# 《从零开始学扩散模型》
## 术语表
| 词汇 | 翻译 |
| :---------------------- | :--- |
| Corruption Process | 退化过程 |
| Pipeline | 管线 |
| Timestep | 时间步 |
| Scheduler | 调度器 |
| Gradient Accumulation | 梯度累加 |
| Fine-Tuning | 微调 |
| Guidance | 引导 |
# 目录
## 第一部分 基础知识
### 第一章 扩散模型的原理、发展和应用
#### 1.1 扩散模型的原理
#### 1.2 扩散模型的发展
#### 1.3 扩散模型的应用
### 第二章 HuggingFace介绍与环境准备
#### 2.1 HuggingFace Space
#### 2.2 Transformer 与 diffusers 库
#### 2.3 环境准备
## 第二部分 扩散模型实战
### 第三章 从零开始做扩散模型
#### 3.1 章节概述
#### 3.2 环境准备
#### 3.2.1 环境的创建与导入
#### 3.2.2 数据集测试
#### 3.3 扩散模型-退化过程
#### 3.4 扩散模型训练
#### 3.4.1 Unet模型
#### 3.4.2 开始训练模型
#### 3.5 扩散模型-采样(取样)过程
#### 3.5.1 采样(取样)过程
#### 3.5.2 与DDPM的区别
#### 3.5.3 UNet2DModel模型
#### 3.6 扩散模型-退化过程示例
#### 3.6.1 退化过程
#### 3.6.2 最终的训练目标
#### 3.7 拓展知识
#### 3.7.1 迭代周期(Timestep)的调节
#### 3.7.2 采样(取样)的关键问题
#### 3.8 本章小结
### 第四章 Diffusers实战
#### 4.1 章节概述
#### 4.2 环境准备
#### 4.2.1 安装Diffusers库
#### 4.2.2 Dreambooth-全新的扩散模型
#### 4.2.3 Diffusers核心API
#### 4.3 实战:生成美丽的蝴蝶图片
#### 4.3.1 下载蝴蝶图像集
#### 4.3.2 扩散模型-调度器
#### 4.3.3 定义扩散模型
#### 4.3.4 创建扩散模型训练循环
#### 4.3.5 图像的生成
#### 4.4 拓展知识
#### 4.4.1 将模型上传到Hub上
#### 4.4.2 扩大训练模型的规模
#### 4.5 本章小结
### 第五章 微调和引导
#### 5.1 章节概述
#### 5.2 环境准备
#### 5.3 载入一个预训练过的管线
#### 5.4 DDIM-更快的采样过程
#### 5.5 扩散模型-微调
#### 5.5.1 实战:微调
#### 5.5.2 使用最小化样例脚本微调模型
#### 5.5.3 保存和载入微调过的管线
#### 5.6 扩散模型-引导
#### 5.6.1 实战:引导
#### 5.6.2 CLIP 引导
#### 5.7 分享你的自定义采样训练
#### 5.7.1 环境准备
#### 5.7.2 创建一个以类别为条件的UNet
#### 5.7.3 训练与采样
#### 5.8 本章小结
#### 5.9 实战:创建一个类别条件扩散模型
### 第六章 Stable Diffusion
#### 6.1 章节概述
#### 6.2 环境准备
#### 6.3 从文本生成图像
#### 6.4 Stable Diffusion Pipeline
#### 6.4.1 可变分自编码器(VAE)
#### 6.4.2 分词器(Tokenizer)和文本编码器(Text Encoder)
#### 6.4.3 UNet
#### 6.4.4 调度器(Scheduler)
#### 6.4.5 DIY一个采样循环
#### 6.5 其他管线介绍
#### 6.5.1 Img2Img
#### 6.5.2 In-Painting
#### 6.5.3 Depth2Image
#### 6.5.4 拓展:管理你的模型缓存
#### 6.6 本章小结
### 第七章 DDIM反转
#### 7.1 本章概述
##### 你将会学到什么
- DDIM采样是怎么工作的
- 确定性vs随机性采样器
- DDIM反转的理论支撑
- 使用反转来编辑图像
#### 7.2 实战:反转
#### 7.2.1 设置
# !pip install -q transformers diffusers accelerate
import torch
import requests
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from torchvision import transforms as tfms
from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline, DDIMScheduler
# Useful function for later
def load_image(url, size=None):
response = requests.get(url,timeout=0.2)
img = Image.open(BytesIO(response.content)).convert('RGB')
if size is not None:
img = img.resize(size)
return img
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
#### 7.2.2 加载一个已训练的管道
# Load a pipeline
pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5").to(device)
# Set up a DDIM scheduler:
pipe.scheduler = DDIMScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config)
# Sample an image to make sure it is all working
prompt = 'Beautiful DSLR Photograph of a penguin on the beach, golden hour'
negative_prompt = 'blurry, ugly, stock photo'
im = pipe(prompt, negative_prompt=negative_prompt).images[0]
im.resize((256, 256)) # resize for convenient viewing
#### 7.2.3 DDIM采样
在给定时间 $t$, 带噪图像 $x_t$ 是原始图像($x_0$)与噪声 ($\epsilon$)的叠加。这是在DDIM论文中$x_t$的定义式,我们把它引用到此节里:
$$ x_t = \sqrt{\alpha_t}x_0 + \sqrt{1-\alpha_t}\epsilon $$
$\epsilon$ 是归一方差的高斯噪声
$\alpha_t$ ('alpha')在DDPM论文中也被叫做$\bar{\alpha}$ ('alpha_bar'),被用来定义噪声调度器(scheduler)。在扩散模型中,alpha调度器是被计算出来并被排序存储在`scheduler.alphas_cumprod`中。这有点令人困惑,我理解!我们来把这些值画出来,并在下文中我们会使用DDIM的标注方式。
# Plot 'alpha' (alpha_bar in DDPM language, alphas_cumprod in diffusers for clarity)
timesteps = pipe.scheduler.timesteps.cpu()
alphas = pipe.scheduler.alphas_cumprod[timesteps]
plt.plot(timesteps, alphas, label='alpha_t');
最初(timestep 0 ,图中左侧)是从一个无噪的干净图像开始,$\alpha_t = 1$。当我们到达更高的迭代周期(timesteps),我们得到一个几乎全是噪声的图像,$\alpha_t$也几乎下降到0。
在采样过程,我们从timestep1000的纯噪声开始,慢慢地向timestep0前进。为了计算采样轨迹中的下一时刻($x_{t-1}$ 因为我们是从后向前移动)的值,我们预测噪声($\epsilon_\theta(x_t)$,这就是我们模型的输出),用它来预测出无噪的图片$x_0$。在这之后我们用这个预测结果朝着'$x_t$的方向'方向移动一小步。最终,我们可以加一些带$\sigma_t$系数的额外噪声。这是论文中与上述操作相关的章节内容:

好,我们有了在可控量度噪声下,从$x_t$ 移动到 $x_{t-1}$的公式。今天我们所使用的案例是不需要再额外添加噪声的 - 即完全确定的DDIM采样。我们来看看这些是如何用代码表达的。
# Sample function (regular DDIM)
def sample(prompt, start_step=0, start_latents=None,
guidance_scale=3.5, num_inference_steps=30,
num_images_per_prompt=1, do_classifier_free_guidance=True,
negative_prompt='', device=device):
# Encode prompt
text_embeddings = pipe._encode_prompt(
prompt, device, num_images_per_prompt, do_classifier_free_guidance, negative_prompt
# Set num inference steps
pipe.scheduler.set_timesteps(num_inference_steps, device=device)
# Create a random starting point if we don't have one already
if start_latents is None:
start_latents = torch.randn(1, 4, 64, 64, device=device)
start_latents *= pipe.scheduler.init_noise_sigma
latents = start_latents.clone()
for i in tqdm(range(start_step, num_inference_steps)):
t = pipe.scheduler.timesteps[i]
# expand the latents if we are doing classifier free guidance
latent_model_input = torch.cat([latents] * 2) if do_classifier_free_guidance else latents
latent_model_input = pipe.scheduler.scale_model_input(latent_model_input, t)
# predict the noise residual
noise_pred = pipe.unet(latent_model_input, t, encoder_hidden_states=text_embeddings).sample
# perform guidance
if do_classifier_free_guidance:
noise_pred_uncond, noise_pred_text = noise_pred.chunk(2)
noise_pred = noise_pred_uncond + guidance_scale * (noise_pred_text - noise_pred_uncond)
# Normally we'd rely on the scheduler to handle the update step:
# latents = pipe.scheduler.step(noise_pred, t, latents).prev_sample
# Instead, let's do it ourselves:
prev_t = max(1, t.item() - (1000//num_inference_steps)) # t-1
alpha_t = pipe.scheduler.alphas_cumprod[t.item()]
alpha_t_prev = pipe.scheduler.alphas_cumprod[prev_t]
predicted_x0 = (latents - (1-alpha_t).sqrt()*noise_pred) / alpha_t.sqrt()
direction_pointing_to_xt = (1-alpha_t_prev).sqrt()*noise_pred
latents = alpha_t_prev.sqrt()*predicted_x0 + direction_pointing_to_xt
# Post-processing
images = pipe.decode_latents(latents)
images = pipe.numpy_to_pil(images)
return images
# Test our sampling function by generating an image
sample('Watercolor painting of a beach sunset', negative_prompt=negative_prompt, num_inference_steps=50)[0].resize((256, 256))
看看你是否能把这些代码和论文中的公式对应起来。注意$\sigma$=0是因为我们只注意 无-额外-噪声 的场景,所以我们略去了公式中的那部分。
#### 7.2.4 反转
# https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-beagle-on-green-grass-field-8306128/
input_image = load_image('https://images.pexels.com/photos/8306128/pexels-photo-8306128.jpeg', size=(512, 512))
input_image_prompt = "Photograph of a puppy on the grass"
# encode with VAE
with torch.no_grad(): latent = pipe.vae.encode(tfms.functional.to_tensor(input_image).unsqueeze(0).to(device)*2-1)
l = 0.18215 * latent.latent_dist.sample()
## Inversion
def invert(start_latents, prompt, guidance_scale=3.5, num_inference_steps=80,
num_images_per_prompt=1, do_classifier_free_guidance=True,
negative_prompt='', device=device):
# Encode prompt
text_embeddings = pipe._encode_prompt(
prompt, device, num_images_per_prompt, do_classifier_free_guidance, negative_prompt
# latents are now the specified start latents
latents = start_latents.clone()
# We'll keep a list of the inverted latents as the process goes on
intermediate_latents = []
# Set num inference steps
pipe.scheduler.set_timesteps(num_inference_steps, device=device)
# Reversed timesteps <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
timesteps = reversed(pipe.scheduler.timesteps)
for i in tqdm(range(1, num_inference_steps), total=num_inference_steps-1):
# We'll skip the final iteration
if i >= num_inference_steps - 1: continue
t = timesteps[i]
# expand the latents if we are doing classifier free guidance
latent_model_input = torch.cat([latents] * 2) if do_classifier_free_guidance else latents
latent_model_input = pipe.scheduler.scale_model_input(latent_model_input, t)
# predict the noise residual
noise_pred = pipe.unet(latent_model_input, t, encoder_hidden_states=text_embeddings).sample
# perform guidance
if do_classifier_free_guidance:
noise_pred_uncond, noise_pred_text = noise_pred.chunk(2)
noise_pred = noise_pred_uncond + guidance_scale * (noise_pred_text - noise_pred_uncond)
current_t = max(0, t.item() - (1000//num_inference_steps))#t
next_t = t # min(999, t.item() + (1000//num_inference_steps)) # t+1
alpha_t = pipe.scheduler.alphas_cumprod[current_t]
alpha_t_next = pipe.scheduler.alphas_cumprod[next_t]
# Inverted update step (re-arranging the update step to get x(t) (new latents) as a function of x(t-1) (current latents)
latents = (latents - (1-alpha_t).sqrt()*noise_pred)*(alpha_t_next.sqrt()/alpha_t.sqrt()) + (1-alpha_t_next).sqrt()*noise_pred
# Store
return torch.cat(intermediate_latents)
inverted_latents = invert(l, input_image_prompt,num_inference_steps=50)
0%| | 0/49 [00:00, ?it/s]
torch.Size([48, 4, 64, 64])
我们可以来看一下最终的隐式 - 希望这可以作为我们尝试新的取样过程的起点噪声:
# Decode the final inverted latents:
with torch.no_grad():
im = pipe.decode_latents(inverted_latents[-1].unsqueeze(0))

你可以把这个反转隐式通过正常的 __call__ 方法来传递给pipeline。
pipe(input_image_prompt, latents=inverted_latents[-1][None], num_inference_steps=50, guidance_scale=3.5).images[0]
0%| | 0/50 [00:00, ?it/s]

但这里我们遇见了第一个问题:这 **并不是我们一开始使用的那张图片**!这是因为DDIM的反转依赖一个重要假设:在t时刻预测的噪声与t+1时刻会是相同的 - 这在我们只反转50或100步时是不陈立的。我们可以寄希望于更多的timesteps开得到一个更准确的反转,但我们也可以'作弊'一下,就是说直接从做对应反转过程中的第20/50步的隐式开始:
# The reason we want to be able to specify start step
sample(input_image_prompt, start_latents=inverted_latents[-(start_step+1)][None],
start_step=start_step, num_inference_steps=50)[0]
0%| | 0/30 [00:00, ?it/s]

# Sampling with a new prompt
new_prompt = input_image_prompt.replace('puppy', 'cat')
sample(new_prompt, start_latents=inverted_latents[-(start_step+1)][None],
start_step=start_step, num_inference_steps=50)[0]
0%| | 0/40 [00:00, ?it/s]

##### 为什么不直接用 img2img?
start_step = 10
noisy_l = pipe.scheduler.add_noise(l, torch.randn_like(l), pipe.scheduler.timesteps[start_step])
sample(new_prompt, start_latents=noisy_l, start_step=start_step, num_inference_steps=num_inference_steps)[0]
0%| | 0/40 [00:00, ?it/s]

#### 7.3 组合封装
def edit(input_image, input_image_prompt, edit_prompt, num_steps=100, start_step=30, guidance_scale=3.5):
with torch.no_grad(): latent = pipe.vae.encode(tfms.functional.to_tensor(input_image).unsqueeze(0).to(device)*2-1)
l = 0.18215 * latent.latent_dist.sample()
inverted_latents = invert(l, input_image_prompt,num_inference_steps=num_steps)
final_im = sample(edit_prompt, start_latents=inverted_latents[-(start_step+1)][None],
start_step=start_step, num_inference_steps=num_steps, guidance_scale=guidance_scale)[0]
return final_im
And in action:
edit(input_image, 'A puppy on the grass', 'an old grey dog on the grass', num_steps=50, start_step=10)
0%| | 0/49 [00:00, ?it/s]
0%| | 0/40 [00:00, ?it/s]

edit(input_image, 'A puppy on the grass', 'A blue dog on the lawn', num_steps=50, start_step=12, guidance_scale=6)
0%| | 0/49 [00:00, ?it/s]
0%| | 0/38 [00:00, ?it/s]

# Exercise: Try this on some more images! Explore the different parameters
#### 7.4 本章小结
##### 更多迭代 = 更好的表现
# Inversion test with far more steps:
edit(input_image, 'A puppy on the grass', 'A puppy on the grass', num_steps=350, start_step=1)
0%| | 0/349 [00:00, ?it/s]
0%| | 0/349 [00:00, ?it/s]

edit(input_image, 'A photograph of a puppy', 'A photograph of a grey cat', num_steps=150, start_step=30, guidance_scale=5.5)
0%| | 0/149 [00:00, ?it/s]
0%| | 0/120 [00:00, ?it/s]

# source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/girl-taking-photo-1493111/
face = load_image('https://images.pexels.com/photos/1493111/pexels-photo-1493111.jpeg', size=(512, 512))

edit(face, 'A photograph of a face', 'A photograph of a face with sunglasses', num_steps=250, start_step=30, guidance_scale=3.5)
0%| | 0/249 [00:00, ?it/s]
0%| | 0/220 [00:00, ?it/s]

edit(face, 'A photograph of a face', 'Acrylic palette knife painting of a face, colorful', num_steps=250, start_step=65, guidance_scale=5.5)
0%| | 0/249 [00:00, ?it/s]
0%| | 0/185 [00:00, ?it/s]

##### 接下来会是?
有了此篇笔记的帮助,我建议你再研究下['Null-text Inversion'](https://null-text-inversion.github.io/),它是基于DDIM来优化空文本(无条件文字prompt)的反转过程,有着更准确的反转与更好的编辑效果。
### 第八章 音频扩散模型
#### 8.1 本章概述
##### 你将会学习到:
- 音频在电脑中是被如何展示
- 源音频数据与频谱间的转换方法
- 如何准备一个由特定的整理函数(collate function),能够把音频片段转换到频谱的数据生成器
- 微调一个指定分类曲风的音频扩散模型
- 把自己的pipeline上传到HFhub
警告:这完全是出于教学目的 - 不能保证我们的模型一定很好听😉
#### 8.2 实战:音频扩散模型
#### 8.2.1 设置与导入
# !pip install -q datasets diffusers torchaudio accelerate
import torch, random
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
from IPython.display import Audio
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline
from torchaudio import transforms as AT
from torchvision import transforms as IT
#### 8.2.2 从预先训练的音频管道采样
我们通过参考[Audio Diffusion docs](https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/api/pipelines/audio_diffusion)来加载一个预训练的音频扩散模型pipeline:
# Load a pre-trained audio diffusion pipeline
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("teticio/audio-diffusion-instrumental-hiphop-256").to(device)
Fetching 5 files: 0%| | 0/5 [00:00, ?it/s]
# Sample from the pipeline and display the outputs:
output = pipe()
display(Audio(output.audios[0], rate=pipe.mel.get_sample_rate()))
0%| | 0/1000 [00:00, ?it/s]

这里,`rate`参数明确了音频的 _采样率_ ;过会儿我们会再深入了解它。同时你也会注意到pipeline也返回了几样其他的东西。这发生了什么?我们来仔细看看这两个输出。
# The audio array:
(1, 130560)
# The output image (spectrogram):
(256, 256)
这给了我们一个提示,关于这个pipeline是如何工作的。音频不是直接被扩散模型生成 - 而是,这个pipeline有着与在第一单元看到的无条件图像生成pipelines类似的2D Unet结构 [Unit 1](https://github.com/huggingface/diffusion-models-class/tree/main/unit1) 用它来生成频谱,之后再在后处理中把它变化为最终的音频。
Mel {
"_class_name": "Mel",
"_diffusers_version": "0.12.0.dev0",
"hop_length": 512,
"n_fft": 2048,
"n_iter": 32,
"sample_rate": 22050,
"top_db": 80,
"x_res": 256,
"y_res": 256
#### 8.2.3 从音频到频谱的转换
音频的'波形'从时间上表现出了源音频 - 比如,这可能是接收自麦克风的电信号。从这种'时域'的表达方式上做处理会有些棘手,所以有种更普遍的做法把它转换成其他形式,通常把这叫做频谱。频谱直接展示出在不同频率(y轴)与时间(x轴)上的剧烈程度。
# Calculate and show a spectrogram for our generated audio sample using torchaudio
spec_transform = AT.Spectrogram(power=2)
spectrogram = spec_transform(torch.tensor(output.audios[0]))
print(spectrogram.min(), spectrogram.max())
log_spectrogram = spectrogram.log()
plt.imshow(log_spectrogram[0], cmap='gray');
tensor(0.) tensor(6.0842)

我们刚刚做好的这个频谱取值范围在0.0000000000001到1之间,其中大部分内容都接近取值下限。这对于可视化与建模并不理想 - 实际上我们需要对这些值取log来得到一个可以看到更多细节的灰度图。同样也因此,我们特别使用一种专门的梅尔频谱(Mel spectrogram),这是一种通过对不同频率成分做一些变化,专门设计的一种符合人耳感知特性而利于提取重要信息的方式。

_一些来自 [torchaudio docs](https://pytorch.org/audio/stable/transforms.html)的音频转换方法_
幸运的是,我们并不需要太过于担心这些变换方法 - pipeline中的`mel`功能会为我们处理这些细节。这样操作,我们就能把频谱图像转换成音频:
a = pipe.mel.image_to_audio(output.images[0])
我们可以先读出源音频数据然后调用 `audio_slice_to_image()`函数来把音频数组数据转化为频谱图片。更长的片段会被自动切片为能够正常输出 256x256 频谱图片的长度。
im = pipe.mel.audio_slice_to_image(0)

sample_rate_pipeline = pipe.mel.get_sample_rate()
display(Audio(output.audios[0], rate=44100)) # 2x speed
#### 8.2.4 微调管道
from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset('lewtun/music_genres', split='train')
for g in list(set(dataset['genre'])):
print(g, sum(x==g for x in dataset['genre']))
Pop 945
Blues 58
Punk 2582
Old-Time / Historic 408
Experimental 1800
Folk 1214
Electronic 3071
Spoken 94
Classical 495
Country 142
Instrumental 1044
Chiptune / Glitch 1181
International 814
Ambient Electronic 796
Jazz 306
Soul-RnB 94
Hip-Hop 1757
Easy Listening 13
Rock 3095
audio_array = dataset[0]['audio']['array']
sample_rate_dataset = dataset[0]['audio']['sampling_rate']
print('Audio array shape:', audio_array.shape)
print('Sample rate:', sample_rate_dataset)
display(Audio(audio_array, rate=sample_rate_dataset))
Audio array shape: (1323119,)
Sample rate: 44100
注意这条音频的采样率会更高 - 如果我们想用手头的这个pipeline,需要对它'重采样'来匹配。这个片段也比pipeline所预设的长度更长。幸运的是,当我们使用`pipe.mel`在加载音频时,会自动把它切片成更短的片区。
a = dataset[0]['audio']['array'] # Get the audio array
pipe.mel.load_audio(raw_audio=a) # Load it with pipe.mel
pipe.mel.audio_slice_to_image(0) # View the first 'slice' as a spectrogram

sample_rate_dataset = dataset[0]['audio']['sampling_rate']
这里我们用torchaudio's transforms(import as AT)来做音频的重采样,pipe中的`mel`把音频转换为图像,torchvision's transforms(导入为IT)来把图片转换为tensors。这个函数可以把音频片段转换为频谱tensor供训练使用:
resampler = AT.Resample(sample_rate_dataset, sample_rate_pipeline, dtype=torch.float32)
to_t = IT.ToTensor()
def to_image(audio_array):
audio_tensor = torch.tensor(audio_array).to(torch.float32)
audio_tensor = resampler(audio_tensor)
num_slices = pipe.mel.get_number_of_slices()
slice_idx = random.randint(0, num_slices-1) # Pic a random slice each time (excluding the last short slice)
im = pipe.mel.audio_slice_to_image(slice_idx)
return im
来使用我们的`to_image()`函数来组成我们特定的整理函数(collate function)来把数据集转换到dataloader中来训练模型。整理函数定义了如何把一批来自数据集的样例变换为最终的训练用数据。在这个例子中我们把每个音频转换为频谱图像再把他们的tensors堆叠起来:
def collate_fn(examples):
# to image -> to tensor -> rescale to (-1, 1) -> stack into batch
audio_ims = [to_t(to_image(x['audio']['array']))*2-1 for x in examples]
return torch.stack(audio_ims)
# Create a dataset with only the 'Chiptune / Glitch' genre of songs
batch_size=4 # 4 on colab, 12 on A100
chosen_genre = 'Electronic' # <<< Try training on different genres <<<
indexes = [i for i, g in enumerate(dataset['genre']) if g == chosen_genre]
filtered_dataset = dataset.select(indexes)
dl = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(filtered_dataset.shuffle(), batch_size=batch_size, collate_fn=collate_fn, shuffle=True)
batch = next(iter(dl))
torch.Size([4, 1, 256, 256])
**留心: 你可能要用一个更小的batchsize(比如4)除非你有足够的显存可用**
#### 8.2.5 循环训练
epochs = 3
lr = 1e-4
optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(pipe.unet.parameters(), lr=lr)
for epoch in range(epochs):
for step, batch in tqdm(enumerate(dl), total=len(dl)):
# Prepare the input images
clean_images = batch.to(device)
bs = clean_images.shape[0]
# Sample a random timestep for each image
timesteps = torch.randint(
0, pipe.scheduler.num_train_timesteps, (bs,), device=clean_images.device
# Add noise to the clean images according to the noise magnitude at each timestep
noise = torch.randn(clean_images.shape).to(clean_images.device)
noisy_images = pipe.scheduler.add_noise(clean_images, noise, timesteps)
# Get the model prediction
noise_pred = pipe.unet(noisy_images, timesteps, return_dict=False)[0]
# Calculate the loss
loss = F.mse_loss(noise_pred, noise)
# Update the model parameters with the optimizer
# OR: Load the version I trained earlier:
pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("johnowhitaker/Electronic_test").to(device)
Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/282 [00:00, ?B/s]
Fetching 5 files: 0%| | 0/5 [00:00, ?it/s]
Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/192 [00:00, ?B/s]
Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/294 [00:00, ?B/s]
Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/1.03k [00:00, ?B/s]
Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/455M [00:00, ?B/s]
output = pipe()
display(Audio(output.audios[0], rate=22050))
0%| | 0/1000 [00:00, ?it/s]

# Make a longer sample by passing in a starting noise tensor with a different shape
noise = torch.randn(1, 1, pipe.unet.sample_size[0],pipe.unet.sample_size[1]*4).to(device)
output = pipe(noise=noise)
display(Audio(output.audios[0], rate=22050))
0%| | 0/1000 [00:00, ?it/s]

这个输出听起来绝不是最好的,但这是一个开始 :)探索一下调整学习率和迭代周期,并在Discord上分享你的最佳结果,我们就可以来一起进步了!
- 我们使用的是256像素点的方形频谱图片,这会限制住我们的batchsize。你能够从128x128的频谱中恢复出质量足够好的音频吗?
- 为了替代随机图像增强,我们每次挑选不同的音频片段,但这种做法在训练迭代的后期是否可以用其他增强方式再优化一下?
- 我们有什么其他办法可以用它来生成更长的音频?也许你可以先生成开头的5s音频然后再用类似图像修复的思路接着卡开头片段来继续生成后续内容...
- 扩散模型生成的内容与图像到图像的生成有什么相同之处?
#### 8.3 将模型上传到Hub上
from huggingface_hub import get_full_repo_name, HfApi, create_repo, ModelCard
# Pick a name for the model
model_name = "audio-diffusion-electronic"
hub_model_id = get_full_repo_name(model_name)
# Save the pipeline locally
# Inspect the folder contents
!ls {model_name}
mel model_index.json scheduler unet
# Create a repository
# Upload the files
api = HfApi()
folder_path=f"{model_name}/scheduler", path_in_repo="scheduler", repo_id=hub_model_id
folder_path=f"{model_name}/mel", path_in_repo="mel", repo_id=hub_model_id
api.upload_folder(folder_path=f"{model_name}/unet", path_in_repo="unet", repo_id=hub_model_id)
# Push a model card
content = f"""
license: mit
- pytorch
- diffusers
- unconditional-audio-generation
- diffusion-models-class
# Model Card for Unit 4 of the [Diffusion Models Class 🧨](https://github.com/huggingface/diffusion-models-class)
This model is a diffusion model for unconditional audio generation of music in the genre {chosen_genre}
## Usage
from IPython.display import Audio
from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline
pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("{hub_model_id}")
output = pipe()
display(Audio(output.audios[0], rate=pipe.mel.get_sample_rate()))"""
card = ModelCard(content)
#### 8.4 本章小结
### 第九章 ControlNet和LoRa
#### 9.1 ControlNet
#### 9.2 LoRa
## 附录 精美图像集展示