// Copyright 1986-2014 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tool Version: Vivado v.2014.1 (lin64) Build 881834 Fri Apr 4 14:00:25 MDT 2014 // Date : Wed Apr 30 22:30:36 2014 // Host : macbook running 64-bit Arch Linux // Command : write_verilog -force -mode funcsim // /home/keith/Documents/VHDL-lib/top/lab_7/part_3/ip/clk_adc/clk_adc_funcsim.v // Design : clk_adc // Purpose : This verilog netlist is a functional simulation representation of the design and should not be modified // or synthesized. This netlist cannot be used for SDF annotated simulation. // Device : xc7z020clg484-1 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `timescale 1 ps / 1 ps (* core_generation_info = "clk_adc,clk_wiz_v5_1,{component_name=clk_adc,use_phase_alignment=true,use_min_o_jitter=false,use_max_i_jitter=false,use_dyn_phase_shift=false,use_inclk_switchover=false,use_dyn_reconfig=false,enable_axi=0,feedback_source=FDBK_AUTO,PRIMITIVE=MMCM,num_out_clk=1,clkin1_period=4.0,clkin2_period=10.0,use_power_down=false,use_reset=false,use_locked=true,use_inclk_stopped=false,feedback_type=SINGLE,CLOCK_MGR_TYPE=NA,manual_override=false}" *) (* NotValidForBitStream *) module clk_adc (clk_in1_p, clk_in1_n, clk_250Mhz, locked); input clk_in1_p; input clk_in1_n; output clk_250Mhz; output locked; wire clk_250Mhz; (* DIFF_TERM=0 *) (* IBUF_LOW_PWR *) wire clk_in1_n; (* DIFF_TERM=0 *) (* IBUF_LOW_PWR *) wire clk_in1_p; wire locked; clk_adcclk_adc_clk_wiz U0 (.clk_250Mhz(clk_250Mhz), .clk_in1_n(clk_in1_n), .clk_in1_p(clk_in1_p), .locked(locked)); endmodule (* ORIG_REF_NAME = "clk_adc_clk_wiz" *) module clk_adcclk_adc_clk_wiz (clk_in1_p, clk_in1_n, clk_250Mhz, locked); input clk_in1_p; input clk_in1_n; output clk_250Mhz; output locked; wire clk_250Mhz; wire clk_250Mhz_clk_adc; wire clk_in1_clk_adc; (* DIFF_TERM=0 *) (* IBUF_LOW_PWR *) wire clk_in1_n; (* DIFF_TERM=0 *) (* IBUF_LOW_PWR *) wire clk_in1_p; wire clkfbout_buf_clk_adc; wire clkfbout_clk_adc; wire locked; wire NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKFBOUTB_UNCONNECTED; wire NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKFBSTOPPED_UNCONNECTED; wire NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKINSTOPPED_UNCONNECTED; wire NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT0B_UNCONNECTED; wire NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT1_UNCONNECTED; wire NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT1B_UNCONNECTED; wire NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT2_UNCONNECTED; wire NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT2B_UNCONNECTED; wire NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT3_UNCONNECTED; wire NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT3B_UNCONNECTED; wire NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT4_UNCONNECTED; wire NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT5_UNCONNECTED; wire NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT6_UNCONNECTED; wire NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_DRDY_UNCONNECTED; wire NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_PSDONE_UNCONNECTED; wire [15:0]NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_DO_UNCONNECTED; (* box_type = "PRIMITIVE" *) BUFG clkf_buf (.I(clkfbout_clk_adc), .O(clkfbout_buf_clk_adc)); (* CAPACITANCE = "DONT_CARE" *) (* IBUF_DELAY_VALUE = "0" *) (* IFD_DELAY_VALUE = "AUTO" *) (* box_type = "PRIMITIVE" *) IBUFDS #( .DQS_BIAS("FALSE"), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT")) clkin1_ibufgds (.I(clk_in1_p), .IB(clk_in1_n), .O(clk_in1_clk_adc)); (* box_type = "PRIMITIVE" *) BUFG clkout1_buf (.I(clk_250Mhz_clk_adc), .O(clk_250Mhz)); (* box_type = "PRIMITIVE" *) MMCME2_ADV #( .BANDWIDTH("OPTIMIZED"), .CLKFBOUT_MULT_F(4.000000), .CLKFBOUT_PHASE(0.000000), .CLKFBOUT_USE_FINE_PS("FALSE"), .CLKIN1_PERIOD(4.000000), .CLKIN2_PERIOD(0.000000), .CLKOUT0_DIVIDE_F(4.000000), .CLKOUT0_DUTY_CYCLE(0.500000), .CLKOUT0_PHASE(236.250000), .CLKOUT0_USE_FINE_PS("FALSE"), .CLKOUT1_DIVIDE(1), .CLKOUT1_DUTY_CYCLE(0.500000), .CLKOUT1_PHASE(0.000000), .CLKOUT1_USE_FINE_PS("FALSE"), .CLKOUT2_DIVIDE(1), .CLKOUT2_DUTY_CYCLE(0.500000), .CLKOUT2_PHASE(0.000000), .CLKOUT2_USE_FINE_PS("FALSE"), .CLKOUT3_DIVIDE(1), .CLKOUT3_DUTY_CYCLE(0.500000), .CLKOUT3_PHASE(0.000000), .CLKOUT3_USE_FINE_PS("FALSE"), .CLKOUT4_CASCADE("FALSE"), .CLKOUT4_DIVIDE(1), .CLKOUT4_DUTY_CYCLE(0.500000), .CLKOUT4_PHASE(0.000000), .CLKOUT4_USE_FINE_PS("FALSE"), .CLKOUT5_DIVIDE(1), .CLKOUT5_DUTY_CYCLE(0.500000), .CLKOUT5_PHASE(0.000000), .CLKOUT5_USE_FINE_PS("FALSE"), .CLKOUT6_DIVIDE(1), .CLKOUT6_DUTY_CYCLE(0.500000), .CLKOUT6_PHASE(0.000000), .CLKOUT6_USE_FINE_PS("FALSE"), .COMPENSATION("ZHOLD"), .DIVCLK_DIVIDE(1), .IS_CLKINSEL_INVERTED(1'b0), .IS_PSEN_INVERTED(1'b0), .IS_PSINCDEC_INVERTED(1'b0), .IS_PWRDWN_INVERTED(1'b0), .IS_RST_INVERTED(1'b0), .REF_JITTER1(0.010000), .REF_JITTER2(0.000000), .SS_EN("FALSE"), .SS_MODE("CENTER_HIGH"), .SS_MOD_PERIOD(10000), .STARTUP_WAIT("FALSE")) mmcm_adv_inst (.CLKFBIN(clkfbout_buf_clk_adc), .CLKFBOUT(clkfbout_clk_adc), .CLKFBOUTB(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKFBOUTB_UNCONNECTED), .CLKFBSTOPPED(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKFBSTOPPED_UNCONNECTED), .CLKIN1(clk_in1_clk_adc), .CLKIN2(1'b0), .CLKINSEL(1'b1), .CLKINSTOPPED(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKINSTOPPED_UNCONNECTED), .CLKOUT0(clk_250Mhz_clk_adc), .CLKOUT0B(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT0B_UNCONNECTED), .CLKOUT1(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT1_UNCONNECTED), .CLKOUT1B(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT1B_UNCONNECTED), .CLKOUT2(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT2_UNCONNECTED), .CLKOUT2B(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT2B_UNCONNECTED), .CLKOUT3(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT3_UNCONNECTED), .CLKOUT3B(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT3B_UNCONNECTED), .CLKOUT4(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT4_UNCONNECTED), .CLKOUT5(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT5_UNCONNECTED), .CLKOUT6(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_CLKOUT6_UNCONNECTED), .DADDR({1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0}), .DCLK(1'b0), .DEN(1'b0), .DI({1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0}), .DO(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_DO_UNCONNECTED[15:0]), .DRDY(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_DRDY_UNCONNECTED), .DWE(1'b0), .LOCKED(locked), .PSCLK(1'b0), .PSDONE(NLW_mmcm_adv_inst_PSDONE_UNCONNECTED), .PSEN(1'b0), .PSINCDEC(1'b0), .PWRDWN(1'b0), .RST(1'b0)); endmodule `ifndef GLBL `define GLBL `timescale 1 ps / 1 ps module glbl (); parameter ROC_WIDTH = 100000; parameter TOC_WIDTH = 0; //-------- STARTUP Globals -------------- wire GSR; wire GTS; wire GWE; wire PRLD; tri1 p_up_tmp; tri (weak1, strong0) PLL_LOCKG = p_up_tmp; wire PROGB_GLBL; wire CCLKO_GLBL; reg GSR_int; reg GTS_int; reg PRLD_int; //-------- JTAG Globals -------------- wire JTAG_TDO_GLBL; wire JTAG_TCK_GLBL; wire JTAG_TDI_GLBL; wire JTAG_TMS_GLBL; wire JTAG_TRST_GLBL; reg JTAG_CAPTURE_GLBL; reg JTAG_RESET_GLBL; reg JTAG_SHIFT_GLBL; reg JTAG_UPDATE_GLBL; reg JTAG_RUNTEST_GLBL; reg JTAG_SEL1_GLBL = 0; reg JTAG_SEL2_GLBL = 0 ; reg JTAG_SEL3_GLBL = 0; reg JTAG_SEL4_GLBL = 0; reg JTAG_USER_TDO1_GLBL = 1'bz; reg JTAG_USER_TDO2_GLBL = 1'bz; reg JTAG_USER_TDO3_GLBL = 1'bz; reg JTAG_USER_TDO4_GLBL = 1'bz; assign (weak1, weak0) GSR = GSR_int; assign (weak1, weak0) GTS = GTS_int; assign (weak1, weak0) PRLD = PRLD_int; initial begin GSR_int = 1'b1; PRLD_int = 1'b1; #(ROC_WIDTH) GSR_int = 1'b0; PRLD_int = 1'b0; end initial begin GTS_int = 1'b1; #(TOC_WIDTH) GTS_int = 1'b0; end endmodule `endif
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Company: Rehkopf // Engineer: Rehkopf // // Create Date: 01:13:46 05/09/2009 // Design Name: // Module Name: address // Project Name: // Target Devices: // Tool versions: // Description: Address logic w/ SaveRAM masking // // Dependencies: // // Revision: // Additional Comments: // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module address( input CLK, input [7:0] featurebits, // peripheral enable/disable input [2:0] MAPPER, // MCU detected mapper input [23:0] SNES_ADDR, // requested address from SNES input [7:0] SNES_PA, // peripheral address from SNES input SNES_ROMSEL, // SNES ROM access output [23:0] ROM_ADDR, // Address to request from SRAM0 output ROM_HIT, // enable SRAM0 output IS_SAVERAM, // address/CS mapped as SRAM? output IS_ROM, // address mapped as ROM? output IS_WRITABLE, // address somehow mapped as writable area? input [23:0] SAVERAM_MASK, input [23:0] ROM_MASK, output msu_enable, output r213f_enable, output snescmd_enable, output nmicmd_enable, output return_vector_enable, output branch1_enable, output branch2_enable, output obc1_enable ); parameter [2:0] FEAT_MSU1 = 3, FEAT_213F = 4 ; wire [23:0] SRAM_SNES_ADDR; /* currently supported mappers: Index Mapper 000 HiROM 001 LoROM 010 ExHiROM (48-64Mbit) */ /* HiROM: SRAM @ Bank 0x30-0x3f, 0xb0-0xbf Offset 6000-7fff */ assign IS_ROM = ((!SNES_ADDR[22] & SNES_ADDR[15]) |(SNES_ADDR[22])); assign IS_SAVERAM = SAVERAM_MASK[0] &(((MAPPER == 3'b000 || MAPPER == 3'b010) ? (!SNES_ADDR[22] & SNES_ADDR[21] & &SNES_ADDR[14:13] & !SNES_ADDR[15] ) /* LoROM: SRAM @ Bank 0x70-0x7d, 0xf0-0xff * Offset 0000-7fff for ROM >= 32 MBit, otherwise 0000-ffff */ :(MAPPER == 3'b001) ? (&SNES_ADDR[22:20] & (~SNES_ROMSEL) & (~SNES_ADDR[15] | ~ROM_MASK[21]) ) : 1'b0)); assign IS_WRITABLE = IS_SAVERAM; assign SRAM_SNES_ADDR = ((MAPPER == 3'b000) ?(IS_SAVERAM ? 24'hE00000 + ({SNES_ADDR[20:16], SNES_ADDR[12:0]} & SAVERAM_MASK) : ({1'b0, SNES_ADDR[22:0]} & ROM_MASK)) :(MAPPER == 3'b001) ?(IS_SAVERAM ? 24'hE00000 + ({SNES_ADDR[20:16], SNES_ADDR[14:0]} & SAVERAM_MASK) : ({2'b00, SNES_ADDR[22:16], SNES_ADDR[14:0]} & ROM_MASK)) :(MAPPER == 3'b010) ?(IS_SAVERAM ? 24'hE00000 + ({SNES_ADDR[20:16], SNES_ADDR[12:0]} & SAVERAM_MASK) : ({1'b0, !SNES_ADDR[23], SNES_ADDR[21:0]} & ROM_MASK)) : 24'b0); assign ROM_ADDR = SRAM_SNES_ADDR; assign ROM_SEL = 1'b0; assign ROM_HIT = IS_ROM | IS_WRITABLE; assign msu_enable = featurebits[FEAT_MSU1] & (!SNES_ADDR[22] && ((SNES_ADDR[15:0] & 16'hfff8) == 16'h2000)); assign r213f_enable = featurebits[FEAT_213F] & (SNES_PA == 8'h3f); assign obc1_enable = (~SNES_ADDR[22]) & (SNES_ADDR[15:11] == 5'b01111); assign snescmd_enable = ({SNES_ADDR[22], SNES_ADDR[15:9]} == 8'b0_0010101); assign nmicmd_enable = (SNES_ADDR == 24'h002BF2); assign return_vector_enable = (SNES_ADDR == 24'h002A5A); assign branch1_enable = (SNES_ADDR == 24'h002A13); assign branch2_enable = (SNES_ADDR == 24'h002A4D); endmodule
module RetimeShiftRegister #( parameter WIDTH = 1, parameter STAGES = 1) ( input clock, input reset, input [WIDTH-1:0] in, output reg [WIDTH-1:0] out ); integer i; reg [WIDTH-1:0] sr[STAGES]; // Create 'STAGES' number of register, each 'WIDTH' bits wide /* synopsys dc_tcl_script_begin set_ungroup [current_design] true set_flatten true -effort high -phase true -design [current_design] set_dont_retime [current_design] false set_optimize_registers true -design [current_design] */ always @(posedge clock) begin if (reset) begin for(i=0; i<STAGES; i=i+1) begin sr[i] <= {WIDTH{1'b0}}; end end else begin sr[0] <= in; for(i=1; i<STAGES; i=i+1) begin sr[i] <= sr[i-1]; end end end always @(*) begin out <= sr[STAGES-1]; end endmodule module RetimeShiftRegisterBool #( parameter WIDTH = 1, parameter STAGES = 1) ( input clock, input reset, input in, output reg out ); integer i; reg sr[STAGES]; // Create 'STAGES' number of register, each 'WIDTH' bits wide /* synopsys dc_tcl_script_begin set_ungroup [current_design] true set_flatten true -effort high -phase true -design [current_design] set_dont_retime [current_design] false set_optimize_registers true -design [current_design] */ always @(posedge clock) begin if (reset) begin for(i=0; i<STAGES; i=i+1) begin sr[i] <= {WIDTH{1'b0}}; end end else begin sr[0] <= in; for(i=1; i<STAGES; i=i+1) begin sr[i] <= sr[i-1]; end end end always @(*) begin out <= sr[STAGES-1]; end endmodule
/* * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ module sky130_fd_io__top_refgen (VINREF, VOUTREF, REFLEAK_BIAS, HLD_H_N, IBUF_SEL, OD_H, VOHREF, VREF_SEL, VREG_EN, VTRIP_SEL); wire error_vsel; output VINREF; output VOUTREF; inout REFLEAK_BIAS; wire vccd =1; wire vcchib =1; wire vdda =1; wire vddio =1; wire vddio_q=1; wire vssd =0; wire vssio =0; wire vssio_q=0; input HLD_H_N; input IBUF_SEL; input OD_H; input VOHREF; input VREF_SEL; input VREG_EN; input VTRIP_SEL; reg [2:0] dm_final; reg slow_final, vtrip_sel_final, inp_dis_final, hld_ovr_final; reg [2:0] dm; reg slow, inp_dis, hld_ovr; reg [1:0] vsel; wire pwr_good_hold_mode = 1; wire pwr_good_active_mode = 1; always @(*) begin if (^OD_H===1'bx || !pwr_good_hold_mode || (OD_H===0 && ^HLD_H_N===1'bx)) begin dm_final = 3'bxxx; slow_final = 1'bx; vtrip_sel_final = 1'bx; inp_dis_final = 1'bx; hld_ovr_final = 1'bx; end else if (OD_H===1) begin dm_final = 3'b000; slow_final = 1'b0; vtrip_sel_final = 1'b0; inp_dis_final = 1'b0; hld_ovr_final = 1'b0; end else if (HLD_H_N===1) begin dm_final = (^dm[2:0] === 1'bx || !pwr_good_active_mode) ? 3'bxxx : dm; slow_final = (^slow === 1'bx || !pwr_good_active_mode) ? 1'bx : slow; vtrip_sel_final = (^VTRIP_SEL === 1'bx || !pwr_good_active_mode) ? 1'bx : VTRIP_SEL; inp_dis_final = (^inp_dis === 1'bx || !pwr_good_active_mode) ? 1'bx : inp_dis; hld_ovr_final = (^hld_ovr === 1'bx || !pwr_good_active_mode) ? 1'bx : hld_ovr; end end reg dis_err_msgs; initial begin dis_err_msgs = 1'b1; `ifdef SKY130_FD_IO_TOP_REFGEN_DIS_ERR_MSGS `else #1; dis_err_msgs = 1'b0; `endif end assign error_vsel = (vsel[1]===1 && vsel[0]===1); always @(*) begin if (!dis_err_msgs) begin if (error_vsel==1) $display(" ===ERROR=== sky130_fd_io__top_refgen : %m : Incorrect inputs on vsel[1:0] = 11",$stime); end end endmodule
/** * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ `ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_MS__INV_TB_V `define SKY130_FD_SC_MS__INV_TB_V /** * inv: Inverter. * * Autogenerated test bench. * * WARNING: This file is autogenerated, do not modify directly! */ `timescale 1ns / 1ps `default_nettype none `include "sky130_fd_sc_ms__inv.v" module top(); // Inputs are registered reg A; reg VPWR; reg VGND; reg VPB; reg VNB; // Outputs are wires wire Y; initial begin // Initial state is x for all inputs. A = 1'bX; VGND = 1'bX; VNB = 1'bX; VPB = 1'bX; VPWR = 1'bX; #20 A = 1'b0; #40 VGND = 1'b0; #60 VNB = 1'b0; #80 VPB = 1'b0; #100 VPWR = 1'b0; #120 A = 1'b1; #140 VGND = 1'b1; #160 VNB = 1'b1; #180 VPB = 1'b1; #200 VPWR = 1'b1; #220 A = 1'b0; #240 VGND = 1'b0; #260 VNB = 1'b0; #280 VPB = 1'b0; #300 VPWR = 1'b0; #320 VPWR = 1'b1; #340 VPB = 1'b1; #360 VNB = 1'b1; #380 VGND = 1'b1; #400 A = 1'b1; #420 VPWR = 1'bx; #440 VPB = 1'bx; #460 VNB = 1'bx; #480 VGND = 1'bx; #500 A = 1'bx; end sky130_fd_sc_ms__inv dut (.A(A), .VPWR(VPWR), .VGND(VGND), .VPB(VPB), .VNB(VNB), .Y(Y)); endmodule `default_nettype wire `endif // SKY130_FD_SC_MS__INV_TB_V
/* * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ `ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_HS__NOR2B_BEHAVIORAL_PP_V `define SKY130_FD_SC_HS__NOR2B_BEHAVIORAL_PP_V /** * nor2b: 2-input NOR, first input inverted. * * Y = !(A | B | C | !D) * * Verilog simulation functional model. */ `timescale 1ns / 1ps `default_nettype none // Import sub cells. `include "../u_vpwr_vgnd/sky130_fd_sc_hs__u_vpwr_vgnd.v" `celldefine module sky130_fd_sc_hs__nor2b ( VPWR, VGND, Y , A , B_N ); // Module ports input VPWR; input VGND; output Y ; input A ; input B_N ; // Local signals wire Y not0_out ; wire and0_out_Y ; wire u_vpwr_vgnd0_out_Y; // Name Output Other arguments not not0 (not0_out , A ); and and0 (and0_out_Y , not0_out, B_N ); sky130_fd_sc_hs__u_vpwr_vgnd u_vpwr_vgnd0 (u_vpwr_vgnd0_out_Y, and0_out_Y, VPWR, VGND); buf buf0 (Y , u_vpwr_vgnd0_out_Y ); endmodule `endcelldefine `default_nettype wire `endif // SKY130_FD_SC_HS__NOR2B_BEHAVIORAL_PP_V
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N = 3e3 + 10; int n; int a[N], b[N]; long long dp[N][N]; long long solve(int idx = 0, int val = 0) { if (idx == n) return 0; if (val == n) return 1e18; long long &ret = dp[idx][val]; if (ret == -1) ret = min(solve(idx + 1, val) + abs(a[idx] - b[val]), solve(idx, val + 1)); return ret; } int main() { scanf( %d , &n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf( %d , &a[i]); b[i] = a[i] -= i; } sort(b, b + n); memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp)); printf( %lld n , solve()); return 0; }
// // Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // module ram16_2port (input clock, input write, input [3:0] wr_addr, input [15:0] wr_data, input [3:0] rd_addr1, output reg [15:0] rd_data1, input [3:0] rd_addr2, output reg [15:0] rd_data2); reg [15:0] ram_array [0:31]; always @(posedge clock) rd_data1 <= #1 ram_array[rd_addr1]; always @(posedge clock) rd_data2 <= #1 ram_array[rd_addr2]; always @(posedge clock) if(write) ram_array[wr_addr] <= #1 wr_data; endmodule // ram16_2port
// Accellera Standard V2.5 Open Verification Library (OVL). // Accellera Copyright (c) 2005-2010. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SHARED CODE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // No shared code for this OVL //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ASSERTION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ `ifdef OVL_ASSERT_ON // 2-STATE // ======= wire fire_2state_1; always @(posedge clk) begin if (`OVL_RESET_SIGNAL == 1'b0) begin // OVL does not fire during reset end else begin if (fire_2state_1) begin ovl_error_t(`OVL_FIRE_2STATE,"Test expression evaluates to a value outside the range specified by parameters min and max"); end end end assign fire_2state_1 = ((test_expr < min) || (test_expr > max)); // X-CHECK // ======= `ifdef OVL_XCHECK_OFF `else `ifdef OVL_IMPLICIT_XCHECK_OFF `else reg fire_xcheck_1; always @(posedge clk) begin if (`OVL_RESET_SIGNAL == 1'b0) begin // OVL does not fire during reset end else begin if (fire_xcheck_1) begin ovl_error_t(`OVL_FIRE_XCHECK,"test_expr contains X or Z"); end end end wire valid_test_expr = ((test_expr ^ test_expr) == 1'b0); always @ (valid_test_expr) begin if (valid_test_expr) begin fire_xcheck_1 = 1'b0; end else begin fire_xcheck_1 = 1'b1; end end `endif // OVL_IMPLICIT_XCHECK_OFF `endif // OVL_XCHECK_OFF `endif // OVL_ASSERT_ON //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // COVERAGE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ `ifdef OVL_COVER_ON // Auxiliary logic reg [width-1:0] prev_test_expr; always @ (posedge clk) begin // REVISIT: update only if SANITY on? prev_test_expr <= test_expr; // deliberately not reset end wire fire_cover_1, fire_cover_2, fire_cover_3; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (`OVL_RESET_SIGNAL == 1'b0) begin // OVL does not fire during reset end else begin if (fire_cover_1) begin ovl_cover_t("test_expr_change covered"); // sanity end if (fire_cover_2) begin ovl_cover_t("test_expr_at_min covered"); // corner end if (fire_cover_3) begin ovl_cover_t("test_expr_at_max covered"); // corner end end end assign fire_cover_1 = ((OVL_COVER_SANITY_ON > 0) && (test_expr != prev_test_expr)); assign fire_cover_2 = ((OVL_COVER_CORNER_ON > 0) && (test_expr == min)); assign fire_cover_3 = ((OVL_COVER_CORNER_ON > 0) && (test_expr == max)); `endif // OVL_COVER_ON
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for // any use, without warranty, 2003 by Wilson Snyder. // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 module t (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk ); input clk; integer cyc; initial cyc=1; reg [15:0] m_din; // We expect all these blocks should split; // blocks that don't split should go in t_alw_nosplit.v reg [15:0] a_split_1, a_split_2; always @ (/*AS*/m_din) begin a_split_1 = m_din; a_split_2 = m_din; end reg [15:0] d_split_1, d_split_2; always @ (posedge clk) begin d_split_1 <= m_din; d_split_2 <= d_split_1; d_split_1 <= ~m_din; end reg [15:0] h_split_1; reg [15:0] h_split_2; always @ (posedge clk) begin // $write(" cyc = %x m_din = %x\n", cyc, m_din); if (cyc > 2) begin if (m_din == 16'h0) begin h_split_1 <= 16'h0; h_split_2 <= 16'h0; end else begin h_split_1 <= m_din; h_split_2 <= ~m_din; end end else begin h_split_1 <= 16'h0; h_split_2 <= 16'h0; end end reg [15:0] l_split_1, l_split_2; always @ (posedge clk) begin l_split_2 <= l_split_1; l_split_1 <= l_split_2 | m_din; end // (The checker block is an exception, it won't split.) always @ (posedge clk) begin if (cyc!=0) begin cyc<=cyc+1; if (cyc==1) begin m_din <= 16'hfeed; end if (cyc==3) begin end if (cyc==4) begin m_din <= 16'he11e; //$write(" A %x %x\n", a_split_1, a_split_2); if (!(a_split_1==16'hfeed && a_split_2==16'hfeed)) $stop; if (!(d_split_1==16'h0112 && d_split_2==16'h0112)) $stop; if (!(h_split_1==16'hfeed && h_split_2==16'h0112)) $stop; end if (cyc==5) begin m_din <= 16'he22e; if (!(a_split_1==16'he11e && a_split_2==16'he11e)) $stop; if (!(d_split_1==16'h0112 && d_split_2==16'h0112)) $stop; if (!(h_split_1==16'hfeed && h_split_2==16'h0112)) $stop; end if (cyc==6) begin m_din <= 16'he33e; if (!(a_split_1==16'he22e && a_split_2==16'he22e)) $stop; if (!(d_split_1==16'h1ee1 && d_split_2==16'h0112)) $stop; if (!(h_split_1==16'he11e && h_split_2==16'h1ee1)) $stop; end if (cyc==7) begin $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end end end // always @ (posedge clk) endmodule
/** * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ `ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_HDLL__O221AI_PP_SYMBOL_V `define SKY130_FD_SC_HDLL__O221AI_PP_SYMBOL_V /** * o221ai: 2-input OR into first two inputs of 3-input NAND. * * Y = !((A1 | A2) & (B1 | B2) & C1) * * Verilog stub (with power pins) for graphical symbol definition * generation. * * WARNING: This file is autogenerated, do not modify directly! */ `timescale 1ns / 1ps `default_nettype none (* blackbox *) module sky130_fd_sc_hdll__o221ai ( //# {{data|Data Signals}} input A1 , input A2 , input B1 , input B2 , input C1 , output Y , //# {{power|Power}} input VPB , input VPWR, input VGND, input VNB ); endmodule `default_nettype wire `endif // SKY130_FD_SC_HDLL__O221AI_PP_SYMBOL_V
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int dp[3000]; bool apare[1010]; int n, k, c; int main() { ios_base ::sync_with_stdio(0); cin >> n >> k; while (k--) { cin >> c; apare[c] = 1; } queue<int> q; vector<int> lungimi; for (int i(0); i < 1010; i++) { if (!apare[i]) continue; int x(n - i + 1500); dp[x] = 1; q.push(x); lungimi.push_back(x - 1500); } while (!q.empty()) { int x(q.front()), t(dp[x]); q.pop(); for (auto i : lungimi) { if (x + i >= 0 && x + i < 3000 && !dp[x + i]) { dp[x + i] = 1 + t; q.push(x + i); } } } cout << (dp[1500] ? dp[1500] : -1); return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const long long max_N = 100003; const long long max_M = 200003; vector<pair<long long, long long> > briaunos[max_N]; bool nepavyko_uzdavinys = false; struct reiskinys { long long skaicius, a; long double a_reiksme; bool isreikstas; bool isvestas; long double a_reiksme_kai_reisinys_nulis; reiskinys() { isreikstas = false; isvestas = false; skaicius = 0; a = 0; } void tapk_pradiniu() { skaicius = 0; a = 1; isreikstas = true; } long double reiksme() { return (long double)a_reiksme * (long double)a + (long double)skaicius; } void kada_tampa_nuliu() { if ((a == 0) && (skaicius == 0)) a_reiksme_kai_reisinys_nulis = 0; else if (a == 0) a_reiksme_kai_reisinys_nulis = 1000000000; else a_reiksme_kai_reisinys_nulis = ((long double)0 - (long double)skaicius) / (long double)a; } bool operator<(const reiskinys &kitas) const { return a_reiksme_kai_reisinys_nulis < kitas.a_reiksme_kai_reisinys_nulis; } }; reiskinys virsuniu_reiksmes[max_N]; void isreisk(reiskinys &turimas, reiskinys &norimas, long long suma) { norimas.a = 0 - turimas.a; norimas.skaicius = suma - turimas.skaicius; norimas.isreikstas = true; } pair<bool, long double> rask_a_reiksme(reiskinys &pirmas, reiskinys &antras, long double suma) { long long skaicius = 0 - (suma - pirmas.skaicius - antras.skaicius); long long a = 0 - pirmas.a - antras.a; if ((a == 0) && (skaicius != 0)) { nepavyko_uzdavinys = true; return {false, 0}; } else if (a == 0) { return {false, 0}; } else { long double a_reiksme = (long double)skaicius / (long double)a; return {true, a_reiksme}; } } bool tenkina(reiskinys &pirmas, reiskinys &antras, long double suma) { if (pirmas.reiksme() + antras.reiksme() == suma) return true; return false; } void ieskok_minimalaus_a(vector<long long> komponente) { for (long long i = 0; i < komponente.size(); i++) { virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].kada_tampa_nuliu(); } sort(komponente.begin(), komponente.end(), [&](long long &i, long long &j) { return virsuniu_reiksmes[i] < virsuniu_reiksmes[j]; }); reiskinys neigiami; reiskinys teigiami; long double a_reiksme = virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[0]].a_reiksme_kai_reisinys_nulis - 1; bool ar_teigiamas[komponente.size()]; for (long long i = 0; i < komponente.size(); i++) { virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].a_reiksme = a_reiksme; if (virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].reiksme() > (long double)0) { ar_teigiamas[i] = true; teigiami.a += virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].a; teigiami.skaicius += virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].skaicius; } else { ar_teigiamas[i] = false; neigiami.a -= virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].a; neigiami.skaicius -= virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].skaicius; } } neigiami.a_reiksme = a_reiksme; teigiami.a_reiksme = a_reiksme; long double minimalus_ats = teigiami.reiksme() + neigiami.reiksme(); long double minimali_a_reiksme = a_reiksme; for (long long i = 0; i < komponente.size(); i++) { long double a_reiksme = virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].a_reiksme_kai_reisinys_nulis; neigiami.a_reiksme = a_reiksme; teigiami.a_reiksme = a_reiksme; if (ar_teigiamas[i]) { teigiami.a -= virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].a; teigiami.skaicius -= virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].skaicius; neigiami.a -= virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].a; neigiami.skaicius -= virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].skaicius; } else { neigiami.a += virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].a; neigiami.skaicius += virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].skaicius; teigiami.a += virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].a; teigiami.skaicius += virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].skaicius; } if (teigiami.reiksme() + neigiami.reiksme() < minimalus_ats) { minimalus_ats = teigiami.reiksme() + neigiami.reiksme(); minimali_a_reiksme = a_reiksme; } } for (long long i = 0; i < komponente.size(); i++) virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[i]].a_reiksme = minimali_a_reiksme; } int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); cout.tie(NULL); long long N, M; cin >> N >> M; for (long long i = 0; i < M; i++) { long long a, b, tipas; cin >> a >> b >> tipas; briaunos[a].push_back({b, tipas}); briaunos[b].push_back({a, tipas}); } bool surastas[N + 1]; for (long long i = 1; i <= N; i++) surastas[i] = false; for (long long i = 1; i <= N; i++) { if (surastas[i]) continue; queue<long long> eile; vector<long long> komponente; eile.push(i); komponente.push_back(i); surastas[i] = true; virsuniu_reiksmes[i].tapk_pradiniu(); while (!eile.empty()) { long long g = eile.front(); eile.pop(); for (long long j = 0; j < briaunos[g].size(); j++) { long long kitas = briaunos[g][j].first; if (surastas[kitas]) continue; if (g == kitas) continue; isreisk(virsuniu_reiksmes[g], virsuniu_reiksmes[kitas], briaunos[g][j].second); surastas[kitas] = true; eile.push(kitas); komponente.push_back(kitas); } } bool radau_a_reiksme = false; long double a_reiksme; for (long long j = 0; j < komponente.size(); j++) { long long dab = komponente[j]; for (long long x = 0; x < briaunos[dab].size(); x++) { long long kitas = briaunos[dab][x].first; pair<bool, long double> ats = rask_a_reiksme(virsuniu_reiksmes[dab], virsuniu_reiksmes[kitas], briaunos[dab][x].second); radau_a_reiksme = ats.first; a_reiksme = ats.second; if (radau_a_reiksme) { break; } } if (radau_a_reiksme) break; } if (radau_a_reiksme) { for (long long j = 0; j < komponente.size(); j++) { virsuniu_reiksmes[komponente[j]].a_reiksme = a_reiksme; } for (long long j = 0; j < komponente.size(); j++) { long long dab = komponente[j]; for (long long x = 0; x < briaunos[dab].size(); x++) { long long kitas = briaunos[dab][x].first; if (!tenkina(virsuniu_reiksmes[dab], virsuniu_reiksmes[kitas], briaunos[dab][x].second)) { nepavyko_uzdavinys = true; } } } } else { ieskok_minimalaus_a(komponente); } } if (nepavyko_uzdavinys) cout << NO ; else { cout << YES n ; for (long long i = 1; i <= N; i++) cout << fixed << setprecision(9) << virsuniu_reiksmes[i].reiksme() << ; } return 0; }
module tb_comm_fpga_fx2_v2; reg clk_in; reg reset_in; wire fx2FifoSel_out; reg [7:0] fx2Data_in; wire [7:0] fx2Data_out; wire fx2Data_sel; reg fx2Read_out; reg fx2GotData_in; reg fx2Write_out; reg fx2GotRoom_in; reg fx2PktEnd_out; reg [6:0] chanAddr_out; reg [7:0] h2fData_out; reg h2fValid_out; reg h2fReady_in; reg [7:0] f2hData_in; reg f2hValid_in; reg f2hReady_out; initial begin $from_myhdl( clk_in, reset_in, fx2Data_in, fx2Read_out, fx2GotData_in, fx2Write_out, fx2GotRoom_in, fx2PktEnd_out, chanAddr_out, h2fData_out, h2fValid_out, h2fReady_in, f2hData_in, f2hValid_in, f2hReady_out ); $to_myhdl( fx2FifoSel_out, fx2Data_out, fx2Data_sel ); end comm_fpga_fx2_v2 dut( clk_in, reset_in, fx2FifoSel_out, fx2Data_in, fx2Data_out, fx2Data_sel, fx2Read_out, fx2GotData_in, fx2Write_out, fx2GotRoom_in, fx2PktEnd_out, chanAddr_out, h2fData_out, h2fValid_out, h2fReady_in, f2hData_in, f2hValid_in, f2hReady_out ); endmodule
//Legal Notice: (C)2014 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Your //use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other //software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any //output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or //simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are //expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program //License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement, //including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose //of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera //or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable //agreement for further details. // synthesis translate_off `timescale 1ns / 1ps // synthesis translate_on // turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings // altera message_level Level1 // altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030 module cpu_mult_cell ( // inputs: M_mul_src1, M_mul_src2, clk, reset_n, // outputs: M_mul_cell_result ) ; output [ 31: 0] M_mul_cell_result; input [ 31: 0] M_mul_src1; input [ 31: 0] M_mul_src2; input clk; input reset_n; wire [ 31: 0] M_mul_cell_result; wire [ 31: 0] M_mul_cell_result_part_1; wire [ 15: 0] M_mul_cell_result_part_2; wire mul_clr; assign mul_clr = ~reset_n; altmult_add the_altmult_add_part_1 ( .aclr0 (mul_clr), .clock0 (clk), .dataa (M_mul_src1[15 : 0]), .datab (M_mul_src2[15 : 0]), .ena0 (1'b1), .result (M_mul_cell_result_part_1) ); defparam the_altmult_add_part_1.addnsub_multiplier_pipeline_aclr1 = "ACLR0", the_altmult_add_part_1.addnsub_multiplier_pipeline_register1 = "CLOCK0", the_altmult_add_part_1.addnsub_multiplier_register1 = "UNREGISTERED", the_altmult_add_part_1.dedicated_multiplier_circuitry = "YES", the_altmult_add_part_1.input_register_a0 = "UNREGISTERED", the_altmult_add_part_1.input_register_b0 = "UNREGISTERED", the_altmult_add_part_1.input_source_a0 = "DATAA", the_altmult_add_part_1.input_source_b0 = "DATAB", the_altmult_add_part_1.intended_device_family = "CYCLONEII", the_altmult_add_part_1.lpm_type = "altmult_add", the_altmult_add_part_1.multiplier1_direction = "ADD", the_altmult_add_part_1.multiplier_aclr0 = "ACLR0", the_altmult_add_part_1.multiplier_register0 = "CLOCK0", the_altmult_add_part_1.number_of_multipliers = 1, the_altmult_add_part_1.output_register = "UNREGISTERED", the_altmult_add_part_1.port_addnsub1 = "PORT_UNUSED", the_altmult_add_part_1.port_signa = "PORT_UNUSED", the_altmult_add_part_1.port_signb = "PORT_UNUSED", the_altmult_add_part_1.representation_a = "UNSIGNED", the_altmult_add_part_1.representation_b = "UNSIGNED", the_altmult_add_part_1.signed_pipeline_aclr_a = "ACLR0", the_altmult_add_part_1.signed_pipeline_aclr_b = "ACLR0", the_altmult_add_part_1.signed_pipeline_register_a = "CLOCK0", the_altmult_add_part_1.signed_pipeline_register_b = "CLOCK0", the_altmult_add_part_1.signed_register_a = "UNREGISTERED", the_altmult_add_part_1.signed_register_b = "UNREGISTERED", the_altmult_add_part_1.width_a = 16, the_altmult_add_part_1.width_b = 16, the_altmult_add_part_1.width_result = 32; altmult_add the_altmult_add_part_2 ( .aclr0 (mul_clr), .clock0 (clk), .dataa (M_mul_src1[31 : 16]), .datab (M_mul_src2[15 : 0]), .ena0 (1'b1), .result (M_mul_cell_result_part_2) ); defparam the_altmult_add_part_2.addnsub_multiplier_pipeline_aclr1 = "ACLR0", the_altmult_add_part_2.addnsub_multiplier_pipeline_register1 = "CLOCK0", the_altmult_add_part_2.addnsub_multiplier_register1 = "UNREGISTERED", the_altmult_add_part_2.dedicated_multiplier_circuitry = "YES", the_altmult_add_part_2.input_register_a0 = "UNREGISTERED", the_altmult_add_part_2.input_register_b0 = "UNREGISTERED", the_altmult_add_part_2.input_source_a0 = "DATAA", the_altmult_add_part_2.input_source_b0 = "DATAB", the_altmult_add_part_2.intended_device_family = "CYCLONEII", the_altmult_add_part_2.lpm_type = "altmult_add", the_altmult_add_part_2.multiplier1_direction = "ADD", the_altmult_add_part_2.multiplier_aclr0 = "ACLR0", the_altmult_add_part_2.multiplier_register0 = "CLOCK0", the_altmult_add_part_2.number_of_multipliers = 1, the_altmult_add_part_2.output_register = "UNREGISTERED", the_altmult_add_part_2.port_addnsub1 = "PORT_UNUSED", the_altmult_add_part_2.port_signa = "PORT_UNUSED", the_altmult_add_part_2.port_signb = "PORT_UNUSED", the_altmult_add_part_2.representation_a = "UNSIGNED", the_altmult_add_part_2.representation_b = "UNSIGNED", the_altmult_add_part_2.signed_pipeline_aclr_a = "ACLR0", the_altmult_add_part_2.signed_pipeline_aclr_b = "ACLR0", the_altmult_add_part_2.signed_pipeline_register_a = "CLOCK0", the_altmult_add_part_2.signed_pipeline_register_b = "CLOCK0", the_altmult_add_part_2.signed_register_a = "UNREGISTERED", the_altmult_add_part_2.signed_register_b = "UNREGISTERED", the_altmult_add_part_2.width_a = 16, the_altmult_add_part_2.width_b = 16, the_altmult_add_part_2.width_result = 16; assign M_mul_cell_result = {M_mul_cell_result_part_1[31 : 16] + M_mul_cell_result_part_2, M_mul_cell_result_part_1[15 : 0]}; endmodule
#include <bits/stdc++.h> int main() { double n2, a, b, c, n1; scanf( %lf %lf %lf , &a, &b, &c); n1 = ((-b + pow((b * b - 4 * a * c), 0.5)) / (a * 2)); n2 = ((-b - pow((b * b - 4 * a * c), 0.5)) / (a * 2)); if (n1 >= n2) printf( %lf %lf , n1, n2); else printf( %lf %lf , n2, n1); return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N = 1e5 + 5; int n, k, par[N], siz[N]; bool inv[N]; multiset<int> S; struct dist { int val, id; }; dist tab[N]; bool cmp(dist x, dist y) { return x.val < y.val; } int Find(int x) { if (par[x] != x) par[x] = Find(par[x]); return par[x]; } void Union(int x, int y) { x = Find(x); y = Find(y); par[x] = y; S.erase(S.find(siz[x])); S.erase(S.find(siz[y])); siz[y] += siz[x]; S.insert(siz[y]); } int main() { scanf( %d , &n); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { scanf( %d , &tab[i].val); tab[i].id = i; } sort(tab + 1, tab + n + 1, cmp); int ans = 0, ile = 0; multiset<int>::iterator low, high; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { int x = tab[i].id; inv[x] = 1; S.insert(1); siz[x] = 1; par[x] = x; if (inv[x - 1]) Union(x - 1, x); if (inv[x + 1]) Union(x + 1, x); low = S.begin(); high = S.end(); high--; if (*high == *low) { if (ile < S.size()) { ile = S.size(); ans = tab[i].val + 1; } } } printf( %d , ans); return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ll long long #define mod 1000000007 #define ffor(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<b;i++) #define bfor(i,a,b) for(int i=a-1;i>=b;i--) #define mp make_pair #define pb push_back #define ff first #define ss second #define mem(x,y) memset(x,y,sizeof(x)) #define all(x) x.begin(),x.end() #define SP(x) setprecision(x) #define sz(x) (int)x.size() #define fast ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); cout.tie(NULL) #define PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define lb lower_bound #define ub upper_bound #define bs binary_search #define endl n #define int long long void solve() { int n; cin>>n; int c[n]; int a[n], b[n]; ffor(i,0,n) cin>>c[i]; ffor(i,0,n) cin>>a[i]; ffor(i,0,n) cin>>b[i]; int ans=0; int dp[n]; mem(dp,0); dp[1]=abs(a[1]-b[1])+c[1]-1+2; ffor(i,2,n) { if(a[i]==b[i]) dp[i]=c[i]-1+2; else { int x=abs(a[i]-b[i])+c[i]-1+2; int y=c[i]-1+2+dp[i-1]-abs(a[i]-b[i]); dp[i]=max(x,y); } } cout<< *max_element(dp,dp+n)<<endl; } signed main() { #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen( input.txt , r , stdin); freopen( output.txt , w , stdout); #endif int t; cin>>t; while(t--) { solve(); } return 0; }
// megafunction wizard: %FIFO%VBB% // GENERATION: STANDARD // VERSION: WM1.0 // MODULE: dcfifo_mixed_widths // ============================================================ // File Name: rxlengthfifo_128x13.v // Megafunction Name(s): // dcfifo_mixed_widths // // Simulation Library Files(s): // altera_mf // ============================================================ // ************************************************************ // THIS IS A WIZARD-GENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! // // 11.1 Build 173 11/01/2011 SJ Full Version // ************************************************************ //Copyright (C) 1991-2011 Altera Corporation //Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions //and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic //functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing //(including device programming or simulation files), and any //associated documentation or information are expressly subject //to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License //Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License //Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, //without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of //programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by //Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the //applicable agreement for further details. module rxlengthfifo_128x13 ( aclr, data, rdclk, rdreq, wrclk, wrreq, q, rdempty, wrfull); input aclr; input [14:0] data; input rdclk; input rdreq; input wrclk; input wrreq; output [14:0] q; output rdempty; output wrfull; `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS // synopsys translate_off `endif tri0 aclr; `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS // synopsys translate_on `endif endmodule // ============================================================ // CNX file retrieval info // ============================================================ // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: AlmostEmpty NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: AlmostEmptyThr NUMERIC "-1" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: AlmostFull NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: AlmostFullThr NUMERIC "-1" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: CLOCKS_ARE_SYNCHRONIZED NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: Clock NUMERIC "4" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: Depth NUMERIC "512" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: Empty NUMERIC "1" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: Full NUMERIC "1" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: INTENDED_DEVICE_FAMILY STRING "Stratix IV" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: LE_BasedFIFO NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: LegacyRREQ NUMERIC "1" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: MAX_DEPTH_BY_9 NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: OVERFLOW_CHECKING NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: Optimize NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: RAM_BLOCK_TYPE NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: SYNTH_WRAPPER_GEN_POSTFIX STRING "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: UNDERFLOW_CHECKING NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: UsedW NUMERIC "1" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: Width NUMERIC "15" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: dc_aclr NUMERIC "1" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: diff_widths NUMERIC "1" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: msb_usedw NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: output_width NUMERIC "15" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: rsEmpty NUMERIC "1" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: rsFull NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: rsUsedW NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: sc_aclr NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: sc_sclr NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: wsEmpty NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: wsFull NUMERIC "1" // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: wsUsedW NUMERIC "0" // Retrieval info: LIBRARY: altera_mf altera_mf.altera_mf_components.all // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: INTENDED_DEVICE_FAMILY STRING "Stratix IV" // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: LPM_NUMWORDS NUMERIC "512" // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: LPM_SHOWAHEAD STRING "OFF" // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: LPM_TYPE STRING "dcfifo_mixed_widths" // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: LPM_WIDTH NUMERIC "15" // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: LPM_WIDTHU NUMERIC "9" // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: LPM_WIDTHU_R NUMERIC "9" // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: LPM_WIDTH_R NUMERIC "15" // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: OVERFLOW_CHECKING STRING "ON" // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: RDSYNC_DELAYPIPE NUMERIC "4" // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: UNDERFLOW_CHECKING STRING "ON" // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: USE_EAB STRING "ON" // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: WRITE_ACLR_SYNCH STRING "OFF" // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: WRSYNC_DELAYPIPE NUMERIC "4" // Retrieval info: USED_PORT: aclr 0 0 0 0 INPUT GND "aclr" // Retrieval info: USED_PORT: data 0 0 15 0 INPUT NODEFVAL "data[14..0]" // Retrieval info: USED_PORT: q 0 0 15 0 OUTPUT NODEFVAL "q[14..0]" // Retrieval info: USED_PORT: rdclk 0 0 0 0 INPUT NODEFVAL "rdclk" // Retrieval info: USED_PORT: rdempty 0 0 0 0 OUTPUT NODEFVAL "rdempty" // Retrieval info: USED_PORT: rdreq 0 0 0 0 INPUT NODEFVAL "rdreq" // Retrieval info: USED_PORT: wrclk 0 0 0 0 INPUT NODEFVAL "wrclk" // Retrieval info: USED_PORT: wrfull 0 0 0 0 OUTPUT NODEFVAL "wrfull" // Retrieval info: USED_PORT: wrreq 0 0 0 0 INPUT NODEFVAL "wrreq" // Retrieval info: CONNECT: @aclr 0 0 0 0 aclr 0 0 0 0 // Retrieval info: CONNECT: @data 0 0 15 0 data 0 0 15 0 // Retrieval info: CONNECT: @rdclk 0 0 0 0 rdclk 0 0 0 0 // Retrieval info: CONNECT: @rdreq 0 0 0 0 rdreq 0 0 0 0 // Retrieval info: CONNECT: @wrclk 0 0 0 0 wrclk 0 0 0 0 // Retrieval info: CONNECT: @wrreq 0 0 0 0 wrreq 0 0 0 0 // Retrieval info: CONNECT: q 0 0 15 0 @q 0 0 15 0 // Retrieval info: CONNECT: rdempty 0 0 0 0 @rdempty 0 0 0 0 // Retrieval info: CONNECT: wrfull 0 0 0 0 @wrfull 0 0 0 0 // Retrieval info: GEN_FILE: TYPE_NORMAL rxlengthfifo_128x13.v TRUE // Retrieval info: GEN_FILE: TYPE_NORMAL rxlengthfifo_128x13.inc FALSE // Retrieval info: GEN_FILE: TYPE_NORMAL rxlengthfifo_128x13.cmp FALSE // Retrieval info: GEN_FILE: TYPE_NORMAL rxlengthfifo_128x13.bsf FALSE // Retrieval info: GEN_FILE: TYPE_NORMAL rxlengthfifo_128x13_inst.v TRUE // Retrieval info: GEN_FILE: TYPE_NORMAL rxlengthfifo_128x13_bb.v TRUE // Retrieval info: LIB_FILE: altera_mf
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; long long n, res, dpa[4005][4005], s[4005], c[4005][4005]; long long combo(long long x, long long y) { if (c[x][y] != 0) return c[x][y]; if (y == 0 || x == y) return c[x][y] = 1; if (x == 0 || x < y) return 0; return c[x][y] = (combo(x - 1, y - 1) + combo(x - 1, y)) % 1000000007; } int main() { cin >> n; dpa[0][0] = s[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) { dpa[i][j] = dpa[i - 1][j - 1] + dpa[i - 1][j] * j; dpa[i][j] %= 1000000007; s[i] += dpa[i][j]; s[i] %= 1000000007; } } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { res += combo(n, n - i) * s[i]; res %= 1000000007; } cout << res; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N = 110; int T, mod = 1e9 + 7, n, k, deep[N], timer, sz; long long ans, fact[N], mem[N][N], vis[N][N]; vector<int> adj[N], v; map<int, int> mp[N]; void _clear() { ans = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) adj[i].clear(); } long long po(long long x, long long os) { if (os == 0) return 1; long long z = po(x, os / 2); if (os & 1) return z * z % mod * x % mod; return z * z % mod; } long long modInv(long long x) { return po(x, mod - 2); } long long c(long long n, long long r) { return fact[n] * modInv(fact[r] * fact[n - r] % mod) % mod; } void dfs(int u, int v) { deep[u] = deep[v] + 1; mp[u][deep[u]]++; for (auto &x : adj[u]) if (x != v) { dfs(x, u); for (auto &p : mp[x]) mp[u][p.first] += p.second; } } long long dp(int i, int k) { if (k == 0) return 1; if (i == sz) return 0; long long &ret = mem[i][k]; if (vis[i][k] == timer) return ret; vis[i][k] = timer; return ret = (dp(i + 1, k) + dp(i + 1, k - 1) * v[i] % mod) % mod; } long long calc(int p) { deep[p] = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) mp[i].clear(); dfs(p, p); long long ret = 0; for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) { int num = 0; v.clear(); for (auto &x : adj[p]) if (mp[x].find(i) != mp[x].end()) { num++; v.push_back(mp[x][i]); } if (num < k) continue; timer++; sz = (int)(v.size()); ret = (ret + dp(0, k)) % mod; } return ret; } int main() { fact[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) fact[i] = fact[i - 1] * i % mod; scanf( %d , &T); while (T--) { scanf( %d%d , &n, &k); _clear(); for (int i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++) { int a, b; scanf( %d%d , &a, &b); adj[a].push_back(b); adj[b].push_back(a); } if (k == 2) { printf( %lld n , c(n, 2)); continue; } for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) ans = (ans + calc(i)) % mod; printf( %lld n , ans); } }
`timescale 1ns / 1ps ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Company: // Engineer: // // Create Date: 04.03.2016 14:20:17 // Design Name: // Module Name: LUT_Z // Project Name: // Target Devices: // Tool Versions: // Description: // // Dependencies: // // Revision: // Revision 0.01 - File Created // Additional Comments: // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module LUT_Z#(parameter P = 32, parameter D = 5) ( input wire CLK, input wire EN_ROM1, input wire [D-1:0] ADRS, output reg [P-1:0] O_D ); always @(posedge CLK) if (EN_ROM1) case (ADRS) 5'b00000: O_D <= 32'b10111111100011001001111101010100; 5'b00001: O_D <= 32'b10111111000000101100010101111000; 5'b00010: O_D <= 32'b10111110100000001010110001001001; 5'b00011: O_D <= 32'b10111110000000000010101011000100; 5'b00100: O_D <= 32'b10111110000000000010101011000100; 5'b00101: O_D <= 32'b10111101100000000000101010101100; 5'b00110: O_D <= 32'b10111101000000000000001010101011; 5'b00111: O_D <= 32'b10111100100000000000000010101011; 5'b01000: O_D <= 32'b10111100000000000000000000101011; 5'b01001: O_D <= 32'b10111011010111100011010101000010; 5'b01010: O_D <= 32'b10111011000000000000000000000011; 5'b01011: O_D <= 32'b10111010100000000000000000000001; 5'b01100: O_D <= 32'b10111010000000000000000000000000; 5'b01101: O_D <= 32'b10111001100000000000000000000000; 5'b01110: O_D <= 32'b10111001100000000000000000000000; 5'b01111: O_D <= 32'b10111001000000000000000000000000; 5'b10000: O_D <= 32'b10111000100000000000000000000000; 5'b10001: O_D <= 32'b10111000000000000000000000000000; 5'b10010: O_D <= 32'b10110111100000000000000000000000; 5'b10011: O_D <= 32'b10110111000000000000000000000000; 5'b10100: O_D <= 32'b10110110100000000000000000000000; 5'b10101: O_D <= 32'b10110110000000000000000000000000; 5'b10110: O_D <= 32'b10110101100000000000000000000000; 5'b10111: O_D <= 32'b10110101000000000000000000000000; 5'b11000: O_D <= 32'b10110100100000000000000000000000; 5'b11001: O_D <= 32'b10110100000000000000000000000000; 5'b11010: O_D <= 32'b10110011100000000000000000000000; 5'b11011: O_D <= 32'b10110011000000000000000000000000; 5'b11100: O_D <= 32'b10110010100000000000000000000000; 5'b11101: O_D <= 32'b10110010000000000000000000000000; 5'b11110: O_D <= 32'b10110001100000000000000000000000; 5'b11111: O_D <= 32'b10110001000000000000000000000000; default: O_D <= 32'b00000000000000000000000000000000; endcase else O_D <= 32'b00000000000000000000000000000000; endmodule
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// WISHBONE Connection Matrix Priority Decoder //// //// //// //// //// //// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// //// //// //// //// //// //// //// Downloaded from: http://www.opencores.org/cores/wb_conmax/ //// //// //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// //// www.asics.ws //// //// //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// //// //// //// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// //// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// //// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// //// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// //// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// //// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// //// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// //// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// //// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// //// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// //// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// //// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// //// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// //// //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CVS Log // // $Id: wb_conmax_pri_dec.v,v 1.2 2002-10-03 05:40:07 rudi Exp $ // // $Date: 2002-10-03 05:40:07 $ // $Revision: 1.2 $ // $Author: rudi $ // $Locker: $ // $State: Exp $ // // Change History: // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Revision 2001/10/19 11:01:42 rudi // WISHBONE CONMAX IP Core // // // // // `include "wb_conmax_defines.v" module wb_conmax_pri_dec(valid, pri_in, pri_out); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Module Parameters // parameter [1:0] pri_sel = 2'd0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Module IOs // input valid; input [1:0] pri_in; output [3:0] pri_out; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Local Wires // wire [3:0] pri_out; reg [3:0] pri_out_d0; reg [3:0] pri_out_d1; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Priority Decoder // // 4 Priority Levels always @(valid or pri_in) if(!valid) pri_out_d1 = 4'b0001; else if(pri_in==2'h0) pri_out_d1 = 4'b0001; else if(pri_in==2'h1) pri_out_d1 = 4'b0010; else if(pri_in==2'h2) pri_out_d1 = 4'b0100; else pri_out_d1 = 4'b1000; // 2 Priority Levels always @(valid or pri_in) if(!valid) pri_out_d0 = 4'b0001; else if(pri_in==2'h0) pri_out_d0 = 4'b0001; else pri_out_d0 = 4'b0010; // Select Configured Priority assign pri_out = (pri_sel==2'd0) ? 4'h0 : ( (pri_sel==1'd1) ? pri_out_d0 : pri_out_d1 ); endmodule
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; void read(int& x) { bool fu = 0; char c; for (c = getchar(); c <= 32; c = getchar()) ; if (c == - ) fu = 1, c = getchar(); for (x = 0; c > 32; c = getchar()) x = x * 10 + c - 0 ; if (fu) x = -x; }; char getc() { char c; for (c = getchar(); c <= 32; c = getchar()) ; return c; } const int N = 100010; int n, i, j, k, l, p, x, a[N], s0, s1; int b[N]; int main() { read(n); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) read(a[i]); for (i = 1; i <= n && a[i] == 0; i++) printf( 0 n ); for (; i <= n; i = j + 1) { for (j = i; j <= n && a[j] > 0; j++) ; j--; if (j + 1 > n) { for (k = i; k <= n; k++) printf( pushStack n ); break; } b[0] = 0; for (k = i; k <= j; k++) b[++b[0]] = a[k]; sort(b + 1, b + 1 + b[0]); if (b[0] == 0) printf( 0 n ); else if (b[0] == 1) printf( pushStack n1 popStack n ); else if (b[0] == 2) printf( pushStack npushQueue n2 popStack popQueue n ); else { p = b[b[0] - 2]; for (k = i; k <= j; k++) if (a[k] >= p) break; s0 = k; for (k = j; k >= i; k--) if (a[k] >= p) break; s1 = k; if (s1 <= s0) printf( - - n ); for (k = i; k <= j; k++) if (k == s1) printf( pushStack n ); else if (k == s0) printf( pushQueue n ); else if (a[k] >= p) printf( pushFront n ); else if (k < s1) printf( pushStack n ); else printf( pushQueue n ); printf( 3 popStack popQueue popFront n ); } j++; } scanf( n ); return 0; }
/** * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ `ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_HD__SDFRTP_TB_V `define SKY130_FD_SC_HD__SDFRTP_TB_V /** * sdfrtp: Scan delay flop, inverted reset, non-inverted clock, * single output. * * Autogenerated test bench. * * WARNING: This file is autogenerated, do not modify directly! */ `timescale 1ns / 1ps `default_nettype none `include "sky130_fd_sc_hd__sdfrtp.v" module top(); // Inputs are registered reg D; reg SCD; reg SCE; reg RESET_B; reg VPWR; reg VGND; reg VPB; reg VNB; // Outputs are wires wire Q; initial begin // Initial state is x for all inputs. D = 1'bX; RESET_B = 1'bX; SCD = 1'bX; SCE = 1'bX; VGND = 1'bX; VNB = 1'bX; VPB = 1'bX; VPWR = 1'bX; #20 D = 1'b0; #40 RESET_B = 1'b0; #60 SCD = 1'b0; #80 SCE = 1'b0; #100 VGND = 1'b0; #120 VNB = 1'b0; #140 VPB = 1'b0; #160 VPWR = 1'b0; #180 D = 1'b1; #200 RESET_B = 1'b1; #220 SCD = 1'b1; #240 SCE = 1'b1; #260 VGND = 1'b1; #280 VNB = 1'b1; #300 VPB = 1'b1; #320 VPWR = 1'b1; #340 D = 1'b0; #360 RESET_B = 1'b0; #380 SCD = 1'b0; #400 SCE = 1'b0; #420 VGND = 1'b0; #440 VNB = 1'b0; #460 VPB = 1'b0; #480 VPWR = 1'b0; #500 VPWR = 1'b1; #520 VPB = 1'b1; #540 VNB = 1'b1; #560 VGND = 1'b1; #580 SCE = 1'b1; #600 SCD = 1'b1; #620 RESET_B = 1'b1; #640 D = 1'b1; #660 VPWR = 1'bx; #680 VPB = 1'bx; #700 VNB = 1'bx; #720 VGND = 1'bx; #740 SCE = 1'bx; #760 SCD = 1'bx; #780 RESET_B = 1'bx; #800 D = 1'bx; end // Create a clock reg CLK; initial begin CLK = 1'b0; end always begin #5 CLK = ~CLK; end sky130_fd_sc_hd__sdfrtp dut (.D(D), .SCD(SCD), .SCE(SCE), .RESET_B(RESET_B), .VPWR(VPWR), .VGND(VGND), .VPB(VPB), .VNB(VNB), .Q(Q), .CLK(CLK)); endmodule `default_nettype wire `endif // SKY130_FD_SC_HD__SDFRTP_TB_V
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { long long int n, i, j, k, p, t, a = 0, b = 0; cin >> n; vector<long long int> vec; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> p; if (p % 2 == 0) a++; else b++; vec.push_back(p); } if (a == 0 || b == 0) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << vec[i] << ; } else { sort(vec.begin(), vec.end()); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << vec[i] << ; } }
//############################################################################# //# Function: 7:1 one hot mux # //############################################################################# //# Author: Andreas Olofsson # //# License: MIT (see LICENSE file in OH! repository) # //############################################################################# module oh_mux7 #(parameter DW = 1 ) // width of mux ( input sel6, input sel5, input sel4, input sel3, input sel2, input sel1, input sel0, input [DW-1:0] in6, input [DW-1:0] in5, input [DW-1:0] in4, input [DW-1:0] in3, input [DW-1:0] in2, input [DW-1:0] in1, input [DW-1:0] in0, output [DW-1:0] out //selected data output ); assign out[DW-1:0] = ({(DW){sel0}} & in0[DW-1:0] | {(DW){sel1}} & in1[DW-1:0] | {(DW){sel2}} & in2[DW-1:0] | {(DW){sel3}} & in3[DW-1:0] | {(DW){sel4}} & in4[DW-1:0] | {(DW){sel5}} & in5[DW-1:0] | {(DW){sel6}} & in6[DW-1:0]); endmodule // oh_mux7
module top; reg passed = 1'b1; wire out, cout0, cout1; reg sel, in_1, in_0; reg pout; assign cout0 = sel ? 1'bz : in_0; assign cout1 = sel ? in_1: 1'bz; assign out = sel ? in_1: in_0; task automatic check; input bit, in_1, in_0; input [63:0] comment; begin if (sel === 1'b1) begin if (bit !== in_1) begin $display("FAILED: %0s sel = 1'b1, expected %b, got %b", comment, in_1, bit); passed = 1'b0; end end else if (sel === 1'b0) begin if (bit !== in_0) begin $display("FAILED: %0s sel = 1'b0, expected %b, got %b", comment, in_0, bit); passed = 1'b0; end end else begin // This is technically incorrect for 1'bz inputs. The standard // states that we should produce 1'bx for that case (idiotic)! if (in_0 === in_1 && in_0 !== bit) begin $display("FAILED: %0s sel = 1'bx/z & ins = %b, expected 1'b%b, got %b", comment, in_0, in_0, bit); passed = 1'b0; end else if (in_0 !== in_1 && bit !== 1'bx) begin $display("FAILED: %0s sel = 1'bx/z & %b %b, expected 1'bx, got %b", comment, in_1, in_0, bit); passed = 1'b0; end end end endtask // Check the 1 case as a constant Z always @(cout0) begin check(cout0, 1'bz, in_0, "CZ 1"); end // Check the 0 case as a constant Z always @(cout1) begin check(cout1, in_1, 1'bz, "CZ 0"); end // Check the continuous assign always @(out) begin check(out, in_1, in_0, "CA"); end // Check procedural assign. always @(sel, in_1, in_0) begin check(sel ? in_1 : in_0, in_1, in_0, "PR"); end initial begin #1 sel = 1'b1; #1 in_1 = 1'b0; #1 in_1 = 1'b1; #1 in_1 = 1'bz; #1 in_1 = 1'bx; #1 sel = 1'b0; #1 in_0 = 1'b0; #1 in_0 = 1'b1; #1 in_0 = 1'bz; #1 in_0 = 1'bx; #1 sel = 1'bx; #1 in_1 = 1'b0; // #1 in_0 = 1'b0; #1 in_0 = 1'b1; #1 in_0 = 1'bz; #1 in_0 = 1'bx; #1 in_1 = 1'b1; // #1 in_0 = 1'b0; #1 in_0 = 1'b1; #1 in_0 = 1'bz; #1 in_0 = 1'bx; #1 in_1 = 1'bz; // #1 in_0 = 1'b0; #1 in_0 = 1'b1; #1 in_0 = 1'bz; #1 in_0 = 1'bx; #1 in_1 = 1'bx; // #1 in_0 = 1'b0; #1 in_0 = 1'b1; #1 in_0 = 1'bz; #1 in_0 = 1'bx; #1 sel = 1'bz; #1 in_1 = 1'b0; // #1 in_0 = 1'b0; #1 in_0 = 1'b1; #1 in_0 = 1'bz; #1 in_0 = 1'bx; #1 in_1 = 1'b1; // #1 in_0 = 1'b0; #1 in_0 = 1'b1; #1 in_0 = 1'bz; #1 in_0 = 1'bx; #1 in_1 = 1'bz; // #1 in_0 = 1'b0; #1 in_0 = 1'b1; #1 in_0 = 1'bz; #1 in_0 = 1'bx; #1 in_1 = 1'bx; // #1 in_0 = 1'b0; #1 in_0 = 1'b1; #1 in_0 = 1'bz; #1 in_0 = 1'bx; #1 if (passed) $display("PASSED"); end endmodule
//*******************************************************************************************************************************************************/ // Module Name: control_matrix // Module Type: Moore State Machine // Author: Shreyas Vinod // Purpose: Control Matrix for Neptune I v3.0 // Description: A Moore State Machine designed to be Neptune I's Control Matrix. The next state is determined by comparing the current OPcode to the // State Clock Register, a four bit register that keeps track of the progress of the current instruction. The State Clock is incremented // after every microinstruction. The Instruction Register is built-in to the Control Matrix. //*******************************************************************************************************************************************************/ module control_matrix(clk, rst, dma_req, rf_mem_fault, stack_mem_fault, alu_o_flag, alu_z_flag, alu_n_flag, alu_cond_flag, mar_incr, alu_enable, we_in, ins_in, dma_appr, sys_halt, prc, intr_ack, rf_add1, rf_add2, alu_opcode, state); // Parameter Definitions parameter width = 'd16; // Data Width parameter rf_add_width = 'd3; // Register File Depth parameter ins_width = 'd16; // Instruction Width, heavily impacts the Instruction Decode and Execute Process // Inputs input wire clk /* System Clock */, rst /* System Reset. Resets States, State Clock and Halt conditions */, dma_req /* Direct Memory Access (DMA) Request */; // Management Interfaces input wire rf_mem_fault /* Register File Memory Fault */, stack_mem_fault /* Stack Memory Fault */; input wire alu_o_flag /* ALU Overflow Flag */, alu_z_flag /* ALU Zero Flag */, alu_n_flag /* ALU Sign Flag */, alu_cond_flag /* ALU Conditional Flag */; input wire mar_incr /* Direct Memory Access (DMA) Increment Memory Address Register (MAR) Request */; input wire [2:0] we_in /* Direct Memory Access (DMA) External Write Enable Request */; input wire [width-1:0] ins_in /* Input Port for Instructions */; // Outputs output wire dma_appr /* DMA Approval Notification */, sys_halt /* System Halt Notification */, prc /* Process Notification */, intr_ack /* Interrupt Acknowledge Notification */; output reg alu_enable /* Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Enable */; output reg [rf_add_width-1:0] rf_add1 /* Register File (RF) Port I Address */, rf_add2 /* Register File (RF) Port II Address */; output reg [4:0] alu_opcode /* Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) OPcode */; output reg [15:0] state /* 16-bit State Register */; // Internal wire sys_mem_fault /* System Fault Flag */; reg dma_appr_buf /* DMA Approval Notification Buffer */, hlt /* Halt Register */, intr_ack_buf /* Interrupt Acknowledge Notification Buffer */; reg [5:0] stclk /* State Clock */; reg [ins_width-1:0] ins_reg /* Instruction Register */; // Fault Logic assign sys_fault = rf_mem_fault || stack_mem_fault; // System Fault on Memory Fault // Notification Translation Logic assign dma_appr = dma_appr_buf; // DMA Approval Notification assign sys_halt = hlt; // System Halt Notification assign prc = |stclk; // Translate Process Notification Signal from State Clock. assign intr_ack = intr_ack_buf; // Interrupt Acknowledge Notification // State Logic always@(posedge clk) begin if(dma_req && rst) begin // DMA Mode dma_appr_buf <= 1'b1; intr_ack_buf <= 1'b0; hlt <= 1'b0; alu_enable <= 1'b1; stclk [5:0] <= 6'b0; // Direct Memory Access (DMA) Block if(mar_incr) state [15:0] <= 16'b0001000000000000; // Increment Memory Address Register (MAR) else begin case(we_in) // synthesis parallel_case 3'b000: state [15:0] <= 16'b0; // No Write DMA Mode 3'b001: state [15:0] <= 16'b0000100000000000; // Write to Register File (RF) 3'b010: state [15:0] <= 16'b0; // No Write DMA Mode 3'b011: state [15:0] <= 16'b0000001000000000; // Write to Random Access Memory (RAM) 3'b100: state [15:0] <= 16'b1000000000000000; // Write to Program Counter (PC) 3'b101: state [15:0] <= 16'b0010000000000000; // Write to Memory Address Register (MAR) 3'b110: state [15:0] <= 16'b0; // No Write DMA Mode 3'b111: state [15:0] <= 16'b0; // No Write DMA Mode default: state [15:0] <= 16'b0; // No Write DMA Mode endcase end end else if(rst || dma_req) begin // Reset dma_appr_buf <= 1'b0; intr_ack_buf <= 1'b0; hlt <= 1'b0; alu_enable <= 1'b0; stclk [5:0] <= 6'b0; rf_add1 [rf_add_width-1:0] <= {rf_add_width{1'b0}}; rf_add2 [rf_add_width-1:0] <= {rf_add_width{1'b0}}; alu_opcode [4:0] <= 5'b0; state [15:0] <= 16'b0; end else if(sys_fault) begin // Fault Encounter Interrupt dma_appr_buf <= 1'b0; intr_ack_buf <= 1'b1; hlt <= 1'b1; stclk [5:0] <= 6'b0; state [15:0] <= 16'b0; end else if(sys_halt) begin // Halt dma_appr_buf <= 1'b0; intr_ack_buf <= 1'b0; hlt <= 1'b1; stclk [5:0] <= 6'b0; state [15:0] <= 16'b0; end else begin // Process dma_appr_buf <= 1'b0; intr_ack_buf <= 1'b0; // Instruction Fetch Phase if(stclk [5:0] == 6'b0) begin // T0 stclk [5:0] <= stclk [5:0] + 1'b1; state [15:0] <= 16'b0000000000010000; // Select MAR Write Source Multiplexer to PC end else if(stclk [5:0] == 6'b000001) begin // T1 stclk [5:0] <= stclk [5:0] + 1'b1; state [15:0] <= 16'b0010000000010000; // Write to MAR end else if(stclk [5:0] == 6'b000010) begin // T2 stclk [5:0] <= stclk [5:0] + 1'b1; state [15:0] <= 16'b0100000000010000; // RAM Read Time, Increment PC end else if(stclk [5:0] == 6'b000011) begin // T3 stclk [5:0] <= stclk [5:0] + 1'b1; ins_reg [ins_width-1:0] <= ins_in [ins_width-1:0]; // Updates Instruction Register with value in the RAM Read Bus state [15:0] <= 16'b0000000001101111; // Fetch Instruction, Set Multiplexers to optimal modes end else begin // Instruction Execute Phase casez(ins_reg [ins_width-1:ins_width-4]) // synthesis parallel_case 4'b10??: begin // Arithmetic case(stclk) // synthesis parallel_case 6'b000100: begin // T4 stclk [5:0] <= stclk [5:0] + 1'b1; rf_add1 [rf_add_width-1:0] <= ins_reg [8:6]; rf_add2 [rf_add_width-1:0] <= ins_reg [5:3]; alu_opcode [4:0] <= ins_reg [13:9]; end 6'b000101: begin // T5 alu_enable <= 1'b1; stclk [5:0] <= stclk [5:0] + 1'b1; end 6'b001010: begin // T10 alu_enable <= 1'b0; stclk [5:0] <= stclk [5:0] + 1'b1; end 6'b001011: begin // T11 rf_add2 [rf_add_width-1:0] <= ins_reg [2:0]; stclk [5:0] <= stclk [5:0] + 1'b1; end 6'b001100: begin // T12 stclk [5:0] <= 6'b0; state [15:0] <= 16'b0000010001101111; // Write to RFPII end default: begin stclk [5:0] <= stclk [5:0] + 1'b1; end endcase end 4'b0110: begin // No Operation stclk [5:0] <= 6'b0; state [15:0] <= 16'b0000000001101111; end 4'b0111: begin // Halt stclk [5:0] <= 6'b0; hlt <= 1'b1; state [15:0] <= 16'b0; end default: begin // No Operation stclk [5:0] <= 6'b0; state [15:0] <= 16'b0000000001101111; end endcase end end end endmodule
module NIOSCar( //////////// CLOCK ////////// CLOCK_50, //////////// LED ////////// LED, //////////// KEY ////////// KEY, //////////// SW ////////// SW, //////////// SDRAM ////////// DRAM_ADDR, DRAM_BA, DRAM_CAS_N, DRAM_CKE, DRAM_CLK, DRAM_CS_N, DRAM_DQ, DRAM_DQM, DRAM_RAS_N, DRAM_WE_N, //////////// ADC ////////// ADC_CS_N, ADC_SADDR, ADC_SCLK, ADC_SDAT, //////////// U0 ////////// U0_F, U0_T, //////////// U1 ////////// U1_F, U1_T, //////////// U2 ////////// U2_F, U2_T, //////////// U3 ////////// U3_F, U3_T, //////////// U4 ////////// U4_F, U4_T, //////////// U5 ////////// U5_F, U5_T, //////////// pwm0 ////////// PWM0Ch0, PWM0Ch1, //////////// pwm1 ////////// PWM1Ch0, PWM1Ch1, //////////// pwm2 ////////// PWM2Ch0, PWM2Ch1, //////////// pwm3 ////////// PWM3Ch0, PWM3Ch1, //////////// INPUT////////// PIO1, //////////// endcoder0 ////////// Encoder0, //////////// endcoder1 ////////// Encoder1, //////////// PIO ////////// GPIO_0, //////////// uart ////////// // 115200, data bit:8, stop bit: 1, Parity: none tx_out, rx_in ); //======================================================= // PARAMETER declarations //======================================================= //======================================================= // PORT declarations //======================================================= //////////// CLOCK ////////// input CLOCK_50; //////////// LED ////////// output [7:0] LED; //////////// KEY ////////// input [1:0] KEY; //////////// PIO1 ////////// input [3:0] PIO1; //////////// SW ////////// input [3:0] SW; //////////// SDRAM ////////// output [12:0] DRAM_ADDR; output [1:0] DRAM_BA; output DRAM_CAS_N; output DRAM_CKE; output DRAM_CLK; output DRAM_CS_N; inout [15:0] DRAM_DQ; output [1:0] DRAM_DQM; output DRAM_RAS_N; output DRAM_WE_N; ////////////// EPCS ////////// //output EPCS_ASDO; //input EPCS_DATA0; //output EPCS_DCLK; //output EPCS_NCSO; ////////////// Accelerometer and EEPROM ////////// //output G_SENSOR_CS_N; //input G_SENSOR_INT; //output I2C_SCLK; //inout I2C_SDAT; //////////// ADC ////////// output ADC_CS_N; output ADC_SADDR; output ADC_SCLK; input ADC_SDAT; //////////// U0 ////////// input U0_F; output U0_T; //////////// U1 ////////// input U1_F; output U1_T; //////////// U2 ////////// input U2_F; output U2_T; //////////// U3 ////////// input U3_F; output U3_T; //////////// U4 ////////// input U4_F; output U4_T; //////////// U5 ////////// input U5_F; output U5_T; //////////// pwm0 ////////// output PWM0Ch0; output PWM0Ch1; //////////// pwm1 ////////// output PWM1Ch0; output PWM1Ch1; //////////// pwm2 ////////// output PWM2Ch0; output PWM2Ch1; //////////// pwm3 ////////// output PWM3Ch0; output PWM3Ch1; //////////// endcoder0 ////////// input [1:0] Encoder0; //////////// endcoder1 ////////// input [1:0] Encoder1; //////////// endcoder1 ////////// output [7:0] GPIO_0; //////////// uart ////////// // 115200, data bit:8, stop bit: 1, Parity: none output tx_out; input rx_in; ////////////// 2x13 GPIO Header ////////// //inout [12:0] GPIO_2; //input [2:0] GPIO_2_IN; // ////////////// GPIO_0, GPIO_0 connect to GPIO Default ////////// //inout [33:0] GPIO_0; //input [1:0] GPIO_0_IN; // ////////////// GPIO_1, GPIO_1 connect to GPIO Default ////////// //inout [33:0] GPIO_1; //input [1:0] GPIO_1_IN; ////======================================================= //// REG/WIRE declarations ////======================================================= //wire reset_n; //wire select_i2c_clk; //wire i2c_clk; //wire spi_clk; //======================================================= // Structural coding //======================================================= assign reset_n = 1'b1; NIOS_Sys u0( .led_external_connection_export (LED), // led_external_connection.export .sdram_wire_addr (DRAM_ADDR), // sdram_wire.addr .sdram_wire_ba (DRAM_BA), // .ba .sdram_wire_cas_n (DRAM_CAS_N), // .cas_n .sdram_wire_cke (DRAM_CKE), // .cke .sdram_wire_cs_n (DRAM_CS_N), // .cs_n .sdram_wire_dq (DRAM_DQ), // .dq .sdram_wire_dqm (DRAM_DQM), // .dqm .sdram_wire_ras_n (DRAM_RAS_N), // .ras_n .sdram_wire_we_n (DRAM_WE_N), // .we_n .key_external_connection_export (KEY), // key_external_connection.export .sw_external_connection_export (SW), // sw_external_connection.export .reset_reset_n (reset_n), // reset.reset_n .altpll_0_c1_clk (DRAM_CLK), // altpll_0_c1.clk .clk_clk (CLOCK_50), .ultrasound0_conduit_end_feedback_in (U0_F), // ultrasound0_conduit_end.feedback_in .ultrasound0_conduit_end_trigger_out (U0_T), // .trigger_out .ultrasound1_conduit_end_feedback_in (U1_F), // ultrasound1_conduit_end.feedback_in .ultrasound1_conduit_end_trigger_out (U1_T), // .trigger_out .adc_spi_read_conduit_end_OUT (ADC_SADDR), // adc_spi_read_conduit_end.OUT .adc_spi_read_conduit_end_IN (ADC_SDAT), // .IN .adc_spi_read_conduit_end_CS_n (ADC_CS_N), // .CS_n .adc_spi_read_conduit_end_CLK (ADC_SCLK), // .CLK .pwm0_conduit_end_pwm1 (PWM0Ch0), // pwm0_conduit_end.pwm1 .pwm0_conduit_end_pwm2 (PWM0Ch1), // .pwm2 .pwm1_conduit_end_pwm1 (PWM1Ch0), // pwm1_conduit_end.pwm1 .pwm1_conduit_end_pwm2 (PWM1Ch1), // .pwm2 .encoder0_conduit_end_export (Encoder0), // encoder0_conduit_end.export .encoder1_conduit_end_export (Encoder1), // encoder1_conduit_end.export .pio_0_external_connection_export (GPIO_0), // pio_0_external_connection.export .uart_0_external_connection_rxd (rx_in), // uart_0_external_connection.rxd .uart_0_external_connection_txd (tx_out), // .txd .ultrasound2_conduit_end_feedback_in (U2_F), // ultrasound2_conduit_end.feedback_in .ultrasound2_conduit_end_trigger_out (U2_T), // .trigger_out .ultrasound3_conduit_end_feedback_in (U3_F), // ultrasound3_conduit_end.feedback_in .ultrasound3_conduit_end_trigger_out (U3_T), // .trigger_out .ultrasound5_conduit_end_feedback_in (U5_F), // ultrasound5_conduit_end.feedback_in .ultrasound5_conduit_end_trigger_out (U5_T), // .trigger_out .pwm2_conduit_end_pwm1 (PWM2Ch0), // pwm2_conduit_end.pwm1 .pwm2_conduit_end_pwm2 (PWM2Ch1), // .pwm2 .pwm3_conduit_end_pwm1 (PWM3Ch0), // pwm3_conduit_end.pwm1 .pwm3_conduit_end_pwm2 (PWM3Ch1), // .pwm2 .ultrasound4_conduit_end_feedback_in (U4_F), // ultrasound4_conduit_end.feedback_in .ultrasound4_conduit_end_trigger_out (U4_T), // .pio_1_external_connection_export(PIO1) ); endmodule
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N = 51; vector<int> g[N]; int n, sz[N], dp[N][N][N][N], s, m, ans = 1e9, cost[N][N], temp[N]; void dfs(int u, int p) { for (auto i : g[u]) if (i != p) dfs(i, u), sz[u] += sz[i]; } int calc(int from, int to, int behind, int front) { if (!front) return 1e9; if (g[to].size() == 1) return behind ? calc(to, from, 0, behind) + cost[to][from] : cost[to][from]; int &ref = dp[to][from][behind][front], id = 0, x; if (ref != -1) return ref; for (auto i : g[to]) if (i != from) for (int j = 1; j <= front; j++) calc(to, i, behind + front - j, j); for (int i = 1; i <= front; i++) temp[i] = -1e9; for (auto x : g[to]) { if (x == from) continue; for (int i = front; i; i--) for (int j = 1; i - j >= 0; j++) temp[i] = max(temp[i], min(temp[i - j], calc(to, x, behind + front - j, j))); } return ref = temp[front] + cost[from][to]; } int main() { scanf( %d , &n); memset(dp, -1, sizeof dp); for (int i = 1, a, b, c; i < n; i++) { scanf( %d%d%d , &a, &b, &c); g[--a].push_back(--b); g[b].push_back(a); cost[a][b] = cost[b][a] = c; } temp[0] = 1e9; scanf( %d%d , &s, &m); for (int i = 0, a; i < m; i++) { scanf( %d , &a); sz[a - 1]++; } dfs(--s, -1); for (auto i : g[s]) ans = min(ans, calc(s, i, m - sz[i], sz[i])); printf( %d n , ans); }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N = 103, M = 998244353; const int mod = M - 1; struct matrix { int row, col; int a[N][N]; matrix() { memset(a, 0, sizeof a); } matrix(int r, int c) : row(r), col(c) { memset(a, 0, sizeof a); } matrix operator*(const matrix &p) { assert(col == p.row); matrix ret(row, p.col); long long mod2 = (long long)mod * mod; for (int i = 0; i < ret.row; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < ret.col; ++j) { long long sum = 0; for (int k = 0; k < col; ++k) { sum += (1LL * a[i][k] * p.a[k][j]); if (sum >= mod2) sum -= mod2; } ret.a[i][j] = sum % mod; } } return ret; } matrix power(int p) { assert(row == col); matrix base = *this; matrix ret(row, col); for (int i = 0; i < row; ++i) ret.a[i][i] = 1; while (p > 0) { if (p & 1) ret = ret * base; base = base * base; p >>= 1; } return ret; } }; inline int gcd(int a, int b) { return a ? gcd(b % a, a) : b; } int powMod(int a, int b, int p) { int res = 1; while (b) { if (b & 1) res = (res * 1LL * a % p), --b; else a = (a * 1LL * a % p), b >>= 1; } return res; } int primitive_root(int p) { vector<int> fact; int phi = p - 1, n = phi; for (int i = 2; i * i <= n; ++i) { if (n % i == 0) { fact.push_back(i); while (n % i == 0) n /= i; } } if (n > 1) fact.push_back(n); for (int res = 2; res <= p; ++res) { bool ok = true; for (int factor : fact) { if (powMod(res, phi / factor, p) == 1) { ok = false; break; } } if (ok) return res; } return -1; } int discrete_log(int a, int b, int m) { long long n = (int)sqrt(m + .0) + 1; map<int, int> Hash; for (int i = n; i >= 1; i--) Hash[powMod(a, i * n, m)] = i; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { int cur = (powMod(a, i, m) * b) % m; if (Hash.count(cur)) { int ans = Hash[cur] * n - i; if (ans < m) return ans; } } return -1; } vector<int> discrete_root(int n, int k, int a) { if (a == 0) return vector<int>(1, 0); int g = primitive_root(n); int sq = (int)sqrt(n + .0) + 1; vector<pair<int, int> > dec(sq); for (int i = 1; i <= sq; ++i) dec[i - 1] = make_pair(powMod(g, int(i * sq * 1LL * k % (n - 1)), n), i); sort(dec.begin(), dec.end()); int any_ans = -1; for (int i = 0; i < sq; ++i) { int my = int(powMod(g, int(i * 1LL * k % (n - 1)), n) * 1LL * a % n); vector<pair<int, int> >::iterator it = lower_bound(dec.begin(), dec.end(), make_pair(my, 0)); if (it != dec.end() && it->first == my) { any_ans = it->second * sq - i; break; } } if (any_ans == -1) return vector<int>(); int delta = (n - 1) / gcd(k, n - 1); vector<int> ans; for (int cur = any_ans % delta; cur < n - 1; cur += delta) { ans.push_back(powMod(g, cur, n)); break; } sort(ans.begin(), ans.end()); return ans; } int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); int n; cin >> n; matrix ank(n, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cin >> ank.a[0][i]; for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) ank.a[j][j - 1] = 1; int k, x; cin >> k >> x; ank = ank.power(k - n); int pw = ank.a[0][0]; auto res = discrete_root(M, pw, x); if (res.empty()) res.push_back(-1); cout << res.front() << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int maxn = 5e3 + 5; const int mod = 998244353; inline long long fpm(long long a, long long p) { long long r = 1; while (p) { if (p & 1) r = r * a % mod; a = a * a % mod; p /= 2; } return r; } int k, n, m; int s[maxn][maxn]; inline void init() { s[0][0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= k; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) { s[i][j] = (s[i - 1][j - 1] + 1ll * j * s[i - 1][j] % mod) % mod; } } } int main() { cin >> n >> m >> k; init(); long long ans = 0, cur = 1; long long invm = fpm(m, mod - 2); for (int i = 0; i <= k; i++) { ans = (ans + 1ll * cur * s[k][i] % mod * fpm(invm, i) % mod) % mod; cur = 1ll * cur * (n - i) % mod; } cout << ans << endl; }
`timescale 1ns/1ps module SensorFSM #( parameter DataWidth = 8 ) ( input Reset_n_i, input Clk_i, // top level input Enable_i, output reg CpuIntr_o, output [2*DataWidth-1:0] SensorValue_o, // to/from Measure-FSM output reg MeasureFSM_Start_o, input MeasureFSM_Done_i, input [DataWidth-1:0] MeasureFSM_Byte0_i, input [DataWidth-1:0] MeasureFSM_Byte1_i, // parameters input [2*DataWidth-1:0] ParamThreshold_i, input [4*DataWidth-1:0] ParamCounterPreset_i ); // Sensor FSM localparam stDisabled = 2'b00; localparam stIdle = 2'b01; localparam stXfer = 2'b10; localparam stNotify = 2'b11; reg [1:0] SensorFSM_State; reg [1:0] SensorFSM_NextState; wire SensorFSM_TimerOvfl; reg SensorFSM_TimerPreset; reg SensorFSM_TimerEnable; wire SensorFSM_DiffTooLarge; reg SensorFSM_StoreNewValue; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Word Arithmetic // interconnecting signals wire [2*DataWidth-1:0] SensorValue; reg [2*DataWidth-1:0] Word0; wire [2*DataWidth-1:0] AbsDiffResult; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FSM ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// always @(negedge Reset_n_i or posedge Clk_i) begin if (!Reset_n_i) begin SensorFSM_State <= stDisabled; end else begin SensorFSM_State <= SensorFSM_NextState; end end always @(SensorFSM_State, Enable_i, SensorFSM_TimerOvfl, MeasureFSM_Done_i, SensorFSM_DiffTooLarge) begin // process SensorFSM_CombProc SensorFSM_NextState = SensorFSM_State; // control signal default values SensorFSM_TimerPreset = 1'b1; SensorFSM_TimerEnable = 1'b0; MeasureFSM_Start_o = 1'b0; SensorFSM_StoreNewValue = 1'b0; CpuIntr_o = 1'b0; // next state and output logic case (SensorFSM_State) stDisabled: begin if (Enable_i == 1'b1) begin SensorFSM_NextState = stIdle; SensorFSM_TimerPreset = 1'b0; SensorFSM_TimerEnable = 1'b1; // start timer end end stIdle: begin SensorFSM_TimerPreset = 1'b0; SensorFSM_TimerEnable = 1'b1; // timer running if (Enable_i == 1'b0) begin SensorFSM_NextState = stDisabled; end else if (SensorFSM_TimerOvfl == 1'b1) begin SensorFSM_NextState = stXfer; MeasureFSM_Start_o = 1'b1; end end stXfer: begin if (MeasureFSM_Done_i == 1'b1) begin if (SensorFSM_DiffTooLarge == 1'b1) begin SensorFSM_NextState = stNotify; SensorFSM_TimerPreset = 1'b0; SensorFSM_TimerEnable = 1'b1; // timer running SensorFSM_StoreNewValue = 1'b1; // store new value end else begin SensorFSM_NextState = stIdle; end end end stNotify: begin SensorFSM_TimerPreset = 1'b1; SensorFSM_TimerEnable = 1'b0; // preset timer SensorFSM_NextState = stIdle; CpuIntr_o = 1'b1; // notify CPU end default: begin end endcase end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Word Arithmetic ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// reg [4*DataWidth-1:0] SensorFSM_Timer; always @(negedge Reset_n_i or posedge Clk_i) begin if (!Reset_n_i) begin SensorFSM_Timer <= 32'd0; end else begin if (SensorFSM_TimerPreset) begin SensorFSM_Timer <= ParamCounterPreset_i; end else if (SensorFSM_TimerEnable) begin SensorFSM_Timer <= SensorFSM_Timer - 1'b1; end end end assign SensorFSM_TimerOvfl = (SensorFSM_Timer == 0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign SensorValue = {MeasureFSM_Byte1_i, MeasureFSM_Byte0_i}; always @(negedge Reset_n_i or posedge Clk_i) begin if (!Reset_n_i) begin Word0 <= 16'd0; end else begin if (SensorFSM_StoreNewValue) begin Word0 <= SensorValue; end end end wire [2*DataWidth : 0] DiffAB; wire [2*DataWidth-1 : 0] DiffBA; assign DiffAB = {1'b0, SensorValue} - {1'b0, Word0}; assign DiffBA = Word0 - SensorValue; assign AbsDiffResult = DiffAB[2*DataWidth] ? DiffBA : DiffAB[2*DataWidth-1 : 0]; assign SensorFSM_DiffTooLarge = (AbsDiffResult > ParamThreshold_i) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign SensorValue_o = Word0; endmodule // SensorFSM
`timescale 1ns / 1ps ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module weight(CLK ,RST,ED,START, DReal,DImag, DOReal, DOImag,RDY ); parameter total_bits = 32; input CLK; input RST; input ED; input START; output reg RDY; input [total_bits-1:0] DReal; input [total_bits-1:0] DImag; output [total_bits-1:0] DOReal; output [total_bits-1:0] DOImag; reg [4:0] ADDR; reg [1:0] state; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Data change according to use reg signed [31:0] re[0:15]; reg signed [31:0] im[0:15]; initial begin re[0] = 32'h00010000;re[1] = 32'h0000FB15;re[2] = 32'h0000EC83;re[3] = 32'h0000D4DB; re[4] = 32'h0000B505;re[5] = 32'h00008E3A;re[6] = 32'h000061F8;re[7] = 32'h000031F1; re[8] = 32'h00000000;re[9] = 32'hFFFFCE0F;re[10] = 32'hFFFF9E08;re[11] = 32'hFFFF71C6; re[12] = 32'hFFFF4AFB;re[13] = 32'hFFFF2B25;re[14] = 32'hFFFF137D;re[15] = 32'hFFFF04EB; im[0] = 32'h00000000;im[1] = 32'hFFFFCE0F;im[2] = 32'hFFFF9E08;im[3] = 32'hFFFF71C6; im[4] = 32'hFFFF4AFB;im[5] = 32'hFFFF2B25;im[6] = 32'hFFFF137D;im[7] = 32'hFFFF04EB; im[8] = 32'hFFFF0000;im[9] = 32'hFFFF04EB;im[10] = 32'hFFFF137D;im[11] = 32'hFFFF2B25; im[12] = 32'hFFFF4AFB;im[13] = 32'hFFFF71C6;im[14] = 32'hFFFF9E08;im[15] = 32'hFFFFCE0F; end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// always @(posedge CLK) begin if(RST) begin ADDR<=18; state<=0; RDY<=0; end else if(START) begin if(state==0) state<=1; else if(state==1) begin state<=2; ADDR<=0; end else if(state==2) state<=1; RDY<=0; end else if(ED) begin RDY<=0; if(state==2) if(ADDR!=18) ADDR<=ADDR+1; end if(ADDR==1) RDY<=1; end reg signed [total_bits-1 : 0] drd,did; reg signed [total_bits-1 : 0] wrd,wid; wire signed [2*total_bits-1 : 0] drri,drii,diri,diii; reg signed [total_bits:0] drr,dri,dir,dii,dwr,dwi; assign drri=drd*wrd; assign diri=did*wrd; assign drii=drd*wid; assign diii=did*wid; //wire OVF; //Change for different width //assign sel = drri[63] ^ dwr[62] ^ dwr[61] ^ drri[63] ^ dwr[62] ^ dwr[61] always @(posedge CLK) begin if((state==2&&ED)&&(ADDR!=18)) begin drd<=DReal; did<=DImag; wrd<=re[ADDR]; wid<=im[ADDR]; drr<=drri[47:15]; //Change according to use dri<=drii[47:15]; dir<=diri[47:15]; dii<=diii[47:15]; dwr<=drr - dii; dwi<=dri + dir; end end assign DOReal = dwr[total_bits:1]; assign DOImag = dwi[total_bits:1]; endmodule
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int x1, y1, x2, y2; cin >> x1 >> y1 >> x2 >> y2; int a = abs(x1 - x2); int b = abs(y1 - y2); int u = min(a, b); cout << u + abs(a - b); return 0; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Title : alt_mem_ddrx_mm_st_converter // // File : alt_mem_ddrx_mm_st_converter.v // // Abstract : take in Avalon MM interface and convert it to single cmd and // multiple data Avalon ST // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `timescale 1 ps / 1 ps module alt_mem_ddrx_mm_st_converter # ( parameter AVL_SIZE_WIDTH = 3, AVL_ADDR_WIDTH = 25, AVL_DATA_WIDTH = 32, LOCAL_ID_WIDTH = 8, CFG_DWIDTH_RATIO = 4, CFG_MM_ST_CONV_REG = 0 ) ( ctl_clk, // controller clock ctl_reset_n, // controller reset_n, synchronous to ctl_clk ctl_half_clk, // controller clock, half-rate ctl_half_clk_reset_n, // controller reset_n, synchronous to ctl_half_clk // Avalon data slave interface avl_ready, // Avalon wait_n avl_read_req, // Avalon read avl_write_req, // Avalon write avl_size, // Avalon burstcount avl_burstbegin, // Avalon burstbegin avl_addr, // Avalon address avl_rdata_valid, // Avalon readdata_valid avl_rdata, // Avalon readdata avl_wdata, // Avalon writedata avl_be, // Avalon byteenble local_rdata_error, // Avalon readdata_error local_multicast, // In-band multicast local_autopch_req, // In-band auto-precharge request signal local_priority, // In-band priority signal // cmd channel itf_cmd_ready, itf_cmd_valid, itf_cmd, itf_cmd_address, itf_cmd_burstlen, itf_cmd_id, itf_cmd_priority, itf_cmd_autopercharge, itf_cmd_multicast, // write data channel itf_wr_data_ready, itf_wr_data_valid, itf_wr_data, itf_wr_data_byte_en, itf_wr_data_begin, itf_wr_data_last, itf_wr_data_id, // read data channel itf_rd_data_ready, itf_rd_data_valid, itf_rd_data, itf_rd_data_error, itf_rd_data_begin, itf_rd_data_last, itf_rd_data_id ); localparam AVL_BE_WIDTH = AVL_DATA_WIDTH / 8; input ctl_clk; input ctl_reset_n; input ctl_half_clk; input ctl_half_clk_reset_n; output avl_ready; input avl_read_req; input avl_write_req; input [AVL_SIZE_WIDTH-1:0] avl_size; input avl_burstbegin; input [AVL_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] avl_addr; output avl_rdata_valid; output [3:0] local_rdata_error; output [AVL_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] avl_rdata; input [AVL_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] avl_wdata; input [AVL_BE_WIDTH-1:0] avl_be; input local_multicast; input local_autopch_req; input local_priority; input itf_cmd_ready; output itf_cmd_valid; output itf_cmd; output [AVL_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] itf_cmd_address; output [AVL_SIZE_WIDTH-1:0] itf_cmd_burstlen; output [LOCAL_ID_WIDTH-1:0] itf_cmd_id; output itf_cmd_priority; output itf_cmd_autopercharge; output itf_cmd_multicast; input itf_wr_data_ready; output itf_wr_data_valid; output [AVL_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] itf_wr_data; output [AVL_BE_WIDTH-1:0] itf_wr_data_byte_en; output itf_wr_data_begin; output itf_wr_data_last; output [LOCAL_ID_WIDTH-1:0] itf_wr_data_id; output itf_rd_data_ready; input itf_rd_data_valid; input [AVL_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] itf_rd_data; input itf_rd_data_error; input itf_rd_data_begin; input itf_rd_data_last; input [LOCAL_ID_WIDTH-1:0] itf_rd_data_id; reg [AVL_SIZE_WIDTH-1:0] burst_count; wire int_ready; wire itf_cmd; // high is write wire itf_wr_if_ready; wire [LOCAL_ID_WIDTH-1:0] itf_cmd_id; wire itf_wr_data_begin; wire itf_wr_data_last; wire [LOCAL_ID_WIDTH-1:0] itf_wr_data_id; reg data_pass; reg [AVL_SIZE_WIDTH-1:0] burst_counter; reg avl_read_req_reg; reg avl_write_req_reg; reg [AVL_SIZE_WIDTH-1:0] avl_size_reg; reg [AVL_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] avl_addr_reg; reg [AVL_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] avl_wdata_reg; reg [AVL_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] avl_be_reg; reg itf_rd_data_valid_reg; reg [AVL_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] itf_rd_data_reg; reg [3:0] itf_rd_data_error_reg; reg local_multicast_reg; reg local_autopch_req_reg; reg local_priority_reg; generate if (CFG_MM_ST_CONV_REG == 1) begin always @ (posedge ctl_clk or negedge ctl_reset_n) begin if (!ctl_reset_n) begin avl_read_req_reg <= 1'b0; avl_write_req_reg <= 1'b0; avl_size_reg <= {AVL_SIZE_WIDTH{1'b0}}; avl_addr_reg <= {AVL_ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}; avl_wdata_reg <= {AVL_DATA_WIDTH{1'b0}}; avl_be_reg <= {AVL_BE_WIDTH{1'b0}}; itf_rd_data_valid_reg <= 1'b0; itf_rd_data_reg <= {AVL_DATA_WIDTH{1'b0}}; itf_rd_data_error_reg <= 4'b0; local_multicast_reg <= 1'b0; local_autopch_req_reg <= 1'b0; local_priority_reg <= 1'b0; end else begin if (int_ready) begin avl_read_req_reg <= avl_read_req; avl_write_req_reg <= avl_write_req; avl_size_reg <= avl_size; avl_addr_reg <= avl_addr; avl_wdata_reg <= avl_wdata; avl_be_reg <= avl_be; local_multicast_reg <= local_multicast; local_autopch_req_reg <= local_autopch_req; local_priority_reg <= local_priority; end itf_rd_data_valid_reg <= itf_rd_data_valid; itf_rd_data_reg <= itf_rd_data; itf_rd_data_error_reg <= itf_rd_data_error; end end end else begin always @ (*) begin avl_read_req_reg = avl_read_req; avl_write_req_reg = avl_write_req; avl_size_reg = avl_size; avl_addr_reg = avl_addr; avl_wdata_reg = avl_wdata; avl_be_reg = avl_be; itf_rd_data_valid_reg = itf_rd_data_valid; itf_rd_data_reg = itf_rd_data; itf_rd_data_error_reg = {4{itf_rd_data_error}}; local_multicast_reg = local_multicast; local_autopch_req_reg = local_autopch_req; local_priority_reg = local_priority; end end endgenerate // when cmd_ready = 1'b1, avl_ready = 1'b1; // when avl_write_req = 1'b1, // take this write req and then then drive avl_ready until receive # of beats = avl_size? // we will look at cmd_ready, if cmd_ready = 1'b0, avl_ready = 1'b0 // when cmd_ready = 1'b1, avl_ready = 1'b1; // when local_ready_req = 1'b1, // take this read_req // we will look at cmd_ready, if cmd_ready = 1'b0, avl_ready = 1'b0 assign itf_cmd_valid = avl_read_req_reg | itf_wr_if_ready; assign itf_wr_if_ready = itf_wr_data_ready & avl_write_req_reg & ~data_pass; assign avl_ready = int_ready; assign itf_rd_data_ready = 1'b1; assign itf_cmd_address = avl_addr_reg ; assign itf_cmd_burstlen = avl_size_reg ; assign itf_cmd_autopercharge = local_autopch_req_reg ; assign itf_cmd_priority = local_priority_reg ; assign itf_cmd_multicast = local_multicast_reg ; assign itf_cmd = avl_write_req_reg; assign itf_cmd_id = {LOCAL_ID_WIDTH{1'b0}}; assign itf_wr_data_begin = 1'b0; assign itf_wr_data_last = 1'b0; assign itf_wr_data_id = {LOCAL_ID_WIDTH{1'b0}}; // write data channel assign itf_wr_data_valid = (data_pass) ? avl_write_req_reg : itf_cmd_ready & avl_write_req_reg; assign itf_wr_data = avl_wdata_reg ; assign itf_wr_data_byte_en = avl_be_reg ; // read data channel assign avl_rdata_valid = itf_rd_data_valid_reg; assign avl_rdata = itf_rd_data_reg; assign local_rdata_error = itf_rd_data_error_reg; assign int_ready = (data_pass) ? itf_wr_data_ready : ((itf_cmd) ? (itf_wr_data_ready & itf_cmd_ready) : itf_cmd_ready); always @(posedge ctl_clk, negedge ctl_reset_n) begin if (!ctl_reset_n) burst_counter <= {AVL_SIZE_WIDTH{1'b0}}; else begin if (itf_wr_if_ready && avl_size_reg > 1 && itf_cmd_ready) burst_counter <= avl_size_reg - 1'b1; else if (avl_write_req_reg && itf_wr_data_ready) burst_counter <= burst_counter - 1'b1; end end always @(posedge ctl_clk, negedge ctl_reset_n) begin if (!ctl_reset_n) data_pass <= 1'b0; else begin if (itf_wr_if_ready && avl_size_reg > 1 && itf_cmd_ready) data_pass <= 1'b1; else if (burst_counter == 1 && avl_write_req_reg && itf_wr_data_ready) data_pass <= 1'b0; end end endmodule
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int n, k, a[((int)1001 * 1000)], maxi, mini; vector<int> v; int jaghool; bitset<((int)1001 * 1000)> dp, mark; int main() { scanf( %d%d , &n, &k); int k2 = k; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) scanf( %d , &a[i]); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) if (!mark[i]) { int x = a[i], p = 1; while (x != i) p++, mark[x] = 1, x = a[x]; v.push_back(p); maxi += min(k2, p / 2) * 2, k2 -= min(k2, p / 2); if (p % 2) jaghool++; } maxi += min(k2, jaghool); dp[0] = 1; sort(v.begin(), v.end()); v.push_back(-1); vector<int> v2; for (int i = 0, cnt = 1; i < v.size(); i++) { if (v[i] != v[i + 1]) { int x = v[i]; while (cnt) { dp |= (dp << v[i]); for (int j = 0; j < ((int)20); j++) { if ((1 << j) <= cnt && cnt < (1 << (j + 1))) { cnt -= (1 << j); break; } dp |= (dp << (v[i] << j)); } } cnt = 1; } else cnt++; } cout << k + 1 - dp[k] << << maxi << n ; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int ans; int visited[1001]; int cc = 0; vector<int> arr[1001]; void dfs(int node) { visited[node]++; if (visited[node] == 2) { ans = node; return; } for (auto child : arr[node]) { if (visited[node] < 2) dfs(child); } } int main() { int n, v, a, b; cin >> n; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { cin >> a; arr[i].push_back(a); } for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { memset(visited, 0, sizeof(visited)); dfs(i); cout << ans << ; } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; map<string, int> mp; int n, m; int a[110], b[110]; int main() { while (~scanf( %d%d , &n, &m)) { mp.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < (n); ++i) scanf( %d , a + i); for (int i = 0; i < (m); ++i) { string s; cin >> s; mp[s]++; } int tot = 0; for (map<string, int>::iterator it = mp.begin(); it != mp.end(); ++it) b[tot++] = it->second; sort(a, a + n); sort(b, b + tot); int mint = 0, maxt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (tot); ++i) mint += a[i] * b[tot - 1 - i], maxt += a[n - tot + i] * b[i]; printf( %d %d n , mint, maxt); } return 0; }
/******************************************************************************* * * * Copyright (C) 2009 Altera Corporation * * * * Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents, * * maskwork rights, copyrights and other intellectual property laws. * * * * This reference design file, and your use thereof, is subject to and * * governed by the terms and conditions of the applicable Altera Reference * * Design License Agreement (either as signed by you, agreed by you upon * * download or as a "click-through" agreement upon installation andor found * * at www.altera.com). By using this reference design file, you indicate your * * acceptance of such terms and conditions between you and Altera Corporation. * * In the event that you do not agree with such terms and conditions, you may * * not use the reference design file and please promptly destroy any copies * * you have made. * * * * This reference design file is being provided on an "as-is" basis and as an * * accommodation and therefore all warranties, representations or guarantees * * of any kind (whether express, implied or statutory) including, without * * limitation, warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness for * * a particular purpose, are specifically disclaimed. By making this refer- * * ence design file available, Altera expressly does not recommend, suggest * * or require that this reference design file be used in combination with any * * other product not provided by Altera. * * * * Module Name: multi_bit_check File Name: multi_bit_check.v * * * * Module Function: This module checks to see if more than one bit is set in * * an input bus. * * * * Modules Used: * * * * Parameters and Defines Used: * * - N : Power for number of bits of input data * * - WIDTH : Width of input data * * * * Created by: Jim Schwalbe Created on: 08/06/2009 * * * * REVISION HISTORY: * * * Revision 1.0 08/06/2009 Jim Schwalbe * * - Initial Revision * * * ******************************************************************************/ module multi_bit_check ( data_in, multi_bit ); parameter WIDTH = 64; parameter N = log2(WIDTH); input [WIDTH-1:0] data_in; output multi_bit; reg [N-1:0] sum; reg multi_bit; integer j; always @(*) begin multi_bit = 0; sum = 0; for (j=WIDTH-1; j >= 0; j = j-1) sum = sum + data_in[j]; if (sum > 1) multi_bit = 1; end function integer log2; input [32:0] depth; integer i; begin log2 = 1; for (i=0; 2**i < depth; i=i+1) log2 = i + 1; end endfunction // log2 endmodule // multi_bit_check
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const double PI = acos(-1.0); const unsigned long long MAX = LONG_MAX; void fasterIO() { ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); } int sumDig(int a) { int sum = 0; while (a != 0) { sum += a % 10; a /= 10; } return sum; } int main() { int test; cin >> test; while (test--) { long long p, k; long long arr[150]; cin >> p >> k; for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < (p); i++) cin >> arr[i]; sort(arr, arr + p); if (abs((arr[0] + k) - arr[p - 1]) > k) cout << -1 << endl; else cout << arr[0] + k << endl; } return 0; }
/* Este modulo esta encargado de ejecutar las operaciones principales que cada instruccion debe realizar ademas es el que envia los datos y la direccion a la memoria de datos para ser almacenados. */ module ALU( input wire[15:0] wInstruction, input wire[7:0] iA, input wire [7:0] iB, output reg oRamEnableWrite, output wire[7:0] oData, output reg oWriteA, output reg oWriteB, output reg wCa, wCb, output reg [9:0] oRamAddress, output reg oReadA,oReadB ); reg [8:0]rEx; assign oData=rEx; always @ ( * ) begin case(wInstruction[15:10]) `ADDA: begin rEx=iA+iB; wCa<=rEx[8]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b1; oWriteB<=1'b0; wCb<=1'b0; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `ADDB: begin rEx=iB+iA; wCb<=rEx[8]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b1; wCa<=1'b0; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `ADDCA: begin rEx=iA+iB; wCa<=rEx[8]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b1; oWriteB<=1'b0; wCb<=1'b0; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `ADDCB: begin rEx=iA+iB; wCb<=rEx[8]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b1; oWriteA<=1'b0; wCa<=1'b0; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `SUBA: begin rEx=iA-iB; wCa<=rEx[8]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b1; oWriteB<=1'b0; wCb<=1'b0; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `SUBB: begin rEx=iB-iA; wCb<=rEx[8]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b1; wCa<=1'b0; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `SUBCA: begin rEx=iA-iB; wCa<=rEx[8]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b1; oWriteB<=1'b0; wCb<=1'b0; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `SUBCB: begin rEx=iB-iA; wCb<=rEx[8]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b1; oWriteA<=1'b0; wCa<=1'b0; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `ANDA: begin rEx=iA&iB; wCa<=wCa; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b1; oWriteB<=1'b0; wCb<=wCb; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `ANDB: begin rEx=iB&iA; wCb<=wCb; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b1; wCa<=wCa; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `ANDCA: begin rEx=iA&iB; wCa<=wCa; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b0; wCb<=wCb; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `ANDCB: begin rEx=iB&iA; wCb<=wCb; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b1; oWriteA<=1'b0; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; wCa<=wCa; end `ORA: begin rEx=iA|iB; wCa<=wCa; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b1; oWriteB<=1'b0; wCb<=wCb; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `ORB: begin rEx=iB|iA; wCb<=wCb; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b1; wCa<=wCa; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `ORCA: begin rEx=iA|iB; wCa<=wCa; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b0; wCb<=wCb; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `ORCB: begin rEx=iB|iA; wCb<=wCb; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b1; oWriteA<=1'b0; wCa<=wCa; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `ASLA: begin rEx=iA<<1; wCa<=rEx[8]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b1; oWriteB<=1'b0; wCb<=wCb; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `ASRA: begin rEx=iA>>1; wCa<=rEx[8]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b1; oWriteB<=1'b0; wCb<=wCb; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; end `LDA: begin rEx=rEx; wCa<=wCa; oRamAddress=wInstruction[9:0]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oReadA<=1'b1; oReadB<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b0; wCb<=wCb; end `LDB: begin rEx=rEx; wCa<=wCa; oRamAddress=wInstruction[9:0]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b1; oWriteA<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b0; wCb<=wCb; end `STA: begin rEx=iA; wCa<=wCa; oRamAddress=wInstruction[9:0]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b1; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b0; wCb<=wCb; end `STB: begin rEx=iB; wCa<=wCa; oRamAddress=wInstruction[9:0]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b1; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b0; wCb<=wCb; end `LDCA: begin rEx=iA[7:0]; wCa<=wCa; oRamAddress=wInstruction[9:0]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b1; oWriteB<=1'b0; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; wCb<=wCb; end `LDCB: begin rEx=iB[7:0]; wCa<=wCa; oRamAddress=wInstruction[9:0]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b1; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; wCb<=wCb; end default: //Todos los Branches van a caer en este caso es un NOP begin rEx=rEx; wCa<=wCa; oRamAddress=wInstruction[9:0]; oRamEnableWrite<=1'b0; oWriteA<=1'b0; oWriteB<=1'b0; oReadA<=1'b0; oReadB<=1'b0; wCb<=wCb; end endcase end endmodule
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int get() { char ch; while (ch = getchar(), (ch < 0 || ch > 9 ) && ch != - ) ; if (ch == - ) { int s = 0; while (ch = getchar(), ch >= 0 && ch <= 9 ) s = s * 10 + ch - 0 ; return -s; } int s = ch - 0 ; while (ch = getchar(), ch >= 0 && ch <= 9 ) s = s * 10 + ch - 0 ; return s; } const int N = 100005; const int L = 262144; int n, a[N]; int d[20][N]; int ans[40]; int key[40]; void dfs(int x) { if (d[x - 1][0] == 1) { if (d[x - 1][1] != 0) return; if (key[0] < ans[0]) { ans[0] = key[0]; for (int i = 1; i <= key[0]; i++) ans[i] = key[i]; } return; } int mv = 1 << 19; for (int i = 1; i <= d[x - 1][0]; i++) { int v = abs(d[x - 1][i]); if ((v & -v) > 0) mv = min(mv, v & -v); } if (mv == (1 << 19)) return; key[++key[0]] = mv; d[x][0] = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= d[x - 1][0]; i++) { if ((d[x - 1][i] & mv) > 0) d[x][++d[x][0]] = d[x - 1][i] - mv; else d[x][++d[x][0]] = d[x - 1][i]; } sort(d[x] + 1, d[x] + 1 + d[x][0]); int k = 1; for (int i = 2; i <= d[x][0]; i++) if (d[x][i] != d[x][i - 1]) d[x][++k] = d[x][i]; d[x][0] = k; dfs(x + 1); key[key[0]] = -mv; d[x][0] = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= d[x - 1][0]; i++) { if ((d[x - 1][i] & mv) > 0) d[x][++d[x][0]] = d[x - 1][i] + mv; else d[x][++d[x][0]] = d[x - 1][i]; } sort(d[x] + 1, d[x] + 1 + d[x][0]); k = 1; for (int i = 2; i <= d[x][0]; i++) if (d[x][i] != d[x][i - 1]) d[x][++k] = d[x][i]; d[x][0] = k; dfs(x + 1); key[0]--; } int main() { n = get(); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) a[i] = get(); ans[0] = 100; a[++n] = 0; sort(a + 1, a + 1 + n); int n_ = 1; for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) if (a[i] != a[i - 1]) a[++n_] = a[i]; n = n_; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) d[0][i] = a[i]; d[0][0] = n; dfs(1); printf( %d n , ans[0]); for (int i = 1; i <= ans[0]; i++) printf( %d , ans[i]); return 0; }
module gpio_tx( #( parameter GPIO_DATA_WIDTH = 8 ) ( //gpio_wr_interface output [GPIO_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] gpio_rd_data, output gpio_rd_par, input gpio_rd_err, output gpio_rd_req, input gpio_rd_ack, //gpio_fifo_interface input [GPIO_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] gpio_n2p_data, input gpio_n2p_req, output gpio_n2p_done, //misc input reset, input clk ); always@(posedge clk) begin gpio_rd_ack_reg <= gpio_rd_ack; gpio_rd_err_reg <= gpio_rd_err; end localparam GPIO_TX_IDLE = 2'h0, GPIO_TX_CHECK = 2'h1, GPIO_TX_CHECK_DONE = 2'h2, GPIO_TX_DONE = 2'h3; //state_machine always@(posedge clk) begin gpio_tx_state <= gpio_tx_state_nxt; end //rx state always@(*) begin if(reset) gpio_tx_state_nxt = GPIO_TX_IDLE; else begin case(gpio_tx_state) GPIO_TX_IDLE: begin if(gpio_wr_req_reg) gpio_tx_state_nxt = GPIO_TX_CHECK; else gpio_tx_state_nxt = GPIO_TX_IDLE; end GPIO_TX_CHECK: gpio_tx_state_nxt = GPIO_TX_CHECK_DONE; GPIO_TX_CHECK_DONE: gpio_tx_state_nxt = GPIO_TX_DONE; GPIO_TX_DONE: if(!gpio_wr_req_reg) gpio_tx_state_nxt = GPIO_TX_IDLE; else gpio_tx_state_nxt = GPIO_TX_DONE; default: gpio_tx_state_nxt <= gpio_tx_state; end end //tx state */ always@(posedge clk) begin //to fifo if(gpio_tx_state == GPIO_TX_CHECK_DONE && !gpio_wr_err) end always@(posedge clk) begin if(gpio_tx_state == GPIO_TX_CHECK_DONE) gpio_wr_ack = 1'b1; else if(gpio_tx_state == GPIO_TX_IDLE) gpio_wr_ack = 1'b0; else gpio_wr_ack = gpio_wr_ack; end always@(posedge clk) begin //even parity bit if(gpio_tx_state == GPIO_TX_CHECK) begin if((^ gpio_wr_data_reg) ^ gpio_wr_par_reg) gpio_wr_err = 1'b1; else gpio_wr_err = 1'b0; end else gpio_wr_err = gpio_wr_err; end endmodule
`define WINDOW_SIZE ((2**WINDOW_WIDTH)) `define LARGE_CLOG2(x) clog2(x) `define MAXIMUM_ROLLING_SUM ((2**WIDTH)-1) `define MAXIMUM_ROLLING_SQUARES_SUM (pow(2,(WIDTH*2))-1) `include "math.v" module variance #( parameter WIDTH=14, // data input width parameter WINDOW_WIDTH=7 // window size will be 2^WINDOW_WIDTH, so the default here is a size of 128 ) ( input wire [WIDTH-1:0] data_in, output reg [WIDTH*2-1:0] data_out, input wire reset, input wire clk ); reg [`LARGE_CLOG2(`MAXIMUM_ROLLING_SUM * `WINDOW_SIZE)-1:0] rolling_sum; reg [`LARGE_CLOG2(`MAXIMUM_ROLLING_SQUARES_SUM * `WINDOW_SIZE)-1:0] rolling_squares_sum; wire [WIDTH-1:0] fifo_dout; wire fifo_data_valid; fifo #(.WIDTH(WIDTH), .DEPTH(`WINDOW_SIZE)) fifo_inst ( .data_in(data_in), .data_out(fifo_dout), .data_valid(fifo_data_valid), .reset(reset), .clk(clk) ); reg [`LARGE_CLOG2(`MAXIMUM_ROLLING_SUM*`MAXIMUM_ROLLING_SUM * (`WINDOW_SIZE+1))-1:0] mean_squared [2:0]; reg [`LARGE_CLOG2(`MAXIMUM_ROLLING_SQUARES_SUM * (`WINDOW_SIZE+1))-1:0] mean_of_squares [2:0]; reg [WIDTH-1:0] data_in_delay [2:0]; reg [WIDTH-1:0] fifo_dout_delay [2:0]; reg [`LARGE_CLOG2(pow(2,WIDTH*2))-1:0] data_in_squared [2:0]; reg [`LARGE_CLOG2(pow(2,WIDTH*2))-1:0] fifo_dout_squared [2:0]; always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset == 1'b0) begin rolling_sum <= 0; rolling_squares_sum <= 0; data_in_delay[0] <= 0; data_in_delay[1] <= 0; data_in_delay[2] <= 0; data_in_squared[0] <= 0; data_in_squared[1] <= 0; data_in_squared[2] <= 0; fifo_dout_delay[0] <= 0; fifo_dout_delay[1] <= 0; fifo_dout_delay[2] <= 0; fifo_dout_squared[0] <= 0; fifo_dout_squared[1] <= 0; fifo_dout_squared[2] <= 0; end else begin data_in_delay[0] <= data_in; data_in_delay[1] <= data_in_delay[0]; data_in_delay[2] <= data_in_delay[1]; // delay is required to keep data in sync with DSP output data_in_squared[0] <= data_in*data_in; data_in_squared[1] <= data_in_squared[0]; data_in_squared[2] <= data_in_squared[1]; // pipeline DSP output if (fifo_data_valid) begin fifo_dout_delay[0] <= fifo_dout; fifo_dout_delay[1] <= fifo_dout_delay[0]; fifo_dout_delay[2] <= fifo_dout_delay[1]; // delay is required to keep data in sync with DSP output fifo_dout_squared[0] <= fifo_dout*fifo_dout; fifo_dout_squared[1] <= fifo_dout_squared[0]; fifo_dout_squared[2] <= fifo_dout_squared[1]; // pipeline DSP output rolling_sum <= rolling_sum + data_in_delay[2] - fifo_dout_delay[2]; rolling_squares_sum <= rolling_squares_sum + data_in_squared[2] - fifo_dout_squared[2]; mean_squared[0] <= (rolling_sum >> WINDOW_WIDTH) * (rolling_sum >> WINDOW_WIDTH); mean_squared[1] <= mean_squared[0]; mean_squared[2] <= mean_squared[1]; mean_of_squares[0] <= (rolling_squares_sum >> WINDOW_WIDTH); mean_of_squares[1] <= mean_of_squares[0]; mean_of_squares[2] <= mean_of_squares[1]; data_out <= mean_of_squares[2] - mean_squared[2]; end else begin // just load up the sums rolling_sum <= rolling_sum + data_in_delay[2]; rolling_squares_sum <= rolling_squares_sum + data_in_squared[2]; end end end initial begin $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars(0, variance); end endmodule
// Accellera Standard V2.3 Open Verification Library (OVL). // Accellera Copyright (c) 2005-2008. All rights reserved. `include "std_ovl_defines.h" `module ovl_never_unknown_async (reset, enable, test_expr, fire); parameter severity_level = `OVL_SEVERITY_DEFAULT; parameter width = 1; parameter property_type = `OVL_PROPERTY_DEFAULT; parameter msg = `OVL_MSG_DEFAULT; parameter coverage_level = `OVL_COVER_DEFAULT; parameter clock_edge = `OVL_CLOCK_EDGE_DEFAULT; parameter reset_polarity = `OVL_RESET_POLARITY_DEFAULT; parameter gating_type = `OVL_GATING_TYPE_DEFAULT; input reset, enable; input [width-1:0] test_expr; output [`OVL_FIRE_WIDTH-1:0] fire; // Parameters that should not be edited parameter assert_name = "OVL_NEVER_UNKNOWN_ASYNC"; `include "std_ovl_reset.h" `include "std_ovl_cover.h" `include "std_ovl_task.h" `include "std_ovl_init.h" `ifdef OVL_VERILOG `include "./vlog95/assert_never_unknown_async_logic.v" assign fire = {`OVL_FIRE_WIDTH{1'b0}}; // Tied low in V2.3 `endif `ifdef OVL_SVA `include "./sva05/assert_never_unknown_async_logic.sv" assign fire = {`OVL_FIRE_WIDTH{1'b0}}; // Tied low in V2.3 `endif `ifdef OVL_PSL assign fire = {`OVL_FIRE_WIDTH{1'b0}}; // Tied low in V2.3 `include "./psl05/assert_never_unknown_async_psl_logic.v" `else `endmodule // ovl_never_unknown_async `endif
`define bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_macro(words,bits) \ if (els_p == words && width_p == bits) \ begin: macro \ hard_mem_1rw_bit_mask_d``words``_w``bits``_wrapper \ mem \ (.clk_i (clk_i) \ ,.reset_i (reset_i) \ ,.data_i (data_i) \ ,.addr_i (addr_i) \ ,.v_i (v_i) \ ,.w_mask_i(w_mask_i) \ ,.w_i (w_i) \ ,.data_o (data_o) \ ); \ end: macro `define bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_banked_macro(words,bits,wbank,dbank) \ if (els_p == words && width_p == bits) begin: macro \ bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_banked #( \ .width_p(width_p) \ ,.els_p(els_p) \ ,.latch_last_read_p(latch_last_read_p) \ ,.num_width_bank_p(wbank) \ ,.num_depth_bank_p(dbank) \ ) bmem ( \ .clk_i(clk_i) \ ,.reset_i(reset_i) \ ,.v_i(v_i) \ ,.w_i(w_i) \ ,.addr_i(addr_i) \ ,.data_i(data_i) \ ,.w_mask_i(w_mask_i) \ ,.data_o(data_o) \ ); \ end: macro module bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit #( parameter `BSG_INV_PARAM(width_p ) , parameter `BSG_INV_PARAM(els_p ) , parameter addr_width_lp = `BSG_SAFE_CLOG2(els_p) , parameter latch_last_read_p = 0 ) ( input clk_i , input reset_i , input [width_p-1:0] data_i , input [addr_width_lp-1:0] addr_i , input v_i , input [width_p-1:0] w_mask_i , input w_i , output logic [width_p-1:0] data_o ); wire unused = reset_i; // TODO: Define more hardened macro configs here `bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_macro(64,7) else `bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_macro(64,15) else `bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_macro(64,124) else `bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_macro(128,15) else `bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_macro(128,116) else `bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_macro(128,84) else `bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_macro(64,92) else `bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_macro(512,23) else `bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_banked_macro(64,248,2,1) else `bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_banked_macro(128,232,2,1) else `bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_banked_macro(128,168,2,1) else `bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_banked_macro(64,184,2,1) else begin: notmacro bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit_synth #(.width_p(width_p), .els_p(els_p), .latch_last_read_p(latch_last_read_p)) synth (.*); end // block: notmacro // synopsys translate_off always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin if (v_i) assert (addr_i < els_p) else $error("Invalid address %x to %m of size %x\n", addr_i, els_p); end initial begin $display("## %L: instantiating width_p=%d, els_p=%d (%m)",width_p,els_p); end // synopsys translate_on endmodule `BSG_ABSTRACT_MODULE(bsg_mem_1rw_sync_mask_write_bit)
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; map<long long, int> cnt; int lp[100005]; long long p[100005][102]; void sieve() { for (int i = 2; i <= 100000; i++) { if (!lp[i]) { lp[i] = i; for (int j = i + i; j <= 100000; j += i) if (!lp[j]) lp[j] = i; } } } int main() { int n, k, a; long long ans = 0; sieve(); for (int i = 1; i <= 100000; i++) { p[i][0] = 1; for (int j = 1; j <= 100; j++) { p[i][j] = p[i][j - 1] * i; if (p[i][j] > 1e9) p[i][j] = 0; } } scanf( %d%d , &n, &k); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf( %d , &a); long long cur = 1; long long mate = 1; while (a > 1) { int cnt = 0; int prime = lp[a]; while (a % prime == 0) { a /= prime; cnt++; } cnt %= k; cur *= p[prime][cnt]; mate *= p[prime][(k - cnt) % k]; if (mate > 1e9) mate = 0; } if (mate != 0 && cnt.count(mate)) ans += cnt[mate]; cnt[cur]++; } printf( %lld n , ans); return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int n, root; vector<vector<int> > tree, par, sub; vector<vector<long long> > dp; void dfs(int u) { sub[root][u] = 1; for (int v : tree[u]) { if (v == par[root][u]) continue; par[root][v] = u; dfs(v); sub[root][u] += sub[root][v]; } } long long getDP(int u, int v) { if (u == v) return 0; if (dp[u][v] != -1) return dp[u][v]; long long res = sub[u][v] * sub[v][u] + max(getDP(par[v][u], v), getDP(u, par[u][v])); return dp[u][v] = res; } void input() { scanf( %d , &n); tree.assign(n, vector<int>()); for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) { int u, v; scanf( %d%d , &u, &v); --u, --v; tree[u].push_back(v); tree[v].push_back(u); } } void solve() { par.assign(n, vector<int>(n, -1)); sub.assign(n, vector<int>(n, -1)); for (int u = 0; u < n; ++u) { root = u; dfs(u); } dp.assign(n, vector<long long>(n, -1LL)); long long ans = 0; for (int u = 0; u < n; ++u) for (int v = 0; v < n; ++v) ans = max(ans, getDP(u, v)); cout << ans << endl; } int main() { input(); solve(); return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MAX = 2e5 + 5; int n, k, a; int vis_time[MAX], vis_cnt[MAX], ans; struct data { int size, op; bool operator<(data b) const { if (size == b.size) return op > b.op; else return size < b.size; } }; priority_queue<data> line; int main() { scanf( %d%d , &n, &k); for (register int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { scanf( %d , &a); line.push((data){a, 0}); } ans = 0x3f3f3f3f; while (!line.empty()) { data tmp = line.top(); line.pop(); int size = tmp.size, op = tmp.op; vis_time[size]++; vis_cnt[size] += op; if (vis_time[size] == k) { ans = min(ans, vis_cnt[size]); } if (!size) continue; else line.push((data){size / 2, op + 1}); } printf( %d n , ans); return 0; }
/* * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ `ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_LP__CLKDLYBUF4S15_FUNCTIONAL_V `define SKY130_FD_SC_LP__CLKDLYBUF4S15_FUNCTIONAL_V /** * clkdlybuf4s15: Clock Delay Buffer 4-stage 0.15um length inner stage * gates. * * Verilog simulation functional model. */ `timescale 1ns / 1ps `default_nettype none `celldefine module sky130_fd_sc_lp__clkdlybuf4s15 ( X, A ); // Module ports output X; input A; // Local signals wire buf0_out_X; // Name Output Other arguments buf buf0 (buf0_out_X, A ); buf buf1 (X , buf0_out_X ); endmodule `endcelldefine `default_nettype wire `endif // SKY130_FD_SC_LP__CLKDLYBUF4S15_FUNCTIONAL_V
module fifo_address_gray ( input m_axis_aclk, input m_axis_aresetn, input m_axis_ready, output reg m_axis_valid, output [C_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_raddr_next, input s_axis_aclk, input s_axis_aresetn, output reg s_axis_ready, input s_axis_valid, output reg s_axis_empty, output [C_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_waddr ); parameter C_ADDRESS_WIDTH = 4; reg [C_ADDRESS_WIDTH:0] _s_axis_waddr = 'h00; reg [C_ADDRESS_WIDTH:0] _s_axis_waddr_next; reg [C_ADDRESS_WIDTH:0] _m_axis_raddr = 'h00; reg [C_ADDRESS_WIDTH:0] _m_axis_raddr_next; reg [C_ADDRESS_WIDTH:0] s_axis_waddr_gray = 'h00; wire [C_ADDRESS_WIDTH:0] s_axis_waddr_gray_next; wire [C_ADDRESS_WIDTH:0] s_axis_raddr_gray; reg [C_ADDRESS_WIDTH:0] m_axis_raddr_gray = 'h00; wire [C_ADDRESS_WIDTH:0] m_axis_raddr_gray_next; wire [C_ADDRESS_WIDTH:0] m_axis_waddr_gray; assign s_axis_waddr = _s_axis_waddr[C_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0]; assign m_axis_raddr_next = _m_axis_raddr_next[C_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0]; always @* begin if (s_axis_ready && s_axis_valid) _s_axis_waddr_next <= _s_axis_waddr + 1; else _s_axis_waddr_next <= _s_axis_waddr; end assign s_axis_waddr_gray_next = _s_axis_waddr_next ^ _s_axis_waddr_next[C_ADDRESS_WIDTH:1]; always @(posedge s_axis_aclk) begin if (s_axis_aresetn == 1'b0) begin _s_axis_waddr <= 'h00; s_axis_waddr_gray <= 'h00; end else begin _s_axis_waddr <= _s_axis_waddr_next; s_axis_waddr_gray <= s_axis_waddr_gray_next; end end always @* begin if (m_axis_ready && m_axis_valid) _m_axis_raddr_next <= _m_axis_raddr + 1; else _m_axis_raddr_next <= _m_axis_raddr; end assign m_axis_raddr_gray_next = _m_axis_raddr_next ^ _m_axis_raddr_next[C_ADDRESS_WIDTH:1]; always @(posedge m_axis_aclk) begin if (m_axis_aresetn == 1'b0) begin _m_axis_raddr <= 'h00; m_axis_raddr_gray <= 'h00; end else begin _m_axis_raddr <= _m_axis_raddr_next; m_axis_raddr_gray <= m_axis_raddr_gray_next; end end sync_bits #( .NUM_BITS(C_ADDRESS_WIDTH + 1) ) i_waddr_sync ( .out_clk(m_axis_aclk), .out_resetn(m_axis_aresetn), .in(s_axis_waddr_gray), .out(m_axis_waddr_gray) ); sync_bits #( .NUM_BITS(C_ADDRESS_WIDTH + 1) ) i_raddr_sync ( .out_clk(s_axis_aclk), .out_resetn(s_axis_aresetn), .in(m_axis_raddr_gray), .out(s_axis_raddr_gray) ); always @(posedge s_axis_aclk) begin if (s_axis_aresetn == 1'b0) begin s_axis_ready <= 1'b1; s_axis_empty <= 1'b1; end else begin s_axis_ready <= (s_axis_raddr_gray[C_ADDRESS_WIDTH] == s_axis_waddr_gray_next[C_ADDRESS_WIDTH] || s_axis_raddr_gray[C_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1] == s_axis_waddr_gray_next[C_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1] || s_axis_raddr_gray[C_ADDRESS_WIDTH-2:0] != s_axis_waddr_gray_next[C_ADDRESS_WIDTH-2:0]); s_axis_empty <= s_axis_raddr_gray == s_axis_waddr_gray_next; end end always @(posedge m_axis_aclk) begin if (s_axis_aresetn == 1'b0) m_axis_valid <= 1'b0; else begin m_axis_valid <= m_axis_waddr_gray != m_axis_raddr_gray_next; end end endmodule
/** * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ `ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_LS__DFBBP_PP_SYMBOL_V `define SKY130_FD_SC_LS__DFBBP_PP_SYMBOL_V /** * dfbbp: Delay flop, inverted set, inverted reset, * complementary outputs. * * Verilog stub (with power pins) for graphical symbol definition * generation. * * WARNING: This file is autogenerated, do not modify directly! */ `timescale 1ns / 1ps `default_nettype none (* blackbox *) module sky130_fd_sc_ls__dfbbp ( //# {{data|Data Signals}} input D , output Q , output Q_N , //# {{control|Control Signals}} input RESET_B, input SET_B , //# {{clocks|Clocking}} input CLK , //# {{power|Power}} input VPB , input VPWR , input VGND , input VNB ); endmodule `default_nettype wire `endif // SKY130_FD_SC_LS__DFBBP_PP_SYMBOL_V
// ------------------------------------------------------------- // // Generated Architecture Declaration for rtl of ent_ac // // Generated // by: wig // on: Tue Jun 27 05:12:12 2006 // cmd: /cygdrive/h/work/eclipse/MIX/mix_0.pl ../verilog.xls // // !!! Do not edit this file! Autogenerated by MIX !!! // $Author: wig $ // $Id: ent_ac.v,v 1.6 2006/07/04 09:54:11 wig Exp $ // $Date: 2006/07/04 09:54:11 $ // $Log: ent_ac.v,v $ // Revision 1.6 2006/07/04 09:54:11 wig // Update more testcases, add configuration/cfgfile // // // Based on Mix Verilog Architecture Template built into RCSfile: MixWriter.pm,v // Id: MixWriter.pm,v 1.90 2006/06/22 07:13:21 wig Exp // // Generator: mix_0.pl Revision: 1.46 , // (C) 2003,2005 Micronas GmbH // // -------------------------------------------------------------- `timescale 1ns/10ps // // // Start of Generated Module rtl of ent_ac // // No user `defines in this module module ent_ac // // Generated Module inst_ac // ( port_ac_2 // Use internally test2, no port generated ); // Generated Module Outputs: output port_ac_2; // Generated Wires: wire port_ac_2; // End of generated module header // Internal signals // // Generated Signal List // // // End of Generated Signal List // // %COMPILER_OPTS% // // Generated Signal Assignments // // // Generated Instances and Port Mappings // endmodule // // End of Generated Module rtl of ent_ac // // //!End of Module/s // --------------------------------------------------------------
// ============================================================== // File generated by Vivado(TM) HLS - High-Level Synthesis from C, C++ and SystemC // Version: 2018.2 // Copyright (C) 1986-2018 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // ============================================================== `timescale 1 ns / 1 ps module video_scaler_sdivhbi_div_u #(parameter in0_WIDTH = 32, in1_WIDTH = 32, out_WIDTH = 32 ) ( input clk, input reset, input ce, input start, input [in0_WIDTH-1:0] dividend, input [in1_WIDTH-1:0] divisor, input [1:0] sign_i, output wire [1:0] sign_o, output wire done, output wire [out_WIDTH-1:0] quot, output wire [out_WIDTH-1:0] remd ); localparam cal_WIDTH = (in0_WIDTH > in1_WIDTH)? in0_WIDTH : in1_WIDTH; //------------------------Local signal------------------- reg [in0_WIDTH-1:0] dividend0; reg [in1_WIDTH-1:0] divisor0; reg [1:0] sign0; reg [in0_WIDTH-1:0] dividend_tmp; reg [in0_WIDTH-1:0] remd_tmp; wire [in0_WIDTH-1:0] dividend_tmp_mux; wire [in0_WIDTH-1:0] remd_tmp_mux; wire [in0_WIDTH-1:0] comb_tmp; wire [cal_WIDTH:0] cal_tmp; //------------------------Body--------------------------- assign quot = dividend_tmp; assign remd = remd_tmp; assign sign_o = sign0; // dividend0, divisor0 always @(posedge clk) begin if (start) begin dividend0 <= dividend; divisor0 <= divisor; sign0 <= sign_i; end end // One-Hot Register // r_stage[0]=1:accept input; r_stage[in0_WIDTH]=1:done reg [in0_WIDTH:0] r_stage; assign done = r_stage[in0_WIDTH]; always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset == 1'b1) r_stage[in0_WIDTH:0] <= {in0_WIDTH{1'b0}}; else if (ce) r_stage[in0_WIDTH:0] <= {r_stage[in0_WIDTH-1:0], start}; end // MUXs assign dividend_tmp_mux = r_stage[0]? dividend0 : dividend_tmp; assign remd_tmp_mux = r_stage[0]? {in0_WIDTH{1'b0}} : remd_tmp; if (in0_WIDTH == 1) assign comb_tmp = dividend_tmp_mux[0]; else assign comb_tmp = {remd_tmp_mux[in0_WIDTH-2:0], dividend_tmp_mux[in0_WIDTH-1]}; assign cal_tmp = {1'b0, comb_tmp} - {1'b0, divisor0}; always @(posedge clk) begin if (ce) begin if (in0_WIDTH == 1) dividend_tmp <= ~cal_tmp[cal_WIDTH]; else dividend_tmp <= {dividend_tmp_mux[in0_WIDTH-2:0], ~cal_tmp[cal_WIDTH]}; remd_tmp <= cal_tmp[cal_WIDTH]? comb_tmp : cal_tmp[in0_WIDTH-1:0]; end end endmodule module video_scaler_sdivhbi_div #(parameter in0_WIDTH = 32, in1_WIDTH = 32, out_WIDTH = 32 ) ( input clk, input reset, input ce, input start, output reg done, input [in0_WIDTH-1:0] dividend, input [in1_WIDTH-1:0] divisor, output reg [out_WIDTH-1:0] quot, output reg [out_WIDTH-1:0] remd ); //------------------------Local signal------------------- reg start0 = 'b0; wire done0; reg [in0_WIDTH-1:0] dividend0; reg [in1_WIDTH-1:0] divisor0; wire [in0_WIDTH-1:0] dividend_u; wire [in1_WIDTH-1:0] divisor_u; wire [out_WIDTH-1:0] quot_u; wire [out_WIDTH-1:0] remd_u; wire [1:0] sign_i; wire [1:0] sign_o; //------------------------Instantiation------------------ video_scaler_sdivhbi_div_u #( .in0_WIDTH ( in0_WIDTH ), .in1_WIDTH ( in1_WIDTH ), .out_WIDTH ( out_WIDTH ) ) video_scaler_sdivhbi_div_u_0 ( .clk ( clk ), .reset ( reset ), .ce ( ce ), .start ( start0 ), .done ( done0 ), .dividend ( dividend_u ), .divisor ( divisor_u ), .sign_i ( sign_i ), .sign_o ( sign_o ), .quot ( quot_u ), .remd ( remd_u ) ); //------------------------Body--------------------------- assign sign_i = {dividend0[in0_WIDTH-1] ^ divisor0[in1_WIDTH-1], dividend0[in0_WIDTH-1]}; assign dividend_u = dividend0[in0_WIDTH-1]? ~dividend0[in0_WIDTH-1:0] + 1'b1 : dividend0[in0_WIDTH-1:0]; assign divisor_u = divisor0[in1_WIDTH-1]? ~divisor0[in1_WIDTH-1:0] + 1'b1 : divisor0[in1_WIDTH-1:0]; always @(posedge clk) begin if (ce) begin dividend0 <= dividend; divisor0 <= divisor; start0 <= start; end end always @(posedge clk) begin done <= done0; end always @(posedge clk) begin if (done0) begin if (sign_o[1]) quot <= ~quot_u + 1'b1; else quot <= quot_u; end end always @(posedge clk) begin if (done0) begin if (sign_o[0]) remd <= ~remd_u + 1'b1; else remd <= remd_u; end end endmodule `timescale 1 ns / 1 ps module video_scaler_sdivhbi( clk, reset, ce, start, done, din0, din1, dout); parameter ID = 32'd1; parameter NUM_STAGE = 32'd1; parameter din0_WIDTH = 32'd1; parameter din1_WIDTH = 32'd1; parameter dout_WIDTH = 32'd1; input clk; input reset; input ce; input start; output done; input[din0_WIDTH - 1:0] din0; input[din1_WIDTH - 1:0] din1; output[dout_WIDTH - 1:0] dout; wire[dout_WIDTH - 1:0] sig_remd; video_scaler_sdivhbi_div #( .in0_WIDTH( din0_WIDTH ), .in1_WIDTH( din1_WIDTH ), .out_WIDTH( dout_WIDTH )) video_scaler_sdivhbi_div_U( .dividend( din0 ), .divisor( din1 ), .quot( dout ), .remd( sig_remd ), .clk( clk ), .ce( ce ), .reset( reset ), .start( start ), .done( done )); endmodule
`timescale 1ns / 1ps ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Company: // Engineer: // // Create Date: 11.06.2017 19:09:17 // Design Name: // Module Name: ALU // Project Name: // Target Devices: // Tool Versions: // Description: // // Dependencies: // // Revision: // Revision 0.01 - File Created // Additional Comments: // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module ALU #( parameter n =16 )( input [15:0] operador_1, input [15:0] operador_2, input [2:0] control, output wire [3:0] flags, output reg [15:0] resultado ); reg V,C,Z,N; assign flags={V,C,Z,N}; always @(*) begin case(control) 3'd1: resultado= operador_1 + operador_2; 3'd2: resultado= operador_1 - operador_2; 3'd3: resultado= operador_1 * operador_2; 3'd4: resultado= operador_1 & operador_2; 3'd5: resultado= operador_1 | operador_2; default resultado = 16'b0; endcase end always @(*) begin case(control) 3'd1: begin if(operador_1[0]==1'b0 & operador_2[0]==1'b0 & resultado[0]==1'b1) begin V=1'b1; end else begin V=1'b0; end if((operador_1[0]==1'b1 | operador_2[0]==1'b1) & resultado[0]==1'b0) begin C=1'b1; end else begin C=1'b0; end end 3'd2: begin if (operador_1[0]==1'b1 & operador_2[0]==1'b1 & resultado[0]==1'b0) begin V=1'b1; end else begin V=1'b0; end if ((operador_1[0]==1'b0 | operador_2[0]==1'b0) & resultado[0]==1'b1) begin C=1'b1; end else begin C=1'b0; end end default:{V,C}={1'b0,1'b0}; endcase if (control==3'd2 & operador_1 < operador_2) begin N=1'b1; end else begin N=1'b0; end if (resultado==16'b0) begin Z=1'b1; end else begin Z=1'b0; end end endmodule
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const long long int mod = 1e9 + 7; int main() { long long int t, n, ans = 0, count0 = 0, count1 = 0, count2 = 0, num0 = 0, num1 = 0, num2 = 0; t = 1; while (t--) { cin >> n; vector<long long int> A(n, 0); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> A[i]; } sort(A.begin(), A.end()); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (A[i] > 0) { count1 += (A[i] - 1); num1++; } else if (A[i] == 0) { count0++; num0++; } else { count2 += (-1 - A[i]); num2++; } } ans += count1; if (num2 % 2 == 0) { ans += count2; ans += count0; } else { if (num0 > 0) { ans += count0; ans += count2; } else { ans += count0; ans += (count2 + 2); } } cout << ans << endl; } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { long long t; cin >> t; while (t--) { double l, r; cin >> l >> r; if (l > r / 2) { cout << YES << endl; } else { cout << NO << endl; } } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N = 4e5 + 5; int n, q, l[N], r[N], level[N], p[N][20]; pair<int, int> res[N]; int import[N], numCity, numVirus, node[N], total_num; vector<int> adj[N], newAdj[N]; struct T { int city, speed; }; T virus[N]; int cnt = 0; void dfs(int x, int pa) { cnt++; l[x] = cnt; p[x][0] = pa; for (auto &u : adj[x]) { if (u == pa) continue; level[u] = level[x] + 1; dfs(u, x); } r[x] = cnt; } void init_lca() { for (int k = 1; k <= 18; k++) { for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) p[i][k] = p[p[i][k - 1]][k - 1]; } } int lca(int x, int y) { if (x == 1 || y == 1) return 1; if (level[x] > level[y]) swap(x, y); int diff = level[y] - level[x]; for (int k = 18; k >= 0; k--) if (diff >> k & 1) y = p[y][k]; if (x == y) return x; for (int k = 18; k >= 0; k--) { if (p[x][k] != p[y][k]) { x = p[x][k]; y = p[y][k]; } } return p[x][0]; } bool isParent(int p, int u) { return (l[p] <= l[u] && l[u] <= r[p]); } bool lf(const int &x, const int &y) { return l[x] < l[y]; } int dist(int x, int y) { return level[x] + level[y] - 2 * level[lca(x, y)]; } void compress_tree() { total_num = numCity + numVirus; for (int i = 1; i <= numVirus; i++) node[i] = virus[i].city; for (int i = numVirus + 1; i <= total_num; i++) node[i] = import[i - numVirus]; sort(node + 1, node + total_num + 1, lf); total_num = unique(node + 1, node + total_num + 1) - node - 1; int now = total_num; for (int i = 1; i < now; i++) { total_num++; node[total_num] = lca(node[i], node[i + 1]); } sort(node + 1, node + total_num + 1, lf); total_num = unique(node + 1, node + total_num + 1) - node - 1; for (int i = 1; i <= total_num; i++) newAdj[node[i]].clear(); stack<int> st; st.push(node[1]); for (int i = 2; i <= total_num; i++) { while (!st.empty() && !isParent(st.top(), node[i])) st.pop(); if (!st.empty()) { int par = st.top(); newAdj[par].push_back(node[i]); newAdj[node[i]].push_back(par); } st.push(node[i]); } } int calc(int dist, int s) { return (dist - 1 + s) / s; } void solve() { for (int i = 1; i <= total_num; i++) res[node[i]] = make_pair(1e9, 0); priority_queue<pair<pair<int, int>, int>, vector<pair<pair<int, int>, int>>, greater<pair<pair<int, int>, int>>> pq; for (int i = 1; i <= numVirus; i++) { int id = virus[i].city; res[id] = make_pair(0, i); pq.push(make_pair(res[id], id)); } while (!pq.empty()) { auto now = pq.top(); pq.pop(); if (res[now.second] != now.first) continue; for (auto &u : newAdj[now.second]) { if (res[u] > make_pair(calc(dist(u, virus[now.first.second].city), virus[now.first.second].speed), now.first.second)) { res[u] = make_pair(calc(dist(u, virus[now.first.second].city), virus[now.first.second].speed), now.first.second); pq.push(make_pair(res[u], u)); } } } for (int i = 1; i <= numCity; i++) cout << res[import[i]].second << ; cout << n ; } int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); cin >> n; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { int u, v; cin >> u >> v; adj[u].push_back(v); adj[v].push_back(u); } dfs(1, 0); init_lca(); cin >> q; while (q--) { cin >> numVirus >> numCity; for (int i = 1; i <= numVirus; i++) cin >> virus[i].city >> virus[i].speed; for (int i = 1; i <= numCity; i++) cin >> import[i]; compress_tree(); solve(); } }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MAXN = 100010; int n, br; int p[MAXN], niz[MAXN], num[MAXN], bio[MAXN]; inline void ne() { printf( NO n ); exit(0); } void dfs1(int x) { if (bio[x]) return; bio[x] = br; num[br]++; dfs1(niz[x]); } void dfs2(int x) { if (bio[x]) return; bio[x] = 1; if (bio[niz[x]]) return; printf( %d %d n , x, niz[x]); dfs2(niz[x]); } void dfs3(int x, int y) { if (bio[x]) return; bio[x] = 1; printf( %d %d n , x, y); dfs3(niz[x], niz[y]); } int main() { scanf( %d , &n); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) scanf( %d , &p[i]); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) niz[p[i]] = p[p[i]]; br = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) if (!bio[i]) { dfs1(i); br++; } int poc = 0, val = MAXN, grupa = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) if (num[bio[i]] < val) { val = num[bio[i]]; poc = i; grupa = bio[i]; } if (num[grupa] > 2) ne(); for (int i = 1; i < br; i++) if (num[i] % num[grupa] != 0) ne(); printf( YES n ); memset(bio, 0, sizeof(bio)); dfs2(poc); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) if (!bio[i]) dfs3(i, poc); return 0; }
/** * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ `ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_MS__NAND4B_4_V `define SKY130_FD_SC_MS__NAND4B_4_V /** * nand4b: 4-input NAND, first input inverted. * * Verilog wrapper for nand4b with size of 4 units. * * WARNING: This file is autogenerated, do not modify directly! */ `timescale 1ns / 1ps `default_nettype none `include "sky130_fd_sc_ms__nand4b.v" `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS /*********************************************************/ `celldefine module sky130_fd_sc_ms__nand4b_4 ( Y , A_N , B , C , D , VPWR, VGND, VPB , VNB ); output Y ; input A_N ; input B ; input C ; input D ; input VPWR; input VGND; input VPB ; input VNB ; sky130_fd_sc_ms__nand4b base ( .Y(Y), .A_N(A_N), .B(B), .C(C), .D(D), .VPWR(VPWR), .VGND(VGND), .VPB(VPB), .VNB(VNB) ); endmodule `endcelldefine /*********************************************************/ `else // If not USE_POWER_PINS /*********************************************************/ `celldefine module sky130_fd_sc_ms__nand4b_4 ( Y , A_N, B , C , D ); output Y ; input A_N; input B ; input C ; input D ; // Voltage supply signals supply1 VPWR; supply0 VGND; supply1 VPB ; supply0 VNB ; sky130_fd_sc_ms__nand4b base ( .Y(Y), .A_N(A_N), .B(B), .C(C), .D(D) ); endmodule `endcelldefine /*********************************************************/ `endif // USE_POWER_PINS `default_nettype wire `endif // SKY130_FD_SC_MS__NAND4B_4_V
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int n, i, a, b, x, y, ans = 0; scanf( %d , &n); printf( YES n ); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { scanf( %d %d %d %d , &a, &b, &x, &y); x = min(a, x); y = min(y, b); ans = abs(x) % 2; ans = ans * 2 + (abs(y) % 2); printf( %d n , ans + 1); } }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int x = 0, y = 0; cin >> x >> y; int z = abs(x) + abs(y); if ((x > 0) && (y > 0)) cout << 0 << << z << << z << << 0; else if ((x < 0) && (y > 0)) cout << -z << << 0 << << 0 << << z; else if ((x > 0) && (y < 0)) cout << 0 << << -z << << z << << 0; else cout << -z << << 0 << << 0 << << -z; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #pragma GCC optimize(3) using namespace std; using ll = long long; namespace io { const int SIZE = (1 << 21) + 1; char ibuf[SIZE], *iS, *iT, obuf[SIZE], *oS = obuf, *oT = oS + SIZE - 1; char getc() { return (iS == iT ? (iT = (iS = ibuf) + fread(ibuf, 1, SIZE, stdin), (iS == iT ? EOF : *iS++)) : *iS++); } void flush() { fwrite(obuf, 1, oS - obuf, stdout); oS = obuf; } void putc(char x) { *oS++ = x; if (oS == oT) flush(); } template <class T> void read(T &x) { char ch; int f = 1; x = 0; while (isspace(ch = getc())) ; if (ch == - ) ch = getc(), f = -1; do x = x * 10 + (ch - 0 ); while (isdigit(ch = getc())); x *= f; } template <class T, class... A> void read(T &x, A &...args) { read(x); read(args...); } template <class T> void write(T x) { static char stk[128]; int top = 0; if (x == 0) { putc( 0 ); return; } if (x < 0) putc( - ), x = -x; while (x) stk[top++] = x % 10, x /= 10; while (top) putc(stk[--top] + 0 ); } template <class T, class... A> void write(T x, A... args) { write(x); putc( ); write(args...); } void space() { putc( ); } void endl() { putc( n ); } struct _f { ~_f() { flush(); } } __f; } // namespace io using io::endl; using io::flush; using io::getc; using io::putc; using io::read; using io::space; using io::write; const int B = 17; const int N = 100005; const ll INF = 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f; int phi[N], p[N], pc = 0; bool np[N]; void sieve(int n) { phi[1] = 1; for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) { if (!np[i]) p[++pc] = i, phi[i] = i - 1; for (int j = 1; j <= pc && i * p[j] <= n; ++j) { np[i * p[j]] = true; if (i % p[j] == 0) { phi[i * p[j]] = phi[i] * p[j]; break; } phi[i * p[j]] = phi[i] * (p[j] - 1); } } } struct node { ll mn[B], tag; } t[N * 4]; void up(int x) { for (int i = 0; i < B; ++i) t[x].mn[i] = min(t[x << 1].mn[i], t[x << 1 | 1].mn[i]) + t[x].tag; } void tag(int x, int val) { for (int i = 0; i < B; ++i) t[x].mn[i] += val; t[x].tag += val; } void modify(int x, int l, int r, int ql, int qr, int v) { if (ql <= l && r <= qr) { tag(x, v); return; } int mid = (l + r) >> 1; if (ql <= mid) modify(x << 1, l, mid, ql, qr, v); if (qr > mid) modify(x << 1 | 1, mid + 1, r, ql, qr, v); up(x); } void assign(int x, int l, int r, int p, const ll *v, int tag = 0) { if (l == r) { for (int i = 0; i < B; ++i) t[x].mn[i] = v[i] - tag; return; } int mid = (l + r) >> 1; tag += t[x].tag; p <= mid ? assign(x << 1, l, mid, p, v, tag) : assign(x << 1 | 1, mid + 1, r, p, v, tag); up(x); } void build(int x, int l, int r) { memset(t[x].mn, 0x3f, sizeof(t[x].mn)); if (l == 0) t[x].mn[0] = 0; t[x].tag = 0; if (l == r) return; int mid = (l + r) >> 1; build(x << 1, l, mid); build(x << 1 | 1, mid + 1, r); } ll dp[N][B]; vector<int> di[N]; void prework(int n) { sieve(n); for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) for (int j = i; j <= n; j += i) di[j].push_back(i); build(1, 0, n); for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { for (int d : di[i]) modify(1, 0, n, 0, d - 1, phi[i / d]); dp[i][0] = INF; for (int j = 0; j < B - 1; ++j) dp[i][j + 1] = t[1].mn[j]; assign(1, 0, n, i, dp[i]); } } int main() { int qc; read(qc); prework(100000); while (qc--) { int n, k; read(n, k); if (k >= B) write(n); else write(dp[n][k]); endl(); } return 0; }
// (C) 1992-2014 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. // Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other // software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output // files any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation // files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject // to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License Subscription // Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable // license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the // sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by // Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable // agreement for further details. module vfabric_lsu_pipelined_read(clock, resetn, i_addressin, i_addressin_valid, o_addressin_stall, i_controlin, i_controlin_valid, o_controlin_stall, avm_waitrequest, avm_address, avm_read, avm_readdata, avm_byteenable, avm_readdatavalid, avm_burstcount, o_dataout, o_dataout_valid, i_dataout_stall); parameter AWIDTH = 32; parameter WIDTH_BYTES = 4; parameter DATA_WIDTH = 32; parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 64; input clock, resetn; input [AWIDTH-1:0] i_addressin; input i_controlin; input i_addressin_valid, i_controlin_valid; output o_addressin_stall, o_controlin_stall; input avm_waitrequest; output [31:0] avm_address; output avm_read; input avm_readdatavalid; input [255:0] avm_readdata; output [31:0] avm_byteenable; output [5:0] avm_burstcount; output [31:0] o_dataout; input i_dataout_stall; output o_dataout_valid; wire [AWIDTH-1:0] addressin; wire controlin; wire fifo_a_valid_out; wire fifo_c_valid_out; wire are_fifos_valid; wire are_fifos_stalled; wire is_lsu_stalled; vfabric_buffered_fifo fifo_a ( .clock(clock), .resetn(resetn), .data_in(i_addressin), .data_out(addressin), .valid_in(i_addressin_valid), .valid_out( fifo_a_valid_out ), .stall_in(are_fifos_stalled), .stall_out(o_addressin_stall) ); defparam fifo_a.DATA_WIDTH = AWIDTH; defparam fifo_a.DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; vfabric_buffered_fifo fifo_c ( .clock(clock), .resetn(resetn), .data_in(i_controlin), .data_out(controlin), .valid_in(i_controlin_valid), .valid_out( fifo_c_valid_out ), .stall_in(are_fifos_stalled), .stall_out(o_controlin_stall) ); defparam fifo_c.DATA_WIDTH = 1; defparam fifo_c.DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; assign are_fifos_valid = fifo_a_valid_out & fifo_c_valid_out; assign are_fifos_stalled = ~(fifo_a_valid_out & fifo_c_valid_out & ~is_lsu_stalled); lsu_pipelined_read lsu0 (.clk(clock), .reset(~resetn), .i_address(addressin), .i_valid(are_fifos_valid), .o_stall(is_lsu_stalled), .o_readdata(o_dataout), .o_valid(o_dataout_valid), .i_stall(i_dataout_stall), .i_burstcount(), //unconnected because we're not using burst mode .avm_read(avm_read), .avm_readdata(avm_readdata), .avm_readdatavalid(avm_readdatavalid), .avm_byteenable(avm_byteenable), .avm_waitrequest(avm_waitrequest), .avm_address(avm_address), .avm_burstcount(avm_burstcount)); defparam lsu0.AWIDTH = AWIDTH; defparam lsu0.WIDTH_BYTES=WIDTH_BYTES; defparam lsu0.USEINPUTFIFO = 0; defparam lsu0.USEBURST = 0; endmodule module vfabric_lsu_pipelined_write(clock, resetn, i_addressin, i_addressin_valid, o_addressin_stall, i_datain, i_datain_valid, o_datain_stall, i_controlin, i_controlin_valid, o_controlin_stall, avm_waitrequest, avm_address, avm_write, avm_writeack, avm_writedata, avm_byteenable, o_dataout_valid, i_dataout_stall); parameter AWIDTH = 32; parameter WIDTH_BYTES = 4; parameter DATA_WIDTH = 32; parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 64; input clock, resetn; input [AWIDTH-1:0] i_addressin; input [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] i_datain; input i_controlin; input i_addressin_valid, i_datain_valid, i_controlin_valid; output o_addressin_stall, o_datain_stall, o_controlin_stall; input avm_waitrequest; output [31:0] avm_address; output avm_write; input avm_writeack; output [255:0] avm_writedata; output [31:0] avm_byteenable; input i_dataout_stall; output o_dataout_valid; wire [AWIDTH-1:0] addressin; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] datain; wire controlin; wire fifo_a_valid_out; wire fifo_b_valid_out; wire fifo_c_valid_out; wire are_fifos_valid; wire are_fifos_stalled; wire is_lsu_stalled; vfabric_buffered_fifo fifo_a ( .clock(clock), .resetn(resetn), .data_in(i_addressin), .data_out(addressin), .valid_in(i_addressin_valid), .valid_out( fifo_a_valid_out ), .stall_in(are_fifos_stalled), .stall_out(o_addressin_stall) ); defparam fifo_a.DATA_WIDTH = AWIDTH; defparam fifo_a.DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; vfabric_buffered_fifo fifo_b ( .clock(clock), .resetn(resetn), .data_in(i_datain), .data_out(datain), .valid_in(i_datain_valid), .valid_out( fifo_b_valid_out ), .stall_in(are_fifos_stalled), .stall_out(o_datain_stall) ); defparam fifo_b.DATA_WIDTH = DATA_WIDTH; defparam fifo_b.DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; vfabric_buffered_fifo fifo_c ( .clock(clock), .resetn(resetn), .data_in(i_controlin), .data_out(controlin), .valid_in(i_controlin_valid), .valid_out( fifo_c_valid_out ), .stall_in(are_fifos_stalled), .stall_out(o_controlin_stall) ); defparam fifo_c.DATA_WIDTH = 1; defparam fifo_c.DEPTH = FIFO_DEPTH; assign are_fifos_valid = fifo_a_valid_out & fifo_b_valid_out & fifo_c_valid_out; assign are_fifos_stalled = ~(fifo_a_valid_out & fifo_b_valid_out & fifo_c_valid_out & ~is_lsu_stalled); lsu_pipelined_write lsu0 (.clk(clock), .reset(~resetn), .i_address(addressin), .i_writedata(datain), .i_valid(are_fifos_valid), .o_stall(is_lsu_stalled), .o_valid(o_dataout_valid), .i_stall(i_dataout_stall), .avm_write(avm_write), .avm_writeack(avm_writeack), .avm_writedata(avm_writedata), .avm_byteenable(avm_byteenable), .avm_waitrequest(avm_waitrequest), .avm_address(avm_address)); defparam lsu0.AWIDTH = AWIDTH; defparam lsu0.WIDTH_BYTES=WIDTH_BYTES; defparam lsu0.USEINPUTFIFO = 0; endmodule
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MAX = 1e6 + 6; long long int arr[2000005], brr[2000005], crr[2000005]; int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); long long int n, k, ans; cin >> n >> k; vector<pair<int, int> > v; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) cin >> arr[i]; while (k--) { int mx = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) if (!mx || arr[i] > arr[mx]) mx = i; int mn = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) if (!mn || arr[i] < arr[mn]) mn = i; if (mx == mn) { ans = 0; break; } arr[mx]--; arr[mn]++; v.push_back({mx, mn}); } int mx = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) if (!mx || arr[i] > arr[mx]) mx = i; int mn = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) if (!mn || arr[i] < arr[mn]) mn = i; ans = arr[mx] - arr[mn]; cout << ans << << v.size() << endl; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) cout << v[i].first << << v[i].second << endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int a[505]; pair<int, int> query(set<int> s) { cout << ? ; for (auto e : s) { cout << e << ; } cout << endl; pair<int, int> res; cin >> res.first >> res.second; a[res.first] = res.second; return res; } int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); int n, k; cin >> n >> k; set<int> s; for (int i = 1; i <= k; i++) { s.insert(i); } int mn = 1e9 + 1; for (int i = k + 1; i <= n; i++) { pair<int, int> u = query(s); mn = min(mn, u.second); s.erase(u.first); s.insert(i); } pair<int, int> u = query(s); mn = min(mn, u.second); s.erase(u.first); int ans = 1; set<int> t; int sm = 1e9 + 1, bg = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (a[i] != 0) { t.insert(i); sm = min(sm, a[i]); bg = max(bg, a[i]); } if (t.size() == 2) break; } set<int> ss; for (auto e : s) ss.insert(e); for (auto e : t) ss.insert(e); for (auto e : s) { ss.erase(e); auto u = query(ss); if (u.second == bg) ans++; ss.insert(e); } cout << ! << ans << endl; return 0; }
//***************************************************************************** // (c) Copyright 2008 - 2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This file contains confidential and proprietary information // of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and // international copyright and other intellectual property // laws. // // DISCLAIMER // This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any // rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as // otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by // Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable // law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND // WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING // BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- // INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and // (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, // including negligence, or under any other theory of // liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature // related to, arising under or in connection with these // materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, // special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage // (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of // loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought // by a third party) even if such damage or loss was // reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the // possibility of the same. // // CRITICAL APPLICATIONS // Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- // safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe // performance, such as life-support or safety devices or // systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, // applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any // other applications that could lead to death, personal // injury, or severe property or environmental damage // (individually and collectively, "Critical // Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and // liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical // Applications, subject only to applicable laws and // regulations governing limitations on product liability. // // THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS // PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. // //***************************************************************************** // ____ ____ // / /\/ / // /___/ \ / Vendor : Xilinx // \ \ \/ Version : %version // \ \ Application : MIG // / / Filename : ecc_dec_fix.v // /___/ /\ Date Last Modified : $date$ // \ \ / \ Date Created : Tue Jun 30 2009 // \___\/\___\ // //Device : 7-Series //Design Name : DDR3 SDRAM //Purpose : //Reference : //Revision History : //***************************************************************************** `timescale 1ps/1ps module mig_7series_v1_8_ecc_dec_fix #( parameter TCQ = 100, parameter PAYLOAD_WIDTH = 64, parameter CODE_WIDTH = 72, parameter DATA_WIDTH = 64, parameter DQ_WIDTH = 72, parameter ECC_WIDTH = 8, parameter nCK_PER_CLK = 4 ) ( /*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs rd_data, ecc_single, ecc_multiple, // Inputs clk, rst, h_rows, phy_rddata, correct_en, ecc_status_valid ); input clk; input rst; // Compute syndromes. input [CODE_WIDTH*ECC_WIDTH-1:0] h_rows; input [2*nCK_PER_CLK*DQ_WIDTH-1:0] phy_rddata; wire [2*nCK_PER_CLK*ECC_WIDTH-1:0] syndrome_ns; genvar k; genvar m; generate for (k=0; k<2*nCK_PER_CLK; k=k+1) begin : ecc_word for (m=0; m<ECC_WIDTH; m=m+1) begin : ecc_bit assign syndrome_ns[k*ECC_WIDTH+m] = ^(phy_rddata[k*DQ_WIDTH+:CODE_WIDTH] & h_rows[m*CODE_WIDTH+:CODE_WIDTH]); end end endgenerate reg [2*nCK_PER_CLK*ECC_WIDTH-1:0] syndrome_r; always @(posedge clk) syndrome_r <= #TCQ syndrome_ns; // Extract payload bits from raw DRAM bits and register. wire [2*nCK_PER_CLK*PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] ecc_rddata_ns; genvar i; generate for (i=0; i<2*nCK_PER_CLK; i=i+1) begin : extract_payload assign ecc_rddata_ns[i*PAYLOAD_WIDTH+:PAYLOAD_WIDTH] = phy_rddata[i*DQ_WIDTH+:PAYLOAD_WIDTH]; end endgenerate reg [2*nCK_PER_CLK*PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] ecc_rddata_r; always @(posedge clk) ecc_rddata_r <= #TCQ ecc_rddata_ns; // Regenerate h_matrix from h_rows leaving out the identity part // since we're not going to correct the ECC bits themselves. genvar n; genvar p; wire [ECC_WIDTH-1:0] h_matrix [DATA_WIDTH-1:0]; generate for (n=0; n<DATA_WIDTH; n=n+1) begin : h_col for (p=0; p<ECC_WIDTH; p=p+1) begin : h_bit assign h_matrix [n][p] = h_rows [p*CODE_WIDTH+n]; end end endgenerate // Compute flip bits. wire [2*nCK_PER_CLK*DATA_WIDTH-1:0] flip_bits; genvar q; genvar r; generate for (q=0; q<2*nCK_PER_CLK; q=q+1) begin : flip_word for (r=0; r<DATA_WIDTH; r=r+1) begin : flip_bit assign flip_bits[q*DATA_WIDTH+r] = h_matrix[r] == syndrome_r[q*ECC_WIDTH+:ECC_WIDTH]; end end endgenerate // Correct data. output reg [2*nCK_PER_CLK*PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] rd_data; input correct_en; integer s; always @(/*AS*/correct_en or ecc_rddata_r or flip_bits) for (s=0; s<2*nCK_PER_CLK; s=s+1) if (correct_en) rd_data[s*PAYLOAD_WIDTH+:DATA_WIDTH] = ecc_rddata_r[s*PAYLOAD_WIDTH+:DATA_WIDTH] ^ flip_bits[s*DATA_WIDTH+:DATA_WIDTH]; else rd_data[s*PAYLOAD_WIDTH+:DATA_WIDTH] = ecc_rddata_r[s*PAYLOAD_WIDTH+:DATA_WIDTH]; // Copy raw payload bits if ECC_TEST is ON. localparam RAW_BIT_WIDTH = PAYLOAD_WIDTH - DATA_WIDTH; genvar t; generate if (RAW_BIT_WIDTH > 0) for (t=0; t<2*nCK_PER_CLK; t=t+1) begin : copy_raw_bits always @(/*AS*/ecc_rddata_r) rd_data[(t+1)*PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1-:RAW_BIT_WIDTH] = ecc_rddata_r[(t+1)*PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1-:RAW_BIT_WIDTH]; end endgenerate // Generate status information. input ecc_status_valid; output wire [2*nCK_PER_CLK-1:0] ecc_single; output wire [2*nCK_PER_CLK-1:0] ecc_multiple; genvar v; generate for (v=0; v<2*nCK_PER_CLK; v=v+1) begin : compute_status wire zero = ~|syndrome_r[v*ECC_WIDTH+:ECC_WIDTH]; wire odd = ^syndrome_r[v*ECC_WIDTH+:ECC_WIDTH]; assign ecc_single[v] = ecc_status_valid && ~zero && odd; assign ecc_multiple[v] = ecc_status_valid && ~zero && ~odd; end endgenerate endmodule
// // Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // module packet32_tb(); wire [35:0] data; wire src_rdy, dst_rdy; wire clear = 0; reg clk = 0; reg reset = 1; always #10 clk <= ~clk; initial #1000 reset <= 0; initial $dumpfile("packet32_tb.vcd"); initial $dumpvars(0,packet32_tb); wire [31:0] total, crc_err, seq_err, len_err; packet_generator32 pkt_gen (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear), .data_o(data), .src_rdy_o(src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(dst_rdy)); packet_verifier32 pkt_ver (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear), .data_i(data), .src_rdy_i(src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(dst_rdy), .total(total), .crc_err(crc_err), .seq_err(seq_err), .len_err(len_err)); endmodule // packet32_tb
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use, // without warranty, 2003 by Wilson Snyder. // // This is a copy of t_param.v with the parentheses around the module parameters // removed. module t (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk ); parameter PAR = 3; m1 #PAR m1(); m3 #PAR m3(); mnooverride #10 mno(); input clk; integer cyc=1; reg [4:0] bitsel; always @ (posedge clk) begin cyc <= cyc + 1; if (cyc==0) begin bitsel = 0; if (PAR[bitsel]!==1'b1) $stop; bitsel = 1; if (PAR[bitsel]!==1'b1) $stop; bitsel = 2; if (PAR[bitsel]!==1'b0) $stop; end if (cyc==1) begin $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end end endmodule module m1; localparam PAR1MINUS1 = PAR1DUP-2-1; localparam PAR1DUP = PAR1+2; // Check we propagate parameters properly parameter PAR1 = 0; m2 #PAR1MINUS1 m2 (); endmodule module m2; parameter PAR2 = 10; initial begin $display("%x",PAR2); if (PAR2 !== 2) $stop; end endmodule module m3; localparam LOC = 13; parameter PAR = 10; initial begin $display("%x %x",LOC,PAR); if (LOC !== 13) $stop; if (PAR !== 3) $stop; end endmodule module mnooverride; localparam LOC = 13; parameter PAR = 10; initial begin $display("%x %x",LOC,PAR); if (LOC !== 13) $stop; if (PAR !== 10) $stop; end endmodule
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; char a; int s, kh; int main() { while (cin >> a) { if (a == ( ) s++; else if (s > 0) { kh += 2; s--; } } cout << kh; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int M = 50 * 1000 * 1000, LG = 40; int get(long long x, int y) { return (x >> y) & 1; } int main() { int n, p; cin >> n >> p; for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { long long x = (long long)n - 1ll * p * i; if (x >= i && __builtin_popcount(x) <= i) { cout << i << endl; return 0; } } cout << -1 << endl; return 0; }
//================================================= // // Hsiang-Yi Chung // March 2016 // // This Module is for estimating the // magnitude of complex numbers. // // Formula for estimating magnitude: // mag = max(|I|,|Q|) + 1/4*min(|I|,|Q|) - 1/16*max(|I|,|Q|) // //================================================= //mag1 = magnitude(Y0 + Y1 * i) //mag2 = magnitude(Y2 + Y3 * i) module magnitude(Y0, Y1, Y2, Y3, mag1, mag2); input [11:0] Y0, Y1, Y2, Y3; output [11:0] mag1, mag2; wire [11:0] max1, max2, min1, min2; wire [11:0] Z0, Z1, Z2, Z3; toPositive p1 (.in(Y0), .out(Z0)); toPositive p2 (.in(Y1), .out(Z1)); toPositive p3 (.in(Y2), .out(Z2)); toPositive p4 (.in(Y3), .out(Z3)); max m1 (.imagPart(Z1), .realPart(Z0), .maximun(max1)); max m2 (.imagPart(Z3), .realPart(Z2), .maximun(max2)); min m3 (.imagPart(Z1), .realPart(Z0), .minimum(min1)); min m4 (.imagPart(Z3), .realPart(Z2), .minimum(min2)); assign mag1 = max1 + (min1 >> 2) - (max1 >> 4); assign mag2 = max2 + (min2 >> 2) - (max2 >> 4); endmodule module toPositive( input [11:0] in, output reg [11:0] out); always @ * begin if(in[11] == 1'b1) out = ~in + 12'b1; else out = in; end endmodule module max( input [11:0] imagPart, input [11:0] realPart, output reg [11:0] maximun); always @ * begin if(imagPart > realPart) maximun = imagPart; else maximun = realPart; end endmodule module min( input [11:0] imagPart, input [11:0] realPart, output reg [11:0] minimum); always @ * begin if(imagPart > realPart) minimum = realPart; else minimum = imagPart; end endmodule
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct p { int x; int i; } a[200123]; int cmp(p a, p b) { if (a.x != b.x) return a.x < b.x; else return a.i < b.i; } int main() { int n; int i, j; scanf( %d , &n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf( %d , &a[i].x); a[i].i = i; } sort(a, a + n, cmp); int mi = 0; long long y = 0; i = 1; while (i < n && a[i].x == a[0].x) { if (a[i].i - a[i - 1].i - 1 > mi) mi = a[i].i - a[i - 1].i - 1; i++; } if (a[0].i + n - a[i - 1].i - 1 > mi) mi = a[0].i + n - a[i - 1].i - 1; y = (long long)a[0].x * n + mi; printf( %lld n , y); return 0; }
// file: dacclk_mmcm.v // // (c) Copyright 2008 - 2011 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This file contains confidential and proprietary information // of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and // international copyright and other intellectual property // laws. // // DISCLAIMER // This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any // rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as // otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by // Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable // law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND // WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING // BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- // INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and // (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, // including negligence, or under any other theory of // liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature // related to, arising under or in connection with these // materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, // special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage // (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of // loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought // by a third party) even if such damage or loss was // reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the // possibility of the same. // // CRITICAL APPLICATIONS // Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- // safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe // performance, such as life-support or safety devices or // systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, // applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any // other applications that could lead to death, personal // injury, or severe property or environmental damage // (individually and collectively, "Critical // Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and // liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical // Applications, subject only to applicable laws and // regulations governing limitations on product liability. // // THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS // PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // User entered comments //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // None // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "Output Output Phase Duty Pk-to-Pk Phase" // "Clock Freq (MHz) (degrees) Cycle (%) Jitter (ps) Error (ps)" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLK_OUT1___128.008______0.000______50.0______116.987_____95.328 // CLK_OUT2___128.008_____90.000______50.0______116.987_____95.328 // CLK_OUT3___128.008____180.000______50.0______116.987_____95.328 // CLK_OUT4___128.008____270.000______50.0______116.987_____95.328 // CLK_OUT5___256.017______0.000______50.0______102.681_____95.328 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "Input Clock Freq (MHz) Input Jitter (UI)" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // __primary_________128.000____________0.010 `timescale 1ps/1ps (* CORE_GENERATION_INFO = "dacclk_mmcm,clk_wiz_v3_6,{component_name=dacclk_mmcm,use_phase_alignment=false,use_min_o_jitter=false,use_max_i_jitter=false,use_dyn_phase_shift=false,use_inclk_switchover=false,use_dyn_reconfig=false,feedback_source=FDBK_ONCHIP,primtype_sel=MMCM_ADV,num_out_clk=5,clkin1_period=7.812,clkin2_period=10.000,use_power_down=false,use_reset=false,use_locked=true,use_inclk_stopped=false,use_status=false,use_freeze=false,use_clk_valid=false,feedback_type=SINGLE,clock_mgr_type=MANUAL,manual_override=false}" *) module dacclk_mmcm (// Clock in ports input CLK_IN1, // Clock out ports output CLK_OUT1, output CLK_OUT2, output CLK_OUT3, output CLK_OUT4, output CLK_OUT5, // Status and control signals output LOCKED ); // Input buffering //------------------------------------ IBUFG clkin1_buf (.O (clkin1), .I (CLK_IN1)); // Clocking primitive //------------------------------------ // Instantiation of the MMCM primitive // * Unused inputs are tied off // * Unused outputs are labeled unused wire [15:0] do_unused; wire drdy_unused; wire psdone_unused; wire clkfbout; wire clkfboutb_unused; wire clkout0b_unused; wire clkout1b_unused; wire clkout2b_unused; wire clkout3b_unused; wire clkout5_unused; wire clkout6_unused; wire clkfbstopped_unused; wire clkinstopped_unused; MMCM_ADV #(.BANDWIDTH ("OPTIMIZED"), .CLKOUT4_CASCADE ("FALSE"), .CLOCK_HOLD ("FALSE"), .COMPENSATION ("ZHOLD"), .STARTUP_WAIT ("FALSE"), .DIVCLK_DIVIDE (1), .CLKFBOUT_MULT_F (8.000), .CLKFBOUT_PHASE (0.000), .CLKFBOUT_USE_FINE_PS ("FALSE"), .CLKOUT0_DIVIDE_F (8.000), .CLKOUT0_PHASE (0.000), .CLKOUT0_DUTY_CYCLE (0.500), .CLKOUT0_USE_FINE_PS ("FALSE"), .CLKOUT1_DIVIDE (8), .CLKOUT1_PHASE (90.000), .CLKOUT1_DUTY_CYCLE (0.500), .CLKOUT1_USE_FINE_PS ("FALSE"), .CLKOUT2_DIVIDE (8), .CLKOUT2_PHASE (180.000), .CLKOUT2_DUTY_CYCLE (0.500), .CLKOUT2_USE_FINE_PS ("FALSE"), .CLKOUT3_DIVIDE (8), .CLKOUT3_PHASE (270.000), .CLKOUT3_DUTY_CYCLE (0.500), .CLKOUT3_USE_FINE_PS ("FALSE"), .CLKOUT4_DIVIDE (4), .CLKOUT4_PHASE (0.000), .CLKOUT4_DUTY_CYCLE (0.500), .CLKOUT4_USE_FINE_PS ("FALSE"), .CLKIN1_PERIOD (7.812), .REF_JITTER1 (0.010)) mmcm_adv_inst // Output clocks (.CLKFBOUT (clkfbout), .CLKFBOUTB (clkfboutb_unused), .CLKOUT0 (clkout0), .CLKOUT0B (clkout0b_unused), .CLKOUT1 (clkout1), .CLKOUT1B (clkout1b_unused), .CLKOUT2 (clkout2), .CLKOUT2B (clkout2b_unused), .CLKOUT3 (clkout3), .CLKOUT3B (clkout3b_unused), .CLKOUT4 (clkout4), .CLKOUT5 (clkout5_unused), .CLKOUT6 (clkout6_unused), // Input clock control .CLKFBIN (clkfbout), .CLKIN1 (clkin1), .CLKIN2 (1'b0), // Tied to always select the primary input clock .CLKINSEL (1'b1), // Ports for dynamic reconfiguration .DADDR (7'h0), .DCLK (1'b0), .DEN (1'b0), .DI (16'h0), .DO (do_unused), .DRDY (drdy_unused), .DWE (1'b0), // Ports for dynamic phase shift .PSCLK (1'b0), .PSEN (1'b0), .PSINCDEC (1'b0), .PSDONE (psdone_unused), // Other control and status signals .LOCKED (LOCKED), .CLKINSTOPPED (clkinstopped_unused), .CLKFBSTOPPED (clkfbstopped_unused), .PWRDWN (1'b0), .RST (1'b0)); // Output buffering //----------------------------------- assign CLK_OUT1 = clkout0; assign CLK_OUT2 = clkout1; assign CLK_OUT3 = clkout2; assign CLK_OUT4 = clkout3; assign CLK_OUT5 = clkout4; endmodule
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; void upd(long long &x, long long y) { x += y; } struct node { int nxt; long long sta, v[10]; node() { nxt = 0; memset(v, 0, sizeof(v)); } }; struct state { vector<node> nodes; int head[100007]; state() { memset(head, -1, sizeof(head)); } size_t size() const { return nodes.size(); } void sum() { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) for (int j = 1; j <= 9; j++) upd(nodes[i].v[j], nodes[i].v[j - 1]); } void update(int at, long long key, long long v) { int tmp = key % 100007; for (int i = head[tmp]; i != -1; i = nodes[i].nxt) if (nodes[i].sta == key) { upd(nodes[i].v[at], v); return; } node now; now.nxt = head[tmp]; head[tmp] = nodes.size(); now.v[at] = v; now.sta = key; nodes.push_back(now); } long long find(int at, long long key) { int tmp = key % 100007; for (int i = head[tmp]; i != -1; i = nodes[i].nxt) if (nodes[i].sta == key) return nodes[i].v[at]; return 0; } } f[11][20]; long long c[2][20], bit[15]; bitset<200> vis[15], pre[200], tmp; struct big { int a[35], len; void read() { memset(a, 0, sizeof(a)); len = 0; char ch = getchar(); for (; ch < 0 || ch > 9 ; ch = getchar()) ; for (; ch >= 0 && ch <= 9 ; ch = getchar()) a[len++] = ch - 48; } long long mod() { long long ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) ans = (10ll * ans + a[i]) % 1000000000000000007ll; return ans; } void plus() { a[len - 1]++; for (int i = len - 1; i >= 1; i--) a[i - 1] += a[i] / 10, a[i] %= 10; if (a[0] > 9) { a[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= len; i++) a[i] = 0; len++; } } } L, R; int sum[40], times = 0; void dfs(int dep, int cnt, int sum, long long msk) { int mx = sum + (18 - cnt) * 9; tmp = pre[mx >> 1]; if (sum >> 1) tmp ^= pre[(sum >> 1) - 1]; if ((vis[dep - 1] & tmp) == tmp) return; if (dep == 10) { for (int i = sum >> 1; i >= 0; i--) if (vis[dep - 1][i]) { int dif = sum - i - i; if (dif > 1) { ::sum[cnt]++; f[dif][0].update(0, msk, 1); } break; } return; } vis[dep] = vis[dep - 1]; dfs(dep + 1, cnt, sum, msk); for (; cnt < 18;) { vis[dep] |= vis[dep] << dep; dfs(dep + 1, ++cnt, sum += dep, msk += bit[dep]); } } long long solve(int dif, big lim) { long long ans = 0, msk = 0; int len = lim.len; state *F = f[dif]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) if (len - i > 18) { for (int j = 0; j < lim.a[i]; j++) ans += F[len - i - 1].find(9, msk); } else if (lim.a[i]) { ans += F[len - i].find(lim.a[i] - 1, msk); msk += bit[lim.a[i]]; } return ans; } long long solve2(big lim) { int len = lim.len; long long ans = 0; int part = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int odd = lim.a[i] >> 1, even = lim.a[i] - odd; ans += c[part][len - 1 - i] * odd + c[part ^ 1][len - 1 - i] * even; part ^= lim.a[i] & 1; } return ans; } inline long long read() { long long x = 0; char ch = getchar(); for (; ch < 0 || ch > 9 ; ch = getchar()) ; for (; ch >= 0 && ch <= 9 ; ch = getchar()) x = x * 10 - 48 + ch; return x; } int main() { pre[0][0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= 190; i++) pre[i] = pre[i - 1], pre[i][i] = 1; c[0][0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= 18; i++) c[0][i] = c[1][i] = 5ll * (c[0][i - 1] + c[1][i - 1]) % 1000000000000000007ll; bit[1] = 1; for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) bit[i] = bit[i - 1] << 5; vis[0].set(0); dfs(1, 0, 0, 0); for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) { f[i][0].sum(); for (int j = 0; j < 18; j++) { state &cur = f[i][j], &nxt = f[i][j + 1]; for (int id = 0, sz = cur.size(); id < sz; id++) { int cnt = j; long long way = cur.nodes[id].v[9]; long long msk = cur.nodes[id].sta, tmp = msk; for (int k = 1; k < 10; k++, tmp >>= 5) { int rem = tmp & 31; if (!rem) continue; cnt += rem; nxt.update(k, msk - bit[k], way); } if (cnt < 18) nxt.update(0, msk, way); } nxt.sum(); } } int Q = read(); while (Q--) { L.read(); R.read(); R.plus(); int k = read(); long long ans = R.mod() - L.mod(); if (!k) { ans -= solve2(R) - solve2(L); for (int i = 2; i < 10; i += 2) ans -= solve(i, R) - solve(i, L); } else for (int i = k + 1; i < 10; i++) ans -= solve(i, R) - solve(i, L); printf( %lld n , (ans % 1000000000000000007ll + 1000000000000000007ll) % 1000000000000000007ll); } return 0; }
/// date:2016/3/3 /// engineer:ZhaiShaoMin /// module name:upload_fsm_datapath /// module function:combine fsm of upload and datapath of upload module upload_fsm_datapath(//input clk, rst, v_flits_in, out_req_fifo_rdy_in, en_inv_ids, inv_ids_in, flits_max_in, head_flit, addrhi, addrlo, // datahi1, // datalo1, // datahi2, // datalo2, // datahi3, // datalo3, // datahi4, // datalo4, //output ctrl_out, flit_out, fsm_state, v_flit_to_req_fifo ); // input input clk; input rst; input v_flits_in; input out_req_fifo_rdy_in; input en_inv_ids; input [3:0] inv_ids_in; input [3:0] flits_max_in; input [15:0] head_flit; input [15:0] addrhi; input [15:0] addrlo; /*input [15:0] datahi1; //input [15:0] datalo1; input [15:0] datahi2; input [15:0] datalo2; input [15:0] datahi3; input [15:0] datalo3; input [15:0] datahi4; input [15:0] datalo4; */ //output output [1:0] ctrl_out; output [15:0] flit_out; output [1:0] fsm_state; output v_flit_to_req_fifo; //nets of upload_datapath output wire [3:0] inv_ids_reg_net; wire [1:0] sel_cnt_invs_net; wire [15:0] flit_out_net; wire cnt_eq_max_net; wire cnt_invs_eq_3_net; wire cnt_eq_0_net; //net of fsm_upload_flit output wire dest_sel_net; wire clr_max_net; wire clr_inv_ids_net; wire clr_sel_cnt_inv_net; wire clr_sel_cnt_net; wire inc_sel_cnt_net; wire inc_sel_cnt_invs_net; wire en_flit_max_in_net; wire en_inv_ids_net; FSM_upload_flit req_fsm_dut (// input .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .en_for_reg(v_flits_in), .out_req_fifo_rdy(out_req_fifo_rdy_in), .cnt_invs_eq_3(cnt_invs_eq_3_net), .cnt_eq_max(cnt_eq_max_net), .head_flit(head_flit), .inv_ids_reg(inv_ids_reg_net), .sel_cnt_invs(sel_cnt_invs_net), .sel_cnt_eq_0(cnt_eq_0_net), // output .en_inv_ids(en_inv_ids_net), .en_flit_max_in(en_flit_max_in_net), .inc_sel_cnt_invs(inc_sel_cnt_invs_net), .inc_sel_cnt(inc_sel_cnt_net), .ctrl(ctrl_out), .clr_max(clr_max_net), .clr_inv_ids(clr_inv_ids_net), .clr_sel_cnt_inv(clr_sel_cnt_inv_net), .clr_sel_cnt(clr_sel_cnt_net), .dest_sel(dest_sel_net), .fsm_state_out(fsm_state), .en_flit_out(v_flit_to_req_fifo) ); upload_datapath req_datapath_dut(// input .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .clr_max(clr_max_net), .clr_inv_ids(clr_inv_ids_net), .clr_sel_cnt_inv(clr_sel_cnt_inv_net), .clr_sel_cnt(clr_sel_cnt_net), .inc_sel_cnt(inc_sel_cnt_net), .inc_sel_cnt_inv(inc_sel_cnt_invs_net), .en_flit_max_in(en_flit_max_in_net), .en_for_reg(v_flits_in), .en_inv_ids(en_inv_ids_net), .inv_ids_in(inv_ids_in), .dest_sel(dest_sel_net), .flit_max_in(flits_max_in), .head_flit(head_flit), .addrhi(addrhi), .addrlo(addrlo), /* .datahi1(datahi1), .datalo1(datalo1), .datahi2(datahi2), .datalo2(datalo2), .datahi3(datahi3), .datalo3(datalo3), .datahi4(datahi4), .datalo4(datalo4), */ //output .flit_out(flit_out_net), .cnt_eq_max(cnt_eq_max_net), .cnt_invs_eq_3(cnt_invs_eq_3_net), .cnt_eq_0(cnt_eq_0_net), .inv_ids_reg_out(inv_ids_reg_net), .sel_cnt_invs_out(sel_cnt_invs_net) ); endmodule
/** * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ `ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_LP__O32A_M_V `define SKY130_FD_SC_LP__O32A_M_V /** * o32a: 3-input OR and 2-input OR into 2-input AND. * * X = ((A1 | A2 | A3) & (B1 | B2)) * * Verilog wrapper for o32a with size minimum. * * WARNING: This file is autogenerated, do not modify directly! */ `timescale 1ns / 1ps `default_nettype none `include "sky130_fd_sc_lp__o32a.v" `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS /*********************************************************/ `celldefine module sky130_fd_sc_lp__o32a_m ( X , A1 , A2 , A3 , B1 , B2 , VPWR, VGND, VPB , VNB ); output X ; input A1 ; input A2 ; input A3 ; input B1 ; input B2 ; input VPWR; input VGND; input VPB ; input VNB ; sky130_fd_sc_lp__o32a base ( .X(X), .A1(A1), .A2(A2), .A3(A3), .B1(B1), .B2(B2), .VPWR(VPWR), .VGND(VGND), .VPB(VPB), .VNB(VNB) ); endmodule `endcelldefine /*********************************************************/ `else // If not USE_POWER_PINS /*********************************************************/ `celldefine module sky130_fd_sc_lp__o32a_m ( X , A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 ); output X ; input A1; input A2; input A3; input B1; input B2; // Voltage supply signals supply1 VPWR; supply0 VGND; supply1 VPB ; supply0 VNB ; sky130_fd_sc_lp__o32a base ( .X(X), .A1(A1), .A2(A2), .A3(A3), .B1(B1), .B2(B2) ); endmodule `endcelldefine /*********************************************************/ `endif // USE_POWER_PINS `default_nettype wire `endif // SKY130_FD_SC_LP__O32A_M_V
`timescale 1ns / 1ps ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Company: // Engineer: // // Create Date: 11:05:40 09/06/2015 // Design Name: // Module Name: Deco_Round_Mult // Project Name: // Target Devices: // Tool versions: // Description: // // Dependencies: // // Revision: // Revision 0.01 - File Created // Additional Comments: // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module Deco_Round_Mult( input wire [1:0] round_mode, input wire or_info, //23 less significant bits from the product of significands input wire xor_info, //Brings information about the sign of the operation output reg ctrl //control signal mux --- control of the rounded significand ); wire round_ok; always @* case ({xor_info,or_info,round_mode}) // Round to infinity - (Round down) //1'b0: Let pass the significand without rounding //1'b1: Let pass the rounded significand //Round towards - infinity //0: positive number ; 01: Round towards - inifnity ; XX rounding bits //Positive Number //xor, or, round 4'b0101: ctrl <= 1'b0; //Negative Number 4'b1101: ctrl <= 1'b1; //Round towards + infinity //Positive Number 4'b0110: ctrl <= 1'b1; //Negative Number 4'b1110: ctrl <= 1'b0; default: ctrl <= 1'b0; //Truncation endcase endmodule
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MAXN = 200005, INF = 1 << 31; struct A { int x, w; } a[MAXN]; int b[MAXN], c[MAXN], n, d[MAXN], f[MAXN]; bool cmp(const A &x, const A &y) { return x.x < y.x; } int main() { scanf( %d , &n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) scanf( %d%d , &a[i].x, &a[i].w); sort(a, a + n, cmp); memset(f, 0, sizeof f); memset(d, 0x7f, sizeof d); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { b[i] = a[i].x - a[i].w; c[i] = a[i].x + a[i].w; } int ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int t = upper_bound(d + 1, d + ans + 1, b[i]) - d - 1; d[t + 1] = min(c[i], d[t + 1]); if (ans == t) ans = t + 1; } printf( %d n , ans); return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int N, ans[(int)20 + 7][(int)20 + 7], a[500]; set<pair<int, int> > st; map<int, int> mp; int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin >> N; for (int i = 0; i < N * N; i++) { cin >> a[i]; mp[a[i]]++; } int idx = -1; map<int, int>::iterator itt = mp.begin(); while (itt != mp.end()) { st.insert({itt->second, itt->first}); itt++; } memset(ans, -1, sizeof ans); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { if (ans[i][j] != -1) continue; if (!st.size()) return cout << NO , 0; if (N % 2 && i == N / 2 || j == N / 2) { continue; } set<pair<int, int> >::iterator it = st.lower_bound({4, -1}); ; int c = (*it).first, n = (*it).second; if (it == st.end()) return cout << NO , 0; st.erase(it); c -= 4; if (c < 0) return cout << NO , 0; ans[i][j] = n; ans[i][N - j - 1] = n; ans[N - i - 1][j] = n; ans[N - i - 1][N - j - 1] = n; if (c) st.insert({c, n}); } } for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { if (ans[i][j] != -1) continue; if (N % 2 && i == N / 2 && j == N / 2) continue; if (N % 2 && i == N / 2) { set<pair<int, int> >::iterator it = st.lower_bound({2, -1}); if (it == st.end()) return cout << NO , 0; st.erase(it); int c = (*it).first, n = (*it).second; c -= 2; if (c < 0) return cout << NO , 0; ans[i][j] = n; ans[i][N - j - 1] = n; if (c) st.insert({c, n}); } else if (N % 2 && j == N / 2) { set<pair<int, int> >::iterator it = st.lower_bound({2, -1}); ; if (it == st.end()) return cout << NO , 0; st.erase(it); int c = (*it).first, n = (*it).second; c -= 2; if (c < 0) return cout << NO , 0; ans[i][j] = n; ans[N - i - 1][j] = n; if (c) st.insert({c, n}); } } } if (N % 2) { ans[N / 2][N / 2] = (*st.begin()).second; } cout << YES << endl; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++, cout << endl) for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) cout << ans[i][j] << ; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; vector<long long> erat; long long gcd(long long a, long long b) { if (b == 0) return a; return gcd(b, a % b); } long long nd(long long a) { map<long long, long long> m; while (a != 1) { ++m[erat[a]]; a /= erat[a]; } long long count = 1; for (auto e : m) count *= e.second + 1; return count; } int main() { vector<vector<vector<bool> > > count( 8, vector<vector<bool> >(8, vector<bool>(8, true))); count[1][7][6] = false; count[3][7][6] = false; count[5][3][6] = false; count[5][3][7] = false; count[5][7][6] = false; count[7][2][5] = false; count[7][3][4] = false; count[7][3][5] = false; count[7][3][6] = false; count[7][3][7] = false; count[7][6][5] = false; count[7][7][5] = false; count[7][7][6] = false; ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); erat = vector<long long>(1e5 + 1, 1); erat[0] = erat[1] = 1; for (long long i = 2; i <= 1e5; ++i) { if (erat[i] == 1) { erat[i] = i; for (long long j = i * i; j <= 1e5; j += i) { if (erat[j] == 1) erat[j] = i; } } } long long t; cin >> t; while (t--) { long long a, b, c; cin >> a >> b >> c; long long d = gcd(a, b); long long e = gcd(a, c); long long f = gcd(b, c); long long g = gcd(d, c); a = nd(a); b = nd(b); c = nd(c); d = nd(d); e = nd(e); f = nd(f); g = nd(g); d -= g, e -= g, f -= g; a -= d + e + g, b -= d + f + g, c -= e + f + g; vector<long long> v(8); v[1] = a, v[2] = b, v[3] = d, v[4] = c, v[5] = e, v[6] = f, v[7] = g; long long total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { int l = 2 * i + 1; int m = 2 + j; if (j >= 2) m += 2; int p = 4 + k; if (count[l][m][p]) { if (l == m) { if (m == p) total += v[l] * (v[m] + 1) * (v[p] + 2) / 6; else total += v[l] * (v[m] + 1) * v[p] / 2; } else if (l == p or m == p) total += v[l] * v[m] * (v[p] + 1) / 2; else total += v[l] * v[m] * v[p]; } } } } cout << total << endl; } }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); int t; cin >> t; while (t--) { int n; cin >> n; string s; cin >> s; int cnt = 0; reverse(s.begin(), s.end()); cnt += (s[0] - 0 ); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { if (s[i] != 0 ) cnt = cnt + 1 + (s[i] - 0 ); } cout << cnt << n ; } }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define endl n #define ll long long #define fr(i,s,e) for(ll i=s;i<=e;i++) #define rfr(i,s,e) for(ll i=s;i>=e;i--) #define f(x,m) for(auto x : m) #define ff first #define ss second #define pb push_back #define pp pop_back #define pf push_front #define ppf pop_front #define m_p make_pair #define mod 1000000007 #define TIME cerr<< Time Taken: <<(float)clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC*1000<< ms <<endl const ll INF = (1LL << 60) - 1; int main() { #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen( ../input-output/input.txt , r , stdin); freopen( ../input-output/output.txt , w , stdout); #endif ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); int t; cin>>t; while(t--){ ll r,b,d; cin>>r>>b>>d; int noPackets=min(r,b); r=max(r,b)-min(r,b); // cout<<r<< ; if(noPackets==0){ cout<< NO n ; continue; } ll maxdiff=r/noPackets; if(r%noPackets) maxdiff++; // cout<<maxdiff<<endl; if(maxdiff<=d) cout<< YES n ; else cout<< NO n ; } TIME; return 0; }
`define CYCLE_TIME 50 `include "StateTable.v" module Cache_TestBench; integer i, outfile, outfile2, counter; parameter flush_cycle = 300; reg clk, rst, start; reg flag; reg [26:0] address; reg [23:0] tag; reg [4:0] index; wire [256-1:0] mem_cpu_data; wire mem_cpu_ack; wire [256-1:0] cpu_mem_data; wire [32-1:0] cpu_mem_addr; wire cpu_mem_enable; wire cpu_mem_write; always #(`CYCLE_TIME/2) clk = ~clk; CPU CPU( .clk (clk), .rst (rst), .start (start), // Interface to external memory. .ext_mem_addr (cpu_mem_addr), .ext_mem_data_i (mem_cpu_data), .ext_mem_cs (cpu_mem_enable), .ext_mem_we (cpu_mem_write), .ext_mem_data_o (cpu_mem_data), .ext_mem_ack (mem_cpu_ack) ); Data_Memory Data_Memory ( .clk_i (clk), .rst_i (rst), .addr_i (cpu_mem_addr), .data_i (cpu_mem_data), .enable_i (cpu_mem_enable), .write_i (cpu_mem_write), .ack_o (mem_cpu_ack), .data_o (mem_cpu_data) ); /* // External memory, 16KB. DRAM #(.data_width(256), .mem_size(2048), .delay(10)) Data_Memory ( .clk (clk), // Interface to the CPU. .addr_i (cpu_mem_addr), .data_i (cpu_mem_data), .cs (cpu_mem_enable), .we (cpu_mem_write), .ack (mem_cpu_ack), .data_o (mem_cpu_data) ); */ initial begin counter = 1; // initialize data memory (16KB) for(i=0; i<512; i=i+1) begin Data_Memory.memory[i] = 256'b0; end // initialize cache memory (1KB) for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1) begin CPU.L1Cache.dcache_tag_sram.memory[i] = 24'b0; CPU.L1Cache.dcache_data_sram.memory[i] = 256'b0; end // Load instructions into instruction memory $readmemb(".\\dat\\cache_instruction.txt", CPU.InstrMem.memory); // Open output file outfile = $fopen(".\\dat\\output.txt") | 1; outfile2 = $fopen(".\\dat\\cache.txt") | 1; // Set Input n into data memory at 0x00 Data_Memory.memory[0] = 256'h5; // n = 5 for example /* clk = 0; rst = 1; start = 0; #(`CYCLE_TIME/8) rst = 0; #(`CYCLE_TIME/8) start = 1; #(`CYCLE_TIME/8) rst = 1; */ clk = 0; rst = 0; start = 0; #(`CYCLE_TIME/4) rst = 1; start = 1; end always @ (posedge clk) begin // Store cache to memory. if(counter > flush_cycle) $stop; else if(counter == flush_cycle) begin $fdisplay(outfile, "Flush Cache! \n"); for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1) begin tag = CPU.L1Cache.dcache_tag_sram.memory[i]; index = i; address = {tag[21:0], index}; Data_Memory.memory[address] = CPU.L1Cache.dcache_data_sram.memory[i]; end end $fdisplay(outfile, "cycle = %d, Start = %b", counter, start); $fdisplay(outfile, "PC = %d", CPU.PC.addr_o); // Dump the registers. $fdisplay(outfile, "RegFiles"); $fdisplay(outfile, "R0(r0) = %h, R8 (t0) = %h, R16(s0) = %h, R24(t8) = %h", CPU.RegFiles.register[0], CPU.RegFiles.register[8] , CPU.RegFiles.register[16], CPU.RegFiles.register[24]); $fdisplay(outfile, "R1(at) = %h, R9 (t1) = %h, R17(s1) = %h, R25(t9) = %h", CPU.RegFiles.register[1], CPU.RegFiles.register[9] , CPU.RegFiles.register[17], CPU.RegFiles.register[25]); $fdisplay(outfile, "R2(v0) = %h, R10(t2) = %h, R18(s2) = %h, R26(k0) = %h", CPU.RegFiles.register[2], CPU.RegFiles.register[10], CPU.RegFiles.register[18], CPU.RegFiles.register[26]); $fdisplay(outfile, "R3(v1) = %h, R11(t3) = %h, R19(s3) = %h, R27(k1) = %h", CPU.RegFiles.register[3], CPU.RegFiles.register[11], CPU.RegFiles.register[19], CPU.RegFiles.register[27]); $fdisplay(outfile, "R4(a0) = %h, R12(t4) = %h, R20(s4) = %h, R28(gp) = %h", CPU.RegFiles.register[4], CPU.RegFiles.register[12], CPU.RegFiles.register[20], CPU.RegFiles.register[28]); $fdisplay(outfile, "R5(a1) = %h, R13(t5) = %h, R21(s5) = %h, R29(sp) = %h", CPU.RegFiles.register[5], CPU.RegFiles.register[13], CPU.RegFiles.register[21], CPU.RegFiles.register[29]); $fdisplay(outfile, "R6(a2) = %h, R14(t6) = %h, R22(s6) = %h, R30(s8) = %h", CPU.RegFiles.register[6], CPU.RegFiles.register[14], CPU.RegFiles.register[22], CPU.RegFiles.register[30]); $fdisplay(outfile, "R7(a3) = %h, R15(t7) = %h, R23(s7) = %h, R31(ra) = %h", CPU.RegFiles.register[7], CPU.RegFiles.register[15], CPU.RegFiles.register[23], CPU.RegFiles.register[31]); // Dump the data memory. $fdisplay(outfile, "Data Memory: 0x0000 = %h", Data_Memory.memory[0]); $fdisplay(outfile, "Data Memory: 0x0020 = %h", Data_Memory.memory[1]); $fdisplay(outfile, "Data Memory: 0x0040 = %h", Data_Memory.memory[2]); $fdisplay(outfile, "Data Memory: 0x0060 = %h", Data_Memory.memory[3]); $fdisplay(outfile, "Data Memory: 0x0080 = %h", Data_Memory.memory[4]); $fdisplay(outfile, "Data Memory: 0x00A0 = %h", Data_Memory.memory[5]); $fdisplay(outfile, "Data Memory: 0x00C0 = %h", Data_Memory.memory[6]); $fdisplay(outfile, "Data Memory: 0x00E0 = %h", Data_Memory.memory[7]); $fdisplay(outfile, "Data Memory: 0x0400 = %h", Data_Memory.memory[32]); $fdisplay(outfile, "\n"); // Print the status of data cache. // print Data Cache Status if(CPU.L1Cache.p1_stall_o && CPU.L1Cache.state==0) begin if(CPU.L1Cache.sram_dirty) begin if(CPU.L1Cache.p1_MemWrite_i) $fdisplay(outfile2, "Cycle: %d, Write Miss, Address: %h, Write Data: %h (Write Back!)", counter, CPU.L1Cache.p1_addr_i, CPU.L1Cache.p1_data_i); else if(CPU.L1Cache.p1_MemRead_i) $fdisplay(outfile2, "Cycle: %d, Read Miss , Address: %h, Read Data : %h (Write Back!)", counter, CPU.L1Cache.p1_addr_i, CPU.L1Cache.p1_data_o); end else begin if(CPU.L1Cache.p1_MemWrite_i) $fdisplay(outfile2, "Cycle: %d, Write Miss, Address: %h, Write Data: %h", counter, CPU.L1Cache.p1_addr_i, CPU.L1Cache.p1_data_i); else if(CPU.L1Cache.p1_MemRead_i) $fdisplay(outfile2, "Cycle: %d, Read Miss , Address: %h, Read Data : %h", counter, CPU.L1Cache.p1_addr_i, CPU.L1Cache.p1_data_o); end flag = 1'b1; end else if(!CPU.L1Cache.p1_stall_o) begin if(!flag) begin if(CPU.L1Cache.p1_MemWrite_i) $fdisplay(outfile2, "Cycle: %d, Write Hit , Address: %h, Write Data: %h", counter, CPU.L1Cache.p1_addr_i, CPU.L1Cache.p1_data_i); else if(CPU.L1Cache.p1_MemRead_i) $fdisplay(outfile2, "Cycle: %d, Read Hit , Address: %h, Read Data : %h", counter, CPU.L1Cache.p1_addr_i, CPU.L1Cache.p1_data_o); end flag = 1'b0; end counter = counter+1; end endmodule
#include <bits/stdc++.h> int map[2001][2001] = {0}; int ans[2001] = {0}; int n, m, k; char ss[2001]; void show() { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { printf( %d , map[i][j]); } printf( n ); } } int main() { int i, j, k; scanf( %d %d %d , &n, &m, &k); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf( %s , ss); for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { if (ss[j] == . ) { map[i][j] = 0; } else if (ss[j] == L ) { map[i][j] = 1; } else if (ss[j] == R ) { map[i][j] = 2; } else if (ss[j] == U ) { map[i][j] = 4; } else { map[i][j] = 8; } } } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { if (map[i][j] == 1) { if (i <= j) ans[j - i]++; } else if (map[i][j] == 2) { if (i < m - j) ans[i + j]++; } else if (map[i][j] == 4) { if (!(i & 1)) ans[j]++; } else if (map[i][j] == 8) { } } } printf( %d , ans[0]); for (i = 1; i < m; i++) { printf( %d , ans[i]); } printf( n ); return 0; }
`timescale 1ns / 1ps // -*- Mode: Verilog -*- // Filename : alucontrol.v // Description : Description of the ALU control logic for our simplified MIPS processor. // Author : Pallav Gupta // Created On : Wed Oct 22 21:43:19 2008 // Last Modified On: Time-stamp: <2008-10-22 21:07:01 pgupta> // Update Count : 0 // Status : Unknown, Use with caution! module alucontrol(input [1:0] aluop, // alu op code input [5:0] funct, // function code output reg [2:0] alucontrol // generated control signals for the ALU ); // FUNCT field definitions parameter ADD = 6'b100000; parameter SUB = 6'b100010; parameter AND = 6'b100100; parameter OR = 6'b100101; parameter SLT = 6'b101010; // The Synopsys full_case directives are given on each statement to tell the // synthezizer that all the cases we care about are handled. This avoids // needing a default that takes extra logic gate or implying a latch. always @(*) case (aluop) // synopsys full_case 2'b00: alucontrol = 3'b010; // add (for lb/sb/addi) 2'b01: alucontrol = 3'b110; // sub (for beq) 2'b10: case (funct) // synopsys full_case ADD: alucontrol = 3'b010; // add (for add) SUB: alucontrol = 3'b110; // sub (for sub) AND: alucontrol = 3'b000; // logical and (for and) OR: alucontrol = 3'b001; // logical or (for or) SLT: alucontrol = 3'b111; // set on less (for slt) // no other functions are legal (don't care) endcase // case (funct) // aluop = 11 is never given (don't care) endcase // case (aluop) endmodule // alucontrol
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) 2007 by Terasic Technologies Inc. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Permission: // // Terasic grants permission to use and modify this code for use // in synthesis for all Terasic Development Boards and Altera Development // Kits made by Terasic. Other use of this code, including the selling // ,duplication, or modification of any portion is strictly prohibited. // // Disclaimer: // // This VHDL/Verilog or C/C++ source code is intended as a design reference // which illustrates how these types of functions can be implemented. // It is the user's responsibility to verify their design for // consistency and functionality through the use of formal // verification methods. Terasic provides no warranty regarding the use // or functionality of this code. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Terasic Technologies Inc // 356 Fu-Shin E. Rd Sec. 1. JhuBei City, // HsinChu County, Taiwan // 302 // // web: http://www.terasic.com/ // email: // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Major Functions: D5M CCD_Capture // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Revision History : // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Ver :| Author :| Mod. Date :| Changes Made: // V1.0 :| Johnny FAN :| 07/07/09 :| Initial Revision // -------------------------------------------------------------------- module CCD_Capture( oDATA, oDVAL, oX_Cont, oY_Cont, oFrame_Cont, iDATA, iFVAL, iLVAL, iSTART, iEND, iCLK, iRST ); input [11:0] iDATA; input iFVAL; input iLVAL; input iSTART; input iEND; input iCLK; input iRST; output [11:0] oDATA; output [15:0] oX_Cont; output [15:0] oY_Cont; output [31:0] oFrame_Cont; output oDVAL; reg Pre_FVAL; reg mCCD_FVAL; reg mCCD_LVAL; reg [11:0] mCCD_DATA; reg [15:0] X_Cont; reg [15:0] Y_Cont; reg [31:0] Frame_Cont; reg mSTART; parameter COLUMN_WIDTH = 1280; assign oX_Cont = X_Cont; assign oY_Cont = Y_Cont; assign oFrame_Cont = Frame_Cont; assign oDATA = mCCD_DATA; assign oDVAL = mCCD_FVAL&mCCD_LVAL; always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST) begin if(!iRST) mSTART <= 0; else begin if(iSTART) mSTART <= 1; if(iEND) mSTART <= 0; end end always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST) begin if(!iRST) begin Pre_FVAL <= 0; mCCD_FVAL <= 0; mCCD_LVAL <= 0; X_Cont <= 0; Y_Cont <= 0; end else begin Pre_FVAL <= iFVAL; if( ({Pre_FVAL,iFVAL}==2'b01) && mSTART ) mCCD_FVAL <= 1; else if({Pre_FVAL,iFVAL}==2'b10) mCCD_FVAL <= 0; mCCD_LVAL <= iLVAL; if(mCCD_FVAL) begin if(mCCD_LVAL) begin if(X_Cont<(COLUMN_WIDTH-1)) X_Cont <= X_Cont+1; else begin X_Cont <= 0; Y_Cont <= Y_Cont+1; end end end else begin X_Cont <= 0; Y_Cont <= 0; end end end always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST) begin if(!iRST) Frame_Cont <= 0; else begin if( ({Pre_FVAL,iFVAL}==2'b01) && mSTART ) Frame_Cont <= Frame_Cont+1; end end always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST) begin if(!iRST) mCCD_DATA <= 0; else if (iLVAL) mCCD_DATA <= iDATA; else mCCD_DATA <= 0; end reg ifval_dealy; wire ifval_fedge; reg [15:0] y_cnt_d; always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST) begin if(!iRST) y_cnt_d <= 0; else y_cnt_d <= Y_Cont; end always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST) begin if(!iRST) ifval_dealy <= 0; else ifval_dealy <= iFVAL; end assign ifval_fedge = ({ifval_dealy,iFVAL}==2'b10)?1:0; endmodule
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N = 2e5; vector<int> g[N]; int mn[N]; int mx[N]; int ans; void dfs(int u, int p) { bool leaf = true; mn[u] = 1e9; mx[u] = -1e9; for (int v : g[u]) if (v != p) { dfs(v, u); leaf = false; mn[u] = min(mn[u], mn[v] + 1); mx[u] = max(mx[u], mx[v] + 1); } if (leaf) { mn[u] = 0; mx[u] = 0; } } void dfs2(int u, int p) { const int m = g[u].size(); bool ok = true; vector<int> hh; for (int v : g[u]) { if (mx[v] != mn[v]) ok = false; hh.push_back(mx[v] + 1); } if (ok) { sort(hh.begin(), hh.end()); hh.erase(unique(hh.begin(), hh.end()), hh.end()); if (hh.size() <= 2) { int len = 0; for (int e : hh) len += e; while (len % 2 == 0) len /= 2; ans = min(ans, len); } } vector<int> maxl(m); vector<int> maxr(m); vector<int> minl(m); vector<int> minr(m); maxl[0] = -1e9; minl[0] = 1e9; maxr[m - 1] = -1e9; minr[m - 1] = 1e9; for (int i = 1; i < m; i++) { maxl[i] = max(maxl[i - 1], mx[g[u][i - 1]] + 1); minl[i] = min(minl[i - 1], mn[g[u][i - 1]] + 1); } for (int i = m - 2; i >= 0; i--) { maxr[i] = max(maxr[i + 1], mx[g[u][i + 1]] + 1); minr[i] = min(minr[i + 1], mn[g[u][i + 1]] + 1); } for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { int v = g[u][i]; if (v == p) continue; mn[u] = min(minl[i], minr[i]); mx[u] = max(maxl[i], maxr[i]); dfs2(v, u); } } int main() { int n; cin >> n; for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { int u, v; scanf( %d %d , &u, &v); u--; v--; g[u].push_back(v); g[v].push_back(u); } if (n == 2) { cout << 1 << endl; return 0; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (g[i].size() >= 2) { ans = 1e9; dfs(i, -1); dfs2(i, -1); if (ans >= 1e8) ans = -1; cout << ans << endl; return 0; } } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Project: Aurora Module Generator version 2.2 // // Date: $Date: 2004/11/08 16:19:31 $ // Tag: $Name: i+H-38+78751 $ // File: $RCSfile: standard_cc_module.ejava,v $ // Rev: $Revision: $ // // Company: Xilinx // Contributors: R. K. Awalt, B. L. Woodard, N. Gulstone // // Disclaimer: XILINX IS PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR // INFORMATION "AS IS" SOLELY FOR USE IN DEVELOPING // PROGRAMS AND SOLUTIONS FOR XILINX DEVICES. BY // PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION AS // ONE POSSIBLE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS FEATURE, // APPLICATION OR STANDARD, XILINX IS MAKING NO // REPRESENTATION THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE // FROM ANY CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT, AND YOU ARE // RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY // REQUIRE FOR YOUR IMPLEMENTATION. XILINX // EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH // RESPECT TO THE ADEQUACY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OR // REPRESENTATIONS THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE // FROM CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT, IMPLIED WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. // // (c) Copyright 2004 Xilinx, Inc. // All rights reserved. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // STANDARD CC MODULE // // Author: Nigel Gulstone // Xilinx - Embedded Networking System Engineering Group // // Description: This module drives the Aurora module's Clock Compensation // interface. Clock Compensation sequences are generated according // to the requirements in the Aurora Protocol specification. // // This module supports Aurora Modules with any number of // 4-byte lanes and no User Flow Control. // // `timescale 1 ns / 10 ps module STANDARD_CC_MODULE ( //Clock Compensation Control Interface WARN_CC, DO_CC, //System Interface DCM_NOT_LOCKED, USER_CLK, CHANNEL_UP ); `define DLY #1 //***********************************Port Declarations******************************* //Clock Compensation Control Interface output WARN_CC; output DO_CC; //System Interface input DCM_NOT_LOCKED; input USER_CLK; input CHANNEL_UP; //**************************** External Register Declarations************************* reg WARN_CC; reg DO_CC; //************************** Internal Register Declarations ************************** reg [0:7] prepare_count_r; reg [0:5] cc_count_r; reg reset_r; reg [0:11] count_13d_srl_r; reg count_13d_flop_r; reg [0:14] count_16d_srl_r; reg count_16d_flop_r; reg [0:10] count_12d_srl_r; reg count_12d_flop_r; //*********************************Wire Declarations********************************** wire start_cc_c; wire inner_count_done_r; wire middle_count_done_c; wire cc_idle_count_done_c; //*********************************Main Body of Code********************************** //________________________Clock Correction State Machine__________________________ // The clock correction state machine is a counter with three sections. The first // section counts out the idle period before a clock correction occurs. The second // section counts out a period when NFC and UFC operations should not be attempted // because they will not be completed. The last section counts out the cycles of // the clock correction sequence. // The inner count for the CC counter counts to 13. It is implemented using // an SRL16 and a flop // The SRL counts 12 bits of the count always @(posedge USER_CLK) count_13d_srl_r <= `DLY {count_13d_flop_r, count_13d_srl_r[0:10]}; // The inner count is done when a 1 reaches the end of the SRL assign inner_count_done_r = count_13d_srl_r[11]; // The flop extends the shift register to 13 bits for counting. It is held at // zero while channel up is low to clear the register, and is seeded with a // single 1 when channel up transitions from 0 to 1 always @(posedge USER_CLK) if(~CHANNEL_UP) count_13d_flop_r <= `DLY 1'b0; else if(CHANNEL_UP && reset_r) count_13d_flop_r <= `DLY 1'b1; else count_13d_flop_r <= `DLY inner_count_done_r; // The middle count for the CC counter counts to 16. Its count increments only // when the inner count is done. It is implemented using an SRL16 and a flop // The SRL counts 15 bits of the count. It is enabled only when the inner count // is done always @(posedge USER_CLK) if(inner_count_done_r|| !CHANNEL_UP) count_16d_srl_r <= `DLY {count_16d_flop_r, count_16d_srl_r[0:13]}; // The middle count is done when a 1 reaches the end of the SRL and the inner // count finishes assign middle_count_done_c = inner_count_done_r && count_16d_srl_r[14]; // The flop extends the shift register to 16 bits for counting. It is held at // zero while channel up is low to clear the register, and is seeded with a // single 1 when channel up transitions from 0 to 1 always @(posedge USER_CLK) if(~CHANNEL_UP) count_16d_flop_r <= `DLY 1'b0; else if(CHANNEL_UP && reset_r) count_16d_flop_r <= `DLY 1'b1; else if(inner_count_done_r) count_16d_flop_r <= `DLY middle_count_done_c; // The outer count (aka the cc idle count) is done when it reaches 12. Its count // increments only when the middle count is done. It is implemented with an SRL16 // and a flop // The SRL counts 11 bits of the count. It is enabled only when the middle count is // done always @(posedge USER_CLK) if(middle_count_done_c || !CHANNEL_UP) count_12d_srl_r <= `DLY {count_12d_flop_r, count_12d_srl_r[0:9]}; // The cc idle count is done when a 1 reaches the end of the SRL and the middle count finishes assign cc_idle_count_done_c = middle_count_done_c & count_12d_srl_r[10]; // The flop extends the shift register to 12 bits for counting. It is held at // zero while channel up is low to clear the register, and is seeded with a single // 1 when channel up transitions from 0 to 1 always @(posedge USER_CLK) if(~CHANNEL_UP) count_12d_flop_r <= `DLY 1'b0; else if(CHANNEL_UP && reset_r) count_12d_flop_r <= `DLY 1'b1; else if(middle_count_done_c) count_12d_flop_r <= `DLY cc_idle_count_done_c; // For simulation, initialize prepare count to all zeros to simulate an SRL16 // after configuration. The circuit will also work is the init value includes // ones. initial prepare_count_r = 8'b00000000; // Because UFC and CC sequences are not allowed to preempt one another, there // there is a warning signal to indicate an impending CC sequence. This signal // is used to prevent UFC messages from starting. // For 1 lane, we use a 4-cycle count. always @(posedge USER_CLK) prepare_count_r <= `DLY {4'd0,cc_idle_count_done_c,prepare_count_r[4:6]}; // The state machine stays in the prepare_cc state from when the cc idle // count finishes, to when the prepare count has finished. While in this // state, UFC operations cannot start, which prevents them from having to // be pre-empted by CC sequences. always @(posedge USER_CLK) if(!CHANNEL_UP) WARN_CC <= `DLY 1'b0; else if(cc_idle_count_done_c) WARN_CC <= `DLY 1'b1; else if(prepare_count_r[7]) WARN_CC <= `DLY 1'b0; // For simulation, init to zeros, to simulate an SRL after configuration. The circuit // will also operate if the SRL is not initialized to all zeros initial cc_count_r = 6'b000000; // Track the state of channel up on the previous cycle. We use this signal to determine // when to seed the shift register counters with ones always @(posedge USER_CLK) reset_r <= `DLY !CHANNEL_UP; //Do a CC after CHANNEL_UP is asserted or CC_warning is complete. assign start_cc_c = prepare_count_r[7] || (CHANNEL_UP && reset_r); // This SRL counter keeps track of the number of cycles spent in the CC // sequence. It starts counting when the prepare_cc state ends, and // finishes counting after 3 cycles have passed. always @(posedge USER_CLK) cc_count_r <= `DLY {3'b000,(!CHANNEL_UP|prepare_count_r[7]),cc_count_r[3:4]}; // The TX_LL module stays in the do_cc state for 3 cycles. It starts // when the prepare_cc state ends. always @(posedge USER_CLK) if(!CHANNEL_UP) DO_CC <= `DLY 1'b0; else if(start_cc_c) DO_CC <= `DLY 1'b1; else if(cc_count_r[5]) DO_CC <= `DLY 1'b0; endmodule
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const long long int N = 60 + 10, M = (1 << 16) + 10, MOD = 1e9 + 7, INF = 2e9 + 10; const long double PI = acos(-1); int n, a[N], in[N], fac[N], msk[N], all; long long int dp[M][N], ans = 1; vector<int> adj[N], S, T; bool mrk[N], ad[N][N]; long long int Power(long long int x, long long int y) { if (y == 0) { return 1ll; } return ((y % 2 ? x : 1) * Power((x * x) % MOD, y / 2)) % MOD; } void Dfs(int u) { mrk[u] = 1; if (in[u]) T.push_back(u); else S.push_back(u); for (int v : adj[u]) { if (!mrk[v]) { Dfs(v); } } return; } void Solve() { memset(dp, 0, sizeof(dp)); int t = T.size(), s = S.size(); if (t < 2) return; for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) { msk[i] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < s; j++) { if ((a[T[i]] % a[S[j]]) == 0) { msk[i] |= (1 << j); } } dp[msk[i]][1]++; } for (int k = 1; k < t; k++) { for (int mask = 1; mask < (1 << s); mask++) { int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) { if ((msk[i] | mask) == mask) { cnt++; } else if (0 < (msk[i] & mask)) { dp[mask | msk[i]][k + 1] += dp[mask][k]; dp[mask | msk[i]][k + 1] %= MOD; } } if (k < cnt) { dp[mask][k + 1] += (cnt - k) * dp[mask][k]; dp[mask][k + 1] %= MOD; } } } ans = (ans * dp[(1 << s) - 1][t]) % MOD; ans = (ans * Power(fac[t - 1], MOD - 2)) % MOD; all += (t - 1); return; } void Dfs_All() { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!mrk[i]) { Dfs(i); Solve(); S.clear(); T.clear(); } } return; } int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0); fac[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) { fac[i] = (fac[i - 1] * i) % MOD; } cin >> n; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> a[i]; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { int u = i, v = j; if (a[v] < a[u]) swap(u, v); if ((a[v] % a[u]) == 0) { adj[u].push_back(v); adj[v].push_back(u); in[v]++; } } } Dfs_All(); ans = (ans * fac[all]) % MOD; cout << ans << n ; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline int read() { int x = 0; bool t = false; char ch = getchar(); while ((ch < 0 || ch > 9 ) && ch != - ) ch = getchar(); if (ch == - ) t = true, ch = getchar(); while (ch <= 9 && ch >= 0 ) x = x * 10 + ch - 48, ch = getchar(); return t ? -x : x; } int s[1010000], a[1010000], b[1010000], n, k; char ch[1010000]; bool vis[1010000]; int eql[1010000]; void output() { for (int i = 1; i <= k; ++i) if (!eql[i]) for (int j = 1; j <= k; ++j) if (!vis[j]) { eql[i] = j; vis[j] = true; break; } for (int i = 1; i <= k; ++i) putchar(eql[i] + 96); puts( ); } void clear() { for (int i = 1; i <= k; ++i) eql[i] = 0, vis[i] = false; } int main() { int T = read(); while (T--) { k = read(); scanf( %s , ch + 1); n = strlen(ch + 1); for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) s[i] = ch[i] - 96; scanf( %s , ch + 1); for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) a[i] = ch[i] - 96 - (i == n); scanf( %s , ch + 1); for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) b[i] = ch[i] - 96; clear(); int p = -1; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { if (i > 1) { if (eql[s[i - 1]] && eql[s[i - 1]] != a[i - 1]) break; if (!eql[s[i - 1]] && vis[a[i - 1]]) break; eql[s[i - 1]] = a[i - 1]; vis[a[i - 1]] = true; } if (eql[s[i]]) if (eql[s[i]] > a[i]) p = i; if (!eql[s[i]]) for (int j = a[i] + 1; j <= k; ++j) if (!vis[j]) { p = i; break; } } if (p == -1) puts( NO ); else { clear(); for (int i = 1; i < p; ++i) eql[s[i]] = a[i], vis[a[i]] = true; if (!eql[s[p]]) for (int i = a[p] + 1; i <= k; ++i) if (!vis[i]) { eql[s[p]] = i, vis[i] = true; break; } for (int i = p + 1; i <= n; ++i) if (!eql[s[i]]) for (int j = 1; j <= k; ++j) if (!vis[j]) { eql[s[i]] = j; vis[j] = true; break; } for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) s[i] = eql[s[i]]; bool chk = true; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) if (s[i] > b[i]) { puts( NO ); chk = false; break; } else if (s[i] < b[i]) { puts( YES ); output(); chk = false; break; } if (chk) puts( YES ), output(); } } }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; double low = 0, high = 0, mid = 0; int binary_sear(const vector<int>& v, int x) { while (1) { mid = floor((low + high) / 2); if (low > high) break; if (v[mid] == x) { return mid; break; } else if (v[mid] < x) { low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid - 1; } } return -1; } int binary(vector<int> v, int x) { mid = floor((low + high) / 2); cout << low << << mid << << high << endl; if (low > high) return -1; if (v[mid] == x) return mid; else if (v[mid] < x) { low = mid + 1; return binary(v, x); } else { high = mid - 1; return binary(v, x); } } string decToBinary(int n) { string s = {}; int i = 0; while (n > 0) { s += (n % 2) + 48; n = n / 2; i++; } reverse(s.begin(), s.end()); return s; } int main() { long long int a, b = 0, c = 1, n, m, mx = 0, mn = 0; vector<int> v; bool flag = true, flag2 = true; cin >> n; while (n--) { cin >> m; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { cin >> a; if (i == 0) { b = a; c = a; continue; } b += a; c ^= a; } cout << 2 << endl; cout << c << << c + b << endl; b = 0; c = 1; } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N = 4040, inF = 1e9; int n, a, b, c, dp[N]; int main() { cin >> n >> a >> b >> c; dp[0] = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { dp[i] = -inF; if (i >= a) dp[i] = max(dp[i], dp[i - a] + 1); if (i >= b) dp[i] = max(dp[i], dp[i - b] + 1); if (i >= c) dp[i] = max(dp[i], dp[i - c] + 1); } cout << dp[n]; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int n; long long a[1010]; int main() { cin >> n; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> a[i]; } long long k; cin >> k; cin >> k; cin >> k; long long x = (long long)a[2] * a[1] / k; long double dx = x; long long ans = (long long)(sqrt(x) + 0.005); cout << ans << ; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { cout << a[i] / ans << ; } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using i64 = long long; std::vector<std::vector<int>> read_tree1(int v) { std::vector<std::vector<int>> graph(v); while (v-- > 1) { int x, y; std::cin >> x >> y; graph[x - 1].push_back(y - 1); graph[y - 1].push_back(x - 1); } return graph; } template <class T> std::pair<T, T> ext_euclid(T a, T b) { if (b == 0) { return {a > 0 ? +1 : -1, 0}; } else { auto res = ext_euclid(b, a % b); return {res.second, res.first - a / b * res.second}; } } template <class T> T mod_inv(T num, T mod) { num = (num % mod + mod) % mod; T res = ext_euclid(num, mod).first; return res < 0 ? res + mod : res; } int main() { std::ios::sync_with_stdio(0), std::cin.tie(0), std::cout.tie(0); const i64 MOD = 998244353; int n; std::cin >> n; auto tree = read_tree1(n); std::function<std::tuple<i64, i64, i64>(int, int)> dfs = [&](int cur, int prv) -> std::tuple<i64, i64, i64> { std::vector<std::tuple<i64, i64, i64>> nxts; for (int nxt : tree[cur]) if (nxt != prv) { nxts.push_back(dfs(nxt, cur)); } i64 prod = 1; for (const auto& [f, g, h] : nxts) { prod = prod * (f + h) % MOD; } i64 F = 1, G = 1, H = 0; for (const auto& [f, g, h] : nxts) { F = F * f % MOD; G = G * (f + h) % MOD; H = (H + g * mod_inv(f + h, MOD)) % MOD; } H = H * prod % MOD; F = (F + H) % MOD; return {F, G, H}; }; std::cout << std::get<0>(dfs(0, -1)) << n ; }
/* * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ `ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_HDLL__SDFSTP_FUNCTIONAL_V `define SKY130_FD_SC_HDLL__SDFSTP_FUNCTIONAL_V /** * sdfstp: Scan delay flop, inverted set, non-inverted clock, * single output. * * Verilog simulation functional model. */ `timescale 1ns / 1ps `default_nettype none // Import user defined primitives. `include "../../models/udp_mux_2to1/sky130_fd_sc_hdll__udp_mux_2to1.v" `include "../../models/udp_dff_ps/sky130_fd_sc_hdll__udp_dff_ps.v" `celldefine module sky130_fd_sc_hdll__sdfstp ( Q , CLK , D , SCD , SCE , SET_B ); // Module ports output Q ; input CLK ; input D ; input SCD ; input SCE ; input SET_B; // Local signals wire buf_Q ; wire SET ; wire mux_out; // Delay Name Output Other arguments not not0 (SET , SET_B ); sky130_fd_sc_hdll__udp_mux_2to1 mux_2to10 (mux_out, D, SCD, SCE ); sky130_fd_sc_hdll__udp_dff$PS `UNIT_DELAY dff0 (buf_Q , mux_out, CLK, SET); buf buf0 (Q , buf_Q ); endmodule `endcelldefine `default_nettype wire `endif // SKY130_FD_SC_HDLL__SDFSTP_FUNCTIONAL_V
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ========================================== // // OpenSPARC T1 Processor File: pcx_buf_p4_odd.v // Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES. // // The above named program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public // License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // The above named program is distributed in the hope that it will be // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public // License along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // ========== Copyright Header End ============================================ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* // Description: datapath portion of CPX */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Global header file includes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local header file includes / local defines //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "sys.h" `include "iop.h" module pcx_buf_p4_odd(/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs arbpc1_pcxdp_grant_pa, arbpc1_pcxdp_q0_hold_pa_l, arbpc1_pcxdp_qsel0_pa, arbpc1_pcxdp_qsel1_pa_l, arbpc1_pcxdp_shift_px, arbpc3_pcxdp_grant_pa, arbpc3_pcxdp_q0_hold_pa_l, arbpc3_pcxdp_qsel0_pa, arbpc3_pcxdp_qsel1_pa_l, arbpc3_pcxdp_shift_px, arbpc4_pcxdp_grant_pa, arbpc4_pcxdp_q0_hold_pa_l, arbpc4_pcxdp_qsel0_pa, arbpc4_pcxdp_qsel1_pa_l, arbpc4_pcxdp_shift_px, // Inputs arbpc1_pcxdp_grant_bufp3_pa_l, arbpc1_pcxdp_q0_hold_bufp3_pa, arbpc1_pcxdp_qsel0_bufp3_pa_l, arbpc1_pcxdp_qsel1_bufp3_pa, arbpc1_pcxdp_shift_bufp3_px_l, arbpc3_pcxdp_grant_bufp3_pa_l, arbpc3_pcxdp_q0_hold_bufp3_pa, arbpc3_pcxdp_qsel0_bufp3_pa_l, arbpc3_pcxdp_qsel1_bufp3_pa, arbpc3_pcxdp_shift_bufp3_px_l, arbpc4_pcxdp_grant_bufp3_pa_l, arbpc4_pcxdp_q0_hold_bufp3_pa, arbpc4_pcxdp_qsel0_bufp3_pa_l, arbpc4_pcxdp_qsel1_bufp3_pa, arbpc4_pcxdp_shift_bufp3_px_l ); output arbpc1_pcxdp_grant_pa; output arbpc1_pcxdp_q0_hold_pa_l; output arbpc1_pcxdp_qsel0_pa; output arbpc1_pcxdp_qsel1_pa_l; output arbpc1_pcxdp_shift_px; output arbpc3_pcxdp_grant_pa; output arbpc3_pcxdp_q0_hold_pa_l; output arbpc3_pcxdp_qsel0_pa; output arbpc3_pcxdp_qsel1_pa_l; output arbpc3_pcxdp_shift_px; output arbpc4_pcxdp_grant_pa; output arbpc4_pcxdp_q0_hold_pa_l; output arbpc4_pcxdp_qsel0_pa; output arbpc4_pcxdp_qsel1_pa_l; output arbpc4_pcxdp_shift_px; input arbpc1_pcxdp_grant_bufp3_pa_l; input arbpc1_pcxdp_q0_hold_bufp3_pa; input arbpc1_pcxdp_qsel0_bufp3_pa_l; input arbpc1_pcxdp_qsel1_bufp3_pa; input arbpc1_pcxdp_shift_bufp3_px_l; input arbpc3_pcxdp_grant_bufp3_pa_l; input arbpc3_pcxdp_q0_hold_bufp3_pa; input arbpc3_pcxdp_qsel0_bufp3_pa_l; input arbpc3_pcxdp_qsel1_bufp3_pa; input arbpc3_pcxdp_shift_bufp3_px_l; input arbpc4_pcxdp_grant_bufp3_pa_l; input arbpc4_pcxdp_q0_hold_bufp3_pa; input arbpc4_pcxdp_qsel0_bufp3_pa_l; input arbpc4_pcxdp_qsel1_bufp3_pa; input arbpc4_pcxdp_shift_bufp3_px_l; assign arbpc1_pcxdp_grant_pa = ~arbpc1_pcxdp_grant_bufp3_pa_l; assign arbpc1_pcxdp_q0_hold_pa_l = ~arbpc1_pcxdp_q0_hold_bufp3_pa; assign arbpc1_pcxdp_qsel0_pa = ~arbpc1_pcxdp_qsel0_bufp3_pa_l; assign arbpc1_pcxdp_qsel1_pa_l = ~arbpc1_pcxdp_qsel1_bufp3_pa; assign arbpc1_pcxdp_shift_px = ~arbpc1_pcxdp_shift_bufp3_px_l; assign arbpc3_pcxdp_grant_pa = ~arbpc3_pcxdp_grant_bufp3_pa_l; assign arbpc3_pcxdp_q0_hold_pa_l = ~arbpc3_pcxdp_q0_hold_bufp3_pa; assign arbpc3_pcxdp_qsel0_pa = ~arbpc3_pcxdp_qsel0_bufp3_pa_l; assign arbpc3_pcxdp_qsel1_pa_l = ~arbpc3_pcxdp_qsel1_bufp3_pa; assign arbpc3_pcxdp_shift_px = ~arbpc3_pcxdp_shift_bufp3_px_l; assign arbpc4_pcxdp_grant_pa = ~arbpc4_pcxdp_grant_bufp3_pa_l; assign arbpc4_pcxdp_q0_hold_pa_l = ~arbpc4_pcxdp_q0_hold_bufp3_pa; assign arbpc4_pcxdp_qsel0_pa = ~arbpc4_pcxdp_qsel0_bufp3_pa_l; assign arbpc4_pcxdp_qsel1_pa_l = ~arbpc4_pcxdp_qsel1_bufp3_pa; assign arbpc4_pcxdp_shift_px = ~arbpc4_pcxdp_shift_bufp3_px_l; endmodule // pcx_buf_p4
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MAXN = 100005; int N, M; int pwr[MAXN], jump[MAXN], cnt[MAXN]; int len; void recalc(int pos) { int nxt = pos + pwr[pos]; if (nxt < N && (nxt / len) == (pos / len)) { jump[pos] = jump[nxt]; cnt[pos] = cnt[nxt] + 1; } else { jump[pos] = nxt; cnt[pos] = 1; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { scanf( %d%d , &N, &M); for (int i = 0, _i = N; i < _i; ++i) { scanf( %d , pwr + i); } len = (int)sqrt((double)N); for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) { recalc(i); } for (int i = 0, _i = M; i < _i; ++i) { int type, a; scanf( %d%d , &type, &a); --a; if (type) { int cur = a, ret = 0; while (true) { ret += cnt[cur]; if (jump[cur] >= N) break; cur = jump[cur]; } while (cur + pwr[cur] < N) cur += pwr[cur]; printf( %d %d n , cur + 1, ret); } else { int b; scanf( %d , &b); pwr[a] = b; int ablock = a / len; for (int i = a; i >= 0 && (i / len) == ablock; i--) recalc(i); } } return 0; }