80 × 100%
= _11 16 × 100%
= _275%
= 68.75%.
Therefore, the percentage of Dotto's score is 68.75%.

To find the amount of a given quantity represented by a percentage, the following steps should be followed: (i) Convert the percentage into a fraction. (ii) Multiply the resulting fraction by the given quantity.
Alternatively, we can multiply the quantity by the given percentage.
# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare
1. Fill in the blanks in the following table.
| Fractions | _1 2 | | |
| Percentages | 2 _1 2 % | 5% | 66 _2 3 % |
| Decimals | 0.1 | 0.75 | |
2. The population of Jitegemee village is 3 600 people. If 65% of the population are men, what is the number of women in the village?
3. A boy spent 35% of his money to buy books. If he was left with 26 000 Tanzanian shillings, how much money did he have?
4. There are 35 teachers in a certain secondary school. If 15 teachers are females, what percentage of the teachers are:
(a) females? (b) males?
## Chapter Summary
1. A decimal is a fraction whose denominator is a multiple of 10, 100, 1 000, and so on.
2. A terminating decimal has a finite number of digits after the decimal point. 3. A recurring or repeating decimal has an infinite number of digits after the decimal point.
4. The digits after a decimal point in a recurring or repeating decimal are periodic, and have a non-zero infinitely repeated portion.
5. A non-terminating and non-recurring decimal has endless digits after the decimal point with no group of digits repeating.
## Revision Exercise
1. Write the following fractions in words:
(a) _23
(b) _35
(c) _110 2. Insert the words "is equal to", "is less than", or "is greater than" between each pair of the following decimals:
(a) 0.66 ___ 0.7 (b) 0.2 ___ 0.133 (c) 0.15 ___ 0.5 3. Divide 0.0432 by 0.9. 4. Find the value of the following expressions:
(a) 0.24 + 0.015 + 0.361 (b) 0.824 + 0.57 5. Convert the following fractions into decimals:
(a) _27 108 (b) _116
(c) _29
6. Convert the following decimals into fractions:
(a) 0.58 (b) 0.999 (c) 11.75 7. Convert the following decimals into fractions:
(a) 2. 5
· (b) 0. 4
· 9
· (c) 0. 1
· 2 3
8. Mariam was given 20 000 Tanzanian shillings by her parents. If she spent 48% of the money to buy shoes, how much money did she remain with?
9. If three fifths of the pupils at Mjimwema Primary School come from the town centre, what percentage of the pupils do not come from the town centre?
11. Find the value of _2 . 5 × 0.7 3.5 × 4
10. Find the value of 0.732 + 3.02 + 0.009 + 10.981 − 4.06.
12. Find the value of 0.00224 ÷ 0.325 × 1 000.
13. A study conducted among 300 college students showed that 21 students cannot drive. What percentage of the students can drive?
14. In a survey of 1 000 people, it was observed that 60 people did not know how to ride a bike. What is this number in percentage?
## Project
Penina was playing with her name and numbers. She let all the consonants equal 0.5 and all the vowels equal 0.3. So, the value of Penina's name was found to be 0.5 + 0.3 + 0.5 + 0.3 + 0.5 + 0.3 = 2.4. Using Penina's idea: (a) Find the values of your first name and surname. (b) Find at least five names in your class that have a value greater than 2.5. (c) If multiplication is used in place of addition, what are the values of your first name and surname?
(d) What is the value of a name with four consonants and five vowels?
(e) Convert the value of each letter in your first name into a percentage.

# Chapter Five
Metric units

## Introduction
The standard metric system of measurement was first officially adopted by France in 1799. This system of measurement was called the metric system. In everyday life, measuring things is inevitable. For instance, we can say that, the temperature today is 28°C, the mass of a certain Form One student is 53 kilograms, a distance from Dar es Salaam to Arusha is about 479 kilometres, and so on. These statements involve units of measurements. In this chapter, you will learn about conversions, operations, and solving word problems of metric units of length, mass, time, and capacity. The competencies developed will help you to perform various measurement activities in daily life situations such as cooking, tailoring, carpentry, architecture, engineering, and business. They will also improve your punctuality in different activities such as following school timetable, transport schedules, and completing many other daily life routines by observing time.
## Metric Units Of Length
Activity 1: Recognising the metric unit of length FOR
Perform the following tasks individually or in groups: 1. Measure the following:
(a) The length of your mathematics textbook. (b) The width of a mathematical set. (c) The thickness of your classroom window. (d) The length of a pen.
2. The length from points A to B is 1.5 cm, from points B to C is 4 cm and from points C to D is 6 cm. Find the length from points A to D. How do you obtain your answer? Present your work on a manila sheet. Post your activities on the classroom wall.
3. Share your findings with other groups through class discussion.
Length is a distance between two points. For example; a length of a blackboard, a distance from home to school, or a length of a table. The basic unit of length is metre, denoted by m. Other units of length include; kilometre (km), hectometre (hm), decametre (dam), decimetre (dm), centimetre (cm), and millimetre (mm). The following table shows the comparison of these units.
| km | hm | dam | m | dm | cm | mm |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| USE 1 0 1 | | | | | | |
From the table, we observe that, 1km = 1 000 000 mm 1 hm = 100 000 mm 1 dam = 10 000 mm 1 m = 1 000 mm 1 dm = 100 mm 1 cm = 10 mm FOR
| table. Unit | Abbreviation | Conversion | Conversion into metres |
| Millimetre | mm | 10 mm = 1 cm | 1 m = 1 000 mm |
| Centimetre | cm | 10 cm = 1 dm | 1 m = 100 cm |
| Decimetre | dm | 10 dm = 1 m | 1 m = 10 dm |
| Metre | m | 10 m = 1 dam | 1 m = 0.1 dam |
| Decametre | dam | 10 dam = 1 hm | 1 m = 0.01 hm |
| Hectometre | hm | 10 hm = 1km | 1 m = 0.001 km |
| Kilometre | km | | |
## Conversion Of Units Of Length
Suppose 5 people were asked to measure the distance from Dar es Salaam to Morogoro. The first person measured the distance from Dar es Salaam to Kibaha, the second person from Kibaha to Mlandizi, the third person from Mlandizi to Chalinze, the fourth person from Chalinze to Bwawani, and the last person from Bwawani to Morogoro. If all of them used different units in measuring the distances, then the conversion of the units should be done in order to get the required distance. That is, the measurements obtained should be converted into the same unit, and then added to get the total distance from Dar es Salaam to Morogoro.
Example 1
 Convert 3 075 metres into kilometres.

Solution Using the comparison between metres and kilometres, we have 1 000 m = 1 km 1 m = 1 km ÷ 1 000 That is, 1 m = 0.001 km 3 075 m = x Thus, x = 0.001 km × 3 075
= 3.075 km. Therefore, 3 075 metres = 3.075 kilometres.
Example 2 Convert 9.17 kilometres into decametres. Solution Using the comparison between decametres and kilometres, we have 1 km = 100 dam 9.17 km = x That is, x =
100 dam × 9.17 km _________________ 1 km
= 917 dam.
Therefore, 9.17 kilometres = 917 decametres.
Convert 879 centimetres into metres.
Solution Using the comparison between centimetres and metres, we have 1 m = 100 cm 1 cm = (1 ÷ 100) m That is, 1 cm = 0.01 m Thus, 879 cm = 879 × 0.01 m = 8.79 m. Therefore, 879 centimetres = 8.79 metres.
Example 4 Convert 3 567 metres into: (a) Decametres (b) Kilometres FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
Solution (a) Using the comparison between metres and decametres, we have 10 m = 1 dam 3 567 m = (3 567 ÷ 10) dam = 356.7 dam. Therefore, 3 567 metres = 356.7 decametres. (b) Using the comparison between metres and kilometres, we have 1 km = 1 000 m 3 567 m = (3 567 ÷ 1 000) km
= 3.567 km. Therefore, 3 567 metres = 3. 567 kilometres.
Convert 0.5 milimetres into decimetres.
Solution 1 dm = 100 mm x = 0.5 mm Thus, x = (0.5 ÷ 100) dm = 0.005 dm. Therefore, 0.5 milimetres = 0.005 decimetres.
Altenatively, 1 mm = _1 100 dm
= 0.01 dm.
Thus, 0. 5 mm = 0.01 dm × 0. 5 = 0.005 dm.
Therefore, 0.5 milimetres = 0.005 decimetres.
1. Convert 350 millimetres into the following units of measurements:
(a) Centimetres (b) Decimetres 2. Convert 0.0042 kilometres into the following units of measurements:
(a) Decametres (b) Metres (c) Decimetres 3. How many metres are there in a decimetre? 4. How many decimetres are there in a kilometre? 5. The length of a matchstick is 37.5 millimetres. Convert this measurement into the following units:
(a) Decimetres (b) Metres 6. The length of an office file is 37.2 centimetres. Convert this measurement into the following units:
(a) Metres (b) Decametres 7. Convert 968.5 decimetres into the following units of measurement:
(a) Hectometres (b) Kilometres (c) Centimetres 8. The diameter of a nichrome wire is 0.862 millimetres. Convert this measurement into the following units:
(a) Metres (b) Hectometres 9. Convert each of the following measurements into metres and state which is shorter than the other:
(a) 80 000 millimetres (b) 80 decimetres ONLY
10. How many millimetres are there in 3 decimetres? 11. Convert each of the following measurements into metres:
(a) 6 875 decimetres (e) 68 750 millimetres (b) 628 decametres (f) 0.0862 hectometres (c) 286 hectometres (g) 21.008 millimetres (d) 0.862 kilometres (h) 10 500 centimetres FOR
12. Arrange the following units of measurements in ascending order after converting them into metres: 68 hectometres, 0.68 kilometres, 16 800 centimetres, 750 decametres.

13. Arrange the following units of measurements in descending order after converting them into metres: 0.1875 hectometres, 87 500 decimetres, 8 750 000 000 millimetres, 0.00875 decimetres.
14. Given that, the length of a ruler is 30 centimetres, the length of a pen is 0.09 metres, the length of a pencil is 0.00095 hectometres, convert each dimension into kilometres.
15. Which one is greater between 970 metres and 9.7 centimetres?
16. Convert _15 millimetres into metres.
17. Mwajuma runs 3.5 kilometres in two days. How many metres does she run in the two days?
## Operations On Units Of Length
The units of measurement of length can be added or subtracted. They can also be multiplied or divided by a constant number.
## Addition Of Units Of Length
When adding different units of measurement of length, the corresponding units need to be placed together and added as required.
| (a) | m | dm | cm | | (b) | km | hm | dam |
| | 6 | 7 | 8 | | 6 | 9 | 9 | |
| | 2 | 5 | 9 | | 9 | 9 | 9 | |
| | + | 3 | 9 | 7 | + 8 | 8 | 8 | |
| ONLINE | | | | | | | | |
| (c) | km | m | mm | | (d) | m | cm | |
| | 9 | 6 | 9 | | 6 | 17 | | |
| | 8 | 8 | 8 | | + 4 | 13 | | |
| | + 6 | 9 | 9 | | | | | |
Find the value of each of the following units of measurement:

| Solution Add the corresponding units as follows: (a) m dm cm (b) | | | km | hm | dam | | | |
| | 6 | 7 | 8 | | 6 | 9 | 9 | |
| | 2 | 5 | 9 | | 9 | 9 | 9 | |
| + | 3 | 9 | 7 | | + | 8 | 8 | 8 |
| | 13 | 3 | 4 | 25 | 8 | 6 | | |
| (c) km | m | mm | | (d) | m | cm | | |
| | 9 | 6 | 9 | | 6 | 17 | | |
| | 8 | 8 | 8 | | + | 4 | 13 | |
| + 6 | 9 | 9 | | 10 | 30 | | | |
| 23 | 23 | 26 | | | | | | |
Three pieces of a string measure 96 decametres, 2.8 metres, and 1 250 millimetres, respectively. Find the total length of the three pieces in kilometres.
Using the comparison of units 100 dam = 1 km 1 dam = 1 km ÷ 100 USE
That is, 96 dam = _1 100 × 96 km.
Thus, 96 dam = 0. 96 km. Similarly, 1 000 m = 1 km 1 m = 1 km ÷ 1 000 2.8 m = _1 1000 × 2.8 km.
Thus, 2. 8 m = 0.0028 km . 1 m = 1 000 mm.
Also, 1 250 mm = _1 1000 × 1 250 m
= 1.25 m 1.25 m = 0.00125 km.
Thus, 1 250 mm = 0.00125 km.
Adding the three lengths in kilometres gives 0.96 km + 0.0028 km + 0.00125km = 0.96405 km. Therefore, the total length is 0.96405 kilometres.
| | + 5 | 6 | 3 | 8. | dm | cm | mm | |
| | | | 7 | 8 | 0 | | | |
| | | | 8 | 2 | 7 | | | |
| | | | + | 1 | 7 | 8 | | |
| USE | | | | | | | | |
| ONLINE | | | | | | | | |
| | + 3 | 3 | 1 | 9. | | km | m | mm |
| | | | 7 | 8 | 9 | | | |
| | | | 8 | 9 | 7 | | | |
| | | | + | 9 | 7 | 8 | | |
| | | 10. | km | dam | m | | | |
| | | | 18 | 9 | 9 | | | |
| | | 21 | 8 | 8 | | | | |
| | | | + 11 | 2 | 3 | | | |
3. km dam m 8 9 9 8 7 7
+ 5 6 3
4. dm cm mm 5 6 7 4 9 8
+ 3 3 1
5. m dm cm 7 7 7 8 8 8 + 9 9 9
Answer the following questions: 1. m dm cm 8 9 6 8 7 7
+ 5 6 3
2. km hm dam 8 9 5 9 4 6
+ 5 6 8


| + | 5 | 6 | 3 | 6. | km | hm | dam |
| | | | 8 | 8 | 8 | | |
| | | | 7 | 7 | 7 | | |
| | | | + | 6 | 6 | 6 | |
| + 5 | 6 | 8 | 7. | | km | dam | m |
| | | | 7 | 8 | 7 | | |
| | | | 8 | 8 | 9 | | |
| | | | + | 9 | 7 | 8 | |
11. Add each of the following units of measurements:
(a) 785 m, 97 m, 605 m. (b) 24.37 km, 187.5 km, 21.13 km. (c) 8 dam, 9 m, 2 cm (give your answer in metres).
12. Find the sum of 0.002 decametres, 6 metres, and 0.564 hectometres (give your answer in metres).
## Subtraction Of Units Of Length
When subtracting different units of measurement of length, the corresponding units need to be placed together and subtracted as required.
| Subtract the following units of measurement: (a) km dm cm | (b) | km | hm | dam | | | |
| | 5 | 4 | 3 | | 4 | 0 | 0 |
| | − 2 | 9 | 8 | − 2 | 9 | 8 | |
(c) km m mm 4 0 0
− 2 9 8

| (a) | km | dm | cm | | (b) | km | hm | dam |
| | 5 | | 4 | 3 | | 4 | 0 | 0 |
| | − 2 | 9 | 8 | − 2 | 9 | 8 | | |
| | 2 | 9994 | 5 | 1 | 0 | 2 | | |
| (c) | km | m | mm |
| | 4 | 0 | 0 |
| | − 2 | 9 | 8 |
| | 1 | 990 | 992 |
The length of a basketball ground is 800 centimetres, while that of a volleyball pitch is 7.5 metres. Find the difference in their lengths in metres.
Convert 800 cm into metres as follows: Since 1 m = 100 cm, then 8 m = 800 cm. Thus, the length of the basketball ground is 8 m.
The length of the volleyball pitch is 7.5 m. Thus, the difference is 8 m − 7.5 m = 0.5 m. Therefore, the difference in their lengths is 0.5 metres.

1. km hm dam 3. m dm cm 21 8 8 6 7 8
− 11 2 3 - 5 7 9 2. m dm 4. km hm cm 8 6 7 8 8 − 6 7 − 6 9 8
| | | DO NOT DUPLICARE | | | | | | | |
| 5. | dam | m | dm | | 8. | dam | dm | mm | |
| | 6 | 7 | 8 | | 6 | 82 | 0 | | |
| | − 5 | 8 | 9 | | - | 4 | 98 | 4 | |
| 6. | | km | m | dm | | 9. | km | hm | dam |
| | 2 | 0 | 6 | | 160 | 9 | 7 | | |
| | − 1 | 98 | 9 | - | 150 | 9 | 9 | | |
| 7. | km | m | dm | | | | | | |
| | 6 | 6 | 6 | | | | | | |
| | - | 4 | 87 | 7 | | | | | |
10. Calculate the following, giving your answers in metres:
(a) 7 dm − 7 cm (c) 0 . 85 km − 168 m (b) 2 dm − 10 cm (d) 86 m − 48 m ONLY
11. A stick of 71 centimetres is divided into two pieces. Find the length of the second piece in metres if the first piece has the length of 0.52 metres.
## Multiplication Of Units Of Length
The units of measurement of length can be multiplied by a constant number. The resulting product will be in the given units.
| FOR | | | | | | | |
| Compute the following: (a) km dm | cm | (b) | km | hm | dam | | |
| | 6 | 8 | 9 | | 6 | 8 | 4 |
| | × | 5 | × | 28 | | | |

Example 127
| (a) | km | dm | cm | | (c) | km | m | mm |
| | 6 | 8 | 9 | | 6 | 80 | 4 | |
| | × | 5 | | × | 100 | | | |
| | 30 | 44 | 5 | 608 | 0 | 400 | | |
| (b) | km | hm | dam | | | | | |
| | 6 | 8 | 4 | | | | | |
| | × | 28 | | | | | | |
| | 191 | 5 | 2 | | | | | |
| (c) | km | m | mm |
| | 6 | 80 | 4 |
| | × | 100 | |
Answer the following questions: 1. m cm 3. dam m 6 9 5 5 × 28 × 25 USE


2. km dam 4. hm dam m 9 6 8 7 6 × 30 × 20 FOR
| | DO NOT DUPLICARE | | | | | | | |
| 5. | dm | cm | mm | | 6. | hm | dam | m |
| | 5 | 8 | 9 | | 15 | 6 | 9 | |
| | × | 10 | × | 100 | | | | |
| Example 1 | Example 2 |
| Compute each of the following: (a) 5 km ÷ 10 (give your answer in metres). (b) 38 m ÷ 50 (give your answer in centimetres). | Compute each of the following: (a) 56 km ÷ 7 (give your answer in metres). (b) 48 m ÷ 60 (give your answer in centimetres). |
## Division Of Units Of Length
The units of measurement of length can be divided by a constant number. The resulting quotient will be in the given units, and can be converted into other units.
Solution (a) Using the comparison of units 1 km = 1 000 m 5 km = 5 000 m. Thus, 5 km ÷ 10 = 5 000 m ÷ 10 = 500 m.
Therefore, 5 km ÷ 10 = 500 m.
(b) Using the comparison of units 1 m = 1 00 cm 38 m = 3 800 cm. Thus, 38 m ÷ 50 = 3 800 cm ÷ 50 = 76 cm. Therefore, 38 m ÷ 50 = 76 cm.
| | = 4 800 cm. |
| Thus, 48 m ÷ 60 = (4 800 ÷ 60) cm = 80 cm. Therefore, 48 m ÷ 60 = 80 cm. | |
Solution (a) Using the comparison of units 1 km = 1 000 m 56 km = 56 × 1 000 m = 56 000 m. Thus, 56 km ÷ 7 = 56 000 m ÷ 7
= 8 000 m.
Therefore, 56 km ÷ 7 = 8 000 m.
1. Compute each of the following, giving your answer in metres:
(a) (50 m 5 dm) ÷ 5 (d) (28 hm 1 dm) ÷ 10 (b) (18 m 9 cm) ÷ 9 (e) (18 km 5 hm) ÷ 5 (c) 15 m ÷ 6 (f) (11 km 4 m) ÷ 8 2. A roll of string is 13.5 metres long. If four strings of lengths 2.30 metres, 1.8 metres, 2.37 metres, and 0.95 metres are removed from the roll, and the remaining part is divided into equal pieces of lengths 32 centimetres, how many equal pieces are there?
3. How many pieces of length 8.9 centimetres each can be obtained from a thread of length 1.75 metres? What is the length of the remaining part?
4. A piece of wire is 5 decimetres long. If the wire is divided into 10 equal pieces, what will be the length of each piece?
5. Juma planted trees on each side of the road to his house. The road is _34 km long, and the trees are 5 m apart. How many trees are there?
6. A piece of wire is 0.5 m long. If the wire is divided into equal pieces of length 25 cm each, how many pieces are there?
7. A rope of length 1 250 centimetres was equally divided to five students.
Calculate the length of the rope received by each student.
8. Compute 3 22 km 6 m 2 mm ____
⟌ .
## Metric Units Of Mass Activity 2: Recognising The Metric Unit Of Mass
Perform the following tasks individually or in groups: 1. List down the instruments used to measure the mass of different objects. 2. Use a beam balance to measure the mass of the following items in your school:
basic mathematics textbook, counter book, mathematical set, and a ruler.
3. Display the results of your measurements on a manila sheet.
4. Share your results with the rest of the class through presentations and discussions.
The basic unit of mass is kilogram, denoted by kg. Other units of mass include; tonne, hectogram, decagram, gram, decigram, centigram, and milligram. Normally, heavy objects are measured in tonnes (t). The conversion of the metric units of mass can be done as shown in the following table.
| Unit | Abbreviations | Conversion | Conversion into kilogram |
| Milligram | mg | 10 mg = 1 cg | 1 kg = 1 000 000 mg |
| Centigram | cg | 10 cg = 1 dg | 1 kg = 100 000 cg |
| Decigram | dg | 10 dg = 1 g | 1 kg = 10 000 dg |
| Gram | g | 10 g = 1 dag | 1 kg = 1 000 g |
| Decagram | dag | 10 dag = 1 hg | 1 kg = 100 dag |
| Hectogram | hg | 10 hg = 1kg | 1 kg = 10 hg |
| Kilogram | kg | 1 000kg = 1t | |
| Tonne | t | | |
## Conversion Of Units Of Mass
Mathematical operations on measurement of mass can be done only when the units used are the same. If the measurements contain different units of mass, conversion should be done to obtain the same units of measurement.
Example 1 Convert 1 256 grams into kilograms.
Solution Using the comparison of units, we have 1 000 g = 1 kg 1 g = 1 kg ÷ 1 000 Thus, 1 256 g = _1 1000 × 1 256 g
= 1. 256 kg.
Therefore, 1 256 grams = 1. 256 kilograms.
How many grams are there in 0.086 kilograms? Solution Using the comparison of units, we have 1 kg = 1 000 g Thus, 0.086 kg = 1 000 × 0.086 g = 86 g. Therefore, there are 86 grams in 0.086 kilograms.
1. Convert 30 kilograms into the following units of measurements:
(a) Grams (b) Milligrams 2. How many kilograms are there in the following measurements?
(a) 70 000 000 milligrams (b) 0.008 tonnes 3. Convert 2 kilograms into grams. 4. Convert 98 630 milligrams into tonnes. 5. Convert 6 000 milligrams into kilograms.
6. If the mass of a bag of rice is 60 kilograms, what is this mass in grams?
7. Convert 36 kilograms into the following units of measurements:
(a) Hectograms (b) Decigrams (c) Decagrams 8. Convert the following measurements into grams:
(a) 0.86 kilograms (b) 0.075 tonnes (c) 3 decigrams ONLINE

9. The mass of a sack of wheat flour is 0.08 tonnes. Convert this mass into kilograms.
10. Arrange the following measurements in descending order:
0.02 kilograms; 0.02 hectograms; 700 grams; 70 milligrams; 100 centigrams.
## Operations On Units Of Mass
The units of measurement of mass can be added or subtracted and multiplied or divided by a constant number.
## Addition Of Units Of Mass
When adding different units of measurement of mass, the corresponding units have to be placed together and added as required.
| Add the corresponding units as follows: (a) kg g (b) | kg | hg | g | | | |
| | 60 | 33 | | 60 | 9 | 960 |
| | + | 19 | 969 | + | 11 | 45 |
| | 80 | 2 | 63 | 0 | 5 | |
| ONLINE | | | | | | |

Compute the following: 
The mass of a car is 958 kilograms. Two bags of masses of 62 kilograms and 77 kilograms, are loaded in the car. What is the total mass of the loaded car in:
(a) kilograms? (b) tonnes?
(a) Mass of the car = 958 kg Mass of the first bag = 62 kg Mass of the second bag = 77 kg Add the masses as follows: 958 kg + 62 kg + 77 kg = 1 097 kg. Therefore, the total mass of the loaded car is 1 097 kilograms. (b)1 tonne = 1 000 kg x = 1 097 kg x =
1 tonne × 1 097 kg __________________ 1 000 kg x =
1 097 tonnes ____________
1 000
= 1.097 tonnes.
Therefore, the total mass of the loaded car is 1.097 tonnes.
| Answer each of the following questions: 1. g dg cg | 2. | kg | hg | dag | | | |
| | 8 | 9 | 6 | | 8 | 9 | 7 |
| | 5 | 6 | 3 | | 9 | 7 | 6 |
| | + 8 | 7 | 7 | + | 5 | 6 | 3 |
| FOR | | | | | | | |

| DO NOT DUPLICARE | | | | | | |
| 3. | 7. | | | | | |
| 3. | 7. | | | | | |
| g | dg | cg | | | | |
| 7 | 7 | 7 | | | | |
| 8 | 8 | 8 | | | | |
| + | 9 | 9 | 9 | kg | dag | g |
| | 7 | 9 | 7 | | | |
| | 8 | 8 | 9 | | | |
| | + | 9 | 7 | 8 | | |
| | | | | | | |
| 4. | 8. | | | | | |
| 4. | 8. | | | | | |
| kg | dag | g | | | | |
| 7 | 9 | 6 | | | | |
| 8 | 7 | 7 | | | | |
| + | 5 | 6 | 3 | dg | cg | mg |
| | 7 | 8 | 9 | | | |
| | 8 | 9 | 7 | | | |
| | + | 9 | 7 | 8 | | |
| | | | | | | |
| 5. | 9. | | | | | |
| 5. | 9. | | | | | |
| hg | dag | g | | | | |
| 8 | 9 | 3 | | | | |
| 8 | 7 | 2 | | | | |
| + | 5 | 6 | 6 | kg | g | mg |
| | 7 | 8 | 9 | | | |
| | 8 | 9 | 7 | | | |
| | + | 9 | 7 | 8 | | |
| | ONLY | | | | | |
| 6. | 6. | kg | hg | mg | | |
| 5 | 6 | 7 | | | | |
| 4 | 9 | 8 | | | | |
| + | 3 | 3 | 1 | USE | | |
10. In each of the following, add the given measurements (give your answers in kilograms).
(a) 785 grams, 97 grams, 605 grams (b) 24.37 kilograms, 187.5 kilograms, 21.13 kilograms (c) 8 decagrams, 9 grams, 2 centigrams FOR
Subtraction of units of mass When subtracting different units of measurement of mass, the corresponding units have to be placed together and subtraction is done as required.
| (a) | kg | g | | | |
| 60 | 39 | | | | |
| 28 | 940 | | | | |
| (a) | (b) (b) | kg | hg | dag | |
| | 2 | 9 | 8 | | |
| | 1 | 9 | 9 | | |
| - | 31 | 99 | - | 9 | 9 |
| | | | | | |
| Compute the following: (a) | (b) | | | | | |
| (a) | kg | g | | | | |
| 60 | 39 | | | | | |
| - | 28 | 940 | (b) | kg | hg | dag |
| 2 | 9 | 8 | | | | |
| - 1 | 9 | 9 | | | | |
A school lorry has a mass of 10 tonnes 500 kilograms when loaded with beans.
If the mass of the beans is 4 tonnes 90 kilograms, find the mass of the lorry.
Solution Mass of the lorry and beans = 10 tonnes 500 kg Mass of beans = 4 tonnes 90 kg Mass of unloaded lorry is obtained by subtracting the masses as follows: t kg 10 500
- 4 90 6 410

Therefore, the mass of the lorry is 6 tonnes 410 kilograms.
Answer each of the following questions:
| Answer each of the following questions: 1. 4. 4. | 7. 7. | | | | | |
| g | dg | | | | | |
| 8 | 7 | | | | | |
| - | 6 | 9 | | | | |
| 1. | kg | g | dg | | | |
| 6 | 7 | 8 | | | | |
| - 5 | 8 | 9 | dag | dg | mg | |
| | 6 | 89 | 2 | | | |
| | - | 4 | 98 | 9 | | |
| | | | | | | |
| 2. | 5. 5. | 8. 8. | | | | |
| 2. | kg | g | dg | | | |
| 2 | 0 | 6 | | | | |
| - 1 | 98 | 9 | | | | |
| g | dg | cg | | | | |
| 6 | 7 | 8 | | | | |
| - | 5 | 7 | 9 | kg | hg | dag |
| | 160 | 9 | 7 | | | |
| | - 150 | 9 | 9 | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| 3. | 6. 6. | 9. 9. | | | | |
| | ONLY | | | | | |
| 3. | kg | hg | dg | | | |
| 6 | 6 | 6 | | | | |
| - | 4 | 87 | 7 | | | |
| kg | hg | dag | | | | |
| 7 | 8 | 9 | | | | |
| - | 6 | 9 | 8 | kg | hg | dag |
| | 6 | 4 | 7 | | | |
| | - | 5 | 9 | 8 | | |
| | | | | | | |
10. Compute the following:
(a) 7 dg − 7 cg (b) 2 g − 10 dg (c) 0 . 85 kg − 168 g (d) 86 mg − 68 mg ONLINE
## For Multiplication Of Units Of Mass
The metric units of mass can be multiplied by a constant number. The product retains the given units. The following examples explain how multiplication is done.
| | (b) | | |
| (a) Compute the following: (a) kg g 3 81 ´ 50 | (b) | t | kg |
| | 5 | 90 | |
| | ´ | 50 | |
| (a) | (b) | | | |
| (a) | kg | g | | |
| 3 | 81 50 | (b) | t | kg |
| | 5 | 90 50 | | |
| ´ 154 | 50 | ´ 254 | 500 | |
| | | | | |
Solution Compute the given units as follows:
Eight trucks are loaded with 12 tonnes of crude oil each. Find the total mass of the crude oil in kilograms.
Solution The total mass is 8 × 12 tonnes = 96 tonnes 1 tonne = 1 000 kg Thus, 96 tonnes = 96 000 kg.
Therefore, the total mass of the crude oil is 96 000 kilograms.
Answer the following questions:
| 1. 1. | 4. 4. | | | | | |
| t | kg | | | | | |
| 4 | 200 | | | | | |
| ´ | 50 | hg | dag | g | | |
| | 8 | 7 | 6 | | | |
| | ´ | 20 | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| 2. 2. | 5. 5. | | | | | |
| g | cg | | | | | |
| 6 | 9 | | | | | |
| ´ | 28 | dg | cg | mg | | |
| | 5 | 8 | 9 | | | |
| | ´ | 10 | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| 3. 3. | dag | g | 6. 6. | hg | dag | g |
| 5 | 5 | | | | | |
| ´ | 25 | 15 | 6 | 9 | | |
| | ´ | 100 | | | | |
7. A Form One class has 42 students. If each student has a mass of 22 kilograms and 900 grams, what is their total mass?
8. Three boys have a mass of 24 kilograms 520 grams each. What is their total mass?
9. A certain school bought 22 bags of rice for a Form Four graduation ceremony. If each bag contained 29 kilograms and 420 grams, what was the total mass of the rice in kilograms?
## For Division Of Units Of Mass
Division of metric units of mass is done by dividing the measurements with the same units, or dividing by a constant number.
Compute the following: (a) (40 kg 200 g) ÷ 4 (b) (5 kg 4 00 g) ÷ 3 Solution Divide the units as follows: (a) (40 kg 200 g) ÷ 4 = 10 kg 50 g
(b) (5 kg 4 00 g) ÷ 3 = 1 kg 800 g
If 60 tonnes of fertilizer is to be shared equally among 12 villages, how many kilograms will each village get?
Solution Amount of fertilizer to be shared is 60 tonnes Number of villages is 12 Divide the units by the number of villages. That is, each village will get 60 tonnes ÷ 12 villages = 5 tonnes per village Converting 5 tonnes into kilograms, we have 1 tonne = 1 000 kg Thus, 5 tonnes = 5 × 1 000 kg
= 5 000 kg.
Therefore, each village will get 5 000 kilograms. Exercise 10 FOR
1. Compute the following:
(a) (50 g 5 dg) ÷ 5 (b) (18 g 9 cg) ÷ 9

2. Compute each of the following:
(a) (15 g) ÷ 6 (b) (28 hg 1 dag) ÷ 10 3. If one tea spoonful of sugar is added to every 120 g of juice, how many spoons of sugar should be added to 1 kg 800 g of juice?
4. The mass of a bottle full of mercury is 1 kg and that of an empty bottle is 184 g. What is the mass of mercury?
5. A student carried 11 exercise books of the same mass. If the total mass of the exercise books was 1 kg 320 g, what was the mass of each exercise book?
6. There are 230 ice cubes in Jasson's fridge. If the mass of an empty fridge and the ice cubes is 665 000 grams, what is the mass of each ice-cube?
## Metric Units Of Time Activity 3: Recognising The Unit Of Time
Perform the following tasks individually or in groups:
1. Identify a specific time at which all students arrive at school. What kind of instruments have you used to obtain the answers? Explain how you read the measurements.
2. Share your answers with other students in a class through discussion.
The basic unit of time is second, denoted by s. Other units of time include; minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, and millennia. These units of time are related as follows: 60 seconds = 1 minute 60 minutes = 1 hour 24 hours = 1 day 7 days = 1 week 52 weeks = 1 year and 12 months = 1 year The months in a year have different numbers of days. The months of January, March, May, July, August, October, and December have 31 days each. The months of April, June, September, and November have 30 days each. The month of February has 28 days for an ordinary year and 29 days for a leap (long) year.

# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare
The following table shows the conversion and relationship of units of time:
| Unit | Abbreviation | Conversion | |
| Second | s | | |
| Minute | min | | 60 s = 1 min |
| Hour | hr | | 60 min = 1 h |
| Day | | | 24 hr = 1 day |
| Week | | | 7 days = 1 week |
| Month | | 28, 29, 30, or 31 days = 1 month | |
| Year | | | 365 or 366 days = 1 year |
## Reading Time And Conversion Of Units Of Time
In Standard Six, you learnt about reading and writing time in both 12-hour format and 24-hour format. The same knowledge will be applied in this section. The two ways of reading time are as shown in Figure 5.1:

Figure 5.1: *12-hour format and 24-hour format*
The following table shows two ways of reading time:
| 12-hour format | 24-hour format |
| 12:00 midnight 1:00 am 2:00 am 3:00 am 4:00 am . . . 12:00 noon 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm . . . 12:00 midnight | 2400 or 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 . . . 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 . . . 2400 or 0000 |
Write 25 minutes past 10 in the morning using the following time formats: (a) 12-hour format (b) 24-hour format ONLINE
Solution (a) 25 minutes past 10 in the morning in 12-hour format is 10:25 am. (b) 25 minutes past 10 in the morning in 24-hour format is 1025 hours.
Example 2 (a) Draw a clock face of 12-hours showing ten minutes to eight in the evening. (b) Write the time in (a) into a 12-hour format. (c) Convert the time in (b) into a 24-hour format.
 DO NOT DUPLICARE
(a) The 12 hour format clock face is as follows:
(b) In a 12-hour format, it is written as 7:50 pm.
(c) In a 24-hour format, it is written as 1950 hours.
When writing time in a 12-hour format, a colon is placed between the hours and minutes. Minutes appear to the right side of the colon. For example; 10:25 am ONLY
is read as twenty-five minutes past ten am. When using a 24-hour format, always express time in four figures numeral, where the first two digits represent hours and the last two digits represent minutes. For example; 1025 is read as ten twenty USE
five hours.
Answer the following questions: 1. Write the following times in a 24-hour format:
(a) 6:30 am (c) 3:20 pm (e) 10:50 pm (b) 5:37 pm (d) 10:53 am (f) 9:45 pm 2. Write the following times in 12-hour and 24-hour formats:
(a) Five minutes to ten in the evening (b) Sixteen minutes to twelve in the morning (c) Eighteen minutes past three in the morning (d) Twenty-seven minutes past seven in the evening FOR
3. Write the following hours in words using a 12-hour format:
(a) 2040 (d) 1836 (b) 2349 (e) 0100 (c) 1745
| Departing time (hrs) | Station |
| 0430 0547 0649 0759 0839 0935 1018 1121 1225 1325 1410 1500 1545 1640 1755 1855 1955 2010 | Tabora Nzubuka Ipala Bukene Mahene Isaka Luhumbo Usule Shinyanga Songwa Seke Malampaka Malya Bukwimba Mantale Fela |
| | Mwanza South Mwanza |
| | ONLY |
| USE | |
4. Carefully, study the following table and answer the questions that follow.
At which stations will the train be at the following times? (a) 3:00 pm (b) 0839 (c) 1325 (d) 7:55 pm A leap year has 366 days and occurs if the year is exactly divisible by 4, or in the case of the final year of a century, it is divisible by 400. That is, the final year of the century will be a leap year if and only if it is exactly divisible by 400. For example; 1964 and 2000 were leap years, while 1700, 1982, and 1991 were not leap years. The year 1700 was the last year of the century, and it is not exactly divisible by 400, so it was not a leap year.
How many hours are there in a week? Solution Using the comparison of units of time, we have 1 week = 7 days 1 day = 24 hours Thus, 1 week = 24 × 7 hours
= 168 hours.
Therefore, there are 168 hours in a week.
Convert 70 leap years into seconds.
Solution Using comparison of units of time, we have 1 year = 366 days USE
70 years = 70 × 366 days 1day = 24 × 60 × 60 s Thus, 70 years = 70 × 366 × 24 × 60 × 60 s ONLINE
= 2 213 568 000 seconds. Therefore, 70 leap years = 2 213 568 000 seconds.
In question 1 to 10, convert the following times into hours: 1. Two weeks 2. All the days of January 3. All the days of the year 1968 4. Forty years (ordinary years)

5. 67 824 000 seconds 6. Eighty-four days 7. The days of the years 1964 and 1965 8. Forty-eight minutes 9. All the days of February, 1961 10. All the days of September, 1983 11. Convert the following into seconds:
(a) All the mondays of January, 1984 given that January 1st, 1984 was a Sunday
(b) One week (c) 12 hours 12. How many days are there from the first day of the leap year to 11th May of the same year?
## Addition And Subtraction Of Units Of Time
When adding or subtracting different units of time, the corresponding units are placed together and added or subtracted as required.
Example 1
| Compute the following: (a) hr min sec 2 12 43 4 20 32 + 65 15 |

(a) (b) (c)
| Compute the corresponding units as follows: (a) (b) | (c) | | | | | |
| FOR | | | | | | |
| (a) | hr | min | sec | | | |
| 2 | 12 | 43 | | | | |
| 4 | 20 | 32 | | | | |
| 65 | 15 | (b) | hr | min | | |
| | 10 | 45 | | | | |
| | 17 | 20 | (c) | hr | sec | |
| | 3 | 260 | | | | |
| | 5 | 180 | | | | |
| | 2 | 9 | | | | |
| | + | 28 | 5 | | | |
| + | 7 | 38 | 30 | + | 10 | 449 |
| | | | | | | |
| (c) | hr | sec |
| 3 | 260 | |
| 5 | 180 | |
| + | 2 | 9 |
Solution Compute the corresponding units as follows:
Compute the following:
| (a) | (b) | | | | | |
| (a) | hr | min | sec | | | |
| 7 | 42 | 18 | | | | |
| - | 4 | 17 | 23 | (b) | hr | min |
| | 12 | 39 | | | | |
| | - | 4 | 21 | | | |
| (a) | (b) | | | | | |
| (a) | hr | min | sec | | | |
| 7 | 42 | 18 | | | | |
| 4 | 17 | 23 | (b) | hr | min | |
| | | 12 | 39 | | | |
| | | 4 | 21 | | | |
| - | 3 | 24 | 55 | - | 8 | 18 |
Compute the corresponding units as follows:
Answer each of the following questions:
| 2. | 3. | | | |
| 8 | 16 | | | |
| - | 9 | hr | min | sec |
| 10 | 24 | 40 | | |
| 5 | 31 | 5 | | |
| + | 2 | 2 | 39 | |
hr min

5 24
+ 3 52


1. 2. 3.
1. hr min
8 16
- 9
| 4. 4. | 5. | 6. | | | |
| 5. | 6. | | | | |
| hr | min | sec | | | |
| 9 | 23 | 37 | | | |
| - | 2 | 11 | 41 | min | sec |
| | 36 | 45 | | | |
| | - | 24 | 59 | | |
| hr | min | | | | |
| 10 | 24 | | | | |
| 5 | 31 | | | | |
| + | 2 | 2 | | | |
## Metric Units Of Capacity Activity 4 : Recognising The Metric Units Of Capacity
Perform the following tasks individually or in groups:
1. In everyday life, there are some units used to measure capacity. Identify and briefly explain them.
2. Share your answers to the rest of the class. Do you have similar measurements? If not why?
When we buy a bottle of drinking water or cooking oil, our interest is mainly on how much water or oil is contained in the bottle. That is, we want to know the amount of water or oil the container holds or the capacity. The basic unit of capacity in the metric system is the litre. The most common units for capacity are litre and millilitre. One litre of water weighs one kilogram. Other units of capacity include centilitre, decilitre, decalitre, hectolitre, and kilolitre. The following table shows the conversion of the units of capacity:
| | ONLINE | | |
| Unit | Abbreviation | Conversion | |
| Millilitre | ml | 10 ml = 1 cl | |
| Centilitre | cl | 10 cl | = 1 dl |
| Decilitre | dl | 10 dl | = 1 l |
| Litre | l | 10 l | = 1 dal |
| Decalitre | dal | 10 dal = 1 hl | |
| Hectolitre | hl | 10 hl = 1 kl | |
| Kilolitre | kl | | |
| FOR | | | |
Note: 1 litre = 1 000 cm3 Uses of units of capacity in our daily life In hospitals, doctors prescribe liquid medications in millilitres. Manufacturers of baby milk powders give a feeding table with the quantities written in millilitres. Fuels for motor vehicles are always sold in litres. There are so many other uses of units of capacity in our daily life activities.
## Problems Involving Units Of Capacity
In our daily life activities, we normally encounter tasks which require the use of units of capacity.
One litre of cooking oil costs 2 500 Tanzanian shillings. Find the cost of 15 litres of the cooking oil. Solution Cost of 1 litre is Tsh 2 500. Thus, Cost of 15 litres = Tsh 2 500 × 15 litres = Tsh 37 500.
Therefore, the cost of 15 litres of the cooking oil is 37 500 Tanzanian shillings.
Dotto sells 1 litre of milk for 1 000 Tanzanian shillings. How many litres of milk does he need to sell to get 34 800 Tanzanian shillings?
Solution Cost of 1 litre is Tsh 1 000 Dotto needs to get Tsh 34 800 Divide 34 800 Tanzanian shillings by 1 000 Tanzanian shillings to get the number of litres required.


That is,
| 34.8 34.8 | |
| 1000 | 34800 3000 |
| - | 4800 4000 |
| - | 8000 8000 |
| - | |
Therefore, Dotto needs to sell 34.8 litres of milk.
Kulwa bought 60 bottles of water containing 350 millilitres each. Write the amount of water that Kulwa bought in litres. Solution Capacity of 1 bottle is 350 millilitres Number of bottles is 60 USE
Thus, Amount of water bought is given by Capacity = 350 millilitres × 60 ONLINE
= 21 000 millilitres Convert 21 000 millilitres into litres. 1 litre = 1 000 millilitres Thus, 21 000 litres ÷ 1 000 = 21 litres FOR
Therefore, Kulwa bought 21 litres of water.
## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare Exercise 14
1. Anna bought 3 bottles of juice of 350 millilitres each, and John bought 1 bottle of juice of 1 litre. Who had more juice to drink? What is the difference in capacity of their juices?
2. Mosi used _14 of 52 litres of water for washing clothes. How many litres of water were left?
3. How many bottles of 400 millilitres each will be filled from a bucket of water of capacity 20 litres?
4. Mgeni bought 13 bottles of Fanta and 9 bottles of Cocacola. If each bottle has a capacity of 350 millilitres, find the total number of litres of Fanta and Cocacola bought all together.
5. Mashaka's cow produces 18 litres of milk every day:
(a) How many cows of the same type should Mashaka keep to get 126 litres every day?
(b) How much money does he get every day if 1 litre is sold at 650 Tanzanian shillings?
6. What is _35 of 30 litres in millilitres?
## Conversion Of Metric Units Of Capacity Example 1
Convert the following measurements into cm3:
(a) 6.5 litres (b) 35 litres ONLINE
Solution Using the comparison of units 1 litre = 1 000 cm3 Thus,
(a) 6. 5 litres = 6.5 × 1 000 cm3
= 6 500cm3. Therefore, 6.5 litres = 6 500 cm3.
(b) 35 litres = 35 × 1 000 cm3
= 35 000 cm3.
Therefore, 35 litres = 35 000 cm3.
Convert the following measurements into litres:
(a) 5 600 cm3 (b) 24 000 cm3 (c) 4.2 kl Solution (a) Using the comparison of units 1 litre = 1 000 cm3 Thus, 5 600 cm3 = 5 600 litres ÷ 1 000
= 5.6 litres.
Therefore, 5 600 cm3 = 5.6 litres.
(b) 24 000 cm3 = 24 000 litres ÷ 1 000
= 24 litres.
Therefore, 24 000 cm3 = 24 litres.
(c) 1 kl = 1 000 litres Thus, 4.2 kl = 4.2 × 1 000 litres = 4 200 litres. Therefore, 4.2 kl = 4 200 litres.
1. Which of the following are units of capacity?
(a) centimetre (d) litre (b) millilitre (e) kilolitre (c) metre 2. Convert the following measurements into kilolitres:
(a) 2 580 litres (b) 5 070 litres (c) 1 854 litres 3. Convert the following measurements into litres:
(a) 4 800 cm3 (b) 3.6 kilolitres (c) 5 640 millilitres FOR
4. How many litres are there in a kilolitre? 5. How many centilitres are there in a hectolitre? 6. Which of the following units of capacity are less than a litre?
centilitre, millilitre, kilolitre, decilitre, and hectolitre.
## Chapter Summary
1. The basic unit of length is metre (m).
2. The largest unit of length commonly used is kilometre (km). 3. The smallest unit of length commonly used is millimetre (mm).
4. Instruments which are commonly used to measure length are; ruler, measuring tape, and metre stick.
5. The standard unit of mass is kilogram (kg). 6. A tonne is the highest unit of measurement of mass (1t = 1 000 kg).
7. The basic unit of time is second and is denoted by s. Other units of time are; minute, hour, week, month, year, decade, century, and millennia.
8. Time is measured accurately using watches and clocks.
9. A calendar is used to display time in days, weeks, months, and years.

Answer each of the following questions:



| | t | kg | |
| 3 | 81 | | |
| ´ | 30 | 4 | 2 |
| | - | 2 | 9 |
| 7. 7. | dam | m | dm |
| 186 | 6 | 5 | |
| + | 812 | 3 | 5 |
| 4. | kg | g | 5. | 6. |
| 5. | 6. | km | m | |
| 4. | m | cm | | |
| 2 | 50 | | | |
| + | 3 | 65 | | |
| 2 | 50 | | | |
| + | 3 | 65 | 4 | 2 |
| - | 2 | 9 | | |
8. Convert the following measurements into the given units:
(a) 15 hours into minutes (b) 7 250 minutes into hours (c) 480 seconds into minutes 9. Compute the following:
(a) (4 kg 200 g) ÷ 4 (b) (4 km 20 m) ÷ 5 (c) (56 min 20 s) ÷ 13 USE
10. What is the total number of days of the months of June, July, August, and September?
11. How many ordinary years were there between 1898 and 1967?
12. What were the leap years between 1953 and 1969?
13. What is the total number of days from January 17th to April 17th, inclusive in a leap year?
# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare
| Study the following table and use it to answer questions 14 to 16. Departing time (hrs) Station Distance in kilometres 0430 0547 0649 0759 0839 0935 1018 1121 1225 1325 1410 1500 1545 1640 1755 1855 1955 2010 Tabora Nzubuka Ipala Bukene Mahene Isaka Luhumbo Usule Shinyanga Songwa Seke Malampaka Malya Bukwimba Mantale Fela Mwanza South Mwanza 0.0 30.4 60.8 91.2 110.4 131.2 148.8 176.0 196.8 217.6 238.4 260.8 278.4 300.8 324.8 353.8 374.4 377.6 ONLY |
14. Compare the distances from Mahene to Songwa, and from Seke to Mwanza.
Which distance is longer? By how many kilometres?
15. Madata travelled from Malampaka to Mwanza, and then travelled to Tabora.
How many kilometres did he travel altogether?
16. What is the distance from Tabora to:
(a) Shinyanga? (c) Fela? (e) Mwanza? (b) Malya? (d) Luhumbo?
17. A boy has a pile of four books on his desk. The thicknesses of the books are 22 millimetres, 13 millimetres, 39 millimetres, and 18 millimetres, respectively. Can the pile fit in a shelf of a height of 10 centimetres? If so, calculate the length of the space left.
18. A lorry weighs 7.5 tonnes. If the total mass of the bricks carried by the lorry is 5 tonnes 400 kilograms 50 grams, what is the total weight of the lorry and bricks?
## Project 4
In groups, collect 20 empty bottles of one litre capacity each and then, do the following: 1. Fill in each bottle with water up to its topmost part.
2. Pour all the water from each bottle into a bucket. 3. Determine the capacity of water in the bucket.
# Chapter Six

## Introduction
Approximation involves expressing a number into a higher value or a lower value which is close to the exact value. Approximation is also termed as estimation, that is, the process of finding a number that is close enough to the exact answer. *Estimation is not done to obtain the exact answer. It is* used because some numbers can never be expressed in exact decimals. The symbol used for approximation is ̔ *≈̕. In this chapter, you will learn about* approximation of whole numbers and decimals, rounding off numbers, and writing numbers in significant figures. The competencies developed will help you to estimate quantities such as money, time, volume, and distance, among many other quantities. Also, you will be able to calculate and present approximated numbers and figures from different real life situations such as the population of a certain country, number of domestic animals in certain regions, data from experimental sciences, engineering, and construction, among many others.
Rounding off numbers
## Activity
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks: 1. Measure the heights of your group members by using a tape measure. 2. Write the heights to the nearest centimetres. 3. Write the answers obtained in task 2 to the nearest tens of centimetres.
4. Compare the answers in tasks 2 and 3. Which one is easier to remember?
Does it change the rank of heights of your group members?
5. Share your answers with other members of the class through discussion.
Rounding off numbers is a process of making a number simpler, but keeping its value closer to what it was. The result is less accurate, but easier to use. Rounding off is done for whole numbers and decimals at various places like thousands, hundreds, tens, tenths, hundredths and so on. In order to round off a number, first check the digit to the right of the digit in the required place value to be rounded off.
(a) If the digit to the right is either 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, then the digit at the required place value remains unchanged, and all digits to the right of it become zeros. For example;
(i) 35.4 is rounded off to ones as 35. (ii) 274 is rounded off to tens as 270. (iii) 327 is rounded off to hundreds as 300. (iv) 856 145 is rounded off to thousands as 856 000.
(b) If the digit to the right is either 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, then 1 is added to the digit at the required place value and all the digits to the right of it become zeros.
For example;
(i) 0.267 is rounded off to tenths as 0.3. (ii) 17.82 is rounded off to ones as 18. (iii) 63 504 is rounded off to thousands as 64 000.
(c) If the digit to the right is 5, then the digit to the required place value is considered as follows:
(i) Add 1 to that digit if it is odd.
For example; 2.635 is rounded off as 2.64 to hundredths. 42.245568 is rounded off as 42.246 to thousandths.
(ii) The digit is left unchanged if it is even and the number to be rounded off has no digits after 5.
For example; 2.645 is rounded off as 2.64 to hundredths. 6.65 is rounded off as 6.6 to tenths.

(iii) Add 1 to that digit if there are other digits that follow 5 which are not all zeros.
For example; 7.4503 is rounded off as 7.5 to tenths. 81.26584 is rounded off as 81.27 to hundredths.
(iv) The digit remains unchanged if all the digits following 5 are zeros or if there are no digits after 5 and the digit before 5 is even.
For example; 3.62500 is rounded off as 3.62 to hundredths. 21.465 is rounded off as 21.46 to hundredths.
The population of Tanzania Mainland in the 1967 census showed that there were 5 834 875 men and 6 111 188 women. Round off the figures to the nearest:
(a) Millions (b) Thousands
(a) 5 834 875 men is 6 000 000 men rounded off to the nearest millions (1 is added to 5 because the digit after 5 is 8).
6 111 188 women is 6 000 000 women rounded off to the nearest millions because the digit after 6 is 1.
(b) 5 834 875 men is 5 835 000 men rounded off to the nearest thousands because the digit after 4 is 8.
6 111 188 is 6 111 000 women rounded off to the nearest thousands because the digit after 1 is 1.
A factory got a profit of 67 459 853 Tanzanian shillings after selling its products last year. How much profit did the factory get to the nearest thousands?
To round off the profit to the nearest thousands, a digit to the right of 9 is considered. Since the digit to the right of 9 is 8, add 1 to 9 to get 67 460 000 Tanzanian shillings.


Therefore, 67 459 853 Tanzanian shillings is rounded off to 67 460 000 Tanzanian shillings to the nearest thousands.
Round off 0.046 to the nearest: (a) Tenths. (b) Hundredths. (c) Thousandths.
(a) Since 4 is less than 5, then 0.046 becomes 0.0.
Therefore, 0.046 to the nearest tenths is 0.0.
(b) Since 6 is greater than 5, then 0.046 becomes 0.05.
Therefore, 0.046 to the nearest hundredths is 0.05.
(c) Since 0 is less than 5, then 0.0460 becomes 0.046.
Therefore, 0.046 to the nearest thousandths is 0.046.
1. Round off each of the following numbers to the nearest thousands:
(a) 8 259 (d) 100 998 (g) 60 500 (b) 12 222 (e) 17 501 (h) 9 999 (c) 13 709 (f) 2 349 673 (i) 1 234 567
2. Round off each of the following numbers to the nearest ones:
(a) 41.4 (c) 2.613 (e) 0.379 (b) 0.49 (d) 0.8 (f) 2.55 ONLINE
3. Round off each of the following numbers to the nearest tens:
(a) 25.12 (d) 10.0089 (g) 20.17 (b) 16.15 (e) 0.408 (h) 311.114 (c) 28.929 (f) 33.456 FOR
4. The total mass of cotton harvested in Maswa district was 17 816 273 kg.
Round off this mass to the nearest:
(a) Millions of kilograms (b) Thousands of kilograms 161 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
5. In 1983, the number of primary school pupils in Kilimanjaro region was 237 268. Round off the number of pupils to the nearest thousands.
6. Find the value of each of the following, and round off the answers to the nearest hundredths:
(a) 38.5 × 4.1 (c) 2. 5 × 43.642 (e) 72 × 0. 98 (b) 9.9 × 9.9 (d) 10.3 × 4.4 (f) 0.048 × 20.08 7. Find the value of each of the following, and round off the answers to the nearest tenths:
(a) 2 684 ÷ 17 (c) 0 .33 ÷ 1 . 1 (b) 4 314 ÷ 430 (d) 5 301 ÷ 18 8. Convert each of the following fractions to decimals by rounding off the answers to the nearest tenths:
(a) _29
(c) _173
(b) _37
(d) _14
9. Consider the following numbers: 9, 2.1, 42.045, and 635.7891.
(a) Add all the given numbers.
(b) Determine the place value of each digit in the number obtained in (a). (c) Round off the number obtained in (a) to the nearest: (i) Hundredths (ii) Tenths (iii) Hundreds USE
## Approximations In Calculations
When working out the expressions or equations, it is useful to find a rough estimate of an answer. To find an estimated answer, take a suitable approximation by rounding off the numbers involved.
Estimate the value of 38 × 71.
Solution For easy estimation of the product, round off 38 and 71 to the nearest tens. That is, 38 × 71 ≈ 40 × 70 = 2 800. Therefore, 38 × 71 ≈ 2 800.
Estimate the value of 4.1 × 0.082. Solution Round off 4.1 to ones and 0.082 to the nearest hundredths. 4.1 × 0 . 082 ≈ 4. 0 × 0 . 08 = 0 . 32. Therefore, 4.1 × 0 . 082 ≈ 0 . 32.
Estimate the value of 256.5 ÷ 63.5. Solution Round off both numbers to the nearest ones. 256. 5 ≈ 256 63.5 ≈ 64 256. 5 ÷ 63.5 ≈ 256 ÷ 64 = 4.
Therefore, 256.5 ÷ 63.5 ≈ 4.
In question 1 to 10, estimate the value of each of the given expressions: 1. 43 × 28 4. 868 × 31 7. 35.164 × 23.04 ONLINE
2. 2 912 × 32 5. 2.94 × 248 8. 1.029 ÷ 0.021 3. 82 × 61 6. 171 220 ÷ 79 9. 4 981 ÷ 6 438 10. 9 110 218 800 ÷ 4 081 FOR
11. A shopkeeper sold 192 T-shirts at a price of 5 950 Tanzanian shillings each. How much money did the shopkeeper get by estimation?
12. A village received 40 376 bags of fertilizer to be distributed to 392 farmers. Estimate the number of bags each farmer got.
13. Estimate the answers of each of the given expressions:
(a) 25 . 45 ÷ 268 (c) 528 × 3 902 (e) 824 − 325
(b) 1 . 0031 + 56.241 (d) 61 ÷ 24
## Significant Figures
Any digit from 1 to 9 appearing in a number is a significant figure. Each zero appearing in a number between digits from 1 to 9 is a significant figure. For example; the 0 in 602 is a significant figure, that is, 602 has 3 significant figures.
When the zeros are written to the right of the last non-zero digit of an exact number, the zeros are not significant figures. For example; 72 000 has only 2 significant figures.
In decimals, any zero to the left of the first non-zero digit is not a significant figure. For example; the zeros in 0.025 are not significant figures. Thus, 0.025 has 2 significant figures.
When zero is written at the end of an approximate decimal or number, it is a significant figure. By an approximate decimal or number, it means a decimal or number has been rounded off to the tenth, hundredth, and so on. For example; 2 . 74 ≈ 3.0, in this case 0 is a significant figure. Also, 45 961 ≈ 46 000, the zero at the third place value is a significant figure.
A number can be written in a required number of significant figures by rounding off. For example; to write 38 176 (which has 5 significant figures), correct to 1 significant figure, the number is rounded off to ten thousands. The first digit, 3 is increased by one to become 4 and all other digits become zeros.
Thus, 38 176 ≈ 40 000, correct to 1 significant figure.
Note: (i) Significant figures are always identified from the left side to the right side.
(ii) Significant figures are also known as significant digits or precision or resolution.
Determine the number of significant figures in each of the following numbers:
(a) 2.3004 (c) 0.00002 (b) 0.0804 (d) 4 002 000 000
(a) 2.3004 has 5 significant figures (b) 0.0804 has 3 significant figures (c) 0.00002 has 1 significant figure (d) 4 002 000 000 has 4 significant figures
Find the value of 0.3143 × 6.06, giving the answer correct to 3 significant figures.
Solution 0.3143 × 6.06 = 1.904658 1.904658 ≈ 1.90 correct to 3 significant figures.
Therefore, 0 . 3143 × 6.06 ≈ 1.90 correct to 3 significant figures.
In questions 1 to 6, approximate the numbers correct to the required number of significant figures.
1. 0.285173 (3 significant figures) 2. 88092.7 (4 significant figures) 3. 2.007138 (3 significant figures) 4. 74.471 (1 significant figure) 5. 10.6987 (3 significant figures) 6. 126.306 (2 significant figures) 7. Write:
(a) _25 13 in decimal form, correct to 4 significant figures
(b) _57
in decimal form, correct to 3 significant figures FOR

8. How many significant figures does each of the following numbers have?
(a) 5. 0372 (d) 292.00044 (b) 97168.90000 (e) 1.0000678 (c) 0.0000678 (f) 0.101 9. Find the sum of the following numbers, and give your answers correct to 3 significant figures:
(a) 8 917, 201 392, 500 099, 1 983 (b) 0.5021, 21.1108, 0.00472, 3.079
(c) 98.528, 8.888, 0.337, 24.82
(d) 0.07637, 72.0976, 4.7135, 25.4556 10. Find the value of each of the following expressions. Write your answers correct to the given number of significant figures.
(a) 0.83 × 0.737 (3 significant figures) (b) 5.178 × 20 (2 significant figures) (c) 7.351 × 4 .83 (4 significant figures) (d) 7 . 31 ÷ 0.983 (3 significant figures) (e) 149.001 ÷ 8.99 (3 significant figures)
(f) 6.814 × 72.35 (4 significant figures)
11. (a) Write _223
in a decimal correct to 4 significant figures.
(b) Find the value of the following expression in a decimal correct to 2 significant figures: _12
+ 3_13
+ 4.
(c) Write the number 0.48965 correct to 4 significant figures.
## Decimal Places
All positions occupied by digits to the right of the decimal point are decimal places of a number. For example; (a) 7.2 has 1 decimal place (b) 6.03 has 2 decimal places (c) 6.161 has 3 decimal places (d) 305 has 0 decimal places (e) 0.0004 has 4 decimal places (f) 6.20 has 2 decimal places FOR
## For Online Use Only
Writing numbers correct to the specified number of decimal places Take the case of writing a number correct to 3 decimal places. Consider the fourth digit after the decimal point. If the digit at the fourth decimal place is less than 5, then the digit at the third decimal place will remain unchanged, and all the digits after that will be dropped. For example; 8.126347 ≈ 8.126 correct to 3 decimal places. If the digit at the fourth decimal place is equal to or greater than 5, and there are some non-zero digits after the digit at the fourth decimal place, then the digit at the third decimal place should be increased by one.
If the digit at the third decimal place is even, and there are zero digits or no any other digit after the digit at the fourth decimal place, then the digit at the third decimal place should remain unchanged. For example: 1. 0.97381 ≈ 0.974 to 3 decimal places. 2. 0.2465 ≈ 0.246 to 3 decimal places. 3. 0.2475 ≈ 0.248 to 3 decimal places.
1. Write each of the following numbers correct to 2 decimal places:
(a) 0.0817 (d) 0.7153 (g) 3.6149 (b) 5.0744 (e) 12.047 (h) 0.00825 (c) 1.70007 (f) 3.3456 (i) 72.7946
2. Change each of the following fractions into decimals correct to 3 decimal

17 (c) _23
(e) _117
| USE | | | |
| 1. | Write each of the following numbers correct to 2 decimal place | s: | |
| (a) 0.0817 | | (d) 0.7153 | (g) 3.6149 |
| (b) 5.0744 | | (e) 12.047 | (h) 0.00825 |
| (c) 1.70007 | | (f) 3.3456 | (i) 72.7946 |
(d) _411 (f) 2 _11 29
| (a) 3.142 | | (d) 0.09178 |
| (b) 0.6667 | (e) 0.7159 | |
| (c) 250.707 | | (f) 10.445 |

FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE 4. Write each of the following numbers correct to 3 decimal places:
(a) 0.7526 (d) 8.4999 (b) 34.7007 (e) 5.5555 (c) 3.14159 (f) 2.66732
5. Divide 8.51 by 0.472, and give the answer correct to 2 decimal places. 6. Multiply 9.0017 by 0.0987, and give your answer correct to 2 decimal places. 7. Round off the following numbers correct to the given number of decimal places:
(a) 0.002752 (4 decimal places) (b) 20.04416 (2 decimal places) (c) 0.17244 (3 decimal places) (d) 6.0097 (3 decimal places) (e) 2.14678 (1 decimal places)
8. Determine the number of decimal places in each of the following numbers:
(a) 4000.001 (d) 25.3 (b) 1 986 (e) 0.01001 (c) 0.0075 (f) 10.0100165 9. Determine the number of decimal places in the values obtained from the following expressions:
(a) 3 . 142 × 15. 25 × 15 (b) 7 . 9909 × 0 . 011 (c) 0 . 0073 × 0.73 USE
10. Determine the number of decimal places in the values obtained from the following expressions:
(a) 153 . 4 ÷ 6 . 5 (b) 44 . 0561 ÷ 11 (c) 0 . 001144 ÷ 0.056 FOR
# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare
## Chapter Summary
1. Approximating or rounding off a number is a process of writing a number not exactly, but close enough to the correct number. Both integers and decimals can be rounded off.
2. During approximation, if the digit to the right is 5, the digit to required place value is:
(a) increased by 1 if it is odd. (b) left unchanged if it is even and has zero digits after 5 or has no digit after 5.
3. Any digit from 1 to 9 appearing in a number is a significant figure. 4. When zeros are written to the right of the last non-zero digit of an exact number, the zeros are not significant figures.
5. In decimals, any zero written to the left of the first non-zero digit is not a significant figure.
6. When a zero is written at the end of an approximated decimal or number, it is a significant figure.
7. All positions occupied by digits to the right of the decimal point are the decimal places of a number.
## Revision Exercise
1. Round off each of the following numbers to the nearest hundredths:
(a) 8.648 (d) 31.7842 (b) 1.0544 (e) 19.6723 (c) 0.341 (f) 0.453
2. Round off each of the following numbers to the nearest millions and thousands:
(a) 78 911 393 (d) 1 350 095 450 (b) 1 114 562 (e) 20 781 233 (c) 22 878 130 FOR
3. From the 1967 Tanzanian Mainland census, there were 5 267 910 children under the age of fifteen. Round off this number to the nearest:
(a) Millions (b) Thousands (c) Hundreds In questions 4 to 13, estimate the values obtained from each of the given expressions: 4. 8.7 × 410 9. 24.4 ÷ 0.673 5. 4.17 × 730 10. 9.05 ÷ 18.2 6. 28 × 0. 83 11. 0.633 × 425 7. 54 .5 × 1 . 96 12. 0.136 ÷ 8.45 8. 430 ÷ 31. 2 13. 7.40 × 36.4 14. Express each of the following fractions as a decimal, correct to 4 significant figures:
(a) _511 (b) _370 (c) _16
15. Write 86.463 correct to:
(a) 1 decimal place (c) 1 significant figure (b) 2 decimal places (d) 2 significant figures 16. Write 0.00607049 correct to: (a) 3 decimal places (c) 5 decimal places
(b) 4 decimal places (d) 6 decimal places ONLY
17. (a) Write each of the following numbers correct to 1 decimal place:
(i) 17.84 (ii) 17.084 (iii) 2.045 (iv) 0.048
(b) Write each of the following numbers correct to 2 decimal places:
(i) 23.748 (ii) 23.0845 (iii) 0.0485 (iv) 0.0803 FOR
18. For each of the following numbers, determine the number of significant figures, and the number of decimal places:
(a) 8 (d) 0.8 (g) 0.008 (b) 0.47 (e) 1.0271 (h) 0.307 (c) 0.070 (f) 6.0470 (i) 0.3079 170 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
19. Convert each of the following fractions into decimals and write your answer correct to 2 decimal places:
(a) _913 (b) _18 19 (c)_17 180 20. Determine the number of significant figures in each of the following numbers:
(a) 2.73 (c) 0.006 (b) 400 780 (d) 0.1089 21. Write:
(a) 34.996 correct to 2 decimal places. (b) 35.0482 correct to 3 significant figures.
22. Write each of the following numbers correct to three decimal places:
(a) 0.00606 (d) 2.6047 (b) 3.199281 (e) 72.87247 (c) 8.27491
## Project 5
Visit any nearby authority responsible for land transport. Ask the authority what are the exact distances in kilometres of five different roads from one municipality, town, or city to others. Record the information obtained, and complete the following table:
| ONLINE | | |
| Road | Exact distance (km) | Distance to the nearest 10 km |
| 1 2 3 4 5 | | |
| FOR | | |
From the table, which two roads (if any) have the same distance to the nearest 10 km?
# Chapter Seven For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare Introduction To Geometry
## Introduction
Geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the properties of points, lines, angles, and different regular shapes. It was first introduced by a Greek mathematician known as Euclid, who is regarded as the father of geometry, around the year 300 BC. The word "*geometry" originates* from the Greek word 'geo' which means ʻearth ̕ and 'metron̕ which means measurement. Geometry therefore, deals with measurement of lines, angles, and other properties of regular objects. Objects such as knives, needles, pencils, or pens have sharp tips as shown in Figure 7.1. In geometry, sharp tips are represented by points. In this chapter, you will learn the properties and relations of points and lines, angles, and their construction, regions, polygons, and circles. The competencies developed can be applied in daily life activities such as carpentry, engineering, tailoring, architecture, making balls from skin, and many other applications.
Tip Tip


Pencil Knife
Figure 7.1: *Objects with sharp tips* ONLINE
Points, lines, rays, line segments, and planes
## Activity 1
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks: 1. Draw a straight line. 2. Draw a number line for all integers less than –2. 3. Draw a number line for all integers greater or equal to 1. 4. Draw a number line for all integers from –4 to 5.

## Points
A point is a mark of position, and has an exact location. It has no length, width or thickness. A point is represented by a dot made by the tip of a sharp pencil or pen. It is denoted by a capital letter. In Figure 7.2, A, B, and C are examples of points.

Figure 7.2: *Examples of points*
## Lines
A line is a set of points which extends in both directions without an end. A line can also be considered as a straight path which can be extended indefinitely in both directions. It is shown by two arrow-heads in opposite directions as shown in Figure 7.3. A line does not have any fixed length, thus, it has no end points.
Figure 7.3: *Line* USE
Rays A ray is part of a line which extends without an end in one direction only while 
A ray has no fixed length. However, it has one end point called the initial point. In Figure 7.4, O is the initial point of the rays OA and OB. The rays OA and OB in Figure 7.4 are different because they extend in different directions. A ray OA is denoted as
## Line Segments
A line segment is a straight path which has a definite length. It is a part of a line with two end points. A line segment with the end points A and B is denoted as
‾AB or ‾BA, and is read as line segment AB or line segment BA. Figure 7.5 shows an example of a line segment AB.
## Figure 7.5: Line Segment Ab Planes
A smooth and flat surface gives an idea of a plane. The surface of a table, a wall, and a blackboard are examples of planes. A plane extends in all directions with no end. It has no length, width, or thickness. Figures like square, rectangle, triangle, and circle can be drawn on the plane. Hence, these figures can also be called plane figures.

Figure 7.6: Examples of plane *figures*
Exercise 1 FOR
Answer the following questions: 1. Mark any three points on a plane such that no end points lie on the same line. How many line segments can you draw to connect them?

(b) Measure the length of each line segment in (a) above (give your answer to the nearest centimetres).
3. Identify and name all rays in each of the following figures:
(a) (b)

6. Use the figures in question 5 to identify the number of line segments with end points at the following points:
(a) A (b) D (c) E
7. How many line segments can be drawn in the following manner?
(a) Three points, but they are not on the same straight line. (b) Four points, but no three points lie on the same straight line. (c) Five points, but no three points lie on the same straight line. (d) Six points, but no three points lie on the same straight line.
8. Use the following figure to identify and name the given geometrical figures:
(a) Three straight lines (b) Three line segments (c) Three rays

9. Match the definition of a term from column A with a statement from column B.
| USE | | |
| Column A | Column B | |
| (a) A ray | (i) | Has no end points |
| (b) A line | (ii) | Has one end point |
| (c) A line segment | (iii) Has two end points (iv) Has many end points (v) Has infinite end points (vi) Has three end points | |
10. Draw a line segment with the following length: (a) 5 cm (b) 6.5 cm (c) 3.4 cm FOR
11. Which of the following surfaces are flat?
(a) A table top (d) A surface of a bottle (b) A surface of a ball (e) A pane of glass (c) A chalkboard (f) The surface of the earth 176 Angles FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
## Activity 2
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks:
1. Draw four rays marked
⟶AD, and
⟶AE on the same plane.
2. How many angles are formed in task 1 ?
When two rays have a common starting point, they form an angle. Angles are measured by an instrument called a protractor. The units of measure for angles are degrees, radians, and revolutions. Degrees and radians are commonly used, and the conversion between any of the two units can be performed. A point at which two lines meet or intersect to form an angle is called a vertex. An angle is named using any point on one ray, followed by the vertex, and then any point on the other ray. The symbol used to denote an angle is "∠ or ∧".

Figure 7.7 shows that, two rays QP and QR meet at point Q to form an angle. The formed angle can be named as follows:
(a) PQ̂ R or ∠PQR (b) RQ̂P or ∠RQP
## Types Of Angles
Angles are classified into different types basing on their degree of measurement.
| Type | Description | | |
| Acute angle | P | An angle whose measure is greater than 0o but less than 90o is called an acute angle. In the given figure, PQ̂ R is an acute angle. | |
| Q | R | | |
| Right angle | An angle whose measure is exactly 90° is a right angle. The small square indicates that the measure is 90°. In the figure, AB̂ C is a right angle. Any right angle is denoted by the symbol . | | |
| A B | C | ONLY | |
| Obtuse angle | | | |
| K | An angle whose measure is greater than 90° but less than 180° is called an obtuse angle. In the given figure, KL̂ M is an obtuse angle. | | |
| | USE | | |
| L | M | | |
| Straight angle ONLINE | | | |
| F | P | G | An angle whose measure is exactly 180° or two right angles or half turn is a straight angle. In the given figure, FP̂ G = 180° is a straight angle. An angle whose measure is greater than 180° but less than 360° is a reflex angle. In the given figure, the labeled angle JKL is a reflex angle. |
| Reflex angle | J | | |
| K FOR | L | | |
| Full angle O A Adjacent angles | | |
| P | Q | The angles are called adjacent angles, if; (a) they have a common vertex, (b) they have a common line segment, and (c) their non-common line segments are on either side of the common line segment. In the given figure, PÔ Q and QÔ R are adjacent angles since they have a common vertex O and a common line segment OQ, ‾ and the other line segments ‾OP and ‾OR are on the opposite sides of ‾OQ. |
| | R | |
| O | If a ray OA rotates about O and after a complete rotation takes the final position OA, then it traces out an angle of 360°, which is called a full angle. | |
| Complementary angles | ONLY | |
| C | D | Complementary angles are two angles whose measures add up to the right angle. This means, each angle is the complement of the other. In the given figure, CÂ B=90°. So, CÂ D+DÂ B=90°. Therefore, CÂ D and DÂ B are complementary angles. |
| | USE | |
| A | B | |
| ONLINE | | |
| Supplementary angles L | Two angles are said to be supplementary if the sum of their measures is 180o and each of them is called the supplement of the other. In the given figure, KÔ M = 180° and KÔ L + MÔ L = 180°. Therefore, KÔ L and MÔ L are supplementary angles. | |
| FOR O | | |
| K | M | |
Determine the type of angles in each of the following figures:

FOR ONLINE USE ONLY 

## Activity 3
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks:

1. Identify and write all the angles formed in the figure.
2. Is it possible to get supplementary angles from the given figure? Give reasons.
3. If PQ̂ R is a right angle, does the figure contain complementary angles? If yes, name all the complementary angles in it.
## Measuring Angles Using A Protractor
The size of an angle is measured using a protractor. Figure 7.8 shows a picture of the protractor. Most protractors are designed to measure angles in degrees.
Radian-scale protractors measure angles in radians.

Base line Centre
Figure 7.8: *A protractor* 181 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
A protractor has a straight line at or near the straight edge and has a semicircular shape. This line is called the base line. The mid-point of the base line is called a central point marked centre. The protractor is divided into 180 equal sections which show measurements from 0o to 180o. Each section measures 1o.
The protractor has two scales namely, inner anticlockwise scale and outer clockwise scale. The marking on the inner scale is 0o to 180o and runs anticlockwise. The outer scale marking is 0o to 180o and runs clockwise. Figure 7.8 shows a protractor which measures angles in degrees.
The following are the steps taken when measuring angle PÔ Q using a protractor:
Step 1: Place a protractor over the angle PÔ Q so that its centre lies on the vertex O of the angle and the base line lies on ⟶OQ.

Figure 7.9: *Angle POQ*
Step 2: Read the angle on the mark through which
⟶OP passes, starting from 0o on the side of Q as shown in Figure 7.10.

Figure 7.10 shows that ‾OP passes through the 40 o mark. Therefore, PÔ Q = 40o.
Answer the following questions:
1. Draw the following angles:
(a) Reflex angle (c) Acute angle (b) Obtuse angle (d) Right angle


4. Classify each of the following angles on the basis of their degree of measurement:
(a) 115° (c) 180° (e) 25° (b) 90° (d) 360°

## Activity 4
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks:
1. Use a protractor to measure the angles marked with letters *m, n, p, a, b,*

2. Find the results of each of the following:
(a) Obtuse angle - Acute angle (b) Obtuse angle + Acute angle
## Activity 5
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks:
Follow the steps outlined below to draw an angle that measures 50o.
1. Draw a ray and name it.
2. Keep the protractor with its central point at O and the horizontal edge along the ray.
3. Look at the scale with 0o mark of the protractor lying on the ray.
4. On this scale, mark a point against the 50o angle and remove the protractor.
5. Join the point O and the point in step 4. 6. Join the angle formed. Share your findings with other groups.
| Draw each of the following angles using a protractor: | | | | | |
| 1. 45° | 2. 82° | 3. 155° | 4. 49° | 5. 150° | |
| 6. 75° | 7. 120° | 8. 25° | 9. 67° | | 10. 138° |
## Perpendicular Lines Activity 6: Recognising Perpendicular Lines
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks:
1. Draw two lines, AB and CD.
2. Insert a point M between
⟷AB and point N between ⟷CD. Make sure that, the two points M and N divide
⟷AB and
⟷CD into two equal parts, respectively.
3. Let
⟷AB and
⟷CD cross each other and intersect at point M and N to form a point P.
4. Measure the angles and name the types of the four angles formed.
When two lines cross each other or meet at a right angle (90°), the lines are said to be perpendicular. The symbol '⊥' is used to denote two perpendicular lines.
For example, in Figure 7.11,
⟷AB ⊥
⟷CD, meaning that
⟷AB is perpendicular to

## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare
Construction of perpendicular lines Construction of perpendicular lines can be done in two ways, that is, construction through a point outside a line and construction through a given point on a line. A perpendicular line through an external point can be constructed using a pair of compasses and a ruler. A line segment is created on the given line and then bisected.
⟷PQ be the given line and A be an external point, that is, A is the point outside the line
⟷PQ. Construction of a perpendicular line from A to
⟷PQ is done using the

Step 5: Join the points A and B by a straight line to form perpendicular lines AB and PQ as shown in the following figure.

⟷AB is the required line perpendicular to
Alternatively, a perpendicular line through a given point on a line can be constructed using a pair of compasses and a ruler. Let
⟷ PQ be a line and A the point on it.
Construction of a perpendicular line to
⟷PQ through A is done using the following steps:
Step 1: Construct
⟷PQ as shown in the following figure.

⟷PQ as shown in the following Step 3: With point A as a centre and any convenient radius, construct small arcs cutting
⟷PQ at C and D as shown in the following figure.

Step 4: With the points C and D as centres, construct two arcs of equal radius to cut above
⟷PQ and below ⟷PQ at points E and B as shown in the following figure.

 DO NOT DUPLICARE

Step 5: Join the points E and B by a straight line to form perpendicular lines EB and PQ as shown in the following figure.





⟷EB is the required line perpendicular to
Construction of a perpendicular bisector A line which divides a line segment into two equal parts is called a bisector. If this line is perpendicular to the line segment, then the line is called a perpendicular bisector.
The following are the steps for constructing a perpendicular bisector of a line segment:

Step 1: Construct a line segment AB as shown in the following figure.
Step 2: With point A as a centre and radius more than half of ‾AB,
construct arcs on both sides of AB‾ as shown in the following figure.
Step 3: With point B as a centre and the same radius (as in step 2),
construct arcs on both sides of ‾AB to cut the previous arcs at P and Q as shown in the following figure.


Step 4: Draw a line PQ, with C as the centre, where ‾AB and
⟷PQ intersect.

⟷PQ is the required perpendicular bisector of ‾AB. It can also be deduced that ‾AC = ‾CB and AĈ P = BĈ P = 90°.
Construction of an angle 60o Construction of an angle that measures 60o can be done using a pair of compasses and a ruler. The following are the steps for constructing an angle measuring 60o.
Step 1: Draw
⟷AB as shown:
Step 2: With point A as a centre, use any convenient radius to construct an arc crossing
⟷AB at point C as shown in the following figure.
Step 3: Extend the arc above
⟷AB as shown in the following figure.

Step 4: Using the same radius as in step 2 at the centre C, construct an arc crossing the first arc at point D as shown in the following figure.

Join the points A and D by a straight line, and use a protractor to measure DÂ C
as shown in the following figure.

Thus, DÂ C = 60o . Therefore, DÂ C is the required angle measuring 60o.
## Construction Of A Bisector Of An Angle
The angle bisector is a line segment or ray which bisects the angle. A pair of compasses and a ruler can be used to construct a bisector of an angle. The following are the steps for construction of the angle bisector:
Step 1: Draw two rays with a common starting point, that is, ⟶OP and ⟶OQ
as shown in the following figure.


Step 3: With the same radius as in step 2, use points L and M as centres to construct arcs cutting at point N as shown in the following figure.

Step 4: Join the points O and N by a straight ray to form
which bisects PÔ Q.

⟶ON is the required bisector of PÔ Q, that is, PÔ N = QÔ N.
## Construction Of An Angle 45O
Construction of an angle measuring 45o can be done using a pair of compasses and a ruler. The construction of this angle starts with a right angle and then bisecting it as shown in the following figure.


Therefore, BP̂ E = 4 5o.
## Construction Of An Angle 135°
The construction of an angle 135° is done by constructing two right angles and bisecting one of them as shown in the following figure.

Therefore, BÔ C = 135° .
Construction of an angle 90° The construction of an angle 90° (right FOR
angle) is done by drawing a perpendicular line to a given line as shown in the following figure.
Therefore, AÊ C = DÊ C = AÊ B = BÊ D = 90o.
## Construction Of Parallel Lines
When two or more lines on a plane do not meet, they are said to be parallel.
Parallel lines are always at the same ONLY
distance apart, called equidistant. The parallel lines are marked by arrows as shown in the following figure.

The symbol // represents ʻparallel'. That is,
⟷AB //
⟷CD is read as
⟷AB is parallel to
Parallel lines can be constructed in different ways:
(a) **Using a ruler and a pair of compasses only**
⟷PQ be a given line. Construct
⟷AB parallel to
⟷PQ using the following steps:
Step 1: Draw perpendicular lines through points P and Q, respectively.
Step 2: With a convenient length of a pair of compasses, use equal lengths to mark the points A and B.
Step 3: Draw a line through

Therefore, the construction shows that
⟷PA //
⟷QB and
⟷AB //
## (B) Using Equal Angles
⟷PQ be a given line. Construct
⟷AB parallel to
⟷PQ using the following steps:
Step 1: Draw
⟷AP crossing
⟷PQ at point P.
Step 2: Copy angle APQ as follows:
(i) Using a pair of compasses with any convenient radius, construct an arc from P cutting
⟷AP at point R and
⟷PQ at point S.
(ii) With the same radius and point A as the centre, construct an arc cutting
at point T.
(iii)With point R as the centre, adjust the compasses to fit
(iv)With the same radius (
⟷RS) and point T as the centre, construct an arc to cross the first arc at point U.
(v) Draw a line through
⟷AU . The resulting figure shows that, ∠TAU = ∠RPS.

⟷AB is parallel to
1. Mark four points which are not on the same straight line on a plane. How many pairs of lines crossing each other and passing through the points can be drawn?
2. A line segment AB has length 10 cm. Use the method of perpendicular bisector to bisect the segment into four equal parts.
3. Construct two parallel lines which are 3 cm apart. 4. Copy angle PQR from the following figure by using a ruler and a pair of compasses only.

5. Draw a line EF, 5.8 cm long. Choose a point D outside
⟷EF and construct a perpendicular line to
⟷EF through D.
## Activity 7
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks: 1. Use a ruler and a pair of compasses to construct an angle measuring 150°. 2. Bisect the angle 150° in task 1. 3. Measure the bisected angles formed in task 2.
## For Online Use Only
## Transversals
A transversal is any line which crosses two or more lines in the same plane at distinct points. For example;
⟷AB in Figure 7.12 is a transversal. If two parallel or non-parallel lines PQ and RS are crossed by a third line AB at distinct points as shown in Figure 7.12, then
⟷AB is called a transversal.

Figure 7.12: *Transversal*
## Angles Formed By Transversals
When a transversal crosses two parallel lines, the angles formed can be indicated as in Figure 7.13.
⟷AB is a transversal and
⟷PQ is parallel to

Vertically opposite angles Vertically opposite angles are equal. In Figure 7.13, the pairs a and d , c and b, e and h, and f and g are vertically opposite angles. Thus, the angles in each pair are equal.
## Corresponding Angles
Corresponding angles are equal. In Figure 7.13, the pairs a and e, c and g, b and f, d and h are corresponding angles. Thus, these pairs of angles are equal.
## Alternate Angles
In this case, we consider two types of alternate angles: the alternate interior angles and the alternate exterior angles.
## For Online Use Only
The alternate interior angles are equal. In Figure 7.13, the pairs b and g, and d and e are alternate interior angles. Thus, these pairs of angles are equal. The alternate exterior angles are equal. In Figure 7.13, the pairs a and h, and c and f are alternate exterior angles. Thus, these pairs of angles are equal. The sum of the angles on the same side of a transversal and between the parallel lines is 180°. These angles are referred to as interior opposite angles. Thus, b + e = 180° and d + g = 180°.
## Complementary Angles
Two angles are complementary when their sum is 90°. In Figure 7.14, a and b are complementary angles. Similarly, e and f are complementary angles.
Thus, a + b = 90° and e + f = 90°.

Supplementary angles Two angles are supplementary if their sum is 180°. In Figure 7.15, c and d are supplementary angles because c + d = 180°.

Figure 7.15: *Supplementary angles* Note:
One way of avoiding to mix up the definitions of complementary and supplementary angles is to remember that, ʻs comes after c in the alphabet, while 180° is greater than 90°'.

## Straight Angle
When two rays in opposite directions are joined at their starting points, they form a straight angle. That is, an angle which measures exactly 180o is formed as shown in Figure 7.16.
## Figure 7.16: Straight Angle
Note that: If a transversal crosses two straight lines such that, one of the following conditions is satisfied, then the two lines are parallel. (a) Two alternate angles are equal. (b) Two corresponding angles are equal. (c) Two vertically opposite angles are equal.
(d) The sum of a pair of interior angles on the same side of the transversal is 180o.
1. Use the following figure to name the angles formed by the transversal.

2. In the following figure, if
⟷PQ is parallel to
⟷AB and
⟷RS is a transversal, find the value of the angles *a, b*, x, y, z, and w.

3. Construct an angle that measures 120° using a ruler and a pair of compasses only.
4. Construct an angle that measures 135° and bisect it. Measure the two formed angles.
5. Draw a line segment AB of length 8 centimetres, and then construct its perpendicular bisector using a ruler and a pair of compasses only.
6. Use a pair of compasses and a ruler only to construct a reflex angle that measures 225°.
7. Construct two line segments PQ and PR of length 5 centimetres each, making an angle that measures 45°. Join Q and R.
(a) Measure the length of the line segment QR. (b) Measure the angle PQR.
8. Draw a line segment LM of length 6 cm. If a point N is 4 centimetres from point L on LM‾, construct a perpendicular line PQ at N.
9. If a = 30° and b = 40°, find the value of c in the following figure.

10. If
⟷RS, and
⟷LM are parallel lines, a = 40° and b = 32°, find the value of x in the following figure.

11. Find the size of the angles marked by letters in each of the following figures:

## Polygons And Polygonal Regions
In our surroundings, many shapes and figures have sides whose line segments lie on the same plane and not more than two sides can meet at one vertex. In this section, the types of shapes and figures will be studied.
## Regions Activity 8
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks:
1. Draw two parallel lines named
⟷PQ and
2. Draw a transversal through P and N. 3. Draw a transversal through Q and M. 4. Put a point R on the intersection of
⟷PN and
5. Name the figure formed by the points P, R, and Q.
A closed path together with its surface is called a region. A triangular region is the surface of the triangle and its boundary line segments. Figure 7.17 describes a triangular region.

Figure 7.17: *Triangular region*
 DO NOT DUPLICARE
A rectangular region is the surface of a rectangle together with its boundary. Figure 7.18 shows a rectangular region.
Figure 7.18: *Rectangular region*
## Polygons
A polygon is a closed path figure bound by a finite number of line segments placed end to end successively. In a polygon, no line segments cross each other, that is, they meet at their end points. Also, a polygon has no line segments with a common end point lying on the same straight line. The point of intersection of two consecutive sides of a polygon is called a vertex (in plural, vertices). The number of vertices of a polygon is equal to the number of its sides. A polygon together with its interior is called a polygonal region. The line segments which form a polygon are called sides of the polygon. Polygons are named according to the number of their sides.
The following figures are examples of polygons:


The following table shows the names of different polygons.
| Name of the polygon | Number of sides | Shape of the polygon |
| Triangle | 3 | |
| Quadrilateral | 4 | |
| Pentagon | 5 | |
| Hexagon | 6 | |
| Heptagon | 7 | ONLY |
| Octagon | 8 | USE |
| Nonagon | 9 | |
| Decagon | 10 | |
| | ONLINE | |
## Triangles
A triangle is a polygon with three sides, three vertices, and three angles. The sum of the three interior angles of a triangle is always 180°. The sum of the lengths of two sides of a triangle is always greater than the length of the third side. The triangle PQR is written as ∆PQR, where ∆ denotes ʻtriangle'. The common end points P, Q, and R of the triangle are called vertices (singular vertex).

## Types Of Triangles
There are six types of triangles based on the lengths of their sides and the size of their angles. Three triangles can be classified based on their sides. These triangles are isosceles triangle, equilateral triangle, and scalene triangle. The other three triangles are classified based on their angles. These triangles are right-angled triangle, acute angled triangle, and obtuse angled triangle.
## (A) Isosceles Triangles
An isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two sides of equal length. Also, the angles opposite the equal sides are equal.
For example; ∆ABC in Figure 7.19 is an isosceles triangle, where
‾AB = ‾AC = 3.8 cm, ‾BC = 4.2 cm, and AB̂ C= AĈ B.

Figure 7.20 is also an isosceles triangle because the base angles are equal. That is, PQ̂ R = PR̂ Q and ‾PQ = ‾PR.

Figure 7.20 : *Isosceles triangle*
## (B) Equilateral Triangles
An equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all sides are equal and all angles are equal. The triangles PQR and ABC in Figure 7.21 are equilateral triangles.

Figure 7.21: *Equilateral triangles*
Figure 7.21 (i) shows that, ‾PQ = ‾QR = ‾RP = 4 cm and Figure 7.21 (ii)
AB̂ C = BĈ A = CÂ B = 6 0° .
## (C) Right-Angled Triangles
A right-angled triangle is a triangle in which one of its angles measures exactly 90o. The triangle QRS in Figure 7.22 is a right-angled triangle.

Figure 7.22: *Right-angled triangle*
In Figure 7.22, SQ̂ R measures exactly 90°.
## (D) Acute Angled Triangles
An acute angled triangle is a triangle in which all the three internal angles are acute, that is, they measure less than 90o.

Triangle LMN in Figure 7.23 has all its angles measuring less than 90o.
Therefore, ∆LMN is an acute angled triangle.
## (E) Obtuse Angled Triangles
An obtuse angled triangle is a triangle in which one of the interior angles measures more than 90o. This means that, if one angle is obtuse, then the other two angles will always be acute. The angle ABC in Figure 7.24 is an obtuse angle.
Therefore, triangle ABC is an obtuse angled triangle.

Figure 7.24: *Obtuse angled triangle*
(f) Scalene triangles A scalene triangle is a triangle in which all of its three sides have different lengths and all its angles have different measures.

Figure 7.25: *Scalene triangle*
In Figure 7.25, ‾AB < ‾AC < ‾BC. Also AĈ B < AB̂ C < CÂ B. Hence, all the three sides and all the angles of the triangle have different measures. Therefore, the triangle ABC is a scalene triangle.

3. How many vertices are there in the following figure? Name all obtuse angled triangles found in the figure.

4. Construct a scalene triangle in which one of its angles measures 78°.
## Construction Of Triangles
A triangle can be constructed when the sum of the lengths of any two sides is greater than the length of the third side, or the difference between the lengths of any two sides is less than the length of the third side. A triangle can be constructed using a ONLY
pair of compasses, a ruler, a divider, and sometimes a protractor and a set square.
Construct an equilateral triangle ABC whose sides have length 3.5 cm. Construction Step 1: Draw a line segment AB of length 3.5 cm, using a ruler as shown in the following figure.

Step 2: With point A as a centre and a pair of compasses adjusted to 3.5 cm, construct an arc on one side of ‾AB.
Step 3: Using the same length and point B as a centre, construct an arc cutting the first arc at point C.
Step 4: Draw ‾AC and ‾BC to form an equilateral triangle ABC.
Construct a right-angled triangle PQR, where ‾PQ = 4 cm and ‾PR = 3 cm.
Construction Step 1: Draw ‾PQ of length 4 cm using a ruler.
Step 2: With point P as a centre, use a pair of compasses to construct a perpendicular line segment at point P as shown in the following figure.

Step 3: Use a pair of compasses adjusted to fit a length of 3 cm to mark point R such that ‾PR = 3 cm.
Step 4: Draw ‾PR and ‾RQ to form a right angled triangle PQR.
Construct triangle ABC with sides ‾AB = 7 cm, ‾AC = 4 cm, and ‾BC = 6 cm.
Construction Step 1: Draw ‾AB of length 7 cm using a ruler.
Step 2: With point A as centre, use a pair of compasses adjusted to fit a length of 4 cm to construct an arc on one side ‾AB at point C.
Step 3: With point B as a centre, use a pair of compasses adjusted to fit a length of 6 cm to construct the second arc at point C
as shown in the following figure:

Step 4: Draw ‾AC and ‾BC to form triangle ABC.
1. Construct an isosceles right–angled triangle with two sides each measuring 4 cm. Measure its base angles and the length of the other side.
2. Construct triangle ABC, with ‾AB = 3.3 cm, ‾BC = 4.2 cm, and ‾AC = 3.3 cm. Measure the angle ABC.
3. Construct triangle PQR, where ‾PQ = 5 cm, ‾QR = 5 cm, and ‾PR = 5 cm.
Measure all its angles.
4. Construct triangle PQR, where ‾PQ = 6 m, ∠RPQ= 67°, and ∠PQR = 38°.
Construct a perpendicular line from Q to cross ‾P R at N. Measure:
(a) ‾PR (b) ‾QN (c) ∠PNQ
5. Construct ∆ABC, where ‾AB = 5 cm, ‾BC = 7 cm, and ‾CA = 6 cm. What is the type of the triangle formed?
6. Consider the following figure, and then answer the questions that follow.

(a) Construct the figure using the given dimensions.
(b) Draw and measure ‾AC.
(c) Measure DB̂ C.
7. (a) Construct ∆XYZ, where ‾XY = 4.5 cm, ‾XZ = 6 cm, and ZX̂ Y = 50°.
(b) Measure the size of XŶ Z and length of ‾YZ.
8. (a) Draw triangle MNO, where MN‾= 11cm, NO‾ = 5cm, and OM‾ = 12 cm.
(b) On ‾MN, mark point P such that ‾MP = 4 cm.
(c) Draw ‾OP and measure its length.
## Quadrilaterals
A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides; consequently, it has four edges and four vertices. A quadrilateral is sometimes called a quadrangle, tetragon or a 4-gon.
A diagonal of a quadrilateral is a line segment which connects its vertices. The word ʻquadrilateral' originated from the Latin words ʻquadri', which means four, and ʻlatus' meaning ʻside'.
For example, Figure 7.26 is a quadrilateral, where ‾HF and ‾EG are the diagonals.

Figure 7.26: *Quadrilateral*
The most common quadrilaterals are trapeziums, parallelograms, rhombuses, rectangles, squares, and kites.
## (A) **Trapeziums**
A trapezium is a quadrilateral with one pair of opposite sides which are parallel.
In Figure 7.27, PQRS is a trapezium, where ‾SR // ‾PQ. The plural of a trapezium is trapeziums or trapezia.

Properties of trapeziums A trapezium has the following properties: (i) The bases are parallel to each other, and (ii) The sides adjacent to parallel sides are not parallel.
## (B) **Parallelograms**
A parallelogram is a quadrilateral in which both pairs of opposite sides are parallel.
In Figure 7.28, PQRS is a parallelogram such that ‾PS // ‾QR and ‾SR // ‾PQ.

Figure 7.28: *Parallelogram*
## Properties Of Parallelograms
A parallelogram has the following properties: (i) Pairs of opposite sides are parallel. (ii) Pairs of opposite angles are equal. (iii) Pairs of opposite sides are equal. (iv) Diagonals bisect each other. (v) Adjacent angles are supplementary. (vi) Each diagonal separates the parallelogram into two equal triangles.
## (C) **Rhombuses**
A rhombus is a parallelogram whose all sides have equal length. It is sometimes called an equilateral parallelogram, since equilateral means equal length. Figure 7.29 shows a rhombus PQRS. Thus, ‾PQ = ‾QR = ‾RS = ‾SP.

Properties of rhombuses A rhombus has the following properties: (i) Opposite sides are parallel. (ii) All sides are equal. (iii) Pairs of opposite angles are equal.
(iv) Diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
(v) Adjacent angles are supplementary. (vi) Each diagonal divides the rhombus into two equal triangles.
## (D) **Rectangles**
A rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles. It is also defined as a parallelogram with all its angles measuring 90o. In Figure 7.30, ABCD
is a rectangle, where ‾AB // ‾DC and ‾AD
// ‾BC.

Figure 7.30: *Rectangle*
## Properties Of Rectangles
A rectangle has the following properties:
(i) All angles are right angles. (ii) Diagonals bisect each other. (iii) Opposite sides are parallel. (iv) Opposite sides are equal. (v) The opposite parallel sides are equidistant from each other.
## (E) **Squares**
A square is a rectangle in which all of the four sides are equal. In Figure 7.31, PQRS is a square, where ‾PS // ‾QR and
‾PQ // ‾SR.

Figure 7.31: *Square*
## Properties Of Squares
A square has the following properties:
(i) All sides are equal.
(ii) All angles are right angles.
(iii) Opposite sides are parallel. (iv) The diagonals are equal.
(v) Diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
(vi) The opposite parallel sides are equidistant from each other.
## (F) **Kites**
A kite is a quadrilateral with two pairs of equal adjacent sides and a pair of equal opposite angles. In Figure 7.32, ABCD
is a kite, where ‾AB = ‾AD and ‾BC = ‾DC
and AB̂ C= AD̂ C.

Figure 7.32: *Kite*
## Properties Of Kites
A kite has the following properties:
(i) Two pairs of adjacent sides are equal.
(ii) Diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
(iii) The shorter diagonal divides the kite into two isosceles triangles. (iv) The longer diagonal is a perpendicular bisector of the shorter diagonal.
(v) It has one pair of equal opposite angles.
1. Construct a parallelogram ABCD, where ‾AB = 5 cm, ‾BC = 4 cm and AB̂ C = 70°.
2. Construct a rhombus of length 4 cm and an angle measuring 65°.
3. Construct trapezium ABCD, where ‾BC = 8 cm, ‾AB = 4 cm, AB̂ C = 80°,
BĈ D = 70°, and ‾AD // ‾BC. Measure the length of ‾AD.
4. Name all the parallelograms in each of the following figures:

5. If PQRS is a rhombus, find the values of x, y, and SÔ R, where

6. Construct a square EFGH of a side of length 5 cm. Draw EG‾, and measure its length and EĜ H.
## Circles Activity 9
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks: 1. Draw a circle of any radius. 2. Find the diameter of the circle drawn in task 1. 3. Divide the circle drawn in task 1 into four equal parts and shade two parts.
Write the fraction of the shaded region.
A circle is a closed path with all its points on the edge being at the same distance from a fixed point. Figure 7.33 shows a sketch of a circle with O as a fixed point.
The fixed point is called the centre of the circle, while the fixed distance from the centre to any point on the path is called the radius of the circle. The complete boundary (perimeter) of the circle is called the circumference.

Figure 7.33: *Circle* Arcs A part of a circumference is called an arc of a circle. An arc which forms half of a circumference is called a semi-circular arc (see Figure 7.34(a)). An arc which is less than the semi-circular arc is called a minor arc. In Figure 7.34(b) a solid arc AB is a minor arc, while a solid line AB in Figure 7.34 (c) which is greater than a semi-circular arc is called a major arc. **Figure 7.34:** *Types of arcs* FOR

Symbolically, an arc AB is denoted as

⏜AB. Three points are used to name an arc as shown in Figure 7.35. The arc from P to Q through A is ⏜PAQ , while the arc from P to Q through C is ⏜PCQ.
Figure 7.35: *Names of arcs*
## Chord

A line segment connecting two points on the circumference is called a chord of a circle. In Figure 7.36, ‾AB is a chord.
Figure 7.36: *Chord* ONLINE
## Diameter
A chord of a circle which passes through the centre of a circle is called a diameter.
In Figure 7.37, ‾AB passes through the centre. Thus, ‾AB is the diameter of the circle.

Figure 7.37: *Diameter*
## Radius
A line segment joining any point on the circumference of a circle to its centre is called a radius. The plural of radius is radii. The length of a diameter is twice the length of the radius. In Figure 7.37,
‾AO = ‾OB and both are radii.
Thus, ‾AB = ‾AO + ‾OB.
Therefore, ‾AB = 2‾AO or ‾AB = 2‾OB.
## Circular Region
A surface bounded by a circle and the circle itself is called a circular region. In other words, a circular region consists of the circle and its interior.
## Sector
A part of a circular region bounded by two radii of a circle and an arc is called a sector of a circle. In Figure 7.38, OED
is a sector. The sector which contains a minor arc is called the minor sector, whereas the major sector contains a major arc. In Figure 7.38, the shaded region is the minor sector, while the unshaded part is the major sector.
 DO NOT DUPLICARE
Figure 7.38: *Sector*
## Segment
A segment of a circle is a region bounded by a chord of a circle and the intercepted arcs. The segment bounded by the minor arc is the minor segment, whereas; the segment bounded by the major arc is called the major segment. In Figure 7.39, O is the centre of the circle, ACBA is the minor segment, and ADBA is the major segment.
1. Draw circles of the following radii using a pair of compasses:
(a) 4 cm (c) 5.2 cm (b) 3.8 cm (d) 0.7 cm 2. What are the lengths of the diameters if the radii of the circles are:
(a) 0.8 cm?
(b) 6 cm?
(c) 7.8 cm?
3. Draw a circle of radius 5 cm and shade any two sectors.
4. What is the difference between a segment of a circle and a sector?
5. Draw a circle of radius 4 cm and mark any minor and major arcs.
6. Draw a line segment CD = 8 cm, and then draw a circle of diameter CD. In the circle, draw a chord of length 6 cm and shade the minor segment of the circle.

Figure 7.39: *Segment*

## Chapter Summary
1. A point is denoted by a full stop.
2. A line segment is formed by joining two points.
3. The shortest distance between any two points is through a straight line segment.
4. A ray is a straight line segment extended in one direction.
## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare
5. A line is a set of points which extends in both directions without an end. 6. An angle is the amount of turning. 7. The following are types of angles:
(a) An acute angle is an angle whose measure is greater than 0o but less than 90º.
(b) An obtuse angle is an angle whose measure is greater than 90º but less than 180º.
(c) A reflex angle is an angle whose measure is greater than 180º but less than 360º.
(d) A right angle is an angle measuring exactly 90º.
(e) A straight angle is an angle measuring exactly 180º.
8. Perpendicular lines intersect at 90º. 9. Parallel lines are always at the same distance apart. Arrows are used to denote parallel lines.
10. A polygon is a closed plane figure bounded by a finite number of line segments placed end to end successively.
11. An isosceles triangle has two equal sides and two equal base angles. 12. An equilateral triangle has all sides equal and all angles equal.
13. A scalene triangle is a triangle in which all of its sides have different lengths and all of its angles are different.
14. A trapezium is a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel opposite sides. 15. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral in which both of its pairs of opposite sides are parallel.
16. A rhombus is a parallelogram whose sides are equal. 17. A rectangle is a parallelogram in which all its angles measure 90º. 18. A square is a rectangle with four equal sides and each angle measures 90º. 19. A circle is a closed path which is at equal distance from its fixed point called a centre.
20. An arc is a part of a circumference of a circle. 21. A chord is a line segment connecting two points on the circumference. 22. A diameter is a chord of a circle which passes through the centre of the circle.
23. A circular region is a surface bounded by a circle itself. 24. A sector is a part of a circular region bounded by two radii of a circle and an arc.
25. A segment is a plane bounded by a chord of a circle and the intercepted arcs.

## Revision Exercise
1. Which of the following illustrates a point, a ray, a line segment, or a plane?
(a) A ray of light (b) A ruler's edge (c) A top of a table (d) A tip of a pin 2. Study the following figure and answer the questions that follow.

Use the given figure to name the following:
(a) All line segments.
(b) The line segments which intersect at A.
(c) Other line segments that can be drawn using the given points.
(d) The point of intersection of
‾CD and ‾AD.
(e) The point of intersection of
‾BC, ‾AC, and ‾CD.
3. Study the following figure and answer the questions that follow.

Use the figure to name the following: (a) Two obtuse angles. (b) A right angle. (c) A straight angle. (d) An acute angle at D. (e) An acute angle at B.
4. Study the following figure and

answer the questions that follow.
Use a ruler and a pair of compasses to do the following:
(a) Copy the angle ABC.
(b) Construct a line parallel to
⟷BC at A.
5. Study the following figure and

answer the questions that follow.
(a) Name any two pairs of perpendicular line segments.
(b) If b = 42°, find the value of a. (c) Find the size of angle AEB.
# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare
6. Name two pairs of supplementary angles in the following figure.


7. Name two pairs of complementary angles in the following figure.

8. Using a pair of compasses and a ruler, bisect a line segment of length 10 cm.
9. Use a protractor to draw an angle measuring 240° and bisect it using a pair of compasses.
10. Construct the following angles using a pair of compasses and a ruler:
(a) 15° (c) 60° (b) 30° (d) 120°
11. In the following figure, AO
∧ C = 50°.
Find the values of AÔ D, CÔ B,
and BÔ D.

12. Using the following figure, name the pairs of equal angles and give reasons to justify your answer.
13. If a = 75°, find the values of b and c in the following figure.

14. In the following figure, find the values of:

15. What is the name of an arc of a circle formed by a chord passing through the centre?
16. Given a rhombus ABCD, find the values of the angles x, y, and z.
220 17. Are all parallelograms trapezia? 18. Are all trapezia parallelograms? 19. What is the difference between a rhombus and a square?
20. What is the difference between

a square and a rectangle?
21. If ABCD is a trapezium, find the values of the angles a, b, and c in the following figure:

# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare Chapter Eight

## Introduction
Algebra deals with the representation of numbers and quantities using letters or symbols that are connected by addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations. In this chapter, you will learn about algebraic expressions, equations with one unknown, equations with two unknowns, and inequalities with one unknown. The competencies developed will help you to solve daily life problems such as estimating profit and loss in business, determining interests in financial institutions, and currency conversions. For example; learning simultaneous equations will help you to determine the best loan choice to make when buying a car or a house by considering the duration of the loan, the interest rate, and the monthly payment of the loan. The knowledge of simultaneous equations can also be used to determine cost and demand by considering the relationship between the price of a commodity and the quantity of the commodity people want to buy at a certain price. With this knowledge, you will also be able to determine the speed, distance, and duration when travelling by a car, a plane, and a train among many others.
## Algebraic Expressions
In algebra, letters are used to represent numbers. For example; it is common to represent the length of an object by a letter l, a radius by r, a diameter by d, and any other unknown by x, y or z. These letters are known as variables. An algebraic expression is a combination of letters and numbers connected by one or more mathematical operations, that is, +, −, × , ÷. An algebraic expression is made up of terms. A term can be a number, a variable, a number multiplied by a variable, or a variable multiplied by a variable or variables. For example; in the algebraic expression 5x + 3y + 8 , the terms are: 5x, 3y, and 8. Terms with the same variables or exponents are called like terms. For example; FOR
8y and 19y or 8yx and 3xy or 6 x 2 y and 2 x 2 y are like terms. Terms with different variables or exponents are called unlike terms. For example; 6x and 6z or 3mn and 4vy or 5u2 y and 6y 2 v are unlike terms. When a term is made up of a number multiplied by a variable or variables, that number is called a coefficient. A term which is not multiplied by any variable is called a constant term. For example; in the algebraic expression 3x − 5y + 4; 3 is a coefficient of x, - 5 is a coefficient of y, and 4 is a constant term. Addition and subtraction of algebraic expressions The basic principle of addition and subtraction of algebraic expressions is that, only like terms can be added or subtracted.
Example 1 Simplify the expression 3n - 7n + 12n. Solution 3n - 7n + 12n = 3n + 12n - 7n = 15n - 7n = 8n. Therefore, 3n - 7n + 12n = 8n. Example 2 USE
Simplify the expression 6m - 4 - 2m + 15 and state the coefficient of m.
Solution 6m - 4 - 2m + 15 = 6m - 2m - 4 + 15 = 4m + 11. Therefore, 6m - 4 - 2m + 15 = 4m + 11 and the coefficient of m is 4.
## For Example 3
If m = 2, n = 4, and p = –5, find the value of each of the following expressions: (a) 3mn − 6mp + 2n2 p3 (b) m2 n2 − p2 n3 + 7nmp FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
(a) 3mn − 6mp + 2n2 p3
= 3 × 2 × 4 − 6 × 2 × (−5) + 2 (4)2 (−5)3
= 24 + 60 − 4 000
= − 3 916.
Therefore, the value of 3mn − 6mp + 2n2 p3 is - 3 916.
(b) m2 n2 − p2 n3 + 7nmp
= (2)2 (4)2 − (−5)2 (4)3 + 7 × 4 × 2 × −5
= 64 − 1 600 − 280
= −1 816.
Therefore, the value of m2n2 - p2n3 + 7 nmp is − 1 816.
Simplify 8 m2 n − 6 a2 c + 14 − 4 m2 n + 3a2c − 8 and state: (a) The coefficient of m2 n
(b) The number of terms (c) The constant term ONLY
Solution 8 m2 n − 6 a2 c + 14 − 4 m2 n + 3a2 c − 8 = 8m2 n − 4 m2 n + 3a2 c − 6 a2 c + 14 − 8 = 4m2 n − 3 a2 c + 6.
Therefore, 8 m2 n − 6 a2 c + 14 − 4 m2 n + 3a2c − 8 = 4 m2 n − 3 a2 c + 6.
(a) The coefficient of m2n is 4.
(b) There are 3 terms. (c) The constant term is 6.
## For Exercise 1
1. Simplify each of the following algebraic expressions and then, state:
(ii) The coefficient of each of the terms
(a) n + n + n + n + n + k + k + k + x + x (b) 3x + 4y - 7z + 3x - 7y + 2z
(c) 3_12 x + 7x - _14 x Simplify each of the following algebraic expressions:
2. 12m + 13m 6. 3k - 18k + 15k 10. r + 2r + 3r + 4 3. 5y + 7y - 4y 7. 15n - 9n 11. 8y - 3 - 7y + 4 4. 9z + 6z - 8z + 5z 8. x + 4 - 5x 5. 24w - 28w 9. 4k - k + 3k Find the value of each of the following algebraic expressions:
12. 6n + 8m + 4n - 5m, if m = - 3 and n = 4 13. 14x + 8 - 3x + 2, if x = - 2 14. 26 + 2b - 6c - 3b + 6c, if c = 5 and b = - 4 15. 3a - 5b - 7a + 6c + 7a, if a = 3, b = 2, and c = 5 16. 5a - b - a + 9b + 3a, if a = 4 and b = –2 17. 4x - 6y + 7x + 2y, if x = 10 and y = - 2 18. 9y + 5 - 4y + 3x + 2, if x = 4 and y = - 4 19. 13x + 14 + 8x - 4 - 11x, if x = - 6 20. 7x + 3y - 4 - 3y, if x = 5 and y = - 3 21. 8m + 0.4m - 2 - 6m + 8, if m = - 4 22. 4 x 2 y 3 − 6 k 3 l + 10x y 3 − 4k l 3, given that x = 1, y = 2, k = –2, and l = –3 ONLY
Multiplication and division of algebraic expressions Just as 2 × 3 = 3 × 2, so is n × m = m × n and a × b = b × a = ab = ba. Therefore, to multiply 3n by 5 is the same as to multiply 5 by 3n. That is, 3n × 5 = 5 × 3n = 15 × n = 15n. Similarly, 3n × 5m = 3 × n × 5 × m
= 3 × 5 × n × m
= 15 × n × m = 15mn. Thus, 3n × 5m = 15mn.

Also, (2n + m) × 3 = (2n + m) + (2n + m) + (2n + m)
= (2n + 2n + 2n) + (m + m + m)
= 6n + 3m. Therefore, (2n + m) × 3 = 6n + 3m. The multiplication sign between a number and a bracket is normally dropped but the meaning remains the same. For example; 3 × (2n + m) = 3(2n + m) = 6n + 3m and 3 × (2n - m) = 3(2n - m) = 6n - 3m.
In general, a(b + c) = ab + ac.
When multiplying an algebraic expression by a number, each term must be multiplied by the number. Similarly, when dividing an algebraic expression by a number, each term must be divided by the number.
Multiply 5a + 2b - 3c by 4.
(5a + 2b - 3c) × 4 = 4(5a + 2b - 3c)
= 4 × 5a + 4 × 2b + 4 × (–3c)
= 20a + 8b - 12c.
Therefore, 5a + 2b - 3c multiplied by 4 gives 20a + 8b - 12c.
Example 2


Multiply 2x - 3y by - 2a.

Solution (2x - 3y) × (–2a) = (–2a) (2x - 3y)


= - 4ax + 6ay. = (–2a) (2x) + (–2a) (–3y)
Therefore, when 2x - 3y is multiplied by - 2a, the result is - 4ax + 6ay.


Re-write –5a(m + 2n - 2) without brackets. Solution
–5a(m + 2n - 2) = (–5a)m + (–5a × 2n) + (–5a × –2)
= –5am - 10an + 10a.
Therefore, –5a(m + 2n - 2) = –5am - 10an + 10a.
Divide 4ax + 6ay - 10az by 2a.
(4ax + 6ay - 10az) ÷ 2a = (
4ax + 6ay − 10az _______________ 2a )
= (_4ax
$$\begin{array}{l}{{=\left({\frac{4a x}{2a}}+{\frac{6a y}{2a}}-{\frac{10a z}{2a}}\right)}}\\ {{=2x+3y-5z.}}\end{array}$$
+ _6ay
2a − _10az
2a )
= 2x + 3y - 5z. Therefore, 4ax + 6ay - 10az divided by 2a is 2x + 3y - 5z.
Multiply each of the following algebraic expressions:
1. 5x + 6m + 4y by 5 6. 3x - 6y - 2z by a 2. 3m + 7n - r by 2 7. 5x + 3y - 3z by 3a 3. 2p - 5q + 3 by 2 8. 7d + 10e - 5f by - 3a 4. 4m - 8n - 5p by - 4 9. 6x - 2y - 7z by 2ab 5. a - 7b + 9c by r 10. –13x + y - 6z by - 2m ONLINE
Simplify each of the following algebraic expressions where possible:
11. 5x (2a + b + 3c) 16. –5hk (2r - 3d - 1)
12. 3m (4x + 3y - 1) 17. 4uv (3a - 7)
13. –2n (5p - 8q - 3) 18. a(6m - n)
14. 9x (–2a - 3b - c) 19. (3x - b) (–2a)
15. 8mn (a - 2b + 5c) 20. 0.5m (3a - 2b)

Divide each of the following algebraic expressions by the given numbers:
21. 2ax + 2nm - 4cz by 2 22. 5ax - 15ay + 12.5az by 5a Complete each of the following algebraic statements:
23. 9a - 6b + 3c = 3( ) 27. 4at - 6ar + 8am = 2a( ) 24. 12x - 8y + 16z = 4( ) 28. 10am - 5bm - 15cm = 5m( ) 25. 5a + 20b - 10c = 5( ) 29. 12ap - 2aq + 8ar - 6as = 2a( ) 26. 12x - 6y - 18z = 6( ) 30. ab - ac + ad = a( )
Algebraic expressions involving fractions and brackets When dealing with algebraic expressions involving fractions and brackets, the brackets are opened by multiplying each term inside the brackets by the fraction, and simplifying the expression.
Simplify the following algebraic expressions:


(8b + 12b - b) (b) _15
(15g + 5g)



(8b + 12b - b) = _8b4
+ _12b 4
8b + 12b − b ___________
= _19b 4
Therefore, _14
(8b + 12b - b) = _19b 4
(15g + 5g) = _
15g 5
+ _
5g 5
= 3g + g = 4g.
= 4g.
or _15 (15g + 5g) =
15_g + 5g 5 Therefore, _15
(15g + 5g) = 4g.
(a) _5t + 7t 9 (b) 17_c − 3c 4 Solution Solution Simplify each of the following algebraic expressions:
(b) 17_c − 3c 4 =
7_2 c.
(a) _5t + 7t 9 = _12t 9
= _4t3 .
Therefore,_5t + 7t 9 = _43 t.
Therefore, 17_c − 3c 4 = _72 c.
## Example 3 3
(a) _h − 1 3
+ _h + 1 2
(b) b_ − 2a 4b
b_ + 3a 20b
Express each of the following algebraic expressions as a single fraction:
(a) _h − 1 3
+ _h + 1 2
(The LCM of 3 and 2 is 6)
2(h − 1) + 3(h + 1) _________________ 6
(Open the brackets)
2h − 2 + 3h + 3 ______________ 6
(Collect the like terms)
= _5h + 1 6
Therefore, _h − 1 3
+ _h + 1 2
= _5h + 1 6
(b) b_ − 2a 4b
− - b_ + 3a 20b
(The LCM of 4b and 20b is 20b)
5(b − 2a) − (b + 3a) __________________ 20b
(Open the brackets)
5b − 10a − b − 3a ________________ 20b
(Collect the like terms)
4_b − 13a 20b
$\underline{\hspace{0.3cm}}$ .
Therefore, b_ − 2a
b_ + 3a
4_b − 13a
Simplify each of the following algebraic expressions where possible:
| | 4 − 8 | | |
| 2. k(s − t) | 6. _1 3 (6et − 4h) | 10. m_ − 2 | m_ − 1 |
| 3. _1 2 (8p − 6) | 7. _1 2 (b − 8c) | 11. 5_ (1 + y) 4n − 6n 3_ y + 1 3 + 3_(d − 7) 5 | |
| 4. _1 q(qz + 4qz) | 8. _1 3 (2b + 3) − _1 2 (4b − 1) | 12. 6 + | 4 |
## Algebraic Equations
An algebraic equation is a statement connecting two mathematical expressions with an equal sign (=). For example; 2x = 16 is an algebraic equation in which 2x is related to 16 by the equal sign '='. Therefore, an equation has two sides, the left hand side and the right hand side. An algebraic equation expresses a statement or a problem in a clear and short way. For example; to find a number which when multiplied by two gives 16 is the same as to find the value of x in 2x = 16.
## Linear Equations
A linear equation is an algebraic equation in which each variable has an exponent of one. For example; 2x = 16 and x + y = 3 are linear equations. A linear equation may involve one or more variables. For example; 3x - 2 = 7 is a linear equation with one variable x, whereas 5x + 2y = 9 is a linear equation with two variables, x and y.
Note that: writing 3x –2 = 7 is the same as writing 7 = 3x - 2. Generally, if a = b, then b = a.
Forming linear equations When you are given some statements, the following steps can be used to form linear equations.
Step 1: Understand the question, that is, identify the unknowns.
Step 2: Let the unknowns be represented by letters (variables). Step 3: Write the equation using the given conditions.
## Linear Equations With One Unknown
A linear equation with one unknown is the equation which involves only one variable.
The sum of two numbers is 20. If one of the numbers is 8, form a linear equation connecting the two numbers.
Solution Let the unknown number be x . Since the known number is 8, then the algebraic equation connecting the two numbers is 8 + x = 20. Therefore, 8 + x = 20.
The difference between 24 and another number is 8. Form a linear equation connecting the numbers. Solution FOR
Let the unknown number be y.
Since the known number is 24, then the algebraic equation connecting the two numbers is 24 - y = 8 or y - 24 = 8. Therefore, 24 - y = 8 or y - 24 = 8.

The product of two numbers is 24. If one of the numbers is 8, form a linear equation.
Let the unknown number be z. Since the known number is 8, then the algebraic equation is 8z = 24. Therefore, 8z = 24.
It is useful to relate different English words with the corresponding arithmetic operation. For example:
| Signs | Corresponding words or phrases |
| + | Addition, sum of, increased by, plus, total |
| − | Difference, subtract, decreased, reduced by, minus |
| × | Multiplication, times, product |
| ÷ | Division, divided by, quotient, ratio |
| = | Equals, result is, is equal to, is, gives, the same as ONLY |
Formulate a linear equation for each of the following statements: 1. Five times a number gives twenty. 2. The difference between 123 and another number is 150. 3. The sum of 21 and another number is 125. 4. When a certain number is increased by 15, the result is 88. 5. When 99 is decreased by a certain number, the result is 63. 6. The product of 12 and another number is the same as two times the sum of 12 and the number.
7. A number is such that, when it is doubled and 8 is added to it, the result is the same as multiplying the number by 3, and subtracting 7.
8. When 36 is added to a certain number, the result is the same as multiplying the number by 5.
9. Janeth's mother is five times as old as Janeth. After 8 years, mother will be 4 times as old as Janeth.
10. When the sum of n and (n + 3) is multiplied by 5, the result is half the product of the two numbers.
## Solving Linear Equations With One Unknown
To solve an equation with one unknown is to find the value of the unknown in the equation. For example; to solve the equation x + 8 = 24 is to find the value of x which makes the mathematical statement or sentence true. In solving linear equations, whatever operation performed on one side of the equation must be performed on the other side. After solving the equation, it is advised to check if the solution satisfies the equation.
Solve the equation x + 5 = 8.


Solution Given x + 5 = 8; Collect the like terms by subtracting 5 from both sides.


Check: (
x + 5 = 8 3 + 5 = 8 8 = 8
Therefore, the solution satisfies the equation.
x + 5 - 5 = 8 - 5 x = 3. Therefore, x = 3.
Find the value of x that satisfies the equation x - 8 = 16 - 2x. Solution Given x - 8 = 16 - 2x; collect the like terms by performing the following: x - 8 + 8 = 16 - 2x + 8 (Add 8 on both sides)
x + 2x = 24 - 2x + 2x (Add 2x on both sides) 3x = 24 Divide by 3 on both sides:
= _243
x = 8. Therefore, x = 8. Therefore, the solution satisfies the equation.
Check: x - 8 = 16 - 2x 8 - 8 = 16 –16 0 = 0.
| Example 3 | Example 4 | |
| Find the value of x if 3x - 5 = 7. | Solve the for x in the equation _3x 2 + 3 = 12. Solution Given _3x 2 + 3 = 12; | |
| Solution Given 3x - 5 = 7; Add 5 on both sides 3x - 5 + 5 = 7 + 5 3x = 12 Divide by 3 on both sides _3x 3 = _12 3 | Subtract 3 from both sides _3x 2 + 3 − 3 = 12 − 3 Multiply both sides by 2 _3x 2 × 2 = 9 × 2 | |
| | x = 4. | |
| Therefore, x = 4. | ONLY | |
| | | 3x = 18 |
| | _3x 3 = _18 3 | (Divide by 3 on both sides) |
| USE x = 6. Therefore, x = 6. | | |
Example 5 Solve for x , if _53
(3x − 2) = 10.
Solution Given
(3x − 2) = 10; FOR
Multiply by 3 on both sides 3 ×
(3x − 2) = 3 × 10 5(3x − 2) = 30 (Open the brackets)
15x − 10 = 30 15x − 10 + 10 = 30 + 10 (Add 10 on both sides)
15x = 40
_15x 15 = _40 15 (Divide by 15 on both sides)
x =
Therefore, x = 2_23
Example 6 Solve for x , if _8 3x − 2 = 2.
Solution Given _8 3x − 2 = 2;
(3x − 2)
× (3x −2) = 2(3x −2) Multiply by (3x − 2) on both sides ONLY
8 = 2(3x −2) (Open brackets)
8 = 6x − 4
x = 2_23
12 = 6x USE
8 + 4 = 6x − 4 + 4 (Add 4 on both sides)
_6x6 = _126 (Divide by 6 on both sides)
x = 2. Therefore, x = 2.

Check: _8 3x − 2 = 2 _8 3 × 2 − 2 = 2
Therefore, the solution satisfies the equation.
Find the value of the unknown variable x in each of the following equations:
1. x + 12 = 25 6. 2x - 8 = 8 11. _x5 + 3 = 5 2. x - 8 = 8 7. 3x - 3 = 15 12. x_ − 6 7 −
2_x + 3 4 =
x_ − 5 2
| | | 7 − | 4 | = | |
| 3. | 3x = 15 | 8. | _x 5 − 3 = 5 | 13. | 7_x + 1 |
| 4. _x 5 = 5 | 9. | 0.2x + 7 = 9 | 14. | 3_x + 2 2 = 14 5 = 4 | |
| 5. | 2x + 12 = 25 | 10. | 0.6x - 5 = 7 | 15. | _3x 5 − 1 = 5 |
Formulating and solving algebraic equations from word problems Solving word problems involve formulating the corresponding equations first. The formulation of an equation requires careful interpretation of the given word problem. Once the equation has been formulated, the usual procedures of solving the equation are used.
If John has 5 600 Tanzanian shillings, how many oranges can he buy if each USE
orange costs 200 Tanzanian shillings? Solution ONLINE
Let the number of oranges that John can buy be x. The cost of x oranges is Tsh 200 x. 200 x = 5 600
_200 200 x = _5600 200 x = 28.
Therefore, John can buy 28 oranges.
The age of a father is four times the age of his son. If the sum of their ages is 50 years, find the age of the son.
Let the age of the son be x years.
Thus, the age of the father is 4x years. x + 4x = 50 5x = 50
_55 x = _505
x = 10.
Therefore, the age of the son is 10 years.
The sum of two consecutive integers is 31. Find the smaller number.
Consecutive integers are integers that are next to each other on a FOR
number line. These are integers that follow each other in the order from the smallest to the largest.
The difference between any two consecutive integers is 1.
For example; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … or 12, 13, 14, 15, ... are consecutive integers. Let the smaller number be n. The other number is (n + 1) and the sum of the two numbers is n + (n + 1). Thus, n + (n + 1) = 31 2n + 1 = 31 2n = 30
= _302
n = 15.
Therefore, the smaller number is 15.
A father is 32 years older than his son. After 4 years, the father's age will be twice the age of his son. Find their present ages.
Let the son's present age be x years.
Thus, the father's present age is
(x + 32) years. The son's age after 4 years will be (x + 4) years. The father's age after 4 years will be
(x + 32 + 4) years = (x + 36) years. After 4 years, the father's age will be twice the age of his son. That is, x + 36 = 2(x + 4)
x + 36 = 2x + 8 36 - 8 = 2x - x 28 = x x = 28 (The son's present age). The father's present age = x + 32 = 28 + 32 = 60. Therefore, the son's present age is 28 years, and the father's present age is 60 years.
1. John is six years older than Amina. If the sum of their ages is 30 years, find Amina's age.
2. Asha's age is five times the age of Martin. If the sum of their ages is 36 years, find Martin's age.
3. If the sum of two consecutive numbers is 37, find the numbers. 4. If the angles of a triangle are 2x, (x + 20°), and (x - 30°), find the value of x . 5. In each of the following figures, calculate the value of x in degrees:

6. When a certain number n is added to 7, the result is 12
. Find the value of n.
7. If the product of 2 _12 and another number y is 25, find the value of y.
8. The difference between 48 and another number is 17. Find the number.
9. When the difference between 24 and m is multiplied by 5, the result is
–20. Find the value of m.
10. One third of a certain number is added to three fifths of the same number to give the sum of 14. Find the number.
11. The product of half of a certain number and 6 is 48. Find the number. 12. The sum of a number and its 40 percent is 28. Find the number. 13. A certain woman is 28 years older than her daughter. After 10 years, the woman will be three times older than her daughter. Find their present ages.
14. A boy bought y balls at 500 Tanzanian shillings each. This number of balls could decrease by 4 if the price for each ball were 700 Tanzanian shillings each. Find the value of y.
15. When a number is multiplied by 8, then 9 is subtracted from the product, the result is 45 more than twice the number. Find the number.
16. Julius is four times older than Amina. Five years ago, the sum of their ages was 50. How old are they now?
## Simultaneous Equations
Simultaneous equations involve many equations and many unknowns requiring a solution at the same time (simultaneously). At this level, you will only learn linear simultaneous equations with two equations and two unknowns.
Consider the following example; x + y = 20 (1) This equation involves two unknowns x and y. Different values of x and y can be used to make such an equation true. The values of x and y that satisfy equation (1) in ordered pairs (x, y) are (1,19), (2,18), (3, 17), (10,10), (13.4, 6.6) etc. Therefore, to solve for x and y in (1), another equation is needed. For example; if it is also known that x - y = 8, (2) it is possible to use equations (1) and (2) to find the values of x and y which satisfy both equations. These equations are such that the value of x in (1) is the same as the value of x in (2) and the same applies to y. The equations (1) and (2) must be satisfied together, that is, simultaneously.

Solving linear simultaneous equations Three methods of solving linear simultaneous equations will be discussed. These methods are; elimination, substitution, and combination of elimination and substitution method. (a) **Solving linear simultaneous equations by elimination method**
Elimination method involves eliminating one of the unknowns from the equations in order to make a single equation with one unknown.
The following are the steps for solving linear simultaneous equations by elimination method:
Step 1: Multiply the given equations by suitable constants so as to make the coefficients of one of the unknowns numerically equal.
Step 2: Add new equations, if the numerically equal coefficients are opposite in signs, otherwise subtract them.
Step 3: Solve the obtained equation. This gives the value of one of the unknowns.
Step 4: Repeat steps 1 to 3 for the value of the second unknown.

Solve the following linear simultaneous equations by elimination method: {
6x + y = 15 3x + y = 9 Solution Label the equations with numbers, say (1) and (2);
6x + y = 15 (1)
3x + y = 9 (2)
Choose a variable to be eliminated, say x:
Eliminate x to get y:
The coefficient of x in (1) is 6 The coefficient of x in (2) is 3 } without considering their signs Make the coefficients of x in (1) and (2) to be the same. Multiply (2) by 2 and (1) by 1: {
1 × (6x + y) = 15 × 1 2 × (3x + y) = 9 × 2
6x + y = 15 (3) 6x + 2y = 18. (4)
If the signs of the variable to be eliminated are the same (i.e. '+' and '+' or '–' and '–'), then subtract (2) from (1) or (1) from (2). But, if the signs are different (i.e. '–' and '+'), then add the two equations. Since the signs of the variable x in (3) and (4) are the same, subtract equations (4) from (3).
− {
6x + y = 15 6x + 2y = 18 6x - 6x + y - 2y = 15 - 18
–y = –3. Hence, y = 3.
Eliminate y to get x :
The coefficient of y in (1) is 1 The coefficient of y in (2) is 1} without considering their signs The coefficients are the same, then there is no need of multiplying by any number.
Subtract equation (2) from (1):
− {
6x + y = 15 3x + y = 9 FOR
6x - 3x + y - y = 15 - 9 3x = 6
Hence, x = 2. Therefore, x = 2 and y = 3.
2x + y = 10 3x - 2y = 1 Solve the following simultaneous equations by elimination method:
2x + y = 10 (1) 3x - 2y = 1 (2)
Choose the variable to be eliminated. Eliminate y to get x .
Solution Label the equations:
The coefficient of y in (1) is 1 The coefficient of y in (2) is 2 } without considering their signs Make the coefficients of y in (1) and (2) to be the same. Multiply equation (1) by 2 and equation (2) by 1. {
4x + 2y = 20 (3) 3x - 2y = 1 (4)
Add equations (3) and (4): {
2(2x + y) = 10 × 2 1(3x - 2y) = 1 × 1
+ {
4x + 2y = 20 3x - 2y = 1
4x + 3x + 2y + (–2y) = 20 + 1 4x + 3x + 2y - 2y = 20 + 1 7x = 21
= _217
Hence, x = 3.
Eliminate x to get y:
The coefficient of x in (1) is 2 The coefficient of x in (2) is 3}without considering their signs FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
Make the coefficient of x in (1) and (2) to be the same. Multiply equation (1) by 3 and (2) by 2: {
3(2x + y) = 10 × 3 2(3x - 2y) = 1 × 2
6x + 3y = 30 (5) 6x - 4y = 2 (6)
Then, subtract (6) from (5)
6x + 3y = 30 6x - 4y = 2 6x - 6x + 3y - (–4y) = 30 - 2 6x - 6x + 3y + 4y = 30 - 2 7y = 28
7y 7
= _287
y = 4. Therefore, x = 3 and y = 4.
3x + 2y = 8 2x + 3y = 12 Solve the following linear simultaneous equations by elimination method:
Solution Label the equations: {
3x + 2y = 8 2x + 3y = 12 Choose a variable to be eliminated.
Eliminate x to get y:
(1) (2)
The coefficient of x in (1) is 3 The coefficient of x in (2) is 2 }without considering their signs.
Make the coefficients of x in (1) and (2) to be the same.
Multiply equation (1) by 2 and equation (2) by 3:
2(3x + 2y) = 8 × 2 3(2x + 3y) = 12 × 3 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
6x + 4y = 16 (3) 6x + 9y = 36 (4)
Then, subtract (3) from (4).
6x + 9y = 36 6x + 4y = 16 6x - 6x + 9y - (+4y) = 36 - 16 6x - 6x + 9y - 4y = 36 - 16
5y 5
= _205
Hence, y = 4.
Eliminate y to get x:
The coefficient of y in (1) is 2 The coefficient of y in (2) is 3,}without considering their signs ONLY
Make the coefficients of y in (1) and (2) to be the same. Multiply equation (1) by 3 and (2) by 2: {
3(3x + 2y) = 8 × 3 2(2x + 3y) = 12 × 2
9x + 6y = 24 (5) 4x + 6y = 24 (6)
Then, subtract (6) from (5):
− {
9x + 6y = 24 4x + 6y = 24 9x - 4x + 6y - (+6x) = 24 - 24 9x - 4x + 6y - 6y = 24 - 24
x = 0. Therefore, x = 0 and y = 4.
Solve the following simultaneous equations by elimination method:
= 4
= 6 Solution Label the equations:
= 4 (1) _x4
= 6 (2)
Find the LCM of the denominators of (1) and the LCM of the denominators of (2). In order to remove the denominators, multiply equation (1) by 10 and equation (2) by 4:
) = 4 × 10 4(
) = 6 × 4
5x + 2y = 40 (3)
x + 2y = 24 (4)
Eliminate y to get x : The coefficients of y in (3) and (4) are the same.
Subtract (4) from (3):
− {
5x + 2y = 40 x + 2y = 24 ONLINE
5x - x + 2y - (+2y) = 40 - 24 5x - x + 2y - 2y = 40 - 24 4x =16
= _164
Hence, x = 4.
Eliminate x to get y:
The coefficient of x in (3) is 5. The coefficient of x in (4) is 1. Multiply equation (3) by 1 and equation (4) by 5: {
1(5x + 2y) = 40 × 1 5(x + 2y) = 24 × 5
5x + 2y = 40 (5) 5x + 10y =120 (6)
Subtract equation (6) from (5):
− {
5x + 2y = 40 5x + 10y = 120 5x - 5x + 2y - (+10y) = 40 - 120 2y - 10y = - 80 –8y = - 80
= _−80
Hence, y = 10. Therefore, x = 4 and y = 10.

(b) Solving linear simultaneous equations by substitution method Substitution method involves substituting one of the unknowns from one equation into another equation in order to make a single equation with one unknown.
The following are the steps for solving the system of simultaneous equations by substitution:
Step 1: Express one of the variables in terms of the other variable from one of the given equations.
Step 2: Substitute the value obtained in step 1 in the second equation to obtain an equation in one variable, then solve it to obtain the value of one unknown.
Step 3: Substitute the value obtained in step 2 into the equation in step 1 to obtain the value of the second unknown.
Solve the following simultaneous equations by the substitution method: {
3y - 2x = –7 y + 2x = 11 Solution Label the equations: {
3y - 2x = –7 (1) y + 2x = 11 (2)
Using (2), define y in terms of x as follows; y + 2x - 2x = 11 - 2x y = 11 - 2x. (3) Substituting (3) into (1) gives; 3(11 - 2x) - 2x = –7 33 - 6x - 2x = –7 33 - 8x = –7 33 - 33 - 8x = –7 - 33
–8x = –40
= _−40
Hence, x = 5.
Referring to (3), y = 11 - 2x, USE
substitute x = 5 into equation (3), that is, ONLINE
y = 11 - (2 × 5) = 11 - 10 = 1. Hence, y = 1. Therefore, x = 5 and y = 1.
Solve the following simultaneous equations by substitution method:
6x + 5y = 3 7x + 8y = 10 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
Solution Label the equations: {
6x + 5y = 3 (1) 7x + 8y = 10 (2)
Use (1) to express x in terms of y. 6x + 5y - 5y = 3 - 5y (Subtract 5y from both sides) 6x = 3 - 5y. Divide by 6 on both sides of the equation, to get x = _
3 - 5y 6
Substitute equation (3) into (2);
3 - 5y 6
) + 8y = 10
21 - 35y 6
+ 8y = 10
21 - 35y 6
+ 8y) × 6 = 10 × 6 21 - 35y + 48y = 60 21 + 13y = 60 21 - 21 + 13y = 60 - 21 13y = 39 ONLINE
_13 13 y = _39 13 .
Hence, y = 3. Substitute y = 3 in (1) 6x + (5 × 3) = 3 6x + 15 = 3 6x + 15 - 15 = 3 - 15 6x = –12 FOR
_66 x = _−12 6
Hence, x = - 2. Therefore, x = –2 and y = 3.
(c) Solving simultaneous equations by combination of elimination and substitution methods Simultaneous equations can also be solved by using both elimination and substitution methods.
6x - y = 3 4x - 3y = −5 Solve the following simultaneous equations by combination method:
6x - y = 3 (1) 4x - 3y = −5 (2)
Eliminate y to get x:
Multiply (1) by 3 and (2) by 1; 3(6x - y) = 3 × 3 1(4x - 3y) = –5 × 1 Solution Label the equations:
− {
18x - 3y = 9 (3) 4x - 3y = −5 (4)
Then, subtract (4) from (3):
6x + 4y = 16 6x + 9y = 36 18x - 4x - 3y - (–3y) = 9 - (–5) 18x - 4x - 3y + 3y = 9 + 5 14x = 14
_14 14 x = _14 14 .
Hence, x = 1.
Substitute x = 1 in one of the two equations. In this case, equation (1) is used. 6x - y = 3 6(1) - y = 3 6 - y = 3 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
6 - y + y = 3 + y 6 = 3 + y 6 - 3 = 3 - 3 + y 3 = y. Hence, y = 3.
Therefore, x = 1 and y = 3.
Solve the following simultaneous equations by combination method:
_13 x +
_12 y = 0 _12 x +
_13 y =
Solution Label the equations:
_13 x +
_12 y = 0 (1)
_12 x +
_13 y =
Multiply equation (1) by 6 and equation (2) by 6 to remove fractions:
_13 x +
_12 y) = 0 × 6 6(
_12 x +
_13 y) =
× 6
2x + 3y = 0 (3) 3x + 2y = 5 (4)
Eliminate x to get y: Multiply (3) by 3 and (4) by 2, ONLINE
3(2x + 3y) = 0 × 3 2(3x + 2y) = 5 × 2
6x + 9y = 0 (5) 6x + 4y = 10 (6)
Subtract (6) from (5)
− {
6x + 9y = 0 6x + 4y = 10 250 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
6x - 6x + 9y - (+4y) = 0 –10 6x - 6x + 9y - 4y = 0 - 10 5y = –10
_55 y = _−10 5
Hence, y = –2.
Substitute y = –2 in (3) or in (4). In this case, (4) is used.
3x + 2y = 5 3x + 2(–2) = 5 3x - 4 = 5 3x - 4 + 4 = 5 + 4 3x = 9
_33 x =
Hence, x = 3. Therefore, x = 3 and y = –2.
Solve the following simultaneous equations by combination method:
x +
= 5 USE
Solution Label the equations:
x +
= 5 (1) _x2
Multiply (1) by 2 and (2) by 6 to remove fractions:
2(x +
) = 5 × 2 6(
) =
2x + y = 10 (3) 3x - 2y = 1 (4)
Eliminate y to get x :
2(2x + y) = 10 × 2 1(3x - 2y) = 1 × 1 Multiply (3) by 2 and (4) by 1; {
4x + 2y = 20 (5) 3x - 2y = 1 (6)
Add (5) and (6):
+ {
4x + 2y = 20 3x - 2y = 1 4x + 3x + 2y + (–2y) = 20 + 1 4x + 3x + 2y - 2y = 20 + 1 7x = 21
= _217
Hence, x = 3. Substitute x = 3 in (3) or in (4). In this case, equation (3) is used. 2x + y = 10 2(3) + y = 10 6 + y = 10 6 - 6 + y = 10 - 6 Hence, y = 4.
Therefore, x = 3 and y = 4.
Exercise 7 Solve the following simultaneous equations by using elimination method:
1. {
2x + y = 5 4x - y = 7 3. {
5x - 2y = 16 x + 2y = 8 5. {
7x - 4y = 17 5x - 4y = 11 2. {
3p + q = 6 5p + q = 8 4. {
8x + 5y = 40 9x - 5y = 5 6. {
0 . 7x - 0 .5y = 2.5 0.7x + 0 . 3y = 2.9
Solve the following simultaneous equations by using substitution method:
7. {
3x - 2y = 5
2x + y = 8 9. {
$9.$$\left\{\begin{array}{llll}x-3y&=&24\\ x&+&2y&=&36\end{array}\right.$$11.$$\left\{\begin{array}{llll}7x&+&y&=&17\\ 8x-2y&=&11\end{array}\right.$$10.$$\left\{\begin{array}{llll}7x-y&=&14\\ 8x-2y&=&16\end{array}\right.$$12.$$\left\{\begin{array}{llll}2x-y&=&9\\ x&+&y&=&9\end{array}\right.$
7x + y = 17 8x - 2y = 10
$$8.\ {\overset{\underset{\mathrm{{}}}{\mathrm{{}}}}{\left\{\begin{array}{l l}{5a\ +\ b}&{=23}\\ {3a-2b}&{=6}\end{array}\right.}}$$
5a + b = 23 3a - 2b = 6 10. {
Solve the following simultaneous equations by using combination method:
Solve the following simultaneous equations by using combination method. $$13.\ \ \begin{cases}3y-x\ =\ 4\\ y\ +\ 2x\ =\ 6\end{cases}\ \ \ 16.\ \ \begin{cases}2a\ +\ b\ =\ 21\\ a\ +\ 2b\ =\ 45\end{cases}\ \ \ \ 19.\ \ \begin{cases}\frac{x}{2}-\frac{y}{3}=5\\ \frac{x}{3}-\frac{y}{6}=3\frac{1}{2}\end{cases}$$
14. $\left\{\begin{array}{l}8m-n\ =\ 38\\ m-3n\ =\ -1\end{array}\right.$ 17. $\left\{\begin{array}{l}0\,.3x-0\,.2y\ =\ 2\,.8\\ 1\,.5x-0\,.4y\ =\ 7\end{array}\right.$ 20. $\left\{\begin{array}{l}p-q\ =\ 5\\ 3p-q\ =\ p\ +\ 13\end{array}\right.$
0 .3x - 0 .2y = 2 . 8 1. 5x - 0.4y = 7 20. {
$$15.\;\;{\left\{\begin{array}{l l l l}{5x-2y}&{=}&{10}\\ {-x\,+\,3y}&{=}&{24}\end{array}\right.}\;\;18.\;\;{\left\{\begin{array}{l l l l}{2x\,+\,y}&{=}&{10}\\ {x-2y}&{=}&{1}\end{array}\right.}$$
21. {
* [16] A. A. K.
Word problems leading to simultaneous equations ONLY
Activity: Recognising word problems leading to simultaneous equations USE
Perform the following tasks individually or in groups:
Four students from a class were asked by a teacher to stand in front of the class.
The teacher instructed the students to form two groups of two students each. The teacher provided a single card to each student. Each card had a number written on it. The first card was numbered 1 and the second card was numbered 2. The teacher instructed the first group to add a variable x on each card and the second group to subtract a variable y from the respective number on their cards, so that each group had a card written with a mathematical expression. The sum of the expressions on the first cards in each group was 3 and the difference between the expressions on the second cards in the first group and the second group was 5. (a) Describe what was observed in the student's cards when they were displayed. (b) Find the values of the unknowns. (c) Share your results with the whole class through presentation. Discuss and conclude your results with your teacher.
Some word problems lead to pairs of simultaneous equations. Once the simultaneous equations have been formulated from word problems, the methods for solving simultaneous equations can be applied.
Formulating and solving word problems leading to simultaneous equations involves the following steps:
Step 1: Identify the requirement of the problem, that is, the unknowns.
Step 2: Let the unknowns be represented by two variables.
Step 3: Write the two simultaneous equations according to the requirement of the problem.
Step 4: Solve the simultaneous equations by using one of the methods to get the values of the variables.
Step 5: Give the conclusion according to the demand of the problem.
The age of a father is four times the age of his son. If the sum of their ages is 60 years, find the age of the son and that of the father.
Solution Let the age of the son be x years and the age of his father be y years. y = 4x (1) and, x + y = 60 (2) Solving the two equations by substitution method; Substituting equation (1) into equation (2) gives; x + 4x = 60 5x = 60 FOR
x = _605
Hence, x = 12.
Substituting x = 12 into (1) gives, y = 4 × 12 = 48. Hence, y = 48. Therefore, the son's age is 12 years and the father's age is 48 years.
The sum of two numbers is 30. The difference between the larger number and three times the smaller number is 2. Find the two numbers. Solution Let the large number be x .
Let the small number be y.
Thus, {
x + y = 30 (1) x − 3y = 2 (2)
Solve (1) and (2) by any method. In this case, elimination method is used. Eliminating the variable x to get y:
x + y = 30 x − 3y = 2 x - x + y - (–3y) = 30 - 2 ONLY
4y = 28 y = _284
Hence, y = 7.
Eliminating the variable y to get x Multiply (1) by 3 and (2) by 1:
3(x + y) = 30 × 3 1(x − 3y) = 2 × 1
3x + 3y = 90 (3) x − 3y = 2 (4)
Add (3) and (4):
+ {
3x + 3y = 90 x − 3y = 2
3x + x + 3y + (–3y) = 90 + 2 4x = 92 x = _924
Hence, x = 23. Therefore, the larger number is 23 and the smaller number is 7.
Dereck has 83 000 Tanzanian shillings for shopping. If he buys 2 ties and 2 shirts, he remains with 9 000 Tanzanian shillings. If he buys 1 tie and 3 shirts he spends all the money. Find the price of each tie and each shirt. Solution Let the price of a tie be x Tanzanian shillings. Let the price of a shirt be y Tanzanian shillings. Thus, {
83 000 − (2x + 2y) = 9 000 (1) 83 000 − (x + 3y) = 0 (2)
Rearranging the equations (1) and (2) gives, {
2x + 2y = 74 000 (3) x + 3y = 83 000 (4)
Use any method to solve equations (3) and (4). In this case, substitution method is used. Using equation (4); express x in terms of y as follows:
x = 83 000 - 3y (5)
Substituting equation (5) into equation (3), we have, 2(83 000 - 3y) + 2y = 74 000 166 000 - 6y + 2y = 74 000 - 4y = 74 000 - 166 000 - 4y = –92 000 ONLY
y = _− 92 000
Hence, y = 23 000.
Substitute y = 23 000 into (5) to obtain the value of x , that is, x = 83 000 - (3 × 23 000) x = 83 000 - 69 000 = 14 000. Hence, x = 14 000.
Therefore, the price of each tie is 14 000 Tanzanian shillings and the price of each shirt is 23 000 Tanzanian shillings.
1. The sum of two numbers is 109 and their difference is 29. Find the numbers.
2. Two numbers are such that the first number plus three times the second number is 1, and the first number minus three times the second number is _17
. Find the two numbers.
3. The sum of the number of boys and girls in a class is 36. If twice the number of girls exceeds the number of boys by 12, find the number of girls and that of boys in the class.
4. Twice the length of a rectangle exceeds three times the width of the rectangle by one centimetre. If one third of the difference of the length and the width is one centimetre, find the dimensions of the rectangle.
5. The cost of 4 pencils and five pens together is 6 000 Tanzanian shillings, while the cost of 6 pencils and 8 pens together is 9 400 Tanzanian shillings.
Calculate the cost of one pencil and one pen.
6. Half of Paul's money plus one fifth of Hamisa's money is 14 000 Tanzanian shillings. Three quarters of Paul's money plus two thirds of Hamisa's money is 26 500 Tanzanian shillings. How much does each one have?
7. One third of the sum of two numbers is 50 and one fifth of their difference is 2. Find the numbers.
8. One pair of the opposite sides of a parallelogram is (4x - y) units and
(3x - 5) units while the other pair is (2x + y) units and 2_12 units. Find the values of x and y.
9. The sides of an equilateral triangle are given as (3_12 x + y) centimetres,
(2y - 6) centimetres, and (x + y - 2) centimetres. Find the values of x and y.
10. Use the following two figures to calculate the values of x and y:

Inequalities with one unknown Inequalities in mathematics involve comparing quantities of similar items. For example; 10 is greater than 3 is represented as 10 > 3. Similarly, 2 is less than 6 is represented as 2 < 6.
The signs =, >, ≥, <, ≤, and ≠ are used when comparing the unknowns in the same way as when comparing numbers. Sentences with the symbol '=' are called equations. Mathematical sentences which use ≠, >, ≥, ≤, or < are called inequalities.
For example; (a) John is older than Jane. (b) John is taller than Jane. (c) He finished the equations in less than thirty minutes.
Note: The sharp end (vertex) of the symbols > and < always points to a smaller number. The symbols ≤ and ≥ are sometimes referred to as at most and at least, respectively.
Example 1


Solve for x if x − 3 <

Solution Given x − 3 <

Add 3 to both sides: x − 3 + 3 <
+ 3 x < 3_12
Therefore, x < 3_12
Example 2 Solve for x if 5x + 2 > 1.
Solution Given 5x + 2 > 1. Subtract 2 from both sides:
5x + 2 − 2 > 1 − 2 5x > −1 Divide both sides by 5:
> _−15
x > −
Therefore, x > −
Multiplication and division by negative numbers in inequalities When both sides of an inequality are multiplied or divided by a negative number, the inequality sign changes direction. That is, it is reversed.
For instance, we know that, 20 > 4, but when this inequality is multiplied by a negative number, say - 2, the inequality sign changes and we get - 40 < - 8. Similarly, when 20 > 4 is divided by, say - 2, the inequality changes and we get –10 < –2.




Solution Given − 4x + 3 ≥
− 4x + 3 − 3 ≥




− 3 (By subtracting 3 from both sides)




(Dividing both sides by − 4)

Therefore, x ≤

Note that: From −4x ≥ −2
_12 to x ≤
, two operations were involved, which were; (a) Dividing by −4 (b) Changing ≥ to ≤
The following rules are useful when solving inequalities: (a) Adding an equal value to each side or subtracting an equal value from each side does not change the inequality sign.
(b) Multiplying or dividing each side by the same positive number maintains the inequality sign.
(c) Multiplying or dividing each side by the same negative number changes the inequality sign.
1. Which of the following inequalities are true?
(a) 3 < 30 (i) –4 < –5 (b) 5 > –2 (j) 5 < 10 (c) 3 < –30 (k) 6 ≥ 2 (d) 2 > –2 (l) 25 ≤ 24

(e) –3 < –2 (m) –5 ≤ –7 USE
(f) 2 > –4 (n) –8 ≤ –4 (g) 1 > –2 (o) 4 > 4 (h) –3 < –3 (p) 8 = –8 ONLINE
2. Represent the following numbers on a number line:
(a) –4, –2, 0, 2, 4 (c) –5 < y ≤ –2 (b) –2 ≤ k ≤ 1 (d) –2 < x < 4 3. List the numbers which satisfy each of the following conditions:
(a) x < 6 if x is a counting number.
(b) x ≤ 4 if x is a whole number.
(c) x > 3 if x is an odd number.
(d) x > –3 and x ≤ 4 if x is an integer.
4. Solve each of the following inequalities:
(a) 5x > 12 (e) _x3
≤ 10
(b) 4 - x < 10 (f) 2 - x > 8 (c) 2x − 5 ≤
(g) _x2
(d) 6x + 4 ≥ 2 (h) 4x −
> 2x +
5. In each of the following, insert < or > in the box provided to make a true statement:
(a) –5 < 8, then –5 × (–3) 8 × (–3). (b) 13 > 7, then 13 × (–2) 7 × (–2). (c) 8 > –2, then 8 × (–5) 2 × (–5). (d) 6 > –3, then 6 × (–4) –3 × (–4). (e) a > b, then a × (–9) b × (–9).
In question 6 to 10, represent the integers on a number line under the given conditions: 6. –6 < a < –2 7. –4 < b < –1 8. c < +5 and d > –3 9. –3 ≤ e ≤ +5 10. f < –4 and g > –9 ONLY
Word problems involving inequalities Just like in equations, some word problems can lead to inequalities.
In order to pass an examination, a candidate must obtain a minimum average of 61 marks in two tests. If Vivian obtained 54 marks in the first test, find the lowest possible marks she should obtain in the second test in order to pass the examination.
Let x be the minimum score in the second test for her to pass the examination. This implies that, the average of the scores in the two tests should be greater or equal to 61.

(54 + x) ≥ 61 27 +
_12 x ≥ 61
_12 x + 27 − 27 ≥ 61 − 27
_12 x ≥ 34 2(
_12 x ≥ 34)
x ≥ 68. Therefore, the lowest possible marks that Vivian should obtain in the second test in order for her to pass the examination is 68.
If 5 is subtracted from twice a certain number y, the result is less than 11. Find the value of y.
Solution 2y - 5 < 11 USE
2y - 5 + 5 < 11 + 5 (Add 5 to both sides) 2y < 16
2y 2
< _162
(Divide by 2 on both sides)
y < 8. Therefore, y < 8.
1. A rectangle has a length of 9 centimetres, and an area of not less than 45 square centimetres. Find the possible values of its width.
2. Mgeni sold 200 coconuts at x Tanzanian shillings each. If he got more than 30 000 Tanzanian shillings, find the value of x.
3. Three times a whole number x is less than 2. Find the value of x.
4. If 9 is added to twice a certain whole number x, the result is greater than 63. Find the value of x.
5. A number is such that, 2 more than thrice the number is not more than 4 less than five times the number. Form an inequality to represent this information and solve it.
6. When 5 is added to an integer n, the result is greater than 7. Find the smallest possible value of n.
7. If two quarters of a certain number is subtracted from 1, the result is always greater than 0. Write the inequality for this statement.
## Chapter Summary
1. Algebra is related to arithmetic and is useful in many life activities. 2. When a term does not change in value, it is a constant and if it changes to different values, it is a variable.
3. The number which multiplies a variable is called the coefficient of the variable.
4. Any number used in a place of a variable is the value of that variable. 5. When you open brackets, you multiply each term in the brackets by the number outside the brackets.
6. When a number of brackets are to be opened, it is known as expanding the algebraic expression.
7. When an algebraic expression is written as a product of its factors, it is factorised.
8. Algebraic expressions can be simplified by collecting like terms.
9. The value of an expression can be calculated when the values of the variables are substituted in the expression.
10. An equation is a statement which connects two expressions with an equal sign (=).

## Revision Exercise
1. Write each of the following expressions in the simplest form:
(a) 14a + 7a - 5a (b) 9m - 4m + 2m (c) 0.5x + 1.7y - 1.2 x + 2.4y
(d) _5x2
+ _5x2
2. Simplify each of the following expressions and state:
(a) The number of terms.
(b) The coefficient of each term.
(i) 16m + 3n - 9m - 9n + 3m (ii) 0.7x + 2.3y - 4.4x + 3.6y
(iii) _12 x +
_32 y −
_34 z +
_32 x −
_14 y + z
(iv) 4ab + 5ac - 7ad - 7ad + 3ac ONLY
3. Simplify each of the following algebraic expressions:
(a) 7m - 9n + 6m + 8n - 3m
(b) 5x + 9y + 7x - 8y - 3x (c) 5k - 5n + 6k - 17k - 5 (d) (3x - y) - 2(4x - 3y)
4. Multiply each of the following algebraic expressions:
(a) 5x - 7y by 4 (d) _32 m −
by −6n ONLINE
(b) 4a - 5c + 2 by –5 (e) 7x - 2y + 3z by 0.5 (c) 11p + 7q - 5 by 2a 5. Find the answers to the following algebraic expressions:
(a) 8ab × 5mn × 3 (b) 3n × (–2m) × 7
(c) ( − 2x)(
− 3b)
6. Complete each of the following statements:
(a) 5ax - 2ay + 3az = a (……….) (b) 9ab - 15ac - 6a = –3a (……….) (c) axy - bxy + cxy = xy (……….) (d) 25mn + 5mp - 5mq = 5m (……….) (e) ax + bx + ay - by = x (……….) + y (……….)
7. Find the value of each of the following expressions when m = 5 and n = 2:
(a) 6mn - 2mn + 4mn
(b) _m5
− _mn2
(c) _2m4
+ _5mn 10 8. Express each of the following statements in an algebraic form:
(a) The sum of a number m and three times another number n is 225. (b) The difference between 100 and another number n is m. (c) When the sum of x and y is multiplied by 3, the result is 49.
(d) The product of twice a certain number x and three times a certain number y is 249.
9. Solve each of the following equations:
(a) 5x − 7
_12 = −
_32 x (e) _7x = 8
(b) 3 − 2x = 15 (f) 6x − 7 = 2x + 3
$$\bar{\Sigma}x=\frac{x-2}{\sqrt{2}}\ ;$$
$=\;5\;\bot\;3x$ .
(c) _x5 − 3 = 3 (g) _32 x + _x5 = _52 x − 5
(d) _35 x − 3 = 3 (h) 5x −
x_ − 2 3 = 5 +
3_x + 1 2

10. John is 5 centimetres taller than Jane, and the sum of their heights is 307 centimetres. Find their heights.
11. The age of James is one third the age of his father. If the sum of their ages is 66 years, find their ages.
12. If the four angles of a quadrilateral are given in degrees as (4x - 20°),
(3x + 40°), (3x + 50°), and (x + 30°), find the value of x .
$${\mathrm{(d)}}\ \left\{{\begin{array}{l}{2x-3y=-1}\\ {-2x+y=-13}\end{array}}\right.$$
13. Solve each of the following simultaneous equations by using the substitution method:
(a) {
y - 2x = 0
2y + 3x = 21 (c) {
$$\mathbf{(c)}\ \left\{{\begin{array}{l}{x-y\ =-\ 4}\\ {5x-y\ =4}\end{array}}\right.$$
$$\mathbf{(b)}\,\left\{{2x-y\,=0\atop x+2y=11}\right\}$$
x + 2y = 11 (d) {
2x - 3y = –1 –2x + y = –13
14. Solve each of the following simultaneous equations by using the elimination method:
$${\bf\Psi}({\bf a})\,\left\{\begin{array}{l}{{3x-2y\,=17}}\\ {{x+2y\,=\,11}}\end{array}\right.$$
3x - 2y = 17 x + 2y = 11 (c) {
$${\bf(c)}\ \left\{\begin{array}{l}{{0\,.\,1x+\,0\,.\,2y=1\,.\,1}}\\ {{1\,.\,5x-0\,.\,2y=10\,.\,1}}\end{array}\right.$$
$$\mathrm{(b)}\ \begin{cases}5x-3y\ =19\\ 4x-3y\ =\ 14\end{cases}$$
5x - 3y = 19 4x - 3y = 14 (d) {
$$\mathbf{(d)}\ {\begin{cases}x-2y\ =-1\\ 3x-4y\ =3\end{cases}}$$
15. Solve each of the following pairs of simultaneous equations by using the combination method:
* $\left\{\begin{array}{ll}2x+y=51\\ 3x+2y=52\end{array}\right.$ (c) $\left\{\begin{array}{ll}4y&2x=2\\ 6y-x=6\end{array}\right.$ * $\left\{\begin{array}{ll}9(x-y)-(x+y)=14\\ (x+y)+5(x-y)=28\end{array}\right.$ (d) $\left\{\begin{array}{ll}\frac{x}{2}-\frac{y}{3}=-1\\ \frac{x}{4}+\frac{y}{3}=\frac{5}{2}\end{array}\right.$
$$\begin{array}{l l l}{{1}}&{{2x+y\;=\;\;31}}\\ {{3x+\;2y\;=\;\;52}}\end{array}$$
16. If the sum of the ages of a father and his daughter is 60 years, and the age of the father is five times the age of the daughter, find their ages.
17. Two numbers x and y are such that, the sum of 2x and y is 62, while the sum of x and 2y is 79. Find the numbers.
18. Two numbers are such that, one number is greater than the other. If 25 is subtracted from the greater number, the result is half the smaller number. When the two numbers are added, the result is 91. Find the two numbers.
19. Find the value of x in each of the following:
(d) _12
(b) 3x + 1 ≤ 4 (e) _x3
$${\bf\mathrm{(e)}}\ {\frac{x}{3}}-{\frac{1}{4}}\geq{\frac{1}{8}}$$
(c) −5x − 2 > 3 (f) 10x + 3 < 2_12
(f) 10x + 3 + 21x - 12
20. Twice the sum of two numbers is at most 87. If one of the numbers is 13, what is the largest possible value of the second number?
21. Solve the following simultaneous equations by elimination and substitution methods.
_32 x − 0.2y = 4
−x + 3y =
22. Formulate an algebraic equation basing on the following statement:
In a class of 42 students, six of them came late, and the rest came early.
23. If 1 is subtracted from both the numerator and the denominator of a fraction, the result is
. If 2 is added to twice the numerator and 6 is added to thrice the denominator of the same fraction, the result is
. Find the fraction.
24. A certain school placed two orders with the stationery dealers. The first order was of 50 boxes of marker pens and 20 boxes of correction fluid for the total amount of 40 000 Tanzanian shillings. The second order was 10 boxes of marker pens and 20 boxes of correction fluid for the total amount of 24 000 Tanzanian shillings.
(a) Formulate a system of simultaneous equations. (b) Calculate the cost of a box of marker pens and a box of correction fluid.
25. When Juma went to the National Park, he was interested with two kinds of wild animals only; zebras and elephants. If the total number of zebras and elephants he saw was 102, formulate the equation representing the word problem.
## Project 7
Formulate two equations with one unknown and two equations with two unknowns. By using any method, solve the formulated problems. Give the interpretation of the obtained solutions.
# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare Chapter Nine
Numbers II

## Introduction
The concept of real numbers came from the generalization of the concept of rational numbers. A real number is a value of a continuous quantity that can represent a distance along a line or as an infinite decimal expansion. Rational numbers and irrational numbers make up the set of real numbers. In this chapter, you will learn about rational numbers, representation of rational numbers on a number line, basic operations on rational numbers, irrational numbers, real numbers, representation of real numbers on a number line, and absolute values of real numbers. The competencies ONLY
developed will help you in dealing with various real life problems, where numbers are used.
## Rational Numbers
A rational number is any number which can be represented in the form of
where a and b are both integers, such that b is not equal to zero (that is, b ≠ 0). The condition b ≠ 0 is essential because division by zero is not defined. The set of rational numbers is denoted by the symbol ℚ.
## Note:
Integers include positive whole numbers, negative whole numbers, and zero. For example; –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3 is a list of integers from - 3 to +3.
The negative fractions, integers, zero, and positive fractions together form what is called rational numbers. Examples of rational numbers are:
_−34 3
, _−20 3
, _−7 4
, _−6 5
, _100 5
, and _301
There are infinite (unterminating) rational numbers. From the definition of a rational number, all integers are rational numbers. For example; 5 =
, −7 = _−71
, and 0 =
$\underline{\underline{\hspace{1cm}}}$ , $\underline{\hspace{1cm}}$ .
$\text{\hspace{0.17em}}x\approx1.$ 1.
Also, all terminating decimals are rational numbers.
For example; 0 . 5 = _5 100 , −0 . 071 = _−71 1000 , and 12.65 = _1265 100 .
For example; 0. 3
· =
, 0.2
· 3
· = _23 99 , and 1.56 7
· = _1411 900 .
All repeating (recurring) decimals are rational numbers. Representation of rational numbers on a number line
## Activity 1
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks: 1. Construct a 10 centimetre long number line.
2. Divide each unit interval into 10 equal units.
3. Prepare at least 10 cards of rational numbers of your choice. 4. Place the cards prepared in task 3 into a number line constructed in task 2. 5. Under the guidance of your teacher, discuss as a class what could be the best way of going through task 1 to task 4 for better results.
The representation of any positive rational number _ab is done by first dividing the unit interval into 'b' equal parts. Then, the 'a' of these parts is taken along the number line to reach the point corresponding to
_ab to the right of zero if the number USE

is positive, and to the left of zero if the number is negative.


and − _135 on the same number line.

Change _135 into a mixed number, that is,

To draw a number line, take 2 units from 0 and then, divide the third unit into 5 equal parts. Take 3 parts out of the 5 parts to complete a part representing _135
Also, convert −_135 into a mixed number, that is,
_−13 5
= −2
= − (2 +
Repeat the same procedure from 0 to the negative side of the number line to show the representation of − _135
Therefore, the following number line is the representation of _135
and − _135
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 –13 13


5 5
Example 2 Represent −2 . 4 on a number line. Solution
−2.4 = −2_410 = −2
To draw a number line, take 2 units from 0 to the left and then, divide the third unit into 5 equal parts. Take 2 parts out of the 5 parts to complete a part representing −2.4.
Therefore, the following number line is the representation of −2.4.
–3 –2.4 –2 –1 0 Exercise 1 FOR
1. Draw a number line, and then locate and label on it the points corresponding to the following rational numbers:
(a) 5 (c) _14
(e) _34
(g) 0
(b) _73
(d) 4.5 (f) _32
(h) 3
2. Show the position of each of the following rational numbers on a number line:
(a) 2
(c) _168
(e) _256
(g) _283 283
(b) $\dfrac{6}{1}$.
(d) _03
(f) _25
50 (h) _50
3. Draw a number line, and locate on it the points corresponding to the following rational numbers:
(a) 3 (b) −
(c) −3 4. (a) List all negative rational numbers and positive rational numbers from the following list of numbers: −5, 0, 12, −3.416520…, 2.85, 7.14, 12.64646464…, _115
, _−3 5
, −2
, 9.4123, _60
, 72
, and 534.
(b) Which numbers from (a) are not rational numbers and why?
5. Write each of the following rational numbers in the form of
_ab in its simplest form:
(a) 0.04 (c) –27 (e) - 0.03 (g) −6_18
(b) 4 (d) 5.6 (f) 4
(h) −2_23
6. Represent each of the following rational numbers on a number line:
(a) −4 (e) −
(i) −
, −
, −
, −
(b) - 2.5 (f) −0.9, −0.8, −0.3, 0.2, and 0.7
(c) 4 (g) − _310
(d) 1.8 (h) 1.2 and 1.6 ONLINE
Basic operations on rational numbers FOR
Activity 2: Recoginsing basic operations on rational numbers Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks: 1. Prepare a card, and write on it 4 rational numbers of your choice.
2. Create number sentences using the four numbers and any combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division to get 18.
3. Share your work with other students, and check the correctness of your answers.
4. Repeat task 1 to 3 using four numbers different from those already used.
5. With the guidance of your teacher, make a concluding remark on the activity.
The basic operations, that is, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of rational numbers, are the same as those of fractions and decimals. Addition and subtraction of rational numbers Example 1 Find the sum of −_35 and
Solution −
= _−12 + 5 20 Make their denominators equivalent using the LCM, which is 20.
= − _720 .
Therefore, the sum of −
_35 and
is − _720 .
Find the value of 2 _13
Solution Convert 2
_13 into an improper fraction, that is, 2_13
Thus, 2
Make their denominators equivalent using the LCM, which is 9.
= _21 − 5 9
= _169
= 1_79
Therefore, 2
= 1_79
Compute 2.14 − 8 .753.
Solution 2.14 − 8 . 753 = −(−2.14 + 8 . 753) (taking the negative sign out of the brackets)
= −(8 . 753 − 2.14) (interchanging the numbers)
= −6 . 613. Therefore, 2.14 − 8.753 = −6 . 613.
Find the sum of 43.7 and 1.2. Solution 43.7 + 1.2 = 44.9 Therefore, the sum of 43.7 and 1.2 is 44.9.
Note: For the rational number −
, it is always true that −
= _−25
= _2−5
Generally, if a and b are positive integers, then, −
= _a−b
Exercise 2 USE
1. Calculate each of the following:
(a) −
= (c) _−9 16 + _916 =
2. Work on each of the following:
(a) _14
− (−
) = (e) 1
− 3
(c) −
− (−
)= (g) 1
+ 2_29
(d) _56
17 +
+ 1_34
= (h) _12
3. Calculate each of the following:
(a) 4.7 - 1.9 (e) –2.8 - (–4.2) (b) 3.4 - 4.8 (f) 3.864 - (–21.33) (c) –3.5 - 2.1 (g) 1.86 - 0.985 (d) 1.7 - (–0.5) (h) 4.87 - (–14.86)
4. Calculate each of the following:
(a) 5.004 + 2.136 (b) 0.95 + 0.666 Multiplication of rational numbers Multiplication of rational numbers is similar to multiplication of fractions. The following are the steps for multiplying rational numbers:
Step 1: Multiply the numerators and the denominators.
Step 2: Simplify the resulting number to its lowest term.
Example 1 Find the product of _−53 and _47
Solution The product can be obtained as follows.
= _−5 × 4 3 × 7
= _−20 21 .
Therefore, the product of _−5 3 and _47 is _−20 21 .
Example 2 FOR
Find the product of _53 and
= _5 × 4 3 × 7
= _20 21 .
Therefore, the product of _53 and
_47 is _20 21 .
Find the product of −
and −
_−5 3
× _−4 7
= _−5 × −4 3 × 7
= _20 21 .
The product of −
and −
_47 is _20 21 .
Generally, if a and b are any two rational numbers, then: (i) a × b = ab. (ii) (−a) × (−b) = ab.
(iii)(−a) × b = a × (−b) = − (a × b).
Example 4




= −
Find the value of −3_12
× (− 4_15
Solution Convert −3_12
and − 4_15 into improper fractions, that is,
× − _215
= _147 10
= 14_710 .
Therefore, −3_12
× (− 4_15
) = 14 _710 .
Example 6 Find the product of − 6.24 and − 0.33.
Solution − 6.24 × (− 0.33) = 2.0592. Therefore, the product of − 6.24 and − 0 . 33 is 2.0592.
$\frac{8}{4}$ x.
Find the value of each of the following, and give your answers in the simplest form:
1. _73 × _85 × _13 = 6. 0 . 0001 × (−1) =
2. − 0.074 × (− 0.75) = 7. _29 × _−310 × _−3 4 =
$\zeta$ .
$\downarrow$ = .
$\frac{1}{2}$ .
3. _47 × (−
_23 ) = 8. (
_38 × _59 ) ×
−_ 4
5 =
4. (−2 _14 ) × (−3 _59 ) = 9. _98 × _−615 × _781 =
$\downarrow$ .
5. 2 _14 × 1 _35 = 10. 2.125 × (− 4.25) =
$$\mid\times\ {\frac{-4}{4}}$$
$\mbox{-}\,\times\,\dfrac{7}{8}$ .
$$19.\ \ -1.548\times-3.132=$$
11. 3.8 × (−0.5) = 16. −4 . 56 × (−1.23) =
14. _14 × (−2 _34 ) × _83 = 19. −1.548 × −3.132 =
$$15.\ \ -{\frac{35}{6}}\times\left(-{\frac{10}{21}}\right)$$
12. −
_78 × (−2 _23 ) = 17. (
$$17.\ \ \left({\frac{3}{7}}\times{\frac{7}{8}}\right)\times{\frac{-2}{3}}$$ $$18.\ \ {\frac{3}{9}}\times\left({\frac{4}{9}}\times{\frac{5}{8}}\right)=$$
3 =
* [14] M. C.
_67 × (− _1415 ) = 18. _39 × (
20. Determine whether the following statements are True or False:
(a) The product of two negative rational numbers is a positive rational number.
(b) The product of a negative rational number and zero is zero.
(c) The product of zero and a negative rational number is a negative rational number.
(d) The product of a negative rational number and a positive rational number is always a negative rational number.
(e) If the product of two rational numbers is a positive rational number, then one of them is a positive rational number and the other is a negative rational number.
(f) If the product of two rational numbers is a positive rational number, then both of them are positive rational numbers.
Division of rational numbers Division of rational numbers follows the same procedures as division of whole numbers and fractions.
For any two rational numbers p_q and
_rs where q ≠ 0, s ≠ 0, p_q divided by _rs is the same as p_q multiplied by the reciprocal of _rs , where a reciprocal of a number is equal to one divided by that number, that is, p_q ÷ _rs =
p_q ×
p_q ×
_sr .
Example 1 Find the value of _49
÷ (−
÷ (−
) =
× (−
= − _24
= − _821 .
÷ (−
) = − _821 .
Find the value of −20_45
÷ (−18_13
Solution Convert the mixed numbers into improper factions.
÷ (−18_13
) = − _104
÷ − _553
= − _104 5
× − _355
= _312
275 or 1_37
275 .
* [10] M. C.
Therefore, −20_45
÷ (−18_13
) = 1 _37 275 .
Example 3 Find the value of −10 ÷ 0.001.
Solution Convert the decimal into a fraction, that is, 0 . 001 = _1 1000 .
−10 ÷ 0.001 = −10 ÷ _1 1000
= −10 × 1 000 = −10 000. Therefore, −10 ÷ 0.001 = −10 000.
$\downarrow\downarrow\downarrow\downarrow$ .
Compute each of the following, and express the answers in their lowest terms:
1. −1 ÷ 1 _512 = 11. −
_43 ÷ (−
_87 ) =
2. 0.209 ÷ 0.019 = 12. − _175 ÷ − _345 =
| 3. − _18 5 ÷ _3 10 = | 13. (−9 _5 48 ÷ 9 _10 96 ) × 1 | |
| _1 3 ÷ 4 _2 3 ) × 1.5 = | 14. _7 6 ÷ (− _14 9 ) = | |
| 4. (8 5. _7 4 ÷ (−2_1 8 ) = | 15. −15 _1 2 ÷ (− _7 2 ) = | |
| 6. | (−0.52925 ÷ 0.145) × 0. 4 = | 16. − _21 32 ÷ _63 48 = _41 5 ÷ 20) ÷ −2 |
| 7. | 2 _3 4 ÷ 3 = | 17. ( |
| _2 7 ÷ _18 7 ) ÷ (− _21 27 ) = | 18. 36.25 ÷ 2.5 = | |
| 8. ( 9. 9.4572 ÷ 0.0852 = | 19. 27 ÷ (− _15 7 ) = | |
10. _914 ÷
= 20. 8 000 ÷ (−2.5) =
## Irrational Numbers
A number which can be expressed as non-terminating and non-repeating decimal is called an irrational number. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed in the form of
where a and b are both integers and b ≠ 0. It is not possible to locate irrational numbers on the number line. Irrational numbers can be approximated to rational numbers.
Example 1 FOR
Write 0.12 as a fraction.
Solution The given number can be written in a form of _ab as follows.
0.12 = _12 100
= _325 .
Therefore, 0.12 = _325 .
Note: Repeating decimals can also be written in the form of _ab
Write 0. 1
· 5
· as a fraction.
Solution 0. 1
· 5
· can be written as a fraction as follows.
Let x = 0.1
· 5
· (1)
100x = 15.1
· 5
· (2)
Subtracting (1) from (2), we have, 99x = 15 x = _15 99 .
Therefore, 0. 1
· 5
· = _533 .

Every terminating or repeating decimal represents a rational number. Similarly, every rational number can be represented as a terminating or repeating decimal. There are numbers which neither terminate nor repeat. For example:
(a) √
_2 = 1.4142135… (c) π = 3.142…
(b) √
_5 = 2.2360679… (d) √
_7 = 2.6457513…
Example 3 Compare √
_31 and √
_71 .
Since the numbers in the square roots are not perfect squares, then these numbers are irrational. In order to compare them, square the number as follows.
_31 )2 = √
_31 × √
= 31.
_71 )2 = √
_71 × √
= 71.
Now, it is easier to compare 31 and 71. Since 31 < 71, then √
_31 < √
_71 .
Therefore, √
_31 < √
_71 .
Compare 3√
_43 and 3√
_61 .
Solution Since the numbers in the cube roots are not the perfect cubes, then these numbers are irrational. In order to compare them, raise both numbers to power 3.
_43 )
= √
_43 × √
_43 × √
= 43.
_61 )
= √
_61 × √
_61 × √
= 61.
Now, it is easier to compare 43 and 61, that is, 43 < 61. Since 43 < 61, then 3√
_43 <
_61 .
Therefore, 3√
_61 .
Note: π is usually approximated to a rational number _227
, but it is an irrational number.
1. Find the rational number in the form of
_ab represented by each of the following decimals:
(a) 0.875 (c) 0 .4 5
· 6
· (e) 0. 7
· 8
(b) 1.475 (d) 19. 1
· 27 6
2. Which of the following rational numbers are repeating decimals?
(a) _19
(b) _227
(c) _23
(d) _20 11 3. Which of the following numbers are:
(i) Whole numbers?
(ii) Integers?
(iii) Rational numbers?
(iv) Irrational numbers?
(a) √
_8 (g) –3 (m) 3
(b) 1.17 (h) _312 (n) 0.0004
(c) _227
(i) 77.62 (o) √
(e) _−10 2
(k) 0. 1
· 2
· (q) 1
(d) 0 (j) _49
(p) −0.7 ONLY
(f) − √
_47 (l) 56 (r) π USE
4. Use the appropriate sign (>, <, or =) between each of the following pairs of numbers to make the statements true:
(a) 4.16 ___ 416 (e) √
_21 ___ √
(b) _25
___ _200 500 (f) 3√
_83 ___
(c) √
_4 ___ √
_2 (g) √
_19 ___ √
(d) 0. 3
· ___
(h) 3√
_−83 ___ 3√
_−47 282
## Real Numbers
## Activity 3: Recoginising Real Numbers
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks:
1. Write any 6 rational numbers.
2. Write any 4 irrational numbers. 3. What is the difference between those rational numbers written in task 1, and those irrational numbers written in task 2?
Real numbers are the numbers which include both rational numbers and irrational numbers. They can be both positive or negative and the set of real numbers is denoted by the symbol R. All the natural numbers, integers, decimals, and fractions are real numbers.
This means, any rational or irrational number is a real number. Also, for any two real numbers, a and b, only one of the following is true. Either a = b or a < b or a > b. For example; if: (i) a = 3 and b = 7, then, a < b or b > a that is, 3 < 7 or 7 > 3.
(ii) a = _123 and b = 4, then, a = b that is, _123
= 4.
(iii) a = −3 and b = −5, then, a > b that is, −3 > −5 or b < a that is −5 < −3.
(iv) a = −4 and b = 2, then, a < b, that is, −4 < 2.
Examples of positive real numbers are:
1, 2, 3, _23
, √
_7,1.67 and 1.020020002…
Examples of negative real numbers are:
−1, −2, −3, _−32
, − √
_7, −1.067, − 1.020020002…, - 1.067, –1.020020002…
Note: 0 is also a real number. Every real number corresponds to a single point on the number line. Also, every point on the number line corresponds to a real number.
Representation of real numbers on a number line The steps for representing real numbers on a number line are as follows:
Step 1: Draw a horizontal line, and locate the point '0' . This point is known as the origin.
Step 2: If the given number is positive, mark it to the right side of the origin.
If it is negative, mark it to the left side of the origin.
Step 3: Divide each unit into the values which are equal to the denominator of the fraction.
Consider the representation of all real numbers x such that x ≥
_12 on a number line.
All points to the right of _12
(including _12
) are considered and are shown as follows.
x ≥
The solid dot at point
_12 appears because _12 is included in the inequality x ≥
When representing all real numbers for which x >
_12 on the number line, an open circle is used at point _12 to show that _12 is excluded.
x >
Consider for example; the representation of all real numbers x such that −
< x ≤ 2.
These are all real numbers between x ≤ 2 and x > −

< x ≤ 2

Point −
_12 is excluded while point 2 is included.
Example 1 ONLINE

Represent all real numbers x such that x ≤
_32 on a number line.
Solution Draw a number line taking 1 unit from 0 and then, divide the second unit into two equal parts. Take 1 part out of the 2 parts to complete _32
, which is a required number to be represented. Therefore, the following is the required number line representing x ≤


Represent all real numbers x such that −_53
≤ x < 2 on a number line.
Draw a number line taking 2 units from 0 on both sides and then, divide the second unit on the negative side into 3 equal parts. Take 2 parts out of the 3 parts to complete −
, which is the required part to be represented on this side.
Therefore, the following is the number line representing −
≤ x < 2.

Compare the following real numbers using a number line: (a) 0.54 and 0.33 (b) - 0.54 and - 0.33 Solution Locate the required numbers to be compared on the number line as follows.

(a) On the number line, 0.54 is on the right of 0.33. Therefore, 0.54 > 0.33. (b) On the number line, −0.54 is on the left of − 0.33. Therefore, − 0.54 < − 0.33.
For any real numbers a, b, and c, if a < b and b < c, then a < c. This can be shown on the following number line.
From the diagram, a < b and b < c. Therefore, a < c.
For example; since 4.23223 < 5.12112 and 5.12112 < 8.01001, it follows that 4.23223 < 8.01001. Given any three real numbers, *a, b* and c and if a < b, then a + c < b + c. For example; since - 8.13 < - 4.72, it follows that - 8.13 + 3 < - 4.72 + 3 or - 5.13 < –1.72. Also, the square roots of positive real numbers can be compared as shown:
(i) √
_3 > √
(ii) √
_5 > √
(iii) − √
_3 < − √
(iv) − √
_4 < − √
1. Compare the following numbers using the symbols >, < or =. (a) 0.432 and 0.437 (c) 3.724 and 3.716 (e) π and 3.14
(b) − 0.127 and 0.001 (d) - 0.129 and − 0.128 (f) − √
_7 and − √
_5 USE
2. Use the symbol >, < or =, to compare each of the following pairs of real numbers:
(a) −
and − 0 . 375 (c) √
_2 and − √
(b) 0.273 and 0.273 (d) _311 and −0.222 3. Represent each of the following inequalities on a number line:
(a) x ≥ 0 (b) x > −
(c) x ≤
4. Represent each of the following real numbers x on a number line, such that:
(a) −
< x < −
(d) −2 _13
< x <
(b) _72
> x ≥
(e) 2 < x < 5_14
(c) −
< x ≤ 4 (f) −3 ≤ x ≤ 4 286 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY
 DO NOT DUPLICARE
Absolute value of a real number The absolute value or modulus of a real number x, denoted by |x|, is the nonnegative value of x regardless of its sign.
Consider the following number line.
 The distance from 0 to −2 and that from 0 to 2 is the same, that is, 2 units. Both 2 and −2 have the absolute value of 2. The absolute value of a number is the magnitude of that number regardless of its sign. The absolute value of any number x is written as |x| such that, |x| = x if x ≥ 0 and |x| = −x if x < 0, and its distance is represented on a number line from 0. This distance is always positive or zero. For example; ONLY
|0.75| = 0.75, |− 0.143| = 0.143, | −
_12 |
, |0| = 0, and |− 2| = 2.
In general, for any two opposite numbers x and −x, |x| = |–x|.
The following are the steps for solving absolute valued equations:
Step 1: Take the given equation out of the absolute value and write the ±
sign to the left of it.
Step 2: Obtain two equations from the given equation by setting the given equation as positive on one side and as negative on the other side.
Step 3: Solve the two equations for the unknown.
Example 1 Find the values of x if |x| = 4.
|x| = 4
± x = 4 (
Taking the given equation out of the absolute value sign by indicating the sign ±)
Either, + x = 4 or −x = 4
Setting the equation in the absolute sign as a positive equation on one side, and as a negative equation on the other side )
x = 4 or x = - 4 (Solving the two equations for the unknown) Therefore, x = 4 or x = −4. Example 2 Solve for x if |6 − x| = 1. Solution |6 − x| = 1 ± (6 − x) = 1 Either, +(6 − x) = 1 or − (6 − x) = 1 6 − x = 1 or −6 + x = 1 −x = 1 − 6 or x = 1 + 6 −x = −5 or x = 7. Therefore, x = 5 or x = 7.
Example 3 ONLINE
Solve for x if |x + 2| = 2, and show the solution on a number line.
Solution |x + 2| = 2
±(x + 2) = 2 Either +(x + 2) = 2 or − (x + 2) = 2 x + 2 = 2 or −x − 2 = 2 x = 2 − 2 or −x = 2 + 2 x = 0 or −x = 4. Therefore, x = 0 or x = −4.

 DO NOT DUPLICARE
x = 0 and x = −4 are represented as shown on the following number line.

Indicate |x| ≤ 2 on a number line. Solution |x| ≤ 2 ±(x) ≤ 2 Either +(x) ≤ 2 or − (x) ≤ 2 x ≤ 2 or −x ≤ 2 (
Division by a negative number changes the inequality symbol ) x ≤ 2 or x ≥ −2.
Hence, −2 ≤ x ≤ 2.
Therefore, the representation of this solution is shown on the following number line.



−2 ≤ x ≤ 2



Example 5 USE

Find the solution of | 2x +1| > 3, and show it on a number line.
Solution | 2x +1| > 3 ±(2x + 1) > 3 Either +(2x + 1) > 3 or − (2x + 1) > 3 2x + 1 > 3 or −2x − 1 > 3 2x > 3 − 1 or − 2x > 3 + 1 FOR

_22 or _−2x
< _ 4−2
Division by a negative number changes the inequality symbol )
Therefore, x > 1 or x < −2.
The required representation of this solution is as shown on the following

number line.
x < −2 x > 1
What is the absolute value of −
+ _13 10 ?
| −
+ _13 10 |
= |
_−8 + 13 10 | Solution Given −_45
+ _13 10 , then
= |

_510 | =
Therefore, the absolute value of −
+ _13 10 is _12
Note: If you divide or multiply both sides of the inequality by a negative number, the inequality symbol changes its direction.

1. Find the absolute value of each of the following:
(a) 62 (d) −_47
(b) √
_2 (e) −12.5
(c) −8 (f) −pq FOR
2. What is the absolute value of each of the following?
(a) _43
(d) −
× 11 + _103
(b) −3.68 + 3.89 (e) 0.111 - 0.889
(c) _32
(f) − 0.111 - (− 0.01001)
3. Find the solution for each of the following equations:
(a) |x| = 3 (d) |10 − x| = 1 (b) | 2− x | = 5 (e) | 6 − x| = 3
(c) | 2x| = 6 (f) | x −
_13 | =
4. Show the solution of each of the following equations on a number line:
(a) |x − 5| = 3 (c) | 3 − x | = _103
(b) | −2 − x| = 4 (d) |
_12 x + 2|
= 6 5. Find the solution for each of the following inequalities:
(a) |x| > 2 (c) |x| ≤ 3 (e) |x| <
(b) | 6 − x| < 1 (d) | −2 − x | ≤ 1 (f) | x + 2| > 2 6. Show the solution of each of the following on a number line:
(a) | x − 4 | ≤ 5 (e) |
_23 x − 4|
< 2
(b) | 7 − x | < 0 (f) | 4x − 2 | ≥ 8 (c) |x| > 2. 5 (g) 2 |x| = 6
(d) |
− x|
> 3 (h) 3 |x − 3| = 4 ONLY
## Chapter Summary
1. A rational number is any number written in the form of _ab
, where both a ONLINE
and b are integers, except that, b ≠ 0.
2. Every terminating or repeating decimal represents a rational number. 3. A number which neither terminates nor repeats is an irrational number.
4. An irrational number cannot be written in the form of _ab
, where a and b are integers, but b ≠ 0.
5. Rational and irrational numbers together form the set of real numbers. 6. For any two real numbers a and b, only one of the following is true; Either a = b or a < b or a > b.
7. The absolute value of a number is its value, regardless of its sign.
8. For all problems involving inequalities, multiplying or dividing by a negative number changes the inequality symbol.
## Revision Exercise
1. Write each of the following rational numbers in the form of _ab
(a) 6
(e) 23 (i) 0.012
(b) −9_311 (f) 245
(j) 0. 1
· 2 3
(c) 0. 8
· 1
· (g) −4.3
(d) 193.5 (h) 114 .9 7
2. List twelve rational numbers which lie between:
(a) −1 and 0 (b) 4 and 5 (c) −3 and −4 3. Represent all real numbers x such that x <
, on a number line.
4. Represent −4 ≤ x < 4 on a number line for all real numbers x. 5. Write an inequality for real numbers x represented on the following number line:
6. Find the value of each of the following expressions:
(a) _38
− _116 +
(b) 1
+ 2_34
+ 3_45
(c) − _172
+ _110 − _310
(d) 62.15 − 88.765 + 45 . 678 (e) 2
+ 4_15

_13 _
$ \frac{1}{5}-1\frac{1}{4}$
7. Find the value of each of the following expressions:
(a) _23
× 3_916
(b) 2
÷ (−3_34
) (g)
$$\mathbf{c})\ -{\frac{4}{5}}\div{\frac{2}{2}}$$
÷ _33
÷ 2) (h)
$$\mathrm{(h)}\ \ {\frac{6{\frac{2}{3}}\times2{\frac{4}{5}}-3}{\left(2{\frac{2}{3}}\times2{\frac{4}{5}}\right)-3}}$$
− (− 7 × _311 ) (i) − _165
$$\mathbf{(i)}\ -{\frac{16}{5}}\times\left(-{\frac{3}{8}}\times-{\frac{2}{9}}\right)$$
8. Which of the following numbers are:
(a) Rational? (b) Irrational? (c) Real?
0.1234…, _227
, − √
_5 , 10, _13
, 0, −
, π, √
_11 , −1984, 8.01001…, 2.16.
9. Use the symbol >, <, or = to compare each of the following pairs of numbers:
(a) _227 and 3.14 (d) 6.012 and 4(1.503)
(b) − √
_5 and − √
_6 (e) 2 and −2.3
(c) 1.01001 and 1.01001… (f) 0 and −0.9898
10. Represent the solution of each of the following on a number line:
(a) | 2 − x | = 1 (d) | 2 − x | ≤ 2 (b) | 2x − 5 | = 3 (e) 2|x| = 6
(c) | x − 5| = 5 (f) | x + 5 | ≥ 7
11. Show the solution of each of the following on a number line:
(a) |−3 + x| = 0
(b) | x − 4 | = 5
(c) | x −
_12 |
> 4
12. In a certain school, the number of girls is two thirds of the number of boys. How many boys are there if the school has a total of 2 355 students?
13. Akbar deposited _724of his salary in his savings bank account, _18 of his salary was spent on house rent, _13 of the same salary was spent on food, and he remained with 60 000 Tanzanian shillings. Find his salary.
14. Twenty-five pieces of wire, each 14_15 centimetres long, were cut from a reel whose length was 500 centimetres long. What was the length of the remaining wire after cutting the pieces?
15. Show on a number line the values which are less than half the sum of −
_38 and _38 by 12.
16. A woman spent a total of 53 750 Tanzanian shillings to buy 3_12 kilograms of onions at 2 000 Tanzanian shillings per kilogram, 6
_12 kilograms of tomatoes at 1 500 Tanzanian shillings per kilogram, 3 litres of cooking oil at 3 000 Tanzanian shillings per litre, and 12 litres of paraffin. Find the price of paraffin per litre.
17. In a certain year, a school harvested 182 bags of maize from its farm. If _413 of the harvest was reserved for the students, calculate the amount of money obtained by the school after selling the remaining amount of maize at 6 750 Tanzanian shillings per bag.
18. If _924of the candidates who sat for the National Form Four Basic Mathematics Examination at a certain school got at least grade C, how many candidates got below grade C if there were 288 candidates?
## Project 8
Construct a table that includes some natural numbers, integers, whole numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and two pairs of numbers each with the same absolute value. Give out your views on all the numbers in the table.
# Chapter Ten Ratios, Profit, And Loss
## Introduction
Ratios are used in calculating proportions, rates, percentages, and dividing the profit or amount between two or more objects. Profit can be defined as a positive gain from an investment or business operation after subtracting all the expenses. It is a surplus remaining after deducting the total cost from the total revenue. Loss is a negative gain from an investment or business operation after subtracting all the expenses. *Profit and loss projection* can serve the goal of planning for a new business or for an ultimate goal of controlling operations. In this chapter, you will learn about ratios, proportions, profit made, loss made, percentage profit, percentage loss, and simple interest. The competencies developed will help you in daily life situations such as managing business, assets, revenues and expenditures, as well as predicting profits or losses that may arise in business and investment among other applications.
## Ratios Activity 1: The Concept Of Ratio

Individually or in groups, perform the following task: Shop A sells 5 kilograms of rice for 10 000 Tanzanian shillings and shop B sells 4 kilograms of rice for 7 200 Tanzanian shillings. (a) Which is a better value for money? (b) Are the rates the same? Why? (c) What will 7 kilograms of rice cost in shop A? Share your results with your fellow students through discussion.
A ratio is the relationship of two or more numbers or quantities expressed in the same units by division. It is a quantitative relationship between two or more amounts showing the number of times one value contains the other or is contained within the other. Ratios are sometimes treated as fractions. For example; Jaha and Siwema The ratio is 15 000 to 25 000 or 15 000 ÷ 25 000 = _15 000 25 000 =
shared 40 000 Tanzanian shillings. If Jaha received 15 000 Tanzanian shillings and Siwema got 25 000 Tanzanian shillings, find the ratio of the amounts they received.
Similary, the ratio of 30 to 135 is the same as _30 135 or
, written as 2 : 9, with 2 and 9 being the terms of the ratio. Therefore, the ratio of 15 000 to 25 000 is 3 to 5 and is usually written as 3 : 5.
In general, a ratio between the numbers p and q is written as p : q, which is equivalent to p ÷ *q or* pq . Thus, a ratio is also written as a fraction. It should be noted that multiplying or dividing both terms of a ratio by the same number does not change the ratio. In other words, 2 : 4 = 4 : 8 (multiplying both terms of the ONLY
ratio by 2). To reduce a ratio to its lowest terms, express the ratio as a fraction and reduce the fraction to its lowest term.

A man's monthly income is 1 274 000 Tanzanian shillings. He spends 1 078 000 Tanzanian shillings every month. Find the ratio of his: (a) Income to expenditure. (b) Savings to income. Solution Given; Income = Tsh 1 274 000 Expenditure = Tsh 1 078 000 Hence, Savings = Tsh (1 274 000 - 1 078 000)
= Tsh 196 000.
(a) Income : Expenditure = _1 274 000 1 078 000
= 13 : 11. Therefore, Income : Expenditure = 13 : 11.
(b) Savings : Income = _196 000 1 274 000
= 2 : 13. Therefore, Savings : Income = 2 : 13.
A mathematics club has 21 members of which 13 are females and the rest are males. What is the ratio of males to all club members? Solution Number of females = 13 Total number of club members = 21 Number of males = Total number of club members − Number of females = 21 - 13 = 8. Therefore, the ratio of males to all club members = 8 : 21.
Express the ratio 200 cm : 1 m in its lowest form.
Solution Using comparison of metric units 1 m = 100 cm. Thus, 200 cm : 1 m = 200 cm : 100 cm = 2 : 1. Therefore, the ratio 200 cm : 1 m in its lowest form is 2 : 1.
A special cereal mixture contains rice, wheat, and corn in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5, respectively. If a bag of the mixture contains 3 kilograms of rice, how much corn does it contain? Solution Let x = amount of corn in kg The items in the ratio as a fraction is _rice corn =
_3x Thus, _25
_3x 2x = 3 × 5 x = 7. 5.
Therefore, the mixture contains 7.5 kilograms of corn.
Alternatively Let x be the amount of the mixture in kg.
Then _210 x = 3 kg 2x = 10 × 3 kg 2x = 30 kg USE

= _302 kg x = 15 kg.
Thus, the amount of corn in the mixture is _510 × 15 kg = 7.5 kg.
Therefore, the mixture contains 7.5 kilograms of corn.
A clothing store sells T-shirts in only three colours: red, blue, and green. The colours are in the ratio of 3 to 4 to 5, respectively. If the store has 20 blue T-shirts, how many T-shirts are there in the store?
Let x be the number of red T-shirts and y be the number of green T-shirts. Writing the items in ratios as fraction is:
_red blue =
= _x20 (1)
green blue =
= _
y 20 (2)
Solving equations (1) and (2) for x and y:
From equation (1), we have,
= _x20 4x = 3 × 20
= _604
x = 15. From equation (2), we have,
= _
y 20
4y 4
= _100 4
4y = 5 × 20
y = 25.
Thus, the total number of T-shirts is 15 + 20 + 25 = 60. Therefore, the store has 60 T-shirts.
| Express each of the following ratios in its lowest term: 1. 8 : 12 6. 160 : 96 11. _1 4 : _1 7 2. 40 : 50 7. 144 : 81 12. _2 5 : 1 _3 5 FOR 3. 100 : 50 8. 3 _1 2 : 1 _1 4 13. 0 . 17 : 1 4. 77 : 35 9. 14 :_1 2 14. 3 . 5 : 0 . 07 | | | |
| 5. | 48 : 36 | 10. 1 _1 2 : 2 _1 2 | 15. 7 : 0. 007 |
16. 120 : 105 19. 0.75 km to 0.5 km 17. Tsh 136 to Tsh 4 20. 120 km to 105 km 18. 50s to 90s Complete the following ratios:
21. 25 : ____ = 5 : 6 25. _47
: _20 27. 12 : ___ = 3 : 7 22. 15 : 20 = 18 : _____ 23. 24 : 8 = ____ : 7 26. 4 : 9 = ___ : 63 28. ___ : 8 = 21 : 24 24. _306
= _9
29. A herd of 52 horses consists of 12 white horses and black horses. What is the ratio of white horses to black horses?
30. The ratio of girls to boys in a swimming club was 2 : 4. If 14 members were girls, how many members were there?
31. If 4A = 5B = 6C, find the ratio A : B : C. 32. Find the ratio A : B : C, when:
(a) A : B = 3 : 5 and A : C = 6 : 7 (b) B : C = _12
_16 and A : B = _13
33. Divide 37 000 Tanzanian shillings into three portions such that the second portion is
of the third portion and the ratio between the first and the third portion is 3 : 5. Find each portion.
## Proportions Activity 2: Recognising Proportions
Individually or in groups, perform the following task: Ashura shared a box of chocolates with her brother Amir. She said "2 for you and 3 for me" as she divided them out in the ratio 2 : 3. She continued until all the chocolates had been divided up. When she had finished, she said to Amir,
"Ok, you got _23 of the chocolates, because I divided them in the ratio 2 : 3".
(a) Was Ashura correct?
(b) Is there any difference between 2 : 3 and _23
Share your results with your fellow students through presentation ONLINE
From Activity 2 above, the ratio 2 : 3 compares part to part, and so Amir got _23 of Ashura's chocolates rather than _23 of the total. In fact, the chocolates were divided into 5 equal portions of which Amir received two and Ashura three. So, Amir's number of chocolates was only _25 of the total.

A proportion is a part, a share, or a number considered in comparison to a whole. It is a statement that two ratios are equal. It can be written in two ways:
(a) As two equal fractions; _ab =
, or
(b) Using colons; a : b = c : d. When two ratios are equal, then the cross multiplication of their ratios are equal, that is, *a : b = c : d,* which gives a × *d = b × c.* When three numbers *a, b,* and c are in continued proportion, then c is called the third proportional. The third proportional of two numbers a and b is defined as:
a : b : : b : c, that is, _ab
= _bc
Find the proportional parts of 156 in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5. Solution Given the total number of parts = 156, ratio = 3 : 4 : 5.
The sum of the terms of the ratio is 3 + 4 + 5 = 12. The required proportional parts are:
_312 of 156 = _312 × 156 = 39, _412 of 156 = _412 × 156 = 52, USE
and _512 of 156 = _512 × 156 = 65.
Therefore, the required proportional parts are 39, 52, and 65.
The ratio of the number of girls to that of boys in a school is 7 : 12. If the number of boys in the school is 1 380, find (a) the number of girls in the school. (b) the total number of students in the school.
Solution Given Number of girls : Number of boys = 7 : 12 Number of boys = 1 380 (a) To find the number of girls in the school, let the number of girls be x. Then, 7 : 12 = x :1 380
_712 = _x 1 380 12x = 7 × 1 380 x = _7 × 1 380 12
= 805. Therefore, the number of girls in the school is 805. (b) The total number of students = Number of girls + Number of boys = 805 + 1 380 = 2 185.
Therefore, the total number of students in the school is 2 185.
The first, second, and third terms of a proportion are 42, 36, and 35. Find the fourth term. Solution Let the fourth term be x. Thus, 42, 36, 35, x are in proportion. Product of extreme terms = 42 × *x.* Product of mean terms = 36 × 35. Since the terms make up a proportion, FOR
then, 42x = 36 × 35 x = _36 × 35 42
x = 6 × 5 x = 30. Therefore, the fourth term of the proportion is 30.
1. Divide the following in the given ratios:
(a) 100 in the ratio 7 : 3 (c) 16 in the ratio 3 : 3 : 2
(b) 75 in the ratio 3 : 2 (d) _12 in the ratio 4 : 1 2. If 800 kilograms of rice are shared between two families in the ratio 3 : 2, how much does each family get?
3. Divide 60 000 Tanzanian shillings among Juma, Ali, and John in the ratio 5 : 3 : 2.
4. Juma, Ali, Mary and Kato have 300, 100, 500, and 600 shares in a cooperative shop, respectively. Divide 150 000 Tanzanian shillings among them in the ratio of their shares.
5. Magnesium combines with oxygen in the ratio 3 : 2 by mass to form a new substance. What mass of magnesium would be needed to combine with 1.4 kg of oxygen?
6. Divide 28.6 kg of meat among four families in the ratio 4 : 5 : 6 : 7. 7. A powdery mixture is made up of powders A and B in the ratio 5 : 4. If 72 kg of this mixture are required, how much of each type should be used?
8. An alloy is made up of metals x and y in the ratio 2.4 : 1 by mass. How much mass of x is required if 8 kg of y is used to make the alloy?
9. If the ratio of lead to tin in a solder is 1.8 : 1, how much mass of tin is needed when 90 kg of lead is used?
10. A line segment AB, which is 24 cm long, is divided at a point P (between A and B) in the ratio 7 : 5. Find the lengths of ‾AP and ‾PB.
11. The volumes of two tanks are in the ratio 2 : 5. If the volume of the first tank is 2 600 litres, find the total volume of the two tanks.

12. A real horse is 1.8 m high. The statue of the horse is 3 m high. What is the ratio of the height of the horse to the height of the statue?
13. Jason has 500, 200, and 100 Tanzanian shilling coins. The ratio of the total amount of these coins is 2 : 3 : 5, and the total amount is 780 000 Tanzanian shillings. Find the numbers of the coins of each kind.
14. Find the fourth proportional of 6, 9, and 12.
15. Find the third proportional of 2n2 and 3n2.
## Profit And Loss Activity 3 : Recognising Profit And Loss
Individually or in groups, perform the following task: Juma and Salome went to an electronic shop and bought the following goods:
Juma bought a radio for 24 000/= and Salome bought a television set for 132 000/=. After 6 years, Juma and Salome decided to sell those goods. Juma sold his radio for 34 000/=, and Salome sold the television set for 90 000/=. What is the difference of the buying price and selling price for each item? Did Juma get a loss or a profit? Did Salome get a profit or a loss?
Businesses involve buying and selling commodities. Business people are mostly interested in knowing the difference between the buying price and the selling price of the items. When the selling price is higher than the buying price, then the difference obtained is called a profit. When the selling price is lower than the buying price, then the difference obtained is called a loss.
Profit = Selling Price - Buying Price ONLINE
Loss = Buying Price - Selling price The profit made can be expressed in percentage profit as, Percentage profit = Profit made × 100% _______________ Buying price and the loss made can also be expressed in a percentage loss as, FOR
Percentage loss = Loss made × 100% _______________ Buying price .
A house was sold at a profit of 900 000 Tanzanian shillings. If the percentage profit was 37 _12
%, what was the buying price of the house?
Solution Given; Profit made = Tsh 900 000, percentage profit = 37_12
Percentage profit = Profit made × 100% _______________ Buying price 37_12
% =
Tsh 900 000 × 100% ________________ Buying price or 37
% × Buying price = Tsh 900 000 × 100%
Buying price = Tsh 900 000 × 100 × 2 ___________________ 75
= Tsh 2 400 000. Therefore, the buying price of the house was 2 400 000 Tanzanian shillings. Example 2 ONLY
A damaged chair that costs Tsh 11 000 was sold at a loss of 10%. Find: (a) The loss made (b) The selling price.
Solution Given; Cost (buying price) = Tsh 11 000, percentage loss = 10%
(a) Percentage loss =
Loss made × 100% _______________ Buying price ONLINE
10% =
Loss made × 100% _______________ Tsh 11 000 10% × Tsh 11 000 = Loss made × 100%
or Loss made × 100 = Tsh 11 000 × 10
$\ast$ $\ast$ $\ast$ $\ast$ $\ast$
Loss made =

Tsh 11 000 × 10 _____________
$$\frac{\mathrm{Tsh}\ 11\ 000\times1}{100}$$
= Tsh 1 100. Therefore, the loss made was 1 100 Tanzanian shillings.
(b) Buying price - Selling price = Loss made. Tsh 11 000 - Selling price = Tsh 1 100 Selling price = Tsh (11 000 - 1 100) = Tsh 9 900. Therefore, the selling price of the chair was 9 900 Tanzanian shillings. Alternatively Getting a loss of 10%, means that, the selling price is (100% –10%) of the buying price. Buying price = 90% of Tsh 11 000
=_90 100 × Tsh 11 000
= Tsh 9 900. Therefore, the selling price of the chair was 9 900 Tanzanian shillings.
Jenny bought a calculator for 42 000 Tanzanian shillings, and sold it at a loss of 6
%. How much did she sell the calculator?
Solution Given; Buying price = Tsh 42 000, percentage loss = 6_23
Percentage loss =
Loss made × 100% _______________ Buying price ONLINE
% =
Loss made × 100% ________________ Tsh 42 000
Loss made ×100 ___________ Tsh 42 000 Loss made =
Tsh 420 × 20 ___________
= Tsh 2 800. Selling price = Buying price - Loss made = Tsh 42 000 - Tsh 2 800 = Tsh 39 200. Therefore, Jenny sold the calculator for 39 200 Tanzanian shillings.
1. Find the profit (or loss) when a toy is bought for:
(a) Tsh 13 000 and sold for Tsh 13 600 (b) Tsh 4 000 and sold for Tsh 3 800 (c) Tsh 4 000 and sold for Tsh 4 800 (d) Tsh 1 250 and sold for Tsh 1 500
| (e) Tsh 8 000 and sold for Tsh 7 500 |
| (a) Tsh 16 000 at a profit of 15% |
2. Find the buying price of an item which is sold for:
(b) Tsh 9 800 at a loss of 40% (c) Tsh 7 400 at a profit of 32% (d) Tsh 30 000 at a loss of 16% (e) Tsh 108 500 at a profit of 7%
3. Find the selling price of an item which was bought for:
(a) Tsh 25 000 at a profit of 24% (b) Tsh 18 000 at a profit of 30% (c) Tsh 150 000 at a profit of 10% (d) Tsh 680 000 at a loss of 6%
| (e) Tsh 80 000 at a loss of 7_1 2 % |
4. John sold a damaged mattress at 37
% loss. If the loss was 9 000 Tanzanian shillings, find the selling price of the mattress.
5. A book dealer bought 10 books for 20 000 Tanzanian shillings. If _25 of the books were sold at 3 000 Tanzanian shillings each, and the remaining books were sold at 2 500 Tanzanian shillings each, what was the percentage profit?
6. A man decided to sell his car at a 14% loss, which is equivalent to 300 000 Tanzanian shillings. What was the buying price of the car?
7. A machine costing 180 000 Tanzanian shillings is sold at a profit of 40%.
What is its selling price?
8. At a clearance sale, boots which cost 30 000 Tanzanian shillings each were sold at a loss of 25%. Calculate the loss and the clearance price.
9. Alfred bought a second-hand car for 4 700 000 Tanzanian shillings and spent 600 000 Tanzanian shillings on its repair. If he sold the car for 5 600 000 Tanzanian shillings, what was his profit?
## Simple Interest
When a person is in need, he or she may decide to borrow a certain amount of money from a friend, a bank that offers loans or from a money lender. The person will be required to pay back the amount borrowed after a specific period of time with an additional amount of money. Thus, we define the following terms:
Interest (I) is the extra amount paid in return after taking a loan or after making investment.
Principal (P) is the money borrowed or deposited. It is the initial deposit or loan amount.
Rate (R) is the percentage charge of the principal on which the interest is paid. Time (T) is the period over which the principal is deposited or borrowed.
Amount (A) is the sum of the principal and the interest. It is the future value of the investment or loan amount. Thus, Amount = Principal + Interest.
The simple interest for any given period of time is the product of principal, rate, and time. When the interest is calculated uniformly on the original principal throughout the loan period, then it is called a simple interest.

Formula for calculating simple interest Let P be the principal, R be the rate, and T be the time. Then, the simple interest I is given by the formula:
I = _PRT
100 .
Find the time in which a person investing 30 000 Tanzanian shillings will earn 6 000 Tanzanian shillings at the rate of 5% interest per annum.
Solution Given: P = Tsh 30 000, I = Tsh 6 000, R = 5%, required to find time T.
100 Tsh 6 000 =
Tsh 30 000 × 5 × T _______________ 100 T = ___________ 6 000 × 100 30 000 × 5
= 4 years. Therefore, the time is 4 years. Example 2 USE
The interest in 4 years on a principal of 90 000 Tanzanian shillings is 25 200 Tanzanian shillings. Find the rate.
Solution Given: P = Tsh 90 000, T = 4 years, I = Tsh 25 200, required to find R.
I = _PRT
100 Tsh 25 200 = Tsh 90 000 × R × 4 ________________ 100 R = _25 200 90 000 × 4
× 100

Therefore, the rate is 7%.
Alex borrowed 100 000 Tanzanian shillings for 5 years at 10% simple interest.
What amount of money did Alex pay back? Solution Given: P = Tsh 100 000, R = 10%, T = 5 years, required to find the amount paid back; I = _PRT
100 I =
Tsh 100 000 × 10 × 5 100
= Tsh 50 000. Amount = Principal + Interest = Tsh 100 000 + Tsh 50 000 = Tsh 150 000.
Therefore, Alex paid back 150 000 Tanzanian shillings.
Mwanaisha borrowed 2 800 000 Tanzanian shillings from a bank which charges an interest rate of 8%. How much interest did she pay after two years and eight months?
Solution Given: P = Tsh 2 800 000, R = 8%, T = 2 _812 =
years, required to find I;
I = _PRT
Tsh 2 800 000 × 8 × 8 100 × 3
= Tsh 28 000 × _643

≈ Tsh 597 333. Therefore, Mwanaisha paid the interest of 597 333 Tanzania shillings.

Manyilizu deposited 540 000 000 Tanzanian shillings in a bank account. After one year, he received 600 000 000 Tanzanian shillings. Find the interest he received.
Solution Given: P = Tsh 540 000 000, A = Tsh 600 000 000, required to find interest (I); I = A - P = Tsh 600 000 000 - Tsh 540 000 000 = Tsh 60 000 000. Therefore, Manyilizu received an interest of 60 000 000 Tanzanian shillings.
1. Find the simple interest on:
(a) Tsh 80 000 for 1 year at the rate of 6.5% per annum. (b) Tsh 140 000 for 6 years at the rate of 11.5% per annum. (c) Tsh 20 000 for 3 years at the rate of 8% per annum. (d) Tsh 200 000 for 2 years at the rate of 6% per annum. (e) Tsh 800 000 for 4 years at the rate of 9.5% per annum. (f) Tsh 1600 000 for 2 years and 4 months at the rate of 8% per annum. (g) Tsh 4 800 000 for 4 years at the rate of 10% per annum. (h) Tsh 250 000 for 3 years at the rate of 7.5% per annum. (i) Tsh 300 000 for 4 years and 2 months at the rate of 8.5% per annum. (j) Tsh 7 000 000 for 5 years at the rate of 12% per annum.
2. Find the number of years in which the interest on:
(a) Tsh 2 000 000 at the rate of 7% per year is Tsh 480 000. (b) Tsh 6 000 000 at the rate of 5% per year is Tsh 300 000. (c) Tsh 40 000 at the rate of 8% per year is Tsh 3 600.
3. Find the percentage rate at which the interest on:
(a) Tsh 200 000 for 4 years is Tsh 56 000. (b) Tsh 1 600 000 for 3 years is Tsh 384 000. (c) Tsh 6 000 000 for 7 years is Tsh 5 040 000.
4. Find the simple interest on 54 000 000 Tanzanian shillings invested for 18 months at the rate of 12% per annum.
5. Find the rate if the principal of 500 000 Tanzanian shillings is invested for a period of 2 years with an interest of 140 000 Tanzanian shillings.

6. Find the rate on a principal of 75 000 000 Tanzanian shillings invested for a period of 4 years, if the interest is 9 300 000 Tanzanian shillings.
7. For how long was 84 000 Tanzanian shillings invested at the rate of 7.5%
per annum if the interest was 27 800 Tanzanian shillings?
8. For how long should 6 720 000 Tanzanian shillings be invested at the rate of 5% per annum to get an interest of 560 000 Tanzanian shillings?
9. How much money should be invested at a rate of 10.5% per year to give an interest of 84 000 Tanzanian shillings for 4 years?
10. How much money will you have to lend in order to get the interest of 480 000 Tanzanian shillings at the rate of 12% per year, if you lend it for 16 months?
11. Find the principal that would earn:
(a) 540 000 Tanzanian shillings in 10 years at the rate of 5% per year. (b) 4 900 000 Tanzanian shillings in 7 years at the rate of 10% per year.
12. Irene invested a certain amount of money and got back an amount of 840 000 Tanzanian shillings. If the bank paid an interest of 70 000 Tanzanian shillings, find the amount she invested.
13. Find the interest on 850 000 at _503
% per year for 9 months.
14. Find the interest on a loan of 2 500 000 Tanzanian shillings that is borrowed at 9% per year for 14 months.
15. Find the time period if the interest on 80 000 Tanzanian shillings at 20%
per annum is 68 000 Tanzanian shillings.
16. Find the principal that will earn 450 000 Tanzanian shillings in 5 years at the rate of 12 _12
% per year.
## Chapter Summary
1. A ratio is a comparison by division between two or more quantities which are in the same unit and can be simplified as a fraction.
2. A proportion is a statement that two ratios are equal. 3. A profit is made by selling an item at a price higher than the buying price. 4. A loss is made by selling an item at a price lower than the buying price. 5. Simple interest is an arrangement in which the money borrowed is returned with extra money called interest during its interest period, and is calculated using the formula: I = _PRT
100 .

## Revision Exercise
1. Decrease:
(a) 55 years by 5% (b) 2 hours by 25% (c) Tsh 1 500 000 by 20%
2. Increase:
(a) 2 000 by 10% (b) 80 kg by 25% (c) 8 hours by 4.5%
3. A tradesman has a capital of 1 520 000 Tanzanian shillings. If he increases it by 20%, how much will he have?
4. Three relatives share 180 950 Tanzanian shillings so that the first receives twice as much as the second, and the second receives twice as much as the third. How much does the first receive?
5. Find the number of years in which the interest on 40 000 Tanzanian shillings at the rate of 5% per annum is 5 000 Tanzanian shillings.
6. Divide 270 kg in the ratio 1 : 4 : 5. 7. Divide 360° in the ratio 1 : 2 : 5 : 7. 8. Calcium and chlorine combine at the ratio 9 : 16. Calculate the mass of chlorine that will combine with 5 grams of calcium.
9. Find the principal that will earn an interest of 50 000 Tanzanian shillings in 4 years at the rate of 10% per annum.
10. Find the principal that will earn 72 900 Tanzanian shillings at the rate of 2
% per annum in 8 years.
## Project 9
1. Visit a nearby shop and ask a shopkeeper about the buying prices and the selling prices of some items in the shop. For each item, calculate the percentage gain or the percentage loss.
2. (a) Visit any two nearby banks and request to know the interest rate per annum charged to a loan. Using these rates, calculate the total amount that a business person will pay after 2 years if she or he borrows 30 000 000 Tanzanian shillings.
(b) Based on the results in (a), how can you advise any person who wants to invest money in either of the banks?
# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare Chapter Eleven
## Coordinate Geometry Introduction
Coordinate geometry was introduced by a French mathematician known as Rene Descartes between the years 1596 and 1650. This came after observing a fly for a long time. He realized that, he could describe the position of that fly by its distance from the walls of the room. From that case, he invented the coordinate plane which is sometimes called the Cartesian coordinate plane. Coordinates of a point are ordered pairs of numbers that specify the position of a point on a plane. Coordinate geometry is a system of geometry which describes the positions of points on the coordinate plane using ordered pairs of numbers. In this chapter, you will learn about coordinates of a point, gradient of a straight line, equation of a straight line, graphing straight lines as well as solving linear simultaneous equations graphically. The competencies developed will enable you to locate places correctly. For example; you will be able to locate and plot boundaries, interpret properly traffic information on roads, flights, and marine transport. The knowledge in coordinate geometry will also help you in business for representing some data, in astronomy for locating objects of interest in the sky, and many other applications.
## Coordinates Of A Point Activity 1: Identifying The Coordinates Of A Point
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks: 1. Stand up and look at the heads of other group members. 2. Observe and locate any students of your choice by taking the following measurements:
(a) Mesure the perpendicular distances from the student to both left and front walls.
(b) Record the measurements you have obtained in (a) in the form of
(*u, v*), where u represents the distance from the left wall and v represents the distance from the front wall.
3. Repeat task 1 and 2 several times with the students at different positions. 4. Share your findings with your fellow students through presentation, and conclude your observations with your teacher.
Each point on a plane is represented by means of an ordered pair of real numbers, called the coordinates of that point. The position of a point on a line is found by using a number line. For example; a position of point A on the following number line is –3, and the position of point B is 4.
$$\begin{array}{r l}{+}&{{}}\\ {-5}&{{}-4}\end{array}\begin{array}{r l}{\mathrm{A}}\\ {-3}\end{array}$$
$$\begin{array}{l l l l l l}{{}}&{{}}&{{}}&{{}}&{{}}&{{}}\\ {{}}&{{}}&{{}}&{{}}&{{}}&{{}}\\ {{}}&{{}}&{{-2}}&{{-1}}&{{0}}&{{1}}&{{2}}&{{3}}\end{array}$$
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
The positions of points on a plane surface are found by using two number lines, that is, horizontal number line and vertical number line. Numbers on the number lines on the plane are called coordinates. A coordinate plane is made up of two number lines intersecting at right angles as shown in Figure 11.1.


| | A(3, 4) | | | | | | | | |
| II | I | | | | | | | | |
| USE | P(5, 2) | | | | | | | | |
| 4 3 2 1 | | | | | | | | | |
| -1 | Horizontal line (x-axis) | | | | | | | | |
| ONLINE | | | | | | | | | |
| -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 0 | | | | | | | | | |
| B(-4, -2) | C(5, -2) | | | | | | | | |
| -2 | | | | | | | | | |
| III | IV | | | | | | | | |
| -3 | | | | | | | | | |
Figure 11.1: *The xy-plane showing the four quadrants*


The horizontal number line is called the x - axis, and the vertical number line is called the y - axis. The point at which the two axes intersect is called the origin.
The two axes divide the plane into four parts labelled I, II, III, and IV, called quadrants, as shown in Figure 11.1. The pair of numbers that corresponds to point A is (3,4). The first number represents a distance from the origin along the x–axis, and the second number represents a distance from the origin along the y–axis. This pair is called an ordered pair or coordinates. The order in which the numbers are written is very important.
Note that: The first number is for the x–axis and the second for the y-axis. The first number in the ordered pair is called the first coordinate or abscissa and the second number is called the second coordinate or ordinate. For example; the coordinates of P in Figure 11.1 are (5, 2). It has 5 as the x-coordinate and 2 as the y-coordinate. The coordinates of the origin are (0, 0). The origin is normally denoted by O.
When locating points on a graph paper, we often say that we are plotting points.
Activity 2: Recognisng how to read coordinates on the xy**–plane**

2. (a) Draw the coordinate plain on a graph paper and locate each of the following points:
(i) M(-1, 3) (iii) R(-3,-2) (v) Q(5,-1)
(ii) S(2,2) (iv) P(1,-4) (vi) N(3,4)
(b) State the quadrant in which each point in (a) is located. 3. Share your answers with your fellow students through presentation, and conclude with your teacher.
1. Given the following figure:
(a) Write down the coordinates of each of the labelled points. (b) State the quadrant to which the points H, K, L, and N belong.

2. Draw the axes on a graph paper and plot the following points. Join the points with line segments to form polygons. What shape have you drawn in each case?
(a) (1, 1), (3,1), (3, 3), (1, 3) (b) (–2, 1), (2, 5), (2, –2) (c) (3, 1), (5.4, 1), (4.3, 2), (3.3, 2) (d) (5.5, 3.4), (6.5, 3.4), (6.8, 4.3), (6.0, 4.9), (5.2, 4.3) (e) (1.5, –3), (6, 3), (–1.5, 3), (–6, –3)
3. In which quadrant does each of the following points lie?
(a) P(–4, –10) (c) R(16, –12) (b) T(–16, 8) (d) S(4, 2).
4. Locate the following points on the xy–plane: A(1, 2), B(–2, 4), C(0, 0),
D(3, - 4), E(–3, –2), F(–5, 0), G(4, 0), H(0, 5), I(0, –4)
(a) Join the points A and B, B and E, A and E by line segments. (b) Use a protractor to measure angle BAE.
## Gradient Of A Straight Line Activity 3: Recognising The Gradient Of A Straight Line
Individually or in groups, use a graph paper to perform the following tasks:
1. Plot the points A(2, 1), B(5, 6), C(2, 7), and D(6, 1) on the xy–plane.
2. Find the vertical increase and horizontal increase of AB‾, CD‾, BA‾, and DC‾.
3. Find the ratios between the vertical increases and the horizontal increases of ‾AB and ‾BA.
4. Give the relationship between the ratios of increases for ‾AB and ‾BA.
5. What happens as you move from A to B along the interval?
Gradient, m = _
change in y change in x
A gradient or slope is a measure of steepness of a straight line and is denoted by m.
In coordinate geometry, the standard way to define the gradient of a straight line is by finding the ratio between the change in y (vertical increase) to the change in x (horizontal increase), that is, ONLINE
Consider any right-angled triangle formed by the points A(x1
, y1
) and B(x2
, y2
) with the hypotenuse ‾AB as shown in Figure 11.3. The gradient is determined by the ratio of the length of the vertical side of the triangle to the length of the horizontal side of the triangle. The length of the vertical side of the triangle is the difference in y-values of the points A and B. The length of the horizontal side of the triangle is the difference in x-values of the points A and B.

m = _
change in y change in x
Figure 11.3: *Gradient of a straight line*
The gradient m of the straight line AB is determined by using the following formula:
m =
− y _1 x2
− x1 or m =
− y _2 x1
− x2
Note that: When calculating the gradient, the order of writing the coordinate values in the equation does not matter. One may choose to start writing the second point and the other may choose to start writing the first point, provided that the coordinates are substracted correspondingly.
The following are the procedures for calculating the gradient of a straight line joining two points A(x1
, y1
) and B(x2
, y2
1. Write down the formula for calculating the gradient, m =
− y _1 x2
− x1
2. Assign values to (x1
, y1
) and (x2
, y2
3. Substitute the values into the formula to obtain the gradient m. 4. Write the final answer which is the gradient m.
Use the following figure to find: (a) The gradient of the line segment CD (b) The gradient of the line segment DC (c) Compare the gradients obtained in (a) and (b)

(a) Gradient of the line segment CD =
− y _1 x2
− x1
where (x1
, y1
) = (6, 1) and (x2
, y2
) = (2, 7).
m = _7 − 1 2 − 6

Therefore, the gradient of the line segment CD is −
_32 .
(b) Gradient of the line segment DC = _
change in y change in x
− y _1
= −_32 .
= _1 −7
Where (x1
, y1
) = (2, 7) and (x2
, y2
) = (6, 1)
= _−64
Therefore, the gradient of the line segment CD is −
_32 .
(c) As we move from point C to point D, the y-values decrease as the x-values increase. Therefore, the gradient of the line segment CD is negative. Also, the gradient of the line segment DC is the same as the gradient of the line ONLY
segment CD.
If a line is vertical, the change in x-values is zero, and the gradient of the line is not defined. This is shown by the line segment PN in Figure 11.4.

Figure 11.4: The gradient of PN is not *defined*
321 m =
− y _1 x2
− x1 where (x1
, y1
) = (3, 1) and (x2
, y2
) = (3, 4)
The gradient of the vertical line segment joining the two points P(3, 4) and N(3, 1) can be obtained as follows:
m = _4 − 1 3 − 3
Therefore, m =
Since the gradient of PN is undefined, we conclude that, PN is vertical.
If the line is horizontal, the change in y-values is zero and the gradient of the line is zero, as shown by the line segment DE in Figure 11.5:

Figure 11.5: *The gradient of line segment DE is zero*
m =
− y _1 x2
− x1
The gradient of the horizontal line segment joining two points D(1, 2) and E(5, 2) can be obtained as follows:
$\uparrow$ .
m = _2 − 2 5 − 1
Given x1
= 1, x2 = 5, y1
= 2, and y2
= 2 FOR
= 0.
Therefore, m = 0.
Since the gradient of the line segment DE is zero, we conclude that DE‾ is horizontal.
Use the following figure to find the gradient of the straight line joining the points:
(a) B and C (b) B and D.

m =
y 2
− y _1 x 2
− x 1
m =
y 2
− y _1 x 2
− x 1
(a) Gradient of the line joining B(1, 2) and C(0, - 1) is given by:
(b) Gradient of the line joining B(1, 2) and D(–1, - 4) is given by:
, ,
where (x1
, y1
) = (0, –1)
and (x2
, y2
) = (1, 2)
m = _
2 − (–1)
1 − 0

where (x1
, y1
) = (1, 2)
m =
−_4 − 2 −1 − 1
= _−6
−2 and (x2
, y2
) = (–1, –4)
= 3.
Therefore, the gradient of
⟷BC is 3.
Therefore, the gradient of
⟷BD is 3.
From Example 2, it can be observed that the gradient of a straight line does not change no matter what pair of points are used, provided that all the points lie on the same straight line. To calculate the gradient of a straight line, any two points which lie on the line can be used.

Find the gradient of the given straight line in the following figure.
Solution Choose any two points which lie on the straight line. For example; points P(3, 5) and Q(0, 1).
m =
− y _1 x2
− x1
Given, x1
= 3, x2
= 0

= 1
Therefore, the gradient of the given straight line is
by using the formula m =
− y _1 x2
− x1 or m =
− y _2 x1
− x2
Generally, to calculate the gradient of a straight line, choose any two points P(x1
, y1
) and Q(x2
, y2
) both of which lie on the line, then calculate its gradient
1. Plot each of the following pairs of points on a graph paper and join them by a straight line. For each pair, calculate the gradient of the straight line, and state whether it is positive, negative, zero, or undefined:
(a) (0, 3), (2, 5) (g) (0, 2), (6, 2) (b) (5, 8), (4, 1) (h) (2, 3), (–1, –3) (c) (1, 5), (4, 7) (i) (2, 10), (2, 0) (d) (2, 6), (5, 3) (j) (0, 2), (0, 5) (e) (1, 6), (3, –1) (k) (1, 0), (4, 0) (f) (3, 6), (–2, –1)
2. Calculate the gradient of the straight line which pass through each of the following pairs of points:
(a) (2, 1), (7, 6) (g) (–2, 1), (4, 3) (b) (5, 12), (3, 2) (h) (–4, 4), (–3, –3) (c) (3, 7), (1, –1) (i) (2, 6), (0, 3)
(d) (–1, 5), (–4, 1) (j) (3
, _−1 2
), (−7_12
, 2)
(e) (–1, 6), (4, 1) (k) (99, 6), (119, 1) (f) (–4, 4), (1, –4) (l) (0.64, - 0.62), (–1.36, - 0.62)
3. Study the following graph, and answer the questions that follow.
FOR ONLINE USE ONLY 
(a) What are the coordinates of the points P, Q, and R?
(b) Find the gradients of ‾PQ, ‾PR, and ‾QR.
(c) Write the name of the polygon formed by joining the points P, Q, and R.
## Equation Of A Straight Line Use Activity 4 : Determining The Equation Of A Straight Line
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks:
1. Plot the following points on the xy–plane: A(0, 8), B(1, 6), C(2, 4),
D(3, 2), E(4,0) and F(5, –2).
2. Join the points in task 1 by straight lines.
3. Find the gradients of the line segments BC, DE, and AF.
4. What can you say about the gradients of the line segments BC, DE, and AF?
5. Find the equation of the straight line joining the points B and C.
6. Share your results with your fellow students through presentation.
Consider a straight line through the points A(3, 7) and B(–2, –3) as shown in the following figure.

Figure 11.6: *A straight line AB*
Suppose there is another point P(*x, y*)
which lies on the line AB. The gradient of this line can be found using either the pair of points (3, 7) and (–2, –3) or (*x, y*)
and (3, 7), or (–2, –3) and (*x, y*).
The gradient of the line AB using the points (3, 7) and (–2, –3) is given by
m =
$${\begin{array}{r}{{\mathrm{its~(3,7)~and~(-2,-3)~is}}}\\ {m={\frac{y_{2}\,-\,y_{1}}{x_{2}\,-\,x_{1}}}}\end{array}}$$
− y _1
m = _–3 − 7 –2 - 3 Given; x1 = 3, x2 = –2, y1 = 7, y2 = –3.
= _–10
= 2.
Therefore, the gradient of the line AB is 2.
Using the points (*x, y*) and (3, 7):
m =
$$\begin{array}{r}{m={\frac{y_{2}-y_{1}}{x_{2}-x_{1}}}}\\ {x_{1}=3,x_{2}=x_{3}}\\ {x_{2}=x_{1}}\\ {x_{3}=x_{2}}\\ {x_{4}=x_{5}}\end{array}$$
− y _1
Given; $\Large{x_1}=3$, $\Large{x_2}=7$ $\Large\begin{array}{rl}m&=\dfrac{y-7}{x-3}\\ \text{But,}m&=2\text{,thus,}\\ &\text{7}\end{array}$
= x, y1
= 7, and y2
= y.
2 = _
= _
Cross multiplication gives 1(y − 7) = 2(x − 3)
y − 7 = 2x − 6 y = 2x − 6 + 7 y = 2x + 1.
Therefore, the equation of ‾AB is y = 2x + 1.
The equation y = 2x + 1 is called the equation of the straight line AB.
Generally, the equation of a straight line can be written in the form y = mx + c, where m is the gradient and c is the y–intercept. The y–intercept is the point at which the line intersects the y–axis. It is always the point (0, c). For example; x + y = 0, y − x = 1, and 2x + 3y = 2 are linear equations whose y–intercepts are 0, 1 and _23 respectively.
The x–coordinate of the point at which a graph cuts the x–axis is called x–intercept.
In Figure 11.6, the y–intercept is 1 because the graph cuts the y–axis at point
(0, 1). The x–intercept is −0.5 because the graph cuts the x–axis at point (−0.5, 0).
In any equation, the y–intercept is at x = 0 and the x–intercept is at y = 0.
Thus, the y–intercept for the line y = 2x + 1 is y = 2 × 0 + 1 = 1.
Also, the x–intercept for the line y = 2x + 1 is obtained as follows: 0 = 2x + 1 0 − 1 = 2x + 1 − 1 −1 = 2x x = −
= − 0. 5.
Therefore, the x-intercept is − 0.5.
## Note:
The gradient (slope) and the y–
intercept of a straight line can be determined if the equation of the line is written in the form y = mx + c, where m is the gradient and c is the y-intercept.
Equation of a line, given two points Given two points, the equation of a line can be obtained by using the following steps:
1. Find the gradient and substitute it into the general equation y = *mx + c.*
2. Take any of the given points and substitute its coordinates into the new equation y = *mx +* c to obtain the value of c.
3. Substitute the obtained value of c into the equation obtained in step 1, to obtain the equation of the straight line.
Draw a straight line on a graph paper through the points P(−4, 5) and Q(−2, 1), and find: (a) The gradient of the straight line.
(b) The equation of the straight line. (c) The y–intercept.
Plot the ordered pairs P(− 4, 5) and Q(−2, 1) on the graph paper. Join the two points to make a straight line.

m =
y 2
− y _1 x 2 − x 1
(a) The gradient of the line is given by:
m = _1 − 5 −2 − (−4)
Given; x1
= −4, x2
= −2, y1
= 5, and y2
= 1.
= _−42

= − 2. Therefore, the gradient of a straight line is −2.
## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare
(b) Let A(x, y) be any point on the line, and use the point P(–4, 5)
and A(*x, y*) to obtain the equation of the line, that is,
m = _y − 5 x − (−4)
. But, m = −2.
−2 =
y_ − 5 x + 4
y_ − 5 x + 4 .
By cross multiplying, we get; 1(y − 5) = −2(x + 4)
y − 5 = −2x − 8 y = −2x − 8 + 5 y = −2x − 3.
Therefore, the equation of the straight line is y = −2x − 3.
In this case, the point A(x, y) and Q(–2, 1) can also be used to obtain the equation of the line.
(c) From either the graph or the equation y = −2*x −* 3, the y-intercept is −3. The y–intercept can also be found by setting x = 0 in the equation y = −2x − 3, y = −2(0) − 3
= 0 − 3
= −3.
Therefore, the y - intercept is −3.
Example 2 FOR
Find the equation of a straight line passing through the points (−4, 3) and (1, −7).
The equation of a straight line passing through two points (x1
, y1
and (x2
, y2
) is obtained by using the following relation:
y − y _1 x − x1
− y _1 x2
− x1
Given; x1
= −4, x2
= 1, y1
= 3, and y2
= −7, and (*x, y*) is any point on the line other than (x1
, y1
) and (x2
, y2
y − 3 x − ( − 4) = _−7 − 3 1 − ( − 4)
y − 3 x + 4
= _−105
y − 3 x + 4
= −2.
By cross multiplying, we have; y − 3 = −2(x + 4)
y − 3 = −2x − 8 y = −2x − 8 + 3 y = −2x − 5.
Therefore, the equation of the straight line is y = −2x − 5.
Equation of a straight line when its gradient and a point are given In order to find the equation of a straight line with the gradient m passing through the point A(x1
, y1
), we let P(*x, y*) to be any point on the line.
m =
y − y 1 _
x − x 1
, we obtain the equation y − y 1
= m(*x − x* 1
). This is the equation of a straight line with the gradient m passing through the point A(x1 , y1
Using the formula of the gradient,
A straight line has a gradient of _34
and it passes through the point
(–1, 2). Find:
(a) its equation (b) they–intercept Solution
(a) The equation for this line is y − y1 = m(x − x1),
m =
, x1 = −1, and y1 = 2.
Substituting the values in the equation gives:
y − 2 =
(x − (−1))
y =
x + 3.
y − 2 =
$$-\ 2={\frac{3}{4}}(x\,+\,1)$$
4(y − 2) = 3(x + 1) 4y − 8 = 3x + 3
4y = 3x + 3 + 8 4y = 3x + 11 y =
_34 x + _114
Therefore, the equation of the straight line is y =
_34 x + _114
(b) The y–intercept is _114
Example 2 FOR
Show whether or not the point P(
, 4) lies on the line obtained in Example 1.
Given a line y =
_34 x + _114
The point P (_53
, 4) lies on the line if it satisfies the equation of the given line. Substitute the values of x and y in the equation to obtain 4 =
) + _114
4 =
+ _114
4 = 4. Since the LHS is equal to the RHS,
therefore, the point P (
, 4)satisfies the equation, hence it lies on the line y =
_34 x + _114
Finding the equation of a straight line when its gradient and y**–intercept are**
given Given the gradient and the y–intercept, the equation of a line can also be obtained directly by substituting these values in the general equation of a straight line, y *= mx +* c.
Find the equation of a straight line whose gradient is
_32 and the y–intercept is 3.
Substitute the values of m =
_32 and c = 3 in the general equation of a straight line y = *mx +* c to get 330 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
Therefore, the equation of the straight line is y =
_32 x + 3.
Find the gradient and y–intercept of each of the following straight lines:
(a) 12x + 4y - 15 = 0 (b) 24 - 8x - 3y = 0
(a) Given; 12x + 4y - 15 = 0.
Make y the subject of the formula: 4y = –12x + 15.
Dividing both sides by 4, we get y = −3x + _154 .
Therefore, the gradient is –3 and the y–intercept is _154 .
(b) Given; 24 - 8x - 3y = 0.
Make y the subject of the formula: –3y = 8x - 24. Dividing both sides by –3:
y = −
_83 x + 8.
Therefore, the gradient is −
_83 and the y–intercept is 8.
1. Find the equation of each of the lines passing through the following pairs of points:
(a) (7, 9), (2, 5) (e) (4, 0), (3, 0) (i) (−4, 0), (3, −3) (b) (5, 3), (0, 1) (f) (−2, −2), (3, −4) (j) (0, 0), (–2, 2) (c) (2, 5), (5, 7) (g) (−4, 3), (8, −6) (d) (6, 1), (1, 6) (h) (−7, 2), (−1, 6)
2. Find the y–intercept of each of the lines joining the following pairs of points:
(a) (0, 0), (−3, −4) (c) (2 , 3 ), (−3 , 1) (e) (−5, 2), (3, 2) (b) (−4, −4), (4, 4) (d) (0, 4), (4, 0) (f) (−1, −2), (−5, −5)
3. Find the equation of the line using the given point and gradient:
(a) (2, 1), gradient 2 (d) (−2, −4), gradient _32
(b) (0, 5), gradient –2 (e) (0, 0), gradient –3 (c) (1, −3), gradient 3 FOR
4. Find the equation of the line using the given y–intercept and gradient:
(a) y–intercept = 2, gradient = 1
(b) y–intercept = 7, gradient = _34
(c) y–intercept = −16, gradient = 4

(a) 7x + 4y = 11 (d) 4x + 5y = 40 (b) 14x + 3y = 12 (e) 8x - y = 0 (c) 2x = 5 + y (f) 39x - 13y + 70 = 0 FOR
Graphing straight lines When the equation of a straight line is given, its graph can be drawn. In order to draw the graph of the equation of a straight line, find two or more points whose coordinates satisfy the given equation. Plot the points on the xy–plane, and join the points with a straight line.
There are three common methods used to find two or more points of the equation of a straight line. These are: (a) Using the y–intercept and a point on the line. (b) Using the x–intercept and y–intercept. (c) Constructing a table of values.
(a) Graphing straight lines using the y**–intercept and a point on the line**
Using the y–intercept and a point lying on the straight line, the graph of the line can be drawn or sketched.
It should be noted that, this method does not work if the line is parallel to the y–axis.
Draw the graph of y = 2x + 3. Solution The y–intercept is 3. The point at the y–intercept is (0, 3). Choose any value of x, say x = 1. Substitute x = 1 into the given equation to obtain y = 5, giving the point (1, 5).
Thus, we have two points, (0, 3)
and (1, 5) which lie on the line y = 2x + 3. Locate the two points on the xy–plane and draw a straight line passing through these points as shown in the following figure.

(b) Graphing straight lines using the x–intercept and the y**–intercept**
In this method, both intercepts are calculated. The x–intercept is calculated by substituting y = 0, and the y–intercept is calculated by substituting x = 0 in the given equation. It should be noted that, this method does not work if the line is parallel to any axis or passes through the origin.
Use the x–intercept and y–intercept method to sketch the graph of 2x + 3y + 6 = 0.
Solution Calculating the y–intercept: When x = 0, 3y + 6 = 0 3y = −6 y = –2.
Calculating the x–intercept: When y = 0, 2x + 6 = 0 2x = –6 x = –3.
Therefore, the y–intercept is –2 Therefore, the x–intercept is –3 and its corresponding point is (0, –2). and its corresponding point is (–3, 0) Draw a straight line passing through the x–intercept and y–intercept. Label your graph as shown in the following figure.

(c) **Graphing straight lines using a table of values**
We can use a table of values to draw straight lines when an equation is given. Example 1 FOR
Given the equation x + y = 1, complete the following table of values, and draw the corresponding graph. Table of values for x + y =1
| x | –2 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
| y | 2 | 0 | | |
Solution The following is the completed table of values for x + y = 1.
| x | –2 | –1 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
| y | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | –1 |
Locate in the xy–plane the ordered pairs obtained in the table of values. Join the points to form a straight line as shown in the following figure.

Draw a graph of the equation y - 2x = 2. Solution A table of values for this equation can be obtained as follows: Find the corresponding values of y, when some values of x are chosen or vice versa. When x = –2, y - (2 × (– 2)) = 2, that is, y = –2. When x = –1, y - (2 × (– 1)) = 2, that is, y = 0. When x = 0, y - (2 × 0) = 2, that is, y = 2.
When x = 1, y - 2 × 1 = 2, that is, y = 4. When x = 2, y - 2 × 2 = 2, that is, y = 6. The table of values for y - 2x = 2 is as follows:
| x | –2 | –1 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
| y | –2 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 |
Thus, the graph of this equation is illustrated in the following figure:

1. Construct a table of values for 2x + y –1 = 0, and then use it to draw the graph of this equation. Find the coordinates of the points where the graph meets the x–axis and the y–axis.
2. Draw a graph for each of the following equations:
(a) x + 3y = 2 (e) 2x - 9 = 3y (b) 3x - 5y = 1 (f) y + 3x = 4 (c) 7x - 2y = 28 (g) 2x = y (d) 3x - y = 2 FOR
3. Use the following graph to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Find the gradient of each of the lines through the points C and D, and through the points B and C.
(b) Find the equation of each of the lines through the points A and B, and through the points B and C.
(c) Join the points A and C by a straight line, and then find the gradient and equation of the line AC, the y–intercept and the x–intercept.
4. By finding the x–intercept and the y–intercept of each of the following equations, draw their corresponding graphs.
(a) 3x - 2y = 6 (e) 2x = y + 6 (b) x - 2y = 4 (f) 2y + 4 = x (c) 2x + y = 9 (g) x - y = 1 (d) x + y = 2 (h) x + 2y = 2 FOR
# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare Solving Linear Simultaneous Equations Graphically
Activity 5: Recognising the point of intersection of two lines graphically Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks:
1. Some values of the following tables are missing. Use the given equations to complete the tables.
Table of values of y = 2x + 1
| x | −3 | −1 | 0 | 2 | 4 | | |
| y | −3 | 1 | 3 | 7 | 9 | | |
| Table of values of y = –x + 1 x −2 | 0 | 2 | 4 | | | | |
| y | 4 | | 3 | 2 | 0 | −2 | −3 |
Table of values of y = –x + 1 x −2 0 2 4 y 4 3 2 0 −2 −3
2. From task 1, use a graph paper to draw the two equations on the same xy–plane, and then read and record the point where the two equations intersect.
3. Check if the point you obtained in task 2 satisfies both equations, and give your conclusion.
When solving linear simultaneous equations graphically, the graphs of the equations are drawn on the same xy–plane, and the coordinates of the point of intersection give the solution. Sometimes, the lines of the graphs drawn do not meet or intersect (parallel lines), which means that the simultaneous equations have no solution.
Draw the graphs of the following pair of simultaneous equations on the same xy–plane and then, find the point where the two lines intersect: y = 2x - 1 and y = –x + 2. Solution FOR
Table of values of y = 2x - 1
| x | –1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | | | | | |
| y | –3 | –1 | 1 | 3 | x | –1 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
| y | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | | | | | |
Table of values of y = –x + 2 338 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
Locate the ordered pairs of values for y = 2x - 1 on a graph paper, and join the points to make a line which is the graph of this equation. On the same xy–plane, locate the ordered pairs of values for y = –x + 2, and join the points to form a straight line which is its graph. Label each graph by its corresponding equation.

Therefore, the two lines intersect at the point (1, 1).
Note that: The point of intersection for both equations is the solution of the simultaneous equations.
Find the solution of the following pair of linear simultaneous equations graphically: 3*x - y* = 2 and 2*x - y* = 3 (use the values of x from –2 to 2).
Table of values of y = 3x − 2 Table of values of y = 2x - 3
| x | –2 | –1 | | 0 | 1 | 2 | | | | | |
| y | –8 | –5 | –2 | 1 | 4 | x | –2 | –1 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
| y | –7 | –5 | –3 | –1 | 1 | | | | | | |
Locate the ordered pairs of values for y = 3x − 2 on a graph paper, and join the obtained points to make a line which is the graph of this equation. On the same xy–plane, locate the ordered pairs of values for y = 2x - 3, and join the obtained points to make a straight line which is the graph of this equation. Label each graph by its corresponding equation.

Therefore, the two lines intersect at point Q(–1, –5).
To verify that the point Q(–1, –5) satisfies both equations: y = 3x - 2 y = 2x - 3 Substitute x = –1 and y = –5: Substitute x = –1 and y = –5: –5 = (3 × (–1)) - 2 –5 = (2 × –1) - 3 –5 = –3 - 2 –5 = –2 - 3 –5 = –5. –5 = –5. Thus, the point satisfies both equations. Therefore, the solution is (–1, –5).
Find the solution of each of the following pairs of linear simultaneous equations graphically, and counter check your answers:
$\downarrow$ .
| 2x + y | = 4 | x - 2y = − 5 | y = –2x + 5 | | |
| x + y | = 3 | 4. | { x + 3y = 15 | 7. | { y = x - 4 |
| x + y - 3 = 0 x - y - 1 = 0 | 5. | { x - 2y = 1 | 2y + 12 = 3x 4y + 8 = 2x | | |
| | x + 2y = 5 | 8. | { | | |
| x + y = 1 2x + 3y = 5 | 2x + y = 6 | y + 1 = 3x | | | |
| | 6. | { 6x - y = 6 | 9. | { y - 3 = x | |
| | ONLY | | | | |
## Chapter Summary
1. A coordinate plane is made up of two number lines intersecting at right angles.
2. The horizontal line is called the x–axis.
3. The vertical line is called the y–axis. 4. The point at which the two axes intersect is called the origin, labelled O. 5. The two axes divide the plane into four parts called quadrants. 6. Each point in the coordinate plane has two numbers called coordinates written as an ordered pair (*x, y*).
7. All points in quadrant I have positive coordinates. 8. All points in quadrant II have negative x values and positive y values. 9. All points in quadrant III have negative values for x and y.
## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare
10. All points in quadrant IV have positive values for x but negative values for y.
11. A gradient of a straight line is denoted by m.
12. A gradient or slope m of a straight line is found by taking m = _
change in y change in x .
13. A vertical line has an undefined gradient. 14. A horizontal line has a gradient whose value is 0. 15. The general form of equation of a line is y = mx + c, where m is the gradient and c is a constant known as the y–intercept.
16. Linear simultaneous equations have the uniform solution of an ordered pair (x, y).
17. Graphs of linear simultaneous equations intersect at a common point whose coordinates give the solution of an ordered pair (x, y).
## Revision Exercise
1. Locate the following pairs of points on a graph paper; join them by a straight line, and find the gradient of each line. State whether the gradient is negative, positive, undefined, or zero:
(a) (0, 0), (1, 3) (d) (7, 5), (2, 3) (b) (–1, –1), (8, 8) (e) (2.5, –3), (6.5, –4) (c) (1, 0), (0, 1) (f) (3, 6), (6, 3)
2. Draw a graph of each of the following equations by first rewriting them in the form y = mx + c:
(a) x + 6y = 5 (d) x - y = 1 (b) 5x = 3y + 8 (e) –4x + 3y = 10 (c) 4x + 7y = 28 (f) 5x - y = 4
3. Rewrite each of the following equations in the form y = mx + c and determine their gradients and y–intercepts:
(a) 4x + y = 8 (d) 3x + 4y = 23 (b) 6y = x + 2 (e) 3x + 4y + 4 = 0 (c) 2x - y = 2 (f) 3y + 4x + 9 = 0 FOR

4. Draw the graph of each of the following equations:
(a) x - 2y = 4 (c) 2x + 3y = 9 (b) 4x + y = 8 (d) 6y = x + 2 5. Use the following points and gradients to draw straight lines:
(a) (2, –1), gradient _12
, (c) (1, 4) with the gradient –4
(b) (3, 1) and the y–intercept 3 (d) ( –2, 0) and the y–intercept _13 6. Find the solutions to the following linear simultaneous equations graphically, and then verify your answers by substituting the solutions in the equations:
(a) {
x - y = –3 x + 2y = 3 (c) {
2x + y = 7 2x - 5y = 4 (e) {
y =
_12 x + 4 y = 2x - 2
(b) {
3 + 2y - 3x = 0 5x = 5 + y
(d) {
y =
_12 x +
y = x - 1
(f) {
y = 3x - 2 y = x + 2

8. (a) Draw the graphs of the following equations on the same coordinate plane.
y = -
_23 x + 4, y = 4x + 4 and y =
_12 x − 3.
(b) What is the area of the region bounded by the three lines in (a) above? (c) Find the coordinates of the vertices of the figure formed in (a) above.
9. For each of the following pairs of points, state whether the line passing through them is vertical or horizontal:
(a) (1, 0), (0, 0) (e) (2, 8), (–2, 8)
(b) (1, 2), (2, 1) (f) (
, 1), ( _73
, 4)
(c) (3, –2), (3, 5) (g) (0.5, –1), (0.5, –2) (d) (–4, 2), (–4, –1) (h) (0, 2), (0, –3)
10. Draw the graphs of the following linear equations on the same xy - plane:
5y = 6x + 30, y =
_15 x + 2, and 3y + 4x = 12.
(a) What shape is enclosed by the three graphs? (b) Find the coordinates of the vertices of the figure formed.
11. Find the equation and y–intercept of each line passing through the following pairs of points:
(a) (4, 4), (–3, 2) (d) (–2, –1), (4, 1)
(b) (–7, 2), (2, 7) (e) ( _47
, 6), ( _32
, 6)
(c) ( _56
, 2), (6, _16
) (f) (–155, –541), (541, 155)
## Project
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks:
1. Locate a centre of a football pitch. 2. Locate all end points of the diagonals of the football pitch. 3. Measure the distances from the centre to each side of the football pitch. 4. Locate the coordinate points of the end points of diagonals. Use the centre of the pitch as your reference point.
5. Calculate the gradients (slopes) of the diagonals. 6. Find the equations of both diagonals.
7. What relationship can you deduce from the two equations in task 6?
# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare Chapter Twelve Perimeters And Areas
## Introduction
The word perimeter comes from the Greek word 'perimetros', which is derived from two words 'peri' which means 'around' and 'metron' which means 'measure', meaning to measure around. Calculating perimeter has several practical applications in daily life situations such as, estimating the length of a fence required to enclose a yard or a sports field, the circumference of a wheel to determine how far it will roll in one revolution, among many other applications. An area is the quantity that expresses the extent of a two dimensional region or shape in a plane. Mathematically, the area of a shape can be measured by comparing the shape to the square of a unit size. Therefore, the area is the number of squares. The first recorded use of areas and perimeters in the East was in ancient Babylon, where they used it to measure the amount of land that was owned by people for taxation purposes. In this chapter, you will learn about the perimeters of polygons, and the circumference of a circle. You will also learn about areas of triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles. The competencies developed will help you in several areas, for example; the perimeter of a building multiplied by the height of the walls gives an estimate of how much paint, siding, sheathing, and plywood will be used. For circular shapes, you can tell the distance along its circumference divided by pi to get the diameter which is used to estimate how much fertilizer or other materials are to be used per acre or any other specified unit. The knowledge will also help you to understand how the estimates of construction of buildings, roads, railways and the like are done.
345 Perimeters of polygons FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
Activity 1: Identifying the formula for the perimeter and the area of a rectangle Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks: 1. Measure the length and width of a chalkboard. 2. Explain how you will find the perimeter. 3. Divide the chalkboard into squares by using a ruler and a chalk. 4. Find the area and the perimeter of the chalkboard. 5. Examine the similarities and the differences of the perimeter and the area of the chalkboard.
6. Make a conclusion about the formula for the perimeter and the area of a rectangle.
Suppose that, the measurements around a top of a rectangular table are taken, starting from one corner to the next, then to the third, the fourth, and back to the first corner. The total length obtained is called the perimeter of the table. The following figure represents the floor of a small rectangular room.

Moving from A through B, C, D, and back to A gives a total length of 16 metres.
This total length is the perimeter of the rectangular room. Therefore, for any rectangle, the perimeter is given by the sum of the lengths of all the four sides, that is, Perimeter = length + width + length + width = 2(length) + 2(width) = 2(length + width). Also, consider the following triangle EFG:

Moving from E through F, G and back to E, gives a total length of 18 centimetres. This total length is the perimeter of the triangle. Therefore, for any triangle, the perimeter is given by the sum of the lengths of all three sides, that is, Perimeter = length 1 + length 2 + length 3. The total length of all the sides of any closed polygon gives a perimeter.
Find the perimeter of the rectangle ABCD with ‾AB = 11 cm and ‾BC = 7 cm.

 = 2(11 + 7) cm = 2(18) cm FOR
= 36 cm. Therefore, the perimeter of the rectangle ABCD is 36 cm.
# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare
Find the perimeter of the triangle ABC in which ‾AB = 7 cm, ‾BC = 5 cm, and ‾AC = 4 cm.

The perimeter of the triangle ABC = ‾AB + ‾BC + ‾AC
= (7 + 5 + 4) cm = 16 cm. Therefore, the perimeter of the triangle ABC is 16 cm.
Find the perimeter of the pentagon ABCDE, where ‾AB = 2 cm, ‾BC = 13 cm, ‾CD = 5 cm, ‾DE = 9 cm, and ‾EA = 7 cm.

Solution The perimeter of the pentagon ABCDE = ‾AB + ‾BC + ‾CD + ‾DE + ‾EA
= (2 + 13 + 5 + 9 + 7) cm = 36 cm. Therefore, the perimeter of the pentagon ABCDE is 36 cm.
The width of a rectangular garden is 4 metres less than its length. If the perimeter of the garden is 216 metres, find: (a) the length of the garden. (b) the width of the garden. Solution (a) Let the length of the garden be l . The width of the garden is l − 4m. Perimeter of the rectangular garden = 2(l + w) 216 m = 2(l + l − 4 m) 216 m = 2(2l − 4 m) 216 m = 4l - 8 m 4l = (216 + 8) m 4l = 224 m ONLY
l = _224 m 4
l = 56 m. Therefore, the length of the garden is 56 metres.
(b) The width of the garden is given by; w = l - 4m = (56 - 4)m = 52m. Therefore, the width of the garden is 52 metres.

9. Find the perimeter of the floor of the rectangular room which is 10 metres long and 8 metres wide.
10. A football field is 105 metres long and 70 metres wide. Find its perimeter. 11. A rectangular shape of a table measures 20 decimetres by 15 decimetres.
Find its perimeter.
12. The perimeter of a square is 96 centimetres. Find the length of one side of the square.
13. The perimeter of a rectangular field is 300 metres. If the length of the field is 90 metres, find its width.
14. The perimeter of the striking face of a matchbox is 12 millimetres. If the width of the face is 1.2 millimetres, find its length.
15. The sum of the length and one-half of the width of a rectangle is 42 metres.
The rectangle's perimeter is 100 metres. Find the width of the rectangle.
16. An equilateral triangle has a perimeter of 18 centimetres. Find the length of one side.
17. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 15 centimetres. If the length of the base is 7 centimetres, find the length of each of the other sides.
18. Two sides of a triangle are 12 metres and 15 metres long. If the perimeter of the triangle is 34 metres, find the length of the third side.
19. The width of a rectangle is 23 metres less than its length. The perimeter of the rectangle is 94 metres. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.
20. The difference between the length and three times the width of a rectangle is 5 centimetres. Find the length and the width of the rectangle if its perimeter is 82 centimetres.
## Circumference Of A Circle
Activity 2: Recognizing the relationship between the circumference of a circle and its diameter Individually or in groups, performe the following tasks:

1. Collect ten round objects.
2. Measure the circumference and the diameter of each object using a millimeter measuring tape.
3. Record the measurements in the given table (c represents the circumference and d represents the diameter).
4. Compute the value of
_cd to the nearest hundredths for each object. Record the results in the fourth column of the table.
5. Study the answers you have obtained in task 4.
6. Make a conclusion about the relationship between the circumference and the diameter of a circle. Share your results with other groups. Discuss and make a conclusion with your teacher.
| Object | c | d | _c d |
| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | | | |
The perimeter of a circle is called a circumference. When the circumference is divided by the diameter (d), the result is a constant number called pi, denoted by the symbol π. The value of pi is approximately equal to _227 or 3.14.
## Activity 3: **Estimation Of The Value Of Pi (Π)**
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks: 1. (a) Take a round bottle, a tin, or a bucket. Put it on a table.
(b) Place 2 pieces of wood on the opposite sides of the bottle as shown in the following figures:

 DO NOT DUPLICARE
(c) Measure the length between the pieces of wood. This gives the diameter of the bottle.
(i) (ii)

2. (a) Wrap a string round the bottle and mark the ends of the string.
(b) Measure the length of the string with a ruler to obtain the circumference of the bottle.
3. Estimate the value of pi (π) by using the measurements obtained in 1(c)
and 2(b).
π =
Circumference _____________
Diameter .
4. Estimate the value of π by using the following objects:
(a) The base of a round plate. (b) The base of a bottle. (c) A bicycle tyre.
Record the results as shown in the following table.
| Object | Circumference | Diameter | Circumference _____________ Diameter |
| Base of a bottle Base of a round plate ONLINE Bicycle tyre | | | |
What is the estimated value of π? When given the radius of a circle r or its diameter d, the circumference of the circle can be found as follows:
π =
Circumference _____________
Circumference = π d = 2πr (since d = 2r).
5. Comment on the estimated value of pi. 6. Share your results with other groups, discuss, and make a conclusion with your teacher.
Find the circumference of a circle of radius 7 cm (use π = 3.14).
Solution Circumference of a circle = 2π r = 2 × 3.14 × 7 cm = 43.96 cm. Therefore, the circumference of the circle is 43.96 cm.
Find the circumference of a circle of diameter 21 cm (use π = 3.14).
Solution Circumference of the circle = πd USE
= 3.14 × 21 cm
= 65.94 cm.
Therefore, the circumference of the circle is 65.94 cm.
The circumference of a circle is 88 cm. Find its radius (use π = _227
Solution The formula for circumference of a circle is 2πr Given; circumference of a circle= 88 cm

r = _88 cm × 7 2 × 22
= 2 cm × 7 C = 2π r 88 cm = 2 × _227
= 14 cm. Therefore, the radius of the circle is 14 cm.
A piece of wire is bent to form a circle of radius 42 cm. The wire is then bent into a rectangular shape with the length of 80 cm. Find the width of the rectangle formed (use π = _227
Solution Circumference of a circular piece of wire = perimeter of the rectangular ONLY
shaped wire.
Circumference of a circular piece of wire = 2π r
= 2 × _227
× 42cm
= 2 × 22 × 6 cm = 264 cm.
Thus, the circumference of the circular piece of wire = 264 cm. But, the circumference of the wire = length of the wire.
Hence, the length of the piece of wire = 264 cm. The perimeter of the rectangular shaped wire = 2(l + w)
264 cm = 2(80 cm + w)

$\large\color{blue}{\cdots\text{m}}\color{blue}{\in}\color{blue}{-}\color{blue}{\frac{1}{2}}$ 1.
_264 cm 2
= 80 cm + w 132 cm = 80 cm + w w = 132 cm - 80 cm w = 52 cm.
Therefore, the width of the formed rectangle is 52 cm.
The diameter of a certain semi-circular slice of a watermelon is 14 cm. What will be the perimeter of the slice of the water melon? (use π = _227
Solution Given; Diameter (d) = 14 cm Radius (r) = _d2
= _14 cm 2
= 7 cm.
Perimeter = circumference Circumference (c) = 2π r
= 2 × _227
× 7 cm
= 44 cm.
= _44 cm 2
+ 2 × 7 cm Thus, the perimeter of the semi-circular slice =
+ 2r
= 22 cm + 14 cm = 36 cm.
$\times$ 7 cm.
Therefore, the perimeter of the slice of the water melon is 36 cm.
In question 1 to 10, find the circumference of a circle with the given dimension
(use π = 3.14): 2. Radius 7.77 mm 7. Radius 15 cm FOR
1. Radius 10.5 mm 6. Diameter 10 cm 3. Radius 17.5 mm 8. Diameter 20 cm 4. Radius 12.6 mm 9. Radius 24 cm 5. Radius 15.26 mm 10. Diameter 20.4 cm 356 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
11. The circumference of a circular floor of a room is 25.14 m. Find the radius of the floor (use π = 3.14).
12. The circumference of a circular fence is 6 600 metres. Find the radius of the fence (use π = _227
13. The circumference of a bicycle wheel is 188.40 cm. Find the diameter of the wheel (use π = 3.14).
14. The circumference of a circular field is 4 840 metres. Find its radius
(use π = _227
15. Find the radius of a ring whose circumference is 24.2 dm (use π = 3.14). 16. Find the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 44 dm (use π = 3.14).
17. Find the diameter of a circle whose circumference is 66 dm (use π = _227
18. The radius of a circular park is 63 metres. Find the cost of fencing it at 3 000 Tanzanian shillings per metre.
19. Find the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 13 cm (use π = 3.14).
20. A circular pond has 75 cm wide footpath along its edge. A person walks 56 cm per step around the outer edge of the footpath. In 354 steps, this person makes a complete round. Find the diameter of the pond (use π = 3.14).
## Area
Activity 4: Approximating the area of a polygon figure


Observe the following figures and then perform the tasks that follow:
1. Count the number of complete squares in each figure.
2. Count the number of incomplete squares in each figure. 3. Approximate the area of the given figures. 4. Share your findings with your fellow students through discussion.
The area can be defined as the space occupied by a flat shape or the surface of an object. The area of a figure is the number of unit squares that cover the surface of the closed figure. Area is measured in square units such as square centimetres, square metres, and so on. For example; the rectangle in Figure 12.1 is divided into 12 square units. Thus, the area of the rectangle is 12 square units.

Figure 12.1: *Square units in a rectangle* 358
Find the approximate area of the triangle in the following figure.

To find the approximate area of this triangle, count the complete squares and incomplete squares and then, find the sum of the number of complete squares and _12 the number of incomplete squares.
That is, area of the triangle = Number of complete squares + _12 ( Number of incomplete squares)
Area of the triangle = 4 + _12 (7)
= 4 + 3.5 = 7.5. Therefore, the area of the triangle is approximately 7.5 square units.

Find the approximate area of the irregular shape given in the following figure.
Solution Area = Number of complete squares + _12
(Number of incomplete squares)
= 4 + _12
= 4 + 7 = 11.
The total number of square units contained in the given shape is approximately 11.
Therefore, the area of the shape is 11 square units.
In question 1 to 6, estimate the area of each figure in square units.

In question 7 to 12, estimate the area of each of the given figures in square units measured in centimetres square units. Use tracing papers to copy the figures.


## Areas Of Rectangles And Squares
Consider a rectangle 4 cm long and 3 cm wide. The area of the rectangle is determined by drawing square units as shown in the following figure.

There are 12 centimetre square units in the rectangle.
Therefore, the area of the rectangle is 12 cm2. Altenatively, this result can be obtained by taking 4 cm × 3 cm = 12cm2, which USE
is length × width. Thus, the area of a rectangle = length × width.
Find the area of a rectangle whose length is 20 centimetres, and its width is 10 centimetres.
Solution Area of a rectangle = length × width = 20 cm × 10 cm
= 200 cm2.
Therefore, the area of the rectangle is 200 cm2.
Find the area of the following square ABCD.

Solution If A represents the area of the square ABCD then, A = length × width Since the sides of a square are equal, then, length = width. Let the length of ABCD be l, then A = l × l = l 2
= 6 cm × 6 cm,
= 36 cm2. Therefore, the area of a square ABCD is 36 cm2.
The area of a rectangle is 48 cm2. Find its length if its width is 6 cm.
Solution Let the length be l and the width be w, then the area A of a rectangle is A = l × w 48 cm2 = l × 6 cm

l = _48 c m2 6 cm
= 8 cm.
Therefore, the length of the rectangle is 8 cm.
## Area Of A Triangle Activity 5: Determining The Area Of A Triangle
Individually or in your group, perform the following tasks:
1. On a graph paper, construct ΔPQR with base ‾QR and an altitude from the vertex P through Q to the base ‾QR and name it h.
2. Through P and R, construct the lines parallel to ‾QR and ‾PQ, respectively, which intersect at T.
3. Comment on the relationship between ‾PQ and ‾TR, ‾PT and ‾QR.
4. Cut out the triangle PTR and place it over the triangle PQR such that P
falls on R, R falls on P, and T falls on Q.
5. Comment on the relationship between the area of the triangle PQR and the area of the triangle PRT.
6. Compare the total areas of the two triangles, and the area of the rectangle QPTR formed.
7. Identify the formula of the area of a triangle. 8. Post your results on the classroom wall, and share them with other groups through gallery walk under your teacher's supervision.
In Figure 12.2, ABC is a triangle. ‾AB is the height of the triangle ABC and ‾BC
is the base of the triangle ABC. Thus, the area of ∆ABC is half the area of the rectangle ABCD, that is, Area of ∆ABC = _12
× ‾AB × ‾BC

Figure 12.2: *The triangle ABC*
Similary, consider the following right-angled triangle:

‾AB is the height denoted by h, and ‾BC is the base denoted by b. The area A of a triangle is given as, A = _12
× base × height.
Thus, A = _12 bh.
Find the area of the triangle ABC shown in the following figure.

Solution From the triangle ABC, base (b) = 5 cm, height (h) = 2.6 cm.
Area of a triangle =
× b × h
× 5 cm × 2.6 cm
= 6. 5 cm2 .
Therefore, the area of the triangle ABC is 6.5 cm2.
Find the area of an isosceles triangle ABC with sides ‾AB = 10 cm,
‾AC = 10 cm, ‾BC = 12 cm, and the height ‾AD = 8 cm.
Solution From the given information, the following triangle can be obtained:

From the triangle ABC, base = 12 cm and height = 8 cm.
$\cos x=1$ ...
Area =
× b × h
× 12 cm × 8 cm
= 48 cm2.
Therefore, the area of the triangle ABC is 48 cm2.
The area of a triangle is 45 cm2. If its base is 6 cm, find its height.
Solution Given, Area = 45 cm2, base b = 6 cm, required to find the height h:
Area of a triangle =
× b × h
× 6 cm × h = 45 cm2 3h cm = 45 cm2 365 h = _45 c m2 3 cm
= 15 cm.
Therefore, the height is 15 cm.
Find the area of the triangle PQR as shown in the following figure.

Solution From the given triangle PQR, base (b) = 4 cm and height (h) = 3 cm.
Area =
× b × h
× 4 cm × 3 cm USE
= 6 cm2. Therefore, the area of the triangle PQR is 6 cm2.
The cost of printing a pattern in a cloth is 250 Tanzanian shillings per square metres. Find the cost of printing a right triangular piece of cloth whose base is 30 m and its hypotenuse is 50 m.
Solution From the given information, the following triangle can be obtained:

Before finding the cost, first we calculate the area of the triangular piece of cloth. In order to calculate the area, the height of the triangle must be obtained.
The Pythagoras theorem is used to calculate the height: From the triangle ABC,
‾AB2 + ‾BC2 = ‾AC2 h2 + (30 m)2 = (50 m)2 h2 + 900 m2 = 2 500 m2 h2 = (2 500 - 900) m2 h = √_1 600 m2 h = 40 m. Thus, the height of the triangle is 40 m. The area of the triangle is given by:
A = _12
× b × h USE
= _12
× 30 m × 40 m A = 600 m2.
Now, calculate the cost of printing 600 m2, if the cost of printing 1 m2 is 250 Tanzanian shillings:
Let x be the cost of printing 600m2, Cost of printing 1 m2 = 250 Tanzanian shillings Cost of printing 600 m2 = x x =
Tsh 250 × 600 m2 ___________________ 1 m2
= 150 000 Tanzanian shillings.
Therefore, the cost of printing the triangular piece of cloth is 150 000 Tanzanian shillings.

In question 1 to 9, find the area of each of the figures:


10. The floor of a room has a square shape of length 8 m. Find the area of the floor.
11. A rectangular field is 95 m long and 75 m wide. Find the area of the field. 12. Find the area of a triangle whose base is 20 cm and, height is 15 cm.
13. The height of a triangle ABC from point A to a horizontal line BC is 12 cm. If ‾BC is 24 cm, find the area of the triangle.
14. Find the area of an isosceles triangle whose base is 10 cm and one of the equal sides is 13 cm.
15. The area of a rectangle is 880 cm2. If the length of the rectangle is 44 cm, find its width.
16. A rectangular top of a table is 2 m long. If its area is 3.96 m2, find its width. 17. The area of a triangle is 36 m2. If its base is 9.6 m, find its height.
18. Find the area of a triangle MNO with ‾MN = 7.5 cm, ‾NO = 13 cm, and M N
O = 90°.
19. The perimeter of a rectangle is 144 mm. If the width of the rectangle is 30 mm, find the area of the rectangle.
20. A rectangle is 72 mm long and 40 mm wide. If a triangle with a base of 60 mm is equal to the area of the rectangle, find the height of the triangle.
21. Find the area of the right-angled triangle ABC if ‾AB = 4 cm, ‾BC = 5 cm, and ‾AC = 3 cm.
22. A rectangular box has the length of 10 centimetres, width 6 centimetres, and height 8 centimetres. What is the total area of the sides of the box?
## Areas Of Parallelograms And Trapezia
Activity 6: Recognising the formula for calculating the area of a parallelogram Individually or in your groups, perform the following tasks: 1. On a graph paper, draw a parallelogram with vertices A, B, C and D, with
‾AB as its base.
2. Consider line segment AB as the base, and construct the height BE.
3. By using a pair of scissors or razor blade, cut out the triangular piece BCE
at an angle of 90° by following the height of the parallelogram.
4. Place the triangular piece BCE to the opposite side of the parallelogram.
Make sure the triangular piece fits exaclty without any overlaps or gaps.
5. What did you observe in task 4? What is the name of the resulting figure? 6. Identify the formula which you can use to find the area of the resulting figure in task 5.
7. Use the formula you have identified in task 6 to recognise the area of the parallelogram.
8. Share you findings with your fellow students through presentation, and make a conclusion with your teacher.
Area of a parallelogram Consider the following figure ABCD:

Area of ΔABD = _12 bh Area of ΔDBC = _12 bh Area of parallelogram ABCD = Area of ΔABD + Area of ΔDBC
= _12
$$={\frac{1}{2}}b h+{\frac{1}{2}}b h$$
= bh.
Therefore, the area of any parallelogram = base × height.
If ABCD is a parallelogram in which ‾AB = 12 cm, and the distance between ‾AB and ‾CD is 8 cm, find its area.
Solution The area of the parallelogram can be obtained from the given information:

Area of a parallelogram = b × h = 12 cm × 8 cm
= 96 cm2.
Therefore, the area of the parallelogram ABCD is 96 cm2.
The altitude of a parallelogram is four times its base. If its area is 1 296 cm2, find its base and its altitude. Solution Let b = base of the parallelogram h = altitude of the parallelogram A = area of the parallelogram Given; h = 4b A = bh = b × 4b 1 296 cm2 = 4b2
_1 296 cm2 4
4 b _
2 4
√_324 c m2 = √
_b2 18 cm = b. h = 4b h = 4 × 18 cm h = 72 cm. Therefore, the base of the parallelogram is 18 cm and its altitude is 72 cm.
Area of a trapezium Consider the following figure ABCDE:

Area of ΔACD = _12 ah Area of trapezium ABCD = Area of ΔACD + Area of ΔABC
= _12 ah + _12 bh
= _12
(a + b)h.
Therefore, the area of any trapezium = _12
× sum of the lengths of the parallel sides × height.
Find the area of the trapezium given in the following figure:

× 18 cm × 5 cm
= 9 cm × 5 cm
= 45 cm2 .
$$\frac{1}{2}$$ 4.
Therefore, the area of the trapezium is 45 cm2.
The area of a trapezium whose height is 8 cm, is 236 cm2. If one of its parallel sides is longer than the other by 4 cm, find the lengths of the two parallel sides.
Solution Let a = length of the shorter side, b = a + 4 cm = length of the longer side From the given information, the following trapezium can be constructed:

Area =
× (a + b)h 236 cm2 =
× (a + a + 4 cm) × 8 cm 236 cm2 =
× (2a + 4 cm) × 8cm ONLY
2a + 4 cm = _236 c m2 4 cm 2a + 4 cm = 59 cm 2a = (59 − 4) cm 2a = 55 cm a = _55 cm 2
236 cm2 = (2a + 4 cm) × 4 cm USE
a = 27. 5 cm b = (27 .5 + 4) cm b = 31. 5 cm.
Therefore, the lengths of the two parallel sides are 27.5 cm and 31.5 cm.
Exercise 5


11. The area of a parallelogram is 154 square centimetres. If its height is 22 centimetres, find its base.
12. Find the area of a parallelogram whose base is 21 centimetres, and its height is 13 centimetres.
13. Find the area of a trapezium whose parallel sides are 14 centimetres and 6 centimetres long and its height is 20 centimetres.
14. The height of a trapezium is 13 centimetres. If one of the parallel sides is 20 centimetres, and the area of the trapezium is 260 square centimetres, find the length of the other parallel side.
15. The height of a parallelogram is 160 millimetres. If the area of the parallelogram is 25 600 square millimetres, find its base.
16. The area of a trapezium is 3 000 square millimetres. If the parallel sides are 300 millimetres and 150 millimetres long, find the height of the trapezium.
17. A grazing field in a shape of a parallelogram has an area of 14 400 square metres. If the perpendicular distance from the base of the field is 72 metres, find the length of the base of the field.
18. A trapezium with the height of 60 millimetres and the base of 90 millimetres has an area of 6 000 square millimetres. Find the length of the other side.
19. The area of a rhombus is 64 square centimetres. If the height of the rhombus is 6.4 centimetres, find its perimeter.
20. Find the area of a rhombus whose base is 100 millimetres, and its height is 84.75 millimetres.
## Area Of A Kite
Activity 7: **Determining the area of a kite by using familiar shapes**
Individually or in groups, perform the following tasks: 1. Obtain four kites of different sizes and measure their dimensions.
2. Divide the kites into other shapes such as triangles, rectangles, and the like.
3. Using your ruler, measure and estimate the areas of the resulting shapes in task 2.
4. Share your answers with other members of your class and discuss.
A kite is a special quadrilateral in which two pairs of adjacent sides are equal. Consider the following kite PQRS, with diagonals PR (a) and QS (b):




‾OQ = ‾OS = _
, ‾PR= a.
Area of a kite = Area of ΔPQR + Area of ΔPSR
Area of ΔPQR = _12
× a ×
Area of ΔPSR = _12
× a ×
Thus, area of the kite = Area of ΔPQR + Area of ΔPSR
$${\frac{1}{2}}\times a\times{\frac{b}{2}}+{\frac{1}{2}}\times a\times{\frac{b}{2}}={\frac{a b}{4}}+{\frac{a b}{4}}$$
$$={\frac{a b}{2}}$$
Therefore, the area of a kite = _12 ab, where a = length of a long diagonal of a kite b = length of a short diagonal of a kite.
Find the area of a kite whose long and short diagonals are 22 centimetres, and 12 centimetres, respectively. Solution Given; a = 22 cm and b = 12 cm.
Area of the kite = _12 ab
= _12
× 22 cm × 12 cm
= 132 cm2. Therefore, the area of the kite = 132 cm2.
The area of a kite is 126 square centimetres, and one of its diagonals is 21centimetres long. Find the length of its other diagonal. Solution Given; area of the kite = 126 cm2 Length of one of its diagonals = 21 cm FOR
Area of the kite = _12 ab 126 cm2 =
× a × 21 cm 126 cm2 × 2 = 21a cm 378 a =
252 cm2 _
a = 12 cm.
Therefore, the length of the other diagonal is 12 centimetres.
1. Find the area of a kite whose lengths of diagonals are 3 centimetres and 10 centimetres.
2. The diagonals of a kite are √
_10 centimetres and √
_5 centimetres. Find the area of the kite.
3. The diagonals of a kite are (2x + 1) centimetres and
_18 centimetres. Express the area of the kite in a simplified form.
4. Find the area of a kite, if the dimensions of its diagonals are (x + 3) units and (x - 6) units.
5. Two equilateral triangles with sides of length l units are connected so that they share a side. If each triangle has height h units, express the area of the formed shape in terms of h.
6. Draw a kite of diagonals 4 centimetres and 12 centimetres long, and find its area.

## Area Of An Enclosed Circle Activity 8: Recognising The Area Of An Enclosed Circle
Resources: Manila paper or other piece of paper, pencil, a razor blade or a pair of scissors, a pair of compasses, a ruler, and a pen. Individually or in your groups, perform the following tasks: 1. Draw a circle of a convenient radius on a manila paper.
2. Measure the diameter and use it to calculate the circumference of the circle.
3. Cut the circular plane shape from the manila paper. Divide it into twelve equal parts as shown in Figure 12.3.
4. Carefully, arrange all the parts to form a rectangular shape as shown in Figure 12.4.
5. Measure the length and width of the rectangular shape and record your results.
6. Divide the circumference of the circle you obtained in task 2 into equal parts, and then compare your answer with the length of the rectangle.
What have you observed?
7. Divide the diameter you measured in task 2 by 2 to get the radius.
8. Compare the radius in task 7 with the width of the rectangle. What have you observed?
9. Find the area of the rectangular shape by using the length and width you have obtained.
10. Use any alternative method you know to find the area of an enclosed circle.
11. Share your findings with the rest of the class through presentation, and make a conclusion with your teacher.


Figure 12.3: *A circle divided into* twelve equal parts Figure 12.4: *A rectangular shape* ONLINE
From task 8, you might have observed that the length of the rectangle constructed is half the circumference of the circle. Also, the width of the rectangular shape is the same as the radius of the circle. Thus, the area of an enclosed circle can be obtained by calculating the area of the rectangle constructed.
The area of the parallelogram in Figure 12.4 can be determined by multiplying the base by its height.
In Figure 12.4, it can be noted that, Height = radius (r),
Base =
(Circumference of a circle)
× 2π r
= π r. Thus, the area enclosed by a circle in Figure 12.3 = base × height. Area = π r × r
= π r 2 square units.
Therefore, the area (A) enclosed by a circle of radius r is given by A = π r 2.
Find the area enclosed by a circle whose radius is 7 cm (use π = 3.14). Solution Given; the radius r = 7 cm, π = 3.14, required to find an enclosed area: Area = π r 2
= 3.14 × 7 cm × 7 cm
= 153.86 cm2.
Therefore, the area enclosed by the circle is 153.86 cm2.
The area enclosed by a circle is 616 mm2. Find its circumference(use π = _227
Solution Given the area A = 616 mm2 Area = π r 2 616 mm2 = _227
× r 2 r 2 = _616 × 7 22 mm2 r2 = 196 mm2
_r2 = √_196 m m2 r = 14 mm FOR

Circumference of a circle (C) = 2π r C = 2 × _227
× 14 mm C = 88 mm. Therefore, the circumference of the circle is 88 mm.
1. Find the area of the shaded

region in the following figure
(use π = 3.14).
2. The following figure shows a circular fishing pond with a diameter of 14.7 metres. Find its enclosed area (use π = 3.14).

3. Find the enclosed area of the following shaded semicircular strip with centre O
(use π = 3.14).

4. In the following figure, O is the common centre. If AO‾ = AB‾ = 7 centimetres, find the enclosed area of the shaded region (use π = 3.14).

5. The following figure is formed

by three semi-circular figures.
Find the enclosed area of the shaded region (use π = 3.14).
6. Arcs AD, BE, FB, and AC are

semi-circles. Find the enclosed area of the shaded region
(use π = 3.14).
7. If O is the centre of the circle, find the enclosed area of the shaded region (use π = 3.14).

8. Find the enclosed area of the shaded region if the width of the shaded part is 3 centimetres (use π = 3.14).

9. The enclosed area of a circle is 616 cm2. Find its radius
(use π = _227
10. Find the circumference of a circle whose enclosed area is 2 464 cm2 (use π = 3.14).
11. The circumference of a circle is 66 decimetres. Find its enclosed area (use π = _227
12. Find the enclosed area between two concentric (same centre)
circles of radii 10.5 centimetres and 14 centimetres (use π = 3.14).
13. Find the enclosed area between two concentric circles of radii 21 centimetres and 14 centimetres (use π = 3.14).
14. Find the enclosed area of a circle of diameter 154 millimetres (use π = 3.14).
## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare
15. Find the enclosed area of a circle of diameter 280 millimetres
(use π = _227
16. Find the enclosed area of a circle whose diameter is 10.5 decimetres (use π = 3.14).
17. The floor of a circular water tank has a radius of 3.5 metres. Find the enclosed area of the floor
(use π = 3.14).
18. Find the enclosed area of a circle of radius 35 centimetres
(use π = _227
19. Find the enclosed area of a circle whose diameter is 700 metres
(use π = 3.14).
20. The enclosed area of a circle is 9 856 mm2. Find its radius
(use π = _227
21. A chord of 48 centimetres is 7 centimetres from the centre of a circle. Calculate the enclosed area of the cirle (use π = 3.14).
## Chapter Summary
1. A perimeter is a total length of the sides of any polygon. 2. An area is the number of unit squares that cover the surface of a closed figure.
3. Some units for measurement of area are:
(a) Square millimetre (mm2) (b) Square centimetre (cm2) (c) Square decimetre (dm2)
(d) Square metre (m2)
(e) Square decametre (dam2)
(f) Square hectometre (hm2) (g) Square kilometre (km2)
4. The following are the formulae for calculating areas of some shapes:
(a) Area of a rectangle = length × width = lw. (b) Area of a square = length of a side squared = l 2.
(c) Area of a triangle = _12
× base × height =
_12 bh.
(d) Area of a parallelogram = base × height = bh. (e) Area of a rhombus = base × height = bh.
(f) Area of a kite =
_12 ab, where a and b are diagonals of the kite.
(g) Area of a trapezium = _12
(a + b)h.
(h) Area of an enclosed circle = πr2 or πd _
2 4
5. The perimeter of a circle is called a circumference.
6. The value of pi (π) is obtained by π =
Circumference _____________
Diameter .
## Revision Exercise
1. Find the perimeter of a triangle of sides 6 centimetres, 9 centimetres, and 13 centimetres.
2. Find the perimeter of a rectangle of sides 21 decimetres and width 19 decimetres.
3. Find the circumference of a circle of radius 15.4 centimetres
(use π = 3.14).
4. Find the circumference of a circle of diameter 10.5 decimetres(use π = _227
5. The circumference of a circle is 176 centimetres. Find the radius of the circle (use π = 3.14).
6. Find the area of a triangle whose base is 13 centimetres, and its corresponding height is 4 centimetres.
7. Find the area of a right-angled triangle with the height of 10 decimetres, and the base of 24 decimetres.
8. Find the area of a rectangle which is 24 metres long, and 20 metres wide.
9. The width of a rectangle is 40 centimetres. If the area of the rectangle is 1 700 cm2;
(a) find the length of the rectangle.
(b) find the perimeter of the rectangle.
10. The length of a rectangle is twice its width. If the area of the rectangle is 800 dm2, find its length and width.
11. Find the area of a parallelogram whose base is 12 centimetres, and its height is 8 centimetres.
12. The area of a parallelogram is 105 dm2. Find the height of the parallelogram if its base is 15 decimetres.
13. Find the area of a trapezium whose parallel sides are 9 centimetres and 13 centimetres, and its height is 11 centimetres.
14. The area of a trapezium is 660 m2. If its height is 40 metres, and the length of one of the parallel sides is 11 metres, find the length of the other side.
15. Find the circumference and area of an enclosed circle of radius 20 decimetres
(use π = _227
16. The area of an enclosed circle is 5 400 cm2. Find its radius (use π = 3.14).
17. Find the enclosed area between two concentric circles of radii 100 millimetres and 200 millimetres (use π = _227
18. The area of a kite is 96 cm2. If one of the diagonals is 16 centimetres, find the length of the other diagonal.
19. Find the length of side ST, if the perimeter of PQRSTU is 380 centimetres.

20. January purchased a plot of width 120 metres, and length 360 metres. If he wants to build a fence around the entire plot, how many metres of the materials are needed?
## Project
Work in your groups:
1. Collect a rectangular board, nails, a hammer, a pencil, a millimeter tape measure, a meter, a ruler, and coloured threads.
2. Using coloured pencils, draw squares on the board. 3. Hammer nails to every corner of the square.
4. Using the coloured threads, form as many polygons as you can.
5. How could you find the area of each figure on the geoboard?
# For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicare Answers To Odd-Numbered Questions Chapter Two
| 1. | (a) | 2 × 100 000 000 + 8 × 10 000 000 + 5 × 1 000 000 + 1 × 100 000 + 7 × 10 000 + 6 × 1 000 + 9 × 100 + 3 × 10 + 2 × 1 | | |
| (b) | 8 × 100 000 000 + 6 × 10 000 000 + 2 × 1 000 000 + 5 × 100 000 + 5 × 10 000 + 4 × 1 000 + 9 × 100 + 1 × 10 + 7 × 1 | | | |
| (c) | 3 × 100 000 000 + 0 × 10 000 000 + 6 × 1 000 000 + 9 × 100 000 + 4 × 10 000 + 0 × 1 000 + 6 × 100 + 8 × 10 + 1 × 1 | | | |
| 3. | (a) | 978 241 765 | (b) 549 847 549 | (c) 205 080 495 |
| 5. | (a) | 748 479 768 | (b) 907 098 054 (c) 480 999 909 | |
| Exercise 2 1. (a) | Six hundred seventy-two million one hundred ninety thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. ONLY | | | |
| (b) | Two hundred thirty million four hundred and three thousand two hundred and four. | | | |
| (c) | Sixty-eight million seven hundred seventy-five thousand one hundred and forty-six. USE | | | |
| (d) | Eighty million six hundred ninety thousand and four hundred. | | | |
| (e) | Four hundred fifteen million nine hundred eighty-two thousand seven hundred and four. | | | |
| (f) | Nine hundred million. ONLINE | | | |
| 3. | 9 999 | 5. | 111 | |
| 7. | (a) | 100 000; one hundred thousand | | |
| (b) | 999 999; nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine | | | |
| FOR (c) 100 000 000; one hundred million (d) 999 999 999; nine hundred ninety-nine million nine hundred ninetynine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine | | | | |
9. (a) 348 740 830 (b) 905 899 572
(c) 346 850 847 (d) 49 206 051 Exercise 3 1. (a) Even: 2, 34, 36, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70.
(b) Prime: 2, 17, 37, 41, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67. (c) Odd: 9, 15, 17, 25, 37, 39, 41, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69.
3. 2 5.

Exercise 4 1. 858 988 898 3. 263 517 478 5. 579 903 054 USE
7. 689 875 598 9. 615 112 101 Exercise 5 ONLINE
1. 935 536 620 3. 235 612 5. 6 854 7. 781 593 760 9. 6 523 Exercise 6 1. True 3. False 5. False 7. 601 166 9. 87 295 Exercise 7 FOR
1. 17 523 184 3. 170 5. 498 651 7. 24 124 9. 9 852 332 388 Exercise 8 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
1. Tsh 1 021 200 3. Tsh 1 342 500 5. Tsh 246 637 500
7. 29 380 carrot seedlings 9. Tsh 1 637 500 11. Tsh 27 882 000 13. 65 824 iron sheets 15. Tsh 564 550
1. 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 3. 7× 7 × 7 5. 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 7 × 7 7. 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 5 × 5 9. (a) 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 (e) 2 and 3 (f) 2, 3, and 7
| Exercise 11 |
| 1. | (a) (=) | (b) (<) |
| (c) (>) | (d) (<) | |
| FOR | | |
| (e) (>) | (f) (>) | |
| (g) (<) | (h) (<) | |
| (i) (>) | (j) (=) | |
11. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, and 30 13. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 21, 35, 45, 63, 105, and 315 15. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12
| Exercise 10 |
Exercise 12
3. John is taller than James.





1. 9 3. 14 5. 2 7. 8 9. 8 11. 6 13. (a) 21 (b) 36 (c) 120 15. 6 cm
| 1. | 180 | 3. 360 | 5. 225 | 7. 288 | 9. 144 |
| | ONLY | | | | |
| 11. | 2 250 | 13. 120 | 15. 252 | 17. 100 minutes | |

| | 7. - 248 | | |
| 1. | 11 | 3. 158 | 5. - 32 |
| 9. | 0 | 11. -3 | 13. 9 |
15. - 28

390 ic Mathematics Form O

Therefore, 7 - (+4) = 3.
7. 234 9. 46 11. - 18 13. 11 15. –144

Revision exercise
| 1. | Tsh 1 229 000 | 3. | 2 | |
| 5. | (a) | 987 654 321 | (b) | 123 456 789 |
| 7. | (a) | 327 900 | (b) | 837 408 250 |
| (c) | 267 175 178 | (d) | 1 253 | |
| 9. | 726 packets | 11. | (a) 3 | (b) 63 | (c) 72 | (d) 14 |
| 13. | (a) | –240 | (b) | –100 | (c) 24 | |
| 15. | (a) | 15 | (b) | 5 | 17. Positive (+) | |
| 19. | (a) | 26 | | (b) - 152 | (c) | 369 |
## Chapter Three

| 1. | (a) (i) and (ii) | (b) (iii), (iv), and (v) | (d) _15395 | |
| | | (c) _4279 | | |
| | | (b) _47 6 | 16 | |
| | 9 | | | |
| FOR (e) _2263 24 | (f) _3208 | 19 | (h) | _9119 |
| | 21 | (g) _359 | 25 | |
1. Proper fractions: (a), (b), (c), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), and (o)
Improper fractions: (d), (e), (l), and (m) Mixed numbers: (n) and (p).
The equivalent fractions are: (f), (g), (i), and (j) 3. In figure ABCD, a shaded part is one third and in figure EFGH, a shaded part is one quarter.
5. They are equivalent 7.
9. (a) 1_12
(b) 8
(c) 51 _817 (d) 1 _776 1061
_3 5
Exercise 4 1. (a) _18
(b) _16 41 , _64 91 , _81 93 (c) _18 25 , _84 93 , _71 75 (d) _740 , _11 55 , _16 30 3. (a) _81 94 is greater than _3 564 (b) _48 155 is greater than _30 465 5. (a) 1 _14 is less than 3
(b) _15 is less than 2
| Exercise 5 | | 5. _10 | | | |
| 1. | _1 2 | 3. 5 _6 7 | 11 | 7. _10 7 or 1_3 7 | |
| | USE | | | | |
| | 15. _17 18 | 17. _64 | | | |
| 11. _7 6 or 1_1 6 | 13. 8 _5 6 | | | | |
| Exercise 6 | 3. _19 40 | 5. _5 24 | 7. 2 | | |
| 1. | _3 4 | _6 7 | | | |
| ONLINE 13. 10 _13 | | | | | |
| 9. | 3 _1 4 | 11. 3 _7 8 | 15 | 15. 3 _5 9 | |
| FOR | | | | | |
| Exercise 7 1. _4 15 | 3. _9 20 | 5. _1 12 | 7. _2 9 | | |
| 9. | 6 | 11. 14 | 13. | 9 | 15. 7 _1 3 |

Exercise 8
3. 5.
| Exercise 9 1. 21 | 3. 16 | 5. | 49 | 7. _9 5 |
| | 15. 6 | 17. 4_37 | | |
| 13. | _16 3 or 5_1 3 | | | |
1. 21 3. 16 5. 49 7. _95

9. _38
11. _910
13. _163
or 5_13
15. 6 17. 4_37
or 2_23

Exercise 10

1. _724 3. _116 5. _269 or 2_89
7. _27 25 or 1_225 9. _361 105 or 3 _46 105
Exercise 11 FOR
1. 1 044 cm 3. 13 _34 kg 5. 184 packets of sweets
7. 126 gm 9. 40 cm
| Revision exercise 1. _17 | | 5. _29 | |
| 10 or 1_7 10 | 3. 1_1 2 | 15 or 1_14 15 | 7. 2 _31 55 |
| 9. | 1 _17 | | 15. 83_5 12 kg |
| 18 | 11. 2_1 2 | 13. 2 _3 4 | , French = _5 12 |
| 17. | 22 _1 2 hours | 19. Chemistry = _5 8 , History = _1 3 | |
| | and Biology = _5 19 | | |
## Chapter Four
| 1. | (a) | Four point one two eight. |
| (b) | Three hundred and sixty-seven point zero one. | |
| (c) | Forty-three point four five six eight. | |
Exercise 1
3. (a) 2 × 10 + 3 × 1 + (1 × _110 ) + (0 × _1
100 ) + (5 × _1
1000 )
$\left.\begin{array}{l}\right)$ +
(b) 4 × 1 + (5 × _110 ) + (2 × _1
100 ) + (0 × _1
1 000 ) + (1 × _1
10 000 )
(c) 0 × 1 + (7 × _110 ) + (2 × _1 100 )
$\underline{\hphantom{\rule{1.00pt}{0ex}}\phantom{\rule{1.00pt}{0ex}}}$ 1.
(d) 7 × 1 + (4 × _110 )
| Exercise 3 FOR 40 (b) 1_7 1. (a) _19 1000 | (c) 11_1 100 | (d) _7 20 | |
| | (b) _31 90 | (c) _241 | |
| 3. | (a) _8 9 | 333 | (d) 2_4 9 |
| 1. | (a) 0.125 | (b) 0.8333. . . | (c) 0.235294. . . | (d) 0.25 |
| 3. | (a) 0.1111... | (b) 3.2857. . . | (c) 0.142857. . . | (d) 5.3 |
Exercise 2
395 5. (a) _920 (b) _17 50 (c) _93 100 (d) _43 200 (e) _97 100 (f) _517 5000 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
7. (a) 0.3
· (b) 0.83
· (c) 0. 3
· (d) 0.1
· (e) 0.5
· 3846 1
Exercise 4 1. 7.57 3. 47.028 5. 9.13 7. 4.01 9. 1.304 Exercise 5 1. 7 610 3. 0.5 5. 0.105 7. 2.1352 9. 54.5616 11. 22

Exercise 7
1. 0.125 3. (a) 0.375 (b) 0.625 (c) 1 5. 300 people 396 Exercise 8 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
1. (a) 60% (b) 50% (c) 25% (d) 50% (e) 96%
(f) 105% (g) 325% (h) 566.7% (i) 875% (j) 44.4%
3. (a) (i) _720 (ii) 0.35 (b) (i) _35
(ii) 0.6 (c) (i) _14
(ii) 0.25
(d) (i) _425 (ii) 0.16 (e) (i) _320 (ii) 0.15 (f) (i) _3 100 (ii) 0.03
(g) (i) _150 (ii) 0.02 (h) (i) _130 (ii) 0.03
· (i) (i) _49 50 (ii) 0.98 5. 75% 7. (a) 7 820% (b) 340% (c) 400% (d) 75% Exercise 9
| | | _1 40 | _1 10 | _1 20 | _2 3 | |
| Fractions | _1 2 | | _3 4 | | | |
| Percentages | 50% | 2_1 2 % | 10% | 5% | 66_2 3 % | 75% |
| Decimals | 0.5 | 0.025 | 0.1 | 0.05 | 0.6 · | 0.75 |
3. He had 40 000 Tanzanian shillings. Revision exercise USE
1. (a) two thirds or two over three
(b) three over five (c) one over ten ONLINE

3. 0.048 5. (a) 0.25 (b) 1 . 8 3
· (c) 0. 2
7. (a) _239
(b) _49 99 (b) _41 333
9. 40%
11. 0.125 13. 93%
Chapter Five Exercise 1
1. (a) 35 cm (b) 3.5 dm 3. 0.1 m 5. (a) 0.375 dm (b) 0.0375 m 7. (a) 0.9685 hm (b) 0.09685 km (c) 9685 cm
9. (a) 80 metres (b) 8 metres; 80 dm is shorter 11. (a) 687.5 m (b) 6 280 m (c) 28 600 m (d) 862 m
(e) 68.75 m (f) 8.62 m (g) 0.021008 m (h) 105 m 13. 8 750 000 m, 8 750 m, 18.75 m, 0.000875 m. 15. 970 metres 17. 3 500 m
1. 23 m 3 dm 6 cm 3. 21 km 23 dam 9 m 5. 26 m 6 dm 4 cm 7. 24 km 25 dam 4 m ONLY
9. 24 km 24 m 24 mm 11. (a) 1 487 m (b) 233 km (c) 89.02 m USE
1. 10 km 6 hm 5 dam 3. 9 dm 9 cm 5. 8 m 9 dm ONLINE
7. 1 km 918 m 9 dm 9. 9 km 9 hm 8 dam 11. 0.19 m Exercise 4 1. 170 m 52 cm 3. 137 dam 5 m 5. 58 dm 9 cm Exercise 5
1. (a) 10.1 m (b) 2.01 m (c) 2.5 m
(d) 280.01 m (e) 3 700 m (f) 1375.5 m
3. 19 pieces, 0.0066 m 5. 300 trees 7. 250 cm
| Exercise 6 1. (a) 30 000 g | | (b) 30 000 000 mg | |
| 3. | 2 000 g | 5. | 0.006 kg |
| 9. | 80 kg | | |
1. (a) 30 000 g (b) 30 000 000 mg
3. 2 000 g 5. 0.006 kg
7. (a) 360 hg (b) 360 000 dg (c) 3 600 dag 9. 80 kg
Exercise 7 1. 23 g 3 dg 6 cg 3. 26 g 6 dg 4 cg 5. 23 hg 3 dag 1 g 7. 24 kg 26 dag 4 g 9. 24 kg 24 g 24 mg
1. 1 g 8 dg 3. 9 hg 1 dag 5. 901 g 7 dg 7. 1 dag 90 dg 93 mg 9. 4 hg 9 dag
Exercise 9 Exercise 10 1. (a) 10 g 1 dg (b) 2 g 1 cg 3. 15 spoons of sugar 5. 120 g
| ONLINE | | |
| 3. | (a) | Twenty minutes to nine at night. |
| (b) | Eleven minutes to twelve midnight. | |
| FOR (c) Fifteen minutes to six in the evening. | | |
| (d) | Twenty-four minutes to seven in the evening. | |
| (e) | One o'clock in the night. | |
| Exercise 11 |
1. (a) 0630 hours (b) 1737 hours (c) 1520 hours
(d) 1053 hours (e) 2250 hours (f) 2145 hours
(d) Twenty-four minutes to seven in the evening.
1. 210 t 3. 137 dag 5 g 5. 58 dg 9 cg 7. 961 kg 800 g 9. 647 kg 240 g 399 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
| 1. | 336 hours | 3. 8 784 hours | 5. 18 840 hours |
| 7. | 17 544 hours | 9. 672 hours | |
| 11. | (a) 432 000 s | (b) 604 800 s | (c) 43 200 s |
| Exercise 12 |
Exercise 13 1. 9 hrs 16 min 3. 17 hrs 58 min 24 sec 5. 17 hrs 57 min Exercise 14 1. Anna by 0.05 litres 3. 50 bottles 5. (a) 7 cows (b) 11 700 Tanzanian shillings Exercise 15 1. (b) millilitre (d) litre (e) kilolitre ONLY
3. (a) 4.8 litres (b) 3 600 litres (c) 5.64 litres 5. There are 10 000 cl in 1 hl Revision exercise 1. 9 kg 243 g 3. 1 tonne 993 kg 5. 6 m 15 cm 7. 999 dam ONLINE
9. (a) 1 kg 50 g (b) 0.8 km 4 m (c) 4 min 20 s 11. 52 years 13. 92 days 15. 494.4 km FOR
17. Yes, it can fit the length of a shape, the length of the space left is 8 mm.
## Chapter Six
| Exercise 1 1. (a) | 8 000 | (b) 12 000 | (c) 14 000 | | |
| (d) | 101 000 | (e) 18 000 | (f) | 2 350 000 | |
| (g) | 61 000 | (h) 10 000 | (i) | 1 235 000 | |
| 3. | (a) 30 | (b) 20 | (c) 30 | (d) 10 | |
| (e) 0 | | (f) | 30 | (g) 20 | (h) 310 |
5. 237 000
(c) 0.3 (d) 294.5 � 294.5 7. (a) 157.8823529 � 157.9 (b) 10.03255814 � 10.0
| (b) 6 | 8 | 8 | . | 9 | 3 | 4 | 1 |
| Hundreds | Tens | Ones | Tenths | Hundredths | Thousandths | Ten thousandths | |


9. (a) 688.9341
(c) (i) 688.93 (ii) 688.9 (iii) 700 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 USE
1. 1200 3. 4 800 5. 750 7. 800 9. 0.83
11. Tsh1 200 000 13. (a) 0.1 (b) 60 (c) 2 000 000 (d) 3 (e) 500

1. 0.285 3. 2.01 5. 10.7 7. (a) 1.923 (b) 0.714 9. (a) 712 000 (b) 24.7 (c) 133 (d) 102 11. (a) 7.333 (b) 7.8 (c) 0.4896
| Exercise 4 1. (a) 0.08 | (b) 5.07 | (c) 1.70 | |
| (d) 0.72 | (e) 12.05 | (f) 3.35 | |
| (g) 3.61 | (h) 0.01 | (i) 72.79 | |
| 3. | (a) 3.1 | (b) 0.7 | (c) 250.7 |
| (d) 0.1 | (e) 0.7 | (f) 10.4 | |
| 5. | 18.03 | | |
| 7. | (a) 0.0028 | (b) 20.04 | (c) 0.172 |
| (d) 6.010 | (e) 2.1 | | |
| 9. | (a) 4 | (b) 7 | (c) 6 |
| 1. | (a) | 8.65 | (b) 1.05 | (c) 0.34 | |
| (d) | 31.78 | (e) 19.67 | (f) | 0.45 | |
| 3. | (a) | 5 000 000 | (b) 5 268 000 (c) 5 267 900 | | |
| 5. | 2 800 | 7. 100 | 9. 35.82 | 11. 240 | 13. 252 |
| 15. | (a) 86.5 | (b) 86.46 | (c) 90 | (d) 86 | |
| | | | ONLY | | |
| 17. | (a) (i) 17.8 | (ii) 17.1 | (iii) 2.0 | (iv) 0.0 | |
| (b) (i) 23.75 | (ii) 23.08 | (iii) 0.05 | (iv) 0.08 | | |
| 19. | (a) 0.69 | (b) 0.95 | (c) | 0.09 | |
| 21. | (a) 35.00 | (b) 35.0 | USE | | |
Revision exercise ONLINE
Chapter Seven Exercise 1 1. 3 line segments 3. (a) ⟶BA (b)
5. There are 16 line segments.
‾AF, ‾AB, ‾BC, ‾AC, ‾AG, ‾GF, ‾AD, ‾GD, ‾DB, ‾GB, ‾GE, ‾EC, ‾GC, ‾FE, ‾EB, ‾FB
7. (a) 3 line segments (b) 6 line segments
(c) 10 line segments (d) 15 line segments 9. (a) A ray has one end point
(b) A line has no end points (c) A line segment has two end points 11. Flat surfaces: (a) and (c)
1. Obtuse angle 3. Right angle (90o) 5. Acute angle 7. Acute angle 9. Obtuse angle

403 છે

sic Mathematics Form O
404 Exercise 6 1. (a) Vertically opposite angles: a and c, b and d, h and f, e and g
(b) Corresponding angles: h and d, e and a, g and c, f and b
(c) Alternate interior angles: e and c, f and d 
1. Scalene Δ : (a), (b), (d), and (e)
Isosceles Δ : (c) and (f) Equilateral Δ : None Acute angled Δ : (a), (b), (c), (d), and (f) Obtuse angled Δ : (d) Right-angled Δ: (e)
3. 10 vertices, Obtuse triangles: ΔSTR, ΔRXP, ΔRQY, ΔTQV, and ΔSYV
1. ‾AB = ‾AC = 4 cm, the otherside
‾BC = 5. 7 cm 5. The type of the triangle is acute triangle and a scalene triangle.



3. 5.

 DO NOT DUPLICARE
The shaded regions represent: Arc AB = ⏜AB is called minor arc.
Sector AOB and sector COD. Arc APB = APB
⏜ is called major arc.
## Revision Exercise
1. A point; a tip of a pin (d)
A ray; a ray of light (a) A line segment; a ruler's edge (b) A surface plane; a top of a table (c)
3. (a) a = AD̂ B and AB̂ C= c + d (b) DB̂ C = d (c) AD̂ C = a + b (d) BD̂ C = b ONLINE
(e) AB̂ D = c 5. (a) ‾BE and ‾AC or ‾AB and ‾BC or
‾AE and ‾EB, ‾EC and ‾CB
(b) a = 48o
(c) AÊ B = 9 0o FOR
7. ED̂ G and GD̂ H, ED̂ F and FD̂ H

PQ̂ R = 360o − 12 0o
= 240o 11. AÔ D = 13 0o , CÔ B = 13 0o ,
BÔ D = 5 0o 13. b = 7 5o , c = 105o 15. Semi-circular arc 17. Yes 19. All angles of square are equal (90°
each) while angles of a rhombus are not equal. All diagonals in a square are equal while diagonals in a rhombus are not equal.
21. a = 40o , b = 12 0o , c = 140o 408 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
## Chapter Eight
Exercise 1 1. (a) 5n + 3k + 2x
(i) There are three terms.
(ii) The coefficient of n is 5, the coefficient of k is 3, and the coefficient of x is 2.
(b) 6x - 3y - 5z
(i) There are three terms.
(ii) The coefficient of x is 6, the coefficient of y is - 3, and the coefficient of z is - 5.
(c) 10
_14 x
(i) One term. (ii) The coefficient of x is 10
3. 8y 5. - 4w 7. 6n 9. 6k 11. y + 1
13. - 12 15. 29 17. 118 19. –50 21. - 3.6
Exercise 2 1. 25x + 30m + 20y 3. 4p - 10q + 6 5. ar - 7br + 9cr 7. 15ax + 9ay - 9az 9. 12abx - 4aby - 14abz 11. 10ax + 5bx + 15cx USE
13. - 10np + 16nq + 6n 15. 8amn - 16bmn + 40cmn 17. 12auv - 28uv 19. - 6ax + 2ab 25. 5(a + 4b - 2c) 27. 2a(2t - 3r + 4m) 29. 2a(6p - q + 4r– 3s )
Exercise 3
7. _12
b − 4c 9. _a + 3b
11. _
34y + 28
| | b − 4c | 9. _a + 3b | 34y + 28 |
| 7. | _1 2 | 8 | 15 |
| 1. | 12h - 20 | 3. 4p - 3 | 5. 2x - 3y |
409 21. ax + nm - 2cz 23. 3(3a - 2b + c)
Exercise 4
| Exercise 5 1. x = 13 | 3. x = 5 | 5. x = 6 _1 2 | 7. x = 6 | |
| 9. | x = 10 | 11. x = 10 | 13. x = 3 | 15. x = 10 |
| | _6 7 | | | |
| 1. | 5x = 20 | 3. 21 + x = 125 | 5. 99 - x = 63 |
| 7. | 2x + 8 = 3x - 7 | 9. 5x + 8 = 4 (x + 8) | |
1. 12 years 3. 18 and 19 5. (a) x = 50o (b) x = 28º 7. y = 10 9. m = 28, or m = 20 11. 16 13. Daughter's age = 4 years, woman's age = 32 years. 15. 9
| 1. | x = 2, y = 1 | 3. x = 4, y = 2 | 5. x = 3, y = 1 |
| 7. | x = 3, y = 2 | 9. x = 31.2, y = 2.4 | 11. x = 2, y = 3 |
| 13. x = 2, y = 2 | 15. x = 6, y = 10 | 17. x = _14 9 | |
| 19. x = 12, y = 3 | 21. x = _212 29 , y = − _155 29 | | |
13. x = 2, y = 2 15. x = 6, y = 10 17. x = _149
, y = _−35
1. 69 and 40 3. 16 girls and 20 boys ONLINE
5. A pen costs Tsh 800 and a pencil costs Tsh 500 FOR
7. 80 and 70 9. x = _−4 5 and y = _165
1. (a), (b), (d), (e), (f), (g), (j), (k) and (n) 3. (a) x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (b) x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
(c) x = 5, 7, 9, 11, 13,... (d) x = –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

7. 9. Exercise 10 1. w > 5 cm 3. x <
_23 5. x ≥ 3 7. x < 2 Revision exercise
3. (a) 10m - n (b) 9x + y (c) - 6k - 5n - 5 (d) –5x + 5y 5. (a) 120*abmn* (b) - 42nm (c) - ax + 6bx
1. (a) 16a (b) 7m (c) - 0.7x + 4.1y (d) 5x + _34
7. (a) 80 (b) - 4 (c) _152 or 7.5
9. (a) _15
13 (b) x = - 6 (c) x = 30
(d) x = 10 (e) x = _78
(f) x =
_52 or 2_12
(g) x = _254 or 6_14 (h) x = _29 19 or 1_10 19 FOR
11. Father 49.5 years; James 16.5 years.
13. (a) x = 3, y = 6 (b) x = 2.2, y = 4.4 or x = _11 5
, y = _225
(c) x = 2, y = 6 (d) x = 10, y = 7 411
15. (a) x = 10, y = 11 (b) x = 8, y = 5
(c) x = _32
, y = _54 (d) x = 2, y = 6
17. x = 15, y = 32
19. (a) x > 2_12
(b) x ≤ 1 (c) x < −1 (d) x ≥
(e) x ≥
(f) x < −2
21. x = 3, y = 2.5 23. _36
25. x + y = 102
## Chapter Nine

(g) (h)

| 3. | (a) (b) (c) | | | |
| 5. | (a) _1 25 | (b) _4 1 | (c) − _27 1 | (d) _28 5 |
| (e) − _3 100 | (f) _17 4 | (g) − _49 8 | (h) − _8 3 | |
| Exercise 2 | | ONLY | | |
| | | (c) 0 | (d) − _11 | |
| 1. | (a) − _1 6 | (b) −1_1 4 | 12 | |
| 3. | (a) 2.8 | (b) –1.4 | (c) –5.6 | (d) 2.2 |
| | USE | | | |
| (e) 1.4 | (f) | 25.194 | (g) 0.875 | (h) 19.73 |
| Exercise 3 1. _56 45 = 1_11 45 | 3. − _8 21 | 5. 3 | 7. _1 20 | 9. − _7 |
| | | _3 5 | 180 | |
| | ONLINE 15. 2 | 17. − | 19. 4.848336 | |
| 11. | –1.9 | 13. _4 5 | _7 9 | _1 4 |
| FOR | | | | |
| Exercise 4 1. − _12 17 | 3. –12 | 5. − _14 17 | 7. _11 12 | 9. 111 |
11. _76 or 1_16 13. − _32 15. _317 or 4_37 17. − _41 220 19. −12_35
or − _635
Exercise 5
1. (a) _78
(b) _59
40 (c) _226
495 (d) _191257
9999 (e) _78
3. (i) Whole numbers are: (d), (l), (m), and (q).
$\downarrow$ .
(ii) Integers are: (d), (e), (g), (l), (m), and (q). (iii) Rational numbers are: (b), (c), (d), (e), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), (n),
(p), and (q).
(iv) Irrational numbers are: (a), (f), (o), and (r).

Exercise 7 1. (a) 62 (b) √
_2 (c) 8 (d) _47
(e) 12.5 (f) pq 3. (a) x = 3 or x = –3 (b) x = 7 or x = –3 (c) x = 3 or x = –3
(d) x = 9 or x = 11 (e) x = 3 or x = 9 (f) x = 2 or x = −
5. (a) x > 2 or x < −2 (b) 5 < x < 7 (c) −3 ≤ x ≤ 3
(d) −3 ≤ x ≤ −1 (e) −
< x <
(f) x > 0 or x < −4
## Revision Exercise
1. (a) _132
(b) − _102
11 (c) _81
99 (d) _387
(e) _231
| 99 | (d) _387 | | | | |
| 11 | (c) _81 | 2 | | | |
| (f) | _2207 | 10 | (h) _5174 45 | (i) | _3 |
| | (g) − _43 | | | | |
| 9 | | | | | |

| 13. | Tsh 240 000 | 15. |
| 17. | Tsh 850 500 | |
## Chapter Ten
| 1. | 2 : 3 | 3. | 2 : 1 | 5. | 4 : 3 | 7. 16 : 9 |
| 9. | 28 : 1 | 11. | 7 : 4 | 13. | 17 : 100 | |
| 15. | 1000 : 1 | 17. | 34 : 1 | 19. | 3 : 2 | |
| 21. | 25 : 30 = 5 : 6 | 23. | 24 : 8 = 21 : 7 | 25. | _4 7 = _20 35 | |
| 27. | 12 : 28 = 3 : 7 | 29. | 3 : 10 | 31. | 15 : 12 : 10 | |
| 33. | First part is Tsh 12 000, second part is Tsh 5 000, third part is Tsh 20 000 | | | | | |
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 1. (a) 70, 30 (b) 45, 30 (c) 6, 6, 4 (d) _25
, _110 3. Juma - Tsh 30 000, Ali - Tsh 18 000 and John - Tsh 12 000. 5. 2.1 kg 7. 40 kg of A, 32 kg of B 9. 50 kg 11. 9 100 litres 13. 312, 1 170, 3 900 15. 9 n _
2 2
| USE |
1. (a) Profit Tsh 600 (b) Loss Tsh 200 (c) Profit Tsh 800 (d) Profit Tsh 250 (e) Loss Tsh 500 3. (a) Tsh 31 000 (b) Tsh 23 400 (c) Tsh 165 000 (d) Tsh 639 200 (e) Tsh 74 000 5. 35% 7. Tsh 252 000 9. Tsh 300 000
Exercise 4 FOR
1. (a) Tsh 5 200 (b) Tsh 96 600 (c) Tsh 4 800 (d) Tsh 24 000 (e) Tsh 304 000 (f) Tsh 298 667 (g) Tsh 1 920 000 (h) Tsh 56 250 (i) Tsh 106 250 (j) Tsh 4 200 000 3. (a) 7% p.a. (b) 8% p.a. (c) 12% p.a. 5. 14% 7. 4 yrs 5 months 9. Tsh 200 000 11. (a) Tsh 1 080 000 (b) Tsh 7 000 000 13. Tsh 106 250 15. 4 years 3 months 416 Revision exercise FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE
1. (a) 52.25 years (b) 1 _12 hours (c) Tsh 1 200 000 3. Tsh 1 824 000 5. 2_12 years or 2 years six months 7. 24° : 48°: 120° : 168° 9. P = Tsh 125 000
## Chapter Eleven
Exercise 1 1. (a) H(1, 2), I(2, 0), J(0, –3), K(3, –3), L(–1, –2),
M(–2, –3), N(–2, 1), Q(–1, 0), P(–1, 3)
(b) H belongs to the first quadrant, L belongs to the third quadrant K belongs to the fourth quadrant N belongs to the second quadrant 3. (a) Quadrant III (b) Quadrant II (c) Quadrant IV (d) Quadrant I
1. (a) 1, positive (b) 7, positive (c) _23
, positive
(d) –1, negative (e) −_72
, negative (f) _75
, positive USE
(g) 0, zero (h) 2, positive (i) undefined (j) undefined (k) 0, zero 3. (a) P(3, –2), Q(0, 4), and R(–4.5, –2)
(b) Gradient of line PQ is –2, gradient of line PR is 0, and the gradient of line QR is
(c) Isosceles triangle ONLINE
Exercise 3
| FOR | | | |
| 1. | (a) 5y - 4x = 17 | (b) 5y - 2x = 5 | (c) 3y - 2x = 11 |
| (d) y + x = 7 | (e) y = 0 | (f) 5y + 2x = –14 | |
| (g) 4y + 3x = 0 | (h) 3y - 2x = 20 | (i) 7y + 3x = –12 | |
| (j) y + x = 0 | | | |
| 3. | (a) y = 2x - 3 | (b) y = –2x + 5 | (c) y = 3x - 6 |
| | (d) y = _3 2 x − 1 | (e) y = –3x | |
417 5. (a) y = −
_74 x + _114
, m = −
_74 and c = _114
(b) y = − _143 x + 4, m = − _143 and c = 4
(c) y = 2x - 5, m = 2 and c = –5
(d) y = −
_45 x + 8, m = −
_45 and c = 8
(e) y = 8x, m = 8 and c = 0
(f) y = 3x + _70 13 , m = 3 and c = _70 13
1. Table of values for 2x + y - 1 = 0
x –2 –1 0 1 2 y 5 3 1 –1 –3

The graph meet the coordinate axes at (0, 1) and (0.5, 0). 3. (a) Gradient of line CD is 0 Gradient of line BC is undefined
(b) y = 3 and x = 4
(c) y = _–34 x + 3, slope = _–34
, y–intercept = 3, x–intercept = 4, 418 Exercise 5 1. Solution is (1, 2),
that is x = 1, y = 2 Verification: (i) 2x + y = 4 2(1) + 2 = 4 4 = 4 (ii) x + y = 3 1+ 2 = 3 3 = 3 Thus, the point (1,2)
satisfies both equations


419 5. Solution is (3, 1)
that is x = 3, y = 1 Verification (i) x + 2y = 5 3 + 2(1) = 5 3 + 2 = 5 5 = 5
(ii) x - 2y = 1 3 - 2(1) = 1 3 - 2 = 1 1 = 1 Thus, the point (3,1) satisfies both equations
(ii) y = –2x + 5
–1 = –2(3) + 5
–1 = –6 + 5 –1 = –1 Thus, the point (3,–1)
satisfies both equations

7. Solution = (3, –1),
that is, x = 3, y = –1 Verification
(i) x - 4 = y 3 - 4 = –1 –1 = –1

420 9. Solution is (2, 5),
that is, x = 2, y = 5 Verification (i) y + 1 = 3x 5 + 1 = 3(2) 6 = 6 (ii) y - 3 = x 5 - 3 = 2 2 = 2 Thus, the point (2,5) satisfies both equations

Revision exercise 1. (a) m = 3, positive (b) m = 1, positive (c) m = –1, negative (d) m =
, positive (e) m = −
, negative (f) m = –1, negative
3. (a) y = –4x + 8, m = –4, c = 8
| | (d) m = _2 5 , positive | (e) m = − _1 4 | | |
| 3. (a) y = –4x + 8, | m = –4, | c = 8 | | |
| | USE | | | |
| | (b) y = _1 6 x + _1 3 , | m = _1 6 , | c = _1 3 | |
| | (c) y = 2x - 2, | m = 2, | c = - 2 | |
| | x + _23 4 | , | c = _23 4 | |
| | (d) y = − _3 4 | , | m = − _3 4 | |
| | ONLINE | | | |
| | (e) y = − _3 4 x - 1, | | m = − _3 4 , | c = –1 |
| | (f) y = − _4 3 x − 3, | m = − _4 3 , | c = –3 | |

9. (a) (1, 0), (0, 0), Horizontal (b) (1, 2), (2, 1), Neither vertical nor horizontal (c) (3, –2), (3, 5), Vertical (d) (– 4, 2), (– 4, –1), Vertical (e) (2, 8), (–2, 8), Horizontal
(f) (
, 1), (
, 4), Neither vertical nor horizontal
(g) (0.5, –1), (0.5, –2), Vertical (h) (0,2), (0, –3), Vertical 11. (a) y =
_27 x + _207
, y–intercept = _207
(b) y =
_59 x + _539
, y–intercept = _539
(c) y = − _11 36 x + _427 186 , y–intercept = _487 186
(d) y =
_13 x −
, y–intercept = −
(e) y = 6, y–intercept = 6
(f) y = x - 386, y–intercept = - 386
## Only Chapter Twelve
Exercise 2 1. 65.94 mm 3. 109.9 mm 5. 95.8328 mm 7. 94.2 cm 9. 150.72 cm 11. 4 m 13. 60 cm 15. 3.85 dm 17. 21 dm 19. 40.82 cm FOR
Exercise 3 1. 16 square units 3. 6 square units 5. 13 square units
| | USE | | | | |
| 1. | 19 cm | 3. | 16.55 mm | 5. | 18.3 mm |
| 7. | 21.7 dm | 9. | 36 m | 11. | 70 dm |
| 13. | 60 m | 15. | 16 m | 17. | 4 cm |
| 19. | Length = 35 m and width = 12 m | | | | |
| Exercise 6 | | x + _1 16 )c m2 | 5. | lh square units | | |
| 1. | 15 cm2 | 3. | ( _1 8 | | | |
| 7. | 10 cm2 | | | | | |
| Exercise 7 1. 24.1152 cm2 | 3. | 14.13 cm2 | 5. | 226.08 cm2 | | |
| 7. | 115.395 cm2 | 9. | 14 cm | | 11. | 346. 5 dm2 |
| 13. | 769.3 cm2 | 15. | 61 600 mm2 | 17. | 38.465 m2 | |
| 19. | 384 650 m2 | 21. | 1962.5 cm2 | ONLY | | |
| | | USE | | | | |
| Revision exercise 1. 28 cm | 3. | 96.712 cm | 5. | 28 cm | | |
| 7. | 120 dm2 | 9. | (a) 42.5 cm | (b) 165 cm | 11. | 96 cm2 |
| 13. | 121 cm2 | 15. | 125.7 dm, 1257.14 dm2 | | | |
| 17. | 94 286 mm2 | 19. | 63.3 cm | | | |
| Exercise 4 1. 154 cm2 | 3. | 14 dm2 | 5. | 17.64 m2 | | |
| 7. | 120 cm2 | 9. | 35.2 cm2 | 11. | 7 125 m2 | |
| 13. | 144 cm2 | 15. | 20 cm | | 17. | 7.5 m |
| 19. | 1 260 mm2 | 21. | 6 cm2 | | | |
| Exercise 5 1. 52 m2 | 3. | 1 530 mm2 | 5. | 8 cm2 | | |
| 7. | 76 cm2 | 9. | 24 cm2 | 11. | 7 cm | |
| 13. | 200 cm2 | 15. | 160 mm | 17. | 200 m | |
 DO NOT DUPLICARE
| Absolute value of a number: | The value of a number without regard to its sign. | |
| Algebra: | A branch of mathematics that substitutes letters for | |
| | numbers. It deals with representing numbers through variables. | |
| Angle: | The amount of turning. | |
| Arc: | A part of a circumference of a circle. | |
| Area: | The number of unit squares that cover the surface of a closed figure. | |
| Chord: | A line segment connecting two points on the circumference. | |
| Circle: | A closed path which is at equal distance from fixed | |
| | point (centre). | |
| Circular region: | A surface bounded by a circle. | |
| Circumference: | The perimeter of a circle. | |
| Coefficient: | A number that is written along with a variable or it is | |
| | multiplied by the variable. | |
| Constant: | A value or number that never changes in expression, it is | |
| | constantly the same. | |
| Decimal: | A fraction of which its denominator is a multiple of 10, | |
| | 100, 1 000, and so on. | |
| Denominator: | The bottom part of a fraction. | |
| Diameter: | A chord of a circle which passes through the centre | |
| | of the circle. | |
| Difference: | An answer obtained after subtracting two numbers. | |
| Digits: | The numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. | |
| Equation: | A mathematical sentence with an equal sign (=). | |
| Even number: | A number which is exactly divisible by 2. | |
| Integer: | A number with no fractional part (no decimals). , where a and b are | |
| Irrational number: | Cannot be written in the form of _a b | |
| | integers, but b ≠ 0. | |
| Line: | | A set of points which extend in both directions without |
| | an end. | |
| Loss: | Made by selling an item at a lower price than the buying | |
| | price. | |
| Natural numbers: | Counting numbers starting with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . ONLYUSE | |
| ONLINE | | |
| FOR | | |
| Number line: | A straight line marked with equal intervals, and labelled | |
| | with numbers. | |
| Numeral: | A symbol which represents a number. | |
| Numerator: | The top part of a fraction. | |
| Odd number: | A number which is not exactly divisible by 2. | |
| Parallelogram: | A quadrilateral which both of its pairs of opposite sides | |
| | are parallel. | |
| Perimeter: | A length of boundary that surrounds a shape. | |
| Place value: | A position of a digit in a numeral. | |
| Polygon: | A closed plane figure bounded by a finite number of line | |
| | segments placed end to end successively. | |
| Prime number: | A positive integer, except one, which is divisible by itself | |
| | and one only. | |
| Profit: | A gain amount from any business activity. It is made by | |
| | selling an item at a higher price than the buying price. | |
| Product: | An answer obtained by multiplication of two | |
| | or more numbers or variables. | |
| Proportion: | A statement that two ratios are equal. | |
| | It is a mathematical comparison between two numbers. | |
| Quotient: | An answer obtained by dividing two numbers. | |
| Ratio: | A comparison by division between two or more quantities which are in the same unit and can be simplified | |
| | like a fraction. | |
| Rational number: | Any number written in the form of _a b , where a and b | |
| | are both integers except that, b ≠ 0. | |
| Ray: | A line segment extended in one direction. | |
| Real number: | Any number which is either rational or irrational number. | |
| Reciprocal of a number: | This is 1 divided by that number. Product of a number x | |
| | and its reciprocal yields 1. | |
| Rectangle: | A parallelogram which all its angles measure 90º. | |
| Rhombus: | A parallelogram whose all sides are equal. | |
| Sector: | A part of a circular region bounded by two radii of a circle | |
| | and an arc. | |
| Segment: | A plane bounded by a chord of a circle and the intercepted | |
| | arcs. | ONLY |
| | USE | |
| ONLINE | | |
| FOR | | |
| Square: | A rectangle with four equal sides and each angle | |
| | measures 90º. | |
| Sum: | | An answer obtained by adding together numbers. |
| Trapezium: | A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel opposite sides. | |
| Triangle: | A polygon with three edges and three vertices. | |
| Variable: | A symbol used to represent a numerical value that can | |
| | change. It represents an unknown number or unknown | |
| | value or unknown quantity. | |
| Whole numbers: | Natural numbers including digit zero. | |
Bibliography Channon J. B (1985). New General Mathematics for Secondary Schools without answers, Book 3: Hong Kong. Longman China Ltd.
Channon J. B (1986). *General Mathematics for Secondary Schools, Book 1:* Hong Kong. Pearson Education Ltd.
Marongori J.M and Sharma S.N (2011)*. O-level Mathematics Form 1.*
Dar es Salaam. Ben and Company Ltd.
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (2005). *Basic Mathematics* Syllabus for Ordinary Secondary Education Form I-IV. Dar es Salaam.
Uhuru Media Ltd. (2010)*. Mathematics for secondary schools Student's Book 1.*
Dar es Salaam. Kenya English Press Ltd.

Index A
Acute angle 178, 183, 185, 403 Acute angled triangle 205 Addition 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 36, 62, 63,
| 100, 122, 133, 147, 223, 232, 272 | |
| Adjacent angle 179 | Corresponding angles 197, 405 |
| Algebra v, viii, 2, 222, 263, 425 Algebraic expressions v, 222, 228, 263 | Cost 150, 305 Counting 425 |
| Alternate angles 197 Angles iv, 177, 178, 197 | D |
| Approximation 158 | Decimal places iv, 166 |
| Arcs 215, 383 | ONLY |
| Areas 370 | 113, 397 |
| Arithmetic 2 | Denominator 425 |
| | USE |
| B | |
Base ten numeration iii, 7 BODMAS iii, 21, 22, 43, 81 Business 304 FOR
C Circles iv Circumference v, 351, 353, 354, 355, 356, 381, 382, 385, 425 Coefficient 425 Column 176 Complementary angle 179 Concept iii, viii, 1 Constant 425 Coordinate geometry v, viii, 314 Corresponding angles 197, 405 Cost 150, 305 Decimals iv, viii, 89, 90, 91, 100, 108, USE
Diameter 216, 353, 356, 385, 425 Difference 232, 425 Digit 10 Distance 156, 171 Division 19, 20, 21, 22, 43, 76, 77, 102, 129, 139, 232, 277, 289 E Elimination method 240 429
| Estimate 162, 163, 164, 353 | L |
| Estimation 158, 352 | LCM 30, 31, 32, 45, 47, 58, 60, 61, 63, |
| Expanded form 10 | 64, 67, 68, 229, 272 |
| Expenditure 297 | Lines 173 |
| Express 28, 111, 170, 229, 246, 265, | Line segment 174 |
| 298, 299 | Loss 295, 304, 305, 306, 416, 425 |
| F | M |
| Factors iii, 27, 28 | Mass 134, 136, 416 |
| Fractions iii, viii, 49, 56, 62, 66, 91, 107, 113, 397 | Mathematical 131 |
| Full angle 179 | Measuring 181, 182 |
| G | Metric units iv, viii, 116, 130, 141, 149 |
| Geo 2, 172 | Money 6 |
| Geometry 2, 172 | ONLY |
| | Multiples 30, 31 |
| Gradient v, 319, 320, 321, 343, 417, 418 | Multiplication 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 41, |
| | USE 43, 69, 73, 102, 127, 137, 225, |
| I | 232, 259, 274 |
| Income 297 | N |
| Integers 34, 45, 268, 282, 414, 425 ONLINE Interest 308, 310 | Natural numbers 13, 45, 425, 427 |
| Irrational numbers v, 279, 282, 414 | Number line 426 |
| Isosceles triangle 204, 417 | Numbers iii, v, viii, 1, 11, 268, 315 |
Numeral 426 Numerator 426 430 K Kite 213
| FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICARE Radius 216, 356, 407 | |
| O | Ratio v, 295, 296, 426 |
| Obtuse angle 183, 185, 403 | Rational numbers v, 268, 282, 414 |
| Operations iii, iv, 14, 36, 62, 100, 122, | Ray 426 |
| 133 | Real numbers v, 283 |
| P | Reciprocal 426 |
| Parallelogram 212, 426 | Rectangle 213, 426 |
| Percentages iv, 89, 107, 109, 111, 113, | Rectangular region 202 |
| 397 | Reflex angle 183, 403 |
| Perimeter 346, 347, 349, 426 | Repeating decimals 280 |
| Perpendicular lines iv, 186, 218 | Rhombus 212, 426 |
| Place value iii, 7, 10, 426 | Right angle 178, 183, 403 |
| Planes 174 | Right-angled triangle 205 |
| Points iv, 172, 173, 323 | Rounding off iv, 158, 159 ONLY |
| Polygons iv, 201, 202 | S |
| Problem solving 5 | Science vii |
| | USE |
| Product 69, 426 | Sector 216, 217, 408, 426 |
| Profit v, 295, 304, 305, 416, 426 | Segment 217, 426 |
| Proportions v, 300 ONLINE | Significant figures iv, 164 |
| Q | Signs 232 |
| Quadrilateral 203, 211 | Simultaneous equations v, 239 |
| Quotient 426 FOR | Square 34, 213, 358, 384, 427 Straight angle 178, 199 |
| R | Substitution method 246 |
| Radian-scale 181 | |
Subtraction 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 40, 66, V
125, 136 Supplementary angle 179 T
Terminating decimals 94, 95 Time 6, 154, 308 Total iii, 9, 10, 24, 84, 297 Total value iii, 9, 10 Transversals iv, 197 Trapezium 211, 427 Triangle 203, 205, 427 Triangular region 201 Variable 427 W
Whole numbers 13, 45, 414, 427 X
x-intercept 328, 333, 334, 337, 418 xy-plane 315, 316, 318, 326, 332, 333, 338, 339 Y
y-intercept 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 333, 334, 337, 343, 418, 423 ONLY
432 Status of Children 1 1 1 1 1 1








Muda: Saa 1:30 Agosti, 2024 MAELEKEZO
1. Karatasi hii ina sehemu **A, B** na C zenye jumla ya maswali **nane** (8). 2. Jibu maswali **yote** kwenye nafasi ulizopewa. 3. Sehemu A na B zina alama **ishirini (20)** kila moja na sehemu C ina alama **kumi (10)**. 4. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwa kalamu yenye wino wa bluu au **mweusi, isipokuwa** katika michoro ni lazima kutumia penseli.
5. Vifaa vya mawasiliano **havitakiwi** katika chumba cha mtihani.
6. Andika Namba yako ya Mtihani na **Jina la Shule yako** katika kila ukurasa sehemu ya juu
upande wa kulia.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ukurasa wa 1 kati ya 4 SEHEMU A: (Alama 20) Jibu maswali yote katika sehemu hii 1. Kwa kila kipengele (i) - (x), chagua jibu sahihi kisha andika herufi ya jibu hilo katika kisanduku i. Mojawapo kati ya maneno yafuatayo huwekwa kwenye Viuatilifu vya kuua wadudu
(A)inashika moto (B)sumu au hatari (C)maji yasiyosalama
(D)inakereketa (E) inawaka ii. Hewa ni mchanganyiko wa gesi mbalimbali. Ni gesi gani husaidia moto kuwaka
(A)Kabonidayoksaidi (B)Naitrojeni (C)Okasijeni (D)Agoni (E)Haidrojeni iii. Uandishi wa taarifa ya jaribio la kisayansi una hatua tano. Kati ya hatua zifuatazo ipi ni hatua ya tatu (A)Lengo (B)vifaa (C)matokeo (D)njia (E)hitimisho iv. Mwalimu wa sayansi darasa la tano aliwataka wanafunzi wataje vifaa vinavyotoa taarifa kwenye tarakilishi(vitumi toleo). Ni jozi ipi yenye vitumi toleo sahihi (A)Monita na spika (B)skrini na kibodi (C)kitenzi na kibodi (D) kipaza sauti na kibodi (E)kiteuzi na spika v. Tafuta thamani ya pembe K
(A)500(B)400(C)300 (D)600

(E)450 vi. Wakati wa radi mwanga huonekana kabla ya mngurumo ingawa vyote hutokea kwa wakati mmoja. Hii inadhihirisha kuwa (A)sauti husafiri tararibu kuliko mwanga (B)Mwanga husafiri taratibu kuliko sauti
(C)sauti husafiri sawa sawa na mwanga
(D)mwanga husafiri polepole kuliko sauti (E)sauti na mwanga vina sifa sawa vii. Kwa nini tunashauriwa kunawa mikono kwa maji tiririka na sabani baada ya kutoa chooni (A)kupunguza taka ngumu (B)kuondoa harufu mbaya
(C)kuzuia maambukizi ya magonjwa (D)kuongeza umaridadi (E)kuwa nadhifu viii. Nini kitatokea endapo ncha mbili za sumaku zinazofanana zikiwekwa karibu
(A)zitavutana (B)zitakaribiana (C)hakitatokea (D)zitakwepana (E)zitakimbiana ix. Vitu vinavyoelea au kuzama kwenye maji vinasifa tatu. Mojawapo ni uhusiano wa kani elezi nak ani ua uvutano. Je kitu kitazama endepo kani yake itakuwaje?
(A)kanielezi itakuwa kubwa kuliko kani ya uvutano
(B)kanielezi itakuwa saw ana kani ya uvutano (C)kanielezi haitakuwepo Ukurasa wa 2 kati ya 4

(D)kani ya uvutano haitakuwepo

(E)kani ya uvutano itakuwa kubwa kuliko kanielezi x. Sawazisha wenzo ifuatayo kwa kutafuta thamani ya T
(A) sm 40 (B) sm 20 (C) kg20 (D) kg40 (E)kg30 2. Oanisha alama ya umeme katika safu "A" na jina la kifaa cha umeme katika safu "B"
(i-v) kwenye jedwali lifuatalo
| Safu A | Jibu | Safu B |
| i | A:Swichi | |
| ii | B:waya | |
| iii | C:Vpltimita | |
| iv | D:Galvanomita | |
| v | E:Glopu F:Amita G:Kikinza H:Ohmita | |
3. Tumia maneno yafuatayo kujibu maswali. Neno moja linaweza kutumika zaidi ya mara moja Kabari, Daraja **la pili, wenzo, Daraja la tatu**
i. Fundi mwashi hutumia sepeto kuchotea mchanga. Je fundi huyu hutumia nyenzo Daraja la ngapi________________________________
ii. Ni aina ya mashine rahisi inayotumika kukatia mbao na kupasua kuni___________________________________________
iii. Mbeba mizigo hutumia toroli kubeba mizigo kutoka sehemu moja Kwenda sehemu nyingine. Je toroli ni nyenzo Daraja la ngapi? _____________________________________________________
iv. Mashine inayotumika kubana karatasi mashuleni na maofisini ni mfano wa nyenzo Daraja la ngapi?_____________________________________
v. Aina ya machine rahisi ambayo imegawanyika katika sehemu tatu____________________________________________ : (**ALAMA 20**) Jibu maswali yote katika sehemu hii 4. Toa majibu mafupi i. Jokofu ni kifaa kinachotumika khifadhi vitu mbalimbali katika hali ya ubaridi. Ni sehemu ipi ya jokofu hutumika kuhifadhi vitu kama nyama na Samaki___________________________________________________
ii. Kizingiti cha mgando wa maji ni sentigredi ngapi?___________________
Ukurasa wa 3 kati ya 4 iii. Ni taratibu ipi muhimu ya kwanza kufuata wakati wa kusafisha jokofu___________________________________________________
5. Jibu kipengele (i) - (iii) kwa kuandika jibu sahihi katika nafasi uliyopewa i. Dereva wa gari alitumia kioo cha aina gani kuona pikipiki iliyokuwa nyuma yake___________________________________________
ii. Bibi anatatizo la kutoona mbali. Wewe kama mtaalamu wa sayansi na teknolojia utamshauri atumie miwani yenye lensi gani?________________
iii. Ni aina gani ya kioo hutumika katika taa za mbele za magari kuwezesha mwanga kuwa mkali na kuonekana katika sehemu kubwa _______________________________________________________
6. Toa majibu majibu mafupi i. Virutubisho katika mimea vimegawanyika katika makundi mawili. Ni kirutubisho kipi kinachotumika kutengeneza protini________________
ii. Tishu inayopitisha maji na virutubisho kutoka kwenye mizizi Kwenda sehemu zote za mmea huitwa_______________________________
iii. Ni wakati gani stomata husharabu hewa ya Oksijeni______________ iv. Kitendo cha mimea kusanisi chakula chake huitwa___________________________________________
7. Jitihada ya kg50 iliweza kusogeza mzigo wenye uzito wa kg150 kwa umbali wa mita 6.
Kama wakati wa kusogeza mzigo,jitihada ilisogea umbali wa mita 24. Tafuta i. Manufaa ya kimakanika
ii. Uwiano wa mwendo Dhahiri
iii. Ufanisi
8. Chunguza kielelezo kifuatacho kisha jibu maswali yafuatayo i. Herufi ipi inawakilisha sehemu inayohusika na kuondoa urea, chumvichumvi,

kemikali za mabaki ya madawa__________________
ii. Nini kazi ya kiungo kilichoainishwa na herufi C
Ukurasa wa 4 kati ya 4 |
MTIHANI KISWAHILI DRS LA IV | ***Jina la Mtahiniwa: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Shule:
{width="4.416666666666667in"
height="4.145833333333333in"}**JAMHURI YA MUUNGANO WA TANZANIA**
**REGISTRATION NUMBER: 569076 CONTACTS: 0766617162**
**MUDA: SAA 1:40 2024**
**1.** Mtihani huu una maswali **5** katika sehemu **A, B, C, D na E**
2\. Jibu maswali yote kama ulivyoelekezwa katika kila sehemu.
3\. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwenye nafasi ziliachwa wazi katika karatasi
4\. Epuka kufutafuta.
5\. Simu za mkononi haziruhusiwi katika chumba cha mtihani.
| **KWA | | | |
| MATUMIZI | | | |
| YA | | | |
| MSA | | | |
| HIHISHAJI | | | |
| TU** | | | |
| Namba ya | alama (marks) | Examiner's initial | Checker |
| swali | | | initial's |
| | | Sahihi ya | |
| | | msahihishaji | Sahihi ya |
| | | | mkaguzi |
| 1 | | | |
| 2 | | | |
| 3 | | | |
| 4 | | | |
| 5 | | | |
**i) ..............................................**
\(ii\) \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...
\(iii\) \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.....
\(iv\) \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.....
\(v\) \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\....
<!-- -->
i) Mtihani \...\...\...\... ni rahisi sana (a) huyu (b) huu (c)
yote (d) hii
ii) Wingi wa neno ulimi \..... (a) miulimi (b) ndimi (c) maulimi (d)
iii) Mtu asiye na pua huitwa (a) Bubu (b) Toinyo (c)kipofu (d) kiwete
iv) Dada ya baba yako unamwitaje? (a) shangazi (b) binamu (c) mjomba (d)
v) Walipo safari waliona nyumba nyingi \...\...\...\... ya barabara (a)
juu (b) chini (c) nje (d) kando
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
i) Tengua kitendawili, kila niendako ananifuata\...\...\...
ii) Amekula chumvi nyingi maana yake ni \...\.....
iii) Mdharau mwiba \...\...\...\...\....
iv) Dalili ya mvua \...\...\...\...\...\...
v) Tengua kitendawili hiki bomu la machozi baridi
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
i) Embe, pera, nanasi \...\...\...\...\....
ii) Mbu, nzi, mbung'o\...\...\...\...\...\...
iii) Perege, kambare, sato\...\...\...\...
iv) Michezo \...\...\...\...\...\...\.....
v) Kipimio \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
i) Ninachukua mswaki, maji na dawa ya meno
ii) Ninapaka mafuta, naendelea na majukumu mengine
iii) Nawasalimia wazazi wangu, ndugu na jamaa
iv) Ninapiga mswaki na kunawa uso wangu
v) Ninaamka asubuhi na mapema.
<!-- -->
i) Chakula ni muhimu kwetu
ii) Shule yetu ni safi
iii) Elimu ni muhimu sana
iv) Ninapenda kusoma habari nzuri
v) Kiswahili ni lugha ya taifa
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
i) B
ii) B
iii) B
iv) A
v) D
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
i) Kivuli
ii) Ameishi miaka mingi/amezeeka
iii) Mguu huota tende
iv) Ni mawingu
v) Moshi/kitunguu
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
i) Matunda
ii) Wadudu
iii) Samaki
iv) Cheza
v) Pima
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
i) C
ii) E
iii) B
iv) D
v) A
> **CALL, MESSAGE OR WHATSAPP: 0766617162**
> **KUPITIA M- PESA 0766617162 AU AIRTEL MONEY 0683205565, JINA: ALHAJI
> CALL & MESSAGE ONLY: 0683205565**

Time:3:00 HRS Thursday **24-SEPT-2020 PM**
## Instructions
1. This paper consists of sections A, B, and C. 2. Answer the questions as instructed under each section. 3. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room. 4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s).
# Section A: (15 Marks)
Answer all questions 1. From the list of alternatives lettered A to E choose the one which best completes the gap in the sentence. (i) The work was so …………….. that he soon felt tired.
(a) Effortless (b) Uninteresting (c) Leisurely
(d) Laborious (e) Unpleasant
(ii) "Can you ………… this problem for me?" said John
(a) Work up (b) Shake out (c) Strike out
(d) Clear out (e) Clear up
(iii) The book was a new ….. edition of the famous novel.
(a) Verbose (b) Incomplete (c) Abridged
(d) Reformed (e) Abbreviated
(iv) The bank … the cheque, because it was paid immediately
(a) Scrutinized (b) Honoured
(c) Refuted (d) Examined
(e) Recognized
(v) Bolank easily took ………… when the teacher said she was too small to be a prefect. (a) Offence (b) Dislike (c) Anger
(d) Annoyance (e) Hatred
(vi) The president's ………. of office is one year.
(a) Session. (b) Continuation (c) Extent
(d) Term (e) Semester
(vii) It is important to ………. the plans to the council at once, so you can get them approved in good time. (a) Hurry (b) Subject (c) Suggest
(d) Submit (e) Project
(viii) He made a generous …….. for the property being sold by the Alhaji.
(a) Attempt (b) Offer (c) Purchase
(d) Transaction (e) Bargain 2 of 5
(ix) The people of the town all went to pay …… to the Emir.
(a) Greetings (b) Applause
(c) Homage (d) Welcome
(e) Support
(x) He had managed to ……. a loan to start his new business.
(a) Beg (b) Buy (c) Ascertain
(d) Raise (e) Accept
| 2. | Match the items in LIST A with the correct response in LIST B to make five sentences. LIST A LIST B i) May complained that it was a long time. ii) Juma wrote his answers so quickly. iii) Although we arrived home late. iv) Running out of the room. v) John wrote as quickly as he could. A. But he couldn't finish before the end of the exam. B. May said she would see me later. C. She hadn't seen me. D. While father was very agry. E. Since she had seen me. F. Inspite of the fact that they hadn't been there before. G. He finished a long time before the end of the exam. H. Without understanding the questions. I. Father was not as angry as we had thought. |
## Section B: (40 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section 3. Write an appropriate question tag for each of the following statements.
(a) He'd better take a taxi, ……………..? (b) There are many big houses in our area, ………? (c) We elected you chairman, ……………..? (d) I thought that it wouldn't rain to day, ……………….?
4. Dictionaries use abbreviations and symbols to save space. What do the following abbreviations and symbols stand for? (a) Sl. (b) Usu. (c) Port. (d) OE.
5. Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.
(a) I believe she is a very good hearted child. (Begin: It is ……………..) (b) He will need to be looked after ………….. (Re-write to end with …….. looking after) (c) He insists on our apologizing. (Re-write beginning: He insists that …………….)
3 of 5
(d) He urged them to accept the proposal. (Begin: We urged that ………….)
6. Write down the following words and after each place the preposition that properly follows it. (a) Devoid. (b) Object. (c) Concur. (d) Abstain.
7. Use two of the following pairs of words in short sentences which illustrate the difference in their meanings. i) Trusting; trust worthy. ii) Interesting; interested. iii) Adopt; adapt. iv) Expecting; expected.
8. Re- arrange the following five sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph by writing the corresponding letter in the answer booklet(s) provided. Use the following format for your answers .Number five has been given to you as an example.
| Sentence | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| Number Letter | A | | | | |
a) Eventually the head of school intervened, situation calms down and they concentrated on their studies. b) The head of the advanced secondary schools went for selection of students and they sent the admission letters to the successful candidates to join their schools. c) Form four students finished doing their national examinations and went home for lots of stories to tell their sisters, brothers and parents. d) When they joined their new schools, they found it a bit difficult to settle down because of being teased and bullied by the old students.
e) NECTA had announced the national form four examination results.
## Section C (45 Marks) Answer Three (3) Questions From This Section
9. Imagine that you have been invited to be guest of honor to the youth meeting and given an opportunity to address your audience on "effects of drug abuse," write a speech of not less than 250 words on the topic . LIST OF READINGS FOR QUESTIONS 10-12 NOVELS A Wreath for Fr Mayor S. N. Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota
| Passed Like a Shadow | B .M. Mapalala(2006), DUP | | |
| Weep Not, Child | Ngugi wa Thiong'o(1987); Heinemann | | |
| Unanswered Cries | Osman Conteh, Macmillan | | |
| Spared | S. N. ndunguru(2004), Mkuki na Nyota | | |
| The Interview | P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan | | |
| PLAYS Three Suitors: One Husband | O. Mbia(1994)Eyre Methuen. | | |
| Black Hermit | Ngugi wa Thiong'o(1968), Heinemann | | |
| This Time Tomorrow | Ngugi wa Thiong'o(1972),Heinemann | | |
| The Lion and The Jewel | W.Soyinka(1963), DUP | | |
| POETRY Growing up with Poetry | | D. Rubadiri (ed) | (1989), |
| Heinemann Summons | R. Mabala (1960), TPH | | |
| Song of Lawino and Ocol | O.P.Bitek (1979) EAPH | | |
10. What makes poetry different from other genres ? Explain by giving six points . 11. "A literary artist writes in order to tell the readers something." Using two novels discuss the above statement.(three points from each novel).
12. With reference to any two plays you have read under this section , discuss practices which you think are not good to be conducted with the coming generation.(Three practices from each reading). |
> **MUDA: MASAA 3**
1. 4562431 + 324 + 13367 =
2. 9000000 -- 8456789 =
3. 3973 × 102 =
4. 1008 ÷ 28 =
5. Tafuta KDS cha 21, 15 na 28
6. -- 32 - ^+^3 =
7. Andika CMXCIX kwa namba za kawaida
8. 3$\frac{3}{16}$ + 4$\frac{5}{8}$ =
9. 37$\frac{1}{5}$ - 9$\frac{1}{6}$ =
10. 13$\frac{1}{2}$ × 4$\frac{3}{4}$ =
11. 5 ÷ $\frac{1}{4}$ =
12. 125.85 + 18.13 =
13. 14.7 ÷ 7 =
14. 4M + 21 = 49 Tafuta thamani ya M.
15. 0.6n = 18 Tafuta thamani ya n.
16. 4.3 × 3.5 =
17. km m sm
12 20 8
× 10
18. Badili 0.20 kuwa asilimia.
19. Badili 0.30 kuwa sehemu .
20. Badili 25% kuwa desimali.
21. Badili 75 % kuwa sehemu.
22. Badili $\frac{17}{20}$ kuwa asilimia.
23. Badili $\frac{11}{25}$ kuwa desimali.
24. Ikiwa m:2 = 10:4. Tafuta thamani ya m
25. Orodhesha namba witiri zote kati ya 68 na 79.
26. Mariamu alinunua redio kwa shilingi 50,000 na kuuza kwa
27. Tafuta 30% ya shilingi 9000.
28. Andika 40 kwa kirumi.
29. Saa dakika
9 40
\+ 6 50
30. Saa dakika
14 30
-10 50
31. Tafuta wastani wa namba zifuatazo
40, 60, 50, 80 na 90
32. Zidisha kg 2 gm 50 kwa 8
33. Tafuta mzingo.
sm 8
sm 25
34. Tafuta eneo.
sm 7
sm 20
35. Tafuta eneo
sm 13
sm 8
^sm\ 17^
36. Tafuta eneo la mstatili wenye urefu was m 21 na upana was m 20.
37. Tafuta eneo la mche mstatili uliofungwa pande zote.
sm 6
sm 4 sm 2
38. Tafuta eneo la mche duara uliofungwa pande zote wenye kipenyo cha sm
21 na kimo cha sm 10.
39. Tafuta eneo la mche duara uliowazi upande mmoja wenye kipenyo cha sm
49 na kimo cha sm 20.
40. Tafuta eneo la duara lenye kipenyo cha sm 14.
41. Juma siku
12 5
× 8
42. Mwaka juma
122 9
× 6
43. Mwaka mwezi
82 6
× 8
Onyesha majira ya nukta zifuatazo.
**B** **E**
**~D\ A~**
44. A( )
45. B( )
46. C( )
47. D( )
48. E ( )
49. F ( )
50. Tumia mchoro ufuatao kujibu maswali A, B na C. Mifugo katika kijiji
cha Bupigi ni kama ifuatavyo. Kijiji kina mifugo

TIME: 1:40 APRIL. 2024 Pupils name: _______________________school name: ________________________
1. These examinations contain 6 questions with section **A, B and** C. 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions 5. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms
# Section A: (15 Marks)
1. Choose the correct answer of the following.
i. National flag, national song , coat of arm, national currency, presidential flag and uhuru torch are among of our national symbol. Another national symbol is …………………… A. ruling party B. national assembly C. giraffe D. court E. national park ii. Which among the following is not the quality of good school ……………………
A. good behavior of teachers and pupils B. good and attractive buildings C. good environment with trees and flowers E. absentism , lazyness and responsible pupils iii. The following are the actions that leads its environment destruction except
A. cutting down of trees and burning of forest B. bathing at water sources C. poor extraction of sand stones and minerals D. directing by - products from industries for water service E. to take measures against soil erosion iv. Bad traditions and customs leads to poor development to any society which among the following in a ward 13 responsible in fighting against bad traditions and customs ………………… A. ward development officer B. councilor C. agriculture and livestock afficer D. ward education officer E. ward executive officer v. Which among the following is the responsibility of children ……………..
A. not to commit ny mistake B. only reading and playing C. helping parents doing work D. to be employed E. not showing respect to teachers and other children vi. What do you supposed to do when living with people with bad behavior
…………………………. A. running from them without advice them B. to protect them and advice them C. fighting with them until they change D. to use larsh words to them E. shouting an them vii. A person with a defensive attitude and bulding strong opinions without afraid is called
………………………. A. coward B. a man with consistency C. parody man E. hypocracy viii. How can you help the one who do not dress decently? ……………………..
A. to advice him B. to take him away from others C. to sent him prison D. to give him punishment E. expelled from school ix. The following are the people risk the welfare of good families except ………………………
A. drug traffickers B. sexual lavassment to children C. teachers D. corrupt people E. rapists x. What is the kind of the behavior of some childrens who are playing on bad bridgers and roaming its streets ? …………………..
A. hypocracy B. proper behavior C. desive D. dangerous behavior E. children
| answer in your working papers. COLUM A | COLUM B | | | | |
| i. | The system that allow community members to participate in decision making is called ………………… | | | | |
| ii. | Resources is a total thing which have value which can be changed and used to bring development in person level family level, society or nation level. Which one among the following resources attract tourists ? | | | | |
| iii. | between male and female is called | | | | |
| iv. | Head prefect, academic prefect, cleanness prefect and discipline prefect are all school prefects. Which among the following prefects makes the school to be well known in academic issues ? | | | | |
| v. | A place where mineral are extracted is called …………………. | A. | election | | |
| | B. | Selfishness | | | |
| | C. | The use of children in industrial or business | | | |
| | D. Is | responsible | of | all | |
| | citizen | | | | |
| | E. | May mosi 1 st may | | | |
| | F. | He/ | She | serves | the |
| | people who elected him or he | | | | |
| | G. | School dissertation | | | |
| | H. Mountain, | valley, | and | | |
| | national parks | | | | |
| | I. | national parks | | | |
| | J. | sex | | | |
| | K. | academic prefect | | | |
| | L. | mine | | | |
## 3. Complete The Following Question By Selecting The Answer In The Following Box
judiciary, police, all people in country, culture, yellow, cotton and cloves, head teacher, two, three, one ,Prime minister, president, the national electoral committee, national examination council, parliament, human right, tobacco and sunflower, academic **teacher**
i. A total way of life of a human being is called ………………………..
ii. The national flag has four colours which are black, blue yellow and green. Which colour represents minerals ? ……………………
iii. What kind crops are on the national emblems ? …………………… iv. Mr Mush is a writer of school meeting minutes . Who is the Mush at school
v. Juma becoming late at school and his fellow pupils was singing a song . While singing a song one of the pupils was in charge of flag raising . How many stanza does the song have? ………………….
4. **Arrange the following composition in chronological order from (A-E)**
i. Those clothes are like Lubega for masai, kanzu, msuli, coat and baraghasia for the coastal people ii. Traditional dress are kind of dress code which describe a particular tribe or societies iii. In other way dress code are special for traditional leader chiefs iv. Some clothes represents different culture v. In additional, there are special clothes for traditional dancing example are white shorts and white shirts which are usually worn by nyasa.
5. fill in the blanks with a correct answer i. Chief executive in a ward is called ………………….. ii. In any society there is a principle of good and bad behavior . those principles are called
iii. After stealing bog wile was arrested by police later on police let him free and waiting for the time of listening his case at court . this action is known as …………………….
iv. Who is responsible to overseas the daily activities in a district ……………………. v. Which among the following is the advantage of being a member of subject clubs at school? ………
## Section C (10 Marks ) 6. Read And Answer The Following Questions
i. The head of all civil servant in regional level is called …………………………………… ii. A person who loves his or her nation is called …………………………………. iii. Our Swahili national language , unity , patriotism, responsibility, love , respect humanism and taking care of elders is ……………………………………… in our nation iv. The one who represents citizen in a council meetings at district level is called
v. ……………………………. Is a process of doing work while cooperating with others in order to achieve a particular goals


TIME: 1:40 APRIL. 2024 Pupils name: _______________________school name: ________________________
1. These examinations contain 7 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms
# Section A: Listening Skills Passage ( 20 Marks)
1. Listen carefully to a passage read by the invigilator and answer ONLY questions NUMBER 1 to 5.
i. What was the forest called____________
a) matata b) mukono c) mkoko d) madowi [ ]
ii. Who lived in the forest _______
a) animals b) wild animals c) forests d) cooks [ ]
iii.Who was the loved king of the forest?
a) lion b) elephant c) zebra d) dog [ ]
iv.Did all animals love and respect the king?
a) Yes they did b) No they didn`t c) did they d) Yes no they [ ]
v. He had a **strong** voice what is the opposite of **strong.**
a) lazy b) clever c) weak d)enough [ ]
2. Choose the correct answer on the following question and answer on the space provided i. Jackline _______ a bicycle to school.
a) is ride b) is riding c) are riddingd) are ride [ ]
ii. They ______ flowers on all side of the compound.
a) is plant b) plants c) planting d) are planting [ ]
iii.We ______ to visit the National park next week.
a) are going b) is going c) going d) goes [ ]
iv.John is sitting _________ Mary.
a) beside b) at c) on d) in [ ]
v. She _______ on foot to school.
a)walking b) walks c) is walk d) walk [ ]
3. choose the correct answer for question i-v in this question to fill the space provided from the following in order to make the sentence correct
| Climate | Breakfast | Plantations World | Coffee | Ethiopia |
| Common | Beverages Export | Imported | Arabica | |
There are many (i) _____________________ all over the ii) ________________________. However, the most iii) ____________________ ones are tea, cocoa and (iv) ______________________. They are commonly cooked and taken as (v) ____________________ or during morning tea - breaks. Just like the other two, coffee is grown on large farms called (vi) ____________________.
| letter on the space given LIST A | ANSWER | LIST B | | | |
| | ( | ) | A. | school | |
| | ( | ) | B. | pharmacy | |
| i. | Joe, teacher, cooker, child | | | | |
| ii. | The plural of the word 'wife' is | | | | |
| iii. | Phone, desk, car and key | | | | |
| iv. | The daughter of your sister is called | | | | |
| v. | A place where a sick people are treated is called: | ( | ) | C. | wives |
| | ( | ) | D. a people | | |
| | ( | ) | E. | hospital | |
| | F. | a things | | | |
| | G. | niece | | | |
4. match the following items from the table given from LIST A corresponding to LIST B by writing the letter on the space given
SECTION B: 10 Marks 5. By using A- **E arrange the following mixed sentences to make a good composition**
i. When the teacher entered class v. ii. They greeted the teacher.
iii. The teacher told them to sit down. iv. The children stood up.
v. Open your copy book please
# Section C:


6. Read and Complete the followings sentences by Writing the correct answer in the space left on this question (i-v)
i. the conversation between two or more people on a particular subject is called ii. holiday period away from home___________________________ iii. a place where people pay to eat food________________________________ iv. a place where student gather together______________________________________ v. information which is written down by a reader ____________________________
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below On evening I was walking with my friend, Sia. We were coming from school. Suddenly we saw an ambulance going very fast. The ambulance stopped. We thought there was an accident.
There were a lot of people shouting and others crying. We saw a man lying down on the road.
A person who was driving carelessly knocked him down and injured. His leg was broken.

i. Where was Sia and his friend coming from____________________
ii. The driver was driving ___________________________________ iii. What stopped immediately ________________________________
iv. What happened on the road? ______________________________ v. The ambulance was going very _____________________________


TIME: **1:40**
APRIL. **2024**
Pupils name: _______________________school name: ________________________
1. These examinations contain 8 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Avoid 5. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms
| | | SECTION A (20 MARKS) | | |
| | 1. | Answer the following questions in the space provided | | |
| I | Grade five pupils were asked to identify the correct position of digit 7 in the numeral 70965. Which correct answer did they get? | | | |
| Ii | How can you write six hundred and six thousand and six correctly? | | | |
| Iii | Write 34.654 in word. | | | |
| Iv | During mathematics session, a teacher wrote 7968on the chalkboard and asked the pupils to re-write it to be the biggest digit four numbers formed. Which correct answer did they write? | | | |
| v | A certain pupil was asked to write the name of the figure below 20cm 20m 20 cm Which correct answer did pupils get | | | |
| Vi | Mother bought two and a half kilograms of meat. Write that fraction into an improper fraction | | | |
| Vii | In Wambura`s Farm there are 846 goats, | | | |
| | 8,076 sheep and 405 chickens. What is the total number of animals in the Wambura's farm? | |
| Viii | IV/ VIII + III/ VIII = (Answer in Arabic numbers) | |
| Ix | Use prime factorization method to analyze all factor of 72. | |
| X | Which fraction among the following fractions is improper fraction? 11 2 5 [ , 3 , , 0.69] 3 3 6 | |
| | | SECTION B (20 MARKS ) |
| | 2. | Answer the following word problems questions |
| i | Kokunuza who is grade five now was asked to identify all multiples of 6 which are between 12 and 39 Which correct did she write? | |
| ii | Basing on concept of multiples that you have learned from your Math teacher, what are the first three multiples of 8? | |
| Iii | Find the next number in the series 29, 23, 19, _____, ______ | |
| iv | Grade five pupils were asked by their Mathteacher to identify the first two common multiples of 6 and 7. Which correct answer did they write? | |
| V | Kyoma and Halima shared 600,000 shillings equally. How much did each get? | |
| | | |
| | 3. | Answer the following questions |
| i | Mr. Anold had forty-five goats. He shared his goats among his seven children. How many goats did each child got? And how many goats did Mr. Anold remain with? | |
| ii | The following watermelon shows the number of pupils at St.Mwombeki primary school. If one watermelon represents 50 pupils. how many pupils are there? | |
| Iii | Kiumbo visited his sister Jane and stayed with her for exactly three days. How many hours did he stay at Jane's place? | |
| | 4. | Complete the following questions |
| i | How many angles are in a pentagon figure? | |
| ii | Work out the sum of all prime numbers which are in the following list of numbers 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. | |
| Iii | A rectangular farm has a length of 55metres long and 25metres wide. What is the total distance around it? | |
| | 5. | Complete the following question by answering in the space provided |
| I | Three dogs bakes after every interval of 4minutes and 6minutes and 12minutes respectively. After how many minutes will the dogs together again? | |
| ii | The weight of six seedlings were arranged in consecutive order such that, 11cm,16cm, 21cm, 26cm, 31cm, _______. What is the height of sixth seedling | |
| Iii | If three bells rings after an interval of 6 minutes, 8 minutes and 12 minutes altogether. After how long will they ring altogether once again? | |
| | 6. | By showing the method complete the following questions |
| i | A grade five pupil was appointed by his mathematics teacher to write the reciprocal of 3 1 /7. Which correct answer did he give? | |
| ii | Which Among the following fractions is the largest between 3 /6 and 2 /5 . | |
| Iii | At St Peter primary school there are 897 pupils, 45 teachers and 50 non-teaching staff. What is the total number of people at the school in Roman numerals? SECTION C ( 10 MARKS) | |
| | 7. | Answer the following questions |
| I | Five pupils were assigned to write all factors of 24. If they got correct answer which was it? | |
| ii | What is the difference between 5 and 8.8? | |
| Iii | In a sport bonanza last year 137,932 pupils from different school 5,472 guests and 1379 | |
| staff members attended. How many people attended this occasion? | |
| 8. | Answer the following questions by showing the method in the answer sheet given |
| i | Mr. Onesmo asked his pupils to write the total value of digit 9 in the numeral seven hundred nine thousand five hundred twenty. What was the answer of the correct pupil? |
| ii | Mr. Gerald assigned a class five girl to find the sum of 5 /10 and 3 /5. What answer did she get for him? |

SUBJECT: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TIME: 1:40 APRIL. 2024 Pupils name: _______________________school name: ________________________
1. These examinations contain 7 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms SECTION A: ( 20 MARKS )
1. choose the correct answer and shade its corresponding letter in the space provided i. The term which stands for surrounding or conditions which include living and non- living things is __________
a) kingdoms b) creatures c) organisms d) environment [ ]
ii. The branch of science that deal with the grouping and naming of living things is __
a) biology b) taxonomy c) ecology d) taxonomist [ ]
iii. __________ produce seeds but do not produce flowers [ ]
a) orange trees b) pine trees c) maize plants d) mango tree iv. The group of animals with vertrbral column are termed as _________
a) invertebrate animal b) vertebrate animal c) insect d) snail [ ]
v. _____ lay eggs in water although they live on land.
a) Tortoises b) Turtlels c) Toads d) crocodile [ ]
vi. Multicellular organism are made up of ________
a) one cell b) many cell c) atoms d) steels [ ]
vii. ______ is a basic unity and origin of life of any living organism.
a) nucleus b) energy c) cell d) enzymes [ ]
viii. Which among of the following terms, refers to the animals whose body temperature varies with the environment temperature?______
a) reptiles b) invertebrates c) cold - blooded d) warm blooded [ ]
ix. What do we call the kind of animals that do not have backbone?____
a) small animals b) invertebrates c) vertebrates d) insects [ ]
x. Which of the following plants characteristics differentiate them from animals: _
a) they produce b) they respond to change in the environment c) they grow d) they manufacture their own food
| writing the letter on the space given LIST A | ANSWER | LIST B | |
| i. | Is an instrument used to see objects which are obstructed from being see such as objects at the corner. | | |
| ii. | The speed of light is ______ | A. | Data analysis |
| | B. | refraction | |
| | C. | 300,000km/h | |
| | D. | periscope | |
| | E. | 4.0 J | |
| | F. | A beam of light | |
| | G. | warmth | |
| | H. | Ovule | |
| | I. | Ovary | |
| iii. | The bending of light when passing through one medium to another is known as ____ | | |
| iv. | The group of light rays traveling in the same direction is called____ | | |
| v. | Which of the following is not necessary for seed germination?_ | | |
3. Complete the following sentences by selecting the answer on the box provided
Spiracles, ovary,energy, power, effort, predator, pituitary, effert, work, photosynthesis, respiration, hatching, many roots parallel vein, phloem, lamina i. An animal which kills and eats other animals is called ____
ii. Green plants make their own food through the process called___
iii. The stage when young ones break the shell and get out of the egg is known as _____
iv. One of the following features is a feature of dicot plants______
v. The small opening found on the lower and upper side of leaf are known as ___
4. Fill the space from the following given questions a. Stomata in plant are similar to ____ in fish. b. Organisms which have a back bone are called_________ c. Cold - blooded organisms is also called _____
5. Complete the following questions a. An animal that feeds on plants is called __________
b. The instrument used to measure resistance is called________
c. The products of photosynthesis are 6. Answer the following question by proving the answer in the space given a. Which one among the following is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?_____ b. The other name for frozen carbon dioxide is ______ c. Which of the following is not a requirement in growth of plants?______ d. ____________ is the burning of food to produce energy, water and Oxygen
## Section C: (10 Marks)

7. Answer the following question by filling the answer in the space provided.
Observe the figure below then answer the question that follows




b. The part labeled A is called ______________________________________________ c. What is the function of part B? ____________________________________________
8. **Observe the food shown in diagram 4 carefully then answer the question that**


a) The function of the food shown in this above diagram is_______________________ b) What is photosynthesis?
c) Monocots seeds store their food in the part called____________________________

TIME: 1:40 APRIL. 2024 Pupils name: _______________________school name: ________________________
1. These examinations contain 5 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions 5. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms
# Section A: (20 Marks)
1. Choose the correct answer from given alternatives and then write the answer in the given space i.The war over control of trade routes that took place on the east African coast was between the
.......... a) Arab and Nyamwezi b) Belgium and French c) Portuguese and Arabs d) British and German ii.The british trading company in east Africa, the Imperial British East Africa Company (IBEACO) was led by.........
a) Carl Peter b)De Braza c)William Macknon d) Harry Johnson iii.The German East Africa company (GEACO) was led by..............?
a) William Macknnon b) Johan Jebman c) David Livingstone d) Carl Peter iv.The German trader who signed fake treaties with chief mangungo of msovero was called.................
a) Vasco da Gama b)Carl Peter c) Charles Spoke d) Seyyid Said v. the first Portuguese sailor and explorer to arrive at the cape of good hope in 1488 was.....
a) Batholomeo Diaz b) Vasco da Gama c) King Henry of Portugal d)Frank Charles vi.The aim of Arabs from Oman to come to the coast of East Africa was to a) Do bussiness b) Grow cloves c) Do fishing d)Rule vii.The first town to make and use its own money for trading in east africa was....
a) kilwa b)bagamoyo c) pemba d) unguja viii.Traders from Asian countries used Thows that were assisted by wind to travel to Tanzania through the .................
a)Pacific ocean b) Indian ocean c) Mediterranean ocean d) Indian ocean ix.the arab trader infamous for slave trade, who travelled between Tanzania, Mozambique and congo was known as Hamad Bin Mohamed el Murjebi or .............................
a) kinjekitile ngwale b) makunganya c) chief mangungo d) Tippu tip x. the first European nationals to come to east African coast for trading were........ and .....
a) British and Greek b) Romans and German c) Greek and Romans d) Arabs and Romans xi.greeks and romans came to the east African coast for trading purposes in the........
a) 1st century b) 8th century c)15th ccentury d)19th century xii. The first Portuguese sailor and explorer who managed to reach India in 1498 was known as.....................
a) Bathlomeo diaz b) Vasco da Gama c)William Macknnon d) Charles Stokes xiii. One of the pre colonial nation from Europe built fort Jesus in Mombasa Kenya. which nation is that...........
a) British b) German c) Portugal d) France xiv. The first forerunners (agents) of colonialism to reach Tanganyika and Zanzibar were...............
a) traders b) explorers c) missionaries d) soldiers xv. European nations considered more in Africa rather than other continents. this was due to the following reasons except a) Search area for investment b) Searching for external market c) Searching for cheap labourers d) Searching for raw materials e) It was their mother continent 2. MATCHING ITEMS OF COLUMN A AND COLUMN B TO MAKE A COMPLETE SENTENCES
| i. | The first British to reach lake Nyasa | A. Pineapple, groundnuts, cashewnuts, maize and cassava |
| ii. | They brought and planted coffee crop | B.IBEACO AND |
| at Bagamoyo | GEACO | |
| iii. | Crops brought by the Portuguese to | C.Holy Ghost Fathers |
| east Africa | | |
| iv. | Richard Burton and henry Murton | D.meza, leso ,gereza |
| Stanley | and mvinyo | |
| v. | Kiswahili words borrowed from | E. Dr. David Living |
| Portuguese | stone | |
vi. Trading companies that propagated colonial rule in Tanganyika
## Section B. (20 Marks)
3. Answer items I - v by filling in the blanks with answer given in the box Hazards,environmental degradation,environment, culture,managing and conserving the environment,irrigation farming i) Activities that you can do other than fishing if you live in an area with rivers______________________________ ii) Activities that sustain our natura environment_______________________ iii) The sum of all things that surround human_____________________ iv) The destruction of the natural features_____________________ v) Catastrophic events in our societies that occurs suddenly or gradually____________
4.Answer the following questions by filling the blanks i) If there was a river in our school environment whose water is used for various purposes, what kind of knowledge from social studies would enable you to ensure sustainable use of river?............................................ ii)................................are the only minerals found in Tanzania in the world. iii)Mention one human activities which can destruct our natural environment.................. iv)What does keeping a large size of livestock in a a small area cause?.............................. v) the air in motion
## Section C. (10 Marks)
5. Aswer the following questions according to instructions i) There are two types of instruments used to measure winds. one of them is wind vane. mention the second tool.......................... ii) an element of Tanzanian culture as it has succeeded in uniting all the ethnic groups. iii) Changes in science and technology can affect culture..............( true or false) iv) what is environmental destruction?........................................................................................... v) One of the benefit of wind is that, it help in pollination. (true or false)........................................


MUDA: SAA 1:40 APRILI. 2024 Jina la Mtahiniwa: _________________ Shule: _____________________
1. Mtihani huu una maswali 6 katika sehemu **A, B na C.** 2. Jibu maswali yote kama ulivyoelekezwa katika kila sehemu. 3. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwenye nafasi ziliachwa wazi katika karatasi hii 4. Epuka kufutafuta. 5. Simu za mkononi haziruhusiwi katika chumba cha mtihani.
# Sehemu A: Alama 20
1. Sikiliza kwa makini habari utakayosomewa na msimamizi, kisha jibu swali la
(i) hadi (v)
i).Mtitu na wazazi wake walisafiri kwenda wapi? ( )
a) Reli b) Kigoma c) Dar es Salaam d) Tabora e) Urambo ii).Matunda ya mchikichi yanaitwaje ?
a) mawese b) nazi c) chikichi d) mafuta e) tunda ( )
iii).Wakati jua linapochomoza kwa neno m,oja hujulikana kama ; ( )
a) mawio b) magharibi c) machweo d) mchana e) jioni iv).Garimoshi liliondoka Tabora saa ngapi?
a) mchana b) saa nane usiku c) saa nane mchana d) jua lilipochomoza e) alasiri ( )
v).Ni methali gani iliyotumika kwenye habari uliyoisikiliza ?
a) Shukrani ya punda ni mateke b) Wingi si hoja ( ) c) Ngojangoja yaumiza matumbo d) Tusiandikie mate na wino upo e) Akiba haiozi 2.Katika swali la (i )hadi (v) chagua herufi ya jibu **sahihi**
i).Kisawe cha neno "**laghai**" ni kipi?
a) kejeli b) toroka c) danganya d) puuza e) iba ( )
ii).Kiambishi kikanushi ni kipi katika neno "Hatukumpa?" ( )
a) - tu- b) ha - c) - m- d) - pa e) - ku –
iii).Wanafunzi wengi wanapenda kukaa bila kufanya kazi. Sentensi hii ipo katika nafsi ipi?
a) I umoja b) II umoja c) III umoja d) I wingi e) III wingi ( )
iv).Neno "**tumekiuka"** lina mizani ngapi ? ( )
a) saba b) tisa c) tano d) sita e) kumi v).Tabia nzuri kwa maana nyingine hujulikana kama ________ ( )
a)kero b) ujanja c) tabia mbaya d) nidhamu e) utulivu 3. Oanisha sehemu A na B ili kuleta maana au sentensi kamili
| i. | Piga vijembe | A. Maliza msiba | |
| ii. | Mwaga unga | B. Si mtoro |
| iii. | Mwenda kwao | C.Poteza kazi |
| iv. | Kamba hukatikia | D. Pembamba |
| v. | Anua tanga | E. Sema kwa mafumbo |
## Sehemu B: Alama 20
4. Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi kulingana na maelekezo ya kila swali i)"Bwana afya wa porini" Tegua ________________________ ii).Utatumia methali gani kumshauri mtu anayedharau mambo madogo bila kujali madhara yake ?_____________________________________ iii).Tegua "Kiti cha dhahabu hakikaliwi na mtu" _____________________ iv).Mtu anayetafsiri lugha moja kwenda nyingine hujulikana kama ____________ v).Kinyume cha neno **ughaibuni** ni______________________________________
## Sehemu E: Ufahamu 5. Soma Habari Ifuatayo Kwa Makini Kisha Jibu Maswali Yanayofuata (I)-(V)
Hapo zamani kulikuwa na mfalme mmoja aliyejulikana kama Nebukeizal. Siku moja mfalme Nebukeizali liitisha mkutano wa hadhara. Wananchi wake walikusanyika kwa wakati ulipongwa. Katika mkutano huo mfalme aliwataka wananchi wake kufanya mambo bega kwa bega. Aliwataka wenye **ukwasi** wote wawasaidie wenye **ukata.** Vile vile aliamuru kujengwa kwa nyumba za kisasa. Mfalme aliwakumbusha wananchi wake kuongeza vyumba vya madarasa. Pia, aliwahimiza wananchi wake kupanda miti mbalimbali katika mazingira yao. Wananchi wote warifurahi, hivyo walionesha ishara ya kumuunga mkono mfalme wao. MASWALI
i).Nani aliitisha mkutano wa hadhara?_______________________________ ii).Nini maana ya nahau **'kufanya kazi bega kwa bega'** kama ilivyotumika katika hadithi hapo juu? **___________________________________________** iii). Mfalme aliwahimiza wananchi wake kufanya nini? **____________________________** iv).Nahau kuunga mkono ina maana gani? _______________________________ v).Neno gani katika hadithi uliyoisoma hapo juu lina maana sawa na mtu mwenye fedha au mali nyingi ________________________________________________
## Sehemu C: Utungaji. (Alama 10)
Sentensi zifuatazo hazikuandikwa kwa kufuata mtiririko, Zipange kwa kutumia herufi A,B, C, D na E ili zilete maana .
i. Alipoangalia kando ya barabara alimuona mtu amelala chini [ ] ii. Hadithii hii inatufundisha kuwasaidia watu wenye uhitaji [ ]
iii. Siku ya jumatatu Amiri aliamka mapema na kwenda shule [ ].
iv. Alikimbia haraka na kwenda kumpa msaada [ ] v. Njiani alikuta ajali ya mtu aliyeanguka na baiskeli [ ]
## Ufahamu Wa Kusikiliza Drs -V Swali La 1 (I-V)

Garimsohi la Kigoma liliondoka Tabora saa nane usiku. Lilipita katika stesheni ya Urambo. Asubuhi jua lilipochomoza garimoshi liliingia mkoa wa Kigoma. Kandokando ya reli waliona miti mingi inayofanana na minazi. Mama yao alieleza kuwa ile ni michikichi. Matunda yake yanaitwa chikichi, nayo hutum,iwa kutengenezea mafuta ya mawese. Mawese yana rangi ya manjano, nayo hutumiwa kupikia kwa chakula. Mtitu akauliza, "Mawese hutengenezwaje ?". Baba yao akajibu, "Tusiandikie mate na wino upo". Tikifika Kigoma tutajionea wenyewe utaalamu huo. Walipofika Kigoma walioga, wakala kisha wakapumzika. |
MTIHANI (2).md | 16. Mtunzi wa shairi hili anahimiza kilimo cha
............................................ (a) majira yote ya
mwaka (b) Mashamba madogo madogo (c) Umwagiliaji wa mashamba (d)
kutumia majembena mapanga (e) Wakati wa kiangazi ( )
17. Mshairi alikua na maana gan aliposema "Wazale ndo sisi sote"? (a)
watanzania wote (b) wananchi asilia (c) Watu waishio hapa nchini (d)
viongozi wote (e) watu wanaopenda nchi hii.
18. Shairi hili linahamasisha kitu gani? (a) upungufu wa ardhi (b)
ukosefu wa mvua (c) wingu na mvua (d) mafuriko makubwa (e) ukosefu
wa chakula ( )
19. Kauli ipi ni sahihi kuhusu shairi hili? (a) Vina vinafanana katika
beti zote (b) Kila beti una kituo tofauti (c) Mshairi hakufuata
sheria za kutunga mashairi (d) Kia mstari una mizani kumi na
sita (e) haliwezi kuimbika kwa urahisi ( )
20. Kichwa kinacho faa shairi hili ni kipi? (a) Kilimo nchini mwetu (b)
Kilimo cha kufa na kupona (c) Iwe kufa na kupona (d) Jembe tupate
shika (e) Kilimo cha kiangazi ( )
Umepewa insha yenye sentensi tano zilizoandikwa bila kufuata mtiririko
wa mawazo. Zipange sentensi hizo ilizilete mtiririko wenye mantiki kwa
kuzipa herufi A, B, C, D na E.
21. Wote humfikiria malkia kuwa ni mkuu na mama yao ( )
22. Waoto wakikua hujiunga katika kazi za kujitegemea ( )
23. Ushirikiano wao mwema umewafanya wawe na nguvu sana hivyo huogopwa
na viumbe wengi hata wanyama wakubwa ( )
24. Kazi ya kila mmoja hutegemea sana umbo na uwezo wake. ( )
25. Wale wenye viwiliwili vikubwa na vyenye nguvu huwa askari na wote
walionaki huwa wafanyakazi ( )
Count and write the number
1. =
2. =
3. =
5. =
**Add the following numbers.**
6. 10 + 8 =
7. 13 + 8 =
8. 16 + 9 =
9. 10 + 50 =
10. 7 + 9 =
11. 10 + 63 =
12. 17 + 0 =
13. 56 + 33 =
14. 60 + 30 =
15. 40 + 43 =
**Take away these numbers**
16. 10 -- 5 =
17. 16 -- 9 =
18. 9 -- 9 =
19. 58 -- 30 =
20. 96 -- 45 =
**Write these numbers in figures**
21. One \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
22. Ten \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
23. Twenty \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
24. Zero \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
25. Thirty \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
FOOD AND NURITION | # President'S Office

051/1 FOOD & NUTRITION 1 Time:3:00 HRS Thursday 01-OCT-2020 AM
INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper consists of section A, B and C 2. Answer all questions in section A and B and one (1) question from section C. 3. Calculators are not allowed in the examination room 4. All answers must be in black or blue pen 5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s)
## Section A (15 Marks)
1. For each of the items (i-x) choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided. (i) Foods that contains vitamins are also known as A. Supplementary foods B. Heat givers foods C. Energy giving foods D. Body building foods E. Protective foods
(ii) Foods which are semi or fully prepared for use are:- A. Tinned foods B. Bottled foods C. Packed foods D. Preserved foods E. Convenience foods (iii) A mean of communication which informs customers what the caterer has to offer: A. Menu B. Course C. Meal D. Diet E. Dessert (iv) Which of the following indicates one of the qualities of good soup? A. Strong flaveour and good colour B. Good flavour and non grease C. Strong flavour and well seasoned D. Good colour and grease E. Strong flvour and no (lumps) (v) The connective tissues in meat:- A. Protect bone marrow inside the bone B. Are the softest part of the meat C. Contains protein and vitamin D. Holds together the bundles of fibres E. Contains meat juices (vi) Animal fats are partially responsible for heart disease because they contains:- A. High percentage of cholesterol B. Low percentage of cholesterol C. Small amount of fatty acids D. Large amount of fatty acids E. Small amount of glycerol (vii) Labour saving devices in the kitchen are:- A. Any tools in modern machines B. Equipment used to store food in the kitchen C. Electronic cookers and steam pans D. All electric equipment used to simplify work in the kitchen E. All equipment which are simple to use (viii) Loss of vitamin C in green leafy vegetables occur mostly when vegetables are:- A. Stored in airtight containers B. Stored for a longtime, bruised and damaged by blunt knives C. Cooked in a little amount of water D. Cooked immediately after picking E. Kept in a refrigerator (ix) Salad dressing is added to a green vegetable salad:- A. Just before serving the salad B. In front of the guests C. Before cutting the vegetables D. Half an hour before serving to allow the vegetables to absorb flavour E. When eating the salad
(x) One characteristic of highly milled flavour is:- A. It contains more fat than whole meal flvour B. It is white, attractive, and less nutritious than whole meal flour C. It is more bulky than whole meal flour D. It is more nutritious than whole-meal flour E. It has bad taste when compared to whole meal flour
| ANSWERS Qn. | i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi | vii | viii | ix | x |
| Numbers Answers | | | | | | | | | | |
| beside the item number in a box provided LIST A | LIST B | | |
| (i) | Is a combination of stewing and roasting | | |
| (ii) | To sprinkle with a powder eg. Sugar, flour, seasoning | | |
| (iii) | Is a portion of a meal served at one time. | | |
| (iv) | Is the cooking of food in water at just below temperature. | | |
| (v) | The food that a person normally eats everyday | A. | Roux |
| | B. | Paneda | |
| | C. | Braising | |
| | D. | Steaming | |
| | E. | Dripping | |
| | F. | Dredge | |
| | G. | Course meal | |
| | H. | Dish meal | |
| | I. | Poaching | |
| | J. | Grilling | |
| | K. | Balanced diet | |
| | L. | Diet | |
## Section B (70 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section 3. (a) Why should left over foods be heated once and used within 24 hours?
(b) Give five rules for the preparation of reshufee dishes (c) Suggest a dish which can be made from (i) Cooked meat (ii) Stale bread (iii) Cooked beans
## 4. (A) What Is A Recipe?
(b) What should be done to ensure the best results are obtained from a certain recipe? (c) If a scale or balance is not available, what other equipment can be used in weighing or measuring ingredients? Name three types of equipment.
5. (a) Define a salad and give three types of salad.
(b) Give three rules governing the preparation of salads. (c) In what three ways can salads be served in a meal.
6. (a) What factors make it necessary to pack a meal? Name four persons whose meal needs to be packed (b) There are several factors to be considered when planning packed meals. Name three factors only. (c) Some packed meals such as bread a incomplete without some kind of are filling. Why fillings used? Name four goods examples of suitable fillings.
7. (a) Give two factors characterize the toughness of meat.
(b) Explain how tough meat can be tenderized. (c) Name three methods of cooking tender cuts of meat.
## 8. (A) I) Define A Term Stain
ii) Name two main types of stain removal agents (b) Write down the classification of stains and give relevant examples (c) Outline four rules for removing stains.
9. (a) Give rules of food hygiene
(b) Explain three rules of personal clinelines of the cook. (c) How would you clean burnt aluminium saucepan?
## Section C (15 Marks)
Answer only one question from this section 10. Food preservation is a practice which is done widely all over our country. Write an essay under these headings:- - Meaning of food preservation - Four methods of food preservation - Five reasons for preserving food - Describe how the following foods are preserved locally in your home area.
i) Maize ii) Wheat 11. Meals can be prepared and served in different methods and styles Name and explain three methods of cooking food Name three styles of serving food, explain the meaning and occasions where the styles are suitable. '
Suggest suitable dishes for a child's birthday part giving explanations for your choice. Explain the suitable style of serving (service) for the child's party. |
URAIA NA MAADILI (1).md | Namba ya mtahiniwa .............................................


1: Karatasi hii ina sehemu A, B na C zenye jumla ya maswali 6, 2: Jibu maswali yote 3: Majibu yote yaandikwe kwenye nafasi ulizopewa katika karatasi ya maswali 4: Majibu yote yaandikwe kwa kutumia Kalamu ya wino wa bluu au nyeusi 5: Simu za mkononi haziruhusiwi katika chumba cha mtihami 6: Andika namba yako ya mtihani sehemu ya juu upande wa kulia kwenye kila kurasa
| 1 2 3 | | |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 |
1 Chagua herufi ya jibu Sahihi kisha jaza katika mabano uliyopewa i/ Hali ya ustahimilivu wa changamoto au shida mbali mbali za maisha huitwa:
(a) ujasiri (b) ustadi (c) uvumilivu (d) Uthubutu (e) utiifu
[ ]
[ ]
ii/ Madaraka anayopewa mtu kusimamia shughuli au kazi fulani hujulikana kama (a) Uongozi (b) Usimamizi (c) ulinzi (d) uchambuzi (e) majukumu iii/ Mudrik aliweza kusafisha mtaro wa mtaani kwao kwa hiari yake bila malipo. Kitendo hiki huitwaje?
(a) Kujipa motisha (b) Ajira za utotoni (c) Kujitolea Kijamii (d) Nidhamu (e) Kudumisha usafi wa mtaa iv/
[ ]
Tanganyika na Zanzibar ziliungana mwaka gani?
[ ]
(a) 1961(b) 1962 (c) 1964 (d) 1992 (e) 1963 v/ Yafuatayo ni madhara ya Kutokuwa muwazi isipokuwa?
[ ]
(a) Kusifiwa na Kuharibu (b) Kuleta migongano. (c ) Uzembe na uongo (d) Mshikamano na uvivu (e) uvivu
[ ]
vi/ Kipi kati ya vifuatavyo ni chombo cha kisheria kinachosimamia haki (a) Polisi (b) Bunge (c) Shule (d) Mahakama (e) Magereza vii/ Ni kabila gani kati ya haya yafuatayo linalodumisha mila na desturi kwa kuvaa mavazi ya asili hapa Tanzania
(a) Wahaya (b) Waha (c) Wasukuma (d) Wamakonde (e) Wamasai
[ ]
viii/ Unafiki ni nini?
[ ]
(a) Hali ya ukweli na uwazi ( b) uwazi (c) Uongo na uzembe (d) Kujenga uwajibikaji (e) kujifanya rafiki wakati ni adui ix/ Katiba ya Jamhuri ya muungano wa Tanzania ya mwaka 1977 ina jumla ya sara ngapi ? (a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 9 ( d) 16 (e) 13
[ ]
x/ Kuwa na uhuru wa kutoa maoni ni moja ya nguzo za:-
a) Kutii Sheria (b) uwajibikaji (c) Demokrasia (d ) Udikteta (e)
[ ]
2. Oanisha kwa usahihi kifungu A kwa kuandika herufi ya jibu sahihi kutoka katika kifungu B ili kuleta maana sahihi
| | KIFUNGU | A" | KIFUNGU | B |
| i)Kuanzishwa kwa umoja wa mataifa | | ( | ) | (a) utawala bora |
| ii) | Hasara za utandawazi | ( | ) | (b) Vyombo vya dola |
| iii) | ubalozi | ( | ) | (c) 1945 |
| iv) | Kiongozi wa shule anayeshughulikia | (d) Mwalimu wa taaluma | | |
| | | ( | ) | |
| shughuli za kitaaluma kila siku | | (e) upotoshwaji wa maadili | | |
| v) | Kuongeza ufanisi wa kazi na tija | ( | ) | (f) Uwakilishi wa nchi katika nchi nyingine (g) Demokrasia (h) 1949 (i) Rais (j) Mwalimu mkuu |
Mh Dotto Biteko, chokaa, Nasaba, Tarafa, Hewa ya ukaa, Kasimu Majaliwa, Oksijeni, Familia, W.
i/Hutumika kutengenezea Saruji, jipsam na chaki huitwa.......................................................... ii/ Hewa yenye sumu za kaboni inayotokana na uchafuzi wa mazingira ni.............................................................
iii/ Naibu waziri mkuu nchini Tanzania anaitwa....................................................... iv/ Sehemu ya utawala iliyo ndogo kuliko wilaya na ni kubwa kuliko kata inaitwa............................................. v/ uhusiano wa uzao mmoja wa watu kutoka kizazi hadi kizazi huitwa.............................................................
## Sehemu B: (Alama 10)

4 Chunguza mchoro ufutao Kisha jibu maswali yafuatayo i/ Jina sahihi la alama iliyopo hapo juu ni..................................................
ii/ Ainisha zana mbili zinazopatikana kwenye picha hapo juu a/.........................
iii/ Pembe za ndovu zinawakilisha nini kwenye picha iliyo hapo juu......................................
iv/ Mwanamke na mwanaume wanawakilisha nini kwenye picha hapo .......................................................
Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi kwa kuandika majibu mafupi katika maswali yafuatayo 5 i/ Jumuiya ya Afrika mashariki ina nchi wanachama nane.Je Taifa la mwisho kujiunga na jumuiya hiyo lilikuwa lipi?.........................................................................
ii/ Uchaguzi wa mfumo wa vyama vingi hapa Tanzania kwa mara ya kwanza ulifanyika mwaka gani?..................
iii/ Ni chombo gani humshauri Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania.....................................................
iv/ Ni andiko gani lenye utaratibu maalumu wa jinsi ya Kuratibu Shughuli mbalimbali zinazofanyika bila malipo au kulazimishwa?.............................................................
v/ Kuna tofauti gani kati ya jinsi na jinsia ?.............................................
Baraka ni mwanafunzi wa darasa la Saba katika Shule ya msingi uzalendo, vile vile yeye ni skauti shuleni kwao. Amepewa jukumu la kupandisha na kushusha bendera ya Taifa. Hupandisha bendera saa 12:00 asubuhi na kuishusha saa 12:00 jioni kila siku. Wakati wa asubuhi huchukua bendera na kutembea haraka kuelekea mlingotini . Mara tu afikapo hupiga hatua moja mbele kwa ukakamavu. Hufungua Kamba na kuiweka bendera begani kisha hupuliza filimbi. Watu wote walio jirani husimama kwa ukakamavu na utulivu.Baada ya hapo Baraka hupandisha bendera.Inapofika saa 12:00 jioni Baraka hufika shuleni na kuelekea mlingotini kisha hupuliza filimbi, hupiga saluti na kuanza kuishusha bendera.Watu wanapopita jirani na shule wanaposikia filimbi husimama wima.Huendelea na safari baada ya bendera kushushwa . Baraka hutoa elimu kwa wenzake juu ya utaratibu wa kupandisha na kushusha bendera ya Taifa . Hufanya hivyo ili atakapohitimu wanafunzi wengine waweze kubeba jukumu hili kwa sasa wanafunzi wanaheshimu matendo ya kupandishwa na kushushwa kwa bendera ya Taifa.
## Maswali
i/ Bendera ya Taifa hupandishwa saa ngapi?...........................................................
ii/Bendera ya Taifa hushushwa saa ngapi?...............................................................................
iii/Baraka ni mwanafunzi mwenye mafunzo gani ya ukakamavu?...............................................................
iv) Baraka hupuliza nini kama kiashiria cha kushusha na kupandisha bendera?....................................................
V/ Baraka ni mwanafunzi wa shule gani ................................................ |
Mtihani wa Febr drs | > ***JINA LA MTAHINIWA***
> 1\. 1,236 ÷ 4 = (a) 39
> \(b\) 309
> \(c\) 63 (d) 306 (e) 49
> 2\.
> 7\. 78 × 952 = (a) 74,256 (b) 70,756 (c) 74,246 (d) 74,156 (e) 73,856
8\. Bwana Matata alizaliwa mwaka 1961. Andika mwaka
> huo kwa namba za kirumi.
> Andika
> \(a\) ¾ (b) 9/12 (c) 9/24 (d) 3/8 (e) 2/12
> 7 + 2
12 12
katika sehemu rahisi
> 3\. 269 + 1,731 = (a) 1,800
> \(b\) 1,900
> \(c\) 1,990 (d) 1,999 (e) 2,000
> 4\. 4 4/5 ÷ 1 1/5 = (a) 2
> \(b\) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 6
> 5\. 1,509 -- 728 = (a) 581
> \(b\) 681
> \(c\) 771 (d) 781 (e) 881
> 6\. 7 3/5 -- 2 ½ = (a) 3
9\. Ikiwa P = 5 na Q = 4, tafuta thamani ya (P2) × (Q2) (a) 54
> \(b\) 108 (c) 400 (d) 200 (e) 800
10\. 1.9 -- 0.06 = (a) 0.94
> \(b\) 1.94 (c) 1.86 (d) 1.84 (e) 1.96
> 11\. Badili 44% kuwa sehemu rahisi
> \(a\) 44/100 (b) 22/25 (c) 11/50 (d) 22/50 (e) 11/25
> 12\. Tafuta thamani ya 492. (a) 2,401
> \(b\) 3 2/5 (c) 3 1/10 (d) 4 1/10 (e) 5 1/10
> 13\. 3 -- (6 -- -- 8 ) = (a) 17
> \(b\) -- 1
> \(c\) -- 11 (d) 1
> \(e\) 11
> 14\. Je, kuna namba shufwa ngapi kati ya 73 na 81? (a) 7
> \(b\) 6
> \(c\) 5 (d) 4 (e) 3
> 15\. Zidisha kg 8 gm 50 kwa 5. (a) Kg 40 gm 25
> \(b\) Kg 40 gm 250
> \(c\) Kg 42 gm 250 (d) Kg 42 gm 225 (e) Kg 40 gm 455
> 16\. Andika namba inayokosekana katika
> mfululizo wa namba 70, 85, 100, ..., 130.
> \(a\) 101 (b) 105
> \(b\) 2,301 (c) 1,301 (d) 98
> \(e\) 492
20\. 14/5 × 3 8/9 = (a) 3 1/7
> \(b\) 7 (c) 44 (d) 8
> \(e\) 4 12/14
21\. Tafuta kupeuo cha pili cha (64 × 4) (a) 4
> \(b\) 8
> \(c\) 16 (d) 32 (e) 64
> 22\. Ikiwa M = -- 3 na N = -- 5, tafuta thamani ya (-- 9 × M × N).
> \(a\) -- 105
> \(b\) 15
> \(c\) -- 125 (d) -- 135 (e) 135
23\. Tafuta eneo la umbo lifuatalo
> \(a\) sm2 80 (b) sm2 40
> \(c\) 108 (d) 110 (e) 115
> 17\. Ikiwa 7*m* -- 1/3 = 2, tafuata thamani ya *m*
> \(a\) 2/3 (b) 7/3 (c) 2/7 (d) 1/3 (e) 1/7
> sm 5
> sm 16
24\. Andika majira ya nukta P na Q
\(c\) sm2 21
\(d\) sm2 20 (e) sm2 160
> 18\. Tafuta kigawo kukibwa cha shirika (KKS) cha
> 32 na 48 (a) 16 (b) 12 (c) 8 (d) 4 (e) 2
> \(a\) P (2, -- 3) Q (2, 0) (b) P (-- 3, 2) Q (0, -- 2) (c) P (2, 3) Q
> (-- 2, 0) (d) P (2, 3) Q (0, -- 2) (e) (e) P (0, -- 2) Q (2, -- 3)
25\. Tafuta thamani ya pembe ABC katika umbo lifuatalo
> B
\(a\) 500
\(b\) 600
\(c\) 650
\(d\) 700
A (e) 900
> C
> 19\. 15.65 × 12 = (a) 31.3
> \(b\) 15.65 (c) 187.8 (d) 178.7 (e) 187.7
26\. Mzingo wa duara lifualo n ism 352. Tafuta nusu kipenyo cha duara
hilo. (Tumia π = 22/7)
> \(a\) sm 28
> \(b\) sm 44 B (c) sm 56
> \(d\) sm 88 (e) sm 176
> 27\. Tafuta thamani ya x katika mchoro ufuatao: (a) 900
34\. Martha hutembea kwa mwendokasi wa kilometa 2 kwa saa kutoka
nyumbani hadi dukani. Ikiwa hutumia nusu
> \(b\) 600
> \(c\) 450 (d) 40 (e) 300
2x + 400
x + 200
saa. Je, ni umbali gani kutoka nyumbani hadi dukani?
\(a\) km 1 (b) km 2 (c) km 3 (d) 4 (e) 5
> 28\. Tafuta eneo la umbo lifuatalo
> \(a\) Sm2 144 (b) Sm2 124 (c) Sm2 120 (d) Sm2 64 (e) Sm2 36
> 29\. Tafuta mzingo wa pembetatu pacha PQR
35\. Vijiji vinne katika mkoa mmoja vilivuna korosho kilogramu 60,000.
Je, kwa wastani kila kijiji kilivuna tani ngapi?
> \(a\) Tani 5 (b) tani 10 (c) tani 15 (d) tani 20 (e) tani 25
36\. Mkulima aliuza pamba na kupata shilingi 2,500,000.
> \(a\) Sm 10 (b) Sm 38 (c) Sm 18
> \(d\) Sm 24
sm (2a + 2)
> sm (3a -- 4)
Ikiwa mauzo kwa kilo ni shilingi 2,500. Je, aliuza kilo ngapi?
\(a\) 25 (b) 50 (c) 500 (d) 1,000 (e) 1,500
> \(e\) Sm 14
> R
sm 10
> 30\. Tafuta ukubwa wa umbo lifuatalo
> \(a\) Sm3 192 (b) Sm3 224 (c) Sm3 128 (d) Sm3 256 (e) Sm3 64
37\. Jumla ya umri wa baba na mtoto ni miaka 40. Ikiwa umri wa baba ni
mara tatu ya umri wa mtoto. Je, mtoto ana umri wa miaka mingapi?
> \(a\) 5 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d) 20 (e) 25
> 31\. Tafuta eneo la umbo lifuatalo: (a) Sm2 30
38\. Idadi ya wanafunzi wa darasa la 5B katika shule ya msingi Ranchi
waliofaulu katika jaribio kwa wiki nne ni
> \(b\) Sm 2 24 B
> \(c\) Sm2 40 (d) Sm2 48
> \(e\) Sm2 60 A
sm 6
> kama inavooneshwa kwenye jedwali
> Wiki I II III IV Idadi ya wanafunzi 76 64 ... 72
> Ikiwa wastani wa idadi ya wanafunzi ni 70. Je, wiki ya
C tatu waliofaulu ni wanafunzi wangapi?
> \(a\) 64 (b) 66 (c) 68 (d) 70 (e) 72
> 32\. John alinunua maembe 225 kwa mkulima.
> Aliuza maembe 135 kwa siku moja. Je, maembe aliyouza ni asilimia gani
> ya maembe yote?
> \(a\) 20% (b) 30% (c) 40% (d) 51% (e) 60%
39\. Shule ya msingi Dongo ina jumla ya wanafunzi 860.
> Ikiwa wavulana ni 432. Je, wasichana ni wangapi?
> \(a\) 328 (b) 418 (c) 432 (d) 438 (e) 428
> 33\. Jumla ya urefu wa pande sambasamba za trapeza ni sm 24. Ikiwa
> kimo cha trapeza ni sm
> 7, tafuta eneo la trapeza hiyo.
> \(a\) Sm2 72 (b) Sm2 74 (c) Sm2 82 (d) Sm2 84 (e) Sm2 158
> SEHEMU B: Maswali ya Majibu Mafupi
> 41\. ( -- 12 -- -- 3 ) × (+ 6 -- -- 3 ) =
40\. Dawati moja katika chumba cha darasa la sita hukaliwa na wanafunzi
3. Ikiwa chumba cha darasa hilo kina wanafunzi 60. Je, kina madawati
> \(a\) 20 (b) 30 (c) 40 (d) 50 (e) 60
> 42\. Kidawa hutumia mshahara wake kama inavyoneshwa katika grafu kwa
> duara. Iwapo mshahara wake ni
> 720,000. Je, hutenga kiasi gani kwa mengineyo?
> Chakula
> 1100
> Ujenzi
> 43\. Umbo ABCD ni mraba wenye duara lenye kipenyo cha sm 42. Tafuta
> eneo la sehemu iliyotiwa kivuli.
> (Tumia π = 22/7) D C
> A B
> 44\. Kamota alinunua kilogramu 74.6 za unga wa ngano siku ya kwanza.
> Siku ya pili alinunua kilogramu 9.53. Je, Jumla alinunua kilogramu
> ngapi kwa siku mbili?
> 45\. Mwanahawa alinunua vitu vifuatavyo: Magodoro 6 @ sh 80,000/=
> Viti 10 @ sh 20,000/= Meza 5 @ sh 40,000/=.
> Je, alibakiwa na kiasi gani cha fedha ikiwa alikuwa na sh 1,000,000/=
> mfukoni?
> **1.** B 21. C
> **2.** A 22. D
> **3.** E 23. B
> **4.** C 24. D
> **5.** E 25. A
> **6.** E 26. C
> **7.** A 27. E
> **8.** B 28. A
> **9.** C 29. B
> **10.** D 30. D
> **11.** E 31. B
> **12.** A 32. E
> **13.** C 33. D
> **14.** D 34. A
> **15.** B 35. C
> **16.** E 36. D
> **17.** D 37. B
> **18.** A 38. C
> **19.** C 39. E
> **20.** B 40. A
> **41.** -- 81
> **42.** Kwenye mengineyo hutenga kiasi cha sh 180,000
> **43.** Eneo lenye kivuli ni sm2 378
> **44.** Jumla alinunua Kg 84.13 za unga wa ngano
> **45.** Alibakiwa na kiasi cha sh 120,000/=
> 1\. Mtihani huu una jumla ya maswali arobaini na tano (45) wenye
> sehemu A na B. Jibu maswali yote.
> 2\. Jibu sawali la 1 -- 40 kwa kutumia karatasi ya kujibia kwa kujaza
> herufi ya jibu lililosahihi
> 3\. Jibu swali la 41 -- 45 kwa kujaza nafasi zilizo wazi.
> 4\. Andika Jina lako kamili na Jina la Shule.
> **SEHEMU A: Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi**
> 1\. Mahakama ni mhimili wa dola unaohusiana na kazi zifuatazo
> isipokuwa
> \(a\) Kupokea mashtaka (b) Kutunga sheria (c) Kusikiliza na kuamua
> kesi (d) Kutafsiri sharia
> 1\. Kutoa haki
> 2\. Zifuatazo ni haki za binadamu isipokuwa (a) Kuishi popote bila
> kubughudhiwa (b) Kutengwa na jamii (c) Elimu (d) Uhuru wa kuwa na
> familia
> \(e\) Kuabudu
> 3\. Miongoni mwa vitendo vinavyoonesha mtu anayejishughulisha na tabia
> hatarishi ni (a) Kufanya kazi kwa bidi (b) Kushiriki katika michezo
> (c) Kuzurura usiku (d) Kula na kuimba
> \(e\) Kupumzika na kucheza
> 4\. Ili tuweze kujenga maelewano mema na marafiki zetu inatupasa
> \(a\) Kuepuka tabia isiyofaa (b) Udanganyifu (c) Kuanzisha ugomvi (d)
> Kutosikiliza wengine (e) Kugombanisha wengine
> 5\. Kipi kati ya vifuatavyo si kitendo cha heshima?
> \(a\) Kuluwea pombe (b) Kusalimia wakubwa (c) Kuvaa kwa staha (d)
> Kuwapenda watu wote
> \(e\) Kupenda ushirikiano
> 6\. Jukumu la kuwasaidia watu wenye uhitaji ni la nani?
> \(a\) Serikali pekee (b) Wanafamilia husika tu (c) Rais wa nchi (d)
> Serikali na watu wote katika jamii (e) Matajiri tu
> 7\. Sheria hutungwa na kuanza kutumika mara tu baada ya kutiwa sahihi
> na
> \(a\) Spika wa bunge (b) Madiwani (c) Jaji mkuu wa Tanzania (d) Jaji
> kiongozi wa Tanzania (e) Rais
> 8\. Kiongozi anayepatikana kwa njia ya kidemokrasia ana sifa zifuatazo
> isipokuwa
> \(a\) Anafuata utawala wa sharia (b) Anakubali kukosolewa (c)
> Anakubali mawazo ya walio mchagua tu (d) Anatumikia watu wote (e) Hana
> upendeleo
> 9\. Lipi kati ya yafuatayo hutambulisha marafiki wema
> \(a\) Kuishi eneo moja (b) Kusoma shule moja (c) Tabia njema na upendo
> (d) Kulala pamoja (e) Kucheza pamoja
> 10\. Mtu yeyote mwenye umri wa kuanzia miaka anayo haki ya kupiga
> kura. (a) 15 (b) 25 (c) 18 (d) 19 (e) 21
> 11\. Chombo chenye madaraka na kusimamia shughuli za utawala na siasa
> ndani ya nchi ni
> \(a\) Tume (b) Dola (c) Polisi (d) Bunge (e) Mahakama
> 12\. ndiye katibu wa vikao vya kamati ya shule. (a) Mwenyekiti wa
> kamati (b) Mwalimu wa taaluma (c) Mwalimu mkuu msaidizi (d) Mwalimu
> mkuu (e) Mwalimu wa darasa
> 13\. Alama ya mwenge katika ngao ya taifa huwakilisha
\(a\) Mali asili ya taifa (b) Uhuru
> wa taifa letu (c) Silaha za jadi (d) Wakulima (e) Wafanya biashara
> 14\. Kiongozi wa kisiasa katika kata anaitwa
> wa kata (d) Katibu kata (e) Diwani
\(a\) Mratibu (b) Afisa afya (c) Mwenyekiti
> 15\. ni mtendaji mkuu wa shughuli zote katika kata. (a) Afisa mtendaji
> wa kata (b) Diwani
> \(c\) Mratibu wa elimu (d) Afisa maendeleo (e) Afisa Tarafa
> 16\. ni haki ya msingi katika katiba ya nchi na haki za binadamu. (a)
> Kusikilizwa (b) Kuishi
> \(c\) Kupata elimu (d) Kuabudu (e) Kuheshimiwa
> 17\. hutolewa na idara ya uhamiaji kitumike kwa watu wasio raia ambao
> huishi nchini.
> \(a\) Leseni (b) Cheti (c) Kibali cha makazi (d) Ada (e) Kitambulisho
> 18\. Baadhi ya mambo yanayomtambulisha mtu ni
\(a\) Dini na chama chake (b) Lugha na mavazi (c)
> Mapambo na rangi ya Ngozi yake (d) Mwili wake na nguvu zake (e) Mali
> na uwzo wake wa kufanya kazi
> 19\. Matokeo ya mshindi wa kiti cha Urais nchini Tanzania hutangazwa
> na
> \(a\) Mwenyekiti wa chama kilichoshindwa (b) Mwenyekiti wa bunge la
> Tanzania (c) Jaji wa mahakama kuu (d) Spika (e) Mwenyekiti wa tume ya
> taifa ya uchaguzi
> 20\. Chama cha wanasheria wanawake huitwa
\(a\) TAWLA (b) TGNP (c) TAMWA
> 21\. Kiongozi mkuu wa shughuli za serikali bungeni ni
> \(a\) Rais (b) bunge (c) Makamu wa Rais (d) Waziri Mkuu (e) Spika wa
> bunge
> 22\. huwakilisha utamaduni wa taifa letu.
> \(a\) Dini (b) Mlima Kilimanjaro (c) Bendera (d) Ngao ya taifa (e)
> Lugha
> 23\. Watu wa pwani ya Tanzania wana utamaduni wa kuvaa
> \(a\) Njuga (b) Kanzu (c) Gauni (d) Ngozi (e) Pete
> 24\. Hapa Tanzania kuna lugha za makabila Zaidi ya \_ (a) 120 (b) 102
> (c) 210 (d) 200 (e) 100
> 25\. Kuna aina mbili za viongozi ambao ni na (a) Darasa na dini (b)
> Kuteuliwa na
> kuchaguliwa (c) Wandani na nje (d) Vijiji na mijini (e) Afrika na
> ulaya
> 26\. Faida moja wapo ya kuwashirikisha watoto katika maamuzi ni
> \(a\) Kusikiliza maoni yao (b) kuleta upendeleo wa kijinsia (c) kuleta
> vurugu (d) watoto kuwa na amri nyumbani (e) watoto kuwa na akili
> darasani
> 27\. Rushwa inaweza kugawanywa katika makundi
> \(a\) Matatu (b) matano (c) mawili (d) kumi (e) mengi
> 28\. Lipi sio jukumu la mwalimu wa Taaluma kati ya haya yafuatayo?
> \(a\) Kumshauri mwalimu mkuu juu ya Taaluma (b) Kuandaa ratiba kuu ya
> masomo (c) kuhakikisha vitabu na miuhtasari vinahifadhiwa (d) kuratibu
> mitihani ya ndani na nje inayofanyika shuleni (e) kusimamia nidhamu ya
> wanafunzi
> 29\. Kamati ya shule huchaguliwa na
> \(a\) Waziri (b) walimu wote (c) viranja wa shule (d) wanafunzi (e)
> kamati ya shule
> 30\. Uhusiano kati ya Tanzania na Mataifa mengine umekuwa kutokana na
> \(a\) Utandawazi (b) utunzaji wa mazingira (c) jumuiya za kiuchumi
> zilizopo (d) uhusiano wa kimichezo
> \(e\) kuuziana bidhaa
> 31\. Lipi kati ya yafuatayo si wajibu wa mtoto
> \(a\) Kuwasaidia wazazi shughuli za nyumbani (b) kuwasaidia wadogo
> zake (c) kulipa karo za shule (d)
> kufua nguo zake (e) kupika na kuwalisha wadogo zake
> 32\. Kufanya kazi kwa bidi kuna faida nyingi lipi kati ya yafuatayo si
> moja wapo ya faida hizo
> \(a\) Kuongeza kipato cha familia (b) kuchoka kutokana na kazi nyingi
> (c) kuheshimika katika jamii
> \(d\) kuburudika kimwili na kiakili (e) kujenga nyumba
> 33\. Misingi mikuu ya maendeleo ni
> \(a\) Mtaji wa pembejeo (b) juhudi za maafisa (c) juhudi katika kazi
> (d) sera na utandawazi (e)
> sera na utekelezaji
> 34\. Uchaguzi wa kushirikisha vyama vingi nchini Tanzania kwa mara ya
> kwanza ulifanyika mwaka \_ (a) 1992 (b) 1990 (c) 1995 (d) 2005 (e)
> 2015
> 35\. ni siku ya kuadhimisha tukio fulani
> \(a\) Siku za kazi (b) mwaka mpya (c) siku kuu (d) muungano (e) nane
> nane
> 36\. ni sheria ambayo hupitishwa na bunge lakini bado haijasainiwa na
> Rais
> \(a\) Mawazo mbalimbalil (b) katiba (c) malengo (d) maoni ya wananchi
> (e) mswada
> 37\. Moja wapo ni hatua ya kumpata Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa
> Tanzania.
> \(a\) Kuteuliwa na wananchi wa jimbo lake (b) kupendekezwa na marafiki
> zake (c) kupendekezwa na chama chake (d) kupendekezwa na bunge (e)
> kuteuliwa na spika
> 38\. Makubaliano ya msingi yanayoeleza jinsi watu walivyo amua na
> kupenda waongozwe huitwa.
> \(a\) Maoni (b) kanuni (c) katiba (d) mswada (e) utamaduni
> 39\. Mali inayotumika kiwandani kutengeneza mali nyingine huitwa \_
> \(a\) Mazao (b) malighafi (c) mitambo (d) kemikeli (e) gesi asili
> 40\. Shirika la chakula duniani huitwa
> \(a\) WFP (b) UNDP (c) UNICEF (d) ILO (e) FAO
> 41\. Mahakama na Serikali ni miongoni mwa mihimili mitatu ya dola,
> taja mhimili mmoja uliobaki
> 42\. Jumuiya ya maendeleo kusini mwa Afrika (SADC) kwa mwara ya kwanza
> ilianzishwa mwaka
> 43\. Tanganyika ilipata uhuru wake kwa Waingereza mwaka gani?
> 44\. Andika kirefu cha neno TAMISEMI
> 45\. Chama kinachoshughulikia masuala ya viziwi Tanzania
> **1.** B 21. D
> **2.** B 22. E
> **3.** C 23. B
> **4.** E 24. A
> **5.** A 25. B
> **6.** D 26. A
> **7.** E 27. E
> **8.** C 28. E
> **9.** C 29. A
> **10.** C 30. A
> **11.** B 31. C
> **12.** D 32. B
> **13.** B 33. E
> **14.** E 34. A
> **15.** A 35. C
> **16.** B 36. E
> **17.** C 37. C
> **18.** B 38. C
> **19.** E 39. B
> **20.** C 40. E
> **41.** Bunge
> **42.** 1992
> **43.** 1961
> **44.** Tawala za mikoa na serikali za mitaa
> **45.** CHAVITA
> 1\. Jibu maswali yote kwa kufuata maelekezo katika kila sehemu.
> 2\. Chagua jibu sahii kisha siliba herufi yake katika karatasi ya
> kujibia OMR kwa kutumia kalamu ya risasi kuanzia swali 1 hadi 40.
> 3\. Katika swali la 41 hadi 45 jibu maswali kwa kuandika majibu nyuma
> ya karatasi ya OMR.
> **Chagua herufi ya jibu lililo sahihi kisha jaza herufi ya jibu hilo
> kwenye karatasi ya OMR uliyopewa**
> 1\. Neno lipi kati ya maneno yafuatayo lina maana sawa na shari?
> \(a\) Ubunifu (b) Umaarufu (c) Uzembe (d) Ugomvi (e) Uzushi
> 2\. Shida alivaa nguo za kijeshi wakati wa mkutano. Neno "za kijeshi"
> ni aina gani ya neno?
> \(a\) Kivumishi (b) Kielezi (c) Kitenzi (d) Kiwakilishi (e) Nomino
> 3\. "Hicho ulichotaka sikupata lakini nimepata hiki." Katika sentensi
> hii maneno "hicho na hiki" ni aina gani ya
> maneno?
> \(a\) Vivumishi (b) Viwakilishi (c) Vielezi (d) Vitenzi (e) Nomino
> 4\. Ni sentensi ipi iliyo sahihi kimuundo kati ya zifuatazo?
> \(a\) Amenunua gari mashaka (b) Mashaka gari amenunua (c) Amenunua
> Mashaka gari (d) Mashaka amenunua gari (e) Gari amenunua Mashaka
> 5\. Maana nyingine ya neno "faraghani" ni ipi kati ya hizi
> \(a\) Waziwazi (b) Pembezoni (c) Kivulini (d) Mafichoni (e) Hadharani
> 6\. Wingi wa sentensi, "Mbuzi wangu amepotea" ni upi?
> \(a\) Mbuzi zetu zimepotea (b) Mbuzi yetu zimepotea (c) Mbuzi wetu
> wamepotea (d) Mbuzi wetu zimepotea (e) Mbuzi yetu wamepotea
> 7\. "Wanafunzi kenda walikwenda ziara nchini Kenya." Neno 'walikwenda'
> ni aina gani ya neno?
> \(a\) Kiwakilishi (b) Kivumishi (c) Kielezi (d) Kitenzi (e) Nomino
> 8\. Ashura anacheza mpira wa miguu vizuri. Katika sentensi hii, neno
> lipi limetumika kama kielezi?
> \(a\) Anacheza (b) Mpira (c) Vizuri (d) Ashura (e) wa miguu
> 9\. Mtu anayefasiri ana kwa ana mazungumzo katika lugha moja kwenda
> lugha nyingine huitwaje?
> \(a\) Msuluhishi (b) Mpatanishi (c) Mkalimani (d) Mfafanuzi (e)
> Mhubiri
> 10\. "Sote tunafanya mtihani darasani" Neno "darasani" limetumika kama
> aina gani ya neno?
> \(a\) Kielezi (b) Kivumishi (c) Kitenzi (d) Kiwakilishi (e) Nomino
> 11\. Baraka aliona
kuwa, miongoni mwa waliofaulu. Neno lipi linakamilisha sentensi hii kwa
> usahihi kati ya maneno yafuatayo?
> \(a\) Fadhili (b) fahari (c) Fahiri (d) Fadhaa (e) Fadhila
> 12\. Mwanamke yule alikaa \_ baada ya kufiwa na mume wake. Ni neno
> lipi linakamilisha sentensi hii kati ya maneno yafuatayo?
> \(a\) Eda (b) Heda (c) Arobaini (d) Fungate (e) Edaha
> 13\. Kitenzi "piga" kikiwa katika kauli ya kutendeka kitakuwa, neno
> lipi kati ya maneno yafuatayo
> \(a\) Pigia (b) Pigwa (c) Pigika (d) Pigiwa (e) Pigana
> 14\. "Wewe unasoma kwa bidi." Wingi wa sentensi hii ni upi?
> \(a\) Sisi tunasoma kwa bidii (b) Wale wanasoma kwa bidii (c) Ninyi
> mnasoma kwa bidii (d) Ninyi tunasoma kwa bidii (e) Wao wanasoma kwa
> bidii
> 15\. "Wanafunzi wale ni hodari sana." Neno "wale" ni aina gani ya
> neno?
> \(a\) Kitenzi (b) Kivumishi (c) Kielezi (d) Nomino (e) Kiwakilishi
> 16\. "Wasichana saba wamechaguliwa kujiunga na kozi ya uhandisi." Neno
> 'na' ni aina gani ya neno?
> \(a\) Kitenzi (b) Nomino (c) Kiwakilishi (d) Kielezi (e) Kiunganishi
> 17\. Ni neno lipi nia maana sawa na hali ya kumzonga mtu kwa maneno
> makali kwa lengo la kumkasirisha?
> \(a\) Kumhukumu (b) Kumwinda (c) Kumwadhibu (d) Kumsakama (e) Kumzomea
> 18\. Katika vitenzi "sitafyeka" na "hupendi" ni silabi zipi
> zinazoonesha ukanushi?
> \(a\) ta na hu (b) ta na pe (c) ka nan di (d) sin a hu (e) fye na pe
> 19\. Neno lipi kati ya haya yafuatayo halilandani na mengine?
> \(a\) Cheka (b) Tabasamu (c) Furaha (d) Sherehe (e) Shere
> 20\. "Mnyama huyu anafanana na ng'ombe." Wingi wa sentensi hii ni upi?
> \(a\) Wanyama anayefanana na ng'ombe (b) Mnyama anayefanana na ng'ombe
> (c) Wanyama hawa wanafanana na ng'ombe (d) wanyama wanaofanana na
> mang'ombe (e) Mnyama wanaofanana na ng'ombe
> 21\. Ni methali ipi kati ya zifuatazo inahimiza ushirikiano katika
> jamii?
> \(a\) Chanda chema huvikwa pete (b) Mchuma janga hula na wa kwao (c)
> Umoja ni nguvu utengano ni dhaifu (d) Mwenda pole hajikwai (e) Wapishi
> wengi huharibu mchuzi
> 22\. "Watoto wa mfalme ni wepesi kujificha." Jibu la kitendawili hiki
> ni lipi?
> \(a\) Macho (b) Vifaranga (c) Siafu (d) Mvi (e) Sungura
> 23\. "Uzururaji umepigwa marufuku." Nahau 'umepigwa marufuku' ina
> maana gani?
> \(a\) Umezoeleka (b) Umepigwa winda (c) Umepigwa konde (d) Umekithiri
> (e) Umekatazwa
> 24\. "Amenisamehe kwa moyo mweupe." Nahau "moyo mweupe" ina maana ipi?
> \(a\) Bila kinyongo (b) Kwa lazima (c) Kwa shingo upande (d) Kwa
> kusitasita (e) Kwa kusuasua
> 25\. "Mwenye nguvu
." Neno lipi linakamilisha methali hii?
> \(a\) Mfunge (b) Usimkamate (c) Mkimbie (d) Usimpige (e) Mpishe
> 26\. "Asiyefunzwa na mamaye hufunzwa na ulimwengu." Ni methali ipi
> inafanana na methali hii?
> \(a\) Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu (b) Asiye na mwana aelekee jiwe
> (c) Asiye na bahati habahatishi (d) Asiyejua kufa atizame kaburi (e)
> Asiyekubali kushindwa si mshindani
> 27\. "Haba na haba hujaza kibaba." Methali hii inatoa funzo gani?
> \(a\) Umuhimu wa kupima vitu (b) Tunapaswa kujiwekea akiba (c) Vitu
> hupimwa kwa kibaba tu (d) Tunapaswa kupima vibaba (e) Kibaba hujaza
> vitu
> 28\. "Heri kufa macho kuliko ." Methali hii hukamilishwa na kifungu
> kipi cha maneno?
> \(a\) Kujikwaa ulimi (b) Kuumia moyo (c) Kuzama majini (d) Kufa koyo
> (e) Kufa jicho moja
> 29\. "Maji yakimwagika hayazoleki." Methali hii ina maana gani kati ya
> zifuatazo?
> \(a\) Ukitaka usizoe maji, usimwage (b) Tuwe waangalifua katika
> kutenda jambo (c) Tuwe waangalifu tunapobeba maji (d) Maji yakimwagika
> hugeuka tope (e) Jambo lililoharibika halitengenezeki
> 30\. "Amani haiji ." Kifungu kipi cha maneno kinakamisha methali hii
> kwa usahihi?
> \(a\) Ila kwa mzozo mkubwa (b) Ila kwa malumbano makali (c) Bila kuwa
> na Amani (d) Ila kwa nca ya upanga (e) Bila makubaliano
> Soma shairi lifuatalo kisha siliba herufi ya jibu sahihi kwenye OMR
> uliyopewa
> Kazi ifanye kwa nia, itakupatia tija,
> Ifanye kwa kupania, iwe kwako ni daraja, Kazi ni kuibobea, ili ilete
> faraja,
> Juhudi katika kazi, ni zawadi maridhawa.
> Ni zawadi maridhawa, juhudi katika kazi, Ifanye uwe mzawa, uonekane
> mzazi, Uoneshe uelewa, nchini mwako azizi, Tufanye kazi kwa dhati,
> itatupa manufaa.
> Itatupa manufaa, tufanye kazi kwa dhati, Tuoneshe yanofaa, kwa moyo
> ulo thabiti, Pasiwe kizaa zaa, tusoweza kuthibiti, Kazi ndio mhimili,
> popote utapokuwa.
> Popote utapokuwa, kazi ndio mhimili, Kama gari huendeshwa, vile
> inastahili, Mafunzo uliyopewa, yawe kwako ni kivuli Kwako kazi ni
> muhimu, maisha kuendelea.
> 31\. Kichwa kinachofaa kwa shairi hili ni kipi kati ya vifuatavyo?
> \(a\) Juhudi katika kazi (b) Mafunzo ya kazi (c) Kazi inayostahili (d)
> Kazi inayofaa (e) Changamoto za kazi
> 32\. Mwandishi anasema "Kazi ni kuibobea" ana maana gani?
> \(a\) Kuipenda na kuithamini (b) Kuleta faraaja (c) Kuijua na kuifanya
> kwa ufasaha (d) Kuifanya kwa kutumia nguvu (e) Kazi ndio muhimu.
> 33\. Vina vya kati na mwisho katika ubeti wa pili ni vipi?
> \(a\) wa na ju (b) wa na u (c) ti na i (d) ti na a (e) wa na zi
> 34\. Shairi hili linatoa funzo gani?
> \(a\) Ni vyema kuithibitisha kazi (b) Kazi ni muhimu katika maisha (c)
> Ni bora kuajiriwa (d) Ni muhimu kupewa mafunzo (e) Watu wafanye kazi
> ili wapate zawadi
> 35\. Neno "thabiti" katika shairi hili lina maana gani?
> \(a\) Mkunjufu (b) Mnyenyekevu (c) Mweupe (d) Madhubuti (e) Mwepesi
> 36\. Unafikiri mwandishi ana maana gani anaposema "Mafunzo uliyopewa
> yawe kwako ni kivuli"
> \(a\) Yasikuweke juani (b)Yakuweke chini ya mti (c) Yawe ndio ushahidi
> (d) Yalete matukio (e) Yawe ya mafanikio
> Umepewa sentensi zilizochanganywa panga sentensi hizo kwa kuchagua
> herufi A, B, C na D
> 37\. Kwa mfano, wavulana walipofika umri wa kuoa iliwalazimu
> kujijengea nyumba za kuishi na kuwa na shamba la mazao ya chakula.
> 38\. Elimu hiyo ilitolewa na walimu maalum wa jadi na ilihusisha sana
> vitendo
> 39\. Wakati wa ukoloni elimu hiyo ilipigwa vita na kuonekana kuwa,
> haifai hivyo uliletwa mfumo mpya wa elimu
> 40\. Kabla ya kuja kwa wakoloni Waafrika walikuwa na mfumo wao wa
> elimu ya jadi.
> Soma habari ifuatayo kwa umakini kisha andika jibu sahihi nyuma ya
> karatasi ya OMR uliyopewa
> Siku moja njiwa wawili walikwenda kunywa maji baada ya kula nafaka.
> Walipomaliza kunywa maji, mara alitokea samaki mmoja akawakaribisha na
> kusema, "Karibuni, hapa ndipo nyumbani kwangu. Siku zote mimi huishi
> kwenye maji." Wale njiwa walimjibu, "Tunashukuru, lakini sisi tunaishi
> kwenye viota." Njiwa mmoja alimuuliza samaki kama anaweza kuishi
> kwenye kiota. Samaki alijibu, "La hasha! Mimi ni kwenye maji tu." Basi
> tangu hapo njiwa wakawa wamepata rafiki.
> Njiwa walikwenda tena kunywa maji siku nyingine. Walimkuta samaki
> anatapatapa majini, anavuta hewa kwa taabu. Samaki alipowaona
> aliwaambia, "naomba mnipeleke kwenye mto mwingine wenye maji mwengi,
> haya yanakauka, naangamia." Wale njiwa wakamwambia, "Tunakuonea huruma
> lakini hatuna uwezo wa kukubeba." Hata hivyo, "Wewe ni rafiki yetu,
> hatutakuacha ufe." Samaki akajawa na matumaini. Wale njiwa
> walijadiliana bila kupata jibu.
> Baadaye samaki akapata wazoakawaambia wale njiwa wachukue Kamba moja
> fupi. Mmoja aing'ate huku na mwingine huku kwa kutumia midomo yao.
> Yeye angeuma katikati ile Kamba. Njiwa walifanya hivyo. Walitafuta
> Kamba na baadaye wakaja kumchukua rafiki yao. Njiwa wale waliruka juu
> sana wakipita milima, mabonde na misitu.
> Waliokuwa, juu yam situ mmoja mnene, walikutana na ndege anayeitwa
> Korongo. Huyo aliwasifu wale njiwa kwa akili waliyotumia kumbeba yule
> samaki. "Loo! Nyinyi njiwa mna akili sana!" Wale njiwahawakujibu kwa
> sababu midomo yao ilikuwa, imeshikilia Kamba. Rafiki yao samaki
> alifadhaika sana. Hakupenda njiwa wapate sifa wakati wazo alilitoa
> yeye.
> Hakuvumilia akataka kumwambia korongo, "Ni mimi niliyewaelekeza."
> Alipotaka kuzungumza, mdomo wake uliachia ile Kamba. Akaanza kudondoka
> kwenda chini. Wale njiwa walijaribu kumsaidia, wakashindwa samaki
> akafa. Kilichomponza samaki ni kutaka kwake sifa. Ama kweli sifa
> inaua.
> 41\. Kutokana na habari uliyoisoma, mwandishi anasema maisha ya samaki
> hutegemea nini?
> 42\. Wazo la kumbeba samaki nakamba lilitolewa na nani?
> 43\. Unafikiri kwa nini njiwa hawakumjibu Korongo?
> 44\. Andika kichwa kinachofaa kwa habari uliyoisoma
> 45\. Andika funzo ulilolipata kutokana na tabia ya samaki
> **1.** D 21. C
> **2.** A 22. A
> **3.** B 23. E
> **4.** D 24. A
> **5.** D 25. E
> **6.** C 26. A
> **7.** D 27. B
> **8.** C 28. D
> **9.** C 29. E
> **10.** B 30. D
> **11.** B 31. A
> **12.** A 32. C
> **13.** C 33. E
> **14.** C 34. B
> **15.** B 35. D
> **16.** E 36. E
> **17.** D 37. C
> **18.** D 38. B
> **19.** E 39. D
> **20.** C 40. A
> **21.** Kutokana na habari niliyosoma mwandishi anasema Maisha ya
> samaki hutegemea maji
> **22.** Wazo la kumbeba samaki na Kamba lilitolewa na samaki
> **23.** Njiwa hawakumjibu Korongo kwa sababu midomo yao ilikuwa
> imeshikilia kamba
> **25.** Kutokana na tabia ya samaki funzo nililopata ni kutopenda sifa
> *Instructions*
> 1\. Fill in the personal information in the first part of your answer
> sheet.
> 2\. Answer all questions as per instructions in each section.
> 3\. Shade the correct answer on the OMR answer sheet given from number
> 1 to 40.
> 4\. For number 41 to 45 write the answers at the back of the OMR
> answer sheet given.
> Choose the most correct answer and shade its letter beside the
> question number in your answer sheet
> 1\. Crops water, light and fertile soil to grow well
> \(a\) need (b) needed (c) was needed (d) needs (e) needing
> 2\. We busy at this moment
> \(a\) am (b) is (c) are (d) were (e) have
> 3\. John and I
to travel next week
> \(a\) go (b) going (c) is going (d) am going (e) are going
> 4\. Pupil's waiting for their teacher for two hours.
> \(a\) has been (b) have been (c) be (d) have (e) had
> 5\. Water usually
at 1000C.
> \(a\) boil (b) boiling (c) boils (d) boiled (e) has boiled
> 6\. Farmers their farms now
> \(a\) is preparing (b) are preparing (c) were preparing (d) was
> preparing (e) are prepare
> 7\. He always
when he was young
> \(a\) cry (b) cries (c) cried (d) crying (e) does cry
> 8\. When Juma at the station, he didn't find the train.
> \(a\) arrive (b) arrived (c) arrives (d) arriving (e) was arrive
> 9\. The snake
by Mrs. Mwenda
> \(a\) was kill (b) had killed (c) were killed (d) was killed (e) have
> killed
> 10\. If you
hard, you will pass your examinations.
> \(a\) work (b) worked (c) works (d) working (e) had worked
> 11\. Pagans are
Christians Muslims.
> \(a\) either ... nor (b) neither ... nor (c) either ... neither (d)
> neither ... either (e) neither ... or
> 12\. Do you have
> \(a\) some (b) many (c) much (d) any (e) little
> 13\. An elephant is the animal in the national park.
> \(a\) largest (b) most largest (c) large (d) more large (e) most large
> 14\. He goes to school late every day, ?
> \(a\) wasn't he (b) isn't he (c) hasn't he (d) haven't he (e) doesn't
> he
> 15\. they keep quiet, they will be punished.
> \(a\) If (b) Although (c) But (d) Unless (e) For
> 16\. The repaired machine is strong
to pull the car
> \(a\) enough (b) so that (c) in order (d) for (e) of
> 17\. Nyakomba walks with a stick
> \(a\) slow (b) very slowest (c) slowly (d) slower (e) more slow
> 18\. My friend suffers Malaria.
> \(a\) of (b) by (c) from (d) with (e) in
> 19\. Usually girls look at
twice into the mirror before leaving their rooms.
> \(a\) himself (b) herself (c) itself (d) themselves (e) yourself
> 20\. how long have you been waiting?
> \(a\) By (b) Since (c) For (d) To (e) With
> 21\. We travelled
two days to Burundi.
> \(a\) On (b) to (c) from (d) of (e) for
> 22\. Change the following sentence into indirect speech 'How old are
> you?' the teacher asked.
> \(a\) The teacher asked me if I was old (b) The teacher wanted to know
> my age (c) The teacher asked me how old I was (d) The teacher asked me
> how old was I (e) The teacher wanted to know how old am I
> 23\. He dived
the ocean and started swimming
> \(a\) Onto (b) into (c) in (d) through (e) away
> 24\. Many pupil go to school
> \(a\) On (b) by (c) with (d) for (e) to
> 25\. The woman
husband came here, is my aunt.
> \(a\) When (b) whose (c) which (d) where (e) what
> 26\. Cheetah is the
animal on land.
> \(a\) Strongest (b) largest (c) smallest (d) tallest (e) fastest
> 27\. My brother and I own a house. It is our house. The house belongs
> to
> \(a\) Them (b) him (c) us (d) our (e) me
> 28\. Salama played netball badly
she was sick.
> \(a\) Although (b) because (c) but (d) unless (e) even if
> 29\. The patient had died
lack of water.
> \(a\) With (b) by (c) from (d) of (e) for
> 30\. That is the hostel. Fifty girls live in it.
> \(a\) girls (b) girl (c) girls' (d) girls's (e) girl's
> 31\. We want that is why we don't like people to fight.
> \(a\) Pace (b) peace (c) piece (d) pierce (e) peach
> 32\. A person who measures and sews clothes for people is called a
> \(a\) Sailor (b) barber (c) sewer (d) tailor (e) pedestrian
> 33\. A fire gun is a \_ (a) weapon (b) fire work (c) fire wood (d) hot
> pot (e) knife
> 34\. Juma is a judge, he works in a (a) shop (b) hospital (c) court
> (d) ship (e) farm
> 35\. Mr. Masanja sent the cattle to graze on the new farm. What does
> the word 'graze' mean?
> \(a\) To collect the harvest (b) To drink water (c) To plough (d) To
> eat grass (e) To sleep
> 36\. If someone is called Miss Keren. This means.
> \(a\) She is a girl or woman who is not married (b) She is a girl or
> woman who is married Keren (c) He is a boy or man who is not yet
> married (d) He is a boy or man who married to Keren (e) They are
> husband and wife in Karen's family
> Rearrange the following sentence by giving letter A, B, C and D, in
> order to make good meaning
> 37\. We both started to clean and arrange all things well in readiness
> for the following day.
> 38\. Yesterday, I decided to go to the shop to help her.
> 39\. My sister Naishoki has a big shop at Makao Mapya where she sells
> a variety of things.
> 40\. She was happy because the wollowing day would be a holiday and we
> would be very busy.
> **Read the following passage careful and then answer question number
> 41 to 45**
> Mr and Mrs. Koba have three children. Of these, two are boy and one is
> a girl. Their son's name are Jembe and Ali, and their daughter is
> Suzy. All their children go to school. Jembe is in class seven while
> Ali and Suzy are in class five.
> They are all hardworking pupils in their school and they have good
> performance in all subjects. Jembe is the best at English and
> Mathematics. Mr and Mrs Kobe and their children are happy family.
> Questions
> 41\. Who has three children?
> 42\. How many sons are there in the family of Mr and Mrs Kobe?
> 43\. In which subjects is Jembe best at?
> 44\. In which class is Jembe studying?
> 45\. Why do the children of Mr and Mrs Kobe have good performance? \_
> **1.** A 21. E
> **2.** C 22. C
> **3.** E 23. B
> **4.** B 24. A
> **5.** C 25. B
> **6.** B 26. E
> **7.** C 27. C
> **8.** B 28. B
> **9.** D 29. D
> **10.** A 30. C
> **11.** B 31. B
> **12.** D 32. D
> **13.** A 33. A
> **14.** E 34. C
> **15.** D 35. D
> **16.** A 36. A
> **17.** C 37. C
> **18.** C 38. B
> **19.** D 39. A
> **20.** C 40. D
> **21.** Mr and Mrs Kobe are the ones who have three children
> **22.** There are two sons in the family of Mr and Mrs Kobe
> **23.** Jembe is good at English and Mathematics subject
> **24.** Jembe is in class seven
> **25.** The children of Mr and Mrs Kobe have good performance because
> they are all hardworking pupils in their school
> 5\. Mtihani huu una jumla ya maswali arobaini na tano (45) wenye
> sehemu A na B. Jibu maswali
> yote.
> 6\. Jibu sawali la1 -- 40 kwa kutumia karatasi ya kujibia kwa kujaza
> herufi ya jibu lililosahihi
> 7\. Jibu swali la 41 -- 45 kwa kujaza nafasi zilizo wazi.
> 8\. Andika Jina lako kamili na Jina la Shule.
> 1\. Kitendo cha mmea kufyonza maji kutoka kwenye udongo kwa kutumia
> mizizi huitwa
> \(a\) transipiresheni (b) umande (c) osmosis (d) photosinthesis (e)
> phototropizimu
> 2\. Viumbe wafuatao wapo katika kundi lipi la Wanyama? Nyoka, Kobe na
> Kinyonga
> \(a\) Reptilia (b) Amfibia (c) Mamalia (d) Ndege (e) wadudu
> 3\. Katika mchoro wa Ua ufuatao, ni sehemu ipi huvutia wadudu kwa
> ajili ya uchavushaji?
> \(a\) 1
> 2 (b) 2
> 1
> \(c\) 3
> 3
> 4 (d) 4
> 5 (e) 5
> 4\. Muunganiko wa ogani zinazofanya shughuli moja au zaidi kwa
> kutegemeana huitwa (a) ogani
> \(b\) tishu (c) mfumo (d) nukleasi (e) Seli
> 5\. Ni aina ipi ya chakula mmeng'enyo wake huanzia mdomoni Matunda (b)
> protini (c) mafuta (d) vitamin (e) kabohaidreti
> 6\. Mazoezi ni njia mojawapo ya kupunguza
> \(a\) kutapika (b) kuharisha (c) kuzimia (d) msukumo mkubwa wa damu
> \(e\) Kifua Kikuu
> 7\. Sehemu iliyooneshwa kwa herufi **N** kwenye mchoro ufuatao inaitwa
> \(a\) Dendriti (b) Aksoni/axon (c) Saitoplaziamu (d) Nukliasi (e) Neva
> 8\. Sehemu ya ubongo inayotawala matendo yasiyo ya hiari ni (a)
> ubongo wakati (b) ubongo wa nyuma (c) neva (d) ubongo wa mbele (e) uti
> wa mgongo
> 9\. Ateri zote husafirisha damu safi isipokuwa
> ateri za renali (b) ateri za pulmonari (c) ateri za koronari (d) ateri
> za jugular
> \(e\) ateri za mesentari
> 10\. Uchafu uliochujwa na figo hupelekwa kwenye kibofu kupitia mrija
> uitwao \_ (a) bronchiole (b) urethra (c) eusofagasi (d) ureta (e)
> falopiani
> 11\. Ni virutubisho gani vinapatikana kwenye mboga za majani?
> vitamini (b) protini (c) fati (d) wanga (e) madini
> \(a\)
> 12\. Ili mmea uweze kutengeneza chakula chake wakati wa mchana
> unahitaji gesi aina gani? (a) Oksijeni (b) Naitrojeni (c) Haidrojen
> (d) Kabondaoksaidi (e) Kabonmonoksaidi
> 13\. Mifupa miwili inayotengeneza sehemu za muundi (ugoko) wa mguu ni
> na (a) Fibula na Tibia (b) Humas na kraviko (c) Skapla na stenamu (d)
> Nyundo na fuawe
> \(e\) Fupaja na radiasi
> 14\. Vyakula vya aina gani miongoni mwa hivi hutusaidia kulinda afya
> zetu?
> \(a\) Samaki na maziwa (b) Maharage na karanga (c) Uji mgumu na ndizi
> (c) Mayai na viazi (e) Matunda na mboga
> 15\. Moja kati ya magonjwa yafuatayo hayawezi kukingwa kwa chanjo\_
> pumu (b) surua (c) kifua kikuuu (d) pepopunda (e) kifaduro
> 16\. Huduma ya kwanza ifaayo kutolewa kwa mtu aliyekunywa sumu ni
> \(a\) Kumfanya aitapike (b) kumnywesha maziwa (c) kumnywesha sukari
> \(d\) kumwahisha hospitali (e) Kumlaza chali
> 17\. Anemia ni ugonjwa unaoweza kuepukwa kwa kuongeza katika mlo (a)
> Nyama na Samaki (b) Nafaka na Maharagwe (c) Matunda na mboga za majani
> \(d\) wali na njegele (e) maziwa na mkate
> 18\. Watu walioathirika na virusi vya UKIMWI huhitaji yote yafuatayo
> isipokuwa (a) Upendo na msaada (b) Mlo kamili (c) Kutibu magonjwa
> nyemelezi
> \(d\) kuwa nyanyapaa (e) usafi
> 19\. Nini kitatokea endapo wanyama walao nyama wataongezeka kwa idadi
> ukilinganisha na wanyama walao majani kwenye ikolojia?
> \(a\) Majani yatapungua (b) Majani kunyauka (c) Upatikanaji wa majani
> utalingana (d) Majani yataongezeka (e) Majani yote yataliwa
> 20\. Mfano wa badiliko la kikemikali ni
\(a\) maji kuwa mvuke
> \(b\) Tunda kuiva (c) kuyeyuka kwa sukari (d) Barafu kuyeyuka (e)
> kutanuka kwa chuma
> 21\. Upi kati ya michoro ifuatayo unaonesha hali halisi ya kuakisiwa
> kwa mwale wa mwanga?
> \(a\)
\(b\) )
> 22\. Yurea, maji na chumvichumvi hutolewa kwa wingi wakati wa joto
> kupitia\_
> \(a\) figo (b) kukojoa (c) mapafu (d) ini (e) ngozi
> 23\. Watu wanaoishi katika maeneo yenye baridi wanashauriwa kula
> vyakula vyenye
> mafuta kwa sababu ya
\(a\) hulinda mwili (b) hujenga mwili (c) vinaupa
> mwili joto (d) vinaupa mwili nguvu (e) vinafanya baadhi ya watu kuwa
> wanene
> 24\. Waya wa ethi hukinga nyumba dhidi ya radi. Alama ipi inawakilisha
> kikinga majanga hicho?
> \(a\) (b) (c)
> 25\. Vitu vipi kati ya vifuatavyo huweza kutenganishwa kwa sumaku?
> \(a\) Unga wa ayani na mchanga (b) unga na vipande vya karatasi (c)
> pini za plasiki na mchanga (d) unga wa kioo na mchanga (e) mchanga na
> mchele
> 26\. Ni sehemu ya mbegu inayojitokeza kwanza wakati wa kuchipua
> \(a\) Testa (b) Kianza mche (c) Ganda la ndani (d) Kianza mzizi (e)
> Maikropail
> 27\. Mahusiano kati ya viumbe hai na visivyo hai katika mazingira
> hujulikana kama (a) Kutegemeana (b) Mlishano (c) ikolojia (d) mfumo
> (e) uwiano wa kiasili
> 28\. Umeme wa ampia 0.6 umepita kwenye waya wenye ukinzani wa 6hm.Nini
> volteji yake?
> \(a\) 36V (b) 10V (c) 0.6V (d) 3.6V (e) 1/6V
> 29\. Zifuatazo ni mashine tata isipokuwa:-
> \(a\) Cherehani (b) mkasi (c) Baiskeli (d) Gari (e) Kikokoteo
> 30\. Ni nani mwenye jukumu la kutoa huduma ya kwanza?
> \(a\) Madaktari (b) wauguzi (c) wakunga (d) mtu yeyote mwenye ujuzi wa
> kufanya hivyo (e) watumishi wa chama cha Msalaba mwekundu
> 31\. Katika spektramu ya mwanga, rangi ya mwisho kupinda ni (b)
> nyekundu (c) hudhurungi (d) kijani (e) njano
\(a\) urujuani
> 32\. Ugonjwa unaosababisha fizi kutokwa damu ni
> \(a\) Skavi (b) UKIMWI (c) malaria (d) Goita (e) shinikizo la damu la
> juu
> 33\. Ni hatua gani ya uchunguzi wa kisayansi hukanusha au kukubali
> dhanio/bunio la utafiti? (a) Kugundua tatizo (b) kufanya jaribio (c)
> kukusanya data
> \(d\) kutafsiri data (e) kuandaa taarifa
> 34\. Kutokana na mchoro ufuatao, kundi lipi linawakilishwa na herufi
> R?
> **Njia za maambukizi ya virusi vya UKIMWI**
> Kunyonyesha kujamiiana kuongezewa damu kuchangia vitu vyenye ncha kali
> M N R P
> \(a\) Watoto (b) wagonjwa (c) wasichana (d) wauguzi (e) madaktari
> 35\. Bwana Tobiko aling'atwa na nyoka mwenye sumu kali. Ni sehemu gani
> ya moyo itafikiwa ya kwanza na sumu? (a) Ventriko ya Kushoto (b)
> Ventriko ya kulia (c) Auriko ya kushoto (d) Auriko ya kulia (e) Vena
> kava
> 36\. Nini hutokea mwanga upitapo katika media tofauti
> (a)Husafiri kwa kugawa vitu sehemu mbili (b) kusafiri katika mstali
> mnyoofu (c) hupinda
> \(d\) husafiri ndani ya maji kwa kujikunja (e) husafiri na kusababsiha
> vitu kupinda
> 37\. Homoni zinazoandaa mwili kukabiliana na hatari huitwa
> \(a\) adrenali (b) insulin (c) sailoksini (d) tezi (e) projestroni
> 38\. Mmojawapo kati ya mimea ifuatayo ina tabia ya uchavushaji peke
> \(a\) Papai (b) karafuu (c) mahindi (d) korosho (e) mgomba
> 39\. Ipi kati ya sentensi zifuatazo SIO SAHIHI kuhusu UKIMWI
> \(a\) UKIMWI huambukizwa kwa kupeana damu isiyopimwa (b) UKIMWI
> unawapata watu wa rika zote
> \(c\) watu wenye kansa wanaweza kuwa wameathirika na UKIMWI
> \(d\) vyakula vyenye protini na Vitamini ni nzuri kutumiwa na mgonjwa
> wa UKIMWI (e) UKIMWI unaweza kuambukizwa na mtu yeyote.
> 40.Sikio la mwanadamu limegawanyika katika sehemu kuu ngapi? (b) nne
> (c) sita (d) tatu (e) tano
\(a\) mbili
> 41.Aina ya metali inayopatikana katika hali ya kimiminika ni
> 42.Chembe ndogo sana za kijani ambazo hupatikana katika saitoplazimu
> ya seli ya mmea huitwa
> 43.Kifaa kinachotumika kupima mgandamizo wa hewa huitwa
> 44.Ili kugomboa chumvi katika majimaji utafanya nini?
> 45.Hii ni aina gani ya transifoma?
> **1.** A 21. D
> **2.** A 22. E
> **3.** C 23. C
> **4.** B 24. C
> **5.** B 25. A
> **6.** D 26. B
> **7.** B 27. C
> **8.** D 28. D
> **9.** B 29. B
> **10.** D 30. D
> **11.** B 31. B
> **12.** D 32. A
> **13.** A 33. A
> **14.** E 34. B
> **15.** A 35. C
> **16.** B 36. C
> **17.** C 37. A
> **18.** D 38. C
> **19.** D 39. C
> 20\. C 40. D
> 41\. Metali za mpito
> 42\. Kroplasti
> 43\. Barometa
> 44\. Kuchemsha
> 45\. Transifoma nguvu
> 4\. Jibu maswali yote kwa kufuata maelekezo katika kila sehemu.
> 5\. Chagua jibu sahii kisha siliba herufi yake katika karatasi ya
> kujibia OMR kwa kutumia kalamu ya risasi kuanzia swali 1 hadi 40.
> 6\. Katika swali la 41 hadi 45 jibu maswali kwa kuandika majibu nyuma
> ya karatasi ya OMR.
> SEHEMU A: Chagua jibu lililo sahihi zaidi kwa kuweka kivuli herufi ya
> jibu sahihi kwenye karatasi ya kujibia uliyopatiwa.
> 1\. Jukumu la ulinzi na usalama katika kata ni la
> \(a\) kamati ya maendeleo ya kata (b) baraza la mila la kata (c)
> serikali kuu (d) halmashauri ya maendeleo ya Wilaya (e) wanajamii wote
> katika Kata.
> 2\. Sentensi ipi ni sahihi kuhusiana na mwenyekiti wa Halmashauri ya
> Wilaya
> \(a\) Huchaguliwa na Mkurugenzi wa Halmashauri (b) Huchaguliwa na
> baraza la madiwani la wilaya (c)Huchaguliwa na Wabunge (d) Hudumu kwa
> miaka 10 baada ya kuchaguliwa (e)Huteuliwa na Waziri wa Serikali za
> Mitaa
> 3\. Chombo kinachohusika na kutoa hukumu ya makosa ya jinai ni
> \(a\) Jeshi la polisi (b) Mahakama (c) Magereza (d).Idara ya uhamiaji
> (e). Jeshi la wananchi
> 4\. Mambo ambayo kila binadamu anastahili kuyapata bila kujali kabila,
> utaifa au jinsia huitwa (a)Utawala bora (b) Utawala wa sharia (c)
> demokrasia (d) haki za binadamu (e) mbunge wa viti maalumu
> 5\. Mashirika yafuatayo ni ya kimataifa isipokuwa
> \(a\) WHO na UNICEF (b)FAO na ILO (c) UNDP na UNHCR (d) UNDP na UNESCO
> ( e) TANESCO na NDC
> 6\. Kwa mujibu wa katiba ya jamhuri ya muungano wa Tanzania, mgombea
> wa nafasi ya Urais anapaswa kuwa na miaka kuanzia:-
> \(a\) 21 na kuendelea (b) 61 na kuendelea (c) 50 na kuendelea (d) 40
> na kuendelea (e) 18 na kuendelea
> 7\. Sentensi ipi sio sahihi kuhusiana na mwalimu Julius K.Nyerere
> \(a\) Alikuwa Rais wa kwanza wa Tanganyika (b) Alikuwa Rais wa kwanza
> wa Tanzania
> \(c\) Alikuwa Waziri Mkuu wa kwanza wa Tanganyika (d) Alikuwa waziri
> Mkuu wa kwanza wa Tanzania
> \(e\) Alifariki tarehe 14.10.1999
> 8\. Uchaguzi wa kwanza ulioshirikisha vyama vingi nchini Tanzania
> ulikuwa mwaka
> \(a\) 1995 (b) 1992 (c) 2005 (d) 2010 (e) 2000.
> 9\. ni kiongozi wa shughuli zote za serikali Bungeni
> \(a\) Rais (b) Waziri Mkuu (c ) Spika wa Bunge (d) Mwanasheria Mkuu (
> e) Makamu wa Rais
> 10.Mojawapo ya changamoto wanazozipata wajasiriamali ni pamoja na ;
> \(a\) Ukosefu wa leseni za biashara (b) Kutokuwepo kwa benki na
> taasisi za fedha (c) Upatikanaji wa masoko ya bidhaa na huduma (d)
> Uwepo wa askari polisi na mgambo wengi maeneo ya mjini
> \(e\) Kutokuwepo kwa sera ya uwekezaji
> 11.Jaji mkuu huteuliwa na (a) Rais (b) Waziri mkuu (c) Bunge (d)
> Makamu wa Rais (e) Mwanasheria Mkuu
> 12.Ili kudumisha amani na umoja wa Kitaifa tunapaswa
> \(a\) Kuenzi lugha za makabila (b) Kutii sheria bila shuruti (c)
> Kuenzi umoja wa makabila yetu (d) Kuhakikisha kila raia wa Tanzania
> anaenda shule na kupata (e)Kila raia apitie mafunzo ya Kijeshi
> 13.Kwa mara ya mwisho Tanzania ilifanya sensa mwaka gani?
> \(a\) 2012 (b) 2009 (c) 2002 (d) 2013 (e) 2010
> 14.Mwakilishi wa wananchi katika vikao vya wilaya vya serikali za
> mitaa ni\_
> \(a\) Mkuu wa wilaya (b) Mwenyekiti wa serikali za vijiji (c) Afisa
> mtendaji kata (d) Mwenyekiti wa wilaya wa chama tawala (e) Diwani wa
> kata
> 15.Zifuatazo ni hatua muhimu za kiuchumi katika mifumo ya maendeleo ya
> uzalishaji mali (a) Ujima, Ukabaila, utumwa, ubepari na ujamaa (b)
> Ujima, ubepari, ujamaa , utumwa, na ukabaila (c)Ujamaa, Ujima, utumwa,
> ubepari na ukabaila (d) Ujima, Utumwa, Ukabaila, Ubepari na Ujamaa (e)
> ubepari Ujima, ukabaila, utumwa, na ujamaa
> 16.Serikali ya Kijerumani ilitawalaje Tanganyika?
> \(a\) Utawala wa moja kwa moja (b) Utawala usio wa moja kwa moja (c)
> Uwagawe na uwatawale (d) Kuwatumia viongozi wa jadi na machifu (e
> )Kutumia mtutu wa bunduki
> 17.Kinjekitile Ngwale aliwaagiza wafuasi wake kutumia maji maalumu
> aliyoyaandaa wakati wa vita vya majimaji akiwa na lengo la
> \(a\) Kuwatia moyo Waafrika katika mapambano na Wajerumani (b)
> Kuonyesha nguvu ya uchawi wake
> \(c\) Kutumia sayansi ya Kiafrika katika vita (d) Kubadili risasi kuwa
> maji (e) Kuwachanganya.
> 18\. Wazungu walitumia mbinu ipi kati ya zifuatazo kuanzisha ukoloni
> barani Afrika?
> \(a\) Kuweka mikataba ya ulaghai na viongozi wa jadi (b) Kutoa misaada
> ya nguo na chakula
> \(c\) Kuwachukua watu utumwani (d) Kuwapatia wananchi huduma za
> kijamii (e) Kufanya biashara za kubadilishana
> 19\. Mwanadamu wa mwazo aliyeanza kutembea kwa miguu miwili
> alijulikana kama
> \(a\) Primates (b) Homo sapiens (c) Homo Habilis (d) Zijnjanthropus
> (e) HomoErectus
> 20\. Jamii za Afrika Mashariki zilizowapinga wakoloni kwa njia ya vita
> ni pamoja na
> \(a\) Wanandi na Wahehe (b) Wasangu na Wabena (c) Waha na Wakamba (d
> )Waganda na Wabena ( e) Wabena na Wapare
> 21\. Umoja wa mataifa (UNO) ni chombo kilichoundwa baada ya vita kuu
> ya pili ya dunia ambavyo vilikuwa mwaka
> \(a\) 1914 -- 1918 (b) 1884 -- 1885 (c) 1905 -- 1907 (d) 1978 -- 1979
> (e) 1939 -- 1945
> 22\. Chombo kilichoundwa kutokana na nchi zilizotawaliwa na waingereza
> kiliitwa
> \(a\) Jumuiya ya Madola (b) ECOWAS (c) COMESA (d) UN (e) EAC
> 23\. \_ni vyama vya siasa vilivyopigania Uhuru wa Tanganyika na
> Zanzibar.
> \(a\) TANU na ASP (b) TAA na UTP (c) UTP na ZPPP (d) ANC na ASP (e)
> 24\. Mwanasayansi aliyesoma na kutafiti mabadiliko ya mwanadamu na
> kujumuisha kuwa kiumbe huyo yupo kwenye kundi la Sokwe watembeao kwa
> miguu minne, anajualikana kwa jina la
> \(a\) Charles Leakey (b) Dr. Leakey (c) Charles dorwin (d) Livingstone
> na Dr. Leakey (e) Rebman na
> Dr. Leakey
> 25\. Vita vya kikabila vilivyosabisha wangoni kuhama nchini Afrika
> Kusini vinajulikana kwa jina la
> \(a\) Mfekane (b) Msafara wa Makaburu (c) Maji maji (d) Khoisan (b)
> Vita baridi
> 26\. Mabadiliko ya mwanadamu kutokea mfumo mmoja kwenda mwingine
> hujulikana kama
> \(a\) Uumbaji (b) Mapinduzi (c) Maendeleo (d) Mageuzi (e) Teknoloji
> 27\. Moja kati ya mbinu zifuatazo ilitumiwa na watawala wa kikoloni
> kudhoofisha ama kuua kabisa teknolojia ya Waafrika
> \(a\) Kubinafsisha viwanda vya Kiafrika (b) Kufundisha kusoma na
> kuandika (c) Kufundisha Waafrika teknolojia za Ulaya (d) Vita vya mara
> kwa mara (e) Kuchoma viwanda vya waafrika
> 28\. Katika hatua za mwanzo za maendeleo ya ukuaji wa uchumi, Ugunduzi
> wa moto ulimsaidiaje binadamu? (a) Kujikinga na baridi, kuimarisha
> zana za mawe na kujihami (b) Kujikinga na baridi, kutengeneza
> chakula, kujihami na wanyama wakali na kuwinda (c) Kujikinga na
> wanyama wakali, kujenga
> nyumba bora na kulima (d) Kijikinga na baridi, kujenga nyumba, na
> kufuga wanyama (e) Kufuga wanyama, kujikinga na baridi, kujenga nyumba
> bora, na kupika
> 29\. Ulimaji wa mazao ya biashara wakati wa utawala wa kikoloni
> ulisababisha uhaba wa chakula katika jamii za kiafrika kwa sababu
> \(a\) Waafrika walitamani kulima kilimo biashara (b) Waafika waliona
> mazao ya biashara yana faida
> zaidi (c) Waafrika walilazimishwa kupanda mazao ya biashara zaidi ya
> mazao ya chakula (d) Waafrika walikosa mbegu za mazao ya chakula ( e)
> Mazao ya biashara yalikuwa na soko kwa wafrika
> 30\. Ngome ya yesu ilijengwa Mombasa nchini Kenya na
> \(a\) Waingereza (b) Wareno (c) Wajerumani (d) Wahispania (e ) Waarabu
> 31\. Zifuatazo ni faida zitokanazo na madini katika uchumi isipokuwa
> \(a\) Kutupatia fedha za kigeni (b) Kutoa ajira (c) Kutoa malighafi
> kwa ajili ya viwanda
> \(d\) Ufyekaji wa misitu kwa ajili ya uchimbaji wa madini ( e)
> Husaidia ukuaji wa miji katika maeneo ya uchimbaji
> 32\. Kwa nini tunashauriwa kubadilisha upandaji wa mazao katika shamba
> \(a\) Kuzuia wadudu waharibifu na kurutubisha udongo (b) Kuzuia
> mmomonyoko wa udongo (c )Kuzuia uharibifu wa misitu (d) Kuzuia
> uchafuzi wa hewa (e) Kuzuia uchafuzi wa maji
> 33.Nchi za Afrika mashariki zipo katika uwanda wa kitropiki lakini
> hali ya hewa tofauti. Hii ni kwa sababu
> ya
\(a\) Kuwepo kwa nyanda tofauti za hali ya hewa (b) Kuwepo kwa aina
tofauti za milima
> \(c\) Kukosekana kwa mito ya kutosha (d) Kuwepo kwa tofauti za mipaka
> (a) Kuwepo kwa uongozi tofauti kwa kila nchi.
> 34.Umbo lifuatalo ni matokeo ya
> \(a\) nguvu ya mvutano (b) Nguvu ya mgandamizo (c )Nguvu ya volkano
> (d) Nguvu ya mlipuko (e ) Nguvu ya mvutano na volkano
> 35.Moja ya madhara ya kuongezeka kwa kasi kwa idadi ya watu nchini
> Tanzania ni
> \(a\) Kuongezeka kwa vita vya kikabila (b) kuongezeka kwa ugonjwa wa
> malaria (c) Kukosa huduma toshelevu za kijamii (d) kupungua kwa eneo
> la nchi (e) kutopata idadi ya wasomi wa kutosha
> 36.Ikiwa ni saa 5.30 Asubuhi katika mji wa Lilongwe nyuzi 34
> Mashariki, je itakuwa ni saa ngapi katika mji wa Mogadishu uliopo
> nyuzi 45 Mashariki?
> \(a\) Saa 5:44 asubuhi (b) Saa 4:16 asubuhi (c ) Saa 6:14 Mchana (d)
> Saa 4:16 usiku (e )Saa 5.30 asubuhi
> 37.Mistari ya kubuni inayochorwa kwenye ramani kutoka kaskazini kwenda
> Kusini uitwaje?
> \(a\) Longitude (b) Ikweta (c). Kizio cha aktiki (d) .Latitude (e )
> Griniwichi
> 38\. ni uoto wa asili unaopatikana mwambao wa bahari ya Hindi nchini
> Tanzania
> \(a\) Ukanda wa kisavana (b) Vichaka (c) Ukanda wa kitropiki (d)
> Misitu ya mikoko (e) Ukanda wa nyasi
> 39.Chombo kitumikacho kupima kiwango cha unyevunyevu kwenye hewa
> kinajulikana kwa jina la
> \(a\) Windvane (b) Hydrometa (c) Rain geji (d) Barometa (e )Hygrometa
> 40..Nchi za mashariki ya kati ni maarufu kwa uzalishaji wa
> \(a\) Mafuta (b) korosho (c) Miwa (d) Dhahabu (e) Ndizi
> 41\. Sehemu ya jangwa ambayo maji hupatikana huitwa
> 42.Jua la utosi katika mwezi Disemba huwa katika
> 43.Kupwa na kujaa kwa maji baharini kunasababishwa na tukio lipi?
> Soma kielelezo hapo chini kisha jibu maswali yafuatayo:-
> 44.Herufi **B** inawakilisha nini kwenye mchoro hapo juu
> 45\. Tofauti kati ya kontua moja na nyingine ni ngapi?
> **1.** E 21. A
> **2.** B 22. E
> **3.** B 23. E
> **4.** D 24. B
> **5.** E 25. A
> **6.** D 26. C
> **7.** D 27. E
> **8.** A 28. A
> **9.** C 29. C
> **10.** C 30. B
> **11.** A 31. D
> **12.** B 32. A
> **13.** A 33. A
> **14.** E 34. E
> **15.** D 35. C
> **16.** A 36. C
> **17.** A 37. A
> **18.** A 38. D
> **19.** E 39. D
> **20.** E 40. A
> **41.** Oasisi
> **42.** Tropiko
> **43.** Mvutano kati ya Dunia na Mwezi
> **44.** Patio
> **45.** m 100
**[TIME: 2 Hours Wednesday, 1^st^ December 2021 p.m.]{.underline}**
- Answer all questions
> **SECTION "A"**
> 1\. Choose the most correct answer
> i\) What are the major types of oral traditions?
> a\) Museums and archives b) Poems and proverbs
> c\) Historical sites and narration of events d) cultural practices and
> narration of past events
> ii\) Why is Charles Darwin famous in History?
> a\) He discovered pebbles and chopping tools b) He discovered the
> fossil of Man's ancestors
> c\) He introduced the theory of creation d) He introduced the theory
> of evolution
> iii\) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is the town passed (crossed) by Northern routes
> during East Africa long distance trade
> a\) Saadan and Zaramo b) Mombasa and Lamu c) Ujiji and Tabora d) Kilwa
> and Yao
> iv\) Bujora museums is found at:
> a\) Mwanza b) Shinyanga c) Tabora d) Kigoma
> v\) A person who study culture in particular society:
> a\) Anthropologist b) Archeologist c) Museum attendant d) Oral
> traditionalist
> vi\) The tools made during the early stone age period were:-
> a\) Simple and Heavy b) Heavy and smaller c) Smaller and crude d)
> Shaper and smaller
> vii\) The division of labour during the age set organization was based
> on:-
> a\) Age and sex b) Age and gender c) Gender and age d) Non -- above
> viii\) Copper was produced mainly through
> a\) Smelting of copper ores b) mining of copper
> c\) Evaporating of copper ores d) Heating of copper
> ix\) Permanent crop cultivation practiced in areas with:
> a\) Fertile soil, heavy rainfall and thick vegetation
> b\) Fertile soil, low rainfall and dense vegetation
> c\) Heavy rainfall, poor fertile soil and thick vegetation
> d\) Thick vegetation, low rainfall and fertile soil
> x\) Act as places for preserving ancient objects
> a\) Historical sites b) Archives c) Oral tradition d) Anthropology
> 2\. Matching items
| **LIST A** | **LIST B** |
| i\. Oral Tradition | a\) Bujora in Mwanza |
| | |
| ii\. Historical sites | b\) The periplus of Erythrean sea |
| | |
| iii\. Written records | c\) They are not always accurate |
| | |
| iv\. Archive | d\) Kondoa Irangi |
| | |
| v\. Museums | e\) National record centre in |
| | Dodoma |
LIST A I Ii iii iv V
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
3\. Write **TRUE** or **FALSE**
i\) Pre -- colonial African societies were organized in similar social
system \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
ii\) Mbanza is a capitial city of Congo kingdom
iii\) Asantehene is a tittle king among the mali
iv\) In Kinship organization land was sold by clan heads
v\) Bagamoyo is a museums
4\. Describe the physical characteristics of human beings during the
following period
| i\. The early stone | i...................................... |
| Age | .............................................. |
| | .............................................. |
| | |
| | ii..................................... |
| | .............................................. |
| | .............................................. |
| ii\. The middle | i |
| stone Age | .............................................. |
| | ......................................\...\... |
| | \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... |
| | |
| | ii..................................... |
| | .............................................. |
| | .............................................. |
| iii\. The late | i...................................... |
| stone Age | .............................................. |
| | .............................................. |
| | |
| | ii..................................... |
| | .............................................. |
| | .............................................. |
5\. Mention two sites with evidence of iron technology in:
| AFRICA | i................... |
| | ...................................... |
| | ...................................... |
| | |
| | ii..................... |
| | ...................................... |
| | ...................................... |
| TANZANIA | i...................... |
| | ...................................... |
| | ...................................... |
| | |
| | ii..................... |
| | ...................................... |
| | ...................................... |
6\. Define the following historical term;
a\. Kabaka b.Laibon C. Ntermiship
7\. Mention three functions of traditional worrier among the maasai
8\. Mention five factors for state formation in pre -- colonial
9\. Mention five economic activities you know.
10\. Mention five importance of fire in pre -- colonial societies

042 BASIC MATHEMATICS Time:3:00 HRS Tuesday 22-SEPT-2020 AM
## Instructions
1. This paper consists of section A and B with a total of 14 questions. 2. Answer ALL Questions in section A and ALL Questions in section B. 3. Each question in section A carries 6 marks while each question in section B carries 10 marks. 4. All necessary working and answers for each question done must be shown clearly. 5. Mathematical tables may be used. 6. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheets.
# Section A : ( 60 Marks)
Answer ALL Questions in this section.
2 of 6 1.(a) Write a number in which O represents hundreds, 7 represents ten thousands, 3 represents ones, 9 represents thousands, 6 represents hundred thousand and 8 represents tens.
(b) The floor of 120cm length and 270cm width in a certain room is to be covered with square tiles.
(i) What is the largest size of tiles can be used to cover this floor without any piece? (ii) How many tiles of such size are sufficient to cover the whole floor?
2.(a) Find the value of x if √ =
(b)Simplify by rationalizing the denominator of √ √
√ √
3. (a) A box contains 7 pens and 8 pencils. Two are drawn one after another and without replacement. Draw a tree diagram and find the probability that
(i) Both are pens
(ii) One is a pen and the other is a pencil in any order.
(b) In a class of 80 students, 53 students like football game, 36 like basketball game and 15 like both games . How many students like
(i) Neither football game nor basketball game.
(ii) One game only.
4. (a) Find the equation of a line passes through the point of intersection of the lines 3x -2y -8=0 and 2x+y=3 and is perpendicular to line 4x +3y=0
(b) If a =3j - i and b=5i-2j and c = 4a + 3b find
(i). Magnitude of ç
(ii). Direction of ç 5. (a) Find the perimeter and area of a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle of radius 10 cm.
(b) (i) From the Rectangle JKLM given below name two triangles which are congruent (ii) Prove your answer in (i) above 6. (a) The power P used in an electric circuit is directly proportional to the square of the current I.
When the current is 4 ampere (A), the power used is 320 watts (W).
(i) Write down the equation relating power P and the current I. (ii) Calculate the current I when the circuit uses 500 watts (W).
(b) A sales man bought goods from South Africa for 20,000/= rands. He sold goods for the profit of 20%. Find the profit obtained in Tanzania Shillings if, 1 South Africa rands is equivalent to 180 Tanzania Shillings. 7. (a) Anna, Beatrice and Charles were given 260,000/= Tshs by their aunt and distribution was made according to the ratio 3:4:6 respectively. Find the amount of money given to Charles.
(b) Use the balances given below to prepare the trading and profit and loss account for the year ended 30th June 2006.
| Opening stock………………………………………………………….40,000 Closing stock……………………………………………………………20,000 Purchases………………………………………………………………..400,000 Sales……………………………………………………………………….960,000 Carriage inwards……………………………………………………..24,000 Carriage outwards………………………………………………….30,000 Sales return…………………………………………………………….16,000 Purchases return……………………………………………………22,000 Discount received………………………………………………….60,000 Discount allowed………………………………………………….12.000 |
| Rent………………………………………………………………………26,000 |
| Commission received……………………………………………20,000 Salaries…………………………………………………………………150,000 |
| Bad debts……………………………………………………………..28,000 |
8 . (a) If the sum of first and second terms of Geometric Progression is 18 and the sum of third and fourth terms of this Progression is 162, find the Common ratio of this Progression. (b) The salary of Mr. Nyarubanja is 400,000/= Tshs per month and he receive an increment
(addition) 4,000/= Tshs each next month. Find:
(i) The amount of money received by Mr. Nyarubanja in tenth (10th) month.
(ii) The total amount of money earned by Mr. Nyarubanja in first ten (10) months.
9. (a) Calculate angles of triangle which has sides 4 cm, 5 cm and 7 cm.
(b) In the right angled triangle below, the sides are measured in centimeters. Determine
 (i) The value of x (ii) The area of a triangle.
10. (a) Kelvin is 7 years older than Hanna. If the product of their ages is 120. Find the age of Kelvin and Hanna.
(b) Solve 2 5 17 6 0 x x by using the quadratic formula.
# Section B : (40 Marks).
Answer ALL Questions in this section .
11. (a) The number of passengers attended to the bus stand daily during COVID -19 season
(April 2020) was recorded as follows.
$$\begin{array}{r l r}{{47}}&{{}}&{{58}}\end{array}$$
| 51 | 61 | 42 | 27 | 38 | 44 | 56 | 36 | 73 | 24 |
| 40 | 48 | 77 | 30 | 46 | 43 | 72 | 63 | 43 | 76 |
48 55 38 55 60 51 47 58 33 39

(i) Formulate the frequency distribution table to illustrate the number of passengers with the interval 20 29, 30 39, 40 49, ………………….
(ii) Draw the cumulative frequency curve of the data and use it to estimate median.
(b) From the circle given below, find the size of angle ACD if ̅̅̅̅ and ̅̅̅̅ are tangents.
12(a) The figure below shows a rectangular prism in which AB= 10CM, BC= 8cm and GC = 6cm

(i). Calculate the length AG (Two decimal places)
(ii). The angle that AG makes with the plane ABCD
(b) A and B are two points on latitude 70°N. Their longitudes are 62°W and 118°E respectively.
Calculate the distance in Kilometers from A to B if the Earth's diameter is 12,800km along a parallel of latitude 13.(a) Find possible values of k if matrix A has no inverse where 4 7 3 k Ak
9 4
3 2 8 0
y x
x y
(b) Solve the following system of linear equations by using the inverse matrix method.
(c) Find the image of the point (4, 9) under a rotation of 180anticlockwise followed by a reflection in the line y x 14. (a) The function f(x) defined as:- f(x) ={
( )
(i) Sketch the graph of f(x) (ii) State domain and range of f(x)
(b) A factory manager can buy two types of machines A and B. Type A machine need a space of 2 squares meter and Type B machine need a space of 2 square meters. The cost of each Type A machine is 400,000/= Tshs and each Type B machine is 600,000/= Tshs. Manager prepared only 10 square meters space and 2,400,000/= Tshs money to buy those machines. If machine type A and B produce 5,000/= and 7,000/= profit per day; (i) How many machines of each type manager should buy to get the maximum profit? (ii) What is the maximum profit made per day? |
mtihani wa Kiswahili | 41 .Mwandlshl anaposema mall ya umma anamaanlsha nlnl? _______ _

42. Kwa uelewa wako unadhanl shetanl mbaya anayezungumzlwa hapo ni kltu gani? ____ _
43. Neno kushamlri nl maana ya nahau ganl? _____ _
44. Uchuml wa klslwa hlcho ulltegemea hasa shughull ganl? ______ _
45. Mball na kutumla neno mhaslbu kama mtunza fedha, nl nano ganl mbadala llnaweza kutumlka haps?
# Darasa La Saba Somo: Kiswahili: Muda T :30Hrs
## Ehemu A: Sikiliza Habari Ifuatayo Kwa Umakini Kisha Ujibu Maswali Yanayofuata Kwa Usahihi.
1. Taja dhima mojawapo ya majl kulingana habarll uliyoisikiliza.
A. Kuonyesha mlfugo B. Kupanda miti C. Kuogelea D. Kuzlma moto E. Kumwagilla mashamba 2. Mwandishl anapsema miti na majl hufanya kazi bega kwa bega anamaanisha nini?
A. Kushlriklana B. Kutegeana C. KushikanamkonoD. Kukuballiana E. Kupendana 3. Ni neno gani linaweza kutumika badala ya neno kuhlfadhl?
A. Kuhamlsha B. Kutengeneza C. Kutunza D. Kutochezea E. Kuacha 4. Jamil inashauliwa kufanya nini iii kutoharibu vyanzo vya maji?
A. Kukata mill B. Kulim asana C. Kuhifadhi maji D. Kupanda miti EKutumia maji kidogo 5. Ni madhara gani yatatokea endepo tutaharibu vyanzo vya maji?
A. Ukame B. Mafuriko C. Mmonyoko D. Magonjwa E. Athari SARUFI NA MSAMIATI
Chagua jlbu **sahlhl na uandike henlfl yake katlka klsanduku ullchopewa**
6. Binamu yangu analtwa Joshua. Yeye ni msafi wa mwili na mavazi. Kwahiyo binamu yangu ni _
A. Mng'avu B. mweupe C. Mzuri D. Nadhifu E. Mwadilifu 7. Jamila aliolewa na kijana wa hirimu yake. Neno hirimu lina maana gani?
A. labia B.Rika C. Kabila D. Taifa E. Ukoo 8. Jafari ni mtoto wa kitukuu changu, kwahiyo Jafari ni?
A. Mjukuu B. Kilembwekeza C. Kilembwe D. Kitukuu E. Mpwa 9. Nabii ___ mambo yajayo.
A. Hudhani B. Hushuku C. Huona D. Huhisi E. Hubashiri 10. Kiwanda chetu kitatengeneza ---~~ bora za kilimo kuliko chenu A. Zana B. Dhana C. Thana D. Vifaa E. Majembe 11 . Tulipokutana tulishauriana mambo mballmbali kuhusu blashara yetu. Ni neno lipi kati ya yafuatayo limesimama kama T?
A. Tulipokutana B. Biashara C. Mbalimbali D. Tulishauriana E. mambo 12. Badili tungo hll kuwa katika kauli halisl. Rafiki yangu aliniamuru nlsafishe darasa.
A. - Safisha darasa• Rafiki yangu aliamuru B. Nakuomba safisha darasa C. Rafiki alisema kuwa nisafishe D. Tafadhali safisha **darasa**
E. Rafiki yangu nisafishie darasa.
13. Looi Umenlsikilisha sana. Neno Looi Llmetumika kama aina gani ya neno?
A. Kivumlshl B. Kielezl C. Klhisishl D. Kiwakilishl E. Kitenzi 14.Sentensl lfuatayo lpo katlka wakati ganl? "Tungeweza tungekwenda kununua nguo" A. Wakati ullopita B. Wakatl ujao C. Wakatl mtlmillfu D. Wakali wa desturi
E. **W1k11i** ullopo 1enten1I hll ,___ atahltajlka hapa'.
A. Popote B. yeyote C. Wowote O. Lolote E. Chochote 16. Humo __ yanamopaUkana maudhul ya 1halrt hill. NI nano ganl llnaloraa kukamlllsha muundo huu wa aantansl?
A. Ndlpo B. Ndlko C. Ndlyo 0. Ndimo E. Ndio 17.Amlna amekuwa mtundu **aana.** Neno amekuwa llmetumlka kama alna ganl ya kltenzi?
A. Ta B. t C. T 0, h E. N
18. Slkupata hate ____ la uslnglzi ualku wa kuamkla leo.
A Funda B. Punja C. Lepe 0. Oallll E. Tone 19. Nlllkwenda nyumbanl kwake kwa *-,--~-=-* kudal pesa yangu.
A. Ohumunl la El, Madhumunl ya C. Zumunl la D. Mazumunl ya E. Udhumunl wa 20. Olwanl huyu ameongoza kwa klplndl cha mlaka l1hlrtnl ambacho nl mlongo mlngapl?
A. Mmoja B. Mltatu C. Milano 0. Miwili E. Minna B: FASIHI
Methall, nahau na vltandawlll 21.Andika methall lnayofafanua maelezo yafuatayo: afadhali kidogo ulichonacho kuliko kikubwa ambach huwezl kuklpata:
A. Uslache mbachao kwa msala upltao B. Mcheka kovu asiyefikwa na jeraha C. Klburt sl maungwana O.Kata pus uunge wajihl E. Dua la kuku hallmpati mwewe 22. Methali fikiri kabla ya kutenda ina maana sawa na methali gani kali ya zifuatazo?
A. Awai! swell hakuna awall mbovu B. Vita vya panzl furaha ya kunguru C. Ukitaka kuruka agane na nyonga 0. Uklmuamsha aliyelala utalala wewe E. Usitukane wakunga na uzazl ungallpo.
23. silaha mkononl A. Hamadi hamadi B. Hamadi C. Hamadi kibindoni D. Hasira za mkizi · E. Hasira 24. Tabla ya kuonea wenzake kljicho ilimfanya achuklwe na wengl na kukaliwa kitako. Bainisha maana ya nahau zillzotajwa hapo Juu:
A. Onea wivu/ Sengenya B. Onea gere/ Kaa tayari C. Nong'oneza/ ongea uongo 0. Kimbia/ Angua kicheko E. Achishwa kazU Lala usingizi mzito 25. Ni nahau ipi kati ya zifuatazo yenye maana ya kusaidia?
A. Plga kithembe B. Tilia kilaka C. Piga maji 0. Plga Jeki E. Kata tamaa 26. ___ hapotei njia.
A. Mpofuka ukubwani B. Mpofuka ukongweni C. Mpofuka ujanani 0. Apofukaye ukongweni E. Mpofuka ukingoni 27. Tegua kitendawlli klfuatacho "Mlima wa ngolongo hupanda ngolongo mwenyewe".
A. Barari B. Uyoga C. Jongoo 0. Ugali E. Utando wa buibui 28. ___ hauna mfupa. Kamilisha methali hii A~ a~ E.~
29.Lugha za fasihi huhusisha·---~~~• ---,.......,-,-•na ____ _
A. Sarufi, methali, vitendawili B. Melhali, nahau, shairi C. Tamthiliya, sarufi, Fasihi 0. Nahau methali vitendawili E. Vilendawili, lmla msamiati.
30.Jinamizi laniita lakini silioni. Toa maana ya kitendawili hiki.
A. Upepo B. Mwangwi C. Kivuli 0. Sauti E. Lumbwi
## Sehemuc: Ushairi Jibu Maswali Kutokana Na Shalri
Nimekwisha peleleza, karibu kila mahall, Mule mnapotangaza, matangazo lugha mbili, Juu kuwa kingereza, chini kuwa Kiswahili, Juu **kiwe~1** iswahlll, chlni **klwe** klngereza.
Tuache k Jlpumbaza, **kwa** andlko na kauli, Kwa nyu a kukisogeza,kuklpa klsulisull, Lazima k yafukuza, yaletayo ukatlli, Juu klwe Klswahlli, chini klwe kingereza Hata weni e kujlkaza kwa bldll za klmwili, Klswahili ~utukuza, tuklvalie banglll, Ngomanl ~utumbulza, waume na wanawali, Juu klwe ,lswahlll, chlnl klwa klngereza MASWALI
31 . Mtunzi wa shairi hili anaonesha mgogoro kati ya --c--,-,-,-,--~na ____ _
A. Kiswahili na klzungu B. Kingereza na Kiswahili C. Kiswahili na matangazo 0. Kiswahili na serikali E. Klngereza na matangazo 32. Unapata ujumba gani kutokana na shairi hill?
A. Tuipe kipaumbele lugha ya kingereza B. Kiswahili ni lugha yetu C. Klswahlli kilumike ngomanl 0. lugha ya Taifa Kiswahili E. Tukithamini Kiswahili 33. Unafikirt mslmamo wa mtunzl upo katika lugha gani?
A. Klarabu B. Lugha zote C. Kiswahili 0. Hakuna E. Kingereza 34. Dhamira (wazo kuu) la shairi hili ni __ _
A. Tuache kuklpumbaza B. Chinl kiwe kingereza C. Tukivalie bangili 0. Lugha ya Kiswahili B. Kiswahill hakifai.
35. Kipande cha kwanza kalika ubeti wa shairi hujulikana kama ___ _
A. Ukwapi B. Ulao C. Mloto 0. Mleo E. Ukingo 36. Kwa kige~o cha kimuundo, hili ni shairi la aina gani?
A. Kisas,i B. Kimamboleo C. Tarbia D. Tathilitha E. Funge SEHEMU D: UTUNGAJI
panga se tensl zlfuatazo **katika** mtirlrlko sahlhlkwa kutumia herufi **A, B,** C NA O.
37:Wakulimalwalizifurahia sana mvua hizo. ( )
38. Hapo za$nl hall ya hewa ilikuwa nzuri sana. ( )
39. Si kama alizifurahia tu, bali walilima kwa bidii na kupata mazao mengi na baadhi waliyauza. (
40. Mvua zilin esha kwa miongo yote kama zilivyotarajlwa. ( )
## Sehemu Ie: Ufahamu Soma Hallari Ifuatayo Kisha Jibu Maswali
Umma ulipozinduka na kuwauliza wafalme hawa walivyotajirika kinyume na matarajio ya UMMA
kulikuwa na vita. Watu wetu wanatuonea, watu hawakuelewa, hawakurudi nyuma, walichukua kilicho chao. Hii ndiyo hadithi ya kisiwa cha wafalme. Ksiwa hicho kilikuwa na vlwanda mbalimbali vilivyosaidia kujenga uchumi wake.
Waliteuliwa wahasibu kwa ajili ya kutunza fedha na wafanyakazi wa kila kitengo lakini shetani mbaya aliikumba sehemu hiyo pia. Mameneja walikula, wahasibu walikula wapagazi walikula, na rushwa ilishamiri na kukomaa. Mwishowe jamli iligundua na kudai hakl zao, hatimaye mafisadi waliamua kuchoma viwanda iii kuflcha ushahidl. Matokeo yake kisiwa klkabaki kallka hall ya ukata.
Ama kweli mtaka yote kwa pupa hukosa yote na tamaa mbele mauti nyuma. |
KISWAHILI NOTES 4 (1).md | **MADA YA 2**
Ukuaji wa lugha ni hali ya kuongezeka kwa msamiati katika lugha.
Msamiati huo hutokana na mabadiliko ya kiuchumi, kisiasa na kitamaduni
yanayoikumba jamii.
Waingereza walianza kuitawala Tanganyika baada ya vita yakwanza ya Dunia
(1914 -- 1918). Katika vita Wajerumani walishindwa na nchi ya Tanganyika
ikatawaliwa na Waingereza hadi mwaka 1961.
Kuna mambo mbalimbali ambayo yalifanywa na Waingereza na kusaidia katika
kukuza Kiswahili hapa nchini, mambo hayo ni:-
(i) **Utawala,** kutokana na kutawaliwa na Waingereza kuna baadhi ya
maneno ya Kiingereza yametoholewa na kuingizwa katika lugha ya
Kiswahili. Maneno kama vile hospitali, picha, tai, blauzi, tani,
sigara, trekta n.k.
(ii) **Biashara,** sambamba na kuendesha shughuli za kiutawala
Waingereza waliendesha shughuli za biashara kati yao na wenyeji.
Waingereza walileta biashara za viwanda kuja kuwauzia watu wa huku.
Kutokana na biashara Kiswahili kilipata maneno mengine kama vile
sketi, tochi, glasi, beseni, sigara, friji n.k.
(iii) **Dini,** ujio wa wakoloni wa kiingereza kuliambatana na shughuli
za kidini. Waingereza walipofika Tanzania walileta dini. Kutokana
na dini ya Ukristo tumechukua maneno mengi ya Kiingereza na
kuyaweka katika msamiati wa lugha ya Kiswahili maneno kama vile
Biblia, batiza, padri, sala, roho na kadhalika. Hata hivyo dini ya
uislam pia ilisaidia kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili maneno kama
vile msikiti, shekhe, imamu, kusilimu, subuhana, alhaji,
alhamdulilahi na mengineyo.
(iv) **Utaalamu,** kutokana na maendeleo ya Sayansi na teknolojia kuna
maneno tumeyachukua kutoka lugha ya kiingereza na kuyaingiza katika
msamiati wa Kiswahili. Maneno kama fonimu, televisheni, mashine,
chaki, rula, kalenda n.k
(v) **Kusanifisha Kiswahili,** mwishoni mwa mwaka 1930 waingereza
walifanya juhudi za kusanifisha Kiswahili kwa lengo la kukuza
msamiati na istilahi zake. Kutokana na kusanifishwa, Kiswahili
kiliweza kutumika katika hali isiyoleta tofauti za msamiati na hivyo
kusawazisha utumizi wa lugha.
(vi) **Kuunda kamati ya kusanifisha lugha,** chama cha kusanifisha lugha
kiliundwa ili kihusike na Kiswahili sanifu. (The Interterritorial
Language Swahili Commette). Madhumuni ya kamati hii ni kusimamia
shughuli zote za kusanifisha Kiswahili, kupendekeza utaratibu wa
matamshi, msamiati, miundo na maumbo ya Kiswahili.
(vii) **Kuchapisha vitabu vya Kiswahili,** baada ya kuanzishwa kwa
shirika la kushughulikia upitiaji na uchapaji wa miswada (The East
African Literature Bereau) kwa kifupi (EALB). Kwa kutumia kampuni
hiyo vitabu mbalimbali vya Kiswahili viliweza kuchapishwa. Vitabu
vya hayati Shaaban Robert, BW Swahili Grammar, Ashton, E.O Sarufi
ya ufasaha nakadhalika.
(viii) **Shughuli za ujenzi wa nchi,** waingereza katika kufanikisha
azma yao walijenga reli kutoka Tabora hadi Mwanza kwa kuendeleza
iliyoachwa na wajerumani. Ujenzi wa reli ulisaidia kukua na
kuenea kwa Kiswahili maneno kama vile treni, reli, paseti, titi
na mengine mengi yaliingizwa katika msamiati.
Ueneaji wa lugha ni namna lugha inayotumika katika sehemu nyinginezo
zaidi mbali na pale ilipoanzia.
Kihistoria, lugha ya Kiswahili imeanzia katika upwa wa Afrika Mashariki
na kuenea taratibu hadi sehemu za bara.
Mambo yaliyosaidia kuenea kwa Kiswahili nchini wakati wa enzi ya utawala
wa waingereza ni haya yafuatayo:-
(i) **Vyombo vya habari,** vyombo vya habari vilivyosaidia kuenea kwa
Kiswahili vilikuwa redio, magazeti na majarida. Redio Tanganyika
ilianza kurusha matangazo yake mwaka 1950 kwa lugha ya Kiswahili.
Kwa upande wa magazeti yalikuwa yakichapishwa kwa Kiswahili wakati
huo ni pamoja na gazeti la Mambo leo, sauti ya pwani, kiongozi,
mwangaza, Habari leo, Rafiki yangu na Habari za mwezi yote haya
yalianzishwa na wakoloni kabla ya Uhuru.
(ii) **Elimu,** mfumo wa elimu chini ya utawala wa waingereza, masomo
yote ya elimu ya msingi yalifundishwa kwa kutumia Kiswahili. Kwa
ngazi ya sekondari pia Kiswahili kilikuwa somo mojawapo
linalofundishwa katika shule za waafrika. Kutokana na mfumo wa
kielimu, jamii iliweza wazungumzaji na wataalamu mbalimbali wa
(iii) **Utawala,** waingereza katika shughuli zote za kiutawala
walisisitiza matumizi ya Kiswahili. Waingereza walilazimisha kila
chifu afahamu Kiswahili ili atumike katika shughuli za kiutawala.
Pia wafanyakazi wote wa serikali walilazimishwa wafahamu Kiswahili
ili wapate ajira.
(iv) **Kilimo,** kilimo cha walowezi kiliendeshwa kwa kutumiwa vibarua
ambao walitoka katika makabila tofauti. Lugha kuu ya mawasiliano
miongoni mwa vibarua (manamba) ilikuwa Kiswahili. Kutokana na
shughuli za mashamba, vibarua hao waliweza kueneza Kiswahili kwa
urahisi zaidi hapa nchini.
(v) **Muundo wa jeshi la K.A.R kings African Rifles** K.A.R ni jeshi la
mkoloni ambalo lilihusisha na askari kutoka makabila tofauti. Lugha
kuu ya mawasiliano miongoni mwa askari hao ilikuwa Kiswahili. Askari
walisaidia kuenea kwa Kiswahili nchini kwa vile kila mahali
walipokwenda waliweza kutumia Kiswahili.
Baada ya Uhuru Kiswahili kimeenea sana nchini Tanzania. Yapo mambo
muhimu ambayo yamechangia kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili hapa nchini.
Kimsingi, zipo sababu nyingi ambazo zimesaidia kukua na kuenea kwa
Kiswahili nchini baada ya uhuru. Sababu hizo ni pamoja na:-
(i) **Kuteuliwa kwa Kiswahili kuwa lugha ya Taifa.** Baada y akupata
uhuru serikali ilikiteua Kiswahili kuwa lugha ya Taifa na ilianza
kutumika katika sehemu mbalimbali kama vile bungeni, mashirika ya
umma na wizara za serikali zilihimizwa kutumia Kiswahili na
kusababisha kuenea kwa urahisi.
(ii) **Shughuli za kidini,** katika kipindi hiki cha uhuru, shughuli za
kidini zimesababisha kukuza lugha ya Kiswahili kutokana na namna
zinavyoendeshwa kwa kutumia lugha ya Kiswahili. Dini zote mbili
ukristo na uislamu huendesha mahubiri yake kwa lugha ya Kiswahili.
Kutokana na dini tumeweza kupata maneno kama vile mtakatifu,
ulokole, kanisa, kanzu, shehe, sala, biblia, swala n.k.
(iii) **Shughuli za biashara,** biashara ni shughuli ambazo zinahusisha
safari za sehemu tofauti na biashara tofauti. Misafara ya biashara
katika sehemu mbalimbali husaidia sana kueneza Kiswahili. Maneno
kama vile bei, punguzo, soko na ushuru yamezalishwa kutokana na
shughuli za kibiashara.
(iv) **Vyombo vya habari nchini,** vyombo vya habari ni magazeti,
majarida, redio, pamoja na televisheni. Vyombo hivi vimesaidia sana
kukuza na kueneza Kiswahili baada ya uhuru nchini Tanzania kwa
kutumia matangazo yake na vipindi mahususi au makala maalumu ya
lugha ya Kiswahili. Kwa upande wa redio tunazo nyingi kama vile
radio one, redio tumaini, TBC FM, Redio free Africa, redio faraja,
clauds FM n.k. Televisheni nazo zinachangia kuenea kwa Kiswahili
nchini. Televisheni hizo ni I.T.V, T.B.C, Star T.V, Channel ten,
Azam TV, Capital TV, Imani TV na kadhalika.
(v) **Kuundwa kwa asasi za kueneza na kukuza kiswahili.** Baada ya uhuru
serikali imechukua hatua ya kuunda asasi za kukuza na kueneza
kiswahilikwa madhumuni ya kufundisha, kukuza na kuendeleza lugha ya
Kiswahili. Asasi hizo ni (UKUTA) Hiki ni Chama cha Usanifu wa
Kiswahili Tanzania, Baraza la Kiswahili Taifa (BAKITA), Baraza la
Mitihani la Taifa (BAMITA), Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili (TUKI)
Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika (CHAKA), TAKILUKI na nyingine nyingi.
(vi) **Kutumika katika kutoa elimu,** mfumo wa elimu umesadia kukua na
kuenea kwa kiswahili nchini baada ya uhuru. Hii ni kwasababu lugha
ya imeendelea kuwa lugha ya kufundishia masomo yote kwa ngazi ya
elimu ya msingi isipokuwa somo la kiingereza tu. Pia Kiswahili
kinaendelea kuwa somo mojawapo katika shule za sekondari na vyuo.
(vii) **Kampeni za siasa,** miongoni mwa mambo ya kisiasa ambayo
yamesaidia kukuza na kueneza Kiswahili baada ya uhuru ni
kuanzishwa kwa vijiji vya ujamaa, Azimio la Arusha mfumo wa chama
kimoja pamoja na kampeni za vyama vingi (mageuzi) zimesaidia sana
kueneza Kiswahili hapa nchini. Kampeni za kisiasa zimezalisha
misamiati ya Kiswahili kama vile kupe, unyonyaji, ujamaa, kabaila,
dikteta, walalahoi, wapambe, uwekezaji, ujasiriamali, ari mpya,
wakereketwa, ngangari, nguvu ya umma, mafisadi, takrima, hapa kazi
tu, na mengineyo.
(viii) **Mchango wawatu binafsi,** wadau wakuu wa ukuzaji wa Kiswahili
ni pamoja na waandishi wa vitabu pamoja na kazi nyingine za
kisanaa ambazo zinahusiana na lugha ya Kiswahili. Baada ya uhuru
wadau kama vile washairi, watunzi wa hadithi, tamthiliya na
watengezaji wa filamu wameweza kujitokeza. Watu kama Shaaban
Robert, Mathias Mnyapala, Mwalimu J.K Nyerere, M.M Mlokozi, K.K
Kahigi, Mwansoko, Emmanuel Mbogo, E. Kezilahabi, Penina Mhando,
F.E.M.K Senkoro, Mrisho Mpoto, Ommy Sigara na wengine
wamefanyakazi ya kukikuza Kiswahili.
(ix) **Kutumika kwa Kiswahili bungeni,** Kiswahili ndiyo lugha itumikayo
bungeni, jambo hili nalo limesaidia kukuza Kiswahili na kukieneza
pia. Kutokana na shughuli za bungeni yamepatikana maneno kama
mswada, spika, naibu na hansadi za bunge.
(x) **Kuanzishwa kwa Taasisi ya Elimu ya Watu Wazima,** hatua nyingine
muhimu iliyosaidia sana kukuza na kueneza lugha ya Kiswahili ilikuwa
ni kuanzishwa kwa taasisi ya elimu ya watu wazima. Madhumuni makubwa
ya taasisi hiyo ni kuwapa fursa ya kusoma watu wazima ambao
hawakuwahi kupata elimu hiyo.
(xi) **Shughuli za sanaa,** shughuli hizi ni pamoja na muziki, utambaji
wa hadithi, utunzi wa nyimbo, michezo ya kuigiza na nyinginezo.
Shughuli hizo zimesaidia kuenea kwa Kiswahili kutokana na
kuendeshwa kwa kutumia lugha hiyo.
(xii) **Kutumika kwa Kiswahili katika shughuli zote za kiserikali.**
Baada ya kupata uhuru Kiswahili kimekuwa ndiyo lugha inayotumika
katika shughuli zote za kiofisi, jambo hili limewezesha watu wengi
kuendelea kukijua Kiswahili kutokana na shughuli za kilasiku.
Baada ya uhuru, serikali imechukua hatua mbalimbali ilikukuza Kiswahili.
Hatua mojawapo ni ile ya kuunda asasi za ukuzaji wa Kiswahili. Asasi
hizo ni:-
1. **UKUTA**
Chama cha Usanifu wa Kiswahili na ushairi Tanzania (UKUTA) chama hiki
kilianzishwa na mshairi Mathias Mnyampala mwaka 1965 kwa lengo la kukuza
ushairi na Kiswahili kwa ujumla. UKUTA iliandika vitabu mbalimbali vya
Kiswahili kama vile ngonjera za UKUTA, mashairi ya azimio la Arusha na
2. **TUKI**
Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili (TUKI) kwasasa taasisi ya taaluma za
Kiswahili (TATAKI). Chombo hiki kilianzishwa mwaka 1964 kikiwa
kimetokana na ile kamati ya lugha ya Afrika mashariki ilipohamishiwa
chuo kikuu cha Dar es salaam. Miongoni mwa shughuli za TATAKI kuanzia
wakati huo hadi hivi sasa zimekuwa ni:-
(i) Kufanya tafiti za Kiswahili katika Nyanja zake zote ambazo ni sarufi
na fasihi.
(ii) Kuchapisha machapisho mengine yatakayoonekana kuwa na manufaa.
(iii) Kuendesha semina na warsha mbalimbali za Kiswahili pamoja na
kuandika vitabu na majarida ya Kiswahili.
(iv) Kuhifadhi kazi za Kiswahili na kutafsiri katika kiswahilii kazi
zilizoandikwa kwa lugha za kigeni.
(i) **TATAKI,** imefanikiwa kuchapisha vitabu mbalimbali vya fasihi na
sarufi ya Kiswahili mfano wa vitabu hivyo ni SAMAKISA na SAMIKISA.
(ii) **TUKI,** imefanikiwa kuchapisha na kutoa kamusi mbalimbali kama
vile kamusi ya Kiswahili sanifu na kamusi ya Kiswahili kiingereza.
(iii) **TATAKI,** imefanya uchunguzi wa tanzu mbalimbali za fasihi
andishi na fasihi simulizi.
(iv) **TATAKI,** imetafsiri vitabu vya masomo mbalimbali kwa Kiswahili
toka kiingereza kwa mfano kitabu cha Historia kuu ya Afrika --
(i) Uhaba wa fedha za kuendeshea shughuli zao za utafiti wa Kiswahili
kama vile semina, warsha na uchapaji wa vitabu na majarida.
(ii) Uhaba wa vifaa vya kufanyia kazi unasababishwa na ukosefu wa fedha.
(iii) Uhaba wa wataalam
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3. **BAKITA,**
Baraza la Kiswahili la Taifa (BAKITA) ni chombo kikuu cha serikali
kinacho simamia shughuli za ukuzaji wa Kiswahili. BAKITA ilianzishwa
mwaka 1967 kwa sheria ya Bunge Na. 27 kazi za BAKITA ni:-
(i) Kukuza maendelo na matumizi ya Kiswahili fasaha.
(ii) Kutoa jarida la Kiswahili litakaloongoza matumizi sahihi ya maneno
na maendelo yake.
(iii) Jukumu jingine la BAKITA ni kuendesha na kusimamia tafiti
mbalimbali za Kiswahili kwa kushirikiana na mashirika ya umma,
asasi na watu binafsi.
(iv) Kuratibu kazi za ukuzaji wa lugha ya Kiswahili nchini na zile
zinazofanyika nchi za nje.
(v) Kushirikiana na wizara ya elimu kuthibitisha ufasaha wa lugha katika
vitabu vya kiada vinavyoandikwa kwa lugha ya Kiswahili ili vitumike
shuleni na vyuoni.
(vi) Kushirikiana na wizara/idara zinazohusika katika kuandaa au kutoa
tafsiri za maneno ya Kiswahili.
(i) **BAKITA,** imeandaa istilahi za taaluma mbalimbali fizikia,
biashara, kemia, bunge, posta, uchumi, ufundi n.k.
(ii) **BAKITA,** inatoa majarida mbalimbali yanayohusu lugha ya
Kiswahili. Sarufi na fasihi yake.
(iii) **BAKITA,** huendesha vipindi mbalimbali kuhusu lugha ya Kiswahili
kwenye vyombo vya habari.
(i) Uhaba wa wataalamu.
(ii) Uhaba wa fedha za kuendeshea shughuli za BAKITA kama vile semina,
warsha, makongamano na uchapishaji wa majarida.
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4. **CHAKA**
Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika (CHAKA) kiliundwa mwaka 1978. Wazo la
kuundwa kwa chama hiki lilijitokeza kwenye warsha ya kimataifa kuhusu
usanifishaji wa istilahi iliyofanyika chuo kikuu cha Dar es salaam.
Wajumbe waanzilishi walitoka Kenya, Zambia, Msumbiji na Tanzania.
Majukumu ya CHAKA katika kufanikisha ukuzaji na ueneaji wa Kiswahili ni
pamoja na haya:-
(i) Kukuza na kueneza Kiswahili kote Afrika.
(ii) Kuleta umoja katika mataifa ya Afrika kwa kutumia lugha za asili.
(iii) Kuanzisha vyama vya Kiswahili na vituo vya utafiti katika kila
nchi mwanachama.
(iv) CHAKA hushughulikia uandishi wa vitabu vya maarifa tofauti kwa
lengo la kufikishia umma taarifa mbalimbali.
Baadhi ya matatizo yanayoikabili CHAKA ni:-
(i) Kazi ya uchambuzi na usanifishaji haijapiga hatua kubwa kutokana na
kutokuwepo na msukumo wa viongozi.
(ii) Tanzania ni nchi pekee iliyoachiwa jukumu na kazi ya usanifishaji
wa istilahi.
(iii) Maneno mengine ya kigeni hutafutiwa tafsiri kwa Kiswahili bila
utafiti mkubwa na kusababisha kukosa mvuto kwa wasomaji wa
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> Taasisi ya Kiswahili na lugha za kigeni Zanzibar (TAKILUKI) iliundwa
> mwaka 1979, na inafanya kazi chini ya wizara ya elimu na mafunzo ya
> Amali Zanzibar. Baadhi ya kazi zake ni:-
(i) Kuratibu na kusimamia maendeleo ya Kiswahili visiwani Zanzibar.
(ii) Majukumu mengine ya TAKILUKI ni kukusanya na kuchambua fasihi
simulizi ya visiwa vya pemba na Unguja.
(iii) Kuchapisha vitabu na majarida mbalimbali kwa lugha ya Kiswahili.
(iv) Kufanya tafiti kuhusu lahaja mbalimbali na fasihi zimulizi ya
(v) Kuendesha mafunzo ya masomo ya Kiswahili na lugha za kigeni kwa
wanafunzi wenyeji na wa kutoka nje.
**TAKILUKI** imeweza kupata mafanikio mbalimbali kama vile:-
(i) **TAKILUKI** imechapisha vitabu mbalimbali vya fasihi andishi na
fasihi simulizi kama vile mashairi ya malenga wapya.
(ii) Imeendelea kufundisha lugha ya Kiswahili na lugha za kigeni kwa
watu mbalimbali.
(iii) Imeendelea kukusanya na kuchambua fasihi simulizi ya visiwa vya
Unguja na Pemba.
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6. **BAMITA**
Baraza la mitihani la Taifa (BAMITA), lengo la chombo hiki ni kutahini
Kiswahili katika viwango mbalimbali vya elimu nchini kuanzia shule za
msingi, sekondari na vyuo.
Mpaka sasa BAMITA imefanikiwa kutahini Kiswahili kwa viwango vya hadi
kidato cha sita na stashahada. BAMITA pia bado haijaanza kutahini kwa
kiwango cha shahada (chuo kikuu)
Taasisi hii ilianzishwa mwaka 1963 kama chombo cha kutoa masomo ya jioni
kwa wananchi. Pamoja na kufundisha masomo mengine, Taasisi hii
ikishirikiana na idara ya elimu ya watu wazima imejishughulisha sana
katika kufundisha watu wazima stadi za kusoma na kuandika kiswhaili ili
kufuta ujinga.
Baadhi ya mafanikio ya Taasisi ya elimu ya watu wazima ni:-
(i) Kuanzisha idara ya mafunzo ya elimu ya watu wazima (E.W.W) ambapo
wanafunzi kutoka Tanzania na nje ya nchi hufundishwa kusoma kupitia
elimu ya watu wazima.
(ii) Kutoa masomo ya jioni kwa watu wazima katika stadi za kusoma na
kuandika Kiswahili.
(iii) Kuanzisha maktaba makao makuu ya Taasisi ambayo husaidia wanafunzi
kupata vitabu na majarida ya Kiswahili.
(i) Uhaba wa fedha kwa ajili ya kufungua vituo sehemu mbalimbali nchini.
(ii) Upungufu wa wataalamu wa kutoa mafunzo kwa wanafunzi katika sehemu
(iii) Ukosefu wa teknolojia za kisasa katika sehemu mbalimbali kwa mfano
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Taasisi hii ilianzishwa mwaka 1975 kwa madhumuni ya kuendesha shughuli
za ukuzaji wa elimu nchini kwa kushirikiana na Wizara ya Elimu ya Taifa
ambayo kwa sasa inajulikana kama Wizara ya Elimu Sayansi, Teknolojia na
Mafunzo ya Ufundi.
Majukumu ya Taasisi hii ni pamoja na kazi zifuatazo:-
(i) Taasisi imekuwa ikijishughulisha na uandishi wa vitabu vya masomo
mbalimbali vikiwemo vya somo la Kiswahili.
(ii) Kutoa miongozo na ushauri kuhusu ufundishaji wa masomo mbalimbali
hapa nchi.
(iii) Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania hutoa mafunzo kwa walimu kuhusu
ufundishaji wa mitaala mipya ikiwemo ya somo la Kiswahili.
(iv) Taasisi hufanya kazi ya kupitia upya mara kwa mara mitaala ya
masomo yote yanayofundishwa kuanzia ngazi ya chekechea hadi vyuo
vya ualimu.
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Chama hiki kilianzishwa mwaka 1970 kwa juhudi za wanafunzi wa mwazo
kabisa walioingia katika chuo kikuu kuchukua Kiswahili kama somo la
shahada. Maudhui ya chama ilikuwa ni:-
(i) Kuwapa wanafunzi nafasi ya kuvumbua na kukuza vipawa vyao katika
isimu na fasihi ya Kiswahili.
(ii) Kukuza ari ya kupenda somo la kiswahili na kuthamini Kiswahili kwa
Baadhi ya ya mafanikio ya chma cha Kiswahili cha chuo kikuu cha Dar es
salaam ni:-
(i) Chama kimefanikiwa kutoa jarida la Kiswahili lijulikanalo kama kioo
cha lugah linalojadili mambo mbalimbali ya lugha.
(ii) Chama kimeweza kutoa nafasi kwa walimu, wanafunzi na wadau wa lugha
ya Kiswahili kujadili na kuhakiki fani mbalimbali za fasihi na
(iii) Chama pia huongozamakongamano ambayo mijadala yake huhaririwa na
kutolewa katika majarida mbalimbali.
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10. **UWAVITA**
Umoja wa Wandishi wa Vitabu Tanzania (UWAVITA) ulianzishwa mwaka 1978.
11. **BAKIZA**
Baraza la Kiswahili la Zanzibar (BAKIZA) lilianzishwa mwaka 1983 kwa
sheria Na. 4 ya Baraza la wawakilishi.
Vyombo vya ukuzaji wa Kiswahili vimefanikiwa kukuza Kiswahili kwa
kiswango kinachoridhisha kwa sababu ya maendeleo ya Kiswahili
tuliyonayo. Miongozi mwa mafanikio ya vyombo hivyo ni:-
(i) Kuchapishwa kwa vitabu vingi vya Kiswahili.
(ii) Kutambulika kwa amali mbalimbali za Kiswahili kutokana na tafiti za
vyombo hivyo.
(iii) Kuendeshwa kwa semina, warsha, makongamano na mafunzo ya
(iv) Kuongezeka kwa idadi ya wajuzi wa Kiswahili nchini.
(v) Kuteuliwa kwa Kiswahili kuwa lugha mojawapo inayotumika katika vikao
vya AU.
(vi) Kufundishwa lugha ya kiswahili kwa viwango tofauti vya elimu kwa
wazawa na wageni.
Pamoja na mafanikio hayo, vyombo hivyo vinakabiliwa na matatizo
mbalimbali yakiwemo haya:-
(i) Upungufu wa wataalamu, wataalamu wengi hukimbilia nje ya nchi
kutokana na kuvutwa na masilahi yaliyo mazuri.
(ii) Vyombo hivyo pia havina fedha za kutosha kuendeshea shughuli za
ukuzaji wa Kiswahili.
(iii) Ukosefu wa vyombo vya habari na ofisi za kudumu.
(iv) Taasisi pia zinakabiliwa na tatizo la kukosa vyombo vya usafiri,
vitendea kazi vya kisasa kama vile intaneti, kompyuta na mashine za
kurudufu, barua pepe, tovuti na faksi.
(v) Vyombo vya ukuzaji wa Kiswahili baadhi havina ofisi za kudumu.
Jamboambalo husababisha taasisi kuhamahama mara kwa mara na utendaji
kazi wake kuathirika.
Yote haya huathiri utendaji kazi wa Taasisi hizo kwani hujikuta
zikifanya kazi katika mazingira magumu.
Kukua kwa lugha ni kuongezeka kwa idadi ya msamiati wa kutosha katika
lugha husika. Kuenea kwa lugha ni kuongezeka kwa idadi ya watu
wanaotumia lugha husika pamoja na eneo pana kimatumizi.
Kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili nchini Tanzania kumegawanyika katika
sehemu kuu mbili ambazo ni:-
(1) Kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili kabla ya uhuru.
(2) Kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili baada ya uhuru.
Mambo ambayo yalichangia kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili kabla ya uhuru
(enzi za ukoloni) ni pamoja na:-
(i) Biashara
(ii) Dini
(iii) Utawala
(iv) Elimu
(v) Vyombo vya habari
(vi) Harakati za kisiasa
(vii) Shughuli za kilimo
Kiswahili kabla ya uhuru kimepitia enzi tatu ambazo ni enzi za waarabu,
wajerumani na enzi za waingereza.
- Waarabu walitumia Kiswahili katika shughuli zao kama vile
i. Utawala.
ii. Walieneza dini ya kiislamu, ambayo ilihubiliwa kwa Kiswahili.
iii. Walifanya biashara.
iv. Walioa wanawake wa kiafrika (ndoa) yote haya yalichangia kukua na
kuenea kwa lugha ya Kiswahili.
- Wajerumani enzi zao walitumia lugha ya Kiswahili katika shughuli
i. Utawala
ii. Walianzisha chuo cha mafunzo ya lugha ya Kiswahili huko Berlin.
iii. Walieneza dini ya kikristo.
iv. Walianzisha vyombo vya habari, magazeti, kama vile rafiki yangu na
habari za mwezi.
v. Shughuli za kielimu.
vi. Shughuli za kilimo.
- Kiswahili enzi za waingereza, waingereza walikuza na kueneza
Kiswahili kwa njia mbalimbali kama vile:-
i. Shughuli za utawala ziliendeshwa kwa lugha ya Kiswahili.
ii. Elimu ilitolewa kwa lugha ya Kiswahili.
iii. Jeshi la KAR (King's African Rifles).
iv. Vyombo vya habari.
v. Kusanifisha lugha ya Kiswahili.
vi. Kuunda kamati ya Afrika Mashariki.
vii. Walijenga vyuo vya ualimu.
viii. Walichapisha vitabu na majarida mbalimbali kwa lugha ya Kiswahili.
- Kiswahili baada ya uhuru.
Baada ya uhuru, mambo yaliyosaidia kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili nchini
Tanzania baada ya uhuru ni:-
i. Kuanzishwa kwa Taasisi, (asasi) vyombo vya ukuzaji wa kiswahili kama
ii. Kuteuliwa kwa Kiswahili kuwa lugha ya Taifa.
iii. Kuanzishwa kwa vikundi vya sanaa na muziki.
iv. Elimu.
v. Vyombo vya habari. Kama vile redio, televisheni na magazeti
vi. Dini
vii. Biashara.
viii. Kampeni za kisiasa.
ix. Utawala
x. Kutumika kwa lugha ya Kiswahili Bungeni.
xi. Kuanzisha kwa Taasisi ya Elimu ya watu wazima.
<!-- -->
1. **NUKTA (Kituo kikuu) ( . )**
Nukta ndiyo alama ya kituo iliyokuu kuliko alama nyingine zote za vituo.
Alama hii katika uandishi hutumika kwa madhumuni yafuatayo:-
a) Kuonyesha mwisho wa sentensi.
> Mfano; Dativa anasoma kitabu.
> [Mama na Baba]{.underline} wanalima shamba.
b) Kufupisha maneno.
> Mfano; n.k. (na kadhalika)
> K.M. (Kwa mfano)
> S.L.P (Sanduku la posta)
> C.C.M (Chama Cha Mapinduzi)
c) Kutenganisha siku, mwezi na mwaka katika uandishi wa tarehe.
> Kwa mfano; Daines alizaliwa tarehe 11.03.2017
> Sherehe itafanyika 5.2.2021
Siku ya uchaguzi ni tarehe 28.10.2020
d) Kuandika anwani za tovuti
> Kwa mfano;
- Anwani ya tovuti ya baraza la mitihani ni
- Tovuti ya Miladiayo ni
- Anwani yetu ya tovuti ni www.mtembezi
e) Kuonyesha vipimo na sehemu zake.
> Mfano;
- Shamba letu linaukubwa wa ekari 7.3.
- Shule yetu iko umbali upatao km 32.7 toka wilayani.
- Anatakiwa kutumia lita 4.5 za maji kwa siku.
2. **MKATO (,)**
Alama hii hujulikana kama "koma". Alama hi hutumika kwa madhumuni
a) Kuandika anwani.
> Kwa mfano;
- Anwani ya shule yetu ni S.L.P 566, Shinyanga
- Afisa kilimo wa Wilaya, S.L.P 1288, Kishapu.
b) Kutumika badala ya kiunganishi katika sentensi kwa mfano;
- Ajenda iliyopangwa, haikujadiliwa.
- Kama si kikao hiki, kikao kijacho.
Alama hii hutumika kwa madhumuni tofauti kama vile:-
- Kuandika namba za kumbukumbu katika barua kwa mfano;
> Kumbu.Na.AS/12P/60
- Kutenganisha, mwezi na mwaka katika tarehe.
> Kwa mfano: Faisal Omory alizaliwa 12/06/2019
> Shule zilifunguliwa 8/01/2018
4. **MABANO ( )**
Alama hii hutumika kuonyesha mambo mbalimbali wakati wa uandishi.
a) Kuonyesha maana fupi ya maelezo fulani marefu.
> Mfano;
- Katika kilimo chetu tunatumia jembe la ng'ombe (plau)
- Wanaishi kwa kuendesha biashara ndogondogo (ujasiriamali)
5. **ALAMA YA KISTARI (--)**
Alama hii katika uandishi hutumika:
a) Kutenganisha siku, mwezi, mwaka katika tarehe.
> Mfano;
- Kikao cha Bunge kiliahirishwa hadi tarehe 10 -- 4 -- 2017
- Maazimio haya yalipitishwa tarehe 11 -- 09 -- 2016
b) Kuonesha kwamba neno limekatwa kutokana na kufika ukingoni mwa
karatasi ilikiwa bado linaendela.
> Mfano;
> Wanyama wanatu --
> mia miguu mine kutembea
> Magufuli ana --
> Tumbua majipu yote
c) Hutumika kuendeleza sauti au mlio wa kitu.
> Mfano
- Lo -- lo
- Sala -- a -- a -- la!
- Alianguka chini pu -- u -- u!
d) Hutumika pia kuunga maneno mawili tofauti iliyaweze kuwa neno moja.
> Mfano;
- Kipaza -- sauti
- Paka -- shume
> Alama hii hutumiwa badala ya nukta au alama ya kushangaa ili kufunga
> sentensi za maswali. Baada ya alama hii sentensi inayofuata huanza na
> herufi kubwa.
> Kwa mfano.
a) Wanakwaya wako wapi?
b) Watahudhuria wageni wangapi?
c) Donald Trump aliapishwa siku ngani?
<!-- -->
Alama hii nayo hutumika badala ya nukta na alama ya kuuliza ili kufunga
ya mshangao. Baada ya alama hii sentensi inayofuata huanza na herufi
kubwa. Alama hii huwekwa mbele ya vihisishi.
Kwa mfano;
- He! Ni wewe!
- We! Denti umekalia kiti? Leta pesa zangu!
- He! Kumbe wasanii ni vinara wa kuuza madawa ya kulevya!
8. **ALAMA ZA MTAJO ( " " ) AU ( ' ' )**
<!-- -->
a) Alama hizi hutumiwa katika kukariri maneno yaliyosemwa
- Paul Makonda alisema "lazima tukomeshe biashara ya madawa ya
> kulevya"
- Nape akasema "hata mimi naunga mkono"
<!-- -->
a) Hutumika kuunga tungo mbili zenye hadhi sawa zisizo na kiunganishi.
Kwa mfano;
- Wengine wana shangilia, wengine wanalia.
- Baba analima, Mama anafua.
b) Hutumika pia kuonyesha pumziko la muda mrefu zaidi katika kusoma.
> Mfano;
- Alikwenda mpaka nyumbani kwake; Hakufanya lolote.
- Mzee uliyemwona akitembea polepole; Ni babu yangu.
Alama hii hutumika kuashiria sentensi fupifupi zilizo katika hali ya
mfululizo wa orodha.
Kwa mfano;
i) Ajenda za mkutano huwa ni hizi:-
<!-- -->
a) Kufungua mkutano.
b) Kusoma mapato na matumizi ya kijiji.
c) Mengineyo.
d) Kufunga mkutano.
<!-- -->
ii) Madhumuni ya kuanzisha kikundi ni haya:-
<!-- -->
a) Kupiga vita umasikini.
b) Kuhimiza kuchapa kazi.
c) Kupambana na biashara haramu.
d) Kuhimiza umoja na mshikamano.
<!-- -->
11. **KINYOTA ( \* )**
Katika uandishi alama hii hutumika kwa ma
School Name…………………………………………
Candidate Number………………………………… District ……………………………………………………
## 02 English Language
Time: 1:40 Hours Year: 2024 Instructions 1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of **seven (7)**
2. Answer **all** questions in the spaces provided in this paper. 3. Section A and B carry **twenty (20)** marks each and section C carries ten (10) marks.
4. All writings must be in blue or **black** pen, **except** drawings which must be in pencil.
5. Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
6. Write your **Examination Number** and all other important information at the top right corner of every page.
| | 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. | |
| TOTAL | | |
SECTION A (20 Marks) Answer all questions in this section.
1. Listen carefully to the passage read by the invigilator and then answer item (i) –
(v) by **choosing the letter of the correct answer** and write it in the box provided.
(i) Who took Uadilifu to hospital? [ ]
A The mother B The doctor C The aunt D The nurse E The detective
(ii) What happened to the doctor's family after the doctor was jailed?
A They suffered in prison. B.They continued enjoying.
C. They got very sick. D. They got jailed too. [ ]
E. They lacked the basic needs.
(iii) What did the doctor ask for in order to treat Uadilifu? [ ]
A Some tea B Salary C. Soda D. A bribe E. A contribution
(iv) Why did doctor delay to attend Uadilifu? [ ]
A He wanted bribe. B. He was busy. C. He was not around.
D. He was jailed. E. He was sick.
(v) Why is corruption bad to people? [ ]
A It makes people reach the hospital.
B It prevents people from getting basic rights. C It makes people get sick. D It makes doctors serve people. E It gives ignorance to the doctors.
2. For each of the items (i) - (v), choose the correct answer and write its **letter** in the box provided.
(i) When the boys saw a snake in the garden, they ran __________ a nearby room. [ ]
A of B on C at D under E into
(ii) Here is the book ________ was written by Mwalimu J.K Nyerere.
A which B who C what D where E whose [ ]
(iii) Upendo prefers singing ______________ playing netball. [ ]
A more B than C to D .like E too
(iv) My father found me looking for my lost ball. He asked me "Whose ball is lost?" I answered, "The lost ball is ______________" [ ]
A my B me C yours D .mine E his
(v) You are telling your friends, "You all ate a lot yesterday". How would you ask to seek confirmation from them? [ ]
A didn't I? B didn't we? C didn't you? D didn't they? E didn't he?
3. For the items (i) - (v), complete the sentences by choosing the correct words given in the box:
harvest, sick, misfortune, big, good, admitted, miserable
(i) My neighbour's laziness caused him to live a ____________ life. (ii) They thought drinking would make them feel ______________,
until they found themselves unhealthy.
(iii) Neema grows maize on ten-acre farm, and the ______________
had improved yearly.
(iv) Bahati wept bitterly as she was unable to control her own ______. (v) I ___________________ that I would never lie again.
4. Match the services in **List A** with their corresponding places offering such
services in **List B** and write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
List A Answer List B
| services in List B and write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided. List A Answer List B | | | | | |
| (ii) | A place where pupils go to get education. | [ | ] | | |
| (iii) | A place where one can buy a meal. | [ | ] | | |
| (i) | A place where sick people are given medical | [ | ] | A | Dairy |
| treatment. | B | Restaurant | | | |
| | C | Bank | | | |
| | D | School | | | |
| | E | Mint | | | |
| | F | Library | | | |
| | G | Hospital | | | |
| (iv) | A place where people go to read and borrow | [ | ] | | |
| books. | | | | | |
| (v) | A place where milk is sold. | [ | ] | | |
(v) A place where milk is sold. [ ]
SECTION B (20 Marks) Answer all questions in this section.
5. Complete the following sentences by changing the verbs in brackets into appropriate form.
(i) The Director is (provide) _________ the reward to his employees. (ii) If my mother (wake up) __________early, she will catch the first bus. (iii) Have Bahati and Jema (speak) ___________ to their teacher yet? (iv) My children like studying a lot, they rarely (play) ____________
with their toys.
(v) He checked his punctured tube by (put) ________________ it into the basin full of water.
6. Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow by **writing the correct** answers in the **spaces** provided.
What do I want to do in life? I want to be a lawyer Abused children need my hand People's rights are my priority If not me, who else? What do I want to do in life? I want to be a military officer National boundaries need to be protected So do all Tanzanians If not me, who else?
What do I want to do in life? I want to be a doctor The sick need treatment Public health is my priority If not me, who else?
(i) What is the poem about? __________________________________ (ii) Why does the speaker in the poem want to be a lawyer?
(iii) What kind of a person is the speaker in the poem?
(iv) Why does the speaker in the poem ask, "If not me, who else?"
(v) What is a suitable title for the poem? __________________________
## Section C (10 Marks)
Answer question **seven (7)**.
7. Misongo Masata is a pupil at Upepo Primary School. He is in standard five. He was born on 22nd May 2018. On 8th January 2024 he started his first day of school.
Write the required information in order to prepare an identity card for Misongo Masata.
(i) PUPIL'S NAME: ______________________________
(ii) **SCHOOL: ____________________________________**


(iii) **CLASS: ______________________________________**


(iv) DATE OF BIRTH: _____________________________
(v) SCHOOL ENTRY DATE: ______________________
1. $Andika\ Milioni\ tatu\ na\ tatu\ kwa\ tarakmu\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots$
2. $Andika\ 5550,000\ kwa\ maneno\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots$
3. $Andika\ 786945\ katika\ maelfu\ yaliyo\ karibu\ \ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots$
4. $\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 684578$
$\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ + \ \ \ \ \ 199970$
5. $\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 813400$
$\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ + \ \ \ \ \ \ 567850$
6. $\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 478$
$\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \times \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 37$
7. $7569\ \ \div \ 87\ = \ \ $
8. $9\frac{3}{4}\ \ \ + \ \ \ 3\frac{1}{2}\ \ \ =$
9. $13\frac{1}{3}\ \ - \ \ \ 5\frac{3}{4}\ \ \ =$
10. $2\frac{2}{3}\ \ \ \times \ \ 3\frac{1}{4}\ =$
11. $6\frac{1}{2}\ \ \times 1\frac{1}{3}\ \ \ =$
12. $249.35\ \ + \ \ 59.9\ \ =$
13. $79\ \ - \ \ 35.7\ =$
14. $3.5\ \ \times \ \ 2.4\ =$
15. $2.4\ \ \div \ \ 0.08\ =$
16. $Badili\ \ 3\frac{3}{5}\ \ \ kuwa\ desimali$
17. $Badili\ 3\frac{1}{10}\%\ \ kuwa\ sehemu$
18. $Andika\ 2999\ kwa\ kirumi$
19. $Tafuta\ namba\ mraba\ ya\ 36$
20. $Orodhesha\ Vigawo\ vya\ 28$
21. $Tafuta\ K.D.S\ cha\ 20,30\ na\ 40$
22. $Tafuta\ K.K.S\ cha\ 20\ na\ 40$
23. $Orodhesha\ namba\ tasa\ kati\ ya\ 90\ na\ 100$
24. $Tafuta\ zao\ la\ 25\ na\ 9$
25. $Tafuta\ kipeuo\ cha\ pili\ cha\ 7921$
26. $Orodhesha\ namba\ witiri\ kati\ ya\ 20\ na\ 30\ zinazogawika\ kwa\ 5$
27. $Andika\ namba\ inayofuata\ 3,\ 5,\ 7,\ 9,\ 11,\ \ldots\ldots\ldots.$
28. $Badili\ 7.3\ kuwa\ asilimia$
29. $Tafuta\ eneo$
30. $Tafuta\ wastani\ wa\ 30,\ 40\ na\ 50$
31. $Tafuta\ eneo$
32. Tafuta eneo
33. $Tafuta\frac{3}{20}\ ya\ \ Sh.10,000/ = \ $
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, JINA
**DARASA: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ KIPINDI CHA: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_,
TAREHE: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_MUDA: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_SOMO
--------------------- -------------- ----------- ------------------- -------------- -----------
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| KUIMAR | | | | |
| ISHA** | | | | |
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**TIME: 3 Hours**
**Wednesday, 1st December 2021 a.m.**
### Instructions
- This paper consists of **section A** and **section B**.
- Attempt **all questions** in both sections.
- Show all steps necessary to arrive at your final answer **NEATLY** and **LEGIBLY**.
### 1.
(a) Calculate the Lowest Common Multiple of $27,\ 186,\ 558$. (Leave your answer as the product of prime factors).
(b) $Z$ is an integer such that $- 3 < Z \leq 2$. Represent $Z$ on a number line.
### 2.
(a) Find the value of $x$ if $\sqrt{5^{2x - 3}} - 9 = 116$.
(b) Juma was given 60,000 shillings by his father. He spent 35% of the money to buy shoes and 10% of the remaining money to buy books. How much money remained?
### 3.
(a) Given $a = 3.4862,\ b = 1.\dot{3}$, and $c = 0.4\ddot{86}$, by rounding each number to three significant figures, find the value of $a + b + c$ and round off your answer to the nearest whole number.
(b) In a group of 60 people, some drink Mirinda and others drink Sprite. If 46 of them drink Mirinda, 18 drink Sprite, and 10 drink both Mirinda and Sprite:
i. Display the information on a Venn diagram.
ii. Find the number of people who drink only Mirinda.
### 4.
(a) Simplify the expression $\frac{2\sqrt{3}\ - 4\sqrt{81}}{\sqrt{5} + 2\sqrt[3]{27}} = A$ by rationalizing the denominator.
(b) If $\log\left( \frac{1}{x} \right) = -4.7321$, determine the value of $\log\sqrt{x}$.
### 5.
(a) Find the values of $x,\ y,\ $and $z$ in the following diagram:

(b) Solve the following system of simultaneous equations by substitution method:
y - 2x = -7 \\
y + 2x = 11
### 6.
(a) Factorize completely $243rx^{2} - 192ry^{2}$.
(b) Kabula paid Tshs 900,000 for a radio and sold it the following year for Tshs 720,000. Find:
i. The loss made.
ii. The percentage loss.
### 7.
(a) Musa received 100,000 Ugandan shillings from his sister in Uganda. How much did he get in Tanzanian currency (Tsh) if one Ugandan shilling was equivalent to 0.65 Tanzanian shillings?
(b) A gardener found that the time ($t$) to cut grass on a square field varies directly as the square of its length ($l$) and inversely as the number of men ($m$) doing the job. If 5 men cut grass on a field of side 50m in 3 hours, how many more men are required to cut grass on a field of side 100m in 5 hours? Assume that the men work at the same pace.
### 8.
(a) A line has a gradient of $\frac{3}{4}$ and passes through point $(-1,2)$, find:
i. Its equation.
ii. The y-intercept.
(b) Use factorization method to solve the quadratic equation $x^{2} - 9x + 14 = 0$.
### 9.
(a) Find the distance PR in the following figure if the lines PR and RQ are perpendicular:
30 km
R 24 km Q
(b) A flagpole is 5 meters high. Find, to the nearest cm, the length of its shadow when the elevation of the sun is $60^\circ$.
### 10.
(a) Given the following information:
1/1/2021 Capital ......................... 1,000,000/=
7/1/2021 Purchase ...................... 900,000/=
12/1/2021 Sales ........................... 70,000/=
26/1/2021 Rent ........................... 150,000/=
28/1/2021 Wages ........................ 200,000/=
Prepare a cash account for Mr. Juma using the above information, assuming that all transactions are made in January 2021.
(b) Write $10.69872$ to two decimal places.
### 11.
(a) Find the distance measured along the parallel of latitude between two points whose latitudes are both $56^\circ N$, and whose longitudes are $23^\circ E$ and $17^\circ W$.
(b) A ship sails from Pemba $(4.5^\circ S,\ 39.5^\circ E)$ to Dar es Salaam $(7.5^\circ S,\ 39.5^\circ E)$. If it leaves Pemba at 11:30 am and arrives in Dar es Salaam at 1:30 pm, use $\pi = \frac{22}{7}$ and $R_E = 6370\ km$ to find the speed of the ship in $km/h$.
### 12.
Given the function:
f(x) = \left\{ \begin{matrix}
-4\ \text{if}\ x < 1 \\
2x + 1\ \text{if}\ -1 < x \leq 2 \\
5\ \text{if}\ x \geq 2
\end{matrix} \right.
i. Sketch the graph of $f^{-1}(x)$.
ii. State the domain and range of $f^{-1}(x)$.
### 13.
The number of people who attended the village meeting in June 2021 was as follows:
52 61 42 27 38 44 56 36 73 22
41 48 77 30 46 43 72 63 43 76
47 53 38 55 60 51 47 58 33 37
(a) Make a frequency distribution by grouping the number of people in the class intervals: 20 -- 29, 30 -- 39, 40 -- 49, ....
(b) Calculate the mean number of people who attended the meeting weekly.
(c) Construct a histogram.
### 14.
(a) Given that $49,\ x,\ and\ 81$ are consecutive terms of a G.P., find:
i. The value of $x$.
ii. The geometric mean.
(b) A wall is in the shape of a trapezium. The first level of the wall is made up of 50 bricks whereas the top level has 14 bricks. If the levels differ from each other by 4 bricks, determine:
i. The number of levels of the bricks.
ii. The total number of bricks used to make the wall.
**End of Examination**
**Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi kisha ujaze katika mabano**
1. "Amevaa kichina, mimi nimevaa "kihindi" [kichina]{.underline} na
[kihindi]{.underline} ni aina gani za maneno?
A\) Vielezi B) Vivumishi C) Vihusishi
D\) Viwakilishi E) Nomino ( )
2. "[wewe ni motto mzuri sana]{.underline}" Neno lililoka kama
kiwakilishi ni lipi? ( )
<!-- -->
A. Mtoto B) ni C) mzuri D) sana E) wewe
<!-- -->
3. "Walimu wanafundisha lakini wanafunzi hawajisomei" neno
[lakini]{.underline} ni aina gani ya neno?
<!-- -->
A. Kivumishi B) Kiunganish C) Kitenzi
D\) Kielezi E) Kihisishi ( )
4. "Watoto wawili waliimba wimbo vizuri sana" Neno
"[wawili]{.underline} ni aina gani ya neno?
<!-- -->
A. Kiunganishi B)Kiwakilishi C)Kivumishi
D )Kielezi E)Kitenzi ( )
5. Neno lipi haliusiani na maneno mengine kati ya
<!-- -->
A. Wali B) Ugali C)Ndizi D) Viazi
E\) Mchicha ( )
6. Kuku , bata, mwewe, kunguru na kanga kwa neno moja wanaitwaje?
<!-- -->
A. Wanyama B) Ndege C)Wadudu
D)Wanyama Pori E)Ndege Pori( )
7. Wanga, hamirojo, vitamin, mafuta kwa neno moja vinaitwaje? ( )
<!-- -->
A. Vitamin B) Vyakula C) Aina Ya Nishati
D\) Virutubisho E) Vyakula Vya Mafuta
8. Neno lipi haliendani na mengine kati ya haya?
<!-- -->
A. Machungwa B) Embe C)Ndizi
D\) Papai E) Pera ( )
9. Mtu hodari asiyeogopa huitwaje? A. Jambazi B) Jangili C) JasiriD)
Jeuri E) Njemba( )
10. Mahali panapochimbwa madini ya chumvi makaa ya mawe, dhahabu na
almasi panaitwaje? A. Mgodi B) Handaki C)Mtoni
D)Bondeni E) Shimoni ( )
11. Neno lipi kati ya yafuatayo ni kinyume cha neno
[kinai]{.underline} A. Tosheka B) Ridhika C) Shibe D)Ridhia E)
Tamani ( )
12. Neno lipi linakosekana katika sentensi hii
Humo .......... Alimopita mbunge wakati wa kuomba kura.
A. Ndipo B) Ndio C)Ndiko D) Ndie E) Ndimo ( )
<!-- -->
13. Alleni .................... mtoto wa jirani yangu. Neno
linalokailisha sentensi hii ni lipi?
A. Siye B)siyo C) sie D) si E) sio ( )
14. Hawa............. Walioalikwa katika sherehe hii. Neno lipi
linakamilisha sentensi hii kwa usahihi?
<!-- -->
A. Ndio B)Ndiyo C) Ndiye D) Ndiwo
> E\) Ndilo ( )
15. Baba atamkanya mjomba ili aache ulevi. Sentensi hii ipo katika
wakati gani?
<!-- -->
A. Timilifu B)Ujao C)Uliopo D) Mazoea
> E\) Uliopita ( )
16. Mtoto alinunuliwa zawadi, kitenzi [alinunuliwa]{.underline} kipo
katika kauli gani?
<!-- -->
A. Kuendeana B) Kutendewa C)Kutendesha
D\) Kutenda E) Kutendeka ( )
17. Ndizi yake imeliwa na ngedere. Wingi wa sentensi hii ni upi?
<!-- -->
A. Ndizi yake imeliwa na mangedere
B. Ndizi zao zimeliwa na ngedere
C. Ndizi zake zimeliwa na mangedere
D. Mandizi yake yameliwa na mangedere
E. Ndizi zao zimeliwa na mangedere ( )
<!-- -->
18. Kamilisha methali hii udongo
<!-- -->
A. Ungali mfinyanzi B)Ungali kichanga
> C\) Ungali majiD. Ungali mapema
> E. Ukiwa na mbolea ( )
19. ............... ila siku ya Idi, kifungu kipi cha maneno
kinakamilisha methali hii?
<!-- -->
A. Anafunga mchana B)Hatasali
> C\) Hatafaidi pilau D. Mkaidi hafaidi
> E\) Hapati zawadi ( )
20. [Mla nawe hafi nawe ila mzaliwa nawe]{.underline}. Methali hii
inahusiana na ipi kati ya zifuatazo?
<!-- -->
A. Jembe halimtupi mtu
B. Baada ya dhiki faraja
C. Damu ni nzito kuliko maji
D. Penye urembo ndipo penye ulimbo
E. Kila mtoto na koja lake ( )
<!-- -->
21. [Hana adabu wala staha kwa watu]{.underline}. Jibu la kitendawili
hiki ni lipi?
A. Kinyesi B)Kamasi C)Jasho
D\) Utelezi E)Pombe ( )
22. Mwamvuli wa nyikani haukingi mvua. Jibu la kitendawii hiki ni
lipi? A. Mgomba B) Mpapai
C\) Uyoga D) Mnyonyo E) Mfenesi ( )
23. [Akibeba watoto wake hawezi kuwashusha]{.underline}. Jibu la
kitendawili hiki ni lipi?
A. Mzaituni B)Mhindi C)Mchungwa
D\) Mwembe E)Mpera ( )
24. [Babu huanika sembe usiku, asubuhi huiondoa]{.underline}. Jibu la
kitendawili hiki ni kipi? A) Mvua B)Giza C) Mwezi
D\) Umande E) Mawingu ( )
25. [Ungamkono]{.underline} maana ya nahau hii ni ipi?
A\) Kushikana Mkono B)Ongozana C)Kubaliana D)Fuatana E)Tembeleana ( )
26. Ni nahau ipi kati ya hizi inadhihirisha hali ya kumsema mtu kwa
mafumbo ili asitambue?
A. Kumpiga vijembe B) Kumpiga Kinagaubaga C)Kumsema kimasomaso D.
Kumsema kisiasa E)Nkumsema kwa kumjuza ( )
27. Nikipata wasaa nitajitahidi kukutupia jicho. Usemi kukutupia jicho
una maana gani?
<!-- -->
A. Kukusikiliza B) Kukuletea fedha
C\) Kukupa miwani D. Kukuona E) Kukupima macho ( )
**[SEHEMU C: USHAUIRI]{.underline}**
Soma shairi lifuatalo, kasha jibu maswali
**Kiswahili naazimu, sifayo inayokabwa,**
**Kwa wasio kufahamu, niimbe ilivyo kubwa,**
**Toka kama chemchem, furika palipozibwa,**
**Titi la mama ni tamu, jingine haliishi utamu.**
**Toka kama mlizamu, juu kwa wingi furika,**
**Uoneshe umuhimu, kwa wasio kutamka,**
**Ndipo waingiwe hamu, mapajani kukuweka,**
**Titi la mama ni tamu, jingine haliishi utamu.**
**Lugha yangu ya utoto, hadi leo nimekua,**
**Tangu ulimi mzito, sasa kusema najua,**
**Pori, bahari na mto, napita nikitumia,**
**Titi la mama ni tamu, jingine haliishi utamu.**
28. Kichwa kinahofaa kwa shairi hili ni kipi?
A. Kiswahili lugha yetu B) Kusoma Kiswahili
C\) Kiswahili naazimu D. Lugha ya Kiswahili
E\) Nakipenda Kiswahili ( )
29. Vina vya kati na vya mwisho katika ubeti wa kwanza ni vipi? A. Ku na
u B. mu na bwa C. a na li D. a na mu E. ma na mu ( )
30. Jumla ya silabi kumi na sita katika kila mstari wa shairo
huitwaje? A. Ubeti B)Mizani C) Vina D) Silabi E) Mshororo ( )
31. Shairi hili lina mizani mingapi? A. Nane B) Kumi C) Nne D) Kumi na
Mbili E) Kumi na Sita( )
32. Kituo kilicotumika katika shairi hili ni kipi?
<!-- -->
A. Masika na jua kali B) Toka kama chemchemu
C)Kiswahili nazimu, sifayo inayokubwa
D. Titi la mama ni tamu, jingine haliishi hamu.
E\) Pori, bahari na mto, napita nikitumia( )
33. Neno [mapajani]{.underline} kukuweka kama lilivyotumika katika ubeti
wa pili lina maana gani? ( )
<!-- -->
A. Kukiri B) Kubembeleza C) Kulea D) Kuchoka
**[SEHEMU D UTUNGAJI]{.underline}**
Habari hii imeandikwa bila mtiririko mzuri, panga sentensi ziwe katika
mtiririko ulio sahihi kwa kuzipa herufi **A,B,C** na **D.**
34. Hivyo huwa ni mzigo mkubwa kwa familia na jamii kwa ujumla ( )
35. Unywaji wa pombe husababisha madhara makubwa ( )
36. Watu waliotawalia na pombe hutumia pesa na muda mwingi kwenye pombe
( )
37. Wengine pombe huwasababishia magonjwa mbalimbali ( )
**Andika visawe vya maneno yafuatayo**
38. Jipu ..................................................
39. Johari..................................................
40. Ombwe...............................................
**[SEHEMU E: UFAHAMU]{.underline}**
**Soma habari hii, kasha jibu maswali yafuatayo**
Siku moja mfalme mjinga aliitisha mkutano. Wananchi wake walikusanyika
kwa wakati uliopangwa katika mkutano huo aliwataka wananchi wake wafanye
mambo kwa ushirikiano. Aliwataka maskini wote wasaidie wasiojiweza. Pia
aliamuru kuvunjwa kwa nyumba za kisasa. Mfalme mjinga aliwakumbusha
wananchi wakekupunguza vyumba vya madarasa. Vilevile mfalme mjinga
aliwahimiza wananchi wake kung'oa miti mbalimbali katia mazingira yao.
Wananchi wote walikasirika kuonesa ishara ya kutomuunga mkono.
41. Kichwa cha habari hii kinafaa kiwe kipi?
42. Katika mkutano uliofanyika mfalme mjinga aliwataka watu gani
wasaidie wasiojiweza?
43. Mfalme aliwakumbusha wnanchi wake kupunguza nini?
44. Katika mkutano huo aliwataka wananchi wake kufanya mambo yao kwa
45. Mfalme mjinga aliwahimiza watu wake kufanya nini katika mazingira
1. Wazazi wanawahimiza watoto wao kusoma kwa bidii. Sentensi hii ipo
katika kauli ipi? (a) halisi (b) taarifa (c) kutenda (d) kutendwa (
2. Ninyi ni wanafunzi. Neno "ninyi" liko katika nafsi ya ngapi?(a)
kwanza (b) tatu (c) pili (d) nne ( )
3. Mahali anaposimama mshitakiwa mahakamani huitwa
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(a) jela (b) mahabusu (c) kizimbani (d)
mahakama ( )
4. Mtoto wa mjomba ninamwita\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) kaka (b)
shangazi (c) rafiki (d) binamu( )
5. Samaki, dagaa na nyama kwa neno moja huitwaje? (a) kitoweo (b)
mboga (c) mchuzi (d) chakula ( )
6. "sikuiba kitu chochote" alikanusha Asha. Sentensi hii ni kauli
\(a\) kutendewa (b) taarifa (c) halisi (d) kanushi ( )
7. Yeye anapenda kucheza" . sentensi hii iko katika nafsi ipi?
\(a\) ya tatu umoja (b) ya kwanza wingi (c) ya pili wingi (d) ya pili
umoja. ( )
8. Neno lipi linafaa kukamilisha sentensi ifuatayo "Hiki
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ kitabu chetu.
\(a\) ndio (b) ndicho (c) ndiyo (d) ndivyo ( )
9. Malipo yaliyotolewa kwa kumwoza binti ni \_\_\_(a) mahali (b)
fahari (c) mahari (d) fahali( )
10. Neno lenye maana sawa na neno utajiri ni \_\_\_(a) ukiritimba (b)
ufura (c) ukwasi (d) upole( )
11. Mtu anayeongoza meli huitwa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) dereva (b)
nahodha (c) rubani (d) kiongozi( )
12. Kinyume cha neno Baraka ni kipi?(a) balaa (b) Baraka (c) laana (d)
huruma ( )
13. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ni mtu anaye ipenda Nchi yake (a) mtumwa (b)
gaidi (c) mzalendo (d) hasidi( )
14. Andika neno moja lilotofauti na mengine kati ya haya. (a) umeme (b)
jua (c) mawingu (d) taa ( )
15. Wewe ni kijana mdogo. Neno "wewe" katika sentensi hii liko katika
nafsi gani?(a) nafsi ya pili (b) nafsi ya tatu (c) nafsi ya
kwanza (d) nafsi ya tatu umoja. ( )
16. Ungelikubali kuondoka na sisi \_\_\_\_ukumbini (a) Usingechelewa (b)
Usingachelewa (c) Usingelichelewa (d).Usingalichelewa (e) Utachelewa
( )
17. Neno lipi ni kinyume cha neno "**kumbuka**"(a) kupata jibu (b)
sahau (c) waza (d) tafakari (e)fikiri( )
18. Ukuta wa nyumba yetu umeanguka. Wingi wa sentensi hii ni \_\_\_\_ a)
ukuta wa manyumba yetu umeanguka (b) kuta za nyumba umeanguka (c)
ukuta wa nyumba zetu zimeanguka (d) kuta za nyumba yetu
zimeanguka (e) makuta ya nyumba zetu huanguka ( )
19. Kule \_\_\_alikuwa akiishi mjukuu wako. (a)Ndiko (b). Ndipo (c)
Ndimo (d) Ndio (e) Ndiyo( )
20. Wingi wa neno "kiti" ni (a) Maviti (b) Kiti (c) Viti (d) Vyeti (e)
kitini ( )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
21. Miwani ni ya macho \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ni wa shingo. (a) bangili (b)
mkufu (c) urembo (d) herein. ( )
22. Alijitahidi kukimbia \_\_\_\_\_\_hakuweza.(a) hivyo (b) basi (c)
kwahiyo (d) lakini ( )
23. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho. Nikimwita huitika nikienda
simkuti. (a) mwangwi (b) sauti (c) umeme (d) kisogo ( )
24. Damasi ni mtoto wa watu. Nahau hii ina maana Damasi ni
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(a) mpole (b) mkarimu (c) tajiri (d) mvivu ( )
25. Kuandika meza ni \_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) kuandika juu ya meza (b) kuleta
chakula mezani (c) kula chakula mezani (d) kuandika chakula mezani (
26. Nasuka mkeka lakini siku zote nalala chini. Maana ya kitendawili
hiki ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
\(a\) boga (b) mkeka (c) mti (d) mbaazi ( )
27. Mgaagaa na upwa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(a) mwishowe huwa mganga (b) hali
wali mkavu (c) huishia ufukweni (d) huishia. ( )
28. Mimi nyumba ya udongo \_\_\_\_\_\_\_(a) siogopi vishindo (b) nyufa
hutokea (c) sifanani na sakafu (d) sihimili vishindo. ( )
29. Chakubanga "Ana mkono mrefu" nini maana ya nahau "**mkono
mrefu"**?(a) tapeli (b) mwizi (c) mlemavu (d) mjeuri ( )
30. Heri kufa macho kuliko \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
\(a\) kufa mwili (b) kufa moyo (c) kufa mdomo wazi (d) kufariki dunia (
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
**SEHEMU C:** Kamilisha muundo wa barua ifuatayo
31. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
32. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
Salamu za mwanzo
33. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
34. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
35. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
36. Huo ni muundo wa aina ipi ya
**Panga sentensi zifuatazo kwa kuzipa herufi A, B, C, na D ili zilete
mtiririko mzuri wa habari ili kujibu maswali. Siliba herufi ili kupata
mpangilio huo kwenye karatasi ya kujibia**
37. Baadhi ya mambo yanayochangia kuenea kwa gonjwa hatari la UKIMWI ni
kuchangia vifaa vya kutogea masikio, vifaa vya kutahiria, ngono
isiyo salama na kutoka kwa mama mjamzito kwenda kwa mtoto wakati wa
kujifungua na kunyonyesha.
38. Dalili ya gonjwa hili ni homa za mara kwa mara, kupungua uzito,
upungufu wa damu mwilini, ukurutu, kuvimba matezi na kuharisha.
39. Ili kuzuia gonjwa hili la hatari lisienee hatuna budi kuepuka
kuchoma sindano za mitaani zisizochemshwa, kutochangia vifaa vya
kutogea masikio na kutahiria, kuwa waaminifu na kusubiri, hivyo
Tanzania bila **UKIMWI** itawezekana.
40. UKIMWI ni ugonjwa hatari usiokuwa na tiba wala kinga ambao huleta
madhara makubwa kama kudidimia kwa uchumi na kuongezeka kwa watoto
37 38 39 40
----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
**SEHEMU E: UFAHAMU** Soma shairi kwa kina kisha jibu maswali yafuatayo:
1. Wanafunzi mashuleni, kuweni wenye nidhamu,
Masomo zingatieni, ulegevu uwe sumu,
Yamana jifunzeni, kutoka kwao walimu,
Nidhamu kwa wanafunzi, ni msingi wa Elimu.
2. Wengi wenu hawajali, darasani kucheza tu,
Mafunzo maadili, anayostahili si kitu,
Hataki kubadili tabia hiyo ya kutu,
Nidhamu kwa wanafunzi, ni msingi wa Elimu.
3. Elimu mnayopata, siyo mwisho kujifunza,
Masomo yakikupita, dunia itakufunza,
Utakuwa ukipita, mtaani wakufyonza,
Nidhamu kwa wanafunzi, ni msingi wa Elimu.
41. Vina katika ubeti wa pili ni
42. Mshororo katika ubeti wa mwisho una mizani
43. Shairi hili lina beti
44. Nidhamu kwa wanafunzi ni Msingi wa Elimu. Sentensi hii ina maanisha
45. Kichwa cha shairi hili
46. kinafaa kiwe \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
CHEMISTRY - F3.(1).md | <table>
<col style="width: 7%" />
<col style="width: 9%" />
<col style="width: 2%" />
<col style="width: 1%" />
<col style="width: 7%" />
<col style="width: 5%" />
<col style="width: 2%" />
<col style="width: 15%" />
<col style="width: 12%" />
<col style="width: 8%" />
<col style="width: 5%" />
<col style="width: 11%" />
<col style="width: 8%" />
<tr class="header">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td>Applying chemistry principles in understanding industrial
<td><p>The student should be able to</p>
<ol type="a">
<p>Compare the rate of chemical reactions.</p>
<td>The rate of chemical reactions</td>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>The teacher guide students to discuss the concept of rapid and
slow reaction.</p></li>
<li><p>Students demonstrate a very rapid reaction by mixing KI, with
Pb(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> solutions and aqueous chlorides.</p></li>
<li><p>The teacher guide students to carry out a slow reaction by
allowing iron nails to rust under favourable conditions.</p></li>
<li><p>Students note important points.</p></li>
<li><p>Students demonstrate a very rapid reaction by mixing KI with
Pb(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> solutions and aqueous chloride.</p></li>
<li><p>To be able to carry out experiments to slow fast and slow
chemical reaction.</p></li>
<tr class="even">
<td>Applying chemistry principles in understanding industrial
<td><ol start="2" type="a">
<li><p>Perform experiments to measure the rates of chemical
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>Teacher guide students to the selection of the most convenient
property of a reaction to measure, so as to determine the rate of that
<li><p>Teacher lead a discussion on students work.</p></li>
<li><p>Student measure the rate of evolution of hydrogen when inc is
dissolved in dilute HCl acid.</p></li>
<li><p>Zinc granules.</p></li>
<li><p>Dilute HCl</p></li>
<li><p>Graph papers</p></li>
<li><p>Stop watches.</p></li>
<li><p>To be able to perform an experiment to measure the rate of a
chemical reaction.</p></li>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td>Applying chemistry principles in understanding industrial
<td><p>The student should be able to</p>
<ol type="a">
<li><p>Describe the effect of concentration on the rate of a
<td rowspan="3">July</td>
<td rowspan="3">3 & 4</td>
<td rowspan="3">CHEMICAL KINETICS,</td>
<td>Factors effecting the rate of chemical reaction</td>
<li><p>Teacher guide student to use dil HCl and
Na<sub>2</sub>S<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> to study the effect of
concentration on the rate of precipitation of sulphur.</p></li>
<li><p>Teacher guide students to study the special features of the graph
and make conclusion.</p></li>
<li><p>Students tabulate the concentration, rate data and plot a
<li><p>Source of heat</p></li>
<li><p>Dilute HCl</p></li>
<li><p>Stop watches.</p></li>
<li><p>To be able to describe the effect of concentration on the rate of
<tr class="odd">
<td>Applying chemistry principles in understanding industrial
<td><ol start="2" type="a">
<li><p>Demonstrate the effect of temperature on the rate of
<li><p>Teacher guide a discussion on the special features of the graph
and make clarifications.</p></li>
<li><p>Students in groups use dilute HCl and
NaS<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> to study the effect of temperature on the
rate of precipitation of sulphur.</p></li>
<li><p>Students tabulate the temperature rate data and plot a
<tr class="even">
<td>Applying chemistry principles in understanding industrial
<td><ol start="3" type="a">
<p>Show the effect of surface area of a solid on the rate of a
<td>Factors affection the rate of a chemical reaction</td>
<li><p>Teacher instruct students to use blocks of CaCo3 and its powder
respectively to study the effect of particles size (surface area) on the
rate of relicensing Co<sub>2</sub> when reacted with dilute
<li><p>Students tabulate the temperature rate data and plot a
<li><p>CaCO<sub>3</sub> blocks</p></li>
<li><p>Mortar and pestle</p></li>
<li><p>Stop watches</p></li>
<li><p>Measuring cylinder</p></li>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td><ol start="4" type="a">
<p>Demonstrate the effect of catalyst on the rate of a reaction.</p>
<li><p>Teacher guide students to discuss the special factors of the
graph and make conclusions.</p></li>
<li><p>Students tabulate the volume rate and plot a graph.</p></li>
<li><p>Stop watches</p></li>
<li><p>Graph papers</p></li>
**chagua jibu sahihi**
1. Mti \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ hauna matunda A. hule B. ule C. ile
2. Mtoto wa shangazi yako ni A. Binamu B. Kaka C. Dada
3. Mwezi wenye siku chache katika mwaka A. agosti B. febuari C. mei
4. Kamwe\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ darasa la nn A. nitarudi B. sitarudi C.
5. Mtihani \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ni rahisi sana A. huyu B. huu C. yote
6. Watoto \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_wanapendeza. A. huyu B.wale C. sisi
7. Mimi nina akili\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_A. zote B. timamu C nusu
8. \\usifanye \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_kwenye biashara. A. zaidi B.
mzaha C. salio
9. Kabla ya kuanza biashara ni lazima uwe na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_A.
faida B. mtaji C. kiasi
10. Ni vizuri kufuata \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ya shule A. haki B.
ratiba C. nidhamu.
**Nahau, Methali na Vitendawili.**
11. Kuku mgeni\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
12. Mkono wa birika \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
13. Bwana afya wa porini\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
14. Mama hachoki kunibeba\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
15. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_hujaza kibaba.
Amina na Maganga wanapernda shule kila siku wanaamka mapema na kujiandaa
kwenda shule. Kabla ya kwenda shule wanakunywa chai. Baada ya chai
wanachukua mifuko yao na kuondoka. Wakifika shule wanafanya usafi pamoja
na wenzao, kasha wanaingia darasani na kuanza masomo,
Walimu wanawapenda sana Amina na Maganga kwa sababu ni watoto watiifu.
16. Kabla ya kwenda shule Amina na Maganga wanafanya
17. Kwanini walimu wanawapenda sana Amina na
18. Maganga na Amina wanapofika shuleni wanafanya
**Andika Umoja na Wingi wa maneno.**
Umoja wingi
19. Mjukuu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
20. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ mambo
21. Chupa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
**Pigia mstari neno tofauti**
22. Dada, mama, baba, Ajuza
23. Dereva, fundi, kipofu, mvuvi.
24. Samba,chui, kondoa,ndovu
25. Mia.tisini,kumi,namba.
BOOK KEEPING .md | # President'S Office
 Regional Administration And Local Government
Time:3:00 HRS Tuesday **29-SEPT-2020 PM**
## Instructions
This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of **nine (9)** questions. Answer **All** questions in section A, B and two Questions in section C Any unauthorized materials like cellular phones are **not** allowed in the examination room. Write your **Examination Number** on every page of your answer booklet(s).
Programming Calculator not allowed SECTION A: (20MARKS)
Answer All questions in this section.
1. From item i- xv; choose the correct answer by write a letter beside the question number i). The trial balance which have debit and credit side, its sides which complete the double entry posted from ledger balance, where the balance on the provision for Bad debts it appear in trial balance? A). Not shown, as it is part of depreciation. B). Shown as a Debit side C).Shown as a Credit side D). Shown in both sides of the trial balance. E). Sometimes shown as a credit, sometimes as a debit. ii). Confuse to post into class of account not affect the agreed of trial balance, what happen if sh. 7,500 was added to rent expenses instead of being added to land account? A). Net profit which greater than a normal value B). Net profit which less than a normal value C).Land account which greater with sh.7500 D). Net profits would not be affected E).Not affect to anywhere of accounts.
iii). Aim of prepare Income statement is to compute net profit or loss, how carriage inward to be treat.
A). Added to cost of goods sold B). Deducted from purchases C). Added to sales D). Deducted from sales E). Added to purchases.
iv). If an Invoice which over change, the seller sent the document to the customer to deduct the overcharge amounts from the Invoice. This document is called…………………………………. A). Invoice B). Pro foma invoice C). Sales receipt D). Credit Notes E). Debit Notes. v). If Current account is maintained, the partner capital remain fixed, where partner's share loss to be appear in partner's current account. A). Debited side B). Credited to partners' capital accounts C). Credited to profit and loss appropriation account D). Debited to partners' current accounts E). Credited side vi). The prepaid income for current period which forward to the coming accounting period, where it appear into final account A). To the current asset of financial statement B). To the current Liability of financial statement C). Deducting from Income account D). Add to Income account E). Not treat to any where vii). A bills of exchange is unconditional order between two or more people. If a John writes a cheque and sends it to James for demanded money due , who James to be in bill of exchange?
A).Drawer B).Drawee C).Payer D).Payee E).Receive viii) The manufacturing costs which compute with prime cost plus factory overhead. What mean for prime costs in manufacturing account. A). Cost of running manufacturing activities B). Cost which associated which manufacturing to process materials C). Direct costs which incur per material/ unit produces D). Opening+ market value + closing materials E). All cost of producing goods ix). Account sales which been prepare by consignee sent to consignor. What purpose of account sales in consignment business. A). Description of position for consignee B). Show the receipt and payment of consignment C). Cash sales of consignment D). Details of goods received have sold values with deduct our expenses E). Acknowledged of goods receipt from consignor x). Book of prime entry it means, the entries which prior to any book of account, Which account of book of prime entry to be treat the Debits note A). Sales day book B Purchases return day book C). Sales return day book D). ). Purchases day book E). General ledgers xi). Impersonal account is account for possession of the business, the example of impersonal account; A). Debtor and creditors B).Real and Nominal account C). Receipt and payments D). Incomes and Expenditure accounts E). Financial statement xii). The system of restore the balance which reimburse for petty cash by chief cash is called…… A). Reimburse system B). Columnar cash book system C).Imprest system D). Petty system E). Balancing system xiii). One of reason for disagreement between cash book and bank statement is cheques dishonored. Where cheque dishonored it appear into bank statement. A). Credit side B). Debit to cash book C). Debit side D). Unpresented cheque E). Both to cash and bank statement xiv). If partnership which opened with no partnership DEED. The pair below which exist in partnership A). No interest of capital, drawing and equal share profit B). No drawing, no capital and equal share profit C). No interest on drawing, no equal share profit and no interest of capital D). No capital, no drawing, no share capital and no salary E). All above which exist. xv). In prepare Conversional of single entry to double entry, the statement of affair is quite which financial affair. Why prepare statement of affair? A). Show the affair of business B). Show assets against Liabilities C). Compute net profit or loss D). Complete double entry E). Compute opening capital
| LIST A | LIST B | |
| (i). The money which deposited to the bank by | A. | Unpresented cheques |
| customers with irrespective of services due | B. | Dishonored cheques |
| (ii). The services charge for money saving into | C. | Uncredited cheques |
| the bank | D. | Bank charges |
| (ii) The cheques which present into the bank but | E. | Bank interest |
| bank not accepted due to some circumstance | F. | Unticked items |
| (iv). The transaction which paid by cash but not | G. | Ticked item |
| appear into bank statement | H. | Direct Credit |
| (iv). Bank clear a standing order which relate to | I. | Debit transfer |
| firm due but this entry which not shown into cash | J. | Postdated cheques |
| book | | |
2. Match items in List A which corresponding with list B by writing a correct answer
## Section B: 40 Marks
Answer All questions in this section 3. The languages, terminologies and words of Accounting sometime are differ with other fields due to uses, originality and culturally aspects. With examples write the short notes on below book-keeping terminologies:
i). Separate business entity concept ii). Overhead production costs iii). Consistencies concept iv). Prepaid incomes v). Creditors 4. Jumbo company limited which located at Majengo in Dodoma region, run with Building Construction. The company which paid their workers' wages every month as usual. During a year 2020 Jumbo company effect with economic crisis that causes the salary outstanding to their workers and receipts from Customers for three months. On time being it existed the previous accrual expenses and receipts for two months and current accrual expenses and receipts for one month. Assume you're an accountant of Jumbo Co. Ltd, distinguish between account treatment of previous and current accruals in the book of account (five points).
5. The assurance of true and fair views of accounting recorded are well fulfil with auditing work.
Assume you're an internal auditor at one of municipal council in Tanzania mainland, Identify two needs of auditing work and three challenges of it. 6. Bill of Exchange is unconditional order written by drawer and sent to payee, he/she accepts it for make payment on specific period of time. Sometime payee refuse to pay at maturity date or may be a cheques which dishonored for some circumstances. If drawer taken bill before maturity date it to be a discount bill. The following information it taken on a year 2020 for John he sales goods on 1st January 2020 to Neema for Tsh. 100,000 with the term of bill of exchange for six months. On 30th February 2020 John discount the bills for Tsh.85,000, while on 30th june 2020, Neema unable to presents the bills to the bank due to bankrupt. For that case John drawn a new bill of three months with the interest of 10%. Required: How to treat entry into the books of drawer
## Section C: (40 Marks)
Answer only TWO questions in this section 7. The formation of Partnership is to cut-off the challenges of Sole trade and to extend the business entity. Pendo, Rehema and Salama formed a partnership business with partnership Deed. They sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2:2:1 respectively, Interest on capital is 10% per annum and Interest on drawing is 5% per annum. The following is a trial balance of Pendo,
| Rehema and Salama as at 31 st December, 2019. DETAILS | DEBIT | CREDIT |
| Capital accounts: Pendo | 360,000 | |
| Rehema | 240,000 | |
| Salama | 120,000 | |
| Current Accounts: Pendo | 15,000 | |
| Rehema | 10,000 | |
| Salama | 5,000 | |
| Bank balance | 50,000 | |
| Debtors | 460,000 | |
| Bad debts provision 1/1/2019 | 20,000 | |
| Creditors | 700,000 | |
| Provision for Depreciation 1/1/2019 Land and buildings | 240,000 | |
| Motor vehicles | 160,000 | |
| Drawings: Pendo | 80,000 | |
| Rehema | 60,000 | |
| Salama | | 60,000 |
| Land and building at cost | 1,200,000 | |
| Motor vehicle at cost | 400,000 | |
| Office expenses | | 80,000 |
| Purchases | 1,300,000 | |
| Rates | | 80,000 |
| Selling expenses | 390,000 | |
| Stock on 1st January, 2019 | 400,000 | |
| Sales | 2,700,000 | |
| | 4,565,000 | 4,565,000 |
## Additional Information:
(i) Stock at 31st December, 2019 Tsh. 600,000.
(ii) Depreciation: Land, buildings at 5% and Motor vehicle at 20% per annum on cost
(iii) Rates prepaid at 31st December, 2019 TZS 40,000.
(iv) Bad debts for Tsh. 10,000 were written off and provision for Bad debts to be adjusted to 5%
of the outstanding debtors at 31st December, 2019
(v) At 31st December, 2019 accrual selling expenses for Tsh. 35,500
(vi) Pendo get a salary of TZS 80,000, Rehema Tsh. 40,000 and Salama Tsh. 60,000 per annum. Using the information provided, prepare: (a) Partners Income statement account
(b) Income appropriation Accounts for the year ending 31st December, 2019
(c) Partners' Current Accounts and
(d) financial Statement for the year ending 31st December, 2019 8. The dis agrees of Trial balance which mainly causes with Errors and Frauds like omission, original entry, compensation, complete reversal etc. When you see a below Trial balance, it seem the credit side is greater than debit side. As an accounting career, check and identify the errors which causes the trial balance not balance by answer the below questions.
| | 870,500 4,100 | | |
| TRIAL BALANCE AS ON DEC, 2018 | | | |
| Sales Purchases Discount allowed and received Salaries and wages General expenses Fixtures Stock 1 st July, 2010 Debtors and creditors Bank Drawings Capital Suspense | 624,000 3,050 31,680 5,950 100,000 124,900 81,200 67,900 45,200 | | 50,450 |
| | | 170,170 | |
| | | 11,340 | |
| | 1,095,200 | 1,095,220 | |
The following errors are found: (i) Sales day book overcast by sh. 3,500. (ii) Discount allowed under cast by sh. 1,000. (iii) Fixtures, bought for sh.8,500 have been entered in the cash book but not in the fixtures account (iv). Credit purchases of sh. 1,660 were entered in the purchases day book only, but not recorded in the creditor's account. (v) Cheque payment to a creditor of sh. 4,900 had been debited to the drawings account in error. Required: Prepare a). Journal entry to correct errors b). Suspense account c). Correct Trial balance 9. 21ST CENTURY INDUSTURY which dealing with making and manufacturing clothes products. To know the costs per unit produced it post entries into Manufacturing account, while like to know the industry either earn profit or bear the loss it pass information into income statement and to know the affair of industry it draft financial statement. For below Trial balance,
| compute the Costs, Profit or Loss and Affair of 21st Century Industry as on 2018. 1800 8400 72,000 10,000 11,000 58,000 8800 12,000 3000 DETAILS DEBIT CREDIT Delivery expenses Lighting Wages Direct General expenses Sales commission Purchases raw materials Rent Royalties Carriage inward for raw materials Accumulated depreciation of machinery Machinery (Cost 40,000) Office equipment (cost 9000) Office salary Debtors/ Creditors Sales Motor van (cost 6800) Stock at start: Raw materials Finished goods Work in progress Drawing Capital Provision for bad debts 28600 8200 18,000 16,000 13,000 195,000 6200 13,200 41,300 20,000 35,000 161,000 1500 |
| Discount allowed/ received | 1500 | 2500 |
| 373,000 | 373000 | |
| 1) | Closing stock ; Raw materials…………………..22,000 Finished goods………………….55,600 Work in progress……………….. 15400 |
Additional information: 2) The costs of Rent, Delivery and Lighting which apportion with Factory 3/4 and office 1/4 3) Direct wages accrual but not paid was 1900 and prepaid rent sh. 800 4) Depreciation of machinery, van and office equipment for 10% per annum at original Cost 5) The provision for bad debt at ended of month was 5% on Debtors. |
**[Muda: Saa 1:30 MACHI 2024]{.underline}**
**Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi.**
1. Tunasafisha \_\_\_\_\_\_ kila baada ya mlo. (a) mwili (b) kinywa (c)
meno (d) fizi.
2. Mtoto mtiifu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ vizuri na jamii yake. (a) anafunza (b)
amefuzu (c) amefunzwa (d) amefaulu.
3. Jongoo \_\_\_\_\_\_ na miguu mingi. (a) amefinyangwa (b)
ametengenezwa (c) ameumbwa (d) amejengwa
4. Chungu cha bibi \_\_\_\_\_\_ kwa udongo mwekundu. (a) kimefinywa (b)
kimefinyangwa (c) kimefinyanga (d) kimeumbwa
5. Kitanda chetu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ kwa chuma. (a) kimetengeneza (b)
kimetengenezeka (c) kimetengenezesha (d) kimetengenezwa.
**Andika umoja na wingi wa maneno yafuatayo:**
**Umoja Wingi**
> **Mfano:** Mtoto watoto
6. mbweha \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
7. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ madimbwi
8. mtumbwi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
9. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ waungwana
10. ngwara \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
Malizia kutunga sentensi kwa kuyumia maneno ya kwenye jedwali.
| Mpira | alimdondosha | kwa | ngwara |
| | | | |
| Wanafunzi | ulichezwa | na | karanga |
| | | | |
| Mzee Mbwete | alichinjwa | | watoto wote |
| | | | |
| Mboga | iliungwa | | kisu |
| | | | |
| Kengele | hufunzwa | | picha |
| | | | |
| Darasa | limepambwa | | mbwembwe |
| | | | |
| | iligongwa | | walimu |
| | | | |
| | hupendwa | | |
11. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ulichezwa na watu wote.
12. Mboga iliungwa kwa
13. Wanafunzi hupendwa na
14. Kengele iligongwa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ mbwembwe.
15. Darasa limepambwa kwa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
**Panga sentensi zifuatazo kwa mtiririko:**
16. Ngozi yake imeundwa kwa rangi nyingi nzuri ambazo
17. Hakika kinyonga ni mnyama aliyefunzwa kutembea kwa mbwembwe.
18. Anapowaona watu, hutembea kwa haraka kwani anaogopa kujeruhiwa.
19. Rangi hizo humsaidia kujilinda na maadui ili asionekane.
20. Kinyonga ni mnyama muungwana na mwema sana
**Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi kwenye aya ifuatayo kwa kutumia maneno
mtumbwi, alichinjwa, machungwa, mbwa, walikaangwa,
Siku moja baba alielekea ziwani akapanda (21) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
kwenda kuvua dagaa. Baada ya kutoka ziwani alinunua (22)
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ akayapeleka nyumbani. Wote tulimpokea kwa
mbwembwe huku tukifurahia zawadi alizotuletea. Dagaa (23)
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ vizuri. Kaka alishindwa kumpa mbwa dagaa kwa kuwa
mbwa wetu hapendi kula dagaa. Bahati nzuri ng'ombe wa jirani (24)
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. Hivyo, kaka alikwenda kwa jirani kuchukua mifupa
kwa ajili ya (25) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_wetu.
**[Muda: Saa 1:30 MACHI 2024]{.underline}**
**Sehemu A: Chagua jibu lililo sahihi**
1. Mtoto alipokula ndizi alisema ni tamu. Je, ni sehemu gani ya ulimi
ilitambua ladha ya utamu? (a) Sehemu ya kati (b) Sehemu ya
pembeni (c) Sehemu ya ncha (d) Sehemu ya pembeni na kati.
2. Jibu lipi ni sahihi kuhusu mlango wa fahamu? (a) Masikio hutumika
kusikia. (b) Macho hutumika kunusa. (c) Pua hutumika kuonja. (d)
Ulimi hutumika kuhisi.
3. Binadamu ana milango mingapi ya fahamu? (a) Mitatu (b) Sita (c)
Mitano (d) Minne.
4. Mlango upi wa fahamu unaoweza kutambua rangi ya kijani ya
spinachi? (a) Macho (b) Pua (c) Ngozi (d) Sikio.
5. Kundi lipi linawakilisha milango yote ya fahamu. (a) Pua, miguu,
masikio, ngozi na ulimi (b) Ulimi, masikio, ngozi, pua na mdomo (c)
Masikio, ngozi, mikono, pua na ulimi (d) Macho, masikio, ngozi, pua
na ulimi
**Sehemu B: Andika KWELI kwa sentensi sahihi na SI KWELI kwa sentensi
isiyo sahihi.**
6. Ngozi ni mlango wa fahamu unaofanya kazi ya kuhisi baridi au joto.
7. Ulimi hauna uwezo wa kutambua ladha ya
8. Athari katika masikio husababisha mtu kupoteza uwezo wa
9. Kemia ni tawi la sayansi linalohusika na maada na
10. Fizikia ni sayansi inayohusika na tabia za
11. Baiolojia inahusika na wanyama na
12. Kemia inahusika na tabia za maada.\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
**Oanisha sentensi kutoka katika orodha A na neno sahihi katika orodha
| | **Orodha A** | **Orodha B** |
| 1 | Mwanasayansi anayehusika na kemia | \(i\) Daktari wa |
| 3. | | binadamu |
| 1 | Mwanasayansi anayeshughulika na mimea | \(ii\) Daktari wa |
| 4. | | wanyama |
| 1 | Mwanasayansi anayetibu binadamu | \(iii\) Mtaalamu wa |
| 5. | | mimea |
| 1 | Mwanasayansi anayetibu wanyama | \(iv\) Mkemia |
| 6. | | |
| 1 | Mwanasayansi anayebuni na kutengeneza | \(v\) Mfamasia |
| 7. | miundombinu kama vile madaraja na | |
| | majengo | |
| 1 | Mwanasayansi anayeshughulika na | \(vi\) Mhandisi |
| 8. | kutengeneza, kutoa na kusimamia | |
| | matumizi ya dawa | |
**Kamilisha sentensi kwa kujaza tawi sahihi la sayansi.**
> 19\. Sayansi inayohusisha uhusiano wa maada na nishati \_\_\_\_\_\_.
> 20\. Sayansi inayohusisha tabia na muundo wa maada \_\_\_\_\_\_.
**Utatumia mlango gani wa fahamu kubaini vifuatavyo:**
21. Harufu ya ua
22. Rangi ya chungwa
23. Kuwika kwa jogoo
24. Unamu wa udongo
25. Ladha ya sharubati ya zabibu
**[Muda: Saa 1:30 MACHI 2024]{.underline}**
> **Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi**
1. Mazingira ya asili yanaweza kuwa endelevu kwa kufanya nini? (a)
Kuchimba madini (b) Kuyatunza na kuyahifadhi (c) Kujenga nyumba za
kisasa (d) Kuanzisha viwanda
2. Unaweza kufanya shughuli gani tofauti na uvuvi kama unaishi maeneo
yenye mito, mabwawa, na maziwa? (a) Kilimo cha umwagiliaji (b)
Uvunaji wa mazao (c) Utengenezaji wa mbao (d) Uwindaji na uuzaji wa
3. Jiografia na Mazingira inasaidia kupata ufahamu wa namna binadamu
anavyoweza . (a) kuhusiana na vitu vinavyomzunguka (b) kutengeneza
mizinga ya nyuki (c) kupanga mtawanyiko wa vitu katika mazingira (d)
kutengeneza samaki
4. Tabianchi ya sehemu moja hutofautiana na ya sehemu nyingine kwa
sababu ya (a) watu waliopo katika mazingira (b) sura ya nchi na uoto
uliopo katika mazingira (c) wanyama waliopo katika mazingira (d)
wadudu waliopo katika mazingira
5. Ufugaji wa nyuki hutegemea uwepo wa rasilimali gani muhimu? (a)
Maji, majani na miamba (b) Miti, maua na misitu (c) Milima, mabonde
na bahari (d) Mvua, magogo na majani
6. Maeneo ya Tanzania yaliyopo karibu na bahari mara nyingi huwa na
hali ya hewa gani? (a) Baridi (b) Baridi na joto (c) Joto (d)
7. Jirani na nyumbani kwenu kuna mto wenye maji mnayoyatumia katika
matumizi mbalimbali. Je, ni ujuzi gani katika Jiografia na Mazingira
utakuwezesha kuwa na matumizi endelevu ya mto huo? (a) Hali ya
hewa (b) Utunzaji wa mazingira (c) Kilimo cha umwagiliaji (c) Uvuvi
na utalii
8. Zipi kati ya sifa zifuatazo zinatofautisha mlima na kilima? (a)
Urefu na miteremko (b) Urefu na rutuba (c) Miamba na udongo (d)
Ufupi na wingi wa theluji
9. Ni katika umbo gani la sura ya nchi kati ya yafuatayo linaweza
kusababisha kutokea kwa aina mojawapo ya mvua? (a) Tambarare (b)
Bonde (c) Mlima (d) Besini
10. Safu za milima ya Usambara zinapatikana katika mkoa gani? (a)
Kilimanjaro (b) Morogoro (c) Tanga (d) Mbeya
| Na | Safu A | Safu B |
| 1 | Milima | > A. Ardhi iliyoinuka kwa urefu wa wastani na |
| 1. | | > |
| . | | > haina miteremko mikali |
| 12 | Mabonde | > B. Hakuna milima, vilima, wala miinuko |
| . | | > |
| | | > Mikubwa |
| 13 | Tambarare | > C. Una kimo kirefu zaidi kilichoinuka juu ya |
| . | | > |
| | | > uso wa dunia |
| 14 | Vilima | > D. Hutokea katikati ya milima au vilima |
| . | | |
| 15 | **Mwinuko** | sehemu ya ardhi iliyoinuka kuliko maeneo |
| . | | mengine |
16. Ardhi ni sehemu ngumu ya uso wa dunia ambayo haijafunikwa na maji.
17. Bahari ni eneo kubwa la maji ya chumvi ambalo hufunika sehemu kubwa
ya uso wa dunia.\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
18. Bustani ni eneo lililopandwa miti, maua, nyasi, matunda au
19. Hali ya hewa ni hali ya anga katika eneo fulani maalumu kwa wakati
fulani. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
20. Miundombinu ni sura ya nchi kama milima na mabonde.
> **[Time: 1:30 Hours March 2024]{.underline}**
> Listen to the sentences read to you and write them.
> **Dictation**
1. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
2. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
3. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
4. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
5. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
\(a\) Look at the following pictures of animals and name them
6\. 7\. 8\. 9\. 10\.
---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
{width="1.21875in" {width="1.0in" {width="1.297509842519685in" {width="1.1666666666666667in" {width="1.3333333333333333in"
height="1.1373304899387577in"} height="1.1567957130358706in"} height="1.28125in"} height="1.199174321959755in"} height="1.2392541557305337in"}
11\. 12\. 13\. 14\. 15\.
{width="1.5641896325459317in" {width="1.21875in" {width="1.3333333333333333in" {width="1.0729166666666667in" {width="1.2291666666666667in"
height="0.6770833333333334in"} height="0.9329199475065617in"} height="0.7691097987751531in"} height="0.7303762029746281in"} height="0.8424978127734033in"}
16\. 17\. 18\. 19\. 20
{width="0.704760498687664in" {width="0.7708333333333334in" {width="1.0520833333333333in" {width="1.3020833333333333in" {width="1.3125in"
height="1.5413046806649169in"} height="0.750680227471566in"} height="0.8394674103237095in"} height="0.589420384951881in"} height="0.805in"}
**[Muda: Saa 1:30 MACHI 2024]{.underline}**
1. Taaluma ya uchunguzi wa kisayansi kuhusu masalia ya mambo ya kale na
utamaduni wa mwanadamu. (a) Akiolojia (b) Historia (c)
Makumbusho (d) Sayansi.
2. Taaluma inayohusu kusoma utamaduni wa historia ya maisha na
maendeleo ya binadamu Akiolojia (b) Historia (c)
**Anthropolojia** (d) Sayansi.
3. Kuoneshana tabia za adabu, kujali kwako na kwa watu wengine bila
ubaguzi.(a) **Kuheshimiana (b) Kushirikiana (c) Uhusiano (d)
4. **H**ali ya watu kuungana na kufanya jambo fulani kwa pamoja. (a)
**Kuheshimiana (b) Kushirikiana (c) Uhusiano (d) Vitendo.**
5. **M**aeneo yanayotumiwa kuhifadhi vitu vyenye historia na urithi wa
kiasili nkiutamaduni. (a) Maktaba (b) Ofisi (c) Makumbusho (d)
**Andika NDIYO kwa sentensi inayoashiria kitendo cha rushwa na HAPANA
kwa sentensi isiyoashiria kitendo cha rushwa.**
6. Mwanafunzi amepiga kelele darasani lakini kiranja wa darasa
hajaandika jina lake kwa vile ni ndugu au rafiki yake.
7. Mwalimu amempa alama za upendeleo mwanafunzi baada ya kupewa fedha
na mzazi wa mwanafunzi huyo. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
8. Mwanafunzi amechelewa kufika shuleni lakini hakuadhibiwa kwa vile
kiranja alinunuliwa andazi na mwanafunzi huyo.
9. Mlinzi nyumbani amepewa fedha ili auze mabati na saruji za ujenzi wa
nyumba. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
10. Mwalimu kutoa majibu ya mtihani kwa wanafunzi kwa sababu walimpa
zawadi siku yake ya kuzaliwa.
| **Sehemu A** | **Ji | **Sehemu B** |
| | bu** | |
| 11. Jumba la wafanyabiashara ya utumwa | | A. Kilwa kisiwani |
| | | > kaole |
| 12. Makumbusho ya Vita vya Majimaji | | B. Husuni Kubwa |
| 13. Maeneo yenye historia ya watumwa | | C. Oldupai |
| 14. Maarufu kwa michoro ya mapangoni | | D. Bagamoyo na |
| | | > Zanzibar |
| 15. Makanisa anayotumika ambayo ni | | E. Kilwa, Tongoni, |
| urithi wa Tanzania | | |
| | | > Pangani na |
| | | > |
| | | > Kunduchi |
| 16. Eneo lenye magofu na masalia yenye | | F. Laetoli |
| miji iliyotumiwa na | | |
| wafanyabiashara kutoka Mashariki | | |
| ya Mbali na Kati | | |
| 17. Gofu la ikulu ya sultani wa Kilwa | | G. Tanga |
| 18. Urithi wa misikiti ya kale | | H. Kondoa Irangi |
| 19. Kuligundulika binadamu wa kale | | I. |
| zaidi | | AnglikaniMkunazini, |
| | | |
| | | > Zanzibar, |
| | | > |
| | | > Azania Front |
| 20. Kuna nyayo za binadamu wa kale | | J. Caravan Serai |
| | | K. Songea |
**[Muda: Saa 1:30 MACHI 2024]{.underline}**
1. Umati au kundi kubwa la watu ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Halaiki (b)
Kundi (c) Mlolongo
2. Ujumbe unaokusudiwa katika kazi za sanaa ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a)
vichekesho (b) Dhamira (c) Wazo
3. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ni mashairi ya kujibizana baina ya watu
wawili au Zaidi. (a) Kwaya (b) shairi (c) Ngonjera
4. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ni mtu mwenye ustadi wa kazi ya Sanaa. (a)
Msanii (b) Mwalimu (c) Alikiba
5. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ni sanaa inayofikisha ujumbe kwa watazamaji
kwa njia ya kuchekesha. (a) Uimbaji (b) Uchongaji (c) Kichekesho
6. Igizo ni onesho linalofanyika wakati wa kuigiza.
7. Uigizaji ni kitendo cha uwasilishaji wa uhalisia wa maisha ya
mwanadamu katika mazingira yake.\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
8. Kuigiza ni kitendo cha kufuatisha kitu au jambo la
9. Uimbaji ni kitendo cha kutamka maneno katika hali ya kuimbika.
10. Mwalimu ni muimbaji. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
| 11. | Taarabu | A | Ni moja ya umuhimu wa |
| | | | uimbaji |
| 12. | kuelimisha | B | Ni aina ya maigizo |
| 13. | Maigizo bubu | C | Ni aina ya muziki uimbwao |
| | | | Tanzania |
| 14. | Komediani | D | Ni Sanaa ambayo msanii |
| | | | anajisifia |
| 15. | Majigambo | E | Ni mchekeshaji |
16. Kuna aina ngapi za uigizaji?
17. Taja Sanaa ya maonesho moja ipatikanayo katika eneo lako
18. Katika uimbaji tunatumia kiungo gani?
19. Igizo humalizika kwa furaha au \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
20. Mashairi ya kujibizana baina ya watu wawili au Zaidi ni
**[Muda: Saa 1:30 MACHI 2024]{.underline}**
1\. Andika tarakimu ya kila thamani ya nafasi katika namba
9825 katika nafasi zilizo wazi.
\(a\) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ipo thamani ya nafasi ya makumi.
\(b\) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ipo thamani ya nafasi ya mamoja.
\(c\) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ipo thamani ya nafasi ya maelfu.
\(d\) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ipo thamani ya nafasi ya mamia
2\. Jaza nafasi iliyoachwa wazi kwa kuandika thamani ya
nafasi ya tarakimu katika namba zifuatazo:
\(a\) 2968
6 ipo katika thamani ya nafasi ya \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_,
\(b\) 9801
9 ipo katika thamani ya nafasi ya \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_,
\(c\) 7236
2 ipo katika thamani ya nafasi ya \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_,
\(d\) 5649
9 ipo katika thamani ya nafasi ya \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
**3. Jaza tarakimu sahihi katika nafasi zilizoachwa wazi.**
\(a\) 1872 ina maelfu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ , mamia \_\_\_\_\_\_\_,
Makumi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ na mamoja \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.
\(b\) 2663 ina maelfu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, mamia \_\_\_\_\_\_\_,
Makumi \_\_\_\_\_\_ na mamoja \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ .
\(c\) 4793 ina maelfu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ , mamia \_\_\_\_\_\_\_,
makumi \_\_\_\_\_\_na mamoja\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ .
\(d\) 5187 ina maelfu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_, mamia \_\_\_\_\_\_ ,
Makumi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ na mamoja \_\_\_\_\_\_\_
**4. Andika tarakimu ambayo ina thamani ya nafasi ya**
**maelfu katika namba zifuatazo:**
\(a\) 7682
\(b\) 9501
\(c\) 8306
\(d\) 6412
**5. Andika thamani ya kila tarakimu katika namba nzima**
\(a\) 2345
\(b\) 1246
\(c\) 8769
\(d\) 9876
| | # Wizara Ya Elimu Na Mafunzo Ya Ufundi Mtihani Wa Taifa Wa Darasa La Nne - 2013
Mtihani huu una jumla ya maswali 25.
Jibu maswali yote kama ilivyoelekezwa.
Majibu ya maswali yote yaandikwe kwenye karatasi za mtihani huu.
Kumbuka kuandika jina lako, jina la shule, halmashauri na mkoa.
Simu za mkononi na kikokotoo haviruhusiwi kwenye chumba cha mtihani.
Majibu yote yaandikwe kwa kutumia kalamu ya wino wa bluu au mweusi.
ources at https://maktab
| 1. | 7999 | | |
| + 2001 | | | |
| 2. | 19678 | | |
| = | 796 | | |
| 3. | 593 | | |
| ×18 | | | |
| 4. | 17 1734 | | |
| 5. | Andika 49 kwa tarakimu za kirumi. | | |
| 6. | XI + IX = (Andika jawabu lako kwa tarakimu | | |
| za kawaida). | | | |
| 7. | 7 | 3 | |
| l | = | | |
| 9 | 9 | | |
| 8. | Dotto alisoma | | |
| alibakiza sehemu gani ya kitabu hicho? | | | |
| 9. | Andika jina la mstari huu ufuatao: | | |
| Q4 | +R | | |
| 10. | Umbo la pembetatu lina vipande vingapi vya | | |
| mstari? | | | |
| 11. | Tafuta mzingo wa umbo lifuatalo. | | |
| | sm. 19 | sm. 64 | |
| 12. | Tafuta eneo la mraba huu. | |
| | m. 24 | |
| 13. | Badili mm. 20 kuwa sm. | |
| 14. | Umbali kati ya mtaa wa Ujamaa na mtaa wa | |
| Jitegemee ni km. 45. Umbali huu ni sawa na | | |
| meta ngapi? | | |
| 15. | Amani hutembea km. 1 kila siku. Umbali huu | |
| ni sawa na meta ngapi? | | |
| 16. | Kuna 2-lita ngapi za maziwa katika lita 8 2 ? | |
| 17. | Ndoo moja ina ujazo wa lita 20 za maji. Ndoo | |
| ngapi zeńye ujażo hụo hụo zinaweza kujaza | | |
| pipa lenye ujazo wa lita 600 | | |
| 18. | Gramu 4500 + gramu 1500 = | |
| (Jawabu liwe katika kilogramu). | | |
| 19. | Kuna gramu ngapi katika kilogramu 18 ? | |
| 20. | Saa | Dakika |
| 3 | 45 | |
| + 4 | 17 | |
| 21. | Saa | Dakika |
| 4 | 30 | |
| - 1 | 40 | |
3 22.
| Grafu ifuatayo inaonesha idadi ya watalii | |
| waliotembelea hifadhi za taifa kwa kipindi cha | |
| miezi sita. | |
| 40 | |
| 36 | |
| 32 | |
| 28 | |
| 24 | |
| 20 | |
| ADI YA WATAI | 16 |
| 12 | |

| 4 | | | | | | |
| 0 | JAN. | FEB. | MAR, | APR. | MEI. | JUN |
| | | MIEZI | | | | |
| Je, ni watalii wangapi jumla walitembelea | | | | | | |
| mwezi Februari na Mei? | | | | | | |
| 23. | Sh.10000 - Sh.350 = | | | | | |
| 24. | Sh. | St. | | | | |
| 4670 | | 90 | | | | |
| + 2303 | | 75 | | | | |
| 25. | Pili alikwenda sokoni na kununua vifaa vifuatavyo:- | | | | | |
| Kabeji 2 @ sh.200 | | | | | | |
| Nyanya 3 @ sh.200 | | | | | | |
| Vitunguu 2 @ sh. 100 | | | | | | |
| Maharagwe kg. 2 @ sh.1200. | | | | | | |
| Ikiwa alikuwa na sh.5000 alirudishiwa shilingi ngapi. | | | | | | |
4 |
**Chagua jibu sahihi**
1. Kipi ni chanzo cha asili cha mwanga
<!-- -->
A. Radi
B. Mwezi \[ \]
C. Nyota
D. Jua
<!-- -->
2. Tunatambua sauti kwa kutumia
<!-- -->
A. Sikio
B. Pua \[ \]
C. Mdomo
D. Macho
<!-- -->
3. Vyakula vya sukari vinachangia uharibifu wa\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
<!-- -->
A. Ngozi
B. Meno \[ \]
C. Kinywa
D. Fizi
<!-- -->
4. Kitu chochote chenye uzito na kinachoweza kuchukua nafasi kinaitwa:-
<!-- -->
A. Mada
B. Maada \[ \]
C. Uzito
D. Jiwe
<!-- -->
5. Sumaku huvuta vitu vyenye asili ya \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
<!-- -->
A. Waya
B. Chuma \[ \]
C. Karatasi
D. Shaba
<!-- -->
6. Sifa za sauti ni kusharabiwa, kusafiri kuelekea Pande zote na
<!-- -->
A. Kuakisiwa
B. Kupiga kielele \[ \]
C. Kupaa
D. Kunyooka
<!-- -->
7. Uzito hupimwa kwa:-
<!-- -->
A. Kilogramu
B. Sentimeta \[ \]
C. Nyuzi
D. Meta
<!-- -->
8. Moja ya dalili za malalia ni
<!-- -->
A. Kuhara damu
B. Vipele \[ \]
C. Maumivu ya viungo
D. Kukojoa damu
<!-- -->
9. Makundi mawili ya viumbe hai ni:-
<!-- -->
A. Binadamu na wanyama
B. Binadamu na mimea \[ \]
C. Wanyama na mimea
D. Wanyama na wadudu
<!-- -->
10. Aina mbili za mashine ni:-
<!-- -->
A. Mashine ngumu na laini
B. Mashine tata na rahisi \[ \]
C. Mashine ya kusaga na kukoboa
D. Mashine rahisi na ngumu
<!-- -->
11. Kuna ogani \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_za fahamu.
<!-- -->
A. Saba
B. Sita
C. Tatu
D. Tano
**Andika Kweli AU si kweli**
12. Sauti hutokana mitetemeko ya maada\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
13. Hali joto hupimwa kwa kutumia thermometa\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
14. Simu ni kifaa kinachotumika kwa
15. Alama za ilani si muhimu kuwekwa
16. Maada zote zinauwezo wa kuelea hewani\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
**Oanisha fungu A na B ili kuleta maana.**
| **FUNGU A** | **FUNGU B** |
| 17. Sauti iliyorudishwa | A. Jumla ya vitu vyote |
| | vinavyomzunguka kiumbe |
| 18. Maada | |
| | B. Kitu chochote chenye uzito na |
| 19. Mazingira | kinachchukua nafasi |
| | |
| 20. Ulimi | C. Mwangwi |
| | |
| 21. VVU | D. Husafiri katika mstari mnyoofu |
| | |
| 22. Mwanga | E. Kubaini ladha ya vitu |
| | |
| | F. Virusi vya ukimwi |
| | |
| | G. Maambukizi |
| | |
| | H. Kuona giza |
| | |
| | I. Sauti nyembamba |
**[Jibu kwa ufupi maswali yafuatayo:]{.underline}**
23. Eleza maana ya
24. Maji yaliyoganda
25. Joto husafiri kwa njia
26. Milango mitano ya fahamu ni macho, pua, masikio,ngozi
27. Joto huasafiri katika vitu yabisi kwa njia ya
28. **29. 30.**
MWAKA 2020.**
Chagua jibu sahihi kutoka herufi A, B, na C
1. Jumuiya ya maendeleo kusini mwa Afrika
**[MUDA: SAA 2:30 Alhamisi, 2 Disemba 2021 mchana]{.underline}**
- Mtihani huu una sehemu A, B, C, D na E
- Jibu maswali yote kutoka sehemu A, B, C na D na jibu swali moja
kutoka sehemu E
- Zingatia maagizo ya kila sehemu na kila swali
- Andika jina lako katika kila ukurasa wa karatasi lako la majibu
> **SEHEMU A (Alama 15)**
> 1\. Soma kifungu cha habari kifuatacho, kisha jibu maswali yafuatayo.
> Pamela alikuwa ni binti apataye miaka saba alipokuwa anaanza kusoma
> darasa la kwanza katika shule ya msingi Maji Moto. Alikuwa na tabia,
> sura na umbo zuri. Pia alikuwa na uwezo mkubwa darasani na ndoto ya
> kusoma mpaka chuo kikuu na kuishi maisha mazuri baadaye. Kutokana na
> tabia yake na uwezo wake mzuri darasani, walimu walimpenda sana na
> kumtia moyo mara kwa mara katika masomo yake.
> Tabia ya Pamela ilianza kubadilika siku hadi siku alipofika darasa la
> sita baada ya kufikisha umri wa [kuvunja ungo]{.underline}. Kwani
> alianza [kunawili]{.underline} na umbo lake likazidi kuonekana vizuri.
> Mabadiliko hayo yalitokana na yeye kujiingiza katika suala la mapenzi
> ambapo alifuatwa na wavulana wengi kwa sababu ya umbile lake la
> kuvutia.
> Baada ya kuhitimu elimu ya msingi, Pamela alijiunga na elimu ya
> sekondari na hapo ndipo suala la mapenzi kwake lilizidi kupamba moto
> zaidi mpaka kufikia hatua ya kutojali kitu chochote duniani. Yeyote
> yule ambaye angejitokeza kumueleza habari za mapenzi hakuweza kukataa.
> Kutokana na tabia hiyo watu walimfananisha na daladala ambayo hupandwa
> na kila mtu, ATM mashine ambayo kila kadi huingia na
> [dampo]{.underline} ambapo kila uchafu hutupwa. Raha ilipanda mpaka
> chuo kikuu ambapo alifikia hatua ya kutoa mimba hovyo hovyo bila
> kuwaza njia zitumikazo kuzuia, na washauri waliomshauri aliwaona kama
> takataka (hawafai).
> Hatimaye Pamela alihitimu masomo yake na sasa amepata mchumba na ndoa
> ikatangazwa kanisani siku hiyo [halaiki]{.underline} ya watu
> walihudhuria kwenye sherehe hiyo na ilikuwa ni vifijo, nderemo na
> shangwe. Baada ya miezi mitano Pamela alipata homa kali na kukimbia
> Hospitali kupima afya yake. Daktari alibaini kuwa ana ugonjwa unaoitwa
> UKIMWI pia alipoteza uwezo wa kubeba mimba.
> Maskini Pamela alisikitika sana alivyopata taarifa hizo na mwisho
> daktari alimshauri ameze dawa, ale matunda, afanye mazoezi, apumzishe
> mwili wake, aishi kwa mienendo iliyo bora ya kusali na kumrudia au
> kumwabudu mwenyezi Mungu.
> \(i\) Andika kichwa cha habari uliyosoma
> \(ii\) Eleza maana ya maneno yaliyopigiwa mstari
> \(iii\) Daktari alimshauri nini Pamela baada ya kupima? (Taja hoja
> mbili)
> \(iv\) Ni sababu ipi iliyopelekea tabia ya Pamela kubadilika?
> 2\. Fupisha habari hii kwa maneno yasiyopungua 80 na yasiyozidi 90.
> **SEHEMU B (Alama 15)**
> 3\. (a) Sarufi ni nini?
> \(b\) Taja aina nne za sarufi
> 4\. (a) Taja hoja tano za umuhimu wa kutumia lugha kwa ufasaha katika
> mawasiliano
> \(b\) Bainisha dhima tano za lugha katika mawasiliano
> **SEHEMU C (Alama 20)**
> 5\. Ainisha aina za maneno katika sentensi zifuatazo
> \(i\) Wanafunzi wetu wanacheza uwanjani
> \(ii\) Kiti chetu ni kizuri
> \(iii\) Mwalimu ameingia darasani
> \(iv\) He! Simu yake inaita mara kwa mara
> \(v\) Ndizi za Kigoma zimeiva vizuri sana
> 6\. (a) Eleza maana ya kielezi
> \(b\) Orodhesha aina nne za vielezi
> 7\. (a) Eleza maana ya kamusi
> \(b\) Taja matumizi manne ya kamusi
> \(c\) Taja taarifa tano zinazohusu [neno]{.underline} zinazoingizwa
> katika kamusi
> **SEHEMU D (Alama 40)**
> 8\. Taja tanzu nne za fasihi simulizi na uorodheshe vipera vinne kwa
> kila utanzu ulioutaja
> 9\. (a) Eleza kwa kifupi maana ya maneno yafuatayo
> i/ Uhakiki ii/ Fasihi iii/ Maudhui iv/ Sanaa v/ Hadhira
> \(b\) Taja vipengele vitano vinavyounda fani
> \(c\) Bainisha tofauti tano zilizopo kati ya fasihi simulizi na fasihi
> andishi
> **SEHEMU E (Alama 10)**
> Jibu swali **moja** tu katika sehemu hii
> 10\. Andika barua ya kirafiki kwa kuzingatia kanuni za uandishi wa
> barua, ukimweleza shangazi yako kuwa atume hela ya nauli kwa sababu
> shule itafungwa tarehe 10/12/2021. Na kila mwanafunzi anatakiwa
> aondoke shuleni tarehe hiyohiyo ya kufunga shule. Anuani yako iwe
> Shule ya sekondari Mwanamalundi, S.L.P 140, Ngalitu. Huku jina lako
> liwe Furaha Karunguyeye.
> 11\. Andika insha inayohusiana na mada mojawapo kati ya hizi
> zifuatazo. Elezea hoja nne tu.
BIOLOGY - F3. | <table>
<col style="width: 7%" />
<col style="width: 8%" />
<col style="width: 3%" />
<col style="width: 2%" />
<col style="width: 8%" />
<col style="width: 4%" />
<col style="width: 2%" />
<col style="width: 13%" />
<col style="width: 11%" />
<col style="width: 9%" />
<col style="width: 5%" />
<col style="width: 12%" />
<col style="width: 9%" />
<tr class="header">
<tr class="odd">
<p>Group of organisms according to their similarities and
<p>Classify organisms in their respective kingdoms phylum/division and
<p>Kingdom plantae. Division Canifero Phyla</p>
<p>students to observe the collected plants.</p>
<li><p>Leading of a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on general and distinctive features of the division
canifero phyla.</p>
<li><p>Leading a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the structure of pine.</p>
<li><p>Leading a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of plants under
division coniferophyla.</p></td>
<li><p>Observing the</p></li>
<p>collected and displayed plants and record the observable
<p>general and distinctive features of the division.</p>
<li><p>Discussing the</p></li>
<p>structure of pine drawing and labelling it.</p>
<p>advantages and disadvantages of plants under division
<li><p>A variety</p></li>
<p>of conifers</p>
<li><p>Pictures of</p></li>
<p>conifers e.g. Pine, cypress, spruce, cedar.</p>
<p>(fresh or preserved)</p></td>
<p>Biology Form 3 & 4 (TIE) & Fundamentals of Biology Book 3 J.M
Mwaniki & G.G Geoffrey & Human Biology Zambek Publiehers.</p>
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<p>Group of organisms according to their similarities and
<p>Classify organisms in their respective kingdoms phylum/division and
<p><strong>DIVISION ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA (Flowering Plants)</strong></p>
<p>students and guiding them on observing variety of flowering
<li><p>Leading a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on general and declarative features of division
<li><p>Leading a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the structure of representative of representative
plants of class Monocotyledon and Dicotyledon.</p></td>
<li><p>Students in</p></li>
<p>their groups to observe a variety of flowering plants and record
their observable features.</p>
<li><p>Discussing the</p></li>
<p>general and distinctive features of division Angiospermophyta.</p>
<li><p>Discussing the</p></li>
<p>structure of representative plants of the two classes.</p>
<li><p>Drew and label</p></li>
<p>the representative plants under each class.</p></td>
<p>from dicots and monocots.</p>
<li><p>Fruits and</p></li>
<p>seeds of flowering plants.</p>
<li><p>A variety</p></li>
<p>of flowering plants.</p></td>
<td>Students should be able to explain general and distinctive features
of division Angiospermophyta.</td>
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<td><p>Grouping students and guiding them in observing variety of
flowering plants.</p>
<p>-Leading a class discussion on:-</p>
<p>General and distinctive features of division Angiospermophyta.</p>
<p>The classes and general and distinctive features of class
Monocotyledoneae and Dicotyledoneae.</p>
<p>The structure of representative plants of class Monocotyledoneae and
<td><p>Students in their groups to observe a variety of flowering plants
and record the observed features.</p>
<p>Discussing the general and distinactive features of division
<p>Discussing the general and distinactive features of the class of
<p>Discussing the structure of representative plants of the two classes
and then draw and label the representative plants.</p></td>
<p>from dicots and monocots</p>
<li><p>Fruits and</p></li>
<p>seeds of flowering plants.</p>
<li><p>A variety of</p></li>
<p>flowering plants.</p>
<li><p>A variety of</p></li>
<p>monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants.</p>
<p>Grains (maize, wheat, rice, millet)</p>
<p>Mature young bean and maize plants.</p>
<p>Charts showing characteristics of classes of the division</p></td>
<td><p>-The students should be able to Explain general and distinctive
features of division Angiospermophyta.</p>
<p>Outline the distinctive features of each class of the division
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>Organizing a</p></li>
<p>brainstorming session on advantages and disadvantages of kingdom
Plantae division Angiospermophyta.</p>
<li><p>To clarify students</p></li>
<li><p>Brainstorm on</p></li>
<p>the advantages and disadvantage of Kingdom Plantae, division
<li><p>A charts on</p></li>
<p>the representative plants under the division
<td>Students should be able to explain advantages and disadvantages
<tr class="even">
<td>Demonstrate approximate use of biological knowledge, concepts,
principles and skills in evaluating the roles of various physiological
processes in plants and animals.</td>
<td>Acquire basic knowledge, principles, concepts and skills in
evaluating the roles of physiological processes in plants and
<td>Concept of Movement and Locomotion.</td>
<p>students to brainstorm on the meaning of movement and locomotion.</p>
<li><p>Leading a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on differences between the two concepts.</p>
<p>students in groups to discuss the importance of movement in plants
and animals.</p>
<li><p>Design activity for</p></li>
<p>students to demonstrate movement and locomotion.</p></td>
<p>on meaning of movement and locomotion.</p>
<li><p>Discuss the</p></li>
<p>differences between movement and locomotion.</p>
<li><p>In groups to</p></li>
<p>discuss the importance of movement in plants and animals.</p>
<li><p>In groups, to</p></li>
<p>perform various actions depicting movement and locomotion.</p></td>
<li><p>Variety of</p></li>
<p>Organisms such as insects fish and mouse.</p>
<li><p>Charts on</p></li>
<p>locomotion/movement of different organisms.</p>
<p>drawings of various organisms depicting movement and
<td><p>Giving quiz to observe how accurate can the student explain the
concepts of movement and locomotion.</p>
<p>Observing of the student can be able to demonstrate movement
locomotion actions.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2">2</td>
<td>Guiding students through questions and answers to give differences
between movement and locomotion.</td>
<td>Pointing the differences between movement and locomotion.</td>
<td>Variety of organisms such as insects, fish and mouse.</td>
<td>Give out quick to check if students can accurately explain the
concept of movement and locomotion.</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>Movement of the human body.</p>
<p>The Human skeletal system.</p>
<p>Guiding students in</p>
<p>groups in examining the model of human skeleton.</p>
<p>Leading a class</p>
<p>discussion on the structure of the human skeleton and its major
<p>Guiding students in</p>
<p>groups to discuss the adaptation of the major components of the human
<li><p>In groups,</p></li>
<p>examining the picture /model of human skeleton and identify its major
<p>structure of the human skeleton and draw a well labelled diagram of
<li><p>In groups</p></li>
<p>discuss the adaptations of the major components of the human
<li><p>Model of</p></li>
<p>Human skeleton.</p>
<p>drawing of the major components of human skeleton.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2">2 & 3</td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>M</p>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Muscles and Movement</p>
<td rowspan="2">6</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<p>Organizing a</p>
<p>brainstorming session on machining of muscles</p>
<p>Leading a class</p>
<p>discussion on types of muscles.</p>
<li><p>Brainstorm on</p></li>
<p>meaning of muscles.</p>
<li><p>Observing in</p></li>
<p>groups charts/models pictures of different muscles and identity their
<li><p>Charts/diagrams/picture of different types of muscles.</p></li>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Administer quiz to see the ability of a student to
explain how muscles facilitate movement.</p>
<p>To check if the student is able to describe the structure of muscles
by asking question.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<li><p>Design an activity</p></li>
<p>for students to demonstrate the role of muscles in movement.</p>
<p>To lead a class</p>
<p>discussion on the structure of muscles.</p>
<li><p>In pairs to</p></li>
<p>perform various actions depicting the role of muscles in
<li><p>In groups to</p></li>
<p>observe/diagrams of muscles and discuss its structure.</p>
<li><p>To draw and</p></li>
<li><p>label the structure of biceps, during bending and stretching of
the arm.</p></li>
<li><p>Charts/diagrams/photograph of muscles</p></li>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">do-</td>
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2">4</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>2.3 Movement in plants.</p>
<td rowspan="2">4</td>
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the adaptations of different types of muscles to their
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>in groups through questions and answer to discuss on causes, effects
and preventive measures of muscles craps.</p></td>
<li><p>In groups to</p></li>
<p>observe pictures/diagrams of different types of muscles and discuss
their adaptations.</p>
<li><p>In groups to</p></li>
<p>discuss causes, effects and preventive measures of muscles cramps</p>
<li><p>Models/pictures/diagrams of muscles.</p></li>
<td>To check if a student is able to explain causes, effects and
preventive measures of muscle cramps by giving a short test.</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>in observing plants showing movement in plants.</p>
<li><p>To organize</p></li>
<p>students in groups and their discuss movement exhibited by plants and
their importance.</p>
<li><p>To make</p></li>
<p>clarification and conclusion on meaning and importance of movement
exhibited by plants.</p>
<li><p>Leading a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the types of movement exhibited by plants.</p></td>
<p>polled plants showing movement and record their findings.</p>
<li><p>In groups to</p></li>
<p>discuss movement exhibited by plants and their importance and then
<li><p>To discuss in groups on the types of movement exhibited by
<p>diagrams and charts showing movement in plants.</p>
<p>showing movement of curvature.</p>
<li><p>A variety of plants showing movement exhibited by
<td><p>To check if a students is able to explain the concept of movement
by giving quiz.</p>
<p>students in groups investigating movement in plants.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>Provide guidelines</p></li>
<p>to students for performing experiments to investigate movement
exhibited by plants.</p>
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on findings, making clarifications and
<li><p>Students in</p></li>
<p>groups by using guidelines to perform experiments to investigate
movement exhibited by plants and record their findings.</p>
<li><p>To presents their findings.</p></li>
<li><p>Potted plants.</p></li>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="13"><strong>MID TERM TESTS AND MIDTERM BREAK</strong></td>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<td>Demonstrate appropriate use of biological knowledge concepts,
principles and skills in evaluating the role of various physiological
processes in animals.</td>
<td>Acquire basic knowledge, principles, concepts, and skills in
evaluating the role of physiological processes in animals.</td>
<p>Concept of coordination</p>
<li><p>To guide students in group to discuss meaning and importance of
<li><p>To make clarification and conclusion.</p></li>
<li><p>To guide students in observing charts/diagrams/pictures showing
main components of nervous coordination.</p></li>
<li><p>To lead a class discussion on the ways in which coordination is
brought about.</p></li>
<li><p>To discuss in their groups meaning and importance of coordination
and present their tasks.</p></li>
<li><p>To observe</p></li>
<p>charts/diagrams/pictures showing main components of nervous
coordination and discuss the role of each components.</p>
<li><p>In groups to</p></li>
<p>discuss the ways in which coordination is brought.</p></td>
<li><p>Hot objects</p></li>
<li><p>Sharp object</p></li>
<li><p>Live specimen of insects and small mammals.</p></li>
<li><p>Game or puzzle charts on nervous coordination process.</p></li>
<td><p>To check if a student’s is able to:-</p>
<li><p>Explain the concept of coordination in organisms.</p></li>
<li><p>Outline ways in which coordination is brought about by giving
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<td>Nervous coordination in Human Neurones.</td>
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the structures of motors, sensory and neurones.</p>
<p>students in groups and ask them to discuss on the roles of motor,
sensory and relay neurones.</p>
<li><p>To summarize</p></li>
<p>students responses, make general comments and necessary
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups in structure of motor, sensory and relay neurons.</p>
<li><p>To discuss on</p></li>
<p>the role of motor, sensory and relay neurons and present their
<p>ures/photographs of neurons</p>
<p>slides of neurones</p>
<li><p>A chart</p></li>
<p>showing summary of the roles of motor, sensory and relay
<p>To check if the student can:-</p>
<li><p>Describe the structure of motors, sensory and relay
<p>Explain the role of motor sensory and relay neurones.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>Central Nervous System (CNS)</td>
<p>To organize a brain</p>
<p>storming session on meaning of central nervous system (CNS).</p>
<p>To summarize</p>
<p>students responses and give general comments and conclusion.</p>
<p>To guide students</p>
<p>in groups to identify the components of the central nervous system
and discuss their roles.</p>
<p>Brainstorm on meaning of CNS</p>
<p>In group to</p>
<p>identify the components of the CNS and discuss their roles.</p></td>
<li><p>Charts of</p></li>
<p>the Central Nervous System.</p>
<li><p>Diagrams /</p></li>
<p>models of brain and spinal cord.</p></td>
<li><p>To check if the</p></li>
<p>students able to give meaning of CNS, identify, components of the CNS
and their functions by giving quiz.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>To guide students in groups to observe models/diagrams of the
spinal cord and brain and discuss their structure.</p></li>
<li><p>To observe models/diagrams of brain and spinal cord, discuss
their structures.</p></li>
<li><p>Draw and label the structure of brain and spinal cord.</p></li>
<li><p>Models of brain and spinal cord.</p></li>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2">1</td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>C</p>
<p>Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)</p>
<p>Organizing a</p>
<p>brainstorming session on meaning of PNS.</p>
<p>To summarize,</p>
<p>make corrections and conclusion.</p>
<p>To lead a class</p>
<p>discussion on components of PNS</p>
<li><p>Give meaning</p></li>
<li><p>Discuss the components of PNS in groups.</p></li>
<li><p>Photograph / charts showing the structure of PNS</p></li>
<td>Asking oral questions to check if the student is able to give
meaning of PNS & identify its components.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>Reflex Action</p>
<li><p>To design</p></li>
<p>Activities for students to demonstrate the reflex action.</p>
<p>To lead students</p>
<p>to discuss the meaning of reflex action.</p></td>
<p>Activities showing reflex actions.</p>
<li><p>To discuss</p></li>
<p>meaning of reflex action.</p></td>
<li><p>Hot objects</p></li>
<li><p>Live insects or small mammals.</p></li>
<li><p>Toys (snake, scorpion)</p></li>
<td>To check of the students is able to given meaning of reflex action
by asking questions.</td>
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>A P R I L</strong></p>
<p>& 2</p></td>
<p>Reflex Action</p>
<li><p>To display the charts/diagrams showing the neurotic pathway of a
reflex action.</p></li>
<li><p>To lead a class discussion pathway of a reflex action.</p></li>
<li><p>To design activities for students to demonstrate simple reflex
action and conditional actions.</p></li>
<li><p>To lead a class discussion on the differences between simple
reflex action and conditioned reflex action.</p></li>
<li><p>Observe and identify the components of neurotic pathway of reflex
<li><p>To discuss the neurotic pathway of a reflex action.</p></li>
<li><p>In groups to demonstrate simple and conditional reflex actions
and record their findings.</p></li>
<li><p>To discuss the differences between simple and conditional reflex
<li><p>Charts/diagrams showing neurotic pathway of a reflex
<li><p>Charts/drawings of simple conditional reflex actions.</p></li>
<li><p>Video/radio tapes showing simple and conditional reflex
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Sense Organs</p>
<p>To guide students in groups to observe models/pictures/diagrams and
brainstorm on meaning of sense organ, identify them and their related
<p>Lead students to discuss in groups structure of each sense organ.</p>
<p>Leading a class discussion on the role of each sense organ and its
adaptive features.</p>
<li><p>Brainstorm on</p></li>
<p>of sense organ, identify them and state their relative position.</p>
<li><p>Discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups structure of sense organ and draw and label the human ear,
eye, nose tongue and s. Of the skin.</p>
<li><p>Discussing role</p></li>
<p>of each sense organ and its adaptive features.</p></td>
<li><p>Charts of different sense organs.</p></li>
<li><p>Charts/models/photographs of different sense organs.</p></li>
<td><p>Check if a students is able to:-</p>
<li><p>Explain meaning of sense organ.</p></li>
<li><p>Identify types of sense organs.</p></li>
<li><p>Describe structure of each sense organ .</p></li>
<li><p>State functions of sense organ by giving test.</p></li>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<p>Drug and drug abuse in Relation to Nevours Coordination.</p>
<p>To lead students to discuss in groups meaning of drug and drug abuse
in relation to nervous coordination.</p>
<li><p>In groups to discuss meaning of drug and drug abuse in relation
to nervous coordination.</p></li>
<li><p>Video/film on effect of drug and substance abuse</p></li>
<li><p>Simple drugs.</p></li>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">.</td>
<td rowspan="2">Apply appropriate skills in managing problems related
drug/substance abuse</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>MAY & APRIL</strong></p>
<td rowspan="2"><p>4</p>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<p>Drugs and Drug abuse in relation to nervous coordination.</p>
<li><p>To invite heath</p></li>
<p>practitioner officer to talk on drug addiction, its causes and
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>to clarify major issues and make conclusion.</p>
<li><p>Organize students</p></li>
<p>in groups and discuss on preventive and control measures of drug
<li><p>Use students</p></li>
<p>correspondence and make clarification.</p></td>
<li><p>To summarize</p></li>
<p>major points from the guest speaker presentation.</p>
<li><p>Prepare project</p></li>
<p>on cases of drug addiction in their surrounding community.</p>
<li><p>Discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups on preventive and control measures of drug abuse.</p></td>
<li><p>Brounchure and fliers on causes and effects of drug
<li><p>Posters of drug addicts or users.</p></li>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>Hormonal Coordination</p>
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the location of the endocrine glands in the mammalian
body and types of hormones produced by each gland</p></td>
<li><p>To draw the</p></li>
<p>diagram to show location of endocrine glands in human body.</p></td>
<p>ams of endocrine glands and hormones produced by each gland.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2">Demonstrate appropriate use of biological knowledge,
concepts, principles and skills in evaluating the role of various
physiological activities in plants and animals.</td>
<td rowspan="2">Acquire basic knowledge principles, concepts and skills
in evaluating the role of physiological processes in plants and
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2"><p>1</p>
<td rowspan="2"><p>C</p>
<td>.Hormonal Endocrine Coordination</td>
<li><p>Land a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the:</p>
<p>between endocrine and exocrine glands.</p>
<li><p>Role of each</p></li>
<p>hormone in the mammalian body.</p>
<li><p>Disorders of</p></li>
<p>hormonal coordination due to hyper and hypo-secretion on insulin, GH,
ADH and throxine.</p></td>
<li><p>Discuss the</p></li>
<p>difference between endocrine and exocrine glands.</p>
<li><p>Role of each</p></li>
<p>hormone in mammalian body</p>
<li><p>Disorders of</p></li>
<p>hormonal coordination due to hyper- and hypo- secretion of mentioned
<li><p>Pictures/photographs of disorders of hormal coordination. Eg.
Goitre gigantism and dwarfisim.</p></li>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><p>Coordination in plants. Concepts of</p>
<p>Topic Nastic responses</p></td>
<li><p>Guide students</p></li>
<p>to observe potted plants in all round light and unilateral light and
record their observations.</p>
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>to give meaning of topic and nastic responses through questions and
<li><p>Observe plants</p></li>
<p>and records observations.</p>
<li><p>Give meaning of</p></li>
<p>topic and nastic Reponses.</p></td>
<li><p>Potted plants.</p></li>
<li><p>Mimos plant</p></li>
<li><p>Charts/photographs or pictures of topic responses.</p></li>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Coordination in plants</p>
<li><p>Provide students</p></li>
<p>with guidelines for practical activity on the effects of topic and
nastic plants.</p>
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>in discussing on the importance of hydro-geo-photo and chemo-
tropisms in plants.</p>
<li><p>To lead</p></li>
<p>discussion, make general and conclusion on the significance of
tropisms and nastic responses in plants.</p></td>
<li><p>Using guidelines</p></li>
<p>to carry out experiments to investigate the effects of tropic and
nastic in plants and record their findings.</p>
<li><p>To discuss on</p></li>
<p>groups the importance of hydro –geo-photo and chemo-tropism in
<li><p>To outline</p></li>
<p>significance of tropism in plants.</p></td>
<li><p>Potted plants subjects to all round –light and unidirectional
<li><p>Charts to show examples of tropic responses.</p></li>
<li><p>Mimosa plant.</p></li>
<td><p>Biology Form</p>
<p>3 & 4</p>
<p>(TIE) 2007</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<li><p>Organize a brainstorming session on meaning of excretion</p></li>
<li><p>To lead students to name excretory.</p></li>
<li><p>To brainstorm on meaning of excretion.</p></li>
<li><p>Models of kidney.</p></li>
<li><p>Diagram / charts of excretory system.</p></li>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="13"><strong>TERMINAL EXAMS - LONG VACATION</strong></td>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">Demonstrate appropriate use of biological knowledge,
concepts, principles and skills in evaluating the roles of various
processes in plants and animals.</td>
<td rowspan="2">Acquire basic knowledge principles, concepts and skills
in evaluating the role of physiological processes in plants and
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2">3</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>E X C R E T I O N</p>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Excretion In Human</p>
<li><p>To lead students to discuss on the types on the types of
excretory organs in human.</p></li>
<li><p>To dissect any small mammal and display the urinary
<li><p>To lead students to discuss the structure of the urinary system
and its adaptive features.</p></li>
<li><p>To organize students in groups and brainstorm on the process of
urine formation.</p></li>
<li><p>To make clarification.</p></li>
<li><p>To discuss the types of excretory organs in human.</p></li>
<li><p>To observe the urinary system and identify the
<li><p>To discuss and draw the structure of human urinary
<li><p>To discuss the process of urine formation in groups.</p></li>
<li><p>Dissecting kit.</p></li>
<li><p>Models/charts pictures showing human urinary system.</p></li>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>E</p>
<p>Complication and disorder of excretory sysem.</p>
<li><p>To prepare a case study on common disorders of the excretory
<li><p>To lead students in groups discuss on causes, symptoms, effects
and control measures of disorders and complications of the excretory
<li><p>To discuss on the case study.</p></li>
<li><p>In groups to discuss of causes, symptoms, effects and control
measures of disorders and complications the excretory system.</p></li>
<li><p>Charts/diagrams of the urinary system and associated disorders
and complications.</p></li>
<li><p>Charts/models/pictures showing urinary system.</p></li>
<td><p>Human biology</p>
<p>Zambak Publishers.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<p>Excretion in plants.</p>
<li><p>To lead students through question and answers to mention ways by
which plants get rid of excretory products and give examples .</p></li>
<li><p>To make general comment and conclusion on different types of
excretory products eliminated by plants.</p></li>
<li><p>To summarize major points and list down types of excretory
products eliminated by plants.</p></li>
<li><p>Sample of plant excretory products such as gum, latex
<td><p>Biology Form</p>
<p>3 & 4</p>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2">2</td>
<li><p>To lead students</p></li>
<p>in groups to discuss the importance of excretory products of
<li><p>To discuss in groups on the importance of excretory products of
<li><p>A chart showing various plants and their waste products.</p></li>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>R E G U L A T I O N</p>
<p>Concept of Regulation</p>
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>in groups to discuss the meaning of regulation and its
<li><p>To lead a plenary</p></li>
<p>discussion and make clarification and conclusion of the concept of
regulation and its importance.</p>
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the types of regulations; temperature regulation,
regulation of water and mineral salts in animals.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss the meaning of regulation and its importance.</p></li>
<li><p>To discuss groups on the types of regulation.</p></li>
<li><p>A chart showing the process of regulation in animals.</p></li>
<li><p>Charts /pictures /diagrams showing various types of
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<td>2 & 3</td>
<p>R E G U L A T I O N</p>
<p>Temperature Regulation in Animals.</p>
<li><p>Guide students in</p></li>
<p>group to perform experiments to determine the temperature of a frog
and a small mammal under different conditions.</p>
<p>misconceptions and make conclusion.</p>
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the temperature regulation in mammals.</p>
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the structure of the skin in relation to temperature
regulation (vasoconstriction and Vasodilation)</p></td>
<li><p>In groups to</p></li>
<p>determine the temperature of a frog and a small mammal, under
different conditions and record their findings.</p>
<li><p>Divide the</p></li>
<p>experimental animals into two groups; ectoderms and endodermis.</p>
<li><p>In pairs, carry</p></li>
<p>out practical exercise on measuring body temperature before and after
performing exercise and report that findings.</p>
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups the body reactions when temperature of the surrounding is
lower and when is higher than body temperature.</p>
<li><p>Draw an label</p></li>
<p>section of the skin showing vasoconstriction and
<li><p>Toad /Frog</p></li>
<p>mammal (rat, mouse, rabbit_</p>
<li><p>A clinical thermometer.</p></li>
<li><p>A chart</p></li>
<p>showing a table for recording body temperature.</p>
<p>ams showing the reaction of the skin under different conditions (hot
and cold)</p></td>
<td><p>Fundamentals of Biology Book 3</p>
<p>(J.M. Mwanki</p>
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<p>Osmo - regulation in mammals</p>
<li><p>Lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss on meaning of osmoregulation and its
<li><p>To make</p></li>
<p>Clarification and conclusion on meaning and importance.</p>
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>through question and answer to mention factors which may affect the
contents of salt and water in the body.</p>
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>in groups to categorize factors which may salt and water
<li><p>Discuss the meaning and importance of osmoregulation.</p></li>
<li><p>To mention the factors which may affect the contents of salt and
water in the body.</p></li>
<li><p>Present their task and categorize the factors.</p></li>
<p>pictures photographs or diagrams showing osmoregultion in
<p>pictures showing the structure of a nephron.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<p>Blood Sugar regulation in mammals</p>
<li><p>Lead students to</p></li>
<p>discuss on how hormones regulate sugar level in the blood (insulin
and glucagon.</p>
<p>To guide</p>
<p>students summarize major ideas and make conclusion on the mechanism
of regulation sugar level.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss in groups how hormones regulate sugar level in the
blood and present their task.</p></li>
<li><p>Pictures /charts photographs showing mechanisms of regulation
sugar level in the blood.</p></li>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>R E G U L A T I O N</p>
<p>Blood sugar regulation</p>
<li><p>To assign tasks to</p></li>
<p>students in group to read literatures and outlines the causes,
symptoms and effects of high and low sugar level in the blood.</p>
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>to summarize major ideas and make conclusion on the mechanisms of
regulating sugar level in the blood.</p></td>
<li><p>Students to read</p></li>
<p>on literature and outlines the causes, symptoms and effects of high
and low sugar level in the blood and present their tasks.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>R E P R O D U C T I O N</p>
<p>Concept of reproduction.</p>
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Demonstrate, appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts,
principles and skills in evaluating the role of various physiological
processes in plants and animals.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>Acquire basic knowledge, principle and skills in evaluating the role
of physiological processes in plants and animals.</p>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2">3</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>R E P R O D U C T I O N</p>
<p>Concept of reproduction</p>
<p>To guide students</p>
<p>to discuss the meaning and importance of reproduction.</p>
<p>To summarize</p>
<p>students responses and make necessary clarification.</p>
<p>To observe a</p>
<p>variety of organism which reproduce by seeds or vegetable.</p>
<p>To lead a plenary</p>
<p>discussion, make general comments and conclusion.</p>
<li><p>To discuss the</p></li>
<p>meaning and importance of reproduction.</p>
<li><p>To observe a</p></li>
<p>variety of organisms displayed and discuss in groups the ways in
which the plants reproduce by asexual or sexual reproduction.</p>
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction and
present their group task.</p></td>
<li><p>Flip charts</p></li>
<li><p>V.I.P.P cards carrying key message on reproduction</p></li>
<li><p>Variety of organism.</p></li>
<td><p>Biology Forms 3 & 4</p>
<tr class="even">
<p>Meiosis and Reproduction</p>
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>to brainstorm the meaning of meiosis using charts/photograph and
models showing stages of meiosis.</p>
<li><p>To summarize</p></li>
<p>students responses and make conclusion.</p>
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the significance of meiosis in relation to
<li><p>To brainstorm the</p></li>
<p>meaning of meiosis.</p>
<li><p>To discuss on the</p></li>
<p>significance of meiosis in relation to reproduction.</p></td>
<li><p>Charts/photographs showing stages of meiosis.</p></li>
<li><p>Models showing stages of meiosis.</p></li>
<td>Fundamentals of Biology Book 3.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>S E P T E M E B E R</p>
<td rowspan="2">4</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>R E P R O D U C T I O N</p>
<li><p>To display charts/photographs/diagrams showing the events taking
place in each stage of meiosis process.</p></li>
<li><p>To lead a plenary discussion and make reflection on students
responses to summarize major idea.</p></li>
<li><p>To observe the events taking place in meiosis and outline
<li><p>Present for class discuss.</p></li>
<li><p>Prepare microscope slide on stages of meiosis</p></li>
<p>photographs models showing stages of meiosis.</p></td>
<td>Human Biology Zambak Publishers.</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>Reproductive in flowering plants.</p>
<p>The structure of the flower.</p>
<li><p>To provide</p></li>
<p>guidelines to students for collecting various types of flowers.</p>
<li><p>To lead a plenary</p></li>
<p>discussion and make clarification and conclusion on the structure of
a flower.</p>
<li><p>Lead students to</p></li>
<p>identify and discuss reproductive parts of flowers.</p></td>
<li><p>To observe the</p></li>
<p>collected flowers and identify different parts of the flower and
describe their structures.</p>
<li><p>To draw a well labelled diagram of the named flower.</p></li>
<li><p>To identify and discuss reproductive parts of a flower.</p></li>
<li><p>Variety of flowers.</p></li>
<li><p>Charts/models/photographs of flowers.</p></li>
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>O C T O B E R</p>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>R E P R O D U C T I O N</p>
<p>Reproduction in mammals</p>
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>to identify male and female reproductive organs from the dissected
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion and make correction and clarification on the structures of
male and female reproductive systems.</p></td>
<li><p>In groups to</p></li>
<p>identify in male and female reproductive organs from the dissected
<li><p>To discuss on the</p></li>
<p>structure of male and female reproductive systems and draw the
<li><p>Mouse/any other small mammal</p></li>
<li><p>Dissecting kit.</p></li>
<li><p>Tray / dissecting board</p></li>
<li><p>Cotton wool</p></li>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<p>Gamete formation and fertilization</p>
<li><p>To lead a plenary</p></li>
<p>discussion on gamete formation, liberation and meaning of gamete.</p>
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>to identify the phases of menstrual cycle and events that take place
in each phase.</p>
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>to discuss the process of fertilization pregnancy and child
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups the process of gamete formation in mammals and liberation.</p>
<li><p>To identify the</p></li>
<p>phase of menstrual cycle and events that take place.</p>
<li><p>Discuss on the</p></li>
<p>process of ovulation and hormones involved in the process.</p>
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups the process of fertilization pregnancy and child
<p>showing formational liberation of gametes.</p>
<li><p>Charts on</p></li>
<p>fertilization process.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2">Use appropriate skills to solve various health related
<td rowspan="2">Take appropriate precaution and measures against
problems. Related to reproductive processes in plants and animals.</td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2"><p>1</p>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<p>R E P R O DU C T I O N</p>
<p>Multiple Pregnancies.</p>
<li><p>To lead as in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss factors affecting fertilization.</p>
<li><p>To lead students</p></li>
<p>to discuss on meaning and importance of artificial insemination.</p>
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>to summarize the major responses and make general comments.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups the factors affecting fertilization and present their
<li><p>Discuss on meaning and importance of artificial insemination, and
present their tasks.</p></li>
<li><p>Charts/drawing depicting artificial insemination.</p></li>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>Disorders of Reproductive system.</p>
<li><p>To lead students</p></li>
<p>to discuss on meaning and causes of multiple pregnancies.</p>
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion and summarize the major points on differences between
identical and fraternal twins.</p>
<li><p>Lead students in</p></li>
<p>groups and discuss on types of disorders of the human reproductive
<li><p>To discuss of</p></li>
<p>meaning and causes of multiple pregnancies.</p>
<li><p>Discuss on</p></li>
<p>differences between identical and fraternal twins.</p>
<li><p>To discuss in</p></li>
<p>group different types of disorders of the human reproductive
<p>pictures on multiple pregnancies.</p>
<p>/diagrams or pictures or pictures showing identical and fraternal
<p>on disorders of the human reproductive system..</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2">-do-</td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Take appropriate precautions and measures against
problems related to</p>
<p>reproductive processes in animals</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2"><p>2</p>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<li><p>Guiding students</p></li>
<p>in groups with questions to discuss on causes and effects of the
reproductive system disorders.</p>
<li><p>To lead a class</p></li>
<p>discussion on the possible remedies of reproductive system
<li><p>To discuss on</p></li>
<p>causes and effects of the reproductive system disorders.</p>
<li><p>To discuss</p></li>
<p>possible remedies of the reproductive system disorders.</p></td>
<p>on the disorders of the human reproductive system.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="even">
<p>Complications of the Reproductive system.</p>
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>to brainstorm on the types of complications of the reproductive
<li><p>To summarize the</p></li>
<p>major points on the meaning of aborting, still birth, miscarriage and
ectopic pregnancy.</p>
<li><p>Lead students to</p></li>
<p>discuss on causes and effects of complications of reproductive
<li><p>To make</p></li>
<p>clarification and conclusion.</p>
<p>To guide students</p>
<p>to discuss in groups ways of minimizing complications and disorders
of the reproductive system.</p>
<li><p>To brainstorm on the types of complications of the reproductive
<li><p>To discuss on causes , effects of complications of reproductive
<li><p>To discuss ways of minimizing complications and disorders of the
reproductive system.</p></li>
<li><p>Video, tapes</p></li>
<li><p>Text on case studies on complications of the reproductive
<li><p>Video tapes/charts pictures photographs showing complications of
the female reproductive system.</p></li>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<td>R E P R O D U C T I O N</td>
<p>Sexuality and sexual Health and Responsible sexual behaviour.</p>
<li><p>Guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss meaning of sexuality sexual health and sexual behaviour.</p>
<li><p>Guide students in</p></li>
<p>groups to discuss on factors influencing sexual behaviour in
different groups of people.</p>
<li><p>Guide students to</p></li>
<p>discuss responsible and irresponsible sexual behaviour and their
impacts on one self, family and community.</p>
<li><p>To guide students</p></li>
<p>to summarize outline ways of eradication irresponsible sexual
behaviour in the family, school and community.</p>
<li><p>To lead plenary</p></li>
<p>discussion and make clarifications on appropriate life skills
required to cope with adolescent sexuality and sexual behaviour such as
self esteem, problems solving and decision making.</p></td>
<li><p>Discuss on</p></li>
<p>meaning of the sexuality, sexual health and sexual behaviour.</p>
<li><p>Discuss in</p></li>
<p>groups on factors influencing sexual behaviour in different groups of
<li><p>To discuss the</p></li>
<p>responsible and irresponsible sexual behaviour and their impacts.</p>
<p>differences between responsible and irresponsible sexual
<li><p>Discuss the</p></li>
<p>ways of eradicating irresponsible sexual behaviour.</p>
<li><p>Discuss on</p></li>
<p>appropriate life skills required to cope with adolescent sexuality
and sexual behaviour.</p></td>
<li><p>Pictures, charts and photographs, video tapes depicting cases of
sexuality and sexual behaviours.</p></li>
<li><p>Radio/video tapes pictures/ charts showing people with different
sexual behaviours</p></li>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><blockquote>
<td rowspan="2">4</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<p>Family planning and contraception</p>
<li><p>To lead student to</p></li>
<p>discuss on the concepts of family planning and contraception.</p>
<li><p>Organize students</p></li>
<p>in groups and discuss of various family planning and contraception
methods their advantages and disadvantages</p>
<li><p>Importance of</p></li>
<p>family planning and contraception.</p></td>
<li><p>To discuss on</p></li>
<p>the concepts of family planning and contraception.</p>
<li><p>To discuss of</p></li>
<p>various family planning methods and contraception, their advantages
and disadvantages.</p>
<li><p>Importance of</p></li>
<p>family planning contraception.</p></td>
<p>family planning devices.</p>
<p>pictures photographs of family planning devices.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p>Maternal and child care.</p>
<li><p>Lead students to discuss on maternal and child care.</p></li>
<li><p>Assign students to investigate socio-cultural factors which
affect maternal and child care.</p></li>
<li><p>To lead a class discussion on the ways of providing appropriate
maternal and child care for PLWHA</p></li>
<li><p>To discuss importance of maternal and child care.</p></li>
<li><p>Present their investigations for class discussion.</p></li>
<li><p>To discuss on ways of providing appropriate maternal and child
care for PLWHA</p></li>
<li><p>Charts/ pictures and photographs of women and children living
with HIV/AIDS</p></li>
**Jina .........................................................**
**SEHEMU "A" SARUFI Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi**
1. Mrembo Yule alitembea vizuri ............. ya Tausi. (a) Misili (b)
Methali (c) Mithili (d) Mathalani ( )
2. ................... kusoma kwa bidii ilitupate maarifa mengi. Neno
lipi linakamilisha sentensi hii. (a) Tunapasiwa (b) Tunapashwa (c)
Tunapaswa (d) Tunapasua ( )
3. Siku ile wote tulijumuika uwanjani ........ sikukuu ya mashujaa wa
nchi yetu. (a) kuhesherekea (b) Kusherehekea (c) Kusheherekea (d)
Sherehekea ( )
4. Kuku, bata, mwewe, kunguru na kanga kwa neno moja huwa wanaitwa
........... (a) Ndege (b) Wadudu (c) Mboga (d) Mimea ( )
5. Wingi wa sentensi "Ng'ombe wangu amepotea" ni upi? (a) Ngo'ombe wetu
wamaepotea (b) Ng'ombe wangu wamepotea (c) Ng'ombe zetu
zimepotea (d) Ng'ombe za zimepotea ( )
6. Kinyume cha neno **TAMATI** ni (a) Asubuhi (b) Awali (c) Tangu (d)
Mwisho ( )
7. [Tunafanya]{.underline} mtihani wa Kiswahili. Kipi ni kiambishi cha
wakati katika neno lililopigiwa mstari? (a) na (b) Tu (c) Fany (d) a
( )
8. Mchele, mahindi, ulezi, mtama kwa neno moja huitwa. (a) Chakula (b)
Protini (c) Mboga (d) Nafaka ( )
9. Kisawe cha neno [katu]{.underline} ni .............. (a) Kata (b)
Hata (c) Abadani (d) Ibada ( )
10. ................. mnakula chakula. (a) Ninyi (b) Sisi (c) Yeye (d)
Wewe ( )
11. Siamini kama mimi ....... mshindi. (a) Ndiye (b) Ndivyo (c) Kwa
kuwa (d) Sababu ( )
12. Baba amelima shamba kubwa sana. Katika neno "amelima" silabi
inayoonesha nafsi ni ipi? (a) li (b) ma (c) me (d) a ( )
13. Wingi wa neno "mimi" ni ......... (a) Wao (b) Sisi (c) Wengi (d)
Ninyi ( )
14. Mtu ........... atakayetoa habari za Yule baradhuli atapata
zawadi. (a) Yiyote (b) Yoyote (c) Yote (d) Yeyote( )
15. Lipi kati ya maneno yafuatayo hali landani na mengine. (a)
Kusinzia (b) Kulala (c) Fofofo (d) Kusikia ( )
16. Kamilisha sentensi hii. Angelisoma .................. (a)
Angalifaulu (b) Hangalifaulu (c) Angeli faulu (d) Angelisoma ( )
17. Kinyume cha neno "funika" ni ipi? (a) Funika (b) Zipa (c) Funua (d)
Ziba ( )
18. Tafuta neno linalokamilisha sentensi hii. "Hiki............... kitbu
chao. (a) Ndio (b) Ndicho (c) Ndivyo (d) Ndiwe ( )
19. Wingi wa neno unywele ni ........... (a) Manywele (b) Nywele (c)
Minywele (d) Vinywele ( )
20. Wao walikuwa hawana furaha. Sentensi hii ipo katika nafsi gani? (a)
Nafsi ya tatu wingi (b) Nafsi ya pili umoja (c) Nafsi ya kwanza
wingi (d) Nafsi ya umoja ( )
21. "Alisema tupeleke mitihani yetu." Sentensi hii ipo katika
kauli.......... (a) Taarifa (b) Halisi (c) Mbaya (d) Timilifu ( )
22. Sentensi ipi inaonesha wakati uliopo hali ya kuendelea. (a) Mama
alipika chakula (b) Mama amepika chakula (c) Mama atapika
chakula (d) Mama anapika chakula ( )
23. Kanusha sentensi hii. "Ninyi mnaongea sana." (a) Wao mnaongea
sana (b) Sisi tunaongea sana (c) Ninyi hamuongeai sana (d) Wewe
hauongei sana ( )
24. Neno moja linalojumuisha maneno chama, almasi, dhahabu, shaba. (a)
Migodi (b) Madini (c) Utajiri (d) Mali ( )
25. Tulikula wali ............. Dagaa nyasa. (a) Kwa (b) Na hiyo (c)
Wa (d) Pamoja ( )
26. Kiongozi mwanafunzi anayesimamia kazi shuleni ni .......... (a)
Mnyapara (b)Msimamizi (c) Kiongozi (d) Kiranja ( )
27. Mtu anaye tayarisha maakuli anaitwaje?(a) Msichana (b) Mama (c)
Mpishi (d) Mtayarishaji( )
28. Hali ya kuwa na fedha nyingi huitwa .......... (a) Ukata (b)
Ukwasi (c) Ukapi (d) Umaskini ( )
29. Sehemu ambayo ng'ombe huogeshwa ilikuepusha magonjwa huitwa (a)
Josho (b) Bwawa (c) Joshi (d) Mto ( )
30. Mtu mwenye elimu ya mienendo ya nyota huitwa .......... (a)
Mnadhimu (b) Mnadi (c) Mnajimu (d) Mwananyota ( )
31. Kamilisha methali isemayo "Nazi mbovu
32. Tegua kitendawili kisemacho : *Nina saa yangu toka ilipotiwa ufunguo
haijawahi kusimama .........\...\...\....*
33. Alikuwa kitinda mimba. Hii ina maana alikuwa
34. Mkono wa birika maana yake ni .....................................
35. Nini maana ya Nahau kula chumvi nyingi
**SEHEMU "D"**
**Soma habari ifuatayo kisha jibu maswali**
Naitwa Hidaya Issa. Nilizaliwa miaka kumi na moja iliyopita katika
kijiji cha Nangwanda Sijaona mkoani Mtwara. Kabila langu ni Mmakonde
mwaka huu niko darasa la tano. Mwaka kesho nitakuwa darasa la sita.
Ninajivunia sana walimu wangu kutufundisha vizuri.
**Jibu maswali**
36. Hidaya anatoka katika kijiji gani? (a) Mtwara (b) Nangwanda
Sijaona (c) Sijaona (d) Nangwanda ( )
37. Hidaya ana miaka mingapi? (a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 11 (d) 10 ( )
38. Hidaya anajivunia .........(a) Shule yake (b) Wanafunzi (c)
Mndengereko (c) Walimu wake( )
39. Hidaya ni kabila gani? (a) Mmakonde (b) Mzaramo (c) Msukuma (d)
Mswahili ( )
40. Mwaka jaa Hidaya alikuwa darasa la ngapi? (a) Tano (b) Sita (c)
Saba (d) nne ( )
Tumia maneno yaliyo kwenye kisanduku kukamilisha barua hii
S.;.P 24
Kichwa cha habari hapo juu cha husika, mimi ni mwanafunzi wa darasa la V
shule ya msingi Malya.
Nasikitika kukuarifu kuwa nitachelewa kufika shuleni nimekosa usafiri
kutokana na tatizo la miundo mbinu mibovu ya barabara.
Wako katika ujenzi wa Taifa
M. John
**JINA .........................................................**
**SEHEMU "A" Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi**
1. Umuhimu wa mwili kuwa msai ni ........... (a) Kuwa na afya njema na
kupendeza (b) Kuwa mchafu wa mwili na mavazi (c) Kutotimiza
majukumu (d) Kutokuoga asubuhi na jioni ( )
2. Moja ya hatua za kufuata unaposafisha mwili ni ............ (a)
Kutokuoga (b) Kuoga mwili mzima (c) Kutumia maji ya moto ili
kutakata (d) Kushindwa kupaka mafuta ( )
3. Moja ya hivi ni taka ngumu. (a) Chuma (b) Karatasi (c) Barafu (d)
Pamba ( )
4. Kuna aina ngapi za taka .......... (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4 ( )
5. .......... Ni stadi zinazotumika ama kuunganisha sehemu mbili za
kitambaa au kitambaa na kitu kingine. (a) Uchoraji (b) Ukataji (c)
Ususi (d) Ushonaji ( )
6. Ili pesa yako iwe salama lazima uzitunze ........... (a) Chini ya
godoro (b) Kuchimbia shimo (c) Benki (d) Mfukoni ( )
7. Picha za njiti huchorwa kwa ........... (a) Kivuli (b) Mstari (c)
Vipande (d) Kalamu ( )
8. Unadhifu wa mtu huonekana katika .......... (a) Mavazi na mwili (b)
Mavazi (c) Mwili (d) matendo ( )
9. Kabla hujaanza biashara sehemu yoyote lazima uchunguze uwepo wa
...... (a) Rasilimali (b) Genge (c) Soko (d) Mvua ( )
10. Marimba ni ala ya .......... (a) Kugonga (b) Kukwaruza (c)
Kubonyeza (d) Kutikisa ( )
11. Sanaaa ya kutengeneza vitu kwa udongo huitwa ........ (a) Pindi (b)
Ufinyanzi (c) Bapa (d) Chapa ( )
12. .......... Ni ugwe au ukamba mwembamba unaosukwa kwa majani, chane
za ukindu au miyaa. (a) Fani (b) Kusokota (c) Mkeka (d) Ukili ( )
13. Matunda yafuatayo yanafaa kutengeza juisi kwa njia ya kukamua. (a)
Machungwa, malimau na ndimu (b) Karanga, papai na chenza (c)
Parachichi, ndimu na limau (d) Maembe, ufuta na ndizi ( )
14. Vyakula vinavyofaa kupikwa kwa mafuta kidogo ni .........(a) Yai,
maandazi, karanga (b) Kalimati, Karanga na bamia (c) Chapati, yai na
maini (d) Maandai wali na ndizi ( )
15. Ipi ni seti ya taka laini. (a) Karatasi, nguo (b) Chupa, mabati (c)
Nyembe, sindano (d) Misumari na chuma ( )
16. Ala za kupiga na kutikisa ni? (a) Kinanda (b) Manyanga (c) Gitaa (d)
Filimbi ( )
17. Yapo makundi matatu ya sanaa ambayo ni sanaa za maonesho, sanaa za
uonesho na ...... (a) Sanaa za kuona (b) Sanaa za ufundi (c) Sanaa
za picha (d) Sanaa za kushika ( )
18. Zifuatazo ni kanuni bora za upishi isipokuwa moja ...... (a)
Kufunika kidonda kwa bandeji na glovu (b) Kufunika nywele (c) Kupika
kwa kutumia oveni (d) Kufunika mdomo na pua kwa leso wakati wa
kupiga chafya au kukohoa ( )
19. Kundi lifuatalo ni la vyakula vya kujenga mwili. (a) Karanga, nyama,
samaki na maziwa (b) mboga za majani, matunda ugali (c) Chai, uji,
juisi na soda (d) Chapati, mihogo na viazi ( )
20. Tunapika chakula ili ........ (a) Tule tunenepe (b) Kuongeza
virutubisho mwilini (c) Kiwe kingi (d) Kupunguza baadhi ya kemikali
katika chakula ( )
**SEHEMU "B"**
| **KUNDI "A"** | **KUNDI "B"** |
| 21. Njuga, vibwebwe( ) | A. Hatua ya kubalehe kwa |
| | mvulana na msichana. |
| 22. Kuchemsha ( ) | |
| | B. Kifaa cha kushonea nguo. |
| 23. Saruji ( ) | |
| | C. Kupika. |
| 24. Kiraka ( ) | |
| | D. Mshono wa muda. |
| 25. Kuwa na mihemko( ) | |
| | E. Zana ya ufinyanzi. |
| 26. Mshono mshikizo( ) | |
| | F. Zana za ngoma. |
| 27. Picha ( ) | |
| | G. Kielelezo cha kitu |
| 28. Sifa za mjasiriamali( ) | halisi kinacho chorwa au |
| | kupigwa na kamera. |
| 29. T-pesa, Tigo -- pesa, M-pesa na | |
| Hallo -- pesa( ) | H. Weka sukari kiasi kasha |
| | koroga kwa kijiko tayari |
| 30. Mojawapo ya hatua za kuandaa chai | kwa kutumia. |
| ya maziwa. ( ) | |
| | I. Mvumilivu katika hali ya |
| | biashara. |
| | |
| | J. Ni huduma za fedha kwa |
| | njia ya simu |
| | |
| | K. Benki |
Andika **NDIYO** kwa sentensi iliyosahihi na **HAPANA** kwa sentensi
isiyo sahihi.
31. Tunaposafisha sakafu ya udongo tunatumia dekio na maji
32. Subana ni kifaa kinachovaliwa na mshonaji wa nguo kwenye kidole cha
kati ....................
33. Kuoga kilasiku ni muhimu ili kujikinga na maradhi ya ngozi
**JINA .........................................................**
1. Onesha njia.
2. Kazi iwe safi.
3. Jibu kulingana na maelekezo.
| 1. Andika 678542 katika maelfu | 20. Tafuta eneo. |
| yaliyo karibu= | |
| \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\ | sm 20 |
| _\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | |
| | sm 10 |
| 2. 978625 namba 7 inawakilisha | |
| ........................... | sm 30 |
| | |
| 3. Kuna mamia elfu ............ | 21. Taja idadi ya namba witiri |
| kaika milioni moja. | kati ya 30 na 40. |
| | |
| 4. . | 22. Tafuta namba mraba ya 49. |
| | |
| 5. Zao la 9 na K NI 72. K = | 23. Nina sh. 8000/= nimepoteza |
| \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | $\frac{1}{10}$ nimebakiwa na |
| | sh. \_\_\_ |
| 6. Jumlisha $\frac{3}{5}$ ya sh. | |
| 5000/= n ash. 2000/= | 24. $2\f |
| | rac{1}{4}\ \div 3\ \frac{1}{3}$ |
| 7. Tafuta 29% y ash. 10,000/= | = |
| | |
| 8. Tafuta jumla ya namba tasa | 25. tafuta eneo. |
| kati ya 20 na 30. | |
| | sm 20 |
| 9. Tafuta zao la 67 na 9. | |
| | 26. Rahisisha |
| 10. Tafuta kipeuo cha pili cha | |
| $5\frac{4}{9}$ | ${18x}^{2}y\ \div \ \ 3xy\ =$ |
| | |
| 11. Orodhesha vigawo vya 28. | 27. Panga kuanzia ndogo hadi |
| | kubwa $\frac{3}{4}$, |
| 12. Toa $\frac{3}{10}$ ya sh. | $\frac{1}{2}$, $\frac{3}{5}$ |
| 1000/= toka sh. 10,000/= | |
| | 28. Gramu 4990 na kg 5 kubwa = |
| 13. Gawanya K.D.S cha 10 na 20 | .......................... |
| kwa K.K.S chake. | |
| | 29. |
| Kg gm | |
| | = sh 2000 na = sh. 500/= |
| 14. 5 21 00 | |
| | Tafuta |
| 15. Kuna $\frac{3}{5}$ ngapi | |
| katika sh. 600/=? | 30. 3 4 6 9 4 |
| | |
| 16. Tafuta wastani wa sh. 2000/=, | \+ 1 9 9 9 9 |
| sh. 1000 na sh. 6000/= | |
| | |
| 17. $16\fr | |
| ac{1}{3}\ - 8\ \frac{3}{4} = \ $ | |
| | |
| 18. $3.6\ \div 0.09 = \ $ | |
| | |
| 19. Tafuta eneo la umbo | |
| lifuatalo. | |
| | |
| sm 30 | |
| | |
| 31. Nina sh. 50,000/= nimenunua:- | |
| | |
| Sukari Kg 2@ sh. 2500/= | |
| | |
| Nyama Kg $2\frac{1}{2}$ @ sh. | |
| 4000/= | |
| | |
| Mchele Kg 5 @ sh. 1000/= | |
| | |
| Unga Kg 4@ sh. 1000/= | |
| | |
| Je, alibakiwa na | |
| sh\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | |
| | |
| 32. 9 0 0 0 0 | |
| | |
| \- 2 3 4 5 6 | |
| | |
| 33. Jumla ya namba mbili | |
| zinazofuatana na kutofautiana | |
| kwa moja ni 121. | |
| | |
| Namba ndogo = | |
| \_\ | |
| _\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | |
| | |
| Namba kubwa = | |
| \ | |
| _\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | |

................... SCHOOL.
1. This paper consists of a total of seven (7) questions, with section A,B and C.
2. Answer all the questions in each section.
3. Write your answers in the space provided in each question by using a blue pen or black one.
4. Cellular phones, smart watches and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.
Listen carefully to the passage read by the invigilator and answer the questions that follow by choosing the letter of the correct answer and then write it in the bracket.
Many people spend more time on
(C) phone
(A) television
(D) computer
(E) screen
What become our homes (A) Physical home
(B) digital phone
(C) grandmother's home
(D) technology
What do people prefer instead of one to one connect
(B) mail
(C) letter
(D) games
(E) technology
What do you understand by the term teenager? _
(A) a child below6 to 10years old (B) a child between 13 and 19 years old
(C)a child with 0 to 5years old
(D) a child with 10 to 12 years old
(E) adult
Technology is not a problem, the problem is
(A) the way we use it
(B) the way we love things
(C) the way we love people
(D) the way we love technology
(E) the way we are alone
Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences by writing the letter of the correct answer in the spaces provided.
The dress is
(A) very big to fit her.
(B) to
(C) so
(D) too
(E) as [
That is my bicycle. It is
(A) my
(B) our
(C) mine
(D) me
(E) us He was walking _
(A) along
_ the road.
(B) between (C) on
(D) besides
(E) in
. [
Asha is beautiful_
_ intelligent.
(C) notonly_
(B) so.
(A) to_
but also
(E) both_
and l
(D) as_
The boys_
(A) whose
(B) which
(C) whom
(D) when
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct answer by filling in the blanks.
My son_
the school last year (begin, begun, began).
The children have
unch.(eat, ate, eaten).
We sometimes _
our patients in the hospital.(visit, visits, visits, visiting).
water from the river last night
The woman
(is fetching, was fetching, were fetching).
The babies __
on the bed.(wassleeping, is sleeping, are sleeping).
Match the items of list A with those of list B by writing the correct letterin the
| box provided. | ANSWERS | LIST B | | |
| S/N | LIST A | | | |
| A person who walks on foot | [ | ] | AJ. Arrive | |
| (i) | ] | B/. | Neighbour | |
| (ii) | A meat of cow | ] | C/. | Pedestrian |
| (iii) | Antonym of word depart | - | | |
| 2:20 | [ | ] | D/. Beef | |
| (iv) | E/. Twenty minutes to two | | | |
| (v) | A person who lives near your house | [ | ] | F/. Twenty minutes p |
| | ast two | | | |
## Section B: (20 Marks @Item 2Marks)
Fill in the blanks by writing the correct answer in the space provided.
She was a dangerous woman. The underlined word is in which part of speech?_
Torani is my father's brother, he loves me so much because,he is my _
Mr. Ngwara can't see; therefore,he is_
We are unable to build a good house because we don't have enough materials. The underlined word is
- 2024
## Read The Passage Below Then Answer Questions That Follows Correctly. 6. Questions Section C: 10 Marks( 2 Marks Each)
My best friend Shabani was selected to join form one at Juhudi Secondary School,which is in Iloloma village. However, he did not join the school for three months because he did not have a school uniform.One day he visited the English language teacher at Umoja Primary School, so that he could tell him his problem. The teacher agreed to buy him the school uniform he needed in order that he could start school. Shabani thanked his former teacher for helping him.
Where did Shabanijoin form one?
In which village does Shabani's secondary school islocated ?
Why Shabani did not join the school?
Who didShabani visit?
Write the suitable title of the story_
Rearrange the following sentences to form a meaningful paragraph:
Then, we played a football match.
Although the football match was difficult, we won it.
On Saturday morning, we started the journey to Songa Primary School.
When we arrived there, we started with the academic competition, but we lost it.
Last Wednesday, our teacher told us that on Saturday we would go to Songa Primary School for an inter-school competition.
## Section A: Questions No 1: Listening Skill
We now spend more time on our phones than we do with our loved ones. Digital phones become our physical homes. We prefer texts instead of one to one connects. We start to blame the teenagers but now each of us, is a teenager. We are never alone but lonely alone.
We used to love people and use things but now we love things and use people. The problem is not technology but the way we use it.
## Section A: Questions No 1: Listening Skill
We now spend more time on our phones than we do with our loved ones. Digital phones become our physical homes. We prefer texts instead of one to one connects. We start to blame the teenagers but now each of us, is a teenager. We are never alone but lonely alone.
We used to love people and use things but now we love things and use people. The problem is not technology but the way we use it. |
1. Taja vitabu vya Injili
2. Vitabu vya historia kwenye agano jipya vipo vingapi?
................ Vitaje...........................
3. Nani aliyeandika vitabu vya
4. Taja vitabu vitano vya manabii wakubwa
5. Ayubu,Zaburi,Mithali,Mhubili, Wimbo ulio bora hivi vitabu
6. Vitabu vya agano jipya vipo vingapi?
7. Kitabu cha kwanza katika biblia kinaitwaje?
8. Aliyeandika Injili ya tatu ni nani?
9. Wana wa Israel walitembea Jangwani kwa muda gani?
10. Wakati Musa anaenda kuwatoa wana wa Israeli utumwani alikuwa na nini
mkononi (A) Biblia (B) Sakramenti (C) fimbo. { }
11. Tunajua kuwa Mungu alifanya kazi siku sita je siku ya tatu alifanya
kazi gani?
12. Mwanadamu alitokea wapi?
13. Yesu alizaliwa wapi?
14. Taja nchi takatifu wakati wa
15. Yesu alisulubiwa wapi?
16. Nani aliye msaliti Yesu
17. Taja huduma linazotoa kanisa
18. Paulo kabla ya kuitwa Paulo alikuwa anaitwa nani
19. Nani aliyemkana Yesu
20. Yesu alipoingia Yerusalemu watu walimshangilia kwa maneno gani?
03 MAARIFA YA | # Jamhuri Ya Muungano Wa Tanzania Baraza La Mitihani La Tanzania Sampuli Ya Mtihani Wa Kumaliza Elimu Ya Msingi
Muda: Saa 1:30 Mwaka: 2024
## Maelekezo
1. Karatasi hii ina sehemu A, B na C zenye jumla ya maswali **saba (7)**. 2. Jibu maswali **yote** katika nafasi ulizopewa. 3. Sehemu A na B zina alama **ishirini (20)** kila moja na sehemu C ina alama kumi
4. Maandishi yote yaandikwe kwa kalamu yenye wino wa bluu au **mweusi**,
isipokuwa katika michoro ambapo ni lazima kutumia penseli.
5. Vifaa vya mawasiliano na vitu vyote visivyoruhusiwa **havitakiwi** ndani ya chumba cha mtihani.
6. Andika **Namba yako ya Mtihani** na taarifa nyingine zote muhimu katika kila
ukurasa sehemu ya juu upande wa kulia.
1. Katika kipengele cha (i) - (xv), chagua jibu **sahihi** kisha andika herufi hiyo katika kisanduku ulichopewa.
(i) Chaupepo alimsikia Chakupewa akitaja vitu alivyojifunza darasani kama unyevunyevu, mvua, upepo, mawingu, mwanga wa jua na mgandamizo wa hewa.
Je Chakupewa alikuwa amejifunza kuhusu nini? A.Utabiri wa hali ya hewa B Ongezeko la joto duniani C Vipengele vya hali ya hewa D Kituo cha hali ya hewa E. Uharibifu wa mazingira [ ]
(ii) Pondamali alipokuwa akipanda mlima Kilimanjaro alihisi utofauti wa hali ya hewa.
Sababu ya utofauti huo ni ipi? [ ]
A Jotoridi liliongezeka kadri mwinuko ulivyoongezeka B Uoto uliongezeka kadri mwinuko ulivyoongezeka C Jotoridi lilipungua kadri mwinuko ulivyoongezeka D Uoto ulipungua kadri mwinuko ulivyoongezeka E Kasi ya upepo iliongezeka kadri mwinuko ulivyoongezeka
(iii) Wanafunzi wa Darasa la Sita walipewa kazi ya kupima unyevuanga katika kiwanja chao cha mpira. Kipimo kipi kiliwasilishwa kwa usahihi? [ ]
A 42 mm B 420C C 42% D 42 Okitasi E 42 Miliba
(iv) Kwa nini maeneo yaliyo karibu na Ikweta hupata vipindi virefu vya joto kuliko maeneo ya ncha ya Kaskazini na Kusini? A. Uwepo wa uoto mwingi wa asili B.Ujirani wake na bahari na maziwa C. Uwepo wa miinuko mirefu D.Utofauti wa kanda za latitudo E. Uwepo wa upepo mkali [ ]
(v)Moja ya mabadiliko yaliyotokea wakati wa zama za mwisho za mawe ni kuanzishwa kwa makazi ya kudumu. Ni mabadiliko gani mengine yalitokea wakati huo? [ ]
A. Kugundulika kwa moto B Kutengeneza nguo za ngozi C Kuishi mapangoni D.Kuchimba mizizi E Ufugaji wa wanyama
(vi) Kumbukumbu mbalimbali za kihistoria huhifadhiwa wapi? [ ] A Masijala B .Stoo C .Makumbusho D Shuleni E.Ghalani (vii) Moja kati ya ugunduzi katika Zama za Mawe za Kati ni utengenezaji wa moto.
Je moto huo ulitengenezwaje? [ ]
A.Kwa kupekecha ulindi na uwimbombo B.Kwa kupiga vijiti vikavu kwenye jiwe C. Kwa kusugua jiwe linaloitwa ulindi D.Kwa kusugua zana za chuma kwa chuma E. Kwa kuwasha vijiti vikavu kwa kiberiti
(viii) Wanafunzi wa shule ya msingi Barabarani wamepewa mwaliko wa kutembelea makumbusho ya Butiama. Je makumbusho hayo yanaonesha nini? [ ]
A Kumbukumbu za Chifu Mkwawa B.Kumbukumbu za Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere C. Mabaki ya binadamu wa kale D. Kumbukumbu za vita ya Majimaji E. Kumbukumbu za Chifu Isike
(ix) Mwanafunzi wa Darasa la Tano alitakiwa kuorodhesha athari tano zinazotokana na kilimo kisichofaa. Ipi kati ya athari zifuatazo aliorodhesha kimakosa? [ ]
A. Mmomonyoko wa udongo B. Ukame C Mafuriko D. Kupungua kwa madini E Kupoteza rutuba ya udongo Ukurasa wa 2
(x)Kwa nini inashauriwa kuanza na nguo nyepesi kama vile leso wakati wa kupiga pasi?
A. Hutumika kama kipozeo cha pasi B Kuepuka kuunguza nguo [ ]
C Hazihitaji joto kali D. Ni rahisi kupiga pasi E Hutumika kusafisha pasi
(xi) Majina ya nywele katika mwili wa binadamu hutokana na sehemu zinapoota. Zipi huota pembeni mwa mashavu? [ ]
A Sharubu B. Vinyweleo C Ndevu D.Sharafa E Nyusi (xii) Shabani aliandaa mkate na keki kwa ajili ya kuuza. Je alitumia njia gani katika kupika vyakula hivyo? [ ]
A Kubanika B Kuchemsha C Kukaanga D Kutokosa E. Kuoka
(xiii) Ni kwa namna gani unaweza kutofautisha zana na maleba? [ ]
A Zana ni mapambo wakati maleba ni vitu vya kuigizia B Zana ni ala za muziki wakati maleba ni nguo C Zana ni vitu vya kuigizia wakati maleba ni nguo za kuigizia D Zana ni nguo wakati maleba ni vitu vya kuigizia E Zana ni vitu vya asili wakati maleba ni vitu vya kisasa (xiv) Mara kwa mara Mzee Pesambili hununua mahitaji ya nyumbani dukani kwa mama Amina. Mzee pesambili anawakilisha kundi lipi la wateja? [ ]
A Wateja wenye kushawishika B Wateja wa kiasi cha gharama C Wateja wasio na uhakika D. Wateja waaminifu E. Wateja wa kifalme
(xv) Kipara anataka kutengeneza motifu ya jani. Je, atatumia vifaa gani kutekeleza takwa hilo? A. Penseli, brashi, sponji na gundi [ ]
B. Penseli, karatasi nyepesi na rangi za maji C. Penseli, brashi na rangi za maji D. Penseli, karatasi ngumu, brashi na rangi za maji E. Penseli, peni, rangi za maji na chaki 2. Katika kipengele (i) - (v), chagua jibu sahihi kutoka katika kisanduku na kisha andika jibu hilo katika nafasi iliyoachwa wazi.
Kinjekitile Ngwale Mtemi Isike Chifu Machemba Mangi Meli Hassan bin Omary Makunganya
(i) Kiongozi wa Wachaga aliyepinga vikali uvamizi wa Wajerumani aliitwa nani?
(ii) Kiongozi aliyeongoza mapambano ya Wayao dhidi ya Wajerumani aliitwa nani?
(iii) Kiongozi aliyepinga vikali utawala wa Wajerumani katika eneo la Kilwa Kivinje aliitwa nani? ________________________________________
(iv) Nani alipanga na kuongoza vita ya Maji Maji? ______________________ (v) Nani aliongoza mapambano ya Wanyamwezi dhidi ya Wajerumani katika eneo la Unyanyembe? ____________________________________________
SEHEMU B (Alama 20) Jibu maswali yote katika sehemu hii.
3. (a) Eleza kwa ufupi malengo makuu mawili ya Jumuiya ya Maendeleo ya Nchi za Kusini mwa Afrika (SADC). (i)________________________________
(b) Kwa nini katika mfumo wa ujima uzalishaji ulikuwa mdogo?________ (c) Mwaka 1964 serikali ya Makaburu ilimuhukumu Nelson Mandela kifungo cha maisha. Nini kilisababisha hukumu hiyo?_____________________
Ukurasa wa 3 4. (a) Bainisha vigezo viwili vinavyotumika kuwagawa wajasiriamali katika makundi mbalimbali. (i)___________________________________
(b) Ainisha njia mbili zinazotumika kutunza rasilimali ardhi vijijini.
(i) ________________________ (ii) ____________________________
(c) Eleza mambo mawili yanayoweza kuathiri idadi ya watu katika eneo fulani.
(i) _______________________ (ii) _____________________________
5. (a) Mamlaka ya Mapato Tanzania ilianzishwa mwaka 1995. Lipi lilikuwa lengo kuu la kuanzishwa kwake? ___________________________________________ (b) Athari zipi mbili hutokana na ujasiriamali unaofanyika kwa njia zisizo halali?
(i) ___________________________ (ii) ___________________________
6. (a) Kwa nini ni muhimu kuwa na mpango wa biashara kabla ya kuanzisha biashara?
(b) Sensa ya Tanzania ya mwaka 2022 ilikuwa na lengo kuu lipi?
SEHEMU C (Alama 10) Jibu maswali yote katika sehemu hii.
7. (a) Chunguza kwa makini kielelezo kifuatacho, kisha jibu maswali yanayofuata kwa kuandika jibu sahihi katika nafasi uliyopewa.
Ncha ya kaskazini Mstari X

Ncha ya kusini
(i) Mstari X unawakilisha nini? _______________________________ (ii) Mstari X umeigawa dunia katika pande mbili Mashariki na Magharibi. Je, nchi ya Tanzania inapatikana upande gani wa mstari huu? ____________________
(iii) Upande upi wa Mstari X hushuhudia machweo ya jua mapema kabla ya maeneo mengine?
(iv) Kwa nini maeneo yanayopatikana mashariki mwa Mstari X hushuhudia mawio ya jua mapema kabla ya maeneo mengine? _____________________________
(b) Wanafunzi wa Darasa la Saba walifundishwa kuwa, dunia hutumia saa 1 katika kuzunguka nyuzi 15 za longitudo. Kokotoa muda ambao dunia itatumia katika kuzunguka nyuzi 450.
(c) Angahewa limegawanyika katika matabaka mbalimbali yenye kazi zinazotofautiana. Ni tabaka lipi linahusika na kuchuja mionzi ya jua?
(d) Wanafunzi wa Darasa la Saba walifundishwa kuwa, dunia inagawanyika katika pande mbili zilizo sawa kwa kutumia mstari wa latitudo. Mstari huo una nyuzi ngapi? _______________________ _________________________________________
(e) Mchezo wa mpira wa miguu ulianza saa 01:00 jioni katika mji wa Madrid uliopo nyuzi 300 magharibi. Ni saa ngapi mtu aliye Rwanda nyuzi 300 Mashariki aliangalia mchezo huo?
___________________________________________________ |
Year: **[2015]{.underline}** TERM: **[1^st^ & 2^nd^]{.underline}**
Class/Stream: **[FORM FOUR]{.underline}** Subject:
<col style="width: 7%" />
<col style="width: 9%" />
<col style="width: 2%" />
<col style="width: 1%" />
<col style="width: 0%" />
<col style="width: 7%" />
<col style="width: 5%" />
<col style="width: 2%" />
<col style="width: 15%" />
<col style="width: 12%" />
<col style="width: 8%" />
<col style="width: 5%" />
<col style="width: 11%" />
<col style="width: 8%" />
<tr class="header">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<th colspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3"><blockquote>
<p>Students should develop competences on</p>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"><p>J</p>
<td colspan="2">3</td>
<td>General properties of non metal</td>
<td><p>-To guide students to discuss strong and weak oxidants as
electron acceptor.</p>
<p>-To guide the students to use gaseous Cl<sub>2</sub> to demonstrate
displacement reaction and discussing the oxidizing properties of
<td>To write equation shoeing how non metals gain electrons.</td>
<td>Periodic table</td>
<td><p>Ability to explain oxidizing property of non metal.</p>
<p>-Ability to understand displacement reaction of non metal.</p></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td><p>To demonstrate</p>
<p>-The use of Cl<sub>2</sub></p>
<p>-Oxidizing property of Cl<sub>2</sub></p>
<p>-To write equations for the reactions above.</p></td>
<td>To write equation showing oxiding properties of Cl<sub>2</sub> and
state its uses.</td>
<td>Cl<sub>2</sub> gas, dyes, SO<sub>2</sub> H<sub>2</sub>S and
<td>Ability to explain properties of Cl<sub>2</sub>.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2">4</td>
<p>(Hydrogen chloride)</p></td>
<td>To guide the students to prepare HClg lab and to show how Heling
reacts with metals, oxides, hydroxides and carbonates.</td>
<td><p>-To prepare HClg</p>
<p>-To test solubility of HClg in water</p>
<p>-To test the Ph of HCl and</p>
<p>-Show how HClg reacts with NH<sub>3g</sub></p></td>
<td>H<sub>2</sub>O, HClg pitscale lithrows paper NH<sub>3</sub>g, Ca,
Mg, CaCO<sub>3</sub> oxide and hydrogen.</td>
<td>Ability to prepare HClg and to explain its properties.</td>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="4"><strong>FEBRUARY</strong></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td>Guiding the students to discuss the uses of HClg in qualitative and
quantitative analysis.</td>
<td>To discuss the uses of HClg</td>
<td>Ability to explain uses of HClg.</td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><p>To guide the students to discuss the extoction to sulphur by the
frasch process.</p>
<li><p>Oxidang and reducing properties of sulphur</p></li>
<p>Uses of sulphur</p>
<td><p>To discuss the extraction of sulphur.</p>
<p>-To discuss the properties of sulphur and to collect some common
materials made from sulphur.</p></td>
<td>Wall chart showing extraction sulphur and uses of sulphur.</td>
<td><p>-Ability to explain the extraction of sulphur.</p>
<p>-Ability to explain the properties of sulphur.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td><p>Guiding the students to discuss the properties of SO<sub>2</sub>
ie acidic, reducing bleaching and oxidiang.</p>
<p>To discuss with students the use and hazards of
<td>To discuss the properties of SO<sub>2</sub> and its uses of together
with hazards of SO<sub>2</sub></td>
<td>SO<sub>2</sub>, NaOH, KMNO<sub>4</sub></td>
<td>Ability to state the properties and uses of
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td>To give student to use le charterlier’s principle to discuss the
contact process of manufactures of H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub></td>
<td>To use the principle to discuss the manufacturing of
H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> by contact process.</td>
<td>-Wall chart and picture showing the industrial manufacturing of
<td>Ability to describe the contact process for the manufacture of
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="4">MARCH</td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<li><p>Guiding the students to prepare nitrogen gas in the lab.</p></li>
<li><p>Assisting the student to explain the uses of nitrogen.</p></li>
<li><p>To prepare Nitrogen gas and test it under the teacher
<li><p>To discuss in group the uses of nitrogen.</p></li>
<li><p>Wall chart showing</p></li>
<li><p>Uses of Nitrogen</p></li>
<li><p>Ability of the student to prepare and tests nitrogen.</p></li>
<li><p>To state uses of nitrogen.</p></li>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<li><p>Guiding the students to prepare dry sample of Ammonia in the
<li><p>Leading the students to discuss the properties of
<li><p>Guiding them to discuss the uses of Ammonia</p></li>
<li><p>To prepare dry Ammonia under the teacher guidance.</p></li>
<li><p>To state properties of Ammonia. Eg. Solubility.</p></li>
<li><p>To discuss uses of Ammonia.</p></li>
<li><p>Litmus paper</p></li>
<li><p>Conc HCl</p></li>
<li><p>Wall chart and pictures showing preparation of ammonium
<td><p>Ability to:-</p>
<li><p>State properties and</p></li>
<li><p>Uses of Ammonia in daily life.</p></li>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="9">MID TERM EXAMINATIONS</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="9">MID TERM BREAK</td>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><strong>MARCH</strong></td>
<td rowspan="2">4</td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td>To guide the students to discuss how ammonia is converted to
fertilizer and nitric acid.</td>
<td>In groups to discuss the use of NH<sub>3</sub></td>
<td>Pictures and charts showing industrial preparation of NH<sub>3</sub>
<td>To be able to explain the uses of NH<sub>3</sub></td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2">Carbon</td>
<td rowspan="2">4</td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Guiding the students to discuss the presence of
Carbon in, CO<sub>2</sub>, Carbonates shells, diamond, graphite.</p>
<p>Teaching the students to discuss the diff and similarities in pry
properties of carbon allotropes.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Under the guidance of the teachers to discuss the
forms in which Carbon appears.</p>
<p>To discuss the uses of Carbon allotropes.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>Egg shells</p>
<p>A carbonate pictures of diamond, coal and graphite allotropes of
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>To be able to explain the forms in which carbon
<p>To be able to explain the allotrope form of Carbon.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"><strong>APRIL</strong></td>
<td rowspan="2">1</td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td><p>Guiding the students to prepare CO<sub>2</sub>g in the lab.</p>
<p>Guiding the students to find out how CO<sub>2</sub> reacts with NaOH,
CaCO<sub>3</sub>, Ca(OH), Mg and H<sub>2</sub>O</p>
<p>Guiding the students to discuss the uses of CO<sub>2</sub></p></td>
<td><p>-To prepare CO<sub>2</sub> in the lab by dil acid on
Carbohydrates and</p>
<p>-Test the prepared gas.</p>
<p>-To find art how CO<sub>2</sub> reacts with NaOH, CaCO<sub>3</sub>,
H<sub>2</sub>O, Mg.</p>
<p>-To discuss the use of CO<sub>2</sub></p></td>
<td><p>CaCO<sub>3</sub>, HCl gas jar flask.</p>
<p>CO<sub>2</sub>, Ca(H)<sub>2</sub>, H<sub>2</sub>0, mg</p>
<p>Fire extinguisher fizzy drinks</p>
<p>Baking powder</p></td>
<td><p>To be able to prepare and test (O<sub>2</sub> of on) to state the
properties of it.</p>
<p>To be able to explain uses of CO<sub>2</sub></p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td>Hydro carbon</td>
<td><p>-Teaching the students to discuss</p>
<p>i) meaning of</p>
<p>ii) Structure of</p>
<p>iii) Classification of</p>
<p>iv) Alkane, Alkene,</p>
<p>-Guiding the students to write condensed and open structures of the
1<sup>st</sup> five members of homologous series Alkane, Alkene,
<p>Guiding the students to use model (opens condensed structure of
alkane, alkene and alkyne to discuss the concept ot Isomerism.</p>
<p>-To guide the students to discuss the structural formula of the
isomeric of lower hydrocarbons.</p></td>
<td><p>To discuss the meaning, structure and classification of
<p>To write conclude and opens structure of the 1<sup>st</sup> five
members of homologous series.</p>
<p>To discuss the concept of isomerism using the model of
<p>To write the structural of all isomers of, Alkane, Alkene, Alkyne up
to 5-C-atoms</p></td>
<td><p>Models of carbon and H.atom</p>
<p>Wall chart pictures and model illustrating isomerism.</p></td>
<td><p>To be able to identify 3 families of hydrocarbons.</p>
<p>To be able to write homologous series of Alkane, Alkene and
<p>To be able to explain the concept of hydrocarbon.</p>
<p>To be able to explain the concept of Isomerism.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><strong>APRIL</strong></td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td><p>To demonstrate the salvation native of Alkaline, and unsalvation
nature of Alkene, Alkyne</p>
<p>To discuss how methane reacts with O<sub>2</sub> and
<p>Leads on discussion on how ethane reacts with H<sub>2</sub>, hydrogen
halides and sulphuric acid.</p></td>
<td><p>Participating on demonstration.</p>
<p>Participating on discussion.</p></td>
<td>To be able to differentiate saturated and unsaturated
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td><p>To lead discussion of the preparation of Ethanol in the lab.</p>
<p>To lead discussion on general formation Cu H 2n + I OH</p></td>
<td><p>Participating on the discussion and prepare ethanol</p>
<p>To write the structure members of alcohol series using the G.F up To
5 - C – atom</p></td>
<td><p>Glucose or sugar water</p>
<td><p>To be able to prepare ethanol</p>
<p>To be able to write the homologous series of Alcohol.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<td colspan="2"><blockquote>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td><p>To guide students for fine out sources of organic acids.</p>
<p>To guide the students to find out what happens to different type of
alcohol when exposed to one.</p>
<p>To lead discussing on oxidation of ethanol to ethanoic acid.</p>
<p>To guide them to write closed aid open structure of carboxylic.</p>
<p>To lead discussion on pineapple among of carboxylic aid.</p></td>
<td><p>To demonstrate acidic nature of natural substances.</p>
<p>To allow atmospheric oxidation of wine to form ethanoic acid.</p>
<p>To write the open and condensed structure of carboxylic acid using
G.F CuH 2n+i CooH</p>
<p>To write open structure and systematic names of all isomers of
carboxylic acid.</p></td>
<p>-Citrus fruits</p>
<p>-Utmoss paper</p>
<p>Lucar brews</p>
<td><p>To be able to identify natural source of organic acid.</p>
<p>To be able to explain oxidations of alcohol to acid.</p>
<p>To be able to write the structure of carboxylic.</p>
<p>To be able to name the 1<sup>st</sup> is carboxylic acid
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="9"><strong>MID TERM EXAMINATIONS</strong></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="9"><strong>MID TERM BREAK</strong></td>



MUDA: SAA 1:40 APRILI. **2024**
JINA LA MWANAFUNZI: _______________________SHULE:_____________________
1. Mtihani huu una maswali 6 katika sehemu **A, B na C.** 2. Jibu maswali yote kama ulivyoelekezwa katika kila sehemu. 3. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwenye nafasi ziliachwa wazi katika karatasi hii 4. Epuka kufutafuta. 5. Simu za mkononi haziruhusiwi katika chumba cha mtihani.
1. Sikiliza kwa makini habari itakayosomwa na msimamizi, kisha jibu swali i-v **kwa**
kuandika herufi ya jibu lililo sahihi kwenye mabano. i. Malkia wa nyuki alikuwa analindwa na nani?
A. Vibaraka B. Askari hodari C. Wanakijiji D. Nyuki hohehahe E. Wafanyakazi ii. Ni kitu gani ambacho malkia wa nyuki hakukipenda?
A. Wanakijiji hohehahe B. Mafundi wa masega C. Ushirikiano wa nyuki D. Vibaraka wa malkia E. Kuwalipa vibarua iii. Nani anajishughulisha kutafuta nekta kwenye maua?
A. Nyuki wote B. Vibarua C. Wafanyakazi D. Vibaraka E. Wanakijiji iv. Utajiri katika kijiji cha nyuki ulitokana na nini?
A. Kuuza asali B. Kuuza nta C. Kuuza masega D. Kuuza maua E. Kuuza mizinga v. Nani alitumika kupeleka habari mbalimbali katika vijiji vya jirani?
A. Vibarua B. Wafanyakazi C. Vibaraka D. Wanakijiji E. Nyuki 2. **chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi kisha iandike kwenye mabano uliyopewa.**
i. Wanakijiji walifanya juu chini ili kuleta maendeleo katika kijiji chao. Nahau "fanya juu chini" inafafanuliwa na kifungu kipi cha maneno kati ya vifuatavyo? A. Walijitahidi kwa kila njia B. Walishirikiana kwa pamoja C. Walijituma kwa ujasiri D. Walijituma kwa uzalendo E. Walitumia nguvu ii. Nahau ipi yenye maana ya "kunywa pombe" A. Piga mbizi B. Piga chenga C. Piga yowe D. Piga sega E. Piga maji iii. Katika sentensi "Dada alimwambia kuwa atakapopata muda atakuja nyumbani."
Mzungumzaji ametumia nafsi gani kati ya hizi? A. Nafsi ya pili wingi B. Nafsi ya tatu wingi C. Nafsi ya tatu umoja D. Nafsi ya pili umoja E. Nafsi ya kwanza wingi iv. "Mateka alikata shauri na kuwaambia wenzake kweli elimu ni mkombozi kwa mtoto wa kike.
Nahau "kata shauri" katika sentensi hii ina maana ipi kati ya zifuatazo? A. Kuamua B. Kuwatahadharisha C. Kuwaasa D. Kuonya E. Kufundisha v. Neno lipi kati ya yafuatayo ni jumuishi kwa maneno haya "nyanya, vitunguu, pilipili na tangawizi". A. Nafaka B. Matunda C. Vinywaji D. Vitoweo E. Viungo vi. Kinyume cha neno "shaibu" ni kipi?
A. Barubaru B. Ngariba C. Ajuza D. Banati E. Mzee vii. Vijana wale …………… waliokimbia jana usiku uwanjani.
A. Ndiwo B. Ndo C. Ndio D. Ndiyo E. Ndiye viii. Katika neno "huimba" kiambishi kinachoonesha hali ya mazoea ni kipi?
A. –imb- B. h-
C. –i- D. -a E. hu-ix. Shangazi anaweza …………... mikate.
A. Kukaanga B. Kuoka C. Kukoka D. Kupika E. Kubanika x. Ng'ombe mweuzi amevunjika mguu leo. Neno lipi ni kivumishi?
A. Leo B. Mguu C. Amevunjika D. Mweusi E. Ng'ombe
| i. | "fananisha | | |
| ii. | mhadhiri | | |
| iii. | "adimika" | | |
| iv. | "mpira wangu una visu vingi" | | |
| v. | "kisawe cha neno bibi. | ( | ) |
| | ( | ) | |
| | ( | ) | |
| | ( | ) | |
| | ( | ) | A. nyanya B. anafundisha wanachuo wa chuo kikuu C. potea D. ghalika E. anasajili wanafunzi wa chuo kikuu F. mkungu wan dizi G. liberate H. mithilisha I. methalisha J. Njia |
## Sehemu B (Alama 20)

4. Andika majibu sahihi katika sehemu wazi i. Ng'ombe mweuzi amevunjika mguu leo. Neno lipi ni kivumishi? _____________________ ii. Neno "kipwipwi" lina aina ngapi za Irabu? _______________________________ iii. Yeye anafua chupi zake. Kisawe cha nomino kwenye sentensi hii ni kipi?_________________ iv. Nywele zinazoota kuanzia karibu na masikio mpaka kwenye mashavu huitwaje?
v. Ni sehemu ipi katika sentensi inayobeba mtenda? ___________________________
5. **Soma shairi hili na ujibu maswali kwa kuchagua herufi ya jibu sahii**
Leo nashika kalamu,dukuduku kulitoa, Mana yashika hatamu,taifa kulisumbua, Mpaka lini itadumu,hali hii isofaa, Rushwa mkubwa adui,haki atuondolea. Uchumi inadumaza,hai inadidimiza, Wananchi yaumiza,stahili kupoteza, Sauti tunazipaza,vita tunaitangaza, Rushwa mkubwa adui,haki atuondolea. Si wazee si vijana,jukumu la kila rika, Vita hii kupigana,paka tamati kufika, Kama tutashikamana,adui anashindika, Rushwa mkubwa adui,haki atuondolea.
Hima hima amkeni vitani,twende sawia, Vijana changamkeni,kaumu kuiinua, Heshima ije nchini,haki kuipambania, Rushwa mkubwa adui,haki atuondolea.
i. Adui mkubwa anayezungumziwa katika shairi hili ni ______________________________ ii. Mtunzi anaposema "Yashika **hatamu**"ana maana kuwa ____________________________
iii.Neno **"Kaumu"** kama lilivyotumiwa na mtunzi wa shairi hili katika ubeti wnne lina maana ya
iv.Mkarara wa shairi hili ni**__________________________________________**
v. Kwamjibu wa shairi hili mapambano dhidi ya rushwa ni jukumu la nani? ___________________

6. Panga sentensi zifuatazo kwa kuzipa herufi A, B, C, na D ili ziwe katika mtiririko unaoleta mantiki i. Nili ogopa, lakini nilipiga moyo konde. ( ) ii. Jumamosi iliyopita, mama alinituma sokoni. ( ) iii. Nilirudi nyuma kidogo nikaokota fimbo. ( ) iv. Nilipokuwa njiani nilimuona nyoka. ( ) v. Nilimpiga nyoka kwa ile fimbo akafa. ( )
# Habari Ya Ufahamu Wa Kusikiliza Somo La Keswahili Maelekezo Kwa Msimamizi
Zingatia yafuatayo **kabla ya kusoma maelekezo** kwa watahiniwa:
i. Hakikisha unasoma hadithi kwa sauti na **taratibu** kwa mara ya kwanza huku ukizingatia alama zote za uandishi zilizopo katika hadithi hiyo. Unaposoma kwa **mara ya pili** ongeza kidogo kasi ya usomaji.
ii. Muda utakaotumia kuwasomea watahiniwa hadithi ni **dakika tano (05)** na muda utakaotumika kwa watahiniwa kujibu maswali ni **dakika tano (05)**. Sehemu hii itafanyika kwa **dakika kumi (10)**.
iii. Wasomee watahiniwa **kwa sauti** maelekezo (1 hadi 3).
## Maelekezo Kwa Watahiniwa
1. Nitasoma kwa sauti hadithi mara mbili, hivyo kila mmoja asikilize kwa makini. 2. Nikisoma hadithi kwa mara ya kwanza, sikiliza bila kujibu maswali na nikimaliza kusoma kwa mara ya pili, jibu swali la 1 hadi 5 kisha endelea kujibu maswali mengine (6 hadi 45).
3. Ninaanza kusoma hadithi sasa hivyo **sikiliza kwa umakini**. __________________________________________________________________________
## Hadithi
Hapo zamani za kale kulikuwa na kijiji kimoja kilichomilikiwa na nyuki. Kijiji kiliongozwa na Malkia wa nyuki, Malkia alikuwa analindwa na askari hodari. Pia alikuwa na vibaraka waliotumika kupeleka habari mbalimbali katika vijiji vya jirani. Malkia wa nyuki alikuwa hapendi kuwa na wanakijiji hohehahe. Muda mwingi aliwasisitiza wafanye kazi kwa bidii. Nyuki wengine walionekana wakiingia na kutoka kwenye mzinga muda wote. Wafanyakazi wengine walijizatiti katika kutafuta nekta kwenye maua. Malkia alihakikisha nyuki wote wanatekeleza wajibu wao bila shuruti. Aliamini umoja ni nguvu utengano ni udhaifu. Aliuza asali nyingi sana na kupata utajiri mwingi. Aliwafundisha wanakijiji wake wimbo wa umoja na ushirikiano katika maendeleo. Wakawa wanamuimba kila mara. Wanakijiji walijawa na bashasha na furaha muda wote kutokana na mafanikio yao.








TIME: 1:40 APRIL. 2024 Pupils name: _______________________school name: ________________________
1. These examinations contain 7 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms SECTION A: ( 20 MARKS )
1. choose the correct answer and shade its corresponding letter in the space provided i. Safina dipped a pencil in a tub full of water, when she examined it, she noticed that the pencil was slightly bent, what do you think is the reason?
A. The water was dirty B. The bending of light rays C. The water was too full D. The pencil was too bent E. The water was treated.
ii. Your friend fails to see the ball placed next to him. What kind of glasses would you advise him to use?
A. method lens B. convex lens C. double lens D. large lens E. small lens iii. If the potential difference across the wire is 12 volts and the current flowing is 0.4 Amps. find the resistance of that wire.
A. 1.2 ohm B. 30 ohm C. 0.3 ohm D. 0.6 ohm E. 20 ohm iv. Juma looked in the mirror and saw his face. What caused him to see himself?
A. bending of light B. reflection of light C. diffusion of light D. scattering of light E. convergence of light v. When Mussa was welding a piece of metal entered his eye. What device was used by the doctor to remove the metal implant?
A. periscope B. telescope C. magnet D. telescope E. scissors vi. The manaidi's computer does not turn on, he has been told by an expert to connect it to Electricity, what will you use to connect it?
A. Power lines B. Unit C. Antenna D. Plug E. Amplifier vii. Rehema has a problem with blood not clotting as soon as he gets an injury, what disease do you think he has?
A. Anemia B. Hemophilia C. Ualibino D. Anthropoconis E. Smallpox viii. Find the density of an object with a mass of 64 grams and a volume of 800 cm3.
A. g/cm3 0.5 B. g/cm3 9.8 C. g/cm3 0.8 D. g/cm3 0.08 E. g/cm3 0..4 ix. White, black and silver clothes made of the same materials in the sun to dry. What color clothes will be the first to dry?
A. white B. black C. yellow D. white - yellow E. red x. When old Jacob's stove caught fire, people came to help him put out the fire. What kind of gas do you think was in the fire extinguishers they used?
A. methane B. nitrogen C. hydrogen D. chlorine E. carbon dioxide
| writing the letter on the space given LIST A | ANSWER | LIST B | |
| i. | The scientific investigation stage that proves the hypothesis is known as: | | |
| ii. | The disease caused by this organism is called | | |
| iii. | Find the work | done by | |
| a girl who pushes a wheelbarrow using a force of 0.9kg through a distance of 8m: | | | |
| iv. | Which of the following diseases are hereditary? | | |
| v. | The part of the flower that is like a female reproductive organ in the human body is called | A. | Data analysis |
| | B. | Experiment | |
| | C. | Amoeba | |
| | D. Plasmodium E. 72 J F. 4.0 J G. Albinism and sickle cell anemia H. Diabetes and elephantiasis I. Ovule J. Ovary | | |
3. Complete the following sentences by selecting the answer on the box provided
Convex, Osmosis, Sand, Selector, Methane, effort, 15cm3**, pituitary, effert, work.**
i.Teacher Felix pointed the lens at the sun's rays and dry paper. The dry paper caught fire and burned. What kind of lens do you think he had? -
ii.The act of a plant absorbing water using its roots from the soil is called? _______________________
iii.Zakaria bought a field but when it rains the soil loses water easily. What type of soil does the farm have? _____________________________--
iv.Which computer device is used to enter data into a computer __________
v. The teacher directed the students to collect food scraps and cow dung so that they can produce compost. Which gas is most needed in the production of greenhouse gas? _______________________
## Section B (20 Marks) __________________ _________________
4. Fill the space from the following given questions ii. The child was surprised to see the skull mark on the electricity poles and on the toilet medicine cans. What does the mark on those parts indicate?
iii. What makes natural gas better than wood as an energy source? _______________ iv. The media has reported that many radio stations in the village of Buhaya are using a small loop antenna. What are the losses due to the use of such antennas?
5. Answer the following question by filling the gap in the space provided i. Complex machines are built using two or more simple machines. How important is the design?
ii. Simple machine has three main parts that are arranged in a specific sequence. Which arrangement represents the third grade material? ____________________
iii. What is the resistance in electricity? ____________________________________
6. Answer the question according to instruction given i. An animal has a nose like plants have ………… ii.The main source of energy in the world is………. iii. The brain is the most complex part in the whole system of……… iv. Seventh grade students were instructed to bring complex machines to use to learn the parts of those machines. What equipment did they bring? …………………………
7. Answer the following question by filling the answer in the space provided.
i Briefly explain why some boys and girls always and some are late to get puberty?
iiName two functions of blood in the body. i ………………………..………… ii. …………………… iii Examine the following diagram and then answer item i and **ii.**

a. The process of breeding and growing for insect shown in the diagram is called? ………………………………...
b. The stage of growth of shown organism that is dangerous for crops damage in the field has been shown by which letter? …………………………………………………………
8. i) Observe the following Figure and then answer the questions that /ollow.
a. find the density of an object that has a density of 200 grams and a volume of 800 cubic centimeters ________________
b. STRONG ACID + K = SALT AND WATER. The letter 'K' stands for ___________ ii) a) if a student connected a circuit with a potential difference of 12 volts and the amount of electric current flowing is 3 amperes, find the resistance in that circuit b) Find the value of 'V' in the following diagram


TIME: 1:40 APRIL. **2024**
Pupils name: _______________________school name: ________________________
1. These examinations contain 7 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions 5. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms SECTION A (20 MARKS) 1. choose the letter of the correct answer i. Land is a resource that if not properly cared for can cause danger in the lives of living creatures and other resources. Which of the following is the best way to take care of that resource? ______ (a) Increasing the number of farmers in the fields (b) Providing education on the correct use of land (c) Encouraging breeders to increase the number of livestock (d) Encouraging citizens to use industrial fertilizers (e) Encouraging the planting of trees in open areas ii. On the farmers' day, the slogan given by the Prime Minister was, Agriculture is the backbone of Tanzania's economy. What does that slogan mean? ______________________________ (a) It is an activity carried out by rich people (b) It is done using tractors and plows drawn by oxen (c) It is the main activity of wealth production (d) It is done only in places with water sources (e) Harvested crops are sold outside the country iii. Imagine if you have been appointed to advise Nyetangapo villagers who use firewood and charcoal as the main source of energy. What would you advise them to avoid environmental damage? _______________ A. using natural gas and electricity B. Hiding the remains of the trees they cut C. Cutting trees at night D. Continuing to use charcoal and firewood E. Cutting trees in the middle of the site iv. Tsumani is a Japanese word that means a big sea wave caused by an earthquake on the sea floor, it also has great effects on living things. Which of the following is not an effect of Tsumani?____________ A. Human deaths B. Destruction of human habitations C. Increased industrial production D. Environmental pollution E. Destruction of natural vegetation v. Which of the following devices is used to measure earthquakes?__________ A.
Seismograph B. Barometer C. Anemometer D. Hygrometer E. Richter scale vi. Many African countries gained their independence by using parties. What party did Namibia gain independence from? ____________ A. FRELIMO B. SWAPO C. ANC D. ZANU E. ZAPU
vii. Mr. Kazimoto lives on the edge of a steep mountain. Which natural disaster can occur and cause harm to Mr. Kazimoto among the following? _____________ A. Earthquake B. Erosion C. Flood D. Fire E. Landslide viii. It rained heavily in the city of Maji mazuuri which caused soil erosion. If you are a resident of the city of Water, what method will you use to control soil erosion? ___________ A. Building strong houses in valleys B. Planting trees C. Burning forests D. Raising many animals E. Building with protection ix. Tanganyika gained independence in 1961 under the TANU party, in the movement to fight for the independence of Tanganyika, TANU received opposition from various parties. This of the following parties opposed the movement of the TANU party _______ A. UDB B. ASP C. TAA D. UTP E. NRA
x. Which is the right way to deal with the increase in waste in the environment?
__________________________ A. Burning waste B. Covering all types of waste C. Disposing away from human settlements D. Dumping in the sea or river E. Recycling waste to obtain new raw materials xi. The correct way to deal with a fire disaster is ____________ A. Using fire while eating honey B. Using quality certified fire extinguishers C. Running D. Lighting a fire using gasoline E. Staying away from the scene xii. Humidity is often measured in percent. What is the meter used to measure humidity?
______________ A. Barometer B. Anemometer C. Hygrometer D. Thermometer E. Rain gauge xiii. The British governor who established a legislative council in Tanganyika in 1926 was named
_______ A. Donald Cameroon B. Harace Byatt C. Richard Turnbull D. Carl Peters E. Julius Von Soden xiv. Teacher J.K. Nyerere was the first President of the United Republic of Tanzania. What year is Master J.K. Did Nyerere step down from power? A. 1964 B. 1980 C. 1973 D. 1999 E.
1985 xv. Long-distance trade here in Tanzania involved various tribes. Which tribes were involved in this business? A. The Sukuma, the Chaga and the Kinga B. The Yamwezi, the Wayo and the Kamba C. The Fipa, the Pare and the Gogo D. The Kamba, the Zaramo and the Waha E. The Haya, the Wangoni and the Sangu
| the letter on the space given LIST A | ANSWER | LIST B | |
| ( | ) | A. | Thabo Mbeki |
| | B. | Jomo Kenyatta | |
| | C. | Kamuzu Banda | |
| | D. Nelson Mandela E. SWAPO F. TANU G. NCNC H. RENAMO I. PAFMECA J. 54 | | |
| ( | ) | | |
| i. | first chairman of the African Union (AU) | | |
| ii. | Keneth Kaunda, Jomo Kenyatta, Mwalimu J. K Nyerere were members of the party liberation for East and Central African countries. Was the party known by which name | | |
| iii. | Current African continent countries | | |
| iv. | Earthquake causes death of people and damage to property. | | |
| v. | Tanga to Moshi railway built by the Germans | ( | ) |
| ( | ) | K. | 55 |
| | L. | 2018 | |
| ( | ) | M. | 2009 |
| | N. | 1905 - 1907 | |
| | O. 1893 - 1911 P. 1905 - 1914 Q. 1891 - 1893 | | |
2. match the following items from the table given from LIST A corresponding to LIST B by writing
## Section B: 20 Marks (Short Answer)
3. complete the following question by filling the answer in the space given i. It is important to strengthen relations between our country and other nations. Which things will help to strengthen those relationships?______________________________________________
ii. The National Flag of Tanzania has four colors which are Green, Yellow, Blue and Black.
What does the yellow color in the flag represent?
iii. The system of many political parties in Tanzania started in 1992, the election of many political parties in Tanzania was held in 1995. Which President was elected that year among the following presidents? _________________________________________________________________________
4. Fill the space given in the following questions i. Tanzania is a country bordering the Indian Ocean in the east. It is also blessed with rivers and lakes. What is the main economic activity that can be done by people living in the areas mentioned above? _______________
ii. On the surface of the earth, the harmful rays of the sun before reaching the surface of the earth are filtered in which layer? __________________________________________________________
iii. In Tanzania there are many economic activities but agriculture is the backbone of our country. Why? _____________________________________________
5. answer the following questions according to the instruction given a) i) Global warming is caused by which gases? __________________________________ ii) The division of the rift valley in East Africa is divided into two parts and forms the eastern and western branch. This division starts from _____________________________ b) i) If city D located at 15 degrees west is at 3:00 in the morning. Find the time of city E located at 45 degrees west A. _______________________________________________ ii) The scale of the map can be shown in three ways, which are? ____________________________
6. Fill the space of the following questions:
i. The cloth used to be worn during menstruation is called?
ii. 42. The eruption of the volcano in the village of Kikuu has brought harm to the community. Identify two positive effects of the explosion __________________,______________________________________
iii. Mrs. Atupele asked the students to list the characteristics of the country where they came from. One of the students m iv. entioned that there is a lot of rain, high temperature and low temperature ratio throughout the year. What is the country's character of the area?_____________________________________
7. a. i) If magma occurs on the surface of the earth, it is called __________________ ii) Why was Chief Mkwawa known as a hero in his community?______________ b. Study carefully the following picture and then answer the questions that **follow**

## Questions

i. Name the resource seen on the picture above ii. Name the two products which can be obtained from the resource above _________
iii. Mention one disadvantage of cutting down or depleting the resource above THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA

TIME: 1:40 APRIL. **2024**
Pupils name: _______________________school name: _______________________
1. These examinations contain 6 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions 5. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms 1.Choose the correct answer **and answer on the space provided in your question paper**
i. Traditional leaders of Tanzanian tribes are used to carry the symbols of the respective tribe.
The popularly of the Hehe and Ngoni tripe are dentified by which style of wear? A. mechanics B. masaleli C. lubega D. fuuli E. misuli ii. Tanzanian school tudents should know that Tanzania National Anthem in order to sing it. Why do you think students sing this song in school? A. developing Kiswahili B. to promote the country's value C. to publicize the school D. to learn song E. to promote patriotism iii. The giraffe is the national animal of Tanzania. Which sentence is correct abour animal of Tanzania? A. it is used as symbol code in Tanzania coins B. it is more a bund and than other animals C. its picute appears in the national flag of tanzania D. the girafee is found only in Tanzania E. it is used as symbol code in Tanzania bank notes iv. Tanzanian's relations with other countries are historically analyzed during the fight for independence. Which of the following countries had relations with Tanzania since the day of FRELIMO fight for freedom of the country? A. Angola B. Malawi C. Uganda D. Mozambique E. Zambai v. Lake Victoria has many islands in it. What is the largest island in that lake, its people involved in fishing? A. Mafia B. Porcupine C. Ukerewe D. Viktoria E. Mwanza vi. The Pare tribe participates more in pottery activities you think this thing comes from and the area of this tribe surrounde by what? A. sand soil B. sand soil and clay C. clay soil and sea water D. toam soil E. clay soil vii. Social media can be used to give aid to the needy. Which of the following are not social networks? A. Whatsapp B. Television C. Facebook D. Twitter E. Instagram viii. The community can participate in providing assistance with essential health services to the needy Health services include which of the following service?
A. environmental education B. practical education C. education science D. art education E. maternal education ix. When the Tanznia national anthem is sug we should stand upright. Why are we advised to do that every time we pass near the lace where the Tanzania national anthem is sung? A. Showing concern for Tanzania B. to show we appreciate each other C. to show patriotism of Tanzania D. to show we care about ourselves E. to show love to the leadrers x. Teacher Kiula stressed the third grade students to study hard all the time. You think the teacher Kiula was reminding them for what? A. their responsibility B. obedience to school rules C. students right D. education is ket of life E. rules for conducting examinations 2. match the following items from the table given from LIST A corresponding to LIST B by writing the letter on the space given
| | ( | ) | | |
| | ( | ) | | |
| | ( | ) | A. | opportunity |
| | B. | To respect elder | | |
| | C. | hypocrisy | | |
| | D. | provide good training to criminals | | |
| | E. | Chairman of the village government | | |
| | F. | anyone you trust he can help you | | |
| | G. | By-law | | |
| | H. | A bill | | |
| LIST A | ANSWER | LIST B | | |
| i. | Intergrity is asate of living in accordance with the values of society. Which of the following is intergrity demonstrative action | | | |
| ii. | The main leader of the local government is chairman. Who is the neighbourhood led by | | | |
| iii. | Students can ask for advice when faced with various challenges. Who is titled to advice students to face their life challengs | | | |
| iv. | Usually our daily life is an environment that depends on the ability to do things. What is that inviroment called? | | | |
| v. | Tanzanian prisons are of great importance to the entirnation. What is important of this Tanzania prisons to national and its peple? | ( | ) | |
| | ( | ) | | |
3. complete the following question by selecting your answer on the table below to complete the sentences given Green, gender, regional commisional, president, green, forgive other, secking apologize revolutionary government of Zanzibar, Philip Isdor Mpango, democracy, regional administrator, councilor i. Here in Tanzania, what is the color in our national flag that identifies natural vegetation? ii.The leader with the authority to dissolve the Parliament of the United Republic of iii. What should we do in the following cases?
i) When we wrong others unknowingly …………………………………………………. ii) When others wrong us by accident ………………………………...
iv. ………………………… are social and cultural relations based on the division of responsibilities for women and men.
v.………….. is an elected leader in the Ward.
Tanzania is …………………………………………………………………
# Section B (20 Marks)
4. By using A- **E arrange the following mixed sentences to make a good**
composition i. A parliamentary system or parliamentary democracy, is the system of democratic government ii. With the head of state serving as a ceremonial figurehead with little of many powers while all of the real political is vested in the head of government iii. derives their democratic legitimacy from their ability to command the support of the legislature, typically to parliament to which they are accountable iv. In a parliamentary system, the head of a state and head of government are usually two separate positions v. In bicameral parliaments, the head of the government is generally, though not always, a member of the lower house.
5. answer the following question by filling the gap in the space provided i. The act of a girl telling her father how she avoids being tempted to have sex with a boy is called_________________________________
ii. The act of stealing or misusing money or assets that you were entrusted to look after is called______________________________________
iii. Which type of citizenship covers the largest number of people in any country._____________
iv. Who is responsible for preparing the school schedule? A. the chairman of the school committee________________________________________
v. Bad relationships between community members bring negative results in our communities.
What is the effect of excessive roof? ________________________________________
6. a) Study the diagram below to answer question (i-ii)

i. What is the importance of the symbol in the diagram

above to our nation?
ii. Which natural resource is represented by letter A ?
b) Something rare to find but valuable to a Nation like peace, love, unity, patriotism, solidarity and humanity. What is it called? ............................................................................................................................ d) The parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania has five leaders who ae the speaker, the deputy speaker and the leader of the official opposition camp in parliament. Nam other two leaders in parliament i. ................................................................................... ii. ...............................................................................
b) The leadership structure in the district government clearly shows the leaders present in the district government. Name the senior leader who repreents the lead of state in the leaderhip structure of the ditrict government ........................................................................................................................................... ...........
c) Globalization has helped to make our Tanzania reduce the barriers of the country's borders to do business in the world. What is the one of the effects of the presency of globalization in the country? .........................
e) Administrative areas in Tanzania have their own names. What is the small administrative area in the city called? ..........................................................

TIME: 1:40 APRIL. **2024**
Pupils name: _______________________school name: ______________________
1. These examinations contain 7 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions 5. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms
# Section A: Listening Skills Passage ( 20 Marks)
1. Listen carefully to a passage read by the invigilator and answer ONLY questions NUMBER 1 to 5.
i. What does Sheila do when she has a problem?
a. She goes out b. she asks /or permission c. she thanks her teachers d. she asks {or help from her teachers e. she borrows a pen ii. What makes Sheila be a good example?
a. She respects everyone b. she borrows things c. the likes playing d. she has a problem e. she asks for help iii. According to the story, who should children respect in the society?
a. All the pupils b. only the teachers c. all the people d. only the friends e. all the neighbours iv. In which class was Sheila studying?
a. Class three b. class /our c. class give d. class six e. class seven v. According to the story, how should a good child do after being helped?
a. Should be happy b. should be jealousy c. should be helpless d. should be thankful e. should be strong 2. Choose the correct answer on the following question and answer on the space provided i. The sun in the morning a. Rising b. risesc. rise d. rose e. risen ii. They waiting for me when it started to rain.
a. Was b. be c. were d. would e. are iii. Rose is having a graduation ceremony this weekend. Are you a. Invite b. inviting c. invitation d. invites e. invited iv. My grandfather told me that during the slave trade, human beings like animals.
a. Are selling b. are sold c. was sold d. were sold e. were selling v. After finishing singing the birthday song for Fatuma, every child given a piece of cake by her.
a. Are b. have been c. was d. were e. is 3. choose the correct answer for question i-v in this question to fill the space provided from the following in order to make the sentence correct
**them, fell, will elect, The, Some, Neither, If ,since, to, are, or**
i. . …. you coming with me to watch the football match?
ii. They…. a new school government next Sunday. iii. Their father…. asleep after eating his dinner. iv. Our teacher has worked with this school… v. Would you prefer tea….coffee?
4. match the following items from the table given from LIST A corresponding to LIST B by
| writing the letter on the space given | | | | | |
| LIST A | ANSWER | LIST B | | | |
| i. | Ali's son lived abroad for many | ( | ) | A. | Soldier |
| years. The bolded word | ( | ) | B. | Out side his own | |
| means………____ | country | | | | |
| ii. | The plural of the word 'equipment' | ( | ) | C. | Equipment |
| iii. | The place where meat is sold is | D. butchery | | | |
| called | ( | ) | E. | butch | |
| iv. | The daughter of your sister | F. | niece | | |
| v. | A place where many dead people | ( | ) | G. cementary | |
| are buried | H. Although | | | | |
## Section B: 10 Marks
5. By using A- **E arrange the following mixed sentences to make a good** composition i. The dog said to the cat, "Let us go and sleep near the door" ii. When the cat was asleep the dog went into the house and ate the meat. iii. One day Mrs Peter put some meat in the cupboard and went out. iv. A dog and a cat lived with Mrs Peter. v. When Mrs Peter came back he did not find the meat in the cupboard.
# Section C:
6. Read and Complete the followings sentences by Writing the correct answer in the space left on this question (i-v)
i. A man who translate english is called_____________________________
ii. The honomyn of the word male is called___________________________ iii. A brother of your father is called________________________________ iv. The evening meals is called______________________________________
v. Maize, millet and wheat are example of ____________________________
7. Read the following letter carefully and answer the question given below Masurura Primary School P. O. Box 360 Butiama 20th November 2021 Dear Madam Judica, Re: Admission I wish to inform you that from last month I moved from Buhemba . My daughter who is at Bumaswa school, experiences a lot of difficulties of going to school. So I would like her to be transferred from that school to your school. She is a bright student who never goes below fifth position in the class. Here with I have enclosed a photocopy of her first term results for your information. Furthermore, she is both a prefect and a girl–guide at Bumaswa School.
If you would like to interview her, please let me know the date and time. I shall be highly obliged if you will be kind enough to take her to Std VI at your school. Thank you Yours faithfully Denis Questions: i. Who wrote the letter?________ ii. To whom was the letter addressed____? iii. What is the letter about?________ iv. When was the letter written?_____ v.Where was the girl studying_________________
# Listening Knowledge Listen Carefully To Answer Questions Number 1 (I-V)
Everybody is supposed to behave well in any given circumstances. The act o/ conducting and presenting yourself with respect and honour is what is called manners.
Let us talk about Sheila, a class six girl from Mwenge Primary School. She is a good example o/a girl with good manners. When she has a problem, she seeks help from her teachers. I} it happens that she wants to go to the washroom or borrow something she will "Please sir may I go out?" or
"Please madam, may I borrow a pen from Ashura?" When she is given permission to do what she asked /or, she would say, "Thank you sir" or "Thank you madam."
When she borrows something from a yellow pupil, she uses it and carefully returns it and says "Thank




you very much /or your kindness." By behaving this way, she is liked by her teachers, her /eIIow pupils and everyone at home including her neighbours.

Pupils name: ____________________school name:____________________
INSTRUCTIONS 1. These examinations contain 7 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions 5. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms
1. Answer the following questions in the answer sheet provided provided i. Write in words the following number 1435978. ii. Write "two millions seventy three thousand four hundred and fifty six iii. Estimate the number 5.07523 in two decimal places. iv. Write the next number. 12, 16, 20 v. Write the value of 4 in the following number. 11645218 vi. Estimate the following number in nearest hundreds 3459220 vii. 1274 ÷ 26 (Write the answer in roman numbers viii.Convert 7/200 to a decimal.
ix. Write 81/3% in fractions. x. Find the square number of 104
## Section B (20 Marks )
2. Answer the following word problems questions i. Determine the prime number found between 71 and 80 ii. Find the squareroot of 3481. iii. Calculate the difference between 2979 and 4021 iv. Calculate the sum of 7594 682 and 2 305 215 v. Calculate the product of 792 and 48 3. Answer the following questions i. In the construction of classrooms, a total of sh. 1162050 were used to buy cement. If one bag of cement was sold for Sh. 14000, what? how many bags of cement were bought and the amount what money was left?
ii. One story house was built in total of 9000 bricks. How many bricks needed to build 137 houses of that type iii. Us a pupil of standard seven you teacher ask you to Subtract 47/8 in 61/3 give the answer and show methods you have done 4. Complete the following questions i. If you had 1600 shillings and 75 cents on your phone and you bought electricity 4 2 0 shillings and 8 0 cents including VAT, How many shillings will left on your phone ii. Calculate 15 for 40 days at 15 hours iii. 60 people used 25 liters and 750 millimeters of water each. What total did they all use? how much water 5. Complete the following question by answering in the space provided i. A doctor worked at 11. If he started work at 1:30 in the morning he finished to work at what time in 24 hour fashion?
ii. Convert the following time into days. "24 weeks and 6 days" iii. List the monthes with 30 days.
6. By showing the method complete the following questions i. Amina bought 40 goats for sh 320000 and sell them on matter at a loss of 18%. How much was the loss? ii. David was given sh. 7000 and use them as follows. He bought 4 pancakes @ sh 70, 6 notebooks @ sh 250, 2 pens @ sh 150 and 1 bag @ sh 200. If he paid the fare for the bus sh 600. How many shillings did she left with?
iii. Change 2200 hours to 12-hour clock. A. 8:00 pm
## Section C ( 10 Marks)
7. Answer the following questions i. Damasi takes 15 minutes to travel a distance of km 20. Calculate Damasi's speed in km/h ii. Multiply 23 litres 200 ml by 7 iii. Find the area of the faces of this shape. .

8. Answer the following questions by showing the method in the answer sheet given i. Find the exact area of this plot if its perimeter is 340 m.



ii. Kudra spends 30,000 sh. to pay his labourers. Using this graph, find the total Kudra's

Simplify the following fraction 6abc − 2ab 2 |
HIST - FORM | <table>
<col style="width: 7%" />
<col style="width: 9%" />
<col style="width: 3%" />
<col style="width: 2%" />
<col style="width: 7%" />
<col style="width: 6%" />
<col style="width: 2%" />
<col style="width: 15%" />
<col style="width: 13%" />
<col style="width: 8%" />
<col style="width: 5%" />
<col style="width: 10%" />
<col style="width: 7%" />
<tr class="header">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<p>To demonstrate knowledge of the process of establishing Colonial rule
in Africa.</p>
<p>By the end of form three students should be able to understand and
explain in the different colonial administrative systems.</p>
<p><strong>FEBRUARY JANUARY</strong></p>
<p>Scramble for and partition of Africa.</p>
<p>Impacts and areas which had intensive scramble.</p>
<p>Berlin Conference.</p></td>
<p>12 13</p>
<p>To guide the students individually to read the written sources.</p>
<p>To guide the students in the class to present their findings in the
<p>To guide the students to write the notes, drawing the maps.</p></td>
<p>Students will read written sources</p>
<p>Students will present their findings in the class.</p>
<p>Students will be obliged to answer various questions and write their
brief notes.</p></td>
<p>Written sources</p>
<p>Map of Africa</p>
<p>List of guiding questions.</p></td>
<td><ol type="i">
<li><p>African History from 19<sup>th</sup> C to 21<sup>st</sup> C A.D
by Stephen James.</p></li>
<li><p>African from 1850 to the present</p></li>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<p>African reaction</p>
<p>-Forms of reaction</p>
<p>-Causes of reaction</p>
<p>-Factors which determined the nature of African reactions</p>
<p>-Impact of various forms of reaction.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="13"><p><strong>24<sup>th</sup> MARCH - MID TERM TEST BEGINS
UP TO 31<sup>ST</sup> MARC H</strong></p>
<p><strong>1<sup>ST</sup> APRIL MID – TERM BREAK UP TO 10<sup>TH</sup>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<td>To demonstrate knowledge n the similarities and differences of
colonial administrative systems applied in African and shows the ability
to assess their impact.</td>
<td>To let the students be able to understand the different Colonial
administrative systems applied in African and assess their impacts.</td>
<p>Direct rule</p>
<p>Indirect rule</p>
<p>Assimilation the application of the various forms of Administrative
<p>Similarities and differences</p></td>
<td><p>To guide the students individually to read the written
<p>The students to be guided to present in the class their findings.</p>
<p>To guide the students to write the notes, drawing the maps and
answering questions.</p></td>
<p>To read written sources.</p>
<p>Students to presents in the class their findings.</p>
<p>Students will write the notes, drawing maps, answering oral and
written questions.</p></td>
<p>Written sources</p>
<p>Wall paper</p>
<p>List of guiding questions.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>JUNE MAY</strong></p>
<p>Colonial military & legal Institution</p>
<p>Functions of @ colonial Institution</p>
<p>Tactics used.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="13"><p><strong>TERMINAL EXAMINATION ON 10<sup>TH</sup> UP
TO 17<sup>TH</sup> OF MAY</strong></p>
<p><strong>LONG VACATION STARTS ON 18<sup>TH</sup> JUNE FOR 5
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td>To demonstrate their ability and to analyse the different sections
of colonial Economy in Africa and assess their impact on Africa.</td>
<td><p>To enable the students to explain the sectors of colonial</p>
<p>economy, their factors and impacts on Africa.</p></td>
<p><strong>OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY</strong></p>
<p>Established of Colonial Economy</p>
<p>-Tactics used to establish to established Colonial Economy</p>
<p>Sectors of Colonial Economy</p></td>
<p>To guide students to present their findings in the class.</p>
<p>To guide the students to conduct the groups discussion</p>
<p>To guide the students to conduct the process of asking the
<p>Students will write the notes and asking the questions.</p>
<p>Students will present their findings in the class.</p>
<p>Students will draw various sketch maps.</p>
<p>Written sources.</p>
<p>Map of Africa.</p>
<p>List of guiding questions.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<p>- Trade</p>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="13"><strong>ONE WEEK MID TERM BREAK</strong></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><p>(b)Features of Colonial Economy</p>
<p>ii)Colonial labour force</p>
<p>iii)Types of C.I.E</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p>
<p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p>
<p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p>
<p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td rowspan="2"><p>To demonstrate the ability to analyse the various
colonial social services and shows</p>
<p>how they consolidated Colonialism.</p></td>
<td rowspan="2"><p>To enable the students to demonstrate knowledge on
the various colonial social services and</p>
<p>shows how they consolidated.</p></td>
<td><p>i)Colonial Education</p>
<p>Health social services</p>
<p>-features and impacts</p>
<p>Provision of water</p>
<p>Motives and Distribution</p></td>
<td><p>i)Guiding the students to present their class their findings</p>
<p>ii)Guiding the students to write the notes.</p>
<p>iii)Guiding the students to read the written sources and answering
the oral and drawing the maps.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td colspan="9"><p><strong>REGIONAL EXAMINATION</strong></p>
<p><strong>LONG VACATION FOR FIVE WEEKS</strong></p></td>

Time:3:00 HRS Thursday **01-OCT-2020 PM**
## Instructions
1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C. 2. Answer all questions in section A, B and one question **from section C.** 3. Show all steps involved in arriving at the correct answer 4. Calculators are not allowed in the examination room 5. **Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.** 6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet (s)
# Section A (15 Marks)
1. For each of the item (i) - (x) choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number. i. A network hardware device that communicates with computers using telephone lines is called A. Switch B. Modem C. NIC D. Gateway ii. Computer specialists working in software houses are known as A. Engineers B. Administrators C. Programmers D. Technician iii. Which of the following keyboard keys executes the function of 'Save as' command in most programs?
A. F10 B. F8 C. F12 D. F11 iv. The process of restarting a computer is called A. Cold Booting B. Warm booting C. Hard booting D. Simple booting v. A software program that enables a user to locate WWW is known as A. Internet B. Search engine C. Yahoos D. Google vi. Calculations, comparison and logical operations in the CPU are performed by A. Calculation unit B. Althmetic and logical unit C. Computer calculator D. Calculation and logical unit vii. What is the meaning of the term workbook as used in spreadsheet?
2 of 6 A. Collection of worksheets. B. Collection of sheets. C. Collection of rows and columns. D. Collection of cells.
viii The desktop contains small graphics called A. windows B. logo C. icons D. Pictures ix. Are special designed computer chips that reside inside other devices, such as your car or your electronic thermostat?
A. Servers B. Embedded computers C. Robotic computers D. Mainframes x. All of the following are functions of UPS except one, which one is it?
A. It can be used as the main power source for computer, B. It supplies power to the computer during blackout and brownout C. It prevents sudden power surges to destroy the computer D. It provides stable power supply (clean power)
2. Match the item or phrases in LIST A with the responses in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.
| LIST A: | LIST B | | |
| i. | Fragmentation | | |
| ii. | Bandwidth | | |
| iii. | Data dictionary | | |
| iv. | Ergonomics | | |
| v. | BIOS | A. | A collection of related records |
| | B. | Deals with how to arrange your technology to reduce comfort and avoid health risks | |
| | C. | Time used to save a document on a computer | |
| | D. | Define structure and properties of a data base table | |
| | E. | Deals with physical relationship between people technology and their work environment | |
| | F. | Used to search information about the last person to use the locked computer | |
| | G. | A single piece of data about an item | |
| | H. | Capacity of the communication medium Checks input and output devices at shutting down | |
| | I. | A dictionary which enable the computer to work properly | |
| | J. | Scattering of portions of file | |
| | K. | Processing of checking hard disk | |
## Section B (75 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section 3. ATM (Cash machines) can be used for various purposes (including cash withdrawal/deposit, checking/printing statement).**Rearrange these stages in this process**
A. The customer's account is checked to see if it has sufficient funds. The amount is also checked against the card limit or daily withdrawal limit. The bank account details are read from the chip B. If Pin is correct then the customer will select a service C. If there are sufficient funds and the amount is within the card limit the required notes are issued.
D. The customer types in the PIN. E. Customer is requested if they would like a receipt. The card is then returned to the customer.
F. Customer may be asked to select a language.
G. The PIN number is compared with the PIN stored in the chip. If Pin is the same then the customer can proceed. If not customer will be requested to re enters The
(ATM) checks to see if the card is valid.
H. If customer selects the Cash Withdrawal then they are requested to select an amount to withdraw.
4. i) MCHICHA and his family have three computers in their home. He wants to connect the computers into a network which will have access to the internet.
a) Give two advantages of doing this. b) Give two disadvantages of doing this. ii) The computer he wanted to connect may have different physical configuration depending on his interest. Mention four things that Ali has to consider when choosing a certain physical configuration of his network.
5. A school library has a file for storing details of the books it has and a file for storing details of its borrowers. The two files are linked using a common field Book File
| Years 10 and 11 Borrower File | | | | |
| Number | Name | Form | Book Borrowed | Due Back |
| 0102 | Me Te Loan | 11A | 1857028898 | 14/06/2010 |
| 1097 | Gurvinder Moore | 10C | 0747591054 | 12/06/2010 |
| 0767 | Akhtar Aftab | 10B | 0748791167 | 06/06/2010 |
| | | Book File | Cost | | |
| Code | Title | Author | Published | Number | in |
| | | stock | | | |
| 1857028898 | The Code Book | Simon Singh | 1999 | 2 | £10.99 |
| 0747591054 | The Deathly Hallows | J K Rowling | 2007 | 8 | £17.99 |
| 0748791167 | Sepulchre | Kate Mosse | 2007 | 3 | £18.99 |
| 0563371218 | Full Circle | Michael Palin | 1997 | 1 | £19.99 |
Years 10 and 11 Borrower File
| 0611 | Graham Reeves | 10D | 0563371218 | 08/06/2010 |
i. How many records are there in the book file?
ii. Which field is the primary key in the Book file?
iii. Which field is the foreign key?
iv. Which field has the data type currency?
v. What data type would be most appropriate for the **Due Back** field?
vi. Name the most appropriate validation check for the **Number in stock** field vii. Name the most appropriate validation check for the **Form** field 6. a) What is Multimedia? Mention four elements of multimedia b)Differentiate between linear and non-linear presentation c)Mention four features of Multimedia system.
7. In online banking data can be misused by hackers. Name four types of security measure which can be used to help to prevent this. For each one give one advantage and one disadvantage.
8. Computers can cause health problems. Identify five of these problems and for each problem write down a method which would help you avoid it. Do not use the same method for both answers.
9. a) Mobile telephones are used for accessing the internet. Give two advantages and three disadvantages of using a mobile telephone rather than using a PC to access the internet. b) Apart from mobile telephone mention other two devices can be used for accessing internet. 10. With the aid of well labeled diagrams, explain types five types of Physical topologies
## Section C (10 Marks) Answer One Questions In This Section
11.Virtual reality is an artificial environment that is created with software. The user will normally wear a head mounted display which will simulates their physical presence in places in the real world or imagined worlds. Give five strong point showing uses of virtual reality in real life.
12. Multi-national companies often use video conferencing such as Zoom cloud meeting rather than face to face meetings. Explain two advantages and two disadvantages of using this system..
6 of 6 |

TIME: 1:40 APRIL. 2024
**Pupils name: ________________school name: ________________________**
1. These examinations contain 6 questions with section **A, B na C.**
2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section.
3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions 5. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms SECTION A: 26 MARKS
1.Choose the correct answer and write it letter in the box provided i. The following are resources that cannot be owned by a family **EXCEPT:**
(a). Mountains (b). Game reserves
(c). Roads (d). Farms ii. Ability of a person to remain calm and settled while facing a difficult problem is called:
(a). Resilience (b). Relationship (c). Challenge (d). Hypocrisy iii. Excessive raining for a long period of time threatens our environment because:
(a). It increases water in dams for production of Hydroelectric power (b). It destroys human settlements through floods (c). It leads to growth of many plants (d). It causes production of fresh water fish iv. A piece of cloth with different colors to represent a certain country is known as:
(a). National currency (b). National flag (c). Presidential flag (d). National emblem v. All head teachers in government primary schools are appointed by:
(a). School directors (b). District Education Officer (c). District Executive Director (d). District Commissioner
| 3. Fill in the blanks with correct answer from the box below Mwl. Julius K. Optimism Nkosi | JumanneNgoma | | |
| Nyerere Pessimism | John Okello | Alexander | Mtwa |
| | Nyirenda | | |
| one has been done as an example LEADER | ELECTED | APPOINTED |
| i.President of the United Republic of Tanzania ii. Village Executive Officer iii. A top leader of the village government iv.The Head prefect v.Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania | √ | |
i.A person who lit Uhuru torch for the first time was called___________________________ ii. The name given to traditional leader of Hehe tribe is_______________________________ iii. Jeremy incurred loss of Sh. 2670/-, but he is continuing with his business as he hopes that he will get profit in the near future. Which attitude does he have? iv. The Zanzibar revolution was led by Sheikh Abeid Amani Karume and________________ SECTION B: **24 MARKS** 4. Fill in the gaps with the correct answers to make a meaningful **passage** Our national has a total of **(i).** colors. Each color of our national flag represents a unique feature about our country. Black color represents **(ii).**
. Things like salt and natural gas are shown by **(iii).**
color. On the other hand, we have beautiful flowers like roses and vegetables which are represented by **(iv).** color. 5. Study the following picture and then answer the questions that **follow**
 i.The moral action shown on picture 2 is called ii. What are the pupils shown on picture 1 doing? iii. Which problem is likely to be caused by the action taking place in picture 1? iv. What would you do if the action taking place in picture 1 happens in your class?
## 6. Read The Following Passage And Then Answer The Questions That Follow
Following the closure of many schools due to Coronavirus, my father decided to take us back to our village called Matiri in Mbinga district. As we were walking to Ubungo Bus Terminal, my father insisted us to walk on the right side of the road. When we approached the terminal, we used Zebra cross to cross to the other side of the road. Before starting our long journey, we were alltold to wear their seatbelts properly for our safety, the traffic police inspected the driver to know whether he had drunk alcohol or used any illegal drug. He also insisted us to report any kind of actions which could endanger our journey like driving and overtaking on a high speed. We started journey at 6 O'clock in the morning and arrived in Mbinga town at late evening.
Questions i.What should passengers do for their own safety when travelling by bus? ii. On which side of the road should pedestrians walk? iii. The special area used by pedestrians to go to another side of the road is called iv. What will happen when the road safety rules are not followed by the road users?




TIME: 1:40 APRIL. 2024 Pupils name: ________________school name: ________________________
1. These examinations contain 5 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions 5. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms
## Section A: Dictation
1. Listen carefully to the sentences read to you by your teacher and write them below.
i. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ii. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
iv. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
v. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
## Section B: Vocabulary
2. Fill in the gaps below with the most correct answer.
i) A person who makes and repairs our clothes is known as ii) The young one of a donkey is iii) The meat of a pig is known as iv) A person whose job is to fly an airplane is v) A place where children go to study is called
## Section C: Grammar
3. Choose the most correct answer and put its letter in the brackets provided aside.
i) There are girls in our class. A) much B) any C) a lot D) many ii) I prefer reading writing A) than B) to C) and D) with iii) She her clothes last weekend. A) washed B) washes C) wash D) washing iv) 10:45 in words is written as A) quarter past eleven B) quarter past ten C) quarter to ten D) quarter to eleven v) An elephant is than a cat. A) biggest B) big C) bigger D) more big
## Section D: Composition
4. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box
Windmill, brilliant, astronomy, England, school Isaac Newton was born in Lincolnshire, (i) in 1643, where he grew up on a farm. When he was a boy, he made lots of (ii) inventions like a (iii)
to grind corn, a water clock and a sundial. However, Isaac didn't get brilliant marks at (iv) When he was 18, Isaac went to study at Cambridge University.He was very interested in Physics, Mathematics and (v)
SECTION E: COMPREHENSION 5. Read the following passage carefully and then write the answers to items (i) to (v) in the space provided. Thomas is a Standard Four pupil at Mkwajuni Primary School. He likes doing physical exercise. Physical exercises are good for health. Every day Thomas goes to the school playground. He goes there after class hours. The school playground is 500 meters away from his home. It is behind the classrooms. There is water well near the classrooms. Sometimes, Thomas rides a bicycle. On hisway, he rides across the river. He rides his bicycle along Mawanzi road. He passes in front of teacher's houses. He parks his bicycle under a tree. QUESTIONS
i.How far is Thomas' home from the school?
ii.Where is the school playground?
iii.Why does Thomas like physical exercises?
iv.Where does Thomas park his bicycle?
v.Which road does Thomas ride on?

APRIL. 2024 Jina la Mtahiniwa: _________________ Shule: _____________________

1. Mtihani huu una maswali 5 katika sehemu **A, B C, D na E**
2. Jibu maswali yote kama ulivyoelekezwa katika kila sehemu. 3. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwenye nafasi ziliachwa wazi katika karatasi hii 4. Epuka kufutafuta. 5. Simu za mkononi haziruhusiwi katika chumba cha mtihani.
2. **Chagua jibu sahihi kisha andika herufi ya jibu hilo kwenye kisanduku**
i.Andika wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo "Kaka yangu anafua na kupika" A. Kaka zangu anafua na kupika B. Kaka yangu anafua na kupika
[ ]
C. Kaka zangu wanafua na kupika D. Kaka zangu anafuaga na kupika ii.Nimepatwa na ................. kutokana na msiba wa mjomba.
A. Dhoruba B. Njaa [ ] C. Furaha D. Majonzi iii. Suluali, gauni, kaptula, sketi, shati, blauzi kwa pamoja huitwa .................
A. Mavazi B. Vivutio
[ ]
C. Mapambo D. Urembo iv.Neno lipi la kiswahili linaweza kuundwa kwa kudondosha silabi moja katika neno salamu?
A. Kalamu B. Lamu
[ ]
C. Sala D. Laumu v."Hamisi atajenga nyumba kule kwao". Sentensi hii itaandikwaje katika wakati mtimilifu?
A. Hamisi hatajenga nyumba kule kwao B. Hamisi amejenga nyumba kule kwao C. Hamis atabomoa nyumba kule kwao [ ] D. Hamisi ni mjenzi wa nyumba 1. **IMLA**
i. ..........................................................................................................................
ii. ..........................................................................................................................
iii. ..........................................................................................................................
iv. ..........................................................................................................................
v. ..........................................................................................................................
3. **Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi uiandike kwenye kisanduku**
i. Mtoto akililia wembe .........................
A. mchape B. Mnyime C. Mpe D. Kataa [ ]
ii. Kuzunguka mbuyu ni ...............
A. kutoa rushwa B. Kuzunguka mbuyu C. Kushika mbuyu D. kula mbuyu [ ]
iii. Methali inayosema kidole kimoja hakivunji chawa inatufundisha nini?
A. Inatufundisha kuwa ni muhimu tushirikiane B. Chawa havunjiki kwa kidole tu [ ] C. Ni lazima tuwe na chawa ili tuwavunje kwa kidole D. Vidole viwili vina nguvu sana iv. Kila ukiwakuta wamejitayarisha kwa vita A. Askari B. Simba C. Katani D. Magari [ ]
v. Kumkalia mtu kitako maana yake ni ............
A. kumsema B. kumsengenya C. kumsuta D. Kumjadili [ ]
4. **Panga sentensi zifuatazo kwa kuzipa herufi A, B, C, D na E ili zilete mtiririko sahihi**
wa habari.
i. Wakajitayarisha na kuanza safari ya kuelekea shuleni. [ ]
ii. Njiani walikutana na wanafunzi rafiki zao Paulo na Petro. [ ]
iii. Shule zilikuwa zimefunguliwa. [ ]
iv. Ilikuwa siku ya Jumatatu. [ ]
v. Beka na Raja waliamka mapema. [ ]
## Sehemu E: Ufahamu
5. **Soma habari ifuatayo kisha jibu maswali yanayofuata**
Tusikilizane wanafunzi wenzangu, kuna matangazo machache hapa. Leo ni siku muhimu sana kwa kuwa tunakwenda kutembelea mbuga ya Serengeti. Safari hii itakuwa ndefu na itaongozwa na mwalimu wa taaluma akisaidiwa na kaka mkuu na dada mkuu. Hivyo tufuate maelekezo yatakayotolewa na kiongozi wa msafara na wasaidizi wake. Kwa usalama wetu dereva amenielekeza niwaambie kila mmoja atakapopanda ndani ya gari afunge mkanda, na yeyote asitoe kichwa nje wala mkono gari inapokuwa inatembea. Maelekezo mengine tutatangaziwa tutakapokuwa ndani ya gari. Asanteni kwa kunisikiliza.
i. Nani aliyetoa taarifa? .....................................................................................
ii. Nani aliyekuwa kiongozi wa msafara? ...............................................................................
iii. Safari ilikuwa ya kuelekea wapi? ........................................................................................
iv. Matangazo yalitolewa ndani ya gani au nje ya gari?
v. Wanafunzi walikatazwa kufanya mambo gani wakati gari inatembea?.................................................................................................................................




TIME: 1:40 APRIL. 2024 Pupils name: ________________school name: ________________________
1. These examinations contain 6 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions 5. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms
| 1. | i. | Write two tens, seven ones, four ten thousands, five thousands and two hundreds in figure | | |
| | ii. | Write the total value of 9 in 7879 | | |
| | iii. | Write | 1089 in expanded | |
| | form | | | |
| | iv. | Write XXXVIII in words | | |
| | v. | Write 59 in Roman Numerals | | |
| 2. | i. | Write the smallest number that comes after 9989 | | |
| | ii. | The password of my aunt's mobile phone is the largest number that comes before 67810. Which number is that? | | |
| | iii. | Suzy was 17 years old in the last five years. How old is she in this year? | | |
| | iv. | The age of Mina in the next three years will be 15 years. How old was she last year? | | |
| v. | Write the next number in the pattern below: | |
| 3. | i. | How many months are in a year? |
| ii. | The bus left Ubungo Terminal at 6:30 in the morning and arrived in Morogoro at 8:30 in the morning. How many minutes did the bus use in that journey? | |
| iii. | Write 'eleven past eight' in figure | |
| iv. | James bought a trouser for 5,500/- shillings. If he sells it for 9,800/- shillings ,how much profit will he get? | |
| v. | Fredy was given three coins of five hundred shillings by his father and two notes of one thousand shillings by his aunt. How much did he get altogether? | |
| 4. | i. | Convert 4 kilogram and 800 grams in to grams |
| ii. | Kilograms | grams |
| 25 | | 700 |
| + | 24 | 500 |
| iii. | The length of the road from town A to town B is 5 kilometers and 250 meters. | |
| | What is the length of that particular road in meters? |
| iv. | The short side of a rectangle is called |
| v. | The perimeter of a square is 100cm. What is the length of its one side? |
| 5. | Use the pictograph below to answer the question 5 (i)-(v). Number of Chairs in Class I, II,III and IV CLASS NUMBER OF CHAIRS STD I STD II STD III STD IV represents 15 chairs i. Which class has many chairs? ii. How many chairs are in STD IV and STD I in total? iii. Which class has the least number of chairs? |
| iv. | Find the difference in the number of chairs between STD I and STD III |
| v. | How many chairs should be added in STD II in order to get 60 chairs? |

TIME: 1:40 APRIL. 2024 Pupils name: ________________school name: ________________________
1. These examinations contain 5 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions 5. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms
## Section A: Multiple Choice
1. Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the box provided i. The brand of shame or disgrace experienced by a HIV/AIDS victim in the society is:(a). Immunization (b). ARVs
(c). Stigmatization (d). Immunity ( )
ii. Bending of light as it passes from one medium to another is:(a). Refraction (b). Reflection
(c). Absorption (d). Shadow ( )
iii. The following are all innate body immunities EXCEPT:
(a). The skin (b). White Blood Cells
(c). Food we eat (d). Visible hair ( )
iv. This electric symbol is known as:(a). Bulb (b). Fuse
(c). Cell (d). Socket ( )
v. The digestive system disorder which shows difficult in passing out stool is:(a). Anus (b). Constipation
(c). Indigestion (d). Ulcers ( )
2. Match the following items in LIST A with those in LIST B correctly by
writing the letter of the correct answer in the answer space spaces provided
LIST A ANSWERS LIST B i. Electric cooker A. Natural gas ii. Charcoal cooker B. Ash chamber iii. Kerosene cooker C. Electricity iv. Firewood cooker D. Causes deforestation v. Gas cooker E. Paraffin
F. Fuel
3. Use the words in the box below to answer the following questions
Plasmodium Mechanical Solute Female Anopheles
Immunization Chemical Solvent
i. Salt and Sugar are the two examples of ii. An example of acquired immunity is i. What is the main cause of Malaria? ii. The type of digestion that takes place in the stomach is called _______________________ iii. Water is a good example of
4. The following are the steps followed when writing a scientific report which are NOT in correct order. Arrange them correctly by giving the sentences letters A,
B, C, D and E i. Procedures ii. The aim iii. Conclusion iv. The title v. Materials 5. Use the diagram below to answer the following questions




 i. What is the name of the diagram above _ ii. The letter that shows the part that absorbs the digested food is _ iii. What acid is found in the part marked B iv. The part that absorbs water and mineral salts is called v. Name the part marked A


TIME: 1:40 APRIL. 2024 Pupils name: ________________school name: ________________________
1. These examinations contain 5 questions with section **A, B na C.** 2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section. 3. All answers should be provided in the space given in the examinations paper 4. Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions 5. Phones and unwanted material are not allowed in the examination rooms
SECTION A: 28 MARKS 1. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided i. Which among the following actions destroys our environment?
(a). Proper disposal of waste (b). Fishing by using nets with big holes (c). Improper disposal of waste (d). Contour farming ii. Which event do Tanzanians commemorate on 14th October yearly?
(a). The Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar (b). The death of Mwl. Julius K. Nyerere (c). The independence day (d). The death of Karume iii. Traditions, customs, arts, crafts, norms and language are some of the elements of:
(a). Culture (b). Custom (c). Society (d). School rules iv. What is the name for the traditional dance for Makonde tribe?
(a). Eritungu (b). Sindimba (c). Mdundiko (d). Bao v. A family made up of father, mother and their children is called:
(a). Nuclear family (b). Extended family (c). Couple family (d). Adoptive family vi. The first president of Tanzania ruled for how many years?
(a). 28 years (b). 18 years (c). 31 years (d). 21 years vii. How can we protect ourselves from hot weather?
(a). Drinking hot water (b). Walking in the hot sun (c). Drinking a lot of water (d). Not taking showers for two days viii. Which among the following ways is NOT a way of keeping historical records?
(a). Establishment of museums (b). Establishment of historical sites (c). Banning of all cultural activities (d). Oral traditions
| LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response in the brackets provided | | |
| i. Rainfall | A. A mass of water vapor floating in the sky | |
| ii. Clouds | B. Degree of hotness or coldness of the body or place | |
| iii. Sunshine | C. The air in motion | |
| iv. Wind | D. Amount of water vapor in the air | |
| v. Atmospheric pressure | E. Amount of water recorded in a rain gauge | |
| vi. Temperature | F. Water droplets falling from the sky to the Earth G. Direct light and heat that comes from the sun H. The weight of air pushing down on the Earth | |
## Section B: 22 Marks

3. The following are the stages of planting a tree in a random way. Rearrange them by giving letters A-F from the first to the last i. Set the tree into the hole ii. Backfill the ho le iii. Water the tree regularly iv. Dig the hole v. Find the place where you are going to plant the tree vi. Mark the planting location 4. Fill in the blanks with the correct word vii. The famous archaeologist who discovered the skull of the early man at Olduvai Gorge was called____________________________-
5. Study carefully the following pictures and then answer the questions that follow

i. Which letter represents the first president of Tanzania?

ii. What is the name of the leader marked letter D?________________________________
iii. Which letters represent the leaders of the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar?
iv. For how many years did the leader marked letter B rule our country?
__________________________________________________________ |
| 5. | Takwimu kwa picha ifuatayo inaonesha uzalishaji wa mayai | |
| | katika shule ya msingi Kaizirege kwa muda wa siku nne. Soma | |
| | kwa makini kisha jibu maswaliyanayofuata; SIKU IDADI YA MAYAI JUMATATU JUMANNE JUMATANO | |
| | ALHAMIS | |
| i. | Ni siku zipi shule ilizalisha idadi sawa ya |
| | mayai? |
| ii. | Siku gani yalikusanywa mayai machache |
| | zaidi? |
| iii. Tafuta tofauti ya mayai yaliyozalishwa siku ya Jumanne na Jumatano iv. Iwapo shule iliuza yai moja kwa shilingi 100. Shule ilipata shilingi ngapi siku ya Jumatano? v. Kwa siku zote nne shule ilizalisha jumla ya mayai mangapi? | |
Ufunguo: = Mayai 10 Jina la Mwanafunzi: ____________________________ Nmba ya Mwanafunzi: __________________________
Jina la shule: __________________________________


| Namba ya Swali | Alama | Saini ya Mtaini | Saini ya Mhakiki |
| 1 2 3 4 5 6 | | | |
| Jumla | | | |
Muda: Saa 1:30 Tarehe: ...................
1. Mtihani huu una maswali matano **(5).**
2. Jibu maswali yote katika kila sehemu.
3. Majibu yote yaandikwe katika nafasi zilizowazi katika kila swali.
4. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwa wino wa bluu au **nyeusi**.
5. Simu za mkononi, kikokotoo na vitu vyovyote visivyoruhusiwa havitakiwi katika chumba cha upimaji.
6. Andika **Jina lako na Namba ya mtihani katika nafasi iliyo wazi** katika upande wa juu kulia kwa kila ukurasa.

| | 3.i) Jumlisha sh. 8381 na sh.3798 | | | | |
| 1 i) | Mkoa wa Dar es salaam una | | | | |
| | jumla ya walimu 10,001. Andika | | | | |
| | idadi ya walimu hao kwa maneno; | ii. | Tafuta zao la 321 na 10 | | |
| ii. | Kijiji cha mtakuja kilipanda miche | | | | |
| | ya miti "Kumi na tatu elfu" Andika | | | | |
| | idadi hiyo kwa tarakimu | iii. | Wilaya ya nyamagana ilikuwa na | | |
| | | ng'ombe 6900 na mbuzi 5,802. Je, | | | |
| | | wilaya ya Nyamagana ina jumla ya | | | |
| | | mifugo mingapi? | | | |
| iii. | Shule ya msingi Maweni ilivuna | | | | |
| | magunia 26985 ya mahindi | | | | |
| | mwaka jana. Andika thamani ya | | | | |
| | namba 6 katika idadi ya magunia | | | | |
| | hayo | iv. | Atufigwegwe alikuwa na mifuko | | |
| | | 10000 ya saruji. Akatumia mifuko | | | |
| | | 6700 kujengea banda la kuku. Je, | | | |
| | | alibakiwa na mifuko mingapi ya | | | |
| | | saruji? | | | |
| iv. | Andika kwa kifupi | | | | |
| | 8+5000+20000+70+900= | | | | |
| v. | Fafanua kwa kuandika kwa kirefu | | | | |
| | namba hii; 77055; | v. | Kuku 3 walitaga mayai 81. Je, kila | | |
| | | kuku alitaga mayai mangapi? | | | |
| | 4 i. Taja jina la mstari huu | | | | |
| 2 i. | Andika namba inayokosekana | | | | |
| | katika mpangilio huu wa namba; | | | | |
| | 44, _____, 54, 59, 64 | K | L | | |
| | ii. | Ni sehemu gani ya umbo hili | | | |
| | | haijaweka kivuli | | | |
| ii. | Andika namba inayofuata katika | | | | |
| | mfululizo huu wa namba. | | | | |
| | I, II, IV, VIII, XVI,______ | | | | |
| iii. | Panga namba hizi kuanzia namba | | | | |
| | ndogo kwenda namba kubwa | | | | |
| | 66, 16, 36, 56, 26, 46 | iii. | saa | dk | |
| | | 3 | 45 | | |
| | | + 2 | 01 | | |
| iv. | Mayele alinunua ndizi 634, | | | | |
| | maembe 325, mapapai 534 na | | | | |
| | machungwa 745 panga majina ya | | | | |
| | matunda hayo ukianzia na | | | | |
| | matunda mengi zaidi hadi | | | | |
| | machache zaidi | iv. | Nazi 19 ni sehemu gani katika nazi | | |
| | | 25? | | | |
| v. | Ni tendo gani la HISABATI | | | | |
| | limetumika katika mpangilio huu | | | | |
| | wa namba; 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125 | 1 8 | | | |
| | v. | Kuna | ngapi katika kitu kizima | | |
| | | kimoja? | | | |

## Maswali
| Namba ya Swali | Alama | Saini ya Mtaini | Saini ya Mhakiki |
| 1 2 3 4 5 6 | | | |
| Jumla | | | |
Jina la Mwanafunzi: _______________________________________ Nmba ya Mwanafunzi: _____________________________________
Jina la shule: _________________________________________



i) Picha unazoziona ni baadhi ya ____________za taifa letu. ii) Ni maneno gani yaliyoandikwa kwenye picha yenye mwanaume na mwanamke? _______________________ iii) Mnyama unayemwona kwenye picha anaitwa nani? ________________________________________ iv) Taja rangi za bendera ya taifa ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania. a) ________________________ b) ___________________________________ c) ___________________________________ d) ___________________________________
## 6. Soma Ngonjera Ifuatayo Kisha Jibu Maswali.
1. Karatasi hii ina jumla ya maswali **sita (6).** 2. Jibu maswali yote katika kila sehemu.
3. Andika majibu yote kwenye nafasi zilizoachwa wazi katika kila swali.
4. Andika majibu yote kwa kutumia kalamu ya bluu au **nyeusi**. 5. Simu za mkononi na vitu vyote visivyoruhusiwa havitakiwi katika chumba cha upimaji.
6. Andika **Jina na Namba yako ya Upimaji** sehemu ya juu kulia ya kila ukurasa.
Muda: Saa 1:30 Tarehe .................
Kiswahili lugha yetu, Ndiyo utamaduni wetu, Chajenga mshikamano wetu, Hutambulisha Taifa letu. Tuitangaze lugha yetu, Hata nje ya nchi yetu, Tuimarishe umoja wetu, Hutambulisha Taifa letu.
i) Ngonjera hii inahusu nini? ________________________
ii) Je, ni mahali gani tumeambiwa tuitangaze lugha yetu?
______________________________________________ iii) Tukizungumza lugha hiyo itatujengea nini? _____________________________________ iv) Kitu gani kinatambulisha Taifa letu?_________________
1. **Chagua na andika herufi ya jibu sahihi**
i) Sikitu alifungua begi la shule la Halima na kuchukua rula ya Halima bila kumuomba. Je, kitendo alichofanya Sikitu ni cha aina gani? (a) dharau (b) heshima (c) ugomvi (d) wizi [ ]
| Sehemu A | Sehemu B | | | |
| i) | Zinaitambulisha | | | |
| nchi ya Tanzania. | [ | ] | | |
| na mbili jioni | [ | ] | | |
| mataifa mengine | [ | ] | | |
| iv) | Demokrasia | [ | ] | A. Uhuru wa kuchangia |
| | maoni. | | | |
| | B. Utamaduni. | | | |
| | C. Alama za Taifa. | | | |
| | D. Muda wa kupiga kura | | | |
| | E. Bendera ya taifa | | | |
| | hupandishwa na | | | |
| | kushushwa. | | | |
ii) Semeni ni msichana wa darasa la nne katika Shule ya Msingi Kilimani, hapendi kuongea sana na ni msikivu kwa walimu na wazazi wake. Je, hiyo ni tabia gani? (a) mvumilivu (b) mtulivu (c) ana akili sana (d) mpole [ ] iii) Kibao cha Shule ya Msingi Mkwawa kimeandikwa maneno yanayoonesha msimamo na mwelekeo wa shule hiyo. Kwa kifupi maneno hayo huitwaje? (a) wito (b) kauli mbiu (c) hadithi (d) changamoto [ ] iv) Taaluma nzuri na mazingira mazuri ni vitu vinavyofanya shule ipendwe na jamii yote. Je, ni nani mwenye wajibu wa kufanya shule ipendwe na jamii yote? [ ] (a) wazazi, wakulima na wanafunzi (b) kamati ya shule, walimu na wanafunzi (c) wafanyabiashara na walimu (d) wanafunzi na jamii inayozunguka shule [ ] v) Mzee Songambele anataka kwenda kuonana na Mwalimu Mkuu wa Shule ya Msingi Majohe. Ni kitu gani kitakachomsaidia ili afike shuleni hapo bila kupotea? (a) kibao cha shule (b) alama ya shule (c) nembo ya shule (d) barabara ya kuelekea shuleni [ ]
## 2. Oanisha Sehemu A Na B Ili Kuleta Maana Iliyo Sahihi; 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 1 6 3. Jaza Nafasi Zilizowazi Kwa Kutumia Maneno Yaliyo ________________________
katika kisanduku.
changamoto, kilevi, kuwa mvumilivu, kudadisi, ushauri i) Kitu kinacholewesha ukikitumia kama kinywaji ____________ ii) Jambo linaloweza kukwamisha kufikia lengo ulilojiwekea. iii) Kustahimili matatizo yanayokukabili ___________________ iv) Hali ya kuuliza mambo ili kufahamu_____________________
1 4. Weka alama ya ( ) kwenye matendo yanayofaa na lama ya ( X ) kwenye matendo yasiyofaa.
| i) | Kutokufanya kazi za darasani. |
| ii) | Kumwagilia maji bustani ya mboga. |
| iii) | Kuchelewa kufika shuleni. |
| iv) | Kutoa msaada kwa wengine. |

## Maswali:
| Namba ya Swali | Alama | Saini ya Mtaini | Saini ya Mhakiki |
| 1 2 3 4 5 6 | | | |
| Jumla | | | |
Nmba ya Mwanafunzi: _____________________________________ Jina la shule: _________________________________________


Muda: Saa 1:30 Tarehe: ....................
1. Karatasi hii ina jumla ya maswali **manne (4).**
2. Jibu maswali yote katika kila sehemu.
3. Andika majibu yote kwenye nafasi zilizoachwa wazi katika kila swali.
4. Andika majibu yote kwa kutumia kalamu ya bluu na **nyeusi**.
5. Simu za mkononi na vitu vyote visivyoruhusiwa havitakiwi katika chumba cha upimaji.
6. Andika **Jina na Namba yako ya Upimaji** sehemu ya juu kulia ya kila ukurasa.
i) Unafikiri picha inayoonekana hapo juu imepigwa wakati (muda) gani? ii) Taja vitu viwili vinavyoonekana katika picha hapo juu. a) ______________________________ b) ___________________________________ iii) Ni kifaa gani kinachotumika kupima Jotoridi? iv) Nini faida ya jua kwa vitu kama inavyoonekana hapo juu?_______________________________
## I) _______________________________________ 1. Chagua Herufi Ya Jibu Sahihi Na Ujaze Katika Mabano
uliyopewa. i) Juma na Asha ni watoto waliozaliwa katika familia ya baba na mama mmoja. Je, unaelewa nini maana ya neno familia? (a) uadui (b) watu walio na uhusiano (c) watu walio na chuki (d) watu walio na majigambo [ ] ii) Fafanua kwa makini ulijifunza aina ngapi za familia? (a) saba (b) tatu (c) mbili (d) sita [ ] iii) Chinguwile anaishi kwao na wazazi wake wote pamoja na nduguze wa familia moja. Je, unafikiri ni nani kiongozi wa familia hiyo?___ (a) babu (b) baba (c) kaka (d) mjomba [ ] iv) Wanafamilia wanapaswa kuishi kwa kuheshimiana na kwa ____ (a) kuchukiana (b) kubishana (c) kupigana (d) upendo [ ] v) Familia yenye watu wengi huitwa _____________ (a) familia ya awali (b) familia ya yatima (c) familia pana (d) familia ya mume na mke [ ] vi) ___________ ni muunganiko wa familia nyingi zenye uhusiano. (a) ukoo (b) kijiji (c) majirani (d) kikundi [ ] vii) Familia wanayoishi watoto peke yao kutokana na kufariki wazazi wao wote huitwa?_________ (a) familia pana (b) familia ya watoto yatima (c) familia ya awali (d) familia ya makubaliano [ ] viii) Kitigwa na Malambo ni mtu na mke wake ambao hawaku bahatika kupata mtoto, waliamua kuchukua mtoto na kumlea. Je, hii ni aina gani ya familia? (a) familia ya makubaliano (b) famila pana (c) familia ya watoto yatima (d) familia ya awali [ ]
## 2. Oanisha Sentensi Kutoka Kifungu A Na Maneno Sahihi Kutoka Kifungu B Ili Yalete Maana Sahihi.
| i) | Mpaka | [ | ] | A. Chombo kitumikacho |
| kuonesha uelekeo wa | | | | |
| ii) | Ramani | [ | ] | ramani |
| B. Mipaka ya mraba au | | | | |
| iii) | Dira | [ | ] | mstatili |
| C. Mahali ambapo ukomo | | | | |
| iv) | Fremu | [ | ] | wa eneo au kitu dhidi ya |
| kingine | | | | |
| v) | Alama za ramani [ ] | D. Pande kuu nne za Dunia | | |
| E. Orodha ya alama za | | | | |
| vi) | Ufunguo | [ | ] | ramani na maana zake |
| F. Mchoro wa kitu unavyo- | | | | |
| onekana kutoka juu | | | | |
| G. Michoro ya alama zinazo- | | | | |
| tambulisha kitu katika | | | | |
SEHEMU B. (Alama 22) 3. Jaza nafasi zilizo wazi kwa kupanga majina ya sayari katika mfululizo ulio sahihi kuanzia sayari ya kwanza kutoka kwenye jua hadi sayari ya mwisho kati ya majina ya sayari ulizopewa.
Dunia, Sumbula, Zohali, Zebaki, Mirihi, Zuhura, Sarateni ii) _______________________________________ iii) _______________________________________ iv) _______________________________________
v) _______________________________________
vi) _______________________________________ vii) _______________________________________
## Maswali;
i) Ni aina gani ya maada isiyokuwa na umbo wala ujazo maalumu?________________________________________ ii) Ni aina gani ya maada ambayo haina umbo maalum lakini ina ujazo maalum?___________________________________ iii) Ni aina gani ya maada ina umbo na ujazo maalum? iv) Kuna hali ngapi za maada?__________________________ v) Maada ni nini? 5. Chunguza mchoro ufuatao kisha jibu kipengele (i) - (v)

i) Sehemu inayooneshwa kwa herufi A inaitwa ii) Mchoro unaoonekana hapo juu huitwa__________________ iii) Herufi C inawakilisha________________________________ iv) Herufi D inawakilisha________________________________ v) Sehemu iliyooneshwa kwa herufi E inawakilisha chanzo cha nishati ambayo husababisha umeme kuwaka. Nini kitatokea endapo selikavu zote zitaondolewa Jina la Mwanafunzi: ___________________________________
Nmba ya Mwanafunzi: _________________________________
Jina la shule: _________________________________________
________________________________________________ ______________________________
1 022020 **000201**

1. Karatasi hii ina jumla ya maswali **matano (5).** 2. Jibu maswali yote katika kila sehemu.
3. Andika majibu yote kwenye nafasi zilizoachwa wazi katika kila swali.
4. Andika majibu yote kwa kutumia kalamu ya bluu na **nyeusi**. 5. Simu za mkononi na vitu vyote visivyoruhusiwa havitakiwi katika chumba cha upimaji.
6. Andika **Jina na Namba yako ya Upimaji** sehemu ya juu kulia ya kila ukurasa.
Muda: Saa 1:30 Tarehe: .....................
| Namba ya Swali | Alama | Saini ya Mtaini | Saini ya Mhakiki |
| 1 2 3 4 5 | | | |
| Jumla | | | |
## ____________________
| | Kundi A | Kundi B | | | |
| i) | Huonesha picha na maandishi | [ | ] | A. | Rimoti |
| | | B. | Vitufe | | |
| ii) | Hutoa sauti ya matangazo | [ | ] | C. | Swichi |
| iii) Hudhibiti runinga kutoka masafa marefu [ | | ] | D. | Waya | |
| iv) Hunasa mawimbi kutoka hewani [ | | ] | E. | Spika | |
| | | F. | Antena | | |
| v) | Husafirisha umeme kutoka kwenye | | | | |
| | soketi hadi kwenye runinga | [ | ] | G. | Skrini |
## Sehemu A: 1. Chagua Jibu Sahihi Kisha Andika Herufi Yake Kwenye
i) Miale ya mwanga ____inapogonga kwenye vitu vinavyong'aa au vitu vyenye nyuso nyororo; (a) huakisiwa (b) hupinda (c) husharabiwa (d) hutawanyika [ ]
ii) Umeme huzalishwao kwa maporomoko ya maji huitwa_______
(a) umeme wa jua (b) umeme uzalishwao kwa nguvu ya upepo (c) umeme wa mafuta (d) umeme wa maji [ ] iii) Mama alinunua nyanya kutoka sokoni na alitaka kuzitumia baada ya siku mbili. Je, atahifadhi katika kifaa gani ili nyanya hizo zisiharibike; (a) jiko la umeme (b) chupa ya chai (c) jokofu (d) kabati [ ] iv) Majiko yapi kati ya haya yafuatayo husababisha ukataji wa miti; (a) jiko la mafuta na jiko la gesi (b) jiko la kisasa na jiko la umeme [ ] (c) jiko la umeme na jiko la mkaa (d) jiko la kuni na jiko la mkaa v) Ni magonjwa gani hutokana na uchafuzi wa maji? [ ] (a) kifaduro na surua (b) UKIMWI na kipindupindu (c) Malaria na trakoma (d) Kipindupindu na kichocho 2. Oanisha maneno yaliyoko katika kundi A na yale yaliyo katika kundi B kwa kuandika herufi ya jibu sahihi katika mabano; 3. Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi kwa kutumia maneno kutoka katika kisanduku. i) Ni matokeo ya muunganiko wa gesi mbalimbali ii) Ni chanzo cha chakula kwa viumbe hai?____________ iii) Mwanga unaposafiri kutoka midia moja kwenda midia nyingine____________________________________ iv) _______________ huanzia mdomoni na kuishia kwenye utumbo mwembamba. v) Moshi wenye sumu kutoka viwandani husababisha ugonjwa gani?_____________________________ 4. Soma kifungu cha habari kifuatacho kisha jibu maswali yanayofuata Maada ni kitu chochote chenye uzito na kinachobeba nafasi. Kuna hali kuu tatu za maada; yabisi, vimiminika na gesi. Maada yabisi zina chembechembe zilizosongamana.
| Hupinda, | Tabaini, | Hewa, | Saratani ya mapafu, |
| Mimea, | Mmeng'enyo wa chakula, | Kichocho | |
Kusongamana kwa chembechembe katika maada yabisi huzifanya maada kuwa na umbo maalum na ujazo. katika vimiminika chembechembe zimeachana kuliko kwenye maada yabisi lakini ziko karibu kuliko chembechembe za kwenye gesi. Vimiminika vina ujazo maalum lakini huchukua umbo la chombo husika. kwenye gesi, chembechembe zimeachana sana na kwasababu hiyo gesi haina umbo maalum wala ujazo maalum. Gesi zikiwekwa kwenye chombo huwa zinajaza nafasi yote ya chombo husika. |
Mtihani wa Febr drs | JINA LA MTAHINIWA _____________________________________________________________
# Mtihani Wa Pamoja Wa Mwezi Februari 2021

| 1. | 1,236 ÷ 4 = (a) 39 (b) 309 (c) 63 (d) 306 (e) 49 | 7. | 78 × 952 = (a) 74,256 (b) 70,756 (c) 74,246 (d) 74,156 (e) 73,856 |
| 2. | | 8. | Bwana Matata alizaliwa mwaka 1961. Andika mwaka huo kwa namba za kirumi. |
| Andika | katika sehemu rahisi | | |
| | 7 | 2 | |
| | + | | |
| | 12 | 12 | (a) MMCLX (b) MCMLXI (c) MCMXLI (d) MCMCXI (e) MXMLXI |
| (a) ¾ (b) 9 /12 (c) 9 /24 (d) 3 /8 (e) 2 /12 | | | |
| 3. | 269 + 1,731 = (a) 1,800 (b) 1,900 (c) 1,990 (d) 1,999 (e) 2,000 | 9. | Ikiwa P = 5 na Q = 4, tafuta thamani ya (P2 ) × (Q2 ) (a) 54 (b) 108 (c) 400 (d) 200 (e) 800 |
| 4. | 4 4 /5 ÷ 1 1 /5 = (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 6 | 10. | 1.9 - 0.06 = (a) 0.94 (b) 1.94 (c) 1.86 (d) 1.84 (e) 1.96 |
| 5. | 1,509 - 728 = (a) 581 (b) 681 (c) 771 (d) 781 (e) 881 | 11. | Badili 44% kuwa sehemu rahisi (a) 44/100 (b) 22/25 (c) 11/50 (d) 22/50 (e) 11/25 |
| 6. | 7 3 /5 - 2 ½ = | 12. | Tafuta thamani ya 492 . |
| (a) 3 | | (a) 2,401 | |
| (b) 3 2 /5 (c) 3 1 /10 (d) 4 1 /10 (e) 5 1 /10 | | (b) 2,301 (c) 1,301 (d) 98 (e) 492 | | | | |
| 13. | 3 - (6 - – 8 ) = (a) 17 (b) - 1 (c) - 11 (d) 1 (e) 11 | 20. | 1 4 /5 × 3 8 /9 = (a) 3 1 /7 (b) 7 (c) 44 (d) 8 (e) 4 12/14 | | | |
| 14. | Je, kuna namba shufwa ngapi kati ya 73 na 81? (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 4 (e) 3 | 21. | Tafuta kupeuo cha pili cha (64 × 4) (a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 16 (d) 32 (e) 64 | | | |
| 15. | Zidisha kg 8 gm 50 kwa 5. (a) Kg 40 gm 25 (b) Kg 40 gm 250 (c) Kg 42 gm 250 (d) Kg 42 gm 225 (e) Kg 40 gm 455 | 22. | Ikiwa M = - 3 na N = - 5, tafuta thamani ya (– 9 × M × N). (a) - 105 (b) 15 (c) - 125 (d) - 135 (e) 135 | | | |
| 16. | Andika | namba | inayokosekana | katika | | |
| mfululizo wa namba 70, 85, 100, …, 130. (a) 101 (b) 105 (c) 108 (d) 110 (e) 115 | | 23. | Tafuta eneo la umbo lifuatalo sm 5 | (a) | sm2 80 | |
| | | (b) | sm2 40 | | | |
| | | (c) | sm2 21 | | | |
| | | (d) | sm2 20 | | | |
| | | (e) | sm2 160 | | | |
| | | sm 16 | | | | |
| | | 24. | Andika majira ya nukta P na Q | | | |
| 17. | Ikiwa 7m - 1 /3 = 2, tafuata thamani ya m (a) 2 /3 (b) 7 /3 (c) 2 /7 (d) 1 /3 (e) 1 /7 | (a) | P (2, - 3) Q (2, 0) | (b) P (– 3, 2) Q (0, - 2) | | |
| | | (c) | P (2, 3) | Q (– 2, 0) | (d) P (2, 3) | Q (0, - 2) |
| | | (e) | (e) P (0, - 2) Q (2, - 3) | | | |
| | | 25. | Tafuta thamani ya pembe ABC katika umbo lifuatalo B | | | |
| 18. | Tafuta kigawo kukibwa cha shirika (KKS) cha 32 na 48 (a) 16 (b) 12 (c) 8 (d) 4 (e) 2 | (a) | 500 | | | |
| | | (b) | 600 | | | |
| | | (c) | 650 | | | |
| | | (d) | 700 | | | |
| | | (e) | 900 | | | |
| | | A | C | | | |
| 19. | 15.65 × 12 = (a) 31.3 (b) 15.65 (c) 187.8 (d) 178.7 (e) 187.7 | B | | | | |
| | 26. | Mzingo wa duara lifualo n ism 352. Tafuta nusu kipenyo cha duara hilo. (Tumia π = 22/7) (a) sm 28 (b) sm 44 (c) sm 56 (d) sm 88 (e) sm 176 | | | | |
| 27. | Tafuta thamani ya x katika mchoro ufuatao: (a) 900 (b) 600 (c) 450 (d) 40 (e) 300 | 34. | Martha hutembea kwa mwendokasi wa kilometa 2 kwa saa kutoka nyumbani hadi dukani. Ikiwa hutumia nusu saa. Je, ni umbali gani kutoka nyumbani hadi dukani? | | | |
| | 2x + 400 | x + 200 | | | | |
| | 300 | (a) km 1 | (b) km 2 | (c) km 3 | (d) 4 | (e) 5 |
| | 35. | Vijiji vinne katika mkoa mmoja | vilivuna korosho | | | |
| | kilogramu 60,000. Je, kwa wastani kila kijiji kilivuna tani ngapi? (a) Tani 5 (b) tani 10 (c) tani 15 (d) tani 20 (e) tani 25 | | | | | |
| 28. | Tafuta eneo la umbo lifuatalo (a) Sm2 144 (b) Sm2 124 (c) Sm2 120 (d) Sm2 64 (e) Sm2 36 P | 36. | Mkulima aliuza pamba na kupata shilingi 2,500,000. Ikiwa mauzo kwa kilo ni shilingi 2,500. Je, aliuza kilo ngapi? | | | |
| | sm (3a - 4) | | | | | |
| | sm (2a + 2) | | | | | |
| 29. | Tafuta mzingo wa pembetatu pacha PQR (a) Sm 10 (b) Sm 38 (c) Sm 18 (d) Sm 24 (e) Sm 14 | (a) 25 | (b) 50 | (c) 500 | (d) 1,000 | (e) 1,500 |
| | Q | R | | | | |
| | sm 10 | 37. | Jumla ya umri wa baba na mtoto ni miaka 40. Ikiwa umri wa baba ni mara tatu ya umri wa mtoto. Je, mtoto ana umri wa miaka mingapi? | | | |
| 30. | Tafuta ukubwa wa umbo lifuatalo (a) Sm3 192 (b) Sm3 224 (c) Sm3 128 (d) Sm3 256 (e) Sm3 64 | (a) 5 | (b) 10 | (c) 15 | (d) 20 | (e) 25 |
| | B | | | | | |
| 31. | Tafuta eneo la umbo lifuatalo: (a) Sm2 30 (b) Sm 2 24 (c) Sm2 40 (d) Sm2 48 (e) Sm2 60 A sm 6 | C | 38. | Idadi ya wanafunzi wa darasa la 5B katika shule ya msingi Ranchi waliofaulu katika jaribio kwa wiki nne ni kama inavooneshwa kwenye jedwali Wiki I II III IV Idadi ya wanafunzi 76 64 … 72 Ikiwa wastani wa idadi ya wanafunzi ni 70. Je, wiki ya tatu waliofaulu ni wanafunzi wangapi? (a) 64 (b) 66 (c) 68 (d) 70 (e) 72 | | |
| 32. | John alinunua maembe 225 kwa mkulima. Aliuza maembe 135 kwa siku moja. Je, maembe aliyouza ni asilimia gani ya maembe yote? (a) 20% (b) 30% (c) 40% (d) 51% (e) 60% | 39. | Shule ya msingi Dongo ina jumla ya wanafunzi 860. Ikiwa wavulana ni 432. Je, wasichana ni wangapi? (a) 328 (b) 418 (c) 432 (d) 438 (e) 428 | | | |
| | | 40. | Dawati moja katika chumba cha darasa la sita hukaliwa na wanafunzi 3. Ikiwa chumba cha darasa hilo kina wanafunzi 60. Je, kina madawati mangapi? | | | |
| 33. | Jumla ya urefu wa pande sambasamba za trapeza ni sm 24. Ikiwa kimo cha trapeza ni sm 7, tafuta eneo la trapeza hiyo. (a) Sm2 72 (b) Sm2 74 (c) Sm2 82 (d) Sm2 84 (e) Sm2 158 | (a) 20 | (b) 30 | (c) 40 | (d) 50 | (e) 60 |
| SEHEMU B: Maswali ya Majibu Mafupi 41. ( - 12 - - 3 ) × (+ 6 - – 3 ) = 42. Kidawa hutumia mshahara wake kama inavyoneshwa katika grafu kwa duara. Iwapo mshahara wake ni 720,000. Je, hutenga kiasi gani kwa mengineyo? Chakula 1500 1100 Ujenzi 43. Umbo ABCD ni mraba wenye duara lenye kipenyo cha sm 42. Tafuta eneo la sehemu iliyotiwa kivuli. (Tumia π = 22/7) D C A B44. Kamota alinunua kilogramu 74.6 za unga wa ngano siku ya kwanza. Siku ya pili alinunua kilogramu 9.53. Je, Jumla alinunua kilogramu ngapi kwa siku mbili? 45. Mwanahawa alinunua vitu vifuatavyo: Magodoro 6 @ sh 80,000/= Viti 10 @ sh 20,000/= Meza 5 @ sh 40,000/=. Je, alibakiwa na kiasi gani cha fedha ikiwa alikuwa na sh 1,000,000/= mfukoni? | | | | | | |

| 1. | B | 21. | C |
| 2. | A | 22. | D |
| 3. | E | 23. | B |
| 4. | C | 24. | D |
| 5. | E | 25. | A |
| 6. | E | 26. | C |
| 7. | A | 27. | E |
| 8. | B | 28. | A |
| 9. | C | 29. | B |
| 10. | D | 30. | D |
| 11. | E | 31. | B |
| 12. | A | 32. | E |
| 13. | C | 33. | D |
| 14. | D | 34. | A |
| 15. | B | 35. | C |
| 16. | E | 36. | D |
| 17. | D | 37. | B |
| 18. | A | 38. | C |
| 19. | C | 39. | E |
| 20. | B | 40. | A |
| SEHEMU B: MAJIBU MAFUPI 41. - 81 42. Kwenye mengineyo hutenga kiasi cha sh 180,000 43. Eneo lenye kivuli ni sm2 378 44. Jumla alinunua Kg 84.13 za unga wa ngano 45. Alibakiwa na kiasi cha sh 120,000/= | | | |
JINA LA MTAHINIWA ______________________________________________________________

## Uraia Na Maadili Darasa La Vii
1. Mtihani huu una jumla ya maswali arobaini na tano (45) wenye sehemu A na B. Jibu maswali yote.
2. Jibu sawali la 1 - 40 kwa kutumia karatasi ya kujibia kwa kujaza herufi ya jibu lililosahihi 3. Jibu swali la 41 - 45 kwa kujaza nafasi zilizo wazi.
4. Andika Jina lako kamili na Jina la Shule.
## Sehemu A: Chagua Herufi Ya Jibu Sahihi
1. Mahakama ni mhimili wa dola unaohusiana na kazi zifuatazo isipokuwa______________________________
(a) Kupokea mashtaka (b) Kutunga sheria (c) Kusikiliza na kuamua kesi (d) Kutafsiri sharia 1. Kutoa haki 2. Zifuatazo ni haki za binadamu isipokuwa______________________________________________________
(a) Kuishi popote bila kubughudhiwa (b) Kutengwa na jamii (c) Elimu (d) Uhuru wa kuwa na familia
(e) Kuabudu 3. Miongoni mwa vitendo vinavyoonesha mtu anayejishughulisha na tabia hatarishi ni_____________________
(a) Kufanya kazi kwa bidi (b) Kushiriki katika michezo (c) Kuzurura usiku (d) Kula na kuimba
(e) Kupumzika na kucheza 4. Ili tuweze kujenga maelewano mema na marafiki zetu inatupasa____________________________________
(a) Kuepuka tabia isiyofaa (b) Udanganyifu (c) Kuanzisha ugomvi (d) Kutosikiliza wengine (e) Kugombanisha wengine 5. Kipi kati ya vifuatavyo si kitendo cha heshima?
(a) Kuluwea pombe (b) Kusalimia wakubwa (c) Kuvaa kwa staha (d) Kuwapenda watu wote
(e) Kupenda ushirikiano 6. Jukumu la kuwasaidia watu wenye uhitaji ni la nani?
(a) Serikali pekee (b) Wanafamilia husika tu (c) Rais wa nchi (d) Serikali na watu wote katika jamii (e) Matajiri tu 7. Sheria hutungwa na kuanza kutumika mara tu baada ya kutiwa sahihi na _____________________________
(a) Spika wa bunge (b) Madiwani (c) Jaji mkuu wa Tanzania (d) Jaji kiongozi wa Tanzania (e) Rais 8. Kiongozi anayepatikana kwa njia ya kidemokrasia ana sifa zifuatazo isipokuwa________________________
(a) Anafuata utawala wa sharia (b) Anakubali kukosolewa (c) Anakubali mawazo ya walio mchagua tu (d) Anatumikia watu wote (e) Hana upendeleo 9. Lipi kati ya yafuatayo hutambulisha marafiki wema______________________________________________
(a) Kuishi eneo moja (b) Kusoma shule moja (c) Tabia njema na upendo (d) Kulala pamoja (e) Kucheza pamoja 10. Mtu yeyote mwenye umri wa kuanzia miaka______________________________ anayo haki ya kupiga kura.
(a) 15 (b) 25 (c) 18 (d) 19 (e) 21 11. Chombo chenye madaraka na kusimamia shughuli za utawala na siasa ndani ya nchi ni __________________
(a) Tume (b) Dola (c) Polisi (d) Bunge (e) Mahakama 12. _______ ndiye katibu wa vikao vya kamati ya shule. (a) Mwenyekiti wa kamati (b) Mwalimu wa taaluma (c) Mwalimu mkuu msaidizi (d) Mwalimu mkuu (e) Mwalimu wa darasa 13. Alama ya mwenge katika ngao ya taifa huwakilisha____________ (a) Mali asili ya taifa (b) Uhuru wa taifa letu (c) Silaha za jadi (d) Wakulima (e) Wafanya biashara 14. Kiongozi wa kisiasa katika kata anaitwa______________ (a) Mratibu (b) Afisa afya (c) Mwenyekiti wa kata (d) Katibu kata (e) Diwani 15. ______________ ni mtendaji mkuu wa shughuli zote katika kata. (a) Afisa mtendaji wa kata (b) Diwani
(c) Mratibu wa elimu (d) Afisa maendeleo (e) Afisa Tarafa 16. _______ ni haki ya msingi katika katiba ya nchi na haki za binadamu. (a) Kusikilizwa (b) Kuishi
(c) Kupata elimu (d) Kuabudu (e) Kuheshimiwa 17. ____________ hutolewa na idara ya uhamiaji kitumike kwa watu wasio raia ambao huishi nchini.
(a) Leseni (b) Cheti (c) Kibali cha makazi (d) Ada (e) Kitambulisho 18. Baadhi ya mambo yanayomtambulisha mtu ni _____ (a) Dini na chama chake (b) Lugha na mavazi (c)
Mapambo na rangi ya Ngozi yake (d) Mwili wake na nguvu zake (e) Mali na uwzo wake wa kufanya kazi 19. Matokeo ya mshindi wa kiti cha Urais nchini Tanzania hutangazwa na ______________
(a) Mwenyekiti wa chama kilichoshindwa (b) Mwenyekiti wa bunge la Tanzania (c) Jaji wa mahakama kuu (d) Spika (e) Mwenyekiti wa tume ya taifa ya uchaguzi 20. Chama cha wanasheria wanawake huitwa_________________ (a) TAWLA (b) TGNP (c) TAMWA
21. Kiongozi mkuu wa shughuli za serikali bungeni ni_________________
(a) Rais (b) bunge (c) Makamu wa Rais (d) Waziri Mkuu (e) Spika wa bunge 22. _____________ huwakilisha utamaduni wa taifa letu.
(a) Dini (b) Mlima Kilimanjaro (c) Bendera (d) Ngao ya taifa (e) Lugha 23. Watu wa pwani ya Tanzania wana utamaduni wa kuvaa ___________________________________________
(a) Njuga (b) Kanzu (c) Gauni (d) Ngozi (e) Pete 24. Hapa Tanzania kuna lugha za makabila Zaidi ya ________________________________________________
(a) 120 (b) 102 (c) 210 (d) 200 (e) 100 25. Kuna aina mbili za viongozi ambao ni ________ na _________ (a) Darasa na dini (b) Kuteuliwa na kuchaguliwa (c) Wandani na nje (d) Vijiji na mijini (e) Afrika na ulaya 26. Faida moja wapo ya kuwashirikisha watoto katika maamuzi ni ________________________
(a) Kusikiliza maoni yao (b) kuleta upendeleo wa kijinsia (c) kuleta vurugu (d) watoto kuwa na amri nyumbani (e) watoto kuwa na akili darasani 27. Rushwa inaweza kugawanywa katika makundi _________________________________________
(a) Matatu (b) matano (c) mawili (d) kumi (e) mengi 28. Lipi sio jukumu la mwalimu wa Taaluma kati ya haya yafuatayo?
(a) Kumshauri mwalimu mkuu juu ya Taaluma (b) Kuandaa ratiba kuu ya masomo (c) kuhakikisha vitabu na miuhtasari vinahifadhiwa (d) kuratibu mitihani ya ndani na nje inayofanyika shuleni (e) kusimamia nidhamu ya wanafunzi 29. Kamati ya shule huchaguliwa na __________________________________________________
(a) Waziri (b) walimu wote (c) viranja wa shule (d) wanafunzi (e) kamati ya shule 30. Uhusiano kati ya Tanzania na Mataifa mengine umekuwa kutokana na _______________
(a) Utandawazi (b) utunzaji wa mazingira (c) jumuiya za kiuchumi zilizopo (d) uhusiano wa kimichezo
(e) kuuziana bidhaa 31. Lipi kati ya yafuatayo si wajibu wa mtoto ____________________________________________
(a) Kuwasaidia wazazi shughuli za nyumbani (b) kuwasaidia wadogo zake (c) kulipa karo za shule (d)
kufua nguo zake (e) kupika na kuwalisha wadogo zake 32. Kufanya kazi kwa bidi kuna faida nyingi lipi kati ya yafuatayo si moja wapo ya faida hizo (a) Kuongeza kipato cha familia (b) kuchoka kutokana na kazi nyingi (c) kuheshimika katika jamii
(d) kuburudika kimwili na kiakili (e) kujenga nyumba 33. Misingi mikuu ya maendeleo ni _____________________________________________________
(a) Mtaji wa pembejeo (b) juhudi za maafisa (c) juhudi katika kazi (d) sera na utandawazi (e)
sera na utekelezaji 34. Uchaguzi wa kushirikisha vyama vingi nchini Tanzania kwa mara ya kwanza ulifanyika mwaka ________
(a) 1992 (b) 1990 (c) 1995 (d) 2005 (e) 2015 35. ______________________ ni siku ya kuadhimisha tukio fulani
(a) Siku za kazi (b) mwaka mpya (c) siku kuu (d) muungano (e) nane nane 36. ____________ ni sheria ambayo hupitishwa na bunge lakini bado haijasainiwa na Rais
(a) Mawazo mbalimbalil (b) katiba (c) malengo (d) maoni ya wananchi (e) mswada 37. Moja wapo ni hatua ya kumpata Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania.
(a) Kuteuliwa na wananchi wa jimbo lake (b) kupendekezwa na marafiki zake (c) kupendekezwa na chama chake (d) kupendekezwa na bunge (e) kuteuliwa na spika 38. Makubaliano ya msingi yanayoeleza jinsi watu walivyo amua na kupenda waongozwe huitwa.
(a) Maoni (b) kanuni (c) katiba (d) mswada (e) utamaduni 39. Mali inayotumika kiwandani kutengeneza mali nyingine huitwa ______________________
(a) Mazao (b) malighafi (c) mitambo (d) kemikeli (e) gesi asili 40. Shirika la chakula duniani huitwa __________________________________________________
(a) WFP (b) UNDP (c) UNICEF (d) ILO (e) FAO
## Sehemu B: Jaza Nafasi Zilizo Wazi Kwa Kuandika Jibu Sahihi
41. Mahakama na Serikali ni miongoni mwa mihimili mitatu ya dola, taja mhimili mmoja uliobaki ____________ 42. Jumuiya ya maendeleo kusini mwa Afrika (SADC) kwa mwara ya kwanza ilianzishwa mwaka ___________ 43. Tanganyika ilipata uhuru wake kwa Waingereza mwaka gani? _____________________________________ 44. Andika kirefu cha neno TAMISEMI _________________________________________________________ 45. Chama kinachoshughulikia masuala ya viziwi Tanzania __________________________________________

| 1. | B | 21. | D |
| 2. | B | 22. | E |
| 3. | C | 23. | B |
| 4. | E | 24. | A |
| 5. | A | 25. | B |
| 6. | D | 26. | A |
| 7. | E | 27. | E |
| 8. | C | 28. | E |
| 9. | C | 29. | A |
| 10. | C | 30. | A |
| 11. | B | 31. | C |
| 12. | D | 32. | B |
| 13. | B | 33. | E |
| 14. | E | 34. | A |
| 15. | A | 35. | C |
| 16. | B | 36. | E |
| 17. | C | 37. | C |
| 18. | B | 38. | C |
| 19. | E | 39. | B |
| 20. | C | 40. | E |
| 41. | Bunge | | |
| 42. | 1992 | | |
| 43. | 1961 | | |
| 44. | Tawala za mikoa na serikali za mitaa | | |
| 45. | CHAVITA | | |
JINA LA MTAHINIWA _____________________________________________________________
# Mtihani Wa Pamoja Wa Mwezi Februari 2021

## Maelekezo
1. Jibu maswali yote kwa kufuata maelekezo katika kila sehemu. 2. Chagua jibu sahii kisha siliba herufi yake katika karatasi ya kujibia OMR kwa kutumia kalamu ya risasi kuanzia swali 1 hadi 40.
3. Katika swali la 41 hadi 45 jibu maswali kwa kuandika majibu nyuma ya karatasi ya OMR.
## Sehemu A: Sarufi
Chagua herufi ya jibu lililo sahihi kisha jaza herufi ya jibu hilo kwenye karatasi ya OMR uliyopewa 1. Neno lipi kati ya maneno yafuatayo lina maana sawa na shari?
(a) Ubunifu (b) Umaarufu (c) Uzembe (d) Ugomvi (e) Uzushi 2. Shida alivaa nguo za kijeshi wakati wa mkutano. Neno "za kijeshi" ni aina gani ya neno?
(a) Kivumishi (b) Kielezi (c) Kitenzi (d) Kiwakilishi (e) Nomino 3. "Hicho ulichotaka sikupata lakini nimepata hiki." Katika sentensi hii maneno "hicho na hiki" ni aina gani ya maneno? (a) Vivumishi (b) Viwakilishi (c) Vielezi (d) Vitenzi (e) Nomino 4. Ni sentensi ipi iliyo sahihi kimuundo kati ya zifuatazo?
(a) Amenunua gari mashaka (b) Mashaka gari amenunua (c) Amenunua Mashaka gari (d) Mashaka amenunua gari (e) Gari amenunua Mashaka 5. Maana nyingine ya neno "faraghani" ni ipi kati ya hizi
(a) Waziwazi (b) Pembezoni (c) Kivulini (d) Mafichoni (e) Hadharani 6. Wingi wa sentensi, "Mbuzi wangu amepotea" ni upi?
(a) Mbuzi zetu zimepotea (b) Mbuzi yetu zimepotea (c) Mbuzi wetu wamepotea (d) Mbuzi wetu zimepotea (e) Mbuzi yetu wamepotea 7. "Wanafunzi kenda walikwenda ziara nchini Kenya." Neno 'walikwenda' ni aina gani ya neno?
(a) Kiwakilishi (b) Kivumishi (c) Kielezi (d) Kitenzi (e) Nomino 8. Ashura anacheza mpira wa miguu vizuri. Katika sentensi hii, neno lipi limetumika kama kielezi?
(a) Anacheza (b) Mpira (c) Vizuri (d) Ashura (e) wa miguu 9. Mtu anayefasiri ana kwa ana mazungumzo katika lugha moja kwenda lugha nyingine huitwaje?
(a) Msuluhishi (b) Mpatanishi (c) Mkalimani (d) Mfafanuzi (e) Mhubiri 10. "Sote tunafanya mtihani darasani" Neno "darasani" limetumika kama aina gani ya neno?
(a) Kielezi (b) Kivumishi (c) Kitenzi (d) Kiwakilishi (e) Nomino 11. Baraka aliona _____________ kuwa, miongoni mwa waliofaulu. Neno lipi linakamilisha sentensi hii kwa usahihi kati ya maneno yafuatayo? (a) Fadhili (b) fahari (c) Fahiri (d) Fadhaa (e) Fadhila 12. Mwanamke yule alikaa __________ baada ya kufiwa na mume wake. Ni neno lipi linakamilisha sentensi hii kati ya maneno yafuatayo? (a) Eda (b) Heda (c) Arobaini (d) Fungate (e) Edaha 13. Kitenzi "piga" kikiwa katika kauli ya kutendeka kitakuwa, neno lipi kati ya maneno yafuatayo
(a) Pigia (b) Pigwa (c) Pigika (d) Pigiwa (e) Pigana 14. "Wewe unasoma kwa bidi." Wingi wa sentensi hii ni upi?
(a) Sisi tunasoma kwa bidii (b) Wale wanasoma kwa bidii (c) Ninyi mnasoma kwa bidii (d) Ninyi tunasoma kwa bidii (e) Wao wanasoma kwa bidii 15. "Wanafunzi wale ni hodari sana." Neno "wale" ni aina gani ya neno?
(a) Kitenzi (b) Kivumishi (c) Kielezi (d) Nomino (e) Kiwakilishi 16. "Wasichana saba wamechaguliwa kujiunga na kozi ya uhandisi." Neno 'na' ni aina gani ya neno?
(a) Kitenzi (b) Nomino (c) Kiwakilishi (d) Kielezi (e) Kiunganishi 17. Ni neno lipi nia maana sawa na hali ya kumzonga mtu kwa maneno makali kwa lengo la kumkasirisha?
(a) Kumhukumu (b) Kumwinda (c) Kumwadhibu (d) Kumsakama (e) Kumzomea 18. Katika vitenzi "sitafyeka" na "hupendi" ni silabi zipi zinazoonesha ukanushi?
(a) ta na hu (b) ta na pe (c) ka nan di (d) sin a hu (e) fye na pe 19. Neno lipi kati ya haya yafuatayo halilandani na mengine?
(a) Cheka (b) Tabasamu (c) Furaha (d) Sherehe (e) Shere 20. "Mnyama huyu anafanana na ng'ombe." Wingi wa sentensi hii ni upi?
(a) Wanyama anayefanana na ng'ombe (b) Mnyama anayefanana na ng'ombe (c) Wanyama hawa wanafanana na ng'ombe (d) wanyama wanaofanana na mang'ombe (e) Mnyama wanaofanana na ng'ombe
## Sehemu B: Lugha Ya Kifasihi
21. Ni methali ipi kati ya zifuatazo inahimiza ushirikiano katika jamii?
(a) Chanda chema huvikwa pete (b) Mchuma janga hula na wa kwao (c) Umoja ni nguvu utengano ni dhaifu (d) Mwenda pole hajikwai (e) Wapishi wengi huharibu mchuzi 22. "Watoto wa mfalme ni wepesi kujificha." Jibu la kitendawili hiki ni lipi?
(a) Macho (b) Vifaranga (c) Siafu (d) Mvi (e) Sungura 23. "Uzururaji umepigwa marufuku." Nahau 'umepigwa marufuku' ina maana gani?
(a) Umezoeleka (b) Umepigwa winda (c) Umepigwa konde (d) Umekithiri (e) Umekatazwa 24. "Amenisamehe kwa moyo mweupe." Nahau "moyo mweupe" ina maana ipi?
(a) Bila kinyongo (b) Kwa lazima (c) Kwa shingo upande (d) Kwa kusitasita (e) Kwa kusuasua 25. "Mwenye nguvu ____________." Neno lipi linakamilisha methali hii?
(a) Mfunge (b) Usimkamate (c) Mkimbie (d) Usimpige (e) Mpishe 26. "Asiyefunzwa na mamaye hufunzwa na ulimwengu." Ni methali ipi inafanana na methali hii?
(a) Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu (b) Asiye na mwana aelekee jiwe (c) Asiye na bahati habahatishi (d) Asiyejua kufa atizame kaburi (e) Asiyekubali kushindwa si mshindani 27. "Haba na haba hujaza kibaba." Methali hii inatoa funzo gani?
(a) Umuhimu wa kupima vitu (b) Tunapaswa kujiwekea akiba (c) Vitu hupimwa kwa kibaba tu (d)
Tunapaswa kupima vibaba (e) Kibaba hujaza vitu 28. "Heri kufa macho kuliko ________________." Methali hii hukamilishwa na kifungu kipi cha maneno?
(a) Kujikwaa ulimi (b) Kuumia moyo (c) Kuzama majini (d) Kufa koyo (e) Kufa jicho moja 29. "Maji yakimwagika hayazoleki." Methali hii ina maana gani kati ya zifuatazo?
(a) Ukitaka usizoe maji, usimwage (b) Tuwe waangalifua katika kutenda jambo (c) Tuwe waangalifu tunapobeba maji (d) Maji yakimwagika hugeuka tope (e) Jambo lililoharibika halitengenezeki 30. "Amani haiji ____________." Kifungu kipi cha maneno kinakamisha methali hii kwa usahihi?
(a) Ila kwa mzozo mkubwa (b) Ila kwa malumbano makali (c) Bila kuwa na Amani (d) Ila kwa nca ya upanga (e) Bila makubaliano
## Sehemu C: Ushairi
Soma shairi lifuatalo kisha siliba herufi ya jibu sahihi kwenye OMR uliyopewa Kazi ifanye kwa nia, itakupatia tija, Ifanye kwa kupania, iwe kwako ni daraja, Kazi ni kuibobea, ili ilete faraja, Juhudi katika kazi, ni zawadi maridhawa.
Ni zawadi maridhawa, juhudi katika kazi, Ifanye uwe mzawa, uonekane mzazi, Uoneshe uelewa, nchini mwako azizi, Tufanye kazi kwa dhati, itatupa manufaa. Itatupa manufaa, tufanye kazi kwa dhati, Tuoneshe yanofaa, kwa moyo ulo thabiti, Pasiwe kizaa zaa, tusoweza kuthibiti, Kazi ndio mhimili, popote utapokuwa. Popote utapokuwa, kazi ndio mhimili, Kama gari huendeshwa, vile inastahili, Mafunzo uliyopewa, yawe kwako ni kivuli Kwako kazi ni muhimu, maisha kuendelea.
31. Kichwa kinachofaa kwa shairi hili ni kipi kati ya vifuatavyo?
(a) Juhudi katika kazi (b) Mafunzo ya kazi (c) Kazi inayostahili (d) Kazi inayofaa (e) Changamoto za kazi 32. Mwandishi anasema "Kazi ni kuibobea" ana maana gani?
(a) Kuipenda na kuithamini (b) Kuleta faraaja (c) Kuijua na kuifanya kwa ufasaha (d) Kuifanya kwa kutumia nguvu (e) Kazi ndio muhimu.
33. Vina vya kati na mwisho katika ubeti wa pili ni vipi?
(a) wa na ju (b) wa na u (c) ti na i (d) ti na a (e) wa na zi 34. Shairi hili linatoa funzo gani?
(a) Ni vyema kuithibitisha kazi (b) Kazi ni muhimu katika maisha (c) Ni bora kuajiriwa (d) Ni muhimu kupewa mafunzo (e) Watu wafanye kazi ili wapate zawadi 35. Neno "thabiti" katika shairi hili lina maana gani?
(a) Mkunjufu (b) Mnyenyekevu (c) Mweupe (d) Madhubuti (e) Mwepesi 36. Unafikiri mwandishi ana maana gani anaposema "Mafunzo uliyopewa yawe kwako ni kivuli"
(a) Yasikuweke juani (b)Yakuweke chini ya mti (c) Yawe ndio ushahidi (d) Yalete matukio (e)
Yawe ya mafanikio
## Sehemu D: Utungaji
Umepewa sentensi zilizochanganywa panga sentensi hizo kwa kuchagua herufi A, B, C na D
37. Kwa mfano, wavulana walipofika umri wa kuoa iliwalazimu kujijengea nyumba za kuishi na kuwa na shamba la mazao ya chakula.
38. Elimu hiyo ilitolewa na walimu maalum wa jadi na ilihusisha sana vitendo 39. Wakati wa ukoloni elimu hiyo ilipigwa vita na kuonekana kuwa, haifai hivyo uliletwa mfumo mpya wa elimu 40. Kabla ya kuja kwa wakoloni Waafrika walikuwa na mfumo wao wa elimu ya jadi.
## Sehemu E: Ufahamu
Soma habari ifuatayo kwa umakini kisha andika jibu sahihi nyuma ya karatasi ya OMR uliyopewa Siku moja njiwa wawili walikwenda kunywa maji baada ya kula nafaka. Walipomaliza kunywa maji, mara alitokea samaki mmoja akawakaribisha na kusema, "Karibuni, hapa ndipo nyumbani kwangu. Siku zote mimi huishi kwenye maji." Wale njiwa walimjibu, "Tunashukuru, lakini sisi tunaishi kwenye viota." Njiwa mmoja alimuuliza samaki kama anaweza kuishi kwenye kiota. Samaki alijibu, "La hasha! Mimi ni kwenye maji tu." Basi tangu hapo njiwa wakawa wamepata rafiki.
Njiwa walikwenda tena kunywa maji siku nyingine. Walimkuta samaki anatapatapa majini, anavuta hewa kwa taabu. Samaki alipowaona aliwaambia, "naomba mnipeleke kwenye mto mwingine wenye maji mwengi, haya yanakauka, naangamia." Wale njiwa wakamwambia, "Tunakuonea huruma lakini hatuna uwezo wa kukubeba." Hata hivyo, "Wewe ni rafiki yetu, hatutakuacha ufe." Samaki akajawa na matumaini. Wale njiwa walijadiliana bila kupata jibu. Baadaye samaki akapata wazoakawaambia wale njiwa wachukue Kamba moja fupi. Mmoja aing'ate huku na mwingine huku kwa kutumia midomo yao. Yeye angeuma katikati ile Kamba. Njiwa walifanya hivyo. Walitafuta Kamba na baadaye wakaja kumchukua rafiki yao. Njiwa wale waliruka juu sana wakipita milima, mabonde na misitu. Waliokuwa, juu yam situ mmoja mnene, walikutana na ndege anayeitwa Korongo. Huyo aliwasifu wale njiwa kwa akili waliyotumia kumbeba yule samaki. "Loo! Nyinyi njiwa mna akili sana!" Wale njiwahawakujibu kwa sababu midomo yao ilikuwa, imeshikilia Kamba. Rafiki yao samaki alifadhaika sana. Hakupenda njiwa wapate sifa wakati wazo alilitoa yeye. Hakuvumilia akataka kumwambia korongo, "Ni mimi niliyewaelekeza." Alipotaka kuzungumza, mdomo wake uliachia ile Kamba. Akaanza kudondoka kwenda chini. Wale njiwa walijaribu kumsaidia, wakashindwa samaki akafa. Kilichomponza samaki ni kutaka kwake sifa. Ama kweli sifa inaua.
41. Kutokana na habari uliyoisoma, mwandishi anasema maisha ya samaki hutegemea nini? ________________ 42. Wazo la kumbeba samaki nakamba lilitolewa na nani? ___________________________________________ 43. Unafikiri kwa nini njiwa hawakumjibu Korongo? ______________________________________________ 44. Andika kichwa kinachofaa kwa habari uliyoisoma ______________________________________________ 45. Andika funzo ulilolipata kutokana na tabia ya samaki ___________________________________________

| 1. | D | 21. | C |
| 2. | A | 22. | A |
| 3. | B | 23. | E |
| 4. | D | 24. | A |
| 5. | D | 25. | E |
| 6. | C | 26. | A |
| 7. | D | 27. | B |
| 8. | C | 28. | D |
| 9. | C | 29. | E |
| 10. | B | 30. | D |
| 11. | B | 31. | A |
| 12. | A | 32. | C |
| 13. | C | 33. | E |
| 14. | C | 34. | B |
| 15. | B | 35. | D |
| 16. | E | 36. | E |
| 17. | D | 37. | C |
| 18. | D | 38. | B |
| 19. | E | 39. | D |
| 20. | C | 40. | A |
| 21. | Kutokana na habari niliyosoma mwandishi anasema Maisha ya samaki hutegemea maji | | |
| 22. | Wazo la kumbeba samaki na Kamba lilitolewa na samaki | | |
| 23. | Njiwa hawakumjibu Korongo kwa sababu midomo yao ilikuwa imeshikilia kamba | | |
| 25. | Kutokana na tabia ya samaki funzo nililopata ni kutopenda sifa | | |
CANDIDATE NAME: _______________________________________________________________
# Joint Examination For Februari 2021

Instructions 1. Fill in the personal information in the first part of your answer sheet.
2. Answer all questions as per instructions in each section. 3. Shade the correct answer on the OMR answer sheet given from number 1 to 40. 4. For number 41 to 45 write the answers at the back of the OMR answer sheet given.
## Section A: Grammar And Tenses
Choose the most correct answer and shade its letter beside the question number in your answer sheet 1. Crops ______________ water, light and fertile soil to grow well
(a) need (b) needed (c) was needed (d) needs (e) needing 2. We ________________ busy at this moment
(a) am (b) is (c) are (d) were (e) have 3. John and I ___________________ to travel next week
(a) go (b) going (c) is going (d) am going (e) are going 4. Pupil's _________________ waiting for their teacher for two hours.
(a) has been (b) have been (c) be (d) have (e) had 5. Water usually _____________________________ at 1000C.
(a) boil (b) boiling (c) boils (d) boiled (e) has boiled 6. Farmers ________________________ their farms now
(a) is preparing (b) are preparing (c) were preparing (d) was preparing (e) are prepare 7. He always _________________ when he was young
(a) cry (b) cries (c) cried (d) crying (e) does cry 8. When Juma _________________ at the station, he didn't find the train.
(a) arrive (b) arrived (c) arrives (d) arriving (e) was arrive 9. The snake _______________ by Mrs. Mwenda
(a) was kill (b) had killed (c) were killed (d) was killed (e) have killed 10. If you __________________ hard, you will pass your examinations.
(a) work (b) worked (c) works (d) working (e) had worked 11. Pagans are ____________________ Christians _________________________ Muslims.
(a) either … nor (b) neither … nor (c) either … neither (d) neither … either (e) neither … or 12. Do you have ________________________ problem?
(a) some (b) many (c) much (d) any (e) little 13. An elephant is the _____________________ animal in the national park.
(a) largest (b) most largest (c) large (d) more large (e) most large 14. He goes to school late every day, _______________________________?
(a) wasn't he (b) isn't he (c) hasn't he (d) haven't he (e) doesn't he 15. __________________ they keep quiet, they will be punished.
## Section B: Vocabulary
31. We want _________________ that is why we don't like people to fight.
(a) Pace (b) peace (c) piece (d) pierce (e) peach 32. A person who measures and sews clothes for people is called a _________________________
(a) Sailor (b) barber (c) sewer (d) tailor (e) pedestrian 33. A fire gun is a _________ (a) weapon (b) fire work (c) fire wood (d) hot pot (e) knife 34. Juma is a judge, he works in a ___________ (a) shop (b) hospital (c) court (d) ship (e) farm 35. Mr. Masanja sent the cattle to graze on the new farm. What does the word 'graze' mean?
(a) To collect the harvest (b) To drink water (c) To plough (d) To eat grass (e) To sleep (a) If (b) Although (c) But (d) Unless (e) For 16. The repaired machine is strong ___________________ to pull the car
(a) enough (b) so that (c) in order (d) for (e) of 17. Nyakomba walks with a stick
(a) slow (b) very slowest (c) slowly (d) slower (e) more slow 18. My friend suffers ________________________ Malaria.
(a) of (b) by (c) from (d) with (e) in 19. Usually girls look at _______________ twice into the mirror before leaving their rooms.
(a) himself (b) herself (c) itself (d) themselves (e) yourself 20. ______________________ how long have you been waiting?
(a) By (b) Since (c) For (d) To (e) With 21. We travelled ________________________ two days to Burundi.
(a) On (b) to (c) from (d) of (e) for 22. Change the following sentence into indirect speech 'How old are you?' the teacher asked.
(a) The teacher asked me if I was old (b) The teacher wanted to know my age (c) The teacher asked me how old I was (d) The teacher asked me how old was I (e) The teacher wanted to know how old am I
23. He dived _______________________________ the ocean and started swimming
(a) Onto (b) into (c) in (d) through (e) away 24. Many pupil go to school ____________________________ foot.
(a) On (b) by (c) with (d) for (e) to 25. The woman _____________________________ husband came here, is my aunt.
(a) When (b) whose (c) which (d) where (e) what 26. Cheetah is the ____________________________ animal on land.
(a) Strongest (b) largest (c) smallest (d) tallest (e) fastest 27. My brother and I own a house. It is our house. The house belongs to _______________________
(a) Them (b) him (c) us (d) our (e) me 28. Salama played netball badly _________________________ she was sick.
(a) Although (b) because (c) but (d) unless (e) even if 29. The patient had died ___________________________ lack of water.
(a) With (b) by (c) from (d) of (e) for 30. That is the _______________________ hostel. Fifty girls live in it.
(a) girls (b) girl (c) girls' (d) girls's (e) girl's 36. If someone is called Miss Keren. This means.
(a) She is a girl or woman who is not married (b) She is a girl or woman who is married Keren (c) He is a boy or man who is not yet married (d) He is a boy or man who married to Keren (e) They are husband and wife in Karen's family
## Section C: Composition
Rearrange the following sentence by giving letter A, B, C and D, in order to make good meaning 37. We both started to clean and arrange all things well in readiness for the following day. 38. Yesterday, I decided to go to the shop to help her. 39. My sister Naishoki has a big shop at Makao Mapya where she sells a variety of things.
40. She was happy because the wollowing day would be a holiday and we would be very busy.
## Section D: Comprehension
Read the following passage careful and then answer question number 41 to 45 Mr and Mrs. Koba have three children. Of these, two are boy and one is a girl. Their son's name are Jembe and Ali, and their daughter is Suzy. All their children go to school. Jembe is in class seven while Ali and Suzy are in class five. They are all hardworking pupils in their school and they have good performance in all subjects. Jembe is the best at English and Mathematics. Mr and Mrs Kobe and their children are happy family.
Questions 41. Who has three children? __________________________________________________________________ 42. How many sons are there in the family of Mr and Mrs Kobe? _____________________________________ 43. In which subjects is Jembe best at? __________________________________________________________ 44. In which class is Jembe studying? ___________________________________________________________ 45. Why do the children of Mr and Mrs Kobe have good performance? ________________________________

| 1. | A | 21. | E |
| 2. | C | 22. | C |
| 3. | E | 23. | B |
| 4. | B | 24. | A |
| 5. | C | 25. | B |
| 6. | B | 26. | E |
| 7. | C | 27. | C |
| 8. | B | 28. | B |
| 9. | D | 29. | D |
| 10. | A | 30. | C |
| 11. | B | 31. | B |
| 12. | D | 32. | D |
| 13. | A | 33. | A |
| 14. | E | 34. | C |
| 15. | D | 35. | D |
| 16. | A | 36. | A |
| 17. | C | 37. | C |
| 18. | C | 38. | B |
| 19. | D | 39. | A |
| 20. | C | 40. | D |
| 21. | Mr and Mrs Kobe are the ones who have three children | | |
| 22. | There are two sons in the family of Mr and Mrs Kobe | | |
| 23. | Jembe is good at English and Mathematics subject | | |
| 24. | Jembe is in class seven | | |
| 25. | The children of Mr and Mrs Kobe have good performance because they are all hardworking pupils in their school | | |
JINA LA MTAHINIWA ______________________________________________________________

5. Mtihani huu una jumla ya maswali arobaini na tano (45) wenye sehemu A na B. Jibu maswali yote.
6. Jibu sawali la1 - 40 kwa kutumia karatasi ya kujibia kwa kujaza herufi ya jibu lililosahihi 7. Jibu swali la 41 - 45 kwa kujaza nafasi zilizo wazi.
8. Andika Jina lako kamili na Jina la Shule.
## Sehemu A: Chagua Herufi Ya Jibu Sahihi
1. Kitendo cha mmea kufyonza maji kutoka kwenye udongo kwa kutumia mizizi huitwa __
(a) transipiresheni (b) umande (c) osmosis (d) photosinthesis (e) phototropizimu 2. Viumbe wafuatao wapo katika kundi lipi la Wanyama? Nyoka, Kobe na Kinyonga
(a) Reptilia (b) Amfibia (c) Mamalia (d) Ndege (e) wadudu 3. Katika mchoro wa Ua ufuatao, ni sehemu ipi huvutia wadudu kwa ajili ya uchavushaji?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (e) 5 4. Muunganiko wa ogani zinazofanya shughuli moja au zaidi kwa kutegemeana huitwa (a) ogani
(b) tishu (c) mfumo (d) nukleasi (e) Seli 5. Ni aina ipi ya chakula mmeng'enyo wake huanzia mdomoni _____________________ (a)
Matunda (b) protini (c) mafuta (d) vitamin (e) kabohaidreti 6. Mazoezi ni njia mojawapo ya kupunguza _______________________
(a) kutapika (b) kuharisha (c) kuzimia (d) msukumo mkubwa wa damu
(e) Kifua Kikuu 7. Sehemu iliyooneshwa kwa herufi N kwenye mchoro ufuatao inaitwa ___________________


8. Sehemu ya ubongo inayotawala matendo yasiyo ya hiari ni __________________________ (a)
ubongo wakati (b) ubongo wa nyuma (c) neva (d) ubongo wa mbele (e) uti wa mgongo 9. Ateri zote husafirisha damu safi isipokuwa _____________________________ (a)
ateri za renali (b) ateri za pulmonari (c) ateri za koronari (d) ateri za jugular
(e) ateri za mesentari 10. Uchafu uliochujwa na figo hupelekwa kwenye kibofu kupitia mrija uitwao _____________
(a) bronchiole (b) urethra (c) eusofagasi (d) ureta (e) falopiani 11. Ni virutubisho gani vinapatikana kwenye mboga za majani? ___________________ (a)
vitamini (b) protini (c) fati (d) wanga (e) madini 12. Ili mmea uweze kutengeneza chakula chake wakati wa mchana unahitaji gesi aina gani? (a)
Oksijeni (b) Naitrojeni (c) Haidrojen (d) Kabondaoksaidi (e) Kabonmonoksaidi 13. Mifupa miwili inayotengeneza sehemu za muundi (ugoko) wa mguu ni _____ na _____
(a) Fibula na Tibia (b) Humas na kraviko (c) Skapla na stenamu (d) Nyundo na fuawe
(e) Fupaja na radiasi 14. Vyakula vya aina gani miongoni mwa hivi hutusaidia kulinda afya zetu?
(a) (a) Samaki na maziwa (b) Maharage na karanga (c) Uji mgumu na ndizi (c) Mayai na viazi (e)
Matunda na mboga 15. Moja kati ya magonjwa yafuatayo hayawezi kukingwa kwa chanjo_______________ (a)
pumu (b) surua (c) kifua kikuuu (d) pepopunda (e) kifaduro 16. Huduma ya kwanza ifaayo kutolewa kwa mtu aliyekunywa sumu ni ______
(a) (a) Kumfanya aitapike (b) kumnywesha maziwa (c) kumnywesha sukari
(d) kumwahisha hospitali (e) Kumlaza chali 17. Anemia ni ugonjwa unaoweza kuepukwa kwa kuongeza ________________ katika mlo (a)
Nyama na Samaki (b) Nafaka na Maharagwe (c) Matunda na mboga za majani
(d) wali na njegele (e) maziwa na mkate 18. Watu walioathirika na virusi vya UKIMWI huhitaji yote yafuatayo isipokuwa_____
(a) (a) Upendo na msaada (b) Mlo kamili (c) Kutibu magonjwa nyemelezi
(d) kuwa nyanyapaa (e) usafi 19. Nini kitatokea endapo wanyama walao nyama wataongezeka kwa idadi ukilinganisha na wanyama walao majani kwenye ikolojia?
(a) Majani yatapungua (b) Majani kunyauka (c) Upatikanaji wa majani utalingana (d) Majani yataongezeka (e) Majani yote yataliwa 20. Mfano wa badiliko la kikemikali ni ______________________ (a) maji kuwa mvuke
(b) Tunda kuiva (c) kuyeyuka kwa sukari (d) Barafu kuyeyuka (e) kutanuka kwa chuma 21. Upi kati ya michoro ifuatayo unaonesha hali halisi ya kuakisiwa kwa mwale wa mwanga?



## Njia Za Maambukizi Ya Virusi Vya Ukimwi
22. Yurea, maji na chumvichumvi hutolewa kwa wingi wakati wa joto kupitia______
(a) figo (b) kukojoa (c) mapafu (d) ini (e) ngozi 23. Watu wanaoishi katika maeneo yenye baridi wanashauriwa kula vyakula vyenye mafuta kwa sababu ya _____ (a) hulinda mwili (b) hujenga mwili (c) vinaupa mwili joto (d) vinaupa mwili nguvu (e) vinafanya baadhi ya watu kuwa wanene 24. Waya wa ethi hukinga nyumba dhidi ya radi. Alama ipi inawakilisha kikinga majanga hicho?
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
25. Vitu vipi kati ya vifuatavyo huweza kutenganishwa kwa sumaku?______
(a) Unga wa ayani na mchanga (b) unga na vipande vya karatasi (c) pini za plasiki na mchanga (d) unga wa kioo na mchanga (e) mchanga na mchele 26. ____________ Ni sehemu ya mbegu inayojitokeza kwanza wakati wa kuchipua
(a) Testa (b) Kianza mche (c) Ganda la ndani (d) Kianza mzizi (e) Maikropail 27. Mahusiano kati ya viumbe hai na visivyo hai katika mazingira hujulikana kama ______ (a) Kutegemeana (b) Mlishano (c) ikolojia (d) mfumo (e) uwiano wa kiasili 28. Umeme wa ampia 0.6 umepita kwenye waya wenye ukinzani wa 6hm.Nini volteji yake?
(a) 36V (b) 10V (c) 0.6V (d) 3.6V (e) 1/6V
29. Zifuatazo ni mashine tata isipokuwa:-
(a) Cherehani (b) mkasi (c) Baiskeli (d) Gari (e) Kikokoteo 30. Ni nani mwenye jukumu la kutoa huduma ya kwanza?
(a) Madaktari (b) wauguzi (c) wakunga (d) mtu yeyote mwenye ujuzi wa kufanya hivyo (e) watumishi wa chama cha Msalaba mwekundu 31. Katika spektramu ya mwanga, rangi ya mwisho kupinda ni ___________ (a) urujuani
(b) nyekundu (c) hudhurungi (d) kijani (e) njano 32. Ugonjwa unaosababisha fizi kutokwa damu ni ________________________
(a) Skavi (b) UKIMWI (c) malaria (d) Goita (e) shinikizo la damu la juu 33. Ni hatua gani ya uchunguzi wa kisayansi hukanusha au kukubali dhanio/bunio la utafiti? (a) Kugundua tatizo (b) kufanya jaribio (c) kukusanya data
(d) kutafsiri data (e) kuandaa taarifa 34. Kutokana na mchoro ufuatao, kundi lipi linawakilishwa na herufi R? ________
Kunyonyesha kujamiiana kuongezewa damu kuchangia vitu vyenye ncha kali M N R P
(a) Watoto (b) wagonjwa (c) wasichana (d) wauguzi (e) madaktari 35. Bwana Tobiko aling'atwa na nyoka mwenye sumu kali. Ni sehemu gani ya moyo itafikiwa ya

kwanza na sumu? (a) Ventriko ya Kushoto (b) Ventriko ya kulia (c) Auriko ya kushoto (d) Auriko ya kulia (e) Vena kava 36. Nini hutokea mwanga upitapo katika media tofauti
(a)Husafiri kwa kugawa vitu sehemu mbili (b) kusafiri katika mstali mnyoofu (c) hupinda
(d) husafiri ndani ya maji kwa kujikunja (e) husafiri na kusababsiha vitu kupinda 37. Homoni zinazoandaa mwili kukabiliana na hatari huitwa _____
(a) adrenali (b) insulin (c) sailoksini (d) tezi (e) projestroni 38. Mmojawapo kati ya mimea ifuatayo ina tabia ya uchavushaji peke
(a) Papai (b) karafuu (c) mahindi (d) korosho (e) mgomba 39. Ipi kati ya sentensi zifuatazo SIO SAHIHI kuhusu UKIMWI
(a) UKIMWI huambukizwa kwa kupeana damu isiyopimwa (b) UKIMWI unawapata watu wa rika zote
(c) watu wenye kansa wanaweza kuwa wameathirika na UKIMWI
(d) vyakula vyenye protini na Vitamini ni nzuri kutumiwa na mgonjwa wa UKIMWI (e) UKIMWI unaweza kuambukizwa na mtu yeyote.
40.Sikio la mwanadamu limegawanyika katika sehemu kuu ngapi? ________________ (a) mbili
(b) nne (c) sita (d) tatu (e) tano SEHEMU B: JAZA NAFASI WAZI
41.Aina ya metali inayopatikana katika hali ya kimiminika ni _________________________ 42.Chembe ndogo sana za kijani ambazo hupatikana katika saitoplazimu ya seli ya mmea huitwa ___________________________
43.Kifaa kinachotumika kupima mgandamizo wa hewa huitwa __________________________ 44.Ili kugomboa chumvi katika majimaji utafanya nini? _________________________________ 45.Hii ni aina gani ya transifoma? _____________________________________________________

| 1. | A | 21. | D |
| 2. | A | 22. | E |
| 3. | C | 23. | C |
| 4. | B | 24. | C |
| 5. | B | 25. | A |
| 6. | D | 26. | B |
| 7. | B | 27. | C |
| 8. | D | 28. | D |
| 9. | B | 29. | B |
| 10. | D | 30. | D |
| 11. | B | 31. | B |
| 12. | D | 32. | A |
| 13. | A | 33. | A |
| 14. | E | 34. | B |
| 15. | A | 35. | C |
| 16. | B | 36. | C |
| 17. | C | 37. | A |
| 18. | D | 38. | C |
| 19. | D | 39. | C |
| 20. | C | 40. | D |
| 41. | Metali za mpito | | |
| 42. | Kroplasti | | |
| 43. | Barometa | | |
| 44. | Kuchemsha | | |
| 45. | Transifoma nguvu | | |
# Mtihani Wa Pamoja Wa Mwezi Februari 2021

## Maarifa Ya Jami Darasa La Vii Maelekezo
4. Jibu maswali yote kwa kufuata maelekezo katika kila sehemu. 5. Chagua jibu sahii kisha siliba herufi yake katika karatasi ya kujibia OMR kwa kutumia kalamu ya risasi kuanzia swali 1 hadi 40.
6. Katika swali la 41 hadi 45 jibu maswali kwa kuandika majibu nyuma ya karatasi ya OMR.
SEHEMU A: Chagua jibu lililo sahihi zaidi kwa kuweka kivuli herufi ya jibu sahihi kwenye karatasi ya kujibia uliyopatiwa.
1. Jukumu la ulinzi na usalama katika kata ni la__________________________________________________
(a) kamati ya maendeleo ya kata (b) baraza la mila la kata (c) serikali kuu (d) halmashauri ya maendeleo ya Wilaya (e) wanajamii wote katika Kata.
2. Sentensi ipi ni sahihi kuhusiana na mwenyekiti wa Halmashauri ya Wilaya
(a) Huchaguliwa na Mkurugenzi wa Halmashauri (b) Huchaguliwa na baraza la madiwani la wilaya
(c)Huchaguliwa na Wabunge (d) Hudumu kwa miaka 10 baada ya kuchaguliwa (e)Huteuliwa na Waziri wa Serikali za Mitaa 3. Chombo kinachohusika na kutoa hukumu ya makosa ya jinai ni___________________________________
(a) Jeshi la polisi (b) Mahakama (c) Magereza (d).Idara ya uhamiaji (e). Jeshi la wananchi 4. Mambo ambayo kila binadamu anastahili kuyapata bila kujali kabila, utaifa au jinsia huitwa
(a)Utawala bora (b) Utawala wa sharia (c) demokrasia (d) haki za binadamu (e)
mbunge wa viti maalumu 5. Mashirika yafuatayo ni ya kimataifa isipokuwa________________________________________________
(a) WHO na UNICEF (b)FAO na ILO (c) UNDP na UNHCR (d) UNDP na UNESCO ( e)
6. Kwa mujibu wa katiba ya jamhuri ya muungano wa Tanzania, mgombea wa nafasi ya Urais anapaswa kuwa na miaka kuanzia:-______________________________________________________________________
(a) 21 na kuendelea (b) 61 na kuendelea (c) 50 na kuendelea (d) 40 na kuendelea (e) 18 na kuendelea 7. Sentensi ipi sio sahihi kuhusiana na mwalimu Julius K.Nyerere ___________________________________
(a) Alikuwa Rais wa kwanza wa Tanganyika (b) Alikuwa Rais wa kwanza wa Tanzania
(c) Alikuwa Waziri Mkuu wa kwanza wa Tanganyika (d) Alikuwa waziri Mkuu wa kwanza wa Tanzania
(e) Alifariki tarehe 14.10.1999 8. Uchaguzi wa kwanza ulioshirikisha vyama vingi nchini Tanzania ulikuwa mwaka___________________
(a) 1995 (b) 1992 (c) 2005 (d) 2010 (e) 2000.
9. ___________________ ni kiongozi wa shughuli zote za serikali Bungeni
(a) Rais (b) Waziri Mkuu (c ) Spika wa Bunge (d) Mwanasheria Mkuu ( e) Makamu wa Rais 10.Mojawapo ya changamoto wanazozipata wajasiriamali ni pamoja na ______________;
(a) Ukosefu wa leseni za biashara (b) Kutokuwepo kwa benki na taasisi za fedha (c) Upatikanaji wa masoko ya bidhaa na huduma (d) Uwepo wa askari polisi na mgambo wengi maeneo ya mjini
(e) Kutokuwepo kwa sera ya uwekezaji 11.Jaji mkuu huteuliwa na __________________________________________________________________
(a) Rais (b) Waziri mkuu (c) Bunge (d) Makamu wa Rais (e) Mwanasheria Mkuu 12.Ili kudumisha amani na umoja wa Kitaifa tunapaswa____________________________________________
(a) Kuenzi lugha za makabila (b) Kutii sheria bila shuruti (c) Kuenzi umoja wa makabila yetu (d)
Kuhakikisha kila raia wa Tanzania anaenda shule na kupata (e)Kila raia apitie mafunzo ya Kijeshi 13.Kwa mara ya mwisho Tanzania ilifanya sensa mwaka gani?
(a) 2012 (b) 2009 (c) 2002 (d) 2013 (e) 2010 14.Mwakilishi wa wananchi katika vikao vya wilaya vya serikali za mitaa ni___________________________
(a) Mkuu wa wilaya (b) Mwenyekiti wa serikali za vijiji (c) Afisa mtendaji kata (d) Mwenyekiti wa wilaya wa chama tawala (e) Diwani wa kata 15.Zifuatazo ni hatua muhimu za kiuchumi katika mifumo ya maendeleo ya uzalishaji mali _________
(a) Ujima, Ukabaila, utumwa, ubepari na ujamaa (b) Ujima, ubepari, ujamaa , utumwa, na ukabaila (c)Ujamaa, Ujima, utumwa, ubepari na ukabaila (d) Ujima, Utumwa, Ukabaila, Ubepari na Ujamaa (e) ubepari Ujima, ukabaila, utumwa, na ujamaa 16.Serikali ya Kijerumani ilitawalaje Tanganyika?
(a) Utawala wa moja kwa moja (b) Utawala usio wa moja kwa moja (c) Uwagawe na uwatawale (d) Kuwatumia viongozi wa jadi na machifu (e )Kutumia mtutu wa bunduki 17.Kinjekitile Ngwale aliwaagiza wafuasi wake kutumia maji maalumu aliyoyaandaa wakati wa vita vya majimaji akiwa na lengo la ______________________________________________________________
(a) Kuwatia moyo Waafrika katika mapambano na Wajerumani (b) Kuonyesha nguvu ya uchawi wake
(c) Kutumia sayansi ya Kiafrika katika vita (d) Kubadili risasi kuwa maji (e) Kuwachanganya.
18. Wazungu walitumia mbinu ipi kati ya zifuatazo kuanzisha ukoloni barani Afrika?
(a) Kuweka mikataba ya ulaghai na viongozi wa jadi (b) Kutoa misaada ya nguo na chakula
(c) Kuwachukua watu utumwani (d) Kuwapatia wananchi huduma za kijamii (e) Kufanya biashara za kubadilishana 19. Mwanadamu wa mwazo aliyeanza kutembea kwa miguu miwili alijulikana kama _____________
(a) Primates (b) Homo sapiens (c) Homo Habilis (d) Zijnjanthropus (e) HomoErectus 20. Jamii za Afrika Mashariki zilizowapinga wakoloni kwa njia ya vita ni pamoja na
(a) Wanandi na Wahehe (b) Wasangu na Wabena (c) Waha na Wakamba (d )Waganda na Wabena ( e)
Wabena na Wapare 21. Umoja wa mataifa (UNO) ni chombo kilichoundwa baada ya vita kuu ya pili ya dunia ambavyo vilikuwa mwaka ______________________________
(a) 1914 - 1918 (b) 1884 - 1885 (c) 1905 - 1907 (d) 1978 - 1979 (e) 1939 - 1945 22. Chombo kilichoundwa kutokana na nchi zilizotawaliwa na waingereza kiliitwa __________________ (a) Jumuiya ya Madola (b) ECOWAS (c) COMESA (d) UN (e) EAC
23. ____________ni vyama vya siasa vilivyopigania Uhuru wa Tanganyika na Zanzibar.
(a) TANU na ASP (b) TAA na UTP (c) UTP na ZPPP (d) ANC na ASP (e) TANU na AFRO SHIRAZ
24. Mwanasayansi aliyesoma na kutafiti mabadiliko ya mwanadamu na kujumuisha kuwa kiumbe huyo yupo kwenye kundi la Sokwe watembeao kwa miguu minne, anajualikana kwa jina la___________
(a) Charles Leakey (b) Dr. Leakey (c) Charles dorwin (d) Livingstone na Dr. Leakey (e) Rebman na Dr. Leakey 25. Vita vya kikabila vilivyosabisha wangoni kuhama nchini Afrika Kusini vinajulikana kwa jina la_______
(a) Mfekane (b) Msafara wa Makaburu (c) Maji maji (d) Khoisan (b) Vita baridi 26. Mabadiliko ya mwanadamu kutokea mfumo mmoja kwenda mwingine hujulikana kama _______
(a) Uumbaji (b) Mapinduzi (c) Maendeleo (d) Mageuzi (e) Teknoloji 27. Moja kati ya mbinu zifuatazo ilitumiwa na watawala wa kikoloni kudhoofisha ama kuua kabisa teknolojia ya Waafrika _______________
(a) Kubinafsisha viwanda vya Kiafrika (b) Kufundisha kusoma na kuandika (c) Kufundisha Waafrika teknolojia za Ulaya (d) Vita vya mara kwa mara (e) Kuchoma viwanda vya waafrika 28. Katika hatua za mwanzo za maendeleo ya ukuaji wa uchumi, Ugunduzi wa moto ulimsaidiaje binadamu?
(a) Kujikinga na baridi, kuimarisha zana za mawe na kujihami (b) Kujikinga na baridi, kutengeneza chakula, kujihami na wanyama wakali na kuwinda (c) Kujikinga na wanyama wakali, kujenga nyumba bora na kulima (d) Kijikinga na baridi, kujenga nyumba, na kufuga wanyama (e) Kufuga wanyama, kujikinga na baridi, kujenga nyumba bora, na kupika 29. Ulimaji wa mazao ya biashara wakati wa utawala wa kikoloni ulisababisha uhaba wa chakula katika jamii za kiafrika kwa sababu__________
(a) Waafrika walitamani kulima kilimo biashara (b) Waafika waliona mazao ya biashara yana faida zaidi (c) Waafrika walilazimishwa kupanda mazao ya biashara zaidi ya mazao ya chakula (d) Waafrika walikosa mbegu za mazao ya chakula ( e) Mazao ya biashara yalikuwa na soko kwa wafrika 30. Ngome ya yesu ilijengwa Mombasa nchini Kenya na_______
(a) Waingereza (b) Wareno (c) Wajerumani (d) Wahispania (e ) Waarabu 31. Zifuatazo ni faida zitokanazo na madini katika uchumi isipokuwa__________
(a) Kutupatia fedha za kigeni (b) Kutoa ajira (c) Kutoa malighafi kwa ajili ya viwanda
(d) Ufyekaji wa misitu kwa ajili ya uchimbaji wa madini ( e) Husaidia ukuaji wa miji katika maeneo ya uchimbaji 32. Kwa nini tunashauriwa kubadilisha upandaji wa mazao katika shamba ________ (a) Kuzuia wadudu waharibifu na kurutubisha udongo (b) Kuzuia mmomonyoko wa udongo (c )Kuzuia uharibifu wa misitu (d) Kuzuia uchafuzi wa hewa (e) Kuzuia uchafuzi wa maji 33.Nchi za Afrika mashariki zipo katika uwanda wa kitropiki lakini hali ya hewa tofauti. Hii ni kwa sababu

ya _________ (a) Kuwepo kwa nyanda tofauti za hali ya hewa (b) Kuwepo kwa aina tofauti za milima (c) Kukosekana kwa mito ya kutosha (d) Kuwepo kwa tofauti za mipaka (a) Kuwepo kwa uongozi tofauti kwa kila nchi.
34.Umbo lifuatalo ni matokeo ya ___________
(a) nguvu ya mvutano (b) Nguvu ya mgandamizo (c )Nguvu ya volkano (d) Nguvu ya mlipuko (e )
Nguvu ya mvutano na volkano 35.Moja ya madhara ya kuongezeka kwa kasi kwa idadi ya watu nchini Tanzania ni___________
(a) Kuongezeka kwa vita vya kikabila (b) kuongezeka kwa ugonjwa wa malaria (c) Kukosa huduma toshelevu za kijamii (d) kupungua kwa eneo la nchi (e) kutopata idadi ya wasomi wa kutosha 36.Ikiwa ni saa 5.30 Asubuhi katika mji wa Lilongwe nyuzi 34 Mashariki, je itakuwa ni saa ngapi katika mji wa Mogadishu uliopo nyuzi 45 Mashariki? ___________
(a) Saa 5:44 asubuhi (b) Saa 4:16 asubuhi (c ) Saa 6:14 Mchana (d) Saa 4:16 usiku (e )Saa 5.30 asubuhi 37.Mistari ya kubuni inayochorwa kwenye ramani kutoka kaskazini kwenda Kusini uitwaje? ____________
(a) Longitude (b) Ikweta (c). Kizio cha aktiki (d) .Latitude (e ) Griniwichi 38.__________ni uoto wa asili unaopatikana mwambao wa bahari ya Hindi nchini Tanzania
(a) Ukanda wa kisavana (b) Vichaka (c) Ukanda wa kitropiki (d) Misitu ya mikoko (e) Ukanda wa nyasi 39.Chombo kitumikacho kupima kiwango cha unyevunyevu kwenye hewa kinajulikana kwa jina la___________
(a) Windvane (b) Hydrometa (c) Rain geji (d) Barometa (e )Hygrometa 40..Nchi za mashariki ya kati ni maarufu kwa uzalishaji wa _________
(a) Mafuta (b) korosho (c) Miwa (d) Dhahabu (e) Ndizi SEHEMU B: JAZA NAFASI ZILIZO WAZI
41. Sehemu ya jangwa ambayo maji hupatikana huitwa ___________________________________________
42.Jua la utosi katika mwezi Disemba huwa katika ________________________________________________ 43.Kupwa na kujaa kwa maji baharini kunasababishwa na tukio lipi? _________________________________
Soma kielelezo hapo chini kisha jibu maswali yafuatayo:-

44.Herufi B inawakilisha nini kwenye mchoro hapo juu ____________________________________________
45. Tofauti kati ya kontua moja na nyingine ni ngapi? _____________________________________________

| 1. | E | 21. | A |
| 2. | B | 22. | E |
| 3. | B | 23. | E |
| 4. | D | 24. | B |
| 5. | E | 25. | A |
| 6. | D | 26. | C |
| 7. | D | 27. | E |
| 8. | A | 28. | A |
| 9. | C | 29. | C |
| 10. | C | 30. | B |
| 11. | A | 31. | D |
| 45. | m 100 | | |
| 12. | B | 32. | A |
| 13. | A | 33. | A |
| 14. | E | 34. | E |
| 15. | D | 35. | C |
| 16. | A | 36. | C |
| 17. | A | 37. | A |
| 18. | A | 38. | D |
| 19. | E | 39. | D |
| 20. | E | 40. | A |
| 41. | Oasisi | | |
| 42. | Tropiko | | |
| 43. | Mvutano kati ya Dunia na Mwezi | | |
| 44. | Patio | | |