Automatic Speech Recognition
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © <2022> Idiap Research Institute <[email protected]>
# SPDX-FileContributor: Juan Zuluaga-Gomez <[email protected]>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-License
Script for loading air traffic control (ATC) speech datasets for automatic speech recognition (ASR).
This script has been designed for ATC datasets that are in Kaldi format
Required files: text, wav.scp and segments files
- Databases
- Training:
- ATCOSIM, LDC-ATCC and, UWB-ATCC corpora.
- Testing:
- ATCO2-test-set, ATCOSIM, LDC-ATCC and, UWB-ATCC corpora.
import os
import re
import datasets
import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf
from datasets.tasks import AutomaticSpeechRecognition
_CITATION = """\
title={How Does Pre-trained Wav2Vec 2.0 Perform on Domain Shifted ASR? An Extensive Benchmark on Air Traffic Control Communications},
author={Zuluaga-Gomez, Juan and Prasad, Amrutha and Nigmatulina, Iuliia and Sarfjoo, Saeed and Motlicek, Petr and Kleinert, Matthias and Helmke, Hartmut and Ohneiser, Oliver and Zhan, Qingran},
journal={2022 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), Doha, Qatar},
title={BERTraffic: BERT-based Joint Speaker Role and Speaker Change Detection for Air Traffic Control Communications (submitted to @ SLT-2022)},
author={Zuluaga-Gomez, Juan and Sarfjoo, Seyyed Saeed and Prasad, Amrutha and Nigmatulina, Iuliia and Motlicek, Petr and Ohneiser, Oliver and Helmke, Hartmut},
journal={2022 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), Doha, Qatar},
ATC speech DATASET. This DataLoader works with data in Kaldi format.
- We use the following files: text, segments and wav.scp
- text --> utt_id transcript
- segments --> utt_id recording_id t_begin t_end
- wav.scp --> recording_id /path/to/wav/
The default dataset is from ATCO2 project, a 1-hour sample:
_DATA_URL = ""
logger = datasets.logging.get_logger(__name__)
# Our models work with audio data at 16kHZ,
_SAMPLING_RATE = int(16000)
class ATCDataASRConfig(datasets.BuilderConfig):
"""BuilderConfig for air traffic control datasets."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
data_dir: `string`, the path to the folder containing the files required to read: json or wav.scp
**kwargs: keyword arguments forwarded to super.
super(ATCDataASRConfig, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class ATCDataASR(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder):
ATCDataASRConfig(name="train", description="ATC train dataset."),
ATCDataASRConfig(name="dev", description="ATC dev dataset."),
ATCDataASRConfig(name="test", description="ATC test dataset."),
ATCDataASRConfig(name="unsupervised", description="ATC unsupervised dataset."),
# provide some information about the Dataset we just gathered
def _info(self):
return datasets.DatasetInfo(
"id": datasets.Value("string"),
"file": datasets.Value("string"),
"audio": datasets.features.Audio(sampling_rate=_SAMPLING_RATE),
"text": datasets.Value("string"),
"segment_start_time": datasets.Value("float"),
"segment_end_time": datasets.Value("float"),
"duration": datasets.Value("float"),
supervised_keys=("audio", "text"),
audio_column="audio", transcription_column="text"
def _split_generators(self, dlmanager):
"""Returns SplitGenerators."""
split =
# UNSUPERVISED set (used only for decoding)
if "unsupervised" in split:
split_name = datasets.Split.TEST
elif "test" in split or "dev" in split or "dummy" in split:
split_name = datasets.Split.TEST
# The last option left is: Train set
split_name = datasets.Split.TRAIN
# you need to pass a data directory where the Kaldi folder is stored
filepath = self.config.data_dir
return [
# These kwargs will be passed to _generate_examples
"filepath": filepath,
"split": split,
def _generate_examples(self, filepath, split):
"""You need to pass a path with the kaldi data, the folder should have
audio: wav.scp,
transcripts: text,
timing information: segments
""""Generating examples located in: %s", filepath)
text_file = os.path.join(filepath, "text")
wavscp = os.path.join(filepath, "wav.scp")
segments = os.path.join(filepath, "segments")
id_ = ""
text_dict, wav_dict = {}, {}
segments_dict, utt2wav_id = {}, {}
line = 0
# get the text file
with open(text_file) as text_f:
for line in text_f:
if len(line.split(" ")) > 1:
id_, transcript = line.split(" ", maxsplit=1)
transcript = _remove_special_characters(transcript)
if len(transcript.split(" ")) == 0:
if len(transcript) < 2:
text_dict[id_] = transcript
else: # line is empty
# if unsupervised set, then it's normal. else, continue
if not "test_unsup" in
id_ = line.rstrip().split(" ")[0]
text_dict[id_] = ""
# get wav.scp and load data into memory
with open(wavscp) as text_f:
for line in text_f:
if line:
if len(line.split()) < 2:
id_, wavpath = line.split(" ", maxsplit=1)
# only selects the part that ends of wav, flac or sph
wavpath = [
for x in wavpath.split(" ")
if ".wav" in x or ".WAV" in x or ".flac" in x or ".sph" in x
# make the output
segment, sampling_rate =, dtype=np.int16)
wav_dict[id_] = [wavpath.rstrip(), segment, sampling_rate]
# get segments dictionary
with open(segments) as text_f:
for line in text_f:
if line:
if len(line.split()) < 4:
id_, wavid_, start, end = line.rstrip().split(" ")
segments_dict[id_] = start.rstrip(), end.rstrip()
utt2wav_id[id_] = wavid_
for rec_id, text in text_dict.items():
if rec_id in utt2wav_id and rec_id in segments_dict:
# get audio data from memory and the path of the file
wavpath, segment, sampling_rate = wav_dict[utt2wav_id[rec_id]]
# get timing information
seg_start, seg_end = segments_dict[rec_id]
seg_start, seg_end = float(seg_start), float(seg_end)
duration = round((seg_end - seg_start), 3)
# get the samples, bytes, already cropping by segment,
samples = _extract_audio_segment(
segment, sampling_rate, float(seg_start), float(seg_end)
# output data for given dataset
example = {
"audio": {
"path": wavpath,
"array": samples,
"sampling_rate": sampling_rate,
"id": rec_id,
"file": wavpath,
"text": text,
"segment_start_time": format(float(seg_start), ".3f"),
"segment_end_time": format(float(seg_end), ".3f"),
"duration": format(float(duration), ".3f"),
yield rec_id, example
def _remove_special_characters(text):
"""Function to remove some special chars/symbols from the given transcript"""
text = text.split(" ")
# first remove words between [] and <>
text = " ".join(
for x in text
if "[" not in x and "]" not in x and "<" not in x and ">" not in x
# regex with predifined symbols to ignore/remove,
chars_to_ignore_regex2 = '[\{\[\]\<\>\/\,\?\.\!\u00AC\;\:"\\%\\\]|[0-9]'
text = re.sub(chars_to_ignore_regex2, "", text).lower()
sentence = text.replace("\u2013", "-")
sentence = sentence.replace("\u2014", "-")
sentence = sentence.replace("\u2018", "'")
sentence = sentence.replace("\u201C", "")
sentence = sentence.replace("\u201D", "")
sentence = sentence.replace("ñ", "n")
sentence = sentence.replace(" - ", " ")
sentence = sentence.replace("-", "")
sentence = sentence.replace("'", " ")
return sentence.lower().rstrip()
def _extract_audio_segment(segment, sampling_rate, start_sec, end_sec):
"""Extracts segment of audio samples (as an ndarray) from the given segment."""
# The dataset only contains mono audio.
start_sample = int(start_sec * sampling_rate)
end_sample = min(int(end_sec * sampling_rate), segment.shape[0])
samples = segment[start_sample:end_sample]
return samples